--- license: cc-by-4.0 --- # The INFERES dataset train size = 6444 test size = 1612 ## Columns ID : the unique ID of the instance Premise Hypothesis Label: cnt, ent, neutral Topic: 1 (Picasso), 2 (Columbus), 3 (Videogames), 4 (Olympic games), 5 (EU), 6 (USSR) Anno: ID of the annotators (in cases of undergrads or crowd - the ID of the group) Anno_Type: strategy used to generate the data: Generate, Rewrite, Crowd, and Automated The train/test split is stratified by a key that combines Label + Anno + Anno_type ### Disclaimer The results in the paper are done via k-fold cross validation and average across multiple runs. Experiments with this split might differ slightly. ### License cc-by-4.0