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AutoTrain Dataset for project: test-21312

Dataset Descritpion

This dataset has been automatically processed by AutoTrain for project test-21312.


The BCP-47 code for the dataset's language is unk.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

A sample from this dataset looks as follows:

    "id": 300,
    "target": 1,
    "Pclass": 1,
    "Name": "Baxter, Mrs. James (Helene DeLaudeniere Chaput)",
    "Sex": "female",
    "Age": 50.0,
    "SibSp": 0,
    "Parch": 1,
    "Ticket": "PC 17558",
    "Fare": 247.5208,
    "Cabin": "B58 B60",
    "Embarked": "C"
    "id": 858,
    "target": 1,
    "Pclass": 1,
    "Name": "Daly, Mr. Peter Denis ",
    "Sex": "male",
    "Age": 51.0,
    "SibSp": 0,
    "Parch": 0,
    "Ticket": "113055",
    "Fare": 26.55,
    "Cabin": "E17",
    "Embarked": "S"

Dataset Fields

The dataset has the following fields (also called "features"):

  "id": "Value(dtype='int64', id=None)",
  "target": "ClassLabel(num_classes=2, names=['0', '1'], id=None)",
  "Pclass": "Value(dtype='int64', id=None)",
  "Name": "Value(dtype='string', id=None)",
  "Sex": "Value(dtype='string', id=None)",
  "Age": "Value(dtype='float64', id=None)",
  "SibSp": "Value(dtype='int64', id=None)",
  "Parch": "Value(dtype='int64', id=None)",
  "Ticket": "Value(dtype='string', id=None)",
  "Fare": "Value(dtype='float64', id=None)",
  "Cabin": "Value(dtype='string', id=None)",
  "Embarked": "Value(dtype='string', id=None)"

Dataset Splits

This dataset is split into a train and validation split. The split sizes are as follow:

Split name Num samples
train 146
valid 37
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