{"id": "c14f201f98fa-0", "text": "DevelopmentChangeHistory\n\nThis App will provide an overview for the changes done in the current workspace. The default view will list the changes chronologically and show the different types of changes.\n\nProvided the necessary access rights a selection of other workspaces is shown. Marked lines within the change history can be compared against the same items in other workspaces. If the comparison differs, a view can be triggered to show the differences in detail.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/developmentchangehistory"} {"id": "446cd780e198-0", "text": "AuditHistory\n\nRecord History\n\nThe Record or audit) history allows you to monitor all the changes to records and restore previous states for single records.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/mDoX_vjp2Eg\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/audithistory"} {"id": "e003e10b2fc5-0", "text": "UserDashboards\n\nUser Dashboards\n\nUser dashboard is a whole panel or a page dedicated to creating shortcuts for users workspace. Here Brixxbox allows users to add apps which are the most important ones. Each of the app will be shown on the dashboard page. User can access this page by clicking on the logo of their workspace. Here is an example workspace.\n\nTo add different apps to this dashboard section, user should follow these steps. From left navigation panel of Brixxbox goto configuration then scroll down and select \"user dashboards\". Here you will find a list of all the apps that are available on dashboard panel and Brixxbox also allows system users to manage access of different dashboards for different users. An example list of dashboards for different users is given below.\n\nIn this snapshot we can see that for multiple user, we are selecting same app \"dashboardDemo\". We can also choose different apps here.\n\nTo add a new app in a dashboard for specific user group, select new on the users dashboard page. A new panel will be opened. It will look like this.\n\nSelect the respective properties and click create button to add a new app to specific users dashboards in Brixxbox. In the tutorial below, user can find how to add a new app to dashboard.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/ZKrE9RcVeeM\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-userdashboards"} {"id": "bbd62e20df34-0", "text": "DocumentTypes\n\nDocument Types\n\nHere in the demom below we provide with all the necessary information for adding, editing, and using different document types inside our workspace.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/PbOQi7cH4zc\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/documenttypes"} {"id": "af2967f856a3-0", "text": "Menu Editor\n\nMenu Editor\n\nThe brixxbox menu for a workspace can be configured here. The menu is a tree like structure with folders and app endpoints in it.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/K2SlHfd4WHA\" %}\n\nHow to edit the menu", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/menu-editor"} {"id": "f8ddf52b9254-0", "text": "Attachments\n\nAttachments\n\nIn this app Brixxbox allow users to add any number of different file types to Brixxbox workspace from outside. It also allows all the documents generated within the workspace to be stored in this app. These documents can be used to facilitate the proper functioning of the user systems like generating reports for system user for example: report on total number of order placed and also for end user for example: it can be an invoice gernerated for a customer.All of these documents can be stored under this app. User must assign document type to each document.\n\nTutorial\n\nWe want to add an example image from our pc to brixxbox. Brixxbox allow users two ways to add a file: via drag and drop files from pc to attachments page, and via opening a file explorer then selecting a specific file. Lets now add our image.\n\nAs we can see from above snapshot that added image is visible in the drag and drop area(highlighted in black). Also if you search in the list of attachments, you can find the same image. The interesting fact to consider here is that when we upload the file only file name, upload time, and user is being set. The properties document type and id are left as it is. It gives user an option to select the document type by himself. Lets do this by selecting the file and then clicking edit button. An edit panel will open, now select the \"bild\" type as we have selected file of type image and click on update. In this easy tutorial we learned how to add a file in Brixxbox and assign a document type to it.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-attachments"} {"id": "f4e6d21a8dcf-0", "text": "Reports\n\nReports\n\nReports are integral part of Brixxbox. They allow system user's to represent desired information to their clients. Basic example of any Point of Sale System is Order Report, it contains all the information of the user, the details of goods being purchased, and complete bill of whole order. Brixxbox allows system users to create report templates. User can create their own report templates in the form of html templates. Brixxbox keep a list of all report templates created by users and also allow their updation.\n\nHow to work with reports in Brixxbox\n\nIn this tutorial, we assume that user has a \"customerofferreport\". To start working with reports, click on report option under configuration in main side bar of your workspace. You will be prompted to report list page. Here you can add, remove, update, view, and download report templates. Select the play button of \"customerofferreport\", it will open the report at the bottom of the page. Scroll down to look at report.\n\nAs we can see Brixxbox allows to alter different parameters like id, date, and name (shown in black box on top left). By altering thses parameters system user can search different orders provided by the company. On the backend Brixxbox uses Telerik report designer to display or modify reports. If you want to edit or create reports Brixxbox provides you with Telerik Report Designer. You can download this software from top right corner of report's page. Lets say we want to edit customerofferreport, we need to perform follwoing steps:\n\nDownload \"customerofferreport\" from the list of reports.\n\nOpen it in the Telerik report designer. As you can see, this is only generic template for this report and there are no specific values associated with the report like customer id. In order to add these details to see specific customer offers, we need to add a data source.\n\nConnect a datasource with your report. For this purpose you need to add your database connection string in Telerik. Brixxbox provides you with specific connection string. In Brixxbox main navigation panel goto Security then firewall, you can find this connection string by clicking \"Show workspace DB connection string\" button. In below snapshot, this button is highlighted in black. In this connection string, you can find all the important information regarding your workspace in Brixxbox like server name, password. You can also copy whole string by clicking on copy button.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/reports"} {"id": "f4e6d21a8dcf-1", "text": "In order to protect any workspace database, all the information is made private. User need to add its ip address to firewall exception list which is also present on the same page in order to access the data. User can add its ip address by clicking on new button and then providing its public ip. User is also allowed to add a range of ip addresses. New button is highlighted in red in above snapshot.\n\nNow, we have DB connection string as well as a white listed user ip and we can add it in DB connection wizard of Telerik. Add it in connection string textbox and click next.\n\nOn next page, choose a shared connection so that connection will be saved locally and will be available for all local reports and give an alias name to it eg: custSPSTest20210201.\n\nOn next page, we need to specify the sql query to get all the required data from DB regarding a valid customer offer. We can also supply a stored procedure here.\n\nOn next page, we need to specify the sql statement parameters on the basis of which the query will be executed. Here we are selecting \"parameter.id.Value\" which is of type string.\n\nIn this page, pass an example value of report id i.e 147. This can be used on next page to test whether the connection with data source is successful or not. As we can see that pressing execute button, a report data with id 147 is being returned. Now user can finish the connection wizard.\n\nWe can also add a sub report to an existing report. Just click on sub report section and add a sub report to an existing report. There is only one limitation user needs to take care of which is, the sub report should be of type \".trdx\".", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/reports"} {"id": "d0006af874dc-0", "text": "Configuration", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/README"} {"id": "b7623fdd371c-0", "text": "description: This app lets you create or delete api access keys.\n\nApiKeys\n\nInstallation of cloud Connector for Printing\n\n{% hint style=\"info\" %}\nThis is not the cloudGateway!\n{% endhint %}\n\nSee how to use the Cloud Connector for printing.\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/x4U6f5cEe4o\" %}\n\nUpcoming Features\n\nRun As a Service\n\nSee Connector Online Status in Api Keys Panel\n\nEdit Config in Api Keys Panel\n\nDocker Installation and Configuration\n\nBeside the Print Gateway (as ssen in the video), there is a new docker gateway. Use the Docker command column to pull and start a Docker container in your local network.\\\nUse the settings in the ApiKey list to configure the service endpoints for each docker installation like in the sample below.\n\n```\n{\n \"Connections\": [\n {\n \"Endpoint\": \"LocalFirebird\",\n \"Plugin\": \"Firebird\",\n \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=;User=SYSDBA;Password=abcde\"\n },\n {\n \"Endpoint\": \"LocalSql\",\n \"Plugin\": \"MsSql\",\n \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=acme.com\"\n }\n ]\n}\n\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/apikeys"} {"id": "5b71efe75d41-0", "text": "StandardMessages\n\nCustom messages\n\nUser can add thank you, warning, and error messages here and they can be used afterwards anywhere in your app. Brixxbox allows custom messages with placeholders that can be queried and translated by script. These test parameters are captured in Json format.\n\nExample Usages\n\nHere we will consider a thank you message. We want to display this message after successful placement of order by the customer on our plateform. To make the message more personalized we also want to show the customer name and order id in the thank you message. To generate a custom message follow the steps below:\n\nFrom side panel of your work space click on configuration then on \"custom messages\". It will open custom messages app.\n\nClick on create, a pop up window will be opened. Add the name, description of custom message. Also add test parameters in json format.\n\nName : Thank you!\n\nMessage: Hey {customerName}, your order has been placed successfully .Your order number is {orderNumber}. Thank you for shopping with us.\n\nTest parameter for the above sentence\n\njavascript\n{\n \"customerName\":\"Sven\",\n \"orderNumber\":1578 \n}\n\nThe edit panel should look like this:\n\nNow click on save button and your custom message is stored permanently in this app.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/standardmessages"} {"id": "689305a5aab5-0", "text": "Cron Definitions\n\nCron Expression\n\nBasic structure\n\nA cron expression consists of five individual parts (That is the basic version. Some cron expressions support additional values).\n\n| Part | Allowed Values | |\n| ------------ | --------------------------- | - |\n| Minutes | 0-59 | |\n| Hours | 0-23 | |\n| Day of month | 1-31 | |\n| Month | 1-12 | |\n| Day of week | 0-6 (0 = Sun, 1 = Mon, ...) | |\n\n\\\nIn addition to the above values the following characters can be used.\n\nexamples\n\n15 1 * * * every day at 1:15 am\n\n0 8-17 1-5 * * Monday thru Friday, once every hour between 8am and 5:59pm\n\n0 5 1 */3 * at 5am on the first day of every third month of the year (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct)\n\n0 0 1 1 * start of the year\n\n*/5 3-14 * * 6 every five minutes between 3am and 2:59pm only on a Saturday\n\nCron expressions are widely used. To get more detailed information those links might be helpful\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron\n\nhttps://crontab.guru", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/jobs/cron-definitions"} {"id": "8a8f7ee431f8-0", "text": "Jobs\n\nIn this app, Brixxbox allow users to add automated jobs to their workspace. If a user want to perform a task at regular intervals then user can add its task in a job schedular provided by Brixxbox.\n\nJob\n\nJob provides functionality to automate the tasks provided by user after specific time interval and on regular basis. User can create one job for each task. Brixxbox will provide book keeping of those jobs, for example logging of errors etc. A job contains following properties.\n\nJob Properties\n\nName\n\nEach job should have a meaningful name. It will help user to identify the purpose of the job. For example, status update job etc.\n\nCron\n\nIt is one of the most important properties. It is used to schedule jobs, it specifies that the job will run on a given scheduled time. Its value is divided in to five parts(* * * * *). The first part represent minutes. The allowed values ranges from(0-59), The second one represent hours and its value ranges from(0-23). Third part is day of a month, its value ranges from (1-31) . The fourth part is month itself, its value ranges from(1-12). The last part represents day of the week(0-6). 0 is for sunday, 1 is for monday and so on. In order to learn more about CRON click here.\n\nType\n\nApp job allows user tasks to be of three types: server side function click here, sql statement click here, and sql stored procedure click here.\n\nScript Select\n\nIt is the customized code for above job types. It can be stored in the Brixxbox and will be utlized here.\n\nUser id\n\nEach job should have a user id attached to it. This creates ownership of the app job.\n\nDescription\n\nEach job should have have a meaningful description. It is optional but it will help all the workspace users to know exactly what a job is doing.\n\nExample", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/jobs/README"} {"id": "8a8f7ee431f8-1", "text": "Example\n\nLets now look at one example job. Suppose we want to prepare status emails for managers. We want to generate these emails at 03:00 every day. For this purpose we need to set the CRON value to (00 3 * * *). It means that on 00 minute of 03:00 hour, on every day of each month and on each week day execute this job. We also want to make this server side function. In next step, we will choose custom code script, as we have already written this script, we can select it from drop down list. Now we need to assign a user id to this job. In the end, we need to give description for our newly created job. In the below snapshot, we can see all the options filled. Click save button to save this job.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/jobs/README"} {"id": "36ab0e6db4a6-0", "text": "App Editor", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/README"} {"id": "ef47ef87147f-0", "text": "AppDiscussion\n\nDiscussion\n\nWhen enabled, the toolbar button for record based discussions will be activated.\n\nYou will need to activate discussions for the master table in the table editor before using this.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/appdiscussion"} {"id": "6d49374f6d00-0", "text": "AppIcon\n\nApp Icon\n\nyou can choose an app icon, that will be displayed in the single page tab headers, for example.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/appicon"} {"id": "dd8198da4e12-0", "text": "App Editor Properties", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties"} {"id": "35399ee75cce-0", "text": "AppHistory\n\nHistory\n\nThis will activate the audit trail record history in the toolbar.\n\nYou will have to create the audit history for your mastertable in the table editor first.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/apphistory"} {"id": "9beeeb844f7f-0", "text": "Controls", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/controls/README"} {"id": "a4945eaa78d7-0", "text": "description: >-\n A grid displays a list of records, specified by the sub data source of that\n control.\n\ngrid\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Grid\" control type from drop down.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nHide Select Checkbox Column\n\nBy default, grid also display's a checkbox with each row. This checkbox is used to select a specific row. If it is enabled then user can select multiple rows at a time and perform different operations on them like deletion. If user does not want to display this checkbox then this property should be checked.\n\nHide Edit Button Column\n\nThis property is by default unchecked. It allows grid to display an edit button with each displayed row. If user does not want to display Edit button then this property should be checked.\n\nCascade Delete\n\nThis is a checkbox. If it is set and a delete operation is performed on a record, in an app containing this Grid control then all the lines of a record will get deleted. For example: User wants to delete an order with all of its item's lines.\n\nCascade Copy\n\nIf it is set and a copy operation is performed on a record, in an app containing this Grid control then all the lines of a record will get copied. For example: User wants to copy an order with all of its item's lines.\n\nServer Side Paging", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/controls/grid"} {"id": "a4945eaa78d7-1", "text": "Server Side Paging\n\nUse this property for big data tables. If checked, grid will only be able to data from server side only instead of getting all the data from data source.\n\nSmooth Scroll\n\nIf checked, this property allows the users to scroll through list of items of grid instead of scrolling up and down via paging buttons.\n\nNo automatic refresh\n\nUse this property when fetching expensive Grid data. If set, it will block unnecessary calls for data. Brixxbox allows an app to refresh data of all of its controls using \"app.refresh()\" function. Settings this property will exclude this grid from data refresh calls. However, you can refresh grid data by specifying the grids name in refresh function. For Example: app.refresh(\"myGrid\").\n\nTutorial\n\nGird control can be used in two possible scenarios: displaying all data of sub data source. For example: listing all customer orders, and displaying some values. For example: listing order lines of a specific customer order only.\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing customer order app which records customer's order data. They want to list all customer orders in a new app and update grid to display all order lines of a specific customer order in customer order app.\n\nFor first scenario, create a customer order list app, select \"Grid\" from list of controls. After that you need to give an id to your grid. As grid is usually used to display data from a sub data source, so there is no need to create column in database for Grid control.\n\nLet start with the first case. Select a new app, name it \"customerOrderList\". Select a \"Grid\" control type from the list, assign a unique id and meaningful label:\n\nAs you can see from the above picture, we have added a grid control but nothing appears in app editor on right side. This is not an error but expected behavior because grid control is used to display a list of records but first we need to specify \"sub data source\" in grid properties. For this click on \"edit sub data source\" and select \"config\" as a data source type. Now select \"CustomerOrder\" app to display all customer orders and save app settings.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/controls/grid"} {"id": "a4945eaa78d7-2", "text": "Now you can see that our grid list all customer orders. In its menu, grid allows multiple options like adding new data row, deleting data row, refresh grid, copy data, search filter and drop down list for specifying number of entries for display. Grid provides each data row with plus, select, and edit button. Depending on screen size grid displays only few data columns and plus button is used to see remaining columns as shown below:\n\nGrid allows us to enable or disable select and edit buttons(see General Properties). We have successfully listed all customer orders, now we move towards second scenario. We have two relations between customer order and order lines which are: customer order can have multiple order lines, and one order line can only belong to one customer order. In this part, we want to cover second relation. Now we want to display order lines which belong to only one customer order in customer order app grid. Our customer order app looks like this:\n\nThere are a lot of details in this app which are not important here. Our concern is order lines gird which will display only those order lines which belong to one specific order. To allow this behavior, we need to edit \"sub data source\" settings of our order lines grid and set \"target field binding\" with the customer order line id.\n\nNow we will see only those order lines in our grid which belong to same customer order. Lets add a new order for our customer John and add a new order line for this order.\n\nNow order lines which belong to John's order are being displayed in our order lines grid. In our case we only added one order line.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/controls/grid"} {"id": "e19c761dd419-0", "text": "description: >-\n Comboboxes are often used to refer to header records (an order line record\n will most likely have a combobox with its order record).\n\ncombobox\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/KhrooXGYBQ4\" %}\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox app configurations you can add different controls. One of them is ComboBox. Each control has four types of settings\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are main behavioral properties of any control. These are responsible for control's functionality.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using combobox control, combobox control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. By default Brixxbox assigns a random id which starts with underscore and followed by a string. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters. Each control is always accessed with its Control Id. For Example, you can get and set control value by using its ControlId. If you want to store value of this control in database, use the database button to create a column. You will be able to select column datatype, max length, can be null, options.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. If no option is specified then by default \"Not in Database\" option is chosen. If you want to set it then you have to specify the controlId of data source.\n\nRefers to config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nCombobox Key Field\n\nThis is the field value from the sub data source. It also becomes the value of our combo box. When we have to get the value of our combo box using \"getfieldvalue\" function. It will return the corresponding id of selected combobox entry.\n\nCombobox Value Field", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/controls/combobox"} {"id": "e19c761dd419-1", "text": "Combobox Value Field\n\nThis option defines how each entry of your combobox will be displayed. It can be a single or multiple columns from sub data source. For single column just name the column. For Example, \"adrName\". If you want to choose multiple columns, then use curly brackets. You can choose any place holders between them. For example, {id} - {adrName}. \"-\" is a place holder while id, adrName are column names.\n\nMin Search Length\n\nThis option specifies the minimum search length of string to trigger search function. If you do not want any search function then specify \"-1\". In case you want to specify after how many characters Brixxbox should trigger the search and get actual records from the sub data source, specify it here as positive integer. For Example, if value 3 is specified then Brixxbox will trigger actual search only after 3 characters are entered in search field.\n\nMultiselect\n\nWhen this option is specified, one can select multiple values as combobox entries.\n\nSelect List Button\n\nBy default this is hidden. It opens a list of all items of sub data source. It can be used to select an entry from combobox.\n\nSelect Edit Button\n\nBy default this is enabled. If a value is selected in combobox then by clicking edit button will open the complete record in corresponding application. If it is clicked without any value it will open the corresponding application with no record. It can be used to add a new record.\n\nDefault Value\n\nThis value is set when an application is opened or a new record is created.\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial will follow the similar example used in the demo for combobox. You can find this demo at the top of this page.\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app and they want to add a new control of type \"Combo Box\". First of all, select \"combo box\" from list of controls.\n\nAfter that you need to give a id to your combobox and create column in database if necessary. Here we named it \"myCombo\". Also, add a public label for combobox. We labelled it \"Address\".", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/controls/combobox"} {"id": "e19c761dd419-2", "text": "Now save the control. It is time to assign a sub data source to our control. Click a sub data source button. Here you can assign different types of data sources. For this example, we will use config data source type. After that select the corresponding app config. We are selecting \"address\" config because we want to display all the addresses.\n\nUp till now we have defined a combobox, assigned a unique control id and also added a sub data source to it. Now we want to assign two main properties to combobox: combobox key field, combobox value field. \"Combobox key\" property is a column from result set that will also be the value of our combobox when the entry of combobox is set. Mostly it is the id of result set. Here we also choose id. We can use this value for comparisons. For combobox value field, we want to display values of two columns: adrNumber, adrName from result set. We have to use curly brackets when using multiple columns.\n\nEach entry of combobox will now represent the number of the address and the person's name. For example \"10001 John\". In this way we can define and use combobox but can we use the value of combobox to display or change some other data? the answer is yes!. For demonstration, we will add grid control (see grid documentation) \"myGrid\". We also assign address config as a sub data source for our grid control. Now \"myGrid\" control will display all the addresses present in the result set.\n\nAs you can see from above picture that nothing is selected in our combobox \"Address\". Now we want that whenever we select a record in combobox, the grid displays the same selected record only. For this purpose, we need to modify sub data source of mygrid and add a where clause. An important thing to note here is that all controls of an app are available as sql parameters. In where clause, we need to specify a condition which displays only a record which matches combobox value. We can specify this as \"id=@myCombo\". Remember that we selected \"combobox key field\" as id of sub data source \"address\". In order to pass this change to grid, we have to add a control event \"onChange\" to our combobox control. Whenever our combobox value change, we want \"myGrid\" to refresh.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/controls/combobox"} {"id": "e19c761dd419-3", "text": "Now save and set a combobox value and we will be able to see only selected record in \"myGrid\". As we can see from figure below.\n\nCombobox also allows us to select multiple records at a same time. To achieve this functionality, select \"multiselect\" checkbox from combobox properties. You can see from figure below that multiple values are selected in combobox but there is no record shown in grid.\n\nThis is because we were using where clause for comparing one value of combobox but now our combobox has multiple values. Now if we call \"getfieldvalue\" function on our combobox. It will return an array with selected combobox key value's. Now we have to update our where clause logic in grid to display all selected records. We add this statement to where clause \"id in (select value from OpenJson(@myCombo))\". This statement says that if a value is present in result set then display it in grid.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/controls/combobox"} {"id": "0bc0fa7d06b7-0", "text": "AppAttachments\n\nAttachments\n\nWhen enabled, users can add files to the records of this app.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appattachments"} {"id": "28721c221295-0", "text": "GridColumnFilter\n\nGridColumnFilter\n\nYou can create filter in all grid columns. You need to specify the column name and the type of filter you would like for this column.\n\nThe following types are available:\n\ntext: Will show a text input field for the search criteria.\n\nselect: A selection for all available options is shown.\n\nmultiSelect: like select-option. It is possible to select multiple entries.\n\n[\n {\n \"column\":\"imImei\",\n \"filterType\":\"text\"\n }, \n {\n \"column\":\"imItemId\",\n \"filterType\":\"select\"\n },\n {\n \"column\":\"imItemGroup\",\n \"filterType\":\"multiSelect\"\n }\n]\n\n\\\nIf the grid is configured for Server Side Paging additional options are available.\n\nserverSideMinInputLength: Allows to set a minimum character count for user input, before the search is triggered.\n\nserverSideSQLStatement : If the filter option is set to select/multislect a SQL statement can be used to show the available options. For config based grids this is optional (A distinct value for the column will be generated by default). For SQL based grids this setting must be provided. The setting needs to have the name of a valid SQL Statement defined in this app.\n\nThe SQL statement must return a list consisting of 2 columns: id and text. The id value will be used as the search criteria. The text value will be shown to the user as option. The parameter \u009ccolumnSerachValue\u009d will contain the current user input.\n\nExample of a valid SQL statement:\n\nDECLARE @searchLike nvarchar(100) = '%' + @columnSearchValue + '%';\nSELECT * FROM (\n SELECT 'id1' AS id, 'text1' AS text UNION ALL\n SELECT 'id2' AS id, 'text2' AS text UNION ALL\n SELECT 'id3' AS id, 'text3' AS text UNION ALL\n SELECT 'id4' AS id, 'text4' AS text UNION ALL\n SELECT 'id5' AS id, 'text5' AS text \n ) AS ResultList\n WHERE text LIKE @searchLike", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridcolumnfilter"} {"id": "28721c221295-1", "text": "For columns with date controls (datebox.md and datetimebox.md) a date range selection will be provided. The range selection enables the user to set a start and end date. Additionally the brixxApi call 'gridColumnConfig' enables setting of predefined selection ranges. Those ranges can be picked by the user without the need to use the calendar. This way commenly used selctions can be predefined for each individual grid column, if applicable.\\\n\\\nExample setup for predefined selections (Note: The the-moment.js-library.md is used to set start and end dates):\n\n```javascript\n\n//Code should be placed as event \"onAppStart\"\n\n//each entry within 'range' must have an array. First element is start date for\n//selection and second the end date. The third array element is an optional string.\n//If provided it will show up as tooltip for the selection.\nconst predefinedSelections = {'range':\n { 'Today': [moment(), moment()], \n 'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],\n 'Last 10 days': [moment().subtract(9, 'days'), moment()],\n 'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],\n '2 years back': [moment().subtract(2, 'years'), \n moment().subtract(2, 'years').add(1, 'months'), \n '2 years back as start and 1 year and 11 month as end of selection']\n } \n};\n\nbrixxApi.gridColumnConfig ('gridName', 'columnName', predefinedSelections);\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridcolumnfilter"} {"id": "6b101e186b70-0", "text": "AddToAttachements\n\nThis setting controls whether the captured image should be saved directly as an attachment to the current record.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/addtoattachements"} {"id": "cc3bd333347d-0", "text": "editAbsoloutGridHeight\n\nHere you can set a fixed height for the grid. The specification is in percent of the complete screen height.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/editabsoloutgridheight"} {"id": "597e35261809-0", "text": "CreateMenu\n\nCreate Menu\n\nA default menu Folder and Entry will be created. This is just a more convenient way than using the menu editor. You will probably use the menu editor at some point to move things around in the menu tree.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/createmenu"} {"id": "de87dc1957eb-0", "text": "HiddenGridColumns\n\nHidden Columns\n\nThis is a comma separated list of control, that you want to hide in this grid control.\n\nmyControl1, myControl2", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/hiddengridcolumns"} {"id": "4f73ad3b50bc-0", "text": "DecimalDigits\n\nDecimalDigits\n\nSet the number of decimal digits here", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/decimaldigits"} {"id": "d23cefbd3857-0", "text": "ComboboxMinSearchLength\n\nComboboxMinSearchLength\n\nMinumin Characters for a comboboxy to trigger the search. -1 for no search function at all", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/comboboxminsearchlength"} {"id": "b0e6278c49b3-0", "text": "dateTimeUtc\n\nDateTimeBox UTC\n\nIf this Checkbox is activated. You will see the Date time in you local timezone but the value behind the control is a utc (GMT) time. setFieldValue will assume you set a utc time and will add the local timezone just for the display. getFieldValue will give you the utc time as well. So users in different timezones will see different values, but in the database there is just the utc time stored.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/datetimeutc"} {"id": "a9d2f18204d7-0", "text": "AppMasterTable\n\nMaster Table\n\nYou can define the underlying table for your app, if it stores data. You can also create a new table.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appmastertable"} {"id": "2758931608bc-0", "text": "AppConfigToStartSourceField\n\nAppConfigToStartSourceField\n\nThe field that should be submitted to the child app", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appconfigtostartsourcefield"} {"id": "eb630dcd26c8-0", "text": "ChartLabel\n\nChartLabel\n\nThe column from the sub data source for the Chart label", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/chartlabel"} {"id": "6aa997ce67f9-0", "text": "AppConfigToStartTargetField\n\nAppConfigToStartTargetField\n\nThe field in the child app that should get the Source Field Value", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appconfigtostarttargetfield"} {"id": "c5b13e21ca14-0", "text": "ComboBoxListButton\n\nComboBoxListButton\n\nThis setting determines if a Combobox has a List Button next to it, to select the value from a List instead of the Combobox itself. The List provides more features for filtering and searching than a Combobox . The selected Value from the list will be set in the Combobox on selection.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/comboboxlistbutton"} {"id": "b4d5480d33cb-0", "text": "HelpText\n\nHelp Text\n\nYou can set a help text, to display below a field.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/helptext"} {"id": "93a3013d6315-0", "text": "chartLabelAxesY\n\nChart Label for Y Axes\n\nThis is a text, that will be used to label the chart y Axis", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/chartlabelaxesy"} {"id": "8fd107117bef-0", "text": "ComboboxValue\n\nCombobox Value\n\nThis defines what will be displayed in the combobox. It can be a single column from the sub data source or a string with placeholders\n\nadrName\n\n{id} - {adrName}, {adrFirstName}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/comboboxvalue"} {"id": "8e65b0ab6b5b-0", "text": "AppTitle\n\nTitle\n\nThis title will be translated and it can contain variables from four loaded record, that will be replaced in the title, once a record is loaded.\n\nWe used a @prefix in the past, that is deprecated.\n\nOrder {id} {cordAddressId.adrName}\n\nThis will result in: Order 1 John Doe\n\nif no '{' character is found in the title, brixxbox will add an {id} to your title to display the loaded record id.\n\n\\\nIf no app title is specified, the app id will be displayed for your app.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/apptitle"} {"id": "9f74c1aee0fd-0", "text": "AutoDisableOnEdit\n\nAutoDisableOnEdit\n\nThis will disable a field, if a record id is set. In other words, the field is enable in create mode but disabled in edit mode", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/autodisableonedit"} {"id": "4c45d1eeb1bd-0", "text": "GroupGridColumns\n\nGroupGridColumns\n\nA comma separated list of columns, that should be used for grouping. By default the grouping criteria will be the cell values for this column. The same cell values are put in one group. The column itself will be hidden from view because it will only show the group name. If a search is added to the column, the column stays visible.\n\nFor datetimebox.mdthe grouping value is set to the date part only and the column stays visible in order not to lose the time information.\n\nFor columns with date controls (datebox.md and datetimebox.md) an individual grouping can be tailored to the specific data. This way date ranges can be shown in groups. e.g. \"today\", \"this week\", \"last month\". The brixxApi call 'gridColumnConfig' enables setting of this individual grouping ranges. \\\n\\\nExample setup for date grouping (Note: the-moment.js-library.md is used to set start and end dates):\n\n```javascript\n\n//Code should be placed as event \"onAppStart\"\n\n//each entry within 'grouping' must have an array. First element is start date for\n//the group and second the end date. If groups overlab (e.g. \"today\", \"this week\", \"this month\")\n//the first matching entry is picked.\n\ncolumnAddOnSettings = {\n //add some grouping criteria for this date column \n 'grouping':{\n 'Future Dates': [moment().add(1, 'days'), moment('9999-12-31')],\n 'Today': [moment(), moment()],\n 'Last 7 days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],\n 'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],\n 'This Year': [moment().startOf('year'), moment().endOf('year')],\n 'Last Year and Older': [moment('1970-01-01'), moment().endOf('year').subtract(1, 'year')]\n }\n};\n\nbrixxApi.gridColumnConfig ('testGrid1', 'cmpSomeDate', columnAddOnSettings);\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/groupgridcolumns"} {"id": "c499ea4c248c-0", "text": "DisableGridResponsiveness\n\nDisableGridResponsiveness\n\nThis will disable the responsive layout of the grid and you will be able to scroll horizontally", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/disablegridresponsiveness"} {"id": "261858b9f6e7-0", "text": "Data\n\nData specifies where this control gets its Data from. If no DataSource is set for the control, you get a List of table columns from the master table. If DataSource is set, you have to enter a Field from this DataSource (like a controlId if your DataSource is a Config)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/data"} {"id": "4838f2563fa1-0", "text": "CascadeCopy\n\nCascadeCopy\n\nIf this property is set, a copy Operation in the app, that contains this Grid Control, will copy all Lines in the Grid for that Record. Say you want to copy an order record with all its orderlines.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/cascadecopy"} {"id": "228ecca4006c-0", "text": "hideEditButtonColumn\n\nhideEditButtonColumn\n\nSet this if you want the edit button column to disappear.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/hideeditbuttoncolumn"} {"id": "8ebcd15b2ee1-0", "text": "AppMailHistory\n\nEmail History\n\nWhen enabled, this app gets a new toolbar button for the email history sidebar. This sidebar will show emails regarding the actual record.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appmailhistory"} {"id": "a06f0d873563-0", "text": "DevMode\n\nDevelop Mode\n\nIf the develop mode flag is set, this Version of the app will no be delivered to endusers. They will get the latest, non dev mode version.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/devmode"} {"id": "dc43a05fdc4e-0", "text": "chartLabelAxesX\n\nChart Label for X Axes\n\nThis is a text, that will be used to label the chart x Axis", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/chartlabelaxesx"} {"id": "dca9bf56719c-0", "text": "AppPreviewRecordId\n\nApp Preview Record Id\n\nThis is just a convenient way of loading a record at design time. It is specially useful, if you need a record to be loaded when designing your app, because some fields might be invisible when no record is loaded. This has absolutely no effect outside the app designer.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/apppreviewrecordid"} {"id": "1f2e72c68fb2-0", "text": "Enable\n\nEnable\n\nThis will enable or disable the input.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/enable"} {"id": "1977de60c639-0", "text": "AppColor\n\nApp Color\n\nYou can choose a color theme for your app. This will be used in the single page tab headers for example.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appcolor"} {"id": "f3a0b775842e-0", "text": "AppParameters\n\nApp Parameters\n\nApp Parameters are Flags, that can be set by calls from the menu. You can react oto these flags in app events to change your app behavior.\n\njavascript\nif(app.parameters.includes(\"myFlag\")){\n console.log(\"Parameter is set\");\n}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appparameters"} {"id": "bea281c5484d-0", "text": "AppPrefix\n\nApp Prefix\n\nJust like table prefixed, you could specify a prefix for all your controls in your app. Opposite to tables, this prefix is not mandatory", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appprefix"} {"id": "912bd8ea4996-0", "text": "ChartData\n\nChartData\n\nThe column from the sub data source for the Chart data", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/chartdata"} {"id": "197439aea3df-0", "text": "ComboboxKey\n\nComboboxKey\n\nThis is a fieldid from the sub data source that will represent the value of the combobox. In most cases this is \"id\"", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/comboboxkey"} {"id": "af67f53ef7d6-0", "text": "GridToolbarVisibility\n\nGridToolbarVisibility\n\nSet the visibility for the toolbar right above the grid", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridtoolbarvisibility"} {"id": "af0ae5672d16-0", "text": "CascadeDelete\n\nCascade Delete\n\nIf this property is set, a delete Operation in the app, that contains this Grid Control, will delete all Lines in the Grid for that Record. Say you want to delete an order record with all its orderlines.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/cascadedelete"} {"id": "c9486ed7b035-0", "text": "CssTemplateContent\n\nCssTemplateContent\n\nThe css Content for the control", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/csstemplatecontent"} {"id": "74e04d9e6435-0", "text": "GridFooter\n\nYou can create a footer for grid columns. The value for \"column\" specifies the target column.\n\nThe following parameter can be supplied:\n\n\u009ccolumn\u009d: name for the target column\n\n\u009cselect\u009d: will specify the Range for data selection. Possible values are \u009call\u009d or \u009cvisible\u009d. \u009call\u009d is the default setting and will select all available data from this column. With \u009cvisible\u009d only data matching a selection will be processed. If no selection is active, all data will be shown.\n\n\u009caction\u009d: will specify what action will be taken for the given data. Possible values are \u009csum\u009d, \u009cavg\u009d (average), \u009cmin\u009d (minimum), \u009cmax\u009d (maximum). \u009csum\u009d is the default.\n\n\u009cdecimalDigits\u009d: If you are using a config based grid the decimal digit setting will be inherited from the column setting. Otherwise the default will be 0. If u want to overwrite this behavior this setting can be used.\n\n\u009ctextLeading\u009d: Add a text in front of the value.\n\n\u009ctextTrailing\u009d: Add a text behind the value.\n\n```\n//the following will give a sum for all data for the column \"cordGrossValue\"\n[\n {\n \"column\":\"cordGrossValue\"\n } \n]\n\n//the following will give an average for the visible data within a selection. If no selection is activ all data will be processed\n[\n {\n \"column\":\"cordGrossValue\",\n \"select\":\"visible\",\n \"action\":\"avg\"\n } \n]\n\n//the following will give one decimal digit for the value and add leading and trailing text. e.g. \"Total: 123.4 $\"\n[\n {\n \"column\":\"cordGrossValue\",\n \"decimalDigits\": 1,\n \"textLeading\": \"Total: \",\n \"textTrailing\": \" $\",\n } \n]\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridfooter"} {"id": "8bd5e8657aa0-0", "text": "ComboBoxEditButton\n\nComboBoxEditButton\n\nThis setting determines if a Combobox has a Edit Button next to it, to jump right to the selected record.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/comboboxeditbutton"} {"id": "ed0a96712973-0", "text": "ChartType\n\nChartType\n\nChoose from different chart types", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/charttype"} {"id": "f44cfd13a5bc-0", "text": "GridFilterVisibility\n\nGridFilterVisibility\n\nSet if the filter (search) field above a grid should be visible", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridfiltervisibility"} {"id": "41ef74fc0ac7-0", "text": "GridColumnOrder\n\nGridColumnOrder\n\nA comma separated list of column, that should be displayed as the left most columns.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridcolumnorder"} {"id": "e11e6dd5209a-0", "text": "AttaDocType\n\nHere you can select a document type for the attachment.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/attadoctype"} {"id": "106dd2403fe4-0", "text": "AttachementFilename\n\nUser defined file name for the attachment. This can be extended with values from fields of the current application. This is achieved with @controlId at any position of the text.\n\nA user defined file name is always extended by the current timestamp.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/attachementfilename"} {"id": "440ce18a5550-0", "text": "ConcurrencyControl\n\nConcurrency Control\n\nThis is used to prevent users from overwriting records. If two users have loaded the same record, and both make changes, than the user that saves first, will commit his changes, but the second user will not be able to save after the first user saved. In other words, you will only be able to save a record if noone saved it between you loading it and your save attempt.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/concurrencycontrol"} {"id": "029fc7137259-0", "text": "GridRowOrderDragDropParam\n\nRowOrder Drag & Drop Parameter\n\nIf an app config is used as a sub data source, the values will be filled in automatically. If u want to set the parameter manually, the values must match the needed information for a SQL-Update statement. See the example below. In addition the relevant table/tables must be prepared to be capable to read and write the ordering data. See the list provided for Manual ordering of rows in a grid\n\n{\n \"targetTable\": \"exampleTableName\",\n \"targetKeyField\":\"exampleId\",\n \"targetRowOrderField\":\"exampleRowOrder\"\n}\n\n- e.g: Those parameters will lead to an update statement like this\nUPDATE exampleTableName SET exampleRowOrder = @newRowOrderPosition WHERE exampleId = @id;\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/i5rwxNfoKJM\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridroworderdragdropparam"} {"id": "ea890c1eae3d-0", "text": "EditDefineUnit\n\nYou can specify the unit character here ($, \u00e2\u0082\u00ac ans so on)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/editdefineunit"} {"id": "74c467e68e9e-0", "text": "chartData\n\nChartData\n\nThsi is a simple form to configure the chart. Just list the Columns of the sub datasource you want as lines (or bars, depending on your chart type). The lines will be rendered with default behavior and random colors.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/chartdata-1"} {"id": "ec2ba26dea9d-0", "text": "ComboboxMultiselect\n\nCombobox Multiselect\n\nSet if you want your users to select multiple values.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/comboboxmultiselect"} {"id": "a59f144eab56-0", "text": "ChartDataJson\n\nChartDataJson\n\nThis is a more complex method to configure the chart than chartData but offers a lot more possibilities.\n\nSee a List of properties, you can set per line, or bar:\n\njson\n[{\n \"data\": \"OverallPrice\", //the column to take for the line values from the sub dataset\n \"color\": \"red\", //line color\n \"fill\": \"false\" //do not fill the gap to the bottom line\n},\n{\n \"data\": \"OwnPrice\", //the column to take for the line values from the sub dataset\n \"color\": \"blue\",\n \"backgroundColor\": \"yellow\", //background color for the gap or the bar, in case of a bar chart\n \"fill\": \"0\" //means you fill the gab to the first (0) line. \n}]", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/chartdatajson"} {"id": "fa8d93d9870e-0", "text": "DefaultValue\n\nThis value is set when the app is opened or a new record is created. In the background, the brixxApi function setFieldValue is called with this value.\n\nExample 1\n\n```\n\n1\n```\n\nExample 2\n\n```\n\n\"Hello World\"\n```\n\nExample 3\n\n```\n\nawait app.sqlReadValue(\"readAddressName\", { id: 1 } )\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/defaultvalue"} {"id": "20fbc8798a9d-0", "text": "GridPageSizeVisibility\n\nGridPageSizeVisibility\n\nSet if the page size should be choose able for users", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridpagesizevisibility"} {"id": "344529dac434-0", "text": "GridAutoRefreshIntervals\n\nGridAutoRefreshIntervals\n\nYou can provide a comma separated list of values for seconds. For each value the user will have the option to select it as an auto refresh value for reloading the grid content. Values above 59 seconds will be rounded and shown as minutes.\n\ne.g. A list like \"30, 60, 900\" will generate a drop down menu with options like \"30 seconds, 1 minute, 15 minutes\".", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridautorefreshintervals"} {"id": "aed34a94bb83-0", "text": "GridSelectMode\n\nGridSelectMode\n\nChoose the select mode", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridselectmode"} {"id": "f78ea9900661-0", "text": "blockInputDuringEventExecution\n\nBlockInputDuringEventExecution\n\nif set, the brixxbox will block all user actions until the event has finished", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/blockinputduringeventexecution"} {"id": "dee67aea0d1d-0", "text": "ButtonStyleClass\n\nIcon Size\n\nIcons inherit the font-size of their parent container which allow them to match any text you might use with them. With the settings, we can increase or decrease the size of icons relative to that inherited font-size.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/buttonstyleclass"} {"id": "17922d3375b7-0", "text": "hideSelectCheckboxColumn\n\nhideSelectCheckboxColumn\n\nSet this if you want the select checkbox column to disappear.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/hideselectcheckboxcolumn"} {"id": "54a0b266533a-0", "text": "AppAltViewName\n\nAlternative View Name\n\nAll Apps with an underlying master table will create a view bbv_{AppName} if you want an additional view with a special name, you can specify that here. The bbv_* view will be created in all cases.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appaltviewname"} {"id": "8e0d74fbab2c-0", "text": "GridNoHyperLink\n\nThis allows you to set a list of combobox columns, that will not have a hyperlink, like the usual combobox column would have", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridnohyperlink"} {"id": "2de7b079996b-0", "text": "AppConfigToStartName\n\nAppConfigToStartName\n\nPlace the id of an app config here to embed", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/appconfigtostartname"} {"id": "ad0cfe5c23b0-0", "text": "GridInlineEdit\n\nGridInlineEdit\n\nGrid inline editing is not available at the moment", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridinlineedit"} {"id": "cf3680b8190c-0", "text": "GridSortingMode\n\nGridSortingMode\n\nSet if sorting by the user should be allowed\n\nIf you want to allow the user to manually sort rows in the grid, options for \"Allow Drag & Drop\" are available. To use this extended option the underlying sub data source must be able to handle the manual sorting information. If an app config is used as a sub data source please check Manual ordering of rows in a grid before activating the setting. The app config only needs to be enabled for handling the necessary data. If you want to use a SQL-Statement as your sub data source the relevant table/tables must be prepared to be capable to read and write the ordering data.\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/i5rwxNfoKJM\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/gridsortingmode"} {"id": "393340a3be3e-0", "text": "ServerSidePagingIndexColumns\n\nServer Side Paging Indexed Columns\n\nWhen using serverside paging, most of the time it is not usefull to search in all columns as that means the grid is as slow as if it was not paged on server at all. We need to configure the columns that are indexed and can be used for ordering and searching. The other columns will not get a order option and will be ignored for searching. In case of a combobox (cordAddressId) the _value column will be searched as well. no need to configure that.\n\nadrName, adrFirstName, adrCompanyId", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/serversidepagingindexcolumns"} {"id": "f7c23582c07a-0", "text": "Label\n\nThis is the Label, that is displayed for this control. The Label is translated automatically but you can set your manual translation in the translation Tab.\n\nAll Labels must be in the Workspace Default Language (english if not set differently in the workspace settings)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/label"} {"id": "a48830ab0a48-0", "text": "htmlTableDisablePagination\n\nDisable Pagination\n\nIf checked, there will be no pagination for the HTML table.\n\nBe careful with the amount of data!", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/htmltabledisablepagination"} {"id": "067923385b8a-0", "text": "ServerSidePaging\n\nServer Side Paging\n\nReads only the actual page from the server instead of all table data at once. Use this for large tables to improve performance.\n\nThe subdata requests must NOT have ORDER BY", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/serversidepaging"} {"id": "1521f7824a4b-0", "text": "wysiwygHtmlFragment\n\nWhen checked. brixxbox will save the html content as a fragment, exactly as you see it in the editors code view. If unchecked, brixxbox will wrap the content in a valid html document with header tag and \\\\.\n\nIf you would like to print the text in telerik reporting, you should check this, to keep the whitespaces.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/wysiwyghtmlfragment"} {"id": "06975c626604-0", "text": "NoSpinButton\n\nCheck this option, if you do not want up/down arrows next to the number input.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/nospinbutton"} {"id": "a68401468b26-0", "text": "InputTag\n\nInputTag\n\nif set, the user is allowed to add new tags", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/inputtag"} {"id": "a58aabd3c8ba-0", "text": "TagValue\n\nTagValue\n\nThe value that should be displayed", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/tagvalue"} {"id": "8ba19e90832c-0", "text": "ValidateInputBeforeExecution\n\nValidateInputBeforeExecution\n\nIf set, the brixxbox will check the validation before executing the event sourcecode", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/validateinputbeforeexecution"} {"id": "449a96e7dace-0", "text": "RecordObservation\n\nRecord Observation\n\nWhen 2 ore more users open the same record, only the first will be able to edit it. Other users will have to option to request the edit mode.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/recordobservation"} {"id": "5ba979e33e0d-0", "text": "ValidatorMessage\n\nValidatorMessage\n\nYou can enter a message here. In most cases that is not necessary, as there are default texts for all validators", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/validatormessage"} {"id": "01cc9c693590-0", "text": "ReportId\n\nReport Id\n\nChoose a report to use in this Report Control. Reports can be managed in the Report Config App", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/reportid"} {"id": "0ce06c0f8667-0", "text": "htmlTableClasses\n\nHtml Table Classes\n\nPossible classes\n\n1.\n * table-bordered\n * table-striped\n * table-hoover\n * table-condensed\n * table-responsive", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/htmltableclasses"} {"id": "a10d79b46fa0-0", "text": "ReportCulture\n\nReport Culture\n\nThe report culture determines e.g. how date values are displayed.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/reportculture"} {"id": "8049bf9e9095-0", "text": "InputMaskRegEx\n\nInput Mask Regex\n\nYou can mask the uinput of a textbox by using a regular expression.\n\nYou can find further information for for the Input Mask itself [here](https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask)\n\nIf you want to lear more about regex, take a look [here ](https://regex101.com/)\n\nExamples:\n\nThis allows only non-capital and capital letters (azA-Z) numbers (0-9) and the underscore (_). But no special characters (like \u00c3\u00b6, &, %, @,...).\n\n^[_0-9a-zA-Z]*$\n\nExample 2. This forces the input to begin with abc, followed by any a-Z0-9\n\n^abc[_0-9a-zA-Z]*$", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/inputmaskregex"} {"id": "1da9dd23735c-0", "text": "HtmlTemplateContent\n\nHtmlTemplateContent\n\nThe html Content for the control", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/htmltemplatecontent"} {"id": "5db985adb212-0", "text": "RowReorder\n\nManual ordering of rows in a grid\n\nThis option will prepare the app for manual ordering of rows in a grid. Only set this option, if you want users to be able to order grid rows by drag and drop.\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/i5rwxNfoKJM\" %}\n\nSetting this option will make the following changes to your app:\n\nCreate a new field for the underlying datatable. The default name will be brixx_RowOrder. Type will be set to HierarchyId.\n\nThe View for this app will get a new column to show the RowOrder with hex value.\n\nCONVERT([varchar](512), CAST([ExampleTableName].[brixx_RowOrder] as varbinary), 2) as brixx_RowOrder]\n\nA InsertTrigger will be created for the new field. Every time a new row is inserted without a value for brixx_RowOrder an order value will be generated to place the new row at the end of already existing data.\n\n```\nCREATE Trigger [dbo].[brixx_ExampleTableNameInsert_RowOrder]\nON [dbo].[ExampleTableName]\nAFTER INSERT\n\nAS\n\nSET NOCOUNT ON;\n\n/ IF all brixx_RowOrder fields are valid, no need for any processing /\nIF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inserted WHERE brixx_RowOrder IS NULL) = 0\nBEGIN\n --PRINT ('No Action needed for Trigger on ExampleTableName');\n RETURN;\nEND\n\nDECLARE @RowId BIGINT;\nDECLARE @InsertAfterHierarchyId as HierarchyId;\nDECLARE @ParentHierarchyId as HierarchyId;\n\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS #tmpTable;\nSELECT Id INTO #tmpTable FROM inserted WHERE brixx_RowOrder IS NULL;\n\nWHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #tmpTable)\nBEGIN\n SET @RowId = (SELECT TOP(1) ID FROM #tmpTable ORDER BY Id);\n\nEND\n\nDROP TABLE #tmpTable;\n```\n\nIf no ORDER BY is provided for the SELECT Statement, ORDER BY will use the brixx_RowOrder Field\n\nAll Existing data will be updated! If rows exist when saving your app brixx_RowOrder will get a default value for ordering.\n\nUPDATE ExampleTableName SET brix_RowOrder = '/1/' + CONVERT ( nvarchar(30) , Id) + '/' FROM ExampleTableName WHERE brix_RowOrderField IS NULL", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/rowreorder"} {"id": "cbb702ff3cc0-0", "text": "SearchPrefixes\n\nSearch Prefixes\n\nIf a field is included in the global search, the prefix can be used to search for specific records only. You can specify a list of prefixes for every field that is included in the search. Lets say you have an address with a company name, a first name and a last name, you could give the following prefixes:\n\nCompany: address, company\n\nFirstName: address, name, firstname\n\nLastName: address, name\n\nYou could search for \"address\" and search all the fields, or you could search for \"name\" and look only in first and last name", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/searchprefixes"} {"id": "2fd77f80adde-0", "text": "IncludeInGlobalSearch\n\nIf this is checked, this column will be included in the global search scope", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/includeinglobalsearch"} {"id": "8bf9291a2ae6-0", "text": "ManualRefreshOnly\n\nNo automatic refresh\n\nThis control is excluded from app.refresh() calls if the control name is not explicit mentioned.\n\napp.refresh(\"myGrid\") will refresh it but app.refresh() will not.\n\nUse this setting if the grid data is expensive to get and you want to avoid unnecessary calls for data", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/manualrefreshonly"} {"id": "59caa9b926bb-0", "text": "ToolTip\n\nTool Tip Text\n\nEnter a text for a tool tip. This will be translated.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/tooltip"} {"id": "c59d9375ae9f-0", "text": "TextColor\n\nText Color\n\nChoose a text color", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/textcolor"} {"id": "ad41a4eec4c2-0", "text": "SmoothScroll\n\nSmooth Scroll\n\nLets the user scroll through the table instead of using the paging buttons", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/smoothscroll"} {"id": "3408d4debd18-0", "text": "wysiwygHtmlCleanup\n\nWhen copy pasting HTML code (from word or other pages) to the WYSIWYG editor, the HTML can be pretty blown up and this can lead to issues printing the to complex html text in telerik reporting.\n\nThis setting allows to extract the plain text, when pasting into the editor. All the unsupported html tags are removed but you have to do the formatting again in the editor.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/wysiwyghtmlcleanup"} {"id": "401b92799d89-0", "text": "LabelWidthClass\n\nThe Label With is only relevant if the control is in a From Group, and so the Label is left or right of the control instead of above it.\n\nIt uses the same rules as the Width property\n\nPlease have a look at Bootstrap Grid System", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/labelwidthclass"} {"id": "cb48a9484ab9-0", "text": "WidthClass\n\nYou can specify your display layout for 4 different categories of devices.\n\nextra small - screens less than 768 pixel wide like phones.\n\nsmall - screens less than 992 pixel wide like tablets.\n\nmedium - screens less than 1200 pixel wide like small laptops.\n\nlarge - screens with more than 1200 pixel wide like laptops and desktops.\n\nYou can make a setting for each of those categories. Or u can just skip the layout for a setting and the smaller setting will come into place. The screen width is always split into 12 logical columns. The smallest line width to choose is 1/12. brixxbox will set the extra small device to 12/12 as default. An input control will go across the full screen width. Medium devices will be set to 4/12 per control. That will lead to 3 controls per screen line for medium and large layouts.\n\nIn addition you can decide if u want to have the control label on a separate line above the control or in front of the control. Those settings will be used for all devices.\n\nAfter saving the control settings in app designer the preview will reflect the changes.\n\n\\\nFor further information please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/widthclass"} {"id": "6c648abf348c-0", "text": "LabelWrap\n\nIf this checkbox is checked. the label text will be displayed in full length and wrapped at the end of the available width. If not checked the label will be cut and a \"...\" will be appended. You can hover with the mouse over a label to get the full text.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/labelwrap"} {"id": "d6556e8fb7c2-0", "text": "SelectAllOnFocus\n\nSelects all text when the focus is set to this control.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/selectallonfocus"} {"id": "73abe2ba24f1-0", "text": "RefersToConfig\n\nIf this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another Config. You have to specify which config that is.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/referstoconfig"} {"id": "550b6afb6a68-0", "text": "LoadRecordOnLeave\n\nIf this is set. Brixxbox tries to load a record by using the value of this control as a key.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/loadrecordonleave"} {"id": "24ef0bf245fc-0", "text": "Visibility\n\nVisibility\n\nYou can specify the default visibility of a field", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/visibility"} {"id": "86f367695e9b-0", "text": "Id\n\nThe controlId is an essential part of a brixxbox Control. Every Control needs a unique (in its App) Id. All new controls get a generated Id (starting with an underscore). The generated Id is changeable but once you give your control a custom Id, this will be unchangeable afterwards. The generated Id should never be used to reference the control. If you need to do something with the control (like hide it, get or set a value), you need to give it a readable Id.\n\nA Control is always addressed with its controlId.\n\nControl Ids should start with a lowercase (often with a mandatory prefix, that has been set in the app) and can contain, Numbers, upper and lowercase letters and underscores.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/app-editor-properties/id"} {"id": "04f681f13514-0", "text": "# Slider", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/custom-html-templates/slider"} {"id": "04f681f13514-1", "text": "```\n{\n \"id\": \"mySliderControl\",\n \"controlType\": \"htmlTemplate\",\n \"widthClassMd\": \"col-md-4\",\n \"refersToConfigSource\": \"\",", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/custom-html-templates/slider"} {"id": "04f681f13514-2", "text": "\"htmlTemplateContent\": \"\\r\\n .slidecontainer {\\r\\n\\r\\n width: 100%;\\r\\n /* Width of the outside container */\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n /* The slider itself */\\r\\n .slider {\\r\\n -webkit-appearance: none;\\r\\n /* Override default CSS styles */\\r\\n appearance: none;\\r\\n width: 100%;\\r\\n /* Full-width */\\r\\n height: 25px;\\r\\n /* Specified height */\\r\\n background: #d3d3d3;\\r\\n /* Grey background */\\r\\n outline: none;\\r\\n /* Remove outline */\\r\\n opacity: 0.7;\\r\\n /* Set transparency (for mouse-over effects on hover) */\\r\\n -webkit-transition: .2s;\\r\\n /* 0.2 seconds transition on hover */\\r\\n transition: opacity .2s;\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n /* Mouse-over effects */\\r\\n .slider:hover {\\r\\n opacity: 1;\\r\\n /* Fully shown on mouse-over */\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n /* The slider handle (use", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/custom-html-templates/slider"} {"id": "04f681f13514-3", "text": "mouse-over */\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n /* The slider handle (use -webkit- (Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge) and -moz- (Firefox) to override default look) */\\r\\n .slider::-webkit-slider-thumb {\\r\\n -webkit-appearance: none;\\r\\n /* Override default look */\\r\\n appearance: none;\\r\\n width: 25px;\\r\\n /* Set a specific slider handle width */\\r\\n height: 25px;\\r\\n /* Slider handle height */\\r\\n background: #04AA6D;\\r\\n /* Green background */\\r\\n cursor: pointer;\\r\\n /* Cursor on hover */\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n .slider::-moz-range-thumb {\\r\\n width: 25px;\\r\\n /* Set a specific slider handle width */\\r\\n height: 25px;\\r\\n /* Slider handle height */\\r\\n background: #04AA6D;\\r\\n /* Green background */\\r\\n cursor: pointer;\\r\\n /* Cursor on hover */\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/custom-html-templates/slider"} {"id": "04f681f13514-4", "text": "\\r\\n", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/custom-html-templates/slider"} {"id": "d3f9d879b871-0", "text": "# jsTree\n\n### Tree Control\n\n\n\n```json\n{\n \"id\": \"costCenterTree\",\n \"controlType\": \"htmlTemplate\",\n \"refersToConfigSource\": \"\",\n \"htmlTemplateContent\": \"\\r\\n .bbjsTree{\\r\\n \\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\n\n\",\n \"events\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"onSubDataRequest\",\n \"code\": \"debugger;\\r\\n//Lib laden, wenn noch nicht passiert\\r\\nif (!window.jsTree) {\\r\\n $('head').append(`", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/custom-html-templates/jstree"} {"id": "c726beeecce8-0", "text": "Custom HTML Templates", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/app-editor/custom-html-templates/README"} {"id": "7fbf820d648c-0", "text": "SqlFunction\n\nSQL Functions\n\nThis app allows you to maintain SQL functions for your workspace DataBase.\n\nIn the main editor window you can edit the body of the function. The Create/Alter and function name must be omitted. After saving the Function it will be checked for errors. If no Errors are found it will be added to your DataBase.\n\nIt is always good practice to add a brief description for your function. This description is searchable within the function list.\n\nOnce the function is successfully added to your DataBase you can directly test it from the query window. Enter your test and execute it. Errors or results will be shown. If u enter multiple tests in the query window, select the one you want by marking the relevant text. If a selection is active, only this will be executed.\n\nExample Usages\n\nOnly write the body of the function! Is this case the CREATE FUNCTION ExampleDateToVeryLongString is automatictly generated.\n\n```sql\n(@DATE datetime) \nRETURNS nvarchar(max)\nWITH EXECUTE AS CALLER\nAS\nBEGIN\n\nEND;\n```\n\n\\\nThis Function can be used as part of a SQL Statement. i.g.\n\nsql\nSELECT dbo.ExampleDateToVeryLongString ((GETUTCDATE()))", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/sql-functions/sqlfunction"} {"id": "ab9c56a5ec73-0", "text": "StdSqlEditor\n\nSQL Statements\n\nThis app allows you to store SQL statements that can be used in all the apps of a workspace.\n\nIn the main editor window you can edit the SQL statement. It is always good practice to add a brief description for your statement. This description is searchable within the statement list.\n\nIn addition test parameter can be supplied. Test parameter must use Json format.\n\nExample Usages\n\nsql\nselect * from ExampleDataBase where ExampleCountryCode = @country and ExampleZipCode = @zip\n\n\\\nTest parameter for the above statement\n\nsql\n{\"zip\":\"12345\", \"country\":\"DE\"}\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/vs3uR5BRPKU\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/sql-functions/stdsqleditor"} {"id": "902b6e5bf159-0", "text": "SqlStoredProcedure\n\nSQL Stored Procedure\n\nThis app allows you to maintain SQL stored procedures for your workspace DataBase.\n\nIn the main editor window you can edit the body of the procedure. The Create/Alter and procedure name must be omitted. After saving the stored procedure will be checked for errors. If no Errors are found it will be added to your DataBase.\n\nIt is always good practice to add a brief description for your function. This description is searchable within the list.\n\nOnce the stored procedure is successfully added to your DataBase you can directly test it from the query window. Enter your test and execute it. Errors or results will be shown. If u enter multiple tests in the query window, select the one you want by marking the relevant text. If a selection is active, only this will be executed.\n\nExample Usages\n\nOnly write the body of the procedure! Is this case the CREATE PROCEDURE ExampleDateToVeryLongString is automatictly generated.\n\n```sql\n@aReturnString nvarchar(255) output\nAS\nBEGIN\n\nEND;\n```\n\n\\\nThis can be checked in the test window.\n\n```sql\nDECLARE @someReturn nvarchar(255);\n\nEXECUTE dbo.ExampleDateToVeryLongString @someReturn output;\n\nSELECT @someReturn;\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/sql-functions/sqlstoredprocedure"} {"id": "4f2344dc9ffe-0", "text": "SqlTrigger\n\nSQL Trigger\n\nThis app allows you to maintain DML triggers for your workspace dataBase tables.\n\nIn the main editor window you can edit the body of the trigger. The Create/Alter ,trigger name and table name must be omitted. After saving the trigger it will be checked for errors. If no Errors are found it will be added to your DataBase.\n\nIt is always good practice to add a brief description for your trigger. The description is searchable within the trigger list.\n\nExample Usages\n\nOnly write the body of the trigger! Is this case the CREATE Trigger ExampleTrigger ON ExampleTable is automatictly generated.\n\nsql\nafter UPDATE \nAS RAISERROR ('Update on ExampleTable', 15, 1);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/sql-functions/sqltrigger"} {"id": "dedcfc88eb5d-0", "text": "ServerSideFunction\n\nServer Functions\n\nServer Functions (or Server Side Functions) are functions that are executed on the server, instead of the javascript engine in the browser. Basically they are webservices, that respond to a post call and that accept the parameters in a specific pattern, defined by the brixxbox.\n\nYou can use the api function serverFunction to call a Server Function\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/9arAy_c2uI0\" %}\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/HC1IH8ralxA\" %}\n\nExample Usages\n\nTo call a function and get the response object:\n\njavascript\nlet functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction(\"myFunction\", {\n name: \"Hallo\"\n});\nconsole.log(functionResponse.functionResult);\n\n\\\nTo get an example payload based on the current app state:\n\njavascript\nlet functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction(\"myFunction\", {\n name: \"Hallo\"\n},{\n payload: true\n});\nconsole.log(functionResponse.functionResult);\n\nTo get an example postman collection including the payload of the current app:\n\njavascript\nlet functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction(\"myFunction\", {\n name: \"Hallo\"\n},{\n postman: true\n});\nconsole.log(functionResponse.functionResult);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/sql-functions/serversidefunction"} {"id": "f45adec6fa87-0", "text": "Translations\n\nApp Translation\n\nBrixxbox allows more than 16 languages to be used in the workspace. App translation helps user to handle language conversion. This app allows user to add different phrases, messages and their translations. These messages get stored in a list format and can be used later anywhere in your workspace. Each translation app enrty consists of four properties: Translation key which is the actual message or phrase that needs to be translated, culture it is the language in which we want to translate our message, translation it is the actual translation, and last one is comment about this translation.\n\nExample\n\nLets now look at one simple example a \"Thank you\" message after placing an order. We want this English message as well as its translation in German. For this purpose, we will a new entry in app translation. Go to main panel of your workspace then configurations then click on translations. Now in this app you will see a list of already present translations. Click on new button to add a new entry. Fill all necessary information and after this our entry should look like this.\n\nNow create this translation entry by clicking on create button.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/apps/translations"} {"id": "1e20a5f7413f-0", "text": "Roles\n\nRoles\n\nThis Panel allows you to create Roles for a Workspace\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/hH2d3zCPUrM\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/apps/roles"} {"id": "2897edffd093-0", "text": "CloudGateway\n\n{% hint style=\"info\" %}\nFor Printing, use ApiKeys CloudeConnector\n{% endhint %}\n\nThe CloudGateway is similar to the CloudConnector but the CloudGateway is used for retrieving and sending data instead of printing.\n\nTo request Data from the Gateway use the cloudQuery api function.\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/YDJf9uSWVdU\" %}\n\nExample Configuration\n\n```\n{\n \"Connections\": [\n {\n \"Endpoint\": \"LocalFirebird\", //Your name choice\n \"Plugin\": \"Firebird\",\n \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=;User=SYSDBA;Password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Database=C:\\Users\\volker\\Documents\\VOLKERSTESTDB.FDB\"\n },\n {\n \"Endpoint\": \"LocalSql\",\n \"Plugin\": \"MsSql\",\n \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=tcp:,1433;Initial Catalog=MyDb;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=myUser;Password=xxxxxxxxxxxxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;\"\n }\n ]\n}\n\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/apps/cloudgateway"} {"id": "4380cddd584a-0", "text": "StandardDatasources\n\nWe are writing documentation. This page will be updated soon!", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/apps/standarddatasources"} {"id": "e8e1f5ef79b2-0", "text": "Apps", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/apps/README"} {"id": "b70f516a1cdc-0", "text": "Users\n\nUsers\n\nThis Panel lets you invite users to your workspace, assign roles to them and kick them eventually.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/hH2d3zCPUrM\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/apps/users"} {"id": "0d62d75e6750-0", "text": "WorkspaceFirewall\n\nDatabase Firewall\n\nThis app allows you to open the firewall of your brixxbox database for specific client pc. This is useful, if you need to connect directly to your database via Azure Data Studio or any other client software.\n\nThe database is a Microsoft Azure SQL Database, in case your client needs specific information for the connection type.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/pnMtz37KQhc\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/apps/workspacefirewall"} {"id": "f69441cda17e-0", "text": "CustomInviteEmailContent\n\nCustomInviteEmailContent\n\nYou can set the html email body for the invitation emails to introduce them to your workspace. You can use the placeholder [Link] if you want to specify the link location. If no [Link] Tag is found in your body, the tag will be appended at the end.\n\nAttachments like the workspace custom logo can be added by using its content id: 'cid:CustomLogo.png'\n\n```\n\nWelcome to our Workspace\n\nPlease click this [Link] to choose your password.\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/custominviteemailcontent"} {"id": "ac1e324f0ec1-0", "text": "WhiteLabeling\n\nWhite Labeling\n\nIn this Workspace settings section, you can configure the logo image, header- and footer color to brand your workspace if you have a partner subscription", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/whitelabeling"} {"id": "f5a50bb11555-0", "text": "Workspace Settings", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/README (1)"} {"id": "2285a95344ba-0", "text": "CustomInviteText\n\nCustomInviteText\n\nYou can set the text body for the invitation emails to introduce them to your workspace.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/custominvitetext"} {"id": "41eb3a12b80d-0", "text": "RecordLockWaitTime\n\nRecordLockWaitTime\n\nDefines the time in seconds, a user has to react on a record edit request from another user. The default is 120 seconds, that means if a editing user is asked to release the record, the user has 120 seconds to accept or decline the request. after 120 seconds the request will be forcefully accepted.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/recordlockwaittime"} {"id": "3c0ea318c24c-0", "text": "CustomLogoUrl\n\nCustomLogoUrl\n\nEnter a url to a log file, to display in the upper left corner of the brixxbox\n\nThe image file should be similar to [the brixxbox logo image]", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/customlogourl"} {"id": "89c799076309-0", "text": "CustomHeaderFooterBackgroundColor\n\nCustomHeaderFooterBackgroundColor\n\nSet the [css color] for the header and footer bar\n\nExample values:\n\n1.\n * rgb(255, 123, 0)\n * #ff12ab\n * lightBlue", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/customheaderfooterbackgroundcolor"} {"id": "3263e1bd2bf6-0", "text": "WorkspaceSettings\n\nWorkspace Settings\n\nThis App allows to define settings for different scenarios.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/README"} {"id": "4da681fc73d0-0", "text": "CustomLogoBackgroundColor\n\nCustomLogoBackgroundColor\n\nSet the [css color] for the logo background in the upper left corner\n\nExample values:\n\n1.\n * rgb(255, 123, 0)\n * #ff12ab\n * lightBlue", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/workspace-settings/customlogobackgroundcolor"} {"id": "28c05697d44d-0", "text": "Basic CRM\n\nContents\n\n1 What is CRM****\n\n2 What is a CRM system****\n\n2.1 Advantages and benefits of a CRM system****\n\n3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Basic CRM-Template****\n\n3.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWhat is CRM\n\nCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for companies and their employees to systematically create relationships and interactions with contact persons of existing and potential customers. By generating sales, these customers play a decisive role in the long-term success of the company. If customers adjust their buying behavior and switch to products from other companies, this can have serious consequences for their own company. That's why companies invest a lot of time and effort in CRM activities to analyze customer preferences. Target groups, markets and the respective needs are analyzed in the CRM and coordinated with the own portfolio. If deviations are found, the employees of the sales and marketing department, in coordination with the management, have the task of optimizing the customer relationship within the framework of CRM or adjusting the concrete CRM strategies in order to better reach the customers again. Other departments also contribute to customer satisfaction and provide valuable information for CRM. This includes, for example, the entire service department. Within the scope of service, customer inquiries and discrepancies are recorded and processed. This is also part of CRM.\n\nCRM generates a wide range of detailed information that must be bundled, categorized and evaluated in order to derive statements. Without the appropriate technology, with increasing numbers of customers and prospects and the respective contacts, it doesn't take long before CRM can no longer be managed with manual work. Targeted contact with the customer is made more difficult. Without a suitable technology, employees lose too much time for CRM if the CRM strategy is to be pursued with the same quality and intensity even with increasing numbers of customers and prospects.\n\nWhat is a CRM system\n\nA CRM system is a software with functions for the management and automation of all information that is generated month by month when addressing customers or prospects and binding them. In the CRM software, all data of customers and prospects, including all transactions and related communication, are collected and stored in databases. The following information can be taken as an example:\n\nDocumentation of a prospective customer telephone call for later evaluation\n\nStorage of a customer offer for later allocation\n\nAppointment reminder for an offer meeting with an interested party on site\n\nBirthday management of A and B customers to increase attention", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/basic-crm"} {"id": "28c05697d44d-1", "text": "Appointment reminder for an offer meeting with an interested party on site\n\nBirthday management of A and B customers to increase attention\n\nCRM systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company and the required level of information, different solutions with different functionalities are possible. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the CRM system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the CRM software are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take into account the increasing degree of information for the company.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of a CRM system\n\nThe advantages and benefits of CRM software for companies are obvious. In practice, a large number of contacts and their relationship to your own company must be managed in one system. Well-designed CRM systems create more transparency. They can be used wherever direct or indirect customer or prospect contact is required. With the right CRM software, the entire sales force can also be supported. This applies both to:\n\nthe sales field service with the objective of \"increasing sales\",\n\nas well as for the service-oriented field service with the objective \"service and maintenance\".\n\nAll on-site activities can be recorded directly in the CRM software. In addition, a good CRM system can also be an aid for certain activities, in which information is available at the right place in the right form. This not only saves time, but also regularly delivers better results in all areas.\n\nIn summary, a CRM system helps to support sales, marketing, service and last but not least, management. With the help of a CRM system, activities can be optimized and automated (e.g. monthly reports). In addition, a good CRM provides a variety of decision bases.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Basic CRM-Template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/basic-crm"} {"id": "28c05697d44d-2", "text": "In practice, this CRM application could be used for example by:\n\nfreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\nto create customers and prospects and manage their contacts and CRM-relevant data. In addition to master data management, advanced functions are also included to visualize the possible use and linking of master data and to derive a realistic practical reference to support management, sales and marketing.\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nCompany data: Name and address of the companies\n\ncontact details: Contact data and contact persons of the companies and employees\n\nPhone book: based on contact data\n\nArchiving: storage and digitalization of documents and files from customers and prospects\n\nCRM data: Scheduling (e.g. per month, week), deadline monitoring and appointment documentation as well as assignment of relevant contacts\n\nCRM Workflows: Creation of reminders and follow-ups (e.g. in two months) for certain contacts\n\nTemplates: Text templates can be created\n\nMobile: Access to all data anywhere and with any device (cloud)\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/basic-crm"} {"id": "ea1cba144032-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Datenarchiv\n\nContents\n\n1 Was ist ein Archivsystem:****\n\n1.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines Archivsystems****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Datenarchiv-Template****\n\n2.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWas ist ein Archivsystem:\n\nBei jedem Gesch\u00c3\u00a4ftsprozess entstehen Informationen, die f\u00c3\u00bcr die sp\u00c3\u00a4tere Auswertbarkeit und Analyse digitalisiert und archiviert werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen. Dies k\u00c3\u00b6nnen ganz unterschiedliche Dokumente sein. So werden seit geraumer Zeit bereits in den meisten Unternehmen jeglichen Dokumente im Zusammenhang mit der Transaktion von Waren und Dienstleitungen wie Lieferscheine oder Rechnungen elektronisch archiviert. Ebenso nimmt die elektronische Archivierung verschiedener Kommunikationswege wie Email oder Messenger im beruflichen Kontext zu.\n\nEin elektronisches Archivsystem bietet die M\u00c3\u00b6glichkeit Dokumente in einer bestimmten Struktur elektronisch zu archivieren. Anhand der Struktur in Form von Ordnern, verschlagworteten Suchbegriffen und anderen Merkmalen ist es zu einem sp\u00c3\u00a4teren Zeitpunkt m\u00c3\u00b6glich die zuvor archivierten Daten in selektierter Form zu laden und zu visualisieren.\n\nAbh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Datenart m\u00c3\u00bcssen im Hinblick auf die Archivierung zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Kriterien ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigt werden. So m\u00c3\u00bcssen beispielsweise steuerrelevante digital archivierte Daten wie Rechnungen gem\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009f der geltenden Aufbewahrungsfrist in Deutschland 10 Jahre gespeichert werden und zus\u00c3\u00a4tzlich Revisionssicher sein. Revisionssicherheit umfasst folgende Merkmale, die bei der Archivierung ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigt werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen:\n\nRichtigkeit der archivierten Dokumente\n\nVollst\u00c3\u00a4ndigkeit der archivierten Dokumente\n\nSicherheit des Archiv-Verfahrens", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/datenarchiv"} {"id": "ea1cba144032-1", "text": "Vollst\u00c3\u00a4ndigkeit der archivierten Dokumente\n\nSicherheit des Archiv-Verfahrens\n\nSchutz vor Ver\u00c3\u00a4nderung und Verf\u00c3\u00a4lschung der archivierten Dokumente\n\nSicherung vor Verlust des Archivsystems\n\nNutzung des Archivs nur durch Berechtigte\n\nEinhaltung der Aufbewahrungsfristen\n\nDokumentation des Archivsystems\n\nNachvollziehbarkeit des Archivsystems\n\nPr\u00c3\u00bcfbarkeit des Archivsystems\n\nArchivsysteme basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der archivierten Datenmenge, der archivierten Datenart und der gew\u00c3\u00bcnschten Integrationstiefe kommen verschiedene Archivsysteme aufgrund der teils unterschiedlichen Anforderungen in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des Archivsystems. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen des Archivsystems mit der Zeit aufgrund gestiegener Anforderungen nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen eines Archivsystems\n\nGute Archivierungsl\u00c3\u00b6sungen bieten vielf\u00c3\u00a4ltige M\u00c3\u00b6glichkeiten und unterst\u00c3\u00bctzen viele Prozesse im Unternehmen. Die in diesem Zusammenhang zu nennenden Hauptvorteile sind:\n\ndie Zentrale Datenspeicherung von archivierten Dokumenten und Dateien im elektronischen Archiv\n\ndie Reduktion von Suchzeiten im elektronischen Archiv\n\nEinsparung von Archivr\u00c3\u00a4umen mit archivierten Papierdokumenten\n\nVereinfachter Wissenstranfer durch digital archivierte Dokumente\n\nMinimierung der Papierkosten", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/datenarchiv"} {"id": "ea1cba144032-2", "text": "Vereinfachter Wissenstranfer durch digital archivierte Dokumente\n\nMinimierung der Papierkosten\n\nArchivsysteme basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe, der Art und Anzahl der vorhandenen Dokumenten kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des Archivsystems. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen des Archivsystems mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Datenarchiv-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.\n\nDie zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte das Datenarchiv-Template zum Beispiel von:\n\nBeratungsuntermehmen\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um Dateien und Dokumente in einer geordneten und klar definierten Struktur zu verwalten\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nDefinition von Haupt-, und Untergruppen\n\nArchivierung von beliebigen Dokumenten und Dateien\n\nBeschreibung der Dateien", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/datenarchiv"} {"id": "ea1cba144032-3", "text": "Definition von Haupt-, und Untergruppen\n\nArchivierung von beliebigen Dokumenten und Dateien\n\nBeschreibung der Dateien\n\nSuchfunktion im Archivsystem\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/datenarchiv"} {"id": "341c8a62d0ee-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Digitale Adressverwaltung\n\nContents\n\n1 Wer ben\u00c3\u00b6tigt ein digitale Adressverwaltung:****\n\n1.1 Vorteile und Nutzen einer digitalen Adressverwaltung****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitale Adressverwaltung-Template****\n\n2.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWer ben\u00c3\u00b6tigt ein digitale Adressverwaltung:\n\nAdressen, z.B. in Form von Kunden und Lieferanten, bilden f\u00c3\u00bcr Unternehmen die Basis wirtschaftlichen Handelns. Eine sorgf\u00c3\u00a4ltige und detaillierte Anlage und Verwaltung der jeweiligen Adressen und die damit verbundenen Ansprechpartner sind sehr wichtig. Gerade im Hinblick auf die Generierung und Bindung von Neukunden durch geeignete Akquisen fallen schnell viele Adressen an. Ohne eine unterst\u00c3\u00bctzende Technologie dauert es nicht lange, bis das Adressmanagement mit h\u00c3\u00a4ndischer Arbeit nicht mehr zu bew\u00c3\u00a4ltigen ist.\n\nEin digitales Adressmanagement sollte mindestens folgende Punkte ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen:\n\nSpeicherung aller adressrelevanter Informationen\n\nSpeicherung der zugeh\u00c3\u00b6rigen Ansprechpartner\n\nSpeicherung der jeweiligen Kontaktinformationen\n\nMittlerweile z\u00c3\u00a4hlt die Erfassung von zus\u00c3\u00a4tzlichen Adressinformationen, wie Interessen, W\u00c3\u00bcnsche oder Vorlieben ebenso dazu. Im Idealfall wird im Laufe der Zeit ein 360- Grad Blick erreicht.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen einer digitalen Adressverwaltung\n\nAlle Daten liegen an einem zentralen Ort. Dies reduziert den Wartungs- und Aktualisierungsaufwand. In der Praxis ist ein digitales Adressmanagement in den meisten F\u00c3\u00a4llen mit anderen Systemen und Prozessen innerhalb einer Software aus dem Bereich \"Warenwirtschaft oder ERP\" verkn\u00c3\u00bcpft. Sie bilden so zusagen die Stammdaten f\u00c3\u00bcr relevante Folgeprozesse wie:\n\nSchreiben von Lieferscheinen und Rechnungen", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digitale-adressverwaltung"} {"id": "341c8a62d0ee-1", "text": "Schreiben von Lieferscheinen und Rechnungen\n\noder Verkn\u00c3\u00bcpfung zu CRM- relevanten Funktionen\n\nAnwendungen zur digitalen Adressverwaltung in Verbindung mit relevanten Folgeprozessen basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe, der Ausrichtung und dem gew\u00c3\u00bcnschten Digitalisierungsgrad kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen der ben\u00c3\u00b6tigten L\u00c3\u00b6sung. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitale Adressverwaltung-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.\n\nDie zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte die digitale Adressverwaltung zum Beispiel von:\n\nBeratungsuntermehmen\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um nach der Firmengr\u00c3\u00bcndung erste Kontakte und die jeweiligen Ansprechpartner zu verwalten.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digitale-adressverwaltung"} {"id": "341c8a62d0ee-2", "text": "genutzt werden, um nach der Firmengr\u00c3\u00bcndung erste Kontakte und die jeweiligen Ansprechpartner zu verwalten.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nFirmenbezeichnung und Anschrift der Kunden, Lieferanten, Interessenten und sonstigen Adressen\n\nAnsprechpartnerverwaltung mit den zugeh\u00c3\u00b6rigen Kontaktdaten\n\nIntegriertes Telefonbuch mit Suchfunktion\n\nArchivierung und Digitalisierung von Dokumenten und Dateien (DMS)\n\nDokumentation von adressrelevanten Besonderheiten (z.B. bestimmte Lieferfristen, Annahmefristen, abweichende Bedingungen etc.)\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digitale-adressverwaltung"} {"id": "b29b82b8f69b-0", "text": "Template Gallery", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/README"} {"id": "1770c35d4e52-0", "text": "Digital Visitor-Management\n\nContents\n\n1 Who needs digital visitor management:****\n\n1.1 Advantages and benefits of digital visitor registration****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Digital Visitor-Management-Template****\n\n2.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWho needs digital visitor management:\n\nCompanies are regularly visited by external visitors and partners. These may simply be applicants in the context of a job placement. In addition, there are of course other reasons why external visitors and partners visit a company, as the following extract makes clear:\n\nMachines must be maintained or repaired by technology partners\n\nCustomers or suppliers are invited to meetings\n\nAudits take place\n\nDifferent departments and employees are visited depending on the visitor and reason for the visit. If, for example, a machine is repaired within production, the technician inevitably gains an insight into the production processes and talks to the employees working there. It is obvious that visitors come into contact with sensitive information, some of which is important for the competitive advantages of the companies visited. Furthermore, in some industries there is even a strict documentation obligation to avoid that internal and sensitive processes are endangered by external interventions. The production of medical products is an example of this.\n\nWhen recording and documenting the visits of all external persons and partners, a lot of information quickly arises, which has to be bundled, categorized and evaluated. Without a supporting technology, it does not take long until visitor management can no longer be handled by hand.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of digital visitor registration\n\nGood solutions for digital visitor management offer a variety of possibilities. Whether short or long visits, the right solution can support the entire visit process. If employees expect a visitor, relevant information can be documented in advance. With the right solution, arriving visitors have the opportunity to add relevant data directly via a touch screen. This not only makes a modern impression, but also saves a lot of time compared to documents that have to be filled in manually and then laboriously analyzed.\n\nApplications for digital visitor management are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company, its orientation and the number of visitors, different solutions with different functionalities can be considered. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of digital visitor management also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take into account the increasing level of information for the company.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digital-visitor-management"} {"id": "1770c35d4e52-1", "text": "brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Digital Visitor-Management-Template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.\n\nIn practice, the digital visitor management could be implemented by:\n\nconsulting companies\n\nFreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\nto digitally manage visits and evaluate them as required.\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nCreate visitors (partners, customers or other guests)\n\nCreate accompanying persons\n\nDefine reason for visit (e.g. customer visit)\n\nCreate visiting hours\n\nEvaluate visits\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digital-visitor-management"} {"id": "c2043af9d1d6-0", "text": "Digital Adressbook\n\nContents\n\n1 Who needs a digital address management:****\n\n1.1 Advantages and benefits of digital address management****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Digital Adressbook-Template****\n\n2.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWho needs a digital address management:\n\nAddresses, e.g. in the form of customers and suppliers, form the basis of economic activity for companies. A careful and detailed creation and administration of the respective addresses and the associated contact persons are very important. Particularly with regard to the generation and binding of new customers by suitable sales activities, many addresses accumulate fast. Without a supporting technology it does not take long until address management can no longer be handled manually.\n\nA digital address management should at least consider the following points:\n\nStorage of all address relevant information\n\nStorage of the associated contact persons\n\nStorage of the respective contact information\n\nMeanwhile, the collection of additional address information, such as interests, wishes or preferences, is also part of this. In the ideal case, a 360-degree view is achieved over time.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of digital address management\n\nAll data is in one central location. This reduces the maintenance and update effort. In practice, digital address management is in most cases linked to other systems and processes within a software from the field of \"enterprise resource planning or ERP\". They form the master data for relevant subsequent processes such as:\n\nWriting delivery bills and invoices\n\nor link to CRM relevant functions\n\nApplications for digital address management in connection with relevant follow-up processes are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company, its orientation and the desired degree of digitization, various solutions with different functionalities can be considered. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the required solution also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take into account the increasing level of information for the company.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Digital Adressbook-Template", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digital-adressbook"} {"id": "c2043af9d1d6-1", "text": "brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Digital Adressbook-Template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.\n\nIn practice, the digital address management could for example be implemented by:\n\nconsulting company\n\nFreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\nto manage initial contacts and the respective contact persons after the company is founded.\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nCompany name and address of customers, suppliers, interested parties and other addresses\n\nContact person management with the corresponding contact data\n\nIntegrated telephone book with search function\n\nArchiving and digitalization of documents and files (DMS)\n\nDocumentation of address-relevant features (e.g. specific delivery periods, acceptance deadlines, deviating conditions)\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digital-adressbook"} {"id": "4cbdce11426d-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Basis CRM\n\nContents\n\n1 Was ist CRM****\n\n2 Was ist ein CRM-System****\n\n2.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines CRM-Systems****\n\n3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Basis CRM-Template****\n\n3.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWas ist CRM\n\nDas Customer Relationship Management/ Kundenbeziehungsmanagement (kurz CRM) ist f\u00c3\u00bcr Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeiter eine Strategie zur systematischen Gestaltung von Beziehungen und Interaktionen mit Kontaktpersonen bestehender und potenzieller Kunden. Diese sind durch die Umsatzgenerierung ma\u00c3\u009fgeblich am langfristigen Erfolg des Unternehmens beteiligt. Wenn Kunden Ihr Kaufverhalten anpassen und auf Produkte anderer Unternehmen ausweichen, kann dies f\u00c3\u00bcr das eigene Unternehmen ernste Folgen haben. Daher investieren Unternehmen viel Zeit und Aufwand in die CRM-T\u00c3\u00a4tigkeiten zur Analyse der Kundenw\u00c3\u00bcnsche. Zielgruppen, M\u00c3\u00a4rkte und die jeweiligen Bed\u00c3\u00bcrfnisse werden im Rahmen des CRM analysiert und mit dem eigenen Portfolio abgestimmt. Werden Abweichungen festgestellt, obliegt den Mitarbeitern des Vertriebs und des Marketings in Abstimmung mit dem Management die Aufgabe das Kundenverh\u00c3\u00a4ltnis im Rahmen des CRM zu Optimieren bzw. die konkreten CRM-Strategien anzupassen, um die Kunden wieder besser zu erreichen. Auch andere Abteilungen tragen zur Kundenzufriedenheit bei und liefern wertvolle Informationen f\u00c3\u00bcr das CRM. Hierzu z\u00c3\u00a4hlt zum Beispiel der gesamte Bereich Service. Im Rahmen des Service werden Kundenanfragen und Unstimmigkeiten erfasst und bearbeitet. Auch dies ist Teil des CRM.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/basis-crm"} {"id": "4cbdce11426d-1", "text": "Beim CRM entstehen vielf\u00c3\u00a4ltige, detaillierte Informationen, die geb\u00c3\u00bcndelt, kategorisiert und bewertet werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen, um Aussagen ableiten zu k\u00c3\u00b6nnen. Ohne eine entsprechende Technologie dauert es bei steigenden Kunden-, und Interessentenzahlen und den jeweiligen Kontakten nicht lange, bis CRM mit h\u00c3\u00a4ndischer Arbeit nicht mehr zu bew\u00c3\u00a4ltigen ist. Der zielgerichtete Kontakt zum Kunden wird erschwert. Die Mitarbeiter verlieren ohne eine geeignete Technologie zu viel Zeit f\u00c3\u00bcr das CRM, wenn die CRM-Strategie auch bei steigenden Kunden und Interessenten mit gleicher Qualit\u00c3\u00a4t und Intensit\u00c3\u00a4t verfolgt werden soll.\n\nWas ist ein CRM-System\n\nEin CRM-System ist eine Software mit Funktionen zur Verwaltung und Automatisierung aller Informationen, die bei der Kunden-, bzw. Interessentenansprache und deren Bindung Monat f\u00c3\u00bcr Monat anfallen. In der CRM-Software werden s\u00c3\u00a4mtliche Daten von Kunden und Interessenten inklusive aller Transaktionen und der damit verbundenen Kommunikation erfasst und in Datenbanken gespeichert. Dies k\u00c3\u00b6nnen beispielhaft folgende Informationen sein:\n\nDokumentation eines Interessententelefonates zur sp\u00c3\u00a4teren Bewertung\n\nAblage eines Kundenangebotes zur sp\u00c3\u00a4teren Zuordnung\n\nTerminerinnerung f\u00c3\u00bcr eine Angebotsbesprechung bei einem Interessenten vor Ort\n\nGeburtstagsverwaltung der A- und B-Kunden zur Aufmerksamkeitssteigerung", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/basis-crm"} {"id": "4cbdce11426d-2", "text": "Geburtstagsverwaltung der A- und B-Kunden zur Aufmerksamkeitssteigerung\n\nCRM-Systeme basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe und dem notwendigen Informationsgrad kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des CRM-System. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen der CRM-Software mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen eines CRM-Systems\n\nDie Vorteile und der Nutzen einer CRM-Software f\u00c3\u00bcr Unternehmen liegen klar auf der Hand. In der Praxis muss eine Vielzahl von Kontakten und deren Beziehung zum eigenen Unternehmen in einem System verwaltet werden. Gut durchdachte CRM-Systeme schaffen mehr Transparenz. Sie k\u00c3\u00b6nnen \u00c3\u00bcberall dort eingesetzt werden, wo direkter oder indirekter Kunden-, bzw. Interessentenkontakt erforderlich ist. Mit der richtigen CRM-Software kann ebenfalls der gesamte Au\u00c3\u009fendienst unterst\u00c3\u00bctzt werden. Dies gilt sowohl f\u00c3\u00bcr:\n\nden vertrieblichen Au\u00c3\u009fendienst mit der Zielsetzung \"Umsatzsteigerung\",\n\nals auch f\u00c3\u00bcr den serviceorientierten Au\u00c3\u009fendienst mit der Zielsetzung \"Service und Wartung\".", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/basis-crm"} {"id": "4cbdce11426d-3", "text": "als auch f\u00c3\u00bcr den serviceorientierten Au\u00c3\u009fendienst mit der Zielsetzung \"Service und Wartung\".\n\nAlle Aktivit\u00c3\u00a4ten vor Ort k\u00c3\u00b6nnen direkt in die CRM-Software erfasst werden. Dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus kann ein gutes CRM-System auch eine Hilfestellung f\u00c3\u00bcr bestimmte T\u00c3\u00a4tigkeiten sein, in dem Informationen an der richtigen Stelle in der richtigen Form aufbereitet zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung stehen. Dies spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern liefert regelm\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009fig auch bessere Resultate in allen Bereichen.\n\nZusammengefasst tr\u00c3\u00a4gt ein CRM-System dazu bei den Vertrieb, das Marketing, den Service und nicht zuletzt das Management zu unterst\u00c3\u00bctzen. Mit Hilfe eines CRM-Systems k\u00c3\u00b6nnen T\u00c3\u00a4tigkeiten optimiert und automatisiert (z.B. monatliche Reports) werden. Dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus liefert ein gutes CRM vielf\u00c3\u00a4ltige Entscheidungsgrundlagen.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Basis CRM-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.\n\nDie zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte diese CRM-Anwendung zum Beispiel von:\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/basis-crm"} {"id": "4cbdce11426d-4", "text": "In der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte diese CRM-Anwendung zum Beispiel von:\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um Kunden und Interessenten anzulegen und deren Kontakte und CRM-relevante Daten zu verwalten. Neben der Stammdatenhaltung sind dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus erweiterte Funktionen enthalten, um eine m\u00c3\u00b6gliche Verwendung und Verkn\u00c3\u00bcpfung der Stammdaten zu visualisieren und einen realistischen Praxisbezug zur Unterst\u00c3\u00bctzung des Managements, des Vertriebs und des Marketings herzuleiten.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nUnternehmensdaten: Bezeichnung und Anschrift der Unternehmen\n\nKontaktdaten: Kontaktdaten und Ansprechpartner der Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter\n\nTelefonbuch: auf Basis der Kontaktdaten\n\nArchivierung: Ablage und Digitalisierung von Dokumenten und Dateien von Kunden und Interessenten\n\nCRM Daten: Terminplanung (z.B. pro Monat, Woche), Termin\u00c3\u00bcberwachung und Termindokumentation sowie Zuordnung relevanter Kontakte\n\nCRM Workflows: Erstellung von Erinnerungen und Wiedervorlagen (z.B. in zwei Monaten) f\u00c3\u00bcr bestimme Kontakte\n\nVorlagen: Textvorlagen k\u00c3\u00b6nnen erstellt werden\n\nMobil: Zugriff auf alle Daten \u00c3\u00bcberall und mit jedem Endger\u00c3\u00a4t m\u00c3\u00b6glich (Cloud)\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/basis-crm"} {"id": "c02eabe86b66-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Digitales Besuchermanagement\n\nContents\n\n1 Wer ben\u00c3\u00b6tigt ein digitales Besuchermanagement:****\n\n1.1 Vorteile und Nutzen einer digitalen Besuchererfassung****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitale Besucherverwaltung-Template****\n\n2.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWer ben\u00c3\u00b6tigt ein digitales Besuchermanagement:\n\nRegelm\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009fig werden Unternehmen von externen Personen und Partnern besucht. Dies k\u00c3\u00b6nnen schlicht Bewerber im Rahmen einer Stellenbesetzung sein. Dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus gibt es nat\u00c3\u00bcrlich weitere Gr\u00c3\u00bcnde, warum externe Personen und Partner einen Betrieb besuchen, wie der nachfolgende Auszug deutlich macht:\n\nMaschinen m\u00c3\u00bcssen durch Technologiepartner gewartet oder repariert werden\n\nKunden oder Lieferanten werden zu Besprechungen eingeladen\n\nEs finden Audits statt\n\nJe nach Besucher und Besuchsgrund werden unterschiedliche Abteilungen und Mitarbeiter besucht. Wird beispielsweise eine Maschine innerhalb der Produktion repariert, erlangt der Monteur zwangl\u00c3\u00a4ufig einen Einblick in die Produktionsprozesse und spricht mit den dort arbeitenden Mitarbeitern. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass Besucher in Kontakt mit sensiblen Informationen kommen, die zum Teil wichtig f\u00c3\u00bcr die Wettbewerbsvorteile der besuchten Unternehmen sind. Dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus besteht in einigen Branchen sogar eine strenge Dokumentationspflicht, um zu vermeiden das interne und sensible Prozesse durch externe Eingriffe gef\u00c3\u00a4hrdet werden. Exemplarisch zu nennen ist hier die Produktion von Medizinprodukten.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digitales-besuchermanagement"} {"id": "c02eabe86b66-1", "text": "Bei der Erfassung und Dokumentation der Besuche aller externen Personen und Partner entstehen schnell viele Informationen, die geb\u00c3\u00bcndelt, kategorisiert und ausgewertet werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen. Ohne eine unterst\u00c3\u00bctzende Technologie dauert es nicht lange, bis die Besucherverwaltung mit h\u00c3\u00a4ndischer Arbeit nicht mehr zu bew\u00c3\u00a4ltigen ist.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen einer digitalen Besuchererfassung\n\nGute L\u00c3\u00b6sungen zur digitalen Besucherverwaltung bieten vielf\u00c3\u00a4ltige M\u00c3\u00b6glichkeiten. Ob kurzer oder langer Besuch, mit der richtigen L\u00c3\u00b6sung kann der gesamte Besuchsprozess unterst\u00c3\u00bctzt werden. Wenn Mitarbeiter einen Besucher erwarten, k\u00c3\u00b6nnen bereits im Vorfeld relevante Informationen dokumentiert werden. Ankommende Besucher haben mit dem richtigen L\u00c3\u00b6sung die M\u00c3\u00b6glichkeit entsprechende Daten direkt \u00c3\u00bcber einen Touch-Bildschirm zu erg\u00c3\u00a4nzen. Das macht nicht nur einen modernen Eindruck, sondern spart dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus auch viel Zeit im Vergleich zu manuell auszuf\u00c3\u00bcllenden Dokumenten, die in der Folge m\u00c3\u00bchsam analysiert werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen.\n\nAnwendungen zur digitalen Besucherverwaltung basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe, der Ausrichtung und dem Besucheraufkommen kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen der digitalen Besucherverwaltung. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitale Besucherverwaltung-Template", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digitales-besuchermanagement"} {"id": "c02eabe86b66-2", "text": "brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitale Besucherverwaltung-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.\n\nDie zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte das digitale Besuchermanagement zum Beispiel von:\n\nBeratungsuntermehmen\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um die Besuche digital zu verwalten und bei Bedarf auszuwerten.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nBesucher anlegen (Partner, Kunden oder weitere G\u00c3\u00a4ste)\n\nBegleitpersonen anlegen\n\nBesuchsgrund definieren (z.B. Kundenbesuch)\n\nBesuchszeiten anlegen\n\nBesuche auswerten\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/digitales-besuchermanagement"} {"id": "ad5c2367da1e-0", "text": "Driver's Logbook\n\nContents\n\n1 Who needs a digital logbook:****\n\n1.1 Advantages and benefits of a digital logbook****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Driver's Logbook template****\n\n2.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWho needs a digital logbook:\n\nA driver's logbook has the basic purpose of documenting the distances travelled with a vehicle as well as the respective reason for the journey. If self-employed persons or employees use a car registered with the company, the tax office generally assumes that the aforementioned groups of persons use the vehicle not only for trips of the company but also for private matters. In most cases, the pecuniary advantage resulting from the car must be taxed.\n\nTwo options are available for this purpose: Either the car is estimated with a lump sum according to the one percent rule (in Germany) - or the frequency and duration of all business and private trips with the car is documented in a detailed logbook. Although the latter method involves some effort, it can result in attractive tax benefits. However, the requirements and the declared information of the tax authorities must be met:\n\nA separate logbook must be kept for each vehicle\n\nInformation on the registration number of the vehicle concerned\n\nIndication of the respective driver\n\nInformation on the exact mileage at the beginning of the trip and the exact mileage at the end of the trip, as well as the driven kilometers\n\nDocumentation of the period of the trip\n\nThe manual entry and specification of the individual trips quickly leads to a lot of work. Without a supporting technology, it does not take long until the administration is not efficient with manual work.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of a digital logbook\n\nThe use of an electronic logbook offers many advantages and often leads to lower costs, especially when there are many trips for the company and few private trips. In general, the following advantages can be mentioned:\n\nsignificant time saving,\n\nClear overview and hardly any errors\n\nSecurity towards the tax office,\n\nGenerally lower costs and tax advantages compared to the one percent rule,\n\nelectronic evaluation of the driving data.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/drivers-logbook"} {"id": "ad5c2367da1e-1", "text": "Security towards the tax office,\n\nGenerally lower costs and tax advantages compared to the one percent rule,\n\nelectronic evaluation of the driving data.\n\nApplications for managing digital driver's logbooks are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company, the number of company vehicles and the degree of internationalization, different solutions with different functionalities are possible. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the digital logbook also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take into account the increasing level of information for the company.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Driver's Logbook template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.\n\nIn practice, the digital driver's logbook could be used by:\n\nfreelancers\n\nto digitally manage the existing company vehicle, document the respective trips with all the data and evaluate them if required.\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nDocumentation of the driver, the registration number\n\nRecording of the kilometers at the start and at the end of the trip and determination of the driven kilometers\n\nDifferentiation between business and private trips with regard to taxation\n\nUse as cell phone app possible\n\nUse as app for tablets possible\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/drivers-logbook"} {"id": "b2ebab78e3ee-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Auftragsverwaltung\n\nContents\n\n1 Wer ben\u00c3\u00b6tigt ein digitale Auftragsverwaltung:****\n\n1.1 Vorteile und Nutzen einer digitalen Auftragsverwaltung****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitale Auftragsverwaltung-Template****\n\n2.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWer ben\u00c3\u00b6tigt ein digitale Auftragsverwaltung:\n\nEin Gesch\u00c3\u00a4ftsmodell wurde entwickelt und der Markt sondiert. Im n\u00c3\u00a4chsten Schritt wurden die Produkte und Dienstleistungen deklariert und erste Adressen f\u00c3\u00bcr Akquisen besorgt. Im Idealfall werden in der Folge die ersten Kunden sowie die ersten Kundenauftr\u00c3\u00a4ge generiert. Die Gesch\u00c3\u00a4ftsprozesse nehmen zu. Ohne eine unterst\u00c3\u00bctzende Technologie dauert es nicht lange, bis das Arbeitsaufkommen mit h\u00c3\u00a4ndischer Arbeit nicht mehr zu bew\u00c3\u00a4ltigen ist.\n\nEine Software zur digitalen Auftragsverwaltung ist eine sinnvolle L\u00c3\u00b6sung, sofern Sie zumindest folgende Punkte ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigt:\n\nSpeicherung aller adressrelevanter Informationen inklusive Ansprechpartner und Kontaktinformationen in der Software\n\nSpeicherung der vorhandenen Artikel und Dienstleistungen in der Software\n\nAnlage der Kundenauftr\u00c3\u00a4ge und Statusverwaltung in der Software\n\nMittlerweile z\u00c3\u00a4hlt die Erfassung von zus\u00c3\u00a4tzlichen Informationen, wie besondere Lieferorte, bestimme Anlieferzeiten oder andere Vorlieben ebenso dazu.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen einer digitalen Auftragsverwaltung", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/auftragsverwaltung"} {"id": "b2ebab78e3ee-1", "text": "Vorteile und Nutzen einer digitalen Auftragsverwaltung\n\nBei einem solchen System liegen alle Daten an einem zentralen Ort. Adressen, Artikel und sonstige Stammdaten k\u00c3\u00b6nnen in der Software effektiv verwaltet und bei Bedarf aktualisiert werden. In der Praxis ist eine digitale Auftragsverwaltung in den meisten F\u00c3\u00a4llen mit anderen Systemen und Prozessen innerhalb einer Software aus dem Bereich \"Warenwirtschaft oder ERP\" verkn\u00c3\u00bcpft. Dazu z\u00c3\u00a4hlen z.B.:\n\nAbrechnungsprogrammen\n\nCRM-Systemen, um die Kundenw\u00c3\u00bcnsche direkt zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen\n\nArchivsystem, um Dokumente digital zu archivieren\n\nAnwendungen zur digitalen Auftragsverwaltung in Verbindung mit relevanten Folgeprozessen basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe, der Ausrichtung und dem gew\u00c3\u00bcnschten Digitalisierungsgrad kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen der ben\u00c3\u00b6tigten L\u00c3\u00b6sung. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitale Auftragsverwaltung-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/auftragsverwaltung"} {"id": "b2ebab78e3ee-2", "text": "Die zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte die digitale Auftragsverwaltung zum Beispiel von:\n\nBeratungsuntermehmen\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um nach der Firmengr\u00c3\u00bcndung erste Kontakte mit den jeweiligen Ansprechpartnern zu verwalten sowie erste Gesch\u00c3\u00a4ftsaktivit\u00c3\u00a4ten (z.B. Kundenauftr\u00c3\u00a4ge) \u00c3\u00bcberwachen.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nFirmenbezeichnung und Anschrift der Kunden, Lieferanten, Interessenten und sonstigen Adressen\n\nAnsprechpartnerverwaltung mit den zugeh\u00c3\u00b6rigen Kontaktdaten\n\nArchivierung und Digitalisierung von Dokumenten und Dateien (DMS)\n\nDokumentation von adressrelevanten Besonderheiten (z.B. bestimmte Lieferfristen, Annahmefristen, abweichende Bedingungen etc.)\n\nArtikelverwaltung\n\nPreisverwaltung\n\nErfassung und Steuerung von Rabatten je Auftrag\n\nAuftrag eingeben und dokumentieren\n\nStatus des Auftrags verwalten\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/auftragsverwaltung"} {"id": "7567eca4eb74-0", "text": "Data Archive\n\nContents\n\n1 What is an archive system:****\n\n1.1 Advantages and benefits of an archive system****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Data Archive-Template****\n\n2.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWhat is an archive system:\n\nEvery business process generates information that needs to be digitized and archived for later analysis and evaluation. These can be very different documents. For some time now, most companies have been electronically archiving all kinds of documents related to the transaction of goods and services such as delivery bills or invoices. Similarly, the electronic archiving of various communication channels such as email or messengers is increasing in the professional context.\n\nAn electronic archiving system offers the possibility to electronically archive documents in a certain structure. Based on the structure in the form of folders, keyworded search terms and other features, it is possible to load and visualize the previously archived data in selected form at a later time.\n\nDepending on the type of data, additional criteria must be taken into account with regard to archiving. For example, tax-relevant digitally archived data such as invoices must be stored for 10 years in accordance with the applicable retention period in Germany and must also be audit-proof. Revision security includes the following features that must be taken into account during archiving:\n\ncorrectness of archived documents\n\nCompleteness of archived documents\n\nSecurity of the archive procedure\n\nProtection against modification and falsification of archived documents\n\nBackup before loss of the archive system\n\nUse of the archive only by authorized persons\n\nCompliance with the retention periods\n\nDocumentation of the archive system\n\nTraceability of the archive system\n\nTestability of the archive system\n\nArchiving systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the amount of archived data, the type of archived data and the desired integration depth, different archiving systems are possible due to the partly different requirements. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the archiving system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the archive system are no longer sufficient over time due to increased requirements and a change must be considered.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of an archive system\n\nGood archiving solutions offer a wide range of possibilities and support many processes in the company. The main advantages to be mentioned in this context are\n\nCentral data storage of archived documents and files in the electronic archive\n\nthe reduction of search times in the electronic archive", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/data-archive"} {"id": "7567eca4eb74-1", "text": "Central data storage of archived documents and files in the electronic archive\n\nthe reduction of search times in the electronic archive\n\nSaving of archive rooms with archived paper documents\n\nSimplified knowledge transfer through digitally archived documents\n\nMinimization of paper costs\n\nArchiving systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company and the type and number of documents available, different solutions with different functionalities can be considered. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the archiving system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the archiving system are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take into account the increasing level of information for the company.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Data Archive-Template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.\n\nIn practice, the data archive template could be used for example by:\n\nConsulting company\n\nFreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\nto manage files and documents in an orderly and clearly defined structure\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nDefinition of main groups and subgroups\n\nArchiving of any documents and files\n\nDescription of the files\n\nSearch function in the archive system\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/data-archive"} {"id": "91bf0c3ddb49-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Erweitertes CRM-System\n\nContents\n\n1 Was ist CRM\n\n2 Was ist ein CRM-System****\n\n2.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines CRM-Systems****\n\n2.2 Vorteile und Nutzen eines integrierten Projektmanagementsystems****\n\n3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Erweitertes CRM-Template****\n\n3.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWas ist CRM\n\nDas Customer Relationship Management (kurz CRM) ist f\u00c3\u00bcr Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeiter eine Strategie zur systematischen Gestaltung von Beziehungen und Interaktionen mit Kontaktpersonen bestehender und potenzieller Kunden. Diese sind durch die Umsatzgenerierung ma\u00c3\u009fgeblich am langfristigen Erfolg des Unternehmens beteiligt. Wenn Kunden Ihr Kaufverhalten anpassen und auf Produkte anderer Unternehmen ausweichen, kann dies f\u00c3\u00bcr das eigene Unternehmen ernste Folgen haben. Daher investieren Unternehmen viel Zeit und Aufwand in die CRM-T\u00c3\u00a4tigkeiten zur Analyse der Kundenw\u00c3\u00bcnsche. Zielgruppen, M\u00c3\u00a4rkte und die jeweiligen Bed\u00c3\u00bcrfnisse werden im Rahmen des CRM analysiert und mit dem eigenen Portfolio abgestimmt. Werden Abweichungen festgestellt, obliegt den Mitarbeitern des Vertriebs und des Marketings in Abstimmung mit dem Management die Aufgabe das Kundenverh\u00c3\u00a4ltnis im Rahmen des CRM zu Optimieren bzw. die konkreten CRM-Strategien anzupassen, um die Kunden wieder besser zu erreichen. Auch andere Abteilungen tragen zur Kundenzufriedenheit bei und liefern wertvolle Informationen f\u00c3\u00bcr das CRM. Hierzu z\u00c3\u00a4hlt zum Beispiel der gesamte Bereich Service. Im Rahmen des Service werden Kundenanfragen und Unstimmigkeiten erfasst und bearbeitet. Auch dies ist Teil des CRM.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/erweitertes-crm-system"} {"id": "91bf0c3ddb49-1", "text": "Beim CRM entstehen vielf\u00c3\u00a4ltige, detaillierte Informationen, die geb\u00c3\u00bcndelt, kategorisiert und bewertet werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen, um Aussagen ableiten zu k\u00c3\u00b6nnen. Ohne eine entsprechende Technologie dauert es bei steigenden Kunden-, und Interessentenzahlen und den jeweiligen Kontakten nicht lange, bis CRM mit h\u00c3\u00a4ndischer Arbeit nicht mehr zu bew\u00c3\u00a4ltigen ist. Der zielgerichtete Kontakt zum Kunden wird erschwert. Die Mitarbeiter verlieren ohne eine geeignete Technologie zu viel Zeit f\u00c3\u00bcr das CRM, wenn die CRM-Strategie auch bei steigenden Kunden und Interessenten mit gleicher Qualit\u00c3\u00a4t und Intensit\u00c3\u00a4t verfolgt werden soll.\n\nWas ist ein CRM-System\n\nEin CRM-System ist eine Software mit Funktionen zur Verwaltung und Automatisierung aller Informationen, die bei der Kunden-, bzw. Interessentenansprache und deren Bindung Monat f\u00c3\u00bcr Monat anfallen. In der CRM-Software werden s\u00c3\u00a4mtliche Daten von Kunden und Interessenten inklusive aller Transaktionen und der damit verbundenen Kommunikation erfasst und in Datenbanken gespeichert. Dies k\u00c3\u00b6nnen beispielhaft folgende Informationen sein:\n\nDokumentation eines Interessententelefonates zur sp\u00c3\u00a4teren Bewertung\n\nAblage eines Kundenangebotes zur sp\u00c3\u00a4teren Zuordnung\n\nTerminerinnerung f\u00c3\u00bcr eine Angebotsbesprechung bei einem Interessenten vor Ort\n\nGeburtstagsverwaltung der A- und B-Kunden zur Aufmerksamkeitssteigerung", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/erweitertes-crm-system"} {"id": "91bf0c3ddb49-2", "text": "Geburtstagsverwaltung der A- und B-Kunden zur Aufmerksamkeitssteigerung\n\nCRM-Systeme basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe und dem notwendigen Informationsgrad kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des CRM-System. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen der CRM-Software mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen eines CRM-Systems\n\nDie Vorteile und der Nutzen einer CRM-Software f\u00c3\u00bcr Unternehmen liegen klar auf der Hand. In der Praxis muss eine Vielzahl von Kontakten und deren Beziehung zum eigenen Unternehmen in einem System verwaltet werden. Gut durchdachte CRM-Systeme schaffen mehr Transparenz. Sie k\u00c3\u00b6nnen \u00c3\u00bcberall dort eingesetzt werden, wo direkter oder indirekter Kunden-, bzw. Interessentenkontakt erforderlich ist. Mit der richtigen CRM-Software kann ebenfalls der gesamte Au\u00c3\u009fendienst unterst\u00c3\u00bctzt werden. Dies gilt sowohl f\u00c3\u00bcr:\n\nden vertrieblichen Au\u00c3\u009fendienst mit der Zielsetzung \"Umsatzsteigerung\",\n\nals auch f\u00c3\u00bcr den serviceorientierten Au\u00c3\u009fendienst mit der Zielsetzung \"Service und Wartung\".", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/erweitertes-crm-system"} {"id": "91bf0c3ddb49-3", "text": "als auch f\u00c3\u00bcr den serviceorientierten Au\u00c3\u009fendienst mit der Zielsetzung \"Service und Wartung\".\n\nAlle Aktivit\u00c3\u00a4ten vor Ort k\u00c3\u00b6nnen direkt in die CRM-Software erfasst werden. Dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus kann ein gutes CRM-System auch eine Hilfestellung f\u00c3\u00bcr bestimmte T\u00c3\u00a4tigkeiten sein, in dem Informationen an der richtigen Stelle in der richtigen Form aufbereitet zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung stehen. Dies spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern liefert regelm\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009fig auch bessere Resultate in allen Bereichen.\n\nZusammengefasst tr\u00c3\u00a4gt ein CRM-System dazu bei den Vertrieb, das Marketing, den Service und nicht zuletzt das Management zu unterst\u00c3\u00bctzen. Mit Hilfe eines CRM-Systems k\u00c3\u00b6nnen T\u00c3\u00a4tigkeiten optimiert und automatisiert (z.B. monatliche Reports) werden. Dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus liefert ein gutes CRM vielf\u00c3\u00a4ltige Entscheidungsgrundlagen.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen eines integrierten Projektmanagementsystems", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/erweitertes-crm-system"} {"id": "91bf0c3ddb49-4", "text": "Vorteile und Nutzen eines integrierten Projektmanagementsystems\n\nProjekte sind regelm\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009fig mit Investitionen und sonstigen Aufw\u00c3\u00a4nden verbunden und auf ein bestimmtes Ziel (Projektziel) gerichtet. In der Praxis wird ein Projekt h\u00c3\u00a4ufig in Teilprojekte gelgliedert, die jeweils auf eine bestimmte (Teil-) Zielerf\u00c3\u00bcllung gerichtet sind und mit dem Hauptziel in Verbindung stehen. Dem Projektmanagement obliegt hierbei die Aufgabe die (Teil-) Projekte zu planen und zu steuern, sowie einer \u00c3\u009cberwachung im Hinblick auf zeitlich-, und ressourcenorientierte Parameter. Wie auch beim CRM handelt es sich beim Projektmanagement um Strategien, die sp\u00c3\u00a4testens ab einem bestimmten Komplexit\u00c3\u00a4tslevel durch geeignete Technologien und Systeme unterst\u00c3\u00bctzt werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen, um die F\u00c3\u00bclle an Daten sinnvoll zu verarbeiten. Ein CRM-System mit integriertem Projektmanagement spart Zeit und Aufwand und erh\u00c3\u00b6ht die Datenqualit\u00c3\u00a4t.\n\nDer Vertrieb akquiriert beispielhaft ein neues Kundenprojekt. Bisher wurden alle kunden-, bzw. interessentenseitigen Aktivit\u00c3\u00a4ten im CRM-System erfasst. Das nun folgende Projekt wird regelm\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009fig von anderen Mitarbeitern und Abteilungen gemanagt. Durch die Integration finden Sie nun auch projektabh\u00c3\u00a4ngige Informationen in k\u00c3\u00bcrzester Zeit. Das Management der Informationen wird durch die Symbiose beider Systeme deutlich optimiert.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Erweitertes CRM-Template", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/erweitertes-crm-system"} {"id": "91bf0c3ddb49-5", "text": "brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Erweitertes CRM-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.\n\nDie zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte diese CRM-Anwendung zum Beispiel von:\n\nBeratungsunternehmen\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um Kunden und Interessenten anzulegen und deren Kontakte und CRM-relevante Daten zu verwalten. Neben der Stammdatenhaltung sind dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus erweiterte Funktionen enthalten, um eine m\u00c3\u00b6gliche Verwendung und Verkn\u00c3\u00bcpfung der Stammdaten zu visualisieren und einen realistischen Praxisbezug zur Unterst\u00c3\u00bctzung des Managements, des Vertriebs und des Marketings herzuleiten.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nUnternehmensdaten: Bezeichnung und Anschrift der Unternehmen\n\nKontaktdaten: Kontaktdaten und Ansprechpartner der Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter\n\nTelefonbuch: auf Basis der Kontaktdaten\n\nArchivierung: Ablage und Digitalisierung von Dokumenten und Dateien von Kunden und Interessenten\n\nBesonderheiten: Dokumentation von spezifischen Kundenw\u00c3\u00bcnschen und Besonderheiten (z.B. Abrechnung nur pro Monat)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/erweitertes-crm-system"} {"id": "91bf0c3ddb49-6", "text": "CRM Daten: Terminplanung (z.B. pro Monat, Woche), Termin\u00c3\u00bcberwachung und Termindokumentation sowie Zuordnung relevanter Kontakte\n\nCRM Workflows: Erstellung von Erinnerungen und Wiedervorlagen (z.B. in zwei Monaten) f\u00c3\u00bcr bestimme Kontakte\n\nCRM Reports: z.B. ABC/XYZ - Bewertung oder Kategorisierung von Kunden und Interessenten (Perioden/Monate...)\n\nVorlagen: Textvorlagen k\u00c3\u00b6nnen erstellt werden\n\nProjektintegration: Projektplanung, Projekt\u00c3\u00bcberwachung, Ressourcenverwaltung und Zust\u00c3\u00a4ndigkeiten\n\nManagement: Status\u00c3\u00bcberwachung aller Aktivit\u00c3\u00a4ten und Projekte\n\nMobil: Zugriff auf alle Daten \u00c3\u00bcberall und mit jedem Endger\u00c3\u00a4t m\u00c3\u00b6glich (Cloud)\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/erweitertes-crm-system"} {"id": "fd223947292d-0", "text": "Ticket-System\n\nContents\n\n1 What is a ticket system****\n\n1.1 Advantages and benefits of a ticket system:****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Ticket-System-Template:****\n\n2.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWhat is a ticket system\n\nIn practice, companies regularly receive numerous inquiries. Customers and interested parties have questions about specific products and services, or need clarification regarding the products purchased. A ticket system is a software system that centrally manages all inquiries to a company. The receipt, the coordination to the right department or person and the processing of the requests is done centrally via the ticket system and bundles the channels:\n\nTelephone\n\ne-mail\n\nFacebook\n\nInstagram\n\nChat and Messenger\n\nin one system. The received requests can then be checked and assigned to a person for further processing until a solution is found (closed ticket). The ticket system is intended to ensure that no message is lost and that a complete overview of the processes to be processed is possible at any time.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of a ticket system:\n\nGood ticket systems offer a wide range of possibilities and support many processes in the company. The main advantages to be mentioned in this context are\n\nStreamline customer inquiries: Incoming tickets are stored in a central location with a corresponding system of several communication channels. Employees can assign priorities to the tickets, monitor and process them.\n\nAccess to customers and history: A good relationship with customers and partners is an important success factor for a company. With the ticket system, employees can also access past contacts with customers and partners, so that they always have all the facts in view\n\nAutomation of tasks: With a One Ticket System, routine tasks can be standardized to increase efficiency and enable faster responses.\n\nComprehensive evaluation options: With a good ticket system, various evaluations can be called up quickly and easily.\n\nTicket systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company, the number and the degree of complexity of the requests, different solutions with different functionalities can be considered. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the ticket system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the ticket system are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take into account the increasing level of information for the company.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Ticket-System-Template:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/ticket-system"} {"id": "fd223947292d-1", "text": "brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Ticket-System-Template:\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.\n\nIn practice, the ticket system could be used for example by:\n\nconsulting company\n\nFreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\nto manage and document requests of all kinds.\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nCompany name and address of customers\n\nContact person management with the corresponding contact data\n\nIntegrated telephone book with search function\n\nArchiving and digitalization of documents and files (DMS)\n\nEntry of tickets\n\nDocumentation of customer inquiries\n\nTracking of tickets through unique numbering\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/ticket-system"} {"id": "6d94785074de-0", "text": "Order Management\n\nContents\n\n1 Who needs digital order management:****\n\n1.1 Advantages and benefits of digital order management****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Digital Order Management-Template****\n\n2.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWho needs digital order management:\n\nA business model was developed and the market was explored. In the next step, products and services were declared and first addresses for acquisitions were procured. Ideally, the first customers as well as the first customer orders will be generated subsequently. The business processes are increasing. Without a supporting technology it does not take long until the workload can no longer be handled by hand.\n\nA software for order management is a sensible solution, as long as it takes at least the following points into account:\n\nStorage of all address-relevant information including contact persons and contact information in the software\n\nStorage of existing articles and services in the software\n\nCreation of customer orders and status management in the software\n\nMeanwhile the collection of additional information, like special places of delivery, certain delivery times or other preferences counts likewise to it.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of digital order management\n\nIn such a system, all data is located in one central location. Addresses, articles and other master data can be effectively managed in the software and updated as required. In practice, order management is in most cases linked to other systems and processes within a software from the field of \"enterprise resource planning or ERP\". These include, for example\n\nBilling programs\n\nCRM systems to directly address customer needs\n\nArchiving system for archiving of documents\n\nApplications for digital job management in connection with relevant follow-up processes are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company, its orientation and the desired level of digitization, various solutions with different functionalities are possible. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the required solution also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take into account the increasing level of information for the company.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Digital Order Management-Template", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/order-management"} {"id": "6d94785074de-1", "text": "brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Digital Order Management-Template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.\n\nIn practice, the digital order management could be used for example by:\n\nconsulting company\n\nFreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\ncan be used to manage initial contacts with the respective contact persons after the company is founded and to monitor initial business activities (e.g. customer orders).\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nCompany name and address of customers, suppliers, interested parties and other addresses\n\nContact person management with the corresponding contact data\n\nArchiving and digitalization of documents and files (DMS)\n\nDocumentation of address-relevant features (e.g. specific delivery periods, acceptance deadlines, deviating conditions, etc.)\n\nArticle management\n\nPrice management\n\nEntry and control of discounts per order\n\nEnter and document order\n\nManage status of the job\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/order-management"} {"id": "076db56ab4d1-0", "text": "Time Recording\n\nContents\n\n1 Why do I need a time recording:****\n\n2 What is a time recording system:****\n\n2.1 Advantages and benefits of a time recording system****\n\n3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Time Recording-Template****\n\n3.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWhy do I need a time recording:\n\nIn many companies, the principle of confidential working hours was practiced for a long time for some employees. This is an organizational model in which the completion of tasks is in the foreground. Not the working time, but the work result is decisive. This model was mainly practiced by creative working employees, since a rigid working time schedule, also from a scientific point of view, hinders creativity and thus above all possible innovations.\n\nHowever, the European Court of Justice decided in 2019 that in future, the recording of working hours in all companies must be carried out by all employees. The ruling will oblige employers to offer a time recording concept that allows the entire working time as well as breaks and days off due to vacation or sick leave of the employees to be documented. This is to ensure that the laws regarding working hours, breaks and days off as well as the legally required vacations are adhered to for the protection of the employee.\n\nWhen recording and documenting the working hours of all employees, a lot of information is quickly generated which must be bundled, categorized and evaluated to ensure compliance with the prescribed laws. Without supporting technology, it does not take long before time recording can no longer be handled by hand.\n\nWhat is a time recording system:\n\nA time recording system is a software with functions for the documentation and evaluation of all time-oriented parameters of the respective employees as required by law. In the time recording software, all relevant employee data is stored in databases. This includes the following areas in particular:\n\nWorking hours\n\nBreak times\n\nVacation days\n\ndays off due to illness\n\nTime recording systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company and the different working time models, such as shift work or piecework, different solutions with different functionalities come into question. If a company grows with the time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the time recording system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the time recording software are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take into account the increasing level of information for the company.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/time-recording"} {"id": "076db56ab4d1-1", "text": "Advantages and benefits of a time recording system\n\nGood time recording systems offer enormous flexibility in terms of documenting the working hours of the workforce. There is a wide range of recording options, depending on the software used. For example, there are systems that allow input via cell phone. This is especially interesting for field service. In this way, data can be entered into the system quickly and without much effort. Of course there are also other end devices that are compatible depending on the system. These include, for example, terminals with chip cards or comparable systems that enable the employer to book the respective time types by simply hanging up the phone.\n\nFurthermore, a good time recording system can also be an aid for certain decisions of the management or the personnel department and last but not least, a time recording system regularly provides the basis for payroll accounting.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Time Recording-Template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.\n\nIn practice this time recording application could be used for example by:\n\nfreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\nto document their own working hours and plan your annual vacation.\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nEmployees: Employee administration with the corresponding contact data\n\nRecording: recording of the daily working hours and breaks of the respective employees\n\nPlanning: documentation of vacation requests and status management of the respective employees\n\nStatus: documentation of approvals\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/time-recording"} {"id": "d59a1b06d3be-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Projektmanagement\n\nContents\n\n1 Was ist Projektmanagement:****\n\n2 Was ist ein Projektmanagement-System:****\n\n2.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines Projektmanagement-Systems****\n\n3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Projektmanagement-Template****\n\n3.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWas ist Projektmanagement:\n\nDas Umfeld eines Unternehmens unterliegt einem permanentem Wandel. So \u00c3\u00a4ndern sich in bestimmten Phasen rechtliche Rahmenparameter oder neue Technologien f\u00c3\u00bchren zu ver\u00c3\u00a4nderten Kundenbed\u00c3\u00bcrfnissen. Auch wenn dies nur Ausz\u00c3\u00bcge aus einem komplexen Gesamtgef\u00c3\u00bcge sind, so wirken sie sich dennoch regelm\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009fig auf den Erfolg eines Unternehmens aus. Es entstehen neue Aufgaben. Urspr\u00c3\u00bcngliche Ziele m\u00c3\u00bcssen hinterfragt und von Fall zu Fall im Rahmen von Projekten und abgeleiteten Aufgaben angepasst werden. Per Definition handelt es sich bei einem Projekt um einen einmaligen (Gesch\u00c3\u00a4fts-)Prozess, der in verschiedene Phasen und Aufgaben aufgeteilt und auf eine bestimmte Zielerreichung gerichtet ist sowie mit einem festen Start-, und Endzeitpunkt versehen ist.\n\nIn diesem Kontext m\u00c3\u00bcssen Ziele definiert werden, Wege zur Zielerreichung gefunden und gemanagt werden, sowie Projektteilnehmer als Team und Ressourcen \u00c3\u00bcberwacht werden. Die B\u00c3\u00bcndelung dieser T\u00c3\u00a4tigkeiten wir generell als Projektmanagement verstanden. In der Praxis wird ein Projekt h\u00c3\u00a4ufig in Teilprojekte gelgliedert, die jeweils auf eine bestimmte (Teil-) Zielerf\u00c3\u00bcllung gerichtet sind und mit dem Hauptziel in Verbindung stehen. Dem Projektmanagement obliegt hierbei die Aufgabe die (Teil-) Projekte zu planen und zu steuern, sowie einer \u00c3\u009cberwachung im Hinblick auf zeitlich-, und ressourcenorientierte Parameter (z.B. die Mitglieder eines Teams).", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/projektmanagement"} {"id": "d59a1b06d3be-1", "text": "Beim Projektmanagement entstehen vielf\u00c3\u00a4ltige, detaillierte Informationen, die durch entsprechende Methoden geb\u00c3\u00bcndelt, kategorisiert und dem Management zur Bewertung pr\u00c3\u00a4sentiert werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen, um Aussagen ableiten und Entscheidungen im Hinblick auf die Zielerreichung treffen zu k\u00c3\u00b6nnen. Ohne eine entsprechende Technologie dauert es ab einem gewissen Komplexit\u00c3\u00a4tsgrad nicht lange, bis Projektmanagement mit h\u00c3\u00a4ndischer Arbeit nicht mehr zu bew\u00c3\u00a4ltigen ist. Die Mitarbeiter eines Teams verlieren ohne eine geeignete Technologie zu viel Zeit f\u00c3\u00bcr das Projektmanagement, und die Zielerreichung ist gef\u00c3\u00a4hrdet.\n\nWas ist ein Projektmanagement-System:\n\nEine Projektmanagement- Software ist ein Software, welche den Projektmitarbeitern eines Teams eine EDV-gest\u00c3\u00bctzte Hilfe bei ihren Projektt\u00c3\u00a4tigkeiten bietet. In der Projektmanagement-Software werden s\u00c3\u00a4mtliche Daten und Informationen des Projektes inklusive der vorhandenen Teilprojekte sowie aller Transaktionen und der damit verbundenen Kommunikation erfasst und in Datenbanken gespeichert. Dies k\u00c3\u00b6nnen beispielhaft folgende Informationen sein:\n\nDokumentation eines Meetings zur Zieldefinition einzelner Teilprojekte\n\nBudgetverwaltung je (Teil-)Projekt\n\nTerminplanung einzelner Projektschritte\n\nProjektmanagement-Systeme basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe, dem jeweiligen Team und dem notwendigen Informationsgrad kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des Projektmanagement-System. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen der Projektmanagement-Software mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen eines Projektmanagement-Systems", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/projektmanagement"} {"id": "d59a1b06d3be-2", "text": "Vorteile und Nutzen eines Projektmanagement-Systems\n\nDie Selbstorganisation eines Teams oder auch einer Einzelperson ist bei steigendem Informationsgrad eine enorme Herausforderung. Handgeschriebene Listen, hier und da einen Zettel oder ein Post-IT helfen nur bedingt weiter, und stellen sicherlich nicht die besten Methoden dar. Der Einsatz einer Projektmanagementsoftware kann bei bedachter Auswahl entscheidende Vorteile f\u00c3\u00bcr die Projektarbeit bringen. Vor allem dann, wenn mehrere Personen an einem Projekt oder Teilprojekt beteiligt sind, und der Informationsfluss nochmals gr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fer wird. Im Kern sollte jede Projektmanagementsoftware folgende Grundbereiche abdecken:\n\nAufgabenverwaltung des Projektes\n\nProjektplanung einzelner Teilprojekte\n\nProjektsteuerung und Verwaltung der Ressourcen\n\nWerden die zuvor genannten Bereiche durch die Software unterst\u00c3\u00bctzt, ist es jedem Projektteilnehmer und dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus dem Management m\u00c3\u00b6glich einen \u00c3\u009cberblick aller Ressourcen zu erhalten und die eigene Arbeit effizienter zu gestalten. Im Ergebnis liegen die Vorteile mit der richtigen Software auf der Hand. Es steigert die M\u00c3\u00b6glichkeiten der Kontrolle, der \u00c3\u009cbersicht und der Transparenz aller Ressourcen. Eine Optimierung des Personaleinsatzes und eine h\u00c3\u00b6here Kostenkontrolle sind in diesem Zusammenhang ebenfalls zu nennen.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Projektmanagement-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/projektmanagement"} {"id": "d59a1b06d3be-3", "text": "Die zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte diese Projektmanagement-Anwendung zum Beispiel von:\n\nBeratungsunternehmen\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um Projekte anzulegen und zu verwalten. Neben der Stammdatenhaltung sind dar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus erweiterte Funktionen enthalten, um eine m\u00c3\u00b6gliche Verwendung und Verkn\u00c3\u00bcpfung der Stammdaten zu visualisieren und einen realistischen Praxisbezug zur Unterst\u00c3\u00bctzung des Managements und anderer Abteilungen herzuleiten.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nUnternehmensdaten: Bezeichnung und Anschrift der Unternehmen\n\nTeam und Ansprechpartner: Kontaktdaten und Ansprechpartner der Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter\n\nTelefonbuch: auf Basis der Kontaktdaten\n\nArchivierung: Ablage und Digitalisierung von Dokumenten und Dateien von Kunden und Interessenten\n\nVorlagen: Textvorlagen k\u00c3\u00b6nnen erstellt werden zur vereinfachten Datenpflege\n\nProjekte: Anlage und Beschreibung von Projekten und zugeh\u00c3\u00b6rigen Teilprojekten\n\nPhasen: Ausf\u00c3\u00bchrliche Beschreibung und Dokumentation der Projekte und der jeweiligen Phasen\n\nPlanung: Festlegung der Zust\u00c3\u00a4ndigkeit innerhalb der Projekte und Teilprojekte\n\nProjekte \u00c3\u00bcberwachen\n\nErstellen von projektrelevanten Erinnerungen und Zuweisung einzelner Mitarbeiter\n\nZuordnung von Projekten zu Kunden, oder anderen Adressen\n\nRessourcenverwaltung\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/projektmanagement"} {"id": "98536ba2acaf-0", "text": "Project Management\n\nContents\n\n1 What is project management:****\n\n2 What is a project management system:****\n\n2.1 Advantages and benefits of a project management system****\n\n3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Project Management-Template****\n\n3.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWhat is project management:\n\nThe environment of a company is subject to permanent change. In certain phases, legal framework parameters change or new technologies lead to changed customer needs. Even if these are only excerpts from a complex overall structure, they still regularly have an impact on the success of a company. New tasks arise. Original goals have to be questioned and adapted from case to case in the context of projects and derived tasks. By definition, a project is a one-time (business) process, which is divided into different phases and tasks and is directed towards a specific goal achievement and has a fixed start and end date.\n\nIn this context, goals have to be defined, ways to reach them have to be found and managed, and project participants have to be monitored as a team and resources. The bundling of these activities is generally understood as project management. In practice, a project is often divided into sub-projects, each of which is aimed at a specific (partial) goal fulfillment and is related to the main goal. The project management is responsible for planning and controlling the (sub-) projects, as well as for monitoring them with regard to time- and resource-oriented parameters (e.g. the members of a team).\n\nProject management generates a wide range of detailed information, which must be bundled, categorized and presented to the management for evaluation using appropriate methods in order to derive statements and make decisions with regard to the achievement of objectives. Without a corresponding technology, it does not take long from a certain level of complexity until project management can no longer be managed by hand. Without a suitable technology, the members of a team lose too much time for project management and the achievement of objectives is endangered.\n\nWhat is a project management system:\n\nA project management system is a application that provides the project members of a team with computer-aided assistance in their project activities. In the project management system all data and information of the project including the existing sub-projects as well as all transactions and the associated communication are recorded and stored in databases. The following information can be taken as an example:\n\nDocumentation of a meeting for the target definition of individual sub-projects", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/project-management"} {"id": "98536ba2acaf-1", "text": "Documentation of a meeting for the target definition of individual sub-projects\n\nBudget management per (sub)project\n\nScheduling of individual project steps\n\nProject management systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company, the respective team and the required level of information, different solutions with different functionalities are possible. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the project management system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the project management software are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take the increasing degree of information for the company into account.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of a project management system\n\nThe self-organization of a team or even an individual is an enormous challenge as the level of information increases. Handwritten lists, here and there a piece of paper or a post-IT are of only limited help and are certainly not the best methods. The use of a project management software can bring decisive advantages for project work, if carefully chosen. Especially when several people are involved in a project or sub-project and the flow of information is even greater. In essence, every project management software should cover the following basic areas:\n\nTask management of the project\n\nProject planning of individual sub-projects\n\nProject control and resource management\n\nIf the aforementioned areas are supported by the software, it is possible for each project participant and, in addition, the management to obtain an overview of all resources and to make their own work more efficient. In the result, the advantages with the right software are obvious. It increases the possibilities of control, overview and transparency of all resources. An optimization of the personnel deployment and a higher cost control are also to be mentioned in this context.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Project Management-Template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/project-management"} {"id": "98536ba2acaf-2", "text": "In practice, this project management application could be used for example by:\n\nconsulting company\n\nFreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\nto create and manage projects. In addition to master data management, advanced functions are also included to visualize the possible use and linking of master data and to derive a realistic practical reference to support management and other departments.\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nCompany data: Name and address of the companies\n\nTeam and contact persons: Contact details and contact persons of the companies and employees\n\nPhone book: based on contact data\n\nArchiving: storage and digitalization of documents and files from customers and prospects\n\nTemplates: Text templates can be created to simplify data maintenance\n\nProjects: Creation and description of projects and related subprojects\n\nPhases: Detailed description and documentation of the projects and the respective phases\n\nPlanning: Definition of responsibilities within projects and sub-projects\n\nMonitor projects\n\nCreation of project-relevant reminders and assignment of individual employees\n\nAssignment of projects to customers, or other addresses\n\nResource management\n\n\\\nYou can find further information at https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/project-management"} {"id": "8a36d2143d8f-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Zeiterfassung\n\nContents\n\n1 Warum ben\u00c3\u00b6tige ich eine Zeiterfasung:\n\n2 Was ist ein Zeiterfassungssystem:\n\n2.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines Zeitefassungssystems\n\n3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Zeiterfassungs-Template\n\n3.1 Auszug der Funktionen\n\nWarum ben\u00c3\u00b6tige ich eine Zeiterfasung:\n\nIn vielen Unternehmen wurde f\u00c3\u00bcr einige Mitarbeiter lange Zeit das Prinzip der Vertrauensarbeitszeit praktiziert. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Organisationsmodell, bei dem die Erledigung der Aufgaben im Vordergrund steht. Nicht die Arbeitszeit, sondern das Arbeitsergebnis ist entscheidend. Dieses Modell wurde vor allem von kreativ arbeitenden Mitarbeitern praktiziert, da eine starre Arbeitszeitvorgabe auch aus wissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten die Kreativit\u00c3\u00a4t und damit vor allem m\u00c3\u00b6gliche Innovationen behindert.\n\nDer europ\u00c3\u00a4ische Gerichtshof hat jedoch im Jahr 2019 entschieden, dass die Erfassung von Arbeitszeiten k\u00c3\u00bcnftig in allen Unternehmen von allen Mitarbeitern zu erfolgen hat. Durch das Urteil werden Arbeitsgeber dazu verpflichtet, ein Konzept zur Zeiterfassung anzubieten, durch welches die gesamte Arbeitszeit sowie Pausen und Fehltage durch Urlaub oder Krankheut der Mitarbeiter dokumentiert werden k\u00c3\u00b6nnen. So soll sichergestellt sein, dass die Gesetze im Hinblick auf die Arbeits-, und Pausenzeiten sowie die gesetzlich vorgeschrieben Urlaubstage zum Schutz des Mitarbeiters eingehalten werden.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/zeiterfassung"} {"id": "8a36d2143d8f-1", "text": "Bei der Erfassung und Dokumentation der Arbeitszeiten aller Mitarbeiter entstehen schnell viele Informationen, die geb\u00c3\u00bcndelt, kategorisiert und bewertet werden m\u00c3\u00bcssen, um die Einhaltung der vorgeschriebenen Gesetze zu gew\u00c3\u00a4hrleisten. Ohne eine unterst\u00c3\u00bctzende Technologie dauert es nicht lange, bis die Zeiterfassung mit h\u00c3\u00a4ndischer Arbeit nicht mehr zu bew\u00c3\u00a4ltigen ist.\n\nWas ist ein Zeiterfassungssystem:\n\nEin Zeiterfassungssystem ist eine Software mit Funktionen zur Dokumentation und Auswertung aller zeitorientierten Parameter der jeweiligen Mitarbeiter, die der Gesetzgeber vorsieht. In der Zeiterfassungssoftware werden alle relevanten Daten der Mitarbeiter in Datenbanken gespeichert. Hierzu z\u00c3\u00a4hlen insbesondere die folgenden Bereiche:\n\nArbeitszeiten\n\nPausenzeiten\n\nUrlaubstage\n\nFehltage durch Krankheit\n\nZeiterfassungssysteme basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe und den verschiedenen Arbeitszeitmodellen wie z.B. Schichtarbeit oder Akkordarbeit kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des Zeiterfassungssystems. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen der Zeiterfassungssoftware mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen eines Zeitefassungssystems", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/zeiterfassung"} {"id": "8a36d2143d8f-2", "text": "Vorteile und Nutzen eines Zeitefassungssystems\n\nGute Zeiterfassungssysteme bieten eine enorme Flexibilit\u00c3\u00a4t im Hinblick auf die Dokumentation der betrieblichen Arbeitszeit der Belegschaft. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Erfassungsm\u00c3\u00b6glichkeiten, die je nach eingesetzter Software m\u00c3\u00b6glich sind. So gibt es beispielsweise Systeme, die eine Eingabe mittels Mobiltelefon m\u00c3\u00b6glich machen. Dies ist vor allem f\u00c3\u00bcr den Au\u00c3\u009fendienst interessant. So k\u00c3\u00b6nnen die Daten schnell und ohne viel Aufwand in das System eingegeben werden. Nat\u00c3\u00bcrlich gibt auch andere Endger\u00c3\u00a4te, die abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig vom System kompatibel sind. Hierzu z\u00c3\u00a4hlen beispielsweise Terminals mit Chip-Karten oder vergleichbare Systeme, die es dem Arbeitgeber durch einfaches auflegen erm\u00c3\u00b6glichen die jeweiligen Zeittypen zu buchen.\n\nDar\u00c3\u00bcber hinaus kann ein gutes Zeiterfassungssystem auch eine Hilfestellung f\u00c3\u00bcr bestimmte Entscheidungen des Managements oder der Personalabteilung sein und nicht zuletzt liefert ein Zeiterfassungssystem regelm\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009fig die Basis f\u00c3\u00bcr die Engeltabrechnung.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Zeiterfassungs-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/zeiterfassung"} {"id": "8a36d2143d8f-3", "text": "Die zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte diese Zeiterfassungs-Anwendung zum Beispiel von:\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um die eigenen Arbeitszeiten zu dokumentieren, sowie den Jahresurlaub zu planen.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nMitarbeiter: Mitarbeiterverwaltung mit den zugeh\u00c3\u00b6rigen Kontaktdaten\n\nErfassung: Erfassung der t\u00c3\u00a4glichen Arbeitszeiten und Pausen der jeweiligen Mitarbeiter\n\nPlanung: Dokumentation von Urlaubsantr\u00c3\u00a4gen und Statusverwaltung der jeweiligen Mitarbeiter\n\nStatus: Dokumentation von Genehmigungen\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/zeiterfassung"} {"id": "cfa906e1587e-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Fahrtenbuch\n\nContents\n\n1 Wer ben\u00c3\u00b6tigt ein digitales Fahrtenbuch:****\n\n1.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines digitalen Fahrtenbuches****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitales Fahrtenbuch-Template****\n\n2.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWer ben\u00c3\u00b6tigt ein digitales Fahrtenbuch:\n\nEin Fahrtenbuch hat grunds\u00c3\u00a4tzlich den Zweck Fahrstrecken mit einem Fahrzeug sowie den jeweiligen Reisegrund zu dokumentieren. Verwenden Selbstst\u00c3\u00a4ndige oder Angestellte ein auf das Unternehmen angemeldete Auto, geht das Finanzamt grunds\u00c3\u00a4tzlich davon aus, dass die zuvor genannten Personengruppen das Fahrzeug nicht nur f\u00c3\u00bcr Fahrten des Unternehmens, sondern auch f\u00c3\u00bcr private Angelegenheiten nutzen. Der durch das Auto entstehende geldwerte Vorteil muss in den meisten F\u00c3\u00a4llen versteuert werden.\n\nDazu stehen zweierlei Optionen zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung: Entweder wird z.B. das Auto mit einer Pauschale gem\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009f der Ein-Prozent-Regelung veranschlagt \u2014 oder es wird die H\u00c3\u00a4ufigkeit und Dauer aller dienstlichen und privaten Fahrten mit dem Auto in einem ausf\u00c3\u00bchrlichen Fahrtenbuch dokumentiert. Die letztere Methode ist zwar mit einigem Aufwand verbunden, kann jedoch attraktive Steuerverg\u00c3\u00bcnstigungen bescheren. Daf\u00c3\u00bcr m\u00c3\u00bcssen jedoch die Anforderungen und die deklarierten Angaben der Finanzbeh\u00c3\u00b6rde eingehalten halten:\n\nF\u00c3\u00bcr jedes Fahrzeug muss ein eigenes Fahrtenbuch gef\u00c3\u00bchrt werden\n\nAngaben zum amtlichen KfZ-Kennzeichen des betreffenden Fahrzeugs\n\nAngabe des jeweiligen Fahrers\n\nAngaben zum genauen Kilometerstandes zu Beginn der Fahrt und zum genauen Kilometerstand zum Ende der Fahrt, sowie der gefahrenen Kilometer\n\nDokumentation des Zeitraums der Fahrt", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/fahrtenbuch"} {"id": "cfa906e1587e-1", "text": "Dokumentation des Zeitraums der Fahrt\n\nBei der manuellen Erfassung und Angabe der einzelnen Fahrten entsteht schnell ein gro\u00c3\u009fer Aufwand. Ohne eine unterst\u00c3\u00bctzende Technologie dauert es nicht lange, bis die Verwaltung mit h\u00c3\u00a4ndischer Arbeit nicht effizient ist.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen eines digitalen Fahrtenbuches\n\nDie Nutzung eines elektronischen Fahrtenbuches bietet viele Vorteile und f\u00c3\u00bchrt h\u00c3\u00a4ufig zu geringeren Kosten, gerade bei vielen Fahrten f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen und wenig privaten Fahrten. Generell lassen sich folgende Vorteile nennen:\n\ndeutliche Zeitersparnis,\n\nKlare \u00c3\u009cbersicht und kaum Fehler\n\nSicherheit gegen\u00c3\u00bcber dem Finanzamt,\n\nIn der Regel geringere Kosten und Steuervorteile gegen\u00c3\u00bcber der Ein-Prozent-Regelung,\n\nelektronische Auswertung der Fahrdaten.\n\nAnwendungen zur Verwaltung digitaler Fahrtenb\u00c3\u00bccher basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe, der Anzahl der Firmenfahrzeuge und dem Grad der Internationalisierung kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des digitalen Fahrtenbuches. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitales Fahrtenbuch-Template", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/fahrtenbuch"} {"id": "cfa906e1587e-2", "text": "brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: digitales Fahrtenbuch-Template\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.\n\nDie zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte das digitale Fahrtenbuch zum Beispiel von:\n\nFreelancern\n\ngenutzt werden, um das vorhandene Firmenfahrzeug digital zu verwalten, die jeweiligen Fahrten mit allen Angaben zu dokumentieren und bei Bedarf auszuwerten.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nDokumentation des Fahrers, des amtlichen Kennzeichens\n\nErfassung der Kilometer beim Start und bei Beendigung der Fahrt sowie Ermittlung der gefahrenen Kilometer\n\nUnterscheidung zwischen gesch\u00c3\u00a4ftlichen und privaten Fahrten im Hinblick auf die Versteuerung\n\nNutzung als Handy App m\u00c3\u00b6glich\n\nNutzung als App f\u00c3\u00bcr Tablets m\u00c3\u00b6glich\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/fahrtenbuch"} {"id": "96aaeed68eed-0", "text": "\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa Ticketsystem\n\nContents\n\n1 Was ist ein Ticketsystem****\n\n1.1 Vorteile und Nutzen eines Ticketsystems:****\n\n2 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Ticketsystem-Template:****\n\n2.1 Auszug der Funktionen****\n\nWas ist ein Ticketsystem\n\nIn der Praxis erreichen Unternehmen regelm\u00c3\u00a4\u00c3\u009fig zahlreiche Anfragen. Kunden und Interessenten haben Fragen zu bestimmten Produkten und Diensteislungen, oder Kl\u00c3\u00a4rungsbedarf bezogen auf die erworbenen Produkte. Ein Ticketsystem ist ein Softwaresystem, das zentralisiert alle Anfragen an ein Unternehmen verwaltet. Die Entgegennahme, die Koordination zur jeweils richtigen Abteilung oder Person und die Bearbeitung der Anfragen erfolgen zentral \u00c3\u00bcber das Ticketsystem und b\u00c3\u00bcndelt die Kan\u00c3\u00a4le:\n\nTelefon\n\nE-Mail\n\nFacebook\n\nInstagram\n\nChat und Messenger\n\nin einem System. Die erhaltenen Anfragen k\u00c3\u00b6nnen in der Folge gepr\u00c3\u00bcft und einer Person zur weiteren Bearbeitung zugewiesen werden bis zur L\u00c3\u00b6sung (closed Ticket). Mit dem Ticketsystem soll sichergestellt werden, dass keine Nachricht verloren geht und jederzeit ein Gesamt\u00c3\u00bcberblick \u00c3\u00bcber die zu bearbeitenden Vorg\u00c3\u00a4nge m\u00c3\u00b6glich ist.\n\nVorteile und Nutzen eines Ticketsystems:\n\nGute Ticketsysteme bieten vielf\u00c3\u00a4ltige M\u00c3\u00b6glichkeiten und unterst\u00c3\u00bctzen viele Prozesse im Unternehmen. Die in diesem Zusammenhang zu nennenden Hauptvorteile sind:\n\nKundenanfragen straffen: Eingehende Tickets werden mit einem entsprechenden System aus mehreren Kommunikationskan\u00c3\u00a4len an einem zentralen Ort gespeichert. Mitarbeiter k\u00c3\u00b6nnen den Tickets Priorit\u00c3\u00a4ten zuweisen, sie \u00c3\u00bcberwachen und bearbeiten.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/ticketsystem"} {"id": "96aaeed68eed-1", "text": "Zugriff auf Kunden und Historie: Eine gute Beziehung zu Kunden und Partnern ist ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor f\u00c3\u00bcr ein Unternehmen. Mit dem Ticketsystem erhalten Mitarbeiter Zugriff auch auf vergangene Kontakte mit den Kunden und Partnern, um stets alle Fakten im Blick zu haben\n\nAutomatisierung von Aufgaben: Mit einem Ein Ticket-System k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Routineaufgaben standardisiert werden, um Effizienz zu steigern und schnellere Antworten zu erm\u00c3\u00b6glichen.\n\nUmfassende Auswertungsm\u00c3\u00b6glichkeiten: Mit einem guten Ticketsystem k\u00c3\u00b6nnen verschiedene Auswertungen schnell und einfach aufgerufen werden.\n\nTicketsysteme basieren \u00c3\u00bcberwiegend auf Standardsoftware-Produkten. Abh\u00c3\u00a4ngig von der Unternehmensgr\u00c3\u00b6\u00c3\u009fe, der Anzahl und dem Komplexit\u00c3\u00a4tsgrad der Anfragen kommen verschiedene L\u00c3\u00b6sungen mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang in Frage. W\u00c3\u00a4chst ein Unternehmen mit der Zeit, wachsen auch die Anforderungen und somit die notwendigen Funktionen des Ticketsystems. Es kann daher vorkommen, dass die bisherigen Funktionen des Ticketsystems mit der Zeit nicht mehr ausreichen und ein Wechsel erwogen werden muss, um den steigenden Informationsgrad f\u00c3\u00bcr das Unternehmen zu ber\u00c3\u00bccksichtigen.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Ticketsystem-Template:\n\nMit der Cloud-Software \"brixxbox\" k\u00c3\u00b6nnen Unternehmen Prozesse einfach und schnell digitalisieren. Durch das zugrunde liegende Baukastenprinzip k\u00c3\u00b6nnen notwendige Anpassungen und Erweiterungen auf Wunsch des Managements oder anderer Mitarbeiter jederzeit in der Software vorgenommen werden, um zus\u00c3\u00a4tzliche Daten im System zu verarbeiten. Anpassungen im System beeintr\u00c3\u00a4chtigen in keiner Weise den Produktivbetrieb der Software im jeweiligen Unternehmen.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/ticketsystem"} {"id": "96aaeed68eed-2", "text": "Die zur Verf\u00c3\u00bcgung gestellten Templates dienen als Konfigurationsbeispiel. Es sollen verschiedene Ans\u00c3\u00a4tze illustriert werden. Die Templates k\u00c3\u00b6nnen nach dem Import beliebig erg\u00c3\u00a4nzt werden, oder als Vorlage f\u00c3\u00bcr eigene Applikationen oder ganze Systeme verwendet werden.\n\nIn der Praxis k\u00c3\u00b6nnte das Ticketsystem zum Beispiel von:\n\nBeratungsuntermehmen\n\nFreelancern\n\nund Kleinunternehmen\n\ngenutzt werden, um Anfragen aller Art zu verwalten und zu dokumentieren.\n\nAuszug der Funktionen\n\nFirmenbezeichnung und Anschrift der Kunden\n\nAnsprechpartnerverwaltung mit den zugeh\u00c3\u00b6rigen Kontaktdaten\n\nIntegriertes Telefonbuch mit Suchfunktion\n\nArchivierung und Digitalisierung von Dokumenten und Dateien (DMS)\n\nErfassung von Tickets\n\nDokumentation von Kundenanfragen\n\nNachverfolgung der Tickets durch eindeutige Nummerierung\n\n\\\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://brixxbox.net", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/ticketsystem"} {"id": "6b13294d7c38-0", "text": "Extended CRM-System\n\nContents\n\n1 What is CRM****\n\n2 What is a CRM-System****\n\n2.1 Advantages and benefits of a CRM-Systems****\n\n2.2 Advantages and benefits of an integrated project management system****\n\n3 brixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Extended CRM-Template****\n\n3.1 Extract of the functions****\n\nWhat is CRM\n\nCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for companies and their employees to systematically create relationships and interactions with contact persons of existing and potential customers. By generating sales, these customers play a decisive role in the long-term success of the company. If customers adjust their buying behavior and switch to products from other companies, this can have serious consequences for their own company. That's why companies invest a lot of time and effort in CRM activities to analyze customer preferences. Target groups, markets and the respective needs are analyzed within the CRM and coordinated with the own portfolio. If deviations are found, the employees of the sales and marketing department, in coordination with the management, have the task of optimizing the customer relationship within the framework of CRM or adjusting the concrete CRM strategies in order to better reach the customers again. Other departments also contribute to customer satisfaction and provide valuable information for CRM. This includes, for example, the entire service department. Within the scope of service, customer inquiries and discrepancies are recorded and processed. This is also part of CRM.\n\nCRM generates a wide range of detailed information that must be bundled, categorized and evaluated in order to be able to derive statements. Without a corresponding technology, it does not take long with increasing numbers of customers and prospects and the respective contacts, until CRM can no longer be managed with manual work. Targeted contact with the customer is made more difficult. Without a suitable technology, employees lose too much time for CRM if the CRM strategy is to be pursued with the same quality and intensity even with increasing numbers of customers and prospects.\n\nWhat is a CRM-System\n\nA CRM system is a software with functions for the management and automation of all information that is generated month by month when addressing customers or prospects and binding them. In the CRM software, all data of customers and prospects, including all transactions and related communication, are collected and stored in databases. The following information can be taken as an example:\n\nDocumentation of a prospective customer telephone call for later evaluation\n\nStorage of a customer offer for later allocation", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/extended-crm-system"} {"id": "6b13294d7c38-1", "text": "Documentation of a prospective customer telephone call for later evaluation\n\nStorage of a customer offer for later allocation\n\nAppointment reminder for an offer meeting with an interested party on site\n\nBirthday management of A and B customers to increase attention\n\nCRM systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company and the required level of information, different solutions with different functionalities are possible. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the CRM system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the CRM software are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take the increasing degree of information for the company into account.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of a CRM-Systems\n\nThe advantages and benefits of CRM software for companies are obvious. In practice, a large number of contacts and their relationship to the own company must be managed in one system. Well-designed CRM systems create more transparency. They can be used wherever direct or indirect customer or prospect contact is required. With the right CRM software, the entire sales force can also be supported. This applies both to:\n\nthe sales force with the objective of \"increasing sales\",\n\nas well as for the service-oriented field service with the objective \"service and maintenance\".\n\nAll activities on site can be recorded directly in the CRM software. In addition, a good CRM system can also be an aid for certain activities, in which information is available at the right place in the right form. This not only saves time, but also regularly delivers better results in all areas. In summary, a CRM system helps to support sales, marketing, service and last but not least, management. With the help of a CRM system, activities can be optimized and automated (e.g. monthly reports). In addition, a good CRM provides a variety of decision bases.\n\nAdvantages and benefits of an integrated project management system", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/extended-crm-system"} {"id": "6b13294d7c38-2", "text": "Advantages and benefits of an integrated project management system\n\nProjects are regularly associated with investments and other expenses and are directed towards a specific goal (project objective). In practice, a project is often divided into sub-projects, each of which is aimed at a specific (partial) goal fulfillment and is related to the main goal. The project management is responsible for planning and controlling the (sub-) projects, as well as monitoring them with regard to time- and resource-oriented parameters. As with CRM, project management involves strategies that must be supported by suitable technologies and systems at a certain level of complexity at the latest in order to process the wealth of data in a meaningful way. A CRM system with integrated project management saves time and effort and increases data quality.\n\nThe sales department acquires a new customer project as an example. Up to now, all customer- or prospect related activities were recorded in the CRM system. The following project is now regularly managed by other employees and departments. Thanks to the integration, project-specific information can now be found in the shortest possible time. The management of the information is clearly optimized by the symbiosis of both systems.\n\nbrixxbox Low-Code-Plattform: Extended CRM-Template\n\nWith the \"brixxbox\" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.\n\nThe provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.\n\nIn practice, this CRM application could be used for example by:\n\nConsulting company\n\nFreelancers\n\nand small enterprises\n\nto create customers and prospects and manage their contacts and CRM-relevant data. In addition to master data management, advanced functions are also included to visualize the possible use and linking of master data and to derive a realistic practical reference to support management, sales and marketing.\n\nExtract of the functions\n\nCompany data: Name and address of the companies\n\ncontact details: Contact data and contact persons of the companies and employees\n\nPhone book: based on contact data\n\nArchiving: storage and digitalization of documents and files from customers and prospects", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/extended-crm-system"} {"id": "6b13294d7c38-3", "text": "Phone book: based on contact data\n\nArchiving: storage and digitalization of documents and files from customers and prospects\n\nSpecial features: Documentation of specific customer requirements and special features (e.g. billing only per month)\n\nCRM data: Scheduling (e.g. per month, week), deadline monitoring and appointment documentation as well as assignment of relevant contacts\n\nCRM Workflows: Creation of reminders and follow-ups (e.g. in two months) for certain contacts\n\nCRM report: e.g. ABC/XYZ - evaluation or categorization of customers and prospective customers (periods/months)\n\nTemplates: text templates can be created\n\nProject integration: project planning, project monitoring, resource management and responsibilities\n\nManagement: Status monitoring of all activities and projects\n\nMobile: Access to all data anywhere and with any device (cloud)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/configuration/template-gallery/extended-crm-system"} {"id": "139d7c94227a-0", "text": "Server API Reference\n\nHow to Use Server Side Functions\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/HC1IH8ralxA\" %}\n\nPreparing to use BrixxServerApi\n\nInstall from npm. This will give your project access to the BrixxServerApi.\n\nnpm i @brixxbox/brixx-server-api\n\nReference the Class BrixxServerApi from your function source.\n\njavascript\nconst BrixxServerApi = require('@brixxbox/brixx-server-api');\n\nCreate an instance from BrixxServerApi to access the avialable methods.\n\njavascript\n//Note: the constructor will always get the 2. parameter from \n//the functions call as parameter. This parameter expects the brixxboxMeta \n//as part of the body content (req.body.brixxboxMeta) \nconst brixxServerApi = new BrixxServerApi(req);\n\nNow the different methods from brixxServerApi can be called.\n\nExample\n\n```javascript\n\nconst BrixxServerApi = require('@brixxbox/brixx-server-api');\n\nmodule.exports = async function (context, req) {\n const brixxServerApi = new BrixxServerApi(req);\n currencyRate = await brixxServerApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"CurrencyConverter\",\n methodName: \"Convert\",\n fromCurrencySymbol: \"EUR\",\n toCurrencySymbol: \"USD\"\n });\n\n}\n```\n\nServer Side Api Function List\n\nloadConfigRecordById\n\nsaveConfigRecordById\n\nsqlWrite\n\nsqlRead\n\nsendEmail\n\ncreateReportPdfBlob\n\ncloudPrint\n\nbusinesssBrixx\n\nTo invoke a server function from the a brixxApi client please check serverFunction", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/README"} {"id": "412553d0feb6-0", "text": "description: Executes a write sql statement and returns the number of rows affected\n\nsqlRead\n\nParameters\n\nstatementName - The name of the statement\n\nadditionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them\n\nqueryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request\n\ntimeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL request. Default is 30 seconds\n\nconnectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database\n\nExample Usages\n\nRead all data without parameters\n\njavascript\n let rowsChanged = await brixxServerApi.sqlRead(\"getAddresses\", {}, {timeout: 90});\n\nRead all data with parameters\n\njavascript\n let rowsChanged = await brixxServerApi.sqlRead(\"getAddresses\", { adrType: 1});\n\nSee also client side api sqlRead", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/sqlread"} {"id": "16ec49717ffe-0", "text": "description: Executes a write sql statement and returns the number of rows affected\n\nsqlWrite\n\nParameters\n\nstatementName - The name of the statement\n\nadditionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them\n\nqueryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request\n\ntimeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds\n\nconnectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database\n\nExample Usages\n\nUpdate a record with parameters\n\njavascript\n let rowsChanged = await brixxServerApi.sqlWrite(\"updateAddres\", {\n newName: \"John\",\n addressId: 45,\n });\n\nSee also client side api sqlWrite", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/sqlwrite"} {"id": "c20cf0b103f7-0", "text": "description: >-\n This server side api function does support the same parameters as cloudPrint\n from the client side api.\n\ncloudPrint\n\nApi Version > 0.1.30\n\nExample 1\n\nSend a blob object to the cloud print api\n\njavascript\n let resultObj = await brixxServerApi.cloudPrint({\n blob: myBlob,\n printerName: \"HP LaserJet\",\n });\n console.log(resultObj.status);\n\nExample 2\n\nWe create a blob with create report and send it to the cloudPrint api\n\njavascript\n let pdfBlob = await brixxApi.createReportPdfBlob({\n reportName: \"demo1\",\n configName: \"address\",\n archive: true,\n parameters:{\n id: 45\n },\n });\n let resultObj = await brixxApi.cloudPrint({\n blob: pdfBlob,\n printerName: \"HP LaserJet\",\n });\n console.log(resultObj.status);\n\nExample 3\n\nSend a base64 file content to the cloudPrint api.\n\njavascript\n let resultObj = await brixxApi.cloudPrint({\n documentBase64Content: myBase64PdfContent,\n printerName: \"HP LaserJet\",\n });\n console.log(resultObj.status);\n\nSee also client side api cloudPrint", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/cloudprint"} {"id": "66f468a7c903-0", "text": "description: Saves or creates a config record and returns the new record object.\n\nsaveConfigRecordById\n\nParameters\n\nmode - Config name\n\nid - Record Id\n\nExample Usages\n\nCreate a new Record with 2 fields\n\njavascript\n let newRecord = await brixxServerApi.saveConfigRecordById({\n adrName: \"John\",\n adrLastName: \"Doe\",\n });\n\nSee also client side api saveConfigRecordById", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/saveconfigrecordbyid"} {"id": "d38269d77de3-0", "text": "Functions", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/README"} {"id": "aa4f6f5d8607-0", "text": "description: >-\n This server side api function does support the same parameters (Attachements\n and so on) as ComposeEmail from the client side api. Emails are sent\n automatically, as there is no UI.\n\nsendEmail\n\nExample 1\n\njavascript\n await brixxServerApi.sendEmail({\n to: [\"john.doe@acme.com\"],\n text: \"Hello World\",\n subject: \"Demo Email\",\n });\n\nSee also client side api composeEmail", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/sendemail"} {"id": "98a7d9a823b5-0", "text": "description: >-\n This server side api function does support the same parameters as\n createReportPdfBlob from the client side api.\n\ncreateReportPdfBlob\n\nExample 1\n\njavascript\n await brixxServerApi.createReportPdfBlob({\n reportName: \"myDemoReport\",\n configName: \"address\",\n archive: true,\n parameters:{\n id: 45\n },\n });\n\nSee also client side api createReport", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/createreportpdfblob"} {"id": "2fa5e7d41942-0", "text": "description: >-\n This server side api function does support the same parameters as\n businessBrixx from the client side api.\n\nbusinessBrixx\n\n```javascript\nlet result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"CurrencyConverter\",\n methodName: \"Convert\",\n fromCurrencySymbol: \"EUR\",\n toCurrencySymbol: \"USD\"\n });\nconsole.log(result);\n\n```\n\nSee also client side api businessBrixx", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx"} {"id": "471ec3c4b617-0", "text": "description: Server Function to load a config record and return the record object.\n\nloadConfigRecordById\n\nParameters\n\nmode - Config name\n\nid - Record Id\n\nExample Usages\n\nloads a record and stores it in a variable\n\njavascript\n let record = await brixxServerApi.loadConfigRecordById(\"address\", req.body.parameters.addressId);\n\nSee also client side api loadConfigRecordById", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/server-api-reference/functions/loadconfigrecordbyid"} {"id": "8b69f9fafea8-0", "text": "Client API Reference\n\nbrixxApi Functions\n\nThe brixxApi provides a set of functions for each brixxbox. These functions can be used inside brixxbox events, to interact with the brixxbox and modify the behaviour of the application.\n\nCommon Functions\n\ninviteUser(string email)\n\nApp Functions\n\nsetToolbarButtonMode(string toolbarButtonId, string mode)\n\naddToolbarButton(toolbarButtonOptions)\n\nreadOnlyMode(bool readOnly, options)\n\nexcludeFromReadonly([])\n\nstartScanner(string controlId, scanOptions)\n\nisUserInRole(string role)\n\nglobalSearch(string searchTerm)\n\ngetDate(Date date)\n\ngetUserClaim(string claimName)\n\ngetSessionToken()\n\ngetBrowserToken()\n\nlogAdd()\n\nenableNotifications()\n\nsetToolbarButtonMode(string toolbarButtonId, string mode)\n\naddToolbarButton(toolbarButtonOptions)\n\nreadOnlyMode(bool readOnly, options)\n\nexcludeFromReadonly([])\n\nstartScanner(string controlId, scanOptions)\n\nisUserInRole(string role)\n\nglobalSearch(string searchTerm)\n\ngetDate(Date date)\n\ngetUserClaim(string claimName)\n\ngetSessionToken()\n\ngetBrowserToken()\n\nlogAdd()\n\nenableNotifications()\n\nField Manipulation\n\nsetFieldValue(string controlId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc.\n\ngetFieldValue(string controlId)\n\nsetLabelText(string controlId, string labelText)\n\ninitAllControls()\n\ninitControl()\n\nsetControlUnmodifiedValue(string controlId, string valueToCompare) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc.\n\ngetControlUnmodifiedValue(string controlId[[[[markAllControlsAsUnModified|markAllControlsAsUnModified()]]]]\n\ngetHtmlElement(string controlId)\n\nsetVisibility(string controlId, bool visible, string subControl) // visible(default True) and subControlare optional parameters.\n\nsetEnable(string controlId, bool visible, string subControl) // visible(default True) and subControl are optional parameters.\n\ntriggerEvent(string eventName, string controlId)\n\nrefresh(string controlId) // If used without parameter, refreshes all controls.\n\nrefreshBadges()\n\nshowTabPage(string controlId)setGridGrouping(string controlId, groupConfiguration) // groupConfiguration can either null, undefined or columnId.\n\nsetGridAutoRefresh(string controlId, Number autoRefreshSeconds ) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/apps/README"} {"id": "8b69f9fafea8-1", "text": "setGridAutoRefresh(string controlId, Number autoRefreshSeconds ) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control.\n\ngetCalcDateTime(inputDate, accuracy) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control and accuracy can be seconds(default), minutes, or hours.\n\nenableValidator(string controlId, string validatorName, bool enable) // enable can be true(default)/false.\n\nreInitValidation()\n\nsetFieldUnit(string controlId, string unitName) // If no value is given for unitName then unit will be removed.\n\nsetDecimalDigits(string controlId, Number value)\n\naddClassToGridRowCell(eventParameter, columnId, className)\n\nshowRowDetailButton(Row, bool show)\n\nshowRowDetailPanel(Row, bool show)\n\nclearGridSelection(string controlId)\n\nselectGridRows(string controlId, string columnId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc.\n\nunselectGridRows(string controlId, string columnId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc.\n\ntoggleGridSelection(string controlId)\n\nisRowSelected(string controlId, line)\n\nswitchTagControl(string controlId, bool editMode) // editMode is optional parameter.\n\nsetFocus(string controlId, bool select)\n\nsetTextColor(string controlId, string colorName) // colorName can be \"default\", \"primary\", \"secondary\", \"success\", \"danger\", or \"warning\".\n\nsetFontWeight(string controlId, string fontWeight) // fontWeight can be normal or bold.\n\nsetFontStyle(string controlId, string fontStyle) // fontStyle can be italic or normal.\n\nsetBackgroundColor(string controlId, string colorName) // colorName can be \"default\", \"primary\", \"secondary\", \"success\", \"danger\", or \"warning\".\n\ndisableGridHyperLinks(string controlId, bool disable)\n\ngetSignatureImageBlob(string controlId, string type) // Type can be of png(default) or svg.\n\ncancelCalendarChanges(string controlId)\n\naddCalendarEventSource(string controlId, eventSource) //eventSource is a JSON Object.\n\nsetFieldValue(string controlId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc.\n\ngetFieldValue(string controlId)\n\nsetLabelText(string controlId, string labelText)\n\ninitAllControls()\n\ninitControl()", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/apps/README"} {"id": "8b69f9fafea8-2", "text": "getFieldValue(string controlId)\n\nsetLabelText(string controlId, string labelText)\n\ninitAllControls()\n\ninitControl()\n\nsetControlUnmodifiedValue(string controlId, string valueToCompare) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc.\n\ngetControlUnmodifiedValue(string controlId[[[[markAllControlsAsUnModified|markAllControlsAsUnModified()]]]]\n\ngetHtmlElement(string controlId)\n\nsetVisibility(string controlId, bool visible, string subControl) // visible(default True) and subControlare optional parameters.\n\nsetEnable(string controlId, bool visible, string subControl) // visible(default True) and subControl are optional parameters.\n\ntriggerEvent(string eventName, string controlId)\n\nrefresh(string controlId) // If used without parameter, refreshes all controls.\n\nrefreshBadges()\n\nshowTabPage(string controlId)\n\nsetGridGrouping(string controlId, groupConfiguration) // groupConfiguration can either null, undefined or columnId.\n\nsetGridAutoRefresh(string controlId, Number autoRefreshSeconds ) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control.\n\ngetCalcDateTime(inputDate, accuracy) // inputDate can be of Date type or a controlId of date/datetime control and accuracy can be seconds(default), minutes, or hours.\n\nenableValidator(string controlId, string validatorName, bool enable) // enable can be true(default)/false.\n\nreInitValidation()\n\nsetFieldUnit(string controlId, string unitName) // If no value is given for unitName then unit will be removed.\n\nsetDecimalDigits(string controlId, Number value)\n\naddClassToGridRowCell(eventParameter, columnId, className)\n\nshowRowDetailButton(Row, bool show)\n\nshowRowDetailPanel(Row, bool show)\n\nclearGridSelection(string controlId)\n\nselectGridRows(string controlId, string columnId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc.\n\nunselectGridRows(string controlId, string columnId, value) // Value can be of any javascript value type i.e. string, integer, Date etc.\n\ntoggleGridSelection(string controlId)\n\nisRowSelected(string controlId, line)\n\nswitchTagControl(string controlId, bool editMode) // editMode is optional parameter.\n\nsetFocus(string controlId, bool select)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/apps/README"} {"id": "8b69f9fafea8-3", "text": "switchTagControl(string controlId, bool editMode) // editMode is optional parameter.\n\nsetFocus(string controlId, bool select)\n\nsetTextColor(string controlId, string colorName) // colorName can be \"default\", \"primary\", \"secondary\", \"success\", \"danger\", or \"warning\".\n\nsetFontWeight(string controlId, string fontWeight) // fontWeight can be normal or bold.\n\nsetFontStyle(string controlId, string fontStyle) // fontStyle can be italic or normal.\n\nsetBackgroundColor(string controlId, string colorName) // colorName can be \"default\", \"primary\", \"secondary\", \"success\", \"danger\", or \"warning\".\n\ndisableGridHyperLinks(string controlId, bool disable)\n\ngetSignatureImageBlob(string controlId, string type) // Type can be of png(default) or svg.\n\ncancelCalendarChanges(string controlId)\n\naddCalendarEventSource(string controlId, eventSource) //eventSource is a JSON Object.\n\nPrinting and Documents\n\nprint(string controlId) // Id of report control which is to be printed.\n\nprintBlob(printDoc) // printDoc is a document which is to be printed.\n\nshowBlob(string controlId, blobData)\n\ncreateReport(reportControlId, createOptions) // CreateOptions is a JSON object. It contains options like print, archive, saveFile etc. for report creation.\n\nData Storage\n\nloadRecord(string controlId)\n\nloadRecordById(Number recordId)\n\nloadConfigRecordById(string configName, Number recordId)\n\ndeleteConfigRecordById(string configName, Number recordId)\n\ncopyConfigRecordById(string configName, Number recordId, additionalValues) // additionalValues is a JSON object, it contains values need to be modified in target record.\n\nloadAndDisplayRecord(Number keyFieldId)\n\nloadAndDisplayRecordById(Number recordId)\n\ndisplayRecord(myRecord,string myKeyControlId)\n\ndeleteRecord(options) // options is a JSON object which include properties id, noConfirmationMessage.\n\nvalidateInput()\n\nsaveCurrentRecord(string configName, record) // record is a JSON like object.\n\nsaveCurrentRecordWithoutEvents()\n\nsaveConfigRecord(string configName, Number recordId)\n\nnewRecord()\n\nnewGridEntry(string gridControlId)\n\nexecuteStoredProcedure(string procedureName, procedureParameters, queryOptions) // procedureParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects.\n\nqueryStoredProcedure(string procedureName, procedureParameters, queryOptions) // procedureParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/apps/README"} {"id": "8b69f9fafea8-4", "text": "queryStoredProcedure(string procedureName, procedureParameters, queryOptions) // procedureParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects.\n\nrefreshDataSource(string controlId) // Refreshes controlId. If used without parameters, it refreshes all controls with datasources.\n\nlocalValue(string keyName, string keyValue)\n\nsqlRead(string statementName, additionalParameters, queryOptions) // additionalParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects.\n\nsqlWrite(string statementName, additionalParameters, queryOptions) // additionalParameters and queryOptions are JSON objects.\n\nsqlReadValue(string statementName, additionalParameters, string columnName queryOptions)\n\nBuild in Tools\n\ncomposeEmail(emailOptions) // emailOptions is a JSON object, it contains options like to, cc, bcc, text, and subject etc which can be used to send an email.\n\ngetGeoLocation()\n\nshowWikiPage(string pageName, bool global) // If global is true, global wiki page is shown. Otherwise workspace wiki page is shown.\n\nshowDiscussion(bool show) // Default show value is is true.\n\nshowAttachments(bool show) // Default show value is is true.\n\nshowMessage(messageOptions) // messageOptions is a JSON object.\n\nshowMessageBox(messageBoxOptions) // messageBoxOptions is a JSON object.\n\nmessageBox(messageBoxOptions) // messageBoxOptions is a JSON object.\n\nrefreshAttachments()\n\ngetAttachmentById(Number id)\n\ngetAttachmentByFileName(string fileName)\n\ngetAttachmentsForCurrentRecord()\n\ngetAttachmentId(string fileName)\n\ngetConfigRecordAttachmentIdByFileName(string appName, Number recordId, string fileName)\n\ndownloadAttachments(downloadOptions) //downloadOptions is a JSON object. It iscludes resquestedIds list and file name for downloaded file.\n\nuploadAttachment(blob data,Number documentTypeId, string fileName) // documentTypeId and fileName are optional parameters.\n\ndeleteAttachment(Number attachmentId)\n\nreplaceText(string text, additionalReplacement) // additionalReplacement is a JSON object with key value pairs.\n\ncallWebHook(string url, string message)\n\ngetCustomMessage(string messageName, params, string targetLanguage) // params is a JSON object.\n\ngetCustomSetting(string settingName)\n\nserverFunction(string funcName, funcParams, options) // funcParams and options are JSON objects and optional parameters.\n\nBusiness Brixx\n\nDhlShiping\n\nCreateShipment \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Creates a DHL Shipping Label.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/apps/README"} {"id": "8b69f9fafea8-5", "text": "Business Brixx\n\nDhlShiping\n\nCreateShipment \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Creates a DHL Shipping Label.\n\nGetLabel \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Shows the shipment Label again.\n\nDPDShipping\n\nDPD Shipping\n\nStarting brixxboxes\n\nstartBrixxbox(startOptions) // startOptions is a JSON object with start parameters.\n\naddEventListener(string eventName, string controlId,function func) // ControlId is optional parameter.\n\ncloseModal()\n\nisModal()\n\ncreatePublicAppUrl(options) //options is a JSON object.\n\nclosePublicAppUrl(options) //options is a JSON object.\n\nlogout()\n\nDate and Time\n\nThe moment.js Library\n\nVariables\n\nuserId\n\nrecordId\n\nrecord\n\nisLoadingRecord\n\nisInitializing\n\nControls\n\nNumBox\n\nTextBox\n\nButton\n\nCheckBox\n\nComboBox\n\nGrid\n\nTabControl\n\nTabPage\n\nAccordion\n\nBadge\n\nFullCalendar\n\nCamera\n\nChart\n\nDateTimeBox\n\nDateBox\n\nDocViewer\n\nAppConfig\n\nFileImport\n\nFormGroup\n\nFormGroupRow\n\nGridConfig\n\nGroupBox\n\nHorizontalLine\n\nHtmlTable\n\nHtmlTemplate\n\nImage\n\nLabel\n\nLinkLabel\n\nMultilineTextBox\n\nReport\n\nRow\n\nScanner\n\nSignaturePad\n\nTag\n\nTemplateGrid\n\nTemplateGridElement\n\nTimeBox\n\nUnit\n\nWedgeScanner\n\nWidget\n\nWidgetContainer\n\nWysiwygText\n\n==\n\nCommon Functions \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nApp Functions \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nField Manipulation \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Functions which manipulate properties, values or behaviors of a control.\n\nPrinting and Documents \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nData Storage \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nBuild in Tools \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nBusiness Brixx \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nStarting brixxboxes \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nDate and Time \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nVariables \u00e2\u0086\u2019\n\nbrixxApi Events\n\nThe brixxApi Events are used to react on certain events. This way you can customize the behaviour of the brixxbox to your own purpose. Some events will be raised befor the brixxbox executes their own logic for this event. In that case, you can return 'true' to avoid the brixxbox build in event. Otherwise the brixxbox will do its own logic after your event.\n\nonClick \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a control is clicked.\n\nonRowClick \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a grid row is clicked.\n\nonCellClick \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a grid cell is clicked.\n\nonChange \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a control content is changed.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/apps/README"} {"id": "8b69f9fafea8-6", "text": "onCellClick \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a grid cell is clicked.\n\nonChange \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a control content is changed.\n\nonRecordLoad \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Before a Record is loaded.\n\nonRecordLoaded \u00e2\u0086\u2019 After a Record is loaded.\n\nonRecordSave \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Before a Record is saved.\n\nonRecordSaved \u00e2\u0086\u2019 After a Record is saved.\n\nonRowSelectionChanged \u00e2\u0086\u2019 After a the selected row of a grid has changed.\n\nonRowCreated \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Modify a grid row. Apply a color for the row based on its values for example.\n\nonRecordNew \u00e2\u0086\u2019 After initializing the Form. The new Record is not saved yet but can be modified with initial values.\n\nonRecordDelete \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Before a record is deleted.\n\nonRecordDeleted \u00e2\u0086\u2019 After a record was deleted.\n\nonChange \u00e2\u0086\u2019 After a control value has changed.\n\nonKeyPress \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a key is pressed\n\nonKeyUp \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a key goes up\n\nonKeyDown \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a key goes down\n\nonModalClose \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a modal brixxbox app closes.\n\nonAppStart \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When the app is started but befor it is initialized.\n\nonAppInitialized \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When the app is initialized onAppStart has happend).\n\nonScan \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a code is scanned.\n\nonAttachmentsShow \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Just before attachments panel opens.\n\nonFileImport \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a file is uploaded for import.\n\nonReturnFromModal \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a modal child app is closed, the parent will get this event\n\nonAttachmentsShow \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When the sidebar for attachments opens\n\nonMailHistoryShow \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When the sidebar for the mail history opens\n\nonSubDataRequest \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When the subdatasource of a control is requested\n\nonChildAppClosed \u00e2\u0086\u2019 When a childapp of your app closes.\n\nonTabShown \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Fires when a tab page is changing to visible.\n\nonAttachmentDeleted \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Triggers when the user deletes an attachment in the sidebar.\n\nonAttachmentsHide \u00e2\u0086\u2019 This event occurs when the attachment sidebar gets closed.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/apps/README"} {"id": "8b69f9fafea8-7", "text": "onAttachmentsHide \u00e2\u0086\u2019 This event occurs when the attachment sidebar gets closed.\n\nonDataTransform \u00e2\u0086\u2019 The event can be used to transform a datasource line to a calender event.\n\nonEventClick \u00e2\u0086\u2019 The event occurs the user clicks on one of the events.\n\nonEventChange \u00e2\u0086\u2019 The event occurs the user moves or modifies an event.\n\nonTimeSelected \u00e2\u0086\u2019 The event triggers when the users selects a time period in the calendar.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/apps/README"} {"id": "2313537dbdcf-0", "text": "Variables", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/variables/README"} {"id": "c27d6ba50352-0", "text": "description: Readonly variable, that returns the email address of the current user.\n\nuserId\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n console.log(brixxApi.userId);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/variables/userid"} {"id": "9c79a189fcd2-0", "text": "description: >-\n Represents the id of the current record, if a record is loaded, otherwise it\n will return null.\n\nrecordId\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n if(brixxApi.recordId){\n console.log(\"the current record id is: \" + brixxApi.recordId);\n }else{\n console.log(\"sorry, no record loaded\");\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/variables/recordid"} {"id": "92099a724495-0", "text": "description: >-\n Represents the current record, if a record is loaded, otherwise it will return\n null.\n\nrecord\n\nExample Usages\n\nAssuming the current app has a control with the id adrName\n\njavascript\n if(brixxApi.record){\n console.log(\"the current record id is: \" + brixxApi.record.id);\n console.log(\"hello: \" + brixxApi.record.data.adrName); \n }else{\n console.log(\"sorry, no record loaded\");\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/variables/record"} {"id": "6cbcccaceff0-0", "text": "isLoadingRecord\n\nIs true if the brixxApi is currently loading and displaying a record. Can be useful in an onChange event to tell the diffenrece beween a loaded value and a value that has ben set by the user or any other event.\n\nExample Usages\n\nIn an onChange Event\n\njavascript\n if(brixxApi.isLoadingRecord){\n console.log(\"app is loading a record\");\n }else{\n console.log(\"app is not loading a record\");\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/variables/isloadingrecord"} {"id": "040b25c029a7-0", "text": "Quickstart\n\nOpen the brixxbox app here\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/hVzKzkUJMTQ\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/brixxbox-wiki/quickstart"} {"id": "b3a8ffe168dc-0", "text": "Brixxbox Low-Code Plattform\n\nConfiguration\n\nConfiguration is a folder, present of the left side-bar of Brixxbox web-app. It includes all essential options to create, update, manage and customize workspaces of a particular user. Below you can find the working summary of each options present under configuration folder. To read about each option in detail, click on \"click here\" at the end of each option.\n\nLast Edited\n\nBrixxbox allow users to create and update multiple applications. In order to increase usability, it provides last edit option. User will be able to see all the recently edited app's here and save time. For example, consider your workspace consists of 100 applications and you were working on one app, then you don't want to go through all the apps instead you can find this app directly from here.\n\nApps\n\nBrixxbox is all about creating user defined applications. Apps option takes user to new Brixxbox page. This page lists all the apps present in the user space. Here Brxxbox allow users to search, sort, create, edit and delete user defined applications. In order to learn more about it click here.\n\nTemplate Gallery\n\nNot only Brixxbox allows you to create your workspace from scratch, it also provides a list of templates for new users to get started with. It contains templates for beginners like \"App in 4 minutes\" to complete CRM systems like \"Digital Address Book\". In order to learn more about Brixxbox templates click here.\n\nMenu\n\nIn Brixxbox left side panel, there are folders present like \"Configuration\" itself. These are all default folders. In addition to them, Brixxbox also allows user to add a customized folder. This menu option is for creating this customized folder. In this option, on first level you are only allowed to create a folder and all sub folders and apps can be placed on next hierarchical level. For example, in the menu editor we see that on first level \"Applications\" folder is defined an in it two apps \"Address - list\", \"Item - list\", and a folder \"System Applications\" are present. We can also see a same hierarchical order on left side panel.\n\nIn order to learn more about it click here.\n\nDatabase", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/brixxbox-wiki/brixxbox-low-code-plattform"} {"id": "b3a8ffe168dc-1", "text": "In order to learn more about it click here.\n\nDatabase\n\nIn this folder, Brixxbox provides you all the functionality which is needed to create, update and maintain your database. Following are the sub options provided by Brixxbox to manage database.\n\nInfo\n\nAll the metadata information about users database is provided under this option. For example, name of database, creation date and available space etc. A snippet of an example database's info is given below:\n\nTables\n\nTables option provides user with searching, creating, editing, and exporting different data tables present in the database. It provides a detailed list of all the tables present. An example of tables present is listed below:\n\nSql Statements\n\nBrixxbox allows users to create sql statements regarding their app's usability and save them. This option provides functionality to create, edit, and delete sql statements. It also lists all the present sql statements. In order to know more about managing them click here.\n\nSql Procedures\n\nThis option allows you to maintain SQL stored procedures for your Brixxbox Database. stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again. It allows users with functionality to create, edit, and delete stored procedures. In order to learn more about it click here.\n\nSql Functions\n\nBrixxbox allows users to write, edit, delete Sql functions. User only have to provide the body of a function, the function will be generated from it. In order to learn more about it click here. In order to learn more about it click here.\n\nSql Triggers\n\nTriggers are such functions which run or get triggered when a certain event occurs. In this app, Brixxbox allows you to maintain DML triggers for your database tables. In order to learn more about it click here.\n\nData sources\n\nBrixxbox allow users to work with new data sources using this option. It allows you add, update, and delete new data sources. Keep in mind that these data sources are different from the database option which is explained above.\n\nReports", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/brixxbox-wiki/brixxbox-low-code-plattform"} {"id": "b3a8ffe168dc-2", "text": "Reports\n\nIn Brixxbox, user is able to add new reports. Brixxbox allows you to add html elements in your reports. This gives user to add anything to report page with respect to their needs. Brixxbox also allow user to install \"telerik\" report designer. It helps users to build, edit, and view reports. An simple example of a report is a \"customerofferreport\". A snapshot of example is given below for reference.\n\nIn order to learn more about reports click here.\n\nCustom messages\n\nIn this app, Brixxbox allows you to add custom messages. These messages can be used to portray warning, success or error state. For example, In case of successful order placement, we can show a thank you method to our user. In order to learn more about it click here.\n\nServer Functions\n\nBrixxbox is composed of maninly two parts: a javascript engine which works works in the browser, and web services which are present on server side. These are mainly used to get and post calls to web api's requests. On the front end, you can use \"serverFunction\" api in custom code to call different functions along with their parameters. Here is an example usage of serverFunction api.\n\njavascript\nlet functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction(\"myFunction\", {\n name: \"Hallo\"\n});\nconsole.log(functionResponse.functionResult);\n\nIn order to learn more about server functions click here.\n\nJob Schedule\n\nBrixxbox allows userss to automate their tasks which they want to perform on regular interval basis by using app job schedular. This minimizes user effort. For example, User want to update manager about current status of work on regular basis. One way is to do perform this task manually each day or user can simply use Brixxbox job schedular to automate this task once and for all. In order to learn more about App job click here.\n\nTranslations\n\nThis app provides functionality of logging messages that need top be translated from one language to another. For example you want to thank user after successfully placing an order. In order to learn more about App job click here.\n\nFiles\n\nBrixxbox allows users to upload files from outside and it also stores files generated by different app in the workspace. There are 19 deiiferent types of documents are allowed in Brixxbox uptil now. In order to learn more about files or attachments click here\n\nDocument types", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/brixxbox-wiki/brixxbox-low-code-plattform"} {"id": "b3a8ffe168dc-3", "text": "Document types\n\nBrixxbox allows users to add different tpyes of documents in their workspace. In Brixxbox, each document is assigned a specific type for example invoice, list, bild etc. Document types lets you categorize attachments of anytype. The main properties of any attachemnt in Brixxbox are type id and name of document type. Document type is editable afterwards but id is not. In order to learn more about document type click here.\n\nUser Dashboards\n\nThis panel is used to configure which apps will be started for each user and role, when the user opens the their Brixxbox workspace. This app provides easy access to important applications without or little navigation. They enable your to become more productive. In order to learn more about document type click here.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/brixxbox-wiki/brixxbox-low-code-plattform"} {"id": "23dd35640df1-0", "text": "description: Downloads a list of attachment ids as a zip file.\n\ndownloadAttachments\n\nParameters\n\ndownloadOptions - JSON object\n\nrequestedIds - list of ids to download\n\nfileName - (optional) name of the downloaded file\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.downloadAttachments({\n requestedIds:[196, 197, 200]\n });\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.downloadAttachments({\n requestedIds:[196, 197, 200],\n fileName: \"myDownload.zip\"\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/downloadattachments"} {"id": "c2a0598cf4cd-0", "text": "description: Deletes an attachment and its link to a record.\n\ndeleteAttachment\n\nParameters\n\nattachmentId - the id of the attachment you want to delete\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.deleteAttachment(42);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/deleteattachment"} {"id": "559bb05b2123-0", "text": "description: >-\n Disables (or enables) the hyperlinks in grid cells, automatically generated\n for combo box controls. This function also refreshes the grid.\n\ndisableGridHyperLinks\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - The id of the grid control\n\ndisable - true, if you want to disable the hyperlinks, false if you want to enable them again.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.disableGridHyperLinks(\"myGrid\", true); //disable links\n brixxApi.disableGridHyperLinks(\"myGrid\", false); //enable links again", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/disablegridhyperlinks"} {"id": "77f13747a89f-0", "text": "cloudQuery\n\nRequests Data from a CloudGateway Enpoint\n\nParameters\n\n```\n{\n AppName: \"MyCloudGateway\", //The Name in the ApiKey List\n Endpoint: \"LocalFirebird\", // Configured Endpoint\n SqlStatementId: \"fbGetAddress\", //Optional statemnt id, depending on the Plugin\n Parameters: { //Optional Parameters\n \"id\": 1\n },\n\n}\n```\n\nExample Usages\n\nQuery an address from a firebird database\n\n```javascript\n brixxApi.cloudQuery({\n AppName: \"MyCloudGateway\",\n Endpoint: \"LocalFirebird\",\n SqlStatementId: \"fbGetAddress\",\n Parameters: {\n \"id\": 1\n },\n\n})\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/cloudquery"} {"id": "f4b2fcc15b54-0", "text": "description: Changes an existing help text for a control at runtime.\n\nchangeHelpText\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId => Id of the control\n\nhelpText => the new text, you want to set or empty to remove an existing text\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.changeHelpText(\"myControl\", \"Hello World\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/changehelptext"} {"id": "951af34a5014-0", "text": "description: >-\n (Beta) Cancels the drag or edit operation that triggered the OnEventChange\n event and moves all events back to their origin position. Must be used inside\n the OnEventChange event.\n\ncancelCalendarChanges\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - The id of the calendar control\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.cancelCalendarChanges(\"myCalendar\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/cancelcalendarchanges"} {"id": "16a154ea5c21-0", "text": "Functions", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/README"} {"id": "b5631afc5f91-0", "text": "displayRecord\n\nDisplays a record in an brixxbox app. To get a record, you could use e.g. loadRecord\n\nParameters\n\nthe record.\n\nthe current control. This control is excluded from the discard changes check, that occurs before the record is displayed\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.displayRecord(myRecord, \"myKeyControlId\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/displayrecord"} {"id": "ab93e034b9bb-0", "text": "description: (Beta) Adds an event source object to the calendar\n\naddCalendarEventSource\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - The id of the calendar control\n\neventSource - the Event source object\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n app.addCalendarEventSource(\"myCal\", {\n events: [\n {\n title: 'Sammple Event 1',\n start: '2020-12-08',\n },\n {\n title: 'Sammple Event 2',\n start: '2020-12-10',\n },\n ],\n id: 1,\n color: 'yellow', // an option!\n textColor: 'black' // an option!\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/addcalendareventsource"} {"id": "33439942d2fc-0", "text": "copyConfigRecordById\n\nCreates a deep copy from a config record. Typical example is to create a copy of an \"order\" record, with a copy of all the \"orderLines\" from that source \"order\". brixxbox will use the \"Cascade Copy\" flag of a grid control, to decide if which referenced records will be copied.\n\nParameters\n\nconfigName\n\nrecordId - the id of the source record\n\nadditionalValues - json object of values in the target record that should be modified. e.g. an \"orderDate\" field. Can be null, in this case you get a 1:1 copy except the record id.\n\nExample Usages\n\nExact copy:\n\njavascript\n let newOrder = brixxApi.copyConfigRecordById(\"customerOrder\", 1376);\n\nCopy with new date for header data and manipulating two columns of line item data:\n\njavascript\n let newOrder = brixxApi.copyConfigRecordById(\"customerOrder\", 1376, {\n cordOrderDate: new Date(),\n cordlnOrderQuantity: \"1\",\n cordlnDeliveredQuantity: null\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/copyconfigrecordbyid"} {"id": "b8dd8359c399-0", "text": "description: Add Toolbar Buttons with different functionalities.\n\naddToolbarButton\n\nAs we have already discussed in documentation of SetToolbarButtonMode. These are several buttons that are provided by Brixxbox for each app like adding new record, saving new record etc. These buttons provides general functionality needed by most of the apps but in case your app needs extra functionality, Brixxbox also allows this. It is provided by brixxApi function addToolbarButton. It takes a JSON object as a parameter. This JSON contains all the properties that defines this custom button as well as the functionality provided by it. The properties include name, id, and function to execute on clicking this button etc. Adds a custom button to the app toolbar.\n\nExample\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.addToolbarButton({\n title: \"Print Invoice\",\n icon: \"print\",\n id: \"printInvoiceToolbarButton\",\n onclick: async function () {\n brixxApi.triggerEvent(\"click\", \"printInvoiceBtn\");\n }\n });\n\nParameters\n\ntoolbarButtonOptions - It is a JSON Object. In JSON object we passes parameters in the form of key value arguments.It include properties like name, id, function, etc.\n\nExample Usages\n\nAs we have already seen a minimal custom print button in above example. Lets now add extra properties like group, css class, and shortcut for our print button. Now we also want this button to be added in our app toolbar on initialization. For this purpose goto current app properties and add onAppInitialized event. Now we need to add following code as a custom code to this event.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.addToolbarButton({\n title: \"Print Invoice\",\n icon: \"print\",\n text: \"Rechnung drucken\",\n group: \"invoice\",\n id: \"printInvoiceToolbarButton\",\n cssClass: \"btn-success\",\n onclick: async function () {\n brixxApi.triggerEvent(\"click\", \"printInvoiceBtn\");\n },\n shortcut: \"Ctrl-Alt-P\"\n });\n\nNow when our app is initialized, we can see our custom button on the app toolbar and it should look like this.\n\nWe can also add different custom buttons to our app depending upon our own requirements.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/addtoolbarbutton"} {"id": "d86520b83ea1-0", "text": "description: Deletes a record of a given config\n\ndeleteConfigRecordById\n\nParameters\n\nconfigName - the name of the config\n\nid - the record id you want to delete\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.deleteConfigRecordById(\"address\", 123);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/deleteconfigrecordbyid"} {"id": "41a89d2be191-0", "text": "description: >-\n Creates an url, that leads to a standalone app for pulic use. There is still a\n valid user logged in. The public user has to be configured in the settings as\n a \"valid external user\" for security reason\n\ncreatePublicAppUrl\n\nParameters\n\noptions - Json object with the same properties as [createPublicAppUrl](/globalDoc/function_createPublicAppUrl) options, plus:\n\npublicUser - the user email address of the brixxbox user, that will be used for the public app .\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.createPublicAppUrl({appName: \"survey\", publicUser: \"surveyuser@acme.com\", id:1});", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/createpublicappurl"} {"id": "ca87e5b2cbdd-0", "text": "description: >-\n Calls a webhook to trigger a system to do anything like posting a message to a\n teams channel.\n\ncallWebHook\n\nParameters\n\nurl - The url of the teams or slack channel, see the video to learn how to get a WebHook url.\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/HhvS3Gbuaxg\" %}\n\n2. the message you want to send. That depends on the service, you want to post to. here are some examples for Microsoft Teams(https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/connectors-using), but it can be as easy as seen in exampel 1\n\nExample Usages\n\nPlain text message\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.callWebHook(myUrl, {\n text: \"Hello World\"\n });\n\nfull styled message with actions", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/callwebhook"} {"id": "ca87e5b2cbdd-1", "text": "full styled message with actions\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.callWebHook(myUrl, {\n \"@type\": \"MessageCard\",\n \"@context\": \"http://schema.org/extensions\",\n \"themeColor\": \"006E7E\",\n \"summary\": \"A new message from brixxbox\",\n \"sections\": [{\n \"activityTitle\": \"![TestImage](https://47a92947.ngrok.io/Content/Images/default.png)A new message from brixxbox\",\n \"activitySubtitle\": \"Volkers Sandbox\",\n \"activityImage\": \"https://teamsnodesample.azurewebsites.net/static/img/image5.png\",\n \"facts\": [{\n \"name\": \"Assigned to\",\n \"value\": app.userId\n }],\n \"markdown\": true\n }],\n \"potentialAction\": [{\n \"@type\": \"ActionCard\",\n \"name\": \"Add a comment\",\n \"inputs\": [{\n \"@type\": \"TextInput\",\n \"id\": \"comment\",\n \"isMultiline\": false,\n \"title\": \"Add a comment here for this task\"\n }],\n \"actions\": [{\n \"@type\": \"HttpPOST\",\n \"name\": \"Add comment\",\n \"target\": \"http://...\"\n }]\n }, {\n \"@type\": \"ActionCard\",\n \"name\": \"Set due date\",\n \"inputs\": [{\n \"@type\": \"DateInput\",\n \"id\": \"dueDate\",\n \"title\": \"Enter a due date for this task\"\n }],\n \"actions\": [{\n \"@type\": \"HttpPOST\",\n \"name\": \"Save\",\n \"target\": \"http://...\"\n }]\n }, {\n \"@type\": \"ActionCard\",\n \"name\": \"Change status\",\n \"inputs\": [{\n \"@type\": \"MultichoiceInput\",\n \"id\": \"list\",\n \"title\": \"Select a status\",\n \"isMultiSelect\": \"false\",\n \"choices\": [{\n \"display\": \"In Progress\",\n \"value\": \"1\"\n }, {\n \"display\": \"Active\",\n \"value\": \"2\"\n }, {\n \"display\": \"Closed\",\n \"value\": \"3\"\n }]\n }],\n \"actions\": [{\n \"@type\": \"HttpPOST\",\n \"name\": \"Save\",\n \"target\": \"http://...\"\n }]\n }]\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/callwebhook"} {"id": "f8b5d3b6f257-0", "text": "description: >-\n Creates a report on the Server and retrieves it to the client. The only\n format, currently supported is pdf.\n\ncreateReport\n\nParameters\n\nreportControlId - the id of the reportControl in your app. This can be invisible, if you don't need a preview.\n\ncreateOptions - JSON Object with options\n\nprint - (bool, default = false) if set to true, this will trigger the print dialog after the report is create.\n\narchive - (bool, default = false) if set to true, the report is saved as an attachment to the current record,\n\nsaveFile - if set. the report will be downloaded with a generic file name (brixxbox-print.pdf), except, if saveFileName is set.#\n\nsaveFileName - if set. the report will be downloaded with that file name.\n\nreportId - (optional) if defined, this will overruled the reportId given for the control in the config editor. This is not the controlId, but the id (name) of the report definition\n\ncloudPrinter - (optional) the created report will be send to the cloud printer right after creation.\n\nLike a on a dataRequest, all controls of the current app will bo automatically send as report parameters, plus the recordId of the current record as \"id\", even if you dont have a control \"id\" in your app.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.createReport(\"invoiceReport\", {print: true}); //will create the invoiceReport as a pdf and prints it on the client side\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.createReport(\"invoiceReport\", {\n print: true,\n archive: true,\n documentTypeId: 1,\n saveFileName: \"myPrint.pdf\"\n }); \n //will create the invoiceReport as a pdf and prints it on the client side, it will also save the pdf as an attachment to the current record.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.createReport(\"invoiceReport\", {\n print: true,\n reportId: \"invoiceReportSimple\"\n }); \n //In this case, we choose a different reportId\n\nCreate a report and send it to a cloud printer\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.createReport(\"invoiceReport\", {\n cloudPrinter: \"HP LaserJet\",\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/createreport"} {"id": "ad2dbd1bc2ad-0", "text": "cloudPrint\n\nSends a PDF to a printer, that is connected by the BrixxboxCloudGateway. You can sent a document to a cloudprinter by using createReport as well\n\nParameters\n\nA json object\n\nExample Usages\n\nPrint an existing attachment\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.cloudPrint({\n printerName: \"HP LaserJet\", //Printer NAme\n attachmentId: \"1\", //Attachment id\n });\n\nPrint an existing attachment with multiple copies\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.cloudPrint({\n printerName: \"HP LaserJet\", \n attachmentId: \"1\", \n copies: 5 // 1 copy is the default. Needs \"cloudPrint Gateway\" installer Version 1.0.1 or newer\n });\n\nPrint a new created report without archiving\n\njavascript\n let myReport = await brixxApi.createReport(\"myReport\");\n brixxApi.cloudPrint({\n printerName: \"HP LaserJet\", //Printer NAme\n blob: myReport, //The report blob object\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/cloudprint"} {"id": "1df05f22a850-0", "text": "description: >-\n If the current brixxbox app is startet in a modal window, that window will be\n closed.\n\ncloseModal\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.closeModal();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/closemodal"} {"id": "946e6a0b05b6-0", "text": "description: Adds an Event Listener to the brixxbox or one of its controls\n\naddEventListener\n\nParameters\n\nEvents\n\nControl Id (optional)\n\nIf the event is control specific (e.g. click on a buttton), this has to be the control id of that button\n\nFunction\n\nThe code that should be executed in case of this event\n\nThe first parameter is the brixxApi\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.addEventListener(\"onRecordSaved\", function (brixxApi, eventArgs) {\n alert(\"Record saved in \" + brixxApi.appName);\n });\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.addEventListener(\"onClick\", \"myButton\", function (/*event parameters are optional*/) {\n alert(\"Button clicked\");\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/addeventlistener"} {"id": "fc5962fc4e5b-0", "text": "description: Deletes a record from the database.\n\ndeleteRecord\n\nParameters\n\noptions - json object\n\nid - the record id. Optional. By default, this is the current record id. (The current record id can be accessed here: brixxApi.actualRecordId)\n\nnoConfirmMessage - Optional. By default, this is false. If set to true, you will not get a confirm MessageBox. the record will be deleted.\n\nExample Usages\n\n1. Simple\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.deleteRecord(); //deletes the current displayed record\n brixxApi.deleteRecord({id: brixxApi.actualRecordId}); //deletes the current displayed record\n\n2. Simple - No Confirmation\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.deleteRecord({noConfirmMessage: true}); //deletes the current displayed record without confirmation\n\n3. Without displaying the record\n\njavascript\n let myRecord = await brixxApi.laodRecord(\"myKeyControl\"); loads a record into myRecord\n brixxApi.deleteRecord({id: myRecord.id}); //deletes the loadedRecord", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/deleterecord"} {"id": "7cca54cd9087-0", "text": "description: Unselects all rows of a data grid.\n\nclearGridSelection\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - id of the grid control\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.clearGridSelection(myGrid);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/cleargridselection"} {"id": "adfce27391bd-0", "text": "--\ndescription: Shows the email compose Dialog, or sends an email without an interface popup.\n---\n\n# composeEmail\n\n### Parameters\n\n1. emailOptions - (optional) Json object with email parameters.\n * to - array of email addresses\n * cc - array of email addresses\n * bcc - array of email addresses\n * text - message text\n * subject - subject\n * from - single string with an email address\n * replyTo - single email, that will be used as to reply to\n * autoSend - if set to true, the mail will be send automatically. You will not see a dialog at all. (Default is false)\n * hideToEmail - if set to true. The recipients email address is hidden in the email dialog\n * attachmentIds - an array of attachment ids that will be sent as an attachment,\n * attachmentBlobs - an array of blobs objects that will be sent as an attachment, {name: myFileName, blob: myBlob}\n * recordId - RecordId if you would like to attach the email to an record. If empty, this is the current record Id (available from 18.11.2021)\n * appName - AppName if you would like to attach the email to an record. If empty, this is the current App Name (available from 18.11.2021)\n\n### Example Usages\n\n#### Example 1\n\nShows the dialog without any predefined values\n\nShows the dialog text and to addresses\n\n```javascript\n composeEmail({\n text: `This is the messsage text and this is a link: www.brixxbox.net`, \n to:[\"john.doe@acme.com\", \"jane.doe@acme.com\"], \n subject: \"This is the mail subject\",\n from: \"noreply@acme.com\"\n });\n```\n\n#### Example 2\n\nSends the email without a dialog\n\n```javascript\n composeEmail({\n text: \"This is the messsage text\", \n to:[\"john.doe@acme.com\", \"jane.doe@acme.com\"], \n subject: \"This is the mail subject\",\n from: \"noreply@acme.com\",\n replyTo: \"reply@acmy.com\", \n autoSend: true //Set this to avoid the dialog\n });\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/composeemail"} {"id": "adfce27391bd-1", "text": "#### Example 3 - attachment blobs\n\n```javascript\n composeEmail({\n text: \"This is the messsage text\", \n to:[\"john.doe@acme.com\", \"jane.doe@acme.com\"], \n subject: \"This is the mail subject\",\n from: \"noreply@acme.com\",\n autoSend: true,\n attachmentBlobs: [\n {\n name: \"Test1.pdf\", \n blob: app.createReport(\"report\")\n },\n {\n name: \"Test2.pdf\", \n blob: app.getAttachmentById(2)\n }\n ],\n });\n```\n\n#### Example 4 - attachment ids\n\n```javascript\n composeEmail({\n text: \"This is the messsage text\", \n to:[\"john.doe@acme.com\", \"jane.doe@acme.com\"], \n subject: \"This is the mail subject\",\n from: \"noreply@acme.com\",\n autoSend: true,\n attachmentIds: [1, 2, 3]\n });\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/composeemail"} {"id": "da42de501192-0", "text": "description: This function is used to color a single cell in a grid, or highlight it.\n\naddClassToGridRowCell\n\nParameters\n\neventParameter - this is the special parameter you get in OnRowCreated\n\ncolumnId - the name (id) of the column\n\nclassName - the classnaem to set\n\nExample Usages\n\nExample inside OnRowCreated\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.addClassToGridRowCell(eventArgs, \"cordlnShippedQuantity\", \"success\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/addclasstogridrowcell"} {"id": "125987fda4e8-0", "text": "description: >-\n Returns the geo location and additional information like speed and altitude if\n available. Be aware, that this is an asynchronous function and you have to use\n await.\n\ngetGeoLocation\n\nThe Result looks like this:\n\ncoords\n accuracy: 33\n altitude: null\n altitudeAccuracy: null\n heading: null\n latitude: 51.073834399999996\n longitude: 6.0768204\n speed: null\n timestamp: 1557477072518\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let myGeoLocation = await brixxApi.getGeoLocation();\n console.log(myGeoLocation.coords.latitude);\n console.log(myGeoLocation.coords.longitude);\n\nTo Visualize a geo location in google maps, see this documentation(http://www.joerg-buchwitz.de/temp/googlemapssyntax.htm) for possible url parameters, You could use the following commands in an event:\n\njavascript\n let myLocation = await brixxApi.getGeoLocation();\n window.open(\"http://maps.google.de/maps?q=\" + myLocation.coords.latitude + \",\" + myLocation.coords.longitude,'_blank');", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getgeolocation"} {"id": "1e2336f01d25-0", "text": "description: Refreshes the attachment grid in the sidebar if it is visible\n\nrefreshAttachments\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.refreshAttachments();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/refreshattachments"} {"id": "8fc38bd34ae2-0", "text": "getSessionToken\n\nGUID stands for Global Unique Identifier. A GUID is a 128-bit integer (16 bytes) that you can use for authentication purposes. We use this token to identify a user for same browser session. This function can be used to get GUID for current user sessions. It can then be used to authenticate user between different apps. Another usecase is that it could be used to identify a shopping cart. An important aspect here to note is that when when you close all browser tabs and start the Brixxbox again, this token will be different.\n\nExample Usages\n\nAn example user is that user can get access tokens using this getSessionToken functions from two apps and compare them to confirm user identity i.e after login this can be used as authenticate the user.\n\njavascript\n let myToken = brixxApi.getSessionToken();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getsessiontoken"} {"id": "067a7729a42f-0", "text": "description: Initializes a control to its empty state\n\ninitControl\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.initControl();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/initcontrol"} {"id": "1af215357f29-0", "text": "description: >-\n Returns a list of all the attachments of the current record. The list is\n ordereb by id desc. so the newest documents will be the first you will find\n while iterating over the array.\n\ngetAttachmentsForCurrentRecord\n\nExample Usages\n\nExample 1\n\nconsole.log(brixxApi.getAttachmentsForCurrentRecord());\n\nExample 2 Filtering\n\njavascript\n let allAttachmentsForThisRecord = brixxApi.getAttachmentsForCurrentRecord();\n let invoices = allAttachmentsForThisRecord.filter(singleAttachment => {return singleAttachment.documentTypeId == 2}); //We assume, that there is just one invoice\n let attachmentBlob = brixxApi.getAttachmentById(invoices[0].id);\n brixxApi.printBlob(attachmentBlob)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getattachmentsforcurrentrecord"} {"id": "a36321eaf7e1-0", "text": "description: Determens if the current brixxbox app is started in a modal window.\n\nisModal\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple\n\njavascript\n if(brixxApi.isModal()){\n alert(\"the brixxbox app is modal!\");\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/ismodal"} {"id": "a9f2e41a9bb5-0", "text": "description: >-\n Prints a document that is a blob. You might get a blob by requesting an\n attachmen\n\nprintBlob\n\nParameters\n\nPrint Document\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.printBlob(brixxApi.getAttachmentByFileName(\"Invoice1.pdf\"));", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/printblob"} {"id": "678228b0c4ba-0", "text": "localValue\n\nStores and retrieves local values, like settings or something, that you want to have persistent on this specific browser. The value will be saved only for the browser you are currently working on. The value will be save in the scope of the current workspace you are working in.\n\nParameters\n\nkey - Key name\n\nvalue - (optional) value you want to save. If this is empty, brixxbox will return the value, you saved before.\n\nThis is not an asynchronous operation. No await needed!\n\nExample Usages\n\n```javascript\n brixxApi.localValue(\"myKey\", \"Hello World\"); //Save the value \"Hello World\" under the key \"myKey\"\n let x = brixxApi.localValue(\"myKey\"); //Retrieve the Key \"myKey\". This will result in \"Hello World\"\n\nconsole.log(x)\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/localvalue"} {"id": "001f46affbed-0", "text": "description: Executes a stored procedure.\n\nexecuteStoredProcedure\n\nParameters\n\nprocedureName - The name of the stored procedure\n\nprocedure parameters - If you need to add parameters, you can use this json object to set them\n\nqueryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request\n\ntimeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds\n\nconnectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database\n\nExample Usages\n\n1. Simple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.executeStoredProcedure(\"procedureName\");\n\n2. With parameters (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n let parameterJson = {\n myCustomSqlParameter: 12345\n };\n await brixxApi.executeStoredProcedure(\"procedureName\", parameterJson);\n\n3. Short version (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.executeStoredProcedure(\"procedureName\", {\n myCustomSqlParameter: 12345\n });\n\n4. With Timeout\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.executeStoredProcedure(\"procedureName\", {\n myCustomSqlParameter: 12345\n },{\n timeout: 45\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/executestoredprocedure"} {"id": "500f44ed69a2-0", "text": "description: Gets and attachment by its unique id.\n\ngetAttachmentById\n\nParameters\n\nid - id of the attachment\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.getAttachmentById(1234);\n\njavascript\n let allAttachmentsForThisRecord = brixxApi.getAttachmentsForCurrentRecord();\n let invoices = allAttachmentsForThisRecord.filter(singleAttachment => {return singleAttachment.documentTypeId == 2}); //We assume, that there is just one invoice\n let attachmentBlob = brixxApi.getAttachmentById(invoices[0].id);\n brixxApi.printBlob(attachmentBlob)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getattachmentbyid"} {"id": "89bd6ca0db06-0", "text": "description: >-\n Sets the cursor focus to a specific control and optionally selects the\n existing text.\n\nsetFocus\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - the name of the control to set the focus to\n\nselect - (optional) if set to true, the existing text in the control is selected. if empty or false, the cursor is placed behind the not selected text\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFocus(\"adrName\"); //set focus and palce cursor after existing text\n brixxApi.setFocus(\"adrName\", true); //set focus and select the existing text", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setfocus"} {"id": "67cf32f5cd30-0", "text": "description: >-\n Converts a date to the total days since 1.1.1970 to make it easy comparable.\n You can use Date, or DateTime as input and even if two datetime values do have\n different times.\n\ngetCalcDate\n\nParameters\n\ninputDate - This can be a date or datetime in any format or a controlId to a date or dateTime control\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let calcDate1 = brixxApi.getCalcDate(brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"myDateTime1\"));\n let calcDate2 = brixxApi.getCalcDate(brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"myDate2\"));\n if(calcDate1 === calcDate2){\n //Do something\n }\n\nExample Results\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.getCalcDate(new Date('1995-12-17 03:24:00')) //9481 (days since 1.1.1970)\n brixxApi.getCalcDate('1995-12-17 03:24:00') //9481\n brixxApi.getCalcDate('1995-12-17 12:44:30') //9481\n brixxApi.getCalcDate(myControlId) //?", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getcalcdate"} {"id": "3f54a695e868-0", "text": "description: Enables or disables a specific control.\n\nsetEnable\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - id of the brixxbox control as a string\n\nenable - (optional, default = true) bool value if the control should be enabled or not\n\nsubControl (optional) Some controls have sub Controls, that can be enabled or disabled. Important: setEnable for subcontrols cannot be used in onAppStart, because some controls are not fully created at that time, use onAppInitialized instead. Here is a list of possible subControls:\n\ngrids\ninline - enables or disables the inline editing of a grid (Cell Editing)\nbuttons - enables or disables the buttons of a grid\nbuttonNew - enables or disables the new buttons of a grid\nbuttonDelete - enables or disables the delete buttons of a grid\nbuttonCopy - enables or disables the copy buttons of a grid\n\nExample Usages\n\n1. Simple\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setEnable(\"myControlId\"); //enables the control\n brixxApi.setEnable(\"myControlId\", true); //enables the control\n brixxApi.setEnable(\"myControlId\", false); //disables the control\n\n2. Disable the Grid inline edit feature\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setEnable(\"myGridControl\", false, \"inline\");\n\n3. Disable all data manipulating grid Toolbar Buttons\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setEnable(\"myGridControl\", false, \"buttons\");\n\n4. Disable a single grid Toolbar Buttons\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setEnable(\"myGridControl\", false, \"buttonNew\"); \n brixxApi.setEnable(\"myGridControl\", false, \"buttonDelete\"); \n brixxApi.setEnable(\"myGridControl\", false, \"buttonCopy\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setenable"} {"id": "7a42796de6a2-0", "text": "loadRecord\n\nLoads a record, based on the current config, from brixxbox server and returns a promise. This is a async function. You have to await the result, if you want to use it. This function will not display the record, it will just load and return it. To display the record, use the function result with displayRecord.\n\nParameters\n\nThe first parameter is a control with the key value, that will be used to find the record (like an address number)\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n let myRecord = await brixxApi.loadRecord(\"myKeyControl\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/loadrecord"} {"id": "6e8839d3149b-0", "text": "description: Gets the html element for this brixxbox control.\n\ngetHtmlElement\n\nNote: Usually it is not necessary to get the Html element itself. Make sure there is no better way to do the things you want to do by using the brixxApi functions!\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let myField = brixxApi.getHtmlElement(\"myFieldId\");\n myField.disabled = true; // just for demonstration. Please use brixxApi.setFieldEnable(\"myFieldId\", false) instead", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/gethtmlelement"} {"id": "f77b71fab738-0", "text": "description: Saves the changes to the current record in the database.\n\nsaveCurrentRecord\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.saveCurrentRecord();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/savecurrentrecord"} {"id": "7b99a05ab859-0", "text": "description: >-\n Resets all validators of an app to their default state. So you don't have to\n bother with enableValidator to reset them or what the default state is.\n\nreInitValidation\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.reInitValidation();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/reinitvalidation"} {"id": "49f6f4561fe9-0", "text": "description: Add or set a unit in front of a numeric or text field.\n\nsetFieldUnit\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - Id of the control\n\nThe string value of the unit you want to set. If this parameter is not set, the unit will be removed.\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple textbox\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldUnit(\"myControlId\", \"\u00e2\u0082\u00ac\");\n\nRemove unit\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldUnit(\"myControlId\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setfieldunit"} {"id": "6d6f90250844-0", "text": "description: >-\n Reloads the content of a single control (like combobox or grid) or of all such\n controls in an brixxbox application.\n\nrefresh\n\nParameters\n\nOptional. A control, if you want to refresh just this control, or undefined to refresh all controls within an application.\n\nExample Usages\n\n1. Simple (pay attention to the **[await](/globalDoc/glossary_await)** keyword)\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.refresh(\"myKeyControl\"); \n await brixxApi.refresh();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/refresh"} {"id": "a27ade7ed693-0", "text": "description: >-\n It can set the whole brixxbox app or some controls depending upon the use case\n which is required, in a readonly mode. All Input fields, save- new- and delete\n toolbar buttons are disabled.\n\nreadOnlyMode\n\nIn Brixxbox, we have certain types of users like system users those who build the system, users those who will use the system, and admins, they will manage the systems etc. Each user should have different access to the system. It means all acess rights should only be given to admin users. Lets suppose we have an orders app and recorded orders. System users should only be allowed to fetch and check orders while on the other hand admins shouls also be allowed to edit orders and make changes to them. This is this brixxApi readOnlyMode function comes into play.\n\nExample\n\nThis code sets the whole app to read only mode. All the input controls and even the toolbar button get disabled.\n\nParameters\n\nreadOnlyMode function can be used with or without options. Following are the optional parameters:\n\nreadOnly - (bool, default = true) This indicates if the readOnly mode is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If it is set to true or without options, it disables the whole app. If set to false, the app starts to behave normally. Every control and each toolbar button is enabled.\n\noptions - It is a JSON object which can be passed as an additional options.\n\nexclude - It is an array of controlIds that should be excluded from the disable functionality of readOnlyMode function.\n\nExample Usages\n\nWe can use this \"readOnlyMode\" function with or without options. Lets see both of them in action.\n\nWithout options\n\nTo disable each and every control and toolbar buttons use this function without any options like\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.readOnlyMode(); // This will set app in readOnly Mode.\n brixxApi.readOnlyMode(true); // This will also set complete app in readOnly Mode.\n\nIn order to enable all the controls, set the readOnlyMode function with false value of readOnly parameter. It will enable back all the controls and the app will start behaving normally.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.readOnlyMode(false); // sets back to normal Mode.\n\nWith options", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/readonlymode"} {"id": "a27ade7ed693-1", "text": "javascript\n brixxApi.readOnlyMode(false); // sets back to normal Mode.\n\nWith options\n\nNow if we dont want to use default functionality of disabling or enabling the whole app, we can usereadOnlyMode options to enable or disable some of the controls. Lets say we want to disable 2 controls from an app then we have to pass the name sof these controls in exclude option array like\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.readOnlyMode(true, {\n exclude: [\"myFrstControl\", \"mySecondControl\"]\n });\n\nExample in Action\n\nLets say we have address app and we want to disable all of it. It can be done in different ways. For a moment, lets stick to \"appInitialized\" event. Add this function as a custom code of \"appInitialized\" event and save the app. It will look like this\n\nAs we can see each control as well as app toolbar is also disabled.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/readonlymode"} {"id": "a50f4c8a94a6-0", "text": "getUserClaim\n\nBrixxapi allows user to set a claim value. This claim Value gets added when user gets logged in. It is used to identify users claim. For example, to check whether a user is someone who he claims to be or not. By using this function, we can get userClaim and make useful comparisons in our apps.\n\nParameters\n\nclaimName - This is the only paramter this function takes. It is the claiName which should be in the form of string.. Brixxapi allows user to add claim name with or with out \"claim_\" prefix.\n\nExample\n\nLet suppose we have a claimName parameter \"EFitDealer\" then Brixxapi will consider both \"EFitDealer\" and \"claim_EFitDealer\" as same.\n\nExample Usages\n\nWe can use \"getUserClaim\" function to get user's claim, a way to check user identity. As a parameter, we need to provide the claimName to this function. We can provide only the claimName or the claimName plus \"claim_\" as prefix. Lets see both of them in action. We have a claimName \"EfitDealerNumber\", now we want to get userClaim:\n\nLets first do it without prefix \"claim_\".\n\njavascript\n let dealerNumber = brixxApi.getUserClaim(\"EfitDealerNumber\");\n console.log(\"The dealer Number is: \" + dealerNumber);\n\nIt is ame as the previous example but now we use prefix.\n\njavascript\n let dealerNumber = brixxApi.getUserClaim(\"claim_EfitDealerNumber\");\n console.log(\"The dealer Number is: \" + dealerNumber);\n\nAn important thing to notice here is that it is required by Brixxbox that for using SQL Parameters for claims must have to start with the \"claim_\" prefix.\n\nFor example, Userclaims can also be used as SQL parameters:\n\nsql\n select @claim_EfitDealerNumber", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getuserclaim"} {"id": "9a28a99eef5d-0", "text": "description: >-\n Returns a custom message from the message manager. It replaces possibly passed\n parameters in the message. The target language can also be set.\n\ngetCustomMessage\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let msg = brixxApi.getCustomMessage(\"messageName\", {\"param1\": \"text1\", \"param2\": \"text2\"}, \"en-Us\");\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"controlId\", msg);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getcustommessage"} {"id": "480a2b053f9b-0", "text": "description: Returns an id of an attachment of a record in a config.\n\ngetConfigRecordAttachmentIdByFileName\n\nParameters\n\nappName - the name of the config with the attachment\n\nrecordId - the id of the record with the attachment\n\nfileName - the name of the requested attachment\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.getConfigRecordAttachmentIdByFileName(\"customerOrder\", 1234, \"invoice.pdf\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getconfigrecordattachmentidbyfilename"} {"id": "dd0923b0cd57-0", "text": "loadAndDisplayRecordById\n\nLoads a record, based on the value in the control, given as a parameter in the first argument and displays it. This function just combines loadRecordById and displayRecord displayRecord\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\n```javascript\n let recordId = 123;\n brixxApi.loadAndDisplayRecordById(recordId);\n\nawait brixxApi.loadAndDisplayRecordById(recordId);\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/loadanddisplayrecordbyid"} {"id": "9ce428d00310-0", "text": "description: Selects all rows with a specific value in a data grid column.\n\nselectGridRows\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - control id of the grid\n\ncolumnId - id of the column to compare the value with\n\nvalue - if the row has this value in the column with \"columnId\", it will be selected\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.selectGridRows(\"myGrid\", \"imeiNumber\", 1234567);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/selectgridrows"} {"id": "1da432907ff1-0", "text": "description: >-\n Refreshes the content of a single control based on its DataSource (not the\n SubDataSource!). If outside parameters have changed, you can force the\n brixxbox to reload the content of that control.\n\nrefreshDataSource\n\nParameters\n\n1. controlId - (optional) id of the control, that you want to reload. If this is empty, all controls with datasources are refreshed.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.refreshDataSource(\"myControlId\"); //Refreshes just \"myControlId\"\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.refreshDataSource(); //Refreshes all Controls with a DataSource in the app", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/refreshdatasource"} {"id": "0d528bb161a1-0", "text": "description: Enables or disables field validator.\n\nenableValidator\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - The control id of the field\n\nvalidatorName - the name of the validator\n\nenable - enable (true=default) or disable (false) the validator\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.enableValidator(\"firstName\", \"notEmpty\", false); //disables the validation of notEmpty for the control firstName", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/enablevalidator"} {"id": "408ae124011c-0", "text": "description: Saves a record for a config\n\nsaveConfigRecord\n\nconfigName - name of the app config\n\nrecord - a record structure Json object (as it comes from loadConfigRecordById)\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple:\n\njavascript\nlet record = await brixxApi.loadConfigRecordById(\"myConfig\", 1);\nrecord.data.Name = \"John Doe\";\nbrixxApi.saveConfigRecord(\"myConfig\", record);\n\n\\\nCreate a new record:\n\njavascript\nbrixxApi.saveConfigRecord(\"myConfig\", {\n data: {\n myFirstName: \"John\",\n myLastName: \"Doe\"\n }\n});\n\nCreate a new record and use the result:\n\njavascript\nlet newRecord = brixxApi.saveConfigRecord(\"myConfig\", {\n data: {\n myFirstName: \"John\",\n myLastName: \"Doe\"\n }\n});\nconsole.log(\"New Record Id:\" + newRecord.data.id);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/saveconfigrecord"} {"id": "3f429c4a900f-0", "text": "description: >-\n Returns the id of an attachment of the current record by looking for the given\n file name.\n\ngetAttachmentId\n\nParameters\n\nfileName - the name of the file\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.getAttachmentId(\"Invoice1.pdf\")", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getattachmentid"} {"id": "a5baa0d3774f-0", "text": "logAdd\n\nThe brixxbox offers a client-side event log. Events like save/delete record, data validation messages, internal events etc. will be logged. In addition, the log can be accessed through brixxApi. The log view is located in the side bar. It will be shown in an extra tab page (only if data is available). Per default only entries for the current brixxApi Object (and its children) will be visible.\n\nParameters\n\nParameters can be passed as a json object.\n\ntext: the actual log text. If this value is missing no entry will be generated.\n\ncontext: This should be set to a plausible group-criteria (e.g. \u009csave\u009d for record saved. \u009cvalidate\u009d for data validation). This value can also be used to remove the complete group from the log (see example).\n\nstatus: Status can have the following values \u009cinfo\u009d, \u009csuccess\u009d, \u009cwarning\u009d, \u009cdanger\u009d or \u009cerror\u009d. The log entry will get its color set accordingly. \u009cdanger\u009d and \u009cerror\u009d are interchangeable.\n\ninfo: Additional info can be set. If empty its value will reflect the app title of the brixxApi object.\n\nrecordId: If not passed as a parameter the value will be set to record-ID of the brixxApi object (brixxApi.record.id).\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\nbrixxApi.logAdd({context: \"GroupCriteria\", status: \"info\", text: \"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit\"})\n\nTo remove an existing context from the log for the current brixxApi object logReset is available:\n\njavascript\nbrixxApi.logReset(\"GroupCriteria\")", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/logadd"} {"id": "9f62c50616da-0", "text": "description: Prints a report\n\nprint\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - ControlId of the report control, that you want to print\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.print(invoiceReport);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/print"} {"id": "fd2307f62b04-0", "text": "description: Checks if a row in a grid is selected or not.\n\nisRowSelected\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - The id of the grid\n\nline - This can be either a whole line from a \"myGrid.allRows\" call or a single id from a record.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let result = brixxApi.isRowSelected(\"myGrid\", myLine)\n\nUsed in a loop\n\njavascript\n let allRows = app.getFieldValue(\"myGrid.allRows\");\n for(let i = 0; i < allRows.length; i++){\n if(brixxApi.isRowSelected(\"myGrid\", allRows[i])){\n console.log(\"This is selected: \" + line.id);\n }\n }\n\nUsed with an id\n\nlet result = brixxApi.isRowSelected(\"myGrid\", 123); //Checks if the line with the id 123 is selected.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/isrowselected"} {"id": "594445a0b9f3-0", "text": "globalSearch\n\nThis functions is used to trigger global search of the whole workspace. It only takes one parameter which is a search keyword. This function is directly used in the each Brixxbox workspace. User can find it in top right corner of each workspace page. It is a textbox accompanied by search button. User needs to enter a string in the global search field at the top of the screen and it will trigger the search function. It can be useful if you want to search for a scan result or anything within your workspace in seconds.\n\nParameters\n\nsearchTerm - It is of type string.\n\nExample Usages\n\nUser can find this button on top right corner. It looks like this.\n\nUser can enter any keyword and it with return thespecific results. User can also use this function in their apps. For this user need to provide a search keyword and can use it to retreive data from the global workspace. If user want to search \"address\" the code will look like this\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.globalSearch(\"address\"); //triggers a search for \"address\" in global address space.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/globalsearch"} {"id": "e6980ec7e2cd-0", "text": "saveCurrentRecordWithoutEvents\n\nWorks exactly like saveCurrentRecord. Except, that it des not trigger any events (like close on save).\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.saveCurrentRecordWithoutEvents();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/savecurrentrecordwithoutevents"} {"id": "f551a69b29ac-0", "text": "description: >-\n Removes all modification flags from the controls. After this call, the user\n will not get a \"discard changes\" message until another control is modified.\n\nmarkAllControlsAsUnModified\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let value = brixxApi.markAllControlsAsUnModified();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/markallcontrolsasunmodified"} {"id": "4e540715a09b-0", "text": "description: >-\n It provides the functionality of excluding controls from being affected by the\n readOnlyMode.\n\nexcludeFromReadonly\n\nExaample\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.excludeFromReadonly([\"myFirstControl\", \"mySecondControl\"]);\n\nParameters\n\nControl array - It is a json array of control ids.\n\nExample Usages\n\nAs we have seen in ReadOnlyMode the example of address app and how we disabled every control using it without options. Now let say we want \"Address Number\" and \"Name\" controls to stay enabled. For this purpose, we will need to add these controls to our excludeFromReadOnly function and put this code in appStart event.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.excludeFromReadonly([\"adrNumber\", \"adrName\"]);\n\nAs we can see in snapshot below Address number and name controls are editable after the app is started. We can use this functionality with any number of apps.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/excludefromreadonly"} {"id": "58abe80c73cb-0", "text": "description: >-\n All users in any Brixxbox workspace shoyuld have been assigned a specific user\n role. isUserInRole takes a string argument role. On the basis of this role\n parameter, it determines whether a logged user\n\nisUserInRole\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.isUserInRole(\"Management\");\n\nParameters\n\nrole - It is a string parameter. It is the name of logged in user role which needs to be checked.\n\nExample Usage\n\nWe have seen address app in the docs of ReadOnlyMode function. Now we will build upon that functionality. In it we have used readOnlyMode function to disable all ap controls. Now we want tht if user is of admin role then all the controls should be enabled and disabled otherwise. For this we need to update our custom code. It should look like this.\n\njavascript\nif(brixxApi.isUserInRole(\"Admin\")){\n brixxApi.readOnlyMode(false);\n console.log(\"raghib\")\n}\nelse{\n brixxApi.readOnlyMode();\n}\n\nNow If user 'raghib' has an admin role assigned to him then address app will be enabled for him and for all other non admin users. It will be disabled.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/isuserinrole"} {"id": "82606d6da9be-0", "text": "description: Retrieve a value for a specific custom setting.\n\ngetCustomSetting\n\nParameters\n\nsettingName - the key for the setting\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let settingValue = brixxApi.getCustomSetting(\"groupOne.setting1\");\n console.log(settingValue);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getcustomsetting"} {"id": "9b8bb1ec51be-0", "text": "description: Executes a stored procedure and returns the query result.\n\nqueryStoredProcedure\n\nParameters\n\nprocedureName - The name of the stored procedure\n\nprocedure parameters - If you need to add parameters, you can use this json object to set them\n\nqueryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request\n\ntimeout - (optional) timeout for the request. Default is 30 seconds\n\nconnectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database\n\nExample Usages\n\n1. Simple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n let myResult = await brixxApi.queryStoredProcedure(\"procedureName\");\n\n2. With parameters (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n let parameterJson = {\n myCustomSqlParameter: 12345\n };\n let myResult = await brixxApi.queryStoredProcedure(\"procedureName\", parameterJson);\n\n3. Short version (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n let myResult = await brixxApi.queryStoredProcedure(\"procedureName\", {\n myCustomSqlParameter: 12345\n });\n\n4. Using a timeout\n\njavascript\n let myResult = await brixxApi.queryStoredProcedure(\"procedureName\", {\n myCustomSqlParameter: 12345\n },{\n timeout: 45\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/querystoredprocedure"} {"id": "e156708628f0-0", "text": "description: Sets the background color of a control.\n\nsetBackgroundColor\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId\n\ncolorName - use one of these: \"default\", \"primary\", \"secondary\", \"success\", \"danger\", \"warning\"\n\nExample Usages\n\nSet to warning\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setBackgroundColor(\"myControl\", \"warning\");\n\nSet to normal\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setBackgroundColor(\"myControl\", \"default\");\n brixxApi.setBackgroundColor(\"myControl\"); //\"default\" is \"default\" ;)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setbackgroundcolor"} {"id": "4742593a5228-0", "text": "description: Gets the unmodified value of the control.\n\ngetControlUnmodifiedValue\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let unmodifiedCompareValue = brixxApi.getControlUnmodifiedValue(\"myControlId\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getcontrolunmodifiedvalue"} {"id": "450db8f13599-0", "text": "loadRecordById\n\nLoads a record from brixxbox server and returns a promise. This is a async function. You have to await the result, if you want to use it. This function will not display the record, it will just load and return it. To display the record, use the function result with displayRecord.\n\nParameters\n\nThe first parameter is a record id\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n let myRecordId = 123;\n let myRecord = await brixxApi.loadRecordById(myRecordId);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/loadrecordbyid"} {"id": "d5baaaf2f2ac-0", "text": "description: Initializes all controls within a brixxbox App to their empty states.\n\ninitAllControls\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.initAllControls();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/initallcontrols"} {"id": "600f275a4c9c-0", "text": "description: Retrieves the blob of an attachment from the attachments of the current record\n\ngetAttachmentByFileName\n\nParameters\n\nfileName - the file name you are looking for\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.getAttachmentByFileName(\"Invoice1.pdf\")", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getattachmentbyfilename"} {"id": "f803b070b5ee-0", "text": "description: Refreshes all Badges of an app at once.\n\nrefreshBadges\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.refreshBadges();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/refreshbadges"} {"id": "a3f414490072-0", "text": "description: Change the decimal digits of a numeric field.\n\nsetDecimalDigits\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - Id of the control\n\nThe value of digits for the numeric field.\n\nExample Usages\n\nSet digits\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setDecimalDigits(\"myControlId\", 3);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setdecimaldigits"} {"id": "1e4e43ed7889-0", "text": "description: >-\n Returns the signature of a signature control as a png (default) or svg image\n blob.\n\ngetSignatureImageBlob\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - The id of the signature control\n\ntype - optional, if not set, the function returns a png image. If set to \"svg\", the function returns a svg vector image.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let myBlob = brixxApi.getSignatureImageBlob(\"mySignature\"); //gets the blob as PNG\n\njavascript\n let myBlob = brixxApi.getSignatureImageBlob(\"mySignature\", \"svg\"); //gets the blob as SVG\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.printBlob(brixxApi.getSignatureImageBlob(\"mySignature\"));", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getsignatureimageblob"} {"id": "66e0037252fc-0", "text": "getBrowserToken\n\nGets a GUID Token, that identifies the browser. This token will NOT be different, when you close all browser tabs and start the brixxbox again. But it will be different, when you delete the local storage for that url. You could use this to identify a shopping cart, for example.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let myToken = brixxApi.getBrowserToken();\n\nbrixxApi.getSessionToken\n\nGUID stands for Global Unique Identifier. A GUID is a 128-bit integer (16 bytes) that you can use for authentication purposes. There are many types of GUID tokens, one of them is browser token. We can use this token to identify a user for same browser because his token will NOT be different, when you close all browser tabs and start the Brixxbox again. But it will be different, when you delete the local storage for that url. This function can be used to get GUID for browser. It can then be used to keep user session open. Another usecase is that it could be used to identify a shopping cart. An important aspect here to note is that when when you close all browser tabs and start the Brixxbox again, this token will not be different.\n\nExample Usages\n\nAn example user is that user can get access tokens using this getBrowserToken functions from two apps and compare them to confirm user identity i.e after login this can be used as authenticate the user between different browser sessions.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getbrowsertoken"} {"id": "30ac72114ab7-0", "text": "description: Sets the font style of a control.\n\nsetFontStyle\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId\n\nfontStyle - use one of these: \"italic\", \"normal\"\n\nExample Usages\n\nSet to italic\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFontStyle(\"myControl\", \"italic\");\n\nSet to normal\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFontStyle(\"myControl\", \"normal\");\n brixxApi.setFontStyle(\"myControl\"); // you can skip param2 if you want to set back to normal", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setfontstyle"} {"id": "0207aa75bda0-0", "text": "loadAndDisplayRecord\n\nLoads a record, based on the value in the control, given as a parameter in the first argument and displays it. This function just combines loadRecord and displayRecord\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.loadAndDisplayRecord(keyFieldID);\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.loadAndDisplayRecord(keyFieldID);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/loadanddisplayrecord"} {"id": "7d222d339c80-0", "text": "description: Gets a value to a specific field\n\ngetFieldValue\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId => String with the control id. Some controls (like Comboboxes) do have sub information. in that case the controlId is combined with a \".\". e.g. comboBoxId.subcontrolId\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let myText = \"Hello World!\";\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myControlId\", myText);\n value = brixxApi.getFieldValue('fieldId');\n\njavascript\n let myFieldId = 'fieldId';\n let value = brixxApi.getFieldValue(myFieldId);\n\njavascript\n let itemId = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemCombobox'); //like any other control\n let taxKeyId = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemCombobox.itmTaxKeyId'); //get the itmTaxKeyId value of the selected entry in acomboBox\n let itemName = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemCombobox.itmName');\n\njavascript\n let taxKeyId = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList').itmTaxKeyId; //get the itmTaxKeyId value of the selected entry in a grid\n let allRowsFromMyGrid = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.allRows'); //get an array of all rows in a grid\n\njavascript\n let selectedRowsFromMyGrid = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.selectedRows'); //get an array of all selected rows in a grid\n let unselectedRowsFromMyGrid = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.unselectedRows'); //get an array of all unselected rows in a grid\n let myRowJsonObject = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.clickedRow'); //get the clicked row as a json object (only valid in onRowClick and onCellClick events)\n let myCellValue = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.clickedCell'); //get the clicked cells formatted value (only valid in onCellClick events)\n let myCellId = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.clickedCellId'); //get the clicked cells id (only valid in onCellClick events)\n\njavascript\n for(let i = 0; i < allRowsFromMyGrid.length; i++){\n console.log(allRowsFromMyGrid[i].itmTaxKeyId);\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getfieldvalue"} {"id": "48ab43269a00-0", "text": "description: Gets a DateTime as a compareable number with a given accuracy.\n\ngetCalcDateTime\n\nParameters\n\ndateTime value or controlId\n\naccuracy - \"seconds\" (default), \"minutes\" or \"hours\"\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeControl);\n brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeControl, \"minutes\");\n brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeControl, \"hours\");\n\nExample 2 calculation\n\njavascript\n let durationInSeconds = brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeEnd) - brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeStart);\n let durationInMinutes = brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeEnd, \"minutes\") - brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeStart, \"minutes\");\n let durationInHours = brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeEnd, \"hours\") - brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeStart, \"hours\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getcalcdatetime"} {"id": "b3ca071e1c73-0", "text": "Common Functions\n\ninviteUser(string email)\n\nThis function takes a string as a parameter. This string should be an email address of a new user to whom admin of current workspace wants to invite. This function provides functionality of sending an email to a new user.\n\nExample Usage\n\njavascript\n var result = brixxApi.inviteUser(\"john.doe@acme.com\");\n\nIn order to learn more about this function click here.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/inviteuser"} {"id": "9abeb0544db7-0", "text": "description: Logs the user out. The user has to go to the login screen again to get access.\n\nlogout\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.logout();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/logout"} {"id": "2feee88541da-0", "text": "description: Calls a server function and returns the result\n\nserverFunction\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/9arAy_c2uI0\" %}\n\nParameters\n\nfunctionName - the configured name of the function in App_ServerSideFunction\n\nfunctionsParameters - (optional) json object with function parameters. The will be available in the function under body.parameters\n\noptions - (optional) See examples. You can use the options to get the payload of the request or a postman example, instead of calling the function. Can be used to debug a function on your local machine\n\nExample Usages\n\nTo call a function and get the response object:\n\njavascript\nlet functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction(\"myFunction\", {\n name: \"Hallo\"\n});\nconsole.log(functionResponse.functionResult);\n\n\\\nTo get an example payload based on the current app state:\n\njavascript\nlet functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction(\"myFunction\", {\n name: \"Hallo\"\n},{\n payload: true\n});\nconsole.log(functionResponse.functionResult);\n\nTo get an example postman collection including the payload of the current app:\n\njavascript\nlet functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction(\"myFunction\", {\n name: \"Hallo\"\n},{\n postman: true\n});\nconsole.log(functionResponse.functionResult);\n\nTo define your own server functions please check Server Api Reference", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/serverfunction"} {"id": "325074db950b-0", "text": "description: >-\n Loads a record of a specific app config from brixxbox server and returns a\n promise. This is a async function. You have to await the result, if you want\n to use it.\n\nloadConfigRecordById\n\nParameters\n\nconfigName - the name of the app\n\nid - recordId to load\n\nResult\n\nThe result is a brixxbox record object. All fieldvalues of that record are stored in data as key value pairs. (e.g. myRecord.data.addressName). The id of the record can be found in myRecord.id.\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the **[await](/globalDoc/glossary_await)** keyword)\n\njavascript\n let myAddress= await brixxApi.loadConfigRecordById(\"address\", 15); \n let addressName = myAddress.data.name;\n let id = myAddress.is;", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/loadconfigrecordbyid"} {"id": "3d928c53ad81-0", "text": "description: Replaces a text with the current values of the app.\n\nreplaceText\n\nParameters\n\ntext - the text with parameters\n\nadditionalReplacings - json object with key value pairs\n\nExample Usages\n\nThis example uses the controls of the app to replace the values.\n\njavascript\n let newText = brixxApi.replaceText(\"Hello @id\");\n\nThis example uses the controls of the app to replace the values.\n\njavascript\n let newText = brixxApi.replaceText(\"Hello @myCustomParam\", {\n myCustomParam: \"world\"\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/replacetext"} {"id": "06eec4f85c2e-0", "text": "description: brixxApi function to set a value to a field\n\nsetFieldValue\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId => Id of the control\n\nvalue => The value, you want to set. This could be a number, a date, a string (depending on the control type of course). setFieldValue will do all the conversions for you.\n\nExample Usages\n\n1. Simple textbox\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myControlId\", \"Hello World!\");\n\n2. With a variable\n\njavascript\n let myText = \"Hello World!\";\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myControlId\", myText);\n\n3. Setting a date\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myDateControl\", \"2019-01-31\"); //This is the format, you would get by getFieldValue\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myDateControl\", new Date()); //This will set todays date.\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myDateControl\", new moment().add(1, \"month\")); // you can use moment to set calculated dates. See https://momentjs.com/ for more details and examples\n\n4. Setting a date to a calendar control scrolls to that date.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl\", \"2019-01-31\");\n\n5. The Calendar supports subcontrols to set. You can add resource(s) to the calendar for example:\n\n```javascript\n //resources will delete all and set a new array of resources\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resources\", [ \n {\n id: 1,\n title: \"Room A\",\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n title: \"Room B\",\n }]);\n\n//resource will add a single resource\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resource\", { \n id: 1,\n title: \"Room A\",\n });\n```\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/MRnw31QAt0M\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setfieldvalue"} {"id": "f3d552c3d20e-0", "text": "description: Initializes the app, so that you can enter a new record\n\nnewRecord\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the await keyword)\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.newRecord();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/newrecord"} {"id": "236f11ad01cc-0", "text": "description: >-\n As the name suggests, this functions is to get date. This function when used\n without any arguments returns a date in this format 'yyyy-mm-dd'.\n\ngetDate\n\nIt is very important to be cautious because different date formats can lead into worng results when in comparison.\n\nParameters\n\nparam - (optional). If empty it will return todays date. User is also allowed to provide a date or moment object of javascript.\n\nExample Usages\n\nFollowing examples shows all three usages of getDate function. Lets suppose we want to know the new order placement date which is today then we can use 1st or second example. We also suppose that our order delivery date is after one month then we can use the third example and use this date as a delivery date.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.getDate();\n brixxApi.getDate(new Date());\n brixxApi.getDate(new moment().add(1, \"month\"));", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/getdate"} {"id": "e47d7ea39cc4-0", "text": "description: >-\n Displays a modal messagebox with buttons. The function will return when a\n button is clicked and return the value, if set, otherwise the title of the\n clicked button\n\nmessageBox\n\nParameters\n\nmessageBoxOptions - A JSON object with messageBox parameters\n\nExample Usages\n\n```javascript\n let msgBoxResult = await brixxApi.messageBox({\n title: \"sampel title\",\n text: \"sampel text\",\n buttons: [\n {\n title: \"Yes\",\n value: \"1\"\n },\n {\n title: \"No\",\n value: \"0\"\n },\n {\n title: \"Cancel\",\n value: \"canceled\"\n },\n {\n title: \"Demo\" // when Demo is clicked it will return \"Demo\" because the button does not provide a value option.\n }\n ]});\n\nconsole.log(msgBoxResult); //This will be either \"1\", \"0\", \"canceled\" or \"Demo\"\n if(msgBoxResult==1){\n //enter code\n }\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/messagebox"} {"id": "fae916c1c5e0-0", "text": "description: >-\n This function is used to disable or enable app messages, that are displayed\n automatically, like the \"record Saved\" message, after a successful save\n operation.\n\nenableNotifications\n\nParameters\n\nparam - The type of message. The following messages types are supported\n\n\"save\" - The save Message\n\nExample Usages\n\n```javascript\n brixxApi.enableNotifications(\"save\", false); //Disable the save message\n\nbrixxApi.enableNotifications(\"save\", true); //Enable the save message (This is the default)\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/enablenotifications"} {"id": "76142e716c6b-0", "text": "description: Creates a new grid line for a data grid.\n\nnewGridEntry\n\nParameters\n\nThe first parameter is a grid control\n\nExample Usages\n\nSimple (pay attention to the **await** keyword)\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.newGridEntry(\"myGridControl\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/newgridentry"} {"id": "47d81db79efb-0", "text": "description: >-\n Sets the value, that is used to compare to the actual control value. If both\n are not equal, the field will be marked as changed.\n\nsetControlUnmodifiedValue\n\n1. Simple Example Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setControlUnmodifiedValue(\"myControlId\", \"unmodified Value\");\n brixxApi.setControlUnmodifiedValue(\"myControlId\", 1); // sets the value to 1.\n\n2. Simple Example Usages with variables\n\njavascript\n let valueToCompare = \"Hello Wolrd!\";\n brixxApi.setControlUnmodifiedValue(\"myControlId\", valueToCompare);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setcontrolunmodifiedvalue"} {"id": "e96d4ddbca21-0", "text": "description: opens the attachment sidebar with the attachment for the current record.\n\nshowAttachments\n\nParameters\n\nshow - open(true = default) or closes(false) the attachment sidebar. You don't have to worry if it is opend or closed before, but show will also refresh an open attachment.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showAttachments(); //open the sidebar\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showAttachments(true); //open the sidebar\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showAttachments(false); //closes the sidebar", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showattachments"} {"id": "df86d52e908d-0", "text": "description: Changes the tag control to edit mode and vice versa.\n\nswitchTagControl\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - String with the control id.\n\neditMode - Optional boolean to determine if the control should be in edit mode or not. If not stated, the control will switch to it's other mode.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.switchTagControl('fieldId');\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.switchTagControl('fieldId', true);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/switchtagcontrol"} {"id": "08808c7d6fdb-0", "text": "description: Displays a message to the user.\n\nshowMessage\n\nParameters\n\nmessageOptions- This is a json object with the message parameters:\n\ncontent - this is the message Text\n\ntitle - (optional) id of the record to load in the new app\n\ntimeout - (optional) a timeout in milliseconds. The message will disappear after this timeout. No timeout by default.\n\n\"mode\" - (optional) will start in a modal overlay window (default),\n\"big\" - (default) a small box in the lowerright corner of the page\n\"small\" - a small box in the upper right corner of the page\n\nicon - (optional) a icon class string (default: \"fa fa-bell swing animated\")\n\nsound - (optional) play a sound (true) or no (false = default)\n\ntype - (optional) PReset color scheme. You can use all the button types (danger, success, warning...)\n\nbuttons - (optional, only for mode \"big\") You can add buttons to the message. Just provide a list with each button in square brackets (e.g. \"[Yes][No][Cancel]\"). For more details please check the examples.\n\ncallback - (optional, only for mode \"big\") If u provide more than one button the callback option is needed to distinguish which action needs to be taken for a button. For more details please check the examples.\n\nExample Usages\n\nMost simple message\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showMessage({content: \"Message Text\" });\n\nusing additional options\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showMessage({\n title: \"My Title\",\n content: \"My Text\",\n type: \"danger\",\n sound: true,\n timeout: 2000,\n icon: \"fa fa-bell swing animated\"\n });\n\nmessage with buttons\n\n```javascript\n //If u provide more then one button the callback option is needed to distinguish wich action needs to be taken for a button.\n\nfunction msgCallBack (reasonForCallBack){\n // possible values for reason:\n // \"click\" : the message was closed with the X-button\n // \"timeout\" : the timeout elapsed\n // \"btn1\", \"btn2\", ... : each button gets an id number (starting from 1). e.g. if the second button was pressed -> \"btn2\"", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showmessage"} {"id": "08808c7d6fdb-1", "text": "brixxApi.showMessage({\n title: \"My Title\",\n content: \"My Text\",\n type: \"info\",\n sound: true,\n icon: \"fa fa-bell swing animated\",\n buttons: \"[Yes][No][Cancel]\",\n callback: msgCallBack,\n });\n```\n\nmessage with buttons, timeout and changing the layout of the message after it was created\n\n```javascript\n function msgCallBack (reasonForCallBack){\n console.log(\"reasonForCallBack:\" + reasonForCallBack);\n }\n\nlet msgId = brixxApi.showMessage({\n title: \"My Title\",\n content: \"My Text\",\n type: \"info\",\n sound: true,\n timeout: 20000,\n icon: \"fa fa-bell swing animated\",\n //when using the timeout option the running timer value can be shown on one button. This \n //will visualize the default action taken after the timeout elapsed. Just add \"{timer}\" to a button text.\n buttons: \"[ Yes {timer}][ No]\",\n callback: msgCallBack,\n });\n\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showmessage"} {"id": "73c49055068a-0", "text": "description: >-\n This function is used to toggle the row detail button, that opens the child\n app, based on the row data.\n\nshowRowDetailButton\n\nParameters\n\nRow - the row object. Usually this is: eventArgs.details.row\n\nshow - shows (true, default) or hides (false) the detil Button\n\nExample Usages\n\nThis code belongs in an onRowCreated event\n\njavascript\n app.showRowDetailButton(eventArgs.details.row, eventArgs.details.data.icordlnIsBillOfMaterial===true);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showrowdetailbutton"} {"id": "9884fe9bb7de-0", "text": "description: >-\n Sets the auto refresh interval for grids. Only valid for grids with this\n setting enabled.\n\nsetGridAutoRefresh\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - id of the grid control\n\nautoRefreshSeconds - The value can be 0 to switch auto refresh off. Any other value must align with the defined values for this grid. For settings see Setting grid autorefresh\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setGridAutoRefresh(myGrid, 0); //this will switch the auto refresh off\n brixxApi.setGridAutoRefresh(myGrid, 120); //this will switch the auto refresh to 120 seconds (2 minutes). The parameter is only valid, if 120 is allowed with the settings for this grid.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setgridautorefresh"} {"id": "032bafb9e9d0-0", "text": "updateTitle\n\nUpdates the title of the browser tab. You have to set brixxApi.appTitle property first and then update the title.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\nbrixxApi.appTitle = \"Hello World\";\nbrixxApi.updateTilte();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/updatetitle"} {"id": "2059069778a0-0", "text": "description: Sets the text color for a control to one of the predefined colors\n\nsetTextColor\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - the id of the control to change the color\n\ncolorName - one of these colors: \"default\", \"primary\", \"secondary\", \"success\", \"danger\", \"warning\"\n\nExample Usages\n\nSet Color to \"warning\"\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setTextColor(\"myControl\", \"warning\");\n\nSet Color to default\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setTextColor(\"myControl\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/settextcolor"} {"id": "4c642156f621-0", "text": "showMessageBox (deprecated)\n\nbrixxApi.showMessageBox\n\nDisplays a modal messagebox with buttons. Each button gets a function that is called when the button is clicked. The Messagebox will NOT block the script. The next line after the messagebox will be executed while the messagebox is still visible. If you want to wait for the button click. use waitForMsgBox instead.\n\nParameters\n\nmessageBoxOptions - A JSON object with messageBox parameters\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showMessageBox({\n title: \"sampel title\",\n text: \"sampel text\",\n buttons: [\n {\n title: \"myButton\",\n click: function(){\n console.log(\"myButton clicked!!!!\");\n }\n }\n ]});", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showmessagebox-deprecated"} {"id": "9b54ec663a8b-0", "text": "description: Opens the discussion sidebar with the chat/discussion for the current record.\n\nshowDiscussion\n\nParameters\n\nshow - open(true = default) or closes(false) the discussion sidebar. You don't have to worry if it is opend or closed before, but show will also refresh an open discussion.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showDiscussion(); //open the sidebar\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showDiscussion(true); //open the sidebar\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showDiscussion(false); //closes the sidebar", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showdiscussion"} {"id": "7f792df903eb-0", "text": "description: Shows a blob document in a docViewer control.\n\nshowBlob\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - The id of a \"docViewer\" control\n\nblobData - The blob data.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let myBlob = brixxApi.getAttachmentByFileName(\"Invoice1.pdf\");\n brixxApi.showBlob(\"myDocViewer\", myBlob);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showblob"} {"id": "1c6d3647a8d5-0", "text": "description: Deselects all rows with a specific value in a column.\n\nunselectGridRows\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - control id of the grid\n\ncolumnId - id of the column to compare the value with\n\nvalue - if the row has this value in the column with \"columnId\", it will be unselected\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.unselectGridRows(\"myGrid\", \"id\", 123);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/unselectgridrows"} {"id": "f606ef020c20-0", "text": "description: Uploads an attachement\n\nuploadAttachment\n\nParameters\n\ndata - The data as blob\n\ndocumentTypeId (optional) - The ID of the document type to be saved\n\nfileName - (optional) name of the attachement\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.uploadAttachement(blobData, 1, \"attachement.jpg\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/uploadattachment"} {"id": "d6d1cf6e2317-0", "text": "description: Sets the grouping options for a grid control.\n\nsetGridGrouping\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - the Id of the grid control\n\ngroupConfiguration - either null, or undefined to disable grouping, or a column (controlId)\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setGridGrouping(myGridControl); //Disables grouping\n brixxApi.setGridGrouping(myGridControl, productId); //groups by productId", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setgridgrouping"} {"id": "977e36a2b50f-0", "text": "description: Sets the font weight of a control.\n\nsetFontWeight\n\nParameters\n\nControlId\n\nFontWeight - one of those: \"normal\", \"bold\"\n\nExample Usages\n\nSet to bold\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFontWeight(\"myControl\", \"bold\");\n\nSet to normal\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFontWeight(\"myControl\", \"normal\");\n brixxApi.setFontWeight(\"myControl\"); //you can skip param2 if you want to set it back to normal", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setfontweight"} {"id": "8f4a747a479d-0", "text": "description: >-\n A toolbar is a set of tools. These tools are assigned to each app present in a\n workspace in Brixxbox. A general toolbar for an app looks like this.\n\nsetToolbarButtonMode\n\nStarting from left to right. The first button shows the list of records of current app. Second one (plus sign) open a new window of current app to add a new record. Third one is a save button, after adding all details in the app, user needs to click save button to permanently store the record. If the user presses \"plus\" button after adding required details, the record is not save but a new window will be opened so user should always press save button. Fourth button is a delete buton, as clear from name, it is used for deleting already present records. Next button is \"History record\" button, it records all the history of records being added.\n\nThe sixth button is \"File Attachments\" button. It is not present in the toolbar by default, system user has to enable it by going into app properties, scrolling down and clicking on \"Attachments\" checkbox. Next button is \"settings\" button, on clicking Brixxbox will open current app in edit or development mode with controls on left side and live app panel on right side. Next button shows the documentation available related to current app. Second last button is for openeing current app in a stand alone mode, it is a mode where only this app covers whole screen. Last button (x) is for closing the app. There are relative symbols present on each button so it is easier for user to be able to understand what each button does.\n\nBrixxApi in its setToolbarButtonMode function provides the functionality to enable, disable or hidden. This is helpful in restricting access, functionality to different users, for example end user should not be allowed to delete any record so delete tool bar button should be hidden from these users.\n\nExample\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarNewRecord\", \"hidden\");\n\nParameters\n\ntoolbarButtonId - This is first parameter. It is build in button ids assigned by Brixxbox to each toolbar button. These id are as follows:\n\nbrixxToolbarList - For listing records button.\n\nbrixxToolbarNewRecord - For adding records button.\n\nbrixxToolbarSaveRecord - For saving records button.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/settoolbarbuttonmode"} {"id": "8f4a747a479d-1", "text": "brixxToolbarNewRecord - For adding records button.\n\nbrixxToolbarSaveRecord - For saving records button.\n\nbrixxToolbarDeleteRecord - For deleting records button.\n\nbrixxToolbarHistory - For checking records history button.\n\nbrixxToolbarDiscussion - For discussion button.\n\nbrixxToolbarAttachments - For adding attachments button.\n\nbrixxToolbarEditConfigNewTab - For opening app in edit panel button.\n\nbrixxToolbarShowAppWiki - For show wiki documents button.\n\nbrixxToolbarOpenFullSize - For opening app in full size button.\n\nmode - This is second parameter. It sets the state of respective button. These states are as follows:\n\n\"disabled\" (or false or not clickable)\n\n\"enabled\" (or true or clickable)\n\n\"hidden\"\n\nExample Usages\n\nSystem user needs to pass button id and mode as a string parameters to this function. Lets suppose system user wants to hide a delete button from end users, there are many ways to do it. Let do it on an event when this app starts. Now we need to go to app properties and add event \"onAppStart\". Here we will place our code to hide delete button.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarDeleteRecord\", \"hidden\");\n\nAfter this save the app and try it. Now to toolbar should look like this:\n\nLets now hide all the buttons available in the toolbar on app start. For this we need to add below code to an event \"onAppStart\" custom code.\n\n```javascript", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/settoolbarbuttonmode"} {"id": "8f4a747a479d-2", "text": "```javascript\n\nbrixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarList\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarNewRecord\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarSaveRecord\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarDeleteRecord\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarHistory\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarDiscussion\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarAttachments\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarEditConfig\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarEditConfigNewTab\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarShowAppWiki\", \"hidden\");\n brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode(\"brixxToolbarOpenFullSize\", \"hidden\");\n```\n\nAs you can see all the toolbar buttons are hidden except the \"info\" button. This is the default functionality.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/settoolbarbuttonmode"} {"id": "91c254d2ce63-0", "text": "description: Selects a Tab Page.\n\nshowTabPage\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - id of the tabPage that should shown\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showTabPage(\"detalsTab\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showtabpage"} {"id": "f43f2a696ce6-0", "text": "description: Sets the label text for a control at runtime.\n\nsetLabelText\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId => Id of the control\n\nlabelText => the new text, you want to set\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setLabelText(\"myCheckBox\", \"Hello World\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setlabeltext"} {"id": "b572eff34413-0", "text": "takePicture\n\nThis triggers the camera to take a picture\n\njavascript\nbrixxApi.takePicture(\"myCameraControl\")", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/takepicture"} {"id": "405c2a9fbc57-0", "text": "description: Toggles the grid selection for a whole grid.\n\ntoggleGridSelection\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - control id of the grid\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.toggleGridSelection(\"myGrid\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/togglegridselection"} {"id": "4e915c4e6618-0", "text": "description: Sets the visibility for a specific control.\n\nsetVisibility\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - id of the brixxbox control as a string\n\nvisible - (optional, default = true) bool value if the control should be visible or not\n\nsubControl (optional) Some controls have sub Controls, that can be set visible or hidden. Important: setVisibility for subcontrols cannot be used in onAppStart, because some controls are not fully created at that time, use onAppInitialized instead. Here is a list of possible subControls:\n\ngrids - The grid toolbar has to be active to see buttons at all!\nbuttons - shows or hides the buttons of a grid\nbuttonNew - shows or hides the new buttons of a grid\nbuttonDelete - shows or hides the delete buttons of a grid\nbuttonCopy - shows or hides the copy buttons of a grid\n\nExample Usages\n\n1. To show a control\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setVisibility(\"myControlId\");\n brixxApi.setVisibility(\"myControlId\", \"visible\"); \n brixxApi.setVisibility(\"myControlId\", true);\n\n2. To hide a control\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setVisibility(\"myFieldId\", false);\n\n3. Hide the grid new button\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setVisibility(\"myGrid\", false, \"buttonNew\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setvisibility"} {"id": "e4303da57560-0", "text": "description: >-\n Reads data from a Standard Sql Statement. See SQL Statements for how to create\n statements.\n\nsqlRead\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/vs3uR5BRPKU\" %}\n\nParameters\n\nstatementName - The name of the statement\n\nadditionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them\n\nqueryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request\n\ntimeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL request. Default is 30 seconds\n\nconnectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database\n\nExample Usages\n\nLets assume, we have a standard statement \"select adrName from address where id=@id\"\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead(\"readAddress\"); //this will use the statement \"readAddress\". The @id parameter is set to the id of the current loaded record in the app where we use this function\n console.log(result[0].adrName);\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead(\"readAddress\", {id: 1}); //this will use the statement \"readAddress\". The @id parameter is set to 1\n console.log(result[0].adrName);\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead(\"readAddress\", {id: 1}, {timeout: 60}); // Wait for 60 seconds\n console.log(result[0].adrName);\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead(\"readAddress\", null, {timeout: 60}); //use a timeout but without script parameters\n console.log(result[0].adrName);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/sqlread"} {"id": "550284df6020-0", "text": "description: Starts a brixxbox app.\n\nstartBrixxbox\n\nParameters\n\nstartOptions - This is a json object with the start parameters:\n\nappName - name of the config as string\n\nnoInitialRefresh - the grids of the target apps are not refreshed on startup. Can be used if you send additionalValues for the selection and you want to avoid to fetch data, that will be imidiately replaced with the correct filtered data.\n\nparentApp - the parent for the new api. If not set, this will be set to brixxApi from the caller, your current api.\n\nid - (optional) id of the record to load in the new app\n\nstartMode - (optional)\n\"modal\" will start in a modal overlay window (default),\n\"tab\" will start the app in a new tab. You will not get a brixxboxApi object as a result in this case!\n\"page\" will replace the content in the current browser tab\n\"invisible\" will not show the app\n\nappMode - (optional)\n\"form\" will start the app as a Form (default),\n\"list\" will start the app as a List of Records,\n\nadditionalValues (optional): json object of control values that should be set in the new app\n\nparameters: (optional): json array of parameter flags (the flags you can choose in the menu endpoint editor) to set for the new app\n\ncontainer: (optional): a jQuery object to a div, where the new brixxbox will be embedded\n\nReturn value\n\nIf a brixxbox is started in \"modal\" mode, the function returns the brixApi object of the new app. You have to await the result (Example 3) to use it.\n\nExample Usages\n\nThis will start the app \"myapp\" in a modal dialog.\n\n```javascript\n brixxApi.startBrixxbox({appName: \"myapp\"}); //starts myapp as a form\n\nbrixxApi.startBrixxbox({appName: \"myapp\", appMode:\"list\"}); //starts myapp as a list\n```\n\nThis will start the app \"myapp\" in a modal dialog, load the record with id 1 and set the values of the 2 controls \"addressNo\" and \"orderNo\" inside the new app", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/startbrixxbox"} {"id": "550284df6020-1", "text": "```javascript\n let startOptions = {\n appName: \"myapp\",\n id: 1,\n startMode: \"modal\",\n additionalValues: {\n addressNo: 123,\n orderNo: 456\n },\n parameters:[\"openOrders\", \"shippedORders\"]\n\n};\n brixxApi.startBrixxbox(startOptions);\n```\n\nThis will start the app \"myapp\" in a modal dialog, and add an addEventListener for the save event.\n\njavascript\n let modalBrixxApi = await brixxApi.startBrixxbox({appName: \"myapp\"});\n modalBrixxApi.addEventListener(\"onRecordSaved\", function (modalApi, eventArgs) {\n alert(\"Record saved in \" + modalApi.appName);\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/startbrixxbox"} {"id": "6713227d5100-0", "text": "description: >-\n Uses a standard update or insert statement. See SQL Statements for how to\n create statements.\n\nsqlWrite\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/vs3uR5BRPKU\" %}\n\nParameters\n\nstatementName - The name of the statement\n\nadditionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them\n\nqueryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request\n\ntimeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds\n\nconnectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database\n\nExample Usages\n\nLets assume, we have a standard statement \"update address set adrName = @newName\"\n\n```javascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlWrite(\"updateAddress\"); //this will use the statement \"updateAddress\". The @newName parameter is set to the field Value of \"newName\" of the app where we use this function\n console.log(\"Rows changed: \" + result);\n\nlet result = await brixxApi.sqlWrite(\"readAddress\", {newName: \"Hello World\"}); //this will use the statement \"updateAddress\". The @newName parameter is set to \"Hello World\"\n console.log(\"Rows changed: \" + result);\n```\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlWrite(\"readAddress\", {newName: \"Hello World\"}, {timeout: 45}); //this will wait for 45 seconds until you get a timeout\n console.log(\"Rows changed: \" + result);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/sqlwrite"} {"id": "fd336a1ad00d-0", "text": "description: >-\n Triggers an events for a control, or the brixxbox app itself. Some events are\n on brixxbox App level (like e.g. onRecordSaved ). Other events are on control\n level (like e.g. onClick)\n\ntriggerEvent\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.triggerEvent(\"click\", \"myButton\"); //This triggers a button Click for the control \"myButton\"\n brixxApi.triggerEvent(\"recordSaved\"); //This triggers the event, that would otherwise occur if a record was saved\n\nYou can use the whole event name with the \"on\" prefix as well\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.triggerEvent(\"onClick\", \"myButton\"); //This triggers a button Click for the control \"myButton\"\n brixxApi.triggerEvent(\"onRecordSaved\"); //This triggers the event, that would otherwise occur if a record was saved", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/triggerevent"} {"id": "7bc87118bfd9-0", "text": "description: Checks the field Validation for all controls.\n\nvalidateInput\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.validateInput();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/validateinput"} {"id": "8d9b9d7caa96-0", "text": "description: >-\n Reads a single value from a standard sql statement. See SQL Statements for how\n to create statements.\n\nsqlReadValue\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/vs3uR5BRPKU\" %}\n\nParameters\n\nstatementName - The name of the standard statement\n\nadditionalParameters - (optional) all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them\n\ncolumnName - (optional) the column name to pick from the first result line. If this is empty, the first column will be used\n\nqueryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request\n\ntimeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds\n\nconnectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database\n\nExample Usages\n\nLets assume, we have a standard statement \"select adrName, adrStreet from address where id=@id\"\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlReadValue(\"readAddress\"); //this will use the statement \"readAddress\". The @id parameter is set to the id of the current loaded record in the app where we use this function. The first column is adrName, so the value of adrName will be returned;\n console.log(result);\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead(\"readAddress\", {id: 1}); // as above, but we overwrite the id from the app with a specific one\n console.log(result);\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead(\"readAddress\", {id: 1}, \"adrStreet\"); // as above, but we overwrite the id from the app with a specific one and take \"adrStreet\" instead of the first column \"adrName\"\n console.log(result);\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead(\"readAddress\", {id: 1}, \"adrStreet\", {timeout: 45}); // as above, but with 45 seconds timeout\n console.log(result);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/sqlreadvalue"} {"id": "eec61f039d22-0", "text": "setGridDefaults\n\nbrixxApi.SetGridDefaults\n\nSets the grid to its default values. Any setting for this grid for the user will be lost.\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId - id of the grid control\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.SetGridDefaults(myGrid);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/setgriddefaults"} {"id": "2717a1f0f27e-0", "text": "startScanner\n\nBrixxapi allows users to scan barcodes or QR codes with startScanner function. It takes two parameters: control id, it is used to identify on which control the code value will be assigned, and options object in which we pass the bool value for continuous mode. Continuous mode, if true, provides the ability to keep the scanner open after reading code otherwise it will close. The process of reading codes consists of two steps. First step is to use this function. This function needs to be placed under a \"Scanner\" or \"Wedge scanner\" controls. When an event is triggered, this function will be called and it will access the camera of the device(if available). Now when it will read a code, this value will be assigned to scanner control in an app. In the second step, we can use this value by using getFieldValue function . It will be used to identify the object depending upon the code and a valueU Starts scanning QR or barcodes with the given scannerControl.\n\njavascript\n app.startScanner(\"myScannerControl\");\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId(String) - The control id of the scanner control (Check scanner control properties in an app).\n\nscanOptions(JSON Object) - This is a json object with the scanner parameters(Used to specify the scanner functionality):\n\ncontinuousMode(Bool - Optional - Default: false) - If true, it will keep the scanner open, after reading a code.\n\nExample Usages\n\nStart scanner with JSON options\n\njavascript\n app.startScanner(\"myScannerControl\", {\n continuousMode: true\n });\n\nHere we are scanning a simpled bar code with a value of '12345678'.\n\nAfter scanning the code successfully, the value will be assigned to the scanner control present in current app. Now there are many ways to use this value e.g conditionals (if statements). For this tutorial, we will just show the scanned value as a notification by using the code snippet given below. As soon as the scanner scans the code it triggers an \"onScan\" event. In this event, we can add our customized code.\n\nCode when onScan Event get triggered\n\njavascript\n app.showMessage({\n content: app.getFieldValue(\"myScannerControl\")\n });\n\nAs we can see, it is showing the scanned value of '12345678'.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/startscanner"} {"id": "ed1278a183f2-0", "text": "description: Sets the tooltip text for a control at runtime.\n\nsetTooltipText\n\nParameters\n\ncontrolId => Id of the control\n\ntext => the new text, you want to set\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setTooltipText(\"myCheckBox\", \"Hello World\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/settooltiptext"} {"id": "c8ef3a62f3b8-0", "text": "description: Displays a wiki page in the right sidebar.\n\nshowWikiPage\n\nParameters\n\npageName - The name of the wikie page (e.g. \"function_showWikiPage\")\n\nglobal - Set this to true, if you want to display a page from the global wiki instead of a wiki page from your workspace wiki. The default is global=false.\n\nExample Usages\n\nGlobal documents\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showWikiPage(\"function_setVisibility\", true);\n\nWorkspace documents\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.showWikiPage(\"appConfigManual_address\", false); \n brixxApi.showWikiPage(\"appConfigManual_address\"); //2. parameter is false by default, so both lines give the same result", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showwikipage"} {"id": "83aba6068de1-0", "text": "description: This function is used to toggle the row detail panel of a grid row.\n\nshowRowDetailPanel\n\nParameters\n\nRow - the row object. Usually this is: eventArgs.details.row\n\nshow - shows (true, default) or hides (false) the detail Panel\n\nExample Usages\n\nThis code belongs in an **onRowCreated** event\n\njavascript\n app.showRowDetailPanel(eventArgs.details.row, eventArgs.details.data.icordlnIsBillOfMaterial===true);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/showrowdetailpanel"} {"id": "7559e72a127c-0", "text": "description: >-\n Stores an inventory movement in a table with a certain structure. The Function\n handles database transactions and generates movement ids.\n\nInventory Movement\n\nMandatory fields: imItemId, imQuantity\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"InventoryMovement\",\n movementTable:\"inventoryMovement\",\n movements:[\n {\n imQuantity: app.getFieldValue(\"quantityToShip\") * -1,\n imAddressId: app.getFieldValue(\"companyId\"),\n imItemId: app.getFieldValue(\"itemId\"),\n imImei: app.getFieldValue(\"imei\"),\n },\n {\n imQuantity: app.getFieldValue(\"quantityToShip\"),\n imAddressId: app.getFieldValue(\"customerId\"),\n imCustomerUserId: app.getFieldValue(\"customerUserId\"),\n imItemId: app.getFieldValue(\"itemId\"),\n imCustomerOrderLineId: app.getFieldValue(\"orderLineId\"),\n imImei: app.getFieldValue(\"imei\"),\n },\n ]\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/inventory-movement"} {"id": "b1d7d7eaf70a-0", "text": "description: Splits a GS1 code into its AIs and values\n\nGS1 Code Splitter\n\nThis is usually used in the onScan event where you use the plain scan result as the input. The fnc1Char parameter is optional and only used, if the scanner sends an different (visible) character instead of the default fnc1 (CHAR29).\n\nMandatory fields: gs1Code\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Gs1Splitter\",\n methodName: \"Split\",\n gs1Code: \"011234567890123417210521109988\"\n });\n console.log(result)\n\nExample Usages with Split Char (FNC1)\n\nEspecially with keyboard wedge scanners, it is often usefull to use a visible character as the FNC1 char.\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Gs1Splitter\",\n methodName: \"Split\",\n gs1Code: \"011234567890123417210521109988X211234\",\n fnc1Char: 'X'\n });\n console.log(result.applicationIdentifiers['10'])\n\nThe result variable in this case:\n\njavascript\n{\n \"applicationIdentifiers\":{\n \"10\":\"9988\",\n \"17\":\"210521\",\n \"21\":\"1234\",\n \"01\":\"12345678901234\",\n \"01.packind\":\"1\",\n \"01.iln\":\"2345678\",\n \"17.date\":\"20210521\"\n }\n}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/gs1-code-splitter"} {"id": "9f05dbf9af57-0", "text": "UPS Shiping\n\nContents\n\n1 Business Brixx UPS Shipping\n\n2 Business Brixx UPS Shipping -> CreateShipment\n\n2.1 Incomming Information\n\n2.2 Returning Information\n\n2.3 Example Usages\n\n3 CancelShipment\n\n4 GetLabel\n\nBusiness Brixx UPS Shipping\n\nFor accessing the UPS-Shipping brixxbox interface the UPS services need the following setup values (configuration -> settings).\n\nUPSCustomerID Your customer number with UPS\n\nUPSUsername A valid User for accessing the services\n\nUPSPassword The corresponding password\n\nUPSAccessLicenseNumber A license/access key provided by UPS on this page https://www.ups.com/upsdeveloperkit\n\nIf no settings are available, a sample label will be generated.\n\nBusiness Brixx UPS Shipping -> CreateShipment\n\nCreates a UPS shipping label\n\nIncomming Information\n\nTo create labels four groups of information are available:\n\n1. Settings with the following fields (If the group/field is not present default values will be assumed)\n\nServiceCode: default value \"11\" UPS Standard. Valid values according to UPS service codes.\n\nMetricMeasurements: \"1\" sets to true. This is the default. Measurements will be metric e.g. kg, cm or nonmetric for lbs, inch\n\nLanguage: Language code according to UPS. e.g. deu, eng, spa. this field will be set to user language by default. If the user language is not available for UPS, \"eng\" will be used.\n\n2. Shipper:\n\nName\n\nStreet\n\nHouseNo\n\nZipCode\n\nCity\n\nCountryCode\n\nStateProvinceCode\n\nAttentionName\n\nPhone\n\nEMail\n\nFaxNumber\n\nTaxIdentificationNumber\n\n3. ShipAddress:\n\nName\n\nStreet\n\nHouseNo\n\nZipCode\n\nCity\n\nCountryCode\n\nStateProvinceCode\n\nAttentionName\n\nPhone\n\nEMail\n\nFaxNumber\n\nTaxIdentificationNumber\n\n4. ParcelData:\n\nDescription\n\nPackageType: Package type according to UPS. If no value is given, the default will be set to: \"02\" Customer Supplied Package\n\nWeight\n\nHeight\n\nLength\n\nWidth\n\nReturning Information\n\nIn case of success (status 200) the following fields are returned\n\nTrackingNumber: The UPS generated ID. This will be used for further references to this shipment.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/ups-shiping"} {"id": "9f05dbf9af57-1", "text": "TrackingNumber: The UPS generated ID. This will be used for further references to this shipment.\n\nLabelData: this is a blob response. It contains the actual label in GIF format and can directly be used for further processing. E.g. \u009cbrixxApi.printBlob(LabelData);\u009d\n\nIn case of error (status 400) the following fields are returned:\n\nerror: a text showing the first error. E.g. \u009cconsole.log(result.error);\u009d\n\nExample Usages\n\n```javascript\nvar result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"UPSShipping\",\n methodName: \"CreateShipment\",\n Settings : {\n Language: 'deu',\n MetricMeasurements: 1,\n ServiceCode: \"11\"\n },\n Shipper : {\n Name: 'Brixxbox GmbH',\n Street: 'Husarenstra\u00c3\u009fe',\n HouseNo: '34a',\n ZipCode: '41836',\n City: 'H\u00c3\u00bcckelhoven',\n CountryCode: 'DE'\n },\n ShipAddress : {\n Name: 'Brixxbox GmbH',\n Street: 'Husarenstra\u00c3\u009fe',\n HouseNo: '34b',\n ZipCode: '41836',\n City: 'H\u00c3\u00bcckelhoven',\n CountryCode: 'DE',\n Phone: '+49 1234 5678-9',\n Mail: 'm.mustermann@mustermann.com' \n },\n ParcelData : {\n Description: 'Product name',\n Height : 10,\n Length : 20,\n Width : 15,\n Weight: '4.5',\n ServiceCode: '9' \n }\n });\n\nconsole.log(\"Tracking Number: \" + result.TrackingNumber);\nbrixxApi.printBlob(result.LabelData);\n```\n\nCancelShipment\n\nTo cancel an existing shipment only the TrackingNumber is needed.\n\njavascript\nvar result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"UPSShipping\",\n methodName: \"CancelShipment\",\n TrackingNumber: app.getFieldValue(\"ExistingTrackingNumber\")\n });\n\nGetLabel\n\nIn case the label is needed again it can be retrieved with an existing TrackingNumber. The result will show LabelData (see CreateShipment results #Returning_Information for details)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/ups-shiping"} {"id": "9f05dbf9af57-2", "text": "javascript\nvar result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"UPSShipping\",\n methodName: \"GetLabel\",\n TrackingNumber: app.getFieldValue(\"ExistingTrackingNumber\")\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/ups-shiping"} {"id": "bc3e79b0258d-0", "text": "description: >-\n Business Brixxes provides special features for business usecases. Each Brixx\n has an individual set of parameters plus some parameters that are valid for\n all businessfunctions.\n\nbusinessBrixx\n\nParameters\n\nfunctionName - the name of the businessBrixx module\n methodName - some businessBrixx functions provide several operations\n silentMode - if you set this to true, the brixxbox will not show a message if something goes wrong. You will still get the errorMessage, to handle the error case in your event code.\n\nExample Usages\n\n```javascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n //Common Parameters for all functions\n functionName:\"DhlShiping\",\n methodName: \"GetLabel\",\n silentMode: true, //false is default. If set to true, the brixxbox will not show an error message box. it is up to you to inform the user.\n\n});\n window.open(result.labelUrl, \"_blank\");\n```\n\nBusiness Brixx\n\nDhlShiping\n\nCreateShipment \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Creates a DHL Shipping Label.\n\nGetLabel \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Shows the shipment Label again.\n\nDPD Shipping\n\nCreateShipment \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Create a DPD Shipping Label.\n\nUPS Shipping\n\nCreateShipment \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Create a UPS Shipping Label.\n\nCancelShipment \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Removes existing Shipment\n\nGetLabel \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Shows the shipment Label again.\n\nInventoryManagement \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Does Inventory Movements within an ERP Setup\n\nMove\n\nCurrencyConverter\n\nConvert \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Converts a currency to annother currency.\n\nDatev Export\n\nDatevExport \u00e2\u0086\u2019 This function exports a Datev CSV file for a given timeframe.\nsqlDataRead Example\nsqlMainData Example\nsqlGetCounter Example\n\nGS1 Code Splitter\n\nSplit \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Splits a barcode (or 2d code) into its GS1 AIs an Values.\n\nDiamant\n\nDiamantBusinessBrixx", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/README"} {"id": "cc6e4e59491c-0", "text": "description: Converts a currency to another currency\n\nCurrency Conveter\n\nMandatory fields: fromCurrencySymbol, toCurrencySymbol\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let rate = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"CurrencyConverter\",\n methodName: \"Convert\",\n fromCurrencySymbol: \"EUR\",\n toCurrencySymbol: \"USD\"\n });\n console.log(rate)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/currency-conveter"} {"id": "27d56c5c8b33-0", "text": "description: Example for a getDatevData script\n\nDatev Export SqlDataRead Example\n\nThis is the main script, which is responible for collection all the data, which needs to be exported.\n\nAvailable Parameters\n\n@company - If you work with multiple companies, you have to export each company by it's own.\n\n@dateFrom - Start date for the export\n\n@dateUntil - End date for the export\n\nExample Usages\n\n```sql\n SELECT \n head.id AS Auftragsnummer,\n ol.cordlnItemId AS Artikelnummer,\n ol.id AS ArtikelRecordId,\n ol.cordlnParagraph13b AS Paragraph13b,\n ol.cordlnNetOrderValue AS NettoWert,\n ol.cordlnGrossOrderValue AS BruttoWert,\n adr.adrDebitor AS Debitorenkonto,\n 0 AS Kreditorenkonto,\n cordlnSalesAccount AS Sachkonto,\n adr.adrTaxId AS SteuerID,\n cordlnTaxKey as Buchungsschluessel,\n '' AS Buchungstext,\n head.cordInvoiceDate AS Rechnungsdatum,\n head.cordInvoiceNumber AS Rechnungsnummer,\n head.cordShippingDate AS Leistungsdatum,\n atta.id AS AttachementId,\n 'customerOrder' AS BuchungszaehlerTabelle,\n 'cordDatevExportId' AS BuchungszaehlerSpalte,\n CASE WHEN fiac.finaccIsAccountSplitting = 1 THEN fiacsplit.facsIsAutomaticAccount ELSE fiac.finaccIsAutomaticAccount END AS IstAutomatikKonto,\n head.cordInterCompanyOrder as IstInnerbetrieblich", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/datev-export/datev-export-sqldataread-example"} {"id": "27d56c5c8b33-1", "text": "FROM dbo.bbv_customerOrderLine AS ol\n LEFT JOIN [dbo].[customerOrder] AS head ON head.id = ol.cordlnOrderId\n LEFT JOIN address AS adr ON adr.id = head.cordAddressId\n LEFT JOIN brixx_Attachments AS atta ON atta.id in (select AttachmentId from brixx_AttachmentLinks where RecordId = head.id AND TableName = 'customerOrder' ) AND atta.DocumentTypeId = 2\n LEFT JOIN financialAccount AS fiac ON fiac.finaccAccountNumber = cordlnSalesAccount\n LEFT JOIN financialAccountSplitting AS fiacsplit ON fiacsplit.facsAccountId = fiac.id AND fiacsplit.facsSplitAccount = fiac.finaccAccountNumber\n WHERE ol.cordlnOrderId IN \n (\n SELECT id FROM [dbo].[customerOrder] \n WHERE cordShippingDate >= @dateFrom AND cordShippingDate <= @dateUntil\n AND cordCompanyId = @company\n )\n AND ol.cordlnNetOrderValue > 0\n AND head.cordStatusId >= 4\n\nUNION\n\nSELECT \n head.id AS Auftragsnummer,\n ol.sordlnItemId AS Artikelnummer,\n ol.id AS ArtikelRecordId,\n ol.sordlnParagraph13b AS Paragraph13b,\n ol.sordlnNetOrderValue AS NettoWert,\n ol.sordlnGrossOrderValue AS BruttoWert,\n 0 AS Debitorenkonto,\n adr.adrKreditor AS Kreditorenkonto,\n sordlnitmProcurementAccount AS Sachkonto,\n adr.adrTaxId AS SteuerID,\n sordlnTaxKey AS Buchungsschluessel,\n '' AS Buchungstext,\n head.sordGoodsReceiptDate AS Rechnungsdatum,\n head.sordInvoiceNumber AS Rechnungsnummer,\n head.sordGoodsReceiptDate AS Leistungsdatum,\n atta.id AS AttachementId,\n 'supplierOrder' AS BuchungszaehlerTabelle,\n 'sordDatevExportId' AS BuchungszaehlerSpalte,\n CASE WHEN fiac.finaccIsAccountSplitting = 1 THEN fiacsplit.facsIsAutomaticAccount ELSE fiac.finaccIsAutomaticAccount END AS IstAutomatikKonto,\n head.sordInterCompanyOrder as IstInnerbetrieblich", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/datev-export/datev-export-sqldataread-example"} {"id": "27d56c5c8b33-2", "text": "FROM dbo.bbv_supplierOrderLine AS ol\n LEFT JOIN [dbo].[supplierOrder] AS head ON head.id = ol.sordlnOrderId\n LEFT JOIN address AS adr ON adr.id = head.sordAddressId\n LEFT JOIN item AS itm on itm.id = ol.sordlnItemId \n LEFT JOIN brixx_Attachments AS atta ON atta.id in (select AttachmentId from brixx_AttachmentLinks where RecordId = head.id AND TableName = 'supplierOrder' )\n LEFT JOIN financialAccount AS fiac ON fiac.finaccAccountNumber = ol.sordlnitmProcurementAccount\n LEFT JOIN financialAccountSplitting AS fiacsplit ON fiacsplit.facsAccountId = fiac.id AND fiacsplit.facsSplitAccount = fiac.finaccAccountNumber\n WHERE ol.sordlnOrderId IN \n (\n SELECT id FROM [dbo].[supplierOrder] \n WHERE head.sordGoodsReceiptDate >= @dateFrom AND head.sordGoodsReceiptDate <= @dateUntil\n AND sordCompanyId = @company\n )\n AND ol.sordlnNetOrderValue > 0\n AND head.sordStatusId = 5\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/datev-export/datev-export-sqldataread-example"} {"id": "b659db4f96ed-0", "text": "description: >-\n This is the script, which is responsible for collection all the address data,\n which needs to be exported.\n\nDatev Export sqlMainData Example\n\nAvailable Parameters\n\n@company - If you work with multiple companies, you have to export each company by it's own.\n\n@dateFrom - Start date for the export\n\n@dateUntil - End date for the export\n\nExample Usages\n\nsql\n SELECT adr.id AS Kundennummer,\n CASE WHEN adrIsCustomer = 1 THEN adr.adrDebitor ELSE adr.adrKreditor END AS Konto,\n adr.adrName AS Firmenname,\n adr.adrLastName as Nachname,\n adr.adrFirstName as Vorname,\n '' AS Anrede,\n 'STR' AS Adresstyp,\n adrLoc.alocStreet AS Strasse,\n adrLoc.alocStreetNumber AS Hausnummer,\n adrLoc.alocZip AS PLZ,\n adrLoc.alocCity AS Stadt,\n adrLoc.alocAdditionalInfo AS Zusatzinformation\n FROM [dbo].[address] AS adr\n LEFT JOIN addressLocation AS adrLoc ON adrLoc.id = adr.adrDefaultInvoiceAddress\n LEFT JOIN country AS country ON country.id = adrLoc.alocCountryId\n WHERE adr.adrIsCustomer = 1 OR adr.adrIsSupplier = 1", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/datev-export/datev-export-sqlmaindata-example"} {"id": "715a72878ac5-0", "text": "description: >-\n This function exports a Datev CSV file for a given timeframe. The fuction\n needs 3 customized SQL scripts to process the data.\n\nDatev Export\n\nAs this function calls customized SQL scripts, it will add SQL parameters from the function call to the SQL calls.\n\n@company\n\n@dateFrom\n\n@dateUntil\n\nThose parameters can be used within the SQL statements.\n\nNeeded output columns from SQL scripts\n\nsqlDataRead script\n\nAuftragsnummer\n\nArtikelnummer\n\nArtikelRecordId\n\nParagraph13b\n\nNettoWert\n\nBruttoWert\n\nDebitorenkonto\n\nKreditorenkonto\n\nSachkonto\n\nSteuerID\n\nBuchungsschluessel\n\nBuchungstext\n\nRechnungsdatum\n\nRechnungsnummer\n\nLeistungsdatum\n\nAttachementId\n\nBuchungszaehlerTabelle (nvarchar that defines the tabel, where the booking counter is stored)\n\nBuchungszaehlerSpalte (nvarchar that devines the column for the booking counter)\n\nIstAutomatikKonto\n\nIstInnerbetrieblich\n\nsqlMainData script\n\nKundennummer\n\nKonto\n\nFirmenname\n\nNachname\n\nVorname\n\nAnrede\n\nAdresstyp\n\nStrasse\n\nHausnummer\n\nPLZ\n\nStadt\n\nZusatzinformation\n\nsqlGetCounter script\n\nThis script needs to return the actual booking counter as number.\n\nSQL script examples\n\nsqlDataRead Example\n\nsqlMainData Example\n\nsqlGetCounter Example\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"DatevExport\",\n sqlDataRead:\"getDatevData\",\n sqlMainData:\"getDatevMainData\",\n sqlGetCounter:\"getDatevBookingCounter\",\n exportFromDate: moment().subtract(2,'months').startOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),\n exportUntilDate: moment().subtract(2,'months').endOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),\n consultantNumber: 1234567,\n clientNumber: 12345,\n company: 1,\n isDownload: true\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/datev-export/README"} {"id": "5ed6a6a78de9-0", "text": "description: >-\n This is the main script, which is responsible for collection all the data,\n which needs to be exported.\n\nDatev Export sqlGetCounter Example\n\nAvailable Parameters\n\n@company - If you work with multiple companies, you have to export each company by it's own.\n\n@dateFrom - Start date for the export\n\n@dateUntil - End date for the export\n\nExample Usages\n\nsql\n SELECT MAX(DatevExportId) FROM\n (\n SELECT ISNULL(MAX(cordDatevExportId), 0) AS DatevExportId FROM customerOrder WHERE cordCompanyId = @company\n UNION ALL\n SELECT ISNULL(MAX(sordDatevExportId), 0) AS DatevExportId FROM supplierOrder WHERE sordCompanyId = @company\n ) AS sub", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/datev-export/datev-export-sqlgetcounter-example"} {"id": "9d5b2533df37-0", "text": "description: Opens a booking stack and returns the number to the client\n\nDiamant OpenStack\n\nExample Usages Get\n\njavascript\n let result = await app.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Diamant\",\n methodName: \"OpenStack\",\n});\napp.setFieldValue(\"myBookungStackNumber\", result.data); //result.data is the stackNumber", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/diamant-connector/diamant-openstack"} {"id": "69603179ad48-0", "text": "description: >-\n This brixxbox module allows to retrieve data from the Diamant Accounting\n Software and post data to it\n\nDiamant Connector\n\nGet Method\n\nThe Method Retrieves the data specified with dataType (like Address, CostCenter and so on). The searchParams and fieldMatch JSON properties are valid for all methods, but the fields mentioned in it are depending on the datatype used. For example: postcode is a valid searchParam for addresses, but not for cost centers.\n\nThe Get method will return the data it fetched from Diamant, so you get an array of JSON objects. The fieldMatch prameter will tell the brixxbox to change field names, so that it is more useful in an brixxbox environment.\n\nExample Usages Get\n\nThis will retrieve all addresses from diamant. Field names are the original diamand field names\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Diamant\",\n methodName: \"Get\",\n company: \"9018\",\n dataType: \"Address\",\n });\n console.log(result)\n\n\\\nThis will retrieve all addresses with Postcode 61118 from diamant and return the result. The fields postcode is changed to adrZip by the brixxbox and name1 is changed to adrName. All other fields are ignored and are not in the result set.\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Diamant\",\n methodName: \"Get\",\n dataType: \"Address\",\n searchParams:{\n postcode: \"61118\"\n }, \n fieldMatch:{\n postcode: \"adrZip\",\n name1: \"adrName\"\n }, \n });\n console.log(result)\n\nImportTable Method\n\nThis method allows you to retrieve the data and insert it into the database. Query parameters work the same and are optional but you must user fieldMatch to assign diamant names to brixxbox field names\n\nExample Usages Import Insert\n\nThis will retrieve all addresses from diamant and insert it into the table address the table will be wiped right before the import.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/diamant-connector/README"} {"id": "69603179ad48-1", "text": "This will retrieve all addresses from diamant and insert it into the table address the table will be wiped right before the import.\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Diamant\",\n methodName: \"ImportTable\",\n dataType: \"Address\",\n tableName: \"address\",\n wipeTable: true,\n fieldMatch:{\n postcode: \"adrZip\",\n name1: \"adrName\"\n }, \n });\n console.log(result)\n\nExample Usages Import Upsert\n\nThis will retrieve all addresses from diamant and update the records with the same id as in fieldMatch.\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Diamant\",\n methodName: \"ImportTable\",\n dataType: \"Address\",\n tableName: \"address\",\n upsert: true,\n wipeTable: true,\n fieldMatch:{\n key: \"adrKey,id\",\n postcode: \"adrZip\",\n name1: \"adrName\"\n }, \n });\n console.log(result)\n\nSupported dataTypes\n\nMore types can be added at request.\n\nRequest Data\n\nAddress (Adressen)\n\nCostCenter (Kostenstellen)\n\nGenLedgAccount (Sachkonten)\n\nCostObject (Kostentr\u00c3\u00a4ger)\n\nPrimCostElement (Prim\u00c3\u00a4rkostenarten)\n\nProject (Projekte)\n\nCompany (Mandanten)\n\nCustomer(Konten)\n\nVendor (Vendor)\n\nPosting (Buchungen)\n\nTransctions\n\nOpenStack\n\nTransaction\n\nCloseStack", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/diamant-connector/README"} {"id": "2a32b0db48bd-0", "text": "description: Closes a booking stack that qas previously open by OpenStack\n\nDiamant CloseStack\n\nExample Usages Get\n\njavascript\n let result = await app.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Diamant\",\n methodName: \"CloseStack\",\n stackNumber: app.getFieldValue(\"myBookungStackNumber\")\n});", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/diamant-connector/diamant-closestack"} {"id": "daf76bf70532-0", "text": "description: Creates a transaction in diamant\n\nDiamant Transaction\n\nExample Usage\n\njavascript\nlet result = await app.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Diamant\",\n methodName: \"Transaction\",\n stackNumber: app.getFieldValue(\"myBookungStackNumber\"), //if stackNumber is not set or 0, the brixxbox will automatically create a stack and close it right after the transaction\n bookingDate: \"2021-12-23\",\n type: \"AR\",\n number: \"12345678\",\n currency: \"EUR\",\n debitAccount: \"20003000\",\n debitValue: 3334,\n text: \"Volkers Buchung\",\n dueDate: \"2022-04-30\",\n creditAccount: \"409000\",\n creditValue: 3334,\n taxCode: 200,\n creditCostCenter: \"21000\",\n creditBusinessUnit: \"100\"\n});\nconsole.log(result);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/diamant-connector/diamant-transaction"} {"id": "36935f210dbb-0", "text": "DHL Shiping\n\nCreateShipment \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Creates a DHL Shipping Label.\n\nGetLabel \u00e2\u0086\u2019 Shows the shipment Label again.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/dhl-shiping/README"} {"id": "50b44beabfa2-0", "text": "description: Creates a DHL Shipping Label.\n\nCreateShipment\n\nIf shipService is omitted the default value \"\"V01PAK\" will be set.\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"DhlShiping\",\n methodName: \"CreateShipment\",\n weightInKG: \"4\",\n lengthInCM: \"20\",\n heightInCM: \"20\",\n widthInCM: \"10\",\n shipService: \"V01PAK\",\n recipientEmailAddress: \"info@acme.com\",\n senderAddress:{\n name1: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCompanyId.cusName\"),\n streetName: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCompanyId.cusStreet\"),\n streetNumber: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCompanyId.cusStreetNumber\"),\n zip: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCompanyId.cusZip\"),\n city: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCompanyId.cusCity\"),\n countryCode: \"DE\", \n },\n receiverAddress:{\n name1: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCustomerId.cusName\"),\n streetName: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCustomerId.cusStreet\"),\n streetNumber: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCustomerId.cusStreetNumber\"),\n zip: app.getFieldValue(\"cordCustomerId.cusZip\"),\n city:app.getFieldValue(\"cordCustomerId.cusCity\"),\n countryCode: \"DE\",\n },\n });\n console.log(\"Shipment Number: \" + result.shipmentNumber)\n window.open(result.labelUrl, \"_blank\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/dhl-shiping/createshipment"} {"id": "4e0b528609df-0", "text": "description: Shows the shipment Label again.\n\nGetLabel\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"DhlShiping\",\n methodName: \"GetLabel\",\n shipmentNumber: app.getFieldValue(\"cordShipmentNumber\")\n });\n window.open(result.labelUrl, \"_blank\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/dhl-shiping/getlabel"} {"id": "b191039e9195-0", "text": "description: Creates a DPD Shipping Label\n\nCreateShipment\n\nFor accessing the DPD-Shipping brixxbox interface the DPD services need the following setup values (configuration -> settings).\n\nDPDUserCredentialsCloudUserID\n\nDPDUserCredentialsToken\n\nDPDPartnerCredentialsName\n\nDPDPartnerCredentialsToken\n\nIf no settings are available, a sample label will be generated.\n\nIncomming Information\n\nTo create labels three groups of information are available:\n\n1. OrderSettings with the following fields (If the group is not present default values will be assumed)\n\nlanguage: Values \u009ede_DE\u009c or \u009een_EN\u009c are allowed. If nothing is set \u009ede_DE\u009c will be assumed.\n\nShipDate: if not available will be set to \u009etoday\u009c\n\nLabelSize: \u009ePDF_A4\u009c or \u009ePDF_A6\u009c. If nothing is set \u009ePDF_A4\u009c will be assumed.\n\nLabelStartPosition: \u009cUpperLeft\u009c, \u009eUpperRight\u009c, \u009eLowerLeft\u009c, \u009eLowerRigh\u009c\n\n2. ShipAddress:\n\nCompany\n\nGender\n\nSalutation\n\nFirstName\n\nLastName\n\nName\n\nStreet\n\nHouseNo\n\nZipCode\n\nCity\n\nCountry\n\nState\n\nPhone\n\nMail\n\n3. ParcelData:\n\nYourInternalID: should be set to your own reference (e.g. order no). if no value is provided a timestamp will be set.\n\nContent\n\nWeight: in kg\n\nReference1\n\nReference2\n\nShipService: set to a valid DPD-Service. If nothing is set \u009cClassic\u009d will be assumed.\n\n\\\nDetailed informationen for field usage can be found at https://esolutions.dpd.com/dokumente/DPD_Cloud_Service_Webservice_Dokumentation_DE.pdf\n\nReturning Information\n\nIn case of success (status 200) the following fields are returned\n\nParcelNo: The DPD generated ID. This will be used for further references to this shipment.\n\nYourInternalID: The same ID that was provided for the request\n\nTimeStamp: an informational time stamp when the request was processed\n\nLabelData: this is a blob response. It contains the actual label in PDF format and can directly be used for further processing. E.g. \u009cbrixxApi.printBlob(LabelPDF);\u009d", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/dpd-shiping/createshipment"} {"id": "b191039e9195-1", "text": "In case of error (status 400) the following fields are returned:\n\nTimeStamp: an informational time stamp when the request was processed\n\nErrorDataList: an array with detailed information what went wrong. Every error will show the following fields\nErrorID: an internal error no\nErrorCode: an internal error code\nErrorMsgShort: Error information short version\nErrorMsgLong: Error information long version\n\nExample Usages\n\n```javascript\n/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n/This example is minimalistic and will create a sample label. \n/You need to check which fields are relevant for your process and assign the values accordingly.\n/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/\n\nvar result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"DPDShipping\",\n methodName: \"CreateShipment\",\n ShipAddress : {\n Company: 'Mustermann AG',\n Name: 'Max Mustermann',\n Street: 'Wailandtstr.',\n HouseNo: '1',\n ZipCode: '63741',\n City: 'Aschaffenburg',\n Country: 'DEU'\n },\n ParcelData : {\n Reference1: 'Customer email',\n Content: 'Order number',\n Weight: '13.5'\n }\n });\nconsole.log(\"Parcel Number: \" + result.ParcelNo)\nbrixxApi.printBlob(result.LabelData);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/dpd-shiping/createshipment"} {"id": "b191039e9195-2", "text": "/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n/This example uses all fields\n/You need to check which fields are relevant for your process and assign the values accordingly.\n/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/\nvar result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"DPDShipping\",\n methodName: \"CreateShipment\",\n OrderSettings : {\n language: 'de_DE',\n LabelSize : 'PDF_A4',\n LabelStartPosition : 'UpperLeft',\n ShipDate : app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\")\n },\n ShipAddress : {\n Company: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Gender: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Salutation: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n FirstName: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n LastName: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Name: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Street: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n HouseNo: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n ZipCode: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n City: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Country: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n State: '',\n Phone: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Mail: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\") \n },\n ParcelData : {\n Reference1: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Reference2: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Content: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n Weight: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n YourInternalID: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\"),\n ShipService: app.getFieldValue(\"SomeFieldValue\") \n }\n });\nconsole.log(\"Parcel Number: \" + result.ParcelNo)\nbrixxApi.printBlob(result.LabelData);\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/dpd-shiping/createshipment"} {"id": "3f7cf97d8ba1-0", "text": "DPD Shiping\n\nDPDCreateShipment -> Creates a DPD Shipping Label", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/functions/businessbrixx/dpd-shiping/README"} {"id": "cedd73ea04d5-0", "text": "description: Just like a label but it will create a clickable link.\n\nLinkLabel", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/linklabel"} {"id": "5ba770b83d81-0", "text": "description: >-\n A GroupBox is another structural control in Brixxbox controls. It is a\n structural element to create apps with side by side columns just like\n formgroup control\n\nGroupBox\n\nGroupBox\n\nNormally Brixxbox takes the responsibility of placing controls in an app. In order to group controls in a row we can use row control. For a vertical alignment, you can formgroup or groupBox. Groupbox is the advanced form of formgroup. It has all the functionalities of formgroup. Additionally, it also has a header and a border.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"GroupBox\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. It should be meaningful.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will see how to use groupbox control to achieve vertical grouping of controls. This control is purely used for structuring controls. For this tutorial, we will be using item app. Our app has 5 controls: item id(numbox), | item name(text box), sale price(numbox), quantity(numbox), and quantity unit type(combobox). Right now, the order of controls is selected by us but the placement is selected by Brixxbox. Our app looks like this:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/groupbox"} {"id": "5ba770b83d81-1", "text": "Now we want to present item id and item name in a vertical fashion. For that, we need Groupbox. Lets add a Groupboxfrom the controls list, name it \"item details\" and add both item id and item name as its children's. Now these two controls with be placed vertically and Brixxbox will try to place other controls in horizontal fashion, wherever it finds a place. Our app now looks like this:\n\nAs we can see in the above snapshot that item id and item name controls are placed vertically and groupbox containing them has a clear boundary and a header while other controls are placed row wise. If there is enough space available after groupbox, brixxbox will start placing other controls there. Now we also want to add two more groupboxes for other controls. Lets add two new groupbox type controls and place quantity controls in one groupbox and price control in second one as their children respectively:\n\n\\\nWe can see the final version of app is more organized. Item details, quantity details, and price details are in separate groupboxes with meaningful header and visible boundary makes our app much more readalbe.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/groupbox"} {"id": "c5777c9e760d-0", "text": "description: >-\n You can embed a brixxbox app into your app below a grid to show grid line\n details\n\nAppConfig", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/appconfig"} {"id": "fb66e6d63429-0", "text": "description: >-\n The Doc Viewer can be used to show blobs or create reports like the report\n control.\n\nDocViewer", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/docviewer"} {"id": "c8880e109bfd-0", "text": "description: A label control is designed to be a standalone text\n\nLabel\n\nIt can be used as headings or giving specific instructions about usage of different app controls or display value for other controls. This control has text but without any interaction. It means that label text is not clickable.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Label\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default \"Not in Database\" option is selected.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will be using \"customerOrderList\" app. It is a simple app which consists of a grid and a button. The grid lists all available customer orders. The button \"Number of Orders\" does not have any \"onClick\" event because we need it only for displaying badge over it.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/label"} {"id": "c8880e109bfd-1", "text": "Here we can see the list of customer orders but there is no label specifying to whom this list represents. A new user will have to put some effort and explore about the grid entries. Our job is to make user's life easier. For this purpose we can add a label, which will label the list grid as \"Customer Order List\". We can also apply different color settings also to this label. Lets now add a label, select a \"label\" control from the control's list. Assign control id and label. We can also set default value for this label control. In this case default value property takes precedence over label property of this \"label\" control.\n\nNow we have a nice label text showing what does this grid is displaying. Let just assume our user is new and he don't know how to edit a specific customer order then we can a label explaining to click edit button on specific customer order to open that order and edit it. Lets add a label for this and put as a child to our customer order list grid.\n\nNow it is showing the user that in order to open a specific click on edit button.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/label"} {"id": "6f2e29bd9acf-0", "text": "description: >-\n A GridConfig can be places as a child under a grid to specify the columns.\n This is useful, when the grid is based on a SQL Statement rather than a\n config.\n\nGridConfig", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/gridconfig"} {"id": "de1d50c5b9b6-0", "text": "description: This control will preview a report.\n\nReport", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/report"} {"id": "18ec31f590eb-0", "text": "description: This control displays an image. In edit mode it accepts an image url.\n\nImage", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/image"} {"id": "e56c3e694e90-0", "text": "description: A date input control\n\nDateBox\n\nIn Brixxbox, you can add date box control to input date. Date box control allows you to enter dates through different methods. User can enter a date manually in text form or user can choose date from a calendar.\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. Date box control allows user to add dates in different formats. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using Date Box control, \"Date Box\" control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Version\n\nIn Brixxbox, there are 2 Versions of the Date picker available:\n\n1: Version 1(V1) will display a HTML5 Browser build in Date Picker. This Control might look different in some browsers. 2: Version 2(V2) is a default version since since 10.8.2021. Now it will display a date picker from a library which is the same on all browsers and provides a variety of different methods to enter date.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. For Dates, it makes sense to label them via action that is being performed plus 'date' For example, in an order application one date should be delivery date. It will represent the action of delivering the order on a specific date to customer.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default \"Not in Database\" option is selected.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nDefault Value", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/datebox"} {"id": "e56c3e694e90-1", "text": "You need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nDefault Value\n\nBrixxbox allows users to add a default value for a control. This value will be set as a control's value when an application containing this control is opened or a new record is created. In the background, the brixxApi function \"setFieldValue\" is called with this value. For Date Box Control, we can use \"moment()\" function. It will assign the current value of date to our control.\n\nSize\n\nIn Brixxbox, the screen is divided into 12 logical columns horizontally. For each control you can select explicitly how large it should be according to your application needs. Size properties defines how control will be displayed in Brixxbox App.\n\nLabel on Top of Control\n\nIf this option is selected then the label of a control and actual control will be in two different horizontal lines and control's label will be present on the top line and Date box control itself will be present on bottom line. If this option is not selected then 12 column's will be shared between label and control itself and both of them will be present on same line in side by side formation. For example, label can be 4/12 column's long and control can be 8/12 columns long over same horizontal line.\n\nThe display layout is divided into four different categories depending upon the pixels. For each category, Brixxbox allows you to customize the width of control.\n\nPhone (and up)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 768 pixels. For example: Smart phones. This will be by default selected category in Brixxbox. In this category, each control will be assigned to 12/12 by default. It means that in extra small screens, each control takes up the whole horizontal line and next control will take up whole next horizontal line and soon.\n\nTablets (and up)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 992 pixels. For example: Tablets. By switching this settings on, they will come into play for particular app.\n\nMedium Devices (Laptops)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 1200 pixels. For example: Laptops. In Medium devices, an input control will be set to 4/12 per control by default with option to customize the size of controls.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/datebox"} {"id": "e56c3e694e90-2", "text": "Large Devices (Big Monitors)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels greater than 1200 pixels. For example: Big monitor displays.\n\nCustom Label class\n\nThis is only relevant if the control is in a From Group, and so the Label is left or right of the control instead of above it. It uses the same rules as the Width properties as above.\n\nStyling\n\nThese properties defines how control looks like in Brixxbox.\n\nEnabled\n\nIt allows two options: yes, no. If \"yes\" is selected, the control will be enabled. In Date Box case, user will be able to select a date. On the other hand, if \"no\" is selected then it will be disabled.\n\nDisabled in edit mode\n\nThere are two modes available in Brixxbox for each app: edit mode, create mode. In edit mode: user is allowed to add new controls and functionality while in create mode, on the basis of app controls, user is allowed to add a new record, edit an existing record, or list all the records. In order to edit a record, user has to list all the records using app settings and then select a specific record to edit. \"Disabled in edit mode\" is a checkbox field. If this option is selected then the control will not be functional while editing a previously saved record but it will be functional while creating a new record. In \"Date time box\" case, user will not be able to edit the value of this control f previoudded record.\n\nVisibility\n\nIt will specify the visibility options available in Brixxbox. There are four options available: visible, hidden, hidden in grids, and hidden in forms.\n\nText Color\n\nBrixxbox allows user to specify, text colors of controls. There are seven different options available in Brixxbox.\n\nInput Size\n\nWith this option, Brixxbox enables users to set the input size of Date Box Control. There are four input sizes available for Date Box Control: Default, Extra Small, Small and Large.\n\nTooltip\n\nEnter a text for a tool tip. This will be translated.\n\nHelp Text\n\nBrixxbox with the property allow users to add some help text. This text will be displayed below the control. The purpose of this option is to encourage the right behavior of customer while using a specific control.\n\nFor further information please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System\n\nTutorial", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/datebox"} {"id": "e56c3e694e90-3", "text": "For further information please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app and they want to add a new control of type \"Date Box\". In this app, we have two textboxes \"first name\", \"last name\" and a \"save\" button. \"Save\" button validates the inputs and save them, when button is pressed. Now we also want to store joining date of employees in our app. To allow this behavior we need to add a \"Date Box\" control.\n\nFirst of all, select \"Date Box\" from list of controls. In second step, select the version of Date Box Control i.e. \"V1\" or \"V2\". Here we selected \"V2\". After this, you need to give an id to your Date Box. Next assign \"Joining Date\" label to your control and add \"nonEmpty\" validator. Now save your application. Your application should look like this:\n\nNow I you always want current date as a value of \"Joining Date\" control, we can use \"moment()\" function as a default value for our control in general properties. It will assign the current date to new records and on creating new records, our App will look like this\n\nThe value of joining date is \"08/30/2021\". It shows the current date at which I am writing this tutorial. Date Box allows you to add date in text form. For example, if your employee joinied on 1st of August 2021 then you will add this in text form and in this format \"mm/dd/yyyy\". It will become 08/01/2021. Date Box allows you to add input in other format also. For this you need to click on calendar icon. IT will display the calendar as shown below\n\nButton on the top left of calendar acts same as \"moment()\" function. By clicking it one can set current date as a date picker's value. Button on top middle of calendar is used to reset date picker's value. Cross button(X) is used to exit to calendar view. From calendar we can set year, month and day easily with mouse clicks without typing date.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/datebox"} {"id": "fcc47ffcf3cf-0", "text": "HorizontalLine\n\nHorizontalLine\n\nMost of the controls are linked with storing and displaying information but horizontal line is purely styling control. It is used to group fields or to separate different controls. For example, separating two row controls. As the name suggests, it will be an horizontal line between controls.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App. In case of horizontal line, these properties are of less importance.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Horizontal line\" control type from drop down list. As this most commonly used control, Brixxbox has a designated button for adding a new row. User can find this button on app editor page and on the top right corner.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. It should be meaningful.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will see how to use horizontal line control. this control is purely for styling. For this tutorial, we will be using \"unitDemo\" app. We have used this app in \"unit\" control tutorial also. If you want to look into details of this app please go through the \"unit\" documentation. Here is the link: | Row Documentation. Our app looks like this:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/horizontalline"} {"id": "fcc47ffcf3cf-1", "text": "We have already separated controls with rows but there is no visible barrier between them. Now this is where \"horizontal line\" comes to help. Now we want to visually separate item id, item name and sale price, sale price test then we should put a horizontal line between them. To add horizontal line, click on controls list, select \"horizontal line\" control. It will be placed at the end of app tree. Drad this control and place it between two rows. Now our app will look like this:\n\nThis looks nice. Now lets also separate Unit type control from second row. We need to add another horizontal line between them. After that our app looks like this:\n\nIn this way, we can separate different group of controls visibly.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/horizontalline"} {"id": "b02779f59812-0", "text": "description: >-\n A form group is another structural control in Brixxbox controls. It is a\n structural element to create apps with side by side columns.\n\nFormGroup\n\nFormGroup\n\nNormally Brixxbox takes the responsibility of placing control in an app. In order to group element in a row we can use row control. For a vertical alignment, you can place Controls inside the formgroup or you can also add a FormGroupRow in which you can add controls horizontally inside formgroup.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"FormGroup\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. It should be meaningful.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will see how to use formgroup control to achieve vertical grouping of controls. This control is purely for structuring controls. For this tutorial, we will be using item app. Our app has 5 controls: item id(numbox), | item name(text box), sale price(numbox), quantity(numbox), and quantity unit type(combobox). Right now, the order of controls is selected by us but the placement is selected by Brixxbox. Our app looks like this:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/formgroup"} {"id": "b02779f59812-1", "text": "Now we want to present item id and item name in a vertical fashion. For that, we need formgroup. Lets add a formgroup from the controls list and add both item id and item name as its children's. Now these two controls with be placed vertically and Brixxbox will try to place other controls in horizontal fashion, wherever it finds a place. Our app now looks like this:\n\nAs we can see in the above snapshot that item id and item name controls are placed vertically and other controls are placed row wise. The yellow area corresponds to the area assigned to formgroup. If there is enough space available after formgroup, brixxbox will start placing other controls there. Now we also want to add another formgroup for all other controls. Lets add a new control of formgroup type and place remaining controls as its children:\n\nNow we have two vertical columns of controls because we are using two formgroups. Another thing to note here is the size of each formgroup is 4/12 of complete row. I want to add another formgroup and put quantity type control in it. Why I want to do that? because I want my app to be limited to two rows:\n\nNow compare the final version of app with start, it is more organized.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/formgroup"} {"id": "0d4007d5b391-0", "text": "description: With a signature pad, you can add signatures to your app\n\nSignaturePad\n\nUse a longtext column to store the signature.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/signaturepad"} {"id": "2f02e8e93295-0", "text": "description: >-\n This is a tag control where the user can choose from a list of tags or add new\n ones.\n\nTag", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/tag"} {"id": "b0a2d88edcfc-0", "text": "description: The RadioButton control is one element of a radio button group.\n\nRadioButton\n\nGroup Name\n\nThe Group Name binds different radio buttons controls. All radio buttons with the same group name will interact. E.G. switching one on will switch others of the same group off.\n\nUnique Value\n\nEach radio button within a group must have a unique value.\n\nDefault setting for button group\n\nOne button within a group can be marked as the default value. This will set the button initially to on.\n\nExample\n\nWe could define radio buttons for colors. The group name could be \"color\" and we can set up different buttons with unique values like \"red\", \"blue\", \"green\", ...", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/radiobutton"} {"id": "b75696918539-0", "text": "description: >-\n This control is an element where you can use the phone camera to scan a\n barcode.\n\nScanner\n\nThis control triggers the onScan event when it scanned a barcode.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/scanner"} {"id": "b85cd81543bd-0", "text": "description: The file import Control allows users to upload a file.\n\nFileImport\n\nThe control will trigger onFileImport", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/fileimport"} {"id": "846557f4156d-0", "text": "description: You can add your custom html code with this control\n\nHtmlTemplate\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/NsF5qH_mz-0\" %}\n\nTake a loot at Custom HTML Templates for examples", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/htmltemplate"} {"id": "4c2c23d17f1f-0", "text": "description: >-\n A template grid is a list of records. Each record will be displayed based on\n the child templateGridElement Controls.\n\nTemplateGrid\n\nYou can add css to this control, that works with all the templateGridElements.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/grDhHVvr33A\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/templategrid"} {"id": "5f40392aaf10-0", "text": "description: >-\n This Control provides an Html Table control, where you can custom specify the\n content.\n\nHtmlTable\n\nTranslation\n\nIf you want to translate parts of your table, like the column headers, you can use translate tags The part after the ':' in the curly brackets will be translated, like a label. This can be used in header, footer and body.\n\n```html\n\n```\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/NsF5qH_mz-0\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/htmltable"} {"id": "6833494159ea-0", "text": "description: >-\n Brixxbox provides FormGroupRow control in order to place control in horizontal\n fashion inside a FormGroup\n\nFormGroupRow\n\nFormGroupRow\n\nWe can use this formgrouprow control to make a horizontal row of controls inside a fromgroup specifically. It serves the same purpose as of row, make horizontal row of controls.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"FormGroupRow\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. It should be meaningful.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nitem id(numbox),\n\n| item name(text box),\n\nsale price(numbox),\n\nquantity(numbox), and\n\nquantity unit type(combobox). We also updated our app in\n\n\"formgroup\" tutorial, added the formgroups to place controls vertically, and now looks our updated app looks like this:\n\nNow we want to place quantity and quantity unit type in a one line. For that, we can use formgrouprow. Lets add a form group row from the controls list and add it as a child to third formgroup. After that place both iquantity and quantity unit type as formgrouprow childern. Now these two controls with be placed horizontally and Brixxbox will place them in horizontal fashion. Our app looks like this:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/formgrouprow"} {"id": "6833494159ea-1", "text": "As we can see in the above snapshot that quantity controls are placed in a horizontal line but they don't look very nice. The reason is there are cluttered with other controls. Lets use our knowledge of Horizontal Line which is a styling control. This will divide our third form group from others. Lets add this to our app:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/formgrouprow"} {"id": "436d526faf4f-0", "text": "description: A Control to display bar, line or pie charts in your app.\n\nChart", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/chart"} {"id": "9fd147053582-0", "text": "description: >-\n Most of the controls are linked with storing and displaying information but\n row is purely structural element. It is used to group fields.\n\nRow\n\nFields in same row will be then placed next to each other where ever it is possible. This grouping is in horizontal format as the name of the control suggests itself. If there is no space in the same row, next element will be placed in the next adjacent row. There is no visible boundary of row control.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Row\" control type from drop down list. As this most commonly used control, Brixxbox has a designated button for adding a new row. User can find this button on app editor page and on the top right corner.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. It should be meaningful.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will see how to use row control. this control is purely structural. For this tutorial, we will be using \"unitDemo\" app. We have used this app in \"unit\" control tutorial also. If you want to look into details of this app please go through the \"unit\" documentation. Here is the link: | Unit Documentation. Our app looks like this:\n\nNow we want to separate item id and item name from the other properties. This is where row comes in to place. We need to select row control from controls list and put both item id and item name as child's in this row:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/row"} {"id": "9fd147053582-1", "text": "Now you can see the controls in the app are rearranged. In first row, only item id and item name controls are present. All other controls are separated. Now lets say we also want to add sale price and sale price test control's to one row also. For this, select row control form \"row button\". It is present on top right corner, just click it and it will add row. Now put sale price controls in this row:\n\nNow you can see the price controls are rearranged in the app.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/row"} {"id": "9795bccc1467-0", "text": "description: >-\n This control starts the mobile camera to take a picture. For desktop browsers\n you will be able to upload a picture.\n\nCamera\n\nSpecial properties\n\nCheckbox 'Add to attachements' - This will automatically add the Picture to the attachements of the current record\n\nbrixxApi Functions\n\ntakePicture(\"controlId\") - Triggers the camera\n\nEvents\n\nonPictureTaken - Fires everytime a picture is taken/uploaded.\n\nExample usage for onPictureTaken\n\nPrint picture\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.printBlob(brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"controlId\"));\n\nAdd picture to image control\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"controlId image control\", brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"controlId camera control\"));\n\nAdd picture to attachements\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.uploadAttachement(brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"controlId\"), documentTypeId(optional), filename(optional))", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/camera"} {"id": "b75f13300824-0", "text": "DateTimeBox\n\nDateTimeBox\n\nIn Brixxbox, you can add date time box control to input date with timestamp. Date time box control is similar to Date Time Box control in Brixxbox, it also allows users to add date's with an addition of time stamp. User can select date and time from calendar view.\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. Date time box control allows user to add dates plus time. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using Date Time Box control, \"Date Time Box\" control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. For Dates and time control, it makes sense to label them via action that is being performed plus 'time' For example, in an employee information application one date should be arrival time which store date plus time everyday.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default \"Not in Database\" option is selected.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nDefault Value\n\nBrixxbox allows users to add a default value for a control. This value will be set as a control's value when an application containing this control is opened or a new record is created. In the background, the brixxApi function \"setFieldValue\" is called with this value. For Date Time Box Control, we can use \"moment()\" function. It will assign the current value of date to our control.\n\nDate and Time Box Properties\n\nPrecision\n\nThis property allows users to select timestamp precision. It has two options: minutes and seconds. By default minutes is selected.\n\nSave UTC and show local time", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/datetimebox"} {"id": "b75f13300824-1", "text": "Save UTC and show local time\n\nThis is checkbox option. If this Checkbox is selected. The control will display date and time in local time zone of user but the orgnal value behind the control is utc timestamp. Brixxbox \"setFieldValue\" function will assume you set a utc time and will add the local timezone just for the display. Brixxbox \"getFieldValue \" function will give you the utc time as well. So users in different timezones will see different values, but in the database there is just the utc time stored.\n\nSize\n\nIn Brixxbox, the screen is divided into 12 logical columns horizontally. For each control you can select explicitly how big it should be according to your application needs. Size properties defines how control will be displayed in Brixxbox App.\n\nLabel on Top of Control\n\nIf this option is selected then the label of a control and actual control will be in two different horizontal lines . Control's label will be present on the top line and Date time box control itself will be present on bottom line. If this option is not selected then 12 column's will be shared between label and control itself and both of them will be present on same line in side by side formation. For example, label can be 4/12 column's long and control can be 8/12 columns long over same horizontal line.\n\nThe display layout is divided into four different categories depending upon the pixels. For each category, Brixxbox allows you to customize the width of control.\n\nPhone (and up)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 768 pixels. For example: Smart phones. This will be by default selected category in Brixxbox. In this category, each control will be assigned to 12/12 by default. It means that in extra small screens, each control takes up the whole horizontal line and next control will take up whole next horizontal line and soon.\n\nTablets (and up)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 992 pixels. For example: Tablets. By switching this settings on, they will come into play for particular app.\n\nMedium Devices (Laptops)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 1200 pixels. For example: Laptops. In Medium devices, an input control will be set to 4/12 per control by default with option to customize the size of controls.\n\nLarge Devices (Big Monitors)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/datetimebox"} {"id": "b75f13300824-2", "text": "Large Devices (Big Monitors)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels greater than 1200 pixels. For example: Big monitor displays.\n\nCustom Label class\n\nThis is only relevant if the control is in a From Group, and so the Label is left or right of the control instead of above it. It uses the same rules as the Width properties as above.\n\nStyling\n\nThese properties defines how control looks like in Brixxbox.\n\nEnabled\n\nIt allows two options: yes, no. If \"yes\" is selected, the control will be enabled. In Date Time Box case, user will be able to select a date and time. On the other hand, if \"no\" is selected then it will be disabled.\n\nDisabled in edit mode\n\nThere are two modes available in Brixxbox for each app: edit mode, create mode. In edit mode: user is allowed to add new controls and functionality while in create mode, on the basis of app controls, user is allowed to add a new record, edit an existing record, or list all the records. In order to edit a record, user has to list all the records using app settings and then select a specific record to edit. \"Disabled in edit mode\" is a checkbox field. If this option is selected then the control will not be functional while editing a previously saved record but it will be functional while creating a new record.\n\nVisibility\n\nIt will specify the visibility options available in Brixxbox. There are four options available: visible, hidden, hidden in grids, and hidden in forms.\n\nText Color\n\nBrixxbox allows user to specify, text colors of controls. There are seven different options available in Brixxbox.\n\nTooltip\n\nEnter a text for a tool tip. This will be translated.\n\nHelp Text\n\nBrixxbox with the property allow users to add some help text. This text will be displayed below the control. The purpose of this option is to encourage the right behavior of customer while using a specific control.\n\nFor further information please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System\n\nTutorial", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/datetimebox"} {"id": "b75f13300824-3", "text": "For further information please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app and they want to add a new control of type \"Date Time Box\". In this app, we have two textboxes \"first name\", \"last name\" and a \"save\" button. \"Save\" button validates the inputs and save them, when button is pressed. Now we also want to store arrival datetime of employees in our app. To allow this behavior we need to add a \"Date Time Box\" control.\n\nFirst of all, select \"Date Time Box\" from list of controls. After this, you need to give an id to your Date Time Box. Next assign \"Arrival Time\" label to your control and add \"nonEmpty\" validator. Now save your application. Your application should look like this:\n\nNow if you always want current date as a value of \"Arrival Time\" control, we can use \"moment()\" function as a default value for our control, in general properties. It will assign the current date time to new records and on creating new records, our App will look like this\n\nThe value of Arrival Time is \"08/31/2021 4:05 PM\". It shows the current date and time at which I am writing this tutorial. Date Time Box allows you to add date time in calendar format. For this you need to click on calendar icon. It will display the calendar as shown below\n\nButton on the top left of calendar acts same as \"moment()\" function. By clicking it one can set current date and time as a control's value. Button on top middle of calendar is used to reset date picker's value. Cross button(X) is used to exit to calendar view. From calendar we can set year, month, day and time easily with mouse clicks without typing date and time.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/datetimebox"} {"id": "4a5c7c74ef29-0", "text": "description: >-\n This Brixxbox control is similar to textbox control. Thedifference is that it\n is resize able multiline text box.\n\nMultilineTextBox\n\nIt does not provides any formatting features. In Brixxbox, if you need formatting then you should use WysiwygText (What you see is what you get).\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nThere is an additional property type for multilinetextbox. They are related to maximum and minimum height a multilinetextbox can adapt to.\n\nMultiple Line Text Input Properties\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"mulitLineTextBox\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. It should be meaningful.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default \"Not in Database\" option is selected.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nDefault value\n\nThis value is set when an application is opened or a new record is created.\n\nMultiple Line Text Input Properties\n\nMinimum height\n\nIt is a drop down list. It is selected in the form of lines. Its value ranges from 2 to 15 lines or no minimum height.\n\nMaximum height.\n\nIt is a drop down list. It is selected in the form of lines. Its value ranges from 2 to 15 lines or no maximum height.\n\nInitially adjust height to content\n\nIf its value is checked then whatever the height of initial data present will also become the height of Multi line text input.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/multilinetextbox"} {"id": "4a5c7c74ef29-1", "text": "Initially adjust height to content\n\nIf its value is checked then whatever the height of initial data present will also become the height of Multi line text input.\n\nTutorial\n\nitem id(numbox),\n\n| item name(text box),\n\nsale price(numbox),\n\nquantity(numbox), and\n\nquantity unit type(combobox). These five controls are placed in three different groupbox controls: item details, Quantity Details, and Sales Details. If you want to dig deeper in this app. Please go through\n\ngroup box documentation. Our app at start looks like this:\n\nNow we want to add item description in our app. This description can be very long so we do not want to use text box. For this purpose, we will use multilinetextinput. In the above snapshot, user can also notice that all other controls are in groupbox containers so lets also add a new groupbox control named \"Item Description\" and add a new multilinetextinput control and place it inside item description groupbox control.\n\nHere you can see multi line text input control. Interesting thing is you can change size of this control both in editor mode and in app mode. If you check \"Initially adjust height to content\" property then whenever this app gets initialized and data is being loaded from a data source, it will take the height of the text present in it.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/multilinetextbox"} {"id": "1656b2730dc8-0", "text": "description: This is a control, that lets you enter html formatted text\n\nWysiwygText", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/wysiwygtext"} {"id": "f454d31428df-0", "text": "description: Allows user to enter a time of day (not a timespan).\n\nTimeBox", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/timebox"} {"id": "5edd71faccdc-0", "text": "description: The unit control allows you to show a unit from a data source\n\nUnit\n\nBrixxbox allows you to have a unit property for each numeric box control. It is a character based property. User can set any character and it will be displayed as a unit with this numeric control. The is one way of assigning unit to a control. Brixxbox also provides it users with a unit control. The only purpose of this control is to load unit from a data source In this way, Brixxbox allow users to store numeric quantities with their units also. For example, this control can be placed as a child control to a numbox control.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Unit\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will be using \"unitDemo\" app. This is very simple app. It's purpose is to elaborate different ways to set unit of different controls. In this app, we have two controls and both of them are numeric. The first field is Item Id, it will be used to store id's of items and second field will be used to store the price of corresponding item. Our app looks like this", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/unit"} {"id": "5edd71faccdc-1", "text": "As you can see our \"Sales Price\" is numeric but we do not have any unit with it. Brixxbox provides us with unit property with some controls like \"numbox\". In this property we can assign any character to make it a unit of specific control. Now, we need to open \"Sales Price\" properties and update unit to \"Euro\" and then save the app. Now we can see in the app editor that on left side of \"Sale Price\" numbox Euro symbol is being displayed.\n\nThis is a nice way to assign unit to a specific control but this is control specific and we do not store in our database. Lets assume we want a unit app so that we list all the units available in our database. This can be done in two steps. First, we need to add an \"unit\" app which stores the names of all the units in it.\n\nIt simply stores the names of units we want in our app. Lets quickly add three units in it: Pc for piece, $ for Us Dollar, and \u00e2\u0082\u00ac for Euro currency. In second step, we need to add a combobox named \"Unit Type\" and assign our unit app as its \"sub data source\" with id, and unit name as combo box key and field values.\n\nNow as you can see from above snapshot, our unitDemo app has a combo box and now we are also seeing all available units which are present in our unit app because we have made unit app, our combobox sub data source. This is another way to display unit next to numeric field. We have already discussed combobox in our tutorial for combobox. If you you need any help for combobox, please visit this combobox documentation link ComboBox Control Documentation.\n\nNow we proceed to our third way of presenting unit with numeric control. Here \"unit\" control comes into play. Let suppose we want display the price of item in another control. This can be a different app also but for the sake of simplicity we will add new numeric control in same app. We also make new control, lets call it \"sale price test\", read only. We want a simple functionality that as soon as the value of \"sale price\" changes, it will reflect on \"sale price test\" control also. We can add onChange event on \"sale price\". This event on value change will get \"sale price\" value and set it as the value of \"sale price test\".", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/unit"} {"id": "5edd71faccdc-2", "text": "Now we also want a unit for this control. For this we need to a unit control in our app and make it a child control of our \"sale price test\" control. We also need to assign a data source to our unit control. Lets add our \"unit app\" as a data source. This data source will allow it to query and get a specific data from data source.Our app looks like this\n\nNow we can see that our \"Sale Price Test\" has a box for unit but it is empty. The reason behind this is that we need to add query to get specific unit from data source. Lets assume we want same unit as selected in our unit type combobox. The query is\n\nNow when we change the value of unit in our unit type combobox, this change also gets reflected in our sale price test unit.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/unit"} {"id": "e1188f6c696b-0", "text": "WidgetContainer\n\nA Widget container is container that can host multiple widgets just like tabcontrol hosts multiple tabs in Brixxbox controls. It is used as a parent to widgets. It is a structural control. User can use it to place and group widgets inside it also.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Widget Container\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. It should be meaningful.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will see how widget container can group different containers. This control is purely used for structuring controls. For this tutorial, we will be using item app. Our app has 4 controls: item id(numbox), | item name(text box), , sale price(numbox), and quantity(numbox). Our app looks like this:\n\nNow we need to add to widgets. Add widget controls from controls list and add label \"Item Ids\", and \"Item Details\" to them. Our app looks like this now:\n\n\\\nIn above snapshot we can see that two widgets item ids and item details are placed side by side in a horizontal fashion and also the controls inside widgets themselves are in horizontally distributed. Widget container can help us organizing our controls in better way by adding extra hierarchy level to them.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/widgetcontainer"} {"id": "c2b911d3c30f-0", "text": "description: >-\n A Widget is another structural control in Brixxbox controls. It is used to\n group controls.\n\nWidget\n\nIt is a structural control like groupbox. For a vertical alignment, you can use formgroup, groupbox. Widget is the advanced form of formgroup. User can use it inside a WidgetContainer also. Like groupBox, it also has a header and a border.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Widget\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. It should be meaningful.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will see what a widget is and how to use it to achieve vertical grouping of controls. This control is purely used for structuring controls. For this tutorial, we will be using item app. Our app has 2 controls: item id(numbox), | item name(text box). Our app looks like this:\n\nNow lets see what an empty widget look like. Add a widget control from controls list and add label \"Item details\" to it:\n\n\\\nIt is exactly similar to groupbox. In empty condition it has a label and a visible boundary. Now we want to group item id and item name. For that, we need add both item id and item name inside widget. Now these two controls with be placed inside it and if there are other controls present, Brixxbox will try to place other controls in horizontal fashion, wherever it finds a place. Our app now looks like this:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/widget"} {"id": "c2b911d3c30f-1", "text": "As we can see in the above snapshot that item id and item name controls are placed inside widget and widget containing them has a clear boundary and a header.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/widget"} {"id": "1da5c2529848-0", "text": "WedgeScanner\n\nReads scanns from a wedge barcode scanner and will trigger the OnScan event.\n\nThe minimum length for a scan result (including prefix and suffix chars) is 5 characters. That means: A scanner with prefix and suffix chars of '#' can scan a barcode, that is at least 3 characters long. A scanner without a prefix and suffix char will scan a barcode that is 5 or more characters long. In case you need to scan a shorter barcode, you need to add prefix or suffix characters in your scanner settings", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/wedgescanner"} {"id": "14319e499812-0", "text": "description: >-\n Placed as a child unter templateGrid, provides templateGridElement the html\n code to render the record\n\nTemplateGridElement\n\nIf there are more than 1 templateGridElement und a templateGrid. The user can choose the displayed version.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/grDhHVvr33A\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/controls/templategridelement"} {"id": "14c61097fa0c-0", "text": "Tips and Tricks", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/tips-and-tricks/README"} {"id": "bbe57bcfe013-0", "text": "Date and Time", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/tips-and-tricks/date-and-time/README"} {"id": "59ffd8b8bf4d-0", "text": "description: >-\n brixxbox includes the following client side libraries to deal with date, time\n and durations and calculations in that area.\n\nThe moment.js Library\n\nmoment.js\n\njavascript\n //format a date\n var myMoment = moment(app.getFieldValue(\"myDateField\"));\n console.log(myMoment.format(\"lll\")); //Jul 13, 2020 1:02 PM\n\nmoment duration format\n\njavascript\n //simple format a duration\n moment.duration(123, \"minutes\").format(); //2:03:00\n\njavascript\n //how old is the value in myDateField\n var myDuration = moment().diff(moment(app.getFieldValue(\"myDateField\")), \"seconds\");\n moment.duration(myDuration, \"seconds\").format();", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/tips-and-tricks/date-and-time/the-moment.js-library"} {"id": "436814a56a50-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a grid row is clicked. You can get more information\n where exactly the user has clicked.\n\nonRowClick\n\njavascript\n let rowElement = app.getFieldValue(\"myGrid.clickedRow\"); //The html Row element (a tr)\n let cellElement = app.getFieldValue(\"myGrid.clickedCell\"); //The html Cell element (a td)\n let cellId = app.getFieldValue(\"myGrid.clickedCellId\"); //column id of the clicked cell (e.g. \"adrFirstName\")", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrowclick"} {"id": "633caf5ae03a-0", "text": "onReturnFromModal\n\nThe event occurs when a modal child app is closed. This is a good opportunity to refresh some data because the child app might have modified it. Remember: Grids are refreshed automatically if you return from a modal app. The closed app object is available under eventArgs.details in the even source code- But be aware, that this app is closed. You can access properties liek appName but you might not use saveConfigRecord or such methods on the closed app.\n\n```javascript\n app.refreshDatasource(\"orderQuantity\");\n\nconsole.log(\"The app: ${eventArgs.details.appName} was closed\");\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onreturnfrommodal"} {"id": "8d9c62396aa4-0", "text": "description: >-\n Scope: grid The event is triggered when the selection of grid lines change.\n When a line is selected or deselected.\n\nonRowSelectionChanged\n\njavascript\n//Enable a button if exactly 1 line is selected\nlet selectedRows = app.getFieldValue(\"myGrid.selectedRows\");\napp.setEnable(\"myButton\", selectedRows.length === 1);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrowselectionchanged"} {"id": "a44afb6dca9e-0", "text": "description: The event occurs when the right sidebar for attachments gets closed\n\nonAttachmentsHide\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"An attachment sidebar closed\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onattachmentshide"} {"id": "710d418a4953-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs right before a record is deleted. By returning false, the\n following delete operation is canceled\n\nonRecordDelete\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"deleting a record\");\n if(a != b){\n return false; //cancel the delete\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrecorddelete"} {"id": "85182d7c8b03-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a key is released. You can access the event information,\n using the event parameter.\n\nonKeyUp\n\nFurther information about key events\n\njavascript\n console.log(event);\n/*\nevent.type \nevent.target \nevent.which \nevent.altKey \nevent.keyCode \nevent.shiftKey \nevent.ctrlKey \n*/", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onkeyup"} {"id": "b7d981288702-0", "text": "OnCheckPermissions\n\nOnCheckPermissions\n\nThe event occurs once after OnAppInitialized, when a possible record, that came as a parameter is loaded. You can put your code, where you check all your permission changes here, and trigger this event in OnChange events manually if you need to.\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"app is started, initialized, and a record may be loaded\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/oncheckpermissions"} {"id": "dc91dd223f6d-0", "text": "onFileImport\n\nThe event occurs when an file was selected on a fileImport control. The import function will detect if the file is using a comma or a semicolon as separator. Brixxbox will therefore count the occurrences of commas and semicolons in the first line (Header) and will use the higher counted char as separator.\n\nYou can access eventArgs.details inside this event to get the file content and meta data:\n\neventArgs.details.csvLines - Array of all lines splitted by csv rules\n\neventArgs.details.lines - Array of all lines splitted by csv rules\n\neventArgs.details.fileExtension - extension of the import file (\"csv\" for example)\n\neventArgs.details.fileExtensionLower - extension of the import file in lowercase\n\neventArgs.details.fileInfo - a javascript file info object\n\neventArgs.details.fileName - the file name\n\neventArgs.details.fileNameLower - the file name in lowercase\n\neventArgs.details.fileNameFull - the file name with extension\n\neventArgs.details.fileNameFullLower - the file name with extension in lowercase\n\neventArgs.details.rawData - the whole file content as a single text\n\neventArgs.details.rawLines - an array of all the lines. Use this if you want to split the lines following your own rules\n\njavascript\nfor(let i = 0; i < eventArgs.details.lines.length; i++){\n console(`This is line ${i} with name: ${eventArgs.details.lines[i].myNameField}`);\n}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onfileimport"} {"id": "b6268b82997a-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a grid control displays a row. RowCreated does not mean\n that a database record is created.\n\nonRowCreated\n\nThe are a couple of special objects you coul use in this event type:\n\neventArgs.details.row - this is the new row as a html element.\n\neventArgs.details.data- this is the record used for this row\n\neventArgs.details.index- this is the index of the row in the entire grid\n\n```javascript\n if(eventArgs.details.data.cordlnShippedQuantity >= eventArgs.details.data.cordlnOrderQuantity){\n $(eventArgs.details.row).addClass(\"success\");\n }\n\nif(eventArgs.details.data.cordlnOrderQuantity - eventArgs.details.data.cordlnShippedQuantity > eventArgs.details.data.cordlnStockQuantity){\n $(eventArgs.details.row).addClass(\"warning\");\n }\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrowcreated"} {"id": "1480dbb18c60-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs right before a record is saved. By returning false, the\n following save operation is canceled\n\nonRecordSave\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"saving a record\");\n if(a != b){\n return false; //cancel the save operation\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrecordsave"} {"id": "6cb1ba65ea09-0", "text": "onPictureTaken\n\nEvent that gets fired, when a camera control has taken a new picture\n\nExample usage for onPictureTaken\n\nPrint picture\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.printBlob(brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"controlId\"));\n\nAdd picture to image control\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"controlId image control\", brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"controlId camera control\"));\n\nAdd picture to attachements\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.uploadAttachement(brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"controlId\"), documentTypeId(opt", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onpicturetaken"} {"id": "2f10aa2220c6-0", "text": "description: The event occurs on app level as well as on a grid control.\n\nonRecordNew\n\nApp Level\n\nOn app level, this event is mostly used to initialize certain fields.\n\nGrid Control\n\neventArgs.details gives you the startBrixxbox parameters befor the brixxbox for the new record is started. You could add additional values to the start object or change the app to use.\n\njavascript\n eventArgs.details.additionalValues.sesTrackId = app.getFieldValue(\"eveTrack\");\n eventArgs.details.additionalValues.sesTrackConfigId = app.getFieldValue(\"eveTrackConfig\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrecordnew"} {"id": "49d4fd78b7b4-0", "text": "description: >-\n The scan events gets triggered when a barcode (or 2D code) is scanned, e.g. by\n using the wedgeScanner control. You can then ask the control for the scanned\n code.\n\nonScan\n\nSimple Example\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"The scanned code is: \" app.getFieldValue(\"myScannerControlId\"));\n\nExample using the GS1 Splitter business function\n\njavascript\nlet result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({\n functionName:\"Gs1Splitter\",\n methodName: \"Split\",\n gs1Code: brixxApi.getFieldValue(\"myScannerControlId\")\n });\n console.log(result)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onscan"} {"id": "3c52b575b672-0", "text": "description: The event occurs when a control is clicked.\n\nonClick\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"Hello:\" + app.getFieldValue(\"adrName\"));", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onclick"} {"id": "6e13f952cc6b-0", "text": "onKeyDown\n\nFurther information about key events\n\njavascript\n console.log(event);\n/*\nevent.type \nevent.target \nevent.which \nevent.altKey \nevent.keyCode \nevent.shiftKey \nevent.ctrlKey \n*/", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onkeydown"} {"id": "39ec8de8aadc-0", "text": "description: >-\n This event is called when a subDataSource is requested. You can return the\n data here instead of fetching it from the server automatically\n\nonSubDataRequest\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\nreturn [\n {\n id: 1,\n name: \"Germany\"\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n name: \"Netherlands\"\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n name: \"Poland\"\n },\n]\n\nExample Usages 2\n\njavascript\nreturn [\n (app.loadConfigRecordById(\"item\", 1)).data, \n (app.loadConfigRecordById(\"item\", 2)).data,\n (app.loadConfigRecordById(\"item\", 3)).data,\n]\n\nExample Usages 3\n\njavascript\nreturn [\n {\n id:1,\n itmName: \"lorem\",\n itmPrice: 1.23,\n itmReleaseDate: moment().add(1, \"days\").toISOString(),\n itmDescription: \"some Text\",\n },\n {\n id:2,\n itmName: \"ipsum\",\n itmPrice: 4.56,\n itmReleaseDate: moment().add(5, \"days\").toISOString(),\n itmDescription: \"some more Text\",\n }\n];", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onsubdatarequest"} {"id": "d9be41009a49-0", "text": "description: This event is called just before the mail history panel open.\n\nonMailHistoryShow\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"mail history panel opened\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onmailhistoryshow"} {"id": "7bb26c105380-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs right before a record is loaded. By returning false, the\n following load operation is canceled\n\nonRecordLoad\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"loading a record\");\n if(a != b){\n return false; //cancel the load\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrecordload"} {"id": "82e285f66217-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a grid cell is clicked. You can get more information\n where exactly the user has clicked.\n\nonCellClick\n\njavascript\n let rowElement = app.getFieldValue(\"myGrid.clickedRow\"); //The html Row element (a tr)\n let cellElement = app.getFieldValue(\"myGrid.clickedCell\"); //The html Cell element (a td)\n let cellId = app.getFieldValue(\"myGrid.clickedCellId\"); //column id of the clicked cell (e.g. \"adrFirstName\")", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/oncellclick"} {"id": "18f7f331fee6-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a record is saved. You might want to do some additional\n tasks in that case.\n\nonRecordSaved\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"Record saved\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrecordsaved"} {"id": "14cd6ec2bb96-0", "text": "description: The event can be used to transform a datasource line.\n\nonDataTransform\n\nThis function is often used to transform a calender event object. Called once pre received record. Must return a calender event.\n\nExample 1\n\nModifiy an existing record, to keep all the information but add new properties for the event\n\njavascript\neventArgs.details.title = eventArgs.details.terTitle;\neventArgs.details.description = eventArgs.details.terLongText; //This will be the tooltip text\neventArgs.details.start = eventArgs.details.terStart;\neventArgs.details.end = eventArgs.details.terEnd;\nreturn eventArgs.details;\n\nExample 2\n\nCreate a new record.\n\njavascript\nreturn {\n start: eventArgs.details.terStart\n end: eventArgs.details.terEnd\n title: eventArgs.details.terTitle\n}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/ondatatransform"} {"id": "cba4f345a176-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when an app is started but before a record is loaded and the\n OnAppInitialized event is fired. Default Values are set at this point.\n\nonAppStart\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"app is started and initialized\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onappstart"} {"id": "210a1f99833d-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs after a record is loaded and displayed. You could do some\n updates or refreshes at this point.\n\nonRecordLoaded\n\njavascript\n console.log(`record ${app.recordId} successfully loaded`);\n console.log(app.record); //you can access the record json object here", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrecordloaded"} {"id": "fa219fb3583f-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a control content is changed. You can use\n app.isLoadingRecord if you need to know if a record is loading and that is the\n reason for the change event.\n\nonChange\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"Change detected\");\n if(app.isLoadingRecord){\n console.log(\"The app is displaying a record and that triggered the event\");\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onchange"} {"id": "8bd82c213c27-0", "text": "description: >-\n This event is called just before the attachments panel open. Can be used to\n set the config and id of the attachments you want to show. This is an App wide\n event!\n\nonAttachmentsShow\n\nExample Usages\n\njavascript\n app.attachmentRecordId = app.getFieldValue(\"addressId\");\n app.attachmentAppName = \"address\";", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onattachmentsshow"} {"id": "700de8650048-0", "text": "onChildAppClosed\n\nThis event is called when a child app of you current app is closed. The closed app object is available under eventArgs.details in the even source code- But be aware, that this app is closed. You can access properties liek appName but you might not use saveConfigRecord or such methods on the closed app.\n\nExample Usages\n\n```javascript\n app.refreshDatasource(\"orderQuantity\");\n\nconsole.log(\"The app: ${eventArgs.details.appName} was closed\");\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onchildappclosed"} {"id": "73a6f9f529d0-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a key is pressed. You can access the event information,\n using the event parameter.\n\nonKeyPress\n\nFurther information about key events\n\njavascript\n console.log(event);\n/*\nevent.type \nevent.target \nevent.which \nevent.altKey \nevent.keyCode \nevent.shiftKey \nevent.ctrlKey \n*/", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onkeypress"} {"id": "31cb95205e55-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs the user moves or modifies an event.\n getFieldValue('controlId.changedEvent') or eventArgs.details can be used to\n determin the changed event\n\nonEventChange\n\nYou can get mor information about the effects:\n\nthe event before the change: getFieldValue('myCalendarControl.oldEvent')\n\nother events that got affected: getFieldValue('myCalendarControl.relatedEvents')\n\nYou can call cancelCalendarChanges to cancel all the changes\n\njavascript\nlet eventObj = app.getFieldValue(\"myCal.changedEvent\");\nlet record = app.loadConfigRecordById(\"appointment\", eventObj.id);\nrecord.data.aStart = eventObj.start;\nrecord.data.aEnd = eventObj.end;\napp.saveConfigRecord(\"appointment\", record);", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/oneventchange"} {"id": "47b220247dbc-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs the user clicks on one of the events.\n getFieldValue('controlId.changedEvent') or eventArgs.details can be used to\n determin the clicked event\n\nonEventClick\n\njavascript\napp.startBrixxbox({\n appName: \"appointmentDetails\",\n id: eventArgs.details.id, //eventArgs.details provides the clicked event object\n startMode: \"modal\"\n });\n\nGoogle Calendar\n\nHere are some usecases for event clicks you might find helpful. In Case you are using a google calendar, you could open the calendar event in a new window.\n\njavascript\n window.open(eventArgs.details.url, '_blank', 'width=700,height=600'); //this is our custom operation. we will open the event in a new window.\n\nOr you can return false at the end of the event source code, which means, that you did not handle the event by yourself and there for to execute the default behavior.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/oneventclick"} {"id": "1ebc738bc3bc-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a user deletes an attachment from the right sidebar. The\n delete attachment function does not trigger the event.\n\nonAttachmentDeleted\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"An attachment was deleted\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onattachmentdeleted"} {"id": "80414c9f736a-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when a tab page comes to the visible state. You might want to\n refresh some data here.\n\nonTabShown\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"The tab is visible\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/ontabshown"} {"id": "73c7433a3d1d-0", "text": "Events", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/README"} {"id": "7e0469276829-0", "text": "description: >-\n Scope: grid, app wide The event occurs when a record is deleted. The ids of\n the deleted records are passed as an array in eventArgs.details for example:\n [\"1\", \"5\", \"10007\"]\n\nonRecordDeleted\n\njavascript\n console.log('Deleted records: ' + eventArgs.details);\n\n\\\nAnother example to iterate over the deleted record ids:\n\njavascript\n for(let i = 0; i < eventArgs.details.length; i++){\n console.log(\"Deleted id: \" + eventArgs.details[i]);\n }", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onrecorddeleted"} {"id": "4e5329e8f55c-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event is triggered when a empty time period is selected by the user. You\n can use this to create a new calendar event\n\nonTimeSelected\n\njavascript\napp.startBrixxbox({\n appName: \"termin\",\n startMode: \"modal\",\n additionalValues: {\n terStart: eventArgs.details.startStr,\n terEnd: eventArgs.details.endStr,\n },\n });", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/ontimeselected"} {"id": "491bc21bf37a-0", "text": "description: >-\n The event occurs when an app is initialized. The OnAppStarted event is\n processed at this point. If a record id was given as a start parameter, the\n record is loaded and displayed at this time.\n\nonAppInitialized\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"app is initlialized\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onappinitialized"} {"id": "98cad2f704f8-0", "text": "description: The event occurs when an app closes from a modal state.\n\nonModalClose\n\njavascript\n console.log(\"app closed\")", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/client-api-reference/events/onmodalclose"} {"id": "0d59bb778385-0", "text": "Accordion\n\nAccordion\n\nThis is kind of a \"Tab control\", we can use it to host tab pages. For each \"TabPage\", it will create a separate expandable and collapsible region. User will be able to show and hide the controls of \"Tab pages\" by expanding and collapsing its region. You can use TabPages inside the \"Accordion\" like in a \"Tabcontrol\". The difference between \"Accordian\" and \"Tab Control\" is the later organizes \"Tab Pages\" label's on its first row. All Tab pages are accessable from this row while \"Accordion\" stacks each sibling Tab page one on another. Also these Tab pages are expandable and collapsible regions.\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. \"Accordion\" is used as a container for multiple Tab pages. By default, all Tab pages will be collapsed. It behaves similar to \"Tab control\" which means from all sibling Tab pages only one will be in expandable form and other will be in collapsed form. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using this control, \"Accordion\" control type should be selected from drop down list. Multiple Tab page's which are placed on same level of inheritance inside a \"Accordion\" are known as sibling Tab pages.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. For \"Accordion\", this property is not important.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nStyling\n\nThese properties defines how control looks like in Brixxbox.\n\nEnabled\n\nIt allows two options: yes, no. If \"yes\" is selected, the control's input will be enabled. It has no effect in \"Accordion\" because \"Accordion\" itself is not expecting any kind of input.\n\nDisabled in edit mode", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/accordion"} {"id": "0d59bb778385-1", "text": "Disabled in edit mode\n\nThere are two modes available in Brixxbox for each app: edit mode, create mode. In edit mode: user is allowed to add new controls and functionality while in create mode, on the basis of app controls, user is allowed to add a new record, edit an existing record, or list all the records. In order to edit a record, user has to list all the records using app settings and then select a specific record to edit. \"Disabled in edit mode\" is a checkbox field. If this option is selected then the control will not be functional while editing a previously saved record but it will be functional while creating a new record. In \"Accordion\" case, it will have no effect because \"Accordion\" is not expecting any kind of input.\n\nVisibility\n\nIt will specify the visibility options available in Brixxbox. There are four options available: visible, hidden, hidden in grids, and hidden in forms. For example, if hidden option is selected then all sibling tab pages inside it, will be hidden.\n\nText Color\n\nBrixxbox allows user to specify, text colors of controls. There are seven different options available in Brixxbox.\n\nTooltip\n\nEnter a text for a tool tip. This will be translated.\n\nHelp Text\n\nBrixxbox with the property allow users to add some help text. This text will be displayed below the control. The purpose of this option is to encourage the right behavior of customer while using a specific control.\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app. In this app, we have two textboxes \"first name\", \"last name\". In this tutorial, we want to put them in a tab page and ultimately add this tab page in a \"Accordion. Tab pages are the control containers which can be placed inside \"Tab Control\". If you want to know more about \"Tab Page\" have a look at its documentation. At start, our app looks like this:\n\nNow first add a \"Tab Page\" control and label it with \"Personal Details\". In next step, add both textboxes \"First Name\", \"Last Name\" as child's to the tab page. Both text boxes are siblings now. In the last step, add new \"Accordion\" and make our tab page its child", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/accordion"} {"id": "0d59bb778385-2", "text": "We have successfully created a tab page and placed it inside the \"Accordion\". We can click on arrow (right side - top) to show and hide contents of tab page.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/accordion"} {"id": "ee3437a3cd13-0", "text": "TabPage\n\nTabPage\n\nIn Brixxbox, a \"tab page\" is used as a content container. We can use it inside \"Tabcontrol\". A \"TabControl\" can contain multiple \"TabPages\". Each \"TabControl\" can have any number of controls. One important thing to note here is \"TabPage\" does not have size properties because in Brixxbox, we use \"TabPages\" within \"TabControl\" and they inherit their parent's size properties. The label of each \"TabPage\" is placed side by side on the top row of \"Tabcontrol\". By clicking on respective \"Tab Control\" label, user can access or navigate between different \"Tab Pages\".\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. \"Tab Page\" is used as a container for multiple controls. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using this control, \"TabPage\" control type should be selected from drop down list. It should be placed as a child to \"TabControl\". Multiple Tab page's which are placed on same level of inheritance inside a \"Tab Control\" are called sibling Tab pages.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. For \"Tab Page\", this property becomes very important. This property is used to recognize content of a tab page. It is recommended to use meaningful labels for a Tab page. For example, if we have an orders app, we can place orders contents in one tab page labeling it as order contents etc.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nStyling\n\nThese properties defines how control looks like in Brixxbox.\n\nEnabled\n\nIt allows two options: yes, no. If \"yes\" is selected, the control's input will be enabled. It has no effect in \"Tab Page\" because \"Tab Page\" itself is not expecting any kind of input.\n\nDisabled in edit mode", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/tabpage"} {"id": "ee3437a3cd13-1", "text": "Disabled in edit mode\n\nThere are two modes available in Brixxbox for each app: edit mode, create mode. In edit mode: user is allowed to add new controls and functionality while in create mode, on the basis of app controls, user is allowed to add a new record, edit an existing record, or list all the records. In order to edit a record, user has to list all the records using app settings and then select a specific record to edit. \"Disabled in edit mode\" is a checkbox field. If this option is selected then the control will not be functional while editing a previously saved record but it will be functional while creating a new record. In \"Tab Page\" case, it will have no effect because \"Tab Page\" is not expecting any kind of input.\n\nVisibility\n\nIt will specify the visibility options available in Brixxbox. There are four options available: visible, hidden, hidden in grids, and hidden in forms. For example, if hidden option is selected then this specific tab page will be hidden.\n\nText Color\n\nBrixxbox allows user to specify, text colors of controls. There are seven different options available in Brixxbox.\n\nTooltip\n\nEnter a text for a tool tip. This will be translated.\n\nHelp Text\n\nBrixxbox with the property allow users to add some help text. This text will be displayed below the control. The purpose of this option is to encourage the right behavior of customer while using a specific control.\n\nTutorial", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/tabpage"} {"id": "ee3437a3cd13-2", "text": "Tutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app. In this app, we have two textboxes \"first name\", \"last name\", Date Time Box control as \"Arrival time\", and a \"save\" button. We use this app to store some information like first name, last name, and arrival date time about our employee. \"Save\" button validates the inputs and save them, when button is clicked. Now we also want to split personal information (first and last name) and other details (Arrival time) and display them on different pages so that To allow this behavior we need to add two \"Tab Pages\" to store this information. Add both Tab pages one by one from the drop down list and label them \"Personal Details\" and \"Other Details\". Now put \"First Name\" and \"Second Name\" text box as a child in \"Personal Details\" Tab Page. We need to put \"Arrival time\" Date and Time Box and \"Save\" button in \"Other details\" Tab page. Now save the app and lets look at how our application looks now.\n\nWe can see from above figure that we have Tab pages with their respective controls, sound okay but wait a minute! on the right sight of the picture we see nothing. It is showing the our Tab pages are not being shown. The reason is that Tab pages can not be used stand alone. They have to be used inside a \"Tab Control\" or \"Accordion\". Lets now add them one by one and analyze changes. Firstly, add a \"Tab Control\" and makes our two tab pages siblings, inside it. Now save app. App structure will look like this now:\n\nNow let see how our App looks like:\n\nOn the left side, we have selected \"Personal Details\" Tap page while on right side, we have \"Other Details\" tab page. We can only select one tab page at a time. We are almost done. As you see in above picture, there is a horizontal line passing through \"First Name\" control on left side and from \"Arrival Time\" on right side. It does not look beautiful. Now let get rid of it. To overcome this we have to use \"Row\" control. Lets add a row control and analyze App structure and App view.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/tabpage"} {"id": "ee3437a3cd13-3", "text": "On the left side, we can see that we added \"Row\" control as a child of Tab pages and this row acts as a parent of other controls. On the right side we see that there is no line our controls are present in a container. Beautiful!\n\nLet's see, how our Tab pages will look like when placed inside \"Accordion\" instead of \"Tab Control\". Add an \"Accordion\" in place of \"Tab Control\" in our app and everything else remains the same:\n\nFrom above figure, we can see our tab pages but only their names are visible. What happened here? Ahh, remember that \"Accordion\" control makes our tab pages expandable and compressible. By default they are in compressed form. Now lets expand \"Personal Details\"\n\nNow we can see the contents of Personal Details Tab Page. If you want to know about \"Tab Control\" or \"Accordion\", please have a look at their documentation also.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/tabpage"} {"id": "73b4f4e20007-0", "text": "Button\n\nButton\n\nIn Brixxbox buttons can be used to validate the business logic. For this purpose, you will most likely add a click event to specify the action.\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. Check box is the easiest control. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using button control, \"Button\" control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters. For button, normally we do not want to store its value in database.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. For buttons, it makes sense to label them via action that will be performed on pressing them. For Example, on login page we see \"login\" or \"sign up\" buttons. If user is a new one then he has to sign himself up in the system by clicking on the \"sign up\" button and then following the default procedure. On the other hand if user is existing one, to log in he will click on \"login\" button.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nShortcut\n\nA user can assign a shortcut command to button. For example, [Ctrl]-[Alt]-D. When ever this command is executed, button will be pressed\n\nSize\n\nIn Brixxbox, the screen is divided into 12 logical columns horizontally. For each control you can select explicitly how large it should be according to your application needs. Size properties defines how control will be displayed in Brixxbox App.\n\nLabel on Top of Control", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/button"} {"id": "73b4f4e20007-1", "text": "Label on Top of Control\n\nIf this option is selected then the label of a control and actual control will be in two different horizontal lines and control's label will be present on the top line. It does not make sense in button scenario. Button label should be displayed inside the control. It is insignificant for button but plays an important roles for other controls like textbox etc. For other controls, if this option is not selected then 12 column's will be shared between label and control itself. For example, label can be 4/12 column's long and control can be 8/12 columns long.\n\nThe display layout is divided into four different categories depending upon the pixels. For each category, Brixxbox also allows you to customize the width of control.\n\nPhone (and up)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 768 pixels. For examples: Smart phones. This will be by default selected category in Brixxbox. In this category, each control will be assigned to 12/12 by default. It means that in extra small screens, each control takes up the whole horizontal line and next control will take up whole next horizontal line and soon\n\nTablets (and up)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 992 pixels. For example: Tablets. By switching this settings on, they will come into play for particular app.\n\nMedium Devices (Laptops)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 1200 pixels. For example: Laptops. In Medium devices, an input control will be set to 4/12 per control by default with option to customize the size of controls.\n\nLarge Devices (Big Monitors)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels greater than 1200 pixels. For example: Big monitor displays.\n\nCustom Label class\n\nThis is only relevant if the control is in a From Group, and so the Label is left or right of the control instead of above it. It uses the same rules as the Width properties as above.\n\nStyling\n\nThese properties defines how control looks like in Brixxbox.\n\nEnabled\n\nIt allows two options: yes, no. If yes is selected, the control will be enabled. In button's case, it will be clickable. On the other hand, if no is selected, it will be disabled.\n\nDisabled in edit mode", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/button"} {"id": "73b4f4e20007-2", "text": "Disabled in edit mode\n\nThere are two modes available in Brixxbox for each app: edit mode, create mode. In edit mode: user is allowed to add new controls and functionality while in create mode, on the basis of app controls, user is allowed to add a new record, edit an existing record, or list all the records. In order to edit a record, user has to list all the records using app settings and then select a specific record to edit. \"Disabled in edit mode\" is a checkbox field. If this option is selected then the button will not be functional in edit mode but it will be functional in create mode of Brixxbox.\n\nVisibility\n\nIt will specify the visibility options available in Brixxbox. There are four options available: visible, hidden, hidden in grids, and hidden in forms.\n\nText Color\n\nBrixxbox allows user to specify, text colors of controls. There are seven different options available in Brixxbox.\n\nButton Style\n\nThis option gives color to control's background This is important option for button. It gives a hint for what to expect when clicking the button. For example, a cancel button should be of red background. This gives a hint to user that in case of pressing you will lose some information.\n\nSquared\n\nThis option will create a squared button. For example, if we have selected a button of 4/12 size and this option is also selected then a button of size 484 will be created.\n\nIcon\n\nBrixxbox is very dynamic and allows a lot of configurability. Many icons are present in Brixxbox and user can choose according to their needs. If user select this option then the Icon will be placed next to the button label.\n\nTooltip\n\nEnter a text for a tool tip. This will be translated.\n\nHelp Text\n\nBrixxbox with the property allows users to add some help text. This text will be displayed below the control (in this case button). The purpose of this option is to encourage the right behavior of customer while using a specific control.\n\nFor further information please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System\n\nTutorial", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/button"} {"id": "73b4f4e20007-3", "text": "For further information please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app and they want to add a new control of type \"Button\". In this app, we have two textboxes \"first name\", \"last name\" and we want to add a \"save\" button. We want to validate the inputs and save them when button is pressed. First of all, select \"Button\" from list of controls. After that you need to give an id to your button. After this save your application. Your application should look like this:\n\nWe can see a button named \"Save\" with white back ground. This does not give look promising. Now we can add different background colors. For doing this, go to button edit control and select \"styling\" tab. Here choose \"Success\" from Button sytle property. Now save your app. It will now look like this\n\nWe want to save the employee first name and last name when the button \"Save\" is pressed. Firstly, we need to add \"onClick\" event to our button and then we need to add code to our button \"onClick\" event. When our button is pressed, firstly we need to validate the input and display error if not. Add \"nonEmpty\" control validator on both \"First Name\" and \"Last Name\". Secondly, add \"app.saveCurrentRecord();\" code to \"onClick\" of our save button. Now if you try to save the empty record. It will give error. The error is shown below:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/button"} {"id": "e6be32abcf01-0", "text": "CheckBox\n\nCheckBox\n\nA checkbox that can be checked (value: 1) or not (value: 0). For example, if you have an items application. You can use checkbox to show its availability.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/Z72Ao2Pge5c\" %}\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. Check box is the easiest control. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using Check box control, \"Check Box\" control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters. Brixxbox saves checkbox value in one bit.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control. For checkboxes, it makes sense to label them like \"isAvailable\" in the form of Yes/ No questions\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default \"Not in Database\" option is selected.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nDefault value\n\nThis value is set when an application is opened or a new record is created.\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app and they want to add a new control of type \"Check Box\". First of all, select \"Check Box\" from list of controls. After that you need to give an id to your check box and create column in database. We also added two buttons \"Set\" and \"Reset\". For this tutorial we will follow the structure of demo given above.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/checkbox"} {"id": "e6be32abcf01-1", "text": "We need to add code to our button \"onClick\" events. \"Set\" button will set the value of checkbox and \"Reset\" button will unselect it. Brixxbox accepts input for setting/resetting checkboxes in following formats: as an integer (0,1), as a string \"0 or 1\", as a Boolean (true or false). The code snippet of Set button is given here\n\nWhen set button is pressed, it sets the checkbox. Similar is the case when the reset button is clicked it will uncheck the checkbox. After clicking set button our app will look like this\n\nIn the last, there is one point you need to care about whenever you want to use true and false to set or reset the checkbox do it in these three ways 0, \"0\" or false. Do not use true or false as string values like \"false\" while setting the value of checkbox. It will result in unexpected behavior.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/checkbox"} {"id": "51e45c797e37-0", "text": "TabControl\n\nTabControl\n\nWhen an application has many controls or in other words, a lot of information to store. Adding more controls on one screen, in such manner that they become congested, is not sensible. Instead of doing so, it becomes appropriate to add different pages to your application. Brixxbox provides users with two types of pages: Tabs, and Accordions. In Brixxbox, if we want to add pages to our application we will need a control to manage these pages. This is done by \"TabControl\".\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. \"TabControl\" acts as an host element for TabPages or Accordions. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using this control, \"TabControl\" control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nSize\n\nIn Brixxbox, the screen is divided into 12 logical columns horizontally. For each control you can select explicitly how big it should be according to your application needs. Size properties defines how control will be displayed in Brixxbox App.\n\nLabel on Top of Control\n\nIf this option is selected then the label of a control and actual control will be in two different horizontal lines. If this option is not selected then 12 column's will be shared between label and control itself and both of them will be present on same line in side by side formation. For example, label can be 4/12 column's long and control can be 8/12 columns long over same horizontal line.\n\nThe display layout is divided into four different categories depending upon the pixels. For each category, Brixxbox allows you to customize the width of control.\n\nPhone (and up)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/tabcontrol"} {"id": "51e45c797e37-1", "text": "Phone (and up)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 768 pixels. For example: Smart phones. This will be by default selected category in Brixxbox. In this category, each control will be assigned to 12/12 by default. It means that in extra small screens, each control takes up the whole horizontal line and next control will take up whole next horizontal line and soon.\n\nTablets (and up)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 992 pixels. For example: Tablets. By switching this settings on, they will come into play for particular app.\n\nMedium Devices (Laptops)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels less than 1200 pixels. For example: Laptops. In Medium devices, an input control will be set to 4/12 per control by default with option to customize the size of controls.\n\nLarge Devices (Big Monitors)\n\nThis category includes devices which have screen pixels greater than 1200 pixels. For example: Big monitor displays.\n\nCustom Label class\n\nThis is only relevant if the control is in a From Group, and so the Label is left or right of the control instead of above it. It uses the same rules as the Width properties as above.\n\nStyling\n\nThese properties defines how control looks like in Brixxbox.\n\nEnabled\n\nIt allows two options: yes, no. If \"yes\" is selected, the control's input will be enabled. In \"TabControl\" case, it will have no effect because \"TabControl\" is not expecting any kind of input.\n\nDisabled in edit mode\n\nThere are two modes available in Brixxbox for each app: edit mode, create mode. In edit mode: user is allowed to add new controls and functionality while in create mode, on the basis of app controls, user is allowed to add a new record, edit an existing record, or list all the records. In order to edit a record, user has to list all the records using app settings and then select a specific record to edit. \"Disabled in edit mode\" is a checkbox field. If this option is selected then the control will not be functional while editing a previously saved record but it will be functional while creating a new record. In \"tabControl\" case, it will have no effect because \"TabControl\" is not expecting any kind of input.\n\nVisibility", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/tabcontrol"} {"id": "51e45c797e37-2", "text": "Visibility\n\nIt will specify the visibility options available in Brixxbox. There are four options available: visible, hidden, hidden in grids, and hidden in forms. For example, if hidden option is selected then we will not be able to different tab pages in a tab control.\n\nText Color\n\nBrixxbox allows user to specify, text colors of controls. There are seven different options available in Brixxbox.\n\nTooltip\n\nEnter a text for a tool tip. This will be translated.\n\nHelp Text\n\nBrixxbox with the property allow users to add some help text. This text will be displayed below the control. The purpose of this option is to encourage the right behavior of customer while using a specific control.\n\nFor further information please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app. In this app, we have two textboxes \"first name\", \"last name\". In this tutorial, we want to put them in a tab page and ultimately add this tab page in a \"Tab Control\". Tab pages are the control containers which can be placed inside \"Tab Control\". If you want to know more about \"Tab Page\" have a look at its documentation. Lets get started.\n\nOur app looks like this at start:\n\nNow first add a \"Tab Page\" control and label it with \"Personal Details\". In next step, add both textboxes \"First Name\", \"Last Name\" as child's to the tab page. Both text boxes have become siblings now. In the last step, add new \"Tab Control\" and make our tab page a child of \"Tab Control\"\n\nWe have successfully created a tab page and placed it inside the \"Tab Control\".", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/tabcontrol"} {"id": "db8c4c1d231c-0", "text": "ComboBox\n\nComboBox\n\nComboboxes are often used to refer to header records (an order line record will most likely have a combobox with its order record).\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/KhrooXGYBQ4\" %}\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox app configurations you can add different controls. One of them is ComboBox. Each control has four types of settings\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are main behavioral properties of any control. These are responsible for control's functionality.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using combobox control, combobox control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. By default Brixxbox assigns a random id which starts with underscore and followed by a string. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters. Each control is always accessed with its Control Id. For Example, you can get and set control value by using its ControlId. If you want to store value of this control in database, use the database button to create a column. You will be able to select column datatype, max length, can be null, options.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. If no option is specified then by default \"Not in Database\" option is chosen. If you want to set it then you have to specify the controlId of data source.\n\nRefers to config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nCombobox Key Field\n\nThis is the field value from the sub data source. It also becomes the value of our combo box. When we have to get the value of our combo box using \"getfieldvalue\" function. It will return the corresponding id of selected combobox entry.\n\nCombobox Value Field", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/combobox"} {"id": "db8c4c1d231c-1", "text": "Combobox Value Field\n\nThis option defines how each entry of your combobox will be displayed. It can be a single or multiple columns from sub data source. For single column just name the column. For Example, \"adrName\". If you want to choose multiple columns, then use curly brackets. You can choose any place holders between them. For example, {id} - {adrName}. \"-\" is a place holder while id, adrName are column names.\n\nMin Search Length\n\nThis option specifies the minimum search length of string to trigger search function. If you do not want any search function then specify \"-1\". In case you want to specify after how many characters Brixxbox should trigger the search and get actual records from the sub data source, specify it here as positive integer. For Example, if value 3 is specified then Brixxbox will trigger actual search only after 3 characters are entered in search field.\n\nMultiselect\n\nWhen this option is specified, one can select multiple values as combobox entries.\n\nSelect List Button\n\nBy default this is hidden. It opens a list of all items of sub data source. It can be used to select an entry from combobox.\n\nSelect Edit Button\n\nBy default this is enabled. If a value is selected in combobox then by clicking edit button will open the complete record in corresponding application. If it is clicked without any value it will open the corresponding application with no record. It can be used to add a new record.\n\nDefault Value\n\nThis value is set when an application is opened or a new record is created.\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial will follow the similar example used in the demo for combobox. You can find this demo at the top of this page.\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app and they want to add a new control of type \"Combo Box\". First of all, select \"combo box\" from list of controls.\n\nAfter that you need to give a id to your combobox and create column in database if necessary. Here we named it \"myCombo\". Also, add a public label for combobox. We labelled it \"Address\".", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/combobox"} {"id": "db8c4c1d231c-2", "text": "Now save the control. It is time to assign a sub data source to our control. Click a sub data source button. Here you can assign different types of data sources. For this example, we will use config data source type. After that select the corresponding app config. We are selecting \"address\" config because we want to display all the addresses.\n\nUp till now we have defined a combobox, assigned a unique control id and also added a sub data source to it. Now we want to assign two main properties to combobox: combobox key field, combobox value field. \"Combobox key\" property is a column from result set that will also be the value of our combobox when the entry of combobox is set. Mostly it is the id of result set. Here we also choose id. We can use this value for comparisons. For combobox value field, we want to display values of two columns: adrNumber, adrName from result set. We have to use curly brackets when using multiple columns.\n\nEach entry of combobox will now represent the number of the address and the person's name. For example \"10001 John\". In this way we can define and use combobox but can we use the value of combobox to display or change some other data? the answer is yes!. For demonstration, we will add grid control (see grid documentation) \"myGrid\". We also assign address config as a sub data source for our grid control. Now \"myGrid\" control will display all the addresses present in the result set.\n\nAs you can see from above picture that nothing is selected in our combobox \"Address\". Now we want that whenever we select a record in combobox, the grid displays the same selected record only. For this purpose, we need to modify sub data source of mygrid and add a where clause. An important thing to note here is that all controls of an app are available as sql parameters. In where clause, we need to specify a condition which displays only a record which matches combobox value. We can specify this as \"id=@myCombo\". Remember that we selected \"combobox key field\" as id of sub data source \"address\". In order to pass this change to grid, we have to add a control event \"onChange\" to our combobox control. Whenever our combobox value change, we want \"myGrid\" to refresh.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/combobox"} {"id": "db8c4c1d231c-3", "text": "Now save and set a combobox value and we will be able to see only selected record in \"myGrid\". As we can see from figure below.\n\nCombobox also allows us to select multiple records at a same time. To achieve this functionality, select \"multiselect\" checkbox from combobox properties. You can see from figure below that multiple values are selected in combobox but there is no record shown in grid.\n\nThis is because we were using where clause for comparing one value of combobox but now our combobox has multiple values. Now if we call \"getfieldvalue\" function on our combobox. It will return an array with selected combobox key value's. Now we have to update our where clause logic in grid to display all selected records. We add this statement to where clause \"id in (select value from OpenJson(@myCombo))\". This statement says that if a value is present in result set then display it in grid.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/combobox"} {"id": "07005ce72eeb-0", "text": "FullCalendar\n\nCalendar\n\nThis Control provides an outlook like calendar.\n\nDemo\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/iF6Gr29hr4U\" %}\n\nUsage examples\n\nSetting a date to a calendar control scrolls to that date.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl\", \"2019-01-31\");\n\nSub Settings\n\nThe Calendar supports sub settings to set. You can add resource(s) to the calendar for example:\n\nResources\n\nYou can add resources to your calendar by using the setFieldValue comand. To see and use them, you have to enable to resource views in the control view properties.\n\n```javascript\n //Resources will delete all and set a new array of resources\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resources\", [ \n {\n id: 1,\n title: \"Room A\",\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n title: \"Room B\",\n }]);\n\n//resource will add a single resource\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resource\", { \n id: 1,\n title: \"Room A\",\n mySortCrit: 100\n });\n```\n\n\\\nResources can be grouped. You need a grouping criteria in your resources and you must tell the calendar the name of this criteria. The order of both operations does not matter.\n\n```javascript\n\n//Set the grouping criteria\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resourceGroupField\", \"building\");\n\n//Add the resources\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resources\", [ \n {\n id: 1,\n building \"Main building\",\n title: \"Room A\",\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n building \"Main building\",\n title: \"Room B\",\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n building \"Side building\",\n title: \"Room C\",\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n building \"Side building\",\n title: \"Room D\",\n }\n ]);\n```\n\nThe width of the resource side panel can be set as well. Can be specified as a number of pixels, or a CSS string value, like \"25%\".\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resourceAreaWidth\", \"30%\")\n\nYou can sort the resourceList by a setFiedlValue command as well.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/fullcalendar"} {"id": "07005ce72eeb-1", "text": "You can sort the resourceList by a setFiedlValue command as well.\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resourceOrder\", \"title\"); \n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resourceOrder\", \"-title\"); //sort descending\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.resourceOrder\", \"mySortCrit,title\"); //sort by your custom resource property mySortCrit, then by title\n\n\\\nTo assing events to resources, set the resourceId property in the DataTransform event like the start or end time.\n\njavascript\n eventArgs.details.title = eventArgs.details.myTitle;\n eventArgs.details.start = eventArgs.details.myStart;\n eventArgs.details.end = eventArgs.details.myEnd;\n eventArgs.details.resourceId = eventArgs.details.myRoomId; //set resourceId to assing the event to a resource\n\nViews\n\nYou can switch to a specific view mode by calling a set value. The following view modes are available, but might be restricted to your control settings.\n\ndayGridMonth\n\ntimeGridWeek\n\ntimeGridDay\n\nlistWeek\n\nresourceTimeline\n\nresourceTimelineWeek\n\nresourceTimeGridDay\n\njavascript\n brixxApi.setFieldValue(\"myCalendarControl.view\", \"resourceTimeline\");", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/fullcalendar"} {"id": "7c07339d0956-0", "text": "Controls", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/README"} {"id": "2176d138c48c-0", "text": "TextBox\n\nText Box\n\nA text box just lets the user enter a text and saves it. You can use various validators to check the input. For example, \"nonEmpty\" validator will display error that this field should not be left empty.\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. Text box is one of the simplest and commonly used control. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using Text Box control, \"text input\" control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default \"Not in Database\" option is selected.\n\nInclude in global search\n\nIf checked, this allows this control to be included in global search scope of this application.\n\nSelect all on focus\n\nThis property when checked allows to select all the text in the text box, whenever this text box comes in focus.\n\nInput Mask RegEx\n\nThis property allows you to set regular expression for input of text box. For example, ^[0-9a-zA-Z]*$. This regex allows digits from 0 to 9, small and big alphabets to be part of the input.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nUnit\n\nThe property allows you to specify a unit character here. For example we can specify $ for US Dollar, \u00e2\u0082\u00ac for Euro etc.\n\nLoad record on load\n\nIf this checkbox is selected then Brixxbox will load the record using value of this text box as a key.\n\nDefault value\n\nThis value is set when an application is opened or a new record is created.\n\nTutorial", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/textbox"} {"id": "2176d138c48c-1", "text": "Default value\n\nThis value is set when an application is opened or a new record is created.\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app and they want to add a new control of type \"Text Input\". First of all, select \"Text Input\" from list of controls. After that you need to give a id to your textbox and create column in database if you want to store the input in database. Here we named it \"tbdText\". Also, add a public label for Textbox. I labelled it \"Street Name\". You can any text in it. For example, add name of street. When you save this record. It will be saved in database. This is the first usage. We can also use text box to display the results from other controls. Lets use address combobox here. It is the same combobox we used in combobox tutorial.\n\nNow when we select the value of combobox, we also want to set the value of \"tbdText\". The value of \"tbdText\" will correspond to name of street of the address selected in combobox. For this purpose, we need to add \"onchange\" event on combobox and add a custom code for it. In this code, first of all, we get the id of address chosen in combobox then we load the complete record using Brixxbox \"loadConfigRecordById\". In the end we will set the value of \"tbdText\" by using \"setFieldValue\" function. In this function, the first parameter takes the controlId of control whose value we want to set and second parameter takes actual value.\n\nNow save the app config and test it by selecting any value of address combobox. It will also set the street name text box with corresponding street name.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/textbox"} {"id": "af0fbc053a4e-0", "text": "NumBox\n\nA numeric Text box lets the user to enter a number. It can be used for saving numerical input and also for displaying numerical data. You can use various control validators to check validity of input like \"nonEmpty\", \"digits\", \"lessThan\", and \"zipCode\" etc. For example, if you want to store a zip code for addresses, you can use a num box for input and then use a control validator \"zipCode\" on it. \"zipCode\" validator allows users to set two properties: custom message, country code. User can set any message according to application needs and specify the country name. Brixxbox will display error if zip code entered by user is not valid with respect to country code provided in settings.\n\nDocumentation\n\nBrixxbox app configurations allows you to add different controls in your app. Num box is the simplest control. Its general properties are described below\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese properties defines how control behaves in Brixxbox.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using num box control, \"Numeric input\" control type should be selected from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default \"Not in Database\" option is selected.\n\nSelect all on focus\n\nThis property when checked allows to select all the data in the num box, whenever this num box comes in focus.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nDecimal Digits\n\nThis option allows you to set whole numbers or real numbers up to 10 decimal precision as a valid input for your num box.\n\nNo Up/Down arrows\n\nIf you check this option then no up/down arrows will be provided next to number. The default functionality of up/down arrows is to provide increment by 1 or decrement by 1 when upper arrow or down arrow is clicked respectively.\n\nUnit", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/numbox"} {"id": "af0fbc053a4e-1", "text": "Unit\n\nThe property allows you to specify a unit character here. For example we can specify $ for US Dollar, \u00e2\u0082\u00ac for Euro etc.\n\nLoad record on load\n\nIf this checkbox is selected then Brixxbox will load the record using value of this text box as a key.\n\nDefault value\n\nThis value is set when an application is opened or a new record is created.\n\nTutorial\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing app and they want to add a new control of type \"Numeric Input\". First of all, select \"Numeric Input\" from list of controls. After that you need to give an id to your num box and create column in database if you want to store the input in database.\n\nHere we will consider two possible scenarios: getting a value from user for our num box and saving it, and on the basis of other control displaying some value in our num box.\n\nLet start with the first case. For our Tutorial, select a \"Numeric input\" control type. Assign a meaningful controlId to it. We name it \"nbZipCode\". Here we add \"ZipCode\" name with mandatory prefix of the app \"nb\". Add it to database because we want to store zip codes. We have also assigned \"Zip Code\" label to it. Now save it.\n\nWith above settings, any numeric values can be accepted as a valid input but we want to change this behavior of num box. We want to save zip codes of Germany in our num box. The question arises, How can we alter the settings of num box so that it only accepts valid zip code? A valid German zip code consists of only 5 positive digits. To achieve it, we add a control validator \"zipCode\" to our num box. In its settings, for country code we choose \"DE\" for Germany and save it.\n\nNow our num box only allow 5 digits positive numbers. Otherwise it will give an error.\n\nNow we will take a look into second case. Let take the address comboBox which we used in the combo box tutorial. Now when we set an address in our combobox, we want to display its corresponding zipcode in our num box. We have to write a custom code on \"onChange\" event of combobox. This event will be triggered when combo box value change. The code looks like this", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/numbox"} {"id": "af0fbc053a4e-2", "text": "In first line of code we are getting the \"key field value\" of our selected combobox value. To get full record from data we are using \"loadConfigRecordById\" function in line 2. In line 3 we are setting the value of zip code num box with the value of zip code of loaded record. We also do not want our users to change this value. We need to set \"Enabled\" styling property of our num box to \"No\". Now when we select an address from combobox, it sets the num box value with the zip code of record set in combo box.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/numbox"} {"id": "67f356317115-0", "text": "Grid\n\nGrid\n\nA grid displays a list of records, specified by the sub data source of that control.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Grid\" control type from drop down.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nHide Select Checkbox Column\n\nBy default, grid also display's a checkbox with each row. This checkbox is used to select a specific row. If it is enabled then user can select multiple rows at a time and perform different operations on them like deletion. If user does not want to display this checkbox then this property should be checked.\n\nHide Edit Button Column\n\nThis property is by default unchecked. It allows grid to display an edit button with each displayed row. If user does not want to display Edit button then this property should be checked.\n\nCascade Delete\n\nThis is a checkbox. If it is set and a delete operation is performed on a record, in an app containing this Grid control then all the lines of a record will get deleted. For example: User wants to delete an order with all of its item's lines.\n\nCascade Copy\n\nIf it is set and a copy operation is performed on a record, in an app containing this Grid control then all the lines of a record will get copied. For example: User wants to copy an order with all of its item's lines.\n\nServer Side Paging\n\nUse this property for big data tables. If checked, grid will only be able to data from server side only instead of getting all the data from data source.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/grid"} {"id": "67f356317115-1", "text": "Smooth Scroll\n\nIf checked, this property allows the users to scroll through list of items of grid instead of scrolling up and down via paging buttons.\n\nNo automatic refresh\n\nUse this property when fetching expensive Grid data. If set, it will block unnecessary calls for data. Brixxbox allows an app to refresh data of all of its controls using \"app.refresh()\" function. Settings this property will exclude this grid from data refresh calls. However, you can refresh grid data by specifying the grids name in refresh function. For Example: app.refresh(\"myGrid\").\n\nTutorial\n\nGird control can be used in two possible scenarios: displaying all data of sub data source. For example: listing all customer orders, and displaying some values. For example: listing order lines of a specific customer order only.\n\nThis tutorial assumes that a user has an existing customer order app which records customer's order data. They want to list all customer orders in a new app and update grid to display all order lines of a specific customer order in customer order app.\n\nFor first scenario, create a customer order list app, select \"Grid\" from list of controls. After that you need to give an id to your grid. As grid is usually used to display data from a sub data source, so there is no need to create column in database for Grid control.\n\nLet start with the first case. Select a new app, name it \"customerOrderList\". Select a \"Grid\" control type from the list, assign a unique id and meaningful label:\n\nAs you can see from the above picture, we have added a grid control but nothing appears in app editor on right side. This is not an error but expected behavior because grid control is used to display a list of records but first we need to specify \"sub data source\" in grid properties. For this click on \"edit sub data source\" and select \"config\" as a data source type. Now select \"CustomerOrder\" app to display all customer orders and save app settings.\n\nNow you can see that our grid list all customer orders. In its menu, grid allows multiple options like adding new data row, deleting data row, refresh grid, copy data, search filter and drop down list for specifying number of entries for display. Grid provides each data row with plus, select, and edit button. Depending on screen size grid displays only few data columns and plus button is used to see remaining columns as shown below:", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/grid"} {"id": "67f356317115-2", "text": "Grid allows us to enable or disable select and edit buttons(see General Properties). We have successfully listed all customer orders, now we move towards second scenario. We have two relations between customer order and order lines which are: customer order can have multiple order lines, and one order line can only belong to one customer order. In this part, we want to cover second relation. Now we want to display order lines which belong to only one customer order in customer order app grid. Our customer order app looks like this:\n\nThere are a lot of details in this app which are not important here. Our concern is order lines gird which will display only those order lines which belong to one specific order. To allow this behavior, we need to edit \"sub data source\" settings of our order lines grid and set \"target field binding\" with the customer order line id.\n\nNow we will see only those order lines in our grid which belong to same customer order. Lets add a new order for our customer John and add a new order line for this order.\n\nNow order lines which belong to John's order are being displayed in our order lines grid. In our case we only added one order line.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/grid"} {"id": "929e8a619c17-0", "text": "Badge\n\nBadge\n\nA badge control is designed to be added as a child to button controls. It is used to show notifications over buttons. For example, total number of orders can be shown over an order button via badge.\n\nDocumentation\n\nIn Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are:\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nSize\n\nStyle\n\nTranslation\n\nGeneral Properties\n\nThese are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App.\n\nControl Type\n\nFor using grid control, click on \"Add Control\" and select \"Badge\" control type from drop down list.\n\nControl Id\n\nFor each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: \"_abcdef\". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters.\n\nLabel\n\nIt is the display value for control.\n\nData\n\nThis property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default \"Not in Database\" option is selected.\n\nRefers to Config\n\nYou need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config.\n\nDefault Value\n\nNormally this is the value which is assigned to a control when the app is opened or a new record is created, the brixxApi calls setFieldValue on this control and set the control's value with the default value. In badge, this can be the only value to get assigned to it. As it not interactable, we do not need to change its value.\n\nTutorial\n\nIn this tutorial, we will be using \"customerOrderList\" app. It is a simple app which consists of a grid and a button with a badge. The grid lists all available customer orders. The button \"Number of Orders\" has a badge over it which displays all the customer orders present in our system. Our app looks like this", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/badge"} {"id": "929e8a619c17-1", "text": "Here we can see there are only three customer orders are available. These customer orders are uniquely identified by \"internal Id\". For very less number of customer orders, it is easy to count them but if we have a huge amount of orders and we want their count. This count can daily, monthly, yearly or all time based. This is one scenario where we can use badge over a button. It acts like a notification over button. To add a badge we need to select a badge from top down list of controls in our app.\n\nAnother important point to note here is that we have placed badge as a child of the button control. You can do this by dragging the badge control towards right under button control. Our control hierarchy is shown in above figure. We care still not able to see the badge. The reason is we still need to provide data source for our badge. Lets add a data source. Click on \"edit data source\" button. Select \"Sql\" as a data source type because we want to count the total number of orders. Now we need to add a sql query which will count the number of total orders present in our system. We will use this query \"SELECT count(id) from customerOrder\". We are counting on the basis of \"internal ids\" because they are unique. Data source selection window should look like this\n\nWe see now a badge showing over our button and it is showing the count of total customer orders. For now we have only three customer orders in our app.", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/controls/badge"} {"id": "8331af3dc900-0", "text": "Custom Grid Column Date Format\n\n{% embed url=\"https://scribehow.com/shared/Custom_Grid_Column_Date_Format__-gCoRKIhSp6CgvPorDUgHg\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/how-tos/custom-grid-column-date-format"} {"id": "4445b014ea2a-0", "text": "Brixxbox Welcome Tour\n\n{% embed url=\"https://scribehow.com/shared/ERP-Cockpit__2aJnoQ5HSgmWzNK8AqaOtg\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/how-tos/brixxbox-welcome-tour"} {"id": "00baf1b19d5f-0", "text": "description: How to use brixxbox custom functions in telerik\n\nTelerik Page Footer Sum\n\nBrixxPageFooterSum\n\nSums elements in a table up to this footer\n\n{% hint style=\"info\" %}\nEach page sum function can only be used once in a report. Using it multiple times will result in wrong calculated values!\n{% endhint %}\n\nDemo\n\njavascript\n//This function belongs in a PageFooterSection of a telerik report\n=PageExec(\"textBoxValue\", //put in a textbox from your table row. Typically your value textbox, but whatever is in your row will work. This triggers the accumulation of the values\n BrixxPageFooterSum(\n Fields.yourValue, //put in the Value Field you want to sum up\n ReportDefinition)) //this is fix (it will tell the sum to reset for each new report)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/how-tos/telerik-page-footer-sum"} {"id": "634ed60d485b-0", "text": "description: Example of a HTTP Request to the brixxbox\n\nCreate Report REST\n\nCreate Report REST\n\nYou can create a report from 3rd party systems by using a http POST call to the brixxbox.\n\nWe created a postman solution to demonstrate the call because you have to login first. Run in Postman\n\n3 Environment Variables have to be set in Postman: \"UserEmail\" and \"UserPassword\" for the login call an \"Workspace\" for the url part of the CreatePdf call\n\nYou can specify if the report should be archived or not in the post parameters:\n\n```json\n// POST call to https://app.brixxbox.net/w/{{Workspace}}/c/default/reporting/CreatePdf\n{\n \"reportName\": \"addresslist\",\n\n//optional parameters\n \"archive\": false, //optional, false is default\n \"configName\": \"address\", //optional, only if you want to archive\n \"documentTypeId\": 1, //optional, only valid if configName and parameter 'id' is set and archive is true\n \"culture\": \"de-DE\", //optional, report has its defaults\n \"parameters\": { //optional\n \"id\": 1\n }\n}\n```", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/how-tos/create-report-rest"} {"id": "a999056a0fe3-0", "text": "Printing in LAN\n\nHow to print on a local Printer in your LAN\n\n{% embed url=\"https://youtu.be/x4U6f5cEe4o\" %}", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/how-tos/printing-in-lan"} {"id": "bc176747f6a9-0", "text": "How Tos", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/how-tos/README"} {"id": "34ffcf26ca4d-0", "text": "description: >-\n Sums elements in a table up to this header (carry over from previous footer\n sum)\n\nTelerik Page Header Sum\n\n{% hint style=\"info\" %}\nEach page sum function can only be used once in a report. Using it multiple times will result in wrong calculated values!\n{% endhint %}\n\njavascript\n//This function belongs in a PageHeaderSection of a telerik report\n=PageExec(\"textBoxValue\", //put in a textbox from your table row. Typically your value textbox, but whatever is in your row will work. This triggers the accumulation of the values\n BrixxPageHeaderSum(\n Fields.yourValue, //put in the Value Field you want to sum up\n PageNumber, //this is fix (the PageNumber variable from your report. this will tell the function when to take a sum)\n ReportDefinition)) //this is fix (it will tell the sum to reset for each new report)", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/how-tos/telerik-extension-functions/telerik-page-header-sum"} {"id": "4669be681ae6-0", "text": "Telerik Extension Functions", "source": "https://brixxbox.gitbook.io/brixxbox-documentation/how-tos/telerik-extension-functions/README"}