#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Tiro.ehf - 2021 David Erik Mollberg (tiro@tiro.is) # This is an example data preperation script for the Icelandic lecture corpus build for Kaldi import re import os from collections import defaultdict OUT_DIR = '.' PHONEMES = ['[a]','[ai]','[au]','[c]','[ç]','[cʰ]','[ð]','[ei]','[ɛ]','[f]','[ɣ]','[i]',\ '[ɪi]','[j]','[n]','[n̥]','[ɲ]','[ŋ]','[œi]','[oi]','[ou]','[ɔ]','[pʰ]','[r]',\ '[r̥]','[s]','[u]','[ui]','[uɪ]','[v]','[x]','[ʏi]','[θ]','[p]','[l]', '[m̥]', \ '[l̥]', '[œ]', '[œy]', '[ʏ]', '[g]', '[z]', '[tʰ]', '[ɪ]','[h]', '[ə]', '[y]',\ '[e]', '[kʰ]', '[k]', '[m]', '[ʀ]','[æ]', '[a:]', '[i:]', '[u:]', '[t]'] def open_lecture_file(file_path:str) -> list: ''' Returns the content of the LECTUREs.tsv file as a list of lists with the first line omitted. ''' assert os.path.exists(file_path), 'expected the file LECTURES.tsv to exsist' return [line.rstrip().split('\t') for line in open(file_path)][1:] def init_folders(dir:str) -> None: ''' Creates the output folders ''' for s in ['train', 'dev','eval']: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, s)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(dir, s), exist_ok=True) def convert_milli_to_secs(ms:str) -> str: ''' Convers milliseonds to seconds e.g. 47683 -> 47.68 ''' return str(round(float(ms)/1000.0, 2)) def remove_puncuation(s:str, c) -> str: ''' An example of how to prepare the text for use in ASR training ''' for p in PHONEMES: if p in s: s = s.replace(p, '') s = s.lower() s = re.sub('\[hik:{0,1}\s{0,1}(.+?)\]', r"\1", s) s = re.sub('\[unk:\s(.+?)\]', r"\1", s) s = re.sub('[-/]', ' ', s) s = re.sub('[,„“;":\.\'\?\!]','', s) s = re.sub('\[unk\]', '', s) s = re.sub('[\[\]]', '', s) s = re.sub('µ', 'mu', s) s = re.sub('ü', 'ú', s) return s def create_spk2utt(out_dir, utt2spk:str) -> None: ''' Reads the utt2spk file and creates spk2utt ''' content = {} for line in utt2spk: line = line.split(' ') if line[1] not in content: content[line[1]] = [line[0]] else: content[line[1]].append(line[0]) with open(out_dir, 'w') as f_out: for spkd_id, segments in sorted(content.items()): f_out.write(spkd_id) for segment in sorted(segments): f_out.write(' ' + segment) f_out.write('\n') def write_to_file(filename, the_list): ''' Takes in a file name and list of strings and writes out ''' with open(filename, 'w') as f_out: for line in the_list: f_out.write(line+'\n') def prep_data() -> None: info = open_lecture_file('LECTURES.tsv') data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for line in info: text_file_path = os.path.join(line[1], line[0]+'.txt') assert text_file_path, f'expected {text_file_path} to exsist' file_content = [line.rstrip().split('\t') for line in open(text_file_path, encoding='UTF-8')][1:] recording_id = f"{line[0]}" for segment in file_content: segment_id = f"{line[1]}_{segment[0]}" ''' Create utt2spk segment id - speaker id e.g. c7a5ce8b-a2ff-4c08-8668-0687fc0f6e97_00013 00003 c7a5ce8b-a2ff-4c08-8668-0687fc0f6e97_00014 00003 ... ''' data[segment[3]]['utt2spk'].append(f"{segment_id} {line[1]}") ''' Create text segment id - text e.g. c7a5ce8b-a2ff-4c08-8668-0687fc0f6e97_00013 góðan dag c7a5ce8b-a2ff-4c08-8668-0687fc0f6e97_00014 Í þessum fyrirlestri er fjallað um lágmarkspör, ... ''' data[segment[3]]['text'].append(f"{segment_id} {remove_puncuation(segment[4], segment)}") ''' Create segments segment id - recording id - start time [sek] - end time [sek] e.g. c7a5ce8b-a2ff-4c08-8668-0687fc0f6e97_00013 c7a5ce8b-a2ff-4c08-8668-0687fc0f6e97 20.99 23.34 c7a5ce8b-a2ff-4c08-8668-0687fc0f6e97_00014 c7a5ce8b-a2ff-4c08-8668-0687fc0f6e97 24.03 36.88 ... ''' data[segment[3]]['segments'].append(f"{segment_id} {recording_id} {convert_milli_to_secs(segment[1])} {convert_milli_to_secs(segment[2])}") ''' Create wavscp segment_id - sox coversion - full path to audio file 9daf46dc-3ae1-4faa-8546-dbca49f48a22_00070 sox - -c1 -esigned -r 16000 -twav - < ~/kennsluromur-ltp-lectures-new/dev/9daf46dc-3ae1-4faa-8546-dbca49f48a22.wav | 9daf46dc-3ae1-4faa-8546-dbca49f48a22_00076 sox - -c1 -esigned -r 16000 -twav - < ~/kennsluromur-ltp-lectures-new/dev/9daf46dc-3ae1-4faa-8546-dbca49f48a22.wav | ''' data[segment[3]]['wav.scp'].append(f"{recording_id} sox - -c1 -esigned -r 16000 -twav - < {os.path.join(os.getcwd(), line[1], recording_id+'.wav')} |") init_folders(OUT_DIR) for the_set in data.keys(): data[the_set]['wav.scp'] = list(set(data[the_set]['wav.scp'])) for file in data[the_set].keys(): sorted_list = sorted(data[the_set][file]) data[the_set][file] = sorted_list write_to_file(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, the_set, file), sorted_list) create_spk2utt(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, the_set, 'spk2utt'), data[the_set]['utt2spk']) if __name__ == '__main__': prep_data()