[ "Genomic organization and reproductive regulation of a large lipid transfer protein in the varroa mite, Varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman).", "\nThe complete genomic region and corresponding transcript of the most abundant protein in phoretic varroa mites, Varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman), were sequenced and have homology with acarine hemelipoglycoproteins and the large lipid transfer protein (LLTP) super family. ", "The genomic sequence of VdLLTP included 14 introns and the mature transcript coded for a predicted polypeptide of 1575 amino acid residues. ", "VdLLTP shared a minimum of 25% sequence identity with acarine LLTPs. ", "Phylogenetic assessment showed VdLLTP was most closely related to Metaseiulus occidentalis vitellogenin and LLTP proteins of ticks; however, no heme binding by VdLLTP was detected. ", "Analysis of lipids associated with VdLLTP showed that it was a carrier for free and esterified C12 -C22 fatty acids from triglycerides, diacylglycerides and monoacylglycerides. ", "Additionally, cholesterol and β-sitosterol were found as cholesterol esters linked to common fatty acids. ", "Transcript levels of VdLLTP were 42 and 310 times higher in phoretic female mites when compared with males and quiescent deutonymphs, respectively. ", "Coincident with initiation of the reproductive phase, VdLLTP transcript levels declined to a third of those in phoretic female mites. ", "VdLLTP functions as an important lipid transporter and should provide a significant RNA interference target for assessing the control of varroa mites." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0011272620176896453, 0.0011772128054872155, 0.0006122992490418255, 0.0007715071551501751, 0.0007448114338330925, 0.0009234775207005441, 0.001226085820235312, 0.02755987085402012, 0.017379026859998703, 0.0011950463522225618 ]
[ "Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by inflamed, scaly and frequently disfiguring skin lesions. ", "The skin lesions show hyperproliferation and altered terminal differentiation leading to parakeratosis and desquamation. ", "Caspase-14 is a nonapoptotic caspase family member and is involved in terminal differentiation and is essential for accelerated cornification in response to barrier disruption and for the formation of normal corneocytes. ", "Emerging data and our compelling preliminary studies suggest that caspase-14 expression is substantially down-regulated in human psoriatic lesions compared to corresponding samples from nonlesional skin of the same individuals and from normal control individual. ", "Thus, identifying naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents which possess the ability to induce terminal differentiation and inhibit hyperproliferation could be useful for the treatment of psoriasis. ", "Delphinidin, a major anthocyanidin abundantly present in pigmented fruits and vegetables, possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activities. ", "Our preliminary unpublished studies are noteworthy where we have demonstrated that delphinidin treatment induced the protein and mRNA expression of procaspase-14 in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK). ", "Delphinidin also induced the processing of caspase-14 into catalytically active subunits p10 and p20. ", "We also found a significant increase in the protein and mRNA expression of involucrin and transglutaminase-1 in delphinidin treated NHEK. ", "Furthermore, delphinidin treatment to NHEK increased the protein expression of AP-1 subunits and NF-:B subunits p50 and RelB. Importantly, delphinidin under identical treatment conditions did not result in induction of apoptosis. ", "This remarkable distinction forms the basis of this proposal which is designed to investigate the effect of delphinidin on keratinocyte differentiation and hyperproliferation both in in vitro human reconstituted skin model and in preclinical in vivo settings. ", "The hypothesis to be tested in this proposal is that \"delphinidin will induce differentiation and accelerate cornification that will in turn reduce the severity of psoriasiform lesions by inducing the expression of caspase-14 and suppression of cell proliferation without inducing apoptosis\". ", "To test our hypothesis, the following specific aims are proposed: (i) To investigate whether delphinidin treatment accelerates the process of cornification through increased expression and processing of caspase-14 in three-dimensional human reconstituted skin model, (ii) To investigate whether the effect of delphinidin on caspase-14 expression, cellular localization, and processing is mediated through AP-1 and NF-:B pathways in three-dimensional human reconstituted skin model, and (iii) To establish whether caspase-14 is associated with reduced symptoms of epidermal pathology with delphinidin treatment under in vivo situation by employing flaky skin (fsn/fsn) mice and flaky skin (fsn/fsn) caspase 14-/- mice. ", "This proposal will establish the role of caspase-14 for treatment of psoriasis and in addition will draw attention to the use of delphinidin an anthocyanidin for its treatment. ", "PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This proposal may be extremely valuable pre-clinical approach for the development of new strategies and to define a novel agent delphinidin present in pigmented fruits and vegetables for the treatment of psoriasis and could also be useful in other hyperproliferative skin disorders." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.015819808468222618, 0.00118025834672153, 0.000815392064396292, 0.0005953715881332755, 0.0007346877246163785, 0.0009332923800684512, 0.0006887836498208344, 0.0008301668567582965, 0.0006841720314696431, 0.0006817865069024265, 0.0005933517822995782, 0.0006815970991738141, 0.0009287188877351582, 0.0007409449899569154, 0.0006010434590280056 ]
[ "[Prenatal weight loss in the infant (author's transl)].", "\nHillemanns and coworkers established, that infants born after induced labor were heavier, on the average, than those from a control group; who were born after spontaneous labor. ", "Since it was postulated, that a weight loss preceded the onset of spontaneous labor, the birth weight and length of 444 infants born after induced labor and 70 infants born via a primary cesarean section was compared with a control group of 1,028 uncomplicated births via spontaneous labor. ", "Thirty seven post term infants were also included in the study. ", "The birth weight and length of infants after induced labor or delivered by primary cesarean section significantly higher than those in the control group. ", "The post term infants were also significantly longer, but their weight was not significantly lower, than that in the control group. ", "The major differences could not be accounted for by varying periods of gestation nor could they be accounted for by the special conditions of induced labor or cesarean section. ", "Therefore, the only possibility remaining is that a weight loss precedes spontaneous labor. ", "This may possibly be explained by the reduction in the relative water content which begins before birth and continues through the newborn period or by a relative placenta insufficiency. ", "The infant weight loss and loss of amniotic fluid after the thirtyeighth week of pregnancy refutes the theory, that birth is induced by a stretching of the uterine wall. ", "The possibility is discussed, that the onset of labor is influenced by a corresponding relief from tension such as that, which occurs following a premature rupture of the fetal membranes." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0010710873175412416, 0.0008869344601407647, 0.0006450240616686642, 0.0006250368896871805, 0.0006993788410909474, 0.0006043415050953627, 0.0006036783452145755, 0.0006270505837164819, 0.0005746613023802638, 0.005278648808598518, 0.0005443774862214923 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAdd link under the active theme in the Appearances page\n\nIn the theme selection page, links are shown below the active theme which shows its capabilities. ", "Most of the time these are Widgets, Menus, and a Theme Options link if you run add_theme_page().", "\nSince I created my own top-level menu and didn't use add_theme_page(), my path redirects to admin.php?page=chosen-slug instead of themes.php?page=chosen-slug and there is no Theme Options link in the Appearance section. ", "Is there a way I can still display that link to show that my theme has options?", "\n\nA:\n\nI guess a jQuery solution will have to do for now. ", "It's not my first choice but at least it works.", "\nPHP:\n// Create the theme options link\nadd_action(\"admin_menu\", \"setup_theme_admin_menus\"); \nfunction setup_theme_admin_menus(){\n add_theme_page('', 'Theme Options', 'manage_options', 'sample-slug', '');\n}\n\njQuery:\n// Redirect link in Appearance to your top-level menu\n$('#current-theme div.theme-options a[href=\"themes.php?page=sample-slug\"]').attr('href', 'admin.php?page=sample-slug');\n\n/*\n * Hide the link created by add_theme_page(). ", "Use each() since our <li> has no\n * name and this makes sure the script always works even if its position changes.", "\n */\n$('#menu-appearance a[href=\"themes.php?page=sample-slug\"]').each(function(){\n $(this).parent().hide();\n});\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0005698209861293435, 0.000640770245809108, 0.0006972771370783448, 0.0007086606929078698, 0.0006560466717928648, 0.0007189462776295841, 0.0007674861699342728, 0.0006504376651719213, 0.0007468697731383145 ]
[ "Aromatase deficiency: an unusual cause for primary amenorrhea with virilization.", "\nThe most common cause for menstrual abnormality and virilization in children and adolescents would be congenital adrenal hyperplasia. ", "An elevated 17(OH) progesterone is invariably seen in this condition. ", "Aromatase deficiency can also lead to a similar presentation but differs in several aspects. ", "The age of onset of the clinical manifestations, the phenotype, biochemical abnormalities and karyotype help us to arrive at a definitive diagnosis. ", "However sometimes the history is atypical, biochemical abnormalities may overlap between the different conditions and prior treatment may modify the clinical features. ", "We report here a young adult with a late presentation of aromatase deficiency to highlight the differences between the two conditions. ", "A 27 year old lady presented to us with history of primary amenorrhea and masculine voice. ", "She lacked feminine secondary sexual characters, had eunuchoid body habitus and prominent clitoromegaly. ", "Consanguinity in the parents, a neonatal sibling death and elevated basal 17(OH) progesterone in the patient suggested a possibility of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. ", "But the eunuchoid body habitus raised FSH and lack of response to dexamethasone led to a diagnosis of aromatase deficiency. ", "Variability in the degree of aromatase deficiency is known such that maternal virilization may not occur in pregnancy. ", "Aromatase deficiency should be suspected when a patient presents with primary amenorrhea, absence of female secondary sexual characters, virilization and tall stature with eunuchoid body proportions, and biochemical features of ovarian failure. ", "In our country one should be aware that late presentation and prior treatment may modify disease expression and contribute to the diagnostic challenge." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.017404859885573387, 0.0608767606317997, 0.004432870540767908, 0.0005567597690969706, 0.0005168562056496739, 0.0005540234851650894, 0.0005691478727385402, 0.0059050642885267735, 0.2264726310968399, 0.0032614481169730425, 0.054572369903326035, 0.0007103795069269836, 0.016622530296444893, 0.000518279557581991 ]
[ "Advertisment\n\nMonday, 16 May 2011\n\nNew Traditional Mehndi Designs And Patterns\n\nThroughout most countries which count henna as a bridal tradition, hennaing the hands is the most popular. ", "On the day before the wedding, the bride will have her hands and feet hennaed with intricate patterns and symbols. ", "This is a way to pamper the bride; she is not only the center of attention at her own henna party, but she is also exempt from doing any cooking or cleaning as this will destroy the henna designs drying on her hands. ", "Hands and feet are particularly great places to put any henna design because they take the dye so well." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0008952193311415613, 0.0007902993238531053, 0.0013385083293542266, 0.0008613417739979923 ]
[ "The present invention relates to the transmission of data in networks. ", "In particular, the present invention relates to the transmission of notifications for acknowledging receipt of data at nodes of a network.", "\nNetworks comprising a plurality of stations or nodes between which data is communicated have become widespread. ", "In such networks, data is typically transmitted across a connection between a source node and a destination node. ", "In many cases, the transmission of data takes place over multiple steps via one or more intermediate nodes, particularly where the nodes are individually not capable of transmitting data over large distances (because, for example, of limited radio transmitting power). ", "The data may be sent in discrete packets, ordered into a sequence. ", "The data may comprise, for example, application data or control data.", "\nThe data may be transmitted according to a protocol stack, comprising at least a physical layer (hereinafter L1), which comprises the physical combination of modems, wires, relays etc. ", "over which the signal is sent; a data link protocol layer (hereinafter L2) which handles transmission of data between adjacent nodes in a connection; and a network protocol layer (hereinafter L3) which handles, inter alia, establishing data connections, setting routes for data transmission and data flow within a connection.", "\nIn some cases, “unacknowledged” transmission protocols in which the sending node is not informed as to whether data sent has been correctly received at the receiving station are used; however, unacknowledged transmission protocols are problematic where a significant proportion of data is lost or corrupted in transmission, since it becomes difficult to arrange for the lost data to be retransmitted. ", "It is therefore common for notifications of receipt of data to be sent between nodes, and for data to be retransmitted in the event that no corresponding notification is received. ", "Hereinafter, notifications will be referred to as “acks” (an abbreviation of acknowledgement). ", "In the following discussion, data which is acknowledged, but is not itself an ack will be referred to as “primary data”; similarly, data packets comprising such data will be referred to as “primary data packets”.", "\nOne notification method that such arrangements conventionally use, often referred to as a “point to point” method, is now described with reference to FIG. ", "1a and FIG. ", "1b. ", "FIG. ", "1a shows primary data being transmitted and acknowledged between a source node, an intermediate node and a destination node. ", "At step S300, a primary data packet is transmitted from the source node to the intermediate node. ", "The intermediate node sends an ack at step S302 to notify the source node of receipt of the primary data packet. ", "The primary data packet typically comprises information identifying the destination node as its destination; the destination node analyses the primary data packet to ascertain its destination, and having done so, sends the primary data packet to the destination node at step S304. ", "The primary data packet also typically comprises information identifying the source node as its source; the destination node extracts this information and sends an ack to notify the intermediate node of receipt of the primary data packet at step S306. ", "In this way, primary data packet transmission is acknowledged at each stage of transmission. ", "Acks transmitted according to a point to point acknowledgement method are typically processed by L2; hereinafter they will be referred to as “L2 acks”.", "\nIf a primary data packet is lost or corrupted during transmission, no corresponding ack is received, which triggers the primary data packet to be resent. ", "FIG. ", "1b shows an example in which a primary data packet is lost between the intermediate node and the destination node. ", "At step S310, the primary data packet is sent from the source node to the intermediate node; an L2 ack is sent from the intermediate node to the source node at step S312. ", "At step S314, the intermediate node sends the primary data packet to the destination node; however, the primary data packet is not received, perhaps due to interference or environmental conditions that affect transmission of signals between nodes, such as interference from transmission from another radio system, lightening, or “radio fading” in which the signal is cancelled by destructive interference of multiple paths from source node to destination node. ", "The intermediate node monitors for an L2 ack for the primary data packet it has sent for a predetermined time T before resending the primary data packet at step S316. ", "This time the primary data packet is successfully received by the destination node and an L2 ack sent from the destination node to the intermediate node at step S318. ", "As before, non-receipt of an ack would cause the corresponding primary data packet to be resent.", "\nA problem with this method is that, since the source node is not informed of the loss of the primary data packet sent at step S314, it continues to send further primary data packets 320 to the intermediate node; particularly in arrangements where the connection between the intermediate node and the destination node is much less efficient than the connection between the source node and the destination node, this can lead to a large build up of primary data packets at the intermediate node, which may eventually lead to overload of the intermediate node.", "\nAccording to another acknowledgement method, often referred to as an “end to end” method, primary data packets are not acknowledged on a stage by stage basis; acks are only sent from the destination of a primary data packet to its source. ", "In end to end methods, acks are typically passed from L2 to L3 for processing; from the perspective of L2, the end to end acks are themselves data packets which are either passed to L3 for processing, if at the destination node of the ack, or sent to another node if not. ", "Acks sent according to an end to end method will hereinafter be referred to as “L3 acks”. ", "FIG. ", "2a shows an example arrangement. ", "A primary data packet is sent from a source node to an intermediate node at step S400. ", "The intermediate node analyses the primary data packet and ascertains that it is not the destination of the primary data packet; it therefore does not send an ack to the source node. ", "At step S402, the primary data packet is sent from the intermediate node to the destination node, which analyses the primary data packet and ascertains that it is the destination of the primary data packet. ", "It therefore sends an ack to the source node; this involves the ack being sent from the destination node to the intermediate node at step S404 and from the intermediate node to the source node at step S406.", "\nIn end to end methods, any primary data that is lost or corrupted during transmission must be retransmitted from the source, as is now described with reference to FIG. ", "2b. ", "At step S410, a primary data packet is sent from the source node to the intermediate node. ", "At step S412, the primary data packet is sent from the intermediate node, but does not arrive at the destination node. ", "The source node monitors for an ack for the primary data packet it has sent for a predetermined time T1, before resending the primary data packet at step S414. ", "The primary data packet arrives at the intermediate node, from which it is resent at step S416. ", "This time, the primary data packet is received successfully at the destination node. ", "In response to this, the destination node sends an ack at step 418, which arrives at the intermediate node and is sent to the source node at step S420.", "\nEnd to end methods suffer from inefficiency because, particularly where a primary data packet is lost or corrupted near to its destination, the primary data packet has to be resent over stages of its transmission route over which it has already been successfully transmitted. ", "In the example described with reference to FIG. ", "2b, the same primary data packet is sent twice between the source node and the intermediate node, at step S410 and step S414. ", "Further, the primary data packet is also retransmitted when an L3 ack is lost or corrupted during transmission, leading to even greater inefficiency, because the primary data packet then has to be retransmitted over the whole connection, and the corresponding L3 ack retransmitted over part of the connection. ", "End to end methods also suffer from long propagation times between sending the primary data packet and receiving the corresponding ack, which can lead to difficulties, particularly where the primary data packet is being sent in a sequence of packets, because several further packets may have been sent before the source node reacts to a primary data packet not being correctly received, leading to problems with correct sequencing of the data. ", "This is particularly problematic in systems having a high error rate, such as radio transmission.", "\nSome arrangements use both a point to point method and an end to end method independently in the same system. ", "Referring to FIG. ", "3, in these arrangements a primary data packet is sent from the source node to the intermediate node at step S500. ", "The intermediate node sends an L2 ack to the source node at step S502 and at step S504, the primary data packet is sent from the intermediate node to the destination node. ", "In response to receiving the primary data packet, the destination node sends an L2 ack to the intermediate node at step S506. ", "It also sends an L3 ack at step S508, which is received by the intermediate node.", "\nIn this arrangement, the L3 acks are themselves acknowledged at L2; this is because, as mentioned above, from the perspective of L2, an L3 ack is a primary data packet that is sent on and/or processed and acknowledged; failing to acknowledge the L3 acks would therefore lead to the problems of long propagation times and so on described above in relation to end to end methods. ", "Acknowledgements of L3 acks will be referred to hereinafter as L3 ack confirmations; however, in substance L3 ack confirmations may be considered to be L2 acks.", "\nIn some cases, the L2 ack and L3 ack corresponding to a given primary data packet may be sent as part of the same data packet. ", "However, conventional L2 acks and L3 acks function independently of one another and are considered herein as separate notifications, irrespective of whether they are carried in the same data packet.", "\nReturning to FIG. ", "3, at step S510, the intermediate node sends an L3 ack confirmation to the destination node. ", "The intermediate node then sends the L3 ack to the source node at step S512, which in turn sends an L3 ack confirm to the intermediate node at step S514.", "\nSystems using both an end to end acknowledgement method and a point to point acknowledgement method have the disadvantage that a large amount of transmission time is taken up by the transmission of acks, which reduces the transmission time that can be used for transmitting other forms of data, leading to reduced efficiency.", "\nIt is an object of the present invention to mitigate at least some of the problems of the prior art." ]
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[ "Ong Hok Ham\n\nOng Hok Ham (1 May 1933 – 30 August 2007) was an eminent Chinese Indonesian historian considered one of the leading experts on Indonesian history during the 19th century Dutch colonial rule. ", "His particular area of knowledge centered on events in Java during the period, and he authored a number of works dealing with the subject.", "\n\nA native of Surabaya, East Java which, until the founding of Indonesia in 1945, was a part of the Dutch East Indies, Ong Hok Ham lived in the city of his birth for the first twenty-five years of his life. ", "Ong's family was upper-middle class, but through his maternal grandmother, Han Loen Nio, Ong hailed from the patrician Han family of Lasem, part of the baba bangsawan or the Chinese gentry of colonial Indonesia, and from a long line of Chinese officers who served in the civil bureaucracy in the Dutch East Indies. ", "Ong could, thus, trace his lineage in Java back, through Han Bwee Kong, Kapitein der Chinezen (1727 – 1778), to Han Siong Kong (1673 – 1743), a Chinese-born migrant of ancient lineage. ", "Like others from old Peranakan Chinese families, Ong grew up between Chinese, Javanese and Dutch cultures.", "\n\nIn 1958, Ong moved to Bandung, West Java, where he received his schooling and began his writing career. ", "Seventeen years later, in 1975, he received his Ph.", "D in History from Yale University with the dissertation The Residency of Madiun: Priyayi and Peasant in the Nineteenth Century.", "\n\nHe was a regular contributor to the Indonesian magazine Tempo and a collection of his pieces for the magazine written between 1976 and 2001, Wahyu yang Hilang, Negeri yang Guncang (A Lost Mandate, an Agitated Country) was published in 2002.", "\n\nHe wrote a series of other books, mostly a collection of essays and articles, including Runtuhnya Hindia Belanda (The Fall of the Netherlands Indies), Negara dan Rakyat (The State and the People), and Dari Soal Priayi sampai Nyi Blorong—Refleksi Historis Nusantara (From Priayi to Nyi Blorong—Historical Reflections on the Indonesian Archipelago).", "\n\nAn English-language collection of his writings, The Thugs, the Curtain Thief, and the Sugar Lord, received publication in 2003. ", "The book chronicled power, politics and culture in colonial Java.", "\n\nIn 1989, he retired from his duties as professor of history at the University of Indonesia. ", "His final responsibility was as chairman of the Lembaga Studi Sejarah Indonesia (the Indonesian Institute of Historical Studies).", "\n\nOng Hok Ham, who was a Buddhist, suffered a stroke in 2001 and died six years later at Dharmais Cancer Hospital in West Jakarta at the age of 74.", "\n\nSee also\n List of Chinese Indonesians\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1933 births\nCategory:2007 deaths\nCategory:People from Surabaya\nCategory:Indonesian people of Chinese descent\nCategory:Yale University alumni\nCategory:Indonesian academics\nCategory:Indonesian educators\nCategory:Indonesian writers\nCategory:Tempo (Indonesia) people\nCategory:University of Indonesia faculty\nCategory:Indonesian Buddhists\nCategory:Han family of Lasem\nCategory:Javanists" ]
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[ 0.0010293124942108989, 0.000566128408536315, 0.00078351836418733, 0.0011422705138102174, 0.0007157137733884156, 0.0011624087346717715, 0.0007519030477851629, 0.0006610110867768526, 0.0007126578711904585, 0.0006863077869638801, 0.0008824259275570512, 0.0020606243051588535, 0.00065362494206056, 0.0007524488610215485, 0.0007948886486701667, 0.0031978364568203688, 0.0005779801867902279 ]
[ "Pendant plus d’un siècle, le débat politique a opposé deux camps : ceux qui croyaient au socialisme et ceux qui n’y croyaient pas. ", "Le communisme, stade ultime du socialisme, était censé réaliser la réconciliation de l’humanité avec elle-même : plus d’exploitation, mais aussi d’Etat, de nation, de pouvoir, ni même de politique. «", "Le gouvernement des personnes fera place à l’administration des choses», dixit Engels reprenant Saint-Simon. ", "Le renversement de la bourgeoisie par l’association des prolétaires au sein de la fabrique était au cœur de ce projet.", "\n\nRien ne s’est passé comme prévu. ", "Le XXe siècle - siècle court ouvert en 1917 et clôt en 1989 - a été marqué par l’échec du communisme (lire le débat entre Alain Badiou et Laurent Joffrin publié par Libération le 9 novembre) . ", "Le dépérissement promis de l’Etat a accouché de son exact envers, des Etats totalitaires.", "\n\nDe ce champ de ruines, des leçons théoriques s’imposent : les classes sociales existent et la lutte de classe avec, mais réduire la totalité sociale à la lutte entre bourgeoisie et prolétariat est de toute évidence réducteur ; le politique ne se réduit pas à l’économie ; l’Etat est pour une part au service du capital, mais il ne se réduit pas à cela. ", "L’Etat moderne et la démocratie ne sont pas «bourgeois» même en «dernier ressort», selon la formule consacrée des marxistes. ", "L’Etat social (protection sociale, services publics, droit du travail) et la démocratie qui en est le fondement politique (c’est l’égalité qui légitime l’Etat social) ne sont-ils pas les deux principaux leviers pour contester la domination du capital ?", "\n\nLe salariat lui-même mérite mieux que d’être perçu comme un simple dispositif d’exploitation au service du capital. ", "A bien des égards, il est l’inverse, il offre un statut émancipateur au travailleur, un statut que l’on retrouve dans les formes non capitalistes d’emploi (fonction publique, mais aussi association ou coopérative). ", "Le capital l’a compris : tout comme il s’attaque à l’Etat social et à la démocratie citoyenne («Vive la mondialisation contre les Etats-nations supposés dépassés»), il s’emploie, avec l’uberisation, à contourner le salariat, en n’hésitant pas, au passage, à reprendre le refrain décidément toujours aussi infantile du gauchisme («A bas l’Etat, la nation, le salariat»).", "\n\nLes classes sociales ont été transformées par le capitalisme néolibéral, lequel s’est imposé à l’aube des années 80 : les délocalisations ont précipité le déclin de l’emploi industriel au Nord (mais sa croissance dans les pays émergents), la financiarisation a changé la morphologie des classes dominantes, etc. ", "Le changement des termes de la confrontation politique a cependant tout autant pesé.", "\n\nEntre 1975 et 2015, la part des ouvriers dans l’emploi est passée de 33,8 % à 20,4 %. ", "Mais cette baisse a été en partie compensée par la hausse des employés, de 24 % à 28,1 %. ", "Ouvriers et employés - les classes populaires au sens strict - forment toujours près de la moitié des emplois (48,5 %), et si leur part a baissé depuis quarante ans (57,8 % en 1975), c’est au profit des professions intermédiaires (infirmières, techniciens, professeurs des écoles) passées de 15,8 % à 25,4 %. ", "La part de ces trois catégories est la même qu’en 1975 (de 73,6 % à 73,9 %), et il n’est pas illégitime de les assembler puisque les professions intermédiaires sont plus proches en termes de revenus moyens des ouvriers ou employés que des cadres. ", "La part de ces derniers a plus que doublé, de 8 % à 17,7 %. ", "Mais qui dit «cadres» ne dit pas nécessairement «cadres dirigeants» (les enseignants du secondaire y sont classés par convention). ", "Et leur croissance n’a fait que compenser la baisse des agriculteurs (de 8 % à 2 %) et des artisans commerçants et chefs d’entreprises (de 8 % à 6,4 %).", "\n\nLes classes populaires ont changé : moins d’ouvriers, surtout non qualifiés, moins d’ouvriers dans l’industrie (depuis 1993, la majorité des ouvriers œuvrent dans le tertiaire), plus d’employés (dont des non qualifiés). ", "Mais elles n’ont pas disparu. ", "Elles sont devenues invisibilisées. ", "Le chômage, hier comme aujourd’hui, a joué son rôle d’instrument de discipline. ", "L’exclu (sans emploi, domicile ou papier) tend à s’imposer comme la figure centrale de la question sociale en lieu et place du salarié exploité, celui-ci étant accusé, à l’occasion, d’être responsable du sort du premier par ses «avantages acquis» («Le coût du travail crée le chômage», selon la vieille antienne libérale). ", "Preuve d’un mépris généralisé, tout se passe comme si on ne pouvait être fier de soi si l’on n’a pas le bac S lorsqu’on est jeune, si l’on n’a pas un emploi de cadre ensuite, ou si l’on n’habite pas au cœur des métropoles, ce qui relègue, à chaque fois, 80 % de la population.", "\n\nMais l’invisibilisation des classes populaires a aussi à voir avec la fin du projet communiste. ", "La plupart des salariés concernés se déclarent appartenir à la «classe moyenne». ", "Marque d’aliénation peut-on soutenir. ", "Marque plus profonde de la victoire du paradigme démocratique peut-on aussi affirmer. ", "Afficher son appartenance à cette classe, c’est revendiquer son appartenance au lot commun, au rang de citoyen «comme les autres». ", "Ce qui vaut pour le sentiment de classe vaut pour la façon de concevoir l’émancipation. ", "L’autogestion, cet autre nom des «prolétaires associés au sein de la fabrique», est tombée en désuétude. ", "Symptôme de la victoire du capital pour une part. ", "Mais il y a plus. ", "L’autogestion affirme la possibilité d’organisation sans pouvoir. ", "Or, il faut se rendre à l’évidence : n’importe quelle organisation, entreprise, mais aussi association ou syndicat (même les plus contestataires), suppose du pouvoir, de la délégation. ", "N’en déplaise aux libéraux et libertaires, le tout n’est pas réductible au jeu des parties, il a une consistance propre qui doit être prise en charge au niveau de l’entreprise - des dirigeants sont élus au sein des coopératives - des associations, des collectivités locales et, a fortiori, au niveau de l’Etat. ", "La bonne question à poser n’est pas celle de la négation du pouvoir, mais celle des modalités à déployer afin d’entraver sa capture. ", "Une bataille toujours à recommencer, avec comme support indépassable la démocratie représentative et, en son cœur, le principe d’égalité absolue (une personne, une voix). ", "C’est en s’appuyant sur elle que l’on peut revivifier, redonner chair à l’espérance socialiste. ", "A l’échelle de l’Etat en promouvant contre les néolibéraux le développement de l’Etat social. ", "A l’échelle de l’entreprise aussi, en promouvant celle-ci comme institution sociale, collective (à l’instar de ce qui existe en Allemagne dans les grandes entreprises avec la codétermination), contre sa capture par la finance et les dirigeants autocrates." ]
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[ "Friday 56 and Kevin's Point of View\n\nThursday, February 09, 2012\n\n\"I'm an impressive kid,\" Tony answered with a confident grin. - ", "p 55, Kevin's Point of View by Del Shannon\n\nNow I finally get to read a middle school book when Del Shannon offered his book Kevin's Point of View up for review!", "\n\nHere's a quick overview:\n\nTo escape from his emotional turmoil, Kevin has developed his imagination into a dangerous foil and a powerful ally. ", "While he antagonizes his mother and sister through his superhero antics on an average Wednesday ­morning, his ability to escape inside a character’s head becomes critical to his ­survival after his life is once-again turned upside down a year after his father’s death.", "\n\nA child's imagination is such a wonderful thing, so this seems quite a fascinating read. ", "And if I enjoy it, I am thinking of getting the daughter to read it too! ", "TGIF!", "\n\nThis one is right up my alley! ", "I think I'd like to get this one. ", "They say one of the necessary ingredients to writing children's books is to have an imagination. ", "I love the creative journey. ", "Always nice to hear from you!", "\n\nGuiltless Features\n\nARCHIVES\n\nThank you for your support!", "\n\nI love books and supporting its authors. ", "I have never charged for book reviews, author guest posts, or mentions of books. ", "If you like what I do, any support will go back to my reading habit -- buying more books to review and feature, as well as general blog upkeep.", "\nThe contents of this blog are my opinions alone. ", "Posts contain affiliate links where denoted with an *." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ndisplay info for each drop down option\n\nI have 2 jQuery drop down menus. ", "The content of the second drop down is dependent on the value chosen from the first.", "\nThe code is on this link http://jsfiddle.net/5tmwg/\nsample of the script in the header tag\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" defer=\"defer\">\n function cascadeSelect(parent, child){\n var childOptions = child.find('option:not(.static)');\n child.data('options',childOptions);\n\n parent.change(function(){\n childOptions.remove();\n child\n .append(child.data('options').filter('.sub_' + this.value))\n .change();\n })\n\n childOptions.not('.static, .sub_' + parent.val()).remove();\n\n }\n\n $(function(){\n cascadeForm = $('.cascadeTest');\n orgSelect = cascadeForm.find('.orgSelect');\n terrSelect = cascadeForm.find('.terrSelect');\n locSelect = cascadeForm.find('.locSelect');\n\n cascadeSelect(orgSelect, terrSelect);\n cascadeSelect(terrSelect, locSelect);\n });\n</script>\n\nWhat I want to do is display a div that has info on each option. ", "I lack experience in javascript and jQuery so please explain in details, thanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nThis should get you started.", "\n<html>\n <head>\n <title></title>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" defer=\"defer\">\n //Function that handles displaying the details about the organization\n function orgDetails(){\n var org = $(\"#org\").attr(\"value\");//get user selection from form\n var div1 = $(\"#div1\");//the div to display info\n //determine what to display in your div1 \n switch(org)\n {\n case \"1\":\n div1.html(\"this is all about organization 1\");//output the info\n break;\n case \"2\":\n div1.html(\"<p>this is all about organization 2</p>\");\n break;\n case \"3\":\n div1.html(\"<b>this</b> is all about organization 3\");\n break;\n default:\n div1.html(\"<font color='red'>Select Organization</font>\");\n }\n $(\"#div2\").fadeOut(300);//if territory div is set, hide it\n div1.fadeIn(300);//if div1 has already been hidden, unhide it.", "\n }\n\n //Function that handles displaying the details about the territory\n function TerritoryDetails(){\n var terr = $(\"#terrSelect\").attr(\"value\");\n var div = $(\"#div2\");\n div.fadeIn(300);\n $(\"#div1\").slideUp(300);//hide organization (optional)\n switch(terr)\n {\n case \"1\":\n div.html(\"this is all about Territory 1\");\n break;\n case \"2\":\n div.html(\"this is all about Territory 2\");\n break;\n case \"3\":\n div.html(\"this is all about Territory 3\");\n break;\n case \"4\":\n div.html(\"this is all about Territory 4\");\n break;\n case \"5\":\n div.html(\"this is all about Territory 5\");\n break;\n case \"6\":\n div.html(\"this is all about Territory 6\");\n break;\n case \"7\":\n div.html(\"this is all about Territory 7\");\n break;\n default:\n div.html(\"Select Territory\");\n }\n }\n\n function cascadeSelect(parent, child){\n var childOptions = child.find('option:not(.static)');\n child.data('options',childOptions);\n\n parent.change(function(){\n childOptions.remove();\n child\n .append(child.data('options').filter('.sub_' + this.value))\n .change();\n })\n\n childOptions.not('.static, .sub_' + parent.val()).remove();\n\n }\n\n $(function(){\n cascadeForm = $('.cascadeTest');\n orgSelect = cascadeForm.find('.orgSelect');\n terrSelect = cascadeForm.find('.terrSelect');\n locSelect = cascadeForm.find('.locSelect');\n\n cascadeSelect(orgSelect, terrSelect);\n cascadeSelect(terrSelect, locSelect);\n });\n </script>\n </head>\n <body>\n <form action=\"#\" class=\"cascadeTest\">\n <table>\n <tr>\n <th>Organization:</th>\n <td>\n <!", "--added an onchange event listener to call our function when the user has selected an option-->\n <select name=\"orgSelect\" id=\"org\" class=\"orgSelect\" onchange=\"javascript:orgDetails();\">\n <option value=\"0\">Select a Category</option>\n <option value=\"1\">Cat1</option>\n <option value=\"2\">Cat2</option>\n <option value=\"3\">Cat3</option>\n </select>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>Territory:</th>\n <td>\n <!", "--added an onchange event listener to call our function when the user has selected an option-->\n <select name=\"terrSelect\" class=\"terrSelect\" id=\"terrSelect\" onchange=\"javascript:TerritoryDetails();\">\n <option value=\"0\" class=\"static\">- Select a Product-</option>\n <option value=\"1\" class=\"sub_1\">Product 1</option>\n <option value=\"2\" class=\"sub_1\">Product 2</option>\n <option value=\"3\" class=\"sub_2\">Product 3</option>\n <option value=\"4\" class=\"sub_2\">Product 4</option>\n <option value=\"5\" class=\"sub_3\">Product 5</option>\n <option value=\"6\" class=\"sub_3\">Product 6</option>\n <option value=\"7\" class=\"sub_3\">Product 7</option>\n </select>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </form>\n <div id=\"div1\">\n <p></p>\n </div>\n <div id=\"div2\">\n <p></p>\n </div>\n </body>\n </html>​​​​​\n\n" ]
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[ "PORT ELIZABETH, SOUTH AFRICA— Hollywood socialite Paris Hilton was arrested after a World Cup match in South Africa on Friday but subsequently released without charge.", "\n\nShe appeared late Friday in a FIFA World Cup courtroom after being arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana at a quarterfinal match between Brazil and the Netherlands.", "\n\nThe authorities dropped the charges against Hilton, after her co-accused, Jennifer Rovero, “acknowledged to be in possession of cannabis, and pleaded guilty,” said Brig. ", "Sally De Beer, a spokeswoman for South African police.", "\n\nRovero, 31, from New York, was sentenced to a fine of 1,000 rand ($130) or 30 days imprisonment, De Beer said.", "\n\nHilton appeared in a special FIFA World Cup court around midnight local time. ", "In her column Friday, the Star’s Rosie DiManno described these designated courts, as “justice on steroids.” ", "The courts are set up for the duration of the soccer tournament, so cases can be turned around in days — rather than many months, even years, as is common in the country’s overwhelmed justice system — and sometimes harsh sentences are imposed.", "\n\nA publicist for Hilton, 29, said the incident was a “misunderstanding.”", "\n\n“Paris Hilton was questioned today by police in South Africa on allegations of smoking marijuana,” a publicist for Hilton, Dawn Miller, said in a statement.", "\n\n“However I can confirm that the incident was a complete misunderstanding and it was actually another person in the group who did it,” the statement said. “", "The case has been dropped against Paris and no charges will be made.”", "\n\nWhen told the case had been dropped, Hilton said “thank you” and left the courtroom.", "\n\nHilton wrote on Twitter later: “Hey guys, there’s a lot of crazy rumours going around. ", "Just want you all to know the truth. ", "Everything is completely fine. ", "I was not charged or arrested, cause I didn’t do anything.”", "\n\nShe said she was helping police with their investigation.", "\n\n“Everyone was super nice and friendly to me,” Hilton wrote. “", "I love South Africa! ", "Such an amazing place, especially during The World Cup! ", "Hope that clears everything up.”", "\n\nThe socialite was wearing an off-white sleeveless blouse in court. ", "Her hair was in pigtails and she had heavy black eyeliner.", "\n\nHilton and Rovero were believed to have left court without speaking to reporters after a white van left the building with two of the passengers covering themselves to hide their identities.", "\n\nHilton was detained in Port Elizabeth earlier Friday, on suspicion of possessing marijuana, two South African police officers said on condition of anonymity earlier in the day.", "\n\nLoading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading...\n\nA local radio station in Johannesburg said Hilton was detained outside the Nelson Mandela Bay stadium, following the quarterfinal match between Brazil and Netherlands.", "\n\nHilton pleaded no contest in 2007 to alcohol-related reckless driving and was sentenced to 45 days in jail. ", "After spending about 23 days in jail, Hilton told Larry King that the experience caused her to re-evaluate the role partying played in her life. ", "She said she wanted “to help raise money for kids and for breast cancer and multiple sclerosis.”", "\n\nRead more about:" ]
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[ "Windham Weaponry Most Wanted Parts Kit\n\nWindham Weaponry\n\nWindham Weaponry KITMOSTWANTED\n\nHere are all those critical little parts that seem to go missing when you’re working on your rifle the ones that pop out of sight under the bench, into your tool drawer you know what we mean With this Kit, you’ll never be troubled by the loss of Most Wanted Parts again" ]
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[ "Daewood Davis had a coming out party on Saturday at Autzen Stadium.", "\n\nIt's been a tumultuous few months for the wide receiver position at Oregon. ", "A head coaching change cost the program five four-star rated wide receivers commitments, and one of the premier players signed to replace that loss (4-star Jalen Hall) has a murky future at best in Eugene.", "\n\nAnd then when you consider the program's numbers, just six healthy scholarship players for much of the spring and only two coming in in the summer, well, the gears certainly begin to turn.", "\n\nSaturday didn't do much to build up the group's confidence either. ", "Starting corners Thomas Graham and Deommodore Lenoir blanketed top receiver Johnny Johnson and Brenden Schooler for much of the afternoon, creating more questions about who exactly Justin Herbert will be throwing to this fall.", "\n\nIt all felt a bit deflating.", "\n\nThen enter Daewood Davis.", "\n\nLast season saw the Florida native redshirt, and then contemplate transferring. ", "After deciding to stick it out, Davis entered camp as a question mark. ", "With several tested WRs, Dillon Mitchell Johnson and Schooler, Davis was the opposite. ", "But on Saturday he made a grand entrance.", "\n\nDavis' first career reception at Oregon at Autzen — albeit one in a game that won't count towards his career starts — went for six. ", "His second catch went for 11 yards and his third for another touchdown.", "\n\nNeedless to say, Davis had a big game. ", "His game was so big that his name was the first off of head coach Mario Cristobal's lips when asked about which offensive newcomers made strong impressions.", "\n\n“How about Daewood Davis?,\" ", "he asked the room of reporters. \"", "We always knew he had that track speed, and he showed it today.\"", "\n\nHis burst was apparent. ", "On his second score (video below), a screen pass from Herbert, he made safety Brady Breeze miss before sprinting into the end zone.", "\n\n2Q | Learn his name! ", "@daewood_davis sheds a tackle, toes the sideline and finds paydirt for his second score. ", "Thunder up 47-27 with less than a minute left in the half #GoDucks pic.twitter.com/rUrxvA6Krv — Oregon Football (@oregonfootball) April 21, 2018\n\nBut, what we saw in three catches on Saturday was a player capable of doing more than just run fast in a straight line. ", "His first score saw a great adjustment to an under thrown ball, his second the lower body strength to run through an arm tackle.", "\n\n“It feels great,\" Davis said of Saturday. \"", "I waited the whole offseason to show the world what I got and what I did today.\"", "\n\nNone of that is by mistake. ", "With the help of strength coach Aaron Feld and copious amounts of protein shakes, Davis packed on 20 pounds of muscle. ", "He now looks like a player capable of making an impact in Eugene this fall.", "\n\n\"I came in undersized,\" he said after the game. \"", "I think that’s why I didn’t get the chance to show the world what I’ve got. ", "This year, I came in and trained with Coach Feld… When I was out there I felt like I was me. ", "I did what I had to do.\"", "\n\nThis is all great news for the Oregon offense. ", "Currently the team has nine scholarship receivers expected to be in fall camp. ", "That's not many. ", "There is little room for error among that group. ", "Fortunately it appears Davis is one they can count on.", "\n\nSign up for the FREE DuckTerritory.com newsletter and get all your Oregon news sent directly to your e-mail inbox daily.", "\n\nConsider following DuckTerritory on Twitter, as well as our full-time writers Matt Prehm, Erik Skopil and Kevin Wade.", "\n\nIf you're not a VIP subscriber to DuckTerritory.com, consider signing up and taking advantage of our FREE trial here." ]
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[ "\"Stanier was big in stature and in mind ...\" This brief quotation\nfrom Cox's Locomotive panorama v. 1\ngives some indication of a man whose greatness lay in his powers of\nself-criticism and willingness to express his debt to others work.", "\nLowe noted that Stanier's task of great\nmagnitude required \"both tact and strong leadership. ", "Stanier had both\".", "\n\nStanier has been well served by biographers, although no single work\ndoes him full justice. ", "The most important works are\nCox's Locomotive panorama, plus E.S.\nCox's and K.J. Cook's obituaries presented\nto the Institution of Locomotive Engineers\n(Jounal No. ", "305),\nHartley's Royal Society obituary,\nBulleid's \"Master builders of\nsteam , Bellwood and Jenkinson's\nassessment of Gresley and Stanier,\nNock's \"Sir William Stanier\nnow largely superceded by Chacksfield's\nSir William Stanier aptly sub-titled \"new biography\".", "Locomotive panorama (v. 1) is the most exhaustive account of\nStanier's design work. ", "It also shows his personal qualities as viewed by\na subordinate. ", "Hartley's obituary is, perhaps, a more intimate account as\nit is written from the viewpoint of a colleague (Sir Harold Hartley was in\ncharge of research activities on the LMS) who was instrumental in attracting\nStanier away from Swindon. ", "Much of the material in H.A.V .Bulleid's book\nhas clearly come from his father's (O.V.S. Bulleid) memories, but it needs\nto be stressed is still essential reading (for instance it tells us that\nBill's favourite authors were Kipling and Nevil Shute plus much more). ", "Nock's\npersonal knowledge is of a lesser order and he tends to concentrate on Stanier's\nlocomotives with emphasis on performance. ", "Extensive verbatim quotations from\nStanier's papers form a major feature of the work. ", "Chacksfield was well-received,\nbut like its companion biographies of Fowler and Collett suffers from a lack\nof a thorough examination of the subjects' published work. ", "Nevertheless,\nwith all these volumes it is probable that no remaining personal material\nrelating to the subject remains unexplored, and Chacksfield is successful\nin capturing the nature of the man. ", "There were also appreciations by\nCook and\nCox in J. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs, 1965,\n55, 247 et seq following his death.", "\nTerry Jenkins Sir Ernest\nLemon adds considerably to the convoluted story of his recruitment\nfrom the GWR, a little to the rather hectic public test runs of his Pacifics\nwhen Lemon was in attendance, something to other forms of traction developed\nduring Stanier's tenure by Horbuckle and Fairburn, but there is no mention\nof the turbine locomotive, nor of the major boiler problem in Jenkins' otherwise\nmasterly book.", "\n\nBellwood and Jenkinson's Gresley\nand Stanier should not be overlooked as Bellwood was a fully trained\nLocomotive Engineer. ", "They succinctly observe that unlike Gresley: \"Stanier\nwas not really an inventor. ", "Unlike Gresley, no patents stand to his name\nand his real strength lay in a knowledge of current techniques and an ability\nto put them into practice to give the best return, taking all factors into\naccount\".", "\n\nStanier's papers are of a great importance due to his self-critical\napproach. ", "They cover a wide area of study which included materials, testing\nand design. ", "After retirement he continued to attend meetings of the Locomotive\nEngineers and his comments on papers tended to be kind. ", "He often reminisced\nabout his own work, whilst he never forgot his debt to\nChurchward, as shown by his Newcomen Society\naddress—this paper is of great importance in that reveals much about\nthe author. ", "By the time it was written Stanier was retired, and whilst\nhis earlier professional papers were probably written with a great deal of\nassistance from his subordinates (this is common practice in all industries),\nit is likely that his contribution on Churchward was written solely by his\nown effort. ", "Reference should also be made to the more extensive (in time)\nbibliography contained in Hartley's obituary. ", "Examination of the early\nTransactions of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers showed that Stanier's\nwitty, easy style during discussion sessions was evident as early as 1913:\nsee his penetrating remarks following a paper by Lawford\nFry..\n\nPatents418,428. ", "Improvements in or relating to the bodies of railway passenger\ncarriages, and similar vehicles.with John Purves and Paul Lewis\nHenderson. ", "Applied 28 May 1934. ", "Published 24 October 1934.441,661An electro-magnetically operated slide valve, in a sealed\nchest, having no external moving parts, for controlling the flow of steam\nor other gases under pressure with George Vickers and Frederick William\nHicklenton. ", "Applied 18 February 1935. ", "Published 23 January 1936.481,115Improvements in and connected with shunting humps for railway\nsidings with Thomas Frederick Bell Simpson. ", "Applied 4 September 1936.", "\nPublished 4 March 1938.490,076. ", "Improvements in cable haulage appliances for moving railway\nvehicles with William Alexander Lyall. ", "Applied 5 April 1937. ", "Published\n9 August 1938.490,967Improvements in and connected with portable lifting jacks\nwith Paul Lewis Henderson. ", "Applied 25 June 1937. ", "Published 24 August\n1938.492,197Improvements in and connected with signal control arrangements\nfor railway depots and the like with Frederick Stanton Barnes and Paul\nLewis Henderson. ", "Applied 3 April 1937. ", "Published 16 September 1938553,542. ", "Improvements in or appertaining to riveting hammers wiith\nHerbert Greaves and George Thomas Smithyman. ", "Applied 21 Novcember 1941.", "\nPublished 26 May 1943.", "\n\nThe development and testing of locomotives.", "Engineering, 1936,\n142, 305-8. ", "illus., ", "9 diagrs., ", "table.", "Abridgement of a paper presented to the British Association (Section\nG) at Blackpool on 1936-09-11..The following appeared in the Locomotive\nMagazine.", "\nAt the Conference of the British Association for the Advancement of Science\nheld last month at Blackpool, Mr. W. A. Stanier, chief mechanical engineer\nof the L.M.S. Rly., ", "read a paper on \"The Development and Testing of Locomotives,\"\nand the following abstract will be read with considerable interest by engineers\nm this country and abroad.", "\nUntil comparatively recently the facilities for testing locomotives in service\nhave been of a very simple form, and it has been difficult to get reliable\ndata on the working of the engine and the boiler, as well as the numerous\naccessories which are developed and offered for trial.", "\nIt is, moreover, somewhat difficult to arrange a series of tests on the running\nlines without causing inconvenience to the working. ", "Such work is usually\ncarried out on. ", "an ordinary booked train, but occasionally it is possible\nto arrange a special trial on a Sunday when the line is less occupied. ", "As\na result of this, it has not been possible until recent years for the locomotive\nengineer to set out a predetermined programme of trials which would have\npossibly in the infancy of locomotive design, led to a much more rapid\ndevelopment, such as has been the case with the internal combustion engine\nand which has resulted in rapid development and its general application to\nmotor cars and aeroplanes.", "\nProbably the first vehicle used for experimental work on the English railways\nwas a broad gauge 4-wheeled van which about 1879 was converted to narrow\ngauge, and fitted up as a measuring van on the Great Western Railway. ", "It\nwas fitted with a fifth wheel, which could be raised and lowered, with suitable\nmechanism and which worked a series of counters indicating the distance travelled\nin miles and fractions of a mile. ", "The introduction of this car is generally\nattributed to Sir Daniel Gooch.", "\nThe dynamometer spring and a recording mechanism with paper drive were added.", "\nIn 1900 a new 8-wheeled car was built by the G.W.R. and fitted with the extra\nwheel and the mileage dials, and clock from the old car with mechanism to\nprovide a recording apparatus. ", "The extra wheel is fitted with a hardened\ntyre accurately ground to a diameter so that it makes exactly 440 revs. ", "per\nmile, and as it is only in use when a test is being made it maintams its\naccuracy for long periods.. It drives through suitable mechanism, the mileage\nindications and the paper drums for the recording table. ", "The paper travels\nat 1 ft. ", "or 2 ft. ", "per car mile depending on which gear is engaged.", "\nA new spring was fitted to which the drawbar at the live end of the car was\nconnected. ", "This spring consists of a number of plates about 7 ft. ", "6 in. ", "long\nseparated from each other. !", "hey are held in the centre with a buckle to which\nis attached the drawbar, and the ends are in bearers which bear against\nbrackets on the under frame of the car. ", "All contact points are carried on\nrollers so that friction is reduced to the smallest factor.", "\nThe drawbar itself is also carried on rollers. ", "An arm from the spring buckle\nextends to the recording table and carries a pen which draws a curve on the\npaper as it passes across the table.", "\nAnother instrument fitted is an integrator which consists of a disc which\nis revolved by suitable gearing connected to the ninth wheel and makes a\nnumber of revolutions proportional to the speed of the train. ", "A small vertical\nroller is in contact with this disc, and it can be moved across the disc\nby means of an arm connected to the spring buckle, and is so adjusted that\nwhen there is no pull on the drawbar, the roller is in the centre of the\ndisc and does not revolve. ", "With the slightest pull from the centre the roller\nrevolves, and as it has an armature on its spindle with an electric contact,\nit can be used to operate a pen and an electric counter on the recording\ntable, and since the revolutions of the disc are proportional to the distance\nrun by the train and the distance of the roller from the centre of the disc\ndepends on the drawbar pull, the revolutions of the roller will be a measure\nof the product of the distance run and the average drawbar pull, that is,\nof the work done. ", "The gearing is so arranged that each revolution of the\nroller represents 330,000 ft. ", "lb. ", "of work so that by multiplying the record\non the counter for one minute by 10 the mean drawbar horsepower at any minute\ncan be directly obtained.", "\nThe horsepower can also be obtained at any point on the record since it is\nequal to the pull in tons multiplied by the speed in miles per hour and by\n5.97, as per example:-\nTon M.p.h.", "\n1 x 60 x 5.97 = 358.2 D.H.P.\n1 x 60 x 528Ø x 224Ø = 358.2 D.H.P\n. ", "330ØØx 60\nThe table is equipped with pens operated electro-magnetically for the following\nrecords:-\n1. ", "Datum line.", "\n2. ", "Drawbar pull direct through spring.", "\n3. ", "Work done from Integrator.", "\n4. ", "Speed from clock recording 2 sec. ", "marks.", "\n5. ", "Engine working from observer on footplate.", "\n6. ", "Point at which indicator cards are taken from staff at front of engine.", "\n7. ", "Location from observer of mile posts.", "\nThen when brake tests are being made:-\n8. ", "Movement of brake handle on engine to apply brake.", "\n9. ", "Moment at which the brake is fully applied on any vehicle in train.", "\nSome cars are fitted with additional instrurnents such as an ergometer, which\nis a combination of the inertia dynamometer (pendulum and the integrating\nroller). ", "The tangent of the angle which the pendulum makes with its central\nposition is proportional to the algebraic sum of the force of gravity (plus\nor minus) and the force producing change of velocity. ", ".The integratmg roller\nmultiplies this force by distance, and the result is shown on the paper as\n.an inclined plane. ", "The change in ordinate of this time represents the change\nin the algebraic sum of potential and kinetic energy per ton of the train.", "\nWhen coasting free, the loss of energy recorded is due to train resistance,\nand is, therefore, a direct indication of it.", "\nA dynamometer car will be of little use unless some reliance can be placed\non the records obtained, and it is necessary to provide means to check readily\nthe accuracy of the drawbar spnng. ", "On the L.M.S. a simple weighing machine\nhas been devised by which the .spring can be calibrated in position. ", "The\nmachine consists of a frame which can be bolted to the headstock of the\ndynamometer car with its outer extremity carried on a trestle, the frame\nbeing packed up so as to be truly level.", "\nThe frame carries bearings for accommodating the knife edges which form the\nfixed fulcrum of a long lever. ", "This lever is also provided wiIth another\npair of knife edges, which are connected through suitable links to the drawgear.", "\nOn the top of the lever a portion is machined flat on which a spirit level\nis placed! ", "and when level both pairs of knife edges are m the same vertical\nplane. ", "The ratio. ", "of the lever arm to the distance between the knife edges\nis exactly 40 to 1, so that 56 lb. ", "placed on the scale pan produces\na load of 1 ton on the drawbar\nTo eliminate the weight of the lever arm and scale pan the further extremity\nis carried in a spring balance suspended from a hook overhead; this is so\nadjusted that when there is no pull on the drawbar the spring balance hol\nds the lever truly horizontal. ", "Whatever load is appIied, provided the lever\nis in the honzontal position, the upward force due to the spring balance\nwill remain constant and equal to the downward force due to the weight of\nthe lever and scale pan,. ", "hence no deduction need be made for the weight.", "\nAn actual test shows that the drawgear can be maintained within 1 per cent.", "\nof accuracy. ", "The gear is always checked in this way before a test is to be\nmade.", "\nIn this country before the grouping of the railways the L.N.W., the L. &\nY., and the G.N. all built similar dynamometer cars. ", "On the Continent there\nare a number of cars which make similar records but which have modification\nin detail. ", "Some of the most complete are the cars attached to the Vitry Testing\nStation in France. ", "These are fitted with Amsler tables and hydraulic cylinders\nfor absorbing the drawbar reactions. ", "Means are also provided so that an\nexamination of the flue gases can be made. ", "An inspirator is fitted in the\ncar so that the flue gases can be drawn through suitable piping back to the\ncar, where an analysis can be made of the gases to determine the\nCO2, CO., ", "etc.", "\nThe L.M.S. car is fitted with an indicator for checking the amount of water\nfed into the boiler and also the quantity of water replaced in the tender;\nthis permitting the evaporation of the boiler to be obtained.", "\nThe coal is weighed on the tender and at the end of a trip the amount left\nis weighed. ", "The old method of quoting coal consumption for locomotive performance\nwas on the basis of \"pounds of coal consumed per ton mile\" and due to varying\nclimatic conditions, loading, etc., ", "it was necessary for extensive tests\nto be carried out to obtain a representative average figure. ", "Since the advent\nof the dynamometer car, it is now possible to obtain quite accurate coal\ncon- sumption figures, but on the basis of actual work performed, i.e., \"pounds\nof coal per drawbar horse-power hour,\" and due to the fact that this coal\nconsumption is based on the actual output performance of the locomotive,\nit is only neces- sary to make a comparatively few runs to obtain the information\nrequired.", "\nWith the high pressure boilers now in service, a large number of which are\nworking at 225 and others at 250 lb. ", "pressure, it is very necessary to have\nthe most efficient steam distribution to ensure economical working and by\nfitting the locomotive with suitable gear, indicator cards can be obtained\nwhich provide a clear analysis of the steam distribution and a thorough\ninvestigation can be quickly carried out to determine whether the engine\nmotion is actually functioning to give the most economical results.", "\nThe method followed when indicating the steam distribution is to take out\na train up to the maximum load suitable for the locomotive, the dynamometer\ncar being marshalled between the engine and train, and the train worked at\nvarying speeds and at each speed varying cut offs with full regulator opening.", "\nUnder such conditions a complete range of indicator cards are taken. ", "These\nindicator cards provide a thorough check of the steam distribution for all\npositions of valve gear and speeds and adjustments to the valve gear may\nbe made if desirable. ", "An interesting investigation was carried out with an\nexpress 4-6-0 locomotive comprising a series of dynamometer car tests at\ndifferent periods of the life of the engine, i.e., just before and just after\npiston and valve examinations and service repairs. ", "From results obtained\nduring these tests, the erliciency of the engine and boiler deteriorated\nat a very slow rate, and it was found that the maximum increase in coal\nconsumption per drawbar horse-power was about 8 per cent. ", "higher than when\nnew. ", "The boiler efficiency showed very little depreciation although the steaming\nproperties were not so good when getting towards the next general repair.", "\nA very important item in connection with the operation of railways is to\ndetermine the best position for placing the signals controlling the working\nof trains, so that the enginemen will have sufficient time to have complete\ncontrol of the train and be able to stop within the home signal, and it is\nnecessary to ascertain the stopping distance of trains of varying weights\nat different speeds. ", "With the gradual increase in the weights and lengths\nof trains, this factor is of utmost importance, and various combinations\nof locomotives and passenger trains and the stopping distances for these\ntrains over a range of gradually increasing speeds up to 95 m.p.h, were shown\nand a comparison of the standard vacuum brake gear, as compared with the\nstandard vacuum brake gear with the addition of a direct admission valve,\nwhich is fitted to each vacuum cylinder so that the slightest admission of\nair in the train pipe automatically opens each D.A. valve to air. ", "When the\ntests for these brake trials were in hand, in addition to the dynamometer\ncar, each train was provided with vacuum recorders at the front, middle and\nrear of the train so that the rate of propagation of the brake down the train\ncould be analysed, and an observer noted the con- dition of the stop, i.e.,\nwhether rough or smooth, as it is obviously not a commercial undertaking\nto produce stops which would result in damage to the track and discomfort\nto the passengers. ", "The tests themselves were carried out during the week-end\nwhen a clear line for running purposes could be obtained over certain sections,\nand to permit of a straight comparison being made, all the stopping distances\nobtained were carefully equated to the stopping distances on the level, i.e.,\nthe effect of either a rising or falling gradient was eliminated. ", "All the\nstops in question were what are known as emergency stops, the engine- men\nclosing the regulator at a predetermined speed and immediately applying the\nbrake fully so that the maximum brake power was available as soon as possible\nthroughout the\ntrain. ", "Probably one of the most important decisions that had to be made on\nthe amalgamation of the constituent railways of the L.M.S. in January 1923\nwas to decide on the types of locomotives which should be adopted as standard\nand conversely the older and less economical types which should be scrapped.", "\nInvestigations were put in hand and various classes of engines thoroughly\ntried out with the dynamometer car, and as a result certain locomotives were\nadopted as standard types and were built as a type replacing obsolete classes.", "\nAt the same time, to meet the requirements of the operating department, other\nmore modern types were built as and when neces- sary, and at the end of 1937\nas a result of the continuation of this policy the reduction in total steam\nlocomotive stock, it is estimated, will be 27 per cent. ", "and the reduction\nof the types 63 per cent.", "\nAnother sphere of investigation in which the dynamometer car has been of\ngreat value is in the carrying out of coal consumption tests on the basis\nof pounds burned per unit of work performed when using different qualities\nof coal for exactly similar loads and timings. ", "The results obtained show\nthat a variation occurs of about 38 per cent. ", "between the best quality of\ncoal compared with the worst. ", "In addition, observations taken clearly identify\nthe coals which produced bad clinkering on the fire-bars resulting in indifferent\nsteaming. ", "Constant Speed \"Method of Testing Locomotives.\" ", "A method of testing\nlocomotives has been devised on the Continent, which consists of haul- ing\ntrains of known weights at predetermined speeds, regulator opening valve\ngear, cut-off, etc., ", "which enables the constant rate of combustion and steam\nconsumption to be achieved and thereby a comparative figure of actual consumption\nper drawbar horse power hour can be obtained.", "\nSuch data when obtained from various types of locomotives enables a very\nclose comparison to be made of the efficiencies and engine performance. ", "To\nenable the foregoing conditions to be worked to, the train usually consists\nof the engine under test, the dynamometer car, and an auxiliary locomotive.", "\nThe function of the auxiliary locomotive is to maintain the constant speed\nof the train, and the driver of this locomotive is responsible for this and\nif the train exceeds the set speed he must apply the brakes which are usually\nof the counter pressure brake type, in addition to the train brakes, or on\nthe other hand if the engine tends to reduce speed due to climbing a rising\ngradient the auxiliary locomo- tive must be immediately opened out to maintain\nthe predetermined speed. ", "The driver of the auxiliary locomotive is provided\nwith a speed re- corder which enables him to check carefully the actual speed\nof the train.", "\nIt will be recognised from the foregoing that this method of testing is\npractically identical with a stationary test plant in so far as the engine\nworking is maintained under constant conditions, but it also has the practical\nadvantage of includ- ing in the test the effect of wind resistance and radiation\nlosses so far as the locomotive is con- cerned.", "\nThe tests carried out on the L.M.S.R. will form the basis of a more intensive\nresearch into causes that prevent a higher efficiency from being obtained,\nbut it must be borne in mind that railway research, as a rule, is very slow\non account of the great variety of conditions that arise in the operation\nof a train service. ", "It can seldom be reproduced on a small scale in a laboratory\nand not always as a full scale test on a locomotive stationary testing plant,\nbut must generally be tried out in actual service, which takes time and\nnecessitates the consideration of many variables, and how they may affect\nthe results.", "\nAs an instance of the importance of the application of engine performance\ndata to assist in solving problems for the Operating Department such as the\npossibility of running express trains at higher average speeds, a trial run\nbetween Euston and Crewe gave varying average speeds of 60 to 76 m.p.h.,", "\nand from Euston to Liverpool at average speeds varying from 60 to 74 m.p.h.", "\nThe following speed restrictions are imposed:- Rugby, 35 m.p.h.; ", "Polesworth,\n45 m.p.h. ; ", "Stafford, 30 m.p.h. ; ", "Crewe, 20 m.p.h. ", "The effect of these speed\nrestrictions is very pronounced in that, to maintain the higher average speeds\nquoted, maximum running speeds for short periods of 100 m.p.h. ", "on the\nEuston-Rugby Section, and 98 m.p.h. ", "on the Rugby-Liverpool Section must be\nattained. ", "The possibility of running a passenger train at such high speeds\ncalls for careful investigation with regard to the capacity of the locomotive,\nand would probably mean a severe reduction in the weight of the train hauled.", "\nThis particular problem illustrates the value of the very close co-ordination\nwhich exists between the Operating- and Engineering Departments of the railways\nof this country.", "\n\nEngine lubrication (reciprocation steam engines).", "\nProc. ", "Instn Mech. ", "Engrs,,\n1937, 136, 139-43.Modern French locomotives are fitted with four rings per piston head,\nthe German with five, while the English railways favour two or three, but\nexperiments are now being carried out in this country with an increased number\nof rings. ", "Piston ring wear varies considerably according to the class of\nlocomotive and the type of work on which it is engaged. ", "For express passenger\ncompound engines Chatel gives mileages of 12,500-25,000 for the high-pressure\ncylinders and 28,000- 37,500 miles for the low-pressure cylinders, at which\nthe rings are replaced. ", "On one English railway the piston rings of a\nthree-cylinder (simple-expansion) locomotive are changed at 40,000-45,000\nmiles.", "\nEngine lubrication (reciprocating engines) [in]:INSTITUTION of Mechanical Engineers.", "Proceedings of the general discussion on lubrication & lubricants.", "\nv. 1. ", "London, Institution of Mechanical Enginers, [1938].See pp. ", "614-18, plus pp. ", "619-48 for the discussion.", "\n\nThe heat-treatment of locomotive parts.", "\nProc. ", "Instn mech. ", "Engrs,\n1929, 117, 1069-73. ", "10 illus., ", "diagr.", "At Swindon it was the practice to treat all steel stampings and forgings\nso that the structure of each part was in the best condition to resist the\nstrains and stresses to which it would be subject in service.", "\n\nA pageant of railroad engineering.", "\nProc. ", "Instn mech. ", "Engrs, 1928,\n114, 495-8.Impressions of United States locomotives gained when Stanier accompanied\na King class locomotive to the Baltimore & Ohio Centenary\ncelebrations: Address delivered at Western Branch in Bristol on 8th December\n1927..\n\nThe position of the locomotive in mechanical engineering. ", "Proc. ", "Instn\nmech. ", "Engrs, 1941, 146, 50-61 + 4 plates. ", "13 illus., ", "diagr., ", "3\ntables. (", "Presidential Address). ", "A review of the efficiency of the steam locomotive, based on L.M.S.\ntesting plus a forecast of future development\n\nProblems connected with locomotive design.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1939,\n29, 13-33 + 6 folding plates. ", "2 illus., ", "13 diagrs. (", "Presidential\nAddress).Much of the Paper was devoted to the locomotive as a vehicle (reflecting\nStanier's involvement in the Indian Pacific Locomotive Committee, chaired\nby Lt. ", "Col. ", "Alan Mount). ", "Many of the figures (and much of the text) related\nto his own designs for the LMS. ", "Fig.1 shows spring control for bogies; Fig.", "\n2 showed the reae pony truck employed on LMS Pacifics; Fig. ", "3 showed the\nthick flanges employed on the bogies and trailing trucks of LMS Pacifics;\nFig. ", "4 showed coupled axlebox design; a table showed the axle bearing pressures\n(driving, and bogie or radial) of the Coronation class Pacifics, 8F, Jubilee\nand class 5. ", "Dust shields were mentioned. ", "Drop grates and hopper ashpans\nwere described with diagrams. ", "There are diagrams of a Duchess Pacific with\na single chimney, but Fig. ", "12 also illustrated the double chimney arrangement.", "\nThe reversing shaft mechanism for the Pacifics was also discussed. ", "Internal\nstreamlining forms one of the actual sub-headings adopted and the work of\nChapelon as cited. ", "Stanier noted how a test apparatus had been designed to\ntest flow through steam ports and passages. ", "The Vote of Thanks (pp. ", "33-4)\nwas made by Kitson Clark and in his final comments Stanier\n(pp. ", "34-5) noted his debt to Beames for sorting ou Crewe Works.", "\n\nRecent developments in locomotive design.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs, 1936,\n26, 553-94 + folding plate. ", "21 illus., ", "8 diagrs., (", "Presidential\nAddress). ", "First Ordinary General Meeting held at the Institution of Mechanical\nEngineers, on Wednesday, 30 September 1936, at 6 p.m.\nChosen for the development of the locomotive design during recent years,\nbecause to locomotive men, during the last five years, the improvement in\ntrade and the development of other means of transport had resulted in a general\nspeeding up on the railways, and there had been a desire to show that the\nsteam locomotive was not only capable of running heavy trains at a good average\nspeed, but, given a suitable load, could make as good a showing as the new\nlight trains with internal combustion engine power units. ", "In addition, there\nhas been a general desire to increase the average speed of all trains, with\nthe need of a greater number of fast goods trains.", "\nSpecific designs considered included the Schmidt Henschel locomotive of the\nGerman State Railway, the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, Triple Expansion\nEngine (with 500 psi boiler); the Winterthur High Pressure Engine; the LMS\nMetropolitan-Vickers Lysholm Turbomotive, No. ", "6202;\nthe Valve Gear (Outside) fitted to LMS Pacific No. ", "6203 with needle pin roller\nbearings; Baltimore & Ohio locomotive with water tube firebox; a Northern\nPacific 4-8-4 locomotive; Northern Railway of France 2-8-2 tank locomotive;\nPittsburg & West Virginian articulated locomotive; Express Beyer-Garratt\nlocomotive (for PLM in Algeria); Hiawatha streamlined locomotive, 4-4-2 Type;\nPennsylvania 4-6-2 locomotive; PLM. ", "streamlined locomotive, 4-4-2 Type; Canadian\nNational streamlined locomotive 4-8-4.; ", "Canadian Pacific Railway streamlined\nlocomotive, 4-4-4; German 4-6-4 streamlined locomotive; Japanese streamlined\nlocomotive, 4-6-2 Type.; ", "London and North-Eastern Railway, Cock O’\nthe North, 2-8-2 Type, and 4-6-2 Silver Link. ", "In this paper Stanier\ndeclared his debt to Churchward. ", "In the subsequent vote of thanks Gresley\nechoed Stanier's appreciation. ", "Stanier also noted that 'streamlining may\nbe something like that blessed word \"Mesopotamia\" to the old lady. ", "At any\nrate it has good publicity value.'.", "A review of world development. ", "Amongst topics covered are the turbine\nlocomotive, continuous blow-down and the Gresley A4 and P2 classes. ", "It is\nin this address that Stanier declares his debt to Churchward.. Stanier also\nobserved that 'streamlining may be something like that blessed word \"Mesopotamia\"\nto the old lady. ", "At any rate it has good publicity value.'", "\n\nSome features connected with locomotive development. ", "Rly Gaz., ", "1943,\n78, 368. ", "A note on an address presented to the City & Guilds College\nEngineering Society. ", "The paper reviewed basic design considerations.", "\n\nW.A. Stanier lecture. ", "Loco.", "\nRly Carr. ", "Wagon Rev., 1931, 37, 60A comprehensive and interesting lecture was given by Mr. W. A. Stanier,\nM.I.Mech.", "E., Principal Assistant to the Chief Mechanical Engineer, G.W. Ry.,", "\nbefore the G.W.Ry. (", "London) Lecture and Debating Society, at Paddington,\non 15 January 1931. ", "Mr. C.E. Lloyd, a director, and also an engineer, occupied\nthe chair. ", "Mr. Stanier's lecture was illustrated by many lantern slides,\nand the various locomotive types introduced by five successive C.M.E.'s were\nshown, and their work detailed. ", "Mention was made of the development of the\nmany types, from the old broad gauge North Star to the present-day\ne»press engines, including the \"De Glehn\" compounds, The Great\nBear, \"Castles\" and \"Kings.\"", "\n\nAlcock, J.F. Locomotive limits and fits.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs, 1949,\n39, Disc.: ", "505-8. (", "Paper No. ", "487)Sir William Stanier (505-8) noted that locomotive manufacturers in\nthe United Kingdom had now adopted a universal system which he regarded to\nbe of great importance. ", "He noted that he had seen Lelean working out the\nlimits and fits for the Indian Government Railways. ", "He also acknowledged\nthe work performed in this area at Horwich. ", "He noted that earson, when on\nthe GWR had encountered troublle with fractures in carriage axles this was\ndue to moisture getting in where the axles were pressed into the wheel. ", "The\nLMS had trouble with crankpins. ", "Stanier himself had been responsible for\nthe burnishing broach having seen it in the USA in 1927. ", "He observed that\nCollett had sought to introduce parallel crankpins and this had led to many\nbreakages. ", "Also included an extract on press fits from a paper presented\nby H.J. Shrader to ASME in 1948.", "\n\nBarton, H.H.C. New multiple unit rolling stock for India, operational\nperformance and the electrical equipment.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs, 1952, 42,\n70 (Paper No. ", "509)said that the building of lightweight stock had been very much in\nhis mind for a number of years. ", "On the LMS in 1938, the Liverpool and Southport\nstock had had to be renewed, and he remembered the late Mr. Fairburn saying\nthat for every ton that could be saved in the weight of the stock, he could\nsave 210 a year in current. ", "That had been an incentive to get some lightweight\nstock.", "\nIn the Derby drawing office there had been a very able young designer, Mr.\nMoon, who unfortunately died during the war. ", "Mr. Moon had developed a design\n(taking advantage of the Vierendeel truss) for some lightweight stock which\nhad given some very interesting figures. ", "The motor coach seated 88 and weighed\n40 ton 5 cwt. ", "The trailer coach seated 102 and weighed 23 ton 2 cwt. ", "Sir\nWilliam had been able to give particulars of that construction and the means\nused to develop it in a paper which he had prepared for presentation to the\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Mechanical\nEngineers' Joint Meeting in September, 1939; he had gone over to America\nto give the paper, but unfortunately the Conference had been cancelled and\nhe had come back by the next boat. ", "However, the paper had been printed and\nwas in existence.", "\nThe intention had been that this principle should be developed for main'line\nstock, but unfortunately the war had come, and this hampered development.", "\nSir William emphasised the importance of remembering that weight,was a very\nimportant asset or liability when considering costs. ", "The more lightweight\nstock was developed, the better the services that could be given. ", "Lightweight\nstock would reduce wear and tear and it would reduce the power required;\nand, provided it was possible to look after the corrosion, to which Mr. Cock\nhad referred, it would produce very much better stock than existed at\npresent.", "\n\nBond, R.C. Ten years' experience with the L.M.S. 4-6-2 non-condensing\nturbine locomotive, No.6202. ", "J. Instn\nLoco. ", "Engrs, 1946, 36, 182-230. ", "Disc.: ", "231-65 (Paper No. ", "458)\nPp. ", "231-3: Stanier's comments showed his professional modesty: lesser men would\nhave placed their name on such a paper by a subordinate. ", "He noted his error\nin using a low degree of superheating at first on the LMS and how the original\nsuggestion for a turbine locomotive came from Dr. Guy of Metropolitan\nVickers.", "\n\nBond, R.C. Organisation and control of locomotive repairs on British\nRailways. ", "J. Instn Loco Engrs., ", "1953,\n43, pages 218-19. (", "Paper No. ", "520)Noted Beames' contribution to efficiency at Crewe Works by instigating\nthe new erecting shop opened in 1924.", "\n\nBurrows, M.G. and Wallace, A.L. Experience with the steel fireboxes\nof the Southern Region Pacific locomotives.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1958,\n48, 281-2. (", "Paper No. ", "584)Stanier said they would all feel that the Institution was to be\ncongratulated on obtaining such a valuable Paper, which recorded what had\nhappened. ", "The experiment of using steel fireboxes had been going on for a\nnumber of years. ", "He recalled that after the First World War the Great Western\nRailway had acquired a number of R.O.D. engines with steel fireboxes. ", "These\nwere, of course, of the narrow type, and when the locomotives arrived at\nSwindon the insides of the fireboxes were found to be plastered with welding.", "\nWelding at that time had been known, and quite rightly, as the “putting\non tool,” and he expected that most of it had been applied on the outside\nand had not been V’ed out.", "\nMr. Bulleid had very wisely decided to use steel fireboxes on his “Merchant\nNavy” Class locomotives, which had a wide firebox. ", "It was quite true,\nSir William thought, that the wide firebox was much better suited to the\nuse of welded seams and tubes. ", "He wondered whether the Authors had found\nthat the thermic syphons used on these boilers, which undoubtedly had been\na source of considerable work in maintenance and repairs, had improved the\nefficiency of the boiler to an extent which justified their application,\nor whether, perhaps, a design of firebox giving a little more heating surface\nwoulcl have been better from the maintenance point of view and would have\ngiven just as good steaming.", "\nMr. Burrows had stated in presenting the Paper that the size of the stays\ngiven in the advance copy of the Paper was not correct: they were in fact\n5/8 in. ", "in the body but 7/8 in. ", "screwing stays. ", "That was very interesting,\nbecause in putting in steel stays in boilers with which Sir William had been\nassociated they had always made a practice, when they got to 7/8 in., ", "of\ncupping the point of the stay on the fire side, so that when riveting it\ndown the amount of work required was not sufficient to disturb the threads.", "\nHe wondered whether the fracture shown in Fig. ", "17 might have been due to\nthe excessive amount of work required to put a solid-ended stay down to the\nplate.", "\nHe would also like to know whether the steel stays had been made of ordinary\nmild steel bar or whether a special steel such as “Longstrand”\nhad been used. ", "“Longstrand” steel was made from what the steelmaker\ncalled a “dirty” steel, i.e. an ingot full of slag inclusions,\nwhich when rolled out gave strings of slag in the longitudinal section of\nthe stay, so that it looked like wrought iron, and if the stay cracked, instead\nof going square across as a mild steel stay did, the crack crept up the body\nof the stay and would be found before anything serious happened. ", "When the\nSouthern Railway started building steel fireboxes they had been in the fortunate\nposition that radiographic examination had reached a stage when it could\nbe applied to the seams of boilers. ", "In 1934, when in the U.S.A., Sir William\nhad seen the Babcock & Wilcox works welding boiler drums and examining\nevery 18 in. ", "of the seam radiographically, and recording it, to ensure that\nthe weld was absolutely sound. ", "It was, however, only since the war, he supposed,\nthat radiographic examination had been introduced to any great extent. ", "Mr.\nBulleid had been very wise to make use of this new technique to ensure that\nthe welding was sound.", "\nSir William remembered being concerned with a welded boiler before the First\nWorld War. ", "It was a small boiler, built for 150 lb./sq. ", "in. ", "pressure, and\nevery seam had been welded, including the seams on the dome. ", "It looked all\nright and had been tested hydraulically to about five times its working pressure,\nbut he did not think that it had ever been steamed. ", "No one had known what\nthe condition of the welding was inside. ", "X-ray examination now enabled that\nto be known.", "\nHe had already said that the Institution was fortunate in having a Paper\nwhich showed what had been done, and he would like to conclude by expressing\nhis personal pleasure at having the opportunity to read the Paper.", "\n\nCook, K.J. The late G.J. Churchward's locomotive development on the\nGreat Western Railway. ", "J. Instn Loco.", "\nEngrs., ", "1950, 40, 171-2 (Paper No.492)including his observations on\nChurchward's County\nclass.", "Stanier said that it was with particular pleasure that he had come\nto the present meeting to hear a Vice-President, Mr. Cook, tell them something\nof the work with which he himself had been mixed up to a certain extent during\nits early history. . ", "Mr. Churchward had come to Swindon the year of his own\nbirth. ", "He had then been Carriage Works Manager and was actively engaged in\ndeveloping new things. ", "He had developed the Great Western axle box, which\nwas recognized as being one of the axle boxes most free from failure. . ", "They\nhad heard about a number of people who had been associated w,lth Churchward\nbut one of the principal people who had worked with him was George Burrows-his\nson was present at the meeting. ", "He himself, having been in the drawing office\nat the time, had seen some of his work. .", "\nHe could, .of course; speak at great length about Mr. Churchward, but would\nconfine himself to referring to one or two points only. ", "Mr. Cook had drawn\nattention to the 4-4-0 \"County\" class engine. ", "Churchward had built that engine\nwith his tongue in his cheek. ", "He knew the front end was too powerful for\nthe wheel base. ", "This engine was built for working trains on the Shrewsbury\nand Hereford line, which was a joint line with the L. & N.W., and the\nL. & N.W. objected at that time to the 4-6-0 \"Saint\" class working over\nit. ", "He was not going to be told what he could do by Webb! ", "Therefore Churchward\nbuilt the \"County,\" which had plenty of power to run the service.", "\nAnother matter he wished to speak about was the advent of the French erigine;\nChurchward had always been very' keen on spotting things that were good.", "\nThe French engine had an extraordinarily good bogie and almost from the time\nthe French engine. ", "started running until the present time the Great Western\nbogie had the French spring control on it, as also had a great many L.M.S.\nbogies. ", "Then there was also the big end for the inside cylinder on the\" King,\"\n\" Castle,\" and\" Coronation\" classes, and. ", "on a number of other 4-cylinder\nengines, had a French big end for the inside cylinder. ", "He would like to tell\nthe meeting something of the\" old man.\" ", "After the first world war a deputation\nhad visited Churchward to tell him of their wishes. ", "Churchward had rather\nan autocratic way and used to tell his people what to do. ", "The leader of the\ndeputation, the district organiser, said, \"You know, tIre time has come when\nwe wish to be asked to do a thing and riot ordered to do it.\" \"", "D- it all,\nit is time the' old man' retired,\" he replied. ", "When Churchward retired the\nworkers insisted on making him a presentation. ", "They asked him what he wanted\nand intimated that he wanted nothing, and on being pressed he said, \"A fishing\nrod.\" ", "So he was presented with one and at his request the rest of the amount\ngiven was devoted to prizes for apprentices who attended the technical college.", "\nAt the presentation the Chairman of the Works Committee, having spoken in\nglowing terms of how they admired Churchward, wound up his remarks by saying\nthat he hoped every hair on his head would be a candlelight to glory. ", "Churchward\nreplied, \"Well, there will not be many of them.\" ", "He was as bald as a coot.", "\n. . ", "As members probably knew,he himself had served his time under Dean but\nhad worked a11 his active life until 1932 under Churchward. ", "He had a great\nregard and affection for his memory. ", "As Mr. Cook had said,'\" His soul goes\nmarching on\" That was true because all his engines, which are still of the\nmost modern type, were built before 1910. ", "Those who had come after Churchward\nhad tried to follow in his steps ever since.", "\n\nCox, E.S. British standard locomotives.", "J. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs, 1951,\n41, 287-335. ", "Disc.: ", "336-403 (Paper No. ", "502).Pp. ", "337-8. ", "Congratulated the President and his team for the extraordinarily fine\nresults they had obtained in their first effort. ", "There were certain things\nthat might be open to criticism, of course, but they had done a very fine\njob. \"", "What a lot we all owe to George Jackson Churchward.” He could\nassure them that a little accident like water in the cylinders was not new,\nand he had seen broken pistons on many occasions. ", "It seemed to him that the\nsmoke box door was rather too flat. ", "In his experience it was desirable to\nmake the smoke box doors as stiff as possible so that they would stand being\ntightened regularly without distortion and he would have liked to see the\nsmoke box door of this engine about 2 in. ", "deeper. ", "Since he had left the L.M.S.,\nthey seemed to have gone in for very expensive coupling rods. ", "He had yet\nto learn the reason why. ", "He did not know why it was necessary to flute the\nrods on a mixed traffic engine. ", "With regard to the area of the steam passages;\nin most cases the area through the superheater was rather less than the area\nthrough the steam pipe. ", "In his opinion this was a weakness of the King class\nof the old Great Western. ", "He noticed, too, that the superheater units had\n13/8 in. ", "diameter tubes. ", "In his experience, he found that\nif superheater tubes were much more than 1 in. ", "outside diameter, the temperature\nof the flue gas did not get to the centre of the column of steam passing\nthrough the superheater tube, so that full benefit from the heat passing\nthrough the flue was not obtained. ", "It was possible that one would get better\nsuperheat by using 1 in. ", "tubes. ", "He was glad to see that the engine wheels\nhad triangular section wheel rims. ", "He had introduced these on the L.M.S.\nafter seeing them on the German State Railways engines in about 1933 and\nthey made an excellent wheel. ", "The engine had a first-class boiler and a good\ndesign of cylinders and valve gear, and he thought they could be very proud\nof the first engine produced under the new regime and felt sure it would\ngive excellent service.", "\n\nCox, E.S. Locomotive axleboxes J.\nInstn Loco. ", "Engrs, 1944, 34, 275-317. ", "Discussion: 317-40:1945,\n35, 221-38:1946, 36, 171-6+ 3 folding plates. ", "21 diagrs., ", "8\ntables. (", "Paper No. ", "447).Opened the discusssion (p. 317) noting that there was not a great\ndeal that he could add to what was contained in the Paper. ", "He had been associated\nwith the Author in the work which had been done, and the Paper contained\na very clear and complete account of the troubles and experiences which the\nL.M.S. Railway had had during the time for which he had been associated with\nit so far as locomotive axleboxes were concerned.", "\nThe Great Western Railway, in his younger days, built a class of engine known\nas the \" Badminton \" class which had the coupling rod cranks in line with\nthe inside cranks, and they ran for quite a number of years in that way,\nbut the ''Atbara\" class, a development of the ''Badminton\" class, reverted\nto the outside crank being opposite to the inside crank.", "\nOne of the greatest difficulties which the L.M.S. Railway had experienced\nwith its modern engines was to keep dust and ashes and water away from the\ntrailing axlebox of a 4-6-0 engine, which came under the middle of the ashpan.", "\nIt was yery difficult to keep the ashes and the water from surrounding and\nsmothering the axlebox and causing excessive wear, particularly on the boss\nface of the wheel and the axlebox face against it and in the horn guide surfaces.", "\nIt was found that on the axlebox in that position pegged on bronze liners\nwere hopeless. ", "It was largely as a result of the experimental work done on\nthe axlebox in that position that there was evolved the solid bronze liner\non the horn itself, bolted on and retained top and bottom with lugs, and\nthe hardened steel face on the axlebox. ", "That, however, was only a palliative,\nand the position was still one which gave a great deal of trouble. ", "In India\na great deal of trouble was experienced from sand and wear on axleboses,\nand a tremendous number of experiments had been carried out with dust shields\nof all kinds, but he had not yet learned whether the problem had been solved.", "\nHe thought that the problem had still to be solved, and he was happy to think\nthat the time had come when he was going to watch how other people did it.", "\nHe thought that the Institution had been very fortunate in obtaining such\na complete record of experiments carried out over a series of years on what\nwas a very important problem\n\nDumas, L. The development of rail motor car services in France.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1938,\n28, 458-9. (", "Paper No. ", "389)During the past six years, the French Railways had ordered 800 railcars.", "\nOf these, 660 had already been put into service, and 140 were still under\nconstruction. ", "The 660 railcars in operation covered 90,000 miles every day\nor 23.5% of the total daily mileage of passenger steam trains in France.", "\nDicussion: Stanier refered to the three four-wheeled railbuses and to the\nthen new three car set that conformed more or less to the power-to-weight\nratio of the French steel-tyred railcars. ", "Nevertheless, Stanier ended his\ncontribution with \"?", "He considered there was no difficulty about building\nlight railcars if the service was required, but in England it had to be\nremembered that the natural fuel, of which there were large supplies, was\ncoal, and the collieries were very large clients of the railways. ", "He suggested\nthat it would he almost a tragedy if they were to introduce the Diesel railcar\nto any great extent, although he felt that, as had been the experience in\nFrance, there must be certain services where it would be worth while introducing\na vehicle of that type\".", "\n\nDymond, A.W.J. Operating experience with two\ngas turbine locomotives. ", "J. Instn Loco.", "\nEngrs., ", "1953, 43, 292-3. (", "Paper No. ", "521)Sir William Stamer, F.R.S. (Past President) felt that his remarks\nwould perhaps cover two fields, he having been brought up as a steam man\nand now being tarred with the gas turbine brush. ", "The Author, he said, had\nput before the Institution a paper which was an extraordinarily able record\nof the work which had been done on gas turbine locomotives in this country.", "\nIt was factual and the Author had not indulged too much in prophecy, leaving\nthat to the gas turbine people who were undoubtedly represented in the\naudience.", "It must be remembered that the two locomotives in question had been\nconceived six years ago. ", "Much had been learned about gas turbines, their\ndesign and pressures and combustion systems, since that time; but, although\nso much had been learned, very little \"ironmongery\" had yet been made to\nprove the techniques which had been developed. ", "The two locomotives described\nin the Paper were actual \"ironmongery\" and had achieved results and that\nwas important.", "He felt that those concerned with the gas turbine had to realise that\ngas turbines used for traction purposes as locomotives or in lorries, buses\nor tanks had to have different features from the gas turbines which were\ndeveloped for marine purposes or for stationary power plant. ", "He had always\nbeen struck by the fact that if for the gas turbine one plotted power output\nagainst efficiency (Fig. ", "10) one obtained a curve of the type shown by the\nfull line showing the most efficient conditions at about 80 per cent of the\npower output. ", "What was wanted for the locomotive was a curve of the type\nshown by the dotted line. ", "It might fall off considerably at over 50 per cent\nload, but so long as the locomotive would start the train and take it uphill\nthat was what was wanted, and most of the work would be done in the region\nA-B. If the greatest efficiency of the gas turbine was between 25 and 30\nper cent load it would be a much more efficient locomotive.", "The Author did not seem to be quite fair to the steam locomotive in\ncomparing its fuel consumption with that of the gas turbine. ", "The gas turbine\nfigures were principally on passenger work, but the figures for coal related\nto general railway work, passenger and goods. ", "It would have been a very much\nbetter comparison to take the coal consumption of the\" King\" link at Old\nOak.", "A point of interest was that the Western Region seemed to be able\nto arrange, when they had experimental units, to confine the working of them\nto a comparatively small number of men. ", "On the LMS there had been a steam\nturbine locomotive, and, although he had asked the operating side to keep\nit to two or three sets of men, it had in fact been worked by twenty in turn.", "\nIt was impossible to run an experimental engine in that way, and he thought\nthat the Western Region were very fortunate in that respect.", "\n\nFry, Lawford H.\nModern locomotive practice in Europe and America.", "\nTrans Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1913,\n3, 41-58. ", "Disc.: ", "59-73. (", "Paper No. ", "16)Stanier (63-4) noted the existence of the Churchward 2-8-0 and 2-8-0T\non the GWR. ", "The leading coupled wheels of the 42XX type had spherical crank\npins and bushes to prove 2½in side play: this enabled the class to operate\nover sharp curves at collieries. ", "Stanier noted that the 4-cylinder layout\ndistributed the working stress \"very nicely\". ", "Refering to the 43XX he called\nthe mixed reaffic locomotive the \"engine of the future\" noting that is was\nsuitable for working excursion trafic and troop trains.", "\n\nGammon, C.A.\nStandardisation and design of goods and mineral wagons as applied to British\nRailways. ", "J. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs. ", "1950, 40, 425-65. ", "Disc.: ", "466-85.", "\n(Paper No. ", "496)Pp. ", "467-8): When he was on the Great Western Railway, the late Churchward\nbuilt a 40 ton bogie coal wagon, but he found that the tare of the 40 ton-wagon\nwas greater than the tare of two 20-ton wagons, and it was very restricted\nin the places it could serve, and so naturally he built 20-ton wagons. ", "On\nthe Cornish Riviera Limited they had measured the quantity of oil\nplaced into the axleboxes, and the sealed boxes were run for eleven months\n- care was taken to examine the boxes adjacent to the engine to ensure that\nwater had not breached the dust shields. ", "Queried the change to oil-hardened\nplates from water-hardened: danger of mixing the two.", "Graff-Baker, W.S. Considerations on bogie design with particular reference\nto electric railways. ", "J. Instn Loco\nEngrs., ", "1952, 42, 339-40. (", "Paper 513)Opened the discussion and sung the praises of the Dean bogie.", "\n\nKreissig\nThe design of light-weight rolling stock.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs. ", "1950,\n40, 41-3(Paper No. ", "490)Author was Chief Engineer Uerdingen und Dusseldorg Carriage Companies.", "\nDiscussion:\nStanier (51) took exception to Mr. Agnew's references to the resistance of\npast C.M.E.s to the introduction of steel passenger stock. ", "He personally\nhad been responsible for the construction of light-weight steel stock in\nabout 1936, and as Mr. Agnew might know, the new Liverpool and Southport\nstock had saved a considerable amount of weight. ", "He felt bound to say he\nhad been inspired very largely by a statement made by the late Mr. Fairburn,\nwho had claimed that for every ton which Sir William might save on the coach\nhe (Mr. Fairburn) could save ten pounds a year on current.", "\nAn effort had been made at Derby to enable them to use light steel sections\nand all-steel skin stressed construction, but he thought Mr. Agnew had overlooked\nthe fact that the operating department always demanded the type of compartment\nconstruction with doors all along the side, and that was a very great handicap\nto stressed skin construction. ", "If they could have rolling stock such as they\nhad on the tube railways it would be easy, but to design stressed skin stock\nfor ordinary main lines was a problem.", "\nAt the same time he was full in agreement with Herr Kreissig when he advocated\nthe reduction of weight in their stock. ", "He did not think they had made sufficient\nstudy of the springing of lightweight vehicles, and he was quite sure that\nit meant very careful analysis of the movements that would take place and\nthe power that was to be transmitted to get the correct springing to put\nit right, but he certainly did not think it was impossible. ", "About three years\npreviously he had been in Switzerland and had seen some of the new bogies\nthat they were using on their electric locomotives. ", "He had never experienced\nsuch good riding over such a curving road and at the speed at which they\ncould take the curves. ", "The bogie was an entirely unconventional type: it\nhad no horn cheeks, it had radius bars and torsion bar control and coil springs\non each side of the axlebox, with oil dampers, and it gave the most excellent\nriding.", "\nAnother point in the Author's Paper in which he had been very interested\nwas the reference to the damage to the life of the springs if there was the\nslightest mark on the surface. ", "One of the big problems facing the railways\nwas how to prevent corrosion between the leaves of a spring. ", "On the old L.M.S.\nline they had conducted many experiments in using spring leaves that were\nground and polished, but after they had been out for a month or so they were\ncorroded between the leaves and were just as bad. ", "He did not know whether\nthe Author could suggest any means of preventing that corrosion from getting\nin between the leaves. ", "Coil springs, again, had a very much longer life if\none could use polished bar and prevent any damage to the surface. ", "On all\nhigh-grade motor cars and on many other vehicles, very great pains were taken\nto get very highly polished springs for both petrol engines and diesel engines,\nand he thought one of their biggest headaches in running rolling stock would\nbe removed if they could get a much longer life out of their springs.", "\nHe did not know whether Herr Kreissig was familiar with the Paper for which\nhe personally had been responsible in 1939, on “ Light-Weight Passenger\nStock,” which was a description of a design which had been got out by\nthe L.M.S., largely for the new stock of the Liverpol and Southport line.", "\nThere they had adopted light pressed centre girders and used very light pressed\nsections, and they had reduced the weight on the trailer cars by eight or\nnine tons and on the motor cars by somewhere about seven tons, but they had\nnot gone to the refinements that Herr Kreissig had shown in his\n\nLoubser, M.M. and Cox, E.S. Locomotive boiler design: theory and practice.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1938,\n28, 377-409. ", "Disc.: ", "409-41. (", "Paper No. ", "388)Fourth Ordinary General Meeting of the Session 1937-38, was held at\nthe Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, on Wednesday, 26 January,\n1938, at 6 p.m., Lt.-Col. ", "F. R. Collins, President of the Institution, occupying\nthe chair.", "\nThis Paper was unusual in that it was the work of two authors who. ", "had not\nbeen able ta work in collaboration. ", "The basis was a treatise on the theory\nof the locomotive which had been prepared by M.M. Loubser, Assistant CME\non the South African Railways. ", "This was delivered to the Institution in a\ncondensed form covering the whole locomotive. ", "The second author was requested\nto deal only with that part covering boiler and smokebox and to expand this\ninto a self-contained Paper. ", "At the same time, it was desired to amplify\nthe original content to cover British practice with some reference to the\nconsiderations which influence British boiler design. ", "To achieve this it\nhas been necessary in places to depart from Loubser’s text and to add\nsections not contained in the original communication, while to make the Paper\nmore readable, the actual working out of mathematical formulae is incorporated\nin the appendices. ", "Due to the short time available and the distance separating\nthr authors, no form of collaboration has been possible, and the second author\nhopes that in spite of his editing and amplification he has been able to\nconvey to the Institution the spirit and substance of Mr. Loubser’s\noriginal communication. ", "The object of the Paper is to summarise in simple\nterms the fundamental considerations covering boiler design and to illustrate\ntheir application with reference to some modern designs. ", "The boiler is dependent\nfor its draught on the vacuum created and maintained in the smokebox by the\nexhaust steam, and insignificant as this fact might appear at first sight,\nyet the whole performance of the boiler is governed by the overall effectiveness\nof this process. ", "The theory of the boiler, more especially the combustion\nand transfer\nCox's contribution consists of an analysis of the Stanier taper-boiler with\nparticular emphasis on the four types fitted to the Jubilee class.", "\nStanier (pp.410-11) adds some notes on the front-end. \"", "I should like to take\nthis opportunity of saying how well I think Mr. Cox has reviewed Mr.\nLoubser’s Paper. ", "I had an opportunity of looking through Mr. Loubser’s\nPaper, and the two sections which Mr. Cox has taken cover very well the essential\nmatter of that Paper, and the linking of it up with English practice is,\n1 think, most helpful to members of the Institution. ", "In that connection,\nthere is one thing which has always puzzled me. ", "Reference is made in th.is\nPaper to the relationship of the diameter of the blast pipe given by the\nformula on page 396 and the actual diameter of blast pipe used on the engine.", "\nThere is a striking difference between them, and what has always puzzled\nme is that a 3-cylinder engine always seems to require a smaller blast-pipe\ntop than one would expect to put on an engine of that power. ", "One of the possible\nsolutinns, of course, is that with a 3-cylinder engine there is not the same\nvolume of steam coming through the blast pipe per pulsation, and it may be\nthat the formula for a 0-cylinder engine should take that into consideration.", "\nIt is a fact that so far as the locomotives of the L.M.S. Railway are concerned,\nthe 3-cylinder engines generally require a smaller blast pipe than would\nbe expected for their power. ", "The 2-cylinder and the 4-cylinder engines, it\nwill be noticed from Table IV, come very much closer to the diameter given\nby the formula which Mr. Loubser puts forward.", "\nIn discussing the problcm of design of the boiler, it is interesting to find\nthat Mr. Loubser does not dwell entirely on the importance of the smokebox\narrangenicnt and the vacuum in the smokebox ; he does link it up with the\ngrate area and the How of gases through the boiler, and indicates quite clearly\nthat the whole of the factors in the design of the boiler have to be in balance\nif a satisfactorily steaming boiler is to be obtained.", "\nI suppose that one of thc advantages of a steam locomotive over any other\npower unit is the fact that it can work at such a wide range. ", "The particular\nengines which Mr. Cox has described, the 3-cylinder 4-6-0 engines, on tests,\nworking trains under the control of a dynamometer, have burned from 301b.", "\nper sq. ", "ft of grate per hour up to nearly 100lb. ", "per sq. ", "ft. ", "of grate per\nhour perfectly satisfactorily. ", "The only factor seems to be the ability of\nthe fireman to put the coal on. ", "The wide range over which steam locomotive5\ncan be used is one of the advantages of using that type of power. ", "The engine\ndeveloped something like 1,800 h.p. ", "when burning nearly 100lbs. ", "per sq. ", "ft.", "\ngrate area per hour, so that it can be seen that the boiler h.p. ", "is even\nmore important than the engine h.p. ", "if the engine is to do the work.", "\n\nLund, G.H.K. Railway breakdown and rerailing equipment.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1950,\n40, 270-1. (", "Paper No. ", "493) pp 270-1: Stanier observed that 12 ton cranes were the highest capacity\nwhen he first had to deal with problem. ", "Hydraulic jacks had assisted. ", "In\n1910 36 ton capacity cranes became available: a Ransomes & Rapier machine\nat Swindon and a Stothert & Pitt crane at Old Oak Common. ", "In 1927 when\nin the USA he had come across the Lidgerwood steam winch.", "\n\nLynes, L. and Shephard, C.A.\nSouthern Railway all-steel suburban electric stock. ", "J. Instn Loco.", "\nEngrs., ", "1948, 38, 205-38. ", "Disc. ", "238-57. ", "24 diagrs. (", "Paper No. ", "474)\nStanier (238-9) commented on the transmission losses with\nelectricity, and the many other reductions that it was necessary to make.", "\nHe thought that the Paper showed the trend of coach design in this country,\nand that they were gradually getting towards all-steel stock. ", "He supported\nC.M. Cock's remarks about the saving in coal per ton of reduction of coach\nweight. ", "Mr. Fairburn said some years ago that if it were possible to save\na ton per coach he could save a year in the cost of current, which would,\nbe a very important saving~to make. ", "As a result, the LMS Railway built the\ncomparatively light weight stock of the Liverpool. ", "and Southport and Wirral\nrailways. ", "The Paper showed the trend of British railways towards all-steel\nstock, but Stanier thought that the weight of the stock was still far too\nheavy. ", "The weight per coach of the stock described in the Paper was something\nlike 35 tons, 142 tons for four coaches. ", "If he remembered rightly, the Liverpool\nand Southport trailer coach weighed 22-25tons.", "Mr.\nL. Lynes intervened to point out that in the 4-coach units\ndescribed in the Paper the weight was 43 tons for the motor coach and 28\ntons for the trailer coach; the motor bogies were heavy.", "\n\nSir William Stanier observed that even 28 tons for the trailer coach\nwas heavier than the Liverpool and Southport stock.. He thought that the\ndesigners of new coaches ought seriously to consider how they could face\nthe risk of corrosion and yet cut down the weight. ", "The great problem with\nall-steel coaches was corrosion, and it required a very careful technique\nand proper ventilation between the panelling and the outside sheeting of\nthe coach to avoid condensation forming. ", "He believed that the British railways\nhad realised the importance of this. ", "He did not suggest that that was due\nto the recent revolution; he thought that it started some years ago. ", "The\ntime was getting nearer when they would have all-steel stock and be able\nto reduce the weight, and he looked forward to it.", "\n\nMcClean, H.G. The hammer-blow with axle-hung electric traction motors.", "\n. ", "J. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1938,\n28, 186. (", "Paper No. ", "382)Third Ordinary General Meeting of the Session 1937-38 held at the\nInstitution of Mechanical Engineers, London, on Wednesday, 24 November 1937,\nat 6 p.m., Lieut.-Col. ", "F.R. Collins, President occupying the Chair.", "\nExperience in India. ", "Discussion: Stanier said it was rather news to him that\nin electric traction hammer-blow occurs, but thought perhaps he had been\nthinking rather in terms of a steam locomotive, where they had to Iialance\nthe hammer-blow of reciprocating masses rather than the hammer-blow from\nwhich the track might suffer due to unsprung weight. ", "He said the Paper was\nfull of very complex formulae, and when they heard that electric trains of\nhigh speed with nose-suspended motors were very damaging to the track, he\nwondered whether these formulae really served any useful purpose.", "\nHe had seen designs of electric locomotives, largely on the Continent, where\nthey went in for all sorts of elaborate arrangements of rods, so that the\nelectric drive could be on a spring-borne portion of the chassis. ", "One of\nthe most interesting that he had seen was the type of electric locomotive\nused in Sweden, where they seemed to have overcome the difficulty of having\na complex triangular connecting rod by putting the drive exactly on the axle\ncentre and having the coupling rod extended through the jack-shaft pin, so\nthat they get a straight drive. ", "He did not know whether anyone could tell\nthem whether the Swedish electric railways ran at high speeds of over 70\nm.p.h. ", "If they did, he though it would he very interesting to know whether\nthat type of locomotive was so destructive to the track or so uncomfortable\nto the passengers as the electric vehicles with the drive that the Author\nhas so clearly set out in his Paper.", "\n\nMoon, A.N. Welded carriage underframes on the L.M.S. Railway.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1947,\n37, 374.Related that Fairburn had suggested to him that if they could save\na ton in weight of a vehicle it would be possible to save £10 a year\non [electric] current.", "\n\nIt is the responsibility of the chief mechanical engineer to supply\nengines of the correct type to meet the requirements of the chief operating\nmanager, and of the chief operating manager to allocate those engines so\nthat the correct type of engine will be used to do the work required, and\nit is the superintendent of motive power's duty to see that these engines\nare maintained in good mechanical condition to work the trains, manned by\nwell-trained and responsible enginemen at the time they are required.", "\n\nWhen the Author refers to the method of washing out of boilers, he\nindicates that a pressure and quantity regulating valve is introduced between\nthe hydrant pipe, etc., ", "but he has not told us of the original difficulties\nexperienced when it was found that the water pressure varied between wide\nlimits at different sheds, and that the first essential was to ensure that\nthe amount of water for cooling down the boiler was kept constant to ensure\nthat a steady falling temperature was maintained. ", "To do this it was found\nnecessary to introduce a reducing valve between the hydrant and the control\nvalve, so that the amount of water delivered for each position of the control\nvalve was maintaind at a reasonably constant quantity. ", "This is important\nwhen the cooling down of boilers working at high pressure is required.", "\n\nAs the late chief mechanical engineer of the LMS I would like to support\nwholeheartedly the excellent organisation under the \"X\" scheme and the standard\nmileage and periodical examinitions carried out by the motive power department,\nas I am sure It is largely due to that carefully planned organisation that\nthe availability of the LMS engines is so good.", "\n\nUnder \"hot bearings\" the Author refers to. ", "the importance of keeping\ndirt away from the journal. ", "In my experience, provided sufficient oil is\navailable, dirt does not in itself give a hot box but it does cut the journal\nand wear it away, and it is most desirable to provide means for keeping all\ndirt away from running surfaces, if possible.", "\n\nI should like again to refer to the very happy relations that exist\nbetween the chief mechanical engineer's staff and the motive power\nsuperintendent's staff on the LMS and to re-assert the importance of correct\npersonaliti,es to ensure the satisfactory working of any scheme.", "Thompson, J.W. The taper boiler.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1936,\n26, 764. (", "Paper 361)Unfortunately I have to leave to attend another meeting, but before\nI go you might like to have some expression of opinion from me with regard\nto the taper boiler, because 1 have been perpetrating taper boilers for some\ntime. ", "The Author illustrates this very clearly in Plate 27.", "\nBy tapering the big ring of the boiler, you obtain additional steam space,\nand, taking the other end on view you obtain an increased water-line for\nthe steam to come off. ", "Other advantages of the taper boiler are that at the\nfront end, where you are often tied up for excessive weight, you can keep\nthe weight down to within reasonable limits, and also, when the locomotive\nis going downhill, the water is kept on the crownplate of the firebox. ", "Those\nare some of the points about the taper boiler which seem to me to make it\ndesirable.", "\nThe Author has stated that the manufacturing difficulties are very easily\novercome, and in fact the LMS works Crewe, have had no difficulty whatever\nin manufacturing taper boilers in just as satisfactory a way as other works.", "\n\nWarder. ", "S.B. Electric traction prospects for British Railways.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1951,\n41, 34. (", "Paper 498)said that the Institution was to be congratulated on the paper, which\ncarried a very important stage further the records in its possession. ", "He\nwondered however if the Author had been adventurous enough in his\nprognostications. ", "Personally, he had seen schemes which enabled a gas turbine\npower unit to be designed which would give 40 per cent. ", "thermal efficiency,\nwhile the Author talked about 16 per cent. ", "It might be, therefore, that by\nthe time the Author could get his electric power the gas turbine would have\nshown him the way to run trains. ", "Mr. Hopkins suggested that Diesel-electric\npower might be the solution, but there it was necessary to use oil, which\nwas not indigenous to this country. ", "It might be said that gas turbines were\nusing oil. ", "They were doing so at present, but schemes were in hand to enable\nan attempt, at any rate, to be made to use coal, either by producer or\npulverised, and there was no knowing what would happen in the next few years.", "\nReference had been made to the density of traffic and to the great savings\nwhich there would be if the main lines to the north of this country were\nelectrified. ", "What about the freight trains? ", "The density of traffic on the\nmain lines was very largely due to the large freight service. ", "A freight train\ncould be run only as fast as the engine would stop it, which meant that one\nmight have a freight train toddling along at 25 m.p.h., ", "with a fast passenger\ntrain behind it wanting to run at 80 m.p.h., ", "but the section was not clear,\nand it would not be clear for the electric train either if freight trains\nwere still designed and run as at present. ", "He was sure that the President\nhad seriously in mind what he was to do with regard to freight traffic. ", "Automatic\ncouplers and power brakes were essential. ", "Sir William said that he was glad\nto see the suggestion in the paper that if there were an automatic coupler\nit should include the brake pipe, the electric gear and so on, so that there\nwould be no need for a man to get underneath to connect the brake pipes,\netc. ", "It was to be hoped that the Author would find a coupler which would\ndo that. ", "There was one for trams, but he had never seen one yet for\nrailways.", "\n\nWebber, A.F. (Paper No. ", "378).The proportions of locomotive boilers. ", "J.\nInstn Loco. ", "Engrs., ", "1937, 27, 688-725. ", "Disc.: ", "726-63. ", "8 diagrs.,", "\n8 tables. ", "Bibliog. ", "Stanier: (pp726-8) stated that he had enjoyed very much the analysis\nwhich the Author has made of our boiler problem; it has been, he thought,\nmore complete than most of the analyses seen. ", "As he has indicated, he has\nperhaps not given due weight to the firebox volume, but he has gone a long\nway towards endeavouring to evaluate the various bailer propartions which\nhave been used on the engines of comparatively recent times.", "\n\nIt may be of some interest if I give an indication af the free areas\nin use on the present L.M.S. engines. ", "As you know, Dr. Wagner indicated the\nimportance of getting in balance the areas through the small tubes and the\nareas through the large flue tubes. ", "On the Pacific\" Coronation\" engine the\narea through the small tubes is 3.23 sq. ", "ft. ", "and through the large tubes\n3.66 sq. ", "ft., ", "making a total of 6.89 sq., ", "ft. ", "On the \"5X\" 3-cylinder engines\nthe figures are 2.22 sq. ", "ft. ", "and 2.52 sq. ", "ft., ", "making a total of 4.74 sq.", "\nft.", "\n\nYou will remember that in his Paper Dr. Wagner gave particulars of\na boiler which had a free area through the tubes of something like 8 sq.", "\nft. ", "The comment of a member of my staff was that that engine would burn\nbrickbats!", "\n\nThe difficulty is, of course, to obtain the free areas which you want\nand to maintain a balance with the grate area and the firebox volume within\nthe load gauge from which we suffer in England.", "\n\nIn connection with the \"5X\" engines, it may interest yau to know that\nthe L.M.S. have recently carried out some accelerated train trials between\nGlasgow and Leeds and Leeds and Bristol with \"5X\" engines. ", "With a train weighing\n300 tons, the coal consumption on that engine to do the work varied from\n40 lb. ", "per sq. ", "ft. ", "af grate area per hour to 100 lb. ", "per sq. ", "ft. ", "of grate\narea per hour, which I think indicates what an extraordinarily flexible\nsteam-raiser a locomotive boiler is. ", "I do not advocate an engine being used\nto burn l00 lb. ", "per sq. ", "ft. ", "of grate area per hour; I think that if we did\nthat with some of the bigger engines we should have to put in a mechanical\nstoker.", "\n\nThe Author has referred to smokebox vacuum. ", "It may be of interest\nto mention that the vacuum in the smokebox of the L.M.S. turbine locomotive\nwith one nozzle open is just over 1 in. ", "of water, and with two nozzles it\nis 2 in., ", "so that with the maximum number of nozzles open it is 6 in.", "\n\nThe engine steams quite well on the fast trains between Liverpool\nand Euston of something like 500 tons weight. ", "It seems to me that that is\na comparatively low vacuum in the smokebox for a big boiler, when account\nis taken of the vacuum which the French engines are obtaining with the Kylchap\nblast pipe, and one of the investigations which I think that every locomotive\nsuperintendent within my memory has carried out is an investigation to endeavour\nto improve the vacuum in the smakebax withaut increasing, and in fact decreasing,\nthe back pressure in the cylinders.", "\n\nWhen I was in the drawing office, there was a drawer full of experiments\nwhich had been carried out in connection with blast pipes and smokebox\narrangements, and I am sure that in the. ", "drawing office which I now control\nthere are similar quantities af experiments, but I do not think that even\nyet we have determined what is the most efficient arrangement.", "\n\nThe Author has referred to sinuous tubes. ", "One af the difficulties\nin a locomotive is to keep the tubes clean, and there are quite enough\ndifficulties at present in keeping a flue tube with a superheater element\nin it clean af smokebox ash and soot. ", "The old dodge af the driver of putting\na little sand on a shovel and putting it in the firehole door to scour the\ntubes has been developed an the L.M.S. and some other railways by introducing\nsand guns for this purpose. ", "Wechmann Electrification of long-distance lines of the German State\nRlys. ", "J. Instn Loco Engrs, 1938,\n28. ", "522. (", "Paper No. ", "391)said he found one paragraph in it which was very comforting, namely,\nwhere the Author said \" With all the advantages of electric traction, it\ncannot be said that the steam locomotive, in some form, will ever be replaced,\nat least in countries having rich coalfields.\" ", "On the other hand, he thought\nthe fact that as the Institution was an Institution of Locomotive Engineers\nand not of steam locomotive engineers was all to the good, because one could\nnot help feeling that the developments which were taking place and the fact\nthat electrical engineers were at last getting down to a common multiple,\nso to speak, for the way in which the power could be used, meant that that\nInstitution had to consider electric traction as well as steam traction.", "\nThe Paper which they had just heard, showing what had been done in Germany\nin that regard, was a very interesting and a very useful contribution to\nthe Proceedings of the Institution.", "\n\nSir William Stanier, F.R.S. (P.P.) said that\nthe building of lightweight stock had been very much in his mind for a number\nof years. ", "On the L.M.S. in 1938. ", "the Liverpool and Southport stock\nhad had to be renewed, and he remembered the late Mr. Fairburn saying that\nfor every ton that could be saved in the weight of the stock, he could save\n£10 a year in current. ", "That had be an incentive to get some lightweight\nstock.", "\nInthe Derby drawing office there had been a very able young designer,\nMr. Moon, who unfortunately died during the war. ", "Mr Moon had developed a\ndesign (taking advantage of the Vienendeel truss') for some lightweight stock\nwhich had given some very interesting figures. ", "The motor coach seated 88\nand weighed 40 ton 5 cwt. ", "The trailer coach seated 102 and weighed 25 ton\n2 cwt. ", "Sir William had been able to give particulars of that construction\nand the means used to develop it in a paper which he had prepared for\npresentation to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution\nof Mechanical Engineers' Joint Meeting in September 1939; he had gone over\nto America to give the paper, but unfortunately the conference had been cancelled\nand he had come back by the next boat. ", "However, the paper had been pnnted\nand was in existence.", "\nThe intention had been that this principle should be developed for main line\nstock, but unfortunately the war had come, and this hampered development.", "\nSir William emphasised the importance of remembering that weight was a very\nimportant asset or liability when considering costs. ", "The more lightweight\nstock was developed, the better the services that could be given. ", "Lightweight\nstock would reduce wear and tear and It would reduce the power required;\nand, provided it was possible to lookafter the corrosion, to which\nMr. Cock had referred, it would produce very much better stock than existed\nat present.", "\n\nRiddles comments taken from\nH.C.B. Rogers: The last steam\nlocomotive engineer (biography of Riddles):\nHe trusted everybody and his one fault, it is could be called a fault, was\na lack of political acumen, and he could never imagine any intrigue against\nhim. ", "But we would talk of such matters and I think that I helped him to a\ncertain extent. ", "I suppose, having experienced first the Lancashire and Yorkshire\ntaking over the London and North Western, and then the Midland taking over\nthe lot, and the intrigue which resulted, I had developed a suspicious mind.", "\nI remember him returning from a meeting and saying, \"They won't have it,\nRobert\". ", "The matter concerned was fundamental to his position, and I felt\nthat ifhe gave way he would be surrendering a right inherent to the CME.", "\nI talked to the great man, explaining what I meant, whilst he listened staring\ndown at his desk without saying anything. ", "In due course we went home- I not\nknowing whether he agreed with me or not. ", "In the morning he called me in\nand said, \"It's all right, Robert, they've now agreed\". ", "This incident is\nworth mentioning as an indication of his great character. ", "He never praised\nanybody for anything; good results he expected. ", "On the other hand he could\nbe cutting in his criticism. ", "But he appreciated his staff, and as I got to\nknow him better I realized that it was not what he said, but the tone of\nhis voice which gave the clue to his feelings. ", "I came to know him so well\nthat I could tell from his face whether it was wise to say anything or nothing,\nand no man could have had a kinder or more understanding chief. ", "Of course,\nas in the case of any person holding high position, there were those who\ndid not entirely agree with his views, but he was regarded with appreciation\nand affection by all who came in contact with him, not only in Great Britain,\nbut in India, America, and Canada. ", "On one occasion in Canada he was addressing\nthe Standards Committee and he told them that he had first heard of Standards\nwhen, as a young man, he received complaints from the Operations Department\n(Passengers) about the size of the hole in the lavatory seats. ", "Stanier went\noff to the Joiners' Shop to investigate and was met by the foreman who said,\n\"They are absolutely standard size, Sir,\" and, removing his bowler hat, he\nfitted it upside down into the hole!'I became very close to the Stanier family and frequently visited\nNewburn, Rickmansworth (their home which was named after Churchward's house\nat Swindon) and they, too, were often at my home in Watford. ", "In addition\nwe met often on holidays in Scotland and Cornwall. ", "Stanier was a great lover\nof Rudyard Kipling, and when he was not reading technical articles Rudyard\nKipling came to his rescue. ", "He was always reading and seldom, if ever, went\nout to such entertainments as the theatre or cinema. ", "Indeed his \"entertainments\"\nwere almost confined to meetings of the \"Mechanicals\", to which he was devoted,\nand he would delight in discussing technical problems at any\ntime.", "'In his latter days I visited him as much as I could, and invariably\ntelephoned him when I went to London. ", "I happened to telephone early on the\nmorning he died (September 27, 1965), and his daughter told me that they\nhad just found him. ", "I took the first train and saw myoId chief for the last\ntime, lying peacefully at rest. ", "I felt that it was a great prfvilege to be\nthere at that time to do what I could to ease the burdens on his\nfamily.", "\n\nFor obvious reasons this is based on\nChacksfield and certainly not\non Westwood which contains several errors. ", "It is also aware of O.S. Nock's\nODNB entry which was revised by Ralph\nHarrington, but the FRS Memoir has not been studied. ", "Willliam Arthur Stanier\nwas born in Swindon on 27 May 1876. ", "His father worked for the Great Western\nRailway as William Dean's Chief Clerk and had moved with him to Swindon from\nWolverhampton. ", "His mother Grace was the daughter of Robert Ball of Southport.", "\nK.J. Cook called his father a \"very astute and energetic businesss man\" who\nwas Stores Superintendent. ", "The subject was the eldest child and was educated\nat Swindon High School and Wycliffe College, near Stroud for one\nyear. ", "His brothers enjoyed longer periods at this private school. ", "He\nstarted work as an office boy on the Great Western Railway, and at the age\nof 16 he became an apprentice, starting in the carriage works and moving\nto the locomotive works in 1892. ", "He was an excellent sportsman.", "\n\nOn 1 November 1897 he entered the Drawing Office. ", "On 1 July 1901 he\nbeame an Associate Member of the Mechanicals, and in September of the same\nyear he became Mechanical Inspector at Swindon locomotive depot, rising to\nAssistant Divisional Locomotive Superintent at Swindon and then at Westbourne\nPark where he became involved in mutual improvemnt classes for the enginemen.", "\nAt this time he was courting Ella Elizabeth (Nelle) Morse. ", "On 4 July 1906\nStanier married Ella Elizabeth (1876/1877–1957), daughter of L.L. Morse;\nthey had a son and a daughter. ", "In April 1906 he became an Assistant to the\nWorks Manager in Swindon. ", "In 1908 he became a full Member of the Mechanicals\nand was appointed Divisional Superintendent at Swindon locomotive depot.", "\nPeck refers to Stanier being sent to America\nand on return introduced the outside steam pipe to Churchward's designs through\nthe drawings of Bill Pellow. ", "In 1912 he became\n(Senior) Assistant Locomotive Works Manager under Collett and became Works\nManager in 1920. ", "Chacksfield suggests that Stanier was responsible for\nChurchward's switch to outside steam pipes, introduced on the 47xx class.", "\nWhen Churchward retired and Collett became the Chief Mechanical Engineer\nStanier was promoted in parallel as his deputy.", "\n\nCook notes that Stanier travelled with King George V to the\nFair of the Iron Horse at the invitation of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad\nin 1927. ", "Stanier described this visit to the\nInstitution of Mechanical\nEngineers.", "\n\nAt this stage it is worth noting that although Stanier lacked some\nof the wider experience which had been gained by some of his contemporaries,\nnotably Gresley (who had been apprenticed on the LNWR under Webb, prior to\nmoving to the L&YR and GNR), Stanier had a very broad experience of Great\nWestern locomotives in operation, and under construction.", "\n\nFollowing meetings with Sir Harold Hartley, one of the LMS\nVice-Presidents, in 1931 (including lunch at the Athenaeum, home to bishops\nand scientists), in 1932 he became chief mechanical engineer of Britain's\nlargest railway, the London, Midland & Scottish Railway.", "\nTerry Jenkins's biography of Ernest\nLemon adds considerably to the story of Stanier's transition from Swindon\nto the LMS. ", "H.A.V. Bulleid's Master builders\nof steam(p. ", "143) shows that Stanier had problems with the\nextremely able Chief Draughtsman, Herbert Chambers, who was \"an excellent\nand experienced designer, noted for his heroic and successful effort in\ncoordinating (against time) the design work between Derby Loco Drawing Office\nand the North British Locomotive Co. on the Royal Scot, but a\ndyed-in-the-wool Midland man. ", "He argued with Stanier about all those innovations\nwhich he could not readily accept. ", "At one point during these difficult weeks,\nrather lonely among Midland doubts, Stanier tried to get S.O. Ell from the\nG.W.R. to come as an Assistant on experimental work; but Collett refused\nto release him. ", "A good Chief and a good Assistant both know that a nice balance\nbetween querying orders and blindly following them is essential, but Stanier\nand Chambers were unable to find this balance with Chambers as Chief Draughtsman.", "\nStanier, therefore, switched him to be Technical Assistant at Euston and\nappointed Tom Coleman to be Chief Draughtsman in charge of both Derby and\nCrewe Loco Drawing Offices, resident at Derby. ", "Coleman came from Horwich;\nwhere the air was distinctly less parochial, and had previously worked with\nH. G. Ivatt at Stoke. ", "He was a hard worker and shared Stanier's dislike of\nfrills. ", "Stanier got along excellently with him, considered him eminently\nsound and practical rather than theoretical, ready to incorporate all the\nnew ideas, and not too ready to query points differing from previous practice.", "\nChambers may incidentally have done quite a bit of softening-up: Derby had\nsome first-class design techniques and these did not always require modification\nby what was sometimes rudely referred to as \"Wiltshire wisdom.\" ", "Coleman also\nhad a decided artistic bent which Stanier admired and which contributed to\nthe apparently effortlessly balanced appearance of the many Stanier locomotive\ntypes.", "\n\nHis new designs notably the Jubilee class were not problem-free\nas Swindon ideas did not combine well with the LMS three-cylinder layout\nas developed for the Royal Scot class, and Stanier's Pacifics retained the\nGreat Western's four-cylinder layout. ", "Stanier's other three-cylinder design,\nthe 2-6-4Ts for the LTSR section followed Gresley practice but with three\nsets of valve gear. ", "Chacksfield states that this was to provide rapid\nacceleration, but may have been to limit hammer blow on the stretch of line\ninto Fenchurch Street owned by the LNER. ", "Rutherford is highly illuminating\non the Jubilee debacle and further comment on this is made by Pearson.", "\n\nChacksfield suggests that the class 5 may have owed something to the\nLSWR H15 as the design for the class 5 partially involved the Vulcan Foundry\nwhere the Chief Draughsman, Finlayson, was the brother of Findlayson of the\nLSWR/SR. ", "at Eastleigh. ", "which ranged from the streamlined Coronation 4-6-2\nthrough his very numerous mixed . ", "traffic two-cylinder 4-6-0 to his equally\nsuccessful 8F freight 2-8-0, were characterized by such Great Western features\nas taper boilers, long travel valves, improved Churchward axleboxes, and\nde Glehn bogies. ", "When he retired in 1944 it was clear that he was the most\nsuccessful and influential British locomotive engineer of his time. ", "In 1938\nhe went to India with the special committee examining the derailment-prone\nstandard Pacifics of the Indian railways and, perhaps primed by his own research\ninto the riding qualities of 4-6-2 machines, was able to diagnose excessive\nfreedom of lateral movement in the leading bogie and trailing truck. ", "Later\nStanier returned to India on a Machine Tool Mission and took\nJarvis with him Chacksfield's biography of Jarvis describes\nthis visit in detail. ", "Towards the end of his career he was knighted,\nbecame a Fellow of the Royal Society (a great honour for an engineer), and\nwas president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. ", "Jarvis considered\nStanier a hard, but fair taskmaster and on page 72 of Chacksfield's book\nhe noted that Stanier had \"big driving wheels\" and walked very\nquickly.", "Nock, O.S. Railway enthusuast's\nencyclopedia\n\nThe ODNB biography notes that \"As a chief engineering executive Stanier's\ncharming personality, technical skill, ability to get on with colleagues,\nand aptitude for team building, quickly brought him a reputation far beyond\nthe railway world.\" ", "This led him to important consultancies. ", "In October 1936,\nwith Sir Ralph Wedgwood, chief general manager of the London and North Eastern\nRailway, he was invited by the government of India to examine the position\nof the Indian state-owned railways; and in July 1938 he was appointed member\nof a committee of inquiry into the causes of a serious accident on the East\nIndian Railway. ", "At home he was president of the Institution of Locomotive\nEngineers for the session 1936–7, and again in 1938–9. ", "The outbreak\nof war in September 1939 led to the postponement of further promising\ndevelopments on the LMS, but in October 1941 Stanier delivered his presidential\naddress to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. ", "The war led to a great\nincrease in his responsibilities on the LMS, but in 1942 he was seconded\nto the Ministry of Production to form one of a team of three full-time scientific\nadvisers. ", "That he could leave the LMS at such a time was a great tribute\nto the team he had built up since his appointment in 1932. ", "In February 1943\nhe was knighted. ", "In the latter stages of the war, although he was then well\nbeyond normal retirement age, his services were still in great demand. ", "He\nbecame chairman of Power Jets Limited, a government-owned firm for the\ndevelopment of jet propulsion techniques, and was on the boards of several\nother companies.", "\n\nNock (pages 201-2\nBritish locomotives of the\n20th century. ", "Vol. ", "1) records a conversation which is said to have\ntaken place between Edward Thompson and Stanier in which Thompson is claimed\nto have stated that he intended to rebuild the Gresley Pacifics with Stephenson\nlink motion for the inside cylinders which horrified Stanier who responded\nthat the LMS had to scrap the Caledonian Railway 4-6-0s which had been\nconstructed with this strange arangement.", "\n\nOn page 84 of his book Larkin noted\nthat W.A. Stanier was a very likeable and much respected engineer. ", "He will\nprobably be best remembered for his renowned Pacifics. ", "In 1939 Larkin was\ninvolved in production planning for new construction.", "\n\nRutherford (BackTrack, 18\n172), possibly incorrectly implies that Stanier had\nless interest in non-steam traction and quotes the following via Chacksfield:\nThere is a good anecdote about Stanier and steam. ", "On a visit to the Pennsylvania\nRailroad in the USA in 1936, he was out on the line with a team measuring\ntrack stresses due to flange contact at speed (the LMS had plans to speed\nup certain express schedules). ", "A number of electric trains went by, then\na train appeared hauled by a K4 Pacific and everyone stood back in admiration\nas it went past. ", "Stanier then remarked, \"There you are, nobody cares a damn\nfor your tin boxes!\". ", "Chacksfield's\nexcellent biography of Ron Jarvis (pp. ", "37-45) mentions his subject's\ninvolvement in the diesel railcar project with Tommy Hornbuckle and makes\nit clear that Stanier was closely involved to ensure that it was lightweight\nand was interested in the unit's potential for high speed.", "\n\nAnecdotes. ", "etcArthur Pearson Man of the rail\nstated: One afternoon in November, 1964, I sat with\nSir William Stanier on the sun porch of his bungalow, Newburn, at\nRickmansworth in Hertfordshire. ", "Apart from a touch of arthritis in his hip\nand a slight impediment in his speech which one forgot as soon as we got\ntalking, he looked remarkably fit and was very alert mentally. ", "Tall, a strong\nface, iron-grey moustache, an impressive personality, he was eighty-eight\nand he had joined the service of the Great Western Railway just in time to\nsee the last of the broad gauge converted. ", "This was the second house Stanier\nhad called Newburn, after the name of the official C.M.E.'s house\nat Swindon. ", "The first of Stanier's Newburn's, a much bigger place,\nwas further north along the same road at Chorley Wood, Hertfordshire, where\nI used to visit him in the 1930s and during the second world war, when his\nwife was alive, and he used to supply me with beautiful dessert apples from\nhis orchard. ", "As we sat on his sun porch, we talked about railway chief mechanical\nengineers and the development of railway mechanical engineering in its various\nforms during the first half of the twentieth century. ", "We also talked about\nexperiences at Euston. ", "Ever since I first met Stanier, Churchward's name\nhad invariably cropped up somewhere in the conversation.", "\n\nThe LAST steam locomotive built by British Railways: naming ceremony of class\n\"9\" 2-10-0 locomotive No. ", "92220 'Evening Star\" at Swindon, 18th March, 1960.", "\nJ. Instn Loco. ", "Engrs, 1959/60,\n49, 597-9. ", "illus.", "Hanks in his address noted that Stanier was \"quite ageless—known\nin my days here as the Black Arrow\"\n\nCox (Locomotive panorama volume 2)\nwho was a member of the Pacific Locomotive Committee observed\nthat \"Stanier with his urbane manner and human tolerance exerted his influence\ntowards peace and he was greatly respected by all sides.", "\n\nLangridge, E.A. Under ten\nCMEs. ", "2011. ", "p. 149Stanier had a pleasant manner, a soft West Country 'burr', very different\nfrom the northern sharp vowels, deep-set eyes slightly close together, a\nkeen look that could be determined if required. ", "Later I came to the conclusion\nthat he was no designer as such, but then, how many CMEs were?", "\n\nI recall being present on the 3-car train when it was inspected by\nvarious chief officers, including W.A.S. and E.J.H. Lemon, then Vice-President.", "\nSome point was raised when W.A.S. was a little distance from the others,\nand Lemon whistled him up and called, 'Stanier, come 'ere'. ", "He went like\na lamb. ", "I couldn't help remarking to one of the smaller fry with me there:\n'How would you like to be able to whistle up the CME like that?'", "\n\nHead. ", "Ken. ", "Memories of Uncle\nWill. ", "Steam Wld, 2005 (217) 62-4.Anecdotes: Dr Margaret Stanier relates how Sir William made a very\nsmall spanner for her watch before she set out for Africa and how he responded\nto his brother, Charles's sons playing with their live steam train set. ", "Jean\nVelecky, another neice realtes how she was entertained by her Uncle on his\nspecial train when he was inspecting German railway workshops in 1946. ", "She\nalso had the dubious pleasure of driving Sir William's Cortina in\nthe presence of the great man.", "Marsh, Phil. ", "Stanier did not like streamlined locos! ", "Rly Mag.,", "\n2006, 152 (1258) 27-9.Meeting with Jean Velecky, Stanier's niece on the Mid-Hants Railway.", "\nMarsh implies that Velecky had been a fellow student of Harold Hartley: this\nis clearly impossible as Jean did not graduate until 1950. ", "Claims that Stanier's\nfavourite locomotive was the class 5 4-6-0. ", "He also disliked streamlining.", "\nIllustrations include Jean Veleck, Jean Stanier and Sir William at home in\nRickmansworth in 1963 (colour) and William aged 12 in 1888 in group family\nphotograph. ", "Jean Velecky is also shown at Ropley on the Mid-Hants\nRailway.", "\n\nThe above photograph from Steel's The\nminiature world of Henry Greenly page 160 claims to show Greenly\n(second from left of picture) standing next to William Stanier (LMSR) with\nlocomotive engineers at Dalegarth on the Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway.", "\nClearly, Stanier was still on the GWR at that time. ", "It might be Sir Henry\nFowler to the right of him, but who were the others, and why (if it was)\nStanier in the Lake District?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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0.0006829954218119383, 0.0007819433812983334, 0.0006377134704962373, 0.000700204458553344, 0.0006131217232905328, 0.001639217371121049, 0.0006521464674733579, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.0005887594306841493, 0.0006164464284665883, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.000678297714330256, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.0005495779332704842, 0.0007183747366070747, 0.0009579015313647687, 0.0008520561968907714, 0.0006183835794217885, 0.0007810474489815533, 0.0006897601415403187, 0.0006503846379928291, 0.000583330518566072, 0.0008543927688151598, 0.06629779189825058, 0.0006074262782931328, 0.0008149671484716237, 0.0006429753266274929, 0.0006457043346017599, 0.0007025352097116411, 0.006765340454876423, 0.0006274200277402997, 0.0006460579461418092, 0.000586395850405097, 0.0006428919732570648, 0.0005901209660805762, 0.0006590157863683999, 0.001002640463411808, 0.0007603151607327163, 0.0006367301684804261, 0.0005871911416761577, 0.0007513457676395774, 0.0005822492530569434, 0.0005003398982807994, 0.0006787484744563699, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0006363773718476295, 0.0005566634354181588, 0.0012405655579641461, 0.0006054932018741965, 0.0008920995169319212, 0.0005768222617916763, 0.0006343629793263972, 0.0005786959081888199, 0.0007339927833527327, 0.008848571218550205, 0.0013462924398481846, 0.0009211188298650086, 0.0008503423305228353, 0.00084225571481511, 0.000616394099779427, 0.0010075584286823869, 0.0009488333016633987, 0.0006392849609255791, 0.0007470438140444458, 0.0006300749955698848, 0.0008469427702948451, 0.0009434102685190737, 0.0036036630626767874, 0.001414898200891912, 0.0007127037388272583, 0.0007435951847583055, 0.0006109745008870959, 0.0010415214346721768, 0.0007314151735045016, 0.7030590176582336, 0.004718705080449581, 0.0006613711593672633, 0.0005306149832904339, 0.0007910187705419958, 0.0009003946906886995, 0.0006690593436360359, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0006489871302619576, 0.0010178466327488422, 0.0006411303183995187, 0.000849487551022321, 0.0007236468372866511, 0.0005193563411012292, 0.0005534838419407606, 0.0007835142314434052, 0.001048996695317328, 0.000662386417388916, 0.004823478404432535, 0.0006383431027643383, 0.000985570135526359, 0.0006100048194639385, 0.0006442032754421234, 0.0051195258274674416, 0.0006207213154993951, 0.0006849461351521313, 0.0006889848154969513, 0.0009207390248775482, 0.0017494113417342305, 0.0011039385572075844, 0.0006489722873084247, 0.0006113971467129886, 0.0005519775440916419, 0.0015510376542806625, 0.0006990866386331618, 0.0006091763498261571, 0.0012503999751061201, 0.0006581583875231445, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.0005884191486984491, 0.0005883541307412088, 0.0008526787278242409, 0.0023439752403646708, 0.004870404489338398, 0.0007265505264513195, 0.000664862513076514, 0.0007902390789240599, 0.000643842970021069, 0.0005940234404988587, 0.0005591113585978746, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0006822775467298925, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.0006426316103897989, 0.000644787447527051, 0.0006692445604130626, 0.0007143152179196477, 0.0007366394274868071, 0.0006098850863054395, 0.0006118979072198272, 0.0006317950319498777, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0006297372747212648, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.0007740595610812306, 0.0005834308103658259, 0.0006382104475051165, 0.0005653629777953029, 0.0006165821105241776, 0.0005876569193787873, 0.0006274278275668621, 0.0007519792998209596, 0.000600755971390754, 0.0005607428029179573, 0.0006564594223164022, 0.0006555563886649907, 0.0006494477856904268, 0.0005598533898591995, 0.0005204143235459924, 0.0006913724937476218, 0.000563480076380074, 0.0006830767961218953, 0.011661904864013195, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0007387993973679841, 0.0010178466327488422, 0.0007325903279706836, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.0009336081566289067, 0.0010273061925545335, 0.000557316467165947, 0.0006063972250558436, 0.0006479105795733631, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008974624797701836, 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0.0008427217835560441, 0.0006803260766901076, 0.0006645045941695571, 0.0011710759717971087, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0007895149756222963, 0.0015387287130579352, 0.0009103275369852781, 0.0012419221457093954, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.0005722397472709417, 0.0005937775131314993, 0.0013743371237069368, 0.0006186446989886463, 0.0007532282616011798, 0.0007116897031664848, 0.0006287220166996121, 0.0007943461532704532, 0.0006139518227428198, 0.0006655135657638311, 0.0007091927109286189, 0.0007848810055293143, 0.0005705076619051397, 0.0006231195293366909, 0.0006041983724571764, 0.0007917563780210912, 0.0021375217474997044, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0006813314976170659, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.0006247766432352364, 0.000745150726288557, 0.0006019799620844424, 0.0006526289507746696, 0.0006219071219675243, 0.0005768176051788032, 0.0005879098898731172, 0.0007200700929388404, 0.0005990935023874044, 0.0006395113305188715, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0006675542681477964, 0.0006909745861776173, 0.0005962157156318426, 0.0005821349914185703, 0.0006353262579068542, 0.0005888522719033062, 0.000542356341611594, 0.0005592552479356527, 0.0008714495925232768, 0.000764933880418539, 0.0005165137117728591, 0.0006987898959778249, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0006942167528904974, 0.0005706025403924286, 0.0005854344926774502, 0.0008768952102400362, 0.0007602282566949725, 0.0006715994095429778, 0.0005624136538244784, 0.001280464930459857, 0.0006266123964451253, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0006944292108528316, 0.0005255803116597235, 0.0006044022738933563, 0.0005986416945233941, 0.0005680739996023476, 0.0007194842910394073, 0.0006326506845653057, 0.0007455439190380275, 0.0011693103006109595, 0.0005433575133793056, 0.0006438386626541615, 0.0005884124548174441, 0.0008800257928669453, 0.0009337879018858075, 0.0005946621531620622, 0.0005586729384958744, 0.0006511304527521133, 0.0006057225982658565, 0.0005293735302984715, 0.0006244283867999911, 0.0006514296401292086, 0.0006818254478275776, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0008137511322274804, 0.0007595747010782361, 0.0010178466327488422, 0.0008768259431235492, 0.0015024986350908875, 0.0007888625259511173, 0.0012965574860572815, 0.000585499219596386, 0.0005603632307611406, 0.0005503537249751389, 0.0006014697719365358, 0.0006375854718498886, 0.0010289634810760617, 0.0007911209831945598, 0.000844320806208998, 0.0007376127177849412, 0.0010289634810760617, 0.0007094063330441713, 0.0010289634810760617, 0.0008764650556258857, 0.000844320806208998, 0.0008506503072567284, 0.0010289634810760617, 0.0006365390145219862, 0.0010289634810760617, 0.4405527412891388, 0.001241540303453803, 0.000590634997934103, 0.0009398914407938719, 0.0010356707498431206, 0.0010289634810760617, 0.001415359671227634, 0.0010356707498431206, 0.0010289634810760617, 0.0007292256341315806, 0.009543010964989662, 0.0010356707498431206, 0.0010289634810760617, 0.0006551272817887366, 0.0011827258858829737, 0.0006461500306613743, 0.0007938694325275719, 0.0010197068331763148, 0.0008282838971354067, 0.0007554088369943202, 0.0005948512116447091, 0.0005638343864120543, 0.0007823216146789491, 0.012449470348656178, 0.0017150987405329943, 0.0007415168220177293, 0.0008053608471527696, 0.0008330675773322582, 0.0007124965777620673, 0.000588021706789732, 0.0006388418260030448, 0.0005256978329271078, 0.0006349337054416537, 0.000662252597976476, 0.0006088814698159695, 0.001258891192264855, 0.0007466666284017265, 0.000594499462749809, 0.0013080567587167025, 0.0013842051848769188, 0.0005849060253240168, 0.0011855706106871367, 0.0009155688458122313, 0.0006011098739691079, 0.0005954828229732811, 0.000909081136342138, 0.0007155289640650153, 0.0005271363770589232, 0.0005448851734399796, 0.0005703409551642835, 0.0006320038228295743, 0.0005368008278310299, 0.000741310534067452, 0.0005598229472525418, 0.0005656313733197749, 0.0006400455022230744, 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0.0005744318477809429, 0.0006904398323968053, 0.0006762774428352714, 0.003960719797760248, 0.0005773481098003685, 0.0006802625139243901, 0.0006564141367562115, 0.0009589653927832842, 0.000835634651593864, 0.0009579577017575502, 0.0006139424513094127, 0.0006990989204496145, 0.0007042700308375061, 0.0005879838718101382, 0.0009738378576003015, 0.0006566240917891264, 0.0006243991665542126, 0.0006494378903880715, 0.0007735401159152389, 0.0006365563021972775, 0.0006382460705935955, 0.0005585693870671093, 0.0006192868459038436, 0.0005867922445759177, 0.0006457689451053739, 0.0006300882087089121, 0.0006000749417580664, 0.000609245733357966, 0.0008081579580903053, 0.0007097360212355852, 0.0008201184682548046, 0.0008846513810567558, 0.0007550004520453513, 0.0006585427327081561, 0.0006458249990828335, 0.0006229456048458815, 0.0006827139877714217, 0.0005653807893395424, 0.0006926393834874034, 0.5737623572349548, 0.0006597070605494082, 0.0006170380511321127, 0.0006836752872914076, 0.0006069063674658537, 0.0010397617006674409, 0.0018651967402547598, 0.0007265712483786047, 0.0006479278672486544, 0.0005614067194983363, 0.0005297283641994, 0.0006705677951686084, 0.0006445189355872571, 0.0006464890902861953, 0.005185285583138466, 0.0007201373227871954, 0.0013449147809296846, 0.000681872246786952, 0.0007952008163556457, 0.0008158241398632526, 0.0005939807160757482, 0.0006704767001792789, 0.0005941904964856803, 0.0006715660565532744, 0.1393749713897705, 0.00063233298715204, 0.03055409900844097, 0.0013957821065559983, 0.0007735920371487737, 0.0007354322588071227, 0.0006378897232934833, 0.0007479381165467203, 0.0009637782932259142, 0.014078219421207905, 0.0010925708338618279, 0.000673638831358403, 0.0007482347427867353, 0.000887239642906934, 0.002421789336949587, 0.0005863936385139823, 0.0009187492541968822, 0.0006356624071486294, 0.0010446844389662147, 0.0006397252436727285 ]
[ "With the rapid development of electronic technology, electronic equipment marches rapidly towards aspects of functional diversification, information, integration and so on. ", "The constantly increasing heat flux of electronic devices makes the large-scale application of the active thermal control system to be inevitable. ", "A micro pump is exactly a key driving device of the active thermal control system. ", "As an important research direction of the micro electro mechanical system, the micro mechanical pump is widely used in fields of drug transport system, electronic device cooling system, thermal control system, micro-chemical analysis system and the like.", "\nCurrently, the key technology of the micro-mechanical pump lies on: 1) cross-scale design which is achieved by combining and improving traditional pump design theories in a case of large scale difference between devices; 2) flow and thermal coupling, which require consideration of the feedback effect of both the heat production by the device and the heat dissipated in the system on the heat management system; 3) numerical simulation in which cross-scale flow and thermal problems in the flow field are accurately simulated; and 4) design for structure reliability, including leak proof design, anti-seismic design, shafting design and the like.", "\nCurrently, reliability has become a restriction factor in the micro pump. ", "In the micro pump, the shafting, like a backbone, is especially responsible for reliability of the complete machine. ", "As the only moving part of the micro pump, the shafting is designed to be stable and robust, which is the only means of prolonging service life of the complete machine. ", "The bearings used in the micromechanical pumps are now divided into a mechanical contact bearing and a non-contact bearing. ", "Due to the existence of bearing wear of the mechanical contact bearings, the service life of the micro-pump is seriously restricted. ", "The non-contact bearing performs non-contact operation in the micro pump, which can greatly improve reliability and service life of the micro pump.", "\nAt present, the shafting suspension technology applied in the non-contact bearing mainly adopts the following means: active control suspension, permanent magnetic suspension, and hydraulic suspension. ", "The basic principle of the active control suspension is that a position sensor captures dynamic position of a rotor and limits the rotor to the axle center through a dynamic magnetic field generated by a main control electromagnet. ", "The active control suspension has advantages of high control precision and large load range, but also features a complex control circuit, a high price and increased additional power consumption. ", "In the permanent magnetic suspension, the degree of freedom of the rotor is limited by repulsion of the permanent magnet. ", "The permanent magnetic suspension has advantages of a simply and reliable structure and low assembly requirements, but cannot achieve suspension of full degrees of freedom without introducing external forces. ", "In the hydraulic suspension, a high-pressure liquid film is generated on a suspension surface by high-speed rotation of a rotor to support suspension of the rotor. ", "The structure is stable and reliable and has a small size, but is strict in machining and installation precision, and thus is difficult to machine and install." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0005563306040130556, 0.0006392889190465212, 0.0006552358972840011, 0.0005592358065769076, 0.0005653570406138897, 0.0006077943253330886, 0.000606758869253099, 0.0007725065224803984, 0.0006456609116867185, 0.0006029066862538457, 0.0006359420367516577, 0.0006136622978374362, 0.0006497050053440034, 0.0006425991305150092, 0.0006011496880091727, 0.0005903673591092229, 0.0006624694797210395, 0.0006285907584242523 ]
[ "Follow along for what should be a fun night of battles with West Coast up-and-comers.", "\n\nKing Of The Dot is offering a free stream for the \"Back To Basics 4\" warm-up event tonight (April 15). ", "The card features six battles with some impressive up-and-comers and some guys who are looking to make an impression in the new battle-rap-specific venue.", "\n\nWatch the live stream here when it starts around 7:00 p.m. PST. ", "Battles are scheduled to start at 8:00 p.m.\n\nBattleRap.com will have live updates on Twitter and Instagram tonight, so follow along there for more content.", "\n\nHere's the card. ", "If you want to know more about any of the names, follow the tags at the bottom of this article.", "\n\nFrak vs. Everybody Knows\n\nSam Kolt vs. Bobby Lee Swagger\n\nYak Da Ripper vs. Da Kid Clutch\n\nLaugh N' Stalk vs. JeFFrey\n\nEsem vs. Alias\n\nRobo vs. Progrest\n\nKyle \"Avocado\" Gray gave some details on the event in a quick blog.", "\n\nThere are also some must-watch trailers for a couple of the funnier match-ups on the card.", "\n\nEverybody Knows vs. Frak\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRJvMDAIjPY\n\nJeFFrey vs. Laugh N' Stalk\n\nThoughts? ", "Let us know in the comments below." ]
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[ 0.010852128267288208, 0.0005802172818221152, 0.0006163920625112951, 0.0006849874625913799, 0.0006221943767741323, 0.001082447706721723, 0.000568240531720221, 0.0024473685771226883, 0.0006121510523371398, 0.001163219683803618, 0.0005478624370880425 ]
[ "Month: August 2018\n\nEveryone on the Earth dreams of a happy marriage and a cozy home where it is possible to come every day after work, with a loving wife or husband. ", "How to be sure that date will make a perfect match with whom the family will be strong and the love will last forever? ", "Some people […]" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006579630426131189, 0.0006759832613170147, 0.000675183953717351 ]
[ "Erythropoietin-coated ZP-microneedle transdermal system: preclinical formulation, stability, and delivery.", "\nTo evaluate the feasibility of coating formulated recombinant human erythropoietin alfa (EPO) on a titanium microneedle transdermal delivery system, ZP-EPO, and assess preclinical patch delivery performance. ", "Formulation rheology and surface activity were assessed by viscometry and contact angle measurement. ", "EPO liquid formulation was coated onto titanium microneedles by dip-coating and drying. ", "Stability of coated EPO was assessed by SEC-HPLC, CZE and potency assay. ", "Preclinical in vivo delivery and pharmacokinetic studies were conducted in rats with EPO-coated microneedle patches and compared to subcutaneous EPO injection. ", "Studies demonstrated successful EPO formulation development and coating on microneedle arrays. ", "ZP-EPO patch was stable at 25°C for at least 3 months with no significant change in % aggregates, isoforms, or potency. ", "Preclinical studies in rats showed the ZP-EPO microneedle patches, coated with 750 IU to 22,000 IU, delivered with high efficiency (75-90%) with a linear dose response. ", "PK profile was similar to subcutaneous injection of commercial EPO. ", "Results suggest transdermal microneedle patch delivery of EPO is feasible and may offer an efficient, dose-adjustable, patient-friendly alternative to current intravenous or subcutaneous routes of administration." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006986054941080511, 0.0005892938934266567, 0.0005833277245983481, 0.0006208053091540933, 0.0006144426297396421, 0.0007353047258220613, 0.0005344070377759635, 0.0005541573627851903, 0.0006226300611160696, 0.0006730901077389717, 0.0005902855191379786 ]
[ "The present invention relates to a hand held rotary cutting device and, more particularly, to a rotary cutting device for relatively thin food such as pizza.", "\nIt is well known to use rotary cutting devices having cutting wheels with sharpened peripheries to cut and slice relatively thin foods such as pizza. ", "The cutting wheel is pressed downwardly through the food as the cutting device is guided to roll the wheel along selected paths of travel where cuts are to be made.", "\nA drawback common to many known and proposed rotary cutting devices is that their components are configured in ways that not only permit but also encourage portions of food being cut to adhere to the cutting wheels, and to be carried into interior regions of components that surround, support and/or house portions of the cutting wheels—which can quickly cause a deterioration of the cutting action of the cutting wheels as they become progressively more difficult to turn, leaving ragged and uneven cuts in place of the clean, straight-line cuts that are desired.", "\nSome known and proposed rotary cutting devices have recognized the advantages that are attainable by utilizing annular cutting blades instead of disk-shaped cutting blades. ", "For example, the use of an annular cutting blade that has a sizable open center region permits the use of a compact form of housing that also has a sizable open center region, through which the fingers of a user's hand can extend to grasp a handle portion of the housing to provide cutting pressure and guidance to the rotary cutting device. ", "However, a significant drawback of known and proposed rotary cutting devices that employ annular cutting blades is a failure resulting from the design of their housings to supply stability, cutting pressure and guidance to their annular cutting blades at locations extending along opposite sides of the cutting blades just above and quite near to where sharpened peripheral portions of the cutting blades are brought into engagement with and used to sever thin foods such as pizza.", "\nMoreover, many known and proposed rotary cutting appliances fail to provide easy to open, easy to separate, and easy to disassemble components that facilitate the removal of collected and adhered food particles that may need to be removed during use, or that must be removed when the utensil is ready to be cleaned for storage and/or reuse. ", "Some known and proposed rotary cutting utensils include a sizable number of components that, when disassembled for cleaning, leave the user with an erector set collection of parts to reassemble before the cutter can be returned to service.", "\nAnother common drawback of known and proposed rotary cutting devices is that the handles or housings that support their rotary cutting wheels are not well suited, ergonomically, to facilitate their being easily grasped by one's hand during use when downwardly directed cutting pressure needs to be applied to the food being cut, while also permitting the easy grasp of one's hand to guide the rotary cutting wheel along desired paths of travel where the food is to be severed.", "\nThese and other drawbacks of the prior art are addressed by rotary cutting devices of the present invention that are easy to grip, easy to use, and easy to clean." ]
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[ 0.0006262849201448262, 0.0007408765377476811, 0.000633337302133441, 0.0006419288692995906, 0.0005814237520098686, 0.000596740166656673, 0.0007043566438369453, 0.0005972998333163559, 0.0005885022110305727, 0.0006834961241111159, 0.0006626257090829313 ]
[ "Epileptic apnea in a trisomy 18 infant.", "\nTrisomy 18 is frequently associated with neurologic abnormalities, including hypotonia in infancy, mental retardation, central apnea, and epilepsy. ", "Although central apnea and epilepsy are common complications in children with trisomy 18, epileptic apnea in these children was not previously reported. ", "We describe an infant with trisomy 18 who developed epileptic apnea. ", "Her apneic episodes began at age 10 months, occurring in clusters over several days each month. ", "According to ictal electroencephalogram, interictal [(11)C] flumazenil-positron emission tomography, and [(18)F] fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography, the apneic episodes represented complex partial seizures (autonomic seizures), probably originating in the left frontotemporal area, probably related to cortical microdysgenesis. ", "The condition was successfully treated with zonisamide. ", "In infants with trisomy 18, differentiation of epileptic apnea from central apnea is crucial, because medications used to treat central apnea, including caffeine and theophylline, can be harmful to children with epileptic apnea." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.04477904736995697, 0.0766705870628357, 0.003632129868492484, 0.039170458912849426, 0.000824573275167495, 0.0008783069206401706, 0.0009628142579458654, 0.0045881932601332664 ]
[ "INTRODUCTION\n============\n\nA human electroencephalogram (EEG) can be affected by various psychotropic drugs. ", "German physiologist and psychiatrist Hans Berger first described how barbiturates, morphine, and scopolamine affect EEG results in 1933, and researches about how psychotropic drugs affect EEG results are still being conducted.[@B1] The quantitative EEG (qEEG) is a method enabling the quantitative measurement of EEG by transforming the EEG signals into numerical parameters by a mathematical processing called the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT).[@B2] Since the development of the qEEG, many pharmaco-EEG studies have applied this technique. ", "Its potential utility includes assisting new drug development, monitoring adverse effects of medication, selecting appropriate medication, and predicting clinical response to psychotropic drugs,[@B3],[@B4] although it is being used less now due to the development of functional imaging techniques such as fMRI and molecular biology.[@B1]\n\nPrevious pharmaco-EEG studies of typical antipsychotics have generally produced consistent findings. ", "Sedative low-potency antipsychotics such as chlorpromazine increase slow waves and decrease alpha activity, whereas non-sedative high-potency antipsychotics such as haloperidol have less effect on slow waves but increase alpha and alpha-adjacent beta activity.[@B4] A few quantitative pharmaco-EEG studies have been conducted using atypical antipsychotics including risperidone,[@B5] olanzapine,[@B6] amisulpride,[@B7] and aripiprazole.[@B8] These studies have produced less consistent results than those involving typical antipsychotics. ", "In contrast, previous studies using clozapine, another atypical antipsychotic, have produced relatively consistent findings of increased slow waves, despite some controversy about changes in alpha and beta activity, which might be affected by treatment duration and clinical response.[@B9]-[@B12]\n\nQuantitative pharmaco-EEG studies involving antidepressants have reported qEEG changes induced by the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) paroxetine,[@B13] sertraline,[@B14] and fluvoxamine.[@B15] Some studies have also been conducted on the qEEG effects of antiepileptic drugs[@B16]-[@B18] and lithium,[@B19],[@B20] which are commonly used as mood stabilizers in psychiatric clinical settings.", "\n\nMost previous research about pharmaco-EEGs has involved placebo-controlled studies after the administration of a single test dose of medication in healthy adults or patients with the same disease, such as schizophrenia. ", "These studies are limited by their small sample size, usually around 20 subjects, and their acute administration of only a single drug. ", "Thus, these results are difficult to apply in a real clinical setting where most patients are chronically medicated with mixtures of psychotropics.", "\n\nIn this study, we investigated the effects of psychotropic drugs on qEEG results among patients who had been diagnosed with a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder. ", "We included a sufficiently large sample size and all the psychotropic drugs administered to subjects.", "\n\nMETHODS\n=======\n\nStudy Subjects\n--------------\n\nPatients aged between 15 and 65 years who had undergone a qEEG at the Seoul National University Hospital qEEG lab between January 2009 and June 2010 were screened for a diagnosis of a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder (i.e., schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, brief psychotic disorder, delusional disorder, psychotic disorder due to general medical condition, or psychotic disorder NOS) according to DSM-IV criteria. ", "Among a total of 166 possible participants, four were excluded because of poor-quality recording, so the final study population included 162 patients.", "\n\nqEEG Recordings/Processing\n--------------------------\n\nEEG results were acquired using Neuroscan (Compumedics Ltd., Abbotsford, VIC, Australia) with a sampling rate of 500 Hz and 24-bit digitization. ", "A band-pass filter with a range of 0.3-30 Hz was used, and the notch filter was off. ", "Each patient underwent 15 minutes of eye-closed resting EEG testing while seated comfortably in a quiet, dimly lit, temperature-controlled, electromagnetic field-shielded room. ", "Vigilance was controlled by the EEG technician alerting patients by microphone when signs of drowsiness (e.g., slow lateral eye movement, disappearance of alpha waves in occipital area) were observed during recordings. ", "The international 10-20 electrode system was used to position 21 electrodes (Fpz, Fp1, Fp2, Fz, F3, F4, F7, F8, Cz, C3, C4, Pz, P3, P4, T3, T4, T5, T6, Oz, O1, O2) with a mixed-ear reference. ", "To detect artifacts induced by eyeball movement, horizontal and vertical electrooculograms were also recorded. ", "We selected at least 10 non-overlapping pieces of at least 15 sec continuous artifact-free recording by a manual inspection. ", "Data consistency was confirmed by test-retest and split-half correlations\\>0.95 per Neuroguide software (version 2.3.1. ", "Applied Neuroscience, Inc., St. Petersburg, FL, USA). ", "These clean epochs were subjected to a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to calculate absolute power in delta (1.5-3.5 Hz), theta (3.5-7.5 Hz), alpha (7.5-12.5 Hz), and beta (12.5-25.0 Hz) bands. ", "The relative power of each band was calculated as the fraction of total power including all four bands using the same software.", "\n\nDrug Treatment\n--------------\n\nAny drugs prescribed by psychiatrists were included in the analysis, with the exception of MgO, which is prescribed to relieve constipation. ", "The drugs were clustered into nine groups depending on their clinical use : antipsychotics other than clozapine (AP), clozapine (CLZ), antidepressant (AD), antiepileptic (AED), lithium (Li), benzodiazepine (BDZ), zolpidem (ZPD), anticholinergics (AC), and propranolol (PPL) ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "We singled out clozapine as a separate group because clozapine has distinctive properties compared with other antipsychotics[@B21] and is the most well-known antipsychotics in terms of pharmaco-EEG properties.[@B4] Our analysis did not include medications that are prescribed by clinicians other than psychiatrists to control other general medical conditions (e.g., antihypertensive drugs), but it did include antiepileptic drugs prescribed by neurologists to control epilepsy. ", "We did not analyze the dosage of administered drugs nor the time of drug administration before recording.", "\n\nStatistics\n----------\n\nWe hypothesized that each group of drugs would affect qEEG relative power independently, and conducted a multiple linear regression analysis with the use or non-use of each specific drug group by each individual patient as independent variables. ", "We included all nine groups of medication as independent variables to increase the validity of linear regression. ", "However, we only reported the results for six psychotropic groups (AP, CLZ, AD, AED, Li, and BDZ).", "\n\nTo supplement the regression analysis, we conducted a secondary analysis with independent-samples *t*-tests to compare mean relative powers between patients given (or not given) drugs from a specific group. ", "We also conducted an additional analysis for clozapine, which will be described in more detail in the Results section.", "\n\nThe results were presented using probability maps on which squares or circles of different colors were marked according to error probability. ", "All statistical analyses were performed using PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).", "\n\nRESULTS\n=======\n\nDemographic Characteristics\n---------------------------\n\nParticipants had a mean (SD) age of 30.8 (10.53) years. ", "The group included 85 men and 77 women; 152 were right-handed, and 10 were left-handed.", "\n\nMedication\n----------\n\n[Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the number of participants in each drug group. ", "Totals exceed the total number of participants because most patients were receiving polypharmacy; we observed a tendency for polypharmacy even among drugs within the same group. ", "Nine patients received no medication. [", "Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} also presents the number of participants using individual drugs and their mean dosage.", "\n\nWhen subjected to a correlation analysis, group AP showed a statistically significant negative correlation with group CLZ and a significant positive correlation with group BDZ, but no significant correlations appeared between groups CLZ and BDZ. ", "No significant correlations were observed among the other groups ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nStatistical Probability Maps\n----------------------------\n\n[Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} presents statistical probability maps based on multiple regression analysis. ", "Increased alpha relative power was observed for group AP but it was not clear in some leads (T5, P3, P4). ", "Clozapine markedly increased slow waves, especially theta, and decreased beta in several leads. ", "A topographical difference in alpha relative power appeared between temporal and occipital areas. ", "Increased beta activity was the main finding for group AD, and increased delta activity was detected in a few leads (F7, T3). ", "An increase in beta power was also observed in group AED; several EEG leads exhibited increased delta activity, and one lead (Cz) exhibited a decrease in alpha activity. ", "The lithium group exhibited a clear increase in the relative power of delta and theta activity, but we did not detect any evident changes in group BDZ except for a solitary increase in alpha activity in T3.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"} presents the results of independent sample *t*-tests. ", "Similar to the results of the linear regression, we observed an increase in alpha relative power in group AP, but this increase was more evident than in the linear regression results. ", "Increased delta and theta activity were still pronounced in group CLZ, with similar findings of decreased alpha activity (relatively limited to the occipital area) and decreased beta activity. ", "We also found increased beta relative power in groups AD and AED. ", "This analysis also revealed an increase in slow-wave activity in the lithium group, but the increase was less significant than in the linear regression results. ", "In summary, the results of complementary *t*-tests were very consistent with linear regression analysis results, despite a few discrepancies such as the increased slow wave activity in some leads in group BDZ.", "\n\nWe conducted an additional analysis for clozapine. ", "Because the correlation analysis revealed a significant correlation between groups CLZ and AP ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}), we needed to perform an analysis after controlling for this confounding factor. ", "Therefore, we investigated mean differences in relative power between the clozapine use (*N*=32) and non-use groups (*N*=106) within group AP (*N*=138) using a *t*-test. ", "The significant increase in delta and theta relative power associated with administration of clozapine persisted after the use of other antipsychotics was controlled, as did the decreased alpha activity in the occipital area ([Fig. ", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, the decreased beta activity was less apparent than in the results of the preceding analysis, suggesting that the decrease was probably induced by the confounders.", "\n\nDISCUSSION\n==========\n\nIn this retrospective, cross-sectional study, we investigated how various drugs used to treat patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders affected qEEG results.", "\n\nOur analyses show that clozapine induced marked increases in slow-wave activity and decreased alpha activity (limited to the occipital area), which supports the findings of previous studies.[@B9]-[@B12],[@B22] This result indicates that drugs concomitantly used with clozapine do not alter the effect of clozapine on EEG changes.", "\n\nOur finding that antipsychotics other than clozapine tend to increase alpha activity has been reported in other studies focusing on risperidone.[@B4],[@B5] However, we did not observe increases in delta and theta activity, which have been reported by studies focusing on low-potency sedating drugs.[@B4],[@B6] Studies have reported little or no change in slow-wave activity among patients treated with aripiprazole,[@B8] amisulpride,[@B7] and haloperidol.[@B22] Thus, the effects of specific antipsychotics appear to differ. ", "Our AP group used various antipsychotics; most of these were high-potency medications, which may have resulted in the failure to detect increases in slow wave activity.", "\n\nThe antidepressant group exhibited increased beta relative power, a result consistent with those of studies focusing on sertraline,[@B14],[@B23] paroxetine, and fluvoxamine,[@B24] although there were some discrepancies in that the changes in slow-wave activity were not pronounced in our study. ", "Our AD group was composed of various antidepressants with differing mechanisms, but because the most frequently used antidepressants were SSRIs including sertraline, our results may be grossly similar to those from SSRIs. ", "Therefore, the results for the AD group also seemed to be grossly independent of various concomitant medications.", "\n\nA few studies have investigated changes in qEEG results induced by the antiepileptic drug valproate, which is mainly prescribed for epileptic patients.[@B16],[@B25] These studies have reported increases in beta activity, especially when the drug was used over a long period, which supports our findings because valproate was the antiepileptic drug most frequently used by our subjects. ", "Several investigators have reported a consistent increase in slow-wave activity induced by other antiepileptic drugs,[@B17],[@B18] which might support our finding of increased delta activity in some leads.", "\n\nOur analyses revealed that lithium caused a significant increase in slow-wave activity, which has been consistently reported in previous studies.[@B19],[@B20],[@B26] This finding also suggests that concomitant use of other classes of psychotropics has little effect on changes in EEG results.", "\n\nHowever, our results differed from those of studies reporting decreased alpha activity and increased beta activity after treatment with benzodiazepine. ", "One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that the other medications might have acted as confounders. ", "In fact, the correlation analysis revealed that benzodiazepine use was significantly correlated with use of other drugs such as antipsychotics. ", "A second explanation is that an interaction with other drugs prevented us from finding a change that would have been induced if benzodiazepine were used alone. ", "Most previous studies have involved the administration of a single dose of benzodiazepine to healthy subjects without any concomitant drugs, so it is possible that benzodiazepine produces different results when it is chronically used with other medication to relieve adverse events such as akathisia.", "\n\nIn summary, our results are generally consistent with those of previous pharmaco-EEG studies, despite some differences. ", "The implication of these results is that human EEG results are obviously affected by psychotropic drugs and it is possible to find these changes even when they are used with other medications. ", "Because the quantitative pharmaco-EEG can be applied to predict a patient\\'s clinical response to psychotropic drugs, this finding is important because polypharmacy is now routinely used in clinical practice. ", "This is the first provisional study to use statistical analysis to evaluate the effects of psychotropic drugs on quantitative EEG results.", "\n\nThis study had important limitations, mostly stemming from its retrospective design. ", "We could not control for several confounding factors such as medication that the subjects had taken immediately prior to obtaining qEEG data, nor could we control for smoking and caffeine consumption, which could also influence EEG results.[@B27] We had no information about patients\\' baseline EEG results or clinical conditions at the time of EEG acquisition. ", "Pharmaco-EEG profiles are influenced by both short-term pharmacological effects of drugs and patients\\' long-term clinical responses to medication,[@B15] but we could not discriminate between them due to the lack of clinical information. ", "However, most of our subjects were on the stable maintenance medications. ", "Similarly the clinical information such as symptom scores, diagnostic subtypes, age of onset or total duration of illness were also lacking. ", "Some known information such as the subjects\\' sex, age and the handedness were not considered for the analyses.", "\n\nDespite its preliminary character, this research supports a new methodological approach to identify the quantitative EEG effects of various psychotropic drugs in clinical settings. ", "Further prospective studies will be required to confirm our findings, and it will be necessary to correlate changes in qEEG results with each patient\\'s clinical symptoms to evaluate their clinical significance.", "\n\n![", "Statistical probability maps according to multiple regression analysis. ", "AP, antipsychotics other than clozapine; CLZ, clozapine; AD, antidepressants; AED, antiepileptic drugs; Li, Lithium; BDZ, benzodiazepines.](cpn-9-78-g001){#F1}\n\n![", "Statistical probability maps according to independent samples *t*-tests. ", "AP, antipsychotics other than clozapine; CLZ, clozapine; AD, antidepressants; AED, antiepileptic drugs; Li, Lithium; BDZ, benzodiazepines.](cpn-9-78-g002){#F2}\n\n![", "Relative power changes induced by clozapine in group AP. ", "AP, antipsychotics other than clozapine.](cpn-9-78-g003){#F3}\n\n###### \n\nMedication groups classified according to the mechanism\n\n![](", "cpn-9-78-i001)\n\nAP, antipsychotics other than clozapine; CLZ, clozapine; AD, antidepressants; AED, antiepileptic drugs; Li, Lithium; BDZ, benzodiazepines; ZPD, zolpidem; AC, anticholinergics; PPL, propranolol.", "\n\n^\\*^Results for these groups as independent variables were not presented.", "\n\n###### \n\nDescriptive statistics for individual drugs\n\n![](", "cpn-9-78-i002)\n\nAP, antipsychotics other than clozapine; CLZ, clozapine; AD, antidepressants; AED, antiepileptic drugs; Li, Lithium; BDZ, benzodiazepines.", "\n\n###### \n\nPearson correlation coefficient between medication groups\n\n![](", "cpn-9-78-i003)\n\nAP, antipsychotics other than clozapine; CLZ, clozapine; AD, antidepressants; AED, antiepileptic drugs; Li, Lithium; BDZ, benzodiazepines.", "\n\n^\\*^Correlation is significant at *p*=0.05 level (2-tailed); ^†^Correlation is significant at *p*=0.01 level (2-tailed).", "\n" ]
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[ "The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.", "\n\nIn 1964, Phyllis Schlafly of Alton, Illinois, mother of six, wrote and published a slim volume entitled \"A Choice Not an Echo.\"", "\n\nBacking the candidacy of Sen. Barry Goldwater, the book was a polemic against the stranglehold the eastern liberal establishment had held on the Republican nomination for decades.", "\n\n\"A Choice\" sold 3 million copies.", "\n\nSchlafly went on to lead the campaign to derail the Equal Rights Amendment, which, with 35 states having ratified, was just three states short of being added to our Constitution.", "\n\nPro-ERA forces never added another state. ", "Phyllis, who, at 20 was testing weapons at a munitions plant in World War II, shot it dead.", "\n\nAt 92, the founder of Eagle Forum has a new book out, published by Regnery. \"", "The Conservative Case for Trump,\" co-authored by Ed Martin of Eagle Forum and Brett Decker, argues that the Donald is an authentic conservative around whom every conservative should rally.", "\n\nYet, in making their cogent case, Schlafly and her co-authors raise questions that today bedevil the movement.", "\n\nWhat does conservatism mean in 2016? ", "Upon what ideas and issues, principles and policies, do conservatives still agree?", "\n\n\"In my father's house there are many mansions,\" the Bible tells us. ", "So it is in the house divided that is the American Right.", "\n\nEach of the chapters in \"The Conservative Case for Trump\" is devoted to Donald Trump's stand on a major issue of the campaign. ", "And on most of the issues selected, almost all conservatives agree.", "\n\nTrump believes Antonin Scalia is the gold standard for Supreme Court justices and federal judges, and that among the indispensable cures for decrepit and failing public schools is competition from private, religious and charter schools.", "\n\nA businessman and builder, Trump has confronted the onus of federal overregulation that stifles enterprise and kills jobs. ", "With most conservatives, he believes in a U.S. military second to none.", "\n\nSome Republicans, however, part with Trump on his contempt for political correctness, his refusal to observe strictures on debate laid down by our ruling elites, and his rejection of their claims to moral authority with his airy dismissals of their demands for apologies.", "\n\nPart of Trump's populist appeal is that, by his rebellious stand, he appears to challenge the very legitimacy of the regime. ", "Thus those most disgusted with the establishment cheer him loudest.", "\n\nOn immigration, Trump shares the alarm of a Middle America that sees its country being irretrievably altered by an invasion from across our border. ", "He has no hesitancy in urging tough methods to secure the borders and send back those who disrespect our laws.", "\n\nThis offends the sensibilities of many Republicans. ", "And, indeed, it contradicts a core dogma of the \"conservatism\" preached at The Wall Street Journal.", "\n\nYears ago, when some of us first took up the border crisis, the Journal, under editorial page editor Robert Bartley, called for a new five-word constitutional amendment -- \"There shall be open borders.\"", "\n\nThe Journal anticipated John Kerry who just told the graduating class at Northeastern University, \"You are about to graduate into ... a borderless world.\" ", "Is John Kerry a Wall Street Journal conservative?", "\n\nChapter two of Schafly's book deals with Trump's stance on the trade deals of recent decades -- NAFTA, MFN for China, the South Korea deal and, the daddy of them all, the TPP.", "\n\nChapter title: \"Rotten trade Deals.\" ", "Yet, all of these trade deals had the support of the Party of Bush I and Bush II.", "\n\nTrump has spoken out against crusades for democracy, nation-building abroad and unnecessary wars -- especially Iraq in 2003.", "\n\nAnd what was the official \"conservative\" stand on Iraq in 2003?", "\n\nWilliam F. Buckley's National Review attacked the libertarian and traditionalist right that opposed invading Iraq on such flimsy pretexts as -- \"unpatriotic conservatives\" who \"hate their country.\"", "\n\n\"This is a binary election,\" John Bolton is quoted in Phyllis' book. \"[", "N]ot voting\" for Trump is \"functionally ... a vote for Hillary.\"", "\n\nYet that is where some conservative and neocon columnists and scores of foreign policy veterans of the GOP, and ex-Presidents Bush I and II, and 2012 GOP candidate Mitt Romney are heading.", "\n\nThree of Trump's rivals for the nomination -- Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and John Kasich -- who held up their hand and pledged to support the nominee, appear about to dishonor their pledge.", "\n\nBut what is conservative about rendering aid and comfort to the presidential ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton?", "\n\nAs for the issues on where the right is split, interventionism is born of Wilson and FDR; noninterventionism is of Taft, Ike and Reagan.", "\n\nFree trade as dogma comes out of the Party of Wilson and FDR, not the Party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.", "\n\nIke sent a general to secure the border and send illegal immigrants home. ", "Yet self-described conservatives like the Bushes and McCains join hands with the Clintons and Obamas to call for amnesty.", "\n\n\"The Conservative Case for Trump\" is a splendid little book by the first lady of American Conservatism.", "\n\nThe Hillarycons now owe it to us to make their case." ]
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[ 0.0006670048460364342, 0.0007155123166739941, 0.0009036805713549256, 0.0006677827332168818, 0.0010604291455820203, 0.0007221887935884297, 0.007956159301102161, 0.0006652530282735825, 0.0006690762238577008, 0.0008653273107483983, 0.0007646161830052733, 0.000824776419904083, 0.0008237957372330129, 0.0010853878920897841, 0.0005744704394601285, 0.0006248534773476422, 0.001152170356363058, 0.005691449623554945, 0.0037943741772323847, 0.007922530174255371, 0.0010684258304536343, 0.019598206505179405, 0.0006148308166302741, 0.001699441228993237, 0.031002184376120567, 0.000671397487167269, 0.0005780609208159149, 0.001000339980237186, 0.0012191531714051962, 0.000780206173658371, 0.0007529311696998775, 0.00067694834433496, 0.0010201927507296205, 0.0007683614385314286, 0.04581321403384209, 0.0006943150074221194, 0.008498741313815117, 0.0011097482638433576, 0.002466602949425578, 0.0006598597974516451, 0.00087168492609635, 0.001060145441442728, 0.0026453665923327208, 0.004891854245215654, 0.0006794509827159345, 0.0007154079503379762 ]
[ "Q:\n\nUrban Airship - Aggregating Similar Push Notifications on Messaging Platform\n\nI am creating a messaging application, and like any mobile messaging service Push Notifications are needed for when the app isn't connected to the backend.", "\nLet me use an example to out line the scenario I'm experiencing.", "\nThere is a conversation between User A & User B\n\n// User B's application is idle (not receiving messages from our backend)\n\n// User A sends User B a message\nA --> B\n\nBecause User B isn't connected, he/she is sent a push notification beckoning him/her to open the app and sync the message.", "\nUser B's phone now has one notification on his/her lock screen, like so\nMessage from User A\n\nthen ...\n// User A sends User B another message\nA --> B\n\nUser B's phone now has two separate notifications on his/her lock screen from User A.\nThese messages read like this:\nMessage from User A\nMessage from User A\n\nBUT, I would like the lockscreen to read something like this\nMessage from User A (2)\n\nI am unsure how to get the notifications to aggregate once they reach the phone, assuming they have metadata attached to them that articulates who the \"sender\" of the message is.", "\nCurrently, this is the payload I am sending up to Urban Airship\nfunction sendPushNotification (event, user) {\n if (event.type == 21 || event.type == 22 || event.type == 24) {\n var sender = event.sender.username;\n var alert = \"from @\" + sender;\n var reciever = user.username;\n var payload = {\n \"audience\": {\n \"alias\" : reciever\n },\n\n \"device_types\": [ \"ios\", \"android\" ],\n\n \"notification\": {\n\n \"ios\": {\n \"alert\": alert,\n \"badge\": \"+1\",\n \"sound\": \"default\",\n \"extra\": { \"username\": sender }\n },\n\n \"android\": {\n \"alert\": alert,\n \"collapse_key\": \"inboxappco\",\n \"extra\": { \"username\": sender }\n }\n\n }\n };\n console.log(\"Hello 2\");\n pushNotification(payload);\n } else {\n // modularize for general purpose notifications\n }\n}; // end sendPushNotification function\n\nAny advice on how I can leverage the the sender metadata, to aggregate consecutive push notifications from the same person into one line item on the lock screen?", "\nThanks in advance SOF.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt appears that your app will need to create your own custom push notification object and somehow get access to the NotificationManager\nPushManager.shared().setNotificationBuilder(new YourCustomNotificationObject());\nI'm not sure how Urban Airship exposes the NotificationManager, but you need to use the setGroup(\"arbitrarygroupname\") accessor in your NotificationBuilder\nUnless you are targeting minimum API level 20, then this is accessor is not available, so you have to use the v4+ NotificationCompat.", "Builder object, and make sure your support libraries are version 20 or higher.", "\nEDIT, as of UrbanAirship 4.0.3 for Android this is not possible, server side you can keep track of a series of push notifications and use the collapse_key parameters with each push, collapse_key will replace push notifications of the same type, so your SERVER will have to send push notifications with different names, with the name being Message from User A (2) instead of letting the Android system handle that client side\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006028279894962907, 0.0006409488851204515, 0.0007338993600569665, 0.0007579705561511219, 0.0008410075097344816, 0.000736751826480031, 0.0007354050176218152, 0.0006716909119859338, 0.0006575658917427063 ]
[ "ded to 2 dps?", "\n-0.26\nLet t(g) = -80659*g**2 - 87*g - 88. ", "Let y be t(-1). ", "Round y to the nearest 1000.", "\n-81000\nLet o = -0.0362 - -6582.0362. ", "Let a = o + -6581.4061. ", "What is a rounded to 1 dp?", "\n0.6\nLet p(a) = -a**2 + 7*a + 20. ", "Let q be p(9). ", "Suppose 3*x = 5*u - 4476 + 309, q*u - 3*x = 1665. ", "Let v = u - 463. ", "Round v to the nearest ten.", "\n370\nSuppose 2*y - 457906 = -5*z, -3*y - 2*z + 1094139 = 407291. ", "Let v = y - -4211052. ", "What is v rounded to the nearest one million?", "\n4000000\nLet i = -10564246777.6592853 - -10564247810. ", "Let n = i + -995.340714728. ", "Let r = n + -37. ", "Round r to 7 dps.", "\n0\nLet k(o) = -o**3 - 7*o**2 + 9*o + 14. ", "Let d be k(-8). ", "Let n be (-4)/d - -3*(-3384008)/(-36). ", "Round n to the nearest 100000.", "\n300000\nSuppose -442*j - 39311280000 = -87*j. ", "Round j to the nearest 1000000.", "\n-111000000\nLet h = 313812 + -192163. ", "Let x = -265762 - h. Let t = -228411 - x. Round t to the nearest ten thousand.", "\n160000\nLet a = -4.6705 + 4.77. ", "What is a rounded to 1 decimal place?", "\n0.1\nLet m = -3.7653 + 17.5392. ", "Round m to 1 dp.", "\n13.8\nSuppose -4*g + 264 = -2*g. ", "Suppose 3*t - t = g. Suppose -63*i = -t*i - 117. ", "Round i to the nearest 10.", "\n-40\nSuppose s - 248620 = -3*s. ", "Let w = s - 157455. ", "Round w to the nearest one thousand.", "\n-95000\nLet n(z) be the second derivative of z**4/12 + 330*z**2 + 9*z + 2. ", "Let q be (5 - 5) + (-1 - -1). ", "Let r be n(q). ", "Round r to the nearest 1000.", "\n1000\nLet f be (0 - (-232)/12)/((-4)/(-391938)). ", "Let z = f - 4264367. ", "Round z to the nearest 100000.", "\n-2400000\nSuppose 8*r + 7 = 15. ", "Let u be (6/4)/(r + 1734/(-1752)). ", "Let d be (-25*u)/(2/8000). ", "Round d to the nearest 1000000.", "\n-15000000\nLet n = -4.2596 - -3.98811. ", "Let a = -0.264 - n. What is a rounded to 4 decimal places?", "\n0.0075\nLet m = 108.052 - 58. ", "What is m rounded to zero decimal places?", "\n50\nLet r = -13015.000008467 - -13015. ", "What is r rounded to six decimal places?", "\n-0.000008\nLet f = 0.0114 - 131.6114. ", "Let v = 135 + f. Let d = v + -3.400101. ", "Round d to five dps.", "\n-0.0001\nSuppose 3*c + c = 8. ", "Let n = -4478739 - -6982451. ", "Suppose j - 916283 = -a + n, -c*a - 6840010 = -2*j. ", "What is j rounded to the nearest one million?", "\n3000000\nLet w = -445 - 9951. ", "Let h = w - -3686. ", "Round h to the nearest 1000.", "\n-7000\nLet b(m) = -344023*m + 23. ", "Let s(x) = x**2 + 13*x + 43. ", "Let f be s(-6). ", "Let y be b(f). ", "What is y rounded to the nearest one hundred thousand?", "\n-300000\nLet f = 705.64467 - -37.34263. ", "Let x = f + -743. ", "Round x to three dps.", "\n-0.013\nLet i = -16.181 - -16.2. ", "Let t = i + -0.0189846. ", "What is t rounded to five decimal places?", "\n0.00002\nLet s = -1.874050493 - -1.874. ", "Round s to 5 dps.", "\n-0.00005\nLet x = 1715.6456 + -1710.9. ", "What is x rounded to one decimal place?", "\n4.7\nSuppose 4*w = 37584 + 632. ", "Let u = 2956 + -8510. ", "Let q = u + w. Round q to the nearest 10000.", "\n0\nLet w = -22536.9999983289 - -22537. ", "Round w to 7 decimal places.", "\n0.0000017\nLet a = 4300106243473 - 4300106243918.98325714032. ", "Let w = -0.01674516968 + a. Let i = w - -446. ", "What is i rounded to 7 decimal places?", "\n-0.0000023\nLet a be (68148/5)/(-1 + (-20)/(-25)). ", "Let i = 13406 - a. Let s = i - 184554. ", "What is s rounded to the nearest 10000?", "\n-100000\nLet u = 7447 - 8715. ", "Round u to the nearest one hundred.", "\n-1300\nLet z = -10266016.27202 + 10265766. ", "Let l = z - 0.02798. ", "What is l rounded to the nearest ten?", "\n-250\nLet a = 95877729 + -4417729. ", "What is a rounded to the nearest one million?", "\n91000000\nLet c = 41 + -38. ", "Suppose c*g = -4*b + 38, b = -5*g - 0*b + 52. ", "Suppose -g*z = -17*z + 170800. ", "What is z rounded to the nearest 10000?", "\n20000\nLet n be (-2 + -5)*(-1 - (-10)/14). ", "Suppose 0 = 4*l + 8, -4*l - 199 = -n*c + 3. ", "Suppose 5*w - c = -452. ", "Round w to the nearest ten.", "\n-70\nSuppose 2*y - 7719 = -4*n + 3*y, 2*y + 5793 = 3*n. ", "Let h = n - 3299. ", "Let s be 7/(-14) + -2 + h/(-4). ", "What is s rounded to the nearest 100?", "\n300\nLet z = 47.50219766 + -47.503. ", "What is z rounded to six dps?", "\n-0.000802\nLet d = 38.74299920654 - 38.743. ", "What is d rounded to seven dps?", "\n-0.0000008\nLet u = -13.4799 - 11634.1201. ", "What is u rounded to the nearest one hundred?", "\n-11600\nLet s = 35 + -20. ", "Suppose 2*x - 2*k + 1 = s, -x + 22 = -4*k. ", "Suppose 0 = -x*j + 3811 + 4189. ", "Round j to the nearest ten thousand.", "\n0\nLet c = -0.3353749 + 0.3352. ", "What is c rounded to 4 decimal places?", "\n-0.0002\nLet i = -5740 - -5778. ", "Let w = 86560694590 + -86560694551.999999483. ", "Let q = w - i. Round q to 7 dps.", "\n0.0000005\nLet c = 0.01984 - 0.22514. ", "Round c to 1 dp.", "\n-0.2\nLet o = 37214.99957891 - 37215. ", "Round o to six dps.", "\n-0.000421\nLet w = 4262 + -13. ", "Let m = w + -1239. ", "Round m to the nearest 100.", "\n3000\nLet y = 60.967 - 60.9702969. ", "Round y to three dps.", "\n-0.003\nLet g = 400.8500035614 - 400.85. ", "What is g rounded to six dps?", "\n0.000004\nLet g = -15358.8061663 - -15358.8. ", "What is g rounded to 3 dps?", "\n-0.006\nSuppose -12 = -k - 4*l, -5*l + 3 = -12. ", "Let q = 4 + 1. ", "Suppose g - 27041 = -q*m - 4021, -2*g - 5*m + 46020 = k. Round g to the nearest ten thousand.", "\n20000\nLet k = -2412 + 2422. ", "Suppose 4*m + 16 = -i, 4*m = -5*i - 0 - 16. ", "Suppose 0 = 2*p + k, i*c + 2*p = -5*c - 24010. ", "Round c to the nearest one thousand.", "\n-5000\nSuppose -46*l + 42*l + 1008 = 0. ", "Let p(x) = 376*x + 226 + 352*x - l + 15*x. ", "Let g be p(-18). ", "Round g to the nearest 1000.", "\n-13000\nSuppose 0 = 5*i - 2*o - 1796, 5*o - 498 + 155 = -i. ", "Suppose -i = -w + 982. ", "Round w to the nearest 10.", "\n1340\nLet q = -218619 - -218618.894971. ", "What is q rounded to 4 dps?", "\n-0.105\nLet i = 9.5 - 113. ", "Let d = i - -122. ", "Round d to the nearest integer.", "\n19\nLet t be -53 - 13/((-13)/8). ", "Let p be 8898407/21*t/(-3) + -5. ", "Round p to the nearest 1000000.", "\n6000000\nLet c = -26240.041209 + 26240. ", "What is c rounded to 4 dps?", "\n-0.0412\nLet p = -0.6 - 67.4. ", "Let l = -67.99999896 - p. Round l to 7 decimal places.", "\n0.000001\nLet m = -5798.460397 - -0.060397. ", "What is m rounded to the nearest 100?", "\n-5800\nLet c = 89.91 + 0.09. ", "Let v = -88.84 + c. Let x = v - -6.34. ", "What is x rounded to 0 decimal places?", "\n8\nLet d = -110 + 110.0696. ", "Let v = d - 0.069598769. ", "Round v to seven decimal places.", "\n0.0000012\nLet a = -229752902 + 229752864.39999912. ", "Let w = -37.6 - a. What is w rounded to 7 dps?", "\n0.0000009\nLet c = -557255.01405 + 557134. ", "Let a = 121 + c. Round a to three dps.", "\n-0.014\nLet u = -99725.9926069 + 99726. ", "What is u rounded to 4 dps?", "\n0.0074\nLet q = 133244067 - 133244065.290000176. ", "Let h = -1.71 + q. Round h to seven dps.", "\n-0.0000002\nLet n = -488 + 820. ", "Let v = 800 - n. Let a = 468.000231 - v. Round a to 5 dps.", "\n0.00023\nLet k = -0.5066842981 - -0.50668. ", "Round k to 6 decimal places.", "\n-0.000004\nSuppose -90183 - 1063857 = 120*j. ", "Round j to the nearest 100.", "\n-9600\nLet y = 12 - 6. ", "Let l be (-272641)/(-6 - 10/(-2)). ", "Suppose 57359 = -y*r - l. Round r to the nearest 10000.", "\n-60000\nLet t(g) = -4164*g**2 - 36*g - 26. ", "Let i be t(3). ", "What is i rounded to the nearest one thousand?", "\n-38000\nLet v = 926 - 466. ", "Let a be (-3)/(-10) - 131100138/v. What is a rounded to the nearest 10000?", "\n-290000\nSuppose 3*t - 5*l - 2 = -0*t, -l + 14 = -3*t. ", "Let v be (t/(-9)*75)/((-26)/55640). ", "Round v to the nearest ten thousand.", "\n-110000\nLet d = -3216.65 + 3338. ", "What is d rounded to the nearest 10?", "\n120\nLet p = -206.22 - -209. ", "Let j = -0.924 + 0.004. ", "Let q = p - j. What is q rounded to 1 dp?", "\n3.7\nLet f = -3.98866 + 4.05665505. ", "Let m = 0.068 - f. Round m to six dps.", "\n0.000005\nLet n = 11.06 - 16.066. ", "Let c = n + 80.536. ", "Let f = 75 - c. Round f to one decimal place.", "\n-0.5\nLet d = 46543.999960326 - 46544. ", "What is d rounded to 5 dps?", "\n-0.00004\nSuppose 1373 = 5*l + 4*g, 0*g - 3 = g. Suppose 4*p = -3*w + 2*p + l, -371 = -4*w - 3*p. ", "Let d = w + -160. ", "Round d to the nearest ten.", "\n-70\nLet s = -4240.07 - -4219. ", "Round s to 0 decimal places.", "\n-21\nLet n = 8658.9987363 - 8659. ", "Round n to five decimal places.", "\n-0.00126\nLet z = 3005462 - -469338. ", "Round z to the nearest ten thousand.", "\n3470000\nLet d = 12037 - 539. ", "Round d to the nearest 1000.", "\n11000\nSuppose 4*v = -5*l + 1104, -2*l + 94 + 366 = -3*v. ", "Suppose -l = 3*d + 4*r, 2*d + 0*d + 156 = -r. ", "Let a be d/6*549/4*-1. ", "What is a rounded to the nearest 100?", "\n1800\nLet y be (12186/(-20)*(-1064)/399)/((-2)/30). ", "What is y rounded to the nearest one hundred?", "\n-24400\nLet x be 94 + 103271 + 19 + -4. ", "Round x to the nearest 10000.", "\n100000\nSuppose 10 = -14*d + 108. ", "Suppose -d*a - 4 = -6*a, 0 = 3*t - 5*a - 231020. ", "Round t to the nearest one thousand.", "\n77000\nLet j = 30.37374 + 1195.46706. ", "Let q = j - -0.15" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0.001878038514405489, 0.05038246884942055, 0.0021025564055889845, 0.0008467088337056339, 0.005142823327332735, 0.010432565584778786, 0.0010972593445330858, 0.02183534950017929, 0.0011179209686815739, 0.006553607992827892, 0.0017313919961452484, 0.0011593308299779892, 0.0014910927275195718, 0.0012740938691422343, 0.0016319729620590806, 0.002715054899454117, 0.004180568270385265, 0.0031996837351471186, 0.0013603228144347668, 0.9621968269348145, 0.0014726979425176978, 0.0013430388644337654, 0.0016324601601809263, 0.0016111810691654682, 0.0011254920391365886, 0.0012785723665729165, 0.0019704517908394337, 0.004196919500827789, 0.0010653325589373708, 0.0023714720737189054, 0.001423638896085322, 0.001822005957365036, 0.023997485637664795, 0.0016845023492351174, 0.006372278090566397, 0.0012621015775948763, 0.0014989003539085388, 0.0018698739586398005, 0.0011304056970402598, 0.005931055173277855, 0.0008774197776801884, 0.0032154598738998175, 0.0012442843290045857, 0.001416714396327734, 0.003606663551181555, 0.0008788811392150819, 0.019167829304933548, 0.001215484575368464, 0.0018219122430309653, 0.001036921632476151, 0.0009825109736993909, 0.000982249854132533, 0.0022551321890205145, 0.0007815627031959593, 0.0024910459760576487, 0.004430209286510944, 0.0023819177877157927, 0.00464091170579195, 0.0014841293450444937, 0.006642465479671955, 0.0014349909033626318, 0.0014152188086882234, 0.001495594740845263, 0.001118555897846818, 0.006115931086242199, 0.003499216167256236, 0.006639027502387762, 0.007943147793412209, 0.0009452645317651331, 0.0018086883937940001, 0.0014907859731465578, 0.0013663261197507381, 0.005059943068772554, 0.002766495803371072, 0.000822436879388988, 0.0016228659078478813, 0.0024350560270249844, 0.0012185118393972516, 0.0008735274896025658, 0.0012539702001959085, 0.001395174884237349, 0.00393267534673214, 0.0034270640462636948, 0.0007252786890603602, 0.0031189718283712864, 0.0047517395578324795, 0.0010512241860851645, 0.001705094939097762, 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[ "Podczas zgromadzenia 21 kwietnia sędziowie SN wyłonić mieli piątkę kandydatów na stanowisko I Prezesa\n\nTzw. ", "starzy sędziowie SN - z Izb Pracy, Karnej i Cywilnej - wciąż mają w tym sądzie większość\n\nPrezydent i tak mógłby jednak wybrać kandydata z mniejszą liczbą głosów, wskazanego przez \"nowych\" sędziów SN, których rekomendowała nowa KRS\n\nJeśli SN nie wyłoni kandydatów na następcę I Prezesa przed 30 kwietnia - prezydent ma prawo niezwłocznie powołać osobę, która będzie pełnić jego obowiązki i kierować Sądem Najwyższym. ", "To właśnie ta wyznaczona osoba zwoła zgromadzenie sędziów w celu wybrania nowego I Prezesa. ", "Na takim zgromadzeniu wystarczy obecność zaledwie jednej trzeciej (32) sędziów SN, by wybór uznać za ważny. ", "Wszystkich sędziów zasiada w Sądzie Najwyższym 97, z czego 37 osób zostało wskazanych przez nową KRS.", "\n\nGdyby zgromadzenie odbyło się 21 kwietnia, to tzw. ", "starzy sędziowie, których jest w SN 60, mogliby wybrać na następcę prof. ", "Małgorzaty Gersdorf kandydata ze swojego grona. ", "Tyle że zgromadzenie zostało odwołane.", "\n\n- Dziś I Prezes SN wydała zarządzenie o odwołaniu terminu zgromadzenia - mówi Onetowi sędzia Michał Laskowski, rzecznik SN. - ", "Nowe zgromadzenie odbędzie się więc nie wcześniej niż 4 maja. ", "Jako że kadencja prof. ", "Małgorzaty Gersdorf kończy się 30 kwietnia, więc to nowe zgromadzenie zwoła już najpewniej osoba wyznaczona przez prezydenta do kierowania Sądem Najwyższym - wyjaśnia.", "\n\nCzy to oznacza, że \"starzy\" sędziowie SN \"odpuszczają\" możliwość wskazania następcy obecnej I Prezes?", "\n\n- Zasadniczą przyczyną tej decyzji jest zagrożenie epidemiczne, koronawirus. ", "Gdyby nie to, zgromadzenie odbyłoby się w terminie - mówi sędzia Laskowski.", "\n\n- Nie możemy jednak zapominać, że sędziowie to są osoby starsze, więc znajdują się w grupie podwyższonego ryzyka. ", "Gdyby ktokolwiek z nich się zakaził, oznaczałoby to, że cały SN musiałby przestać funkcjonować. ", "Pani prezes ważyła racje i uznała, że zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo są ważniejsze niż wskazanie pięciu kandydatów na jej następców - podkreśla rzecznik SN.", "\n\nDodajmy, że zmieniona przez PiS ustawa o SN daje prezydentowi możliwość powierzenia funkcji I Prezesa SN osobie o mniejszej liczbie głosów poparcia niż \"faworyt\" spośród wskazanych potencjalnych następców." ]
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[ "\nShouldn't Robots Be Doing My Taxes By Now? - ", "luigi\nhttp://sunlightlabs.com/blog/2012/shouldnt-robots-be-doing-my-taxes/\n======\njarrett\nHere's a fun example of why the government should maintain its own databases\nand use them to pre-fill your taxes.", "\n\nThis year, the state sent me a letter claiming I had paid zero taxes in 2010.", "\nThey said I had to pay 100% of my tax liability right away or face liens,\netc.. Of course, this was patently untrue--my employer had actually withheld\nmore than my total tax liability for 2010. (", "I know this because I still have\nmy 2010 W-2). ", "So I was entitled to a refund for 2010, but the state was saying\nI owed them the full amount, plus penalties.", "\n\nAfter contacting the state about this, they said the problem was that my W-2\nform had likely become \"detached\" from my 2010 return.", "\n\nSo apparently, the state relies on a _paper copy of your W-2 attached to your\nreturn_ to determine whether your employer has paid them the withheld taxes.", "\nIf they can't find the W-2 you send them, they assume your employer didn't pay\nthem anything on your behalf. ", "Given that employers are already making\nelectronic payments each quarter, why can't the government just derive its W-2\ndata from that? (", "I know, I know--they're probably not collecting that data\nright now. ", "But the point is they could do it as part of the quarterly payment\nprocess.)", "\n\nEDIT: Another funny bit to this story. ", "I asked the state to confirm that my\nemployer had indeed paid the amount reflected on my W-2. ", "I figured that if the\nerror was on my employer's end, I could take it up with them. ", "But the state\nrefused to say one way or another, citing confidentiality.", "\n\n~~~\nnostromo\nEugene McCarthy said: \"The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is\ninefficiency. ", "An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty.\"", "\n\n~~~\nscarmig\nI've never understood this logic.", "\n\nWe fear bureaucracies, if they became efficient, would become efficiently\nbrutal and callous. ", "We don't want them to become good at being brutal and\ncallous. ", "Therefore we should fight against efficient bureaucracies in favor of\nbrutal and callous inefficient bureaucracies. ", "And if their inefficiencies make\nthem seem brutal and callous, that's just all the evidence to know that making\nthem more efficient would lead to even more brutality and callousness.", "\n\n~~~\nDrbble\nEugene McCarthy didn't say ineffecient bureaucracy was brutal an callous. ", "It's\njust annoying and maybe callous. ", "That's the point. ", "Also, um, you know who had\nan efficient bureaucracy, with computers and everything, in the 1930s? ", "Yeah,\n--Godwin'd\n\n------\nfrancoisdevlin\nAs a developer who's married to a CPA, here are my thoughts:\n\n1\\. Taxes are a hard problem. ", "Besides basic W2s, There are a lot of deductions\nto know about, and it's hard to keep track of all of them.", "\n\n2\\. Depreciation schedules. ", "They vary from item to item, and there's a bit of\na grey area on what you can use, and what you can't. ", "What can have bonus\ndepreciation?", "\n\n3\\. Calculating cost basis is too damn hard for most of us. ", "Not just stocks,\nbut partnerships as well.", "\n\n4\\. When can you take a distribution from a business? ", "How many times is that\nmoney taxed?", "\n\n5\\. Add another 50 use cases, one for each state.", "\n\n6\\. How do the states interact for individuals with diverse activity? ", "Easily\n2^50 cases here, and my gut say more like 50!", "\n\n7\\. Foreign activity. ", "Good luck with that.", "\n\nThe bottom line is there still is enough complexity that this needs to be done\nmanually. ", "Not to mention there are a lot of things that are legitimate\njudgement calls, and vary from accountant to accountant (or auditor to auditor\nwhen dealing with the IRS).", "\n\nSo, that's why robot's aren't doing my taxes any time soon.", "\n\n~~~\ndmm\nAbout 60% of tax payers submit a 1040A or 1040ez return. ", "This is a dead simple\nreturn. ", "The IRS already has all of the information needed to process these\nreturns. ", "The IRS could trivially set up a website that has two pages: 1.", "\nVerify this information is correct. ", "2. ", "Where should we mail the check.", "\n\nThe _only_ reason they don't is that there is a HUGE industry that exists\nsolely to fill out these trivial forms for intimidated people. ", "HR block, et al\nwill never allow the tax system to be simple.", "\n\n~~~\nRetric\nThere is already software out there to handle your federal income taxes for\nfree. ", "However, to use _Free File Tax Software. ", "This program is available if\nyour AGI is $57,000 or less:_\n<http://apps.irs.gov/app/freeFile/jsp/index.jsp?ck>\n\n<http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=118986,00.html>\n\nPS: Anyone can still use free forms:\n<http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=237156,00.html>\n\n~~~\nzyphlar\nWhy a $57,000 limit?", "\n\n~~~\nmynegation\nSupposedly if you are over that limit you are rich enough to pay for a\ncommercial software. ", "Apparently government does not want to take business\ncompletely from the likes of Intuit.", "\n\n------\nuntog\nI was on a StartupBus to SXSW this year- at the pitching stage, one of the\nguys pitched an idea based around simplifying people's taxes. ", "He was a\nqualified CPA himself, and had years of experience working in the tax\nindustry. ", "No-one volunteered to work on his idea. ", "The winning StartupBus team\nwas a site that let you make your own custom breakfast cereal.", "\n\nI suspect that if we want to ask \"why isn't tedious process [x] automated by\nnow?\", ", "we should be looking at ourselves for answers.", "\n\n~~~\nmolsongolden\nDo you know who the CPA was? ", "Is he still working on the idea?", "\n\n~~~\nuntog\nHe is- looking at his blog he actually submitted a YC application:\n\n<http://www.cameronkeng.com/>\n\n(after the first day on the bus he and another guy broke off from their team\nto work on the tax idea- so it wasn't a total lost cause, but wasn't the\nhighlight of the competition that it could have been)\n\n------\npatio11\nThere exists a school of thought that says making taxes painful is a great way\nto remind you that taxes have visible consequences on your life just like\nspending does, which is a point of non-trivial interest ot the American\npolity. ", "Someone subscribing to that school of thought might rationally oppose\nnon-economic ways to make taxation less painful as a way to prevent a\ntransition to invisible (or even fun!) ", "higher taxes.", "\n\nI'm stopping here to avoid committing politics on HN.", "\n\n~~~\npaulhauggis\nIt's funny you mention this.", "\n\nI worked at an e-commerce store that shipped a lot internationally. ", "In the\nbeginning, we had calculations for all of the tariffs and taxes required to\nship and added that to the end (ups would allow us to pay for this up-front to\nmake it easier for our customers).", "\n\nCustomers would bitch at us all the time about how our prices were too high.", "\nWe changed it so they had to pay for all of this separately (and so they knew\nthat we weren't the ones increasing prices) and the bitching stopped.", "\n\nIt's one of the reasons I don't want taxes hidden on goods sold in the US.", "\nBecause people won't think about it and won't really know when the government\nstarts raising taxes.", "\n\nThey will just assume it's the big, evil, companies overcharging.", "\n\nIt's happening right now with gas. ", "Many states have additional taxes/gallon\nand people just assume it's the stations.", "\n\n~~~\neru\nIn Europe taxes (like VAT and those on petrol) are usually included in quoted\nprices, and people are quite aware of them.", "\n\n~~~\nrmc\nNot really. ", "In Ireland & the UK, VAT in the region of (22%ish or 17%ish),\nprices of goods in shops and online are quoted 'VAT inclusive' (likewise\npetrol), it's only 'trade', i.e. companies that sell products to other\nbusiness (who then have to charge VAT to the general public) are sold 'ex\nVAT'.", "\n\n~~~\neru\nOh, that `trade' exemption also applies to Germany. ", "I think that's a common\nconsequence of VAT systems, that only the consumer is quoted inclusive prices.", "\n\n------\npetercooper\nIt can be done. ", "In the UK, most people don't even do a tax return. ", "And let's\nsay you're self employed.. if your tax affairs are reasonably straight\nforward, you fill out a handful of numbers and dates on a Web site, get an\nestimated tax bill within minutes, and you're done. ", "You then get sent a proper\nstatement later. ", "In a system with flat taxes, it'd be even easier.", "\n\nI think the author touches on the real problems in the last couple of\nparagraphs. ", "The American government isn't particularly good at spearheading\ninitiatives that benefit voters without allowing \"lobbyists\" or commercial\ninterests to take over. ", "It also doesn't help that you have the federal and\nstate structure (as good as it may be for other things) since the decisions\ncan't be taken by one central place given all the local tax laws.", "\n\n~~~\nSymmetry\nI seem to recall that there's something about the way the way that the US\nincome tax works, legally, that prevents that from happening. ", "That is, your\nincome tax has to be something you pay rather than something someone pays for\nyou.", "\n\n~~~\ndsr_\nMost people have their employer automatically deduct a chunk each paycheck.", "\nThe annual forms are to figure out exactly how much you owe and whether you\nneed to make up the difference or get a refund check. ", "Most people get refunds.", "\n\nIt's more complicated for the self-employed, or if you don't want to loan the\ngovernment money for free.", "\n\n~~~\npetercooper\nMost employed people in the UK also have their employer deduct taxes from\ntheir paychecks. ", "The difference, though, is that if that happens and if\nsomeone doesn't declare their tax affairs as being more complex, the tax\nauthorities assume everything is order and no tax return is required.", "\n\nI suspect other things have an impact on this system working though, such as\nthe much lower ownership of shares and tax-attracting investments in the UK,\nas well as the generous tax-free allowance for capital gains (I'd need to make\na realized gain of something like $20k in a year to pay any tax on shares, for\nexample.)", "\n\n------\nasnyder\nI'm pretty sure Intuit lobbied pretty hard to kill any and all progress that\nwould allow most people to have their taxes automatically completed for them,\nequivalent to the 1040AUTO mentioned in some of the other comments.", "\n\n<http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100723/09055310339.shtml>\n\n------\ncarsongross\nAnother option would be to simplify the tax code to the point where normal\nhumans could do their own taxes in a few minutes.", "\n\n~~~\nroguecoder\nBut tax expenditures are the only way for anti-government types in government\nto spend money! ;-)", "\n\nThe complexity doesn't come from the simple cases: it comes from the cases\nthat are legitimately complex. ", "Carried interest, investment gains, charitable\ncontributions, foreign income, corporate debt and so forth aren't reducible to\na simple equation. ", "For the vast majority of Americans taxes are simple: for\nmany of the rest, they will never be simple unless they are abolished all\ntogether.", "\n\n~~~\ncarsongross\nCarried (really, any) interest: income. ", "Investment gains: income. ", "Charitable\ncontributions: good for you. ", "Foreign income, less taxes paid upon\nrepatriation: income. ", "House purchase: congratulations.", "\n\nThe tax code is complex because it gives the government power over us, because\nthere is a huge industry built around it and because rich people can use it to\ntheir advantage.", "\n\n~~~\nebiester\nAgreed except for foreign income: we have treaties with most countries to\navoid double taxation: If I've paid taxes to Turkey for money earned in\nTurkey, why do I pay it again in the US?", "\n\nNow, things get more complicated with foreign investments. ", "If you've paid\ntaxes on the investment in Ireland, you've likely paid less than you would in\nthe US -- so that doesn't quite work. ", "That's where things get complicated.", "\n\n~~~\nadavies42\nshould all work like multi-state commuter taxes--i live in NJ, work in NY, and\nmy NY tax is credited against my NJ liability (leaving no liability to NJ, as\nNY rates are higher (at least with the extra NYC tax thrown in)). ", "tax treaties\n(as exist between many states) just make the revenue sharing easier from the\ngovernments' point of view.", "\n\n------\nvyrotek\nMy father did mainframe dev contract work for the IRS and once told me it's a\nmiracle you even get your tax returns every year. :) ", "There's quite a mess\nbehind the scenes due to a number of failed new projects at the cost of\ntaxpayer money.", "\n\nI wish we could automate all of this but taxes themselves are also still a\nsort of art with all the exceptions. ", "Technically there are rules about when\nyou qualify for things but from my experience accounting firms operate more\nlike law firms in that they help you figure out how to meet the bare minimum\nto legally qualify for various returns.", "\n\n~~~\nfrancoisdevlin\n> accounting firms operate more like law firms in that they help you figure\n> out how to meet the bare minimum to legally qualify for various returns\n\nMy wife is a CPA, and many dinner conversations sound just like this.", "\n\n------\nrweba\nTHIS:\n\n\"Better yet: since the agency is already receiving that data from all those\nfinancial institutions through a separate stream, how about organizing the\ndata for me and simply letting me sign off on my automatically-generated\nreturn? ", "I suspect that a lot of people would like that, given that the\nalternative is spending a spring day doing paperwork.\"", "\n\nEspecially for those who only have a single W2 or a similarly simple state of\naffairs, it is quite ridiculous the amount of pain you have to go through (and\npreparation fees you have to pay) CONSIDERING THE GOVERNMENT ALREADY HAS THE\nINFORMATION!", "\n\nI definitely think tax preparation firms are lobbying to keep from simplifying\nthe preparation process.", "\n\nI remember one year around 2005 or so I was able to file my (federal) return\nby telephone directly with the IRS for FREE (I was a student and had only the\none W2) and it was relatively painless but the next year the option seems to\nhave disappeared. ", "Anyone remember that?", "\n\n~~~\ncrusso\nNot only do they have the information, but they also are already calculating\nyour taxes. ", "How do you think they determine that you've made an error?", "\n\n------\ndrcube\nI once complained on a message board that sales tax should be included in the\nsticker price, so that I know ahead of time what I'm going to pay.", "\n\nI still feel that way, but someone pointed out that it would further hide from\nconsumers the fact that the government takes money out of every transaction.", "\nNow I contend that every sticker should tell me both the price with taxes, and\nthe price without. ", "This would make it very clear how much I would have to pay\nwithout government intrusion, and how much extra they get from me.", "\n\nI'm getting the same vibe here with income taxes. ", "Taxes used to be a _much_\nmore contentious issue before it was taken out of every paycheck prior to the\nworker seeing the money. ", "Now the single pain point in paying taxes is an\nhour's worth of paperwork once a year. ", "Eliminate that friction, and the\ngovernment becomes an invisible siphon, sucking money right out of the\neconomy, with hardly anyone noticing.", "\n\nBy all means, make paying taxes easier, but don't obscure the fact that\nsomeone is taking your money, all the time, without giving you a choice in the\nmatter.", "\n\n~~~\nking_jester\n> ...but don't obscure the fact that someone is taking your money, all the\n> time, without giving you a choice in the matter.", "\n\nI've always been curious about this point of view. ", "While it is true that you\nare paying money in taxes throughout your life, it is also true that at the\nsame time you are receiving the benefits, to some degree, of that taxation in\nthe form of public infrastructure and spending. ", "How you experience life from\nyour moment of birth depends on how those in the past have spent and dealt\nwith issues like taxation and public spending and how you take advantage of\nthose things, knowingly or not.", "\n\nIf you could choose to not pay some or all of the taxes you pay now, would\nyou? ", "Would you ever spend that extra income to benefit people who you will\nnever meet or interact with? ", "Would you ever spend that extra income to benefit\npeople you actively disagree with or find repulsive?", "\n\n~~~\ndrcube\nI didn't say we shouldn't pay taxes, or that there aren't benefits of having\nthe government those taxes pay for.", "\n\nBut _nobody_ gets a say in the matter. ", "And _everybody_ should be aware of this\nmost basic function of the government.", "\n\nI'm basically advocating taxpayer awareness, and government oversight. ", "I'm not\na member of the tea party and I don't want to get rid of all taxes. ", "I feel\nthat some friction is welcome when paying taxes, because otherwise people will\nbe less aware they exist, and the government will have an easier time raising\nthem.", "\n\n------\ncamz\nI'm working on a tax startup. ", "The two products we're working on right now is\ntaxcast.co (semi-finalist on the startupbus at SXSW) and autotax.me.", "\n\nTaxcast.co is a system that forecasts your tax deductions, audit proofs your\ninformation and calculates your current and future tax liability.", "\n\nyou can check out the demo here:\n[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4CuvWkKW4w&context=C4404...](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4CuvWkKW4w&context=C44040d8ADvjVQa1PpcFMR8iGVGidoILkFShlJzk1Av-\nqJay210Hw=)\n\nAutotax.me is going to help you deal with your independent contractors. ", "It\ncontracts, files and audit proofs your 1099 taxes. ", "It's almost like an HR/Tax\nservice in one.", "\n\nYou can check it out now but its still really rough/ugly. ", "The functions work\nbut there's no real UI so that's what I'm going to be finishing up.", "\n\nAny questions, you can check out cameronkeng.com\n\nif you're interested in any of these products, shoot me an email at\ncameronkeng@gmail.com or tweet me @cameronkeng =D\n\n------\npgroves\nI work on optimization software and I'm pretty sure you could do some serious\ndamage to the government's tax collection efforts if you hooked up a genetic\nalgorithm to some very good accounting software to minimize taxes.", "\n\nThe problem with GA's is that they frequently exploit loopholes in their\nsetups, so you get solutions that technically satisfy your evaluation criteria\nbut it's not what you really want. ", "This process is basically what corporate\naccountants do manually to get ridiculously low tax rates for big companies.", "\nCongress writes the tax code but it will always have loopholes, and GA's will\ndefinitely find them.", "\n\nHere's a recent blog post of mine that goes into some of the problems with\nGA's, which when you're looking for loopholes is actually a huge advantage:\n\n[http://designbyrobots.com/2012/03/29/evolution-is-\ncleverer-t...](http://designbyrobots.com/2012/03/29/evolution-is-cleverer-\nthan-you/)\n\n------\njlm382\nAuto-generating a tax return is one thing. ", "Taking advantage of all your\npotential tax benefits and considering your edge cases is another thing. ", "I've\nseen tax returns for many of inDinero's customers, and it's clear to me that\ntheir previous accountants took shortcuts in compiling the return.", "\n\nYes, it'll get filed. ", "But there were probably more tax advantageous things\nthey could have / should have done. ", "Consider these examples:\n\n1 - tax credits. ", "How is the government supposed to automatically know that\nyou're paying for child care? ", "How are they to know that you just installed\nsolar panels on your roof or that you just purchased an electric vehicle?", "\nSure, they can make this \"automatic\" -- but then you'd still be going out of\nyour way to report your purchase, and this is in no way simpler than the\ncurrent solution today.", "\n\n2 - does it make sense to be taxed as a partnership or sole-proprietor? ", "For a\nlot of our customers, they're basically flushing $20k down the toilet because\nthey didn't want to go through the tiny nuisance of filing as an\nS-Corporation. ", "Pretty sure you don't want the IRS to dictate your tax\ntreatment.", "\n\n3 - should you depreciate your Aeron chairs over multiple years, or do\naccelerated depreciation which will allow you to deduct the entire amount in a\nsingle year? ", "The IRS gives us the flexibility to choose, and it's questions\nlike these that may require the help of a tax professional.", "\n\n4 - deducting vehicle expenses. ", "How is the IRS supposed to figure out how many\nmiles on your car were used for business VS personal purposes?", "\n\n5 - what part of your apartment was used exclusively for hacking? ", "No way for\nthe IRS to know that the number is 250/1500 square feet.", "\n\nIn short, putting together a tax return isn't that hard. ", "The difficult part is\nhunting down all of this other information that we have no way of just\nknowing.", "\n\nInstead of asking why robots couldn't be doing our taxes by now, we might\nrephrase the question to read \"how can we do year-round accounting in such a\nway that taxes are 10X easier to take care of?\"", "\n\n------\ndoc4t\nThe real problem is not the lack of systems but the ridiculous complexity of\ntax law. ", "Since the complexity is unlikely to go away any system would have to\nhandle it - and this is not an easy task.", "\n\nGiven that the OP works for an organization which is \"focused on digitization\nof government data\" it is quite peculiar that he doesn't understand the\nproblem domain any better. ", "It's quite a joke to think that it's a matter of\nthrowing in some web forms here and there.", "\n\nIn complexity I would say it's up there with his favorite Apollo quote. ", "Maybe\nnot on par - but close. ", "Just thinking about the size of the rule engine which\nis required makes my head hurt.", "\n\n~~~\na3camero\nNot just complexity, but vagueness. ", "Good luck writing a program that\ncalculates what's \"reasonable\". ", "Was the construction work a \"repair\" or an\n\"upgrade\"?", "\n\nHow about determining what would be a reasonable amount for someone to pay if\nthey were in the shoes of the businessperson but dealing at arm's length?", "\n\n------\ndangoldin\nEstonia could be a good model for this - supposedly over 90% of people file\nonline within 5 minutes.", "\n\n[http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/15/estonia-\nuss...](http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/15/estonia-ussr-shadow-\ninternet-titan)\n\n------\nstretchwithme\nI owed them money a few years back and had to pay them using some online\npayment system.", "\n\nIt was necessary to do this because they failed to implement the payment plan\nthat they agreed to. ", "So interest was piling up and they weren't withdrawing\nwhat I owed them.", "\n\nSo I sign up on this system. ", "They had to MAIL me the password. ", "By USPS mail!", "\n\nSo it finally comes. ", "I log in and pay off the entire amount.", "\n\nLater, I find out that the system applied the payment to the wrong year.", "\nApparently this was my fault somehow, as the system defaults to the current\nyear, not the year that you owe on.", "\n\nSo I have to call to get that straightened out. ", "The person applies the payment\nto the correct year. ", "yea!", "\n\nNow can I find out my balance? ", "Is it paid off? \"", "Let me transfer you to the\ndepartment that can do that.\"", "\n\nApparently, that's a different skill set altogether. ", "No way to check it\nonline. ", "Why would you ever need to do that?", "\n\nFinally get to a person who can tell me. ", "And it turns out they started the\noriginal withdrawal of funds from my bank. ", "So now they owed ME money.", "\n\nAnd that came by paper check, delivered by USPS of course.", "\n\n------\nableal\nBeware answered prayers.", "\n\nOver in my corner, we have a State provided income tax simulator and filer.", "\nNot too pretty, but correct and useful; it's done in Java and runs under\nWindows, MacOS and Linux.", "\n\nIt's been so successful that most tax returns are nowadays filed with it, and\nquite a few public offices where people used to queue up to file their (paper)\nreturns have been closed. ", "There was never much of a setup/tradition of filing\nby mail like in the U.S.\n\nOver the last couple of years, they've improved data cross-referencing to the\npoint where I can get most of my form pre-filled from the government.", "\n\n~~~\nzyphlar\nThe horrors of Java! ", "It's a single app, and it's cross-platform... oooooh.", "\n\nNow sit down and let me tell you a tale of Intuit.", "\n\n------\nsophacles\nThe thing is, complicate tax code is merely a welfare program for tax lawyers\nand accountants. ", "If we made taxes easy, or automated parts of the process that\nare the same for everyone, we would be cutting off the supply of money to the\nleeches. ", "Since they don't want that, and they are better at being parasites\nthan the groups normally attacked for parasitism (teachers, postal workers\netc), they successfully lobby against making taxes easier for most people.", "\n\n------\nJoeri\nBelgium has had this for a few years now. ", "In my case everything is prefilled,\neven the deduction for charitable donations. ", "Basically this is a US-specific\nproblem.", "\n\nYou can see a flash demo (in dutch) of the belgian tax-on-web app here:\n[https://eservices.minfin.fgov.be/taxonweb/static/nl/demo_v2/...](https://eservices.minfin.fgov.be/taxonweb/static/nl/demo_v2/player.html)\n\n~~~\njamaicahest\nWas going to say the same is the case here in Denmark. ", "Your employer reports\nyour earnings, your banks report your balances, etc. ", "And if you need to enter\nsome extra information, like mortgage interests or driving reimbursement it's\nall done through a website and a new report is generated instantly. ", "I suspect\nall this automatic reporting might clash with the average american's\nperception of personal privacy.", "\n\n------\nrogerbinns\nIf I was ever elected president, I would direct congress to reduce the size of\nthe tax code by 10% each year. ", "If they fail to do so then 10% are\nautomatically eliminated - eg all those whose last digit of the article number\nis 3.", "\n\nThe real reason for why things are so screwed up is corrupt politicians who\nuse their power as a fund raising mechanism. ", "For example there were several\ntaxes added temporarily to see if they worked well. ", "They did, but congress\ndoesn't make them permanent. ", "Instead they wait to be paid each time to renew\nthem temporarily again. (", "This started in the Reagan administration.)", "\n\nSee this excellent talk by Lessig:\n<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik1AK56FtVc>\n\nThe whole tax provisions as fund raising is covered at 7m30s.", "\n\n------\ncitricsquid\nI'm not sure what the comparison between UK (where I am) and US taxes is, but\nI found the process here very easy. ", "I load up an online form, I fill in the\ndata and click submit, they tell me how much I owe and I pay. ", "Very easy, the\nhardest part is saying goodbye to all that money.", "\n\n~~~\nuntog\nThe comparison, sadly, is totally different. ", "The UK system is relatively\nsimple (I never even had to do a tax return when living there), the US system\nis a byzantine labyrinth.", "\n\n------\ncs702\nIt won't be happening any time soon. ", "Here's why:\n\n[http://www.republicreport.org/2012/corruption-taxes-\nfivemins...](http://www.republicreport.org/2012/corruption-taxes-fivemins/)\n\n------\nSpoom\nThis seems like a startup opportunity. ", "Take photos of your standardized forms,\nupload them to a server, server calculates your taxes, only asking questions\nwhen the pertinent data is missing from the forms.", "\n\nIMHO this service should be offered by the government(s) themselves (and if it\nwas, it would mean even less data needed to be entered; after all, they have\ncopies of all your forms already), but fat chance on that.", "\n\n~~~\nmhp\nThis is exactly what HRBlock and Intuit currently do. ", "They have hooks into all\nthe payroll processors and investment companies and will download your W2s and\nany 1099s from the relevant company. ", "Then you just answer a bunch of\nquestions.", "\n\nThe problem is that a private company shouldn't have to offer this service.", "\nThe government should do it for you for free because it helps them get their\nmoney faster and easier. ", "However, as the article and others noted, those\nprivate companies realize this would be very bad for their business and have\nlobbied to stop it.", "\n\n------\nErikRogneby\nBack before my life got a whole lot more complicated and I was a simple wage\nslave I recall filing my 1040EZ by phone. ", "This was maybe 15 years ago.", "\n\n------\nzeroonetwothree\nAssuming our tax law remains insane, I actually prefer having private tax\npreparers. ", "The IRS's incentive is clearly to make me pay much tax as possible,\nwhereas for private tax preparers it's to make me pay as little tax as\npossible.", "\n\nIf our tax law were simple there wouldn't be much difference between the two,\nbut in its current state there is. ", "Thus I think the tension between the two\ngroups is healthy.", "\n\n------\nfidotron\nMy concern about this is that if we fail to simplify taxation laws before any\nsingularity then we'll reach the point where only robots are capable of\nprocessing taxes.", "\n\nI have to echo the comments here about the UK system. ", "It's unbelievable to\nsomeone that's only experienced the Inland Revenue, but they're about the\nbiggest non-event ever when compared to their equivalents elsewhere.", "\n\n------\nbajsejohannes\nSome countries do already. ", "In Norway, you get a your tax papers (well, paper;\nit's only one sheet) pre-filled. ", "You only have to take action if they got it\nwrong.", "\n\nAt least this works for normal employees. ", "It gets slightly worse when you have\nyour own company.", "\n\n------\njes5199\nI do my taxes on paper!", "\n\nI'm a professional software engineer. ", "I know how software works and how it\ndoesn't work.", "\n\nI don't trust automated tax software at all.", "\n\nFortunately, even the 1040 long form is a simple pen&paper algorithm that I\ncan do in a couple hours.", "\n\n------\nmindslight\nThe flawed assumption being that tithes are solely financial. ", "The government\nwould be content to burn your \"money\" in a pit; your submission and mental\nbuy-in are what it's really after.", "\n\n------\npatrickod\nThere are many good reasons to move to the US but having just done so I look\naround at friends filing and complaining about their taxes and dread having to\ndo it myself.", "\n\n------\nmattgreenrocks\nWhy debate the complexities of filing taxes when the tax code is kept\nneedlessly complicated?", "\n\n------\nsmackfu\nThe 1040EZ is not exactly a hard form to fill out:\n<http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040ez.pdf>\n\nOne side of a piece of paper. ", "You enter 12 numbers, and need to look up one\nvalue in a table too see how much tax you owe.", "\n\n------\nCoryMathews\nThe bigger question is why am I still doing taxes once a year?", "\n\n~~~\nsp332\nHow often do you think it should happen? ", "Federal income tax is once a year.", "\nSales tax, tolls on roads, etc. ", "happen much more often.", "\n\n------\npork\nHave you been to H&R block? ", "They already are!", "\n\n------\ngcb\nSEVERAL countries does taxes electronically --and i don't mean the lame way\nirs does here, where doing it eletronically means auto-filling two boxes in\nthe PDF to take somewhere else later. ", "Brazil, 3rd world mind you, has a java\napplication (for years) where you fill in some boxes and it not only\ncalculates everything it also allows you to compare different ways to use your\nexemptions. ", "It's not very good if you have a corporation, but that's because\nthey choose so. ", "not because oh my god it's impossible to code something so\ncomplex.", "\n\nEveryone talking about how difficult it is to implement all the rules have no\nidea how software works apparently. ", "if it's already worded as rules, you can\ncode something to work with them just like a human reading those rules. ", "People\ncode more complex systems than taxes every hour.", "\n\nNow, if you take the irs.gov experience i just had this month... every link is\nlink-bait to PAID services. ", "And that's the ONLY reason we don't have robots\ndoing our taxes.", "\n\nSomeone that already have robots doing our taxes make enough money to pass\nlegislations that allows them to put links in the IRS own site that have more\nvisibility than link to the forms.", "\n\ntl;dr capitalism, bitches.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "This invention belongs to the field of lubricants. ", "More particularly, this invention relates to certain improved poly xcex1-olefins prepared from a mixed feed of olefins.", "\nPoly xcex1-olefins comprise one class of hydrocarbon lubricants which has achieved importance in the lubricating oil market. ", "These materials are typically produced by the polymerization of xcex1-olefins typically ranging from 1-octene to 1-dodecene, with 1-decene being a preferred material, although polymers of lower olefins such as ethylene and propylene may also be used, including copolymers of ethylene with higher olefins, as described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,956,122 and the patents referred to therein. ", "The poly xcex1-olefin (PAO) products may be obtained with a wide range of viscosities varying from highly mobile fluids of about 2 cSt at 100xc2x0 C. to higher molecular weight, viscous materials which have viscosities exceeding 100 cSt at 100xc2x0 C. The PAO\"\"s may be produced by the polymerization of olefin feed in the presence of a catalyst such as AlCl3, BF3, or BF3 complexes. ", "Processes for the production of PAO lubricants are disclosed, for example, in the following patents: U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "3,382,291; 4,172,855; 3,742,082; 3,780,128; 3,149,178; and 4,956,122. ", "The PAO lubricants are also discussed in Lubrication Fundamentals, J. G. Wills, Marcel Dekker Inc., (New York, 1980). ", "Subsequent to the polymerization, the lubricant range products are hydrogenated in order to reduce the residual unsaturation. ", "In the course of this reaction, the amount of unsaturation is generally reduced by greater than 90%.", "\nA major trend in passenger car engine oil usage is the extension of oil drain intervals. ", "Thus, a need exists for low viscosity PAO\"\"s which exhibit low Noack volatility. (", "See ASTM D 5800 Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Oils by the Noack Method.)", "\nThe properties of a particular grade of PAO are greatly dependent on the xcex1-olefin used to make that product. ", "In general, the higher the carbon number of the xcex1-olefin, the lower the Noack volatility and the higher the pour point of the product.", "\nPAO\"\"s having a viscosity of 4 cSt are typically made from 1-decene and have a Noack volatility of 13-14% and pour point of less than xe2x88x9260xc2x0 C. PAO\"\"s having a viscosity of 6 cSt are typically prepared from 1-decene or a blend of xcex1-olefins and have a Noack volatility of about 7.0% and pour point of about xe2x88x9260xc2x0 C.\nThe present invention relates to poly xcex1-olefins (PAO\"\"s) which exhibit superior Noack volatility, while maintaining good low temperature properties. ", "Mixtures of 1-decene and 1-dodecene are polymerized using BF3 promoted alcohol/ester mixture. ", "The reaction mixture is distilled to remove the unreacted monomeric and dimeric species. ", "The resulting product is hydrogenated to saturate the oligomers, to provide a product having a viscosity of 5 cSt. ", "This product is distilled and distillation cuts blended to provide PAO\"\"s of varying viscosity grades. ", "The 4 cSt PAO is comprised mostly of trimers and tetramers while the 6 cSt is comprised of trimers, tetramers, and pentamers." ]
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[ "President Trump is pressuring Congress to sink parts of the Affordable Care Act. ", "But now that the first attempt at a GOP health-care overhaul has failed, he must decide whether to throw the law a line.", "\n\nThe White House and Republican lawmakers are facing key decisions that could either improve the insurance marketplaces established by the ACA next year or prompt insurers to further hike rates or withdraw from those marketplaces entirely. ", "Republicans had hoped to protect those with marketplace coverage while lawmakers replaced Obamacare.", "\n\nBut with that effort hitting a wall, Trump and his health-care decision-makers are in a bind: They can either let the current system fail and risk raising the ire of 11 million Americans who use the marketplaces, or help stabilize Obamacare and potentially make it harder for Republicans in Congress to abandon the law itself.", "\n\n“It’s an awkward political environment, there’s no question about it,” said Lanhee Chen, a health-policy expert and former adviser to 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney.", "\n\nRepublican objections to the ACA naturally lead them away from assisting it, but the party now bears some responsibility for what happens to it, Chen added.", "\n\nPresident Obama and President-elect Donald Trump speak to the media during a meeting in the Oval Office on Nov. 10. ", "Trump must decide whether to support Obamacare now that the GOP health-care plan has failed. (", "Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)\n\n“The reality of this is Republicans will face some political repercussions for what happens to Obamacare,” he said.", "\n\nTrump and other Republicans have long predicted a so-called death spiral for the state-based marketplaces set up under President Obama’s signature domestic achievement. ", "Trump has often tweeted and said on the campaign trail that the law will “die of its own weight.” ", "He shrugged off the recent failure of the GOP health-care bill by saying the law is “exploding” anyway.", "\n\n“The best thing we can do, politically speaking, is let Obamacare explode,” Trump said in the Oval Office last month. “", "It’s exploding right now.”", "\n\n[ACA remains ‘law of the land,’ but Trump vows to explode it]\n\nThe dire predictions have partially come true: Although some state marketplaces offered multiple plan options and only modest premium raises last year, many others provided only one plan choice and double-digit premium hikes. ", "Next year’s outlook is still unclear, but it’s unlikely the marketplaces will suddenly attract a better mix of healthy enrollees to help lower costs.", "\n\nIf the marketplaces further deteriorate, Republicans may take the fall, surveys show. ", "A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that a majority of Americans will now blame Republicans, not Democrats, for marketplace problems, because the GOP spent the past seven years promising to fix and replace the system.", "\n\nThat reality is forcing Republicans, including Trump, to seriously consider a half-dozen actions that could help improve — or at least sustain — the marketplaces where Americans without employer-sponsored plans buy coverage.", "\n\n“Looking at next year, if we imagine that the marketplace right now is, say, a C-minus, there are several things that need to be done to just preserve it at its C-minus level,” said Mike Adelberg, who under Obama directed the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight established at the Department of Health and Human Services.", "\n\nThere is a list of actions the administration must decide whether to take to keep the marketplaces humming, most of them through regulatory actions at the Health and Human Services Department or through the Internal Revenue Service.", "\n\nThe actions center on three programs: cost-sharing reductions, reinsurance and risk corridors. ", "Cost-sharing refers to government subsidies to low-income Americans to help them pay for insurance. ", "Trump threatened recently to let such subsidies lapse, but Democrats say they will shut down the government as part of the spending negotiations next week if the president follows through.", "\n\nAdministration officials and lawmakers are still deciding how to handle the issue. ", "A White House spokesman said only that “no decisions have been made at this time.”", "\n\n[Republicans may not want Trump to end Obamacare payments]\n\nReinsurance and risk corridors are two programs set up under the ACA to redistribute funds from insurers with healthier enrollees to insurers with sicker, more expensive customers.", "\n\nThe marketplaces could also be hurt or helped depending on whether the IRS enforces the ACA’s individual mandate to buy coverage and whether the administration enforces new, tighter rules around enrollment.", "\n\nBy pulling these levers, Congress and the administration could buy goodwill with insurers and also help shield themselves from criticisms that they’re ignoring the plight of those who have already seen the cost of their Obamacare plans rise dramatically. ", "The marketplaces are already facing enough problems without Republicans trying to hurt them even more, said Gail Wilensky, who directed Medicare and Medicaid under George H.W. Bush.", "\n\n“It is in no one’s interest to stir that pot more than has already been stirred, which is quite enough without anyone’s help,” Wilensky said.", "\n\nTrump and his administration have given mixed signals on how they will approach the issue.", "\n\nThe Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued tighter enrollment rules last week that shorten the sign-up period for marketplace plans, mandate people pay any outstanding premiums before new coverage begins and, if they’re trying to sign up outside the regular season, require them to prove they meet the qualifications. ", "These are all changes that pleased insurers selling marketplace plans.", "\n\nBut the administration has also essentially stopped enforcing the individual mandate to buy coverage, which was supposed to be an important ACA tool to ensure that not just sick people, but also those who are healthy, buy coverage.", "\n\nThe outgoing Obama administration had said that starting this year, the IRS wouldn’t accept tax filings if people failed to indicate whether they had been insured. ", "But under Trump, the agency has said it will continue the practice of accepting forms with that answer left blank, saying the decision meshes with the president’s executive order to reduce the burdens of the health-care law.", "\n\n“Processing silent returns means that taxpayer returns are not systematically rejected, allowing them to be processed and minimizing burden on taxpayers, including those expecting a refund,” the agency said in a statement, referring to returns that don’t indicate the taxpayer’s health-care status.", "\n\nIt remains unclear whether the Trump administration and Republicans will provide extra payments to insurers, which insurers say are essential for helping them hold down premiums. ", "The most pressing of those payments are cost-sharing reductions, which reimburse insurers for discounting extra insurance costs such as co-payments and deductibles for those with incomes lower than 250 percent of the federal poverty level.", "\n\nThe payments amount to about $7 billion next year. ", "That’s far less than the $110 billion the federal government pays every year to subsidize premiums but still a significant amount for insurers who are overwhelmingly losing money on the marketplaces.", "\n\nCongress must decide whether to provide those payments in a government funding bill it is taking up next week. ", "Although top Republicans appear reluctant to withhold them, Trump has suggested they could be used as leverage to get Democrats on board with other GOP priorities, such as funding a border wall.", "\n\nInsurers are also closely watching the administration for how it will treat the reinsurance and risk-corridor programs. ", "They are due one more set of reinsurance payments before the program phases out, and it’s unclear whether the administration will pay all the money available or repay some of the funds to the U.S. treasury, as some Republicans have called for and as the law seems to direct.", "\n\nA number of insurers have also sued for risk-corridor payments, which the federal government lacked sufficient funds to cover over the past few years. ", "If they get those payments, some insurers might be more prone to continuing to sell marketplace plans next year.", "\n\n“Hypothetically, if the administration was to settle on the risk corridors, it would make people feel a whole heck of a lot better about sticking around,” Adelberg said.", "\n\nRead more at PowerPost" ]
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[ "Kotaro Fukuma\n\nKotaro Fukuma (born 29 August 1982 in Tokyo) is a Japanese classical pianist.", "\n\nLife \nAt the Conservatoire de Paris, Fukuma was a pupil of Bruno Rigutto and Marie-Françoise Bucquet. ", "He won his first piano prize in 2005. ", "He was awarded a prize at the age of 14 in a competition for young pianists in Salt Lake City. ", "He then decided to become a professional. ", "Second Prize at the Maj Lind Competition in Helsinky in 2001, he won the 1st Prize and the Chopin Prize at the age of 20 at the Cleveland International Piano Competition in 2003. ", "In 2008, he won third prize at the Paloma O'Shea International Piano Competition in Santander.", "\n\nFukuma has worked with personalities such as Jorge Chaminé, Klaus Hellwig, Leon Fleisher, Mitsuko Uchida, Richard Goode, Alicia de Larrocha, Maria João Pires, Leslie Howard, Dominique Merlet, and Aldo Ciccolini.", "\n\nHe has played in the Berliner Philharmonie, the Konzerthaus Berlin, Wigmore Hall in London, the Gewandhaus in Leipzig, the Salle Gaveau in Paris, the Auditorium National in Madrid, the Salle Mozart in Zaragoza, the Suntory Hall, the Opera City in Tokyo, the Victoria Hall of Geneva, the Carnegie Hall in New York.", "\n\nIn 2013, he won the Chopin Prize in Japan. ", "He replaced Hélène Grimaud in the concert series \"Grandes Pianistas\" at the Municipal Theatre of Santiago. ", "He also performed at La Folle Journée in Tokyo in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018 - in recital or with orchestra.", "\n\nFukuma plays with orchestras such as the Cleveland Orchestra, th Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Dresden Philharmonic, the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, l'Orchestre national d'Île-de-France, l'Orchestre national de Lille, the New Japan Philharmonic under the baton of conductors such as Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, François-Xavier Roth, Asher Fisch, Yuki Kakiuchi, Kazuki Yamada, Mihhail Gerts, etc.", "\n\nIn solo piano, chamber music and concertos, Fukuma has acquired a substantial and varied repertoire of no less than forty concertos. ", "He has played rare concertos such as those of Englund (1955), MacDowell, James MacMillan and Hermann Goetz. ", "He also plays the concerto for 2 pianos by Takemitsu.", "\n\nIn July 2016 he played Brahms' Concerto No. ", "2 \"at the last minute\" in replacement of Nelson Freire suffering, with the Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse under the direction of Tugan Sokhiev at La Halle aux Grains in Toulouse.", "\n\nPassionate about contemporary music, he has created national and world premieres of works by Toru Takemitsu, Matsuo Shishido, Renaud Gagneux, Thierry Escaich, Thierry Huillet, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Seongju Oh, Francesco Milita, Pascal Zavaro. ", "For the Naxos label he has recorded the complete music for piano by Toru Takemitsu.", "\n\nFukuma is the youngest pianist to have recorded at the age of 25 in 2007 the complete Albéniz' Iberia published in Japan by Harmony Japan in 2008 and published for the world outside Japan by Éditions Hortus in 2012. ", "His recordings have been praised in most trade magazines (such as Gramophone in Great Britain) or in the daily press, particularly in France in the evening newspaper Le Monde which, in its edition dated Tuesday 30 September 2014, attributed to Kotaro Fukuma \"magician fingers\" about the Dumka record, and in books about piano.", "\n\nFukuma also likes to perform with other artists in shows that combine figure skating (Ice Legends, Fantasy on Ice, in 2014, 2015, 2016, with Stéphane Lambiel) or theatre (Le Rappel des Oiseaux - after Gogol's Diary of a Madman, with Paris Opera star dancer Mathieu Ganio, directed by Orianne Moretti - Paris 2016 and 2018).", "\n\nFrench critics see him as\"... a major figure of the young contemporary piano\".", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n Official website\n Présentation du CD Iberia sur Pianobleu.com (June 2012)\n Chopin - Ballade no. ", "4 in F minor, op. ", "52 - Kotaro Fukuma\n\nCategory:1982 births\nCategory:21st-century classical pianists\nCategory:21st-century Japanese musicians\nCategory:Conservatoire de Paris alumni\nCategory:Japanese classical pianists\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Musicians from Tokyo" ]
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[ "I onsdags tog Uppdrag granskning i SVT upp att asylsökande män slipper straff för grova brott på grund av att de uppger sig vara barn. ", "För ett år sedan begick fyra män en grym gruppvåldtäkt och klarade sig undan straff genom att uppge att de var under 18 år. ", "Åklagaren begärde inte medicinsk åldersbestämning för att se om det stämde.", "\n\nÅldersbedrägerierna med ensamkommande och åtföljande brottsfrihet kan vara vår tids största rättsskandal.", "\n\nI fallet som UG tar uppgruppvåldtog fyra utländska medborgare en 23-årig kvinna med stora inslag av våld. ", "Polisen kallar våldtäkten ”nästan sadistisk”.", "\n\nMännen kom undan med ungdomsvård, en av dem slapp straff överhuvudtaget.", "Senare uppdagades genom Interpol att två av dem var över 20 år.", "\n\nDet finns andra exempel.", "\n\nEtt är våldtäkten på en 13-årig flicka i Mariestad, där gärningsmannen uppgav en lägre ålder än på sitt hemlands pass. ", "Vid oklarheter godtogs den lägre åldern utan åldersbestämning och han slapp därmed fängelse.", "\n\nMordet på en 22-årig kvinna på ett hvb-hem begicks av en ensamkommande som uppgett att han är under 18 år men som efter bedömning visade sig vara vuxen.", "\n\nDet är en tragedi för offren som drabbas av dessa grova brott och att de dessutom behöver uppleva att inte få upprättelse då förövare går fria. ", "Detta skadar förtroendet för rättsstaten då allmänheten inte kan relatera till straffen i förhållande till gärningen.", "\n\nI Sverige görs inga åldersbestämningar på asylsökande ensamkommande. ", "På Migrationsverket är linjen att godta den ålder de uppger, om de inte ser ut att vara över 40 år.", "\n\nAtt klassas som yngre än man är har under flera år lett till en gräddfil, med långt dyrare insatser. ", "Det är lättare att få uppehållstillstånd, man får bättre boende, service och högre ersättningsnivåer.", "\n\nI Danmark har åldersbedömningar visat att upp till 75 procent av de som uppger att de är minderåriga istället är vuxna. ", "I Finland och Norge har man funnit att 66 procent av minderåriga asylsökande varit vuxna.", "\n\nFörekomsten att ljuga om sin ålder skiljer sig sannolikt inte från Sverige, vilket visas av att Migrationsverket i efterhand skrivit upp åldern i ett av tjugo fall.", "\n\nNaiva politiker har skapat ett dysfunktionellt system där starka incitament att systematiskt fuska finns inbyggda. ", "System som helt saknar konsekvenser om man blir påkommen.", "\n\nSystem som uppmuntrar till att fler unga män reser till Sverige i vad som ser ut att ha blivit en lukrativ industri. ", "Förra året kom 35 000 ensamkommande barn, varav majoriteten är pojkar och män.", "\n\nInget annat land i EU har tagit emot så många ensamkommande barn som Sverige.", "\n\nI vilket annat system kopplat till utbetalningar av skattepengar litar vi på vad en person uppger utan att kräva intyg? ", "I vilket annat system kan man medvetet uppge falska uppgifter utan att beivras?", "\n\nDet är dock positivt att regeringen börjar ta efter det vi Sverigedemokrater drivit under flera år och gör försiktiga åtgärder för att stävja missbruket.", "\n\nFinansminister Magdalena Andersson uttalar exempelvis mycket riktigt att ensamkommandesystemet ”saknar kostnadskontroll”.", "\n\nMen även åldersbestämningar måste börja göras.", "\n\nSverigedemokraterna har länge drivit ett lagstadgande och om vi fick inflytande skulle det vara obligatoriskt på alla asylsökanden, i ett tidigt skede.", "\n\nDet skulle gälla i alla fall utom de mest uppenbara. ", "Vägras en sådan undersökning ska ansökan avslås och personen utvisas. ", "Vi vill även återkalla uppehållstillstånd som utfärdats på felaktiga uppgifter.", "\n\nEnligt utlänningslagen har Migrationsverket redan idag rätt att återkalla ett uppehållstillstånd om personen har ljugit om sin identitet." ]
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[ "Q:\n\n.addClass misses the final dynamically created element using for loops in javascript?", "\n\nI'm trying to add a unique class to dynamically created divs using a for loop and .addClass with jquery. ", "The loop is successfully adding the unique class to all of the created divs, except for the final iteration (.square143 in this situation).", "\nThe for loop is also adding a uniform class to all of these dynamically created elements (.art), and is doing so successfully.", "\nAnother issue I'm having, which could be related to this one, is that the program is creating double the anticipated divs.", "\nBasically, I'm trying to add a unique class to the final iteration div created by the for loop.", "\n\nfunction addElementEllsworth () {\r\n\r\n //For loop will dynamically create specified number of empty divs\r\n for (var i = 0; i < 144; i++) {\r\n\r\n //Actually creating divs here\r\n var newDiv = document.createElement(\"div\");\r\n var currentDiv = document.getElementById(\"div1\");\r\n\r\n //Giving all the created divs for ability to change CSS of entire grid\r\n $(function() {\r\n $(\"div\").addClass(\"art\");\r\n });\r\n\r\n //Giving each individual div a unique class. ", "Then assigning a random color (RGB value) to that class using function.", "\r\n $(\"div\").each(function(i) {\r\n $(this).addClass(\"square\" + i);\r\n $(this).css('backgroundColor', randomEllsworthColor());\r\n });\r\n\r\n //Putting them into the body of the file\r\n document.body.insertBefore(newDiv, currentDiv);\r\n\r\n }\r\n\r\n} addElementEllsworth ();\r\n\r\n//This function will return a random color (RGB value). ", "The function forms the return value by assembling the proper RGB syntax and random numbers created in a different function.", "\r\nfunction randomColor () {\r\n\r\n var maxRGBValue = 255;\r\n\r\n var r = generateRandom(maxRGBValue);\r\n var g = generateRandom(maxRGBValue);\r\n var b = generateRandom(maxRGBValue);\r\n\r\n var theColor = \"rgb(\" + r + \",\" + g + \",\" + b + \")\";\r\n\r\n return theColor;\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n//Returns a hex value associated with Kelly's Spectrum painting at the SFMOMA\r\nfunction randomEllsworthColor () {\r\n\r\n //Color hexes taken from the Ellsworth Kelly painting at the SFMOMA\r\n ellsworthColors = [\"#2f2d2d\",\"#c6becd\",\"#ff8635\",\"#3b354c\",\"#94d35a\",\"#f7f25e\",\"#0170c1\",\"#243881\",\"#703550\",\"#b38cb9\",\"#7bc653\",\"#do2624\",\"#f2a00f\",\"#f3e44e\"];\r\n\r\n //Function returns a value from the above array. ", "Index is randomly selected by generating a random index from the array.", "\r\n return ellsworthColors[generateRandom(ellsworthColors.length)];\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction generateRandom (num) {\r\n\r\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(num));\r\n}\n.art {\r\n\r\n float:left;\r\n width: 08.33333333%;\r\n padding-bottom: 08.333333%; /* = width for a 1:1 aspect ratio */\r\n margin:0%;\r\n background-color: cyan; /* commenting will hide all colorless square */\r\n\r\n}\n<head>\r\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css\" integrity=\"sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">\r\n <script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.12.9/umd/popper.min.js\" integrity=\"sha384-ApNbgh9B+Y1QKtv3Rn7W3mgPxhU9K/ScQsAP7hUibX39j7fakFPskvXusvfa0b4Q\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\r\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ellsworth.css\">\r\n <script src=\"https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js\"></script>\r\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n</head>\n\nA:\n\nThe reason that last div does not have the class you expect is that $(\"div\").each(function(i) { selects divs already on the page, when in your code the newest div has not yet been added to the page until document.body.insertBefore.", "\nI've created a pen to show how your code could look without JQuery i.e. using plain Javascript.", "\nhttps://codepen.io/theleebriggs/pen/XEeMve\nHope that helps.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\n\nShow HN: Redesign = Helping US Manufacturing and Cleaning Up the Web - andrejewski\nhttp://mayorpear.com/kerotest.html\n\n======\nandrejewski\nI did this in two hours. ", "If there are problems, I'm sorry. ", "Please point them\nout by replying here.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Paper claims McCain has been making fun of Palin in private John Byrne\n\nPublished: Wednesday November 5, 2008\n\n\n\n\n\nPrint This Email This In a leaked message written by the British ambassador to Washington, the envoy claims that McCain has been \"telling friends in recent weeks that Palin is even more trouble than a pitbull,\" according to a report Wednesday.", "\n\n\n\nIn a telegram leaked to the Guardian, Sir Nigel Sheinwald, the British ambassador to Washington, says that McCain has privately been likening Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to a pitbull.", "\n\n\n\n\"In one joke doing the rounds, the Republican presidential candidate has been asking friends: what the difference is between Sarah Palin and a pitbull?\" ", "the paper says. \"", "The friendly canine eventually lets go, is the McCain punchline.\"", "\n\n\n\nIn examining McCain's discomfort with his now widely-panned running made, the Guardian also noted his \"awkward body language between them during his concession speech in Phoenix, Arizona.\"", "\n\n\n\n\"Sheinwald recently wrote a lengthy assessment of McCain in a telegram which winged its way across the Atlantic to Whitehall,\" the paper added. \"", "The jaws of senior mandarins dropped when they read Sheinwald's account of McCain's thoughts on Palin which the ambassador reportedly picked up from a military friend of McCain's. ", "The telegram was restricted to an even smaller group of people than usual for fear of another embarrassing leak. '", "We took one look at this and hid it away,' one Whitehall source said.\"", "\n\n\n\nWhitehall is a main road in Westminster, England, used as a reference to UK government bureaucracy.", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Double Dragon IV: Stumbling Down Memory Lane\n\nThe NES was my staple console for the majority of my childhood. ", "While I did not have many games at my disposal, games like Double Dragon and Double Dragon II were titles that I played just about every day on my own and with friends. ", "I still consider Double Dragon II to be one of my favorite NES games and it influenced my tastes in games I play today. ", "To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the series’ creation, Arc System Works recruited many of the original crew that made the original game to make a brand new sequel in the form of the 8-bit games I cherished as a child. ", "When hearing about this news, I was excited and skeptical at the same time. ", "The nostalgia side of me wanted it but would it be enough to maintain my interest in the current era of video games?", "\n\nDD II’s G-R-A-S-P never got old for me. ", "But at least it had some art direction. ", "Now compare it with DDIV’s cutscenes below.", "\n\nThe plot to Double Dragon IV is ridiculous, more so than the other games. ", "It takes place after Double Dragon II; Billy and Jimmy Lee are spreading their marital arts around the world and are cruising towards California for some reason. ", "All of a sudden, they are attacked by a mysterious car and the mayhem begins. ", "In typical Double Dragon fashion, Marion is kidnapped throughout the game and the duo has to rescue her by fighting new and old enemies. ", "I personally found the cut scenes featured in the game to be very distracting and lazy. ", "Most of the cut scenes involve your characters drilling the recently defeated boss of the level for more info where to go. ", "I’m sure this was done on purpose to reflect how the old games were but even Double Dragon II had more interesting pictures to go along with the story, as over the top they were. ", "The ending will also leave you quite dumbfounded.", "\n\nGet ready to see similar screens like this for the majority of DDIV’s game\n\nBut we weren’t playing Double Dragon for the fascinating plot, right? ", "The beat-em-up gameplay was had me coming back for more. ", "Aside from Double Dragon III, I felt that the other two games had a good balance of difficulty (aside from the platforming sections) and controls. ", "The game could be tough, but it felt fair, especially if you mastered the moves that were provided to you. ", "Double Dragon IV adds a few new moves and mechanics but I never had time to try them out for long because I was overwhelmed by enemies. ", "The game starts out fairly easy but by the time you hit Mission 8, you begin to experience the cheapness that is having tons of enemies surround you and knock you down over and over. ", "Getting out of this pattern is really hard, especially in the final missions. ", "I could understand why adding more enemies on the screen was a logical evolution to the game but it only makes the game frustrating when you are literally swarmed by four boss characters that deplete half of your life every time they hit you. ", "You eventually figure out that tornado kicking the enemies repeatedly is the only way to progress without dying. ", "What about those new moves? ", "Waste of time. ", "As you can imagine, it gets old really fast. ", "I felt like I had to play the game this way rather than try out other moves because if I didn’t, I would simply get surrounded and lose my lives, fast. ", "This is the biggest minus to this game, in my opinion.", "\n\nIt doesn’t get any better later in the game. ", "Also, hello, Hulk Abobo.", "\n\nThe level design has a lot of variety but I felt like there could have been more to it. ", "I don’t know if it was just me but I felt a lot of levels just had a nice background that you walked across and the occasional ladder that you climbed. ", "This would have been a perfect opportunity to add new mechanics such as moving vehicles, multiple routes, or interactive areas but Arc System Works instead decided to stick with what the game’s roots to a T. Unfortunately the level design of yesteryear feels a bit stale now. ", "I’m also unsure why they kept the platforming sections, arguably the most-hated areas of any Double Dragon game, in this game. ", "While they aren’t terribly difficult, if you are not cautious, you can easily lose a lot of lives trying to jump across spinning gears and disappearing platforms. ", "It’s nothing as annoying like Double Dragon II was but still, did we really need this?", "\n\nThe spinning gears are fairly annoying but not too bad once you figure it out\n\nOne thing that has not changed though is how fun these games are with a friend. ", "I had a blast playing with a friend and despite the added difficulty, we both enjoyed killing an hour going through the story. ", "The PS4 version (the one I am basing this review on) gives you the ability to Share Play so as long as you have a PS Plus subscription, you can play the game online with a friend and they don’t even have to own the game. ", "Local co-op is also available. ", "One thing I noticed though is that there are several minor bugs when playing 2 Player Mode. ", "Nothing big, but noticeable.", "\n\nAside from the story mode, there is a Versus and Tower mode. ", "Versus mode is what you would expect it to be, allowing you to play characters that are unlocked by completing missions in the Story and Tower Mode. ", "Tower mode is an endurance mode where you and/or a friend travel through floors in a tower, encountering different combinations of enemies per floor. ", "As you might expect, the higher you go up, the more difficult it gets. ", "I did not get too far but apparently you will see some characters from previous games in the higher floors, as well as the old level designs. ", "I really like that they give you the ability to play the characters you unlock for the story mode, adding replayability. ", "I tried out Abobo for awhile and it was fun to see him smash through everyone. ", "Everyone has their own moveset so it’s worth trying different characters out.", "\n\nRocking Abobo in Tower Mode.", "\n\nIn the end, Arc System Works successfully created a Double Dragon game but I felt that they decided to stay too close to the original games in order to try to appease old fans like me. ", "Oddly enough, it ended up being a step backwards and Double Dragon IV comes off as a title that lacks the magic of the original games. ", "I feel that the hardcore nostalgia fans may like it more because it sticks so close to its roots. ", "Still, I feel like I can’t complain too much, seeing as this game is only seven dollars. ", "Treat Double Dragon IV as a present-day sequel to an old action movie franchise of the ’80s. ", "You’ll see old faces and content that you liked back in the day but it just does not feel the same anymore.", "\n\nIf you’re still thinking about it, I leave you to watch my blind playthrough of the game and be the judge yourself.", "\n\nI understand your disappointment…believe me, I played some Double Dragon in my time too, but let’s give it some slack as well. ", "I’m pretty happy the old team got together to do this despite how hard it is for Japanese developers to even justify making something like this, so kudos to them. ", "The platfoming looks insane, but like at least it’s a retro beat ’em up. ", "Here’s to crossing our fingers so that they’ll learn from this and tweak and even better one in the future. ", "Maybe even making it closer to Super Double Dragon.", "\n\nYeah, I mean I can’t be too bummed about it, especially with the low price. ", "I did like that the original crew got together…maybe that’s why I was expecting more out of it? ", "I thought Super Double Dragon was a step in the right direction in terms of evolving the game. ", "I hope this is the beginning of more retro beat-em-up games, I mean, we have River City Ransom around the corner. ", "🙂" ]
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[ "While some conservatives remain as skeptical as ever that big increases in government spending give the economy a jolt that is worth the cost, Martin Feldstein, a conservative Harvard economist who served in the Reagan administration, said the problem with the package was that some of its tax cuts and spending programs were of a variety that did little to spur the economy.", "\n\n“There should have been more direct federal spending that would have added to aggregate demand,” he said. “", "Temporary tax cuts and one-time transfers to seniors were largely saved and didn’t stimulate spending.”", "\n\nImage Jalin Willis checked the job listings in Denver last month. ", "The nation's unemployment rate topped 10 percent this month. ", "Credit... Matthew Staver/Bloomberg News\n\nEven the $787 billion price tag overstates the plan’s stimulus value given changes made in Congress, economists say. ", "Nearly a tenth of the package, $70 billion, comes from a provision adjusting the alternative minimum tax so it does not hit middle-income taxpayers this year. ", "That routine fix, which would do nothing to stimulate the economy, was added in part to seek Republican votes. ", "But to keep the package’s overall cost down, provisions that would stimulate the economy — like aid to revenue-starved states and infrastructure projects — got less as a result.", "\n\nAmong Democrats in the White House and Congress, “there was a considerable amount of hand-wringing that it was too small, and I sympathized with that argument,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Economy.com and an occasional adviser to lawmakers.", "\n\nEven so, “the stimulus is doing what it was supposed to do — it is contributing to ending the recession,” he added, citing the economy’s third-quarter expansion by a 3.5 percent seasonally adjusted annual rate. “", "In my view, without the stimulus, G.D.P. would still be negative and unemployment would be firmly over 11 percent. ", "And there are a little over 1.1 million more jobs out there as of October than would have been out there without the stimulus.”", "\n\nPolitically, however, the president is saddled with his original claim that, with the stimulus, the jobless rate would peak at 8.1 percent — a miscalculation that Republicans constantly recall. ", "While the administration has said its economic assumptions were in line with private forecasts, most of which also underestimated the recession’s punch, it was more optimistic than most." ]
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[ "A possible role of adenylate metabolism in human erythrocytes. ", "2. ", "Adenylate metabolism is able to improve the erythrocyte volume stabilization.", "\nWe constructed and studied a mathematical model that describes the control of cell volume, ion balance, energy and adenylate metabolism in human erythrocytes. ", "According to the model, adenylate metabolism can provide an effective stabilization of the cell volume over relatively large changes of cell parameters. ", "For example, the steady-state value of cell volume remains almost unchanged when the cell membrane permeability increases by 15-fold. ", "The cell volume also changes only slightly over large changes in the parameters of energy metabolism. ", "The relaxation time for the cell volume changes is about 100 hr over changes in these parameters. ", "In other words, the volume stabilization operates most effectively against long-term slow perturbations." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to handle variation in service method inputs\n\nI have a client application that should be able to handle the following:\n1) Request sql statments that are to to be executed against the client.", "\n2) Request Service Packs or Hoxfixes that will be executed against to the client.", "\n3) There may be more types of tasks the client could do in the future.", "\nExecuting each of these task types produces some kind of Result. ", " For the sql statements, the results is a dataset, that I'm serializing back to the server via WCF method call, so the data can be saved. ", " Although I haven't gotten to this point of development yet, I can assume that the result of a service pack execution may be an indication of the execution status. ", "i.e. Sucess, Fail, ErrorMessage. ", " This infomation would also need to be transfered over the wire via WCF so that it can get recorded. ", " So far there are two result possibilities. ", " This varying return information could be put into a class like \"ExecutionResults\" but the actions taken to save each type of ExecutionResult will be different.", "\nThe question is should I go through the trouble of trying to setup a shared (abstract type) that both client and server know about and then convert this type to the correct concrete type on the server? ", " Or should I just create a separate service method for each of these different scenarios?", "\n\nA:\n\nIf you use shared base type with sub types you still have to provide sub types to both client and server and you have to use KnownTypeAttribute on the base type. ", "This is one way to go. ", "\nI would choose the second approach with different operation for each activity. ", "The reason is that those activities doesn't have any shared context. ", "Each is absolutly different request so I guess better design is to use separate methods. ", "You don't know what task should be handled in the future so this design will be much better extendable and consistent. ", "Also adding operations to contract without affecting existing operations is better for versioning. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "What Do ‘Dead Horse’ And ‘Devil’s Backbone’ Have In Common? — ", "A Misguided Guide to Unusual Place Names in America.", "\n\nBy Victoria Elizabeth\n\n~~~~\n\nIt is said that England has more than a few rather quaint place names such as Bodmin, Grimbister, Ipswich, Nobottle, No Man’s Land, Pie Corner, Pratt’s Bottom, Scrabster, and Twatt but, they pale in comparison to the plethora of picturesque place names in the “New World”.", "\n\nFor those with precious little to do, why not take a peek at a few of the curious and entertaining place names found in the United States (like Zap, North Dakota and Knockemstiff, Ohio)\n\nThis state of affairs naturally begs several questions.", "\n\n1. ", "Just who might be eager to visit these out-of-the-way, off-the-beaten-track, and some might even say, downright peculiar places like Nothing, Arizona or Floyds Knobs, Indiana?", "\n\n2. ", "What do real estate agents say and do to attract new property owners to King of Prussia, Valentine or Santa Clause?", "\n\n3. ", "Who lives in Nags Head or Lynchburg?", "\n\n4. ", "Why would anyone name a place “Punxsutawney” unless of course, one had nothing better to do on “National Groundhog Appreciation Day”?", "\n\n5. ", "Where is Frostproof, Funkstown, Pottawattamie, Romeoville, and Willacoochee anyway?", "\n\nSo grab yourself an atlas or a map and whatever you do, drop by and say hello to the folks in:\n\nChicken, Deadhorse or Eek, Alaska\n\nBurnt Corn, Intercourse, Muck City, and Rooster, Alabama\n\nFannie, Greasy Corner, Grubbs, Hooker, Okay, Possum Grape, Smackover, Toad Suck, Turkey Scratch, Weiner, or Yellville, Arkansas\n\nBlunt, Bummerville, Deadwood, Doghouse Junction, Frying Pan, Hellhole Palms, Hells Kitchen, Hooker, Last Chance, Mormon Bar, Needles, Ono, Prunedale, Rescue, Relief, Scarface, Squabbletown, Sucker Flat, Timbuctoo, Toad Town, Volcano, Weedpatch, Wimp, You Bet, and Yreka Zzyzx, California\n\nClimax, Last Chance, No Name, Parachute, Purgatory in Colorado\n\nGiants Neck, Mianus, or Moosup in Connecticut\n\nHowey-in-the-Hills, Kissimmee, Okahumpka, Sopchoppy, Two Egg, Weeki Wachee, and Yeehaw Junction in Florida\n\nBetween, Chickasawhatchee, Climax, Enigma, Hopeulikit, or Talking Rock, Georgia\n\nGood Grief or Beer Bottle Crossing in Idaho\n\nBald Knob, Devil’s Backbone, Grand Detour, Kickapoo, Paw Paw, or Roachtown, Illinois\n\nFrench Lick, Gnaw Bone, Loogootee, Naked City, Roachdale, and Toad Hop Indiana\n\nDiagonal, Gravity, or What Cheer, Iowa\n\nPerdition or Ransom in Kansas\n\nBeaver Lick, Bugtussle, Chicken Gizzard, Crummies, Do Stop, Monkeys Elbow, Mousie, Mud Lick, Oddville, Ogle, Spring Lick, Rabbit Hash, or Typo in Kentucky\n\nBelcher, Cut-Off, Fort Necessity, Grosse Tete, Mudville, Tickfaw, and Waterproof, Louisiana\n\nBald Head, Dickey, Beans Corner Bingo in Maine\n\nAccident, Assawoman Bay, Boring, Crapo, Cockeysville, Maryland\n\nBelchertown, Cow Yard, Mashpee, Sandwich, Swampscott in Massachusetts\n\nBad Axe, Climax, Hell, Jugville, Kalamazoo, Podunk, Slapneck, Michigan\n\nClimax, Embarass, Nimrod, Nowthen, Savage, and Sleepy Eye, Minnesota\n\nBobo, Chunky, Dragon, Possumneck, Sanatorium, Soso, or Yazoo, Mississippi\n\nConception, Cooter, Enough, Frankenstein, Licking, Peculiar, Roach, Sleeper, and Tightwad, Missouri\n\nBitter Root, Elmo, Hungry Horse, Rocky Boy, Square Butte, Two-Dot, and Yaak in Montana\n\nColon, Fort Crook, Road, Wahoo, Weeping Water, or Worms in Nebraska\n\nBunkerville, Incline Village, Lovelock, Owyhee, Pahrump, Searchlight, Verdi-Mogul, Weed Heights, and Winnemucca in Nevada\n\nBungy, Contoocook, Hell Hollow, Lost Nation, or Sandwich Landing in New Hampshire\n\nBivalve, Brick, Ho-Ho Kus, Little Egg Harbor, Love Ladies, or Succasuna in New Jersey\n\nElephant Butte, Tingle, and Truth or Consequences in New Mexico\n\nCat Elbow Corner, Climax, Coxsackie, Hicksville, Horseheads, Peekskill, Neversink, Yaphank Yonkers in New York\n\nClimax, Gum Neck, Horneytown, Lizard Lick, Meat Camp, Tick Bite, Toast, and Whynot in North Carolina\n\nConcrete, Hoople, Voltaire, and Zap in North Dakota\n\nBlue Ball, Climax, Fly, Knockemstiff, and Three Legs Town, Ohio\n\nBowlegs, Frogville, Hooker, Okay, Pumpkin Center, Slapout, or Slaughterville in Oklahoma\n\nBoring, Drain, Halfcom, Idiotville, and Zig Zag in Oregon\n\nBalltown, Bird-in-Hand, Blue Ball, Climax, Drab, Experiment, Fear Not, Gobbler’s Knob, Hempfield, Intercourse, Loyalsockville, Panic, Porkey, Scalp Level, Uno, and Virginville in Pennsylvania)\n\nMooseup Valley, Quidnick, Quonochontaug, and Woonsocket in Rhode Island\n\nCoward, Due West, Ninetimes, or Sugar Tit in South Carolina\n\nBath, Igloo, Lemmon, Peever, and Red Shirt, South Dakota\n\nBugscuffle, Bucksnort, Defeated, Difficult, Duck Town, Finger, Nameless, Only, Smartt, Sweet Lips, Static, and Yum Yum, Tennessee\n\nCut-n-Shoot, Dime Box, Ding Dong, Frognot, Gun Barrel City, Hoop and Holler, Leaky, Loco, Looneyville, Muleshoe, Notrees, Pointblank, Possum Kingdom, Run and Shoot, Tarzan, Trophy Club, Turkey, Twitty, and Uncertain in Texas\n\nBald Knob, Hurricane, Lovelock, Orderville, Utah\n\nBread Loaf, Mosquitoville, Notown, Satans Kingdom, Vermont\n\nBumpass, Croaker, Frogtown, Goochland, Goosepimple Junction, Mutt, Nuttsville, Ordinary, Virginia\n\nEnumclaw, Humptulips, Klickitat, Kooskooskie, Tumtum, and Tumwater in Washington\n\nBig Ugly, Crum, HooHoo, Looneyville, Lost City, Nitro, Odd, Paw, Pinch, War in West Virginia\n\nEmbarrass, Footville, Imalone, Spread Eagle, Ubet, or Wanderoos in Wisconsin\n\nBill, Camel Hump, Meeteetse, and Muddy Gap in Wyoming\n\nAnd, if you want to find these places on a map, go to: http://geonames.usgs.gov/\n\nCopyright © Victoria Elizabeth 2004. ", "All rights reserved, Updated July 2019.", "\n\nAbout the Author: Victoria Elizabeth. “", "The Quipping Queen”, enjoys musing about mirthful things in Life, the Universe and Everything In between from the pages of her blatherskating blog at www.quippingqueen.blogspot.com\n\nReaders’ Additions:\n\nAlligator, Mississippi\n\nAssinippi, Massachusetts\n\nBald Knob, Arkansas\n\nBates Motel, Ontario, Oregon\n\nBig Bone Lick, Kentucky\n\nBird-In-Hand, Pennsylvania\n\nBlack Lick, Pennsylvania\n\nBlue, Oklahoma\n\nBlue Balls, Arkansas\n\nBoring, Oregon\n\nBooger Hollow, Arkansas\n\nBooger Hollow, North Carolina\n\nBuffalo Soapstone, Alaska\n\nChristmas, Michigan\n\nCoffeeville, Kansas\n\nCoon Hunter, Pennsylvania\n\nDry Prong, Louisiana\n\nDildo, Newfoundland, Canada\n\nDonner and Blitzen River, Frenchglen, Oregon\n\nErect, North Carolina\n\nFrench Lick, Indiana\n\nFrog Jump, Tennessee\n\nHome, Kansas\n\nHot Coffee, Mississippi\n\nHygiene, Colorado\n\nHurt, Virginia\n\nIce, Oklahoma\n\nJackass Flats, Virginia\n\nJoe, Montana\n\nJump Off Joe Lake, Washington\n\nKnob Lick, Missouri\n\nLake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, Webster, Massachusetts – Wow, now that’s a mouthful and we couldn’t resist doing a little research on this. ", "The lake is most often referred to by locals as “Webster Lake,” as the actual pronunciation is too difficult. ", "Given the name by the Nipmuk Indians, the name loosely translates to “fishing place at the boundary.” ", "Long ago it was considered neutral territory and became a meeting place and powwow site among the Nipmuks and the Narraganssett, Pequot and Mohegan tribes. ", "However, when the Webster Times ran a humorous article about the lake with a tongue-in-cheek translation of, “You Fish on Your Side, I Fish on My Side, Nobody Fish in the Middle,” it became so popular that many don’t know today what the actual translation is. “", "Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg” is the longest place name in the United States and 6th longest in the world. ", "See more about the lake and its history at History of the Lake.", "\n\nLickdale, Pennsylvania\n\nMaggie’s Nipples, Wyoming\n\nMary D, Pennsylvania\n\nMonkey Eyebrow, Kentucky\n\nOatmeal, Texas\n\nPanther Burn, Mississippi\n\nPie Town, New Mexico\n\nPiggot, Arkansas\n\nPink, Oklahoma\n\nPossumneck, Mississippi\n\nPossum Kingdom, South Carolina\n\nPossum Trot, Kentucky\n\nPuseyville, Pennsylvania\n\nRacket, Missouri\n\nRooster Poot, Arkansas\n\nRough and Ready, California\n\nSeven Devils, North Carolina\n\nShickshinny, Pennsylvania\n\nShivers, Mississippi\n\nSkookumchuck River, Washington\n\nShoot, Texas\n\nSkullbone, Tennessee\n\nSnow, Oklahoma\n\nSoSo, Mississippi\n\nSpeedway, Indiana\n\nSpot, Alabama\n\nStrawberry, Arizona\n\nTime, Illinois\n\nTookiedoo, South Carolina\n\nTum Tum, Washington\n\nWapwallopen, Pennsylvania\n\nWalla Walla, Washington\n\nWeiner, Arkansas\n\nWelcome, North Carolina\n\nWhorehouse Meadows, Oregon\n\nWing, Alabama – Pronounced like “wang,” as in pass me some more of them chickin’ wangs.", "\n\nWhy Not, Mississippi\n\nY, Alaska\n\nAlso See:\n\nDestinations Across America\n\nQuirky America Photo Gallery\n\nQuirky and Off Beat Roadside Attractions\n\nScenic Byways & Historic Trails" ]
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[ "On the list of things I thought I would be seeing when I showed up to a meeting with Oculus last week to demo the new Gear VR, doubled resolution was not one of them. ", "Increasing the resolution of virtual reality headsets is at the very top of many people’s “Problems to Solve” list including my own. ", "I assumed it would take a significant jump in hardware to get to that next level of image fidelity, but apparently Oculus CTO John Carmack had other ideas.", "\n\nHalfway through my demo, Oculus head of mobile product, Max Cohen, told me that a new piece of software designed by Carmack will be included in the brand new Oculus Home redesign releasing for Gear VR. ", "This new approach will reportedly provide “twice the pixel resolution” in Oculus Home for Gear VR.", "\n\nAccording to Cohen, before this software update “the eye buffers rendered 1024×1024 and because of the way it was rendered on the screen you were looking at somewhere in the order of 400 pixels vertically.”", "\n\nOnce the new Home goes live, however, “you’re looking on the order of about 600 pixels. ", "So it’s kind of a one-and-a-half times, one-and-a-half times improvement which equals around two overall.”", "\n\nAccording to a message from Oculus, this increased image clarity is made possible by “a native rewrite and cylindrical layers.”", "\n\nThese layers warp the native image on your phone’s screen in a slightly different manner than before to better utilize the pixels on the screen. ", "Carmack himself describes the difference as “going from Standard Definition to High Definition.”", "\n\nI was astonished by how dramatic the improvement was. ", "The new Oculus Home on Gear VR is the best looking thing I have ever seen inside of any headset. ", "It even puts its older brother Rift to shame. ", "For the first time in VR I could read text clearly without straining my eyes. ", "That alone is a huge milestone for this technology.", "\n\nCohen clarified that only Oculus Home is currently benefiting from Carmack’s resolution wizardry and it is only available on Gear VR. ", "However, the technique may be applied in other experiences or headsets over time.", "\n\nThis story originally appeared on Uploadvr.com. ", "Copyright 2017" ]
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[ "Maximization of mutual information for supervised linear feature extraction.", "\nIn this paper, we present a novel scheme for linear feature extraction in classification. ", "The method is based on the maximization of the mutual information (MI) between the features extracted and the classes. ", "The sum of the MI corresponding to each of the features is taken as an heuristic that approximates the MI of the whole output vector. ", "Then, a component-by-component gradient-ascent method is proposed for the maximization of the MI, similar to the gradient-based entropy optimization used in independent component analysis (ICA). ", "The simulation results show that not only is the method competitive when compared to existing supervised feature extraction methods in all cases studied, but it also remarkably outperform them when the data are characterized by strongly nonlinear boundaries between classes." ]
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[ "Folate\n\nDietary Supplement Fact Sheet\n\nIntroduction\n\nFolate is a water-soluble B vitamin that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. ", "Folate, formerly known as folacin, is the generic term for both naturally occurring food folate and folic acid, the fully oxidized monoglutamate form of the vitamin that is used in dietary supplements and fortified foods. ", "Folic acid consists of a p-aminobenzoic molecule linked to a pteridine ring and one molecule of glutamic acid. ", "Food folates, which exist in various forms, contain additional glutamate residues, making them polyglutamates [1 ].", "\n\nFolate functions as a coenzyme or cosubstrate in single-carbon transfers in the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and metabolism of amino acids [1-3 ]. ", "One of the most important folate-dependent reactions is the conversion of homocysteine to methionine in the synthesis of S-adenosyl-methionine, an important methyl donor [1-3 ]. ", "Another folate-dependent reaction, the methylation of deoxyuridylate to thymidylate in the formation of DNA, is required for proper cell division. ", "An impairment of this reaction initiates a process that can lead to megaloblastic anemia, one of the hallmarks of folate deficiency [3 ].", "\n\nWhen consumed, food folates are hydrolyzed to the monoglutamate form in the gut prior to absorption by active transport across the intestinal mucosa [2 ]. ", "Passive diffusion also occurs when pharmacological doses of folic acid are consumed [2 ]. ", "Before entering the bloodstream, the monoglutamate form is reduced to tetrahydrofolate (THF) and converted to either methyl or formyl forms [1 ]. ", "The main form of folate in plasma is 5-methyl-THF. ", "Folic acid can also be found in the blood unaltered (known as unmetabolized folic acid), but whether this form has any biological activity or can be used as a biomarker of status is not known [4 ].", "\n\nTable of Contents\n\nThe total body content of folate is estimated to be 10 to 30 mg; about half of this amount is stored in the liver [1 ,3 ] and the remainder in blood and body tissues. ", "A serum folate concentration is commonly used to assess folate status, with a value above 3 nanograms (ng)/mL indicating adequacy [1 ,2 ]. ", "This indicator, however, is sensitive to recent dietary intake, so it might not reflect long-term status. ", "Erythrocyte folate concentration provides a longer-term measure of folate intakes, so when day-to-day folate intakes are variable—such as in people who are ill and whose folate intake has recently declined—it might be a better indicator of tissue folate stores than serum folate concentration [2 ,4 ]. ", "An erythrocyte folate concentration above 140 ng/mL indicates adequate folate status [2 ,4 ], although some researchers have suggested that higher values are optimal for preventing neural tube defects\n\n[5 ].", "\n\nA combination of serum or erythrocyte concentration and indicators of metabolic function can also be used to assess folate status. ", "Plasma homocysteine concentration is a commonly used functional indicator of folate status because homocysteine levels rise when the body cannot convert homocysteine to methionine due to a 5-methyl-THF deficiency. ", "Homocysteine levels, however, are not a highly specific indicator of folate status because they can be influenced by other factors, including kidney dysfunction and deficiencies of vitamin B12 and other micronutrients [1 ,3 ,6 ]. ", "The most commonly used cutoff value for elevated homocysteine is 16 micromoles/L, although slightly lower values of 12 to 14 micromoles/L have also been used [2 ].", "\n\nRecommended Intakes\n\nIntake recommendations for folate and other nutrients are provided in the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) developed by the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies (formerly National Academy of Sciences) [2 ]. ", "DRI is the general term for a set of reference values used for planning and assessing nutrient intakes of healthy people. ", "These values, which vary by age and gender, include:\n\nAdequate Intake (AI): established when evidence is insufficient to develop an RDA and is set at a level assumed to ensure nutritional adequacy.", "\n\nEstimated Average Requirement (EAR): average daily level of intake estimated to meet the requirements of 50% of healthy individuals. ", "It is usually used to assess the adequacy of nutrient intakes in populations but not individuals.", "\n\nTable 1 lists the current RDAs for folate as micrograms (mcg) of dietary folate equivalents (DFEs). ", "The FNB developed DFEs to reflect the higher bioavailability of folic acid than that of food folate. ", "At least 85% of folic acid is estimated to be bioavailable when taken with food, whereas only about 50% of folate naturally present in food is bioavailable [2 ,3 ]. ", "Based on these values, the FNB defined DFE as follows:" ]
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[ "If you run a mod and are in need of scenes don't hessitate to contact me so I add you to the announcement board.", "\n\nFAQ\n\nRemember that if you have read at least the first tutorials you will most likely not have these questions. ", "But here's the FAQ to make sure everything goes smooth:\n\nQ:How do I enter the editor?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nStart up Mount and Blade and click configure on the start up screen to warband then go to advanced and tick edit mode. ", "Ignore the brackets next to it saying it slows down the game, that only really applies to when your editing.", "Go to ANY scene.1. ", "Simply press \"Alt+Enter\" to go into windowed mode 2. ", "Press \"Ctrl+E\" to open up edit mode.", "Hint: host multiplayer maps for quick access.", "\n\nQ:How to add objects?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nThe menu on the side should be showing you a list of scene props in a scroll box. ", "Select any entry and click the \"Add Object\" button.", "\n\nQ:What are the controls to move objects?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nHold down:U: and move the mouse left and right to rotate the item, when you have rotated it to the right angle simply release it.", "T: Moves it up and downX: Rotates on the X-axisY: Rotates on the Y-axisZ: rotates on the Z AxisR: Reverts it back to its unchanged formNote: If it is highlighted orange then you have it selected, hold Ctrl and right click to select multiple things.", "If you have placed an item and are unhappy with where it has been placed select it again with right click then hold G to move it around again.", "\n\nQ:How to move around the scene faster?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nDouble tap the direction key.", "Hint: you can choose any troop instead of spectrator in MP. ", "Just drive your character closer to the place you are going to work in and the camera will be appearing right above him when you will enter the edit mode.", "\n\nQ:Why do the shadows of deleted objects stay/the grass remains floating in the air after lowering the terrain?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nTo render all these things you must restart the map - press 'tab' to exit or exit to the administrator's panel in MP.", "\n\nQ:How to undo things?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nBe careful, because there is no undo. ", "You have to return all the desired things manually if you managed to ruin something.", "\n\nQ:Why doesn't grass 'grow' again automaticaly on the terrain that I have modifyed/where can I find the most common native grass texture which is not 'turf'?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nThe middle mouse button (wheel) erases all textures leaving this very basic 'grass' which also has the grass automatically rendered on it.", "\n\nQ:There are (I've accidentaly made) some (black) stains that I can't get rid of.", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nOpen the 'Ground color paint' menu, set the controller in the bottom of the box to the right (if it's not there allready) and brush the stain holding right mouse button.", "\n\nQ:How to make water?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nJust lower the terrain below certain point. ", "Hint:I realy suggest you not messing with any water scene props.", "\n\nQ:Where can I get a blanc scene (new map)?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nNowhere. ", "You have to work with the existing ones yet. ", "New scene must be coded as an entry in .txt files, but this is the whole new story.", "\n\nQ:How do I save the scene?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nThe only way to save the scene is to press the 'close' button and accept changes.", "\n\nQ:Where can I find my scene?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nThe scene consists of an .sco object wich is stored in scene_obj folder of the mod. ", "If you edited the ruins map for example go into Scene Obj folder and search for \"scn_multi_scene_1\", and that is your edited scene. ", "The terrain is saved somewhere else.", "In scenes.txt of the mod search for multi_scene_1\n\nThe bolded bit is the terrain code, one needs that information to put your map in game.", "So if you wanted to give somebody the edited ruins map for example you would send him the \"scn_multi_scene_1\" and the numbers highlighted.", "The rest is up to him to add it in.", "HintIf you have troubles finding your scene try sorting the files by the 'last modifyed' date in your scene_obj folder.", "\n\nif you changed the appearence of a castle or a city you may want or have to change the interior scenes as well. ", "That is done within the scripts.txt. ", "That means you are not changing interior scene props (though you could work with that as well and there are some) but there are several presets you can use. ", "All you have to do is to change the text. ", "F.e.:", "\n\nThis means as interior preset, castle \"n\" is used where you can put all scene props like chairs tables etc. ", "insideIf you want to change the castle to castle k, just change the red part of the following line from 'n' into 'k':scn_castle_16_interior castle_16_interior 1 interior_castle_k bo_interior_castle_k -100.000000 -100.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0 1 100000 1 2379 0\n\nWe have different things to change the overall weather situation in a scene:- set_fog_distance - set_rain- scene_set_day_time- set_global_cloud_amount\n\n(set_rain,<rain-type>,<rain-strenght>),set_rain needs to be always called before a mission gets started and cant be changed during a mission.", "Rain type will determine wether its snow or rain (2 for snow, 1 for rain)Rain strength will determine how \"much\" it rains...A simple example how to use it in a generic trigger would be this:\n\nabhuva_rain = (ti_before_mission_start,0,0,[],[ (store_random_in_range,\":rain_yesno\",1,101), ## this will output a random number between 1 and 100 (try_begin), (ge, \":rain_yesno\",50), ## we have a 50% change that it will be raining or not(party_get_current_terrain, \":terrain_type\", \"p_main_party\"), (store_random_in_range,\":rain_strength\",1,101), ## this will output a random number between 1 and 100(try_begin),(eq, \":terrain_type\", rt_snow),(set_rain,2,\":rain_strength\"),(else_try),(set_rain,1,\":rain_strength\"),(try_end), (try_end),])\n\n(scene_set_day_time,<time of day>),This is a indirect command, basicly the time of day will determine what type of skybox will be used. ", "We cant choose a specific skybox, the game is hardcoded to choose from the existing ones randomly if they fit specific settings.scene_set_day_time is pretty straigthforward to use, note that it also needs to be set before the mission starts and cant be changed during a mission:\n\nNow that we could choose between a night/dawn/day skybox, how can we further specify if its cloudy or not? ", "Here comes the command (set_global_cloud_amount,<strenght>) into play.", "The higher the strenght the more likely it is that the game will choose a cloudy version of the skybox. (", "i am not sure about exact values, this would need extensive testings as its hardcoded and cant be looked at easy)\n\nLastly we have set_fog_distance. (", "set_fog_distance,<distance>,<color in hex code>),This is the only command we can dynamical change during a mission.", "The distance is distance in meters. ", "Note that anything below 20 is way too foggy imo, something like 550-800 is good for a little bit haze at sunny days, anything over 1500 seems to have nearly no fog/haze at all (its there but barely visible).The color needs to be coded in the following way:0xAARRGGBB --> A is alpha value, not used for fog and should be set to FF--> R,G and B are Red, Green and Blue values of the color.for example: 0xFF0000FF would be totally blue fog.", "\n\nNow for the \"hard\" part: getting those additional people to move around and look vaguely like a crowd. ", "Replace the entire script_set_town_walker_destination with this code. ", "That's it. ", "Now you have a lot more people, and they'll wander around randomly.", "\n\nThe number \"5\" which you added means that there will be 5 people appearing instead of one at an entry point. ", "This is why you have to put an \"s\" to \"visitor\" --> \"visitors\". ", "Note that you can change this number to whichever you want. ", "Be aware that those changes might demand more performance from your PC.", "\n\nQ: How to make the \"door_destructible\" object be openable by only one faction?", "\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nTry the various castle_e/f_door and castle_e/f_sally_doors. ", "Sally doors can only be opened from one side by either faction, and the non-sally doors can be opened from both sides by only the defenders. ", "Both can be destroyed.", "\n\nTutorial section\n\nFabulous basic tutorial from Crossbow Joe:\n\n(click to show/hide)\n\nAssuming you have already done this: Start up Mount and Blade and click configure on the start up screen to warband then go to advanced and tick edit mode. ", "Ignore the brackets next to it saying it slows down the game, that only really applies to when your editing.", "I will begin.", "Setup- Just to familiarize yourself with it you can edit ruins multiplayer map. ", "So make a copy of native and then run that copy. ", "Go to multiplayer, host a game on the ruins map and just select spectator.- Okay now you need to follow these two things, it is what you will do every time you scene edit.1. ", "Simply press \"Alt+Enter\" to go into windowed mode 2. ", "Press \"Ctrl+E\" to open up edit mode.", "\n\n- Well done you are now in the scene edit menu (The camera will probably spawn you in the corner of the map) just move around with W-A-S-D and click and drag to rotate around. ", "If you see bright red and green squares these are the invisible barriers. ", "The yellow arrows are entry points or \"spawn points\" the numbers mean different things depending on the scene. ", "Check here for info in them for multiplayer. ", "But leave that for now- It may be a good idea to drag the menu window to the right side of the screen.", "Edit Objects- Now the menu on the side should be showing you a list of scene props in a scroll box. - ", "Select arabian_castle_battlement_a for starters. - ", "Then click the \"Add Object\" button.- Now the battlement is ready for placement, just move your cursor around and whilst navigating the scene look for a place to put it. ", "To place an object right click and it will lock in place.- But of course you need to know these controls:\n\nHold down:U: and move the mouse left and right to rotate the item, when you have rotated it to the right angle simply release it.", "T: Moves it up and downX: Rotates on the X-axisY: Rotates on the Y-axisZ: rotates on the Z AxisR: Reverts it back to its unchanged formNote: If it is highlighted orange then you have it selected, hold Ctrl and right click to select multiple things.", "If you have placed an item and are unhappy with where it has been placed select it again with right click then hold G to move it around again.- To stop adding objects click the \"Add Object\" button again.- Now that you know how to spawn objects have a scroll through the list (it is very long) and see what is in there. ", "If you see something interesting then add it in to see what it is. ", "This way you familiarize yourself with the selection. ", "Hint: If you have the \"Add Object\" button selected you can use the up and down keys to scroll through the selection. ", "So you can see each item in front of you.- If you want to remove a scene prop altogether then right click it and hit delete.", "Now you are probably feeling pretty good about your new ability to scene edit but lets look at the rest of the menu. - ", "Down the bottom you will notice weather controls, ignore those they do not actually edit the weather for the scene it is only for previews. - ", "Above the scene props selection box there is another box which will probably have Entry point 0 as its first entry. ", "This is a list of added scene props, if you double click on one it will take you to it but be warned it is often known to crash the game. ", "It is best to avoid doing that unless necessary. - ", "Higher up you will notice boxes which have \"Scale\" and Pos X (Z and Y) this is the placement information of the selected scene prop, assuming you have one selected. ", "If you don't select something now. ", "In the scale box edit the top number to 2.0 instead of 1.0 and see how the selected scene prop stretches in a direction. ", "This way you can make things bigger than originally made. ", "It can really help if a door does not quite fit the opening for example. - ", "Ignore the \"Var No:\" to be honest I don't know what it does. ", "Good luck\n\nScene editing is not exactly stable. ", "It is known to crash, I get freezes all the time and if it freezes then just be glad it has not crashed. ", "It is normal. ", "But you are editing the scene to the mod but the scene is saved in scene_obj folder of the mod. ", "If you edited the ruins map for example go into Scene Obj folder and search for \"scn_multi_scene_1\", and that is your edited scene. ", "Unfotunately not all the scene information is saved there, the terrain is saved somewhere else.", "In scenes.txt of the mod search for multi_scene_1\n\nthe bolded bit is the terrain code, I need that information to put your map in game.", "So if you wanted to give somebody the edited ruins map for example you would send him the \"scn_multi_scene_1\" and the numbers highlighted.", "The rest is up to him to add it in\n\nFirst I want to thank Crossbow Joe who wrote the best tutorial for me personally and was actually the guy that made me to start scening. ", "Thanks, friend. ", "Next I want to thank the man once named Cromcrom, whom I owe this very board. ", "He is an extraordinary person and a good friend. ", "Also I want to thank all the Rigale 'team' and my buddies particularly: Schmidy, Gothy, Lokuul, Duh the wise and fuzzy Belendor. ", "Then I want to thank all who have written their gorgeous tutorials and those patient ones who constantly answer our noob questions.", "I want to thank all who follow this thread and make it live. ", "I want to thank the Forum administration and Yoshiboy for their thorough and just work.", "I want to thank all modders for their devotion.", "I want to thank Taleworlds for such a fabulous engine and their open modding policy.", "I want to thank everybody for all the good they do.", "\n\nGuys, looking on the main forum, there must be tuts about this. ", "Not that I don't want Nordous to do this instead of crafting some more beautifull maps, but oh, well...\n\nhaha its a done deal,\n\nNordous, was good seeing the scenes again, and to be a pain in the bottem, I just felt that the plain scene almost looked like a mountain scene, surely the plain scene should be pretty much flat with either buildings that you are attacked from or they just come at you from all possible sides basically surrounding you? ", "just some thoughts.", "\n\nGorgeous scenes! ", "Having them all next to each other is all the more beatiful.", "\n\nThank you! ", "I really hope you like it. ", "I don't want to ask for any praises by this, but I want to tell you that after quite an exhausting scening sprint I have a struggling feeling of doubt whether my scenes are fine or ugly and talentless. ", "I guess I have overworked. ", "But thanks really, I'll do my best for you to enjoy this mod.", "\n\nGuys, looking on the main forum, there must be tuts about this. ", "Not that I don't want Nordous to do this instead of crafting some more beautifull maps, but oh, well...\n\nhaha its a done deal,\n\nNordous, was good seeing the scenes again, and to be a pain in the bottem, I just felt that the plain scene almost looked like a mountain scene, surely the plain scene should be pretty much flat with either buildings that you are attacked from or they just come at you from all possible sides basically surrounding you? ", "just some thoughts.", "\n\nWell, they can't appear from nowhere. ", "Actualy, Schmidy, there are no 'mountains' as a terrain, so we suppose that the scene is not really a plain. ", "Sorry if I talk gibberish, my brains are twisted.", "\n\nNordous, was good seeing the scenes again, and to be a pain in the bottem, I just felt that the plain scene almost looked like a mountain scene, surely the plain scene should be pretty much flat with either buildings that you are attacked from or they just come at you from all possible sides basically surrounding you? ", "just some thoughts.", "\n\nWell, they can't appear from nowhere. ", "Actualy, Schmidy, there are no 'mountains' as a terrain, so we suppose that the scene is not really a plain. ", "Sorry if I talk gibberish, my brains are twisted.", "\n\nI understand mate, I don't really mean that they appear from no-where, its rather as if they have surrounded you and attack from all sides at the same time." ]
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[ 0.0010406887158751488, 0.0005972297512926161, 0.0009359684190712869, 0.0008806918631307781, 0.0010334911057725549, 0.0014570757048204541, 0.0006857987609691918, 0.0007057780749164522, 0.0005497196107171476, 0.0007881088531576097, 0.0006671564187854528, 0.0007554415496997535, 0.0007304177270270884, 0.0014132645446807146, 0.0008568092016503215, 0.0006928519578650594, 0.0007092360174283385, 0.0007027527899481356, 0.0006083811749704182, 0.0007605354185216129, 0.000689778826199472, 0.0007462682551704347, 0.0009025378385558724, 0.00067099992884323, 0.0009689045837149024, 0.0007642577402293682, 0.0007745882030576468, 0.024372486397624016, 0.0007708618650212884, 0.0010921774664893746, 0.0006593557191081345, 0.0009077300201170146, 0.0006251470767892897, 0.0007571630412712693, 0.0007147891446948051, 0.0005891593755222857, 0.0010073838056996465, 0.0006965581560507417, 0.0009246871923096478, 0.0008331926655955613, 0.0006347252638079226, 0.0006690082955174148, 0.0006669645081274211, 0.0005513055948540568, 0.00059853820130229, 0.0011192827951163054, 0.0005672730039805174, 0.0007398679736070335, 0.0005810861475765705, 0.0010062154615297914, 0.0009630333515815437, 0.0006151159177534282, 0.0008274650317616761, 0.0006968861562199891, 0.0006084205815568566, 0.000683152989950031, 0.0007333327666856349, 0.0005670276004821062, 0.000742698204703629, 0.0006054432597011328, 0.000996708287857473, 0.0007267551263794303, 0.0008236269932240248, 0.0016456304583698511, 0.0009156063897535205, 0.0005954919033683836, 0.0010425621876493096, 0.0008569202618673444, 0.0006082220352254808, 0.0007218089886009693, 0.0008383307722397149, 0.0006384733133018017, 0.001177093363367021, 0.0008493981440551579, 0.0010334911057725549, 0.0005990189383737743, 0.0006030215881764889, 0.0016585008706897497, 0.000714066089130938, 0.0006857987609691918, 0.0007057780749164522, 0.007577481213957071, 0.000699067662935704, 0.0007109853904694319, 0.0005946791497990489, 0.0007123625255189836, 0.0006475895643234253, 0.0005732698482461274, 0.0008408524445258081, 0.0012614958686754107, 0.0008568092016503215, 0.0007901648641563952, 0.0005401840317063034, 0.0005773938028141856, 0.0005819099606014788, 0.0013949695276096463, 0.0005759792984463274, 0.0005989958299323916, 0.0006110362010076642, 0.0008514385554008186, 0.0006328385788947344, 0.0005684891948476434, 0.0006203986704349518, 0.0006016420666128397, 0.0006345937144942582, 0.0005784130771644413, 0.0009065601043403149, 0.0005719662876799703, 0.0012131578987464309, 0.0007563222316093743, 0.0006523457122966647, 0.0006347252638079226, 0.0006538769812323153, 0.0006698485813103616, 0.0005513055948540568, 0.0017929672030732036, 0.0006094336276873946, 0.0009891310473904014, 0.0005819401703774929, 0.0007554527837783098, 0.023913966491818428, 0.000592618715018034, 0.0006493401597253978, 0.007378638722002506, 0.0006971631664782763, 0.0005378217902034521, 0.0008086987072601914, 0.0027712462469935417, 0.0006306556751951575, 0.0007660971605218947, 0.0034689048770815134, 0.0006528111989609897, 0.0006543919444084167, 0.001031947322189808, 0.0005769291892647743, 0.0006037467974238098, 0.0008086987072601914, 0.0027712462469935417, 0.0006306556751951575, 0.0017210051883012056, 0.0008314651786349714, 0.18999575078487396, 0.0015586346853524446, 0.0006306556751951575, 0.0017210051883012056, 0.0008314651786349714, 0.18999575078487396, 0.0023071561008691788 ]
[ "BOSTON (AP) — Choochy the poodle is a \"runway runaway.\"", "\n\nBoston's Logan International Airport officials say Choochy escaped from her kennel as she was being unloaded after a flight from Detroit on Saturday night and scampered across runways and taxiways.", "\n\nAirport spokesman Phil Orlandella says the poodle evaded airport personnel for more than 17 hours and delayed at least eight flights.", "\n\nAbout 15 state police, firefighters, operations personnel and even electricians chased Choochy late into the night, delaying flights for up 30 minutes.", "\n\nOrlandella says the poodle was frightened, tired and hungry when she was finally lured to safety with food early Sunday afternoon.", "\n\nThe dog was treated for minor injuries at an animal hospital and returned to her family.", "\n\nCopyright 2008 The Associated Press. ", "All rights reserved. ", "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed." ]
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[ "1. ", "The Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to cuffs for use on transcutaneous or intrabody prosthetic devices at locations where the devices pass through or into a tissue opening site, i.e., a natural or surgically created opening made in the skin or internal body part to accommodate the device. ", "More specifically, the present invention is directed to methods and apparatus for establishing and maintaining more stable interfaces between the cuffed device and the tissue opening site.", "\n2. ", "The Relevant Technology\nMany medical situations require relatively long term implantation of a prosthetic device such as a transcutaneous or intrabody catheter. ", "An example of a transcutaneous catheter is a peritoneal catheter used in patients requiring continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). ", "An intrabody catheter is a catheter placed entirely within the body such as, for example, a hydrocephalic shunt coursing from the ventricle of the brain to the peritoneum. ", "Such protheses desirably establish and maintain a long-term stable interface with the surrounding tissue and particularly at tissue opening sites, i.e., natural or surgically created openings made in the skin or internal body part to accommodate the prosthesis. ", "Problems with such devices, however, include instability of this prosthesis/tissue opening site interface and accompanying discomfort, prolonged or absent wound healing, and infectious complications which, in a worst case scenario, may prevent proper functioning of the device and/or force removal of the device.", "\nTypically, cuffs, such as DACRON in the form of felts, velours, meshes and weaves, have been utilized at various locations along implanted prosthetic devices, including at the prosthesis/tissue opening site interface, to provide an attachment surface for biointegration with surrounding tissue to thereby stabilize the underlying prosthetic device in a desired position. ", "It has been found, however, particularly at prosthesis/tissue opening site interfaces, that these cuffs may permit contaminants to traverse the site. ", "For example, with CAPD and other transcutaneous catheters, the tissue opening site is generally referred to as the skin exit site. ", "It has been observed that old blood, serum, antiseptic, lint, keratin, etc. ", "tend to accumulate in the portion of the cuff external to the catheter/skin exit site interface. ", "Colonization by bacteria and formation of a bacteria biofilm rapidly occurs within these accumulations. ", "Contamination sometimes progresses through the skin exit site, resulting in a localized exit site infection. ", "Such a local infection can easily become internalized, increasing the difficulty of treatment and the risks to the patient and creating increased morbidity and expense.", "\nWith respect to CAPD catheters, for example, infectious complications can be described as falling into several general categories, although it will be appreciated that these problems are interrelated, and may also be thought of as lying along a continuum. ", "Clinical experience has shown that cuffing material, typically DACRON, brought through the skin exit site almost universally becomes an infection site. ", "For this reason, it has become conventional practice to place the DACRON cuff some distance beneath the skin surface, usually 1.0-2.5 cm. ", "Even with this design, however, a common problem is manifested as a fairly localized skin exit site infection, which involves an infection from the location where the catheter enters the skin opening site to, generally speaking, the subcutaneous portion of this first cuff. ", "The next is a tunnel infection, which is an infection involving the first DACRON cuff, if one is applied, and along the tunnel of the subcutaneous course of the uncuffed or underlying catheter up to, or involving, the deep DACRON cuff, which is generally located in the rectus abdominus muscle. ", "Another type of infection is peritonitis, which involves the peritoneal space surrounding the entire catheter within the peritoneum or even beyond the catheter region. ", "It is believed that skin exit site infection can proceed to a tunnel infection and subsequently cause peritonitis, demonstrating the interrelationships of these infections. ", "Many efforts have been directed toward reducing the incidence of skin exit site infection, but little change in infection rates has been observed, despite new advances in cuffing materials, implant techniques and skin exit site care.", "\nAnother example of these problems has been observed in connection with artificial heart and heart assist lines, where transcutaneous access is needed for electrical power and possibly venting, or for pneumatic powering of the heart. ", "Here the infection(s) may involve the skin exit site, proceed along the drive line to the pump pocket where it can involve the entire pocket of the pump and subsequently to the valve conduits and vascular grafts. ", "Even though it is rare for these infections to cause the demise of the patient, they do create significant morbidity and expense associated with treatment, and may require operative intervention.", "\nIt would be an advancement in the art to provide methods and apparatus permitting establishment and maintenance of a prosthesis/tissue opening site interface with improved stability. ", "In particular, such a stable interface would be less prone to infection and/or wound healing difficulties.", "\nSuch methods and apparatus are disclosed and claimed herein." ]
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[ "Glaucoma is a potentially blinding disease that affects over 60 million people worldwide, or about 1-2% of the population. ", "Typically, glaucoma is characterized by elevated intraocular pressure. ", "Increased pressure in the eye can cause damage to the optic nerve which can lead to loss of vision and even blindness if left untreated. ", "Consistent reduction of intraocular pressure can slow down or stop progressive loss of vision associated with glaucoma.", "\nIncreased intraocular pressure is generally caused by sub-optimal efflux or drainage of fluid (aqueous humor) from the eye. ", "Aqueous humor or fluid is a clear, colorless fluid that is continuously replenished in the eye. ", "Aqueous humor is produced by the ciliary body, and then ultimately exits the eye through the trabecular meshwork. ", "The trabecular meshwork extends circumferentially around the eye at the anterior chamber angle, or drainage angle, which is formed at the intersection between the peripheral iris or iris root, the anterior sclera or scleral spur and the peripheral cornea. ", "The trabecular meshwork feeds outwardly into Schlemm's canal, a narrow circumferential passageway generally surrounding the exterior border of the trabecular meshwork. ", "Positioned around and radially extending from Schlemm's canal are aqueous veins or collector channels that receive drained fluid. ", "The net drainage or efflux of aqueous humor can be reduced as a result of decreased facility of outflow, decreased outflow through the trabecular meshwork and canal of Schlemm drainage apparatus, increased episcleral venous pressure, or possibly, increased production of aqueous humor. ", "Flow out of the eye can also be restricted by blockages or constriction in the trabecular meshwork and/or Schlemm's canal.", "\nGlaucoma, pre-glaucoma, and ocular hypertension currently can be treated by reducing intraocular pressure using one or more modalities, including medication, incisional surgery, laser surgery, cryosurgery, and other forms of surgery. ", "In general, medications or medical therapy are the first lines of therapy. ", "If medical therapy is not sufficiently effective, more invasive surgical treatments may be used. ", "For example, a standard incisional surgical procedure to reduce intraocular pressure is trabeculectomy, or filtration surgery. ", "This procedure involves creating a new drainage site for aqueous humor. ", "Instead of naturally draining through the trabecular meshwork, a new drainage pathway is created by removing a portion of sclera and trabecular meshwork at the drainage angle. ", "This creates an opening or passage between the anterior chamber and the subconjunctival space that is drained by conjunctival blood vessels and lymphatics. ", "The new opening may be covered with sclera and/or conjunctiva to create a new reservoir called a bleb into which aqueous humor can drain. ", "However, trabeculectomy carries both short and long term risks. ", "These risks include blockage of the surgically-created opening through scarring or other mechanisms, hypotony or abnormally low intraocular pressure, expulsive hemorrhage, hyphema, intraocular infection or endophthalmitis, shallow anterior chamber angle, macular hypotony, choroidal exudation, and others. ", "Thus, alternatives to trabeculectomy are actively being sought.", "\nOne alternative is to implant a device in Schlemm's canal that maintains the patency of the canal or aids flow of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber into the canal. ", "Various stents, shunts, catheters, and procedures have been devised for this purpose and employ an ab-externo (from the outside of the eye) approach to deliver the implant or catheter into Schlemm's canal. ", "This method of placement is invasive and typically prolonged, requiring the creation of tissue flaps and deep dissections to access the canal. ", "Additionally, it is very difficult for many surgeons to find and access Schlemm's canal from this incisional approach because Schlemm's canal has a small diameter, e.g., approximately 50 to 250 microns in cross-sectional diameter, and it may be even smaller when collapsed. ", "One such procedure, ab-externo canaloplasty, involves making a deep scleral incision and flap, finding and unroofing Schlemm's canal, circumnavigating all 360 degrees of the canal with a catheter from the outside of the eye, and either employing viscoelastic, a circumferential tensioning suture, or both to help maintain patency of the canal. ", "The procedure is quite challenging and can take anywhere from forty-five minutes to two hours. ", "The long-term safety and efficacy of canaloplasty is very promising, but the procedure remains surgically challenging and invasive.", "\nAnother alternative to trabeculectomy is viscocanalostomy, which involves the injection of a viscoelastic solution into Schlemm's canal to dilate the canal and associated collector channels. ", "Dilation of the canal and collector channels in this manner generally facilitates drainage of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber through the trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal, and out through the natural trabeculocanalicular outflow pathway. ", "Viscocanalostomy is similar to canaloplasty (both are invasive and ab-externo), except that viscocanalostomy does not involve a suture and does not restore all 360 degrees of outflow facility. ", "Some advantages of viscocanalostomy are that sudden drops in intraocular pressure, hyphema, hypotony, and flat anterior chambers may be avoided. ", "The risk of cataract formation and infection may also be minimized because of the absence of full eye wall penetration, anterior chamber opening, and iridectomy. ", "A further advantage of viscocanalostomy is that the procedure restores the physiologic outflow pathway, thus avoiding the need for external filtration in the majority of eyes. ", "This makes the success of the procedure partly independent of conjunctival or episcleral scarring, which is a leading cause of failure in trabeculectomy. ", "Moreover, the absence of an elevated filtering bleb avoids related ocular discomfort and potentially devastating ocular infections, and the procedure can be carried out in any quadrant of the outflow pathway. ", "Finally, because the entire physiology and purpose of the trabecular meshwork is unknown, retaining it may have benefits that will be realized in the future.", "\nHowever, despite the advantages of viscocanalostomy and canaloplasty over trabeculectomy, current viscocanalostomy and canaloplasty techniques are still very invasive because access to Schlemm's canal must be created by making a deep incision into the sclera and creating a scleral flap and un-roofing Schlemm's canal. ", "In their current forms, these procedures are both “ab-externo” procedures. “", "Ab-externo” generally means “from the outside” and therefore inherently implies invasiveness. ", "On the other hand, “ab-interno” means “from the inside” and inherently implies a less invasive or minimally invasive approach. ", "The ab-externo viscocanalostomy and canaloplasty procedures also remain challenging to surgeons, because as previously stated, it is difficult to find and access Schlemm's canal from the outside using a deep incisional approach due to the small diameter of Schlemm's canal. ", "A further drawback still is that at most, viscocanalostomy can only dilate 60 degrees of Schlemm's canal, which is a 360 degree ring-shaped outflow vessel-like structure. ", "The more of the canal that can be dilated, the more total aqueous outflow can be restored.", "\nAccordingly, it would be beneficial to have systems that easily and atraumatically provide access to Schlemm's canal using an ab-interno approach for the delivery of ocular devices and compositions. ", "It would also be useful to have systems that deliver devices and compositions into Schlemm's canal expeditiously to decrease procedure time and the risk of infection without compromising safety and precision of the delivery procedure. ", "It would also be useful to have systems that deliver devices and fluid compositions into Schlemm's canal using an ab-interno approach so that cataract surgery and glaucoma surgery can both be accomplished during the same surgical sitting using the very same corneal or scleral incision. ", "Such incisions are smaller and allow for less invasive surgery. ", "This approach allows for accessing Schlemm's canal through the trabecular meshwork from the inside of the eye, and thus it is called “ab-interno”. ", "Methods of delivering ocular devices and compositions that effectively disrupt the juxtacanalicular meshwork and adjacent wall of Schlemm's canal, also known as the inner wall of Schlemm's canal, maintain the patency of Schlemm's canal, increase outflow, decrease resistance to outflow, or effectively dilate the canal using the systems in a minimally invasive, ab-interno manner would also be desirable." ]
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[ "MagneSensors' program goal is to develop quantitative intracellular magnetic assays for rapid determination of protein levels in live cells. ", "The program will use ultra-sensitive magnetic sensors to perform real-time detection of magnetic nanoparticle labels that are specifically bound to target proteins. ", "The intracellular assays will leverage two key advantages of magnetic detection. ", "First, unbound magnetic nanoparticle labels do not give any signal and hence do not have to be separated (washed). ", "Second, there are no magnetic interference sources within cells. ", "While a few competing technologies can perform quantitative analysis or analyze live cells, it is very difficult to do both. ", "The specific Phase I objectives are: 1) demonstrate capability of using intracellular magnetic assays as a real-time tool to quantify the effectiveness of cell-penetrating peptides to deliver cargo into the cytoplasm of live cells 2) demonstrate ability to quantify expression of an intracellular protein in live cells at high sensitivity (<5,000 cells with signal-to-noise =5). ", "A cell-penetrating peptide will be used to deliver the magnetic nanoparticles conjugated with a detect antibody into the cell. ", "For TAT-based cell-penetrating peptides, the cargo enters the cell via a specialized form of endocytosis and first goes into vesicles called macropinosomes before being released into the cytoplasm. ", "The efficacy of cargo release varies with different delivery peptides and may be influenced by a variety of factors. ", "The first objective is to show that the rate of cargo release into the cytoplasm can be quantified on live cells in real-time. ", "A simple model system based on the delivery and cytoplasmic release of magnetic nanoparticle cargo will be utilized and the binding of anti tubulin-cell penetrating peptide-magnetic nanoparticles to microtubule structures will be measured over time. ", "The main goal is to establish that magnetic assays can serve as a useful tool to determine the effectiveness of cargo delivery into cells. ", "The second objective is to demonstrate that the expression of an intracellular protein (e.g. P450 isoenzyme in liver cells, which is useful for drug development) can be quantitatively measured with high sensitivity. ", "The in vitro intracellular assay will use an improved cell-penetrating peptide such as TAT-HA2. ", "A key goal is to show that the background due to non-specifically bound nanoparticle labels inside the cell and on the cell surface is minimal, enabling detection on a small number (<5,000) of live cells. ", "Note that high sensitivity would permit measurement of proteins expressed in low concentrations. ", "The longer-term objective is to bring to market a new magnetic instrumentation and reagent platform that can benefit therapeutic applications in drug delivery and drug development. ", "The capability to quantitatively measure protein levels inside live cells can benefit a wide range of applications, particularly in therapeutics. ", "For drug delivery, a tool that can accurately determine the rate of release of a therapeutic transported inside a cell would be especially valuable, as the delivery plays a major role in the effectiveness of a drug. ", "For drug development, the ability to analyze the levels of key proteins in response to a drug could allow help produce safer drugs and reduce the adverse reactions that are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable]" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUgly Numbers- Find 1500th UVA online judge\n\nSource code:\nimport java.util.", "Arrays;\n\nclass Uglynumbers {\n\n/**\n * @param arg\n */\npublic static void main(String[] args) {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n long[] ugly= new long[1510];\n long inter1,inter2,inter3;\n int count=0;\n boolean found1=false,found2=false,found3=false;\n\n ugly[0]=1;\n ugly[1]=2;\n ugly[2]=3;\n ugly[3]=5;\n count=4;\n for (int i=1; i<1500;i++)\n {\n found1=found2=found3=false;\n inter1= ugly[i]*2;\n inter2= ugly[i]*3;\n inter3= ugly[i]*5;\n\n for(int z=count-1;z>=0;z--)\n {\n if((inter1>ugly[z]) && (inter2>ugly[z]) && (inter3>ugly[z]))\n break;\n else\n {\n if(ugly[z]==inter1)\n found1=true;\n if(ugly[z]==inter2)\n found2=true;\n if(ugly[z]==inter3)\n found3=true;\n }\n\n if( found1 && found2 && found3)\n break;\n }\n\n if(!found1)\n {\n\n ugly[count]=inter1;\n count+=1;\n\n }\n\n if(!found2)\n {\n\n ugly[count]=inter2;\n count+=1;\n\n }\n\n if(!found3)\n {\n\n ugly[count]=inter3;\n count+=1;\n\n }\n\n Arrays.sort(ugly,0,count);\n\n if(count>=1500)\n break;\n\n }\n\nSystem.out.println(\"The 1500'th ugly number is \"+ ugly[1499]);\n\nSystem.exit(0);\n\n}\n\n};\n\nWhen I run this code in eclipse its working fine. ", "But when i give it UVA online judge, am getting following run time error: \"\"136 - Ugly Numbers has failed with verdict Runtime error.", "\n This means that the execution of your program didn't finish properly. ", "Remember to always terminate your code with the exit code 0\".\"", "\nWhat am missing in the code?", "\n\nA:\n\nIt seems that it requires the class to be called Main.", "\nhttp://code.google.com/p/collatz-deandalm/issues/detail?id=13\nEDIT:\nEntire Java specification:\nhttp://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=30\n\nJava Specifications:\n The Java programs submitted must be in a single source code (not .class) file. ", "Nevertheless, you can add as many classes as you need in this file. ", "All the classes in this file must not be within any package.", "\nAll programs must begin in a static main method in a Main class.", "\nDo not use public classes: even Main must be non public to avoid compile error.", "\nUse buffered I/O to avoid time limit exceeded due to excesive flushing.", "\nAs a reference, we provide a sample Java code\n\nGet rid of this:\nSystem.exit(0);\nAnd change Uglynumbers to Main.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Great Soviet Encyclopedia on Maximilien de Robespierre\n\nI’m posting this article from the 1979 Soviet Encyclopedia for May 6th, Robespierre’s birthday.", "\n\n–E.S.\n\nRobespierre, Maximilien De\n\n(full name, Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre). ", "Born May 6, 1758, in Arras; died July 28, 1794, in Paris. ", "Leader during the French Revolution.", "\n\nThe son of a lawyer, Robespierre studied at the Collège Louis-le-Grand in Paris and later, at the faculty of law at the Sorbonne. ", "As a student, Robespierre was strongly influenced by Enlightenment ideas and especially by Rousseau, whom he regarded as his mentor. ", "In 1781 he became a lawyer in Arras, specializing in political cases. ", "In 1783 he was elected to the Arras Academy of Arts and Sciences.", "\n\nRobespierre was elected in 1789 to represent the Third Estate of Arras as a deputy in the Estates General. ", "In his speeches to the Estates General and later to the Constituent Assembly, Robespierre defended democratic principles and the interests of the people. ", "He criticized the antidemocratic character of certain proposals of the bourgeois liberal majority, such as the distinction between active and passive citizenship; the introduction of a property census, which would create a new “aristocracy of wealth”; and the royal veto. ", "Adopting a more radical line, Robespierre supported the demands of the peasantry on the most important issue, the agrarian problem. ", "All of his speeches were permeated with the ideas of popular power and political equality—an idea that he consistently developed, addressing the people directly and disregarding his fellow deputies.", "\n\nFrom 1790, Robespierre’s popularity increased in democratic circles. ", "He received the support of the Jacobin Club, the Cordeliers, and political clubs in Marseille, Toulon, and several other cities. ", "However, unlike most democrats, he was late in recognizing the necessity of proclaiming a republic. ", "Even during the crisis stemming from the king’s attempt to flee the country in June 1791, Robespierre did not support the demand for a republic, fearing that it would be an aristocratic regime. ", "Moreover, he did not oppose the Le Chapelier Law of June 1791, which was directed against the working class.", "\n\nCharacterizing as sheer adventurism the policies of the Girondins, who were propagandizing in favor of revolutionary war in the winter and spring of 1791, Robespierre declared that the foreign counterrevolution could not be vanquished until the revolution had triumphed in France. ", "With the outbreak of war between France and a coalition of absolutist feudal states in the spring of 1792, Robespierre insisted on the use of revolutionary methods of warfare and castigated the Feuillants’ and Girondins’ lack of confidence in the people, expressing his views in Le Défenseur de la constitution (Defender of the Constitution), a weekly that he began publishing in the spring of 1792. ", "In the summer of 1792, Robespierre demanded the dissolution of the Legislative Assembly, which had replaced the Constituent Assembly in the autumn of 1791; the introduction of universal suffrage; and elections to the Convention.", "\n\nAlthough Robespierre did not participate directly in the popular uprising of Aug. 10, 1792, by August 11 he had been elected a member of the revolutionary Paris Commune. ", "In September 1792 he was elected to represent Paris in the National Convention, having received more votes than any other candidate. ", "He and J.-P. Marat led the struggle against the Girondins and succeeded in having the death penalty enacted for the deposed king. ", "He was one of the political leaders of the popular insurrection of May 31-June 2, 1793, which overthrew the Girondins. ", "Robespierre became one of the principal formulators of the revolutionary policies of the Jacobins, who came to power after the Girondins. ", "Among the achievements of the Jacobins were the solution of the agrarian problem by the abolition of feudal landownership, the enactment of the democratic constitution of 1793, and other measures that ensured wide popular support for the Jacobin government. ", "Robespierre provided a theoretical foundation for the new, higher form of organization of revolutionary power that replaced the constitutional regime—the revolutionary democratic dictatorship, the need for which was understood more rapidly and more clearly by Robespierre than by other Jacobin leaders. ", "In a speech to the Convention on Dec. 25, 1793, Robespierre described the essence of revolutionary government: “The revolution is the struggle of freedom against its enemies; the constitution is the regime of a victorious and peaceful freedom” (Izbr. ", "proizv., ", "vol. ", "3, p. 91, 1965).", "\n\nIn July 1793, Robespierre became the head of the Committee of Public Safety. ", "He played a crucial role in the mobilization of popular forces and the achievement of victory over foreign and domestic counterrevolution. ", "However, his political activity was marked by contradictions rooted in the very character of the Jacobin dictatorship. ", "His revolutionary traits were intertwined with the limited capacities and duplicity characteristic of bourgeois politicians. ", "For example, Robespierre struggled not only against the followers of G. J. Danton, who attacked the revolutionary government from the right, but also against left-wing social forces, including P.-G. Chaumette and his supporters. ", "He also insisted on strictly enforcing a maximum wage, and he upheld other similar measures. ", "Robespierre was mistaken in his attempts to unify the nation around a new, republican religion (the cult of the Supreme Being), the fallacy of which he soon realized.", "\n\nAlthough Robespierre was aware of increasing opposition to the Jacobin dictatorship and the futility of his efforts, he did not take effective measures to prevent the conspiracy that was developing against him. ", "He was absent from the Convention for six weeks (until July 26), and at the end of June 1794, he left the Committee of Public Safety. ", "On July 26, 1794, he attempted unsuccessfully to persuade the Convention to censure the conspirators. ", "The counterrevolutionary Thermidor coup (July 27–28, 1794) led to the fall of the Jacobin dictatorship. ", "Robespierre and his closest supporters were arrested and guillotined without trial.", "\n\nE.S. Facebook Profile\n\nE.S. Twitter\n\nComrade Ho Chi Minh\n\n\"Uncle Ho,\" birth name Nguyen Sinh Cung. ", "Ho Chi Minh translates to \"He Who Enlightens.\"", "\nRemember the Vietnamese workers who liberated Vietnam from French colonial rule and defeated the U.S. imperialists genocide in Vietnam!", "\n\nQuotes\n\n“Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.”", "\n\n-- V.I. Lenin\n\n\"No force, no torture, no intrigue can eradicate Marxism-Leninism from the minds and hearts of men.\"", "\n\n-- Enver Hoxha\n\n\"If you do not condemn colonialism, if you do not side with the colonial people, what kind of revolution are you waging?\"", "\n\n-- Ho Chi Minh\n\n“Every departure from class struggle has fatal results for the destiny of socialism.”", "\n\n-- Enver Hoxha\n\n\"A nation which enslaves another forges its own chains.\"", "\n\n-- Karl Marx\n\n\"Private property must, therefore, be abolished and in its place must come the common utilization of all instruments of production and the distribution of all products according to common agreement - in a word, what is called the communal ownership of goods.\"", "\n\n-- Friedrich Engels\n\n\"The entire party and country should hurl into the fire and break the neck of anyone who dared trample underfoot the sacred edict of the party on the defense of women's rights.\"", "\n\n-- Enver Hoxha, 1967\n\n\"Today, in fact, ‘Stalinism’ has become a meaningless term of abuse employed to denote political views with which one disagrees.\"", "\n\n-- Bill Bland\n\n\"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.\"", "\n\n-- Desmond Tutu\n\n“The class struggle does not disappear under the dictatorship of the proletariat; it merely assumes different forms... The class of exploiters, the landowners and capitalists, has not disappeared and cannot disappear all at once under the dictatorship of the proletariat. ", "The exploiters have been smashed, but not destroyed. ", "They still have an international base in the form of international capital, of which they are a branch. ", "They still retain certain means of production in part, they still have money, they still have vast social connections.\"", "\n\n-- V.I. Lenin, 1919\n\n\"We are marching in a compact group along a precipitous and difficult path, firmly holding each other by the hand. ", "We are surrounded on all sides by enemies, and we have to advance almost constantly under their fire. ", "We have combined, by a freely adopted decision, for the purpose of fighting the enemy, and not of retreating into the neighbouring marsh, the inhabitants of which, from the very outset, have reproached us with having separated ourselves into an exclusive group and with having chosen the path of struggle instead of the path of conciliation. ", "And now some among us begin to cry out: Let us go into the marsh! ", "And when we begin to shame them, they retort: What backward people you are! ", "Are you not ashamed to deny us the liberty to invite you to take a better road! ", "Oh, yes, gentlemen! ", "You are free not only to invite us, but to go yourselves wherever you will, even into the marsh. ", "In fact, we think that the marsh is your proper place, and we are prepared to render you every assistance to get there. ", "Only let go of our hands, don’t clutch at us and don’t besmirch the grand word freedom, for we too are ‘free’ to go where we please, free to fight not only against the marsh, but also against those who are turning towards the marsh!\"", "\n\n-- Lenin, “What is to be Done?”", "\n\n\"I have not brought you liberty, I found it here, among you.\"", "\n\n-- George Kastrioti \"Skanderbeg\"\n\n\"[The children's] life will be better than ours; much of what was our life, they will not experience. ", "Their lives will be less cruel. [...] ", "Our generation has succeeded in doing a job of astounding historical importance. ", "The cruelty of our life, forced upon us by conditions, will be understood and justified. ", "It will all be understood, all of it!\"", "\n\n-- V.I. Lenin\n\n\"There is one, and only one, kind of real internationalism, and that is—working whole-heartedly for the development of the revolutionary movement and the revolutionary struggle in one’s own country, and supporting (by propaganda, sympathy, and material aid) this struggle, this, and only this, line, in every country without exception.\"", "\n\n-- V.I. Lenin, 1917\n\n\"When the enemy attacks you, it means you are on the right road.\"", "\n\n-- Enver Hoxha\n\n\"You'll hang me now, but I am not alone. ", "There are two hundred million of us. ", "You can't hang us all.\"", "\n\n-- Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya\n\n\"The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was neither a revolution, nor great, nor cultural, and, in particular, not in the least proletarian.\"", "\n\n-- Enver Hoxha\n\n\"Marxism is not only the theory of socialism, it is an integral world outlook, a philosophical system, from which Marx’s proletarian socialism logically follows. ", "This philosophical system is called dialectical materialism.”", "\n\n-- J. V. Stalin, “Anarchism or Socialism?”", "\n\n\"You speak of Sinified socialism. ", "There is nothing of the sort in nature. ", "There is no Russian, English, French, German, Italian socialism, as much as there is no Chinese socialism. ", "There is only one Marxist-Leninist socialism.\"", "\n\n-- J.V. Stalin, 1949\n\n“Nixon is to go to Peking! ", "We are not in agreement. ", "Therefore I think we should write to the Chinese a letter saying that we are opposed to this decision. ", "Nixon is an aggressor, a murderer of peoples, an enemy of socialism — especially of Albania, which the USA has never recognised as a people’s democratic state and against which it has hatched a thousand plots. ", "The invitation to Nixon will benefit imperialism and world reaction, and will gravely harm the new Marxist-Leninist Parties which have looked upon China and Mao Tse-tung as the pillar of the revolution and as defenders of Marxism-Leninism.\"", "\n\n-- Enver Hoxha\n\n\"It is only the working class at the head of the masses, it is only the working class headed by its real Marxist-Leninist party, it is only the working class through armed revolution, through violence, that can and must bury the traitorous revisionists.\"", "\n\n-- Enver Hoxha\n\n“There were two ‘Reigns of Terror,’ if we would but remember and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the guillotine, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? ", "What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? ", "A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves.”" ]
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[ "AAT Trigger Guard (ultralight)\n\nDescription\n\nThe new AAT Ultra-light Trigger Guard. ", "This is the next step in taking your rifle to the next level, skeletonized anodized aluminum coming in all 5 of our Alien colors. ", "A little something we did different is getting rid of the screw and replacing it with a spring assisted push button so it pops right in then simply inserting your roll pin. ", "Get them fast before we sell out!Note the Blue buffer tube and forward assist are a bit darker then the other blue parts and the gray forward assist is a bit darker then then rest of the gray parts , our red , green and black are perfect. ", "We do our best with our anodizing but just like every other company it’s hard with the different shades! ", "They still look amazing as it’s not a big difference!" ]
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[ 0.0006749995518475771, 0.004910032264888287, 0.0019225440919399261, 0.003489038674160838, 0.0016173151088878512, 0.0006259206566028297 ]
[ "Highly sensitive fluorescent and colorimetric pH sensor based on polyethylenimine-capped silver nanoclusters.", "\nSilver nanoclusters capped by hyperbranched polyethylenimine (PEI) have been developed as a highly sensitive fluorescent and colorimetric pH sensor. ", "The probe responds rapidly to pH fluctuations and has such absorption characteristics that the color changes from the colorless or a nearly colorless state to a colored state with increasing acidity, so PEI-capped Ag nanoclusters could be used as a color indicator for colorimetric pH detection. ", "Quantitatively, the fluorescence intensity of PEI-capped Ag nanoclusters exhibits a linear fashion over the pH range of 5.02-7.96 and increases by around 10-fold approximately with greater fluorescence at higher pH values. ", "The repulsion development and conformational change of PEI with decreasing pH induce the aggregation of Ag nanoclusters, leading to an obvious color change and fluorescence quenching of Ag nanoclusters at low pH values. ", "As expected, the pH probe is also sensitive to the different buffer solutions, except for those containing some anions that could react with Ag nanoclusters. ", "Besides, the ionic strength of the buffers has a little influence on the pH-responsive behavior. ", "Our pH sensor with nanoscaled physical dimensions would be a promising candidate in the applications in biological, medical, and pharmaceutical fields." ]
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[ 0.0007914312300272286, 0.000628166482783854, 0.000632733921520412, 0.0005979614215902984, 0.0006180559867061675, 0.0010234153596684337, 0.0005734838196076453, 0.0005861569661647081 ]
[ "Chelerythrine-lysozyme interaction: spectroscopic studies, thermodynamics and molecular modeling exploration.", "\nThe binding of the iminium and alkanolamine forms of chelerythrine to lysozyme (Lyz) was investigated by spectroscopy and docking studies. ", "The thermodynamics of the binding was studied by calorimetry. ", "Spectroscopic evidence suggested that Trp-62 and Trp-63 in the β-domain of the protein are closer to the binding site; moreover, the binding site was at a distance of 2.27 and 2.00 nm from the iminium and alkanolamine forms, respectively, according to the Forster theory of non-radiation energy transfer. ", "The equilibrium binding constants for the iminium and alkanolamine forms at 298 K were evaluated to be 1.29 × 10(5) and 7.79 × 10(5) M(-1), respectively. ", "The binding resulted in an alteration of the secondary structure of the protein with a distinct reduction of the helical organization. ", "The binding of iminium was endothermic, involving electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, while that of alkanolamine form was exothermic and dominated by hydrogen bonding interactions. ", "Docking studies provided the atomistic details pertaining to the binding of both forms of chelerythrine and supported the higher binding in favour of the alkanolamine over the iminium. ", "Furthermore, molecular dynamics study provided accurate insights regarding the binding of both chelerythrine forms in accordance with the experimental results obtained. ", "Chelerythrine binding pocket involves the catalytic region and aggregation prone K-peptide region, which are sandwiched between one another. ", "Overall, these results suggest that both the forms of the alkaloid bind to the protein but the neutral form has higher affinity than the cationic form." ]
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[ "One of the most asked questions by composers is “How Much Should I Charge to Write Music“?", "\n\nNo matter the type of media – whether its an amateur film, a wedding video, an online game – its a tough question. ", "What if you ask for too much and they laugh at you, or you ask for too little when you could have got more?", "\n\nThe answer is never a simple one and will always change based a a huge number of variables. ", "However, there are a few things you can do to narrow down the number you should be looking for.", "\n\nSome Questions to Ask Yourself\n\nIs this a hobby, or a full time job?If you’re doing this as a hobby, then you’re not relying solely on the income to live on. ", "However, if you charge too little, you’re also reducing the value of the industry as a whole.", "\n\nIf its a full time job, you need to seriously decide on how much you need in order to make it profitable.", "\n\nIf you do this, will you get more work? ", "This can often be confused with – “Will I be asked to do more work for free further down the line”.", "\n\nCan they offer any services in return? ", "Not as dodgy/creepy as it sounds. ", "I have written music for photographers, graphic designers, web designers and many more people for “free”. ", "However, in return, I have received their services for “free” also – for example, I recently had my photo taken professionally by a great photographer (which would have cost a lot of money), and in return I am providing him with a free license to use one of my tracks in a slideshow.", "\n\nHow much are you worth? ", "If you compose as a full time/ part time job or would like to, you should treat it like one. ", "If you walked into work and your boss says “Hey, I’m going to need you to come into work tomorrow and work 10 hours for free”, you’re going to tell them where to stick it. ", "Its the same with self-employment. ", "You’ll get plenty of requests for music for free.", "\n\nSo what do I charge?", "\n\nGreat question. ", "Here are a few ideas:\n\n– Ask for a percentage of the budget. ", "In large feature films, composers can often get from between 5%-10% of the overall budget (Don’t forget this includes the costs of recording the music, which can be huge, meaning not as much profit as you think). ", "If you think the budget is big, you could try ask for between 5% – 10% and negotiate from there – this depends on the type of project (is it a film/ video game?) ", "as well as the size of the budget – 5% of $10 isn’t a lot!", "\n\n– Charge an hourly rate. ", "You could set an hourly rate for composing, give a rough estimate of how many hours it would take to write the music and allow for a little negotiation. ", "You might be selling yourself short, or then again, you may not.", "\n\n– Charge a flat rate per minute of music. ", "Some composers charge a specific rate per minute of music created, depending on the number of instruments. ", "Again, it depends on the project, but for some small projects, you can set a price per minute of music for 1-5 instruments, 6-10 instruments, and 11 instruments upwards. ", "For example:\n\n1-5 instruments – $300 per minute\n\n6-10 instrument – $450 per minute\n\n11 instruments upwards – $600 per minute\n\n– Pull a number out of your head. ", "Works for some people – I wouldn’t suggest it.", "\n\nA couple of things to remember:\n\nSpecify EXACTLY what you are doing for the price. “", "You will get X amount of free changes, X amount of music, within X amount of time”.", "\n\nSign a contract with the above agreed details.", "\n\nThe job may go on for longer than expected. ", "You may think it will be done by a certain date, but chances are, it might take longer to complete due to external factors.", "\n\nPricing yourself lower, will make you the cheaper option. ", "They’ll always come to you as the cheap guy, and if they want quality, they’ll probably associate it with the more expensive person.", "\n\nBy starting with a higher number and coming down, you have a lot more space for negotiation. ", "Start with a low price and you have no space for negotiation – only down.", "\n\nBreakdown your estimate to show what expenses you will incur and how many hours it will take to complete. ", "It makes it a little easier for the client to take it in.", "\n\nAsk the client if they have a budget in mind. ", "The number they give might be smaller than their actual budget – thats where negotiation comes in.", "\n\nFree work, with the promise of paid work further down the line, can be an easy trap to fall into. ", "However, people can always afford something. ", "You should always get something out of the deal, whether its their own services in return (web designer/photographer etc.) ", "or even a cup of coffee. ", "Think of it like this – would you ask a plumber to fix your radiators for free the first time, but tell him you’ll definitively pay him the next time he does it? ", "I think not…\n\nLet me know in the comments, what your thoughts are on the subject. ", "Am I completely wrong or am I on the right track?", "\n\nWritten by: admin\n\nEmmett Cooke is an Irish composer for film, tv and video games. ", "His music has been used around the world by high profile companies including Sony Playstation, Ralph Lauren, ABC, CBS, NBC, Lockheed Martin and many more.", "\n\nGet the Studio Toolbox eBook Now\n\n\"The Studio Toolbox\" is a compilation of the best books, tools, services, software and websites for professional film, TV and game composers. ", "Want to know what the pro's use? ", "Download it now!", "\n\nEmail Address :\n\nhttp://www.newtnet.co.uk C Greive\n\nDefinitely on the right track. ", "With the demise of the union here work has become more open market. ", "I routinely find myself doing ‘swaps’ in equal measure to well paid work.", "\nNice site….checking it out.", "\nCG\n\nadmin\n\nThanks Chris, glad you like it\n\nYea, swapping services are a great way of working for “free” while getting something for it.", "\n\nIn the past eight months, I scored 4 shorts, and 3 of them were for free in hopes of being brought back for future projects. ", "Now, two of the directors who I did free work for are now in fact bringing me back, one for a short and the other is a feature. ", "I think free work at first is just fine if you’re providing quality work. ", "There are so many composers out there that want to score films, and it seems logical to prove yourself by doing a free short (if you haven’t already established a name for yourself).", "\n\nEd\n\nTwo of the three directors are bringing you back, but are they paying you this time? ", "Or going to you once again as the guy they don’t have to pay?", "\nThere are just as many video editors, photographers, floor sweepers, etc out there as well…and they’re all getting paid (or receiving SOMETHING) – the first time around, except for you. ", "This is a big reason why music is being so insanely de-valued: too many desperate musicians dying to give it all away.", "\nIf you don’t value what you do, why should anyone else? ", "That’s the message you’re sending.", "\n\nPoppa Madison\n\nThe first rule I would suggest to apply is NEVER try to value your own music. ", "To the Composer it is in the final analaysis, nothing more than the audible evidence produced to satisfy a personal need to express emotions in a form other than the spoken word to pass on to others. ", "The satisfaction cannot be given a $value as sometimes it in simply inestimable.", "\nI have composed a few songs and music pieces. ", "Their coming into being was to largely to satisfy my own need to express myself first, sometimes send a highly specialised and emotive message to the person who was the object of my attentions so as to come up with it , or just something to leave to my family as an inheritance keepsake when I am gone from this world.", "\nSo my answer to the question is:- YOU produce works commensurate with what you determine is the $value of the Budget your client is prepared to up-front commit to. ", "Your level success in achieving something to their satisfaction will depend entirely upon how well you can convert what their perception of their GOAL is into musical terms. ", "Bush Music might help sell Pizzas, but not …….wait for it……\nANY MUSIC CAN HELP SELL ANYTHING ….you just have to prove its relevance with the supporting marketing efforts of your PAYING CLIENT.", "\n\nThis and other idea GEMS can be yours…….YOu only have to sleep and dream!", "\n\nhttp://www.j4musicandcomposition.com John R\n\nThese are great posts. ", "I’ve been approached to do multiple instrumentals in Malayalam style (South India) style; there will be about 30 minutes of total music split into multiple songs. ", "This is a work for hire gig. ", "They want to keep the rights after it’s all completed/approved. ", "Since this is a musical style that isn’t normally done in America, I decided to charge more per minute. ", "I’m playing all the instruments and using no midi or anything pre-packaged. ", "There will probably be upwards of over 8 to 11 instruments on any one tune, I may start charging around $2k per minute. ", "I’m also the producer/mixer/songwriter/band for all this and figure all those services wrapped into one are worth the money. ", "I can see where the price can be equated to ‘x’ amount per instrument but the price should exponentially increase if you give up the rights to the tunes and/or do everything under one roof.", "\n\nLike Corey, I’ve scored several shorts over the last year and have found success through the quality of the product but it’s mostly been pro bono. ", "Now that I’ve been there done that, it became time to charge for it. ", "I’ve also tapped the smaller syndication networks for radio and wrote theme songs for shows which is a nice way to get a few royalties. ", "It’s all perspective and the value you decide to put on the labor it took to get the job done.", "\n\nConrad\n\nThanks for interesting article. ", "It completely opened my eyes for dealing with the customers. ", "Lots of useful infos here!", "\n\nCMG PRODUCTIONS\n\n100% ON POINT!", "\n\nMetalRenard\n\nThis is a really good post although now it seems I’m not charging enough. ", "Haha\nThanks for that!", "\n\nS.E Hudson\n\nGreat post!!", "\n\nEmmett Cooke\n\nThanks glad you found it useful\n\nhttp://www.facebook.com/Talorael Nathanael Izaya Crapo\n\nI want to hire some one who i know inside my school district, yes we both are students, to compose some music for a game i am making. ", "how much should i pay him for each track? ", "each track is any where from half a minute to two minutes. ", "this is not so professional recording equipment we are using but it works. ", "the recording costs nothing because we own the equipment.", "\n\nEmmett Cooke\n\nThats a difficult question to answer. ", "Do you have a budget for the whole project? ", "Usually music budget can be 10% of the project budget overall.", "\n\nAlternatively, if you have no budget, then how many hours work will it take him and what hourly rate would you like to pay him. ", "Bare in mind, if someone asked you to create a game for free, you probably wouldn’t do it and would have an hourly wage in mind\n\nChristopher Edward Brown\n\nI’ve been doing a ton of session work writing and recording cello tracks for various metal bands. ", "And made pretty much every mistake you listed above, particularly in regards to working for free. ", "Thank you for this, you gave me the very advice I’ve been looking for.", "\n\nEmmett Cooke\n\nGlad you found it useful Christopher\n\nWill Bedford\n\nWould you suggest advertising your pricing on your website, or just tell people to contact you for a quote?", "\n\nEmmettCooke\n\nIts up to you, but if you put your prices on your website, you’re stuck with them. ", "Each project varies so I would suggest not putting your prices on your website.", "\n\nDan Spellings\n\nMy grandson is involved in the music business and often I wonder how he agreed on the price of his services. ", "I never did asked how because I thought it was too personal. ", "You place your value of your work on the number of instruments does that apply when you arranging a score. ", "Adam did tell me networking is very important now days music is a business and just creating. ", "I notice you are in Ireland was wondering if you know my grandson Adam Gubman?", "\n\nPricing according to the number of instruments can sometimes be done when arranging too. ", "I’m not as experienced with arranging though\n\nTrattacasu.", "\n\nYeah, mate : you got it.", "\n“You’ll get plenty of requests for music for free.”", "\nYes : and they’ll get plenty of middle fingers.", "\n\nAKMusic Productions\n\nEmmett… the “Rate Calculator” no longer exists (as that website no longer exists, it has merged with another business)…\n\nEmmett Cooke\n\nThanks for letting me know. ", "Shame as it was a good calculator\n\nNicolas Felix\n\nHi Emmett,\n\nI want to know what you would do if the guy is hiring you saying is too expensive.", "\n\nGiving this arguments:\n– You do it for passion, that’s a chance you have!", "\n– The plumber don’t it as a passion in his little cosy studio, then it’s normal he gets more money than you.", "\n– I know what is it to compose music and you’re expensive!", "\n– For you CV (%$@#@ that!)", "\n– I could hire someone for free\n– and many more\n\nI normally try to explain and if he’s always thickheaded, I just go away!", "\n\nCyril\n\nIf you have a good catalog of work, then you can definitely choose your clients and be paid right.", "\n\nif they say they can hire someone for free, then tell them go ahead. ", "As the article and others say, everybody can afford something but some would try to get away for free so don’t let them exploit your talent.", "\n\nIf they say they know how it is to compose music and you’re expensive, then why are they still asking you?", "\n\nPeople will always have a reason. ", "You just have to know when someone is worth doing work for or not. ", "It’ll take some practice and some balls but it pays to know when to say NO to a client.", "\n\nNicolas Felix\n\nYeah I did say no a lot this days but I found some jobs now! ", "Thanks for you advice Cyril!", "\n\nCraig fraise\n\nI’ve a friend who’s a famous celeb(globally), a big tv network just commissioned his prod co to do another one of his shows, he knows I’ve made music for years and never scored for tv so he’s given me the job of doing the music!…I have to get brief next week from an associated prod company that work with him…should I just ask what the budget is and then ask if they would mind dealing with a representitive, and then I find one to bash out a deal…or do I try and do this direct…and how do I break down the costs if I do?…clueless!", "\n\nSarah\n\nThank you for the great info. ", "I was researching the salary of a gaming Composer for school but also personally interested as well. ", "I researched salary and the per minuet rates are about the same everywhere I check. ", "I realize the time put into a project will vary, but can you tell me an average amount of time it takes,(estimate) to finish a project, so I can put the per minuet rate into perspective?", "\n\nEmmettCooke\n\nUnfortunately that’s like asking “How long is a piece of string” – finishing any project, can vary hugely depending on so many things\n\nMichael\n\nThank you for the interesting article.", "\n\nGuy Smiley\n\nEmmett, you have like 5 profiles on IMDB, maybe you should merge them\nall in to one? ", "Makes it easier to find your filmography if they are all\non one profile. ", "If you ask their support team, they will fix that for you.", "\n\nBIG TOKES FROM THE WESTCOAST\n\nDAMMMNN EMMET , UR A VERY WISE INDIVIDUAL, UR THE TYPE OF CAT I NEED ON MY TEAM G, SO MUCH FAKERY AND IM JUST TRYING TO DO WHATS FAIR AND JUST AND IN THE RIGHTEOUS AND MOST FAIREST WAYS … ANYWAY POSSIBLE WAY TO COME IN COMMUNICATION , EVERYONES DISSING ME MY LIFES NOT RIGHT RIGHT NOW NEED GUIDANCE AND TUTELAGE IN BUSINESS SIDE OF THINGS CAUSE JUST DONT WANNA GET HURT AGAIN MAN U KNOW….HOLLA AT THIS YOUNG PRODIGY MAN mr.tokes420@gmail.com\n\nNicolas Felix\n\nIs this a buy out deal for the per minute rates?", "\n\nEric Baum\n\nNice article Emmet. ", "You summarize a difficult topic quickly and thoroughly. ", "If more people educate themselves on proper payment maybe the industry will stop devaluing music. ", "Thanks for taking the time to share your insight!", "\n\nThe Proofreader\n\nSome sneaky numbers crept into the article! “", "they’ll probably ass0c9ate 9t w9th the more expensive person.”", "\n\nGuy Smiley\n\noooohhh….. 9.9.9….. the number of the magickal composer… the sercret society of the illuminated keyboard cowboys… who control the soundtracks of hollywood\n\nEmmettCooke\n\nWhoopsy updating it now thanks!", "\n\nChris J Mocke\n\nThanx Emmett\n\njw_pfeifer\n\nExcellent article! ", "This is a difficult question to answer since there can be a lot of variables in a project that would determine the price you would want to charge for composing. ", "The article provides a lot of great ideas on how to approach the pricing discussion.", "\n\nGuy Smiley\n\nEmmett, you have like 5 profiles on IMDB, maybe you should merge them all in to one? ", "Makes it easier to find your filmography if they are all on one profile.", "\n\nEmmettCooke\n\nYou’re absolutely right Guy. ", "I’ve never used IMDB as a marketing tool, but I need to finally get it together and sort out my profile once and for all. ", "Thanks for letting me know\n\nGuy Smiley\n\nMy IMDB was fixed by them when I had 2 profiles, they merged them in to one. ", "I dont use mine as a marketing tool either, but more of a partial list of my filmography, since not everything I have done has an IMDB page, It wont show them all. ", "Here is my IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1462943/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1\n\nEmmettCooke\n\nAwesome that looks great Guy. ", "Who did you contact to merge your profiles? ", "Did you need IMDB Pro?", "\n\nGuy Smiley\n\njust their regular support people, they’re good peoples, I’m sure multiple profiles for the same composer happens on a somewhat regular basis, because of multiple people adding you, and not checking to see if you already had a listing on there.", "\n\nGuy Smiley\n\naltough, if you do the 30-day free trial of Pro, it might speed it up a bit, etc\n\nin all due respect, how do you get jobs if you’re so hard to find? ", "Are your parents like some major hollywood people? ", "This is a TOUGH, and competitive business, no matter how talented you are.. how can you not have a website and all that marketing jazz and make a living as a composer?", "\n\nI focus mainly on music licensing nowadays, and I get a lot of custom work from people who licensed one of my tracks and then request changes, then they become long term clients. ", "Because so many of my tracks are licensed exclusively, I have to make sure they’re not available on places like Soundcloud for anyone to just download and use without a license.", "\n\nI get by really well with just my music licensing tracks and my website to be honest\n\nhttp://www.mrtiredmedia.com/ NickyD\n\nHey Emmett, very cool article!", "\nI’m coming at things from the opposite side of the table, as it were. ", "I’m looking to contract out some smaller music tracks for an upcoming game in development, and offering prices has been a bit of a gray zone for me.", "\nAre you able to give a rough ballpark estimate for what you’d charge (level of notoriety aside; let’s assume you’re still a start-up) for something similar to your “Juggernaut Demo” track, except as a 75 second loop-able track?", "\n\nEmmettCooke\n\nHi Nicky, email me at info@soundtrack.ie with more information and I’ll try give you a price\n\nEmmett\n\nYhciul\n\nYou can do it yourself using IMDB edit functions. ", "No Pro required. ", "You just submit your changes and they’ll review them.", "\n\nGabriel Costa\n\nIt is also interesting to keep track of the time it takes to fulfill a project. ", "Even if you do not charge per time. ", "I recommend to use a time tracking app for that. ", "As an example, this one called primaERP. ", "It also generates reports and bills.", "\n\nR Jacoel\n\nRJ… I need a music composer for a new love song… I have others that I have written, but this one looks good.", "\nAre you interested for a fee? ", "If it becomes a hit we will share.", "\n\nAlex Nikitin\n\nHi RJ I think you should place an ad on relevant websites to find a deal.", "\nFind me on FB and we can chat about your song as I can do a love song for you.", "\n\nTushard Sangeet\n\nHi R Jacoel,\nI saw your post , for need of a music composer !", "\nMy name is Tushar Dutta [TeeD]\nI am music composer , By the time I have posted my reply ,you must have started the project , you can listen my some of the tracks on Soundcloud.", "\n\nSetting my price is cool and all, but I have no idea who actually wants my music lol. ", "My style is a lot like Olivier Messiaen, and I prefer to work with 72 equal temperament. ", "Do you know where I could look for people who want to commission music which isn’t so mainstream? ", "I’m interested in video game and movie music, and I want to work on short films with an animator.", "\n\nEla Johansen\n\nI recently asked a band who I enjoy very much to do a score for my film. ", "They are a new band, mostly unheard of, who’s touring as an opening act and not really capitalizing off of their music yet. ", "I offered 500$ per minute for their services, as well as to pay for their recording and studio time. ", "Their manager treated me like I was a low balling idiot and my offer was essentially a rip off. ", "I’m sorry, but that really stamps my ticket and is insulting to be rejected or talked down to by a band manager who could potentially get a lot of exposure they wouldn’t otherwise have, plus be credited in the film etc. ", "Pretty annoyed. ", "They must think their hot shit, even though their a brand new indie band. ", "Fuck em.", "\n\nSbob\n\nHi Ela, sounds like you offered them a fair deal, especially since they\nare just establishing themselves. ", "Get in touch if you are still looking\nfor somebody to do music for your film – I just composed music for a\nshort film and could send you samples. ", "I was in indie pop bands for years – toured nationally in the UK. ", "All the best, Stu\n\nturtlefoot\n\nSo I live on the other side of the street with this issue. ", "This article was the first to pop up on my search for information on negotiation aspects of getting music for our indie feature film. ", "Thanks for some great information. ", "We want to be fair–to the musician and to ourselves when we begin negotiations with the individual we would like to hire for original song, and licensing of already produced songs. ", "It seems there are no hard and fast rules but your article is helpful.", "\n\nGrandpa Zig-Zag\n\nI have been asked to provide all music for a new national wrestling league. ", "Will be live events TV and entrance music. ", "Large budget. ", "Any ideas?", "\n\nDaniel Alberto\n\nHi!! ", "I have an order to compose 15minutes of music for a children’s audiobook…how much can I charge? ", "The instrumentation is up to me… i’m from Venezuela and I don’t know the prices for composition in other countries…can you help me?", "\n\nAna Ramirez\n\n300 dollars for, let’s say 15 tracks per minute, to an indie game is a f*cking HUGE amount of money! ", "Let’s say each track has 3 minutes, it’s 13,500 dollars! ", "Unfeasible for an indie game project.", "\n\nLe Keyboardist\n\nNot like that! ", "Music is precious!", "\nIn India music does not have a great deal!…", "\n\nAdrian Newgent\n\ni guess in that case you could go for royalties for every game sold as an alternative option, next to a reasonable price for your working hours of course…\n\nLe Keyboardist\n\nVery useful. ", "Thanks a lot!!!!", "\n\nTanishq Sawhney\n\nDoes the price include the cost of composing the lyrics of the songs as well ?" ]
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[ "Conventionally, there exist load distributed printing systems which distribute a printing load to a plurality of inexpensive medium-speed printing apparatuses and cause them to operate in parallel to implement high-speed printing at a low cost instead of executing mass printing by using one high-speed mass printing apparatus when it is necessary to print documents in a large quantity.", "\nWhen a plurality of printing apparatuses are operated in parallel, the load concentrates at a specific printing apparatus. ", "To solve this problem, various techniques to efficiently use a plurality of printing apparatuses have been proposed (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. ", "06-259206).", "\nHowever, the conventional print system represented by Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. ", "06-259206 is directed to simply solve the problem of load concentration at a specific printing apparatus. ", "There is still room for improvement from the viewpoint of efficiently operating a plurality of printing apparatuses assuming even interruption of printing in that printing apparatus. ", "If an error occurs, output of the job that has already been transmitted to the device delays. ", "In addition, assume that an error occurs in a printing apparatus, and another printing apparatus immediately starts “redirect on error” printing. ", "If the system recovers from the error at an early timing, the print queue to the printing apparatus which has recovered may be blank." ]
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[ "If you have plans to entertain customers or employee appreciation, we have \nthe diamond level Astros tickets (4) available for:\n\nMonday, 8/14\nTuesday, 8/15\nWednesday, 8/16\n\nPlease call Liz for assistance.", "\n\nGreg" ]
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[ "Direct Observation of Melting in Shock-Compressed Bismuth With Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction.", "\nThe melting of bismuth in response to shock compression has been studied using in situ femtosecond x-ray diffraction at an x-ray free electron laser. ", "Both solid-solid and solid-liquid phase transitions are documented using changes in discrete diffraction peaks and the emergence of broad, liquid scattering upon release from shock pressures up to 14 GPa. ", "The transformation from the solid state to the liquid is found to occur in less than 3 ns, very much faster than previously believed. ", "These results are the first quantitative measurements of a liquid material obtained on shock release using x-ray diffraction, and provide an upper limit for the time scale of melting of bismuth under shock loading." ]
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[ "Actinobacillus capsulatus septicemia in a domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).", "\nA 5-year-old pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) died after a 3-day history of anorexia and depression. ", "At necropsy, the stomach was distended with dough-like ingesta and hair consistent with gastric stasis syndrome. ", "The lungs had multifocal, raised red nodules with circumferential hemorrhage. ", "Microscopic examination showed pulmonary hemorrhage with intravascular fibrin thrombi and bacterial colonies, which were present in lesser amounts in the kidney, heart, and liver. ", "Bacterial culture of the lung produced a heavy pure growth of Actinobacillus capsulatus. ", "Acute septicemia is a novel presentation for this pathogen. ", "This is the first documented case of A. capsulatus disease in the contiguous United States and may represent an underdiagnosed to emerging disease of lagomorphs." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'All local electronic properties of graphene on a hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) substrate exhibit spatial moir[é]{} patterns related to lattice constant and orientation differences between shared triangular Bravais lattices. ", "We apply a previously derived effective Hamiltonian for the $\\pi$-bands of graphene on hBN to address the carrier-dependence of transport properties, concentrating on the conductivity features at four electrons and four holes per unit cell. ", "These transport features measure the strength of Bragg scattering of $\\pi$-electrons off the moir[é]{} pattern, and exhibit a striking particle-hole asymmetry that we trace to specific features of the effective Hamiltonian that we interpret physically.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Ashley M. DaSilva'\n- Jeil Jung\n- Shaffique Adam\n- 'Allan H. MacDonald'\ntitle: 'Transport and particle-hole asymmetry in graphene on boron nitride'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nBoron nitride is a popular substrate for high quality graphene devices because it is atomically smooth, has low chemical reactivity, and is typically relatively free of defects.[@dean_boron_2010; @xue_scanning_2011; @decker_local_2011; @das_sarma_conductivity_2011; @wong_characterization_2014] These properties make it possible to achieve high graphene mobilities on hBN substrates. ", "Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a wide band gap semiconductor[@watanabe_direct-bandgap_2004] with weakly coupled honeycomb lattice layers that are identical to graphene in structure, apart from a lattice constant difference of about two percent larger and possible differences in orientation. ", "If the graphene and hBN lattices were perfectly matched, the graphene $\\pi$ electrons would inherent hBN’s broken inversion symmetry and develop a finite energy gap at neutrality.[@giovannetti_substrate-induced_2007; @jung_ab_2014] When exfoliated graphene is placed on a hBN surface, however, the two lattices do not align[@ortix_graphene_2012; @xue_scanning_2011] and the electronic structure is more complex.[@wallbank_moire_2014; @jung_origin_2015]\n\nIn the most interesting case of nearly aligned layers, the two similar lattice periodicities lead to long-period moir[é]{} patterns[@xue_scanning_2011; @decker_local_2011; @yankowitz_emergence_2012] and to low-energy electronic properties that are insensitive to commensurability at an atomic level. ", "Experiments show that in samples of this type a gap nevertheless appears at the Fermi level of a neutral sheet, and that its value is enhanced by electron-electron interactions and influenced by the strain patterns induced in the graphene sheet by the lattice constant mismatch.[@hunt_massive_2013; @ponomarenko_cloning_2013; @woods_commensurate-incommensurate_2014] At zero rotation angle (perfect alignment), the moir[é]{} wavelength is around 15 nm. ", "In this case, secondary gapped Dirac points appear[@park_new_2008; @park_new_2008; @yankowitz_emergence_2012; @ortix_graphene_2012; @wallbank_generic_2013; @mucha-kruczynski_heterostructures_2013; @jung_origin_2015] at energies $\\sim \\pm$ 150 meV from the principal Dirac point, corresponding to the Fermi level of samples with $\\pm 4$ electrons per moir[é]{} period, corresponding to one full conduction band or one empty valance band, respectively. ", "These electronic structure features are conveniently probed by studying the corresponding features in the carrier dependence of the [*dc*]{} transport properties of the graphene sheet. ", "In this article, we present a theory of the transport properties of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride. ", "We focus on the $\\pm 4$ electron-per-period features associated with the secondary Dirac points, and in particular on the substantial particle-hole asymmetry which appears in all electronic properties, including the density of states.[@yankowitz_emergence_2012; @wallbank_generic_2013; @mucha-kruczynski_heterostructures_2013; @martinez-gordillo_transport_2014] We trace the asymmetry to the influence of the moir[é]{} pattern on inter-sublattice hopping terms in the graphene sheet Hamiltonian, and in particular to differences between the hopping amplitudes to nearest neighbor sites at carbon-above-boron and carbon-above-nitrogen positions.", "\n\nOur paper is organized as follows. ", "First in Section II we briefly summarize the moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian we use as the basis for our transport theory. ", "In Section III we describe its band structure and discuss its density-of-states, carefully analyzing the origin of its particle/hole asymmetry. ", "In Section IV we detail the transport theory we employ and in Section V we summarize its predictions for graphene on hBN. ", "Finally, in Section VI we discuss and summarize our findings.", "\n\nMoir[é]{} band model\n====================\n\nThe moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian we employ for the graphene sheet $\\pi$-band electrons accounts for the influence of the substrate by adding a local sub-lattice dependent term to the ${{\\bf k}} \\cdot {{\\bf p}}$ Dirac model of an isolated graphene sheet. ", "The substrate interaction term has the same periodicity as the moir[é]{} pattern and, because it is periodic, can be analyzed using Bloch’s theorem. ", "The moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian yields a non-trivial band structure. ", "It does not account for those features of the full Hamiltonian associated with atomic-scale commensurability and is accurate only for moir[é]{} pattern periods that greatly exceed the graphene sheet lattice constant. ", "This however is the interesting case, because the influence of the substrate is weak for short moir[é]{} periods. ", "The latter property can be traced[@bistritzer_moire_2011] in part to the property that the distance between layers is substantially larger than the distance between atoms within a layer.", "\n\nAt a given position in the moir[é]{} pattern, the substrate interaction term in the moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian reflects the local coordination between the graphene sheet and the substrate lattice, [*i.e.*]{} the positions of nearby boron and nitrogen atoms in the substrate relative to the positions of the carbon atoms in the graphene sheet. ", "The substrate interaction term can be evaluated using [*ab initio*]{} methods[@jung_ab_2014; @jung_origin_2015] by calculating the rigid displacement dependence of the band Hamiltonian of commensurate honeycomb structures.", "\n\nIn this paper we use a moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian for graphene on hBN derived in this way. ", "The moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian is able to account for the lattice mismatch of around 1.7 percent between graphene and hBN, and for strains in the graphene lattice and the substrate, and can be applied at any relative orientation between graphene sheet and substrate. [", "@jung_origin_2015] In a previous work we explained in detail how these effects combine with electron-electron interactions to control the size of the the gap which opens at the Fermi level of neutral graphene sheets, [*i.e.*]{} at the primary Dirac points in momentum space.[@jung_origin_2015] In this paper we will focus on the secondary Dirac points, and on gaps at the Fermi level of graphene sheets with $\\pm 4$ electrons per moir[é]{} period. ", "These features reflect the scattering of bare graphene sheet electrons off the periodic part of the substrate interaction Hamiltonian, whereas the neutral sheet gaps reflect mainly the spatial average of the substrate interaction Hamiltonian.", "\n\nThe moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian can be written as a sum of bare Dirac ($H_{\\rm D}$) and substrate interaction ($H_{{\\rm M}}$) contributions: $$H=H_{\\rm D}+H_{{\\rm M}}.$$ For practical calculations, we express this Hamiltonian operator as a matrix in momentum space: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\langle {{\\bf k}}',s'\\lvert H\\rvert {{\\bf k}},s\\rangle = & \\delta_{{{\\bf k}},{{\\bf k}}'}H_{\\rm D}({{\\bf k}})+{}\\nonumber\\\\\n&{}+\\sum_{{{\\bf G}}}\\langle s'\\lvert H_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}\\rvert s\\rangle \\; \\delta_{{{\\bf k}}',{{\\bf k}}+{{\\bf G}}}\n\\label{eqn:hamiltonian}\\end{aligned}$$ where $s$ and $s'$ are sublattice indices, ${{\\bf k}}$ and ${{\\bf k}}'$ are wavevectors, $H_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}$ is the Fourier transform of $H_{{\\rm M}}({{\\bf r}})$ over one period of the moir[é]{} pattern, and ${{\\bf G}}$ is a moir[é]{} pattern reciprocal lattice vector.", "\n\nRef. ", "discusses three versions of the moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian $H_{\\rm M}$. In the first version neither graphene nor boron nitride atomic positions were allowed to relax under the the influences of inter-layer forces. ", "This version gives very small band gaps at the primary Dirac point and is not consistent with experimental results. ", "The other choices are to let just the graphene lattice relax, or to let both the graphene and boron nitride lattices relax. ", "These lead to larger primary Dirac point gaps that are more in line with experimentally observed results, suggesting that strains play an essential role in samples with large period moir[é]{} patterns. ", "In this paper we will use the version of the moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian that accounts for strains in both graphene and in the substrate, although we expect only relatively small quantitative substrate strain effects at the secondary Dirac points.", "\n\nMoir[é]{} band structure and density-of-states\n==============================================\n\n![", "Band structure and density of states of graphene on boron nitride. (", "a) Schematic illustration of the moir[é]{} pattern Brillouin zone, outlined in red. ", "The blue dots are moir[é]{} pattern reciprocal lattice vectors. ", "We label high symmetry points in the moir[é]{} Brillouin zone, $\\Gamma$, M, and K at the Brillouin zone center, edge center, and corner points respectively, by black dots. (", "b) Moir[é]{} bands along the black lines in (a). (", "c) The density of states (horizontal axis) as a function of energy (vertical axis).[]{data-label=\"fig:bandstructure\"}](bandstructure){width=\"\\columnwidth\"}\n\n![", "Band structure near the secondary Dirac points. ", "When substrate interactions are neglected, degeneracies forming secondary Dirac points occur at the M and K high-symmetry points defined in Figure \\[fig:bandstructure\\]. ", "The substrate interaction Hamiltonian lifts these degeneracies. ", "There are 2-band avoided crossing near the M point ((a) and (c)) and three band avoid crossings near the K point ((b) and (d)) in both the conduction band and the valence band.[]{data-label=\"fig:bandstructurezoom\"}](bandstructurezoom){width=\"\\columnwidth\"}\n\nThe moir[é]{} band structure and the density-of-states for the case of zero twist angle between graphene and substrate hexagonal lattices and a lattice constant mismatch of $-0.017$ are illustrated in Figure \\[fig:bandstructure\\]. ", "Note that in addition to the small gap at the Dirac point, there are avoided crossings at the high-symmetry Brillouin-zone boundary points M and K. The electronic structure in this region of energy is highlighted in the Figure \\[fig:bandstructurezoom\\]. ", "Because distinct points on the Brillouin-zone boundary are connected by reciprocal lattice vectors, the size of the avoided crossing gaps is directly related to elastic scattering of bare graphene states off the substrate interaction Hamiltonian associated with the moir[é]{} pattern.", "\n\nThere is a distinct particle-hole asymmetry between the conduction and valence bands which is apparent in the density-of-states (Figure \\[fig:bandstructure\\] (c)) and has been discussed previously in Refs.", " , in terms of a phenomenological substrate interaction Hamiltonian in which the number of free parameters has been minimized using symmetry considerations (the phenomenological substrate interaction Hamiltonian is compared with the interaction Hamiltonian derived from [*ab initio*]{} theory used here in Appendix A) and in Ref.", "  in terms of an effective Hamiltonian derived from a tight binding model.", "\n\nTo understand the physical mechanism behind this asymmetry, we use a nearly-free Dirac-electron approximation by treating the substrate-interaction Hamiltonian as a perturbation at the M point. ", "When reduced to the Brillouin-zone, two eigenstates of the bare graphene Dirac Hamiltonian, corresponding to Dirac cones centered at ${{\\bf G}}_{0}\\equiv 0$ and ${{\\bf G}}_{4}\\equiv G(0,-1)$ are degenerate at the M point. ", "Here $G\\equiv\\lvert {{\\bf G}}\\rvert$ is the magnitude of the primitive moir[é]{} reciprocal lattice vectors. ", "The perturbed energies are, $$E^{(b)}_{\\pm} = E_{0,{\\rm M}}^{(b)}\\pm\\lvert U_{b}\\rvert$$ where $b$ is the band index ($1$ for conduction band and $-1$ for valence band), $E_{0,{\\rm M}}^{(b)}=b \\hbar v |G|/2$ is the energy of the bare Dirac Hamiltonian states at the M point, $$U_{b}=\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{(b)}\\right)^{\\dagger}H_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}_{4}}\\psi_{0}^{(b)}$$ and $\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}}^{(b)}$ is the wavevector-dependent sub lattice spinor of the unperturbed Dirac Hamiltonian. ", "This leading order perturbation theory analysis implies a band-dependent energy splitting at the M point equal to $\\delta_{{\\rm M},b}=2\\lvert U_{b}\\rvert$.\n\nTo extract the physics behind the strong band dependence of this splitting, apparent in Figure \\[fig:bandstructurezoom\\] and indirectly in Figure \\[fig:bandstructure\\], we decompose each Fourier component of the moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian into terms proportional to different sub lattice Pauli matrix contributions:[@kindermann_zero-energy_2012; @yankowitz_emergence_2012; @wallbank_generic_2013; @mucha-kruczynski_heterostructures_2013; @moon_electronic_2014] $$H_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}=\\sum_{\\alpha=0,x,y,z} h_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}^{\\alpha} \\; \\tau^{\\alpha}$$ ($\\tau^{0}$ is the 2x2 identity matrix). ", "Note that the expansion into Pauli matrices is justified by the property that $H_{{\\rm M}}({{\\bf r}})$ is Hermitian; the non-Hermitian character of $H_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}$ allows the expansion coefficients $h_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}^{\\alpha}$ to be complex. ", "For the $\\hat{y}$-direction M-point, the bare sub lattice spinor has a pseudospin orientation proportional to the $\\hat{y}$-direction momentum. ", "It follows that, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{(b)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{x}\\psi_{0}^{(b)}\\approx &b i\\label{eqn:Mtaux} \\\\\n\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{(b)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{y}\\psi_{0}^{(b)} \\approx &\\; 0 \\label{eqn:Mtauy} \\\\\n\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{(b)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{z}\\psi_{0}^{(b)}\\approx & 1.0 \\label{eqn:Mtauz},\\end{aligned}$$ and therefore that the coupling matrix element $U_{b}$ is produced by the $h_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}^{x}$ inter sub lattice tunneling and the $h_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}^{z}$ sub lattice site-energy contributions to the substrate interaction Hamiltonian. ", "The two sign choices in Eq.", " \\[eqn:Mtaux\\] correspond to conduction and valence bands. ", "From the substrate interaction Hamiltonian $$\\begin{aligned}\nh_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{x}=&(-0.70-7.31i) \\text{ meV}\\approx -7.3i \\text{ meV}\\\\\nh_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{z}=&(-5.63-0.36i) \\text{ meV}\\approx -5.6 \\text{ meV}\\end{aligned}$$ it follows that the two contributions to $U_{b}$ add in the valence band case and nearly cancel in the conduction band case. ", "The final result is that the gap at the M point in the moir[é]{} Brillouin-zone is $\\delta_{{\\rm M},v}=26$ meV in the valence band and almost an order of magnitude larger than in the conduction band where $\\delta_{{\\rm M},c}=2.9$ meV.\n\nReal space maps of the coefficients of the Pauli matrix expansion of the sub-lattice dependent substrate interaction Hamiltonian, $H^{x}_{\\rm M}({{\\bf r}})$, $H^{y}_{\\rm M}({{\\bf r}})$, and $H^{z}_{\\rm M}({{\\bf r}})$, are provided in Figure \\[fig:Hrealmaps\\]. ", "In our calculations the spatial origin is chosen to lie at an AA point in Figure \\[fig:bandstructure\\]. ", "The relevant Fourier component for the matrix element we evaluate is $G_{4}$. The weighting factor in $h_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{a}$ is therefore complex conjugated when $y \\to -y$ in Figure \\[fig:Hrealmaps\\] where we see that $H^{z}_{\\rm M}$ is approximately even and $H^{x}_{\\rm M}$ is approximately odd. ", "$H^z_{\\rm M}$ provides a measure of the difference between site energies on the two graphene sub lattices. ", "The difference between $\\pi$-orbital energies is largest in magnitude when one carbon site is above the positively charged nitrogen site and the other is above the negatively charged boron site. ", "At BA sites the carbon atoms above boron have a higher site energy than the the hexagonal plaquette centered carbon atoms, whereas at AB sites the plaquette centered carbon atoms have a higher site energy than the carbon atoms above nitrogen. ", "It follows that the on-site term $H^{z}_{\\rm M}$ is negative at AA positions and positive at both AB and BA positions. ", "The pseudospin term $H^x_{\\rm M}$ provides a measure of differences between the hopping amplitudes from a carbon atom to its three near neighbors, and this difference vanishes by symmetry at $AA$, $AB$ and $BA$ sites. ", "Carbon-carbon hopping is most anisotropic when one carbon atom is above the mid-point of a BN bond, and this leads to $H^x_{\\rm M}$ values which have opposite sign at the mid-point between $AA$ and $AB$ points compared to the mid-point between $AA$ and $BA$ points, and therefore to $h_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{x}$ values that are approximately imaginary. ", "We see therefore that the particle hole asymmetry is described correctly only when both site energy and hopping amplitude distortions are accounted for properly.", "\n\n![", "image](H_realspace_maps)\n\nAt the $\\hat{y}$-direction K point, there are three approximately degenerate bands, corresponding to ${{\\bf G}}_{0}=0$, ${{\\bf G}}_{4}= G(0,-1)$, and ${{\\bf G}}_{3}= G(-\\sqrt{3}/2,-1/2)$. Perturbation theory (Appendix \\[sec:Kperturbation\\]) at K leads to a result that is similar to perturbation theory at M in that band separations are larger for the valence band than for the conduction band. ", "Although the nearly-free-electron calculation is not as simple as in the two bands case, it is again true that a correct understanding of the origin of the strong particle-hole asymmetry requires an accurate account of substrate induced changes in both $\\pi$-band energies and $\\pi$-band hopping amplitudes.", "\n\nTransport theory\n================\n\nWith this background established, we now explore the [*dc*]{} transport properties of graphene on boron nitride. ", "One possible approach is to apply Boltzmann transport theory to the bands predicted by the moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian. ", "This strategy is however reliable only when the associated Bloch state energy uncertainty, $\\hbar/\\tau$ where $\\tau$ is the Bloch state lifetime, is small compared to the energy scale of band structure features. ", "Because of the long period of the moir[é]{} pattern and the relatively weak strength of the substrate interaction, the largest band structure feature scale is the $26$ meV valence band gap at four holes per moir[é]{} period explained in the previous section. ", "We therefore choose an approach that is able to describe both weak and strong substrate interaction limits by applying a kinetic equation which is able to account for both intraband and interband contributions to the conductivity and using a relaxation time approximation for disorder. ", "An overview of the theory is presented in this section, with details in Appendix \\[sec:transportTheory\\]. ", "The conductivity can be decomposed into intraband and interband terms, arising from scattering within a single band and scattering between bands. ", "The intraband contribution is proportional to the density of states and the interband contributions become important when the spacings between bands close to the Fermi energy is smaller than $\\sim \\hbar/ \\tau$. In particular, because of the small band separations at the Brillouin zone boundary, we anticipate a large interband contribution to the conductivity at four electrons per moir[é]{} period.", "\n\nWe obtain an estimate for the steady state density matrix by combining the equation of motion for the density-matrix ($\\rho$) with a relaxation time approximation that accounts for the influence of disorder scattering on both band diagonal and band off-diagonal terms: $$\\label{eqn:kinetic}\n\\frac{\\partial\\rho}{\\partial t}=-\\frac{i}{\\hbar}{\\left[H,\\: \\rho\\right]}+\\frac{1}{\\hbar}\\frac{\\partial\\rho}{\\partial{{\\bf k}}}\\cdot e{{\\bf E}}-\\frac{\\rho-\\rho_{0}}{\\tau}$$ Here, $H$ is the moir[é]{} band Hamiltonian in Equation , $e$ is the magnitude of electric charge, ${{\\bf E}}$ is the applied electric field, ${{\\bf k}}$ is wave-vector in the moir[é]{} Brillouin zone measured from one of the graphene valleys, and $\\tau$ is the relaxation time. ", "The first term on the right-hand-side is purely off-diagonal in a moir[é]{} band Bloch representation and vanishes in equilibrium. ", "The second term on the right-hand-side is the forcing term due to electric field, and the last term is the relaxation time approximation for scattering. ", "We treat the relaxation time as an adjustable independent parameter, and assume that $\\tau$ is the same for both intraband and interband scattering. ", "In the steady state, $\\partial\\rho/\\partial t=0$. We expand this equation to linear order in the electric field ${{\\bf E}}$, writing the density matrix, $\\rho=\\rho^{(0)}+\\rho^{(1)}$, with $\\rho^{(1)}$ being the linear response correction to the equilibrium moir[é]{} band density-matrix $\\rho^{(0)}$: $$\\rho^{(0)} = \\sum_{n{{\\bf k}}} \\vert n{{\\bf k}}\\rangle \\langle n{{\\bf k}} \\vert \\; f_{n{{\\bf k}}} \n\\label{eq:rho0}$$ where $n$ is a band index, and $f_{n{{\\bf k}}}$ is one if the state is filled and zero if the state is empty. ", "Since the first and third terms on the right-hand-side of Equation  are proportional to $\\rho^{(1)}$, the kinetic equation is readily solved for the density-matrix linear response. ", "The linear response current, $$\\begin{aligned}\nj_{\\alpha}=& \\text{Tr }\\{\\rho^{(1)} \\hat{j}_{\\alpha}\\} \\equiv\\sum_{n{{\\bf k}}}\\langle n{{\\bf k}}\\rvert\\rho^{(1)} \\hat{j}_{\\alpha}\\lvert n{{\\bf k}}\\rangle = \\sum_{nm;{{\\bf k}}}\\rho_{nm}(-ev_{D}\\tau^{\\alpha})_{mn}\\nonumber\\label{eqn:current}\\\\\n=& -ev_{D}\\sum_{n{{\\bf k}}}\\left\\{\\rho^{(1)}_{nn}\\langle n{{\\bf k}}\\rvert{\\tau^{\\alpha}}\\lvert n{{\\bf k}}\\rangle+\\sum_{m\\neq n}\\rho^{(1)}_{nm}\\langle m{{\\bf k}}\\rvert{\\tau^{\\alpha}}\\lvert n{{\\bf k}}\\rangle\\right\\}\\\\\n\\equiv & {j}_{\\alpha,intra}+{j}_{\\alpha,inter}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\alpha=x,y$ is the direction, $\\hat{j}$ is the current operator and $v_{D}$ is the Dirac velocity of graphene. ", "Note that $\\tau$ without a superscript refers to relaxation time, while $\\tau^{\\alpha}$ with a superscript is a Pauli matrix. ", "The conductivity can be correspondingly written as a sum of an intraband contribution due the dependence in Eq.(", " \\[eq:rho0\\]) of band eigenenergies on ${{\\bf k}}$ and interband contributions due to the dependence of ${{\\bf k}}$ variation of band eigenstates: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sigma_{\\rm intra}^{\\alpha\\beta}=&e^{2} v_{\\rm D}^{2}\\tau_{1}\\sum_{n{{\\bf k}}}\\delta(\\varepsilon_{\\rm F}-\\varepsilon_{n{{\\bf k}}})\\langle n{{\\bf k}}\\lvert\\tau^{\\alpha}\\rvert n{{\\bf k}}\\rangle\\langle n{{\\bf k}}\\lvert\\tau^{\\beta}\\rvert n{{\\bf k}}\\rangle\\\\\n\\sigma_{\\rm inter}^{\\alpha\\beta}=&ie^{2}\\hbar v_{\\rm D}^{2}\\sum_{n,{{\\bf k}},m\\neq n} \\frac{f_{m{{\\bf k}}}-f_{n{{\\bf k}}}}{\\varepsilon_{n{{\\bf k}}}-\\varepsilon_{m{{\\bf k}}}}\\frac{\\langle n{{\\bf k}}\\lvert \\tau^{\\alpha}\\rvert m{{\\bf k}}\\rangle\\langle m{{\\bf k}}\\lvert \\tau^{\\beta}\\rvert n{{\\bf k}}\\rangle}{\\left(\\varepsilon_{n{{\\bf k}}}-\\varepsilon_{m{{\\bf k}}}+i\\hbar\\tau_{2}^{-1}\\right)}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\varepsilon_{n,{{\\bf k}}}$ is the energy of band $n$ at wavevector ${{\\bf k}}$ and $\\tau_{1(2)}$ is the relaxation time for intra-(inter-)band scattering. ", "The conductivity estimates summarized below were obtained by evaluating the sums in the above expressions numerically.", "\n\nTo capture qualitative experimental features realistically, we used mobility as a parameter and from this calculated a relaxation time proportional to mobility and energy, which is appropriate for a linear band structure.[@das_sarma_electronic_2011] The relaxation time for band $b$ $$\\tau_{b} = \\frac{\\mu}{e}\\frac{E}{v_{b}^{2}}$$ is dependent on the mobility $\\mu$, the energy $E$ measured from the primary Dirac point, and an approximate band velocity $v_{b}$. In the absence of a moir[é]{} pattern this expression for the relaxation time is motivated by the experimental finding that the conductivity in graphene sheets is proportional to carrier density - i.e. that although the mobility can be sample dependent, it is approximately independent of density in individual samples. ", "This property of graphene is related to the dependence of the disorder scattering amplitude on momentum transfer.[@ando_screening_2006; @nomura_quantum_2007; @adam_self-consistent_2007] We calculate the band velocity by taking the average of the velocity along the direction from the moir[é]{} zone center to the zone corner ($\\Gamma$ to K in Fig.", " \\[fig:bandstructure\\](a)), and the velocity along the direction from the zone center to the zone edge ($\\Gamma$ to M in Fig.", " \\[fig:bandstructure\\](a)). ", "We note that this procedure introduces a spurious reduction in the band velocity for the higher energy band of around 10 percent. ", "While both this velocity averaging and the isotropic assumption for $\\tau$ are rough estimates, we expect this approximation will capture the main features of the electron transport. ", "Table \\[table:tau\\] gives the average band velocities and representative relaxation times for the six lowest energy bands. ", "For calculations of the mean free path and quantum transport for graphene on boron nitride without the effects of in-plane strain, we refer the reader to Ref.", " .", "\n\n --------------------- --------------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------------------\n $E_{\\rm min}$ (meV) $E_{\\rm max}$ (meV) $v_{b}/v_{D}$ $\\tau_{b}$ (ps) $\\hbar/\\tau_{b}$ (meV)\n -265 -170 0.393 9.9 0.066\n -253 -147 0.752 2.5 0.26\n -143 -1.71 0.916 0.61 1.1\n 5.31 155 0.969 0.60 1.1\n 138 260 0.801 2.2 0.30\n 163 266 0.447 7.6 0.087\n --------------------- --------------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------------------\n\n : \\[table:tau\\]Table of band velocities and relaxation times for the six lowest energy bands of aligned graphene on boron nitride. ", "The first two columns give the band edges, $E_{\\rm min}$ and $E_{\\rm max}$. Band velocity, $v_{b}$ is measured in units of the Dirac velocity for graphene, $v_{D}=0.84\\times 10^{6}$ m/s. Both $\\tau$ and $\\hbar/\\tau$ are given at an average band energy $E=(E_{\\rm max}+E_{\\rm min})/2$ for a sample mobility of $50,000$ cm$^{2}$/Vs. ", "Note that according to our calculations there is a finite energy gap in the valence band which is indirect in moir[é]{} momentum space and therefore smaller than the local valence band gaps at individual momenta.", "\n\n![", "The conductivity of graphene on hBN as a function of (a) energy and (b) density for a mobility of $50,000$ cm$^{2}$/Vs. ", "In both plots the total conductivity is a solid black line. ", "Features in the density of states (see Figure \\[fig:bandstructure\\] (c)) have corresponding features in the intraband contribution to conductivity. ", "The interband conductivity (red lines) is negligible at this mobility.[]{data-label=\"fig:totalconductivity\"}](totalconductivity){width=\"\\columnwidth\"}\n\nTransport theory results\n========================\n\nThe conductivity calculated for graphene on orientationally aligned hBN is plotted in Figure \\[fig:totalconductivity\\] both as a function of Fermi energy and as a function of carrier density. ", "At high mobilities, the total conductivity is indistinguishable from the intraband contribution. ", "Its features closely track the density of states. ", "On the other hand, at low mobilities the interband contribution peaks when the Fermi level is close to weakly split Brillouin-zone edge states. ", "Figures \\[fig:v1conductivity\\] and \\[fig:c1conductivity\\] show that while the interband contribution to the conductivity is generally quite weak, there is a peak on the conduction band side at a density close to four electrons per moir[é]{} period (red lines).", "\n\n![", "Conductivity [*vs.*]{} hole density. (", "a) The conductivity as a function of Fermi energy for p-type systems. ", "The intraband contribution is plotted in blue and the interband contribution in red. ", "The gray shaded region indicates the energy range with the Fermi level in the gap at four holes per moir[é]{} period. (", "b) The conductivity as a function of hole density. ", "The feature at four holes per moir[é]{} unit cell is due to the gap at this density. ", "The calculations in this Figure are for a mobility of $5,000$ cm$^{2}$/Vs.[]{data-label=\"fig:v1conductivity\"}](v1conductivity){width=\"\\columnwidth\"}\n\nFigure \\[fig:v1conductivity\\] focuses on the strongest substrate related features in transport which appear when the Fermi level lies in the valence band at four holes per moir[é]{} period. ", "Although much smaller, at $\\delta_{v}\\approx 3.5$ meV, than the splitting at individual k-points on the zone boundary, an overall gap does survive at this density. ", "The gap is indirect in momentum space with the valence band maximum at the moir[é]{} M point and the conduction band minimum at the moir[é]{} K point, as seen in Figure \\[fig:bandstructurezoom\\] (c) and (d). ", "When the mobility decreases $\\hbar/\\tau$ increases and the interband peak strengthens, slightly weakening the conductivity feature at $4$ holes per moir[é]{} period; $\\hbar/\\tau$ is $\\sim0.1$ meV at this energy in Figure \\[fig:totalconductivity\\] and $\\hbar/\\tau\\sim1.0$ meV at this energy in Figure \\[fig:v1conductivity\\]. ", "In both cases, $\\hbar/\\tau$ is much smaller than the band splitting, and therefore the interband scattering is negligible on the hole side.", "\n\n![", "Conductivity [*vs.*]{} electron density. (", "a) The conductivity as a function of Fermi energy for n-type systems. ", "The intraband contribution is plotted in blue, the interband contribution in red. (", "b) The conductivity as a function of electron density. ", "The feature at four electrons per moir[é]{} unit cell is due to the avoided band crossings at the Brillouin-zone boundary which are not sufficiently strong to yield an overall gap. ", "The calculations in this Figure are for a mobility of $5,000$ cm$^{2}$/Vs. ", "The interband contribution has peaks when the interband separation (see Figure \\[fig:bandstructure\\] (b)) is smallest[]{data-label=\"fig:c1conductivity\"}](c1conductivity){width=\"\\columnwidth\"}\n\n![", "Mobility-dependence of the conductivity feature at four electrons per moir[é]{} period. ", "The size of the intraband conductivity (blue) dip and the interband conductivity peak (green) as a function of mobility. ", "The total feature size is shown in black. ", "For low mobility samples the relaxation approximation conductivity can have a peak rather than a dip at this density.[]{data-label=\"fig:conductivityvsmobility\"}](conductivity_vs_mobility){width=\"\\columnwidth\"}\n\nA detailed look at the conduction band feature at a mobility of $5,000$ cm$^{2}$/Vs and four electrons per unit cell is provided in Figure \\[fig:c1conductivity\\]. ", "The intraband conductivity (blue lines) shows a dip when the Fermi level is close to the energies of the moir[é]{} Brillouin zone boundary avoided crossing states. ", "There is no overall gap in the conduction band, as shown in Figure \\[fig:bandstructurezoom\\], so there is a Fermi surface and an intraband contribution to transport at all energies in this interval, although the curve nevertheless has a dip. ", "The peaks in the DOS are associated with saddle points in the moir[é]{} band structure. ", "In particular, the first large peak is due to the saddle point at the M point in the first conduction band. ", "The saddle point peaks are smoothed out in the conductivity calculation because of finite spectral widths associated with the finite Bloch state lifetimes. ", "As shown in Figure \\[fig:c1conductivity\\] (b), the dip in intraband conductivity is partially compensated by a peak in the interband contribution shown in red in Figure \\[fig:c1conductivity\\]. ", "In Figure \\[fig:conductivityvsmobility\\] we plot the magnitude of both features as a function of mobility. ", "In the relaxation time approximation the intraband conductivity is proportional to mobility, and the intraband dip therefore dominates at high mobilities. ", "In the same approximation, the peak in the interband contribution can strongly compensate at low mobilities.", "\n\nBecause the avoided crossing gaps on the moire band Brillouin-zone boundary are vastly larger in the hole carrier case than in the electron carrier case, the physics of the conductivity minimum is not the same. ", "In the valence band case, the size of the gap is large compared to $\\hbar/\\tau$ and the interband contribution to the dc conductivity is negligible. ", "In the conduction band case, the density of states does not vanish at any energy so the intraband conductivity is always finite. ", "In addition avoided crossing gaps are not typically large compared to $\\hbar/\\tau$, allowing for a non-negligible interband contribution.", "\n\nSummary and Discussion\n======================\n\nWe have calculated the band structure, the density of states, and the transport properties of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride at zero twist angle using a moir[é]{} band model. ", "All exhibit a pronounced particle-hole asymmetry, which we have traced to a correlation between spatial variations of the difference between honeycomb sub lattice site energies, and spatial variations in intersublattice hopping amplitude properties. ", "These variations are correlated because both are related to the charge difference between boron and nitrogen sites in the substrate. ", "The difference between nearest neighbor hopping amplitudes in carbon-above-boron and carbon-above nitrogen regions plays a particularly essential role.", "\n\nWe focus our transport calculations on the first features in conduction and valence bands, where there are avoided crossings of the secondary Dirac points, corresponding to four carriers per moir[é]{} unit cell. ", "The particle-hole asymmetry is seen in the transport. ", "We find there is an overall gap of $\\sim 3.5$ meV in the valence band, and no gap in the conduction band. ", "We have included effects of interband and intraband response in the conductivity, the latter becoming important at lower mobility. ", "In the relaxation time approximation, the interband [*dc*]{} conductivity has peaks at 0 and $\\pm 4$ electrons per moir[é]{} unit cell, which are not negligible for low mobility samples.", "\n\nExperiments in graphene on boron nitride to date have focused on high-mobility samples, with mobilities as high as $275,000$ cm$^{2}$/Vs at low temperature.[@zomer_transfer_2011] Resistance peaks at 4 carriers per moir[é]{} unit cell and a distinct particle/hole asymmetry have been reported in Ref.", "  in high-mobility ($100,000$ cm$^{2}$/Vs) samples and in Ref.", "  for a sample of moderate mobility ($5,000$ cm$^{2}$/Vs) in agreement with our calculations. ", "Although low mobility CVD graphene on SiO$_{2}$ and BN is available,[@gannett_boron_2011] transport measurements of low mobility rotationally aligned samples have not been reported. ", "The interband conductivity peak arises from large interband matrix elements of the current operator. ", "We expect that optical experiments can readily probe this scattering mechanism in high mobility samples.[@abergel_infrared_2013]\n\nThe work in Austin was supported by the Department of Energy Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering under grant DE-FG03-02ER45958, and by the Welch Foundation under grant TBF1473. ", "The work in Singapore was supported by the National Research Foundation of Singapore under its Fellowship programme (NRF-NRFF2012-01). ", "SA and JJ thank Marcin Mucha-Kruczyski for several useful conversations comparing the phenomenological model developed in Refs.", "  and  with the ab initio theory presented here, and I. Yudhistira for discussions. ", "We acknowledge the use of computational resources from the Texas Advanced Computing Center.", "\n\nComparison between phenomenological and ab-initio substrate interaction Hamiltonians {#sec:wallbankparams}\n====================================================================================\n\nRefs. ", "formulate a symmetry-based phenomenological approach that can be used to construct effective Hamiltonians for graphene on substrates and leads to effective Hamiltonians of the form:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nH= \\hbar v{{\\bf k}}\\cdot{{\\bf \\sigma}} + w_{0}\\hbar vG\\sigma_{0} + \\tilde{w}_{3}\\hbar vG\\sigma_{3}\\tau_{3} &+ u_{0} \\hbar vGf_{1}({{\\bf r}})+u_{3}\\hbar vGf_{2}({{\\bf r}})\\sigma_{3}\\tau_{3}+u_{1}\\hbar v\\left[\\hat{z}\\times\\nabla f_{2}({{\\bf r}})\\right]\\cdot{{\\bf \\sigma}}\\tau_{3}+u_{2}\\hbar v\\nabla f_{2}({{\\bf r}})\\cdot{{\\bf \\sigma}}\\tau_{3}\\nonumber\\\\\n& {}+\\tilde{u}_{0}\\hbar vGf_{2}({{\\bf r}})+\\tilde{u}_{3}\\hbar vGf_{1}({{\\bf r}})\\sigma_{3}\\tau_{3}+\\tilde{u}_{1}\\hbar v\\left[\\hat{z}\\times\\nabla f_{1}({{\\bf r}})\\right]\\cdot{{\\bf \\sigma}}\\tau_{3}+\\tilde{u}_{2}\\hbar v\\nabla f_{1}({{\\bf r}})\\cdot{{\\bf \\sigma}}\\tau_{3}\\label{eqn:wallbankHamiltonian}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere $$f_{1}({{\\bf r}})= \\sum_{m=1}^{6}e^{i{{\\bf G}}_{m}\\cdot {{\\bf r}}}$$ and $$f_{2}({{\\bf r}})= -i\\sum_{m=1}^{6}(-1)^{m}e^{i{{\\bf G}}_{m}\\cdot{{\\bf r}}}$$ The vectors ${{\\bf G}}_{m}$ are the first shell of moir[é]{} reciprocal lattice vectors labeled as in Figure \\[fig:bandstructure\\]. ", "We rewrite our effective Hamiltonian obtained by performing [*ab initio*]{} calculations in this phenomenological form.[@marcin_mucha_kruczynski_private] In Table  \\[table:wallbankparams\\] we list the Hamiltonian parameters we obtain in this way for a lattice mismatch of $\\varepsilon=-0.017$ and a zero twist angle. ", "We note that including relaxation in the Hamiltonian significantly changes the values of the parameters. ", "These differences in parameters are relevant for the interpretation of the particle-hole asymmetry in graphene on hBN.", "\n\n[c d d]{} & &\\\n$w_{0}\\hbar vG$ (meV) & 0 & 0\\\n$\\tilde{w}_{3}\\hbar vG$ (meV)& 3.74 & 0\\\n$u_{0}\\hbar vG$ (meV) & 1.26 & -0.64\\\n$\\tilde{u}_{0}\\hbar vG$ (meV)& 8.98 & 10.10\\\n$u_{1}\\hbar vG$ (meV) & 0.70 & 1.97\\\n$\\tilde{u}_{1}\\hbar vG$ (meV)& -7.31 &-11.17\\\n$u_{2}\\hbar vG$ (meV) & 0 & 0\\\n$\\tilde{u}_{2}\\hbar vG$ (meV)& 0 & 0\\\n$u_{3}\\hbar vG$ (meV) & -0.36 & 1.26\\\n$\\tilde{u}_{3}\\hbar vG$ (meV)& -5.63 & -8.89\\\n\nAvoided crossing analysis at the moir[é]{} Brillouin zone corners {#sec:Kperturbation}\n=================================================================\n\nAt each of the moir[é]{} Brillouin zone corners, there are three degenerate solutions to the gapped Dirac equation, $H_{D}+H_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}=0}$ with a mass of $m=3.7$ meV.[@moon_electronic_2014; @wallbank_generic_2013] As in the case of the M point shown in the main text, we treat the off-diagonal terms in a degenerate perturbation theory. ", "The energies are the eigenvalues of the $3\\times 3$ effective Hamiltonian, $$H_{K,eff}^{(b)}=\\left(\\begin{array}{ccc}\n E_{0,K}^{(b)} & t_{3,b}^{*} & t_{4,b}^{*}\\\\\n t_{3,b} & E_{0,K}^{(b)} & t_{5,b}^{*} \\\\\n t_{4,b} & t_{5,b} & E_{0,K}^{(b)}\\end{array}\\right)$$ where the index $\\pm$ refers the conduction ($+$) or valence ($-$) band and $$t_{j,b} = \\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{i}+{{\\bf G}}_{j}}^{(b)}\\right)^{\\dagger}H_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}_{j}}\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{i}}^{(b)}$$ The unperturbed energy on the diagonal is, $$E_{0,K}^{(b)}=b\\sqrt{m^{2}+(\\hbar v G/\\sqrt{3})^{2}}$$ There are three eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian, labeled with subscript $i=1,2,3$ $$E_{i}^{(b)}=E_{0,K}^{(b)}-w_{i}-\\frac{\\lvert t_{3,b}\\rvert^{2}+\\lvert t_{4,b}\\rvert^{2}+\\lvert t_{5,b}\\rvert^{2}}{3w_{i}}$$ where $w_{i}$ are the three solutions to the polynomial $$w^{6}+2\\text{Re }\\{t_{3}^{*}t_{5}^{*}t_{4}\\}w^{3}+\\left(\\frac{\\lvert t_{3,b}\\rvert^{2}+\\lvert t_{4,b}\\rvert^{2}+\\lvert t_{5,b}\\rvert^{2}}{3}\\right)^{3}=0$$ which are guaranteed to be real since the Hamiltonian is Hermitian. ", "Decomposing the moir[é]{} Hamiltonian into terms proportional to Pauli matrices, $$H_{{\\rm M},{{\\bf G}}}=\\sum_{\\alpha=0,x,y,z}h_{M,{{\\bf G}}}^{\\alpha}\\tau^{\\alpha}$$ ($\\tau^{0}$ is the 2x2 identity matrix), we obtain values for $h_{M,{{\\bf G}}}$ and $\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{i}+{{\\bf G}}_{j}}^{(b)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{\\alpha}\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{i}}^{(b)}$ shown in table \\[table:Kcrossing\\]. ", "The situation is much more complicated than that of the M point, but the generic features remain: there is a sign change in the matrix elements of $\\tau^{x,y}$ and not $\\tau^{0,z}$, or vice versa, which results in constructive interference of different contributions to the $t_{i,b}$ values in the valence band and destructive interference in the conduction band. ", "This leads to a smaller energy splittings in the conduction band.", "\n\n $\\alpha$ $0$ $x$ $y$ $z$\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------\n $h^{\\alpha}_{M,{{\\bf G}}_{3}}$ (meV) $1.26-8.98i$ $0.350-3.66i$ $-0.606+6.33i$ $-5.63+0.36i$\n $h^{\\alpha}_{M,{{\\bf G}}_{4}}$ (meV) $1.26+8.98i$ $-0.699-7.31i$ $0$ $-5.63-0.36i$\n $h^{\\alpha}_{M,{{\\bf G}}_{5}}$ (meV) $1.26-8.98i$ $0.350-3.66i$ $0.606-6.33i$ $-5.63+0.364i$\n Conduction band: \n $\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{3}}^{(+)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{\\alpha}\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{0}}^{(+)}$ $0.268-0.423i$ $-0.250+0.433i$ $0.433-0.750i$ $0.756+0.423i$\n $\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{(+)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{\\alpha}\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{0}}^{(+)}$ $0.268+0.423i$ $0.500+0.866i$ $0$ $0.756-0.423i$\n $\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{(+)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{\\alpha}\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{3}}^{(+)}$ $0.268-0.423i$ $-0.250+0.433i$ $-0.433+0.750i$ $0.756+0.423i$\n Valence band: \n $\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{3}}^{(-)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{\\alpha}\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{0}}^{(-)}$ $-0.232+0.443i$ $-0.250+0.433i$ $0.433-0.750i$ $-0.744-0.443i$\n $\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{(-)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{\\alpha}\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{0}}^{(-)}$ $-0.232-0.443i$ $0.500+0.866i$ $0$ $-0.744+0.443i$\n $\\left(\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{4}}^{(-)}\\right)^{\\dagger}\\tau^{\\alpha}\\psi_{{{\\bf G}}_{3}}^{(-)}$ $0.232-0.443i$ $0.250-0.433i$ $0.433-0.750i$ $0.744+0.443i$\n\nTransport theory {#sec:transportTheory}\n================\n\nThe commutator, $\\left[H,\\:\\rho\\right]$, is $$\\left[H,\\:\\rho\\right]_{nn'}=\\left(\\varepsilon_{nk}-\\varepsilon_{n'k}\\right)\\rho_{nn'}$$ which vanishes when $n=n'$.\n\nThe derivative with respect to $k$ of the equilibrium density matrix is, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{\\partial\\rho^{(0)}}{\\partial{{\\bf k}}}=& \\sum_{m}\\left\\{\\frac{\\partial f_{m{{\\bf k}}}}{\\partial{{\\bf k}}}\\lvert mk\\rangle\\langle mk\\rvert+{}\\right.\\nonumber\\\\\n& \\left.{}+f_{m{{\\bf k}}}\\left\\lvert\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial{{\\bf k}}}\\: mk\\right\\rangle\\langle mk\\rvert+f_{m{{\\bf k}}}\\lvert mk\\rangle\\left\\langle \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial{{\\bf k}}}\\: mk\\right\\rvert\\right\\}\\end{aligned}$$ The derivative of the wavefunction with respect to k is, $$\\left\\lvert\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial{{\\bf k}}}\\: nk\\right\\rangle = \\sum_{m\\neq n}\\left(\\frac{\\langle mk\\rvert\\frac{\\partial H}{\\partial {{\\bf k}}}\\lvert nk\\rangle}{\\varepsilon_{nk}-\\varepsilon_{mk}}\\right)\\lvert mk\\rangle$$ The only part of $H$ which depends explicitly on ${{\\bf k}}$ is $H_{0}=\\hbar v_{\\rm D}\\left(\\tau^{x},\\,\\tau^{y}\\right)\\cdot{{\\bf k}}$ which has derivative with respect to $k_{\\alpha}$ of $\\hbar v_{\\rm D}{\\tau^{\\alpha}}$. It follows that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\left(\\frac{\\partial\\rho^{(0)}}{\\partial{k_{\\alpha}}}\\right)_{nn'}&=\\delta_{nn'}\\frac{\\partial f}{\\partial\\varepsilon_{nk}}\\langle nk\\rvert \\hbar v_{\\rm D}{\\tau^{\\alpha}}\\lvert nk\\rangle +{}\\nonumber\\\\\n&{}+(1-\\delta_{nn'})\\langle nk\\rvert \\hbar v_{\\rm D}{\\tau^{\\alpha}}\\lvert n'k\\rangle\\frac{f_{n'{{\\bf k}}}-f_{n{{\\bf k}}}}{\\varepsilon_{n'k}-\\varepsilon_{nk}}\\end{aligned}$$ Note that $\\tau$ without a superscript refers to relaxation time, while $\\tau^{\\alpha}$ with a superscript is a Pauli matrix. ", "Using this in Equation  gives the expression for the current, Equation .", "\n\n[30]{}ifxundefined \\[1\\][ ifx[\\#1]{} ]{}ifnum \\[1\\][ \\#1firstoftwo secondoftwo ]{}ifx \\[1\\][ \\#1firstoftwo secondoftwo ]{}““\\#1””@noop \\[0\\][secondoftwo]{}sanitize@url \\[0\\][‘\\\n12‘\\$12 ‘&12‘\\#12‘12‘\\_12‘%12]{}@startlink\\[1\\]@endlink\\[0\\]@bib@innerbibempty [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1038/nnano.2010.172) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1038/nmat2968) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1021/nl2005115) [****, ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.121405) [ ()](http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.1878),  [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1038/nmat1134) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.073103) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.205414) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.081405) [ ()](http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.1235),  [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1038/ncomms7308) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1038/nphys2272) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1126/science.1237240) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1038/nature12187) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1038/nphys2954) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.126804) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.245408) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.205418) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.161401) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.035440) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.155406) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.115415) [****, ()](\\doibase 10.1103/RevModPhys.83.407) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1143/JPSJ.75.074716) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.076602) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1073/pnas.0704772104) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1063/1.3665405) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1038/nmat3695) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1063/1.3599708) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1088/1367-2630/15/12/123009) @noop [ ]{}\n" ]
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[ "Although the chance for this to happen is extremely low, and requires frequent exposure--typically applying to only construction workers, I thought I should mention this at least somewhere in the thread.", "\n\nInhalation of Crystalline Silica particles (dust) in this Sand(usually 90-99% silica) leads to about 250-300 deaths each year. ", "It is strongly linked to be a carcinogen by the us,aus, and other governmental departments of labor, and can cause a severe lung problem known as silicosis or risk of tb depending on exposure.", "\n\nAlthough the chance for this to happen is extremely low, and requires frequent exposure--typically applying to only construction workers, I thought I should mention this at least somewhere in the thread.", "\n\nInhalation of Crystalline Silica particles (dust) in this Sand(usually 90-99% silica) leads to about 250-300 deaths each year. ", "It is strongly linked to be a carcinogen by the us,aus, and other governmental departments of labor, and can cause a severe lung problem known as silicosis or risk of tb depending on exposure.", "\n\nJust remember to avoid inhalation wherever possible.", "\n\nThis shouldn't be a problem for most people doing sand substrates, but if you're concerned, there's a couple of very easy ways you can deal with it:\n\n1) Wear a mask. ", "They're cheap and readily available from Home Depot, Lowes, etc.", "\n\nI just setup my 90 gallon tank using 80lbs. ", "of eco-complete and 100lbs. ", "of black course silica sand.", "I use a fluval 405 canister filter with intake 3\" above sand(7.5centimeters) nad planted it today.", "I could only get a few plants at my local fish store so will plant the rest when available.", "So far I got 4 cabomba bunches and 1 amazon sword.", "I plan to move my cichlids from my 25 gallon to the 90.I have 2 cockatoo apistos,2 blue rams,1 dwarf flag and 2 clown loaches oh and my boys have 1 male beta.", "I am sure they will love the new tank when it cycles in about 6 weeks.", "I also made a light system for it using 6-54watt 6500K t5 lights and a specular aluminum shade for the housing with 2 3\"fans to remove any heat buildup from the lights.", "I can't wait for it to grow now nad cycle so I can add my fish.", "\n\nNow is the sand good or not???? ", "I've heard plants love it. ", "Is that true??? ", "And if I'd decide to buy sand what \"kind of\" sand should I buy?? ", "I am waiting for your reply!!!!!_________________50G\nplanted\nlow light 1 WPG (now)\n\nLowes has it for about 2.50$ for a 50 pound bag. ", "Or any hardware store. ", "Use playsand, they keep it all year for kitty litter or car oil. ", "But You have to wash it really good before using it. ", "I put mine in a bucket then using gloves ran my hand threw it. ", "Keep washing until the water runs clean or at least close. ", "I use gloves because it is hard on your nails. ", "They will split, being sand is really coarse. ", "I do have to rinse my filter out every now and then. ", "It will stop, from sand getting caught in there. ", "Mostly when you clean and stir it up some._________________", "\n\nWhat about using sand and river rock (pebbles)? ", "If you put the rock in the area of the filter and the sand in the other part of the tank, would that work? ", "That would look kinda neat. ", "I would eventully like to get an Imperial pleco and I read they prefer sand to rock._________________Thanks a bunch" ]
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[ 0.0005378371570259333, 0.0008046021102927625, 0.0008077037055045366, 0.0005378371570259333, 0.0008046021102927625, 0.0008077037055045366, 0.000728208280634135, 0.0008569537894800305, 0.0006335038342513144, 0.0009083265322260559, 0.0007373505504801869, 0.0016467157984152436, 0.0007807713700458407, 0.0006767161539755762, 0.0069547537714242935, 0.34782010316848755, 0.0005418876535259187, 0.0007813120610080659, 0.0018114824779331684, 0.0018831385532394052, 0.0005871407920494676, 0.0014285770012065768, 0.0011342851212248206, 0.017628906294703484, 0.000825286959297955, 0.002866415772587061, 0.0011138528352603316, 0.0031038103625178337, 0.005977841559797525, 0.0042736162431538105, 0.009594057686626911, 0.021846605464816093, 0.0011328813852742314, 0.00366120133548975, 0.0006975167198106647, 0.0011012842878699303, 0.0006380474660545588, 0.0015691895969212055 ]
[ "Respiratory adjustments of the unanaesthetized chicken, Gallus domesticus, to elevated metabolism elicited by 2,4-dinitrophenol or cold exposure.", "\nThe effects of pharmacologically elevated metabolism on ventilation, gaseous exchange and blood gases were studied in spontaneously breathing unanaesthetized decerebrate chickens using 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) injected intravenously in successive single doses of 2.5-5.0 mg/kg. ", "These responses were compared with the cardiorespiratory adjustments to elevated metabolism evoked by shivering in conscious birds. ", "Oxygen consumption increased with cumulative amounts of DNP, reaching 275 +/- 30% of control values at the maximum tolerated dose of 10-15 mg/kg. ", "Increases in ventilation matched the changes in oxygen consumption via increases in both breathing frequency and tidal volume. ", "Arterial blood gases and pH remained unchanged. ", "Exposure to cold (Ta = 2 +/- 2 degrees C) caused oxygen consumption to increase to 185 +/- 21% of control values. ", "Respiratory and cardiovascular adjustments were similar to those evoked by DNP and were comparable to those produced by low intensity treadmill exercise (cf. ", "Gleeson and Brackenbury, 1984)." ]
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[ 0.0012460901634767652, 0.0012099388986825943, 0.000736203626729548, 0.0006264383555389941, 0.0005599803989753127, 0.0011581073049455881, 0.0007467662217095494, 0.000622082909103483, 0.0008185374899767339 ]
[ "COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) – The man widely regarded as the front-runner for South Carolina’s top federal prosecutor job is a Republican state representative who gave early support to Donald Trump’s campaign.", "\n\nBut Rep. Peter McCoy has introduced comprehensive medicinal cannabis legislation here, which appears to contradict his would-be boss’ statements on drug policy.", "\n\nU.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions has made no secret of his plans to take a hard line on drugs, saying marijuana distribution remains a federal crime regardless of states’ actions and that he’s reviewing Obama-era policies giving states flexibility.", "\n\nThat stance will be tested as the new administration begins to place federal prosecutors throughout the country, including some in states that have taken various steps toward legalizing the drug." ]
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[ "Why The World's Most Widely Used Messaging Apps Are Completely Insecure\n\nSilicon Valley has often made product usability the priority over product security. ", "Photo: Reuters\n\nSome of the most popular messaging apps in use today don't meet basic standards to ensure the privacy of their users, according to an audit of these apps by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.", "\n\nThe EFF graded 39 different messaging services in seven respects. ", "They looked at each one for its ability to encrypt data in transit, to encrypt it such that the provider can't read messages, for the user to verify contact identities, to remain secure if decryption keys are stolen, for the code to be open to independent review, for the security design to be properly documented, and for the code to have been independently audited.", "\n\nThe results are a bit surprising, especially among larger, name-brand apps. ", "Consider WhatsApp, Facebook's $19 billion acquisition earlier this year and one of the most popular messaging apps in use today. ", "All it can claim, per the EFF's findings, is that its data is encrypted en route to the recipient and that its code has been audited. ", "The same is true for Facebook's own native chat product: It meets only two of the seven requirements. ", "Anonymous gossip app Secret only encrypts messages en route and totally fails to check another box. ", "Ditto for AOL's Instant Messenger, another mainstay in the messaging world.", "\n\nThese are products attached to big companies that can't meet the EFF's expectations for what should constitute a secure messaging system. ", "Ostensibly, major tech companies should have the resources to throw at developing these kinds of systems, but this doesn't seem to be the case, according to the EFF.", "\n\n\"The main thing these companies can't get right is that they still hold the keys,\" said Nico Sell, CEO of anonymous messaging app Wickr. \"", "Ideally you're using a different key for every single message that's generated on the device, but this isn't common. ", "And the other thing to keep in mind is that these companies make money off of user information. ", "Any company doing that isn't motivated to build a secure system. ", "You should look at how people make their money. ", "In Google's case, it uses perfect forward secrecy from device to server, so the NSA won't know what you're saying, but Google can.\"", "\n\nSell's Wickr meets four of the EFF's seven rubric items. \"", "I believe there’s been more eyes on my app than any other in the world, and the most talented eyes at that,\" she said. \"", "One of the steps I wish they had on there was anonymity. ", "We’re one of the only ones that ensure user anonymity — it's rare and difficult to do. ", "Other companies ought to consider metadata protection, because even with totally secure communication, people can tell who you’re talking to, when, and how often. ", "We don’t have any metadata on our users.\"", "\n\nSilent Circle, a firm that builds ultra-secure communication products, got a perfect score for its Silent Phone and Silent Text apps. ", "In a joint venture with a hardware manufacturer called Geeksphone, the companies built Blackphone, a device that aims to be secure at the hardware level. \"", "The core of what we believe focuses on the right of every individual around the world deserving the capability to have secure and private communications,\" said Daniel Ford, chief security officer of Blackphone. \"", "With this in mind, we make it possible for our customers to choose what they want to share [and] for how long they want to share it, and the keys used to protect this information are always in control of our customers.\"", "\n\nSell rejects the oft-heard \"I don't have anything to hide\" response to privacy-related news. \"", "You don't hear 'I have nothing to hide' in other countries,\" she said. \"", "History is much closer to people in other countries.\"", "\n\nSilicon Valley has often made product usability the priority over product security, but it \"should really be possible to have both at once,\" said Pete Eckersley, technical projects director for the EFF. \"", "It's only very recently that the big tech players have shown any interest in protecting people's messages against the company that makes the app itself. ", "But the race is now on to see who can do that well, delivering both security and usability.\"", "\n\nEckersley said some big vendors are getting the message. \"", "Of the established players, Apple seems to have an early lead with iMessage and FaceTime, but their offerings still don't meet all of our criteria and we expect tough competition from other big tech firms -- Google, Yahoo and WhatsApp have all said they are working on stronger messaging encryption. ", "There are also a lot of new startups and open-source projects that have strong security designs, and if any of them can make their products really easy to install and use, we could see them have a big impact on the messaging landscape.\"", "\n\nUntil then, messaging app users should know that their communications are vulnerable to interception.", "\n\nWatch for messaging apps to begin to focus on messaging and security in a brand-new way." ]
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[ "\"Finally!\" \"", "I've waited so long for this moment!\" \"", "If this experiment succeeds... there was a puppet maker named Gepetto.\" \"", "Gepetto didn't have any children.\" \"", "he made a marionette called Pinocchio.\" \"", "a fairy appeared and made it so Pinocchio could walk without strings. ", "then someday I'll make you into a real child.\" \"", "he will be your conscience.\" \"", "Pinocchio.\" \"", "And then Pinocchio....\" \"Masaru.\" \"", "What a frightful night.\" \"", "I wonder if he's not coming home tonight again.\" \"", "Perfect.\" \"", "awaken!\" \"", "I've failed?\" \"!\" \"", "How could it!\" \"", "I've come so far!\" \"", "Damn!\" \"", "And there's no time left!\" \"", "Father!\" \"", "Professor...\" \"Gill....\" \"I... will not do your bidding anymore!\" \"", "Father....\" \"Solitary Doll\" \"Dark Industries Fansub\" \" NOT FOR SALE OR PROFIT\" \"A voice...\" \"My voice!\" \"", "This... is me....\" \"Who am I?\" \"", "Where am I?\" \"", "I don't know!\" \"", "Let's see... and you're Doctor Koumiyouji's...\" \"Mitsuko.\" \"", "The cause of the fire appears to be the result of an experiment.\" \"", "it looks like one of the machines overheated and caused the fire.\" \"", "I see. ", "it's not surprising.\" \"", "wasn't he?\" \"", "It's fortunate there aren't many homes nearby.\" \"", "whatever.\" \"", "Causing us so much trouble.\" \"", "Masaru!\" \"", "Dad hasn't done anything wrong!\" \"", "My Dad was doing great research!\" \"", "It was research that would be useful and good for people!\" \"", "kid....\" \"My dad...\" \"Masaru.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "Mitsuko... is he?\" \"", "Well.... right? ", "That's right.\" \"", "okay?\" \"", "There's no way Dad would die.\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "Get outta the way!\" \"", "Move!\" \"", "You wanna get run over?\" \"", "these kids nowadays!\" \"", "Stop carrying around that guitar and trying to look cool!\" \"", "Just what was father researching?\" \"", "Father's specialty was experimental research.\" \"", "But...\" \"What kind of robot was he building?\" \"", "Just what happened there?\" \"", "I can't find anything.\" \"", "I guess he kept all his data at the lab.\" \"", "What good is learning about father now?\" \"", "It's too late.\" \"", "Mitsuko\" \"A humanoid robot?\" \"!\" \"", "it looks like it's going to rain again!\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Afraid of the thunder?\" \"", "It's not that!\" \"", "all right!\" \"", "One more time and we'll go home!\" \"", "Oh no!\" \"", "What are we going to do?\" \"", "What should we do?\" \"", "bro!\" \"", "give us a hand!\" \"", "Me?\" \"", "you're tall so you might be able to reach it!\" \"", "get it!\" \"", "What?\" \"", "This structure...\" \"How is it possible?\" \"", "With this weight to produce this much strength!\" \"", "it's unbelievable!\" \"", "An attitude control sub-computer?\" \"", "This program is amazing!\" \"", "Can something like this really be built?\" \"", "But....\" \"You want me to get that?\" \"", "There.\" \"", "It's my fault....\" \"Sorry.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Why does it need such a structure?\" \"", "It looks like it's built to fight something.\" \"", "This much power is dangerous!\" \"", "Just what was father thinking?\" \"", "This...\" \"What's this?\" \"!\" \"", "Who's there!\" \"", "Conscience circuit?\" \"", "Gemini?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "what is this?\" \"", "Hold it!\" \"", "This robot's too complex.\" \"", "this conscience circuit.\" \"", "This Gemini that gives it feelings. ", "this is no different than a human!\" \"", "take care of Jiro\" \"Jiro?\" \"", "This.... father?\" \"", "where are you going?\" \"", "Wait!\" \"", "This is....\" \"I...\" \"I know this place.\" \"", "What's going on?\" \"", "Mitsuko!\" \"", "run away!\" \"", "What was that?\" \"", "He saved us.\" \"", "How could he?\" \"", "No person is strong enough to stop that!\" \"", "Jiro?\" \"", "Jiro doesn't know how to activate his full strength!\" \"", "your switches!\" \"", "Press the switches that are in both your shoulders!\" \"", "your switches!\" \"", "Switches?\" \"", "Incredible!\"" ]
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[ "The iPhone 5 hasn't even hit stores yet and it's already blowing the doors off the competition. ", "Apple pre-sold 2 million iPhone 5s in one day, setting a new smartphone record. ", "It goes on sale officially on Friday morning.", "\n\nIndustry analysts widely expect the iPhone 5 to be the bestselling mobile device of all time. ", "Given the way Apple (AAPL) continues winning over consumers around the world, the iPhone 5's global record will probably last exactly one sales cycle, until the iPhone 6 is released.", "\n\nIn the United States, however, there's a reasonable chance that the iPhone 5 will hold the nation's smartphone sales record for much longer -- maybe forever. ", "As the smartphone boom comes to an end and carriers make upgrades more expensive and onerous for their customers, the iPhone's popularity in the U.S. is likely to plateau.", "\n\nThe number of American smartphone subscribers is expected to reach nearly 140 million by the end of 2012, equal to 57% of wireless customers, according to Kevin Smithen, an analyst at Macquarie Securities. ", "The percentage of wireless subscribers with a smartphone is on pace to eclipse the magic 70% threshold next year -- the level at which most telecommunications services, like cable and broadband, have historically begun to slow their rapid rise.", "\n\n\"The smartphone market, and particularly the iPhone market, will slow next year after very strong shipments of the next iPhone through year-end,\" Smithen predicts.", "\n\nThe U.S. smartphone upgrade rate has already begun to fall, thanks to a combination of factors. ", "Innovation has slowed over the past couple years (the iPhone 5 has another row of apps!) ", "and carriers have begun to make upgrades more expensive and less desirable (hello, \"shared data\" plans). ", "After the iPhone 4S launch absolutely decimated carriers' profit margins, the networks made their upgrade policies more restrictive by raising activation fees, forcing customers to adopt tiered plans and lengthening the time customers need to stay under contract to become eligible for a new phone.", "\n\n\"These moves should result in fewer total upgrades ... than seen in prior launches,\" said Mike McCormack, analyst at Nomura Securities.", "\n\nRelated story: The iPhone 5 is coming ... will there be an iPhone 10?", "\n\nYes, the iPhone 5 will sell like crazy. ", "But by the time the iPhone 6 comes around, the U.S. smartphone market will look very different.", "\n\nThe number of iPhone upgrades -- customers moving from one version of Apple's gadget to another -- nearly doubled in 2011 and is expected to double again in 2012 to roughly 20 million, according to Macquarie estimates. ", "But the forecasts for iPhone upgrades after that show a flat line.", "\n\nMost of Apple's iPhones get sold to brand-new customers. ", "Last year, Apple newbies bought two-thirds of the 30 million iPhones sold in the U.S., Macquarie estimates.", "\n\nThose numbers will start dropping as the pool of untapped iPhone customers willing to splurge on a new iPhone dries up. ", "The iPhone represented 45% of all smartphone sales last year at the \"Big Three\" national carriers -- Verizon (VZ), AT&T (T) and Sprint (S). ", "Analysts at Macquarie, Nomura and other Wall Street firms expect that figure to rise significantly this year -- then level off.", "\n\n\"We do not believe that Apple can grow its market share at the Big Three beyond 70%, as we expect several new low-end smartphones from Amazon (AMZN), Huawei, LG, Nokia (NOK), Microsoft (MSFT) and Motorola in the new year as well as a Samsung Galaxy S4 at the high end,\" said Smithen.", "\n\nAs a result, Macquarie predicts that iPhone sales will top out at 46.3 million next year before falling to 45.5 million in 2014.", "\n\nOf course, this is Apple we're talking about. ", "The world's biggest tech company has repeatedly proved naysayers wrong. ", "Thanks to Apple's reality distortion field and passionate groupies, the iPhone 6 and its successors could once again set new records in the United States.", "\n\n\"As long as there are Apple fanboys and fangirls, there will always be demand for the iPhone,\" says Ramon Llamas, analyst at IDC. \"", "There's so much about the iPhone that people love and lust over, and Apple just kind of ropes you in. ", "There's a lot to keep Apple's momentum going.\"" ]
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[ "Epidermal plasminogen activator is abnormal in cutaneous lesions.", "\nTo investigate the role of plasminogen activator (PA) in cutaneous disease, we have used biochemical and immunocytochemical techniques to examine PA in normal and lesional skin. ", "In normal human dermis, tissue PA is the predominant PA activity; however, in normal epidermis, urokinase type PA is the predominant PA activity. ", "In contrast, PA activity in epidermis from lesions of patients with a variety of cutaneous diseases was predominantly tissue type enzyme with a much smaller contribution from urokinase. ", "Our patient population included individuals with benign chronic pemphigus, pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigus foliaceous, bullous pemphigoid, or psoriasis. ", "Using rabbit antibody specific for tissue type PA, we have immunocytochemically localized this enzyme in lesions from individuals with the above disorders. ", "Our results indicate that tissue PA is consistently elevated in cutaneous lesions with diverse etiology, pathology, and clinical presentation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to run sidekiq in production mode\n\nI am new in rails. ", "just want to know who i can run sidekiq in product mode as a service. ", "I am not using capistano or any deployment tool. ", "I have a thought like creating a initializer file like sidekiq.rb and inside that put a line like RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec sidekiq. ", "Please let me know the best solution.", "\n\nA:\n\nLearn your OS's service manager. ", " In Ubuntu, this is Upstart. ", " You need to create the scripts so your OS knows to start Sidekiq on bootup. ", " There are examples for Upstart and Runit here:\nhttps://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/tree/master/examples\nCapistrano will not start Sidekiq on bootup.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Error test set 1\n----------------\n\n====[tsv-summarize --count no_such_file.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Cannot open file `no_such_file.tsv' in mode `rb' (No such file or directory)\n\n====[tsv-summarize --unique-count 0 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--unique-count] Field numbers must be greater than zero: '0'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --unique-count 2, input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--unique-count] Empty field number.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --unique-count 2: input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--unique-count 2:'. ", "Expected: '--unique-count <field-list>' or '--unique-count <field>:<header>'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --unique-count 2,3:my_header input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--unique-count] Invalid option: '--unique-count 2,3:my_header'. ", "Cannot specify a custom header when using multiple fields.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --unique-count 2-5:my_header input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--unique-count] Invalid option: '--unique-count 2-5:my_header'. ", "Cannot specify a custom header when using multiple fields.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --retain 2:my_header input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--retain] Invalid option: '--retain 2:my_header'. ", "Operator does not support custom headers.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --unique-count x input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--unique-count] Unexpected 'x' when converting from type string to type long\n\n====[tsv-summarize --unique-count 2 input_5field_a.tsv input_1field_a.tsv]====\nError [tsv-summarize]: Not enough fields in line. ", "File: input_1field_a.tsv, Line: 1\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by 1 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: At least one summary operator is required.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by 0 --count input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--g|group-by] Field numbers must be greater than zero: '0'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by 0 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--g|group-by] Field numbers must be greater than zero: '0'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by 2, input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--g|group-by] Empty field number.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by 2: input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--g|group-by] Unexpected ':' when converting from type string to type long\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by x input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--g|group-by] Unexpected 'x' when converting from type string to type long\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by 2 --unique-count 1 input_5field_a.tsv input_1field_a.tsv]====\nError [tsv-summarize]: Not enough fields in line. ", "File: input_1field_a.tsv, Line: 1\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by 1- input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--g|group-by] Incomplete ranges are not supported: '1-'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --group-by 3-0 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--g|group-by] Field numbers must be greater than zero: '0'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --header --max 1 input_1field_a.tsv]====\nError [tsv-summarize]: Could not process line or field: no digits seen\n File: input_1field_a.tsv Line: 3\n\n====[tsv-summarize -d abc --count input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Unexpected 'b' when converting from type string to type char\n\n====[tsv-summarize -d ß --count input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 1)\n\n====[tsv-summarize -v abc --count input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Unexpected 'b' when converting from type string to type char\n\n====[tsv-summarize -v ß --count input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 1)\n\n====[tsv-summarize -v , -d , --values 1 input_1field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Cannot use the same character for both --d|field-delimiter and --v|values-delimiter.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --count --exclude-missing --replace-missing XYZ input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Cannot use both '--x|exclude-missing' and '--r|replace-missing'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--quantile 3'. ", "Expected: '--quantile <field-list>:<prob>[,<prob>]' or '--quantile <field>:<prob>:<header>' where <prob> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3:2 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option: '--quantile 3:2'. ", "Probability '2' is not in the interval [0.0,1.0].", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3:0.5,2 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option: '--quantile 3:0.5,2'. ", "Probability '2' is not in the interval [0.0,1.0].", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 0:0.5 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--quantile] Field numbers must be greater than zero: '0'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3,4:0.75:q3 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option: '--quantile 3,4:0.75:q3'. ", "Cannot specify a custom header when using multiple fields or multiple probabilities.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3:0.25,0.75:q1q3 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option: '--quantile 3:0.25,0.75:q1q3'. ", "Cannot specify a custom header when using multiple fields or multiple probabilities.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3: input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--quantile 3:'. ", "Expected: '--quantile <field-list>:<prob>[,<prob>]' or '--quantile <field>:<prob>:<header>' where <prob> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile :0.25 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--quantile :0.25'. ", "Expected: '--quantile <field-list>:<prob>[,<prob>]' or '--quantile <field>:<prob>:<header>' where <prob> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile : input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--quantile :'. ", "Expected: '--quantile <field-list>:<prob>[,<prob>]' or '--quantile <field>:<prob>:<header>' where <prob> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3:0.25: input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--quantile 3:0.25:'. ", "Expected: '--quantile <field-list>:<prob>[,<prob>]' or '--quantile <field>:<prob>:<header>' where <prob> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3:0.25g input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--quantile 3:0.25g'. ", "Expected: '--quantile <field-list>:<prob>[,<prob>]' or '--quantile <field>:<prob>:<header>' where <prob> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3, input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--quantile 3,'. ", "Expected: '--quantile <field-list>:<prob>[,<prob>]' or '--quantile <field>:<prob>:<header>' where <prob> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 3- input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Invalid option value: '--quantile 3-'. ", "Expected: '--quantile <field-list>:<prob>[,<prob>]' or '--quantile <field>:<prob>:<header>' where <prob> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 0:0.25 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--quantile] Field numbers must be greater than zero: '0'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 1.5:0.25 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--quantile] Unexpected '.' ", "when converting from type string to type long\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile 1-:0.25 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: [--quantile] Incomplete ranges are not supported: '1-'.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --quantile -2:0.25 input_5field_a.tsv]====\n[tsv-summarize] Error processing command line arguments: Missing value for argument --quantile.", "\n\n====[tsv-summarize --count input_1field_a_dos.tsv]====\nError [tsv-summarize]: Windows/DOS line ending found. ", "Convert file to Unix newlines before processing (e.g. 'dos2unix').", "\n File: input_1field_a_dos.tsv, Line: 1\n\n====[tsv-summarize -H --count input_1field_a_dos.tsv]====\nError [tsv-summarize]: Windows/DOS line ending found. ", "Convert file to Unix newlines before processing (e.g. 'dos2unix').", "\n File: input_1field_a_dos.tsv, Line: 1\n" ]
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[ "Any thoughts would be appreciated. ", "Is it work in Windows 7? ", "I use Imgburn to write images to real disks. ", "Required fields are marked *CommentName * Email * Website Search for: About Me My name is Naveen and I am an Internet Marketer and Freelance Web Designer. ", "navigate to this website\n\nJoin Now For immediate help use Live now! ", "Suggested Solutions Title # Comments Views Activity How to install and register a DLL on users machine needed to app runs? ", "7 48 54d Backup Data/Portable NAS storage 4 36 35d Is this because of 64bit Win7 I have? ", "Open the folder you extracted to, right click on VCdRom.sys and select copy.", "\n\nVirtual Cd Rom Windows 7 64 Bit\n\nThanks 🙂 Doesn't work \"the driver has been blocked from loading\" i get that msg on Win XP 64b it doesn't work on 64b! ", "JimmyB used this about 3 years ago… needed it again today for extracting the installers out of microsofts own downloadable visual studio iso. ", "xD Fireman Great little app! ", "Great!", "\n\nTried a second time though and Add Drive returns Add Failed. ", "i get the error saying \"This driver has been blocked from loading\".", "Would appreciate any help. ", "Thanks for the post nick where is that file you need to put it in? ", "This Driver Has Been Blocked From Loading Windows 10 I tried the administrator bit, and it got further, but it still did not load the image.", "\n\nLeft by Pankaj Jain on Sep 11, 2008 6:36 PM # re: Using Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel for Windows XP on your Windows Vista machine Doesn't work on Win7. ", "Virtual Cd-rom Control Panel 64 Bit Or is it the .iso file that has the problem? ", "Great find! ", "If the \"Install Driver\" button is available, click it.", "\n\nboris good stuff fkn… Alexis Rizzman I tried doing the above and the result was that I managed to create a virtual drive which I now want to get rid of It says the handle is invalid http://iranhome.blogfa.com sms world thanks works great so far http://www.screen7.co.uk MJL Awesome, highly recommended. ", "This programm can only read a certain number of characters in the path to the ISO file. ", "http://humerussoftware.com/windows-7/cannot-open-chm-over-network.php Creates drives nicely but mount fails.", "\n\nPlease note that the readme file is incorrect and that this will work with XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 server. ", "This Driver Has Been Blocked From Loading Secdrv right click and run as admin each time you want to see you drives. ", "Yes, there is a way to use that ISO without burning it to a disk.", "\n\nIt states: \"You may now use the drive letter as if it were a local CD-ROM device.\" ", "However, I cannot find the drive letter (I'm using Z:) under ‘Computer' (I'm using\n\nVirus or malware infection. ", "Being an old school gamer has some benefits ;) Posted on Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:35 PM Vista | Back to top Related Posts on Geeks With Blogs Matching Categories Microsoft And then I click on OK (have not other choice but try this), it gives me Virtual CD-Rom Driver Control. ", "This Driver Has Been Blocked From Loading Windows 7 64 Bit For one thing it can only work on 32-bit systems not 64-bit systems.", "\n\nNavigate to the %systemroot%\\system32\\drivers folder, select VCdRom.sys, and click Open. ", "5. ", "Your cache administrator is webmaster. ", "I never needed anything like this before because I always had a disk drive. ", "get redirected here Windows 8 reads images files without additional software.", "\n\nWhy buy alcohol or Daemon Tools when you can use this free replacement instead? ", "Maybe I should try putting the file in the system32 folder, someone said I did not need to. ", "Leon Leon Rogson - Friday, May 22, 2009 5:58:09 PM Comments have been disabled for this content. ", "Simply right click the VCdControlTool.exe and select Properties as shown below to change compatibility: This worked on my machine using Windows Vista Ultimate.", "Oddly enough, when I went to recreate the original\n\nSubscribe to our monthly newsletter for tech news and trends Membership How it Works Gigs Live Careers Plans and Pricing For Business Become an Expert Resource Center About Us Who We I am restoring because I hade made VCdRom.sys to be executable by CdControlTool.exe. ", "Tarun Gloudas Hey, I followed all the steps, everything seems to have worked just fine, but… I can't actually use the image file itself. ", "Left by majk on Jan 11, 2009 2:08 PM # re: Using Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel for Windows XP on your Windows Vista machine 100 Worked ..\n\nSyd Thank you, works better/easier than all the rubbish I used before Avatar Works perfectly under Windows 7… No other software would install 🙁 Thankies for the quick guide and tools Anonymous If it says \"Mount Failed\" that might be because the file name is too long. ", "View more articles by David Kirk Share this article If this article helped you, please THANK the author by sharing. ", "lillo really fine work!", "\n\nbigrig Or you can try stopping the driver and then start it again. ", "Worked for me. ", "try stopping the driver and then start it again. ", "Worked for me. ", "Expensive but definitely worth it." ]
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[ "Gudenakatti\n\nGudenakatti is a village in Dharwad district of Karnataka, India.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Villages in Dharwad district" ]
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[ "It is one of the ironies of the study of human populations that scientists turned their attention to the Bushmen only when it was almost too late. ", "About a hundred years had to pass after Wilhelm Bleek (1857) recognized their “great interest for the history of mankind in general” (Spohr, 1962), before this interest led to action and tangible results. ", "A number of reports by explorers, missionaries, and traders about the Kalahari and its people were published before 1950, but relatively few investigations of Bushmen by scientists. ", "Intensive scientific studies have been initiated and conducted only during the last 30 to 40 years. ", "During this time, the Bushmen were beginning to feel the pressure of neighbouring people who pushed into their territories in parts of the Kalahari and made their traditional mode of life difficult or impossible.", "\n\nToday a great number of scholarly publications exists reporting many details about the Bushmen's way of life, their material and spiritual culture, knowledge and beliefs, the organisation of Bushman society, their social, economic, and artistic activities, their physical and health characteristics (e.g., Shapera, 1965; Silberbauer, 1965, 1972, 1981; Lee & DeVore, 1976; Marshall, 1976; Tobias, 1978; Lee, 1979). ", "In the last three decades, there has been such a spate of reports and books on the Bushmen that one must hesitate to write about them again. ", "However, the voices of psychologists are conspicuously absent in this chorus, with the exception of those of Porteus (1937), Minde (1937), both on a relatively small scale, of our own team, and of Katz(1973, 1976).", "\n\nOther Sites from Cambridge\n\nYour browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!Your browser does not support JavaScript!" ]
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[ "When deadlines are approaching or you’re short-staffed, sleep and work-life balance are often the first things to be sacrificed.", "\n\nWorking for excessive hours and losing necessary rest time becomes normal. ", "Life becomes structured around work, which can be detrimental to your health, productivity, and relationships.", "\n\nOne of the most common reasons behind this is the fear of being marked as underperforming and losing your job.", "\n\nBoth work and life are necessary.", "\n\nBeing challenged and growing personally and professionally are valuable to your well-being. ", "Both are needed to have a sustainable and happy life.", "\n\nPower up your workday Reach your goals faster with time tracking and work management. ", "Get free demo\n\nWhat benefits are gained from achieving a work-life balance?", "\n\nIf you ask someone for a goal to achieve in the next five years, the answer would usually be something along the lines of “to earn X a year” or “to get promoted to X role.”", "\n\nBut there’s more to it than that.", "\n\nAside from financial and career milestones, one of the most important goals for most working individuals is balancing work and family life effectively.", "\n\nEveryone talks about work-life balance as an ultimate goal, but why? ", "Here are some benefits of reaching this balance.", "\n\nLower stress levels\n\nThere is a unique relationship between stress and work-life balance.", "\n\nStress can help you perform better if you can contain it within your work, and it will be extremely fulfilling after the work is done.", "\n\nBut if it goes outside of that, it’s easy to become miserable. ", "You cross over from a healthy level of stress into burnout.", "\n\nBeing able to balance work and life greatly reduces the chances of burning out. ", "The idea is to train yourself to leave all the stress behind once you stop working.", "\n\nTaking it home with you won’t do your mental health any good.", "\n\nBetter work performance\n\nIt makes sense to give 100% of your energy for work when at work. ", "That’s how you come up with your best ideas, power through problems, and get promoted.", "\n\nIt doesn’t make sense to do so when outside of work. ", "Spending even half of that outside of your work hours can deplete your energy for the next day; it’s a vicious cycle.", "\n\nThe moment you step out of the office — or shut down your computer — immediately kill all thoughts concerning work. ", "If you can do this, you can focus your energy for other things for the rest of the day (or night).", "\n\nYou can start the following day fresh and perform at your best.", "\n\nThis way, you might even come back to your projects with a different perspective that allows you to solve problems or come up with new ideas.", "\n\nA more engaged and loyal team\n\nOf course, whether or not a team can achieve work-life balance relies heavily on its leader.", "\n\nIf you manage a team, how you operate will play a huge role in their approach to work. ", "If you show them that their lives outside of work are important, that will translate to more motivation and loyalty.", "\n\nRemember, if you show your team that this balance is important to you, it will come much easier to them, as well.", "\n\nHow to achieve work-life balance\n\nHow can you maintain a balance between work and life, which both take huge chunks of your time?", "\n\nHow do you separate your office and your home if they’re in the same location?", "\n\nDon’t worry, it can be done.", "\n\nHere are 9 work-life balance tips to help you perform in top shape while still having time for yourself.", "\n\n1. ", "Avoid overtime culture\n\nOvertime can sometimes be difficult to avoid, especially when there are crucial deadlines to beat. ", "Working extra hours occasionally isn’t bad.", "\n\nBut when it becomes the norm, things start to get toxic.", "\n\nWorking overtime on a regular basis takes a toll on your team’s mental and social capacities. ", "Not only will they lose the ability to perform at their best, but their motivation to get things done will also take a hit due to being too focused on work almost all the time.", "\n\nNot to mention the hassle of managing the unexpected costs of overtime pay.", "\n\nThe solution to this is to enforce a no-overtime policy, unless absolutely necessary.", "\n\nThis helps protect your team from getting burned out. ", "And as a bonus, your team will be motivated to complete their tasks for the day as efficiently as possible.", "\n\nIt’s highly recommended to have a project management tool to help the team manage work easier. ", "Hubstaff Tasks, for example, streamlines projects and ensures a continuous, on-schedule flow of work by using Agile tools such as sprints and Kanban boards.", "\n\n2. ", "Monitor how you make use of your time\n\nHours seem to pass by quickly when at work, and you’ll be packing up before you know it.", "\n\nBut how will you know that you’ve actually made good use of that time?", "\n\nCompleting eight hours of work is very different from having a productive day.", "\n\nOne of the best ways to keep track of how you’re using your time is with Hubstaff, a powerful time management solution with all the features you need to optimize productivity.", "\n\nThat way, everyone can see how their day is being spent on each task, and you can view their work progress, as well.", "\n\nPRO TIP: Take the time to block off the hours in your day where you solely focus on work.", "\n\nRemote teams work better with Hubstaff Time tracking, payments, productivity and more. ", "Free for 14 days. ", "Sign up\n\n3. ", "Keep all work-related materials in your office\n\nThe main purpose of your office is to be a place where you can do all your work.", "\n\nWhile you can opt to bring your laptop home with you and resume work there, it only consumes personal time and adds confusion to your work and life.", "\n\nThe reason why all your work materials should be left in your office is that when you bring them home, you also bring home the stress with you.", "\n\nMake sure to focus solely on work when you’re at the office, and to leave it behind once it’s time to go home.", "\n\nTaking your work home puts you at risk of mental fatigue, which is one of the biggest disruptors of work-life balance.", "\n\nIf you work remotely, set aside a space in your home dedicated to work. ", "It can be a complete office or just one desk. ", "Either way, make sure you try to keep work in that space, and not all over your house.", "\n\nLeaving home to work at a coffee shop or a coworking space can help further separate home and life.", "\n\n4. ", "Make the most of your day, not just at work\n\nBeing productive for the day doesn’t mean just accomplishing your tasks at work before the day ends.", "\n\nIt’s also about scratching off items on your to-do list if you can so you can relax when the weekend comes.", "\n\nFor example, if you needed to run an errand somewhere extremely close to the office, you could do it on the way to work, or if you have spare time during your lunch break.", "\n\nThe idea is to accomplish as many tasks as you can before getting home, so you’ll have to do nothing but rest once you get there.", "\n\nThat way, you’ll be in top shape for the next day, ready to perform better at work.", "\n\nKeeping your home to-do list streamlined will help meet work deadlines and still allow time for hobbies, family, and exercise.", "\n\n5. ", "Stick to a consistent work schedule\n\nOne of the benefits of flexible schedules is that employees can come in when they want, or when they feel most productive.", "\n\nHowever, this can also present a problem.", "\n\nBecause there isn’t a schedule enforced, it’s possible that you follow a totally random schedule.", "\n\nThis, in turn, can prevent you from being in sync with your team’s progress at work and cause delays.", "\n\nIt’s best to stick to a daily schedule, so your mind knows that these particular hours are reserved for work. ", "In addition, your team can assign tasks to you with reasonable deadlines, versus if they had no idea when — and if — you would be coming in the next day.", "\n\nIf your line of work mostly takes place during weekdays, shut off your email and computer on weekends.", "\n\nYou may occasionally have busy times where this is not possible, but try to stick to this schedule the majority of your time.", "\n\nThat way, you can spend weekends with your family or have time for yourself.", "\n\n6. ", "Don’t be afraid to take breaks from work\n\nWorking for eight hours a day, five days a week, for most of the year is a heavy load, even for the most experienced professionals.", "\n\nSometimes, weekends aren’t enough for you to recover from all the stress at work.", "\n\nWhen you feel like you’re struggling to handle your work, one of the best things you can do is take a couple of days off to unwind.", "\n\nChoosing to continue working when not at your full capacity can affect the quality of your work, which may only lead to worse fatigue.", "\n\nThis is why it’s so important for managers to recognize this in time-off policies. ", "Allow your team to recover and perform at their best.", "\n\nYour team will always be your greatest asset, and their well-being should be your number one priority.", "\n\n7. ", "Lead by example\n\nIf you want to attract new employees and keep turnover to a minimum, let your employees know early on that a healthy work-life balance is important to you.", "\n\nYou can take an extended vacation yourself. ", "Or you can take a class during your lunch hour and let your employees know you won’t be communicating during this time.", "\n\nWhatever it is, let employees know your company respects their personal time, too.", "\n\nThis is also important to consider when scheduling meetings or creating deadlines. ", "If you plan projects out in the beginning and have a set conference call schedule throughout, this allows employees to factor in personal time better.", "\n\nAlso, be considerate if you have remote employees in different time zones. ", "You don’t want to infringe on their weekends or after work hours that can be better spent as family time.", "\n\nTrack remote work better with Hubstaff Online timesheets, activity tracking, and much more. ", "Try it free\n\n8. ", "Provide team-building activities\n\nEmployee performance largely depends on individual capabilities, but your business’ overall success is determined by how well your team works together.", "\n\nAnd working together can be difficult if your team has nothing more than just a professional connection.", "\n\nTo help your team connect on a more personal level, consider providing team-building activities in which they can get to know each other better.", "\n\nThis can be in the form of vacations, retreats or game nights where everyone gets together and connects outside of structured projects and tasks.", "\n\nIf you are handling a remote team, there are several team communication solutions that can help create this atmosphere even if your team is spread out.", "\n\nSlack, for example, allows you to create multiple channels for different purposes. ", "You can talk to your colleagues about how their work is going, or different topics outside of work.", "\n\n9. ", "Performance is more valuable than hours\n\nWhen reviewing your team on a monthly or annual basis, your assessment should be based on the work completed, not just the number of hours worked.", "\n\nJust because one employee works longer than another doesn’t mean that one is necessarily better.", "\n\nIt could be an indicator that one employee is unable to handle tasks efficiently, thus needing to work longer than what’s needed.", "\n\nIn the same way, the people in your team who pack up and leave early aren’t necessarily bad performers.", "\n\nCome review time, make sure to look at deadlines being met, milestones achieved, business metrics they contributed to, and responses in a timely manner versus the time your employees sat at their desks.", "\n\nThis gives employees the opportunity to prioritize their day as they see fit.", "\n\nHours for any particular day could be skewed based on appointments or outside commitments. ", "But maybe the next day they put in extra hours because they have a project due.", "\n\nIf you assess performance by the quality of work and ability to perform duties instead of how many hours they work each day, it will make for happier and more productive employees.", "\n\nHow do you work toward a better work-life balance?", "\n\nIt’s easy to forget to have time for yourself when work becomes overwhelming. ", "But even if you were in the middle of countless deadlines and piles of work, you still shouldn’t set aside your personal life and your happiness.", "\n\nThat’s why we listed 9 ways to help you and your employees achieve a good balance between work and life.", "\n\nHappy and refreshed workers have excellent potential and productivity, and the key to reaching that is good time management and work-life balance.", "\n\nIf you own your company, what are some ways you promote home and work time? ", "Do your employees feel they have time for both? ", "What works in your experience, and are there any tools or best practices you use to achieve that balance? ", "Feel free to comment below and share your thoughts.", "\n\nThis post was originally published September 1, 2017, and updated June 2019." ]
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[ "Genome-Wide Profiling of DNA Methyltransferases in Mammalian Cells.", "\nChromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) is currently the method of choice to determine binding sites of chromatin-associated factors in a genome-wide manner. ", "Here, we describe a method to investigate the binding preferences of mammalian DNA methyltransferases (DNMT) based on ChIP-seq using biotin-tagging. ", "Stringent ChIP of DNMT proteins based on the strong interaction between biotin and avidin circumvents limitations arising from low antibody specificity and ensures reproducible enrichment. ", "DNMT-bound DNA fragments are ligated to sequencing adaptors, amplified and sequenced on a high-throughput sequencing instrument. ", "Bioinformatic analysis gives valuable information about the binding preferences of DNMTs genome-wide and around promoter regions. ", "This method is unconventional due to the use of genetically engineered cells; however, it allows specific and reliable determination of DNMT binding." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDateTime Parse Exact. ", "Not working on Azure\n\nvar time = \"21/12/2017 12:30:00 p.m.\";\nDateTime x = DateTime.", "ParseExact(time, \"dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt\", null); \n\nThis code seems to work finally locally but not on Azure. ", " \n\nA:\n\nIt is almost certainly failing when trying to parse the AM/PM designator. ", "Depending on the culture, PM could be PM, p.m., a.k or even popodne. ", "You just need to specify the culture when parsing:\nvar time = \"21/12/2017 12:30:00 p.m.\";\nvar culture = CultureInfo.", "GetCultureInfo(\"mi-NZ\");\nDateTime x = DateTime.", "ParseExact(time, \"dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt\", culture);\n\n" ]
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[ " FILED\n APRIL 21, 2020\n In the Office of the Clerk of Court\n WA State Court of Appeals, Division III\n\n\n\n\n IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON\n DIVISION THREE\n\n In the Matter of the Personal Restraint of )\n ) No. ", "36675-8-III\n ARMANDO CORTEZ LOPEZ, )\n )\n Petitioner. ", " ) UNPUBLISHED OPINION\n\n\n KORSMO, J. — Armando Cortez Lopez brought an untimely CrR 7.8 motion and\n\nthen attacked the integrity of the trial court for properly transferring the motion to this\n\ncourt for consideration as a personal restraint petition (PRP). ", "Concluding that the petition\n\nhas not demonstrated prejudicial error on the unique facts of this case, we dismiss the\n\nuntimely PRP.", "\n\n FACTS\n\n The relevant facts are entirely procedural, so we need not discuss the underlying\n\nincident. ", "By amended information, Mr. Lopez was charged with the alternative crimes of\n\nattempted second degree rape and attempted indecent liberties. ", "The jury acquitted him on\n\nthe rape count, but convicted on the attempted indecent liberties. ", "This court affirmed the\n\nconviction on appeal. ", "See State v. Lopez, No. ", "31377-8-III (Wash. Ct. ", "App. ", "Sept. 25,\n\n2014) (unpublished), https://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/pdf/313778.pdf.", "\n\fNo. ", "36675-8-III\nPRP of Lopez\n\n\n The charging document had alleged that Mr. Lopez caused the victim “to have\n\nsexual contact with you by forcible compulsion.” ", "The jury was instructed on the\n\nconcepts of “forcible compulsion” and “substantial step.” ", "The instructions also defined\n\nthe crime of indecent liberties:\n\n A person commits the crime of Indecent Liberties when he knowingly\n causes another person who is not his spouse or registered domestic partner\n to have sexual contact with him by forcible compulsion.", "\n\nClerk’s Papers (CP) (No. ", "31377-8) at 129. ", "The elements instruction did not include the\n\nwords “forcible compulsion.” ", "The verdict form reflected that the jury found Mr. Lopez\n\n“guilty of the alternate crime of Attempted Indecent Liberties.” ", "CP at 137. ", "The trial\n\ncourt imposed a life sentence in accordance with RCW 9.94A.703 and set the minimum\n\nterm at 44 months.", "\n\n This court issued its mandate in the direct appeal on November 4, 2014. ", "The\n\ncurrent action was initiated when Mr. Lopez filed a motion to vacate the sentence in the\n\nYakima County Superior Court on January 29, 2019. ", "He attempted to note the motion\n\nfor hearing before the trial judge. ", "However, the criminal presiding judge transferred the\n\nuntimely collateral attack to this court in accordance with CrR 7.8(c)(2).", "\n\n Converting the pleading to a PRP, this court directed the prosecutor to respond to\n\nthe petition. ", "Mr. Lopez then filed a reply that, in part, accused the prosecutor and\n\ncriminal presiding judge of improperly diverting the case from the trial judge. ", "The\n\n\n\n 2\n\fNo. ", "36675-8-III\nPRP of Lopez\n\n\nprosecutor responded by filing a motion to strike the reply. ", "This court temporarily sealed\n\nthe reply and the motion to strike; the motion was passed on the panel assigned to the\n\ncase. ", "We appointed counsel to argue the case for Mr. Lopez.", "\n\n Mr. Lopez’s motion for accelerated review was granted. ", "The originally scheduled\n\noral argument was struck due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak. ", "Thus, a panel considered\n\nthe petition without hearing argument.", "\n\n ANALYSIS\n\n The primary issue presented is the petition’s contention that the jury only\n\nconvicted Mr. Lopez of a class C felony when it returned a verdict on the attempted\n\nindecent liberties charge. ", "After briefly addressing the motion to strike, we will turn to the\n\nverdict question.", "\n\n Motion to Strike\n\n The State moved to strike a paragraph on page 2 of the pro se reply that alleges\n\nwrongdoing by the presiding criminal judge and the prosecutor, a baseless argument not\n\npresented in the original petition. ", "An improper brief may be struck. ", "RAP 10.7. ", "A party\n\nmay not raise new issues in a reply brief. ", "RAP 10.3(c).", "\n\n No “collateral attack” “may be filed more than one year after the judgment\n\nbecomes final.” ", "RCW 10.73.090(1). ", "A CrR 7.8 motion is a collateral attack. ", "RCW\n\n10.73.090(2). ", "A judgment is final one year after an appellate court issues its mandate.", "\n\n\n\n 3\n\fNo. ", "36675-8-III\nPRP of Lopez\n\n\nRCW 10.73.090(3)(b). ", "When a collateral attack is filed more than one year after a\n\njudgment is final, the superior court is directed to transfer the case to the court of appeals\n\nfor consideration as a PRP. ", "CrR 7.8(c)(2). ", "The transfer of an untimely petition is an\n\nautomatic ministerial task. ", "State v. Flaherty, 177 Wn.2d 90, 93, 296 P.3d 904 (2013).", "\n\n Mr. Lopez filed this collateral attack more than one year after the issuance of the\n\nmandate on the direct appeal. ", "Whether it may or may not have qualified for review under\n\none of the exceptions provided by RCW 10.73.100 was a question for this court to\n\nanswer, not the trial court, and did not change the obligation of the trial court. ", "Mr. Lopez\n\nhad no right to have the superior court hear the motion. ", "That court properly transferred\n\nthe case to this court.", "\n\n The motion to strike is granted.", "\n\n Verdict Form\n\n The PRP alleges that the sentence was in excess of the court’s jurisdiction,\n\ninvoking the exception to the time bar found in RCW 10.73.100(5).", "\n\n The burdens imposed on a petitioner in a PRP are substantial. ", "Because of both the\n\nsignificant societal costs of collateral litigation often brought years after a conviction and\n\nthe need for finality, relief will only be granted in a PRP if there is constitutional error\n\nthat caused substantial actual prejudice or if a nonconstitutional error resulted in a\n\nfundamental defect constituting a complete miscarriage of justice. ", "In re Pers. ", "Restraint\n\n\n\n 4\n\fNo. ", "36675-8-III\nPRP of Lopez\n\n\nof Woods, 154 Wn.2d 400, 409, 114 P.3d 607 (2005). ", "It is the petitioner’s burden to\n\nestablish this “threshold requirement.” ", "Id.\n\n There are six methods of committing the crime of indecent liberties. ", "RCW\n\n9A.44.100. ", "Indecent liberties by forcible compulsion, RCW 9A.44.100(1)(a), is a class A\n\nfelony and retains that classification even in cases of attempt. ", "RCW 9A.44.100(2)(b);\n\nRCW 9A.28.020(3)(a). ", "The remaining five alternative methods of committing indecent\n\nliberties are class B felonies, but attempts to commit any of those alternatives are class C\n\nfelonies. ", "RCW 9A.44.100(2)(a); RCW 9A.28.020(3)(c).", "\n\n Mr. Lopez argues that the failure of the verdict form to reference the “forcible\n\ncompulsion” element of the crime means that he was not convicted of that offense. ", "His\n\nargument fails on the facts of this case.", "\n\n Although not well developed by the pro se pleadings, his argument presents the\n\nquestion of whether the jury’s verdict authorized the punishment imposed. ", "See generally,\n\nBlakely v. Washington, 542 U.S. 296, 124 S. Ct. ", "2531, 159 L. Ed. ", "2d 403 (2004). ", "An\n\nexample is the decision in State v. Clark-El, 196 Wn. ", "App. ", "614, 384 P.3d 627 (2016).", "\n\nThere the defendant was sentenced for delivering methamphetamine, but the “to convict”\n\ninstruction did not identify the controlled substance and the verdict declared Clark-El\n\nguilty of the crime of delivery of a controlled substance. ", "Id. at 618-619. ", "Division One\n\nheld that it was error to not identify the substance in the elements instruction, but the\n\n\n\n 5\n\fNo. ", "36675-8-III\nPRP of Lopez\n\n\nerror was harmless1 as to Clark-El’s conviction. ", "Id. at 620. ", "However, the error was not\n\nharmless as to the sentence; in light of multiple potential punishments for delivering\n\ncontrolled substances, the verdict did not authorize the sentence imposed. ", "Id. at 624.", "\n\n To the extent this is Mr. Lopez’s argument, it fails because the jury was instructed\n\non only one theory of indecent liberties—that of forcible compulsion. ", "A jury that\n\nfollowed the court’s instruction, as we presume2 they did, could only find that indecent\n\nliberties meant indecent liberties by forcible compulsion because that was the only\n\ndefinition of the crime presented to the jury. ", "If the jury had been instructed on more than\n\none of the alternative methods of committing indecent liberties, then Mr. Lopez would\n\nhave a significant argument that he had been prejudiced.3 However, under these facts\n\nMr. Lopez cannot bear his heavy burden of proving actual, and prejudicial, error. ", "The\n\n“missing element” (forcible compulsion) was defined for the jury in terms of the element\n\nit had to find (attempted indecent liberties). ", "The jury’s verdict necessarily determined\n\n\n\n\n 1\n Omission of an essential element is subject to harmless error analysis. ", "State v.\nBrown, 147 Wn.2d 330, 332, 58 P.3d 889 (2002); Neder v. United States, 527 U.S. 1, 119\nS. Ct. ", "1827, 144 L. Ed. ", "2d 35 (1999).", "\n 2\n “Jurors are presumed to follow the court’s instructions.” ", "State v. Kalebaugh, 183\nWn.2d 578, 586, 355 P.3d 253 (2015) (concluding that defendant had not provided\nevidence contesting this presumption).", "\n 3\n Special interrogatories are only used when a jury has multiple alternatives to\nchoose from and there is need to know the basis for the jury’s decision. ", "In a typical case\nlike this when only one statutory alternative is at issue, the general verdict form suffices\nto convey the jury’s decision.", "\n\n 6\n\fNo. ", "36675-8-III\nPRP of Lopez\n\n\nthat Mr. Lopez acted with forcible compulsion. ", "It could not have determined that he\n\ncommitted indecent liberties in some other manner.", "\n\n The PRP does not establish prejudicial error. ", "Accordingly, the petition is untimely\n\nand, therefore, is dismissed.", "\n\n A majority of the panel has determined this opinion will not be printed in the\n\nWashington Appellate Reports, but it will be filed for public record pursuant to\n\nRCW 2.06.040.", "\n\n _________________________________\n Korsmo, A.C.J.\n\nWE CONCUR:\n\n\n\n_________________________________\n Fearing, J.\n\n\n\n_________________________________\n Siddoway, J.\n\n\n\n\n 7\n\f" ]
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[ "Bill Shorten says Labor 'won’t be bullied by Tony Abbott because he doesn’t accept the science of climate change'\n\nThis article is more than 6 years old\n\nThis article is more than 6 years old\n\nLabor will oppose Tony Abbott’s long promised repeal of the carbon price if the Coalition fails to implement an internationally linked emissions trading scheme.", "\n\nThe opposition has thrown down the political gauntlet on carbon pricing before the resumption of the new parliament this month, laying the groundwork for a partisan stand-off on Abbott’s signature election issue.", "\n\nShadow cabinet resolved on Friday to hold Labor’s election posture on carbon pricing.", "\n\nLabor will allow the “tax” to go in favour of a cap on pollution and a floating carbon price from July 2014.", "\n\nBut the Coalition will reject the overture, favouring its own “direct action” scheme.", "\n\n“The opposition will move amendments consistent with our pre-election commitments to terminate the carbon tax on the basis of moving to an effective emissions trading scheme,” the Labor leader, Bill Shorten, told reporters in Canberra on Friday.", "\n\n“However, if our amendments are not successful, we will oppose the government’s repeal legislation in line with our long held principled position to act on climate change to build a modern economy,” he said.", "\n\nShorten was asked by reporters whether the ALP would be better off politically rolling over and accepting Abbott’s mandate to abolish the carbon “tax”.", "\n\nHe replied Labor would “never be a rubber stamp for Tony Abbott”.", "\n\n“We won’t be bullied by Tony Abbott because he doesn’t accept the science of climate change,” Shorten said.", "\n\nHe said the opposition believed it had an obligation to act in accordance with the science and also to set the economy up on the best footing to deal with the transitions associated with a changing climate.", "\n\nShorten said Labor was happy to allow repeal of the clean energy package provided a credible scheme for reducing carbon pollution was put in its place.", "\n\nLabor’s posture suggests Abbott will have to wait until the new Senate is in place before securing the eventual repeal of Labor’s carbon package. ", "Abbott is likely to have the numbers in the Senate for repeal after July 2014.", "\n\nShorten ducked a question on whether senators for the Palmer United Party had a conflict of interest in the repeal debate given the commercial interests of their party leader, mining magnate Clive Palmer. ", "Shorten said he was certain all senators would “adhere to the laws of the land”.", "\n\nEarlier, the shadow infrastructure minister, Anthony Albanese, told reporters he expected Palmer not to participate in votes where he might have a conflict of interest.", "\n\nAlbanese said Palmer was entitled to the presumption that he would act appropriately, but where there was a specific conflict of interest, he should not participate in a parliamentary vote. “", "I think that is a reasonable thing to expect,” Albanese said on Friday morning.", "\n\nThe amendments flagged on Friday by Shorten are yet to be drafted. ", "The carbon pricing issue is yet to be formally endorsed by the Labor caucus, and views inside Labor about the merits of sticking with the election policy remain mixed.", "\n\nBefore Friday’s shadow cabinet meeting, Labor’s national secretary, George Wright, urged parliamentarians to stick with the election policy, which he said positioned the party of the right side of history." ]
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[ "As a known configuration of a sheet package, numbers of sheets which have been stacked up are surrounded and covered with a package member, and the package member is opened when the sheets are used for a printer. ", "Such configuration allows a user to handle numbers of sheets in a mass, package by package, and thereby provides improved usability of sheets. ", "The configuration, covering and protecting the sheets inside, is especially advantageous when heat-sensitive sheets susceptible to light and heat are employed as the print sheets.", "\nThe sheet package is opened by cutting off a flap part of the package member to expose part of the sheets and then set in a printer together with the package member for use in the printer." ]
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[ "In September, we will talk about product marketing\n\nProduct marketing starts with the collateral and materials necessary to explain our solution, but also includes the events that allow us to share our product with industry audiences, partner activities that help us to leverage their capabilities, and of course PR and communications that will help to publicize our solution and educate a larger market on what it can do.", "\n\nIn the past two months, we have completed the first of many important marketing projects. ", "We have created the first product video explaining how MODsense works; we have developed an entirely new version of a product related pitch deck (and received very positive feedback after presenting interested parties); we have updated our branding and corporate identity; and we have released the MODsense spec sheet. ", "In addition, we have lined up an international events calendar for the rest of the year and beyond. ", "The first few conferences can now be seen on our events page.", "\n\nYou might have already noticed some of these changes, particularly online and on our social media channels. ", "And hopefully you’ve seen some new PR exposure, including Modum’s case study in Stanford’s report on Blockchain for Social Impact. ", "As our messaging becomes increasingly customer focused, we look forward to your ongoing support. ", "Sharing and liking our updates, regardless of the platform, helps to generate awareness for Modum across audiences. ", "Next month, I look forward to diving deeper into our marketing efforts and offer a first glimpse at some of our completed projects.", "\n\nIn October, we will show you our solution experience\n\nOur solution experience has been carefully developed since our pilot projects in 2016, when our first customers told us how they would like to work with the data that our solution generates. ", "We have since developed our web app as a core component of MODsense and are currently refining it for product launch. ", "The UX of our web app is a big part of our customer experience, but user documentation, implementation guidelines, shipment reports, and manufacturer validation certificates are also important touch points with our product.", "\n\nIn the past few weeks we have made major progress on the implementation of our mobile and web applications. ", "Step-by-step we are reaching the product qualification milestones we need for product launch. ", "Additionally, we have begun working on the user documentation. ", "Although these documents aren’t the most central components of our product, they are essential for meeting the requirements of quality and safety regulations and enabling efficient training processes so that our solution can be deployed at customer sites.", "\n\nIn October, I am eager to release more visuals from our web app and explain some of the challenges we’ve had and trade-offs we’ve made throughout the design process. ", "Seeing more of our product and understanding how many resources and man hours go into its design and documentation should help everyone to understand how much progress we have made and help interested parties get a first look at what we have built.", "\n\nIn November, we will talk about our service operations\n\nMaking our product available to customers at scale requires service operations that are high functioning and efficient. ", "As our products consists of hardware, firmware and software components, this means setting up warehousing, organizing customer support, planning the product deployment process for sensor and different software components, as well as setting up and maintaining productive IT systems that reliably fulfill service level agreements.", "\n\nProgress in this regard is good, we are finalizing the design of our business support system in alignment with our customers and making steady progress with its implementation, starting user acceptance tests soon.", "\n\nIn November, by outlining our service operations, I will explain some of the challenges inherent in bringing a new solution to users and how these often behind-the-scenes factors can affect the success of our product.", "\n\nI am very excited to share more insights and most importantly the results of our go-to-market process with all stakeholders over the next few months. ", "It has been very rewarding for the whole team to see their efforts yield results and to learn from the ongoing customer feedback.", "\n\nIf this update can serve as evidence of the multivalent organization that Modum is becoming, I think the next three updates will help to make the positive trajectory we are on tangible and understandable, illustrating a process that is being executed in concerted effort by our diverse and talented team.", "\n\nAll the best for the last few weeks of summer,\n\n- Simon Dössegger\n\nAugust 31, 2018" ]
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[ "Response to fluorouracil therapy in cancer patients: the role of tumoral dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase activity.", "\nThe aim of the present study was to analyze the role of thymidylate synthase (TS; main cellular target of fluorouracil [FU]) and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD; rate-limiting enzyme of FU catabolism) in tumoral biopsies with respect to FU responsiveness. ", "This prospective study was conducted on 62 head and neck cancer patients (six stage II, 16 stage III, and 40 stage IV). ", "All received first-line chemotherapy with biomodulated FU (5-day continuous infusion). ", "Before treatment, a tumor biopsy and control biopsy (symmetrical nontumoral area) were obtained. ", "Cytosolic TS and DPD activities were measured using radioenzymatic assays. ", "DPD activity was detectable in all samples, without a significant difference between tumoral (median, 60 pmol/min/mg protein; range, 13 to 193) and nontumoral samples (median, 68 pmol/min/mg protein; range, 12 to 150). ", "Tumoral TS and tumoral DPD were not significantly influenced by tumor localization or tumor staging. ", "Among 52 tumors assessable for clinical response, we observed 46% complete responses (CRs), 33% partial responses (PRs), and 21% no responses (NRs). ", "No relationship was demonstrated between TS activity and response to FU therapy. ", "The comparison of tumoral DPD between complete responders and partial or nonresponders showed a trend toward significance (P = .06). ", "In an attempt to reduce variability, we analyzed the tumoral/nontumoral DPD activity ratio; complete responders exhibited a significantly lower normalized DPD than partial or nonresponding patients (median, 0.86, 1.18, and 1.42 for CR, PR, and NR, respectively; CR v PR plus NR, P = .03). ", "Although resistance to FU is multifactorial, the present clinical study suggests that FU catabolism in target cells is probably a determinant factor for FU responsiveness in cancer patients and justifies the clinical use of specific DPD inhibitors as FU biomodulators." ]
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[ " UNPUBLISHED\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT\n\n\n No. ", "08-6581\n\n\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA,\n\n Petitioner - Appellee,\n\n v.\n\nCORNELL M. TAYLOR,\n\n Respondent - Appellant.", "\n\n\n\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern\nDistrict of North Carolina, at Raleigh. ", "W. Earl Britt, District\nJudge. (", "5:06-HC-02196-br)\n\n\nSubmitted: February 19, 2009 Decided: February 23, 2009\n\n\nBefore WILKINSON, DUNCAN, and AGEE, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n\nAffirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.", "\n\n\nThomas R. Wilson, GREENE & WILSON, P.A., New Bern, North\nCarolina, for Appellant. ", "George E.B. Holding, United States\nAttorney, Anne M. Hayes, Assistant United States Attorney, David\nT. Huband, Special Assistant United States Attorney, Raleigh,\nNorth Carolina, for Appellee.", "\n\n\nUnpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.", "\n\fPER CURIAM:\n\n Cornell M. Taylor appeals from the district court’s\n\norder finding that he had violated the terms of his conditional\n\nrelease and recommitting him pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 4246\n\n(2006). ", " On appeal, Taylor contends that the court erred in\n\nrevoking his conditional release because there was insufficient\n\nevidence of Taylor’s risk to person or property in the community\n\nand the court failed to make factual findings on the statutory\n\nelements of conditional release. ", " Finding no error, we affirm.", "\n\n To be permitted to remain on conditional release in\n\nthe community after a civil commitment, Taylor must have\n\nrecovered from his mental disease or defect to such extent that\n\nhis release would no longer create a substantial risk of bodily\n\ninjury to another person or serious damage to property of\n\nanother. ", " See 18 U.S.C. § 4246(e). ", " A district court’s denial of\n\nrelease under 18 U.S.C. § 4246(d) is a factual determination\n\nthat will not be overturned unless it is clearly erroneous. ", " See\n\nUnited States v. Woods, 995 F.2d 894, 896 (9th Cir. ", " 1993);\n\nUnited States v. Cox, 964 F.2d 1431, 1433 (4th Cir. ", "1992). ", " “A\n\nfinding is ‘clearly erroneous’ when although there is evidence\n\nto support it, the reviewing court on the entire evidence is\n\nleft with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has\n\nbeen committed.” ", " United States v. Dugger, 485 F.3d 236, 239\n\n(4th Cir. ", "2007).", "\n\n 2\n\f We conclude that the district court did not clearly\n\nerr in revoking Taylor’s conditional release. ", " Taylor admitted\n\nviolating the terms of his release on two occasions when he left\n\nhis living facility, consumed alcohol, and returned to the\n\nfacility. ", " After consumption, Taylor was not immediately able to\n\ntake his prescribed medications. ", " Following the second incident,\n\nTaylor stated that he could not cope with the conditional\n\nrelease plan.", "\n\n The district court shall remand a conditionally\n\nreleased person to a suitable facility if it finds that (1) the\n\nperson has “fail[ed] to comply with the prescribed regimen of\n\nmedical, psychiatric, or psychological care or treatment;” and\n\n(2) that in light of the person’s failure, “his continued\n\nrelease would create a substantial risk of bodily injury to\n\nanother person or serious damage to property of another.” ", " 18\n\nU.S.C. § 4246(f). ", " The court previously found by clear and\n\nconvincing evidence that without commitment, there is a\n\nsubstantial risk of bodily injury. ", " Use of alcohol and failure\n\nto take prescribed medications are “major factors in determining\n\npotential dangerousness.” ", " United States v. Ecker, 30 F.3d 966,\n\n970 (8th Cir. ", "1994).", "\n\n Taylor also argues that the district court erred by\n\nfailing to place facts related to his violations on the record\n\nor in the order revoking his conditional release. ", " However, the\n\n 3\n\ffull record before the court supported the court’s findings.", "\n\nFurther, the motions and letters regarding Taylor’s conduct were\n\nserved on counsel and received and submitted to the court prior\n\nto sentencing. ", " We therefore conclude that the district court’s\n\nfindings are sufficient and it did not clearly err in revoking\n\nTaylor’s conditional release.", "\n\n Accordingly, we affirm the district court’s order\n\nrevoking conditional release. ", " We dispense with oral argument\n\nbecause the facts and legal contentions are adequately presented\n\nin the materials before the court and argument would not aid the\n\ndecisional process.", "\n\n AFFIRMED\n\n\n\n\n 4\n\f" ]
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[ "Jarszewko\n\nJarszewko () is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Stepnica, within Goleniów County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in north-western Poland. ", "It is about 70 km from Szczecin and 30 km from Świnoujście. ", "It is on the coast of the Szczecin Lagoon and has a population of about 80. ", "It was first mentioned in 1590, and belonged to the family of von Flemming.", "\n\nBefore 1945 the area was part of Germany. ", "Following World War II the native German populace was expelled and replaced by Poles. ", "For the history of the region, see History of Pomerania.", "\n\nReferences\n\nJarszewko" ]
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[ 0.0024131909012794495, 0.0009691345039755106, 0.0007588750449940562, 0.0006711313617415726, 0.004519481211900711, 0.019833141937851906, 0.0006264350959099829, 0.0008930217591114342 ]
[ "Q:\n\nK-fold cross validation for choosing number of epochs\n\nI'm trying to figure out the optimal number of epochs I need to train a convolutional network for, using 4 fold cross validation. ", "I divided the dataset into 4 parts, trained the model on 3 parts, while keeping out one for validation. ", "Repeated this thrice with the other parts as validation set.", "\nAfter this experiment I found that, models on first two folds achieved 100% accuracy on validation set. ", "The number of epochs it takes for each fold to achieve the highest possible accuracy on validation fold is wide apart viz. ", "21(100% on validation fold), 34(100%),36(98.97%) , 40(99.65%). ", "My idea was to find the optimal number of epochs and then train the model on all the data for that many epochs. ", "How do I choose the number of epochs from this experiment?", "\nIf this approach is inadequate, how should I change it?", "\n\nA:\n\nThink of accuracy on the validation set as an estimate of accuracy on future data, given the value of some hyperparameter. ", "In this case, the hyperparameter of interest is the number of training epochs. ", "So: for each CV fold, train the network (e.g. up to some maximum number of epochs). ", "After each epoch, record accuracy on the validation set. ", "Compute the average validation set accuracy (across CV folds) for each number of epochs. ", "Choose the number of epochs that maximizes this value.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\n\nAsk HN: Should I give up on a career in tech? - ", "daaan\n\nAbout me: Me and my friends grew up programming games in the 90s on a Mac SE. ", "Went to college, still loved programming, majored in CS. ", "Did well in CS, impressed professors. ", "But now that I&#x27;m job hunting and interviewing with Harvard and Stanford grads, I&#x27;m a little embarrassed by the state school on my resume.<p>After school, joined Teach for America because it was competitive and I got accepted. ", "I figured it couldn&#x27;t hurt to have on my resume. ", "Ended up teaching for 4 years so I could get a clear credential (doesn&#x27;t expire), never really liked it that much, quit. ", "Now I&#x27;m unemployed and I&#x27;ve been looking for a career in technology, my real passion.<p>No success and I&#x27;m about to give up and go back to teaching. ", "I&#x27;ve applied for software dev positions at many companies and gotten 1 response. ", "Bombed the interview. ", "I applied for a few dev support positions and had strong initial interest, but everything fizzled out.<p>I don&#x27;t interview well. ", "I&#x27;ve practiced a lot but when it comes down to it, I&#x27;m not a fast thinker and don&#x27;t like being judged. ", "Never have. ", "I&#x27;ve worked on many hobby projects over the years and my &quot;breakthrough ideas&quot; always come when I&#x27;m in the shower or walking the dog or laying in bed at night. ", "Relaxed situations. ", "I also used to think I was smart because I was always able to overcome problems in my own dev projects, but after my interview experiences I&#x27;m now filled with self-doubt. ", "In the days and weeks leading up to interviews, I don&#x27;t sleep and have constant butterflies in my stomach -- I just obsessively study data structures and algorithms all day. ", "And then when I bomb the interview, I get depressed for days. ", "I just got an email from Apple to interview for a software dev role. ", "Should I save myself the grief and turn it down? ", "Should I go back to teaching?<p>tl;dr: love programming, really bad at interviews, considering turning down interview invite from Apple and going back to old career I didn&#x27;t like.", "\n======\nnijiko\nTL;DR\n\nCreate github profile, fill with projects you make in your spare time, create\nlinked in, link github profile. ", "Job offers will flow in like you've never seen\nand many times you won't even have to do a technical interview because your\nprofile proves your worth.", "\n\nThis means:\n\n\\- Write tests for your repositories\n\n\\- Have repositories that display your expertise (whether in one language or\nmany)\n\n\\- Keep up on trends depending on what area you want to be in (devops,\nbackend, frontend, full-stack, data science, growth, etc.)", "\n\n\\- Show some marketing initiative, small number of stars / forks, by sending\nto various blogs.", "\n\nIt may seem like a lot, but it takes maybe an hour a day.", "\n\n------\nashworth\nNo man, definitely don't give up like this. ", "Try going on CrunchBase/AngelList\nand looking for companies that recently got big funding rounds and apply to\nwork there. ", "The bar of admission will be lower because they're eager to spend.", "\nTry new job boards like Hired/White Truffle that aren't as flooded.", "\n\nHave you asked your friends/college classmates/college professors/alumni\nrelations department for leads? ", "If you haven't, start doing that YESTERDAY.", "\n\nAlso see if you can talk to some recruiters: They can meet you, see your\npersonality, and then socially massage the hiring manager in your favor\nbefore/after your interview.", "\n\nFinally, worst case scenario, suck up the cash/time hit and hire a\ncareer/interviewing coach or go back to school and get a M.S. to punt this\nstressful situation into the future.", "\n\nIf you love programming and have a C.S. degree, you can have a job soon. ", "Maybe\nif you're bad at interviewing you won't get the most prestigious one, but\nyou'll get one.", "\n\n------\nmackraken\nMy experience is similar to yours. ", "I have an SE sitting right here (still\nworks!).", "\n\nBeing good at interviews comes with work experience. ", "You get better at\nevaluating/profiling employers, and responding accordingly.", "\n\nWhat I've come to believe is that at many of the big names, unless you're very\nhighly specialized or have a very valuable, unique skill-set (I don't) - then\nyou can expect to be treated like a cog (tested for strength, then run around\non rote tasks until you're replaced). ", "I no longer move forward with technical\ninterviews, unless it's a very special opportunity (cool, fun, meaningful).", "\nThat said - I'm sure working at Apple you'd have to chance to learn from some\nreally talented people.", "\n\nMy guess is a startup might be a better fit for you at this point. ", "Pick one\nwhere you be working with good senior engineers (key that they're nice people,\nwho'll make good mentors). ", "Work there a year or so, then find something\nbetter. ", "Repeat.", "\n\nAre you actively coding? ", "You should be. ", "Get on Github and either find a\nproject or start one.", "\n\n------\nkarmajunkie\nInterviewing is as much a matter of practice as innate skill or knowledge.", "\nThere's some good advice in the responses here—try for some smaller companies,\nwork on your own projects and build a github with some substance to it—but\nalso, keep practicing interviews. ", "It doesn't matter if you don't think you're\nqualified or will get the job. ", "You'll be surprised one day at the contacts\nthat come out of it.", "\n\nAlso, hit up meetups for your platform of choice. ", "There's usually lots of\nwilling help in those groups...\n\n------\nillini123\nNo, you shouldn't teach, but Apple doesn't necessarily sound like the right\nfit either. ", "The issue with larger companies is mainly using the interview as\nan efficient screening mechanism, but it's always going to miss talent, such\nas interviewees in your situation. ", "Have you thought about possibly a smaller /\ncompany? ", "If technology is your passion and you have the skills, I would do\neverything in your power to show that you can work well with others, but just\ndon't necessarily interview well.", "\n\n------\ndamm\nThere are lots of people applying for a job right now and employers cannot\nreview every single resume and try and contact everyone. ", "That said your Cover\nletter and Resume should be tailored for every contact (obviously, you likely\ndo this already).", "\n\nIf you are being Interviewed the interview is pretty much over; you have to\nInterviewer now. ", "As you said you are bad at interviews this is likely the your\nproblem.", "\n\nApply for other positions that are not in the Fortune 500 list. ", "Keep trying\nand change the companies you apply for and try and have fun.", "\n\nHardest part.", "\n\n------\ncuriousphil\nWhere are you located and are you willing to relocate? ", "We are looking for a\nhtml5 game developer at our agency. ", "We are no Apple! ", "We don't do code tests in\nthe interview but we send you home with assets to build us a simple game to\nget an idea where you are at how fast you can learn and your general ability\nto write quality code and solve problems. ", "If you are interested in taking the\ntest let me know.", "\n\n------\nbitshepherd\nDo the interview but don't invest yourself emotionally. ", "Approach the interview\nlike you don't want the job (even if you do). ", "If they like you, cool. ", "If not,\ncool.", "\n\nOne thing you can try is contracting/consulting with an established firm. ", "It\ngot me into a couple of positions I'd have otherwise been screened out of,\nbecause I was able to bring what I know and can do to the table without fear\nof rejection or concern of being screened out.", "\n\nAlso, get out of your head. :)", "\n\n------\njtfairbank\nShoot me an email (address in my profile). ", "I'm happy to spend 30 minutes to\ngive you some interview pointers / talk about this issue.", "\n\n------\nkapilvt\nrecommend opensource contrib & projs as resume. ", "train on interview, practice\nbegets success. ", "failure is a teacher to success, be it building a company or\nan interview. ", "teaching is worthwhile but rarely fiscally rewarding. ", "choices on\nwhat matters to you.", "\n\n------\nPaulHoule\nNo.", "\n\nCompanies like Apple are the place where you can have the least impact.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "This article is more than 5 years old\n\nThis article is more than 5 years old\n\nMario Balotelli has been branded as ordinary and a player by his former team-mate Adel Taarabt, and is unlikely to make a return to Internazionale in January, according to the club’s vice-president, Javier Zanetti..\n\nThe 24-year-old Liverpool forward has failed to make an impact since moving to Anfield from Milan over the summer and has been linked with a move back to Italy.", "\n\nInter are keen to strengthen their attacking line in the winter transfer market but Zanetti told Sky Italia: “A Balotelli return? ", "We all know Mario is a great player but I think it’s difficult because he only just arrived at Liverpool.", "\n\n“In any case, after our game against Lazio [on 21 December] we will hold meetings to see what we can do and what is needed in terms of the [transfer] market.”", "\n\nBalotelli has scored only two goals in his 14 appearances for Liverpool. ", "Speaking to Italian TV channel Sky Italia, Taarabt said: “Balotelli? ", "Everyone told me he was amazing and I played with him and I can say he is strong but he didn’t seem to me as though he was world class.", "\n\n“He is an ordinary player, not a phenomenon.”", "\n\nTaarabt added: “He is someone who has a strong shot but he doesn’t play for the team. ", "And if he does, he doesn’t score as is the case right now at Liverpool.", "\n\n“He’s had so many chances, from [Manchester] City to Milan, and he’s thrown them away.”", "\n\nA return to San Siro would see the Italy international reunited with Roberto Mancini, who coached Balotelli at Inter and Manchester City.", "\n\nMancini, who took the reins at Inter last month for a second spell in charge, admitted after Monday’s 2-0 win at Chievo that there was a need for his side to bolster their attack. “", "In certain roles in attack we are lacking,” Mancini told Gazzetta dello Sport. “", "The club are aware of this but in January it will not be easy.”", "\n\nBalotelli came through the ranks at Inter before being sold to Manchester City in 2010." ]
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[ "Esophagogastric disconnection following failed fundoplication for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in children with severe neurological impairment.", "\nThis report describes our experience with esophagogastric disconnection and Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in seven neurologically impaired children as a second antireflux operation following failed Nissen fundoplication. ", "After a mean follow-up of 3 years, three children (43%) were completely or almost completely symptom-free and had improved nutritional status. ", "Early complications occurred in three patients (43%): small bowel obstruction, wound infection, and necrosis of the Roux-en-Y loop. ", "Three patients (43%) presented long-term complications: jejunoesophageal bile reflux and bile reflux with gastric irritation. ", "Two patients required reoperation (28%), and two deaths occurred in the postoperative period (28%). ", "In three previous reports in the surgical literature, severe postoperative complications occurred in 0-44%, requiring reoperation in 0-22% of the patients, and the mortality rate was 0-11%. ", "Esophagogastric disconnection for the treatment of GERD in neurologically impaired children is associated with major complications and should be considered after more conservative procedures fail." ]
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[ 0.01232083048671484, 0.0018029414350166917, 0.0008616462582722306, 0.000845966103952378, 0.001015236135572195, 0.0006698117940686643, 0.0006122374325059354, 0.0015045891050249338 ]
[ "Occupy Homes MN Anti-Foreclosure Activist Fights to Save Mom’s Home\n\nCitibank Refuses to Accept Minneapolis Mom’s Mortgage Payments; Home to be Auctioned Wednesday\n\nMinneapolis—For months, Colleen McKee Espinosa, a single mother of three—including Nick Espinosa, a volunteer organizer who has helped other homeowners fight foreclosure—has repeatedly asked Citibank officials to allow her to catch up on her mortgage and keep her home. ", "But Citibank still has the home scheduled to be auctioned off at a sheriff’s foreclosure sale this Wednesday, June 13th, at 9am.", "\n\nMcKee Espinosa, a registered nurse, has been in her home for 16 years. ", "Last year, she attempted to pay her Citibank mortgage to catch up on two past-due payments on the indicated due date. ", "The bank told her the home had already been sent into foreclosure.", "\n\n“I’ve come up with the money I owe them but they refuse to take it,” McKee Espinosa said.", "Colleen’s son Nick Espinosa is a volunteer organizer for the group Occupy Homes Minnesota, a group that has waged successful campaigns that saved the homes of Monique White and US Marine veteran Bobby Hull.", "\n\nDespite her son’s activism, Colleen McKee Espinosa was initially reluctant to speak publicly about her case. ", "But as she faced the impending loss of her home, McKee Espinosa joined forces with other homeowners and Occupy Homes activists to begin a community campaign to ask Citibank to negotiate a fair settlement that would let her keep her home and finish paying a mortgage that, until recently, had only six years of payments left.", "\n\nAfter media coverage in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the blog Crooks and Liars, and other outlets, Citibank officials contacted the family, and assured them they were doing everything they could to resolve the case, assigning them a contact in the “executive response unit.” ", "Despite this, the bank is moving to auction the home at a sheriff’s sale this Wednesday at City Hall, after which time the bank would have no legal obligation to work with the family.", "\n\n“My mother has struggled her whole life to keep our family afloat, while teaching my siblings and me about hard work, fairness, and giving back,” said Nick Espinosa. “", "I’ve dedicated the last 8 months of my life to helping families fight against unjust foreclosures and the greedy banks that would rather leave homes vacant than work to keep families in their communities even after being bailed out with our tax dollars. ", "Citibank won’t be stealing the home I grew up in from my mom—it stops here.”", "\n\nThe family has seen a huge outpouring of support from the community since the campaign started. ", "McKee Espinosa’s union of 20,000 nurses statewide, The Minnesota Nurses Association, St. Anthony East Neighborhood Association, and hundreds of neighbors have called for Citibank to negotiate with the family, signing an online petition asking Citibank to work out an agreement with the family. ", "Most neighbors on the block have sent letters to Citibank and display yard signs in support of the family." ]
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[ "Declaraţiile Ioanei Moldovan vin în contextul în care Doina Gradea, fosta asistentă personală a lui Adrian Sârbu, şi Andreea Berecleanu, prezentatoarea Observatorului de la Antena 1, au intrat într-o dispută , după ce prima a susţinut că ştirista şi fostul ei soţ, Andrei Zaharescu, au părăsit postul Pro TV întrucât transformaseră jurnalul de dimineaţă într-un „talcioc personal“.", "\n\nÎntr-un mesaj publicat pe Facebook , Ioana Moldovan oferă o nouă perspectivă asupra întâmplării, dezvăluind că, în realitate, Zaharescu, care îi era coleg de pupitru, „lua şpagă la greu“ de la invitaţii săi şi „a mers cu tupeul atât de departe încât le dădea bieţilor doctori chitanţe scrise de el.“", "\n\nDe asemenea, fosta prezentatoare Pro TV susţine că Zaharescu nu a fost tras la răspundere pentru faptele sale, ci i-a fost dată o altă funcţie la Petrom. ", "Mai mult decât atât, Moldovan precizează că a fost forţată, împreună cu alţi prezentatori, să semneze un acord ce le interzicea să vorbească despre acest episod, iar în caz contrar urmau să plătească despăgubiri uriaşe.", "\n\nMesajul integral al Ioanei Moldovan\n\nAm văzut că se lucrează intens la istoria PRO TV. ", "Am dat peste cearta dintre Doina Gradea şi Andreea Berecleanu. ", "Doina zice că Andreea Berecleanu şi Andrei Zaharescu au fost mutaţi din televiziune pe motiv că „au prezentat un jurnal de dimineaţă mult prea comercial“. ", "Andreea zice ca ea nu a prezentat niciodată jurnalul de dimineaţă. ", "Şi de aici a izbucnit cearta. ", "Gradea a făcut-o proastă, Berecleanu a făcut-o „uşieră“.", "\n\nMă văd nevoită stimaţi telespectatori, să vă povestesc cum au stat lucrurile. ", "Acţiunea se petrece în 1998. ", "Ştirile de dimineaţă erau prezentate nu de Berecleanu şi nici de Gradea, ci de mine, Ioana Moldovan. ", "Îl aveam partener de prompter pe actualul consul al României în Africa de Sud, îndrăgitul Andrei Zaharescu. ", "Zaharescu lua şpagă la greu de la invitaţi. ", "Doctori, cabinete stomatologice, clinici private - nimeni nu scăpa. ", "În fiecare dimineaţă ne arăta ceasurile lui scumpe şi pantofii preţioşi. ", "Eu, Neti, Irina Reisler şi Ioan T. Morar, ceilalţi prezentatori din matinal, habar n-aveam de acest comerţ. ", "Zaharescu a mers cu tupeul atât de departe încât le dădea bieţilor doctori chitanţe scrise de el.", "\n\nÎntr-o zi, o doctoriţa invitată în emisiune şi-a uitat banii acasă şi, într-un moment în care Zaharescu nu era în studio, a întrebat-o pe Reisler dacă poate să plătească data viitoare. ", "Aşa a fost dezlegat misterul ceasurilor lui Zaharescu. ", "În loc să fie dat afară, pus să aducă banii înapoi şi dat pe mâna poliţiei, Zaharescu a fost mutat într-o sinecură la Petrom. ", "Eu şi, probabil, ceilalţi prezentatori am fost chemaţi la avocata trustului, Liliana, şi forţaţi să semnăm o hârtie prin care ne angajam să nu pomenim vreodată de aceste hoţii. ", "În caz că vorbeam, urma să plătim o sumă uriaşă. ", "Eu aveam 21 de ani, eram în ultimul an la teatru şi îmi doream slujba, aşa că am semnat. ", "Cred că a semnat multă lume, fiindcă vestea se răspândise.", "\n\nA fost un abuz juridic inimaginabil şi toată lumea a înţeles încă de atunci că Zaharescu nu putea să fie singur în această poveste. ", "El împărţea cu cineva sumele culese zi de zi şi cred că acel cineva a avut grijă să-l facă dispărut. ", "Asta e doar o frântură din istoria cu umbre a Pro TV care, iată, nu seamănă deloc cu versiunea poleită a oamenilor care se mândresc cu ea.", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Lero (software engineering)\n\nLero, the Irish Software Research Centre, Ireland, is a world-leading Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) research centre. ", "It was established in 2005 as an SFI Centre for Science Engineering and Technology (CSET), being one of nine (originally ten) such centres established by the Irish Government in various areas of science and engineering.", "\n\nOverview \nHosted at University of Limerick, Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre, is home to around 250 active researchers across all seven Irish universities and two Institutes of Technology. ", "Its research covers a wide range of software topics, from driverless cars and automation to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.", "\n\nLero brings together researchers from UL, Dublin City University, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Institute of Technology Tralee, National University of Ireland Galway, Maynooth University, Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork and University College Dublin.", "\n\nLero is actively engaged with industry and currently has in the region of 50 industry partners.", "\n\nLeadership \nLero's first Centre Director was Professor Kevin T Ryan and its Scientific Director was Professor Klaus Pohl. ", "Professor Mike Hinchey was appointed Director of Lero in mid-2010. ", "Professor Bashar Nuseibeh served as Chief Scientist from 2010 to 2014 and was succeeded by Professor Brian Fitzgerald. ", "\n\nIn 2016, Professor Fitzgerald was appointed Director of Lero and continues to lead the centre today. ", "Professor Nuseibeh is the centre's Chief Scientist. ", "\n\nJoe Gibbs was appointed General Manager in 2018 replacing Brendan O’Malley. ", "Mr Gibbs previously held the role of Business Development Manager at the centre.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Educational institutions established in 2005\nCategory:University of Limerick\nCategory:Research institutes in the Republic of Ireland\nCategory:Software engineering organizations" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to novel esters of phosphorous acid and phosphoric acid and to a novel method for their production. ", "More particularly, the novel compounds are (halo)(hydroxy)-substituted phosphites and phosphorates characterized by a high hydroxyl number due to the method by which the compounds are produced.", "\nIn U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,939,227, the reaction between a halide of an alkyl phosphonic acid and a hydroxy terminated epoxy was reported. ", "Specifically, the reference disclosed the reaction of glycidol with chloromethyl phosphonic dichloride. ", "The reported product was a diol of the formula ##STR1## where R was chloromethyl; X was chloro; and a was 1. ", "The compound was found to be a highly viscous material. ", "No further characterizing data was supplied.", "\nThe method illustrated by the above reference has proven difficult in practice due to the competing reactions between hydroxyl, instead of the suggested epoxy moieties, with the active phosphorus reactant sites resulting in impure product and high molecular weight oligomers as indicated by the viscous nature of the reported product. ", "It is, for example, well-known that phosphonic chlorides react only with great difficulty with epoxy groups unless a catalyst is employed, cf. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "1,936,985; 2,610,978; 3,010,980; etc. ", "Accordingly in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,939,227, low temperatures were employed along with slow addition of the phosphorus compound to a dilute solution of the epoxide in order to limit, if possible, competing reactions of the hydroxyl moiety. ", "This process is not commercially acceptable and, as previously explained, was not entirely successful in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,939,227 in preventing contaminating reaction products as indicated by the highly viscous nature of the reported product. ", "The highly viscous reaction product is unsuitable in many applications requiring a polyhydroxyl-containing compound having low hydroxyl equivalent weight.", "\nFurthermore, the reaction technique of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,939,227 is not amenable for use with more reactive phosphorus compounds such as POCl.sub.3, PCl.sub.3 or PCl.sub.5. ", "The competing reaction of hydroxyl moieties with these more reactive phosphorus compounds readily forms undesirable reaction products.", "\nAccordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a process whereby highly pure (halo)(hydroxy)alkyl phosphites and phosphorates may be prepared expeditiously and in high yield under commercially acceptable reaction conditions and times.", "\nIt is a further object of the present invention to produce highly pure (halo)(hydroxy)alkyl ester derivatives of phosphorus compounds of low viscosity suitable for use in producing polyurethanes by reaction with a diisocyanate-containing compound, said polyurethanes having flame-retarding characteristics. ", "Preferably the (halo)(hydroxy)-substituted esters have a viscosity less than 500,000 centipoise at ambient temperatures in order that the compound be tractable and capable of use without employing a solvent." ]
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[ "The following relates generally to wireless communication, and more specifically to adaptive codeword and codeblock (e.g., codeblock size) selection in wireless communications.", "\nWireless communication systems are widely deployed to provide various types of communication content such as voice, video, packet data, messaging, broadcast, and so on. ", "These systems may be multiple-access systems capable of supporting communication with multiple users by sharing the available system resources (e.g., time, frequency, and power). ", "Examples of such multiple-access systems include code-division multiple access (CDMA) systems, time-division multiple access (TDMA) systems, frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) systems, and orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) systems.", "\nIn some examples, a wireless multiple-access communication system may include a number of base stations, each simultaneously supporting communication for multiple communication devices, otherwise known as user equipment (UEs). ", "In a Long-Term Evolution (LTE) or LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) network, a set of one or more base stations may define an eNodeB (eNB). ", "In other examples (e.g., in a next generation new radio (NR) or 5G network), a wireless multiple access communication system may include a number of smart radio heads (RHs) in communication with a number of access node controllers (ANCs), where a set of one or more RHs, in communication with an ANC, defines a base station (e.g., an eNB). ", "A base station may communicate with a set of UEs on downlink (DL) channels (e.g., for transmissions from a base station to a UE) and uplink (UL) channels (e.g., for transmissions from a UE to a base station).", "\nAs communications providers continue to increase the capacity of wireless networks, and as demand for such capacity grows, efficient use of wireless resources becomes increasingly important for high quality and relatively low cost wireless communications. ", "One technique used to increase capacity of wireless networks is multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) communications, in which one of various MIMO transmission modes may be selected to provide efficient use of available wireless resources. ", "Some of the MIMO transmission modes provide that multiple separate data streams may be transmitted using separate spatial layers, which may increase throughput relative to transmission of a single data stream. ", "A receiver, such as a UE or a base station, that receives MIMO transmissions may process the received MIMO signals and decode the separate data streams. ", "The complexity of the processing of received MIMO signals may depend on one or more characteristics associated with the MIMO transmission, such as a number of codewords that are transmitted, a codeblock size of the transmissions, a number of feedback processes (e.g., a number of hybrid automatic repeat request (HARD) processes) configured for the MIMO transmission, and the like. ", "In some cases it may be desirable to increase wireless network efficiency by increasing data throughput, reducing latency associated with decoding received signals, and/or providing feedback of successful or unsuccessful reception of the received signals." ]
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[ "A compilation of the 7 Asian Taboo Week videos in one discounted package!", "\n\nPart 1\n\nSecrets are a powerful thing. ", "You recently found out that your sister Nikko has a boyfriend. ", "Your parents would be so pissed off. ", "Not only that, but you have proof that she actually had sex with him. ", "Obviously Nikko wants to keep that a secret. ", "And she's willing to do just about anything to keep you quiet. ", "Which sounds like music to your ears. ", "She's offering to clean and cook but of course you want something a little more exciting. ", "For a whole week, you're going to be taking full advantage of what your hot sister has to offer, from her sexy boobs to her skillful mouth and her tight pussy. ", "Since it's only day 1, you decide to start slowly by having Nikko strip down and show you her boobs. ", "You want more than just look at them so you get a nice handful. ", "They are so nice you can't stop playing with them. ", "And Nikko seems to like it too. ", "Even though she's not supposed to. ", "This is encouraging! ", "Next up you want to get a close up look of her pussy. ", "It's so nice to see a nice clean shaven pussy. ", "Even if it's your sister. ", "Nikko really doesn't want you to tell mom and dad so she even starts playing with her pussy for you. ", "This is going to be a fun week!", "\n\nPart 2\n\nAfter you get back from practice, you come back to Nikko's room to chat some more about what had happened earlier. ", "You were able to make a deal with her where you would keep her secret boyfriend a secret to your parents, and in exchange, Nikko promised to do some fun experiments with you for a week. ", "Earlier, you got to play with her magnificent boobs and she masturbated for you. ", "This time, you want her to touch your dick and put it in her mouth. ", "She has no idea there was more to sex than just putting a dick in her pussy. ", "You offer to practice on your dick. ", "That's a win/win right? ", "Nikko is surprised to see your dick and how big it is. ", "She's not sure what to do but she quickly figures it out. ", "With some spit and some jerking off, she gets you rock hard in no time and you end up blowing your load all over her.", "\n\nPart 3\n\nAfter an eventful Day 1 you check back in with your sister Nikko. ", "The arrangement Nikko agreed to allows you pretty much unlimited sexual services in exchange for you remaining quiet to your parents about her new boyfriend. ", "After watching her strip, masturbate and give you a hand job in day 1, you want to take things a little further today. ", "You've always wondered what it would be like for Nikko to give you a blow job. ", "And today is your lucky day. ", "She agrees (reluctantly) to give you a blow job. ", "It's not like she has a choice. ", "And she actually looks like she's enjoying it too. ", "Either way, it doesn't matter to you. ", "She does an amazing job and makes you cum all over her hands. ", "Not a bad start to the day. ", "And you have 5 more days of this to look forward to!", "\n\nPart 4\n\nYou wake up horny. ", "Normally you would just jerk off and go back to sleep. ", "But since your sister Nikko owes you big time, you just go down to her room. ", "She's sleeping like a baby. ", "It wouldn't hurt to feel her up a little bit first. ", "She has the best boobs. ", "And if you two weren't related, you would love to fuck her non stop. ", "When your finger slides by her pussy, she wakes up startled and confused. ", "She asks what you're doing and you explain that she should probably take care of your boner so you can go back to sleep. ", "So she does. ", "With her amazing skills, it doesn't take long until you cum in her mouth. ", "Not wanting to make a mess, she swallows it all and the two of you can go back to bed. ", "This is so much better than doing it yourself!!!", "\n\nPart 5\n\nYour sister Nikko is really into acting. ", "She's rehearsing some lines for an upcoming play as you walk into her room. ", "You feel like getting some more BJ action and by now, she's pretty used to it. ", "With only a few more days left in your arrangement, she compliments you on your dick size as she starts sucking you off with no hesitation. ", "Between her sucking skills and those amazing boobs she has, you have no problem getting hard for her. ", "She goes to town again and it doesn't take long until she has you right where she wants you, and that is exploding all over the inside of her mouth.", "\n\nPart 6\n\nThis week has been awesome. ", "You made a deal with your sister Nikko to keep her new boyfriend a secret from your parents. ", "In exchange she's doing all kinds of sexual favors to you. ", "You've been super horny all week and while Nikko is in the shower, you decide to pay her a visit. ", "You watch for a while as she lathers up that sexy young body of hers paying extra attention to her amazing boobs and her shaven pussy. ", "After she's done washing she asks you what you want her to do for you. ", "Well, obviously, more attention to your cock would be great! ", "She reluctantly gets down on her knees in the tub and gets to work on your cock. ", "She sure has a way with cocks, for someone who is so inexperienced. ", "What a natural. ", "She gets you super hard, as usual, and it doesn't take long until you cum inside of her again. ", "Maybe you wouldn't cum so fast if she wasn't so damn good at sucking your dick. ", "Hopefully you get to take advantage of that some more.", "\n\nPart 7\n\nThe last day has arrived. ", "You go into your sister's Nikko's room to let her know that she only needs to do one more thing and then you'll keep her secret from mom and dad. ", "That one more thing is going all the way. ", "You've gotten plenty of BJ's throughout the week, so now it's time to see what it's like to actually fuck your sister. ", "You know she's done it before so she's not a virgin anymore. ", "You can't wait to try a few different positions with her. ", "Cowgirl, Doggy, Missionary. ", "It doesn't take long before you blow your load. ", "What a week this has been!", "\n\nYou're done with your chores. ", "Nikko was supposed to do them, but a nice quick blow job got her out of working in the yard. ", "When you go back into the house, you find Nikko pleasuring herself with what looks like a microphone. ", "What the hell is that thing? ", "She explains what it is and even lets you try it out on her. ", "That's a crazy tool, you think, but what's even crazier is the kind of orgasm it gives your sister. ", "You get a nice front row seat as she climaxes right in front of you.", "\n\nAt the end of a long day, Nikko likes to unwind, take off all her clothes and have someone go down on her until she cums and starts giggling. ", "We're more than happy to take on that role. ", "Nikko's pussy is soft and sweet. ", "She's a little ticklish so the start and finish have some genuine giggles. ", "In between, there's a slow build up to a nice release. ", "Another job well done.", "\n\nNikko had a very stressful day. ", "All she wants to do is relax. ", "What better way to relax than to get a nice relaxing massage? ", "She gets naked and lays down in the middle of the living room. ", "What follows is almost 20 minutes of sensual massage of her back, butt, legs and after she flips over, her belly, amazing boobs and inner thighs. ", "Sensing that she's nice and relaxed, she gets a little turned on and indicates that she'd like a happy ending. ", "No problem!", "\n\nNikko loves to cook. ", "She calls herself the porn chef. ", "You're watching her from around the corner as she is chopping vegetables. ", "She looks so darn cute in her little lingerie set and her high heels. ", "In the middle of chopping veggies, she gets a little turned on and decides to hop on the counter. ", "There's still a zucchini sitting on the counter. ", "Hmm. ", "She picks it up and starts rubbing it on her clit. ", "And soon enough she puts the whole thing in her pussy. ", "After fucking herself for a little bit, she notices you from the corner of her eye. ", "Oops, caught in the act. ", "She makes you come over and insists that she'd rather have your cock inside than her vegetables. ", "You willingly help her off the counter and onto the kitchen table where you fuck her doggy, put her on her back so you can play with her amazing boobs and then finally have her ride you on the same kitchen table you'll later have dinner at with her. ", "After she cums, she tells you how happy she is about taking a little break from cooking. ", "The appetizer was delicious at least.", "\n\nJust because Cindy Starfall is an experienced actress, it doesn't mean she can't enjoy the simple things in life. ", "For instance, when we found out that she absolutely loves getting massages, we offered to give her a relaxing rub down in between shoots. ", "After arguably the fastest negotiation in porn history, she stripped down to nothing and got comfortable on the couch. ", "We grabbed our bottle of coconut oil and went to work. ", "First on her back, shoulders and adorable ass. ", "We probably could have spent a full hour just on her bubble butt, so cute. ", "When it was time to turn over, it was obvious she wanted the full deal. ", "Moaning just slightly when her crotch got brushed, and then louder and louder when her clit got all the attention, until she came all over the couch, arching her back in ecstasy.", "\n\nYou are on your back in a dungeon. ", "The only other person in the room is Nari, a sexy girl wearing a red dress. ", "She comes over to the table you're on and starts feeling you up. ", "Seemingly pleased with what she sees, Nari undresses you and starts playing with your dick. ", "A little bit of lube and spit and she's really taking control of your hard cock. ", "With skilled movements she teases your dick and denies you a release until she's ready. ", "When Nari takes off her clothes, you wish it was more than just her hands. ", "Maybe next time you find yourself in this position, she'll take things further. ", "Regardless, your cock seems very happy with the treatment you're getting from her. ", "Even your balls get some special attention from the young beauty. ", "You try not to blow your load right away but Nari's hands and fingers are so amazing at what they do, it doesn't take you long until you make a hot, sticky mess.", "\n\nAyumu Kase just arrived in the United States where she's scheduled to attend a convention. ", "After checking in the hotel, all she wants to do is relax and recover from her long flight from Japan. ", "She notices an ad in a magazine for a massage service that makes house calls. ", "She has the hotel front desk order her a massage treatment.", "\n\nExcited at the prospect of getting a nice body rub, she gets turned on, slowly gets naked and starts rubbing her own body. ", "Her mind starts wondering what the massage therapy will be like. ", "Hopefully it's a male massage therapist. ", "Will he have strong hands to rub her all over? ", "Will he take advantage of her innocent and naked body? ", "Will he make her scream with pleasure? ", "Of course, in Ayumu's mind all those things are very possible and she pleasures herself like only she can. ", "You get a front row seat to her ultimate pleasure. ", "And just after she cums there is a knock on the door.", "\n\nAyumu Kase just arrived in the United States where she's attending a convention. ", "After checking in the hotel, all she wants to do is relax and recover from her long flight from Japan. ", "She notices an ad for a massage service that makes house calls. ", "She has the receptionist order her a massage treatment.", "\n\nExcited at the prospect of getting a nice body rub, she gets a little turned on and starts rubbing her own body. ", "Her mind starts wondering what the massage therapy will be like. ", "Hopefully it's a male massage therapist. ", "Will he have strong hands to rub her all over? ", "Will he take advantage of her innocent and naked body? ", "Will he make her scream with pleasure? ", "Of course, in Ayumu's mind all those things are very possible and both in her fantasy and her hotel room, she has wild orgasms.", "\n\nAlso check out part 2 where it's Ayumu's turn to take advantage of the massage therapist. ", "She sucks his cock for the longest time and gets to ride him and get fucked by him until he finally cums in her mouth. ", "Ayumu's fantasies are amazing!", "\n\nHere in JizzyWorld, sometimes the tables get turned. ", "In this case, the massage table. ", "Nikko deserved a nice rub down after our last shoot, so of course she happily laid down on the massage table. ", "No need for a towel. ", "After all, we had just finished a great video where everyone was naked anyway. ", "Usually when we engage in massage therapy, we never know what will happen, but usually it ends pretty happy. ", "Let's see what happens today as Nikko enjoys a sensual and relaxing rub down. ", "Be honest, would you keep your hands to yourself? ", "We didn't, and she didn't either." ]
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[ "Nutritional Information\n\nNutritional Information\n\nAdditional Info\n\nOur promise to you:\n\nHolland & Barrett products are subject to critically stringent quality assurance. ", "Our commitment to quality is the highest in our industry to ensure the best quality nutritional supplements money can buy. ", "You have our guarantee!", "\n\nDirections:\n\nTake one to six softgel capsules daily, preferably with meals. ", "Do not exceed stated dose.", "\n\nFree from:\n\nNo Artificial Colours, Flavours or Sweeteners. ", "No Preservatives. ", "No added Sugar or Salt. ", "No Milk, No Lactose, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Yeast, No Fish, No Porcine.", "\n\nAdvisory information:\n\nFood supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. ", "If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medications or under medical supervision, please consult a doctor or healthcare professional before use. ", "Discontinue use and consult a doctor if adverse reactions occur. ", "Keep out of reach of children. ", "Store in a cool, dry place. ", "Do not use if seal under cap is broken or missing.", "\n\nRemember:\n\nAlways read the label.", "\n\nShow More\n\nShow Less\n\nRatings & Reviews\n\nThe views expressed below are the opinion of Holland & Barrett customers. ", "Holland & Barrett does not endorse these views, nor should they be regarded as health claims or medical advice. ", "Find out more" ]
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[ "COS 2007 Cerasuolo di Vittoria (Sicily) – Delicious. ", "There’s a shyness, but it’s not that the wine’s holding anything back. ", "Rather, it teases and asks you to come to it, rather than the opposite, but the reward is an enveloping, seductive softness of rich, warm southern fruit…not heavy, not dark, not understructured, but definitely not Alpine or Teutonic in nature. ", "Slowly-unfolding layers of earth and sapid fruit are the reward for boldness and patience in equal measure. ", "Yum. (", "2/10)" ]
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[ "Since this is our Election issue, we thought an article about Washington, D.C. and its historic monuments would be in order. ", "We visited our nation’s capital last summer as a family, and the trip made a personal impression on all of us.", "\n\nThe Washington Monument, while currently closed for entry due to damage that occurred in a 2011 earthquake, is still viewable from the surrounding grounds. (", "photo by Michael Villalpando)\n\nI was 12 years old the last time I was in Washington, D.C.. It was a family vacation where we all loaded up in the station wagon and drove nearly 1,000 miles, stopping at various Stuckey’s and motels on the way.", "\n\nOur daughters had never been to our nation’s Capital before, and Michael was about 20 years old with a backpack and $200 in his pocket on his last visit. ", "The time was right for a trip to D.C..\n\nOver the last 38 years since I was there, much has changed about the city, but in a sense, many things remain the same. ", "What struck me first was the cleanliness of the city. ", "Even in areas of construction, there was orderliness. ", "The boulevards are wide and the green space is more plentiful than I imagined. ", "The monuments are as grand as ever, and are a big part of what remains the same.", "\n\nDriving past 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House stands as regal today as it was in 1974, probably as regal as it was when it was first constructed in 1792. ", "The first president to live in the White House was John Adams. ", "In 1814, the British set fire to the President’s House (as it was then called) and headquarters moved to a nearby hotel, The Willard, still just a block from the White House, and where we stayed our first night.", "\n\nAfter reconstruction was complete, President James Monroe moved in in 1817. ", "He oversaw the building of the South Portico and in 1829 President Andrew Jackson added the North Portico. ", "Theodore Roosevelt added what is now known as the West Wing, and Howard Taft is credited with adding the Oval Office. ", "Of course throughout the years, interior renovations have occurred many times, with many First Ladies wanting to add their own style and personal touches to the house.", "\n\nTours of the White House are still available, but the security is much tighter – as expected – than 40 years ago. ", "Advance reservations are now required, must be made through one’s Member of Congress, and space is limited. ", "We were to arrive at 7:45 a.m. for our 8:00 a.m. tour, and we had to pick up a special pass from Congressman Henry Waxman’s office. ", "Personal items (purses, wallets, cameras) are a no-no, and if brought along must be left in the security office, understandably. ", "It’s amazing how many people can’t follow directions. ", "I saw many people with cameras and drinking soda, despite these rules being plainly spelled out. ", "We were proud to be standing in line, dressed properly, with Michael in a suit and tie, and the three of us in dresses.", "\n\nThe self-guided tours allow you to spend as much time as you’d like in each room, and there are guides throughout who can answer questions. ", "We were able to view the East Room, the Blue Room (which is not as blue as it once was, thanks to First Lady Hillary Clinton’s change in the wallpaper) the Green Room and the Grand Entrance Hall where currently a portrait of President George W. Bush hangs. ", "We spent perhaps 45 minutes going through the various rooms, and once we exited, realized there’s no turning back. ", "Take my advice and linger, soaking up all of the history, paintings, and photos hanging on the walls.", "\n\nThe hill, upon which the Washington Monument is located, offers this view of the White House. ", "Many of the monuments are within walking distance of each other, including the Smithsonian’s 19 museums. ", "There is much to see in D.C., so be sure to map your trip before you go. (", "photo by Michael Villalpando)\n\nWith so many monuments and museums to view, plan your trip accordingly. ", "It’s difficult to take it all in two or three days. ", "One tour not to be missed is the Capitol building. ", "Tours are free and reservations are required.", "\n\nWe had a very special guide for our tour of the Capitol – Congressman Henry A. Waxman. ", "He happened to be in D.C. and offered to give us a personalized tour. ", "We began in his office where he has framed bills that he either authored or helped craft, signed by every president under which he has served since elected to Congress in 1974. ", "The one in which he is most proud, he said, is the Affordable Care Act, the healthcare law signed under President Obama. ", "Waxman said he and Ted Kennedy worked for more than 30 years to pass a healthcare law, and it finally came to fruition under President Obama. ", "According to Waxman, the full effects and benefits of the law will not be fully implemented until 2014. ", "Once the American people completely realize and see how this healthcare law will directly improve their lives, the call to repeal it will fade away.", "\n\nWaxman’s office is in the Rayburn building, as are the offices of many members of Congress. ", "In the basement is a small train, more like a tram that transports members to the Capitol when a call for vote is convened. ", "It is especially helpful during inclement weather. ", "After going through proper security clearances, we made our way to the rotunda, where statues of noteworthy people representing every state of the union are erected. ", "For the state of California, a statue of Ronald Reagan has been erected.", "\n\nThe painting inside the dome, “The Apothesis”, is breathtaking. ", "Painted in 1865 by Italian artist Constantino Brumidi, the fresco combines Greek and Roman gods and goddesses with important Americans and achievements. ", "The center features George Washington surrounded by 13 women, for the 13 original colonies.", "\n\nWe ventured to the House of Representative chambers, which have remained virtually the same since 1945, other than the addition of electronic voting machines. ", "Next to the Speakers chair is a relic from the English Parliament, a post that is replaced with an American flag to indicate the House is in session. ", "The post serves to remind the House of Representatives just how far we have come as a nation. ", "Mr. Waxman invited us beyond the red velvet ropes to where the Speaker sits, when seemingly out of no where, a young man appeared and informed the Congressman that he could not do that. ", "The man in his twenties was dressed in jeans and an orange and white striped polo shirt. ", "Waxman responded to him, “Do you know who I am?” ", "The man replied, “I’m very aware, sir.” ", "Waxman retorted, “Well OK then. ", "You’d think they’d have a dress code around here.” ", "The whole incident lasted under 30 seconds, but provided us all with a good laugh.", "\n\nOutside of the House Chambers is a gathering room with finely appointed furniture, richly woven draperies and numerous oil paintings where members of Congress meet privately with each other, discuss the issues of the day and, I’m sure, make deals. ", "French doors lead to a terrace offering remarkable vistas of the city. ", "Mr. Waxman said he rarely goes on the balcony because members who smoke usually occupy the space. ", "In fact, smoking was allowed in the gathering room until Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House and prohibited it, Waxman said.", "\n\nOn to the Senate Chambers, where unlike the House, the Senate still has desks, each with a bronze placard bearing the Senators’ names. ", "We made our way to John Kerry’s desk, and when Mr. Waxman started to lift the lid, another young person descended upon us, informing the Congressman that was off limits. ", "She too was dressed rather casually, however, she was quick to appease the Congressman by ushering us to a desk we could open – the freshman senator’s desk. ", "In this case, it was Senator Mark Kirk’s, whose desk serves as the “candy jar”. ", "What was most interesting is the senators who have previously sat in this desk carved their names – much like school kids – on the inside. ", "Two names that stood out, Barack Obama and John F. Kennedy.", "\n\nWalking through the halls of Senate Chamber Gallery are the busts of every Vice President. ", "It was a trip down memory lane, recalling the names on both sides and remembering how they impacted our country. ", "Waxman went on to discuss his work with other legislators including Senator Dole whom he worked with on several pieces of legislation, including a health care initiative. “", "That was a more civil time in our history. ", "We worked together to get a lot of work done,” Waxman said almost wistfully. ", "Unfortunately, he said, compromise is getting harder and harder to come by, and he blamed both sides for their failure to cooperate.", "\n\nAs we walked the corridors of the Capitol, I was struck by the thought that the persons who inhabit this place – right here and now – are just the temporary caretakers – caretakers elected by the people, to come to Washington and do the job we’ve entrusted them with. ", "It’s not about the House of Representatives or the Senate members – it’s about us – the people and the power is in our hands.", "\n\nWe moved onto the Smithsonian next. ", "It’s a daunting task, viewing the Smithsonian and its 19 museums and zoological park, in two days. ", "We selected two museums – the Air and Space Museum and the American History Museum. ", "We saw the First Lady Inaugural Gown exhibit, Dorothy’s red slippers (among many other American icons) and the Star Spangled Banner exhibit. ", "The 30 X 34 foot wool and cotton flag is displayed in dramatic fashion behind glass in a climate controlled room. ", "It was by far one of the most awe-inspiring moments of the trip. ", "Lines move slowly in the Smithsonian, especially in the middle of summer. ", "I suggest you consider the off season for a more leisurely experience.", "\n\nThe Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, WWII Memorial were all on our list of musts, but we ran out of time. ", "We were able to enjoy Lincoln from afar and got a little closer to the Washington Monument. ", "The 555-foot, 5-1/8” marble obelisk honoring George Washington, is currently closed after it sustained damage in an August 2011 earthquake. ", "It’s still a sight to behold and the view of the White House from the hill it sits upon is memorable. ", "Just a short walk from there is the WWII memorial honoring the 16 million who served and the 400,000 who died. ", "I was stunned at these facts. ", "President Bill Clinton signed a law in 1996 authorizing the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) to establish a World War II Memorial. ", "Senator Bob Dole, a World War II veteran seriously wounded on the battlefield and twice decorated with the Bronze Star and Purple Heart, led the fund-raising campaign for the memorial, again his name coming up in a bi-partisan effort. ", "The memorial officially opened in April 2004. ", "There was a certain calming feeling being at the memorial, it was quiet and solemn, away from the bustle of the Smithsonian. ", "Perhaps it was because Michael’s father was a WWII veteran. ", "He was a gunner’s mate on the USS San Diego, the first American ship to enter Tokyo Bay. ", "He received full military honors when he died in 1997, and Michael was presented with the American flag that draped over his coffin. ", "We brought that flag with us, to have it flown over the Capitol Building. ", "At the end of this long day, we all sat silently for a few minutes absorbing the moment.", "\n\nReminiscing about our trip is fitting these last few days before Election day. ", "As I head to my polling place on Tuesday, I will recall the many mental pictures I took at the White House, at the Capitol, and at the WWII Memorial. ", "My vote matters, my voice will be heard on November 6. ", "I hope those who will occupy the positions we elect them to will hear it too." ]
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[ "By HYUNG-JIN KIM Associated Press\n\nSouth Korea’s Constitutional Court chief judge Yoo Nam-seok (C) and other judges sit Thursday for the ruling on decriminalizing abortion. (", "Photo by Jung Yeon-je / AFP)\n\nSEOUL, South Korea (AP) — In a major reversal, South Korea’s Constitutional Court on Thursday ordered the easing of the country’s decades-old ban on most abortions, one of the strictest in the developed world.", "\n\nAbortions have been largely illegal in South Korea since 1953, though convictions for violating the restrictions are rare. ", "Still, the illegality of abortions forces women to seek out unauthorized and often expensive procedures to end their pregnancies, creating a social stigma that makes them feel like criminals.", "\n\nThe court’s nine-justice panel said that the parliament must revise legislation to ease the current regulations by the end of 2020. ", "It said the current abortion law was incompatible with the constitution and would be repealed if parliament fails to come up with new legislation by then.", "\n\nThe ruling is final and cannot be appealed, court officials said, but current regulations will remain in effect until they are replaced or repealed.", "\n\nAn easing of the law could open up the door to more abortions for social and economic reasons. ", "Current exceptions to the law only allow abortions when a woman is pregnant through rape or incest, when a pregnancy seriously jeopardizes her health, or when she or her male partner has certain diseases.", "\n\nA woman in South Korea can be punished with up to one year in prison for having an illegal abortion, and a doctor can get up to two years in prison for performing an unauthorized abortion.", "\n\nThursday’s verdict was a response to an appeal filed in February 2017 by an obstetrician charged with carrying out about 70 unauthorized abortions from 2013-2017 at the request or approval of pregnant women.", "\n\nMost other countries in the 36-member Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the so-called most developed countries, allow abortions for broad social and economic reasons. ", "South Korea is one of only five OECD member states that don’t allow such abortions, according to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.", "\n\nThe South Korean public has been sharply split over the abortion law. ", "There have been heated panel discussions on TV and internet programs; activists, both for and against, have for months stood with placards near the court. ", "Dozens gathered on Thursday.", "\n\nAfter the ruling, women’s rights activists cheered. ", "Some shook their placards and shouted: “Abolish the anti-abortion law!”", "\n\nRoseann Rife, Amnesty International’s East Asia research director, called the ruling “a major step forward for the human rights of women and girls in South Korea.”", "\n\nAlso outside the court were anti-abortion advocates, some of whom cried. ", "Some held placards carrying images of fetuses and messages such as “Who can speak for me?” ", "and “Don’t kill me, please.”", "\n\nHousewife Mok Youn-hee was in tears and said she was “heartbroken” by the court decision.", "\n\nThe Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea expressed “deep regret” over the verdict.", "\n\nIt’s not clear exactly how many abortions take place in South Korea. ", "In a recent survey of 10,000 women aged between 15 and 44, about 7.6%, or 756 respondents, said they had undergone an abortion. ", "They mostly cited worries about difficulty in continuing their studies and jobs, economic problems and a desire to wait, according to the survey conducted by the state-run Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. ", "The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 1 percentage point.", "\n\nThough abortions are illegal, only a handful of women and doctors are prosecuted each year in South Korea. ", "According to government records, there were only 15 indictments on abortion-related cases in 2013.", "\n\nActivists say most abortions in South Korea, whether lawful or unlawful, take place at registered hospitals. ", "But it’s not easy to find hospitals offering illegal abortions and they usually charge high prices because the procedures are not covered by medical insurance programs.", "\n\nHam Sooyeon, leader of the nonprofit Korea Pro-Life group, said before the ruling that rather than easing the abortion restrictions, South Korea should find ways to improve support systems for poor, single mothers and their children and change public views on single mothers." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to tell which MDB is listening on which port\n\nFrom the WAS admin console, is there an easy way to check which MDB is listening on which listener port? ", "I cannot open up the ear and check the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml file because I do not have access on the machine itself, just the WAS console.", "\n\nA:\n\nin WAS console select your enterprise application that has MDB and click \"Message Driven Bean listener bindings\" link there (\"Enterprise Java Bean Properties\" section). ", "\nyou can both view and change listener bindings there once application is deployed.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Certificate of Technical Studies\n\nNOTE: This program is currently under review. ", "Please contact the program director or your advisor.", "\n\nBecoming EMT Certified\n\nOnce students successfully complete ECP 131 and turn 18 years of age, they will be eligible and prepared to take the National Registry EMT examination. ", "Upon successful completion of the NREMT exam, they will be certified as an EMT. ", "Being certified as an EMT is one of the requirements for becoming a paramedic.", "\n\nEligibility to apply to the Paramedic AAS Program\n\nUpon successful completion of the EMT/Pre-Paramedic Professional Certificate, students will meet the minimum requirements and be able to apply to the GFC MSU Paramedic Program.", "\n\nAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and paramedics care for the sick or injured in emergency medical settings. ", "People’s lives often depend on their quick reaction and competent care. ", "EMTs and paramedics respond to emergency calls, performing medical services and transporting patients to medical facilities. ", "Employment of EMTs and paramedics is projected to grow 23 percent from 2012 to 2022, much faster than the average for all occupations. ", "Emergencies, such as car crashes, natural disasters, or acts of violence, will continue to create demand for EMTs and paramedics. ", "Demand for part-time, volunteer EMTs and paramedics in rural areas and smaller metropolitan areas will also continue. ", "Growth in the middle-aged and elderly population will lead to an increase in the number of age-related health emergencies, such as heart attacks or strokes. ", "This, in turn, will create greater demand for EMTs and paramedic services. ", "An increase in the number of specialized medical facilities will require more EMTs and paramedics to transfer patients with specific conditions to these facilities for treatment.", "\n\nThe median annual wage for EMTs and paramedics was $31,020 in May 2012. ", "The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. ", "The lowest 10 percent earned less than $20,180, and the top 10 percent earned more than $53,550. ", "This entry-level wage stated above for EMT/paramedic combines both levels, but when separated out a paramedic annual entry-level wage is much higher. ", "An EMT is an entry-level position, requires much less training (one semester), and many EMTs are volunteers. ", "The paramedic position is the highest level of certification/licensure for a pre-hospital provider, requires much more training (AAS degree), and thus is paid higher than an EMT.", "\n\nMost paid EMTs and paramedics work full time. ", "About 1 in 3 worked more than 40 hours per week in 2012. ", "Because EMTs and paramedics must be available to work in emergencies, they may work overnight and on weekends. ", "Some EMTs and paramedics work shifts in 12- or 24-hour increments. ", "Volunteer EMTs and paramedics have variable work schedules.", "\n\nGraduates are prepared to:\n\nProvide emotional support to patients in an emergency, especially patients who are in life-threatening situations or extreme mental distress.", "\n\nWork on teams and be able to coordinate their activities closely with others in stressful situations.", "\n\nListen to patients to determine the extent of their injuries or illnesses.", "\n\nBe physically fit. ", "Their job requires a lot of bending, lifting, and kneeling.", "\n\nDemonstrate strong problem-solving skills. ", "They must be able to evaluate patients’ symptoms and administer the appropriate treatments.", "\n\nExplain procedures to patients, give orders, and relay information to others, skills necessary to enter the medical workforce in clinics, hospitals, and other health care facilities. ", "Students gain skills in basic computer, medical terminology, professional and career responsibilities, interpersonal communication, records management, written communications, financial administration, managing the office and employment.", "\n\nFooter\n\nWhat is this view?", "\n\nYou are using a dynamic assistive view of the Great Falls College MSU site. ", "It has all the same data and features of the original site but formatted just with assistive users in mind. ", "It has links and content reorganized to aid assistive users and has controls at the bottom under assistive options that allow you to control key aspects such as font size and contrast colors etc.", "\nThis is not a separate text-only site, it's a dynamic view that uses unique technology from Usablenet to give assistive users better, more accessible access to the same content and features as all users that use the graphic view of the site." ]
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[ "[Von Meyenburg complexes - multiple biliary hamartomas mimicking metastatic liver lesions].", "\nVon Meyenburg complexes are benign liver lesions usually consisting of dilated bile ducts surrounded by fibrous stroma. ", "Their discovery is usually incidental and unsuspected during the early phase of the operative procedure. ", "The sovereign diagnostic method is intraoperative frozen section examination. ", "The complexes are not important as regards their clinical or functional significance. ", "However, this uncommon entity should be taken into consideration in the framework of differential diagnosis of metastatic liver lesions." ]
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[ "This invention relates to a system for electrically firing a plurality of weapons such as rockets carried by a rocket launcher on a military helicopter or other military vehicle, and including interrogation means for determining the availability of rockets ready to be fired.", "\nRocket firing systems of the type described include an electrically operable igniter associated with each rocket. ", "The igniter is in the form of an electrical filament or resistance element which is heated by the passage of a firing current through the igniter. ", "The heat is sufficient to fire means which ignites the propulsion charge of the rocket. ", "The igniters are connected to a firing circuit which includes a firing lead connected to one side of the igniters with the other side thereof connected to ground. ", "The firing lead of each rocket is connected by suitable circuitry to firing control means, whereby a firing signal is applied to each firing lead under the control of an operator.", "\nIt is advantageous to include interrogation means in the system for providing information relating to the availability of rockets ready to be fired, and to feed this information to a computer for mission programming and display purposes.", "\nPrior art systems of the type described, such as particularly described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,103,585, issued to Nelson D. Foley on Aug. 1, 1978, and assigned to BEI Electronics, Inc., Little Rock, Arkansas, feature a plurality of rocket firing circuits connected to respective igniters of a plurality of rockets. ", "A plurality of switching devices are connected to respective firing circuits and a plurality of signal circuits are connected between a signal source and respective switching devices. ", "Each signal circuit includes indicating means for indicating the presence or absence of a signal current between a signal source and a corresponding igniter.", "\nThe present invention is an improvement over the prior art device in that it features a single firing circuit, a single signal circuit and a single indicating means to provide a more accurate, more reliable and more economical system. ", "Further, the device of the present invention functions so that only one rocket can be fired at a time and it is not subject to actuation by spurious electromagnetic interferences as may be the case with prior art systems." ]
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[ "Dether\n\nDether provides a decentralized peer-to-peer ether network that enables anyone on Earth to buy ether with cash and spend it at physical stores nearby. ", "No bank account is needed, just a mobile phone with internet access. ", "Our belief is that the beauty and power of the Ethereum technology should be easily accessible to all. ", "We’ve decided to put all of our energy and that of the Ethereum community into helping us build the first trustless solution that will allow anyone to be able to interact with the Ethereum blockchain no matter who you are, where you are, and without the need for a middleman." ]
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[ "Evaluation of centrifuged bone marrow on bone regeneration around implants in rabbit tibia.", "\nTo evaluate the bone regeneration of cervical defects produced around titanium implants filled with blood clot and filled with centrifuged bone marrow (CBM) by means of histomorphometric analysis. ", "Twelve rabbits received 2 titanium implants in each right tibia, with the upper cortical prepared with a 5-mm drill and the lower cortex with a 3-mm-diameter drill. ", "Euthanasia was performed to allow analysis at 7, 21, and 60 days after operation. ", "The samples were embedded in light curing resin, cut and stained with alizarin red and Stevenel blue for a histomorphometric analysis of the bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and the bone area around implant (BA). ", "The values obtained were statistically analyzed using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test (P = 0.05). ", "At 60 days postoperation, the groups had their cervical defects completely filled by neoformed bone tissue. ", "There was no statistically significant difference between the groups regarding BIC and BA during the analyzed periods. ", "There was no difference in the bone repair of periimplant cervical defects with or without the use of CBM." ]
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