import warnings from functools import lru_cache from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union from .artifact import fetch_artifact from .deprecation_utils import deprecation from .error_utils import Documentation, UnitxtError, UnitxtWarning from .logging_utils import get_logger from .operator import InstanceOperator from .settings_utils import get_constants from .type_utils import ( Type, get_args, get_origin, is_type_dict, isoftype, parse_type_dict, parse_type_string, to_type_dict, to_type_string, verify_required_schema, ) constants = get_constants() logger = get_logger() @deprecation( version="2.0.0", msg="use python type instead of type strings (e.g Dict[str] instead of 'Dict[str]')", ) def parse_string_types_instead_of_actual_objects(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return parse_type_dict(obj) return parse_type_string(obj) class Task(InstanceOperator): """Task packs the different instance fields into dictionaries by their roles in the task. Attributes: input_fields (Union[Dict[str, str], List[str]]): Dictionary with string names of instance input fields and types of respective values. In case a list is passed, each type will be assumed to be Any. reference_fields (Union[Dict[str, str], List[str]]): Dictionary with string names of instance output fields and types of respective values. In case a list is passed, each type will be assumed to be Any. metrics (List[str]): List of names of metrics to be used in the task. prediction_type (Optional[str]): Need to be consistent with all used metrics. Defaults to None, which means that it will be set to Any. defaults (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): An optional dictionary with default values for chosen input/output keys. Needs to be consistent with names and types provided in 'input_fields' and/or 'output_fields' arguments. Will not overwrite values if already provided in a given instance. The output instance contains three fields: "input_fields" whose value is a sub-dictionary of the input instance, consisting of all the fields listed in Arg 'input_fields'. "reference_fields" -- for the fields listed in Arg "reference_fields". "metrics" -- to contain the value of Arg 'metrics' """ input_fields: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Type], Dict[str, str], List[str]]] = None reference_fields: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Type], Dict[str, str], List[str]]] = None inputs: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Type], Dict[str, str], List[str]]] = None outputs: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Type], Dict[str, str], List[str]]] = None metrics: List[str] prediction_type: Optional[Union[Type, str]] = None augmentable_inputs: List[str] = [] defaults: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None def prepare(self): super().prepare() if self.input_fields is not None and self.inputs is not None: raise UnitxtError( "Conflicting attributes: 'input_fields' cannot be set simultaneously with 'inputs'. Use only 'input_fields'", Documentation.ADDING_TASK, ) if self.reference_fields is not None and self.outputs is not None: raise UnitxtError( "Conflicting attributes: 'reference_fields' cannot be set simultaneously with 'output'. Use only 'reference_fields'", Documentation.ADDING_TASK, ) self.input_fields = ( self.input_fields if self.input_fields is not None else self.inputs ) self.reference_fields = ( self.reference_fields if self.reference_fields is not None else self.outputs ) if isoftype(self.input_fields, Dict[str, str]): self.input_fields = parse_string_types_instead_of_actual_objects( self.input_fields ) if isoftype(self.reference_fields, Dict[str, str]): self.reference_fields = parse_string_types_instead_of_actual_objects( self.reference_fields ) if isinstance(self.prediction_type, str): self.prediction_type = parse_string_types_instead_of_actual_objects( self.prediction_type ) def verify(self): if hasattr(self, "inputs") and self.inputs is not None: depr_message = ( "The 'inputs' field is deprecated. Please use 'input_fields' instead." ) warnings.warn(depr_message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if hasattr(self, "outputs") and self.outputs is not None: depr_message = "The 'outputs' field is deprecated. Please use 'reference_fields' instead." warnings.warn(depr_message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if self.input_fields is None: raise UnitxtError( "Missing attribute in task: 'input_fields' not set.", Documentation.ADDING_TASK, ) if self.reference_fields is None: raise UnitxtError( "Missing attribute in task: 'reference_fields' not set.", Documentation.ADDING_TASK, ) for io_type in ["input_fields", "reference_fields"]: data = ( self.input_fields if io_type == "input_fields" else self.reference_fields ) if isinstance(data, list) or not is_type_dict(data): UnitxtWarning( f"'{io_type}' field of Task should be a dictionary of field names and their types. " f"For example, {{'text': str, 'classes': List[str]}}. Instead only '{data}' was " f"passed. All types will be assumed to be 'Any'. In future version of unitxt this " f"will raise an exception.", Documentation.ADDING_TASK, ) data = {key: Any for key in data} if io_type == "input_fields": self.input_fields = data else: self.reference_fields = data if not self.prediction_type: UnitxtWarning( "'prediction_type' was not set in Task. It is used to check the output of " "template post processors is compatible with the expected input of the metrics. " "Setting `prediction_type` to 'Any' (no checking is done). In future version " "of unitxt this will raise an exception.", Documentation.ADDING_TASK, ) self.prediction_type = Any self.check_metrics_type() for augmentable_input in self.augmentable_inputs: assert ( augmentable_input in self.input_fields ), f"augmentable_input {augmentable_input} is not part of {self.input_fields}" self.verify_defaults() @classmethod def process_data_after_load(cls, data): possible_dicts = ["inputs", "input_fields", "outputs", "reference_fields"] for dict_name in possible_dicts: if dict_name in data and isinstance(data[dict_name], dict): data[dict_name] = parse_type_dict(data[dict_name]) if "prediction_type" in data: data["prediction_type"] = parse_type_string(data["prediction_type"]) return data def process_data_before_dump(self, data): possible_dicts = ["inputs", "input_fields", "outputs", "reference_fields"] for dict_name in possible_dicts: if dict_name in data and isinstance(data[dict_name], dict): if not isoftype(data[dict_name], Dict[str, str]): data[dict_name] = to_type_dict(data[dict_name]) if "prediction_type" in data: if not isinstance(data["prediction_type"], str): data["prediction_type"] = to_type_string(data["prediction_type"]) return data @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_metric_prediction_type(metric_id: str): metric = fetch_artifact(metric_id)[0] return metric.prediction_type def check_metrics_type(self) -> None: prediction_type = self.prediction_type for metric_id in self.metrics: metric_prediction_type = Task.get_metric_prediction_type(metric_id) if ( prediction_type == metric_prediction_type or prediction_type == Any or metric_prediction_type == Any or ( get_origin(metric_prediction_type) is Union and prediction_type in get_args(metric_prediction_type) ) ): continue raise UnitxtError( f"The task's prediction type ({prediction_type}) and '{metric_id}' " f"metric's prediction type ({metric_prediction_type}) are different.", Documentation.ADDING_TASK, ) def verify_defaults(self): if self.defaults: if not isinstance(self.defaults, dict): raise UnitxtError( f"If specified, the 'defaults' must be a dictionary, " f"however, '{self.defaults}' was provided instead, " f"which is of type '{to_type_string(type(self.defaults))}'.", Documentation.ADDING_TASK, ) for default_name, default_value in self.defaults.items(): assert isinstance(default_name, str), ( f"If specified, all keys of the 'defaults' must be strings, " f"however, the key '{default_name}' is of type '{to_type_string(type(default_name))}'." ) val_type = self.input_fields.get( default_name ) or self.reference_fields.get(default_name) assert val_type, ( f"If specified, all keys of the 'defaults' must refer to a chosen " f"key in either 'input_fields' or 'reference_fields'. However, the name '{default_name}' " f"was provided which does not match any of the keys." ) assert isoftype(default_value, val_type), ( f"The value of '{default_name}' from the 'defaults' must be of " f"type '{to_type_string(val_type)}', however, it is of type '{to_type_string(type(default_value))}'." ) def set_default_values(self, instance: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if self.defaults: instance = {**self.defaults, **instance} return instance def process( self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: instance = self.set_default_values(instance) verify_required_schema(self.input_fields, instance) input_fields = {key: instance[key] for key in self.input_fields.keys()} data_classification_policy = instance.get("data_classification_policy", []) result = { "input_fields": input_fields, "metrics": self.metrics, "data_classification_policy": data_classification_policy, "media": instance.get("media", {}), } if stream_name == constants.inference_stream: return result verify_required_schema(self.reference_fields, instance) result["reference_fields"] = { key: instance[key] for key in self.reference_fields.keys() } return result @deprecation(version="2.0.0", alternative=Task) class FormTask(Task): pass