from typing import Dict, Iterable, List from datasets import Features, Value from .operator import ( MultiStreamOperator, SequentialOperatorInitilizer, StreamInitializerOperator, ) from .operators import ( Apply, ApplyMetric, ApplyOperatorsField, FlattenInstances, MergeStreams, SplitByValue, ) from .register import _reset_env_local_catalogs, register_all_artifacts from .schema import UNITXT_DATASET_SCHEMA from .stream import MultiStream, Stream class MultiStreamScoreMean(MultiStreamOperator): def aggegate_results(self, multi_stream: MultiStream): scores = [] for stream in multi_stream.values(): instance = stream.peek() scores.append(instance["score"]["global"]["score"]) from statistics import mean return mean(scores) def spread_results(self, stream: Stream, score: float): for instance in stream: instance["score"]["global"]["groups_mean_score"] = score yield instance def spread_results_one_stream(self, stream: Stream): for instance in stream: instance["score"]["global"]["groups_mean_score"] = instance["score"][ "global" ]["score"] yield instance def process(self, multi_stream: MultiStream) -> MultiStream: result = {} # optimization in to avoid double calculation of metrics # when aggregating results, if there is only one stream. if len(multi_stream) == 1: for stream_name, stream in multi_stream.items(): result[stream_name] = Stream( self.spread_results_one_stream, gen_kwargs={"stream": stream} ) return MultiStream(result) mean_score = self.aggegate_results(multi_stream) result = {} for stream_name, stream in multi_stream.items(): result[stream_name] = Stream( self.spread_results, gen_kwargs={"stream": stream, "score": mean_score} ) return MultiStream(result) class FromPredictionsAndOriginalData(StreamInitializerOperator): def zip(self, predictions, references): for prediction, original in zip(predictions, references): yield {**original, "prediction": prediction} def process( self, predictions: List[str], references: Iterable, split_name: str = "all" ) -> MultiStream: return MultiStream( { split_name: Stream(, gen_kwargs={"predictions": predictions, "references": references}, ) } ) # The additional_inputs field in the schema is defined as # Sequence({"key": Value(dtype="string"), "value": Value("string")}) # When receiving instances from this scheme, the keys and values are returned as two separate # lists, and are converted to a dictionary. def _from_key_value_pairs(key_value_list: Dict[str, list]) -> Dict[str, str]: return dict(zip(key_value_list["key"], key_value_list["value"])) class MetricRecipe(SequentialOperatorInitilizer): calc_confidence_intervals: bool = True def prepare(self): register_all_artifacts() self.steps = [ FromPredictionsAndOriginalData(), Apply( "additional_inputs", function=_from_key_value_pairs, to_field="additional_inputs", ), ApplyOperatorsField( operators_field="postprocessors", ), SplitByValue(["group"]), ApplyMetric( "metrics", calc_confidence_intervals=self.calc_confidence_intervals, ), MultiStreamScoreMean(), MergeStreams(), ] UNITXT_METRIC_SCHEMA = Features( {"predictions": Value("string"), "references": dict(UNITXT_DATASET_SCHEMA)} ) def _compute( predictions: List[str], references: Iterable, flatten: bool = False, split_name: str = "all", calc_confidence_intervals: bool = True, ): _reset_env_local_catalogs() register_all_artifacts() recipe = MetricRecipe(calc_confidence_intervals=calc_confidence_intervals) multi_stream = recipe( predictions=predictions, references=references, split_name=split_name ) if flatten: operator = FlattenInstances() multi_stream = operator(multi_stream) stream = multi_stream[split_name] return list(stream)