diff --git "a/deft_definitions.csv" "b/deft_definitions.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/deft_definitions.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,5748 @@ +tokens,Term +Formal education describes the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum.,Formal education +This kind of quantitative data — research collected in numerical form that can be counted — are easy to tabulate.,quantitative data +"The power in an oligarchy is held by a small, elite group.",an oligarchy +"The French king was executed in January 1793, and the next two years became known as the Terror, a period of extreme violence against perceived enemies of the revolutionary government.",the Terror +Behavior is the change in activity of an organism in response to a stimulus.,Behavior +"The cytochrome complex, an enzyme composed of two protein complexes, transfers the electrons from the carrier molecule plastoquinone( Pq) to the protein plastocyanin( Pc), thus enabling both the transfer of protons across the thylakoid membrane and the transfer of electrons from PSII to PSI.",The cytochrome complex +"The term personality refers loosely to one ’s stable, consistent, and distinctive way of thinking about, feeling, acting, and relating to the world.",personality +The organic and inorganic material in which soils form is the parent material.,the parent material +Our perceptions are based on perceptual hypotheses : educated guesses that we make while interpreting sensory information.,perceptual hypotheses +"But while a current in a circuit needs a complete path, an antenna has a varying charge distribution forming a standing wave, driven by the AC.",an antenna +"While the sympathetic nervous system is activated in stressful situations, the parasympathetic nervous system allows an animal to “ rest and digest. ”",the parasympathetic nervous system +A firm ’s first sale of stock to the public is called an initial public offering( IPO).,an initial public offering IPO +"We experience congruence when our thoughts about our real self and ideal self are very similar — in other words, when our self - concept is accurate.",congruence +"In Müllerian mimicry, multiple species share the same warning coloration, but all of them actually have defenses.",Müllerian mimicry +Animals communicate with each other using stimuli known as signals.,signals +"The occipital cortex is organized retinotopically, which means there is a close relationship between the position of an object in a person ’s visual field and the position of that object ’s representation on the cortex.",The occipital cortex retinotopically +The basolateral complex has dense connections with a variety of sensory areas of the brain.,The basolateral complex +The molarity of a solution is the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.,The molarity of a solution +Recall that vectors are quantities that have both magnitude and direction.),vectors +Pain that signals some type of tissue damage is known as inflammatory pain.,inflammatory pain +This process of cell division is called mitosis.,mitosis +"Still other viruses affect the plant by directly killing plant cells, a process known as cell necrosis.",cell necrosis +The connection between the sister chromatids is closest in a region called the centromere.,the centromere +"Hearing is the perception of sound, just as vision is the perception of visible light.",Hearing vision +Organs are collections of tissues grouped together performing a common function.,Organs +The metatarsals are the five bones of the foot.,The metatarsals +Myopia( nearsightedness) occurs when an eyeball is elongated and the image focus falls in front of the retina.,Myopia +"As mentioned in the previous section, the cognitive revolution created an impetus for psychologists to focus their attention on better understanding the mind and mental processes that underlie behavior.",the cognitive revolution +All healthy babies are born with newborn reflexes : inborn automatic responses to particular forms of stimulation.,newborn reflexes +"When two variables are correlated, it simply means that as one variable changes, so does the other.",correlated +"In fact, one of New York ’s first newspapers, the New York Weekly Journal, began under John Peter Zenger in 1733 with the goal of routing corruption in the colonial government.",the New York Weekly Journal +The visible spectrum is the portion of the larger electromagnetic spectrum that we can see.,The visible spectrum +The competitive exclusion principle states that two species can not occupy the same niche in a habitat.,The competitive exclusion principle +"The long - run equilibrium is shown in the figure at point Y, where the firm ’s perceived demand curve touches the average cost curve.",The long - run equilibrium +"The expenditure - output model, sometimes also called the Keynesian cross diagram, determines the equilibrium level of real GDP by the point where the total or aggregate expenditures in the economy are equal to the amount of output produced.",The expenditure - output model the Keynesian cross diagram +"This was followed by the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975, which required public schools to educate children with disabilities.",the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975 +"When the income elasticity of demand is negative, the good is called an inferior good. The concepts of normal and inferior goods were introduced in Demand and Supply.",an inferior good +A simplified theory of color vision is that there are three primary colors corresponding to the three types of cones.,A simplified theory of color vision +"Contour feathers are the feathers found on the body, and they help reduce drag produced by wind resistance during flight.",Contour feathers +"People who exist in the same place at the same time but who do not interact or share a sense of identity — such as a bunch of people standing in line at Starbucks — are considered an aggregate, or a crowd.",an aggregate a crowd +"The bank will be more willing to make what are called “ subprime loans, ” which are loans that have characteristics like low or zero down - payment, little scrutiny of whether the borrower has a reliable income, and sometimes low payments for the first year or two that will be followed by much higher payments after that.",subprime loans +"In contrast, a person who has psychological dependence has an emotional, rather than physical, need for the drug and may use the drug to relieve psychological distress.",psychological dependence +"In this process, known as confirmation bias, we seek out information that supports our stereotypes and ignore information that is inconsistent with our stereotypes( Wason & Johnson - Laird, 1972).",confirmation bias +"Executive Order 9066, signed by Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, gave the army power to remove people from “ military areas ” to prevent sabotage or espionage.",Executive Order 9066 +"In the bacterial context, the fragment of DNA from the human genome( or the genome of another organism that is being studied) is referred to as foreign DNA, or a transgene, to differentiate it from the DNA of the bacterium, which is called the host DNA.",foreign DNA a transgene the host DNA +"Resistors are in series whenever the flow of charge, called the current, must flow through devices sequentially.",Resistors +"In transduction, bacteriophages, the viruses that infect bacteria, sometimes also move short pieces of chromosomal DNA from one bacterium to another.",transduction +A darkly staining area within the nucleus called the nucleolus( plural = nucleoli) aggregates the ribosomal RNA with associated proteins to assemble the ribosomal subunits that are then transported out through the pores in the nuclear envelope to the cytoplasm.,the nucleolus +"More specifically, the disturbances of waves are superimposed when they come together — a phenomenon called superposition.",superposition +"The innermost group of structures in the flower is the gynoecium, or the female reproductive component( s).",the gynoecium the female reproductive component ( s ) +"Sociologists distinguish subcultures from countercultures, which are a type of subculture that rejects some of the larger culture ’s norms and values.",countercultures +A cohort is a group of people who share a statistical or demographic trait.,A cohort +Nutrients that plants require in larger amounts are called macronutrients.,macronutrients +"In 2014, in the case of McCullen v. Coakley, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the law that created a buffer zone between protestors and clinic entrances.",the case of McCullen v. Coakley +"Dendritic cells are immune cells that process antigen material ; they are present in the skin( Langerhans cells) and the lining of the nose, lungs, stomach, and intestines.",Dendritic cells +"Differences in breeding schedules, called temporal isolation, can act as a form of reproductive isolation.",temporal isolation +Proteins are one of the most abundant organic molecules in living systems and have the most diverse range of functions of all macromolecules.,Proteins +"In a healthy society, all parts work together to maintain stability, a state called dynamic equilibrium by later sociologists such as Parsons( 1961).",dynamic equilibrium +"Conflict theorists point to tracking, a formalized sorting system that places students on “ tracks ”( advanced versus low achievers) that perpetuate inequalities.",tracking +These gaps are called nodes of Ranvier and are sites where the signal is “ recharged ” as it travels along the axon.,nodes of Ranvier +This is the percentage of adults in an economy who are either employed or who are unemployed and looking for a job.,This +"A species ’ life history describes the series of events over its lifetime, such as how resources are allocated for growth, maintenance, and reproduction.",A species ’ life history +"Merkel ’s disks respond to light pressure, while Ruffini corpuscles detect stretch( Abraira & Ginty, 2013).",Merkel ’s disks Ruffini corpuscles +"First, interstate commerce was interpreted broadly to mean “ commercial intercourse ” among states, thus allowing Congress to regulate navigation.",interstate commerce +"A thermal hazard is one where excessive electric power causes undesired thermal effects, such as starting a fire in the wall of a house.",A thermal hazard +"The point where the supply curve( S) and the demand curve( D) cross, designated by point E in, is called the equilibrium.",the equilibrium +Parasitism describes a symbiotic relationship in which one member of the association benefits at the expense of the other.,Parasitism +"The Mexican Cession, as the conquest of land west of the Rio Grande was called, included the current states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and portions of Colorado and Wyoming.",The Mexican Cession +A collision in which the objects stick together is sometimes called a perfectly inelastic collision because it reduces internal kinetic energy more than does any other type of inelastic collision.,a perfectly inelastic collision +"A commensal relationship occurs when one species benefits from the close, prolonged interaction, while the other neither benefits nor is harmed.",A commensal relationship +"Financial capital markets bridge this gap : that is, they find ways to take the inflow of funds from many separate suppliers of financial capital and transform it into the funds desired by demanders of financial capital.",Financial capital markets +"The early portion of stage 1 sleep produces alpha waves, which are relatively low frequency( 8 – 13 Hz), high amplitude patterns of electrical activity( waves) that become synchronized.",The early portion of stage 1 sleep +A random sample is a subset of a larger population in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.,A random sample +A monopolistically competitive firm perceives a demand for its goods that is an intermediate case between monopoly and competition.,A monopolistically competitive firm +Columbus ’s 1493 letter — or probanza de mérito( proof of merit) — describing his “ discovery ” of a New World did much to inspire excitement in Europe.,Columbus ’s 1493 letter probanza de mérito +"A Punnett square, devised by the British geneticist Reginald Punnett, can be drawn that applies the rules of probability to predict the possible outcomes of a genetic cross or mating and their expected frequencies.",A Punnett square Reginald Punnett +"Blood pressure pulsates because of the pumping action of the heart, reaching a maximum, called systolic pressure, and a minimum, called diastolic pressure, with each heartbeat.",systolic pressure diastolic pressure +Digestion and AbsorptionDigestion is the mechanical and chemical break down of food into small organic fragments.,AbsorptionDigestion +This process is called organogenesis.,organogenesis +"Early in development, when female mammalian embryos consist of just a few thousand cells( relative to trillions in the newborn), one X chromosome in each cell inactivates by tightly condensing into a quiescent( dormant) structure called a Barr body.",a Barr body +"Ballot fatigue occurs when someone votes only for the top or important ballot positions, such as president or governor, and stops voting rather than continue to the bottom of a long ballot.",Ballot fatigue +"This led to haze - effect cooling, a global phenomenon that occurs when dust, ash, or other suspended particles block out sunlight and trigger lower global temperatures as a result ; haze - effect cooling usually extends for one or more years.",haze - effect cooling +"Microphylls are present in the club mosses and probably preceded the development of megaphylls, or “ big leaves ”, which are larger leaves with a pattern of branching veins.",Microphylls big leaves +"The mitochondria - first hypothesis proposes that mitochondria were first established in a prokaryotic host( b), which subsequently acquired a nucleus, by fusion or other mechanisms, to become the first eukaryotic cell.",The mitochondria - first hypothesis +"Gene therapy is used to treat genetic diseases such as severe combined immunodeficiency( SCID), a heritable, recessive disease in which children are born with severely compromised immune systems.",severe combined immunodeficiency SCID +The branch that enters the glomerulus is called the afferent arteriole.,the afferent arteriole +Community dynamics are the changes in community structure and composition over time.,Community dynamics +"Three years later, national regulatory capacity was broadened by the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which made it illegal to monopolize or attempt to monopolize and conspire in restraining commerce( Figure 03_02_Commerce).",the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 +"This was long after the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, which granted citizenship to African Americans but not, the Supreme Court decided in Elk v. Wilkins( 1884), to Native Americans.",the Fourteenth Amendment +"Fluorescence is defined to be any process in which an atom or molecule, excited by a photon of a given energy, and de - excites by emission of a lower - energy photon. Fluorescence can be induced by many types of energy input.",Fluorescence +Basal angiosperms are a group of plants that are believed to have branched off before the separation into monocots and eudicots because they exhibit traits from both groups.,Basal angiosperms +"The name laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, the process just described.",laser +"Wakefulness is characterized by high levels of sensory awareness, thought, and behavior.",Wakefulness +"In politics and business, a quorum is the minimum number of members required to be present to vote on an issue.",a quorum +"The next year, Congress passed the Homeland Security Act, creating the Department of Homeland Security, which centralized control over a number of different government functions in order to better control threats at home.",the Homeland Security Act the Department of Homeland Security +"The microsporangia, which are usually bi - lobed, are pollen sacs in which the microspores develop into pollen grains.",The microsporangia +"Most mammals are diphyodonts, meaning that they have two sets of teeth in their lifetime : deciduous or “ baby ” teeth, and permanent teeth.",diphyodonts +Reactions that have a negative ∆G and consequently release free energy are called exergonic reactions.,exergonic reactions +"Budding yeasts are able to participate in a process that is similar to sexual reproduction that entails two haploid cells( cells with one - half the normal number of chromosomes) combining to form a diploid cell( a cell with two sets of each chromosome, which is what normal body cells contain).",haploid cells a diploid cell +"The cnidarians perform extracellular digestion in which the food is taken into the gastrovascular cavity, enzymes are secreted into the cavity, and the cells lining the cavity absorb nutrients.",The cnidarians +"Petals, collectively the corolla, are located inside the whorl of sepals and often display vivid colors to attract pollinators.",Petals +Insulin is produced by the pancreas in response to rising blood glucose levels and allows cells to utilize blood glucose and store excess glucose for later use.,Insulin +"In contrast, instrumental aggression is motivated by achieving a goal and does not necessarily involve intent to cause pain( Berkowitz, 1993) ; a contract killer who murders for hire displays instrumental aggression.",instrumental aggression +Hormonal stimuli refers to the release of a hormone in response to another hormone.,Hormonal stimuli +This replacement of appointed federal officials is called rotation in office.,rotation in office +The atrium collects blood that has returned from the body and the ventricle pumps the blood to the gills where gas exchange occurs and the blood is re - oxygenated ; this is called gill circulation.,gill circulation +"In 1945, sociologists Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore published the Davis - Moore thesis, which argued that the greater the functional importance of a social role, the greater must be the reward.",the Davis - Moore thesis +"The region just before the protein - coding region is called the 5 ' UTR, whereas the region after the coding region is called the 3 ' UTR.",the 5 ' UTR the 3 ' UTR ( [ link ] ) +"Psychoanalytic theory focuses on the role of a person ’s unconscious, as well as early childhood experiences, and this particular perspective dominated clinical psychology for several decades( Thorne & Henley, 2005).",Psychoanalytic theory +"In contrast, weather refers to the conditions of the atmosphere during a short period of time.",weather +"A nonprofit watchdog organization, called Citizens against Government Waste, produces an annual report, the Pig Book that attempts to quantify the amount of pork - barrel spending, focusing on items that were requested by only one member of Congress, that were passed into law without any public hearings, or that serve only a local purpose.",Citizens against Government Waste +"Cognitive empathy, also known as theory - of - mind( which we discussed earlier with regard to egocentrism), relates to the ability to take the perspective of others and feel concern for others( Shamay - Tsoory, Tomer, & Aharon - Peretz, 2005).",Cognitive empathy theory - of - mind +The cytoplasm is the entire region of a cell between the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope( a structure to be discussed shortly).,The cytoplasm +"These changes, called cytopathic( causing cell damage) effects, can change cell functions or even destroy the cell.",cytopathic effects +"An important component of disease prevention and control is epidemiology, or the study of the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases.",epidemiology +"The cell body contains a specialized structure, the axon hillock that integrates signals from multiple synapses and serves as a junction between the cell body and an axon.",the axon hillock +"Another ingredient of M2 are the relatively small( that is, less than about $ 100,000) certificates of deposit( CDs) or time deposits, which are accounts that the depositor has committed to leaving in the bank for a certain period of time, ranging from a few months to a few years, in exchange for a higher interest rate.",certificates of deposit CDs time deposits +"Those committed to rolling back the tide of Radical Reconstruction in the South called themselves redeemers, a label that expressed their desire to redeem their states from northern control and to restore the antebellum social order whereby blacks were kept safely under the boot heel of whites.",redeemers +"Later, sociologist Manual Castells( 1998) added the term fourth world to refer to stigmatized minority groups that were denied a political voice all over the globe( indigenous minority populations, prisoners, and the homeless, for example).",fourth world +"In 1924, the Indian Citizenship Act granted citizenship to all Native Americans born after its passage.",the Indian Citizenship Act +"One is natural monopoly, where the barriers to entry are something other than legal prohibition.",natural monopoly +An especially lengthy and deep recession is called a depression.,a depression +"The diaphysis, or central shaft, contains bone marrow in a marrow cavity.",The diaphysis central shaft +Most representative governments favor majority rule : the opinions of the majority of the people have more influence with government than those of the minority.,majority rule +"They are caused by nondisjunction, which occurs when pairs of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis.",nondisjunction +"Each organ of the fetus develops during a specific period in the pregnancy, called the critical or sensitive period.",the critical or sensitive period +"Suicide, defined by the CDC as “ death caused by self - directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as the result of the behavior ”( CDC, 2013a), in a sense represents an outcome of several things going wrong all at the same time Crosby, Ortega, & Melanson, 2011).",Suicide +"As the word monogastric suggests, this type of digestive system consists of one( “ mono ”) stomach chamber( “ gastric ”).",monogastric this type of digestive system +Labor productivity is the value that each employed person creates per unit of his or her input.,Labor productivity +A significant decline in real GDP is called a recession.,a recession +Confidentiality means the therapist can not disclose confidential communications to any third party unless mandated or permitted by law to do so.,Confidentiality +"Through the work of scientists in the late 18th century, the main features of the electrostatic force — the existence of two types of charge, the observation that like charges repel, unlike charges attract, and the decrease of force with distance — were eventually refined, and expressed as a mathematical formula.",the electrostatic force +"The other kind of international financial investment, portfolio investment, involves a purely financial investment that does not entail any management responsibility.",portfolio investment +The SI unit for mass is the kilogram( abbreviated kg) ; it is defined to be the mass of a platinum - iridium cylinder kept with the old meter standard at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures near Paris.,the kilogram kg +Anti - dumping laws block imports that are sold below the cost of production by imposing tariffs that increase the price of these imports to reflect their cost of production.,Anti - dumping laws +Catabolic pathways involve the degradation( or breakdown) of complex molecules into simpler ones.,Catabolic pathways +Conception occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg and forms a zygote.,Conception +An isomerase is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of a molecule into one of its isomers.,An isomerase +"The larval stage of a frog, the tadpole, is often a filter - feeding herbivore.",the tadpole +"The initiator tRNA interacts with the start codon AUG( or rarely, GUG), links to a formylated methionine called fMet, and can also bind IF-2.",The initiator tRNA +"In a direct democracy, unlike representative democracy, people participate directly in making government decisions.",a direct democracy +"The eye - brain color - sensing system can, by comparing various objects in its view, perceive the true color of an object under varying lighting conditions — an ability that is called color constancy.",color constancy +It is clearly possible — and perhaps sometimes necessary — for a converging economy( the economy of a country that demonstrates the ability to catch up to the technology leaders) to live with a degree of uncertainty over inflation that would be politically unacceptable in the high - income economies.,a converging economy +"Another method of cost - sharing is coinsurance, which means that the insurance company covers a certain percentage of the cost.",coinsurance +Democracy is sometimes summed up( and oversimplified) in two words : “ Majority rule. ”,Democracy +Natural concepts are created “ naturally ” through your experiences and can be developed from either direct or indirect experiences.,Natural concepts +"The act ’s Merit Systems Protection Board is a quasi - juridical institutional board headed by three members appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate that hears complaints, conducts investigations into possible abuses, and institutes protections for bureaucrats who speak out.",Merit Systems Protection Board +"Asylums were the first institutions created for the specific purpose of housing people with psychological disorders, but the focus was ostracizing them from society rather than treating their disorders.",Asylums +"T cells are lymphocytes that mature in the thymus gland, and B cells are lymphocytes that mature in the bone marrow.",T cells B cells +"Eversion is the opposite of inversion, movement of the sole of the foot outward, away from the midline of the body.",Eversion +A representative sample is a subset of the population that accurately represents the general population.,A representative sample +What makes them the first true seed plants is that they developed structures called cupules to enclose and protect the ovule — the female gametophyte and associated tissues — which develops into a seed upon fertilization.,the ovule +"The shoot system consists of two portions : the vegetative( non - reproductive) parts of the plant, such as the leaves and the stems, and the reproductive parts of the plant, which include flowers and fruits.",The shoot system +"Gibberellins( GAs) are a group of about 125 closely related plant hormones that stimulate shoot elongation, seed germination, and fruit and flower maturation.",Gibberellins GAs +"The colony was small, consisting of only 117 people, who suffered a poor relationship with the local Indians, the Croatans, and struggled to survive in their new land.",the Croatans +"When discussing the structure of the government under the new constitution, the delegates from Virginia called for a bicameral legislature consisting of two houses.",a bicameral legislature +"A key turning point was the court ’s ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992, in which a plurality of the court rejected Roe ’s framework based on trimesters of pregnancy and replaced it with the undue burden test, which allows restrictions prior to viability that are not “ substantial obstacle[s] ”( undue burdens) to women seeking an abortion.",the undue burden test +"The tibia, or shinbone, is a large bone of the leg that is located directly below the knee.",The tibia shinbone +"A detrital food web consists of a base of organisms that feed on decaying organic matter( dead organisms), called decomposers or detritivores.",A detrital food web decomposers detritivores +"An individual receiving a PET scan drinks or is injected with a mildly radioactive substance, called a tracer.",a tracer +"The word Gestalt roughly translates to “ whole ; ” a major emphasis of Gestalt psychology deals with the fact that although a sensory experience can be broken down into individual parts, how those parts relate to each other as a whole is often what the individual responds to in perception.",Gestalt psychology +"The collective unconscious is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us( Jung, 1928).",The collective unconscious +"In 2012, in Arizona v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down those provisions of the law that made it a state crime to reside in the United States illegally, forbade undocumented immigrants to take jobs, and allowed the police to arrest those suspected of being illegal immigrants.",Arizona v. United States +Wetlands are different from lakes because wetlands are shallow bodies of water whereas lakes vary in depth.,wetlands +"Fusion of the male and females gametes forms the diploid zygote, which develops into the sporophyte.",the diploid zygote +The difference in total charge between the inside and outside of the cell is called the membrane potential.,the membrane potential +"Heirloom seeds come from plants that were traditionally grown in human populations, as opposed to the seeds used for large - scale agricultural production.",Heirloom seeds +"Both of these factors contribute to job strain, a work situation that combines excessive job demands and workload with little discretion in decision making or job control( Karasek & Theorell, 1990).",job strain +A trait is defined as a variation in the physical appearance of a heritable characteristic.,A trait +Critical pressure is the minimum pressure needed for liquid to exist at the critical temperature.,Critical pressure +"Let ’s look at the first sin of the forgetting errors : transience, which means that memories can fade over time.",transience +The phase change from solid to gas is called sublimation.,sublimation +"The pineal gland, an endocrine structure located inside the brain that releases melatonin, is thought to be involved in the regulation of various biological rhythms and of the immune system during sleep( Hardeland, Pandi - Perumal, & Cardinali, 2006).",The pineal gland +"Piaget ’s third stage is the concrete operational stage, which occurs from about 7 to 11 years old.",the concrete operational stage +Sleep apnea is defined by episodes during which a sleeper ’s breathing stops.,Sleep apnea +"In contrast to the instinctual i d and the rule - based superego, the ego is the rational part of our personality.",the ego +"This is called adaptive radiation because many adaptations evolve from a single point of origin ; thus, causing the species to radiate into several new ones.",adaptive radiation +"Some sociologists study social facts, which are the laws, morals, values, religious beliefs, customs, fashions, rituals, and all of the cultural rules that govern social life, that may contribute to these changes in the family.",social facts +"Stated in words, Archimedes ’ principle is as follows : The buoyant force on an object equals the weight of the fluid it displaces.",Archimedes ’ principle +"The bottom line remains, however, that every sale represents income to someone, and so, Say ’s law argues, a given value of supply must create an equivalent value of demand somewhere else in the economy.",Say ’s law +"Many molecules that are biologically important are macromolecules, large molecules that are typically formed by polymerization( a polymer is a large molecule that is made by combining smaller units called monomers, which are simpler than macromolecules).",macromolecules a polymer +"The phytochromes are a family of chromoproteins with a linear tetrapyrrole chromophore, similar to the ringed tetrapyrrole light - absorbing head group of chlorophyll.",The phytochromes +Radial glia serve as scaffolds for developing neurons as they migrate to their end destinations.,Radial glia +"As the name suggests, biopsychology explores how our biology influences our behavior.",biopsychology +"Sounds below 20 Hz are called infrasound, whereas those above 20,000 Hz are ultrasound.",infrasound ultrasound +"Diarthroses are joints that allow for free movement of the joint, as in synovial joints.",Diarthroses +"One policy category, known as distributive policy, tends to collect payments or resources from many but concentrates direct benefits on relatively few.",distributive policy +"It is also useful to define ecosystem diversity, meaning the number of different ecosystems on the planet or in a given geographic area.",ecosystem diversity +"The Fourth Amendment, which protects Americans from unwarranted search and seizure of their property, was also new.",The Fourth Amendment +"Sociologists, he stated, must establish value neutrality, a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment, during the course of a study and in publishing results( 1949).",value neutrality +"During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated.",interphase +The manner in which solar energy travels is described as waves.,waves +"In a very general sense, positive psychology can be thought of as the science of happiness ; it is an area of study that seeks to identify and promote those qualities that lead to greater fulfillment in our lives.",positive psychology +"When a price, wage, or interest rate is adjusted automatically with inflation, it is said to be indexed.",indexed +The labia majora are a pair of elongated folds of tissue that run posterior from the mons pubis and enclose the other components of the vulva.,The labia majora +Those organisms that can not be cultured but are not dead are in a viable - but - non - culturable( VBNC) state.,a viable - but - non - culturable VBNC state +Instantaneous speed is the magnitude of instantaneous velocity.,Instantaneous speed +"This digital divide has led to the second form, a knowledge gap, which is, as it sounds, an ongoing and increasing gap in information for those who have less access to technology.",a knowledge gap +"Both are cut at an oblique angle( any angle other than a right angle), placed in close contact with each other, and are then held together.",an oblique angle +"Attempts to integrate public schools through the use of busing — transporting students from one segregated neighborhood to another to achieve more racially balanced schools — were particularly unpopular and helped contribute to “ white flight ” from cities to the suburbs. Sokol, 175–177.",busing +This method of reproduction is known as apomixis.,apomixis +"The movement of a plant subjected to constant directional pressure is called thigmotropism, from the Greek words thigma meaning “ touch, ” and tropism implying “ direction. ” Tendrils are one example of this.",thigmotropism +"In the case of Shelley v. Kraemer( 1948), the Supreme Court held that while such covenants did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment because they consisted of agreements between private citizens, their provisions could not be enforced by courts. Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1( 1948).",Shelley v. Kraemer ( 1948 ) +Biodiversity hotspots are geographical areas that contain high numbers of endemic species.,Biodiversity hotspots +This process is called a glucose - sparing effect.,a glucose - sparing effect +"There also exist structural modifications called plasmodesmata( singular = plasmodesma), numerous channels that pass between cell walls of adjacent plant cells, connect their cytoplasm, and enable materials to be transported from cell to cell, and thus throughout the plant.",plasmodesmata +"The laws that give government the power to block certain mergers, and even in some cases to break up large firms into smaller ones, are called antitrust laws.",antitrust laws +"In England, opponents of James II ’s efforts to create a centralized Catholic state were known as Whigs.",Whigs +"The exchange of DNA between homologous pairs of chromosomes is called genetic recombination, which occurs by the crossing over of DNA between homologous strands of DNA, such as nonsister chromatids.",genetic recombination +"Like Alzheimer ’s disease, Parkinson ’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease.",Parkinson ’s disease +Gender identity is a person ’s deeply held internal perception of his or her gender.,Gender identity +The seminal vesicles are a pair of glands that lie along the posterior border of the urinary bladder.,The seminal vesicles +"This creates two centers of equal and opposite charges — what is called a dipole, as illustrated in.",a dipole +"Indeed, the general definition of potential energy is energy due to position, shape, or configuration.",potential energy +Biological rhythms are internal rhythms of biological activity.,Biological rhythms +Rotational movement is the movement of a bone as it rotates around its longitudinal axis.,Rotational movement +"Cochlear implants are electronic devices that consist of a microphone, a speech processor, and an electrode array.",Cochlear implants +Relativity must be used whenever an object is traveling at greater than about 1 % of the speed of light or experiences a strong gravitational field such as that near the Sun.,Relativity +"The hypothalamus regulates a number of homeostatic processes, including the regulation of body temperature, appetite, and blood pressure.",The hypothalamus +"The complexity of tropical ecosystems may promote speciation by increasing the heterogeneity, or number of ecological niches, in the tropics relative to higher latitudes.",heterogeneity +Torpor is a process that leads to a decrease in activity and metabolism and allows animals to survive adverse conditions.,Torpor +"An organism ’s underlying genetic makeup, consisting of both physically visible and non - expressed alleles, is called its genotype.",genotype +"The electric field is defined as the force per unit charge on a test charge, and the strength of the force is related to the electric constant ε0ε0 size 12 { ε rSub { size 8 { 0 } } } { }, also known as the permittivity of free space.",The electric field +"Under a socialized medicine system, the government owns and runs the system.",a socialized medicine system +"A dead zone is an area within a freshwater or marine ecosystem where large areas are depleted of their normal flora and fauna ; these zones can be caused by eutrophication, oil spills, dumping of toxic chemicals, and other human activities.",A dead zone +"The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the superior vena cava, which drains blood from the jugular vein that comes from the brain and from the veins that come from the arms, as well as from the inferior vena cava which drains blood from the veins that come from the lower organs and the legs.",the superior vena cava the inferior vena cava +The Americans with Disabilities Act( ADA) of 1990 states people may not be discriminated against due to the nature of their disability.,The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA +"In simple terms, biology is the study of living organisms and their interactions with one another and their environments.",biology +"The aggregate expenditure function is formed by stacking on top of each other the consumption function( after taxes), the investment function, the government spending function, the export function, and the import function.",The aggregate expenditure function +"Most mammals are diphyodonts, meaning that they have two sets of teeth in their lifetime : deciduous or “ baby ” teeth, and permanent teeth.",diphyodonts +The planetary model of the atom pictures low - mass electrons orbiting a large - mass nucleus.,The planetary model of the atom +"Another proposal, the New Jersey Plan, called for a unicameral legislature with one house, in which each state would have one vote.",the New Jersey Plan +A layer of trees rises above this understory and is topped by a closed upper canopy — the uppermost overhead layer of branches and leaves.,a closed upper canopy +"These are grouped into density - dependent factors, in which the density of the population at a given time affects growth rate and mortality, and density - independent factors, which influence mortality in a population regardless of population density.",density - dependent factors density - independent factors +"The many chetae of polychaetes are also arranged within fleshy, flat, paired appendages that protrude from each segment called parapodia, which may be specialized for different functions in the polychates.",parapodia +"This drive was actually an extension of the earlier military conflict between Christians and Muslims for domination of the Holy Land( the Biblical region of Palestine), known as the Crusades.",the Holy Land the Crusades +"The GAO is an agency that provides Congress, its committees, and the heads of the executive agencies with auditing, evaluation, and investigative services.",The GAO +Apical dominance — the inhibition of lateral bud formation — is triggered by auxins produced in the apical meristem.,Apical dominance +"If the foreign DNA that is introduced comes from a different species, the host organism is called transgenic.",transgenic +"Groupthink is the modification of the opinions of members of a group to align with what they believe is the group consensus( Janis, 1972).",Groupthink +"A cranium is a bony, cartilaginous, or fibrous structure surrounding the brain, jaw, and facial bones.",A cranium +The residual volume( RV) is the amount of air that is left after expiratory reserve volume is exhaled.,The residual volume RV +The micropyle allows the pollen tube to enter the female gametophyte for fertilization.,The micropyle +"This is an example of the process of institutionalization, the act of implanting a convention or norm into society.",the process of institutionalization +"In contrast, a fibrous root system is located closer to the soil surface, and forms a dense network of roots that also helps prevent soil erosion( lawn grasses are a good example, as are wheat, rice, and corn).",a fibrous root system +"In contrast, dispositionism holds that our behavior is determined by internal factors( Heider, 1958).",dispositionism +Topoisomerase prevents the over - winding of the DNA double helix ahead of the replication fork as the DNA is opening up ; it does so by causing temporary nicks in the DNA helix and then resealing it.,Topoisomerase +"The United States sells many goods and services around the world, but overall it maintains a trade deficit, in which more goods and services are coming in from other countries than are going out to be sold overseas.",a trade deficit +"Whereas lower vascular plants, such as club mosses and ferns, are mostly homosporous( produce only one type of spore), all seed plants, or spermatophytes, are heterosporous.",homosporous heterosporous +"Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate molecules on the basis of size, using this charge.",Gel electrophoresis +Elasticities that are less than one indicate low responsiveness to price changes and correspond to inelastic demand or inelastic supply.,inelastic demand or inelastic supply +"During anaphase, the “ upward phase, ” the cohesin proteins degrade, and the sister chromatids separate at the centromere.",anaphase upward phase +"Those who opposed it, known as Anti - Federalists, argued that the Constitution would consolidate all power in a national government, robbing the states of the power to make their own decisions.",Anti - Federalists +"Immunodeficiency is the failure, insufficiency, or delay in the response of the immune system, which may be acquired or inherited.",Immunodeficiency +"Under the three - fifths compromise in the 1787 Constitution, each slave would be counted as three - fifths of a person, so that three - fifths of the slave population would be counted toward the overall state population.",the three - fifths compromise +Recall from the chapter Choice in a World of Scarcity that a country has a comparative advantage when a good can be produced at a lower cost in terms of other goods.,a comparative advantage +"Strigolactones also play a role in the establishment of mycorrhizae, a mutualistic association of plant roots and fungi.",mycorrhizae +"In order to neutralize the acidic chyme, a hormone called secretin stimulates the pancreas to produce alkaline bicarbonate solution and deliver it to the duodenum.",a hormone called secretin +"All of these individuals fall under the umbrella of the term “ hidden unemployment. ” Discouraged workers, those who have stopped looking for employment and, hence, are no longer counted in the unemployed also fall into this group",Discouraged workers +"Correlation means that there is a relationship between two or more variables( such as ice cream consumption and crime), but this relationship does not necessarily imply cause and effect.",Correlation +"When an in - frame AUG is encountered during translation elongation, a non - formylated methionine is inserted by a regular Met - tRNAMet. In E. coli mRNA, a sequence upstream of the first AUG codon, called the Shine - Dalgarno sequence( AGGAGG), interacts with the rRNA molecules that compose the ribosome.",the Shine - Dalgarno sequence +Passive transport is a naturally occurring phenomenon and does not require the cell to exert any of its energy to accomplish the movement.,Passive transport +"Because the number of cells present in the environment( cell density) is the determining factor for signaling, bacterial signaling was named quorum sensing.",cell density +"Russia experienced hyperinflation — an outburst of high inflation — of 2,500 % per year in the early 1990s, although by 2006 Russia ’s consumer price inflation had dipped below 10 % per year, as shown in.",hyperinflation +"The auditory ossicles consist of three bones each : the malleus, incus, and stapes.",The auditory ossicles +"The sociocultural perspective looks at you, your behaviors, and your symptoms in the context of your culture and background.",The sociocultural perspective +"However, the Supreme Court ruled in Gillette v. United States that to claim to be a conscientious objector, a person must be opposed to serving in any war, not just some wars. Gillette v. United States, 401 U.S. 437( 1971).",Gillette v. United States +Genetic engineering is the alteration of an organism ’s genotype using recombinant DNA technology to modify an organism ’s DNA to achieve desirable traits.,Genetic engineering +"In order to recruit women for factory jobs, the government created a propaganda campaign centered on a now - iconic figure known as Rosie the Riveter.",Rosie the Riveter +A sagittal plane divides the body into right and left portions.,A sagittal plane +A signal sequence is a short tail of amino acids that directs a protein to a specific cellular compartment.,A signal sequence +"Essentially, political parties are groups of people with similar interests who work together to create and implement policies.",political parties +"People with persistent depressive disorder( previously known as dysthymia) experience depressed moods most of the day nearly every day for at least two years, as well as at least two of the other symptoms of major depressive disorder.",persistent depressive disorder dysthymia +The portion of the embryo between the cotyledon attachment point and the radicle is known as the hypocotyl( hypocotyl means “ below the cotyledons ”).,the hypocotyl +Selective migration is the concept that people choose to move to places that are compatible with their personalities and needs.,Selective migration +"The camp was flying both the American flag and the white flag of surrender when Chivington ’s troops murdered close to one hundred people, the majority of them women and children, in what became known as the Sand Creek Massacre.",the Sand Creek Massacre +The hilum is the concave part of the bean - shape where blood vessels and nerves enter and exit the kidney ; it is also the point of exit for the ureters.,The hilum +"This organ takes over the nutrient and waste requirements of the embryo and fetus, with the mother ’s blood passing nutrients to the placenta and removing waste from it.",This organ +"Capital flight refers to the movement( flight) of capital from one nation to another, as when General Motors automotive company closed U.S. factories in Michigan and opened factories in Mexico.",Capital flight +"In the early 1900s, a New York physician named Dr. Ignatz Nascher coined the term geriatrics, a medical specialty that focuses on the elderly.",geriatrics +"Another approach is to require a cosigner on a loan ; that is, another person or firm who legally pledges to repay some or all of the money if the original borrower does not do so.",a cosigner +Barter — literally trading one good or service for another — is highly inefficient for trying to coordinate the trades in a modern advanced economy.,Barter +This is known as deceleration.,deceleration +"Thus, cognitive psychology is the area of psychology that focuses on studying cognitions, or thoughts, and their relationship to our experiences and our actions.",cognitive psychology +"The resulting graph — an oxygen dissociation curve — is sigmoidal, or S - shaped.",an oxygen dissociation curve +"Some Republicans, known as Irreconcilables, opposed the treaty on all grounds, whereas others, called Reservationists, would support the treaty if sufficient amendments were introduced that could eliminate Article X.",Irreconcilables Reservationists +"Tolerance is linked to physiological dependence, and it occurs when a person requires more and more drug to achieve effects previously experienced at lower doses.",Tolerance +"Core nations are dominant capitalist countries, highly industrialized, technological, and urbanized.",Core nations +"Deposit insurance is an insurance system that makes sure depositors in a bank do not lose their money, even if the bank goes bankrupt.",Deposit insurance +"These sleep episodes are often associated with cataplexy, which is a lack of muscle tone or muscle weakness, and in some cases involves complete paralysis of the voluntary muscles.",cataplexy +"The law, which raised tariffs on thousands of imports, was intended to increase sales of American - made goods, but predictably angered foreign trade partners who in turn raised their tariffs on American imports, thus shrinking international trade and closing additional markets to desperate American manufacturers.",The law +"By the eleventh century, a major Christian holy war called the Reconquista, or reconquest, had begun to slowly push the Muslims from Spain.",the Reconquista +"During operant conditioning, the behavioral response is modified by its consequences, with regards to its form, strength, or frequency.",operant conditioning +"Another milestone, called break - even, occurs when the fusion power produced equals the heating power input.",break - even +"A phoneme( e.g., the sounds “ ah ” vs. “ eh ”) is a basic sound unit of a given language, and different languages have different sets of phonemes.",A phoneme +Quantitative sociology uses statistical methods such as surveys with large numbers of participants.,Quantitative sociology +"Second, the macroeconomy may adjust only slowly to shifts in aggregate demand because of sticky wages and prices, which are wages and prices that do not respond to decreases or increases in demand.",sticky wages and prices +"In larger organisms, cells combine to make tissues, which are groups of similar cells carrying out similar or related functions.",tissues +"This is referred to as crowding out, where government borrowing and spending results in higher interest rates, which reduces business investment and household consumption.",crowding out +"Amoebas and some other heterotrophic protist species ingest particles by a process called phagocytosis, in which the cell membrane engulfs a food particle and brings it inward, pinching off an intracellular membranous sac, or vesicle, called a food vacuole.",phagocytosis +"Diplomonads exist in anaerobic environments and use alternative pathways, such as glycolysis, to generate energy.",Diplomonads +"The nucleotide pair in the DNA double helix that corresponds to the site from which the first 5 ' mRNA nucleotide is transcribed is called the +1 site, or the initiation site.",the +1 site the initiation site +"The enzyme pepsin plays an important role in the digestion of proteins by breaking down the intact protein to peptides, which are short chains of four to nine amino acids.",peptides +What a buyer pays for a unit of the specific good or service is called price.,price +Gel electrophoresis separates the nucleic acid fragments according to their size.,Gel electrophoresis +German Protestant migrants formed several pietistic societies : communities that stressed transformative individual religious experience or piety over religious rituals and formality.,pietistic societies +"Wives, children, and dependents( including slaves) were a sign of wealth among men, and polygyny, the practice of having more than one wife at a time, was widespread.",polygyny +"According to this theory, activity levels and social involvement are key to this process, and key to happiness( Havinghurst 1961 ; Neugarten 1964 ; Havinghurst, Neugarten, and Tobin 1968).",this theory +"For example, phosphatases are enzymes that remove the phosphate group attached to proteins by kinases in a process called dephosphorylation.",phosphatases +This is the purchase of long - term government and private mortgage - backed securities by central banks to make credit available so as to stimulate aggregate demand.,This +"Next, the blastula undergoes further cell division and cellular rearrangement during a process called gastrulation.",gastrulation +"Many bony fishes also have a swim bladder, a gas - filled organ that helps to control the buoyancy of the fish.",a swim bladder +"Recent research explored how Botox, which paralyzes facial muscles and limits facial expression, might affect emotion.",Botox +The amygdala is involved in our experience of emotion and in tying emotional meaning to our memories.,The amygdala +"An individual with the appropriate number of chromosomes for their species is called euploid ; in humans, euploidy corresponds to 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.",euploid +Such total abstinence from alcohol is known as teetotalism.,teetotalism +"Health insurance policies often have a copayment, in which the policyholder must pay a small amount ; for example, a person might have to pay $ 20 for each doctor visit, and the insurance company would cover the rest.",a copayment +"Nonmilitary tools to influence another country, like economic sanctions, are referred to as soft power, while the use of military power is termed hard power.",soft power hard power +"If you recall, price takers are firms that have no market power.",price takers +Functional groups are groups of atoms that occur within molecules and confer specific chemical properties to those molecules.,Functional groups +"The mitotic phase is a multistep process during which the duplicated chromosomes are aligned, separated, and move into two new, identical daughter cells.",The mitotic phase +"While globalization refers to the integration of markets, diffusion relates to a similar process in the integration of international cultures.",globalization +"Tendrils are slender, twining strands that enable a plant( like a vine or pumpkin) to seek support by climbing on other surfaces.",Tendrils +"After passing through the pupil, light crosses the lens, a curved, transparent structure that serves to provide additional focus.",the lens +"Forests, water, and fisheries, however, are a type of public good called common goods, which are not excludable but may be finite.",common goods +"Bone, or osseous tissue, is a connective tissue that constitutes the endoskeleton.",Bone osseous tissue +Molecules with other elements in their carbon backbone are substituted hydrocarbons.,substituted hydrocarbons +"Several southern states continued to require residents to pay poll taxes in order to vote in state elections until 1966 when, in the case of Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections, the Supreme Court declared that requiring payment of a poll tax in order to vote in an election at any level was unconstitutional.",Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections +"Throughout the South, sharecropping took root, a crop - lien system that worked to the advantage of landowners.",sharecropping +"In 1811, construction began on the Cumberland Road, a national highway that provided thousands with a route from Maryland to Illinois.",the Cumberland Road +"In the light - independent reactions, the chemical energy harvested during the light - dependent reactions drive the assembly of sugar molecules from carbon dioxide.",the light - independent reactions +We therefore define gauge pressure to be the pressure relative to atmospheric pressure.,gauge pressure +Dynamics is the study of the forces that cause objects and systems to move.,Dynamics +"Because they use light to manufacture their own food, they are called photoautotrophs( literally, “ self - feeders using light ”).",photoautotrophs +Formal powers are powers the governor may exercise that are specifically outlined in state constitutions or state law.,Formal powers +"The nucleus of the neuron is located in the soma, or cell body.",the soma +These nucleotide triplets are called codons.,codons +"This is known as the octet rule, which states, with the exception of the innermost shell, that atoms are more stable energetically when they have eight electrons in their valence shell, the outermost electron shell.",the octet rule +"Proteins, called RNA - binding proteins, or RBPs, can bind to the regions of the RNA just upstream or downstream of the protein - coding region.",RNA - binding proteins RBPs +"A mast cell is a leukocyte that produces inflammatory molecules, such as histamine, in response to large pathogens.",A mast cell +Male gametes reach female gametophyte and the egg cell gamete though a pollen tube : an extension of a cell within the pollen grain.,a pollen tube +Osmolarity describes the total solute concentration of the solution.,Osmolarity +"Genomics is the study of entire genomes, including the complete set of genes, their nucleotide sequence and organization, and their interactions within a species and with other species.",Genomics +"The organic material of soil, called humus, is made up of microorganisms( dead and alive), and dead animals and plants in varying stages of decay.",humus +Social MobilitySocial mobility refers to the ability to change positions within a social stratification system.,MobilitySocial mobility +"The pellicle functions like a flexible coat of armor, preventing the protist from being torn or pierced without compromising its range of motion.",The pellicle +"The tip of the root is protected by the root cap, a structure exclusive to roots and unlike any other plant structure.",the root cap +The physical phenomenon of sound is defined to be a disturbance of matter that is transmitted from its source outward.,The physical phenomenon of sound +Bony fishes are further divided into two extant clades : Actinopterygii( ray - finned fishes) and Sarcopterygii( lobe - finned fishes).,Actinopterygii Sarcopterygii +"Unemployment insurance : Employers in every state pay a small amount for unemployment insurance, which goes into a fund that is used to pay benefits to workers for a period of time, usually six months, after they lose their jobs.",Unemployment insurance +"Because Jean - Baptiste Say, Adam Smith, and other economists writing around the turn of the nineteenth century who discussed this view were known as “ classical ” economists, modern economists who generally subscribe to the Say ’s law view on the importance of supply for determining the size of the macroeconomy are called neoclassical economists.",neoclassical economists +"The Jesuits were members of the Society of Jesus, an elite religious order founded in the 1540s to spread Catholicism and combat the spread of Protestantism.",The Jesuits the Society of Jesus +"Conversely, when the government receives more money in taxes than it spends in a year, it runs a budget surplus.",a budget surplus +"For the ideal situations of these first few chapters, an object falling without air resistance or friction is defined to be in free - fall.",free - fall +The ddNTPs are monomers that are missing a hydroxyl group( – OH) at the site at which another nucleotide usually attaches to form a chain.,The ddNTPs +"It started the process of deinstitutionalization, the closing of large asylums, by providing for people to stay in their communities and be treated locally.",deinstitutionalization +"Chief among them are economic disparities across states, race - to - the - bottom dynamics( i.e., states compete to attract business by lowering taxes and regulations), and the difficulty of taking action on issues of national importance.",race - to - the - bottom dynamics +"They all oscillate — - that is, they move back and forth between two points.",oscillate +"He subsequently founded a school of psychology called individual psychology, which focuses on our drive to compensate for feelings of inferiority.",individual psychology +An organ system is a higher level of organization that consists of functionally related organs.,An organ system +"He was working with Streptococcus pneumoniae, the bacterium that causes pneumonia.",Streptococcus pneumoniae +"Plasmids occur naturally in bacterial populations( such as Escherichia coli) and have genes that can contribute favorable traits to the organism, such as antibiotic resistance( the ability to be unaffected by antibiotics).",Plasmids antibiotic resistance +Matter is any substance that occupies space and has mass.,Matter +The oscillations in one rope are in a vertical plane and are said to be vertically polarized.,vertically polarized +"But for technophiles, technology symbolizes the potential for a brighter future.",technophiles +Foreign direct investment( FDI) refers to purchasing a firm( at least ten percent) in another country or starting up a new enterprise in a foreign country,Foreign direct investment FDI +"If the genes are unlinked, the individual should produce AB, Ab, aB, and ab gametes with equal frequencies, according to the Mendelian concept of independent assortment.",the Mendelian concept of independent assortment +The Twenty - Sixth Amendment reduced the voting age from twenty - one to eighteen.,The Twenty - Sixth Amendment +"Contour feathers are the feathers found on the body, and they help reduce drag produced by wind resistance during flight.",Contour feathers +Each sister chromatid develops a protein structure called a kinetochore in the centromeric region.,a kinetochore +Individuals who identify with the role that is the different from their biological sex are called transgender.,transgender +"They are short, hair - like structures that are used to move entire cells( such as paramecia) or substances along the outer surface of the cell( for example, the cilia of cells lining the Fallopian tubes that move the ovum toward the uterus, or cilia lining the cells of the respiratory tract that trap particulate matter and move it toward your nostrils.",They +"From the end of the Revolutionary War in the late eighteenth century until the early twentieth century, isolationism — whereby a country stays out of foreign entanglements and keeps to itself — was a popular stance in U.S. foreign policy.",isolationism +Further breakdown of peptides to single amino acids is aided by enzymes called peptidases( those that break down peptides).,peptidases +A vector is any quantity with both magnitude and direction.,A vector +UV comes from the de - excitation of atoms that may be part of a hot solid or gas.,UV +"But ideal culture differs from real culture, the way society actually is, based on what occurs and exists.",real culture +"Reuptake involves the neurotransmitter being pumped back into the neuron that released it, in order to clear the synapse.",Reuptake +"Hindsight bias leads you to believe that the event you just experienced was predictable, even though it really was n’t.",Hindsight bias +"Some interests groups form political action committees( PACs), groups that collect funds from donors and distribute them to candidates who support their issues.",political action committees PACs +"Myc is a transcription factor that is aberrantly activated in Burkett ’s Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph system.",Myc +The nuclear envelope is a double - membrane structure that constitutes the outermost portion of the nucleus.,The nuclear envelope +"Compact bone is organized into subunits called osteons, as illustrated in.",osteons +"As you ’ve learned, hypotheses can be formulated either through direct observation of the real world or after careful review of previous research.",hypotheses +The name at each level is also called a taxon.,a taxon +"After many years of campaigns for suffrage, as shown in, the Nineteenth Amendment finally gave women the right to vote in 1920.",the Nineteenth Amendment +"Inversion involves the soles of the feet moving inward, toward the midline of the body.",Inversion +"Secondary feathers are located closer to the body, attach to the forearm portion of the wing and provide lift.",Secondary feathers +"Therefore, water is referred to as a solvent, a substance capable of dissolving other polar molecules and ionic compounds.",a solvent +Opponents of ratification were called Anti - Federalists.,Anti - Federalists +"Because externalities that occur in market transactions affect other parties beyond those involved, they are sometimes called spillovers. Externalities can be negative or positive.",externalities spillovers +"The mitochondria - first hypothesis proposes that mitochondria were first established in a prokaryotic host(b), which subsequently acquired a nucleus, by fusion or other mechanisms, to become the first eukaryotic cell.",The mitochondria - first hypothesis +"In the Battle of Bunker Hill, on June 17, the British launched three assaults on the hills, gaining control only after the rebels ran out of ammunition.",the Battle of Bunker Hill +"Genomics is the study of entire genomes, including the complete set of genes, their nucleotide sequence and organization, and their interactions within a species and with other species.",Genomics +The price elasticity of supply is the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price.,The price elasticity of supply +"Citizen Change, started by Sean “ Diddy ” Combs and other hip hop artists, pushed slogans such as “ Vote or Die ” during the 2004 presidential election in an effort to increase youth voting turnout.",Citizen Change +"These examples are all aspects of culture, which is shared beliefs, values, and practices, that participants must learn.",culture +"An individual may carry a very beneficial genotype with a resulting phenotype that, for example, increases the ability to reproduce( fecundity), but if that same individual also carries an allele that results in a fatal childhood disease, that fecundity phenotype will not be passed on to the next generation because the individual will not live to reach reproductive age.",fecundity +Sociologists call these established sects.,established sects +"In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that people encouraging young men to dodge the draft could be imprisoned for doing so, arguing that recommending that people disobey the law was tantamount to “ falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic ” and thus presented a “ clear and present danger ” to public order. Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47( 1919).",Schenck v. United States +Conflict theory looks at society as a competition for limited resources.,Conflict theory +"This can lead to a sense of xenophobia, which is an illogical fear and even hatred of foreigners and foreign goods.",a sense of xenophobia +"Such soft news presents news in an entertaining and approachable manner, painlessly introducing a variety of topics.",soft news +"Positron emission tomography( PET) scans create pictures of the living, active brain.",Positron emission tomography PET +"Unlike public goods, which all people may use without charge, common goods are in limited supply.",common goods +"Although not well understood, Ménière 's disease results in a degeneration of inner ear structures that can lead to hearing loss, tinnitus( constant ringing or buzzing), vertigo( a sense of spinning), and an increase in pressure within the inner ear( Semaan & Megerian, 2011).",Ménière 's disease +"This difference in charge across the membrane, called the membrane potential, provides energy for the signal.",the membrane potential +"She fought against foot binding, a cultural tradition where girls ’ feet were tightly bound to keep them from growing, and shared her personal food and money when those around her were suffering.",foot binding +"In the G2 phase, the cell replenishes its energy stores and synthesizes proteins necessary for chromosome manipulation.",the G2 phase +"Annelids show protostomic development in embryonic stages and are often called “ segmented worms ” due to their key characteristic of metamerism, or true segmentation.",Annelids +"The overall body can be divided into head, body, and pygidium( or tail).",pygidium +"The neurotransmitters are transported across the very small distances between nerve cells, which are called chemical synapses.",chemical synapses ( [ link ] ) +"The second world was the in - between category : nations not as limited in development as the third world, but not as well off as the first world, having moderate economies and standard of living, such as China or Cuba.",The second world +"In addition, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation( FDIC) protects the savings of the average person.",the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC +"Here the cells in the blastula arrange themselves in two layers : the inner cell mass, and an outer layer called the trophoblast.",the trophoblast +Carnivores are animals that eat other animals.,Carnivores +"If a characteristic is found in the ancestor of a group, it is considered a shared ancestral character because all of the organisms in the taxon or clade have that trait.",a shared ancestral character +"The morphology of the simplest sponges takes the shape of a cylinder with a large central cavity, the spongocoel, occupying the inside of the cylinder.",the spongocoel +"In the event of a bank run, sound banks,( banks that were not bankrupt) could borrow as much cash as they needed from the Fed ’s discount “ window ” to quell the bank run.",sound banks +"Instead, economists use game theory, a branch of mathematics that analyzes situations in which players must make decisions and then receive payoffs based on what other players decide to do.",game theory +"Cohesion allows for the development of surface tension, the capacity of a substance to withstand being ruptured when placed under tension or stress.",surface tension +"People who suffer from diabetes do not produce enough insulin ; therefore, they must take medications that stimulate or replace insulin production, and they must closely control the amount of sugars and carbohydrates they consume. The gonads secrete sexual hormones, which are important in reproduction, and mediate both sexual motivation and behavior.",diabetes The gonads +"To explore these questions, we turn to demography, or the study of populations.",demography +"When glucose levels decline in the cell, accumulating cAMP binds to the positive regulator catabolite activator protein( CAP), a protein that binds to the promoters of operons that control the processing of alternative sugars.",catabolite activator protein CAP +"As we ’ve learned, CPI measures prices as they affect everyday household spending.",CPI +"This outcome is an important example of a macroeconomic externality, where what happens at the macro level is different from and inferior to what happens at the micro level.",a macroeconomic externality +"There were allegations of racial profiling — the use by law enforcement of race alone to determine whether to stop and detain someone — a national discussion about “ Stand Your Ground Laws, ” and a failed lawsuit in which Zimmerman accused NBC of airing an edited version of the 911 call that made him appear racist.",racial profiling +An instrumental leader is one who is goal - oriented and largely concerned with accomplishing set tasks.,An instrumental leader +Gender dysphoria is a diagnostic category in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders( DSM-5) that describes individuals who do not identify as the gender that most people would assume they are.,Gender dysphoria +Evolutionary psychology is a discipline that studies how universal patterns of behavior and cognitive processes have evolved over time as a result of natural selection.,Evolutionary psychology +These velocities are called relative velocities.,relative +"Receptors, proteins on the cell surface where neurotransmitters attach, vary in shape, with different shapes “ matching ” different neurotransmitters.",Receptors +A postzygotic barrier occurs after zygote formation ; this includes organisms that do n’t survive the embryonic stage and those that are born sterile.,A postzygotic barrier +The observable traits expressed by an organism are referred to as its phenotype.,phenotype +"During inhalation, air enters the body through the nasal cavity located just inside the nose.",inhalation +"On the other hand, in noncompetitive inhibition, an inhibitor molecule binds to the enzyme in a location other than an allosteric site and still manages to block substrate binding to the active site.",noncompetitive inhibition +"Additionally, we possess general senses, also called somatosensation, which respond to stimuli like temperature, pain, pressure, and vibration.",somatosensation +"The organization lobbied state legislators to raise the drinking age and impose tougher penalties, but without success.",The organization +"Mineral soils form directly from the weathering of bedrock, the solid rock that lies beneath the soil, and therefore, they have a similar composition to the original rock.",Mineral soils bedrock +"Gametangia( singular, gametangium) are structures observed on multicellular haploid gametophytes.",Gametangia +"Referring to what became known as the Fourteen Points, Wilson called for openness in all matters of diplomacy and trade, specifically, free trade, freedom of the seas, an end to secret treaties and negotiations, promotion of self - determination of all nations, and more.",the Fourteen Points +"Behaviorism is a school of thought that arose during the first part of the 20th century, which incorporates elements of Pavlov ’s classical conditioning( Hunt, 2007).",Behaviorism +Sleep is a state marked by relatively low levels of physical activity and reduced sensory awareness that is distinct from periods of rest that occur during wakefulness.,Sleep +The ground substance is made of an organic substance( usually a protein) and an inorganic substance( usually a mineral or water).,The ground substance +"Intellectual property rights include patents, which give the inventor the exclusive legal right to make, use, or sell the invention for a limited time, and copyright laws, which give the author an exclusive legal right over works of literature, music, film/ video, and pictures.",patents copyright laws +"The actor - observer bias is the phenomenon of attributing other people ’s behavior to internal factors( fundamental attribution error) while attributing our own behavior to situational forces( Jones & Nisbett, 1971 ; Nisbett, Caputo, Legant, & Marecek, 1973 ; Choi & Nisbett, 1998).",The actor - observer bias +"A serotype is a strain of bacteria that carries a set of similar antigens on its cell surface, and there are often many different serotypes of a bacterial species.",A serotype +"Scientists can determine the amount of energy of a wave by measuring its wavelength, the distance between consecutive points of a wave.",wavelength +Altruism is people ’s desire to help others even if the costs outweigh the benefits of helping.,Altruism +"In Buckley v. Valeo( 1976), the Supreme Court upheld Congress ’s right to regulate elections by restricting contributions to campaigns and candidates.",Buckley v. Valeo ( 1976 ) +"Cluster C disorders include avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive - compulsive personality disorder( which is not the same thing as obsessive - compulsive disorder).",Cluster C disorders +"Another type of hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbons, consists of closed rings of carbon atoms.",aromatic hydrocarbons +"When firms act together in this way to reduce output and keep prices high, it is called collusion.",collusion +"In central sleep apnea, disruption in signals sent from the brain that regulate breathing cause periods of interrupted breathing( White, 2005).",central sleep apnea +"The TEMAS Multicultural Thematic Apperception Test is another tool designed to be culturally relevant to minority groups, especially Hispanic youths.",The TEMAS Multicultural Thematic Apperception Test +"The B horizon is an accumulation of mostly fine material that has moved downward, resulting in a dense layer in the soil.",The B horizon +"Religious beliefs are specific ideas members of a particular faith hold to be true, such as that Jesus Christ was the son of God, or that reincarnation exists.",Religious beliefs +Vapor pressure is defined as the pressure at which a gas coexists with its solid or liquid phase.,Vapor pressure +"Divergent thinking can be described as thinking “ outside the box ; ” it allows an individual to arrive at unique, multiple solutions to a given problem.",Divergent thinking +"Downsizing is an increasingly common response to a business ’s pronounced failure to achieve profit goals, and it involves laying off a significant percentage of the company ’s employees.",Downsizing +The income elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income.,The income elasticity of demand +"Monosaccharides( mono- = “ one ” ; sacchar- = “ sweet ”) are simple sugars, the most common of which is glucose.",Monosaccharides +"Finally, fatuous love is defined by having passion and commitment, but no intimacy, such as a long term sexual love affair.",fatuous love +"Cell - surface receptors, also known as transmembrane receptors, are cell surface, membrane - anchored( integral) proteins that bind to external ligand molecules.",Cell - surface receptors transmembrane receptors +"Embedded in the thylakoid membrane is chlorophyll, a pigment( molecule that absorbs light) responsible for the initial interaction between light and plant material, and numerous proteins that make up the electron transport chain.",chlorophyll +"The rotifers are a microscopic( about 100 µm to 30 mm) group of mostly aquatic organisms that get their name from the corona, a rotating, wheel - like structure that is covered with cilia at their anterior end.",The rotifers +"Redlining is the practice of routinely refusing mortgages for households and businesses located in predominately minority communities, while sedimentation of racial inequality describes the intergenerational impact of both practical and legalized racism that limits the abilities of black people to accumulate wealth.",Redlining sedimentation of racial inequality +"Piaget ’s second stage is the preoperational stage, which is from approximately 2 to 7 years old.",the preoperational stage +Nearly all animals employ a diploid - dominant life - cycle strategy in which the only haploid cells produced by the organism are the gametes.,a diploid - dominant life - cycle strategy +"Conditioned behaviors are types of associative learning, where a stimulus becomes associated with a consequence.",Conditioned behaviors +"This is called pseudostratified, columnar epithelia.","pseudostratified , columnar epithelia" +"Some interest groups develop as grassroots movements, which often begin from the bottom up among a small number of people at the local level.",grassroots movements +"The national security advisor heads the president ’s National Security Council, a group of senior - level staff from multiple foreign policy agencies, and is generally the president ’s top foreign policy advisor.",The national security advisor National Security Council +The induced - fit model expands upon the lock - and - key model by describing a more dynamic interaction between enzyme and substrate.,The induced - fit model +"An alternate assumption is that people and firms act with adaptive expectations : they look at past experience and gradually adapt their beliefs and behavior as circumstances change, but are not perfect synthesizers of information and accurate predictors of the future in the sense of rational expectations theory.",adaptive expectations +"The price elasticity of supply is the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price. Elasticities can be usefully divided into three broad categories : elastic, inelastic, and unitary.",The price elasticity of supply +"A conservative force is one, like the gravitational force, for which work done by or against it depends only on the starting and ending points of a motion and not on the path taken.",A conservative force +"It is based on the idea of free will, that people are born equal with the right to make decisions without government intervention.",free will +"In simple terms, the theory states that organisms that are better suited for their environment will survive and reproduce, while those that are poorly suited for their environment will die off.",the theory +"You can hedge, which means using a financial transaction to protect yourself against a risk from one of your investments( in this case, currency risk from the contract).",hedge +"What they found became known as the Zeeman effect, which involved spectral lines being split into two or more separate emission lines by an external magnetic field, as shown in.",the Zeeman effect +"The plumule is composed of the epicotyl, young leaves, and the shoot apical meristem. Upon germination in dicot seeds, the epicotyl is shaped like a hook with the plumule pointing downwards.",The plumule +"Fracking, another word for hydraulic fracturing, is a method used to recover gas and oil from shale by drilling down into the earth and directing a high - pressure mixture of water, sand, and proprietary chemicals into the rock.",Fracking hydraulic fracturing +"One of the advantages of secondary data is that it is nonreactive research( or unobtrusive research), meaning that it does not include direct contact with subjects and will not alter or influence people ’s behaviors.",nonreactive research unobtrusive research +"A blood vessel and a nerve are found in the center of the structure within the Haversian canal, with radiating circles of lacunae around it known as lamellae.",lamellae +The atrium collects blood that has returned from the body and the ventricle pumps the blood to the gills where gas exchange occurs and the blood is re - oxygenated ; this is called gill circulation.,gill circulation +"So money serves all of these functions — it is a medium of exchange, store of value, unit of account, and standard of deferred payment.",money +Photoperiodism is the ability to use light to track time.,Photoperiodism +"Heat transfer by radiation occurs when microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, or another form of electromagnetic radiation is emitted or absorbed.",Heat transfer by radiation +Symphyses are found at the joints between vertebrae.,Symphyses +"A symporter carries two different ions or molecules, both in the same direction.",A symporter +"The chordates are named for the notochord, which is a flexible, rod - shaped structure that is found in the embryonic stage of all chordates and in the adult stage of some chordate species.",the notochord +"One component of flexible response was the Green Berets, a U.S. Army Special Forces unit trained in counterinsurgency — the military suppression of rebel and nationalist groups in foreign nations.",the Green Berets +The long - run process of reducing production in response to a sustained pattern of losses is called exit.,exit +Saliva also contains an enzyme called salivary amylase that begins the process of converting starches in the food into a disaccharide called maltose.,an enzyme called salivary amylase +"A newton - meter is given the special name joule( J), and 1 J = 1 N ⋅ m = 1 kg ⋅ m2/ s 21 J = 1 N ⋅ m = 1 kg ⋅ m2/ s2 size 12 { 1 "" J "" = 1 "" N "" cdot m = 1 "" kg "" cdot m rSup { size 8 { 2 } } ""/ s "" rSup { size 8 { 2 } } } { }.",A newton - meter +"Biases tend to “ preserve that which is already established — to maintain our preexisting knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and hypotheses ”( Aronson, 1995 ; Kahneman, 2011).",Biases +"Political philosopher Herbert Spencer took Darwin ’s theory of evolution further, coining the actual phrase “ survival of the fittest, ” and later helping to popularize the phrase social Darwinism to posit that society evolved much like a natural organism, wherein some individuals will succeed due to racially and ethnically inherent traits, and their ability to adapt.",social Darwinism +A simulation model is an ecosystem model that is created using complex computer algorithms to holistically model ecosystems and to predict the effects of environmental disturbances on ecosystem structure and dynamics.,A simulation model +"The cranial bones are eight bones that form the cranial cavity, which encloses the brain and serves as an attachment site for the muscles of the head and neck.",The cranial bones +Situationism is the view that our behavior and actions are determined by our immediate environment and surroundings.,Situationism +"As previously discussed, antidiuretic hormone or ADH( also called vasopressin), as the name suggests, helps the body conserve water when body fluid volume, especially that of blood, is low.",antidiuretic hormone ADH vasopressin +"link] repeats the marginal cost and marginal revenue data from, and adds two more columns : Marginal profit is the profitability of each additional unit sold.",Marginal profit +Developmental psychology is the scientific study of development across a lifespan.,Developmental psychology +"Odorants( odor molecules) enter the nose and dissolve in the olfactory epithelium, the mucosa at the back of the nasal cavity( as illustrated in).",Odorants +"Similarly, dialysis is the transport of any other molecule through a semipermeable membrane due to its concentration difference.",dialysis +The molality of a solution is the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.,The molality of a solution +"During karyogamy( “ nuclear marriage ”), the haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote nucleus.",karyogamy +Spending on new capital goods is called investment expenditure.,investment expenditure +Classical liberalism believes in individual liberties and rights.,Classical liberalism +"Higher - level consumers feed on the next lower tropic levels, and so on, up to the organisms at the top of the food chain : the apex consumers.",the apex consumers +Using the work or ideas of others without proper citation is considered plagiarism.,plagiarism +"This field is closely related to human ecology, which focuses on the relationship between people and their built and natural environment.",human ecology +One proposed group of WIMPs would have masses several orders of magnitude greater than nucleons and are sometimes called neutralinos.,neutralinos +The coronary arteries branch from the aorta and surround the outer surface of the heart like a crown.,The coronary arteries +The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.,The Thirteenth Amendment +A monopolist can use information on marginal revenue and marginal cost to seek out the profit - maximizing combination of quantity and price.,A monopolist +"It is an absolute temperature scale defined to have 0 K at the lowest possible temperature, called absolute zero.",It absolute zero +"Investment expenditure refers to purchases of physical plant and equipment, primarily by businesses.",Investment expenditure +"As defined in the chapter on Demand and Supply and again in the chapter on Elasticity, goods and services are called normal goods when a rise in income leads to a rise in the quantity consumed of that good and a fall in income leads to a fall in quantity consumed.",normal goods +"Changing fertility, mortality, and migration rates make up the total population composition, a snapshot of the demographic profile of a population.",the total population composition +"Potential GDP can imply different unemployment rates in different economies, depending on the natural rate of unemployment for that economy.",Potential GDP +"The bacteria performs the reverse process, the reduction of nitrate from the soils to gaseous compounds such as N2O, NO, and N2, a process called denitrification.",denitrification +A mutual fund that seeks only to mimic the overall performance of the market is called an index fund.,an index fund +The family Hominidae of order Primates includes the hominoids : the great apes.,the great apes +"Flow - resistive refers to the work of the alveoli and tissues in the lung, whereas elastic work refers to the work of the intercostal muscles, chest wall, and diaphragm.",Flow - resistive elastic work +Today this structure of power sharing is referred to as federalism.,federalism +Distance traveled is the total length of the path traveled between two positions.,Distance traveled +Bottom - up processing refers to the fact that perceptions are built from sensory input.,Bottom - up processing +"Anatomical dead space or anatomical shunt, arises from an anatomical failure, while physiological dead space or physiological shunt, arises from a functional impairment of the lung or arteries.",Anatomical dead space anatomical shunt physiological dead space physiological shunt +It involves learning information that you previously learned.,It +"First, unemployment statistics do not take into account underemployment, a state in which a person accepts a lower paying, lower status job than their education and experience qualifies them to perform.",underemployment +"The independent assortment of genes can be illustrated by the dihybrid cross, a cross between two true - breeding parents that express different traits for two characteristics.",the dihybrid cross +"This also helps reduce the risks associated with inbreeding, the mating of closely related individuals, which can have the undesirable effect of bringing together deleterious recessive mutations that can cause abnormalities and susceptibility to disease.",inbreeding +"In a degradation ceremony, new members lose the aspects of their old identity and are given new identities.",a degradation ceremony +"Embedded in the thylakoid membrane is chlorophyll, a pigment( molecule that absorbs light) responsible for the initial interaction between light and plant material, and numerous proteins that make up the electron transport chain.",chlorophyll +"Casual crowds consist of people who are in the same place at the same time but who are n’t really interacting, such as people standing in line at the post office.",Casual crowds +This is often called the winner - take - all system.,the winner - take - all system +"Many bony fishes also have a swim bladder, a gas - filled organ that helps to control the buoyancy of the fish.",a swim bladder +"The act increased the debt ceiling, but it also reduced spending and created automatic cuts, called sequestrations, if further legislation did not deal with the debt by 2013.",The act +"Graham advocated baths and cleanliness in general to preserve health ; hydropathy, or water cures for various ailments, became popular in the United States in the 1840s and 1850s.",hydropathy +"We typically envision civil liberties as being limitations on government power, intended to protect freedoms that governments may not legally intrude on.",civil liberties +"Plant viruses can be transmitted by a variety of vectors, through contact with an infected plant ’s sap, by living organisms such as insects and nematodes, and through pollen.",Plant viruses +These unused structures without function are called vestigial structures.,vestigial structures +"Finally, the writ of habeas corpus is used in our common - law legal system to demand that a neutral judge decide whether someone has been lawfully detained.",the writ of habeas corpus +"Phylum Cnidaria includes animals that show radial or biradial symmetry and are diploblastic, that is, they develop from two embryonic layers.",Phylum Cnidaria diploblastic +"The male spores are called microspores, because of their smaller size, and develop into the male gametophyte ; the comparatively larger megaspores develop into the female gametophyte.",microspores +"Renewable forms of energy are those sources that can not be used up, such as water, wind, solar, and biomass.",Renewable forms of energy +"The ground tissue towards the interior of the vascular tissue in a stem or root is known as pith, while the layer of tissue between the vascular tissue and the epidermis is known as the cortex.",pith the cortex +Reform movements seek to change something specific about the social structure.,Reform movements +The patella is embedded in the tendon of the femoral extensors( quadriceps).,quadriceps +"The income effect is that a higher price means, in effect, the buying power of income has been reduced( even though actual income has not changed), which leads to buying less of the good( when the good is normal).",The income effect +"Mineral soils form directly from the weathering of bedrock, the solid rock that lies beneath the soil, and therefore, they have a similar composition to the original rock.",Mineral soils +The amygdala is involved in our experience of emotion and in tying emotional meaning to our memories.,The amygdala +"Wealth was passed from generation to generation through primogeniture, a law stating that all property would be inherited by the firstborn son.",primogeniture +"Since many people can not afford to pay bail directly, they may instead get a bail bond, which allows them to pay a fraction of the money( typically 10 percent) to a person who sells bonds and who pays the full bail amount.",a bail bond +Short DNA fragments called probes are designed and labeled with radioactive or fluorescent dyes to aid detection.,probes +The acquisitive model proposes that bureaucracies are naturally competitive and power - hungry.,The acquisitive model +"A current loop always produces a magnetic dipole — that is, a magnetic field that acts like a north pole and south pole pair.",a magnetic dipole +"In the male reproductive system, the scrotum houses the testicles or testes( singular : testis), including providing passage for blood vessels, nerves, and muscles related to testicular function.",the scrotum the testicles testes +A universe that is closed is called positively curved.,positively curved +"This class of upwardly mobile citizens promoted temperance, or abstinence from alcohol.",temperance +A prosthetic group is a non - protein molecule required for the activity of a protein.,A prosthetic group +"Such materials are called ferromagnetic, after the Latin word for iron, ferrum.",ferromagnetic +"The total energy conversion rate of a person at rest is called the basal metabolic rate( BMR) and is divided among various systems in the body, as shown in.",the basal metabolic rate BMR +"An organism ’s underlying genetic makeup, consisting of both physically visible and non - expressed alleles, is called its genotype.",genotype +"In the early months of 1774, Parliament responded to this latest act of colonial defiance by passing a series of laws called the Coercive Acts, intended to punish Boston for leading resistance to British rule and to restore order in the colonies.",the Coercive Acts +A diagram showing the system of interest and all of the external forces is called a free - body diagram.,a free - body diagram +"Most fungal hyphae are divided into separate cells by endwalls called septa( singular, septum)( a, c).",septa +"This statement is known as the Pauli exclusion principle, because it excludes electrons from being in the same state.",the Pauli exclusion principle +"However, all countries should prefer to make a choice that shows productive efficiency — that is, the choice is somewhere on the production possibility frontier rather than inside it.",productive efficiency +"The equilibrium price is the only price where the plans of consumers and the plans of producers agree — that is, where the amount of the product consumers want to buy( quantity demanded) is equal to the amount producers want to sell( quantity supplied).",The equilibrium price +"If the virions are released by bursting the cell, the virus replicates by means of a lytic cycle.",a lytic cycle +"Mood disorders are characterized by severe disturbances in mood and emotions — most often depression, but also mania and elation( Rothschild, 1999).",Mood disorders +"A granzyme is a protease that digests cellular proteins and induces the target cell to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis.",A granzyme apoptosis +"Depression is the opposite of elevation — movement downward of a bone, such as after the shoulders are shrugged and the scapulae return to their normal position from an elevated position.",Depression +What a buyer pays for a unit of the specific good or service is called price.,price +"A pandemic is a widespread, usually worldwide, epidemic.",A pandemic +The bell curve uses the standard deviation to show how all scores are dispersed from the average score.,The bell curve +The concept of going public involves the president delivering a major television address in the hope that Americans watching the address will be compelled to contact their House and Senate member and that such public pressure will result in the legislators supporting the president on a major piece of legislation.,going public +"We know from Special Relativity that relativity is the study of how different observers measure the same event, particularly if they move relative to one another.",relativity +"Such materials are called ferromagnetic, after the Latin word for iron, ferrum.",ferromagnetic +"The wires connecting the voltage source to the resistor can be assumed to have negligible resistance, or their resistance can be included in RR size 12 { R } { }.",negligible resistance +"In contrast, a person who has psychological dependence has an emotional, rather than physical, need for the drug and may use the drug to relieve psychological distress.",psychological dependence +The category of physical capital includes the plant and equipment used by firms and also things like roads( also called infrastructure).,The category of physical capital infrastructure +"Infected cells are identified and destroyed by natural killer( NK) cells, lymphocytes that can kill cells infected with viruses or tumor cells( abnormal cells that uncontrollably divide and invade other tissue).",natural killer ( NK ) cells +"These microRNAs, or miRNAs, are short RNA molecules that are only 21 – 24 nucleotides in length.",microRNAs miRNAs +"Even if the firm has the funds, the interest rate measures the opportunity cost of purchasing business capital.",the interest rate +"Because red blood cells increase the viscosity of blood, artificially high levels of EPO can cause severe health risks. The thymus is found behind the sternum ; it is most prominent in infants, becoming smaller in size through adulthood.",The thymus +An inertial frame of reference is a reference frame in which a body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion moves at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.,An inertial frame of reference +"When both mating types are present in the same mycelium, it is called homothallic, or self - fertile.",homothallic self - fertile +"Epiphytes have two types of roots : clinging aerial roots, which absorb nutrients from humus that accumulates in the crevices of trees ; and aerial roots, which absorb moisture from the atmosphere.",clinging aerial roots aerial roots +"Although the term privacy does not appear in the Constitution or Bill of Rights, scholars have interpreted several Bill of Rights provisions as an indication that James Madison and Congress sought to protect a common - law right to privacy as it would have been understood in the late eighteenth century : a right to be free of government intrusion into our personal life, particularly within the bounds of the home.",a common - law right to privacy +"Sorting, tagging, packaging, and distribution of lipids and proteins takes place in the Golgi apparatus( also called the Golgi body), a series of flattened membranes.",the Golgi apparatus the Golgi body +"Some protists can function as mixotrophs, obtaining nutrition by photoautotrophic or heterotrophic routes, depending on whether sunlight or organic nutrients are available.",mixotrophs +"Exchange rates are expressed either as the units of country A ’s currency that need to be traded for a single unit of country B ’s currency( for example, Japanese yen per British pound), or as the inverse( for example, British pounds per Japanese yen).",Exchange rates +"This is known as the Central Dogma of Life, which holds true for all organisms ; however, exceptions to the rule occur in connection with viral infections.",the Central Dogma of Life +"Apical meristems contain meristematic tissue located at the tips of stems and roots, which enable a plant to extend in length.",Apical meristems +"Based on these observations, Masters and Johnson divided the sexual response cycle into four phases that are fairly similar in men and women : excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.",the sexual response cycle +Disability refers to a reduction in one ’s ability to perform everyday tasks.,Disability +Following the phallic stage of psychosexual development is a period known as the latency period( 6 years to puberty).,the latency period +The mercantilist policies by which it tried to achieve this control are known as the Navigation Acts.,the Navigation Acts +Some cells contain aggregates of macromolecules surrounded by membranes ; these are called organelles.,organelles +"Another field of biological study, neurobiology, studies the biology of the nervous system, and although it is considered a branch of biology, it is also recognized as an interdisciplinary field of study known as neuroscience.",neurobiology +"Renewable forms of energy are those sources that can not be used up, such as water, wind, solar, and biomass.",Renewable forms of energy +A natural monopoly arises when average costs are declining over the range of production that satisfies market demand.,A natural monopoly +"In addition to a vacuole - based digestive system, Paramecium also uses contractile vacuoles, which are osmoregulatory vesicles that fill with water as it enters the cell by osmosis and then contract to squeeze water from the cell.",contractile vacuoles +Group II viruses have single - stranded DNA( ssDNA) as their genome.,Group II viruses +"The discussion in this chapter has focused on domestic monetary policy ; that is, the view of monetary policy within an economy.",domestic monetary policy +Meta - analysis is a technique in which the results of virtually all previous studies on a specific subject are evaluated together.,Meta - analysis +"On Black Tuesday, October 29, stock holders traded over sixteen million shares and lost over $ 14 billion in wealth in a single day.",Black Tuesday +"An antagonist, on the other hand, blocks or impedes the normal activity of a neurotransmitter at the receptor.",An antagonist +Contested illnesses are those that are questioned or questionable by some medical professionals.,Contested illnesses +"According to the law of effect, behaviors that are followed by consequences that are satisfying to the organism are more likely to be repeated, and behaviors that are followed by unpleasant consequences are less likely to be repeated( Thorndike, 1911).",the law of effect +"A case study is an in - depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual.",A case study +Intervertebral discs composed of fibrous cartilage lie between adjacent vertebral bodies from the second cervical vertebra to the sacrum.,Intervertebral discs +"The 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act granted tribes the right to conduct traditional ceremonies and rituals, including those that use otherwise prohibited substances like peyote cactus and eagle bones, which can be procured only from vulnerable or protected species.",The 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act +"Some statuses are ascribed — those you do not select, such as son, elderly person, or female.",ascribed +Seligman believed that the dogs who failed to try to escape the later shocks were demonstrating learned helplessness : They had acquired a belief that they were powerless to do anything about the noxious stimulation they were receiving.,learned helplessness +"Influenced by evangelical Protestantism, Garrison and other abolitionists believed in moral suasion, a technique of appealing to the conscience of the public, especially slaveholders.",moral suasion +Behavioral biology is the study of the biological and evolutionary bases for such changes.,Behavioral biology +"Some infected cells, such as those infected by the common cold virus known as rhinovirus, die through lysis( bursting) or apoptosis( programmed cell death or “ cell suicide ”), releasing all progeny virions at once.",lysis apoptosis +"In individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder, there is a compulsive pattern of drug use that is often associated with both physical and psychological dependence. Physical dependence involves changes in normal bodily functions — the user will experience withdrawal from the drug upon cessation of use.",Physical dependence +"These examples describe the visible and invisible rules of conduct through which societies are structured, or what sociologists call norms.",norms +"Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics( the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity.",Sex +A theory is an explanation for patterns in nature that is supported by scientific evidence and verified multiple times by various groups of researchers.,A theory +This very rare genetic disorder is known as congenital insensitivity to pain( or congenital analgesia).,congenital insensitivity to pain congenital analgesia +The strategy of selective engagement — retaining a strong military presence and remaining engaged across the world through alliances and formal installations — is used to protect the national security interests of the United States.,The strategy of selective engagement +These podocytes are connected by an internal system of canals to an opening called the madreporite.,the madreporite +"These dosimeters( literally, dose meters) are personal radiation monitors that detect the amount of radiation by the discharge of a rechargeable internal capacitor.",dosimeters +"Alarm reaction describes the body ’s immediate reaction upon facing a threatening situation or emergency, and it is roughly analogous to the fight - or - flight response described by Cannon.",Alarm reaction +"Microbiology, the study of microorganisms, is the study of the structure and function of single - celled organisms.",Microbiology +The process of adjusting the eye ’s focal length is called accommodation.,accommodation +"His policies in the 1660s through the 1680s established and supported the Restoration colonies : the Carolinas, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.",the Restoration colonies +Whole - genome sequencing is a process that determines the DNA sequence of an entire genome.,Whole - genome sequencing +"Nontariff barriers are all the other ways that a nation can draw up rules, regulations, inspections, and paperwork to make it more costly or difficult to import products.",Nontariff barriers +"In psychoanalysis, therapists help their patients look into their past to uncover repressed feelings.",psychoanalysis +"The Liberty Loan Act allowed the federal government to sell liberty bonds to the American public, extolling citizens to “ do their part ” to help the war effort and bring the troops home.",The Liberty Loan Act +The arrangement of veins in a leaf is called the venation pattern.,the venation pattern +Wavelength refers to the length of a wave from one peak to the next.,Wavelength +"Eccrine glands produce sweat, or perspiration, which is mainly composed of water.",Eccrine glands +Fiber optics employs the transmission of light down fibers of plastic or glass.,Fiber optics +"Sesamoid bones are small, flat bones and are shaped similarly to a sesame seed.",Sesamoid bones +A balance of power means no one nation or region is much more powerful militarily than are the countries of the rest of the world.,A balance of power +"There is a negative feedback( one in which a change produces an effect that opposes that change) between clouds and heat transfer ; greater temperatures evaporate more water to form more clouds, which reflect more radiation back into space, reducing the temperature.",a negative feedback +Tertiary consumers are carnivores that eat other carnivores.,Tertiary consumers +"As you may recall, classical conditioning is a form of learning in which a previously neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus( UCS) that reflexively elicits an unconditioned response( UCR), eliciting the same response through its association with the unconditioned stimulus.",classical conditioning +"Only some of the organisms in have this trait, and to those that do, it is called a shared derived character because this trait derived at some point but does not include all of the ancestors in the tree.",a shared derived character +We define the binding energy( BE) of a nucleus to be the energy required to completely disassemble it into separate protons and neutrons.,the binding energy ( BE ) of a nucleus +"An adaptive radiation is a rapid( less than three million years in the case of the Lake Victoria cichlids) branching through speciation of a phylogenetic tree into many closely related species ; typically, the species “ radiate ” into different habitats and niches.",An adaptive radiation +"Other species, such as the Chytridiomycota that reside in the rumen of cattle, are are obligate anaerobes, in that they only use anaerobic respiration because oxygen will disrupt their metabolism or kill them.",obligate anaerobes +"Whether any specific item qualifies as pork can be controversial, of course, but at least by this measure, pork - barrel spending totaled $ 2.7 billion in 2014.Pork - barrel spending can be encouraged by logrolling, an action in which all members of a group of legislators agree to vote for a package of otherwise unrelated laws that they individually favor.",logrolling +"The term refers to the way people learn what society considered to be “ good ” and “ bad, ” which is important for a smoothly functioning society.",The term +"Although de jure segregation, segregation mandated by law, had ended on paper, in practice, few efforts were made to integrate schools in most school districts with substantial black student populations until the late 1960s.",de jure segregation +"The midbrain is comprised of structures located deep within the brain, between the forebrain and the hindbrain.",The midbrain +This situation is called habitat isolation.,habitat isolation +The hilum is the concave part of the bean - shape where blood vessels and nerves enter and exit the kidney ; it is also the point of exit for the ureters.,The hilum +"There is a well - defined temperature for ferromagnetic materials, which is called the Curie temperature, above which they can not be magnetized.",the Curie temperature +"In dicots, the seed coat is further divided into an outer coat known as the testa and inner coat known as the tegmen.",the testa the tegmen +"The life cycle of frogs, as other amphibians, consists of two distinct stages : the larval stage followed by metamorphosis to an adult stage.",The life cycle of frogs +"The shape of the eye is maintained by fluid pressure, called intraocular pressure, which is normally in the range of 12.0 to 24.0 mm Hg.",intraocular pressure +"However, there are also two periods of severe negative inflation — called deflation — in the early decades of the twentieth century : one following the deep recession of 1920–21 and the other during the Great Depression of the 1930s.",deflation +"As an additional safeguard, the delegates created the Electoral College, the mechanism for choosing the president.",the Electoral College +Endemic species are found in only one location.,Endemic species +Restriction endonucleases recognize specific DNA sequences and cut them in a predictable manner ; they are naturally produced by bacteria as a defense mechanism against foreign DNA.,Restriction endonucleases +Neurobiological theories of panic disorder suggest that a region of the brain called the locus coeruleus may play a role in this disorder.,Neurobiological theories of panic disorder +"Transition substitution refers to a purine or pyrimidine being replaced by a base of the same kind ; for example, a purine such as adenine may be replaced by the purine guanine.",Transition substitution +Personality psychology focuses on patterns of thoughts and behaviors that make each individual unique.,Personality psychology +"An array of approximately 20 types of soluble proteins, called a complement system, functions to destroy extracellular pathogens.",a complement system +"Wernicke ’s area, important for speech comprehension, is also located here.",Wernicke ’s area +"In early 1774, leaders in Parliament responded with a set of four measures designed to punish Massachusetts, commonly known at the Coercive Acts.",the Coercive Acts +These costs of changing prices are called menu costs — like the costs of printing up a new set of menus with different prices in a restaurant.,menu costs +"The airway obstruction is caused by inflammation of the airways( leading to thickening of the airway walls) and a tightening of the muscles around them, resulting in a narrowing of the airways( American Lung Association, 2010).",The airway obstruction +"Sphenodontia( “ wedge tooth ”) arose in the Mesozoic era and includes only one living genus, Tuatara, comprising two species that are found in New Zealand.",Sphenodontia +"The region in space in which a given sensory receptor can respond to a stimulus, be it far away or in contact with the body, is that receptor ’s receptive field.",receptor ’s receptive field +"In primary succession, newly exposed or newly formed land is colonized by living things ; in secondary succession, part of an ecosystem is disturbed and remnants of the previous community remain.",primary succession secondary succession +"Many animal viruses, such as HIV( human immunodeficiency virus), leave the infected cells of the immune system by a process known as budding, where virions leave the cell individually.",budding +Molecules that share the same chemical formula but differ in the placement( structure) of their atoms and/or chemical bonds are known as isomers.,isomers +"The ends of the linear chromosomes are known as telomeres, which have repetitive sequences that code for no particular gene.",telomeres +"So far, the hydrocarbons we have discussed have been aliphatic hydrocarbons, which consist of linear chains of carbon atoms.",aliphatic hydrocarbons +Lichens display a range of colors and textures and can survive in the most unusual and hostile habitats.,Lichens +"The points of sugar delivery, such as roots, young shoots, and developing seeds, are called sinks.",sinks +"An elastic demand or elastic supply is one in which the elasticity is greater than one, indicating a high responsiveness to changes in price.",An elastic demand elastic supply +"Within the pelagic realm is the photic zone, which is the portion of the ocean that light can penetrate( approximately 200 m or 650 ft).",the photic zone +"In January 1790, he delivered his “ Report on Public Credit “, addressing the pressing need of the new republic to become creditworthy.",“ Report on Public Credit “ +"In a random sample, every person in a population has the same chance of being chosen for the study.",a random sample +The suspensor provides a route for nutrition to be transported from the mother plant to the growing embryo.,The suspensor +"One common symptom is hyperplasia, the abnormal proliferation of cells that causes the appearance of plant tumors known as galls.",hyperplasia +"In mammals, sound waves are collected by the external, cartilaginous part of the ear called the pinna, then travel through the auditory canal and cause vibration of the thin diaphragm called the tympanum or ear drum, the innermost part of the outer ear( illustrated in).",the pinna the tympanum ear drum +"Self - disclosure is the sharing of personal information( Laurenceau, Barrett, & Pietromonaco, 1998).",Self - disclosure +"When President John Adams signed the Sedition Act in 1798, which made it a crime to speak openly against the government, the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures passed resolutions declaring the act null on the grounds that they retained the discretion to follow national laws.",the Sedition Act +"Thus, negotiations between unions and firms are sometimes called collective bargaining. The subject of labor unions can be controversial.",collective bargaining +"Turbulent flow, or turbulence, is characterized by eddies and swirls that mix layers of fluid together.",Turbulent flow turbulence +Incoherent means the waves have random phase relationships.,Incoherent +Aquaporins are channel proteins that allow water to pass through the membrane at a very high rate.,Aquaporins +Conformity is the extent to which an individual complies with group norms or expectations.,Conformity +The ASA maintains a code of ethics — formal guidelines for conducting sociological research — consisting of principles and ethical standards to be used in the discipline.,The ASA a code of ethics +"Like the monocular and binocular cues that provided information about depth, the auditory system uses both monaural( one - eared) and binaural( two - eared) cues to localize sound.",monaural binaural +The humerus is the largest and longest bone of the upper limb and the only bone of the arm.,The humerus +The units in which they are measured are thus called fundamental units.,fundamental units +"One of these was the Alliance for Progress, which collaborated with the governments of Latin American countries to promote economic growth and social stability in nations whose populations might find themselves drawn to communism.",the Alliance for Progress +"Other organisms, such as animals, fungi, and most other bacteria, are termed heterotrophs( “ other feeders ”), because they must rely on the sugars produced by photosynthetic organisms for their energy needs.",heterotrophs +Price controls are government laws that serve to regulate prices rather than allow the various markets to determine prices.,Price controls +"Upon implantation, this multi - cellular organism is called an embryo.",an embryo +The inspiratory capacity( IC) is the amount of air that can be inhaled after the end of a normal expiration.,The inspiratory capacity IC +"The insider - outsider model of the labor force, in simple terms, argues that those already working for firms are “ insiders, ” while new employees, at least for a time, are “ outsiders. ”",The insider - outsider model of the labor force +Industrial and organizational( I - O) psychology is a branch of psychology that studies how human behavior and psychology affect work and how they are affected by work.,Industrial and organizational ( I - O ) psychology +Direct current( DC) is the flow of electric charge in only one direction.,Direct current DC +The indirectly observed non - luminous matter is called dark matter.,dark matter +The amplitude of a wave is the height of a wave as measured from the highest point on the wave( peak or crest) to the lowest point on the wave( trough).,The amplitude of a wave +"For instance, Apple designs its next - generation Mac prototype in the United States, components are made in various peripheral nations, they are then shipped to another peripheral nation such as Malaysia for assembly, and tech support is outsourced to India. Globalization has also led to the development of global commodity chains, where internationally integrated economic links connect workers and corporations for the purpose of manufacture and marketing( Plahe 2005).",global commodity chains +In many socialist countries the government is an oligarchy : only members of a certain political party or ruling elite can participate in government.,an oligarchy +"The equilibrium price is the only price where the plans of consumers and the plans of producers agree — that is, where the amount of the product consumers want to buy( quantity demanded) is equal to the amount producers want to sell( quantity supplied).",The equilibrium price +"The plumule is composed of the epicotyl, young leaves, and the shoot apical meristem. Upon germination in dicot seeds, the epicotyl is shaped like a hook with the plumule pointing downwards.",The plumule +"You could also enhance memory by using elaborative rehearsal : a technique in which you think about the meaning of the new information and its relation to knowledge already stored in your memory( Tigner, 1999).",elaborative rehearsal +"Infected cells are identified and destroyed by natural killer( NK) cells, lymphocytes that can kill cells infected with viruses or tumor cells( abnormal cells that uncontrollably divide and invade other tissue).",natural killer ( NK ) cells +"Values portray an ideal culture, the standards society would like to embrace and live up to.",an ideal culture +Ingestion is the process of taking in food through the mouth.,Ingestion +"Another skeletal modification found in most birds is the fusion of the two clavicles( collarbones), forming the furcula or wishbone.",the furcula wishbone +"Mechanoreceptors in the skin are described as encapsulated( that is, surrounded by a capsule) or unencapsulated( a group that includes free nerve endings).",encapsulated unencapsulated +This is the region of DNA to which RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription.,This +"Latent content, on the other hand, refers to the hidden meaning of a dream.",Latent content +"Julian Rotter( 1966) proposed the concept of locus of control, another cognitive factor that affects learning and personality development.",Julian Rotter locus of control +The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of radiation.,The electromagnetic spectrum +"In both sexes, the hypothalamus monitors and causes the release of hormones from the pituitary gland.",the hypothalamus +DNA fragments can also be amplified from an RNA template in a process called reverse transcriptase PCR( RT - PCR).,a process called reverse transcriptase PCR RT - PCR +"Las Casas ’s writing about the Spaniards ’ horrific treatment of Indians helped inspire the so - called Black Legend, the idea that the Spanish were bloodthirsty conquerors with no regard for human life.",Black Legend +A uniporter carries one specific ion or molecule.,A uniporter +"So successful have QCD and the electroweak theory been that, taken together, they are called the Standard Model.",the Standard Model +"The outer layer of cells is called the epicardium, of which the second layer is a membranous layered structure called the pericardium that surrounds and protects the heart ; it allows enough room for vigorous pumping but also keeps the heart in place to reduce friction between the heart and other structures.",the epicardium the pericardium +"link] shows a method of induction wherein a charge is created in a nearby object, without direct contact.",induction +"The 5 ' cap, which is placed on the 5 ' end of the mRNA, is usually composed of a methylated guanosine triphosphate molecule( GTP).",The 5 ' cap +"The vascular tissue in the root is arranged in the inner portion of the root, which is called the stele.",the stele +The organism that receives the recombinant DNA is called a genetically modified organism( GMO).,a genetically modified organism GMO +"This is sometimes called a cross section, and, if the transverse cut is at an angle, it is called an oblique plane.",a cross section an oblique plane +"A tap root system has a main root that grows down vertically, and from which many smaller lateral roots arise.",A tap root system +Perception is an individual ’s interpretation of a sensation.,Perception +"In late 1941, the program received its code name : the Manhattan Project.",the Manhattan Project +"Pine cones, mature fronds of ferns, and flowers are all sporophylls — leaves that were modified structurally to bear sporangia.",sporophylls +"It states : Whenever one body exerts a force on a second body, the first body experiences a force that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that the first body exerts.",It +"In Emsleyan/ Mertensian mimicry, a deadly prey mimics a less dangerous one, such as the venomous coral snake mimicking the non - venomous milk snake.",Emsleyan / Mertensian mimicry +"Another area that seems illogical is the idea of mental accounting, or putting dollars in different mental categories where they take different values.",mental accounting +"Accessory fruits( sometimes called false fruits) are not derived from the ovary, but from another part of the flower, such as the receptacle( strawberry) or the hypanthium( apples and pears).",Accessory fruits false fruits +"When two lineages stem from the same branch point, they are called sister taxa.",sister taxa +Validity refers to the extent to which a given instrument or tool accurately measures what it ’s supposed to measure.,Validity +"Another cognitive theory of depression, hopelessness theory, postulates that a particular style of negative thinking leads to a sense of hopelessness, which then leads to depression( Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989).",hopelessness theory +"Within the pelagic realm is the photic zone, which is the portion of the ocean that light can penetrate( approximately 200 m or 650 ft).",the photic zone +"The cells, called chondrocytes, make the matrix and fibers of the tissue.",chondrocytes +The reform efforts of the antebellum era sprang from the Protestant revival fervor that found expression in what historians refer to as the Second Great Awakening.,the Second Great Awakening +"Net national product( NNP) is calculated by taking GNP and then subtracting the value of how much physical capital is worn out, or reduced in value because of aging, over the course of a year.",Net national product NNP +"The gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs through small, regulated openings called stomata( singular : stoma), which also play roles in the regulation of gas exchange and water balance.",stomata +"These conventions are the definition of a media circus at which high - ranking politicians, party elites, and sometimes celebrities, such as actor/ director Clint Eastwood, along with individuals many consider to be the future leaders of the party are brought before the public so the party can make its best case for being the one to direct the future of the country.",These conventions +"The two sides agreed that one Southern Democrat would be appointed to Hayes ’s cabinet, Democrats would control federal patronage( the awarding of government jobs) in their areas in the South, and there would be a commitment to generous internal improvements, including federal aid for the Texas and Pacific Railway.",federal patronage +Absolute threshold refers to the minimum amount of stimulus energy that must be present for the stimulus to be detected 50 % of the time.,Absolute threshold +This distinguishing feature of land plants gave the group its alternate name of embryophytes.,embryophytes +"Congressional apportionment today is achieved through the equal proportions method, which uses a mathematical formula to allocate seats based on U.S. Census Bureau population data, gathered every ten years as required by the Constitution.",the equal proportions method +Medicaid was created by Congress in 1965 and is a joint health insurance program entered into by both the states and the federal government.,Medicaid +A lineage that evolved early from the root and remains unbranched is called basal taxon.,basal taxon +"By 40 million years ago, evidence indicates that monkeys were present in the New World( South America) and the Old World( Africa and Asia).",the New World the Old World +"Tropomyosin blocks myosin binding sites on actin molecules, preventing cross - bridge formation and preventing contraction in a muscle without nervous input.",Tropomyosin +"The PNS can be broken down into the autonomic nervous system, which controls bodily functions without conscious control, and the sensory - somatic nervous system, which transmits sensory information from the skin, muscles, and sensory organs to the CNS and sends motor commands from the CNS to the muscles.",the autonomic nervous system the sensory - somatic nervous system +This is called acclimatization.,acclimatization +Only recently was it found that often they receive assistance in the folding process from protein helpers known as chaperones( or chaperonins) that associate with the target protein during the folding process.,chaperones chaperonins +Socialization is the process through which people are taught to be proficient members of a society.,Socialization +"DNA barcoding is one molecular genetic method, which takes advantage of rapid evolution in a mitochondrial gene present in eukaryotes, excepting the plants, to identify species using the sequence of portions of the gene.",DNA barcoding +The second pair of appendages is known as pedipalps.,pedipalps +"This was especially true following the Soviet Union ’s launch of Sputnik, the first manmade satellite, in October 1957.",Sputnik +"School and classroom rituals, led by teachers serving as role models and leaders, regularly reinforce what society expects from children.",School and classroom rituals +Bonds that offer high interest rates to compensate for their relatively high chance of default are called high yield bonds or junk bonds.,high yield bonds junk bonds +"Hadrons are particles that feel the strong nuclear force, whereas leptons are particles that do not.",Hadrons leptons +The gap between the level of real GDP at the equilibrium E0 and potential GDP is called an inflationary gap.,an inflationary gap +"Some people, however, experience anxiety that is excessive, persistent, and greatly out of proportion to the actual threat ; if one ’s anxiety has a disruptive influence on one ’s life, this is a strong indicator that the individual is experiencing an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive and persistent fear and anxiety, and by related disturbances in behavior( APA, 2013).",Anxiety disorders +"To dissuade the Soviets from making additional inroads in southwest Asia, he proposed the Carter Doctrine, which stated that the United States would regard any attempt to interfere with its interests in the Middle East as an act of aggression to be met with force if necessary.",the Carter Doctrine +"A related, but not identical, concept is called bundling, where two or more products are sold as one.",bundling +"A variation on incomplete dominance is codominance, in which both alleles for the same characteristic are simultaneously expressed in the heterozygote.",codominance +A measure of this limit on charge flow is called resistance.,resistance +The ligands that promote cell growth are called growth factors.,growth factors +"A phoneme( e.g., the sounds “ ah ” vs. “ eh ”) is a basic sound unit of a given language, and different languages have different sets of phonemes.",A phoneme +The APA is a professional organization representing psychologists in the United States.,The APA +"In a federal system, power is divided between the federal( or national) government and the state governments.",a federal system +"In cohesion, water molecules are attracted to each other( because of hydrogen bonding), keeping the molecules together at the liquid - gas( water - air) interface, although there is no more room in the glass.",cohesion +"Generally, households or firms with insurance make regular payments, called premiums.",premiums +"In normative social influence, people conform to the group norm to fit in, to feel good, and to be accepted by the group.",normative social influence +Visible light is the narrow segment of the electromagnetic spectrum to which the normal human eye responds.,Visible light +A person ’s genotype is the genetic makeup of that individual.,A person ’s genotype +Disorganized thinking refers to disjointed and incoherent thought processes — usually detected by what a person says.,Disorganized thinking +"Categorical grants are federal transfers formulated to limit recipients ’ discretion in the use of funds and subject them to strict administrative criteria that guide project selection, performance, and financial oversight, among other things.",Categorical grants +Amnesia refers to the partial or total forgetting of some experience or event.,Amnesia +"Located in the neck, the thyroid gland releases hormones that regulate growth, metabolism, and appetite.",the thyroid gland +"Three years later, national regulatory capacity was broadened by the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which made it illegal to monopolize or attempt to monopolize and conspire in restraining commerce( Figure 03_02_Commerce).",the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 +"A private company can be run by individuals, in which case it is called a sole proprietorship, or it can be run by a group, in which case it is a partnership.",a sole proprietorship +"This result is often termed the free rider problem, because some individuals can receive benefits( get a free ride) without helping to bear the cost.",the free rider problem get a free ride +A dimer is a chemical compound formed when two molecules( often identical) join together.,A dimer +"Because of the hydrophobic nature of waxes, they prevent water from sticking on the surface.",hydrophobic +An anchoring bias occurs when you focus on one piece of information when making a decision or solving a problem.,An anchoring bias +This system sorts organisms into clades : groups of organisms that descended from a single ancestor.,This system +"The collection of all forms of media that communicate information to the general public is called mass media, including television, print, radio, and Internet.",mass media +"As you may recall, net work changes the kinetic energy of a system.",net work +"A firm( or business) combines inputs of labor, capital, land, and raw or finished component materials to produce outputs.",A firm business +"Recessive traits become latent, or disappear, in the offspring of a hybridization.",Recessive traits +"A base provides either hydroxide ions( OH –) or other negatively charged ions that combine with hydrogen ions, reducing their concentration in the solution and thereby raising the pH.",A base +"For example, iron awls made the creation of shell beads among the native people of the Eastern Woodlands much easier, and the result was an astonishing increase in the production of wampum, shell beads used in ceremonies and as jewelry and currency.",wampum +The Boston Port Act shut down Boston Harbor until the East India Company was repaid.,The Boston Port Act +"During the mitotic phase, the replicated DNA and cytoplasmic contents are separated, and the cell divides.",the mitotic phase +"Others have proposed abandoning any tree - like model of phylogeny in favor of a ring structure, the so - called “ ring of life ” ; a phylogenetic model where all three domains of life evolved from a pool of primitive prokaryotes.",“ ring of life ” +Gerrymandering is the manipulation of legislative district boundaries as a way of favoring a particular candidate.,Gerrymandering +"They use the term impairment to describe the physical limitations, while reserving the term disability to refer to the social limitation.",impairment disability +The Help America Vote Act of 2002( HAVA) was passed in order to reform voting across the states and reduce these problems.,The Help America Vote Act of 2002 HAVA +"Soil bacteria, collectively called rhizobia, are able to symbiotically interact with legumes to form nodules, specialized structures where nitrogen fixation occurs.",rhizobia nodules +"A scalar is any quantity that has a magnitude, but no direction.",A scalar +"And an inherent power, while not enumerated or implied, must be assumed to exist as a direct result of the country ’s existence.",an inherent power +"Meiosis II, in which the second round of meiotic division takes place, includes prophase II, prometaphase II, and so on.",Meiosis II +"Prokaryotes recycle nutrients — essential substances( such as carbon and nitrogen) — and they drive the evolution of new ecosystems, some of which are natural and others man - made.",nutrients +Cells that a virus may use to replicate are called permissive.,permissive +"Finally, the desire of office holders in each branch of government to exercise the powers given to them, described as “ personal motives, ” would encourage them to limit any attempt by the other branches to overstep their authority.",personal motives +Risk measures the uncertainty of that project ’s profitability.,Risk +"In ovoviparity, fertilized eggs are retained in the female, but the embryo obtains its nourishment from the egg ’s yolk and the young are fully developed when they are hatched.",ovoviparity +Point mutations are those mutations that affect a single base pair.,Point mutations +"The lowest resonant frequency is called the fundamental, while all higher resonant frequencies are called overtones.",the fundamental overtones +The theory posits that social stratification represents the inherently unequal value of different work.,The theory +"But for technophiles, technology symbolizes the potential for a brighter future.",technophiles +"To a mathematician or an economist, a variable is the name given to a quantity that may assume a range of values.",a variable +Gnathostomes or “ jaw - mouths ” are vertebrates that possess jaws.,Gnathostomes “ jaw - mouths ” +"In a second type, the Glomeromycete fungi form vesicular – arbuscular interactions with arbuscular mycorrhiza( sometimes called endomycorrhizae).",the Glomeromycete fungi +"There are three different ways that a brain can be sectioned in order to view internal structures : a sagittal section cuts the brain left to right, as shown in b, a coronal section cuts the brain front to back, as shown in a, and a horizontal section cuts the brain top to bottom. Cerebral CortexThe outermost part of the brain is a thick piece of nervous system tissue called the cerebral cortex, which is folded into hills called gyri( singular : gyrus) and valleys called sulci( singular : sulcus).",the cerebral cortex +Collenchyma cells are elongated cells with unevenly thickened walls.,Collenchyma cells +"Topics that remain at the forefront of public debate today include immigration reform, the DREAM Act( a proposal for granting undocumented immigrants permanent residency in stages), and court action on President Obama ’s executive orders on immigration.",the DREAM Act +"Another approach is to require a cosigner on a loan ; that is, another person or firm who legally pledges to repay some or all of the money if the original borrower does not do so.",a cosigner on a loan +Private interests usually seek particularized benefits from government that favor either a single interest or a narrow set of interests.,Private interests +The GH mediated increase in blood glucose levels is called a diabetogenic effect because it is similar to the high blood glucose levels seen in diabetes mellitus.,a diabetogenic effect +The range of radiation is defined to be the distance it can travel through a material.,The range of radiation +"Believing he had landed in the East Indies, Columbus called the native Taínos he found there “ Indios, ” giving rise to the term “ Indian ” for any native people of the New World.",Indios Indian +"This demand is determined by a number of factors, but one of them is the price level — recall though, that the price level is an index number such as the GDP deflator that measures the average price of the things we buy.",the price level +The zygomycetes are a relatively small group of fungi belonging to the Phylum Zygomycota.,The zygomycetes +An adjustable - rate mortgage( ARM) is a kind of loan used to purchase a home in which the interest rate varies with the rate of inflation.,An adjustable - rate mortgage ARM +These temporarily induced magnets are called electromagnets.,electromagnets +"The Bush administration also pushed the USA Patriot Act through Congress, which enabled law enforcement agencies to monitor citizens ’ e - mails and phone conversations without a warrant.",the USA Patriot Act +"It imposes an excise tax — that is, a tax on a particular good — on gasoline, tobacco, and alcohol.",an excise tax +"The neuron is a small information processor, and dendrites serve as input sites where signals are received from other neurons.",The neuron +It listed eight specific legislative reforms or initiatives the Republicans would enact if they gained a majority in Congress in the 1994 midterm elections.,It +The Quartering Act of 1765 addressed the problem of housing British soldiers stationed in the American colonies.,The Quartering Act of 1765 +Erikson ’s psychosocial development theory emphasizes the social nature of our development rather than its sexual nature.,Erikson ’s psychosocial development theory +"One method is known as predatory pricing, in which a firm uses the threat of sharp price cuts to discourage competition.",predatory pricing +"Podocytes, cells specialized for ultrafiltration of bodily fluids, are present near the center of echinoderms.",Podocytes +Labeling theory examines the ascribing of a deviant behavior to another person by members of society.,Labeling theory +"Osteons are cylindrical structures that contain a mineral matrix and living osteocytes connected by canaliculi, which transport blood.",Osteons +"This waxy region, known as the Casparian strip, forces water and solutes to cross the plasma membranes of endodermal cells instead of slipping between the cells.",the Casparian strip +"The Clery Act of 1990, formally the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, requires public and private colleges and universities that participate in federal student aid programs to disclose information about campus crime.",The Clery Act of 1990 the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act +"Durkheim also believed that social integration, or the strength of ties that people have to their social groups, was a key factor in social life.",social integration +Succession describes the sequential appearance and disappearance of species in a community over time.,Succession +"The Controlled Substances Act( CSA), passed by Congress in 1970, declares marijuana a dangerous drug and makes its sale a prosecutable act.",The Controlled Substances Act CSA +The clitoris is a structure with erectile tissue that contains a large number of sensory nerves and serves as a source of stimulation during intercourse.,The clitoris +"In 1971, the Supreme Court heard the Pentagon Papers case, in which the U.S. government sued the New York Times and the Washington Post to stop the release of information from a classified study of the Vietnam War.",the Pentagon Papers case +Peer GroupsA peer group is made up of people who are similar in age and social status and who share interests.,GroupsA peer group +The plant hormone abscisic acid( ABA) was first discovered as the agent that causes the abscission or dropping of cotton bolls.,abscisic acid ABA +"link] shows Alphonso ’s budget constraint, that is, the outer boundary of his opportunity set.",budget constraint +"Sternberg( 1986) states that a healthy relationship will have all three components of love — intimacy, passion, and commitment — which is described as consummate love.",consummate love +"Finally, the conclusion section summarizes the importance of the experimental findings.",the conclusion section +"Festinger ’s theory of cognitive dissonance states that when we experience a conflict in our behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs that runs counter to our positive self - perceptions, we experience psychological discomfort( dissonance).",Festinger ’s theory of cognitive dissonance dissonance +Body language is the expression of emotion in terms of body position or movement.,Body language +"One example of the pressure these firms can exert on one another is the kinked demand curve, in which competing oligopoly firms commit to match price cuts, but not price increases.",the kinked demand curve +"With the uninvolved style of parenting, the parents are indifferent, uninvolved, and sometimes referred to as neglectful.",the uninvolved style of parenting +A person with restless leg syndrome has uncomfortable sensations in the legs during periods of inactivity or when trying to fall asleep.,restless leg syndrome +"This drive was actually an extension of the earlier military conflict between Christians and Muslims for domination of the Holy Land( the Biblical region of Palestine), known as the Crusades.",the Crusades +"Accurate information is sometimes not available because corporate governance, the name economists give to the institutions that are supposed to watch over top executives, fails, as the following Clear It Up feature on Lehman Brothers shows. How did lack of corporate governance lead to the Lehman Brothers failure ?",corporate governance +Pharyngeal slits are openings in the pharynx( the region just posterior to the mouth) that extend to the outside environment.,Pharyngeal slits the pharynx +The process by which capital ages and loses value is called depreciation.,depreciation +Synovial joints are the only joints that have a space between the adjoining bones.,Synovial joints +"The bureau in question is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau( CFPB), an agency created in 2011 specifically to oversee certain financial industries that had proven themselves to be especially prone to abusive practices, such as sub - prime mortgage lenders and payday lenders.",the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau CFPB +Lateral meristems facilitate growth in thickness or girth in a maturing plant.,Lateral meristems +This is antielectron or positron decay( see).,antielectron positron decay +"Accustomed to representative democracy, jury trials, and the defendant ’s right to appear before a judge, the Anglo - American settlers in Texas also disliked the Mexican legal system, which provided for an initial hearing by an alcalde, an administrator who often combined the duties of mayor, judge, and law enforcement officer.",the Mexican legal system +"In 1896, Adolph Ochs purchased the New York Times with the goal of creating a dignified newspaper that would provide readers with important news about the economy, politics, and the world rather than gossip and comics.",the New York Times +Chemical reactions occur when two or more atoms bond together to form molecules or when bonded atoms are broken apart.,Chemical reactions +The myocardium consists of the heart muscle cells that make up the middle layer and the bulk of the heart wall.,The myocardium +Electromagnetism is the use of electric current to make magnets.,Electromagnetism +"We now know that these EM emissions come from electrons transitioning between energy levels in individual atoms and molecules ; thus, they are called atomic spectra.",atomic spectra +"Neutron flux should be carefully regulated to avoid an exponential increase in fissions, a condition called supercriticality.",supercriticality +"Secondary growth is characterized by an increase in thickness or girth of the plant, and is caused by cell division in the lateral meristem.",Secondary growth +"Fiat money has no intrinsic value, but is declared by a government to be the legal tender of a country.",Fiat money +"With anterograde amnesia, you can not remember new information, although you can remember information and events that happened prior to your injury.",anterograde amnesia +"The stomach of birds has two chambers : the proventriculus, where gastric juices are produced to digest the food before it enters the stomach, and the gizzard, where the food is stored, soaked, and mechanically ground.",the proventriculus the gizzard +"Banks are a financial intermediary — that is, an institution that operates between a saver who deposits money in a bank and a borrower who receives a loan from that bank.",financial intermediary +Microglia scavenge and degrade dead cells and protect the brain from invading microorganisms.,Microglia +"Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to understand the emotions of yourself and others, show empathy, understand social relationships and cues, and regulate your own emotions and respond in culturally appropriate ways( Parker, Saklofske, & Stough, 2009).",Emotional intelligence +"Merkel ’s disks( shown in) are found in the upper layers of skin near the base of the epidermis, both in skin that has hair and on glabrous skin, that is, the hairless skin found on the palms and fingers, the soles of the feet, and the lips of humans and other primates.",Merkel ’s disks glabrous skin +"These photoreceptor cells, known as cones, are light - detecting cells.",cones +"So far, the hydrocarbons we have discussed have been aliphatic hydrocarbons, which consist of linear chains of carbon atoms.",aliphatic hydrocarbons +"The two centrosomes will give rise to the mitotic spindle, the apparatus that orchestrates the movement of chromosomes during mitosis.",the mitotic spindle +"Economists refer to this pattern as the law of diminishing marginal utility, which means that as a person receives more of a good, the additional( or marginal) utility from each additional unit of the good declines.",the law of diminishing marginal utility +"Let ’s begin with a brief overview of the spectacular patterns of economic growth around the world in the last two centuries, commonly referred to as the period of modern economic growth.",modern economic growth +"Impaired insulin function can lead to a condition called diabetes mellitus, the main symptoms of which are illustrated in.",diabetes mellitus +The marginal revenue curve shows the additional revenue gained from selling one more unit.,The marginal revenue curve +"Hyposecretion of the corticosteroids can cause Addison ’s disease, which may result in bronzing of the skin, hypoglycemia, and low electrolyte levels in the blood.",Addison ’s disease +Ecologists also study interactions among various species ; members of different species are called heterospecifics.,heterospecifics +"The intertidal sea star, Pisaster ochraceus, of the northwestern United States is a keystone species.",Pisaster ochraceus +Its fan - shaped leaves — unique among seed plants because they feature a dichotomous venation pattern — turn yellow in autumn and fall from the tree.,a dichotomous venation pattern +Spinal nerves transmit sensory and motor information between the spinal cord and the rest of the body.,Spinal nerves +"Rock the Vote began in 1990, with the goal of bringing music, art, and pop culture together to encourage the youth to participate in government.",Rock the Vote +Autoinducers are signaling molecules secreted by bacteria to communicate with other bacteria of the same kind.,Autoinducers +The first law of thermodynamics states that the change in internal energy of a system equals the net heat transfer into the system minus the net work done by the system.,The first law of thermodynamics +Our formal study of physics begins with kinematics which is defined as the study of motion without considering its causes.,kinematics +"Whereas children in the concrete operational stage are able to think logically only about concrete events, children in the formal operational stage can also deal with abstract ideas and hypothetical situations.",the concrete operational stage the formal operational stage +Interaural level difference refers to the fact that a sound coming from the right side of your body is more intense at your right ear than at your left ear because of the attenuation of the sound wave as it passes through your head.,Interaural level difference +"Each retinex forms an image that is compared with the others, and the eye - brain system thus can compare a candle - illuminated white table cloth with its generally reddish surroundings and determine that it is actually white.",retinex +"Adolescence is the period of development that begins at puberty and ends at emerging adulthood, which is discussed later.",Adolescence +"The response to the original, unconditioned stimulus is called the unconditioned response.",the unconditioned response +"The smooth muscles of the esophagus undergo a series of wave like movements called peristalsis that push the food toward the stomach, as illustrated in.",peristalsis +"In macroeconomics, the connection from inputs to outputs for the entire economy is called an aggregate production function.",an aggregate production function +"He advanced the idea of a concurrent majority, a majority of a separate region( that would otherwise be in the minority of the nation) with the power to veto or disallow legislation put forward by a hostile majority.",a concurrent majority +"Stanley Milgram was a social psychology professor at Yale who was influenced by the trial of Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi war criminal.",Stanley Milgram +A lineage that evolved early from the root and remains unbranched is called basal taxon.,basal taxon +"A third very interesting group of bacteria synthesize sugars, not by using sunlight ’s energy, but by extracting energy from inorganic chemical compounds ; hence, they are referred to as chemoautotrophs.",chemoautotrophs +"These chemical reactions are called endergonic reactions, and they are non - spontaneous.",endergonic reactions +Writing another person ’s words as if they are one ’s own has a name — plagiarism.,plagiarism +An agent of political socialization is a source of political information intended to help citizens understand how to act in their political system and how to make decisions on political matters.,An agent of political socialization +"Thus, a standard recommendation from financial investors is diversification, which means buying stocks or bonds from a wide range of companies.",diversification +"Deindustrialization, a related issue, occurs as a consequence of capital flight, as no new companies open to replace jobs lost to foreign nations.",Deindustrialization +"Memory is the set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve information over different periods of time.",Memory +"These crown - sanctioned tribunals, which settled disputes that occurred at sea, operated without juries.",These crown - sanctioned tribunals +"In effect, command - and - control regulation requires that firms increase their costs by installing anti - pollution equipment ; firms are thus required to take the social costs of pollution into account.",command - and - control regulation +"After the 1819 Adams - Onís Treaty defined the U.S. - Mexico boundary, the Spanish Mexican government began actively encouraging Americans to settle their northern province.",the 1819 Adams - Onís Treaty +"The middle ear holds three small bones called the ossicles, which transfer energy from the moving tympanum to the inner ear.",the ossicles +When new firms enter the industry in response to increased industry profits it is called entry.,entry +"There are now several synthetic versions of opiate drugs( correctly called opioids) that have very potent painkilling effects, and they are often abused.",opioids +"In addition to these expressed powers, the national government was given implied powers that, while not clearly stated, are inferred.",implied powers +The region that a particular transcription factor binds to is called the transcription factor binding site.,the transcription factor binding site +Stamens are composed of a thin stalk called a filament and a sac - like structure called the anther.,Stamens +"Often called “ food stamps, ” Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program( SNAP) is a federally funded program, started in 1964, in which each month poor people receive a card like a debit card that they can use to buy food.",food stamps Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ( SNAP ) +"The situation in which Choice A is preferred by a majority over Choice B, Choice B is preferred by a majority over Choice C, and Choice C is preferred by a majority over Choice A is called a voting cycle.",a voting cycle +"This is called pseudostratified, columnar epithelia.","pseudostratified , columnar epithelia" +Kübler - Ross ’s work is generally considered a major contribution to thanatology : the systematic study of death and dying.,thanatology +"Introduced earlier in GUTS : The Unification of Forces Superstring theory is an attempt to unify gravity with the other three forces and, thus, must contain quantum gravity.",Superstring theory +"The other is legal monopoly, where laws prohibit( or severely limit) competition.",legal monopoly +Cognitive psychology is the field of psychology dedicated to examining how people think.,Cognitive psychology +"The exine contains sporopollenin, a complex waterproofing substance supplied by the tapetal cells.",sporopollenin +"The Enola Gay, a B-29 bomber named after its pilot ’s mother, dropped an atomic bomb known as “ Little Boy ” on Hiroshima at 8:15 a.m. Monday morning, August 6, 1945.",The Enola Gay “ Little Boy ” +"However, the country ’s many bureaucrats or civil servants, the individuals who work in the bureaucracy, fill necessary and even instrumental roles in every area of government : from high - level positions in foreign affairs and intelligence collection agencies to clerks and staff in the smallest regulatory agencies.",bureaucrats civil servants +"A bill of attainder is a law that convicts or punishes someone for a crime without a trial, a tactic used fairly frequently in England against the king ’s enemies.",A bill of attainder +"The privileges and immunities clause of Article IV asserts that states are prohibited from discriminating against out - of - staters by denying them such guarantees as access to courts, legal protection, property rights, and travel rights.",The privileges and immunities clause of Article IV +"When one firm purchases another, it is called an acquisition.",an acquisition +The movement of the economy from peak to trough and trough to peak is called the business cycle.,the business cycle +"Newton ’s first law says that a net external force causes a change in motion ; thus, we see that a net external force causes acceleration.",Newton ’s first law +"Moreover, the theory of comparative advantage suggests that each economy should specialize to a degree in certain products, and then exchange those products.",the theory of comparative advantage +"In larger organisms, cells combine to make tissues, which are groups of similar cells carrying out similar or related functions.",tissues +The third and innermost layer is the renal capsule.,the renal capsule +"Sutural bones are small, flat, irregularly shaped bones.",Sutural bones +"A mutation is a sudden, permanent change in a gene.",A mutation +"The most prized piece of European weaponry to obtain was a musket, or light, long - barreled European gun.",a musket +"Intrinsically motivated behaviors are performed because of the sense of personal satisfaction that they bring, while extrinsically motivated behaviors are performed in order to receive something from others.",Intrinsically motivated behaviors extrinsically motivated behaviors +"Renin acts on angiotensinogen, which is made in the liver and converts it to angiotensin I. Angiotensin converting enzyme( ACE) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II.",Angiotensin converting enzyme ACE +A substance or object that emits nuclear radiation is said to be radioactive.,radioactive +"While republicanism offered an alternative to monarchy, it was also an alternative to democracy, a system of government characterized by majority rule, where the majority of citizens have the power to make decisions binding upon the whole.",democracy +A neutrophil is also a phagocytic leukocyte that engulfs and digests pathogens.,A neutrophil +"Thus, meiosis I is the first round of meiotic division and consists of prophase I, prometaphase I, and so on.",meiosis I +A plasma cell is an immune cell that secrets antibodies ; these cells arise from B cells that were stimulated by antigens.,A plasma cell +We have already identified protons as the particles that carry positive charge in the nuclei.,protons +"Communication between cells is called intercellular signaling, and communication within a cell is called intracellular signaling.",intercellular signaling intracellular signaling +"The first cytokines to be produced are pro - inflammatory ; that is, they encourage inflammation, the localized redness, swelling, heat, and pain that result from the movement of leukocytes and fluid through increasingly permeable capillaries to a site of infection.",pro - inflammatory inflammation +"One goal of behavioral biology is to dissect out the innate behaviors, which have a strong genetic component and are largely independent of environmental influences, from the learned behaviors, which result from environmental conditioning.",the innate behaviors the learned behaviors +"The final entry under assets is reserves, which is money that the bank keeps on hand, and that is not loaned out or invested in bonds — and thus does not lead to interest payments.",reserves +"An elastic demand or elastic supply is one in which the elasticity is greater than one, indicating a high responsiveness to changes in price.",An elastic demand elastic supply +"Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms, etiology( i.e., their causes), and treatment.",Psychopathology +"Three of the most important components that affect the issues above are fertility, mortality, and migration. The fertility rate of a society is a measure noting the number of children born.",The fertility rate +"The reverse, when a woman is married to more than one man at the same time, is called polyandry.",polyandry +"The dermal tissue of the stem consists primarily of epidermis, a single layer of cells covering and protecting the underlying tissue.",epidermis +Economists call this inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded the law of demand.,the law of demand +"However, because he did not win the majority( more than half) of the available electoral votes, the election was decided by the House of Representatives, as required by the Twelfth Amendment.",the majority +"To obtain a view of an individual ’s karyotype, cytologists photograph the chromosomes and then cut and paste each chromosome into a chart, or karyogram, also known as an ideogram.",karyogram an ideogram +"Douglas McGregor( 1960) combined scientific management( a theory of management that analyzes and synthesizes workflows with the main objective of improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity) and human relations into the notion of leadership behavior.",scientific management +"Phenotype, on the other hand, refers to the individual ’s inherited physical characteristics, which are a combination of genetic and environmental influences.",Phenotype +A Bank ’s Balance SheetA balance sheet is an accounting tool that lists assets and liabilities.,SheetA balance sheet +"Also, the transaction may be characterized by asymmetric information, in which one party has more information than the other regarding the economic transaction.",asymmetric information +This law prohibited American ships from leaving their ports until Britain and France stopped seizing them on the high seas.,This law +"In order to describe the motion of an object, you must first be able to describe its position — where it is at any particular time.",position +"A megachurch is a Christian church that has a very large congregation averaging more than 2,000 people who attend regular weekly services.",A megachurch +Microglia scavenge and degrade dead cells and protect the brain from invading microorganisms.,Microglia +"When the hearing problem is associated with a failure to transmit neural signals from the cochlea to the brain, it is called sensorineural hearing loss.",sensorineural hearing loss +Sociologist William F. Ogburn coined the term culture lag to refer to this time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture( Ogburn 1957).,culture lag +"Festinger ’s theory of cognitive dissonance states that when we experience a conflict in our behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs that runs counter to our positive self - perceptions, we experience psychological discomfort( dissonance).",Festinger ’s theory of cognitive dissonance +Kirchhoff ’s rules for circuit analysis are applications of conservation laws to circuits.,Kirchhoff ’s rules for circuit analysis +"Gaseous nitrogen is transformed, or “ fixed ” into more readily available forms such as ammonia through the process of nitrogen fixation.",nitrogen fixation +Lymph is a watery fluid that bathes tissues and organs with protective white blood cells and does not contain erythrocytes.,Lymph +"Holography is the process of producing holograms and, although they are recorded on photographic film, the process is quite different from normal photography.",Holography +One proposed group of WIMPs would have masses several orders of magnitude greater than nucleons and are sometimes called neutralinos.,neutralinos +"A sample is a subset of individuals selected from a population, which is the overall group of individuals that the researchers are interested in.",A sample +"The situation was made worse in October 1973, when Syria and Egypt jointly attacked Israel to recover territory that had been lost in 1967, starting the Yom Kippur War.",the Yom Kippur War +"In research, independent variables are the cause of the change.",independent variables +"Assimilation is the biomass( energy content generated per unit area) of the present trophic level after accounting for the energy lost due to incomplete ingestion of food, energy used for respiration, and energy lost as waste.",Assimilation +"Because we often feel a strong sense of belonging and emotional connection to our in - groups, we develop in - group bias : a preference for our own group over other groups.",in - group bias +Gene variants that arise by mutation and exist at the same relative locations on homologous chromosomes are called alleles.,alleles +The acceleration of free - falling objects is therefore called the acceleration due to gravity.,the acceleration due to gravity +"All other phenotypes or genotypes are considered variants of this standard, meaning that they deviate from the wild type.",variants +"Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics( the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity.",Sex +These powers are known as reserved powers.,reserved +"There are three types of unilateral descent : patrilineal, which follows the father ’s line only ; matrilineal, which follows the mother ’s side only ; and ambilineal, which follows either the father ’s only or the mother ’s side only, depending on the situation.",patrilineal matrilineal ambilineal +"Hindsight bias leads you to believe that the event you just experienced was predictable, even though it really was n’t.",Hindsight bias +"A cranium is a bony, cartilaginous, or fibrous structure surrounding the brain, jaw, and facial bones.",A cranium +"In partial reinforcement, also referred to as intermittent reinforcement, the person or animal does not get reinforced every time they perform the desired behavior.",partial reinforcement intermittent reinforcement +"In late 1941, the program received its code name : the Manhattan Project.",the Manhattan Project +"This philosophy stated that all Christians, whether they were church leaders or social reformers, should be as concerned about the conditions of life in the secular world as the afterlife, and the Reverend Washington Gladden was a major advocate.",This philosophy +"The amygdala is composed of various subnuclei, including the basolateral complex and the central nucleus.",The amygdala +Relative poverty is a state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society ’s average standard of living.,Relative poverty +"The end of the Civil War saw the beginning of the Reconstruction era, when former rebel Southern states were integrated back into the Union.",the Reconstruction era +An instrumental leader is one who is goal - oriented and largely concerned with accomplishing set tasks.,An instrumental leader +"This process is called summation and occurs at the axon hillock, as illustrated in.",summation +"Health psychology focuses on how health is affected by the interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.",Health psychology +"In shotgun sequencing method, several copies of a DNA fragment are cut randomly into many smaller pieces( somewhat like what happens to a round shot cartridge when fired from a shotgun).",shotgun sequencing method +"The creation of the Department of Homeland Security federalized disaster response power in Washington, and the Transportation Security Administration was created to federalize airport security.",the Department of Homeland Security the Transportation Security Administration +The spinal cord is a thick bundle of nerve tissue that carries information about the body to the brain and from the brain to the body.,The spinal cord +"A second method of conducting monetary policy is for the central bank to raise or lower the reserve requirement, which, as we noted earlier, is the percentage of each bank ’s deposits that it is legally required to hold either as cash in their vault or on deposit with the central bank.",the reserve requirement +Economists have a term to describe the remaining level of unemployment that occurs even when the economy is healthy : it is called the natural rate of unemployment.,the natural rate of unemployment +"Chitinous hairlike extensions, anchored in the epidermis and projecting from the cuticle, called setae/ chaetae are present in every segment.",setae chaetae +"The price elasticity of supply is the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price. Elasticities can be usefully divided into three broad categories : elastic, inelastic, and unitary.",The price elasticity of supply +"The object is called a projectile, and its path is called its trajectory.",a projectile trajectory +Tertiary consumers are carnivores that eat other carnivores.,Tertiary consumers +"Biomagnification is the increasing concentration of persistent, toxic substances in organisms at each trophic level, from the primary producers to the apex consumers.",Biomagnification +"Another enzyme, RNA primase, synthesizes an RNA primer that is about five to ten nucleotides long and complementary to the DNA.",RNA primase +"Soil particles between 0.002 and 0.1 mm are called silt, and even smaller particles, less than 0.002 mm in diameter, are called clay.",silt clay +The unique sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is its primary structure.,primary structure +"Plurality voting, commonly referred to as first - past - the - post, is based on the principle that the individual candidate with the most votes wins, whether or not he or she gains a majority( 51 percent or greater) of the total votes cast.",Plurality voting first - past - the - post +"Both bonds that link the phosphates are equally high - energy bonds( phosphoanhydride bonds) that, when broken, release sufficient energy to power a variety of cellular reactions and processes.",phosphoanhydride bonds +"Making matters worse, financial institutions created instruments called credit default swaps, which were essentially a form of insurance on investments.",credit default swaps +"Primary active transport moves ions across a membrane and creates a difference in charge across that membrane, which is directly dependent on ATP.",Primary active transport +Myofibrils are composed of smaller structures called myofilaments.,Myofibrils +"As we discussed briefly in the previous section, classical conditioning is a process by which we learn to associate stimuli and, consequently, to anticipate events.",classical conditioning +"The Medicare payroll tax is also called a proportional tax ; that is, a flat percentage of all wages earned.",a proportional tax +Leaves that do not have a petiole and are directly attached to the plant stem are called sessile leaves.,sessile leaves +"Let ’s take a look at terms that define a bureaucracy to understand what they mean. Hierarchy of authority refers to the aspect of bureaucracy that places one individual or office in charge of another, who in turn must answer to her own superiors.",Hierarchy of authority +Corms contain stored food that enables some plants to survive the winter.,Corms +"Medicaid is a formula - based, health insurance program, which means beneficiaries must demonstrate they fall within a particular income category.",Medicaid +A conversion factor is a ratio expressing how many of one unit are equal to another unit.,A conversion factor +Absolute poverty is defined by the World Bank( 2014a) as when someone lives on less than $ 1.25 a day.,Absolute poverty +"Individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa often have a distorted body image, referenced in literature as a type of body dysmorphia, meaning that they view themselves as overweight even though they are not.",body dysmorphia +"Also, revolving door laws also prevent lawmakers from lobbying government immediately after leaving public office.",revolving door laws +"Referred to as Neornithes( “ new birds ”), modern birds are now classified into two groups, the Paleognathae( “ old jaw ”) or ratites, a group of flightless birds including ostriches, emus, rheas, and kiwis, and the Neognathae( “ new jaw ”), which includes all other birds.",the Paleognathae old jaw ratites +"Loudness is measured in terms of decibels( dB), a logarithmic unit of sound intensity.",Loudness decibels dB +"In 1999, Justice John Paul Stevens, writing for a majority of the Supreme Court, argued in Saenz v. Roe that the clause protects the right to travel from one state to another. Saenz v. Roe, 526 U.S. 489( 1999).",Saenz v. Roe +The goal of homeostasis is the maintenance of equilibrium around a point or value called a set point.,homeostasis +"Like prokaryotes, eukaryotic cells have a plasma membrane, a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins that separates the internal contents of the cell from its surrounding environment.",a plasma membrane +"Ruminants are mainly herbivores like cows, sheep, and goats, whose entire diet consists of eating large amounts of roughage or fiber.",Ruminants +"According to the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, lobbyists must certify that they have not violated the law regarding gift giving, and the penalty for knowingly violating the law increased from a fine of $ 50,000 to one of $ 200,000.",the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act +"An estimated 185 species comprise caecilians, a group of amphibians that belong to the order Apoda.",caecilians +"As we move into stage 2 sleep, the body goes into a state of deep relaxation.",stage 2 sleep +"The Tenth Amendment, one of the first submitted to the states for ratification, ensures that states possess all powers not explicitly assigned to the federal government by the Constitution.",The Tenth Amendment +Methadone clinics help people who previously struggled with opioid addiction manage withdrawal symptoms through the use of methadone.,Methadone clinics +"FM stands for frequency modulation, another method of carrying information.",FM +"By the eleventh century, a major Christian holy war called the Reconquista, or reconquest, had begun to slowly push the Muslims from Spain.",the Reconquista +"Finally, the availability heuristic is a heuristic in which you make a decision based on an example, information, or recent experience that is that readily available to you, even though it may not be the best example to inform your decision.",the availability heuristic +"The more radical National Woman ’s Party( NWP), led by Alice Paul, advocated the use of stronger tactics.",The more radical National Woman ’s Party NWP +"The term media defines a number of different communication formats from television media, which share information through broadcast airwaves, to print media, which rely on printed documents.",media +Explore this website for additional information on pollinators. More than 80 percent of angiosperms depend on animals for pollination : the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma.,pollination +Price is what the producer receives for selling one unit of a good or service.,Price +"The filament supports the anther, where the microspores are produced by meiosis and develop into pollen grains.",The filament the anther +"The fertility number is generally lower than the fecundity number, which measures the potential number of children that could be born to women of childbearing age.",the fecundity number +A potentiometer is a null measurement device for measuring potentials( voltages).,A potentiometer +"Since I = ΔQ/ Δt I = ΔQ/ Δt size 12 { I = ΔQ/ Δt } { }, we see that an ampere is one coulomb per second :",an ampere +"A schema is a mental construct consisting of a cluster or collection of related concepts( Bartlett, 1932).",A schema +"The distribution of phenotypes among individuals, known as the population variation, is influenced by a number of factors, including the population ’s genetic structure and the environment.",the population variation +Magnetic field lines are defined to have the direction that a small compass points when placed at a location.,Magnetic field lines +"From the Great Depression of the 1930s until 1996, the United States ’ most visible antipoverty program was Aid to Families with Dependent Children( AFDC), which provided cash payments to mothers with children who were below the poverty line.",Aid to Families with Dependent Children AFDC +"An elastic demand or elastic supply is one in which the elasticity is greater than one, indicating a high responsiveness to changes in price.",An elastic demand or elastic supply +"Heritability is the fraction of phenotype variation that can be attributed to genetic differences, or genetic variance, among individuals in a population.",Heritability +"This is sometimes called a cross section, and, if the transverse cut is at an angle, it is called an oblique plane.",a cross section an oblique plane +"With the authoritative style, the parent gives reasonable demands and consistent limits, expresses warmth and affection, and listens to the child ’s point of view.",the authoritative style +"The graph in shows the absorption spectra for chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and a type of carotenoid pigment called β - carotene( which absorbs blue and green light).",β - carotene +"Police are a civil force in charge of enforcing laws and public order at a federal, state, or community level.",Police +This belief is called the elite theory of government.,the elite theory of government +"Such differences are known as sexual dimorphisms, which arise from the fact that in many populations, particularly animal populations, there is more variance in the reproductive success of the males than there is of the females.",sexual dimorphisms +A genetic marker is a gene or sequence on a chromosome that co - segregates( shows genetic linkage) with a specific trait.,A genetic marker +The term medicalization of deviance refers to the process that changes “ bad ” behavior into “ sick ” behavior.,medicalization of deviance +"Lymphocytes are leukocytes that are histologically identifiable by their large, darkly staining nuclei ; they are small cells with very little cytoplasm, as shown in.",Lymphocytes +"Negative affectivity is a tendency to experience distressed emotional states involving anger, contempt, disgust, guilt, fear, and nervousness( Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988).",Negative affectivity +Neurodegenerative disorders are illnesses characterized by a loss of nervous system functioning that are usually caused by neuronal death.,Neurodegenerative disorders +"A ligand is a molecule that binds another specific molecule, in some cases, delivering a signal in the process.",A ligand +"Hydrocarbons are organic molecules consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen, such as methane( CH4) described above.",Hydrocarbons +"The diapsids diverged into two groups, the Archosauromorpha( “ ancient lizard form ”) and the Lepidosauromorpha( “ scaly lizard form ”) during the Mesozoic period.",the Archosauromorpha the Lepidosauromorpha +"The vascular tissue in the root is arranged in the inner portion of the root, which is called the stele.",the stele +Actin is a globular contractile protein that interacts with myosin for muscle contraction.,Actin +"The seller may also offer a buyer a chance to buy a service contract, where the buyer pays an extra amount and the seller agrees to fix anything that goes wrong for a set time period.",a service contract +"Intellectual property rights include patents, which give the inventor the exclusive legal right to make, use, or sell the invention for a limited time, and copyright laws, which give the author an exclusive legal right over works of literature, music, film/ video, and pictures.",Intellectual property rights +"Unlike the other sleep disorders described in this section, a person with narcolepsy can not resist falling asleep at inopportune times.",a person with narcolepsy +"ethnocentrism, or evaluating and judging another culture based on how it compares to one ’s own cultural norms.",ethnocentrism +A function describes a relationship.,A function +This pattern of tracing kinship is called bilateral descent.,bilateral descent +"Amphiarthroses are joints that allow slight movement, including syndesmoses and symphyses.",Amphiarthroses +"Two cells, known as guard cells, surround each leaf stoma, controlling its opening and closing and thus regulating the uptake of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen and water vapor.",guard cells +"The process of animal development begins with the cleavage, or series of mitotic cell divisions, of the zygote.",the cleavage +"Chemoautotrophs are primarily bacteria that are found in rare ecosystems where sunlight is not available, such as in those associated with dark caves or hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean.",Chemoautotrophs +"Ligands interact with proteins in target cells, which are cells that are affected by chemical signals ; these proteins are also called receptors.",target cells +"A midsagittal plane divides the body exactly in the middle, making two equal right and left halves.",A midsagittal plane +"The Social Security Act of 1935, which created federal subsidies for state - administered programs for the elderly ; people with handicaps ; dependent mothers ; and children, gave state and local officials wide discretion over eligibility and benefit levels.",The Social Security Act of 1935 +"In each somatic cell of the organism( all cells of a multicellular organism except the gametes or reproductive cells), the nucleus contains two copies of each chromosome, called homologous chromosomes.",homologous chromosomes +"These groups were known as the Five Civilized Tribes, because they had largely adopted Anglo - American culture, speaking English and practicing Christianity.",the Five Civilized Tribes +"Even more important on intelligence than the CIA director is the director of national intelligence, a position created in the government reorganizations after 9/11, who oversees the entire intelligence community in the U.S. government.",the director of national intelligence +"For instance, the next largest population in the country is the voting - age population( VAP), which consists of persons who are eighteen and older.",the voting - age population VAP +Within each domain is a second category called a kingdom.,a kingdom +The Bill of Rights was intended to quiet the fears of Anti - Federalists that the Constitution did not adequately protect individual liberties and thus encourage their support of the new national government.,The Bill of Rights +"The tissue consists of conducting cells, known as tracheids, and supportive filler tissue, called parenchyma.",tracheids parenchyma +"Nodes are points of attachment for leaves, aerial roots, and flowers.",Nodes +A uniporter carries one specific ion or molecule.,A uniporter +"The cornea, the front transparent layer of the eye, and the crystalline lens, a transparent convex structure behind the cornea, both refract( bend) light to focus the image on the retina.",The cornea the crystalline lens +"The existence of explicit rules refers to the way in which rules are outlined, written down, and standardized.",The existence of explicit rules +"During the second phase, megagametogenesis, the surviving haploid megaspore undergoes mitosis to produce an eight - nucleate, seven - cell female gametophyte, also known as the megagametophyte or embryo sac.",megagametogenesis +"It may be their first encounter with grief, a psychological, emotional, and social response to the feelings of loss that accompanies death or a similar event.",grief +"One example of a binocular depth cue is binocular disparity, the slightly different view of the world that each of our eyes receives.",binocular disparity +The partially digested food and gastric juice mixture is called chyme.,chyme +"The media also engages in agenda setting, which is the act of choosing which issues or topics deserve public discussion.",agenda setting +Cartilage is a connective tissue with a large amount of the matrix and variable amounts of fibers.,Cartilage +"This internal mechanical energy from the random motions is called thermal energy, because it is related to the temperature of the object.",thermal energy +"Memorizing these facts is rehearsal. Another strategy is chunking : you organize information into manageable bits or chunks( Bodie, Powers, & Fitch - Hauser, 2006).",chunking +"Inorganic substances, which form the majority of the soil solution, are commonly called minerals : those required by plants include nitrogen( N) and potassium( K) for structure and regulation.",minerals +The nominal value of any economic statistic means the statistic is measured in terms of actual prices that exist at the time.,The nominal value +"If two systems are in contact and moving relative to one another, then the friction between them is called kinetic friction.",kinetic friction +"At the same time that our beliefs and attitudes are forming during childhood, we are also being socialized ; that is, we are learning from many information sources about the society and community in which we live and how we are to behave in it.",socialized +The centrosome is a microtubule - organizing center found near the nuclei of animal cells.,The centrosome +"The Social Security payroll tax is proportional up to the wage limit, but above that level it becomes a regressive tax, meaning that people with higher incomes pay a smaller share of their income in tax.",The Social Security payroll tax +"Soils can be divided into two groups : organic soils are those that are formed from sedimentation and primarily composed of organic matter, while those that are formed from the weathering of rocks and are primarily composed of inorganic material are called mineral soils.",organic soils mineral soils +"Mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue( MALT), illustrated in, is a collection of lymphatic tissue that combines with epithelial tissue lining the mucosa throughout the body.",Mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue MALT +Symbolic interactionism is a micro - level theory that focuses on the relationships among individuals within a society.,Symbolic interactionism +The process of removing introns and reconnecting exons is called splicing.,splicing +Such a system is underdamped ; its displacement is represented by the curve in.,underdamped +"A related process is demedicalization, in which “ sick ” behavior is normalized again.",demedicalization +"Some people are born deaf, which is known as congenital deafness.",congenital deafness +The basilar membrane is a thin strip of tissue within the cochlea.,The basilar membrane +"In some cases, binding of the ligand causes dimerization of the receptor, which means that two receptors bind to each other to form a stable complex called a dimer.",dimerization of the receptor +"Natural selection only acts on the population ’s heritable traits : selecting for beneficial alleles and thus increasing their frequency in the population, while selecting against deleterious alleles and thereby decreasing their frequency — a process known as adaptive evolution.",adaptive evolution +"Since this is a form of nondirective therapy, a therapeutic approach in which the therapist does not give advice or provide interpretations but helps the person to identify conflicts and understand feelings, Rogers( 1951) emphasized the importance of the person taking control of his own life to overcome life ’s challenges.",nondirective therapy +An electrolyte is a solute that dissociates into ions when dissolved in water.,An electrolyte +Sexism refers to prejudiced beliefs that value one sex over another.,Sexism +"A parasomnia is one of a group of sleep disorders in which unwanted, disruptive motor activity and/or experiences during sleep play a role.",A parasomnia +"Some is based on heterosexism, which Herek( 1990) suggests is both an ideology and a set of institutional practices that privilege heterosexuals and heterosexuality over other sexual orientations.",heterosexism +"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC), an adult with a body mass index( BMI) between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight.",overweight +"Earlier, you learned about the limbic system, which is the area of the brain involved in emotion and memory.",the limbic system +Democratic leaders encourage group participation in all decision making.,Democratic leaders +"The poorest, most undeveloped countries were referred to as the third world and included most of sub - Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia.",the third world +Poverty is measured by the number of people who fall below a certain level of income — called the poverty line — that defines the income needed for a basic standard of living.,Poverty the poverty line +Market economies are based on private enterprise : the means of production( resources and businesses) are owned and operated by private individuals or groups of private individuals.,Market economies +Those who want to borrow money can go directly to a bank rather than trying to find someone to lend them cash Transaction costs are the costs associated with finding a lender or a borrower for this money.,Transaction costs +Genetic diversity or variation is the raw material for adaptation in a species.,Genetic diversity variation +Homeostasis means to maintain dynamic equilibrium in the body.,Homeostasis +This law states that paired unit factors( genes) must segregate equally into gametes such that offspring have an equal likelihood of inheriting either factor.,This law +This type of observational study is called naturalistic observation : observing behavior in its natural setting.,naturalistic observation +Social loafing is the exertion of less effort by a person working together with a group.,Social loafing +"Turbulent flow, or turbulence, is characterized by eddies and swirls that mix layers of fluid together.",Turbulent flow turbulence +"Because of the Fourteenth Amendment, state governments must protect this right also.",the Fourteenth Amendment +"These theorists, referred to as neo - Freudians, generally agreed with Freud that childhood experiences matter, but they reduced the emphasis on sex and focused more on the social environment and effects of culture on personality.",neo - Freudians +"Together, all three are known as the pericarp.",the pericarp +The organisms that consume the primary producers are herbivores : the primary consumers.,the primary consumers +The lysosomes are the cell ’s “ garbage disposal. ”,The lysosomes +"Indeed, the slope along an indifference curve is referred to as the marginal rate of substitution, which is the rate at which a person is willing to trade one good for another so that utility will remain the same.","the marginal rate of substitution ," +Explicit memories are those we consciously try to remember and recall.,Explicit memories +"The dependent variable is the effect, or thing that is changed.",The dependent variable +Photomorphogenesis is the growth and development of plants in response to light.,Photomorphogenesis +The concept of collective representation describes the relationship between Congress and the United States as a whole.,collective representation +"We can loosely define energy as the ability to do work, admitting that in some circumstances not all energy is available to do work.",energy +"Gross motor skills focus on large muscle groups that control our arms and legs and involve larger movements( e.g., balancing, running, and jumping).",Gross motor skills +"The Controlled Substances Act( CSA), passed by Congress in 1970, declares marijuana a dangerous drug and makes its sale a prosecutable act.",The Controlled Substances Act CSA +"Some individuals with dissociative amnesia will also experience dissociative fugue( from the word “ to flee ” in French), whereby they suddenly wander away from their home, experience confusion about their identity, and sometimes even adopt a new identity( Cardeña & Gleaves, 2006).",dissociative fugue +A holistic model — which accounts for all the interactions between different species and their complex interconnected relationships with each other and with the environment — is a more accurate and descriptive model for ecosystems.,A holistic model +Intramembranous ossification is the process of bone development from fibrous membranes.,Intramembranous ossification +Short - term memory( STM) is a temporary storage system that processes incoming sensory memory ; sometimes it is called working memory.,Short - term memory STM working memory +The slit - like mouth opening and pharynx are lined by a groove called a siphonophore.,a siphonophore +"The United States does have an estate tax — that is, a tax imposed on the value of an inheritance — which suggests a willingness to limit how much wealth can be passed on as an inheritance.",an estate tax +"The central nervous system( CNS) is made up of the brain, a part of which is shown in and spinal cord and is covered with three layers of protective coverings called meninges( from the Greek word for membrane).",The central nervous system CNS +"This is called the photoelectric effect, meaning that light( photo) produces electricity.",the photoelectric effect +"While not always easy to measure, according to Walter McMahon, the positive externalities to education typically include better health outcomes for the population, lower levels of crime, a cleaner environment and a more stable, democratic government.",the positive externalities to education +Light waves are transmitted across the cornea and enter the eye through the pupil.,Light waves +The ankle transmits the weight of the body from the tibia and the fibula to the foot.,The ankle +"Many young women of the era shed their mother ’s morality and adopted the dress and mannerisms of a flapper, the Jazz Age female stereotype, seeking the endless party.",a flapper +"In seeking verstehen, outside observers of a social world — an entire culture or a small setting — attempt to understand it from an insider ’s point of view. In his book The Nature of Social Action( 1922), Weber described sociology as striving to "" interpret the meaning of social action and thereby give a causal explanation of the way in which action proceeds and the effects it produces. """,sociology +"It is also important to note that every society also has nonbelievers, such as atheists, who do not believe in a divine being or entity, and agnostics, who hold that ultimate reality( such as God) is unknowable.",atheists agnostics +"Trait theorists believe personality can be understood via the approach that all people have certain traits, or characteristic ways of behaving.",Trait theorists +"In the case of monopoly, one firm produces all of the output in a market.",monopoly +"Many molecules that are biologically important are macromolecules, large molecules that are typically formed by polymerization( a polymer is a large molecule that is made by combining smaller units called monomers, which are simpler than macromolecules).",macromolecules a polymer +"The pancreas, illustrated in, is an elongated organ that is located between the stomach and the proximal portion of the small intestine.",The pancreas +"Furthermore, the word gay( as it refers to a homosexual), carried a somewhat negative and unfavorable meaning fifty years ago, but it has since gained more neutral and even positive connotations.",gay +"Thousands of Americans, primarily from slave states, flocked to Texas and quickly came to outnumber the Tejanos, the Mexican residents of the region.",the Tejanos +"When we test the same group of individuals repeatedly over an extended period of time, we are conducting longitudinal research.",longitudinal research +A theory is a tested and confirmed explanation for observations or phenomena.,A theory +The process by which capital ages and loses value is called depreciation.,depreciation +"In hyperthyroidism, or Grave ’s disease, the thyroid secretes too much of the hormone thyroxine, causing agitation, bulging eyes, and weight loss.",hyperthyroidism Grave ’s disease +"Flash mobs are examples of collective behavior, noninstitutionalized activity in which several or many people voluntarily engage.",collective behavior +"The response of plants to light is mediated by different photoreceptors, which are comprised of a protein covalently bonded to a light - absorbing pigment called a chromophore.",a chromophore +"The excitement phase is the arousal phase of the sexual response cycle, and it is marked by erection of the penis or clitoris and lubrication and expansion of the vaginal canal.",The excitement phase +"This model is often called the “ web of life. ” In an effort to save the tree analogy, some have proposed using the Ficus tree(b) with its multiple trunks as a phylogenetic to represent a diminished evolutionary role for HGT.In the( a) phylogenetic model proposed by W. Ford Doolittle, the “ tree of life ” arose from a community of ancestral cells, has multiple trunks, and has connections between branches where horizontal gene transfer has occurred.",the “ web of life . ” the “ tree of life ” +Located at intervals along the synaptonemal complex are large protein assemblies called recombination nodules.,recombination nodules +"It is an absolute temperature scale defined to have 0 K at the lowest possible temperature, called absolute zero.",It absolute zero +"Self - efficacy is an individual ’s belief in her own capability to complete a task, which may include a previous successful completion of the exact task or a similar task.",Self - efficacy +"Secondary sexual characteristics are physical signs of sexual maturation that do not directly involve sex organs, such as development of breasts and hips in girls, and development of facial hair and a deepened voice in boys.",Secondary sexual characteristics +"The NNP can be further subdivided into national income, which includes all income to businesses and individuals, and personal income, which includes only income to people.",national income personal income +A heritable trait that helps the survival and reproduction of an organism in its present environment is called an adaptation.,an adaptation +"Just a few years later, however, in Gonzales v. Raich( 2005), the Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. government had the authority to criminalize the use of marijuana.",Gonzales v. Raich ( 2005 ) +"As you ’ve learned, biological macromolecules are large molecules, necessary for life, that are built from smaller organic molecules.",biological macromolecules +"The adverse selection of wage cuts argument points out that if an employer reacts to poor business conditions by reducing wages for all workers, then the best workers, those with the best employment alternatives at other firms, are the most likely to leave.",The adverse selection of wage cuts argument +"Also found only in animal cells are desmosomes, which act like spot welds between adjacent epithelial cells.",desmosomes +"More precisely, the long - run average cost curve will be the least expensive average cost curve for any level of output.",the long - run average cost curve +Signals that act locally between cells that are close together are called paracrine signals.,paracrine signals +Bank regulation is intended to maintain the solvency of banks by avoiding excessive risk.,Bank regulation +"For example, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 said that men and women who do equal work at a company must be paid the same.",the Equal Pay Act of 1963 +"The Seventh Amendment deals with the rights of those engaged in civil disputes ; as noted earlier, these are disagreements between individuals or businesses in which people are typically seeking compensation for some harm caused.",The Seventh Amendment +It is useful to define the ratio of the density of an object to a fluid( usually water) as specific gravity :,specific gravity +Hospice is a type of healthcare that treats terminally ill people when “ cure - oriented treatments ” are no longer an option( Hospice Foundation of America 2012b).,Hospice +Animals with three tissue layers are called triploblasts.,triploblasts +"Elizabeth did sanction an early attempt at colonization in 1584, when Sir Walter Raleigh, a favorite of the queen ’s, attempted to establish a colony at Roanoke, an island off the coast of present - day North Carolina.",Roanoke +"Black holesBlack holes are objects having such large gravitational fields that things can fall in, but nothing, not even light, can escape.",holesBlack holes +"Another activity or movement of innate behavior is kinesis, or the undirected movement in response to a stimulus.",kinesis +"This occurs in the kidney, where blood pressure forces large amounts of water and accompanying dissolved substances, or solutes, out of the blood and into the renal tubules.",solutes +Experimenter bias refers to the possibility that a researcher ’s expectations might skew the results of the study.,Experimenter bias +The renal tubule is a long and convoluted structure that emerges from the glomerulus and can be divided into three parts based on function.,The renal tubule +"The thalamus( Greek for “ inner chamber ”), illustrated in, acts as a gateway to and from the cortex.",The thalamus +"In a monarchy, one ruler, usually a hereditary ruler, holds political power.",a monarchy +This small amount of energy input necessary for all chemical reactions to occur is called the activation energy( or free energy of activation) and is abbreviated EA.,the activation energy free energy of activation +"While you might be more familiar with the phrase “ global warming, ” climate change is the term now used to refer to long - term shifts in temperatures due to human activity and, in particular, the release of greenhouse gases into the environment.",climate change +This is known as intergenerational mobility.,intergenerational mobility +The benthic realm( or zone) extends along the ocean bottom from the shoreline to the deepest parts of the ocean floor.,The benthic realm +The endocrine system consists of a series of glands that produce chemical substances known as hormones.,The endocrine system +"This concept, called relative fitness, allows researchers to determine which individuals are contributing additional offspring to the next generation, and thus, how the population might evolve.",relative fitness +Charters are similar to state constitutions : they provide a framework and a detailed accounting of local government responsibilities and areas of authority.,Charters +"It also created the first - ever budget staff at the disposal of a president, at the time called the Bureau of the Budget but decades later renamed the Office of Management and Budget.",the Office of Management and Budget +The hindbrain is located at the back of the head and looks like an extension of the spinal cord.,The hindbrain +"Education is a social institution through which a society ’s children are taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms.",Education +"Sexual orientation is an individual ’s emotional and erotic attractions to same - sexed individuals( homosexual), opposite - sexed individuals( heterosexual), or both( bisexual).",Sexual orientation +"The total energy conversion rate of a person at rest is called the basal metabolic rate( BMR) and is divided among various systems in the body, as shown in.",the basal metabolic rate BMR +"Similarly, in Congress, an earmark is a mark in a bill that directs some of the bill ’s funds to be spent on specific projects or for specific tax exemptions.",an earmark +"The ratio of abnormal cells killed to normal cells killed is called the therapeutic ratio, and all radiotherapy techniques are designed to enhance this ratio.",the therapeutic ratio +"The scapulae are flat, triangular bones that are located at the back of the pectoral girdle.",The scapulae +The cones are specialized types of photoreceptors that work best in bright light conditions.,The cones +"The first stage of interphase is called the G1 phase( first gap) because, from a microscopic aspect, little change is visible.",the G1 phase +This is known as intergenerational mobility.,intergenerational mobility +"The United States also participates in some less - prominent regional trading agreements, like the Caribbean Basin Initiative, which offers reduced tariffs for imports from these countries, and a free trade agreement with Israel.",the Caribbean Basin Initiative +A primary appraisal involves judgment about the degree of potential harm or threat to well - being that a stressor might entail.,A primary appraisal +Net production efficiency( NPE) allows ecologists to quantify how efficiently organisms of a particular trophic level incorporate the energy they receive into biomass ; it is calculated using the following formula :,Net production efficiency NPE +He then sailed to an island he named Hispaniola( present - day Dominican Republic and Haiti).,Hispaniola +The junction between nerve cells where signal transmission occurs is called a synapse.,a synapse +"During metaphase, the “ change phase, ” all the chromosomes are aligned in a plane called the metaphase plate, or the equatorial plane, midway between the two poles of the cell.","metaphase the “ change phase , ”" +Alternating current( AC) is the flow of electric charge that periodically reverses direction.,Alternating current AC +"A non - renewable resource, such as fossil fuel, is either regenerated very slowly or not at all.",A non - renewable resource +"In 1971, the Federal Election Campaign Act was passed, setting limits on how much presidential and vice - presidential candidates and their families could donate to their own campaigns. Wright, Interest Groups and Congress : Lobbying, Contributions, and Influence ; Rozell, Wilcox, and Franz, Interest Groups in American Campaigns : The New Face of Electioneering.",the Federal Election Campaign Act +"Inside the multicellular sporangia, the diploid sporocytes, or mother cells, produce haploid spores by meiosis, where the 2n chromosome number is reduced to 1n( note that many plant sporophytes are polyploid : for example, durum wheat is tetraploid, bread wheat is hexaploid, and some ferns are 1000 - ploid).",the diploid sporocytes mother cells +"The social benefits of an innovation take into account the value of all the positive externalities of the new idea or product, whether enjoyed by other companies or society as a whole, as well as the private benefits received by the firm that developed the new technology.",The social benefits of an innovation +"Mucosal immunity is formed by mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue, which functions independently of the systemic immune system, and which has its own innate and adaptive components.",Mucosal immunity +The total number of units purchased at that price is called the quantity demanded.,the quantity demanded +"Sturtevant divided his genetic map into map units, or centimorgans( cM), in which a recombination frequency of 0.01 corresponds to 1 cM.",centimorgans cM +"Other species, such as the Chytridiomycota that reside in the rumen of cattle, are are obligate anaerobes, in that they only use anaerobic respiration because oxygen will disrupt their metabolism or kill them.",obligate anaerobes +Carbon sediments from the ocean floor are taken deep within the Earth by the process of subduction : the movement of one tectonic plate beneath another.,the process of subduction +Today this structure of power sharing is referred to as federalism.,federalism +"These animals do not possess eyes, but they have a radula, as well as a foot modified into tentacles with a bulbous end, known as captaculae.",captaculae +The first protein to bind to the RNA to initiate translation is the eukaryotic initiation factor-2( eIF-2).,the eukaryotic initiation factor-2 eIF-2 +South Carolina passed an Ordinance of Nullification declaring both tariff acts null and void and threatened to leave the Union.,Ordinance of Nullification +"Brumation is similar to hibernation in that the animal becomes less active and can go for long periods without eating, but differs from hibernation in that brumating reptiles are not asleep or living off fat reserves.",Brumation +"James Madison put forward a proposition known as the Virginia Plan, which called for a strong national government that could overturn state laws.",the Virginia Plan +"Xylem conductive cells incorporate the compound lignin into their walls, and are thus described as lignified.",lignified +"Technological change is a combination of invention — advances in knowledge — and innovation, which is putting that advance to use in a new product or service.",Technological change +"Conventional crowds are those who come together for a scheduled event that occurs regularly, like a religious service.",Conventional crowds +"By “ community, ” sociologists refer to a definable region — as small as a neighborhood( Brooklyn, or “ the east side of town ”), as large as a country( Ethiopia, the United States, or Nepal), or somewhere in between( in the United States, this might include someone who identifies with Southern or Midwestern society).",community +"In the key case of United States v. Pink( 1942), the Supreme Court ruled that executive agreements were legally equivalent to treaties provided they did not alter federal law.",United States v. Pink ( 1942 ) +"Dalton ’s law is based on kinetic theory, where each gas creates its pressure by molecular collisions, independent of other gases present.",kinetic theory +"Thus, lexicon is a language ’s vocabulary.",lexicon +Elasticities that are less than one indicate low responsiveness to price changes and correspond to inelastic demand or inelastic supply.,inelastic demand inelastic supply +"More complex animals( those with bilateral symmetry) develop three tissue layers : an inner layer( endoderm), an outer layer( ectoderm), and a middle layer( mesoderm).",endoderm ectoderm mesoderm +"Males are said to be hemizygous, because they have only one allele for any X - linked characteristic.",hemizygous +"In today ’s global political climate, monarchies far more often take the form of constitutional monarchies, governments of nations that recognize monarchs but require these figures to abide by the laws of a greater constitution.",constitutional monarchies +"Discrimination is negative action toward an individual as a result of one ’s membership in a particular group( Allport, 1954 ; Dovidio & Gaertner, 2004).",Discrimination +Primary feathers are located at the tip of the wing and provide thrust.,Primary feathers +"Amphibians can be divided into three clades : Urodela( “ tailed - ones ”), the salamanders ; Anura( “ tail - less ones ”), the frogs ; and Apoda( “ legless ones ”), the caecilians.",Urodela Anura Apoda +"In contrast, informal education describes learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society.",informal education +"Night terrors result in a sense of panic in the sufferer and are often accompanied by screams and attempts to escape from the immediate environment( Mahowald & Schenck, 2000).",Night terrors +"Nixon also courted northern, blue - collar workers, whom he later called the silent majority, to acknowledge their belief that their voices were seldom heard.",the silent majority +"These theorists, referred to as neo - Freudians, generally agreed with Freud that childhood experiences matter, but they reduced the emphasis on sex and focused more on the social environment and effects of culture on personality.",neo - Freudians +"Release of neurotransmitter at inhibitory synapses causes inhibitory postsynaptic potentials( IPSPs), a hyperpolarization of the presynaptic membrane.",inhibitory postsynaptic potentials IPSPs +"In dream analysis, a therapist interprets the underlying meaning of dreams.",dream analysis +Matched pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism are called homologous( “ same knowledge ”) chromosomes.,homologous ( “ same knowledge ” ) chromosomes +Progress in the field of fungal biology was the result of mycology : the scientific study of fungi.,mycology +"Human metabolism is the conversion of food into heat transfer, work, and stored fat.",Human metabolism +Commensalism occurs when one member benefits without affecting the other.,Commensalism +"In the case of Mendez v. Westminster( 1947), the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court held that the segregation of Mexican and Mexican American students into separate schools was unconstitutional.",Mendez v. Westminster ( 1947 ) +"The hypothalamus produces a polypeptide hormone known as antidiuretic hormone( ADH), which is transported to and released from the posterior pituitary gland.",antidiuretic hormone ADH +These societies contained a strict hierarchical system of power based around land ownership and protection.,These societies +"Virginia and Maryland therefore took the lead in the domestic slave trade, the trading of slaves within the borders of the United States.",the domestic slave trade +"Formally, a lobbyist is someone who represents the interest organization before government, is usually compensated for doing so, and is required to register with the government in which he or she lobbies, whether state or federal.",a lobbyist +Polycarpic plants form flowers many times during their lifetime.,Polycarpic plants +"This process uses a coating protein, called caveolin, on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane, which performs a similar function to clathrin.",This process +The Haversian canal( osteonic canal) contains the bone ’s blood vessels and nerve fibers.,The Haversian canal osteonic canal +We have already identified protons as the particles that carry positive charge in the nuclei.,protons +"The nucleotide pair in the DNA double helix that corresponds to the site from which the first 5 ' mRNA nucleotide is transcribed is called the +1 site, or the initiation site.",+1 site the initiation site +"Gross motor skills focus on large muscle groups that control our arms and legs and involve larger movements( e.g., balancing, running, and jumping).",Gross motor skills +"In dicot roots, the xylem and phloem of the stele are arranged alternately in an X shape, whereas in monocot roots, the vascular tissue is arranged in a ring around the pith.",dicot roots monocot roots +The strand with the Okazaki fragments is known as the lagging strand.,the lagging strand +"This pattern of inheritance is described as incomplete dominance, denoting the expression of two contrasting alleles such that the individual displays an intermediate phenotype.",incomplete dominance +"Sociologists use the term status consistency to describe the consistency, or lack thereof, of an individual ’s rank across these factors.",status consistency +"The vascular plants, or tracheophytes, are the dominant and most conspicuous group of land plants.",The vascular plants tracheophytes +"These triplets are called nonsense codons, or stop codons.",nonsense codons stop codons +The DNA - histone complex is called chromatin.,chromatin +The sum of all the income received for contributing resources to GDP is called national income( Y).,national income ( Y ) +"This technique is called inertial confinement, because the fuel ’s inertia prevents it from escaping before significant fusion can take place.",inertial confinement +"In other sponges, ostia are formed by folds in the body wall of the sponge. Choanocytes( “ collar cells ”) are present at various locations, depending on the type of sponge, but they always line the inner portions of some space through which water flows( the spongocoel in simple sponges, canals within the body wall in more complex sponges, and chambers scattered throughout the body in the most complex sponges).",Choanocytes “ collar cells ” +"Analysis of the findings by later researchers led to the term the Hawthorne effect, which describes the increase in performance of individuals who are noticed, watched, and paid attention to by researchers or supervisors).",the Hawthorne effect +This is antielectron or positron decay( see).,antielectron positron decay +"A high proportion of trade, however, is intra - industry trade — that is, trade of goods within the same industry from one country to another.",intra - industry trade +Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate DNA fragments of different sizes.,Gel electrophoresis +"Whereas the two other areas of I - O psychology focus on the interface between the worker and team, group, or organization, human factors psychology focuses on the individual worker ’s interaction with a machine, work station, information displays, and the local environment, such as lighting.",human factors psychology +"Or, we have a hunch about how something works and then look for evidence to support that hunch, ignoring evidence that would tell us our hunch is false ; this is known as confirmation bias.",confirmation bias +"Sociologists measure fertility using the crude birthrate( the number of live births per 1,000 people per year).",the crude birthrate +"In Near v. Minnesota( 1931), the Court disagreed with state courts regarding censorship and ruled it unconstitutional except in rare cases.",Near v. Minnesota ( 1931 ) +"More specifically, the papers were compiled at the request of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and provided a study of U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967.",the papers +The term gender role refers to society ’s concept of how men and women are expected to look and how they should behave.,gender role +Secondary consumers are usually carnivores that eat the primary consumers.,Secondary consumers +The cingulate gyrus helps regulate emotions and pain.,The cingulate gyrus +"Ossification, or osteogenesis, is the process of bone formation by osteoblasts.",Ossification osteogenesis +"The ventral cavity contains the thoracic cavity, which in turn contains the pleural cavity around the lungs and the pericardial cavity, which surrounds the heart.",The ventral cavity +The combined result of Treg cells is to prevent immunologic activation and inflammation in undesired tissue compartments and to allow the immune system to focus on pathogens instead.,Treg cells +"In making decisions about the money supply, a central bank decides whether to raise or lower interest rates and, in this way, to influence macroeconomic policy, whose goal is low unemployment and low inflation.",a central bank +"When there is a large input of nitrogen and phosphorus( from sewage and runoff from fertilized lawns and farms, for example), the growth of algae skyrockets, resulting in a large accumulation of algae called an algal bloom.",algal bloom +Renin( secreted by a part of the juxtaglomerular complex) is produced by the granular cells of the afferent and efferent arterioles.,Renin +"People with panic disorder experience recurrent( more than one) and unexpected panic attacks, along with at least one month of persistent concern about additional panic attacks, worry over the consequences of the attacks, or self - defeating changes in behavior related to the attacks( e.g., avoidance of exercise or unfamiliar situations)( APA, 2013).",recurrent +"M1 money supply includes those monies that are very liquid such as cash, checkable( demand) deposits, and traveler ’s checks M2 money supply is less liquid in nature and includes M1 plus savings and time deposits, certificates of deposits, and money market funds.",M1 money supply M2 money supply +"Related to these are Golgi tendon organs, which are tension receptors that detect the force of muscle contraction.",Golgi tendon organs +"Second, because the federal Licensing Act of 1793, which regulated coastal commerce, was a constitutional exercise of Congress ’s authority under the commerce clause, federal law trumped the New York State license - monopoly law that had granted Ogden an exclusive steamboat operating license.",the federal Licensing Act of 1793 +"Norming involves giving a test to a large population so data can be collected comparing groups, such as age groups.",Norming +"In 1865 and 1866, as Johnson announced the end of Reconstruction, southern states began to pass a series of discriminatory state laws collectively known as black codes.",black codes +"A firm can make a direct payment to its shareholders, called a dividend.",a dividend +"The terminal buttons contain synaptic vesicles that house neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers of the nervous system.",The terminal buttons neurotransmitters +The act required states to allow citizens to register to vote when they sign up for driver ’s licenses and Social Security benefits.,The act +"The name “ arthropoda ” means “ jointed legs ”( in the Greek, “ arthros ” means “ joint ” and “ podos ” means “ leg ”) ; it aptly describes the enormous number of invertebrates included in this phylum.",arthropoda +Unicellular fungi are generally referred to as yeasts.,yeasts +"At the Seneca Falls Convention, Stanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which was modeled after the Declaration of Independence and proclaimed women were equal to men and deserved the same rights.",the Declaration of Sentiments +"Under original jurisdiction, a case is heard for the first time, whereas under appellate jurisdiction, a court hears a case on appeal from a lower court and may change the lower court ’s decision.",original jurisdiction appellate jurisdiction +A monetary policy that lowers interest rates and stimulates borrowing is known as an expansionary monetary policy or loose monetary policy.,an expansionary monetary policy loose monetary policy +An elastic collision is one that also conserves internal kinetic energy.,An elastic collision +"Cells of the meristematic tissue are found in meristems, which are plant regions of continuous cell division and growth.",meristems +"The two main publicly funded healthcare programs are Medicare, which provides health services to people over sixty - five years old as well as people who meet other standards for disability, and Medicaid, which provides services to people with very low incomes who meet other eligibility requirements.",Medicare Medicaid +Vision is the ability to detect light patterns from the outside environment and interpret them into images.,Vision +"The male reproductive organs, the stamens( collectively called the androecium), surround the central carpel.",the stamens +"According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, shown in, all colors in the spectrum can be produced by combining red, green, and blue.",the trichromatic theory of color vision +"The Connecticut Compromise, also called the Great Compromise, proposed a bicameral congress with members apportioned differently in each house.",The Connecticut Compromise the Great Compromise +"That pact required Iran to halt further nuclear development and agree to nuclear inspections, while the United States and five other signatories lifted long - standing economic sanctions on Iran.",That pact +"Pancreatic juices also contain amylase, which continues the breakdown of starch and glycogen into maltose, a disaccharide.",amylase +This is called the Hawthorne effect — where people change their behavior because they know they are being watched as part of a study.,the Hawthorne effect +"Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are classified as pyrimidines which have a single carbon - nitrogen ring as their primary structure.",pyrimidines +"One of these assemblies, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress, passed the Suffolk Resolves in September 1774, which laid out a plan of resistance to the Intolerable Acts.",the Suffolk Resolves +"After many years of campaigns for suffrage, as shown in, the Nineteenth Amendment finally gave women the right to vote in 1920.",the Nineteenth Amendment +"Some animal - infecting viruses, including the hepatitis C virus discussed above, are known as oncogenic viruses : They have the ability to cause cancer.",oncogenic viruses They +The Glomeromycota is a newly established phylum which comprises about 230 species that all live in close association with the roots of trees.,The Glomeromycota +"The mRNA product is complementary to the template strand and is almost identical to the other DNA strand, called the nontemplate strand.",the nontemplate strand +"Institutional discrimination can also include the promotion of a group 's status, such in the case of white privilege, which is the benefits people receive simply by being part of the dominant group.",white privilege +Friction is a force that is around us all the time that opposes relative motion between systems in contact but also allows us to move( which you have discovered if you have ever tried to walk on ice).,Friction +"Growth of the shoot apical tip upward is called negative gravitropism, whereas growth of the roots downward is called positive gravitropism.",negative gravitropism positive gravitropism +"Only in 1951, after Franklin Roosevelt had been elected four times, was the Twenty - Second Amendment passed to restrict the presidency to two terms.",the Twenty - Second Amendment +"In transformation, the prokaryote takes in DNA found in its environment that is shed by other prokaryotes.",transformation +"While hypnosis is generally achieved through the interaction of a therapist and the person being treated, an individual can perform meditation alone.",hypnosis +"In 1565, the victorious Menéndez founded St. Augustine, now the oldest European settlement in the Americas.",St. Augustine +The anticodon is a three - nucleotide sequence in a tRNA that interacts with an mRNA codon through complementary base pairing.,The anticodon +The primary class of lipid hormones in humans is the steroid hormones.,the steroid hormones +"Increasingly prominent in the discussion of new media and feminism is cyberfeminism, the application to, and promotion of, feminism online.",cyberfeminism +"Disorganized or abnormal motor behavior refers to unusual behaviors and movements : becoming unusually active, exhibiting silly child - like behaviors( giggling and self - absorbed smiling), engaging in repeated and purposeless movements, or displaying odd facial expressions and gestures.",Disorganized or abnormal motor behavior +Interference microscopes enhance contrast between objects and background by superimposing a reference beam of light upon the light emerging from the sample.,Interference microscopes +"Conversely, when the government receives more money in taxes than it spends in a year, it runs a budget surplus.",a budget surplus +"Fruits generally have three parts : the exocarp( the outermost skin or covering), the mesocarp( middle part of the fruit), and the endocarp( the inner part of the fruit).",the exocarp the mesocarp the endocarp +"Prions and viroids are pathogens( agents with the ability to cause disease) that have simpler structures than viruses but, in the case of prions, still can produce deadly diseases.",pathogens +"A free nerve ending, as its name implies, is an unencapsulated dendrite of a sensory neuron.",A free nerve ending +"Instead, Pennsylvania had a one - house — a unicameral — legislature.",a unicameral +Divided government occurs when one or more houses of the legislature are controlled by the party in opposition to the executive.,Divided government +"When a cell is damaged, superfluous, or potentially dangerous to an organism, a cell can initiate a mechanism to trigger programmed cell death, or apoptosis.",apoptosis +"They used the putting - out system, which the British had employed at the beginning of their own Industrial Revolution, whereby they hired farming families to perform specific tasks in the production process for a set wage.",the putting - out system +"Many economic transactions are made in a situation of imperfect information, where either the buyer, the seller, or both, are less than 100 % certain about the qualities of what is being bought and sold.",a situation of imperfect information +"Phylum Cnidaria includes animals that show radial or biradial symmetry and are diploblastic, that is, they develop from two embryonic layers.",Phylum Cnidaria +"The sodium - potassium pump is, therefore, an electrogenic pump( a pump that creates a charge imbalance), creating an electrical imbalance across the membrane and contributing to the membrane potential.",The sodium - potassium pump +"This phrase, which implies divine encouragement for territorial expansion, was coined by magazine editor John O’Sullivan in 1845, when he wrote in the United States Magazine and Democratic Review that “ it was our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our multiplying millions. ”",This phrase +"Natural opioids, called opiates, are derivatives of opium, which is a naturally occurring compound found in the poppy plant.",Natural opioids opiates opium +"In the past, it was relatively common to hear about sporadic cases of botulism, the potentially fatal disease produced by a toxin from the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum.",botulism +"For example, the courts have permitted religiously inspired blue laws that limit working hours or even shutter businesses on Sunday, the Christian day of rest, because by allowing people to practice their( Christian) faith, such rules may help ensure the “ health, safety, recreation, and general well - being ” of citizens.",blue laws +"Children in the concrete operational stage also understand the principle of reversibility, which means that objects can be changed and then returned back to their original form or condition.",the principle of reversibility +Torque is the rotational equivalent of a force.,Torque +"The cornea, the front transparent layer of the eye, and the crystalline lens, a transparent convex structure behind the cornea, both refract( bend) light to focus the image on the retina.",The cornea the crystalline lens +"Medicaid( which provides medical assistance to the indigent), Medicare( which provides health insurance to the elderly and disabled), and school nutrition programs were created.",Medicaid Medicare +"Together, these two fertilization events in angiosperms are known as double fertilization.",double fertilization +"The two centrosomes will give rise to the mitotic spindle, the apparatus that orchestrates the movement of chromosomes during mitosis.",the mitotic spindle +"The second group, bipedal predators called theropods, includes birds.",theropods +"Michels( 1911) suggested that all large organizations are characterized by the Iron Rule of Oligarchy, wherein an entire organization is ruled by a few elites.",the Iron Rule of Oligarchy +Orthokinesis is the increased or decreased speed of movement of an organism in response to a stimulus.,Orthokinesis +These temporarily induced magnets are called electromagnets.,electromagnets +"The occipital lobe is located at the very back of the brain, and contains the primary visual cortex, which is responsible for interpreting incoming visual information.",The occipital lobe +Old World monkeys are called Catarrhini — a reference to their narrow noses.,Catarrhini +"This Negro nationalism, as some referred to it, proposed that African Americans had a distinct and separate national heritage that should inspire pride and a sense of community.",Negro nationalism +"Hydrophobic, or water - hating molecules, tend to be non - polar.",Hydrophobic +"The time before the Cambrian period is known as the Ediacaran period( from about 635 million years ago to 543 million years ago), the final period of the late Proterozoic Neoproterozoic Era.",the Ediacaran period +"If that charge reaches a certain level, called the threshold of excitation, the neuron becomes active and the action potential begins. Many additional pores open, causing a massive influx of Na+ ions and a huge positive spike in the membrane potential, the peak action potential.",the peak action potential +"During plateau, women experience further swelling of the vagina and increased blood flow to the labia minora, and men experience full erection and often exhibit pre - ejaculatory fluid.",plateau +"The National Security Act governs the way the government shares and stores information, while the Patriot Act( passed immediately after 9/11) clarifies what the government may do in collecting information about people in the name of protecting the country.",The National Security Act the Patriot Act +A reference group is a group that people compare themselves to — it provides a standard of measurement.,A reference group +"Mood, on the other hand, refers to a prolonged, less intense, affective state that does not occur in response to something we experience.",Mood +"In some plants, the periderm has many openings, known as lenticels, which allow the interior cells to exchange gases with the outside atmosphere.",lenticels +An aberration is a distortion in an image.,An aberration +Imports are the goods and services that are produced abroad and then sold domestically.,Imports +Tonicity describes how an extracellular solution can change the volume of a cell by affecting osmosis.,Tonicity +Electrical energy is a common form that is converted to many other forms and does work in a wide range of practical situations.,Electrical energy +"Present in small concentrations in the plasma membrane, inositol phospholipids are lipids that can also be converted into second messengers.",inositol phospholipids +The term medicalization of deviance refers to the process that changes “ bad ” behavior into “ sick ” behavior.,medicalization of deviance +"The most common nucleotide mutations are substitutions, in which one base is replaced by another.",substitutions +An asset is something of value that is owned and can be used to produce something.,An asset +"These men were the leaders of political machines, organizations that secured votes for the party ’s candidates or supported the party in other ways.",political machines +"By contrast, a market with many buyers and sellers is called a thick market.",a thick market +"Resistors are in series whenever the flow of charge, called the current, must flow through devices sequentially.",Resistors the current +"In negative punishment, you remove a pleasant stimulus to decrease behavior.",negative punishment +"The hypothalamus contains autonomic centers that control endocrine cells in the adrenal medulla via neuronal control. The pituitary gland, sometimes called the hypophysis or “ master gland ” is located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica, a groove of the sphenoid bone of the skull, illustrated in.",The pituitary gland the hypophysis master gland the sella turcica +"Macromolecules are inactivated using enzymes such as proteases that break down proteins, and ribonucleases( RNAses) that break down RNA.",enzymes such as proteases ribonucleases RNAses +Cells are broken using a lysis buffer( a solution which is mostly a detergent) ; lysis means “ to split. ” These enzymes break apart lipid molecules in the cell membranes and nuclear membranes.,lysis buffer These enzymes +The outermost layer is a tough connective tissue layer called the renal fascia.,the renal fascia +This method was known as cost - plus regulation.,cost - plus regulation +All of the ocean ’s open water is referred to as the pelagic realm( or zone).,the pelagic realm ( or zone ) +"An individual with an error in chromosome number is described as aneuploid, a term that includes monosomy( loss of one chromosome) or trisomy( gain of an extraneous chromosome).",aneuploid +"Agonists are chemicals that mimic a neurotransmitter at the receptor site and, thus, strengthen its effects.",Agonists +"The anterior pituitary gland, or adenohypophysis, is surrounded by a capillary network that extends from the hypothalamus, down along the infundibulum, and to the anterior pituitary.",The anterior pituitary gland adenohypophysis +This is defined to be the de Broglie wavelength.,the de Broglie wavelength +"When such cells are carrying out photosynthesis, their plastids are rich in the pigment chlorophyll a and a range of other pigments, called accessory pigments, which are involved in harvesting energy from light.",accessory pigments +"It is interesting to note that several of the biggest unions in the country are made up of government workers, including the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees( AFSCME) ; the Service Employees International Union ; and the National Education Association.","the American Federation of State , County and Municipal Employees" +"Cognitive development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity.",Cognitive development +"The theory of nullification, or the voiding of unwelcome federal laws, provided wealthy slaveholders, who were a minority in the United States, with an argument for resisting the national government if it acted contrary to their interests.",The theory of nullification +"They help to reduce transpiration( the loss of water by aboveground plant parts), increase solar reflectance, and store compounds that defend the leaves against predation by herbivores.",They transpiration +The mantle( also known as the pallium) is the dorsal epidermis in mollusks ; shelled mollusks are specialized to secrete a chitinous and hard calcareous shell.,mantle the pallium +An emotion is a subjective state of being that we often describe as our feelings.,An emotion +The food particles enter the mouth and travel to the mastax( pharynx with jaw - like structures).,mastax +"The facial feedback hypothesis asserts that facial expressions are capable of influencing our emotions, meaning that smiling can make you feel happier( Buck, 1980 ; Soussignan, 2001 ; Strack, Martin, & Stepper, 1988).",The facial feedback hypothesis +Unfunded mandates are federal laws and regulations that impose obligations on state and local governments without fully compensating them for the administrative costs they incur.,Unfunded mandates +"Hippocrates theorized that personality traits and human behaviors are based on four separate temperaments associated with four fluids( “ humors ”) of the body : choleric temperament( yellow bile from the liver), melancholic temperament( black bile from the kidneys), sanguine temperament( red blood from the heart), and phlegmatic temperament( white phlegm from the lungs)( Clark & Watson, 2008 ; Eysenck & Eysenck, 1985 ; Lecci & Magnavita, 2013 ; Noga, 2007).",Hippocrates +"Coercive organizations are groups that we must be coerced, or pushed, to join.",Coercive organizations +"The study of genetic maps begins with linkage analysis, a procedure that analyzes the recombination frequency between genes to determine if they are linked or show independent assortment.",linkage analysis +"Personality traits are relatively consistent patterns of thought and behavior, and many have proposed that five trait dimensions are sufficient to capture the variations in personality seen across individuals.",Personality traits +A model organism is a species that is studied as a model to understand the biological processes in other species represented by the model organism.,A model organism +"If torpor occurs during the summer months with high temperatures and little water, it is called estivation.",estivation +Storage is the retention of the encoded information.,Storage +Cations are positive ions that are formed by losing electrons.,Cations +"Major GlandsThe pituitary gland descends from the hypothalamus at the base of the brain, and acts in close association with it.",GlandsThe pituitary gland +"A popular form of exposure therapy is systematic desensitization, wherein a calm and pleasant state is gradually associated with increasing levels of anxiety - inducing stimuli.",systematic desensitization +"An ecosystem consists of all the living things in a particular area together with the abiotic, non - living parts of that environment such as nitrogen in the soil or rain water.",An ecosystem +"For example, the endocrinologist Hans Selye, a famous stress researcher, once defined stress as the “ response of the body to any demand, whether it is caused by, or results in, pleasant or unpleasant conditions ”( Selye, 1976, p. 74).",stress +"Plantar flexion is a bending at the ankle when the heel is lifted, such as when standing on the toes.",Plantar flexion +These individual virus particles are the infectious form of a virus outside the host cell.,These individual virus particles +"The 1932 election is considered an example of a critical election, one that represents a sudden, clear, and long - term shift in voter allegiances.",a critical election +Mesohyl is an extracellular matrix consisting of a collagen - like gel with suspended cells that perform various functions.,Mesohyl +"These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, and insomnia( i.e., a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a month ���s time)( Roth, 2007).",insomnia +"For this reason, it is linked to priming : when media coverage predisposes the viewer or reader to a particular perspective on a subject or issue.",priming +"An adult with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention[ CDC], 2012).",obese +"These nutrients are termed essential nutrients, meaning they must be eaten, and the body can not produce them.",termed essential +Sleep regulation refers to the brain ’s control of switching between sleep and wakefulness as well as coordinating this cycle with the outside world.,Sleep regulation +"The phylum derives its name from the first pair of appendages : the chelicerae, which are specialized, claw - like or fang - like mouthparts.",the chelicerae +Mammary glands produce milk that is used to feed newborns.,Mammary glands +"A hypothesis is a testable educated guess about predicted outcomes between two or more variables ; it ’s a possible explanation for specific happenings in the social world and allows for testing to determine whether the explanation holds true in many instances, as well as among various groups or in different places.",A hypothesis +Spontaneous mutations occur without any exposure to any environmental agent ; they are a result of natural reactions taking place within the body.,Spontaneous mutations +A frontal plane( also called a coronal plane) separates the front from the back.,A frontal plane a coronal plane +Longitudinal research is a research design in which data - gathering is administered repeatedly over an extended period of time.,Longitudinal research +"The penis, illustrated in, is an organ that drains urine from the renal bladder and functions as a copulatory organ during intercourse.",The penis +Cross - pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower on a different individual of the same species.,Cross - pollination +"Distinct from self - efficacy, which involves our belief in our own abilities, locus of control refers to our beliefs about the power we have over our lives.",self - efficacy +The act of getting information out of memory storage and back into conscious awareness is known as retrieval.,retrieval +Paraphyletic groups are those in which not all members are descendants of a single common ancestor.,Paraphyletic groups +"Many in the Free - Soil Party believed in this far - reaching conspiracy of the slaveholding elite to control both foreign affairs and domestic policies for their own ends, a cabal that came to be known as the Slave Power.",the Slave Power +"When a gene being examined is present on the X chromosome, but not on the Y chromosome, it is said to be X - linked.",X - linked +Mycotoxicosis is the poisoning of humans( and other animals) by foods contaminated by fungal toxins( mycotoxins).,Mycotoxicosis mycotoxins +Foraging is the act of searching for and exploiting food resources.,Foraging +"This choice is typically the result of a plea bargain, an agreement between the defendant and the prosecutor in which the defendant pleads guilty to the charge( s) in question, or perhaps to less serious charges, in exchange for more lenient punishment than he or she might receive if convicted after a full trial.",a plea bargain +"Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two nuclei are combined, or fused, to form a larger nucleus.",Nuclear fusion +"Land proposed, based partly on his many elegant experiments, that the three types of cones are organized into systems called retinexes.",retinexes +"Lastly, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act( 1991) made automated calls to cell phones illegal, which leaves a large population of potential respondents inaccessible to robo - polls. Mark Blumenthal, “ The Case for Robo - Pollsters : Automated Interviewers Have Their Drawbacks, But Fewer Than Their Critics Suggest, ” National Journal, 14 September 2009.",the Telephone Consumer Protection Act ( 1991 ) +"For example, insurance policies often have deductibles, which is an amount that the insurance policyholder must pay out of their own pocket before the insurance coverage starts paying.",deductibles +Migration is the long - range seasonal movement of animals.,Migration +"Blood pressure pulsates because of the pumping action of the heart, reaching a maximum, called systolic pressure, and a minimum, called diastolic pressure, with each heartbeat.",systolic pressure diastolic pressure +"Chemiosmosis, a process of ATP production in cellular metabolism, is used to generate 90 percent of the ATP made during glucose catabolism and is also the method used in the light reactions of photosynthesis to harness the energy of sunlight.",Chemiosmosis +"Named after James Flynn, who was among the first to describe this trend, the Flynn effect refers to the observation that each generation has a significantly higher IQ than the last.",the Flynn effect +Industrial psychology is concerned with describing job requirements and assessing individuals for their ability to meet those requirements.,Industrial psychology +The synapse is a very small space between two neurons and is an important site where communication between neurons occurs.,The synapse +"Most researchers choose to survey a small sector of the population, or a sample : that is, a manageable number of subjects who represent a larger population.",a sample +"The temporal lobe is located on the side of the head( temporal means “ near the temples ”), and is associated with hearing, memory, emotion, and some aspects of language.",The temporal lobe +"Even as we improve access, we have failed to address an increasingly evident gap in e - readiness — the ability to sort through, interpret, and process knowledge( Sciadas 2003).",e - readiness +"Typically, a venture capital fund invests in a number of firms, and then investors in that fund receive returns according to how the fund as a whole performs. The amount of money invested in venture capital fluctuates substantially from year to year : as one example, venture capital firms invested more than $ 48.3 billion in 2014, according to the National Venture Capital Association.",a venture capital fund +Misattribution happens when you confuse the source of your information.,Misattribution +Barter — literally trading one good or service for another — is highly inefficient for trying to coordinate the trades in a modern advanced economy.,Barter +"Each approach, Keynesian and neoclassical, has its strengths and weaknesses. The short - term Keynesian model, built on the importance of aggregate demand as a cause of business cycles and a degree of wage and price rigidity, does a sound job of explaining many recessions and why cyclical unemployment rises and falls.",The short - term Keynesian model +"Judicial review was established in the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison, when, for the first time, the Court declared an act of Congress to be unconstitutional. Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137( 1803).",Judicial review +A significant decline in real GDP is called a recession.,a recession +"The term avidity describes binding by antibody classes that are secreted as joined, multivalent structures( such as IgM and IgA).",avidity +Mercantilism is an economic policy based on accumulating silver and gold by controlling colonial and foreign markets through taxes and other charges.,Mercantilism +Democratic leaders encourage group participation in all decision making.,Democratic leaders +"Active transport mechanisms, collectively called pumps, work against electrochemical gradients.",pumps +"The poorest, most undeveloped countries were referred to as the third world and included most of sub - Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia.",the third world +"Nearsightedness, or myopia, is the inability to see distant objects clearly while close objects are clear.",Nearsightedness myopia +"Most macromolecules are made from single subunits, or building blocks, called monomers.",monomers +"The Twelfth Amendment, ratified in 1804, provided for the separate election of president and vice president as well as setting out ways to choose a winner if no one received a majority of the electoral votes.",The Twelfth Amendment +"Supply - siders, on the other hand, prefer regressive tax systems, which lower the overall rate as individuals make more money.",regressive tax systems +"A negative slope means that two variables are negatively related ; that is, when x increases, y decreases, or when x decreases, y increases.",A negative slope +The formal statement of the direction and magnitude of the field due to each segment is called the Biot - Savart law.,the Biot - Savart law +"About 40 % – 60 % of individuals relapse, which means they return to abusing drugs and/or alcohol after a period of improvement( National Institute on Drug Abuse[ NIDA], 2008).",relapse +"The free exercise clause, on the other hand, limits the ability of the government to control or restrict religious practices.",The free exercise clause +The primary organ of taste is the taste bud.,the taste bud +"The term culture refers to all of the beliefs, customs, art, and traditions of a particular society.",culture +"Most eudicots produce pollen that is trisulcate or triporate, with three furrows or pores.",trisulcate triporate +"In sociology, a few theories provide broad perspectives that help explain many different aspects of social life, and these are called paradigms.",paradigms +"At a broader level, some economists worry about a leverage cycle, where “ leverage ” is a term used by financial economists to mean “ borrowing. ”",leverage +"Perceived control is our beliefs about our personal capacity to exert influence over and shape outcomes, and it has major implications for our health and happiness( Infurna & Gerstorf, 2014).",Perceived control +"The embryonic axis consists of three parts : the plumule, the radicle, and the hypocotyl.",The embryonic axis +"Unlike the “ yellow journalists ” who were interested only in sensationalized articles designed to sell newspapers, muckrakers exposed problems in American society and urged the public to identify solutions.",yellow journalists muckrakers +"In free association, the patient relaxes and then says whatever comes to mind at the moment.",free association +"In Crawford v. Marion County Election Board( 2008), the Supreme Court decided that Indiana ’s voter identification requirement was constitutional, although the decision left open the possibility that another case might meet the burden of proof required to overturn the law.",Crawford v. Marion County Election Board ( 2008 ) +"Most mammals have heterodont teeth, meaning that they have different types and shapes of teeth rather than just one type and shape of tooth.",heterodont teeth +"In Jamaica and elsewhere, runaway slaves created maroon communities, groups that resisted recapture and eked out a living from the land, rebuilding their communities as best they could.",maroon communities +"The Fifteenth Amendment gave men the right to vote regardless of race or color, but women were still prohibited from voting in most states.",The Fifteenth Amendment +"Here, we ’ll define family as a socially recognized group( usually joined by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption) that forms an emotional connection and serves as an economic unit of society.",family +"In cases of resistant attachment, children tend to show clingy behavior, but then they reject the attachment figure ’s attempts to interact with them( Ainsworth & Bell, 1970).",resistant attachment +"The nucleus - first hypothesis proposes that the nucleus evolved in prokaryotes first( a), followed by a later fusion of the new eukaryote with bacteria that became mitochondria.",The nucleus - first hypothesis +Long bones are longer than they are wide and have a shaft and two ends.,Long bones +The stalk that extends from the stem to the base of the leaf is the petiole.,the petiole +The Lorenz curve shows the cumulative share of population on the horizontal axis and the cumulative percentage of total income received on the vertical axis.,The Lorenz curve +"Some House and Senate members ask to serve on the foreign policy committees, such as the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the two defense committees.",the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations the House Foreign Affairs Committee +"Many people juggle the demands of work life with the demands of their home life, whether it be caring for children or taking care of an elderly parent ; this is known as work - family balance.",work - family balance +"A final possible cause for polarization is the increasing sophistication of gerrymandering, or the manipulation of legislative districts in an attempt to favor a particular candidate.",gerrymandering +"This process is called carbon fixation, because CO2 is “ fixed ” from an inorganic form into organic molecules.",carbon fixation +Transgender individuals who attempt to alter their bodies through medical interventions such as surgery and hormonal therapy — so that their physical being is better aligned with gender identity — are called transsexuals.,transsexuals +The channel( the width of the river or stream) is narrower than at any other place along the length of the river or stream.,The channel +The term order of magnitude refers to the scale of a value expressed in the metric system.,order of magnitude +The Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to African Americans and equal protection under the law regardless of race or color.,The Fourteenth Amendment +Within each domain is a second category called a kingdom.,a kingdom +"In behavior therapy, a therapist employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviors — rather than digging deeply into one ’s unconscious.",behavior therapy +The gallbladder is a small organ that aids the liver by storing bile and concentrating bile salts.,The gallbladder +"An early and popular “ reform ” to slavery was colonization, or a movement advocating the displacement of African Americans out of the country, usually to Africa.",colonization +Melatonin release is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light.,Melatonin release +"Cultural transmission refers to the way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture.",Cultural transmission +"All resonant frequencies are integral multiples of the fundamental, and they are collectively called harmonics.",harmonics +"During the war, all the states passed confiscation acts, which gave the new revolutionary governments in the former colonies the right to seize Loyalist land and property.",confiscation acts +A rhizome is a modified stem that grows horizontally underground and has nodes and internodes.,A rhizome +An Employment Cost Index measures wage inflation in the labor market.,An Employment Cost Index +Ray tracing is the technique of determining or following( tracing) the paths that light rays take.,Ray tracing +"By choosing to settle along the rivers on the banks of the Chesapeake, the English unknowingly placed themselves at the center of the Powhatan Empire, a powerful Algonquian confederacy of thirty native groups with perhaps as many as twenty - two thousand people.",the Powhatan Empire +The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.,The Thirteenth Amendment +"Natural selection acts at the level of the individual ; it selects for individuals with greater contributions to the gene pool of the next generation, known as an organism ’s evolutionary( Darwinian) fitness.",Natural selection an organism ’s evolutionary ( Darwinian ) fitness +"According to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, biotechnology is “ any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.",biotechnology +"In an isotonic solution, the extracellular fluid has the same osmolarity as the cell.",an isotonic solution +"The kinetoplastid subgroup is named after the kinetoplast, a DNA mass carried within the single, oversized mitochondrion possessed by each of these cells.",the kinetoplast +"The outer layer( from ectoderm) is called the epidermis and lines the outside of the animal, whereas the inner layer( from endoderm) is called the gastrodermis and lines the digestive cavity.",the epidermis the gastrodermis +"It is also important to note that every society also has nonbelievers, such as atheists, who do not believe in a divine being or entity, and agnostics, who hold that ultimate reality( such as God) is unknowable.",nonbelievers agnostics +Couples therapy involves two people in an intimate relationship who are having difficulties and are trying to resolve them.,Couples therapy +"The elite critique suggests that certain interests, typically businesses and the wealthy, are advantaged and that policies more often reflect their wishes than anyone else ’s.",The elite critique +"The release of one or two phosphate groups from ATP, a process called dephosphorylation, releases energy.",dephosphorylation +A simulation model is an ecosystem model that is created using complex computer algorithms to holistically model ecosystems and to predict the effects of environmental disturbances on ecosystem structure and dynamics.,A simulation model +"Traditionally, most health care in the United States has been provided on a fee - for - service basis, which means that medical care providers are paid for the services they provide and are paid more if they provide additional services.",a fee - for - service basis +"One strategy is rehearsal, or the conscious repetition of information to be remembered( Craik & Watkins, 1973).",rehearsal +The part of the embryonic axis that projects above the cotyledons is known as the epicotyl.,the epicotyl +"The expected rate of return refers to how much a project or an investment is expected to return to the investor, either in future interest payments, capital gains, or increased profitability.",The expected rate of return +"Stock represents ownership of a firm ; that is, a person who owns 100 % of a company ’s stock, by definition, owns the entire company.",Stock +"This type of receptor spans the plasma membrane and performs signal transduction, in which an extracellular signal is converted into an intercellular signal.",signal transduction +"We call this twofold nature the particle - wave duality, meaning that EM radiation has both particle and wave properties.",the particle - wave duality +"The important concept of exponential growth is that the population growth rate — the number of organisms added in each reproductive generation — is accelerating ; that is, it is increasing at a greater and greater rate.",the population growth rate +"It is often called an entitlement program since it guarantees benefits to a particular group, and virtually everyone will eventually qualify for the plan given the relatively low requirements for enrollment.",an entitlement program +Animals that secrete urea as the primary nitrogenous waste material are called ureotelic animals.,ureotelic animals +"Called the test cross, this technique is still used by plant and animal breeders.",the test cross +This intermediary is the messenger RNA( mRNA).,the messenger RNA mRNA +This method of reproduction is known as apomixis.,apomixis +This back and forth continues until a certain relative balance between reactants and products occurs — a state called equilibrium.,equilibrium +Block grants come with less stringent federal administrative conditions and provide recipients more flexibility over how to spend grant funds.,Block grants +"For example, the Seventeenth Amendment, ratified in 1913, gave voters the right to directly elect U.S. senators.",the Seventeenth Amendment +"Endocytosis is a type of active transport that moves particles, such as large molecules, parts of cells, and even whole cells, into a cell.",Endocytosis +"Barriers to entry are the legal, technological, or market forces that discourage or prevent potential competitors from entering a market.",Barriers to entry +"The point where a split occurs, called a branch point, represents where a single lineage evolved into a distinct new one.",a branch point +"Peroxisomes are small, round organelles enclosed by single membranes.",Peroxisomes +A habit is a pattern of behavior in which we regularly engage.,A habit +"For instance, with the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act in 1996, known as the welfare reform bill, states were given great discretion over the provision of welfare.",the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act the welfare reform bill +"K - selected species are species selected by stable, predictable environments.",K - selected species +A free - body diagram is a drawing of all external forces acting on a body.,A free - body diagram +"Minerals, listed in, are inorganic essential nutrients that must be obtained from food.",Minerals +"The collective unconscious is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us( Jung, 1928).",The collective unconscious +"An endoskeleton is a skeleton that consists of hard, mineralized structures located within the soft tissue of organisms.",An endoskeleton +"In addition, the right atrium receives blood from the coronary sinus which drains deoxygenated blood from the heart itself.",the coronary sinus +Recall that emf is the potential difference of a source when no current is flowing.,emf +"During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, artisans — skilled, experienced craft workers — produced goods by hand.",artisans +Habituation is a simple form of learning in which an animal stops responding to a stimulus after a period of repeated exposure.,Habituation +"Therefore, the lower on the spine damage is, the fewer functions an injured individual loses. The Two HemispheresThe surface of the brain, known as the cerebral cortex, is very uneven, characterized by a distinctive pattern of folds or bumps, known as gyri( singular : gyrus), and grooves, known as sulci( singular : sulcus), shown in.",the cerebral cortex gyri sulci +"The result is a limit in the amount of oxygen that can reach some of the organs and tissues of the body, reducing the overall metabolic capacity of fish. In amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, blood flow is directed in two circuits : one through the lungs and back to the heart, which is called pulmonary circulation, and the other throughout the rest of the body and its organs including the brain( systemic circulation).",pulmonary circulation systemic circulation +"One country that will soon face a serious aging crisis is China, which is on the cusp of an “ aging boom ” — a period when its elderly population will dramatically increase.",an “ aging boom ” +Price indices are created to calculate an overall average change in relative prices over time.,Price indices +"Monopolistically competitive markets feature a large number of competing firms, but the products that they sell are not identical.",Monopolistically competitive markets +Storage is the creation of a permanent record of information.,Storage +The optic nerve from each eye merges just below the brain at a point called the optic chiasm.,the optic chiasm +"Grammar refers to the set of rules that are used to convey meaning through the use of the lexicon( Fernández & Cairns, 2011).",Grammar +"The cortical radiate arteries branch into numerous afferent arterioles, and then enter the capillaries supplying the nephrons.",The cortical radiate arteries +It pictures the economy as consisting of two groups — households and firms — that interact in two markets : the goods and services market in which firms sell and households buy and the labor market in which households sell labor to business firms or other employees.,It +"In what became known as the Freeport Doctrine, Douglas adamantly upheld popular sovereignty, declaring : “ It matters not what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide as to the abstract question whether slavery may or may not go into a territory under the Constitution, the people have the lawful means to introduce it or exclude it as they please. ” The Freeport Doctrine antagonized southerners and caused a major rift in the Democratic Party.",the Freeport Doctrine +"A refugee is defined as an individual who has been forced to leave his or her country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster, while asylum - seekers are those whose claim to refugee status has not been validated.",A refugee +Economists call this positive relationship between price and quantity supplied — that a higher price leads to a higher quantity supplied and a lower price leads to a lower quantity supplied — the law of supply.,the law of supply +"In some cases, the person will exhibit catatonic behaviors, which show decreased reactivity to the environment, such as posturing, in which the person maintains a rigid and bizarre posture for long periods of time, or catatonic stupor, a complete lack of movement and verbal behavior.",catatonic behaviors posturing catatonic stupor +"The balance of trade( or trade balance) is any gap between a nation ’s dollar value of its exports, or what its producers sell abroad, and a nation ’s dollar worth of imports, or the foreign - made products and services that households and businesses purchase.",The balance of trade trade balance +"Perhaps the most famous provision of the Fifth Amendment is its protection against self - incrimination, or the right to remain silent.",the Fifth Amendment +Behavior is the change in activity of an organism in response to a stimulus.,Behavior +"Following the publication of the Pentagon Papers, for instance, the “ plumbers, ” a group of men used by the White House to spy on the president ’s opponents and stop leaks to the press, broke into the office of Daniel Ellsberg ’s psychiatrist to steal Ellsberg ’s file and learn information that might damage his reputation.","the “ plumbers , ”" +"They are allowed to purchase U.S. Treasury securities but, to protect depositors, they are not permitted to invest in the stock market or other assets that are perceived as too risky. Bank capital is the difference between a bank ’s assets and its liabilities.",Bank capital +"To explore these questions, we turn to demography, or the study of populations.",demography +"It is also believed that strong emotions trigger the formation of strong memories, and weaker emotional experiences form weaker memories ; this is called arousal theory( Christianson, 1992).",arousal theory +A layer of cells known as the endodermis separates the stele from the ground tissue in the outer portion of the root.,the endodermis +"The type of potential energy that exists within chemical bonds, and is released when those bonds are broken, is called chemical energy.",chemical energy +"The Twenty - Second Amendment, added in 1955, limits the president to two terms in office, and the Twenty - Seventh Amendment, first submitted for ratification in 1789, regulates the implementation of laws regarding salary increases or decreases for members of Congress.",The Twenty - Second Amendment the Twenty - Seventh Amendment +"The GCCI is a United States Agency for International Development( USAID) funding program intended to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of peripheral and semi - peripheral countries by encouraging the use of alternative, low - carbon, energy sources with financial incentives.",The GCCI +"For example, from 1994 to 2000 during what was known as the “ dot - com ” boom, the U.S. stock market, which is measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Index( which includes 30 very large companies from across the U.S. economy), nearly tripled in value.",the Dow Jones Industrial Index +Such light is said to be unpolarized because it is composed of many waves with all possible directions of polarization.,unpolarized +A traditional PAC is an organization designed to raise hard money to elect or defeat candidates.,A traditional PAC +"To compare the GDP of countries with different currencies, it is necessary to convert to a “ common denominator ” using an exchange rate, which is the value of one currency in terms of another currency.",an exchange rate +"Neurons, on the other hand, serve as interconnected information processors that are essential for all of the tasks of the nervous system.",Neurons +A competitive seat describes a race where a challenger runs against the incumbent — the current office holder.,A competitive seat +"This phenomenon of “ stagflation ” — a term that combined the economic conditions of stagnation and inflation — outlived the Nixon administration, enduring into the early 1980s.",stagflation +Conception occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg and forms a zygote.,Conception +"When a firm decides to sell stock, which in turn can be bought and sold by financial investors, it is called a public company.",a public company +Supination is the movement of the radius and ulna bones of the forearm so that the palm faces forward.,Supination +A mole( abbreviated mol) is defined to be the amount of a substance that contains as many atoms or molecules as there are atoms in exactly 12 grams( 0.012 kg) of carbon-12.,A mole mol +"Progymnosperms were a transitional group of plants that superficially resembled conifers( cone bearers) because they produced wood from the secondary growth of the vascular tissues ; however, they still reproduced like ferns, releasing spores into the environment.",conifers +The distance to the farthest object that can be seen clearly is called the far point of the eye( normally infinity).,the far point of the eye +Goods that are nonexcludable and rivalrous are called common resources.,common resources +"When the chiasmata resolve and the tetrad is broken up with the homologs moving to one pole or another, the ploidy level — the number of sets of chromosomes in each future nucleus — has been reduced from two to one.",the ploidy level +"The outer ear includes the pinna, which is the visible part of the ear that protrudes from our heads, the auditory canal, and the tympanic membrane, or eardrum.",The outer ear +This capillary network is a part of the hypophyseal portal system that carries substances from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary and hormones from the anterior pituitary into the circulatory system.,the hypophyseal portal system +Mycetismus describes the ingestion of preformed toxins in poisonous mushrooms.,Mycetismus +"Thus, in the 1980s and 1990s, some regulators of public utilities began to use price cap regulation, where the regulator sets a price that the firm can charge over the next few years.",price cap regulation +The other form of polyploidy occurs when individuals of two different species reproduce to form a viable offspring called an allopolyploid.,allopolyploid +Scientists call these synonymous parts homologous structures.,homologous structures +The sliding clamp is a ring - shaped protein that binds to the DNA and holds the polymerase in place.,The sliding clamp +Some mutations are not expressed ; these are known as silent mutations.,silent mutations +This is known as effortful processing.,effortful processing +The expiratory reserve volume( ERV) is the additional amount of air that can be exhaled after a normal exhalation.,The expiratory reserve volume ERV +Associative learning occurs when an organism makes connections between stimuli or events that occur together in the environment.,Associative learning +"For example, the Seventeenth Amendment, ratified in 1913, gave voters the right to directly elect U.S. senators.",the Seventeenth Amendment +"An endemic disease is a disease that is constantly present, usually at low incidence, in a population.",An endemic disease +"The archosaurs include modern crocodiles and alligators, and the extinct pterosaurs( “ winged lizard ”) and dinosaurs( “ terrible lizard ”).",The archosaurs +"A democracy is a government in which political power — influence over institutions, leaders, and policies — rests in the hands of the people.",A democracy +An epidemic is a disease that occurs in an unusually high number of individuals in a population at the same time.,An epidemic +"Umami is actually a Japanese word that roughly translates to yummy, and it is associated with a taste for monosodium glutamate( Kinnamon & Vandenbeuch, 2009).",Umami +"It requires the government to demonstrate that treating men and women differently is “ substantially related to an important governmental objective. ” This puts the burden of proof on the government to demonstrate why the unequal treatment is justifiable, not on the individual who alleges unfair discrimination has taken place.",It +"Productive efficiency means that, given the available inputs and technology, it is impossible to produce more of one good without decreasing the quantity that is produced of another good.",Productive efficiency +"It is important that the mother takes good care of herself and receives prenatal care, which is medical care during pregnancy that monitors the health of both the mother and the fetus.",prenatal care +"This type of motion, called cytoplasmic streaming, is used by several diverse groups of protists as a means of locomotion or as a method to distribute nutrients and oxygen.",cytoplasmic streaming +A bureaucracy is an administrative group of nonelected officials charged with carrying out functions connected to a series of policies and programs.,A bureaucracy +Imports are the goods and services that are produced abroad and then sold domestically.,Imports +Polarization is the separation of charges in an object that remains neutral.,Polarization +A healthy democratic society is expected to be filled with citizens who vote regularly and participate in the electoral process.,A healthy democratic society +"When economists talk about supply, they mean the amount of some good or service a producer is willing to supply at each price.",supply +"The Sixth Amendment contains the provisions that govern criminal trials ; in full, it states :",The Sixth Amendment +A dimer is a chemical compound formed when two molecules( often identical) join together.,A dimer +The Spinal CordIt can be said that the spinal cord is what connects the brain to the outside world.,The Spinal CordIt +"The amino acid - derived hormones are relatively small molecules that are derived from the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, shown in.",The amino acid - derived hormones +"So, for the most part, the Supreme Court is an appeals court, operating under appellate jurisdiction and hearing appeals from the lower courts.",the Supreme Court +"In what became known as the “ Long Telegram, ” Kennan maintained that Soviet leaders believed that the only way to protect the Soviet Union was to destroy “ rival ” nations and their influence over weaker nations.","the “ Long Telegram , ”" +"One important structure within the limbic system is a temporal lobe structure called the amygdala( Greek for “ almond ”), illustrated in.",the amygdala +"J. R. Stroop discovered a memory phenomenon in the 1930s : you will name a color more easily if it appears printed in that color, which is called the Stroop effect.",the Stroop effect +"The substances used in the beginning of a chemical reaction are called the reactants( usually found on the left side of a chemical equation), and the substances found at the end of the reaction are known as the products( usually found on the right side of a chemical equation).",the reactants the products +A tagged compound used for medical purposes is called a radiopharmaceutical.,a radiopharmaceutical +Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria.,Bacteriophages +A hydrothermal vent is a breakage or fissure in the Earth ’s surface that releases geothermally heated water.,A hydrothermal vent +"The Confederation Congress, formerly the Continental Congress, had the authority to exchange ambassadors and make treaties with foreign governments and Indian tribes, declare war, coin currency and borrow money, and settle disputes between states.",The Confederation Congress +The head - to - tail method of adding vectors involves drawing the first vector on a graph and then placing the tail of each subsequent vector at the head of the previous vector.,The head - to - tail method of adding vectors +Meditation is the act of focusing on a single target( such as the breath or a repeated sound) to increase awareness of the moment.,Meditation +"In the North American Free Trade Agreement( NAFTA), the United States, Canada, and Mexico pledged themselves to reduce trade barriers.",the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA +"An individual with the appropriate number of chromosomes for their species is called euploid ; in humans, euploidy corresponds to 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.",euploid +Term limits restrict the length of time a member can serve in the state legislature by capping either lifetime service or the number of consecutive terms.,Term limits +"The condensed chromosomes are viewed within the nucleus( top), removed from a cell in mitosis and spread out on a slide( right), and artificially arranged according to length( left) ; an arrangement like this is called a karyotype.",a karyotype +"Fighting Unemployment or Inflation?As explained in Unemployment, unemployment can be divided into two categories : cyclical unemployment and the natural rate of unemployment, which is the sum of frictional and structural unemployment.",the natural rate of unemployment +"In 1928, he reported the first demonstration of bacterial transformation, a process in which external DNA is taken up by a cell, thereby changing morphology and physiology.",bacterial transformation +"It states that global inequality is primarily caused by core nations( or high - income nations) exploiting semi - peripheral and peripheral nations( or middle - income and low - income nations), which creates a cycle of dependence( Hendricks 2010).",It +"The chyme produced from the stomach is highly acidic in nature ; the pancreatic juices contain high levels of bicarbonate, an alkali that neutralizes the acidic chyme.",bicarbonate +"This phenomenon is called Pascal ’s principle, because it was first clearly stated by the French philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal( 1623 – 1662) : A change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to all portions of the fluid and to the walls of its container.",Pascal ’s principle +"The second category of bank asset is bonds, which are a common mechanism for borrowing, used by the federal and local government, and also private companies, and nonprofit organizations.",bonds +"Interestingly, drive theory also emphasizes the role that habits play in the type of behavioral response in which we engage.",drive theory +"In placental mammals, the acrosome contains digestive enzymes that initiate the degradation of the glycoprotein matrix protecting the egg and allowing the sperm plasma membrane to fuse with the egg plasma membrane, as illustrated in b.",the acrosome +"Each leaf typically has a leaf blade called the lamina, which is also the widest part of the leaf.",the lamina +"In a closed circulatory system, blood is contained inside blood vessels and circulates unidirectionally from the heart around the systemic circulatory route, then returns to the heart again, as illustrated in a.",a closed circulatory system +"Many believe the glass ceiling, an invisible barrier caused by discrimination, prevents women from rising to the highest levels of American organizations, including corporations, governments, academic institutions, and religious groups.",the glass ceiling +"In the 1870s, Irish coal miners in eastern Pennsylvania formed a secret organization known as the Molly Maguires, named for the famous Irish patriot.",the Molly Maguires +A thermal hazard occurs when there is electrical overheating.,A thermal hazard +"Cotton, however, emerged as the antebellum South ’s major commercial crop, eclipsing tobacco, rice, and sugar in economic importance.",Cotton +"Health psychology focuses on how health is affected by the interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.",Health psychology +"Also, the transaction may be characterized by asymmetric information, in which one party has more information than the other regarding the economic transaction.",asymmetric information +"Testosterone, the hormone responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics that develop in the male during adolescence, stimulates spermatogenesis.",Testosterone +This small amount of energy input necessary for all chemical reactions to occur is called the activation energy( or free energy of activation) and is abbreviated EA.,the activation energy free energy of activation +This is called acclimatization.,acclimatization +Reactors designed specifically to make plutonium are called breeder reactors.,breeder reactors +"At the equilibrium wage( We), the equilibrium quantity( Qe) of labor supplied by workers should be equal to the quantity of labor demanded by employers.",wage We the equilibrium +"A holistic ecosystem model attempts to quantify the composition, interaction, and dynamics of entire ecosystems ; it is the most representative of the ecosystem in its natural state.",A holistic ecosystem model +The confirmation bias is the tendency to focus on information that confirms your existing beliefs.,The confirmation bias +"During the “ Red Summer ” of 1919, northern cities recorded twenty - five bloody race riots that killed over 250 people.",the “ Red Summer ” +"In congressional and local elections, incumbents win reelection up to 90 percent of the time, a result called the incumbency advantage.",the incumbency advantage +"Pastoral societies, such as the Maasai villagers, rely on the domestication of animals as a resource for survival.",Pastoral societies +"Distinct from self - efficacy, which involves our belief in our own abilities, locus of control refers to our beliefs about the power we have over our lives.",locus of control +"Proto - oncogenes are normal genes that, when mutated in certain ways, become oncogenes, genes that cause a cell to become cancerous.",oncogenes +A branch with more than two lineages is called a polytomy and serves to illustrate where scientists have not definitively determined all of the relationships.,a polytomy +"As we get older, socioemotional selectivity theory suggests that our social support and friendships dwindle in number, but remain as close, if not more close than in our earlier years( Carstensen, 1992).",socioemotional selectivity theory +"To achieve their goals, the group called for farm holidays, during which farmers would neither sell their produce nor purchase any other goods until the government met their demands.",farm holidays +Tracheids are xylem cells with thick secondary cell walls that are lignified.,Tracheids +"Thus, substitution bias — the rise in the price of a fixed basket of goods over time — tends to overstate the rise in a consumer ’s true cost of living, because it does not take into account that the person can substitute away from goods whose relative prices have risen.",substitution bias +"Social anxiety disorder( formerly called social phobia) is characterized by extreme and persistent fear or anxiety and avoidance of social situations in which the person could potentially be evaluated negatively by others( APA, 2013).",Social anxiety disorder +"A clear division of labor refers to the fact that within a bureaucracy, each individual has a specialized task to perform.",A clear division of labor +"A basophil is a leukocyte that, like a neutrophil, releases chemicals to stimulate the inflammatory response as illustrated in.",A basophil +"Mitochondria( singular = mitochondrion) are often called the “ powerhouses ” or “ energy factories ” of a cell because they are responsible for making adenosine triphosphate( ATP), the cell ’s main energy - carrying molecule.",Mitochondria adenosine triphosphate ATP +"This membrane allows smaller molecules and molecules without an electrical charge to pass through it, while stopping larger or highly charged molecules.",This membrane +"The crude death rate is a number derived from the number of deaths per 1,000 people per year.",The crude death rate +"But whereas interest groups often work indirectly to influence our leaders, political parties are organizations that try to directly influence public policy through its members who seek to win and hold public office.",political parties +"The cork cambium, cork cells, and phelloderm are collectively termed the periderm.",the periderm +Institutional racism refers to the way in which racism is embedded in the fabric of society.,Institutional racism +"Phloem tissue is composed of sieve - tube cells, companion cells, phloem parenchyma, and phloem fibers.",Phloem tissue +"This provision is similar to the Fifth Amendment in that it also refers to “ due process, ” a term that generally means people must be treated fairly and impartially by government officials( or with what is commonly referred to as substantive due process).",due process substantive due process +"Ground tissue serves as a site for photosynthesis, provides a supporting matrix for the vascular tissue, and helps to store water and sugars.",Ground tissue +This depolarization is called an excitatory postsynaptic potential( EPSP) and makes the postsynaptic neuron more likely to fire an action potential.,an excitatory postsynaptic potential EPSP +The term popular culture refers to the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society.,popular culture +"In contrast, dispositionism holds that our behavior is determined by internal factors( Heider, 1958).",dispositionism +"Together, the number of protons and the number of neutrons determine an element ’s mass number, as illustrated in.",an element ’s mass number +"This is known as the transformer equation, and it simply states that the ratio of the secondary to primary voltages in a transformer equals the ratio of the number of loops in their coils.",the transformer equation +"Prohibition, as the anti - alcohol movement became known, had been a goal of many Progressives for decades.",Prohibition +"The soil profile has four distinct layers : 1) O horizon ; 2) A horizon ; 3) B horizon, or subsoil ; and 4) C horizon, or soil base.",The soil profile +"In 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency( EPA) was created to oversee all environmental laws.",the Environmental Protection Agency EPA +"Current sensitivity is the current that gives a full - scale deflection of the galvanometer ’s needle, the maximum current that the instrument can measure.",Current sensitivity +"As discussed in Motional Emf, motional emf is induced when a conductor moves in a magnetic field or when a magnetic field moves relative to a conductor.",motional emf +"More recently, Justice Clarence Thomas argued in the 2010 McDonald v. Chicago ruling that the individual right to bear arms applied to the states because of this clause. McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742( 2010).The second provision of the Fourteenth Amendment that pertains to applying the Bill of Rights to the states is the due process clause, which says, “ nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. ”",McDonald v. Chicago +Retinoblastoma proteins are a group of tumor - suppressor proteins common in many cells.,Retinoblastoma proteins +The definition of ecotourism is a little vague.,ecotourism +Recall that a zygote is a fertilized egg : the first cell of the development of an organism that reproduces sexually.,a zygote +The pancreas is an internal organ that secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar levels : insulin and glucagon.,The pancreas +"Gymnosperms, meaning “ naked seeds, ” are a diverse group of seed plants and are paraphyletic.",Gymnosperms +The labia majora are a pair of elongated folds of tissue that run posterior from the mons pubis and enclose the other components of the vulva.,The labia majora +Neo - Luddites are people who see technology as symbolizing the coldness and alienation of modern life.,Neo - Luddites +"The ovary houses one or more ovules, each of which will develop into a seed upon fertilization.",The ovary ovules +"Remember that the amount of money and credit in an economy is determined by a money multiplier — a process of loans being made, money being deposited, and more loans being made.",a money multiplier +"The body ’s fluids include blood plasma, the cytosol within cells, and interstitial fluid, the fluid that exists in the spaces between cells and tissues of the body.",interstitial fluid +"The just - world hypothesis is the belief that people get the outcomes they deserve( Lerner & Miller, 1978).",The just - world hypothesis +Ecology is the study of the interactions of living organisms with their environment.,Ecology +The polymerase comprised of all five subunits is called the holoenzyme.,the holoenzyme +"In addition, researchers often compare observations of the same event by multiple observers, in order to test inter - rater reliability : a measure of reliability that assesses the consistency of observations by different observers.",inter - rater reliability +"The immediate impetus to the invasion, it argued, was the fear that Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction( WMDs) : nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons capable of wreaking great havoc.",weapons of mass destruction WMDs +"For example, a soda lake is both salty and alkaline, so organisms that live in a soda lake must be both alkaliphiles and halophiles.",a soda lake +Lateral meristems facilitate growth in thickness or girth in a maturing plant.,Lateral meristems +"Mutations can also be the result of the addition of a base, known as an insertion, or the removal of a base, also known as deletion.",an insertion deletion +"On Sherman ’s March to the Sea, the Union army, seeking to demoralize the South, destroyed everything in its path, despite strict instructions regarding the preservation of civilian property.",Sherman ’s March to the Sea +"The final type, acting crowds, focuses on a specific goal or action, such as a protest movement or riot. In addition to the different types of crowds, collective groups can also be identified in two other ways.",acting crowds +A dissertation is essentially a long research paper or bundled published articles describing research that was conducted as a part of the candidate ’s doctoral training.,A dissertation +"It is not surprising, then, that humans detect cold stimuli before they detect warm stimuli. Pacinian corpuscles( seen in) are located deep in the dermis of both glabrous and hairy skin and are structurally similar to Meissner ’s corpuscles ; they are found in the bone periosteum, joint capsules, pancreas and other viscera, breast, and genitals.",Pacinian corpuscles +"Deindustrialization, a related issue, occurs as a consequence of capital flight, as no new companies open to replace jobs lost to foreign nations.",Deindustrialization +Economics is the study of how humans make decisions in the face of scarcity.,Economics +Biotechnology is the use of biological agents for technological advancement.,Biotechnology +"The Supreme Court, for example, has held that the Ninth Amendment protects the right to privacy even though none of the preceding amendments explicitly mentions this right.",the Ninth Amendment +"The nucleus - first hypothesis proposes that the nucleus evolved in prokaryotes first( a), followed by a later fusion of the new eukaryote with bacteria that became mitochondria.",The nucleus - first hypothesis +"His conclusions established differential association theory, which suggested that individuals learn deviant behavior from those close to them who provide models of and opportunities for deviance.",differential association theory +"In general, this process by which carbon is transported deep into the ocean is described as the biological carbon pump, because carbon is “ pumped ” to the ocean depths where it is inaccessible to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.",the biological carbon pump +"The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia proposed that an overabundance of dopamine or too many dopamine receptors are responsible for the onset and maintenance of schizophrenia( Snyder, 1976).",The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia +"In what became known as “ dollar diplomacy, ” Taft announced his decision to “ substitute dollars for bullets ” in an effort to use foreign policy to secure markets and opportunities for American businessmen.",dollar diplomacy +This continuously synthesized strand is known as the leading strand.,the leading strand +The bond yield measures the rate of return a bond is expected to pay over time.,The bond yield +"The chytrids are the simplest and most primitive Eumycota, or true fungi.",The chytrids +Each organism in a food chain occupies what is called a trophic level.,a trophic level +"At the end of each duct are approximately 100 alveolar sacs, each containing 20 to 30 alveoli that are 200 to 300 microns in diameter.",alveolar sacs +The combined gradient of concentration and electrical charge that affects an ion is called its electrochemical gradient.,electrochemical gradient +President Obama threatened to use the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 — commonly known as the Taft - Hartley Act — where a court can impose an 80 - day “ cooling - off period ” in order to allow time for negotiations to proceed without the threat of a work stoppage.,the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 the Taft - Hartley Act +"Zooplankton, protists, small fishes, and shrimp are found in the neritic zone and are the base of the food chain for most of the world ’s fisheries. Beyond the neritic zone is the open ocean area known as the oceanic zone.",the oceanic zone +Trichomes are hair - like structures on the epidermal surface.,Trichomes +"And bipolar disorder is characterized by dramatic shifts in energy and mood, often affecting the individual ’s ability to carry out day - to - day tasks.",bipolar disorder +"In deductive reasoning, ideas are tested against the empirical world ; in inductive reasoning, empirical observations lead to new ideas.",deductive reasoning inductive reasoning +"The act called for the removal of the Five Civilized Tribes from their home in the southeastern United States to land in the West, in present - day Oklahoma.",The act +Fungi are mostly saprobes( saprophyte is an equivalent term) : organisms that derive nutrients from decaying organic matter.,saprobes saprophyte +A fixed interval reinforcement schedule is when behavior is rewarded after a set amount of time.,A fixed interval reinforcement schedule +"The Glorious Revolution also led to the English Toleration Act of 1689, a law passed by Parliament that allowed for greater religious diversity in the Empire.",the English Toleration Act of 1689 +"Many polling companies try to avoid leading questions, which lead respondents to select a predetermined answer, because they want to know what people really think.",leading questions +The U.S. Criminal Justice SystemA criminal justice system is an organization that exists to enforce a legal code.,SystemA criminal justice system +"The cochlea is a whorled structure, like the shell of a snail, and it contains receptors for transduction of the mechanical wave into an electrical signal( as illustrated in).",The cochlea +Contrast is the difference in intensity between objects and the background on which they are observed.,Contrast +This form of representation is called descriptive representation.,descriptive +"There is evidence of some specialization of function — referred to as lateralization — in each hemisphere, mainly regarding differences in language ability.",lateralization +A society describes a group of people who share a community and a culture.,A society +"Bullying is repeated negative treatment of another person, often an adolescent, over time( Olweus, 1993).",Bullying +"Cells of the meristematic tissue are found in meristems, which are plant regions of continuous cell division and growth.",meristems +"As shown in, a stack of thylakoids is called a granum, and the liquid - filled space surrounding the granum is called stroma or “ bed ”( not to be confused with stoma or “ mouth, ” an opening on the leaf epidermis).",a granum stroma +The genes that code for the positive cell cycle regulators are called proto - oncogenes.,proto - oncogenes +"Infected cells are identified and destroyed by natural killer( NK) cells, lymphocytes that can kill cells infected with viruses or tumor cells( abnormal cells that uncontrollably divide and invade other tissue).",natural killer ( NK ) cells tumor cells +"A second type of symbiotic relationship is called mutualism, where two species benefit from their interaction.",mutualism +The neoclassical growth consensus uses the aggregate production function to suggest that the period of modern economic growth came about because of increases in inputs such as technology and physical and human capital.,The neoclassical growth consensus +"Occupational licenses, which are typically issued by government agencies, show that a worker has completed a certain type of education or passed a certain test.",Occupational licenses +The anus is an opening at the far - end of the digestive tract and is the exit point for the waste material.,The anus +"The English scientist William Crookes, among others, continued to study what for some time were called Crookes tubes, wherein electrons are freed from atoms and molecules in the rarefied gas inside the tube and are accelerated from the cathode( negative) to the anode( positive) by the high potential.",Crookes tubes +Ecdysozoa includes nematodes and arthropods ; they are so named for a commonly found characteristic among the group : exoskeletal molting( termed ecdysis).,Ecdysozoa ecdysis +"According to sociologist William Graham Sumner, deviance is a violation of established contextual, cultural, or social norms, whether folkways, mores, or codified law( 1906).",deviance +"One of the oldest known amniotes is Casineria, which had both amphibian and reptilian characteristics.",Casineria +"Taxes on international capital flows are sometimes known as Tobin taxes, named after James Tobin, the 1981 Nobel laureate in economics who proposed such a tax in a 1972 lecture.",Tobin taxes +"One of the first challenges facing the party - in - government, or the party identifiers who have been elected or appointed to hold public office, is to achieve their policy goals.",the party - in - government +"A checking account typically pays little or no interest, but it facilitates transactions by giving you easy access to your money, either by writing a check or by using a debit card( that is, a card which works like a credit card, except that purchases are immediately deducted from your checking account rather than being billed separately through a credit card company).",A checking account a debit card +"When transcription factors bind to the promoter just upstream of the encoded gene, it is referred to as a cis - acting element, because it is on the same chromosome just next to the gene.",a cis - acting element +"PSYCHOTHERAPY : COGNITIVE - BEHAVIORAL THERAPYCognitive - behavioral therapists focus much more on present issues than on a patient ’s childhood or past, as in other forms of psychotherapy.",THERAPYCognitive - behavioral therapists +"Additionally, a tongue - like organ called a radula, which bears chitinous tooth - like ornamentation, is present in many species, and serves to shred or scrape food.",a radula +A lineage that evolved early from the root and remains unbranched is called basal taxon.,basal taxon +"The medulla controls the automatic processes of the autonomic nervous system, such as breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate.",The medulla +"When President John Adams signed the Sedition Act in 1798, which made it a crime to speak openly against the government, the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures passed resolutions declaring the act null on the grounds that they retained the discretion to follow national laws.",the Sedition Act in 1798 +Another important evolutionary force is gene flow : the flow of alleles in and out of a population due to the migration of individuals or gametes.,gene flow +"In Buckley v. Valeo( 1976), the Supreme Court upheld Congress ’s right to regulate elections by restricting contributions to campaigns and candidates.",Buckley v. Valeo ( 1976 ) +"To curtail widespread anticompetitive practices in the railroad industry, Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act in 1887, which created the Interstate Commerce Commission.",the Interstate Commerce Act +Another enzyme called lipase is produced by the cells in the tongue.,lipase +Recall from The Aggregate Demand/ Aggregate Supply Model that stagflation is an unhealthy combination of high unemployment and high inflation.),stagflation +A molecule is a chemical structure consisting of at least two atoms held together by one or more chemical bonds.,A molecule +"The equilibrium price is the only price where the plans of consumers and the plans of producers agree — that is, where the amount of the product consumers want to buy( quantity demanded) is equal to the amount producers want to sell( quantity supplied).",The equilibrium price quantity demanded quantity supplied +"Wakefield argued that natural internal mechanisms — that is, psychological processes honed by evolution, such as cognition, perception, and learning — have important functions, such as enabling us to experience the world the way others do and to engage in rational thought, problem solving, and communication.",natural internal mechanisms +"A survey targets a specific population, people who are the focus of a study, such as college athletes, international students, or teenagers living with type 1( juvenile - onset) diabetes.",A survey +"The outer layer of cells is called the epicardium, of which the second layer is a membranous layered structure called the pericardium that surrounds and protects the heart ; it allows enough room for vigorous pumping but also keeps the heart in place to reduce friction between the heart and other structures.",the pericardium +"In gymnosperms, pollination involves pollen transfer from the male cone to the female cone.",pollination +"These cells are present around the mouth and tentacles, and serve to immobilize prey with toxins contained within the cells.",These cells +Forensic psychology is a branch of psychology that deals questions of psychology as they arise in the context of the justice system.,Forensic psychology +Thigmomorphogenesis is a slow developmental change in the shape of a plant subjected to continuous mechanical stress.,Thigmomorphogenesis +"Natural opioids, called opiates, are derivatives of opium, which is a naturally occurring compound found in the poppy plant.",Natural opioids opiates +"In Near v. Minnesota, an early case regarding press freedoms, the Supreme Court ruled that the government generally could not engage in prior restraint ; that is, states and the federal government could not in advance prohibit someone from publishing something without a very compelling reason. Near v. Minnesota, 283 U.S. 697( 1931).",Near v. Minnesota +"Additionally, a tongue - like organ called a radula, which bears chitinous tooth - like ornamentation, is present in many species, and serves to shred or scrape food.",a radula +"The hypothalamus controls the endocrine system by sending signals to the pituitary gland, a pea - sized endocrine gland that releases several different hormones that affect other glands as well as other cells.",The hypothalamus +"A checking account typically pays little or no interest, but it facilitates transactions by giving you easy access to your money, either by writing a check or by using a debit card( that is, a card which works like a credit card, except that purchases are immediately deducted from your checking account rather than being billed separately through a credit card company).",A checking account +"Counseling psychology is a similar discipline that focuses on emotional, social, vocational, and health - related outcomes in individuals who are considered psychologically healthy.",Counseling psychology +The telomerase enzyme contains a catalytic part and a built - in RNA template.,The telomerase enzyme +"In another postzygotic situation, reproduction leads to the birth and growth of a hybrid that is sterile and unable to reproduce offspring of their own ; this is called hybrid sterility.",hybrid sterility +"The kidneys, illustrated in, are a pair of bean - shaped structures that are located just below and posterior to the liver in the peritoneal cavity.",The kidneys +"During prometaphase, the “ first change phase, ” many processes that were begun in prophase continue to advance.",prometaphase first change phase +The ureters are urine - bearing tubes that exit the kidney and empty into the urinary bladder.,The ureters +"As you learned in Environmental Protection and Negative Externalities, positive externalities are beneficial spillovers to a third party, or parties. Consider the example of the Big Drug Company, which is planning its R&D budget for the next year.",positive externalities +Thermodynamics refers to the study of energy and energy transfer involving physical matter.,Thermodynamics +"In a budget constraint line, the quantity of one good is measured on the horizontal axis and the quantity of the other good is measured on the vertical axis.",a budget constraint line +"A role schema makes assumptions about how individuals in certain roles will behave( Callero, 1994).",A role schema +"An aggregate fruit is one that develops from more than one carpel, but all are in the same flower : the mature carpels fuse together to form the entire fruit, as seen in the raspberry.",An aggregate fruit +A humoral stimulus refers to the control of hormone release in response to changes in extracellular fluids such as blood or the ion concentration in the blood.,A humoral stimulus +"Asthma is a chronic and serious disease in which the airways of the respiratory system become obstructed, leading to great difficulty expelling air from the lungs.",Asthma +"If motional emf can cause a current loop in the conductor, we refer to that current as an eddy current.",an eddy current +Exports are the goods and services that are produced domestically and sold abroad.,Exports +"A typical body cell, or somatic cell, contains two matched sets of chromosomes, a configuration known as diploid.",diploid +"The Revolution of 1800 refers to the first transfer of power from one party to another in American history, when the presidency passed to Democratic - Republican Thomas Jefferson in the 1800 election.",The Revolution of 1800 +This pattern of tracing kinship is called bilateral descent.,bilateral descent +"In the goods market, the seller of a good might offer a money - back guarantee, an agreement that functions as a promise of quality.",a money - back guarantee +Price elasticity is the ratio between the percentage change in the quantity demanded( Qd) or supplied( Qs) and the corresponding percent change in price.,Price elasticity +A bank ’s net worth is also referred to as bank capital.,bank capital +"The body is represented by a single isolated point( or free body), and only those forces acting on the body from the outside( external forces) are shown.",free body external forces +"Having individuals behave as they normally would in a given situation means that we have a higher degree of ecological validity, or realism, than we might achieve with other research approaches.",ecological validity realism +Prolactin stimulates the production of milk by the mammary glands following childbirth.,Prolactin +"Conversely, when there is a great discrepancy between our ideal and actual selves, we experience a state Rogers called incongruence, which can lead to maladjustment.",incongruence +"In 1985, anxiety over the messages of the music industry led to the founding of the Parents Music Resource Center( PMRC), a bipartisan group formed by the wives of prominent Washington politicians including Susan Baker, the wife of Reagan ’s treasury secretary, James Baker, and Tipper Gore, the wife of then - senator Al Gore, who later became vice president under Bill Clinton.",the Parents Music Resource Center PMRC +The molarity of a solution is the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.,The molarity of a solution +"The self - reference effect is the tendency for an individual to have better memory for information that relates to oneself in comparison to material that has less personal relevance( Rogers, Kuiper & Kirker, 1977).",The self - reference effect +"Many banks and other financial institutions also offer a chance to invest in money market funds, where the deposits of many individual investors are pooled together and invested in a safe way, such as short - term government bonds.",market funds +"If we divide profit by the quantity of output produced we get average profit, also known as the firm ’s profit margin.",average profit the firm ’s profit margin +"Stock represents ownership of a firm ; that is, a person who owns 100 % of a company ’s stock, by definition, owns the entire company.",Stock +"Self - pollination occurs when the pollen from the anther is deposited on the stigma of the same flower, or another flower on the same plant.",Self - pollination +Rods are strongly photosensitive and are located in the outer edges of the retina.,Rods +A corporate merger occurs when two formerly separate firms combine to become a single firm.,A corporate merger +"To provide more transparency to state and local governments and reduce the federal government ’s use of mandates, the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act was passed in 1995.",the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act +"In the early 2000s, about 40 million people in the United States were eligible for Medicare, a government program that provides health insurance for those 65 and older.",Medicare +This space is referred to as the synovial( or joint) cavity and is filled with synovial fluid.,the synovial ( or joint ) cavity +"The outer layer( from ectoderm) is called the epidermis and lines the outside of the animal, whereas the inner layer( from endoderm) is called the gastrodermis and lines the digestive cavity.",the epidermis the gastrodermis +"This type of adhesion is called capillary action, and is illustrated in.",capillary action +The phalanges are the 14 bones of the toes.,The phalanges +Combinations of notes constitute music.,music +"Lampreys are similar to hagfishes in size and shape ; however, lampreys possess some vertebral elements.",Lampreys +"These adaptations include, but are not limited to : 1) a rotating shoulder joint, 2) a big toe that is widely separated from the other toes and thumbs, which are widely separated from fingers( except humans), which allow for gripping branches, 3) stereoscopic vision, two overlapping fields of vision from the eyes, which allows for the perception of depth and gauging distance.",stereoscopic vision +"After the New Deal, it provided old - age pensions( Social Security), unemployment insurance, agricultural subsidies, protections for organizing in the workplace, and a variety of other public services created during Roosevelt ’s administration.",Social Security +Veins are blood vessels that bring blood back to the heart.,Veins +Market exchange rates vary on a day - to - day basis depending on supply and demand in foreign exchange markets.,Market exchange rates +"New social movement theory, a development of European social scientists in the 1950s and 1960s, attempts to explain the proliferation of postindustrial and postmodern movements that are difficult to analyze using traditional social movement theories.",New social movement theory +Sociology studies politics as a means to understand the underlying social norms and values of a group.,Sociology +"A final type of policy is redistributive policy, so named because it redistributes resources in society from one group to another.",redistributive policy +The transfer of the phosphate is catalyzed by an enzyme called a kinase.,a kinase +"Traditional conservatism supports the authority of the monarchy and the church, believing government provides the rule of law and maintains a society that is safe and organized.",Traditional conservatism +"Like mammals, which are also endothermic, birds have an insulating covering that keeps heat in the body : feathers.",feathers +The benthic realm( or zone) extends along the ocean bottom from the shoreline to the deepest parts of the ocean floor.,The benthic realm ( or zone ) +"An important measurement taken during spirometry is the forced expiratory volume( FEV), which measures how much air can be forced out of the lung over a specific period, usually one second( FEV1).",the forced expiratory volume FEV +A rational voter will recognize that one vote is extremely unlikely to make a difference.,A rational voter +"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC), an adult with a body mass index( BMI) between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight.",the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC overweight +"Higher - level consumers feed on the next lower tropic levels, and so on, up to the organisms at the top of the food chain : the apex consumers.",the apex consumers +"It called for greater participation in the democratic process by ordinary people, advocated civil disobedience, and rejected the anti - Communist position held by most other groups committed to social reform in the United States.",It +Angular movements are produced when the angle between the bones of a joint changes.,Angular movements +"Those frequencies above the human range are called ultrasound. Amplitude, or the dimension of a wave from peak to trough, in sound is heard as volume and is illustrated in.",ultrasound Amplitude +"Enantiornithes means “ opposite birds, ” which refers to the fact that certain bones of the feet are joined differently than the way the bones are joined in modern birds.",Enantiornithes +"Crustaceans possess two pairs of antennae, mandibles as mouthparts, and biramous( “ two branched ”) appendages, which means that their legs are formed in two parts, as distinct from the uniramous( “ one branched ”) myriapods and hexapods.",uniramous +"Freud maintained that imbalances in the system can lead to neurosis( a tendency to experience negative emotions), anxiety disorders, or unhealthy behaviors.",neurosis +"In addition, prokaryotes often have abundant plasmids, which are shorter circular DNA molecules that may only contain one or a few genes.",plasmids +The program provides academic - centered preschool to students of low socioeconomic status.,The program +"The middle ear holds three small bones called the ossicles, which transfer energy from the moving tympanum to the inner ear.",the ossicles +"These germ layers are programmed to develop into certain tissue types, organs, and organ systems during a process called organogenesis.",organogenesis +"The neurotransmitters are transported across the very small distances between nerve cells, which are called chemical synapses.",chemical synapses +"Plurality voting, commonly referred to as first - past - the - post, is based on the principle that the individual candidate with the most votes wins, whether or not he or she gains a majority( 51 percent or greater) of the total votes cast.",Plurality voting first - past - the - post +"The Children ’s Internet Protection Act, however, requires K–12 schools and public libraries receiving Internet access using special E - rate discounts to filter or block access to obscene material and other material deemed harmful to minors, with certain exceptions.",The Children ’s Internet Protection Act +The balance of trade is the relationship between a country ’s inflow and outflow of goods.,The balance of trade +"Many banks and other financial institutions also offer a chance to invest in money market funds, where the deposits of many individual investors are pooled together and invested in a safe way, such as short - term government bonds.",money market funds +"Collectively, this network of protein fibers is known as the cytoskeleton.",the cytoskeleton +"Social stratification refers to a society ’s categorization of its people into rankings of socioeconomic tiers based on factors like wealth, income, race, education, and power.",Social stratification +The placenta is a structure connected to the uterus that provides nourishment and oxygen from the mother to the developing embryo via the umbilical cord.,The placenta +"Known as the bottleneck effect, it results in a large portion of the genome suddenly being wiped out.",the bottleneck effect +"Personality refers to the long - standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways.",Personality +Autoimmunity is a type of hypersensitivity to self antigens that affects approximately five percent of the population.,Autoimmunity +"In positive punishment, you add an undesirable stimulus to decrease a behavior.",positive punishment +"The long - chain fatty acids and monoglycerides recombine in the absorptive cells to form triglycerides, which aggregate into globules and become coated with proteins.",triglycerides +"As the unreinforced rats explored the maze, they developed a cognitive map : a mental picture of the layout of the maze.",a cognitive map +"Others, called achieved statuses, are obtained by choice, such as a high school dropout, self - made millionaire, or nurse.",achieved statuses +"Frequency refers to the number of waves that pass a given point in a given time period and is often expressed in terms of hertz( Hz), or cycles per second.",Frequency hertz Hz +"Parazoans( “ beside animals ”) do not display tissue - level organization, although they do have specialized cells that perform specific functions.",Parazoans “ beside animals ” +"The term “ humoral ” is derived from the term “ humor, ” which refers to bodily fluids such as blood.",humor +"Although still functional, these are considered false coeloms, and those animals are called pseudocoelomates.",false coeloms pseudocoelomates +Methadone is a synthetic opioid that is less euphorigenic than heroin and similar drugs.,Methadone +"Radiation hybrid mapping uses radiation, such as x - rays, to break the DNA into fragments.",Radiation hybrid mapping +A specific combination of protons and neutrons is called a nuclide and is a unique nucleus.,a nuclide +"The collective unconscious is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us( Jung, 1928).",The collective unconscious +Olfactory neurons are bipolar neurons( neurons with two processes from the cell body).,bipolar neurons +"The effective income tax, which is total taxes paid divided by total income( all sources of income such as wages, profits, interest, rental income, and government transfers such as veterans ’ benefits), was much lower.",The effective income tax +"The hormone that initiates the signaling pathway is called a first messenger, which activates a second messenger in the cytoplasm, as illustrated in.",a first messenger +Recall that the specific interest rate the Fed targets is the federal funds rate.,the federal funds rate +"It is now known that the pairing and interaction between homologous chromosomes, known as synapsis, does more than simply organize the homologs for migration to separate daughter cells.",synapsis +"One common symptom is hyperplasia, the abnormal proliferation of cells that causes the appearance of plant tumors known as galls.",hyperplasia +"This single pathway is called by different names : the citric acid cycle( for the first intermediate formed — citric acid, or citrate — when acetate joins to the oxaloacetate), the TCA cycle( since citric acid or citrate and isocitrate are tricarboxylic acids), and the Krebs cycle, after Hans Krebs, who first identified the steps in the pathway in the 1930s in pigeon flight muscles.",the citric acid cycle the TCA cycle the Krebs cycle +"As mentioned, spectral lines are actually closely spaced doublets, a characteristic called fine structure, as shown in.",fine structure +The forearm extends from the elbow to the wrist and consists of two bones : the ulna and the radius.,The forearm +"A food web is a graphic representation of a holistic, non - linear web of primary producers, primary consumers, and higher - level consumers used to describe ecosystem structure and dynamics.",A food web +Sleep rebound refers to the fact that a sleep - deprived individual will tend to take a shorter time to fall asleep during subsequent opportunities for sleep.,Sleep rebound +"A group that we do n’t belong to, or an out - group, is a group that we view as fundamentally different from us.",an out - group +Lymph nodes are specialized organs that filter the lymph by percolation through a maze of connective tissue filled with white blood cells.,Lymph nodes +This creates an oligopoly in which a few firms dominate the media marketplace.,an oligopoly +"Physics is concerned with describing the interactions of energy, matter, space, and time, and it is especially interested in what fundamental mechanisms underlie every phenomenon.",Physics +The ecosystem is composed of all the biotic components( living things) in an area along with the abiotic components( non - living things) of that area.,The ecosystem +"The Sons of Liberty circulated this sensationalized version of the events of March 5, 1770, in order to promote the rightness of their cause ; it depicts British soldiers firing on unarmed civilians in the event that became known as the Boston Massacre.",the Boston Massacre +Retroactive interference happens when information learned more recently hinders the recall of older information.,Retroactive interference +Ignition is defined to occur when the reactions produce enough energy to be self - sustaining after external energy input is cut off.,Ignition +Osteocytes are mature bone cells and are the main cells in bony connective tissue ; these cells can not divide.,Osteocytes +"Banks are a critical intermediary in what is called the payment system, which helps an economy exchange goods and services for money or other financial assets.",the payment system +"In some cases, emotion - focused coping strategies involve reappraisal, whereby the stressor is construed differently( and somewhat self - deceptively) without changing its objective level of threat( Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).",reappraisal +"Two groups of proteins, called cyclins and cyclin - dependent kinases( Cdks), are responsible for the progress of the cell through the various checkpoints.",cyclins and cyclin - dependent kinases ( Cdks ) +"It is important to distinguish between socialized medicine, in which the government owns the healthcare system, and universal healthcare, which is simply a system that guarantees healthcare coverage for everyone.",socialized medicine universal healthcare +"In 1686, James II applied his concept of a centralized state to the colonies by creating an enormous colony called the Dominion of New England.",the Dominion of New England +"A social role is a pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group( Hare, 2003).",A social role +"He maintained high levels of defense spending but, in his farewell speech in 1961, warned about the growth of the military - industrial complex, the matrix of relationships between officials in the Department of Defense and executives in the defense industry who all benefited from increases in defense spending.",the military - industrial complex +"Vitamins are another class of essential organic molecules that are required in small quantities for many enzymes to function and, for this reason, are considered to be co - enzymes.",Vitamins co - enzymes +"First published in 1886 by Louis Keller in New York City, the register became a directory of the wealthy socialites who populated the city.",the register +"Shocks range in severity from painful, but otherwise harmless, to heart - stopping lethality.",Shocks +Organs are collections of tissues grouped together performing a common function.,Organs +"The male spores are called microspores, because of their smaller size, and develop into the male gametophyte ; the comparatively larger megaspores develop into the female gametophyte.",microspores +"This technique is called inertial confinement, because the fuel ’s inertia prevents it from escaping before significant fusion can take place.",inertial confinement +Tertiary consumers are carnivores that eat other carnivores.,Tertiary consumers +"In a simple leaf, the blade is either completely undivided — as in the banana leaf — or it has lobes, but the separation does not reach the midrib, as in the maple leaf.",a simple leaf +"A useful way to conceptualize stress is to view it as a process whereby an individual perceives and responds to events that he appraises as overwhelming or threatening to his well - being( Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).",stress +"These triplets are called nonsense codons, or stop codons.",nonsense codons stop codons +"Literacy tests, which had been used in the North since the 1850s to disqualify naturalized European immigrants from voting, called on the prospective voter to demonstrate his( and later her) ability to read a particular passage of text.",Literacy tests +"Hormones are chemical - signaling molecules, usually small proteins or steroids, secreted by endocrine cells that act to control or regulate specific physiological processes, including growth, development, metabolism, and reproduction.",Hormones +"In monocots, such as corn and wheat, the single cotyledon is called a scutellum ; the scutellum is connected directly to the embryo via vascular tissue( xylem and phloem).",a scutellum +"The hypothalamus contains autonomic centers that control endocrine cells in the adrenal medulla via neuronal control. The pituitary gland, sometimes called the hypophysis or “ master gland ” is located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica, a groove of the sphenoid bone of the skull, illustrated in.",The hypothalamus The pituitary gland hypophysis “ master gland ” the sella turcica +"Two groups, the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty, led the popular resistance to the Stamp Act.",the Sons of Liberty the Daughters of Liberty +Incoherent means the waves have random phase relationships.,Incoherent +It mathematically states the cause and effect relationship between force and changes in motion.,It +"In 1998, the United States, which produces roughly 36 percent of the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that prevent the earth ’s heat from escaping into space, signed the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement among the world ’s nations to reduce their emissions of these gases.",the Kyoto Protocol +"The ego, usually conscious, resorts to unconscious strivings to protect the ego from being overwhelmed by anxiety.",The ego +"The hypothesis, which has also been called linguistic relativity, states that language shapes thought( Swoyer 2003).",The hypothesis linguistic relativity +"Temperament refers to innate traits that influence how one thinks, behaves, and reacts with the environment.",Temperament +"Empathy is the capacity to understand another person ’s perspective, to feel what he or she feels.",Empathy +"The population composition includes the sex ratio, the number of men for every hundred women, as well as the population pyramid, a picture of population distribution by sex and age.",the sex ratio the population pyramid +Aversive conditioning uses an unpleasant stimulus to stop an undesirable behavior.,Aversive conditioning +"Phons differ from decibels because the phon is a unit of loudness perception, whereas the decibel is a unit of physical intensity.",the phon the decibel +"A genetic site used to generate a physical map with sequencing technology( a sequence - tagged site, or STS) is a unique sequence in the genome with a known exact chromosomal location.",A genetic site +"These genes that determine animal structure are called “ homeotic genes, ” and they contain DNA sequences called homeoboxes.",homeotic genes +The median voter theory argues that politicians will try to match policies to what pleases the median voter preferences.,The median voter theory +"The first cytokines to be produced are pro - inflammatory ; that is, they encourage inflammation, the localized redness, swelling, heat, and pain that result from the movement of leukocytes and fluid through increasingly permeable capillaries to a site of infection.",pro - inflammatory +"This results in a more complete law, called Ampere ’s law, which relates magnetic field and current in a general way.",Ampere ’s law +The bending of a wave around the edges of an opening or an obstacle is called diffraction.,diffraction +The centrosome is duplicated during the S phase.,the S phase +These two - way exchanges between the Americas and Europe/ Africa are known collectively as the Columbian Exchange.,the Columbian Exchange ( [ link ] ) +"Freud ’s third stage of psychosexual development is the phallic stage( 3–6 years), corresponding to the age when children become aware of their bodies and recognize the differences between boys and girls.",the phallic stage +"Prosimians include the bush babies of Africa, the lemurs of Madagascar, and the lorises, pottos, and tarsiers of Southeast Asia.",Prosimians +"Because it is produced in the cortex of the adrenal gland and affects the concentrations of minerals Na+ and K+, aldosterone is referred to as a mineralocorticoid, a corticosteroid that affects ion and water balance.",a mineralocorticoid +"This method involves marking a sample of captured animals in some way( such as tags, bands, paint, or other body markings), and then releasing them back into the environment to allow them to mix with the rest of the population ; later, a new sample is collected, including some individuals that are marked( recaptures) and some individuals that are unmarked.",This method +"In the 1960s, a gauge theory, called electroweak theory, was developed by Steven Weinberg, Sheldon Glashow, and Abdus Salam and proposed that the electromagnetic and weak forces are identical at sufficiently high energies.",electroweak theory +These free electrons can move through the material much as air moves through loose sand.,free electrons +Group IV viruses have ssRNA as their genome with a positive polarity.,Group IV viruses +"Reification is an error of treating an abstract concept as though it has a real, material existence( Sahn 2013).",Reification +A hallucinogen is one of a class of drugs that results in profound alterations in sensory and perceptual experiences.,A hallucinogen +"His economic policies, called Reaganomics by the press, were based on a theory called supply - side economics, about which many economists were skeptical.",Reaganomics +"Flexion, or bending, occurs when the angle between the bones decreases.",Flexion bending +"The Progressives sought to correct the many problems that had arisen as the United States transformed itself from a rural, agricultural nation into an increasingly urbanized, industrialized country dominated by big business interests.",The Progressives +"The atria are the chambers that receive blood, and the ventricles are the chambers that pump blood.",The atria the ventricles +"The law officially took the country off the gold standard, a restrictive practice that, although conservative and traditionally viewed as safe, severely limited the circulation of paper money.",The law the gold standard +"Gene targeting is the use of recombinant DNA vectors to alter the expression of a particular gene, either by introducing mutations in a gene, or by eliminating the expression of a certain gene by deleting a part or all of the gene sequence from the genome of an organism.",Gene targeting +The product rule states that the probability of two independent events occurring together can be calculated by multiplying the individual probabilities of each event occurring alone.,The product rule +"Between 5 and 8 months old, the child develops object permanence, which is the understanding that even if something is out of sight, it still exists( Bogartz, Shinskey, & Schilling, 2000).",object permanence +"This growth came as a result of what Johnson called his Great Society program, intended to use the power of government to relieve suffering and accomplish social good.",Great Society program +"Nonetheless, southerners feared the influence of a vast Underground Railroad : the network of northern whites and free blacks who sympathized with runaway slaves and provided safe houses and safe passage from the South.",Underground Railroad +"In practical terms, therefore, water potential is the difference in potential energy between a given water sample and pure water( at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature).",water potential +Dumping refers to selling goods below their cost of production.,Dumping +"An often overlooked category is corporate crime, or crime committed by white - collar workers in a business environment.",corporate crime +This method was known as cost - plus regulation.,cost - plus regulation +The real value refers to the same statistic after it has been adjusted for inflation.,The real value +"Direct action also took such forms as the sit - in campaigns to desegregate lunch counters that began in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960, and the 1961 Freedom Rides in which black and white volunteers rode buses and trains through the South to enforce a 1946 Supreme Court decision that desegregated interstate transportation( Morgan v. Virginia).",the 1961 Freedom Rides +"Measurements of physical quantities are expressed in terms of units, which are standardized values.",standardized values +"One common form of mate choice, called assortative mating, is an individual ’s preference to mate with partners who are phenotypically similar to themselves.",assortative mating +"A totalitarian dictatorship is even more oppressive and attempts to control all aspects of its subjects ’ lives ; including occupation, religious beliefs, and number of children permitted in each family.",A totalitarian dictatorship +"Intercalary meristems occur only in monocots, at the bases of leaf blades and at nodes( the areas where leaves attach to a stem).",nodes +Nonviolent crimes involve the destruction or theft of property but do not use force or the threat of force.,Nonviolent crimes +"To aid in the tremendous task of describing phylogenies accurately, scientists often use a concept called maximum parsimony, which means that events occurred in the simplest, most obvious way.",maximum parsimony +"Unlike an article that might be published in a magazine like Psychology Today, which targets a general audience with an interest in psychology, scientific journals generally publish peer - reviewed journal articles aimed at an audience of professionals and scholars who are actively involved in research themselves.",scientific journals +"The concave lens is a diverging lens, because it causes the light rays to bend away( diverge) from its axis.",The concave lens a diverging lens +"In the oral stage( birth to 1 year), pleasure is focused on the mouth.",the oral stage +"The term representative democracy, which is virtually synonymous with republic, can also be used to describe a government in which citizens elect representatives to promote policies that favor their interests.",representative democracy +"This pattern is common enough that it has been given a name : the law of diminishing returns, which holds that as additional increments of resources are added to a certain purpose, the marginal benefit from those additional increments will decline.",the law of diminishing returns +Liquidity refers to how quickly a financial asset can be used to buy a good or service.,Liquidity +This style of coverage became known as yellow journalism.,yellow journalism +This is called a reciprocal cross — a paired cross in which the respective traits of the male and female in one cross become the respective traits of the female and male in the other cross.,a reciprocal cross +"In this case, you ���re so focused on the amount of money you are willing to spend that you may not recognize what kinds of houses are available at that price point. The confirmation bias is the tendency to focus on information that confirms your existing beliefs.",The confirmation bias +Net consumer productivity is the energy content available to the organisms of the next trophic level.,Net consumer productivity +"By late 1862, the course of the war had changed to take on the characteristics of total war, in which armies attempt to demoralize the enemy by both striking military targets and disrupting their opponent ’s ability to wage war through destruction of their resources.",total war +The central region of the cell in which prokaryotic DNA resides is called the nucleoid.,the nucleoid +"One of the major controversies regarding race in the United States today is related to affirmative action, the practice of ensuring that members of historically disadvantaged or underrepresented groups have equal access to opportunities in education, the workplace, and government contracting.",affirmative action +"Gender refers to behaviors, personal traits, and social positions that society attributes to being female or male.",Gender +"Although not well understood, Ménière 's disease results in a degeneration of inner ear structures that can lead to hearing loss, tinnitus( constant ringing or buzzing), vertigo( a sense of spinning), and an increase in pressure within the inner ear( Semaan & Megerian, 2011).",tinnitus vertigo +The anti - gay marriage movement is an example of diagnostic framing with its uncompromising insistence that marriage is only between a man and a woman.,The anti - gay marriage movement +"Diffusion of responsibility is the tendency for no one in a group to help because the responsibility to help is spread throughout the group( Bandura, 1999).",Diffusion of responsibility +"During this stage, the initial shock of alarm reaction has worn off and the body has adapted to the stressor.",this stage +"The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, and religion, also prohibited, in Title VII, discrimination on the basis of sex.",The Civil Rights Act of 1964 +"Baltes and Baltes( 1990) based their theory on the idea that successful personal development throughout the life course and subsequent mastery of the challenges associated with everyday life are based on the components of selection, optimization, and compensation.",their theory +"Conventional crowds are those who come together for a scheduled event that occurs regularly, like a religious service.",Conventional crowds +"As a result, the Twenty - Sixth Amendment, which lowered the voting age in national elections to eighteen, was ratified by the states and went into effect in 1971.",the Twenty - Sixth Amendment +"Plant secretions promote the development of microorganisms around the root, in an area known as the rhizosphere.",the rhizosphere +Populations with two or more variations of particular characteristics are called polymorphic.,polymorphic +Magic numbers indicate a shell structure for the nucleus in which closed shells are more stable.,Magic numbers +"To simplify the process, companies offer mutual funds, which are organizations that buy a range of stocks or bonds from different companies.",mutual funds +Semantics refers to the process by which we derive meaning from morphemes and words.,Semantics +A pay schedule is a chart that shows salary ranges for different levels( grades) of positions vertically and for different ranks( steps) of seniority horizontally.,A pay schedule +"In 1791, these first ten amendments were added to the Constitution and became known as the Bill of Rights.",the Bill of Rights +"Water moves from one tracheid to another through regions on the side walls known as pits, where secondary walls are absent.",pits +Semantics refers to the process by which we derive meaning from morphemes and words.,Semantics +"A top - two primary, sometimes called a jungle primary, pits all candidates against each other, regardless of party affiliation.",A top - two primary a jungle primary +"In debt bondage, or bonded labor, the poor pledge themselves as servants in exchange for the cost of basic necessities like transportation, room, and board.",debt bondage bonded labor +"Anapsids have no temporal fenestrae, synapsids have one, and diapsids have two.",Anapsids +"Transpiration — the loss of water vapor to the atmosphere through stomata — is a passive process, meaning that metabolic energy in the form of ATP is not required for water movement.",Transpiration +"Presidents also further developed the concept of executive privilege, the right to withhold information from Congress, the judiciary, or the public.",executive privilege +"Plants that lack vascular tissue, which is formed of specialized cells for the transport of water and nutrients, are referred to as non - vascular plants.",non - vascular plants +Runners are a type of stolon that runs above the ground and produces new clone plants at nodes at varying intervals : strawberries are an example.,Runners +"Alienation refers to the condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his or her society, work, or the sense of self.",Alienation +Spores are haploid cells that can produce a haploid organism or can fuse with another spore to form a diploid cell.,Spores +"The second main characteristic of a public good, that it is nonrivalrous, means that when one person uses the public good, another can also use it.",nonrivalrous +"Productive efficiency means producing without waste, so that the choice is on the production possibility frontier.",Productive efficiency +"Or it can be defensive, as a means to respond to aggression from others, such as the Persian Gulf War in 1991, also known as Operation Desert Storm.",defensive +Queer TheoryQueer Theory is an interdisciplinary approach to sexuality studies that identifies Western society ’s rigid splitting of gender into male and female roles and questions the manner in which we have been taught to think about sexual orientation.,TheoryQueer Theory +"The sympathetic nervous system is involved in preparing the body for stress - related activities ; the parasympathetic nervous system is associated with returning the body to routine, day - to - day operations.",The sympathetic nervous system the parasympathetic nervous system +"This first American money was called Continental currency ; unfortunately, it quickly fell in value.",Continental currency +The oldest known primate - like mammals with a relatively robust fossil record is Plesiadapis( although some researchers do not agree that Plesiadapis was a proto - primate).,Plesiadapis +"Borderline personality disorder is characterized chiefly by instability in interpersonal relationships, self - image, and mood, as well as marked impulsivity( APA, 2013).",Borderline personality disorder +"This result is often termed the free rider problem, because some individuals can receive benefits( get a free ride) without helping to bear the cost.",the free rider problem get a free ride +"Such a wave is called a transverse wave or shear wave ; in such a wave, the disturbance is perpendicular to the direction of propagation.",a transverse wave shear wave +The roots of the plant connect with the underground parts of the fungus forming mycorrhizae.,mycorrhizae +"At the far left of the aggregate supply curve, the level of output in the economy is far below potential GDP, which is defined as the quantity that an economy can produce by fully employing its existing levels of labor, physical capital, and technology, in the context of its existing market and legal institutions.",potential GDP +"Religious/ Redemptive movements are “ meaning seeking, ” and their goal is to provoke inner change or spiritual growth in individuals.",Religious / Redemptive movements +"Representative bias describes a faulty way of thinking, in which you unintentionally stereotype someone or something ; for example, you may assume that your professors spend their free time reading books and engaging in intellectual conversation, because the idea of them spending their time playing volleyball or visiting an amusement park does not fit in with your stereotypes of professors.",Representative bias +"Some insects have a specialized sac, called a spermatheca, which stores sperm for later use, sometimes up to a year.",spermatheca +The labia minora are thin folds of tissue centrally located within the labia majora.,The labia minora +"The pupil is the small opening in the eye through which light passes, and the size of the pupil can change as a function of light levels as well as emotional arousal.",The pupil +"MHC II molecules interact with helper T - cells to trigger the appropriate immune response, which may include the inflammatory response. Lymphocytes, such as NK cells, are characterized by their large nuclei that actively absorb Wright stain and therefore appear dark colored under a microscope.",MHC II molecules +"A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities such as hearing, walking, and breathing.",A disability +"It is made up of organelles suspended in the gel - like cytosol, the cytoskeleton, and various chemicals.",It +"These are called weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, and would also be chargeless, thus interacting negligibly with normal matter, except through gravitation.",weakly interacting massive particles WIMPs +This is called top - down processing.,top - down processing +"Xylem is the tissue responsible for the storage and long - distance transport of water and nutrients, as well as the transfer of water - soluble growth factors from the organs of synthesis to the target organs.",Xylem +"Beginning with the reform efforts of Martin Luther in 1517 and John Calvin in the 1530s, however, Catholic dominance came under attack as the Protestant Reformation, a split or schism among European Christians, began.",schism +"A fixed action pattern is a series of movements elicited by a stimulus such that even when the stimulus is removed, the pattern goes on to completion.",A fixed action pattern +"A detrital food web consists of a base of organisms that feed on decaying organic matter( dead organisms), called decomposers or detritivores.",A detrital food web +"Economists call this assumption ceteris paribus, a Latin phrase meaning “ other things being equal. ”",ceteris paribus +"This phenomenon is called passive immunity ; it also occurs naturally during breastfeeding, which makes breastfed infants highly resistant to infections during the first few months of life.",passive immunity +"Waste particles are expelled by an exocytic vesicle that fuses at a specific region on the cell membrane, called the anal pore.",the anal pore +"Hagfishes are eel - like scavengers that live on the ocean floor and feed on dead invertebrates, other fishes, and marine mammals.",Hagfishes +"These ancestral memories, which Jung called archetypes, are represented by universal themes in various cultures, as expressed through literature, art, and dreams( Jung).",archetypes +"In another postzygotic situation, reproduction leads to the birth and growth of a hybrid that is sterile and unable to reproduce offspring of their own ; this is called hybrid sterility.",hybrid sterility +"This is known as loss aversion, where a $ 1 loss pains us 2.25 times more than a $ 1 gain helps us, according to the economists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in a famous 1979 article in the journal Econometrica.",loss aversion +"A step - up transformer is one that increases voltage, whereas a step - down transformer decreases voltage.",A step - up transformer a step - down transformer +The stalk that extends from the stem to the base of the leaf is the petiole.,the petiole +The aggregate supply( AS) curve shows the total quantity of output( i.e. real GDP) that firms will produce and sell at each price level.,The aggregate supply ( AS ) curve +"Many prominent Americans, including Jane Addams, former President Grover Cleveland, Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, and Samuel Gompers, felt strongly that the country should not be pursuing an empire, and, in 1898, they formed the Anti - Imperialist League to oppose this expansionism.",the Anti - Imperialist League +"Manifest functions are the consequences of a social process that are sought or anticipated, while latent functions are the unsought consequences of a social process.",Manifest functions +"Upon germination, enzymes are secreted by the aleurone, a single layer of cells just inside the seed coat that surrounds the endosperm and embryo.",the aleurone +"The cycle of rewarding those who possess cultural capital is found in formal educational curricula as well as in the hidden curriculum, which refers to the type of nonacademic knowledge that students learn through informal learning and cultural transmission.",the hidden curriculum +"Modernization describes the processes that increase the amount of specialization and differentiation of structure in societies resulting in the move from an undeveloped society to a developed, technologically driven society( Irwin 1975).",Modernization +"Loose connective tissue, also called areolar connective tissue, has a sampling of all of the components of a connective tissue.",Loose connective tissue areolar connective tissue +The aggregate demand( AD) curve shows the total spending on domestic goods and services at each price level.,The aggregate demand ( AD ) curve +A caucus is a meeting of party members in which nominees are selected informally.,A caucus +Abduction occurs when a bone moves away from the midline of the body.,Abduction +"Related to these are Golgi tendon organs, which are tension receptors that detect the force of muscle contraction.",Golgi tendon organs +"An inefficient organization operates with long delays and high costs, while an efficient organization meets schedules, is focused, and performs within budget.",An inefficient organization an efficient organization +"Gap junctions in animal cells are like plasmodesmata in plant cells in that they are channels between adjacent cells that allow for the transport of ions, nutrients, and other substances that enable cells to communicate.",Gap junctions +"Later dubbed the Monroe Doctrine, this declaration of principles laid the foundation for the growth of American power in the twentieth century.",the Monroe Doctrine +"According to Kozak ’s rules, the nucleotides around the AUG indicate whether it is the correct start codon.",Kozak ’s rules +People who are so overweight that they are at risk for death are classified as morbidly obese.,morbidly obese +"Psychologist Leon Festinger( 1957) defined cognitive dissonance as psychological discomfort arising from holding two or more inconsistent attitudes, behaviors, or cognitions( thoughts, beliefs, or opinions).",cognitive dissonance +"Average Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes,",Average Acceleration +The proboscis serves to capture food and may be ornamented with barbs in some species.,The proboscis +The tight pairing of the homologous chromosomes is called synapsis.,synapsis +"Some groups, including the Iroquois, engaged in raids or “ mourning wars, ” taking enemy prisoners in order to assuage their grief and replace the departed.",mourning wars +"A chromosome inversion is the detachment, 180 ° rotation, and reinsertion of part of a chromosome.",A chromosome inversion +Electromagnetism is the use of electric current to make magnets.,Electromagnetism +"In a compound leaf, the leaf blade is completely divided, forming leaflets, as in the locust tree.",a compound leaf +Deductive reasoning is a form of logical thinking that uses a general principle or law to forecast specific results.,Deductive reasoning +"In contrast to Skinner ’s idea that the environment alone determines behavior, Bandura( 1990) proposed the concept of reciprocal determinism, in which cognitive processes, behavior, and context all interact, each factor influencing and being influenced by the others simultaneously.",reciprocal determinism +"These protists exist in freshwater and marine habitats, and are a component of plankton, the typically microscopic organisms that drift through the water and serve as a crucial food source for larger aquatic organisms.",plankton +Poverty is measured by the number of people who fall below a certain level of income — called the poverty line — that defines the income needed for a basic standard of living.,Poverty +This universally obeyed law of nature is called the law of conservation of charge.,the law of conservation of charge +"In 2011, the United States reached its debt ceiling, or maximum allowed debt amount.",debt ceiling +"Dispersal is when a few members of a species move to a new geographical area, and vicariance is when a natural situation arises to physically divide organisms.",Dispersal vicariance +Cohesive forces between molecules cause the surface of a liquid to contract to the smallest possible surface area.,Cohesive forces +"Deception involves purposely misleading experiment participants in order to maintain the integrity of the experiment, but not to the point where the deception could be considered harmful.",Deception +Creative intelligence is marked by inventing or imagining a solution to a problem or situation.,Creative intelligence +This resistance to blood flow is called peripheral resistance.,peripheral resistance +"The poorest, most undeveloped countries were referred to as the third world and included most of sub - Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia.",the third world +"The movement of materials at the site of capillaries is regulated by vasoconstriction, narrowing of the blood vessels, and vasodilation, widening of the blood vessels ; this is important in the overall regulation of blood pressure.",vasoconstriction vasodilation +Exchanging one form of goods or services for another was known as bartering.,bartering +"The Whigs worked to depose James, and in late 1688 they succeeded, an event they celebrated as the Glorious Revolution while James fled to the court of Louis XIV in France.",the Glorious Revolution +"The net export component of GDP is equal to the dollar value of exports( X) minus the dollar value of imports( M),( X – M).",The net export component of GDP +These hormones regulate the gonads( testes in males and ovaries in females) and therefore are called gonadotropins.,gonadotropins +"In fact, antibodies exhibit different affinities( attraction) depending on the molecular complementarity between antigen and antibody molecules, as illustrated in.",affinities +"The other strand, complementary to the 5 ' to 3 ' parental DNA, is extended away from the replication fork, in small fragments known as Okazaki fragments, each requiring a primer to start the synthesis.",Okazaki fragments +"In a human karyotype, autosomes or “ body chromosomes ”( all of the non – sex chromosomes) are generally organized in approximate order of size from largest( chromosome 1) to smallest( chromosome 22).",autosomes body chromosomes +"Class traits, also called class markers, are the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class.",Class traits class markers +"Most often, the petitioner is asking the Supreme Court to grant a writ of certiorari, a request that the lower court send up its record of the case for review.",a writ of certiorari +The Freemasons were a fraternal society that advocated Enlightenment principles of inquiry and tolerance.,The Freemasons +Age structure is the proportion of a population at different age ranges.,Age structure +"Although deviance is a violation of social norms, it ’s not always punishable, and it ’s not necessarily bad.",deviance +"Eutherian mammals are sometimes called placental mammals because all species possess a complex placenta that connects a fetus to the mother, allowing for gas, fluid, and nutrient exchange.",Eutherian mammals placental mammals +"Under the crop - lien system, store owners extended credit to farmers under the agreement that the debtors would pay with a portion of their future harvest.",the crop - lien system +"Mendel ’s law of dominance states that in a heterozygote, one trait will conceal the presence of another trait for the same characteristic.",Mendel ’s law of dominance +"In positive reinforcement, a desirable stimulus is added to increase a behavior.",positive reinforcement +"Meristematic tissue cells are either undifferentiated or incompletely differentiated, and they continue to divide and contribute to the growth of the plant.",Meristematic tissue cells +The organic and inorganic material in which soils form is the parent material.,the parent material +"In contrast, dispositionism holds that our behavior is determined by internal factors( Heider, 1958).",dispositionism +"Managers embraced Fredrick Taylor ’s principles of scientific management, also called “ stop - watch management, ” where he used stop - watch studies to divide manufacturing tasks into short, repetitive segments.",scientific management stop - watch management +The European Union is the single supranational entity with some real and significant authority over its member nations.,The European Union +"While distributive policy, according to Lowi, has diffuse costs and concentrated benefits, regulatory policy features the opposite arrangement, with concentrated costs and diffuse benefits.",distributive policy +"The national security advisor heads the president ’s National Security Council, a group of senior - level staff from multiple foreign policy agencies, and is generally the president ’s top foreign policy advisor.",The national security advisor +"Although some were able to find gold by panning for it or shoveling soil from river bottoms into sieve - like contraptions called rockers, most did not.",rockers +"It appears that all members of this family form arbuscular mycorrhizae : the hyphae interact with the root cells forming a mutually beneficial association where the plants supply the carbon source and energy in the form of carbohydrates to the fungus, and the fungus supplies essential minerals from the soil to the plant. The glomeromycetes do not reproduce sexually and do not survive without the presence of plant roots.",arbuscular mycorrhizae +"Newton ’s first law of motion states that a body at rest remains at rest, or, if in motion, remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force.",Newton ’s first law of motion +Being practical means you find solutions that work in your everyday life by applying knowledge based on your experiences.,practical +"The Higher Education Act, signed into law the same year, provided scholarships and low - interest loans for the poor, increased federal funding for colleges and universities, and created a corps of teachers to serve schools in impoverished areas.",The Higher Education Act +Solid - state radiation detectors convert ionization produced in a semiconductor( like those found in computer chips) directly into an electrical signal.,Solid - state radiation detectors +"Depression is a vague term that, in everyday language, refers to an intense and persistent sadness.",Depression +"The motion of falling objects, as covered in Problem - Solving Basics for One - Dimensional Kinematics, is a simple one - dimensional type of projectile motion in which there is no horizontal movement.",The motion of falling objects +"If sociology is the systematic study of human behavior in society, medical sociology is the systematic study of how humans manage issues of health and illness, disease and disorders, and healthcare for both the sick and the healthy.",sociology medical sociology +The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the “ fight or flight ” response that occurs when an animal encounters a dangerous situation.,The sympathetic nervous system +"First, weathering and other natural forces break down the substrate enough for the establishment of certain hearty plants and lichens with few soil requirements, known as pioneer species.",pioneer species +"In fact, a meta - analysis, which is a study that combines the results of many related studies, conducted within the last decade indicates that by the time we are 65 years old, we average fewer than 7 hours of sleep per day( Ohayon, Carskadon, Guilleminault, & Vitiello, 2004).",a meta - analysis +A liability is a debt or something you owe.,A liability +"This pressure triggers the micturition reflex, which stimulates the feeling of needing to urinate.",the micturition reflex +"When the number of receptors decreases in response to rising hormone levels, called down - regulation, cellular activity is reduced.",down - regulation +"The sacraments, or special ceremonies of the Church, marked every stage of life, from birth to maturation, marriage, and burial, and brought people into the church on a regular basis.",The sacraments +"The ovary houses one or more ovules, each of which will develop into a seed upon fertilization.",The ovary +Commodity - backed currencies are dollar bills or other currencies with values backed up by gold or other commodity held at a bank.,Commodity - backed currencies +"The brainstem, illustrated in, connects the rest of the brain with the spinal cord.",The brainstem +Radial glia serve as scaffolds for developing neurons as they migrate to their end destinations.,Radial glia +Cartilaginous joints are joints in which the bones are connected by cartilage.,Cartilaginous joints +"Such a wave is called a transverse wave or shear wave ; in such a wave, the disturbance is perpendicular to the direction of propagation.",a transverse wave shear wave +"Thus, while the availability of the factors of production determines a nation ’s potential GDP, the amount of goods and services actually being sold, known as real GDP, depends on how much demand exists across the economy.",real GDP +"Another major use of ultrasound in medical diagnostics is to detect motion and determine velocity through the Doppler shift of an echo, known as Doppler - shifted ultrasound.",Doppler - shifted ultrasound +"A group of people who live in a defined geographic area, who interact with one another, and who share a common culture is what sociologists call a society.",a society +"Strictly speaking, a monarchy is a government in which a single person( a monarch) rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne.",a monarchy +"The first such tax to draw the ire of colonists was the Stamp Act, passed in 1765, which required that almost all paper goods, such as diplomas, land deeds, contracts, and newspapers, have revenue stamps placed on them.",the Stamp Act +"Other scholars choose to divide natural sciences into life sciences, which study living things and include biology, and physical sciences, which study nonliving matter and include astronomy, geology, physics, and chemistry.",life sciences physical sciences +"Osmoregulation is the process of maintenance of salt and water balance( osmotic balance) across membranes within the body ’s fluids, which are composed of water, plus electrolytes and non - electrolytes.",Osmoregulation osmotic balance +Price is what the producer receives for selling one unit of a good or service.,Price +"A detrital food web consists of a base of organisms that feed on decaying organic matter( dead organisms), called decomposers or detritivores.",A detrital food web decomposers detritivores +"Casual crowds consist of people who are in the same place at the same time but who are n’t really interacting, such as people standing in line at the post office.",Casual crowds +"Monarchy rests on the practice of dynastic succession, in which the monarch ’s child or other relative inherits the throne.",dynastic succession +"Plasmids have been repurposed and engineered as vectors for molecular cloning and the large - scale production of important reagents, such as insulin and human growth hormone.",Plasmids +Poverty is measured by the number of people who fall below a certain level of income — called the poverty line — that defines the income needed for a basic standard of living.,the poverty line +A circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm that takes place over a period of about 24 hours.,A circadian rhythm +"Lenz ’s law tells us the emf opposes any change, so that the input emf that powers the motor will be opposed by the motor ’s self - generated emf, called the back emf of the motor.",the back emf of the motor +"Some statuses are ascribed — those you do not select, such as son, elderly person, or female.",ascribed +"The unemployment insurance program, also created by the Social Security Act, requires states to provide jobless benefits, but it allows them significant latitude to decide the level of tax to impose on businesses in order to fund the program as well as the duration and replacement rate of unemployment benefits.",The unemployment insurance program +"However, there are actually two types of particles in the nuclei — the proton and the neutron, referred to collectively as nucleons, the constituents of nuclei.",nucleons +"This takes place at the sensory receptor, and the change in electrical potential that is produced is called the receptor potential.",the receptor potential +"James Hamilton, who served as governor of South Carolina in the early 1830s, denounced the “ despotic majority that oppresses us. ”",James Hamilton +"Some scholars believe that between nine and fifteen thousand years ago, a land bridge existed between Asia and North America that we now call Beringia.",Beringia +This system sorts organisms into clades : groups of organisms that descended from a single ancestor.,This system clades +"He subsequently founded a school of psychology called individual psychology, which focuses on our drive to compensate for feelings of inferiority.",individual psychology +"The ten percent plan gave a general pardon to all Southerners except high - ranking Confederate government and military leaders ; required 10 percent of the 1860 voting population in the former rebel states to take a binding oath of future allegiance to the United States and the emancipation of slaves ; and declared that once those voters took those oaths, the restored Confederate states would draft new state constitutions.",The ten percent plan +Moral hazard refers to the case when people engage in riskier behavior with insurance than they would if they did not have insurance.,Moral hazard +Microbial bioremediation is the use of prokaryotes( or microbial metabolism) to remove pollutants.,Microbial bioremediation +The arrangement of leaves on a stem is known as phyllotaxy.,phyllotaxy +"Cognitive processes refer to all characteristics previously learned, including beliefs, expectations, and personality characteristics.",Cognitive processes +Two main causes of decreased gas exchange are compliance( how elastic the lung is) and resistance( how much obstruction exists in the airways).,compliance resistance +Structures that produce photosynthates for the growing plant are referred to as sources.,sources +"These changes, called cytopathic( causing cell damage) effects, can change cell functions or even destroy the cell.",cytopathic +"The study of motion is kinematics, but kinematics only describes the way objects move — their velocity and their acceleration.",kinematics +Cognitive - behavioral therapy( CBT) helps clients examine how their thoughts affect their behavior.,Cognitive - behavioral therapy CBT +It non - invasively produces two - dimensional and three - dimensional images of the body that provide important medical information with none of the hazards of x - rays.,It +This very rare genetic disorder is known as congenital insensitivity to pain( or congenital analgesia).,congenital insensitivity to pain congenital analgesia +"These are called equipotential lines in two dimensions, or equipotential surfaces in three dimensions.",equipotential lines in two dimensions equipotential surfaces in three dimensions +A synaptic signal is a chemical signal that travels between nerve cells.,A synaptic signal +"The SCN is a cluster of cells that is considered to be the body ’s internal clock, which controls our circadian( day - long) cycle.",The SCN +"Disposable income : For most people, the single most powerful determinant of how much they consume is how much income they have in their take - home pay, also known as disposable income, which is income after taxes.",take - home pay disposable income +Gender identity refers to one ’s sense of being male or female.,Gender identity +"Stigmatization means their identity is spoiled ; they are labeled as different, discriminated against, and sometimes even shunned.",Stigmatization +"When the exchange rate for a currency rises, so that the currency exchanges for more of other currencies, it is referred to as appreciating or “ strengthening. ” When the exchange rate for a currency falls, so that a currency trades for less of other currencies, it is referred to as depreciating or “ weakening. ”",appreciating “ strengthening . ” depreciating “ weakening . ” +"The Twentieth Amendment, which was ratified in 1933 during the Great Depression, moved the date of the presidential inauguration from March to January.",The Twentieth Amendment +"A memory cell is an antigen - specific B or T lymphocyte that does not differentiate into effector cells during the primary immune response, but that can immediately become effector cells upon re - exposure to the same pathogen.",A memory cell +One important regulator of sleep - wake cycles is the hormone melatonin.,melatonin +"The stapes transmits the vibrations to a thin diaphragm called the oval window, which is the outermost structure of the inner ear.",the oval window +A vector is a quantity that has magnitude and direction.,A vector +The plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber is called the sarcolemma.,the sarcolemma +"Under the “ Rhode Island system, ” families were hired.","the “ Rhode Island system , ”" +"Another issue is the challenge of preserving biodiversity, which includes the full spectrum of animal and plant genetic material.",biodiversity +The vital capacity( VC) measures the maximum amount of air that can be inhaled or exhaled during a respiratory cycle.,The vital capacity VC +"These kinds of delusions are known as paranoid delusions, which involve the( false) belief that other people or agencies are plotting to harm the person.",paranoid delusions +"In 1984, the federal government passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act( NMDAA), a crosscutting mandate that gradually reduced federal highway grant money to any state that failed to increase the legal age for alcohol purchase and possession to twenty - one.",the National Minimum Drinking Age Act NMDAA +The creation of genomic libraries and complementary DNA( cDNA) libraries( collections of cloned sequences or all DNA from a genome) has sped up the process of physical mapping.,complementary DNA cDNA libraries +The place theory of pitch perception suggests that different portions of the basilar membrane are sensitive to sounds of different frequencies.,The place theory of pitch perception +"This is called the multiplier effect : An initial increase in spending, cycles repeatedly through the economy and has a larger impact than the initial dollar amount spent.",the multiplier effect +"Just as the United States ' wealth is increasingly concentrated among its richest citizens while the middle class slowly disappears, global inequality is concentrating resources in certain nations and is significantly affecting the opportunities of individuals in poorer and less powerful countries.",global inequality +"The cochlea is a fluid - filled, snail - shaped structure that contains the sensory receptor cells( hair cells) of the auditory system.",The cochlea +"The space between these layers, the intrapleural space, contains a small amount of fluid that protects the tissue and reduces the friction generated from rubbing the tissue layers together as the lungs contract and relax.",the intrapleural space +"The tendency of an individual to take credit by making dispositional or internal attributions for positive outcomes but situational or external attributions for negative outcomes is known as the self - serving bias( Miller & Ross, 1975).",the self - serving bias +"Through mycorrhizae, the fungus and plant exchange nutrients and water, greatly aiding the survival of both species Alternatively, lichens are an association between a fungus and its photosynthetic partner( usually an alga).",lichens +"According to social exchange theory, we act as naïve economists in keeping a tally of the ratio of costs and benefits of forming and maintaining a relationship with others( Rusbult & Van Lange, 2003).",social exchange theory +"These proteins are moved to the proteasome, an organelle that functions to remove proteins, to be degraded.",the proteasome +"Most plants produce secondary plant compounds, which are toxins used to protect the plant from insects and other animals that eat them, but some of which also work as medication.",secondary plant compounds +A market with few buyers and few sellers is sometimes referred to as a thin market.,a thin market +A conceptual model is an ecosystem model that consists of flow charts to show interactions of different compartments of the living and nonliving components of the ecosystem.,A conceptual model +"In some cases, the nervous system directly stimulates endocrine glands to release hormones, which is referred to as neural stimuli.",neural stimuli +The loss in social surplus that occurs when the economy produces at an inefficient quantity is called deadweight loss.,deadweight loss +"Regulation may occur when the DNA is uncoiled and loosened from nucleosomes to bind transcription factors( epigenetic level), when the RNA is transcribed( transcriptional level), when the RNA is processed and exported to the cytoplasm after it is transcribed( post - transcriptional level), when the RNA is translated into protein( translational level), or after the protein has been made( post - translational level).",epigenetic level transcriptional level post - transcriptional level translational level post - translational level +"As a term and a practice, pork - barrel politics — federal spending on projects designed to benefit a particular district or set of constituents — has been around since the nineteenth century, when barrels of salt pork were both a sign of wealth and a system of reward.",pork - barrel politics +"Science( from the Latin scientia, meaning “ knowledge ”) can be defined as knowledge that covers general truths or the operation of general laws, especially when acquired and tested by the scientific method.",Science +Adenylyl cyclase catalyzes the conversion of ATP to cAMP.,Adenylyl cyclase +A corporation is a business that “ incorporates ” — that is owned by shareholders that have limited liability for the debt of the company but share in its profits( and losses).,A corporation +The size of total production in an economy is measured by the gross domestic product( GDP).,the gross domestic product GDP +"In ranching, an earmark is a small cut on the ear of a cow or other animal to denote ownership.",an earmark +"Other viruses induce hypoplasia, or decreased cell growth, in the leaves of plants, causing thin, yellow areas to appear.",hypoplasia +"Holography is the process of producing holograms and, although they are recorded on photographic film, the process is quite different from normal photography.",Holography +"The final draft of the Articles of Confederation, which formed the basis of the new nation ’s government, was accepted by Congress in November 1777 and submitted to the states for ratification.",the Articles of Confederation +"Wakefulness is characterized by high levels of sensory awareness, thought, and behavior.",Wakefulness +"The size of a nation ’s overall economy is typically measured by its gross domestic product( GDP), which is the value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year.",gross domestic product GDP +"A checking account typically pays little or no interest, but it facilitates transactions by giving you easy access to your money, either by writing a check or by using a debit card( that is, a card which works like a credit card, except that purchases are immediately deducted from your checking account rather than being billed separately through a credit card company).",A checking account +Cross - pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower on a different individual of the same species.,Cross - pollination +"The nervous system is made up of neurons, specialized cells that can receive and transmit chemical or electrical signals, and glia, cells that provide support functions for the neurons by playing an information processing role that is complementary to neurons.",The nervous system neurons glia +"A bulb, which functions as an underground storage unit, is a modification of a stem that has the appearance of enlarged fleshy leaves emerging from the stem or surrounding the base of the stem, as seen in the iris.",A bulb +"These measures of foreign policy are more quickly enacted and demonstrate the “ energy and dispatch ” that Alexander Hamilton, writing in the Federalist Papers, saw as inherent in the institution of the presidency.",“ energy and dispatch ” +The renal pyramids along with the adjoining cortical region are called the lobes of the kidney.,the lobes of the kidney +"Under the supremacy clause of Article VI, legitimate national laws trump conflicting state laws.",the supremacy clause of Article VI +"Mendel ’s law of independent assortment states that genes do not influence each other with regard to the sorting of alleles into gametes, and every possible combination of alleles for every gene is equally likely to occur.",Mendel ’s law of independent assortment +"In contrast, heterosporous plants produce two morphologically different types of spores.",heterosporous plants +Long - term depression( LTD) is essentially the reverse of LTP : it is a long - term weakening of a synaptic connection.,Long - term depression LTD +"When two species evolve in diverse directions from a common point, it is called divergent evolution.",divergent evolution +Epithelial TissuesEpithelial tissues cover the outside of organs and structures in the body and line the lumens of organs in a single layer or multiple layers of cells.,TissuesEpithelial tissues +Atherosclerosis is the blockage of an artery by the buildup of fatty plaques.,Atherosclerosis +The blastopore is the indentation formed during the initial stages of gastrulation.,The blastopore +Mycotoxicosis is the poisoning of humans( and other animals) by foods contaminated by fungal toxins( mycotoxins).,Mycotoxicosis +"Johnson declared a “ War on Poverty, ” instituting a package of Great Society programs designed to improve circumstances for lower - income Americans across the nation.",War on Poverty +Involuntary treatment refers to therapy that is not the individual ’s choice.,Involuntary treatment +"The secretary of defense, who is the civilian( nonmilitary) head of the armed services housed in the Department of Defense, is also a key cabinet member for foreign policy( as mentioned above).",The secretary of defense +An enzyme called helicase unwinds the DNA by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base pairs.,An enzyme called helicase +"Antielectrons are the antimatter counterpart to electrons, being nearly identical, having the same mass, spin, and so on, but having a positive charge and an electron family number of – 1 – 1.",Antielectrons +"In the United States, deaf individuals often communicate using American Sign Language( ASL) ; ASL has no verbal component and is based entirely on visual signs and gestures.",American Sign Language ASL +"Genetic diversity can be measured as chemical diversity in that different species produce a variety of chemicals in their cells, both the proteins as well as the products and byproducts of metabolism.",Genetic diversity +"As discussed in Money and Banking, a bank ’s assets are its loans, and the value of these assets depends on estimates about the risk that these loans will not be repaid.",a bank ’s assets +"The first characteristic, that a public good is nonexcludable, means that it is costly or impossible to exclude someone from using the good.",nonexcludable +"By contrast, a market with many buyers and sellers is called a thick market.",a thick market +"At the distal end, the femur, tibia, and patella form the knee joint.",the knee joint +"The slender seta( plural, setae), as seen in, contains tubular cells that transfer nutrients from the base of the sporophyte( the foot) to the sporangium or capsule.",The slender seta the foot +"Finally, in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court overturned state bans and made same - sex marriage legal throughout the United States on June 26, 2015.",Obergefell v. Hodges +Nitrification is the conversion of ammonium to nitrite and nitrate.,Nitrification +"In contrast to federalism, a unitary system makes subnational governments dependent on the national government, where significant authority is concentrated.",a unitary system +"One strategy is for a bank to diversify its loans, which means lending to a variety of customers.",diversify its loans +"These ancestral memories, which Jung called archetypes, are represented by universal themes in various cultures, as expressed through literature, art, and dreams( Jung).",archetypes +Rapid eye movement( REM) sleep is characterized by darting movements of the eyes under closed eyelids.,Rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep +"In some cases, a polyploid individual will have two or more complete sets of chromosomes from its own species in a condition called autopolyploidy.",autopolyploidy +"Stressful stimuli cause the hypothalamus to signal the adrenal medulla( which mediates short - term stress responses) via nerve impulses, and the adrenal cortex, which mediates long - term stress responses, via the hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone( ACTH), which is produced by the anterior pituitary. Short - term Stress ResponseWhen presented with a stressful situation, the body responds by calling for the release of hormones that provide a burst of energy.",the adrenal medulla the adrenal cortex +"With random assignment, all participants have an equal chance of being assigned to either group.",random assignment +Hearing is the perception of sound.,Hearing +An analytical model is an ecosystem model that is created using simple mathematical formulas to predict the effects of environmental disturbances on ecosystem structure and dynamics.,An analytical model +A bar graph uses the height of different bars to compare quantities.,A bar graph +"Georg Simmel( 1858 – 1915) wrote extensively about the difference between a dyad, or two - member group, and a triad, which is a three - member group( Simmel 1902).",a dyad a triad +"They developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale( SRRS), consisting of 43 life events that require varying degrees of personal readjustment( Holmes & Rahe, 1967).",the Social Readjustment Rating Scale SRRS +"Among these was the Chicago Race Riot of 1919, where a white mob stoned a young black boy to death because he swam too close to the “ white beach ” on Lake Michigan.",the Chicago Race Riot of 1919 +"Collectively, this network of protein fibers is known as the cytoskeleton.",the cytoskeleton +"The integral proteins involved in facilitated transport are collectively referred to as transport proteins, and they function as either channels for the material or carriers.",transport proteins +"The nuclear envelope is punctuated with pores that control the passage of ions, molecules, and RNA between the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm.",The nuclear envelope +"In reaction, some embraced nativism, prizing white Americans with older family trees over more recent immigrants, and rejecting outside influences in favor of their own local customs.",nativism +"Credentialism embodies the emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that a person has a certain skill, has attained a certain level of education, or has met certain job qualifications.",Credentialism +"These banks( and a few other firms), known as dealers, then trade the foreign exchange.",dealers +"As mentioned in the chapter opening, Turner announced his Frontier Thesis — that American democracy was largely formed by the American frontier — at the Chicago World ’s Colombian Exposition.",Frontier Thesis +Einstein ’s theory of general relativity describes all types of relative motion including accelerated motion and the effects of gravity.,Einstein ’s theory of general relativity +The marginal propensity to save( MPS) is the share of the additional dollar a person decides to save.,The marginal propensity to save MPS +Leaves that do not have a petiole and are directly attached to the plant stem are called sessile leaves.,sessile leaves +"To physically limit radiation doses, we use shielding, increase the distance from a source, and limit the time of exposure.",shielding +The effect of a market exchange on a third party who is outside or “ external ” to the exchange is called an externality.,an externality +"They were known as exodusters, referencing the biblical flight from Egypt, because they fled the racism of the South, with most of them headed to Kansas from Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.",exodusters +"In sociology, a theory is a way to explain different aspects of social interactions and to create a testable proposition, called a hypothesis, about society( Allan 2006).",a theory a hypothesis +"A similar, but more directed version of kinesis is taxis : the directed movement towards or away from a stimulus.",taxis +"Roosevelt campaigned on the promise of New Nationalism, a charge that he said required a vigorous and powerful federal government to protect public interests.",New Nationalism +Transmission of a signal within a neuron( from dendrite to axon terminal) is carried by a brief reversal of the resting membrane potential called an action potential.,an action potential +"The Clery Act of 1990, formally the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, requires public and private colleges and universities that participate in federal student aid programs to disclose information about campus crime.",The Clery Act of 1990 +"Let us now consider banked curves, where the slope of the road helps you negotiate the curve.",banked curves +The part that is grafted or attached is called the scion.,the scion +"At depths greater than 200 m, light can not penetrate ; thus, this is referred to as the aphotic zone.",the aphotic zone +The time to get a bill passed is often referred to as the legislative lag.,the legislative lag +"The policy process contains four sequential stages :( 1) agenda setting,( 2) policy enactment,( 3) policy implementation, and( 4) evaluation.",The policy process +Prokaryotic DNA is found in a central part of the cell : the nucleoid.,the nucleoid +"The president can also implement or change policy through an executive order, which offers instructions about how to implement law under his or her discretion.",an executive order +This type of information is qualitative data — results that are subjective and often based on what is seen in a natural setting.,qualitative data +"Air resistance opposes the motion of an object through the air, while friction between objects — such as between clothes and a laundry chute or between a stone and a pool into which it is dropped — also opposes motion between them.",Air resistance friction +"Most circuits have more than one component, called a resistor that limits the flow of charge in the circuit.",a resistor +"A person ’s metabolic rate is the amount of energy that is expended in a given period of time, and there is tremendous individual variability in our metabolic rates.",A person ’s metabolic rate +"The perception of a threat triggers a secondary appraisal : judgment of the options available to cope with a stressor, as well as perceptions of how effective such options will be( Lyon, 2012).",a secondary appraisal +The ability of an ecosystem to remain at equilibrium in spite of disturbances is called resistance.,resistance +An axon is a tube - like structure that propagates the integrated signal to specialized endings called axon terminals.,An axon +Species richness is the term that is used to describe the number of species living in a habitat or biome.,Species richness +These various roles and human benefits are referred to as ecosystem services.,ecosystem services +Gene therapy is a genetic engineering technique used to cure disease.,Gene therapy +"When the circulation of fluid in the eye is blocked, it can lead to a buildup in pressure, a condition called glaucoma.",glaucoma +The resulting competition between population members of the same species for resources is termed intraspecific competition( intra- = “ within ” ; -specific = “ species ”).,intraspecific competition +"The macromolecules are a subset of organic molecules( any carbon - containing liquid, solid, or gas) that are especially important for life.",The macromolecules +"In sickle cell anemia, the shape of the red blood cell is crescent - shaped, elongated, and stiffened, reducing its ability to deliver oxygen.",sickle cell anemia +"Scarification, which includes mechanical or chemical processes to soften the seed coat, is often employed before germination.",Scarification +Herbivores are animals whose primary food source is plant - based.,Herbivores +"Photosynthesis is the series of reactions that use carbon dioxide, water, and light energy to make glucose and oxygen.",Photosynthesis +"Black holesBlack holes are objects having such large gravitational fields that things can fall in, but nothing, not even light, can escape.",holesBlack holes +"Soil particles between 0.002 and 0.1 mm are called silt, and even smaller particles, less than 0.002 mm in diameter, are called clay.",silt clay +Loans and future agreements are stated in monetary terms and the standard of deferred payment is what allows us to buy goods and services today and pay in the future.,the standard of deferred payment +"A classic example of this is the short circuit, a low - resistance path between terminals of a voltage source.",the short circuit +Conflict theory looks to social and economic factors as the causes of crime and deviance.,Conflict theory +An especially lengthy and deep recession is called a depression.,a depression +"In sociology, a theory is a way to explain different aspects of social interactions and to create a testable proposition, called a hypothesis, about society( Allan 2006).",theory +"Vestibular sensation, which is an organism ’s sense of spatial orientation and balance, proprioception( position of bones, joints, and muscles), and the sense of limb position that is used to track kinesthesia( limb movement) are part of somatosensation.",Vestibular sensation +"Since the neoclassical economists believe that the economy will correct itself over time, the only advantage of a Keynesian stabilization policy would be to speed up the process and minimize the time that the unemployed are out of work.",the neoclassical economists +"b) Right hand rule 2 states that, if the right hand thumb points in the direction of the current, the fingers curl in the direction of the field.",Right hand rule 2 +"Fine motor skills focus on the muscles in our fingers, toes, and eyes, and enable coordination of small actions( e.g., grasping a toy, writing with a pencil, and using a spoon).",Fine motor skills +"Graphically, we see that fiscal policy, whether through change in spending or taxes, shifts the aggregate demand outward in the case of expansionary fiscal policy and inward in the case of contractionary fiscal policy.",fiscal policy +"Therefore, a prezygotic barrier is a mechanism that blocks reproduction from taking place ; this includes barriers that prevent fertilization when organisms attempt reproduction.",a prezygotic barrier +"Some of these new millionaires were known in their day as robber barons, a negative term that connoted the belief that they exploited workers and bent laws to succeed.",robber barons +"An informed consent form provides a written description of what participants can expect during the experiment, including potential risks and implications of the research.",An informed consent form +"When the environment changes, populations will often undergo directional selection, which selects for phenotypes at one end of the spectrum of existing variation.",directional selection +The temporal theory of pitch perception asserts that frequency is coded by the activity level of a sensory neuron.,The temporal theory of pitch perception +"We define ionizing radiation as any form of radiation that produces ionization whether nuclear in origin or not, since the effects and detection of the radiation are related to ionization.",ionizing radiation +Sociologists study all aspects and levels of society.,Sociologists +"The blending theory of inheritance asserted that the original parental traits were lost or absorbed by the blending in the offspring, but we now know that this is not the case.",The blending theory of inheritance +"In 1919, Mussolini created the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento( Italian Combat Squadron).",the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento +Experiments seeking evidence that quarks make up protons( one type of particle that makes up nuclei) scattered high - energy electrons off of protons( nuclei of hydrogen atoms).,protons +"On the other hand, congressional - executive agreements, like the North American Free Trade Agreement( NAFTA), are negotiated by the president and then approved by a simple majority of the House and Senate( rather than a two - thirds vote in the Senate as is the case for a treaty).",congressional - executive agreements the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA +"Psychologist B. F. Skinner saw that classical conditioning is limited to existing behaviors that are reflexively elicited, and it does n’t account for new behaviors such as riding a bike.",classical conditioning +Antibodies that inappropriately mark self components as foreign are termed autoantibodies.,autoantibodies +Organizational psychology is a discipline interested in how the relationships among employees affect those employees and the performance of a business.,Organizational psychology +"The poly - A tail, which is attached to the 3 ' end, is usually composed of a series of adenine nucleotides.",The poly - A tail +Communication — the exchange of meaning through language and symbols — is believed to be the way in which people make sense of their social worlds.,Communication +"Conversely, a monetary policy that raises interest rates and reduces borrowing in the economy is a contractionary monetary policy or tight monetary policy.",a contractionary monetary policy tight monetary policy +"First, during plasmogamy( literally, “ marriage or union of cytoplasm ”), two haploid cells fuse, leading to a dikaryotic stage where two haploid nuclei coexist in a single cell.",plasmogamy +Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by the maintenance of a body weight well below average through starvation and/or excessive exercise.,Anorexia nervosa +"Another source of ammonia is ammonification, the process by which ammonia is released during the decomposition of nitrogen - containing organic compounds.",ammonification +"We define periodic motion to be a motion that repeats itself at regular time intervals, such as exhibited by the guitar string or by an object on a spring moving up and down.",periodic motion +"The emerging field of complexity is devoted to the study of complex systems, including those outside the traditional bounds of physics.",The emerging field of complexity +Soil is the outer loose layer that covers the surface of Earth.,Soil +The minus means that the emf creates a current I and magnetic field B that oppose the change in flux ΔΦ ΔΦ size 12 { ΔΦ } { } — this is known as Lenz ’s law.,Lenz ’s law +Metabolomics involves the study of small molecule metabolites found in an organism.,Metabolomics +"The law of continuity suggests that we are more likely to perceive continuous, smooth flowing lines rather than jagged, broken lines.",The law of continuity +An implied power is one not specifically detailed in the Constitution but inferred as necessary to achieve the objectives of the national government.,An implied power +The price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a good or service divided by the percentage change in the price.,The price elasticity of demand +"Combining the bond ’s face value, interest rate, and maturity date, and market interest rates, allows a buyer to compute a bond ’s present value, which is the most that a buyer would be willing to pay for a given bond.",a bond ’s present value +Oligosaccharins also play a role in plant defense against bacterial and fungal infections.,Oligosaccharins +"This tissue enables the monocot leaf blade to increase in length from the leaf base ; for example, it allows lawn grass leaves to elongate even after repeated mowing.",This tissue +The first protein to bind to the RNA to initiate translation is the eukaryotic initiation factor-2( eIF-2).,the eukaryotic initiation factor-2 eIF-2 +"Like hydrogen bonds, van der Waals interactions are weak attractions or interactions between molecules.",van der Waals interactions +Anti - dumping laws block imports that are sold below the cost of production by imposing tariffs that increase the price of these imports to reflect their cost of production.,Anti - dumping laws +"A typical body cell, or somatic cell, contains two matched sets of chromosomes, a configuration known as diploid.",diploid +Baryons are hadrons that always decay to another baryon.,Baryons +"Inside the cochlea, the basilar membrane is a mechanical analyzer that runs the length of the cochlea, curling toward the cochlea ’s center.",the basilar membrane +"To produce large power, reactors contain hundreds to thousands of critical masses, and the chain reaction easily becomes self - sustaining, a condition called criticality.",criticality +"This is part of the theory of quark confinement, which explains how quarks can exist and yet never be isolated or directly observed.",quark confinement +"An artificial concept, on the other hand, is a concept that is defined by a specific set of characteristics.",An artificial concept +"During the second phase, megagametogenesis, the surviving haploid megaspore undergoes mitosis to produce an eight - nucleate, seven - cell female gametophyte, also known as the megagametophyte or embryo sac.",megagametogenesis the megagametophyte embryo sac +The Help America Vote Act of 2002( HAVA) was passed in order to reform voting across the states and reduce these problems.,The Help America Vote Act HAVA +"When someone has two copies of the same allele, they are said to be homozygous for that allele.",homozygous +Common resources are subject to an economic pressure known as the tragedy of the commons in which essentially no fisher has a motivation to exercise restraint in harvesting a fishery when it is not owned by that fisher.,the tragedy of the commons +Nonpolar covalent bonds form between two atoms of the same element or between different elements that share electrons equally.,Nonpolar covalent bonds +Point mutations are those mutations that affect a single base pair.,Point mutations +"This results in a more complete law, called Ampere ’s law, which relates magnetic field and current in a general way.",Ampere ’s law +"The Fifteenth Amendment stated that people could not be denied the right to vote based on “ race, color, or previous condition of servitude. ”",The Fifteenth Amendment +"A trademark is an identifying symbol or name for a particular good, like Chiquita bananas, Chevrolet cars, or the Nike “ swoosh ” that appears on shoes and athletic gear.",A trademark +"Because this sequence primes the DNA synthesis, it is appropriately called the primer.",it +"The magnitude of the dipole is called the dipole moment. These two centers of charge will terminate some of the electric field lines coming from a free charge, as on a DNA molecule.",the dipole moment +Chondrocytes are found in spaces within the tissue called lacunae.,Chondrocytes +"Naïve CD4 + cells bind APCs via their antigen - embedded MHC II molecules and are stimulated to become helper T( TH) lymphocytes, cells that go on to stimulate B cells( or cytotoxic T cells) directly or secrete cytokines to inform more and various target cells about the pathogenic threat.",helper T ( TH ) lymphocytes +"The brain ’s parietal lobe is located immediately behind the frontal lobe, and is involved in processing information from the body ’s senses.",The brain ’s parietal lobe +The androecium has stamens with anthers that contain the microsporangia.,The androecium +The dogs ’ salivation was an unconditioned response( UCR) : a natural( unlearned) reaction to a given stimulus.,an unconditioned response UCR natural +"A brain region that is believed to play a critical role in OCD is the orbitofrontal cortex( Kopell & Greenberg, 2008), an area of the frontal lobe involved in learning and decision - making( Rushworth, Noonan, Boorman, Walton, & Behrens, 2011).",the orbitofrontal cortex +Second messengers are small molecules that propagate a signal after it has been initiated by the binding of the signaling molecule to the receptor.,Second messengers +"The movement also created a political party — the Greenback Party, so named for its support of print currency( or “ greenbacks ”) not based upon a gold standard — which saw brief success with the election of fifteen congressmen.",the Greenback Party +"The first type, diagnostic framing, states the problem in a clear, easily understood way.",diagnostic framing +"This speech encapsulated what became known as the Bush Doctrine, the belief that the United States has the right to protect itself from terrorist acts by engaging in pre - emptive wars or ousting hostile governments in favor of friendly, preferably democratic, regimes.",the Bush Doctrine +"Such an object, shown in, is called a corner reflector, since the light bounces from its inside corner.",a corner reflector +"High - frequency sound waves are perceived as high - pitched sounds, while low - frequency sound waves are perceived as low - pitched sounds.",High - frequency sound waves low - frequency sound waves +Runners are a type of stolon that runs above the ground and produces new clone plants at nodes at varying intervals : strawberries are an example.,Runners +"Some soils have no dominant particle size and contain a mixture of sand, silt, and humus ; these soils are called loams.",loams +"In September 2009, President Obama and Congress enacted a tariff( taxes added on imported goods) on tires imported from China that would increase the import price of Chinese tires by 35 percent in its first year, 30 percent in its second year, and 25 percent in its third year.",a tariff +"Syntax refers to the way words are organized into sentences( Chomsky, 1965 ; Fernández & Cairns, 2011).",Syntax +"When society increases the level of capital per person, the result is called capital deepening.",capital deepening +"Most leaves have a midrib, which travels the length of the leaf and branches to each side to produce veins of vascular tissue.",a midrib +"Unlike prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells have : 1) a membrane - bound nucleus ; 2) numerous membrane - bound organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and others ; and 3) several, rod - shaped chromosomes.",eukaryotic cells +"As for a hypertonic solution, the prefix hyper- refers to the extracellular fluid having a higher osmolarity than the cell ’s cytoplasm ; therefore, the fluid contains less water than the cell does.",a hypertonic solution +"Relative species abundance is the number of individuals in a species relative to the total number of individuals in all species within a habitat, ecosystem, or biome.",Relative species abundance +"Pension insurance : Employers that offer pensions to their retired employees are required by law to pay a small fraction of what they are setting aside for pensions to the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, which is used to pay at least some pension benefits to workers if a company goes bankrupt and can not pay the pensions it has promised.",Pension insurance +"An antagonist, on the other hand, blocks or impedes the normal activity of a neurotransmitter at the receptor.",An antagonist +"A pandemic is a widespread, usually worldwide, epidemic.",A pandemic +This general effect is called surface tension.,surface tension +The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibited discrimination on the basis of age against individuals who are 40 years of age or older.,The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 +Aggregate supply( AS) refers to the total quantity of output( i.e.,Aggregate supply AS +"Referring to what became known as the Fourteen Points, Wilson called for openness in all matters of diplomacy and trade, specifically, free trade, freedom of the seas, an end to secret treaties and negotiations, promotion of self - determination of all nations, and more.",the Fourteen Points +Ribosomes are the cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis.,Ribosomes +"The U.S. government has implemented a number of programs to assist those below the poverty line and those who have incomes just above the poverty line, who are referred to as the near - poor.",the near - poor +"Amoebas and some other heterotrophic protist species ingest particles by a process called phagocytosis, in which the cell membrane engulfs a food particle and brings it inward, pinching off an intracellular membranous sac, or vesicle, called a food vacuole.",phagocytosis a food vacuole +"The expansion of alcohol in a thermometer is one of many commonly encountered examples of thermal expansion, the change in size or volume of a given mass with temperature.",thermal expansion +"Biomass is the total mass, in a unit area at the time of measurement, of living or previously living organisms within a trophic level.",Biomass +"If the foreign DNA that is introduced comes from a different species, the host organism is called transgenic.",transgenic +"A person who exhibits diminished emotional expression shows no emotion in his facial expressions, speech, or movements, even when such expressions are normal or expected.",A person who exhibits diminished emotional expression +"This demand can be divided into four main parts : consumer spending( consumption), business spending( investment), government spending on goods and services, and spending on net exports.",consumption investment +Semi - permeable membranes are permeable( or permissive) to certain types of solutes and water.,Semi - permeable membranes +"During a manic episode, some experience a mood that is almost euphoric and become excessively talkative, sometimes spontaneously starting conversations with strangers ; others become excessively irritable and complain or make hostile comments.",a manic episode +"Capillaries are narrow - diameter tubes that can fit red blood cells through in single file and are the sites for the exchange of nutrients, waste, and oxygen with tissues at the cellular level.",Capillaries +"Health psychology focuses on how health is affected by the interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.",Health psychology +The part that is grafted or attached is called the scion.,the scion +"The -10 consensus sequence, called the -10 region, is TATAAT.",the -10 region +"Ingrowths of the exoskeleton, called apodemes, function as attachment sites for muscles, similar to tendons in more advanced animals.",apodemes +"The lac Operon : An Inducer OperonThe third type of gene regulation in prokaryotic cells occurs through inducible operons, which have proteins that bind to activate or repress transcription depending on the local environment and the needs of the cell.",inducible operons +"A Punnett square, devised by the British geneticist Reginald Punnett, can be drawn that applies the rules of probability to predict the possible outcomes of a genetic cross or mating and their expected frequencies.",A Punnett square +Compound interest is an interest rate calculation on the principal plus the accumulated interest.,Compound interest +"Thus, the budget constraint framework assumes that sunk costs, which are costs that were incurred in the past and can not be recovered, should not affect the current decision.",sunk costs +"Neil Smelser ’s( 1962) meticulous categorization of crowd behavior, called value - added theory, is a perspective within the functionalist tradition based on the idea that several conditions must be in place for collective behavior to occur.",value - added theory +"A debit card, like a check, is an instruction to the user ’s bank to transfer money directly and immediately from your bank account to the seller.",A debit card +"In the S phase, DNA replication can proceed through the mechanisms that result in the formation of identical pairs of DNA molecules — sister chromatids — that are firmly attached to the centromeric region.",the S phase +"The second part is called the loop of Henle, or nephritic loop, because it forms a loop( with descending and ascending limbs) that goes through the renal medulla.",the loop of Henle nephritic loop +Remember that the real interest rate is the nominal interest rate minus the rate of inflation.,the real interest rate +The word antinode is used to denote the location of maximum amplitude in standing waves.,antinode +"This cellular covering has cilia at the apical, or free, surface of the cells.",the apical +"Nondurable goods are things like groceries — once you consume them, they are gone.",Nondurable goods +"A nectar guide includes regions on the flower petals that are visible only to bees, and not to humans ; it helps to guide bees to the center of the flower, thus making the pollination process more efficient.",A nectar guide +"An epiphyte is a plant that grows on other plants, but is not dependent upon the other plant for nutrition.",An epiphyte +"In cross - sectional research, a researcher compares multiple segments of the population at the same time.",cross - sectional research +A zygote begins as a one - cell structure that is created when a sperm and egg merge.,A zygote +Cosmology is the study of the character and evolution of the universe.,Cosmology +"In observational learning, we learn by watching others and then imitating, or modeling, what they do or say.",observational learning +"Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics( the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity.",Sex primary sex characteristics +"NOW also declared its support for the Equal Rights Amendment( ERA), which mandated equal treatment for all regardless of sex.",the Equal Rights Amendment ERA +A secondary reinforcer has no inherent value and only has reinforcing qualities when linked with a primary reinforcer.,A secondary reinforcer +"Colorism is another kind of prejudice, in which someone believes one type of skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group.",Colorism +A system is in neutral equilibrium if its equilibrium is independent of displacements from its original position.,neutral equilibrium +There are usually acknowledgment and reference sections as well as an abstract( a concise summary) at the beginning of the paper.,an abstract +"The lower limb consists of the thigh, the leg, and the foot.",The lower limb +"The other is legal monopoly, where laws prohibit( or severely limit) competition.",legal monopoly +"The two hemispheres are connected by a thick band of neural fibers known as the corpus callosum, consisting of about 200 million axons.",the corpus callosum +"Depersonalization/ derealization disorder is characterized by recurring episodes of depersonalization, derealization, or both.",Depersonalization / derealization disorder +A nonconservative force is one for which work depends on the path taken.,A nonconservative force +Specific heat is defined as the amount of heat one gram of a substance must absorb or lose to change its temperature by one degree Celsius.,Specific heat +"For a decreasing cost industry, as the market expands, the old and new firms experience lower costs of production, which makes the new zero - profit level intersect at a lower price than before.",a decreasing cost industry +"To guide the search through a vast library of materials and avoid wasting time reading unrelated sources, sociologists employ content analysis, applying a systematic approach to record and value information gleaned from secondary data as they relate to the study at hand.",content analysis +"As this example indicates, there is more than one type of authority in a community. Authority refers to accepted power — that is, power that people agree to follow.",Authority +Elasticity is an economics concept that measures responsiveness of one variable to changes in another variable.,Elasticity +"Woody plants have a tough, waterproof outer layer of cork cells commonly known as bark, which further protects the plant from damage.",bark +"Retirement insurance : All workers pay a percentage of their income into Social Security and into Medicare, which then provides income and health care benefits to the elderly.",Retirement insurance +The smooth endoplasmic reticulum( SER) is continuous with the RER but has few or no ribosomes on its cytoplasmic surface.,The smooth endoplasmic reticulum SER +"Group VI viruses have diploid( two copies) ssRNA genomes that must be converted, using the enzyme reverse transcriptase, to dsDNA ; the dsDNA is then transported to the nucleus of the host cell and inserted into the host genome.",Group VI viruses +Uncertainty is a quantitative measure of how much your measured values deviate from a standard or expected value.,Uncertainty +"For example, M2 includes savings deposits in banks, which are bank accounts on which you can not write a check directly, but from which you can easily withdraw the money at an automatic teller machine or bank.",savings deposits +These large spheres are called chylomicrons.,chylomicrons +"Together, all three are known as the pericarp.",the pericarp +Those in the other rope are in a horizontal plane and are horizontally polarized.,horizontally polarized +"Cannon proposed that this reaction, which he called the fight - or - flight response, occurs when a person experiences very strong emotions — especially those associated with a perceived threat( Cannon, 1932).",the fight - or - flight response +"The poly - A tail, which is attached to the 3 ' end, is usually composed of a series of adenine nucleotides.",The poly - A tail +"The Twenty - Third Amendment( 1961) allowed residents of Washington, DC to vote for the president.",The Twenty - Third Amendment +"But when stress exceeds this optimal level, it is no longer a positive force — it becomes excessive and debilitating, or what Selye termed distress( from the Latin dis = “ bad ”).",distress +"Blood is actually a term used to describe the liquid that moves through the vessels and includes plasma( the liquid portion, which contains water, proteins, salts, lipids, and glucose) and the cells( red and white cells) and cell fragments called platelets.",Blood +Spongy bone is made of tiny plates called trabeculae these plates serve as struts to give the spongy bone strength.,Spongy bone +"Together, the macula densa and juxtaglomerular cells form the juxtaglomerular complex( JGC).",the juxtaglomerular complex JGC +Sweat glands are located over most of the body surface in primates.,Sweat glands +"Psychotherapy is a psychological treatment that employs various methods to help someone overcome personal problems, or to attain personal growth.",Psychotherapy +"During DNA duplication in the S phase, each chromosome is replicated to produce two identical copies, called sister chromatids, that are held together at the centromere by cohesin proteins.",the S phase sister chromatids +"The leathery - beaked platypus belongs to the family Ornithorhynchidae( “ bird beak ”), whereas echidnas belong to the family Tachyglossidae( “ sticky tongue ”).",Ornithorhynchidae Tachyglossidae +This program typically involves police officers coming into the classroom to educate students about the dangers of becoming involved with alcohol and other drugs.,This program +Potential energy can be stored in any elastic medium by deforming it.,Potential energy +"Another type of hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbons, consists of closed rings of carbon atoms.",aromatic hydrocarbons +"True pluralism is characterized by mutual respect on the part of all cultures, both dominant and subordinate, creating a multicultural environment of acceptance.",pluralism +"For many years, disorders that involve the cardiovascular system — known as cardiovascular disorders — have been a major focal point in the study of psychophysiological disorders because of the cardiovascular system ’s centrality in the stress response( Everly & Lating, 2002).",cardiovascular disorders +"Most multicellular organisms undergo reproduction by sexual means, which involves genetic hybridization of two individuals( parents), making it impossible for generation of an identical copy or a clone of either parent.",reproduction by sexual +"This age of exploration and the subsequent creation of an Atlantic World marked the earliest phase of globalization, in which previously isolated groups — Africans, Native Americans, and Europeans — first came into contact with each other, sometimes with disastrous results.",the earliest phase of globalization +"These powers stem from the elastic clause in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which provides Congress the authority “ to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the Foregoing powers. ”",Article I of the Constitution +"Phonemes are combined to form morphemes, which are the smallest units of language that convey some type of meaning( e.g., “ I ” is both a phoneme and a morpheme).",morphemes +Seedless non - vascular plants produce only one kind of spore and are called homosporous.,homosporous +"For now, we will define friction as a force that opposes the motion past each other of objects that are touching.",friction +"Gaseous nitrogen is transformed, or “ fixed ” into more readily available forms such as ammonia through the process of nitrogen fixation.",nitrogen fixation +"Paleontology, another branch of biology, uses fossils to study life ’s history.",Paleontology +Failure to notice something that is completely visible because of a lack of attention is called inattentional blindness.,inattentional blindness +"The sodium - potassium pump is, therefore, an electrogenic pump( a pump that creates a charge imbalance), creating an electrical imbalance across the membrane and contributing to the membrane potential.",The sodium - potassium pump an electrogenic pump +"T cells are lymphocytes that mature in the thymus gland, and B cells are lymphocytes that mature in the bone marrow.",T cells B cells +"The inner ear contains the semi - circular canals, which are involved in balance and movement( the vestibular sense), and the cochlea.",The inner ear +The time it takes to determine that a recession has occurred is often called the recognition lag.,the recognition lag +"In angiosperms, pollination is defined as the placement or transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or another flower.",pollination +The region of unwinding is called a transcription bubble.,a transcription bubble +Forgetting refers to loss of information from long - term memory.,Forgetting +"Note that they are perpendicular to one another and to the direction of propagation, making this a transverse wave.",a transverse wave +"On the inside of the kidney, the renal pelvis branches out into two or three extensions called the major calyces, which further branch into the minor calyces.",the major calyces +"Most researchers choose to survey a small sector of the population, or a sample : that is, a manageable number of subjects who represent a larger population.",a sample +"The term senescence refers to the aging process, including biological, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual changes.",senescence +"The simplest example of this is a reflex action, an involuntary and rapid response to stimulus.",a reflex action +"Developed by researchers at the University of Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s, social disorganization theory asserts that crime is most likely to occur in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control.",social disorganization theory +"Cognitive development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity.",Cognitive development +Infrared radiation( IR) has even lower photon energies than visible light and can not significantly alter atoms and molecules.,Infrared radiation IR +Democritus called this the atom.,the atom +Attachment is a long - standing connection or bond with others.,Attachment +"In individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder, there is a compulsive pattern of drug use that is often associated with both physical and psychological dependence. Physical dependence involves changes in normal bodily functions — the user will experience withdrawal from the drug upon cessation of use.",a substance use disorder Physical dependence +"People with personality disorders exhibit a personality style that differs markedly from the expectations of their culture, is pervasive and inflexible, begins in adolescence or early adulthood, and causes distress or impairment( APA, 2013).",personality disorders +"In reversible reactions, reactants are turned into products, but when the concentration of product goes beyond a certain threshold( characteristic of the particular reaction), some of these products will be converted back into reactants ; at this point, the designations of products and reactants are reversed.",reversible reactions +"Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal to treat individuals unfavorably because of their race or color of their skin : An employer can not discriminate based on skin color, hair texture, or other immutable characteristics, which are traits of an individual that are fundamental to her identity, in hiring, benefits, promotions, or termination of employees.",Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 +Time dilation is the phenomenon of time passing slower for an observer who is moving relative to another observer.,Time dilation +The genes that code for the positive cell cycle regulators are called proto - oncogenes.,proto - oncogenes +Much of what Einstein did to develop his ideas was to mentally analyze certain carefully and clearly defined situations — doing this is to perform a thought experiment.,a thought experiment +"Elevation is the movement of a bone upward, such as when the shoulders are shrugged, lifting the scapulae.",Elevation +"M1 money supply includes those monies that are very liquid such as cash, checkable( demand) deposits, and traveler ’s checks M2 money supply is less liquid in nature and includes M1 plus savings and time deposits, certificates of deposits, and money market funds.",M1 money supply M2 money supply +"A thermal hazard is one where excessive electric power causes undesired thermal effects, such as starting a fire in the wall of a house.",A thermal hazard +A phylogenetic tree is a diagram used to reflect evolutionary relationships among organisms or groups of organisms.,A phylogenetic tree +"The cells, called chondrocytes, make the matrix and fibers of the tissue.",chondrocytes +The hypothalamus is an endocrine organ located in the diencephalon of the brain.,The hypothalamus +"Under this model of proportional representation, legislative seats are allocated to competing parties based on the total share of votes they receive in the election.",proportional representation +Field research refers to gathering primary data from a natural environment without doing a lab experiment or a survey.,Field research +"Latent content, on the other hand, refers to the hidden meaning of a dream.",Latent content +Leaves that do not have a petiole and are directly attached to the plant stem are called sessile leaves.,sessile leaves +"In contrast, CD8 + cells engage antigen - embedded MHC I molecules on APCs and are stimulated to become cytotoxic T lymphocytes( CTLs), which directly kill infected cells by apoptosis and emit cytokines to amplify the immune response.",cytotoxic T lymphocytes CTLs +Upward mobility refers to an increase — or upward shift — in social class.,Upward mobility +"Pollution describes what happens when contaminants are introduced into an environment( water, air, land) at levels that are damaging.",Pollution +This is called atomic excitation.,atomic excitation +Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent because the offspring are all clones of the original parent.,Asexual reproduction +"The meaning of “ equilibrium ” remains the same ; that is, equilibrium is a point of balance where no incentive exists to shift away from that outcome.",equilibrium +"Genes, the functional units of chromosomes, determine specific characteristics by coding for specific proteins.",Genes +"Fixed costs are expenditures that do not change regardless of the level of production, at least not in the short term.",Fixed costs +The number of breaths per minute is the respiratory rate.,the respiratory rate +Grand theories attempt to explain large - scale relationships and answer fundamental questions such as why societies form and why they change.,Grand theories +"These members of Congress, known as Radical Republicans, wanted to remake the South and punish the rebels.",Radical Republicans +"Geometric isomers, on the other hand, have similar placements of their covalent bonds but differ in how these bonds are made to the surrounding atoms, especially in carbon - to - carbon double bonds.",Geometric isomers +"Environmental racism refers to the way in which minority group neighborhoods( populated primarily by people of color and members of low socioeconomic groups) are burdened with a disproportionate number of hazards, including toxic waste facilities, garbage dumps, and other sources of environmental pollution and foul odors that lower the quality of life.",Environmental racism +"The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 amends the Civil Rights Act ; it prohibits job( e.g., employment, pay, and termination) discrimination of a woman because she is pregnant as long as she can perform the work required.",The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 +"In group therapy, a clinician meets together with several clients with similar problems.",group therapy +"This blood passes through the bicuspid valve or mitral valve( the atrioventricular valve on the left side of the heart) to the left ventricle where the blood is pumped out through aorta, the major artery of the body, taking oxygenated blood to the organs and muscles of the body.",the bicuspid valve mitral valve aorta +"Mesons are hadrons that can decay to leptons and leave no hadrons, which implies that mesons are not conserved in number.",Mesons +G - protein - linked receptors bind a ligand and activate a membrane protein called a G - protein.,G - protein - linked receptors +Extinction is the decrease in the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented with the conditioned stimulus.,Extinction +"The argument of Keynesian macroeconomic policy is that the government needs to lean against the wind, spending when times are hard and saving when times are good, for the sake of the overall economy.",Keynesian macroeconomic policy +These free electrons can move through the material much as air moves through loose sand.,free electrons +"These offspring were called the F1, or the first filial( filial = offspring, daughter or son), generation.",the F1 the first filial generation +"Because of the complexity of oligopoly, which is the result of mutual interdependence among firms, there is no single, generally - accepted theory of how oligopolies behave, in the same way that we have theories for all the other market structures.",oligopoly +"During DNA duplication in the S phase, each chromosome is replicated to produce two identical copies, called sister chromatids, that are held together at the centromere by cohesin proteins.",the S phase +"Instead of continuous characteristics, Mendel worked with traits that were inherited in distinct classes( specifically, violet versus white flowers) ; this is referred to as discontinuous variation.",discontinuous variation +"Instead, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade( GATT), was established in 1947 to provide a forum in which nations could come together to negotiate reductions in tariffs and other barriers to trade.",the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT +German sociologist Norbert Elias called the process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of individuals and the society that shapes that behavior figuration.,behavior figuration +"In 1979, an exemption was granted to get - out - the vote and grassroots voter registration drives, creating what has become known as the soft - money loophole ; soft money was a way in which interests could spend money on behalf of candidates without being restricted by federal law.",the soft - money loophole soft money +"The Jesuits were members of the Society of Jesus, an elite religious order founded in the 1540s to spread Catholicism and combat the spread of Protestantism.",The Jesuits +The thalamus is a sensory relay for the brain.,The thalamus +"In up - regulation, the number of receptors increases in response to rising hormone levels, making the cell more sensitive to the hormone and allowing for more cellular activity.",up - regulation +"When the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year, it runs a budget deficit.",a budget deficit +"To deal with this problem, Weber and Dilthey introduced the concept of verstehen, a German word that means to understand in a deep way.",verstehen +Carbonic acid is an unstable intermediate molecule that immediately dissociates into bicarbonate ions,Carbonic acid +"Monopolistic competition involves many firms competing against each other, but selling products that are distinctive in some way.",Monopolistic competition +"So, behavioral economics seeks to enrich the understanding of decision - making by integrating the insights of psychology into economics.",behavioral economics +"Fuels, such as gasoline and food, carry chemical energy that can be transferred to a system through oxidation.",Fuels +"Some of the moderately distant galaxies, and hence among the younger, are known as quasars and emit as much or more energy than a normal galaxy but from a region less than a light year across.",quasars +Psychoneuroimmunology is the field that studies how psychological factors such as stress influence the immune system and immune functioning.,Psychoneuroimmunology +"In adults, the hip bones, or coxal bones, are formed by the fusion of three pairs of bones : the ilium, ischium, and pubis.",the hip bones coxal bones +"For centuries, psychological disorders were viewed from a supernatural perspective : attributed to a force beyond scientific understanding.",a supernatural perspective +Anyone who owns a bond and receives the interest payments is called a bondholder.,a bondholder +"Yet another approach is to require collateral, often property or equipment that the bank would have a right to seize and sell if the loan is not repaid.",collateral +"In contrast, heterosporous plants produce two morphologically different types of spores.",heterosporous plants +Negative ions are formed by gaining electrons and are called anions.,anions +"Executive agreements are negotiated by the president, and in the case of sole executive agreements, they are simultaneously approved by the president as well.",Executive agreements +"The organization ’s main tenets of Fascism called for a totalitarian form of government and a heightened focus on national unity, militarism, social Darwinism, and loyalty to the state.",Fascism +A risk group can be defined as a group that shares roughly the same risks of an adverse event occurring.,A risk group +"Nodes are points of attachment for leaves, aerial roots, and flowers.",Nodes +"In 2003, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the Bakke decision in Grutter v. Bollinger, which said that taking race or ethnicity into account as one of several factors in admitting a student to a college or university was acceptable, but a system setting aside seats for a specific quota of minority students was not.",Grutter v. Bollinger +"Transversion substitution refers to a purine being replaced by a pyrimidine, or vice versa ; for example, cytosine, a pyrimidine, is replaced by adenine, a purine.",Transversion substitution +"When the phage DNA is incorporated into the host cell genome, it is called a prophage.",a prophage +"This creates a second aggregate production function where the output is GDP per capita( that is, GDP divided by population).",GDP per capita +The McDonaldization of Society( Ritzer 1993) refers to the increasing presence of the fast food business model in common social institutions.,The McDonaldization of Society +"Similarly, many Westerners view the multiple manifestations of Hinduism ’s godhead as polytheistic, which is a religion based on belief in multiple deities,, while Hindus might describe those manifestations are a monotheistic parallel to the Christian Trinity.",polytheistic +"The process is called x - ray diffraction, because it involves the diffraction and interference of x rays to produce patterns that can be analyzed for information about the structures that scattered the x rays.",x - ray diffraction +"Also in 1914, the Federal Trade Commission( FTC) was created to define more specifically what competition was unfair.",the Federal Trade Commission FTC +"Another complicating element is signal integration of the pathways, in which signals from two or more different cell - surface receptors merge to activate the same response in the cell.",signal integration +There has also been much work suggesting that optimism — the general tendency to look on the bright side of things — is also a significant predictor of positive health outcomes.,optimism +"The oldest of these was a straight - line or linear accelerator, called the Stanford Linear Accelerator( SLAC), which accelerated particles up to 50 GeV as seen in.",the Stanford Linear Accelerator SLAC +The organization responsible for conducting monetary policy and ensuring that a nation ’s financial system operates smoothly is called the central bank.,the central bank +A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another living organism and derives nutrients from it.,A parasite +"Signals from distant cells are called endocrine signals, and they originate from endocrine cells.",endocrine signals +The First Amendment of the Constitution gives Americans the right to express their opinions on matters of concern to them ; the federal government can not interfere with this right.,The First Amendment of the Constitution +CAP binds to the operator sequence upstream of the promoter that initiates transcription of the lac operon.,CAP +"Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is the inability to see close objects clearly while distant objects may be clear.",Farsightedness hyperopia +"The social benefits of an innovation take into account the value of all the positive externalities of the new idea or product, whether enjoyed by other companies or society as a whole, as well as the private benefits received by the firm that developed the new technology.",The social benefits of an innovation +"Finally, the relative wage coordination argument points out that even if most workers were hypothetically willing to see a decline in their own wages in bad economic times as long as everyone else also experiences such a decline, there is no obvious way for a decentralized economy to implement such a plan.",the relative wage coordination argument +The temporal lobe is located at the base of the brain by your ears and is primarily involved in processing and interpreting sounds.,The temporal lobe +Role performance is how a person expresses his or her role.,Role performance +"In other words, plasma membranes are selectively permeable — they allow some substances to pass through, but not others.",selectively permeable +Sexism is prejudice and discrimination toward individuals based on their sex.,Sexism +"An aggregate fruit is one that develops from more than one carpel, but all are in the same flower : the mature carpels fuse together to form the entire fruit, as seen in the raspberry.",An aggregate fruit +View a brief video discussing the role of marine ecosystems in supporting human welfare and the decline of ocean ecosystems. Bush meat is the generic term used for wild animals killed for food.,Bush meat +"Rumination is the repetitive and passive focus on the fact that one is depressed and dwelling on depressed symptoms, rather that distracting one ’s self from the symptoms or attempting to address them in an active, problem - solving manner( Nolen - Hoeksema, 1991).",Rumination +Crystallized intelligence is characterized as acquired knowledge and the ability to retrieve it.,Crystallized intelligence +Polygyny refers to a man being married to more than one woman at the same time.,Polygyny +"When a person in the United States calls to get information about banking, insurance, or computer services, the person taking that call may be working in another country. Alongside the process of globalization is diffusion, or the spread of material and nonmaterial culture.",diffusion +But over the next few decades genetics and evolution were integrated in what became known as the modern synthesis — the coherent understanding of the relationship between natural selection and genetics that took shape by the 1940s and is generally accepted today.,the modern synthesis +Other envelope proteins are the matrix proteins that stabilize the envelope and often play a role in the assembly of progeny virions.,the matrix proteins +"If government spending and taxes are equal, it is said to have a balanced budget.",a balanced budget +"Under dual federalism, the states and national government exercise exclusive authority in distinctly delineated spheres of jurisdiction.",dual federalism +Resistors are in parallel when each resistor is connected directly to the voltage source by connecting wires having negligible resistance.,in parallel +"This percentage is expected to increase and will have a huge impact on the dependency ratio : the number of nonproductive citizens( young, disabled, or elderly) to productive working citizens( Bartram and Roe 2005).",the dependency ratio nonproductive citizens +"The iris, which is conspicuous as the colored part of the eye, is a circular muscular ring lying between the lens and cornea that regulates the amount of light entering the eye.",The iris +"Malpighian tubules are convoluted, which increases their surface area, and they are lined with microvilli for reabsorption and maintenance of osmotic balance.",Malpighian tubules +"Another ingredient of M2 are the relatively small( that is, less than about $ 100,000) certificates of deposit( CDs) or time deposits, which are accounts that the depositor has committed to leaving in the bank for a certain period of time, ranging from a few months to a few years, in exchange for a higher interest rate.",certificates of deposit CDs time deposits +"Later dubbed the Monroe Doctrine, this declaration of principles laid the foundation for the growth of American power in the twentieth century.",the Monroe Doctrine +"The model minority stereotype is applied to a minority group that is seen as reaching significant educational, professional, and socioeconomic levels without challenging the existing establishment.",The model minority stereotype +"Homophily is the tendency for people to form social networks, including friendships, marriage, business relationships, and many other types of relationships, with others who are similar( McPherson et al., 2001).",Homophily +Morbid obesity is defined as having a BMI over 40.,Morbid obesity +A frontal plane( also called a coronal plane) separates the front from the back.,A frontal plane a coronal plane +"In contrast, instrumental aggression is motivated by achieving a goal and does not necessarily involve intent to cause pain( Berkowitz, 1993) ; a contract killer who murders for hire displays instrumental aggression.",instrumental aggression +"Hayes was a popular candidate who advocated for both “ hard money ” — an economy based upon gold currency transactions — to protect against inflationary pressures and civil service reform, that is, recruitment based upon merit and qualifications, which was to replace the practice of handing out government jobs as “ spoils. ”",hard money civil service reform +Axons from the retinal ganglion cells converge and exit through the back of the eye to form the optic nerve.,the optic nerve +"Girls experience menarche, the beginning of menstrual periods, usually around 12 – 13 years old, and boys experience spermarche, the first ejaculation, around 13 – 14 years old.",menarche spermarche +"Representative government and capitalism developed together in the United States, and many Americans tend to equate democracy, a political system in which people govern themselves, with capitalism.",democracy +The exchange rate that equalizes the prices of internationally traded goods across countries is called the purchasing power parity( PPP) exchange rate.,the purchasing power parity PPP +Spongy bone tissue does not contain osteons that constitute compact bone tissue.,Spongy bone tissue +"This was followed by the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975, which required public schools to educate children with disabilities.",the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975 +"Using the foot - in - the - door technique, the persuader gets a person to agree to bestow a small favor or to buy a small item, only to later request a larger favor or purchase of a bigger item.",the foot - in - the - door technique +"All resonant frequencies are integral multiples of the fundamental, and they are collectively called harmonics.",harmonics +"Timbre refers to a sound ’s purity, and it is affected by the complex interplay of frequency, amplitude, and timing of sound waves.",Timbre +"The substitution effect is that when a good becomes more expensive, people seek out substitutes.",The substitution effect +Recall of false autobiographical memories is called false memory syndrome.,false memory syndrome +"In central sleep apnea, disruption in signals sent from the brain that regulate breathing cause periods of interrupted breathing( White, 2005).",central sleep apnea +"The other sperm fuses with the 2n polar nuclei, forming a triploid cell that will develop into the endosperm, which is tissue that serves as a food reserve.",the endosperm +A pie graph( sometimes called a pie chart) is used to show how an overall total is divided into parts.,A pie graph a pie chart +"Embedded in the thylakoid membrane is chlorophyll, a pigment( molecule that absorbs light) responsible for the initial interaction between light and plant material, and numerous proteins that make up the electron transport chain.",chlorophyll +"Negative symptoms are those that reflect noticeable decreases and absences in certain behaviors, emotions, or drives( Green, 2001).",Negative symptoms +The primary group is usually fairly small and is made up of individuals who generally engage face - to - face in long - term emotional ways.,The primary group +"Genocide, the deliberate annihilation of a targeted( usually subordinate) group, is the most toxic intergroup relationship.",Genocide +"If natural selection favors an average phenotype, selecting against extreme variation, the population will undergo stabilizing selection.",stabilizing selection +"This means that when comparing the exchange rates between two countries( in this case, the United States and Canada), the depreciation( or weakening) of one country( the U.S. dollar for this example) indicates the appreciation( or strengthening) of the other currency( which in this example is the Canadian dollar).",the depreciation appreciation +A genetic map is an illustration that lists genes and their location on a chromosome.,A genetic map +"In a majority of cultures( 78 percent), polygamy, or being married to more than one person at a time, is accepted( Murdock 1967), with most polygamous societies existing in northern Africa and east Asia( Altman and Ginat 1996).",polygamy +"The feathers on a wing are flexible, so the collective feathers move and separate as air moves through them, reducing the drag on the wing.",the collective feathers +"In many ecosystems, the bottom of the food chain consists of photosynthetic organisms( plants and/ or phytoplankton), which are called primary producers.",primary producers +Sequence mapping resulted from DNA sequencing technology that allowed for the creation of detailed physical maps with distances measured in terms of the number of base pairs.,Sequence mapping +"Additionally, the late 1890s saw the height of yellow journalism, in which newspapers such as the New York Journal, led by William Randolph Hearst, and the New York World, published by Joseph Pulitzer, competed for readership with sensationalistic stories.",yellow journalism +"In most societies, stratification is an economic system, based on wealth, the net value of money and assets a person has, and income, a person ’s wages or investment dividends.",stratification +"Built from sensations, but influenced by our own experiences, biases, prejudices, and cultures, perceptions can be very different from person to person.",perceptions +"Soil distribution is not homogenous because its formation results in the production of layers ; together, the vertical section of a soil is called the soil profile.",the soil profile +"Amphiarthroses are joints that allow slight movement, including syndesmoses and symphyses.",Amphiarthroses +"The Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader, the majority party ’s congressional leaders, have significant tools at their disposal to punish party members who defect on a particular vote.",The Speaker of the House the Senate majority leader +"The process is called x - ray diffraction, because it involves the diffraction and interference of x rays to produce patterns that can be analyzed for information about the structures that scattered the x rays.",x - ray diffraction +"A second class of early - acting cytokines is interferons, which are released by infected cells as a warning to nearby uninfected cells.",interferons +"It is also believed that strong emotions trigger the formation of strong memories, and weaker emotional experiences form weaker memories ; this is called arousal theory( Christianson, 1992).",arousal theory +"In a 1969 case involving the Ku Klux Klan, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Supreme Court found that only speech or writing that constituted a direct call or plan to imminent lawless action, an illegal act in the immediate future, could be suppressed ; the mere advocacy of a hypothetical revolution was not enough.",Brandenburg v. Ohio +This common quantity is called the equilibrium quantity.,the equilibrium quantity +Isotopes are different forms of an element that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.,Isotopes +"A blood vessel and a nerve are found in the center of the structure within the Haversian canal, with radiating circles of lacunae around it known as lamellae.",lamellae +a) A Punnett square is a tool used to predict how genes will interact in the production of offspring.,A Punnett square +"Male and female sporangia are produced either on the same plant, described as monoecious( “ one home ” or bisexual), or on separate plants, referred to as dioecious( “ two homes ” or unisexual) plants.",monoecious “ one home ” or bisexual +"Instead of rewarding only the target behavior, in shaping, we reward successive approximations of a target behavior.",shaping +"When Congress drafted the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, it specifically included rights for federal whistleblowers, those who publicize misdeeds committed within a bureaucracy or other organization, and set up protection from reprisals.",federal whistleblowers +The immune reaction that results from immediate hypersensitivities in which an antibody - mediated immune response occurs within minutes of exposure to a harmless antigen is called an allergy.,an allergy +The meat powder in this situation was an unconditioned stimulus( UCS) : a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response in an organism.,an unconditioned stimulus UCS +"In mammals, the egg is protected by a layer of extracellular matrix consisting mainly of glycoproteins called the zona pellucida.",the zona pellucida +The precision of a measurement system is refers to how close the agreement is between repeated measurements( which are repeated under the same conditions).,The precision of a measurement system +A microscope is an instrument that magnifies an object.,A microscope +"The formulation of new memories is sometimes called construction, and the process of bringing up old memories is called reconstruction.",construction reconstruction +"In their attempts to limit abortion rights in the wake of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision making abortion legal nationwide, anti - abortion advocates initially targeted Congress in hopes of obtaining restrictive legislation.",Roe v. Wade +"If a country ’s exports are larger than its imports, then a country is said to have a trade surplus.",a trade surplus +"Deflation occurs when the rate of inflation is negative ; that is, instead of money having less purchasing power over time, as occurs with inflation, money is worth more.",Deflation +"The campaign was a typical one for the era : Democrats shone a spotlight on earlier Republican scandals, such as the Crédit Mobilier affair, and Republicans relied upon the bloody shirt campaign, reminding the nation of the terrible human toll of the war against southern confederates who now reappeared in national politics under the mantle of the Democratic Party.",the bloody shirt campaign +The size of total production in an economy is measured by the gross domestic product( GDP).,the gross domestic product GDP +"DNA is the genetic material found in all living organisms, ranging from single - celled bacteria to multicellular mammals.",DNA +"While the inner amniotic membrane surrounds the embryo itself, the chorion surrounds the embryo and yolk sac.",the chorion +"A related process is demedicalization, in which “ sick ” behavior is normalized again.",demedicalization +Aggregate demand( AD) refers to the amount of total spending on domestic goods and services in an economy.,Aggregate demand AD +Sublimation is the transition from solid to vapor phase.,Sublimation +"When both mating types are present in the same mycelium, it is called homothallic, or self - fertile.",homothallic self - fertile +"Mitochondrial remnant organelles, called mitosomes, have since been identified in diplomonads, but these mitosomes are essentially nonfunctional.",mitosomes +The Industrial Revolution refers to the widespread use of power - driven machinery and the economic and social changes that resulted in the first half of the 1800s.,The Industrial Revolution +"Most of the common diseases, such as heart disease, are multi - factored or polygenic, which is a phenotypic characteristic that involves two or more genes, and also involve environmental factors such as diet.",multi - factored polygenic +"He subsequently founded a school of psychology called individual psychology, which focuses on our drive to compensate for feelings of inferiority.",individual psychology +The nominal value of any economic statistic means the statistic is measured in terms of actual prices that exist at the time.,The nominal value of any economic statistic +"Moses Austin, a once - prosperous entrepreneur reduced to poverty by the Panic of 1819, requested permission to settle three hundred English - speaking American residents in Texas.",Moses Austin +A structure called a peristome increases the spread of spores after the tip of the capsule falls off at dispersal.,a peristome +"The great rise in union membership in the 1930s followed the passage of the National Labor - Management Relations Act of 1935, which specified that workers had a right to organize unions and that management had to give them a fair chance to do so.",the National Labor - Management Relations Act of 1935 +It involves using an electrical current to induce seizures to help alleviate the effects of severe depression.,It +"Other vertebrates are polyphyodonts, that is, their teeth are replaced throughout their entire life.",polyphyodonts +"M1 money supply includes coins and currency in circulation — the coins and bills that circulate in an economy that are not held by the U.S. Treasury, at the Federal Reserve Bank, or in bank vaults.",currency in circulation +"Health insurance policies often have a copayment, in which the policyholder must pay a small amount ; for example, a person might have to pay $ 20 for each doctor visit, and the insurance company would cover the rest.",a copayment +"Many young women of the era shed their mother ’s morality and adopted the dress and mannerisms of a flapper, the Jazz Age female stereotype, seeking the endless party.",a flapper +"The deepest part of the ocean is the abyssal zone, which is at depths of 4000 m or greater.",the abyssal zone +"The shoot system generally grows above ground, where it absorbs the light needed for photosynthesis.",The shoot system +"Theta waves still dominate the activity of the brain, but they are interrupted by brief bursts of activity known as sleep spindles.",Theta waves +"An adult with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention[ CDC], 2012).",obese +"The spike in LH causes ovulation : the most mature follicle, like that shown in, ruptures and releases its egg.",ovulation +"In contrast, a laissez - faire leader( French for “ leave it alone ”) is hands - off, allowing group members to self - manage and make their own decisions.",a laissez - faire leader +"When infection of a cell by a bacteriophage results in the production of new virions, the infection is said to be productive.",productive +An individual with more than the correct number of chromosome sets( two for diploid species) is called polyploid.,polyploid +Productivity within an ecosystem can be defined as the percentage of energy entering the ecosystem incorporated into biomass in a particular trophic level.,Productivity within an ecosystem +"On June 6, 1944, the second front became a reality when Allied forces stormed the beaches of northern France on D - day.",D - day +"Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is the inability to see close objects clearly while distant objects may be clear.",Farsightedness hyperopia +"The occipital cortex is organized retinotopically, which means there is a close relationship between the position of an object in a person ’s visual field and the position of that object ’s representation on the cortex.",The occipital cortex +"The last layer is the pia mater( Latin for “ soft mother ”), which directly contacts and covers the brain and spinal cord like plastic wrap.",the pia mater +The eye is the major sensory organ involved in vision.,The eye +This reaction force is called thrust.,thrust +"The statistical study of population dynamics, demography, uses a series of mathematical tools to investigate how populations respond to changes in their biotic and abiotic environments.",demography +"Recall from The Macroeconomic Perspective that if exports exceed imports, the economy is said to have a trade surplus.",a trade surplus +Limits on Animal Size and ShapeAnimals with bilateral symmetry that live in water tend to have a fusiform shape : this is a tubular shaped body that is tapered at both ends.,a fusiform shape +The individuals performing the imitated behavior are called models.,models +"Those who opposed it, known as Anti - Federalists, argued that the Constitution would consolidate all power in a national government, robbing the states of the power to make their own decisions.",Anti - Federalists +Transpiration is the loss of water from the plant through evaporation at the leaf surface.,Transpiration +"The name Nematoda is derived from the Greek word “ Nemos, ” which means “ thread ” and includes roundworms.",Nemos +A taste bud is a cluster of gustatory receptors( taste cells) that are located within the bumps on the tongue called papillae( singular : papilla)( illustrated in).,papillae +"The majority of known fungi belong to the Phylum Ascomycota, which is characterized by the formation of an ascus( plural, asci), a sac - like structure that contains haploid ascospores.",the Phylum Ascomycota +"An area where two closely related species continue to interact and reproduce, forming hybrids, is called a hybrid zone.",a hybrid zone +BuddingBudding is a form of asexual reproduction that results from the outgrowth of a part of a cell or body region leading to a separation from the original organism into two individuals.,BuddingBudding +"To the contrary, through the memorandum, Hoover asserted that greater emphasis should be placed upon the older Monroe Doctrine, in which the U.S. pledged assistance to her Latin American neighbors should any European powers interfere in Western Hemisphere affairs.",Monroe Doctrine +"Underproduction of GH in adults does not appear to cause any abnormalities, but in children it can result in pituitary dwarfism, in which growth is reduced.",pituitary dwarfism +"Functionalism, also called structural - functional theory, sees society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of the individuals in that society.",Functionalism structural - functional theory +Pivot joints consist of the rounded end of one bone fitting into a ring formed by the other bone.,Pivot joints +"Sympatric speciation( sym- = "" same "" ; -patric = "" homeland "") involves speciation occurring within a parent species remaining in one location.",Sympatric speciation +"At this stage, the person is no longer able to adapt to the stressor : the body ’s ability to resist becomes depleted as physical wear takes its toll on the body ’s tissues and organs.",this stage +"When the hydrocarbon chain contains a double bond, the fatty acid is said to be unsaturated.",unsaturated +"Later, George Herbert Mead( 1863 – 1931) studied the self, a person ’s distinct identity that is developed through social interaction.",the self +"If imports exceed exports, the economy is said to have a trade deficit.",a trade deficit +A nucleus that spontaneously destroys part of its mass to emit radiation is said to decay( a term also used to describe the emission of radiation by atoms in excited states).,decay +"The Twentieth Amendment, which was ratified in 1933 during the Great Depression, moved the date of the presidential inauguration from March to January.",The Twentieth Amendment +"The flow of genetic information in cells from DNA to mRNA to protein is described by the Central Dogma, which states that genes specify the sequence of mRNAs, which in turn specify the sequence of proteins.",the Central Dogma +"An often overlooked category is corporate crime, or crime committed by white - collar workers in a business environment.",corporate crime +PV Diagrams and their Relationship to Work Done on or by a GasA process by which a gas does work on a piston at constant pressure is called an isobaric process.,an isobaric process +Nerve conduction is a general term for electrical signals carried by nerve cells.,Nerve conduction +"Conversely, the inspiratory reserve volume( IRV) is the additional amount of air that can be inhaled after a normal inhalation.",the inspiratory reserve volume IRV +Plasmids with foreign DNA inserted into them are called recombinant DNA molecules because they are created artificially and do not occur in nature.,recombinant DNA molecules +"Another proposal, the New Jersey Plan, called for a unicameral legislature with one house, in which each state would have one vote.",the New Jersey Plan +"Because they correspond to new allele combinations, the genotypes Ab and aB are nonparental types that result from homologous recombination during meiosis.",nonparental types +"Because externalities that occur in market transactions affect other parties beyond those involved, they are sometimes called spillovers.",spillovers +"This model is often called the “ web of life. ” In an effort to save the tree analogy, some have proposed using the Ficus tree(b) with its multiple trunks as a phylogenetic to represent a diminished evolutionary role for HGT.In the( a) phylogenetic model proposed by W. Ford Doolittle, the “ tree of life ” arose from a community of ancestral cells, has multiple trunks, and has connections between branches where horizontal gene transfer has occurred.",the “ web of life . ” the “ tree of life ” +"Based on these observations, Masters and Johnson divided the sexual response cycle into four phases that are fairly similar in men and women : excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.",the sexual response cycle +"The starting point of replication, the origin, is close to the binding site of the chromosome to the plasma membrane.",the origin +"Depositors racing to the bank to withdraw their deposits, as shown in is called a bank run.",a bank run +"Lampreys are similar to hagfishes in size and shape ; however, lampreys possess some vertebral elements.",Lampreys +"Scientific knowledge is empirical : It is grounded in objective, tangible evidence that can be observed time and time again, regardless of who is observing. While behavior is observable, the mind is not.",empirical +"A cell ’s DNA, packaged as a double - stranded DNA molecule, is called its genome.",genome +"Three of the four cells break down ; only a single surviving cell will develop into a female multicellular gametophyte, which encloses archegonia( an archegonium is a reproductive organ that contains a single large egg).",an archegonium +New World monkeys are also called Platyrrhini — a reference to their broad noses.,Platyrrhini +The hyoid bone lies below the mandible in the front of the neck.,The hyoid bone +Such a system is underdamped ; its displacement is represented by the curve in.,underdamped +"Prejudice is a negative attitude and feeling toward an individual based solely on one ’s membership in a particular social group( Allport, 1954 ; Brown, 2010).",Prejudice +"A midsagittal plane divides the body exactly in the middle, making two equal right and left halves.",A midsagittal plane +Job satisfaction describes the degree to which individuals enjoy their job.,Job satisfaction +"This provision is similar to the Fifth Amendment in that it also refers to “ due process, ” a term that generally means people must be treated fairly and impartially by government officials( or with what is commonly referred to as substantive due process).",due process +"The amount that individuals would have been willing to pay, minus the amount that they actually paid, is called consumer surplus.",consumer surplus +"In exposure therapy, a therapist seeks to treat clients ’ fears or anxiety by presenting them with the object or situation that causes their problem, with the idea that they will eventually get used to it.",exposure therapy +"This means that if money is usable today to make purchases, it must also be acceptable to make purchases today that will be paid in the future.",This +"Together, the suburbs, exurbs, and metropolitan areas all combine to form a metropolis.",a metropolis +The olfactory epithelium is a collection of specialized olfactory receptors in the back of the nasal cavity that spans an area about 5 cm2 in humans.,The olfactory epithelium +"A recession is a situation in which the economy as a whole is shrinking in size, business failures outnumber the remaining success stories, and many firms end up suffering losses and laying off workers.",A recession +"When the price is below equilibrium, there is excess demand, or a shortage — that is, at the given price the quantity demanded, which has been stimulated by the lower price, now exceeds the quantity supplied, which had been depressed by the lower price.",a shortage +"The excitement phase is the arousal phase of the sexual response cycle, and it is marked by erection of the penis or clitoris and lubrication and expansion of the vaginal canal.",The excitement phase +"In May 1775, Mecklenburg County in North Carolina issued the Mecklenburg Resolves, stating that a rebellion against Great Britain had begun, that colonists did not owe any further allegiance to Great Britain, and that governing authority had now passed to the Continental Congress.",the Mecklenburg Resolves +The Asch effect is the influence of the group majority on an individual ’s judgment.,The Asch effect +"For example, the right to bear arms for protection( Second Amendment), the right not to have to provide shelter and provision for soldiers in peacetime( Third Amendment), the right to a trial by jury( Sixth and Seventh Amendments), and protection from excessive fines and from cruel and unusual punishment( Eighth Amendment) are taken from the English Bill of Rights.",Second Amendment Third Amendment Sixth and Seventh Amendments Eighth Amendment +"The lowest resonant frequency is called the fundamental, while all higher resonant frequencies are called overtones.",the fundamental overtones +"Evidence indicates that during the first two billion years of Earth ’s existence, the atmosphere was anoxic, meaning that there was no molecular oxygen.",anoxic +"The pharynx is the muscular part of the digestive system that serves to ingest as well as egest food, and may extend for up to two - thirds the length of the body before opening into the gastrovascular cavity.",The pharynx +"As the “ third force ” in psychology, humanism is touted as a reaction both to the pessimistic determinism of psychoanalysis, with its emphasis on psychological disturbance, and to the behaviorists ’ view of humans passively reacting to the environment, which has been criticized as making people out to be personality - less robots.",humanism +"Because oxidation and reduction usually occur together, these pairs of reactions are called oxidation reduction reactions, or redox reactions. Electrons and Energy",oxidation reduction redox +"The structurally unemployed are individuals who have no jobs because they lack skills valued by the labor market, either because demand has shifted away from the skills they do have, or because they never learned any skills.",The structurally unemployed +It also contains the hippocampus( Greek for “ seahorse ”) — a structure that processes memory formation.,the hippocampus +"A granzyme is a protease that digests cellular proteins and induces the target cell to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis.",A granzyme apoptosis +Omnivores are animals that eat both plant- and animal- derived food.,Omnivores +A high level of trade indicates that a good portion of the nation ’s production is exported.,A high level of trade +Partial pressure is defined as the pressure a gas would create if it occupied the total volume available.,Partial pressure +"The walnut - shaped prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the connection to the urinary bladder.",the urethra +"For instance, the Christian notion of the Holy Trinity( God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) defies the definition of monotheism, which is a religion based on belief in a single deity, to some scholars.",the Holy Trinity monotheism +"The experimental group gets the experimental manipulation — that is, the treatment or variable being tested( in this case, violent TV images) — and the control group does not.",the experimental manipulation +"A psychological disorder is a condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.",A psychological disorder +"Are we who we are because of nature( biology and genetics), or are we who we are because of nurture( our environment and culture) ?",nature nurture +The act of entering into marriage while still married to another person is referred to as bigamy and is considered a felony in most states.,bigamy +This is referred to as the market structure of the industry.,the market structure of the industry +"In the same way( though not shown in the figure), if AD increases, the economy could experience an inflationary gap, where demand is attempting to push the economy past potential output.",an inflationary gap +The physics of fluids in motion — fluid dynamics — allows us to answer these and many other questions.,fluid dynamics +Microwaves are the highest - frequency electromagnetic waves that can be produced by currents in macroscopic circuits and devices.,Microwaves +Locke called this implicit agreement between a people and their government the social contract.,the social contract +"The Land Law of 1800 further encouraged land sales in the Northwest Territory by reducing the minimum parcel size by half and enabling sales on credit, with the goal of stimulating settlement by ordinary farmers.",The Land Law of 1800 +The second pair of appendages is known as pedipalps.,pedipalps +A molecule is a chemical structure consisting of at least two atoms held together by one or more chemical bonds.,A molecule +"Programming is organized around three pillars :( 1) climate change adaptation,( 2) clean energy, and( 3) sustainable landscapes( Troilo 2012).",Programming +"The mathematical formula for the electrostatic force is called Coulomb ’s law after the French physicist Charles Coulomb( 1736 – 1806), who performed experiments and first proposed a formula to calculate it.",Coulomb ’s law +"Climate refers to the long - term, predictable atmospheric conditions of a specific area.",Climate +Internal kinetic energy is the sum of the kinetic energies of the objects in the system.,Internal kinetic energy +Clinical psychology is the area of psychology that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and other problematic patterns of behavior.,Clinical psychology +The hydrophilic or “ water - loving ” areas of these molecules( which look like a collection of balls in an artist ’s rendition of the model) are in contact with the aqueous fluid both inside and outside the cell.,The hydrophilic +Motor skills refer to our ability to move our bodies and manipulate objects.,Motor skills +Assimilation describes the process by which a minority individual or group gives up its own identity by taking on the characteristics of the dominant culture.,Assimilation +"The relaxation response approach is conceptualized as a general approach to stress reduction that reduces sympathetic arousal, and it has been used effectively to treat people with high blood pressure( Benson & Proctor, 1994).",The relaxation response approach +"Regionally, Roosevelt ’s work was most famously seen in the Tennessee Valley Authority( TVA), a federal agency tasked with the job of planning and developing the area through flood control, reforestation, and hydroelectric power.",the Tennessee Valley Authority TVA +"In Crawford v. Marion County Election Board( 2008), the Supreme Court decided that Indiana ’s voter identification requirement was constitutional, although the decision left open the possibility that another case might meet the burden of proof required to overturn the law. David Stout, “ Supreme Court Upholds Voter Identification Law in Indiana, ” New York Times, 29 April 2008 ; Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, 553 U.S. 181( 2008).",Crawford v. Marion County Election Board ( 2008 ) +Clathrates are frozen chunks of ice and methane found at the bottom of the ocean.,Clathrates +"The Supreme Court of the United States, sometimes abbreviated SCOTUS, is a one - of - a - kind institution.",The Supreme Court of the United States SCOTUS +"Similarly, many Westerners view the multiple manifestations of Hinduism ’s godhead as polytheistic, which is a religion based on belief in multiple deities,, while Hindus might describe those manifestations are a monotheistic parallel to the Christian Trinity.",polytheistic +"In eighteenth - century America, as in Great Britain, the legal status of married women was defined as coverture, meaning a married woman( or feme covert) had no legal or economic status independent of her husband.",coverture +"The prefix “ auto- ” means “ self, ” so the term means multiple chromosomes from one ’s own species.",the term +A layer of cells known as the endodermis separates the stele from the ground tissue in the outer portion of the root.,the endodermis +Ultraviolet means “ above violet. ”,Ultraviolet +Sutures are found only in the skull and possess short fibers of connective tissue that hold the skull bones tightly in place.,Sutures +"The reaction center of PSII( called P680) delivers its high - energy electrons, one at the time, to the primary electron acceptor, and through the electron transport chain( Pq to cytochrome complex to plastocyanine) to PSI.",P680 +Momentum was deemed so important that it was called the “ quantity of motion. ” Newton actually stated his second law of motion in terms of momentum : The net external force equals the change in momentum of a system divided by the time over which it changes.,his second law of motion +"When the macroeconomy is in equilibrium, it must be true that the aggregate expenditures in the economy are equal to the real GDP — because by definition, GDP is the measure of what is spent on final sales of goods and services in the economy.",GDP +Flat bones are thin and relatively broad bones that are found where extensive protection of organs is required or where broad surfaces of muscle attachment are required.,Flat bones +"Nitrogenase, the enzyme that fixes nitrogen, is inactivated by oxygen, so the nodule provides an oxygen - free area for nitrogen fixation to take place.",Nitrogenase +"In contrast to that perspective is the pluralist theory of government, which says that political power rests with competing interest groups who share influence in government.",the pluralist theory of government +Scientists call these synonymous parts homologous structures.,homologous structures +A zero economic profit means the firm ’s accounting profit is equal to what its resources could earn in their next best use.,A zero economic profit +"With a variable interval reinforcement schedule, the person or animal gets the reinforcement based on varying amounts of time, which are unpredictable.",a variable interval reinforcement schedule +Immigration federalism describes the gradual movement of states into the immigration policy domain.,Immigration federalism +"Several women found employment in the emerging pink collar occupations, viewed as traditional women ’s work, including jobs as telephone operators, social workers, and secretaries.",pink collar occupations +Prader - Willi Syndrome( PWS) is a genetic disorder that results in persistent feelings of intense hunger and reduced rates of metabolism.,Prader - Willi Syndrome PWS +"Muscle spindles are stretch receptors that detect the amount of stretch, or lengthening of muscles.",Muscle spindles +"Perception refers to the way sensory information is organized, interpreted, and consciously experienced.",Perception +The exchange rate that equalizes the prices of internationally traded goods across countries is called the purchasing power parity( PPP) exchange rate.,the the purchasing power parity ( PPP ) exchange rate +Laws that mandate federal and many state government proceedings and meeting documents be made available to the public are called sunshine laws.,sunshine laws +"Manifest content is the actual content, or storyline, of a dream.",Manifest content +"The seller may also offer a buyer a chance to buy a service contract, where the buyer pays an extra amount and the seller agrees to fix anything that goes wrong for a set time period.",a service contract +"Some of these are binocular cues, which means that they rely on the use of both eyes.",binocular cues +"When someone has a combination of alleles for a given gene, they are said to be heterozygous.",heterozygous +"If motional emf can cause a current loop in the conductor, we refer to that current as an eddy current.",an eddy current +"This type of adhesion is called capillary action, and is illustrated in.",capillary action +The ecosystem is composed of all the biotic components( living things) in an area along with the abiotic components( non - living things) of that area.,The ecosystem the biotic components the abiotic components +The CCC provided government jobs for young men aged fourteen to twenty - four who came from relief families.,The CCC +"Our unconscious refers to that mental activity of which we are unaware and are unable to access( Freud, 1923).",unconscious +"Regulation may occur when the DNA is uncoiled and loosened from nucleosomes to bind transcription factors( epigenetic level), when the RNA is transcribed( transcriptional level), when the RNA is processed and exported to the cytoplasm after it is transcribed( post - transcriptional level), when the RNA is translated into protein( translational level), or after the protein has been made( post - translational level).",epigenetic level transcriptional level post - transcriptional level translational level post - translational level +"This is known as the Central Dogma of Life, which holds true for all organisms ; however, exceptions to the rule occur in connection with viral infections.",the Central Dogma of Life +"In order to neutralize the acidic chyme, a hormone called secretin stimulates the pancreas to produce alkaline bicarbonate solution and deliver it to the duodenum.",secretin +"Thermodynamically, heat energy is defined as the energy transferred from one system to another that is not doing work.",heat energy +"The theory of rational expectations holds that people form the most accurate possible expectations about the future that they can, using all information available to them.",The theory of rational expectations +"In a compound leaf, the leaf blade is completely divided, forming leaflets, as in the locust tree.",a compound leaf +"In vertebrates, the main photopigment, rhodopsin, has two main parts) : an opsin, which is a membrane protein( in the form of a cluster of α - helices that span the membrane), and retinal — a molecule that absorbs light.",an opsin retinal +"Centuries later, the influential Greek physician and philosopher Galen built on Hippocrates ’s theory, suggesting that both diseases and personality differences could be explained by imbalances in the humors and that each person exhibits one of the four temperaments.",Galen +"Compulsions are repetitive and ritualistic acts that are typically carried out primarily as a means to minimize the distress that obsessions trigger or to reduce the likelihood of a feared event( APA, 2013).",Compulsions +"All societies practice social control, the regulation and enforcement of norms.",social control +The aggressive use( or threat) of hard power is the core value of neoconservatism.,neoconservatism +"There are three main categories of life cycles in multicellular organisms : diploid - dominant, in which the multicellular diploid stage is the most obvious life stage, such as with most animals including humans ; haploid - dominant, in which the multicellular haploid stage is the most obvious life stage, such as with all fungi and some algae ; and alternation of generations, in which the two stages are apparent to different degrees depending on the group, as with plants and some algae.",diploid - dominant haploid - dominant alternation of generations +"The proteins serve as a marker to indicate the presence of a pathogen to phagocytic cells, such as macrophages and B cells, and enhance engulfment ; this process is called opsonization.",opsonization +Dendrites are tree - like structures that extend away from the cell body to receive messages from other neurons at specialized junctions called synapses.,Dendrites +A secure base is a parental presence that gives the child a sense of safety as he explores his surroundings.,A secure base +The gap between exports and imports is called the trade balance.,the trade balance +"Some plants, however, also have adventitious roots, which emerge above the ground from the shoot.",adventitious roots +Autism spectrum disorder( ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder.,Autism spectrum disorder ASD +"A hypothesis is a suggested explanation for an event, which can be tested.",A hypothesis +Primary deviance is a violation of norms that does not result in any long - term effects on the individual ’s self - image or interactions with others.,Primary deviance +"The environment consists of numerous pathogens, which are agents, usually microorganisms, that cause diseases in their hosts.",pathogens +The fragments in the gel are then transferred onto a nylon membrane in a procedure called blotting.,blotting +"The act established the Federal Reserve System, also known as the Fed, as the central bank of the United States.",The act +"In sociological terms, society refers to a group of people who live in a definable community and share the same culture.",society +"The highest point of the economy, before the recession begins, is called the peak ; conversely, the lowest point of a recession, before a recovery begins, is called the trough.",the peak the trough +"Phenotype, on the other hand, refers to the individual ’s inherited physical characteristics, which are a combination of genetic and environmental influences.",Phenotype +"Medications used to treat psychological disorders are called psychotropic medications and are prescribed by medical doctors, including psychiatrists.",psychotropic medications +"People with hoarding disorder can not bear to part with personal possessions, regardless of how valueless or useless these possessions are.",People with hoarding disorder +"Semi - peripheral nations are in - between nations, not powerful enough to dictate policy but nevertheless acting as a major source for raw material and an expanding middle - class marketplace for core nations, while also exploiting peripheral nations.",Semi - peripheral nations +"Once an odor molecule has bound a given receptor, chemical changes within the cell result in signals being sent to the olfactory bulb : a bulb - like structure at the tip of the frontal lobe where the olfactory nerves begin.",the olfactory bulb +Depressive disorders are a group of disorders in which depression is the main feature.,Depressive disorders +Meritocracy is an ideal system based on the belief that social stratification is the result of personal effort — or merit — that determines social standing.,Meritocracy +"As political moderates, or individuals with ideologies in the middle of the ideological spectrum, leave the political parties at all levels, the parties have grown farther apart ideologically, a result called party polarization.",political moderates party polarization +"Further subdivision of animals with three germ layers( triploblasts) results in the separation of animals that may develop an internal body cavity derived from mesoderm, called a coelom, and those that do not.",triploblasts a coelom +"Normative organizations, also called voluntary organizations, are based on shared interests.",Normative organizations voluntary organizations +Parental types are progeny that exhibit the same allelic combination as their parents.,Parental types +"PrP exists in two forms, PrPc, the normal form of the protein, and PrPsc, the infectious form.",PrP +The haploid gametophyte produces the male and female gametes by mitosis in distinct multicellular structures.,The haploid gametophyte +"An antibiotic is a chemical, produced either by microbes or synthetically, that is hostile to the growth of other organisms.",An antibiotic +"Firms are said to be in perfect competition when the following conditions occur :( 1) many firms produce identical products ;( 2) many buyers are available to buy the product, and many sellers are available to sell the product ;( 3) sellers and buyers have all relevant information to make rational decisions about the product being bought and sold ; and( 4) firms can enter and leave the market without any restrictions — in other words, there is free entry and exit into and out of the market.",perfect competition +"A country is said to be engaging in protectionism when it does not permit other countries to sell goods and services within its borders, or when it charges them very high tariffs( or import taxes) to do so.",protectionism +"A teratogen is any environmental agent — biological, chemical, or physical — that causes damage to the developing embryo or fetus.",A teratogen +The total number of units purchased at that price is called the quantity demanded.,the quantity demanded +"His policies in the 1660s through the 1680s established and supported the Restoration colonies : the Carolinas, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.",the Restoration colonies +"Dermal tissue covers and protects the plant, and vascular tissue transports water, minerals, and sugars to different parts of the plant.",Dermal tissue vascular tissue +The only class in the Phylum Chytridiomycota is the Chytridiomycetes.,the Chytridiomycetes +"Meissner ’s corpuscles respond to pressure and lower frequency vibrations, and Pacinian corpuscles detect transient pressure and higher frequency vibrations.",Meissner ’s corpuscles Pacinian corpuscles +"An inefficient machine operates at high cost, while an efficient machine operates at lower cost, because it is not wasting energy or materials.",inefficient machine an efficient machine +"The Virginia Plan also called for an executive branch and a judicial branch, both of which were absent under the Articles of Confederation.",The Virginia Plan +"Phillips analyzed 60 years of British data and did find that tradeoff between unemployment and inflation, which became known as a Phillips curve.",a Phillips curve +"As we discussed in the beginning of the chapter, interactionists focus on the specific meanings and causes people attribute to illness.",interactionists +"With the goals and frameworks for macroeconomic analysis in mind, the final step is to discuss the two main categories of macroeconomic policy : monetary policy, which focuses on money, banking and interest rates ; and fiscal policy, which focuses on government spending, taxes, and borrowing.",monetary policy fiscal policy +"Conventional crowds are those who come together for a scheduled event that occurs regularly, like a religious service.",Conventional crowds +"If government spending and taxes are equal, it is said to have a balanced budget.",a balanced budget +Semantic means having to do with language and knowledge about language.,Semantic +"In Federalist No. 10, written in the late eighteenth century, James Madison noted that the formation of self - interested groups, which he called factions, was inevitable in any society, as individuals started to work together to protect themselves from the government.",factions +"The GDP deflator, measured by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, is a price index that includes all the components of GDP( that is, consumption plus investment plus government plus exports minus imports).",The GDP deflator +"Through the process of tRNA “ charging, ” each tRNA molecule is linked to its correct amino acid by a group of enzymes called aminoacyl tRNA synthetases.","the process of tRNA “ charging , ”" +"In the light - dependent reactions, energy from sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll and that energy is converted into stored chemical energy.",the light - dependent reactions +"In reality, to control the risk of an economic depression( a sustained recession across several economic sectors), the U.S. government will often adjust interest rates to encourage more lending — and consequently more spending.",an economic depression +"This white flight has created de facto segregation, a form of segregation that results from the choices of individuals to live in segregated communities without government action or support.",de facto segregation +"Schizophrenia is a devastating psychological disorder that is characterized by major disturbances in thought, perception, emotion, and behavior.",Schizophrenia +"Some axons are covered with myelin, which acts as an insulator to minimize dissipation of the electrical signal as it travels down the axon, greatly increasing the speed on conduction.",myelin +"The United States is a heteronormative society, meaning it assumes sexual orientation is biologically determined and unambiguous.",a heteronormative society +"The underlying goal of social control is to maintain social order, an arrangement of practices and behaviors on which society ’s members base their daily lives.",social order +"Most interestingly, the eukaryote - first hypothesis proposes that prokaryotes actually evolved from eukaryotes by losing genes and complexity( c).",the eukaryote - first hypothesis +"In some sponges, ostia are formed by porocytes, single tube - shaped cells that act as valves to regulate the flow of water into the spongocoel.",porocytes +"The connection between gay men and GRID — later renamed human immunodeficiency virus/ autoimmune deficiency syndrome, or HIV/ AIDS — led heterosexuals largely to ignore the growing health crisis in the gay community, wrongly assuming they were safe from its effects.",HIV / AIDS +"For the first few decades of the current pattern of divided government, the threat it posed to the government appears to have been muted by a high degree of bipartisanship, or cooperation through compromise.",bipartisanship +Negative sanctions are punishments for violating norms.,Negative sanctions +"This graph of time versus position is called a Feynman diagram, after the brilliant American physicist Richard Feynman( 1918 – 1988) who developed it.",a Feynman diagram +"For Hamilton, the establishment of the Bank of the United States was fully within Congress ’s authority, and he hoped the bank would foster economic development, print and circulate paper money, and provide loans to the government.",the Bank of the United States +"More precisely, a wave is a disturbance that propagates, or moves from the place it was created.",a wave +The Ninth Amendment guarantees that liberties extend beyond those described in the preceding documents.,The Ninth Amendment +"From the Great Depression of the 1930s until 1996, the United States ’ most visible antipoverty program was Aid to Families with Dependent Children( AFDC), which provided cash payments to mothers with children who were below the poverty line.",Aid to Families with Dependent Children AFDC +The ability of an ecosystem to remain at equilibrium in spite of disturbances is called resistance.,resistance +"To take the political pressure off himself and his administration, and find a way to exit Vietnam “ with honor, ” Nixon began the process of Vietnamization, turning more responsibility for the war over to South Vietnamese forces by training them and providing American weaponry, while withdrawing U.S. troops from the field.",the process of Vietnamization +A polarization microscope also enhances contrast by utilizing a wave characteristic of light.,A polarization microscope +"Note that when many alleles exist for the same gene, the convention is to denote the most common phenotype or genotype among wild animals as the wild type( often abbreviated “ + ”) ; this is considered the standard or norm.",the wild type +"The extinct vascular plants, classified as zosterophylls and trimerophytes, most probably lacked true leaves and roots and formed low vegetation mats similar in size to modern - day mosses, although some trimetophytes could reach one meter in height.",The extinct vascular plants +"This system of rewarding party loyalists is known as the spoils system( from the expression, “ To the victor belong the spoils ”).",the spoils system +"As the name suggests, debt accumulation is the buildup of external debt, wherein countries borrow money from other nations to fund their expansion or growth goals.",debt accumulation +"Psyche comes to represent the human soul ’s triumph over the misfortunes of life in the pursuit of true happiness( Bulfinch, 1855) ; in fact, the Greek word psyche means soul, and it is often represented as a butterfly.",psyche +"This superposition forms a disturbance called a sonic boom, a constructive interference of sound created by an object moving faster than sound.",a sonic boom +"This is known as loss aversion, where a $ 1 loss pains us 2.25 times more than a $ 1 gain helps us, according to the economists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in a famous 1979 article in the journal Econometrica.",loss aversion +Tariffs are taxes that governments place on imported goods for a variety of reasons.,Tariffs +A theory is a well - developed set of ideas that propose an explanation for observed phenomena.,A theory +The frequency of a sound wave is associated with our perception of that sound ’s pitch.,The frequency of a sound wave +The lowering of individual fitness to enhance the reproductive fitness of a relative and thus one ’s inclusive fitness evolves through kin selection.,kin selection +"For example, in maquiladoras, mostly found in northern Mexico, workers may sew imported precut pieces of fabric into garments. Globalization also brings an international division of labor, in which comparatively wealthy workers from core nations compete with the low - wage labor pool of peripheral and semi - peripheral nations.",international division of labor +"The French foreign minister, Charles - Maurice de Talleyrand, sent emissaries who told the American envoys that the United States must repay all outstanding debts owed to France, lend France 32 million guilders( Dutch currency), and pay a £ 50,000 bribe before any negotiations could take place.",guilders +"Radial symmetry, as illustrated in, describes when an animal has an up - and - down orientation : any plane cut along its longitudinal axis through the organism produces equal halves, but not a definite right or left side.",Radial symmetry +"As a result, the attrition rates, or reduction in the number of research participants due to dropouts, in longitudinal studies are quite high and increases over the course of a project.",the attrition rates +"After further cell division and rearrangement of existing cells, a 6–32-celled hollow structure called a blastula is formed.",a blastula +"And an inherent power, while not enumerated or implied, must be assumed to exist as a direct result of the country ’s existence.",an inherent power +"In July 1991, Gorbachev and Bush signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, which committed their countries to reducing their nuclear arsenals by 25 percent.",the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty START +"An algorithm is a problem - solving formula that provides you with step - by - step instructions used to achieve a desired outcome( Kahneman, 2011).",An algorithm +"Estuaries are biomes that occur where a source of fresh water, such as a river, meets the ocean.",Estuaries +"This meant both creating jobs, through such programs as the Works Progress Administration, which provided employment to over eight million Americans, as well as reconfiguring the structure of the American economy.",the Works Progress Administration +"In the first chapter, Smith introduces the division of labor, which means that the way a good or service is produced is divided into a number of tasks that are performed by different workers, instead of all the tasks being done by the same person.",the division of labor +"Ground tissue serves as a site for photosynthesis, provides a supporting matrix for the vascular tissue, and helps to store water and sugars.",Ground tissue +Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a staunch advocate for physician - assisted suicide : the voluntary or physician - assisted use of lethal medication provided by a medical doctor to end one ’s life.,physician - assisted suicide +"It looks as if a gigantic explosion, universally called the Big Bang, threw matter out some billions of years ago.",the Big Bang +"The Act is named after Jeanne Clery, who in 1986 was raped and murdered by a fellow student in her Lehigh University dorm room.",Jeanne Clery +An elastic collision is one that conserves internal kinetic energy.,An elastic collision +These animals are called diploblasts.,diploblasts +"Sellers may offer a warranty, which is a promise to fix or replace the good, at least for a certain period of time.",a warranty +"Macro - level theories relate to large - scale issues and large groups of people, while micro - level theories look at very specific relationships between individuals or small groups.",Macro - level theories micro - level theories +"While reviewing some of these once - popular theories, it is important to identify their strengths and weaknesses. The set of predictable steps and patterns families experience over time is referred to as the family life cycle.",the family life cycle +"Edith Windsor, the plaintiff in the landmark Supreme Court case United States v. Windsor, has become an icon of the marriage equality movement for her successful effort to force repeal the DOMA provision that denied married same - sex couples a host of federal provisions and protections.",the DOMA provision +"This involves a controlled setting where individuals are reinforced for desirable behaviors with tokens, such as a poker chip, that can be exchanged for items or privileges.",This +Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria.,Bacteriophages +"People who have transformational leadership possess four attributes to varying degrees : They are charismatic( highly liked role models), inspirational( optimistic about goal attainment), intellectually stimulating( encourage critical thinking and problem solving), and considerate( Bass, Avolio, & Atwater, 1996).",transformational leadership +"The point where a split occurs, called a branch point, represents where a single lineage evolved into a distinct new one.",a branch point +Hypnosis is a state of extreme self - focus and attention in which minimal attention is given to external stimuli.,Hypnosis +"Assimilation is the biomass( energy content generated per unit area) of the present trophic level after accounting for the energy lost due to incomplete ingestion of food, energy used for respiration, and energy lost as waste.",Assimilation the biomass +DNA is a helix - shaped molecule made up of nucleotide base pairs.,DNA +"Surveys are lists of questions to be answered by research participants, and can be delivered as paper - and - pencil questionnaires, administered electronically, or conducted verbally.",Surveys +A self - fulfilling prophecy is an expectation held by a person that alters his or her behavior in a way that tends to make it true.,A self - fulfilling prophecy +Dynamics is the study of how forces affect the motion of objects.,Dynamics +Electric field lines originate on positive charges and terminate on negative charges.,Electric field lines +"Roosevelt campaigned on the promise of New Nationalism, a charge that he said required a vigorous and powerful federal government to protect public interests.",New Nationalism +"The chloroplasts contain a green pigment called chlorophyll, which captures the light energy that drives the reactions of photosynthesis.",The chloroplasts chlorophyll +"The relaxation response technique combines relaxation with transcendental meditation, and consists of four components( Stein, 2001) :",The relaxation response technique +Positive sanctions are rewards given for conforming to norms.,Positive sanctions +A court is a system that has the authority to make decisions based on law.,A court +Fascism promotes total control of the country by the ruling party or political leader.,Fascism +Some cells contain aggregates of macromolecules surrounded by membranes ; these are called organelles.,organelles +"This is referred to as a sphere of hydration, or a hydration shell, as illustrated in and serves to keep the particles separated or dispersed in the water.",a sphere of hydration a hydration shell +A microphyll is small and has a simple vascular system.,A microphyll +"Humans have 12 cranial nerves, nerves that emerge from or enter the skull( cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves, which emerge from the vertebral column.",cranial the spinal nerves +"Since isolated north and south magnetic poles, called magnetic monopoles, are not observed, currents are used to explain all magnetic effects.",magnetic monopoles +"Humans have 12 cranial nerves, nerves that emerge from or enter the skull( cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves, which emerge from the vertebral column.",cranial nerves cranium the spinal nerves +The good genes hypothesis states that males develop these impressive ornaments to show off their efficient metabolism or their ability to fight disease.,The good genes hypothesis +"The equilibrium price is the only price where the plans of consumers and the plans of producers agree — that is, where the amount of the product consumers want to buy( quantity demanded) is equal to the amount producers want to sell( quantity supplied).",The equilibrium price quantity demanded quantity supplied +"However, following the War of 1812, a huge increase in production resulted in the so - called cotton boom, and by midcentury, cotton became the key cash crop( a crop grown to sell rather than for the farmer ’s sole use) of the southern economy and the most important American commodity.",cash crop +"Baby BoomersOf particular interest to gerontologists today is the population of baby boomers, the cohort born between 1946 and 1964 and now reaching their 60s.",baby boomers +"cultural imperialism, the deliberate imposition of one ’s own cultural values on another culture.",cultural imperialism +"In the process of resocialization, old behaviors that were helpful in a previous role are removed because they are no longer of use.",resocialization +Transactional leaders maintain the status quo : They are managers.,Transactional leaders +"One type of geographic variation, called a cline, can be seen as populations of a given species vary gradually across an ecological gradient.",a cline +"The basidia, which are the reproductive organs of these fungi, are often contained within the familiar mushroom, commonly seen in fields after rain, on the supermarket shelves, and growing on your lawn.",The basidia +"In another type of repair mechanism, nucleotide excision repair, enzymes replace incorrect bases by making a cut on both the 3 ' and 5 ' ends of the incorrect base.",nucleotide excision repair +Religious experience refers to the conviction or sensation that we are connected to “ the divine. ”,Religious experience +DNA microarrays are methods used to detect gene expression by analyzing an array of DNA fragments that are fixed to a glass slide or a silicon chip to identify active genes and identify sequences.,DNA microarrays +"Family therapy is a special form of group therapy, consisting of one or more families.",Family therapy +"Social psychologists conduct research on a wide variety of topics that include differences in how we explain our own behavior versus how we explain the behaviors of others, prejudice, and attraction, and how we resolve interpersonal conflicts.",Social psychologists +A uniporter carries one specific ion or molecule.,A uniporter +"As an institutional design, federalism both safeguards state interests and creates a strong union led by a capable central government.",federalism +Strigolactones promote seed germination in some species and inhibit lateral apical development in the absence of auxins.,Strigolactones +"He was searching for evidence of the engram : the group of neurons that serve as the “ physical representation of memory ”( Josselyn, 2010).",the engram +"In protecting the states, the Eleventh Amendment put a prohibition on the courts by stating, “ The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State. ”",the Eleventh Amendment +Saying a person has comorbid disorders means the individual has two or more diagnoses.,comorbid disorders +"Together, the two are called a chromoprotein.",a chromoprotein +Grandfather clauses exempted individuals from taking literacy tests or paying poll taxes if they or their fathers or grandfathers had been permitted to vote prior to a certain point in time.,Grandfather clauses +"This is called adaptive radiation because many adaptations evolve from a single point of origin ; thus, causing the species to radiate into several new ones.",adaptive radiation +"Like Garvey, Carmichael became an advocate of black separatism, arguing that African Americans should live apart from whites and solve their problems for themselves.",black separatism +"Dedicated to upholding even authoritarian governments in foreign countries to keep them safe from Soviet influence, he was also desperate to put to rest Vietnam Syndrome, the reluctance to use military force in foreign countries for fear of embarrassing defeat, which had influenced U.S. foreign policy since the mid- 1970s.",Vietnam Syndrome +"To help make sure information goes from short - term memory to long - term memory, you can use memory - enhancing strategies.",memory - enhancing strategies +Exocytosis is the opposite of the processes discussed above in that its purpose is to expel material from the cell into the extracellular fluid.,Exocytosis +"When these impulses reach the end of the axon, the signal continues on to a dendrite of the next cell by the release of chemical ligands called neurotransmitters by the presynaptic cell( the cell emitting the signal).",neurotransmitters presynaptic cell +"Simple Harmonic Motion( SHM) is the name given to oscillatory motion for a system where the net force can be described by Hooke ’s law, and such a system is called a simple harmonic oscillator.",Simple Harmonic Motion SHM a simple harmonic oscillator +"For example, when a temperate bacteriophage infects a bacterial cell, it replicates by means of a lysogenic cycle, and the viral genome is incorporated into the genome of the host cell.",a lysogenic cycle +"For Carmichael, Black Power was the power of African Americans to unite as a political force and create their own institutions apart from white - dominated ones, an idea also espoused in the 1920s by political leader and orator Marcus Garvey.",Black Power +"Its goals were to provide all Americans with access to affordable health insurance, to require that everyone in the United States acquire some form of health insurance, and to lower the costs of healthcare.",Its +All of the ocean ’s open water is referred to as the pelagic realm( or zone).,the pelagic realm ( or zone ) +"Tumor suppressor genes are segments of DNA that code for negative regulator proteins, the type of regulators that, when activated, can prevent the cell from undergoing uncontrolled division.",Tumor suppressor genes +"Diplomacy is the establishment and maintenance of a formal relationship between countries that governs their interactions on matters as diverse as tourism, the taxation of goods they trade, and the landing of planes on each other ’s runways.",Diplomacy +"If the journal does not allow the combination of both sections, the results section simply narrates the findings without any further interpretation.",the results section +"Release of neurotransmitter at inhibitory synapses causes inhibitory postsynaptic potentials( IPSPs), a hyperpolarization of the presynaptic membrane.",inhibitory postsynaptic potentials IPSPs +"Union Leagues, fraternal groups founded in the North that promoted loyalty to the Union and the Republican Party during the Civil War, expanded into the South after the war and were transformed into political clubs that served both political and civic functions.",Union Leagues +"The mons pubis is a round, fatty area that overlies the pubic symphysis.",The mons pubis +These various roles and human benefits are referred to as ecosystem services.,ecosystem services +Synovial joints are the only joints that have a space between the adjoining bones.,Synovial joints +"A species is a group of individual organisms that interbreed and produce fertile, viable offspring.",A species +"In the Theory X approach to management, managers assume that most people dislike work and are not innately self - directed.",Theory X +"Self - inductance, the effect of Faraday ’s law of induction of a device on itself, also exists.",Self - inductance +One of the uses of this fact is that a conductor can be fixed at zero volts by connecting it to the earth with a good conductor — a process called grounding.,grounding +"Mercantilism held that only a limited amount of wealth, as measured in gold and silver bullion, existed in the world.",Mercantilism +Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a membrane in response to osmotic pressure caused by an imbalance of molecules on either side of the membrane.,Osmosis +A false negative is an incorrect test result that should have been positive.,A false negative +This layer multiplies into a band and then splits internally to form the coelom ; this protostomic coelom is hence termed schizocoelom.,schizocoelom +"Finally, inducers are small molecules that either activate or repress transcription depending on the needs of the cell and the availability of substrate.",inducers +"Many Americans were struck with “ land fever. ” Farmers strove to expand their acreage, and those who lived in areas where unoccupied land was scarce sought holdings in the West.",land fever +The refractory period is a period of time that follows an orgasm during which an individual is incapable of experiencing another orgasm.,The refractory period +link] shows the prisoner ’s dilemma for a two - firm oligopoly — known as a duopoly.,a duopoly +Basal transcription factors are crucial in the formation of a preinitiation complex on the DNA template that subsequently recruits RNA polymerase II for transcription initiation.,Basal transcription factors +"Primary sexual characteristics are organs specifically needed for reproduction, like the uterus and ovaries in females and testes in males.",Primary sexual characteristics +"A continuous positive airway pressure( CPAP) device includes a mask that fits over the sleeper ’s nose and mouth, which is connected to a pump that pumps air into the person ’s airways, forcing them to remain open, as shown in.",A continuous positive airway pressure ( CPAP ) device +A country has an absolute advantage in producing a good over another country if it uses fewer resources to produce that good.,an absolute advantage +A legislative referendum occurs when a legislature passes a law or a series of constitutional amendments and presents them to the voters to ratify with a yes or no vote.,A legislative referendum +"In general, this process by which carbon is transported deep into the ocean is described as the biological carbon pump, because carbon is “ pumped ” to the ocean depths where it is inaccessible to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.",the biological carbon pump +"A system composed of two identical, parallel conducting plates separated by a distance, as in, is called a parallel plate capacitor.",a parallel plate capacitor +"Convergence theory explains that as a country 's economy grows, its societal organization changes to become more like that of an industrialized society.",Convergence theory +These turnovers are caused by the formation of a thermocline : a layer of water with a temperature that is significantly different from that of the surrounding layers.,a thermocline +"Conformity is the change in a person ’s behavior to go along with the group, even if he does not agree with the group.",Conformity +"The gastrovascular cavity has only one opening that serves as both a mouth and an anus, which is termed an incomplete digestive system.",an incomplete digestive system +"Craniata includes the hagfishes( Myxini), which have a cranium but lack a backbone, and all of the organisms called “ vertebrates. ”",Craniata Myxini +"The thoracic cage, also known as the ribcage, is the skeleton of the chest, and consists of the ribs, sternum, thoracic vertebrae, and costal cartilages.",The thoracic cage the ribcage +"Nonmaterial culture, in contrast, consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society.",Nonmaterial culture +"There is a point in the visual field called the blind spot : Even when light from a small object is focused on the blind spot, we do not see it.",the blind spot +"Many scholars adopt the definition developed by German sociologist Max Weber, who said that power is the ability to exercise one ’s will over others( Weber 1922).",power +"This appendix presents an alternative approach to describing personal preferences, called indifference curves, which avoids any need for using numbers to measure utility.",indifference curves +Auxins are the main hormones responsible for cell elongation in phototropism and gravitropism.,Auxins +"In a hygiene study, for instance, hygiene could be defined as “ personal habits to maintain physical appearance( as opposed to health), ” and a researcher might ask, “ How do differing personal hygiene habits reflect the cultural value placed on appearance ? ”",hygiene +"We will consider these two claims in turn, and then see how they are represented in the AD/ AS model. The first building block of the Keynesian diagnosis is that recessions occur when the level of household and business sector demand for goods and services is less than what is produced when labor is fully employed.",recessions +"When light levels are high, the pupil will constrict, or become smaller, to reduce the amount of light that enters the eye.",constrict +"In thinking about the factors that affect supply, remember what motivates firms : profits, which are the difference between revenues and costs.",profits +"A small group is typically one where the collection of people is small enough that all members of the group know each other and share simultaneous interaction, such as a nuclear family, a dyad, or a triad.",A small group +There is an International Price Index based on the prices of merchandise that is exported or imported.,an International Price Index +"The final ingredient of the Keynesian cross or expenditure - output diagram is the aggregate expenditure schedule, which will show the total expenditures in the economy for each level of real GDP.",the aggregate expenditure schedule +"Within the pelagic realm is the photic zone, which is the portion of the ocean that light can penetrate( approximately 200 m or 650 ft).",the photic zone +"Sharks, together with most fishes and aquatic and larval amphibians, also have a sense organ called the lateral line, which is used to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water, and is often considered homologous to “ hearing ” in terrestrial vertebrates.",the lateral line +"According to the DSM-5, the defining symptoms of major depressive disorder include “ depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day ”( feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or appearing tearful to others), and loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities( APA, 2013).",major depressive disorder +"Most interestingly, the eukaryote - first hypothesis proposes that prokaryotes actually evolved from eukaryotes by losing genes and complexity( c).",the eukaryote - first hypothesis +This measurement is called the merchandise trade balance.,the merchandise trade balance +"A transverse plane( or, horizontal plane) divides the animal into upper and lower portions.",A transverse plane horizontal plane +"This prevents glucose from being absorbed by cells, causing high levels of blood glucose, or hyperglycemia( high sugar).",hyperglycemia +"In psychoanalysis, therapists help their patients look into their past to uncover repressed feelings.",psychoanalysis +"The synaptonemal complex, a lattice of proteins between the homologous chromosomes, first forms at specific locations and then spreads to cover the entire length of the chromosomes.",The synaptonemal complex +These assemblies mark the points of later chiasmata and mediate the multistep process of crossover — or genetic recombination — between the non - sister chromatids.,These assemblies crossover +"Some of these might be charter schools, institutions funded by local tax monies in much the same way as public schools, but able to accept private donations and exempt from some of the rules public schools must follow.",charter schools +"These arguments are discussed at some length in The International Trade and Capital Flows. Of all of the arguments for limitations on trade, perhaps the most controversial one among economists is the infant industry argument ; that is, subsidizing or protecting new industries for a time until they become established.",the infant industry argument +"A higher level of income for a normal good causes a demand curve to shift to the right for a normal good, which means that the income elasticity of demand is positive.",a normal good +"Later, in the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison, the U.S. Supreme Court established its own authority to rule on the constitutionality of laws, a process called judicial review.",judicial review +The price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a good or service divided by the percentage change in the price.,The price elasticity of demand +"The cell body contains a specialized structure, the axon hillock that integrates signals from multiple synapses and serves as a junction between the cell body and an axon.",the axon hillock +"An atom is composed of two regions : the nucleus, which is in the center of the atom and contains protons and neutrons, and the outermost region of the atom which holds its electrons in orbit around the nucleus, as illustrated in.",the nucleus +"A hypothesis is a testable prediction about how the world will behave if our idea is correct, and it is often worded as an if - then statement( e.g., if I study all night, I will get a passing grade on the test).",A hypothesis +Retrograde amnesia is loss of memory for events that occurred prior to the trauma.,Retrograde amnesia +Imports are the goods and services that are produced abroad and then sold domestically.,Imports +"Nodes are the points where the string does not move ; more generally, nodes are where the wave disturbance is zero in a standing wave.",Nodes +"The photoreceptive cells of the eye, where transduction of light to nervous impulses occurs, are located in the retina( shown in) on the inner surface of the back of the eye.",The photoreceptive cells of the eye +"In contrast, deuterostomes undergo indeterminate cleavage, in which cells are not yet pre - determined at this early stage to develop into specific cell types.",deuterostomes +Marginal cost is the additional cost of producing one more unit of output.,Marginal cost +The inner cell mass is also known as the embryoblast and this mass of cells will go on to form the embryo.,the embryoblast +"A narrowly defined market will tend to make concentration appear higher, while a broadly defined market will tend to make it appear smaller. There are two especially important shifts affecting how markets are defined in recent decades : one centers on technology and the other centers on globalization.",A narrowly defined market a broadly defined market +"Agonists are chemicals that mimic a neurotransmitter at the receptor site and, thus, strengthen its effects.",Agonists +"A contractionary monetary policy will raise interest rates, discourage borrowing for investment and consumption spending, and cause the original demand curve( AD0) to shift left to AD1, so that the new equilibrium( E1) occurs at the potential GDP level of 700.These examples suggest that monetary policy should be countercyclical ; that is, it should act to counterbalance the business cycles of economic downturns and upswings.",countercyclical +Each sequence is called a microstate — a detailed description of every element of a system.,a microstate +"The male spores are called microspores, because of their smaller size, and develop into the male gametophyte ; the comparatively larger megaspores develop into the female gametophyte.",microspores +"During his time as governor, from 1901 through 1906, La Follette introduced the Wisconsin Idea, wherein he hired experts to research and advise him in drafting legislation to improve conditions in his state.",the Wisconsin Idea +Mammals are vertebrates that possess hair and mammary glands.,Mammals +"Plasma cells and CTLs are collectively called effector cells : they represent differentiated versions of their naïve counterparts, and they are involved in bringing about the immune defense of killing pathogens and infected host cells.",effector cells +"Intrapersonal topics( those that pertain to the individual) include emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition( the ways in which we think about ourselves and others).",Intrapersonal topics +"Transition substitution refers to a purine or pyrimidine being replaced by a base of the same kind ; for example, a purine such as adenine may be replaced by the purine guanine.",Transition substitution +"The hydrosphere is the area of the Earth where water movement and storage occurs : as liquid water on the surface and beneath the surface or frozen( rivers, lakes, oceans, groundwater, polar ice caps, and glaciers), and as water vapor in the atmosphere.",The hydrosphere +"In a polar covalent bond, shown in, the electrons are unequally shared by the atoms and are attracted more to one nucleus than the other.",a polar covalent bond +"Other organisms, such as animals, fungi, and most other bacteria, are termed heterotrophs( “ other feeders ”), because they must rely on the sugars produced by photosynthetic organisms for their energy needs.",heterotrophs +"The Roosevelt Corollary was based on the original Monroe Doctrine of the early nineteenth century, which warned European nations of the consequences of their interference in the Caribbean.",The Roosevelt Corollary +"When two lineages stem from the same branch point, they are called sister taxa.",sister taxa +A thigmonastic response is a touch response independent of the direction of stimulus.,A thigmonastic response +"Well, a core inflation index is typically calculated by taking the CPI and excluding volatile economic variables.",a core inflation index +The SI unit for activity is one decay per second and is given the name becquerel( Bq) in honor of the discoverer of radioactivity.,becquerel Bq +The conversion from sensory stimulus energy to action potential is known as transduction.,transduction +"Finally, the karyotype can pinpoint translocations, which occur when a segment of genetic material breaks from one chromosome and reattaches to another chromosome or to a different part of the same chromosome.",translocations +"This is an example of a balanced chemical equation, wherein the number of atoms of each element is the same on each side of the equation.",a balanced chemical equation +Nucleic acids are the most important macromolecules for the continuity of life.,Nucleic acids +"In a mixture of gases, the total pressure is the sum of partial pressures of the component gases, assuming ideal gas behavior and no chemical reactions between the components.",the total pressure +"Calcitonin decreases blood calcium levels by inhibiting osteoclasts, stimulating osteoblasts, and stimulating calcium excretion by the kidneys.",Calcitonin +"Therefore, changes in histone acetylation( epigenetic modification that leads to gene silencing), activation of transcription factors by phosphorylation, increased RNA stability, increased translational control, and protein modification can all be detected at some point in various cancer cells.",histone acetylation +Specific heat is defined as the amount of heat one gram of a substance must absorb or lose to change its temperature by one degree Celsius.,Specific heat +"The third type is utilitarian organizations, which, as the name suggests, are joined because of the need for a specific material reward.",utilitarian organizations +A prototype is the best example or representation of a concept.,A prototype +"Sociologists study social events, interactions, and patterns, and they develop a theory in an attempt to explain why things work as they do.",Sociologists +These are examples of proactive interference : when old information hinders the recall of newly learned information.,proactive interference +Recall is what we most often think about when we talk about memory retrieval : it means you can access information without cues.,Recall it +"According to Freud, children ’s pleasure - seeking urges are focused on a different area of the body, called an erogenous zone, at each of the five stages of development : oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. While most of Freud ’s ideas have not found support in modern research, we can not discount the contributions that Freud has made to the field of psychology.",an erogenous zone +"For example, the Producer Price Index( PPI) is based on prices paid for supplies and inputs by producers of goods and services.",the Producer Price Index PPI +"The temporal lobe is located on the side of the head( temporal means “ near the temples ”), and is associated with hearing, memory, emotion, and some aspects of language.",The temporal lobe temporal +"In behavior therapy, a therapist employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviors — rather than digging deeply into one ’s unconscious.",behavior therapy +Diffusion is the movement of substances due to random thermal molecular motion.,Diffusion +"In a federal system, power is divided between the federal( or national) government and the state governments.",a federal system +"Barcoding is a technique in which one or more short gene sequences, taken from a well - characterized portion of the genome, are used to identify a species through DNA analysis.",Barcoding +The acquired ability to prevent an unnecessary or harmful immune response to a detected foreign substance known not to cause disease is described as immune tolerance.,immune tolerance +"Arthropods( insects, crustaceans, and others) have an outer skeleton, called the exoskeleton, which protects their internal body parts( as seen in the bee in).",Arthropods +"The tissue consists of conducting cells, known as tracheids, and supportive filler tissue, called parenchyma.",tracheids parenchyma +The property of a body to remain at rest or to remain in motion with constant velocity is called inertia.,inertia +"Pain is the name given to nociception, which is the neural processing of injurious stimuli in response to tissue damage.",Pain nociception +Garrison also preached immediatism : the moral demand to take immediate action to end slavery.,immediatism +"Secondary feathers are located closer to the body, attach to the forearm portion of the wing and provide lift.",Secondary feathers +"Crack cocaine, a smokable type of cocaine popular with poorer addicts, was hitting the streets in the 1980s, frightening middle - class Americans.",Crack cocaine +"Gymnosperms were preceded by progymnosperms, the first naked seed plants, which arose about 380 million years ago.",progymnosperms +"Scapegoating is the act of blaming an out - group when the in - group experiences frustration or is blocked from obtaining a goal( Allport, 1954).",Scapegoating +"For instance, identical twins share the same genetic information( identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg that split, so the genetic material is exactly the same in each ; in contrast, fraternal twins develop from two different eggs fertilized by different sperm, so the genetic material varies as with non - twin siblings).",identical twins fraternal twins +"They argued for universal manhood suffrage, or voting rights for all white male adults.",universal manhood suffrage +"In the 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan case, the Supreme Court decided that public figures needed to demonstrate not only that a negative press statement about them was untrue but also that the statement was published or made with either malicious intent or “ reckless disregard ” for the truth. New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254( 1964).",the 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan case +"While some moved west, the vast majority of this Great Migration, as the large exodus of African Americans leaving the South in the early twentieth century was called, traveled to the Northeast and Upper Midwest.",Great Migration +"In contrast, permanent tissue consists of plant cells that are no longer actively dividing.",permanent tissue +Protraction is the anterior movement of a bone in the horizontal plane.,Protraction +"Proudhon believed economies could work using a principle called mutualism, under which individuals and cooperative groups would exchange products with one another on the basis of mutually satisfactory contracts( Proudhon 1840).",mutualism +The thalamus is a sensory relay for the brain.,The thalamus +"Scapegoat theory, developed initially from Dollard ’s( 1939) Frustration - Aggression theory, suggests that the dominant group will displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group.",Scapegoat theory +"The early portion of stage 1 sleep produces alpha waves, which are relatively low frequency( 8 – 13 Hz), high amplitude patterns of electrical activity( waves) that become synchronized.",The early portion of stage 1 sleep alpha waves +"Many parasitic fungi possess haustoria, as these structures penetrate the tissues of the host, release digestive enzymes within the host 's body, and absorb the digested nutrients.",these structures +"Many women were active in these causes, especially the abolition movement and the temperance movement, which tried to end the excessive consumption of liquor.",the temperance movement +"The innate immune system contains cells that detect potentially harmful antigens, and then inform the adaptive immune response about the presence of these antigens.",The innate immune system +"At the highest level of organization, the biosphere is the collection of all ecosystems, and it represents the zones of life on earth.",the biosphere +Productivity means how much output can be produced with a given quantity of labor.,Productivity +"Functional magnetic resonance imaging( fMRI) operates on the same principles, but it shows changes in brain activity over time by tracking blood flow and oxygen levels.",Functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI +PolysaccharidesA long chain of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds is known as a polysaccharide( poly- = “ many ”).,polysaccharide +"According to this theory, hopelessness is an expectation that unpleasant outcomes will occur or that desired outcomes will not occur, and there is nothing one can do to prevent such outcomes.",hopelessness +Revolutionary movements seek to completely change every aspect of society.,Revolutionary movements +A tight junction is a watertight seal between two adjacent animal cells.,A tight junction +The Mohawk and Hudson Railroad was the first to begin service with a steam locomotive.,The Mohawk and Hudson Railroad +Innate immunity occurs naturally because of genetic factors or physiology ; it is not induced by infection or vaccination but works to reduce the workload for the adaptive immune response.,Innate immunity +"The quantum of EM radiation we call a photon has properties analogous to those of particles we can see, such as grains of sand.",a photon +"Thus, the United States is a constitution - based federal republic in which citizens elect representatives to make policy decisions on their behalf.",a constitution - based federal republic +"A trade surplus, you may remember, exists when a nation ’s exports exceed its imports.",A trade surplus +"If this mechanism fails, multiple sperm can fuse with the egg, resulting in polyspermy.",polyspermy +"In sociology, the term is used to refer to a religious group that most all members of a society belong to.",the term +Inventions result when something new is formed from existing objects or concepts — when things are put together in an entirely new manner.,Inventions +"This speech encapsulated what became known as the Bush Doctrine, the belief that the United States has the right to protect itself from terrorist acts by engaging in pre - emptive wars or ousting hostile governments in favor of friendly, preferably democratic, regimes.",the Bush Doctrine +The first protein to bind to the RNA to initiate translation is the eukaryotic initiation factor-2( eIF-2).,the eukaryotic initiation factor-2 eIF-2 +PRRs are molecules on macrophages and dendritic cells which are in contact with the external environment.,PRRs +"One is natural monopoly, where the barriers to entry are something other than legal prohibition.",natural monopoly +"A virion consists of a nucleic acid core, an outer protein coating or capsid, and sometimes an outer envelope made of protein and phospholipid membranes derived from the host cell.",A virion +"Object permanence refers to the understanding that physical things continue to exist, even if they are hidden from us.",Object permanence +"HemoglobinHemoglobin, or Hb, is a protein molecule found in red blood cells( erythrocytes) made of four subunits : two alpha subunits and two beta subunits.",HemoglobinHemoglobin Hb +"This strategy, which came to be known as the policy of containment, formed the basis for U.S. foreign policy and military decision making for more than thirty years.",the policy of containment +"To refresh your memory, flagella( singular = flagellum) are long, hair - like structures that extend from the plasma membrane and are used to move an entire cell( for example, sperm, Euglena).",flagella +The clitellum is a reproductive structure that generates mucus that aids in sperm transfer and gives rise to a cocoon within which fertilization occurs ; it appears as a fused band in the anterior third of the animal.,The clitellum +Matched pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism are called homologous( “ same knowledge ”) chromosomes.,homologous chromosomes +Reverse osmosis and reverse dialysis( also called filtration) are processes that occur when back pressure is sufficient to reverse the normal direction of substances through membranes.,Reverse osmosis and reverse dialysis +"In contrast to light microscopes, electron microscopes( b) use a beam of electrons instead of a beam of light.",electron microscopes +"The analysis, or manner, of how the burden of a tax is divided between consumers and producers is called tax incidence.",tax incidence +Encoding involves the input of information into the memory system.,Encoding +"Even though deepening human and physical capital will tend to increase GDP per capita, the law of diminishing returns suggests that as an economy continues to increase its human and physical capital, the marginal gains to economic growth will diminish.",the law of diminishing returns +The natural frequency is the frequency at which a system would oscillate if there were no driving and no damping force.,The natural frequency +"All the Restoration colonies started as proprietary colonies, that is, the king gave each colony to a trusted individual, family, or group.",proprietary colonies +"If there are three or more leaves connected at a node, the leaf arrangement is classified as whorled.",whorled +Ectomycorrhizae( “ outside ” mycorrhiza) depend on fungi enveloping the roots in a sheath( called a mantle) and a Hartig net of hyphae that extends into the roots between cells.,Ectomycorrhizae a mantle +"Symptoms of PTSD include intrusive and distressing memories of the event, flashbacks( states that can last from a few seconds to several days, during which the individual relives the event and behaves as if the event were occurring at that moment[ APA, 2013]), avoidance of stimuli connected to the event, persistently negative emotional states( e.g., fear, anger, guilt, and shame), feelings of detachment from others, irritability, proneness toward outbursts, and an exaggerated startle response( jumpiness).",flashbacks +"In central sleep apnea, disruption in signals sent from the brain that regulate breathing cause periods of interrupted breathing( White, 2005).",central sleep apnea +"Superstrings are entities that are 10 − 35 m 10 − 35 m size 12 { "" 10 "" rSup { size 8 { - "" 35 "" } } ` m } { } in scale and act like one - dimensional oscillating strings and are also proposed to underlie all particles, forces, and space itself.",Superstrings +"Work done by a person is sometimes called useful work, which is work done on the outside world, such as lifting weights.",useful work +"Two types of selection occur during this process and can lead to traits that are important to reproduction called secondary sexual characteristics : intersexual selection, the choosing of a mate where individuals of one sex choose mates of the other sex, and intrasexual selection, the competition for mates between species members of the same sex.",intersexual selection intrasexual selection +"The excitement phase is the arousal phase of the sexual response cycle, and it is marked by erection of the penis or clitoris and lubrication and expansion of the vaginal canal.",The excitement phase +"Emergent vegetation consists of wetland plants that are rooted in the soil but have portions of leaves, stems, and flowers extending above the water ’s surface.",Emergent vegetation +The chorion facilitates exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the embryo and the egg ’s external environment.,The chorion +"However, those fields of science related to the physical world and its phenomena and processes are considered natural sciences.",natural sciences +"The alimentary canal, shown in b, is a more advanced system : it consists of one tube with a mouth at one end and an anus at the other.",The alimentary canal it +"The neuron exists in a fluid environment — it is surrounded by extracellular fluid and contains intracellular fluid( i.e., cytoplasm).",The neuron +“ Hippies ” rejected the conventions of traditional society.,“ Hippies ” +"Supporters of the 1787 Constitution, known as Federalists, made the case that a centralized republic provided the best solution for the future.",Federalists +The duodenum is separated from the stomach by the pyloric sphincter which opens to allow chyme to move from the stomach to the duodenum.,the pyloric sphincter +"Add to that the long hours, the use of child labor, and exposure to extreme conditions of heat, cold, and toxic chemicals, and it is no wonder that Marx and Engels referred to capitalism, which is a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products( such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.)",capitalism +"A democracy is a government in which political power — influence over institutions, leaders, and policies — rests in the hands of the people.",A democracy political power +"Cyberbullying, like bullying, is repeated behavior that is intended to cause psychological or emotional harm to another person.",Cyberbullying +"Simply put, cognition is thinking, and it encompasses the processes associated with perception, knowledge, problem solving, judgment, language, and memory.",cognition +"To share some of the costs, it granted Dutch merchants who invested heavily in it patroonships, or large tracts of land and the right to govern the tenants there.",patroonships +A computerized tomography( CT) scan involves taking a number of x - rays of a particular section of a person ’s body or brain.,A computerized tomography ( CT ) scan +"Like fats, they are composed of fatty acid chains attached to a glycerol or sphingosine backbone.",they +The social construction of sexuality refers to the way in which socially created definitions about the cultural appropriateness of sex - linked behavior shape the way people see and experience sexuality.,The social construction of sexuality +The behavior caused by the conditioned stimulus is called the conditioned response( CR).,the conditioned response CR +"In dicots, the seed coat is further divided into an outer coat known as the testa and inner coat known as the tegmen.",the testa the tegmen +"The reticular formation is centered in the midbrain, but it actually extends up into the forebrain and down into the hindbrain.",The reticular formation +"Other secondary groups, like a workplace or a classroom, also have formal leaders, but the styles and functions of leadership can vary significantly. Leadership function refers to the main focus or goal of the leader.",Leadership function +"Isabella, motivated by strong religious zeal, was instrumental in beginning the Inquisition in 1480, a brutal campaign to root out Jews and Muslims who had seemingly converted to Christianity but secretly continued to practice their faith, as well as other heretics.",the Inquisition +"This question can be answered by calculating a country ’s GDP per capita ; that is, the GDP divided by the population.",a country ’s GDP per capita +"Like the individualistic culture, the traditionalistic culture believes in the importance of the individual.",the traditionalistic culture +Mycotoxicosis is the poisoning of humans( and other animals) by foods contaminated by fungal toxins( mycotoxins).,Mycotoxicosis +Processes that use an organic molecule to regenerate NAD+ from NADH are collectively referred to as fermentation.,fermentation +"Throughout the 1960s, Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta fought for the rights of Mexican American agricultural laborers through their organization, the United Farm Workers( UFW), a union for migrant workers they founded in 1962.",the United Farm Workers UFW +"Conifers are the dominant phylum of gymnosperms, with the most variety of species.",Conifers +"In an economy without money, an exchange between two people would involve a double coincidence of wants, a situation in which two people each want some good or service that the other person can provide.",a double coincidence of wants +The production of ATP using the process of chemiosmosis is called oxidative phosphorylation because of the involvement of oxygen in the process.,oxidative phosphorylation +"Descriptive( or discovery) science, which is usually inductive, aims to observe, explore, and discover, while hypothesis - based science, which is usually deductive, begins with a specific question or problem and a potential answer or solution that can be tested.",Descriptive discovery ) science hypothesis - based science +Psychotropic medications are drugs that treat psychiatric symptoms by restoring neurotransmitter balance.,Psychotropic medications +"In their first case of significance, Chisholm v. Georgia( 1793), the justices ruled that the federal courts could hear cases brought by a citizen of one state against a citizen of another state, and that Article III, Section 2, of the Constitution did not protect the states from facing such an interstate lawsuit.",Chisholm v. Georgia ( 1793 ) +"Northern representatives supported the Tallmadge Amendment, denouncing slavery as immoral and opposed to the nation ’s founding principles of equality and liberty.",the Tallmadge Amendment +Metabolomics involves the study of small molecule metabolites found in an organism.,Metabolomics +A free - body diagram is a drawing of all external forces acting on a body.,A free - body diagram +"The brain ’s parietal lobe is located immediately behind the frontal lobe, and is involved in processing information from the body ’s senses.",The brain ’s parietal lobe +"Others, called achieved statuses, are obtained by choice, such as a high school dropout, self - made millionaire, or nurse.",achieved statuses +"Water also has a high heat of vaporization, the amount of energy required to change one gram of a liquid substance to a gas.",heat of vaporization +"This act, Department of Defense Directive 1304.26, officially prohibited discrimination against suspected gays, lesbians, and bisexuals by the U.S. military.",Department of Defense Directive 1304.26 +An instrument called a spectrophotometer can differentiate which wavelengths of light a substance can absorb.,spectrophotometer +"After the landslide election, the country — and Hoover — had to endure the interregnum, the difficult four months between the election and President Roosevelt ’s inauguration in March 1933.",the interregnum +"Active transport mechanisms require the use of the cell ’s energy, usually in the form of adenosine triphosphate( ATP).",Active transport mechanisms +"Buffers readily absorb excess H+ or OH –, keeping the pH of the body carefully maintained in the narrow range required for survival.",Buffers +This is known as the just noticeable difference( jnd) or difference threshold.,the just noticeable difference jnd difference threshold +"Given its potential impact, interest group representatives( lobbyists) from the insurance industry, hospitals, medical device manufacturers, and organizations representing doctors, patients, and employers all tried to influence what the law would look like and the way it would operate.",lobbyists +Animals that excrete ammonia are said to be ammonotelic.,ammonotelic +"Similar to T cells, naïve B cells initially are coated in thousands of B cell receptors( BCRs), which are membrane - bound forms of Ig( immunoglobulin, or an antibody).",B cell receptors BCRs +"Resistors are in series whenever the flow of charge, called the current, must flow through devices sequentially.",the current +"Anomie — literally, “ without law ” — is a situation in which society no longer has the support of a firm collective consciousness.",Anomie +"Voltmeters measure voltage, whereas ammeters measure current.",Voltmeters ammeters +"In projection, a person refuses to acknowledge her own unconscious feelings and instead sees those feelings in someone else.",projection +"Disgusted by the result, the Barnburners united with antislavery Whigs and former members of the Liberty Party to form a new political party — the Free - Soil Party, which took as its slogan “ Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men. ”",the Free - Soil Party +"However, there are actually two types of particles in the nuclei — the proton and the neutron, referred to collectively as nucleons, the constituents of nuclei.",nucleons +"Since district courts are not called for in Article III of the Constitution, Congress established them and narrowly defined their jurisdiction, at first limiting them to handling only cases that arose within the district.",district courts +"We can examine aspects of the behavior of a substance by plotting a graph of pressure versus volume, called a PV diagram.",a PV diagram +"On the submicroscopic scale, it is more convenient to define an energy unit called the electron volt( eV), which is the energy given to a fundamental charge accelerated through a potential difference of 1 V.",the electron volt eV +"The ovarian cycle governs the preparation of endocrine tissues and release of eggs, while the menstrual cycle governs the preparation and maintenance of the uterine lining.",The ovarian cycle the menstrual cycle +"Under this plan, each state has a certain number of electors, which is its number of senators( two) plus its number of representatives in the House of Representatives.",this plan +Gap junctions in animals and plasmodesmata in plants are connections between the plasma membranes of neighboring cells.,Gap junctions plasmodesmata +"Each leaf typically has a leaf blade called the lamina, which is also the widest part of the leaf.",the lamina +"This act granted religious tolerance to nonconformist Trinitarian Protestants( those who believed in the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost), such as Baptists( those who advocated adult baptism) and Congregationalists( those who followed the Puritans ’ lead in creating independent churches).",nonconformist Trinitarian Protestants Baptists Congregationalists +"These are called equipotential lines in two dimensions, or equipotential surfaces in three dimensions.",equipotential lines in two dimensions equipotential surfaces in three dimensions +Laminar flow is characterized by the smooth flow of the fluid in layers that do not mix.,Laminar flow +Hermaphroditism occurs in animals where one individual has both male and female reproductive parts.,Hermaphroditism +"Religious rituals are behaviors or practices that are either required or expected of the members of a particular group, such as bar mitzvah or confession of sins( Barkan and Greenwood 2003).The History of Religion as a Sociological ConceptIn the wake of nineteenth century European industrialization and secularization, three social theorists attempted to examine the relationship between religion and society : Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx.",Religious rituals +"For an increasing cost industry, as the market expands, the old and new firms experience increases in their costs of production, which makes the new zero - profit level intersect at a higher price than before.",an increasing cost industry +"One common symptom is hyperplasia, the abnormal proliferation of cells that causes the appearance of plant tumors known as galls.",hyperplasia galls +Gravitropism ensures that roots grow into the soil and that shoots grow toward sunlight.,Gravitropism +"A life course is the period from birth to death, including a sequence of predictable life events such as physical maturation.",A life course +"A molecule with this arrangement of a positively or negatively charged area and an uncharged, or non - polar, area is referred to as amphiphilic or “ dual - loving. ”",amphiphilic +"Traditional economies organize their economic affairs the way they have always done( i.e., tradition).",Traditional economies +A class system is based on both social factors and individual achievement.,A class system +"The zygote develops into an embryo with a radicle, or small root, and one( monocot) or two( dicot) leaf - like organs called cotyledons.",The zygote monocot dicot +The monomers combine with each other using covalent bonds to form larger molecules known as polymers.,polymers +Delusions are beliefs that are contrary to reality and are firmly held even in the face of contradictory evidence.,Delusions +The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was designed to help end poverty by creating a Job Corps and a Neighborhood Youth Corps.,The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 +"At the end of the Civil War, the South entered a period called Reconstruction( 1865 – 1877) during which state governments were reorganized before the rebellious states were allowed to be readmitted to the Union.",Reconstruction +Phytoplankton and floating Sargassum( a type of free - floating marine seaweed) provide a habitat for some sea life found in the neritic zone.,floating Sargassum +Stamens are composed of a thin stalk called a filament and a sac - like structure called the anther.,Stamens +All the individuals of a species living within a specific area are collectively called a population.,a population +The apex( tip) of the shoot contains the apical meristem within the apical bud.,apex +"Arthropods( insects, crustaceans, and others) have an outer skeleton, called the exoskeleton, which protects their internal body parts( as seen in the bee in).",Arthropods exoskeleton +"The final type, acting crowds, focuses on a specific goal or action, such as a protest movement or riot.",acting crowds +"Both produce dead space, regions of broken down or blocked lung tissue.",dead space +Distance is defined to be the magnitude or size of displacement between two positions.,Distance +Laws that government enacts to regulate prices are called Price controls.,Price controls +"An even smaller group is the voting - eligible population( VEP), citizens eighteen and older who, whether they have registered or not, are eligible to vote because they are citizens, mentally competent, and not imprisoned.",the voting - eligible population VEP +The gastric phase begins once the food arrives in the stomach.,The gastric phase +This belief is called the elite theory of government.,the elite theory of government +"In dicots( eudicots), the developing embryo has a heart shape, due to the presence of the two rudimentary cotyledons( b).",dicots eudicots +"The nucleoplasm is the semi - solid fluid inside the nucleus, where we find the chromatin and the nucleolus.",The nucleoplasm +The metabolome is the complete set of metabolites that are related to the genetic makeup of an organism.,The metabolome +"According to pluralist theory, people with shared interests will form groups in order to make their desires known to politicians.",pluralist theory +"Since the electric field has both magnitude and direction, it is a vector.",a vector +"Many preindustrial societies observed gerontocracy, a type of social structure wherein the power is held by a society ’s oldest members.",gerontocracy +"The sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus is social surplus, also referred to as economic surplus or total surplus.",social surplus economic surplus total surplus +Their theory is called levels of processing.,levels of processing +"Lake water constantly irrigated these chinampas, or “ floating gardens, ” which are still in use and can be seen today in Xochimilco, a district of Mexico City.",chinampas Xochimilco +"Conversely, nucleotides following the initiation site are denoted with “ + ” numbering and are called downstream nucleotides.",downstream nucleotides +"The post - anal tail is a posterior elongation of the body, extending beyond the anus.",The post - anal tail +"Because a eukaryotic cell ’s nucleus is surrounded by a membrane, it is often said to have a “ true nucleus. ” The word “ organelle ” means “ little organ, ” and, as already mentioned, organelles have specialized cellular functions, just as the organs of your body have specialized functions.",organelle +"Economically, he saw conflict existing between the owners of the means of production — the bourgeoisie — and the laborers, called the proletariat.",the bourgeoisie the proletariat +"In a representative democracy, however, the citizens do not govern directly.",a representative democracy +"Astrocytes, shown in a make contact with both capillaries and neurons in the CNS.",Astrocytes +Stereotypes are oversimplified generalizations about groups of people.,Stereotypes +Caste systems are closed stratification systems in which people can do little or nothing to change their social standing.,Caste systems +"Remember, though, that culture is a product of the people in a society ; sociologists take care not to treat the concept of “ culture ” as though it were alive in its own right.",culture +"Apocrine glands, or scent glands, secrete substances that are used for chemical communication, such as in skunks.",Apocrine glands scent glands +"Whitney also worked on machine tools, devices that cut and shaped metal to make standardized, interchangeable parts for other mechanical devices like clocks and guns.",machine tools +A waxy layer known as the cuticle covers the leaves of all plant species.,the cuticle +"Racism is prejudice and discrimination against an individual based solely on one ’s membership in a specific racial group( such as toward African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, European Americans).",Racism +"In top - down implementation, the federal government dictates the specifics of the policy, and each state implements it the same exact way.",top - down implementation +Procedural memory is a type of implicit memory : it stores information about how to do things.,Procedural memory +"While prejudice is not necessarily specific to race, racism is a stronger type of prejudice used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others ; it is also a set of practices used by a racial majority to disadvantage a racial minority.",racism +The amount that a seller is paid for a good minus the seller ’s actual cost is called producer surplus.,producer surplus +Progesterone assists in endometrial re - growth and inhibition of FSH and LH release.,Progesterone +"Calvinism emphasized human powerlessness before an omniscient God and stressed the idea of predestination, the belief that God selected a few chosen people for salvation while everyone else was predestined to damnation.",Calvinism predestination +"It contains the somatosensory cortex, which is essential for processing sensory information from across the body, such as touch, temperature, and pain.",the somatosensory cortex +"The insider - outsider model of the labor force, in simple terms, argues that those already working for firms are “ insiders, ” while new employees, at least for a time, are “ outsiders. ”",The insider - outsider model +"Still other viruses, such as human herpesviruses 6 and 7, which in some cases can cause the minor childhood disease roseola, often successfully cause productive infections without causing any symptoms at all in the host, and thus we say these patients have an asymptomatic infection.",an asymptomatic infection +"The second crucial cells in sponges are called amoebocytes( or archaeocytes), named for the fact that they move throughout the mesohyl in an amoeba - like fashion.",amoebocytes archaeocytes +"This theory of rational ignorance holds that people will not vote if the costs of becoming informed and voting are too high, or they feel their vote will not be decisive in the election.",theory of rational ignorance +"In 1934, Congress passed the Indian Reorganization Act, which ended the division of reservation land into allotments.",the Indian Reorganization Act +Multiple fused carpels comprise a pistil.,a pistil +The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and blood circulation system.,The cardiovascular system +Accuracy is how close a measurement is to the correct value for that measurement.,Accuracy +Lateral meristems facilitate growth in thickness or girth in a maturing plant.,Lateral meristems +Meiosis produces haploid cells with half of each pair of chromosomes normally found in diploid cells.,Meiosis +"In operant conditioning, the conditioned behavior is gradually modified by its consequences as the animal responds to the stimulus.",operant conditioning +The net worth is the asset value minus how much is owed( the liability).,The net worth +"In a supply - and - demand model of a labor market, as illustrated in, the labor market should move toward an equilibrium wage and quantity.",a supply - and - demand model of a labor market +"When firms act together in this way to reduce output and keep prices high, it is called collusion.",collusion +The molality of a solution is the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.,The molality of a solution +"Researchers in sport and exercise psychology study the psychological aspects of sport performance, including motivation and performance anxiety, and the effects of sport on mental and emotional wellbeing.",sport and exercise psychology +"In contrast to that perspective is the pluralist theory of government, which says that political power rests with competing interest groups who share influence in government.",the pluralist theory of government +"A citizen ’s socioeconomic status — the combination of education, income, and social status — may also predict whether he or she will vote.",socioeconomic status +Chromosomes are long strings of genetic material known as deoxyribonucleic acid( DNA).,Chromosomes +"Literally, PhD refers to a doctor of philosophy degree, but here, philosophy does not refer to the field of philosophy per se.",PhD +A conference committee is used to reconcile different bills passed in both the House and the Senate.,A conference committee +"As we saw with Danielle, without socialization we literally have no self. Nature versus NurtureSome experts assert that who we are is a result of nurture — the relationships and caring that surround us.",nurture +This type of cell division is called binary( prokaryotic) fission. Binary Fission,binary ( prokaryotic ) fission +"They engage in interspecific competition : that is, they share the environment with other species, competing with them for the same resources.",interspecific competition +"The lepidosaurs include modern lizards, snakes, and tuataras.",The lepidosaurs +Cyclical unemployment bounces up and down according to the short - run movements of GDP.,Cyclical unemployment +A branch with more than two lineages is called a polytomy and serves to illustrate where scientists have not definitively determined all of the relationships.,a polytomy +This reaction force is called thrust.,thrust +"The central nervous system( CNS) is made up of the brain, a part of which is shown in and spinal cord and is covered with three layers of protective coverings called meninges( from the Greek word for membrane).",The central nervous system CNS +"Agassiz helped to popularize polygenism, the idea that different human races came from separate origins.",polygenism +"Until that time, many people practiced subsistence farming in which they produced only enough to feed themselves and pay their taxes.",subsistence farming +"Mead called specific individuals that impacted a person ’s life significant others, and he also conceptualized “ generalized others ” as the organized and generalized attitude of a social group.",significant others +"It is one aspect of bioelectricity, or electrical effects in and created by biological systems.",bioelectricity +"A sleep spindle is a rapid burst of higher frequency brain waves that may be important for learning and memory( Fogel & Smith, 2011 ; Poe, Walsh, & Bjorness, 2010).",A sleep spindle +"The GDP deflator, measured by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, is a price index that includes all the components of GDP( that is, consumption plus investment plus government plus exports minus imports).",The GDP deflator +"Some of these are binocular cues, which means that they rely on the use of both eyes.",binocular cues +"Attitude is our evaluation of a person, an idea, or an object.",Attitude +"Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms, etiology( i.e., their causes), and treatment.",Psychopathology +"Natural selection only acts on the population ’s heritable traits : selecting for beneficial alleles and thus increasing their frequency in the population, while selecting against deleterious alleles and thereby decreasing their frequency — a process known as adaptive evolution.",adaptive evolution +Conduction is heat transfer through stationary matter by physical contact.,Conduction +The majority of cells in the blood are erythrocytes( red blood cells).,erythrocytes +"The legislation, passed and signed by Roosevelt in November 1939, permitted belligerents to purchase war materiel if they could pay cash for it and arrange for its transportation on board their own ships.",The legislation +"An example of this mindset was the Florida land boom of the 1920s : Real estate developers touted Florida as a tropical paradise and investors went all in, buying land they had never seen with money they did n’t have and selling it for even higher prices.",the Florida land boom of the 1920s +"Net national product( NNP) is calculated by taking GNP and then subtracting the value of how much physical capital is worn out, or reduced in value because of aging, over the course of a year.",Net national product NNP +"Formal sanctions, on the other hand, are ways to officially recognize and enforce norm violations.",Formal sanctions +A macrostate is an overall property of a system.,A macrostate +"In the antebellum era — that is, in the years before the Civil War — American planters in the South continued to grow Chesapeake tobacco and Carolina rice as they had in the colonial era.",the antebellum era +"Shortly after, the Tillman Act( 1907) was passed by Congress, which prohibited corporations from contributing money to candidates running in federal elections.",the Tillman Act ( 1907 ) +The zygote will undergo many rounds of mitosis and give rise to a diploid multicellular plant called a sporophyte.,a sporophyte +"Along with other feminists( advocates of women ’s equality), such as her friend and colleague Susan B. Anthony, Stanton fought for rights for women besides suffrage, including the right to seek higher education.",feminists +"When fertilization occurs between two true - breeding parents that differ in only one characteristic, the process is called a monohybrid cross, and the resulting offspring are monohybrids.",a monohybrid cross monohybrids +"A diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder requires that the diffuse worrying and apprehension characteristic of this disorder — what Sigmund Freud referred to as free - floating anxiety — is not part of another disorder, occurs more days than not for at least six months, and is accompanied by any three of the following symptoms : restlessness, difficulty concentrating, being easily fatigued, muscle tension, irritability, and sleep difficulties.",free - floating anxiety +"Odorants( odor molecules) enter the nose and dissolve in the olfactory epithelium, the mucosa at the back of the nasal cavity( as illustrated in).",Odorants the olfactory epithelium +"Watson was a major proponent of shifting the focus of psychology from the mind to behavior, and this approach of observing and controlling behavior came to be known as behaviorism.",behaviorism +"When government borrowing soaks up available financial capital and leaves less for private investment in physical capital, the result is known as crowding out.",crowding out +"Two years later, in McDonald v. Chicago, the Supreme Court overturned the Cruickshank decision( 5 – 4) and again found that the right to bear arms was a fundamental right incorporated against the states, meaning that state regulation of firearms might, in some circumstances, be unconstitutional.",McDonald v. Chicago +"Market socialism describes a subtype of socialism that adopts certain traits of capitalism, like allowing limited private ownership or consulting market demands.",Market socialism +This type of pain is known as neuropathic pain.,neuropathic +"Zero elasticity or perfect inelasticity, as depicted in refers to the extreme case in which a percentage change in price, no matter how large, results in zero change in quantity.",Zero elasticity perfect inelasticity +The tight pairing of the homologous chromosomes is called synapsis.,synapsis +"Media is a term that refers to all print, digital, and electronic means of communication.",Media +"The concept of a present discounted value( PDV), which is defined as the amount you should be willing to pay in the present for a stream of expected future payments, can be used to calculate appropriate prices for stocks and bonds.",present discounted value PDV +Oncolytic viruses are engineered in the laboratory specifically to attack and kill cancer cells.,Oncolytic viruses +The FRC measures the amount of additional air that can be exhaled after a normal exhalation.,The FRC +"Another tool used by population ecologists is a survivorship curve, which is a graph of the number of individuals surviving at each age interval plotted versus time( usually with data compiled from a life table).",a survivorship curve +Stamens are composed of a thin stalk called a filament and a sac - like structure called the anther.,a filament +"A symbiont is a plant in a symbiotic relationship, with special adaptations such as mycorrhizae or nodule formation.",A symbiont +"Polarization means that a gap has developed in the job market, with most employment opportunities at the lowest and highest levels and few jobs for those with midlevel skills and education.",Polarization +"The thyroid gland is located in the neck, just below the larynx and in front of the trachea, as shown in.",The thyroid gland +Gemmules are environmentally resistant structures produced by adult sponges wherein the typical sponge morphology is inverted.,Gemmules +"Psychosocial development involves emotions, personality, and social relationships.",Psychosocial development +"The U.S. government sets a minimum wage, a price floor that makes it illegal for an employer to pay employees less than a certain hourly rate.",a minimum wage +Roles are patterns of behavior that we recognize in each other that are representative of a person ’s social status.,Roles +Aggression takes two forms depending on one ’s motives : hostile or instrumental.,Aggression +"All societies practice social control, the regulation and enforcement of norms.",social control +"In short, an in - group is the group that an individual feels she belongs to, and she believes it to be an integral part of who she is.",an in - group +Live vaccines are usually made by attenuating( weakening) the “ wild - type ”( disease - causing) virus by growing it in the laboratory in tissues or at temperatures different from what the virus is accustomed to in the host.,Live vaccines +A horizon is a soil layer with distinct physical and chemical properties that differ from those of other layers.,A horizon +"Some Japanese practice Shinto, which follows animism, which is a religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings, like animals, plants, and objects of the natural world, while people who practice totemism believe in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings.",animism totemism +"In Earth ’s frame this looks like a westward force on the satellite, or it can be interpreted as a violation of Newton ’s first law( the law of inertia).",Newton ’s first law +"The ileum, also illustrated in is the last part of the small intestine and here the bile salts and vitamins are absorbed into blood stream.",The ileum +"During the eighteenth century, the British Atlantic experienced an outburst of Protestant revivalism known as the First Great Awakening.",the First Great Awakening +"The equilibrium price is the only price where the plans of consumers and the plans of producers agree — that is, where the amount of the product consumers want to buy( quantity demanded) is equal to the amount producers want to sell( quantity supplied).",The equilibrium price +"Ampere ’s law in turn is a part of Maxwell ’s equations, which give a complete theory of all electromagnetic phenomena.",Maxwell ’s equations +"We thus use the name electromotive force, abbreviated emf.",electromotive force emf +These assemblies mark the points of later chiasmata and mediate the multistep process of crossover — or genetic recombination — between the non - sister chromatids.,These assemblies +"In an open circulatory system, the blood is not enclosed in the blood vessels but is pumped into a cavity called a hemocoel and is called hemolymph because the blood mixes with the interstitial fluid.",an open circulatory system hemolymph +Poll taxes required voters to pay a fee to vote.,Poll taxes +"The magnitude of the dipole is called the dipole moment. These two centers of charge will terminate some of the electric field lines coming from a free charge, as on a DNA molecule.",the dipole moment +"Soil bacteria, collectively called rhizobia, symbiotically interact with legume roots to form specialized structures called nodules, in which nitrogen fixation takes place.",Soil bacteria rhizobia nodules +"Thus, when legislators are negotiating over whether to support a piece of legislation, they commonly ask each other to include pork - barrel spending, legislation that benefits mainly a single political district.",pork - barrel spending +Their theory is called levels of processing.,levels of processing +"The outer ear includes the pinna, which is the visible part of the ear that protrudes from our heads, the auditory canal, and the tympanic membrane, or eardrum.",The outer ear the pinna +Pressure is defined as force per unit area.,Pressure +"The coelom of most protostomes is formed through a process called schizocoely, meaning that during development, a solid mass of the mesoderm splits apart and forms the hollow opening of the coelom.",schizocoely +The core committees are called standing committees.,standing committees +"We first came across it in the treatment of photons, those particles of EM radiation that exhibit both particle and wave properties, but not at the same time.",photons +"Primary active transport moves ions across a membrane and creates a difference in charge across that membrane, which is directly dependent on ATP.",Primary active transport +"Instead of existing as a “ class in itself, ” the proletariat must become a “ class for itself ” in order to produce social change( Marx and Engels 1848), meaning that instead of just being an inert strata of society, the class could become an advocate for social improvements.",class for itself +"The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition( DSM-5) is used by clinicians to diagnose individuals suffering from various psychological disorders.","the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Fifth Edition DSM-5" +"A democracy is a government in which political power — influence over institutions, leaders, and policies — rests in the hands of the people.",A democracy +"An early tool was the concentration ratio, which measures what share of the total sales in the industry are accounted for by the largest firms, typically the top four to eight firms.",the concentration ratio +Some seeds require vernalization( cold treatment) before they can germinate.,vernalization +"The national security advisor heads the president ’s National Security Council, a group of senior - level staff from multiple foreign policy agencies, and is generally the president ’s top foreign policy advisor.",The national security advisor National Security Council +"Furthermore, the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, prohibits the states from denying citizens the rights to which they are entitled by the Constitution, due process of law, or the equal protection of the laws.",the Fourteenth Amendment +"The renal corpuscle, located in the renal cortex, is made up of a network of capillaries known as the glomerulus and the capsule, a cup - shaped chamber that surrounds it, called the glomerular or Bowman 's capsule.",The renal corpuscle +"This is known as automatic processing, or the encoding of details like time, space, frequency, and the meaning of words.",automatic processing +"Thomas Skidmore, from Connecticut, was the outspoken organizer of the Working Men ’s Party, which lodged a radical protest against the exploitation of workers that accompanied industrialization.",the Working Men ’s Party +"Every year, there are literally thousands of people who would like to have their case heard before the Supreme Court, but the justices will select only a handful to be placed on the docket, which is the list of cases scheduled on the Court ’s calendar.",the docket +"This argument points out that, even if most people would be willing — at least hypothetically — to see a decline in their own wages in bad economic times as long as everyone else also experienced such a decline, a market - oriented economy has no obvious way to implement a plan of coordinated wage reductions.",This argument +"Knowing that power is the rate of energy use or energy conversion, what is the expression for electric power ?",power +Most traits are polygenic : controlled by more than one gene.,polygenic +The means of enforcing rules are known as sanctions.,sanctions +"The monarchy was dissolved, and England became a republic : a state without a king.",a republic +"Lake, again using the conditioned reconstruction algorithm, proposes a ring - like model in which species of all three domains — Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya — evolved from a single pool of gene - swapping prokaryotes.",a ring - like model +Another form of prejudice is homophobia : prejudice and discrimination of individuals based solely on their sexual orientation.,homophobia +The benthic realm( or zone) extends along the ocean bottom from the shoreline to the deepest parts of the ocean floor.,The benthic realm ( or zone ) +The broad category of radio waves is defined to contain any electromagnetic wave produced by currents in wires and circuits.,The broad category of radio waves +Multiple fruit develops from an inflorescence or a cluster of flowers.,an inflorescence +"Two remaining problems in the House are the size of each representative ’s constituency — the body of voters who elect him or her — and the challenge of Washington, DC.",constituency +"These glands are located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland, as shown in.",These glands +"When the circulation of fluid in the eye is blocked, it can lead to a buildup in pressure, a condition called glaucoma.",glaucoma +"The food ’s passage through the gastrointestinal tract also provides important satiety signals to the brain( Woods, 2004), and fat cells release leptin, a satiety hormone.",leptin +"Therefore, a prezygotic barrier is a mechanism that blocks reproduction from taking place ; this includes barriers that prevent fertilization when organisms attempt reproduction.",a prezygotic barrier +"In addition, he called for the creation of a League of Nations to promote the new world order and preserve territorial integrity through open discussions in place of intimidation and war.",a League of Nations +"Pinacocytes, which are epithelial - like cells, form the outermost layer of sponges and enclose a jelly - like substance called mesohyl.",Pinacocytes +Biomedical therapy involves medication and/or medical procedures to treat psychological disorders.,Biomedical therapy +Incomplete ingestion refers to the fact that some consumers eat only a part of their food.,Incomplete ingestion +Products that are distinctive in one of these ways are called differentiated products.,differentiated products +"A checking account typically pays little or no interest, but it facilitates transactions by giving you easy access to your money, either by writing a check or by using a debit card( that is, a card which works like a credit card, except that purchases are immediately deducted from your checking account rather than being billed separately through a credit card company).",A checking account a debit card +"Continuous development views development as a cumulative process, gradually improving on existing skills.",Continuous development +Perception of frequency is called pitch.,pitch +"The name hologram means “ entire picture ”( from the Greek holo, as in holistic), because the image is three - dimensional.",hologram +Sporophylls are specialized leaves that produce sporangia.,Sporophylls +"Air, for example, is nearly transparent to many IR frequencies. Microwaves are the highest frequencies that can be produced by electronic circuits, although they are also produced naturally.",Microwaves +This ‘ jumping ’ of the action potential from one node to the next is called saltatory conduction.,saltatory conduction +The principle of closure states that we organize our perceptions into complete objects rather than as a series of parts.,The principle of closure +"Companionate love, which is characteristic of close friendships and family relationships, consists of intimacy and commitment but no passion.",Companionate love +"A hypothesis is a testable educated guess about predicted outcomes between two or more variables ; it ’s a possible explanation for specific happenings in the social world and allows for testing to determine whether the explanation holds true in many instances, as well as among various groups or in different places.",A hypothesis +"During a presidential election year, members of Congress often experience the coattail effect, which gives members of a popular presidential candidate ’s party an increase in popularity and raises their odds of retaining office.",the coattail effect +Habituation occurs when we learn not to respond to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly without change.,Habituation +The main provision of this legislation prohibits bureaucrats from actively engaging in political campaigns and from using their federal authority via bureaucratic rank to influence the outcomes of nominations and elections.,The main provision of this legislation +"Bail is a payment of money that allows a person accused of a crime to be freed pending trial ; if you “ make bail ” in a case and do not show up for your trial, you will forfeit the money you paid.",Bail +"Some authors, such as Jack London, who wrote The Call of the Wild, embraced a school of thought called naturalism, which concluded that the laws of nature and the natural world were the only truly relevant laws governing humanity.",naturalism +"Heat energy( the total bond energy of reactants or products in a chemical reaction) speeds up the motion of molecules, increasing the frequency and force with which they collide ; it also moves atoms and bonds within the molecule slightly, helping them reach their transition state.",Heat energy +"In 1928, the United States and fourteen other nations signed the Kellogg - Briand Pact, declaring war an international crime.",the Kellogg - Briand Pact +Nerve conduction is a general term for electrical signals carried by nerve cells.,Nerve conduction +The increase in the value of the stock( or of any asset) between when it is bought and when it is sold is called a capital gain.,a capital gain +"However, this legal development is relatively new ; as recently as 1986, the Supreme Court ruled that states could still criminalize sex acts between two people of the same sex. Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186( 1986).",Bowers v. Hardwick +"Wright Mills( 1956) elaborated on some of Marx ’s concepts, coining the phrase power elite to describe what he saw as the small group of powerful people who control much of a society.",power elite +"To avoid rotation, we consider only the scattering of point masses — that is, structureless particles that can not rotate or spin.",point masses +"Their frustration led to the creation of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union( STFU), an interracial organization that sought to gain government relief for these most disenfranchised of farmers.",the Southern Tenant Farmers Union STFU +GDP deflator is a price index measuring the average prices of all goods and services included in the economy.,GDP deflator +"No matter what research approach they use, researchers want to maximize the study ’s reliability, which refers to how likely research results are to be replicated if the study is reproduced.",the study ’s reliability +"An acid is a substance that increases the concentration of hydrogen ions( H+) in a solution, usually by having one of its hydrogen atoms dissociate.",An acid +"litmus or pH paper, filter paper that has been treated with a natural water - soluble dye so it can be used as a pH indicator, to test how much acid( acidity) or base( alkalinity) exists in a solution.",litmus pH paper paper +"In individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder, there is a compulsive pattern of drug use that is often associated with both physical and psychological dependence. Physical dependence involves changes in normal bodily functions — the user will experience withdrawal from the drug upon cessation of use.",substance use disorder +"If humans were to artificially intervene and fertilize the egg of a bald eagle with the sperm of an African fish eagle and a chick did hatch, that offspring, called a hybrid( a cross between two species), would probably be infertile — unable to successfully reproduce after it reached maturity.",a hybrid infertile +Polarization is the attribute that a wave ’s oscillations have a definite direction relative to the direction of propagation of the wave.,Polarization +"In structural family therapy, the therapist examines and discusses the boundaries and structure of the family : who makes the rules, who sleeps in the bed with whom, how decisions are made, and what are the boundaries within the family.",structural family therapy +"This part of optics, where the ray aspect of light dominates, is therefore called geometric optics.",geometric optics +"In Batesian mimicry, a harmless species imitates the warning coloration of a harmful one.",Batesian mimicry +"These fishes can feed on coral, the cryptofauna( invertebrates found within the calcium carbonate substrate of the coral reefs), or the seaweed and algae that are associated with the coral.",the cryptofauna +"Woody plants have a tough, waterproof outer layer of cork cells commonly known as bark, which further protects the plant from damage.",bark +"Each amino acid is attached to another amino acid by a covalent bond, known as a peptide bond, which is formed by a dehydration reaction.",a peptide bond +"This larval form, characteristically shaped like a deerstalker cap, devours tissues from the young worm for survival before metamorphosing into the adult - like morphology.",This larval form +"Cells in green algae divide along cell plates called phragmoplasts, and their cell walls are layered in the same manner as the cell walls of embryophytes.",phragmoplasts the cell walls of embryophytes +"During the second phase, megagametogenesis, the surviving haploid megaspore undergoes mitosis to produce an eight - nucleate, seven - cell female gametophyte, also known as the megagametophyte or embryo sac.",megagametogenesis +"Secondary sexual characteristics are physical signs of sexual maturation that do not directly involve sex organs, such as development of breasts and hips in girls, and development of facial hair and a deepened voice in boys.",Secondary sexual characteristics +Energy associated with objects in motion is called kinetic energy.,kinetic energy +AM radio waves are used to carry commercial radio signals in the frequency range from 540 to 1600 kHz.,AM radio waves +The Wheatstone bridge is a null measurement device for calculating resistance by balancing potential drops in a circuit.,The Wheatstone bridge +Partial pressure is a measure of the concentration of the individual components in a mixture of gases.,Partial pressure +"When the net external force on an object is its weight, we say that it is in free - fall.",free - fall +"Discrimination involves acting on the belief that members of a certain group are inferior solely because of a factor such as race, gender, or religion.",Discrimination +Religious experience refers to the conviction or sensation that we are connected to “ the divine. ”,Religious experience +Long - term potentiation( LTP) is a persistent strengthening of a synaptic connection.,Long - term potentiation LTP +"Transcription always proceeds from the same DNA strand for each gene, which is called the template strand.",the template strand +"Interconnected brain areas called the basal ganglia( or basal nuclei), shown in b, play important roles in movement control and posture.",the basal ganglia basal nuclei +"In grafting, two plant species are used ; part of the stem of the desirable plant is grafted onto a rooted plant called the stock.",the stock +"In positive punishment, you add an undesirable stimulus to decrease a behavior.",positive punishment +"Stock represents ownership of a firm ; that is, a person who owns 100 % of a company ’s stock, by definition, owns the entire company.",Stock +"Attacks based on a person ’s race, religion, or other characteristics are known as hate crimes.",hate crimes +All living things are made of cells ; the cell itself is the smallest fundamental unit of structure and function in living organisms.,the cell +Long bones are longer than they are wide and have a shaft and two ends.,Long bones +"Audition, or hearing, is important to humans and to other animals for many different interactions.",Audition +"An arrow used to represent a vector has a length proportional to the vector ’s magnitude( e.g., the larger the magnitude, the longer the length of the vector) and points in the same direction as the vector. Some physical quantities, like distance, either have no direction or none is specified.",An arrow +"Self - efficacy is our level of confidence in our own abilities, developed through our social experiences.",Self - efficacy +"Financial intermediaries include other institutions in the financial market such as insurance companies and pension funds, but they will not be included in this discussion because they are not considered to be depository institutions, which are institutions that accept money deposits and then use these to make loans.",depository institutions +"Conditioning theories of panic disorder propose that panic attacks are classical conditioning responses to subtle bodily sensations resembling those normally occurring when one is anxious or frightened( Bouton, Mineka, & Barlow, 2001).",Conditioning theories of panic disorder +"In his explanation of the photoelectric effect, Einstein defined a quantized unit or quantum of EM energy, which we now call a photon, with an energy proportional to the frequency of EM radiation.",a photon +"In this relationship, the parasite benefits, but the organism being fed upon, the host is harmed.",the host +"Douglas portrayed the Republican Party as an abolitionist effort — one that aimed to bring about miscegenation, or race - mixing through sexual relations or marriage.",miscegenation +"Organisms are able to maintain internal conditions within a narrow range almost constantly, despite environmental changes, through homeostasis( literally, “ steady state ”) — the ability of an organism to maintain constant internal conditions.",homeostasis “ steady state ” +"These individual differences in circadian patterns of activity are known as a person ’s chronotype, and research demonstrates that morning larks and night owls differ with regard to sleep regulation( Taillard, Philip, Coste, Sagaspe, & Bioulac, 2003).",a person ’s chronotype +"In research, independent variables are the cause of the change.",independent variables +This type of inhibition is called allosteric inhibition.,allosteric inhibition +"This is accomplished by a special protein complex called FACT, which stands for “ facilitates chromatin transcription. ” This complex pulls histones away from the DNA template as the polymerase moves along it.",FACT facilitates chromatin transcription This complex +The fact that the orbital angular momentum can have only certain directions is called space quantization.,space quantization +"In 1965, the court spelled out the right to privacy for the first time in Griswold v. Connecticut, a case that struck down a state law forbidding even married individuals to use any form of contraception. Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479( 1965) Although many subsequent cases before the Supreme Court also dealt with privacy in the course of intimate, sexual conduct, the issue of privacy matters as well in the context of surveillance and monitoring by government and private parties of our activities, movements, and communications.",Griswold v. Connecticut +"Yet another approach is to require collateral, often property or equipment that the bank would have a right to seize and sell if the loan is not repaid.",collateral +"Eventually, the secondary mycelium generates a basidiocarp, which is a fruiting body that protrudes from the ground — this is what we think of as a mushroom.",a basidiocarp +"The corrections system, more commonly known as the prison system, is charged with supervising individuals who have been arrested, convicted, and sentenced for a criminal offense.",The corrections system the prison system +"The Rise of GlobalizationRecent decades have seen a trend toward globalization, which is the expanding cultural, political, and economic connections between people around the world.",globalization +"Finally, policy changes can come as a result of court actions or opinions, such as Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka( 1954), which formally ended school segregation in the United States.",Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ( 1954 ) +"The behavior of Pavlov ’s dogs and Tiger illustrates a concept Pavlov called spontaneous recovery : the return of a previously extinguished conditioned response following a rest period.This is the curve of acquisition, extinction, and spontaneous recovery.",spontaneous recovery +"Repressors are proteins that suppress transcription of a gene in response to an external stimulus, whereas activators are proteins that increase the transcription of a gene in response to an external stimulus.",Repressors activators +"They function in cellular movement, have a diameter of about 7 nm, and are made of two intertwined strands of a globular protein called actin.",They +"When excess charge is placed on a conductor or the conductor is put into a static electric field, charges in the conductor quickly respond to reach a steady state called electrostatic equilibrium.",electrostatic equilibrium +They are also called chimeric molecules because the origin of different parts of the molecules can be traced back to different species of biological organisms or even to chemical synthesis.,They chimeric molecules +PheromonesA pheromone is a chemical released by an animal that affects the behavior or physiology of animals of the same species.,PheromonesA pheromone +"Constant unitary elasticity, in either a supply or demand curve, occurs when a price change of one percent results in a quantity change of one percent.",Constant unitary elasticity +Runners are a type of stolon that runs above the ground and produces new clone plants at nodes at varying intervals : strawberries are an example.,Runners +"Martin Luther was a German Catholic monk who took issue with the Catholic Church ’s practice of selling indulgences, documents that absolved sinners of their errant behavior.",indulgences +"Bonds are means by which the U.S. government( and many private - sector companies as well) borrows money ; that is, investors buy the bonds, and then the government repays the money with interest.",Bonds +A substitute is a good or service that can be used in place of another good or service.,A substitute +"He and other like - minded sociologists proposed a philosophy of antipositivism whereby social researchers would strive for subjectivity as they worked to represent social processes, cultural norms, and societal values.",a philosophy of antipositivism +"This rule, known as the consumer equilibrium, can be written in algebraic form :",the consumer equilibrium +"In 1978, in Bakke v. California, the Supreme Court upheld affirmative action and said that colleges and universities could consider race when deciding whom to admit but could not establish racial quotas. Bakke v. California, 438 U.S. 265( 1978).",Bakke v. California +"This single pathway is called by different names : the citric acid cycle( for the first intermediate formed — citric acid, or citrate — when acetate joins to the oxaloacetate), the TCA cycle( since citric acid or citrate and isocitrate are tricarboxylic acids), and the Krebs cycle, after Hans Krebs, who first identified the steps in the pathway in the 1930s in pigeon flight muscles.",the citric acid cycle the TCA cycle the Krebs cycle +"Thus, the infant industry argument for protectionism is to block imports for a limited time, to give the infant industry time to mature, before it starts competing on equal terms in the global economy.",the infant industry argument for protectionism +"Segregation refers to the physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions.",Segregation +"These groups were known as the Five Civilized Tribes, because they had largely adopted Anglo - American culture, speaking English and practicing Christianity.",the Five Civilized Tribes +"Fiscal policy, which involves government spending and taxes, is determined by a nation ’s legislative body.",Fiscal policy +"Despite this sharp increase, a number of states had banned same - sex marriage until the Supreme Court decided, in Obergefell v. Hodges( 2015), that states were obliged to give marriage licenses to couples of the same sex and to recognize out - of - state, same - sex marriages. Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. _ _ _( 2015).",Obergefell v. Hodges +"Although personal income tax revenues account for more total revenue than the payroll tax, nearly three - quarters of households pay more in payroll taxes than in income taxes. The income tax is a progressive tax, which means that the tax rates increase as a household ’s income increases.",a progressive tax +Dumping refers to selling goods below their cost of production.,Dumping +"In observational learning, we learn by watching others and then imitating, or modeling, what they do or say.",observational learning +"These definitions correlate to the concept that the dominant group is that which holds the most power in a given society, while subordinate groups are those who lack power compared to the dominant group.",the dominant group subordinate groups +Political patronage is the use of state resources to reward individuals for their political support.,Political patronage +"Simple Harmonic Motion( SHM) is the name given to oscillatory motion for a system where the net force can be described by Hooke ’s law, and such a system is called a simple harmonic oscillator.",Simple Harmonic Motion SHM a simple harmonic oscillator +Modern conservatism differs from traditional conservatism in assuming elected government will guard individual liberties and provide laws.,Modern conservatism +"Organs called ampullae of Lorenzini allow sharks to detect the electromagnetic fields that are produced by all living things, including their prey.",ampullae of Lorenzini +"These regions in the RNA that are not translated into protein are called the untranslated regions, or UTRs.",the untranslated regions UTRs +A substance or object that emits nuclear radiation is said to be radioactive. Two types of experimental evidence imply that Becquerel ’s rays originate deep in the heart( or nucleus) of an atom.,radioactive +"The occipital lobe is located at the very back of the brain, and contains the primary visual cortex, which is responsible for interpreting incoming visual information.",The occipital lobe the primary visual cortex +"The condensed chromosomes are viewed within the nucleus( top), removed from a cell in mitosis and spread out on a slide( right), and artificially arranged according to length( left) ; an arrangement like this is called a karyotype.",a karyotype +"Therefore, when calculating the growth rate of a population, the death rate( D)( number organisms that die during a particular time interval) is subtracted from the birth rate( B)( number organisms that are born during that interval).",the death rate D the birth rate B +"Private enterprise, the ownership of businesses by private individuals, is a hallmark of the U.S. economy.",Private enterprise +These velocities are called relative velocities.,relative velocities +The nucleus is positive due to the presence of positively charged protons.,The nucleus +"In projection, a person refuses to acknowledge her own unconscious feelings and instead sees those feelings in someone else.",projection +"In this example, we will call the gene for cleft chin “ B, ” and the gene for smooth chin “ b. ” Cleft chin is a dominant trait, which means that having the dominant allele either from one parent( Bb) or both parents( BB) will always result in the phenotype associated with the dominant allele.",a dominant trait +"Capital flight refers to the movement( flight) of capital from one nation to another, as when General Motors automotive company closed U.S. factories in Michigan and opened factories in Mexico.",Capital flight +"The unemployment that occurs in the meantime, as workers move between jobs, is called frictional unemployment.",frictional unemployment +Reciprocity is the give and take in relationships.,Reciprocity +"Together, these two fertilization events in angiosperms are known as double fertilization.",double fertilization +Spain granted encomiendas — legal rights to native labor — to conquistadors who could prove their service to the crown.,encomiendas +"The act created the National Labor Relations Board( NLRB) to once again protect American workers ’ right to unionize and bargain collectively, as well as to provide a federal vehicle for labor grievances to be heard.",The act +Grandfather clauses exempted individuals from taking literacy tests or paying poll taxes if they or their fathers or grandfathers had been permitted to vote prior to a certain point in time.,Grandfather clauses +Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by the maintenance of a body weight well below average through starvation and/or excessive exercise.,Anorexia nervosa +"Certain salts are referred to in physiology as electrolytes( including sodium, potassium, and calcium), ions necessary for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contractions and water balance.",electrolytes +"Dermal tissue covers and protects the plant, and vascular tissue transports water, minerals, and sugars to different parts of the plant.",Dermal tissue vascular tissue +The process of testing for suspected genetic defects before administering treatment is called genetic diagnosis by genetic testing.,genetic diagnosis by genetic testing +"The Half - Breeds, who received their derogatory nickname from Stalwart supporters who considered Blaine ’s group to be only “ half - Republican, ” advocated for some measure of civil service reform.",The Half - Breeds +The outermost layer is a tough connective tissue layer called the renal fascia.,the renal fascia +"Once sold to traders, all slaves sent to America endured the hellish Middle Passage, the transatlantic crossing, which took one to two months.",Middle Passage +One typical way that economists define efficiency is when it is impossible to improve the situation of one party without imposing a cost on another.,efficiency +"In contrast, punishment always decreases a behavior.",punishment +"In a process called latency, these viruses can exist in nervous tissue for long periods of time without producing new virions, only to leave latency periodically and cause lesions in the skin where the virus replicates.",latency +"Pronation is the opposite movement, in which the palm faces backward.",Pronation +"Toll goods are similar to public goods in that they are open to all and theoretically infinite if maintained, but they are paid for or provided by some outside( nongovernment) entity.",Toll goods +"When fertilization occurs between two true - breeding parents that differ in only one characteristic, the process is called a monohybrid cross, and the resulting offspring are monohybrids.",a monohybrid cross monohybrids +Located at intervals along the synaptonemal complex are large protein assemblies called recombination nodules.,recombination nodules +"All virions have a nucleic acid genome covered by a protective layer of proteins, called a capsid.",a capsid +"litmus or pH paper, filter paper that has been treated with a natural water - soluble dye so it can be used as a pH indicator, to test how much acid( acidity) or base( alkalinity) exists in a solution.",litmus paper +"Keynesian macroeconomics argues that the solution to a recession is expansionary fiscal policy, such as tax cuts to stimulate consumption and investment, or direct increases in government spending that would shift the aggregate demand curve to the right.",Keynesian macroeconomics +"The focus of analytical psychology is on working to balance opposing forces of conscious and unconscious thought, and experience within one ’s personality.",analytical psychology +"When an organism learns to respond differently to various stimuli that are similar, it is called stimulus discrimination.",stimulus discrimination +Freud called this transference : the patient transfers all the positive or negative emotions associated with the patient ’s other relationships to the psychoanalyst.,transference +The clavicles are S - shaped bones that position the arms on the body.,The clavicles +"Human cells that contain one set of chromosomes are called gametes, or sex cells ; these are eggs and sperm, and are designated 1n, or haploid. There are 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes in a female human somatic cell.",gametes sex cells +"All other physical quantities, such as force and electric charge, can be expressed as algebraic combinations of length, mass, time, and current( for example, speed is length divided by time) ; these units are called derived units.",derived +"In authoritarian style, the parent places high value on conformity and obedience.",authoritarian style +"Instead, it consists of trabeculae, which are lamellae that are arranged as rods or plates.",trabeculae +"Remember that the amount of money and credit in an economy is determined by a money multiplier — a process of loans being made, money being deposited, and more loans being made.",a money multiplier +This situation is called habitat isolation.,habitat isolation +"A third cabinet secretary, the secretary of homeland security, is critically important in foreign policy, overseeing the massive Department of Homeland Security.",the secretary of homeland security +"For example, Staphylococcus aureus, often called “ staph, ” is a common bacterium that can live in the human body and is usually easily treated with antibiotics.",Staphylococcus aureus staph +"In a special ritual, the prisoners were “ requickened ” — assigned the identity of a dead person — and adopted by the bereaved family to take the place of their dead.",requickened +These animals are called diploblasts.,diploblasts +"The first portion of the mitotic phase is called karyokinesis, or nuclear division.",karyokinesis nuclear division +An epidemic is a disease that occurs in an unusually high number of individuals in a population at the same time.,An epidemic +Neutron stars are literally a star composed of neutrons.,Neutron stars +"An interview is a one - on - one conversation between the researcher and the subject, and it is a way of conducting surveys on a topic.",An interview +The creation of genomic libraries and complementary DNA( cDNA) libraries( collections of cloned sequences or all DNA from a genome) has sped up the process of physical mapping.,complementary DNA ( cDNA ) libraries +Gerontology is a field of science that seeks to understand the process of aging and the challenges encountered as seniors grow older.,Gerontology +Satellite glia provide nutrients and structural support for neurons in the PNS.,Satellite glia +"Paleobotanists distinguish between extinct species, as fossils, and extant species, which are still living.",extinct species extant species +"Midbrain and Hindbrain StructuresThe midbrain is comprised of structures located deep within the brain, between the forebrain and the hindbrain.",StructuresThe midbrain +"The OPM has responsibility for recruiting, interviewing, and testing potential government employees in order to choose those who should be hired.",The OPM +"The “ C - shaped, ” fixed part of the small intestine is called the duodenum and is shown in.",the duodenum +"A soft peg is the name for an exchange rate policy where the government usually allows the exchange rate to be set by the market, but in some cases, especially if the exchange rate seems to be moving rapidly in one direction, the central bank will intervene in the market.",A soft peg +This universally obeyed law of nature is called the law of conservation of charge.,the law of conservation of charge +"Induced mutations are those that result from an exposure to chemicals, UV rays, x - rays, or some other environmental agent.",Induced mutations +Exotic species are species that have been intentionally or unintentionally introduced by humans into an ecosystem in which they did not evolve.,Exotic species +These transporters assist in the facilitated diffusion of glucose. Glycolysis begins with the six carbon ring - shaped structure of a single glucose molecule and ends with two molecules of a three - carbon sugar called pyruvate.,These transporters +"Vertebrata is named for the vertebral column, composed of vertebrae, a series of separate bones joined together as a backbone.",Vertebrata +A negative correlation means that the variables move in opposite directions.,A negative correlation +Attractive forces between molecules of different types are called adhesive forces.,adhesive forces +An enumerated power is a power explicitly stated in the Constitution.,An enumerated power +This is known as the just noticeable difference( jnd) or difference threshold.,the just noticeable difference jnd difference threshold +Individuals who identify with the role that is the different from their biological sex are called transgender.,transgender +Sociologists use the term high culture to describe the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest class segments of a society.,high culture +"The Koran contained his message, affirming monotheism but identifying Christ not as God but as a prophet like Moses, Abraham, David, and Muhammad.",The Koran +"In the Theory Y approach, on the other hand, managers assume that most people seek inner satisfaction and fulfillment from their work.",the Theory Y approach +These large spheres are called chylomicrons.,chylomicrons +Osteoclasts are large bone cells with up to 50 nuclei.,Osteoclasts +"The speed at which an ecosystem recovers equilibrium after being disturbed, called its resilience.",resilience +"Would you still see a busy building like the one shown in?In sociology, economy refers to the social institution through which a society ’s resources are exchanged and managed.",economy +This particular approach is known as the biopsychosocial model.,the biopsychosocial model +"The act ’s Merit Systems Protection Board is a quasi - juridical institutional board headed by three members appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate that hears complaints, conducts investigations into possible abuses, and institutes protections for bureaucrats who speak out.",Merit Systems Protection Board +Humanism is a perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans.,Humanism +The myocardium consists of the heart muscle cells that make up the middle layer and the bulk of the heart wall.,The myocardium +"The Federal Reserve Bank, which is the central bank of the United States, is a bank regulator and is responsible for monetary policy and defines money according to its liquidity.",The Federal Reserve Bank +Science may be better defined as fields of study that attempt to comprehend the nature of the universe.,Science +"The segregation of alleles into gametes can be influenced by linkage, in which genes that are located physically close to each other on the same chromosome are more likely to be inherited as a pair.",linkage +Musical notes are particular sounds that can be produced by most instruments and in Western music have particular names.,Musical notes +The region that a particular transcription factor binds to is called the transcription factor binding site.,the transcription factor binding site +"At the end of prophase I, the pairs are held together only at the chiasmata and are called tetrads because the four sister chromatids of each pair of homologous chromosomes are now visible.",tetrads +"Few examples of positive feedback loops exist in animal bodies, but one is found in the cascade of chemical reactions that result in blood clotting, or coagulation.",coagulation +"Emergent norm theory asserts that, in this circumstance, people perceive and respond to the crowd situation with their particular( individual) set of norms, which may change as the crowd experience evolves.",Emergent norm theory +The endoplasmic reticulum( ER) is a series of interconnected membranous sacs and tubules that collectively modifies proteins and synthesizes lipids.,The endoplasmic reticulum ER +"Theta waves are even lower frequency( 4 – 7 Hz), higher amplitude brain waves than alpha waves.",Theta waves +Ribosomal RNA( rRNA) is a major constituent of ribosomes on which the mRNA binds.,Ribosomal RNA rRNA +A population is a group of interbreeding organisms that are members of the same species living in the same area at the same time.,A population +"Columnar epithelial cells are taller than they are wide : they resemble a stack of columns in an epithelial layer, and are most commonly found in a single - layer arrangement.",Columnar epithelial cells +The part of the embryonic axis that projects above the cotyledons is known as the epicotyl.,the epicotyl +Language is a communication system that involves using words and systematic rules to organize those words to transmit information from one individual to another.,Language +Inflation is a general and ongoing rise in the level of prices in an entire economy.,Inflation +"Hypothyroidism, underproduction of the thyroid hormones, can cause a low metabolic rate leading to weight gain, sensitivity to cold, and reduced mental activity, among other symptoms.",Hypothyroidism +This longstanding question is known in psychology as the nature versus nurture debate.,as the nature versus nurture debate +"The earliest economies were based on trade, which is often a simple exchange in which people traded one item for another.",trade +"According to the law of conservation of matter, the number of atoms before and after a chemical reaction should be equal, such that no atoms are, under normal circumstances, created or destroyed.",the law of conservation of matter +Functional fixedness is a type of mental set where you can not perceive an object being used for something other than what it was designed for.,Functional fixedness +"When individuals make decisions about buying a public good, a free rider problem can arise, in which people have an incentive to let others pay for the public good and then to “ free ride ” on the purchases of others.",a free rider problem +"This model views a city as a series of concentric circular areas, expanding outward from the center of the city, with various “ zones ” invading adjacent zones( as new categories of people and businesses overrun the edges of nearby zones) and succeeding( then after invasion, the new inhabitants repurpose the areas they have invaded and push out the previous inhabitants).",This model +"When this nomenclature was developed, capitalistic democracies such as the United States and Japan were considered part of the first world.",the first world +"The second layer is called the perirenal fat capsule, which helps anchor the kidneys in place.",the perirenal fat capsule +Sleep can be divided into two different general phases : REM sleep and non - REM( NREM) sleep.,Sleep +"Intermediate goods, which are goods that go into the production of other goods, are excluded from GDP calculations.",Intermediate goods +An intuitive notion of external is correct — an external force acts from outside the system of interest.,an external force +"In many cases, a business that focuses on one or a few products( sometimes called its “ core competency ”) is more successful than firms that try to make a wide range of products.",core competency +"Such particles( like the pion above) are called virtual particles, because they can not be directly observed but their effects can be directly observed.",virtual particles +"Many types of diverging characters may affect the reproductive isolation, the ability to interbreed, of the two populations.",the reproductive isolation +Inertia is the tendency of an object to remain at rest or remain in motion.,Inertia +Standard deviations describe how data are dispersed in a population and give context to large data sets.,Standard deviations +REM sleep behavior disorder( RBD) occurs when the muscle paralysis associated with the REM sleep phase does not occur.,REM sleep behavior disorder RBD +"For example, a municipal bond is issued by cities, a state bond by U.S. states, and a Treasury bond by the federal government through the U.S. Department of the Treasury.",a municipal bond +A final approach to exchange rate policy is for a nation to choose a common currency shared with one or more nations is also called a merged currency.,a merged currency +"Norming involves giving a test to a large population so data can be collected comparing groups, such as age groups.",Norming +The amplitude of a wave is the height of a wave as measured from the highest point on the wave( peak or crest) to the lowest point on the wave( trough).,The amplitude of a wave +"The abbreviation AM stands for amplitude modulation, which is the method for placing information on these waves.",AM amplitude modulation +"These changes, called cytopathic( causing cell damage) effects, can change cell functions or even destroy the cell.",cytopathic effects +The species - area relationship is the rate at which new species are seen when the area surveyed is increased.,The species - area relationship +"Autotrophic organisms that convert solar energy into chemical energy are called phototrophs, and they appeared within one billion years of the formation of Earth.",phototrophs +The radius is located along the lateral( thumb) side of the forearm and articulates with the humerus at the elbow.,The radius +"It also helped spawn the Tea Party, a conservative movement focused primarily on limiting government spending and the size of the federal government.",the Tea Party +"During this stage, we also expect children to display egocentrism, which means that the child is not able to take the perspective of others.",egocentrism +"During sexual reproduction, thousands of asci fill a fruiting body called the ascocarp.",the ascocarp +"It is believed that early animal life, termed Ediacaran biota, evolved from protists at this time.",Ediacaran biota +"However, the Supreme Court in City of Boerne v. Flores( 1997) ruled that the 1993 law applied only to the federal government and not to state governments.",Boerne v. Flores ( 1997 ) +"In some axons, glial cells form a fatty substance known as the myelin sheath, which coats the axon and acts as an insulator, increasing the speed at which the signal travels.",the myelin sheath +"Great or explicit powers, called enumerated powers, were granted to the federal government to declare war, impose taxes, coin and regulate currency, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, raise and maintain an army and a navy, maintain a post office, make treaties with foreign nations and with Native American tribes, and make laws regulating the naturalization of immigrants.",enumerated powers +"Phylum EchinodermataEchinodermata are so named owing to their spiny skin( from the Greek “ echinos ” meaning “ spiny ” and “ dermos ” meaning “ skin ”), and this phylum is a collection of about 7,000 described living species.",EchinodermataEchinodermata +"Descriptive( or discovery) science, which is usually inductive, aims to observe, explore, and discover, while hypothesis - based science, which is usually deductive, begins with a specific question or problem and a potential answer or solution that can be tested.",Descriptive science hypothesis - based science +Some mutations are not expressed ; these are known as silent mutations.,silent mutations +Secondary deviance occurs when a person ’s self - concept and behavior begin to change after his or her actions are labeled as deviant by members of society.,Secondary deviance +"For a constant cost industry, whenever there is an increase in market demand and price, then the supply curve shifts to the right with new firms ’ entry and stops at the point where the new long - run equilibrium intersects at the same market price as before.",a constant cost industry +"Depending on their different income levels and political preferences, countries are likely to make different choices about allocative efficiency — that is, the choice between economic output and environmental protection along the production possibility frontier.",allocative efficiency +Kirchhoff ’s second rule( the loop rule) is an application of conservation of energy.,Kirchhoff ’s second rule the loop rule +"This strategy, which came to be known as the policy of containment, formed the basis for U.S. foreign policy and military decision making for more than thirty years.",the policy of containment +Autocrine signals are produced by signaling cells that can also bind to the ligand that is released.,Autocrine signals +"The nominal interest rate is comprised of the real rate, plus an expected inflation factor.",The nominal interest rate +"Perception is commonly defined to be awareness through the senses, a typically circular definition of higher - level processes in living organisms.)",Perception +"Judicial review was established in the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison, when, for the first time, the Court declared an act of Congress to be unconstitutional. Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137( 1803).","Judicial review Marbury v. Madison ," +"The synaptonemal complex supports the exchange of chromosomal segments between non - sister homologous chromatids, a process called crossing over.",crossing over +"Sexual reproduction requires fertilization, the union of two cells from two individual organisms.",fertilization +"A scientific hypothesis is also falsifiable, or capable of being shown to be incorrect.",falsifiable +A system being driven at its natural frequency is said to resonate.,resonate +The process of attaching biological information to gene sequences is called genome annotation.,genome annotation +"The resultant looks like a wave standing in place and, thus, is called a standing wave.",a standing wave +"During the second phase, megagametogenesis, the surviving haploid megaspore undergoes mitosis to produce an eight - nucleate, seven - cell female gametophyte, also known as the megagametophyte or embryo sac.",megagametogenesis the megagametophyte embryo sac +"In scientific terms, the evolutionary history and relationship of an organism or group of organisms is called its phylogeny.",phylogeny +"Thorns are modified branches appearing as sharp outgrowths that protect the plant ; common examples include roses, Osage orange and devil ’s walking stick.",Thorns +Metabolic rate is estimated as the basal metabolic rate( BMR) in endothermic animals at rest and as the standard metabolic rate( SMR) in ectotherms.,Metabolic rate +"This first American money was called Continental currency ; unfortunately, it quickly fell in value.",Continental currency +"Their long - term solution was to propose two amendments to the Constitution to guarantee the rights of freed slaves on an equal standing with whites ; these rights became the Fourteenth Amendment, which dealt with civil liberties and rights in general, and the Fifteenth Amendment, which protected the right to vote in particular.",the Fourteenth Amendment the Fifteenth Amendment +"The head - to - tail method is a graphical way to add vectors, described in below and in the steps following.",The head - to - tail method +The APA is a professional association in the United States for clinical and research psychologists.,The APA +"Among other stipulations, the Wade - Davis Bill called for a majority of voters and government officials in Confederate states to take an oath, called the Ironclad Oath, swearing that they had never supported the Confederacy or made war against the United States.",the Wade - Davis Bill +"Cross reactivity describes when an antibody binds not to the antigen that elicited its synthesis and secretion, but to a different antigen.",Cross reactivity +The monomers combine with each other using covalent bonds to form larger molecules known as polymers.,polymers +"Social movements are purposeful, organized groups that strive to work toward a common social goal.",Social movements +"A market is an institution that brings together buyers and sellers of goods or services, who may be either individuals or businesses.",A market +"Saddle joints are so named because the ends of each bone resemble a saddle, with concave and convex portions that fit together.",Saddle joints +The actual change in frequency due to relative motion of source and observer is called a Doppler shift.,a Doppler shift +"Tubers arise as swollen ends of stolons, and contain many adventitious or unusual buds( familiar to us as the “ eyes ” on potatoes).",Tubers +"The word pons literally means “ bridge, ” and as the name suggests, the pons serves to connect the brain and spinal cord.",the pons +A simple circuit has a single voltage source and a single resistor.,A simple circuit +"Commonly conferred in architecture and industrial design, this means someone has invented a new and original design for a manufactured product.",this +"The operation of the law further alarmed northerners and confirmed for many the existence of a “ Slave Power ” — that is, a minority of elite slaveholders who wielded a disproportionate amount of power over the federal government, shaping domestic and foreign policies to suit their interests.",a “ Slave Power ” +"It contains the somatosensory cortex, which is essential for processing sensory information from across the body, such as touch, temperature, and pain.",the somatosensory cortex +Rock and roll music celebrated themes such as young love and freedom from the oppression of middle - class society.,Rock and roll music +"Journalists found that many states, including Florida, had large numbers of phantom voters on their rolls, voters had moved or died but remained on the states ’ voter registration rolls. “’Unusable ’ Voter Rolls, ” Wall Street Journal, 7 November 2000.",phantom voters +"Concerned about the resistance to and unhappiness with the government measures, in 1862, the Confederate Congress gave President Davis the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, the right of those arrested to be brought before a judge or court to determine whether there is cause to hold the prisoner.",the writ of habeas corpus +Dorsiflexion is a bending at the ankle such that the toes are lifted toward the knee.,Dorsiflexion +Molecules that share the same chemical formula but differ in the placement( structure) of their atoms and/or chemical bonds are known as isomers.,isomers +"A critical element of this definition is that it emphasizes the importance of how we appraise — that is, judge — demanding or threatening events( often referred to as stressors) ; these appraisals, in turn, influence our reactions to such events.",stressors +"When people with social anxiety disorder are unable to avoid situations that provoke anxiety, they typically perform safety behaviors : mental or behavioral acts that reduce anxiety in social situations by reducing the chance of negative social outcomes.",safety behaviors +"The sarcolemma is the site of action potential conduction, which triggers muscle contraction.",The sarcolemma +A measure of this limit on charge flow is called resistance.,resistance +Physical disorders or diseases whose symptoms are brought about or worsened by stress and emotional factors are called psychophysiological disorders.,psychophysiological disorders +"These five dimensions are known as the “ Big Five ” or the Five Factor model, and include dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion.",the “ Big Five ” the Five Factor model +"Prognostic framing, the second type, offers a solution and states how it will be implemented.",Prognostic framing +Children with dysgraphia have a learning disability that results in a struggle to write legibly.,dysgraphia +"In some cases, the person will exhibit catatonic behaviors, which show decreased reactivity to the environment, such as posturing, in which the person maintains a rigid and bizarre posture for long periods of time, or catatonic stupor, a complete lack of movement and verbal behavior.",catatonic behaviors catatonic stupor +"Interpersonal topics( those that pertain to dyads and groups) include helping behavior, aggression, prejudice and discrimination, attraction and close relationships, and group processes and intergroup relationships.",Interpersonal topics +Reflexes are a motor or neural reaction to a specific stimulus in the environment.,Reflexes +"First mentioned in Patterns in Spectra Reveal More Quantization, a boson is a particle with zero or an integer value of intrinsic spin( such as s = 0, 1, 2,... s = 0, 1, 2,... size 12 { s = 0, `1, `2, ` "". """,a boson +Another example of a nongroup is people who share similar characteristics but are not tied to one another in any way.,a nongroup +"States deep in debt were printing increasingly worthless paper currency, many were mired in interstate trade battles with each other, and in western Massachusetts, a small group of Revolutionary War veterans angry over the prospect of losing their farms broke into armed open revolt against the state, in what came to be known as Shays ’ Rebellion.",Shays ’ Rebellion +"The most prominent sulcus, known as the longitudinal fissure, is the deep groove that separates the brain into two halves or hemispheres : the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere.",the longitudinal fissure +The organism that receives the recombinant DNA is called a genetically modified organism( GMO).,a genetically modified organism GMO +"In observational research, scientists are conducting a clinical or case study when they focus on one person or just a few individuals.",observational research +"These regions in the RNA that are not translated into protein are called the untranslated regions, or UTRs.",the untranslated regions UTRs +"Tubers are modified stems that may store starch, as seen in the potato( Solanum sp.).",Tubers +"Prions, so - called because they are proteinaceous, are infectious particles — smaller than viruses — that contain no nucleic acids( neither DNA nor RNA).",Prions +"Peripheral proteins are found on the exterior and interior surfaces of membranes, attached either to integral proteins or to phospholipids.",Peripheral proteins +"In ecology, a food chain is a linear sequence of organisms through which nutrients and energy pass : primary producers, primary consumers, and higher - level consumers are used to describe ecosystem structure and dynamics.",a food chain +"Following the war, women and men, white and black, formed the American Equal Rights Association( AERA) for the expressed purpose of securing “ equal Rights to all American citizens, especially the right of suffrage, irrespective of race, color or sex. ”",the American Equal Rights Association AERA +"The two atria( superior heart chambers) receive blood from the two different circuits( the lungs and the systems), and then there is some mixing of the blood in the heart ’s ventricle( inferior heart chamber), which reduces the efficiency of oxygenation.",The two atria the heart ’s ventricle +The oscillations in one rope are in a vertical plane and are said to be vertically polarized.,vertically polarized +"The unconscious i d contains our most primitive drives or urges, and is present from birth.",The unconscious i d +"These corporations will either have one or more in - house lobbyists, who work for one interest group or firm and represent their organization in a lobbying capacity, and/or will hire a contract lobbyist, individuals who work for firms that represent a multitude of clients and are often hired because of their resources and their ability to contact and lobby lawmakers, to represent them before the legislature.",in - house lobbyists a contract lobbyist +Cognitive - behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on cognitive processes and problem behaviors.,Cognitive - behavioral therapy +"In addition, political action committees( PACs), supposedly focused on issues rather than specific candidates, seek to influence the outcome of the race by supporting or opposing a candidate according to the PAC ’s own interests.",political action committees PACs +"By the late 1830s, botanist Matthias Schleiden and zoologist Theodor Schwann were studying tissues and proposed the unified cell theory, which states that all living things are composed of one or more cells, the cell is the basic unit of life, and new cells arise from existing cells.",the unified cell theory +"This result was nicknamed the Bradley effect, on the theory that voters who answered the poll were afraid to admit they would not vote for a black man because it would appear politically incorrect and racist.",the Bradley effect +"Together, these two fertilization events in angiosperms are known as double fertilization.",double fertilization +The clade Petromyzontidae includes approximately 35–40 or more species of lampreys.,Petromyzontidae +The party whip ensures that members are present when a piece of legislation is to be voted on and directs them how to vote.,The party whip +Mores( mor - ays) are norms that embody the moral views and principles of a group.,Mores +A mycosis is a fungal disease that results from infection and direct damage.,A mycosis +"Finally, some mandates come in the form of partial preemption regulations, whereby the federal government sets national regulatory standards but delegates the enforcement to state and local governments.",partial preemption regulations +Cognitive therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on how a person ’s thoughts lead to feelings of distress.,Cognitive therapy +An independent variable is manipulated or controlled by the experimenter.,An independent variable +Oligopoly arises when a small number of large firms have all or most of the sales in an industry.,Oligopoly +"Tropomyosin blocks myosin binding sites on actin molecules, preventing cross - bridge formation and preventing contraction in a muscle without nervous input.",Tropomyosin +"Transformers do what their name implies — they transform voltages from one value to another( The term voltage is used rather than emf, because transformers have internal resistance).",Transformers they +"In viviparity the young develop within the female, receiving nourishment from the mother ’s blood through a placenta.",viviparity +"Members of the clade Osteichthyes, also called bony fishes, are characterized by a bony skeleton.",Osteichthyes +"Stimulated emission is the emission of electromagnetic radiation in the form of photons of a given frequency, triggered by photons of the same frequency.",Stimulated emission +"Special interest groups are groups that are small in number relative to the nation, but quite well organized and focused on a specific issue.",Special interest groups +An inhibitor is a molecule that binds to a protein and prevents it from functioning or reduces its function.,An inhibitor +"This percentage is expected to increase and will have a huge impact on the dependency ratio : the number of nonproductive citizens( young, disabled, or elderly) to productive working citizens( Bartram and Roe 2005).",dependency ratio +"For example, the study of island biogeography attempts to explain the relatively high species richness found in certain isolated island chains, including the Galápagos Islands that inspired the young Darwin.",island biogeography +The Communications Act of 1934 replaced the Radio Act and created a more powerful entity to monitor the airwaves — a seven - member Federal Communications Commission( FCC) to oversee both radio and telephone communication.,The Communications Act of 1934 +Intimacy is the sharing of details and intimate thoughts and emotions.,Intimacy +"In a variable ratio reinforcement schedule, the number of responses needed for a reward varies.",a variable ratio reinforcement schedule +"Some of them follow the classic pattern of acute disease, where symptoms get increasingly worse for a short period followed by the elimination of the virus from the body by the immune system and eventual recovery from the infection.",acute disease +An especially lengthy and deep recession is called a depression.,a depression +"The Social Security payroll tax is proportional up to the wage limit, but above that level it becomes a regressive tax, meaning that people with higher incomes pay a smaller share of their income in tax.",a regressive tax +"Another enzyme, RNA primase, synthesizes an RNA primer that is about five to ten nucleotides long and complementary to the DNA.",RNA primase +"For small displacements, a pendulum is a simple harmonic oscillator.",a pendulum +"Neurons are the central building blocks of the nervous system, 100 billion strong at birth.",Neurons +"Three of the most important components that affect the issues above are fertility, mortality, and migration. The fertility rate of a society is a measure noting the number of children born.",The fertility rate +This style of coverage became known as yellow journalism.,yellow journalism +"Finally, the recall is one of the more unusual forms of direct democracy ; it allows voters to decide whether to remove a government official from office.",the recall it +"Under the system, freed people rented the land they worked, often on the same plantations where they had been slaves.",the system +"In addition, the forced vital capacity( FVC), which is the total amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled, is measured.",the forced vital capacity FVC +Price elasticity is the ratio between the percentage change in the quantity demanded( Qd) or supplied( Qs) and the corresponding percent change in price.,Price elasticity +"Federalism is an institutional arrangement that creates two relatively autonomous levels of government, each possessing the capacity to act directly on behalf of the people with the authority granted to it by the national constitution.",Federalism +"What Selye discovered was the general adaptation syndrome, the body ’s nonspecific physiological response to stress.",the general adaptation syndrome +"Neutrophils have a nucleus with two to five lobes, and they contain organelles, called lysosomes, that digest engulfed pathogens.",Neutrophils +"Coase pointed out that this issue can not be resolved until property rights are clearly defined — that is, the legal rights of ownership on which others are not allowed to infringe without paying compensation.",property rights +"The federal courts, on the other hand, will hear any case that involves a foreign government, patent or copyright infringement, Native American rights, maritime law, bankruptcy, or a controversy between two or more states.",The federal courts +"José wishes to choose the combination that will provide him with the greatest utility, which is the term economists use to describe a person ’s level of satisfaction or happiness with his or her choices. Let ’s begin with an assumption, which will be discussed in more detail later, that José can measure his own utility with something called utils.",the greatest utility +Ecdysozoa includes nematodes and arthropods ; they are so named for a commonly found characteristic among the group : exoskeletal molting( termed ecdysis).,Ecdysozoa +"As its name implies, the neutron is a neutral particle( q = 0 q = 0 size 12 { q = 0 } { }) that has nearly the same mass and intrinsic spin as the proton.",the neutron +This is called hybrid inviability because the hybrid organisms simply are not viable.,hybrid inviability +The spores of seedless plants are surrounded by thick cell walls containing a tough polymer known as sporopollenin.,sporopollenin +"The body plan refers to the morphology of an animal, determined by developmental cues.",The body plan +Other channels called UHF( for ultra high frequency) utilize an even higher frequency range of 470 to 1000 MHz.,UHF ultra high frequency +"Global stratification compares the wealth, economic stability, status, and power of countries across the world.",Global stratification +"Similarly, intragenerational mobility refers to changes in a person 's social mobility over the course of his or her lifetime.",intragenerational mobility +"The pineal gland, an endocrine structure located inside the brain that releases melatonin, is thought to be involved in the regulation of various biological rhythms and of the immune system during sleep( Hardeland, Pandi - Perumal, & Cardinali, 2006).",The pineal gland +This type of pain is known as neuropathic pain.,neuropathic pain +"In nature, the disease - causing A. tumefaciens have a set of plasmids, called the Ti plasmids( tumor - inducing plasmids), that contain genes for the production of tumors in plants.",the Ti plasmids tumor - inducing plasmids +"One subtype, seasonal pattern, applies to situations in which a person experiences the symptoms of major depressive disorder only during a particular time of year( e.g., fall or winter).",seasonal pattern +"People with schizophrenia also may hold grandiose delusions, beliefs that one holds special power, unique knowledge, or is extremely important.",grandiose delusions +Semen is a mixture of sperm and spermatic duct secretions( about 10 percent of the total) and fluids from accessory glands that contribute most of the semen ’s volume.,Semen +The aptly - named phototropins are protein - based receptors responsible for mediating the phototropic response.,phototropins +"Taking these arguments together, the quality/ new goods bias means that the rise in the price of a fixed basket of goods over time tends to overstate the rise in a consumer ’s true cost of living, because it does not take into account how improvements in the quality of existing goods or the invention of new goods improves the standard of living.",the quality / new goods bias +"In epistasis, the interaction between genes is antagonistic, such that one gene masks or interferes with the expression of another.",epistasis +The mercantilist policies by which it tried to achieve this control are known as the Navigation Acts.,the Navigation Acts +"Supporters of the 1787 Constitution, known as Federalists, made the case that a centralized republic provided the best solution for the future.",Federalists +"A polygraph, or lie detector test, measures the physiological arousal of an individual responding to a series of questions.",A polygraph lie detector test +"The creation of a voltage across a current - carrying conductor by a magnetic field is known as the Hall effect, after Edwin Hall, the American physicist who discovered it in 1879.",the Hall effect +"Fine motor skills focus on the muscles in our fingers, toes, and eyes, and enable coordination of small actions( e.g., grasping a toy, writing with a pencil, and using a spoon).",Fine motor skills +"If imports exceed exports, the economy is said to have a trade deficit.",a trade deficit +"These pressures are particularly acute for the majority party, so named because it controls more than half the seats in one of the two chambers.",the majority party +Short proteins called cadherins in the plasma membrane connect to intermediate filaments to create desmosomes.,cadherins +The hippocampus is an essential structure for learning and memory.,The hippocampus +"When this happens, the enzyme is inhibited through competitive inhibition, because an inhibitor molecule competes with the substrate for active site binding.",competitive inhibition +"For example, phosphatases are enzymes that remove the phosphate group attached to proteins by kinases in a process called dephosphorylation.",phosphatases +The central vacuole plays a key role in regulating the cell ’s concentration of water in changing environmental conditions.,The central vacuole +"He advocated for a goal of zero population growth( ZPG), in which the number of people entering a population through birth or immigration is equal to the number of people leaving it via death or emigration.",zero population growth ZPG +The distance to the farthest object that can be seen clearly is called the far point of the eye( normally infinity).,the far point of the eye +Imprinting is a type of learning that occurs at a particular age or a life stage that is rapid and independent of the species involved.,Imprinting +"Hagfishes are eel - like scavengers that live on the ocean floor and feed on dead invertebrates, other fishes, and marine mammals.",Hagfishes +"Still other viruses affect the plant by directly killing plant cells, a process known as cell necrosis.",cell necrosis +This longstanding question is known in psychology as the nature versus nurture debate.,as the nature versus nurture debate +"The haploid multicellular plants are called gametophytes, because they produce gametes from specialized cells.",gametophytes +"When transcription factors bind to the promoter just upstream of the encoded gene, it is referred to as a cis - acting element, because it is on the same chromosome just next to the gene.",a cis - acting element +"In negative reinforcement, an undesirable stimulus is removed to increase a behavior.",negative reinforcement +An empresario was someone who brought settlers to the region in exchange for generous grants of land.,An empresario +"The sum rule states that the probability of the occurrence of one event or the other event, of two mutually exclusive events, is the sum of their individual probabilities.",The sum rule +"A translocation occurs when a segment of a chromosome dissociates and reattaches to a different, nonhomologous chromosome.",A translocation +The vestibular sense contributes to our ability to maintain balance and body posture.,The vestibular sense +"Fertilization, the joining of two haploid gametes, restores the diploid condition.",Fertilization +The social construction of sexuality refers to the way in which socially created definitions about the cultural appropriateness of sex - linked behavior shape the way people see and experience sexuality.,The social construction of sexuality +"John Dewey built on the idea of pragmatism to create a theory of instrumentalism, which advocated the use of education in the search for truth.",instrumentalism +The region of unwinding is called a transcription bubble.,a transcription bubble +"Participants are the subjects of psychological research, and as the name implies, individuals who are involved in psychological research actively participate in the process.",Participants +"The next year, in Worcester v. Georgia, the Court ruled that whites could not enter tribal lands without the tribe ’s permission.",Worcester v. Georgia +"An indenture is a labor contract that young, impoverished, and often illiterate Englishmen and occasionally Englishwomen signed in England, pledging to work for a number of years( usually between five and seven) growing tobacco in the Chesapeake colonies.",An indenture +"In addition to free speech rights, the First Amendment grants people the right to assemble.",the First Amendment +"The hypothalamus contains autonomic centers that control endocrine cells in the adrenal medulla via neuronal control. The pituitary gland, sometimes called the hypophysis or “ master gland ” is located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica, a groove of the sphenoid bone of the skull, illustrated in.",The pituitary gland the hypophysis master gland +"The Supreme Court upheld the separate but equal doctrine in 1896 in Plessy v. Ferguson, consistent with the Fourteenth Amendment ’s equal protection clause, and allowed segregation to continue.",Plessy v. Ferguson +Behavioral biology is the study of the biological and evolutionary bases for such changes.,Behavioral biology +The Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale( SRRS) uses the correlational research method to identify the connection between stress and health.,The Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale SRRS +"In a hypotonic situation, the extracellular fluid has lower osmolarity than the fluid inside the cell, and water enters the cell.",hypotonic +"An example of a macromolecule is deoxyribonucleic acid( DNA), which contains the instructions for the structure and functioning of all living organisms.",deoxyribonucleic acid DNA +"In the United States, white flight refers to the migration of economically secure white people from racially mixed urban areas and toward the suburbs.",white flight +"An empirical method for acquiring knowledge is one based on observation, including experimentation, rather than a method based only on forms of logical argument or previous authorities.",An empirical method +"Structural isomers( like butane and isobutene shown in a) differ in the placement of their covalent bonds : both molecules have four carbons and ten hydrogens( C4H10), but the different arrangement of the atoms within the molecules leads to differences in their chemical properties.",Structural isomers +"Plurality voting, commonly referred to as first - past - the - post, is based on the principle that the individual candidate with the most votes wins, whether or not he or she gains a majority( 51 percent or greater) of the total votes cast.",Plurality voting first - past - the - post +"Therapeutic applications of ionizing radiation, called radiation therapy or radiotherapy, have existed since the discovery of x - rays and nuclear radioactivity.",radiation therapy radiotherapy +Many seedless plants produce sperm equipped with flagella that enable them to swim in a moist environment to the archegonia : the female gametangium.,the archegonia +"Compact bone is found in the shaft( or diaphysis) of a long bone and the surface of the flat bones, while spongy bone is found in the end( or epiphysis) of a long bone.",the shaft diaphysis epiphysis +"The programs are paid for through the federal income tax, which is a progressive tax system designed in such a way that the rich pay a higher percent in income taxes than the poor.",the federal income tax +Heritability refers to the proportion of difference among people that is attributed to genetics.,Heritability +Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a membrane in response to osmotic pressure caused by an imbalance of molecules on either side of the membrane.,Osmosis +We call the original nuclide the parent and its decay products the daughters.,the parent the daughters +The CNS is comprised of the brain and spinal cord ; the PNS connects the CNS to the rest of the body.,The CNS the PNS +"While we do have limited numbers of effective antiviral drugs, such as those used to treat HIV and influenza, the primary method of controlling viral disease is by vaccination, which is intended to prevent outbreaks by building immunity to a virus or virus family.",vaccination +A nucleus that spontaneously destroys part of its mass to emit radiation is said to decay( a term also used to describe the emission of radiation by atoms in excited states).,decay +Cryptochromes are another class of blue - light absorbing photoreceptors that also contain a flavin - based chromophore.,Cryptochromes +"Other goods are complements for each other, meaning that the goods are often used together, because consumption of one good tends to enhance consumption of the other.",complements +"Known as Puritans, they worked to erase all vestiges of Catholicism from the Church of England.",Puritans +"Conversely, a monetary policy that raises interest rates and reduces borrowing in the economy is a contractionary monetary policy or tight monetary policy.",a contractionary monetary policy tight monetary policy +"Vestibular sensation, which is an organism ’s sense of spatial orientation and balance, proprioception( position of bones, joints, and muscles), and the sense of limb position that is used to track kinesthesia( limb movement) are part of somatosensation.",Vestibular sensation proprioception kinesthesia +"The marginal propensity to consume( MPC), is the share of the additional dollar of income a person decides to devote to consumption expenditures.",The marginal propensity to consume MPC +"One way they do this is by inhibiting the production of lymphocytes, white blood cells that circulate in the body ’s fluids that are important in the immune response( Everly & Lating, 2002).",lymphocytes +"This relationship is known as Yerkes - Dodson law, which holds that a simple task is performed best when arousal levels are relatively high and complex tasks are best performed when arousal levels are lower.",Yerkes - Dodson law +Long - term memory( LTM) is the continuous storage of information.,Long - term memory LTM +"Before then, it was common for many states to practice redistricting, or redrawing of their electoral maps, only if they gained or lost seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.",redistricting +"The beadlike, histone DNA complex is called a nucleosome, and DNA connecting the nucleosomes is called linker DNA.",linker DNA +This intermediary is the messenger RNA( mRNA).,the messenger RNA mRNA +"A delegate legislator represents the will of those who elected him or her to office and acts in their expressed interest, even when it goes against personal belief about what is ultimately in the constituency ’s best interest.",A delegate legislator +"A sample is a subset of individuals selected from a population, which is the overall group of individuals that the researchers are interested in.",A sample a population +"The second layer is called the perirenal fat capsule, which helps anchor the kidneys in place.",the perirenal fat capsule +"In up - regulation, the number of receptors increases in response to rising hormone levels, making the cell more sensitive to the hormone and allowing for more cellular activity.",up - regulation +"Frequency refers to the number of waves that pass a given point in a given time period and is often expressed in terms of hertz( Hz), or cycles per second.",Frequency +"Another method of cost - sharing is coinsurance, which means that the insurance company covers a certain percentage of the cost.",coinsurance +"Whereas children in the concrete operational stage are able to think logically only about concrete events, children in the formal operational stage can also deal with abstract ideas and hypothetical situations.",the concrete operational stage the formal operational stage +"This article describes the minimum age of congresspersons( Section 2), requires that Congress meet at least once a year( Section 4), guarantees members ’ pay( Section 6), and gives Congress the power to levy taxes, borrow money, and regulate commerce( Section 8).",This article +"The frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain, over the eyes.",The frontal lobe +"Conversely, if a situation is inefficient, it becomes possible to benefit at least one party without imposing costs on others. Efficiency in the demand and supply model has the same basic meaning : The economy is getting as much benefit as possible from its scarce resources and all the possible gains from trade have been achieved.",Efficiency in the demand and supply model +These molecules help to spread a signal through the cytoplasm by altering the behavior of certain cellular proteins.,These molecules +"The term group is an amorphous one and can refer to a wide variety of gatherings, from just two people( think about a “ group project ” in school when you partner with another student), a club, a regular gathering of friends, or people who work together or share a hobby.",group +"In mammals, sound waves are collected by the external, cartilaginous part of the ear called the pinna, then travel through the auditory canal and cause vibration of the thin diaphragm called the tympanum or ear drum, the innermost part of the outer ear( illustrated in).",the pinna the tympanum ear drum +Economists use the term opportunity cost to indicate what must be given up to obtain something that is desired.,opportunity cost +A host is the organism that is invaded and often harmed by a pathogen.,A host +Members of Urochordata are also known as tunicates.,tunicates +"Lophotrochozoa is named for two structural features, each common to certain phyla within the clade.",Lophotrochozoa +"Crime, on the other hand, is a behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions.",Crime +"These conditions are listed in the DSM-5 as neurodevelopmental disorders, and they involve developmental problems in personal, social, academic, and intellectual functioning( APA, 2013).",neurodevelopmental disorders +"When infection of a cell by a bacteriophage results in the production of new virions, the infection is said to be productive.",productive +Correlational research is useful because it allows us to discover the strength and direction of relationships that exist between two variables.,Correlational research +"Cryptochromes set the plants 24-hour activity cycle, also know as its circadian rhythem, using blue light cues.",circadian rhythem +"One type of geographic variation, called a cline, can be seen as populations of a given species vary gradually across an ecological gradient.",a cline +"It outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, or national origin by most employers, and it created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission( EEOC) to monitor employment discrimination claims and help enforce this provision of the law.",the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC +"The thyroid gland enlarges in a condition called goiter, which is caused by overproduction of TSH without the formation of thyroid hormone.",goiter +The metabolome is the complete set of metabolites that are related to the genetic makeup of an organism.,The metabolome +"Focus first on the Keynesian zone, that portion of the SRAS curve on the far left which is relatively flat.",the Keynesian zone +"Glucagon raises blood glucose levels, eliciting what is called a hyperglycemic effect, by stimulating the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in skeletal muscle cells and liver cells in a process called glycogenolysis.",Glucagon +"Lobes of the BrainThe four lobes of the brain are the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.",BrainThe four lobes of the brain +This moiety( functional group) protects the nascent mRNA from degradation.,moiety +"These sleep episodes are often associated with cataplexy, which is a lack of muscle tone or muscle weakness, and in some cases involves complete paralysis of the voluntary muscles.",cataplexy +"In strategic family therapy, the goal is to address specific problems within the family that can be dealt with in a relatively short amount of time.",strategic family therapy +Democritus called this the atom.,the atom +"There, the vesicles fuse and coalesce from the center toward the cell walls ; this structure is called a cell plate.",a cell plate +"They called for an approach known as supply - side economics, which argues that economic growth is largely a function of the productive capacity of a country.",supply - side economics +The number of protons determines an element ’s atomic number and is used to distinguish one element from another.,an element ’s atomic number +"The iris, which is conspicuous as the colored part of the eye, is a circular muscular ring lying between the lens and cornea that regulates the amount of light entering the eye.",The iris +A health maintenance organization( HMO) provides healthcare that receives a fixed amount per person enrolled in the plan — regardless of how many services are provided.,A health maintenance organization HMO +Methadone is a synthetic opioid that is less euphorigenic than heroin and similar drugs.,Methadone +The DNA - histone complex is called chromatin.,chromatin +"Antitrust law includes rules against restrictive practices — practices that do not involve outright agreements to raise price or to reduce the quantity produced, but that might have the effect of reducing competition.",Antitrust law +Neo - Luddites are people who see technology as symbolizing the coldness and alienation of modern life.,Neo - Luddites +"Instead, scientific research is based on empirical evidence, which is evidence that comes from direct experience, scientifically gathered data, or experimentation.",scientific research empirical evidence +"A supply curve is a graphic illustration of the relationship between price, shown on the vertical axis, and quantity, shown on the horizontal axis.",A supply curve +"With a hard peg exchange rate policy, the central bank sets a fixed and unchanging value for the exchange rate.",a hard peg exchange rate policy +"According to Weber, power made legitimate by laws, written rules, and regulations is termed rational - legal authority.",rational - legal authority +"Biological nitrogen fixation( BNF) is exclusively carried out by prokaryotes : soil bacteria, cyanobacteria, and Frankia spp.",Biological nitrogen fixation BNF +"The large intestine, illustrated in, reabsorbs the water from the undigested food material and processes the waste material.",The large intestine +"When the phage DNA is incorporated into the host cell genome, it is called a prophage.",a prophage +"The first, McConnell v. Federal Election Commission( 2003), resulted in the Supreme Court ’s upholding the act ’s restrictions on how candidates and parties could spend campaign contributions.",McConnell v. Federal Election Commission ( 2003 ) +"Inversions may occur in nature as a result of mechanical shear, or from the action of transposable elements( special DNA sequences capable of facilitating the rearrangement of chromosome segments with the help of enzymes that cut and paste DNA sequences).",transposable elements +"The adrenal glands sit atop our kidneys and secrete hormones involved in the stress response, such as epinephrine( adrenaline) and norepinephrine( noradrenaline).",The adrenal glands +Libertarians believe in individual rights and limited government intervention in private life and personal economic decisions.,Libertarians +Economists call this intertemporal decision making because it involves decisions across time.,intertemporal decision making +Amyloplasts( also known as statoliths) are specialized plastids that contain starch granules and settle downward in response to gravity.,Amyloplasts statoliths +"For example, United for Medical Research, a coalition of groups that seek funding for the National Institutes of Health,( which is supported by federal grants), states : “ NIH - supported research added $ 69 billion to our GDP and supported seven million jobs in 2011 alone. ” The United States remains the leading sponsor of medical - related research spending $ 117 billion in 2011.",United for Medical Research +Small green appendages usually found at the base of the petiole are known as stipules.,stipules +"For example, in recent years large, flat - screen televisions imported from China have faced a 5 % tariff rate. Another way to control trade is through import quotas, which are numerical limitations on the quantity of products that can be imported.",import quotas +"In 1971, Congress again tried to fix the situation by passing the Federal Election Campaign Act( FECA), which outlined how candidates would report all contributions and expenditures related to their campaigns.",the Federal Election Campaign Act FECA +Vessel elements are xylem cells with thinner walls ; they are shorter than tracheids.,Vessel elements +Information on the consumption choices of Americans is available from the Consumer Expenditure Survey carried out by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.,the Consumer Expenditure Survey +"An exchange rate is nothing more than a price — that is, the price of one currency in terms of another currency — and so they can be analyzed with the tools of supply and demand.",An exchange rate +A phospholipid is a lipid molecule with two fatty acid chains and a phosphate - containing group.,A phospholipid +"A product whose demand falls when income rises, and vice versa, is called an inferior good.",an inferior good +The activation of B cells corresponding to one specific BCR variant and the dramatic proliferation of that variant is known as clonal selection.,clonal selection +"To do that, the individual ’s unconscious mind uses ego defense mechanisms, unconscious protective behaviors that aim to reduce anxiety.",ego defense mechanisms +"The combination of these two theories is relativistic quantum mechanics, and it describes the behavior of small objects traveling at high speeds or experiencing a strong gravitational field.",relativistic quantum mechanics +"The poverty line is based on cash income, which means it does not take into account government programs that provide assistance to the poor in a non - cash form, like Medicaid( health care for low - income individuals and families) and food aid.",Medicaid +"Cluster A disorders include paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder.",Cluster A disorders +Tensile strength is the breaking stress that will cause permanent deformation or fracture of a material. Hooke ’s Law,Tensile strength +"Some errors are not corrected during replication, but are instead corrected after replication is completed ; this type of repair is known as mismatch repair.",mismatch ( [ link ] ) +Both structures are the α - helix structure — the helix held in shape by hydrogen bonds.,α - helix structure +"They wrote a secret memo, known as the Ostend Manifesto( thought to be penned by James Buchanan, who was elected president two years later), stating that if Spain refused to sell Cuba to the United States, the United States was justified in taking the island as a national security measure.",the Ostend Manifesto +"This major theme in the origin of eukaryotes is known as endosymbiosis, one cell engulfing another such that the engulfed cell survives and both cells benefit.",endosymbiosis +A confederate is a person who is aware of the experiment and works for the researcher.,A confederate +Anti - dumping laws block imports that are sold below the cost of production by imposing tariffs that increase the price of these imports to reflect their cost of production.,Anti - dumping laws +"In 1934, Congress passed the Indian Reorganization Act, which ended the division of reservation land into allotments.",the Indian Reorganization Act +"In the next forty years, the biggest global challenge for urbanized populations, particularly in less developed countries, will be to achieve development that occurs without depleting or damaging the natural environment, also called sustainable development( United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2014).",sustainable development +The tarsals are the seven bones of the ankle.,The tarsals +"For instance, the circulatory system transports blood through the body and to and from the lungs ; it includes organs such as the heart and blood vessels.",the circulatory system +"Sociologist Louis Wirth( 1945) defined a minority group as “ any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. ”",a minority group +"This leads to the formation of the next developmental stage, the gastrula, in which the future digestive cavity is formed.",the gastrula +The system is called positron emission tomography( PET).,positron emission tomography PET +"A positive slope means that two variables are positively related ; that is, when x increases, so does y, or when x decreases, y decreases also.",A positive slope +"Perhaps the first to recognize the link between depression and heart disease was Benjamin Malzberg( 1937), who found that the death rate among institutionalized patients with melancholia( an archaic term for depression) was six times higher than that of the population.",melancholia +"The term politics refers to the process of gaining and exercising control within a government for the purpose of setting and achieving particular goals, especially those related to the division of resources within a nation.",politics +"In, the original equilibrium( E0) in the financial capital market occurs at a quantity of $ 800 billion and an interest rate of 6 %.",the original equilibrium E0 +"The Affordable Care Act, which increased government involvement in health care, has drawn similar controversy.",The Affordable Care Act +"We thus use the name electromotive force, abbreviated emf.",electromotive force emf +"When people perform tasks or possess characteristics based on the gender role assigned to them, they are said to be doing gender.",doing gender +"That same year, he organized the Church of Christ, the progenitor of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints popularly known as Mormons.",the Church of Christ +Elements are unique forms of matter with specific chemical and physical properties that can not be broken down into smaller substances by ordinary chemical reactions.,Elements +"The most familiar structure is the haploid gametophyte, which germinates from a haploid spore and forms first a protonema — usually, a tangle of single - celled filaments that hug the ground.",the haploid gametophyte +Sulfur can also fall directly from the atmosphere in a process called fallout.,fallout +Seed ferns produced their seeds along their branches without specialized structures.,Seed ferns +Elasticities that are less than one indicate low responsiveness to price changes and correspond to inelastic demand or inelastic supply.,inelastic demand inelastic supply +"That is, as long as there ’s a reason for treating some people differently that is “ rationally related to a legitimate government interest, ” the discriminatory act or law or policy is acceptable.",That +"The cell wall functions as a protective layer, and it is responsible for the organism ’s shape.",The cell wall +"Each osteon consists of lamellae, which are layers of compact matrix that surround a central canal called the Haversian canal.",lamellae +"The chloroplasts contain a green pigment called chlorophyll, which captures the light energy that drives the reactions of photosynthesis.",The chloroplasts +Phosphorescence is the de - excitation of a metastable state.,Phosphorescence +"In deuterostomes, internal pockets of the endodermal lining called the archenteron fuse to form the coelom.",the archenteron +"The renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system, illustrated in proceeds through several steps to produce angiotensin II, which acts to stabilize blood pressure and volume.",angiotensin II +A macrophage is a large phagocytic cell that engulfs foreign particles and pathogens.,A macrophage +"Pavlov studied a form of learning behavior called a conditioned reflex, in which an animal or human produced a reflex( unconscious) response to a stimulus and, over time, was conditioned to produce the response to a different stimulus that the experimenter associated with the original stimulus.",a conditioned reflex +This is defined to be the de Broglie wavelength.,the de Broglie wavelength +"Deference was the practice of showing respect for individuals who had distinguished themselves through military accomplishments, educational attainment, business success, or family pedigree.",Deference +Productivity means how much output can be produced with a given quantity of labor.,Productivity +"A self - report study is a collection of data gathered using voluntary response methods, such as questionnaires or telephone interviews.",A self - report study +"The value “ r ” can be positive, meaning the population is increasing in size ; or negative, meaning the population is decreasing in size ; or zero, where the population ’s size is unchanging, a condition known as zero population growth.",zero population growth +"It is primarily involved in vision — seeing, recognizing, and identifying the visual world.",It +Diffusion is a passive process of transport.,Diffusion +"Rothman had conducted a form of study called participant observation, in which researchers join people and participate in a group ’s routine activities for the purpose of observing them within that context.",participant observation +Social facilitation occurs when an individual performs better when an audience is watching than when the individual performs the behavior alone.,Social facilitation +"A social norm is a group ’s expectation of what is appropriate and acceptable behavior for its members — how they are supposed to behave and think( Deutsch & Gerard, 1955 ; Berkowitz, 2004).",A social norm +"For instance, molecular biology and biochemistry study biological processes at the molecular and chemical level, including interactions among molecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins, as well as the way they are regulated.",molecular biology and biochemistry +The somatic nervous system is associated with activities traditionally thought of as conscious or voluntary.,The somatic nervous system +"For example, U.S. exports of services were equal to about one - half of U.S. exports of goods in 2014, compared to one - fifth in 1980.The third component of the current account balance, labeled “ income payments, ” refers to money received by U.S. financial investors on their foreign investments( money flowing into the United States) and payments to foreign investors who had invested their funds here( money flowing out of the United States).",income payments +"Social media, like Facebook, also placed journalism in the hands of citizens : citizen journalism occurs when citizens use their personal recording devices and cell phones to capture events and post them on the Internet.",citizen journalism +The Rayleigh criterion for the diffraction limit to resolution states that two images are just resolvable when the center of the diffraction pattern of one is directly over the first minimum of the diffraction pattern of the other.,The Rayleigh criterion +The time to get the projects started is often called the implementation lag.,the implementation lag +"Next, the blastula undergoes further cell division and cellular rearrangement during a process called gastrulation.",gastrulation +"In one night, however, the KOL ’s popularity — and indeed the momentum of the labor movement as a whole — plummeted due to an event known as the Haymarket affair, which occurred on May 4, 1886, in Chicago ’s Haymarket Square.",the Haymarket affair +"Romantic love is defined by having passion and intimacy, but no commitment.",Romantic love +"In a healthy society, all parts work together to maintain stability, a state called dynamic equilibrium by later sociologists such as Parsons( 1961).",dynamic equilibrium +"Dissociative disorders are characterized by an individual becoming split off, or dissociated, from her core sense of self.",Dissociative disorders +A group of firms that have a formal agreement to collude to produce the monopoly output and sell at the monopoly price is called a cartel.,a cartel +"Ethnicity is a term that describes shared culture — the practices, values, and beliefs of a group.",Ethnicity culture +This measurement is called the merchandise trade balance.,the merchandise trade balance +"Peer review also ensures that the research is described clearly enough to allow other scientists to replicate it, meaning they can repeat the experiment using different samples to determine reliability.",Peer review +These individual virus particles are the infectious form of a virus outside the host cell.,These individual virus particles +"First, they assimilate new information or experiences in terms of their current schemata : assimilation is when they take in information that is comparable to what they already know.",assimilation +"Prejudice often begins in the form of a stereotype — that is, a specific belief or assumption about individuals based solely on their membership in a group, regardless of their individual characteristics.",Prejudice +"When the circulation of fluid in the eye is blocked, it can lead to a buildup in pressure, a condition called glaucoma.",glaucoma +"Any dose less than 100 mSv( 10 rem) is called a low dose, 0.1 Sv to 1 Sv( 10 to 100 rem) is called a moderate dose, and anything greater than 1 Sv( 100 rem) is called a high dose.",a low dose a moderate dose a high dose +"Most animals and plants are diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes.",diploid +The nicks that remain between the newly synthesized DNA( that replaced the RNA primer) and the previously synthesized DNA are sealed by the enzyme DNA ligase that catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester linkage between the 3'-OH end of one nucleotide and the 5 ' phosphate end of the other fragment.,DNA ligase +"Costal cartilages connect the anterior ends of the ribs to the sternum, with the exception of rib pairs 11 and 12, which are free - floating ribs.",Costal cartilages +"For example, New York State passed the Bakeshop Act in 1897, which prohibited bakery employees from working more than sixty hours in a week.",the Bakeshop Act +"Unlike earlier hunter - gatherers who depended entirely on existing resources to stay alive, pastoral groups were able to breed livestock for food, clothing, and transportation, and they created a surplus of goods.",hunter - gatherers +"Standardization means that the manner of administration, scoring, and interpretation of results is consistent.",Standardization +"Southern whites frequently relied upon the idea of paternalism — the premise that white slaveholders acted in the best interests of slaves, taking responsibility for their care, feeding, discipline, and even their Christian morality — to justify the existence of slavery.",the idea of paternalism +"A physical map is a representation of the physical distance, in nucleotides, between genes or genetic markers.",A physical map +Empty love is having commitment without intimacy or passion.,Empty love +"A script is a person ’s knowledge about the sequence of events expected in a specific setting( Schank & Abelson, 1977).",A script +"The Mattachine Society, established in 1950, was one of the first groups to champion the rights of gay men.",The Mattachine Society +"The hypothalamus contains autonomic centers that control endocrine cells in the adrenal medulla via neuronal control. The pituitary gland, sometimes called the hypophysis or “ master gland ” is located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica, a groove of the sphenoid bone of the skull, illustrated in.",The hypothalamus The pituitary gland hypophysis “ master gland ” +"While monetary policy is made by policymakers at the Federal Reserve, fiscal policy is made by Congress and the President. The discussion of fiscal policy focuses on how federal government taxing and spending affects aggregate demand.",monetary policy fiscal policy +"The expenditure multiplier is the idea that not only does spending affect the equilibrium level of GDP, but that spending is powerful.",The expenditure multiplier +The occipital lobe is located at the back of the brain.,The occipital lobe +The gene pool is the sum of all the alleles in a population.,The gene pool +The tradeoff between economic output and the environment can be analyzed with a production possibility frontier( PPF) such as the one shown in.,a production possibility frontier PPF +An electrocardiogram( ECG) is a record of the voltages created by the wave of depolarization and subsequent repolarization in the heart.,An electrocardiogram ECG +"The embryonic axis terminates in a radicle( the embryonic root), which is the region from which the root will develop.",a radicle +"E - waste is the name for obsolete, broken, and worn - out electronics — from computers to mobile phones to televisions.",E - waste +"The FECA also created rules governing the way organizations and companies could contribute to federal campaigns, which allowed for the creation of political action committees. Scott and Mullen, “ Thirty Year Report. ” Finally, a 1974 amendment to the act created the Federal Election Commission( FEC), which operates independently of government and enforces the elections laws.",the Federal Election Commission FEC +"The aim of hospice is to help provide a death with dignity and pain management in a humane and comfortable environment, which is usually outside of a hospital setting.",hospice +"Apical meristems contain meristematic tissue located at the tips of stems and roots, which enable a plant to extend in length.",Apical meristems +"In 1924, the Indian Citizenship Act granted citizenship to all Native Americans born after its passage.",the Indian Citizenship Act +This pattern is common enough that these goods are referred to as normal goods.,normal +"All species have an ecological niche in the ecosystem, which describes how they acquire the resources they need and how they interact with other species in the community.",an ecological niche +An indexed payment increases according to the index number that measures inflation.,An indexed payment +"Franklin subscribed to deism, an Enlightenment - era belief in a God who created, but has no continuing involvement in, the world and the events within it.",deism +"In eighteenth - century America, as in Great Britain, the legal status of married women was defined as coverture, meaning a married woman( or feme covert) had no legal or economic status independent of her husband.",coverture feme covert +Genome mapping is the process of finding the locations of genes on each chromosome.,Genome mapping +A ring - like muscle called a sphincter forms valves in the digestive system.,a sphincter +"A prejudice is not based on experience ; instead, it is a prejudgment, originating outside actual experience.",A prejudice +"The cerebellum( Latin for “ little brain ”), shown in, sits at the base of the brain on top of the brainstem.",The cerebellum +"In the 1970s and 1980s, labor unions commonly negotiated wage contracts that had cost - of - living adjustments( COLAs) which guaranteed that their wages would keep up with inflation.",cost - of - living adjustments COLAs +"According to this theory, emotions are composed of two factors : physiological and cognitive.",this theory +An enumerated power is a power explicitly stated in the Constitution.,An enumerated power +"Even though all of the reactants and products of this reaction are molecules( each atom remains bonded to at least one other atom), in this reaction only hydrogen peroxide and water are representatives of compounds : they contain atoms of more than one type of element.",molecules compounds +"Private manumissions, by which slaveholders freed their slaves, provided one pathway from bondage.",Private manumissions +"In Obergefell v. Hodges( 2015), the Supreme Court case that legalized same - sex marriage nationwide, numerous interest groups filed amicus briefs.",Obergefell v. Hodges ( 2015 ) +"From the nasal cavity, air passes through the pharynx( throat) and the larynx( voice box), as it makes its way to the trachea.",the pharynx the larynx +This is often called the winner - take - all system.,the winner - take - all system +"A cyclical process brings a system, such as the gas in a cylinder, back to its original state at the end of every cycle.",A cyclical process +"The great apes include the genera Pan( chimpanzees and bonobos)( a), Gorilla( gorillas), Pongo( orangutans), and Homo( humans)( b).",the genera Pan Gorilla Pongo Homo +"Calvinism emphasized human powerlessness before an omniscient God and stressed the idea of predestination, the belief that God selected a few chosen people for salvation while everyone else was predestined to damnation.",Calvinism +"The cornea, the front transparent layer of the eye, and the crystalline lens, a transparent convex structure behind the cornea, both refract( bend) light to focus the image on the retina.",The cornea the crystalline lens +"Most famously, Theodore Roosevelt led his Rough Riders, an all - volunteer cavalry unit made up of adventure - seeking college graduates, and veterans and cowboys from the Southwest, in a charge up Kettle Hill, next to San Juan Hill, which resulted in American forces surrounding Santiago.",Rough Riders +"This path dependence is seen in( a), where more work is done in going from A to C by the path via point B than by the path via point D. The vertical paths, where volume is constant, are called isochoric processes.",isochoric processes +The stem region between two nodes is called an internode.,internode +"However, with its decision in Marbury v. Madison( 1803), the Supreme Court asserted its authority over judicial review and assumed the power to declare laws unconstitutional. Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137( 1803).",Marbury v. Madison ( 1803 ) +The small intestine is a long tube - like organ with a highly folded surface containing finger - like projections called the villi.,The small intestine +"The zygote develops into an embryo with a radicle, or small root, and one( monocot) or two( dicot) leaf - like organs called cotyledons.",The zygote +This operator contains the DNA code to which the repressor protein can bind.,This operator +Ribosomes are able to read the genetic information inscribed on a strand of messenger RNA and use this information to string amino acids together into a protein.,Ribosomes +"For example, in United States v. Lopez, the court struck down the Gun - Free School Zones Act of 1990, which banned gun possession in school zones. United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549( 1995).",the Gun - Free School Zones Act of 1990 +The complete mRNA/ poly - ribosome structure is called a polysome.,a polysome +Economists call this intertemporal decision making because it involves decisions across time.,intertemporal decision making +Other prezygotic barriers work when differences in their gamete cells( eggs and sperm) prevent fertilization from taking place ; this is called a gametic barrier.,a gametic barrier +"Visual encoding is the encoding of images, and acoustic encoding is the encoding of sounds, words in particular.",Visual encoding acoustic encoding +"The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative( AFRI) at the United States Department of Agriculture awards federal grants to projects that apply the best science to the most important agricultural problems, from food safety to childhood obesity.",The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative AFRI +"Integral proteins( some specialized types are called integrins) are, as their name suggests, integrated completely into the membrane structure, and their hydrophobic membrane - spanning regions interact with the hydrophobic region of the the phospholipid bilayer.",Integral proteins +"Physical development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness.",Physical development +A depressant is a drug that tends to suppress central nervous system activity.,A depressant +"Often referred to as the Ford Hunger March, the event unfolded as a planned demonstration among unemployed Ford workers who, to protest their desperate situation, marched nine miles from Detroit to the company ’s River Rouge plant in Dearborn.",the Ford Hunger March +"Stolons are stems that run almost parallel to the ground, or just below the surface, and can give rise to new plants at the nodes.",Stolons +"This phrase referred to the process by which every citizen of the city, no matter their ethnicity or race, was a ward resident with an alderman who spoke on their behalf at city hall.",This phrase +"Loftus also developed the misinformation effect paradigm, which holds that after exposure to incorrect information, a person may misremember the original event.",the misinformation effect paradigm +"Most fungi are obligate aerobes, requiring oxygen to survive.",obligate aerobes +"During telophase, the “ distance phase, ” the chromosomes reach the opposite poles and begin to decondense( unravel), relaxing into a chromatin configuration.","telophase the “ distance phase , ”" +"The kinetic theory of gases, on the other hand, is a model in which a gas is viewed as being composed of atoms and molecules.",The kinetic theory of gases +"All other physical quantities, such as force and electric charge, can be expressed as algebraic combinations of length, mass, time, and current( for example, speed is length divided by time) ; these units are called derived units.",derived units +"These members of Congress, known as Radical Republicans, wanted to remake the South and punish the rebels.",Radical Republicans +"The endocrine cells of the pancreas form clusters called pancreatic islets or the islets of Langerhans, as visible in the micrograph shown in.",pancreatic islets the islets of Langerhans +Accommodation describes when they change their schemata based on new information.,Accommodation +"This is known as arbitrage, the process of buying and selling goods or currencies across international borders at a profit.",arbitrage +These unwound protein - chromosome complexes are called chromatin ; chromatin describes the material that makes up the chromosomes both when condensed and decondensed.,chromatin +"Finally, exchange theory( Dowd 1975), a rational choice approach, suggests we experience an increased dependence as we age and must increasingly submit to the will of others because we have fewer ways of compelling others to submit to us.",exchange theory +Biogeography is the study of the geographic distribution of living things and the abiotic factors that affect their distribution.,Biogeography +"For Weber, the culmination of industrialization, rationalization, and the like results in what he referred to as the iron cage, in which the individual is trapped by institutions and bureaucracy.",the iron cage +"This kind of stress, which Selye called eustress( from the Greek eu = “ good ”), is a good kind of stress associated with positive feelings, optimal health, and performance.",eustress +"Consistent with these beliefs, he used his business to object to a provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act( ACA or Obamacare) requiring employer - backed insurance plans to include no - charge access to the morning - after pill, a form of emergency contraception, arguing that this requirement infringed on his conscience.",the morning - after pill +The dominant lethal inheritance pattern is one in which an allele is lethal both in the homozygote and the heterozygote ; this allele can only be transmitted if the lethality phenotype occurs after reproductive age.,The dominant lethal inheritance pattern +"Despite the great variety in Klan membership, on the whole, the group tended to direct its attention toward persecuting freed people and people they considered carpetbaggers, a term of abuse applied to northerners accused of having come to the South to acquire wealth through political power at the expense of southerners.",carpetbaggers +Historians have described this lack of strict enforcement of the Navigation Acts as salutary neglect.,salutary neglect +"The aging of a plant and all the associated processes is known as senescence, which is marked by several complex biochemical changes.",as senescence +"He researched how cultural capital, or cultural knowledge that serves( metaphorically) as currency that helps us navigate a culture, alters the experiences and opportunities available to French students from different social classes.",cultural capital +"In 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act( ARRA), which provided immediate economic - crisis management assistance such as helping local and state economies ride out the Great Recession and shoring up the country ’s banking sector.",the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ARRA +"Efficiency wage theory argues that the productivity of workers depends on their pay, and so employers will often find it worthwhile to pay their employees somewhat more than market conditions might dictate.",Efficiency wage theory +"One common line graph is called a time series, in which the horizontal axis shows time and the vertical axis displays another variable.",a time series +"In Trenton, New Jersey, he led his soldiers across the Delaware River and surprised an encampment of Hessians, German mercenaries hired by Great Britain to put down the American rebellion.",Hessians +Dimorphic fungi can change from the unicellular to multicellular state depending on environmental conditions.,Dimorphic fungi +The compound connecting the first and second complexes to the third is ubiquinone( Q).,ubiquinone Q +"President Lyndon B. Johnson used the infamous “ Daisy Girl ” ad, which cut from a little girl counting daisy petals to an atomic bomb being dropped, to explain why voters needed to turn out and vote for him.",“ Daisy Girl ” ad +"Hate Crimes Prevention Act, also known as the Matthew Shepard Act, in 2009 made it a federal hate crime to attack someone based on his or her gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability and made it easier for federal, state, and local authorities to investigate hate crimes, but it has not necessarily made the world safer for LGBT Americans.",Hate Crimes Prevention Act the Matthew Shepard Act +"The collective unconscious, as described by Jung, is a theoretical repository of information he believed to be shared by everyone.",The collective unconscious +"This rule, known as the consumer equilibrium, can be written in algebraic form :",the consumer equilibrium +"Researchers also strive for validity, which refers to how well the study measures what it was designed to measure.",validity +Micropropagation( also called plant tissue culture) is a method of propagating a large number of plants from a single plant in a short time under laboratory conditions.,Micropropagation called plant tissue culture +An antigen is a foreign or “ non - self ” macromolecule that reacts with cells of the immune system.,An antigen +"When a country can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another country, we say that this country has a comparative advantage in that good.",a comparative advantage in that good +Troponin binds to tropomyosin and helps to position it on the actin molecule ; it also binds calcium ions.,Troponin +"Located in the brainstem, the locus coeruleus is the brain ’s major source of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that triggers the body ’s fight - or - flight response.",the locus coeruleus +"Feeding behaviors that maximize energy gain and minimize energy expenditure are called optimal foraging behaviors, and these are favored by natural section.",optimal foraging behaviors +"Another skeletal modification found in most birds is the fusion of the two clavicles( collarbones), forming the furcula or wishbone.",clavicles the furcula wishbone +Matched pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism are called homologous( “ same knowledge ”) chromosomes.,homologous +Glycoproteins embedded in the viral envelope are used to attach to host cells.,Glycoproteins +"Taken together, this combination of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secret law is called intellectual property, because it implies ownership over an idea, concept, or image, not a physical piece of property like a house or a car.",intellectual property +"The phyla in this group have a hard cuticle that covers their bodies, which must be periodically shed and replaced for them to increase in size. Phylum Nematoda includes more than 28,000 species with an estimated 16,000 being parasitic in nature.",Phylum Nematoda +"This system of rewarding party loyalists is known as the spoils system( from the expression, “ To the victor belong the spoils ”).",the spoils system +A physical space in which there is a range of concentrations of a single substance is said to have a concentration gradient.,a concentration gradient +The observable traits expressed by an organism are referred to as its phenotype.,phenotype +"Most macromolecules are made from single subunits, or building blocks, called monomers.",monomers +"Fine motor skills focus on the muscles in our fingers, toes, and eyes, and enable coordination of small actions( e.g., grasping a toy, writing with a pencil, and using a spoon).",Fine motor skills +This decelerating process produces radiation that is called bremsstrahlung( German for braking radiation).,bremsstrahlung +Within each muscle fiber are myofibrils — long cylindrical structures that lie parallel to the muscle fiber.,myofibrils +Organic solidarity arises out of the mutual interdependence created by the specialization of work.,Organic solidarity +These unused structures without function are called vestigial structures.,vestigial structures +Gomphoses occur between teeth and their sockets ; the term refers to the way the tooth fits into the socket like a peg.,Gomphoses +"When viewed through an electron microscope, ribosomes appear either as clusters( polyribosomes) or single, tiny dots that float freely in the cytoplasm.",polyribosomes +"The reticular formation is centered in the midbrain, but it actually extends up into the forebrain and down into the hindbrain.",The reticular formation +"According to modernization theory, low - income countries are affected by their lack of industrialization and can improve their global economic standing through( Armer and Katsillis 2010) : an adjustment of cultural values and attitudes to work",modernization theory +"In another approach to gene - environment interactions, the field of epigenetics looks beyond the genotype itself and studies how the same genotype can be expressed in different ways.",the field of epigenetics +"The income effect is that a higher price means, in effect, the buying power of income has been reduced( even though actual income has not changed), which leads to buying less of the good( when the good is normal).",The income effect +"Romantic love is defined by having passion and intimacy, but no commitment.",Romantic love +"Rather than bringing about an age of sobriety, as Progressive reformers had hoped, it gave rise to a new subculture that included illegal importers, interstate smuggling( or bootlegging), clandestine saloons referred to as “ speakeasies, ” hipflasks, cocktail parties, and the organized crime of trafficking liquor.",bootlegging speakeasies +"Tumor suppressor genes are segments of DNA that code for negative regulator proteins, the type of regulators that, when activated, can prevent the cell from undergoing uncontrolled division.",Tumor suppressor genes negative regulator proteins +Epidemiologists study how diseases affect a population.,Epidemiologists +An eosinophil is a leukocyte that works with other eosinophils to surround a parasite ; it is involved in the allergic response and in protection against helminthes( parasitic worms).,An eosinophil a leukocyte that works with other eosinophils to surround a parasite helminthes +"Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence officially proclaimed the colonies ’ separation from Britain.",the Declaration of Independence +"Fusion of a vesicle with the presynaptic membrane causes neurotransmitter to be released into the synaptic cleft, the extracellular space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes, as illustrated in.",the synaptic cleft +Constructivism is an extension of symbolic interaction theory which proposes that reality is what humans cognitively construct it to be.,Constructivism +"But unlike instincts and reflexes, learned behaviors involve change and experience : learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience.",learning +"Contraction phases in which there is no economic growth for two consecutive quarters, called recessions, would bring business failures and higher unemployment.",recessions +"For example, in the β - cells of the pancreas, Ca2 + signaling leads to the release of insulin, and in muscle cells, an increase in Ca2 + leads to muscle contractions. Another second messenger utilized in many different cell types is cyclic AMP( cAMP).",cyclic AMP cAMP +"In many cases, these large firms were organized in the legal form of a “ trust, ” in which a group of formerly independent firms were consolidated together by mergers and purchases, and a group of “ trustees ” then ran the companies as if they were a single firm.","“ trust , ”" +Microglia scavenge and degrade dead cells and protect the brain from invading microorganisms.,Microglia +"On July 2, 1776, Congress declared American independence from Britain and two days later signed the Declaration of Independence.",the Declaration of Independence +"This marked the beginning of what historians call the Second Party System( the first parties had been the Federalists and the Jeffersonian Republicans), with the splitting of the Democratic - Republicans and the formation of two new political parties.",the Second Party System +"This is referred to as a sphere of hydration, or a hydration shell, as illustrated in and serves to keep the particles separated or dispersed in the water.",a sphere of hydration a hydration shell +"Congress finally came to an agreement, called the Missouri Compromise, in 1820.",the Missouri Compromise +"The hypothalamus regulates a number of homeostatic processes, including the regulation of body temperature, appetite, and blood pressure.",The hypothalamus +Bipolar and related disorders are a group of disorders in which mania is the defining feature.,Bipolar and related disorders +"This law prohibited commercial banks from engaging in investment banking, therefore stopping the practice of banks speculating in the stock market with deposits.",This law +"Heterothallic mycelia require two different, but compatible, mycelia to reproduce sexually.",Heterothallic mycelia +"A midsagittal plane divides the body exactly in the middle, making two equal right and left halves.",A midsagittal plane +Impeachment is the act of charging a government official with serious wrongdoing ; the Constitution calls this wrongdoing high crimes and misdemeanors.,Impeachment +"Therefore, only those organisms that can grow without oxygen — anaerobic organisms — were able to live.",anaerobic organisms +The atrial natriuretic peptide( ANP) lowers blood pressure by acting as a vasodilator.,atrial natriuretic peptide ANP +"Autotrophic organisms that convert solar energy into chemical energy are called phototrophs, and they appeared within one billion years of the formation of Earth.",phototrophs +"The set - point theory asserts that each individual has an ideal body weight, or set point, which is resistant to change.",The set - point theory +Organisms are individual living entities.,Organisms +Integral calculus is needed to sum the field for an arbitrary shape current.,Integral calculus +"Under the council - administrator system, the voters elect council members to serve for a specified period of time, and the council in turn appoints an administrator to oversee the operation of the government.",the council - administrator system +"One microanalytical theory is Rose ’s( 1962) subculture of aging theory, which focuses on the shared community created by the elderly when they are excluded( due to age), voluntarily or involuntarily, from participating in other groups.",Rose ’s ( 1962 ) subculture of aging theory +"The collapse of the markets for these assets precipitated the financial crisis and led to the failure of Lehman Brothers, a major investment bank, numerous large commercial banks, such as Wachovia, and even the Federal National Mortgage Corporation( Fannie Mae), which had to be nationalized — that is, taken over by the federal government.",nationalized +"Zooplankton, protists, small fishes, and shrimp are found in the neritic zone and are the base of the food chain for most of the world ’s fisheries. Beyond the neritic zone is the open ocean area known as the oceanic zone.",the oceanic zone +The Industrial Revolution refers to the widespread use of power - driven machinery and the economic and social changes that resulted in the first half of the 1800s.,The Industrial Revolution +"Some errors are not corrected during replication, but are instead corrected after replication is completed ; this type of repair is known as mismatch repair.",mismatch repair ( [ link ] ) +This interaction is called a hydrogen bond.,a hydrogen bond +"The colorful term captured the disdain of southerners for these people, reflecting the common assumption that these men, sensing great opportunity, packed up all their worldly possessions in carpetbags, a then - popular type of luggage, and made their way to the South.",carpetbags +Different cell layers( called germ layers) are formed during gastrulation.,gastrulation +"The middle ear contains three tiny bones known as the ossicles, which are named the malleus( or hammer), incus( or anvil), and the stapes( or stirrup).",the ossicles +"The relationship between pressure and velocity in fluids is described quantitatively by Bernoulli ’s equation, named after its discoverer, the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli( 1700 – 1782).",Bernoulli ’s equation +"For example, M2 includes savings deposits in banks, which are bank accounts on which you can not write a check directly, but from which you can easily withdraw the money at an automatic teller machine or bank.",savings deposits in banks +"Null measurements balance voltages so that there is no current flowing through the measuring device and, therefore, no alteration of the circuit being measured.",Null measurements +"Wundt used introspection( he called it “ internal perception ”), a process by which someone examines their own conscious experience as objectively as possible, making the human mind like any other aspect of nature that a scientist observed.",introspection “ internal perception ” +"Sanctions are a form of social control, a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms.",Sanctions +"Biological factors such as molecular and cellular changes are called primary aging, while aging that occurs due to controllable factors such as lack of physical exercise and poor diet is called secondary aging( Whitbourne and Whitbourne 2010).",primary aging secondary aging +"The last layer is the pia mater( Latin for “ soft mother ”), which directly contacts and covers the brain and spinal cord like plastic wrap.",the pia mater +"In a double - blind study, both the researchers and the participants are blind to group assignments.",a double - blind study +"Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery specifically aimed at weight reduction, and it involves modifying the gastrointestinal system to reduce the amount of food that can be eaten and/or limiting how much of the digested food can be absorbed( Mayo Clinic, 2013).",Bariatric surgery +Under the mayor - council system voters elect both a mayor and members of the city council.,the mayor - council system +"Just as wood planks make a platform, issues important to the party and party delegates make up the party platform.",the party platform +Any net force causing uniform circular motion is called a centripetal force.,a centripetal force +"This process is called carbon fixation, because CO2 is “ fixed ” from an inorganic form into organic molecules.",carbon fixation +"Examples of steroid hormones include estradiol, which is an estrogen, or female sex hormone, and testosterone, which is an androgen, or male sex hormone.",an estrogen an androgen +"Representative bias describes a faulty way of thinking, in which you unintentionally stereotype someone or something ; for example, you may assume that your professors spend their free time reading books and engaging in intellectual conversation, because the idea of them spending their time playing volleyball or visiting an amusement park does not fit in with your stereotypes of professors.",Representative bias +"Income is a flow of money received, often measured on a monthly or an annual basis ; wealth is the sum of the value of all assets, including money in bank accounts, financial investments, a pension fund, and the value of a home.",Income wealth +The bystander effect is a phenomenon in which a witness or bystander does not volunteer to help a victim or person in distress.,The bystander effect +"Pneumatic bones are bones that are hollow, rather than filled with tissue.",Pneumatic bones +An open seat is one whose incumbent is not running for reelection.,An open seat +A reversible process is one in which both the system and its environment can return to exactly the states they were in by following the reverse path.,A reversible process +"In oviparity, fertilized eggs are laid outside the female ’s body and develop there, receiving nourishment from the yolk that is a part of the egg.",oviparity +"The discovery of gold at Sutter ’s Mill in Coloma, California, set a pattern for such strikes that was repeated again and again for the next decade, in what collectively became known as the California Gold Rush.",California Gold Rush +"The last layer is the pia mater( Latin for “ soft mother ”), which directly contacts and covers the brain and spinal cord like plastic wrap.",the pia mater +They form two types of spores : megaspores( female) and microspores( male).,They +"Smooth muscle has no striations, is not under voluntary control, has only one nucleus per cell, is tapered at both ends, and is called involuntary muscle.",involuntary muscle +"This technique uses a therapeutic process of play to “ help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth ”( O’Connor, 2000, p. 7).",This technique +"Because oxidation and reduction usually occur together, these pairs of reactions are called oxidation reduction reactions, or redox reactions. Electrons and Energy",oxidation reduction reactions redox reactions +A polar substance that interacts readily with or dissolves in water is referred to as hydrophilic( hydro- = “ water ” ; -philic = “ loving ”).,hydrophilic +Codeine is an opioid with relatively low potency.,Codeine +"In classical conditioning, a response called the conditioned response is associated with a stimulus that it had previously not been associated with, the conditioned stimulus.",the conditioned response +"Olfactory neurons project from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb as thin, unmyelinated axons.",Olfactory neurons +"When plants viruses are transferred between different plants, this is known as horizontal transmission, and when they are inherited from a parent, this is called vertical transmission. Symptoms of viral diseases vary according to the virus and its host.",horizontal transmission vertical transmission +A policy which allows the foreign exchange market to set exchange rates is referred to as a floating exchange rate.,a floating exchange rate +Gap junctions in animals and plasmodesmata in plants are connections between the plasma membranes of neighboring cells.,Gap junctions plasmodesmata +"The U.S. court system operates on the principle of stare decisis( Latin for stand by things decided), which means that today ’s decisions are based largely on rulings from the past, and tomorrow ’s rulings rely on what is decided today.",the principle of stare decisis +"Lipid insoluble hormones bind to receptors on the outer surface of the plasma membrane, via plasma membrane hormone receptors.",Lipid insoluble hormones +"As such, many buyers face a situation of asymmetric information, where the both parties involved in an economic transaction have an unequal amount of information( one party knows much more than the other).",asymmetric information +"The theory also connects this change of a population over time, called microevolution, with the processes that gave rise to new species and higher taxonomic groups with widely divergent characters, called macroevolution.",microevolution macroevolution +Voluntary treatment means the person chooses to attend therapy to obtain relief from symptoms.,Voluntary treatment +"A democracy is a form of government that strives to provide all citizens with an equal voice, or vote, in determining state policy, regardless of their level of socioeconomic status.",A democracy +"Another common vision defect is astigmatism, an unevenness or asymmetry in the focus of the eye.",astigmatism +"MRI is based on an effect called nuclear magnetic resonance( NMR) in which an externally applied magnetic field interacts with the nuclei of certain atoms, particularly those of hydrogen( protons).",nuclear magnetic resonance NMR +"Because externalities that occur in market transactions affect other parties beyond those involved, they are sometimes called spillovers. Externalities can be negative or positive.",externalities spillovers +"A psychological disorder is a condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.",A psychological disorder +"Deists also advanced the belief that personal morality — an individual ’s moral compass, leading to good works and actions — is more important than strict church doctrines.",personal morality +"Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when an individual ’s airway becomes blocked during sleep, and air is prevented from entering the lungs.",Obstructive sleep apnea +"According to the DSM-5, a manic episode is characterized as a “ distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased activity or energy lasting at least one week, ” that lasts most of the time each day( APA, 2013, p. 124).",a manic episode +"Ecological pyramids show the relative amounts of various parameters( such as number of organisms, energy, and biomass) across trophic levels.",Ecological pyramids +"The most familiar structure is the haploid gametophyte, which germinates from a haploid spore and forms first a protonema — usually, a tangle of single - celled filaments that hug the ground.",the haploid gametophyte a protonema +"Natural selection, also known as “ survival of the fittest, ” is the more prolific reproduction of individuals with favorable traits that survive environmental change because of those traits ; this leads to evolutionary change.",Natural selection survival of the fittest +"A patent gives the inventor the exclusive legal right to make, use, or sell the invention for a limited time ; in the United States, exclusive patent rights last for 20 years.",A patent +"Fruits generally have three parts : the exocarp( the outermost skin or covering), the mesocarp( middle part of the fruit), and the endocarp( the inner part of the fruit).",the exocarp the mesocarp the endocarp +"The mitochondria - first hypothesis proposes that mitochondria were first established in a prokaryotic host( b), which subsequently acquired a nucleus, by fusion or other mechanisms, to become the first eukaryotic cell.",The mitochondria - first hypothesis +The dorsal cavity contains the cranial and the vertebral( or spinal) cavities.,The dorsal cavity +"Tendrils are slender, twining strands that enable a plant( like a vine or pumpkin) to seek support by climbing on other surfaces.",Tendrils +"Gastrin stimulates the release of stomach acid, or hydrochloric acid( HCl) which aids in the digestion of the proteins.",Gastrin +"The Republicans also passed the Legal Tender Act of 1862, calling for paper money — known as greenbacks — to be printed).",the Legal Tender Act of 1862 greenbacks +"Intermediates of dsRNA, called replicative intermediates, are made in the process of copying the genomic RNA.",replicative intermediates +"World War I, fundamentalism, and the Red Scare — a pervasive American fear of Communist infiltrators prompted by the success of the Bolshevik Revolution — all left their mark on these intellectuals.",the Red Scare +"As political moderates, or individuals with ideologies in the middle of the ideological spectrum, leave the political parties at all levels, the parties have grown farther apart ideologically, a result called party polarization.",political moderates party polarization +"A biofilm is a microbial community held together in a gummy - textured matrix that consists primarily of polysaccharides secreted by the organisms, together with some proteins and nucleic acids.",A biofilm +"With the advancement of DNA technology, the area of molecular systematics, which describes the use of information on the molecular level including DNA analysis, has blossomed.",molecular systematics +The DSM-5 also provides information about comorbidity ; the co - occurrence of two disorders.,comorbidity +"By coherent, we mean waves are in phase or have a definite phase relationship.",coherent +"Bacterial cell walls contain peptidoglycan, composed of polysaccharide chains that are cross - linked by unusual peptides containing both L - and D - amino acids including D - glutamic acid and D - alanine.",peptidoglycan +"In a simple leaf, the blade is either completely undivided — as in the banana leaf — or it has lobes, but the separation does not reach the midrib, as in the maple leaf.",a simple leaf +External forces are any outside forces that act on a body.,External forces +"He argued for the creation of an American republic, a state without a king, and extolled the blessings of republicanism, a political philosophy that held that elected representatives, not a hereditary monarch, should govern states.",republicanism +"This constellation of physiological changes, known as the fight or flight response, allows the body access to energy reserves and heightened sensory capacity so that it might fight off a threat or run away to safety.",the fight or flight response +"Life tables may include the probability of individuals dying before their next birthday( i.e., their mortality rate), the percentage of surviving individuals dying at a particular age interval, and their life expectancy at each interval.",Life tables +"In magnetic resonance imaging( MRI), a person is placed inside a machine that generates a strong magnetic field.",magnetic resonance imaging MRI +"In the brain, the hypothalamus, which lies above the pituitary gland, is a main center of homeostasis.",the hypothalamus +Food irradiation is the treatment of food with ionizing radiation.,Food irradiation +"A bow wake, such as the one in, is created when the wave source moves faster than the wave propagation speed.",A bow wake +"The word pons literally means “ bridge, ” and as the name suggests, the pons serves to connect the brain and spinal cord.",pons +"The market where loans are made to borrowers is called the primary loan market, while the market in which these loans are bought and sold by financial institutions is the secondary loan market.",the primary loan market the secondary loan market +"According to the law of effect, behaviors that are followed by consequences that are satisfying to the organism are more likely to be repeated, and behaviors that are followed by unpleasant consequences are less likely to be repeated( Thorndike, 1911).",the law of effect +"This phenomenon of “ stagflation ” — a term that combined the economic conditions of stagnation and inflation — outlived the Nixon administration, enduring into the early 1980s.",stagflation +They represent the opportunity cost of using resources already owned by the firm.,They +"Standardization means that the manner of administration, scoring, and interpretation of results is consistent.",Standardization +"The next level of sophistication is provided by commercial confocal microscopes, which use the extended focal region shown in( b) to obtain three - dimensional images rather than two - dimensional images.",commercial confocal microscopes +A subculture is just what it sounds like — a smaller cultural group within a larger culture ; people of a subculture are part of the larger culture but also share a specific identity within a smaller group.,A subculture +"The demand curve for labor shows the quantity of labor employers wish to hire at any given salary or wage rate, under the ceteris paribus assumption.",The demand curve for labor +Tariffs are taxes that governments place on imported goods for a variety of reasons.,Tariffs +"The concept of slope is very useful in economics, because it measures the relationship between two variables.",The concept of slope +Surfactant is a complex mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins that works to reduce the surface tension that exists between the alveoli tissue and the air found within the alveoli.,Surfactant +Generalizing refers to the ability to apply the findings of a particular research project to larger segments of society.,Generalizing +"When we think of crime, we often picture street crime, or offenses committed by ordinary people against other people or organizations, usually in public spaces.",street crime +Media consolidation is a process in which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets.,Media consolidation +It is also possible for us to get messages that are presented below the threshold for conscious awareness — these are called subliminal messages.,subliminal messages +"Loudness is measured in terms of decibels( dB), a logarithmic unit of sound intensity.",Loudness +"A karyotype is the number and appearance of chromosomes, and includes their length, banding pattern, and centromere position.",A karyotype +An axillary bud is usually found in the axil — the area between the base of a leaf and the stem — where it can give rise to a branch or a flower.,the axil +A whorl of sepals( collectively called the calyx) is located at the base of the peduncle and encloses the unopened floral bud.,A whorl of sepals +This bill is designed to restrict government intrusion into people ’s religious beliefs unless there is a compelling state interest.,This bill +"Oligodendrocytes, shown in b form myelin sheaths around axons in the CNS.",Oligodendrocytes +"This is a segment of a polysonograph( PSG), a recording of several physical variables during sleep.",a polysonograph PSG +"A positive feedback loop maintains the direction of the stimulus, possibly accelerating it.",A positive feedback loop +"There is some evidence of chattel slavery, in which people are treated as personal property to be bought and sold, in the Nile Valley.",chattel slavery +"Goods where demand declines as income rises( or conversely, where the demand rises as income falls) are called “ inferior goods. ” An inferior good occurs when people trim back on a good as income rises, because they can now afford the more expensive choices that they prefer.",inferior goods +Gentrification occurs when members of the middle and upper classes enter and renovate city areas that have been historically less affluent while the poor urban underclass are forced by resulting price pressures to leave those neighborhoods for increasingly decaying portions of the city.,Gentrification +Another form of prejudice is homophobia : prejudice and discrimination of individuals based solely on their sexual orientation.,homophobia +"Range of reaction asserts that our genes set the boundaries within which we can operate, and our environment interacts with the genes to determine where in that range we will fall.",Range of reaction +"In the field of behavioral genetics, the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart — a well - known study of the genetic basis for personality — conducted research with twins from 1979 to 1999.",the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart +The theory that rational private households might shift their saving to offset government saving or borrowing is known as Ricardian equivalence because the idea has intellectual roots in the writings of the early nineteenth - century economist David Ricardo( 1772 – 1823).,Ricardian equivalence +"Finally, meiosis takes place in the gametangia( singular, gametangium) organs, in which gametes of different mating types are generated.",meiosis +The single surviving species of the gingkophytes group is the Gingko biloba.,the Gingko biloba +"A demand curve shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded on a graph like, with quantity on the horizontal axis and the price per gallon on the vertical axis.",A demand curve +These laws were designed to reduce former slaves to the status of serfs or indentured servants ; blacks were not just denied the right to vote but also could be arrested and jailed for vagrancy or idleness if they lacked jobs.,These laws +"The next year, Congress passed the Homeland Security Act, creating the Department of Homeland Security, which centralized control over a number of different government functions in order to better control threats at home.",the Homeland Security Act +Sociologists use the term status to describe the responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according to their rank and role in society.,status +In a patrilocal residence system it is customary for the wife to live with( or near) her husband ’s blood relatives( or family or orientation).,a patrilocal residence system +"Facts are observable realities, and opinions are personal judgments, conclusions, or attitudes that may or may not be accurate.",Facts opinions +"In sleepwalking, or somnambulism, the sleeper engages in relatively complex behaviors ranging from wandering about to driving an automobile.",sleepwalking somnambulism +"Sclerenchyma cells also provide support to the plant, but unlike collenchyma cells, many of them are dead at maturity.",Sclerenchyma cells +"When the hearing problem is associated with a failure to transmit neural signals from the cochlea to the brain, it is called sensorineural hearing loss.",sensorineural hearing loss +"In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which prevented Chinese from immigrating to the United States for ten years and prevented Chinese already in the country from becoming citizens.",the Chinese Exclusion Act +"Plantar flexion is a bending at the ankle when the heel is lifted, such as when standing on the toes.",Plantar flexion +"Watson was a major proponent of shifting the focus of psychology from the mind to behavior, and this approach of observing and controlling behavior came to be known as behaviorism.",behaviorism +"Facts are observable realities, and opinions are personal judgments, conclusions, or attitudes that may or may not be accurate.",Facts +Such light is said to be unpolarized because it is composed of many waves with all possible directions of polarization.,unpolarized +The cell cycle is an ordered series of events involving cell growth and cell division that produces two new daughter cells.,The cell cycle +The placebo effect occurs when people 's expectations or beliefs influence or determine their experience in a given situation.,The placebo effect +Most of the solutes get reabsorbed in the PCT by a process called tubular reabsorption.,tubular reabsorption +The point at which the rays cross is defined to be the focal point F of the lens.,the focal point +The two major types of light - sensing cells( photoreceptors) in the retina are rods and cones.,photoreceptors +Cellulose is the most abundant natural biopolymer.,Cellulose +"Taste, also called gustation, and smell, also called olfaction, are the most interconnected senses in that both involve molecules of the stimulus entering the body and bonding to receptors.",Taste gustation smell olfaction +"In this context, overgeneralization refers to an extension of a language rule to an exception to the rule.",overgeneralization +This group of conservative Americans included many very wealthy financial supporters and emerged in the wake of the social reforms and cultural changes of the 1960s and 1970s.,This group of conservative Americans +"Economic profit is total revenue minus total cost, including both explicit and implicit costs.",Economic profit +The subfield of environmental sociology studies the way humans interact with their environments.,environmental sociology +"Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when an individual ’s airway becomes blocked during sleep, and air is prevented from entering the lungs.",Obstructive sleep apnea +"By coherent, we mean waves are in phase or have a definite phase relationship.",coherent +"Passed in 1870 and 1871, the Enforcement Acts or “ Force Acts ” were designed to outlaw intimidation at the polls and to give the federal government the power to prosecute crimes against freed people in federal rather than state courts.",the Enforcement Acts Force Acts +"The Farmers ’ Alliance, a conglomeration of three regional alliances formed in the mid- 1880s, took root in the wake of the Grange movement.",The Farmers ’ Alliance +"Traditionally, microbiology has been taught with the view that microorganisms are best studied under pure culture conditions, which involves isolating a single type of cell and culturing it in the laboratory.",microorganisms +"Just as young children pretend to be doctors or lawyers, play house, and dress up, adults also engage in anticipatory socialization, the preparation for future life roles.",anticipatory socialization +"The term culture refers to the group ’s shared practices, values, and beliefs.",The term culture +"In the election of 1832, Jackson received nearly 53 percent of the popular vote against his opponent Henry Clay.",the election of 1832 +Temporal fenestrae are post - orbital openings in the skull that allow muscles to expand and lengthen.,Temporal fenestrae +"The ink jet printer, commonly used to print computer - generated text and graphics, also employs electrostatics.",The ink jet printer +Dynamics considers the forces that affect the motion of moving objects and systems.,Dynamics +"His New Look strategy embraced nuclear “ massive retaliation, ” a plan for nuclear response to a first Soviet strike so devastating that the attackers would not be able to respond.","nuclear “ massive retaliation , ”" +This is essentially an amending and voting process.,This +Physics as it developed from the Renaissance to the end of the 19th century is called classical physics.,classical physics +"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.",The Civil Rights Act of 1964 +"Suburbs are the communities surrounding cities, typically close enough for a daily commute in, but far enough away to allow for more space than city living affords.",Suburbs +Proteins that are expressed from recombinant DNA molecules are called recombinant proteins.,recombinant proteins +"The alternative to Say ’s law, with its emphasis on supply, can be named Keynes ’ law : “ Demand creates its own supply. ”",Keynes ’ law +"This equilibrium state is referred to as the climax community, which will remain stable until the next disturbance.",the climax community +A line - item veto is a type of veto that keeps the majority of a spending bill unaltered but nullifies certain lines of spending within it.,A line - item veto +Ubiquitin acts like a flag indicating that the protein lifespan is complete.,Ubiquitin +"In 2001, the Bush administration passed the No Child Left Behind Act, which requires states to test students in designated grades.",the No Child Left Behind Act +The location within the enzyme where the substrate binds is called the enzyme ’s active site.,the enzyme ’s active site +The temporal lobe is located at the base of the brain by your ears and is primarily involved in processing and interpreting sounds.,The temporal lobe +"Induced mutations are those that result from an exposure to chemicals, UV rays, x - rays, or some other environmental agent.",Induced mutations +Recall that torque is the turning effectiveness of a force.,torque +A positive correlation means that the variables move in the same direction.,A positive correlation +"An endemic disease is a disease that is constantly present, usually at low incidence, in a population.",An endemic disease +"The standard unit of intensity of light is the candela, which is approximately the luminous intensity of a one common candle.",the candela +"Concepts are categories or groupings of linguistic information, images, ideas, or memories, such as life experiences.",Concepts +"In this arrangement, a small group of trustees possess legal ownership of a business that they operate for the benefit of other investors.",In this arrangement +"All the Restoration colonies started as proprietary colonies, that is, the king gave each colony to a trusted individual, family, or group.",proprietary colonies +Block grants come with less stringent federal administrative conditions and provide recipients more flexibility over how to spend grant funds.,Block grants +"The kinematics of rotational motion describes the relationships among rotation angle, angular velocity, angular acceleration, and time.",The kinematics of rotational motion +"All of the chemical reactions that take place inside cells, including those that use energy and those that release energy, are the cell ’s metabolism.",the cell ’s metabolism +"Centenarians are people living to be 100 years old, and they are approximately 1,000 times more common than supercentenarians.",Centenarians +"Together, the two are called a chromoprotein.",a chromoprotein +"Infected cells are identified and destroyed by natural killer( NK) cells, lymphocytes that can kill cells infected with viruses or tumor cells( abnormal cells that uncontrollably divide and invade other tissue).",natural killer ( NK ) cells tumor cells +"Quantum gravity is the theory that deals with particle exchange of gravitons as the mechanism for the force, and with extreme conditions where quantum mechanics and general relativity must both be used.",Quantum gravity +"The Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader, the majority party ’s congressional leaders, have significant tools at their disposal to punish party members who defect on a particular vote.",The Speaker of House the Senate leader +Internal kinetic energy is the sum of the kinetic energies of the objects in the system.,Internal kinetic energy +"At the -10 and -35 regions upstream of the initiation site, there are two promoter consensus sequences, or regions that are similar across all promoters and across various bacterial species.",promoter consensus sequences +"When two lineages stem from the same branch point, they are called sister taxa.",sister taxa +"In contrast, a representative who understands their role to be that of a trustee believes he or she is entrusted by the constituents with the power to use good judgment to make decisions on the constituents ’ behalf.",a trustee +Negative ions are formed by gaining electrons and are called anions.,anions +Stimulants are drugs that tend to increase overall levels of neural activity.,Stimulants +"The slender seta( plural, setae), as seen in, contains tubular cells that transfer nutrients from the base of the sporophyte( the foot) to the sporangium or capsule.",The slender seta +France authorized Genêt to issue letters of marque — documents authorizing ships and their crews to engage in piracy — to allow him to arm captured British ships in American ports with U.S. soldiers.,letters of marque +"Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress that we all feel at some point, but anxiety disorders are feelings of worry and fearfulness that last for months at a time.",anxiety disorders +"The innermost group of structures in the flower is the gynoecium, or the female reproductive component(s).",the gynoecium +Social gerontology refers to a specialized field of gerontology that examines the social( and sociological) aspects of aging.,Social gerontology +"More importantly, banks were making high - risk, high - interest mortgage loans called subprime mortgages to consumers who often misunderstood their complex terms and lacked the ability to make the required payments.",subprime mortgages +"The United States carried out a great policy experiment — the deregulation discussed in Monopoly — removing government controls over prices and quantities produced in airlines, railroads, trucking, intercity bus travel, natural gas, and bank interest rates.",the deregulation +"Transitional or uroepithelial cells appear only in the urinary system, primarily in the bladder and ureter.",Transitional or uroepithelial cells +Rotating shift work refers to a work schedule that changes from early to late on a daily or weekly basis.,Rotating shift work +"Embedded in the thylakoid membrane is chlorophyll, a pigment( molecule that absorbs light) responsible for the initial interaction between light and plant material, and numerous proteins that make up the electron transport chain.",chlorophyll a pigment +"That same year, Congress passed the Bilingual Education Act, which required school districts with large numbers of Hispanic or Latino students to provide instruction in Spanish.",the Bilingual Education Act +The opportunity set identifies all the opportunities for spending within his budget.,The opportunity set +"Recessive traits become latent, or disappear, in the offspring of a hybridization.",Recessive traits +"The first phase of ingestion, called the cephalic phase, is controlled by the neural response to the stimulus provided by food.",the cephalic phase +"Later, in the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison, the U.S. Supreme Court established its own authority to rule on the constitutionality of laws, a process called judicial review.",judicial review +"In Gibbons v. Ogden, the court had to interpret the commerce clause of Article I, Section 8 ; specifically, it had to determine whether the federal government had the sole authority to regulate the licensing of steamboats operating between New York and New Jersey. Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1( 1824).",Gibbons v. Ogden +"As you learned in Environmental Protection and Negative Externalities, positive externalities are beneficial spillovers to a third party, or parties. Consider the example of the Big Drug Company, which is planning its R&D budget for the next year.",positive externalities +"The human small intestine is over 6 m long and is divided into three parts : the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.",The human small intestine +"Organizational culture encompasses the values, visions, hierarchies, norms, and interactions among its employees.",Organizational culture +Humanistic psychology focuses on helping people achieve their potential.,Humanistic psychology +"In 1914, the Clayton Antitrust Act outlawed mergers and acquisitions( where the outcome would be to “ substantially lessen competition ” in an industry), price discrimination( where different customers are charged different prices for the same product), and tied sales( where purchase of one product commits the buyer to purchase some other product).",the Clayton Antitrust Act +"for instance, the Supreme Court ruled the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 constitutional, asserting that Congress can use its authority under the commerce clause to regulate both manufacturing activities and labor - management relations.",the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 constitutional +"The dependent variable is the effect, or thing that is changed.",The dependent variable +"The invertebrates, or invertebrata, are animals that do not contain bony structures, such as the cranium and vertebrae.",The invertebrates invertebrata +Hostile aggression is motivated by feelings of anger with intent to cause pain ; a fight in a bar with a stranger is an example of hostile aggression.,Hostile aggression +The solicitor general is the lawyer who represents the federal government before the Supreme Court : He or she decides which cases( in which the United States is a party) should be appealed from the lower courts and personally approves each one presented.,The solicitor general +An anchoring bias occurs when you focus on one piece of information when making a decision or solving a problem.,An anchoring bias +"Although still functional, these are considered false coeloms, and those animals are called pseudocoelomates.",pseudocoelomates +"When DNA is transferred to a nylon membrane, the technique is called Southern blotting, and when RNA is transferred to a nylon membrane, it is called northern blotting.",Southern blotting northern blotting +"Secondary feathers are located closer to the body, attach to the forearm portion of the wing and provide lift.",Secondary feathers +"The marginal tax rates( the tax that must be paid on all yearly income) for a single taxpayer range from 10 % to 35 %, depending on income, as the following Clear It Up feature explains.",The marginal tax rates +The stem region between two nodes is called an internode.,an internode +"A system is said to be in stable equilibrium if, when displaced from equilibrium, it experiences a net force or torque in a direction opposite to the direction of the displacement.",stable equilibrium +The DNA - histone complex is called chromatin.,chromatin +"In this stage, children experience pleasure in their bowel and bladder movements, so it makes sense that the conflict in this stage is over toilet training.",this stage +A bureaucracy is an ideal type of formal organization.,A bureaucracy +Pharyngeal slits are openings in the pharynx( the region just posterior to the mouth) that extend to the outside environment.,Pharyngeal slits +This type of inhibition is called allosteric inhibition.,allosteric +"In 1956, ninety - six members of Congress signed “ The Southern Manifesto, ” in which they accused the U.S. Supreme Court of misusing its power and violating the principle of states ’ rights, which maintained that states had rights equal to those of the federal government.","“ The Southern Manifesto , ”" +"The shape of the eye is maintained by fluid pressure, called intraocular pressure, which is normally in the range of 12.0 to 24.0 mm Hg.",intraocular pressure +"The cells, called chondrocytes, make the matrix and fibers of the tissue.",chondrocytes +"Other advocacy agencies frequently use the acronyms LBGT and LBGTQ, which stands for “ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender ”( and “ Queer ” or “ Questioning ” when the Q is added).Sociologically, it is clear that gay and lesbian couples are negatively affected in states where they are denied the legal right to marriage.",LBGT and LBGTQ +"Similarly, compound rates of economic growth, or the compound growth rate, means that the rate of growth is being multiplied by a base that includes past GDP growth, with dramatic effects over time.",compound rates of economic growth the compound growth rate +"A simple pendulum is defined to have an object that has a small mass, also known as the pendulum bob, which is suspended from a light wire or string, such as shown in.",A simple pendulum +"The cochlea is a whorled structure, like the shell of a snail, and it contains receptors for transduction of the mechanical wave into an electrical signal( as illustrated in).",The cochlea +"Companionate love, which is characteristic of close friendships and family relationships, consists of intimacy and commitment but no passion.",Companionate love +"The iron becomes a permanent magnet with the poles aligned as shown : its south pole is adjacent to the north pole of the original magnet, and its north pole is adjacent to the south pole of the original magnet.",a permanent magnet +High and variable inflation means that the incentives in the economy to adjust in response to changes in prices are weaker.,High and variable inflation +"Social support can be thought of as the soothing impact of friends, family, and acquaintances( Baron & Kerr, 2003).",Social support +Horizontal gene transfer( HGT) is the introduction of genetic material from one species to another species by mechanisms other than the vertical transmission from parent(s) to offspring.,Horizontal gene transfer HGT +"The indirect mechanism of GH action is mediated by insulin - like growth factors( IGFs) or somatomedins, which are a family of growth - promoting proteins produced by the liver, which stimulates tissue growth.",insulin - like growth factors IGFs somatomedins +"In September 1958, Congress passed the National Defense Education Act, which pumped over $ 775 million into educational programs over four years, especially those programs that focused on math and science.",the National Defense Education Act +Note that an elementary or fundamental particle has no substructure( it is not made of other particles) and has no finite size other than its wavelength.,fundamental particle +The spring and fall turnover is a seasonal process that recycles nutrients and oxygen from the bottom of a freshwater ecosystem to the top of a body of water.,The spring and fall turnover +"The law officially took the country off the gold standard, a restrictive practice that, although conservative and traditionally viewed as safe, severely limited the circulation of paper money.",The law +The production of sperm is called spermatogenesis and the production of eggs is called oogenesis.,spermatogenesis oogenesis +"One example of a binocular depth cue is binocular disparity, the slightly different view of the world that each of our eyes receives.",binocular disparity +"They are all members of the underground economy, a loosely defined unregulated market unhindered by taxes, government permits, or human protections.",the underground economy +Secondary consumers are usually carnivores that eat the primary consumers.,Secondary consumers +"In the punctuated equilibrium model, a new species undergoes changes quickly from the parent species, and then remains largely unchanged for long periods of time afterward.",the punctuated equilibrium model +"In contrast, permanent tissue consists of plant cells that are no longer actively dividing.",permanent tissue +Hormesis is a term used to describe generally favorable biological responses to low exposures of toxins or radiation.,Hormesis +Disaccharides( di- = “ two ”) form when two monosaccharides undergo a dehydration reaction( also known as a condensation reaction or dehydration synthesis).,Disaccharides +Taxonomy( which literally means “ arrangement law ”) is the science of classifying organisms to construct internationally shared classification systems with each organism placed into more and more inclusive groupings.,Taxonomy +"Stepping into this power vacuum, the United States announced the Truman Doctrine, which offered support to Greece and Turkey in the form of financial assistance, weaponry, and troops to help train their militaries and bolster their governments against Communism.",the Truman Doctrine +"Elements also have specific chemical reactivity, the ability to combine and to chemically bond with each other.",chemical reactivity +This very direct method of phosphorylation is called substrate - level phosphorylation.,substrate - level +This positive spike constitutes the action potential : the electrical signal that typically moves from the cell body down the axon to the axon terminals.,the action potential +Culture of prejudice refers to the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture.,Culture of prejudice +"These are areas of the country, usually with access to a port where, among other benefits, the government does not tax trade.",These +"In 1979, an exemption was granted to get - out - the vote and grassroots voter registration drives, creating what has become known as the soft - money loophole ; soft money was a way in which interests could spend money on behalf of candidates without being restricted by federal law.",soft money +Drug withdrawal includes a variety of negative symptoms experienced when drug use is discontinued.,Drug withdrawal +Live vaccines are usually made by attenuating( weakening) the “ wild - type ”( disease - causing) virus by growing it in the laboratory in tissues or at temperatures different from what the virus is accustomed to in the host.,Live vaccines attenuating “ wild - type ” +"A group that we do n’t belong to, or an out - group, is a group that we view as fundamentally different from us.",an out - group +Motor skills refer to our ability to move our bodies and manipulate objects.,Motor skills +"Therefore, only those organisms that can grow without oxygen — anaerobic organisms — were able to live.",anaerobic organisms +"Finally, bureaucracies are also characterized by impersonality, which takes personal feelings out of professional situations.",impersonality +"At the beginning of Pontiac ’s uprising, the British issued the Proclamation of 1763, which forbade white settlement west of the Proclamation Line, a borderline running along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains.",the Proclamation of 1763 +"A person with bipolar disorder( commonly known as manic depression) often experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania ; that is, the person ’s mood is said to alternate from one emotional extreme to the other( in contrast to unipolar, which indicates a persistently sad mood).",bipolar disorder manic depression unipolar +"A cultural display rule is one of a collection of culturally specific standards that govern the types and frequencies of displays of emotions that are acceptable( Malatesta & Haviland, 1982).",A cultural display rule +"The quality that has received attention is positive affect, which refers to pleasurable engagement with the environment, such as happiness, joy, enthusiasm, alertness, and excitement( Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988).",positive affect +The control group contains every feature of the experimental group except it is not given the manipulation that is hypothesized about.,The control group +Bank capital is the difference between a bank ’s assets and its liabilities.,Bank capital +An internal factor is an attribute of a person and includes personality traits and temperament.,An internal factor +"The Enlightenment, or the Age of Reason, was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith.",The Enlightenment the Age of Reason +A shock hazard occurs when electric current passes through a person.,A shock hazard +"This concept means simply that children tend to enter the same or similar occupation as their parents, which is a correlation that has been demonstrated in research studies( Antony 1998).",This concept +"Known as libertarians, these individuals believe government almost always operates less efficiently than the private sector( the segment of the economy run for profit and not under government control), and that government actions should therefore be kept to a minimum.",libertarians +The mass of hyphae is a mycelium.,a mycelium +"Some Japanese practice Shinto, which follows animism, which is a religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings, like animals, plants, and objects of the natural world, while people who practice totemism believe in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings.",animism totemism +"Depression is the opposite of elevation — movement downward of a bone, such as after the shoulders are shrugged and the scapulae return to their normal position from an elevated position.",Depression +An in - group is a group that we identify with or see ourselves as belonging to.,An in - group +"Most people generally agree that anarchy, or the absence of organized government, does not facilitate a desirable living environment for society, but it is much harder for individuals to agree upon the particulars of how a population should be governed.",anarchy +"The anterior pituitary gland, or adenohypophysis, is surrounded by a capillary network that extends from the hypothalamus, down along the infundibulum, and to the anterior pituitary.",adenohypophysis +Keystone SpeciesA keystone species is one whose presence is key to maintaining biodiversity within an ecosystem and to upholding an ecological community ’s structure.,SpeciesA keystone species +"Another subtype, peripartum onset( commonly referred to as postpartum depression), applies to women who experience major depression during pregnancy or in the four weeks following the birth of their child( APA, 2013).",peripartum onset postpartum depression +"Serial hermaphroditism, where the gonad can switch from producing sperm to ova, may also be seen in some species.",Serial hermaphroditism +"First, social welfare policy is designed to ensure some level of equity in a democratic political system based on competitive, free - market economics.",social welfare policy +"Derealization is conceptualized as a sense of “ unreality or detachment from, or unfamiliarity with, the world, be it individuals, inanimate objects, or all surroundings ”( APA, 2013, p. 303).",Derealization +"In the twenty - first century, neo - isolationism means distancing the United States from the United Nations and other international organizations that get in the way.",neo - isolationism +"At the state level, specifically in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa, the Patrons of Husbandry did briefly succeed in urging the passage of Granger Laws, which regulated some railroad rates along with the prices charged by grain elevator operators.",Granger Laws +Supination is the movement of the radius and ulna bones of the forearm so that the palm faces forward.,Supination +"There are plenty of formal norms, but the list of informal norms — casual behaviors that are generally and widely conformed to — is longer.",informal norms +"The theory of delegate representation assumes the politician is in office to be the voice of the people. Donald Mccrone, and James Kuklinski.",The theory of delegate representation +"Global climate change is the term used to describe altered global weather patterns, including a worldwide increase in temperature, due largely to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.",Global climate change +"Following the discovery of oil in Alaska, however, the state, in an effort to gain undisputed title to oil rich land, settled the issue of Alaska Natives ’ land claims with the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in 1971.",the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act +This is the amount the borrower agrees to pay the investor at maturity.,This +The soils of the Arctic tundra may remain in a perennially frozen state referred to as permafrost.,permafrost +"An antiporter also carries two different ions or molecules, but in different directions.",An antiporter +"The intuition behind Say ’s law is that each time a good or service is produced and sold, it generates income that is earned for someone : a worker, a manager, an owner, or those who are workers, managers, and owners at firms that supply inputs along the chain of production.",Say ’s law +This process is called sensory transduction. There are two broad types of cellular systems that perform sensory transduction.,sensory transduction +A Bank ’s Balance SheetA balance sheet is an accounting tool that lists assets and liabilities.,SheetA balance sheet +Net primary productivity is the energy that remains in the primary producers after accounting for the organisms ’ respiration and heat loss.,Net primary productivity +"This pact removed trade barriers and other transaction costs levied on goods moving between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.",This pact +"Mental HealthPeople with mental disorders( a condition that makes it more difficult to cope with everyday life) and people with mental illness( a severe, lasting mental disorder that requires long - term treatment) experience a wide range of effects.",mental disorders mental illness +"An elastic demand or elastic supply is one in which the elasticity is greater than one, indicating a high responsiveness to changes in price.",An elastic demand or elastic supply +"Two groups, the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty, led the popular resistance to the Stamp Act.",the Sons of Liberty the Daughters of Liberty +"The actor - observer bias is the phenomenon of attributing other people ’s behavior to internal factors( fundamental attribution error) while attributing our own behavior to situational forces( Jones & Nisbett, 1971 ; Nisbett, Caputo, Legant, & Marecek, 1973 ; Choi & Nisbett, 1998).",The actor - observer bias fundamental attribution error +Wavelength refers to the length of a wave from one peak to the next.,Wavelength +"Soil bacteria, collectively called rhizobia, symbiotically interact with legume roots to form specialized structures called nodules, in which nitrogen fixation takes place.",rhizobia nodules +"Dehydration and hydrolysis reactions are catalyzed, or “ sped up, ” by specific enzymes ; dehydration reactions involve the formation of new bonds, requiring energy, while hydrolysis reactions break bonds and release energy.",catalyzed +"A ligand is a molecule that binds another specific molecule, in some cases, delivering a signal in the process.",A ligand +"Some Japanese practice Shinto, which follows animism, which is a religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings, like animals, plants, and objects of the natural world, while people who practice totemism believe in a divine connection between humans and other natural beings.",animism totemism +Bony fishes are further divided into two extant clades : Actinopterygii( ray - finned fishes) and Sarcopterygii( lobe - finned fishes).,Actinopterygii Sarcopterygii +Australopithecus( “ southern ape ”) is a genus of hominin that evolved in eastern Africa approximately 4 million years ago and went extinct about 2 million years ago.,Australopithecus +"This image, like all case 2 images, can not be projected and, hence, is called a virtual image.",a virtual image +"In an economy without money, an exchange between two people would involve a double coincidence of wants, a situation in which two people each want some good or service that the other person can provide.",a double coincidence of wants +The bond has a maturity date when the borrower will pay back its face value as well as its last interest payment.,a maturity date +"Meristematic tissue cells are either undifferentiated or incompletely differentiated, and they continue to divide and contribute to the growth of the plant.",Meristematic tissue cells +Nuclear fission is a reaction in which a nucleus is split( or fissured).,Nuclear fission +"Conversely, when the government receives more money in taxes than it spends in a year, it runs a budget surplus.",a budget surplus +"The first stage is the sensorimotor stage, which lasts from birth to about 2 years old.",the sensorimotor stage +"With the passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, all Asians, with the exception of Filipinos, were prevented from immigrating to the United States or becoming naturalized citizens.",the Immigration Act of 1924 +The social costs include the private costs of production incurred by the company and the external costs of pollution that are passed on to society.,The social costs +The practice of granting anonymity to sources is sometimes referred to as reporter ’s privilege.,reporter ’s privilege +"Even when below its boiling point, water ’s individual molecules acquire enough energy from other water molecules such that some surface water molecules can escape and vaporize : this process is known as evaporation.",evaporation +The small intestine is a long tube - like organ with a highly folded surface containing finger - like projections called the villi.,The small intestine the villi +A hormone called gastric inhibitory peptide is secreted by the small intestine to slow down the peristaltic movements of the intestine to allow fatty foods more time to be digested and absorbed.,gastric inhibitory peptide +"As the name suggests, authoritarian leaders issue orders and assigns tasks.",authoritarian leaders +"All virions have a nucleic acid genome covered by a protective layer of proteins, called a capsid.",a capsid +"Income inequality compares the share of the total income( or wealth) in society that is received by different groups ; for example, comparing the share of income received by the top 10 % to the share of income received by the bottom 10 %.",Income inequality +"The Social Security Act established programs intended to help the most vulnerable : the elderly, the unemployed, the disabled, and the young.",The Social Security Act +"The root system, which supports the plants and absorbs water and minerals, is usually underground.",The root system +"The temporal lobe is located on the side of the head( temporal means “ near the temples ”), and is associated with hearing, memory, emotion, and some aspects of language.",The temporal lobe +An electrolyte is a solute that dissociates into ions when dissolved in water.,An electrolyte +"We get information into our brains through a process called encoding, which is the input of information into the memory system.",encoding +Deafness is the partial or complete inability to hear.,Deafness +"Most mammals have heterodont teeth, meaning that they have different types and shapes of teeth rather than just one type and shape of tooth.",heterodont teeth +"An aggregate fruit is one that develops from more than one carpel, but all are in the same flower : the mature carpels fuse together to form the entire fruit, as seen in the raspberry.",An aggregate fruit +Ten of the amendments were successfully ratified by the requisite 75 percent of the states and became known as the Bill of Rights.,the Bill of Rights +The wavy lines seen between the lacunae are microchannels called canaliculi ; they connect the lacunae to aid diffusion between the cells.,canaliculi +"Because geology and chemistry have major roles in the study of this process, the recycling of inorganic matter between living organisms and their environment is called a biogeochemical cycle.",a biogeochemical cycle +Semelparity occurs when a species reproduces only once during its lifetime and then dies.,Semelparity +Asymmetrical animals are animals with no pattern or symmetry ; an example of an asymmetrical animal is a sponge.,Asymmetrical animals +"Just as fertility measures childbearing, the mortality rate is a measure of the number of people who die.",the mortality rate +"Adaptation means that a trait of an organism has a function for the survival and reproduction of the individual, because it has been naturally selected.",Adaptation +This is called top - down processing.,top - down processing +"Second, nuclear radiation depends on the nuclide and not on the chemical compound it is in, so that a radioactive nuclide can be put into a compound designed for specific purposes.",nuclear radiation +Sensory receptors are specialized neurons that respond to specific types of stimuli.,Sensory receptors +"Flight feathers are asymmetrical, which affects airflow over them and provides some of the lifting and thrusting force required for flight.",Flight feathers +"Adventitious organs are those that grow in unusual places, such as roots growing from the side of a stem.",Adventitious organs +"A social movement industry, which is the collection of the social movement organizations that are striving toward similar goals, was growing.",A social movement industry +"Saccharomyces cerevisiae( baker ’s yeast) and Candida species( the agents of thrush, a common fungal infection) are examples of unicellular fungi.",Saccharomyces cerevisiae Candida species +"Such programs are called the safety net, in recognition of the fact that they offer some protection for those who find themselves without jobs or income.",the safety net +The Skinner box is a chamber that isolates the subject from the external environment and has a behavior indicator such as a lever or a button.,The Skinner box +"The layer of sporophyte tissue that surrounds the megasporangium, and later, the embryo, is called the integument.",the integument +"However, correlation is limited because establishing the existence of a relationship tells us little about cause and effect.",correlation +The site of transduction is in the organ of Corti( spiral organ).,the organ of Corti spiral organ +"The measure provided for the creation of agricultural colleges, funded through federal grants, to teach the latest agricultural techniques.",The measure +"The carpel is the individual unit of the gynoecium and has a stigma, style, and ovary.",The carpel +"Interpersonal topics( those that pertain to dyads and groups) include helping behavior, aggression, prejudice and discrimination, attraction and close relationships, and group processes and intergroup relationships.",Interpersonal topics +Interaural timing difference refers to the small difference in the time at which a given sound wave arrives at each ear.,Interaural timing difference +"The synaptonemal complex, a lattice of proteins between the homologous chromosomes, first forms at specific locations and then spreads to cover the entire length of the chromosomes.",The synaptonemal complex +"Likewise, the most senior justice in the dissenting group can assign a member of that group to write the dissenting opinion ; however, any justice who disagrees with the majority may write a separate dissenting opinion.",the dissenting opinion a separate dissenting opinion +"The vegetative stage consists of a tangle of slender thread - like structures called hyphae( singular, hypha), whereas the reproductive stage can be more conspicuous.",hyphae +"A second method of conducting monetary policy is for the central bank to raise or lower the reserve requirement, which, as we noted earlier, is the percentage of each bank ’s deposits that it is legally required to hold either as cash in their vault or on deposit with the central bank.",the reserve requirement +"One type is composed of pseudopeptidoglycan, which is similar to peptidoglycan in morphology but contains different sugars in the polysaccharide chain.",pseudopeptidoglycan +"This leads to a sense of “ disenchantment of the world, ” a phrase Weber used to describe the final condition of humanity.",disenchantment of the world +"Mechanical solidarity exists in simpler societies where social cohesion comes from sharing similar work, education, and religion.",Mechanical solidarity +"In short, the slope of the indifference curve changes because the marginal rate of substitution — that is, the quantity of one good that would be traded for the other good to keep utility constant — also changes, as a result of diminishing marginal utility of both goods.",the marginal rate of substitution +An analytical model is an ecosystem model that is created using simple mathematical formulas to predict the effects of environmental disturbances on ecosystem structure and dynamics.,An analytical model +"The graphs we have discussed so far are called line graphs, because they show a relationship between two variables : one measured on the horizontal axis and the other measured on the vertical axis.",line graphs +"The taste of umami, also known as savoriness, is attributable to the taste of the amino acid L - glutamate.",The taste of umami +"Apocrine glands, or scent glands, secrete substances that are used for chemical communication, such as in skunks.",Apocrine glands scent glands +"One difficulty with government price regulation is what economists call regulatory capture, in which the firms supposedly being regulated end up playing a large role in setting the regulations that they will follow.",regulatory capture +"The embryonic axis terminates in a radicle( the embryonic root), which is the region from which the root will develop.",a radicle +"Renin acts on angiotensinogen, which is made in the liver and converts it to angiotensin I. Angiotensin converting enzyme( ACE) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II.",Angiotensin converting enzyme ACE +This process is called a glucose - sparing effect.,a glucose - sparing effect +"According to the World Health Organization( WHO) an emerging disease is one that has appeared in a population for the first time, or that may have existed previously but is rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range.",an emerging disease +An indexed payment increases according to the index number that measures inflation.,An indexed payment +"What was initially a conflict to preserve the Union became a conflict to end slavery when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, freeing all slaves in the rebellious states.",the Emancipation Proclamation +"In 1924, the Indian Citizenship Act granted citizenship to all Native Americans born after its passage.",the Indian Citizenship Act +"Another layer of the blastocyst, the chorion, begins releasing a hormone called human beta chorionic gonadotropin( β - HCG) which makes its way to the corpus luteum and keeps that structure active.",the chorion +Thalassemia is a rare genetic disease caused by a defect in either the alpha or the beta subunit of Hb.,Thalassemia +A dependent variable is what the researcher measures to see how much effect the independent variable had.,A dependent variable +"The introduction starts with brief, but broad, background information about what is known in the field.",The introduction +"Homeostasis is the tendency to maintain a balance, or optimal level, within a biological system.",Homeostasis +"In transactional leadership, the focus is on supervision and organizational goals, which are achieved through a system of rewards and punishments( i.e., transactions).",transactional leadership +Multiple fruit develops from an inflorescence or a cluster of flowers.,an inflorescence +Cultural deviance theory suggests that conformity to the prevailing cultural norms of lower - class society causes crime.,Cultural deviance theory +"In 1831, the Supreme Court decided in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia that Indian tribes were not sovereign nations, but also that tribes were entitled to their ancestral lands and could not be forced to move from them. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 30 U.S. 1( 1831).",Cherokee Nation v. Georgia +Olfactory receptor cells are located in a mucous membrane at the top of the nose.,Olfactory receptor cells +"More recently, the increased outsourcing — or contracting a job or set of jobs to an outside source — of manufacturing jobs to developing nations has greatly diminished the number of high - paying, often unionized, blue - collar positions available.",outsourcing +The sexual organs( carpels and stamens) are located at the center of the flower.,carpels and stamens +It also contains the hippocampus( Greek for “ seahorse ”) — a structure that processes memory formation.,the hippocampus +"The average number of crossovers between two alleles — that is, their recombination frequency — correlated with their genetic distance from each other, relative to the locations of other genes on that chromosome.",recombination frequency +Maladaptive immune responses toward harmless foreign substances or self antigens that occur after tissue sensitization are termed hypersensitivities.,hypersensitivities +A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another living organism and derives nutrients from it.,A parasite +"Like transcription factors and RBPs, mature miRNAs recognize a specific sequence and bind to the RNA ; however, miRNAs also associate with a ribonucleoprotein complex called the RNA - induced silencing complex( RISC).",mature miRNAs +"This forced migration, known as the Trail of Tears, caused the deaths of as many as four thousand Cherokee.",the Trail of Tears +"Flow is described as a particular experience that is so engaging and engrossing that it becomes worth doing for its own sake( Csikszentmihalyi, 1997).",Flow +"The Bostonians Paying the Excise - man, or Tarring and Feathering, shows five Patriots tarring and feathering the Commissioner of Customs, John Malcolm, a sea captain, army officer, and staunch Loyalist.",The Bostonians Paying the Excise - man Tarring and Feathering +"The frontal lobe is located in the forward part of the brain, extending back to a fissure known as the central sulcus.",The frontal lobe +"Examples of block grants include the Workforce Investment Act program, which provides state and local agencies money to help youths and adults obtain skill sets that will lead to better - paying jobs, and the Surface Transportation Program, which helps state and local governments maintain and improve highways, bridges, tunnels, sidewalks, and bicycle paths.",the Workforce Investment Act program the Surface Transportation Program +This process is called organogenesis.,organogenesis +"Lastly, the total lung capacity( TLC) is a measurement of the total amount of air that the lung can hold.",the total lung capacity TLC +Mycetismus describes the ingestion of preformed toxins in poisonous mushrooms.,Mycetismus +"In this example, we will call the gene for cleft chin “ B, ” and the gene for smooth chin “ b. ” Cleft chin is a dominant trait, which means that having the dominant allele either from one parent( Bb) or both parents( BB) will always result in the phenotype associated with the dominant allele.",a dominant trait +"The safety net includes a number of other programs : government - subsidized school lunches and breakfasts for children from low - income families ; the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children( WIC), which provides food assistance for pregnant women and newborns ; the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which provides help with home heating bills ; housing assistance, which helps pay the rent ; and Supplemental Security Income, which provides cash support for the disabled and the elderly poor.","the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women , Infants and Children WIC the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program housing assistance Supplemental Security Income" +S - layer( surface layer) proteins are also present on the outside of cell walls of both archaea and bacteria.,S - layer ( surface layer ) proteins +These costs of changing prices are called menu costs — like the costs of printing up a new set of menus with different prices in a restaurant.,menu costs +"A private company can be run by individuals, in which case it is called a sole proprietorship, or it can be run by a group, in which case it is a partnership.",a sole proprietorship a partnership +"All these people can agree that religion is a system of beliefs, values, and practices concerning what a person holds sacred or considers to be spiritually significant. Does religion bring fear, wonder, relief, explanation of the unknown or control over freedom and choice ?",religion +The rotation angle is the amount of rotation and is analogous to linear distance.,The rotation angle +The Ku Klux Klan is an example of a racist organization ; its members ' belief in white supremacy has encouraged over a century of hate crime and hate speech.,The Ku Klux Klan +"This shape is called the plumule hook, and it persists as long as germination proceeds in the dark.",the plumule hook +This situation is called diseconomies of scale.,diseconomies of scale +Radiation caused by a magnetic field accelerating a charged particle perpendicular to its velocity is called synchrotron radiation in honor of its importance in these machines.,synchrotron radiation +"One way researchers test social theories is by conducting an experiment, meaning they investigate relationships to test a hypothesis — a scientific approach.",an experiment +"Here the cells in the blastula arrange themselves in two layers : the inner cell mass, and an outer layer called the trophoblast.",the trophoblast +Values are a culture ’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society.,Values +"Such programs are called the safety net, in recognition of the fact that they offer some protection for those who find themselves without jobs or income.",the safety net +A proteome is the entire set of proteins produced by a cell type.,A proteome +Cornucopian theory scoffs at the idea of humans wiping themselves out ; it asserts that human ingenuity can resolve any environmental or social issues that develop.,Cornucopian theory +Major depression affects approximately 6.7 percent of the adults in the United States each year and is one of the most common mental disorders.,Major depression +"The term “ sporangia ” literally means “ spore in a vessel, ” as it is a reproductive sac that contains spores.",sporangia +"The NWPC was formed by Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem, Shirley Chisholm, and other leading feminists to encourage women ’s participation in political parties, elect women to office, and raise money for their campaigns.",NWPC +"In this novel business arrangement, which was in many ways the precursor to the modern corporation, investors provided the capital for and assumed the risk of a venture in order to reap significant returns.",this novel business arrangement +A shock hazard occurs when electric current passes through a person.,A shock hazard +"Opposition is the movement of the thumb toward the fingers of the same hand, making it possible to grasp and hold objects.",Opposition +Leadership function refers to the main focus or goal of the leader.,Leadership function +The process does not use oxygen and is therefore anaerobic.,anaerobic +"Creativity is the ability to generate, create, or discover new ideas, solutions, and possibilities.",Creativity +"The key policy implication for either situation is that government needs to step in and close the gap, increasing spending during recessions and decreasing spending during booms to return aggregate demand to match potential output. Recall from The Aggregate Supply - Aggregate Demand Model that aggregate demand is total spending, economy - wide, on domestic goods and services.",aggregate demand +Parental types are progeny that exhibit the same allelic combination as their parents.,Parental types +"By this stage of development, an individual is able to imagine how he or she is viewed by one or many others — and thus, from a sociological perspective, to have a “ self ”( Mead 1934 ; Mead 1964).",self +The ureters are urine - bearing tubes that exit the kidney and empty into the urinary bladder.,The ureters +Electron capture is the third type of beta decay.,Electron capture +Such a device is called a heat engine.,a heat engine +"Formal norms are established, written rules.",Formal norms +"Zoology and botany are the study of animals and plants, respectively.",Zoology and botany +Lexicon refers to the words of a given language.,Lexicon +"An internally displaced person, on the other hand, is neither a refugee nor an asylum - seeker.",An internally displaced person +Sociologists use the term status to describe the responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according to their rank and role in society.,status +"A corporate bond is issued by firms, but bonds are also issued by various levels of government.",A corporate bond +"These ancestral memories, which Jung called archetypes, are represented by universal themes in various cultures, as expressed through literature, art, and dreams( Jung).",archetypes +Cytogenetic mapping uses information obtained by microscopic analysis of stained sections of the chromosome.,Cytogenetic mapping +"New York was the first U.S. megalopolis, a huge urban corridor encompassing multiple cities and their surrounding suburbs.",megalopolis +"Although irreversibility is seen in day - to - day life — a broken glass does not resume its original state, for instance — complete irreversibility is a statistical statement that can not be seen during the lifetime of the universe.",complete irreversibility +A larger sequence that is assembled from overlapping shorter sequences is called a contig.,a contig +"Disorganized or abnormal motor behavior refers to unusual behaviors and movements : becoming unusually active, exhibiting silly child - like behaviors( giggling and self - absorbed smiling), engaging in repeated and purposeless movements, or displaying odd facial expressions and gestures.",Disorganized or abnormal motor behavior +Dead space is created when no ventilation and/or perfusion takes place.,Dead space +"A series of sieve - tube cells( also called sieve - tube elements) are arranged end to end to make up a long sieve tube, which transports organic substances such as sugars and amino acids.",sieve tube +Consciousness describes our awareness of internal and external stimuli.,Consciousness +"The movement also created a political party — the Greenback Party, so named for its support of print currency( or “ greenbacks ”) not based upon a gold standard — which saw brief success with the election of fifteen congressmen.",the Greenback Party greenbacks +The layer of tissue that covers the lung and dips into spaces is called the visceral pleura.,the visceral pleura +"Members of Cephalochordata possess a notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post - anal tail in the adult stage.",Cephalochordata +The stock of a company is divided into shares.,shares +"However, too much uric acid tends to form kidney stones and may also cause a painful condition called gout, where uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints, as illustrated in.",gout +"Communication between cells is called intercellular signaling, and communication within a cell is called intracellular signaling.",intercellular signaling intracellular signaling +Average total cost( sometimes referred to simply as average cost) is total cost divided by the quantity of output.,Average total cost average cost +"Some sociologists assert that this level of media exposure leads to narcotizing dysfunction, a result in which people are too overwhelmed with media input to really care about the issue, so their involvement becomes defined by awareness instead of by action( Lazerfeld and Merton 1948).",narcotizing dysfunction +"In another classification based on flowering frequency, monocarpic plants flower only once in their lifetime ; examples include bamboo and yucca.",monocarpic plants +"The Southern Poverty Law Center( SPLC) is a not - for - profit advocacy group based in Montgomery, Alabama.",The Southern Poverty Law Center SPLC +"The nervous system is made up of neurons, specialized cells that can receive and transmit chemical or electrical signals, and glia, cells that provide support functions for the neurons by playing an information processing role that is complementary to neurons.",The nervous system +An allele is a specific version of a gene.,An allele +"Another important visual route is a pathway from the retina to the superior colliculus in the midbrain, where eye movements are coordinated and integrated with auditory information.",the superior colliculus +This model is called the aggregate demand/ aggregate supply model.,the aggregate demand / aggregate supply model +"Sociology is the study of groups and group interactions, societies and social interactions, from small and personal groups to very large groups.",Sociology +"In emphysema, which mostly arises from smoking tobacco, the walls of the alveoli are destroyed, decreasing the surface area for gas exchange.",emphysema +"Progressive in its emphasis on efficiency, the use of science, and the reliance on experts, Taylorism, as scientific management became known, was not widely popular among workers who resented managerial authority and the loss of autonomy over their work.",Taylorism +"The “ Bataan Death March, ” during which as many as 650 American and 10,000 Filipino prisoners of war died, intensified anti - Japanese feelings.","The “ Bataan Death March , ”" +"Root hairs, which are extensions of root epidermal cells, increase the surface area of the root, greatly contributing to the absorption of water and minerals.",Root hairs +"The SI unit for time, the second( abbreviated s), has a long history.",the second s +They communicated and kept records using a system of colored strings and knots called the quipu.,the quipu +A variable is any part of the experiment that can vary or change during the experiment.,A variable +"In this system, carbon dioxide diffuses into the red blood cells.",this system +Behavioral isolation occurs when the presence or absence of a specific behavior prevents reproduction from taking place.,Behavioral isolation +"The act established the Civil Service Commission, a centralized agency charged with ensuring that the federal government ’s selection, retention, and promotion practices were based on open, competitive examinations in a merit system.",the Civil Service Commission +One commonly used classical conditioning therapeutic technique is counterconditioning : a client learns a new response to a stimulus that has previously elicited an undesirable behavior.,counterconditioning +"In monogamous systems, one male and one female are paired for at least one breeding season.",monogamous systems +"While Article II also states that the term of office is four years and does not expressly limit the number of times a person might be elected president, after Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected four times( from 1932 to 1944), the Twenty - Second Amendment was proposed and ratified, limiting the presidency to two four - year terms.",the Twenty - Second Amendment +"The parts of society that Spencer referred to were the social institutions, or patterns of beliefs and behaviors focused on meeting social needs, such as government, education, family, healthcare, religion, and the economy.",the social institutions +An axillary bud is usually found in the axil — the area between the base of a leaf and the stem — where it can give rise to a branch or a flower.,An axillary bud the axil +"Osmosis is the movement of water through a semipermeable membrane according to the concentration gradient of water across the membrane, which is inversely proportional to the concentration of solutes.",Osmosis +"In hinge joints, the slightly rounded end of one bone fits into the slightly hollow end of the other bone.",hinge joints +"At a broader level, some economists worry about a leverage cycle, where “ leverage ” is a term used by financial economists to mean “ borrowing. ” When economic times are good, banks and the financial sector are eager to lend, and people and firms are eager to borrow.",leverage +The organisms that consume the primary producers are herbivores : the primary consumers.,herbivores the primary consumers +Fibrous connective tissues contain large amounts of collagen fibers and few cells or matrix material.,Fibrous connective tissues +"An inheritance pattern in which an allele is only lethal in the homozygous form and in which the heterozygote may be normal or have some altered non - lethal phenotype is referred to as recessive lethal. For crosses between heterozygous individuals with a recessive lethal allele that causes death before birth when homozygous, only wild - type homozygotes and heterozygotes would be observed.",recessive lethal +Allocative efficiency means that the particular mix of goods a society produces represents the combination that society most desires.,Allocative efficiency +"Kinsey also developed a continuum known as the Kinsey scale that is still commonly used today to categorize an individual ’s sexual orientation( Jenkins, 2010).",the Kinsey scale +Microgravity refers to an environment in which the apparent net acceleration of a body is small compared with that produced by Earth at its surface.,Microgravity +Diversity training educates participants about cultural differences with the goal of improving teamwork.,Diversity training +"Microphylls are present in the club mosses and probably preceded the development of megaphylls, or “ big leaves ”, which are larger leaves with a pattern of branching veins.",Microphylls megaphylls big leaves +"Another example of racist practices is racial steering, in which real estate agents direct prospective homeowners toward or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race.",racial steering +"Illusory correlations, or false correlations, occur when people believe that relationships exist between two things when no such relationship exists.",Illusory correlations false correlations +This kind of good is called a public good.,a public good +Cognitive - behavioral therapy( CBT) helps clients examine how their thoughts affect their behavior.,Cognitive - behavioral therapy CBT +The vagina is a muscular tube that serves several purposes.,The vagina +"That pact required Iran to halt further nuclear development and agree to nuclear inspections, while the United States and five other signatories lifted long - standing economic sanctions on Iran.",That pact +"The clade Chondrichthyes is diverse, consisting of sharks, rays, and skates, together with sawfishes and a few dozen species of fishes called chimaeras, or “ ghost ” sharks. ” Chondrichthyes are jawed fishes that possess paired fins and a skeleton made of cartilage.",Chondrichthyes +"Myc is a transcription factor that is aberrantly activated in Burkett ’s Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph system.",Myc Burkett ’s Lymphoma +"Opposition to the Federalists led to the formation of Democratic - Republican societies, composed of men who felt the domestic policies of the Washington administration were designed to enrich the few while ignoring everyone else.",Democratic - Republican societies +"Anderson and Tushman( 1990) suggest an evolutionary model of technological change, in which a breakthrough in one form of technology leads to a number of variations.",an evolutionary model of technological change +An empresario was someone who brought settlers to the region in exchange for generous grants of land.,An empresario +Through his method of growth via mergers and acquisitions of similar companies — known as horizontal integration — Standard Oil grew to include almost all refineries in the area.,horizontal integration +"In 1915, biologist Ronald Fisher proposed another model of sexual selection : the Fisherian runaway model, which suggests that selection of certain traits is a result of sexual preference. In both the handicap principle and the good genes hypothesis, the trait is said to be an honest signal of the males ’ quality, thus giving females a way to find the fittest mates — males that will pass the best genes to their offspring.",the Fisherian runaway model +"However, with informational social influence, people conform because they believe the group is competent and has the correct information, particularly when the task or situation is ambiguous.",informational social influence +"In industrial societies, mechanical solidarity is replaced with organic solidarity, which is social order based around an acceptance of economic and social differences.",organic solidarity +"The relaxation response technique combines relaxation with transcendental meditation, and consists of four components( Stein, 2001) :",The relaxation response technique +"Humans can see only a fraction of this energy, which portion is therefore referred to as “ visible light. ”",visible light +Interaural timing difference refers to the small difference in the time at which a given sound wave arrives at each ear.,Interaural timing difference +A tagged compound used for medical purposes is called a radiopharmaceutical.,a radiopharmaceutical +"Missionaries and circuit riders( ministers without a fixed congregation) brought the message of the awakening across the United States, including into the lives of slaves.",circuit riders +Subjective poverty describes poverty that is composed of many dimensions ; it is subjectively present when your actual income does not meet your expectations and perceptions.,Subjective poverty +"An enzyme called poly - A polymerase then adds a string of approximately 200 A residues, called the poly - A tail.",the poly - A tail +"In 1962, Congress proposed what later became the Twenty - Fourth Amendment, which banned the poll tax in elections to federal( but not state or local) office ; the amendment went into effect after being ratified in early 1964.",the Twenty - Fourth Amendment +Taste aversion is a type of conditioning in which an interval of several hours may pass between the conditioned stimulus( something ingested) and the unconditioned stimulus( nausea or illness).,Taste aversion +The process of turning on a gene to produce RNA and protein is called gene expression.,gene expression +"An operational definition is a description of how we will measure our variables, and it is important in allowing others understand exactly how and what a researcher measures in a particular experiment.",An operational definition +"Together, the suburbs, exurbs, and metropolitan areas all combine to form a metropolis.",a metropolis +A law uses concise language to describe a generalized pattern in nature that is supported by scientific evidence and repeated experiments.,A law +"These people are considered a category, and as an example all children born from approximately 1980–2000 are referred to as “ Millennials. ”",Millennials +"Nuclear decay gave the first indication of the connection between mass and energy, and it revealed the existence of two of the four basic forces in nature.",Nuclear decay +Temperature is operationally defined to be what we measure with a thermometer.,Temperature +"This second ruling established the principle of national supremacy, which prohibits states from meddling in the lawful activities of the national government.",the principle of national supremacy +"Most crustaceans are dioecious, which means that the sexes are separate.",dioecious +"Is that the likely outcome?Keynesian macroeconomic policy requires some optimism about the ability of the government to recognize a situation of too little or too much aggregate demand, and to adjust aggregate demand accordingly with the right level of changes in taxes or spending, all enacted in a timely fashion.",outcome?Keynesian macroeconomic policy +"This strategy is called planned obsolescence, and it is the business practice of planning for a product to be obsolete or unusable from the time it is created.",planned obsolescence +"Opposition is the movement of the thumb toward the fingers of the same hand, making it possible to grasp and hold objects.",Opposition +"The vision of an American republic put forward by Paine included the idea of popular sovereignty : citizens in the republic would determine who would represent them, and decide other issues, on the basis of majority rule.",the idea of popular sovereignty +Internal kinetic energy is the sum of the kinetic energies of the objects in the system.,Internal kinetic energy +External forces are any outside forces that act on a body.,External forces +"Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal to treat individuals unfavorably because of their race or color of their skin : An employer can not discriminate based on skin color, hair texture, or other immutable characteristics, which are traits of an individual that are fundamental to her identity, in hiring, benefits, promotions, or termination of employees.",Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 immutable characteristics +"The rounded ends, the epiphyses, are covered with articular cartilage and are filled with red bone marrow, which produces blood cells.",the epiphyses +This model is called the aggregate demand/ aggregate supply model.,the aggregate demand / aggregate supply +"Oligodendrocytes, shown in b form myelin sheaths around axons in the CNS.",Oligodendrocytes +"These follicles contain a viscous fluid, called colloid, which stores the glycoprotein thyroglobulin, the precursor to the thyroid hormones.",the glycoprotein thyroglobulin +"The bones of the lower limb are the femur( thigh bone), patella( kneecap), tibia and fibula( bones of the leg), tarsals( bones of the ankle), and metatarsals and phalanges( bones of the foot).",the femur patella tibia and fibula tarsals metatarsals and phalanges +"An early tool was the concentration ratio, which measures what share of the total sales in the industry are accounted for by the largest firms, typically the top four to eight firms.",the concentration ratio +"According to this theory, color is coded in opponent pairs : black - white, yellow - blue, and green - red.",this theory +"Gas discharge tubes today are most commonly called cathode - ray tubes, because the rays originate at the cathode.",cathode - ray tubes +"As a group, the forams exhibit porous shells, called tests that are built from various organic materials and typically hardened with calcium carbonate.",tests +"Sauropsids include reptiles and birds, and can be further divided into anapsids and diapsids.",Sauropsids +"Non - mammals, such as birds and reptiles, have a common body opening, called a cloaca, for the digestive, excretory and reproductive systems.",a cloaca +"When a hormone binds to its membrane receptor, a G - protein that is associated with the receptor is activated ; G - proteins are proteins separate from receptors that are found in the cell membrane.",G - proteins +"Some statuses are ascribed — those you do not select, such as son, elderly person, or female.",ascribed +"This equilibrium state is referred to as the climax community, which will remain stable until the next disturbance.",the climax community +Amphibians are vertebrate tetrapods.,Amphibians +"The terminal buttons contain synaptic vesicles that house neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers of the nervous system.",neurotransmitters +Mnemonic devices are memory aids that help us organize information for encoding.,Mnemonic devices +A caste system is one in which people are born into their social standing and will remain in it their whole lives.,A caste system +Superconductors are materials with a resistivity of zero.,Superconductors +"Many bird or insect - pollinated flowers secrete nectar, which is a sugary liquid.",nectar +"This forced migration, known as the Trail of Tears, caused the deaths of as many as four thousand Cherokee.",the Trail of Tears +Epidermal cells are the most numerous and least differentiated of the cells in the epidermis.,Epidermal cells +The olfactory epithelium is a collection of specialized olfactory receptors in the back of the nasal cavity that spans an area about 5 cm2 in humans.,The olfactory epithelium +Strobili are cone - like structures that contain sporangia.,Strobili +"In addition, the Four Power Treaty, signed by the United States, Great Britain, France, and Japan in 1921, committed the signatories to eschewing any territorial expansion in Asia.",the Four Power Treaty +Spontaneous mutations occur without any exposure to any environmental agent ; they are a result of natural reactions taking place within the body.,Spontaneous mutations +"Mutations, variations in the nucleotide sequence of a genome, can also occur because of damage to DNA.",Mutations +Primary feathers are located at the tip of the wing and provide thrust.,Primary feathers +"Prior to the conflict, in Dred Scott v. Sandford, the Supreme Court ruled that the national government lacked the authority to ban slavery in the territories. Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393( 1857).",Dred Scott v. Sandford +"A device that exhibits significant self - inductance is called an inductor, and given the symbol in.",an inductor +"Merkel ’s disks( shown in) are found in the upper layers of skin near the base of the epidermis, both in skin that has hair and on glabrous skin, that is, the hairless skin found on the palms and fingers, the soles of the feet, and the lips of humans and other primates.",Merkel ’s disks +"In addition to the osculum, sponges have multiple pores called ostia on their bodies that allow water to enter the sponge.",ostia +These viruses interfere with the normal regulation of the host cell cycle either by either introducing genes that stimulate unregulated cell growth( oncogenes) or by interfering with the expression of genes that inhibit cell growth.,oncogenes +The cardiac cycle is the coordination of the filling and emptying of the heart of blood by electrical signals that cause the heart muscles to contract and relax.,The cardiac cycle +"The rectum is the terminal end of the large intestine, as shown in.",The rectum +"As the suburbs became more crowded and lost their charm, those who could afford it turned to the exurbs, communities that exist outside the ring of suburbs and are typically populated by even wealthier families who want more space and have the resources to lengthen their commute.",the exurbs +"In contrast, a person who has psychological dependence has an emotional, rather than physical, need for the drug and may use the drug to relieve psychological distress.",a person who has psychological dependence +"Between signals, the neuron membrane ’s potential is held in a state of readiness, called the resting potential.",the resting potential +"In light of Baehr v. Lewin, a 1993 ruling in which the Hawaii Supreme Court asserted that the state ’s ban on same - sex marriage was unconstitutional, a number of states became worried that they would be required to recognize those marriage certificates.",Baehr v. Lewin +A hypothesis is an assumption about how two or more variables are related ; it makes a conjectural statement about the relationship between those variables.,A hypothesis +"Neutron flux should be carefully regulated to avoid an exponential increase in fissions, a condition called supercriticality.",supercriticality +"An antigen - presenting cell( APC) is an immune cell that detects, engulfs, and informs the adaptive immune response about an infection.",An antigen - presenting cell APC +"Together, these two fertilization events in angiosperms are known as double fertilization.",double fertilization +"In the late 1940s, some white country musicians began to experiment with the rhythms of the blues, a decades - old musical genre of rural southern blacks.",the blues +It contains both exocrine cells that excrete digestive enzymes and endocrine cells that release hormones.,exocrine cells endocrine cells +An Employment Cost Index measures wage inflation in the labor market.,An Employment Cost Index +"Accustomed to representative democracy, jury trials, and the defendant ’s right to appear before a judge, the Anglo - American settlers in Texas also disliked the Mexican legal system, which provided for an initial hearing by an alcalde, an administrator who often combined the duties of mayor, judge, and law enforcement officer.",the Mexican legal system an alcalde +"This list of issues that concern local party members, like limiting abortions in a state or removing restrictions on gun ownership, are called planks, and they will be discussed and voted upon by the delegates and party leadership at the convention.",planks +Scientists refer to the measure of randomness or disorder within a system as entropy.,entropy +The First Amendment of the Constitution gives Americans the right to express their opinions on matters of concern to them ; the federal government can not interfere with this right.,The First Amendment of the Constitution +"The pH scale is, as previously mentioned, an inverse logarithm and ranges from 0 to 14.",The pH scale +"If a justice agrees with the outcome of the case but not with the majority ’s reasoning in it, that justice may write a concurring opinion.",a concurring opinion +"In some species, like sea spiders, an additional pair of appendages, called ovigers, is present between the chelicerae and pedipalps.",ovigers +"Group VI viruses have diploid( two copies) ssRNA genomes that must be converted, using the enzyme reverse transcriptase, to dsDNA ; the dsDNA is then transported to the nucleus of the host cell and inserted into the host genome.",Group VI viruses diploid +"A symporter carries two different ions or molecules, both in the same direction.",A symporter +"Political socialization is the process by which we are trained to understand and join a country ’s political world, and, like most forms of socialization, it starts when we are very young.",Political socialization +"Relative velocities are one aspect of relativity, which is defined to be the study of how different observers moving relative to each other measure the same phenomenon.",relativity +"A major risk factor for heart disease is hypertension, which is high blood pressure.",hypertension +"When a government intervenes in the foreign exchange market so that the exchange rate of its currency is different from what the market would have produced, it is said to have established a “ peg ” for its currency.",a “ peg ” +"The olfactory bulb is composed of neural clusters called glomeruli, and each glomerulus receives signals from one type of olfactory receptor, so each glomerulus is specific to one odorant.",The olfactory bulb +Sleep is a state marked by relatively low levels of physical activity and reduced sensory awareness that is distinct from periods of rest that occur during wakefulness.,Sleep +"Lymphocytes are leukocytes that are histologically identifiable by their large, darkly staining nuclei ; they are small cells with very little cytoplasm, as shown in.",Lymphocytes +The substitution effect occurs when a price changes and consumers have an incentive to consume less of the good with a relatively higher price and more of the good with a relatively lower price.,The substitution effect +The mass of hyphae is a mycelium.,a mycelium +An afterimage describes the continuation of a visual sensation after removal of the stimulus.,An afterimage +Temporal fenestrae are post - orbital openings in the skull that allow muscles to expand and lengthen.,Temporal fenestrae +"One of the most significant developments in early vertebrate evolution was the development of the jaw, which is a hinged structure attached to the cranium that allows an animal to grasp and tear its food.",the jaw +"The stapes transmits the vibrations to a thin diaphragm called the oval window, which is the outermost structure of the inner ear.",The stapes the oval window +"For an EM wave, we define the direction of polarization to be the direction parallel to the electric field.",the direction of polarization +"Their story includes the signing of the Mayflower Compact, a written agreement whereby the English voluntarily agreed to help each other.",the Mayflower Compact +An intake is the therapist ’s first meeting with the client.,An intake +"Diarthroses are joints that allow for free movement of the joint, as in synovial joints.",Diarthroses +"The Twenty - Third Amendment( 1961) allowed residents of Washington, DC to vote for the president.",The Twenty - Third Amendment +"At the center of each animal cell, the centrosomes of animal cells are associated with a pair of rod - like objects, the centrioles, which are at right angles to each other.",the centrioles +Attractive forces between molecules of the same type are called cohesive forces.,cohesive forces +"The increase in length of the shoot and the root is referred to as primary growth, and is the result of cell division in the shoot apical meristem.",primary growth +"An individual with dissociative amnesia is unable to recall important personal information, usually following an extremely stressful or traumatic experience such as combat, natural disasters, or being the victim of violence.",An individual with dissociative amnesia +"Consumer advocate Ralph Nader ran as the candidate of the Green Party, a party devoted to environmental issues and grassroots activism, and Democrats feared that he would attract votes that Gore might otherwise win.",the Green Party +"It contains the motor cortex, which is involved in planning and coordinating movement ; the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for higher - level cognitive functioning ; and Broca ’s area, which is essential for language production.",the motor cortex the prefrontal cortex Broca ’s area +"A group of people who live in a defined geographic area, who interact with one another, and who share a common culture is what sociologists call a society.",a society +A phylogenetic tree is a diagram showing the evolutionary relationships among biological species based on similarities and differences in genetic or physical traits or both.,A phylogenetic tree +"In 1793, Eli Whitney revolutionized the production of cotton when he invented the cotton gin, a device that separated the seeds from raw cotton.",the cotton gin +"When synapsed, homologous chromosomes undergo reciprocal physical exchanges at their arms in a process called homologous recombination, or more simply, “ crossing over. ”",homologous recombination crossing over +Most pensions have traditionally been set as a fixed nominal dollar amount per year at retirement.,pensions +This process is called sensory transduction. There are two broad types of cellular systems that perform sensory transduction.,sensory transduction +Electroencephalography( EEG) serves this purpose by providing a measure of a brain ’s electrical activity.,Electroencephalography EEG +"Osmoregulation is the process of maintenance of salt and water balance( osmotic balance) across membranes within the body ’s fluids, which are composed of water, plus electrolytes and non - electrolytes.",Osmoregulation +Glycolysis is the first step in the breakdown of glucose to extract energy for cellular metabolism.,Glycolysis +"This drive was actually an extension of the earlier military conflict between Christians and Muslims for domination of the Holy Land( the Biblical region of Palestine), known as the Crusades.",the Holy Land the Crusades +"Many mature seeds enter a period of inactivity, or extremely low metabolic activity : a process known as dormancy, which may last for months, years or even centuries.",dormancy +The Nemertea are colloquially known as ribbon worms.,The Nemertea +"The purpose of this law was to limit the use of “ soft money, ” which is raised for purposes like party - building efforts, get - out - the - vote efforts, and issue - advocacy ads.",this law +"In some sponges, ostia are formed by porocytes, single tube - shaped cells that act as valves to regulate the flow of water into the spongocoel.",porocytes +Infrared radiation is generally produced by thermal motion and the vibration and rotation of atoms and molecules.,Infrared radiation +"The image formed in is a real image, meaning that it can be projected.",a real image +"A thin lens is defined to be one whose thickness allows rays to refract, as illustrated in, but does not allow properties such as dispersion and aberrations.",A thin lens +"We define percent relative humidity as the ratio of vapor density to saturation vapor density, or",percent relative humidity +Reliability refers to the ability to consistently produce a given result.,Reliability +"A year into his presidency, convinced it was folly to allow the expansion of Soviet and Communist influence in Latin America, he authorized the Central Intelligence Agency( CIA) to equip and train a group of anti - Sandinista Nicaraguans known as the Contras( contrarevolucionários or “ counter - revolutionaries ”) to oust Ortega.",the Contras +"During puberty in both males and females, the hypothalamus produces gonadotropin - releasing hormone( GnRH), which stimulates the production and release of follicle - stimulating hormone( FSH) and luteinizing hormone( LH) from the anterior pituitary gland.",gonadotropin - releasing hormone GnRH +"Each chamber has a parliamentarian, an advisor, typically a trained lawyer, who has studied the long and complex rules of the chamber.",a parliamentarian +"Some people who are exposed to chronically stressful work conditions can experience job burnout, which is a general sense of emotional exhaustion and cynicism in relation to one ’s job( Maslach & Jackson, 1981).",job burnout +Chaos is a word used to describe systems whose outcomes are extremely sensitive to initial conditions.,Chaos +Media consolidation is a process in which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets.,Media consolidation +Chloroplasts are plant cell organelles that carry out photosynthesis.,Chloroplasts +"In 1973, the Supreme Court established the Miller test for deciding whether something is obscene : “( a) whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,( b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law ; and( c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. ”",the Miller test +"What is happening is called active transport, a process in which a living membrane expends energy to move substances across it.",active transport +"This must be contrasted with the absolute poverty that is frequently found in underdeveloped countries and defined as the inability, or near - inability, to afford basic necessities such as food( Byrns 2011).We can not even rely on unemployment statistics to provide a clear picture of total unemployment in the United States.",absolute poverty +"To entice even more migrants to the New World, the Virginia Company also implemented the headright system, in which those who paid their own passage to Virginia received fifty acres plus an additional fifty for each servant or family member they brought with them.",the headright system +Think : exergonic means energy is exiting the system.,exergonic +"Mendel performed hybridizations, which involve mating two true - breeding individuals that have different traits.",hybridizations +"To that end, he delivered his “ Report on a National Bank ” in December 1790, proposing a Bank of the United States, an institution modeled on the Bank of England.",“ Report on a National Bank ” +Insurance is a method that households and firms use to prevent any single event from having a significant detrimental financial effect.,Insurance +"Allopatric speciation( allo- = "" other "" ; -patric = "" homeland "") involves geographic separation of populations from a parent species and subsequent evolution.",Allopatric speciation +"A tension is a force along the length of a medium, especially a force carried by a flexible medium, such as a rope or cable.",A tension +"Banks are a financial intermediary — that is, an institution that operates between a saver who deposits money in a bank and a borrower who receives a loan from that bank.",a financial intermediary +Relative humidity tells us how much water vapor is in the air compared with the maximum possible.,Relative humidity +"James Madison put forward a proposition known as the Virginia Plan, which called for a strong national government that could overturn state laws.",the Virginia Plan +Lignin itself is a complex polymer that is impermeable to water and confers mechanical strength to vascular tissue.,Lignin +"In 1979, an exemption was granted to get - out - the vote and grassroots voter registration drives, creating what has become known as the soft - money loophole ; soft money was a way in which interests could spend money on behalf of candidates without being restricted by federal law.",soft money +"One of these was the Alliance for Progress, which collaborated with the governments of Latin American countries to promote economic growth and social stability in nations whose populations might find themselves drawn to communism.",the Alliance for Progress +This back and forth continues until a certain relative balance between reactants and products occurs — a state called equilibrium.,equilibrium +A promoter is a DNA sequence onto which the transcription machinery binds and initiates transcription.,A promoter +"The concept of economies of scale, as introduced in Cost and Industry Structure, means that as the scale of output goes up, average costs of production decline — at least up to a point.",economies of scale +"These offspring were called the F1, or the first filial( filial = offspring, daughter or son), generation.",the F1 the first filial generation +"His studied social ties within a group, or social solidarity, and hypothesized that differences in suicide rates might be explained by religion - based differences.",social solidarity +"One common symptom is hyperplasia, the abnormal proliferation of cells that causes the appearance of plant tumors known as galls.",hyperplasia +Interior to the tympanum is the middle ear.,the middle ear +Enantiomers are molecules that share the same chemical structure and chemical bonds but differ in the three - dimensional placement of atoms so that they are mirror images.,Enantiomers +"On the other hand, when an organism demonstrates the conditioned response to stimuli that are similar to the condition stimulus, it is called stimulus generalization, the opposite of stimulus discrimination.",stimulus generalization +"The sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus is social surplus, also referred to as economic surplus or total surplus.",social surplus economic surplus total surplus +"The cerebellum( Latin for “ little brain ”) receives messages from muscles, tendons, joints, and structures in our ear to control balance, coordination, movement, and motor skills.",The cerebellum +Such collective goods are benefits — tangible or intangible — that help most or all citizens.,collective goods +The hydrophilic or “ water - loving ” areas of these molecules( which look like a collection of balls in an artist ’s rendition of the model) are in contact with the aqueous fluid both inside and outside the cell.,hydrophilic “ water - loving ” +The first of these is called magnetic confinement and uses the property that charged particles have difficulty crossing magnetic field lines.,magnetic confinement +"In non - endospermic dicots, such as Capsella bursa, the endosperm develops initially, but is then digested, and the food reserves are moved into the two cotyledons.",non - endospermic dicots +"During his time as governor, from 1901 through 1906, La Follette introduced the Wisconsin Idea, wherein he hired experts to research and advise him in drafting legislation to improve conditions in his state.",the Wisconsin Idea +The phenomenon of driving a system with a frequency equal to its natural frequency is called resonance.,resonance +The meat powder in this situation was an unconditioned stimulus( UCS) : a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response in an organism.,an unconditioned stimulus UCS +"The first step in sensation is reception, which is the activation of sensory receptors by stimuli such as mechanical stimuli( being bent or squished, for example), chemicals, or temperature.",reception +The ability to identify a stimulus when it is embedded in a distracting background is called signal detection theory.,signal detection theory +"PDE is always present in the cell and breaks down cAMP to control hormone activity, preventing overproduction of cellular products. The specific response of a cell to a lipid insoluble hormone depends on the type of receptors that are present on the cell membrane and the substrate molecules present in the cell cytoplasm.",PDE +The system is called positron emission tomography( PET).,positron emission tomography PET +An axon is a tube - like structure that propagates the integrated signal to specialized endings called axon terminals.,An axon +"Rods are specialized photoreceptors that work well in low light conditions, and while they lack the spatial resolution and color function of the cones, they are involved in our vision in dimly lit environments as well as in our perception of movement on the periphery of our visual field.",Rods +"New federalism is premised on the idea that the decentralization of policies enhances administrative efficiency, reduces overall public spending, and improves policy outcomes.",New federalism +"This provision became embedded in the public consciousness following the Supreme Court ’s 1966 ruling in Miranda v. Arizona, whereby suspects were required to be informed of their most important rights, including the right against self - incrimination, before being interrogated in police custody.",Miranda v. Arizona +"The U.S. government has implemented a number of programs to assist those below the poverty line and those who have incomes just above the poverty line, who are referred to as the near - poor.",the near - poor +"The O horizon has freshly decomposing organic matter — humus — at its surface, with decomposed vegetation at its base.",The O horizon humus +"Many states do have usury laws, which impose an upper limit on the interest rate that lenders can charge.",usury laws +The allele frequency( or gene frequency) is the rate at which a specific allele appears within a population.,The allele frequency gene frequency +"Several physical changes occur during puberty, such as adrenarche and gonadarche, the maturing of the adrenal glands and sex glands, respectively.",adrenarche and gonadarche +"To produce large power, reactors contain hundreds to thousands of critical masses, and the chain reaction easily becomes self - sustaining, a condition called criticality.",criticality +The term “ cross - price ” refers to the idea that the price of one good is affecting the quantity demanded of a different good.,cross - price +These nucleotide triplets are called codons.,codons +"Samuel Adams, along with Joseph Warren and James Otis, re - formed the Boston Committee of Correspondence, which functioned as a form of shadow government, to address the fear of British overreach.",the Boston Committee of Correspondence +"A grazing food web( such as the Lake Ontario food web in) has plants or other photosynthetic organisms at its base, followed by herbivores and various carnivores.",A grazing food web +"Under the labor theory of value, said critics, the value of a product should accurately reflect the labor needed to produce it.",the labor theory of value +"A pandemic is a widespread, usually worldwide, epidemic.",A pandemic +"Taste, also called gustation, and smell, also called olfaction, are the most interconnected senses in that both involve molecules of the stimulus entering the body and bonding to receptors.",Taste gustation smell olfaction +"In the same year, the Clean Air Act was enacted to address air pollution.",the Clean Air Act +"Topsoil is rich in organic material ; microbial processes occur there, and it is the “ workhorse ” of plant production.",Topsoil +The familiar term voltage is the common name for potential difference.,voltage +"Ampere ’s law in turn is a part of Maxwell ’s equations, which give a complete theory of all electromagnetic phenomena.",Maxwell ’s equations +"Ball - and - Socket JointsBall - and - socket joints possess a rounded, ball - like end of one bone fitting into a cuplike socket of another bone.",JointsBall - and - socket joints +"The print shows the Boston Tea Party, a protest against the Tea Act of 1773, and the Liberty Tree, an elm tree near Boston Common that became a rallying point against the Stamp Act of 1765.",the Boston Tea Party the Liberty Tree +"This shape is called the plumule hook, and it persists as long as germination proceeds in the dark.",the plumule hook +An asset is something of value that is owned and can be used to produce something.,An asset +A nucleus that spontaneously destroys part of its mass to emit radiation is said to decay( a term also used to describe the emission of radiation by atoms in excited states).,decay +The plasma component of blood without the coagulation factors is called the serum.,the serum +"Within the glomerulus, the network of capillaries is called the glomerular capillary bed.",the glomerular capillary bed +"The balance of trade( or trade balance) is any gap between a nation ’s dollar value of its exports, or what its producers sell abroad, and a nation ’s dollar worth of imports, or the foreign - made products and services that households and businesses purchase.",The balance of trade trade balance +"This concept, called relative fitness, allows researchers to determine which individuals are contributing additional offspring to the next generation, and thus, how the population might evolve.",relative fitness +Conductors contain free charges that move easily.,Conductors +"In 1996, The Defense of Marriage Act( DOMA) was passed, explicitly limiting the definition of “ marriage ” to a union between one man and one woman.",The Defense of Marriage Act DOMA +Net primary productivity is an estimation of all of the organic matter available as food ; it is calculated as the total amount of carbon fixed per year minus the amount that is oxidized during cellular respiration.,Net primary productivity +"Venture capital firms make financial investments in new companies that are still relatively small in size, but that have potential to grow substantially.",Venture capital firms +"We can contrast civil rights with civil liberties, which are limitations on government power designed to protect our fundamental freedoms.",civil liberties +"Personality traits are relatively consistent patterns of thought and behavior, and many have proposed that five trait dimensions are sufficient to capture the variations in personality seen across individuals.",Personality traits +"We see the emergence of global assembly lines, where products are assembled over the course of several international transactions.",global assembly lines +"First, interest groups may take the form of membership organizations, which individuals join voluntarily and to which they usually pay dues.",membership organizations +"The resultant looks like a wave standing in place and, thus, is called a standing wave.",a standing wave +Peptide bonds form between the amino group of the amino acid attached to the A - site tRNA and the carboxyl group of the amino acid attached to the P - site tRNA.,Peptide bonds +Synchondroses are found in the epiphyseal plates of growing bones in children.,Synchondroses +"In cortical nephrons, the peritubular capillary network surrounds the PCT and DCT.",cortical nephrons +"In November 1775, he issued a decree, known as Dunmore ’s Proclamation, promising freedom to slaves and indentured servants of rebels who remained loyal to the king and who pledged to fight with the Loyalists against the insurgents.",Dunmore ’s Proclamation +This type of cell division is called binary( prokaryotic) fission. Binary Fission,binary ( prokaryotic ) fission +"The patella, or kneecap, is a triangular bone that lies anterior to the knee joint.",The patella kneecap +The rate at which the body uses food energy to sustain life and to do different activities is called the metabolic rate.,the metabolic rate +"In an attempt to calm fears and prevent any real fifth - column actions, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which authorized the removal of people from military areas as necessary.",Executive Order 9066 +"In contrast, in a longitudinal wave or compressional wave, the disturbance is parallel to the direction of propagation.",a longitudinal wave compressional wave +"In the summer of 1819, James Long, a planter from Natchez, Mississippi, became a filibuster, or a private, unauthorized military adventurer, when he led three hundred men on an expedition across the Sabine River to take control of Texas.",a filibuster +The means to do this is chosen in meetings of the two major parties ; Republican meetings are called party conferences and Democrat meetings are called party caucuses.,Republican meetings party caucuses +"Marriage PatternsWith single parenting and cohabitation( when a couple shares a residence but not a marriage) becoming more acceptable in recent years, people may be less motivated to get married.",cohabitation +"He next began to grow his company through vertical integration, wherein a company handles all aspects of a product ’s lifecycle, from the creation of raw materials through the production process to the delivery of the final product.",vertical integration +"The upper curve ending at point B is an isothermal process — that is, one in which temperature is kept constant.",an isothermal process +"Heterothallic mycelia require two different, but compatible, mycelia to reproduce sexually.",Heterothallic mycelia +"MHC I molecules are proteins on the surfaces of all nucleated cells, thus they are scarce on red blood cells and platelets which are non - nucleated.",MHC I +"Many adopted millennialism, the fervent belief that the Kingdom of God would be established on earth and that God would reign on earth for a thousand years, characterized by harmony and Christian morality.",millennialism +"A recession is a situation in which the economy as a whole is shrinking in size, business failures outnumber the remaining success stories, and many firms end up suffering losses and laying off workers.",A recession +"Psychosocial development involves emotions, personality, and social relationships.",Psychosocial development +Fertilization between the gametes forms a diploid zygote.,a diploid zygote +Sebaceous glands produce a lipid mixture called sebum that is secreted onto the hair and skin for water resistance and lubrication.,Sebaceous glands +"Immune tolerance is brought about by specialized APCs in the liver, lymph nodes, small intestine, and lung that present harmless antigens to an exceptionally diverse population of regulatory T( Treg) cells, specialized lymphocytes that suppress local inflammation and inhibit the secretion of stimulatory immune factors.",regulatory T ( Treg ) cells +The dogs ’ salivation was an unconditioned response( UCR) : a natural( unlearned) reaction to a given stimulus.,an unconditioned response UCR +"This erroneous assumption is called the fundamental attribution error( Ross, 1977 ; Riggio & Garcia, 2009).",the fundamental attribution error +"A palmately compound leaf resembles the palm of a hand, with leaflets radiating outwards from one point Examples include the leaves of poison ivy, the buckeye tree, or the familiar houseplant Schefflera sp.",A palmately compound leaf +Courtship displays are a series of ritualized visual behaviors( signals) designed to attract and convince a member of the opposite sex to mate.,Courtship displays +"This landmark decision reaffirmed the notion of “ one person, one vote, ” a concept holding that all people ’s votes should be counted equally.",This landmark decision +This attempt to understand the structure or characteristics of the mind was known as structuralism.,structuralism +"In other words, there will be more nurses looking for jobs in the area. At equilibrium, the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded are equal.",equilibrium +"The 369th Infantry, for example, known as the Harlem Hellfighters, served on the frontline of France for six months, longer than any other American unit.",The 369th Infantry the Harlem Hellfighters +"In contrast, applied science or “ technology, ” aims to use science to solve real - world problems, making it possible, for example, to improve a crop yield, find a cure for a particular disease, or save animals threatened by a natural disaster.","applied science “ technology , ”" +"One important fossil of an animal intermediate to dinosaurs and birds is Archaeopteryx, which is from the Jurassic period.",Archaeopteryx +"A class consists of a set of people who share similar status with regard to factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation.",A class +An articulation is any place at which two bones are joined.,An articulation +"A price ceiling keeps a price from rising above a certain level( the “ ceiling ”), while a price floor keeps a price from falling below a certain level( the “ floor ”).",A price ceiling a price floor +Such goods or services that are available to all without charge are called public goods.,public goods +"Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening, disruptive behavior that occurs at the workplace.",Workplace violence +"For example, phenylketonuria( PKU) is a condition in which individuals lack an enzyme that normally converts harmful amino acids into harmless byproducts.",phenylketonuria PKU +"The most famous presidential proclamation was Abraham Lincoln ’s Emancipation Proclamation( 1863), which declared slaves in areas under Confederate control to be free( with a few exceptions).",Abraham Lincoln ’s Emancipation Proclamation +Liberal internationalism advocates a foreign policy approach in which the United States becomes proactively engaged in world affairs.,Liberal internationalism +"An individual with an error in chromosome number is described as aneuploid, a term that includes monosomy( loss of one chromosome) or trisomy( gain of an extraneous chromosome).",aneuploid monosomy trisomy +"We can understand self - serving bias by digging more deeply into attribution, a belief about the cause of a result.",attribution +Polygynous mating refers to one male mating with multiple females.,Polygynous mating +"Ethnicity is a term that describes shared culture — the practices, values, and beliefs of a group.",Ethnicity +"The term culture refers to all of the beliefs, customs, art, and traditions of a particular society.",culture +Marginal utility per dollar is the amount of additional utility José receives given the price of the product.,Marginal utility per dollar +"The auditory cortex, the main area responsible for processing auditory information, is located within the temporal lobe.",The auditory cortex +"In 1899, Secretary of State Hay made a bold move to acquire China ’s vast markets for American access by introducing Open Door notes, a series of circular notes that Hay himself drafted as an expression of U.S. interests in the region and sent to the other competing powers.",Open Door notes +Some mutations are not expressed ; these are known as silent mutations.,silent mutations +Baker pushed for a “ participatory Democracy ” that built on the grassroots campaigns of active citizens instead of deferring to the leadership of educated elites and experts.,a “ participatory Democracy ” +Extra - embryonic membranes are membranes present in amniotic eggs that are not a part of the body of the developing embryo.,Extra - embryonic membranes +"Expressive crowds are people who join together to express emotion, often at funerals, weddings, or the like.",Expressive crowds +"Respiratory systems vary depending on the group of arthropod : insects and myriapods use a series of tubes( tracheae) that branch through the body, open to the outside through openings called spiracles, and perform gas exchange directly between the cells and air in the tracheae, whereas aquatic crustaceans utilize gills, terrestrial chelicerates employ book lungs, and aquatic chelicerates use book gills.",tracheae +The campaign called upon African Americans to accomplish the two “ Vs ” : victory over America ’s foreign enemies and victory over racism in the United States.,The campaign +Phosphorescence is the de - excitation of a metastable state.,Phosphorescence +"The basal metabolic rate, which is the amount of calories required by the body at rest, is determined by two hormones produced by the thyroid gland : thyroxine, also known as tetraiodothyronine or T4, and triiodothyronine, also known as T3.",The basal metabolic rate +"Political parties that are formed as alternatives to the Republican and Democratic parties are known as third parties, or minor parties.",third parties minor parties +Gamma decay is the simplest form of nuclear decay — it is the emission of energetic photons by nuclei left in an excited state by some earlier process.,Gamma decay +"According to this view, physiological arousal and emotional experience occur simultaneously, yet independently( Lang, 1994).",this view +"Polaroid materials, invented by the founder of Polaroid Corporation, Edwin Land, act as a polarizing slit for light, allowing only polarization in one direction to pass through.",Polaroid materials +Situationism is the view that our behavior and actions are determined by our immediate environment and surroundings.,Situationism +"Another type of selection, called frequency - dependent selection, favors phenotypes that are either common( positive frequency - dependent selection) or rare( negative frequency - dependent selection).",frequency - dependent selection +A thick fiber bundle called the corpus callosum( Latin : “ tough body ”) connects the two hemispheres and allows information to be passed from one side to the other.,the corpus callosum +"The O horizon has freshly decomposing organic matter — humus — at its surface, with decomposed vegetation at its base.",The O horizon +"Irreversible processes involve dissipative factors, such as friction and turbulence.",Irreversible processes +"When you keep remembering something, to the point where you ca n’t “ get it out of your head ” and it interferes with your ability to concentrate on other things, it is called persistence.",persistence +"Anthropoids include monkeys, apes, and humans.",Anthropoids +"Unitary elasticities indicate proportional responsiveness of either demand or supply, as summarized in.",Unitary elasticities +"From a biological perspective, an instinct is a species - specific pattern of behavior that is not learned.",an instinct +"The formation of each peptide bond is catalyzed by peptidyl transferase, an RNA - based enzyme that is integrated into the 50S ribosomal subunit.",peptidyl transferase +"This subgroup includes several parasites, collectively called trypanosomes, which cause devastating human diseases and infect an insect species during a portion of their life cycle.",This subgroup +"The lens of the eye changes with age in ways that tend to preserve the ability to see distant objects clearly but do not allow the eye to accommodate for close vision, a condition called presbyopia( literally, elder eye).",presbyopia +The units in which they are measured are thus called fundamental units.,fundamental units +The caucus or large - scale gathering was made up of legislators in the Congress who met informally to decide on nominees from their respective parties.,caucus +"In theory, communism promotes common ownership of all property, means of production, and materials.",communism +"The peripheral route is an indirect route that uses peripheral cues to associate positivity with the message( Petty & Cacioppo, 1986).",The peripheral route +Laminar flow is characterized by the smooth flow of the fluid in layers that do not mix.,Laminar flow +"The second portion of the mitotic phase, called cytokinesis, is the physical separation of the cytoplasmic components into the two daughter cells. Link to Learning",cytokinesis +"According to the drive theory of motivation, deviations from homeostasis create physiological needs.",the drive theory of motivation +"The Radio Act( 1927) created the Federal Radio Commission( FRC), which made the first effort to set standards, frequencies, and license stations.",The Radio Act ( 1927 ) +Water potential is a measure of the potential energy in water.,Water potential +"A karyotype is the number and appearance of chromosomes, and includes their length, banding pattern, and centromere position.",A karyotype +"This erroneous assumption is called the fundamental attribution error( Ross, 1977 ; Riggio & Garcia, 2009).",the fundamental attribution error +"The terminal buttons contain synaptic vesicles that house neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers of the nervous system.",The terminal buttons +"The structures of the inner ear are found in the labyrinth, a bony, hollow structure that is the most interior portion of the ear.",the labyrinth +"Early in his second term, Roosevelt read muckraker Upton Sinclair ’s 1905 novel and exposé on the meatpacking industry, The Jungle.",The Jungle +"It is one aspect of bioelectricity, or electrical effects in and created by biological systems.",bioelectricity +"If the fruit develops from a single carpel or fused carpels of a single ovary, it is known as a simple fruit, as seen in nuts and beans.",a simple fruit +"In a normal - sighted individual, the lens will focus images perfectly on a small indentation in the back of the eye known as the fovea, which is part of the retina, the light - sensitive lining of the eye.",the fovea the retina +"In 1976, journalist Barbara Walters became the first female coanchor on a network news show, The ABC Evening News.",Barbara Walters +They provide clues to understanding experiences by conveying recognizable meanings that are shared by societies.,They +"Hoping to prevent conflict with Indian tribes in the Ohio Valley, Parliament passed the Proclamation of 1763, which forbade the colonists to purchase land or settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.",the Proclamation of 1763 +The Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to African Americans and equal protection under the law regardless of race or color.,The Fourteenth Amendment +"Some House and Senate members ask to serve on the foreign policy committees, such as the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the two defense committees.",the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations the House Foreign Affairs Committee +The liver is the largest internal organ in humans and it plays a very important role in digestion of fats and detoxifying blood.,The liver +"Glial cells provide scaffolding on which the nervous system is built, help neurons line up closely with each other to allow neuronal communication, provide insulation to neurons, transport nutrients and waste products, and mediate immune responses.",Glial cells +A bill of rights is a list of the liberties and protections possessed by a nation ’s citizens.,A bill of rights +"In 1856, he began a decade - long research pursuit involving inheritance patterns in honeybees and plants, ultimately settling on pea plants as his primary model system( a system with convenient characteristics used to study a specific biological phenomenon to be applied to other systems).",primary model system +"It is made up of organelles suspended in the gel - like cytosol, the cytoskeleton, and various chemicals.",It +The branch that exits the glomerulus is called the efferent arteriole.,the efferent arteriole +"In this speech, they discuss economic and political achievements, cite data that supports their accomplishments, and overview the major items on their legislative agenda.",this speech +"Allopatric speciation( allo- = "" other "" ; -patric = "" homeland "") involves geographic separation of populations from a parent species and subsequent evolution.",Allopatric speciation +a) Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an individual based on the genetic material( DNA) inherited from one ’s parents.,Genotype +"After a goodwill tour of Central American countries immediately following his election in 1928, Hoover shaped the subsequent Clark Memorandum — released in 1930 — which largely repudiated the previous Roosevelt Corollary, establishing a basis for unlimited American military intervention throughout Latin America.",Clark Memorandum +Language is a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted.,Language +"Urea concentration in the blood, called blood urea nitrogen or BUN, is used as an indicator of kidney function.",blood urea nitrogen BUN +"Another key exception to the right to freedom of expression is obscenity, acts or statements that are extremely offensive under current societal standards.",obscenity +"In the brain, the hypothalamus, which lies above the pituitary gland, is a main center of homeostasis.",the hypothalamus +Procedural justice refers to the fairness of the processes by which outcomes are determined in conflicts with or among employees.,Procedural justice +The acetylcholine activates the postganglionic neurons.,The acetylcholine +"Eddy currents can produce significant drag, called magnetic damping, on the motion involved.",magnetic damping +The study of the function of proteomes is called proteomics.,proteomics +"Similarly, in matrilocal residence systems, where it is customary for the husband to live with his wife ’s blood relatives( or her family of orientation), the husband can feel disconnected and can be labeled as an outsider.",matrilocal residence systems +The ratio of carbon dioxide production to oxygen consumption is the respiratory quotient( RQ).,the respiratory quotient RQ +Deafness is the partial or complete inability to hear.,Deafness +"Specialized feathers called down feathers are especially insulating, trapping air in spaces between each feather to decrease the rate of heat loss.",down feathers +"In May 1861, Union general Benjamin Butler and others labeled these refugees from slavery contrabands.",contrabands +"The final imperial war, the French and Indian War( 1754 – 1763), known as the Seven Years ’ War( 1756 – 1763) in Europe, proved to be the decisive contest between Britain and France in America.",the French and Indian War the Seven Years ’ War +"A supply schedule is a table, like, that shows the quantity supplied at a range of different prices.",A supply schedule +The adrenal glands consist of an outer adrenal cortex and an inner adrenal medulla.,The adrenal glands +Presbyopia is a deficit similar to a different type of farsightedness called hyperopia caused by an eyeball that is too short.,hyperopia +The phenomenon of driving a system with a frequency equal to its natural frequency is called resonance.,resonance +The esophagus is a tubular organ that connects the mouth to the stomach.,The esophagus +a) Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an individual based on the genetic material( DNA) inherited from one ’s parents.,Genotype DNA +"The adrenal glands sit atop our kidneys and secrete hormones involved in the stress response, such as epinephrine( adrenaline) and norepinephrine( noradrenaline).",The adrenal glands +"The Heritage Foundation, one such group, soon became the intellectual arm of the conservative movement.",The Heritage Foundation +Feedback inhibition involves the use of a reaction product to regulate its own further production.,Feedback inhibition +"The second world was the in - between category : nations not as limited in development as the third world, but not as well off as the first world, having moderate economies and standard of living, such as China or Cuba.",The second world +"Other bacteria and archaea are adapted to grow under extreme conditions and are called extremophiles, meaning “ lovers of extremes. ” Extremophiles have been found in all kinds of environments : the depth of the oceans, hot springs, the Artic and the Antarctic, in very dry places, deep inside Earth, in harsh chemical environments, and in high radiation environments, just to mention a few.",extremophiles +The limbic system is involved in processing both emotion and memory.,The limbic system +"When the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year, it runs a budget deficit.",a budget deficit +"Phonemes are combined to form morphemes, which are the smallest units of language that convey some type of meaning( e.g., “ I ” is both a phoneme and a morpheme).",morphemes +Crimes are usually labeled felonies or misdemeanors based on their nature and seriousness ; felonies are the more serious crimes.,felonies +"Technological globalization is speeded in large part by technological diffusion, the spread of technology across borders.",technological diffusion +Systolic pressure is measured by noting the value of hh size 12{h } { } when blood flow first begins as cuff pressure is lowered.,Systolic pressure +Relative humidity tells us how much water vapor is in the air compared with the maximum possible.,Relative humidity +This particular approach is known as the biopsychosocial model.,the biopsychosocial model +Iteroparity describes species that reproduce repeatedly during their lives.,Iteroparity +"On September 20, in an address to a joint session of Congress, Bush declared war on terrorism, blamed al - Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden for the attacks, and demanded that the radical Islamic fundamentalists who ruled Afghanistan, the Taliban, turn bin Laden over or face attack by the United States.",the Taliban +"When forming these basic research questions, sociologists develop an operational definition, that is, they define the concept in terms of the physical or concrete steps it takes to objectively measure it.",an operational definition +"TEMAS — standing for “ Tell Me a Story ” but also a play on the Spanish word temas( themes) — uses images and storytelling cues that relate to minority culture( Constantino, 1982).",TEMAS +This continuously synthesized strand is known as the leading strand.,the leading +"Transcription always proceeds from the same DNA strand for each gene, which is called the template strand.",the template strand +"In some cases, the person will exhibit catatonic behaviors, which show decreased reactivity to the environment, such as posturing, in which the person maintains a rigid and bizarre posture for long periods of time, or catatonic stupor, a complete lack of movement and verbal behavior.",catatonic behaviors +Water entering the spongocoel is extruded via a large common opening called the osculum.,the osculum +"Economists refer to this pattern as the law of diminishing marginal utility, which means that as a person receives more of a good, the additional( or marginal) utility from each additional unit of the good declines.",the law of diminishing marginal utility +Dissociation occurs when atoms or groups of atoms break off from molecules and form ions.,Dissociation +A model is a representation of something that is often too difficult( or impossible) to display directly.,A model +"Together, all three are known as the pericarp.",the pericarp +These were excerpts from a study prepared during the Johnson administration that revealed the true nature of the conflict in Vietnam.,These +"Peer - reviewed manuscripts are scientific papers that are reviewed by a scientist ’s colleagues, or peers.",Peer - reviewed manuscripts +Continuous variation results from the action of many genes to determine a characteristic like human height.,Continuous variation +"Indeed, CORE ’s actions were in keeping with the goals of the Double V campaign that was begun in 1942 by the Pittsburgh Courier, the largest African American newspaper at the time.",the Double V campaign the Pittsburgh Courier +"First, in the process of megasporogenesis, a single cell in the diploid megasporangium — an area of tissue in the ovules — undergoes meiosis to produce four megaspores, only one of which survives.",megasporogenesis +"At the beginning of Pontiac ’s uprising, the British issued the Proclamation of 1763, which forbade white settlement west of the Proclamation Line, a borderline running along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains.",the Proclamation of 1763 the Proclamation Line +"Phrenology — the mapping of the cranium to specific human attributes — stands as an early type of science, related to what would become psychology and devoted to understanding how the mind worked.",Phrenology +"Executive agreements are negotiated by the president, and in the case of sole executive agreements, they are simultaneously approved by the president as well.",Executive agreements +"Additionally, he outlined with Secretary of State Henry Stimson the Hoover - Stimson Doctrine, which announced that the United States would never recognize claims to territories seized by force( a direct response to the recent Japanese invasion of Manchuria).",the Hoover - Stimson Doctrine +"A foodborne disease( colloquially called “ food poisoning ”) is an illness resulting from the consumption the pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or other parasites that contaminate food.",A foodborne disease food poisoning +"Sociology is the study of groups and group interactions, societies and social interactions, from small and personal groups to very large groups.",Sociology +"In short, collective behavior is any group behavior that is not mandated or regulated by an institution.",collective behavior +"The easiest switch would be to a majoritarian voting scheme, in which a candidate wins only if he or she enjoys the support of a majority of voters.",a majoritarian voting scheme +"Individuals who experience depersonalization might believe their thoughts and feelings are not their own ; they may feel robotic as though they lack control over their movements and speech ; they may experience a distorted sense of time and, in extreme cases, they may sense an “ out - of - body ” experience in which they see themselves from the vantage point of another person.",depersonalization +Dorsiflexion is a bending at the ankle such that the toes are lifted toward the knee.,Dorsiflexion +The price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a good or service divided by the percentage change in the price.,The price elasticity of demand +The diversity of alleles and genotypes within a population is called genetic variance.,genetic variance +"The point where the supply curve( S) and the demand curve( D) cross, designated by point E in, is called the equilibrium.",the equilibrium +Jet lag is a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment.,Jet lag +"Under the Articles of Confederation( the first constitution of the United States), states were sovereign and powerful while the national government was subordinate and weak.",the Articles of Confederation +"As cardiac output increases, the number of capillaries and arteries that are perfused( filled with blood) increases.",perfused +"On their reservation, the Sioux had begun to perform the “ Ghost Dance, ” which told of an Indian Messiah who would deliver the tribe from its hardship, with such frequency that white settlers began to worry that another uprising would occur.","the “ Ghost Dance , ”" +"An organic compound is a chemical compound that contains carbon, such as carbon dioxide obtained from the atmosphere.",An organic compound +The apical surface of each villus has many microscopic projections called microvilli.,microvilli +Linkage analysis involves studying the recombination frequency between any two genes.,Linkage analysis +"The auditory cortex, the main area responsible for processing auditory information, is located within the temporal lobe.",The auditory cortex +"In his book The Power Elite( 1956), sociologist C. Wright Mills described the existence of what he dubbed the power elite, a small group of wealthy and influential people at the top of society who hold the power and resources.",the power elite +"Pine cones, mature fronds of ferns, and flowers are all sporophylls — leaves that were modified structurally to bear sporangia.",sporophylls +"As revolutionary rhetoric emanating from Bolshevik Russia intensified in 1918 and 1919, a Red Scare erupted in the United States over fear that Communist infiltrators sought to overthrow the American government as part of an international revolution.",a Red Scare +General relativity encompasses special relativity and classical relativity in situations where acceleration is zero and relative velocity is small compared with the speed of light.,General relativity +"Unilateral descent( the tracing of kinship through one parent only) is practiced in the other 40 percent of the world ’s societies, with high concentration in pastoral cultures( O’Neal 2006).",Unilateral descent +Psychoactive drugs can act as agonists or antagonists for a given neurotransmitter system.,Psychoactive drugs +Cartilage is a connective tissue with a large amount of the matrix and variable amounts of fibers.,Cartilage +Open market operations take place when the central bank sells or buys U.S. Treasury bonds in order to influence the quantity of bank reserves and the level of interest rates.,Open market operations +"Kennedy also established the Agency for International Development to oversee the distribution of foreign aid, and he founded the Peace Corps, which recruited idealistic young people to undertake humanitarian projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.",the Peace Corps +A credit union is a nonprofit financial institution that its members own and run.,A credit union +Gage 's case occurred in the midst of a 19th century debate over localization — regarding whether certain areas of the brain are associated with particular functions.,localization +It is important to distinguish between de jure segregation( segregation that is enforced by law) and de facto segregation( segregation that occurs without laws but because of other factors).,de jure segregation de facto segregation +"The filament supports the anther, where the microspores are produced by meiosis and develop into pollen grains.",The filament +"In 2010, the Supreme Court ’s ruling on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission led to the removal of spending limits on corporations.",Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission +"While an algorithm must be followed exactly to produce a correct result, a heuristic is a general problem - solving framework( Tversky & Kahneman, 1974).",a heuristic +"Medicaid( which provides medical assistance to the indigent), Medicare( which provides health insurance to the elderly and disabled), and school nutrition programs were created.",Medicaid Medicare +"Internal receptors, also known as intracellular or cytoplasmic receptors, are found in the cytoplasm of the cell and respond to hydrophobic ligand molecules that are able to travel across the plasma membrane.",Internal receptors intracellular or cytoplasmic receptors +"A solenoid is a long coil of wire( with many turns or loops, as opposed to a flat loop).",A solenoid +"Some offer material incentives, which are tangible benefits of joining a group.",material incentives +"Manifest content is the actual content, or storyline, of a dream.",Manifest content +Locke called this implicit agreement between a people and their government the social contract.,the social contract +"Until then most scholars had thought of federalism as a layer cake, but according to Grodzins the 1930s ushered in “ marble - cake federalism ” : “",“ marble - cake federalism ” +"The Fifteenth Amendment gave men the right to vote regardless of race or color, but women were still prohibited from voting in most states.",The Fifteenth Amendment +"Thus, a confederation was created — an entity in which independent, self - governing states form a union for the purpose of acting together in areas such as defense.",a confederation +Convection is the heat transfer by the macroscopic movement of a fluid.,Convection +"The medulla controls the automatic processes of the autonomic nervous system, such as breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate.",The medulla +"Chemiosmosis, a process of ATP production in cellular metabolism, is used to generate 90 percent of the ATP made during glucose catabolism and is also the method used in the light reactions of photosynthesis to harness the energy of sunlight.",Chemiosmosis +Ependymal cells line fluid - filled ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord.,Ependymal cells +Positive polarity means that the genomic RNA can serve directly as mRNA.,Positive polarity +"One policy category, known as distributive policy, tends to collect payments or resources from many but concentrates direct benefits on relatively few.",distributive policy +"The first is to rely on heuristics, shortcuts or rules of thumb( cues) for decision making.",heuristics +A total institution is one in which inmates or military soldiers live a controlled lifestyle and in which total resocialization takes place.,A total institution +"Traditionally, ecologists have measured biodiversity, a general term for the variety present in the biosphere, by taking into account both the number of species and their commonness.",biodiversity +"The driving force puts energy into the system at a certain frequency, not necessarily the same as the natural frequency of the system.",The driving force +"The world ’s great economic success stories in the last few decades began in the 1970s with that group of nations sometimes known as the East Asian Tigers : South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.",the East Asian Tigers +"The challenge is that these products, which are multiplying at alarming rates thanks in part to planned obsolescence( the designing of products to quickly become outdated and then be replaced by the constant emergence of newer and cheaper electronics), have toxic chemicals and precious metals in them, which makes for a dangerous combination.",planned obsolescence +Infinite elasticity or perfect elasticity refers to the extreme case where either the quantity demanded( Qd) or supplied( Qs) changes by an infinite amount in response to any change in price at all.,Infinite elasticity perfect elasticity +"Together, all three are known as the pericarp.",the pericarp +Saliva also contains an enzyme called salivary amylase that begins the process of converting starches in the food into a disaccharide called maltose.,salivary amylase +"Structural isomers( like butane and isobutene shown in a) differ in the placement of their covalent bonds : both molecules have four carbons and ten hydrogens( C4H10), but the different arrangement of the atoms within the molecules leads to differences in their chemical properties.",Structural isomers +The female gonads are the ovaries ; the male gonads are the testes.,the ovaries the testes +"In this stage, there is a sexual reawakening as the incestuous urges resurface.",this stage +"Circumduction is the movement of a limb in a circular motion, as in moving the arm in a circular motion.",Circumduction +"The auditory cortex, the main area responsible for processing auditory information, is located within the temporal lobe.",The auditory cortex +"The term strobilus( plural = strobili) describes a tight arrangement of sporophylls around a central stalk, as seen in cones.",strobilus +Interior to the tympanum is the middle ear.,the middle ear +"Today, modern liberalism focuses on equality and supports government intervention in society and the economy if it promotes equality.",modern liberalism +The peduncle attaches the flower to the plant.,The peduncle +"The Medicare payroll tax is also called a proportional tax ; that is, a flat percentage of all wages earned.",a proportional tax +A group of firms that have a formal agreement to collude to produce the monopoly output and sell at the monopoly price is called a cartel.,a cartel +"Extant members of Cephalochordata are the lancelets, named for their blade - like shape.",the lancelets +"The vegetative stage consists of a tangle of slender thread - like structures called hyphae( singular, hypha), whereas the reproductive stage can be more conspicuous.",hyphae +"Ammonia can be used by plants or converted to other forms. Another source of ammonia is ammonification, the process by which ammonia is released during the decomposition of nitrogen - containing organic compounds.",ammonification +The cell is in a quiescent( inactive) stage that occurs when cells exit the cell cycle.,quiescent +Pregnancy begins with the fertilization of an egg and continues through to the birth of the individual.,Pregnancy +"Socialism is an economic system in which there is government ownership( often referred to as “ state run ”) of goods and their production, with an impetus to share work and wealth equally among the members of a society.",Socialism +"The third column shows marginal utility, which is the additional utility provided by one additional unit of consumption.",marginal utility +Species dispersion patterns( or distribution patterns) show the spatial relationship between members of a population within a habitat at a particular point in time.,Species dispersion patterns distribution patterns +Reproductive cloning is a method used to make a clone or an identical copy of an entire multicellular organism.,Reproductive cloning +The iliac artery takes blood to the lower limbs.,The iliac artery +"Consequently, land plants and closely related green algae are now part of a new monophyletic group called Streptophyta.",Streptophyta +Article II of the Constitution lays out the agreed - upon requirements — the chief executive must be at least thirty - five years old and a “ natural born ” citizen of the United States( or a citizen at the time of the Constitution ’s adoption) who has been an inhabitant of the United States for at least fourteen years.,Article II of the Constitution +"When similar characteristics occur because of environmental constraints and not due to a close evolutionary relationship, it is called an analogy or homoplasy.",an analogy homoplasy +Appositional growth is the increase in the diameter of bones by the addition of bony tissue at the surface of bones.,Appositional growth +"The cells in the tubules are called flame cells( or protonephridia) because they have a cluster of cilia that looks like a flickering flame when viewed under the microscope, as illustrated ina.",flame cells protonephridia +"For example, palmitic acid, a saturated fatty acid, is derived from the palm tree.",palmitic acid +A monetary policy that lowers interest rates and stimulates borrowing is known as an expansionary monetary policy or loose monetary policy.,an expansionary monetary policy loose monetary policy +"Until adolescence, hyaline cartilage persists at the epiphyseal plate( growth plate), which is the region between the diaphysis and epiphysis that is responsible for the lengthwise growth of long bones.",the epiphyseal plate growth plate +"The plan featured a bicameral or two - house legislature, with an upper and a lower house.",a bicameral +Organisms that are all members of the same species are called conspecifics.),conspecifics +"Adopted in 1791, the bill consisted of the first ten amendments to the Constitution and outlined many of the personal rights state constitutions already guaranteed.",the bill +Strobili are cone - like structures that contain sporangia.,Strobili +The rate at which the body uses food energy to sustain life and to do different activities is called the metabolic rate.,the metabolic rate +Ethnography is the extended observation of the social perspective and cultural values of an entire social setting.,Ethnography +Mature mammalian red blood cells are not capable of aerobic respiration — the process in which organisms convert energy in the presence of oxygen — and glycolysis is their sole source of ATP.,aerobic respiration +"Industrial - Organizational psychology( I - O psychology) is a subfield of psychology that applies psychological theories, principles, and research findings in industrial and organizational settings.",Industrial - Organizational psychology I - O psychology +This kind of test relies on one of the defense mechanisms proposed by Freud — projection — as a way to assess unconscious processes.,This kind of test +"A savings account typically pays some interest rate, but getting the money typically requires you to make a trip to the bank or an automatic teller machine( or you can access the funds electronically).",A savings account +"A soft peg is the name for an exchange rate policy where the government usually allows the exchange rate to be set by the market, but in some cases, especially if the exchange rate seems to be moving rapidly in one direction, the central bank will intervene in the market.",A soft peg +"A third very interesting group of bacteria synthesize sugars, not by using sunlight ’s energy, but by extracting energy from inorganic chemical compounds ; hence, they are referred to as chemoautotrophs.",chemoautotrophs +Social processes that have undesirable consequences for the operation of society are called dysfunctions.,dysfunctions +Rotational movement is the movement of a bone as it rotates around its longitudinal axis.,Rotational movement +"To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a person must have experienced a manic episode at least once in his life ; although major depressive episodes are common in bipolar disorder, they are not required for a diagnosis( APA, 2013).",bipolar disorder +"Plant patents, the final type, recognize the discovery of new plant types that can be asexually reproduced.",Plant patents +"The stimulating growth factor was found to be cytokinin, a hormone that promotes cytokinesis( cell division).",cytokinin +"With avoidant attachment, the child is unresponsive to the parent, does not use the parent as a secure base, and does not care if the parent leaves.",avoidant attachment +Structures that produce photosynthates for the growing plant are referred to as sources.,sources +"When Griffith filmed In Old California( 1910), the first movie ever shot in Hollywood, California, the small town north of Los Angeles was little more than a village.",In Old California ( 1910 ) +The sliding clamp is a ring - shaped protein that binds to the DNA and holds the polymerase in place.,The sliding clamp +"Syntax refers to the way words are organized into sentences( Chomsky, 1965 ; Fernández & Cairns, 2011).",Syntax +"The Civil Rights Act and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act make provisions for bona fide occupational qualifications( BFOQs), which are requirements of certain occupations for which denying an individual employment would otherwise violate the law.",bona fide occupational qualifications BFOQs +"Feminist sociologist Patricia Hill Collins( 1990) developed intersection theory, which suggests we can not separate the effects of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes.",intersection theory +This is known as deceleration.,deceleration +"However, in 1989, the Supreme Court decided in Texas v. Johnson that burning the flag was a form of symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment and found the law, as applied to flag desecration, to be unconstitutional. Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397( 1989).",Texas v. Johnson +Amalgamation is the process by which a minority group and a majority group combine to form a new group.,Amalgamation +"The tone was the neutral stimulus( NS), which is a stimulus that does not naturally elicit a response.",the neutral stimulus NS +The law of conservation of energy can be stated as follows : Total energy is constant in any process.,The law of conservation of energy +"Projectile motion is the motion of an object thrown or projected into the air, subject to only the acceleration of gravity.",Projectile motion +"Unitary elasticities indicate proportional responsiveness of either demand or supply, as summarized in.",Unitary elasticities +Cells are broken using a lysis buffer( a solution which is mostly a detergent) ; lysis means “ to split. ” These enzymes break apart lipid molecules in the cell membranes and nuclear membranes.,a lysis buffer These +"They were known as exodusters, referencing the biblical flight from Egypt, because they fled the racism of the South, with most of them headed to Kansas from Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.",exodusters +"But it is true that you might feel ” poor ” if you are living without a car to drive to and from work, without any money for a safety net should a family member fall ill, and without any “ extras ” beyond just making ends meet. Contrary to relative poverty, people who live in absolute poverty lack even the basic necessities, which typically include adequate food, clean water, safe housing, and access to healthcare.",absolute poverty +"A mass is a relatively large number of people with a common interest, though they may not be in close proximity( Lofland 1993), such as players of the popular Facebook game Farmville.",A mass +"Where capital expense became a significant factor, larger commercial farms — known as “ bonanza farms”—began to develop.",bonanza farms”—began +"This was an annual per - person tax, typically one or two dollars( on the order of $ 20 to $ 50 today), that a person had to pay to register to vote.",This +Displaced persons have fled their homes while remaining inside their country ’s borders.,Displaced persons +One approach to thinking about public policy is to see it as the broad strategy government uses to do its job.,public policy +"According to this principle, we tend to segment our visual world into figure and ground.",this principle +Sepals and petals together form the perianth.,the perianth +Range of Reaction is the theory that each person responds to the environment in a unique way based on his or her genetic makeup.,Range of Reaction +"Literacy tests were long and detailed exams on local and national politics, history, and more.",Literacy tests +"One important phenomenon related to the relative strength of cohesive and adhesive forces is capillary action — the tendency of a fluid to be raised or suppressed in a narrow tube, or capillary tube.",capillary action +"NK cells identify intracellular infections, especially from viruses, by the altered expression of major histocompatibility class( MHC) I molecules on the surface of infected cells.",NK cells +"Cortisol is commonly known as a stress hormone and helps provide that boost of energy when we first encounter a stressor, preparing us to run away or fight.",Cortisol +The allantois stores nitrogenous wastes produced by the embryo and also facilitates respiration.,The allantois +"The Republicans also passed the Legal Tender Act of 1862, calling for paper money — known as greenbacks — to be printed).",the Legal Tender Act of 1862 +The Twenty - Fourth Amendment( 1964) abolished the use of poll taxes.,The Twenty - Fourth Amendment +"Feynman was one of the theorists who developed the field of quantum electrodynamics( QED), which is the quantum mechanics of electromagnetism.",quantum electrodynamics QED +"Measuring Income Distribution by QuintilesOne common way of measuring income inequality is to rank all households by income, from lowest to highest, and then to divide all households into five groups with equal numbers of people, known as quintiles.",quintiles +"You may use whichever expression is more convenient, as illustrated in examples below. A centrifuge( see b) is a rotating device used to separate specimens of different densities.",A centrifuge +"For example, after the common beginning of all life, scientists divide organisms into three large categories called a domain : Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.",a domain +"This constellation of physiological changes, known as the fight or flight response, allows the body access to energy reserves and heightened sensory capacity so that it might fight off a threat or run away to safety.",the fight or flight response +"The actual rate of return refers to the total rate of return, including capital gains and interest paid on an investment at the end of a period of time.",The actual rate of return +Structural mobility happens when societal changes enable a whole group of people to move up or down the social class ladder.,Structural mobility +"Unicellular organisms, such as bacteria and yeast, naturally produce clones of themselves when they replicate asexually by binary fission ; this is known as cellular cloning.",cellular cloning +The neritic zone extends from the intertidal zone to depths of about 200 m( or 650 ft) at the edge of the continental shelf.,The neritic zone +"Whereas pinacocytes line the outside of the sponge, choanocytes tend to line certain inner portions of the sponge body that surround the mesohyl.",pinacocytes +People suffering from bulimia nervosa engage in binge eating behavior that is followed by an attempt to compensate for the large amount of food consumed.,bulimia nervosa +"To analyze the sources of economic growth, it is useful to think about a production function, which is the process of turning economic inputs like labor, machinery, and raw materials into outputs like goods and services used by consumers.",a production function +"Phospholipids are major constituents of the plasma membrane, the outermost layer of animal cells.",Phospholipids +An inelastic collision is one in which the internal kinetic energy changes( it is not conserved).,An inelastic collision +"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.",The Civil Rights Act of 1964 +IQ stands for intelligence quotient and describes a score earned on a test designed to measure intelligence.,IQ intelligence quotient +"For practical purposes, a precise definition of happiness might incorporate each of these elements : an enduring state of mind consisting of joy, contentment, and other positive emotions, plus the sense that one ’s life has meaning and value( Lyubomirsky, 2001).",happiness +"Stolons are stems that run almost parallel to the ground, or just below the surface, and can give rise to new plants at the nodes.",Stolons +"A portal system carries blood from one capillary network to another ; therefore, the hypophyseal portal system allows hormones produced by the hypothalamus to be carried directly to the anterior pituitary without first entering the circulatory system. The anterior pituitary produces seven hormones : growth hormone( GH), prolactin( PRL), thyroid - stimulating hormone( TSH), melanin - stimulating hormone( MSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone( ACTH), follicle - stimulating hormone( FSH), and luteinizing hormone( LH).",A portal system +"Osmoregulation is the process of maintenance of salt and water balance( osmotic balance) across membranes within the body ’s fluids, which are composed of water, plus electrolytes and non - electrolytes.",Osmoregulation osmotic balance +"Prosthetic groups are organic or inorganic, non - peptide molecules bound to a protein that facilitate its function ; prosthetic groups include co - enzymes, which are the prosthetic groups of enzymes.",Prosthetic groups +"Mitochondria( singular = mitochondrion) are often called the “ powerhouses ” or “ energy factories ” of a cell because they are responsible for making adenosine triphosphate( ATP), the cell ’s main energy - carrying molecule.",Mitochondria +"All three curves on the phase diagram meet at a single point, the triple point, where all three phases exist in equilibrium.",the triple point +"A certain amount of unemployment is a direct result of the relative inflexibility of the labor market, considered structural unemployment, which describes when there is a societal level of disjuncture between people seeking jobs and the available jobs.",structural unemployment +The amygdala is involved in our experience of emotion and in tying emotional meaning to our memories.,The amygdala +"In contrast, downward mobility indicates a lowering of one ’s social class.",downward mobility +A rational society is one built around logic and efficiency rather than morality or tradition.,A rational society +"To obtain a view of an individual ’s karyotype, cytologists photograph the chromosomes and then cut and paste each chromosome into a chart, or karyogram, also known as an ideogram.",karyogram an ideogram +"Bureaucracies are, in theory at least, meritocracies, meaning that hiring and promotion is based on proven and documented skills, rather than on nepotism or random choice.",meritocracies +"Homologous chromosomes are the same length and have specific nucleotide segments called genes in exactly the same location, or locus.",locus +An empresario was someone who brought settlers to the region in exchange for generous grants of land.,An empresario +The amount that a seller is paid for a good minus the seller ’s actual cost is called producer surplus.,producer surplus +"Some people are born deaf, which is known as congenital deafness.",congenital deafness +The embryo develops inside the archegonium as the sporophyte.,the sporophyte +Recall that a reduction is the gain of an electron by an atom or molecule.,a reduction +"Deposit insurance : Banks are required by law to pay a small fraction of their deposits to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which goes into a fund that is used to pay depositors the value of their bank deposits up to $ 250,000( the amount was raised from $ 100,000 to $ 250,000 in 2008) if the bank should go bankrupt.",Deposit insurance +"When one firm purchases another, it is called an acquisition.",an acquisition +"As the names suggest, media globalization is the worldwide integration of media through the cross - cultural exchange of ideas, while technological globalization refers to the cross - cultural development and exchange of technology.",media globalization technological globalization +"Cuboidal epithelial cells, shown in, are cube - shaped with a single, central nucleus.",Cuboidal epithelial cells +Trichomes are hair - like structures on the epidermal surface.,Trichomes +This depolarization is called an excitatory postsynaptic potential( EPSP) and makes the postsynaptic neuron more likely to fire an action potential.,an excitatory postsynaptic potential EPSP +"As a direct tax on the colonists, the Stamp Act imposed an internal tax on almost every type of printed paper colonists used, including newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards.",the Stamp Act +"Finally, motivational framing is the call to action : what should you do once you agree with the diagnostic frame and believe in the prognostic frame ?",motivational framing +The substitution effect occurs when a price changes and consumers have an incentive to consume less of the good with a relatively higher price and more of the good with a relatively lower price.,The substitution effect +"In this example, a type of receptor called a mechanoreceptor( as shown in) possesses specialized membranes that respond to pressure.",a mechanoreceptor +"Sympatric speciation( sym- = "" same "" ; -patric = "" homeland "") involves speciation occurring within a parent species remaining in one location.",Sympatric speciation +"The final category of the current account balance is unilateral transfers, which are payments made by government, private charities, or individuals in which money is sent abroad without any direct good or service being received.",unilateral transfers +"Food molecules( tastants) are dissolved in saliva, and they bind with and stimulate the receptors on the microvilli.",tastants +Secondary active transport describes the movement of material that is due to the electrochemical gradient established by primary active transport that does not directly require ATP.,Secondary active transport +Unpredictable Movements of VelocityVelocity is a term that economists use to describe how quickly money circulates through the economy.,VelocityVelocity +"Secondary sexual characteristics are physical signs of sexual maturation that do not directly involve sex organs, such as development of breasts and hips in girls, and development of facial hair and a deepened voice in boys.",Secondary sexual characteristics +"Prejudice refers to the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group.",Prejudice +Physical capital per person refers to the amount and kind of machinery and equipment available to help people get work done.,Physical capital per person +"The very arboreal gibbons are smaller than the great apes ; they have low sexual dimorphism( that is, the sexes are not markedly different in size) ; and they have relatively longer arms used for swinging through trees.",The very arboreal gibbons +"A microeconomic production function describes the inputs and outputs of a firm, or perhaps an industry.",A microeconomic production function +"Arachidic acid is derived from Arachis hypogea, the scientific name for groundnuts or peanuts.",Arachidic acid +"An individual with an error in chromosome number is described as aneuploid, a term that includes monosomy( loss of one chromosome) or trisomy( gain of an extraneous chromosome).",aneuploid monosomy trisomy +Organic solidarity arises out of the mutual interdependence created by the specialization of work.,Organic solidarity +The prisoner ’s dilemma is a scenario in which the gains from cooperation are larger than the rewards from pursuing self - interest.,The prisoner ’s dilemma +Volume measures the amount of air for one function( such as inhalation or exhalation).,Volume +"Subtypes of heterotrophs, called saprobes, absorb nutrients from dead organisms or their organic wastes.",saprobes +"A savings account typically pays some interest rate, but getting the money typically requires you to make a trip to the bank or an automatic teller machine( or you can access the funds electronically).",A savings account +Tying sales happen when a customer is required to buy one product only if the customer also buys a second product.,Tying sales +"Social facts are the laws, morals, values, religious beliefs, customs, fashions, rituals, and all of the cultural rules that govern social life( Durkheim 1895).",Social facts +"Meissner ’s corpuscles respond to pressure and lower frequency vibrations, and Pacinian corpuscles detect transient pressure and higher frequency vibrations.",Meissner ’s corpuscles Pacinian corpuscles +"For our purposes, we will define capitalism as an economic system in which there is private ownership( as opposed to state ownership) and where there is an impetus to produce profit, and thereby wealth.",capitalism +"The dermal tissue of the stem consists primarily of epidermis, a single layer of cells covering and protecting the underlying tissue.",epidermis +"According to the law of demand, a higher rate of return( that is, a higher price) will decrease the quantity demanded.",the law of demand +"Indeed, the slope along an indifference curve is referred to as the marginal rate of substitution, which is the rate at which a person is willing to trade one good for another so that utility will remain the same.",the marginal rate of substitution +A K - complex is a very high amplitude pattern of brain activity that may in some cases occur in response to environmental stimuli.,A K - complex +"In a closed primary, only members of the political party selecting nominees may vote.",a closed primary +The Twenty - Fourth Amendment( 1964) abolished the use of poll taxes.,The Twenty - Fourth Amendment +"On the other hand, signing statements are statements issued by a president when agreeing to legislation that indicate how the chief executive will interpret and enforce the legislation in question.",signing statements +The income effect refers to how a change in the price of a good alters the effective buying power of one ’s income.,The income effect +"In 1914, the Clayton Antitrust Act outlawed mergers and acquisitions( where the outcome would be to “ substantially lessen competition ” in an industry), price discrimination( where different customers are charged different prices for the same product), and tied sales( where purchase of one product commits the buyer to purchase some other product).",the Clayton Antitrust Act price discrimination tied sales +"Then, bacteria and fungi, collectively called decomposers, carry out the breakdown( decomposition) of plants and animals and their organic compounds.",decomposers +Episodic memory is information about events we have personally experienced.,Episodic memory +Persuasion is the process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication.,Persuasion +Postganglionic neurons then release norepinephrine onto target organs.,Postganglionic neurons +"For example, following the Bush v. Gore case( 2000), in which the court instructed Florida to stop recounting ballots and George W. Bush won the Electoral College, 80 percent of Republicans approved of the court, versus only 42 percent of Democrats.",the Bush v. Gore case ( 2000 ) +"ViroidsViroids are plant pathogens : small, single - stranded, circular RNA particles that are much simpler than a virus.",ViroidsViroids +"This relationship between income and consumption, illustrated in and, is called the consumption function.",the consumption function +"In order for society to overcome false consciousness, Marx proposed that it be replaced with class consciousness, the awareness of one ’s rank in society.",class consciousness +Fecundity is the potential reproductive capacity of an individual within a population.,Fecundity +"On the other hand, congressional - executive agreements, like the North American Free Trade Agreement( NAFTA), are negotiated by the president and then approved by a simple majority of the House and Senate( rather than a two - thirds vote in the Senate as is the case for a treaty).",congressional - executive agreements the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA +"Self - pollination occurs when the pollen from the anther is deposited on the stigma of the same flower, or another flower on the same plant.",Self - pollination +The individuals performing the imitated behavior are called models.,models +An implied power is one not specifically detailed in the Constitution but inferred as necessary to achieve the objectives of the national government.,An implied power +"Instead, scientific research is based on empirical evidence, which is evidence that comes from direct experience, scientifically gathered data, or experimentation.",scientific research +"The rotifers are a microscopic( about 100 µm to 30 mm) group of mostly aquatic organisms that get their name from the corona, a rotating, wheel - like structure that is covered with cilia at their anterior end.",The rotifers the corona +"Eukaryotic genes are composed of exons, which correspond to protein - coding sequences( ex - on signifies that they are expressed), and intervening sequences called introns( int - ron denotes their intervening role), which may be involved in gene regulation but are removed from the pre - mRNA during processing.",exons introns +"Group polarization( Teger & Pruitt, 1967) is the strengthening of an original group attitude after the discussion of views within a group.",Group polarization +"A bank has assets such as cash held in its vaults, monies that the bank holds at the Federal Reserve bank( called “ reserves ”), loans that are made to customers, and bonds.",“ reserves ” +"Goods and services are produced using combinations of labor, materials, and machinery, or what we call inputs or factors of production.",inputs factors of production +"The second world was the in - between category : nations not as limited in development as the third world, but not as well off as the first world, having moderate economies and standard of living, such as China or Cuba.",The second world +"In translation, the complex that assembles to start the process is referred to as the initiation complex.",the initiation complex +Pleurisy results when these layers of tissue become inflamed ; it is painful because the inflammation increases the pressure within the thoracic cavity and reduces the volume of the lung.,Pleurisy +Fragmentation is the breaking of the body into two parts with subsequent regeneration.,Fragmentation +"With a hard peg exchange rate policy, the central bank sets a fixed and unchanging value for the exchange rate.",a hard peg exchange rate policy +"In translation, the complex that assembles to start the process is referred to as the initiation complex.",the initiation complex +"EMILY ’s List, a political action group, was founded on this principle ; its name is an acronym for “ Early Money Is Like Yeast ”( it makes the dough rise).",EMILY ’s List Early Money Is Like Yeast +"Variable costs, on the other hand, are incurred in the act of producing — the more you produce, the greater the variable cost.",Variable costs +"Statisticians who calculate GDP must avoid the mistake of double counting, in which output is counted more than once as it travels through the stages of production.",double counting +"In 1973, the Rehabilitation Act made it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in federal employment or in programs run by federal agencies or receiving federal funding.",the Rehabilitation Act +Recognition happens when you identify information that you have previously learned after encountering it again.,Recognition +"Rho - dependent termination is controlled by the rho protein, which tracks along behind the polymerase on the growing mRNA chain.",the rho protein +"This is an example of the law of diminishing marginal utility, which holds that the additional utility decreases with each unit added.",the law of diminishing marginal utility +"The party organization is the formal structure of the political party, and its active members are responsible for coordinating party behavior and supporting party candidates.",The party organization +Amino acids are the monomers that make up proteins.,Amino acids +"But the cell membrane is semipermeable, meaning that some ions may cross it while others can not.",semipermeable +"Early in the development of the embryo, specialized diploid cells, called germ cells, are produced within the gonads, such as the testes and ovaries.",specialized diploid cells germ cells +"Girls experience menarche, the beginning of menstrual periods, usually around 12–13 years old, and boys experience spermarche, the first ejaculation, around 13–14 years old.",menarche spermarche +"The basic process of generating emfs( electromotive force) and, hence, currents with magnetic fields is known as induction ; this process is also called magnetic induction to distinguish it from charging by induction, which utilizes the Coulomb force.",induction this process magnetic induction +The GINI coefficient measures income inequality between countries using a 100- point scale on which 1 represents complete equality and 100 represents the highest possible inequality.,The GINI coefficient +When a government legislates policies to reduce or block international trade it is engaging in protectionism.,protectionism +"Coping refers to mental and behavioral efforts that we use to deal with problems relating to stress, including its presumed cause and the unpleasant feelings and emotions it produces.",Coping +This form of representation is called descriptive representation.,descriptive representation +"In filtration, material moves according to its concentration gradient through a membrane ; sometimes the rate of diffusion is enhanced by pressure, causing the substances to filter more rapidly.",filtration +Anabolic pathways require an input of energy to synthesize complex molecules from simpler ones.,Anabolic pathways +This information can be observed as an electrocardiogram( ECG) — a recording of the electrical impulses of the cardiac muscle.,an electrocardiogram ECG +The lac operon encodes the genes necessary to acquire and process the lactose from the local environment.,The lac operon +"A system is in unstable equilibrium if, when displaced, it experiences a net force or torque in the same direction as the displacement from equilibrium.",unstable equilibrium +Nuclear energy comes from processes that convert measurable amounts of mass into energy.,Nuclear energy +"The liver produces bile, a digestive juice that is required for the breakdown of fatty components of the food in the duodenum.",bile +"A grazing food web( such as the Lake Ontario food web in) has plants or other photosynthetic organisms at its base, followed by herbivores and various carnivores.",A grazing food web +"Therefore, each parent contributes half the genetic information carried by the offspring ; the resulting physical characteristics of the offspring( called the phenotype) are determined by the interaction of genetic material supplied by the parents( called the genotype).",the phenotype the genotype +Fungi also form symbiotic associations with cyanobacteria and green algae( called lichens).,lichens +"The mathematical formula for the electrostatic force is called Coulomb ’s law after the French physicist Charles Coulomb( 1736 – 1806), who performed experiments and first proposed a formula to calculate it.",Coulomb ’s law +Pitch perception is directly related to frequency and is not greatly affected by other physical quantities such as intensity.,Pitch perception +"At the Seneca Falls Convention, Stanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which was modeled after the Declaration of Independence and proclaimed women were equal to men and deserved the same rights.",the Declaration of Sentiments +An in - group is a group that we identify with or see ourselves as belonging to.,An in - group +Violent crimes( also known as “ crimes against a person ”) are based on the use of force or the threat of force.,Violent crimes crimes against a person +Ageism is discrimination( when someone acts on a prejudice) based on age.,Ageism +Products that are distinctive in one of these ways are called differentiated products.,differentiated products +Enzyme - linked receptors are cell - surface receptors with intracellular domains that are associated with an enzyme.,Enzyme - linked receptors +"Conversely, nucleotides following the initiation site are denoted with “ + ” numbering and are called downstream nucleotides.",downstream nucleotides +"In 1973, the Rehabilitation Act made it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in federal employment or in programs run by federal agencies or receiving federal funding.",the Rehabilitation Act +"For instance, Jacobsen Syndrome — which involves distinctive facial features as well as heart and bleeding defects — is identified by a deletion on chromosome 11.",Jacobsen Syndrome +"His economic policies, called Reaganomics by the press, were based on a theory called supply - side economics, about which many economists were skeptical.",Reaganomics +Sexuality is viewed as a person ’s capacity for sexual feelings.,Sexuality +"Transversion substitution refers to a purine being replaced by a pyrimidine, or vice versa ; for example, cytosine, a pyrimidine, is replaced by adenine, a purine.",Transversion substitution +"A continuous positive airway pressure( CPAP) device includes a mask that fits over the sleeper ’s nose and mouth, which is connected to a pump that pumps air into the person ’s airways, forcing them to remain open, as shown in.",A continuous positive airway pressure ( CPAP ) device +"As a research method, a survey collects data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire.",a survey +"The outermost cell layer of the root ’s vascular tissue is the pericycle, an area that can give rise to lateral roots.",the pericycle +"This arboreal heritage of primates has resulted in hands and feet that are adapted for brachiation, or climbing and swinging through trees.",brachiation +"The national debt refers to the total amount that the government has borrowed over time ; in contrast, the budget deficit refers to how much has been borrowed in one particular year.",The national debt the budget deficit +"The stapes transmits the vibrations to a thin diaphragm called the oval window, which is the outermost structure of the inner ear.",The stapes +A DNA sequence called the operator sequence is encoded between the promoter region and the first trp coding gene.,the operator sequence +The ideal self is the person that you would like to be ; the real self is the person you actually are.,The ideal self the real self +"The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families( TANF) block grant replaced the AFDC in 1996, marking the first time the federal government transformed an entitlement program( which guarantees individual rights to benefits) into a block grant.",The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF block grant +"In polyandrous mating systems, one female mates with many males.",polyandrous mating systems +A pollution charge is a tax imposed on the quantity of pollution that a firm emits.,A pollution charge +"In organizational psychology, the focus is on social interactions and their effect on the individual and on the functioning of the organization.",organizational psychology +That energy is relayed to the PSI reaction center( called P700).,P700 +"This vision of focusing monetary policy on a low rate of inflation is so attractive that many countries have rewritten their central banking laws since in the 1990s to have their bank practice inflation targeting, which means that the central bank is legally required to focus primarily on keeping inflation low.",inflation targeting +"Sanctions are a form of social control, a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms.",Sanctions +"The vision of an American republic put forward by Paine included the idea of popular sovereignty : citizens in the republic would determine who would represent them, and decide other issues, on the basis of majority rule.",popular sovereignty +An implied power is one not specifically detailed in the Constitution but inferred as necessary to achieve the objectives of the national government.,An implied power +"In 1898, the Curtis Act dealt the final blow to Indian sovereignty by abolishing all tribal governments.",the Curtis Act +A mental set is where you persist in approaching a problem in a way that has worked in the past but is clearly not working now.,A mental set +The hippocampus is an essential structure for learning and memory.,The hippocampus +Openings called stomata( singular : stoma) allow a plant to take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen and water vapor.,stomata +"The bulbourethral gland, or Cowper ’s gland, releases its secretion prior to the release of the bulk of the semen.",The bulbourethral gland Cowper ’s gland +"The tail of the vector is the starting point of the vector, and the head( or tip) of a vector is the final, pointed end of the arrow. Head - to - Tail Method : The head - to - tail method of graphically adding vectors is illustrated for the two displacements of the person walking in a city considered in.",The tail of the vector the head ( or tip ) of a vector +"In some cases, binding of the ligand causes dimerization of the receptor, which means that two receptors bind to each other to form a stable complex called a dimer.",dimerization +"Say that the market for replacing broken automobile windshields in a certain city has 18 firms with the market shares shown in, where the market share is each firm ’s proportion of total sales in that market.",the market share +"A recent example of the military use of force was the U.S. role in enforcing a no - fly zone over Libya in 2011, which included kinetic strikes — or active engagement of the enemy — to protect anti - government forces on the ground.",kinetic strikes +"The revocation of voting rights, or disenfranchisement, took a number of forms ; not every southern state used the same methods, and some states used more than one, but they all disproportionately affected black voter registration and turnout.",disenfranchisement +"To symbolically communicate social standing, people often engage in conspicuous consumption, which is the purchase and use of certain products to make a social statement about status.",conspicuous consumption +"When we do this, we are relying on a number of monocular cues, or cues that require only one eye.",monocular cues +"Sugars produced in sources, such as leaves, need to be delivered to growing parts of the plant via the phloem in a process called translocation.",translocation +The clitoris is a structure with erectile tissue that contains a large number of sensory nerves and serves as a source of stimulation during intercourse.,The clitoris +A frontal plane( also called a coronal plane) separates the front from the back.,A frontal plane a coronal plane +"In the final analysis, same - sex marriage is a protected constitutional right as decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, which took up the issue again when it heard Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015.",Obergefell v. Hodges +Declarative memory has to do with the storage of facts and events we personally experienced.,Declarative memory +"For ideal banking, the net external force equals the horizontal centripetal force in the absence of friction.",the net external force +"Therapists also practice what Rogers called unconditional positive regard, which involves not judging clients and simply accepting them for who they are.",unconditional positive regard +The nucleus( plural = nuclei) houses the cell ’s DNA and directs the synthesis of ribosomes and proteins.,The nucleus +This capillary network is a part of the hypophyseal portal system that carries substances from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary and hormones from the anterior pituitary into the circulatory system.,the hypophyseal portal system +"To include unmarried, cohabitating, and same - sex couples, family sociologists have created the term intimate partner violence( IPV).",intimate partner violence IPV +"False consciousness is a condition in which the beliefs, ideals, or ideology of a person are not in the person ’s own best interest.",False consciousness +These gaps are called nodes of Ranvier and are sites where the signal is “ recharged ” as it travels along the axon.,nodes of Ranvier +A thrust is a reaction force that pushes a body forward in response to a backward force.,A thrust +The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon responsible for providing temperatures suitable for life on Earth.,The greenhouse effect +"Another approach is to require a cosigner on a loan ; that is, another person or firm who legally pledges to repay some or all of the money if the original borrower does not do so.",a cosigner +"In mammals, the egg is protected by a layer of extracellular matrix consisting mainly of glycoproteins called the zona pellucida.",the zona pellucida +"Religious beliefs are specific ideas members of a particular faith hold to be true, such as that Jesus Christ was the son of God, or that reincarnation exists.",Religious beliefs +Simple interest is an interest rate calculation only on the principal amount.,Simple interest +A change in shape due to the application of a force is a deformation.,a deformation +Social psychology focuses on how we interact with and relate to others.,Social psychology +Implicit memories are memories that are not part of our consciousness.,Implicit memories +A theory is a simplified representation of how two or more variables interact with each other.,A theory +"At around 100 km above the surface of Earth we have a layer of charged particles, called the ionosphere.",the ionosphere +"Projectile motion is the motion of an object thrown or projected into the air, subject to only the acceleration of gravity.",Projectile motion +"It is a part of the brain, extending down from the hypothalamus, and contains mostly nerve fibers and neuroglial cells, which support axons that extend from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary.",It +In sudden infant death syndrome( SIDS) an infant stops breathing during sleep and dies.,sudden infant death syndrome SIDS +"The intertidal zone, which is the zone between high and low tide, is the oceanic region that is closest to land.",The intertidal zone +Beliefs are the tenets or convictions that people hold to be true.,Beliefs +Hostile aggression is motivated by feelings of anger with intent to cause pain ; a fight in a bar with a stranger is an example of hostile aggression.,Hostile aggression +A self - fulfilling prophecy is an expectation held by a person that alters his or her behavior in a way that tends to make it true.,A self - fulfilling prophecy +Most traits are polygenic : controlled by more than one gene.,polygenic +"The theory also connects this change of a population over time, called microevolution, with the processes that gave rise to new species and higher taxonomic groups with widely divergent characters, called macroevolution.",microevolution macroevolution +"Children in this stage can not perform mental operations because they have not developed an understanding of conservation, which is the idea that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added.",conservation +Such a device is called a heat engine.,a heat engine +"A product whose demand rises when income rises, and vice versa, is called a normal good.",a normal good +"When two lineages stem from the same branch point, they are called sister taxa.",sister taxa +A sagittal plane divides the body into right and left portions.,A sagittal plane +"The law of continuity suggests that we are more likely to perceive continuous, smooth flowing lines rather than jagged, broken lines.",The law of continuity +"The A horizon consists of a mixture of organic material with inorganic products of weathering, and it is therefore the beginning of true mineral soil.",The A horizon +"Upon implantation, this multi - cellular organism is called an embryo.",an embryo +"The correspondence principle states that in the classical limit( large, slow - moving objects), quantum mechanics becomes the same as classical physics.",The correspondence principle +"suicidal ideation : thoughts of death( not just fear of dying), thinking about or planning suicide, or making an actual suicide attempt.",suicidal ideation +Agencies formed by the federal government to administer a quasi - business enterprise are called government corporations.,government corporations +"For example, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Panama have decided to dollarize — that is, to use the U.S. dollar as their currency.",dollarize +This is known as effortful processing.,effortful processing +The ulna is located on the medial aspect( pinky - finger side) of the forearm.,The ulna +"The development of complex language by humans has made cognitive learning, the manipulation of information using the mind, the most prominent method of human learning.",cognitive learning +"In contrast to ADH, which promotes the reabsorption of water to maintain proper water balance, aldosterone maintains proper water balance by enhancing Na+ reabsorption and K+ secretion from extracellular fluid of the cells in kidney tubules.",aldosterone +"The preeminent example was the Erie Canal, which linked the Hudson River, and thus New York City and the Atlantic seaboard, to the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River Valley.",the Erie Canal ( [ link ] ) +"The iron triangle is a hypothetical arrangement among three elements( the corners of the triangle) : an interest group, a congressional committee member or chair, and an agency within the bureaucracy.",The iron triangle +"Most photographs of cells are taken with a microscope, and these images can also be called micrographs. The optics of a microscope ’s lenses change the orientation of the image that the user sees.",micrographs +"In addition to biological motives, motivations can be intrinsic( arising from internal factors) or extrinsic( arising from external factors).",intrinsic extrinsic +"The nucleus of the neuron is located in the soma, or cell body.",the soma +"Cytokinesis, or “ cell motion, ” is the second main stage of the mitotic phase during which cell division is completed via the physical separation of the cytoplasmic components into two daughter cells.",Cytokinesis cell motion +"An individual with body dysmorphic disorder is preoccupied with a perceived flaw in her physical appearance that is either nonexistent or barely noticeable to other people( APA, 2013).",body dysmorphic disorder +"These measures of foreign policy are more quickly enacted and demonstrate the “ energy and dispatch ” that Alexander Hamilton, writing in the Federalist Papers, saw as inherent in the institution of the presidency.",“ energy and dispatch ” +"Typically the market goes through phases of surplus, or excess, inflation, where the money in your pocket today buys less than it did yesterday, and recession, which occurs when there are two or more consecutive quarters of economic decline.",surplus inflation recession +"Average velocity is displacement( change in position) divided by the time of travel,",Average velocity +These observations lead to the following definition of heat : Heat is the spontaneous transfer of energy due to a temperature difference.,Heat +The minimum amount necessary for self - sustained fission of a given nuclide is called its critical mass.,critical mass +Average speed is the distance traveled divided by elapsed time.,Average speed +These nucleotide triplets are called codons.,codons +Citizens United overturned the soft money ban of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act and allowed corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections.,Citizens United +Dominant traits are those that are inherited unchanged in a hybridization.,Dominant traits +"Oliver Cromwell headed the new English Commonwealth, and the period known as the English interregnum, or the time between kings, began.",the English interregnum +"A microbial mat is a multi - layered sheet of prokaryotes that includes mostly bacteria, but also archaea.",A microbial mat +"The Taliban refused to turn bin Laden over, and the United States began a bombing campaign in October, allying with the Afghan Northern Alliance, a coalition of tribal leaders opposed to the Taliban.",the Afghan Northern Alliance +Exports are the goods and services that are produced domestically and sold abroad.,Exports +"This phenomenon is called convergent evolution, where similar traits evolve independently in species that do not share a common ancestry.",convergent evolution +Storage is the creation of a permanent record of information.,Storage +"The social benefits of an innovation take into account the value of all the positive externalities of the new idea or product, whether enjoyed by other companies or society as a whole, as well as the private benefits received by the firm that developed the new technology.",The social benefits of an innovation +The amnion protects the embryo from mechanical shock and supports hydration.,The amnion +"The 5 ' cap, which is placed on the 5 ' end of the mRNA, is usually composed of a methylated guanosine triphosphate molecule( GTP).",The 5 ' cap +An elastic collision is one that also conserves internal kinetic energy.,An elastic collision +Retroactive interference happens when information learned more recently hinders the recall of older information.,Retroactive interference +Spongy bone is made of tiny plates called trabeculae these plates serve as struts to give the spongy bone strength.,Spongy bone +"Executive Order 9066, signed by Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, gave the army power to remove people from “ military areas ” to prevent sabotage or espionage.",Executive Order 9066 +"To curtail widespread anticompetitive practices in the railroad industry, Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act in 1887, which created the Interstate Commerce Commission.",the Interstate Commerce Act in 1887 +Lazarus( 1991) developed the cognitive - mediational theory that asserts our emotions are determined by our appraisal of the stimulus.,the cognitive - mediational theory +"First, during plasmogamy( literally, “ marriage or union of cytoplasm ”), two haploid cells fuse, leading to a dikaryotic stage where two haploid nuclei coexist in a single cell.",plasmogamy a dikaryotic stage +"During prophase, the “ first phase, ” the nuclear envelope starts to dissociate into small vesicles, and the membranous organelles( such as the Golgi complex or Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum), fragment and disperse toward the periphery of the cell.","prophase the “ first phase , ”" +"An olfactory receptor, which is a dendrite of a specialized neuron, responds when it binds certain molecules inhaled from the environment by sending impulses directly to the olfactory bulb of the brain.",An olfactory receptor +"Meissner ’s corpuscles,( shown in) also known as tactile corpuscles, are found in the upper dermis, but they project into the epidermis.",Meissner ’s corpuscles tactile corpuscles +"Tolerance is linked to physiological dependence, and it occurs when a person requires more and more drug to achieve effects previously experienced at lower doses.",Tolerance +This is called hybrid inviability because the hybrid organisms simply are not viable.,hybrid inviability +"Mendel ’s law of independent assortment states that genes do not influence each other with regard to the sorting of alleles into gametes, and every possible combination of alleles for every gene is equally likely to occur.",Mendel ’s law of independent assortment +"Glial cells provide scaffolding on which the nervous system is built, help neurons line up closely with each other to allow neuronal communication, provide insulation to neurons, transport nutrients and waste products, and mediate immune responses.",Glial cells +Suggestibility describes the effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to the creation of false memories.,Suggestibility +The fovea contains densely packed specialized photoreceptor cells.,The fovea +"Great or explicit powers, called enumerated powers, were granted to the federal government to declare war, impose taxes, coin and regulate currency, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, raise and maintain an army and a navy, maintain a post office, make treaties with foreign nations and with Native American tribes, and make laws regulating the naturalization of immigrants.",Great or explicit powers enumerated powers +The blood then continues through the rest of the body before arriving back at the atrium ; this is called systemic circulation.,systemic circulation +The margin of error is a number that states how far the poll results may be from the actual opinion of the total population of citizens.,The margin of error +Layering is a method in which a stem attached to the plant is bent and covered with soil.,Layering +Estrogens are a group of steroid hormones produced by the ovaries that trigger the development of secondary sex characteristics in females as well as control the maturation of the ova.,Estrogens +"A public, on the other hand, is an unorganized, relatively diffused group of people who share ideas, such as the Libertarian political party.",A public +"He called this condition early infantile autism, and it was characterized mainly by an inability to form close emotional ties with others, speech and language abnormalities, repetitive behaviors, and an intolerance of minor changes in the environment and in normal routines( Bregman, 2005).",infantile autism +"One of Rogers ’s main ideas about personality regards self - concept, our thoughts and feelings about ourselves.",self - concept +The cytoplasm is the entire region of a cell between the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope( a structure to be discussed shortly).,The cytoplasm +"Each type of pigment can be identified by the specific pattern of wavelengths it absorbs from visible light, which is the absorption spectrum.",the absorption spectrum +The market in which people or firms use one currency to purchase another currency is called the foreign exchange market.,the foreign exchange market +The radius is located along the lateral( thumb) side of the forearm and articulates with the humerus at the elbow.,The radius +"The materials and methods section includes a complete and accurate description of the substances used, and the method and techniques used by the researchers to gather data.",The materials and methods section +There is strong evidence that quarks are the fundamental building blocks of hadrons as seen in.,quarks +"In markets for financial capital, the elasticity of savings — that is, the percentage change in the quantity of savings divided by the percentage change in interest rates — will describe the shape of the supply curve for financial capital.",the elasticity of savings +"Tubers are modified stems that may store starch, as seen in the potato( Solanum sp.",Tubers +Jet lag is a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment.,Jet lag +"Soon after slavery was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment, state governments — particularly those in the former Confederacy — began to pass “ black codes ” that restricted the rights of former slaves and effectively relegated them to second - class citizenship under their state laws and constitutions.",black codes +Functionalism focused on how mental activities helped an organism fit into its environment.,Functionalism +"In humans, bronchioles with a diameter smaller than 0.5 mm are the respiratory bronchioles.",the respiratory bronchioles +"Before the arrival of the Spanish, for example, the Inca people of the Andes consumed chicha, a corn beer, for ritual purposes only.",chicha +Conductors contain free charges that move easily.,Conductors +"These banks( and a few other firms), known as dealers, then trade the foreign exchange.",dealers +A thermal hazard occurs when there is electrical overheating.,A thermal hazard +"As you may recall from what you learned about self - efficacy, an individual ’s belief in his ability to complete a task is important( Bandura, 1994).",self - efficacy +Usually the gel is made of a chemical called agarose.,agarose +The bracts are known as microsporophylls and are the sites where microspores will develop.,The bracts microsporophylls +"However, if a family of carriers begins to interbreed with each other, this will dramatically increase the likelihood of two carriers mating and eventually producing diseased offspring, a phenomenon known as inbreeding depression.",inbreeding depression +We call the hypothetical unified force superforce. Now let us imagine starting at TOE and moving forward in time to see what type of universe is created from various events along the way.,superforce +"At the party ’s New York State convention in Buffalo, Martin Van Buren ’s antislavery supporters — called Barnburners because they were likened to farmers who were willing to burn down their own barn to get rid of a rat infestation — spoke in favor of the proviso.",Barnburners +"According to continuity theory, the elderly make specific choices to maintain consistency in internal( personality structure, beliefs) and external structures( relationships), remaining active and involved throughout their elder years.",continuity theory +"Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of sex as well as race, color, national origin, and religion.",Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 +"The other third party, the States ’ Rights Democrats, also known as the Dixiecrats, were white, southern Democrats who split from the Democratic Party when Harry Truman, who favored civil rights for African Americans, became the party ’s nominee for president.",the States ’ Rights Democrats the Dixiecrats +Channel proteins have hydrophilic domains exposed to the intracellular and extracellular fluids ; they additionally have a hydrophilic channel through their core that provides a hydrated opening through the membrane layers.,Channel proteins +Any substance that has free electrons and allows charge to move relatively freely through it is called a conductor.,a conductor +Primary reinforcers are reinforcers that have innate reinforcing qualities.,Primary reinforcers +The interest rate banks pay for such loans is called the discount rate.,the discount rate +"When economists talk about supply, they mean the amount of some good or service a producer is willing to supply at each price.",supply +"Explicit costs are out - of - pocket costs, that is, payments that are actually made.",Explicit costs +Phosphorylation refers to the addition of the phosphate( ~P).,Phosphorylation +"DNA dictates the structure of mRNA in a process known as transcription, and RNA dictates the structure of protein in a process known as translation.",transcription translation +"Karyokinesis, also known as mitosis, is divided into a series of phases — prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase — that result in the division of the cell nucleus.",Karyokinesis mitosis +These powers are known as reserved powers.,reserved powers +Any heat engine employing the Carnot cycle is called a Carnot engine.,a Carnot engine +"Still other viruses, such as human herpesviruses 6 and 7, which in some cases can cause the minor childhood disease roseola, often successfully cause productive infections without causing any symptoms at all in the host, and thus we say these patients have an asymptomatic infection.",an asymptomatic infection +Adaptive immunity is an immunity that occurs after exposure to an antigen either from a pathogen or a vaccination.,Adaptive immunity +"As a result, Virginia ’s delegates proposed a plan that called for bicameralism, or the division of legislators into two separate assemblies.",bicameralism +"Antitrust law includes rules against restrictive practices — practices that do not involve outright agreements to raise price or to reduce the quantity produced, but that might have the effect of reducing competition.",restrictive practices +The Civil Rights Act of 1991 provides monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination.,The Civil Rights Act of 1991 +"The limbic system is a connected set of structures that regulates emotion, as well as behaviors related to fear and motivation.",The limbic system +Infertility is the inability to conceive a child or carry a child to birth.,Infertility +"The single genus Equisetum is the survivor of a large group of plants, known as Arthrophyta, which produced large trees and entire swamp forests in the Carboniferous.",The single genus Equisetum +"This is because of a phenomenon called recruitment, which is the process of opening airways that normally remain closed when cardiac output increases.",recruitment +"As shown in, the direction of magnetic field lines is defined to be the direction in which the north end of a compass needle points.",the direction of magnetic field lines +"Sociologist Robert Merton agreed that deviance is an inherent part of a functioning society, but he expanded on Durkheim ’s ideas by developing strain theory, which notes that access to socially acceptable goals plays a part in determining whether a person conforms or deviates.",strain theory +These two - way exchanges between the Americas and Europe/ Africa are known collectively as the Columbian Exchange.,the Columbian Exchange ( [ link ] ) +"Mycorrhiza, which comes from the Greek words myco meaning fungus and rhizo meaning root, refers to the association between vascular plant roots and their symbiotic fungi.",Mycorrhiza +"Acid rain is corrosive rain caused by rainwater falling to the ground through sulfur dioxide gas, turning it into weak sulfuric acid, which causes damage to aquatic ecosystems.",Acid rain +"Companion cells are found alongside the sieve - tube cells, providing them with metabolic support.",Companion cells +Phytoplankton and floating Sargassum( a type of free - floating marine seaweed) provide a habitat for some sea life found in the neritic zone.,Sargassum +"Say ’s law is : “ Supply creates its own demand. ” As a matter of historical accuracy, it seems clear that Say never actually wrote down this law and that it oversimplifies his beliefs, but the law lives on as useful shorthand for summarizing a point of view. The intuition behind Say ’s law is that each time a good or service is produced and sold, it generates income that is earned for someone : a worker, a manager, an owner, or those who are workers, managers, and owners at firms that supply inputs along the chain of production.",Say ’s law +This situation is called diseconomies of scale.,diseconomies of scale +"Gender refers to behaviors, personal traits, and social positions that society attributes to being female or male.",Gender +"Newton ’s first law of motion states that a body at rest remains at rest, or, if in motion, remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force.",Newton ’s first law of motion +"The National Credit Union Administration( NCUA) supervises credit unions, which are nonprofit banks owned and run by their members.",The National Credit Union Administration NCUA credit unions +Dispersion is defined as the spreading of white light into its full spectrum of wavelengths.,Dispersion +"The very top portion of the labor supply curve is called a backward - bending supply curve for labor, which is the situation of high - wage people who can earn so much that they respond to a still - higher wage by working fewer hours.",a backward - bending supply curve for labor +An inferiority complex refers to a person ’s feelings that they lack worth and do n’t measure up to the standards of others or of society.,An inferiority complex +The mantle( also known as the pallium) is the dorsal epidermis in mollusks ; shelled mollusks are specialized to secrete a chitinous and hard calcareous shell.,The mantle the pallium +The cornea is the transparent covering over the eye.,The cornea +What is going on here is storage decay : unused information tends to fade with the passage of time.,storage decay +"According to Friedman and Rosenman, these individuals exhibit Type A behavior pattern ; those who are more relaxed and laid - back were characterized as Type B.",Type A behavior pattern Type B +The unique three - dimensional structure of a polypeptide is its tertiary structure.,tertiary structure +Ion channel - linked receptors bind a ligand and open a channel through the membrane that allows specific ions to pass through.,Ion channel - linked receptors +"One very positive way is crowdsourcing. Thanks to the web, digital crowdsourcing is the process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers.",digital crowdsourcing +The renal cortex is granular due to the presence of nephrons — the functional unit of the kidney.,nephrons +"Many species respond to chemical messages, known as pheromones, sent by another individual( Wysocki & Preti, 2004).",pheromones +The endocrine system controls the response of the various glands in the body and the release of hormones at the appropriate times.,The endocrine system +Solar intensity is the amount of solar power or energy the sun emits in a given amount of time.,Solar intensity +"If an animal can conserve that heat and maintain a relatively constant body temperature, it is classified as a warm - blooded animal and called an endotherm.",a warm - blooded animal an endotherm +"That decision was overturned in 2003 in Lawrence v. Texas, which invalidated state laws that criminalized sodomy. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558( 2003).",Lawrence v. Texas +"Intrapersonal topics( those that pertain to the individual) include emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition( the ways in which we think about ourselves and others).",Intrapersonal topics social cognition +"Most circuits have more than one component, called a resistor that limits the flow of charge in the circuit.",a resistor +Reproductive isolation is the inability to interbreed.,Reproductive isolation +"Proteins that are needed for a specific function, or that are involved in the same biochemical pathway, are encoded together in blocks called operons.",operons +"Prokaryotes are single - celled or colonial organisms that do not have membrane - bound nuclei ; in contrast, the cells of eukaryotes do have membrane - bound organelles and a membrane - bound nucleus.",Prokaryotes eukaryotes +"Primary sexual characteristics are organs specifically needed for reproduction, like the uterus and ovaries in females and testes in males.",Primary sexual characteristics +"He also famously used a unilateral proclamation to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which cited the military necessity of declaring millions of slaves in Confederate - controlled territory to be free.",the Emancipation Proclamation +This space is referred to as the synovial( or joint) cavity and is filled with synovial fluid.,the synovial ( or joint ) cavity +"Also, Social Security is funded by payroll taxes, which are imposed on the income earned up to a certain amount — $ 117,000 in 2014.",payroll taxes +"That is, they are always slightly active even when not stimulated by light.",they +"Osteons are cylindrical structures that contain a mineral matrix and living osteocytes connected by canaliculi, which transport blood.",Osteons canaliculi +Motivation describes the wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal.,Motivation +"Tetrapod literally means “ four - footed, ” which refers to the phylogenetic history of various groups that evolved accordingly, even though some now possess fewer than two pairs of walking appendages.",Tetrapod +"The first permitted voters to enact legislation by petitioning to place an idea, or initiative, on the ballot.",The first +"If the fruit develops from a single carpel or fused carpels of a single ovary, it is known as a simple fruit, as seen in nuts and beans.",a simple fruit +"In facilitated transport, also called facilitated diffusion, materials diffuse across the plasma membrane with the help of membrane proteins.",facilitated transport facilitated diffusion +Mass is the quantity of matter in a substance.,Mass +Biofeedback is a technique that uses electronic equipment to accurately measure a person ’s neuromuscular and autonomic activity — feedback is provided in the form of visual or auditory signals.,Biofeedback +"These cohesive forces are related to water ’s property of adhesion, or the attraction between water molecules and other molecules.",adhesion +"Plants used in first - generation crosses were called P0, or parental generation one, plants.","P0 parental generation one , plants" +An innovation refers to an object or concept ’s initial appearance in society — it ’s innovative because it is markedly new.,An innovation +"New York was the first U.S. megalopolis, a huge urban corridor encompassing multiple cities and their surrounding suburbs.",megalopolis +Given the extraordinary diversity of life on the planet there must be mechanisms for speciation : the formation of two species from one original species.,speciation +"For example, the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the death penalty, ruling that the Eighth Amendment does not prevent a person from being put to death for committing a capital crime and that the government may consider “ retribution and the possibility of deterrence ” when it seeks capital punishment for a crime that so warrants it.",the constitutionality of the death penalty +Money refers to an object that a society agrees to assign a value to so it can be exchanged for payment.,Money +"The second feature is the existence of sharp peaks in the spectrum ; these are called characteristic x rays, since they are characteristic of the anode material.",characteristic x rays +The cell is in a quiescent( inactive) stage that occurs when cells exit the cell cycle.,quiescent +The pancreas is an internal organ that secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar levels : insulin and glucagon.,The pancreas +The bond has a maturity date when the borrower will pay back its face value as well as its last interest payment.,a maturity date +"Because they use light to manufacture their own food, they are called photoautotrophs( literally, “ self - feeders using light ”).",photoautotrophs +Interaural level difference refers to the fact that a sound coming from the right side of your body is more intense at your right ear than at your left ear because of the attenuation of the sound wave as it passes through your head.,Interaural level difference +"The hypothalamus controls the endocrine system by sending signals to the pituitary gland, a pea - sized endocrine gland that releases several different hormones that affect other glands as well as other cells.",The hypothalamus the pituitary gland +"AMNESIAAmnesia is the loss of long - term memory that occurs as the result of disease, physical trauma, or psychological trauma.",AMNESIAAmnesia +"The structures of the inner ear are found in the labyrinth, a bony, hollow structure that is the most interior portion of the ear.",the labyrinth +"One key factor that affects what financial institutions are willing to pay for a loan, when they buy it in the secondary loan market, is the perceived riskiness of the loan : that is, given the characteristics of the borrower, such as income level and whether the local economy is performing strongly, what proportion of loans of this type will be repaid ?",the perceived riskiness of the loan +"Thorns are modified branches appearing as sharp outgrowths that protect the plant ; common examples include roses, Osage orange and devil ’s walking stick.",Thorns +"Flowering, fruit setting and ripening, and inhibition of abscission( leaf falling) are other plant responses under the direct or indirect control of auxins.",abscission +The Banking Act of 1935 was the most far - reaching revision of banking laws since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1914.,The Banking Act of 1935 +"Foraminiferans, or forams, are unicellular heterotrophic protists, ranging from approximately 20 micrometers to several centimeters in length, and occasionally resembling tiny snails.",Foraminiferans forams +This is known as latent learning : learning that occurs but is not observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it. Psychologist Edward Tolman found that rats use cognitive maps to navigate through a maze.,latent learning +"The company had involved itself heavily in the slave trade and in 1637 captured Elmina, the slave - trading post on the west coast of Africa, from the Portuguese.)",Elmina +The fovea is the region in the center back of the eye that is responsible for acute vision.,The fovea +Modernization theory( Cowgill and Holmes 1972) suggests that the primary cause of the elderly losing power and influence in society are the parallel forces of industrialization and modernization.,Modernization theory +"Expressive crowds are people who join together to express emotion, often at funerals, weddings, or the like.",Expressive crowds +"Had they not succeeded, an escalating set of options likely would have included diplomatic sanctions( removal of ambassadors), economic sanctions( such as an embargo on trade and the flow of money between the countries), minor military options( such as establishment of a no - fly zone just outside Chinese airspace), or more significant military options( such as a focused campaign to enter China and get the pilots back).",diplomatic sanctions +"Stressful stimuli cause the hypothalamus to signal the adrenal medulla( which mediates short - term stress responses) via nerve impulses, and the adrenal cortex, which mediates long - term stress responses, via the hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone( ACTH), which is produced by the anterior pituitary.",the adrenal medulla the adrenal cortex the hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH +"The third theme is economic efficiency, or getting the most benefit from scarce resources.",economic efficiency +Supercentenarians are people living to 110 years or more.,Supercentenarians +Gender identity refers to one ’s sense of being male or female.,Gender identity +"The U.S. government has implemented a number of programs to assist those below the poverty line and those who have incomes just above the poverty line, who are referred to as the near - poor.",the near - poor +"The 1970s had been the era of the hippie, and Newsweek magazine declared 1984 to be the “ year of the Yuppie. ” Yuppies, whose name derived from “( y) oung,( u) rban( p) rofessionals, ” were akin to hippies in being young people whose interests, values, and lifestyle influenced American culture, economy, and politics, just as the hippies ’ credo had done in the late 1960s and 1970s.",Yuppies +"Connective TissuesConnective tissues are made up of a matrix consisting of living cells and a non - living substance, called the ground substance.",TissuesConnective tissues +"This drive was actually an extension of the earlier military conflict between Christians and Muslims for domination of the Holy Land( the Biblical region of Palestine), known as the Crusades.",the Crusades +"Sickle - cell anemia is a genetic condition in which red blood cells, which are normally round, take on a crescent - like shape.",Sickle - cell anemia +"Taxes on international capital flows are sometimes known as Tobin taxes, named after James Tobin, the 1981 Nobel laureate in economics who proposed such a tax in a 1972 lecture.",Tobin taxes +"Virtual reality exposure therapy has been used effectively to treat numerous anxiety disorders such as the fear of public speaking, claustrophobia( fear of enclosed spaces), aviophobia( fear of flying), and post - traumatic stress disorder( PTSD), a trauma and stressor - related disorder( Gerardi, Cukor, Difede, Rizzo, & Rothbaum, 2010).",claustrophobia aviophobia post - traumatic stress disorder PTSD +"Wilson described his more moderate approach as one of New Freedom, which stood for a smaller federal government to protect public interests from the evils associated with big businesses and banks.",New Freedom +The cell cycle is an orderly sequence of events that describes the stages of a cell ’s life from the division of a single parent cell to the production of two new daughter cells.,The cell cycle +"Potential GDP means the same thing here that it means in the AD/ AS diagrams : it refers to the quantity of output that the economy can produce with full employment of its labor and physical capital. The second conceptual line on the Keynesian cross diagram is the 45-degree line, which starts at the origin and reaches up and to the right.",Potential GDP +"Sellers may offer a warranty, which is a promise to fix or replace the good, at least for a certain period of time.",a warranty +"In a notorious 2005 case, Kelo v. City of New London, the Supreme Court sided with municipal officials taking homes in a middle - class neighborhood to obtain land for a large pharmaceutical company ’s corporate campus.",Kelo v. +"Because the disturbances add, pure constructive interference produces a wave that has twice the amplitude of the individual waves, but has the same wavelength.",pure constructive interference +"William Paterson introduced a New Jersey Plan to counter Madison ’s scheme, proposing that all states have equal votes in a unicameral national legislature.",a New Jersey Plan +The optic nerve carries visual information from the retina to the brain.,The optic nerve +Obedience is the change of an individual ’s behavior to comply with a demand by an authority figure.,Obedience +"When there is market failure, the private market fails to achieve efficient output, because either firms do not account for all costs incurred in the production of output and/or consumers do not account for all benefits obtained( a positive externality).",market failure +New media encompasses all interactive forms of information exchange.,New media +A referendum asks citizens to confirm or repeal a decision made by the government.,A referendum +Gravitational waves are mass - created distortions in space that propagate at the speed of light and are predicted by general relativity.,Gravitational waves +"Unlike mores, folkways are norms without any moral underpinnings.",folkways +Citizens also use party identification to make decisions via straight - ticket voting — choosing every Republican or Democratic Party member on the ballot.,straight - ticket voting +Market economies are based on private enterprise : the means of production( resources and businesses) are owned and operated by private individuals or groups of private individuals.,Market economies +This pattern is common enough that these goods are referred to as normal goods.,normal goods +"Their model of human memory, called Atkinson - Shiffrin( A - S), is based on the belief that we process memories in the same way that a computer processes information.",Atkinson - Shiffrin A - S +"For example, Individual Retirement Accounts( IRAs) and 401(k) accounts are special savings accounts where the money going into the account is not taxed until it is taken out many years later, after retirement.",Individual Retirement Accounts ( IRAs ) and 401(k ) accounts +"The male reproductive organs, the stamens( collectively called the androecium), surround the central carpel.",the stamens +The study of the changes in ecosystem structure caused by changes in the environment( disturbances) or by internal forces is called ecosystem dynamics.,ecosystem dynamics +"Plants that lack vascular tissue, which is formed of specialized cells for the transport of water and nutrients, are referred to as non - vascular plants.",vascular tissue non - vascular plants +"Blood is actually a term used to describe the liquid that moves through the vessels and includes plasma( the liquid portion, which contains water, proteins, salts, lipids, and glucose) and the cells( red and white cells) and cell fragments called platelets.",Blood plasma platelets +"If too much is required of a single role, individuals can experience role strain.",role strain +"While prejudice refers to biased thinking, discrimination consists of actions against a group of people.",discrimination +"In a process called microlensing, light from the star is focused and the star appears to brighten in a characteristic manner.",microlensing +Particle physics deals with the substructures of atoms and nuclei and is particularly aimed at finding those truly fundamental particles that have no further substructure.,Particle physics +"Chromosomes are structures within the nucleus that are made up of DNA, the hereditary material.",Chromosomes +"In the male reproductive system, the scrotum houses the testicles or testes( singular : testis), including providing passage for blood vessels, nerves, and muscles related to testicular function.",the scrotum +Cyclical unemployment results from fluctuations in the business cycle and is created when the economy is producing below potential GDP — giving potential employers less incentive to hire.,Cyclical unemployment +"A labor union seeks to change the balance of power between employers and workers by requiring employers to deal with workers collectively, rather than as individuals.",A labor union +"Medical sociologists study the physical, mental, and social components of health and illness.",Medical sociologists +"Intrapersonal topics( those that pertain to the individual) include emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition( the ways in which we think about ourselves and others).",Intrapersonal topics +"This process is called summation and occurs at the axon hillock, as illustrated in.",summation +"Intercalary meristems occur only in monocots, at the bases of leaf blades and at nodes( the areas where leaves attach to a stem).",Intercalary meristems nodes +"For example, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorizes the federal government to withhold federal grants as well as file lawsuits against state and local officials for practicing racial discrimination.",Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 +The valve separating the chambers on the left side of the heart valve is called the biscuspid or mitral valve.,the biscuspid mitral valve +"During karyogamy( “ nuclear marriage ”), the haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote nucleus.",karyogamy +"Starting from some known position, Huygens ’s principle states that : Every point on a wavefront is a source of wavelets that spread out in the forward direction at the same speed as the wave itself.",Huygens ’s principle +Sociologists call these established sects.,established sects +a) Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an individual based on the genetic material( DNA) inherited from one ’s parents.,Genotype +Resolution is the relatively rapid return to an unaroused state accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and muscular relaxation.,Resolution +Ependymal cells line fluid - filled ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord.,Ependymal cells +The autonomic nervous system controls our internal organs and glands and is generally considered to be outside the realm of voluntary control.,The autonomic nervous system +The dogs ’ salivation was an unconditioned response( UCR) : a natural( unlearned) reaction to a given stimulus.,an unconditioned response UCR +"This part of optics, where the ray aspect of light dominates, is therefore called geometric optics.",geometric optics +"For example, United for Medical Research, a coalition of groups that seek funding for the National Institutes of Health,( which is supported by federal grants), states : “ NIH - supported research added $ 69 billion to our GDP and supported seven million jobs in 2011 alone. ”",United for Medical Research +"Estrogen is the reproductive hormone in females that assists in endometrial regrowth, ovulation, and calcium absorption ; it is also responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of females.",Estrogen +The Federal Open Market Committee( FOMC) makes the decisions regarding these open market operations.,The Federal Open Market Committee FOMC +"Changes in tax and spending levels can also occur automatically, due to automatic stabilizers, such as unemployment insurance and food stamps, which are programs that are already laws that stimulate aggregate demand in a recession and hold down aggregate demand in a potentially inflationary boom.",automatic stabilizers +Genome mapping is the process of finding the locations of genes on each chromosome.,Genome mapping +"This situation is referred to as immunosuppression, the decreased effectiveness of the immune system.",immunosuppression +Keynesian economics focuses on explaining why recessions and depressions occur and offering a policy prescription for minimizing their effects.,Keynesian economics +"He argued for the creation of an American republic, a state without a king, and extolled the blessings of republicanism, a political philosophy that held that elected representatives, not a hereditary monarch, should govern states.",republicanism +"Finally, Article VI declared that the U.S. Constitution and any laws or treaties made in connection with that document were to supersede constitutions and laws made at the state level.",Article VI +"His Connecticut Compromise, also known as the Great Compromise, outlined a different bicameral legislature in which the upper house, the Senate, would have equal representation for all states ; each state would be represented by two senators chosen by the state legislatures.",Connecticut Compromise the Great Compromise +Soil particles that are 0.1 to 2 mm in diameter are sand.,sand +"Together, these observations led to the development of the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance, which identified chromosomes as the genetic material responsible for Mendelian inheritance.",the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance +"At the other end of the spectrum is a free trade approach, in which a country allows the unfettered flow of goods and services between itself and other countries.",a free trade approach +The real value refers to the same statistic after it has been adjusted for inflation.,The real value +"The outcry was so great that the new tax was quickly withdrawn, but its repeal was soon followed by a series of other tax acts, such as the Townshend Acts( 1767), which imposed taxes on many everyday objects such as glass, tea, and paint.",the Townshend Acts +"When plants viruses are transferred between different plants, this is known as horizontal transmission, and when they are inherited from a parent, this is called vertical transmission.",horizontal transmission vertical transmission +"Kennedy also established the Agency for International Development to oversee the distribution of foreign aid, and he founded the Peace Corps, which recruited idealistic young people to undertake humanitarian projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.",the Agency for International Development the Peace Corps +Medicalization refers to the process by which previously normal aspects of life are redefined as deviant and needing medical attention to remedy.,Medicalization +"As our society becomes increasingly multiethnic and multiracial, mental health professionals must develop cultural competence, which means they must understand and address issues of race, culture, and ethnicity.",cultural competence +"These five dimensions are known as the “ Big Five ” or the Five Factor model, and include dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion.",the “ Big Five ” the Five Factor model +"The majority of known fungi belong to the Phylum Ascomycota, which is characterized by the formation of an ascus( plural, asci), a sac - like structure that contains haploid ascospores.",the Phylum Ascomycota an ascus +This process of cell division is called mitosis.,mitosis +"Workman ’s compensation insurance : Employers are required by law to pay a small percentage of the salaries that they pay into funds, typically run at the state level, that are used to pay benefits to workers who suffer an injury on the job.",Workman ’s compensation insurance +This ‘ jumping ’ of the action potential from one node to the next is called saltatory conduction.,saltatory conduction +Small green appendages usually found at the base of the petiole are known as stipules.,stipules +"Small, virus - like particles called gene transfer agents( GTAs) transfer random genomic segments from one species of prokaryote to another.",gene transfer agents GTAs +"Liberation theology began as a movement within the Roman Catholic Church in the 1950s and 1960s in Latin America, and it combines Christian principles with political activism.",Liberation theology +The prevention of a pregnancy comes under the terms contraception or birth control.,contraception birth control +"Secondary data does n’t result from firsthand research collected from primary sources, but are the already completed work of other researchers.",Secondary data +"Depending on their different income levels and political preferences, countries are likely to make different choices about allocative efficiency — that is, the choice between economic output and environmental protection along the production possibility frontier.",allocative efficiency +"This two - parent family structure is known as a nuclear family, referring to married parents and children as the nucleus, or core, of the group.",a nuclear family +"However, cutting wages will alienate the insiders and damage the firm ’s productivity and prospects. Finally, the relative wage coordination argument points out that even if most workers were hypothetically willing to see a decline in their own wages in bad economic times as long as everyone else also experiences such a decline, there is no obvious way for a decentralized economy to implement such a plan.",the relative wage coordination argument +"The ribs are 12 pairs of long, curved bones that attach to the thoracic vertebrae and curve toward the front of the body, forming the ribcage.",The ribs +Quantum mechanics must be used for objects smaller than can be seen with a microscope.,Quantum mechanics +"On January 14, Bush succeeded in getting resolutions from Congress authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, and the U.S. then orchestrated an effective air campaign, followed by Operation Desert Storm, a one - hundred - hour land war involving over 500,000 U.S. troops and another 200,000 from twenty - seven other countries, which expelled Iraqi forces from Kuwait by the end of February.",Operation Desert Storm +This is called atomic excitation.,atomic excitation +Gender identity is a person ’s deeply held internal perception of his or her gender.,Gender identity +"Note that kinship, or one ’s traceable ancestry, can be based on blood or marriage or adoption.",kinship +A market with few buyers and few sellers is sometimes referred to as a thin market.,a thin market +"These nutrients are termed essential nutrients, meaning they must be eaten, and the body can not produce them.",termed essential nutrients +"A perfectly competitive firm is known as a price taker, because the pressure of competing firms forces them to accept the prevailing equilibrium price in the market.",a price taker +The chemical reactants to which an enzyme binds are the enzyme ’s substrates.,the enzyme ’s substrates +"For example, in 1962, Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, a book exposing the dangers posed by pesticides such as DDT.",Silent Spring +"Inside the cochlea, the basilar membrane is a mechanical analyzer that runs the length of the cochlea, curling toward the cochlea ’s center.",the basilar membrane +"The Communications Act of 1934 ended the FRC and created the Federal Communications Commission( FCC), which continued to work with radio stations to assign frequencies and set national standards, as well as oversee other forms of broadcasting and telephones.",the Federal Communications Commission FCC +This baseline level of unemployment that occurs year - in and year - out is called the natural rate of unemployment and is determined by how well the structures of market and government institutions in the economy lead to a matching of workers and employers in the labor market.,the natural rate of unemployment +"In Fisher v. University of Texas( 2013, known as Fisher I), University of Texas student Abigail Fisher brought suit to declare UT ’s race - based admissions policy as inconsistent with Grutter.",Fisher v. University of Texas Fisher I +"Some infected cells, such as those infected by the common cold virus known as rhinovirus, die through lysis( bursting) or apoptosis( programmed cell death or “ cell suicide ”), releasing all progeny virions at once.",rhinovirus lysis apoptosis +Price is what the producer receives for selling one unit of a good or service.,Price +"This chapter also relates the model of aggregate supply and aggregate demand to the three goals of economic policy( growth, unemployment, and inflation), and provides a framework for thinking about many of the connections and tradeoffs between these goals.",the three goals of economic policy +The perception of intensity is called loudness.,loudness +"Synapsids also include therapsids, which were mammal - like reptiles from which mammals evolved.",therapsids +Adverse selection refers to the problem in which the buyers of insurance have more information about whether they are high - risk or low - risk than the insurance company does.,Adverse selection +"Southern extremists, known as “ Fire - Eaters, ” openly called for secession.",Fire - Eaters +Particle - wave duality — the fact that all particles have wave properties — is one of the cornerstones of quantum mechanics.,Particle - wave duality +"Osteoblasts at the bone surface secrete bone matrix, and osteoclasts on the inner surface break down bone.",Osteoblasts osteoclasts +Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction where an egg develops into a complete individual without being fertilized.,Parthenogenesis +"However, if a family of carriers begins to interbreed with each other, this will dramatically increase the likelihood of two carriers mating and eventually producing diseased offspring, a phenomenon known as inbreeding depression.",inbreeding depression +"In bottom - up implementation, the federal government allows local areas some flexibility to meet their specific challenges and needs.",bottom - up implementation +"The scientific definition of linear momentum is consistent with most people ’s intuitive understanding of momentum : a large, fast - moving object has greater momentum than a smaller, slower object.",linear momentum +"The Social Security payroll tax is proportional up to the wage limit, but above that level it becomes a regressive tax, meaning that people with higher incomes pay a smaller share of their income in tax.",The Social Security payroll tax a regressive tax +"In the DSM-5, Gender Dysphoria is a condition of people whose gender at birth is contrary to the one they identify with.",Gender Dysphoria +A synchrotron is a version of a cyclotron in which the frequency of the alternating voltage and the magnetic field strength are increased as the beam particles are accelerated.,A synchrotron +Lucid dreams are dreams in which certain aspects of wakefulness are maintained during a dream state.,Lucid dreams +"Indeed, Tocqueville described a new type of tyranny, the tyranny of the majority, which overpowers the will of minorities and individuals and was, in his view, unleashed by democracy in the United States.",the tyranny of the majority +This distinguishing feature of land plants gave the group its alternate name of embryophytes.,embryophytes +"In May 1861, Union general Benjamin Butler and others labeled these refugees from slavery contrabands.",contrabands +"In the United States, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation( FDIC) is responsible for deposit insurance.",the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC +Ectomycorrhizae( “ outside ” mycorrhiza) depend on fungi enveloping the roots in a sheath( called a mantle) and a Hartig net of hyphae that extends into the roots between cells.,Ectomycorrhizae +"Force is a push or pull that can be defined in terms of various standards, and it is a vector having both magnitude and direction.",Force +"The root ology denotes scientific study of, and psychology refers to the scientific study of the mind.",psychology +Van de Graaff generators( or Van de Graaffs) are not only spectacular devices used to demonstrate high voltage due to static electricity — they are also used for serious research.,Van de Graaff generators Van de Graaffs +"The name derives from the word ecdysis, which refers to the shedding, or molting, of the exoskeleton.",ecdysis +The process of photosynthesis occurs in a middle layer called the mesophyll.,the mesophyll +"In contrast, people from a collectivistic culture, that is, a culture that focuses on communal relationships with others, such as family, friends, and community, are less likely to commit the fundamental attribution error( Markus & Kitayama, 1991 ; Triandis, 2001).",a collectivistic culture +"Federal fiscal policies include discretionary fiscal policy, when the government passes a new law that explicitly changes tax or spending levels.",discretionary fiscal policy +Endoscopes are used to explore the body through various orifices or minor incisions.,Endoscopes +The caucus or large - scale gathering was made up of legislators in the Congress who met informally to decide on nominees from their respective parties.,The caucus +"By this time, the second party system had taken hold, a system whereby the older Federalist and Democratic - Republican Parties had been replaced by the new Democratic and Whig Parties.",the second party system +"In contrast, in a longitudinal wave or compressional wave, the disturbance is parallel to the direction of propagation.",a longitudinal wave compressional wave +"The two discussed a policy of détente, a relaxation of tensions between their nations, and signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty( SALT), which limited each side to deploying only two antiballistic missile systems.",détente the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty SALT +"In 1890, Dr. Charles Macune, who led the Southern Alliance, which was based in Texas and had over 100,000 members by 1886, urged the creation of a national alliance between his organization, the Northwest Alliance, and the Colored Alliance, the largest African American organization in the United States.",the Colored Alliance +"Like neurotransmitters, hormones are chemical messengers that must bind to a receptor in order to send their signal.",hormones +"The Homestead Act allowed any head of household, or individual over the age of twenty - one — including unmarried women — to receive a parcel of 160 acres for only a nominal filing fee.",The Homestead Act +Banks as Financial IntermediariesAn “ intermediary ” is one who stands between two other parties.,IntermediariesAn “ intermediary ” +"The speed at which an ecosystem recovers equilibrium after being disturbed, called its resilience.",resilience +"A detrital food web consists of a base of organisms that feed on decaying organic matter( dead organisms), called decomposers or detritivores.",A detrital food web decomposers detritivores +"Each photosystem is serviced by the light - harvesting complex, which passes energy from sunlight to the reaction center ; it consists of multiple antenna proteins that contain a mixture of 300 – 400 chlorophyll a and b molecules as well as other pigments like carotenoids.",the light - harvesting complex +McCarthy and Zald( 1977) conceptualize resource mobilization theory as a way to explain movement success in terms of the ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals.,resource mobilization theory +"Monetary policy, which involves policies that affect bank lending, interest rates, and financial capital markets, is conducted by a nation ’s central bank.",Monetary policy +Morbidity is the incidence of disease.,Morbidity +"Pairing a new neutral stimulus( “ squeak ”) with the conditioned stimulus( “ zzhzhz ”) is called higher - order conditioning, or second - order conditioning.",higher - order conditioning second - order conditioning +"Stage 3 and stage 4 of sleep are often referred to as deep sleep or slow - wave sleep because these stages are characterized by low frequency( up to 4 Hz), high amplitude delta waves.",Stage 3 and stage 4 of sleep deep sleep slow - wave sleep +"Changes in temperature, pH, and exposure to chemicals may lead to permanent changes in the shape of the protein, leading to loss of function, known as denaturation.",denaturation +"Prejudice often begins in the form of a stereotype — that is, a specific belief or assumption about individuals based solely on their membership in a group, regardless of their individual characteristics.",Prejudice a stereotype +"In the gradual speciation model, species diverge gradually over time in small steps.",the gradual speciation model +"Human factors psychology is the study of how workers interact with the tools of work and how to design those tools to optimize workers ’ productivity, safety, and health.",Human factors psychology +The distance from the center of the lens to its focal point is defined to be the focal lengthff size 12 { f } { } of the lens.,the focal lengthff +This very direct method of phosphorylation is called substrate - level phosphorylation.,substrate - level phosphorylation +Price indices are created to calculate an overall average change in relative prices over time.,Price indices +"In passive transport, substances move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.",passive transport +"Short bones, or cuboidal bones, are bones that are the same width and length, giving them a cube - like shape.",Short bones cuboidal bones +Oligopolistic markets are those dominated by a small number of firms.,Oligopolistic markets +"Autotrophic organisms that convert solar energy into chemical energy are called phototrophs, and they appeared within one billion years of the formation of Earth.",phototrophs +"The last clause of Article I, Section 8, commonly referred to as the elastic clause or the necessary and proper cause, enables Congress “ to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying ” out its constitutional responsibilities.",the elastic clause the necessary and proper cause +The effect of a market exchange on a third party who is outside or “ external ” to the exchange is called an externality.,an externality +"The No Child Left Behind Act, signed into law in January 2002, erected a system of testing to measure and ultimately improve student performance in reading and math at all schools that received federal funds.",The No Child Left Behind Act +"The Fifth Amendment, which requires among other things that people can not be deprived of their life, liberty, or property except by a legal proceeding, was also greatly influenced by English law as well as the protections granted to Virginians in the Virginia Declaration of Rights.",The Fifth Amendment +"As shown in, a stack of thylakoids is called a granum, and the liquid - filled space surrounding the granum is called stroma or “ bed ”( not to be confused with stoma or “ mouth, ” an opening on the leaf epidermis).",a granum stroma stoma +"Durkheim called the communal beliefs, morals, and attitudes of a society the collective conscience.",the collective conscience +It plays a role in memory formation and includes parts of the thalamus and hypothalamus as well as the hippocampus.,It +"The forebrain contains the cerebral cortex and a number of other structures that lie beneath the cortex( called subcortical structures) : thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the limbic system( collection of structures).",The forebrain +The portion of the embryo between the cotyledon attachment point and the radicle is known as the hypocotyl( hypocotyl means “ below the cotyledons ”).,the hypocotyl +Total savings = Private savings( S) + Public savings( T – G),Total savings +Ionic bonds are formed between ions with opposite charges.,Ionic bonds +An internal factor is an attribute of a person and includes personality traits and temperament.,An internal factor +"The diffusion of K+ out of the cell actually hyperpolarizes the cell, in that the membrane potential becomes more negative than the cell 's normal resting potential.",hyperpolarizes +"At the center of each animal cell, the centrosomes of animal cells are associated with a pair of rod - like objects, the centrioles, which are at right angles to each other.",the centrioles +"PAMPs are carbohydrate, polypeptide, and nucleic acid “ signatures ” that are expressed by viruses, bacteria, and parasites but which differ from molecules on host cells.",PAMPs +"Arriving at a proper diagnosis — that is, appropriately identifying and labeling a set of defined symptoms — is absolutely crucial.",a proper diagnosis +"A transverse plane( or, horizontal plane) divides the animal into upper and lower portions.",A transverse plane horizontal plane +"Mineral soils form directly from the weathering of bedrock, the solid rock that lies beneath the soil, and therefore, they have a similar composition to the original rock.",bedrock +"When the number of receptors decreases in response to rising hormone levels, called down - regulation, cellular activity is reduced.",down - regulation +"Qualitative sociology seeks to understand human behavior by learning about it through in - depth interviews, focus groups, and analysis of content sources( like books, magazines, journals, and popular media).",Qualitative sociology +Elder abuse occurs when a caretaker intentionally deprives an older person of care or harms the person in his or her charge.,Elder abuse +"Proto - oncogenes are normal genes that, when mutated in certain ways, become oncogenes, genes that cause a cell to become cancerous.",Proto - oncogenes +"Philosopher William James was one of the key proponents of the closely related concept of pragmatism, which held that Americans needed to experiment with different ideas and perspectives to find the truth about American society, rather than assuming that there was truth in old, previously accepted models.",pragmatism +"The first was Roscoe Conkling, Republican senator from New York and leader of the Stalwarts, a group that strongly supported continuation of the current spoils system.",the Stalwarts +"Phloem is the second type of vascular tissue ; it transports sugars, proteins, and other solutes throughout the plant.",Phloem +"According to Friedman and Rosenman, these individuals exhibit Type A behavior pattern ; those who are more relaxed and laid - back were characterized as Type B.",Type A behavior pattern Type B +"At depths greater than 200 m, light can not penetrate ; thus, this is referred to as the aphotic zone.",the aphotic zone +Movement of the limbs inward after abduction is an example of adduction.,adduction +"There are different types of economic integration across the globe, ranging from free trade agreements, in which participants allow each other ’s imports without tariffs or quotas, to common markets, in which participants have a common external trade policy as well as free trade within the group, to full economic unions, in which, in addition to a common market, monetary and fiscal policies are coordinated.",free trade agreements common markets full economic unions +This is the purchase of long - term government and private mortgage - backed securities by central banks to make credit available so as to stimulate aggregate demand.,This +Osmosis is the transport of water through a semipermeable membrane from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration.,Osmosis +"The stimulating growth factor was found to be cytokinin, a hormone that promotes cytokinesis( cell division).",cytokinin cytokinesis +"This phenomenon is called passive immunity ; it also occurs naturally during breastfeeding, which makes breastfed infants highly resistant to infections during the first few months of life.",passive immunity +"The Tenth Amendment affirms the states ’ reserved powers : “ The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ”",The Tenth Amendment +The animal genes containing homeobox sequences are specifically referred to as Hox genes.,Hox genes +"Recording of the heart ’s magnetic field as it beats is called a magnetocardiogram( MCG), while measurements of the brain ’s magnetic field is called a magnetoencephalogram( MEG).",a magnetocardiogram MCG a magnetoencephalogram MEG +"Mammalian integument, or skin, includes secretory glands with various functions.",Mammalian integument +"Barcoding is a technique in which one or more short gene sequences, taken from a well - characterized portion of the genome, are used to identify a species through DNA analysis.",Barcoding +Infinite elasticity or perfect elasticity refers to the extreme case where either the quantity demanded( Qd) or supplied( Qs) changes by an infinite amount in response to any change in price at all.,Infinite elasticity perfect elasticity +"High temperatures will eventually cause enzymes, like other biological molecules, to denature, a process that changes the natural properties of a substance.",denature +"There is a certain probability of finding the particle at a given location, and the overall pattern is called a probability distribution.",a probability distribution +Dominant traits are those that are inherited unchanged in a hybridization.,Dominant traits +"Sociologists describe this aspect of schools as the hidden curriculum, the informal teaching done by schools.",the hidden curriculum +This general effect is called surface tension.,surface tension +"In pairwise - end sequencing, both ends of each fragment are analyzed for overlap.",pairwise - end sequencing +"Plants such as coleus and money plant are propagated through stem cuttings, where a portion of the stem containing nodes and internodes is placed in moist soil and allowed to root.",stem cuttings +The social benefit of the drug takes into account the value of all the positive externalities of the drug.,The social benefit of the drug +Social epidemiology is the study of the causes and distribution of diseases.,Social epidemiology +Mania is a state of extreme elation and agitation.,Mania +"With respect to entropy, there are only two possibilities : entropy is constant for a reversible process, and it increases for an irreversible process.",entropy +"Such differences are known as sexual dimorphisms, which arise from the fact that in many populations, particularly animal populations, there is more variance in the reproductive success of the males than there is of the females.",sexual dimorphisms +"Expulsion refers to a subordinate group being forced, by a dominant group, to leave a certain area or country.",Expulsion +Schemata are concepts( mental models) that are used to help us categorize and interpret information.,Schemata +"One of the first forms of cognitive - behavioral therapy was rational emotive therapy( RET), which was founded by Albert Ellis and grew out of his dislike of Freudian psychoanalysis( Daniel, n.d.).",rational emotive therapy RET +"An opioid is one of a category of drugs that includes heroin, morphine, methadone, and codeine.",An opioid +"The club mosses, or phylum Lycopodiophyta, are the earliest group of seedless vascular plants.",The club mosses phylum Lycopodiophyta +"In the United States, the central bank is called the Federal Reserve — often abbreviated as just “ the Fed. ” This section explains the organization of the U.S. Federal Reserve and identifies the major responsibilities of a central bank.",the Federal Reserve the Fed +"Homeostasis is a state of equilibrium, in which biological conditions( such as body temperature) are maintained at optimal levels.",Homeostasis +"In contrast, convergent thinking describes the ability to provide a correct or well - established answer or solution to a problem( Cropley, 2006 ; Gilford, 1967)",convergent thinking +"The national security advisor heads the president ’s National Security Council, a group of senior - level staff from multiple foreign policy agencies, and is generally the president ’s top foreign policy advisor.",The national security advisor +The net worth is the asset value minus how much is owed( the liability).,The net worth the liability +The ASA maintains a code of ethics — formal guidelines for conducting sociological research — consisting of principles and ethical standards to be used in the discipline.,The ASA +"In stems, the xylem and the phloem form a structure called a vascular bundle ; in roots, this is termed the vascular stele or vascular cylinder.",a vascular bundle +A total institution is one in which inmates or military soldiers live a controlled lifestyle and in which total resocialization takes place.,A total institution +A private company is owned by the people who run it on a day - to - day basis.,A private company