formatted_text "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi fa sbagliare tutte le paroleeeee.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ perfetto hai visto poi alla fine anche oggi e passato..] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Rutelli: appoggio al governo #monti, sta lavorando bene #ballarò #osservatoriotivvù] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Non legalizzano la #cannabis Ma iper tassano le cartine. Questi sono geni della finanza. #governoletta #proibizionismo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ c'è da vergognarsi, ha fatto bene a cancellare il suo profilo lol] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ lo so amore grazie..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Siamo dei falsi. I ragazzi vogliono le ragazze timide e poi stanno con le troie. Le ragazze vogliono i dolci e poi amano con…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [in vendita Villa Stupenda a Santo Domingo http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : ditemi se non è una delle cose più belle del mondo http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Pensioni, la falsa equità di Monti: di Sante Moretti Il governo Monti vuole eliminare il... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : TROVA LE DIFFERENZE. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GOVERNO MONTI: SODDISFAZIONE PER LA COMPOSIZIONE DEL NUOVO ESECUTIVO http #terni] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Invece di chiedersi perché #Grillo riempie le piazze, tutti pensano solo a dargli del populista!!! Roba da non credere!!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\n\t\t\t\tBossi ribadisce: «Aut-aut a Silvio o Formigoni o il governo Monti»\n\t\t\t: «Nessun gioco delle parti:... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Però diciamoci la verità. L'amore alla fine é una cosa di cui non possiamo fare a meno con tutto ciò che porta. Ci fa crescere ogni volta] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo vuol fare il #Berlusconi del '94. Sparigliare i partiti e prendere il potere. Ho i brividi, a un tale vichingo preferisco il nulla.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo dacci un giudizio netto su #Monti. E dicci c'è una forza politica con la quale faresti alleanze? Di Pietro sì o no?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche io..però ci credo.. sarà decisivo, me lo sento #ForzaMilan] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'ultima mania di #ClaudiaB è prendersela con Mario Monti. Dubito, però, che sappia davvero chi sia #dubbi #certezze] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la riunione del 18 è spostata a data da definire, importante dovete partecipare almeno alla metà delle lezioni pena esclusione dal gruppo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie al mio CATANIA e una grande JUVE il campionato è ufficialmente RIAPERTO...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Certo che il professor Monti poteva dare una mano alla moglie in cucina... E che c... #cotechinoelenticchie] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tu dovresti fare un video con ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo #ServizioPubblico sto cominciando a pensare di votarlo, e non l'avevo mai fatto prima] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http L'errore di Pdl e Pd che non vogliono una base politica per il governo Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao Claudio tutto ok?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [In Mario Monti we trust! #acasa] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non mi portano fuori perchè il caro tommaso deve fare i compiti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Controindicazioni del governo Monti?.. http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sei stato bravissimo ieri..non ti devi fare nessun problema...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [l'ultima cazzata sul governo Monti: metterà la tassa sul possesso di animali domestici! ma roba da matti....] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [[ ] i miei vestiti[xxx] la mia vita[xxx] la macchina dei miei[ ] la mia scuola [xx] mie scarpe] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti: ""L'Italia si riscatti, non siamo noi i deboli"": ROMA ""Intendo adempiere a questo compito con sens... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [-_- lo odio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : #Onfray e #Escobar su #Camus e la lezione appresa da #Nietzsche copertina ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti sereno e molto determinato ad andare avanti. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ...continuano a corrermi brividi lungo la governo Monti non mi tranquillizza nemmeno un poco.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Orari dei negozi, a che ora si fa la spesa in Europa? Tra le rivoluzioni previste dalle riforme del governo Monti... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo non ha bisogno della tv ne dei \"" giornalisti \"", se vuoi fare le domande vai in piazza come tutti ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti .... DOMANDA: chi gli ha dato il diritto di cedere le nostre sovranità all'Europa? VIDEO INTEGRALE: http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti subito al lavoro, tra i ministri nessun politico. Oggi la fiducia al Senato.. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hai dimostrato che tieni a questa maglia ..grande !!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Bossi: ""Il #governo #Monti fa schifo"". E #Berlusconi si dimise perché ""ricattato"" http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ directioner e basta, loro sono le mie uniche ragioni di vita. Non amo far parte di piu' fandom, mi tengo -] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [help meeeeeee sto scoppiando ...e deve ancora arrivare la pasta... 8-X!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vorrei che tutti i quintali di pasta al forno che gli ora stiamo mangiando siano goduti alla faccia di Mario Monti e della Bce #wl'Ungheria] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gente che ride perché ha fatto una corsa. #Vabbè] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Appena visto e sentito Mario #Monti dalla #gruber. Più che mai l'impressione è che siamo finalmente in buone mani...altro che #Berlusconi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [POI DICONO CHE I MATTI SONO AL MANICOMIO........NO AL GOVERNO MONTI...E' PERICOLOSISSIMO..............!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo il no alla #manovra ecco come ci porremo in futuro nei confronti del #Governo #Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Un paese che ha risorse come Mario Monti le valorizza al servizio delle istituzioni. Grazie Presidente! #elezioni] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Indiscrezioni Governo Monti: Passera per lo sviluppo pare sia una richiesta particolare di Berlusconi.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Ministri, la formazione del governo Monti su Twitter.: http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La vita e' un gran bel libro..a volte pero' sei costretto a fermarti, tornare indietro per riprendere il filo....Notte dolce dolce notte....] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#manovra: anche il governo Monti nella morsa delle lobby! in questo paese i privilegi non si toccano :( e la povera gente paga! #FB] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gp Bahrain, Rosberg domina seconde libere e Ferrari indietro: Nico Rosberg davanti a tutti nelle seconde prove l... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma è bellissimo *O* grazie mille :3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si e pure brutto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Per non dire 'sto arrivando' a tutti....Guarda questo video su YouTube:http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#rimontiamo Bisognerebbe essere veri banditi per sabotare un governo Monti . I requisiti ci sono (Ellekappa)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dispiace che chi appartiene al mondo della politica arrivi a conclusioni di cui #Grillo parla da 15 anni solo oggi.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http non riesco a vedervi tutti. scrivetemi se ho saltato qualcuno. cwc] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ certo che sei proprio cercato da tutti xD] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Cisl ''sosterrà a piene mani'' il governo Monti. Adesso ho paura davvero #oramonti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mentana sintetizza il perché del Governo Monti TG LA7 10/12/11 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sondaggio Piepoli: il governo Monti piace a più del 50% degli italiani: #berlusconi #giorgio napolitano #istituo... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dovremmo solo accettare ke qnd qualcuno nn si fa sentire, è xké nn vuole...e dovremmo lasciar perdere...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Ehi tu!si proprio tu lo so che hai letto bhe continua a leggere #rt seguimi e ti seguo in più ti voto l'con in %...daii dai…] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie Andre!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : TU..VUOI RESTARE AL COLLE??OK....RESTACI A SVERNARE..MA ABBI LA COMPIACENZA DI STARE COMPLETAMENTE IN SILENZIO!!! http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #finanza #blog #crisi #governo #monti #tasse #mario #berlusconi #Roma] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La bella notizia di oggi, oltre al probabile governo Monti, è che Di Pietro se ne tirerebbe fuori.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non c'è da stupirsi se il partito liquido di #Grillo va in Parlamento.L'ha gia fatto Cicciolina con il partito solido.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo 22 anni di gestione privata, il patrimonio immobiliare del Comune ritorna ad essere governato direttamente... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #ditelavostra Ci voleva un cambio di stile e di passo! Il Governo Monti farà bene alla nostra autostima .] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Pare, dico pare, che Lorenzo Cesa sarà ministro nel nuovo governo Monti. Se permette, caro Presidente Napolitano, torni a dormire...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se potessi fare qualcosa ora, che cosa faresti? — lo chiamerei e gli direi quanto mi manca. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#FF ... perché è stata una piacevole sorpresa scoprire che oltre che ad essere una bella ragazza è anche una Bella persona] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ eh eh mao è tutto un altro movimento..sarebbe da ridere se non ci fosse da piangere!!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quando Massa e Siena si ""litigavano"" Vetulonia, la Colonna etrusca http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io amo demi, è la mia forza. <3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [il governo Monti: «Ora di corsa». Attenti che avete tutti una certa età. #buogiorno #monti #rimontiamo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi Minsk, #Bielorussia, ospita il vertice dei ministri degli esteri della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti -... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ piacere mio, tutto bene te?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma sarebbe #Grillo il futuro della politica?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ <settings...credo sia cosi anche per l'italiano] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : bellissima immagine del profilo ti do 10 :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : partite di ieri così noiose che #gazzetta dedica prima pagina a notizia di cronaca #UCL #realjuve #champions http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [IX Congresso nazionale di Legambiente. Un appello a Mario Monti per ridurre i tagli al trasporto pubblico locale... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti regalaci un sogno un Italia normale cornetto e caffè al Bar Dello Sport Grazie... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi è contro un governo #Monti perché sarebbe tecnocratico, non scelto dal popolo sovrano bla bla bla forse non è sincero] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: nominati Viceministro e Sottosegretario al Lavoro e Politiche Sociali: Michel Martone e Cecilia G... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#laresadeiconti un sogno: Milena Gabanelli e quelli di Report consulenti del nuovo Governo Monti per spiegare come sanare il nostro debito] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Letterina a nonno Mario Monti. Un po' di omissione del dissenso? http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Maha Maha credo appartenga al periodo Lizzy Grant, Queen of Disaster non credo che sarà nell'album, ha detto lei stessa che-] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ certo che si aggiusterà, sii fiduciosa hdjhkj sono qua a fare il tifo per te che migliorino le cose. sappilo :3 ♥] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http dannata onda io vi stupro a tutti e tre come state Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk e Leeteuk *A*] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: l'agenda economica 2012 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma basta con sto caldo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [articolo di Valerio Valentini per http Mario Monti ha presentato, nei giorni scorsi, la... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie 😊❤] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E vai adesso con Mario Monti/Superman, crisi finita, stipendi in aumento, e riforme. Grazie Stato! Se non ci fossi bisognerebbe inventarti!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo 5 Stelle: ecco tutti i pro e i contro - Crisis http via #m5s] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ci prepariamo per tornare a Roma e come sempre non trova nulla ! É adorabile XD] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Della serie non c'e' limite al peggio da #Monti a #Grillo dalla gotta alla lebbra da #Bersani a #Vendola da Leone di Lernia a Wanda Osiris] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giorgio Gaber, nome d'arte di Giorgio Gaberscik (Milano, 25 gennaio 1939 – Montemagno di Camaiore, 1º gennaio 2003)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [è arrivano ora che ne avevo un bisogno estremo e mi sta facendo essere felice come mai prima.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#la7 ma perche' Mario Monti non fa il premier? Che persona competente e per bene!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho spostato la luce della scrivania sopra al letto così dato che il lampadario è fulminato posso spegnere la luce senza alzarmi #sonoungenio] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Semplificazioni, procedure anagrafiche e di Stato civile più veloci: #certificati #mario monti #semplificazioni... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Siete così bravi a parlare di Juve che ho perfino letto uno stato che parla della Yuve] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Bufera Pdl, arrestato Vignali. Il pm: “Contattava Berlusconi grazie alla Macrì” - Il Fatto Quotidiano http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Potrebbe anche ricordare i primi Berlusconi e Bossi, ma #Grillo è l'unico che merita il mio estremo gesto di speranza. #serviziopubblico] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non parlatemi di morti per favore, vi scongiuro parlate di tutto ma non di questo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ahahhahaha si ci credo ma quanto l'hai pagato?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Mario Monti la sta vedendo la conferenza stampa di fine anno? Diciamo che è uno che sa il fatto suo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fa ridere vedere come si spremono quel poco di cervello per capire il significato di un'occupazione.Senza midollo,ne dignità.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Arbasina/Giavazzi sul Corriere a proposito della politica economica del governo Monti: Ciò che conta è la qualità http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il giovedì abbiamo rotazioneee hahah] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Leggete 'Goldman Sachs innesca la crisi e poi piazza Mario Monti a risolverla video' di Claudio Messora http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scorie nucleari: il governo Monti le liberalizza ? la mappa http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bersani, Pd: pieno appoggio a governo Monti, avanti con riforme... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Con il Governo Monti #agorarai invece di svegliarmi mi addormenta. Senza B. la politica torna ad essere noiosa.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [REUTERS ANALISI Crisi, di corsa verso il governo Monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho mangiato metà uovo di cioccolata e mio cognato ha sgridato sua figlia e lei diceva \""è stato lo zio\"" e io ho negato tutto!! mi sento power] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : non credo che i ragazzi reggeranno sette ore di twitcam. hanno l'attenzione pari a quella di un bradipo addormentato.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti a lezione dai precari. Domani flash mob a piazza del Gesù #Napoli http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : number one da Rocco. Puoi morire felice.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Senza misure per lo sviluppo sarà #recessione. Il dati #Istat di oggi non lasciano dubbi. Ma, Governo #Monti, dove sono queste misure?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Maroni parla agli industriali: ""Burocrazia zero e niente Irap per le start up"" http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [buonanotte a chi è felice e domani fidati, sarà migliore...e buonanotte a chi cerca i perchè di una vita che stenta ancora ad accettare...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti richiede ai cittadini comuni grandi sacrifici ma ha avuto uno scarso coraggio nell'aggredire i privilegi consolidati.""] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quale argomento di conversazione consideri noioso? — qualunque cosa sia anche lontanamente collegata all'epica.... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io del governo Monti non mi lamento per nulla infatti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dovrebbero tassare anche le corna che i mariti mettono alle mogli e viceversa..però vale solo per i politici..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Consiglio aperto sulla manovra del governo Monti http Pontedera] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cala il sipario sul #Quirinale. Rito della campanella concluso. Adesso tocca riassestare l'Italia. Buon lavoro a Mario Monti. #governomonti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A rischio il governo Monti, con la #concordia si va a fondo #giglio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http idee per il #governo #monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Forse con il governo #Monti si tornerà a fare politica.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un altro passo falso del governo Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Energia e Ambiente: GOVERNO MONTI: IL MINISTRO CLINI DICE SI AGLI INCENTIVI http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [jhdfgh forse a settembre vado a londra cazzo non ci credo è il sogno di una vita glkds] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Brunetta sostiene di tornare a fare l'economista, Mario Monti terrorizzato progetta di mollare tutto ed aprire un negozio di pescheria] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: #Berlusconi ha ragione. La fiducia sulla manovra del governo #Monti sarà inevitabile. ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Spero che questa sera non facciano vedere solo #Grillo che urla ma anche quello che fa il #M5S a #serviziopubblico e #piazzapulita] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#movimento5stelle di #Grillo al 7,2%? che c'è di strano? in #italia la #politica perde credibilità e l'antipolitica avanza di qualnquismo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ultima chance per il presidente napolitano se il governo monti non dovesse farcela vedi foto http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo magari non avrà risposte certe per l'Italia.. Ma è una ventata di freschezza ed è dalle novità che nascono le idee migliori!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [colpo di scena nel nuovo Governo #Monti. Più che colpo di scena mi sa che sarà il solito inciucio... #facimmeimpresse] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#rt seguimi e ti seguo. Voglio seguire tanti Smilers, Selenators, Directioners, Lovatics, Beliebers e altri fandom di cui fate parte. x38] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ manca poco, nn vedo l'ora di rivederti ❤️❤️❤️] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GASPARRI: Sulle liberalizzazioni il governo Monti si è mostrato poco coraggioso http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I'm at Il Bar dell'Università (Torino, Italia) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mhmh ~ *annuisce entrando piano nell'appartamento* finalmente al caldo~] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e in mysterious lady, la sua voce ci sarebbe stata perfettamente. invece come al solito é relegato a fare i background vocali.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [harry e tay sarebbero venuti in italia.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non riesco a trovare nani e ballerine nel governo Monti. Ci deve essere un errore! :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Vi dovete strozzare con la mozzarella della pizza (la vera mozzarella della vera pizza) che con tanto gusto mangiate quando…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sto leggendo \""Nelle Trame della Moda\"" http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ con #Grillo tutta la vita!!! W il #M5S.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La via per uscire dalla crisi per la Bce è a senso unico; la manovra varata dal governo #Monti sembra andare contromano http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [22/4/2011:- Fu leakkato il Remix di \""TTWE\"" con Niki Minaj e Ke$ha- \""S&M REMIX\"" sale alla #1 della Billboard hot... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Mario Monti dice le parolacce] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [sto di merda in tutti i sensi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Congo Civili e operatori umanitari nel mirino http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http http 'sti due mi fanno morire. Potrei anche shipparli. Ah, già lo faccio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ci battiamo non solo per #equità dei #sacrifici in #manovra ma anche per la loro utilità. Su entrambi #governo #Monti in pesante #deficit.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La vostra stella: l'oroscopo di domani (3) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti è politicissimo . Buon lavoro e speriamo di votare prima del 2013 | Tempi: http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #serviziopubblico si capirà solo quando si toccherà il fondo ...tutti però] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [De Laurentiis: \""La giustizia sportiva ora va cambiata, Napoli-Juve è come Napoli contro l'Italia. Il http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Amo Demi in una maniere che non riesco nemmeno a spiegare.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Allargare la flessibilita' in uscita per il Governo Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Beppe #Grillo #Puglia Caccia alla strega http #hithotit] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Fantasia sorridere E poter dire c era una volta. Con tanti occhi diversi Invisibili] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Parlamento fa a pezzi la #manovra del Governo #Monti. Le agenzie di rating degli hashtag lo declassano da #rimontiamo in #rimontato.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http PORTA A PORTA, OSPITE MARIO MONTI] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Auguri di buon lavoro al neo Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Mario Monti ed a tutto il Governo. Good Luck Italia #oramonti #italia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il #populismo è un nemico della #democrazia. I regimi reazionari sono nati nella cultura populista. #Grillo è un fenomeno inquietante.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ a Milano c'erano 2 rigori per il Barcellona !!!!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Che emozione] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti è conosciuto dal 60% degli intervistati. Che però preferiscono chiamarlo gamberi e zucchine. serena gandhi http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GOVERNO MONTI E DISABILITA': A ROMA LA MANIFESTAZIONE DI TUTTI A SCUOLA | http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fini, governo Monti non e' fallimento della politica Politica (cont) http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi riferisco alle procedure dei ristoranti - se non si seguissero entro 15 giorni andrebbe tutto a ramengo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se il governo #Monti vuole rappresentare un vero cambio di passo #Malinconico si deve dimettere] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La «buona fede» del Professor Monti* | Global Project http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti stasera a 8 e Mezzo. Che vergogna avere un Presidente del Consiglio che si abbassa a comparire in postriboli televisivi.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liberalizzare pure il #carcere? Secondo il governo #Monti si può http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La lega non sosterrà il governo monti. Comincio a strapparmi i capelli x il dispiacere.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dopo #piazzapulita #serviziopubblico trovo la parola giusta x definire #Grillo i sermoni] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Controlla questo video Napoli De Magistris chiede al Governo Monti un tavolo su Napoli http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ per forza succedere qualcosa di bello dopo.È una specie di legge cosmica. e poi andrà tutto bene,ne sono più che sicura.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GENTE CHE PARLA MALE DEI ...FATEVI UNA VITA PRIMA CHE VE LA DISTRUGGA IO U.U] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo boicottato a #Palermo? Namo bene! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ahahaah ma a me va bene anche SS! :D tranquilli ahaha] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“dovrei ringraziare scooby doo,perchè è grazie a lui se ho imparato che i veri mostri sono le persone.”] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I'm at Tutti Frutti SM Centerpoint (Quezon City, Metro Manila) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scusa ma ti chiamo amore ☺] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vedo che la gente sta accogliendo Mario Monti come fosse il Messia. Chissà se sarà lo stesso quando toccherà pesantemente i loro portafogli!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@BadiniCreateam: Street art in Milano | http | #streetart #milano #salone #fuorisalone #design”] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Anche io la vedo stasera!:)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""#Grillo contro tutti\"". Toh, che novità. Non l'ho già sentita una headline simile? Il vecchio che \""avanza\""...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tra la #Guzzanti e #Grillo c'è solo una differenza di medium: da internet alla cara, vecchia tv. Ma la traducono in maniera uguale: tribuna.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fenomenale Lucia Annunziata: oggi ha voluto far capire a Mario Monti che come direttore del Tg1 lei sarebbe molto meglio di Lilliput Gruber] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Superficialità imbarazzante. Quando si abbassa la guardia i risultati sono questi: la ferocia è sparita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La lettera della #Confartigianato #Asti indirizzata al presidente del consiglio Mario #Monti http #lavoro #artigiani] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ in caso qualche volta facciamo la web :) Hai Ovo?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Fiscal Compact come il governo Monti: chiamano salvataggio l'assicurazione della fine.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ....finamente!!! Ti stai divertendo in Italia eh???😜😜😜] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ osservando la gif di Chul che mi ha passato mi viene in mente che io c'ho un prestito ancora da riscuotere XD] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [posso fare una domanda stupida? ma tutte ste belle cose che chiede la lega al governo Monti perché non le ha fatti quando era al governo?mah] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un folignate nel Governo #Monti? #MoscaMoschini #Foligno] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Oh,Grazie *-*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'unica cosa buona del governo Monti è che non ci sorbiamo più il nano. Adesso però andiamo a votare per favore! #serviziopubblico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lettera al premier mario monti Corriere della Sera Inviato da iPad http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mario monti subito!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Quel momento frustrante in cui il tuo miglior amico si innamora della persona che ti piace] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I tagli del Governo Monti partono dai senatori a vita. #Scalfaro] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie signori............. ma a me piace che posso farci?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#serviziopubblico è l'unico programma che sta facendo informazione, gli altri veramente sono l'istituto Luce con sto governo #Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ stai dimostrando di avere le palle! Hai fatto più che bene! Certi soggetti non si meritano di vederti giocare a calcio!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, Napolitano: Operare per il bene del Paese - Politica e Società 2.0 http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [È bello cambiare lavoro ha detto Mario Monti, 68 anni, pornodivo ! ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Pogba: \""Dicono che somiglio a Vieira? No, io sono Paul e basta\"" quanto a personalità nn è paragonabile a nessuno! #JuveUdinese] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grz,buon anno anche a te.Bnotte Rossella :-)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [spero di cuore che confermi di non voler entrare nel Governo Monti: tutti voti che andranno al #cinismoapalate] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Andando appresso a Mario Monti... si dimentica l'origine del problema.. http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per chi questa domenica si annoia...nuovo post sul mio Blog!... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lacrime e sangue degli italiani, ma per che cosa? Tre domande per il professor Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'intervento di riduzione della spesa previdenziale operato dal Governo Monti: http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho la risposta a tutte le vostre domande: Si] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Perrie è una bellissima ragazza e struccata sta bene. Non capisco perché debba truccarsi con tutti quella roba. Sembra Platinette tra poco] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT ITALIA 03:48 1.#cinemaInChiesa 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#Grillo 4.Trota 5.Levon Helm 6.Prince Of Persia 7.Damon and Elena 8.Lega] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ buon pomeriggio Micaa ♥ ti voglio bene.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ricorda alla Tua internazionale le #vittime della scellerata politica del Governo #Monti! Che voi sostenete!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: la diretta streaming dal Senato per la fiducia http #monti #fiducia #senato] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [buonanotte :-)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi parla di #democrazia sospesa è un un analfabeta della #Costituzione. #governo #Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Per quando si prevede il ripristino del servizio? Grazie.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giusto andare avanti con le #liberalizzazioni. Speriamo che #Governo #Monti e #Parlamento non si facciano intimorire. #Taxi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : In teoria, Maradona deve 39mln allo Stato Italiano. In pratica, prende 100mila euro dalla tv di Stato. E tutti applaudon…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo vi farà anche \""da megafono\"", ma attualmente non avete ancora un programma nazionale chiaro e inequivocabile. #PiazzaPulita] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un governo Monti senza Di Pietro e la Lega: un insperato Bingo per questo povero paese.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi dice che il governo Monti è una primavera ha un'idea approssimativa delle stagioni #assembleasel] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Pilota e restaura magnifiche auto con #CSRClassics per iPhone. È GRATIS! http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie mille tesoro nkdjf] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ guarda.. anche se legge il tweet nn me ne frega niente... troppo stronzo.. giuro.. adesso gli scrivo in chat...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ahahahhh sudare no buono :D Grazie mille Fra! 😀] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo: Monti vincerà la sfida puntando su equità e giovani http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [È timida,riservata,introversa e questo la fa odiare ancora di più.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hai commenti circa l'ennesimo attacco alla Bonino durante il passaparola di Fini del 23/4/2012 sul blog di #Grillo ?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora un enorme in bocca la lupo a Mario Monti. Lo aspetta un'impresa titanica. Buon lavoro!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ciao, sono ancora io carlottina e ti dico che mi fai sempre più pena, w 1D! ( live on http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno e buon pranzo a tutti con l'informazione locale di RADIO LUCE NOTIZIE..] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Il governo Monti è stato costretto a fare un passo indietro. I referendum sono salvi. Ora avanti con la ripubblicizzazione!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#piazzapulita, ma #Grillo attacca le televisioni con una sequenza di chiacchiere.Lui,che è #Grillo grazie alle TV.Ma vada a quel Paese] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#RIPAlissiaItalianBelieber ripenso alla.nostra prima.conversazione.con ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [È palese che #Grillo quello che fa lo sta facendo perché ha il fuoco della passione dentro. Per questo mi piace. #ServizioPubblico] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo #Obama a spingere per il governo #monti mancano solo l'uomo ragno e superman #fatepresto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il decreto sulle carceri del governo Monti | Il Post http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Preferisco fare affidamento su un #Grillo piuttosto che su un Bossi o un Berlusconi. Onestamente eh, poi magari non farà un cazzo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oddio #Alfano annuncia lapiùgrande novità politica, #Casini il Partito della Nazione, #Grillo delira e il #PD dorme. #Burlesque male minore] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Decreto liberalizzazioni del governo monti in formato pdf completo http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GASPARRI: Sì al governo Monti per senso di responsabilita' http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, la delusione di Bersani: Affidare dicastero a Passera segno di poca discontinuità rispetto al precedente Governo .] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#seriea #diretta #Calcio - Calciomercato, la Roma cerca rinforzi. L'obiettivo e Kuyt del Liverpool,... http #streaming #live] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Franceschini: Governo Monti, impossibile fare meglio http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se #Grillo è un demagogo, #Rutelli,#Bersani,#Alfano, ecc.. cosa sono ?Tutti pronti a #illudere la #gente per recupearare i voti persi.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Anche il Portogallo in piazza contro l'austerity #contropiano http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Canzone FANTASTICA!Riesci a trasmettermi molto e hai ancora tanto da dire, non vedo l'ora di ascoltare..ogni tua parola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: È evidente che Calderoli gestisce il personal branding di Mario Monti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #TgMattina #ditelavostra #Grillo Coalizioni: M5S+IDV+SEL+PD+Radicali. Si puo' fare?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Credo che monti.. Sia quello giusto #governo monti.... #piùomeno] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Comunque se avete ancora un neurone funzionante guardate su la sputtanata che ha dato la #Gruber a #Grillo e ai suoi automi #grillini] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo dice che i giovani sono con lui ma dimentica che l'Italia è un paese di vecchi.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ concordo! ma anche e in più, che siano considerate un punto di forza del governo Monti e non un bieco così fan tutti ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sciopero Generale il 27 gennaio 2012. Si protesta contro il governo Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Frattini 'Le riforme strutturali sono parte dell'emergenza. Anche se c'e' il governo Monti non ce lo dobbiamo dimenticare'] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ awwww grazie *w*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Di Pietro dice no al governo Monti, mi sembra già di rivedere l'Ulivo e la sua simpatica caciara #FullMonti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [D'Alema sdoganerà pure il vaffanculismo di Grillo? Dopo aver definito la #Lega una costola della sinistra dirà che #Grillo è il culo del #Pd] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [uh, è pronto, torno subito ihih #off] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http #Grillo \""...rischiamo di entrare noi al governo,ma è pazzesco\"". Pazzesco sì. Sveglia politica Sveglia!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ecco l'Ici di Mario Monti secondo la Sora Cesira http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [per ora con il governo Monti abbiamo recuperato la dignità. E non è poco!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [perchè continuo a sperare in una vita migliore?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Si Si le agenzie di rating sono proprio innamorate del grande e probo governo Monti...... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [BUONGIORNO PUPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ma perchè l'applicazione di facebook per l'iphone, trema?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Monti difende le liberalizzazioni: ""Articolo 18 non sia un tabù"": Il premier Mario Monti difende le nuove norme... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ è vero che tu fai l'università èè dai che alla fine andrà tutto bene. Io bene dai, un po' in ansia anche io, ma tutto shallo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti Vaffanculo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io e Daniela Spiga Squisitamente Zucchero vi aspettiamo il 10 novembre dalle 9.00 alle ore 13.00 per imparare a... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [-voglio bene,io ti amo proprio. ti devo moltissimo,mi hai sollivata nei momenti peggiori,e mi hai dato un sorriso in mezzo a un pianto-] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E' giunto il momento di non appoggiare Il governo #Monti votando no in massa. Lasciarlo alle corde, suonato.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Giornata dedicata al #nordicwalking nel parco regionale di #frasassi #destinazionemarche http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie cuore. c:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [boh, sono sola. che ho fatto di male per non essere ricordata e amata anch'io? perché non sono speciale?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I FRATELLI ROSSELLI: http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ awwww *____* come sei dolce. Completi la mia vita amore mio ❤💋] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ solo pane e acqua per Zeta no ti prego, non voglio averlo sulla coscienza magro per com'è già adesso!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che fare con le politiche sociali? Una proposta al governo #Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non ci crederai ma l'ho trovato e mo me lo vedo subitooooooooooooo caspita so contento #nausicaadellavalledelvento] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [STO MALE :c #rt seguimi ti seguo e ti faccio una domanda .. mi annoio :c #follow #followme x9] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bocchino: ""Subito un Governo Monti ed elezioni nel 2013'': Generazione Italia http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo 5 stelle è una rivoluzione. Pensate se riesce a convogliare tutti gli incazzati ... sono milioni] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti ci stanga e dà la colpa agli evasori http #ilG] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ o le persone che non senti da una vita ti fanno gli auguri, il gg dopo ti chiedojo un consiglio e poi scompavaniscono xD] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il presidente Mario Monti è sempre più apprezzato. Uno così non ce lo dobbiamo far scappare. Occorre appoggiarlo con più decisione.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [per ora l'unico miracolo natalizio del governo #monti è aver fatto riunire i sindacati confederali] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Forum dei giovani: chi sono i 30enni convocati da Mario Monti ECONOMIA http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dormi patata....... @ casa mia http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il governo monti è una sospensione della democrazia . E il tuo era un aborto. #berlusconi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [In alternativa, va bene anche un massaggio alle spalle.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie :D] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nautica in allarme: \\ Tassa di stazionamento iniqua e sbagliata\\ : Lettera aperta a Mario Monti di G... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dalle misure del governo #Monti ai #10cambiamenti proposti dalla Generazione #nofreejobs Hai letto i 10 punti? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#FF ... Gentile e ironico positivo ..Mi fa sempre sorridere ... Grazie] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ siamo tutti liberi ma un conto e' dire la tua teologia non mi piace un altro dire che sei fuori dai canoni] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Twitter: Saviano e Grillo tra piu' influenti Italia - Photostory Curiosità - http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [buongiorno c:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hahah e anche notevoli direi u.u e diciamo che io sarei la secchiona della classe D:] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : la casetta nido per gli uccellini da appendere alla finestra.. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Italiaresiste Mario Monti subito Presidente del Consiglio! #Sarkozy #ballarò] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ un consulente maleducato quanto mai..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo #monti il consigliere della cassazione Maria stefania di tomassi e' il nuovo capo degli 007 del ministro paola severino] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [undicesimo motivo per amare Harry Styles: compra l'I-phone e lo rompe il giorno dopo. lol] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Goldman Sachs innesca la crisi e poi piazza Mario Monti a risolverla http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [perché dovete definirvi per forza fan numero uno di un cantante? non c'è niente di male a dire mi piace ma non sono lovatic, belieber ecc..] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ehi Tu !!!@razielfe e Tu .. Pensieri Della serie “ non pecco mai abbastanza “ !] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Poi ci si chiede perché il mondo va a puttane http #fb] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La danza e il pensiero. Simona Bertozzi ed Enrico Pitozzi fra corpo e mente http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Di questo nuovo governo #Monti mi ha colpito l'accento sulla responsabilità verso le generazioni future.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Mario monti.... Gruppo bildenberg.....e ho detto tutto...secondovoi stiamo male? Nooo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Fatto > Caso Mps, Antonio ‘Superbonus’ Rizzo: “Così ho denunciato i manager infedeli”] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : chi vuole aumentare assieme a me?#rT seguimi e ti seguo alla velocità della luce:)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [De Bortoli a Rai3: Niente sconti del Corsera al governo #Monti . Buffone] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti chiedo solo un favore,davvero,ti prego,non toccare più luca.Puoi odiarlo quanto vuoi,ma non toccarlo.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [POLITICA. #Marchionne: «Per guidare l'Italia non si poteva scegliere persona migliore di Mario #Monti».] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il colpo di stato sobrio di Mario Monti: http via che skifezza] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho appena finito di lavorare,mangio,compiti e di nuovo a lavorare,e sappiate che odio ognuno di voi che si sveglia ora!! Con amore eh ♥] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Governo Monti: aspetta e spread il titolo di oggi di #agorarai ci piace, tipo.. ... che il lavoro se ne e andato in Cina.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tranquilla anche io sto crepando ancora...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E poi dicono che Mario Monti non sa essere spiritoso. Leggete la frecciata di risposta ad una interrogazione... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Forza Milan, Milan Per Sempre] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il nano pelato è malato di mente, questo ormai è noto. #Grillo è un buffone e potrebbe fare solo il comico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ abbiamo bisogno della diretta TV del concerto di Justin Bieber il 23 Marzo 2013, AIUTATECI. #ItalianBeliebersWantTheUnipolLive sf] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo/ Monti: Fiducia convinta in solidità istituzioni: http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo #Monti: Passera allo sviluppo. Ditemi cosa è cambiato da Forza Gnocca.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ :) farti una vita è fondamentale...puó anche darti ispirazione per scrivere..scrivere è la tua passione immagino quindi...:)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Buongiorno amore ♡] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ di equità non se vede per niente. Colpiti tutti senza distinzioni. Complimenti al professor Monti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Marcia indietro del governo Monti: modificato il provvedimento sul fotovoltaico su terreni agricoli http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma quale impegno, tu crei la tua ed io la mia.Poi un paio di giorni guadagnamo un po' di followers ed alla fine ne uccidiamo una] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Rutelli sul TG3 che parla del governo Monti mi fa venire più vomito del peggior Berlusconi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [È ufficiale: ci sara' fiducia. La prima del Governo #monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Spero sia colite. Ma ho paura sia amore.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fa notizia Mario Monti, sorpreso alla guida senza cintura e al cellulare. Così ci sembra meno grave l'accusa per camorra all'on. Cosentino] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: il governo Monti, a Natale, regala l'agenda digitale: http ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ no. Di viso sei molto meglio tu] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma veramente #Grillo ha detto che la soluzione alla crisi è uscire dall'Euro?? Ma allora è un genio dell'economia! Ah no un minchione!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si può anche bere un sacco di latte padano.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Testimonianza. Durante 7 anni in cui per lavoro ho frequentato Bruxelles, ho constatato che Mario Monti è un italiano stimatissimo in Ue] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caso Fonsai, Cancellieri in aula martedì Grillo: perché Letta e il Colle tacciono? Leggitima domanda di Grillo. http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buondì :DD Spero che oggi non succeda nulla a scuola ùwù] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Inizio ad adorare Mario Monti. Merita una standing ovation! Ecco la risposta all'interrogazione di Calderoli http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un manifestante #NoTav chiede a Cicchitto cosa farebbe il #PDL se il governo #Monti toccasse le TV di Berlusconi... KABOOM! #PiazzaPulita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Novità per il mondo dei Saloni di Bellezza italiani arrivano dalla Manovra Finanziaria del governo Monti: in... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno a tutti.....................] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mancano due ore che palle non ce la faccio!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ amore .. *ti fà alzare la testa* spiegati meglio,perchè puo essere un motivo ma non ci credo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non voglio Iphone,trucchi costosi e profumi,non voglio vestiti firmati ecc...IO VOGLIO SOLO E SOLO TE] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Mario Monti super partes = martirio o superman pesta] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La nuova #comunicazione #politica è anche questa: il movimento di #Grillo organizzato in franchising > http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ascolto ancora #Grillo e poi #nanna. #Buonanotte a tutti ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [pensavo che #lalettura fosse un agguerrito think tank della cultura neoliberista e invece è solo una ciofeca] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Rambo: cos'è lo Spread? Cosa devo fare?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Bella] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Non siamo Paese peccatore"" cui il governo #Monti restituisce la virtù perduta.moralismo fa solo danni http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Rumors, serpeggia nel #Pdl l'ipotesi di un appoggio esterno al governo #Monti. Ma è un'ipotesi, per ora. Napolitano che direbbe? #fatepresto] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, Rosy Bindi: ""Lavoro ed aiuti alle famiglie sono buone notizie"" http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [CARO MARIO MONTI, VAI DA VESPA A FIRMARE ANCHE TU'?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [francesco se ne è andato :( *piange* ora vado anche io] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ahahahahah che fai??? lol] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io mi sparo -.-] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Su #Grillo Santoro ha ragione. Egli è proprietario del marchio, è una azienda dico io Che sia anche la fine dei qualunquisti dopo la lega?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Hey ciao anche se non ti hai bisogno io ci sono. Sappi che ti sono vicina. <3 =) Fatti forza.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La prima vittima del governo Monti: Autieri Frassica Liorni Vianello a #portaaporta] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bocchino: Monti ha un futuro politico? E' nelle cose : #italo bocchino #mario monti ROMA, 11 DIC – ''Oggi Casin... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E' nato il governo Monti. Speriamo sia buono.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Basta #Grillo Il4è morta una ragazza che aveva capito che la sua laurea era inutile.Lucia s’è gettata dal balcone della sua casa a Catanzaro] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Moringa aiuta l’Africa grazie alle sue proprietàScopriamo le proprietà in numeri della Moringa e il suo... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E bravo Mario Monti, vediamo domani cosa si leggerà nel dettaglio. Vediamo se mi accontenti! Se sei equo, l'ICI te la pago volentieri!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GIANANTONIO #STELLA: Non ci provino, a distinguere ancora figli e figliastri. Lo ricordino, Mario #Monti ed Elsa... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Conto alla rovescia per Telefisco, il quiz per misurare la vostra preparazione su tasse e controlli: In quali c... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho visto un posto che mi piace di chiama letto, dove dormo, mi nascondo, vorrei starci tutto il giorno.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Come mai da quando abbiamo il #governo #monti le bombe vanno tutte dritte ad #equitalia?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cosa ne pensa #Grillo della riforma sulla giustizia? #schiacciailgrillo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Al momento sentire parlare Mario Monti al posto di mi emoziona. A prescindere.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ma mario monti e' meglio della profezia maya? mah....] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Riascolta Mattia Feltri che ieri raccontava, all'Anziano e al Simpatico, il suo incontro con Mario Monti. In trattoria. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grande attenzione dell'opinione pubblica internazionale all'investitura del governo Monti: è possibile essere al contempo italiani e sobri!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Legaladrona vuol far pulizia ed entra #Bossi? Tutto come nulla fosse? Ma che presa x il culo! #Vergogna! #Grillo #M5S] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lucamengoni Youtube Governo Monti presenta i Ministri 16-11-11: Governo Monti presenta i Ministri 16-11-11 ww... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo: Monti, profondo rispetto per partiti e Parlamento: Roma, 13 nov. (Adnkronos) ? ""Mi accingo a questo com... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [fa tutto schifo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#mustread > La lettera al governo #Monti del Sottosegretario alle #Migrazioni della Repubblica tunisina http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo lo seguo da tantissimi anni..ha aiutato molte persone. ed è coerente molto di più della nostra classe politica] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Moriremo democristiani, massoni e difensori di boia: una dedica alla #Guardasigilli http #Severino #Diaz #governo #monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo Berlino dove si va? Lettera aperta a Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [UnitiNellaPreghiera! RT : un caffè, un dolce in forno, una canzone, un'amica vera...e passa tutto. #adoroillunedì http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ siamo agli sgoccioli.....però penso al dopo, se piazzano un mario monti non credo che per lavoratori e pensionati cambierà tanto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Buonamano+Di Bello in conduzione, Compagnoni quando commenta il Napoli, Bergomi sempre, tutti gli inviati del Napoli e Nosotti.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ho avuto maestro birrario molto integralista per me birra di tutti i giorni è una gueuze Comunque la mia è solo invidia birraria :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo catalizza l'attenzione della gente perché ha capito ciò ke la gente vuol sentirsi dire, ma questa è pura demagogia non è politica] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ parlate dei movimenti #antipolitica, ma Che in realtá sono la rabbia Della gente come #Grillo #noitaliani ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi sto facendo anche io questa domanda. Diciamo che quando si parla di qualcosa é perché importante,quindi siamo importanti :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se trovo chi ha deciso che noi donne dobbiamo soffrire in questo modo atroce giuro glifacciounculocosì] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Un 'figlio di Rimini' tra i ministri del governo Monti: Andrea Riccardi, nom... http #news #rimini] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti invoca 'equità sociale' nel suo primo breve discorso da premier in pectore. e l'aria è già più pulita. #rimontiamo #doposilvio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io a #Grillo chiederei una cosa sola: ma i vestiti li lavi ancora con la biowashball? (Magari è il motivo per cui non rilascia interviste).] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ipotesi Mario Monti, ovvero la finanza al governo senza intermediari. Economista, più volte commissario europeo,... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Belle prove oggi! Ci voleva, davvero! Fanno star bene questi pomeriggi!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [sono un pazzo che vuole fare l'ingegnere dal manicomio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo tecnico Mario Monti: chi è il prossimo successore di Berlusconi?: Nominato senatore a vita dal presidente... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Bar,amici,birretta,maraffa,biliardino] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Il fatto che #Obama chiami #Napolitano per fare il punto sul governo #Monti la dice lunga sulla paura del mondo che l'Italia crolli ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#animali Arriva la ""soluzione"" per scongiurare sorprese da parte degli ""amici a quattro zampe"" http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tutti in gita a lampedusa :) #portaaporta] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma come si fa ad andare a votare con sta gente!? Io voglio votare e' un mio diritto-dovere! Ma chi voto? Fanno tutti schifo!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La storia, le luci e le ombre dei neoministri del governo #Monti | Diritto di critica http via #ministri] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : la maggiorparte dei miei tweet parlano del mio idolo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#piazzapulita tutti a sparare sul comico #Grillo ma i pagliacci che ci stanno governando sono più affidabili?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#pernondimenticare tutti i bambini le donne e gli uomini che venivano uccisi per colpa di un pazzo che trovava divertente la sofferenza] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ : Beh,se non altro sono tecnologici..... #hitechparents] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ M5s è si una casta, #Grillo è uguale a Bossi, anche lui era contro tutto e tutti e sappiamo come è finita.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: questo Governo #Monti sta facendo una politica di #destra #manovra ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fidati, fidati uu] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Lega vuole Dini, Governo Monti non è più sicuro. Quasi sicuro che il paese salta per aria #rimontiamo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#italiansgottalent come ha fatto questo a slegarsi? o.o] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Claudio sei fortissimo.. Grande PRINCIPINOOOOO.. :D Sei il nostro eroe.. Ciao Claudio buona fortuna in tutto :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#boicotto il governo monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Vabbè alla fine sempre un deodorante è..] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ alla grande Giuly!!! Bella idea e piaciuta a tutti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo afferma di voler fare una #Norimberga per i partiti. Chi dice queste cose è solo un capocomico profittatore del disagio sociale.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ lo stavo pensando anche io xDDD] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ http ho vogliia di combinarti così tesoro] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#BallandoConLeStelle manco se la oxa fosse cristo sceso in terra, che spettacolo tristerrimo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Arrabbiati bipartisan, così #Grillo arriverà al 10% -- #italia #cirsi #politica #attualità #monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [21.hai un i-phone? Si si!! si hai un grande culo. Grazie!!^-^ tuo account facebook è ammuffito? No è ancora buono da pappare (?)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti: il posto fisso è noioso . Quello da senatore a vita, no?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#SERVIZIOPUBBLICO Ecco a voi il video delle mie VIGNETTE! \""Spazzare via tutti\"" (n.20) #Renzi #Grillo #Bossi > http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti manderò una foto,cosi sarà come essere anche tu con me :-*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : volete incontrare i vostri """"""idoli"""""" e dire loro quanto li amate ma il vostro livello d'inglese é ""he are, i love she""] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ no grazie per le preghiere xusnxuosbzjai] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ti voglio bene. Tanto. <3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [No sentite quando ho cercato un telefono non l'ho trovato. Ora ne ho trovato uno e non mi bastano i soldi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo. Monti vuole abolire valore legale della Laurea. Tutti gli aggiornamenti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bruno_Vespa la stimo e vorrei che chiedesse al governo monti: la crisi è finanziaria e la manovra è reale quale sarà l'effetto? down!G918n] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti i sacrifici falli tu e l'amici tua e chi te sostiene! Noi li famo già da 'na vita...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Centrotavola ispirato dal Giorno della Terra creato da David Tutera http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Letta: sicuramente non farò parte del governo Monti . e siamo un passo avanti. #finecorsa] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti ospite a porta a porta! Prrrrrr] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Magazine: on line il primo numéro anche per IPAD! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#itshazzasday amore mio, non importa il giudizio della gente, qualsiasi cosa ci siamo noi (vere) directioners a sostenerti, ti amiamo tutte] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : La Meloni rivendica il diritto di essere ststa neofsscista, la Costituzione non glielo da. Nemmeno io.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [CasaPound Italia - Direzione Rivoluzione 2012 - Intervento di Buttafuoco http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Anche io per la 45358133 volta..e ho già i fazzoletti pronti!! Ciaooo Bella!! :'D] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dimettiti incapace! http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bersani \""non sono Robespierre, no alla patrimoniale\"": (AGI) - Roma, 18 gen. - Non voglio fare Robespierre o Sain... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [D'accordissimo! #Grillo all'attacco: 'Terrorizziamo i partiti''Ora siamo la terza forza del Paese'] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e poi boh, anche un koala è più fortunato di me ç__ç] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http cosè il #superbollo #mario #Monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti piace più della settimana scorsa http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [è passato più di un anno e ancora la mia mente continua a volare in quella città...probabilmente sarà per sempre il mio rimpianto...CPH] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, Fabrizio Palenzona, Presidente Assaeroporti: serve coraggio su infrastrutture, ricerca, trasporti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo #Monti fino ad ora non avrà proprio spaccato ma vedere Feltri e Giannini che flirtano non ha prezzo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nel Governo Monti, Amato dr sottile e Letta uomo di similaun? Mancano solo Andreotti e Forlani!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, un gennaio di fuoco http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ripenserai ancora,a tutto il bene che ti ho dato solo e solamente io..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Governo #Monti #pacchetto #anticorruzione: il #contrastodiinteressi è altra cosa che pagare #spioni #delatori per segnalare evasori.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie mille! =3] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo fa bene a evitare la tv. In TV diventi una marionetta dei vari teatrini per inDIVANados #cimeritiamotutto http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mai indossare qualcosa di una taglia in meno...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Monti e la manovra 'salva Italia': Il nuovo governo Monti ha finalmente esposto, dopo giorni d' attesa e d' inc... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie per il remix, bellissimo!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la roma vince,il governo monti invece non convince.E tra le novità della politica,un sessantenne:Montezemolo!Questo paese va sempre peggio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la politica domina, ora TT: #piazzapulita #serviziopubblico #Grillo Belsito M5S Partito della Nazione] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Bravo il capitano non si muove deve diventare vecchio con noi alla magica Juventus..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Io mi chiedo ancora cosa centri la Ventura con l'industria musicale. #XF7] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ l'invidia per #Grillo gli esce da tutti i pori. Ridimensioni il suo io cominciando a togliere il nome dal simbolo.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Risorgere dopo Pasqua questo sì che e' un vero miracolo #Lega] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti è famoso per il modello di Klein-Monti. L'ho appena letto su wikipedia, qualcuno vuole che glielo spieghi?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ma si possono utilizzare anche i personaggi vecchi? ( http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo la proposta di uscire dall'euro e affanculo il debito non è male. Ci vorrebbe un economista dietro che la studia bene.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che bisogno c'era che il governo #monti recuperasse il peggio dell'ideologia del governo precedente?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Bossi 'aut aut' a Silvio #Berlusconi: o si fa saltare #Formigoni e giunta lombarda 'piena di inquisiti', o si fa cadere il governo #Monti.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grande Mario Monti #cotechinoelenticchie] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo i ministri del governo #Monti che illustrano la #manovra su La7 c'è #Alfano. Ho paura.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [rivisitazione della conferenza stampa del governo #monti a #maancheno #LOL] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buona vigilia a tutti. E giù le mani dagli agnellini! INI INI! IRSTR] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche il direttore de La Padania definisce #Grillo \""pericolosa antipolitica\"". Il classico Bue che del cornuto all'asino. #noncicredo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [devo ancora leggere l'ultimo capitolo di akob] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Forza borriello 😍😍😍 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si ahahahah sta puttana che ne ha detto gli ha detto di tutto poi siamo uscite e io mammina sei arrabbiata ? lol lei:] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gran Shopping Mongolfiera fashion week con la collezione uomo donna di Tata Italia... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [belli giovani e intraprendenti.. le foto dei possibili ministri del #governo #monti http #italia #occupy] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti:1)credo che B. i danni maggiori li ha fatti e li farà dall'opposizione quando torna venditore di fumo e abile contrattatore] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT ITALIA 23:08 1.#serviziopubblico 2.#piazzapulita 3.#Grillo 4.Franca Rame 5.Prince Of Persia 6.Belsito 7.M5S 8.Nero Wolfe 9.Falcao] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il M5S è stata l'unica forza politica che ha RIFIUTATO rimborsi elettorali!Come si dimostra l'onestà?#serviziopubblico #Grillo #piazzapulita] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo al 7,2% non è affatto un bene per la politica italiana. Di populisti ne abbiamo le tasche piene. Anzi le ampolle, come dice ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'amore non è un sentimento ma una capacità. (L'amore secondo Dan)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Juve ! Storia di un grande amore] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il fatto è che in europa league perdiamo punti quindi è lo stesso. ormai il posto champions per i prossimi 5-6 anni è andato] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [È in corso il voto di fiducia al governo Monti alla Camera dei Deputati. Seguiranno aggiornamenti sui risultati.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Il sottoscritto è pieno di speranza ed è una speranza che vi invito a condividere. Mario Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Buongiorno sono quasi le 8 del mattino ed e' ancora buio! E piove.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Casini a destra e sinistra: non fate i furbi e i pavidi verso il governo Monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : . Compagno, si ricordi che quando verrà eletto, ciocorì e biancorì saranno gli unici snack ammessi! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Per me il governo Monti cade a Gennaio. Ho questa strana senzazione. Forse lo salverà il PD come sempre masochista.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Uno Stato si misura per come tratta i suoi membri più deboli. #lagabbia] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ no anche io..(leggi:un figo della madonna)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tra #Renzi a #Serviziopubblico e #Grillo a #Piazzapulita stasera c'è l'imbarazzo della scelta. Anzi, direi che è rimasto solo l'imbarazzo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Buonasera Prof,permetta una domanda :siccome i giorni passano velocemente,alla fine il porcellum verrà cambiato secondo lei?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#fatepresto si ma non a pene di segugio! Governo #Monti istituzionale ma che i ministri siano tecnici competenti e non di #casta] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Latini: 'La manovra del governo Monti non è sostenibile per gli italiani' http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ue, Monti: ""L'armonia franco-tedesca non basta"": #francia #germania #mario monti ROMA ? ''L'armonia franco-tedes... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario #Monti Senatore a vita è una splendida notizia per tutti gli italiani, è l'emblema di quei cittadini meritevoli che onorano la Patria.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se il futuro della tv è Freccero… meglio un carloconti, tanto il livello è lo stesso. http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Questo non é un governo di destra . Pier Luigi Bersani sul governo Monti, sul Corriere di oggi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho collezionato 10,896 monete d'oro! Chi di voi può prenderne di più? http #android, #androidgames, #gameinsight] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#amomiopadreperchè beh leggendo tutti i tweet c'è ne sono alcuni che sono molto tristi, mi dispiace davvero :'c] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ella Milano -BTS with Ella Milano (2012) FullHD http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Certo amore mio :) è in italiano però :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Potevi anche portarmi,non credi ?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ho intervistato il direttore del tg1 economia Loris Gai: si parla di comunicazione, governo Monti, Rai! solo su #sosoddisfazioni] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : te lo auguro di cuore e farò il possibile affinché sia così. Un abbraccio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ho sempre creduto in tutto .. ma non ha te !!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A Napoli la pizza in onore di Mario Monti con un bel tocco di basilico 'spread' Adnkronos Cronaca http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Mario #Monti, un tecnico di grande qualità. Punto.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Senza vergogna: si rafforza la Casta nel governo Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Prime misure del #governo #Monti per rispondere alla #crisi http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Guielmo del Toro... direi ragazze ke questi sn i ruoli perfetti x tom Loki ne è un esempio...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il mi sento fortunato del google play c'ha una fantasia di merda :-)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Al #G20 di Cannes circola tra le conversazioni informali il nome di Mario Monti come nuovo premier! #Italiaresiste] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Brava sta chiara però #xf7 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo attacca l'Euro. Beh è chiaro che punta a rubare elettori alla #Lega. Strategie da politicante per l'antipolitico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per approfondimenti: Crisi Governo: dimissioni di Berlusconi, ora tocca a Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : è la mamma più bella di questo mondo. #FelizDiaMAMABertotti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il caso politici nel governo #Monti nasce dal fatto che per Interni, Esteri e delega ai Servizi un accademico doc non è proprio il top] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo \""Un #debito che non abbiamo fatto noi.\"" Ma la #partitocrazia chi l'ha consentita e tollerata se non noi?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ i nostri discorsi sono i migliori, posso parlare di tutto con te, ci facciamo troppe risate c':] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A chi tiene auto ferma, accesa per lungo tempo... non farlo. Ricordate che la Terra non è di vostra proprietà. Siete solo OSPITI! #PM10] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vorrei proprio sapere che fine ha fatto il parmiggiano che ho comprato #Volatilizzato] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ a dopo amour. x] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Letta dice che il PD è nato con il governo Monti. Meglio tardi che mai. http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giovanni Favia (M5S) ospite ad Agorà (Rai3) su Finaziamento ai partiti e Governo Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GOVERNO, MONTI: SQUADRA SNELLA, FORTE, TRASPARENTE il Velino/AGV Agenzia Giornalistica il Velino http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'interrogazione UE contro Mario Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ah si ho capito bene si, si chiama Liam. LOL.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lei ha una voce con i controcazzi. #italiasgottalent] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, tu Ci SMONTI!. By Luigi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MESSAGGIO PER TUTTI GLI ITALIANI ONESTI: MARIO MONTI CHIEDE DI AUMENTARE L'ETÀ DELLE PENSIONI PERCHÉ IN EUROPA... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ probabile! HAHAHAH] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fwd: Detesto le donne disperate perché le donne disperate accettano tutto e, accettando tutto, creano accanto a sé... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Appelli Micromega Governo Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie Bella <3<3<3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [--invece stavo morendo. un'altro ci ha fermate e fa ""dove andate belle?"" ""affanculo"" ci abbiamo risposto. dio che nervi.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bisogna portare e sfidare #Grillo sul campo della politica. La sua non è #antipolitica. #pd] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#ansa \""Rosi Mauro, annuncio dimissioni stasera da Vespa\"" sigla della trasmissione sarà cambiata: da \""Vai col vento\"" a \""Hocus Pocus\""] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che tristezza #Santoro.Una settimana fa #Grillo rispondeva a #Ruotolo e andava bene. Oggi è uguale agli altri perché ha evitato Bertazzoni?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A Costo Zero: Mario Monti, il bullo di Arcore e Bersani: http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'#Imu è un'istigazione a delinquere. #Grillo riscalda gli animi. Ora. Poi quando arriverà il conto il messaggio sarà ancora più efficace] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Visco #pd Il #governo #monti non sta facendo il massimo per migliorare la situazione lavorativa, le cose peggioreranno] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Parlando di politica, con questo governo Monti a cosa servono i partiti?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 'notte!!!! :*******] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti nominato senatore a vita della Repubblica italiana moribonda #elezioni #308] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Boom d'ascolti con il presidente del consiglio Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi piace troppo *^*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Alemanno: \""il voto a #Grillo blocca l'Italia\"". Il consiglio di uno che se ne intende. In fondo ha già bloccato #Roma...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [mario monti Rispondo a Berlusconi: non sono affatto disperato. Capita di attribuire agli altri... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Monitaly 20-27 nov: il governo Monti muove i primi passi e l'Italia rientra tra le figure chiave dell'eurozona:... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ a me piacciono i fatti e non le parole.. #Grillo come tutti i politici parole tante.. fatti zero.. ognuno la pensa come vuole no?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cicchitto: Monti riconosca i meriti del governo Berlusconi: «Siamo molto contenti che il governo Monti abbia dat... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Stupendo! Per una volta, tra l'altro, il titolo italiano, sebbene scontato, è anche per questo perfetto! La musica è ovunque..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'unica cosa che vorrei fare in questo momento è vomitare. Mi sto sentendo male. http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ in due mesi quel 5,5% può diventare anche 8-10%. è quella la strada da seguire secondo me] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ buongiorno amore <3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti: Berlusconi risparmi all'Italia il biasimo per aver causato un disastro #mariomontipremier] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sei alla ricerca di un lavoro da casa ? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se si farà un governo Monti senza le estreme, Giorgio Napolitano avrà fornito uno straordinario saggio di sapienza e sagacia politica.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Iacopino regala tessera da giornalista a mario Monti. Non ce n'erano gia' abbastanza a spasso per il palazzo di finti giornalisti?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo di Mario Monti: ecco i ministri. Quanto sono Wired? In che direzione andrà l'innovazione... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Auguri anche a te campione .] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giudizio su emendamenti #manovra? Si poteva fare di più professor #Monti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Corriere della Sera: Berlusconi, lieve malore al comizio«Solo stanco, sta bene»: L'ufficio stampa: «Si è seduto http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Colazione di stamattina:caffe',biscotti e voglia di te #Buongiorno] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Bella statistica, ma quanti nel governo monti l'hanno data/o a Monti per avere quel posto da ministro? ;)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#nde #neardeathexperience #premorte Come un’esperienza pre-morte ti riconcilia con la vita: Se ti è capitato di... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un grazie ai miei alunni e a tutti quelli che sono intervenuti http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il professor Monti ci chiede i sacrifici...e se non volessimo farli i sacrifici per quest'Italia?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fai 10 piegamenti dopo sta cazzata dai ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ : #TgMattina #ditelavostra: Mario #Monti è la persona giusta. Ottima mossa politica di Napolitano. Servono tempi rapidi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Corsera:I caroselli e i fischi in piazza hanno guastato l'umore a B. e ai suoi che induriscono le condizioni per dire di sì al governo Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [(video)- Il colpo di stato sobrio di Mario Monti. grande Claudio Messora! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ aww grazie ❤ http C:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ aggiungo: multe a tutto spiano! Andremo a pile, a meno che #Super #Mario #Monti non decida di tassare anche quelle!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Finalmente è arrivata una risposta dopo tante non-risposte. La prima alternativa a #Grillo è #Monti. Chi concorda alzi la mano] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Gli imprenditori che lodano il governo Monti hanno i loro buoni motivi (TODINI-SALINI) http #noitaliani] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo non è il vecchio né il nuovo. E' solo un comico. E, l'esperienza dei comici, l'Italia l'ha già registrata #ApriteGliOcchi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io non li ho ancora visti :c] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi piace questa versione taglia boschi: con tutti 'sti \""tronchi\"" che fai crescere !!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo guardate la sua strategia comunicativa. Punto 1) il nemico 2) insulti e urla x coinvolgimento emotivo 3) fare la vittima] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io mangio vegetariano - L'alimentazione vegetariana come scelta di vita e di salute http #libro http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [caro Mario Monti,se vai su e sistemi un pò di robe ricordati di mettere via I strada a senso unico e della nuova piscina alla Trave...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : 'che poi alla fine le cose me le tengo dentro per non rompere il cazzo agli altri'] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E ora seguiamo il primo discorso di Mario Monti #opensenato] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : grazie ai cittadini, alle istituzioni e loro dipendenti che ogni giorno lavorano per migliorare i servizi.…] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I just uploaded ANCHE A PRATO SINDACATI IN PIAZZA CONTRO LA MANOVRA DEL GOVERNO MONTI 12/12/11 on Vimeo: http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti in diretta a Matrix su canale 5] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La più bella pagina di satira sul governo Monti: #PChigi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti nominato Europeo dell'anno . http e gli altri chi erano? Hitler e Stalin?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [[cronaca in corso di una giornata difficile] La porta stretta: http #manovra #governo #monti #opencamera #fiducia] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sei l'unico che ha le palle di fare domande scomode...unico vero giornalista serio!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [B A S T A devo finire di studiare] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Maurizio Crozza – Ma perchè è slittata la manovra del governo Monti? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ *.* si si :*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Lega. Hanno già deciso di far cadere il governo #Monti e hanno iniziato la campagna elettorale con i soliti show da circo! Vergognatevi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ nulla però possiamo far pagare per tutti , buona doccia ;)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#speriamochecambiqualcosa....speriamo che Mario Monti traghetti il nostro Paese verso una situazione economica migliore.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scilipoti non voterà il governo Monti. E adesso, come faremo? Ruberemo? Nikki-nikki, chi ruba s'impicchi!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liked Il Premier Mario Monti spiega con l'ausilio di una infografica come sarà il 2012 per il contribuente... [pic] http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ siccome il governo monti (che a me piace molto) finirà spero nel 2013 mi chiedo e le chiedo se lei si candiderà alle pross elez] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno #buongiornouncazzo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [News dall'ateneo: Bando per l’elezione dei componenti della Giunta del dipartimento di Psicologia: http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I mercati promuovono Mario Monti premier La fiducia nell'Italia spinge al rialzo anche Tokyo http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se #Grillo supera il 5% nei sondaggi, allora l'#Italia ha molti più problemi di quanto pensavo!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #maiunagioia mi tocca cambiare colore di capelli ma poi.... La mia è una lei !!! Che casino! Un abbraccio! Dormi bene!!! Ciao] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Specifico: Gianni Letta: sicuramente non farò parte del governo Monti . e siamo un passo avanti. #finecorsa] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [trovatemi un ragazzo perchè ho assolutamente bisogno di dare tanto amore a qualcuno] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [IL GOVERNO MONTI E LA LAICITA' DELLE ISTITUZIONI http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti Il Cavaliere Del Santo Graal.: Mario Monti, Il Cavaliere Della Tavola Rotonda Puro E Leale, il Buon... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Mauro ha ragione sulla #Lega. se sono stanchi di #Formigoni devono cacciarlo e basta, non solo se cade il governo #Monti. opportunisti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [COSA NE PENSI DEL GOVERNO MONTI? Diventa parte del Metropolitan Panel il tuo parere per noi è importante! Clicca... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [uno striscione fuori scuola dice: \""se fossi un pittore ti dipingerei, se fossi un poeta ti loderei, ma sono un trombettiere\"". AHAHAHAHAH] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il capogruppo alla Camera di un partito di maggioranza che lancia la ""guerrilla"" sul governo. Ma che Paese è questo? #italia2013] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [... per chi vuole fare o farsi ancora un regalo ... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bravissimo!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti e il PIL a + 10%, una promessa insostenibile: http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo non si candida. Tra le altre cose non può presentarsi con il #m5s perché ha una condanna. il m5s è fatto dai cittadini] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche io ti amo, scemo ♥] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti E La Commissione Trilaterale. L' Italia Nuovamente In Pericolo http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ a dopo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La stampa estera contenta della nomina di Mario Monti http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ascoltando discorsi sul treno: \""io a #Grillo il voto glielo davo prima e glielo darei anche se non conosco le sue idee\"" PANICO. #perplesso] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Napoli. Prime risposte al governo #Monti http #EatTheRich] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie!! :D] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Sbaglio o alla fine il politico che più ha perso appeal in questo primo mese di governo Monti si chiama Fini? Fini chi?!?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Controlla questo video Mario Monti & Gli Illuminati http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [SONO FIERO DI ESSERE ITALIANO E ANCOR DI PIU' OGGI CHE ESISTE MARIO MONTI COME PRESIDENTE] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Azione chock di Forza Nuova: cappi nelle sezioni dei partiti che appoggiano il governo Monti: Nella mattinata di... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Citati anche dal fatto! :D RT #Grillo e il teatrino della politica. Quanto ci piace http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hahaha grazie ** cioè ne sono onorata (?) xD] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Su Rete 4 c'è La Stangata. Quella vera, non quella di Mario Monti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La manovra e il governo Monti? Non sono ""inevitabili"" http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo, Berlusconi: Monti non è in ritardo, lasciatelo lavorare: Il governo di Mario Monti deve poter lavorare... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Bossi: \""#Grillo non ruba voti alla Lega\"".Tra diamanti,case e #Tanzania la #Lega sembra maggiormente in difficoltà su altre #ruberie] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si si ahahTipo sul 703 hanno dato Little Things e sono caduta dal divano, poi giro ancora e c'è Kiss You e vado a-] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [il governo Monti ci invita tutti alla pacatezza e alla sobrietà. Imparare a chiudere la porta è importante http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [LA PROTESTA: Rivolta degli agricoltori pisani contro la manovra del Governo Monti http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [CGIL, CISL, UIL ed UGL incontrano la stampa al termine del vertice del Governo Monti con le Parti Sociali http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nella lista un'ottima sorpresa Staffan De Mistura agli esteri : Governo Monti, ecco i nuovi sottosegretari. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ci sono alcune incongruenze anche nel movimento di #Grillo e ieri lo ha sapientemente messo in evidenza Santoro #serviziopubblico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ :Berlusconi apre al governo Monti:A neppure 24h dalle dimissioni,nuova rivoluzione... http ecco cosa ci attende!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : #rt seguimi e ti seguo, siate anime gentili tra poco è natale ♡ x15] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [passerò l'ennesimo halloween di merda mentre gli altri si divertono :)))] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tutorial Come registrarsi e scaricare WarRock in 2 minuti! Salve a tutti, in questa Mega-Guida vi spiegherò come sca... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bossi: «Il governo Monti fa schifo, sono improvvisati». Il trota invece, e Calderoli, mirabili statisti.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dal disastro della nuova Alitalia al governo Monti: come agiscono i Capitani coraggiosi | tiscali.spettacoli http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non mi risulta che #Grillo sia un politico..come tutti gli altri giornalisti, parlano della persona e non degli argomenti.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo: Monti, Paese superera' fase difficile: Roma, 15 nov. (Adnkronos) ? L'Italia ""sapra' superare questa fas... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ MI permetta: il lavoro in fabbrica credo sia TECNICA APPLICATA. Tra il dire e il fare si combina i danni del Professor Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gesù, ho fiducia di te. Ho piena fiducia di Te. - Dammi sempre più fiducia. La tua luce, sono Io; la tua forza, sono... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Non è giusto aver bisogno di eroi | il commento di sulla morte di Raffaele Pennacchio http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Governo Monti vuol colpire consumi per ridurre passivo della Bilancia commerciale?: http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ allora, non credono proprio AHAHAHA] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Il governo MONTI ha paralizzato l'Italia,non c'è categoria che non stia protestando..tutti segnali eloquenti che i professori hanno fallito!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Trasporto pubblico, via allo sciopero In piazza contro il governo Monti http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ HAHAHAHAHA no comment! =))))))] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Conosco gente che ha smesso realmente di fumare grazie alla sigaretta elettronica perché non aveva l'accendino per accenderla.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Può l'Italia fungere da ponte tra la sponda sud del mare nostrum e l'Europa? Mario #Monti in #Libia http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sempre forza juve] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se mi piace il calcio come a tutti gli italiani sono uno stupido pecorone. Mentre se mi piace #Grillo come a tutti voi sono figo. Giusto?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'operazione #trasparenza promessa dal governo #Monti è ancora sulla carta http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, che il professore salvi almeno l'editoria dai tagli.... Napolitano aveva preso un impegno preciso] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Nella civiltà dello spettacolo il comico e' il re. (requiem della cultura degli intellettuali)#Grillo #Berlusconi #Barabba] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ oooookay ma dopo perché devo andare a mangiare... ciao c: lol] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [non so voi, ma io preferisco il twitter di ora a quello di un anno fa, almeno c'è della gente che ragiona.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sotto le aspettative http sottosegretari del governo Monti, per digitale una delusione] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tg3 video Mario Monti da Berlino parla dell'Italia: c'è un enorme lavoro da fare. A cominciare dalla rimozione... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ quello che sta andando in onda a parma è il futuro, grazie. vorrei che il comune di milano facesse lo stesso.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [de Bortoli: non faremo sconti al governo Monti #Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT Twitter Italia 21:30: 1.#primoLibro 2.#Grillo 3.Franca Rame 4.Prince Of Persia 5.Partito della Nazione 6.#cinemaInChiesa] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bersani al gruppo sintetizza la linea rispetto al governo monti: o si va a messa o si sta a casa.Noi andiamo a messa per il bene dell'italia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Oggi è la classica giornata uggiosa di fine ottobre utile solo a conciliare il sonno #soledovesei?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ai quanto drama, dormi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : ♩♪♬ Juveeee,, storia di un grande amore. Bianco che abbraccia il nero. Coro che si alza ... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ne rimarrà uno solo! No....non e' la frase di Highlander ma quella di Mario Monti pensando ai pensionati!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Questa sera a ospite l'ex Ministro Vincenzo Visco e Antonio Martino del #pdl. Analisi sul #fisco e sul #governo #Monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e se #Grillo fosse l'unica persona seria della #politica e tutti gli altri politici sono i pagliacci?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro #Dalema, l'unico film che abbiamo già visto è quello che sancisce che sei un #cretino... anche senza #Grillo http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Parere favorevole del governo #Monti all'asta per le frequenze televisive... #opencamera #manovra] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un grazie speciale all autore di questa magnifica foto...che x me significa cosi tanto... Foto di karuso http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sindacati http De Lieto: Manifestazioni contro il Governo Monti Il Paese è in ginocchio http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A questo link trovate il Decreto legge sulle #liberalizzazioni varato dal Governo #Monti. http #liberalizzazioni #Monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#inonda #Grillo è stato il detonatore e ci ha messo la faccia, il #M5S riempie il vuoto della politica creato dalla malapolitica dei partiti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [prima eravamo a fare lezione con la 5 eramo 42 e su 42 C'ERANO SOLO 6 RAGAZZI E TUTTI E E 6 FACEVANO CAGARE] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ torna amore mio. mi manchi, ti prego non fare niente.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ questa sera, solo in esclusiva per i twitteriani, gli scleri di ilenia. HAHAHAHAAHAHHA] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Aaah che bello, dopo la pubblicità intervista esclusiva a Beppe #Grillo su #Gulliver. Un piacere cambiare canale!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liberalizzazioni pro #pmi: UE, Fmi e Confindustria con Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ricordo il giorno che comprai \""Infinite Jest\"" alla Fiera di Torino, insieme ad altri tre suoi. Non lo conoscevo. Ho fiuto.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I sacrifici che mancano: La manovra presentata dal governo Monti è criticabile sotto molti punti di vista. E' mo... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo difende le Pmi contro i centri commerciali. Dopo la green economy (che guarda a sinistra) ora si pesca anche un po' a destra.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dai forza fatti coraggio il topo e' sempre cn te anche quando non lo puoi vedere ! Appena vado all'ikea gli compro la fidanzata !!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: E' più facile aumentare le tasse che combattere l'evasione fiscale #governo #Monti. vero purtroppo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fai un ordine il negoziante firma conferma Il pagament 60/90/120/150/180/210 giorni alla prima scadenza tel x chiedere Di spostare il 60/90] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti. Dobbiamo essere contenti. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : ODDIOO I RAGAZZI HANNO #RT IL MIO VIDEOOOO ODDIO STO MALE SCLERO CAZZOOO MERDAAAA] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro Ferrero, il PD è ben felice di non sfiduciare il governo Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Buongiorno amore ♥] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [sto governo Monti ha già odore di fuffa.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ciao Aron... hai anche delle fans 21enni eh :P] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho scoperto Community e mi ha cambiato la vita. #2012telefilmicoaddio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Su Facebook tutti vogliono fare tanto i poeti e poi di persona non sanno accocchiare manco due parole.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Arriva finalmente il “sì” della Soprintendenza Il 29 aprile #Grillo si esibirà a piazza Croci http #m5s #apostosiamo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Costretti al risparmio... ancora... Ma ho fiducia nella manovra e nel governo Monti... Prof. Monti non ci deluda anche lei.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cronaca Flegrea - ELEZIONI/ Monaco accusa Figliolia: «Non mantiene i patti, sta co.... Leggi tutto su http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi ha più stile? Formigoni o Mario Monti? Scopri i commenti del governatore della Lombardia su abbigliamento e... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La cosa migliore del governo #Monti sono le donne con il cervello. #sapevatelo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho una stanchezza addosso manco mi fossi fatto Napoli-Pietrasanta a piedi. Boia...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Disertori della zappa #BolognaRoma] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#matteorenzi Mario Monti e' l'uomo giusto al posto giusto nel momento giusto! Grazie Presidente Napolitano] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo simbolo di un'Italia decadente...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Elena è caruccio anche se usato u.u a me mariana piace perché è bello da vedere, da firmare e non è molto usato :)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""vasco alla scala *_______________________* oddio è un mito che spettacolo le canzoni riadattate\"" #porcodio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Odio il mio paese, sono arrivata a voler eliminare il mio profilo Facebook per quelle quattro zoccolette e dovrei voler rimanere qui? HAHAH.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti prego aggiungimii! :3 Grazie!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mangiare poco per invecchiare bene e vivere di più http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #ditelavostra Bersani nel #Pd è il passato. Ma davvero qualcuno può immaginare #Grillo alla guida di un Paese?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ore 18.53 INPS Fornisce il numero degli esodati e precisa: saranno in tutto circ... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Tanti auguri Diego. Sono 53 anni di storia importante. Ne verranno altri altrettanto esaltanti #ADL] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alle 4 devo cominciare a studiare T__T E devo anche fare la spesa D:] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma serviva Monti all'Italia? mario monti, tasse, spread, italia, giuliano zulin http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ direi che mi fai sempre fare due risate] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oh ma vaffanculo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La manovra salvatrice dell'Italia varata dal governo Monti contiene molte sorprese. Uno degli articoli, il numero... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [sosteniamo il governo Monti che affronta l'emergenza, perche' sappiamo che e' l'unica possibile alternativa al fallimento dell'Italia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Passera conia #superidea e ricorda il miglior #Fantozzi, #Grillo che entra in politica. Ma in Italia le cose vanno per il verso giusto?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ricci sostiene #Grillo come lei sostenne il mostro della Lega con Profondo Nord] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti alle telecamere, o meglio videofonino, del Fatto: che splendido sole oggi tra poco sul sito #finecorsa #doposilvio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Si è dimesso Bini Smaghi il futuro prof a Harvard o Bini Smaghi il futuro ministro dell'economia del governo Monti?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nn m ricordo che devo fare!! #BRING1DTOITALY] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Napolitano: «saremo all'altezza del compito»: Verso un governo di Unità nazionale guidato da Mario Monti. «L'Eur... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma una donna in grado di essere chiamata a far parte del Governo #Monti? No, eh?!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se tutti conoscono la sorella di mia madre...è una NotiZia?xD] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#amoilnapoliperchè è la ragione, il senso e l'emozione di una vita tinta d'azzurro. Ti vedo giocare e mi commuovo: mai nessuno come te !] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Diciamoci la verità: a #Passera non importa un fico secco dell'asta per le #frequenze tv. Ci si è trovato, come tutto il governo #Monti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Renzi e #Travaglio hanno imparato a fare discorsi anche un pò comici da #Grillo #serviziopubblico] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ *riprende a camminare sorridendogli*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il sobrio governo #Monti spende 600 mila euro per la fiera dei frutti di mare http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [lunedì mario monti presidente del consiglio? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Movimento5Stelle E #Grillo va, alla conquista del paese! | hubmagazine http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A mio avviso il #Movimento5stelle di #Grillo che tanto accusava la #politica, ora da antipolitca è nel pieno della politca.Questa è serietà?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Una email a Mario Monti. Dialogo diretto per il nuovo Governo http #opengov #montipen] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Visto che splendida giornata? Cit. Mario Monti 13/11/2011, Primo giorno del post-berlusconismo (forse).] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle che palle!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma non hai ancora scritto un tweet? Prova!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La #manovra del Governo #Monti sulle Province non delude, ascoltiamo il resto] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo stasera non vuole andare a fare il confronto in tv con gli altri, preferisce farsi intervistare. Sembra #Berlusconi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Perchè Silvio deve lasciare il posto a Mario #Monti #dimissioni #opencamera #acasa #aeiouy http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Inno alla gioia per il Governo Monti http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Università_it: I docenti contro il governo Monti: ""La manovra ci penalizza"": Ancora tagli: è l'accusa che i doce... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho appena acquistato Cottage table su Stardoll. Dai un'occhiata alla mia Suite! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo presta la sua faccia: ciò che altri non fanno. Non troviamo la macchia su tutto quando non c'è. #ultimaparola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro Mario Monti conta fino a 10 per parlare,sennò succede che dici tante cazzate come è successo ieri sera a matrix] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dieci domande al Mario Monti: http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se #Grillo mi promette una nuova Norimberga per l'attuale classe politica lo voto anche io...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Delusione # governo #Monti: niente #patrimoniale] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che cosa dovrebbe essere in grado di fare un vero uomo? — essere liam james payne. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io tifo per un governo Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora però basta con questa #sobrietà, sto iniziando ad odiare la parola quasi quanto #questionemorale, governo #Monti non è solo sobrietà] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti alle prime prove oggi il premier in Senato per la fiducia http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Fantastico! vi seguirò dal lavoro! :) e potrei anche proporre di proiettarvi su schermo in biblioteca! #librinnovando] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il viceministro Martone scredita tutto il governo Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La coca nella senape. Arrestato un corriere, Cronaca - News - Cagliaripad http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi è Mario Monti YouTube http via (interessante ed utile)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [il governo Monti aumenta le tasse, la BCE taglia i tassi per dare una mano alle banche, ma ai cittadini chi ci pensa ?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Amo questa canzone, glee me l'ha fatta amare ancora di più! c: http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Se #DavidBowie accetta il ruolo in #Hannibal, non credo che potrei #sopravvivere alla vista di lui e #MadsMikkelsen vicini.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Mai vista la prof di Scienze così sclerata. Timore] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Diario di viaggio: arrivo a Chongqing - Giornata impegnativa quella della partenza! Arriviamo a Wuxi con un a… http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche oggi sono in vacanza. #sapevatelo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie per avermi tossito in faccia. Te ne sono grato.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ed ecco che si torna alla base T-T #on] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ aww, grazie <3 speriamo per il prossimo anno...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""In Italia tutti gusti strani i giovani cantanti, in classifica meglio restargli dietro che davanti\"" fa ridere ahahahah #cattiviesempi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il tuo moroso sa che oggi si tornava a scuola?!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ yoto cosa ne pensi della 5 stagione di fringe? secondo me è la migliore spero che il finale non mi deluda] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nuovo governo monti: dal bunga bunga al banca banca ...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Quanto bisognerà aspettare ancora per prendere visione del #Dossier #Grillo ?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Casini:Trovare un'intesa tra forze politiche opposte e' un'impresa,ma per Governo #Monti ci siamo quasi.Un miracolo. Rendiamo grazie a Dio!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [oggi mia mamma mi ha svegliata un'ora prima wtf] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ di sicuro rimanendo terrestri c'è di mezzo la mela di Newton: alla fine cascò] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e di cosa si tratta? Non si vede bene (bella la foto). ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Perchè rovinare un decente #governo #Monti (almeno nei nomi) con Corrado #Passera? (e parlo del personaggio) Speriamo bene...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Napolitano auspica un'efficace e condivisa azione di governo, Monti si prepara a guidare l'esecutivo... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ CIP tutti ma non #Grillo qualcuno serio c'e rimasto...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : #20ThingsAboutMe Ho un serio problema: se un ragazzo non ha almeno 30 anni sicuro non mi piace.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [IL #governo #Monti cosa dovrebbe fare per aumentare lo Sviluppo del Digitale in Italia? CLICCA E RISPONDI AL SONDAGGIO: http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi è piaciuto un video di http Paolo Meneguzzi - Ho Bisogno D'amore (Videoclip ©NiHi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Intanto Bersani dice che il Governo Monti non rappresenterebbe la sconfitta della politica ma o si va a messa, o si sta a casa #giaguari] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le 7 cose buone fatte dal governo #Monti. L'elenco viene stilato da un insospettabile http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ uno dei più grandi di tutti i tempi. perfetto. grazie di cuore #respect] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma fatemi capire.. Ancora qualcuno crede alle minchiate di #Grillo ?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#WeWantFernandoTorresOnTwitter non fare l'associale, fernando.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ alle melanzane di Curo' non si può dire di no! HELLEN LOVES SICILY 😍😘✌ http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Qualcuno mi dica che droga usa Mario Monti perché afferma che la manovra crescitalia è piaciuta! Custu deppid'essi calloni!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [[News] Benzina, l?unico rincaro già pronto per il Governo Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [eravamo così abituati a ignoranti, cafoni, prostitute, ladri e indagati che l'educazione del governo #Monti ci sembra un miracolo #ministri] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Berlusconi ha dato il via libera a Mario Monti. E' impazzito? Cosa c'e' sotto?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Colico investimento mortale pattegggia la pena: L'uomo investito era morto dopo 49 giorni di ricove... http #lecco #news] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Juve, Paratici a Brescia per El Kaddouri e definire Leali. Piace anche Arcari come terzo portiere. I http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma Conte avrà abbastanza fazzoletti?!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [vuoi lavorare come social innovator per il governo monti? invia il curriculum al ministro profumo http #avvisopubblico] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I miei auguri al senatore Mario Monti: Al senatore Mario Monti vanno i miei più sentiti auguri di buon lavoro.... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [il governo monti e pronto a fotterci la vita e cari amici bisogna pagare un debito non fatto da noi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Qualcuno ha il link della puntata di icarly?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie ! Mantengo la promessa che ti ho fatto! ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Gravi minacce a un senatore grillino: ""Ti disattiviamo il caps lock"". []] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mmmh.. va bene frà? io chiamo tutti così (es. monica -> mò) #LOL] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [30 anni son passati..... Buon compleanno “Melissa“ . (Maurizio) http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quello del Cav è un passo indietro. Quello di #Napolitano, con #Mario Monti, sembra un doppio passo. Anzi, una rabona. #FullMonti #Colle] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho scritto \""porta\"" al posto di \""porti\"". Adesso so tutto di economia politica e gnente di italiano. Ma complimenti.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ONORE A MAURIZIO BERARDINUCCI ....ONORE AL CORPO NAZIONALE DEI VIGILI DEL FUOCO http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: non voto,non riconosco il governo Monti Chi l'ha detto? Scilipoti. Chi?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [discorso di Mario Monti al Senato http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fitch promuove Governo Monti, può essere una sorpresa positiva per mercati http http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [il Governo Monti ha dichiarato di voler dare una svolta alla politica italiana. Preso da troppo entusiasmo, ha svoltato di 360°...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma dove sono 20 e la signora? non vengono su twitter] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tu ridi sempre anche quando non ce ne e' alcuna ragione... sei tranquilla] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tutt'Italia si chiede quanto durerà il #Governo #Monti ?! Ovvio! Tempo di una scalata! #oramonti #sapevatelo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quella di Beppe #Grillo è anti-politica? | Alessio Liberati | Il Fatto Quotidiano http #m5sTour #m5s] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Venerdì Santo. Un abbraccio a tutti.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Complimenti per avere tradito il voto dei vostri elettori dando la fiducia al governo monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bello molto bello allora.. Anche io ho preso tutto bianco nella casa nuova..😘😘] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao meraviglia,io tutto apposto e te? sdfghjkl. :3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ci hanno messo in mutande..ridicolizzati in tutto il mondo.vietano ai poveri di curarsi. la gente cosa fà? critica #Grillo povera italia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Andria blitz della polizia arrestato pregiudicato http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ FERMI TUTTI ho trovato un'altra persona a cui piace Fallen **] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ E' un Governo strano: le cose si fanno Come scusi? Dicesi governo #Monti #chetempochefa] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Governo Monti in Parlamento annuncia rigore, crescita, equità http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mami, stupenda la recensione di a song for xx. spero che parlerai anche degli altri album perché ho imparato un sacco da questa :D] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bossi ha appena detto che il governo Monti fa schifo, perché è un governo di improvvisatori. Senza commento.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Migliaia di persone per #Grillo in piazza Duomo a Milano. Era circa un anno fa, si sa com'è andata http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ci Sei stata?? Anche io la Adoro..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : stile loro nn lo vedono..e parlano di democrazia..i #piddiellini] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#ServizioPubblico non sa ancora che fare da grande riguardo il #M5S e #Grillo http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ - prese un altro paio c:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quell'idiota di #Grillo dice di fare default. http Ecco perché sarebbe una follia http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ della serie non ne resterà nessuno ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ le delusioni capitano a tutti. non arrenderti! :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: comunque tra poco Mario Monti ci farà un culo come una capanna. Mario Capanna Monti (magari)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vendola valuta il nuovo Governo Monti | http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per una volta d'accordo con Oscar Giannino/ nella sua lucida analisi e nell'auspicio di un governo Monti è più responsabile dei berluscones.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MARIO MONTI MASSONE, SERVIRE LE BANCHE LA TUA PROFESSIONE NTA] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [approfondirete la figura di mario monti?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo ciò che ha lo ha fatto da sè Non ha preso nulla allo Stato. Conosco qualcuno che lo ha fatto e continua] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Lega Nord organizza una manifestazione contro il Governo #Monti, il 22-01-2012 in Piazza Duomo a Milano, partenza ore 10 Piazza Castello] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ beh lo dico sempre io le riunioni di #MIAMO hanno tutto un altro stile!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Di un sorriso s'innamora il mondo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e anche se fosse? #Grillo è l' esempio del #populismo più becero. Ti fidi di uno così?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nn so che fare!!!!!!!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Consultazioni: Melchiorre (Lib-dem), si' a governo Monti, fara' ripartire Paese: Roma, 13 nov. – (Adnkronos) – ""... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Egregio Professor Monti, pagherò volentieri la tassa sui cani che mantengo a casa, se mi toglierà la tassa sui maiali che mantengo a Roma...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Si ritorna a fare allenamento dopo una lunga vacanzetta #forzaecoraggio #forzabiancoverdi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si agnese avrei fatto un altro 'regalo' per te, per ringraziarti di tutto, per aver reso la mia vita migliore, più-] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Siete più scontati dei prezzi di luglio. #gobbi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Batteria 2%...buonanotte a tutti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [UNIMI Scienze politiche. Vorrei ringraziate tutte le ragazze che seguono Storia dell'America del Nord per... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Camusso : Governo #Monti si attribuisce ruolo di salvatore della patria ma la sua non è la ricetta giusta .] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Google art project, l'arte online dai Musei più importanti del mondo - Corriere Roma http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Qualunque cosa orribile tu possa fare o anche solo pensare...Io starò dalla tua parte e ti... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo ci salverà tutti?Ma come si può dar seguito ad uno che basa tutte le sue idee solo sulla critica degli altri partiti? #piazzapulita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Asparagi #disintossicanti per il fegato, dopo #alcol e disordini culinari delle feste http ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ uh si si belli i dai sei perdonata...alle nonnine su perdona tutto] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Votano per chi difende il sindacato non arrendevole. #Grillo non fa parte di questo club. Per lui fa tutto schifo...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ho appena fatto geografia per lunedì,latino per martedì e storia per venerdì. ieri ho fatto inglese per lunedì e un po' di matematica..] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : il suo cappello. i suoi occhiali. i suoi tatuaggi. i suoi shorts gialli. è perfetto. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo monti: saranno famosi!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“LA REGIONE SI ASSUMA LA RESPONSABILITÀ DEL DOPO-COMMISSARIO SENZA PERDERE ALTRI 9 ANNI” Ennesima presa di posizione… http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Penso che il Governo Monti stia governando questo Paese in modo ineccepibile! Cosa ne pensa Lei? Un saluto] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo perchè tutti questi attacchi a #M5S. Gli stiamo così tanto sulle palle? Evviva la democrazia! Venduti!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT ITALIA 22:28 1.#Grillo 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#piazzapulita 4.Prince Of Persia 5.Renzi 6.Franca Rame 7.Partito della Nazione 8.Nero Wolfe] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#roma #notizie Alemanno su Roma 2020: Nessun scetticismo nel governo Monti http #news] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Cosa dirai domani a Guido e Margherita che avete sciacallato i nonni pensionati?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il 1maggio anzikè la festa dei lavoratori propongo la festa dei disoccupati #ditelavostra #Grillo in #italia tanto nn c'è + ness ke lavora] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sarò ingenuo ma nutro molta fiducia nel governo #monti e soprattutto in noi italiani e sono convinto che ce la faremo #crisi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A Marò.. Stime di -2,2 per colpa della manovra del governo Monti?! E daje su,finitela di dire cazzate... #Ballarò] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liste pulite: Gianfranco Fini lancia le due petizioni di FLI : Generazione Italia http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi è piaciuto un video di http Messaggio a Mario Monti da Tonino o' Sdentat (detto o] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Troppo berlusconismo nell'esordio del governo Monti. E l'Italia, a furia di subire ""lacrime e sangue"", è governa... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Controlla questo video MARIO MONTI: «ABBIAMO BISOGNO DELLA CRISI» http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ nonono,anche io :D] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il grande problema del M5S è che non si capisce ancora quale sia il ruolo di #Grillo #piazzapulita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ivan Zazzaroni su Anelka: \""Adesso dai cinesi compriamo anche i calciatori usati\"" http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bellissimo, beata te!! Anche io vorrei fare un corso di qualità ma che non costi troppo!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Parodia-documentario in stile Voyager svela il lato oscuro di Mario Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Fatto > La favola del Bradford, dalla quarta divisione alla finale di Coppa inglese] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Pronta per scuola! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : In Italia ci sono oggi una trentina di piattaforme per il crowdfunding, ma solo 23 sono attive http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [monitora e commenta #mario monti http #partecipazione] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: dal Senato via libera alla fiducia con 281 sì. Schifani: buon lavoro nell'interesse del Paese http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti crolla sulle liberalizzazioni. Taxisti-Monti 1-0. La Lagrimosa Elsa si sgonfia sulle pensioni. Trilateral out.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo, Monti inizia le consultazioni: L'Italia si riscatti. Crescita ed equità sociale http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [un presidente del consiglio che ha deciso di non essere pagato, un ministro che si commuove il governo #monti è un vero miracolo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sto facendo l'errore più grande della mia vita... E se lo perderò, non saró più la stessa.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [4 punti di sutura per Consigli. Aggiornamenti sulla Samp ► http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno!!! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Messaggi privati anche a chi non ci segue? Ma seriamente? Ma non è possibile, voglio dire.. come minimo gli account famosi andranno in tilt] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tonino 'o sdentato manda un messaggio a Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http E' nato il Governo #Monti, i #ministri sono stati scelti... Buon lavoro!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : 'se larry fosse una droga, morirei di overdose' ma siete stupide o stupide?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Addio Mariangela Melato Arbore, amore di 40 anni: Abilissima protagonista in ruoli sempre diversi http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ per fare due salti! Eravamo in centro...ti dirò ci ho incontrato più gente fiorentina di quanto mi aspettassi ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Prc: Il Governo Monti invece di curare l'ammalato lo ammazza | http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quell'efferato sarcasmo di Mario Monti che uccide il povero Alessandro Sallusti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la mia dolcezza mi caga :3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Per me posso anche morire.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Domani tutti alla Corri Catania, corsa/passeggiata di beneficenza nel centro storico di Catania. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Subito RODRIGOOOOOO!!! Barcollo ma nn mollo!!! #amala #SkySerieA #TorinoInter] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le donne sono architette. Cessano di amarti quando non possono più fare progetti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT ITALIA 01:48 1.#cinemaInChiesa 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#Grillo 4.Trota 5.Billboard Awards 6.Levon Helm 7.Prince Of Persia 8.Lega] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La meteorologia non è colpa del governo #monti #openMatrix] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo che propone di alzare i salari con i miliardi della TAV... Sempre più preoccupante!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [one direction,rihanna,lovato,little mix. se ho nominato uno dei tuoi idoli. FEDEZ DOVE CAZZO LO METTI IN CULO ALLA BALENA? TROPPA FATICA?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tutto benissimo :) te? anche tu♥] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ No è solo una tipica minchiata alla #Grillo parole a caso per fare fumo...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ buon natale anche a te vecchio dalla mia metà di cuore sovietico ahahah] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Corrado Passera. #Ministro per lo Sviluppo Economico, le Infrastrutture e i Trasporti. Una garanzia nel nuovo Governo #Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti traditore di alto tradimento al popolo italiano e massone http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per il fatto che sono di Torino come voi dovete seguirmi(?)xD ( live on http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Totti, Roma unito e rema da stessa parte: Capitano: cerchiamo di arrivare insieme uniti fino alla fine http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi spieghi una cosa? Che te le metti a fare le bretelle se poi te le lasci penzoloni sul culo?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [13) foto di una celebrità che faresti di tutto per incontrare: http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Strepitoso il titolo in prima di Libero sul governo Monti: Chiagne e fotte] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ progetto di Mario Monti sui giovani è simile a quello di Erode a Betlemme...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La #costamagna dice che c'è un'intervista esclusiva a #Grillo . Ma se ieri l'hanno intervistato quasi tutti... #Robinson] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao!!Molto bene grazie tu? Ahahahhah] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [S&P boccia ancora l'Italia, il governo Monti non basta http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Si parla di noi: #Governo #Monti, #dialogo con i #cittadini anche via #mail http #democrazia #partecipazione] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vorrei Che lo sforzo di Mario Monti fosse sostenuto e sorretto da una valanga di pensieri positivi...... Possibile? In Italia?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e magari son gli stessi che hanno votato x il #PDL dove hanno molti indagati x mafia. purtroppo l'italia e anche questa.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ :: nemmeno un governo Monti 'di scopo'?: legge elett.+rientro in UE+elez.primavera?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti: un grande uomo degno di guidare il nostro Paese!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Albertazzi subito carico a : Mario #Monti? E' moscio. Come #Montolivo, il centrocampista della #Fiorentina ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fini a Giarda: onorevole Ministro, faccia un ultimo sforzo! . #Governo #Monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Consiglio dei Ministri nomina Pier Luigi Celli presidente dell'Enit.Ottima notizia per il turismo italiano. #Governo #Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La vera tragedia italiana e' che l'alternativa dovrebbe essere #Grillo Siamo veramente alla frutta! #piazzapulita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Creiamo un video con Ubuntu_ http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Cose irresistibili in una ragazza pt.58 Quando fanno finta di non credere ai complimenti invece dentro saltano di gioia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Il Governo #Monti ha una grandissima popolarità? Ditegli di venire su #Twitter ...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [seguite e #rt se l'hai fatto, almeno ti seguo c:] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [In bocca al lupo Professor Monti... Buon lavoro! #oramonti #berlusconifuoridaicoglioni] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti: mangerai il panetùn ma non la colomba #duraminga] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tutto Intorno é Ombra - Cathryn Green at Biella Festival 2011 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E. Letta in questo momento Mario Monti incontra parti sociali e rappresentanze istituzionali di giovani e donne, questo il binario giusto.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Troppa fatica altrimenti, l'abbiocco quotidiano non mi lascia scampo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dai che forse #Grillo riesce a far vincere la destra anche a genova - http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sono fissatissima con Roar di Katy Perry da quando l'ho beccata su MTV ieri, è il mio nuovo guilty pleasure.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [È molto più grave la pochezza politica di Fassina e di tutto il #pd che qualche scivolone di #Grillo #serviziopolitico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Uscito di scuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Non mi pento di aver appoggiato la nascita del governo #monti, eravamo a rischio e non mi interessa vincere sulle macerie ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [(ANSA)-La Scala-Giorgio Napolitano e Mario Monti vedere la prima del Don Giovanni. MENTRE LORO SE LA SPASSANO NOI PAGHIAMO!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [NONOSTANTE GLI SCIOPERI SALE DI 5 PUNTI LA FIDUCIA NEL GOVERNO MONTI http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Amore mio♥] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : 2) a primo impatto ci stavamo tremendente sul cazzo #50cosesullamiamiglioreamica] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Alcuni mettono mani nelle tasche degli italiani: sono evasori rispetto a contribuenti . Mario #Monti Vero, ma troppe tasse=troppa evasione] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@TTmobile_: #Grillo è appena entrato nei TT Italia in posizione 2” super zio greeeeeee!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma il governo Monti pensa di dirla una cosa a proposito di naufragi, #concordia, #giglio, Titanic? O sono dal broker a trattare la polizza?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho fatto i capelli lisci :3] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bellissima e Bravissima ieri sera la Tiziana Sinagra la sua voce incanta sempre il pubblico con la stupenda... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ci pensa #Grillo a farsi le vacanze in yacht dopo aver predicato bene.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: c'è crisi, ma non per fare la guerra http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ come ti chiami? :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo :\""colpito chi si oppone.dopo la lega punteranno Idv e noi\"". Si paracula preventivamente. #codadipaglia ?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scuola in piazza contro la riforma Fornero http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Buon sabato anche a te :))] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Incredibile: Berlusconi da' lezioni al Governo Monti sull'economia!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: quale futuro per le politiche contro le droghe?: La caduta del Governo Berlusconi sia un segno di... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT@iomatrix23: Game Over Liga !!!! Grande Mou ora che salgano tutti sul carro !!!”] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liberizzazioni governo monti tanti dubbi... Le categorie piu povere devono sacrificarsi per far riprendere il paese da questa crisi...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gentile professor Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ seguitela tutti ❤😁!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ahahah riesce a essere finocchissimo anche versione pseudo gangsta ahahah] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Corriere della Sera: Verso l'incarico a Mario Monti: il custode del rigore che stoppò http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E bravo Vendola http buon commento riguardo al Governo Monti ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ un movimento che vuole rompere tutto con queste connivenze mi da poca fiducia, certo se la base prende le redini cambia tutto.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [siete a favore o contro il governo Monti che sta per nascere? #citofonareadinolfi live on http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ wow!!! Cmq anche io sto bn :3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: troppa prudenza POLITICA http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Napoli come punto di partenza per l'azione di Governo del Presidente Monti. ""Nel '97 Mario Monti definì Napoli... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : #maialadelleva!!!!!! #forzaviola #JUVEMERDA!!!!! Un sogno, un sogno un sogno incredibile!!!! Andiamo dai ragazzi!!!!! …] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Manovra,Di Pietro:Su frequenze e patrimoniale Pdl ricatta governo: Monti può anche sgolarsi dicendo che vuole l... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Veramente ci si augura un governo #Monti appoggiato incondizionatamente da tutti? E chi controlla? #Berlusconi non appoggerà Monti gratis.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Adoro #XF7 ... ma soprattutto adoro !!! Meraviglioso come sempre!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto è \""liquido\"" il grillismo? #Grillo bravo a criticare e incapace di progettare? È antipolitica? - http #sartori] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Super Mario pensaci tu!http Anche Gesu #Grillo Beppe Grillo #gmail #sapevatelo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vedo solo ora ministri governo #monti. Ottima squadra.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Forse leggere questo aiuta : anche #Grillo non sa bene che cosa sia la democrazia http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [SABATO TUTTI ALLO STORICO ARCI PESSINA!Principale \""centro di aggregazione\"" del borgo, il Circolo Arci Pessina... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi piace moltissimo l'odore della cipolla che soffrigge **] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vedi cosa succede a rompere la minchia? http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao... potresti fare anche e me un BG con Avril miley e Demi? ti do i crediti nella bio] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io viaggio, non per andare da qualche parte, ma per andare. Io viaggio per l'amore del viaggio. La grande... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ L'invenzione di Berlusconi: Ci saranno 2 PDL uno classico, uno zero corrotti. Si uniranno dopo le elezioni! http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Il Governo di Mario Monti per salvare il BelPaese] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grande fabbro!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TIBURTINA,LIMIDO (LA DESTRA) ""ROMANI INSOFFERENTI VERSO GOVERNO MONTI"" http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sanber alla vamoos :D] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [spongebob ha capito tutto dalla vita ahahabravo spongebob <3 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Meta (Pd) Il Governo #Monti chiede salti mortali agli italiani.Metta all'asta anche le #frequenze digitali invece di regalarle a #Mediaset] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Sì Roma è sdbvijdsbuidsh Alla fine non è cosiiiiiiii lontana... lol] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : NON:) TOCCARMI:) STO:) BENE:) http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti nativo digitale? #hbw2011] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Olimpiadi Roma, pressing sul governo Monti valuta dossier... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Da leggere oggi Vincenzo Visco sull'Unitá che spiega perché il governo Monti non é esattamente un governo di destra http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ovvio, #Grillo demagogo e senzaproposte. ma gli zombie dirigenti politici sordi con tutti, e arroccati nel... vitalizio. Domani ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Crisi e governo Monti: ecco la crisi in tutti i suoi dettagli http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un augurio di buon onomastico al presidente del consiglio Mario #Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti. PdCI: Paese guidato da uomini che contribuito produrre disastro | http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Intanto Mario Monti si candida (più o meno) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il discorso di Mario Monti al Senato è stato così serio e politico come mai ne ho visti nei miei 18 Anni di vita.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Giovane Italia Roma manifesta contro il governo Monti: Per noi i sacrifici, per banche e finanza i benefici! http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Mugello apre le porte alla Formula 1 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#noelezioni appoggiate il governo Monti per #nuovaleggeelettorale] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [False illusioni, sgradevoli realtà #editoriale di Mario Monti sul Corriere della Sera: http #rassegna stampa] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie mille .... immagino la tua emozione quandi hai visto] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#piazzapulita Formigli: \""Mi levate l'audio di #Grillo che mi dà fastidio\"". È comunicazione di servizio, ma anche la frase clou della serata!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Dc commenta e critica le liberalizzazioni del governo Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dai un'occhiata alla mia auto in #CSRRacing per iPhone! Provalo GRATIS!http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GOVERNO MONTI: FORUM TERZO SETTORE, APPREZZAMENTO PER I DUE NUOVI MINISTERI: Il Forum del Terzo Settore augura a... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Pannella scrive con le x e cose del tipo \""finalmente together\"" a #Grillo sulla questione #Norimberga Vi prego ditemi che è tutto uno scherzo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chissà] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Quelle vacanze gratis del sottosegretario Prima tegola sul #GOVERNO #MONTI: questi si che sono governanti! ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti il messia, accolto in Senato da un lungo applauso: Mario Monti, il messia italiano, è stato accolto... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e fanno bene!! :D] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ora venite in italia e mi devi seguire perche io tra un po' piango perche io vi voglio conoscere. vi voglio bene scemi ♥♥♥] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [applauso freddissimo al Senato per Mario Monti. Ottimo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ciao a tutti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti piace ai mercati, Piazza Affari in rialzo: Milano apre positva, in controtendenza rispetto alle altr... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora è stupefatto fella debolezza del governo #Monti. Ora... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [16. Se sì, è un twitteriano anche lui/lei? SI] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dia Mundial del Jazz con il mio amore Chet Baker http <3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Esiste un'alternativa alla manovra iniqua del governo #Monti Domani in piazza con #CGIL #Cisl #Uil http ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#schema: C'è un evento alla ribalta sui media dove si forma un'opinione pubblica? #Grillo lancerà un comunicato sostenendo l'idea opposta.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#governo #monti l'emozione in una lezione] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ è come la storia del bidet. L'europa vuole che lo togliamo perché consumiamo troppa acqua] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Messaggio a Mario Monti da Tonino o' Sdentat (detto o' Poet ): video divertente http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario #Monti nominato Senatore a vita! È un buon segnale nell'ottica di un incarico super partes e di larghe intese.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [2012: che la profezia dei maya fosse l'avvento del governo monti?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Punto 1. Marito di Alia > Non ancora ò ò /fixmale] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: finalmente la serieta' e la sobrieta'! Poi.... ricambio generazionale e riaffermazione della Politica.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [& Lega Nord: NO AL GOVERNO MONTI! cosa ne pensate?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Marco Galluzzo sul Corriere individua i diversi ambiti in cui Mario Monti intende operare in sede europea. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo #Monti ti ha lasciato in mutande? Loro ti offrono la cena. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Attacchi al Governo Monti, Mancini(Pd): Pdl e Udc prendano distanze da Storace http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti, l'ideatore di slogan http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [:') ❤ ❤ ❤ :')] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche io ho paura :/] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : che giornale è?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [nuovo governo monti... è emozionante] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Irresponsabile far cadere governo Monti . Mister B deve stare proprio male per fare certe dichiarazioni. Povero :-(] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [martedì 29 alle 21 in sede a via L. Da Vinci 5 PG ci confrontiamo su: governo Monti, evento del 2/12 sul dissesto geologico, festa del 10/12] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Posso chiedervi dove le avete prese? Hahaha] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Si avvicina prepotentemente la prospettiva di un ritorno in piazza per una nuova, enorme manifestazione contro il governo Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che ne pensate dei nomi del governo monti? Ditelo in tre parole con l'hashtag #3parolesumonti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma quanto sei bello nella foto del profilo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MARIO MONTI L'ALIENO: GODETEVELO ANCORA PER POCO http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""Come è nata la Bibbia. Introduzione generale alla sacra Scrittura\"" di Fabio La Gioia ( ioni) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro che bello Del Piero!! <3Hanno fatto un servizio su di lui su RaiSport1 :)-PDC11] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sono quasi due settimane che la strada di casa è buia. Quando si decideranno a cambiare le lampadine ai lampioni?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ aww grazie c:] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Governo #Monti è l'unica alternativa possibile,credo che in questo momento di crisi la politica vada messa via,avanti con il gov. tecnico] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#delusionemonti a malincuore accantono speranze sul #governo #monti imbrigliato dagli #interessi di #partiti e #casta] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [un percorso di crescita personale è tale solo quando viene applicato in ogni momento della giornata, in ogni ambito della vita] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Noi non sosteniamo il governo Monti, noi sosteniamo l'Italia bellissimo!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ “lettera a un amico ehreo“ di Sergio Romano. Un po' suscettibili lo sono davvero] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo [VIDEO] Ci hanno regalato la #crisi | Italia dei Dolori: http #Norimberga? No: galera!! via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Forse, finalmente, per una domenica si parlerà di Giuseppe Rossi (un vero esempio per tutti) e non di Mario Balotelli. For…] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E diciamocelo. Se quello che sta passando con il governo #Monti l'avesse fatto Berlusconi staremo facendo le barricate] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I liked a video http Incredibile! Voyager smaschera Mario Monti !] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#rt seguimi e ti seguo e ti aggiungo alla mia lista aumenta followers c:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma se il governo monti è ostaggio di una politica stantia e di una maggioranza trasversale di inette testedicazzo che cazzo ce sta a fa?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ HAHAHAHAH fatto c:] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Odio le relazioni a distanza, il frigo è così lontano dal mio letto! ugh..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [[News] Mario Monti a capo del Governo tecnico? Come avere un marziano a Roma http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Stato del #debito etica della colpa. governo #monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Siamo a 50 #followers grazie a tutti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario mia è una disponibilità generosa per guidare il governo.....quanto ci costa questa generosità? 20mila o 30mila al mese?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche 'Torn' non scherza però!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Peperoni e patate al forno ....,.che dire? Complimenti alla cuoca!!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti, l'allievo dei Gesuiti che piace alle Banche e Finge di voler Aiutare gli Italiani Chiedendo Sacrifici ai più Deboli.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Piazzapulita Lo #spread di nuovo sotto quota 360. Il Governo #Monti convince i mercati? Voi cosa ne pensate?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Buon compleanno Diego Armando Maradona! (53 tahun). http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La frase di Mario Monti sul gesso da togliere all'economia italiana mi ricorda quelle convalescenze lunghe e tristi...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Kl1p, condividere velocemente tutti i tipi di testi http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [del governo #Monti il 31% apprezza che decida in tempi brevi: ci sono anche io!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti è un uomo di Stato: ma di quale Stato?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [PROSSIMAMENTE IN TUTTA L' ITALIA Mario Monti & Co presentano.. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#mammahoripersolaereo può essere vecchio quanto vi pare ma rimarrà sempre uno dei film piu belli che ci siano.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Ma esattamente, Valerio Scanu a quale specie vivente appartiene?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [il governo #Monti si vanta di ridurre il debito con i recuperi dell'evasione, da imputare invece alla riduzione della tassazione complessiva] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Vauro: È più facile fare satira sulla Fornero e su questo governo che su Berlusconi . #governo #monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Professor Monti ma si rende conto che i creditori non credono alle sue ricette?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ magari si potesse fare ;)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Gianni Letta: Sicuramente non farò parte del governo Monti (ag Dire) e meno male!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo è tanto severo contro tutti quanto clemente e comprensivo con lega e leghisti.. #serviziopubblico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La felicità non esiste. Esistono solo momenti in cui si raggiunge l'apice dello stare bene, ma è destinato a finire anche quello.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bella sta verifica ..... ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Attraversiamo un campo minato...Tutti al passo del leopardo...!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buon giorno e buona domenica a tutti.. Vi voglio ricordare che la nostra strepitosa OFFERTA \""Camere a Metà PREZZO\""... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un pensiero: Dobbiamo avere fiducia in noi stessi per preparare un'Italia migliore per i nostri figli. (Mario Monti)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#serviziopubblico Renzi critica #Grillo ma poi cerca di fare il comico con risultati disastrosi... manco quello riesce a fare.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Il Governo Monti vuol colpire i consumi per ridurre il passivo della Bilancia comme... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ :) capito] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ scritto è una cosa insensata.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ In realtà #Grillo sembrerebbe essere in trincea con la #lega. Almeno dopo le ultime dichiarazioni, no?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un Roberto a caso per voi ;) ...da ieri sono in fissa con queste foto: barbetta accennata, viso rilassato, fisico... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hai ragione, ecco perchè l'italia si è ridotta così e poi se la prendono con le pensioni.Andrò in pensione a 65 anni ,schifooo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#hitchhiking #passaggio From Torino, Italia To Bologna, Italia http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fiat, Marchionne: 2012 per l'auto ancora più difficile: Totale appoggio al governo Monti http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo odi i politici e i partiti? Ti prego, raccontami ancora di quando ne hai fondato uno.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH il costume basso ma dai è capace di iperventilarci (?) anche vestito di lana fino al collo (?)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie perche' sei il mio sorriso che non si spegne anche quando sono triste! T i a m o] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: ipotesi #Passera allo Sviluppo. Candidatura spontanea della Minetti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Open Bnl Italia, sorteggio a Piazza di Spagna http #news] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Su rai1 la partita dell'Italia non è criptata per gli utenti SKY: il primo vero effetto del governo monti?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [False illusioni, sgradevoli realtà: http L'editoriale di Mario Monti sul fallimento di Berlusconi, oggi sul Corriere] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#governo #monti #ministri nell'archivio di Radio Radicale: #Giampaolo #DiPaola #Ministro #Difesa http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [1927: 1° posto, 9 vittorie su 9 e 27 punti. TUTTO TORNA.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e almeno una cosa chiara ho: sono tutti incazzati con Franceschini, che ha bombardato il governo Monti a tradimento..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Professor Monti, permette due parole? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Camera dei Deputati ha dato il via libera al governo Monti: finalmente si volta pagina. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Visti video in rete, non mi sembra granché. sotto porta xó ha senso della posizione su rimpalli, come il cuchu un tempo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo ha sempre detto quelle cose della TV ma esprime un opignone personale. Spero che quel candidato abbia una motivazione] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche io le sto cercando di convincere...male che vada ci andiamo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io nn ti faccio nessuna predica,dico solo che sei un povero ipocrita che giudica gli altri e fa di peggio,Amen!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [PPN Verso un nuovo governo a guida Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ come ti capisco! Io vorrei rivederlo e abbracciarlo fortissimo! Dirgli quanto gli voglio bene] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti-Napolitano sa tanto di padre che toglie il giocattolo al pupo che sennò rischia di sfasciarlo...#elezioni #308] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io direi di farlo da me cosi guardiamo per sto locala cald con tuo fra x l'irrigazione che devo ancora pagartelo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Napolitano,classe politica,stampa sovvenzionata e non , tutti contro #Grillo : motivo in più per votare movimento 5 stelle !] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non ci sono solo studentelli idealisti a pensare che il Governo Monti sia un rischio sociale alto. Vogliamo parlarne? http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lo spot della fiat 500? Si gira a Maiori - Corriere del Mezzogiorno: The spot of the fiat 500? He turns to Maiori.http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http è un pezzo meraviglioso questo. Professor Monti permette due parole? #manovra] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Rubati i primi soldi agli Italiani dal governo #monti #ladri http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Beauty contest, il Pd chiede al governo Monti di cambiare le regole: Non si può regalare agli incum. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti seguo! :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Eh Prive! (?) anche tu con campoolo no, ti prego D:m] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [IL PD E IL GOVERNO MONTI. GOTOR A TUTTO CAMPO ALL'INCONTRO PROMOSSO DAL PD http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ad #agendadigitale sarebbe un ottimo inizio per questo governo #Monti. Servono competenze e persone giovani!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : conte fa il possibilista e pragmatico sui moduli. e poi dobbiamo tenerci padoin sulla fascia contro il principio di re…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Il consigliere dell'UDC e tutto il PDL fanno il loro mestiere. La novità è l'appoggio del PD in sintonia col governo Monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ** oddio ❤️❤️❤️❤️ anche ioooooo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Domani #Piazzapulita: SALVATORI DELLA PATRIA Il governo Monti stanga i ceti deboli Quando toccherà a quelli che non vengono mai toccati?#La7] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ .. senatore Monti si doti di una rampa di lancio, lei è distante anni luce dai problemi della \""povera\"" gente !] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I laureati italiani danno piena fiducia a Mario Monti http via in #edicolafree #giovani #politica #attualità] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo #Grillo ho imparato che non sempre dove c'è la merda si sente la puzza .. a volte è profumo di soldi!!! #poveraitalia ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti pagano a fare cosa?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Anche tu odi Marta. Oh, ti amo, teiera rosa *-*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Grande Golpe Globale chi sono Mario Monti e Luca Papademos? http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [se #Grillo sta parlando a Monza,vorrei sapere se c'è un live streaming in questo momento,RT please, grazie #piazzapulita] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un caloroso bentornato a ! Stella presente e futura della nostra nazionale. Un augurio di pronta guarigione! #ForzaAzzurri] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : -DARE PESO ALLE VOSTRE CRETINATE. MA NON CI FATE CASO? PERCHE' I VOSTRI IDOLI CI STANNO MALE MA TAYLOR NO? CHI PENSA A CO…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le congratulazioni di Michele Iorio al neo premier Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si lo yogurt bianco chi lo vuole scusa hahahah poi se vede che la vaschetta accanto è vuota lo vuole ancora di meno] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non lo so, davvero non lo so. quei due mi odiano ;_____;] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [in pratica c'ho messo il letto grande, e ho spostato tutto: armadio, scrivania, stereo. TUTTO éwè] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#ITALYLOVESBIEBER RT se anche tu pensi che la Devonne senza trucco sia ancora più bella.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [i falsari di banconote potrebbero rilanciare i consumi in italia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ É vero. E pure l'aeronavale della Marina] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [tutti pensano che #Grillo e' #l'antipolitica e non farà mai paura..anche la #Lega nacque così...intanto pero' facciamo #piazzapulita] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [non posso credere a quello che leggo #Grillo mov 5 stelle 3^ forza del paese, il populismo paga, ma governare un paese non è roba da cabaret] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao, benvenuta nel regno della Luna Rossa :)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Kekkoo! sono Giorgia solo che con un altro cognome..quello del mio fidanzato [quello della foto..bello è] xD!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Bersani: «Governo Monti punti al cuore degli italiani». Il fegato se lo sono rovinati col governo Berlusconi. ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Mario Monti Lettera al premier Corriere della Sera: http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ faccio la metereologa HAHHA lo sai?uu] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Arriva Occupy Ancona, contro la manovra finanziaria e le politiche governo Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http srl facile, lettera aperta al governo #monti.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Le misure arriveranno 20 giorni dopo l'insediamento del governo #Monti e, visto il silenzio di questo periodo, fanno ben sperare] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti ha aumentato l'Ici ai pensionati con prima casa del 60% e alle banche e assicurazioni del 20%. Sono le manovre eque...^fb] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il mondo del lavoro • Re: RIMBORSO IRPEF SU CASSA MARITTIMA: dovevo ancora nascere in quelle dateStatistiche: I... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ora il governo Monti toglierà le pensioni di anzianità... e sarà giusto] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo #Monti: Sparisce il ministero del federalismo. #Calderoli ha detto qualcosa a riguardo ma tanto, ormai, chissenefrega] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo #Monti blocca la sanatoria per non pagare le tasse sui manifesti ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Romano Prodi: Mario Monti risposta italiana alla crisi credibile... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Sara' dura per tutti con il nuovo governo #Monti, speriamo serva] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ...vero: è che con tutto questo #Grillo in televisione stasera considero altri gli insulti...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#serviziopubblico in questo momento non possiamo scegliere, governo monti, poi elezioni con nuove regole!#brignanoiena] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo esiste per colpa vostra... e anche per questo dovete andare tutti a casa !! #nonèpopulismo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : voglio vedere dei profili perfetti. #rt seguimi, ricambio e ti voto il profilo. non unfollowo se non lo fai tu.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#ilRagazzo mi ha fatto due faccine in un solo messaggio: erano giorni che non succedeva LOL] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che nel governo Monti l'Economia vada indifferentemente a Siniscalco, Bini smaghi o Saccomanni e' demenziale. #fullmonti #stamoagioca'] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti o elezioni?!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vendola favorevole al governo Monti. Non me l'aspettavo e mi fa piacere! #FullMonti #3O8 #fatepresto] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tra le decisioni del governo Monti aumento della benzina di 10cent e del gasolio di 12cent da gennaio. Siete contenti ITALIOTI ?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il parallelo #LePen con #Grillo conferma che andare a #serviziopubblico o in altre trasmissioni é inutile. Dopo l'#antipolitica, #fasci] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dillo che mi volevi fare piangere :') ti amo amore, ti amo come non ho mai amato nessuno prima d'ora. ❤http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [non rompete il cazzo, l' abbiamo fatto per divertimento, dai un pó di umorismo. #twitterparty] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ : i ministri del governo #monti si tengano fuori dai talk show #ballaro #pauradelleverita] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oddio c'è anche il Tavor!!!! SeeeeeeeeIo amo i DLC con nuove armi!! ( http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La dimostrazione che il governo #Monti è un disastro.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il consulente giardiniere della Regione #Lombardia prende 150.000€ l'anno. O.o' #m5sTour #Grillo ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo non è il peggiore dei mali, e se tra mali devo scegliere lui è quello minore, o quello di cui ancora non ho sofferto...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#5Stelle: , al qualunquismo di #Grillo manca solo il cappio http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ va bene ragazzo questa settimana lo faremo perche ti fai il tatuaggio !!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hahahahahaha ;)))] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vladimiro Giacchè: Il governo Monti non è la soluzione. Serve una vera svolta politica ed economica: Vladimiro... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La concertazione divide i Sindacati. Cgil: Monti sia chiaro: Camusso: No a solisti stonati. Se il governo Monti... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bellissimo video Maurizio Crozza imita Mario Monti 18 11 2011 26:00 UrlTubem http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nella manovra del Governo Monti: soppressa l'Agenzia Nucleare.... ultimo atto di una farsa tutta italiana? http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT Non condivido tutto ma è giusto rifletterci #pd#senza rinnovamento radicale, tanti voti a #Grillo http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Europa, #italia ha ritrovato credibilità. positivi risultati governo #Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sta partendo il fuoco di fila contro il voto anticipato. Così ci siamo giocati anche la cartaZapatero. E se non si fa il governo Monti?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [SENTENZE. La Consulta boccia l'acqua pubblica pugliese (06/04/2012) | http (via Instapaper)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [sono troppo orgogliosa, si] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Merkel: «Le riforme strutturali del governo Monti sono impressionanti». il ristorante di Montecitorio diventerà un self-service. ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo, Monti: A breve misure di impulso per crescita: Per rendere il consolidamento fiscale sostenibile http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#XF7 il mio primo tweet di stasera è per il grambiulino giallo di andrea. Io voto per te #asilosyle] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Banchieri e membri della Trilateral nel governo Monti...Aiuto! Largo ai complottisti!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Camera. Come al Senato solo la Lega vota no a governo Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Seguindo segue de volta amore ♥♥♥] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nuovo provvedimento del governo Monti: tassare gli italiani all'estero. Da soli ci risolverebbero il debito per i prossimi 200 anni.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Non si fanno così i cuori su Twitter .-. alt + 3 della tastiera dei numeri affianco ♥] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [grazie per avermi regalato il libro, ti amo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ma come ci siamo ridotti per essere contenti di un governo Monti che ci massacrerà....] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Mario Monti è stato costretto, nella sua qualità di Commissario europeo sotto la presidenza Santer, a dare le dimissioni] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi piace quasi tutto il #Grillo che c'è. Ma una volta fuori dai suoi sacrosanti monologhi,sopravviverà al dibattito politico? ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#ballaro Governo Monti:tutto quello che voleva fare Berlusconi ma non poteva] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Incidenti stradali:due morti e due gravi http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A chi non piace #Grillo ed è schifato dalla politica attuale consiglio di votare #MoVimento5Stelle.Grillo non è candidato INFORMATEVI BENE!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""quando ami devi anche lasciar andare\"".AO' A STRONZO!MA VA NPO' A FANCULO!COMINCIA A ESSE NPO' TROPPA STA GENTE DA LASCIA' ANNA'!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo ora avverte \""Dopo la #Lega colpiranno noi e l'#Idv di Di Pietro\"" - http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Difficile sopravvalutare il contributo di Santoro e #Grillo alla coscienza civile e alla maturità degli italiani] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il programma del governo Mario Monti é quello di Berlusconi senza Berlusconi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MARIO MONTI:72.000 EURO AL MESE.ECCO QUELLO CHE LE TV NON TI DICONO SUL NUOVO PREMIER. | Free Italy: http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo stasera #Desenzanodelgarda ha fatto il pieno io dico che travolgerà molti partiti la gente e' stanca!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Odio i miei genitori! Devo fare per forza la cresima .__. IO NON CI CREDO CAZZO..TANTO ME VADO A SPOSA' IN COMUNE! FICCATEVELO IN TESTA!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Marra, Scilipoti e la Tommasi: esposto contro Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [in bocca al lupo a Mario Monti....speriamo bene!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non ho mai simpatizzato per #Grillo ma le calunnie che sta subendo mi indurranno a votarlo. Si dimostrano ancora una volta dei #mafiosi!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#rinnovabili domani question time del PD, alla Camera, sulle rinnovabili] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Romano Prodi. ""Ho una grande fiducia nella saggezza di Mario Monti e credo che abbia capito la grande urgenza http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ieri sera Mario Monti a Mixer ha perso una buona occasione per stare zitto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche quelle di un \""principino\"" (cit) non scherzano, mi pare :-)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie *----*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@DanieleKeshk “@LucaToluBLOG #Grillo non è la soluzione ai problemi dell'Italia: #Grillo è un sintomo dei problemi dell'Italia.””] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Senato voterà questa sera la fiducia al governo di Mario Monti, che prima illustrerà il programma... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ naturalmente uu *ride*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : 'impacchettare gente a natale e spedirla a fanculo'] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Serviranno #Grillo in tutte le salse. Può anche darsi che le tv superino il limite e ci sia una crisi di rigetto.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Schifani e #Fini: sì al taglio degli #stipendi per i #parlamentari, ma non decide il Governo #Monti http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : 'tipi di persone su twitter' L'INNAMORATA. Lei che trova il fidanzato su twitter. http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Economia, Chiodi: via libera alla legge sull'industria http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [warrior dal vivo è una meraviglia, ho i brividi.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e anche se non siamo realmente dietro le sbarre, questo mondo è una prigione con la cella un pò più grande!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La vera storia di Mario Monti http #spottv #laverastoriadimariomonti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Votanti 306, 281 favorevoli, 25 contrari. Super-Mario #Monti incassa la fiducia al Senato.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si certo, ma questa definizione passa spesso in secondo piano a seconda di chi viene indagato] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Indicazioni per Mario Monti sul cosa e dove si dovrebbe tagliare per fare cassa. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : buongiorno!il mio augurio oggi è per la mia mamma perche' è il suo compleanno .. ti amo mamy sei la mia vita http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Secondo voi, con quella faccia antipatica, Mario #Monti, si sarà mai divertito nella sua vita?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un frosti t lo doy alla hahahahaha] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La rivoluzione dei cento fiori di Mario Monti è partita. Le liberalizzazioni hanno cominciato a farsi strada... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi ero dimenticata del servizio Atac Roma.. #buongiornomondo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Casa e IVA nel mirino del Governo Monti per ridurre il debito: Le misure saranno illustrate domani al vertice eu... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie tvtttttttttttttttttttttb<3 lol] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [sembra che la fiducia degli italiani nel Governo Monti sia inversamente proporzionale alle temperature.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Semplificazioni: il Comune di Cesena è già pronto ad adeguarsi alle direttive del Governo Monti. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [LUCIANA LITTIZZETTO 20/11/2011 Lucianina commenta il governo Monti http via adorabile!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Renzi dopo #Grillo equivale ad una doccia ghiacciata sotto il solleone. Non é piacevole #serviziopubblico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti torna in treno a Roma http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Esiste un sito di incontri per calzini spaiati.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Questi signori dissertano di economia del paese ma non sanno neppure quanto costa un kg di pane o un litro di benzina #piazzapulita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Leggo news VACANZE GRATIS, MALINCONICO SI DIMETTE. LASCIO PER SALVARE IL GOVERNO MONTI : ROMA Il sottosegreta... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Happy 11/11/11, speriamo ci sia una svolta sul Governo Monti..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il ricorso al senatore Mario Monti è l'ennesima manifestazione della loro incapacità.(Maria Vittoria Pittamiglio) http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MILANO- Dieci buste indirizzate al premier Mario Monti, a Silvio Berlusconi e ad alcuni direttori di quotidiani... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Tutto ok, ho inchiodato, ...ti ho dato un bacetto e sono ripartito :-)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario #Monti e Mario #Draghi sono massoni. Sostiene il portavoce del God alla Zanzara. Sconcerto e sbigottimento.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Villa rallegra gli indigeni! Con questa costruzione la mia isola è ancora più fantastica!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sì, sono proprio una simpatica canaglia. :D] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Governo Monti, professori in Italia, scolaretti in Europa(#Santanché). Sarà un po' meglio di puttanieri nel mondo? #l'infedele ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ puo' anche nn piacere o nn #Grillo ha un suo programma, ABC parlano,parlano ma poi permet.a questo Governo l'iniquita'] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vi siete sciroppati di buon grado un Governo di pulcinella e ballerine e ora fate le pulci al Governo Monti?! Ma ripijateve! #rimontiamo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : ciao, Rosario a dire la verità ieri sera Amadeus non si poteva guardare!! Made Cina!!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giorgio Corona al 28 minuto segna su calcio di rigore Messina 1-0 Poggibonsi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Scusa il disturbo,puoi inviare un tweet a @/_StrengthToGoOn con scritto\""Dori ti trova fantastica,sei la sua vita\"" grazie♥] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ogni città qualche guaio ha"": La manovra del governo #Monti è stata scritta dal Principe Giovanni e dallo sceriffo di Nottingham""] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [mlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlieri a tutta forza con il vino] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [è bello anche quando dorme..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo a #Budrio ; ancora non una parola su come governare Budrio : e' uno show . Niente concretezza . Deludemte .] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ salve! Nessuna novità ancora per i correntisti di Banca di Bologna? Grazie!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Forza Juve!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Eurozona, frena a sorpresa l'indice pmi della crescita economica: Il pmi flash dell'Eurozona a ottobre sce... http #fb] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La manovra varata dal governo Monti arriverà in aula alla Camera mercoledì alle 10. L'esame del provvedimento... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Costi politica, Maroni: Stretta su vitalizi una cosa giusta: Ma l'ha fatta il Parlamento non il governo Monti http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se nel governo Monti entrano anche i ministri del governo Berlusconi come si fa ad avvicinarsi. Quelli hanno rovinato il Paese. Non si può] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dal Giovedì al Sabato alle 13.50, su Italia 2, appuntamento con il blocco #Cinema 2. Guarda il video: http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [che dire, anche oggi stupendo! "": 'Governo Monti: 10 e Loden?' il titolo di #agorarai""] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Votare #Grillo per vendicarsi dei partiti tradizionali è come ammazzare la propria madre per fare uno sgarbo alla nonna. #M5S] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [In questo momento alle commissioni Bilancio riunite di Camera e Senato per illustrare le politiche di coesione del Governo #monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ a Otto e Mezzo dopo tre mesi... contento del governo #Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Va bene, sosteniamo #Grillo che soffia sul fuoco. Sosteniamo chi si è fatto conoscere mandando a fanculo la gente.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Edilizia residenziale. Il Governo Monti vara gli incentivi. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Linkiesta LIVE Famiglia Cristiana online: Governo, ripartire da Mario Monti, l'unico che può tirarci fuori dalla palude ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [CasaPound, protesta contro il governo Monti La Nazione Firenze: http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giulietto Chiesa vs il governo Monti e il silenzio sulla speculazione internazionale http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fede:se silvio se ne va lascio il tg4. Ecco la I notizia positiva che produce il governo monti.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : sto soffrendo http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao facciamo parte della stessa lista aumenta followers che ne dici di ricambiare?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sostieni 30ore per la vita e la maratona di radio private che parte sabato prossimo alle 16! Consigliaci ai tuoi followers!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Abbassare le aspettative da principe azzurro a ""poco nuvoloso"".] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E domani sera ritorno a Roma, per adesso siamo imbarcati sulla nave. Sicuro ritornero' a Barcellona per conto mio.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La7 parlano ancora di #Grillo e di come fa paura alla #politica. Penso sia cosa buona #farepauraallapolitica.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [attenzione xché se #Grillo è furbo e attenua un po' giustizialismo x cavalcare questione fiscale sono dolori per tutti #bluffitalia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Immigrazione: da Lampedusa appello a Mario #Monti http via cc ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ siii io voglio lo screen delle mie risposte hahahha! A Milano il 16? Mi pare ovvio! Senza di me non fanno il Live #Capo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [PD appoggia Gianni Letta e Giuliano Amato nel governo Monti? Si, no, nì #oramonti #monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [17. c'è una persona per cui faresti in assoluto di tutto? sisi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [POLITICA. Don #Ciotti: ""Speriamo che il governo #Monti sia etico, trasparente e sobrio"", http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma alto profilo de che? Chi è davvero Mario Monti: http #fullmonti #crisi #lacrisiancoradevearrivare] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Compie 80 anni il Moto Club di Smcv tra i 20 più antichi d'Italia - Caserta News: Caserta NewsCompie 80 anni il ... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi è il nostro anniversario, 3 anni insieme!Grazie di Esistere! <3 <3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fenomeno #Grillo in #Rete è dovuto alla #occupazione degli altri #media da parte dei #giornalisti venduti!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Articolo 18. Paolo Ferrero: \ Cosa aspetta il Pd a sfiduciare il governo Monti?\ : ROMA Paolo Ferrero, segreta... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : l'icon è stupenda e il resto mi piace c;] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ seguo #Grillo dal suo primo post ed ho partecipato anche a svariati V-Day. Ma ora mi ha proprio rotto!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ecco come Monti intende far ripartire l'Italia: Mario Monti ha presentato un ambizioso programma di austerità e... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La cosa migliore del governo Monti e' che farà saltare per aria il Nuovo Ulivo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il posto fisso? Che monotonia, l'intervento di Mario Monti ? video | Diritto di critica http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, se il cambio di passo arriva anche sul Web Tg24 | http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per approfondimenti: Anche Berlusconi apre allidea di un governo Monti http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Feltri qui lo squallido sei tu non #Grillo Dopo la figura che ti sei fatto oggi a #matrix fai bene ad andare a dormire Sei stanco e sragioni] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo va sotto, Mario Monti convoca i partiti POLITICA http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : ""Tu che stai leggendo questo, ne uscirai, non c'è bisogno che ti dica da cosa.""] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ che tristezza] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Movimento di #Grillo è solo Pars-Destruens o anche Pars-Construens?Se ne parla ora a , con .] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sei sexy anche quando elenchi gli ingredienti della mistery box!!! :))))] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : te e il tuo amico Bucelli siete proprio due mbriaghon!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie amiko! <3 notte] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'incredibile storia del leone Christian (sottotitoli in italiano)per emozionarsi un po'... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tu pensa. Come sarebbe più comics se tornassi tu di là. EGOISTA] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e anche minorati.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Napolitano: governo Monti non è sospensione della democrazia http così per i più smemorati] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giustificare le colpe della politica addossando la responsabilita' a #Grillo e all' #antipolitica ...un #erroredrammatico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E come dice guardate il sito di #xoff...ce n'è per tutti #coraggio] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il primo vero successo raggiunto dal #governo #monti è che nei talkshow si comincia a parlare di cose serie http #buongiorno] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tutti contro #Grillo , tutti col pepe al culo e la coda di paglia.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vado, ciao bimbi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie Ilaria un bacio a te] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ --in america sono arrivati pure primi e faranno un tour estivo. è un ingiustizia, amano più l'america, infondo essa ha tutto.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Riusciranno i due Mario Mario Monti e Mario Draghi ? a salvare l'eurozona? L'articolo di Martin Wolf. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tutto merito del trucco, Enny! Grazie comunque :')] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [spiego: se i 16 ministri del governo Monti hanno più di un millennio (64 anni di media) secondo me per l'Italia è un problema] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La materia prende vita nelle sculture di Ivo Gensini al Palazzo del Monte: L'esposizione comprende 37 opere es... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sono stato rapito dal sorriso di Emma, oddio. E' così semplice e bella.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il governo Monti è come una bella lavanderia a secco per i partiti che hanno governato, male, negli ultimi tre anni.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ siiiiii ma deve ancora uscire quando fa lo scherzo a liam] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ che bei momenti.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ..giusto Mario Monti non salta...speriamo che saltino loro..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bamo alla] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ no niente, peró sto aspettando con ansia che finisca l'anno scolastico e poi mi iscrivo a scuola guida ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E' davvero scandaloso che nel nuovo governo Monti non ci sia nemmeno una mignotta o qualche indagato per mafia! #ministri #monti #colle] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [che ho fatto?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io Mario #Monti lo adoro, non posso farci niente!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Morango ingrata http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ per favore appoggia questa iniziativa,siamo alla fine abbiamo solo 7 giorni http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La vittoria di #casini con il #governo #monti. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http anche se cresci il tuo lato truzzo rimanse sempre eh Zayn? lol] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ pur di difendere quei 3 punti😃anche quello!!! 😃. Ke momento da fiato sospeso...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#partisociali convocate domenica. Del #governo #monti si può dire di tutto ma non certo che non lavori sodo vero? #serviziopubblico] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [odio tutti voi che siete già andati a vedere midnight in paris] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La mia Uno bianca era la macchina della ditta. In realtà io avevo un BMW #bugiaxcuccare] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [seguite bho il suo profilo è tutto bello c:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alexis che si piglia la mononucleosi, Meredith compare a casa sua, e ci rimane e Kate non può far altro che accettare #CastleRaiDue] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [2Bossi: ""Berlusconi? Non l'ho visto, ora sta con la banda di sinistra: #berlusconi #mario monti #umberto bossi A... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, Fini: ""Ministri di grande competenza e indiscusso valore professionale"": Generazion http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Poi mi spiegate perché bisognerebbe essere felici di Mario Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che la Cgil abbia un atteggiamento critico nei confronti del governo Monti mi sembra scontato ma che ora anche la... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Robinson Forza #Grillo siamo in milioni con te!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Mario Monti non sa impennare hahaha :D] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ scusa ma alle 2 di notte a chi le dai ste notizie e dopo non interessano a nessuno....] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : sdasdksjakdh la amo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#pascale amore vero? Il mondo intero chiede certezze.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma è vero che Mario Monti parteciperà a Jersey Shore? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Guardate Mario Monti Channel qui http Un avatar simpaticissimo del premier!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [vabbé, rispetto a Silvio Berlusconi il nuovo premier Mario Monti è un tipo molto freddo, ma adesso esagera...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ho fatto un transloco e aspetto per il segnale al mio Vodafone station 65 giorni, ora devo pagare transloco e fattura. Opinioni?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Adesso #Grillo è sulla bocca di tutti!! E pensare che lo sostengo da anni...e il #movimento5stelle l'ho visto nascere vai #beppe!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io oggi vado a suola a fare niente, ho detto a mamma che rimanevo a casa e ha detto ""FAI QUELLO CHE VUOI"" e allora mi sono sentita in colpa] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Post Terremoto in Molise: gli EcoDem chiedono risposte concrete da Governo Monti: LARINO _ Per l'Associazione Ec... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Seguindo amore! :p] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti? Roba da complottisti http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Catanzaro: pizzini dal carcere per il boss Giuseppe Alferi - Anche se detenuto nel carcere di Catanzaro, il boss Gi... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Coraggio, Mario Monti!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo scende in politica. Il Papa dichiara di voler fare il calciatore. Bruno vespa fara' la velina.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sottosegretari governo Monti, c'è il vero Braga: Palazzo Chigi: «Tutto a posto, giurerà fra pochi giorni». Minis... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Francesco Profumo al Ministero MIUR del governo Monti: ottimo! Presidente del CNR #francescoprofumo #MIUR #Monti #cnr] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""Si partiti faremo una piccola Norimberga\""? Ok, è ufficiale, Beppe #Grillo s'è fumato il cervello, non si possono fare metafore del genere!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Università e #governo #Monti: quali prospettive? http #ricerca] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Comunque se parte il governo Monti è grande vittoria dell' #Udc, di e ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lotta studentesca contro il Governo Monti: PROFUMO di rinnovamento?No! Solo puzza di vecchi... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [5 prodotti che gli uomini “rubano” alle donne http #fashion] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : sono riuscita a cambiare il profilo, mo nevica.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Nessun politico italiano è mai andato in Europa a fare i nostri interessi http #m5s] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ secondo me Bini va nel governo Monti.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ belin tardi ... Alla prox gelato al pistacchio:-)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Mario Monti ha lasciato il suo albergo a Monti sti giornalisti ogni tanto non si vergognano?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ciao darling,ho parlato con Vale delle sfilate milanesi e mi ha raccontato un po' di coe.Appena vengo su Milano ci vediamo tt 3] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho appena ricevuto la telefonata del presidente del consiglio, Mario Monti. Si è complimentato per la gestione... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [In un articolo de #IlGiornale si accusa il governo #Monti di conflitto d'interessi: quando si dice avere la faccia come il culo...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#ministri Presentata la squadra del governo Monti. Di tutti i ministri, quale di questi conosci?... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ *gli prende le mani* oddio perrie non sai quanto sono felice *si stende sul letto chiude gli occhi* *sorride*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma chi le salva le persone che non permettono a nessuno di salvarle? - cit. (via ladistanzadiunbacio) http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [SWG: #Pd-#Pdl alla pari. Terzo #Grillo al 7,2. #FLI al 5%. #Lega al 7,1%. #Idv al 6,5 e #Udc al 6,3% http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sei finita sui nuovi mostri a striscia in italia.HAHAHAHAHAHAH lol] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Decisamente, #Grillo è l'erede della Lega Nord, il problema è che per molti è una virtù.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [cerco immagini di Las Vegas e mi piombano quelle dei Killers. quanto orgoglio. ♥] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [tutti pensano che #Grillo e' l'antipolitica e non farà mai paura..anche la #Lega nacque così...intanto pero' facciamo #piazzapulita] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [attenzione...perchè la storia ci insegna che dopo una rinforza l'estremismo e si arriva alla violenza...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ci ho fatto tutte le giovanili più 3-4 anni con la prima squadra. Ogni tanto mi alleno lì ancora adesso che non ho una squadra] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Rappresentate due mie passioni, Roma e la Sicilia: non può essere solo un caso ma è un segno del destino olé] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ cazzi per tutti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [a te invece che piacerebbe fare? :3 — domanda da un milione di dollari, non lo so AMO le lingue mi piacerebbe po... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [tutto gratis] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti istituisce per i barboni, l'obbligo di emissione dello scontrino fiscale, in seguito ad eventuale elemosina ricevuta.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [*GOVERNO: MONTI MERCOLEDI' A MATRIX* =] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#serviziopubblico tutto condivisibile,ma nessuno parla di signoraggio bancario,ecco perchè #Grillo avanza,perchè è in contatto con la realtà] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Uau mario monti ci fa il regalo dinatale e approda su twitter. Che culo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi dice sì al #governo Monti? #fatepresto #meritodimonti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'addetto stampa di Mario Monti e' un idolo. Buongiorno Mondo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le lobby sconfiggono il governo #Monti http via ://] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo #Monti, si parla di Buttiglione al ministero dell'Istruzione e di riconferma di La Russa alla Difesa (Fonte Piazza Pulita La7)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie c:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la lega non approva il governo #Monti. e sti cazzi!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ no nulla solo il nome. Ma Cappellacci pres. PDL della Sardegna è coinvolto in in varie inchieste nella sua regione.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [formato il nuovo governo Monti. Che Dio ce la mandi tecnicamente buona.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cose che non mi piacciono: le nomine nel governo #Monti fanno felice il mondo cattolico. http / via #ministri] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ vado a fare la punta al pennarello.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : amo troppo i janoskians] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Viviamo in un Paese in cui si militarizza una valle per un'opera che nessuno vuole e la Salerno-Reggio è ferma da 30 anni. #serv…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ferrero (PRC) propone a Vendola (SEL) unità a sinistra contro Governo Monti | http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Per restare in tema, #buonanotte Italia, io resto ancora su!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#monti #chetempochefa L'atteggiamento 'mentale' del governo Monti? Nessun tabù! (Aiiuutooo)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [un tal Lucas: Suggerimenti al Governo Monti per risparmiare qual... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ben detto condivido e danno a #Grillo anche ottimi assist come #rimborsielettorali che #M5S rifiuta e ora le 400 #autoblu] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [dalla rass stampa http di #CitofonareAdinolfi si capisce più dai giornali che dalle Camere, la fragilità del governo Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lunedì arriva la manovra del governo Monti: in agenda pensioni, piano casa, iva e lavoro http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ guarda come siamo tutte prese bene con le nostre date di nascita :3 ahahahah] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ solo col governo Monti non funziona, dannazione.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La fase 2 del governo Monti? Per ora comanda l'uomo di Letta http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [«Per ogni ministro del governo Monti guardate chi era il suo predecessore. Il passo avanti sarà enorme. A prescindere» Michele Serra.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Questo non è un paese per giovani. Avrei voluto che la prima riforma del governo #Monti fosse stata quella del lavoro, non delle pensioni.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le ultime rivelazioni di Greenwald “Italia spiata da Usa e Gran ... - La Stampa - http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il fatto che non hai ancora trovato il tuo principe azzurro non significa che tu non sia una principessa.\"" - Zayn Malik.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http fanculo! nel 2012 non li conoscevo ancora] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ci sto parlando proprio ora,tutto apposto zsdfg a te con la tua amica?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""Ti amo da qui... Alla fine del monfo... Di nuovo qui all'infinito\""] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo può essere anche peggio di #Berlusconi...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hei se per uscire facessimo fra due sabati va bene spostare?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [BRAVO Monti! RT La classe e l'ironia di Mario Monti nel rispondere sulla presunta festa dell'ultimo dell'anno http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Camusso (Cgil): ""Lavoro, serve un piano. Rischio di tensioni sociali"": #cgil #lavoro #mario monti ROMA – Secondo... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#f1 #formula1 Dai Gas alla sicurezza. Partirà da Modena il Ferrari Driver Academy Tour: Maranello, 26 aprile - P... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ vinile tutta la vita... :-P http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo #Monti mi ricorda la corazzata kotiokmin] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Aria di provocazione Annamaria #Cancellieri http #Governo #Monti #EatTheRich] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [20/10/13 arrivo il mio amore :):):):);)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se gli uomini fossero liberi dallo Stato e dalle sue orrende leggi, L'Aquila e tutto l'Abruzzo sarebbero risorti... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma posso attivarla anche senza abbinare mobile internet?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nessuno scandalo nelle parole di Mario #Monti: http #postofisso #monotonia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La gente incolpa #Grillo persino del debito pubblico! Feltri, Vespa e Ferrara staranno pensando a quanto siamo capre noi italiani.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [85. E nell'amore a prima vista? no.86. Il 'e vissero tutti felici e contenti' esiste? no.87. L'ultimo film visto? non ricordo o:] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi il motto è : relax & relax , a tempo perso ...relax ! Buona domenica twitteri ! CIAO ! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo fa capire quanto basso sia oggi il livello politico . #siamoseri] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Peluffo al posto di Malinconico, Olivi nuova portavoce. Restyling nel governo #Monti: http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi piace l'atteggiamento di #Grillo nel suo blog. Pubblica tutti gli attacchi che gli fanno, li mette alla luce... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ i piccoli partiti rendono ingovernabile il paese, però. E non si può fare nulla. Su questo ha ragione purtroppo Berlusconi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ se guardi bene gli estintori non li usa nessuno sono sempre li appesi...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi pranzo da nonna. Tornerò rotolando] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Controlla questo video ITALIANI NON ESULTATE: MARIO MONTI E' L'ENNESIMO BURATTINO! http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Invece della spina, ricaricheremo (quasi) tutto dalla porta Usb #Sapevatelo #Tech #StartUp] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Asko: La canzone che meglio rappresenta l'amore per te :) ? — favola-modá ♥ http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E poi, cosa cazzo ci riempiamo le bocche con le parole più belle del mondo, se poi non sappiamo neanche apprezzarle. Cosa. Cosa, eh?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hahahaha anche io lol.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ 'grazie della fiducia' ...ho vinto qualche cosa?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le mani legate del governo Monti: http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [road map definita: approvazione legge stabilità, #dimissioni #berlusconi, consultazioni, governo #monti. poi #elezioni a marzo?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : - ZAYN, É UNA BRAVISSIMA CANTANTE ED HA PURE LA FORTUNA DI ESSERE BELLA. VI RICORDO CHE, A DIFFERENZA DEI ONED, LE LITTLE MI…] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mmm #Grillo (razzista e omofobo http prende più i voti dell'idv che della lega] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti e Mario Draghi #Italiaresiste] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie ** e grazie del follow!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Uscire dalla stanza in pigiama e trovarsi davanti sconosciuti che ti fissano. Cos'è? Non avete mai visto un pigiama co…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti nominato senatore a vita: http I tempi per arrivare alle dimissioni di Silvio Be... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la \""vera\"" musica è quella che ti fa venire i brividi,quella che fa la TUA storia,non la storia della musica.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo #Monti è sotto scacco del Conflitto d'Interessi di B. ed è imbarazzante l'ammissione del baratto fiducia e #FrequenzeTv #Ballarò] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sono davvero belle come scuole c: delle mie amiche vanno alle magistrali e dicono che è davvero una bella scuola.sknjsxb c:] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ da milanista 6 un fenomeno sia come giocatore sia come uomo ogni volta ke scendi in campo è uno spettacolo per tutto il calcio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Ancora Giannino invitato come opinion-leader e presentato come modello? #lagabbia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo ieri a Conegliano ha detto che pagare le tasse e' giusto ma vuole conoscere la destinazione d'uso. Anche la Lega diceva cosi'...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [non so come abbia dormito questa notte #Pogba, io benissimo grazie a lui...e se mi scampanella x 1 po' d latte, gli mungo la mucca!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Monti ha detto ke dobbiamo cambiare stile di vita... ANCORA? una regolatina a politici e pubblici amministratori no eh? #SiamoAlleSolite] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non ci sara' nessun governo monti...Ci saranno invece elezioni anticipate...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao giorgione! ieri ho iniziato un corso di cabaret a teatro.. stradivertito..speriam bene!! consigli?? :D] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Amo economia #ironia #fuck] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un funambolo ... Mustafà, il mago della patata (e della carota): ROMA – Nel mercato romano di Porta Port... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti giura al Quirinale Napolitano: Sono soddisfatto ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alle prossime elezioni andranno tutti a votare #Grillo ... Tanto ormai non ci resta che ridere per non piangere #politica] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Enrico Mentana: «Il successo (possibile) di #Grillo è un effetto, non una causa della #crisi dei #partiti» http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Una chicca della comicità italiana... Benigni e Mario Monti :D http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ok, Grillo, va bene. Ma dicci anche come si fa #Grillo #Robinson #sfacelo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [SPECIALI OFFERTE WEEKEND: Hotel con Spa Terme della Fratta: OFFERTE WEEKENDGrand Hotel con Terme e Centro Beness... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Governo #Monti, segnali positivi, incoraggianti e congratulazioni dai premier dei grandi paesi eu, speriamo bene. #lungavitagovernomonti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [No al governo Monti, che rappresenterebbe il sistema bancario e finanziario, persino in difesa delle speculazioni. Si pensi ai cittadini] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche io lo sto vedendo ahahahhaha] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : no è uguale al primo :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dice che se il prossimo governo #Monti non te convince, sei anti-italiano e non vuoi bene manco a #Napolitano... e manco a Gesù.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'Espresso: La dura vita dei siti indipendenti - http - by ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Niente politici nel governo Monti. Per me va benissimo...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Anche nelle 4000 #Parafarmacie E il delitti #farmaci C senza ricetta ?Intanto #federfarma fa' lobby su #balduzzi .Man !] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT ITALIA 00:08 1.#serviziopubblico 2.#piazzapulita 3.#Grillo 4.Trota 5.Prince Of Persia 6.Franca Rame 7.Billboard Awards 8.Lega] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie Wendy:)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ritrovata la salma di Mike Bongiorno. Giusto in tempo, nel Governo Monti c'è ancora un Ministero libero] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Enrico Morando (Pd) al Foglio: ""Il governo Monti ha cambiato il Pd. Ora Bersani deve convocare presto un congresso per ridiscutere la linea""] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se affronti con coraggio le tue paure, scoprirai che erano solo paure. (di Stephen Littleword) http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A volte vorrei spegnermi e non pensare più a niente e a nessuno] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nella lista dei potenti della Terra il primo posto è una poltrona vuota /read in http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vai così super Mario #Monti! Non mollare !] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma tutte queste pubblicità di farmaci contro il bruciore di stomaco sono dovute agli stravizi natalizi o alle virtù di Mario Monti?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Assotutela?.net: ""Il Governo Monti vuol colpire i consumi per ridurre il passivo della... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [POLITICA. NAP oggi: Viva soddisfazione per un governo che nasce in un clima positivo , http #Governo, #Monti, #Napolitano] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Passera dice che potrebbero pagarmi in #Bot dal salumiere me li accettano? #finanzacreativa #crisis #sviluppoeconomico #governo #monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo #Monti: sono migliaia le mail e lettere con cui gli italiani fanno suggerimenti sulla #manovra. Leitmotiv: abbattere costi politica] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo: Allen Sinai, Monti eccellente, priorita' tagliare spesa: Roma, 11 nov. ? (Adnkronos) ? Mario Monti sare... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il centro-sinistra riparte da Napoli! PRC:FERRERO, DA NAPOLI È EMERSA OPPOSIZIONE A GOVERNO MONTI http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Verso una nuova cifra comunicativa con il Governo #Monti? #Ferpi: http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma grazie, Stefano] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Controlla questo video La protesta farsa dei sindacati contro il governo Monti 12 dicembre 2011... http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [COL GOVERNO MONTI,IL PAPA STRANIERO ALLA POLITICA, NASCE LA TERZA REPUBBLICA: ORMAI SIAMO STRETTAMENTE SOTTO IL... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'editoria non è la Fieg. Una gran bella lettera di a Mario Monti http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dall'antipolitica #Grillo si e' passati alla politica con miss padania! Ma quello del pd e' sveglio o soffre di jet-lag?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La camera dei deputati approva la manovra del governo Monti con 495 voti a favore. AFP] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [C'è una coppia di manzi che ciao proprio.. #IKEA e io giro con due figli a carico -.- NON SONO MIEEI!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Professor #Monti ma non è che a pagare saranno sempre i soliti? Per adesso, tra #pensioni e #iva, di #equità e #crescita non c'è traccia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Appena segnalato traffico su Dir. Acilia, Ostia, Roma, http usando - Social GPS.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ok, non aggettivi per descriverti!!! Non sono abbastanza per te!!! *___* Grazie] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E il governo Monti non toccherà la legge elettorale. Sento puzza di Pentapartito 2.0. #doposilvio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT Twitter Italia 22:00: 1.#Grillo 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#primoLibro 4.Renzi 5.Prince Of Persia 6.Franca Rame 7.Partito della Nazione] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti ama la bici. Bene, voglio apprezzarlo per questo motivo e magari sistema qualcosa a favore delle due ruote.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mah, infatti si :) cmq sono stata spostata anche prima, c'è da morire -.-] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Sarà in Italia ahahha] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno e buona domenica !!! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Qui sono io che faccio le domande. Non tu. ಠ_ಠ — http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Raga, mi esce che ho votato troppe volte.. come faccio a votare? #aiutatemi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [comunque io non sono nelle foto ufficiali, sono stata tutto il tempo in giro AHAHHA] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Manovra/ Ferrero: stangata sociale del governo Monti contro i lavoratori | http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Probabile una soluzione identica a quella di Atene: un governo di larghe intese con a capo Mario Monti.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Con #Grillo sembra tutto facile http #blog #politicapalazzo #beppegrillo #cultura] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [SONDAGGIO CRESPI RICERCHE, QUASI FINITA LA LUNA DI MIELE: MARIO MONTI AL 56% http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [The Asch Experiment: http via ecco perchè nelle riunioni alla fine litigo sempre con tutti :)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ se avessi i soldi, sì XD XD ;_;] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : io ti odio NON PUÒ ESSERE FINITO COSÌ NON PUÒ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#LinkedIn: 200 milioni di iscritti, 4 milioni in Italia http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Una cosa positiva del governo Monti è la produttività, ora finalmente avremo uno standard al quale confrontare i successivi governi.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti è occidentalista, banchiere, massone, antifascita: insomma, un mafioso] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [fattoquotidiano: #Grillo attacca #Vendola: \""Supercazzola che fa affari con la Marcegaglia\"" - Video http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti pronto: domani al Quirinale «Lavoro proficuo, Italia supererà la crisi» Il Messaggero http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Italia illegal operation via http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Frequenze TV, il governo #Monti pensa solo a #Rai e #Mediaset http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#OMMHSC Oh mio Dio Che gol ha fatto #Belhanda 😲😲😱😲😱] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Orto Botanico Cagliari: a ormai 1 anno dal primo attacco ad opera del punteruolo rosso, non è stata ancora tagliata la P. dactylifera morta] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie per invito,dipende dal lavoro,comunque sempre in contatto] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ é un play con le palle! davvero bravo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche ioooooo :-(] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ YAH! Eri contento? D.D Hyung è tornato ^^ erano tutte cesse, nessuna alla mia altezza KWAKWAKWA XD] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Hey, grazie per il follow! Piacere, Robby :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Rubare ai 'poveri' per dare alle ricche banche ecco il governo Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Roma, presidenti delle province chiedono a #Napolitano modifica del decreto Salva Italia del governo #Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ah grazie (:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [281 senatori a favore del governo tecnico. Mario Monti è pronto ad instaurare il Reich.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Riassunto: La versione 6.0 della soluzione Surveillint di Proximex è stata selezionata come finalista nell’edizio... #biz #hitech #italy] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie per le infinite emozioni che mi fai provare quando fai e telecronache *-* #forzanapoli] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [scusate ma se story of my life parla di una ragazza e blabla perchè nel video ci sono le foto dei ragazzi da piccoli? cioé non ha senso] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ cosa devo dirti?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per adesso è solo un TT Italiano, spero che diventi anche un TT mondiale.#ItalianSelenatorsLoveSelena] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Vedi se ti devi far parlare dietro per qualche centinaio di chilometri. ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ oddio, come mai? ma quindi torneremmo la sera stessa a casa o staremmo tutti a dormire a Firenze? lol] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La nomina a senatore a vita dell'ottimo Mario #Monti, sembra non bastare. Il mondo e l'Europa vogliono azioni concrete. Nuovo governo subito] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [giornalisti italiani, smettetela con queste domande veramente scomode e impertinenti a mario #monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ amore ti presento miley, miley lei è mia figlia :3] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io sono tutto impazzito...è stato un gran piacere conversare con voi...lo rifaro' prestissimo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [un sms mi avvisa che d'alema potrebbe essere ministro nel governo monti. improvvisamente via veneto ha perso il suo fascino] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http MARIO MONTI NEI TALK SHOW SENZA CONTRADDITTORIO] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Carissimo Federico oggi è il tuo compleanno!! Tanti AUGURI adorato cugino!! Ti voglio bene http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Il terzo polo dà appoggio totale a Mario Monti,ma di chi ti eri andato a fidare? (cit. #MIOPADRE)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'assist di Fitch a Mario Monti: Oggi l'Italia ha tutto il diritto di non sentirsi più il brutto anatroccolo del... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi debbo complimentare con il Governo Monti per la trasparenza, la sobrietà e la pragmaticità tuttavia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [certo che nel governo Monti entreranno Profumo e Passera a Mr. B. verrà un attacco di bile da record: il suo sogno realizzato da altri...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tra pochi minuti Mario Monti in diretta su rai3 a che tempo che fa .] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GRANDE,GENIO,CAPO,GROSO,IDOLOOOOOOO http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#fisco e abuso del diritto: quando il risparmio d'imposta diventa vantaggio fiscale indebito #governo Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Piano #Sud, accordo Regioni-Governo #Monti sblocco per 8 miliardi http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti sta puntando molto sui giovani, adesso sta a noi dimostrare che la fiducia è ben riposta!... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo #Monti non e' ancora nato e gia' sta perdendo troppo tempo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dopo Linea B adesso anche la #RomaLido #tordivalle è presa d'assalto da suonatori #free] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Terzo posto?!lontano ma non impossibile!!!!combattiamo fino alla fine!!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Adesso mi tocca sentire che il blocco dei #TIR è un complotto contro il governo #monti. Che faccia tosta! #italiablocatta] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Su #paywall #journalism #paidcontent finalmente, in Italia. I quotidiani italiani e il mondo del Web - http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ aww grazie dhshhs] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo anche a #inonda ... Bastaaaa !!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Allora 1. la tua bio è fiulherahfuilerfhifuil 2. il tuo nome è dskalhhfelfefnsil alla seconda (?)E 3. sono Sara Yeah u.u] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Monti: Ho apprezzato il senso di responsabilità di Berlusconi : #berlusconi #camera #mario monti ROMA, 18 NOV –... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Fatto Quotidiano Com'era verde quella porcata: La cura da cavallo del governo Monti con tanto salva-Italia e... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Travaglio Governo Monti potrebbe aprire asta pubblica su frequenze #serviziopubblicoE' OBBLIGATORIO] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno a tutti ragazzi e ragazze] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Perché Patroni Griffi è ancora nel governo #Monti? [a sua insaputa, I presume]] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ahahah!! Ma che fine ha fatto detto \""la torcia umana\""...???] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti ha presentato il programma che ci aspettavamo: rigore, crescita, sviluppo economico e sociale.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti è senatore a vita: più posto fisso di così si muore (letteralmente) - M. Travaglio #serviziopubblico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#calcio Juventus, Barzagli alla Rai: «Non so analizzare questo 2-4» http #news #calciomercato #news #calciomercato] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Primi effetti positivi del Governo Monti. Mi è stata recapitata una bolletta del gas dove devo pagare -14.84€.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche Mario #Monti è fotogenico. Solo io vengo una merda sulle foto?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti non sa comunicare http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il governo Monti fa quello che deve e grazie a Dio lo fa bene. Sono gli italiani ad essere delle barzellette!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se alla fine bel governo Monti infileranno dei politici sarà la solita rivoluzione all'italiana. Poco seria.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il presidente MARIO MONTI e la massoneria http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ vedo che anche senza di te i Raptors se la cavano abbastanza bene , convinto che con tuo recupero Raptors piu' forti , ciao] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : la mia tl continua a fare schifo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il grafico che fa più arrabbiare Mario Monti, considerati i tassi che ancora paga l'Italia sui titoli di stato http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bellissima vittoria stasera! Grazie ragazzi! #lube #CEV #A1Mvolley] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Con il governo Monti e la nuova manovra sono scomparsi gli indignati... #farsa] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Fatto Quotidiano Berlusconi è invecchiato di colpo: Il tenero Silvio dice che Mario Monti gli ha copiato l'ot... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [9. hai mai sofferto per amore? No, grazie al cielo no] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non lo hanno mai fatto, il loro unico obiettivo e dare un po' di cosce ai mariti frustrati] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo di non critichi #Napolitano: la critica al Presidente della Repubblica compete solo ai partiti in cui milita #Bersani] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ con tutte quelle assenze siamo stati anche troppo bravi!! #ForzaMilan ..sempre..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e anche #Grillo ce lo siamo giocati,sbaglio o ora ha solo il popolino ex Lega,exPd,exPdl,ex tutto ??] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ....Viviana il prossimo tre novembre un' eclisse ibrida visibili nel sud Italia ???Può essere ! sai qualche cosa] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ come stai amore mio?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sto impazzendo..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [mario monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Di Pietro: ""Si alla fiducia per governo Monti, ma vogliamo risultati"" http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti nominato senatore a vita. I primi momenti del post-Berlusconi mi fanno terrore...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per le agenzie, anche Letta punterebbe a un governo Monti. Gianni Letta, intendo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#monti : se tutti pagassero le tasse.. #Grillo rubereste il doppio .. sante parole miticoooo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ RIFORMA: una delle tante che i partiti hanno imposto (ahahhha) al Governo Monti. #puttanate #campacavallochelerbacresce] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ per fare cosa ?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Dm amore] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se #Grillo è l'alternativa mi tenevo #Bossi: fa anche ridere di più.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, se il cambio di passo arriva anche sul Web Tg24 Guardalo su: http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo buongiorno a tutti! #M5S] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A #Grillo che propone di uscire dall’Euro consiglio di entrare alla Neuro] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Crisi,Sarkozy: serve accordo Ue. Vertice cruciale a Bruxelles: Per l'Italia il premier Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [DI VI NO. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mamma mia una zanzara in camera...meglio un aereo che atterra... #odiolezanzare] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma li voglio tutti arrivo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie mille] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Per Marco Rizzo al Tg4 il governo Monti è peggio di quello di Berlusconi!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo e il teatrino della politica. Quanto ci piace - Dal blog di Fabrizio Tonellohttp] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo e #Bossi : #Lega era forza territoriale separatista, #M5S e' aggregatore nazionale generazionale. Fiducia ai giovani #Muoviti_Italia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Beh certo, tenere il cellulare al bar in tasca vicino alle parti intime ci salverà tutti dal tumore. Udine cell free http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ beh se tsunade e hashy li curano ho il sospetto dalle foto che anche il primo hokage non amasse invecchiare] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ notte,grazie per aver parlato con me.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [tutti i politici hanno espresso la preferenza a non entrare nel governo #monti. un bel lavaggio collettivo di mani. bene.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Polemica #DiPietro #Grillo :solo una “strumentalizzazione\"" che vuol fare chi ha paura di un progetto politico alternativo a questo governo.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ *sorride e lo ribacia, annusa le rose* oddio quanto profumano] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ è vero la politica deve stare in mezzo alla gente perché altrimenti ci sta #Grillo e i suoi falsi ideali] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti conferma Manlio Strano segretario generale: ROMA, 2 DIC – Il Presidente del Consiglio Mario Monti, d... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liam: \""Le nostre fans pensano che non vediamo i loro tweets, in realtà noi li vediamo tutti e a volte è anche spaventoso\"".#1DFact] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo guadagna consensi e il Pd cosa fa? manda Renzi? fosse stato un film di Pieraccioni, poteva anche starci... #serviziopubblico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'Arte Del Pianoforte in Italia: (Da Clementi a Sgambati) Opera Adottata Nel Liceo Musicale Rossini Di Pesaro (I... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [il governo monti cercherà di mettere in piedi italia che piange.........speriamo bene e speriamo di vederla ridere ........] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se il governo #Monti cede sui #taxi, è politicamente morto. Cedere al teppismo politico è una tipica dichiarazione di inesistenza in vita.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Premi e riconoscimenti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si! Ma te la do solo se mi dici se stai ancora con Nina *si illumina AHAHAHAH UWU*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ era un grande problema per le banche, ma ora che Bankitalia è al timone del Governo #monti dormiremo #spread e c/c tranquilli] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT Twitter Italia 05:00: 1.#cinemaInChiesa 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#Grillo 4.Trota 5.Levon Helm 6.Damon and Elena 7.Prince Of Persia 8.Lega] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie mille, sei un amore asdfghjkl c:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Qual è la cosa più pericolosa che hai mai fatto? — dire a mia nonna che non avevo fame ... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il presidente del Consiglio, Mario Monti, è appena arrivato a Bruxelles per il Consiglio europeo informale. A una... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Bello veramente azzeccato. Corretto fino alla fine: il prelievo è per Mario Monti e per la Casta.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Bersani critica #Grillo per le offese a Napolitano ma non si sente in colpa per le offese alla nostra dignità di tutti questi anni.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [POLITICA. #Panebianco sul CorSera: La durata e la stabilità del governo Monti non hanno nulla a che fare con la questione del #referendum .] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#OttoEMezzo certo che abituati al nano...anche se non ne condivido le scelte Mario Monti è proprio un gran signore..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ancora 32%,bella merda] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sabato alla Camera si vota il DDL SVILUPPO...poi da Lunedi avremo un nuovo Governo con Mario Monti Premier. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie *-* *-*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi dice sì al governo Monti? La lista dei deficienti in arancione http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sisi, sempre su tutto..] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La faccia della giornalista del #tg3 dopo il servizio su #Grillo dice tutto. Brava.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [governo monti con gianni letta, pd perplesso. Ma che vogliono? Non esagerate sennò ci mettiamo ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Rai: Mario Monti e Corrado Passera lavorano a riforma? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MARIO MONTI: ""L'EURO E' UN SUCCESSO, SOPRATTUTTO PER LA GRECIA"" http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : odiare qualsiasi tipo di canzone se viene impostata come sveglia.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [CASA, CONDOMINIO E MANOVRA SALVA-ITALIA DEL GOVERNO MONTI. martedì 13 dicembre 2011 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Massimo Franco sul Corriere illustra efficacemente aspettative ed incognite del Governo Monti http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Rep Petrini su caos tasse.Confcommercio denuncia Tassa rifiuti aumento fino a 600% su rifiuti.Si scherza col fuoco anch…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ok, ti ho fatto pubblicità u.u ( live on http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Secondo me il governo Monti non sarà una sconfitta della politica, tutt'altro. Semmai sarà una sconfitta di certa lotta partitaria.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la noia della domenica non ha eguali] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Accadde oggi: 1993: entra in vigore il Trattato di Maastricht, che stabilisce formalmente l'Unione Europea.... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi sto commuovendo a guardare How I Met Your Mother] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Eh, ma i salernitani sono campioni nel lamentarsi!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chameleon Launcher in arrivo anche per smartphone: video beta privata su Galaxy Note 2 e Nexus 4: Chameleon Laun... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ graaaaandee!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Berlusca ha problemi di doppia personalità: ha appena smentito (in viva voce) di potere/volere staccare la spina al Governo #Monti .] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giornata della Memoria 2012: il discorso di Mario Monti http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si, perché i miei non hanno la macchina. Si in effetti, però rimane sempre bellissimo, perché? Io lo bacerei comunque lol.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lei \""ma tu ora saresti pronta per un amore?\"" Io \""se devo domandarmelo immagino io sia già preda dell'incantesimo dell'orologio biologico\""] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ chiamavano Mario Monti a scuola...;)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Controlla questo video MARIO MONTI: L'EURO E' UN SUCCESSO, SOPRATTUTTO PER LA GRECIA http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Qualcosa in cambio doveva avere. Se no non se ne andava. Certo che il governo Monti non ci fa una bella figura.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“Living well, within the limits of our planet“ (Vivere bene nel rispetto dei limiti del nostro pianeta). Questo il... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ecco i primi incoraggianti passi del Governo Monti sulle rinnovabili http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il mio albero avverte la crisi...Mario Monti grazie x questo natale stupendo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT ITALIA 23:28 1.#piazzapulita 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#Grillo 4.Prince Of Persia 5.Franca Rame 6.Belsito 7.M5S 8.Falcao 9.Nero Wolfe] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo: Fini, Monti personalita' piu' adeguata a affrontare crisi: Roma, 10 nov. (Adnkronos) ? Mario Monti e' l... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Mario Monti for president? Che fatica essere di sinistra . Dalla Jena di oggi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#StayStrongHarryDirectionersLoveYou #RT Se anche tu ami Harry come sempre nonostante la storia Haylor.20] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [[vero] "": grande professor #Monti, nell'aula del Senato: Se dovete fare una scelta: ascoltate, non applaudite""""] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dio quanto mi odio. Sono inutile.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fatto ricambi??] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Definisce il governo Monti un esecutivo di buona volontà . Ai partiti dice: Si impegnino, anche a riscattarsi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I sindacati si accorsero solo ora che il governo monti è deleterio... Buongiorno!ben svegliati!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Questa sera alle ore 23:30 americane, andrà in onda il famoso show della NBC Saturday Night Live e la... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Movimento5stelle #Politica #Italia #Grillini E #Grillo va, alla conquista del paese! | hubmagazine http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ho le balle girate di mio, ok? se poi devo sentirmi la ramanzina da te, guarda, vai pure a quel paese] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [f #LaRagazzaDiFuocoRoma ""L'uccello, la spilla, la canzone, le bacche l'orologio, il pane tostato, il vestito consumato dal fuoco..."" 61] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nn so se dopo posso aprirlo ti amo buonantt] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Va bene il governo Monti, ma in Italia c'è ancora da risolvere la crisi bimbiminkia affetti dalla sindrome di Twilight.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo e il teatrino della politica. Quanto ci piace | Fabrizio Tonello | Il Fatto Quotidiano http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il nuovo Governo Monti è stato presentato. Non ho cognizioni specifiche per valutare i nomi, ma apprezzo molto che non ci siano politici.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [trovo che beppe #Grillo sia insopportabile. solo un gran casino e critiche continue, ma non gli ho mai sentito fare una proposta che sia una] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ : Stasera Mario Monti alle 20 tg5 .. per la prima voltaa!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Monti festeggiato per le strade di Roma «Avete visto che splendida giornata?»: ROMA Mario Monti ha lasciato in... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Laura Pausini e poi il presidente del Consiglio Mario Monti sceglie bene i suoi ospiti!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Secondo alcune voci, Beppe #Grillo sarebbe al 7%. Ma da ottobre anche lui al 23%. #M5S] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : niall è perfetto biondo, niall è perfetto castano. niall è sempre prefetto http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Continuare a considerare #Grillo come antipolitica. #erroredrammatico [Abbia il coraggio di definirsi \""forza politica\""]] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Roma, i ""Draghi Ribelli"" protestano contro il governo Monti: #draghi ribelli #governo monti #montecitorio ROMA –... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto era bello oggi. Con i capelli tutti arruffati, la tuta. Mi era venuta voglia di una cosa pervy con lui. Ok ora datemi della pazza.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Speriamo non mi interroghi,cazzo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tutti lo cercano tutti lo vogliono solo le piazze e gli elettori lo trovano chi e'? #Grillo ! #ottoemezzo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Marc Lazar: ""Napolitano? L'Europa lo ammira. Mario Monti? Può salvare l'Italia"" http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Rutelli, fiducia al governo #Monti: mancava che gli dicesse che è bello ( elegante e con indiscutibile aplomb li aveva già usati)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti senatore a vita http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ wow, conosci tutti questi posti? Mi dicono che sei intelligente. E poi sto alla grande oggi.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ecco tutti i privilegi della Casta che il premier non ha tagliato mario monti, casta, sprechi, cam http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ahahahahaha Tranquilla Grazie :') tanto la rabbia mi e passata stavo aspettando la monchele riot !] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ...#seguodeejay perchè li tengono bene il tempo...:)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : ragazzi che “perchè le tette di fuori hanno più mi piace di un sorriso?“ e poi se non hai un balcone con tanto di fiori nem…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [C'è anche Stich O.O ( http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ci diranno che Mario Monti è troppo poco italiano. Bene! #rimontiamo http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [10mln per #400NuoveAutoBlu e poi #Napolitano predica contro l' #antipolitica e chi s'incazza come #Grillo ? Ma questi vanno rinchiusi tutti!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [D'Alema: Per la prima volta pagano anche i ricchi : ROMA – ''Il professor Monti si e' trovato ad operare in una... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : I migliori tweet pt.3 'Ah la musica, una di quelle magie che supera tutte quelle che facciamo noi.'] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io ancora rutto la ricotta fritta di mezz'ora fa!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Porsi a distanza, quel tanto che basta per mettere bene a fuoco e osservare che le cose non sono esattamente come credevi che fossero.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo, Monti: E' trasparente, non c'è conflitto interesse: Squadra snella e forte .Parlamento costante punto... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: l'ultimo atto della lenta agonia della politica sovrana. La tecnocrazia come esito in http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liga Italia • Re: Conte Sebut Balotelli seperti Lukisan Mona Lisa http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il vecchio governo paragonato al governo #monti sembra il cast di un film di lino banfi e Renzo montagnani rispetto ad uno di scorsese] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo che scappa inseguito da Bertazzoni mi ha fatto cadere le palle per terra. #ServizioPubblico] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Pensioni, flessibilità, Pompei... Le priorità del governo Monti: ROMA ? ""Crescita ed equità sociale"" sono le prior... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti: Con serietà e rigore, forse la sfanghiamo ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma non sarà che il governo #Monti sarà un flop come i precedenti governi tecnici?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sabato 26 gennaio dalle 10.30 alle 11.30 visita guidata della Basilica di San Piero a Grado http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grande mozart domenica li spacchiamo noi e solo noi i campioni d'italia forza pirlo non fermarti mai] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""Gli Stati Uniti sono la prova evidente di quanto sbagliato sia per la democrazia avere partiti privatizzati.\""N.Urbinati #Grillo #radicali] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao a me piacciono tutti i ragazzi di tluc ma in particolare michele e matteo >.<] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie tante cara mia.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche io..vorrei morire a causa del lavoro di tessili] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ciao meraviglia, potresti mettere mi piace qui >> http … se non lo metti non importa, grazie comunque :)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Monti credit rating: AAA. Sono sempre più impressionato dallo stile e dalla serietà di Mario Monti, speriamo che il mondo si accorga di lui] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [C'è mio papà che sta urlando come un dannato per la partita, sono qua di fianco a lui, mi sta stordendo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Da #Santoro un match #Renzi-#Grillo - Italia - l'Unità http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A #Catania 10 fischi e 300 applausi. Bilancio positivo per me e per il Governo #Monti che sono fiero di sostenere.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [messaggio per Gesù che sta per nascere: attenzione sulla grotta fredda dove nascerai il Governo Monti metterà l'ICI!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti piace il tuo comportamento? motiva la tua risposta.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La manovra del governo Monti è impopolare, reazione prevedibile! Ma è necessaria, l'Italia ne ha bisogno!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Brissogne:multa per i cani che sporcano per strada! ma solo i cani? quando passano delle mucche fanno peggio e nessuno pu…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La stampa: Il governo monti perde un pezzo Vacanze gratis malinconico lascia .] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http sondaggio non male, vedrai che il PDL cambia di nuovo rotta e si tiene stretto il governo #Monti #opencamera] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che uno poi vorrebbe pure darlo un rigore al Milan ma se negli ultimi 20 minuti entri in area della Lazio mezza volta diventa impossibile.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Manovra, meno tagli su casa e pensioni: adesso Monti apre alle modifiche: Mario Monti non chiude la porta a poc... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [il #governo #Monti mi piace, finalmente composto da personaggi di spessore! Speriamo che li facciano lavorare] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti, Università,Natale... ij k mal e cap....] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [LA MANIFESTAZIONE: Oggi in piazza contro la manovra del Governo Monti http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fosse solo quello il punto... Per fortuna da me un congresso democratico si è fatto] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo al prossimo #Governo?! Volta buona che impacchetto tutto e vado via. Di #AntiPolitica non si vive,non giova a nessuno ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Santoro: \""Perchè nessuno oltre #Grillo parla della crisi delle banche italiane? All'estero è un argomento dibattuto.\""] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io di reggio calabria, ascolto un pò di tutto :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non abbiamo privatizzato, abbiamo svenduto! Quello che farà anche il Governo #Monti! #piazzapulita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ chi mi segue sa che ora e' questa..massi proprio lei l'ora della caga cazzo del 10 e lotto!!!!.....puntuale come la morte!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Da grandi poteri derivano grandi responsabilità, Illustre Professor Monti. Now save us!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Particolari le risposte del sito #agendadigitale ... comunica che non trova competenze digitali in #Italia .... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: ogni famiglia dovrà pagare una tassa su ogni animale che possiede come bene di lusso http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ esatto dopo 20 anni qualcosa si impara per forza!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Sei proprio una testa di cazzo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Forse Favia non ha spiegato bene il ruolo di #Grillo e del \""marchio\"" ma basta poco per capire che un garante è necessario. #serviziopubblico] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : GOOOOOOOL, dal dischetto Tevez non sbaglia!!! #FiorentinaJuve 1-0] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ho appena ascoltato l'intervento di questa militante. Non ho parole è l'unica cosa che viene da dire anche a me.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Padelli ci starebbe bene nella difesa dell'#Inter] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [irene invece è così simpatica] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Senza Letta chi ha le mani più libere verso il Governo Monti? Indovinate? Sempre bravissimi, quelli del Pd.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Striscioni e biscotti pro Bossi in via Bellerio -Milano - http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bella foto . Fa molto relax] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L’Italia dei valori...Lidia Undemi, nauseata dalla falsità del partito si dimette. - Raccontate la verità,… http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH non è un porno alla fine] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sii è tutto meraviglioso djjdhdsjdh] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti è troppo tenero con gli sprechi della casta POLITICA http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti e la manovra salva Italia http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie xD ahaha ti capisco xD ti auguro comunque buona fortuna, forse tornerà la voglia di studiare (?)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ noooo dopo nn c'è più gusto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo si autodenuncia \""incandidabile\"" per due motivi: perché è pregiudicato; perché ha più di 30 anni.Adesso lo sai anche tu] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : la timeline di mattina è stupenda: niente litigi, niente tweets idioti e persone che sclerano perchè, come te, non voglio a…] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La tanto pretesa equità richiesta al governo Monti non c'è sono tutti scontenti tranne Piercasinando e Emmona] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ..... per manifestarle tutta la mia stima! Grazie] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#vogliodiregraziea Naya Rivera e le brittana, perchè è solo grazie a loro se ho rivelato il mio segreto..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo il preoccupante 20% di #Le Pen, per chi crede nell'Europa unita è più necessario che mai votare #Hollande. E fermare #Grillo in Italia!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#A1Mvolley il centrale cubano Simon della Copra Elior Piacenza incontra Gigi Buffon dalla videogallery di... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fondamentale la nomina di Mario Monti a Senatore a Vita ora saremo più al riparo dal rischio default! #malimortaccivostraedichinonloritwitta] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ *lo guarda sbalordito* ma sei coglione?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Beppe #Grillo risponde a #Sartori: \""ma che mestiere è il politologo?\"" (dopo l'antipolitica, è l'ora dell'antipolitologia)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ buongiorno wilmaa🐚è iniziata un'altra giornata ed io sto già studiando 👉👈, non vedo l'ora di fare qurst'esame per liberarmi 💛] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ma perchè se uno dice le stesse cose di santoro sul governo #monti è anti italiano e se le dice santoro è verbo? #perplesso] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ c'è chi sa fare un mercato intelligente e vincente come Macia e Prade' e chi no come Branca..] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo è diverso perché scende in mezzo alla gente. Non si é mai visto un capopolo da salotto...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\"": #Alemanno: \""il voto a #Grillo blocca l'Italia\"". Il consiglio di uno che se ne intende. In fondo ha già bloccato #Roma...\""] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [PlayStation 4: un documento riservato svela i dettagli della PS4: Un noto sito giapponese è riuscito a reperire ... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La più grande e bella novità del governo Monti http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Qualche volta se piove merda e qualcuno deve metterci un ombrello e chi chiamerai? #Mario #Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'erbazzone della Luci #thanksGod] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La nomina di Mario Monti a Senatore a Vita è una mossa che qualifica un grande politico. Buon lavoro Presidente Napolitano] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: BASTA TASSE! http giù le mani dai nostri pochi risparmi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ a te che ti piacciono i colori ad olio eccoti un mio disegno fatto con i pastelli ad olio senza l'olio http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dalla Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII i migliori auguri di buon lavoro al neo Premier Sen. Mario Monti. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : significato dei vizi pt 7: mangiare in continuazione quello che capita: senso di vuoto, solitudine.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E SE LA FASE 2 DEL GOVERNO MONTI INIZIASSE CON IL RITIRO DEI NOSTRI SOLDATI NELLE ZONE DI GUERRA ? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #BuonAnno anche a te cara! ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Consolati, il governo #Monti ha messo una tassa sulla fortuna. Te non la pagherai mai. grazie per l'aiuto fratello!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Berlusconi: Mario Monti io scendo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [acordei com 7 sms quanto amor] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tg3 L'incontro fra Sarkozy, Angela Merkel e Mario Monti ha lasciato sul tappeto praticamente tutti i problemi... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il #TassoZero su tutti i prodotti #Apple è anche sul nostro #compraonline questo weekend! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [W il MoVimento 5 Stelle! Vorrei solo ricordare che #Grillo non è candidato e non è candidabile. Lunga vita al M5S #M5Stour] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cari, fan del Governo #Monti,adesso spiegatici la differenza con quello col Tre davanti. Io proprio non la vedo. Ah, le pensioni! #manovra] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cosa non c'è nella manovra del governo Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se la vita ti offre numerosi ostacoli TU nn abbassare la testa, ma alzala e rispondi con un SI... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scopro oggi che, sulle tessere atm milano, carichi biglietti, non credito. La flessibilità di utilizzo è quindi nulla. #mobilepaymentutopia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Consigli a Mario #Monti per combattere l'evasione fiscale http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quando vedo #Grillo mi vien da pensare ad un nuovo #garibaldino \""Qui si fa l' #Italia o si muore\"" *_* http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oh che bella la febbre porcoddio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bella Vita Ristorante today.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo Monti: l' impossibile lo stiamo facendo per i miracoli ci stiamo attrezzando] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora fate fallire il governo #monti e poi chiamateci incivili se vi insultiamo per strada. #rimontiamo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Piazzapulita Il primo applauso è all'imprenditore che dice politici tutti a casa. #Monti compreso. #Grillo si starà fregando le mani] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho polverizzato tutti nella missione 'Potenzia la scuderia al livello 10' di #Valor. Potenza... IMMENSA. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Basta privilegi, basta vitalizi, la politica deve essere una passione, non un lavoro strapagato. #crisi #governo #monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ nessuno ha parlato di te] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se il medico dev'essere Mario Monti, sia: ma con uno staff adeguato. Altrimenti meglio cambiare ospedale. http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi spiegate per quale motivo tra i ministri del nuovo governo #Monti, non c'e' quello della gioventù ? #democrazia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Stefano Ceccanti (Pd) al Foglio: ""Il governo Monti non è una parentesi per Pd e chiedere convocazione di un congresso non può essere un tabù] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""Il Sanremo Baseball è tornato in serie B e merita più spazio sui mezzi di informazione\"": \""Di tutto questo, dell... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [porca di una puttana ma rispondimi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ eh vedete,allora avevo capito bene! A Lucca invece ho capito che potrebbe esserci il GC..forse mi >] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ :-) l'estetica ha la sua importanza. Che poi sappiano anche spalancare il gas è un altro paio di maniche:-))))))))] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il governo Monti... porterà alla povertà ... Ha colpito sempre gli stessi Cioè ... Gli onesti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti ha spiegato il motivo del ritardo nel presentare la lista dei #ministri http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Introduzione del pareggio di bilancio in Costituzione e Authority per controllo finanza pubblica.Bene Governo Monti.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Casini, scusi, ma Gianluigi Magri, sottosegretario del governo Monti, divenne senatore Udc per opera dello spirito santo? ^fb] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo propone di non pagare il debito e io l'euro che dovevo a Marco per le fotocopie me lo tengo: l'Italia lo chiede.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [GOVERNO: MONTI, POLITICI IN ESECUTIVO? MIO DESIDERIO MA IMPORTANTE E' APPOGGIO PARTITI http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti capisco! anche lei è una delle mie preferite e non se lo merita!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ di fronte all'ippodromo Le Cappanelle a Roma] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie per le menzioni lala] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la #fornero se mette a piagne mentre spiega come la #manovra del governo #MONTI metterà in ginocchio la gente: #lacrimedicoccodrillo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro governo Monti http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ vedo perfino gli occhi del gatto a cuore. Mi sento gravemente malata. ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ha sbagliato a dire:il campionato e' ancora lungo ma il gol di Muntari era buono....dice sempre così!!!allegri sei mediocre...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi invii il link della twittcam? <3 grazie] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ vabbè ti salto sopra io uu.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http nessun divieto di manifestare #Occupiamoiltesoro no al governo Monti occupiamo tutto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ciao e un grazie per avere accettato di seguire Sciari Travel] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [cosa c'è di meglio di un #comodoletto dopo una luuuuunga giornata di università?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Montezemolo, governo Monti unica soluzione per il Paese: allora siamo fottuti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ebbene si, Mario Monti ha detto che Bill Gates ha cominciato in un garage,... Ma non era Steve Jobs? http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un programma riformista e liberale http #monti Ecco perché mi piace il governo Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo Sono felice di non condividere le idee, di chi utilizza simili tragici espedienti per fare propaganda] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo, Monti:Se resto in politica? Credo ne avrò abbastanza...: Ho una responsabilità straordinaria, penso so... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io spero ancora un'ultima edizione con un ritorno alle origini e con tutti i vincitori come protagonisti.......] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il programma del Governo #Monti: trentatrè trentini andarono a trento tutti e trentatrè trotterellando] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [BORSA MILANO:POSITIVA (+0,5%) DOPO AVVIO GOVERNO MONTI] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ nono tranquilla,mi hanno detto che era solo uno scherzo della Toffanin a Bobo Vieri ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A volte penso a come sarebbe la vita senza la musica, e penso che se fosse così, non avrebbe ragione di essere vissuta.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Siete favorevoli alla #manovra #economica del #governo #Monti? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e adesso si mangia.........buon appetito a tutti!!!!!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A #Genova #Grillo sa che raccoglie elettorato deluso di destra e non osa dire che siamo nella cacca anche a causa del berlusconismo. #Merda] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Arrestato Zagaria dopo neanche 20 giorni di governo Monti. E' un grande successo suo o di Magistratura/Forze dell'ordine ?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Una sorella di tredici anni che è una Directioner.#soproudofherOra scappo, alla prossima. :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sulle #pensioni il colpo sarà durissimo. Ma quale significato dà alla parola #equità il professor #Monti ?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Give me love (Zouis): http via da me :) Sì, non ho niente da fare xD] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#la ##la #nonna #enza ke balla in svizzera con ragazzi ubriachi .! #scrive le #barzellette #shekkinah… http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sto facendo l'imperativo in spagnolo e il mio cervello sta andando a fuoco cc] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ noi del # sud non minacciamo di far crollare il governo #monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi è piaciuto un video di : http Negramaro - Parlami d'amore (+testo)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora abbiamo anche #Grillo che parla da leghista conclamato..Grillo+Lega andrebbero 15%,più di tutti gli altri #FantaPolitica #matrix] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Hello Summer, un gruppo francese edito dai nostri amici della Coraline Records... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si si è stato tra i più disponibili! Mio padre ha detto che avevamo fatto 850 km e lui ha detto che si sarebbe fermato anche] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mannaia del governo Monti sui tribunali abruzzesi. Le proposte di Confindustria http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Intanto Mario Monti ha convocato le parti sociali per domenica prossima] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ forza Napoli stasera voglio 3 goals 2 di avezzi ed 1 di cavani o viceversa BACI DA ISCHIA] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la morale è no al governo Monti perché a sostenerlo sarebbero comunque sempre gli stessi , Scilipoti e Pippi Gianni inclusi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [DC UNIVERSE è IL GIOCO DEL MOMENTO! MIGLIAIA DI PERSONE SONO ONLINE CHE STANNO GIOCANDO! PROVALO ANCHE TU, E'... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [DAIIIIIII] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma quanto fa ridere #Bersani che ammonisce #Grillo su #Napolitano ? #Nonsipermetta] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nella biblioteca di Savigliano una sezione dedicata alla comunicazione aumentativa alternativa http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : La Lazio Primavera batte la Roma 2-1 a Trigoria, il Derby è nostro! #èsempreprimavera] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quando vien la candelora dalla crisi semo fora, ma se piove o tira vento Mario Monti è più contento] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Milano Mens Collection 2013AW http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sto uscendo,a dopo <3 :D] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il problema dell'Italia è che tutti hanno la loro ricetta. #Grillo compreso. Intanto siamo sempre più ammalati. #PiazzaPulita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ABRUZZO, LE 4 PROVINCE IN CORO: IL GOVERNO MONTI CI RIPENSI http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si ma anche se fai una cosa in piccolo hai più possibilitá ti venga meglio!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MIsure di iniquità da correggere nella manovra del governo Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Riforma previdenziale, patrimoniale e banche i primi dossier sul tavolo del governo Monti. (MF p 3)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo è un best teller, dubbio non v'è!Dice cose come le pensiamo tutti:questo non lo rende un politico moderno,semmai un tribuno antico.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto mi manca il 2009, e gli anni precedenti. #hiphopmusic #50cent #nelly] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" ['Privatizzazione del fiume Adige': questa la politica della sinistra-autonomista: Rovereto, 30 gennaio 2013. – d... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anzi, la risposta è peggio della non risposta: #Favia: meglio #Grillo depositario di Mov 5 stelle che oligarchia #serviziopubblico] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Mussi : \""#Grillo farebbe bene a spararsi nei coglioni\"" . E poi dicono di #Grillo...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sento parlare di sordi,di ciechi,di strade,che tutto va bene! Quando avro'appurato una certa cosa,vedremo se tutto va bene!Informero' tutti!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Piccole cose positive del governo Monti. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Letta: ""I giovani senza lavoro sono l'incubo dell'Italia"". Per non essere da meno, anche l'Italia è l'incubo dei giovani.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alessandra che dietro le quinte vede la registrazione della puntata di Francesco Monte e al momento della scelta... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#governo #monti Che abbiano capacità di guardare in basso per la fame che c'è e in alto dove impera il lusso e lo spreco.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ pensa che io devo andare a Milano e starci tutto il giorno con sto tempo di merda!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi sono svegliata da poco.. ma io ho ancora sonno. :3] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ciao a tutti e tanti AUGURI a MIKE MANGINI batterista dei DREAM THEATER..49 anni..AUGURIIIIIIIII.. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ l'Italia non va certo male per persone come Mario Monti, caso mai va male per persone come te] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ scusi direttore, sa se l'account di Mario monti su twitter è ufficiale?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tanti Auguri #ForzaINTER] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [dalle 15 in diretta #CitofonareAdinolfi, mentre la borsa affonda ancora e il governo Monti si muove troppo lentamente http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""L’INCURSORE\"", l'ultimo romanzo della Rosco al Salone internazionale del Libro di Torino http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sono piu' tranquillo ora :-) buona giornata. Cmq ci vorrebbe Mario Monti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Riforma delle #pensioni, è già polemica sul programma del governo Monti http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Napolitano: Nascita Governo #Monti epilogo di una crisi politica di cui #Berlusconi ha responsabilmente preso atto . #2012 #Italia #news] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tonto❤] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il governo Monti ha già fatto il primo disoccupato:marco travaglio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : ""Alla luce del Vangelo le culture s'incontrano senza prevaricazioni"" padre #Lombardi sui rapporti #Chiesa e #Cina http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ é bellissima quella scuola, ti diverti e hai la possibilitá di fare quello che ti piace :')] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Seconda fase #governo #monti non deve partire da Art 18. In fase di #crisi e #paura lavoratori non meritano discriminazioni e licenziamenti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mucchetti: Il Governo #Monti e il no alle banche. Ma allora dove sono i poteri forti? http Dove si parla degli intrecci] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti può riuscire come no. Però, che bella ventata di serietà. #tgla7] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cosa ne pensa il movimento su questo? \""Beppe ha fatto un post dove è stato chiaro...\"" Cervello fritto. #Grillo #m5s #lultimaparola #dalema] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#piazzapulita #Grillo fa comizi anche quando viene intervistato...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buona fortuna governo #Monti finalmente 3 ministeri importanti alle donne #eraora] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo relatore di stato dell'arte delle truffe politiche perchè la politica in Italia è truffe/tartufo:va annusata non sniffata] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [non chiamare una ragazza ossessiona solo perchè sta inseguendo il suo amore.. #ZaynMalik http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ciao Corrado..........speriamo bene :) :) :).........sempre che non mi trovi in qualche naz... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alle antipatie non si comanda e Mario Monti è antipatico. La prima ragione non lo riguarda nemmeno personalmente.... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Province: dal vertice fiorentino dei ""dieci"" parte la proposta al governo Monti http #o3news] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ahahaha! ma no! Non sono razzisti ma dovevano fare delle date in australia!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La lenta agonia del Pdl sotto i colpi del governo Monti http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Staderini: prime valutazioni sui provvedimenti del Governo Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E intanto si continua a parlare di #Grillo bene o male. Molto bene.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Governo Tecnico di Mario Monti serve per fare il lavoro sporco,... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#sportitaliamercatoNovità sul passaggio di Salamon al Milan? Possibilità della pista Zuniga per la difesa rossonera?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Piovono Rane Immaginazione: Dice Dario Franceschni su Twitter «Governo Monti, difficile immaginare di meglio». E... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: Mario Monti e Sara Tommasi sono usciti entrambi dalla Bocconi. Lui a testa alta, lei a 90 ! ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per tutti quelli che definiscono il sogno di #Grillo un'utopia. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ PIZZA] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http ihihihi vai col Governo Monti, ministro all'economia Laura Pausini (come sono bravo a usare i #TT mammamà...)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Leggete 'Denunciato Mario Monti per alto tradimento video' di Redazione http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Comunque, la giornata per i blog letterari dovrebbe essere istituita. Pensateci. ;-)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [| E' quando ti accorgi di essere geloso anche di un cazzo di mi piace che realizzi quanto hai paura di perdere qualcuno..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : #rt seguimi e ti seguo in più ti voto il profilo in: 🌕perfetto 🌔bellissimo 🌓bello 🌒carino 🌑consiglio:cambialo x7] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#unminutopervincere un saluto da aversa siete forti ragazzi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'#antipolitica sa essere anche più noiosa della #politica. #Stereotipi #Grillo #Demagogia #Populismo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Camusso: ""Ottenere modifiche sulle cose più problematiche per lavoratori e pensionati. Il professor #Monti deve cambiare opinione"".] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ andrà tutto bene.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il report di tutte le #manifestazioni studentesche d'Italia: #Studenti in piazza: ""Non ci fidiamo del governo #Monti"" http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il giudizio degli italiani sulla manovra del governo Monti http Ecco cosa pensano gli Italiani sulla nuova manovra di Monti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Riguardando il video di kiss you, all' incirca una migliaia di volte, mi sono accorta di quanto Louis e Niall siano sexy in quella macchina.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Governo Monti, il Vaticano: «Bella squadra». Sono i tifosi a fare schifo. Insuperabile :D] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [VUOLE PROVARE MASSAGGIO SPECIALE?VENITE FARE DOLCE MASSAGGIO... - Donna cerca uomo Bergamo - http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : #Mexes e #Kaka nella TOP 11 della terza giornata della #ChampionsLeague. #ForzaMilan http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non sono forse titolato a dirlo.... Ma professor #monti mi ha deluso è sicuramente capace ma le è mancato il coraggio di vere scelte....] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A Montecitorio un MegaCondom per il #WorldAIDSDay. Chiediamo al Governo #Monti di fare prevenzione e informazione http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ho finito la tavola in 15 minuti, kiss my ass.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oh, ecco, ora sto più tranquillo: pare che MaryStar #Gelmini si sia guadagnata la riconferma nel prossimo governo #Monti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sul sito del Fatto il video di Mario Monti che splendido sole oggi #finecorsa #doposilvio] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@marcotravaglio: #Grillo contro Maciste http via ” Marco,grazie! Perché non ricordo ste cose!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A chi piace Mario Monti dico: #Commissionetrilaterale #goldmansachs e gruppo #Bilderberg SVEGLIA! #governomonti #serviziopubblico #fail] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [POLITICA. A Napoli oggi De Magistris fa rete con amministratori del Sud e anima opposizione a governo Monti+unanimismo che lo sostiene.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [(tempestivi) L'intervista di Mario Monti a Che tempo che fa (video) http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [È più forte di me. Non li capisco. OccupySapienza. Il governo Monti sarebbe addirittura peggiore di B. E protestano, ma per cosa? #linfedele] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie. A presto.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nato il governo #Monti, speriamo rinasca l' #Italia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [B.: Il governo Monti è una «sospensione certamente negativa della democrazia». Non scherziamo, poi la gente ci crede. http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi ci vediamo tutti al compleanno di Benny XVI, ore 18:00 in Piazza San Pietro, non dimenticate i Mini Ciccioli.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi ti conosce meglio di chiunque altro? — io mi conosco meglio di tutti!!! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche #Grillo spara cazzate http #M5S #IDV #rimborsi #referendum] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non sarà insultando #Grillo che riconquisterete la fiducia della gente. #partitiAntichi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Da grande sposerò Gary Oldman. Anche se sarà vecchio sarà comunque un fregno pazzesco.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se non altro adesso ce lo mettono in culo in maniera molto più elegante. #governo #Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Sinistra nell'era del Governo Monti: costruiamola insieme. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ce la puoi fare. Fides fidei fidei fidem fides fide.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi paragona i #Pirati a #Grillo e mette tutto nel calderone dell'antipolitica o non conosce la politica tedesca o è un giornalista italiano] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti sara' ospite della puntata di 'Matrix' in onda mercoledi' 1 febbraio alle 23.30 su Canale 5.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma si tifa italia cazzo, bravo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@gabrielepinese: #Grillo fa bene a evitare la tv\"" a dire il vero non fa mai neanche un contraddittorio neanche via web che lui ama tanto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sciara su tweet was born. [Grazie all'amico e collaboratore Domenico Spampinato].Sciara parla di Belpasso, di belpassesi e su Belpasso.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non è un caso che i Queen abbiano fatto da colonna sonora al film Highlander. #immortali] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti. Mario Draghi. Mario Balotelli. Ok: è un complotto.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dati fiducia a governo Monti alla Camera: 18 novembre, 556 sì; 16 dicembre, 495 sì; 26 gennaio, 469 sì. Da novembre a oggi 93 voti in meno] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi è piaciuto un video di : http Draw My Life - Kratos, God of War] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e poi una non deve piangere. http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ma va! #Ferrara ascolta #radioradicale. Bene, in effetti oggi trasmettevano il comizio di #Grillo #Inonda #m5s #grillini #antipolitica #news] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“ti dico una cosa, ma non dirla a nessuno: l’unica persona che merita le tue lacrime, non ti farà mai piangere.”] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scoppia incendio in una fabbrica ad Alfero, ustionati due dipendenti: Grave incidente sul lavoro mercoledì pom... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nessun accordo tra Mario Monti e i sindacati. Confermato lo sciopero di tre ore http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto amo katherine #TVD] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Questa Roma niente male ci fa fare un buon Natale, e chi invece non fa sconti è sto cazzo de Mario Monti!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il piano per cui lavora Mario Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Sostegno doveroso al Governo Monti per garantire rigore, equità e crescita http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma le condizioni che pone B al governo Monti sono un bluff (nel senso che si sfalda il pdl) secondo te?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#news #genova Ponte di Carasco/ I Pm nominano i periti: stabiliranno le cause del crollo] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ TUTTI PAZZI PER MATERAZZI! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : Ho un complesso di inferiorità verso il mio computer perché lui è più intelligente di me] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Incredibile! Voyager smaschera Mario Monti ! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ *sorride* dio lo adoro] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo avrà anche esagerato,ma non si permetta Lei e tutto il #PD di continuare ad essere dei #parassiti sociali (vale per tutti)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi aiutate a cercare Mario Monti in questa lista? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ,vestirà in modo bizzarro, ma è uno dei giornalisti economici più preparato e intellettualmente onesto che ci siano in Italia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ triste che il nostro Paese si aggrappi ai comici. Ancora più triste che la sinistra italiana li tema #Grillo #Pd #news #politica] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ a dare un senso nel dare i punti fino alla 15^ posizione... Tutto qui...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [SEGUITE SE LO FATE DITEMELO E VI FACCIO UNO SHOUTOUT (anche più volte) :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche il rispetto e' importante, pur in presenza di diversi modi di pensare, e #Grillo non ne ha per nessuno] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La risposta di #Alemanno alla #Fornero nel governo #Monti c'è lo stesso rapporto di presenze tra uomo e donne http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ No no quella! Dio mio quanto ben di dio! *____*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : “Buongiorno papà“ “ vaffanculo Gianluca“] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ una specie lol. la madre è parrucchiera quindi lei se la cava. e poi gia se li era fatti anche per lei c:] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Presidente, chapeau!: Trovo semplicemente geniale la nomina di Mario Monti a senatore a vita. Lasciamo stare alt... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [De Magistris: non mi riconosco nel governo Monti http #politica #demagistrismonti #giampaolodipaola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ franz krahler riceve a luglio tutti i colori!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Casini, governo Monti? Un miracolo: Trovare intesa tra forze opposte in Parlamento è vera impresa http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [bloccato al momento il #ponte sul #volturno...contro il #governo #monti contro il #gassificatore e il nuovo #piano #rifiuti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [SONDAGGIO IPR MARKETING: A UN MESE DALLA NOMINA LA FIDUCIA IN MARIO MONTI CALA AL 58% http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ oh c:] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Non ce la faccio più. Ci lasciamo, rischio una cazzo di denuncia per un fake per avere fatto uno scherzo scemissimo,la scuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http -ai ragazzi delle estreme periferie romane - a chi non ha nulla ,nella vita -http -] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La vita...un viaggio prezioso e irripetibile.irripetibile(agg. Che non si può ripetere), eccezionale,... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ On. Martino #pdl Impossibile il pareggio di bilancio, il #governo #Monti sbaglia, siamo costretti ad appoggiarlo #fisco] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo a 5 Stelle, nei #Sondaggi schizza a 7,2 il suo #Movimento. Il Trionfo della Anti #Politica.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Una misura di lotta all'evasione sono i non condoni (Mario Monti). Grazie.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#GOVERNO #MONTI. FINISCE LA POLITICA, E CI LASCIA SOLI, da http http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un governo Monti con Berlusconi dentro! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ministro #Barca grazie al #governo #monti abbiamo evitato la catastrofe economica per il sud italia #fisco] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie al non statuto #Grillo reprime il non dissenso.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [CANDELORA 2013 - decennale della riapertura al culto della Chiesa della Madonna della Cava http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : 'Noi Potterheads' pt 8 MA QUANT'È BELLA??! NO, MA DICO IO, QUANT'È BELLA??!! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E poi ho ""dormito"" mentre gli incubi mi tormentavano :(] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Prima seduta con il segno positivo per Piazza Affari (+0.79%) in questa settimana del nuovo governo Monti.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [grande mario monti...orgoglioso di avere un presidente del consiglio così] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [questo governo #Monti, tra Buttiglione, Amato, Dini, Palma, i due Letta e chi più ne ha più ne metta... Un incubo!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Cmq, secondo me, la cosa importante è non aprire il link che invia. Scrivi anche questo msg per i tuoi follower] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ilvo Diamanti sta giustamente dicendo che riavvicina la gente alla politica,della quale #Grillo entrerà a far parte con 1 part.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Antonione interrotto dai cori: traditore . Brutto spettacolo per il nascente governo Monti. Cari deputati, più stile. Il mondo ci guarda.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario Monti: che ne pensano e pensavano alcuni illustri giornalisti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fenomenale servizio su Mario Monti! #11-11-11 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RT : 'Noi Potterheads' pt 22 VIA, NON C'È NIENTE DA VEDERE, SONO SOLO UNA RAGAZZA CHE PIANGE DISPERATA, AVETE PROBLEMI??!! h…] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il 18 al centro congresso frentani costruiamo l'opposizione comunista al governo Monti! Partecipate! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [dimenticavo!Grande Mario Monti a che tempo che fa!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [No, : è la via che propone #Grillo per trasformare l'Italia in un regime peronista di stampo centroamericano. Il suo sogno.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Eh buonanotte] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie :) me ne ricorderò.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ho fatto un casino, devo rimediare.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [TT ITALIA 22:48 1.#Grillo 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#piazzapulita 4.Prince Of Persia 5.Franca Rame 6.Nero Wolfe 7.Partito della Nazione] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Forza ragazzi...siamo sempre con voi! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http via Quindi dopo averla creata adesso la rinnega e addirittura istiga contro ?!? #ideechiare #imu] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Eh, ti dico dopo :) <3] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hai rotto le balle con sta storia della suoneria. Ahah scherzo sei un Figo ;) sempre simpaticissimo ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma non avete capito, è tutta una manovra del governo Monti per far avere la settimana bianca a tutti nonostante la crisi... #neve #roma] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi sono iscritto a Tiscali Socialnews: iscriviti anche tu!http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Grillo #Piazzapulita #sapevatelo #la7 #Monti Forza Beppeeeeee!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E' ingiusto non restaurare tutte le opere,ma dovendo scegliere,il mio voto va al Perugino. [Ormai è tutto un Reality] http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Aahahah non lo so.... anche io l'ho pensato...buh magari ha una pronuncia] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Voglio affogare lì dentro :Q_ #lafabbricadicioccolato] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non c'è una cosa detta o fatta da sto governo #Monti che non mi disgusti dal profondo, credo. C'ho riflettuto, ma non ne ho trovata nessuna.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [CACERES A MP: \""Era una partita importante, da oggi pensiamo alla Lazio\"": Martin Caceres ha commentato ai microfo... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [grazie mille francy :) sei gentilissima baciiii ( http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Pisapia a #inmezzora parla del rischio che il governo #Monti spacchi il centrosinistra] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Obama risponde in diretta su YouTube (#ObamaHangOut) invece: Governo Monti, dialogo con i cittadini anche via mail http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sto anche facendo pausa con yogurt...ottimo parlare di ste cose...#solocosebelle e buone!!!yeeesss ma venite in camper?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Siate folli, ma soprattutto siate affamati. [cit. Mario Monti presenta la sua manovra]] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [devo andare a fare i compiti....eppure sono qui, ad ascoltare i The Pretty Reckless. #qualcunomitolgalecuffiette] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e poi, io devo ancora guardarmi il docu-film sui doors narrato da Morgan, ma non ce la faccio. è più forte di me.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo vuole giudicare pubblicamente i politici corrotti: il processo di No-rimb-sberla ..sarà previsto anche l'olio di ricino?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Io non ti giudicavo. Ti facevo notare che esiste un programma ben preciso di #Grillo e anche suoi referendum sepolti al senato] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liberalizzazioni: il governo Monti può fare di più – L'INTERVISTA http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ che avete combinato in mia assenza? =P avete fatto le brave?! xD] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Aw, ma anch'io *abbraccia*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mario #Monti è passato da #monogamia a #monotonia.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A caccia di tabacco inglese #dunhill (@ Stazione Milano Centrale w/ 14 others) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fatto che Di Pietro non sia d'accordo su Mario Monti Premier conferma senza ombra di dubbio che sia la scelta giusta ! Cit. Gabri] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [altro che 140 caratteri, mi ci vorrebbe il rotolo di carta igienica #Foxy per dire giusto due cosette a nonno Mario #Monti #monotonia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io ho scoperto ora qual'é il mio nome indiano! Provaci anche Tu:... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Semplicemente, banalmente, il mondo sarebbe peggiore senza tutto il bene fatto da chi non c'e' più. #2novembre] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che poi, a guardare bene, l'unica differenza è che #Grillo è delNord, e #Cettolaqualunque del sud. Suv compresi.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Grillo vuole sottolineare la distanza che ha la politica dalla vita reale. #Piazzapulita] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche a me piace la tua! :))] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ molto più grande di te?mah..comunque si deve avere rispetto x il ruolo! Sarà stato come i charmings,più idiota che narciso] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [da dove le prendi le frasi che scrivi su tumblr? — canzoni http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ http NO STO MALE. SONO TROPPO BELLI.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [D'Alema #Grillo a Civitavecchia in definitiva è un mix tra il primo Bossi e il Gabibbo. Quello che ha governato l'Italia negli ultimi15 anni] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Stipendificio Unical | Corriere della Calabria http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ buona giornata anche a te ! :) grazie !] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Inizio a subire i primi effetti dello Stato di Polizia inaugurato dal governo #Monti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ hei c: potresti seguirmi in grazie se lo fai c: io ricambio da qui **] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie, grazie (?) u.ù] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Governo fantoccio in Italia Mario Monti ha contribuito a creare il disastro 360p http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Governo Monti, la politica e la gente http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Demi sei figa e il tuo ragazzo nel video ancora di più. #GYHAB] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La dc si riunisce nuovamente. In occasione del governo Monti #rimontiamo #opencamera #doposilvio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il «decreto salva-Italia» a Servizio Pubblico: Il programma di Santoro sulle misure del governo Monti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buon lavoro Governo Monti #montihope portaci al sicuro] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bah, il lato politicizzato dei ratm mi ha sempre lasciato perplesso... dei korn potremmo anche evitare di parlarne.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie a Sandro Ruotolo, Giulia Guazzaloca, Giovanni Gozzini e alle >150 persone che hanno partecipato ai seminari su televisione in Italia.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I mercati hanno apprezzato moltissimo il primo giorno di governo #Monti Ora Lavurà lavurà lavurà ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si certo! :) allora un genio ha fatto questo TT #BestModestManagementFails e ora tutte le directioners del mondo stanno-] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'Unione europea e il Governo Monti insieme nel tentativo di incrementare l'accesso ai farmaci generici http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie troppo gentile :-)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche io Uno di quei personaggi inutili e con un nome ridicolo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per SWG il movimento di Beppe #Grillo è il terzo partito al 7,2. Con quello che c'è adesso anche un comico potrebbe essere #premier] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mora tutta la vita] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ma Ferrero? il compagno Ferrero? ma il suo partito esiste ancora? allora stiamo proprio frecati !!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [intensità di vita http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non vedi l'ora che venga qui almeno lo sentirò più spesso e potrò finalmente stare con lui alla faccia di chi mi ha friendzonato.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ solo che poi arriva e decide sempre tutto lui] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche prodotti alimentari tipici pugliesi in vendita su http Tutto per tutti dappertutto... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Tutta la pasticceria! 💏 Grazie amore mio! ❤] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto mi stai cazzo troia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche l'Austria chiude le frontiere: In Europa è ancora caos per l&#39;immigrazione e il flusso di migranti. O... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Perché alla fine siamo una famiglia e la famiglia non va mai abbandonata💕 #WeWillMeetAgain1D http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ calcio è la quintessenza della noia. Sport frenetici come basket o volley no] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi siamo a #Piacenza alla presentazione di #OroRosso il festival dedicato al pomodoro del Nord dal 2 al 4 ottobre http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ciao!Mia sorella ha un canale YouTube che si chiama corinnelife97potresti visitarlo e iscriverti se ti piace?Grazie💚] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [cazzo sono tutti sti tweet in tl di \""innocente\"" \""colpevole\"" ao] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Movimento Eticonomico02/09/2015 Ore 20:30 - CERVETERI (RM)Agriturismo Borgo Dell'Aschetto - Via Fosso Della Cerqueta 30] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La bellezza della mie Steve Madden Fringly 💗 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ però ha detto che è collegato positivamente alla pedofilia quindi ci vede qualcosa di buono] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Milano: prima e dopo il passaggio di Pisapippa #http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La più grande prova d'amore è sempre stata togliersi dai coglioni.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Quando invece riaprii i miei occhi mi accorsi che non era un sogno...Era tutto nitido e reale!Grigio e freddo...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E' morto a Pietrasanta lo scrittore Manlio Cancogni: Aveva 99 anni in lutto il mondo della cultura. Con i su... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [– tomlinsik;Profilo molto carino in generale abbinato molto bene.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io faccio di tutto e lei ha ancora la faccia di ignorarmi perché sono così stupida? L'avrei dovuta mandare a fanculo da tempo.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chiacchieriamo • Re: lunedì 31 agosto http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ prima ora e dopo 😍😍😚] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ quanto ti odio da uno a dieci] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ultime ore per usufruire della promo estiva! - 15% su tutti i prodotti in catalogo! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti vogliamo bene anche noi Harry] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io mi lamento della gente che scrive ancora \""freddy mercury\"" ma anche quella che scrive \""jhonny cash\"" non scherza] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ucciso a bastonate moglie al gip: \""Lo amavo anche se era violento sono pentita\"" (Adnkronos) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi cominciamo così! Con i nostri saluti per voi di venerdì scorso dopo \""Notre Dame de Paris\"". http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dal prossimo anno Audi non sarà più uno sponsor del Milan il testimone passerà alla Piaggio...e via con gli Apetti!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Raduno alla caserma Galliano e commemorazione della Grande Guerra: Lo scorso anno su iniziativa di alcuni soci... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [IL MIO DIARIO - Pagine d'estate quando ti innamori piano piano dietro uno schermo. Grazie Greta. ❤️ http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il fatto che una persona che vada in discoteca implichi che questa si droghi è una fesseria...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mercato : #Joaquin sempre più in partenza mentre anche #Vecino pare sia in partenza verso #Napoli. Si parla di... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ che la forza sia con noi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#governo@matteorenzi Licenzia 5000 precari LSU # LPU# Calabria dopo 20 di lavoronero] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L’ex presidente della Repubblica Centrafricana Francois Bozize ora in esilio ritornerà nel paese per le elezioni… http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [quanto sono bravifdgjdkjgd http via ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Mafia ufficialmente confermata nel comune di Roma... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ancora anziani truffati a Guidonia Montecelio attenzione a sedicenti \""avvocati\"" dell'assicurazione http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la Sicilia ha sempre capito tutto in anticipo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ amore non stare maleti porterai dietro tutti i bei momenti passati con ILE...😔❤️] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#notizie Piovono dollari su Blatter: l’ultima contestazione all’ex padrone della Fifa: Volano le banconote sul... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie cristallo<333] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tu sei appassionato di calcio visto che scrivi di quello è nn ti critico anche se per me è una cagata. Rispe] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Cellulari e smartphone #10: Sony Xperia Z3 Plus E6553 Smartphone Nero [Italia] http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Siete tutti belli Inte] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma che Lega e PD o forza Italia! Qui cé in un comune il partito du PILU che mette d'accordo tutti! #qualunquemente http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho aggiunto un video a una playlist di : http IL FATTO DEL 17 LUGLIO] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Mihajlovic a MC: \""Dobbiamo giocare sempre per vincere giocherà chi merita. #Romagnoli ed #Ely? Hanno fatto bene\"".] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [se i sindacati vogliono la trasparenza in tutto inizino loro ad essere trasparenti e a pubblicare compensi immobili ricavi ecc...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quando i pedali della #bici sono ‘#smart’ http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [RAGA noi stiamo qui \""felici\"" maloro anche avendo vinto 8 categorie su 9 non erano molto felici. E sappiamo tutti perché #TeenChoiceAwards] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Te caldo anche d'estate Ma sono Pazzi? - Te caldo anche d’estate Ma sono Pazzi? …Capita spesso di vedere... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [1 Doppia in affitto a ragazzi e ragazze [Flickr] - alexeidos posted a photo: via Annunci Gromia per Milano http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ti voglio bene lo sai no?🌈] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [DISINFORMAZIONE Profugo stupra la figlia della famiglia italiana che lo aveva ospitato – http http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Roma ascensore bloccato in metrò: nel trasbordo bimbo cade e ... - TGCOM http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il nostro idolo vero ? MADÒ ANCORA RIDO HAHAHAHA] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Riuscirò a fare due cose praticamente contemporaneamente? No non ci riuscirò] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""Friuli Venezia Giulia contributi per l'efficientamento energetico della prima casa\"" http #energia #feedly] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ BenjiFede😌vi ho fatto queste bellissime foto🙊😂 merito il vostro follow su 🙏🏼 x85 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma tutto questo caldo è legale?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fallo grazie#Zeeroinmutande] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I giovani agricoltori italiani a #Expo2015 conquistano tutti con il vero #MadeinItaly http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Pure io volevo fare gli auguri alle vostre mamme.Tutte perfette e amorevoli le vostre!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [sto aspettando mamma fuori scuola ✨✨ http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ewww 󾓺 — in viaggio Roma] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'errore più terribile che possa fare chi è stato nel PCI è pensare che il PD abbia qualcosa a che vedere con quella storia.Non è così!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vuoi trascorrere una serata elegante e raffinata in compagnia abbandonandoti ai piaceri della buona cucina... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e fino ad ora direi che l ho fatto egregiamente] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sono malata io che dobbiamo fare] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vi consiglio di leggere questo articolo. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Hey amore mio❤Come stai? Spero bene!Ho tanto bisogno del tuo follow mi potresti seguire?Ti amo tanto budí💟x1.684] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vogliono sempre fare di testa loro e la maggior parte non sanno neanche per cosa si muovono realmente] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Usa storica sentenza Corte Suprema: nozze gay legali in tutto il paese. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nasa: \""Scoperto pianeta gemello della Terra\"" anche i suoi abitanti si lamentano del caldo su #Facebook #Kepler452B] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Vergogna #SiExpo http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Arco di Constantino @ Roma Italia http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tutto quello che desidero è 1/5❤️ tutto quello che chiedo è parlare un po anche con te] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E niente piedi anche questa volta sul treno. Ed io che volevo dormire..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lignano Sabbiadoro ( Udine). Contrastare l'abusivismo commerciale e la contraffazione. Con questo intento anche... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se Paolo non è gay io divento Miss Italia come minimo! #LuckyLadies] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma la #Boldrini ha qualche problema? Parla solo di immigrati e di differenza di genere. Lo saprà che esistono anche altri problemucci?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ uno svizzero che ha trovato l'America Italia] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi hanno detto che ci sono anche ragazzi fighi😏] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Christì fai meglio a cancellare tutto ciò che è successo dal quel cazzo di 2 luglio 2012 a settembre 2014 grazie] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Catanzaro continua a credere nella possibilità di riportare in giallorosso Andrea Razzitti anche se il... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ que buenooo italia te ama e siamo felici che ti piace l'italia ♥♥♡ te quierooo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Italia tappa buchi: ha salvato le banche Tedesche e Francesi http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scopriamo a giugno il paradiso della Regina Sibilla!... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [😋💬 ..ok spesa fatta e tutto al loro posto😃💬 ..non cerco musica mi sto con voi così aspissiamo di più :]] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Una volta mi adoravano tutti ...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La misura esatta di Valeria Parrella: Massimo Onofri su per TROPPA IMPORETANZA ALL'AMORE. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la vita è tutta d'un fiato😍 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sono stata mezz'ora a casa oggi e sono riuscita a fare solo danni] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche lo SFIZIETTO PIZZERIA ha scelto NEON ALFA http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""Su una scala da 1 a 10 quanto sei pigro?\""\""Dipende...è una scala mobile?\""] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cosa ridi te?? E io che cerco di aiutarti anche *sbuffa*] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tra due giorni 37 anni senza Peppino http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie cara altrettanto a te e tutti ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non può succedere nulla che subito \""si stnn sfscn!!11 ommaigoddi\""mi fate ridere.Non possono avere dei problemi anche loro?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#news La scuola in piazza contro la riforma Matteo Renzi: \""Ascoltiamo la ... - TGCOM http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ordini solo quello che ti serve e quando preferisci senza scadenze e senza dover fare scorte di magazzino!... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ confermo! Tutti a dirmi \""ti voglio bene\"" e nessuno che me ... Vabbè ... 😂😂😂 ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Esteri #News #news Nepal: si organizzano i soccorsi internazionali dopo il terremoto http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Dream Catcher❤ http se vuoi condividi il video ❤ grazie 😊] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ quello che voglio e non devo mettere conto a te anche perché chi ti stava cacando lol] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Giornata mondiale vittime dell’amianto 2015. In Italia ancora 4mila morti l’anno: La decima Giornata mondiale ... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ieri a Sempione Vlada mi ha gridato \""STOP!!!!\"" e io come una cogliona ho iniziato a cantare \""Freeze\"" dei Block B.Kpop cosa mi hai fatto.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#AndreaColletti #M5S: #Riforma della #prescrizionehttp #TuttiInGalera #ersistema #terradeifuochi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Google ora fa concorrenza anche alle compagnie telefoniche col progetto Google “Fi”: http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dopo aver elencato tutti i pregi di the flash per due giorni ahahahahah] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Visto che bravi i nostri parlamentari che in questi giorni stanno \""invadendo\"" le tv nazionali? Anche questo... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Renzi a Pompei i video delle contestazioni - di Simona D'Albora Non sono mancate le contestazioni alla visita... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ciao amore. Mi segui?Mi renderesti felicissima. Ti amo✨ x27] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [- Cosa fai nella vita? - Mi guardo sbagliare e sorrido rassegnato.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MATURA VOGLIOSA ASCOLTA E GODI (tutta italia) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Però tutto sommato è un ragazzo stra carino e dolce😕 forse finalmente è la volta che riesco a voltare pagina..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#leiene ma che brutta figura anche i carabinieri] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho aggiunto un video a una playlist di : http ROMA PRESENTAZIONE LIBRO SVIMEZ SULL’ECONOMIA DEL] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un bel Selfie prima della partita con Lorenzo dimenano] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\"": ✨ Cita e rispondi di feds ✨Cosa pensi della tua vita?\"" che fa schifo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Livorno Italia http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ amore miooo quanto sei forte! ❤️ mi hai fatto ridere tantissimo! Sei la migliore giuro! Ti amo cu tuttu lu core!✨🙈💕] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@_Lira__: quando sono nervosaio solitamente metto le cuffie e lascio scivolare tutto...” vorrei riuscirci] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Programmatore Software San Giorgio di Mantova Mantov - http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ intensa bellezza . Grazie! 🌹] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alfano! Ha una lingua migliore di quella dei gatti! La merda la pulisce su bene proprio tutta tutta tutta!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ancora qualche posto disponibile per il Porte aperte di Giovedì prossimo! Affrettati a prenotare la tua... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto è gnocco Rollo?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Settimana della moda femminile a Milano....orde di ormoni impazziti in giro per la città. #robidemat] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Pappagallini & Co. le specie aliene che stanno invadendo l'Italia http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ domenica spaccate tutto....solo uno stadio come il San Paolo può e deve fare la differenza 💛❤💛❤] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la cosa più triste è che sono certa del fatto che l'ospedale fosse l'ultimo posto in cui lei sarebbe mai voluta tornare #GetWellSoonDemi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [su le ultime tendenze in fatto di #design http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la legge condivisa da tutti per familiari persone fucilate e decimate è un riconoscimento importante ed atteso] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sbraitava e capisco che si tratta della Persona che ha vinto l'ultimo Sanremo.TI RENDI CONTO?Xchè èStataPremiataUna\""cosa\""cosi!?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Empoli: Daspo di 5 anni per un tifoso - Un ultrà 27enne colpì un supporter della Juve con una testata http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ E come se vogliamo vincerla forza ragazzi!!!!!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ci sono persone che non sanno amare e vale anche per gli etero!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scene da BraccialettiLive - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Io amo andare in centro a fare shopping] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Eravamo 4 ladri al bar ..... quando io dicevo che alla festa dell'Unità giravano soldi a nero ... il segretario... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Raccolto preso: 1242 di cibo! Hai controllato anche tu il tuo orticello! http #ipad #ipadgames #gameinsight] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ le graduatorie per chi deve partecipare alla vacanza inpdap poi in base alla posizione si sceglie dove andare :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Poi invece di fare progressi è tornata indietro e quelle cose me le sono venute a dire e da lì ho mandato anche la nostra amicizia a puttane] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cris e Rocco - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Nonbeccomailaporta Guarin stagione finita? Dai un po' di culo anche per noi http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""non sono stati pubblicati perché c’erano cose più importanti da fare”( ha 4mila dipendenti e budget da 3mld)#editing] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Presenti 239 nuove #offerte di #lavoro per COMUNE #MILANO http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#WeAreHereForDecarli noi ci siamo sempre. Grazie per tutti i sorrisi ti amiamo castorino del nostro cuore. x23] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se non fosse che si sono già lasciati dovrei dare ragione a Madre che li vedeva bene in una puntata di amore criminale #uominiedonne] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [LINK: http | #marito #cornuto #moglie | Donna Cerca Uomo Roma ARYIANI TRANS ASIATICA &hellip;LA TUA DEA DEL SESSO] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ perché ho sempre pensato che fossi bravo anche senza l'aiuto di fiorello stavi simpatico e facevi ridere] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ LAVORO:L'idea della rapina non era malema non dovevate farvi vedere in faccia!SALUTE: ora capite perché dal cinese si risparmia?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A1 Roma-Napoli nebbia a banchi tra Colleferro (Km. 5925) e Anagni - Fiuggi (Km. 6035) dalle 06:14 del 01 mar 2015 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""... Come il Padre ha amato me così anch'io ho amato voi. Rimanete nel mio amore ...\"" http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Bisognerebbe chiederlo a chi non la vota..Tutti furbi e poi votano altri xchè lei \""arrogante\""] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Salvini a Roma città blindata. 3 mila agenti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ lo spero anche io!! Ho famissima *ridacchia*] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ma odiano tutti simone o cosa? hahaha #Amici14] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ciampino. Inizio controllo della velocità in via M. Calò. Guidare con prudenza.] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Che bel buongiorno!!!!Grazie e baci.....buona giornata] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ le tue offese tanto non si discostano da quel fatidico \""SEI IL MALE\"" fare le santarelle aiuta solo ad essere citate su un libro] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi è la giornata della sorpresa] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie a te Biagio!!!!!!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ci sono emozioni che ancora fanno piangere! Accidenti alla mi sensibilità] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards: tutti i premi dei One Direction negli anni http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie mille signor Vincenzo che belle foto saluti Non posso rispondere per DM perché non mi segui :(] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Una delle dissonanti nenie dei Flying Saucer Attack stavolta cantata da Rachel Brook (e suonata anche da Matt... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Toni Cris e il regista - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bene grazie. Ancora io uso spesso Lumia dove ci sono solo app non vostre... Posso usarle serenamente per aprire le auto?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ I delinquenti mandarli a casa subito #Italia fuori da legge dure vive in #ANARCHIA totale] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cellulare alla guida record incidenti 2014: sms prima causa di scontri - Tgcom24] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il mio piccolo amore mentre vede http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che bisogno c'è delle riforme di Renzi? Perché non ascoltare Grillo Salvini Brunetta Vendola? In Italia va tutto così bene.............] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#frommywindow. Il cielo della Bassa. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Amore mio http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La lotta tra i professori universitari e il microfono è una costante. Ma alla fine vince il microfono sempre.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [G. Rossi. Italia Milano-Museo d'arte industriale http #Italie http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie a te perché pensi un po' a noi ! XX] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi sono sparato la D'Amico fino ad ora ma #Sconcerti proprio non ce la faccio. Notte a tutti e #finoallafineforzajuventus] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [attivate le notifiche della frassy -> perchè fa sempre follow tricks e gruppi chat dm con 4/5 e 3/4!#WeLoveYouFrassy 27] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno a tutti! Nuova foto di Kristen in giro per LA con CJ e Suzie! Nana <3- Jules http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [😒 cita e rispondi della noia 😒 quanto è stupida la nuova pubblicità della macchina dove c'è il nonno che prende il viagra ecc ecc?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Carlo Degli Esposti - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ma grazie aww😍] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fortuna che c'è Belen a fare video su ogni minimo sviluppo di suo figlio. Per i posteri questo è molto importante.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [06. Basta - Cata e i misteri della sfera: http tramite ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi i partecipanti da tutta Italia al #mediashow2015 (alunni e docenti) sono in visita a :) speriamo ci mandino tante foto #fb] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ buongiorno stavo vedendo la mia connessione e viaggio a 1 mega e mi va lentissima. Ma si può fare qualcosa?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fourian fare nanti datangla] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ da bambino mi ha fatto decidere per la carriera da programmatore... la scena in cui Flynn riassembla un intercettatore... 😌] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Potete anche non votare non contano nulla i vostri voti. Pagate solo lo stipendio all'orchestra #sanremo15] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ecco cosa resta della Grecia dopo la cura della Troika http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e di che tesoro?? Grazie a te per questa meraviglia 👏👏👏💙😘] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ purtroppo c'è gente che scrive solo x dimostrare che ha uno smartphone e quindi va bene qualunque cosa..purtroppo...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@psycothicbitch: 'cita e rispondi della quin💞' #beccaccinofotografare o essere fotografate?” Fotografare] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie mille grazie a chi ci sta vicino.#SwiftiesAreHereForDirectioners] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ scusami ma dovete tutti soffrire] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Roma #PiazzaDiSpagna pochi minuti fa. #NoComment #RomaFeyenoord http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ quando posso grazie :3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ nel quadrante della ruota della fortuna ci sarà pure una casella \"" fermo un giro\"" e \""perdi tutto\"" i lupetti crescono tu no] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Aperto sull'A8 il nuovo svincolo Lainate-Arese http #varese #Milano] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un ringraziamento a tutti i clienti a quelli ke vengono da anni a quelli nuovi e a quelli ke lo diventeranno... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bene #disoccupati 50enni contenti della riforma costituzionale ora sappiamo cosa dare a mangiare ai nostri figli] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Inizia l'anno della capra. \""Perché è importante valorizzare questi animali secondo lei?\"" http ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie AMORE] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chi di rosso si veste troppo della sua beltà si fida..... #festivaldisanremo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Danze sfrenate - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Naturalmente Life con tutti suoi prodotti dall'efficacia garantita vi aspetta il giorno 20-21-22 Marzo 9:00 -... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ è la sua vita a te cosa interessa? Sarà libera di fare quello che vuole! Avesse mai veramente offeso Harry ti capirei -] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Roma parla Florenzi: “La squadra merita i fischi Doumbia no. Europa League? Vogliamo andare lontano” http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie a e a #GiacomoDiGirolamo per #DormonoSullaCollina http #SpoonRiver] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dio quanto odio #Fringe] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I lavoratori della #Provincia di #Mantova in assemblea su #riordino istituzionale #Rsu2015 #SiamoUnAltraStoria http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dear mrs 💖Potresti seguirmi? 💎Ti voglio bene🌸 x9] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ultimamente le band sono divise in: chi molla e chi annuncia super tour dove ovviamente l'Italia NON ESISTE.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Leo Vale e il regista - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie!  http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ arrivo amore 😘 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\"" Senza te sento che la mia vita é difficile ma no é finita.. \""] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Epatite C: ritardi in tutta Italia la Sicilia non è nemmeno partita http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ esattamente! Anche se nella mia mente ho inventato il finale ahahah] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Fin'ora ha nevicato pochissimo... Quanto scommettiamo che ora che sto andando al bar con gli amici inizia a nevicare forte?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Sembra imminente la fusione tra Wind e 3 Italia. Ecco cosa cambia. #wind #3italia #telefonia #mobile #tre #fusione] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ciao ☺️ se hai posti liberi nel gruppo sull'app di braccialetti Rossi puoi aggiungermi? Myriam baldi posizione 14 Grazie ❤️] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma anche i fiori nel tavolo al parco??? Ma siamo seri???#ilsegreto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si paghiamo ancora l'accusa sul carburante] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La mia amika fa il compleanno quindi fatele tutti gli auguri! ❤❤❤ ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tutti gli stranieri sono orgogliosi della loro #patria.Tranne noi italiani che schifiamo l'#italia e ci vergognamo di essere italiani.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [e' qui la festa? - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie!  http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ boh lo chiedo ancora ..buon pomeriggio cara] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Se lei comprende anche i veri motivi per cui l'hanno fatto la vergogna si trasforma in rabbia. ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il Corriere della Sera apre: \""Milan un miliardo di fastidi\"" http #AgenteFifa #DavideFanizza] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Volevo augurarTi \""Buona Fortuna\"" perché la Vita ha bisogno a volte solo di questo#BuonaFortuna] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Uscire dal PD per fare i liberisti e rientrarci più liberista di te. Non so' se è peggio Inchino e Lanzillotta o il PD ora... #SceltaCivica] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Riuscire a dire cose che non hai gia pensato rinnova lo spirito giovane che anima la vita] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mi faresti felice se me la faresti fare con Louis :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ secondo me alla fine i tuoi capelli saranno così 👇😂 http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Viareggio Cup: Inter-Verona 1-0 arriva Mancini ma Bonazzoli ha già fatto gol http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nuovo post! IIF Carola Bacchioni: Nel novembre 2014 ho fatto un’esperienza bellissima. Sono stata una modella ... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vi manderei tutti a fare in culo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [permettetemi di ricordarvi anche queste preview 1) http 2) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ un amore nel momento del bisogno :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I test attitudinali devono farci fare col cazzo che le capre entrano all'Università così.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bea - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie!  http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [@stringimiharold@Harry_Styles caga rorj o ti picchioe se magari caghi anche me non mi offendo eh hahaha] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ lo fa anche mio padre quando parla dei suoi amici. Li chiama ragazzi. Mah.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Terrorismo: sparatoria alla sinagoga di Copenhagen 3 feriti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ cIaO sEi Tu NeLlA fOtO?? 😂😂😂😂😂 ahahaha non puoi capì quanto è difficile scrivere così] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Al TG1 stanno definendo I Soliti Idioti \""cantanti\"".... ....No non riesco a fare nemmeno una battuta è già abbastanza ridicolo così!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sono loro i comici della serata. #65 #Sanremo2015] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Chiudo gli occhi e penso a leiIl profumo dolce della pelle suaE’ una voce dentro che mi sta portando dove nasce il sole] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ poi dico io ma puoi andare da uno che conosci a stendo e dirgli se ti può presentare qualcuno? ma quanto sei sfacciata?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lo sguardo di Bea - Scarica l'App e Vinci il Set della 3a Serie!  http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bene dai] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non ci si sposa prima dei 26 anni. Prima regola di vita. Trascrivete e appendete al muro di cameretta povery che non siete altro.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anagni. Scuolabus ribaltato; nessun ferito; http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Amore voglio un bambino] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non ne posso più della pioggiaaa!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Istat: crollano le nascite sale numero stranieri residenti in Italia (AGI - Agenzia Giornalistica Italia) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ci hai illuse😂😪Vabbè oltre ad essere un cantante perfetto sei anche un tatuatore] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#qcc Se i mimmo boys alzavano la barbie umana come hanno fatto con katia le si staccavano le braccia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Raccolto preso: 480 di cibo! Hai controllato anche tu il tuo orticello! http #iphone #iphonegames #gameinsight] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#sanremo15 lodi lodi lodi per hai convinto tutti congrats] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ma le persone oltre ad usarti e a cercarti quando vogliono sanno voler bene?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La mia vita scandita da #SkyAtlantic e #SkyArte] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dai ritorna canta ancora ti prego#EdSheeranSanremo2015] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Raga la mia vita è finita dopo la verifica di storia quasi come quella di napoleone dopo la sconfitta di waterloo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [l'inammissibilità della prova testimoniale può essere eccepita solo dall'interessato prima... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grande Mila! Orgogliosa e felice che tu faccia parte della Direzione del PD ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@tomei_carlo: fottiti tu e tutti rubentini come teringraziate gli arbitri supercoppa rimasta in gola ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ MENTARI DE MARELLE DIGANDENG MESRA AL GHAZALI SEBULAN DI ITALIA Cek di http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che poi domani dovrei andare a scuola ma mia mamma mi fa stare a casa :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora io non vorrei fare benaltrismo ma ci rendiamo conto che ci sono accuse di terrorismo verso i #notav ?Giusto il senso della misura.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Alessandro #Bergonzoni Contro lo #stigma nei confronti della malattia mentale #passaparola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Amici14 Briga tutta la vita.....] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dopo che l'ansa ha riportato la notizia che la fed ha staccato un assegno da quasi 100 miliardi al tesoro USA ancora parlano???] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gnocchetti alla provola con radicchio | Sale&Pepe http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ complimenti a tutti e in particolare a per gli occhiali nuovi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cioè appena arrivata io tutta 'grazie leader' e lei manco mi caga la odio addio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Amici 14: un triangolo amoroso crea caos nella scuola – Gossip e Tv http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se arriva anche Zappacosta sarebbe davvero un gran colpo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche io non credo ma è comunque una mancanza di rispetto nei suoi confronti. Sapevano che ci teneva non è stato corretto] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alla conferenza stampa 2015 con follow #SMWmilan http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Buongiorno bellezza!!!! Complimenti anche con questo bustino sei super] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ A me sembra una stronzata della quale dovresti vergognarti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Settore giovanile il programma della settimana http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alla fine abbiamo messo \""La Sposa Cadavere\"" non mi dispiace infatti.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io non sono d'accordo che abbiano nominato grand Budapest hotel e il libro della vita] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ MYGENOO IL PRIMO SOCIAL IN ITALIA DOVE PUBBLICARE E CONDIVIDERE I TUOI ANNUNCI GRATUITAMENTEhttp] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A tutti voi con carica vi do il buongiornooooo http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ciao dopo che hai insultato i napoletani ora li difendi. Sei mitica!! Cmq tre pere] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e non ci sono alla festa] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Va bene va bene guardate Sanremo...Tanto fra qualche giorno esce il primo video estratto dal live dei Just for Fun :D — su di giri] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dopo la bestemmia passi all'economia: qui stiamo parlando di terroristi che uccidono chi non si piega ai loro diktat.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [LINK: http | #sessoorale #sessoamatoriale #incontrionline | Donna Cerca Uomo Roma classe e dolcezza] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Sono stato tra i primi 6 ho guardato! Grazie <3] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cambiare e' possibile basta volerlo. Anche Mastrota e' passato dai materassi ai box doccia..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tutti Frutti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Metteresti mi piace qui? Ricambio in qualsiasi modo❤Grazie se lo fai ❤ http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ livelli alti non scherziamosi parlava che l'amore è cieco...Io direi anche che la gente è sorda...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ fllbck della] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [: 🌴Cita e rispondi - Old Magcon🍍Foto preferita di Matt? Amore mio http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Partecipa anche tu al nuovissimo #giveawaydelcavolo in collaborazione con il nuovo sponsor… http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Raccolto preso: 972 di cibo! Hai controllato anche tu il tuo orticello! http #iphone #iphonegames #gameinsight] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Harry mi ha fatto letteralmente perdere la testa. by harrystringimi] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@alloveragainlh: domani io vs il mondo esattamente come osvaldo vs icardi vaffanculo spintoni e paroloni a tutti”] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#giustizia #avvocati #ferie (Se alla fine il taglio delle ferie vale per gli avvocati ma non per i giudici) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alla ricerca del niruana ✋😽😂 #federaicamaggiorenne #ellapeppa #bellasssei http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ no certo... E sopratutto spesso è anche colpa di terzi.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Schaeuble \""Renzi ha fatto le riforme necessarie per l'Italia\"" http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#BrigaAMICI che difendeva Gabrieleè l'amore.❤😍] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#BoldiPresidenteRepubblica a a a mi sto cagando addosso più fagioli alla john wayne per tutti ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Italia e Gaby sao tao ingenuas #LevantaEsseAstralGaby] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sarai anche da suo orgoglio!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@Baciamierculo: 👅💦 Cita e rispondi della Els 👅💦Una figura di merda che hai fatto?” Ne ho fatte tantenon riesco a sceglierne una..] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Borsa: Milano apre incerta +004% http #gzagato] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto vorremmo abbracciarli.. #OTRALIVESTREAM http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ te ce porto io a vede' Roma. E la fontana l'hanno chiusa piango.P.s rispondi ai dm lol.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#UNIFIL 1° tripartite meeting dopo uccisione casco blu Clima preoccupazione per sicurezza http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Perchè lui è la mia fottuta vita. HO BISOGNO DI LUI. Dammi un' opportunitá. Te lo chiedo con tutta l'anima #silvshelpme x129] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [C'è ancora qualcuno ? #Rt seguimi e ti seguo. Non so cosa fare e non sto nemmeno bene c.c shit] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ qualche classifica riguardo alla musica(cantanti preferiti cd preferiti..)oppure le tue prime cose musicali (cd concerti..)] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@django162_: solo un dm la nn le piaccio mi def ok?😜😂” vita mia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto tempo perdido] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#follownow #PeachesFollowTrain AUTO FOLLOW BACK!!! #FOLLOWME seguimi e tutti quelli che retweettano!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bene tesoro tu?💕] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Ponte crollato Renzi: chi ha sbagliato pagherà tutto. Chi ci crede..?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Foto: I BR alla Fiera del Levante - Scarica l'app e diventa un braccialetto http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [l'interpretazione dei sogni è la mia vita] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Se tu mi dai della decerebrata io ti do della minchiona se ci tieni lo riconfermo. Quindi?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ *tira anche lui fuori i canini* no!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cari igers con questo bellissimo scatto di che immortala un aereo mentre passa tra i grattacieli della F… http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ci sono situazioni in cui ti trovi a disagio rimanere ma anche ad andartene e non sai cosa fare-] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno a tutti / e... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [E ride!!! Forza cuore impavido colpisci!!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Simpatica mia mamma che mi ha messo la sveglia alle 10 perchè devo fare i compiti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ che vuoi fare oggi?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un gustoso secondo piatto 100% veg! Leggi la ricetta e preparalo anche tu http #vegan #ricette #tofu] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ noi italiane ci stiamo facendo il culo per aver date in Italia nel 2015 ma niente😔😢] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Queen al cinema con il leggendario concerto Montreal 1981: L’attesa è quasi finita per tutti i fan dei Queen ... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ buongiorno anche a te] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ 1.000.000 di accessi al sito della buona scuola non significa 1.000.000 di consensi!!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""Arco di Costantino: cronaca di una morte annunciata\"" http #blog #cultura #roma #hobby date un'occhiata se volete] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\""E non è detto che non ci si riunisca nella vita non si può mai dire\"" <3 #sacre http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La scuola deve insegnare a ""pensare"". La scuola la ""buona scuola"" deve insegnare il sapere critico. Capito futuri schiavi?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ alla 16:00 tu?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Niente mi commuove maggiormente dell'essere capito. Lo preferisco immensamente all'essere immaginato anche sotto la forma più seducente P.V] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ i gufi i gelati la buona all'anema e chi ta mmuort] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il 27 febbraio gli tornano con il nuovo album ” #THEAPOCALYPSEDJ”. Live a Milano il 7 marzo http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [16. Il modo in cui mi ha fatta innamorare di lui non l'ho mai incontrato eppure lo amo dio solo sa quanto.#21ReasonsWhyWeLoveHarry] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ inoltre conosci luccisano? Se si chiedigli quanti giorni ha insegnato in una scuola prima di scrivere #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ossigeno bloccato al San Camillo sospetti del direttore sulle tensioni tra il personale http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ attenti quando qlcs non viene utilizzato spesso c'è la scusa per toglierlo...vedi la ""buona scuola"":(] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ravenna: Operaio tenta suicidio con i gas di scarico alla base del gesto problemi economici http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Sign Paoloooo ma ci siamo anche noi che la tiriamo su di morale 😯 giustooo?? 😙] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il #14Nov portiamo in piazza #labuonascuola delle lotte contro la scuola-azienda di Renzi! #scioperosociale http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ do you know any places in the South of Italy? Conosci qualche località del Sud Italia?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho tutto ciò di cui ho bisogno ora non potrei chiedere di più] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dove sta questa buona scuola? Dove] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ecco tutti I vincitori dei #GoldenGlobes 2015 andati in onda questa notte!! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora che ho superato una mia \""fobia\"" pattinando (diciamo) sul ghiaccio posso anche andare in cima all'Everest superandone un'altra.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola fatta da insegnanti che quotidianamente dedicano le migliori energie per il meglio non meriterebbe inquisizioni di merito] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ vedrai l'emblema della #palestra] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ti difenderò da incubi e tristezzeTi riparerò da inganni e maldicenzeE ti abbraccerò per darti forza sempre 💞 💞] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola 2: delle italiche emergenze. http via ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Jadwal Liga Italia 2015: Prediksi AS Roma vs Lazio http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MANCA POCOOO. PARTECIPATE TUTTI AL SUO FOLLOW TRICK E SPARGETE LA VOCE] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ancora 4 giorni e ci libereremo de #labuonascuola #cattivascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [\"": prima della prima di #GodownMoses di #RomeoCastellucci http #Calbicipiace] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ mmm... sorry posso sperare nella tua magnanimità e in una migliore taratura della fotocamera?] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sto compilando il questionario su ""la buona scuola"" di Renzi. Non ci capisco un cazzo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bomba carta contro un negozio con i dipendenti ancora all’interno http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ io ho votato (anche) Vespasiano 😀] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le voci contrarie al documento sulla “buona scuola”: Dai licei “Pasteur” e “Mamiani” arriva una sonora bocciatura... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MARINE LE PEN VORREBBE IL REFERENDUM SULLA PENA DI MORTE DOPO L'ATTENTATO TERRORISTICO Dopo i noti fatti accadut... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo questa le abbiamo fatte tutte! 👍🚲 @ In Centro Pavia http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola... Si comprende cioè la differenza tra SCUOLA e LUDOTECA corredata di servizio babysitter? ...Davvero?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Raccolto preso: 140 di cibo! Hai controllato anche tu il tuo orticello! http #android #androidgames #gameinsight] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie uomo!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [*#genitori scuola dell'infanzia costituzione** i grandi assenti de #labuonascuola per adesso a #fahrenheit] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Come fa un ragazzo di soli 24 anni ad aver conquistato la libertà finanziaria? Grazie ad un sistema… http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [È l'unico che resta gli voglio troppo bene] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [*anche fossero 150.000 i questionari compilati per #labuonascuola sarebbero comunque pochi ** adesso a #fahrenheit] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cos'è oggi l'originalità? Qualcuno può aiutarmi a fare qualche distinguo?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie milleh] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ (#M5S) : ""Nonostante i disastri il Ministero continua a parlare di buona scuola!"" -> http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il ritorno della #Lira? Quest'anno il destino d'Italia è in Reuters oggi: http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non immagini quanto 😂] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ è inutile inviare commenti sulla Buona Scuola non vengono pubblicati....docenti arrabbiati!#labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Un pezzo di storia della mia vita su un A-320 AIRONE... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Brava fai bene anche io lo faccio non vedo l'ora di vedere il videoo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ è buona scuola tenere docenti in servizio dopo i 60? NON conviene x spese sanità/suppl x danno alunni] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [meno di quarto di vita] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ dopo un serio e attento esame ti informo che il nostro \""Accordo di Amicizia\"" è rinnovato per l'anno 2015] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ricordiamoci alle prox elezioni chi ha distrutto il lavoro con il #JobsAct e la scuola con #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#sondaggio chi sarà il nuovo #Presidente dopo #Napolitano?http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@haileygdrsx: cita e rispondi di queen h ♥solo io amo evan peters?” Evan amore mio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#14nov #labuonascuolasiamonoi #scioperosociale rete studenti milano! http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Robo-Advisor : il Cavallo di Troia della finanza telematica http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Strada ampia rallegra gli indigeni! Ora la mia isola è ancora più fantastica! http #android #androidgames #gameinsight] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola io direi che prof si nasce. Ed é per questo che chi si improvvisa innovatore della scuola farebbe bene a occuparsi di altro] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [LINK: http | #avventure #annoiata #carsex #lombardia | Donna Cerca Uomo Milano PIAZZA LOTTO ) -*&amp;*- ragazza ...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ bene anche se sto morendo di sonno ieri appena sono tornato mi sono messo a guardare tarzan sparami..] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ i dibattiti su #labuonascuola aperti a tutti? Ma dove vivi?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alternanza scuola lavoro: percorso professionalizzante nell'editoria il giornalismo il social media management. #labuonascuola ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro a #portaaporta con hai difeso bene le idee in cui credi x un'Italia migliore. W #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ecco come #labuonascuola di farà danni all'istruzione anche sui buoni prof #sapevatelo http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Della scuola possono e devono parlare tutti #portaaporta #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola è aperta a tutti! #educationfirst ! E' aperta anche alle critiche. Soprattutto alle proposte costruttive.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#14n in tutto il paese è #scioperosociale contro il jobs act e la buona scuola. A Roma corteo da Piazza della... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [proposta #libreitalia per #labuonascuola http da sostenere #softwarelibero #scuola #libreoffice ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro grazie... Da mamma ti dico che i nostri ragazzi hanno bisogno di incontri con persone come te! #labuonascuola ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ""granularita'""???? sparatevi...altro che ""buona scuola""..!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Al circolo woody allen di Roma si parla de #labuonascuola. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Un caloroso benvenuto da tutti gli #idoneiconcorsone2012 sostenitori de #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ buona scuola di cosa? Siete inutili andate a casa almeno non continuate a far danni.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Scuola ""Le linee guida del Ministero dell’istruzione “La buona scuola” infatti prevedono la chiusura delle GAE... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ é bellissimo essere qui !! Questa é #la buona scuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Per fare una buona scuola basta chiacchere! ma finanziamenti internet nelle scuole attuare autonomia scolastica] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La #scuola che cambia. Idee e proposte nel nostro dossier su #labuonascuola: http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Responsabilità su scuola oraè nostraaffrontiamola #labuonascuola #scuolapubblicaoggi ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ..""la buona scuola""?Nel senso buona d'animo?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“Verso una buona scuola?!?”: incontro/dibattito sul progetto di riforma della scuola – 14 novembre: ... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Viva la scuola statale! Complimenti alla dirigenza attenta all'esigenza dello studente. Scuola/famiglia buona scuola!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""La buona scuola Vs la scuola giusta"" http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Aversa: quattro proposte del Pd per la buona scuola -... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che bella la consultazione su #labuonascuola Grazie e a chi ha partecipato (soprattutto agli studenti)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma quale buona scuola ??? Guardate il concorso dei medici e vergognatevi ! #gianninidimettiti #12000 borse] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Napoli - ''La buona scuola'' secondo il Partito Democratico (11.11.14): Napoli - ''La buona scuola'' secondo... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e tutto lo staff avanti tutta con #labuonascuola le riforme sono sempre scomede per qualcuno ma sono necessarie!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la buona scuola di renzi ha avuto la sua apoteosi in liguria con la beffa dei contributi per i progetti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il contributo di LibreItalia alla consultazione pubblica #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ..e che la forza sia con Te! #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tutti favorevoli alla riforma? a noi non ci risulta...] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Come fare in modo che gli studenti sperimentino l’entusiasmo della scoperta scientifica? #AmgenTeach http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Siamo a #palestrainnovazione con #labuonascuola per fare un pezzo di storia della scuola italiana] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [io non credo nella buona scuola #labuonascuola sono solo parole #noemi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non abbiamo paura della pioggia. A Trieste dalle 12 alle 14 per #giochiamocela #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Capitale Europea della Cultura che combacia con la fine consultazioni de #labuonascuola: gran bel segnale :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scuola l’Usd: la “buona scuola” del Ministro Giannini? Incontri senza confronto http http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sapri: la buona scuola per lo sviluppo locale: (Golfo di Policastro) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Arianna Bettini del Forum provinciale dei genitori ha fatto un bell'intervento sui genitori come partner educativi #labuonascuola ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma quale buona scuola con un ministro incompetente? #gianninidimettiti miur ha combinato pasticcio su #concorsonazionale] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ vero ma anche renzi e chi ha scritto #labuonascuola dovrebbe ascoltarli] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il tour #labuonascuola oggi fa tappa al 'Luosi' di #Mirandola ristrutturato dopo terremoto 2012 e pronto a riaprire http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Topi nelle scuole di Roma http sono buoni pure quelli? #labuonascuola #ibuonitopi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - Uno psicologo in ogni scuola per includere in maniera efficace http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [a #Bomporto Inaugurazione scuola primaria Marco Polo. Un altro edificio restituito agli alunni e al personale scolastico #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Siamo alla frutta #labuonascuola http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I circoli GD della Vallesina partecipano all'iniziativa nazionale per 'La buona scuola': ecco come http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie Genova! Oggi gli studenti hanno dimostrato di avere molto da dire su #labuonascuola. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Alla media Urbani di Roma 3 professori di matematica in meno di due mesi. È anche questa #labuonascuola ?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""Libertà educativa"" è far sì che le famiglie possa scegliere la buona scuola PARITARIA o STATALE! #labuonascuola #paritaria] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Polomusealeadess:passaggio storico la scuola fondata sul lavoro riportare la cultura del lavoro nelle scuole #labuonascuola #scuolalavoro] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #tfa2014 il silenzio degli innocenti figli di un dio minore dov e' la buona scuola? Solo parole] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola entriamo nella stanza 'Sblocca Scuola' http passando in rassegna le proposte dei partecipanti] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Liceo #Majorana #brindisi a lezione di #scuoladigitale #eccellenze della #scuola italiana #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola è quella che fa errori nei Concorsi Nazionali? volete farci emigrare tutti #ssm2014 #gianninidimettiti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [se anche a voi interessa la discussione su #labuonascuola non perdete #fahrenheit dalle 15 su http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [@SteGiannini@matteorenzi#labuonascuola: bene aver incluso parti sociali EU in discussioni su economic case for education] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non partecipiamo per nulla alla consultazione su #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La Buona Scuola - CATTEDRA MISTA PER UN'EFFICACE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per dirigente scolastico #Castenaso Gallingani #labuonascuola è una proposta importante perché il futuro dell' Italia passa dagli insegnanti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""L'italia riparte dalla buona scuola"" Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....!!!""] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - Un progetto per la distribuzione di contenuti Internet in assenza di Internet http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la grande tecnologia dell'impresa italiana non è una sorpresa! #labuonascuola per integrare scuola lavoro!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ questa è la buona scuola? Concorso con cellulari e tastiere?? Vergogna http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [LBS c'è anche la proposta della separazione degli insegnamenti di elettronica ed elettrotecnica! Votate! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sulla carta #labuonascuola sembra un bel progetto. Quando il governo lavora bene va riconosciuto.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#stegiannini puoi occuparti anche delle prove scritte TFA Lombardia bloccate da giorni?I prof contano meno dei medici #labuonascuola ??] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [LBS votate anche la proposta relativa alla PSICO-AFFETTIVITA' http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [finalmente anche i sindacati entrano nella consultazione del Miur #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Al Policlinico di Roma #labuonascuola #jobsact Non apprezzano #Renzi http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La “buona scuola” e la formazione degli insegnanti http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Avanti Matteo lasciali sbraitare i novecenteschi Landini-Camusso compresi i sindacalisti dentro il PD Forza con #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la buona scuola dell'imbecille Giannini e del #bullodiprovincia http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sulla buona scuola votate la proposta relativa al MERITO http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [fund raising: oltre 120000 euro reperiti in 2 anni di cui quasi 70000 direttamente a #ic15bologna anche questo è #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola é solo un mprovvisazione di chi non ha mai lavorato nella scuola. Pensateci bene] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - Progetti in erba: il linguaggio progettuale nella scuola primaria. http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""22 novembre Liceo Donatello"" con #labuonascuola sei proprio a Milano il 22... Che fortuna ;)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola io faccio campagna perché nessun docente della mia scuola compili il questionario. É comunque una battaglia facile] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A discutere di scuola con e per #labuonascuola. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Benvenuto anche a . #labuonascuola ha bisogno di tutti. A presto al ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I lunghi tempi di approvazione post e soprattutto commenti della consultazione mostrano che per #labuonascuola servono più fatti che parole.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ieri e oggi siamo stati a Roma all'assemblea nazionale FDS-RUN. La buona scuola? #giochiamocela http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Complimenti per la grande campagna di ascolto in atto in tutta #Italia per #labuonascuola . ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#JOBSAct #labuonascuola questo governo per il lavoro e la scuola preferisce parlare ai padroni che ai lavoratori. Bello vincere facile] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - Riconoscimento e sostegno delle community “scolastiche”. http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lo condivido con le insegnanti ... In tempi di ""buona scuola "" Buon lavoro 😊 http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma dove sono le risorse visto che la buona scuola taglia ancora fondi....] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - Laboratori palestre d’innovazione http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Sicilia prima tra le regioni per numero di dibattiti su #labuonascuola orgogliosa del lavoro fatto da noi ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Collegio strardinario.Punto su 'La buona scuola'.Documento contro.Una collega si gira e mi dice: ho 60 anni ci vogliono parole più forti.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - eCLIL per studenti cittadini digitali http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Tutti gli #idoneiconcorsone2012 vi ringraziano per la vostra disponibilità al dialogo #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se la noia fosse un fossile la scuola sarebbe un museo #biondi #indire #giochiamocela #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ci sarò. La mia proposta per la Buona Scuola è questo: http ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ oggi riunione sulla buona scuola tutto per il suo supporto presidente! 💪] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Contro la farsa de ""la buona scuola"" #lascuolaèdichilavive! http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tra 36 ore darà il via alla prima grande rete nazionale delle #palestrainnovazione #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [C'è un appuntamento importante con #labuonascuola anche a Rieti. Parteciperemo con entusiasmo . #idoneiconcorsone2012 #pantarei] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola alternanza scuola - lavoro : 6ML di euro per 1778 istituti tecnici 3374 euro SCUOLA ! Premier e Ministro ridicoli !] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo il lavoro nei 6 tavoli tematici ci avviamo verso la conclusione #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Una nuova alba idonei 2012 in campo si' alla buona scuola@matteorenzi #idoneiconcorsone2012 #pantarei] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il paradosso del sorite e la consultazione su #labuonascuola #cattivascuola http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#cambiapratoOra #scuola #labuonascuola #prato #igersprato http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [.: perché la #scuola digitale può essere la vera rivoluzione http #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La buona scuola??? Sembra il nome di una commedia!!!! Vergogna] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi tutti a parlare de #labuonascuola: a Mirandolaio a Scandicci@megmalp a Pioltello@marcocampione a Cassano...] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per #labuonascuola propongo 1h di #teatro a settimana obbligatoria e a tutti i livelli. Una vera #rivoluzione! http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#TFA2014 #riallinementotfacineca #sbloccotfasubito ci state prendendo in giro dov e' la buona scuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Si parlerà di “buona scuola” nel pomeriggio al Gargallo con la vicepresidente commissione Cultura della Camera ... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola. Voce del verbo fare sul serio. Tempo: futuro prossimo. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola #SSM adesso ci date le borse aggiuntive!!è a dir poco vergognoso quanto accaduto@SteGiannini ti devi dimettere!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Domani con l'on per discutere di scuola... Per discutere del futuro del nostro paese! #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ chiama risponde! Costruiamo insieme la nostra scuola #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sai dove te la puoi ficcare la buona scuola? Vienici a trovare a scuola. Vivi anni da precario d 3fascia che vuoi cancellare.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [. ""Stiamo sfiorando 1mln contatti su http con #consultazione paese tornato a parlare di scuola"" #Mirandola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Leopolda5 bel tavolo su #labuonascuola purché veramente sia soltanto l'inizio. La scuola torni a essere punto di riferimento] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola SENZA SPENDERE UN CENTESIMO! Blocco contratto fino 2018 ma scuola giro di boa e il futuro non è roseo http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#PRATO #CambiapratoOra la campagna del Pd. Anche Prato si confronta su #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la nostra scuola. Una buona scuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Con #labuonascuola saremo tutti più buoni. Peccato alcuni docenti volevano solo essere più ""boni"". Sarà per un'altra strariforma.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""La scuola e' punto riferimento sociale e motore sviluppo"" ne parla con studenti del 'Luosi' di #Mirandola #tour #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“ci hanno criticato moltissimo per la lingua con cui è scritta #labuonascuola” - avete lavorato molto molto bene invece :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Con #labuonascuola finalmente il progetto della scuola-azienda diventa realtà. I primi finanziamenti per una statua alla Gelmini.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola oggi è alla sapienza assemblea nazionale ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola è la nostra scuola. #idoneiconcorsone2012 #pantarei] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola allego cv di luccisano http Qualcuno trova la parola scuola? Grazie per la collaborazione] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La ‘buona scuola’ di Aer diversa da quella di Renzi: Si è tenuto nel pomeriggio di giovedì all'Art Cafè di Cen... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Si' alla buona scuola: al ruolo si accede per concorso pubblico!@matteorenzi #idoneiconcorsone2012] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il liceo Socrate di Roma esprime con forza la propria contrarietà al documento #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - LICEO GINNASIO STATALE ""F. PETRARCA"" http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora a Cagliari tour #labuonascuola una grandissima partecipazione di tutti i soggetti dell'#istruzione http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dolcetto scherzetto? #Halloween #labuonascuola #Roma http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Visionari la “buona scuola” nelle relazioni di cinque esperti http #fb] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il è fiero di promuovere la campagna per dare ai nostri ragazzi un degno futuro educativo. #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ i+vivi complimenti a1paese incapace di portare avanti1concorsoXaspiranti docenti!La buona scuola?Lo schifo di scuola!!#tfa2014] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ per fare una buona scuola servono buone teste] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ l'intervento degli studenti ci interessa moltissimo #labuonascuola a Milano] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ A essere del tutto irrazionale invece è la logica di bilancio scolastico dello Stato. #labuonascuola(?)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Delibera del Collegio dei Docenti del Liceo L. Pasteur di Roma su la “buona scuola”... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ parteciperemo con entusiasmo #labuonascuola passa da tutto il paese] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ (): #labuonascuola? Praticamente è il nulla! #sapevatelo #SenzaFiltri #Radicali #scuola #Renzi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [AetnaNet - Su La buona scuola - I docenti dell'IISS 'Carlo Gemmellaro' di Catania http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ al convegno. Noi speriamo che anche la Lombardia diventi sempre piu'#labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ per #labuonascuola bisogna averne una. A L'Aquila 6000 bambini sono ancora nei MUSP #matteofaiscuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Idee progetti e proposte per #labuonascuola a Prato con sabato 8 h15 http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cambiamo la scuola e rispondiamo all'appello della #labuonascuola del #rnext14] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ parlate solo di buona scuola ormai...e per gli scandali al concorso di spec. Med.?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La 'buona scuola' si chiuderà a Matera - Il 15 novembre: l'annuncio del Ministro Stefania Giannini http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Noi siamo per #labuonascuola ministro e la sosteniamo con forza idee ed entusiasmo. #idoneiconcorsone2012 #pantarei] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La valutazione dei docenti nella buona scuola e' vergognosa] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Metti un ""like"" per la #scuola paritaria #iniziativa http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non sono mai stato a Rieti . Me ne parlano bene. Sarà bello venirci per #labuonascuola. #idoneiconcorsone2012 #pantarei] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ luccisano è un tuttologi. Si è interessato di tutto tranne che di scuola dimmi tu cosa può sapere di problemi de #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per parlare de #labuonascuola tutti invitati a Corridonia (MC) stasera alle 21 al Cine-teatro Lanzi http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per partecipare al cambiamento della scuola dei nostri figli guarda il su http . Non ci lamentiamo e partecipiamo.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La prossima volta caricherete gli studenti che rivendicano una ""buona scuola""? Per il bene dell'Italia andate a casa! vergogna] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola della Gilda http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caratteristica centrale de #labuonascuola è quella di *ascoltare* i bisogni di chi lavora nella scuola (Vicesindaco di Como) ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La voglia di conoscenza di mia figlia di 9 anni sta venendo erosa giornalmente dalla scuola che per ora non è affatto #labuonascuola.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""Serve una scuola che non chiuda alle 14.30 e che formi al lavoro"" #visionaridellascuola #labuonascuola #Potenza] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Eccellente opportunità di confronto grazie a #labuonascuola e Capo Dipartimento Chiappetta per Dirigenti e docenti di VareseComo ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Figlio di prima media ancora senza insegnanti di matematica e altre 3 materie #matteorenzi #labuonascuola dove? Emilia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola la fanno gli insegnanti | MammaMoglieDonna http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola è #favolosa grazie a questo!!!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alla ""Buona scuola"" noi rispondiamo con la ""Vera scuola""! #noallabuonascuola #laverascuola #sfplm85bis #] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Su La buona scuola - I docenti dell'IISS 'Carlo Gemmellaro' di Catania http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Changing Italy.Transformation+service design for La Buona Scuola - Laboratori palestre d’innovazione http #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ chieda a #Renzi perchè docenti abilitati PRECARI storici della suola sono esclusi da #labuonascuola. #ottoemezzo #MIDAperRUOLO] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [1.800 proposte per 'La buona scuola' http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [150 dibattiti per #labuonascuola 27 solo in Sicilia perché per raggiungere tutti nn basta essere online http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quando la scuola è buona e non è #labuonascuola http http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche contribuisce al dibattito con l'aiuto di e Domenico Bongiovanni. #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola allo Yif Luccisano ""Potevamo intraprendere la strada del decreto invece ci confrontiamo con tutti"" #Yif2014] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A cosa servono consultazioni pubbliche stanti questi presupposti? L'ipocrisia della ""partecipazione"". #labuonascuola http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ parleremo di ""buona scuola"" solo quando le consultazioni saranno libere. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Venerdì sera sarò relatore all'iniziativa su riforma scuola del Pd Reggello. Partiremo da qui #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ questo significa nuove tasse per studenti e famiglie # la buona scuola#Matteo@stai sereno# Matteo la mette li si proprio li] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Lunedì 10 alle 21al circolo parleremo di #labuonascuola con e grazie a per l'invito] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola #pavia governance autonomia scuole aperte. Poter ridiscutere tutto con genitori e studenti anche didattica] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Nel documento #labuonascuola la parola #biblioteca non c'è roba vecchia che non serve più? #scuola #lettura] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I Giovani Democratici lanciano l'iniziativa “La buona scuola” - gonews http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ eppure c'è chi vorrebbe costruire un muro più noi lasciamo correre..w la buona scuola #idoneiconcorsone2012] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [1 solo ateneo italiano tra i migliori 200 al mondo. Per il paese della #cultura non è possibile. #labuonascuola http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Una consultazione oggi per una scuola migliore domani io ho risposto: http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola ora è anche giusta! Finalmente riconoscimento del merito dei #vincitorisenzacattedra e priorità nelle assunzioni!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Senza sostegno scuola negata per i disabili. L'altra faccia dell'istruzione italiana. http #labuonascuola?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Votate la proposta di Educazione psico-affettiva da introdurre nelle scuole sul portale de La Buona Scuola: http grazie] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro ha ragione! Evidentemente i sindacati sanno fare solo quello... Noi siamo per #labuonascuola! #idoneiconcorsone2012] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le grida manzoniane della buona scuola http http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ora gruppo PD VII commissione con per discutere dei nostri emendamenti alla legge di stabilità #labuonascuola #opencamera] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#idoneiconcorsone2012 @SteGiannini@Fusacchia@matteorenzi La protesta nn ci spaventa! Risolleviamo una nazione con La buona scuola!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ parlate di buona scuola quando le darete soldi e indipendenza dal clero.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola digitale con la fondazione mondo digitale presenta la propria attività . http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie e x l'accoglienza. Grazie anche a x le domande cattivelle :) Avanti verso #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola non è la scuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola: 1.908 proposte nelle stanze http 1.155 dibattiti http Aiutaci a riscrivere la Scuola!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Segreteria dei su proposte di legge riforma scuola e lavoro. Ci siamo!! #diarionazionale http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#annuncite Varata per il 2015 si tagliano 148milioni alla scuola pubblica e se ne danno 200 alla privata] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sondaggio La Buona Scuola http #labuonascuola #merito #carriera #precari Partecipa al sondaggio online di ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sarà bellissimo ascoltare la voce di tutti. Campagna di ascolto #labuonascuola nessuno si senta escluso http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Care persone ignoranti se non vi interessa la buona scuola di Renzi e gli aspetti negativi andate a fanculo voi e la vostra vita nel futuro] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""In Finlandia esiste discriminazione punitiva: se una scuola rimane indietro si insiste e si finanzia di più"" #labuonascuola #invalsi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola si fa con più apprendistato anche a scuola. A #giornataEducation presentato modello Enel. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Dopo tutti i twitt su #labuonascuola almeno un segnale di fumo a noi medici prossimi al #concorsonazionale lo poteva mandare !!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""In Finlandia non fanno più valutazione esterna perché in 50 anni è diventata una prassi per tutti"" Poliandri #invalsi #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I Giovani Democratici in campo per la ""buona scuola"" http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grazie a #labuonascuola meno 148milioni di euro nel 2015 421 entro il 2017 all'istruzione. Stiamo cambiando verso Matteo (in peggio).] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A proposito de La buona scuola http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bolzano #labuonascuola è prima di tutto ascoltare... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ titolo di sostegno a gente che dopo anni fa il corsetto per entrare in ruolo! #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La scuola buona http #labuonascuola ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#LavagnaPd x #labuonascuola 'Finalmente il governo in modo trasparente ha inserito la scuola al centro della propria azione'] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola@SteGiannini abilitazione ai diplomati..e noi che abbiamo laurea e titoli? Ora anche il sostegno?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [la buona scuola ...che ne pensate?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Incontro a #Aquila per #labuonascuola. Ha partecipato #uscr con #scuoleabruzzo.Complimenti per quanto si sta facendo ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mi arrendo #labuonascuola è la miglior scuola possibile Renzi il miglior presidente di consiglio possibile ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La ‘buona scuola’ secondo L’altra Emilia Romagna - http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ il fronte della conservazione è agguerrito ma anche noi lo siamo. #idoneiconcorsone2012 sono per #labuonascuola. Ora o mai più.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ l'aiuto si chiede prima di pubblicare un documento che sconosce #scuola #labuonascuola siamo noi che ci lavoriamo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Alla camera alla riunione dei gruppi pd camera e senato con #stabilità #labuonascuola ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ vi aspetto allora! Per fare #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola violinista docente precario non può partecipare ad un Festival in Svezia perché la scuola non concede permessi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Compilate a prescindere dal colore politico.. Abbiamo bisogno del parere di tutti!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ci spero anche io :-) #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Alla faccia de #labuonascuola...questa scuola qui fa accapponare la pelle!!! -_-] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche la ns agenzia il 6/11 tra i giurati per i progetti di #Gioventuitaliana #erasmusplus #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ senatore non le ho ancora chiesto un'opinione su #labuonascuola. A me sembra finalmente un tentativo serio di riforma.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Quanto perderanno i docenti beffati da Renzi #esamedistato #labuonascuola #cattivascuola http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Domani sera ore 21.05 vi aspettiamo alla sala civica di via dell'Eremo a Lecco. Noi #cisiamo! tu? #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola #LAquila #USRC accessibilità finanziamenti scuola sicura] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che differenza c'è tra la proposta della Brambilla di assumere i precari nel turismo e #labuonascuola?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ci sono ancora 11 giorni per partecipare #consultazione #labuonascuola http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola la Scuola é buona se é sicura! Vorremmo che fosse il leit motiv della ri-costruzione della Scuola Italiana PARTECIPIAMO] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A Palermo cariche contro minorenni che hanno osato contestare il ministro giannini presente. La buona scuola? http #M5S] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ecco come #labuonascuola premia le docenti! http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Grande partecipazione #labuona scuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ con tutto il rispettola buona scuola di sti caxxi! Tra 5 gg ho un concorso e ancora non so dove e a che ora! #andatealavorare] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#HighSchoolRadio è sul sito de #LaBuonaScuola! Ecco il link: http E' possibile votare entro il 15 novembre: forza!] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [L'occasione l'avrai tu e tutti gli altri studenti che vorranno perché non saranno comizi ma incontri #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Riforma della scuola Renzi Giannini non è quello che ci vuole per la scuola #labuonascuola ... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola. A #Lecce le proposte dell'#AIMC #leccenews24 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ecco la scuola che verrà #gentechevuolecambiare per fare #labuonascuola ci vuole coraggio] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola: tutti che si affannano a dire la loro che poi sarà ""sintetizzata"" dai Dirigenti!! Apposto!!! Astenetevi! ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola: siete d'accordo con le proposte più popolari? #buonascuola #labuonascuola - http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [. #labuonascuola con il gusto della vera cultura nutre l'intelletto e fa crescere!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Una consultazione di “regime” per organizzare il plebiscito a sostegno della “buona scuola” di Renzi http #lacattivascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Formazione e ascolto al centro della ""buona scuola"" http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sarà la più straordinaria riforma dal basso mai fatta in Italia. #enews http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ E si parla di ""buona scuola""?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - ""La buona Educazione Motoria nella scuola primaria"" http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [beh partecipare può far solo bene... http http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""Il colpo di grazia alla #scuola"" http Editoriale sull'infornata dei 140mila #precari (#labuonascuola?)] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http ""La buona scuola"" anche a Menfi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ partecipa tu c'è posto per tutti ne #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma adesso arriva la buona scuola...e siamo tutti felici :-) ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mercoledì 12/11 al Circolo Carminelli parliamo di #scuola digitale e di #cyberbullismo #labuonascuola #milano http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola il paese parla di scuola #pazzadigioia] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ecco dove si possono argomentare dissenso e critiche alla ""buona scuola"" di Renzi: http ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola è anche l'università! ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ci sono tante possibilità che ancora non abbiamo scoperto è ora di farlo. #labuonascuola #digitale #ora] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Licenziamento docenti abrogazione dell #articolo18 il governo tiene molto alla piena occupazione in italia #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola - PAROLA D'ORDINE: LIBERARE RISORSE PER LA RIPRESA | ITP - L'Orizzonte della Scuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ con iniziamo a farlo. Anche questa è #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuolaunpaiodipalle# tolta la merenda ai bambini della materna topi nelle scuole disabili senza sostegno niente bis se hai fame] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sto rispondendo al questionario su La Buona Scuola: http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie per aver ricordato ""A scuola si cresce sicuri"" formate 1.800 persone #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola di Matteo? Una camurria! http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MCE sul progetto ""La buona scuola"" http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola esiste già e può crescere solo con l'impegno di tutti http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ le risorse della scuola pubblica alle private... Questa è la buona scuola!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sacro Cuore Napoli - Consultazione sulla buona scuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ avanti con #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ok alla riforma della maturità un miliardo per la buona scuola: http per #labuonascuola? Nulla di buono purtroppo] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola facciamola insieme http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sempre in prima linea x la buona scuola??!!!!! #idoneiconcorsone2012 in prima linea con lei.. AVANTI TUTTA] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [quanto fa 1 miliardo se taglio 650 milioni?fa #labuonascuola che basterebbe fare #lascuolapubblica senza altri aggettivi? #lacattivascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La #scuola di Renzi /3. #Autonomia valutazione e programmi- di Mauro Piras http #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola noi docenti di III fascia il sangue che fa vivere la scuola#MIDAperRuolo#PAS2015] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ risorse che eviteranno all'Italia la pesante multa della corte europea. Ministro #labuonascuola è fatta di dettagli che ignora] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http miglioriamo la scuola: una collaborazione degli storici della lingua a ""La buona scuola"" di Renzi] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Possiamo fare entrambe le cose: educare genitori e figli investendo nella scuola. Una buona scuola è un'ottima medicina.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La buona scuola la fanno gli insegnanti.La ""buona scuola"" e' solo una truffa. Esempio sui #Quota96Scuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - Formazione dei docenti http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Punto e a capo con #Renzi #labuonascuola #lavoltabuona http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ così colleziona solo brutte figure. In platea tutti delusi altro che #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola Manifestazione a commento della nuova #legge sulla #Scuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ siamo tutti concordi! dalle parole ai fatti x poter competere in Europa nel #labuonascuola lo studio delle lingue fondamentale] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Nel DEF 1 mil. di taglialtro che buona scuola!Precari ass. solo x evit.proc.di infraz.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Venite a Roma il 10 novembre alla #palestrainnovazione di con per #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ del MIUR #labuonascuola un paese che riscopre la propria vocazione e l'accordo tra scuola e lavoro #CometaSI] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ tolti commissari tolti ata tolta la 3 tolte le supplenze brevi..buona scuola? W l Itaglia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Mimesis Scenari / Damiano Cantone : Cosa c'è di buono nella buona scuola . Leggi http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e grazie anche a studenti docenti e a chi ha lavorato perché diventasse realtà #labuonascuola ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cariche della polizia contro gli studenti minorenni del regina margherita.. Questa e la buona scuola che ha in mente il governo #renzi] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola. News. Istituto Barbarigo http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Solo l'inizio. Perché #labuonascuola funziona se c'è la disponibilità di tutti a partecipare e contribuire al piano http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ peccato che ai vari incontri della vs buona scuola le domande le dobbiamo concordare con voi prima di farvele. Sfplm85bis.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Maggiore ascolto degli studenti e porre alla base della buona scuola l’aspetto dell’orientamento formativo in... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gli #idoneiconcorsone2012 credono nella #scuola soprattutto ne #labuonascuola . Buon lavoro :)] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Non importa. Il punto è che tutto è già deciso. E molti abboccano a #labuonascuola #cattivascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [‘La buona scuola’ 88mila partecipanti alla consultazione online http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ si studia cineserussocodingteatromusicacittadinanza #labuonascuola passa da grazie ai docenti!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Sí rispetto agli #esamidistato dobbiamo a lui lo stop a tutti interni e tutti 100. #labuonascuola #cattivascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Dove investire nella formazione del paese: La “buona scuola” del Governo Renzi... http #economia #politica] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [I migliori auguri a per la delega alla Scuola nella nuova segreteria del PD gli #idoneiconcorsone2012 appoggiano #labuonascuola!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ propagandando la vs buona scuola vi tirate la zappa sui piedinon serve pubblicità ma fatti concreti e soluzioni intelligenti] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ministro Giannini al liceo Galilei di #Verona per Libriamoci e 'La buona scuola' http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Avvenire dedica un grande spazio (buono) al lavoro delle associazioni studentesche #Studenti attenti! http #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e neppure semplificabile in dépliant come la buona scuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola - Ecco cosa sta emergendo dal sondaggio http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ I docenti precari delle Gae apprezzano la buona scuola...] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #Quota96Scuola dov'è la buona scuola? Nei tagli indiscriminati? Nel blocco degli stipendi? Negli impegni non mantenuti?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola:« Ufficio VIII ambito territoriale per la provincia di Brindisi http via ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ banchi di prova per #labuonascuola noi ci siamo per costruire insieme la scuola del futuro] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sono inca..atissima per l' indifferenza della scuola""sul campo""degli ""arruolati"" per #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [intervista su radio crc ad Angelo Palumbo su ""la buona scuola"" e sull'associazione ""Panta rei"" http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non solo per docenti! Tutti sono invitati a costruire #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Con una mano si da e con l'altra si leva e la buona scuola va avanti come può. Se si vuole risparmiare bisogna decentrare ma ancora niente] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#prato #8novembre#cambiapratoora#scuola idee progetti e proposte #labuonascuola iscriviti su http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il ministro #Giannini augura buon primo giorno di scuola con un tweet: “Vi vedo spegnete quei cazzo di telefoni”. #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ lavorare anche a 63-64-65-66 anni #labuonascuola con le badanti per i #Quota96Scuola?????] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola Trapani adesso. Costruiamo insieme la scuola di domani. http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ragionare su #scuola è già #labuonascuola #lascuolachevorrei] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Crediti formativi a chi collabora alla festa del Pd. Anche questo è #labuonascuola ? NO COMMENT!!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [. per #labuonascuola domani 30 ottobre a Milano Zona 7 http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie prof! #labuonascuola siamo noi. Tutti noi. ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http #labuonascuola #demagogia #megliolaLip!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Amici del sapreste forse aiutarmi a trovare maggiori informazioni a proposito dell'incontro de #labuonascuola a #Trieste?Grazie] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi inizia il percorso per cambiare la scuola insieme a tutti. http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Tradate - La ""buona scuola"" a Varese: un'occasione sprecata | Scuola | Varese News: Tradate - C'erano solo di... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Domani 30 ottobre #labuonascuola si incontra a Frosinone h 17 villa Comunale http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Infinite grazie al Ministro : #labuonascuola condivisa e riconosciuta! ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Sulla scuola ancora tagli e supplenti a questa ebuona scuola siamo propio col culo x terra.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho aperto un sondaggio su un gruppo fb con 5000 iscritti quasi tutti insegnanti: avete letto #labuonascuola?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ i 150.000 insegnanti che #labuonascuola vuole assumere hanno tutto ""il merito""e hanno superato più concorsi! #finoallultimoidoneo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ non hanno rispettato neanche i tempi di scadenza della partecipazione degli italiani al dibattito sulla buona scuola!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Cosa aspetta il popolo delle famiglie a raccogliere la sfida de #labuonascuola? http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Da oggi inizia la #labuonascuola anche a Lentate partecipiamo per essere protagonisti e non spettatori.] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ competenti. L''usr è una tragedia. Qui non si parla ancora di #labuonascuola# di edilizia scolastica e ....] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La rete professionale parte da scuola università e social #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buon primo giorno di scuola! È l'Italia che cresce. #labuonascuola si scrive insieme a insegnanti studenti famiglie] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La “buona scuola” di Renzi e Giannini e le proteste degli studenti ... #renzi http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [. con #labuonascuola a Pordenone http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Buongiorno e ""buona scuola"" a tutti... finalmente è proprio il caso di dirlo!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Che bello no? Ah no? Non è la buona scuola? Ah no? E' solo la Legge di Stabilità. Il meglio deve ancora venire. http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http se ne parla anche domani ad #eSkillsRome #labuonascuola #eskills] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Si ricomincia sperando che sia davvero l'anno de #labuonascuola! #scuola #primogiornodiscuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola ci fanno compilare anche le schede di istituto sui punti del rapporto. Fortuna che si tratta di consultazione libera] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola - Momento di ascolto e dibattito (IL PROGRAMMA) http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola una bella iniziativa di condivisione grazie alla Loescher che mi ha permesso di farlo (scaricafree) http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Crollano soffitti nei licei a Padova Roma e Napoli: tragedia sfiorata. Cercasi #labuonascuola (Leggi: http ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - PROPOSTA PER LA MOBILITA’ INTERNA (passaggio di cattedra) DEI DOCENTI GIA’ DI RUOLO http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il cambiamento passa anche da qui! #labuonascuola cc ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [In piazza maggiore parlano gli studenti: questa è la buona scuola! #16O #iosciopero ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [MARTEDÌ 11 NOVEMBRE ORE 15 PALAZZO KURSAAL GIULIANOVA LIDO MARCELLO PACIFICO commenta ""La buona scuola"" partecipa... http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#idoneiconcorsone2012 Sinceri auguri ! A lei una 'buona giornata' a noi una 'buona scuola'!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola mi fa impazzire sopratutto in merito alla Morale all'Umanità all'Eccellenza di certo Corpo Docente] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi due riunioni: con e parliamo della campagna #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Caro Saviano come fai a non capire che proprio chi sa benissimo che fare (e cosa serve al paese) pensa a cambiare la scuola? #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Il sindacato degli studenti: “La buona scuola del Governo? Ecco invece la nostra” http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [articolo 1 della #Lip legge di iniziativa popolare per una buona scuola per la Repubblica http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#idoneiconcorsone2012 http appoggiano e supportano #labuonascuola! #merito e proficua collaborazione questo offriamo !] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ in bocca al lupo per il concorso 2015 a 40000 posti. La vostra buona scuola non merita buoni docenti!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ incontro 2 su #labuonascuola stasera ascoltiamo la voce degli studenti con http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ e ora? Le chiedo cosa fare ancora?ci credo #labuonascuola ha bisogno di innovazione passione #ilcoraggiodicambiare nn deludeteci] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola passo dopo passo verso lo sfascio] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ è nella top-30 dei #piùtwittati nelle ultime 2 ore con hashtag #labuonascuola #vitadaprof #scuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Storia della #musica nelle scuole superiori? Sì grazie #scuola #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola Riuscire a far peggio della Moratti non è facile ma ci sta riuscendo Ministro ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ CircoloPDMarconi-Roma chiede tua disponibilità iniziativa scuola #labuonascuola gennaio 2015] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche #labuonascuola fermenterà. Ne siamo certi. #idoneiconcorsone2012 #finoallultimoidoneo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Luccisano un trentenne che si permette di dire a noi insegnanti da più di trenta anni come fare #labuonascuola. Pensiamoci] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gallery I incontro su #labuonascuola e partecipazione del ai tavoli di discussione #Leopolda5 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola è un'ottima riforma precari assunti diventano cittadini sereni che pensano solo al bene della scuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ anche alla buona scuola...cagata pazzesca] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [segna in agenda che l'8 novembre alle 15 ci vediamo per contribuire con le idee di #Prato a #labuonascuola #cambiapratoOra #scuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Puntare su educazione istruzione e formazione non è più rinviabile. #labuonascuola contiene progetto educativo che coinvolgerà tutti #teha] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Realismo e conservatorismo nella scuola pubblica #labuonascuola #lascuolacrepa http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La Buona Scuola - Project... Azione! http #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ avanti con la buona scuola#idoneiconcorsone2012] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ancora nessun finanziamento dal MIUR per avvio corsi a.a.2014/15 #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola alla sala della Regione di Pordenone] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#sfplm85bis e le proposte per la buona scuola! Sì allo studiosì al concorso sì al sostegno! @] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #vincitorisenzacattedra = capitale umano = anni rubati a chi attende il ruolo: quanto valiamo x #labuonascuola ? Spiegatevi!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola #cambiamoverso http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bene il sistema nazionale di valutazione de #labuonascuola. Andrebbe previsto anche per gli altri settori della PA . ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non capisco come fanno persone che prendono migliaia di euro e non hanno insegnato a dire a chi insegna da 30 anni come fare #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Idee sulla riforma della #scuola: le proposte di un team di esperti su http #labuonascuola http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la #labuonascuola è una vera boccata di ossigeno per scuola lavoro paese #idoneiconcorsone2012 ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Le proposte per l'education di Confindustria assomigliano al documento del governo sulla buona scuola. E' questo il nuovo asse riformatore ?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi era a #Catanzaro #labuonascuola è ancora in #tour http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La scuola non più luogo opaco ma casa di vetro per chi ci lavora e la frequenta con #labuonascuola . #opendata] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Per fare un Paese migliore CI VUOLE UNA SCUOLA MIGLIORE! #ForzaPlinio #ilfuturosiamonoi #labuonascuolasiamonoi... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La scuola é il luogo dell'esperienza di tutti #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ la buona scuola é un ottimo progetto per ottimi insegnanti] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma quale buona scuola? state distruggendo tutto!] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A Napoli si parla de #labuonascuola. La proposta della Consulta campana http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Oggi al via la scuola bell'inizio #passodopopasso in direzione di una #labuonascuola in bocca al lupo] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ programmi anacronistici strutture e locali non a norma insegnanti vecchi e stanchi questa non è una buona scuola.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Seminario sulla legislazione scolastica sul tema 'La buona scuola. Facciamo crescere il… http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ottima #labuonascuola. #idoneiconcorsone2012 si chiedono quale possa essere la tempistica http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La buona scuola sono anche edifici che non crollano in testa agli studenti lavagne e banchi decenti #grazie] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [On. è possibile consegnare a lei le migliaia di firme raccolte per la proposta Educazione Motoria nella buona scuola? 11 nov Roma] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ nel #labuonascuola si studia #informatica x sviluppare #pensierocomputazionale: cultura x tutti http ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ue: in Italia dispersione scolastica record il 17% si ferma alle medie E il governo taglia ancora i fondi #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Democrazia Oggi - La buona scuola a Cagliari http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ sì intendevo che italiano medio dovrebbe criticare #labuonascuola dopo avere letto doc completonon 12 punti #cognizionedicausa] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ veronecess.agire anche al pres.E le risorse ess.tagliatealdilàdella #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ <Connects individual donors with individual #classes and #Teachers #labuonascuola senza finanziamenti statali c'è la può fare?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ consultazione non è apparenzaè strumento inmano a cittadinoda usare dopo aver letto doc interonon i 12 punti #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Firenze. Dopo il #10O nuove scuole occupate http #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http #labuonascuola c'è e ha una proposta #Lip #legge popolare #scuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Grazie per le sue analisi. Partecipi anche alla #consultazione #labuonascuola ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""La buona scuola"" il 'PSI scuola del Veneto': rischia di essere un'epica guerra tra poveri »... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Anche Luigi Berlinguer al tavolo su #labuonascuola di #leopolda5 condotto da http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#idoneiconcorsone2012 @matteorenzi@Fusacchia Si inizia già a contestare questa riforma ma il buon senso e la 'buona scuola' vinceranno!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ventura: La buona scuola per il PSI scuola del Veneto rischia di essere un’epica guerra tra poveri http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La buona scuola si fa con i membri esterni all'esame di Stato per garantire rigore contro i diplomifici] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ La scuola è pronta a diventare #labuonascuola. Ci avete stupito grazie per questo grande progetto] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ ma è Vanity Fair che travisa o in ogni giornale la buona scuola si trasforma come un Barpapapa'?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Bat24: Via al piano «La buona scuola»: a Trani lo sperimenta il secondo circolo didattico Petronelli http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ docenti abilitati e specializzati sono pronti a fare #labuonascuola inclusiva #SFPinRUOLO] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Diciamo NO alla #buonascuola di Renzi e Giannini: USI-AIT Calabria sulla “buona scuola” di Renzi. Il piano Ren... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Criticate ma partecipate. L'essenza della #Leopolda5 la dice parlando de #labuonascuola ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Gelmini&SB: ""scuola è la nostra riforma"" ! Esultanza x Renzi#riforma scuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola una riforma distruttivanello spazio segnalazioni.del Piccolo odiernograzie. mb... http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http Appuntamento a Roma il 30 ottobre #eSkills #eSkillsRome #labuonascuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [A S.Severo e Foggia per verificare #scuolebelle. Ottimo lavoro per ridare decoro alla #scuola! #italiariparte #labuonascuola ] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#iononcisto anche a #Mantovacontro #labuonascuola di #Renzi e #Giannini e l'infame #JobsAct http] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [3 incontri con #labuonascuola Circolo PD Cannaregio 4008 Venezia. Il primo oggi alle 18 http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Orgogliosa che #labuonascuola contenga anche esperienze e contributi di tecnici bergamaschi http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se volete capire come andrà la pseudoconsultazione su #labuonascuola guardate spazio che dà Repubblica a dissenso #10o in tutta Italia 2/2] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http date una mano alla #Lip #legge iniziativa popolare per una buona scuola della #repubblica !] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Scuola i punti critici di una buona riforma - Quella di Matteo Renzi potrebbe essere davvero #labuonascuola. Al... http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [http avanti vecchiseniorpersone cn0servizio e #tieffini con servizio fuori bella riforma #labuonascuola ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [""La buona scuola"": ad Albese si discute delle riforme di Renzi - http http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola è la riforma che l'Italia aspetta da vent'anni su http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Col taglio di 15 mld all'istruzione ipotizzato da Renzi la scuola italiana verrebbe messa in ginocchio definitivamente #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #idoneiconcorsone2012 #pantarei presenti ovunque al tour de #labuonascuola come fare per intervenire il 25 GE 27 NA il 7 AV?] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Non so a voi ma a me questa riforma della scuola piace #passodopopasso #labuonascuola http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #labuonascuola Nelle graduatorie d'Istituto ci sono anche docenti abilitati TFA con 48 mesi di servizio. Perché viene taciuto?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho bisogno di sapere quale sarà la sede di Verona del 31 ottobre per il progetto la buona scuola. Grazie] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#Scuola: la rivoluzione del merito http #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ in quale passo della buona scuola si parla di rimediare ai tagli da Gelmini in poi?] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola consultazione della con le scuole cattoliche della ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [So che molti sputeranno veleno ma questa è una bella proposta. > La buona scuola « Passo dopo Passo http] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Io chiedo a te di rispondere a noi insegnanti di seconda fascia.La buona educazione (altro che buona scuola) lo richiede.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [con e Roberto Proietto #labuonascuola a Milano Circolo PD Caponnetto http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [nessuno più dietro alla lavagna o fuori dalla porta #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ Una buona scuola potrebbe scaturire da buone idee e tanta buona volontà. Di entrambe non si vede traccia] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Vogliamo anche al liceo l'alternanza scuola lavoro #labuonascuola ] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ grazie per una posizione laica su #labuonascuola che parte da una passione allo studente!] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Titola bene il . Oggi ci siamo mobilitati per difendere la scuola pubblica italiana. #10ottobre #labuonascuola ] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Siamo al convegno Pensare digitale a Bologna su codino e la buona scuola] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Ho un'idea rivoluzionaria: che sia possibile licenziare chi insegna male oltre a premiare chi insegna bene. #labuonascuola] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Se dopo 15 anni di studi non si hanno le competenze e le possibilità di trovare lavoro evidentemente c'è qualche problema. #labuonascuola] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [La buona scuola e la buona università http] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [#labuonascuola sono anche i genitori imbianchini della D.Campana di Scandicci che si rimboccano le maniche per i loro figli.Si #cambiaverso] = positive" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [ #socialstrike Per la scuola: #MeglioLaLip http la vera buona scuola dal 2006.] = negative" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [Assemblea con le RSU a Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto pet discutere di Art. 18Jobs act e ""la buona scuola""] = neutral" "Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label ""positive"" or ""neutral"" or ""negative"" [“@SteGiannini: Formazione continua valutazione del merito e per questo possibilità di fare carriera. Così sarà #labuonascuola” Ma magari!] = positive"