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@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Federal consolidated section* documents from the [Austrian Legal Information Sys
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negative|462 (79.9%)| 456 300 (75.5%)|57 (9.9%)| 67 627 (11.2%)|59 (10.2%)| 80 407 (13.3%)|578| 604 334 |
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total|617 (79.9%)| 557 227 (75.4%)|76 (9.8%)| 76 418 (10.3%)|79 (10.2%)| 105 797 (14.3%)|772| 739 442|
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\* Consolidation means that all amendments and corrections subsequently promulgated have been incorporated into a piece of legislation. These documents are for information purposes only and are therefore not legally binding. The documentation unit (a document) is a section (Paragraf) or an article or an annex to a legal provision.
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negative|462 (79.9%)| 456 300 (75.5%)|57 (9.9%)| 67 627 (11.2%)|59 (10.2%)| 80 407 (13.3%)|578| 604 334 |
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total|617 (79.9%)| 557 227 (75.4%)|76 (9.8%)| 76 418 (10.3%)|79 (10.2%)| 105 797 (14.3%)|772| 739 442|
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* Curation and annotation: [Rainer Konrad](https://bka.ldap.gv.at/#/person/j-JgWn8Fs_byIQiAawpz9lr54p57QetTOpVW6uO4PXueZnxuaq2jfSsTEzX-MhFEpaAz7EGerIGjXxxGhRrkuKHkk_aFEToNTF-CI0VbyB-K) (Federal Chancellery of Austria)
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* Editing: [Lőrinc Thurnay](https://www.donau-uni.ac.at/en/university/organization/employees/person/4295299451) (University for Continuing Education Krems)
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\* Consolidation means that all amendments and corrections subsequently promulgated have been incorporated into a piece of legislation. These documents are for information purposes only and are therefore not legally binding. The documentation unit (a document) is a section (Paragraf) or an article or an annex to a legal provision.