from typing import Any, Dict, List from .operator import StreamInstanceOperator class Tasker: pass class FormTask(Tasker, StreamInstanceOperator): inputs: List[str] outputs: List[str] metrics: List[str] def process(self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: try: inputs = {key: instance[key] for key in self.inputs} except KeyError as e: raise KeyError( f"Unexpected input column names: {list(key for key in self.inputs if key not in instance)}" f"\n available names:{list(instance.keys())}\n given input names:{self.inputs}" ) try: outputs = {key: instance[key] for key in self.outputs} except KeyError as e: raise KeyError( f"Unexpected output column names: {list(key for key in self.outputs if key not in instance)}" f" \n available names:{list(instance.keys())}\n given output names:{self.outputs}" ) return { "inputs": inputs, "outputs": outputs, "metrics": self.metrics, } class MultipleChoiceTask(FormTask): choices_field: str = "choices" choices_separator: str = "\n" enumeration_suffix: str = ". " use_text_in_target: bool = False alphabet: str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" def process_single_choice(self, choice: str, index: int, use_text: bool = True) -> str: try: processed_choice = f"{self.alphabet[index]}" except IndexError: raise ValueError( f"Too many choices, the length of alphabet '{self.alphabet}': {len(self.alphabet)} is the limit" ) if use_text: processed_choice += f"{self.enumeration_suffix}{choice}" return processed_choice def process_choices(self, choices: List[str]) -> str: processed_choices = [] for index, choice in enumerate(choices): processed_choices.append(self.process_single_choice(choice, index)) return self.choices_separator.join(processed_choices) def process_target(self, choices, target_index): return self.process_single_choice(choices[target_index], target_index, use_text=self.use_text_in_target) def process(self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: result = super().process(instance, stream_name) target_key, target_value = next(iter(result["outputs"].items())) choices = result["inputs"][self.choices_field] target_index_in_choices = choices.index(target_value) processed_choices = self.process_choices(choices) processed_target = self.process_target(choices, target_index_in_choices) result["inputs"][self.choices_field] = processed_choices result["outputs"][target_key] = processed_target return result