[ [ "Investigation of surface boundary conditions for continuum modeling of RF plasmas.", "Comments on the boundary conditions for metal and dielectric walls in the fluid-plasma modelling" ], [ "On the mechanical and electronic properties of thiolated gold nanocrystals.", "Length-dependent transport in molecular junctions based on SAMs of alkanethiols and alkanedithiols: effect of metal work function and applied bias on tunneling efficiency and contact resistance." ], [ "The 3XMM/SDSS Stripe 82 Galaxy Cluster Survey - I. Cluster catalogue and discovery of two merging cluster candidates", "A Merged Catalog of Clusters of Galaxies from Early Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data" ], [ "Second-order QCD effects in Higgs boson production through vector boson fusion", "Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to Higgs plus three jet production in vector-boson fusion" ], [ "Virasoro algebra for particles with higher derivative interactions", "Perturbative approach to higher derivative and nonlocal theories" ], [ "An entanglement asymmetry study of black hole radiation", "Entanglement asymmetry as a probe of symmetry breaking" ], [ "Preparing tunable Bell-diagonal states on a quantum computer", "Experimental estimate of a classicality witness via a single measurement." ], [ "Observation of Non-Hermitian Topology with Nonunitary Dynamics of Solid-State Spins.", "Critical Thermalization of a Disordered Dipolar Spin System in Diamond." ], [ "Variable-range cotunneling and conductivity of a granular metal", "Negative magnetoresistance in variable-range-hopping conduction." ], [ "AN IMPROVED SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF DA WHITE DWARFS FROM THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY DATA RELEASE 4", "Photometric and Spectroscopic Analysis of Cool White Dwarfs with Trigonometric Parallax Measurements" ], [ "A Proposal for a New Kind of Spontaneous Collapse Model", "Explicit wavefunction collapse and quantum measurement" ], [ "Comparison of theoretical and observed Ca\u202fII 8542 Stokes profiles in quiet regions at the centre of the solar disc", "The Physical Content of the Leading Orders of Principal Component Analysis of Spectral Profiles" ], [ "Integrable and conformal twisted boundary conditions for sl(2) A-D-E lattice models", "Boundary conditions in rational conformal field theories" ], [ "General relativistic neutron stars with twisted magnetosphere", "Relativistic stars with purely toroidal magnetic fields" ], [ "PyAutoLens: Open-Source Strong Gravitational Lensing", "The Astropy Project: Building an Open-science Project and Status of the v2.0 Core Package" ], [ "Iron-based high transition temperature superconductors", "Visualizing the microscopic coexistence of spin density wave and superconductivity in underdoped NaFe1\u2212xCoxAs" ], [ "SN 2014ab: an aspherical Type IIn supernova with low polarization", "Wave\u2010driven mass loss in the last year of stellar evolution: setting the stage for the most luminous core\u2010collapse supernovae" ], [ "Localized defects in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow with phase separation", "Single-vehicle data of highway traffic: a statistical analysis." ], [ "Structure resonance crossing in space charge dominated beams", "Transverse Space-Charge Effects in Circular Accelerators" ], [ "Jet quenching in thin quark\u2013gluon plasmas I: formalism", "The Lund Monte Carlo for jet fragmentation and e+e- physics - jetset version 6.2" ], [ "Synchronization of Electrically Coupled Resonate-and-Fire Neurons", "Experimental evidence and modeling studies support a synchronizing role for electrical coupling in the cat thalamic reticular neurons in vivo" ], [ "Particle-in-cell simulations of Alfv\u00e9n wave parametric decay in a low-beta plasma", "Parametric instabilities of large-amplitude parallel propagating Alfv\u00e9n waves: 2D PIC simulation" ], [ "The Polish doughnuts revisited I. The angular momentum distribution and equipressure surfaces", "Equilibrium Models of Differentially Rotating Zero-Temperature Stars" ], [ "Primordial Black Holes from First-Order Cosmological Phase Transitions", "Limits on black hole formation from cosmic string loops" ], [ "On the origin of dual Lax pairs and their $r$-matrix structure", "THE QUADRATIC BUNDLE OF GENERAL FORM AND THE NONLINEAR EVOLUTION EQUATIONS: HIERARCHIES OF HAMILTONIAN STRUCTURES" ], [ "Electromagnetic induction: physics, historical breakthroughs, epistemological issues and textbooks", "Ampere's experimental proof of his law of induction: i2 varies as i1" ], [ "The domino effect: Analyzing the impact of Silicon Valley Bank's fall on top equity indices around the world", "Russia-Ukraine Conflict: The Effect on European Banks\u2019 Stock Market Returns" ], [ "Dust in RCW\u200958: Clues to common envelope channel formation?", "A Study of Neutral and Ionized Gas of the Wolf-Rayet Ring Nebula NGC 2359" ], [ "An effective way of characterizing the quantum nonlocality", "Implausible consequences of superstrong nonlocality" ], [ "Noninteracting fermions in a trap and random matrix theory", "Large deviations of surface height in the 1\u2009\u2009+\u2009\u20091-dimensional Kardar\u2013Parisi\u2013Zhang equation: exact long-time results for \u03bbH<0" ], [ "Atom interferometry tests of local Lorentz invariance in gravity and electrodynamics", "Relativistic gravity in the solar system. II - Anisotropy in the Newtonian gravitational constant" ], [ "Intrinsic Sensitivity Limits for Multiparameter Quantum Metrology.", "Quantum Enhanced Estimation of a Multidimensional Field." ], [ "Coupled Electricity and Magnetism in Solids: Multiferroics and Beyond", "Magnetoelectric control of domain walls in a ferrite garnet film" ], [ "Using an Atom Interferometer to Infer Gravitational Entanglement Generation", "Locality and entanglement in table-top testing of the quantum nature of linearized gravity" ], [ "Dynamical ordering of driven stripe phases in quenched disorder.", "Observation of the correlated vortex flow in NbSe 2 with magnetic decoration" ], [ "Predominance of non-adiabatic effects in zero-point renormalization of the electronic band gap", "Electronic band structure of isotopically pure germanium: Modulated transmission and reflectivity study." ], [ "Temperature-dependent photoluminescence in Ge: Experiment and theory", "Role of strain on the coherent properties of GaAs excitons and biexcitons" ], [ "The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S: VI. Obscured AGN selected as infrared power-law galaxies", "The Compton-thick AGN in the Chandra Deep Field North" ], [ "Energy fluctuations of a Brownian particle freely moving in a liquid", "Long-time persistence of hydrodynamic memory boosts microparticle transport" ], [ "Ponderomotive force driven mechanism for electrostatic wave excitation and energy absorption of electromagnetic waves in overdense magnetized plasma", "Excitation of lower hybrid and magneto-sonic perturbations in laser plasma interaction" ], [ "THE MOLECULAR GAS DENSITY IN GALAXY CENTERS AND HOW IT CONNECTS TO BULGES", "The Destruction of Bars by Central Mass Concentrations" ], [ "HYDRODYNAMICAL NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF WIND PRODUCTION FROM BLACK HOLE HOT ACCRETION FLOWS AT VERY LARGE RADII", "ZEUS-2D: A radiation magnetohydrodynamics code for astrophysical flows in two space dimensions. I - The hydrodynamic algorithms and tests. II - The magnetohydrodynamic algorithms and tests" ], [ "Topological superconducting phases from inversion symmetry breaking order in spin-orbit-coupled systems", "Superconducting and charge-density-wave orders in the spin-fermion model: A comparative analysis" ], [ "Experimental evidence for the sensitivity of the air-shower radio signal to the longitudinal shower development", "Progress in elementary particle and cosmic ray physics" ], [ "Half-metal and other fractional metal phases in doped \nAB\n bilayer graphene", "Transport spectroscopy of symmetry-broken insulating states in bilayer graphene." ], [ "Investigation of nonlinear effects in Josephson parametric oscillators used in circuit quantum electrodynamics", "Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit" ], [ "Examining NHD vs QHD in the GCM THOR with non-grey radiative transfer for the hot Jupiter regime", "Cartopy: a cartographic python library with a Matplotlib interface" ], [ "Scaling relations and baryonic cycling in local star-forming galaxies", "THE ARECIBO LEGACY FAST ALFA SURVEY: THE \u03b1.40 H\u2009i SOURCE CATALOG, ITS CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE DERIVATION OF THE H\u2009i MASS FUNCTION" ], [ "Theory of magnetoelastic resonance in a mono-axial chiral helimagnet.", "Magneto-elastic interaction in cubic helimagnets with B20 structure" ], [ "Conformal gauge fixing and Faddeev-Popov determinant in 2-dimensional Regge gravity", "The Ising transition in 2D simplicial quantum gravity \u2014 can Regge calculus be right?" ], [ "Exact Quantum Many-Body Scar States in the Rydberg-Blockaded Atom Chain.", "Weak ergodicity breaking from quantum many-body scars" ], [ "INTERPRETING THE GLOBAL 21 cm SIGNAL FROM HIGH REDSHIFTS. I. MODEL-INDEPENDENT CONSTRAINTS", "X-ray emission from star-forming galaxies \u2013 I. High-mass X-ray binaries" ], [ "Revisiting the gauge principle: enforcing constants of motion as constraints", "For instance, with variables q, p, \u03bb, we will have d dt =q \u2202 \u2202q +\u1e57 \u2202 \u2202p +\u03bb \u2202 \u2202\u03bb +q \u2202 \u2202q + . . .. Instead, if we send p \u2192 P (q,q, \u03bb), we will have d dt =q \u2202 \u2202q +\u03bb \u2202 \u2202\u03bb +q \u2202 \u2202q +" ], [ "Nucleon-nucleon short-ranged correlations, \n\u03b2\n decay, and the unitarity of the CKM matrix", "Gluonic probe for the short range correlation in nucleus" ], [ "Many-body effects, orbital mixing, and cyclotron resonance in bilayer graphene", "Direct measurement of discrete valley and orbital quantum numbers in bilayer graphene" ], [ "Large-scale Ising spin network based on degenerate optical parametric oscillators", "A Coherent Ising Machine for MAX-CUT Problems: Performance Evaluation against Semidefinite Programming and Simulated Annealing" ], [ "Growth dynamics of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes from in situ measurements", "Polarization dependent optical absorption properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes and methodology for the evaluation of their morphology" ], [ "Superstring field theory and the Wess-Zumino-Witten action", "Ramond equations of motion in superstring field theory" ], [ "A substrateless, flexible, and water-resistant organic light-emitting diode", "Gas diffusion barriers on polymers using Al2O3 atomic layer deposition" ], [ "Topologically protected qubits as minimal Josephson junction arrays with non-trivial boundary conditions: A proposal", "High quality ferromagnetic 0 and \u03c0 Josephson tunnel junctions" ], [ "6j-symbols for symmetric representations of SO(n) as the double series", "Algebraic Foundation of Microscopic Nuclear Theory (Moscow: Nauka) (in Russian" ], [ "Cooling-by-measurement and mechanical state tomography via pulsed optomechanics", "Backaction noise produced via cavity-aided nondemolition measurement of an atomic clock state" ], [ "Scalar Love numbers and Love symmetries of 5-dimensional Myers-Perry black holes", "On the vanishing of Love numbers for Kerr black holes" ], [ "Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions and target states in confined geometries", "Electric-field-driven switching of individual magnetic skyrmions." ], [ "Selective Evaporation at the Nozzle Exit in Piezoacoustic Inkjet Printing", "Velocity Profile inside Piezoacoustic Inkjet Droplets in Flight: Comparison between Experiment and Numerical Simulation" ], [ "Rotation-activity relations and flares of M dwarfs with K2 long- and short-cadence data", "Frequency distributions and correlations of solar X-ray flare parameters" ], [ "Toward a New Geometric Distance to the Active Galaxy NGC 4258. II. Centripetal Accelerations and Investigation of Spiral Structure", ") are approximate. Ranges for Bragg et al. (2000) are for all epochs except the first. The velocity ranges for" ], [ "Temperature dependence of the density and excitations of dipolar droplets", "Quantum filaments in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates" ], [ "Overview of the QCD phase diagram - Recent progress from the lattice", "Radius of convergence in lattice QCD at finite \n\u03bcB\n with rooted staggered fermions" ], [ "Viscosities and shift in a chiral superfluid: a holographic study", "Pseudogap and time reversal breaking in a holographic superconductor" ], [ "On macroscopic residual QCD force of electrodynamics", "A simple formula for reducing Feynman diagrams to scalar integrals" ], [ "Scale of Dirac leptogenesis and left-right symmetry in the light of recent PTA results", "Lepton-Flavour Nonconservation and the Type of Neutrino Masses" ], [ "Magnetic Properties of the Hubbard Model on Three-Dimensional Lattices: Fluctuation-Exchange and Two-Particle Self-Consistent Studies", "Flat-band ferromagnetism induced by off-site repulsions" ], [ "Using Metadynamics to Reveal Extractant Conformational Free Energy Landscapes.", "Advancing the Am Extractant Design through the Interplay among Planarity, Preorganization, and Substitution Effects." ], [ "True Masses of the Long-period Companions to HD 92987 and HD 221420 from Hipparcos\u2013Gaia Astrometry", "Hipparcos preliminary astrometric masses for the two close-in companions to HD 131664 and HD 43848 - A brown dwarf and a low-mass star" ], [ "Generalized Uncertainty Principle, Modified Dispersion Relation and Barrier Penetration by a Dirac Particle", "Discreteness of space from the generalized uncertainty principle" ], [ "PROSPECTS FOR JOINT GRAVITATIONAL WAVE AND SHORT GAMMA-RAY BURST OBSERVATIONS", "Simultaneous event detection rates by electromagnetic and gravitational wave detectors in the advanced era of LIGO and Virgo" ], [ "Diffeomorphism-invariant averaging in quantum gravity and cosmology", "New framework for analyzing the effects of small scale inhomogeneities in cosmology" ], [ "Comprehensive Analysis of a Symbiotic Candidate V503 Her", "PASP, 129, 104502 Kumar, V., Srivastava, M. 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The effects of mass loading" ], [ "The Relationship Between Star-formation Activity and Galaxy Structural Properties in CANDELS and a Semi-analytic Model", "Multiwavelength Study of Massive Galaxies at z~2. I. 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Spatially resolved stellar populations and excitation conditions,", "An Integrated Spectrophotometric Survey of Nearby Star-forming Galaxies" ], [ "Remote control of spin polarization of topological corner states", "Complete Theory of Symmetry-based Indicators of Band Topology" ], [ "The mean ultraviolet spectrum of a representative sample of faint z ~ 3 Lyman alpha emitters", "Spectroscopic detections of C iii] \u03bb1909 \u00c5 at z \u2243 6\u20137: a new probe of early star-forming galaxies and cosmic reionization" ], [ "Relaxation of stationary states on a quantum computer yields a unique spectroscopic fingerprint of the computer\u2019s noise", "Simulation of Thermal Relaxation in Spin Chemistry Systems on a Quantum Computer Using Inherent Qubit Decoherence" ], [ "Acoustic shock and acceleration waves in selected inhomogeneous fluids", "Acoustics: An Introduction to Its Physical Principles and Applications" ], [ "Close-binary evolution - I. 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III. PROPERTIES OF ROSAT-SELECTED SDSS ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI", "Black Hole Mass and Eddington Ratio as Drivers for the Observable Properties of Radio-loud and Radio-quiet QSOs" ], [ "Markov field models: Scaling molecular kinetics approaches to large molecular machines.", "Spectral gap optimization of order parameters for sampling complex molecular systems" ], [ "Revisiting the statistical estimation of activation parameters in incipient plasticity", "Development of new interatomic potentials appropriate for crystalline and liquid iron" ], [ "No Shock Across Part of a Radio Relic in the Merging Galaxy Cluster ZwCl 2341.1+0000?", "Radio observations of ZwCl 2341.1+0000: a double radio relic cluster" ], [ "The Physical Scale of the Far-Infrared Emission in the Most Luminous Submillimeter Galaxies", "GOODS 850-5: A z > 4 Galaxy Discovered in the Submillimeter?" ], [ "Fast electron spin flips via strong subcycle electric excitation", "Appearance of Gauge Structure in Simple Dynamical Systems" ], [ "GALAXY DISKS DO NOT NEED TO SURVIVE IN THE \u039bCDM PARADIGM: THE GALAXY MERGER RATE OUT TO z \u223c 1.5 FROM MORPHO-KINEMATIC DATA", "Rigging dark haloes: why is hierarchical galaxy formation consistent with the inside\u2010out build\u2010up of thin discs?" ], [ "Self\u2010consistent hybridization expansions for static properties of the Anderson impurity model", "Ab Initio Calculation of Crystalline Electric Fields and Kondo Temperatures in Ce Compounds" ], [ "Charge, neutron, and weak size of the atomic nucleus", "Convergence of Faddeev partial-wave series for triton ground state." ], [ "Theory of tunable pH-sensitive vesicles of anionic and cationic lipids or anionic and neutral lipids.", "The polymorphic phase behaviour of phosphatidylethanolamines of natural and synthetic origin. A 31P NMR study." ], [ "Quantum Advantage of One-Way Squeezing in Enhancing Weak-Force Sensing", "Magneto-optical non-reciprocal devices in silicon photonics" ], [ "The construction of the mKdV cyclic symmetric N-soliton solution by the B\u00e4cklund transformation", "Nonlinear-evolution equations of physical significance" ], [ "ICTP Lectures on Covariant Quantization of the Superstring", "Superstrings in 2D backgrounds with R-R flux and new extremal black holes" ], [ "Electronic states of disordered grain boundaries in graphene prepared by chemical vapor deposition", "An extended defect in graphene as a metallic wire." ], [ "Reconstructing f (R) theory from Ricci dark energy", "Constraints on holographic dark energy from the latest supernovae, galaxy clustering, and cosmic microwave background anisotropy observations" ], [ "Single active particle engine utilizing a nonreciprocal coupling between particle position and self-propulsion.", "Autonomous Engines Driven by Active Matter: Energetics and Design Principles" ], [ "Flavour structure of low-energy hadron-pair photoproduction", "NEW SUM RULES AND SINGULARITIES IN THE COMPLEX J PLANE." ], [ "Debye screening mass of hot Yang-Mills theory to three-loop order", "Infrared Limit of the Axial Gauge Gluon Propagator at High Temperature" ], [ "The important consequences of the reversible heat production in nerves and the adiabaticity of the action potential.", "Compressibility of Lipid Mixtures Studied by Calorimetry and Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements" ], [ "Testing the Prediction of Fuzzy Dark Matter Theory in the Milky Way Center", "A Universal Density Profile from Hierarchical Clustering" ], [ "PENTATRAP: a novel cryogenic multi-Penning-trap experiment for high-precision mass measurements on highly charged ions", "Penning traps as a versatile tool for precise experiments in fundamental physics" ], [ "Combined searches for dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies observed with the MAGIC telescopes, including new data from Coma Berenices and Draco", "Republication of: The redshift of extragalactic nebulae" ], [ "DISRUPTED GLOBULAR CLUSTERS CAN EXPLAIN THE GALACTIC CENTER GAMMA-RAY EXCESS", "PROSPECTS FOR PROBING THE SPACETIME OF Sgr A* WITH PULSARS" ], [ "Charge- and spin-specific local integrals of motion in a disordered Hubbard model", "Many-body localization in system with a completely delocalized single-particle spectrum" ], [ "Various Modes of Helium Mixing in Globular Cluster Giants and Their Possible Effects on the Horizontal Branch Morphology", "TIME SCALES FOR Ca II EMISSION DECAY, ROTATIONAL BRAKING, AND LITHIUM DEPLETION." ], [ "Charming penguins and lepton universality violation in \n \n \n \n $$\\varvec{b \\rightarrow s \\ell ^+ \\ell ^-}$$\n \n \n b\n \u2192\n s\n \n \u2113\n ", "Charming New Physics in Rare $$B_{s}$$ Decays and Mixing?" ], [ "The Einstein Ring GAL-CLUS-022058s: a Lensed Ultrabright Submillimeter Galaxy at z = 1.4796", "Molecular clouds in the Cosmic Snake normal star-forming galaxy 8 billion years ago" ], [ "CMB signatures of metal-free star formation and Planck 2015 polarization data", "Generic Spectrum and Ionization Efficiency of a Heavy Initial Mass Function for the First Stars" ], [ "Technique for Separating Velocity and Density Contributions in Spectroscopic Data and Its Application to Studying Turbulence and Magnetic Fields", "STUDYING THE INTERSTELLAR MAGNETIC FIELD FROM ANISOTROPIES IN VELOCITY CHANNELS" ], [ "Fermion localization in braneworld teleparallel f(T, B) gravity", "Wormhole geometries in modified teleparallel gravity and the energy conditions" ], [ "A review of anomalous resonance, its associated cloaking, and superlensing", "Transport properties of a three-phase composite material: the square array of coated cylinders" ], [ "Quantum Eigenvalue Estimation for Irreducible Non-negative Matrices", "Order Structure and Topological Methods in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Vol. 1: Maximum Principles and Applications" ], [ "In situ fiber\u2010optical monitoring of cytosolic calcium in tissue explant cultures", "Mechanical stimulation andintercellular communication increases intracellular Ca2+inepithelial cells" ], [ "TESTS OF GENERAL RELATIVITY AND ALTERNATIVE THEORIES OF GRAVITY USING GRAVITATIONAL WAVE OBSERVATIONS", "Detecting a tail effect in gravitational-wave experiments." ], [ "On timelike supersymmetric solutions of Abelian gauged 5-dimensional supergravity", "General Supersymmetric Solutions of Five-Dimensional Supergravity" ], [ "Apples to apples A 2 \u2013 I. Realistic galaxy simulated catalogues and photometric redshift predictions for next-generation surveys", "THE EVOLUTION OF THE STELLAR MASS FUNCTIONS OF STAR-FORMING AND QUIESCENT GALAXIES TO z = 4 FROM THE COSMOS/UltraVISTA SURVEY" ], [ "THE MASS OF THE BLACK HOLE IN Arp 151 FROM BAYESIAN MODELING OF REVERBERATION MAPPING DATA", "The many lives of active galactic nuclei: cooling flows, black holes and the luminosities and colour" ], [ "Enhanced cluster lensing models with measured galaxy kinematics", "CLASH-VLT: DISSECTING THE FRONTIER FIELDS GALAXY CLUSTER MACS J0416.1-2403 WITH \u223c800 SPECTRA OF MEMBER GALAXIES" ], [ "SN 2020udy: a SN Iax with strict limits on interaction consistent with a helium-star companion", "MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research" ], [ "Brane Effective Actions, Kappa-Symmetry and Applications", "Four dimensional black hole microstates: from D-branes to spacetime foam" ], [ "Non-equilibrium renormalised contacts for transport in nanodevices with interaction: a quasi-particle approach", "Correlated initial condition for an embedded process by time partitioning" ], [ "A fast computational model for the electrophysiology of the whole human heart", "Heart rate effects on the ventricular hemodynamics and mitral valve kinematics" ], [ "Multiplicity fluctuations near the QCD critical point", "Non-Gaussian fluctuations near the QCD critical point." ], [ "CMB E B and T B cross-spectrum estimation via pseudospectrum techniques", "HEALPix: A Framework for High-Resolution Discretization and Fast Analysis of Data Distributed on the Sphere" ], [ "Role of quantum fluctuations in the optomechanical properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring cavity", "Quantum dynamics of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential" ], [ "Nonlocal quantum effects in cosmology: Quantum memory, nonlocal FLRW equations, and singularity avoidance", "The Covariant Technique for Calculation of One Loop Effective Action" ], [ "Morphology and ionization characteristics of planetary nebulae PB 1 and PC 19", "Morpho-Kinematic Modeling of Gaseous Nebulae with Shape" ], [ "Asymmetric double-pulse interferometric FROG for visible-wavelength time-domain spectroscopy.", "Free\u2010space electro\u2010optic sampling of terahertz beams" ], [ "Low-radio frequency observations of seven nearby galaxies with GMRT", "THE SPITZER LOCAL VOLUME LEGACY: SURVEY DESCRIPTION AND INFRARED PHOTOMETRY" ], [ "Data-driven Approach to Parameterize SCAN+U for an Accurate Description of 3d Transition Metal Oxide Thermochemistry", "Computational predictions of energy materials using density functional theory" ], [ "BIANCHI TYPE I ANISOTROPIC MAGNETIZED COSMOLOGICAL MODELS WITH VARYING \u039b", "PLANE-SYMMETRIC INHOMOGENEOUS VISCOUS FLUID COSMOLOGICAL MODELS WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD" ], [ "Coexistence of Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism in Topological Magnet MnBi2Te4 Films.", "Two-Dimensional Magnetotransport in the Extreme Quantum Limit" ], [ "Arithmetic Loophole in Bell's Theorem: Overlooked Threat to Entangled-State Quantum Cryptography", "Waves Along Fractal Coastlines: From Fractal Arithmetic to Wave Equations" ], [ "ISA-Pol: distributed polarizabilities and dispersion models from a basis-space implementation of the iterated stockholder atoms procedure", "Intermolecular potential energy surfaces and spectra of Ne-HCN complex from ab initio calculations" ], [ "Cosmic muon flux attenuation methods for superconducting qubit experiments", "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment: Editorial" ], [ "Backreaction of cosmological perturbations in covariant macroscopic gravity", "A Hypothesis, Unifying the Structure and the Entropy of the Universe" ], [ "Consequences of a relativistic pseudospin symmetry for radial nodes and intruder levels in nuclei", "Test of nuclear wave functions for pseudospin symmetry." ], [ "Astroparticle Constraints from Cosmic Reionization and Primordial Galaxy Formation", "Quantitative Constraints on the Reionization History from the IGM Damping Wing Signature in Two Quasars at z > 7" ], [ "Diagnostics of timing noise in middle-aged pulsars", "Switched Magnetospheric Regulation of Pulsar Spin-Down" ], [ "Penetration Deep into Tissues of Reactive Oxygen Species Generated in Floating-Electrode Dielectric Barrier Discharge (FE-DBD): in Vitro Agarose Gel Model Mimicking an Open Wound", "Cold Plasma Inactivation of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) Spores" ], [ "PROSPECTS FOR JOINT GRAVITATIONAL WAVE AND SHORT GAMMA-RAY BURST OBSERVATIONS", "Multi-color observations of short GRB afterglows: 20 events observed between 2007 and 2010" ], [ "Representation of a gauge field via intrinsic \u201cBRST\u201d operator", "Quantum Theory of Gravity. I. The Canonical Theory" ], [ "The Green function for the BFKL pomeron and the transition to DGLAP evolution", "The new HERA data and the determination of the infrared behaviour of the BFKL amplitude" ], [ "grmonty: A MONTE CARLO CODE FOR RELATIVISTIC RADIATIVE TRANSPORT", "Self-consistent Thermal Accretion Disk Corona Models for Compact Objects. I. Properties of the Corona and the Spectrum of Escaping Radiation" ], [ "Flavor-violating Higgs decays and stellar cooling anomalies in axion models", "Axions from cooling compact stars: Pair-breaking processes" ], [ "Structure of Herbig AeBe disks at the milliarcsecond scale: A statistical survey in the H band using PIONIER-VLTI", "Magnetospheres and Disk Accretion in Herbig Ae/Be Stars" ], [ "On internal wave breaking and tidal dissipation near the centre of a solar-type star", "Dynamic tides in rotating objects: orbital circularization of extrasolar planets for realistic planet models" ], [ "Unbinned multivariate observables for global SMEFT analyses from machine learning", "Publishing unbinned differential cross section results" ], [ "Anomalous Distributions of Primary Cosmic Rays as Evidence for Time-dependent Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants", "Magnetic Fields in Supernova Remnants and Pulsar-Wind Nebulae" ], [ "Nucleosynthesis of an 11.8 M \u2299 Supernova with 3D Simulation of the Inner Ejecta: Overall Yields and Implications for Short-lived Radionuclides in the Early Solar System", "RATE TABLES FOR THE WEAK PROCESSES OF pf-SHELL NUCLEI IN STELLAR ENVIRONMENTS" ], [ "THE MASS OF THE BLACK HOLE IN THE X-RAY BINARY NOVA MUSCAE 1991", "Inclination Effects and Beaming in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries" ], [ "Quantum Electronic Transport of Topological Surface States in \u03b2-Ag2Se Nanowire.", "Demonstration of surface transport in a hybrid Bi2Se3/Bi2Te3 heterostructure" ], [ "A ug 2 01 7 Quantifying resource in catalytic resource theory", "The resource theory of stabilizer quantum computation" ], [ "Cool carbon stars in the halo: new very red or distant objects ,", "Populations of AGB stars and LPVs in the Galaxy and Local Group" ], [ "Superconductivity from purely repulsive interactions in the strong-coupling approach: Application of SU(2) slave-rotor theory to the Hubbard model", "Antiferromagnetic metal to heavy-fermion metal quantum phase transition in the Kondo lattice model: A strong-coupling approach" ], [ "Drag coefficient of a rigid spherical particle in a near-critical binary fluid mixture, beyond the regime of the Gaussian model", "Brownian motion in a fluid near its critical point" ], [ "Magnetic moment of the \u03c1 meson in instant-form relativistic quantum mechanics", "Magnetic and quadrupole moments of light spin-1 mesons in light cone QCD sum rules" ], [ "Geometric Lagrangians for massive higher-spin fields", "Constant curvature algebras and higher spin action generating functions" ], [ "Higgs Width and Couplings at High Energy Muon Colliders with Forward Muon Detection", "Comparison of LHC and ILC Capabilities for Higgs Boson Coupling Measurements" ], [ "Probing Planck-scale spacetime by cavity opto-atomic $^{87}$Rb interferometry", "Hilbert space representation of the minimal length uncertainty relation." ], [ "Approximating the Turaev-Viro Invariant of Mapping Tori is Complete for One Clean Qubit", "The BQP-hardness of approximating the Jones polynomial" ], [ "Thin Ice Lithospheres and High Heat Flows on Europa From Large Impact Structure Ring\u2010Graben", "Fault growth by segment linkage: an explanation for scatter in maximum displacement and trace length data from the Canyonlands grabens of SE Utah: Discussion" ], [ "Chemical sensitivity to the ratio of the cosmic-ray ionization rates of He and H2 in dense clouds", "Intensity correlation of ionizing background at high redshifts" ], [ "Critical Review on Sustainable Homogeneous Cellulose Modification: Why Renewability Is Not Enough", "Homogeneous acetylation of cellulose in a new ionic liquid." ], [ "Probing Cold Gas in a Massive, Compact Star-forming Galaxy at z = 6", "A theory for the excitation of CO in star-forming galaxies" ], [ "On the effects of ion-neutral interactions in solar plasmas", "The Heating of the Solar Chromosphere, Plages, and Corona by Magnetohydrodynamic Waves." ], [ "An explanation about the flat radio spectrum for Mrk 421", "RADIATION MECHANISMS AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GeV\u2013TeV BL Lac OBJECTS" ], [ "2022 A comment on: Adam R. Brown & Leonard Susskind\u2019s paper \u201cA holographic wormhole traversed in a quantum computer\u201d", "On a Generalization of Kaluza's Theory of Electricity" ], [ "The Molonglo Southern 4 Jy Sample (MS4). II. ATCA Imaging and Optical Identification", "Relaxing the isoplanatism assumption in self-calibration; applications to low-frequency radio interferometry" ], [ "Hypervelocity Stars from a Supermassive Black Hole\u2013Intermediate-mass Black Hole Binary", "Gravitational interactions of stars with supermassive black hole binaries \u2013 II. Hypervelocity stars" ], [ "A bottom-heavy initial mass function for the likely-accreted blue-halo stars of the Milky Way", "In Disguise or Out of Reach: First Clues about In Situ and Accreted Stars in the Stellar Halo of the Milky Way from Gaia DR2" ], [ "Some results on ethnic conflicts based on evolutionary game simulation", "Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology" ], [ "A fast spectral method for the Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation for quantum gas mixtures: homogeneous relaxation and transport coefficients", "Sound propagation through a rarefied gas in rectangular channels." ], [ "Electromagnetic fields from the extended Kharzeev-McLerran-Warringa model in relativistic heavy-ion collisions", "Charge-Dependent Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and the Chiral Magnetic Effect" ], [ "Millisecond radio pulsars with known masses: Parameter values and equation of state models", "Discovery of Five Recycled Pulsars in a High Galactic Latitude Survey" ], [ "Optomechanically-induced-transparency cooling of massive mechanical resonators to the quantum ground state", "Cooling of a mirror in cavity optomechanics with a chirped pulse" ], [ "Iron in galaxy groups and clusters: confronting galaxy evolution models with a newly homogenized data set", "Constraining supernova models using the hot gas in clusters of galaxies" ], [ "Relativistic many-body calculation of low-energy dielectronic resonances in Be-like carbon", "Influence of cultivation temperature on the ligninolytic activity of selected fungal strains" ], [ "Constraining the PG 1553+113 Binary Hypothesis: Interpreting Hints of a New, 22 yr Period", "Absolute Magnitude Calibrations of Population I and II Cepheids and Other Pulsating Variables in the Instability Strip of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram" ], [ "A thermal coherent state defined with the Lie-Trotter product formula", "Characterization of thermal coherent and thermal squeezed states" ], [ "Robustness of Spin-Triplet Pairing and Singlet\u2013Triplet Pairing Crossover in Superconductor/Ferromagnet Hybrids", "Observation of spin-triplet superconductivity in Co-based Josephson junctions." ], [ "Primordial non-Gaussianity in warm inflation using \u03b4 N formalism", "Non-Gaussianity in fluctuations from warm inflation" ], [ "Spin configuration of magnetic multi-layers: effect of exchange, dipolar and Dzyalozhinski\u2013Moriya interactions", "Letter to the Editor Dipolar interaction and its interplay with interface roughness" ], [ "Minimal radius of magnetic skyrmions: statics and dynamics", "Atomic-level control of the domain wall velocity in ultrathin magnets by tuning of exchange interactions." ], [ "Azimuthal angle correlations in hadron-nucleus scattering: enhanced diagrams", "OBSERVATION OF A RIDGE CORRELATION STRUCTURE IN HIGH MULTIPLICITY PROTON\u2013PROTON COLLISIONS: A BRIEF REVIEW" ], [ "Dynamical density matrix renormalization group study of photoexcited states in one-dimensional Mott insulators", "Optical absorption of strongly correlated half-filled Mott-Hubbard chains" ], [ "The Stability of \u201cPerfect Elliptic Disks.\u201d II. A Minimal Streaming Case", "Stability of Nonrotating Stellar Systems. II. Prolate Shell-Orbit Models" ], [ "Pinning down QCD-matter shear viscosity in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions via EbyE fluctuations using pQCD + saturation + hydrodynamics", "Relative importance of second-order terms in relativistic dissipative fluid dynamics" ], [ "Cluster abundance in chameleon f(R) gravity I: toward an accurate halo mass function prediction", "THE HALO MASS FUNCTION FROM EXCURSION SET THEORY. III. NON-GAUSSIAN FLUCTUATIONS" ], [ "High-pressure, temperature elasticity of Fe- and Al-bearing MgSiO3: implications for the Earth\u2019s lower mantle", "Valence state and spin transitions of iron in Earth's mantle silicates" ], [ "A Comparison Between Nonlinear Force-Free Field and Potential Field Models Using Full-Disk SDO/HMI Magnetogram", "The Heating of Cool-Star Coronae: From Individual Loops to Global Flux-Flux Scalings" ], [ "Synchronized Coevolution between Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxies over the Last Seven Billion Years as Revealed by Hyper Suprime-Cam", "CIGALE: a python Code Investigating GALaxy Emission" ], [ "A Macro-microscopic Coupled Constitutive Model for Fluid-Saturated Porous Media with Compressible Constituents", "THEORY OF DEFORMATION OF A POROUS VISCOELASTIC ANISOTROPIC SOLID" ], [ "Confronting primordial black holes with LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA and the Einstein Telescope", "Stochastic Gravitational-wave Background from Binary Black Holes and Binary Neutron Stars and Implications for LISA" ], [ "Gauged neural network: Phase structure, learning, and associative memory", "Phase structure of the random plaquette Z(2) gauge model: Accuracy threshold for a toric quantum memory" ], [ "High-Velocity Features: A Ubiquitous Property of Type Ia Supernovae", "On the Geometry of the High-Velocity Ejecta of the Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 2000cx" ], [ "Diffuse X-ray emissions from dynamic planetary nebulae", "X-ray Emission from Planetary Nebulae and their Central Stars: a Status Report" ], [ "Applying High-Resolution Visible Imagery to Satellite Melt Pond Fraction Retrieval: A Neural Network Approach", "The mechanisms of sea ice melt pond formation and evolution" ], [ "Primordial features from linear to nonlinear scales", "Searching for primordial localized features with CMB and LSS spectra" ], [ "THE EXTRAGALACTIC DISTANCE SCALE WITHOUT CEPHEIDS. III.", "Tip of the Red Giant Branch distances to galaxies with composite stellar populations" ], [ "Light-emitting diode spherical packages: an equation for the light transmission efficiency.", "Analytical light-ray tracing in two-dimensional objects for light-extraction problems in light-emitting diodes." ], [ "On discrete surfaces: Enumerative geometry, matrix models and universality classes via topological recursion", "Random Matrix Theory: Invariant Ensembles and Universality" ], [ "Vortex Stabilization in Dilute Bose-Einstein Condensate Under Rotation.", "Vortex Stability and Persistent Currents in Trapped Bose Gases" ], [ "Automated atomistic simulations of dissociated dislocations with \nab initio\n accuracy", "A pseudopotential total energy study of impurity-promoted intergranular embrittlement" ], [ "The GMRT Epoch of Reionization experiment: a new upper limit on the neutral hydrogen power spectrum at z\u2248 8.6", "Statistical EOR detection and the Mileura Widefield Array" ], [ "Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry-based molecular distribution distinguishing healthy and osteoarthritic human cartilage.", "Cartilage in normal and osteoarthritis conditions." ], [ "Modernizing use of regression models in physics education research: A review of hierarchical linear modeling", "Heterogeneity of Variance in Experimental Studies: A Challenge to Conventional Interpretations" ], [ "Charming penguins and lepton universality violation in \n \n \n \n $$\\varvec{b \\rightarrow s \\ell ^+ \\ell ^-}$$\n \n \n b\n \u2192\n s\n \n \u2113\n ", "On B \u2192 V\u2113\u2113 at small dilepton invariant mass, power corrections, and new physics" ], [ "Deciphering the Local Interstellar Spectra of Secondary Nuclei with the Galprop/Helmod Framework and a Hint for Primary Lithium in Cosmic Rays", "Updated Formula for Calculating Partial Cross Sections for Nuclear Reactions of Nuclei with Z \u2264 28 and E > 150 MeV Nucleon\u20131 in Hydrogen Targets" ], [ "Revisiting the dark photon explanation of the muon anomalous magnetic moment", "Illuminating dark photons with high-energy colliders" ], [ "Dirac neutrinos with S-4 flavor symmetry in warped extra dimensions", "Leptons in holographic composite Higgs models with non-abelian discrete symmetries" ], [ "Uniqueness of Petrov type D spatially inhomogeneous irrotational silent models", "Spacelike conformal Killing vectors and spacelike congruences" ], [ "An unstructured finite-volume level set / front tracking method for two-phase flows with large density-ratios", "A front-tracking method for the computations of multiphase flow" ], [ "Millisecond Time-Scale Measurements of Heat Transfer to Confined He II", "Measurements of heat transfer to helium II at atmospheric pressure in a confined geometry" ], [ "Population synthesis for double white dwarfs. 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New analytic fits for photoionization cross sections of atoms and ions" ], [ "Computational study of the shift of the G band of double-walled carbon nanotubes due to interlayer interactions", "Carbon Nanotubes: Advanced Topics in the Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications" ], [ "Asteroseismic Inversions for Internal Sound Speed Profiles of Main-sequence Stars with Radiative Cores", "Inversions of Stellar Structure From Asteroseismic Data" ], [ "Locally quasi-stationary states in noninteracting spin chains", "Towards a generalized hydrodynamics description of R\u00e9nyi entropies in integrable systems" ], [ "The investigation of the hydride superconductor's parabolic-like critical temperature under high pressure", "Simple analytical model of the effect of high pressure on the critical temperature and other thermodynamic properties of superconductors" ], [ "Student facility with ratio and proportion: Mapping the reasoning space in introductory physics", "Learning to Think Mathematically: Problem Solving, Metacognition, and Sense Making in Mathematics (Reprint)" ], [ "Fano Resonance and Spectrally Modified Photoluminescence Enhancement in Monolayer MoS2 Integrated with Plasmonic Nanoantenna Array.", "Resonance Absorption by Nuclear Magnetic Moments in a Solid" ], [ "WHAT DO SIMULATIONS PREDICT FOR THE GALAXY STELLAR MASS FUNCTION AND ITS EVOLUTION IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS?", "Galaxy Groups in the SDSS DR4. 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Halo Occupation Statistics" ], [ "Localization for Almost-Periodic Operators with Power-law Long-range Hopping: A Nash-Moser Iteration Type Reducibility Approach", "Pure point spectrum for discrete almost periodic Schr\u00f6dinger operators" ], [ "Optimisation of NbN thin films on GaAs substrates for in-situ single photon detection in structured photonic devices", "Self\u2010heating hotspots in superconducting thin\u2010film microbridges" ], [ "Jet substructure modifications in a QGP from multi-scale description of jet evolution with JETSCAPE", "Pre-equilibrium evolution effects on heavy-ion collision observables" ], [ "Theoretical description of hyperpolarization formation in the SABRE-relay method.", "SABRE-Relay: A Versatile Route to Hyperpolarization" ], [ "Formation rates and evolution histories of magnetars", "Detailed high-energy characteristics of AXP 4U 0142+61: Multi-year observations with INTEGRAL, RXTE, XMM-Newton, and ASCA" ], [ "Finite temperature quantum simulation of stabilizer Hamiltonians", "Autocorrelations and thermal fragility of anyonic loops in topologically quantum ordered systems" ], [ "Reconstruction of Monte Carlo replicas from Hessian parton distributions", "An unbiased Hessian representation for Monte Carlo PDFs" ], [ "Planar and van der Waals heterostructures for vertical tunnelling single electron transistors", "Tunnel spectroscopy of localised electronic states in hexagonal boron nitride" ], [ "A STUDY OF THE HELIOCENTRIC DEPENDENCE OF SHOCK STANDOFF DISTANCE AND GEOMETRY USING 2.5D MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC SIMULATIONS OF CORONAL MASS EJECTION DRIVEN SHOCKS", "Remote and in situ observations of an unusual Earth\u2010directed coronal mass ejection from multiple viewpoints" ], [ "Sub-Rayleigh quantum imaging using single-photon sources", "Photon correlation versus interference of single-atom fluorescence in a half-cavity." ], [ "Longitudinal structure function at intermediate x and the gluon density", "Heavy-quark cross sections at hadron collider energies." ], [ "Dirac equation in curved spacetime: the role of local Fermi velocity", "Electronic properties of graphene: a perspective from scanning tunneling microscopy and magnetotransport" ], [ "Relativistic effective action of dynamical gravitomagnetic tides for slowly rotating neutron stars", "Black hole mass dynamics and renormalization group evolution" ], [ "Transition Probabilities of Co ii Weak Lines to the Ground and Low Metastable Levels", "IMPROVED Ti\u2009ii log(gf) VALUES AND ABUNDANCE DETERMINATIONS IN THE PHOTOSPHERES OF THE SUN AND METAL-POOR STAR HD 84937" ], [ "Multiple Parton Interactions with ALICE: from pp to p-Pb", "p-Pb Results from ALICE with an Emphasis on Centrality Determination" ], [ "A note on proper curvature collineations in Bianchi type VIII and IX space-times", "Proper curvature collineations in Bianchi type-II space-times" ], [ "OSSOS. XII. Variability Studies of 65 Trans-Neptunian Objects Using the Hyper Suprime-Cam", "Occultations by Small Non-spherical Trans-Neptunian Objects. I. A New Event Simulator for TAOS II" ], [ "Mechanical structure of the nucleon and the baryon octet", "Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions from Full Lattice QCD" ], [ "Membrane buckling and the determination of Gaussian curvature modulus", "Buckling analysis of single and double-layer annular graphene sheets in thermal environment" ], [ "A SIMPLE STRATEGY FOR RENORMALIZATION: QED AT ONE-LOOP LEVEL", "Anomalies and supersymmetric regularization by dimensio nal reduction" ], [ "THE DEEPEST HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE COLOR\u2013MAGNITUDE DIAGRAM OF M32. EVIDENCE FOR INTERMEDIATE-AGE POPULATIONS", "Distances and metallicities for 17 Local Group galaxies" ], [ "Optimal and suboptimal networks for efficient navigation measured by mean-first passage time of random walks.", "Influences of degree inhomogeneity on average path length and random walks in disassortative scale-free networks" ], [ "Dissociative Electron Attachment Cross Sections for Ni(CO)4, Co(CO)3NO, Cr(CO)6", "R-matrix calculations of low-energy electron collisions with methane" ], [ "Efficient Routing for Quantum Key Distribution Networks", "The SECOQC quantum key distribution network in Vienna" ], [ "WATER CYCLING BETWEEN OCEAN AND MANTLE: SUPER-EARTHS NEED NOT BE WATERWORLDS", "ROTATIONAL VARIABILITY OF EARTH'S POLAR REGIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR DETECTING SNOWBALL PLANETS" ], [ "Valley-selective Floquet Chern flat bands in twisted multilayer graphene", "Irradiated graphene as a tunable Floquet topological insulator" ], [ "Searching for universal behaviour in superheated droplet detector with effective recoil nuclei", "An active drop counting device using condenser microphone for superheated emulsion detector." ], [ "Study of the Influence of an Evolving Galactic Potential on the Orbital Properties of 152 Globular Clusters with Data from the Gaia EDR3 Catalogue", "Galactic orbital motions of star clusters: static versus semicosmological time-dependent Galactic potentials" ], [ "Precision measurements of sodium-sodium and sodium-noble gas molecular absorption", "Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up. 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See DOI: 10.1039/c8sm00714d", "Structure of polyamidoamide dendrimers up to limiting generations: a mesoscale description." ], [ "DERIVING STELLAR INCLINATION OF SLOW ROTATORS USING STELLAR ACTIVITY", "Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 10/09/06 IMPROVED PARAMETERS FOR EXTRASOLAR TRANSITING PLANETS" ], [ "Preparing tunable Bell-diagonal states on a quantum computer", "Analog of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality for steering" ], [ "An Illustration of Modeling Cataclysmic Variables: HST, FUSE, and SDSS Spectra of SDSS J080908.39+381406.2", "The high-state/low-state transition in V794 Aquilae" ], [ "Coexistence of Weyl fermion and massless triply degenerate nodal points", "Three-dimensional Dirac semimetal and quantum transport in Cd3As2" ], [ "Magnetic shear-driven instability and turbulent mixing in magnetized protostellar disks", "Hydrodynamic turbulence cannot transport angular momentum effectively in astrophysical disks" ], [ "Neutrino Fluence after r-Process Freezeout and Abundances of Te Isotopes in Presolar Diamonds", "Condensation in supernova ejecta and isotopic anomalies in meteorites" ], [ "Pathways to Good Healthcare Services and Patient Satisfaction: An Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach", "Shared Decision Making: A Model for Clinical Practice" ], [ "The contribution of very massive high-redshift SWIRE galaxies to the stellar mass function", "The K20 survey - IV. 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ejecta: heating efficiency and \u03b3-ray emission" ], [ "On measuring the Hubble constant with X-ray reverberation mapping of active galactic nuclei", "2016, in Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series" ], [ "Quantum motion of a point particle in the presence of the Aharonov--Bohm potential in curved space", "Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics: Second Edition" ], [ "On a connection between a class of q-deformed algebras and the Hausdorff derivative in a medium with fractal metric", "Fractional calculus as a macroscopic manifestation of randomness" ], [ "Connecting thermodynamic and dynamical anomalies of water-like liquid-liquid phase transition in the Fermi-Jagla model", "Decoupling of viscosity and relaxation processes in supercooled water: a molecular dynamics study with the TIP4P/2005f model." ], [ "Electrical spin injection and detection at Al2O3/n-type germanium interface using three terminal geometry", "Electronic measurement and control of 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antineutrino double-differential charged-current quasielastic cross section" ], [ "Linking invariant for the quench dynamics of a two-dimensional two-band Chern insulator", "Emergent topology and symmetry-breaking order in correlated quench dynamics" ], [ "Characterization of Carrier Cooling Bottleneck in Silicon Nanoparticles by Extreme Ultraviolet (XUV) Transient Absorption Spectroscopy", "Carrier relaxation and lattice heating dynamics in silicon revealed by femtosecond electron diffraction." ], [ "Interacting ghost dark energy models with variable G and \u039b", "A single scalar field model of dark energy with equation of state crossing \u22121" ], [ "NEAR-EQUIPARTITION JETS WITH LOG-PARABOLA ELECTRON ENERGY DISTRIBUTION AND THE BLAZAR SPECTRAL-INDEX DIAGRAMS", "MODELING THE MULTI-WAVELENGTH EMISSION OF THE SHELL-TYPE SUPERNOVA REMNANT RX J1713.7\u22123946" ], [ "Phaseless computational imaging with a radiating metasurface.", "Solving Quadratic Equations via PhaseLift When There Are About as Many Equations as Unknowns" ], [ "Lenalidomide derivatives and proteolysis-targeting chimeras for controlling neosubstrate degradation", "Phthalimide conjugation as a strategy for in vivo target protein degradation" ], [ "Relation between exponential behavior and energy denominators \u2014 weak coupling limit", "Electric and Magnetic Dipole Strength at Low Energy." ], [ "Ab Initio Static Exchange\u2013Correlation Kernel across Jacob\u2019s Ladder without Functional Derivatives", "The Properties of Hydrogen and Helium Under Extreme Conditions" ], [ "Phenomenology of GUT-inspired gauge-Higgs unification", "Measuring the Higgs boson self-coupling at the Large Hadron Collider." ], [ "Precession-free domain wall dynamics in compensated ferrimagnets", "Deviations from bulk behavior in TbFe(Co) thin films: Interfaces contribution in the biased composition" ], [ "Chain breaking and Kosterlitz-Thouless scaling at the many-body localization transition in the random-field Heisenberg 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correspondence" ], [ "Responsibility of a Filament Eruption for the Initiation of a Flare, CME, and Blast Wave, and its Possible Transformation into a Bow Shock", "Direct Detection of a CME-Associated Shock in LASCO White Light Images" ], [ "UNIFIED OCTONIONIC REPRESENTATION OF THE 10\u201313 DIMENSIONAL CLIFFORD ALGEBRA", "Self-dual Yang-Mills fields in d=7,8, octonions and ward equations" ], [ "Parametric Study of the Rossby Wave Instability in a Two-dimensional Barotropic Disk. 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Machine learning classification of redshifted H\u2009i 21-cm absorption", "Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Detections of Two High-opacity Hi 21 cm Absorbers at z \u2248 1.2" ], [ "Quantum Geometrodynamics of Higher Derivative Theories with and without Conformal Symmetry", "Operator ordering in theories subject to constraints of the gravitational type" ], [ "The impact of microscale physics in continuous time random walks for hydrodynamic dispersion in disordered media", "A review of applications of fractional advection\u2013dispersion equations for anomalous solute transport in surface and subsurface water" ], [ "Temperature dependence of the non-local spin Seebeck effect in YIG/Pt nanostructures", "Lateral transport properties of thermally excited magnons in yttrium iron garnet films" ], [ "Strongly correlated exciton-polarons in twisted homobilayer heterostructures", "Spectroscopic signatures of many-body correlations in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene" ], [ "Witnessing the active assembly phase of massive galaxies since z= 1", "Evidence of Cosmic Evolution of the Stellar Initial Mass Function" ], [ "Non-factorizable phases, Yukawa textures and the size of sin 2 \u03b2", "Unitarity triangles and the search for New Physics" ], [ "On the Q operator and the spectrum of the XXZ model at root of unity", "Eight-vertex model in lattice statistics and one-dimensional anisotropic heisenberg chain. II. Equivalence to a generalized ice-type lattice model" ], [ "Connecting massive galaxies to dark matter haloes in BOSS - I. Is galaxy colour a stochastic process in high-mass haloes?", "EMBEDDING REALISTIC SURVEYS IN SIMULATIONS THROUGH VOLUME REMAPPING" ], [ "Two-dimensional flow nanometry of biological nanoparticles for accurate determination of their size and emission intensity", "Multiscale perspectives of virus entry via endocytosis" ], [ "Evolution of the topologically protected surface states in superconductor \u03b2-Bi2Pd from the three-dimensional to the two-dimensional limit", "Discovery of a Weyl fermion state with Fermi arcs in niobium arsenide" ], [ "Polarimetry of an intermediate-age open cluster: NGC 5617", "Red giants in open clusters - XIV. 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Stegun, editors, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Series, No. 55, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1994, and all known reprints" ], [ "A study of line widths and kinetic parameters of ions in the solar corona", "Do the Line Widths of Coronal Emission Lines Increase with Height above the Limb?" ], [ "MULTI-INSTRUMENT X-RAY OBSERVATIONS OF THERMONUCLEAR BURSTS WITH SHORT RECURRENCE TIMES", "Photospheric radius expansion X-ray bursts as standard candles" ], [ "Structural phase transitions and topological defects in ion Coulomb crystals", "Double well potentials and quantum phase transitions in ion traps." ], [ "Phenomenology of keV sterile neutrino in minimal extended seesaw", "Lightest sterile neutrino abundance within the nuMSM" ], [ "Orientational quantum revivals induced by a single-cycle terahertz pulse", "Maximum attainable field-free molecular orientation of a thermal ensemble with near\u2013single-cycle THz pulses" ], [ "Dipolar spin waves in uniaxial easy-axis antiferromagnets: A natural topological nodal-line semimetal", "Surface spin waves in coupled easy-axis antiferromagnetic films" ], [ "A universal quantum circuit scheme for finding complex eigenvalues", "Quantum algorithm for linear systems of equations." ], [ "The degeneracy between the dust colour temperature and the spectral index The problem of multiple \u03c7 2 minima", "Tracing the Mass during Low-Mass Star Formation. II. Modeling the Submillimeter Emission from Preprotostellar Cores" ], [ "Direct collapse to supermassive black hole seeds with radiation transfer: cosmological haloes", "The Formation of Population III Binaries from Cosmological Initial Conditions" ], [ "Measurement of the e[superscript +]e[superscript -] \u2192 p[\u00af over p] cross section in the energy range from 3.0 to 6.5 GeV", "36 A. G. Denig, 39 M. Fritsch, 39 W. Gradl, 39 K. Griessinger, 39 A. Hafner, 39 E. Prencipe" ], [ "Transport and electrical properties of cryogenic thermoelectric FeSb2: the effect of isoelectronic and hole doping", "Hot deformation induced defects and performance enhancement in FeSb2 thermoelectric materials" ], [ "Theory of SEI Formation in Rechargeable Batteries: Capacity Fade, Accelerated Aging and Lifetime Prediction", "Aging Mechanisms of LiFePO4 Batteries Deduced by Electrochemical and Structural Analyses" ], [ "Observational signatures of strongly naked singularities: image of the thin accretion disk", "Uniqueness of photon spheres in static vacuum asymptotically flat spacetimes" ], [ "Effect of the lattice alignment on Bloch oscillations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a square optical lattice", "Asymmetric Landau-Zener tunneling in a periodic potential." ], [ "Low-redshift quasars in the SDSS Stripe 82. Host galaxy colours and close environment", "Low-redshift quasars in the SDSS Stripe 82. The local environments" ], [ "The spin temperature of neutral hydrogen during cosmic pre-reionization", "Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background spectrum by the COBE FIRAS instrument" ], [ "Band filling effects on the emergence of magnetic skyrmions: Pd/Fe and Pd/Co bilayers on Ir(111)", "First-principles Dzyaloshinskii\u2013Moriya interaction in a non-collinear framework" ], [ "Efficient isoparametric integration over arbitrary space-filling Voronoi polyhedra for electronic structure calculations", "Inclusion of charge correlations in calculations of the energetics and electronic structure for random substitutional alloys." ], [ "Bi-color atomic beam slower and magnetic field compensation for ultracold gases", "Sideband-Enhanced Cold Atomic Source for Optical Clocks" ], [ "Band gaps in jagged and straight graphene nanoribbons tunable by an external electric field", "Strained graphene: tight-binding and density functional calculations" ], [ "Consistent description of UCN transport properties", "Master\u2019s thesis (2011), diploma Thesis, Physics Department E18,Technische Universtitt Mnchen" ], [ "WISE \u00d7 SuperCOSMOS PHOTOMETRIC REDSHIFT CATALOG: 20 MILLION GALAXIES OVER 3\u03c0 STERADIANS", "Pan-STARRS: A Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Array" ], [ "Scalar Love numbers and Love symmetries of 5-dimensional Myers-Perry black holes", "Non-conservative effects on spinning black holes from world-line effective field theory" ], [ "Quantum signal transmission through a single-qubit chain", "Superradiance Transition in Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting Complexes" ], [ "Using Transit Timing Observations to Search for Trojans of Transiting Extrasolar Planets", "An Upper Limit on the Albedo of HD 209458b: Direct Imaging Photometry with the MOST Satellite" ], [ "COMBINED CO AND DUST SCALING RELATIONS OF DEPLETION TIME AND MOLECULAR GAS FRACTIONS WITH COSMIC TIME, SPECIFIC STAR-FORMATION RATE, AND STELLAR MASS", "COLD GASS, an IRAM legacy survey of molecular gas in massive galaxies - II. The non-universality of the molecular gas depletion time-scale" ], [ "Upper limits on the Peccei-Quinn scale and on the reheating temperature in axino dark matter scenarios", "Updated Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Unstable Relic Particles" ], [ "Quantum coherence between subspaces: State transformation, cohering power, \nk\n coherence, and other properties", "Evaluating the robustness of \nk\n-coherence and \nk\n-entanglement" ], [ "Understanding leakage currents through Al2O3 on SrTiO3", "Polarity dependence degradation mechanism of Al2O3 based metal-insulator-metal antifuse" ], [ "Quantum criticality in the spin-isotropic pseudogap Bose-Fermi Kondo model: Entropy, scaling, and the \ng\n-theorem", "Effect of a nonzero temperature on quantum critical points in itinerant fermion systems." ], [ "On the Luttinger theorem concerning number of particles in the ground states of systems of interacting fermions", "For Lebesgue integrals, the requirement for the continuous differentiability of\u03a3 (\u03bd)" ], [ "Thermal effects in hot and dilute homogeneous asymmetric nuclear matter", "Phase transitions in warm, asymmetric nuclear matter." ], [ "Ground-based Optical Transmission Spectroscopy of the Nearby Terrestrial Exoplanet LTT 1445Ab", "Planets Beyond the Solar System and the Next Generation of Space Missions" ], [ "Noncommutativity and logarithmic correction to the black hole entropy", "Statistical mechanical origin of the entropy of a rotating, charged black hole." ], [ "Double Shells of the Planetary Nebula NGC 7009 Minor Axis", "An imaging spectroscopic survey of the planetary nebula NGC 7009 with MUSE" ], [ "YSOVAR: MID-INFRARED VARIABILITY AMONG YSOs IN THE STAR FORMATION REGION GGD12-15", "NEAR-INFRARED VARIABILITY IN YOUNG STARS IN CYGNUS OB7" ], [ "Structure, Evolution, and Nucleosynthesis of Primordial Stars", "Zero-metallicity stellar sources and the reionization epoch" ], [ "Tidal Effects on the Spatial Structure of the Local Group", "M31 Transverse Velocity and Local Group Mass from Satellite Kinematics" ], [ "The gamma-ray blazar quest: new optical spectra, state of art and future perspectives", "OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONS OF GAMMA-RAY BLAZAR CANDIDATES. VI. FURTHER OBSERVATIONS FROM TNG, WHT, OAN, SOAR, AND MAGELLAN TELESCOPES" ], [ "Negative complexity of formation: the compact dimensions strike back", "Maximal hypersurfaces and foliations of constant mean curvature in general relativity" ], [ "Variation in the interface strength of silicon with surface engineered Ti3C2 MXenes.", "Role of surface structure on Li-ion energy storage capacity of two-dimensional transition-metal carbides." ], [ "Lyapunov dimension formula of attractors in the Tigan and Yang systems", "Numerical and experimental studies of attractors in memristor-based Chua\u2019s oscillator with a line of equilibria" ], [ "Asymptotic behavior of null geodesics near future null infinity: Significance of gravitational waves", "Radiation of gravitational waves by a cluster of superdense stars" ], [ "Dynamical quantum phase transitions in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate and criticality enhanced quantum sensing", "The truncated Wigner method for Bose-condensed gases: limits of validity and applications" ], [ "The Different Physical Mechanisms that Drive the Star-Formation Histories of Giant and Dwarf Galaxies", "The Morphological Content of 10 EDisCS Clusters at 0.5 < z < 0.8" ], [ "Phase Space Reconstruction from Accelerator Beam Measurements Using Neural Networks and Differentiable Simulations.", "Research Program and Recent Results at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility (AWA)" ], [ "Kinematics and multiband period\u2013luminosity\u2013metallicity relation of RR Lyrae stars via statistical parallax", "A mid-infrared study of RR Lyrae stars with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer all-sky data release" ], [ "The complexity of the consistency and N-representability problems for quantum states - eScholarship", "A classical approximation scheme for the ground-state energy of Ising spin Hamiltonians on planar graphs" ], [ "The interpretation and implication of the afterglow of GRB 060218", "Viewing Angle and Environment Effects in Gamma-Ray Bursts: Sources of Afterglow Diversity" ], [ "Trans-Planckian Censorship and single-field inflaton potential", "Quantum cosmological perturbations: predictions and observations" ], [ "Center vortices, area law and the catenary solution", "Centre Vortex Effects on the Overlap Quark Propagator" ], [ "Gauge-gravity dualities, dipoles and new non-K\u00e4hler manifolds", "Topological sigma-models with H-flux and twisted generalized complex manifolds" ], [ "Statistical mechanics in climate emulation: Challenges and perspectives", "Statistical emulation of climate model projections based on precomputed GCM runs" ], [ "Size-induced high electrocaloric response of dense ferroelectric nanocomposites", "Formulation and Rheology of Tape Casting Suspensions Based on BaTiO 3 Nanopowders" ], [ "AIC, BIC, Bayesian evidence against the interacting dark energy model", "A Nested Sampling Algorithm for Cosmological Model Selection" ], [ "Pre-equilibrium effects in charge-asymmetric low-energy reactions", "Neutron-proton effective mass splitting in neutron-rich matter at normal density from analyzing nucleon-nucleus scattering data within an isospin dependent optical model" ], [ "Prediction of optical spectra of coarse-grained polymers as a sequence generation problem: the Recurrent Neural Networks solution", "Bulk Heterojunction Morphologies with Atomistic Resolution from Coarse-Grain Solvent Evaporation Simulations" ], [ "Probing the dynamics of dark energy with divergence-free parametrizations: A global fit study", "Constraints on Dark Energy Parameters from Correlations of CMB with LSS" ], [ "Optimal directed searches for continuous gravitational waves", "Hough transform search for continuous gravitational waves" ], [ "SELECTION OF BURST-LIKE TRANSIENTS AND STOCHASTIC VARIABLES USING MULTI-BAND IMAGE DIFFERENCING IN THE PAN-STARRS1 MEDIUM-DEEP SURVEY", "Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chains and Their Applications" ], [ "Electrochemical impedance of electrodiffusion in charged medium under dc bias.", "Nonlinear Dynamics of Ion Concentration Polarization in Porous Media: The Leaky Membrane Model" ], [ "High-resolution ALMA Observations of HD 100546: Asymmetric Circumstellar Ring and Circumplanetary Disk Upper Limits", "Identifying Anticyclonic Vortex Features Produced by the Rossby Wave Instability in Protoplanetary Disks" ], [ "Canadian Investigations of the Interstellar Medium", "The Measurement of Polarization in Radio Astronomy" ], [ "Finite-temperature critical behaviors in 2D long-range quantum Heisenberg model", "Absence of spontaneous magnetic order at nonzero temperature in one- and two-dimensional Heisenberg and XY systems with long-range interactions." ], [ "Lightning Generation in Moist Convective Clouds and Constraints on the Water Abundance in Jupiter", "Whistlers observed by Voyager 1: Detection of lightning on Jupiter" ], [ "Optical symmetric pushing, uni-/bi-directional null, and pulling-pushing flipped forces in one dimensional PT-symmetric photonics", "Tailoring optical pulling forces with composite microspheres" ], [ "Strong first order electroweak phase transition in the CP-conserving 2HDM revisited", "A LATTICE MONTE CARLO STUDY OF THE HOT ELECTROWEAK PHASE TRANSITION" ], [ "The effects of within-neuron degree correlations in networks of spiking neurons", "On the Structure of Cortical Microcircuits Inferred from Small Sample Sizes" ], [ "Efficient variational synthesis of quantum circuits with coherent multi-start optimization", "Avoiding local minima in Variational Quantum Algorithms with Neural Networks" ], [ "X-ray monitoring of optical novae in M 31 from July 2004 to February 2005", "WeCAPP -Wendelstein Calar Alto pixellensing project I" ], [ "Forecasting confined spatiotemporal chaos with genetic algorithms.", "AVERAGE PATTERNS OF SPATIOTEMPORAL CHAOS : A BOUNDARY EFFECT" ], [ "Metal-insulator transition in 2D : the role of interactions and disorder", "P -wave pairing and ferromagnetism in the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions" ], [ "Atomistic simulations of elastic and plastic properties in amorphous silicon", "Empirical interatomic potential for silicon with improved elastic properties." ], [ "Time-delayed nonlocal response inducing traveling temporal localized structures", "Experimental observation of front propagation in a negatively diffractive inhomogeneous Kerr cavity" ], [ "Force-Free Magnetosphere of an Accretion Disk-Black Hole System. II. Kerr Geometry", "Partial Field Opening and Current Sheet Formation in the Disk Magnetosphere" ], [ "Cosmological perturbations in hybrid loop quantum cosmology: Mukhanov-Sasaki variables", "Isotropic Solutions of the Einstein\u2010Liouville Equations" ], [ "Accurate halo-model matter power spectra with dark energy, massive neutrinos and modified gravitational forces", "Neutrino Physics from the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large-Scale Structure" ], [ "Exploiting polarization dependence in two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy: Examples of \nCe2Zr2CDM: An update" ], [ "An ultrafast polarised single photon source at 220 K", "Linearly polarized single photons from small site-controlled GaN nanowire quantum dots" ], [ "Environmentally Driven Evolution of Simulated Cluster Galaxies", "Fluids in the universe: adaptive mesh refinement in cosmology" ], [ "The Sizes of Quasar Host Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program", "Obscured active galactic nuclei triggered in compact star-forming galaxies" ], [ "Enhanced superconductivity in atomically thin TaS2", "The SIESTA method for ab initio order-N materials simulation" ], [ "Fractional diffusion modeling of ion channel gating.", "Fractional master equations and fractal time random walks." ], [ "Performance of the Large Hadron Collider cleaning system during the squeeze: Simulations and measurements", "Proton scattering and collimation for the LHC and LHC luminosity upgrade" ], [ "A METHOD FOR DATA-DRIVEN SIMULATIONS OF EVOLVING SOLAR ACTIVE REGIONS", "Numerical Solution of Initial Boundary Value Problems Involving Maxwell\u2019s Equations in Isotropic Media" ], [ "Multiparty Spohn's theorem for mixed local Markovian and non-Markovian quantum dynamics", "On measures of non-Markovianity: divisibility vs. Markovianity" ], [ "Gradient flow of Einstein-Maxwell theory and Reissner-Nordstr\u00f6m black holes", "On the Geometry of the String Landscape and the Swampland" ], [ "Generation of spin currents by a temperature gradient in a two-terminal device", "Drug trapping in hERG K+ channels: (not) a matter of drug size?" ], [ "A Constraint on Primordial B-modes from the First Flight of the Spider Balloon-borne Telescope", "Studying the Cosmic Microwave Background with Spider\u2019s First Flight" ], [ "Integrability of type 0A matrix model in the presence of D-brane", "Type 0A matrix model of a black hole, integrability, and holography" ], [ "Second-order Doppler frequency shifts of trapped ions in a linear Paul trap", "Centrifugal separation of a multispecies pure ion plasma" ], [ "EFFECTIVE EQUATIONS ON THE 3-BRANE WORLD FROM TYPE IIB STRING", "Torsion constraints in the Randall-Sundrum scenario" ], [ "Bottom-up superconducting and Josephson junction devices inside a group-IV semiconductor", "Subkelvin tunneling spectroscopy showing Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductivity in heavily boron-doped silicon epilayers" ], [ "Spontaneous spin-valley polarization in NbSe2 at a van der Waals interface", "Layer-resolved magnetic proximity effect in van der Waals heterostructures" ], [ "Cation ordering induced polarization enhancement for PbTiO 3 \u2212 SrTiO 3 ferroelectric-dielectric superlattices", "Polarization enhancement in short period superlattices via interfacial intermixing" ], [ "GK Bootis and AE Fornacis: two low-mass eclipsing binaries with dwarf companions ,", "New grids of stellar models including tidal-evolution constants up to carbon burning. 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From 0.8" ], [ "Modulation transfer spectroscopy of the D1 transition of potassium: theory and experiment", "Modulation transfer spectroscopy for frequency stabilization of 852\u2009nm DBR diode lasers" ], [ "A model of diffuse Galactic radio emission from 10 MHz to 100 GHz", "A Survey of the Background Radiation at a Frequency of 404 Mc/s" ], [ "Phosphate Vibrations Probe Electric Fields in Hydrated Biomolecules: Spectroscopy, Dynamics, and Interactions", "Contact Ion Pairs of Phosphate Groups in Water - Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of Dimethyl-Phosphate and Ab-Initio Simulations." ], [ "Ferroelectric tuning of superconductivity and band topology in a two-dimensional heterobilayer", "Prediction of intrinsic two-dimensional ferroelectrics in In2Se3 and other III2-VI3 van der Waals materials" ], [ "High-precision multi-band measurements of the angular clustering of X-ray sources", "Spatial Correlation Function of the Chandra-selected Active Galactic Nuclei" ], [ "DISRUPTED GLOBULAR CLUSTERS CAN EXPLAIN THE GALACTIC CENTER GAMMA-RAY EXCESS", "MAPPING THE GALACTIC CENTER WITH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE MEASUREMENTS USING PULSAR TIMING" ], [ "Phase dynamics in a stack of inductively coupled intrinsic Josephson junctions and terahertz electromagnetic radiation", "Emitted spectra of electromagnetic waves from a tunnel-injected nonequilibrium high-TcYBa2Cu3O7\u2212ysuperconductor" ], [ "Experimental observation of three-color optical quantum correlations.", "Peres-horodecki separability criterion for continuous variable systems" ], [ "The Challenge to MOND from Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxies", "THE IMPACT OF COLD GAS ACCRETION ABOVE A MASS FLOOR ON GALAXY SCALING RELATIONS" ], [ "First-principles calculation of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction: A Green's function approach", "Emerging Neuromorphic Computing Paradigms Exploring Magnetic Skyrmions" ], [ "Strongly magnetized cold degenerate electron gas: Mass-radius relation of the magnetized white dwarf", "Axisymmetric rotating relativistic bodies: a new numerical approach for exact' solutions" ], [ "PROPERTIES OF M31. II. A CEPHEID DISK SAMPLE DERIVED FROM THE FIRST YEAR OF PS1 PANDROMEDA DATA", "Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 2425, 1 Reegen, P" ], [ "Infrared full-Stokes polarimetry by parametric up-conversion", "Handbook of Optics, Third Edition Volume I: Geometrical and Physical Optics, Polarized Light, Components and Instruments(set)" ], [ "High energy storage efficiency and large electrocaloric effect in lead-free BaTi0.89Sn0.11O3 ceramic", "Direct and indirect measurement of large electrocaloric effect in barium strontium titanate ceramics" ], [ "Fully-heavy baryons $QQQ$ in vacuum and hot QCD medium", "arXiv:1502.02730 [nucl-ex]. [15] T. Matsui and H. Satz" ], [ "Transverse observables and mass determination at hadron colliders", "I have only shown the existence of one such point. It is not impossible that other such points may exist for the function f" ], [ "Quantum inferring acausal structures and the Monty Hall problem", "Bayesian Methods : A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach" ], [ "Ferromagnetic gyroscopes for tests of fundamental physics", "A correct description of the interaction between a magnetic moment and its image" ], [ "INTERPRETING THE EVOLUTION OF THE SIZE\u2013LUMINOSITY RELATION FOR DISK GALAXIES FROM REDSHIFT 1 TO THE PRESENT", "Radius-dependent Luminosity Evolution of Blue Galaxies in GOODS-N" ], [ "Duality in Two Capacitively Coupled Layered Arrays of Ultrasmall Josephson Junctions", "Superconductivity in Networks and Mesoscopic Structures" ], [ "Improved Distances to Type Ia Supernovae with Multicolor Light-Curve Shapes: MLCS2k2", "Final Results from the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project to Measure the Hubble Constant" ], [ "Examining the origins of observed terahertz modes from an optically pumped atomistic model protein in aqueous solution", "Water Determines the Structure and Dynamics of Proteins." ], [ "An Upper Mass Limit on a Red Supergiant Progenitor for the Type II-Plateau Supernova SN 2006my", "The Three-dimensional Structure of the Virgo Cluster Region from Tully-Fisher and H I Data" ], [ "A(N-1) conformal Toda field theory correlation functions from conformal N = 2 SU(N) quiver gauge theories", "Infinite Conformal Symmetry in Two-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory" ], [ "Crossover between Photochemical and Photothermal Oxidations of Atomically Thin Magnetic Semiconductor CrPS4.", "Electrochemical reduction of the O2 molecule to the O2- radical ion \u2013 A theoretical approach" ], [ "Dynamics of solvation and desolvation of rubidium attached to He nanodroplets.", "Femtosecond photoelectron imaging of transient electronic states and Rydberg atom emission from electronically excited he droplets." ], [ "Retrograde orbits excess among observable interstellar objects", "WILL THE LARGE SYNOPTIC SURVEY TELESCOPE DETECT EXTRA-SOLAR PLANETESIMALS ENTERING THE SOLAR SYSTEM?" ], [ "Compulsory Deep Mixing of 3He and CNO Isotopes in the Envelopes of Low-Mass Red Giants", "Diagnostics of stellar evolution: The oxygen isotopes" ], [ "The initial spectrum of fluctuations in the little bang", "High energy factorization in nucleus-nucleus collisions III. Long range rapidity correlations" ], [ "Locality and entanglement of indistinguishable particles", "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About LOCC (But Were Afraid to Ask)" ], [ "Tests of gravity theories with Galactic Center observations", "FURTHER DATA BEARING ON THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE CRAB NEBULA WITH THE SUPERNOVA OF 1054 A.D. PART I. THE ANCIENT ORIENTAL CHRONICLES" ], [ "A Uniform Search for Thermonuclear Burst Oscillations in the RXTE Legacy Data Set", "Evidence of 1122 Hz X-Ray Burst Oscillations from the Neutron Star X-Ray Transient XTE J1739\u2013285" ], [ "Low-temperature kinetics for the N + NO reaction: experiment guides the way.", "Electronic Supplementary Information for Low-Temperature Kinetics for the N + NO reaction: Experiment Guides the Way" ], [ "Infall variability in the Classical T Tauri system VZ Chamaeleonis", "Spectropolarimetry of Magnetospheric Accretion on the Classical T Tauri Star BP Tauri" ], [ "Magnetized laser\u2013plasma interactions in high-energy-density systems: Parallel propagation", "Two-dimensional simulations of thermonuclear burn in ignition-scale inertial confinement fusion targets under compressed axial magnetic fields" ], [ "Dynamical systems study in single-phase multiferroic materials", "Critical analysis and remedy of switching failures in straintronic logic using Bennett clocking in the presence of thermal fluctuations" ], [ "Unexpected Swelling of Stiff DNA in a Polydisperse Crowded Environment.", "Asymmetry in the shapes of folded and denatured states of proteins" ], [ "On a common carrier hypothesis for the 6613.6 and 6196.0 \u00c5 diffuse interstellar bands", "A new version of \u2018asyrot\u2019 for the HP vectra or any IBM at compatible computer" ], [ "Charge deficiency, charge transport and comparison of dimensions", "Representations of Quantized Differential Forms in Non-Commutative Geometry" ], [ "Convolution Neural Network Model Framework to Predict Microscale Drag Force for Turbulent Flow in Porous Media", "Seeing permeability from images: fast prediction with convolutional neural networks." ], [ "Star-formation rate in compact star-forming galaxies", "This manuscript was prepared with the AAS L A T E X macros v5." ], [ "Non-commutative Chern\u2013Simons for the quantum Hall system and duality", "Charge density wave in two-dimensional electron liquid in weak magnetic field." ], [ "A Combined Model for the X-Ray to Gamma-Ray Emission of Cygnus X-1", "Properties of the hard X-ray radiation from Cygnus X-l and 1E1740.7 \u2014 2942" ], [ "SCUBA-2 observations of candidate starbursting protoclusters selected by Planck and Herschel-SPIRE", "Are z 5 quasars found in the most massive high-redshift overdensities?" ], [ "Zonal flow regimes in rotating anelastic spherical shells: an application to giant planets", "Linear theory of compressible convection in rapidly rotating spherical shells, using the anelastic approximation" ], [ "Weak-interaction-mediated rates on iron isotopes for presupernova evolution of massive stars", "Neutrino energy loss rates and positron capture rates on {sup 55}Co for presupernova and supernova physics" ], [ "Ab\u00a0Initio Computation of Charge Densities for Sn and Xe Isotopes.", "Bio-inspired synthesis of xishacorenes A, B, and C, and a new congener from fuscol" ], [ "WPHACT 2.0: A fully massive Monte Carlo generator for four fermion physics at e+e\u2212 colliders\u2606\u2606\u2606", "QED Radiative Corrections to Non-Annihilation Processes Using the Structure Function and the Parton Shower" ], [ "Quantum coherence and interference of a single moir\u00e9 exciton in nano-fabricated twisted monolayer semiconductor heterobilayers", "Quantum-interference-controlled molecular electronics." ], [ "Sliced Basis Density Matrix Renormalization Group for Electronic Structure.", "Entangled quantum electronic wavefunctions of the Mn\u2084CaO\u2085 cluster in photosystem II." ], [ "Topology, landscapes, and biomolecular energy transport", "Direct observation of ultrafast collective motions in CO myoglobin upon ligand dissociation" ], [ "Shapley supercluster survey: galaxy evolution from filaments to cluster cores", "Structure and dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster Velocity catalogue, general morphology and mass" ], [ "A deterministic alternative to the full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo method.", "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 2" ], [ "One-loop correction effects on supernova neutrino fluxes: A New possible probe for Beyond Standard Models", "United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and International Atomic Energy Agency THE ABDUS SALAM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS IDENTIFYING THE NEUTRINO MASS SPECTRUM FROM A SUPERNOVA NEUTRINO BURST" ], [ "Calculation of displacement correlation tensor indicating vortical cooperative motion in two-dimensional colloidal liquids.", "Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics for Anharmonic Chains" ], [ "Metastable liquid-liquid coexistence and density anomalies in a core-softened fluid.", "High-pressure liquid-liquid phase change in carbon." ], [ "The role of galaxies and AGNs in reionizing the IGM \u2013 II. Metal-tracing the faint sources of reionization at 5 \u2272z\u2272 6", "APM z>4 QSO Survey: Spectra and Intervening Absorption Systems" ], [ "Engineering the spin-orbit torque efficiency and magnetic properties of Tb/Co ferrimagnetic multilayers by stacking order", "A perpendicular-anisotropy CoFeB-MgO magnetic tunnel junction." ], [ "Warm dark haloes accretion histories and their gravitational signatures", "Non-linear evolution of cosmological structures in warm dark matter models" ], [ "Cosmological evolution of the Fanaroff\u2013Riley type II source population", "The radio luminosity function of radio-loud quasars from the 7C Redshift Survey" ], [ "A comparative first-principles investigation on the defect chemistry of TiO2 anatase.", "Ta-doped Anatase TiO2 Epitaxial Film as Transparent Conducting Oxide" ], [ "The behavior of cyclohexane confined in slit carbon nanopore.", "Phase behaviour in slits\u2014when tight cracks stay wet" ], [ "A reduced unified continuum formulation for vascular fluid\u2013structure interaction", "Exact energy-momentum conserving algorithms and symplectic schemes for nonlinear dynamics" ], [ "Self-Tuning Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Accelerated Sampling", "The new state \u03be l is then accepted according to Eq. (2" ], [ "The Bullet cluster at its best: weighing stars, gas, and dark matter", "Parametric strong gravitational lensing analysis of Abell 1689" ], [ "Stability of generalized Einstein-Maxwell-scalar black holes", "Master Equations for Gravitational Perturbations of Static Lovelock Black Holes in Higher Dimensions" ], [ "Quantum Algorithm for Systems of Linear Equations with Exponentially Improved Dependence on Precision", "A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for database search Lov" ], [ "Slider thickness promotes lubricity: from 2D islands to 3D clusters.", "Orientational epitaxy\u2014the orientational ordering of incommensurate structures" ], [ "WIMP constraints from black hole low-mass X-ray binaries", "Detecting gamma-ray anisotropies from decaying dark matter: Prospects for Fermi LAT" ], [ "ON THE ORIGIN OF THE 11.3 MICRON UNIDENTIFIED INFRARED EMISSION FEATURE", "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the unidentified infrared emission bands - Auto exhaust along the Milky Way" ], [ "Bounds on heavy Majorana neutrinos in type-I seesaw and implications for collider searches", "Looking for hints of a reconstructible seesaw model at the Large Hadron Collider" ], [ "Effects of Graphene Interface on Potassiation in a Graphene\u2013Selenium Heterostructure Cathode for Potassium-Ion Batteries", "Understanding electrochemical potentials of cathode materials in rechargeable batteries" ], [ "Importance of Preferential Segregation by Aerodynamics in Dust Rig Tests", "Gt2016-56059 Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Initial Onset of Sand" ], [ "A Possible Aeronomy of Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets", "An Upper Limit on the Reflected Light from the Planet Orbiting the Star \u03c4 Bootis" ], [ "Critical Assessment of the Evidence for Striped Nanoparticles", "Confinement of Electrons to Quantum Corrals on a Metal Surface" ], [ "Quantum critical behavior in three-dimensional one-band Hubbard model at half filling", "Phase diagram of the three-dimensional Hubbard model at half filling" ], [ "Long-term Stability of Tightly Packed Multi-planet Systems in Prograde, Coplanar, Circumstellar Orbits within the \u03b1 Centauri AB System", "The Stability of Planets in the Alpha Centauri System" ], [ "Entanglement entropies of an interval for the massless scalar field in the presence of a boundary", "Entanglement negativity in two-dimensional free lattice models" ], [ "Measurements of extremely low radioactivity levels in BOREXINO", "Detector for 222Rn measurements in air at the 1mBq/m3 level" ], [ "Computing the Degenerate Ground Space of Gapped Spin Chains in Polynomial Time", "W911NF-14-1-0103, and by iARPA via the MQCO program. S.T.F. also acknowledges support from an ARC Future Fellowship FT130101744" ], [ "Continuous Opinion Dynamics under Bounded Confidence: A Survey", "Consensus Strikes Back in the Hegselmann-Krause Model of Continuous Opinion Dynamics Under Bounded Confidence" ], [ "Correlation functions for open XXZ spin 1/2 quantum chains with unparallel boundary magnetic fields", "Traces on the Sklyanin algebra and correlation functions of the eight-vertex model" ], [ "The SPOTS Models: A Grid of Theoretical Stellar Evolution Tracks and Isochrones for Testing the Effects of Starspots on Structure and Colors", "On the Origin of Sub-subgiant Stars. III. Formation Frequencies" ], [ "Cavity-enhanced direct frequency comb spectroscopy", "Fourier transform spectroscopy with a laser frequency comb" ], [ "Probing CP violation with and without momentum reconstruction at the LHC", "CP asymmetries in chargino production and decay: the three-body decay case" ], [ "Dielectron production in 200 GeV p+p and Au+Au collisions at STAR", "Dielectron cross-section measurements in nucleus-nucleus reactions at 1-A/GeV" ], [ "The c-axis charge traveling wave in a coupled system of Josephson junctions", "Quasiparticle dynamics and phase locking in a S-I-S multilayer Josephson junction" ], [ "Quantum vortex instability and black hole superradiance", "Reflection coefficient for superresonant scattering" ], [ "Dynamic fields in the partial magnetization plateau of Ca3Co2O6", "Muon Spin Relaxation Study of Partially Disordered State in Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet: Ca3Co2O6" ], [ "Automatic scanning of nuclear emulsions with wide-angle acceptance for nuclear fragment detection", "Slow particle production in interactions of neutrinos with heavy nuclei of photoemulsion" ], [ "ResQNets: a residual approach for mitigating barren plateaus in quantum neural networks", "Equivalence of quantum barren plateaus to cost concentration and narrow gorges" ], [ "Potential of the Julia Programming Language for High Energy Physics Computing", "OmniFold: A Method to Simultaneously Unfold All Observables." ], [ "Manifestation of the roughness-square-gradient scattering in surface-corrugated waveguides", "Coexistence of Ballistic Transport, Diffusion, and Localization in Surface Disordered Waveguides" ], [ "Bottom-up reconstruction of non-singular bounce in F(R) gravity from observational indices", "Bouncing loop quantum cosmology in Gauss-Bonnet gravity" ], [ "The effect of boundaries on the spectrum of a one-dimensional random mass Dirac Hamiltonian", "One-dimensional disordered supersymmetric quantum mechanics: A brief survey" ], [ "Environmental quenching and galactic conformity in the galaxy cross-correlation signal", "The evolving relation between star-formation rate and stellar mass in the VIDEO Survey since z=3" ], [ "A shock flash breaking out of a dusty red supergiant.", "The Effects of Circumstellar Dust Scattering on the Light Curves and Polarizations of Type Ia Supernovae" ], [ "Radio\u2013infrared correlation for local dusty galaxies and dusty AGNs from the AKARI All-Sky Survey", "Thermal infrared and nonthermal radio: remarkable correlation in disks of galaxies" ], [ "Multiscale Invariants of Floquet Topological Insulators", "Stationary scattering theory for time-dependent Hamiltonians" ], [ "Cosmological solutions to the lithium problem: Big-bang nucleosynthesis with photon cooling, X-particle decay and a primordial magnetic field", "Influence of long-range effects on low-energy cross sections of He and HeX: The lithium problem" ], [ "Assessing long-distance atmospheric transport of soilborne plant pathogens", "Climate change , plant diseases and food security : an overview" ], [ "A NOEMA Molecular Line Scan of the Hubble Deep Field North: Improved Constraints on the CO Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Density of Molecular Gas", "Spritz is sparkling: Simulated CO and [Cii] luminosities" ], [ "Superstripes and quasicrystals in bosonic systems with hard-soft corona interactions", "This form is particularly suitable for implementation in PIMC. We then split the contribution from the hard-core" ], [ "On the Statistical Properties of Turbulent Energy Transfer Rate in the Inner Heliosphere", "ON THE OCCURRENCE OF THE THIRD-ORDER SCALING IN HIGH LATITUDE SOLAR WIND" ], [ "Phase Spaces in Special Relativity: Towards Eliminating Gravitational Singularities", "The Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way" ], [ "Escape from the Bermuda cluster: Orphanization by multiple stellar ejections", "Lightkurve: Kepler and TESS time series analysis in Python" ], [ "Machine Learning Models of Plastic Flow Based on Representation Theory", "Theory of Representations for Tensor Functions\u2014A Unified Invariant Approach to Constitutive Equations" ], [ "Short coherent control pulse with small random errors in its direction", "How to Enhance Dephasing Time in Superconducting Qubits" ], [ "Expanding Bipolar X-Ray Structure After the 2006 Eruption of RS Oph", "Three-dimensional modeling of the asymmetric blast wave from the 2006 outburst of RS Ophiuchi: Early X-ray emission" ], [ "Observation of highly virtual photon-photon collisions to hadrons at TRISTAN", "A gas sampling electromagnetic calorimeter using conductive plastic tubes" ], [ "Height variables in the Abelian sandpile model: scaling fields and correlations", "Rigorous results on valence-bond ground states in antiferromagnets." ], [ "The Quantum Auxiliary Linear Problem & Darboux-Backlund Transformations", "Time evolution of local observables after quenching to an integrable model." ], [ "Generalized Gibbs ensembles for quantum field theories", "Non-equilibrium coherence dynamics in one-dimensional Bose gases." ], [ "Deformed Shape Invariant Superpotentials in Quantum Mechanics and Expansions in Powers of \u210f", "Quantum mechanics of electrons in crystals with graded composition." ], [ "Galaxy ecosystems: gas contents, inflows and outflows", "Pre\u2010heating by pre\u2010virialization and its impact on galaxy formation" ], [ "Nanoscale interfacial engineering of 1D g\u2010C3 N4 enables effective and thermally stable HTL\u2010free carbon\u2010based perovskite solar cells with aging for 100\u2009hours", "Review-Emerging Applications of g-C3N4 Films in Perovskite-Based Solar Cells" ], [ "Use of \u03b4N formalism\u2014difficulties in generating large local-type non-Gaussianity during inflation", "Non-Gaussian features of primordial fluctuations in single field inflationary models" ], [ "Exact Two-Component TDDFT with Simple Two-Electron Picture-Change Corrections: X-ray Absorption Spectra Near L- and M-Edges of Four-Component Quality at Two-Component Cost", "Direct SCF direct static-exchange calculations of electronic spectra" ], [ "Heavy-ion storage rings and their use in precision experiments with highly charged ions", "Between atomic and nuclear physics: radioactive decays of highly-charged ions" ], [ "Bragg spectroscopy of a strongly interacting Fermi gas.", "Spectroscopy of superfluid pairing in atomic fermi gases." ], [ "Effective Temperature and Einstein Relation for Particles in Mesoscale Turbulence", "Spontaneous motion in hierarchically assembled active matter" ], [ "Thickness-Dependence of Exciton-Exciton Annihilation in Halide Perovskite Nanoplatelets.", "Electron-Hole Correlations Govern Auger Recombination in Nanostructures." ], [ "Projected WIMP sensitivity of the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment", "Limits on Spin-Dependent WIMP-Nucleon Cross Section Obtained from the Complete LUX Exposure." ], [ "Scalaron the healer: removing the strong-coupling in the Higgs- and Higgs-dilaton inflations", "Stability of the Electroweak Vacuum: Gauge Independence and Advanced Precision." ], [ "Constraints on the Small-Scale Power Spectrum of Density Fluctuations from High-Redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts", "Jets in Gamma-Ray Bursts: Tests and Predictions for the Structured Jet Model" ], [ "The framed Standard Model (II) \u2014 A first test against experiment", "A First Test of the Framed Standard Model against Experiment" ], [ "Observational constraints on a variable dark energy model", "Detection of the Baryon Acoustic Peak in the Large-Scale Correlation Function of SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies" ], [ "The Spin of the Near-Extreme Kerr Black Hole GRS 1915+105", "GENERALIZED COMPTONIZATION MODELS AND APPLICATION TO THE RECENT HIGH-ENERGY OBSERVATIONS" ], [ "Robust semi-Dirac points and unconventional topological phase transitions in doped superconducting Sr2IrO4 tunnel coupled to t2g electron systems", "Topological creation and destruction of edge states in photonic graphene" ], [ "Open problems in understanding the nuclear chirality", "Slow nucleation rates in chain inflation with QCD axions or monodromy" ], [ "Direct Linearization of Extended Lattice BSQ Systems", "On the solution of a class of nonlinear partial di erence equations" ], [ "Empirical tests of Zipf's law mechanism in open source Linux distribution.", "Final Note on a Class of Skew Distribution Functions: Analysis and Critique of a Mode Due to H. A. Simon" ], [ "Rotational Properties of Hilda Asteroids Observed by the K2 Mission", "STATISTICAL STUDY OF THE EARLY SOLAR SYSTEM'S INSTABILITY WITH FOUR, FIVE, AND SIX GIANT PLANETS" ], [ "CURVATURE-INDUCED RASHBA SPIN\u2013ORBIT INTERACTION IN STRAIN-DRIVEN NANOSTRUCTURES", "Electronic structure of an electron on the gyroid surface: A helical labyrinth" ], [ "Electric field controllable high-spin \nSrRuO3\n driven by a solid ionic junction", "Quantum Anomalous Hall State in Ferromagnetic SrRuO_{3} (111) Bilayers." ], [ "High-pressure synthesis of boron-rich chalcogenides B12S and B12Se", "Synthesis of B6O boron suboxide at pressures up to 1 GPa." ], [ "Communication: Generalizing Rosenfeld's excess-entropy scaling to predict long-time diffusivity in dense fluids of Brownian particles: from hard to ultrasoft interactions.", "Diffusion in a dilute polydisperse system of interacting spheres" ], [ "Laplacian-dependent models of the kinetic energy density: Applications in subsystem density functional theory with meta-generalized gradient approximation functionals.", "Obtaining a gradient-corrected kinetic-energy functional from the Perdew-Wang exchange functional." ], [ "Social adaptive behavior and oscillatory prevalence in an epidemic model on evolving random geometric graphs", "Epidemic prevalence information on social networks can mediate emergent collective outcomes in voluntary vaccine schemes" ], [ "Hadronic molecular states composed of spin-$\\frac{3}{2}$32 singly charmed baryons", "Search for doubly-heavy dibaryons in a quark model" ], [ "Variational deep learning of equilibrium transition path ensembles.", "Extending Transition Path Theory: Periodically Driven and Finite-Time Dynamics" ], [ "Gamma-ray bursts as probes of the distant Universe", "Dust Sublimation by Gamma-ray Bursts and Its Implications" ], [ "Phonon vortices at heavy impurities in two-dimensional materials.", "First-principles calculations for point defects in solids" ], [ "Charmonium suppression in the presence of dissipative forces in\u00a0a\u00a0strongly-coupled quark\u2013gluon plasma", "Static quark-antiquark pairs at finite temperature" ], [ "Pairing and rotational properties of actinides and superheavy nuclei in covariant density functional theory.", "Chowdhury, private communication (2013) and in preparation" ], [ "Host galaxy properties and environment of obscured and unobscured X-ray selected active galactic nuclei in the COSMOS survey", "CANDELS: THE PROGENITORS OF COMPACT QUIESCENT GALAXIES AT z \u223c 2" ], [ "\n On the realization of symmetries in quantum mechanics\n", "Wigner's theorem on symmetries in indefinite metric spaces" ], [ "A walk through the approximations of ab initio multiple spawning.", "Quantum mechanics with the basis set guided by Ehrenfest trajectories: theory and application to spin-boson model." ], [ "Gauge theory of composite fermions: Particle flux separation in quantum Hall systems", "Evidence of Landau levels and interactions in low-lying excitations of composite fermions at 1/3CsV3Sb5H2+\n ion", "Energy shifts and forbidden transitions in H+ 2 due to electronic g/u symmetry breaking" ], [ "SLoWPoKES-II: 100,000 WIDE BINARIES IDENTIFIED IN SDSS WITHOUT PROPER MOTIONS", "A NEW SAMPLE OF COOL SUBDWARFS FROM SDSS: PROPERTIES AND KINEMATICS" ], [ "Orientation Dependent Interaction and Self\u2010Assembly of Cubic Magnetic Colloids in a Nematic Liquid Crystal", "Novel Colloidal Interactions in Anisotropic Fluids" ], [ "Constructing the Milky Way Stellar Halo in the Galactic Center by Direct Orbit Integration", "Revealing the Complicated Story of the Cetus Stream with StarGO" ], [ "Sterile neutrino searches via displaced vertices at LHCb", "Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically in the LHCb detector" ], [ "Finite-size estimates of Kirkwood-Buff and similar integrals", "Radial Distribution Function for Sticky Hard Rods\u201d, Wolfram Demonstrations Project, http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/ RadialDistributionFunctionForStickyHardRods" ], [ "High-speed detection of 1550 nm single photons withsuperconducting nanowire detectors", "Quantum key distribution over a 40-dB channel loss using superconducting single-photon detectors" ], [ "Multiple-resolution scheme in finite-volume code for active or passive scalar turbulence", "LIX. On convection currents in a horizontal layer of fluid, when the higher temperature is on the under side" ], [ "A Comparison Study of Extrapolation Models and Empirical Relations in Forecasting Solar Wind", "Numerical simulation of the 12 May 1997 interplanetary CME event" ], [ "Spatial variation of fundamental couplings and Lunar Laser Ranging", "Phenomenology of the equivalence principle with light scalars" ], [ "Single-color centers implanted in diamond nanostructures", "Observation of coherent oscillation of a single nuclear spin and realization of a two-qubit conditional quantum gate." ], [ "Precision astrometry, galactic mergers, halo substructure and local dark matter", "On the mass-to-light ratio of the local Galactic disc and the optical luminosity of the Galaxy" ], [ "Isotope effect and bond-stretching phonon anomaly in high-Tc cuprates", "Dispersion of the high-energy phonon modes inNd1.85Ce0.15CuO4" ], [ "The interstellar medium in Andromeda's dwarf spheroidal galaxies, I : content and origin of the interstellar dust", "THE HERSCHEL REFERENCE SURVEY: DUST IN EARLY-TYPE GALAXIES AND ACROSS THE HUBBLE SEQUENCE" ], [ "Machine Learning and Materials Informatics: Recent Applications and Prospects", "A genomic approach to the stability, elastic, and electronic properties of the MAX phases" ], [ "Computation of local exchange coefficients in strongly interacting one-dimensional few-body systems: local density approximation and exact results", "Local density approximation for a perturbative equation of state (10 pages)" ], [ "Mass spectra and strong decays of charmed and charmed-strange mesons", "$$D_{s1}^*(2860)$$Ds1\u2217(2860) and $$D_{s3}^*(2860)$$Ds3\u2217(2860): candidates for $$1D$$1D charmed-strange mesons" ], [ "The Ashtekar-Hansen universal structure at spatial infinity is weakly pseudo-Carrollian", "Low's subleading soft theorem as a symmetry of QED." ], [ "Constraining Short Gamma-Ray Burst Jet Properties with Gravitational Waves and Gamma-Rays", "DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE GALAXIES HOSTING SHORT-DURATION GAMMA-RAY BURSTS" ], [ "The lively accretion disc in NGC\u00a02992 \u2013 I. Transient iron K emission lines in the high-flux state", "Precision Fe K\u03b1 and Fe K\u03b2 Line Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1.9 Galaxy NGC 2992 with Suzaku" ], [ "Spatio-temporal constraints on the zoo hypothesis, and the breakdown of total hegemony", "A numerical testbed for hypotheses of extraterrestrial life and intelligence" ], [ "Gapless quantum spin liquid in a honeycomb \u0393 magnet", "Proximate Kitaev quantum spin liquid behaviour in a honeycomb magnet." ], [ "On Complex Permittivity of Dilute Random Binary Dielectric Mixtures in Two-Dimensions", "Die theorie des Mischkorpers f\u00fcr das Feld der Staton\u00e4ren Strom\u00fcng I" ], [ "Temporal variability of lunar exospheric helium during January 2012 from LRO/LAMP", "The effect on the lunar exosphere of a coronal mass ejection passage" ], [ "Novel multi-layer plastic-scintillator-based solid active proton target for inverse-kinematics experiments", "MUST2: A new generation array for direct reaction studies" ], [ "Fully general-relativistic simulations of isolated and binary strange quark stars", "GW190814: Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 23 Solar Mass Black Hole with a 2.6 Solar Mass Compact Object" ], [ "Estimating entanglement in 2D Heisenberg model in the strong rung-coupling limit", "Multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz in two dimensions: quantum Ising model." ], [ "Structural and Physical Properties of CaFe4As3 Single Crystals", "CaFe4As3: a metallic iron arsenide with anisotropic magnetic and charge-transport properties." ], [ "Finite element approximation of finite deformation dislocation mechanics", "A finite deformation theory of higher-order gradient crystal plasticity" ], [ "The spin Drude weight of the XXZ chain and generalized hydrodynamics", "On the Finite Temperature Drude Weight of the Anisotropic Heisenberg Chain" ], [ "Numerical computation of second-order vacuum perturbations of Kerr black holes", "An Approach to Gravitational Radiation by a Method of Spin Coefficients" ], [ "The minimum and maximum gravitational-wave background from supermassive binary black holes", "Orbital Motion in the Radio Galaxy 3C 66B: Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole Binary" ], [ "Hydrodynamics of two-dimensional compressible fluid with broken parity: Variational principle and free surface dynamics in the absence of dissipation", "Odd viscosity in two-dimensional incompressible fluids" ], [ "Final Targeting Strategy for the SDSS-IV APOGEE-2S Survey", "The Similarity of Abundance Ratio Trends and Nucleosynthetic Patterns in the Milky Way Disk and Bulge" ], [ "Posture-dependent human 3He lung imaging in an open-access MRI system: initial results.", "MR imaging of diffusion of 3He gas in healthy and diseased lungs" ], [ "A Monte Carlo simulation of a protein (CoVE) in a matrix of random barriers", "Successes and challenges in simulating the folding of large proteins" ], [ "Magnetic-tunable nanoscale thermal radiation between twisted graphene gratings", "Active Magneto-Optical Control of Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer between Graphene Sheets" ], [ "Physics of radiation mediated shocks and its applications to GRBs, supernovae, and neutron star mergers", "Relativistic MHD simulations of core-collapse GRB jets: 3D instabilities and magnetic dissipation" ], [ "Axial-vector transition form factors of the singly heavy baryons", "Heavy Baryons in a Pion Mean-Field Approach: A Brief Review" ], [ "Integrable systems on the sphere, ellipsoid and hyperboloid", "\u00dcber die geod\u00e4tischen Linien auf dem dreiaxigen Ellipsoid" ], [ "Holographic DC SQUID in the presence of dark matter", "Electric But Not Eclectic: Thermal Relic Dark Matter for the XENON1T Excess." ], [ "To Jab or Not to Jab? 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The Coulomb sum revisited" ], [ "Bulk locality for scalars and fermions with global symmetry", "Unitarity, crossing symmetry and duality of the S-matrix in large N Chern-Simons theories with fundamental matter" ], [ "Universal optical control of chiral superconductors and Majorana modes", "Light-Induced Superconductivity in a Stripe-Ordered Cuprate" ], [ "Tuning the mechanical properties in model nanocomposites: Influence of the polymer\u2010filler interfacial interactions", "\"Wet-to-Dry\" Conformational Transition of Polymer Layers Grafted to Nanoparticles in Nanocomposite" ], [ "Quasi-Periodic Oscillatory Motion of Particles Orbiting a Distorted, Deformed Compact Object", "Probing the space-time geometry around black hole candidates with the resonance models for high-frequency QPOs and comparison with the continuum-fitting method" ], [ "Constraints on shear and rotation with massive galaxy clusters", "Evolution of spherical overdensities in holographic dark energy models" ], [ "Quasithermal GeV neutrinos from neutron-loaded magnetized outflows in core-collapse supernovae: spectra and light curves", "Estimating the Explosion Time of Core-Collapse Supernovae from Their Optical Light Curves" ], [ "High-level numerical simulations of noise in CCD and CMOS photosensors: review and tutorial", "Charge-coupled-device response to electron beam energies of less than 1 keV up to 20 keV" ], [ "The Evolution and Structure of Early-Type Field Galaxies: A Combined Statistical Analysis of Gravitational Lenses", "The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: galaxy luminosity functions per spectral type" ], [ "Stellar and Molecular Gas Rotation in a Recently Quenched Massive Galaxy at z \u223c 0.7", "Evidence for mature bulges and an inside-out quenching phase 3 billion years after the Big Bang" ], [ "Orbits of Selected Globular Clusters in the Galactic Bulge", "Proper motions and kinematics of selected bulge globular clusters" ], [ "Realizing spin-dependent gauge field with biaxial metamaterials", "Topological photonic phase in chiral hyperbolic metamaterials." ], [ "Magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and ESR in Tb3Ga5O12", "On the phonon Hall effect in a paramagnetic dielectric" ], [ "Hamiltonian analysis of Poincar\u00e9 gauge theory scalar modes", "Exact elementary excitations with a complex wave vector in the one-dimensional Hubbard model" ], [ "Escape dynamics of a Bose-Hubbard dimer out of a trap", "The decay of quantum systems with a small number of open channels" ], [ "PENTATRAP: a novel cryogenic multi-Penning-trap experiment for high-precision mass measurements on highly charged ions", "Optimization of the charge state distribution of the ion beam extracted from an EBIT by dielectronic recombination" ], [ "Effects of competition between random sequential nucleation of point-sized seeds and island growth by adsorption of finite-sized grains.", "Book Review: Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics in One Dimension" ], [ "2.1-watts intracavity-frequency-doubled all-solid-state light source at 671 nm for laser cooling of lithium.", "Design criteria for mode size optimization in diode-pumped solid-state lasers" ], [ "Spectral Energy Distributions of Companion Galaxies to z \u223c 6 Quasars", "A high-resolution image of atomic hydrogen in the M81 group of galaxies" ], [ "Containing misinformation spreading in temporal social networks", "Dynamics of information diffusion and its applications on complex networks" ], [ "A Partial Filament Eruption in Three Steps Induced by External Magnetic Reconnection", "Case study of a complex active-region filament eruption" ], [ "Nondipole effects on the double-slit interference in molecular ionization by xuv pulses.", "Zeptosecond high harmonic keV x-ray waveforms driven by midinfrared laser pulses." ], [ "Understanding X-ray irradiation in low-mass X-ray binaries directly from their light-curves", "Dwarf nova outbursts with magnetorotational turbulence" ], [ "Active Solid-State 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Bar Evolution in Cuspy and Flat-cored Triaxial CDM Halos" ], [ "Basic Understanding of Condensed Phases of Matter via Packing Models", "High-dimensional generalizations of the kagom\u00e9 and diamond crystals and the decorrelation principle for periodic sphere packings" ], [ "Multi-band Metasurface-Driven Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy for Improved Characterization of in-Situ Electrochemical Reactions", "In\u2010situ Surface\u2010Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy of the Electrode/Solution Interface" ], [ "Phase-diffusion pattern in quantum-nondemolition systems", "Generalized coherent states and generalized squeezed coherent states." ], [ "Testing generalized logotropic models with cosmic growth", "Unified Dark Matter scalar field models with fast transition" ], [ "A screening mechanism for extra W and Z gauge bosons", "Erratum: Radiative corrections to neutrino-induced neutral-current phenomena in the SU(2)L x U(1) theory" ], [ "On the Carbon Dioxide Capture by Quaternary Ammonium-Based and Phosphonium-Based Ionic Liquids. The Role of Steric Hindrances and Transition States", "Silicon Nanocages for Selective Carbon Dioxide Conversion under Visible Light" ], [ "Parity Violation in Elastic Electron-Nucleon Scattering: Strangeness Content in the Nucleon", "Measurements of the elastic electromagnetic form-factor ratio mu(p) G(Ep) /" ], [ "Click Metamaterials: Fast Acquisition of Thermal Conductivity and Functionality Diversities", "Intelligent Chameleonlike Metashells for Mass Diffusion" ], [ "The Discordance of Mass-Loss Estimates for Galactic O-Type Stars", "Revised Stellar Temperatures for Magellanic Cloud O Supergiants from FUSE and VLT-UVES Spectroscopy" ], [ "Running vacuum versus holographic dark energy: a cosmographic comparison", "Vacuum models with a linear and a quadratic term in H: structure formation and number counts analysis" ], [ "Pioneer Anomaly? Gravitational Pull due to the Kuiper Belt", "First-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Determination of Cosmological Parameters" ], [ "Focus point supersymmetry in extended gauge mediation", "Gauge mediation with sequestered supersymmetry breaking" ], [ "Signature of the N = 126 shell closure in dwell times of alpha-particle tunneling", "Systematic research on \u03b1-decay rates of spherical and deformed nuclei" ], [ "Global $SU(2)_L \\otimes$BRST symmetry and its LSS theorem: Ward-Takahashi identities governing Green's functions, on-shell T-Matrix elements, and $V_{eff}$, in the scalar-sector of certain spontaneously broken non-Abelian gauge theories", "Improved measurements of electroweak parameters fromZ decays into fermion pairs" ], [ "Symmetric and antisymmetric kernels for machine learning problems in quantum physics and chemistry", "Kernel-Based Approximation of the Koopman Generator and Schr\u00f6dinger Operator" ], [ "Tensor network influence functionals in the continuous-time limit: Connections to quantum embedding, bath discretization, and higher-order time propagation", "PRODUCT FORMULA METHODS FOR TIME-DEPENDENT SCHRODINGER PROBLEMS" ], [ "Dynamical Evolution of White Dwarfs in Triples in the Era of Gaia", "The White Dwarf Binary Pathways Survey -- VIII: a post common envelope binary with a massive white dwarf and an active G-type secondary star" ], [ "Topological Interface between Pfaffian and Anti-Pfaffian Order in \u03bd=5/2 Quantum Hall Effect.", "Density matrix formulation for quantum renormalization groups." ], [ "Boltzmann's H-theorem, entropy and the strength of gravity in theories with a nonminimal coupling between matter and geometry", "Probing gravity at sub-femtometer scales through the pressure distribution inside the proton" ], [ "Collective bosonic effects in an array of transmon devices", "Universality of Dicke superradiance in arrays of quantum emitters" ], [ "Disclinations, dislocations and continuous defects: a reappraisal", "Non-singular disclinations of strength S = + 1 in nematics" ], [ "Saturation and forward jets in proton-lead collisions at the LHC", "Forward J/\u03c8 and D meson nuclear suppression at the LHC" ], [ "A paradox in the global description of the multiverse", "Why Is the Cosmic Microwave Background Fluctuation Level 10\u22125?" ], [ "EXTREME STAR FORMATION IN THE HOST GALAXIES OF THE FASTEST GROWING SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLES AT z = 4.8", "Gravitational recoils of supermassive black holes in hydrodynamical simulations of gas-rich galaxies" ], [ "Purcell Enhancement of a Cavity-Coupled Emitter in Hexagonal Boron Nitride.", "Strongly Cavity-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission from Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond." ], [ "Spectral properties near the Mott transition in the one-dimensional Hubbard model.", "Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the cuprate superconductors" ], [ "From Data Processes to Data Products: Knowledge Infrastructures in Astronomy", "Collaborative qualitative research at scale: Reflections on 20\u2009years of acquiring global data and making data global" ], [ "Near-optimal Quantum algorithms for multivariate mean estimation", "Quantum Summation with an Application to Integration" ], [ "The Instantaneous Redshift Difference of Gravitationally Lensed Images: Theory and Observational Prospects", "The Time Delay of Gravitational Lens 0957+561. I. Methodology and Analysis of Optical Photometric Data" ], [ "How Does Environment Affect the Morphology of Radio AGN?", "Radio sources with wide-angle tails in Abell clusters of galaxies." ], [ "Multipole radiation fields from the Jefimenko equation for the magnetic field and the Panofsky-Phillips equation for the electric field", "Comment on \u201cCausality, the Coulomb field, and Newton\u2019s law of gravitation,\u201d by F. Rohrlich [Am. J. Phys. 70 (4), 411\u2013414 (2002)]" ], [ "The Earth-Moon system during the Late Heavy Bombardment period", "Search for traces of the late heavy bombardment on Earth\u2014Results from high precision chromium isotopes" ], [ "The ATLAS3D project - XVI. Physical parameters and spectral line energy distributions of the molecular gas in gas-rich early-type galaxies", "Probing the molecular interstellar medium of M82 with Herschel-SPIRE spectroscopy ?" ], [ "DAMPING OF ALFV\u00c9N WAVES BY TURBULENCE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES: FROM COSMIC-RAY STREAMING TO LAUNCHING WINDS", "Study of the Cosmic-Ray Modulation During the Passage of ICMEs and CIRs" ], [ "Precision Scaling Relations for Disk Galaxies in the Local Universe", "Strong bimodality in the host halo mass of central galaxies from galaxy\u2013galaxy lensing" ], [ "Information content in mean pairwise velocity and mean relative velocity between pairs in a triplet", "Information content in two-and three-point mean relative velocity Soergel" ], [ "Density-temperature scaling of the fragility in a model glass-former", "Nonexponential relaxations in strong and fragile glass formers" ], [ "Modal decomposition of nonlinear interactions in wall turbulence", "Analysis of amplification mechanisms 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[ "Measuring the primordial gravitational wave background in the presence of other stochastic signals", "Upper limits on the isotropic gravitational radiation background from pulsar timing analysis" ], [ "Probability transport on the Fock space of a disordered quantum spin chain", "Eigenstate correlations around many-body localization transition" ], [ "Long-lasting field-free alignment of large molecules inside helium nanodroplets", "Laser-induced adiabatic alignment of molecules dissolved in helium nanodroplets" ], [ "Gaugino condensates and chiral-linear duality: an effective lagrangian analysis\u2606", "An Effective Lagrangian for the Pure N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory" ], [ "Closed orbits and spatial density oscillations in the circular billiard", "Near-integrable systems: Resonances and semiclassical trace formulas." ], [ "Large-scale fabrication of BN tunnel barriers for graphene spintronics", "One-Dimensional Electrical Contact to a Two-Dimensional Material" ], [ "Giant 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VII. Benchmarking inscribed matter probes", "Radiation hazard of relativistic interstellar flight" ], [ "Measurements of high-n transitions in intermediate mass kaonic atoms by SIDDHARTA-2 at DA (cid:2) NE", "The SIDDHARTA-2 calibration method for high precision kaonic atoms x-ray spectroscopy measurements" ], [ "Quantum vacuum processes in the extremely intense light of relativistic plasma mirror sources", "Schwinger limit attainability with extreme power lasers." ], [ "Facet Dependent Topological Phase Transition in Bi4Br4", "Electron interaction-driven insulating ground state in Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulators in the two-dimensional limit" ], [ "The physics of a small-scale tearing mode in collisionless slab plasmas", "On microinstabilities and turbulence in steep-gradient regions of fusion devices" ], [ "Possible fluid interpretation and tidal force equation on a generic null hypersurface in Einstein-Cartan theory", "General relativity from a thermodynamic perspective" ], [ "High-redshift quasars and their host galaxies \u2013 I. Kinematical and dynamical properties and their tracers", "Snap, Crackle, Pop: sub-grid supernova feedback in AMR simulations of disc galaxies" ], [ "On bubble clustering and energy spectra in pseudo-turbulence", "Measurement of interstitial velocity of homogeneous bubbly flows at low to moderate void fraction" ], [ "Correlations between charge and energy current in ac-driven coherent conductors", "Fluctuation of heat current in Josephson junctions" ], [ "A study of the gluon ladder in diffractive processes", "Heavy quark production in very high-energy hadron collisions" ], [ "Dynamics and heat diffusion of Abrikosov\u2019s vortex-antivortex pairs during an annihilation process", "Dissipation spots generated by vortex nucleation points in mesoscopic superconductors driven by microwave magnetic fields" ], [ "Direct measurement of quantum efficiency of single-photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride", "Single photon emission from plasma treated 2D hexagonal boron nitride." ], [ "Electronic correlations in FeGa3 and the effect of hole doping on its magnetic properties", "A.) was carried out under the auspices of the US Department of Energy" ], [ "A slitless spectroscopic survey for H\u03b1 emission-line objects in SMC clusters", "Other emission-line star table 2, continued Cluster Image ID (B-V) 0 V 0" ], [ "Lessons Learned from Virtual Transitions of Undergraduate Student Support Programs due to the COVID-19 Pandemic", "For American couples, gender gaps in sharing household responsibilities persist amid pandemic, Pew Research Center" ], [ "High pressure X-ray diffraction study of MgMn2O4 tetragonal spinel", "High-pressure phase transition and properties of spinel ZnMn2O4" ], [ "Influence of the fluid density on the statistics of power fluctuations in von K\\'arm\\'an swirling flows", "stirrer' means the complete set of disk with vanes, along with the motor armature (rotor) and any other rotating component rigidly attached to them. Thus, J denotes the moment of inertia" ], [ "Bound States in Continuum and Zero-Index Metamaterials: A Review", "Observation of trapped light within the radiation continuum" ], [ "Magnetized relativistic jets and long-duration GRBs from magnetar spin-down during core-collapse supernovae", "Relativistic jets and long-duration gamma-ray bursts from the birth of magnetars" ], [ "Lorentz and CPT breaking in gamma-ray burst neutrinos from string theory", "IceCube and GRB neutrinos propagating in quantum spacetime" ], [ "Applying Frequency-Domain Unsteady Lifting-Line Theory to Time-Domain Problems", "Usefulness of Inviscid Linear Unsteady Lifting-Line Theory for Viscous Large-Amplitude Problems" ], [ "Superconducting-like and magnetic transitions in oxygen-implanted diamond-like and amorphous carbon films, and in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite", "Electron viscosity, current vortices and negative nonlocal resistance in graphene" ], [ "Universal horizons and Hawking radiation in nonprojectable 2d Ho\u0159ava gravity coupled to a nonrelativistic scalar field", "DETECTING QUANTUM GRAVITATIONAL EFFECTS OF LOOP QUANTUM COSMOLOGY IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE?" ], [ "Synergistic correlated states and nontrivial topology in coupled graphene-insulator heterostructures", "Faithful tight-binding models and fragile topology of magic-angle bilayer graphene" ], [ "Phase-space methods for representing, manipulating, and correcting Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubits", "Enhanced noise resilience of the surface\u2013Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code via designed bias" ], [ "Quantum-optical magnets with competing short- and long-range interactions: Rydberg-dressed spin lattice in an optical cavity", "Quantum spin-ice and dimer models with Rydberg atoms" ], [ "Virtual Compton scattering measurements in the nucleon resonance region", "Pion cloud and the Q**2 dependence of gamma* N Delta transition form-factors" ], [ "Chandrasekhar\u2013Kendall functions in astrophysical dynamos", "Dynamic Nonlinearity in Large-Scale Dynamos with Shear" ], [ "Quantum Discord in the Ground State of Spin Chains", "Optimal measurements to access classical correlations of two-qubit states" ], [ "Mass-imbalanced fermionic mixture in a harmonic trap", "The interaction-sensitive states of a trapped two-component ideal Fermi gas and application to the virial expansion of the unitary Fermi gas" ], [ "Probing molecular environments with a fictitious isotopic dipole", "Theoretical studies of van der Waals molecules and intermolecular forces" ], [ "Guiding Principle for Minor-Embedding in Simulated-Annealing-Based Ising Machines", "Phase transitions in a programmable quantum spin glass simulator" ], [ "Modelling the physical properties of environmentally friendly optical magnetic switches: DFT and TD-DFT", "Comparison of density functionals for energy and structural differences between the high- [5T2g:(t2g)4(eg)2] and low- [1A1g:(t2g)6(eg)0] spin states of iron(II) coordination compounds. II. More functionals and the hexaminoferrous cation, [Fe(NH3)6]2+." ], [ "Synchronization of Electrically Coupled Resonate-and-Fire Neurons", "Generalized leaky integrate-and-fire models classify multiple neuron types" ], [ "Spectral estimation for Hamiltonians: a comparison between classical imaginary-time evolution and quantum real-time evolution", "On inverses of Vandermonde and confluent Vandermonde matrices" ], [ "The Extinction Properties of and Distance to the Highly Reddened Type IA Supernova 2012cu", "The reddening law of Type Ia Supernovae: separating intrinsic variability from dust using equivalent widths" ], [ "Label-free metabolic imaging of non-alcoholic-fatty-liver-disease (NAFLD) liver by volumetric dynamic optical coherence tomography", "Suite of methods for assessing inner retinal temporal dynamics across spatial and temporal scales in the living human eye" ], [ "Phase transitions of the q-state Potts model on multiply-laced Sierpinski gaskets", "Potts-model formulation of percolation and branched polymers on a fractal lattice." ], [ "The Instantaneous Redshift Difference of Gravitationally Lensed Images: Theory and Observational Prospects", "Variation of the constants in the late and early universe" ], [ "Wilson loops in 2D noncommutative euclidean gauge theory: 2. 1/\u03b8 expansion", "Suppression of topologically nontrivial sectors in gauge theory on 2d non-commutative geometry" ], [ "Breakup of a long-period comet as the origin of the dinosaur extinction", "THE COLLISIONAL EVOLUTION OF UNDIFFERENTIATED ASTEROIDS AND THE FORMATION OF CHONDRITIC METEOROIDS" ], [ "On the precision of a data-driven estimate of the pseudoscalar-pole contribution to hadronic light-by-light scattering in the muon g\u22122", "Resonance estimates of O ( p 6 ) low-energy constants and QCD short-distance constraints" ], [ "Using an Atom Interferometer to Infer Gravitational Entanglement Generation", "Nonlinear atom interferometer surpasses classical precision limit" ], [ "Abundances and Depletions of Neutron-capture Elements in the Interstellar Medium", "Stellar (n, {gamma}) cross sections for Br and Rb: Matching the weak and main s-process components" ], [ "The Profiled Feldman-Cousins technique for confidence interval construction in the presence of nuisance parameters", "Recommended conventions for reporting results from direct dark matter searches" ], [ "Transport in the sine-Gordon field theory: From generalized hydrodynamics to semiclassics", "Non-equilibrium transport in d-dimensional non-interacting Fermi gases" ], [ "Sparse aperture masking at the VLT - II. Detection limits for the eight debris disks stars \u03b2 Pic, AU Mic, 49 Cet, \u03b7 Tel, Fomalhaut, g Lup, HD 181327 and HR 8799", "A planetary system as the origin of structure in Fomalhaut's dust belt" ], [ "CUORE: A cryogenic underground observatory for rare events", "Besides the standard Niobium bath chemical polishing" ], [ "Low-radio frequency observations of seven nearby galaxies with GMRT", "LOW-FREQUENCY RADIO\u2013FIR CORRELATION IN NORMAL GALAXIES AT \u223c1 kpc SCALES" ], [ "ALMA IMAGING AND GRAVITATIONAL LENS MODELS OF SOUTH POLE TELESCOPE\u2014SELECTED DUSTY, STAR-FORMING GALAXIES AT HIGH REDSHIFTS", "SIZE BIAS AND DIFFERENTIAL LENSING OF STRONGLY LENSED, DUSTY GALAXIES IDENTIFIED IN WIDE-FIELD SURVEYS" ], [ "An isogeometric analysis framework for ventricular cardiac mechanics", "An immersogeometric variational framework for fluid-structure interaction: application to bioprosthetic heart valves." ], [ "Estimating the two-particle K-matrix for multiple partial waves and decay channels from finite-volume energies", "Scattering phases for meson and baryon resonances on general moving-frame lattices." ], [ "Parallel Diffusion Coefficient of Energetic Charged Particles in the Inner Heliosphere from the Turbulent Magnetic Fields Measured by Parker Solar Probe", "The Evolution and Role of Solar Wind Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere" ], [ "Efficient telecom-to-visible spectral translation through ultralow power nonlinear nanophotonics", "Thermal and Kerr nonlinear properties of plasma-deposited silicon nitride/ silicon dioxide waveguides." ], [ "Avoiding barren plateaus via transferability of smooth solutions in a Hamiltonian variational ansatz", "Training Variational Quantum Algorithms Is NP-Hard." ], [ "Dark matter and muon $(g-2)$ in local $U(1)_{L_\\mu-L_\\tau}$-extended Ma Model", "Phenomenology of $U(1)_{L_\\mu - L_\\tau}$ charged dark matter at PAMELA/FERMI and colliders" ], [ "Adding boundary terms to Anderson localized Hamiltonians leads to unbounded growth of entanglement", "Universal dynamics and renormalization in many body localized systems" ], [ "KiDS-1000: cosmic shear with enhanced redshift calibration", "Planck Collaboration, Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., et al." ], [ "Band filling and cross quantum capacitance in ion gated semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers.", "Polymer electrolyte gate dielectric reveals finite windows of high conductivity in organic thin film transistors at high charge carrier densities." ], [ "Black hole shadow and acceleration bounds for spherically symmetric spacetimes", "Quasi-normal modes of static spherically symmetric black holes in f(R) theory" ], [ "Two-blackbody portraits of radiation from magnetized neutron stars", "Middle aged \u03b3-ray pulsar J1957+5033 in X-rays: pulsations, thermal emission, and nebula" ], [ "The dependence of galaxy clustering on stellar mass, star-formation rate and redshift at z = 0.8 \u2212 2.2, with HiZELS", "WHAT DOES CLUSTERING TELL US ABOUT THE BUILDUP OF THE RED SEQUENCE?" ], [ "Synchronized Coevolution between Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxies over the Last Seven Billion Years as Revealed by Hyper Suprime-Cam", "The COSMOS2015 galaxy stellar mass function . Thirteen billion years of stellar mass assembly in ten snapshots" ], [ "Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking Superconductors: Sr2RuO4 and Beyond", "Limits on superconductivity-related magnetization in Sr2RuO4 and PrOs4Sb12 from scanning SQUID microscopy" ], [ "Cosmological solutions to the lithium problem: Big-bang nucleosynthesis with photon cooling, X-particle decay and a primordial magnetic field", "A new approach to systematic uncertainties and self-consistency in helium abundance determinations" ], [ "The ExoMol database: Molecular line lists for exoplanet and other hot atmospheres", "A hybrid line list for CH4 and hot methane continuum." ], [ "Logical Qubit in a Linear Array of Semiconductor Quantum Dots", "One-dimensional quantum computing with a \u2018segmented chain\u2019 is feasible with today\u2019s gate fidelities" ], [ "Interplanetary Magnetic Field Control of Polar Ionospheric Equivalent Current System Modes", "The Delayed Time Response of Geomagnetic Activity to the Solar Wind" ], [ "Relativistic wind accretion on to a Schwarzschild black hole", "An analytic toy model for relativistic accretion in Kerr space\u2013time" ], [ "Unbinned multivariate observables for global SMEFT analyses from machine learning", "HEPfit: a code for the combination of indirect and direct constraints on high energy physics models" ], [ "Onsager's variational principle in active soft matter.", "Scalar \u03c64 field theory for active-particle phase separation" ], [ "Desorption Dynamics of Rb2 Molecules Off the Surface of Helium Nanodroplets.", "Vibrational relaxation and dephasing of Rb2 attached to helium nanodroplets." ], [ "Dynamical properties of the Molniya satellite constellation: long-term evolution of the semi-major axis", "History of Analytical Orbit Modeling in the U.S. Space Surveillance System" ], [ "Development of new radon monitoring systems in the Kamioka mine", "Changes in groundwater level associated with the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake" ], [ "Neutrino oscillations from the splitting of Fermi points", "Indications of neutrino oscillation in a 250 km long-baseline experiment." ], [ "Multiple scattering of electromagnetic waves by an array of parallel gyrotropic rods.", "Optical beam steering based on the symmetry of resonant modes of nanoparticles." ], [ "MSSM parameter determination via chargino production at the LC: NLO corrections", "SUSY parameter determination in combined analyses at LHC / LC" ], [ "Stellar population analysis on local infrared-selected galaxies", "Stellar population synthesis at the resolution of 2003" ], [ "Cosmological Constraints from Combining Galaxy Surveys and Gravitational Wave Observatories", "OBSERVATIONAL SELECTION EFFECTS WITH GROUND-BASED GRAVITATIONAL WAVE DETECTORS" ], [ "0 M ay 2 01 8 Introduction to the book \u201c Quantum Theory : Informational Foundations and Foils \u201d", "Information\u2013theoretic implications of quantum causal structures" ], [ "Remotely projecting states of photonic temporal modes.", "Direct Generation of Tailored Pulse-Mode Entanglement." ], [ "Enhancement of electric and magnetic dipole transition of rare-earth-doped thin films tailored by high-index dielectric nanostructures.", "Nanoscale Generation of White Light for Ultrabroadband Nanospectroscopy." ], [ "Exploring the neighborhood of 1-layer QAOA with instantaneous quantum polynomial circuits", "Achieving quantum supremacy with sparse and noisy commuting quantum computations" ], [ "Generation of higher-order topological insulators using periodic driving", "Observation of higher-order topological acoustic states protected by generalized chiral symmetry" ], [ "Radiation from electrons in graphene in strong electric field", "Dirac fermions in strong electric field and quantum transport in graphene" ], [ "Constraints on submicrojansky radio number counts based on evolving VLA-COSMOS luminosity functions", "The sub-mJy radio sky in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South: source population" ], [ "Thermal quenching of electronic shells and channel competition in cluster fission.", "Cu cluster shell structure at elevated temperatures." ], [ "Folding thermodynamics of model four-strand antiparallel beta-sheet proteins.", "Exploring the folding free energy surface of a three-helix bundle protein." ], [ "Search for light long-lived neutral particles that decay to collimated pairs of leptons or light hadrons in \ud835\udc91 \ud835\udc91 collisions at \u221a \ud835\udc94 = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector", "Constraints on sub-GeV hidden sector gauge bosons from a search for heavy neutrino decays" ], [ "Linear response theory for coupled phase oscillators with general coupling functions", "Disorder-induced dynamics in a pair of coupled heterogeneous phase oscillator networks." ], [ "Melting of alloys along the inter-phase boundaries in eutectic and peritectic systems", "Interface Migration and Control of Microstructures" ], [ "Radio transients from stellar tidal disruption by massive black holes", "The relation between accretion rate and jet power in X-ray luminous elliptical galaxies" ], [ "MULTIBAND STUDIES OF THE OPTICAL PERIODIC MODULATION IN THE X-RAY BINARY SAX J1808.4\u22123658 DURING ITS QUIESCENCE AND 2008 OUTBURST", "The optical counterparts of Accreting Millisecond X\u2010Ray Pulsars during quiescence" ], [ "A series of magnon crystals appearing under ultrahigh magnetic fields in a kagom\u00e9 antiferromagnet", "CdCu(3)(OH)(6)(NO(3))(2): An S = (1)/(2) Kagom\u00e9 antiferromagnet." ], [ "Strong Wilson polygons from the lodge of free and bound mesons", "Long-range psu(2,2|4) Bethe Ansatze for gauge theory and strings" ], [ "Submillimeter Array Observation of the Proto-Planetary Nebula CRL 618 in the CO J = 6-5 Line", "Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI" ], [ "Are stellar-mass binary black hole mergers isotropically distributed?", "The largest structure of the Universe, defined by Gamma-Ray Bursts" ], [ "Evolution of environment\u2010dependent galaxy properties in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey", "Galaxy morphology in rich clusters: Implications for the formation and evolution of galaxies" ], [ "Canonical description of exotic general massive gravity", "New Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity." ], [ "Improved parameters for the transiting planet HD 17156b: a high-density giant planet with a very eccentric orbit", "Efficient identification of exoplanetary transit candidates from SuperWASP light curves" ], [ "Spatial fluctuations of the intergalactic temperature\u2013density relation after hydrogen reionization", "Warm dark matter as a solution to the small scale crisis: New constraints from high redshift Lyman-\u03b1 forest data" ], [ "Computing with volatile memristors: an application of non-pinched hysteresis", "Field emission luminescence of nanodiamonds deposited on the aligned carbon nanotube array" ], [ "Conditions for multiplicativity of maximal \u2113p-norms of channels for fixed integer p", "A quantum channel with additive minimum output entropy" ], [ "The Erwin Schrr Odinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (3+1){dimensional Schwinger Terms and Non{commutative Geometry (3+1)-dimensional Schwinger Terms and Non-commutative Geometry", "Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics. I: Functional Analysis" ], [ "The Observability of Vortex-driven Spiral Arms in Protoplanetary Disks: Basic Spiral Properties", "Rossby Wave Instability of Thin Accretion Disks. III. Nonlinear Simulations" ], [ "A catalogue of 108 extended planetary nebulae observed by GALEX", "Evolution of Stars: The Photospheric Abundance Connection" ], [ "Geometry, Kinematics, and Heliospheric Impact of a Large CME-driven Shock in 2017 September", "SOLAR SOURCE AND HELIOSPHERIC CONSEQUENCES OF THE 2010 APRIL 3 CORONAL MASS EJECTION: A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW" ], [ "Mesoscopic Aharonov-Bohm Interferometers: Decoherence and Thermoelectric Transport", "The Theory of a general quantum system interacting with a linear dissipative system" ], [ "Heterotic line bundle models on generalized complete intersection Calabi Yau manifolds", "A Generalized Construction of Calabi-Yau Models and Mirror Symmetry" ], [ "Optimal Fermionic swap networks for Hubbard models", "Quantum computations: algorithms and error correction" ], [ "A catalogue of faint local radio AGN and the properties of their host galaxies", "The environmental dependence of the relations between stellar mass, structure, star formation and nuclear activity in galaxies" ], [ "Search for heavy quarks decaying into a top quark and a W or Z boson using lepton + jets events in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV", "Two-loop soft anomalous dimensions for single top quark associated production with a W- or H-" ], [ "A New Calibration Of Galactic Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relations From B To K Bands, And A Comparison To LMC Relations", "New Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relations for the Large Magellanic Cloud: 92 Near-Infrared Light Curves" ], [ "Probe for Type Ia Supernova Progenitor in Decihertz Gravitational Wave Astronomy", "The detection rate of inspiral and quasi-normal modes of Population III binary black holes which can confirm or refute the general relativity in the strong gravity region" ], [ "Explaining the pseudogap through damping and antidamping on the Fermi surface by imaginary spin scattering", "Spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the pseudogap state of a high-Tc superconductor" ], [ "Magnetic anisotropy of large floating\u2010zone\u2010grown single\u2010crystals of SrRuO3", "Crystal and magnetic structure of LaTiO3 : evidence for non-degenerate $t_{2g}$-orbitals" ], [ "An Enquiry on Similarities between Renormalization Group and Auto-Encoders Using Transfer Learning", "Here are the High-Resolution Images mentioned in the previous sections" ], [ "Modified Brans-Dicke theory with space-time anisotropic parameters", "Spontaneous symmetry breakdown in massless scalar electrodynamics and Brans-Dicke-type gravitational theory" ], [ "ON THE SUPERSYMMETRY OF THE DIRAC\u2013KEPLER PROBLEM PLUS A COULOMB-TYPE SCALAR POTENTIAL IN (D+1) DIMENSIONS AND THE GENERALIZED LIPPMANN\u2013JOHNSON OPERATOR", "Exact supersymmetry in the nonrelativistic hydrogen atom." ], [ "Affine extensions of non-crystallographic Coxeter groups induced by projection", "Towards a classification of icosahedral viruses in terms of indexed polyhedra." ], [ "Theory of Laser-Assisted Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture", "Atomic Structure Theory : Lectures on Atomic Physics" ], [ "Orbital current patterns in doped two-leg Cu-O Hubbard ladders", "Evidence for a strong three-body force in the triton" ], [ "de Sitter, \u03b1\u2032-corrections & duality invariant cosmology", "The Acceleration of the universe, a challenge for string theory" ], [ "Microscopic description of cluster radioactivity in actinide nuclei", "Observation of nucleon clusters in the spontaneous decay of234U" ], [ "Phenomenological and theoretical developments in jet physics at the LHC", "Longitudinally-invariant k \u22a5 -clustering algorithms for hadron-hadron collisions" ], [ "Origin of cosmic magnetic fields: Superadiabatically amplified modes in open Friedmann universes", "Mode spectrum of the electromagnetic field in open universe models" ], [ "Note: Suppression of kHz-frequency switching noise in digital micro-mirror devices.", "Vialux and BBS-Bildsysteme o\ufb00er corresponding products" ], [ "Existence of traversable wormholes in the spherical stellar systems", "Supplementary Information for Evidence for dark matter in the inner Milky Way" ], [ "A liquid contact line receding on a soft gel surface: dip-coating geometry investigation.", "Universal spreading of water drops on complex surfaces." ], [ "Counterpart of the Chandrasekhar-Kendall state in noncentrosymmetric superconductors", "Superconductivity and spin\u2013orbit coupling in non-centrosymmetric materials: a review" ], [ "Polar or nonpolar? That is not the question for perovskite solar cells", "Rotation mechanism of methylammonium molecules in organometal halide perovskite in cubic phase: An ab initio molecular dynamics study." ], [ "Detecting extreme-mass-ratio inspirals for space-borne detectors with deep learning", "Synthetic LISA: Simulating time delay interferometry in a model LISA" ], [ "Observations of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope. II. The IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample", "Infrared 3-4 \u03bcm Spectroscopic Investigations of a Large Sample of Nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies" ], [ "CMB and BBN constraints on evaporating primordial black holes revisited", "BBN constraints on MeV-scale dark sectors. Part II: Electromagnetic decays" ], [ "The Magnetic Sun: Reversals and Long-Term Variations", "Long-Term Solar Cycle Evolution: Review of Recent Developments" ], [ "Effect of \u201cdipolar-biasing\u201d on the tunability of tunneling magnetoresistance in transition metal oxide systems", "14K. Sattler, Handbook of Nanophysics: Nanoparticles and Quantum Dots" ], [ "The Diffusion Limit of Photoevaporation in Primordial Planetary Atmospheres", "Inefficient Water Degassing Inhibits Ocean Formation on Rocky Planets: An Insight from Self-Consistent Mantle Degassing Models." ], [ "Detecting some three-qubit MUB diagonal entangled states via nonlinear optimal entanglement witnesses", "Bell-state diagonal entanglement witnesses for relativistic and nonrelativistic multispinor systems in arbitrary dimensions" ], [ "Thermospheric and geomagnetic responses to interplanetary coronal mass ejections observed by ACE and GRACE: Statistical results", "Processes and mechanisms governing the initiation and propagation of CMEs" ], [ "The dynamics and prethermalization of one-dimensional quantum systems probed through the full distributions of quantum noise", "Correlation functions of one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures" ], [ "Quantum Reservoir Computing for Speckle Disorder Potentials", "Experimental study of the transport of coherent interacting matter-waves in a 1D random potential induced by laser speckle" ], [ "The energy production rate & the generation spectrum of UHECRs", "The Cosmic ray energy spectrum observed by the Fly's Eye" ], [ "Allocating and Splitting Free Energy to Maximize Molecular Machine Flux.", "Motor protein with nonequilibrium potential: Its thermodynamics and efficiency." ], [ "Updated constraints on \nZ\u2032\n and \nW\u2032\n bosons decaying into bosonic and leptonic final states using the run 2 ATLAS data", "Probing $Z$-$Z'$ mixing with ATLAS and CMS resonant diboson production data at the LHC at $\\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV" ], [ "Intrinsic Bistability In Quantum Point Contacts with in-plane Side Gates", "Nature of electron states and symmetry breaking in quantum point contacts according to the local spin density approximation" ], [ "Multiparty Spohn's theorem for mixed local Markovian and non-Markovian quantum dynamics", "Comparison of entropy production rates in two different types of self-organized flows: B\u00e9nard convection and zonal flow" ], [ "Ultra-low noise single-photon detector based on Si avalanche photodiode.", "Experimental entanglement of six photons in graph states" ], [ "Carbon line formation and spectroscopy in O-type stars", "C II Abundances in Early-Type Stars: Solution to a Notorious Non-LTE Problem" ], [ "Consistency of gauged two Higgs doublet model: gauge sector", "Stueckelberg Z ' extension with kinetic mixing and millicharged dark matter from the hidden sector" ], [ "Reconstruction of stratified steady water waves from pressure readings on the ocean bed", "New exact relations for easy recovery of steady wave profiles from bottom pressure measurements" ], [ "THE HEAVY-ELEMENT MASSES OF EXTRASOLAR GIANT PLANETS, REVEALED", "A correlation between the heavy element content of transiting extrasolar planets and the metallicity of their parent stars" ], [ "CGC/saturation approach for soft interactions at high energy: long range rapidity correlations", "Studies of unitarity at small x using the dipole formulation" ], [ "Gupta\u2013Bleuler Quantization of the Maxwell Field in Globally Hyperbolic Space-Times", "On the propagation of polarization sets for systems of real principal type" ], [ "Soft photon radiation in particle decays in SHERPA", "The infrared divergence phenomena and high-energy processes" ], [ "X-ray spectral variability in PG 1535+547: the changing look of a \"soft X-ray weak\" AGN", "Evidence for a multizone warm absorber in the XMM\u2013Newton spectrum of Markarian 304" ], [ "Deep learning of interfacial curvature: A symmetry-preserving approach for the volume of fluid method", "An enhanced un-split face-vertex flux-based VoF method" ], [ "Late gas accretion on to primordial minihaloes: a model for Leo T, dark galaxies and extragalactic high-velocity clouds", "On the Origin of Dark Matter Cores in Dwarf Galaxies" ], [ "Light-Front Holography, Color Confinement, and Supersymmetric Features of QCD", "Nonperturbative QCD coupling and its \u03b2 function from light-front holography" ], [ "Virtual reassembling of 3D fragments for the data-driven analysis of fracture mechanisms in composite materials", "Further study of grain boundary fracture in the breakage of single multiphase particles using X-ray microtomography procedures" ], [ "Nonassociative Algebras and Nonperturbative Field Theory for Hierarchical Models", "Investigation of the critical point in models of the type of Dyson's hierarchical models" ], [ "Asymptotic charges from soft scalars in even dimensions", "Asymptotic symmetries of QED and Weinberg\u2019s soft photon theorem" ], [ "Ethics education in the quantum information science classroom: Exploring attitudes, barriers, and opportunities", "Ethics Instruction and the Role of Liberatory Praxis and Theory" ], [ "Effect of interface dynamic deformations on instabilities of buoyancy-thermocapillary convection in a two-fluid two-layer system", "Characters of Surface Deformation and Surface Wave in Thermal Capillary Convection" ], [ "Complete electroweak two-loop corrections to Z boson production and decay", "Two loop heavy top corrections to the Z0 boson partial widths" ], [ "Intrinsic superstructure near atomically clean armchair step edges of graphite", "Magnetic ordering at the edges of graphitic fragments: Magnetic tail interactions between the edge-localized states" ], [ "Metastable level properties of the excited configuration $4p^{6}4d^{8}4f$", "Relativistic calculations for M1-type transitions in configurations of W29+\u2013W37+ ions" ], [ "Hamiltonian dynamics and Noether symmetries in Extended Gravity Cosmology", "Low surface brightness galaxy rotation curves in the low energy limit of Rn gravity: no need for dark matter?" ], [ "A homogeneous database of sunspot areas covering more than 130 years", "Solar Electromagnetic Radiation Study for Solar Cycle 22" ], [ "Local flame displacement speeds of hydrogen-air premixed flames in moderate to intense turbulence", "Burning Velocities, Markstein Lengths, and Flame Quenching for Spherical Methane-Air Flames: A Computational Study" ], [ "A consistent description of the relativistic effects and three-body interactions in atomic nuclei", "Hidden pseudospin and spin symmetries and their origins in atomic nuclei" ], [ "Chandra Observations of Galactic Supernova Remnant Vela Jr.: A New Sample of Thin Filaments Emitting Synchrotron X-Rays", "Particle acceleration at astrophysical shocks: A theory of cosmic ray origin" ], [ "The effects of calibration on the bias of shear measurements", "KiDS-450: cosmological parameter constraints from tomographic weak gravitational lensing" ], [ "Quantum gas distribution prescribed by factorization hypothesis of probability", "Nonextensive black-body distribution function and Einstein's coefficients A and B" ], [ "How to detect level crossings without looking at the spectrum", "2D magnetic traps for ultra-cold atoms: a simple theory using complex numbers" ], [ "High-sensitivity measurement of Rydberg population via two-photon excitation in atomic vapour using optical heterodyne detection technique", "Controlling four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing in a multi-Zeeman-sublevel atomic system with electromagnetically induced transparency" ], [ "The Dirichlet super three-brane in ten-dimensional type IIB supergravity", "Self-duality of Born-Infeld action and Dirichlet 3-brane of type IIB superstring theory" ], [ "Nucleon decay in gauge unified models with intersecting D6-branes", "Scattering of gauge, matter, and moduli fields from intersecting branes" ], [ "The QCD phase diagram at zero and small baryon density", "The QCD equation of state for two flavours at non-zero chemical potential" ], [ "Boundary S matrix of an open XXZ spin chain with nondiagonal boundary terms", "Boundary K-matrices for the six vertex and the n(2n-1)An-1 vertex models" ], [ "Long-Time Asymptotics of Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for the Defocusing Nonlinear Schr\u00f6dinger Equation with Finite-Density Initial Data. II. Dark Solitons on Continua", "Discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation under nonvanishing boundary conditions" ], [ "Efficient Routing for Quantum Key Distribution Networks", "Fundamental limits of repeaterless quantum communications" ], [ "Overview: Experimental studies of crystal nucleation: Metals and colloids.", "LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Roles of local icosahedral chemical ordering in glass and quasicrystal formation in metallic glass formers" ], [ "Unbiased Estimate of Dark Energy Density from Type Ia Supernova Data", "Supernova Ia Constraints on a Time-variable Cosmological \u201cConstant\u201d" ], [ "Constraints on features in the inflationary potential from future Euclid data", "Ruling out the power-law form of the scalar primordial spectrum" ], [ "Large Time Step and DC Stable TD-EFIE Discretized With Implicit Runge\u2013Kutta Methods", "Solution of time domain electric field Integral equation using the Laguerre polynomials" ], [ "REVISED MASS-TO-LIGHT RATIOS FOR NEARBY GALAXY GROUPS AND CLUSTERS", "ON THE BARYON FRACTIONS IN CLUSTERS AND GROUPS OF GALAXIES" ], [ "Revisiting the solution of the second-class constraints of the Holst action", "Towards loop quantum gravity without the time gauge." ], [ "Resolving Combinatorial Ambiguities in Dilepton $t \\bar t$ Event Topologies with Neural Networks", "TensorFlow: A system for large-scale machine learning" ], [ "A likely decade-long sustained tidal disruption event", "SHOCKS AND CAVITIES FROM MULTIPLE OUTBURSTS IN THE GALAXY GROUP NGC 5813: A WINDOW TO ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEUS FEEDBACK" ], [ "Evidence of scaling advantage for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm on a classically intractable problem", "Performance of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm on the Maximum Cut Problem" ], [ "Inverse optimization techniques for targeted self-assembly", "Generation of primordial cosmological perturbations from statistical mechanical models" ], [ "Classification of crystalline topological insulators through $K$-theory", "Crystallographic T-duality, 2018, [arXiv:1806.11385 [hep-th]" ], [ "Schr\u00f6dinger invariant solutions of M-theory with enhanced supersymmetry", "N=5,6 Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories and M2-branes on Orbifolds" ], [ "Topological synchronization of quantum van der Pol oscillators", "Self-induced topological transitions and edge states supported by nonlinear staggered potentials" ], [ "Comparing models for a unitary black hole S-matrix", "Breakdown of Predictability in Gravitational Collapse" ], [ "Fluxes and branes in type II vacua and M-theory geometry with G2 and spin(7) holonomy", "Supersymmetry and F-theory realization of the deformed conifold with three-form flux" ], [ "Electrocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B Using Li-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles: Novel Approach", "Impedance studies of Sr modified BaZr0.05Ti0.95O3 ceramics" ], [ "The design, construction, and commissioning of the KATRIN experiment", "Monitoring the KATRIN source properties within the beamline" ], [ "Deformation and dislocation evolution in body-centered-cubic single- and polycrystal tantalum", "Ab initio study of screw dislocations in Mo and ta: A new picture of plasticity in bcc transition metals" ], [ "HL-LHC sensitivity to higgsinos from natural SUSY with gravitino LSP", "GUT-scale constrained SUSY in light of E989 muon g-2 measurement" ], [ "Microscopic mechanisms of thermal and driven diffusion of non rigid molecules on surfaces", "Long jumps in the surface diffusion of large molecules." ], [ "Evolution and Possible Forms of Primordial Antimatter and Dark Matter celestial objects", "Search for narrow signals in the \u03b3-spectrum from proton-antiproton annihilation at rest" ], [ "Time-dependent correlation functions in open quadratic fermionic systems", "Exact solution of Markovian master equations for quadratic Fermi systems: thermal baths, open XY spin chains and non-equilibrium phase transition" ], [ "Leibniz Bialgebras, Classical Yang\u2013Baxter Equations and Dynamical Systems", "Yang-Baxter equations on matrix dialgebras with a bar unit" ], [ "Volkov-Pankratov states in topological graphene nanoribbons", "Fano resonances in quasi-one-dimensional electron waveguides." ], [ "Synergistically creating sulfur vacancies in semimetal-supported amorphous MoS2 for efficient hydrogen evolution", "Controllable defects implantation in MoS2 grown by chemical vapor deposition for photoluminescence enhancement" ], [ "IS THE MILKY WAY'S HOT HALO CONVECTIVELY UNSTABLE?", "Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (3rd Edition) is written by William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery, and published by Cambridge University Press, \u00a9 2007, hardback, ISBN 978-0-521-88068-8, 1235 pp." ], [ "Propagation Control of Octahedral Tilt in SrRuO3 via Artificial Heterostructuring", "Ferromagnetic resonance of Fe(111) thin films and Fe(111)/Cu(111) multilayers." ], [ "Emergence of molecular friction in liquids: bridging between the atomistic and hydrodynamic pictures", "Resonances arising from hydrodynamic memory in Brownian motion" ], [ "Gravitational wave constraints on the shape of neutron stars", "Upper limits on gravitational wave emission from 78 radio pulsars" ], [ "AGN\u2212Host Interaction in IC 5063. I. Large-scale X-Ray Morphology and Spectral Analysis", "Sherpa: a mission-independent data analysis application" ], [ "Oscillation frequencies for 35 Kepler solar-type planet-hosting stars using Bayesian techniques and machine learning", "Evolution of asymptotic giant branch stars. II. Optical to far-infrared isochrones with improved TP-" ], [ "Theory of pseudospin resonance for multiband superconductors", "Superfluid weight and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature of twisted bilayer graphene" ], [ "Deconstructing noncommutativity with a giant fuzzy moose", "Perturbative analysis on infrared aspects of noncommutative QED on R4" ], [ "BaNiF4: an electric field-switchable weak antiferromagnet", "Magnetic Structure of the Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnet BaCo F 4" ], [ "Shaping the edge radial electric field to create shearless transport barriers in tokamaks", "Edge radial electric field structure and its connections to H-mode confinement in Alcator C-Mod plasmas" ], [ "Localization of trivial edge states in InAs/GaSb composite quantum wells", "Gate Operation of InAs/AlGaSb Heterostructures with an Atomic-Layer-Deposited Insulating Layer" ], [ "On-chip parametric amplification with 26.5\u2009dB gain at telecommunication wavelengths using CMOS-compatible hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides.", "Broad-band optical parametric gain on a silicon photonic chip" ], [ "Low-Rank and Framelet Based Sparsity Decomposition for Interventional MRI Reconstruction", "An efficient method for dynamic magnetic resonance imaging" ], [ "Effect of the Density of Reactive Sites in P(S\u2010r\u2010MMA) Film during Al2O3 Growth by Sequential Infiltration Synthesis", "Patterning at the 10 nanometer length scale using a strongly segregating block copolymer thin film and vapor phase infiltration of inorganic precursors." ], [ "Mining the Ultrahot Skies of HAT-P-70b: Detection of a Profusion of Neutral and Ionized Species", "The obliquity and atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter TOI-1431b (MASCARA-5b): a misaligned orbit and no signs of atomic or molecular absorptions" ], [ "R-parity violation, sneutrino mixing phenomena and CP-violation in p \\bar p -> sneutrino -> l^+ l^- + X", "With \u0393 \u02dc \u03bd i \u00b1 = 10 \u2212 2 m \u02dc \u03bd i \u00b1 , the choice \u2206 m \u02dc \u03bd \u00b5 \u00b1 < \u223c \u0393 \u02dc \u03bd \u00b5 \u00b1 implies \u2206 m \u02dc \u03bd \u00b5 \u00b1 /m \u02dc \u03bd \u00b5 \u00b1 << 1, as imposed by neutrino masses [11, 14]" ], [ "Cyclic products of Szeg\u00f6 kernels and spin structure sums. 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Economics and crisis of debts", "Three approaches to the quantitative definition of information" ], [ "Thermalization universality-class transition induced by Anderson localization", "Dynamical Glass and Ergodization Times in Classical Josephson Junction Chains." ], [ "Separation of Variables, Quasi-Trigonometric r-Matrices and Generalized Gaudin Models", "Algebraic-geometrical Darboux coordinates in R-matrix formalism" ], [ "Towards an analytic solution of rapid roll inflation with a quartic potential", "New mechanism for generating density perturbations from inflation" ], [ "Cosmological effects of the Galileon term in scalar-tensor theories", "Uncertainty from the Hubble Space Telescope and the SH 0 ES Team" ], [ "General Expressions for the Quantum Fisher Information Matrix with Applications to Discrete Quantum Imaging", "Quantum Fisher information matrix and multiparameter estimation" ], [ "Driving a mechanical resonator into coherent states via random measurements", "Nondeterministic ultrafast ground-state cooling of a mechanical resonator" ], [ "Dirac electrons in graphene-based quantum wires and quantum dots", "Chemically Derived, Ultrasmooth Graphene Nanoribbon Semiconductors" ], [ "Developing a self-consistent AGB wind model \u2013 I. Chemical, thermal, and dynamical coupling", "Chemical complexity in astrophysical simulations: optimization and reduction techniques" ], [ "Compressive high-frequency waves riding on an Alfv\u00e9n/ion-cyclotron wave in a multi-fluid plasma", "PERPENDICULAR ION HEATING BY LOW-FREQUENCY ALFV\u00c9N-WAVE TURBULENCE IN THE SOLAR WIND" ], [ "Galaxy and Mass Assembly: the evolution of the cosmic spectral energy distribution from z = 1 to z = 0", "Deep galaxy counts, extragalactic background light and the stellar baryon budget" ], [ "Low-frequency method for magnetothermopower and Nernst effect measurements on single crystal samples at low temperatures and high magnetic fields", "Influence of magnetic field on the electronic specific heat of the organic metal (BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4" ], [ "Visible spectra of (474640) 2004 VN112\u20132013 RF98 with OSIRIS at the 10.4 m GTC: evidence for binary dissociation near aphelion among the extreme trans-Neptunian objects", "Proximal Analysis of Regolith Habitats and Protective Biomolecules in Situ by Laser Raman Spectroscopy: Overview of Terrestrial Antarctic Habitats and Mars Analogs" ], [ "A modification of the h-index: The hm-index accounts for multi-authored manuscripts", "To share the fame in a fair way, hm modifies h for multi-authored manuscripts" ], [ "TIPP 2011-Technology and Instrumentation for Particle Physics 2011 A 4-channel waveform sampling ASIC in 0 . 13 \u03bc m CMOS for front-end readout of large-area microchannel plate detectors", "A Prototype Waveform Digitizing ASIC in 0.13 \u03bcm CMOS for Precision Timing Measurements" ], [ "IMAGING THE MOLECULAR GAS IN A z = 3.9 QUASAR HOST GALAXY AT 0.\u20333 RESOLUTION: A CENTRAL, SUB-KILOPARSEC SCALE STAR FORMATION RESERVOIR IN APM 08279+5255", "Spatially resolved STIS spectra of the gravitationally lensed broad absorption line quasar APM08279+5255: the nature of component C and evidence for microlensing" ], [ "A Laminar Model for the Magnetic Field Structure in Bow-Shock Pulsar Wind Nebulae", "The Asymmetric Bow Shock/Pulsar Wind Nebula of PSR J2124\u20133358" ], [ "First results of the PixelGEM central tracking system of COMPASS", "Performance of triple GEM tracking detectors in the COMPASS experiment" ], [ "Dynamics and Morphology of Cold Gas in Fast, Radiatively Cooling Outflows: Constraining AGN Energetics with Horseshoes", "Herschel observations of extended atomic gas in the core of the Perseus cluster" ], [ "Non-quasiparticle states in the core level spectra of ferromagnetic\nsemiconductors and half-metallic ferromagnets", "Colossal-magnetoresistance materials: manganites and conventional ferromagnetic semiconductors" ], [ "Characterisation of the mechanical properties of thin-film mirror coating materials for use in future interferometric gravitational wave detectors", "Structural, optical and mechanical properties of amorphous and crystalline alumina thin films" ], [ "Possible bump structure of cosmic ray electrons unveiled by AMS-02 data and its common origin along with the nuclei and positron", "Changes in cosmic-ray transport properties connect the high-energy features in the electron and proton data" ], [ "Analysis of a subsolar-mass compact binary candidate from the second observing run of Advanced LIGO", "Gravitationally collapsed objects of very low mass" ], [ "Quantum steganography over noisy channels: Achievability and bounds", "Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer" ], [ "Microscopic mechanisms of spin-dependent electric polarization in 3d oxides", "Betouras , Gianluca Giovanetti , and Jeroen van den Brink" ], [ "Green low-cost carbon nanodots-polyurethane composites with novel anisotropic anti-quenching mechanism for strain sensing", "Mechanisms of Local Stress Sensing in Multifunctional Polymer Films Using Fluorescent Tetrapod Nanocrystals." ], [ "A Fast, Two-dimensional Gaussian Process Method Based on Celerite: Applications to Transiting Exoplanet Discovery and Characterization", "Use and abuse of the Fisher information matrix in the assessment of gravitational-wave parameter-estimation prospects" ], [ "Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the EXor-like Eruptive Young Star Gaia19fct", "Evidence of Accretion Burst: The Viscously Heated Inner Disk of the Embedded Protostar IRAS 16316-1540" ], [ "Neutrino masses and tribimaximal mixing in the minimal renormalizable supersymmetric SU(5) grand unified model with A4 flavor symmetry", "Tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing and neutrinoless double beta decay" ], [ "Simulating the magnetorotational collapse of supermassive stars: Incorporating gas pressure perturbations and different rotation profiles.", "Gravitational-wave extraction from an inspiraling configuration of merging black holes." ], [ "Uncertainty Analysis Of Future Projections Of Temperature, Precipitation, And Solar Radiation Under Global Warming Effect In Tehran, Iran", "Modeling the Regional Effects of Climate Change on Future Urban Ozone Air Quality in Tehran, Iran" ], [ "Adsorption of CO$_2$ and CH$_4$ and their mixtures in gas hydrates", "Evaluation of various water models for simulation of adsorption in hydrophobic zeolites" ], [ "Update on decaying and annihilating heavy dark matter with the 6-year IceCube HESE data", "New Search for Monochromatic Neutrinos from Dark Matter Decay" ], [ "Hierarchy of instabilities for two counter-streaming magnetized pair beams", "A fluid approach to linear beam plasma electromagnetic instabilities" ], [ "Infra-red effects of Non-linear sigma model in de Sitter space", "The background field method and the ultraviolet structure of the supersymmetric nonlinear \u03c3-model" ], [ "A Gaia DR2 view of the open cluster population in the Milky Way", "Old open clusters and the Galactic metallicity gradient: Berkeley 20, Berkeley 66, and Tombaugh 2 ?" ], [ "Splitting Instability in Superalloys: A Phase-Field Study", "Shape instability during precipitate growth in coherent solids" ], [ "Adiabatic limit collapse and local interaction effects in non-linear active microrheology molecular simulations of two-dimensional fluids.", "A universal scaling law for atomic diffusion in condensed matter" ], [ "Pattern formation in liquid-vapor systems under periodic potential and shear.", "Lattice Boltzmann study of thermal phase separation: Effects of heat conduction, viscosity and Prandtl number" ], [ "Synthesis of c-axis-oriented MgB2 thin films and the Hall effect", "Evidence for two-band superconductivity from break-junction tunneling on MgB2." ], [ "Strong-coupling approach to ground-state properties of the Anderson lattice-model", "Diagrammatic approach to the intermediate-valence compounds" ], [ "Detection of pristine circumstellar material from the Cassiopeia A supernova progenitor", "Reddening Measurements and Physical Conditions for Cassiopeia A from Optical and Near-Infrared Spectra" ], [ "Excitable reaction-diffusion waves of curvature-inducing proteins on deformable membrane tubes.", "The physics of membrane tubes: soft templates for studying cellular membranes" ], [ "Final state radiation from high and ultrahigh energy neutrino interactions", "Detecting MeV gauge bosons with high-energy neutrino telescopes" ], [ "Dual Stellar Halos in Early-type Galaxies and Formation of Massive Galaxies", "SEARCHING FOR DIFFUSE LIGHT IN THE M96 GALAXY GROUP" ], [ "The Staggered Mesh Method: Accurate Exact Exchange towards the Thermodynamic Limit for Solids", "Relative Thermodynamic Stability of Diamond and Graphite." ], [ "Coherent errors in stabilizer codes caused by quasistatic phase damping", "Repeated quantum error detection in a surface code" ], [ "On a connection between a class of q-deformed algebras and the Hausdorff derivative in a medium with fractal metric", "The variant of post-Newtonian mechanics with generalized fractional derivatives." ], [ "N\u03a9\n interaction: Meson exchanges, inelastic channels, and quasibound state", "Evidence That the Deuteron Is Not an Elementary Particle" ], [ "Whitham Deformations of Seiberg-Witten Curves for Classical Gauge Groups", "NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS OF KORTEWEG-DE VRIES TYPE, FINITE-ZONE LINEAR OPERATORS, AND ABELIAN VARIETIES" ], [ "First degree birational transformations of the Painleve equations and their contiguity relations", "Isomonodromic deformation and Painlev\u00e9 equations, and the Garnier system" ], [ "Spectra of generators of Markovian evolution in the thermodynamic limit: From non-Hermitian to full evolution via tridiagonal Laurent matrices", "Interplay of interaction and disorder in the steady state of an open quantum system" ], [ "Local Heavy Quasiparticle in Four-Level Kondo Model", "Correlation effects and structural dynamics in the \u03b2 -pyrochlore superconductor K Os 2 O 6" ], [ "Apples to apples A 2 \u2013 I. Realistic galaxy simulated catalogues and photometric redshift predictions for next-generation surveys", "A new measurement of the evolving near-infrared galaxy luminosity function out to z\u2243 4: a continuing challenge to theoretical models of galaxy formation" ], [ "Accurate modeling of plasma acceleration with arbitrary order pseudo-spectral particle-in-cell methods", "Physics considerations for laser-plasma linear colliders" ], [ "Phosphine on Venus Cannot Be Explained by Conventional Processes.", "Reflections on O2 as a Biosignature in Exoplanetary Atmospheres" ], [ "The effect of the geometrical optical phase on the propagation of Hermite-Gaussian beams through transversal and parallel dielectric blocks", "The effect of spectral width on Goos\u2013Hanchen and Imbert\u2013Fedorov shifts" ], [ "TESTING GRAVITY WITH QUASI-PERIODIC OSCILLATIONS FROM ACCRETING BLACK HOLES: THE CASE OF THE EINSTEIN\u2013DILATON\u2013GAUSS\u2013BONNET THEORY", "Probing the space-time geometry around black hole candidates with the resonance models for high-frequency QPOs and comparison with the continuum-fitting method" ], [ "Background study on ve appearance from a v\u03bc beam in very long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments with a large water Cherenkov detector", "Neutrino Oscillations with Two $\\Delta m^2$ Scales" ], [ "Measurement of higher cumulants of net-charge multiplicity distributions in Au+Au collisions at \u221asNN = 7.7-200 GeV", "Baryon number conservation and the cumulants of the net proton distribution" ], [ "Troubleshooting unstable molecules in chemical space", "Overcoming lability of extremely long alkane carbon\u2013carbon bonds through dispersion forces" ], [ "Proton pairing in neutron stars from chiral effective field theory", "Higher-order symmetry energy of nuclear matter and the inner edge of neutron star crusts" ], [ "Photonic circuits for laser stabilization with integrated ultra-high Q and Brillouin laser resonators", "Integrated Pound\u2212Drever\u2212Hall laser stabilization system in silicon" ], [ "A Self-consistent NLTE-Spectra Synthesis Model of FeLoBAL QSOs", "Spectral Modeling of SNe Ia Near Maximum Light: Probing the Characteristics of Hydrodynamical Models" ], [ "Branching of quasinormal modes for nearly extremal Kerr black holes", "Black-hole normal modes: A WKB approach. 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Foundations and application of a higher-order WKB analysis of potential-barrier scattering." ], [ "Thermodynamics of viscous dark energy for the late future time universe", "Phantom dark energy as an effect of bulk viscosity" ], [ "The effect of cation-disorder on lithium transport in halide superionic conductors", "The atomic simulation environment-a Python library for working with atoms." ], [ "An imaging spectroscopic survey of the planetary nebula NGC 7009 with MUSE", "Optical Resolution Through a Randomly Inhomogeneous Medium for Very Long and Very Short Exposures" ], [ "Constraints on features in the inflationary potential from future Euclid data", "Estimation of primordial spectrum with post-WMAP 3-year data" ], [ "Squeezing quantum information through a classical channel: measuring the \"quantumness\" of a set of quantum states", "Optimal state estimation for d-dimensional quantum systems\u2606" ], [ "Integer quantum Hall effect in AAA-stacked trilayer graphene", "Integer quantum Hall effect in graphene channel with p-n junction at domain wall in a strained ferroelectric film" ], [ "An $A_4$ realization of inverse seesaw: neutrino masses, $\\theta_{13}$ and leptonic non-unitarity", "Direct bounds on electroweak scale pseudo-Dirac neutrinos from s=8 TeV LHC data" ], [ "The explosion of supernova 2011fe in the frame of the core-degenerate scenario", "CONSTRAINTS ON SHALLOW 56Ni FROM THE EARLY LIGHT CURVES OF TYPE Ia SUPERNOVAE" ], [ "A Wideband Self-consistent Disk-averaged Spectrum of Jupiter Near 30 GHz and Its Implications for NH3 Saturation in the Upper Troposphere", "Models of the millimeter-centimeter spectra of the giant planets" ], [ "Spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the orbital channel for the boundary Majorana flat bands", "Fusion rules and vortices in p x + i p y superconductors" ], [ "How well can one jointly measure two incompatible observables on a given quantum state?", "Experimental test of universal joint measurement uncertainty relations" ], [ "The modelling of feedback in star formation simulations", "A RADIATION TRANSFER SOLVER FOR ATHENA USING SHORT CHARACTERISTICS" ], [ "Tidal Circularization of Binaries by Resonance Locking. I. The Importance of the Pre-main Sequence", "A Survey of Proper-Motion Stars. XVI. Orbital Solutions for 171 Single-lined Spectroscopic Binaries" ], [ "Hierarchical structure of the energy landscape in the Voronoi model of dense tissue", "Edwards Statistical Mechanics for Jammed Granular Matter" ], [ "Coherence measures for heralded single-photon sources", "Distribution of values of bounded generalized polynomials" ], [ "Local distinguishability based genuinely quantum nonlocality without entanglement", "Nonlocality, asymmetry, and distinguishing bipartite states." ], [ "On discrete surfaces: Enumerative geometry, matrix models and universality classes via topological recursion", "About the x-y symmetry of the F_g algebraic invariants" ], [ "Radio transients from stellar tidal disruption by massive black holes", "OPTICAL DISCOVERY OF PROBABLE STELLAR TIDAL DISRUPTION FLARES" ], [ "Discrete Time Crystal Enabled by Stark Many-Body Localization.", "Localization of interacting fermions at high temperature" ], [ "Multivalent \"attacker and guard\" strategy for targeting surfaces with low receptor density.", "Re-entrant melting as a design principle for DNA-coated colloids." ], [ "Geometrical picture of the electron-electron correlation at the large-D limit.", "Entanglement as measure of electron\u2013electron correlation in quantum chemistry calculations" ], [ "Erratum: Mass calibration of the CODEX cluster sample using SPIDERS spectroscopy \u2013 I. The richness\u2013mass relation", "Toward a Halo Mass Function for Precision Cosmology: The Limits of Universality" ], [ "Omnipresent bound state of two holes in antiferromagnetic Bethe lattices", "See Supplemental Material online for additional details" ], [ "Generating and detecting topological phases with higher Chern number", "Tunable Correlated Chern Insulator and Ferromagnetism in Trilayer Graphene/Boron Nitride Moir\\'e Superlattice" ], [ "DISENTANGLING CONFUSED STARS AT THE GALACTIC CENTER WITH LONG-BASELINE INFRARED INTERFEROMETRY", "First VLTI infrared spectro-interferometry on GCIRS 7 \u22c6 Characterizing the prime reference source for Galactic center observations at highest angular resolution" ], [ "MC-QTAIM analysis reveals an exotic bond in coherently quantum superposed malonaldehyde.", "Combining the nuclear-electronic orbital approach with vibronic coupling theory: calculation of the tunneling splitting for malonaldehyde." ], [ "Quarkonium suppression as a probe of a saturated gluon plasma", "$J/\\psi$ Suppression by Quark-Gluon Plasma Formation" ], [ "Self-organized transient facilitated atomic transport in Pt/Al(111).", "Substrate induced enhancement of atomic layer growth on Al(1 1 1): The effect of the mass anisotropy" ], [ "PAMELA and FERMI limits on the neutralino-chargino mass degeneracy", "Dark matter profiles and annihilation in dwarf spheroidal galaxies: prospectives for present and future gamma-ray observatories - I. The classical dSphs" ], [ "Finite-temperature transport in one-dimensional quantum lattice models", "Thermodynamics of One-Dimensional Solvable Models: Free energy and correlation functions of the XY model" ], [ "Phonon impact on optical control schemes of quantum dots: Role of quantum dot geometry and symmetry", "Theory of light absorption and non-radiative transitions in F-centres" ], [ "Snyder and their representation with creation and annihilation operators", "Conformal Invariance in Noncommutative Geometry and Mutually Interacting Snyder Particles" ], [ "Influence of Heat Accumulation on Morphology Debris Deposition and Wetting of LIPSS on Steel upon High Repetition Rate Femtosecond Pulses Irradiation", "Anisotropic Resistivity Surfaces Produced in ITO Films by Laser\u2010Induced Nanoscale Self\u2010organization" ], [ "Weinberg Soft Theorems from Weinberg Adiabatic Modes", "Non-Gaussian features of primordial fluctuations in single field inflationary models" ], [ "Simulating the nematic-isotropic phase transition of liquid crystal model via generalized replica-exchange method.", "Applications of Monte Carlo methods to statistical physics" ], [ "Topological Doping and Superconductivity in Cuprates: An Experimental Perspective", "Detection of Striped Superconductors Using Magnetic Field Modulated Josephson Effect" ], [ "A Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopic survey of faint Galactic satellites: searching for the least massive dwarf galaxies", "submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 6/22/04 CATS AND DOGS, HAIR AND A HERO: A QUINTET OF NEW MILKY WAY COMPANIONS \u2020" ], [ "Quantum Field Theory in Categorical Quantum Mechanics", "Quantum Field Theory University of Cambridge Part III Mathematical Tripos" ], [ "Gradient flow of Einstein-Maxwell theory and Reissner-Nordstr\u00f6m black holes", "Rigidity of Complete Gradient Steady Ricci Solitons with Harmonic Weyl Curvature" ], [ "A Comparison of Properties of Quasars with and without Rapid Broad Absorption Line Variability", "A DESCRIPTION OF QUASAR VARIABILITY MEASURED USING REPEATED SDSS AND POSS IMAGING" ], [ "Probing narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies in the southern hemisphere", "Detailed Analysis of Balmer Lines in a Sloan Digital Sky Survey Sample of 90 Broad-Line Active Galactic Nuclei" ], [ "BreakBRD Galaxies. I. Global Properties of Spiral Galaxies with Central Star Formation in Red Disks", "Secular Evolution and the Formation of Pseudobulges in Disk Galaxies" ], [ "The EXOTIME project: signals in the O\u2013C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn, V1636 Ori, QQ Vir, and V541 Hya", "Rotation in sdB stars as revealed by stellar oscillations" ], [ "Sensitive absorption imaging of single atoms in front of a mirror.", "Extended Nijboer-Zernike approach for the computation of optical point-spread functions." ], [ "GPU-accelerated red blood cells simulations with transport dissipative particle dynamics", "Energy-conserving dissipative particle dynamics with temperature-dependent properties" ], [ "THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER SYSTEM OF THE VIRGO GIANT ELLIPTICAL GALAXY NGC 4636. I. SUBARU/FAINT OBJECT CAMERA AND SPECTROGRAPH SPECTROSCOPY AND DATABASE", "Dust in Hot Gas: Far-Infrared Emission from Three Local Elliptical Galaxies" ], [ "Spectroscopy of new brown dwarf members of \u03c1 Ophiuchi and an updated initial mass function", "PROTOPLANETARY DISK STRUCTURES IN OPHIUCHUS. II. EXTENSION TO FAINTER SOURCES" ], [ "Direct observation of dynamic surface acoustic wave controlled carrier injection into single quantum posts using phase-resolved optical spectroscopy", "Growth, structural, and optical properties of self-assembled (In,Ga)as quantum posts on GaAs." ], [ "Glycine amino acid transformation under impacts by small solar system bodies, simulated via high-pressure torsion method", "Common origins of RNA, protein and lipid precursors in a cyanosulfidic protometabolism." ], [ "Improved Upper Bounds for the Hitting Times of Quantum Walks", "The energy gap approximation at [21] is incorrect for \u2113 = \u0398( n )" ], [ "Comparison of Integrated Testlet and Constructed-Response Question Formats.", "More Evidence on the Use of Constructed-Response Questions in Principles of Economics Classes" ], [ "Mechanical Annealing of Model Glasses: Effects of Strain Amplitude and Temperature", "Testing mode-coupling theory for a supercooled binary Lennard-Jones mixture I: The van Hove correlation function." ], [ "Ion-acoustic shock waves in magnetized pair-ion plasma", "Outward flow of protons from the Earth's bow shock" ], [ "Preferential Sampling of Elastic Chains in Turbulent Flows.", "Rheological observation of glassy dynamics of dilute polymer solutions near the coil-stretch transition in elongational flows." ], [ "Bi-color atomic beam slower and magnetic field compensation for ultracold gases", "Three-axis measurement and cancellation of background magnetic fields to less than 50 \u00b5G in a cold atom experiment" ], [ "A framework for studying the effect of compliant surfaces on wall turbulence", "The threefold classification of unstable disturbances in flexible surfaces bounding inviscid flows" ], [ "Accretion-modified Stars in Accretion Disks of Active Galactic Nuclei: The Low-luminosity Cases and an Application to Sgr A*", "Dissecting X-ray\u2013Emitting Gas Around the Center of Our Galaxy" ], [ "Dual phase patterning during a congruent grain boundary phase transition in elemental copper", "Grain boundary diffusion and grain boundary structures of a Ni-Cr-Fe- alloy: Evidences for grain boundary phase transitions" ], [ "Constraints on Jones transmission matrices from time-reversal invariance and discrete spatial symmetries", "Absence of circular dichroism in high-temperature superconductors." ], [ "Effects of strategy-migration direction and noise in the evolutionary spatial prisoner's dilemma.", "Evolutionary prisoner's dilemma games with voluntary participation." ], [ "Momentum space sampling of neutrinos in N-body simulations", "Massive neutrinos and the non\u2010linear matter power spectrum" ], [ "Triggering, suppressing and redistributing star formation", "Spitzer/IRAC view of Sh 2-284. Searching for evidence of triggered star formation in an isolated region in the outer Milky Way" ], [ "The powerful jet of an off-nuclear intermediate-mass black hole in the spiral galaxy NGC 2276", "Milliarcsec-scale radio emission of ultraluminous X-ray sources: steady jet emission from an intermediate-mass black hole?" ], [ "Why Cosmic Voids Matter: Mitigation of Baryonic Physics", "Cosmic voids: a novel probe to shed light on our Universe." ], [ "Perpendicularly magnetized YIG films with small Gilbert damping constant and anomalous spin transport properties.", "Stabilization of skyrmion textures by uniaxial distortions in noncentrosymmetric cubic helimagnets" ], [ "Study of network composition in interpenetrating polymer networks of poly(N isopropylacrylamide) microgels: The role of poly(acrylic acid).", "Effective interactions between soft-repulsive colloids: experiments, theory, and simulations." ], [ "Micromegas readouts for double beta decay searches", "NEXT, a HPXe TPC for neutrinoless double beta decay searches" ], [ "Study of a homogeneous QSO sample: relations between the QSO and its host galaxy", "Quantifying the Bimodal Color-Magnitude Distribution of Galaxies" ], [ "Compressive high-frequency waves riding on an Alfv\u00e9n/ion-cyclotron wave in a multi-fluid plasma", "On the MHD stability of a helical magnetic field of arbitrary amplitude" ], [ "Control of plasmonic nanoantennas by reversible metal-insulator transition", "Principles of Nano-Optics: Probe\u2013sample distance control" ], [ "Bulk Topological States in a New Collective Dynamics Model", "Asymptotic Fixed-Speed Reduced Dynamics for Kinetic Equations in Swarming" ], [ "Turbulence and Transport During Guide Field Reconnection at the Magnetopause", "Orientation of X lines in asymmetric magnetic reconnection\u2014Mass ratio dependency" ], [ "Efficient readout of micromechanical resonator arrays in ambient conditions", "Label-free protein recognition two-dimensional array using nanomechanical sensors." ], [ "All-fiber laser source at 1645\u2009\u2009nm for lidar measurement of methane concentration and wind velocity.", "Stimulated Brillouin scattering suppression by means of applying strain distribution to fiber with cabling" ], [ "Probing the origin of the dark material on Iapetus", "Cassini RADAR observations of Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, Hyperion, and Phoebe" ], [ "Galaxy\u2013Galaxy Lensing Data: f(T) Gravity Challenges General Relativity", "Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era\u2014A review" ], [ "Direct Photon-Hadron Correlations Measured with PHENIX", "gamma-hadron correlations as a tool to trace the flow of energy lost from hard partons in heavy-ion collisions" ], [ "Universal expansions of scattering amplitudes for gravitons, gluons, and Goldstone particles", "To be more precise, double copy of YM gives gravity coupled to B-\ufb01eld and dilaton" ], [ "Dynamical replica analysis of processes on finitely connected random graphs: II. 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B Europhysics Letters" ], [ "Physics of radiation mediated shocks and its applications to GRBs, supernovae, and neutron star mergers", "First observation of PeV-energy neutrinos with IceCube." ], [ "Dynamics of defects in the vector complex Ginzburg-Landau equation", "Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation in the presence of walls and corners." ], [ "Heavy-ion storage rings and their use in precision experiments with highly charged ions", "First application of combined isochronous and Schottky mass spectrometry: Half-lives of fully ionized Cr24+49 and Fe26+53 atoms" ], [ "Nuclear Exclusive and Semi-inclusive Measurements with a New CLAS12 Low Energy Recoil Tracker", "Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio" ], [ "Atomic Transition Probabilities for Transitions of Si i and Si ii and the Silicon Abundances of Several Very Metal-poor Stars", "Line strengths of rovibrational and rotational transitions in the X2\u03a0 ground state of OH" ], [ "Deciphering the Local Interstellar Spectra of Secondary Nuclei with the Galprop/Helmod Framework and a Hint for Primary Lithium in Cosmic Rays", "High-energy Gamma Rays from the Milky Way: Three-dimensional Spatial Models for the Cosmic-Ray and Radiation Field Densities in the Interstellar Medium" ], [ "PROPERTIES OF CHROMOSPHERIC EVAPORATION AND PLASMA DYNAMICS OF A SOLAR FLARE FROM IRIS OBSERVATIONS", "The deduction of energy spectra of non-thermal electrons in flares from the observed dynamic spectra of hard X-ray bursts" ], [ "An assessment of turbulence models for linear hydrodynamic stability analysis of strongly swirling jets", "Global stability of base and mean flows: a general approach and its applications to cylinder and open cavity flows" ], [ "Large is different: Nonmonotonic behavior of elastic range scaling in polymeric turbulence at large Reynolds and Deborah numbers", "Fluid dynamics of COVID-19 airborne infection suggests urgent data for a scientific design of social distancing" ], [ "Analytical Quantum Full-Wave Solutions for a 3D Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics System", "MACROSCOPIC QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS \u2014 CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS" ], [ "Phase separation in fluids exposed to spatially periodic external fields.", "Book review: Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics: An introduction" ], [ "Nonequilibrium condensation and coarsening of field-driven dipolar colloids.", "Phase diagram of colloidal spheres in a biaxial electric or magnetic field." ], [ "The powerful jet of an off-nuclear intermediate-mass black hole in the spiral galaxy NGC 2276", "Measuring the kinetic power of active galactic nuclei in the radio mode" ], [ "Efficient Approximations of Complete Interatomic Potentials for Crystal Property Prediction", "SchNet: A continuous-filter convolutional neural network for modeling quantum interactions" ], [ "EPIC 203868608: A Low-mass Quadruple Star System in the Upper Scorpius OB Association", "Barycentric Corrections at 1 cm s-1 for Precise Doppler Velocities" ], [ "Statistical Behavior of Lepton Pair Spectrum in the Drell-Yan Process and Signal from Quark-Gluon Plasma in High-Energy Collisions", "New Fits for the Non-Perturbative Parameters in the CSS Resummation Formalism" ], [ "Anomalous Distributions of Primary Cosmic Rays as Evidence for Time-dependent Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants", "Proton-helium spectral anomaly as a signature of cosmic ray accelerator." ], [ "Isochronous n-dimensional nonlinear PDM-oscillators: linearizability, invariance and exact solvability", "Position-dependent mass oscillators and coherent states" ], [ "Aberration-free imaging of inelastic-scattering spectra with x-ray echo spectrometers", "Verallgemeinerte Schwarzschildsche Spiegelsysteme streifender Reflexion als Optiken f\u00fcr R\u00f6ntgenstrahlen" ], [ "Electronic and vibrational excitations on the surface of the three-dimensional topological insulator \nBi2Te36s5d3D1 transition in atomic ytterbium." ], [ "Fine topological structure of coherent complex light created by carbon nanocomposites in LC", "Optical generation of inversion walls in nematic liquid crystals." ], [ "Dynamical exchanges in facilitated models of supercooled liquids.", "Relaxation of spatially heterogeneous dynamic domains in supercooled ortho\u2010terphenyl" ], [ "Main transition in the Pink membrane model: finite-size scaling and the influence of surface roughness.", "Monte Carlo calculation of the surface tension for two- and three-dimensional lattice-gas models" ], [ "All orders breakup of heavy exotic nuclei in a semiclassical model", "Semimicroscopic nucleon-nucleus spherical optical model for nuclei with A>=40 at energies up to 200 MeV" ], [ "Flow-preserving ZX-calculus Rewrite Rules for Optimisation and Obfuscation", "Multi-agent blind quantum computation without universal cluster states" ], [ "Dynamic optimization of trajectory for ramp\u2010up current profile in tokamak plasma", "Introduction to shape optimization - 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Hence, we use \u03c3min = \u03c3 for graphite" ], [ "Shear banding instability in multicomponent metallic glasses: Interplay of composition and short-range order", "Formation of monatomic metallic glasses through ultrafast liquid quenching" ], [ "Symmetry fractionalization, mixed-anomalies and dualities in quantum spin models with generalized symmetries", "Adaptive constant-depth circuits for manipulating non-abelian anyons" ], [ "Chargeable photoconductivity in Van der Waals heterojunctions", "Persistent optical gating of a topological insulator" ], [ "A Class of Homogeneous Scalar\u2013Tensor Cosmologies with a Radiation Fluid", "Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations: List of tables" ], [ "Multi-height Scattering Phase Shifts from Sunspots and Phase Differences Between Photospheric Heights with SDO/HMI and AIA Data", "Scattering of p-Modes by a Thin Magnetic Flux Tube" ], [ "Study of Minor Actinides Transmutation in PWR MOX fuel", "Transmutation of MA Nuclides in Sodium Cooled MOX Fuel Fast Reactor" ], [ "An overview of the current understanding of Gamma-ray Bursts in the Fermi era", "Gamma-Ray Burst Observations at High Energy with the Fermi Large Area Telescope" ], [ "FINITE-TEMPERATURE BEHAVIOR OF THE (2+1)D GEORGI-GLASHOW MODEL WITH AND WITHOUT QUARKS", "Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (2nd edn" ], [ "Tribocorrosion under galvanic interaction of Ti6Al4V and NiCr implant alloys", "Study of corrosion between a titanium implant and dental alloys." ], [ "Quantum interference-induced stability of repulsively bound pairs of excitations", "Metallic and Insulating Phases of Repulsively Interacting Fermions in a 3D Optical Lattice" ], [ "Cryogenic measurement of the optical absorption coefficient in sapphire crystals at 1.064 \u03bcm for the large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave telescope", "Thermoelastic noise and homogeneous thermal noise in finite sized gravitational-wave test masses" ], [ "ON THE RELATIVE SIZES OF PLANETS WITHIN KEPLER MULTIPLE-CANDIDATE SYSTEMS", "CHARACTERIZING THE VARIABILITY OF STARS WITH EARLY-RELEASE KEPLER DATA" ], [ "Recent Theoretical Results for Electromagnetically-induced Ultraperipheral Reactions of Heavy Ions", "Electromagnetic excitation of nuclei and neutron evaporation in ultrarelativistic ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions" ], [ "A versatile scanning photocurrent mapping system to characterize optoelectronic devices based on 2D materials", "*RST'); %Reset fprintf(obj1, ':TRACe:MAKE \"ScanBuffer" ], [ "Using covariant Lyapunov vectors to quantify high-dimensional chaos with a conservation law.", "The Lyapunov exponents of generic volume-preserving and symplectic maps" ], [ "Geographical Locations of Occupations and Information and Communication Technology: Do Online Tools Impact Where People in the United States Live and Work?", "Local, global and virtual buzz: The importance of face-to-face contact in economic interaction and possibilities to go beyond" ], [ "Control of superconducting pairing symmetries in monolayer black phosphorus", "Mobility anisotropy in monolayer black phosphorus due to scattering by charged impurities" ], [ "Wave-function mapping of graphene quantum dots with soft confinement.", "Wave-function mapping of InAs quantum dots by scanning tunneling spectroscopy." ], [ "Accessing glue through photoproduction measurements at GlueX", "Observation of a J(PC)=1-+ exotic resonance in diffractive dissociation of 190\u2009\u200a\u200aGeV/c \u03c0- into \u03c0- \u03c0- \u03c0+." ], [ "Post-earthquake modelling of transportation networks using an agent-based model", "Resilience modeling of traffic network in post-earthquake emergency medical response considering interactions between infrastructures, people, and hazard" ], [ "Order-by-disorder and spin-orbital liquids in a distorted Heisenberg-Kitaev model", "Note that Refs. 22,23 use an alternative definition of the stripyorder parameter, which is specified on a choice of sublattices different from ours" ], [ "The spectrum of marginally-deformed ${\\cal N} = 2$ CFTs with AdS$_4$ S-fold duals of type IIB", "A CFT Distance Conjecture, arXiv:2011.10040 [INSPIRE" ], [ "A Roadmap for Automating the Selection of Quantum Computers for Quantum Algorithms", "A generative modeling approach for benchmarking and training shallow quantum circuits" ], [ "Scattering invariants in Euler\u2019s two-center problem", "Parallel Transport Along Seifert Manifolds and Fractional Monodromy" ], [ "Quantitative size-dependent structure and strain determination of CdSe nanoparticles using atomic pair distribution function analysis", "Rapid acquisition pair distribution function (RA-PDF) analysis." ], [ "GeV Gamma-Ray Emission from Pulsar Wind Nebula HESS J1356-645 with Fermi-Large Area Telescope", "Identification of HESS J1303-631 as a pulsar wind nebula through gamma-ray, X-ray, and radio observations" ], [ "The spectrum of V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object) in August, 1998", "The Evolution of the Final Helium Shell Flash Star V605 Aquilae From 1917 to 1997" ], [ "Collective Dissipative Molecule Formation in a Cavity.", "Hybrid quantum processors: molecular ensembles as quantum memory for solid state circuits." ], [ "Supermassive black holes: connecting the growth to the cosmic star formation rate", "Evidence for Rapidly Spinning Black Holes in Quasars" ], [ "The Noether symmetry approach in a \u2018cosmic triad\u2019 vector field scenario", "Noether symmetry approach in multiple scalar fields scenario" ], [ "Transverse momentum distributions of baryons at LHC energies", "Parametrization of the shape of hadron-production spectra in high-energy particle interactions" ], [ "Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in a SU(4) ? U(1)N Model Without Exotic Electric Charges", "keV right-handed neutrinos from type II seesaw mechanism in a 3-3-1 model" ], [ "A Solvable Model of Interface Depinning in Random Media", "Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers" ], [ "Resolving the Nuclear Obscuring Disk in the Compton-thick Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5643 with ALMA", "Evolution of Molecular Clouds in the Superwind Galaxy NGC 1808 Probed by ALMA Observations" ], [ "Magnetic properties of Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with oleic and dodecanoic acids", "Surfactant effects in magnetite nanoparticles of controlled size" ], [ "Quantitative analysis of clumps in the tidal tails of star clusters", "Fine structure in the phase space distribution of nearby subdwarfs" ], [ "Bipartite non-locality beyond Bell inequalities by means of multivariable correlations", "Experimental Tests of Realistic Local Theories via Bell's Theorem" ], [ "A HIGH-RESOLUTION ATLAS OF URANIUM\u2013NEON IN THE H BAND", "A laser frequency comb that enables radial velocity measurements with a precision of 1\u2009cm\u2009s-1" ], [ "Bottomonium sequential suppression and strong heavy-quark potential in heavy-ion collisions", "Suppression of Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S), and Upsilon(3S) production in PbPb collisions at sqrt(s[NN]) = 2.76 TeV" ], [ "Symmetry of quantum phase space in a degenerate Hamiltonian system.", "Evolution and exact eigenstates of a resonant quantum system." ], [ "Ab initio study of beryllium-decorated fullerenes for hydrogen storage", "Hydrogen storage in the dehydrated prussian blue analogues M3[Co(CN)6]2 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)." ], [ "The infrared imaging spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: overview of innovative science programs", "PROSPECTS FOR MEASURING SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE MASSES WITH FUTURE EXTREMELY LARGE TELESCOPES" ], [ "Shedding Light on the Compton-thick Active Galactic Nucleus in the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy UGC 5101 with Broadband X-Ray Spectroscopy", "THE ROLE OF STARBURST\u2013ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEUS COMPOSITES IN LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXY MERGERS: INSIGHTS FROM THE NEW OPTICAL CLASSIFICATION SCHEME" ], [ "Shaping the Kuiper belt size distribution by shattering large but strengthless bodies", "Collisional Evolution of Edgeworth\u2013Kuiper Belt Objects" ], [ "3D reconstruction of dynamic liquid film shape by optical grid deflection method", "Contact line singularity at partial wetting during evaporation driven by substrate heating" ], [ "Calculation of thermal parameters of SiGe microbolometers", "Thermal and Electrical Properties of Heavily Doped Ge\u2010Si Alloys up to 1300\u00b0K" ], [ "A universal deep learning strategy for designing high-quality-factor photonic resonances", "Observation and differentiation of unique high-Q optical resonances near zero wave vector in macroscopic photonic crystal slabs." ], [ "Particle detector models from path integrals of localized quantum fields", "Eliminating the \u2018Impossible\u2019: Recent Progress on Local Measurement Theory for Quantum 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characteristics governing in-plane phonon-polariton thermal conductance", "Heat transport in silicon from first-principles calculations" ], [ "Role of the Coulomb potential on the ellipticity in atomic high-order harmonics generation", "Role of autoionizing state in resonant high-order harmonic generation and attosecond pulse production." ], [ "A novel hierarchy of two-family-parameter equations: Local, nonlocal, and mixed-local-nonlocal vector nonlinear Schr\u00f6dinger equations", "Relationships among Inverse Method, B\u00e4cklund Transformation and an Infinite Number of Conservation Laws" ], [ "Dynamical quantum phase transitions of quantum spin chains with a Loschmidt-rate critical exponent equal to \n12", "Dynamical criticality and domain-wall coupling in long-range Hamiltonians" ], [ "Effect of epitaxial strain on cation and anion vacancy formation in MnO", "Computational materials design of defect-induced ferrimagnetic MnO" ], [ "THE XMM-NEWTON AND INTEGRAL OBSERVATIONS OF THE 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II: Evolution & Classification", "ElderingB., 2006,MSc thesis, Topology ofGalaxyModels,Univ.Groningen" ], [ "DEMIST: A deep-learning-based task-specific denoising approach for myocardial perfusion SPECT", "Assessment of Deep-Learning Based Motion Compensation on Detection of Perfusion Defects in Cardiac-Gated SPECT Images" ], [ "Examining quasar absorption-line analysis methods: the tension between simulations and observational assumptions key to modelling clouds", "MNRAS, 482, L85 paper has been typeset from a TEX/L A TEX \ufb01le prepared by the author" ], [ "Testing the gravitational field generated by a quantum superposition", "On the Gravitization of Quantum Mechanics 1: Quantum State Reduction" ], [ "Energy dependence of hadron spectra and multiplicities in p+p interactions", "Energy dependence of transverse mass spectra of kaons produced in p + p and p + p interactions . A compilation" ], [ "Rortex A New Vortex Vector Definition and Vorticity Tensor and Vector Decompositions", "Visualization and Identification of Vortex Structures in Stratified Wakes" ], [ "Inflation in Supergravity from Field Redefinitions", "Natural $\\alpha$-Attractors from ${\\cal N}=1$ Supergravity via flat K\u00e4hler Manifolds" ], [ "Investigation of Surface Effects of Simple Flux Tubes Using Numerical Simulations", "MHD WAVE REFRACTION AND THE ACOUSTIC HALO EFFECT AROUND SOLAR ACTIVE REGIONS: A 3D STUDY" ], [ "Double soft theorem for generalised biadjoint scalar amplitudes", "Two-loop scattering amplitudes from ambitwistor strings: from genus two to the nodal Riemann sphere" ], [ "On the existence of effective potentials in time-dependent density functional theory", "Self-Consistent Equations Including Exchange and Correlation Effects" ], [ "Work and energy gain of heat-pumped quantized amplifiers", "Generation of macroscopic superpositions of quantum states by linear coupling to a bath." ], [ "THE VERY YOUNG TYPE Ia SUPERNOVA 2012cg: DISCOVERY AND EARLY-TIME FOLLOW-UP OBSERVATIONS", "Berkeley Supernova Ia Program \u2013 II. Initial analysis of spectra obtained near maximum brightness" ], [ "Enhanced antiproton production in Pb(160 A GeV)+Pb reactions: evidence for quark gluon matter?", "Equation of State, Spectra and Composition of Hot and Dense Infinite Hadronic Matter in a Microscopic Transport Model \u2217" ], [ "Accelerator Disaster Scenarios, the Unabomber, and Scientific Risks", "Might a laboratory experiment destroy planet earth?" ], [ "Low-temperature insulating phase of the \nSi(111)\u20137\u00d77\n surface", "Suppression of electronic friction on Nb films in the superconducting state." ], [ "Radiative energy loss of hard parton jet in expanding quark-gluon fluid", "Physics with the collider detectors at RHIC and the LHC" ], [ "Polyhomogeneous Expansions Close to Null and Spatial Infinity", "The asymptotic characteristic initial value problem for Einstein\u2019s vacuum field equations as an initial value problem for a first-order quasilinear symmetric hyperbolic system" ], [ "Hierarchical structure of the energy landscape in the Voronoi model of dense tissue", "On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the traveling salesman problem" ], [ "An Analysis of Anomaly Cancellation for Theories in D=10", "Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory" ], [ "Pion and photon light cone wave functions from the instanton vacuum", "Talk given at the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi" ], [ "2D Magnetic heterostructures: spintronics and quantum future", "Probing the electronic states and impurity effects in black phosphorus vertical heterostructures" ], [ "A local fingerprint for hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity: From methane to peptides.", "Role of the active-site solvent in the thermodynamics of factor Xa ligand binding." ], [ "Second virial coefficient of anyons without hard core", "Schr\u00f6dinger self-adjoint extension and quantum field theory\u2606" ], [ "Local density approximation for the almost-bosonic anyon gas", "The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation" ], [ "Nonlinear microscopic relaxation of uniform magnetization precession", "Theory of two magnon scattering microwave relaxation and ferromagnetic resonance linewidth in magnetic thin films" ], [ "Interpreting the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Multi-Height Velocity Measurements", "HMI ring diagram analysis I. The processing pipeline" ], [ "Strain-induced violation of temperature uniformity in mesoscale liquids", "Determination of high cycle fatigue properties of a wide range of steel sheet grades from self-heating measurements" ], [ "Diffusion Across Semi-permeable Barriers: Spectral Properties, Efficient Computation, and Applications", "On the mechanism of heterogeneous reaction and phase formation in Ti/Al multilayer nanofilms" ], [ "Asymmetric information capacities of reciprocal pairs of quantum channels", "Sending classical information via noisy quantum channels" ], [ "Temporal inactivation enhances robustness in an evolving system", "Halosimplex carlsbadense gen. nov., sp. nov., a unique halophilic archaeon, with three 16S rRNA genes, that grows only in defined medium with glycerol and acetate or pyruvate" ], [ "An unconditionally energy-stable scheme based on an implicit auxiliary energy variable for incompressible two-phase flows with different densities involving only precomputable coefficient matrices", "Phase field modeling and simulation of three-phase flows" ], [ "Light-Front Quark Model Analysis of Meson-Photon Transition Form Factor", "Self-consistent covariant description of vector meson decay constants and chirality-even quark-antiquark distribution amplitudes up to twist-3 in the light-front quark model" ], [ "Directional perfect absorption using deep subwavelength low-permittivity films", "Low-damping epsilon-near-zero slabs: Nonlinear and nonlocal optical properties" ], [ "Boron doping in gallium oxide from first principles", "Ab initio molecular simulations with numeric atom-centered orbitals" ], [ "Localization and fractality in disordered Russian Doll model", "Anderson localization on the Bethe lattice: nonergodicity of extended States." ], [ "The nature of the near-infrared interline sky background using fibre Bragg grating OH suppression", "Rocket measurements of the altitude distributions of the hydroxyl airglow." ], [ "Nuclear landscape in a mapped collective Hamiltonian from covariant density functional theory", "Relativistic continuum Hartree Bogoliubov theory for ground-state properties of exotic nuclei" ], [ "Evolution of Novel Activation Functions in Neural Network Training with Applications to Classification of Exoplanets", "Book Review: Neural Networks, a Comprehensive Foundation, by Simon Haykin" ], [ "Single-walled carbon nanotube\u2013superconductor entangler: noise correlations and Einstein\u2013Podolsky\u2013Rosen states", "Andreev tunneling, Coulomb blockade, and resonant transport of nonlocal spin-entangled electrons" ], [ "Effective Compression of Quantum Braided Circuits Aided by ZX-Calculus", "Distilling one-qubit magic states into Toffoli states" ], [ "Modulational instability and solitons in excitonic semiconductor waveguides", "Phase evolution of solitonlike optical pulses during excitonic Rabi flopping in a semiconductor." ], [ "Evaluating strong measurement noise in data series with simulated annealing method", "Comment on \"Indispensable finite time corrections for Fokker-Planck equations from time series data\"." ], [ "High-z Universe Probed via Lensing by QSOs (HULQ). 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EFFECTS OF PLANETARY MAGNETIC FIELD; STRUCTURING OF INNER MAGNETOSPHERE" ], [ "Charm hadronic decay branching fractions from CLEO-c", "Direct measurements of charmed-D-meson hadronic branching fractions." ], [ "Theory of critical phenomena with long-range temporal interaction", "Statistical mechanics and dynamics of solvable models with long-range interactions" ], [ "On the Instance Dependence of Optimal Parameters for the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm: Insights via Instance Space Analysis", "Predicting parameters for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for MAX-CUT from the infinite-size limit" ], [ "DISCOVERY OF A METAL-POOR FIELD GIANT WITH A GLOBULAR CLUSTER SECOND-GENERATION ABUNDANCE PATTERN", "Stellar populations in the Milky Way bulge region: towards solving the Galactic bulge and bar shapes using 2MASS data" ], [ "Physical component analysis of galaxy cluster weak gravitational lensing data", "The Surprisingly Steep Mass Profile of A1689, from a Lensing Analysis of Subaru Images" ], [ "Light Curve Classification with DistClassiPy: a new distance-based classifier", "Jupyter Notebooks - a publishing format for reproducible computational workflows" ], [ "Radio selection of the most distant galaxy clusters", "Planck intermediate results XXVII. High-redshift infrared galaxy overdensity candidates and lensed sources discovered by Planck and confirmed by Herschel-SPIRE" ], [ "PdBI COLD DUST IMAGING OF TWO EXTREMELY RED H \u2212 [4.5] > 4 GALAXIES DISCOVERED WITH SEDS AND CANDELS", "SUBMILLIMETER ARRAY IDENTIFICATION OF THE MILLIMETER-SELECTED GALAXY SSA22-AzTEC1: A PROTOQUASAR IN A PROTOCLUSTER?" ], [ "Understanding superradiant phenomena with synthetic vector potentials in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates", "Penrose process, superradiance, and ergoregion instabilities" ], [ "Anisotropic Hydrodynamic Mean-Field Theory for Semiflexible Polymers under Tension", "Variational Treatment of Hydrodynamic Interaction in Polymers" ], [ "Excited State Effects in Nucleon Matrix Element Calculations", "How to calculate the elastic scattering matrix in two-dimensional quantum field theories by numerical simulation" ], [ "Mechanisms of Pyroelectricity in Three- and Two-Dimensional Materials.", "Observation of nuclear fusion driven by a pyroelectric crystal" ], [ "On the formalism of dark energy accretion onto black- and worm-holes", "Generalized Chaplygin Gas, Accelerated Expansion and Dark Energy-Matter Unification" ], [ "High Spatial Resolution CN and CS Observation of Two Regions of Massive Star Formation", "High-Mass Proto-Stellar Candidates - II : Density structure from dust continuum and CS emission" ], [ "Perturbative analysis of the gradient flow in non-abelian gauge theories", "SCHRODINGER REPRESENTATION AND CASIMIR EFFECT IN RENORMALIZABLE QUANTUM FIELD THEORY" ], [ "Locality problem, Bell's inequalities and EPR experiments", "Are the quantum rules exact? The case of the imperfect measurements" ], [ "On model reduction for quantum dynamics: symmetries and invariant subspaces", "The simplest proof of Burnside's theorem on matrix algebras" ], [ "The effect of mass ratio on the morphology and time-scales of disc galaxy mergers: Effect of mass ratio on merger morphology", "ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION IN THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 10/09/06 THE HALO MERGER RATE IN THE MILLENNIUM SIMULATION AND IMPLICATIONS FOR OBSERVED GALAXY MERGER FRACTIONS" ], [ "Gauged diffeomorphisms and hidden symmetries in Kaluza\u2013Klein theories", "Coset symmetries in dimensionally reduced bosonic string theory" ], [ "Exciton\u2013polaritons in van der Waals heterostructures embedded in tunable microcavities", "Quasiparticle band structure calculation of monolayer, bilayer, and bulk MoS 2" ], [ "Fluctuation probes of early-time correlations in nuclear collisions", "Study of identified hadron spectra and yields at mid- rapidity in s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV Au + Au collisions" ], [ "Competition between Induced-Charge Electro-Osmosis and Electro-Thermal Effects around a Weakly-Polarizable Microchannel Corner", "Model based design of a microfluidic mixer driven by induced charge electroosmosis." ], [ "On the Neutrino and Gamma-Ray Emission from NGC 1068", "Obscured and Compton-thick AGN in NuSTAR hard X-ray surveys" ], [ "Sliding across a surface: Particles with fixed and mobile ligands.", "On the nature of the multivalency effect: a thermodynamic model." ], [ "Multimode directionality in all-dielectric metasurfaces", "Super-Dispersive Off-Axis Meta-Lenses for Compact High Resolution Spectroscopy." ], [ "Confined quantum fields under the influence of a uniform magnetic field", "Measurement of the Casimir force between parallel metallic surfaces." ], [ "Novel Electronic Structures of Ru-pnictides RuPn (Pn = P, As, Sb)", "Linear optical properties of solids within the full-potential linearized augmented planewave method" ], [ "An inverter-chain link implementation of quantum teleportation and superdense coding", "A Mechanical Implementation and Diagrammatic Calculation of Entangled Basis States" ], [ "Analysis of DIS structure functions of the nucleon within truncated Mellin moments approach", "The spin structure function gp1 of the proton and a test of the Bjorken sum rule" ], [ "Spin current generation due to mechanical rotation in the presence of impurity scattering", "Current-driven ferromagnetic resonance, mechanical torques, and rotary motion in magnetic nanostructures" ], [ "Ultrafast quantum interferometry with energy-time entangled photons", "Heralded generation of ultrafast single photons in pure quantum States." ], [ "The Normalization of Perturbative String Amplitudes: Weyl Covariance and Zeta Function Regularization", "Supersymmetric pair correlation function of Wilson loops" ], [ "Modulation-based superradiant phase transition in the strong-coupling regime", "Quantum chaos triggered by precursors of a quantum phase transition: the dicke model." ], [ "Spin wave excitations in the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg-Kondo model for heavy fermions", "Magnetism in Heavy Fermion Systems \u201d , Series in Modern Cond" ], [ "ON THE GLOBAL STRUCTURE OF PULSAR FORCE-FREE MAGNETOSPHERE", "ADJUSTMENT OF THE ELECTRIC CHARGE AND CURRENT IN PULSAR MAGNETOSPHERES" ], [ "Metrological Advantages in Seeded and Lossy Nonlinear Interferometers", "Versatile Super-Sensitive Metrology Using Induced Coherence" ], [ "Enhanced third-order and fifth-order Kerr nonlinearities in a cold atomic system via Rydberg-Rydberg interaction.", "Dissipative many-body quantum optics in Rydberg media." ], [ "Elliptic polylogarithms and two-loop Feynman integrals", "Traintracks through Calabi-Yau Manifolds: Scattering Amplitudes beyond Elliptic Polylogarithms." ], [ "Wireless Power Transfer by Means of Electromagnetic Radiation Within an Enclosed Space", "Radiated microwave power transmission system efficiency measurements" ], [ "Semiclassical black holes expose forbidden charges and censor divergent densities", "Stochastically Fluctuating Black-Hole Geometry, Hawking Radiation and the Trans-Planckian Problem" ], [ "Effects of electron-electron scattering in wide ballistic microcontacts.", "The effect of such collisions in narrow channels with boundary scattering was considered by" ], [ "Self-Averaging of Perturbation Hamiltonian Density in Perturbed Spin Systems", "Existence of free energy for models with long-range random Hamiltonians" ], [ "Superfluidity and collective oscillations of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodical potential", "Controlling chaos in the Bose-Einstein condensate system of a double lattice" ], [ "Comparative Autoignition Trends in Butanol Isomers at Elevated Pressure", "Laminar burning velocities and flame instabilities of butanol isomers\u2013air mixtures" ], [ "Simulation of Quantum Adiabatic Search in the Presence of Noise", "Noise resistance of adiabatic quantum computation using random matrix theory" ], [ "On the nature of the Newton's gravitational constant and the possible quantum-field theory of gravitation", "Quantum Electrodynamics (Course of Theoretical Physics" ], [ "Large Coherent Structure Formation by Magnetic Stretching Term in Two-Dimensional MHD Turbulence", "The dynamics of freely decaying two-dimensional turbulence" ], [ "On the stationary state of a network of inhibitory spiking neurons", "Anomalous response variability in a balanced cortical network model" ], [ "An optimal observable for color singlet identification", "Measurement of color flow in tt events from pp collisions at {radical}(s)=1.96 TeV" ], [ "Analysis of Spatial and Spatiotemporal Anomalies Using Persistent Homology: Case Studies with COVID-19 Data", "Spatiotemporal Persistent Homology for Dynamic Metric Spaces" ], [ "Density wave and supersolid phases of correlated bosons in an optical lattice", "Our mean-field results have been extrapolated to d-dimensionality by rescaling parameters V and t by 1/d" ], [ "9C spectral-index distributions and source-count estimates from 15 to 93 GHz - a re-assessment", "Predictions for high-frequency radio surveys of extragalactic sources" ], [ "Lattice parameters and stability of the spinel compounds in relation to the ionic radii and electronegativities of constituting chemical elements.", "Electrochemical Luminescence of Rare Earth Metal Ion Doped MgIn2O4 Electrodes" ], [ "A particle-linkage model for elongated asteroids with three-dimensional mass distribution", "Bounded trajectories near collinear-like equilibrium points of elongated asteroids using linear control" ], [ "Slider thickness promotes lubricity: from 2D islands to 3D clusters.", "The potential has been modified to have a smooth cutoff" ], [ "The Plasma \u03b2 in Quiet Sun Regions: Multi-instrument View", "We retrieve the plasma \u03b2 values in the solar corona from 1.03 to 1.20 R e using density and temperature estimations from the Hinode / EIS and SDO / AIA data sets and the coronal magnetic \ufb01 eld" ], [ "Polarization features of optically pumped CdS nanowire lasers", "All-optical active switching in individual semiconductor nanowires." ], [ "Analytical, Optimal, and Sparse Optimal Control of Traveling Wave Solutions to Reaction-Diffusion Systems", "Optimality Conditions and Error Analysis of Semilinear Elliptic Control Problems with L1 Cost Functional" ], [ "Cole\u2014Hopf like transformation for a class of coupled nonlinear Schr\u00f6dinger equations", "Integrability of Nonlinear Hamiltonian Systems by Inverse Scattering Method" ], [ "Ghosts of Milky Way's past: the globular cluster ESO 37-1 (E 3)", "Photometry of the five marginally studied open clusters Collinder 74, Berkeley 27, Haffner 8, NGC 2509, and VdB-Hagen 4" ], [ "Dynamic light scattering for particle characterization subjected to ultrasound: a study on compact particles and acousto-responsive microgels", "DLS and zeta potential - What they are and what they are not?" ], [ "QUANTUM BROWNIAN MOTION AND THE THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS", "Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) Ann. Phys. (Leipzig)" ], [ "Hartree\u2013Fock\u2013Bogoliubov calculation of ground state properties of even\u2013even and odd Mo and Ru isotopes", "A consistent set of nuclear rms charge radii: properties of the radius surface R(N,Z) \u2606" ], [ "Oscillatory Modes of a Prominence \u2013 PCTR \u2013 Corona Slab Model", "The modes of oscillation of a prominence. I : The slab with longitudinal magnetic field" ], [ "Polymer Schwarzschild black hole: An effective metric", "Loop quantum dynamics of the Schwarzschild interior" ], [ "Dynamical behaviors of FRW universe containing a positive/negative potential scalar field in loop quantum cosmology", "Dynamics of interacting phantom scalar field dark energy in loop quantum cosmology" ], [ "Static hyperpolarizability of space-fractional quantum systems", "Monte Carlo studies of the intrinsic second hyperpolarizability" ], [ "Alias-Free, Matrix-Free, and Quadrature-Free Discontinuous Galerkin Algorithms for (Plasma) Kinetic Equations", "Fast Matrix-Free Evaluation of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Operators" ], [ "Entanglement-assisted codeword-stabilized quantum codes with imperfect ebits", "Entanglement-assisted codeword stabilized quantum codes" ], [ "Geometric Polarimetry\u2014Part I: Spinors and Wave States", "Lie Groups in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Scattering" ], [ "Realization of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas of Dipolar Atoms.", "The hyperfine structure of 167Er and magnetic moments of 143, 145Nd and 167Er by atomic beam triple magnetic resonance" ], [ "Flipped SU(5): unification, proton decay, fermion masses and gravitational waves", "Searching for the Nano-Hertz Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with the Chinese Pulsar Timing Array Data Release I" ], [ "Non-linear radial oscillations of neutron stars: Mode-coupling results", "acknowledges support from the Nuffield Foundation (award NAL/00405/G). N.A. acknowledges support from the Leverhulme Trust in the form of a prize fellowship" ], [ "Effective interactions between a pair of nanoparticles", "Free-energy model for the inhomogeneous hard-sphere fluid mixture and density-functional theory of freezing." ], [ "Generalized second law of thermodynamics in the presence of interacting tachyonic field and scalar (phantom) field", "Letter: Exact Solutions for the Interacting Tachyonic\u2013Dark Matter System" ], [ "Trajectory, recovery, and orbital history of the Madura Cave meteorite", "How to build a continental scale fireball camera network" ], [ "Chiral and gluon condensates at finite temperature", "QCD phase transitions in an effective field theory" ], [ "Testing General Relativity using Bayesian model selection: Applications to observations of gravitational waves from compact binary systems", "Estimating spinning binary parameters and testing alternative theories of gravity with LISA" ], [ "Versatile relative entropy bounds for quantum networks", "Fundamental rate-loss tradeoff for optical quantum key distribution" ], [ "Decay of entanglement in coupled, driven systems with bipartite decoherence", "Paraoanu: Decay of entanglement in coupled, driven systems with bipartite decoherence" ], [ "Scattering Solutions of Bethe\u2013Salpeter Equation in Minkowski and Euclidean Spaces", "Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation for scalar theories in Minkowski space." ], [ "R\n-matrix calculations of electron collisions with a lithium atom at low energies", "Creation of polar and nonpolar ultra-long-range rydberg molecules" ], [ "Quantum description of anyons: Role of contact terms", "Schr\u00f6dinger fields on the plane with non-Abelian Chern-Simons interactions." ], [ "Mean first-passage time for random walks on undirected networks", "Anomalous behavior of trapping on a fractal scale-free network" ], [ "Opinion formation in multiplex networks with general initial distributions", "Layered social influence promotes multiculturality in the Axelrod model" ], [ "Non-degenerate 2-photon excitation in scattering medium for fluorescence microscopy.", "Photoacoustic Tomography: In Vivo Imaging from Organelles to Organs" ], [ "Neural-Network Approach to Dissipative Quantum Many-Body Dynamics.", "Quantum dynamics in transverse-field Ising models from classical networks" ], [ "Vortex Oscillations in Confined Bose\u2013Einstein Condensate Interacting with One-Dimensional Optical Lattice", "The excitations at the right hand side in Fig. 4(b) exist outside the condensate and do not contribute to the vortex oscillations" ], [ "Community structure benefits the fixation of cooperation under strong selection", "Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Equations of Life" ], [ "The Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS). III. Revealing the Spatial Substructure of the Dwarf Galaxy Population Inside Half of Fornax's Virial Radius", "The Early-Type Dwarf Galaxy Population of the Fornax Cluster" ], [ "A manifestly MHV Lagrangian for $ \\mathcal{N} = 4 $ Yang-Mills", "Solution to the Ward identities for superamplitudes" ], [ "Self Avoiding Walks in Four Dimensions: Logarithmic Corrections", "Five-loop renormalization group functions of O(n)-symmetric \u03c64-theory and \u03f5-expansions of critical exponents up to \u03f55" ], [ "Possible violation of the spin-statistics relation for neutrinos: Cosmological and astrophysical consequences", "Chkvorets Nucl. Instrum. Meth. JETP Lett. JETP Lett" ], [ "An example of an asymptotically $AdS_2\\times S^2$ metric satisfying NEC but which is not exactly $AdS_2\\times S^2$", "Uniform Electromagnetic Field in the Theory of General Relativity" ], [ "Controlling quantum random walk with a step-dependent coin", "andRexA F (ed) 2003Maxwell\u2019s Demons 2: Entropy, Classical andQuatum Information, Computing (Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing" ], [ "Entanglement between two spatially separated ultracold interacting Fermi gases", "Fisher information and entanglement of non-Gaussian spin states" ], [ "DETECTION OF ANOMALOUS MICROWAVE EMISSION IN THE PLEIADES REFLECTION NEBULA WITH WILKINSON MICROWAVE ANISOTROPY PROBE AND THE COSMOSOMAS EXPERIMENT", "Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Electric Dipole Radiation from Spinning Dust Grains" ], [ "MASSES, LUMINOSITIES, AND ORBITAL COPLANARITIES OF THE \u03bc ORIONIS QUADRUPLE-STAR SYSTEM FROM PHASES DIFFERENTIAL ASTROMETRY", "First Observations with a Co-phased Six-Station Optical Long-Baseline Array: Application to the Triple Star \u03b7 Virginis" ], [ "Experimental Stick-Slip Behaviour in Triaxial Test on Granular Matter", "Numerical simulations of triaxial test using two and three dimensional DEM\", in Powders" ], [ "Phase-sensitive amplification in silicon photonic crystal waveguides.", "Towards ultrasensitive optical links enabled by low-noise phase-sensitive amplifiers" ], [ "Non-Abelian dual Meissner effect in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory and confinement/deconfinement phase transition at finite temperature", "The exact decomposition of gauge variables in lattice Yang-Mills theory" ], [ "Mechanically activated ionic transport across single-digit carbon nanotubes", "Diameter-dependent ion transport through the interior of isolated single-walled carbon nanotubes" ], [ "Static wormholes on the brane inspired by Kaluza-Klein gravity", "TRAVERSABLE WORMHOLES FROM MASSLESS CONFORMALLY COUPLED SCALAR FIELDS" ], [ "On mode conversion, reflection, and transmission of magnetoacoustic waves from above in an isothermal stratified atmosphere", "Helioseismic analysis of the solar flare\u2010induced sunquake of 2005 January 15 \u2013 II. A magnetoseismic study" ], [ "Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Core-collapse Type II Supernovae: Insights from New C, N, Si, and Al\u2013Mg Isotopic Compositions of Presolar Grains", "Hydrodynamics of core-collapse supernovae and their progenitors" ], [ "Azobenzene at coinage metal surfaces: Role of dispersive van der Waals interactions", "Reversible photomechanical switching of individual engineered molecules at a metallic surface." ], [ "On the Uniqueness of the Fock Quantization of the Dirac Field in the Closed FRW Cosmology", "Unitary evolution and uniqueness of the Fock representation of Dirac fields in cosmological spacetimes" ], [ "Boltzmann\u2013Gibbs Random Fields with Mesh-free Precision Operators Based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics", "Spartan Gibbs Random Field Models for Geostatistical Applications" ], [ "The Connection between the Intracluster Light and its Host Halo: Formation Time and Contribution from Different Channels", "On the Mass Distribution of the Intracluster Light in Galaxy Groups and Clusters" ], [ "Nematicity and in-plane anisotropy of superconductivity in \u03b2 \u2212 FeSe detected by Se 77 nuclear magnetic resonance", "Effect of magnetic frustration on nematicity and superconductivity in iron chalcogenides" ], [ "Exchange-correlation bound states of the triplet soft-sphere fermions by path-integral Monte Carlo simulations.", "Semiclassical molecular dynamics for strongly coupled Coulomb systems" ], [ "Shortcut to adiabaticity in full-wave optics for ultra-compact waveguide junctions", "Tapered-beam expander for single-mode optical-fibre gap devices" ], [ "Bayesian and Machine Learning Methods in the Big Data Era for Astronomical Imaging", "THE 2014 ALMA LONG BASELINE CAMPAIGN: FIRST RESULTS FROM HIGH ANGULAR RESOLUTION OBSERVATIONS TOWARD THE HL TAU REGION" ], [ "Dynamics of multi-frequency oscillator ensembles with resonant coupling", "Collective dynamics of chaotic chemical oscillators and the law of large numbers." ], [ "SUBSTRUCTURE DEPLETION IN THE MILKY WAY HALO BY THE DISK", "An Analytical Model for Spherical Galaxies and Bulges" ], [ "Stochastically Realized Observables for Excitonic Molecular Aggregates.", "Overcoming the energy gap law in near-infrared OLEDs by exciton\u2013vibration decoupling" ], [ "First-passage and escape problems in the Feller process.", "A diffusion model for population growth in random environment." ], [ "Astrophysical and electromagnetic emissivity properties of black holes surrounded by a quintessence type exotic fluid in the scalar\u2013vector\u2013tensor modified gravity", "Viewing the Shadow of the Black Hole at the Galactic Center" ], [ "Superconductivity in a Scandium Borocarbide with a Layered Crystal Structure.", "Evidence for Superconductivity above 260\u00a0K in Lanthanum Superhydride at Megabar Pressures." ], [ "Radio Spectral Index Variations and Physical Conditions in Kepler\u2019s Supernova Remnant", "The evolution of compact supernova remnants in a strongly magnetized medium" ], [ "The scalar-isovector sector in the extended Linear Sigma Model", "Glueball in a chiral linear sigma model with vector mesons" ], [ "Infinite Quantum Twisting at the Cauchy Horizon of Rotating Black Holes.", "A reassessment of the stability of the Cauchy horizon in de Sitter space" ], [ "Metastable states in a class of long-range Hamiltonian systems", "Inequivalence of ensembles in a system with long-range interactions." ], [ "Higgs production and decay: analytic results at next-to-leading order QCD", "Higgs-two-photon interaction in the standard model. The QCD radiative correction" ], [ "Jets in a Gamma-Ray Burst during Its Prompt Emission: Evolution of the Lorentz Factor", "Theoretical Description of GRB 160625B with Wind-to-ISM Transition and Implications for a Magnetized Outflow" ], [ "Design study of an air-Cherenkov telescope for harsh environments with efficient air-shower detection at 100 TeV", "Simulation Studies for a Surface Veto Array to Identify Astrophysical Neutrinos at the South Pole" ], [ "Photoionization model for streamer propagation mode change in simulation model for streamers in dielectric liquids", "On the gaseous nature of positive filamentary streamers in hydrocarbon liquids. II: Propagation, growth and collapse of gaseous filaments in pentane" ], [ "Rotation numbers, boundary forces and gap labelling", "The rotation number for almost periodic potentials" ], [ "LHC luminosity upgrade with large Piwinski angle scheme: a recent look", "Luminosity optimization near the beam-beam limit by increasing bunch length or crossing angle" ], [ "Compact gate-based read-out of multiplexed quantum devices with a cryogenic CMOS active inductor", "A high-frequency high-Q CMOS active inductor with DC bias control" ], [ "Self-renormalization of quasi-light-front correlators on the lattice", "HEAVY AND LIGHT QUARKS WITH LATTICE CHIRAL FERMIONS" ], [ "2D Ladder Polyborane: An Ideal Dirac Semimetal with a Multi-Field-Tunable Band Gap.", "Elongation of planar boron clusters by hydrogenation: boron analogues of polyenes." ], [ "Nuclear matter in relativistic mean field theory with isovector scalar meson", "Asymmetric nuclear matter in the relativistic approach" ], [ "Point- and contact-symmetry pseudogroups of dispersionless Nizhnik equation", "New integrable (3 + 1)-dimensional systems and contact geometry" ], [ "The subleading term of the strong coupling expansion of the heavy-quark potential in a $ \\mathcal{N} = 4 $ super Yang-Mills plasma", "Semiclassical quantization of rotating superstring in AdS(5) x S**5" ], [ "Transitions between imperfectly ordered crystalline structures: a phase switch Monte Carlo study.", "The evaporation/condensation transition of liquid droplets." ], [ "The Properties of the Massive Star-forming Galaxies with an Outside-in Assembly Mode", "Feedback in simulations of disc-galaxy major mergers" ], [ "A Theory of spinning particles for large N extended supersymmetry", "One-loop n-gluon amplitudes with maximal helicity violation via collinear limits." ], [ "A pitfall of piecewise-polytropic equation of state inference", "Gravitational-Wave Constraints on the Neutron-Star-Matter Equation of State." ], [ "Study of dijet events with large rapidity separation in proton-proton collisions at $\\sqrt{s} =$ 2.76 TeV", "DEEP INELASTIC ep-SCATTERING IN A PERTURBATION THEORY." ], [ "Testing general relativity with gravitational-wave catalogs: The insidious nature of waveform systematics", "On combining information from multiple gravitational wave sources" ], [ "The TeV supernova remnant shell HESS J1731-347 and its surroundings", "Background modelling in very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy" ], [ "CEM03 and LAQGSM03?new modeling tools for nuclear applications", "Casarejos thesis, 06/05/01 ISABEL, 07/17/02 INCL+Dresner/Atchison" ], [ "Non-relativistic AdS/CFT and Aging/Gravity Duality", "Pleimling, Local scale-invariance in disordered systems, in Rugged Free Energy Landscapes: Common Computational Approaches in Spin Glasses, Structural Glasses and Biological Macromolecules, editor" ], [ "Variational approach to gravitational theories with two independent connections", "Are torsion theories of gravitation equivalent to metric theories" ], [ "Pair production of open strings: Relativistic versus dissipative dynamics", "Microscopic oscillations in the quantum nucleation of vortices subject to periodic pinning potential in a thin superconductor." ], [ "Intermodulation spectroscopy and the nonlinear response of two-level systems in superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators", "Analysis of high quality superconducting resonators: consequences for TLS properties in amorphous oxides" ], [ "APPROX \u2013 mutual approximations between the Galilean moons: the 2016\u20132018 observational campaign", "Precision of natural satellite ephemerides from observations of different types" ], [ "Recommendation Systems in the Scope of Opinion Formation: a Model", "Studying Recommendation Algorithms by Graph Analysis" ], [ "Thermodynamics of the harmonic oscillator: Wien\u2019s displacement law and the Planck spectrum", "Measurements of attractive forces between flat plates" ], [ "Optimal Operation of a Josephson Parametric Amplifier for Vacuum Squeezing", "Nonreciprocal Microwave Signal Processing with a Field-Programmable Josephson Amplifier." ], [ "Siblings, friends and acquaintances: testing galaxy association methods", "Formation, evolution and properties of isolated field elliptical galaxies" ], [ "Superconformal partial waves in Grassmannian field theories", "Conformal partial wave expansions for N=4 chiral four-point functions" ], [ "Fluctuation-induced casimir forces in granular fluids.", "F49620-02-1-0334 and by NSF Grant No. EIA-0130383. R. B. is supported by Projects No. FIS04-271 (Spain) and No" ], [ "Generalised Uncertainty Relations for Angular Momentum and Spin in Quantum Geometry", "Quantum mechanics and the covariance of physical laws in quantum reference frames" ], [ "The stellar populations of the bluest low surface brightness galaxies", "Galaxy Selection and the Surface Brightness Distribution" ], [ "Properties of dark subhaloes from gaps in tidal streams", "ACCURATE STELLAR KINEMATICS AT FAINT MAGNITUDES: APPLICATION TO THE BO\u00d6TES I DWARF SPHEROIDAL GALAXY" ], [ "Asteroseismic Modeling of 1153 Kepler Red Giant Branch Stars: Improved Stellar Parameters with Gravity-mode Period Spacings and Luminosity Constraints", "A binary with a \u03b4\u2009Scuti star and an oscillating red giant: orbit and asteroseismology of KIC\u20099773821" ], [ "Power law viscoelasticity of a fractal colloidal gel", "Rheology and microrheology of a microstructured fluid: The gellan gum case" ], [ "Electron transmission across normal metal-strained graphene\u2013normal metal junctions", "Trapping of an electron in coupled quantum dots in graphene" ], [ "On improving NLO merging for $t \\bar t W$ production", "The simplest of them all: $$ t\\overline{t}{W}^{\\pm } $$ at NLO accuracy in QCD" ], [ "Dynamic symmetries and quantum nonadiabatic transitions", "Bloch-Zener oscillations across a merging transition of Dirac points." ], [ "Spinterface Mediated Magnetic Properties of Co20Fe60B20/Alq3 Heterostructures", "Molecular spintronics: the role of spin-dependent hybridization" ], [ "Levitated optomechanics with a fiber Fabry\u2013Perot interferometer", "Fundamental phase noise limit in optical fibres due to temperature fluctuations" ], [ "Derivation of the particle dynamics from kinetic equations", "Kinetic Equations and Green Functions in Statistical Mechanics (Institute of Physics of the Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences, Baku" ], [ "Fingering instabilities and pattern formation in a two-component dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate", "Properties of a dipolar condensate with three-body interactions" ], [ "RXTE broad band X-ray spectrum of the burster 1E1724-3045", "Luminosity Differences Between Black Holes and Neutron Stars" ], [ "Element Abundances in Solar Energetic Particles and the Solar Corona", "Solar Chemical Abundances Determined with\u00a0a\u00a0CO5BOLD 3D Model Atmosphere" ], [ "Scattering of electromagnetic waves by many thin cylinders: Theory and computational modeling", "Electromagnetic wave scattering by a small impedance particle of arbitrary shape" ], [ "The baffling semileptonic branching ratio of B mesons", "A Model independent determination of the inclusive semileptonic decay fraction of B mesons" ], [ "ALMA observations of massive molecular gas reservoirs in dusty early-type galaxies", "JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies \u2013 I. Survey overview and first results" ], [ "Advancing Scanning Probe Microscopy Simulations: A Decade of Development in Probe-Particle Models", "The Electric Field of CO Tips and Its Relevance for Atomic Force Microscopy." ], [ "Manifestation of the pseudogap in ab-plane optical characteristics", "Thermal conductivity across the phase diagram of cuprates: Low-energy quasiparticles and doping dependence of the superconducting gap" ], [ "Numerical integration for ab initio many-electron self energy calculations within the GW approximation", "Dynamic response function and energy-loss spectrum for Li using an N -point Pad\u00e9 approximant" ], [ "Currents and radiation from the large D black hole membrane", "The large D limit of dimensionally continued gravity" ], [ "Self-deflecting plasmonic lattice solitons and surface modes in chirped plasmonic arrays.", "Plasmonic Zener tunneling in metal-dielectric waveguide arrays." ], [ "Models of forbidden line emission profiles from axisymmetric stellar winds", "A Rotating, Magnetic, Radiation-driven Wind Model for Wolf-Rayet Stars" ], [ "Branes and bundles through conifold transitions and dualities in heterotic string theory", "Vector Bundle Moduli and Small Instanton Transitions" ], [ "Cosmological framework for renormalization group extended gravity at the action level", "Local determination of the Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter" ], [ "The CKM matrix from anti-SU(7) unification of GUT families", "Flipped SU(5)SU(5) from Z12\u2212IZ12\u2212I orbifold with Wilson line" ], [ "A novel method for the line-of-response and time-of-flight reconstruction in TOF-PET detectors based on a library of synchronized model signals", "Efficiency of RPC detectors for whole-body human TOF-PET" ], [ "Quantum field theory, gravity and cosmology in a fractal universe", "Constants of motion for fractional action-like variational problems" ], [ "Testing gravity using galaxy clusters: new constraints on beyond Horndeski theories", "CFHTLenS: the CanadaFranceHawaii Telescope Lensing Survey" ], [ "Entropy Production in Dissipationless Hydrodynamics with an order parameter", "Highly anisotropic and strongly dissipative hydrodynamics for early stages of relativistic heavy-ion collisions" ], [ "Are the 2dFGRS superstructures a problem for hierarchical models", "The local hole in the galaxy distribution: evidence from 2MASS" ], [ "Electric dipole moments of baryons with bottom quarks", "Mass splittings within heavy baryon isospin multiplets in chiral perturbation theory" ], [ "PPMXL and Gaia morphological analysis of Melotte 22 (Pleiades) and Melotte 25 (Hyades)", "NBU, deanship of scientific research and higher education grant number SCI-2017-1-8-F-7209" ], [ "COSMOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF EXTRAGALACTIC SOURCES IN THE INFRARED AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BACKGROUND RADIATION", "paper presented at the European and National Astronomy Meeting" ], [ "Longitudinal broadening of near-side jets due to parton cascade", "Identifying the underlying physics of the ridge via 3-particle \u0394\u03b7\u2013\u0394\u03b7 correlations" ], [ "Discrimination of the DPRK underground explosions and their aftershocks using the P/S spectral amplitude ratio", "Remote detection of aftershock activity as a new method of seismic monitoring" ], [ "The Pan-Pacific Planet Search III: five companions orbiting giant stars", "Michigan catalogue of two-dimensional spectral types for the HD stars" ], [ "Universal threshold for femtosecond laser ablation with oblique illumination", "Derivation of effective penetration depth of femtosecond laser pulses in metal from ablation rate dependence on laser fluence, incidence angle, and polarization" ], [ "Improved Measurements of Molecular Cloud Distances Based on Global Search", "Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties" ], [ "Absolute properties of BG Ind \u2013 a bright F3 system just leaving the main sequence", "The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood - Ages, metallicities, and kinematic properties of ~14 000 F and G dwarfs" ], [ "Diagrammatic Exciton Basis Theory of the Photophysics of Pentacene Dimers.", "Distinct properties of the triplet pair state from singlet fission" ], [ "On the Application of the Matrix Formalism for the Heat Kernel to Number Theory", "Beyond the Schwinger-DeWitt technique: Converting loops into trees and in-in currents" ], [ "Feynman checkers: towards algorithmic quantum theory", "THE LAPLACIAN AND DIRAC OPERATORS ON CRITICAL PLANAR GRAPHS" ], [ "Enhancing High Harmonic Generation in a Short-Pulse Two-Color Laser Field by Controlling the Atomic-Electron Subcycle Detachment and Acceleration Dynamics", "Extension of water-window harmonic cutoff by laser defocusing-assisted phase matching." ], [ "Genus Expansions of Hermitian One-Matrix Models: Fat Graphs vs. Thin Graphs.", "The Euler characteristic of the moduli space of curves" ], [ "Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Curation and reanalysis of 16.6k redshifts in the G10/COSMOS region", "zCOSMOS 20k: satellite galaxies are the main drivers of environmental effects in the galaxy population at least to z \u223c 0.7" ], [ "THE MASS OF THE BLACK HOLE IN THE X-RAY BINARY NOVA MUSCAE 1991", "The Hubble Space Telescope observations of X-ray nova Muscae 1991 and its spectral evolution" ], [ "Symmetry breaking and manipulation of nonlinear optical modes in an asymmetric double-channel waveguide", "Nonlinear TE-polarized surface plasmon polaritons guided by metal films" ], [ "Stellar Velocity Dispersion: Linking Quiescent Galaxies to Their Dark Matter Halos", "Differential Galaxy Evolution in Cluster and Field Galaxies at z \u2248 0.3" ], [ "A STUDY OF DENSITY MODULATION INDEX IN THE INNER HELIOSPHERIC SOLAR WIND DURING SOLAR CYCLE 23", "Solar cycle dependence of global distribution of solar wind speed" ], [ "Cooper pairs and exclusion statistics from coupled free-fermion chains", "Russian doll renormalization group and superconductivity" ], [ "Influence of P2O5 and SiO2 Addition on the Phase, Microstructure, and Electrical Properties of KNbO3", "Sintering behavior and dielectric properties of BaTiO3 ceramics with glass addition for internal capacitor of LTCC" ], [ "THE DIFFUSE SOURCE AT THE CENTER OF LMC SNR 0509\u221267.5 IS A BACKGROUND GALAXY AT z = 0.031", "Spectral Identification of an Ancient Supernova Using Light Echoes in the Large Magellanic Cloud" ], [ "A supersymmetry approach to almost diagonal random matrices", "Statistics of energy levels and eigenfunctions in disordered and chaotic systems: Supersymmetry approach" ], [ "Effects of strong and electromagnetic correlations on neutrino interactions in dense matter", "S. 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Effects of chain length and plate separation" ], [ "Geographical Locations of Occupations and Information and Communication Technology: Do Online Tools Impact Where People in the United States Live and Work?", "The Product Space Conditions the Development of Nations" ], [ "Effective interactions between a pair of nanoparticles", "Depletion potential in hard-sphere mixtures: theory and applications" ], [ "The FEL SASE operation, bunch compression and the beam heater", "A model of laser heater undulator system for self-amplified free electron lasers" ], [ "Statistical dependencies beyond linear correlations in light scattered by disordered media", "Communication through a diffusive medium: coherence and capacity" ], [ "Time-evolution of entanglement and quantum discord of bipartite systems subject to 1/f\u03b1 noise", "Non-markovian effects on the dynamics of entanglement." ], [ "Minimal constrained superfields and the Fayet\u2013Iliopoulos model", "The non-linear realisation structure of models with spontaneously broken supersymmetry" ], [ "Combination of CDF and D\u00d8 Results on the Mass of the Top Quark", "Measurement of the Top Quark Mass Using Dilepton Events" ], [ "Selected Low-Energy Supersymmetry Phenomenology Topics", "Gunion, in Heavy Flavors and High Energy Collisions in the 1\u2014100 TeV Range" ], [ "Nonlocal statistical field theory of dipolar particles in electrolyte solutions", "What happened to the gas-liquid transition in the system of dipolar hard spheres?" ], [ "Unequal twins: probability distributions do not determine everything.", "For a detailed calculation we refer to the Supplementary Material" ], [ "Microscopic theory of the glassy dynamics of passive and active network materials.", "Tensegrity and motor-driven effective interactions in a model cytoskeleton." ], [ "THE X-RAY ZURICH ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY (X-ZENS). II. X-RAY OBSERVATIONS OF THE DIFFUSE INTRAGROUP MEDIUM IN GALAXY GROUPS", "The X-Ray Luminosity Function and Gas Mass Function for Optically Selected Poor and Rich Clusters of Galaxies" ], [ "Fully coupled simulation of the plasma liquid interface and interfacial coefficient effects", "Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis var. niger of both spore and vegetative forms by means of corona discharges applied in water." ], [ "Limitations of the Current-Phase Relation Measurements by an Asymmetric dc-SQUID.", "Current-Phase Relation of Ballistic Graphene Josephson Junctions" ], [ "The NEO Surveyor Near-Earth Asteroid Known Object Model", "Debiased Orbital and Absolute Magnitude Distribution of the Near-Earth Objects" ], [ "MASSES, LUMINOSITIES, AND ORBITAL COPLANARITIES OF THE \u03bc ORIONIS QUADRUPLE-STAR SYSTEM FROM PHASES DIFFERENTIAL ASTROMETRY", "Phases differential astrometry and the mutual inclination of the v819 herculis triple star system" ], [ "Probing black hole charge from the binary black hole inspiral", "Advanced Virgo: a second-generation interferometric gravitational wave detector" ], [ "Two-Photon Interference of Single Photons from Dissimilar Sources", "Emergence and control of complex behaviors in driven systems of interacting qubits with dissipation" ], [ "Ring-like solitons in plasmonic fiber waveguides composed of metal-dielectric multilayers.", "Subwavelength dynamic focusing in plasmonic nanostructures using time reversal" ], [ "Critical behaviour of the 3D XY-model: a Monte Carlo study", "Massless phases and symmetry restoration in abelian gauge theories and spin systems" ], [ "Tuning the electronic band structure of metal surfaces for enhancing high-order harmonic generation.", "Tuning high-harmonic generation by controlled deposition of ultrathin ionic layers on metal surfaces" ], [ "Exact relations between M2-brane theories with and without orientifolds", "Interacting fermions and $ \\mathcal{N} $ = 2 Chern-Simons-matter theories" ], [ "Optical conductivity of semi-Dirac and pseudospin-1 models: Zitterbewegung approach", "Creating, moving and merging Dirac points with a Fermi gas in a tunable honeycomb lattice" ], [ "Quantum non-Gaussianity and quantification of nonclassicality", "Detecting quantum non-Gaussianity via the Wigner function" ], [ "Quantum backreaction in scale-invariant induced gravity inflation", "Inflationary spectra in generalized gravity: unified forms" ], [ "Photoemission spectral functions from the three-body Green's function", "The self-energy beyond GW: local and nonlocal vertex corrections." ], [ "Estimating the dark halo mass from the relative thickness of stellar disks", "Axisymmetric Bending Oscillations of Stellar Disks" ], [ "Ultra fast outflows, and their connection to accretion and ejection processes in AGNs", "The physics of galactic winds driven by active galactic nuclei" ], [ "Universal scaling in nonequilibrium transport through a single channel Kondo dot.", "209 mV < V G < 199.5 mV, as seen in Fig. 1(d)). The Kondo valley is the wider parameter region where Kondo processes affect conductance" ], [ "Toward a general quasi-linear approach for the instabilities of bi-Kappa plasmas. Whistler instability", "Kinetic instabilities in the solar wind driven by temperature anisotropies" ], [ "SUPERLUMINOUS SUPERNOVAE AS STANDARDIZABLE CANDLES AND HIGH-REDSHIFT DISTANCE PROBES", "Type II\u2010P supernovae as standardized candles: improvements using near\u2010infrared data\u2605" ], [ "Semi-Meissner state and neither type-I nor type-II superconductivity in multicomponent systems", "Magnetic Flux Structures in Superconductors Springer, Berlin" ], [ "Would Magnonic Circuits Outperform CMOS Counterparts?", "Design and benchmarking of hybrid CMOS-Spin Wave Device Circuits compared to 10nm CMOS" ], [ "Anomalous Hall Effect in Layered Ferrimagnet MnSb2Te4", "Absence of a low-temperature anomaly of the anomalous Hall conductivity in thin amorphous ferromagnetic Fe films." ], [ "Multicopy observables for the detection of optically nonclassical states", "Testing nonclassicality in multimode fields: A unified derivation of classical inequalities" ], [ "Nonordinary criticality at the edges of planar spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnets", "Continuum dynamics of the 1-D Heisenberg antiferromagnet: Identification with the O(3) nonlinear sigma model" ], [ "Recurrence Relations and General Solution of the Exceptional Hermite Equation", "General solution of the exceptional Hermite differential equation and its minimal surface representation" ], [ "The Luttinger sum rule in the slave-particle theories", "Assessment of Fermi-liquid description for the normal state of high-Tc superconductors." ], [ "Superconductivity, broken gauge symmetry, and the Higgs mechanism", "Details of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, which we have glossed over, ensure that in the superconducting state r < 0, so the gap magnitude \u2206 \u2020 \u2206 = \u2212 r/u is a positive quantity" ], [ "Nuclear Ignition of White Dwarf Stars by Relativistic Encounters with Rotating Intermediate Mass Black Holes", "SPONTANEOUS INITIATION OF DETONATIONS IN WHITE DWARF ENVIRONMENTS: DETERMINATION OF CRITICAL SIZES" ], [ "X-ray properties of two transient ULX candidates in galaxy NGC 7090", "Chandra monitoring observations of the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5204 X-1" ], [ "Asteroseismic Modeling of 1153 Kepler Red Giant Branch Stars: Improved Stellar Parameters with Gravity-mode Period Spacings and Luminosity Constraints", "Asteroseismology of 19 low-luminosity red giant stars from Kepler" ], [ "The contribution of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies to the soft X-ray background", "Empirical results from a study of active galactic nuclei." ], [ "Soliton dual frequency combs in crystalline microresonators.", "Dual-comb spectroscopy based on quantum-cascade-laser frequency combs" ], [ "Non-Gaussian transverse momentum fluctuations from impact parameter fluctuations", "Probing neutron-skin thickness with free spectator neutrons in ultracentral high-energy isobaric collisions" ], [ "Massive spin-2 and spin-1/2 no hair theorems for stationary axisymmetric black holes", "Nonspherical Perturbations of Relativistic Gravitational Collapse. 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A protein dynamics force constant measured by neutron scattering." ], [ "Laser and pinching discharge plasmas spectral characteristics in water window region 2", "\u201cWater window\u201d compact, table-top laser plasma soft X-ray sources based on a gas puff target" ], [ "Parameters inference and model reduction for the Single-Particle Model of Li ion cells", "Delineating parameter unidentifiabilities in complex models." ], [ "Implementation and validation of the GEANT4/AtRIS code to model the radiation environment at Mars", "Measurements of the neutron spectrum on the Martian surface with MSL/RAD" ], [ "High Performance Entanglement-Assisted Quantum LDPC Codes Need Little Entanglement", "A Class of Quantum LDPC Codes Constructed From Finite Geometries" ], [ "Attack Vulnerability of Power Systems Under an Equal Load Redistribution Model", "New Greedy-Like Heuristics for the Multidimensional 0-1 Knapsack Problem" ], [ "Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution: from idea towards application", "Spectral multiplexing for scalable quantum photonics using an atomic frequency comb quantum memory and feed-forward control." ], [ "An Accurate Analytic Model for the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich One-Point PDF", "SPT-3G: a next-generation cosmic microwave background polarization experiment on the South Pole telescope" ], [ "PEAR: PEriodic And fixed Rank separation for fast fMRI", "Compressed sensing for longitudinal MRI: An adaptive-weighted approach." ], [ "Cosmic-Ray Short Burst Observed with the Global Muon Detector Network (GMDN) on 2015 June 22", "LONG-TERM VARIATION OF THE SOLAR DIURNAL ANISOTROPY OF GALACTIC COSMIC RAYS OBSERVED WITH THE NAGOYA MULTI-DIRECTIONAL MUON DETECTOR" ], [ "Nonresonance adiabatic photon confinement in spherical mirror system. Experimental study", "Photodetachment technology, in: Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams: 3rd Int" ], [ "The structure of TeV-bright shell-type supernova remnants", "OBSERVATIONS OF THE YOUNG SUPERNOVA REMNANT RX J1713.7\u22123946 WITH THE FERMI LARGE AREA TELESCOPE" ], [ "Asymptotic-preserving Particle-In-Cell methods for the Vlasov-Maxwell system near quasi-neutrality", "Particle-in-cell simulations of fast magnetic field penetration into plasmas due to the Hall electric field" ], [ "A statistical study on property of spatial magnetic field for solar active region", "Study on Two Methods for Nonlinear Force-Free Extrapolation Based on Semi-Analytical Field" ], [ "Quantum computing quantum Monte Carlo with hybrid tensor network for electronic structure calculations", "Improved Resource\u2010Tunable Near\u2010Term Quantum Algorithms for Transition Probabilities, with Applications in Physics and Variational Quantum Linear Algebra" ], [ "Nonordinary criticality at the edges of planar spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnets", "Absence of Ferromagnetism or Antiferromagnetism in One- or Two-Dimensional Isotropic Heisenberg Models" ], [ "Wave functions of the Hydrogen atom in the momentum representation", "Geometric momentum: The proper momentum for a free particle on a two-dimensional sphere" ], [ "On the equivalence of Starobinsky and Higgs inflationary models in gravity and supergravity", "Removing instability of inflation in Polonyi\u2013Starobinsky supergravity by adding FI term" ], [ "The relationship between the Wigner-Weyl kinetic formalism and the complex geometrical optics method", "Geometric phases in the asymptotic theory of coupled wave equations." ], [ "Series expansions for excited states of quantum lattice models", "Methods in hamiltonian lattice field theory. II: Linked-cluster expansions" ], [ "Cation ordering induced polarization enhancement for PbTiO 3 \u2212 SrTiO 3 ferroelectric-dielectric superlattices", "Interfacial enhancement of ferroelectricity in CaTiO 3 /BaTiO 3 superlattices" ], [ "Circumbinary Accretion: From Binary Stars to Massive Binary Black Holes", "A & A 582 : A 5 Lipunov VM , Postnov KA , Prokhorov ME . 1997" ], [ "Topological invariant for superfluid 3He-B and quantum phase transitions", "Cosmiclike domain walls in superfluid 3He-B: Instantons and diabolical points in (k,r) space." ], [ "Variational Quantum Neural Networks (VQNNS) in Image Classification", "Quantum Optimization for Training Quantum Neural Networks" ], [ "Neutron-proton bremsstrahlung from intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions as a probe of the nuclear symmetry energy?", "Probing the nuclear symmetry energy with heavy-ion reactions induced by neutron-rich nuclei" ], [ "Inexact iterative numerical linear algebra for neural network-based spectral estimation and rare-event prediction.", "Krylov-Bellman boosting: Super-linear policy evaluation in general state spaces" ], [ "Microwave photon number resolving detector using the topological surface state of superconducting cadmium arsenide", "Observation of the Quantum Hall Effect in Confined Films of the Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal Cd_{3}As_{2}." ], [ "On the Possibility of Neutron Spectroscopy of Microwave Currents in Thin Superconducting Films", "Electrodynamics of the Superconducting State in Ultra-Thin Films at THz Frequencies" ], [ "Exact four dimensional string solutions and Toda-like sigma models from 'null-gauged' WZNW theories", "Wess-Zumino-Witten model based on a nonsemisimple group." ], [ "Resonance superfluidity: Renormalization of resonance scattering theory", "Verhaar \u0351private communication\u0352. The calculation is based on the analysis of the lithium interactions as described in Ref. \u035311\u0354. An alternative analysis has been described in Ref" ], [ "Spin correlations in \n\u03c4\n-lepton pair production due to anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments", "Radiative corrections to muon pair and quark pair production in electron-positron collisions in the Z0 region" ], [ "Ab initio study of the strain dependence of thermopower in electron-doped SrTiO3", "Enhanced effective mass in doped SrTiO3 and related perovskites" ], [ "Pressure Effect and Specific Heat of RBa2Cu3Ox at Distinct Charge Carrier Concentrations: Possible Influence of Stripes", "Systematics in the thermoelectric power of high-Tc oxides." ], [ "R1 dispersion contrast at high field with fast field-cycling MRI.", "A practical insert design for dreMR imaging in the human head" ], [ "On the Relationship between Two Notions of Compatibility for Bi-Hamiltonian Systems ?", "Classification locale simultan\u00e9e de deux formes symplectiques compatibles" ], [ "A framework for modeling the detailed optical response of thick, multiple segment, large format sensors for precision astronomy applications", "Photometry of supernovae in an image series: methods and application to the SuperNova Legacy Survey (SNLS)" ], [ "Reducing activity-induced variations in a radial-velocity time series of the Sun as a star", "A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri" ], [ "Primordial Black Holes and the Asymmetrical Distribution of Short GRB Events", "Proc. 14 th IAP Colloq. (Paris: Editions Frontieres)" ], [ "Benchmarking the calculation of stochastic heating and emissivity of dust grains in the context of radiative transfer simulations", "Benchmark problems for continuum radiative transfer. High optical depths, anisotropic scattering, and polarisation" ], [ "Probing effective loop quantum gravity on weak gravitational lensing, Hawking radiation and bounding greybody factor by black holes", "The Optical Properties of Gravitational Lens Galaxies as a Probe of Galaxy Structure and Evolution" ], [ "Resonant THz sensor for paper quality monitoring using THz fiber Bragg gratings", "Polymer microstructured optical fibers for terahertz wave guiding." ], [ "What is missing from Minkowski's \u201cRaum und Zeit\u201d lecture", "Les groupes projectifs qui ne laissent invariante aucune multiplicit\u00e9 plane" ], [ "Pulse pileup rejection methods using a two-component Gaussian Mixture Model for fast neutron detection with pulse shape discriminating scintillator", "Consistent principles for particle ID from PSD systems" ], [ "Can a Nonradiating Mode Be Externally Excited? Nonscattering States versus Embedded Eigenstates", "Anapole Mode Sustaining Silicon Metamaterials in Visible Spectral Range" ], [ "Mode visibilities in radial velocity and photometric Sun-as-a-star helioseismic observations", "Determining the Inclination of the Rotation Axis of a Sun-like Star" ], [ "Alias Sampling Effect on the Calculation of MHD Mode Number in Fusion Plasma", "Short term spectral analysis, synthesis, and modification by discrete Fourier transform" ], [ "Probing a divergent van Hove singularity of graphene with a Ca 2 N support: A layered electride as a solid-state dopant", "Electron excess in alkaline earth sub-nitrides: 2D electron gas or 3D electride?" ], [ "PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND GALACTIC DISTRIBUTION OF MOLECULAR CLOUDS IDENTIFIED IN THE GALACTIC RING SURVEY", "THE EARLY STAGES OF STAR FORMATION IN INFRARED DARK CLOUDS: CHARACTERIZING THE CORE DUST PROPERTIES" ], [ "Drift effects on electromagnetic geodesic acoustic modes", "Transport Equations of Plasma in a Curvilinear Magnetic Field" ], [ "Power Density Spectra of Gamma-Ray Burst Light Curves: Implications on Theory and Observation", "Relativistic Fireballs and Their Impact on External Matter: Models for Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts" ], [ "Surface particle motions excited by a low velocity normal impact into a granular medium", "Ricochets on Asteroids: Experimental study of low velocity grazing impacts into granular media." ], [ "Free Field Realization of Quantum Affine Superalgebra $U_q(\\hat{{sl}}(N|1))$", "Quantized Enveloping Algebras Associated with Simple Lie Superalgebras and Their Universal R -matrices" ], [ "Anomalous large-scale collective motion in granular Brownian vibrators", "Jamming of soft particles: geometry, mechanics, scaling and isostaticity" ], [ "Quantum billiards with branes on product of Einstein spaces", "Avoiding cosmological oscillating behavior for S-brane solutions with diagonal metrics" ], [ "Kinetic Simulation of the Electron-Cyclotron Maser Instability: Relaxation of Electron Horseshoe Distributions", "Generation of the Auroral Kilometric Radiation in plasma cavities\u2014II. The cyclotron maser instability in small size sources" ], [ "Novel sets of coupling expansion parameters for low-energy pQCD", "BOGOLIUBOV Renormalization Group and Symmetry of Solution in Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the memory of Boris Medvedev" ], [ "Unusual polarimetric properties of (101955) Bennu: similarities with F-class asteroids and cometary bodies", "The OSIRIS\u2010REx target asteroid (101955) Bennu: Constraints on its physical, geological, and dynamical nature from astronomical observations" ], [ "Manifesting enhanced cancellations in supergravity: integrands versus integrals", "One-loop n-point gauge theory amplitudes, unitarity and collinear limits" ], [ "LIGO GRAVITATIONAL WAVE DETECTION, PRIMORDIAL BLACK HOLES, AND THE NEAR-IR COSMIC INFRARED BACKGROUND ANISOTROPIES", "THE CONTRIBUTION OF z \u2272 6 SOURCES TO THE SPATIAL COHERENCE IN THE UNRESOLVED COSMIC NEAR-INFRARED AND X-RAY BACKGROUNDS" ], [ "Staticity theorem for a higher dimensional generalized Einstein-Maxwell system", "LETTER TO THE EDITOR: On the uniqueness of the Reissner--Nordstr\u00f6m solution with electric and magnetic charge" ], [ "Type A -fold supersymmetry and generalized Bender\u2013Dunne polynomials", "Normalizability of one-dimensional quasi-exactly solvable Schr\u00f6dinger operators" ], [ "Microwave-resonance-induced magnetooscillations and vanishing resistance states in multisubband two-dimensional electron systems", "Microwave-induced magnetooscillations and absolute negative conductivity in the multisubband two-dimensional electron system on liquid helium" ], [ "Statistical distributions in the folding of elastic structures", "Intrinsically anomalous roughness of randomly crumpled thin sheets." ], [ "Influence of muscle preactivation of the lower limb on impact dynamics in the case of frontal collision", "Evolution of mosaic structure in Si0.7Ge0.3 epilayers grown on Si(001) substrates" ], [ "Preparing local strain patterns in graphene by atomic force microscope based indentation", "Intrinsic and extrinsic corrugation of monolayer graphene deposited on SiO2." ], [ "Mesoscopic model for soft flowing systems with tunable viscosity ratio", "Modeling incompressible thermal flows using a central-moments-based lattice Boltzmann method" ], [ "Theory of dipole radiation near a Dirac photonic crystal", "Supplemental material for \u201d Topological properties of a dense atomic lattice gas \u201d" ], [ "The PAU Survey: Photometric redshifts using transfer learning from simulations", "Using neural networks to estimate redshift distributions. An application to CFHTLenS" ], [ "REVISITING THE MICROLENSING EVENT OGLE 2012-BLG-0026: A SOLAR MASS STAR WITH TWO COLD GIANT PLANETS", "PROBABILISTIC MASS\u2013RADIUS RELATIONSHIP FOR SUB-NEPTUNE-SIZED PLANETS" ], [ "Khuri-Treiman analysis of \nJ/\u03c8\u2192\u03c0+\u03c0\u2212 pi l nu decays and a determination of |V(ub)|" ], [ "Oscillations in solar jets observed with the SOT of Hinode: viscous effects during reconnection", "Analysis and discretization of an optimal control problem for the time-periodic MHD equations" ], [ "Large influence of capping layers on tunnel magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions", "Highly stable perpendicular magnetic anisotropies of CoFeB/MgO frames employing W buffer and capping layers" ], [ "Cosmological Application of the Lens-Redshift Probability Distribution with Improved Galaxy-Scale Gravitational Lensing Sample", "THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY QUASAR LENS SEARCH. VI. CONSTRAINTS ON DARK ENERGY AND THE EVOLUTION OF MASSIVE GALAXIES" ], [ "The rotational temperature of polar molecular ions in Coulomb crystals", "Nondestructive identification of cold and extremely localized single molecular ions." ], [ "Occam\u2019s razor in lepton mass matrices: The sign of the universe\u2019s baryon asymmetry", "Remarks on the unified model of elementary particles" ], [ "Can the PVLAS particle be compatible with the astrophysical bounds", "PVLAS, Talk given at the XII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes" ], [ "Pulsatory patterns in active viscoelastic fluids with distinct relaxation time scales", "Stressing the limits of focal adhesion mechanosensitivity." ], [ "Imaging the Inner Astronomical Unit of the Herbig Be Star HD 190073", "The Astropy Project: Sustaining and Growing a Community-oriented Open-source Project and the Latest Major Release (v5.0) of the Core Package" ], [ "Semi-Leptonic Decay Of Lambda-B In The Standard Model And With New Physics", "Symmetry-breaking corrections to heavy-to-light B meson form factors at large recoil" ], [ "Charmonium tetraquarks and pentaquarks or an additional quark?", "Study of the process e+e-to pi0 pi0 J/psi and neutral charmoniumlike state Zc(3900)0" ], [ "Intrinsic ferroelectricity and large bulk photovoltaic effect in novel two-dimensional buckled honeycomb-like lattice of NbP: first-principles study", "Two-Dimensional Rectangular and Honeycomb Lattices of NbN: Emergence of Piezoelectric and Photocatalytic Properties at Nanoscale." ], [ "Hydrogen and Helium Shock Phenomena during Rising Light in RR Lyrae Fundamental Mode Pulsators", "The Shock-Wave Model for the Population II Cepheids." ], [ "QUANTIZATION OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR REST MASSES AND SELF-ORGANIZATION OF ATOMS AND NUCLEI", "The Grand Unifiend Theory of Classical Mechanics, May, 2005 Edition posted at http://www.blacklightpower.com/theory/bookdowmload.shtml" ], [ "Remarks on N_c Dependence of Decays of Exotic Baryons(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)", "MONOPOLAR HARMONICS IN SU(3)-f AS EIGENSTATES OF THE SKYRME-WITTEN MODEL FOR BARYONS" ], [ "Neutron Scattering Study of Kondo Lattice Antiferromagnet YbNiSi3", "Dynamic Coupling of Crystal-Field and Phonon States in YbPO4" ], [ "Scattering-asymmetry control with ultrafast electron wave packet shaping", "Sub-femtosecond real-space dynamics of the electron wave packets with \u03c4 = 1 fs. 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Kaltenbacher: Numerical Simulation of Mechatronic Sensors and Actuators: Finite Elements for Multiphysics" ], [ "Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence with singular nonuniform initial conditions", "Review of theoretical modelling approaches of Rayleigh\u2013Taylor instabilities and turbulent mixing" ], [ "Effective phononic crystals for non-Cartesian elastic wave propagation", "Thermally tunable band gaps in architected metamaterial structures" ], [ "Parity violating bosonic loops at finite temperature", "Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the renormalization of the Chern-Simons term" ], [ "The origin and structure of clumps along molecular outflows: the test case of CB3", "The Post-Shock Chemical Lifetimes of Outflow Tracers and a Possible New Mechanism to Produce Water Ice Mantles" ], [ "Perturbation approach for computing frequency- and time-resolved photon correlation functions", "Photon antibunching and collective effects in the fluorescence of single bichromophoric molecules." ], [ "Partial antiferromagnetic helical order in single-crystal \nFe3PO4O3", "Four-circle single-crystal neutron diffractometer at the High Flux Isotope Reactor" ], [ "Polar Self-Organization of Ferroelectric Nematic-Liquid-Crystal Molecules on Atomically Flat Au(111) Surface.", "Electrooptics of mm-scale polar domains in the ferroelectric nematic phase" ], [ "Quasi-long-range ordering in a finite-size 2D classical Heisenberg model", "Magnetization and universal sub-critical behaviour in two-dimensional XY magnets" ], [ "Efficient Trajectory Design for Distant Planetary Orbiters", "\u201cEnd-of-life Earth re-entry for highly elliptical orbits: the INTEGRAL mission,\u201d" ], [ "Large transverse shifts appearing upon passage of vortices through oblique dark solitons", "Polariton Superfluids Reveal Quantum Hydrodynamic Solitons" ], [ "Optical Neural Network Architecture for Deep Learning with Temporal Synthetic Dimension", "Broadcast and Weight: An Integrated Network For Scalable Photonic Spike Processing" ], [ "Geodesic motion of S2 and G2 as a test of the fermionic dark matter nature of our Galactic core", "Detection of a Drag Force in G2's Orbit: Measuring the Density of the Accretion Flow onto Sgr A* at 1000 Schwarzschild Radii" ], [ "A Mathematical Modeling In Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) As A Base For A Development of The Mathematics Education", "The Program of Exactl Calculation of Fundamental Solutions of Systems of Algebraic Linear Equations and Representation of Them in Standard List Form in Mathematical Package Maple" ], [ "Eigenvalues in spectral gaps of a perturbed periodic manifold", "Spectral asymptotics of periodic elliptic operators" ], [ "Microseismic Source Imaging Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks With Hard Constraints", "Convolutional neural network for earthquake detection and location" ], [ "TMD Evolution Study of the $\\cos 2 \\phi$ Azimuthal Asymmetry in Unpolarized $J/\\psi$ Production at EIC", "Rigorous QCD analysis of inclusive annihilation and production of heavy quarkonium." ], [ "8d gauge anomalies and the topological Green-Schwarz mechanism", "Ramond-Ramond Fields, Fractional Branes and Orbifold Differential K-Theory" ], [ "Horizontal Shear Instabilities at Low Prandtl Number", "Asteroseismic detection of latitudinal differential rotation in 13 Sun-like stars" ], [ "Ab initio study of the strain dependence of thermopower in electron-doped SrTiO3", "Strongly correlated properties of the thermoelectric cobalt oxide Ca 3 Co 4 O 9" ], [ "Generation and control of resonance states in crossed magnetic and electric fields", "Negative-donor centers in semiconductors and quantum wells." ], [ "Monte Carlo study of the pure and dilute Baxter\u2013Wu model", "Crystal Statistics: II. Partition Function Evaluated by Spinor Analysis. III. Short-Range Order in a Binary Ising Lattice." ], [ "Turbulence-Driven Ion Beams in the Magnetospheric Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability.", "Two-fluid numerical simulations of turbulence inside Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices: Intermittency and reconnecting current sheets" ], [ "Shock waves and delay of hyperfast growth in de Sitter complexity", "Gapless spin-fluid ground state in a random quantum Heisenberg magnet." ], [ "Different time scales in dynamic systems with multiple outcomes.", "The simplicity of completion time distributions for common complex biochemical processes" ], [ "Anomalous dynamics in tracer-particle motions in an electrohydrodynamically driven oil-in-oil system.", "Correlations in the Motion of Atoms in Liquid Argon" ], [ "Kondo resonance decoherence caused by an external potential", "Theory of the atomic limit of the Anderson model. I. Perturbation expansions re-examined" ], [ "Electron recombination with multicharged ions via chaotic many-electron states", "Dielectronic recombination of Li-like neon and argon" ], [ "ENHANCEMENT OF CHARGED HIGGS PRODUCTION IN ASSOCIATION WITH W\u00b1 AT MUON COLLIDERS IN GENERAL TWO HIGGS DOUBLET MODELS", "Aspects of grand unified models with softly broken supersymmetry" ], [ "Compression of antiproton clouds for antihydrogen trapping.", "Inward transport and compression of a positron plasma by a rotating electric field" ], [ "Central density dependent anisotropic compact stars", "Discovery of a supernova explosion at half the age of the Universe" ], [ "Guidelines for the construction of a generating partition in the standard map", "Generating partitions for the dissipative H\u00e9non map" ], [ "Binding energy of singlet excitons and charge transfer complexes in MDMO\u2010PPV:PCBM solar cells", "Energetics of excited states in the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene)" ], [ "Diffuse low-ionization gas in the galactic halo casts doubts on z \u2243 0.03 WHIM detections", "XMM-NEWTON AND FUSE TENTATIVE EVIDENCE FOR A WHIM FILAMENT ALONG THE LINE OF SIGHT TO PKS 0558-504" ], [ "Carrier frequency modulation of an acousto-optic modulator for laser stabilization.", "Wideband laser locking to an atomic reference with modulation transfer spectroscopy." ], [ "Direct coupling of first-principles calculations with replica exchange Monte Carlo sampling of ion disorder in solids", "Opportunities and challenges for first-principles materials design and applications to Li battery materials" ], [ "Nonsynchronous updating in the multiverse of cellular automata.", "Huberman for discussions . S. Reia thanks CAPES for the financial support and Ariadne A. Costa for useful conversations" ], [ "Optimized effective potential model for the double perovskites Sr2 \u2212 xYxVMoO6 and Sr2 \u2212 xYxVTcO6", "Frequency-dependent local interactions and low-energy effective models from electronic structure calculations" ], [ "Formation and evolution of primordial protostellar systems", "The role of HD cooling in primordial star formation" ], [ "Synergetics and Its Application to Literature and Architecture", "Quasistable Economics and Its Relationship with the Thermodynamics of Superfluid Liquids. Default as a Phase Transition of Zeroth Kind. I" ], [ "Damping-like spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetization dynamics in ferrimagnets based on Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation", "Atomistic spin model simulations of magnetic nanomaterials" ], [ "On Energy of the Friedman Universes in Conformally Flat Coordinates", "Energy Density Associated with the Bianchi Type-II Space-Time" ], [ "ANISOTROPY AS A PROBE OF THE GALACTIC COSMIC-RAY PROPAGATION AND HALO MAGNETIC FIELD", "Double radio sources and the new approach to cosmical plasma physics" ], [ "Guided modes in a spatially dispersive wire medium slab", "Magnification of subwavelength field distributions using a tapered array of metallic wires with planar interfaces and an embedded dielectric phase compensator" ], [ "Fisher information and the thermodynamics of scale-invariant systems", "Critical behavior in light nuclear systems: Experimental aspects" ], [ "A local fingerprint for hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity: From methane to peptides.", "Expression in Terms of Molecular Distribution Functions for the Entropy Density in an Infinite System" ], [ "A note on explicit solutions of FitzHugh-Rinzel system", "Asymptotic effects of boundary perturbations in excitable systems" ], [ "Quantum equation of motion for computing molecular excitation energies on a noisy quantum processor", "EOMCC, MRPT, and TDDFT studies of charge transfer processes in mixed-valence compounds: application to the spiro molecule." ], [ "Gravitational coupling and dynamical reduction of the cosmological constant", "TCP, quantum gravity, the cosmological constant and all that..." ], [ "Particle-Set Identification method to study multiplicity fluctuations", "Investigating correlated fluctuations of conserved charges with net-\u039b fluctuations in Pb\u2013Pb collisions at ALICE" ], [ "A common framework for single-molecule localization using sequential structured illumination", "Nanoresolution real-time 3D orbital tracking for studying mitochondrial trafficking in vertebrate axons in vivo" ], [ "Hypermultiplet moduli space and three dimensional gauge theories", "Mirror Symmetry in Three-Dimensional Gauge Theories, Quivers and D-Branes" ], [ "Synthesis of D-mannitol substituted ether-linked bis-1,2,3-triazoles as models of gemini surfactants", "'Click chemistry' synthesis of a library of 1,2,3-triazole-substituted galactose derivatives and their evaluation against Trypanosoma cruzi and its cell surface trans-sialidase." ], [ "Herschel/HIFI observations of spectrally resolved methylidyne signatures toward the high-mass star-forming core NGC 6334I", "A survey of interstellar H I from L-alpha absorption measurements. II" ], [ "Temperature scaling of reverse current generated in proton irradiated silicon bulk", "Temperature dependence of the current generated in Si bulk" ], [ "Search for Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States with AMADEUS", "Partial wave analysis of the reaction p(3.5 GeV) + p \u2192 pK+ \u039b to search for the \"ppK\u2013\" bound state" ], [ "Note on the super-extended Moyal formalism and its BBGKY hierarchy", "Two roads to hydrodynamic effective actions: a comparison" ], [ "High-z Universe Probed via Lensing by QSOs (HULQ). I. Number Estimates of QSO\u2013QSO and QSO\u2013Galaxy Lenses", "How Mergers May Affect the Mass Scaling Relation between Gravitationally Bound Systems" ], [ "Form factors of twist fields in the lattice Dirac theory", "Form-factors in the Baxter\u2013Bazhanov\u2013Stroganov model I: norms and matrix elements" ], [ "A Simple Empirically Motivated Template for the Unresolved Thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect", "The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich angular power spectrum as a probe of cosmological parameters" ], [ "Cluster Temperature Evolution: The Mass-Temperature Relation", "Observational Tests of the Mass-Temperature Relation for Galaxy Clusters" ], [ "Ion and polymer dynamics in polymer electrolytes PPO-LiClO4. II. 2H and 7Li NMR stimulated-echo experiments.", "Slow \u03b2 process in simple organic glass formers studied by one- and two-dimensional 2H nuclear magnetic resonance. I" ], [ "Extending the Thermal Near Field Through Compensation in Hyperbolic Waveguides", "Graphene-assisted near-field radiative heat transfer between corrugated polar materials" ], [ "Growth of delafossite CuAlO2 single crystals in a reactive crucible", "P-type electrical conduction in transparent thin films of CuAlO2" ], [ "Optimizing quantum algorithms on bipotent architectures", "PennyLane: Automatic differentiation of hybrid quantum-classical computations" ], [ "Entropy and Black Holes in the Very Early Universe", "Effective field theory, black holes, and the cosmological constant" ], [ "High\u2010impact charm physics at the turn of the millennium", "We average together results on charged- and neutral-D production by 800GeV proton beams from R" ], [ "Library transfer between distinct Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy systems with shared standards", "Geometrical effects in data collection and processing for calibration-free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy" ], [ "UPPER BOUND ON THE MASS SCALE OF SUPERPARTNERS IN MINIMAL N = 2 SUPERSYMMETRY", "The gauge hierarchy problem, technicolor, supersymmetry, and all that" ], [ "Journal of Physics: Conference Series High-pressure specific heat technique to uncover novel states of quantum matter", "Quantum criticality at the superconductor-insulator transition revealed by specific heat measurements" ], [ "Cometary ions detected by the Cassini spacecraft 6.5 au downstream of Comet 153P/Ikeya-Zhang", "The interstellar hydrogen shadow: Observations of interstellar pickup ions beyond Jupiter" ], [ "Quantum effects in the interaction of low-energy electrons with light.", "Quantum coherent optical phase modulation in an ultrafast transmission electron microscope" ], [ "Evidence for an electrifying violation of cosmic censorship", "Black holes with a single Killing vector field: black resonators" ], [ "Discovery of a Planetary-Mass Brown Dwarf with a Circumstellar Disk", "Infrared Spectra and Spectral Energy Distributions of Late M and L Dwarfs" ], [ "Chaos in two black holes with next-to-leading order spin\u2013spin interactions", "Higher-order-in-spin interaction Hamiltonians for binary black holes from Poincar\u00e9 invariance" ], [ "Effect of the land surface thermal patchiness on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer through a quantification of the dispersive fluxes", "Flux Parameterization over Land Surfaces for Atmospheric Models" ], [ "Magnetic Dot Arrays Modeling via the System of the Radial Basis Function Networks", "Proceedings of the European Conference \" Physics of magnetism 99" ], [ "Renormalizable supersymmetric gauge theory in six dimensions", "Solution of constraints of supergauge theory in the harmonic SU(2)/U(1) superspace" ], [ "On the relation between metallicity and RGB color in HST/ACS data", "Age and Metallicity Distribution of the Galactic Bulge from Extensive Optical and Near-IR Stellar Photometry" ], [ "Violating the bilocal inequality with separable mixed states in the entanglement-swapping network", "Bilocal versus nonbilocal correlations in entanglement-swapping experiments" ], [ "Threshold of terahertz population inversion and negative dynamic conductivity in graphene under pulse photoexcitation", "Theoretical Study of Population Inversion in Graphene under Pulse Excitation" ], [ "Coexistence of metallic edge states and antiferromagnetic ordering in correlated topological insulators", "Interaction effects on topological phase transitions via numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo calculations" ], [ "Sterile neutrino searches with reactor antineutrinos using coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments", "A plastic scintillator array for reactor based anti-neutrino studies" ], [ "Spill ripple mitigation by bunched beam extraction with high frequency synchrotron motion", "IMPROVEMENT OF THE EMITTANCE IN THE RESONANT BEAM EJECTION." ], [ "Direct\u03b6-function approach and renormalization of one-loop stress tensors in curved spacetimes", "Plenty of nothing: Black hole entropy in induced gravity" ], [ "Reconstructing the vacuum functional of Yang-Mills from its large distance behaviour", "Calculation of the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional" ], [ "ASTROMER: A transformer-based embedding for the representation of light curves", "Tensor\ufb02ow. 2022, Positional encoding Transformer model for language understanding" ], [ "Causal games of work extraction with indefinite causal order", "Maximal work extraction from finite quantum systems" ], [ "Generalized structures of ten-dimensional supersymmetric solutions", "Supergravity as generalised geometry I: type II theories" ], [ "Regime Transition between Eddy-driven and Moist-driven Circulation on High Obliquity Planets", "Stable Equatorial Ice Belts at High Obliquity in a Coupled Atmosphere\u2013Ocean Model" ], [ "Generation and transfer of single photons on a photonic crystal chip.", "Generation and manipulation of nonclassical light using photonic crystals. Physica E Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures" ], [ "Effect of applied orthorhombic lattice distortion on the antiferromagnetic phase of CeAuSb2", "Preemptive nematic order, pseudogap, and orbital order in the iron pnictides" ], [ "Sparse aperture masking at the VLT - II. Detection limits for the eight debris disks stars \u03b2 Pic, AU Mic, 49 Cet, \u03b7 Tel, Fomalhaut, g Lup, HD 181327 and HR 8799", "First Scattered Light Images of Debris Disks around HD 53143 and HD 139664" ], [ "Revisiting the local potential approximation of the exact renormalization group equation", "Reparameterization invariance and RG equations: extension of the local potential approximation" ], [ "Telegraph noise in Markovian master equation for electron transport through molecular junctions.", "Noise characteristics of charge tunneling via localized states in metal--molecule--metal junctions." ], [ "Competition Between Singlet and Triplet Superconductivity", "Magnetism and d -wave superconductivity on the half-filled square lattice with frustration" ], [ "Hartree\u2013Fock\u2013Bogoliubov calculation of ground state properties of even\u2013even and odd Mo and Ru isotopes", "Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov description of nuclei near the neutron-drip line" ], [ "Other squashing deformation and N=3 superconformal Chern\u2013Simons gauge theory", "Squashing gravity dual of superconformal Chern\u2013Simons gauge theory" ], [ "Today and Future Neutrino Experiments at Krasnoyarsk Nuclear Reactor", "Eleven-year cycles of the low-latitude large-scale solar magnetic field, its origin and sources in the convection zone" ], [ "Gap Sensitivity Reveals Universal Behaviors in Optimized Photonic Crystal and Disordered Networks.", "Photonic Band Gaps in Experimentally Realizable Periodic Dielectric Structures" ], [ "Scaling of Berry-curvature monopole dominated large linear positive magnetoresistance", "Berry curvature force and Lorentz force comparison in the magnetotransport of Weyl semimetals" ], [ "Candidate theories to explain the anomalous spectroscopic signatures of atomic H in molecular H 2 crystals", "Two-dimensional molecular para-hydrogen and ortho-deuterium at zero temperature" ], [ "Phase transitions and thermal-stress-induced structural changes in a ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.80Ti0.20)O3 single crystal", "Principles and Applications of Ferroelectric and Related Materials" ], [ "The role of gas kinematics in setting metallicity gradients at high redshift", "A Mass-dependent Slope of the Galaxy Size\u2013Mass Relation out to z \u223c 3: Further Evidence for a Direct Relation between Median Galaxy Size and Median Halo Mass" ], [ "Measurement of the ionization response of amorphous selenium with 122 keV \u03b3 rays", "Field-Controlled Photogeneration and Free-Carrier Transport in Amorphous Selenium Films" ], [ "Anderson localization in metamaterials with compositional disorder", "Anderson localization in one-dimensional randomly disordered optical systems that are periodic on average." ], [ "Opening a new window on MR-based Electrical Properties Tomography with deep learning", "Estimation of Breast Tumor Conductivity using Parabolic Phase Fitting" ], [ "Surface dynamic deformation estimates from local seismicity: the Itoiz reservoir, Spain", "Experimental Investigations on Seismic Behavior of Buried Pipelines" ], [ "Phase diagram and entanglement of the Ising model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction", "Staggered field effect on the one-dimensional S = 1/2 antiferromagnet Yb4As3." ], [ "Extremal Static AdS Black Hole/CFT Correspondence in Gauged Supergravities", "Black hole greybody factors and D -brane spectroscopy" ], [ "K Giants in Baade's Window. II. The Abundance Distribution", "As in Figure 2, the 322 individual data points with Tein" ], [ "Fractal analysis of the large-scale stellar mass distribution in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey", "Multifractal analysis of a cold dark matter universe" ], [ "Investigations of sample reactivity worth measurement in a fast neutron reactor with the inverse kinetics method", "Measurement and Analysis of Reactivity Worth of 237Np Sample in Cores of TCA and FCA" ], [ "Cool Spots on the Surface of the Active Giant PZ Mon", "PZ Mon\u2014an RS CVn binary with synchronous rotation and minimum mass ratio" ], [ "An Automated Cluster Finder: The Adaptive Matched Filter", "Large-Scale Structure in the Universe Indicated by Galaxy Clusters" ], [ "Decoherence of a qubit by non-Gaussian noise at an arbitrary working point", "Dynamical suppression of telegraph and 1 \u2215 f noise due to quantum bistable fluctuators" ], [ "On the pseudo-Hermitian nondiagonalizable Hamiltonians", "Neutron interferometry in a rotating frame of reference." ], [ "New results on the effective string corrections to the inter-quark potential", "The partition function of interfaces from the Nambu-Goto effective string theory" ], [ "Estimating Earthquake-Induced Tsunami Height Probabilities without Sampling", "Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis: Multiple Sources and Global Applications" ], [ "Nuclear level densities and \n\u03b3\n-ray strength functions in samarium isotopes", "Low-energy enhancement in the photon strength of 95Mo." ], [ "Surface characterization and surface electronic structure of organic quasi-one-dimensional charge transfer salts", "Structural studies of tetrathiafulvalene\u2013tetracyanoquinodimethane thin films by scanning tunneling microscopy" ], [ "From deep-inelastic structure functions to two-photon dilepton production in proton-proton collisions", "Drell-Yan lepton pair production at the LHC and transverse momentum dependent quark densities of the proton" ], [ "Fiber-coupled EPR-state generation using a single temporally multiplexed squeezed light source", "Demonstrating the viability of universal quantum computation using teleportation and single-qubit operations" ], [ "Perspective of monochromatic gamma-ray line detection with the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility onboard China\u2019s space station", "Observable monochromatic photons from cosmic photino annihilation." ], [ "Superconformal Field Theories, Multiplet Shortening, and the AdS$_5$/SCFT$_4$ Correspondence", "B536 (1998) 199, hep-th/9807080; AdS/CFT Correspondence and Symmetry Breaking" ], [ "Neutrino oscillation physics with a neutrino factory", "thanks the CERN Theory Division for hospitality during the initial stage of this work" ], [ "The baryon mass calculation in the chiral soliton model at finite temperature and density", "Chiral soliton model at finite temperature and density" ], [ "Strength of the naked singularity in critical collapse", "Probing Strong Field Gravity Through Numerical Simulations" ], [ "Linear to quadratic crossover of Cooper-pair dispersion relation", "Proc. of II Int. 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Final Technical Research Report" ], [ "A survey of spatially and temporally resolved radio frequency interference in the FM band at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory", "Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia" ], [ "NNLO corrections to B --> X_u l nu in the shape-function region", "Renormalization-group improved calculation of the $B\\to X_s\\gamma$ branching ratio" ], [ "Metrics for multi-detector template placement in searches for short-duration nonprecessing inspiral gravitational-wave signals", "The F-statistic and its implementation in ComputeFStatistic v2" ], [ "Circumferential gap propagation in an anisotropic elastic bacterial sacculus.", "Dislocation-mediated growth of bacterial cell walls" ], [ "A self-bound matter-wave boson\u2013fermion quantum ball", "Mobile vector soliton in a spin\u2013orbit coupled spin-1 condensate" ], [ "Strong swirl approximation and intensive vortices in the atmosphere", "Tornadooes and tornadic storms. Severe Convective Storms, meteor" ], [ "The BOOMERANG North America Instrument: A Balloon-borne Bolometric Radiometer Optimized for Measurements of Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropies from 0.\u00b03 to 4\u00b0", "Composite infrared bolometers with Si3N4 micromesh absorbers." ], [ "On the algebra of nonlocal symmetries for the 4D Mart\u00ednez Alonso\u2013Shabat equation", "The four-dimensional Mart\u00ednez Alonso-Shabat equation: Differential coverings and recursion operators" ], [ "A heatwave of accretion energy traced by masers in the G358-MM1 high-mass protostar", "total observing times in vx026a and vx026c respectively. with a 2 second accumulation period at the" ], [ "Measurements of the neutral particle spectra on Mars by MSL/RAD from 2015-11-15 to 2016-01-15.", "The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) Investigation" ], [ "Extraction of a second power\u2010law tail of the density distribution in simulated clouds", "ON THE STAR FORMATION EFFICIENCY OF TURBULENT MAGNETIZED CLOUDS" ], [ "The Spatial Distribution and Kinematics of Stellar Populations in E+A Galaxies", "Evidence for Galaxy-Galaxy Interactions as an Active Agent of the ``Butcher-Oemler Effect'' at a Redshift of 0.2" ], [ "Constraining quantum initial conditions before inflation", "Efficient method for solving highly oscillatory ordinary differential equations with applications to physical systems" ], [ "Binding of muonated hydrogen molecules on the occasionof the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 90th anniversary.", "The Correlation Energy of Electron Gas at High Density" ], [ "Effects of heterogeneous opinion interactions in many-agent systems for epidemic dynamics", "Sparse Control of Hegselmann-Krause Models: Black Hole and Declustering" ], [ "On the Coupling of Generalized Proca Fields to Degenerate Scalar-Tensor Theories", "Spontaneous scalarization of charged black holes in the scalar-vector-tensor theory" ], [ "Chiral and trace anomalies in deeply virtual Compton scattering. II. QCD factorization and beyond", "Large Perturbative Corrections to the Drell-Yan Process in QCD" ], [ "The limits of phenomenology: From behaviorism to drug testing and engineering design", "CONSORT 2010 Statement: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials" ], [ "Comparing generator predictions of transverse kinematic imbalance in neutrino-argon scattering", "Neutrino energy reconstruction from one muon and one proton events" ], [ "THE FIRST HARD X-RAY POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY FUNCTIONS OF ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEUS", "THE SWIFT BURST ALERT TELESCOPE DETECTED SEYFERT 1 GALAXIES: X-RAY BROADBAND PROPERTIES AND WARM ABSORBERS" ], [ "Observation of Strongly Heterogeneous Dynamics at the Depinning Transition in a Colloidal Glass.", "Anomalous transport in the crowded world of biological cells" ], [ "GPS: A New TSP Formulation for Its Generalizations Type QUBO", "On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the traveling salesman problem" ], [ "Hyperfine interaction and electron-spin decoherence in graphene and carbon nanotube quantum dots", "Triplet\u2013singlet spin relaxation via nuclei in a double quantum dot" ], [ "Self-avoiding tethered membranes at the tricritical point", "Interaction of crumpled manifolds with Euclidean elements." ], [ "Equivalence of pion loops in equal-time and light-front dynamics", "Study of the isospin symmetry breaking in the light quark sea of the nucleon from the Drell-Yan process" ], [ "Estimating sizes of faint, distant galaxies in the submillimetre regime", "ESTIMATING THE STAR FORMATION RATE AT 1 kpc SCALES IN NEARBY GALAXIES" ], [ "A High-Mass Protobinary System in the Hot Core W3(H2O)", "Excitation of methyl cyanide in the hot core of the Orion" ], [ "Population-based de novo molecule generation, using grammatical evolution", "SMILES, a chemical language and information system. 1. Introduction to methodology and encoding rules" ], [ "Successive injection of opposite magnetic helicity in solar active region NOAA 11928", "What is the spatial distribution of magnetic helicity injected in a solar active region" ], [ "Static magnetic field stimulates growth of maize seeds", "Intrinsically Magnetic Cells: A Review on Their Natural Occurrence and Synthetic Generation" ], [ "Heavy quark expansion for heavy hadron lifetimes: completing the $$ 1/{m}_b^3 $$ corrections", "Exact one-gluon corrections for inclusive weak processes" ], [ "On the geometrical interpretation of scale-invariant models of inflation", "Scale-invariant alternatives to general relativity" ], [ "Surface Magnetism Effects in Time-Distance Helioseismology", "The Solar Oscillations Investigation - Michelson Doppler Imager" ], [ "Ageing in the trap model as a relaxation further away from equilibrium", "Dependence of the fluctuation-dissipation temperature on the choice of observable." ], [ "Manipulation of tripartite-to-bipartite entanglement localization under quantum noises and its application to entanglement distribution", "Dynamics of genuine multipartite entanglement in a quantum spin system" ], [ "Quasi-normal modes of near-extremal black holes in generalized spherically symmetric spacetime and strong cosmic censorship conjecture", "Exact Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes in a family of massive gravity models" ], [ "Soliton solutions of noncommutative anti-self-dual Yang\u2013Mills equations", "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u043f\u0440\u0435\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0414\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0443 \u043a \u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u0434\u0443\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u043c \u0443\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f\u043c \u042f\u043d\u0433\u0430 - \u041c\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0441\u0430@@@Applications of Darboux transformations to the self-dual Yang - Mills equations" ], [ "Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: Military effectiveness and collateral effects", "Shock compressibility of condensed materials in strong shock waves generated by underground nuclear explosions" ], [ "A Faint Halo Star Cluster Discovered in the Blanco Imaging of the Southern Sky Survey", "Placing the Fornax and Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Globular Clusters in the Horizontal-Branch Type versus Metallicity Diagram" ], [ "Detailed study of N,N'-(diisopropylphenyl)- terrylene-3,4:11,12-bis(dicarboximide) as electron acceptor for solar cells application", "Efficient Polythiophene/Polyfluorene Copolymer Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Devices: Device Physics and Annealing Effects" ], [ "Universality of the topological string at large\u00a0radius and NS-brane resurgence", "Anharmonic Oscillator. II. A Study of Perturbation Theory in Large Order" ], [ "Phosphate Vibrations Probe Electric Fields in Hydrated Biomolecules: Spectroscopy, Dynamics, and Interactions", "Polyelectrolyte Theories and their Applications to DNA" ], [ "New features of quantum discord uncovered by q-entropies", "Comparison of the attempts of quantum discord and quantum entanglement to capture quantum correlations" ], [ "Accurate ab initio predictions of III\u2013V direct-indirect band gap crossovers", "Electronic properties of random alloys: Special quasirandom structures." ], [ "Non-uniform curvature and anisotropic deformation control wrinkling patterns on tori.", "Creases and wrinkles on the surface of a swollen gel" ], [ "The baryon mass calculation in the chiral soliton model at finite temperature and density", "Chiral phase transition within effective models with constituent quarks" ], [ "Forty two years counting spots: Solar observations by D.E. Hadden during 1890\u20131931 revisited", "A indicates availability of daily data and B indicates that only monthly" ], [ "Stationary axisymmetric solutions and their energy contents in\u00a0teleparallel equivalent of Einstein theory", "Rotation intrinsic spin coupling: The Parallelism description" ], [ "Strongly Coupled Single-Quantum-Dot\u2013Cavity System Integrated on a CMOS-Processed Silicon Photonic Chip", "Ultrahigh-Q one-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavities with modulated mode-gap barriers on SiO2 claddings and on air claddings." ], [ "Semiclassical black holes expose forbidden charges and censor divergent densities", "On the Existence of Conformally Coupled Scalar Field Hair for Black Holes in (Anti-)de Sitter Space" ], [ "Fast-cadence High-contrast Imaging with Information Field Theory", "Post-AO High-resolution Imaging Using the Kraken Multi-frame Blind Deconvolution Algorithm" ], [ "Classification of the Orthogonal Separable Webs for the Hamilton-Jacobi and Klein-Gordon Equations on 3-Dimensional Minkowski Space", "On the theory of algebraic invariants of vector spaces of Killing tensors" ], [ "Monopoles, Abelian projection, and gauge invariance", "Topology of the gauge condition and new confinement phases in non-abelian gauge theories" ], [ "BCF anomaly and higher-group structure in the low energy effective theories of mesons", "Center vortex and confinement in Yang-Mills theory and QCD with anomaly-preserving compactifications" ], [ "Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in NaZn13-type La(Fe, Al)13-based compounds", "Magnetic phase diagram of La(Fe0.873Co0.007Al0.12)13 cluster intermetallic compound" ], [ "Parton distribution functions with twisted mass fermions", "Exploring the phase structure of lattice QCD with twisted mass quarks" ], [ "Squark and gaugino hadroproduction and decays in non-minimal flavour violating supersymmetry", "Universal unitarity triangle and physics beyond the standard model" ], [ "Relativistic charge solitons created due to non-linear Landau damping: a candidate for explaining coherent radio emission in pulsars", "Focusing: A mechanism for instability of nonlinear finite difference equations" ], [ "The first detection of the solar U+III association with an antenna prototype for the future lunar observatory", "A twofold mission to the moon: Objectives and payloads" ], [ "Vector models of gravitational Lorentz symmetry breaking", "Gravitational phenomenology in higher-dimensional theories and strings." ], [ "STECKMAP: STEllar Content and Kinematics from high resolution galactic spectra via Maximum A Posteriori", "The distribution of low-mass stars in the Galactic disc" ], [ "Indications of isotropic Lifshitz points in four dimensions", "Covariant Ho\u0159ava-like and mimetic Horndeski gravity: cosmological solutions and perturbations" ], [ "CO observations of water-maser post-asymptotic giant branch stars and detection of a high-velocity outflow in IRAS 15452\u20135459", "Carbon stars with silicate dust in their circumstellar shells" ], [ "Pseudo-magnetic-field and effective spin-orbit interaction for a spin-1/2 particle confined to a curved surface", "Universal Features of Dimensional Reduction Schemes from General Covariance Breaking" ], [ "Dynamics of rotating spin\u2013orbit-coupled Bose\u2013Einstein condensates in a quasicrystalline optical lattice", "Experimental realization of two-dimensional synthetic spin\u2013orbit coupling in ultracold Fermi gases" ], [ "Dynamical system analysis of three fluid cosmological model", "Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos" ], [ "Enhanced third-order and fifth-order Kerr nonlinearities in a cold atomic system via Rydberg-Rydberg interaction.", "Weak-light ultraslow vector solitons via electromagnetically induced transparency" ], [ "Opinion dynamics: Rise and fall of political parties", "but essential features (height and depth) are the same" ], [ "Convenient Peierls phase choice for periodic atomistic systems under magnetic field", "Electronic states in a graphene flake strained by a Gaussian bump" ], [ "Effect of In-Plane Line Defects on Field-Tuned Superconductor-Insulator Transition Behavior in Homogeneous Thin Film(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)", "Universal conductivity of two-dimensional films at the superconductor-insulator transition." ], [ "Topological defects of dipole patchy particles on a spherical surface.", "Interplay between spherical confinement and particle shape on the self-assembly of rounded cubes" ], [ "Superheavy elements: existence, classification and experiment", "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f \u0441\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043c\u0430 \u0445\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u044d\u043b\u0435\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432 \u0432 \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u0435\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0438 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0430\u0442\u043e\u043c\u0430" ], [ "Multilayer coevolution dynamics of the nonlinear voter model", "Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: a colloquium" ], [ "Data-Driven Langevin Modeling of Nonequilibrium Processes.", "Global Langevin model of multidimensional biomolecular dynamics." ], [ "The ratio of CO to total gas mass in high-redshift galaxies", "Aperture synthesis mapping of molecular gas in high-luminosity IRAS galaxies" ], [ "Closed-form solution for the edge vortex of a revolving plate", "Experiments on the Weis-Fogh mechanism of lift generation by insects in hovering flight. Part 1. 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So see the references therein" ], [ "Detection of Buckminsterfullerene emission in the diffuse interstellar medium.", "On observing C 60 + and C 60 2+ in laboratory and space" ], [ "Asymptotic of Grazing Collisions and Particle Approximation for the Kac Equation without Cutoff", "Chapter 2 \u2013 A Review of Mathematical Topics in Collisional Kinetic Theory" ], [ "Quantum construction of a unitary SU(2/1) model of the electro-weak interactions with 2 Higgs doublets", "Exterior gauging of an internal supersymmetry and SU(2/1) quantum asthenodynamics." ], [ "Efficient characterization of blinking quantum emitters from scarce data sets via machine learning", "An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters" ], [ "A network model for multiple selection questions in opinion surveys", "Modularity-maximizing graph communities via mathematical programming" ], [ "Spectrum of the QCD flux tube in 3d SU(2) lattice gauge theory", "Locality and exponential error reduction in numerical lattice gauge theory" ], [ "The role of Ohmic dissipation of internal currents on Hot Jupiter radii", "The amount of radius inflation is strongly dependent on the parameter \u2113 . 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Crystalline Materials" ], [ "Comments on branon dressing and the standard model", "Limits on the brane fluctuations mass and on the brane tension scale from electron-positron colliders" ], [ "Jamming and asymptotic behavior in competitive random parking of bidisperse cars", "Analytic model for a ballistic deposition process." ], [ "Current poisson's ratio values of finite element models are too low to consider soft tissues nearly-incompressible: illustration on the human heel region.", "Large Deformation Isotropic Elasticity\u2014On the Correlation of Theory and Experiment for Incompressible Rubberlike Solids" ], [ "Instantons and no wormholes in $AdS_3\\times S^3 \\times CY_2$", "Instantons in supersymmetric Yang-Mills and D instantons in IIB superstring theory" ], [ "Coherence measures with respect to general quantum measurements", "Notes on modified trace distance measure of coherence" ], [ "Geometrically induced modification of surface plasmons in the optical and telecom regimes.", "Squeezing the Optical Near-Field Zone by Plasmon Coupling of Metallic Nanoparticles" ], [ "Bolometric night sky temperature and subcooling of telescope structures", "Advanced Computational Methods and Experiments in Heat Transfer X" ], [ "Optimal remote restoring of quantum states in communication lines via local magnetic field", "Information transmission and control in a chaotically kicked spin chain" ], [ "STEADY-STATE HADRONIC GAMMA-RAY EMISSION FROM 100-MYR-OLD FERMI BUBBLES", "The Galactic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Spectrum from Cosmic-Ray Proton Interactions" ], [ "pp wave big bangs: Matrix strings and shrinking fuzzy spheres", "A space-time orbifold: A toy model for a cosmological singularity" ], [ "Transversely polarized Drell-Yan measurements at COMPASS", "Study of the sign change of the Sivers function from STAR collaboration W/Z production data" ], [ "Nanoscale Bandgap Tuning across an Inhomogeneous Ferroelectric Interface.", "Enhanced photovoltaic properties in bilayer BiFeO3/Bi-Mn-O thin films" ], [ "Intrinsic non-commutativity of closed string theory", "Projective characters of degree one and the inflation-restriction sequence" ], [ "Energy and system size dependence of strangeness production from SPS to RHIC", "Multistrange baryon production in Au-Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=130 GeV." ], [ "Nanoscale structural alterations in cancer cells to assess anti-cancerous drug effectiveness in cancer treatment using TEM imaging", "Epigenetic silencing of HSulf-1 in ovarian cancer:implications in chemoresistance" ], [ "Allowed region and optimal measurement for information versus disturbance in quantum measurements", "Information, fidelity, and reversibility in photodetection processes" ], [ "Double copy of spontaneously broken Abelian gauge theory", "Roiban, \u201cThe Duality Between Color and Kinematics and its Applications," ], [ "An alternative method for extracting the von Neumann entropy from R\u00e9nyi entropies", "Enhanced corrections near holographic entanglement transitions: a chaotic case study" ], [ "Asymptotic Dynamics of High Dynamic Range Stratified Turbulence.", "Local Anisotropy in Strained Turbulence at High Reynolds Numbers" ], [ "Mixed-valence insulators with neutral Fermi surfaces", "Magnetic susceptibility of mixed-valence rare-earth compounds" ], [ "Aspects of cosmic inflation in expanding Bose\u2013Einstein condensates", "Quantum simulation of cosmic inflation in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates" ], [ "Perturbative four-point functions from the analytic conformal bootstrap", "Conformal bootstrap with slightly broken higher spin symmetry" ], [ "Complete factorization of equations of motion for generalized scalar field theories", "Kinklike structures in models of the Dirac-Born-Infeld type" ], [ "Quasinormal modes of charged scalars around dilaton black holes in 2 + 1 dimensions: Exact frequencies", "Particle emission rates from a black hole. III. Charged leptons from a nonrotating hole" ], [ "Toward Long-Range Entanglement Between Electrically Driven Single-Molecule Magnets.", "Reducing intrinsic loss in superconducting resonators by surface treatment and deep etching of silicon substrates" ], [ "Geometrothermodynamics of black holes with a nonlinear source", "Higher-order corrections to mass-charge relation of extremal black holes" ], [ "Cosmic phase transitions: their applications and experimental signatures", "Can the Baryon Asymmetry Arise From Initial Conditions" ], [ "Stellar rotation as a new observable to test general relativity in the Galactic Center", "Reproducing GW150914: The First Observation of Gravitational Waves From a Binary Black Hole Merger" ], [ "Air-coupled ultrasound using broadband shock waves from piezoelectric spark igniters", "Broadband thermomechanically limited sensing with an optomechanical accelerometer" ], [ "Pore-scale direct numerical simulation of Haines jumps in a porous media model", "On a three-dimensional volume tracking model of droplet impact" ], [ "Increasing the imaging capabilities of multimode fibers by exploiting the properties of highly scattering media.", "Exploiting multimode waveguides for pure fibre-based imaging" ], [ "Superconductivity of underdoped PrFeAs(O,F) investigated via point-contact spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance", "Evidence for two-gap nodeless superconductivity in SmFeAsO1\u2212xFx from point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy" ], [ "Magnetic neutrino scattering on atomic electrons revisited", "New bound on neutrino dipole moments from globular-cluster stars." ], [ "Radiative decays of quarkonium states, momentum operator expansion and nilpotent operators", "The spin-orbit term in radiative transitions of hadrons" ], [ "Boundary multi-trace deformations and OPEs in AdS/CFT correspondence", "Four-point Functions of Lowest Weight CPOs in N=4 SYM_4 in Supergravity Approximation" ], [ "Chaotic, staggered, and polarized dynamics in opinion forming: The contrarian effect.", "Contrarian deterministic effects on opinion dynamics: \u201cthe hung elections scenario\u201d" ], [ "The Cessation of Flickering during Dips in Cygnus X-1", "The Primary orbit and the absorption-lines of HDE-226868 (Cygnus X-1)" ], [ "Femtosecond time synchronization of optical clocks off of a flying quadcopter", "Geopotential measurements with synchronously linked optical lattice clocks" ], [ "Opacity of graphene independent of light frequency and polarization due to the topological charge of the Dirac points", "Topological insulator nanostructures for near-infrared transparent flexible electrodes." ], [ "Oscillatory Modes of a Prominence \u2013 PCTR \u2013 Corona Slab Model", "Oscillations in a solar filament: first observation of long periods in the HeI 584.33 \u00c5 line, modelling and diagnostic" ], [ "Improved Measurements of Molecular Cloud Distances Based on Global Search", "Photo-astrometric distances, extinctions, and astrophysical parameters for Gaia DR2 stars brighter than G = 18" ], [ "Effect of lensing magnification on type Ia supernova cosmology", "SUPERNOVA CONSTRAINTS AND SYSTEMATIC UNCERTAINTIES FROM THE FIRST THREE YEARS OF THE SUPERNOVA LEGACY SURVEY" ], [ "A new approximate mathematical model for global convergence for a coefficient inverse problem with backscattering data", "A posteriori error estimates for the adaptivity technique for the Tikhonov functional and global convergence for a coefficient inverse problem" ], [ "What's that smell? Hydrogen sulphide transport from Bardarbunga to Scandinavia", "Modeling the distribution of the volcanic aerosol cloud from the 1783\u20131784 Laki eruption" ], [ "Angle-dependent magnetoresistance oscillations due to magnetic breakdown orbits", "Enhancement of the Sum and Difference Frequencies in Shubnikov-de Haas Oscillation at Yamaji Angle in the Layered Perovskite Sr2RuO4." ], [ "Replica Treatment of the Calogero-Sutherland Model", "Exact description of spectral correlators by a quantum one-dimensional model with inverse-square interaction." ], [ "A New Numerical Technique to Determine Primary Cosmic Ray Composition in the Ankle Region", "alphaPDE: A new multivariate technique for parameter estimation" ], [ "Explaining the DAMA signal with WIMPless dark matter", "Cosmic-ray antiprotons, positrons, and gamma rays from halo dark matter annihilation" ], [ "Bayesian inference of T Tauri star properties using multi-wavelength survey photometry", "IPHAS and the symbiotic stars. I. Selection method and first discoveries" ], [ "Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions and bimerons at room temperature", "Magnetic vortex as a ground state for micron-scale antiferromagnetic samples" ], [ "Zero Lag Synchronization of Mutually Coupled Lasers in the Presence of Delays", "Synchronization of chaotic systems with coexisting attractors." ], [ "Investigating the inclusive transverse spectra in high-energy \npp\n collisions in the context of geometric scaling framework", "Geometrical Scaling in Inelastic Inclusive Particle Production at the LHC" ], [ "Orbital magnetic moments in pure and doped carbon nanotubes", "Disorder, Pseudospins, and Backscattering in Carbon Nanotubes" ], [ "New Results on Atlas Pixel Opto-link 1. Results on Opto-packs", "The optical electronics team members from The Ohio State University are K The team members from University of Siegen are" ], [ "N-body simulations of DGP and degravitation theories", "Large scale structure formation of the normal branch in the DGP brane world model" ], [ "Lecture notes on operator algebras and their application in physics", "Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics 2: Quantum states and Models in Quantum Statistical Mechanics" ], [ "Lorentzian Wormholes in the Friedman-Robertson-Walker Universe", "Reissner-Nordstrom metric in the Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe" ], [ "Quantum to classical one-way function and its applications in quantum money authentication", "If both the l th and the k th qubits are entangled into the same GHZ state which itself is in B m (1 < m < n )" ], [ "UFIFT-HEP-05-12 Running Non-Gaussianities in DBI Inflation", "Brane/Flux Annihilation and the String Dual of a Non-Supersymmetric Field Theory" ], [ "Distinct aggregation patterns and fluid porous phase in a 2D model for colloids with competitive interactions", "Brownian dynamics leads to two waterlike anomalous regions in a 2D core-softened potential" ], [ "THE ATOMIC-TO-MOLECULAR TRANSITION IN GALAXIES. III. A NEW METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE MOLECULAR CONTENT OF PRIMORDIAL AND DUSTY CLOUDS", "Uncertainties in H2 and HD chemistry and cooling and their role in early structure formation" ], [ "Impact of Galaxy Clusters on the Propagation of Ultrahigh-energy Cosmic Rays", "Linking high-energy cosmic particles by black-hole jets embedded in large-scale structures" ], [ "A study of the ionized gas in Stephan's Quintet from integral field spectroscopy observations \u22c6", "PPAK Wide-field Integral Field Spectroscopy of NGC 628 \u2013 I. The largest spectroscopic mosaic on a single galaxy" ], [ "The K\u00e4hler Quotient Resolution of $${{\\mathbb{C}}^3/ \\Gamma}$$C3/\u0393 Singularities, the McKay Correspondence and $${D = 3\\,\\,\\mathcal{N} = 2}$$D=3N=2 Chern\u2013Simons Gauge Theories", "Dynamical supersymmetry breaking from unoriented D-brane instantons" ], [ "Testing the Interaction between a Substellar Companion and a Debris Disk in the HR 2562 System", "THE ORBIT AND TRANSIT PROSPECTS FOR \u03b2 PICTORIS b CONSTRAINED WITH ONE MILLIARCSECOND ASTROMETRY" ], [ "Negative parity baryons in the 1/N_c expansion : the quark excitation versus the meson-nucleon resonance picture", "Excited $[{\\bf 70, \\ell^+}]$ baryons in large $N_c$ QCD" ], [ "Theory of sub-10-fs generation in Kerr-lens mode-locked solid state lasers with a coherent semiconductor absorber", "Theory of mode locking with a slow saturable absorber" ], [ "A robust, discrete-gradient descent procedure for optimisation with time-dependent PDE and norm constraints", "Adjoint Consistency Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations" ], [ "Deep imaging of Q2112+059: A bright host galaxy but no DLA absorber", "Core properties of elliptical galaxies \u2013 I. A northern hemisphere sample at high resolution" ], [ "Ab initio study of beryllium-decorated fullerenes for hydrogen storage", "Functionalized heterofullerenes for hydrogen storage" ], [ "Generalized scale behavior and renormalization group for data analysis", "Nontrivial Critical Fixed Point for Replica-Symmetry-Breaking Transitions." ], [ "Dimensionality-dependent crossover in motility of polyvalent burnt-bridges ratchets", "Exploring the speed limit of toehold exchange with a cartwheeling DNA acrobat" ], [ "On early brain folding patterns using biomechanical growth modeling", "A computational study of growth-driven folding patterns on shells, with application to the developing brain" ], [ "Space-based infrared near-Earth asteroid survey simulation", "Visual and radiometric photometry of 1580 Betulia. [asteroid infrared observation]" ], [ "Basins of convergence of equilibrium points in the pseudo-Newtonian planar circular restricted three-body problem", "Dynamics of the post-Newtonian circular restricted three-body problem with compact objects" ], [ "On the high T phase transition in the gauged SU(2) Higgs model", "DESY preprint near completion and private communication" ], [ "Weighted projected networks: mapping hypergraphs to networks.", "Exponential random graph models for affiliation networks" ], [ "Bateman Oscillators: Caldirola-Kanai and Null Lagrangians and Gauge Functions", "Ordinary Differential Equations And Their Solutions" ], [ "An analytic model of the stereodynamics of rotationally inelastic molecular collisions.", "The \u2018\u2018Fraunhofer theory\u2019\u2019 of rotational inelastic scattering of He on small molecules" ], [ "The origin of globular cluster systems from cosmological simulations", "Large-scale study of the ngc 1399 globular cluster system in fornax" ], [ "Discovery of extremely lead-rich subdwarfs: does heavy metal signal the formation of subdwarf B stars?", "The helium-rich subdwarf CPD!20 \" 1123: a post-common-envelope binary evolving on to the extended horizontal branch" ], [ "Information capacity formula of quantum optical channels", "Ensemble-dependent bounds for accessible information in quantum mechanics." ], [ "Emission heights of coronal bright points on Fe XII radiance map", "Solar fine scale structures in the corona, transition region, and lower atmosphere" ], [ "Efficient local energy evaluation for multi-Slater wave functions in orbital space quantum Monte Carlo.", "On Achieving High Accuracy in Quantum Chemical Calculations of 3 d Transition Metal-Containing Systems: A Comparison of Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo with Coupled Cluster, Density Functional Theory, and Experiment for Diatomic Molecules." ], [ "Disorder-quenched Kondo effect in mesoscopic electronic systems", "Enhancement of the Kondo temperature of magnetic impurities in metallic point contacts due to the fluctuations of the local density of states." ], [ "Late-Time Observations of the Afterglow and Environment of GRB 030329", "Polarization of the prompt \u03b3-ray emission from the \u03b3-ray burst of 6 December 2002" ], [ "Observations of the post-shock break-out emission of SN 2011dh with XMM-Newton", "STRONG EVOLUTION OF X-RAY ABSORPTION IN THE TYPE IIn SUPERNOVA SN 2010jl" ], [ "Dynamical diffraction theory for wave packet propagation in deformed crystals.", "Noncommutative geometry and non-Abelian Berry phase in the wave-packet dynamics of Bloch electrons" ], [ "3D dualities and supersymmetry enhancement from domain walls", "N\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$$ \\mathcal{N} $$\\end{document} = 1 dualities in 2+1 dimensions" ], [ "UPGRADES OF THE SPS, TRANSFER LINE AND LHC INJECTION PROTECTION DEVICES FOR THE HL-LHC ERA", "Fixed Scraping Concept\" EDMS#1254658 and EDMS#1252467" ], [ "Anomalous Hall viscosity at the Weyl-semimetal\u2013insulator transition", "Reply to \u201cComment on \u2018Topological invariants, instantons, and the chiral anomaly on spaces with torsion\u2019 \u201d" ], [ "Hierarchical star cluster assembly in globally collapsing molecular clouds", "THE SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF YOUNG STELLAR CLUSTERS. II. TOTAL YOUNG STELLAR POPULATIONS" ], [ "LARGE COMPONENT QCD AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF HEAVY QUARK EFFECTIVE FIELD THEORY", "Inclusive decays of bottom hadrons in new formulation of heavy quark effective field theory" ], [ "The self-gravitating gas in the presence of dark energy: Monte Carlo simulations and stability analysis", "The gravo-thermal catastrophe in isothermal spheres and the onset of red-giant structure for stellar systems" ], [ "Precision measurements of the zero temperature dielectric constant and density of liquid $^4$He", "The polarizability volume per mole \u03b1 is related to the molecular polarizability (per mole) p = 4\u03c0\u03b50\u03b1" ], [ "How Do Spitzer IRAC Fluxes Compare to HST CALSPEC?", "Spectral Irradiance Calibration in the Infrared. XV. Absolute Calibration of Standard Stars by Experiments on the Midcourse Space Experiment" ], [ "Quantum anomalous Hall effect in perfectly compensated collinear antiferromagnetic thin films", "Large anomalous Hall effect in a non-collinear antiferromagnet at room temperature" ], [ "Evolution of ferromagnetic order in URhGe alloyed with Ru, Co and Si", "Kondo fluctuations and magnetism in the new equiatomic ternary compounds UIrSi and UIrGe" ], [ "PUSHING THE LIMITS, EPISODE 2: K2 OBSERVATIONS OF EXTRAGALACTIC RR LYRAE STARS IN THE DWARF GALAXY LEO IV", "No signature of ejecta interaction with a stellar companion in three type Ia supernovae" ], [ "Localization via fractional moments for models on with single-site potentials of finite support", "An Approach to Wegner\u2019s Estimate Using\u00a0Subharmonicity" ], [ "Measurement of $F_{2}$ and $R=\\sigma_{L}/\\sigma_{T}$ on Nuclear Targets in the Nucleon Resonance Region", "Extraction of R = sigma_L/sigma_T from CCFR nu_mu\u2013Fe and nub_mu-Fe Differential Cross Section" ], [ "Higher-rank discrete symmetries in the IBM. II Octahedral shapes: Dynamical symmetries", "Interacting boson model of collective nuclear states IV. The O(6) limit" ], [ "Atmospheric optical turbulence at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory: data base and recalibration of the generalized SCIDAR data", "OHP02 gravity wave campaign in relation to optical turbulence" ], [ "Light scattering in a medium with fluctuating gyrotropy: Application to spin-noise spectroscopy", "Measurements of nuclear spin dynamics by spin-noise spectroscopy" ], [ "Quantum phase transition from a spin-liquid state to a spin-glass state in the quasi-one-dimensional spin-1system Sr1\u2212xCaxNi2V2O8", "Glassy ferromagnetism and magnetic phase separation in La1-xSrxCoO3" ], [ "Holographic imaging of antiferromagnetic domains with in-situ magnetic field.", "Magnetic imaging at linearly polarized x-ray sources." ], [ "The response of the corona to different spatial distributions of heat input", "Nonlinear Dynamics of the Parker Scenario for Coronal Heating" ], [ "Investigation of the high-spin rotational properties of the proton emitter $^{113}$Cs using a particle-number conserving method", "Fine Structure in the Decay of the Highly Deformed Proton Emitter E{number_sign}131u" ], [ "Searching for the earliest galaxies in the 21 cm forest", "Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation \u2013 II. Comparison with N-body simulations" ], [ "HD 165054: An Astrometric Calibration Field for High-contrast Imagers in Baade\u2019s Window", "Gemini Planet Imager observational calibrations XI: pipeline improvements and enhanced calibrations after two years on sky" ], [ "Magnetic skyrmion crystal at a topological insulator surface", "Anisotropic behaviours of massless Dirac fermions in graphene under periodic potentials" ], [ "THE BRIGHTEST GAMMA-RAY FLARING BLAZAR IN THE SKY: AGILE AND MULTI-WAVELENGTH OBSERVATIONS OF 3C 454.3 DURING 2010 NOVEMBER", "EARLY FERMI GAMMA-RAY SPACE TELESCOPE OBSERVATIONS OF THE QUASAR 3C 454.3" ], [ "Energy loss of heavy and light quarks in holographic magnetized background", "Calculating the jet-quenching parameter in STU background" ], [ "Femtosecond Drift Photocurrents Generated by an Inversely Designed Plasmonic Antenna.", "Optical rectification and thermal currents in optical tunneling gap antennas" ], [ "Multinucleon transfer in \nNi58+Ni60\n and \nNi60+Ni60\n in a stochastic mean-field approach", "Role of neutron transfer in the enhancement of sub-barrier fusion excitation functions of various systems using an energy-dependent Woods-Saxon potential" ], [ "Embedding human heuristics in machine-learning-enabled probe microscopy", "Lithography for robust and editable atomic-scale silicon devices and memories" ], [ "Notes on superconformal Chern-Simons-Matter theories", "An Index for 4 Dimensional Super Conformal Theories" ], [ "Conservation Laws and Potential Systems of Diffusion-Convection Equations", "Potential Symmetries and Equivalent Conservation Laws" ], [ "Using the J1\u2013J2 quantum spin chain as an adiabatic quantum data bus", "Globally controlled quantum wires for perfect qubit transport, mirroring, and computing." ], [ "One-Way Quantum Key Distribution System Based on Planar Lightwave Circuits", "BB84 Quantum Key Distribution System Based on Silica-Based Planar Lightwave Circuits" ], [ "Quantum state preparation and one qubit logic from third-order nonlinear interactions", "Deterministic Shaping and Reshaping of Single-Photon Temporal Wave Functions." ], [ "Cosmological bounds on the field content of asymptotically safe gravity\u2013matter models", "Asymptotic safety in an interacting system of gravity and scalar matter" ], [ "Dust and molecules in extra-galactic planetary nebulae", "Rb-RICH ASYMPTOTIC GIANT BRANCH STARS IN THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS" ], [ "Thermal and chaotic distributions of plasma in laser driven Coulomb explosions of deuterium clusters", "Observation of neutronless fusion reactions in picosecond laser plasmas." ], [ "Entanglement entropy near Kondo-destruction quantum critical points", "ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Kenneth Evans, M\u00e1rton Kormos, Jeremy McMinis, Doug Natelson, Qimiao Si, and Aditya Shashi for useful discussions" ], [ "Top-quark cross sections and distributions at approximate \nN3LODelta gamma transition in a Lorentz covariant chiral quark approach" ], [ "Yang\u2013Baxterizations, Universal Quantum Gates and Hamiltonians", "Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute and Banff Summer School in Theoretical Physics (Plemum" ], [ "Electron-phonon interaction in tetrahedral semiconductors", "Isotopic effects on the lattice constant in compound semiconductors by perturbation theory: An ab initio calculation." ], [ "Co-orchestration of Multiple Instruments to Uncover Structure-Property Relationships in Combinatorial Libraries", "Exploring the Relationship of Microstructure and Conductivity in Metal Halide Perovskites via Active Learning-Driven Automated Scanning Probe Microscopy." ], [ "Inverse design and additive manufacturing of shape-morphing structures based on functionally graded composites", "Stretch\u2010Activated Reprogrammable Shape\u2010Morphing Composite Elastomers" ], [ "ANALYZING THE FLUX ANOMALIES OF THE LARGE-SEPARATION LENSED QUASAR SDSS J1029+2623", "THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY QUASAR LENS SEARCH. III. CONSTRAINTS ON DARK ENERGY FROM THE THIRD DATA RELEASE QUASAR LENS CATALOG" ], [ "Two-dimensional dipolar Bose gas with the roton-maxon excitation spectrum", "Interatomic collisions in a tightly confined Bose gas" ], [ "Search for supersymmetry in final states with two or three soft leptons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at $\\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV", "A new mass reconstruction technique for resonances decaying to \u03c4\u03c4" ], [ "B and I-band optical micro-variability observations of the BL Lac objects S5 2007+777 and 3C 371", "OPTICAL VARIATION OF THE NUCLEI OF THREE COMPACT GALAXIES TOGETHER WITH NEW PHOTOMETRIC DATA FOR SEYFERT GALAXIES." ], [ "Preparation and characterization of arbitrary states of four-dimensional qudits based on biphotons", "Polarization state of a biphoton: Quantum ternary logic" ], [ "Iterative Retina for High Track Multiplicity in a Barrel-Shaped Tracker and High Magnetic Field", "IPbus: a flexible Ethernet-based control system for xTCA hardware" ], [ "Electronic controllable broadband and robust terahertz surface plasmon-polaritons switch based on hybrid ITO waveguide coupler", "acknowledges funding from Guangxi oversea 100 talent project" ], [ "Neutron imaging based on transfer foil activation and COTS CMOS image sensors", "Particle detection and classification using commercial off the shelf CMOS image sensors" ], [ "Theoretical description of time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy: application to pump-probe experiments.", "Ab initio simulation of photoemission spectroscopy in solids: Plane-wave pseudopotential approach with applications to normal-emission spectra of Cu(001) and Cu(111)" ], [ "The Spectral Content of SDO/AIA 1600 and 1700 \u00c5 Filters from Flare and Plage Observations", "THE RADIATED ENERGY BUDGET OF CHROMOSPHERIC PLASMA IN A MAJOR SOLAR FLARE DEDUCED FROM MULTI-WAVELENGTH OBSERVATIONS" ], [ "Quantification of electron correlation for approximate quantum calculations.", "PySCF: the Python\u2010based simulations of chemistry framework" ], [ "An application of nonlinear supratransmission to the propagation of binary signals in weakly damped, mechanical systems of coupled oscillators", "Dynamics of one-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays" ], [ "Mode interference in quantum joint probabilities for multimode Bose-condensed systems", "Difference in Bose-Einstein condensation of conserved and unconserved particles" ], [ "Using the uncertainty principle to design simple interactions for targeted self-assembly.", "Binary nanocrystal superlattice membranes self-assembled at the liquid\u2013air interface" ], [ "Evidence of the inhomogeneity of the stellar population in the differentially reddened globular cluster NGC 3201", "The globular cluster system of the Galaxy. III: measurements of radial velocity and metallicity for 60 clusters and a compilation of metallicities for 121 clusters" ], [ "Quasi-fixed points and charge and colour breaking in low scale models", "Constraints from Inflation and Reheating on Superpartner Masses" ], [ "Simulations Predicting the Ability of Multi-color Simultaneous Photometry to Distinguish TESS Candidate Exoplanets from False Positives", "MuSCAT2: four-color simultaneous camera for the 1.52-m Telescopio Carlos S\u00e1nchez" ], [ "Causality, unitarity thresholds, anomalous thresholds and infrared singularities from the loop-tree duality at higher orders", "Universal four-dimensional representation of H \u2192 \u03b3\u03b3 at two loops through the Loop-Tree Duality" ], [ "The MIDAS telescope for microwave detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays", "Detection and imaging of atmospheric radio flashes from cosmic ray air showers" ], [ "High\u2010Throughput Screening of Heterogeneous Transition Metal Dual\u2010Atom Catalysts by Synergistic Effect for Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia", "Highly Durable and Selective Fe- and Mo-Based Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts for Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia via Distinct and Synergized NO2\u2013 Pathways" ], [ "Broadening and sharpening of the Drude peak through antiferromagnetic fluctuations", "Functional renormalization group approach to correlated fermion systems" ], [ "The Smallest Mass Ratio Young Star Spectroscopic Binaries", "This preprint was prepared with the AAS L A T E X macros v5" ], [ "Photospheric Polarization Signatures from Long Gamma-Ray Burst Simulations", "Time-resolved and Energy-resolved Polarizations of GRB Prompt Emission" ], [ "Numerical simulations of the emerging plasma blob into a solar coronal hole", "Magnus: A New Resistive MHD Code with Heat Flow Terms" ], [ "Simulating the H2 content of high-redshift galaxies", "A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF UNCERTAINTIES AFFECTING THE STELLAR MASS\u2013HALO MASS RELATION FOR 0 < z < 4" ], [ "The Sub-Millimeter Rotational Spectrum of Ethylene Glycol up to 890 GHz and Application to ALMA Band 10 Spectral Line Data of NGC 6334I.", "The Rotational-Torsional Spectrum of the g'Gg Conformer of Ethylene Glycol: Elucidation of an Unusual Tunneling Path." ], [ "On-shell effective theory for higher-spin dark matter", "Scattering Amplitudes and the Conservative Hamiltonian for Binary Systems at Third Post-Minkowskian Order." ], [ "Chiral valley phonons and flat phonon bands in moir\u00e9 materials", "Intervalley scattering by acoustic phonons in two-dimensional MoS2 revealed by double-resonance Raman spectroscopy" ], [ "Charged bosons made of fermions in a solid state system without Cooper pairing", "Electrostatic interactions between ions near Thomas-Fermi substrates and the surface energy of ionic crystals at imperfect metals." ], [ "Higgs mass and unified gauge coupling in the NMSSM with vector matter", "Singlet-like Higgs bosons at present and future colliders" ], [ "SN 2005bf: A Possible Transition Event between Type Ib/c Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts", "A LOW-DISPERSION SURVEY SPECTROGRAPH (LDSS-2) FOR THE WILLIAM HERSCHEL TELESCOPE" ], [ "Measurement of frequency sweep nonlinearity using atomic absorption spectroscopy", "Free space optical wireless communications using directly modulated two-electrode high brightness tapered laser diode" ], [ "Stimulated emission does not radiate in a pure dipole pattern", "Some basic properties of stimulated and spontaneous emission: A semiclassical approach" ], [ "Avoiding closed timelike curves with a collapsing rotating null dust shell", "Quantum Closed Timelike Curves in General Relativity" ], [ "Geodetic precession and strong gravitational lensing in dynamical Chern\u2013Simons-modified gravity", "LENS-LIKE ACTION OF A STAR BY THE DEVIATION OF LIGHT IN THE GRAVITATIONAL FIELD." ], [ "Bulk material based selective infrared emitter for sub-ambient daytime radiative cooling", "Radiative cooling of solar absorbers using a visibly transparent photonic crystal thermal blackbody" ], [ "Suzaku observations of iron lines and reflection in AGN", "Relativistic O VIII Emission and Ionized Outflow in NGC 4051 Measured with XMM-Newton" ], [ "Ginzburg-Landau Analysis of the Critical Temperature and the Upper Critical Field for Three-Band Superconductors", "Topological solitons in three-band superconductors with broken time reversal symmetry." ], [ "Rotation of the Solar system planets and the origin of the Moon in the context of the tidal downsizing hypothesis", "Clumps in the outer disk by disk instability: Why they are initially gas giants and the legacy of disruption" ], [ "Ornstein\u2013Zernike behavior for Ising models with infinite-range interactions", "A finite-volume version of Aizenman\u2013Higuchi theorem for the 2d Ising model" ], [ "Legacy limits and hints of New Physics at the Tevatron", "Search for the rare decays B 0 s \u2192 + \u2212 and B 0 \u2192 + \u2212" ], [ "Automatic Differentiation for the Direct Minimization Approach to the Hartree-Fock Method.", "On the convergence of SCF algorithms for the Hartree-Fock equations" ], [ "Topological transitions by magnetization rotation in kagome monolayers of ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co-based shandite", "Two-dimensionality of metallic surface conduction in Co3Sn2S2 thin films" ], [ "Enhancing the Open-Circuit Voltage of Perovskite Solar Cells by Embedding Molecular Dipoles within their Hole-Blocking Layer.", "Solvent engineering for high-performance inorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cells." ], [ "Directed flow in Au+Au, Xe+CsI, and Ni+Ni collisions and the nuclear equation of state", "Importance of momentum-dependent interactions for the extraction of the nuclear equation of state from high-energy heavy-ion collisions." ], [ "State-Specific Enrichment of Chiral Conformers with Microwave Spectroscopy.", "Sensitive chiral analysis via microwave three-wave mixing." ], [ "Effect of rate of change of parameter on early warning signals for critical transitions.", "Experimental investigation on preconditioned rate induced tipping in a thermoacoustic system" ], [ "Quantum Statistics and Networks by Asymmetric Preferential Attachment of Nodes-between Bosons and Fermions", "\"Fractional statistics\" in arbitrary dimensions: A generalization of the Pauli principle." ], [ "THE RADIO ACTIVITY\u2013ROTATION RELATION OF ULTRACOOL DWARFS", "SIMULTANEOUS MULTI-WAVELENGTH OBSERVATIONS OF MAGNETIC ACTIVITY IN ULTRACOOL DWARFS. III. 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VI. THE INFLUENCE OF AN INTERMEDIATE-MASS BLACK HOLE" ], [ "The Hawking energy in a perturbed Friedmann-Lema\u00eetre universe", "The Hawking energy on the past lightcone in cosmology" ], [ "The relationship between flux emergence and subsurface toroidal magnetic flux", "The Inverse Scattering Transformation and the Theory of Solitons. By W. ECKHAUS and A. VAN HARTEN. North-Holland, 1981. 222pp. $31.75." ], [ "Measurement of the primordial helium abundance from the intergalactic medium", "HeI absorption lines in high-redshift Lyman limit systems of the QSO HS 1700+6416" ], [ "Natural emergence of clusters and bursts in network evolution", "Stochastic dynamical model of a growing network based on self-exciting point process" ], [ "Rotating helical turbulence. I. Global evolution and spectral behavior", "The joint cascade of energy and helicity in three-dimensional turbulence" ], [ "Optomechanical state reconstruction and nonclassicality verification beyond the resolved-sideband regime", "Continuous sampling of the squeezed-state nonclassicality" ], [ "Magnetotransport of lanthanum doped RuSr2GdCu2O8 \u2013 the role of gadolinium", "Magnetotransport properties of noble metals containing rare-earth impurities. I. 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tidal tensor" ], [ "Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Measurement from Python V", "New Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum Constraints from MSAM1" ], [ "Logical Gaps in the Approximate Solutions of the Social Learning Game and an Exact Solution", "New product launch: herd seeking or herd preventing?" ], [ "Bubble, Critical Zone and the Crash of Royal Ahold", "Predicting financial crashes using discrete scale invariance" ], [ "Knotted solutions for linear and nonlinear theories: electromagnetism and fluid dynamics", "Forty years of Galilean Electromagnetism (1973\u20132013)" ], [ "Special Functions and HHL Quantum Algorithm for Solving Moving Boundary Value Problems Occurring in Electric Contact Phenomena", "Quantum Linear System Algorithm for Dense Matrices." ], [ "How to observe a non-Kerr spacetime using gravitational waves.", "Improved approximate inspirals of test bodies into Kerr black holes" ], [ "The Effect of an Isothermal Atmosphere on the Propagation of Three-dimensional Waves in a Thermally Stratified Accretion Disk", "The excitation of density waves at the Lindblad and corotation resonances by an external potential." ], [ "The Supersymmetric Effective Field Theory of Inflation", "The effective field theory of multifield inflation" ], [ "Metric approach to a $$ \\mathrm{T}\\overline{\\mathrm{T}} $$-like deformation in arbitrary dimensions", "Expectation value of composite field $T{\\bar T}$ in two-dimensional quantum field theory" ], [ "Resonance of Gaussian Electromagnetic Field to the High Frequency Gravitational Waves", "The signal photon flux, background photons and shot noise in electromagnetic response of high-frequency relic gravitational waves" ], [ "Redshift drift in axially symmetric quasispherical Szekeres models", "Some clarifications about Lema\u00eetre-Tolman models of the Universe used to deal with the dark energy problem" ], [ "Spectral Modeling of the High-Energy Emission of the Magnetar 4U 0142+614", "Post\u2010glitch variability in the anomalous X\u2010ray pulsar 1RXS J170849.0\u2013400910" ], [ "Conformal boundary conditions and three-dimensional topological field theory", "Conformal invariance, unitarity, and critical exponents in two dimensions" ], [ "Committed activists and the reshaping of status-quo social consensus", "Encouraging moderation: clues from a simple model of ideological conflict." ], [ "Estimation of the Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature from Atomic C\u2009I and Molecular CO Lines in the Interstellar Medium of Early Galaxies", "Excitation of the C(2p2. 3Pj) fine structure states in collisions with He(1s2 1S0)" ], [ "Large Excess of Heavy Nitrogen in Both Hydrogen Cyanide and Cyanogen from Comet 17P/Holmes", "The Anomalous 14N/15N Ratio in Comets 122P/1995 S1 (de Vico) and 153P/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)" ], [ "Spin dependence of black hole ringdown nonlinearities", "Overview of KAGRA: Detector design and construction history" ], [ "Analysis of Bose-Einstein correlations in e\u207ae\u207b\u2192W\u207aW\u207b events including final state interactions", "Bose-Einstein correlation and two-body final-state interaction of dipion." ], [ "Optimal remote restoring of quantum states in communication lines via local magnetic field", "Partial structural restoring of two-qubit transferred state" ], [ "STRUCTURE AND STABILITY OF MAGNETIC FIELDS IN SOLAR ACTIVE REGION 12192 BASED ON NONLINEAR FORCE-FREE FIELD MODELING", "CRITERIA FOR FLUX ROPE ERUPTION: NON-EQUILIBRIUM VERSUS TORUS INSTABILITY" ], [ "An efficient and robust technique for achieving self consistency in electronic structure calculations", "Total energies of diamond (111) surface reconstructions by a linear combination of atomic orbitals method" ], [ "Closing the cosmological loop with the redshift drift", "TOWARD A DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF THE COSMIC ACCELERATION" ], [ "Widespread partisan gerrymandering mostly cancels nationally, but reduces electoral competition", "Recalibration of Predicted Probabilities Using the \u201cLogit Shift\u201d: Why Does It Work, and When Can It Be Expected to Work Well?" ], [ "Velocity tuning of friction with two trapped atoms", "The physics of atomic\u2010scale friction: Basic considerations and open questions" ], [ "Discrimination of dark matter models in future experiments", "Comparison of LHC and ILC Capabilities for Higgs Boson Coupling Measurements" ], [ "Field-Induced Modulated State in the Ferromagnet PrPtAl.", "Scattering of slow neutrons from long-wavelength magnetic fluctuations in UPt3" ], [ "Are Kaluza-Klein modes enhanced by parametric resonance?", "The stability of internal dimensions are discussed by several authors. For example, see K. Maeda" ], [ "The impact of starbursts on element abundance ratios", "Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron capture elements: Sr" ], [ "Role of Orbitals in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems", "Orbital Ordering in Frustrated Jahn-Teller Systems with 90\u00b0 Exchange" ], [ "The similarity renormalization group for three-body interactions in one dimension", "Improved nuclear matter calculations from chiral low-momentum interactions" ], [ "What can the 2008/10 broadband flare of PKS 1502+106 tell us? Nuclear opacity, magnetic fields, and the location of gamma rays", "Kinetic Luminosity and Composition of Active Galactic Nuclei Jets" ], [ "Discovery of extremely lead-rich subdwarfs: does heavy metal signal the formation of subdwarf B stars?", "Spectroscopic analysis of sdB stars from the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey" ], [ "Effect of curvaton decay on the primordial power spectrum", "A New approach to the evolution of cosmological perturbations on large scales" ], [ "Probability densities and distributions for spiked and general variance Wishart $\\beta$-ensembles", "Recursive construction for a class of radial functions. I. Ordinary space" ], [ "Biological activity in the wake of an island close to a coastal upwelling", "Horizontal dispersion of floatable particles in the vicinity of velocity singularities such as convergences" ], [ "Astrophysical implications of an eternal homogeneous gravitational collapse model with a parametrization of expansion scalar", "The R136 star cluster dissected with Hubble Space Telescope/STIS \u2013 II. Physical properties of the most massive stars in R136" ], [ "Huge local field enhancement in perfect plasmonic absorbers.", "Strongly localized plasmon oscillations in a cluster of two metallic nanospheres" ], [ "Photofragmentation beam splitters for matter-wave interferometry.", "Colloquium: Quantum interference of clusters and molecules" ], [ "Nonlinear parametric model for Granger causality of time series", "Nonlinear interdependencies of EEG signals in human intracranially recorded temporal lobe seizures" ], [ "Impedance spectroscopy of epitaxial multiferroic thin films", "Oxygen vacancy mobility determined from current measurements in thin Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 films" ], [ "Strange behavior of rapidity dependent strangeness enhancement of particles containing and not containing leading quarks", "Baryon stopping and saturation physics in relativistic collisions" ], [ "Hot Electrons Regain Coherence in Semiconducting Nanowires", "Electron-Phonon Scattering in Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes" ], [ "Quantum tunneling from the charged non-rotating BTZ black hole with GUP", "Generalized Uncertainty Principle: Approaches and Applications" ], [ "Tunable critical Casimir forces counteract Casimir\u2013Lifshitz attraction", "Fluctuation-induced casimir forces in granular fluids." ], [ "Hypermultiplet moduli space and three dimensional gauge theories", "TYPE IIB SUPERSTRINGS, BPS MONOPOLES, AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL GAUGE DYNAMICS" ], [ "Dimensionally sharp inequalities for the linear entropy", "Heisenberg-Weyl Observables: Bloch vectors in phase space" ], [ "Field-induced oscillation of magnetization blocking in holmium metallacrown magnet", "Magnetic hysteresis up to 80 kelvin in a dysprosium metallocene single-molecule magnet" ], [ "Continuous first-order orbital order\u2013disorder transition in Nd1\u2212xCaxMnO3", "Neutron-diffraction study of the Jahn\u2013Teller transition in PrMnO3" ], [ "Systematic study of the chiral magnetic effect with the AVFD model at LHC energies", "Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect with the ALICE detector" ], [ "Interactive Leakage Chain Rule for Quantum Min-entropy", "Limits on the ability of quantum states to convey classical messages" ], [ "Cooling Atoms in an Optical Trap by Selective Parametric Excitation", "\u035314\u0354 We have labeled the ordinate axis of Fig. 4 as ''temperature,'' since we are not able to distinguish an equilibration mediated by mixing from a thermalization mediated by collisions" ], [ "The role of commuting operators in quantum superintegrable systems", "Confluent Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials Related to the Rational Quantum Calogero System with Harmonic Confinement" ], [ "De Sitter entropy as holographic entanglement entropy", "Cosmological Event Horizons, Thermodynamics, and Particle Creation" ], [ "Modelling the nebular emission from primeval to present-day star-forming galaxies", "A temperature correction method for expanding atmospheres" ], [ "Fast optical flares from M\u00a0dwarfs detected by a one-second-cadence survey with Tomo-e Gozen", "Identification of Background False Positives from Kepler Data" ], [ "New Results on the Submillimeter Polarization Spectrum of the Orion Molecular Cloud", "Ultraviolet Interstellar Linear Polarization. V. Analysis of the Final Data Set" ], [ "Dynamical behaviors of FRW universe containing a positive/negative potential scalar field in loop quantum cosmology", "Nonsingular ekpyrotic/cyclic model in loop quantum cosmology" ], [ "MID-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY OF CANDIDATE ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI-DOMINATED SUBMILLIMETER GALAXIES", "XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole - II. Spectral analysis" ], [ "Trapping of He clusters by inert-gas impurities in tungsten: First-principles predictions and experimental validation", "Potential-energy functions of diatomic molecules of the noble gases" ], [ "The first detection of the solar U+III association with an antenna prototype for the future lunar observatory", "The Radio Observatory on the Lunar Surface for Solar studies" ], [ "Laboratory experiments of model-based reinforcement learning for adaptive optics control", "Modeling astronomical adaptive optics performance with temporally filtered Wiener reconstruction of slope data." ], [ "Study of the low-order \u0394\u03bd\u2013\u03c1\u00af relation for moderately rotating \u03b4 Scuti stars and its impact on their characterization", "Measuring mean densities of \u03b4 Scuti stars with asteroseismology - Theoretical properties of large separations using TOUCAN" ], [ "Spin-dipole oscillation and relaxation of coherently coupled Bose\u2013Einstein condensates", "Numerical solution of the Gross--Pitaevskii equation for Bose--Einstein condensation" ], [ "Sum-rule constraints on possible diphoton resonances at LHC", "Theoretical interpretation of a spin-two diphoton excess" ], [ "Spin blockade as a probe of Zeeman interactions in hole quantum dots", "See Appendix for the details of the parameters f and F" ], [ "FAST MAGNETIC FIELD AMPLIFICATION IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE: GROWTH OF COLLISIONLESS PLASMA INSTABILITIES IN TURBULENT MEDIA", "Fluctuation dynamo and turbulent induction at low magnetic Prandtl numbers" ], [ "Translational and rotational Brownian displacements of colloidal particles of complex shapes.", "Note: Brownian motion of colloidal particles of arbitrary shape." ], [ "Dimensionally sharp inequalities for the linear entropy", "Inequalities for the ranks of multipartite quantum states" ], [ "Note on the Noether charge and holographic transports", "The Shear Viscosity to Entropy Ratio: A Status Report" ], [ "Differential expansion for antiparallel triple pretzels: the way the factorization is deformed", "Differential hierarchy and additional grading of knot polynomials" ], [ "Spin crossover: the quantum phase transition induced by high pressure", "Geometric phases and quantum phase transitions in open systems." ], [ "Time-reversal symmetry breaking and gapped surface states due to spontaneous emergence of new order in d-wave nanoislands", "Massive Dirac Fermion on the Surface of a Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator" ], [ "Invited Article: 4D Printing as a New Paradigm for Manufacturing with Minimum Energy Consumption", "Minimising Embodied Product Energy to support energy efficient manufacturing" ], [ "Higher-Order QED Corrections to the Hyperfine Splitting in ^{3}He.", "Precise test of quantum electrodynamics and determination of fundamental constants with HD+ ions" ], [ "Molecular dynamics simulation of Ga penetration along grain boundaries in Al: a dislocation climb mechanism.", "Coherency strain energy as a driving force for liquid grooving at grain boundaries" ], [ "Effects of flares on the habitable zones of M dwarfs accessible to\n TESS\n planet detections", "SUPERFLARES ON SOLAR-TYPE STARS OBSERVED WITH KEPLER. I. STATISTICAL PROPERTIES OF SUPERFLARES" ], [ "Friction of Rubber with Surfaces Patterned with Rigid Spherical Asperities", "Measurement of the mechanical properties of thin films mechanically confined within contacts" ], [ "Individual-ion addressing with microwave field gradients.", "The coherence time is defined as the Ramsey interval TR at which the fringe contrast decays by a factor e \u22121" ], [ "Birkhoff normal form for the periodic Toda lattice", "On Nekhoroshev's estimate at an elliptic equilibrium" ], [ "\u201cEvaluations\u201d of Observables Versus Measurements in Quantum Theory", "Quantum Mechanics, Can It Be Consistent with\u00a0Locality?" ], [ "Arcsecond-resolution 12CO mapping of the yellow hypergiants IRC +10420 and AFGL 2343", "HST and infrared images of the circumstellar environment of the cool hypergiant IRC+10420" ], [ "Two-leg t-J ladder: A spin liquid generated by Gutzwiller projection of magnetic bands", "how ever,i s not cruci al ;rem ovi ng ux =4 from each nei ghbori ng pl aquet yi el ds com parabl e tri al w ave functi ons" ], [ "The Polytropic Index of Solar Coronal Plasma in Sunspot Fan Loops and Its Temperature Dependence", "Effect of Transport Coefficients on Excitation of Flare-induced Standing Slow-mode Waves in Coronal Loops" ], [ "Investigation of force-freeness of a solar emerging magnetic field via application of the virial theorem to magnetohydrodynamic simulations", "ANALYSIS OF it YOHKOH SXT CORONAL LOOPS AND CALCULATED FORCE-FREE MAGNETIC FIELD LINES FROM VECTOR MAGNETOGRAMS" ], [ "Quantum tunneling from the charged non-rotating BTZ black hole with GUP", "Spinning charged BTZ black holes and self-dual particle-like solutions" ], [ "Broadband pseudothermal states with tunable spectral coherence generated via nonlinear optics", "Ultrafast optical pulse shaping: A tutorial review" ], [ "Dynamically corrected gates for qubits with always-on Ising couplings: Error model and fault tolerance with the toric code", "in Proceedings of the 37th Annual Symposium on Fundamentals of Computer Science" ], [ "Anisotropic strange stars in Einstein Gauss-Bonnet Gravity with Finch-Skea metric", "Observational evidence for strange matter in compact objects from the x-ray burster 4U 1820-30" ], [ "The Multiphase Nature of the Intracluster Medium of Some Clusters of Galaxies", "Detection of Luminous Intracluster Extreme-Ultraviolet Emission from Abell 1795" ], [ "New axion and hidden photon constraints from a solar data global fit", "Bounds on exotic-particle interactions from SN1987A." ], [ "Self-avoiding walks adsorbed at a surface and subject to a force", "The Detachment of a Polymer Chain from a Weakly Adsorbing Surface Using an AFM Tip" ], [ "Low-Loss Si-Based Dielectrics for High Frequency Components of Superconducting Detectors", "IBAD SINx coating: preparation and tribological properties" ], [ "Semi-infinite jellium: Thermodynamic potential, chemical potential, and surface energy", "Prepr. AN USSR. In-t teor. fiziki (ITF-80-79R, Kiev) (in Russian" ], [ "A statistical-mechanical description of quantum entanglement", "A family of indecomposable positive linear maps based on entangled quantum states" ], [ "Enhanced spin\u2013orbit coupling in dilute fluorinated graphene", "Electronic spin transport and spin precession in single graphene layers at room temperature" ], [ "Study of Charged Compact Stars in Non\u2010minimally Coupled Gravity", "RELATIVISTIC EQUATIONS FOR ADIABATIC, SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE" ], [ "Magnetic Ordering in V-Layers of the Superconducting System of Sr2VFeAsO3", "Transport studies of La1.92Sr0.08Cu1-xMxO4 (M=Ni and Zn) and Nd2-yCeyCuO4 up to about 900 K" ], [ "Cosmic microwave background and inflation in multi-fractional spacetimes", "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration" ], [ "Hybrid Finite Element and Material Point Method to Simulate Granular Column Collapse from Failure Initiation to Runout", "(eds) Geotechnical Design and Practice. Developments in Geotechnical Engineering" ], [ "Spin-lattice relaxation of magnetic centers in molecular crystals at low temperature", "TUNNELING AND MAGNETIC RELAXATION IN MESOSCOPIC MOLECULES" ], [ "Prediction of the dynamic oscillation threshold in a clarinet model with a linearly increasing blowing pressure", "The universal metric properties of nonlinear transformations" ], [ "Effective Hamiltonian for a Half-filled Hubbard Chain with Alternating On-site Interactions", "From Band Insulator to Mott Insulator in One Dimension" ], [ "Application of Wiener-Hopf technique to linear nonhomogeneous integral equations for a new representation of Chandrasekhar's H -function in radiative transfer, its existence and uniqueness", "A discrete-ordinates solution for a non-grey model with complete frequency redistribution" ], [ "Delensing of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization with Machine Learning", "Recovering Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Signals with Machine Learning" ], [ "Instability of the Perturbation Theoretical Chromodynamic Vacuum", "At the Frontier of Particle Physics: Handbook of QCD" ], [ "Influence of Alfven waves on thermal instability in the interstellar medium", "Tiny-Scale Atomic Structure and the Cold Neutral Medium" ], [ "Low temperature electroweak phase transition in the Standard Model with hidden scale invariance", "First combination of Tevatron and LHC measurements of the top-quark mass" ], [ "Level crossings reveal organized coherent structures in a turbulent time series", "The spatial structure of the logarithmic region in very-high-Reynolds-number rough wall turbulent boundary layers" ], [ "Degeneracy between Abelian and Non-Abelian Strings", "Nonabelian superconductors: vortices and confinement in N=2 SQCD" ], [ "The variation of carbon abundance in galaxies and its implications", "A new \u03b1-enhanced super-solar metallicity population" ], [ "MRI lung lobe segmentation in pediatric cystic fibrosis patients using a recurrent neural network trained with publicly accessible CT datasets", "Automated Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Using Multi-dimensional Gated Recurrent Units" ], [ "BINARY CONTAMINATION IN THE SEGUE SAMPLE: EFFECTS ON SSPP DETERMINATIONS OF STELLAR ATMOSPHERIC PARAMETERS", "An Improved Photometric Calibration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging Data" ], [ "A coherent nonlinear optical signal induced by electron correlations.", "Theoretical Studies of Electronically Excited States of Molecular Systems Using Multiconfigurational Perturbation Theory" ], [ "Reduction of Toda Lattice Hierarchy to Generalized KdV Hierarchies and the Two-Matrix Model", ") 333 ; E . 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Quantum Field Theory" ], [ "Multi-dark-state resonances in cold multi-Zeeman-sublevel atoms.", "Electromagnetically induced transparency in ladder-type inhomogeneously broadened media: Theory and experiment." ], [ "Effects of li doping on superconducting properties of citrate-gel prepared Y1\u2013xLixBa2Cu3O7\u2013\u03b4 Compound", "A data-driven statistical model for predicting the critical temperature of a superconductor" ], [ "Approximate symmetries and conservation laws in topological insulators and associated Z-invariants", "Spectral Flow of Monopole Insertion in Topological Insulators" ], [ "Test of cosmic spatial isotropy for polarized electrons using a rotatable torsion balance.", "Structure in the COBE differential microwave radiometer first-year maps" ], [ "Extended $f(R,L_m)$ gravity with generalized scalar field and kinetic term dependences", "The matter Lagrangian and the energy-momentum tensor in modified gravity with nonminimal coupling between matter and geometry" ], [ "Simulating Cosmic Reionization and the Radiation Backgrounds from the Epoch of Reionization", "The morphology of H ii regions during reionization" ], [ "Implications of beam filling patterns on the design of recirculating energy recovery linacs", "CBETA: THE CORNELL/BNL 4-TURN ERL WITH FFAG RETURN ARCS FOR ERHIC PROTOTYPING\u2217" ], [ "Behavioral Communities and the Atomic Structure of Networks", "Evidence of complex contagion of information in social media: An experiment using Twitter bots" ], [ "A Simple and Efficient Joint Measurement Strategy for Estimating Fermionic Observables and Hamiltonians", "Ancilla qubit in row 2 acquires parity of qubit 4, by application of CNOT gate" ], [ "Transverse parton distribution functions at next-to-next-to-leading order: the quark-to-quark case.", "Drell\u2013Yan production at small qT, transverse parton distributions and the collinear anomaly" ], [ "Transport and recombination through weakly coupled localized spin pairs in semiconductors during coherent spin excitation", "Optically detected magnetic resonance (O.D.M.R.) investigations of recombination processes in semiconductors" ], [ "Clifford Gate Optimisation and T Gate Scheduling: Using Queueing Models for Topological Assemblies", "Efficient magic state factories with a catalyzed|CCZ\u27e9to2|T\u27e9transformation" ], [ "Thermalization and isotropization in heavy-ion collisions", "Photon production from an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma" ], [ "A longer XMM\u2013Newton look at I Zwicky 1: physical conditions and variability of the ionized absorbers", "Magnetic confinement of broad-line clouds in active galactic nuclei" ], [ "Universal defects statistics with strong long-range interactions", "Quantum Kibble\u2013Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator" ], [ "Stationary state of a heated granular gas: fate of the usual H-functional", "Thermodynamic theory of structure, stability and fluctuations" ], [ "Charge and spin transport in a metal-semiconductor heterostructure with double Schottky barriers", "Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of iron layers grown on (001)GaAs" ], [ "Osmotically driven shape transformations in axons.", "Pearling in cells: a clue to understanding cell shape." ], [ "Physical component analysis of galaxy cluster weak gravitational lensing data", "Hubble Space Telescope Weak-Lensing Study of the z=0.83 Cluster MS 1054\u201303" ], [ "Edge-Based Compartmental Modelling of an SIR Epidemic on a Dual-Layer Static\u2013Dynamic Multiplex Network with Tunable Clustering", "Epidemics on Networks with Large Initial Conditions or Changing Structure" ], [ "The connected prescription for form factors in twistor space", "Scattering of massless particles: scalars, gluons and gravitons" ], [ "Conditions for Lorentz-invariant superluminal information transfer without signaling", "Born\u2019s rule as signature of a superclassical current algebra" ], [ "An effective Hamiltonian for phase fluctuations on a lattice: An extended XY model", "We will present detailed expressions for Ji (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) in a later publication" ], [ "Proposal and design of 81.25 MHz heavy ion drift tube linacs for BISOL", "Erratum to \u201cPerformance of triple GEM tracking detectors in the COMPASS experiment\u201d [Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 535 (1-2) (2004) 314-318]" ], [ "University of Birmingham Colliding holes in Riemann surfaces and quantum cluster algebras", "Intersection theory on moduli of disks, open KdV and Virasoro" ], [ "Vector-like quarks with non-renormalizable interactions", "Effective description of general extensions of the Standard Model: the complete tree-level dictionary" ], [ "First-principles calculations of magnetization relaxation in pure Fe, Co, and Ni with frozen thermal lattice disorder", "Spin-orbital Gilbert damping in common magnetic metals" ], [ "Strain effect on Goos\u2013H\u00e4nchen shifts and group delay time in gapped graphene barrier", "Phonon softening and crystallographic orientation of strained graphene studied by Raman spectroscopy" ], [ "Imaging and structure analysis of ferroelectric domains, domain walls, and vortices by scanning electron diffraction", "Quantitative characterization of nanometer-scale electric fields via momentum-resolved STEM" ], [ "The Phantom of the New Oscillatory Cosmological Phase", "Stability of stationary, spherical accretion onto a Schwarzschild black hole" ], [ "Intrinsic charm contribution to the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux", "Forward hadron production in high energy pA collisions: From RHIC to LHC" ], [ "A method of immediate detection of objects with a near-zero apparent motion in series of CCD-frames", "Automatic Detection Algorithm for Small Moving Objects" ], [ "A Physical Orbit for the High Proper Motion Binary HD 9939", "Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer Observations of the Double Stars Mizar A and Matar" ], [ "Understanding the Combined Effect of ${k}$ -Space Undersampling and Transient States Excitation in MR Fingerprinting Reconstructions", "A Compressed Sensing Framework for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting" ], [ "Stirring N-body systems - II. Necessary conditions for the dark matter attractor", "On Universal Halos and the Radial Orbit Instability" ], [ "Quantitative characterisation of the layered structure within lithium-ion batteries using ultrasonic resonance", "Micromechanical modeling of elastic properties in polyolefins" ], [ "The High Voltage Feedthroughs for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters", "ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Technical Design Report, CERN/LHCC 96-41" ], [ "Magnetic transition in the $J_\\textrm{eff} = 1/2$ Kagom\\'{e} system Sm$_3$Sb$_3$Zn$_2$O$_{14}$", "FullProf: A Program for Rietveld Refinement and Profile Matching Analysis of Complex Powder Diffraction Pattern (ILL, unpublished)" ], [ "Black holes from CFT: universality of correlators at large c", "Bootstrapping the spectral function: on the uniqueness of Liouville and the universality of BTZ" ], [ "Testing the superposition model in small CORSIKA shower simulations", "THE EXTENSIVE AIR SHOWER EXPERIMENT KASCADE - FIRST RESULTS" ], [ "Beam polarization effects on top-pair production at the ILC", "Logarithmic electroweak corrections to gauge-boson pair production at the LHC" ], [ "External field control of donor electron exchange at theSi\u2215SiO2interface", "Strain effects on silicon donor exchange: Quantum computer architecture considerations" ], [ "Fluctuation Relations for Quantum Markovian Dynamical System", "Note that the Jarzynski relation does not involve the time-reversed dynamics. Thus, the proof of Eq. (13) does not require to assume that L R t * is a Lindbladian" ], [ "Principle of maximum Fisher information from Hardy's axioms applied to statistical systems.", "Quantum Covariance, Quantum Fisher Information, and the Uncertainty Relations" ], [ "Exploring a new definition of the green valley and its implications", "THE NEWFIRM MEDIUM-BAND SURVEY: PHOTOMETRIC CATALOGS, REDSHIFTS, AND THE BIMODAL COLOR DISTRIBUTION OF GALAXIES OUT TO z \u223c 3" ], [ "Extensions of the noncommutative Standard Model and the weak order one condition", "Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives" ], [ "A minimalistic approach to simulate multiple failure mechanisms of metal matrix fiber-reinforced composites by the phase field and cohesive zone models", "Numerical computation of the crack development and SIF in composite materials with XFEM and SFEM" ], [ "Fluctuations in Charged Particle Multiplicities in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions", "Multiplicity fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collisions: statistical model versus experimental data" ], [ "FINITE NUMBER OF KALUZA-KLEIN MODES, ALL WITH ZERO MASSES", "Improved Bounds on Universal Extra Dimensions and Consequences for LKP Dark Matter" ], [ "Coherent control with a short-wavelength free-electron laser", "Microfocusing of the FERMI@Elettra FEL beam with a K\u2013B active optics system: Spot size predictions by application of the WISE code" ], [ "A Subsolar Metallicity on the Ultra-short-period Planet HIP 65Ab", "FastChem: A computer program for efficient complex chemical equilibrium calculations in the neutral/ionized gas phase with applications to stellar and planetary atmospheres" ], [ "Astronomy at school: present situation and future perspectives", "Children's conceptions of the earth as a cosmic body: A cross age study" ], [ "Physics and Astrophysics Opportunities with Supernova Neutrinos", "Neutrino mass hierarchy and three-flavor spectral splits of supernova neutrinos" ], [ "Model-independent determination of the Migdal effect via photoabsorption", "Constraints on Light Dark Matter Particles Interacting with Electrons from DAMIC at SNOLAB." ], [ "Intrinsic charm contribution to the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux", "Rapidity dependence of the average transverse momentum in hadronic collisions" ], [ "Some cosmological models coming from gravitational theories having torsional degrees of freedom", "Conserved charges for gravity with locally anti-de sitter asymptotics" ], [ "SL(3|N) Wigner quantum oscillators: examples of ferromagnetic-like oscillators with noncommutative, square-commutative geometry", "Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" ], [ "Anharmonic contributions in real RF linear quadrupole traps", "Collective effects on equilibria of trapped charged plasmas" ], [ "Optical spectra of a quantum dot in a microcavity in the nonlinear regime", "Exciton-photon strong-coupling regime for a single quantum dot embedded in a microcavity." ], [ "Possible Evidence for the Gluon Condensation Effect in Cosmic Positron and Gamma-Ray Spectra", "First Result from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station: Precision Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5350 GeV" ], [ "A Combinatorial Grassmannian Representation of the Magic Three-Qubit Veldkamp Line", "Hidden variables and the two theorems of John Bell" ], [ "The statistical physics of discovering exogenous and endogenous factors in a chain of events.", "Critical reflexivity in financial markets: a Hawkes process analysis" ], [ "Parametrizations in scalar-tensor theories of gravity and the limit of general relativity", "Scalar-tensor cosmology at the general relativity limit: Jordan versus Einstein frame" ], [ "Theory of Response to Perturbations in Non-Hermitian Systems Using Five-Hilbert-Space Reformulation of Unitary Quantum Mechanics", "The minimally anisotropic metric operator in quasi-Hermitian quantum mechanics" ], [ "Observations of Current Sheet Heating in X-Ray during a Solar Flare", "A Two-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Chromospheric Evaporation in a Solar Flare Based on a Magnetic Reconnection Model" ], [ "Testing quantum gravity effects with latest CMB observations", "* Electronic address: yifucai@physics.mcgill.ca \u2020 Electronic address: yw366@cam.ac.uk" ], [ "Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the six vertex model with upper triangular K-matrices", "Exact solution of XXZ spin chain with unparallel boundary fields" ], [ "Generation of Squeezing in Higher Order Hermite-Gaussian Modes with an Optical Parametric Amplifier", "Measuring entangled qutrits and their use for quantum bit commitment." ], [ "Deep Learning parameterization of subgrid scales in wall-bounded turbulent flows", "Searching for turbulence models by artificial neural network" ], [ "WMAP, Planck, cosmic rays and unconventional cosmologies", "Proceedings of the Moriond Workshop on \u201dDark Matter in Cosmology, Clocks and Tests of Fundamental Laws\u201d, Villars, January 1995, Ed" ], [ "Scanning probe microscopy in an ultra-low vibration closed-cycle cryostat", "Preparation and Characterization of Tungsten Tips Suitable for Molecular Electronics Studies" ], [ "De Finetti representation theorem for infinite-dimensional quantum systems and applications to quantum cryptography.", "this random permutation is only used in the theoretical analysis, but need not be implemented in the actual protocol" ], [ "Frequency-modulated laser beam with highly efficient intensity stabilisation", "Narrow-band correction of the residual amplitude modulation in frequency-modulation spectroscopy" ], [ "One ring to encompass them all: a giant stellar structure that surrounds the Galaxy", "GAIA: Composition, formation and evolution of the Galaxy" ], [ "Precision astrometry, galactic mergers, halo substructure and local dark matter", "Uncovering cold dark matter halo substructure with tidal streams" ], [ "Gluino-driven radiative breaking, Higgs boson mass, muon g-2, and the Higgs diphoton decay in supergravity unification", "PGS 4 : Pretty Good Simulation of high energy collisions \u201d" ], [ "T-DUALITY BETWEEN PERTURBATIVE CHARACTERS OF E8 E8 AND SO(32) HETEROTIC STRINGS COMPACTIFIED ON A CIRCLE", "Algebra Lattice and Strings in Kac-Moody and Virasoro Algebras Advanced Series in Math" ], [ "Frequency-bin entanglement from domain-engineered down-conversion", "Pulsed Energy-Time Entangled Twin-Photon Source for Quantum Communication" ], [ "Observation of spin polarons in a frustrated moir\u00e9 Hubbard system", "Pseudogap metal and magnetization plateau from doping moir\u00e9 Mott insulator" ], [ "Transverse-momentum spectra of strange particles produced in Pb+Pb collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{\\rm NN}}=2.76$ TeV in the chemical non-equilibrium model", "The analysis of particle multiplicities in Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS within hadron gas models" ], [ "DISCOVERY OF AN ULTRACOMPACT GAMMA-RAY MILLISECOND PULSAR BINARY CANDIDATE", "CHANDRA X-RAY OBSERVATIONS OF THE TWO BRIGHTEST UNIDENTIFIED HIGH GALACTIC LATITUDE FERMI-LAT \u03b3-RAY SOURCES" ], [ "STATISTICAL EVIDENCE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF ALFV\u00c9NIC TURBULENCE IN SOLAR CORONAL LOOPS", "Hi-C and AIA observations of transverse magnetohydrodynamic waves in active regions" ], [ "Asymmetric information capacities of reciprocal pairs of quantum channels", "Spin Flips and Quantum Information for Antiparallel Spins" ], [ "Magnetic Dipole Ordering in Resonant Dielectric Metasurfaces", "Frequency selective surface, periodic complementary split ring resonator" ], [ "Correlations, multiplicity distributions, and the ridge in pp and p-Pb collisions", "Observation of long-range, near-side angular correlations in proton-proton collisions at the LHC" ], [ "A low frequency model for the aeroacoustic scattering of cylindrical tube rows in cross-flow", "Methods and techniques for precise and accurate in-duct aero-acoustic measurements : Application to the area expansion" ], [ "CMB distortions from superconducting cosmic strings", "Scaling and small-scale structure in cosmic string networks" ], [ "Charge density wave modulation in superconducting \nBaPbO3/BaBiO3\n superlattices", "Direct observation of competition between superconductivity and charge density wave order in YBa2Cu3O6.67" ], [ "Low-energy Free-electron Rabi oscillation and its applications", "of 35 detailed analysis of free-electron Rabi oscillations will appear soon." ], [ "Aspects of trace anomaly in perturbation theory and beyond", "On the renormalization of operator products: the scalar gluonic case" ], [ "Superconducting stripes induced by ferromagnetic proximity in an oxide heterostructure", "Two-band superconductivity in LaFeAsO0.89F0.11 at very high magnetic fields" ], [ "Spectra of the quantized action variables of the compactified Ruijsenaars-Schneider system", "Poisson-Lie Interpretation of Trigonometric Ruijsenaars Duality" ], [ "Models of Quantum Algorithms in Sets and Relations", "Example 53. The classical relations from Z 3 \u2192 Z 3 are" ], [ "Surveying the Phenomenology of General Gauge Mediation", "Search for Supersymmetry in p (p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV Using the Trilepton Signature for Chargino-Neutralino Production" ], [ "The optically thick homogenous SSC model: Application to radio galaxy NGC 1275", "\u03b3-RAY SPECTRAL EVOLUTION OF NGC 1275 OBSERVED WITH FERMI LARGE AREA TELESCOPE" ], [ "Noise residuals for GW150914 using maximum likelihood and numerical relativity templates", "PyCBC Inference: A Python-based Parameter Estimation Toolkit for Compact Binary Coalescence Signals" ], [ "Topological defects produce exotic mechanics in complex metamaterials", "Artificial \u2018spin ice\u2019 in a geometrically frustrated lattice of nanoscale ferromagnetic islands" ], [ "Modeling the Gaia Color-Magnitude Diagram with Bayesian Neural Flows to Constrain Distance Estimates", "A 3D Dust Map Based on Gaia, Pan-STARRS 1, and 2MASS" ], [ "Effects of moderately fast shellular rotation on adiabatic oscillations", "The First MONS Workshop: Science with a Small Space Telescope" ], [ "The Optical Conductivity for a Spin-Peierls Ground State of $$\\hbox {(TMTTF)}_{2}\\hbox {PF}_{6}$$(TMTTF)2PF6 with Tetramer Formation", "Deconfinement transition and dimensional crossover in the Bechgaard-Fabre salts: Pressure- and temperature-dependent optical investigations" ], [ "Testing the generalized uncertainty principle with macroscopic mechanical oscillators and pendulums", "Gravity wave interferometers as probes of a low-energy effective quantum gravity" ], [ "Magnetic helicity fluxes in interface and flux transport dynamos", "Magnetic Helicity Conservation and Astrophysical Dynamos" ], [ "Faraday Rotation in Global Accretion Disk Simulations: Implications for Sgr A*", "Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal The Spectrum and Variability of Circular Polarization in" ], [ "Phases of information release during black hole evaporation", "Black holes, information, and Hilbert space for quantum gravity" ], [ "A high signal-to-noise HST spectrum towards J1009+0713: precise absorption measurements in the CGM of two galaxies", "Absorption-Line Probes of Gas and Dust in Galactic Superwinds" ], [ "Memresistors and non-memristive zero-crossing hysteresis curves", "Dynamic Systems Model for Filamentary Mem-Resistors" ], [ "Fractal Networks, Braiding Channels, and Voltage Noise in Intermittently Flowing Rivers of Quantized Magnetic Flux", "Our vortices are flux-gradient driven, and thus no artificial uniform force is applied to them. References [3,4] consider uniform force cases" ], [ "Globules and pillars seen in the [CII] 158 \u03bcm line with SOFIA", "2003), which is consistent \u2013 as is the flux information at 3.6 cm \u2013 with an ionizing photon flux of F = 1.8 \u00d7 1045 ph s\u22121, i.e. a B1 ZAMS star according to Panagia" ], [ "Phase Transitions in Biological Systems with Many Components.", "Plasma membranes are poised for activation of raft phase coalescence at physiological temperature" ], [ "Mapping topology to nuclear dilaton-HLS effective field theory for dense baryonic matter", "Chiral-scale effective theory including a dilatonic meson" ], [ "Cooperative Jahn-Teller transition and resonant x-ray scattering in thin film LaMnO 3", "a b)=(a + b) are pl otted as a functi on of tem perature si m ul taneousl y. T he com pl ete coi nci dence ofthese two data sets at al ltem peratures i s further hi ghl i ghted i n the i nset by" ], [ "Micro-macro models for viscoelastic fluids: modelling, mathematics and numerics", "A general two-scale criteria for logarithmic Sobolev inequalities" ], [ "Magnetic interactions, the renormalization group and color superconductivity in high density QCD", "Thermal Field Theory: Collective excitations in a plasma" ], [ "A neural simulation-based inference approach for characterizing the Galactic Center \u03b3-ray excess", "Strong evidence that the galactic bulge is shining in gamma rays" ], [ "Air shower simulations in a hybrid approach using cascade equations", "Cosmic ray air shower characteristics in the framework of the parton-based Gribov-Regge model NEXUS" ], [ "INFERENCE ON ACCRETION FLOW DYNAMICS USING TCAF SOLUTION FROM THE ANALYSIS OF SPECTRAL EVOLUTION OF H 1743-322 DURING THE 2010 OUTBURST", "ON THE EVOLUTION OF ACCRETION RATES IN COMPACT OUTBURST SOURCES" ], [ "Magneto-superconductivity of 100-atm O2-annealed RuSr2Gd1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10\u2212\u03b4", "Crystal structure of the ferromagnetic superconductorRuSr2(Gd1.3Ce0.7)Cu2O10 \u2212 \u03b4by powder neutron diffraction" ], [ "Local densities, distribution functions, and wave-function correlations for spatially resolved shot noise at nanocontacts", "Using Fermi Golden Rule arguments weak coupling contacts sensitive to currents (but not amplitudes) have been treated" ], [ "Exploiting magnetic properties of Fe doping in zirconia", "Computer graphics and graphical user interfaces as tools in simulations of matter at the atomic scale" ], [ "Subdiffusion and weak ergodicity breaking in the presence of a reactive boundary.", "Mechanism of transient adsorption of fibrinogen from plasma to solid surfaces: role of the contact and fibrinolytic systems." ], [ "From the BTZ black hole to JT gravity: geometrizing the island", "Pure de Sitter space and the island moving back in time" ], [ "Modave lectures on Noncommutative Geometry and its applications to physics", "Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives" ], [ "Crystal growth and magnetic anisotropy in the spin-chain ruthenate Na 2 RuO 4", "Mott physics and band topology in materials with strong spin-orbit interaction" ], [ "Surface Photometry of Nearby Field Galaxies: The Data", "A12195+ 7535 : Seyfert I galaxy Mrk 205, classi\u00d0ed as compact elliptical, seen through the spiral disk of foreground galaxy NGC 4319. 120 A12263+ 4331 : Also known as D129" ], [ "Proca stars: Gravitating Bose\u2013Einstein condensates of massive spin 1 particles", "Models of rotating boson stars and geodesics around them: new type of orbits" ], [ "Effective field theory for resonant wino dark matter", "Zero-range effective field theory for resonant wino dark matter. Part III. Annihilation effects" ], [ "Buildup of Abiotic Oxygen and Ozone in Moist Atmospheres of Temperate Terrestrial Exoplanets and Its Impact on the Spectral Fingerprint in Transit Observations", "DISEQUILIBRIUM CARBON, OXYGEN, AND NITROGEN CHEMISTRY IN THE ATMOSPHERES OF HD 189733b AND HD 209458b" ], [ "Non-Born effects in the scattering of electrons in a conducting strip with a low concentration of impurities", "Effects of Configuration Interaction on Intensities and Phase Shifts" ], [ "Stability of particle laden interfaces of drops flowing through a pore", "pH dependence of friction forces between silica surfaces in solutions." ], [ "Metamaterial near-field sensor for deep-subwavelength thickness measurements and sensitive refractometry in the terahertz frequency range", "Planar metamaterial analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency for plasmonic sensing." ], [ "Extra dimensions at the weak scale and deviations from Newtonian gravity", "Hierarchies without symmetries from extra dimensions" ], [ "Relaxation of (2+1)-dimensional classical O(2) symmetric scalar fields", "Evolution of inhomogeneous condensates after phase transitions." ], [ "Effect of physical and chemical pressure on the superconductivity of caged-type quasiskutterudite Lu5Rh6Sn18", "Exotic heavy-fermion state in the filled skutterudite PrFe 4 P 12 uncovered by the de Haas-van Alphen effect" ], [ "Direct numerical computation and its application to the higher-order radiative corrections", "QCDLoop: A comprehensive framework for one-loop scalar integrals" ], [ "arXiv : NNLO versus NLO multi-jet merging for top-pair production including electroweak corrections", "QCD matrix elements + parton showers. The NLO case" ], [ "Realization of the thermal equilibrium in inhomogeneous magnetic systems by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with stochastic noise, and its dynamical aspects", "Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations" ], [ "Environmental screening and ligand-field effects to magnetism in CrI3 monolayer", "Mott localization in the van der Waals crystal \nCrI3\n: A \nGGA+DMFT\n study" ], [ "Coherent optical two-photon resonance tomographic imaging in three dimensions", "Three-dimensional imaging of liquid crystal structures and defects by means of holographic manipulation of colloidal nanowires with faceted sidewalls" ], [ "Compression of a pressurized spherical shell by a spherical or flat probe", "Mechanical forces direct stem cell behaviour in development and regeneration" ], [ "TASI Lectures on Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from Extra Dimensions", "Tasi 2004 lectures: To the fifth dimension and back" ], [ "Experimental Study of the Nematic Transition in Granular Spherocylinder Packings under Tapping", "Modifying self-assembly and species separation in three-dimensional systems of shape-anisotropic particles." ], [ "4D printed shape memory metamaterials with sensing capability derived from the origami concept", "A bio-inspired 3D metamaterials with chirality and anti-chirality topology fabricated by 4D printing" ], [ "Unveiling the cosmological information beyond linear scales: Forecasts for sufficient statistics", "How Many Galaxies Fit in a Halo? Constraints on Galaxy Formation Efficiency from Spatial Clustering" ], [ "Large-scale impurity potential in the quantum Hall effect for the HgTe quantum well with inverted band structure", "Vvedenie v teoriju tselochislennogo kvantovogo effekta Holla" ], [ "In vivo high resolution human retinal imaging with wavefront correctionless full-field OCT", "Enhanced volumetric visualization for real time 4D intraoperative ophthalmic swept-source OCT" ], [ "Dynamical bottomonium-suppression in a realistic AA background", "proceedings of Quark Matter 2015 conference [arXiv:1601.01443 [hep-ph]" ], [ "Symmetry transformations of extremals and higher conserved quantities: Invariant Yang\u2013Mills connections", "Topological obstructions in Lagrangian field theories, with an application to 3D Chern-Simons gauge theory" ], [ "Magnetism and the Invisible Man: The mysteries of coronal cavities", "A RING OF POLARIZED LIGHT: EVIDENCE FOR TWISTED CORONAL MAGNETISM IN CAVITIES" ], [ "Thermodynamic Modelling of Phase Equilibrium in Nanoparticles \u2013 Nematic Liquid Crystals Composites", "Eine einfache molekular-statistische Theorie der nematischen kristallinfl\u00fcssigen Phase. Teil l1." ], [ "Robophysical study of jumping dynamics on granular media", "A personal gaze (or daydream) into a future for mobile robots" ], [ "Asymptotic giant branch stars in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy", "Updated stellar yields from asymptotic giant branch models" ], [ "Magnetic control of superconducting heterostructures using compensated antiferromagnets", "Observation of non-sinusoidal current-phase relation in graphene Josephson junctions" ], [ "On-chip time resolved detection of quantum dot emission using integrated superconducting single photon detectors", "Nanowire superconducting single-photon detectors on GaAs for integrated quantum photonic applications" ], [ "Functional renormalization group flows of \n \n \n \n $$\\mathcal {N}=1$$\n \n \n N\n =\n 1\n \n \n supersymmetric abelian gauge model with one chiral and one vector superfield", "Emergence of Supersymmetric Quantum Electrodynamics." ], [ "3d and 5d Gauge Theory Partition Functions as q-deformed CFT Correlators", "Four-point correlation functions and the operator algebra in 2D conformal invariant theories with central charge C\u22641" ], [ "Deuteron Compton scattering below pion photoproduction threshold", "Deuteron Photodisintegration in the Diagrammatic Approach" ], [ "No Tradeoff between Coherence and Sub-Poissonianity for Heisenberg-Limited Lasers.", "Phase properties of the quantized single-mode electromagnetic field." ], [ "Two-photon MINFLUX with doubled localization precision", "Two-photon laser scanning fluorescence microscopy." ], [ "Candidate Population III stellar complex at z\u00a0=\u00a06.629 in the MUSE Deep Lensed Field", "A-PHOT: a new, versatile code for precision aperture photometry" ], [ "Anisotropic Universe Models with Perfect Fluid and Scalar Field in f(R,T) Gravity", "Nuovo Cimento B 74 ( 1983 ) 182 ; M . S . Berman and F . M . Gomide : Gen . 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The luminosities were calculated assuming a source distance of 3.2 Mpc" ], [ "Wavefront shaping with a tunable metasurface: Creating cold spots and coherent perfect absorption at arbitrary frequencies", "Predicting the statistics of wave transport through chaotic cavities by the Random Coupling Model: a review and recent progress" ], [ "The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey: III. 1.1 mm emission line identifications in Abell 2744, MACSJ 0416.1-2403, MACSJ 1149.5+2223, Abell 370, and Abell S1063", "PRECISE STRONG LENSING MASS MODELING OF FOUR HUBBLE FRONTIER FIELD CLUSTERS AND A SAMPLE OF MAGNIFIED HIGH-REDSHIFT GALAXIES" ], [ "Is non-Gaussianity sufficient to produce long-range volatile correlations?", "Detecting long-range correlations with detrended fluctuation analysis" ], [ "GeV Observations of the Extended Pulsar Wind Nebulae Constrain the Pulsar Interpretations of the Cosmic-Ray Positron Excess", "EVOLUTION OF SHOCKS AND TURBULENCE IN MAJOR CLUSTER MERGERS" ], [ "Periodic parabola solitons for the nonautonomous KP equation.", "New Multiple Soliton-like and Periodic Solutions for (2+1)-Dimensional Canonical Generalized KP Equation with Variable Coefficients" ], [ "Baryon-dark matter coincidence in mirrored unification", "Composite bosonic baryon dark matter on the lattice: SU(4) baryon spectrum and the effective Higgs interaction" ], [ "Temperature-dependent transport measurements with Arduino", "designed and conducted the measurements of the magnetocaloric effect. A. L. and A. P. designed and conducted the measurements of the superconducting resistive transition" ], [ "Comprehensive study of magnetic field evolution in relativistic jets based on 2D simulations", "Particle Acceleration in Shearing Flows: Efficiencies and Limits" ], [ "Verifying the Quantumness of Bipartite Correlations.", "Necessary and sufficient condition for nonzero quantum discord." ], [ "Combined Bulk and Surface Radiation Damage Effects at Very High Fluences in Silicon Detectors: Measurements and TCAD Simulations", "Modeling of radiation damage effects in silicon detectors at high fluences HL-LHC with Sentaurus TCAD" ], [ "TeraHertz Desorption Emission Spectroscopy (THz DES) of space relevant ices", "2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz)" ], [ "Radiation-Driven Outflows in Active Galactic Nuclei", "Active Galactic Nuclei: From the Central Black Hole to the Galactic Environment" ], [ "Essence of Special Relativity, Reduced Dirac Equation and Antigravity", "Letter of Intent: Antimatter Gravity Experiment at Fermilab" ], [ "Leveraging the Super Instruction Architecture to Develop Massively Parallel Computational and Environmental Chemistry Applications", "Skamarock, Klemp, Dudhia, Gill, Barker, Duda, Huang" ], [ "Anomalous emissions of 103mRh biphoton transitions", "Quantum phase transition of the 103mRh spin-density wave" ], [ "On Arnold\u2019s 14 \u2018exceptional\u2019 $ \\mathcal{N} = 2 $ superconformal gauge theories", "The BPS Spectrum of N=2 SU(N) SYM and Parton Branes" ], [ "Photon-tagged correlations in heavy-ion collisions: kinematic requirements and a case study\u2021", "Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus\u2013nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX Collaboration" ], [ "Unbiased (reference-free) phase field imaging for general optical fields including phase discontinuities", "Development of a self-referencing interferometer wavefront sensor" ], [ "Charged and neutral fixed points in the \nO(N)\u2295O(N)\n model with Abelian gauge fields", "Corrections to scaling in the critical theory of deconfined criticality" ], [ "Module for arbitrary controlled rotation in gate-based quantum algorithms", "The bitter truth about gate-based quantum algorithms in the NISQ era" ], [ "Deterministic preparation of supersinglets with collective spin projections", "Generation of macroscopic singlet states in a cold atomic ensemble." ], [ "Interpretable and Explainable Machine Learning for Materials Science and Chemistry", "How machine learning can help select capping layers to suppress perovskite degradation" ], [ "Diffusion Dynamics of Star-Shaped Macromolecules in Dilute Solutions", "Distribution of the shape asymmetry of linear and star-branched random walks" ], [ "Magnetic field, chemical composition and line profile variability of the peculiar eclipsing binary star AR Aur \u22c6", "Magnetic fields and chemical peculiarities of the very young intermediate-mass binary system HD 72106" ], [ "Computational analysis of composition-structure-property-relationships in NZP-type materials for Li-ion batteries", "Structural and Electrochemical Studies of Rhombohedral Na2TiM(PO4)3 and Li1.6Na0.4TiM(PO4)3 (M: Fe, Cr) Phosphates" ], [ "Spiral galaxies with a central plateau in the gas velocity curve along the major axis", "Circumnuclear Dust in Nearby Active and Inactive Galaxies. I. Data" ], [ "Nonlinear interactions of ion acoustic waves explored using fast imaging decompositions", "Characterization and Control of an Ion-Acoustic Plasma Instability Downstream of a Diverging Magnetic Nozzle" ], [ "Low energy binding of composite dark matter with nuclei as a solution for the puzzles of dark matter searches", "Cracking Open the Window for Strongly Interacting Massive Particles as the Halo Dark Matter" ], [ "Onset of ferromagnetism for strongly correlated electrons in one-dimensional chains", "Effective action for strongly correlated electron systems" ], [ "Transverse mass scaling of dilepton radiation off a quark-gluon plasma", "Evidence for the production of thermal muon pairs with masses above 1 GeV/c2 in 158 A\u2009GeV indium-indium collisions" ], [ "Stellar feedback in M83 as observed with MUSE. I. Overview, an unprecedented view of the stellar and gas kinematics and evidence of outflowing gas", "aMaximum distance to the MUSE stellar kinematic centre within the uncertainty on the Pa \u03b2 centre" ], [ "A nonlinear evolution equation for pulsating detonations using Fickett's model with chain branching kinetics", "Influence of Cellular Regularity on the Behaviorof Gaseous Detonations" ], [ "Visualizing the chiral anomaly in Dirac and Weyl semimetals with photoemission spectroscopy", "Topological response in Weyl semimetals and the chiral anomaly" ], [ "Slowing down of spin relaxation in two-dimensional systems by quantum interference effects", "Group theory and its application to physical problems" ], [ "Cosmic voids and the kinetic analysis. III. Hubble tension and structure formation in the late Universe", "Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order" ], [ "Lithologic Controls on Silicate Weathering Regimes of Temperate Planets", "Outer Limits of the Habitable Zones in Terms of Climate Mode and Climate Evolution of Earth-like Planets" ], [ "Bit-Reversible Version of Milne's Fourth-Order Time-Reversible Integrator for Molecular Dynamics", "Finite-precision stationary states at and away from equilibrium" ], [ "High harmonic generation from surface states of solids", "Merge of high harmonic generation from gases and solids and its implications for attosecond science" ], [ "The radiation stability of glycine in solid CO2 \u2013 In situ laboratory measurements with applications to Mars", "An estimate of the contribution of high nergy cosmic-ray protons to the absorbed dose inventory of a cometary nucleus" ], [ "Circular Polarizer Realized by a Single Layer of Planar Chiral Metallic Nanostructure", "Manipulation of Asymmetric Transmission in Planar Chiral Nanostructures by Anisotropic Loss" ], [ "Microstructure, Surface Plasmon, Magneto-Optic Surface Plasmon, and Sensitivity Properties of Magneto-Plasmonic Co/Au Multilayers", "GenX: an extensible X-ray reflectivity refinement program utilizing differential evolution" ], [ "An alternative method for extracting the von Neumann entropy from R\u00e9nyi entropies", "Efficient computation of multidimensional theta functions" ], [ "Universal finite-size scaling around tricriticality between topologically ordered, symmetry-protected topological, and trivial phases", "Universal noninteger \"ground-state degeneracy\" in critical quantum systems." ], [ "The color and binarity of (486958) 2014 MU69 and other long-range New Horizons Kuiper Belt targets", "2011 HM102: DISCOVERY OF A HIGH-INCLINATION L5 NEPTUNE TROJAN IN THE SEARCH FOR A POST-PLUTO NEW HORIZONS TARGET" ], [ "SPATIAL ANISOTROPY OF GALAXY KINEMATICS IN SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY GALAXY CLUSTERS", "**title** Asp Conference Series, Vol. **volume***, **year of Publication** **names of Editors** Properties of Galaxy Dark Matter Halos from Weak Lensing" ], [ "Radiation hard DMAPS pixel sensors in 150 nm CMOS technology for operation at LHC", "A Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for ionizing radiation using a 180 nm HV-SOI process" ], [ "Binary Bargmann symmetry constraints of soliton equations", "A 3 sx 3 matrix spectral problem for AKNS hierarchy and its binary nonlinearization" ], [ "A search for the minimal unified field theory. II.Spinor matter and gravity", "Since R 2 = j a ja, we have R = 0 (and must call this space empty) when the density of probability current in it is a light-like vector" ], [ "The Possibility of Mirror Planet as Planet Nine in the Solar System", "Equation of state of dense matter and the minimum mass of cold neutron stars" ], [ "Enhanced Phase Noise Reduction in Localized Two-Way Optical Frequency Comparison", "Frequency transfer via a two-way optical phase comparison on a multiplexed fiber network." ], [ "Adsorption and depletion of polyelectrolytes from charged surfaces", "Adsorption of semiflexible polyelectrolytes on charged planar surfaces: Charge compensation, charge reversal, and multilayer formation." ], [ "Remarks on Newton\u2019s second law for variable mass systems", "Newton's Laws of Motion and the 17th Century Laws of Impact" ], [ "Paraffin Wax Crystal Coarsening: Effects of Strain and Wax Crystal Shape", "Organic surfaces exposed by self-assembled organothiol monolayers: Preparation, characterization, and application" ], [ "The wave equation on Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetimes", "Late-time behavior of stellar collapse and explosions. I. Linearized perturbations." ], [ "Power-law Spatial Dispersion from Fractional Liouville Equation", "Non-local gyrokinetic model of linear ion-temperature-gradient modes" ], [ "Stability analysis of the martian obliquity during the Noachian era", "The Long-Term Dynamical Behavior of Short-Period Comets" ], [ "Binary spinning black hole Hamiltonian in canonical center-of-mass and rest-frame coordinates through higher post-Newtonian order", "Hamiltonian of two spinning compact bodies with next-to-leading order gravitational spin-orbit coupling" ], [ "Low temperature electroweak phase transition in the Standard Model with hidden scale invariance", "Spontaneous generation of density perturbations in the early Universe" ], [ "A REMARKABLE LONG-TERM LIGHT CURVE AND DEEP, LOW-STATE SPECTROSCOPY: SWIFT AND XMM-NEWTON MONITORING OF THE NLS1 GALAXY Mkn 335", "Readout modes and automated operation of the Swift X-ray Telescope" ], [ "Data Pipeline Development for Grain Boundary Structures Classification", "Initiate the \ufb01rst generation, which consists of a set of points in the search space satisfying the constraints of the problem" ], [ "A mechanical analog of Bohr's atom based on de Broglie's double-solution approach.", "Wavelike statistics from pilot-wave dynamics in a circular corral." ], [ "Interactive Leakage Chain Rule for Quantum Min-entropy", "Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem" ], [ "Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of critical exponents of the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa on a two-dimensional fermion lattice model", "World-line and Determinantal Quantum Monte Carlo Methods for Spins, Phonons and Electrons" ], [ "Simulations of Helical Inflationary Magnetogenesis and Gravitational Waves", "The evolution of primordial magnetic fields since their generation" ], [ "Induced resonance makes light sterile neutrino dark matter cool", "The \u03bdMSM, dark matter and baryon asymmetry of the universe" ], [ "Parameter interplay of CMB temperature, space curvature, and expansion rate", "Using the Baryonic Tully\u2013Fisher Relation to Measure Ho" ], [ "The Property of maximal transcendentality in the N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills", "High Energy Asymptotics of Multi--Colour QCD and Exactly Solvable Lattice Models" ], [ "Dynamical stability analysis of the HD 202206 system and constraints to the planetary orbits", "High order symplectic integrators for perturbed Hamiltonian systems" ], [ "Big Bang Nucleosynthesis constraints on brane cosmologies", "Brane cosmological evolution in a bulk with cosmological constant" ], [ "Quenched millimetre emission from Cygnus X-1 in a soft X-ray state", "Radio emission from conical jets associated with X-ray binaries" ], [ "Power-Law Scaling in Granular Rheology across Flow Geometries.", "Non-locality in Granular Flow: Phenomenology and Modeling Approaches" ], [ "Metal Nanoparticle-Functionalized Three-Dimensional Graphene: a versatile platform towards sensors and energy-related applications", "Nanoporous carbon for electrochemical capacitive energy storage." ], [ "Heterogeneous confinement in laterally coupled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot molecules under lateral electric fields", "Quantum-Dot Spin-State Preparation with Near-Unity Fidelity" ], [ "A Numerical Investigation of the Lengthscale in the Mixing-Length Reduced Order Model of the Turbulent Channel Flow", "Reduced Basis Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction" ], [ "Determining the diffusivity for light quarks from experiment", "Baryon annihilation and regeneration in heavy ion collisions" ], [ "Strong tip-sample coupling in thermal radiation scanning tunneling microscopy", "Highly coherent thermal emission obtained by plasmonic bandgap structures" ], [ "One-dimensional Discrete Anderson Model in a Decaying Random Potential: from A.C. 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A consistent model" ], [ "Conformally compactified Minkowski superspaces revisited", "Green-Schwarz formulation of self-dual superstring." ], [ "Anomalous quadrupole topological insulators in two-dimensional nonsymmorphic sonic crystals", "Observation of a phononic quadrupole topological insulator" ], [ "PRODUCTION AND STUDIES OF PHOTOCATHODES FOR HIGH INTENSITY ELECTRON BEAMS", "Auger and x\u2010ray photoemission spectroscopy study on Cs2Te photocathodes" ], [ "The Jahn-Teller Efect: A Permanent Presence in the Frontiers of Science", "Especially, the sections on spin-phonon coupling and the Jaynes-Cummings model" ], [ "Martensitic transformation in zirconia: Part I. Nanometer scale prediction and measurement of transformation induced relief", "Theoretical Analysis of the Crystallography of the Martensitic Transformation of BCC to 9 R Close-Packed Structure" ], [ "Reciprocity relations and generalized, classic entropic quantifiers that lack trace-form", "Some properties of R\u00e9nyi entropy and R\u00e9nyi entropy rate" ], [ "Very long baseline interferometry radio structure and radio brightening of the high-energy neutrino emitting blazar TXS 0506+056", "Frequency-dependent time delays for strong outbursts in selected blazars from the Metsahovi and UMRAO monitoring data bases - II" ], [ "Engineering telecom single-photon emitters in silicon for scalable quantum photonics.", "Three-Dimensional Proton Beam Writing of Optically Active Coherent Vacancy Spins in Silicon Carbide." ], [ "The Radial Velocity and Mass of the White Dwarf of EX Hydrae Measured with Chandra", "EX Hydrae - Physical parameters derived from simultaneous spectroscopy and photometry" ], [ "Density Functional Theory Analysis that Explains the Volume Expansion in Prelithiated Silicon Nanowires", "Maxwell stress to explain the mechanism for the anisotropic expansion in lithiated silicon nanowires" ], [ "Perturbation approach for computing frequency- and time-resolved photon correlation functions", "Using coherence to enhance function in chemical and biophysical systems" ], [ "Various Hamiltonian formulations of f (R) gravity and their canonical relationships", "Quantization of Higher Derivative Theories of Gravity" ], [ "Searching for topological Fermi arcs via quasiparticle interference on a type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2", "Prediction of Weyl semimetal in orthorhombicMoTe2" ], [ "Magnetic and electric phase control in epitaxial EuTiO(3) from first principles.", "Then \u01eb0 = m \u2126 2 p,m /\u03c9 2 m where the individual terms are the contribution from each ir-active phonon. \u2126p,m and \u03c9m are the effective plasma frequency and ir phonon frequency for mode m, respectively" ], [ "High-energy Neutrino Emission Associated with GWs from Binary Black Hole Mergers in AGN Accretion Disks", "A Light in the Dark: Searching for Electromagnetic Counterparts to Black Hole\u2013Black Hole Mergers in LIGO/Virgo O3 with the Zwicky Transient Facility" ], [ "Conceptual design of hollow electron lenses for beam halo control in the Large Hadron Collider", "A high perveance electron gun for the electron cooling" ], [ "Was the Cosmic Web of Protogalactic Material Permeated by Lobes of Radio Galaxies During the Quasar Era?", "The radio luminosity function from the low-frequency 3CRR, 6CE and 7CRS complete samples" ], [ "Circuit complexity for Carrollian Conformal (BMS) field theories", "Circuit complexity for fermionic thermofield double states" ], [ "Wilson Surfaces and Higher Dimensional Knot Invariants", "Topological Field Theory Interpretation of String Topology" ], [ "Extended transition rates and lifetimes in Al I and Al II from systematic multiconfiguration calculations", "Series perturbations in atomic spectra: Superposition-of-configurations calculations on Al I and Al II" ], [ "Time-dependent models for dark matter at the galactic center", "Developing software for time-dependent problems using the method of lines and differential-algebraic integrators" ], [ "Blazar Variability from Turbulence in Jets Launched by Magnetically Arrested Accretion Flows", "X-RAY EMISSION FROM TRANSIENT JET MODEL IN BLACK HOLE BINARIES" ], [ "Linear magnetoresistance induced by intra-scattering semiclassics of Bloch electrons", "Quantum transport in topological semimetals under magnetic fields" ], [ "Thermal expansion and polyamorphism of N2 \u2013 C60 solutions", "Intercalation of C60 fullerite with helium and argon at normal temperature and pressure" ], [ "Two-spinon and orbital excitations of the spin-Peierls system TiOCl.", "Magnetic excitations and phase separation in the underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 superconductor measured by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering." ], [ "Non Gaussianities from quantum decoherence during inflation", "Quantum decoherence from entanglement during inflation" ], [ "Simulation of Quantum Adiabatic Search in the Presence of Noise", "Adiabatic quantum search algorithm for structured problems" ], [ "Inflation in entropic cosmology: Primordial perturbations and non-Gaussianities", "Quantum UV/IR relations and holographic dark energy from entropic force" ], [ "Interplay of hidden orbital order and superconductivity in CeCoIn5", "Orbital-selective superconductivity in the nematic phase of FeSe" ], [ "Effect of pseudo-cubic (111)-oriented orthorhombic substrate facets on perovskite oxide thin film synthesis.", "Uniaxial N\u00e9el vector control in perovskite oxide thin films by anisotropic strain engineering" ], [ "A comparison of supersymmetry breaking and mediation mechanisms", "Non-Thermal Dark Matter and the Moduli Problem in String Frameworks" ], [ "Demonstration of fold and cusp catastrophes in an atomic cloud reflected from an optical barrier in the presence of gravity.", "On Singularities of Mappings of Euclidean Spaces. I. Mappings of the Plane Into the Plane" ], [ "A thermodynamic treatment of partially saturated soils revealing the structure of effective stress", "Effective stress concept in unsaturated soils: Clarification and validation of a unified framework" ], [ "X-ray and optical variability of Seyfert 1 galaxies as observed with XMM\u2013Newton", "Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Arakelian 564. III. Optical Observations and the Optical-UV-X-Ray Connection" ], [ "Bruggeman formalism versus \u201cBruggeman formalism\u201d: particulate composite materials comprising oriented ellipsoidal particles", "Combinations of low/high permittivity and/or permeability substrates for highly directive planar metamaterial antennas" ], [ "Numerical simulations of impacts involving porous bodies: I. Implementing sub-resolution porosity in a 3D SPH hydrocode", "A strain-based porosity model for use in hydrocode simulations of impacts and implications for transient crater growth in porous targets" ], [ "Dynamics and topology of a flexible chain: knots in steady shear flow", "Numerical Evaluation of Single Fiber Motion for Short-Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials Processing" ], [ "New Limits on a Cosmological Constant from Statistics of Gravitational Lensing", "Analysis of a complete galaxy redshift survey \u2013 II. The field-galaxy luminosity function" ], [ "Do Quantum Systems Break The Equivalence Principle", "From the Current Literature: does AN Electron Fall in a Metallic Pipe?" ], [ "Matter coupling to degenerate spacetimes in first order gravity", "COMMENTS, REPLIES AND NOTES: Comment on 'A note on first-order formalism and odd-derivative actions' by S Deser" ], [ "Plasmonic and Photonic Enhancement of Chiral Near\u2010Fields", "Leveraging Superchiral Light for Manipulation of Optical Chirality in the Near-Field of Plasmonic Metamaterials" ], [ "Isospectral scattering for relativistic equivalent Hamiltonians on a coarse momentum grid", "Nuclear saturation and the smoothness of nucleon-nucleon potentials" ], [ "Boundary non-local charges from the open spin chain", "Relations between the \u2018percolation\u2019 and \u2018colouring\u2019 problem and other graph-theoretical problems associated with regular planar lattices: some exact results for the \u2018percolation\u2019 problem" ], [ "Evolution of a magnetic field in a differentially rotating radiative zone", "The non-uniform rotation of the Sun and its magnetic field" ], [ "Influence of a Critical Point on Hydrodynamic Fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions", "Equation of State and Phase Fluctuations near the Chiral Critical Point" ], [ "Microwave spectroscopy of spinful Andreev bound states in ballistic semiconductor Josephson junctions", "Manipulation with Andreev states in spin active mesoscopic Josephson junctions" ], [ "Interplay between multiple scattering, emission, and absorption of light in the phosphor of a white light-emitting diode.", "Influence of boundary reflection and refraction on diffusive photon transport." ], [ "Noncompact sl(N) Spin Chains: BGG-Resolution, Q-Operators and Alternating Sum Representation for Finite-Dimensional Transfer Matrices", "R-Matrix and Baxter Q-Operators for the Noncompact SL(N,C) Invariant Spin Chain" ], [ "Nonlinearity from quantum mechanics: Dynamically unstable Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well trap", "Atom interferometry with a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate." ], [ "Cell division and death inhibit glassy behaviour of confluent tissues.", "Glassy dynamics of athermal self-propelled particles: Computer simulations and a nonequilibrium microscopic theory." ], [ "PRIMORDIAL NUCLEOSYNTHESIS WITH MASSIVE TAU NEUTRINOS", "This article was processed by the author using a modified version of the Springer-Verlag L A T E X A&A style file L-AA version 3" ], [ "XMM-Newton observation of the eclipsing binary Algol", "TO APPEAR IN APJ,???,??? Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 14/09/00 EVIDENCE FOR SUPERHUMPS IN THE RADIO LIGHT CURVE OF ALGOL AND A NEW MODEL FOR MAGNETIC ACTIVITY IN ALGOL SYSTEMS" ], [ "First-principle calculation of solar cell efficiency under incoherent illumination.", "Optical generation rate of electron-hole pairs in multilayer thin-film photovoltaic cells" ], [ "Binary Pulsar Tests of General Relativity in the Presence of Low-Frequency Noise", "Frame Dragging and Other Precessional Effects in Black Hole Pulsar Binaries" ], [ "Parametrization of Bose\u2013Einstein correlations and reconstruction of the space\u2013time evolution of pion production in e+e\u2212 annihilation", "Bose-Einstein correlations for L\u00e9vy stable source distributions" ], [ "On the joint distribution of the maximum and its position of the Airy2 process minus a parabola", "Exact solution for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with flat initial conditions." ], [ "The classical cosmological constant of open-closed string field theory", "Euclidean D-branes in type IIB string theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds" ], [ "WALOP-South: a four-camera one-shot imaging polarimeter for PASIPHAE survey. Paper I\u2014optical design", "Beam splitting action of the Left and Right Half of the Wollaston Prism Assembly (WPA) as seen from Y-Z plane. The right WP is rotated by 180 \u25e6 with respect to the left Wollaston Prism" ], [ "Exposure of subtle multipartite quantum nonlocality", "Quantum steering: a review with focus on semidefinite programming" ], [ "New ways in testing post-Newtonian gravity in the Solar System scenario from planetary motion analysis", "General Relativity and Gravitation, 1989: Solar system tests of general relativity: recent results and present plans" ], [ "The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) - A support vector machine classification of galaxies, stars, and AGNs", "SVMs Modeling for Highly Imbalanced Classification" ], [ "Measurement of heavy-hole spin dephasing in (InGa)As quantum dots", "Note that \u00b5BB \u226a kBT . Thereby, magnetic field induced hole spin polarization is negligible small" ], [ "Self-adjoint approximations of the degenerate Schr\u00f6dinger operator", "On a unified theory of boundary value problems for elliptic-parabolic equations of second order// Boundary problems in differential equations" ], [ "Exploiting N=2 in consistent coset reductions of type IIA", "Towards reduction of type II theories on SU(3) structure manifolds" ], [ "Mapping out-of-equilibrium into equilibrium in one-dimensional transport models", "A Lagrangian version of Halperin-Hohenberg-Ma models for the dynamics of critical phenomena" ], [ "Precursor Wave Amplification by Ion\u2013Electron Coupling through Wakefield in Relativistic Shocks", "Interaction of the electromagnetic precursor from a relativistic shock with the upstream flow - I. Synchrotron absorption of strong electromagnetic waves" ], [ "Studying many-body localization in exchange-coupled electron spin qubits using spin-spin correlations", "Dynamics and transport at the threshold of many-body localization" ], [ "The tensile strength of compressed dust samples and the catastrophic disruption threshold of pre-planetary matter", "The tensile strength of dust aggregates consisting of small elastic grains: constraints on the size of condensates in protoplanetary discs" ], [ "Displacement-noise-free gravitational-wave detection.", "At these lower frequencies, our scheme still evades the displacement noise, but our signal strength can be much lower than more conventional schemes" ], [ "Detecting single-electron tunneling involving virtual processes in real time", "Transport through a double quantum dot in the sequential tunneling and cotunneling regimes" ], [ "Separation of variables in Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a charged test particle in the Stackel spaces of type (2.0)", "Separability and Killing tensors in Kerr\u2013Taub-NUT\u2013de Sitter metrics in higher dimensions" ], [ "Linking Common Multispectral Vegetation Indices to Hyperspectral Mixture Models: Results from 5 nm, 3 m Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy in a Diverse Agricultural Landscape", "Significant Remote Sensing Vegetation Indices: A Review of Developments and Applications" ], [ "The cooling phase of Type I X-ray bursts in 4U 1636-53", "UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) X-ray bursts at extreme mass accretion rates from GX 17 + 2" ], [ "Spatial Variations of Jovian Tropospheric Ammonia via Ground-Based Imaging", "The composition of the Jovian atmosphere as determined by the Galileo probe mass spectrometer." ], [ "Phase Separation and Anomalous Volume Expansion in Frozen Microscale Eutectic Indium-Gallium upon Remelting", "Quantitative binomial distribution analyses of nanoscale like\u2010solute atom clustering and segregation in atom probe tomography data" ], [ "Nonlinear Bogolyubov-Valatin transformations: Two modes", "Time Dependent Hartree\u2013Bogoliubov Equation on the Coset Space SO(2N + 2)/U(N + 1) and Quasi Anti-Commutation Relation Approximation" ], [ "A Versatile Framework for Simulating the Dynamic Mechanical Structure of Cytoskeletal Networks.", "F-actin buckling coordinates contractility and severing in a biomimetic actomyosin cortex" ], [ "Participation Ratio for Constraint-Driven Condensation with Superextensive Mass", "Condensation in the Zero Range Process: Stationary and Dynamical Properties" ], [ "Evidence of Electron-Hole Imbalance in WTe2 from High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy", "Surface Fermi arc connectivity in the type-II Weyl semimetal candidate WTe 2" ], [ "X-RAY EMISSIVITY OF OLD STELLAR POPULATIONS: A LOCAL GROUP CENSUS", "Inverse dynamical population synthesis and star formation" ], [ "Linear cross-entropy benchmarking with Clifford circuits", "Approximate Unitary t-Designs by Short Random Quantum Circuits Using Nearest-Neighbor and Long-Range Gates" ], [ "Global stability and H theorem in lattice models with nonconservative interactions.", "Note that the density of the model is \ufb01xed, there is no mass transport in the system" ], [ "HIGH-RESOLUTION MID-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY OF NGC 7538 IRS 1: PROBING CHEMISTRY IN A MASSIVE YOUNG STELLAR OBJECT", "The Physical and Chemical Structure of Hot Molecular Cores" ], [ "No-Broadcasting Theorem for Quantum Asymmetry and Coherence and a Trade-off Relation for Approximate Broadcasting.", "Observable measure of quantum coherence in finite dimensional systems." ], [ "Noncommutative differential geometry and connections on simplicial manifolds", "Noncommutative differential calculus and lattice gauge theory" ], [ "Relaxation of atomic polarization in para+n-coated alkali-metal vapor cells", "Atomic physics: An exploration through problems and solutions" ], [ "Implications for the structure of the relativistic jet from multiwavelength observations of NGC 6251", "Radiation from the Relativistic Jet: A Role of the Shear Boundary Layer" ], [ "YANG-LEE ZEROS OF THE Q-STATE POTTS MODEL IN THE COMPLEX MAGNETIC FIELD PLANE", "Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics: An Introduction" ], [ "On the stability of unstable states, bifurcation, chaos of nonlinear dynamic systems", "Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations" ], [ "Separation of anomalous and synchrotron emissions using WMAP polarization data", "Observation of Turbulent Fluctuations in the Interstellar Plasma Density and Magnetic Field on Spatial Scales of 0.01 to 100 Parsecs" ], [ "Multipartite information flow for multiple Maxwell demons", "Thermodynamic Costs of Information Processing in Sensory Adaptation" ], [ "The orbifolds of N=\"2\" superconformal theories with c=3", "Modular invariance and discrete torsion on orbifolds" ], [ "The coincidence problem and interacting holographic dark energy", "New Hubble Space Telescope Discoveries of Type Ia Supernovae at z \u2265 1: Narrowing Constraints on the Early Behavior of Dark Energy" ], [ "Emergence of chaotic cluster synchronization in heterogeneous networks.", "Exponentially Long Transient Time to Synchronization of Coupled Chaotic Circle Maps in Dense Random Networks" ], [ "Floquet topological phase transitions induced by uncorrelated or correlated disorder", "Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions" ], [ "Improving visibility in photoacoustic imaging using dynamic speckle illumination.", "Dynamic speckle illumination microscopy with translated versus randomized speckle patterns." ], [ "Importance of the completeness of the configuration interaction and close coupling expansions in R-matrix calculations for highly charged ions: electron-impact excitation of Fe20+", "A Complete Set of Radiative and Auger Rates for K-vacancy States in Fe XVIII-Fe XXV" ], [ "SiO excitation from dense shocks in the earliest stages of massive star formation", "Resolving the Kinematic Distance Ambiguity toward Galactic H II Regions" ], [ "Characterization of a Maximum Likelihood Gamma-Ray Reconstruction Algorithm for VERITAS", "A new analysis method for very high definition Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes as applied to the CAT telescope" ], [ "DDF construction and D-brane boundary states in pure spinor formalism", "Massive Superstring Vertex Operator in D = 10 Superspace" ], [ "An alternative parametrization for the theory of complex spectra", "How to obtain each contribution of the AOM from a particular crystal field potential" ], [ "Floquet topological phase transitions induced by uncorrelated or correlated disorder", "Observation of the topological Anderson insulator in disordered atomic wires" ], [ "The Aharonov\u2013Casher effect for spin-1 particles in non-commutative quantum mechanics", "Aharonov\u2013Casher effect for spin-1 particles in a non-commutative space" ], [ "Noise-induced desynchronization and stochastic escape from equilibrium in complex networks.", "Propagation of wind-power-induced fluctuations in power grids." ], [ "Direct photon yield in pp and in Pb\u2013Pb collisions measured with the ALICE experiment", "Recent critical study of photon production in hadronic collisions" ], [ "Comment on: Gain-assisted superluminal light propagation\nthrough a Bose-Einstein condensate cavity system", "Causal \u201call-pass\u201d filters and Kramers\u2013Kronig relations" ], [ "Infinite $\\mathrm{T\\bar T}$-like symmetries of compactified LST", "\u201cInfinite pseudo-conformal symmetries of classical T \u00af T , J \u00af T and JT a - deformed CFTs,\u201d" ], [ "Dynamics of nearly spherical vesicles in an external flow.", "Polymer dynamics in chaotic flows with a strong shear component" ], [ "Surface reflection of bottom generated oceanic lee waves", "Deep\u2010water seamount wakes on SEASAT SAR image in the Gulf Stream region" ], [ "Algebraic Form of Malliavin Calculus: Creation-Annihilation Operators, Conserved Currents and All That", "A quantum nonadapted Ito formula and stochastic analysis in Fock scale" ], [ "Local equilibrium in planar non interacting particle systems", "Dynamical systems with elastic reflections. Ergodic properties of dispersing billiards" ], [ "Towards the M(atrix) model action in an arbitrary 11D supergravity background. Progress report", "Gauge theory of gravity and supergravity on a group manifold" ], [ "Random walk approach to the analytic solution of random systems with multiplicative noise\u2014The Anderson localization problem", "Reply to Comment on `Exact analytical solution for the generalized Lyapunov exponent of the two-dimensional Anderson localization'" ], [ "New analysis of the free energy cost of interfaces in spin glasses", "G 2018 Support for the value 5 / 2 for the spin glass lower critical dimension at zero magnetic field" ], [ "Kondo regime of the impurity spectral function and the current noise spectrum in the double impurity Anderson model", "Stochastic Representation of Non-Markovian Fermionic Quantum Dissipation." ], [ "A Nonlinearly Dispersive Fifth Order Integrable Equation and its Hierarchy", "Transformation groups applied to mathematical physics" ], [ "GSC 07396\u201300759 = V4046 Sgr C[D]: A WIDE-SEPARATION COMPANION TO THE CLOSE T TAURI BINARY SYSTEM V4046 Sgr AB", "X-ray accretion signatures in the close CTTS binary V4046 Sgr" ], [ "Reaching a Quantum Consensus: Master Equations That Generate Symmetrization and Synchronization", "Master Stability Functions for Synchronized Coupled Systems" ], [ "An X-ray IMAGING SURVEY OF QUASAR JETS: TESTING THE INVERSE COMPTON MODEL", "Helical jets and the misalignment distribution for core-dominated radio sources" ], [ "Noncompact sl(N) Spin Chains: BGG-Resolution, Q-Operators and Alternating Sum Representation for Finite-Dimensional Transfer Matrices", "Baxter Q-operator and Separation of Variables for the open SL(2,R) spin chain" ], [ "Chemotaxis of artificial microswimmers in active density waves.", "Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations" ], [ "Slowly varying dilaton cosmologies and their field theory duals", "Time-dependent AdS/CFT duality and null singularity" ], [ "Single-ended recovery of optical fiber transmission matrices using neural networks", "Remote Spatio-Temporal Focusing Over Multimode Fiber Enabled by Single-Ended Channel Estimation" ], [ "Tensile Fracture of Welded Polymer Interfaces: Miscibility, Entanglements, and Crazing", "Structure and Strength at Immiscible Polymer Interfaces." ], [ "Evaluation of two-photon polarization density matrix of polarization-entangled photon pairs generated through biexciton resonant hyper-parametric scattering", "Effects of multiple pairs on visibility measurements of entangled photons generated by spontaneous parametric processes" ], [ "Extreme values and the level-crossing problem: an application to the Feller process.", "First-passage and risk evaluation under stochastic volatility." ], [ "Aspects of Finite Temperature Quantum Field Theory in a Black Hole Background", "The fuzzball proposal for black holes: an elementary review" ], [ "Non-charge-transfer Origin of Tc Enhancement in a Surface Superconductor Si(111)-(\\(\\sqrt{7} \\times \\sqrt{3} \\))-In with Adsorbed Organic Molecules", "Electronic structure and bonding in metal phthalocyanines, Metal=Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mg" ], [ "Chiral U(1) flavor models and flavored Higgs doublets: the top FB asymmetry and the W jj", "Color-octet-electroweak-doublet scalars and the CDF dijet anomaly" ], [ "Emilie du Chatelet and Euler: A Rare Convergence on the Hypotheses of Physics", "Newton\u2019s Preface to the \ufb01rst edition of Principia, p. xvii. A slightly di\ufb00erent wording for this passage is given by Cohen and Whitman in their 1999 translation, p. 382" ], [ "Unified treatment of resonant and nonresonant mechanisms in dissociative recombination: Benchmark study of \nCH+", "Competition among molecular fragmentation channels described with Siegert channel pseudostates." ], [ "Sleeping Beauties in Medical Research: Technological Relevance, High Scientific Impact", "Direct validation of citation counts as indicators of industrially important patents" ], [ "Heavy Flavor DIS Wilson coefficients in the asymptotic regime", "Modern Summation Methods and the Computation of 2- and 3-loop Feynman Diagrams" ], [ "Rigorous Negative Ion Binding Energies in Low-Energy Electron Elastic Collisions with Heavy Multi-Electron Atoms and Fullerene Molecules: Validation of Electron Affinities", "A program for calculating Regge trajectories in potential scattering" ], [ "Physics with CEBAF at 12 GeV and future opportunities", "A small proton charge radius from an electron\u2013proton scattering experiment" ], [ "Strong coupling constants of doubly heavy baryons with vector mesons in QCD", "Doubly-heavy baryon weak decays: \u039ebc0\u2192pK\u2212 and \u039ecc+\u2192\u03a3c++(2520)K\u2212" ], [ "Origin of Ferroelectricity in Hafnia from Epitaxial Strain", "Precision and efficiency in solid-state pseudopotential calculations" ], [ "Relativistic Bose-Einstein condensates thin-shell wormholes", "eds., Artificial Black Holes, (World Scientific, Sin- gapore; River" ], [ "Alpha-Particle Generation from H-11B Fusion Initiated by Laser-Accelerated Boron Ions", "GeV laser ion acceleration from ultrathin targets: The laser break-out afterburner" ], [ "Holonomies of gauge fields in twistor space 7: an electroweak model", "Holonomies of gauge fields in twistor space 4: functional MHV rules and one-loop amplitudes" ], [ "Higgs boson decays into single photon plus unparticle", "Unraveling unparticles through violation of atomic parity and rare beauty" ], [ "Modal Decomposition of TTV: Inferring Planet Masses and Eccentricities", "BREEDING SUPER-EARTHS AND BIRTHING SUPER-PUFFS IN TRANSITIONAL DISKS" ], [ "Semileptonic form factors for $$B\\rightarrow D^*\\ell \\nu $$ at nonzero recoil from $$2+1$$-flavor lattice QCD", "Large mW, mZ behaviour of the O(\u03b1) corrections to semileptonic processes mediated by W" ], [ "Skyrme fields, multi-instantons and the SU(\u221e)-Toda equation", "Conformal Properties of Pseudoparticle Configurations" ], [ "Radio jets and gamma-ray emission in radio-silent narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies", "The Emission-Line Properties of Low-Redshift Quasi-stellar Objects" ], [ "Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime to explain the jet power and the radiative efficiency of astrophysical black holes", "Blandford-Znajek mechanism in the general stationary axially-symmetric black-hole spacetime" ], [ "Interior Nucleation of Martensite in a Cubic-to-Tetragonal Phase Transformation", "Thermodynamics of thermoelastic martensitiC transformations" ], [ "Coaxial nanowire resonant tunneling diodes from non-polar AlN/GaN on silicon", "Investigation of In0.53Ga0.47As/AlAs resonant tunneling diodes for high speed switching" ], [ "HD 17156b: A Transiting Planet with a 21.2 Day Period and an Eccentric Orbit", "Dynamic Meteorology at the Photosphere of HD 209458b" ], [ "Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution: from idea towards application", "Quantum hacking: Experimental demonstration of time-shift attack against practical quantum-key-distribution systems" ], [ "Spatial dispersion of light rays propagating through a plasma in Kerr space\u2013time", "Optical properties of black holes in the presence of a plasma: The shadow" ], [ "Radiation pressure acceleration of high-quality ion beams using ultrashort laser pulses", "Suppression of transverse ablative Rayleigh-Taylor-like instability in the hole-boring radiation pressure acceleration by using elliptically polarized laser pulses." ], [ "Precision measurements of the zero temperature dielectric constant and density of liquid $^4$He", "Reaching 10 ms single photon lifetimes for superconducting aluminum cavities" ], [ "Evolution of stellar bars in spinning dark matter halos and stellar bulges", "showed that in any steady collection of material particles, where the extent of its mass distribution is expressed by its moment of inertia, I" ], [ "The Dependence of the Structure of Planet-opened Gaps in Protoplanetary Disks on Radiative Cooling", "On the Role of Dynamical Cooling in the Dynamics of Circumbinary Disks" ], [ "On a curious bias arising when the $\\sqrt{\\chi^2/\\nu}$ scaling prescription is first applied to a sub-sample of the individual results", "Probably a discovery: Bad mathematics means rough scientific communication" ], [ "Polymer size in dilute solutions in the good-solvent regime.", "The pivot algorithm: A highly efficient Monte Carlo method for the self-avoiding walk" ], [ "Disordered resonant media: Self-induced transparency versus light localization", "Self-similarity and optical kinks in resonant nonlinear media" ], [ "Greybody factor for the BTZ black hole and a 5D black hole", "Absorption of angular momentum by black holes and D-branes" ], [ "Orbital-selective metal skin induced by alkali-metal-dosing Mott-insulating Ca$_2$RuO$_4$", "Nearly-free-electron system of monolayer Na on the surface of single-crystal HfSe2" ], [ "Suppression of $1/f$ noise in graphene due to non-scalar mobility fluctuations induced by impurity motion", "Microscopic mechanism of 1/f noise in graphene: role of energy band dispersion." ], [ "Gravitational Lens Statistics and the Density Profile of Dark Halos", "The Statistics of gravitational lenses: The Distributions of image angular separations and lens redshifts" ], [ "Dynamics to Equilibrium in Network Games: Individual Behavior and Global Response", "Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences" ], [ "Recent topics on metastability, hysteresis, avalanches, and acoustic emission associated to martensitic transitions in functional materials", "Experimental Evidence for Universality of Acoustic Emission Avalanche Distributions during Structural Transitions" ], [ "Separate chemical freeze-outs of strange and non-strange hadrons and problem of residual chemical non-equilibrium of strangeness in relativistic heavy ion collisions", "Thermodynamically anomalous regions as a mixed phase signal" ], [ "Effects of baryonic and dark matter substructure on the Pal 5 stream", "DARK MATTER SUB-HALO COUNTS VIA STAR STREAM CROSSINGS" ], [ "On analytical study of holographic superconductors with Born\u2013Infeld electrodynamics", "On the excess in the inclusive W+W\u2212\u2192l+l\u2212\u03bd\u03bd\u00af$$ {W}^{+}{W}^{-}\\ \\to\\ {l}^{+}{l}^{-}\\nu \\overline{\\nu} $$ cross section" ], [ "Structural Investigation of InAs-AlInAs and InAs-AlInP Core-Shell Nanowires", "Transpor t properties of InAs nanowire field e ffect transistors: The e ffects of surface states" ], [ "Flavor from Minimal Flavor Violation&a Viable Randall-Sundrum Model", "For earlier work assuming \u223c 10 TeV KK masses, see: S" ], [ "Vortex nucleation barrier in superconductors beyond the Bean-Livingston approximation: A numerical approach for the sphaleron problem in a gauge theory", "Optimization methods for finding minimum energy paths." ], [ "Curvature-induced quantum behaviour on a helical nanotube", "Nanospring formation\u2014unexpected catalyst mediated growth" ], [ "MID-INFRARED VARIABILITY OF PROTOSTARS IN IC 1396A", "Two-dimensional Radiative Transfer in Protostellar Envelopes. I. 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