from functools import lru_cache from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union from datasets import DatasetDict from .artifact import fetch_artifact from .dataset_utils import get_dataset_artifact from .logging_utils import get_logger from .metric_utils import _compute, _post_process from .operator import SourceOperator from .standard import StandardRecipe logger = get_logger() def load(source: Union[SourceOperator, str]) -> DatasetDict: assert isinstance( source, (SourceOperator, str) ), "source must be a SourceOperator or a string" if isinstance(source, str): source, _ = fetch_artifact(source) return source().to_dataset() def _load_dataset_from_query(dataset_query: str) -> DatasetDict: dataset_query = dataset_query.replace("sys_prompt", "instruction") dataset_stream = get_dataset_artifact(dataset_query) return dataset_stream().to_dataset() def _load_dataset_from_dict(dataset_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> DatasetDict: recipe_attributes = list(StandardRecipe.__dict__["__fields__"].keys()) for param in dataset_params.keys(): assert param in recipe_attributes, ( f"The parameter '{param}' is not an attribute of the 'StandardRecipe' class. " f"Please check if the name is correct. The available attributes are: '{recipe_attributes}'." ) recipe = StandardRecipe(**dataset_params) return recipe().to_dataset() def load_dataset(dataset_query: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> DatasetDict: """Loads dataset. If the 'dataset_query' argument is provided, then dataset is loaded from a card in local catalog based on parameters specified in the query. Alternatively, dataset is loaded from a provided card based on explicitly given parameters. Args: dataset_query (str, optional): A string query which specifies dataset to load from local catalog. For example: "card=cards.wnli,template=templates.classification.multi_class.relation.default". **kwargs: Arguments used to load dataset from provided card, which is not present in local catalog. Returns: DatasetDict Examples: dataset = load_dataset( dataset_query="card=cards.stsb,template=templates.regression.two_texts.simple,max_train_instances=5" ) # card must be present in local catalog card = TaskCard(...) template = Template(...) loader_limit = 10 dataset = load_dataset(card=card, template=template, loader_limit=loader_limit) """ if dataset_query and kwargs: raise ValueError( "Cannot provide 'dataset_query' and key-worded arguments at the same time. " "If you want to load dataset from a card in local catalog, use query only. " "Otherwise, use key-worded arguments only to specify properties of dataset." ) if dataset_query: if not isinstance(dataset_query, str): raise ValueError( f"If specified, 'dataset_query' must be a string, however, " f"'{dataset_query}' was provided instead, which is of type " f"'{type(dataset_query)}'." ) return _load_dataset_from_query(dataset_query) if kwargs: return _load_dataset_from_dict(kwargs) raise ValueError("Either 'dataset_query' or key-worded arguments must be provided.") def evaluate(predictions, data) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: return _compute(predictions=predictions, references=data) def post_process(predictions, data) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: return _post_process(predictions=predictions, references=data) @lru_cache def _get_produce_with_cache(recipe_query): return get_dataset_artifact(recipe_query).produce def produce(instance_or_instances, recipe_query): is_list = isinstance(instance_or_instances, list) if not is_list: instance_or_instances = [instance_or_instances] result = _get_produce_with_cache(recipe_query)(instance_or_instances) if not is_list: result = result[0] return result def infer(instance_or_instances, recipe, engine): dataset = produce(instance_or_instances, recipe) engine, _ = fetch_artifact(engine) predictions = engine.infer(dataset) return post_process(predictions, dataset)