Description of the dataset ========================== The Crisis Benchmarks Dataset consists of data from different data sources [1]): Data format and directories =========================== The data directory contains the following sub-directories. In each directory, there are files for Informativeness and Humanitarian tasks. * data/all_data_en -- all combined english dataset used for the experiments * data/individual_data_en -- consists of data used for the experiments as individual data source such as crisisnlp and crisislex * data/event_aware_en -- all combined english dataset with event tag (fire, earthquake, flood, ...) are tagged * data/data_split_all_lang -- all combined dataset with their train/dev and test splits * data/initial_filtering -- all combined dataset duplicate removed data * data/class_label_mapped -- all combined dataset initial set of dataset where class label mapped Format of the TSV files --------------------------------------------------------- Each TSV file contains the following columns, separated by a tab: * id: corresponds to the user tweet id from Twitter. * event: event name associated with the respective dataset * source: source of the dataset * text: tweet text. * lang: language tag obtained either from Twitter or obtained from Google language detection API * lang conf: confidence score obtained from Google language detection API; for many cases, there are tag "NA", which represents that the language tag is obtained from Twitter from Google API * class_label: class label a given tweet text. Citation ======== If you use this data in your research, please consider citing the following paper: [1] Firoj Alam, Hassan Sajjad, Muhammad Imran and Ferda Ofli, CrisisBench: Benchmarking Crisis-related Social Media Datasets for Humanitarian Information Processing, In ICWSM, 2021. @inproceedings{firojalamcrisisbenchmark2020, Author = {Firoj Alam, Hassan Sajjad, Muhammad Imran, Ferda Ofli}, Keywords = {Social Media, Crisis Computing, Tweet Text Classification, Disaster Response}, Booktitle = {15th International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)}, Title = {CrisisBench: Benchmarking Crisis-related Social Media Datasets for Humanitarian Information Processing}, Year = {2021} } * and the following associated papers * Muhammad Imran, Prasenjit Mitra, Carlos Castillo. Twitter as a Lifeline: Human-annotated Twitter Corpora for NLP of Crisis-related Messages. In Proceedings of the 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2016, Slovenia. * A. Olteanu, S. Vieweg, C. Castillo. 2015. What to Expect When the Unexpected Happens: Social Media Communications Across Crises. In Proceedings of the ACM 2015 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '15). ACM, Vancouver, BC, Canada. * A. Olteanu, C. Castillo, F. Diaz, S. Vieweg. 2014. CrisisLex: A Lexicon for Collecting and Filtering Microblogged Communications in Crises. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM'14). AAAI Press, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. * Muhammad Imran, Shady Elbassuoni, Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz and Patrick Meier. Practical Extraction of Disaster-Relevant Information from Social Media. In Social Web for Disaster Management (SWDM'13) - Co-located with WWW, May 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. * Muhammad Imran, Shady Elbassuoni, Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz and Patrick Meier. Extracting Information Nuggets from Disaster-Related Messages in Social Media. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), May 2013, Baden-Baden, Germany. @inproceedings{imran2016lrec, author = {Muhammad Imran and Prasenjit Mitra and Carlos Castillo}, title = {Twitter as a Lifeline: Human-annotated Twitter Corpora for NLP of Crisis-related Messages}, booktitle = {Proc. of the LREC, 2016}, year = {2016}, month = {5}, publisher = {ELRA}, address = {Paris, France}, isbn = {978-2-9517408-9-1}, language = {english} } @inproceedings{olteanu2015expect, title={What to expect when the unexpected happens: Social media communications across crises}, author={Olteanu, Alexandra and Vieweg, Sarah and Castillo, Carlos}, booktitle={Proc. of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work \& Social Computing}, pages={994--1009}, year={2015}, organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{olteanu2014crisislex, title={CrisisLex: A Lexicon for Collecting and Filtering Microblogged Communications in Crises.}, author={Olteanu, Alexandra and Castillo, Carlos and Diaz, Fernando and Vieweg, Sarah}, booktitle = "Proc. of the 8th ICWSM, 2014", publisher = "AAAI press", year={2014} } @inproceedings{imran2013practical, title={Practical extraction of disaster-relevant information from social media}, author={Imran, Muhammad and Elbassuoni, Shady and Castillo, Carlos and Diaz, Fernando and Meier, Patrick}, booktitle={Proc. of the 22nd WWW}, pages={1021--1024}, year={2013}, organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{imran2013extracting, title={Extracting information nuggets from disaster-related messages in social media}, author={Imran, Muhammad and Elbassuoni, Shady Mamoon and Castillo, Carlos and Diaz, Fernando and Meier, Patrick}, booktitle={Proc. of the 12th ISCRAM}, year={2013} } Terms of Use ============ Please follow the terms of use mentioned here: