{ "description": "Translation dataset based on the data from statmt.org.\n\nVersions exist for different years using a combination of data\nsources. The base `wmt` allows you to create a custom dataset by choosing\nyour own data/language pair. This can be done as follows:\n\n```python\nfrom datasets import inspect_dataset, load_dataset_builder\n\ninspect_dataset(\"wmt16\", \"path/to/scripts\")\nbuilder = load_dataset_builder(\n \"path/to/scripts/wmt_utils.py\",\n language_pair=(\"fr\", \"de\"),\n subsets={\n datasets.Split.TRAIN: [\"commoncrawl_frde\"],\n datasets.Split.VALIDATION: [\"euelections_dev2019\"],\n },\n)\n\n# Standard version\nbuilder.download_and_prepare()\nds = builder.as_dataset()\n\n# Streamable version\nds = builder.as_streaming_dataset()\n```\n\n", "citation": "\n@inproceedings{aziz-specia-2011-fully,\n title = "Fully Automatic Compilation of {P}ortuguese-{E}nglish and {P}ortuguese-{S}panish Parallel Corpora",\n author = "Aziz, Wilker and Specia, Lucia",\n booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th {B}razilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology",\n year = "2011",\n url = "https://aclanthology.org/W11-4533",\n}\n", "homepage": "http://www.nilc.icmc.usp.br/nilc/tools/Fapesp%20Corpora.htm", "license": "", "features": { "translation": { "languages": [ "es", "pt" ], "_type": "Translation" } }, "supervised_keys": { "input": "es", "output": "pt" }, "builder_name": "fapesp-v2", "config_name": "es-pt", "version": { "version_str": "1.0.0", "major": 1, "minor": 0, "patch": 0 }, "splits": { "train": { "name": "train", "num_bytes": 47480897, "num_examples": 158197, "dataset_name": "fapesp-v2" }, "validation": { "name": "validation", "num_bytes": 377101, "num_examples": 1302, "dataset_name": "fapesp-v2" }, "test": { "name": "test", "num_bytes": 400915, "num_examples": 1379, "dataset_name": "fapesp-v2" } }, "download_checksums": { "https://huggingface.co/datasets/vgaraujov/fapesp-v2/resolve/main/data/fapesp-v2.zip": { "num_bytes": 35276668, "checksum": "cf6bdf40cd2de72fe8b8bd1a260dd975aaf1b2b0d51a6f2bcad868ef77777d3f" } }, "download_size": 35276668, "dataset_size": 48258913, "size_in_bytes": 83535581 }