import tempfile import traceback import warnings from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List from datasets import Dataset, DatasetDict, IterableDataset, IterableDatasetDict from .dataclass import Dataclass, OptionalField from .generator_utils import CopyingReusableGenerator, ReusableGenerator from .logging_utils import get_logger from .settings_utils import get_settings from .utils import deepcopy settings = get_settings() logger = get_logger() class Stream(Dataclass): @abstractmethod def __iter__(self): pass @abstractmethod def peek(self): pass @abstractmethod def take(self, n): pass @abstractmethod def set_copying(self, copying: bool): pass class ListStream(Stream): instances_list: List[Dict[str, Any]] copying: bool = False def __iter__(self): if self.copying: return iter(deepcopy(self.instances_list)) return iter(self.instances_list) def peek(self): return next(iter(self)) def take(self, n) -> Generator: for i, instance in enumerate(self.instances_list): if i >= n: break yield instance def set_copying(self, copying: bool): self.copying = copying class GeneratorStream(Stream): """A class for handling streaming data in a customizable way. This class provides methods for generating, caching, and manipulating streaming data. Attributes: generator (function): A generator function for streaming data. :no-index: gen_kwargs (dict, optional): A dictionary of keyword arguments for the generator function. :no-index: caching (bool): Whether the data is cached or not. :no-index: """ generator: Callable gen_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = OptionalField(default_factory=dict) caching: bool = False copying: bool = False def _get_initiator(self): """Private method to get the correct initiator based on the streaming and caching attributes. Returns: function: The correct initiator function. """ if self.caching: return Dataset.from_generator if self.copying: return CopyingReusableGenerator return ReusableGenerator def _get_stream(self): """Private method to get the stream based on the initiator function. Returns: object: The stream object. """ return self._get_initiator()(self.generator, gen_kwargs=self.gen_kwargs) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._get_stream()) def peek(self): return next(iter(self)) def take(self, n): for i, instance in enumerate(self): if i >= n: break yield instance def set_copying(self, copying: bool): self.copying = copying class FaultyStreamError(Exception): """Base class for all stream-related exceptions.""" pass class MissingStreamError(FaultyStreamError): """Raised when a required stream is missing.""" pass class EmptyStreamError(FaultyStreamError): """Raised when a stream is unexpectedly empty.""" pass def eager_failed(): traceback.print_exc() warnings.warn( "The eager execution has failed due to the error above.", stacklevel=2 ) class DynamicStream(Stream): generator: Callable gen_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = OptionalField(default_factory=dict) caching: bool = False copying: bool = False def __post_init__(self): = None if settings.use_eager_execution: try: instances_list = [] for instance in self.generator(**self.gen_kwargs): instances_list.append(instance) = ListStream( instances_list=instances_list, copying=self.copying ) except FaultyStreamError: eager_failed() except RuntimeError as e: if isinstance(e.__cause__, FaultyStreamError): eager_failed() else: raise e if is None: = GeneratorStream( generator=self.generator, gen_kwargs=self.gen_kwargs, caching=self.caching, copying=self.copying, ) def __iter__(self): return def peek(self): return def take(self, n): return def set_copying(self, copying: bool): class MultiStream(dict): """A class for handling multiple streams of data in a dictionary-like format. This class extends dict and its values should be instances of the Stream class. Attributes: data (dict): A dictionary of Stream objects. """ def __init__(self, data=None): """Initializes the MultiStream with the provided data. Args: data (dict, optional): A dictionary of Stream objects. Defaults to None. Raises: AssertionError: If the values are not instances of Stream or keys are not strings. """ for key, value in data.items(): isinstance(value, Stream), "MultiStream values must be Stream" isinstance(key, str), "MultiStream keys must be strings" super().__init__(data) def get_generator(self, key) -> Generator: """Gets a generator for a specified key. Args: key (str): The key for the generator. Yields: object: The next value in the stream. """ yield from self[key] def set_caching(self, caching: bool): for stream in self.values(): stream.caching = caching def set_copying(self, copying: bool): for stream in self.values(): stream.set_copying(copying) def to_dataset( self, disable_cache=True, cache_dir=None, features=None ) -> DatasetDict: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dir_to_be_deleted: cache_dir = dir_to_be_deleted if disable_cache else cache_dir return DatasetDict( { key: Dataset.from_generator( self.get_generator, keep_in_memory=disable_cache, cache_dir=cache_dir, gen_kwargs={"key": key}, features=features, ) for key in self.keys() } ) def to_iterable_dataset(self) -> IterableDatasetDict: return IterableDatasetDict( { key: IterableDataset.from_generator( self.get_generator, gen_kwargs={"key": key} ) for key in self.keys() } ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert isinstance(value, Stream), "StreamDict values must be Stream" assert isinstance(key, str), "StreamDict keys must be strings" super().__setitem__(key, value) @classmethod def from_generators( cls, generators: Dict[str, ReusableGenerator], caching=False, copying=False ): """Creates a MultiStream from a dictionary of ReusableGenerators. Args: generators (Dict[str, ReusableGenerator]): A dictionary of ReusableGenerators. caching (bool, optional): Whether the data should be cached or not. Defaults to False. copying (bool, optional): Whether the data should be copied or not. Defaults to False. Returns: MultiStream: A MultiStream object. """ assert all(isinstance(v, ReusableGenerator) for v in generators.values()) return cls( { key: DynamicStream( generator.generator, gen_kwargs=generator.gen_kwargs, caching=caching, copying=copying, ) for key, generator in generators.items() } ) @classmethod def from_iterables( cls, iterables: Dict[str, Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]], caching=False, copying=False, ): """Creates a MultiStream from a dictionary of iterables. Args: iterables (Dict[str, Iterable]): A dictionary of iterables. caching (bool, optional): Whether the data should be cached or not. Defaults to False. copying (bool, optional): Whether the data should be copied or not. Defaults to False. Returns: MultiStream: A MultiStream object. """ return cls( { key: DynamicStream( iterable.__iter__, caching=caching, copying=copying, ) for key, iterable in iterables.items() } )