--- task_categories: - text-classification language: - de tags: - legal - information obligation - Austria pretty_name: Information obligations in the Ausrian Legal Information System (RIS) size_categories: - n<1K --- Federal consolidated section* documents from the [Austrian Legal Information System (RIS)](https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Bundesrecht/), classified whether they prescribe information obligation (_positive_) or not (_negative_), as defined by the [Austrian Corporate Service Portal Act (USPG) § 1 Abs. 1.](https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/eli/bgbl/i/2009/52/P2/NOR40236229) * `full.txt`: the full corpus in fasttext format. * `full_with_nor.txt`: the full corpus in fasttext format, where the first token (starting with NOR) is the unique ID of the document as can be found by in the above linked database. * `train.txt`, `dev.txt`, and `test.txt` are the 80:10:10 split of the full corpus to train, validate, and test it, as was used to train the [uwk-cegov/information_obligation_classifier](https://huggingface.co/uwk-cegov/information_obligation_classifier) model. |label|training docs|training words|valid. docs|valid. words|test docs|test words|total docs|total words| |:----|:----|:----|:----|:----|:----|:----|:----|:----| |positive|155 (79.9%)| 100 927 (74.7%)|19 (9.8%)| 8 791 (6.5%)|20 (10.3%)| 25 390 (18.8%)|194| 135 108| negative|462 (79.9%)| 456 300 (75.5%)|57 (9.9%)| 67 627 (11.2%)|59 (10.2%)| 80 407 (13.3%)|578| 604 334 | total|617 (79.9%)| 557 227 (75.4%)|76 (9.8%)| 76 418 (10.3%)|79 (10.2%)| 105 797 (14.3%)|772| 739 442| * Curation and annotation: [Rainer Konrad](https://bka.ldap.gv.at/#/person/j-JgWn8Fs_byIQiAawpz9lr54p57QetTOpVW6uO4PXueZnxuaq2jfSsTEzX-MhFEpaAz7EGerIGjXxxGhRrkuKHkk_aFEToNTF-CI0VbyB-K) (Federal Chancellery of Austria) * Editing: [Lőrinc Thurnay](https://www.donau-uni.ac.at/en/university/organization/employees/person/4295299451) (University for Continuing Education Krems) \* Consolidation means that all amendments and corrections subsequently promulgated have been incorporated into a piece of legislation. These documents are for information purposes only and are therefore not legally binding. The documentation unit (a document) is a section (Paragraf) or an article or an annex to a legal provision.