{"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2023/01/08/wrecked/", "joke": "Q: What does a computer do when it is tired? A: It crashes!", "explaination": "Explanation: Did your computer ever stop working (freeze) or turn itself off when you wanted to use it? If it did, you can say your computer crashed. Computer crashes are frustrating because you cannot get your work done, and sometimes you lose the work you finished most recently, unless you saved it. Thankfully, they do not happen too often.\nThe word crash has other meanings. If someone is tired, a person might say, \u201cI\u2019m going to go crash.\u201d This means that the person will go to bed and sleep. Or you could say, \u201cI crashed lat night at 8:30 because I was so tired.\u201d\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word crash: A computer not working, and someone going to bed.\nHere are two songs about another meaning of the word crash:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2023/01/01/its-about-time/", "joke": "Q: Where can you go to practice math on New Year\u2019s Eve? A: Times Square!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy New Year! It\u2019s 2023 which means that Explain the Joke is celebrating 10 years of explaining jokes in English.\nTo get better at math, people often people often practice addition (+) or subtraction (-) problems; then they work on multiplication (x) and division (\u00f7), and all the way through calculus and beyond. Practicing multiplication is also known as practicing your times tables. You can say what is seven times nine (7 x 9), or you can can say what is seven multiplied by nine. They mean the same thing, times or multiplied by.\nTimes Square is an area in New York City. One of the things Times Square is known for is its party on New Year\u2019s Eve. During that party, many people gather in Times Square and watch on TV to see the ball drop; when the ball gets to the bottom, the new year starts. (By the way, to drop the ball is an idiom that means to make a mistake.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the ideas of times (multiplication) and Times Square.\nIf you would like to see the ball drop to mark the beginning of 2023, take a look here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/12/11/spare-change/", "joke": "Q: When does it rain money? A: When there is change in the weather!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cThe rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain,\u201d according to the song from My Fair Lady. In Peru, they just wish it would rain! But nowhere does it rain money. Rain is water that falls from the sky as part of the evaporation/water cycle. When it is sunny outside, and then the weather changes to cloudy or rainy, we say that there is a change in the weather.\nChange is also the word used for money in the form of coins. In the United States, change includes pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars. There are also dollar coins.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word change: coin money, or when one thing becomes different, like the weather changes. If there were change, coins, in the weather, well, there might be coins falling from the sky, but we all know that doesn\u2019t happen.\nJohn Fogerty sang about change in the weather-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/12/04/leave-hanging/", "joke": "Q: What happens when winter arrives? A: Autumn leaves!", "explaination": "Explanation: In the northern hemisphere winter officially starts on December 21 (winter solstice, astronomical winter), but for many places in the north, it is already cold. Did you know that there is more than one way to mark the start of winter? Meteorologists, people who study the weather, talk about meteorological winter which starts on December 1. When talking about seasons, winter comes after fall; fall is also known as autumn.\nIn the autumn, leaves change colors and fall to the ground as the trees get ready for the winter, and the following spring. Autumn leaves are beautiful!\nLeaves, though, has another meaning. When something leaves, it goes away. For example, the teacher leaves home to go to work, and the student leaves school to go home.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word leaves: The tree has leaves that change colors in the autumn (autumn leaves), and autumn leaves, or goes away, so that winter can come.\nEric Clapton has a song called Autumn Leaves\u2013"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/11/27/no-thorn-no-rose/", "joke": "Q: Where do roses sleep? A: In a flower bed!", "explaination": "Explanation: According to many surveys, roses are one of the most popular flowers. Although they have thorns, some people say that they are not that hard to grow.\nWhen you have a garden with flowers (as opposed to a garden with fruits and vegetables), we can call that area a flower bed. If you prepare the flower bed well, the flowers will grow well. I have never heard anyone call a vegetable garden a vegetable bed.\nA bed, without flower, is a piece of furniture where people sleep, but you kew that.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word bed and flower bed. Yes, it makes sense that roses would sleep, if they sleep, in a flower bed. (Thank you, Trevor for the joke!)\nHere is a motivational speech titled, Make Your Bed:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/11/20/turkey-crossing/", "joke": "Q: Why did the turkey cross the road? A: So people would think he was a chicken!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy Thanksgiving!\nIn many countries throughout the world people celebrate a day of thanks. In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November; that will be November 24 in 2022. One of the traditional foods for that celebration is turkey.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with another, well-known joke: Why did the chicken cross the road? (There are many cross the road jokes.) Of course, the turkey does not want to become someone\u2019s dinner. So, if it pretends to be a chicken as it crosses the road, it will have a better chance of staying alive, and not ending up on someone\u2019s plate.\nThere is a lot of research about the benefits of being thankful, of feeling and showing gratitude. Here is a TED talk about being grateful:\nThank you for reading this blog!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/11/06/banners-begonias/", "joke": "Q: Why was the Incredible Hulk so good at gardening? A: Because he had a green thumb!", "explaination": "Explanation: Dr. David/Robert Bruce Banner becomes the superhero known as the Hulk, or the Incredible Hulk, when he becomes angry. In that process of becoming the Hulk, his body transforms, becoming larger with lots of muscles, and his skin turns green. When his skin turns green, his whole body turns green, including his thumb.\nTo have a green thumb is an idiom that means to be really good at taking care of plants and gardens. My wife has a green thumb, which you can see when you admire the succulents, bonsai, orchid, and geraniums in the window garden. OK, you don\u2019t really need a green thumb to grow geraniums, but you get the idea.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the literal and the figurative meanings of green thumb.\nWatch here to see a transformation of Dr. Banner into the Hulk. Better yet, watch this video to learn how to grow geraniums:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/10/30/a-kiss-from-the-count/", "joke": "Q: What\u2019s it like being kissed by a vampire? A: It\u2019s a pain in the neck!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate! Many countries around the world celebrate Halloween, or another somewhat-related holiday around this time of year. A Mexican student of mine once commented that Halloween is a lot like Day of the Dead, but several others disagreed. I also disagreed, but can see some connections.\nIn the United States, Halloween for children is about dressing up in costumes and trick-or treating, asking for candy. One of the most popular costumes continues to be a vampire. Vampires are well known for biting the neck of their victims and drinking their blood. If someone were to bite your neck, it would really hurt; it would cause a pain in your neck.\nA pain in the neck is an idiom that means something that is bothersome, difficult, or annoying to deal with. A neighbor\u2019s dog that won\u2019t stop barking might be a pain in the neck; someone who complains all the time might be a pain in the neck.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with different meanings of pain in the neck: A literal pain that hurts you, and the idiom that means something that is annoying.\nHere is how National Geographic explains the history of Halloween:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/10/23/peanut-butter-and-worry/", "joke": "Q: Why was the jelly so stressed out? A: Because it was spread too thin!", "explaination": "Explanation: Jelly is a food made by boiling fruit juice with sugar until it becomes thick and sort of transparent. Jelly is similar to jam, marmalade, and preserves. This link can explain more about the differences between those different spreads.\nThey are called spreads (noun) because you can use a knife and spread (verb) them on bread (or something else). Other spreads include hummus and chutney. If you want a lot of jelly on your bread you can spread it really thick, that is, put a lot of jelly on the bread. Or you can spread it really thin by just using a little bit.\nSpread too thin is an idiom that means that you have too much to do and not enough time to do it all. If that is you, you might tell someone, \u201cI\u2019m sorry I can\u2019t help you. I am spread too thin right now.\u201d Having too much to do can be very stressful.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idea of spread too thin: Literally spread too thin like jelly, or figuratively spread too thin, like when you have too much to do.\nIf you are spread too thin, you might take a break from it all and learn how to make jelly-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/10/09/oceans-apart/", "joke": "Q: Why didn\u2019t the girl trust the ocean? A: Because there was something fishy about it!", "explaination": "Explanation: While there are five named oceans, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern, there is really only one world ocean. I would recommend having much respect for the ocean both because of its power to give life to the earth, and its dangerous power to take life through storms. As you already know the ocean has many fish in it. To trust someone means to have confidence that the person will treat you fairly, be kind, not hurt you.\nIf something is fishy, that means that there is something suspicious about it. To be fishy is an idiom. (That reminds me of the old saying, \u201cIf something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.\u201d) Someone offering you $1,000 sounds fishy. Someone offering to sell you something really cheap sounds fishy, it might be stolen or maybe it doesn\u2019t work.\nThis joke is funny because it brings together the idea of an ocean full of fish and someone who is fishy.\nBack in the 1970s John Denver wrote a song in tribute to Jacques Cousteau who studied the oceans. I hope you like it."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2023/01/08/wrecked/", "joke": "Q: What does a computer do when it is tired? A: It crashes!", "explaination": "Explanation: Did your computer ever stop working (freeze) or turn itself off when you wanted to use it? If it did, you can say your computer crashed. Computer crashes are frustrating because you cannot get your work done, and sometimes you lose the work you finished most recently, unless you saved it. Thankfully, they do not happen too often.\nThe word crash has other meanings. If someone is tired, a person might say, \u201cI\u2019m going to go crash.\u201d This means that the person will go to bed and sleep. Or you could say, \u201cI crashed lat night at 8:30 because I was so tired.\u201d\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word crash: A computer not working, and someone going to bed.\nHere are two songs about another meaning of the word crash:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2023/01/01/its-about-time/", "joke": "Q: Where can you go to practice math on New Year\u2019s Eve? A: Times Square!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy New Year! It\u2019s 2023 which means that Explain the Joke is celebrating 10 years of explaining jokes in English.\nTo get better at math, people often people often practice addition (+) or subtraction (-) problems; then they work on multiplication (x) and division (\u00f7), and all the way through calculus and beyond. Practicing multiplication is also known as practicing your times tables. You can say what is seven times nine (7 x 9), or you can can say what is seven multiplied by nine. They mean the same thing, times or multiplied by.\nTimes Square is an area in New York City. One of the things Times Square is known for is its party on New Year\u2019s Eve. During that party, many people gather in Times Square and watch on TV to see the ball drop; when the ball gets to the bottom, the new year starts. (By the way, to drop the ball is an idiom that means to make a mistake.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the ideas of times (multiplication) and Times Square.\nIf you would like to see the ball drop to mark the beginning of 2023, take a look here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/12/11/spare-change/", "joke": "Q: When does it rain money? A: When there is change in the weather!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cThe rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain,\u201d according to the song from My Fair Lady. In Peru, they just wish it would rain! But nowhere does it rain money. Rain is water that falls from the sky as part of the evaporation/water cycle. When it is sunny outside, and then the weather changes to cloudy or rainy, we say that there is a change in the weather.\nChange is also the word used for money in the form of coins. In the United States, change includes pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars. There are also dollar coins.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word change: coin money, or when one thing becomes different, like the weather changes. If there were change, coins, in the weather, well, there might be coins falling from the sky, but we all know that doesn\u2019t happen.\nJohn Fogerty sang about change in the weather-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/12/04/leave-hanging/", "joke": "Q: What happens when winter arrives? A: Autumn leaves!", "explaination": "Explanation: In the northern hemisphere winter officially starts on December 21 (winter solstice, astronomical winter), but for many places in the north, it is already cold. Did you know that there is more than one way to mark the start of winter? Meteorologists, people who study the weather, talk about meteorological winter which starts on December 1. When talking about seasons, winter comes after fall; fall is also known as autumn.\nIn the autumn, leaves change colors and fall to the ground as the trees get ready for the winter, and the following spring. Autumn leaves are beautiful!\nLeaves, though, has another meaning. When something leaves, it goes away. For example, the teacher leaves home to go to work, and the student leaves school to go home.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word leaves: The tree has leaves that change colors in the autumn (autumn leaves), and autumn leaves, or goes away, so that winter can come.\nEric Clapton has a song called Autumn Leaves\u2013"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/11/27/no-thorn-no-rose/", "joke": "Q: Where do roses sleep? A: In a flower bed!", "explaination": "Explanation: According to many surveys, roses are one of the most popular flowers. Although they have thorns, some people say that they are not that hard to grow.\nWhen you have a garden with flowers (as opposed to a garden with fruits and vegetables), we can call that area a flower bed. If you prepare the flower bed well, the flowers will grow well. I have never heard anyone call a vegetable garden a vegetable bed.\nA bed, without flower, is a piece of furniture where people sleep, but you kew that.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word bed and flower bed. Yes, it makes sense that roses would sleep, if they sleep, in a flower bed. (Thank you, Trevor for the joke!)\nHere is a motivational speech titled, Make Your Bed:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/11/20/turkey-crossing/", "joke": "Q: Why did the turkey cross the road? A: So people would think he was a chicken!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy Thanksgiving!\nIn many countries throughout the world people celebrate a day of thanks. In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November; that will be November 24 in 2022. One of the traditional foods for that celebration is turkey.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with another, well-known joke: Why did the chicken cross the road? (There are many cross the road jokes.) Of course, the turkey does not want to become someone\u2019s dinner. So, if it pretends to be a chicken as it crosses the road, it will have a better chance of staying alive, and not ending up on someone\u2019s plate.\nThere is a lot of research about the benefits of being thankful, of feeling and showing gratitude. Here is a TED talk about being grateful:\nThank you for reading this blog!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/11/06/banners-begonias/", "joke": "Q: Why was the Incredible Hulk so good at gardening? A: Because he had a green thumb!", "explaination": "Explanation: Dr. David/Robert Bruce Banner becomes the superhero known as the Hulk, or the Incredible Hulk, when he becomes angry. In that process of becoming the Hulk, his body transforms, becoming larger with lots of muscles, and his skin turns green. When his skin turns green, his whole body turns green, including his thumb.\nTo have a green thumb is an idiom that means to be really good at taking care of plants and gardens. My wife has a green thumb, which you can see when you admire the succulents, bonsai, orchid, and geraniums in the window garden. OK, you don\u2019t really need a green thumb to grow geraniums, but you get the idea.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the literal and the figurative meanings of green thumb.\nWatch here to see a transformation of Dr. Banner into the Hulk. Better yet, watch this video to learn how to grow geraniums:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/10/30/a-kiss-from-the-count/", "joke": "Q: What\u2019s it like being kissed by a vampire? A: It\u2019s a pain in the neck!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate! Many countries around the world celebrate Halloween, or another somewhat-related holiday around this time of year. A Mexican student of mine once commented that Halloween is a lot like Day of the Dead, but several others disagreed. I also disagreed, but can see some connections.\nIn the United States, Halloween for children is about dressing up in costumes and trick-or treating, asking for candy. One of the most popular costumes continues to be a vampire. Vampires are well known for biting the neck of their victims and drinking their blood. If someone were to bite your neck, it would really hurt; it would cause a pain in your neck.\nA pain in the neck is an idiom that means something that is bothersome, difficult, or annoying to deal with. A neighbor\u2019s dog that won\u2019t stop barking might be a pain in the neck; someone who complains all the time might be a pain in the neck.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with different meanings of pain in the neck: A literal pain that hurts you, and the idiom that means something that is annoying.\nHere is how National Geographic explains the history of Halloween:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/10/23/peanut-butter-and-worry/", "joke": "Q: Why was the jelly so stressed out? A: Because it was spread too thin!", "explaination": "Explanation: Jelly is a food made by boiling fruit juice with sugar until it becomes thick and sort of transparent. Jelly is similar to jam, marmalade, and preserves. This link can explain more about the differences between those different spreads.\nThey are called spreads (noun) because you can use a knife and spread (verb) them on bread (or something else). Other spreads include hummus and chutney. If you want a lot of jelly on your bread you can spread it really thick, that is, put a lot of jelly on the bread. Or you can spread it really thin by just using a little bit.\nSpread too thin is an idiom that means that you have too much to do and not enough time to do it all. If that is you, you might tell someone, \u201cI\u2019m sorry I can\u2019t help you. I am spread too thin right now.\u201d Having too much to do can be very stressful.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idea of spread too thin: Literally spread too thin like jelly, or figuratively spread too thin, like when you have too much to do.\nIf you are spread too thin, you might take a break from it all and learn how to make jelly-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/10/09/oceans-apart/", "joke": "Q: Why didn\u2019t the girl trust the ocean? A: Because there was something fishy about it!", "explaination": "Explanation: While there are five named oceans, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern, there is really only one world ocean. I would recommend having much respect for the ocean both because of its power to give life to the earth, and its dangerous power to take life through storms. As you already know the ocean has many fish in it. To trust someone means to have confidence that the person will treat you fairly, be kind, not hurt you.\nIf something is fishy, that means that there is something suspicious about it. To be fishy is an idiom. (That reminds me of the old saying, \u201cIf something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.\u201d) Someone offering you $1,000 sounds fishy. Someone offering to sell you something really cheap sounds fishy, it might be stolen or maybe it doesn\u2019t work.\nThis joke is funny because it brings together the idea of an ocean full of fish and someone who is fishy.\nBack in the 1970s John Denver wrote a song in tribute to Jacques Cousteau who studied the oceans. I hope you like it."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/10/02/cantankerous-granny-smith/", "joke": "Q: When is an apple grouchy? A: When it is a crab apple!", "explaination": "Explanation: In the north it is apple-picking season, and time for pumpkin spice everything!\nApples are fruit, so of course they are never grouchy. A person who is grouchy thinks that everything is bad, nothing is right; they are irritable and complain a lot. The best example of a grouch is Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street. Grumpy is a synonym for grouchy, so you could watch at Grumpy Old Men for more examples.\nCrab apples are small apples that are typically wild, that is, they have not been domesticated to be bought and sold. (You can eat them, though.). Crabby is another synonym for grouchy.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word grouchy and it synonyms, like crabby.\nOscar the Grouch is one of my favorite characters on Sesame Street. Here is a compilation of Oscar the Grouch."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/09/18/gone-with-the-wind/", "joke": "Q: Why did the kids fire their squirt guns into the air on that windy day? A: They were just shooting the breeze!", "explaination": "Explanation: A squirt gun shoots a stream of water, much like a spray bottle, but in the form of a gun. Many people like to play by squirting water at their friends on a warm day outside. Some people train their pets by squirting water at them (others say that squirting animals does not work or is mean).\nA breeze is wind that blows just a little bit. To shoot the breeze is an idiom that means to talk with your friends about nothing really important.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the phrase shoot the breeze, both the literal meaning (shooting a gun into the air) and the idiom (talking with your friends). Please don\u2019t shoot guns into the air; what comes up must come down.\nWatch here for a detailed explanation of how spray bottle work:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/09/11/edgy-endurance/", "joke": "Q: What lies on the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A: A nervous wreck!", "explaination": "Explanation: Did you hear that Shakleton\u2019s ship, Endurance, was found back in March? It sank to the bottom of the Antarctic ocean in 1915, and has been lying there since then. Don\u2019t worry, it was not twitching. To twitch means to make small, jerking movements. You may have experienced an eye twitch, or felt a leg twitch when you are falling asleep.\nA nervous wreck is a person who is very nervous about something. It is an informal phrase that is quite common. A student might be a nervous wreck before a big test; a patient might be a nervous wreck while waiting for the results of a medical test, expecting the worst. Occasionally, people who are nervous may experience a muscle twitch.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word wreck, and the ideas of a shipwreck and a nervous wreck. If you are interested in shipwrecks, here is one list to check out. If you are interested in the discovery of Endurance, watch this video:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/09/04/come-out-come-out-wherever-you-are/", "joke": "Q: Why are false teeth like stars? A: Because they come out at night!", "explaination": "Explanation: When I was a kid, my dad had this neat trick that would always make us laugh: While driving, he would loosen his lower front teeth (dentures) and wiggle them in front of his lips, below his nose. We of course would giggle. These teeth were false teeth that replaced his original teeth. Every night he removed those false teeth to clean them. Yes, his teeth had to come out at night so he could clean them.\nStars also come out at night. In reality, they do not come out, they are always there, but we cannot see them because our star, the sun, makes it too bright for us to see the starlight that comes from very far away. To us it seems that the stars come out of their daytime hiding place.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with different meanings of come out: remove, like the teeth, and appear, like the stars.\nThinking about stars had me thinking about space and space travel and the moon\u2026"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/08/28/above-and-beyond/", "joke": "Q: Why did the farmer win the Nobel Prize? A: Because he was outstanding in his field!", "explaination": "Explanation: The Nobel Prize is awarded to people who \u201chave conferred the greatest benefit to mankind.\u201d That is, they have done something really, really important because it is something that is good for a lot of people. Outstanding means exceptionally good. People who win the Nobel Prize are outstanding in their field. In this case, field means the special area that they know a lot about such as literature, science, math, \u2026\nField also means an area of open land where farmers plant their crops. After they plant their crops they have a soybean field, or a corn field, or a wheat field\u2026 When farmers inspect their crops, they might walk out into their field and stand there. That is, they are out in their field, standing. I could also say that they are out standing in their field.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words outstanding and out standing, which sound the same. And I am sure there are outstanding farmers who are out standing in their field of corn right now.\nSpeaking of corn and other crops, check out the seed art from the Minnesota State Fair:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/08/14/level-up/", "joke": "Q: Why are elevator jokes the best? A: Because they work on so many levels!", "explaination": "Explanation: What goes up, must come down, says the old adage. (Blood, Sweat and Tears sang about that, too.) The same is true for elevators: Elevators (called a lift in England) go up and down to bring people to different floors in a building. The floors in a building are sometimes called levels. Just like in a video game where you move to the next level, elevators can take you up or down one or more levels.\n\u201cWorks on many levels\u201d is an idiom that means something works in many different ways. For example, the story of Alice in Wonderland could be read, on one level, as a silly adventure. On a different level, it could be about children trying to understand the adult world. Others say it is about drugs, or eating disorders. If you do a search for different interpretations, you will find many. Many Disney movies that are made for children, have themes or dialogue that adults will better understand\u2013They work on different levels. Has that ever happened to you? Have you seen a movie as an adult and you understand it differently than when you were a child?\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the phrase \u201cit works on many levels.\u201d By the way, things can be wrong on may levels too.\nTake a look at the world\u2019s tallest elevators\u2013"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/08/07/airport-food/", "joke": "Q: What kind of candy can you get an an airport? A: Plane M&Ms!", "explaination": "Explanation: Even though there are lots of studies that talk about sugar being bad for you, well, a little bit still tastes good. Every place in the world has candy, and candy can even make for a good joke too!\nYou know what candy is, so I won\u2019t explain that. And you know all about airports, especially that airports have airplanes, also called planes. There are many different types of planes. Did you know that you can get a license to be a pilot at age 14 in some places? I have always wanted to get a pilot\u2019s license but never did, at least not yet.\nPlane, though, is not the same as plain. Plane refers to airplanes, while plain means ordinary, not decorated, not special. (Plane can also be a tool, and plain can also be a type of land, depending on the context.). M&Ms come in many flavors such as peanut M&Ms, and almond M&Ms. Plain M&Ms are the ones that only have chocolate in the middle, nothing else.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words plane and plain, which sound the same. Take a look at this video to see how M&Ms are made. (You could even try adding narration to make the video better.)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/07/30/after-the-all-star-break/", "joke": "Q: How is a good baseball game like good pancakes? A: They both need a good batter!", "explaination": "Explanation: And\u2026we\u2019re back with a rerun!\nThe baseball season in the United States and Canada is half done, so a baseball joke seemed appropriate. In baseball, the person who has the bat and is ready to hit the baseball is called the batter (in the sport of cricket, too). A good batter is able to hit the ball that is pitched, usually at 80 miles per hour or more. That\u2019s fast, and hard to hit! And remember, if a player is able to get a hit 3 out of every 10 pitches, that is considered good.\nAs for pancakes, well, a good pancake starts with good batter. Batter is the liquid mix that you put on the griddle or in the frying pan to make pancakes. There are lots of recipes for pancakes, like this one.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word batter: Someone who hits the ball in baseball, and the thick liquid that you mix together to make pancakes.\nPancakes and crepes are not the same, but they are similar. Here is and old video of Julia Child making crepes:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/06/12/three-sheets-to-the-wind/", "joke": "Q: Why did the composer only compose while lying in bed? A: Because he was composing sheet music!", "explaination": "Explanation: A composer is someone who writes music. Two of the most famous composers are Mozart and Beethoven.\nYears ago, when composers wrote music, they would write the music on sheets of paper that the musicians could read and perform. This music written on sheets of paper is called sheet music. Lots of music is written now using computers programs such as Notion or Sibelius. (I do not write music and do not know anything about these programs.) For musicians to perform, the music is most often printed out in sheets, sheet music. There are probably musicians who use a computer or tablet to read their music.\nSheets, though, has another meaning. When you make your bed, you put sheets on your bed, along with pillows and blankets.\nThis joke is funny because of the different meanings of sheets\u2013sheets for your bed and sheet music. I wouldn\u2019t recommend, however, using bed sheets for writing music; it might be difficult for the performer to read the music!\nIf you would like to learn to read sheet music, you could start here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/06/05/prove-your-chops/", "joke": "Q: What did the angry lumberjack say to the tree? A: I have an axe to grind with you!", "explaination": "Explanation: Lumberjacks are people who work cutting down trees so that people can use wood to make things. Many years ago, lumberjacks would use a saw and/or an axe to cut down trees. (Hopefully they planted two new trees for each one cut down!) Before working with an axe, it is important to sharpen the axe. One way to sharpen the axe is to use a grinder.\n\u201cHave an axe to grind\u201d with someone is an idiom. It means that you have a personal, maybe selfish reason for saying something, or that you have a complaint that you have to talk to someone about. Here are some examples from Linguee.com. (Linguee is one of my favorite sites for translating, by the way.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idea of grinding an axe, both the literal idea of using an axe sharpened on a grinder to cut down a tree, and the figurative idea of the idiom have an axe to grind.\nHere is one of the most famous fictional lumberjacks, Paul Bunyan, from 1958:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/05/29/a-bone-to-pick-with-you/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a fossil that never does any work? A: A lazy bones!", "explaination": "Explanation: Fossils are parts of a living thing that has been preserved, or left an impression from a very long time ago, perhaps 10,000 years ago or more. The human skull that was recently found in Minnesota was not called a fossil, maybe because it was only 8,000 years old. Bones are a very common type of fossil because they last longer than the soft parts of living things. Because fossils come from living things that have been dead for a very long time, they do not do any work.\nA lazy bones is a person who is lazy, who doesn\u2019t help, who doesn\u2019t do much of anything. Imagine someone doing the work alone and saying to the other person, \u201cDon\u2019t be such a lazy bones. Help me get this done!\u201d\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idea of bones and fossils, along with ancient bones being lazy.\nWatch here to find out how dinosaur fossils are formed:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/05/21/a-fair-weather-flower/", "joke": "Q: What kind of flowers are great friends? A: Rose buds!", "explaination": "Explanation: Roses are one of the best known flowers. As a rose grows, in the spring you will notice buds. Rose buds are little bumps on the stem of a rose from which the flowers will appear. Yes, roses are beautiful! (Be careful of the thorns, though.)\nFriends are, well, you know what friends are. There are many synonyms for the word friend. One of those synonyms is bud, short for buddy. Your bud is your pal, is your friend, is your bestie, is your bff. You get the idea.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word bud: a baby flower and a friend.\nIf you would like to see a rose bloom from a bud to a flower, watch this:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/05/01/maybe-a-snack-later-on/", "joke": "Q: Why did the two 4s decide to skip dinner? A: Because they already 8.", "explaination": "Explanation: Told to me by a 6th grader, this one made me laugh! It is rather absurd and it really makes no sense\u2026so let me try to explain it.\nIf someone invites you to eat, you might say, \u201cNo, thank you,\u201d if you have just eaten. Or you might say, \u201cI\u2019ll go with you, but I am not hungry. I already ate.\u201d I already ate sounds just like I already eight.\nOf course if there are two 4s together, you can add them up and they total eight (4 + 4 = 8).\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words ate and eight, which sound the same\u2026and because it really doesn\u2019t make sense.\nHere are some folks who did not skip dinner. They just had to use their imaginations! And some of them are probably eight (years old)."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/04/24/bounce-back/", "joke": "Q: What\u2019s the best season for jumping on a trampoline? A: Spring time!", "explaination": "Explanation: The northern hemisphere is about a third of the way through the season of spring. Of course summer will come after spring, and then fall and winter. Spring is a beautiful time of year as the trees bud and bloom, the flowers are reborn, and the days get longer. (Actually, days do not really get longer than 24 hours, but the amount of sunlight during the day increases.)\nA trampoline is a piece of equipment that has a strong fabric attached to a frame with springs; the springs make you bounce up and down. Springs are coils of wire that can get longer when stretched, and then pull back into its original form. You might find a spring used to close a screen door, to make the tip of a pen come out or go in, or to make a mattress more comfortable.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word spring: A season of the year and a coiled piece of metal. Springtime is different from spring time, too. If you play on a trampoline, you will enjoy your time bouncing because of the springs.\nHere are some amazing trampoline athletes (thanks to the springs):"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/04/10/live-and-let-live/", "joke": "Q: Why are cats good at video games? A: Because they have nine lives!", "explaination": "Explanation: Many video games let you have another chance to keep going if you make a really bad mistake, maybe even getting your character killed. (Other games do not give you another life in the same game, and you have to start over.) I am reminded of the classic video game Pac-Man where you would get three lives. It also reminds me of the pre-video game era when people played pinball, and you had to score the maximum number of points with a limited number of balls.\nCats are known as curious explorers who get themselves into difficult situations. Because of their instincts, including the ability to land on their feet (usually), cats survive (usually). Therefore, in English speaking countries cats are said to have nine lives. (Here is an interesting article about the nine lives of cats.)\nThis joke is funny because it combines the the lives you get while playing video games with the saying, \u201ccats have nine lives.\u201d\nHere is a cat who survived-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/04/03/let-the-light-in/", "joke": "Q: Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher? A: He couldn\u2019t control his pupils!", "explaination": "Explanation: Someone whose eyes do not line up with each other, whose eyes do not look in the same direction, suffers from a medical condition called strabismus. In that situation, people cannot make their eyes look in the same direction. In non-medical terms, people whose eyes look in different directions may be called cross-eyed. The term cross-eyed can be used disrespectfully or can be used as a description. If you look down your nose, you are crossing your eyes. In your eyes, pupils are the center part of the eye, the black circle in the middle of the eyes that lets the light in.\nPupil is also another word for student. You might say, \u201cAfter the pupils sat down at their desks, the teacher began the class.\u201d Pupils is not a common term in the United States; I do not know if other English speaking countries us it.\nThis joke is funny because the word pupil has more than one meaning: the center part of the eye, and a student in a class.\nThere is a band from the Philippines called Pupil and they have a song titled 20/20-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/03/27/copy-that/", "joke": "Q: What is the difference between a cat that got xeroxed and a cat that imitates its owner? A: One is a cat copy and the other is a copycat!", "explaination": "Explanation: Sometimes in English, brand names become verbs or nouns. For most people, all facial tissue is Kleenex, all internet searches are Googling, and all bandages are Band-Aids. (The term for this is anthimeria.) So, when you xerox something, you make a copy, a photocopy, because Xerox is a brand name of copiers.\nA copycat is a person who copies what you do. The word is used most frequently by children. You may also hear the phrase copycat crime for a criminal who imitates another criminal.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words copy and cat. I love cats but I don\u2019t think I want a copy of one. It would be fun, though, if a cat copied what I did!\nHere are some cats acting like humans-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/03/20/do-you-see-what-i-see/", "joke": "Q: Why did the computer get new glasses? A: To improve his web sight!", "explaination": "Explanation: Every few years, it seems, I need to get new reading glasses that are just a bit stronger. The 20-20 vision of my youth has become more like the impressionist works of Monet. When people want to improver their vision, their eyesight, they often get new glasses.\nComputers, of course, do not use glasses. They do, however show us websites through the internet.\nThis joke is funny because website (lowercase, one word) sounds the same as web sight. I wonder if Spiderman has good web sight?\nWatch and listen here to find out how lenses for glasses are made\u2014"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/03/06/my-main-squeeze/", "joke": "Q: How did the orange get into the crowded restaurant? A: He squeezed his way in!", "explaination": "Explanation: As COVID cases wane, more and more people are heading out to restaurants. In the case of this joke, even the orange goes into a restaurant.\nIf a restaurant is crowded, that means that there are many, many people and, most likely, no empty tables. To fit into a crowded space you may need to squeeze yourself into that space. Think of trying to squeeze one more person into a full elevator, or trying to squeeze a pillow into a full suitcase. Yes, to squeeze into is an idiom meaning that you add more to a crowded space. When planning, you can squeeze another appointment into a crowded calendar.\nSqueezing something also means that you press it together, most often with your fingers or your hand. In order to make orange juice, you have to squeeze the orange until the juice comes out.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the meanings of squeeze: adding something to a crowded space, or pressing something together. I hope that orange didn\u2019t get too squeezed in that restaurant or all its juice would come out! By the way, being someone\u2019s main squeeze means being their boyfriend or girlfriend.\nBeing pushy can be annoying to other people. Speaking of annoying, here is an annoying orange\u2013"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/02/27/not-this-week-either/", "joke": "Explanation: While I truly believe that learning can always continue, I also believe that reflection is vital in the learning process. This week I am reflecting on ideas of war and peace, and praying for an end to all aggression, especially in Ukraine. And Ukraine is not the only place in the world experiencing war, violence, and attacks this week. People throughout the world are showing their support for the people of Ukraine, including many in Russia. Let us support efforts towards peace, and work for peace in our homes, cities, countries, and the world.", "explaination": "It didn\u2019t seem like a good week to Explain the Joke."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/02/13/roger-willco/", "joke": "Q: Can listening to the radio be an addiction? A: Depends on the frequency!", "explaination": "Explanation: Today is World Radio Day, so a radio joke seemed appropriate!\nAn addiction is an activity that you do over and over because something about it feels good to your brain. Most addictions are bad for your health, such as an addiction to smoking, or alcoholism. When you do something many times you do it frequently, often.\nWhen you listen to the radio, you tune into a certain frequency, that is, a specific wavelength so you can hear the station. The radio frequency spectrum is very big and is distributed to a lot of different users including, TV, radio, aircraft, and amateurs.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word frequency, meaning how often you do something, or the wavelength of your radio station. By the way, AM and FM radio are only part of the spectrum but they are very important. \u201cRadio continues one of the most trusted and accessible media in the world, according to different international reports,\u201d UNESCO.\nWatch here to learn more about the invention of radio-\nAnd check out this map of world radio stations: https://worldradiomap.com/"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/02/06/brave-yes-but-not-stupid/", "joke": "Q: What is the smartest animal? A: A snake, because no one can pull its leg!", "explaination": "Explanation: There are a lot of smart animals! (My cat was not one of them, but I loved him anyway.) Snakes are not generally included in lists of the smartest animals. In this joke, though, they are the smartest.\nTo pull someone\u2019s leg is an idiom that means to fool a person, usually in a fun or harmless way (in Spanish: tomar el pelo a alguien). If someone told you she just got tickets to go to the space station, you might say, \u201cStop pulling my leg; you did not.\u201d Of course a snake would never say that because snakes do not have legs.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of pulling one\u2019s leg: the literal meaning of actually tugging on someone\u2019s leg and the idiom meaning to fool someone. Maybe someday with genetic engineering you will be able to pull a snake\u2019s leg\u2026 nah, I\u2019m just pulling your leg. That\u2019ll never happen.\nHere is a smarter than average snake:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/01/30/a-string-of-good-luck/", "joke": "Q: Why was the rope so stressed out? A: It was getting itself all tied up in knots!", "explaination": "Explanation: Last week an upset wire, this week a stressed out rope! Such is the pandemic life.\nWhen you tie the ends of two strings together, or maybe both ends of the same string, you are tying a knot. There are lots of different types of knots that you can learn to tie. Here are 10 of them. Sailors have their own set of knots.\nTo tie yourself up in knots is an idiom that means to make life difficult for yourself unnecessarily. If you are trying to be too careful or trying too hard to do something you might tie yourself up in knots.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of tying (yourself up in) knots: the literal definition of tying strings together and the figurative meaning of making problems for yourself.\nHere are a bunch of ways to tie your shoelaces that I had never heard of:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/01/24/just-around-the-bend/", "joke": "Q: Why was the metal wire so upset? A: It was getting bent out of shape over nothing!", "explaination": "Explanation: Metal wire comes in all sorts of sizes, measured by how thick it is. Electrical wire also comes in different thicknesses. Metal wire can be bent into many shapes so it is useful for art, for wiring a house, making motors, \u2026 When you bend a wire, you can make it into almost any shape\nTo get bent out of shape is an idiom meaning to get angry. If you get bent out of shape over nothing, you get mad for no reason.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of getting bent out of shape: the literal meaning of bending a wire, and the idiom meaning to get angry.\nHere is some wire getting bent into shape:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/01/16/beyond-reproach/", "joke": "Q: What happened to the mouse when he fell into the bathtub? A: He came out squeaky clean!", "explaination": "Explanation: Just as a cow says \u201cmoo\u201d and a pig says \u201coink,\u201d mice squeak. If you are interested in hearing an hour of mice squeaking you can listen here (although I am not sure why you would want to).\nSqueaky clean is an informal phrase meaning that something is really, really clean. A window that you just washed could be called squeaky clean. Squeaky clean can also refer to a person\u2019s character\u2013the senator was squeaky clean: he never lied, misled or cheated anyone.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word squeaky, meaning the sound of a mouse and completely clean.\nHere is Tom and Jerry getting things squeaky clean\u2013"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/01/09/on-the-lookout/", "joke": "Q: What did the orange say to the banana when they were looking for the apple? A: Keep your eyes peeled!", "explaination": "Explanation: It\u2019s summer where I am (not -20\u00ba like the other place I call home) and it\u2019s a great time to eat some ice cream. Have you ever tried a banana split? When I was younger, I liked to split a banana split with a friend because that dessert was (and is) too big for me to eat alone; I don\u2019t eat them much anymore.\nWhenever you eat a banana you have to peel it, that it, take off the yellow skin. There are many ways to peel a banana. To keep your eyes peeled means to keep your eyes open and watch carefully for something. I always keep my eyes peeled for new jokes that need explaining.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word peel and the idiom keep your eyes peeled. I also think it is funny to think about a banana with eyes. (Potatoes have eyes, but banana do not.)\nIf you would like to skip the banana split and go straight to the banana ice cream, try this:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2022/01/01/i-hearby-resolve/", "joke": "Q: Why did the past year seem to go by in a blur? A: Your resolution must have been too low!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy New Year! I wish you the very best in 2022!!\nDo you make new year\u2019s resolutions? A new year\u2019s resolution is a decision to do something (or stop doing something) so that your life will be better in the new year. Many people make a resolution to exercise more or read more; many people do not keep their new year\u2019s resolutions.\nAnother meaning of resolution has to do with how focused something is, that is, how sharp the picture looks. When images go to fast they may seem blurry, that is, you cannot see them clearly because the resolution is low. Digital images and pictures may also seem blurry if they taken from far away or with a camera with few pixels. If your camera has a higher resolution, your picture will be more clear.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the meanings of the word resolution: a decision, or the sharpness of an image. If you make a resolution, be sure to tell people who will help you keep your resolution for the new year. We all need to help make this world better.\nHere is something else that is resolute: The Resolute Desk\u2013"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/12/26/mindfully-present/", "joke": "Q: Why didn\u2019t the aliens on the UFO land on Christmas morning? A: They were selfish, and did not want to share their presence!", "explaination": "Explanation: UFOs are unidentified flying objects, often seen as flying saucers. Flying saucers (if they exist) come from other galaxies and may have alien life on board. Wouldn\u2019t it be fun to have proof of life from other parts of the universe! While there are many stories and pictures of UFOs, the existence of space aliens has never been proven\u2026 yet. They have never made their presence known to us.\nMany people in the world celebrate Christmas on December 25. One of the most common Christmas traditions is to give gifts to friends and family members. Gifts are also called presents. Some people like to share their presents, while others do not want to share.\nThis joke is funny because presents (the gifts we give and receive) sounds just like the word presence (being in a place). The presence of life from other planets would be a present for people who hope for extraterrestrial life.\nThe James Webb Telescope that was launched yesterday may give us many presents as it helps discover more about the universe."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/12/12/keep-it-down-out-there/", "joke": "Q: What is the nosiest game you can play? A: Racket-ball!", "explaination": "Explanation: Some people like some noise in their lives while others prefer a quiet environment. Some of us are in between\u2013sometimes I like a little music or background noise but mostly I prefer quiet conversation.\nRacket is another word for noise. You might hear people ask, \u201cWhat\u2019s all that racket?\u201d when they want to know where the noise is from.\nRacket is also the name of the equipment that tennis players use to hit the ball. Rackets are also used to play badminton and racquetball. By the way, racketball and racquetball are different sports.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the different meanings of the word racket.\nIf you would like to learn to play racketball, watch this\u2026"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/12/04/a-little-off-the-sides/", "joke": "Q: Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber? A: Because it needed to be trimmed!", "explaination": "Explanation: Now that it is December, \u2019tis the season when many people prepare to celebrate Christmas. For those who celebrate, buying and decorating a Christmas tree is often very important. Decorating the tree is also called trimming the tree.\nWhen you go to the barber to get your hair cut, you might say to the barber, \u201cJust a trim.\u201d This means that you want the barber to only cut a little bit of your hair.\nThis joke is funny because of the double meanings of the word trim: a little bit of a haircut and decorating a Christmas tree.\nTo hear more about trimming the tree, listen to this song from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas:\nLyrics"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/11/21/news-flash-2/", "joke": "Q: Why did the ice cream cone become a news reporter? A: Because he wanted to get the scoop!", "explaination": "Explanation: Do you watch the evening news? Listen to news on the radio or a podcast? Perhaps you read a newspaper? News reporters are always looking to provide their watchers, listeners, and readers with information about what is happening. Sometimes they are able to report on a big, important story, or one that no one has heard yet. That big, important story, unheard story is called a scoop. If a reporter gets the scoop, she or he gets an important story.\nIce cream cones have a scoop of ice cream on top of the cone. A portion of ice cream in the form of a ball is called a scoop.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word scoop: a ball of ice cream or an important news story.\nHere is how to make the perfect scoop of ice cream-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/11/13/tom-swifties/", "joke": "\u201cIt\u2019s time for recess,\u201d Tom said playfully. \u201cI can turn on the lights,\u201d Tom said powerfully.", "explaination": "Tom Swifties are a type of humor from a series of old books. I have not read the books but I love the odd humor in Tom Swifties.\nA Tom Swiftie has Tom saying something in a way that relates humorously to the words that he spoke. Typically the sentences end with Tom said [adverb]. For example\u2026 \u201cThis coffee needs more sugar,\u201d Tom said bitterly. This is funny because coffee has a bitter taste, and Tom said this bitterly.\nHere are a few more examples I found on Wikipedia with a short explanation I added in parentheses:\n- \u201cPass me the shellfish,\u201d said Tom crabbily. (Crabs have shells.)\n- \u201cWe just struck oil!\u201d Tom gushed. (Oil gushes from a well.)\n- \u201cGet to the back of the ship!\u201d Tom said sternly. (The back of a boat is called the stern.)\n- \u201cI forgot what I needed at the store,\u201d Tom said listlessly. (If you make a list, you won\u2019t forget.)\nIf you create a Tom Swiftie you can send it to me and I will add them to an upcoming post. Or you can leave a comment with your Tom Swiftie."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/11/07/wanna-make-something-of-it/", "joke": "Q: Why don\u2019t scientists trust the atoms they work with? A: Because they make up everything!", "explaination": "Explanation: Everything is made of atoms. Yes, those atoms, the ones that are found on the periodic table of the elements. It is still hard for me to believe that those little atoms make up the air we breathe, the trees that grow, the metal in my fork and knife. In this case, to make up something means that it is a part that makes up the whole of something.\nTo make up also means to invent or to create. When authors write a new story they make up that story. To make something up can also mean to lie. If a student arrives late to class he or she might make up a story about the late arrival; a student might make up a story about the missing homework (\u201cMy dog ate it!!\u201d).\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words make up, meaning the parts of something or inventing a story. And you can\u2019t trust someone who is always making things up!\nSomeone you can trust is Venus Flytrap from WKRP in Cincinnati. Here he is making up a story to explain how atoms make up everything-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/10/31/all-wound-up/", "joke": "Q: Why don\u2019t mummies take vacations from their work? A: Because they are afraid to unwind!", "explaination": "Explanation: Most people enjoy taking a few days off from school or work to rest and relax, to unwind. In this sense, to unwind means to relax after work, after school, or after a stressful time.\nTo unwind also means to undo or open up something that has been wound up. Think of a ball of string\u2013 when you pull the loose end of the string you unwind it. You can also unwind an electrical extension cord, cassette tape, Christmas lights, \u2026.\nMummies are wrapped up in cloth; if you start to take the cloth off the mummy in one long strip you are unwinding the cloth.\nThis joke is funny because it uses unwind in two different ways: to relax and to uncoil something.\nWith the following video you can learn to wind up and throw a traditional top."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/10/24/piqued-my-interest/", "joke": "Q: Why can\u2019t you play hide and seek with mountains? A: Because they are always peaking!", "explaination": "Explanation: Hide and seek is a game that children play. In this game, one or more child finds a place to hide while another child closes his or her eyes and counts to 10. When the person counting gets to 10, that person goes to look for the ones who are hiding The person who is counting has to close his or her eyes in order not to see where the people are going to hide.\nIf the person who is counting secretly looks to see where the others are hiding, that is called peeking. To peek means to take a small, secret look. Peeking is not allowed while playing hide and seek.\nPeek (to secretly look) sounds just like peak (the top of a mountain). When you get to the top of a mountain you get to the peak. (If you like grammar, peek and peak are homophones.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word peek/peak that sound the same but have very different meanings. Clearly, mountains cannot peek, but they have a peak.\nHere is some motivation from Sister Sledge for you to reach your peak:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/10/17/they-might-be-giants-words/", "joke": "Q: What is the best way to talk to a giant? A: Use big words!", "explaination": "Explanation: When I think of giants, I think of characters like those from Roald Dahl\u2019s The BFG, Jack and the Beanstalk, and A Monster Calls. They are larger than life beings that can be good or evil, or a bit of both. Giants, though, are generally considered to be the antagonists in a story, the bad guys.\nAs for the idea of big words, well, sometimes children are told to use words to explain how they are feeling. Also, at times adults suggest that children use big words to explain an idea with more detail, this could be to talk about feelings or to explain something when they are writing. (That reminds me of a 1st grade student who once told me that his head hurt, that he had a headache. When I asked him to point to the part that hurt, he pointed to his loose tooth. Yes, a tooth is in your head but we understand toothache better in that situation.)\nBig words could also refer to the size of the words. You usually see big words on a street sign or a billboard, whereas you typically see smaller words in a book or in the small print of a contract.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idea of big words meaning more detailed, or just using large sized words, large like a giant.\nHere is They Might Be Giants singing Boss of Me-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/10/10/dirtless/", "joke": "Q: Why did the thief wash his clothes after the robbery? A: He wanted to make a clean getaway!", "explaination": "Explanation: A thief is a robber, someone who steals things. Washing your clothes, well, you already know, will make your clothes clean. A robbery is the moment when something was stolen. If you want to get technical, the law in the United States differentiates between burglary, robbery, and theft, but people do not usually make that difference when they speak.\nA clean getaway is an idiom meaning that you escape without anyone noticing or without getting caught.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words clean getaway: escaping without getting caught and getting away while being clean.\nMaybe if you want to make a clean getaway, it\u2019s time for a cool change\u2026"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/10/03/zombie-out/", "joke": "Q: Why didn\u2019t the zombie go to work? A: Because he felt rotten!", "explaination": "Explanation: When you are sick, it is very important that you don\u2019t go to work or school, especially now with COVID still making people sick. If you feel really sick you might say that you feel rotten; to feel rotten is an idiom meaning to feel sick.\nA zombie is a dead body (corpse) that has come back to life. (By the way, zombies are fictional, mythological, not real.) Once a body stops living, the body begins to decompose, to rot. So, a zombie\u2019s body is in the process of rotting.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idiom to feel rotten and the verb to rot.\nSpeaking of zombies, this seems like a good time to revisit Michael Jackson\u2019s Thriller-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/09/26/these-wings-are-made-for-walking/", "joke": "Q: Why do birds fly south for the winter? A: Because it is too far to walk!", "explaination": "Explanation: Where I grew up, in Minnesota, it was very common to see birds fly south for the winter. When all of the lakes freeze, the trees lose their leaves, and ground is covered with snow, most birds cannot find food. It\u2019s also just too cold for them to survive. So, they migrate to an area where they will be able to survive.\nWhile birds can walk a bit, their main way of traveling is by flying.\nThis joke is funny because it sets up an expectation for an explanation about why birds have to migrate to a different area. What you get, though, is a silly answer about birds not being able to walk so far.\nCheck out The Great Migration from KQED-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/09/19/hickory-dickory-clock/", "joke": "Q: What time is it when your clock strikes 13? A: Time to get a new clock!", "explaination": "Explanation: When a clock \u201cstrikes the hour\u201d it means that it is exactly on the hour, 8:00 or 11:00 for example (not 8:17 or 11:36) and the bells will chime. Here is Big Ben striking the hour.\nOn a clock or a watch, the only numbers you see are the numbers 1-12; there is no 13. So if the clock strikes 13, there is a big problem! Yes, at 13 o\u2019clock you will need a new clock.\n(Some readers might argue that the military and some countries use the hours from 13 to 24 to talk about the hours after noon. Point taken. You will, however, not see the number 13 on the face of a clock, only on some digital clocks.)\nHere is a brief history of how we keep time:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/09/12/thems-fighting-words/", "joke": "Q: Why did the dentist and the manicurist decide not to be friends? A: Because they were always fighting tooth and nail!", "explaination": "Explanation: A dentist is a doctor that improves the health of your teeth. A manicurist is a specialist who improves the health and appearance of your fingernails.\nTo \u201cfight tooth and nail\u201d is an idiom that means to fight hard with all of your resources to achieve a goal. You might fight tooth and nail against an injustice. A union might fight tooth and nail for its members. Firefighters fight tooth and nail to put out a fire.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idiom, and the work that these two professions do: dentists work with teeth and manicurists work with nails.\nHere is Foreigner singing about fighting tooth and nail. Some of the lyrics are hard to understand so here they are."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/09/05/picking-up-the-pieces/", "joke": "Q: Is collecting shells on the beach easy to learn? A: Yes, you\u2019ll pick it up right away!", "explaination": "Explanation: Picking up shells on a beach is easy because, if the beach has shells, you just bend over and lift them up with your hands.\nTo pick something up is also an idiom meaning to learn something. If I say that my nephew picked up guitar really quickly it means that he learned to play guitar easily. A few more examples: My friend who speaks Spanish picked up Italian after a few weeks in Rome; Just watch what I am doing and you will ick it up right away.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of \u201cpick up:\u201d to lift something up and to learn something.\nHave you always wanted to learn to play guitar? There are lots of videos online. This series form Fender is pretty good, in my opinion."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/08/29/a-weight-off-my-shoulder/", "joke": "Q: Why was the pirate sad when his parrot left? A: It gave him the cold shoulder!", "explaination": "Explanation: Yes, the last parrot joke for a while.\nHave you seen those pictures of a pirate with a parrot sitting on his shoulder? Take a look at this one, if you haven\u2019t. (That link will also explain about the history of parrots and pirates.) I have never had a parrot sit on my shoulder, but I would expect the parrot to feel warm on my shoulder. Then, when the parrot flies away, my shoulder would feel cold.\n\u201cTo give someone the cold shoulder\u201d means to purposely ignore that person\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the phrase cold shoulder, in both the literal sense of feeling colder, and in the meaning of the idiom, to ignore someone. Perhaps the parrot was ignoring the pirate, giving him the cold shoulder?\nHere is Adele with her song Cold Shoulder\u2013"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/08/21/a-parrot-and-a-shtick/", "joke": "Q: What is bright orange and sounds like a parrot? A: A carrot!", "explaination": "Explanation: Yes! A second parrot joke!\nAs you can hear when you read the joke aloud, parrot rhymes with carrot.\nThis joke is funny because the question has a second meaning. When you read the question, it seems to ask for the name of another bird, or maybe an animal, that makes the same sounds as a parrot. Maybe there is another bird that talks like a parrot?\nBut, no. Because it is a joke, the answer is a word (or words) that sound like (rhyme with) \u201ca parrot.\u201d\nNow for something really silly- Here is Captain Vegetable with Elmo\u2014\nThen again, thinking of parrots led me to Jimmy Buffet"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/08/14/bee-amazing/", "joke": "Q: What creature is smarter than a talking parrot? A: A spelling bee!", "explaination": "Explanation: And we\u2019re back!\nPerhaps you have seen or heard parrots that talk. Well, they actually mimic (copy) the sounds that they hear. It is quite amazing. In English the typical phrase that a talking parrot says is, \u201cPolly want a cracker.\u201d\nA spelling bee is a competition to see who is the best speller, that is, the one who spells the most difficult words. A spelling bee has nothing to do with a bee, the insect that makes honey.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idea of smart animals and then plays again with two meanings of the word bee: an insect and a spelling competition. By the way, there are other types of bees such as a quilting bee which is a gathering of people who make quilts.\nThanks for the joke, Pete!\nIf you want to see a movie about a spelling bee, I highly recommend this one:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/06/26/ghost-ships/", "joke": "Q: Where do ghosts like to go sailing? A: Lake Eerie!", "explaination": "Explanation: If you ever get the chance to go sailing, I would highly recommend it. It is a beautiful experience to let the wind move your boat without using a motor.\nGhosts, of course, like places that are scary or frightening. The word eerie means strange or frightening. An eerie experience might be sitting alone in a dark house, hearing strange sounds, and seeing faint lights that look like ghosts.\nLake Erie is the 4th largest of the Great Lakes in North America. I have never seen it, but the pictures sure look nice.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words eerie and (Lake) Erie which sound exactly the same.\nHere is the song Sailing by Christopher Cross to take you on your journey:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/06/20/made-in-the-shade/", "joke": "Q: Why didn\u2019t the girl trust the trees near her home? A: They seemed a little shady!", "explaination": "Explanation: Shade is the darker, cooler area under a tree when the sun is shining on the tree. If you want to get out of the sun, you might stand under a tree in the shade. You might stand in the shady area.\nShady also means something that doesn\u2019t seem quite right, not honest, not trustworthy maybe illegal. If someone tries to sell you an expensive watch for very little money you might say, \u201cNo, that seems a little shady.\u201d\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word shady, like under a tree in the sun or a dishonest situation or person.\nBy the way, Happy Father\u2019s Day to all the fathers out there, and to all people who are like a father to someone.\nHere is a shady character from one of my favorite books, Ray Bradbury\u2019s Something Wicked This Way Comes ( it\u2019s a bit scary):"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/06/12/one-trick-pony/", "joke": "Q: Why couldn\u2019t the pony talk? A: He was a little horse!", "explaination": "Explanation: For most people, a pony is a small horse. There is actually a difference between a horse and a pony. In common conversation, though, most people do not make the distinction. A baby horse is called a foal, colt, or filly depending on age and gender.\nIf you are hoarse, your voice sounds scratchy. This can happen when you get a sore throat from being sick or from shouting a lot. If you go to a soccer game and cheer loudly for your team, you might be hoarse later on.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words horse and hoarse which sound exactly the same but have very different meanings.\nTo find out more about horses and ponies, take a look here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/06/06/shaggy-dog-story/", "joke": "Q: Why aren\u2019t dogs good dancers? A: They have two left feet!", "explaination": "Explanation: Dogs have four feet called paws: two front feet and two back feet. You could also say that they have two right feet and two left feet. Sounds simple.\nWhen you say that someone has \u201ctwo left feet\u201d it means that they do not dance well, that they are awkward when they dance.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the meanings of two left feet: the literal meaning, like dogs have two feet on the left side of their bodies, and the figurative meaning of being a bad dancer.\nIf you have always wanted to learn salsa, and not have two left feet as a salsa dancer, you could start here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/05/29/bakers-dozen/", "joke": "Q: Why did the baker go to the bank? A: He need some dough!", "explaination": "Explanation: There is nothing better than fresh baked bread! The smell is amazing and, if you can eat bread, the taste is divine.\nA person who puts bread or cookies into an oven is called a baker. Before you can bake some bread you need to mix it up. That mix is called dough; it can be cookie dough, or bread dough, or whatever type you are making.\nDough is also another word for money. (Keep in mind that it is an informal word.) If you need some money, you might go to the bank; you might ask you friend to lend you some dough for the weekend.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word dough: the mix you make for baking bread or another word (informal) for money.\nHere is Jaime Oliver teaching us how to make fresh bread. Feel free to turn on the CC (closed captioning) or slow him down because he talks a bit fast."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/05/22/extra-extra-read-all-about-it/", "joke": "Q: Did you hear about the new corduroy pillow? A: No, but I bet they\u2019re making headlines!", "explaination": "Explanation: I love my pillow! I have had it for, well, too long, and I should probably get a new one. Pillows are those soft cushions that you put under your head when you sleep. Pillows can also be found on sofas. Many people use pillows to support their back when they are sitting.\nCorduroy is a type of fabric that has raised lines in it; because of those lines, they say that corduroy is ribbed.\nSomething that \u201cmakes the headlines\u201d is usually an important news story, like the Titanic sinking or a president getting elected. Pillows do not make headlines\u2026unless the pillow is made of corduroy. If you sleep with your face on a corduroy pillow, you will wake up with lines on your face; the pattern on the corduroy fabric will press into your face.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word headlines, like in a newspaper, and head lines, like lines on your head.\nHere is a story about a bear named Corduroy. It\u2019s one of my favorites!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/05/15/cool-as-a-cucumber/", "joke": "Q: How does a cucumber become a pickle? A: It goes through a jarring experience!", "explaination": "Explanation: Do you love pickles? I do!\nPickles are little cucumbers that are left in vinegar or brine for a period of time. This is usually done in jars. An interesting note: the process of making pickles is called canning (like, putting in a can) and not jarring.\nJarring is a word used to describe an experience that shocks or disturbs you; it is not a pleasant experience.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word jar-cucumbers are put in jars, so, in a sense they go through a jarring experience.\nWatch here to see how glass bottles are made:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/05/01/a-breath-of-fresh-air/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a carrot that insults a rabbit? A: A fresh vegetable!", "explaination": "Explanation: It is springtime in the northern hemisphere and it is time to plant the vegetable garden. That way, you can eat fresh vegetables when they are ripe and ready to be picked. Fresh vegetables are vegetables that have been recently harvested, recently picked.\nThe word \u2018fresh\u2018 also has a different meaning. \u2018Fresh\u2019 can mean disrespectful, like talking back to your teacher.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the different meanings of the word \u2018fresh.\u2019 It is also funny because, well, carrots don\u2019t usually talk to rabbits!\nBugs Bunny is known for being fresh with people. Here he is with some rather large vegetables. (Thank you to L.G. for the joke idea!)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/04/17/trousers-again/", "joke": "Q: What does a dog do that a person steps into? A: Pants!", "explaination": "Explanation: Thank you to a friend from India for sending another joke about pants!\nLast week I explained about pants, the ones you wear that are also called trousers or slacks.\nPant is also the way a dog breathes when it is hot, usually a quick breathing with its tongue sticking out. A dog pants. So a person steps into pants and a dog pants.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word pants. It is also funny because when you read the joke, you might think of something a dog does (poops) that a person might step in (that\u2019s kind of gross, but it happens.)\nHere is an explanation of why dogs pant:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/04/10/holy-toledo/", "joke": "Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? A: In case he got a hole in one!", "explaination": "Explanation: I have never been golfing but this joke made me laugh.\nPants are an item of clothing that you put on one leg at a time. They are also known as slacks and trousers. Jeans are pants. Although some people like to have holes in their pants, most people do not like it when they get a hole in a pair of pants. If you get a hole in one pair of pants, you might want to put on another pair of pants without a hole.\nIn golf, a hole-in-one means that you got the little white ball into the hole with just one swing of your golf club. I understand that it is hard to get a hole-in-one while playing golf.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the meanings of \u201chole in one.\u201d\nHere are some famous golfers getting a hole-in-one."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/04/04/nip-it-in-the-flower/", "joke": "Q: What did the big flower say to the little flower? A: Hi, bud!", "explaination": "Explanation: Spring is in the air in the northern hemisphere and gardens are blooming!\nBud is a word that is used as a synonym for friend, short for buddy. My next-door neighbor was named Buddy when I lived in Minnesota; Buddy was my buddy, my bud, my friend.\nBud is also a word used for the small bump on a plant that develops into a flower.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word bud.\nWatch these buds turn into flowers and then read The Little Prince to learn about making a flower your bud, your friend."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/03/27/spring-ahead-fall-back/", "joke": "Q: Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall? A: He wanted to make up for a lousy summer!", "explaination": "Explanation: In my neck of the woods, summer has turned to fall.\nHumpty Dumpty is a character from Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. Usually pictured as a very large egg, Humpty Dumpty fell off a wall and broke into many pieces. In the rhyme we hear,\nHumpty Dumpty sat on a wall\nHumpty Dumpty had a great fall\nIt makes sense that if an egg fell off a wall it would break.\nFall is also a season (spring, summer, fall, winter), sometimes known as autumn. If you had a lousy summer, a bad summer, you might want the next season to be better. That is, you could compensate for a bad summer (make up for a lousy summer) by having a really good autumn.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word fall, the verb (to fall) and the season (autumn).\nHere is one video version where Alice meets Humpty. If you continue watching, you will hear the poem Jabberwocky a fun poem with lots of nonsense words that make sense."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/03/21/crossing-again/", "joke": "Q: Why did the atoms cross the road? A: It was time to split!", "explaination": "Explanation: Ah, yes, this one reminds me of my first joke on this site.\nAtoms are the building blocks of matter, of all things. The element chart lists all the different types of atoms.\nTo split means to leave. If I were watching a soccer game, at the end I might say, \u201cGame\u2019s over. Let\u2019s split.\u201d And then we would leave the park or the stadium where the game was being played.\nWhen you \u201csplit an atom\u201d you release a lot of energy, like in a nuclear bomb.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of split. Split also means to divide something into parts. If you are a gymnast you might know how to do the splits. You might even make a banana split.\nHere is how atoms were first split:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/03/13/happy-out-side/", "joke": "Q: What is Irish and sits outside? A: Patio Furniture!", "explaination": "Explanation: March 17th is St. Patrick\u2019s Day. Being of Irish heritage, I thought this joke appropriate\u2026 and it made me laugh.\nPatio furniture refers to the chairs and tables that you might see outside on a patio.\nPatio furniture sounds a lot like Paddy O\u2019Furniture. Paddy is an Irish name, often a nickname for someone named Patrick or Padraig. There are a lot of famous Paddys. The O\u2019 (capital letter O with an apostrophe), along with Mc or Mac, means \u201cson of\u201d in Irish last names. Lots of Irish last names start with O\u2019 such as O\u2019Brien and O\u2019Keefe.\nThere is no Irish last name of O\u2019Furniture, and that\u2019s what makes this joke funny. Maybe where you are you can celebrate St. Patrick\u2019s Day by sitting outside on your patio furniture and listening to The Chieftains and Sinead O\u2019Connor."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/03/06/swing-batter/", "joke": "Q: Why was Cinderella so lousy at baseball? A: Because she ran away from the ball and had a pumpkin for a coach!", "explaination": "Explanation: In the United States, baseball spring training has started in Florida and Arizona so how about a baseball joke?\nThere is a lot to explain in this joke. To be lousy at something means to be bad at it. In this joke, Cinderella is bad at playing baseball. Why? Because she runs away from the ball.\nBall, here, has two meanings: Ball refers to the baseball in the game of baseball; ball is also the name of a formal dance party. Remember when the clock struck 12:00 midnight and Cinderella had to leave the ball?\nThen, there is the coach. In baseball, the coach is the person who leads the team by telling the players what to do and helps them to do it better. Coach is also the word used for the horse-drawn carriage that takes Cinderella to and from the ball. That coach started out as a pumpkin and then became a pumpkin again after midnight.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word ball and the word coach. Did you ever wonder how a baseball is made? Watch this video to find out."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/02/27/a-tiger-fish-in-your-tank/", "joke": "Q: While in their tank, what did one fish say to the other fish? A: Do you know how to drive this thing?!", "explaination": "Explanation: If you have a fish at home, it is in a tank: a fish tank (also called an aquarium). Normally when you hear about a tank and fish, you think of a fish tank. A fish tank is a glass box that holds water and fish.\nThe other type of tank is a military tank. If you are in a military tank, someone has to drive it, like the fish in the joke.\nThis joke is funny because the word tank has two meanings: a fish tank and a military tank. This joke misdirects us to start thinking of a fish tank, when actually the fish are in a military tank.\nHere is how to take care of your goldfish in a fish tank:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/02/21/the-nose-knows/", "joke": "Q: What did the right eye say to the left eye? A: Hey buddy, just between you and me, something smells!", "explaination": "Explanation: More jokes about your face!\nThe phrase \u201csomething smells\u201d usually means that something is giving off, emitting, a bad smell. In this joke, \u201csomething smells\u201d refers to the nose and the action of smelling, of noticing that there is a odor or aroma that the nose can detect.\nThat\u2019s what makes this joke funny\u2014the nose is between the eyes and it smells, it detects odors\u2026but the nose itself does not smell bad, that is, give off a bad odor.\nHere is something you can see that is beautiful but smells really bad: the corpse flower!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/02/15/door-prize/", "joke": "Q: Why did the scientist install a knocker on his front door? A: Because he wanted to win the no-bell prize!", "explaination": "Explanation: A knocker is that metal piece on the outside of a door that you use to make noise so that people know that you are there. An alternative to using a door knocker is to use a doorbell. A doorbell is a button, typically found next to the door, that you push to make noise inside the house so that people know that you are there.\nIf you do not have a doorbell, you have no bell. \u201cNo bell\u201d sounds like Nobel. Nobel is the name of a prize in many different categories including physics, chemistry, peace, and literature.\nThis joke is funny because no-bell sounds like Nobel, and the scientist wanted to win a no-bell/Nobel prize. (That strategy probably won\u2019t help him win!)\nHere is some information about the Nobel Prizes:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/02/06/i-am-not-swearing/", "joke": "Q: What did the fish say when he swam into the concrete wall? A: Dam!", "explaination": "Explanation: As a language learner, it is important to know the swear words, the bad words, the words you probably shouldn\u2019t say.\nDam is not a swear word, but it sounds like one. A dam is a structure built on a river to keep the water from flowing. Beavers make dams (see the video on that link to learn more about beavers and their dams) and humans do too. To see a dam, you might visit the Hoover Dam in Nevada. If a fish ran into a concrete wall while swimming in a river, it is probably a dam.\nDam sounds just like damn; many people consider damn to be a swear word. Damn comes from the Latin word \u2018damnare\u2019 which means to condemn. Lots of people use the word damn when something goes wrong or hurts. If you were to bump into a concrete wall it would hurt and you might say, \u201cDamn,\u201d just like the fish in the joke. If you are creative, you can probably find better words to express your pain.\nThis joke is funny because the words damn and dam sound the same.\nI like this video about beaver dams and the calm voice of the speaker, Richard Attenborough."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/01/30/oh-brother/", "joke": "Q: Why can\u2019t a woman ask her brother for help? A: Because he can\u2019t be a brother and assist her too!", "explaination": "Explanation: Of course a woman can ask her brother for help! Just not in this joke.\nThe words in this joke are rather well known. To assist means to help. You already know brother, sister, and woman. Regarding relationships, you can be either a brother or a sister, but not both.\nThis joke is funny because, if you listen closely, \u201ca sister\u201d and \u201cassist her\u201d sound the same. Please help your brothers and sisters.\nHere is a story about someone who decided to help his community by using books and a donkey."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/01/23/book-em-danno/", "joke": "Q: How do you keep a bagel from getting away? A: Put lox on it!", "explaination": "Explanation: Bagels are a type of bread that look like a donut. They are round and have a hole in the middle, but they are not sweet. To eat a bagel, you usually cut it in half and put something on it like cream cheese.\nAnother item you might put on your bagel is lox. Lox is salmon that has been preserved by using brine. The word lox sounds like the word locks. A lock is used to close something securely, like putting a lock and chain on your bike so that no one steals it, or locking the door to your apartment.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word lox/locks, which sound the same. (The title of this post comes from Hawaii 5-0 when McGarret told his partner to arrest someone by saying, \u201cBook \u2019em, Danno.\u201d\nHere is a video about how bagels are made. Try narrating the video"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/01/18/dear-bare/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a bear with no ears? A: B!", "explaination": "Explanation: Get it? If you take the word bears and cross off the word ears (b\nears ) you are left with just the letter \u2018b.\u2019 Silly, I know. So here is another one\u2026\nQ: What do you call a deer with no eyes?\nA: No eye-deer!\nExplanation: When someone asks you a question, and you do not know the answer, you might say, \u201cI have no idea.\u201d Some English speakers tend to put the \u2018r\u2019 sound on the end of the word \u2018idea\u2019 so that is sounds like ide-er.\nIn this joke, a deer with no eyes (a no eye deer) sounds like no ide-er.\nBy the way, both bear and deer (animals) have words that sound the same, bare and dear. Here is a baby bear meeting a baby deer for the first time (why they were together in a house I do not know!):"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/01/10/typecasting/", "joke": "Q: What did the mouse say to the keyboard? A: You are really my type!", "explaination": "Explanation: Computer humor!\nA mouse can be a small animal or a device that helps you work with a computer. In this joke, I am talking about the computer mouse, so picture a computer mouse talking to the computer keyboard.\nAnd what do you do with a keyboard? You type on it to enter information into the computer. (Did you know that there are one-handed keyboards?)\n\u201cYou\u2019re my type\u201d is an idiom that means that I like you, or that we will get along well together.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word type and the idiom \u201cyou\u2019re my type.\u201d\nIf you would like to practice typing, here is a video to get you started:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2021/01/02/a-bigger-better-year/", "joke": "Q: If Mr. and Mrs. Bigger had a baby, who would be the biggest of all three of them? A: The baby because the baby is a little Bigger!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy New Year! A baby joke for the new year seemed appropriate.\nIf something is a little bigger than something else, that means it is larger. For example, I might say that, typically, a grapefruit is a little bigger than an orange. Sometimes they are a lot bigger.\nIf a person\u2019s last name is Bigger, well, the whole thing gets more complicated. In this case, the baby is referred to as the little one, or the little Bigger, who is actually smaller because of being a baby.\nThis joke is funny because the little Bigger (the baby) cannot be a little bigger (larger) than the parents. May your new year be a little better than the past year. (I was going to say bigger, but that wouldn\u2019t make sense.)\nLet\u2019s take a look in the opposite direction of bigger: Tiny Houses!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/12/26/making-things-alright/", "joke": "Q: Where does satisfaction come from? A: A satisfactory!", "explaination": "Explanation: Satisfaction is that feeling you get when things work out. I think of it as a feeling of calm joy because life is good, if only for a moment. There are other meanings of satisfaction, and the Rolling Stones sang about not getting any.)\nA factory is a place where things are made. There is also the Cheesecake Factory, which is not really a factory but they do make cheesecake.\nThe word satisfactory means that something is OK, acceptable. It is not great; it is not awful. It is satisfactory. A grade of a C is satisfactory school work in many places in the United States.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words satisfaction and satisfactory, as if you can make satisfaction in a factory.\nIf you would like to learn more about factories and the Industrial Revolution, the BBC has a bit of history for you:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/12/24/an-english-christmas/", "joke": "Q: What do you call Santa\u2019s helpers? A: Subordinate Clauses!", "explaination": "Explanation: Merry Christmas!\nIn the telling of the story of Santa Claus, the people who help Santa make the toys are typically called elves (one elf, two elves). They are the helpers; they are not the main attraction. They are subordinate.\nThe word subordinate means lower in rank or position, perhaps less important, like the elves when compared to Santa. This is also true in English grammar when there is a main clause and a subordinate clause. A subordinate clause is part of a sentence, but it does not have enough meaning by itself. If I say \u201cWhen I get home,\u201d there is an obvious question: What will happen when you get home? That phrase needs more information so we call it subordinate.\nThis joke is funny (at least to English teachers) because Santa\u2019s helpers are usually known as elves, not as subordinate clauses.\nHere is Michael Bubl\u00e9 reading A Visit From St. Nicholas."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/12/19/can-you-smell-me-now/", "joke": "Q: Where did the skunk sit when it went to church? A: In its own pew!", "explaination": "Explanation: Skunks are those small, squirrel-like animals that are colored mostly black with a white stripe down the back. Perhaps you remember that famous cartoon skunk, Pepe Le Pew? Skunks are known for protecting themselves by spraying a very bad smell.\nSkunks do not go to church (although, maybe Pepe Le Pew did, I\u2019m not sure). If they did, they might sit in a pew. A pew is the name for the bench found in many churches. You can even buy one on Etsy\u2026if you need a pew.\nPew! is also the exclamation that people say when something smells bad (same pronunciation as a church pew). This expression has many different spellings, but the most common seem to be pew and P.U.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word pew, the place where someone sits in a church, and pew! Because skunks can make that really bad smell, they might sit in their own pew.\nHere is Pepe Le Pew:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/12/13/can-you-hear-me-now/", "joke": "Q: Did you hear about the two antennas who got married? A: The wedding was awful but the reception was great!", "explaination": "Explanation: Antennas are used to receive and send electromagnetic waves so we can communicate (like with radios and TVs). Some antennas are a simple piece of wire while others are huge dishes.\nIf you have good reception it means that you can hear the radio really well, or see the TV really well. Radio waves are also used to send voice and texts to cell towers, so good reception is important for cell phones too.\nAnother meaning of reception is the the party after a wedding.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the meaning of the word reception: the party after a wedding or the way an antenna captures waves. Of course the wedding reception of of two antennas would be great!\nIf you want to try making a radio with an antenna, take a look at this video:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/12/05/elephant-feathers/", "joke": "Q: How do you get down from an elephant? A: You don\u2019t get down from an elephant, you get down from a duck!", "explaination": "Explanation: Yes\u2013another duck joke!\nIn some places in the world, people ride on elephants, sort of like riding on horses. Because elephants are so big, you might wonder, how do you get up onto the elephant and, once you are on the elephant, how do you get down? Good question! I have never ridden on an elephant.\nDown is also the word for the very soft feathers under the harder, outer feathers on a duck or a goose. You might have heard of eider down; you can read more about it here.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word down: the opposite of up and the soft, inner feathers of a duck.\nTo learn more about elephants, watch this:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/11/26/catch-me-if-you-can/", "joke": "Q: What did the turkey say to the hunter? A: Quack, quack!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy Thanksgiving Day to readers who are celebrating Thanksgiving today. I hope you are safe, and healthy. Thank you for reading Explain the Joke!\nOn Thanksgiving day, many families celebrate with a traditional turkey meal. Of course if you are the turkey, it is not such a good thing.\nThis joke is funny because the turkey is pretending to be a duck by saying, \u201cQuack quack.\u201d Every language has words that mean animal sounds. In English, a turkey says gobble (scroll down on that link to hear the gobble).\nHere is a reminder of the importance of being thankful."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/11/21/painted-into-a-corner/", "joke": "Q: What happened when the ship ran aground while transporting red paint and black paint? A: The crew was marooned!", "explaination": "Explanation: A bit of transportation humor this week. To run aground means that the ship was not floating, but the bottom of the ship was touching the ocean floor (the ground under the water). If a ship runs aground it is like a car hitting something and a big mess can occur. The ship in the joke was carrying red paint and black paint, so all all of the paint probably spilled and mixed together creating the color maroon.\nIf a ship runs aground in a place where there are no people we say that the ship is marooned, that is, stuck in a place where it cannot leave.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word maroon, a color, and marooned, to be stranded or stuck.\nOf course you can be marooned in space like in this 1969 film:\nOr marooned on a deserted island:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/11/07/great-oaks-from-little-acorns/", "joke": "Q: How do you get a squirrel to like you? A: Act like a nut!", "explaination": "Explanation: In English, the word nut can refer to foods such as pistachios, cashews, and walnuts. Squirrels love to eat nuts, especially acorns if there are oak trees nearby.\nTo act like a nut means to act crazy.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two of the meanings of nut: a type of food and to go crazy.\nHere you can see an oak tree grow from an acorn:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/10/31/the-skeleton-sang-ive-got-you/", "joke": "Q: Why do skeletons stay so calm? A: Because nothing gets under their skin!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy Halloween!\nTo get under one\u2019s skin is an idiom meaning that something bothers you. If something gets under your skin, it nags at you, it irks you, it rubs you the wrong way; it bothers you.\nSkeletons are all bone, no skin. If you don\u2019t have skin, nothing can get under you skin.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idiom to get under your skin.\nHere is Frank Sinatra singing I\u2019ve Got You Under My Skin:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/10/24/fly-me-to-the-moon/", "joke": "Q: How does the moon cut his hair? A: Eclipse it!", "explaination": "Explanation: A lunar eclipse happens during a full moon when the earth moves between the sun and the moon so that the full moon can no longer be seen. The moon, of course does not have hair but that is part of what makes this joke funny.\nAnother way to say that you cut your hair is to say that you clip it. (There is even a chain of shops called Great Clips where you can get your hair cut.)\nThis joke is funny because \u201ceclipse it\u201d sounds almost like \u201che clips it.\u201d I know that this joke does not make a lot of sense, but it does make me laugh. Silly!\nHere is a different look at the moon in the first science fiction film. If you know the book or the movie The Invention of Hugo Cabret you will recognize it. (Yes, Georges M\u00e9li\u00e8s was a real person.)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/10/17/in-the-slow-lane/", "joke": "Q: What do you get when you combine a porcupine and a turtle? A: A slowpoke!", "explaination": "Explanation: A porcupine is an animal that has needles which are called quills. The quills are sharp on the end and will hurt if they touch you, if they poke you (like when you get a shot in the arm).\nTurtles are animals that usually move slowly.\nThis joke is funny because it combines the idea of a slow turtle and a porcupine with quills that can poke you into a slowpoke: a slowpoke is someone who does something too slowly.\nHere is another animal that moves slowly: the sloth."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/10/11/my-better-half/", "joke": "Q: What\u2019s worse than finding a worm in your apple? A: Finding half a worm!", "explaination": "Explanation: Imagine biting into an apple and finding a worm. Yes, that is a very unpleasant thought because your apple is most likely not in very good condition.\nNow, imagine biting into an apple and finding only half of a worm. That means that the other half is in your mouth! Yuck!!\nThis joke is funny because it sets up the expectation for something bigger, worse than a worm, and then surprises us with less than a worm, only half of a worm.\nSo, why are there so many types of apples?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/10/03/jam-packed/", "joke": "Q: Why was the baby strawberry crying? A: Because her parents were in a jam!", "explaination": "Explanation: Jam is a type of food that is typically made of fruit. Jam is usually spread on another food like bread or toast (like the way butter is spread on bread or toast). If you use strawberries to make jam, you have made strawberry jam. Mmmm! I like it.\nTo be in a jam is an idiom that means to be in a difficult situation, to have a problem.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with meanings of the word jam. Yes, it might make you cry if your parents were in a jam (in a difficult situation), especially if you are a strawberry!\nThe word jam is also used when musicians play together like in the video below. A jam session is usually informal and may involve improvisation."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/09/26/a-can-of-corn/", "joke": "Q: What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? A: Where is pop corn?", "explaination": "Explanation: There are many types of families. Some families, like the one in this joke, are made of a mom, dad, and baby. Mom can be called mama; dad can be called pop.\nCorn, of course, does not have a family, but there are many types of corn. One type of corn is popcorn. Popcorn is a type of corn that, when heated, explodes into a white, fluffy piece that you can eat.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word pop: a type of corn and a name for dad.\nDo you like to eat popcorn? I do. I especially like to make popcorn on the stove with my stove-top popper. Then I add just a touch of salt. I find that my stove-top popcorn is better than microwave popcorn. Here is a kernel of popcorn exploding in slow motion (it\u2019s pretty amazing!)."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/09/19/you-can-bank-on-it/", "joke": "Q: What runs but never walks, murmurs, but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and has a mouth but never eats? A: A river!", "explaination": "Explanation: Thanks the Instagram account of Glacier National Park for this week\u2019s joke.\nThere are many words in English that have multiple meanings and this joke shows us many of them that are related to a river. The water in a river runs. The river murmurs by making noise as it flows to the sea. The bed of the river is the ground that is under the river. The mouth of the river is where the river flows into the ocean.\nThis joke is funny because it uses many words related to river that have multiple meanings.\nAre you familiar with Colombia\u2019s Rainbow River?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/09/12/as-clear-as-dud/", "joke": "Q: When does a joke turn into a \u201cdad\u201d joke? A: When the answer is a parent!", "explaination": "Explanation: There is a category of jokes called dad jokes. These are jokes that have really bad answers that will make you groan because they are stupid/silly. Puns fit nicely into this category. I rather like theses jokes. By the way, the answer to a joke is also called a punchline.\nThe word \u201capparent\u201d (meaning obvious, clear) sounds just like \u201ca parent\u201d (meaning a mom or dad).\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word apparent/a parent. When you become a parent, you become a mom or a dad; when something becomes apparent it becomes clear, like the answer to a question.\nHere are some kids telling dad jokes. They\u2019re awesome!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/09/05/a-hard-rain-is-gonna-fall/", "joke": "Q: What is worse than raining cats and dogs? A: Hailing taxis!", "explaination": "Explanation: Precipitation is water in any form that falls from the sky. This includes rain, snow, sleet and hail. Hail is frozen rain, ice, that falls; it can be very small or quite large.\nHailing a taxi means to get the attention of a taxi driver so that you can get a ride somewhere. Hailing taxis also sounds like taxis are falling from the sky like frozen rain, like hail.\nRaining cats and dogs is an idiom meaning that it is raining very hard, that the rain is pouring down.\nThis joke is funny because it takes the idiom raining cats and dogs and makes it precipitate harder by hailing taxis. This joke plays with the word hailing, meaning to call a taxi from the side of the street, or falling ice.\nHere is Bob Dylan singing A Hard Rain is Gonna Fall:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/08/29/lullaby-me-to-the-moon/", "joke": "Q: How do you stop an astronaut\u2019s baby from crying? A: You rocket!", "explaination": "Explanation: Astronauts are scientists who explore and study space. To get into space they blast off in a rocket. In this case, \u2018rocket\u2019 is a noun, a thing.\nWhen babies cry, they can often be calmed, soothed, by rocking them. To rock a baby means to gently move a baby back and forth, maybe by swaying, walking, or sitting in a rocking chair. To calm a baby, rock it. Here \u2018rock\u2019 is a verb, an action.\nThis joke is funny because rocket sounds just like \u201crock it.\u201d\nHere is another: Rockit by Herbie Hancock:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/08/22/x-marks-the-spot/", "joke": "Q: What did the Dalmatian say after eating lunch? A: Wow, that really hit the spot!", "explaination": "Explanation: If you have seen the movie 101 Dalmatians, you know that Dalmatians are a breed of dog known for their spots. While I like dogs, having 101 of them seems like a lot!\nThat hit the spot is an idiom meaning something that was needed. In this joke the speaker, the Dalmatian, was hungry and lunch hit the spot: lunch is exactly what was needed.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idea of hitting the spot (the markings on a Dalmatian) and hitting the spot (being exactly what was needed).\nIf you want to learn more about Dalmatians, this will hit the spot:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/08/15/crossed-with-chicken/", "joke": "Q: Why did the child cross the playground? A: To get to the other slide!", "explaination": "Explanation: Back in 2013, the first joke that I explained was, perhaps, the most famous of all jokes\u2013Why did the chicken cross the road? This joke is funny because it plays with that joke.\nThe answer to the chicken-crossing-the-road joke is \u201cto get to the other side.\u201d This joke plays with that joke by using a different, rhyming word for the last word of the answer, slide. And it also makes sense that a child would cross the playground to get to a slide. People cross all sorts of things to get somewhere: they cross the ocean, they cross the mountains, they cross the desert.\nNow here is a slide I might cross the playground for:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/08/08/finally-found/", "joke": "Q: Why do you always find something in the last place you look? A: Because when you find it, you stop looking!", "explaination": "Explanation: Perhaps this is more of a logic puzzle than a joke\u2013but it is true! Often times we search long and hard for a missing thing and then find it in the last place we look. Is there a psychological reason it took us so long to find something? I do not know the answer to that. I do know that this joke makes me laugh.\nThis joke is funny because it creates an expectation for an answer that relates to the way we think. The joke does not fulfill the expectation but gives us a bit of logic. Who would keep searching for something after you have found it? Not me.\nDo you know the books Where\u2019s Waldo? If you want to try looking for Waldo, you can click on the this link, or watch this video:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/08/01/whether-balloon/", "joke": "Q: What music frightens balloons? A: Pop music!", "explaination": "Explanation: When balloons explode, we say they pop. If you stick a pin in a balloon, it pops. If balloons had feelings, I am pretty sure that they would be scared of things that make the pop.\n\u2018Pop\u2019 is also a type of music, originally from the term \u2018popular music.\u2019 Pop music now refers to music that is commercial (sells a lot), usually upbeat, and uses a verse/chorus format. Yea, that\u2019s probably too much information. (By the way, pop can also mean father, and soda.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word pop\u2013both a type of music and an action that end the life of a balloon. There is a lot of famous pop music. Here is one of the pop music examples from the list (#26) in the previous links:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/07/25/run-the-good-race/", "joke": "Q: What race is never run? A: A swimming race!", "explaination": "Explanation: Thank you to a swimming friend who sent me this joke.\nThis explanation will be short, maybe abut 50 meters, the length of an olympic swimming pool. Yes, I know, the Olympics did not start this past week because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope you are staying healthy!\nIf you race someone in a pool, a swimming race, you are not running. You are swimming. Of course this joke could have other answers such as a car race, a spelling race, \u2026 you get the idea.\nThis joke is funny because the idea of a race that is never run makes people think of running.\nHere are the top ten swimming races from the 2016 Rio Olympics (according to the author of this video):"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/07/18/sour-milk/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a mean cow? A: Moo-dy!", "explaination": "Explanation: Wow, there are a lot of jokes about cows!\nAs you may know, cows say \u201cmoo.\u201d If you don\u2019t believe me you can listen to Old McDonald, \u201cwith a moo-moo here and a moo- moo there\u2026.\u201d\nMoody is a word that means a person who changes his or her mood a lot. If someone were happy and then gets mad really fast, you might say that the person is moody. You could use moody for someone who changes from nice to mean and back to nice again.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the \u201cmoo\u201d in moody and the voice of a cow.\nHere is something else that is moody: The Moody Blues singing Knights in White Satin"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/07/11/ebb-and-flow/", "joke": "Q: What did one toilet say to the other toilet? A: You look flushed.", "explaination": "Explanation: After using a toilet, you need to move the lever that sends swirling water down into the sewer. Moving that lever is called flushing. To flush a toilet is to move the lever that starts the water moving.\nTo look flushed is an idiom that means your face changed its look because of exercise, cold weather or embarrassment.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word flushed: what you do to a toilet after using it, or how you look after exercise.\nSpeaking of flushing, did you know that water really does swirl in different directions on opposite sides of the equator? Here is the proof:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/07/04/standing-for-liberty/", "joke": "Q: Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor? A: Because she can\u2019t sit down!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy 4th of July to readers in the United States! Wishing you a healthy and safe Independence Day.\nThis joke sets up an expectation\u2013you hope to hear why New York Harbor was chosen for the location of the Statue of Liberty. It is funny because it doesn\u2019t answer that question. The joke tells us that the statue stands because it can\u2019t sit down. Of course the statue can\u2019t sit down\u2013it\u2019s made of metal!\nHere is some information about the Statue of Liberty:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/06/27/bug-fest/", "joke": "Q: How do snails fight? A: They slug it out.", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cSlug it out\u201d is an expression that means to fight. Slug also means hit; if you slug someone, you hit someone. In baseball, a slugger is someone who good at hitting the ball.\nA slug is a living thing, similar to to a snail without a shell, that is often found in nature or perhaps in your garden.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with \u201cslug\u201d and \u201cslug it out.\u201d The slug slugs!\nHere are some slugs slugging it out:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/06/20/get-going/", "joke": "Knock, knock. Who\u2019s there?", "explaination": "Cargo.\nCargo, who?\nCar go, \u201cBeep beep, vroom, vroom!\u201d\nExplanation: A knock knock joke to get you moving.\nCargo is the word for goods (things) carried by a ship, train, or truck from one place to another. A ship is loaded with cargo such as boxes, containers, cars, grain, \u2026 to move it from one place to another.\n\u201cBeep, beep, vroom, vroom!\u201d are the sounds a small child might make while playing with toy cars. As the child makes those sounds, she or he might say in little-kid English, \u201cCar go\u201d meaning that the car makes noises like beep (the horn) and vroom (the engine) as it moves.\nThe joke is funny because in knock knock jokes you never know how it will end up. This one joins cargo with \u201ccar go.\u201d\nThis is how ships are loaded with cargo:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/06/13/cutting-corners/", "joke": "Q: What stays in the corner but travels all around the world? A: A stamp!", "explaination": "Explanation: What fun it would be to travel around the world!\nA stamp is that little sticker that you put in the corner of an envelope, showing that you paid, so you can mail an envelope to another location, perhaps to another part of your country or the world. That\u2019s right\u2013you put the stamp in the corner of the envelope.\nNormally, when you hear \u201cstay in the corner,\u201d you think of someone in a room, staying where the two walls come together: That is the corner of the room.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the expectation of staying in the corner of a room, when the stamp is staying in the corner of the envelope and traveling all around the world.\nWatch here to see Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego\u2026"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/06/06/tall-tails/", "joke": "Q: Why do cats make terrible storytellers? A: They only have one tail!", "explaination": "Explanation: A tale is a story. If you are a teller of tales you are a storyteller.\nA tail is the part of of an animal that located at its rear end. Most animals, such as cats and dogs, have tails.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words tale and tail which sound the same. Tale and tail are homophones because they sound the same but have different meanings and different spellings.\nWatch here to understand cats better:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/05/30/hat-trick/", "joke": "Q: What did one hat say to the other? A: You stay here. I\u2019m going on ahead!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTo go on ahead\u201d or \u201cto go ahead\u201d means to move forward to do something while leaving the other person behind.\nThat is different from a hat going on a head, which is when a person puts a hat on his or her head. Hats, of course, go on your head.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word ahead which sounds like a head. I like this one because it is easy to remember. (A hat trick, by the way, is when a player scores three goals in one game, such as hockey.)\nIf you want to learn to do a magic trick with a hat, try this:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/05/23/flower-power/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a flower that runs on electricity? A: A power plant!", "explaination": "Explanation: A power plant is a place where electricity is made. There are many different types of power plants.\nA flower is the part of a plant that makes the seeds. Flowers and plants get their energy from the sun using photosynthesis. (Does not make them solar powered? I am not sure.) Plants are important to life on earth because we get oxygen and food from them.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word plant: electric plant and a living plant with flowers.\nHere are four projects you can make with a mini solar panel:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/05/16/april-showers/", "joke": "Q: Why would you want a chicken-proof umbrella? A: To use when the weather is fowl!", "explaination": "Explanation: Spring started back on March 19 in the northern hemisphere, while fall began for me here in the southern hemisphere. As the seasons change, I hope all of you are safe and healthy amid the coronavirus pandemic.\nThe word \u2018proof\u2018 has many meanings. In this joke, chicken-proof means that the chickens cannot get in. This is just like the word waterproof or bulletproof where the water or the bullet cannot enter. Umbrellas, of course, are waterproof so that the water can not go through the umbrella and get you wet. (Normally we do not think about umbrellas as being chicken-proof.)\n\u2018Fowl\u2018 means a type of bird that includes chickens, turkeys and ducks. \u2018Foul,\u2019 which sounds the same as \u2018fowl,\u2019 means something that is really unpleasant, like really bad weather.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words foul (really unpleasant) and fowl (birds like chickens, turkeys and ducks). And you would never expect chickens to fall during bad weather, foul weather!\nIf you want to raise your own chickens (and you have more space than I do) you could watch this"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/05/09/dressed-to-the-nines/", "joke": "Q: What is the difference between a well-dressed bicyclist and a poorly dressed unicyclist? A: Attire!", "explaination": "Explanation: Let\u2019s start with some vocabulary:\n- Well-dressed means to wear nice clothing (it is the opposite of poorly dressed);\n- A bicyclist is a person who rides a bike;\n- A unicyclist is a person who rides a unicycle;\n- A unicycle is like a bicycle (bike) but it only has one wheel.\nIf you are well-dressed it means you are wearing nice clothing. Clothing and attire can be used as synonyms, but attire is typically used to mean nice clothing, formal clothing.\nAttire also sounds the same as a tire. A bike has two wheels, that is, two tires; a unicycle has only one wheel, one tire. Wheel and tire are synonyms. (Well, people use them as synonyms. The tire is really the rubber part of the wheel, the part that touches the street.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the the word attire: well dressed or a tire, a wheel. So if you are well dressed on a bicycle you have both good attire, and a tire (one tire) more than the unicyclist.\nIf you want to learn to ride a unicycle, take a look at Finnovation:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/05/02/bonsai/", "joke": "Q: What kind of tree fits in your hand? A: A palm tree!", "explaination": "Explanation: The palm of your hand is the part that faces things you grab. It is easier to see in the picture. The palm of your hand is rather small and, ordinarily, would not hold a tree.\nA palm tree is a tree that is found in tropical climates like the one in the picture.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the two meanings of the word palm: part of your hand and a type of tree.\nSpeaking of palms, do you know how to do any magic tricks with your palm?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/04/25/uncomfortablyclose/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a grilled cheese sandwich that gets right up in your face? A: Too close for comfort food!", "explaination": "Explanation: Comfort food is food that makes you feel good, perhaps by reminding you of a special time, place, or person. Comfort food is usually high in calories like macaroni and cheese, or lasagna.\n\u201cToo close for comfort\u201d is an idiom that can mean that someone or something is really too close to you, very near to you like the car that almost hit you, or the dog barking at your feet. It can also be more figurative, such as when someone says, \u201cThat conversation about coronavirus is a little too close to home.\u201d In that example, someone who is worried about the virus might not want to have to talk about it; the topic is too close to home.\nThis joke is funny because it combines \u201ctoo close for comfort\u201d with \u201ccomfort food.\u201d\nHere is how to make one of my favorite comfort foods (thanks mom and grandma), grilled cheese sandwich-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/04/18/paper-cut/", "joke": "Q: What did the Daddy Scissors say to his children when they acted up? A: Cut it out!", "explaination": "Explanation: Of course, the scissors would say, \u201cCut it out!\u201d\n\u201cTo act up\u201d means to behave badly, like students who sometimes act up at school and get in trouble with their teacher or the principal.\n\u201cCut it out\u201d has two meanings: First, is the literal meaning that you can cut something out, like cutting a coupon out of the newspaper; second is the idiom where \u201ccut it out\u201d means to stop doing something. If someone tells you to \u201ccut it out,\u201d that person wants you to stop doing whatever you are doing.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of \u201ccut it out.\u201d Check out these two art projects you can do with paper and scissors. (The first one we can all do; the second one takes more skill!)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/04/11/egg-cellent-spin/", "joke": "Q: How do you make a Chinese egg roll? A: Just give it a little push!", "explaination": "Explanation: Many families will be celebrating Easter this weekend, so an egg joke seemed appropriate.\nA Chinese egg roll is a type of food served at many Chinese restaurants (and they are really good). In the name of this food, \u2018roll\u2019 is a thing (a noun); the words before \u2018roll\u2019 tell what type of roll (adjectives): an egg roll, a Chinese egg roll.\nRoll is also a verb that describes what a wheel does as it turns (it rolls) or what a rock does as it goes down a hill (it rolls). If you push an egg, it will roll. This will happen to an egg from anywhere such as China or France or Peru.\nThis joke is funny because it creates an expectation for one type of answer, but it gives a different answer. When you hear the question, how do you make a Chinese egg roll, you expect the answer to include instructions, perhaps a recipe, about one of my favorite foods\u2013egg rolls. What you get is a funny answer because, of course, if you push an egg, it will roll.\nHere is an egg rolling contest from Iowa:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/04/04/is-it-legal/", "joke": "Q: Can you keep a sick, bald bird in your house? A: No, that\u2019s ill-eagle!", "explaination": "Explanation: Many of us are staying home so that the world can flatten the coronavirus curve. With that in mind, I offer you an eagle joke and a live eagle cam so you can virtually leave the house.\nThe eagles in the live-cam video below are called bald eagles because the adults have white feathers on their heads. From far away it appears that they are bald. People who are bald have no hair on their heads. Bald eagles are the only well known birds that have the word \u2018bald\u2019 in their name (maybe the only one).\nIll means the same thing as sick. So, a sick, bald bird is a sick eagle, or an ill eagle. Illegal means not legal, something that is against the law.\nThis joke is funny because ill eagle sounds like illegal. And it is illegal to have an ill eagle.\nHere are some healthy, live bald eagles from the Minnesota Eagle Cam:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/03/28/stay-warm/", "joke": "Q: How do you stay warm in any unheated room? A: Just sit in the corner where it is always 90\u00ba!", "explaination": "Explanation: To understand this joke, you need to think about the temperature. 90\u00ba Fahrenheit is a hot temperature. Well, for me it is hot; maybe not for people living in places like Australia, India, the Middle East and Phoenix that experience hotter temperatures.\nFahrenheit is a scale that measures temperature. Most of the world uses Celsius, not Fahrenheit, to measure temperatures (but this joke only works with Fahrenheit because 90\u00ba Fahrenheit equals about 32\u00ba Celsius).\n90\u00ba is also the measure of a right angle, an angle that is found in a corner. This joke is funny because it plays with the two meanings of 90\u00ba (read ninety degrees)\u2013a warm temperature and the measure of a corner.\nLearn how to draw a 90\u00ba angle without a protractor-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/03/14/thats-blarney/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a fake Irish stone? A: A shamrock!", "explaination": "Explanation: March 17th is St. Patrick\u2019s Day, in honor of the patron saint of Ireland.\nA shamrock is a bit of clover, typically with three leaves as you see in the picture. It is sometimes used as symbol of Ireland. People say that St. Patrick, a Catholic missionary priest, used it to teach about the Christian Holy Trinity.\nIf something is a sham, it is fake, not what it is supposed to be. In the case of this joke, a sham-rock would be a rock (rock and stone are synonyms) that is not really a rock.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word sham and the word shamrock.\nThe music and dancing below is not a sham, it is Riverdance:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/03/07/slip-sliding-away/", "joke": "Q: Why did the banana put on sunscreen? A: He didn\u2019t want to peel!", "explaination": "Explanation: The outside of a banana, the yellow part that you do not eat, is called the peel. (The outside of an lemon is called a rind and the outside of an apple is called the skin.) Peel is also the verb when you take off the outside of the banana, orange or apple: I peel the orange before I eat it.\nWhen you get a sunburn, sometimes your skin will peel, that is, the top layer of skill will come off because your sun-damaged skin is healing itself. If you do not want to get a sunburn and if you do not want your skin to peel, it is a very good idea to use sunscreen lotion to protect your skin.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word peel: the outside of a banana, and what happens to your skin after a sunburn. (Banana peels can also be slippery so I thought of the title from Simon and Garfunkel.)\nDid you know? There are\u2026"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/02/29/hitchhikers-guide-to-leap-day/", "joke": "Q: What do you tell a hitchhiker on leap day? A: Hop in!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy leap day, leap year day, February 29! It\u2019s not every year I can explain a joke on February 29!! (Leap year happens once every four years.)\nTo begin with, a hitchhiker is a person who waits by the side of a road or highway looking for someone to drive him/her down the road. Often hitchhikers will use their right thumb to show that they want a ride. Hitchhiking is sometimes called \u201cthumbing a ride\u201d and it is very dangerous to do. It is also dangerous to pick up hitchhikers if you are driving. Please don\u2019t hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers.\n\u201cHop in\u201d is a common idiom that means you can get in the car. Leap and hop are synonyms.\nThis joke is funny because telling someone to hop on leap day is funny\nHere is a song about hitchhiking by Vanity Fare (lyrics):\nThe title for this post alludes to the book series Hitchhiker\u2019s Guide to the Galaxy."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/02/22/wild-and-free/", "joke": "Q: What did the tiger say to her cubs before they went out to play? A: Be careful\u2013it\u2019s a jungle out there!", "explaination": "Explanation: A jungle is a forest in tropical areas. In a jungle there are many trees and plants that no one takes care of because they grow on their own. There are many wild animals and birds in the jungle; there are lots of insects, too. A jungle can be a dangerous place for someone who is not familiar with it.\nIn English, \u201cit\u2019s a jungle out there\u201d is an idiom that means that a place or a situation is dangerous or threatening.\nThis joke is funny because the tiger in the joke is actually in a jungle. No need to use that idiom in the jungle.\nCheck out this tiger cub in the jungle:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/02/19/a-pirate-looks-at-forty/", "joke": "Q: What did the ol\u2019 pirate say on his birthday? A: Aye, matey!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy birthday, matey, and have some cake! \u201cMatey\u201d means pal or friend.\nOl\u2019 means old; the apostrophe (\u2018) replaces the \u2018d\u2019 in old just like the apostrophe replaces the \u2018o\u2019 in didn\u2019t (did not).\nThis joke is funny because of the sounds. If you say \u201cAye, matey\u201d slowly, it sounds like \u201cI\u2019m eighty (80).\u201d Pirates say things like, \u201cAye, matey.\u201d To hear some more things that pirates say you can watch this video, talk-like-a-pirate video, matey."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/02/15/bear-crossing/", "joke": "Q: What do you get when you cross a bear with a forest? A: Fur trees!", "explaination": "Explanation: Can you imagine a tree with fur growing on it? No, fur grows on animals, specifically, on mammals. Trees can\u2019t grow fur, but bears can. All bears have fur covering their bodies.\nTrees, on the other hand, grow leaves. Even pine trees have leaves because their needles are a type of leaf. Fir trees are a type of pine tree with needles.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words fur and fir which sound the same. Thinking about a fur tree, a tree with fur, is funny.\nHere are some bears in trees (and there are fir trees nearby, I think):"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/02/08/fire-away/", "joke": "Q: What does an angel use to light a campfire? A: A match made in heaven!", "explaination": "Explanation: When people go camping, sometimes they will build a campfire for cooking, roasting marshmallows, or telling stories.\nTo build a fire you need dry wood (small pieces to start the fire) and a match to light the fire. Matches are small sticks or pieces of cardboard that you strike on the match box to create a flame, fire.\n\u201cA match made in heaven\u201d is an idiom meaning a perfect match, usually referring to two people who make a good couple.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word match (the stick used to create fire) and the idiom \u201ca match made in heaven.\u201d Because angels come from heaven, they would use matches that come from heaven to start their fire.\nIf you want to see how matches are made, watch here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/02/01/the-cows-might-be-listening/", "joke": "Q: Why shouldn\u2019t you tell secrets on a farm? A: Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears!", "explaination": "Explanation: Ah, yes- more food jokes!\nWhen you look at a potato, you will see it has small bumps sticking out. It is from these points that new potato plants will grow. These points are called eyes, potato eyes. No, potatoes cannot see with their eyes.\nAn ear of corn was explained here. When you take corn from the field, harvest the corn, you are taking the ears off of the plant.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word eyes (eyes you see with/eyes of a potato) and ears (ears you hear with/ears of corn). If potatoes can see you and the corn can hear you, you probably shouldn\u2019t tell secrets!\nLearn to grow potatoes here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2020/01/24/my-treat/", "joke": "Q: What did one plate say to the other? A: Dinner is on me!", "explaination": "Explanation: When a meal such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner is served, it is typically put on a plate. If you go to a restaurant, the server may bring your food on a tray; the plates are then taken from the tray and set on your table. Your food is on the plate. So, if a plate full of food is talking, dinner (or lunch or breakfast) is really on the plate.\n\u201cDinner is on me\u201d is also an idiom that means, \u201cI will pay for your food.\u201d When you go to a restaurant and someone says to you, \u201cDinner is on me,\u201d it means that the speaker will buy your meal. (Be sure to say, \u201cThank you\u201d if someone buys your dinner!)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the idiom, \u201cdinner is on me.\u201d Dinner is actually on the plate\u2026 and, in this joke, the plate will pay for dinner. (By the way, the title \u201cMy treat\u201d is another idiom that means that the speaker will pay for the meal.)\nLearn how to make a plate here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/12/14/run-run-as-fast-as-you-can/", "joke": "Q: What does the gingerbread boy put on his bed? A: Cookie sheets!", "explaination": "Explanation: A gingerbread boy is a type of cookie that is made out of gingerbread and cut in the shape of a person. Many people in the United States bake gingerbread cookies during December and decorate them with frosting.\nSheets are used to cover a mattress before you lie down on it.\nCookie sheets are flat pieces of metal that are used to bake cookies. When you put the cookie dough on the cookie sheet you can put it into the oven.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word \u2018sheet;\u2019 there are sheets that you put on a bed and cookie sheets that are used for baking.\nIf you would like to make your own gingerbread cookies you can watch this video. (If you go to the video on YouTube you will see the recipe.)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/12/07/word-wizard/", "joke": "Q: What is a wizard\u2019s favorite class in school? A: Spelling!", "explaination": "Explanation: To spell a word (verb) is to say each letter in the word one by one: l \u2013 e \u2013 t \u2013 t \u2013 e \u2013 r. (Spelling in English is a challenge!)\nThe magic words that wizards says are called spells (noun). When a wizard casts a spell, some magic will happen.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the different meanings of the word spell. Here are some spells from the Harry Potter movies:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/11/30/puppy-time/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a dog that can tell time? A: A watch-dog!", "explaination": "Explanation: A watchdog is a dog that guards your house; they are also known as guard dogs. (Watchdog can also refer to a group or agency that makes sure that other groups are doing good work.)\nA watch is something you use to tell what time it is; a watch is typically worn on your wrist although some people use pocket watches. (A clock also shows the time but is usually on a wall or on a table.)\nThis joke is funny because it makes you think of a dog wearing a watch: A watch-dog. Can you imagine a dog wearing a watch, telling time?\nWhile these dogs below may not be able to tell time, they do a great job of herding:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/11/23/can-you-ear-me-now/", "joke": "Q: What has many ears but cannot hear? A: A field of corn!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cEar\u201d has two meanings (when used as a noun, a thing): 1) Most people (and most animals) have an ear on each side of their head that allow them to hear sound; 2) ear also means the whole cob of corn (see the picture).\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word \u2018ear.\u2019\nBy the way, ear is used in some common idioms such as I\u2019m all ears (listening completely), I learned it by ear (to learn a song by listening), and Your suggestion went in one ear and out the other (something you heard but it did not impact you in any way).\nHarvest time is coming to an end in the northern hemisphere so I thought a corn joke would be appropriate. Watch the corn harvest here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/11/16/stealth/", "joke": "Q: What kind of shoes does a ninja wear? A: Sneakers!", "explaination": "Explanation: A very long time ago in Japan, ninjas worked as secret agents for the government; they were spies who were trained in the martial art of ninjutsu. They were known for being very quiet when they worked so that no one would hear them; ninjas sneak around quietly. To sneak (verb) means to go quietly so that no one will hear you.\nSneakers (noun) is another word for tennis shoes or running shoes.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word sneaker: Both a type of shoe and someone who sneaks.\nDo Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wear sneakers?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/11/09/among-the-hidden/", "joke": "Q: Can a leopard hide anywhere he wants? A: No, he is always spotted!", "explaination": "Explanation: If you have ever seen a leopard, you will know that leopards have spots. Spots are the round marks that a leopard has on its fur.\nSpot can also be used as a verb. To spot something means to find it or notice it while looking for it- I spotted a squirrel in the tree.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word spot. A leopard is spotted (adjective) because it has spots; a leopard is spotted (verb) when you see it.\nThis is from Rudyard Kipling\u2018s Just So Stories about How the Leopard Got His Spots:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/11/04/bogged-down/", "joke": "Q: What is the difference between a pirate and a cranberry farmer? A: A pirate buries his treasure while a cranberry farmer treasures his berries!", "explaination": "Explanation: Cranberries are a sour fruit, related to blueberries, that are used to make cranberry sauce and cranberry juice. Because they are so sour they are not usually eaten by themselves.\nPirates are, well, pirates (think Pirates of the Caribbean).\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word treasure. When used as a noun it is a thing that is very important to you, like the treasure that pirates bury. When it is a verb, you treat it with respect because of its value to you, you treasure it.\nWatch the cranberry harvest here-"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/05/21/worse-than-its-bite/", "joke": "Q: Why is a tree like a noisy dog? A: Because each has a lot of bark!", "explaination": "Explanation: Dogs bark; barking is the noise they frequently make (some dogs bark less then others). In this case, \u2018bark\u2019 is a verb, an action.\nTrees have bark; when you touch the trunk of a tree you are touching the bark. In this case, \u2018bark\u2019 is a noun, a thing.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the two meanings of the word \u2018bark.\u2019\nHere is a barking dog running up the trunk of a tree, touching the bark, of course.\nThanks to a student of mine for his inspiring care for dogs!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/04/14/perfect-ending/", "joke": "Q: Why do prisoners like the punctuation marks period (.), exclamation point (!) and question mark (?) when they write? A: Because each one marks the end of their sentence!", "explaination": "Explanation: If you have been convicted of a crime and sent to jail, your sentence is the time that you must stay in jail. Of course, everyone in jail awaits the end of their sentence so they can get out of jail.\nThe punctuation marks period, exclamation point and question mark are used to indicate the end of a sentence when writing. In writing, a sentence is a complete thought that can stand alone, typically including at least a subject and a verb (but there are exceptions).\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word sentence.\nSpeaking of sentences, watch this video for information about a different type of sentence, an interjection."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/03/06/a-purrfect-joke/", "joke": "Q: What color is a happy cat? A: Purr-ple!", "explaination": "Explanation: Cats make two common sounds- they meow and they purr (they can also howl and screech but those sounds are not as common). Purring is that low, rumble that you can feel on a cat\u2019s neck under its chin. Purring is a sound that a cat makes when it is happy.\nPurple, as you know, is a color.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the pur in purple and purr. I hope you have a purrfect day!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/25/brilliance/", "joke": "Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during class? A: Because her students were so bright!", "explaination": "Explanation: Have you ever seen a teacher wear sunglasses while teaching in a classroom? I haven\u2019t. Most people only wear sunglasses when they are outside in the sun. The light from the sun is so bright that it is good for your eyes to shade them with sunglasses.\nStudents who are smart can also be called bright. In this case, smart and bright are synonyms.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word bright: giving off lots of light and smart.\nHere is a song about a bright future and the use of sunglasses (shades):"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/21/catch-and-release/", "joke": "Q: What can you catch but not throw? A: A cold!", "explaination": "Explanation: Are you familiar with the expression, to catch a cold? when you catch a cold you get a cold (runny nose, sneezing, maybe coughing, \u2026) from someone else. Cold sometimes means the opposite of hot but in this joke it refers to getting sick.\nNormally when you catch something, like a ball or a frisbee, you can throw it back to someone. You can catch a cold but you cannot throw it\u2026 although you can pass a cold along to someone else. So, if you are sick, if you have a cold, please take care of yourself so you do not pass it on to someone else.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word catch (catch a ball) and the phrase catch a cold. Stay healthy!\nHere is an explanation of how you can catch a cold:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/18/sweet-honey-in-the-hair/", "joke": "Q: Why do bees have sticky hair? A: They use honey combs!", "explaination": "Explanation: You already know that bees make honey. Honeycomb is where honey is stored in the hive. The honeycomb is made of many hexagons (a 6 sided figure like a snowflake or nuts and bolts) that are made of wax.\nA comb is used to make your messy hair neat. When you run the comb through your hair or pass the comb through your hair you are combing your hair.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words comb and honeycomb. And obviously, bees do not have hair that needs a comb like people do. (Bees, though, do have hair.)\nHere is a very interesting video about bees growing from eggs in the honeycomb:\n(By the way, the title of this post comes from one of my favorite music groups, Sweet Honey in the Rock.)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/16/cow-askew/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a cow with two legs? A: Lean meat!", "explaination": "Explanation: For some reasons I find cows to be funny, like this joke.\nWhen something leans it is not quite straight up and down, it is a tilted like the Leaning Tower of Pisa or Leaning Cow Wine. If a cow had only two legs it would, at a minimum, lean; most likely it would fall over.\nLean meat is meat is meat that does not have much fat.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word lean.\nBy the way, askew means crooked. Try a Google search for the word askew and see what happens to the screen!\n\u2026and just so you know, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is not leaning as much these days:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/14/in-a-single-bound/", "joke": "Q: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building? A: Of course! Buildings can\u2019t jump!", "explaination": "Explanation: Kangaroos are well known for being able to jump high and far with their powerful legs. Buildings, on the other hand, cannot jump.\nThis joke is funny because the expected answer is that no, kangaroos cannot jump higher than the Empire State Building (they can only jump about 30 feet). Everyone knows that buildings cannot jump. Because we know that buildings cannot jump, we are thinking about the kangaroo jumping as high as the 1,250 foot Empire State Building. Clearly impossible!\nWhat if we replaced the Empire State Building with a frog so the question reads, \u201cCan a kangaroo jump higher than a frog?\u201d Now we know that we are comparing who can jump higher. It all depends on how you understand the question and what the kangaroo is compared to. Logic says the answer to the question is no but the joke looks at the illogical and we laugh.\nLearn more about kangaroos here:\nAnd learn more about the Empire State Building here:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/13/sweet-swiss-music/", "joke": "Knock Knock. Who\u2019s there?", "explaination": "A little old lady.\nA little old lady who?\nI didn\u2019t know you could yodel!\nAh, the beauty of a knock knock joke and Alpine music. Yodeling is a type of singing where the singer changes the voice from falsetto singing (high singing like the Bee Gees) to normal singing and back again. It is commonly associated with the Alps of Europe but is also found in other cultures.\nThe words \u201clittle old lady who\u201d sound a bit like yodeling and that is what makes this joke funny.\nIn the 1970s there was a TV commercial for hot chocolate that used a bit of yodeling\nThere is also a yodeling song from The Sound of Music:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/11/lost-sleep/", "joke": "Q: Why did the boy run around his bed? A: Because he was trying to catch up on his sleep!", "explaination": "Explanation: To catch up on something (such as sleep) is to do something you have not had time to do. You catch up on sleep by sleeping more after a time of little sleep. You can also catch up on the latest news by reading/ watching today\u2019s news (or the newest tweets on Twitter, for example). Someone might say, \u201cWhen I returned from vacation I had to catch up on the news/ my emails/ my homework \u2026\nTo catch someone is to chase after that person until you can touch him or her. You might catch someone in a race; a police officer might catch a criminal. (You can also catch a ball but that is a different meaning).\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the different meanings of the word catch and the phrasal verb catch up on.\nSpeaking of catching, do you know the story of The Gingerbread Man?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/07/on-your-marks/", "joke": "Q: How do you keep an elephant from charging? A: Take away its credit cards!", "explaination": "Explanation: When an elephant runs towards you or something else, we say the elephant is charging, much like a bull might charge (run) at the cape of a matador. To charge is also to pay for something by credit card. The beginning of the joke makes us think of how to stop an elephant from running at something- very difficult to do!\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the two of the meanings of the word charge: a way of moving forward and using a credit card.\nThe word charge has many other meanings, such as charging your phone or to accuse someone of doing something wrong.\nHere is an elephant charging and someone stopping it:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2019/01/06/toothache/", "joke": "Q: What is the best time to go to the dentist? A: 2:30 (Tooth hurty!)", "explaination": "Explanation: A bad joke for the new year\u2026 and I hope your teeth (one tooth, two teeth) do not hurt!\nThis joke is funny because two thirty (2:30) sounds the same as tooth hurty. You\u2019re right, \u2018hurty\u2019 is not a real word. A child might use the word \u2018hurty\u2019 or \u2018owie\u2019 or \u2018boo boo\u2019 to say that something hurts: \u201cI have a tooth hurty.\u201d It\u2019s not common but it happens. If your tooth really hurts it is time to go to the dentist no matter the hour of the day.\nPlease send me any child-friendly jokes that you would like explained.\nWatch Caillou visit the dentist:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2018/10/18/hamburger-no-helper/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a cow with no legs? A: Ground Beef!", "explaination": "Explanation: Beef is a type of meat that comes from cows, cattle. When this meat is put through a grinder it is called ground beef. Ground beef is the type of meat that is found in hamburgers and other dishes.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word ground. Ground is the land you stand on when you are outside. Ground is also the past tense of the verb grind, to reduce something to small particles.\nIf a cow has no legs it would be on the ground, therefore, ground beef."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2017/10/09/make-me-a-drink/", "joke": "Frankenstein: Hey witch, can you make me a glass of lemonade? Witch: Poof! You\u2019re a glass of lemonade!", "explaination": "Explanation: The word \u2018poof\u2018 in this joke is the sound of a witch casting a spell. (I could have used the word zap or another magic word.)\nWhen you hear the question, \u201cCan you make me a lemonade?\u201d you expect the answer to be a yes, a no, or something like that. Maybe a, \u201cSorry, we have no lemons.\u201d In this case the witch turned Frankenstein into a glass of lemonade with magical powers and that makes this joke funny.\nHere is a summary of the book Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2017/10/06/gives-you-goosebumps/", "joke": "Q: What do ghosts read? A: Booooks!", "explaination": "Explanation:Ghosts say, \u201cBoo!\u201d when they come out to scare you. Of course books are for reading. This joke is funny because it combines the word \u2018boo\u2019 with the word \u2018books.\u2019 Ok, it\u2019s only sort of funny but it made me giggle.\nHere is one of the Goosebumps movies:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2017/07/03/drawing-an-american-doodle/", "joke": "Q: What do you call an American drawing? A: Yankee doodle!", "explaination": "Explanation: There is a famous American song titled Yankee Doodle Dandy and a well known poem with a similar name. A doodle is a drawing, like you might make in your school notebook.\nThis joke is funny because an American drawing might be called an American doodle; Yankee is a name for an American, especially during the Revolution.\nHappy 4th of July to the folks in the U.S. and those traveling overseas."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2017/04/14/hippity-hoppity/", "joke": "Q: Where does the Easter Bunny go to eat pancakes? A: To IHOP, of course!", "explaination": "Explanation: IHOP is the shortened name for the International House of Pancakes. It is pronounced I-Hop. Hop: that is what rabbits do when they move; rabbits do not walk, they hop (or jump).\nThis joke is funny (well, a little bit funny) because it turns IHOP into I-hop, or rather, the bunny hops to IHOP for pancakes.\nHow about some pancakes for breakfast? \u2026or dinner?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2017/04/13/wet-rabbit/", "joke": "Q: How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself? A: With a hare dryer!", "explaination": "Explanation: The Easter Bunny is a character from folklore in the United States. He is said to bring eggs to children on Easter Sunday. Soggy means wet. So how would a wet rabbit dry itself? A hair dryer, perhaps. Or in this case, a hare dryer.\nHare and hair sound the same. Hare is an animal that looks similar to a rabbit; hair grows on your head.\nThis joke is funny because hair and hare sound the same. Happy Easter!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2017/03/13/a-pirates-life/", "joke": "Q: What is a pirate\u2019s favorite letter? A: You might think it\u2019d be R but \u2019tis the C they love!", "explaination": "Explanation: Pirates are known for saying \u201cArrrr.\u201d But it is really the Sea (C) they love.\nOf course they love the sea (pronounced the same as C ), the ocean. It\u2019s where they sail their ships: upon the ocean.\nThis joke plays with the traditional answer to this joke (R or arrgh) and adds a new idea.\nHere are some singing pirates for kids\u2026\nAnd here is a Jimmy Buffet song about pirates for adults:\nThank you to adakkusu-san!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/11/09/toothless/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A: A gummy bear!", "explaination": "Explanation: The soft, red part that your teeth seem to come out of is called your gums. When you lose a tooth your gums will probably bleed a little but it is nothing to worry about.\nA gummy bear is a type of candy (also spelled gummi bear). I like how they feel when I bite into them.\nA bear that has no teeth probably still has gums. This play on words makes him a gummy bear and makes this joke funny.\nThere is also a TV series called Gummi Bears. Here is the first episode:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/11/07/sad-fruit/", "joke": "Q: What fruit do you eat when you are sad? A: Blueberries.", "explaination": "Explanation: In English some colors are associated with feelings. Blue is associated with sadness. When you \u201cfeel blue\u201d it means that you are feeling sad.\nIf the berries are blue then are they sad? Only in this joke are berries sad; it is the double meaning of the word \u2018blue\u2019 that makes this joke funny (the color and being sad).\nBlueberries for me are not sad- they make me happy, especially when I pick my own in the wild. Here is a video of some campers picking blueberries in the Boundary Waters:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/11/02/musical-teeth/", "joke": "Q:What musical instrument is found in the bathroom? A:A tuba toothpaste.", "explaination": "Explanation:A \u2018tuba\u2018 is a large musical instrument, a brass instrument, that plays very low notes when you blow into it.\nA tube of toothpaste is, well, toothpaste that comes in a tube and it is usually kept in the bathroom.\nIf you say \u201ctube of toothpaste\u201d fast it sounds like \u201ctuba toothpaste\u201d and that is what makes this joke funny.\nHere is an old commercial for Ipana Toothpaste with Bucky Beaver:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/10/31/transparently/", "joke": "Q: Why are ghosts so bad at lying? A: Because you can see right through them!", "explaination": "Explanation: To \u201csee through\u201d someone means to understand them, what they really mean, to understand the truth. You can \u201csee through\u201d someone who is telling a lie; that is, you can tell that they are lying, not telling the truth.\nOf course you can see through a ghost because ghosts are transparent.\nDo you play Minecraft? Here is how to make a ghost (transparent player) in Minecraft:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/10/30/heartfelt-halloween/", "joke": "Q: Why didn\u2019t the skeleton want to go to school? A: His heart wasn\u2019t in it.", "explaination": "Explanation: A skeleton is just your bones; nothing on the inside and nothing on the outside. That means that there is no heart in a skeleton.\nIf your \u201cheart isn\u2019t in it\u201d that means that you do not want to do something: Peter\u2019s dad wanted him to play football but Peter\u2019s heart wasn\u2019t in it (he did not want to play football).\nThis joke is funny because of the double meaning: a skeleton does not have a heart and this skeleton did not want to go to school.\nHere is a skeleton who was missing a bone (and a heart!)."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/10/29/kind-of-punny/", "joke": "Another pun: I used to hate crayons but I\u2019m drawn to them now.", "explaination": "Explanation: Crayons are used for drawing. \u201cTo be drawn to something\u201d means that something is enticing, attractive, makes you want to approach it or get to know it. I love water so when I see it, I am drawn to water. I am also drawn to chocolate and coffee. My students are drawn to the game Pok\u00e9mon Go on their phones. This pun is funny because of the use of the word \u201cdrawn.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/04/09/apple-or-blueberry/", "joke": "Q:What\u2019s the best thing to put into a pie? A:Your teeth!", "explaination": "Explanation:Mmmmmm! I love a good pie! I love to sink my teeth into a good pie (\u201cSink your teeth into\u201d is also an idiom)!\nWhen someone asks you about putting something into a pie, most people think about what type of pie they like such as apple pie or French Silk pie. This joke is funny because it gives an unexpected answer, your teeth, when the expected answer is a type of pie.\nWatch this video to learn how to draw a pie:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/03/23/chicken-little/", "joke": "Q: Why did the Easter egg hide? A: Because he was a little chicken!", "explaination": "Explanation: An egg will soon become a chicken so you could say that an egg is a little chicken, a small chicken (OK, I know that an egg is not a chicken, not yet anyway, but that idea helps make this joke funny).\n\u201cTo be chicken\u201d means to be scared: He\u2019s too chicken to go down the slide = he\u2019s too scared or too afraid to go down the slide. Sometimes people hide when they are scared like in this scene from the movie Jurassic Park.\nSo, when the egg hides it is a little chicken, both a scared chicken and and a small chicken!\nTake a look at these Easter Eggs:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/03/21/lost-in-keyboard/", "joke": "Q: What is an astronaut\u2019s favorite key on a keyboard? A: Space!", "explaination": "Explanation: Are you familiar with a computer keyboard? Here is a picture. The long key at the bottom is called the space bar or the space key. Of course it is the favorite of the astronaut because the astronaut goes to space!\nYou see, space can mean the long key on a computer keyboard and it can mean the area outside of the earth\u2019s atmosphere, outer space.\nHere is the Space Shuttle Blasting off into space for the last time:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/03/18/the-eggs-on-you/", "joke": "Q: Why shouldn\u2019t you tell an egg a joke? A: Because it might crack up!", "explaination": "Explanation: To crack up means to start laughing (sometimes it also means to to go crazy). When you break an egg you first crack it open.\nIf an egg cracks up does it start laughing or does it just crack open? This joke is funny because of the double meaning of the word \u2018crack.\u2019\nMore with egg: You can also be caught with egg on your face, be a good egg, and here are many more egg-spressions (expressions).\nLearn an interesting way to crack an egg:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/03/07/all-decked-out/", "joke": "Q: Why couldn\u2019t the pirate play cards? A: Because he was sitting on the deck!", "explaination": "Explanation: The flat part of sail boat (or pirate ship!) where you stand is called the deck. A group of playing cards is called a deck of cards. If you are sitting on a deck of cards you can\u2019t play with them\u2026 and that\u2019s what the pirate was doing! Or maybe he was sitting on the deck of his ship.\nThis joke is funny because of the double meaning of the word \u2018deck.\u2019\nIf you are interested in learning how to play a new card game take a look at this video:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/02/29/your-future-is-very-clear/", "joke": "Q:What kind of cookies make you rich? A:Fortune cookies!", "explaination": "Explanation:If you have a lot of money you have a fortune. The cookies that they give you in Chinese restaurants are called fortune cookies.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the double meaning of the word fortune: a lot of money and a type of cookie.\nWatch the video below to learn how to make fortune cookies out of paper:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/02/25/dread-knight/", "joke": "Q:What bug do knights hate? A:Dragonflies!", "explaination": "Explanation:Bugs are insects. A knight (sounds like night) is a soldier for a king or queen. They often wore armor or a coat of mail and rode on horses. In stories, knights sometimes fight dragons.\nA dragonfly is an insect that eats mosquitoes. They are beautiful and they do not bite people!\nKnights hate dragons but notdragonflies\u2013 and that is why this joke is funny!\nHere is a video all about dragonflies:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/02/23/chew-chew-train/", "joke": "Q: What\u2019s the difference between a teacher and a train?? A: A teacher says, \u201cSpit out that gum!\u201d and a train says, \u201cChew! Chew!\u201d", "explaination": "Explanation: Or perhaps the train says, \u201cChoo, choo?!?\u201d\nIn most schools gum is not allowed. If a teacher sees you chewing gum he or she will ask you to spit it out (even though there are some researched benefits of chewing gum).\nAnother name for a train is a choo choo and that sounds the same as chew- chew, probably because of the sound of the train whistle.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words \u201cchoo choo\u201d and \u201cchew, chew.\u201d\nIf you like trains you might watch the Choo Choo Bob Show, Thomas and Friends, go to a train show or travel Europe on the Eurail.\nOr you could watch a 1903 silent film- The Great Train Robbery!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/02/15/619/", "joke": "Q: Why was there thunder and lightning in the lab? A: The scientists were brainstorming!", "explaination": "Explanation: I love a good thunderstorm! Especially if I am safe inside. A brainstorm is not a real storm but a way to gather ideas\nWhen people brainstorm they make a list of many ideas. Scientists brainstorm ideas for experiments and possible answers or explanations to questions they have. (A lab is a place where some scientists work.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the words storm/ brainstorm.\nHere is what a thunderstorm looks like. Remember: do not go out in a thunderstorm!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/02/04/tools-for-fools/", "joke": "Q: What tool can you use to cut water? A: A sea-saw!", "explaination": "Explanation: To understand this joke you must first know what a seesaw is. A seesaw is a toy/ game/ ride that you might see on a playground where children play (it is also known as a teeter-totter). Imagine a long piece of wood that is balanced in the middle; one person sits on each end of the board and as one goes up, the other goes down.\nA saw is a tool used to cut things. Of course, you cannot cut water\u2026 even with a saw. This joke is funny because seesaw sounds like sea-saw and both end in \u201csaw,\u201d a tool (saw is the past tense verb of to see). (Just to be clear: the fools part of the title refers to someone trying to cut water, not the amazing performance below!!)\nHere are some gymnasts performing on a see saw- Do not try this at home!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2016/02/02/february-cannot/", "joke": "Q: Can February March? A: No, but April May!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy Groundhog\u2019s Day! Or Groundhog Day? Hmmm\u2026\nThe above joke plays with the months and the double meaning of some of the words.\n\u201cTo march\u201d means to walk with a regular pace or to walk in an organized way; think of soldiers marching or people marching in a parade or a protest. Can February March? No, it is a month and it cannot walk. March is also a month (and there are two of the meanings of March).\nMay, in addition to being a month, is an auxiliary verb similar to \u2018can\u2019 or \u2018might.\u2019 In this joke February cannot march but April might be able to march. It only makes sense if you understand the multiple meanings of March and May.\nBut it is February and here is a quick-talking explanation of Groundhog Day:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/12/25/winter-ride/", "joke": "Q: How does a snowman get around? A: He rides an icicle!", "explaination": "Explanation: Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate!\n\u201cTo get around\u201d means \u201cto move\u201d or \u201cto travel.\u201d\nAn icicle is a piece of ice that forms when dripping water freezes. The word icicle sounds like tricycle. This joke is funny because those two words sound alike.\nIn honor of Christmas I offer you one of my favorite movies, It\u2019s a Wonderful Life. In this movie George Bailey does not \u201cget around\u201d but the end of the movie is great!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/12/19/rappin-wrapper/", "joke": "Q: What do you call an elf who sings? A: A wrapper!", "explaination": "Explanation: In this joke, elves are Santa Claus\u2019 helpers. They are the ones who make the toys and wrap them so that Santa can deliver the toys on Christmas Eve. \u201cTo wrap a present\u201d means to cover it with decorative paper to make the gift look nice. Wrapping a present also makes people wonder what is under the wrapping paper.\nA \u201cRapper\u201d is a person who sings, usually songs that have amazing rhymes at high speed. (For more information on the history of rap music check out this link.)\nThis joke is funny because \u201cwrap\u201d sounds like \u201crap.\u201d\nHere is a Christmas rap song about the Grinch Who Stole Christmas:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/12/17/workout-yeti/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a snowman with six-pack abs? A: The Abdominal Snowman!", "explaination": "Explanation: Let\u2019s start with six-pack abs: six-pack abs are stomach muscles that are well formed and strong. To get six-pack abs you need to do a lot of exercise. (By the way, \u2018abs\u2019 is an abbreviation of abdominal muscles, stomach muscles.)\nAbominable means something that is very bad, unpleasant, something that causes revulsion. Abominable (no d) sounds a lot like abdominal (has the letter d) and remember, abdominal refers to the stomach.\nThe abominable snowman is also known as a yeti; most people believe that the abominable snowman is not real\u2026 some would disagree.\nThis joke is funny because abdominal sounds like abominable. And no snowman I have ever seen has six-pack abs!!\nHere is a video clip from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer where the Abominable Snowman appears:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/12/04/you-have-the-right-to/", "joke": "Q: Why did the belt get arrested? A: Because it held up a pair of pants!", "explaination": "Explanation: To hold up: this phrase has more than one meaning. You could take a magic wand in your hands and hold it up in the air like Harry Potter; a piece of tape can hold a piece of paper to the wall; a belt can hold up a pair of pants. In these examples one thing holds another thing in place.\nTo hold up a bank means to rob it, to steal money from the bank.\nThis joke is funny because of the multiple meanings of \u201cto hold up.\u201d\nHere is Woody Allen trying to hold up a bank:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/30/pop-feelings/", "joke": "Q: Why did the can crusher quit his job? A: Because it was soda pressing!", "explaination": "Explanation: A can of pop, a can of Coke, a can of soda\u2026 all are pretty much the same thing. Before you recycle the can, though, you should crush it\u2013 crush the can, that means to use pressure to change the can from big to little as in the picture. There are machines that can crush a can (called a can crusher) and the person who crushes the can is also called a can crusher). If you press a can of soda (pop) I could say that you are \u201csoda pressing.\u201d It would be an unusual thing to say but I could say it.\nThe words \u201csoda pressing\u201d sound like \u201cso depressing\u201d and that is what makes this joke funny. If a job is too depressing then someone might quit that job.\nDepression is not funny. If you are someone you know is depressed please find help.\nSee this video to see how aluminum is recycled:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/26/november-flowers/", "joke": "Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? A: Pilgrims!", "explaination": "Explanation: Happy Thanksgiving!! This is one of my favorite jokes and one that I did not understand when I was a kid.\nIn the northern hemisphere spring comes around the month of April. During April it rains in many areas. The rain that falls in April gives water to the flowers that bloom in May; in much of the northern hemisphere there is snow during the winter and nothing blooms.\nThis joke sets up a pattern: April showers bring May flowers; May flowers bring\u2026 ? The answer is Pilgrims who arrived in what is now Massachusetts in a boat; the name of the boat was the Mayflower. The joke is funny because you expect an answer that begins with June, the next month according to the pattern.\nHere is Charlie Brown celebrating Thanksgiving:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/24/really-the-last-pun-really/", "joke": "Broken pencils are pointless. If the tip of a pencil is broken, the pencil has no point (point-less). If the tip of a pencil is broken the pencil has no purpose, that it is pointless. This pun plays with the double meaning of pointless.", "explaination": "Thank you to the reader who contributed this one! Really, the last pun for now.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/24/last-of-the-puns-for-now/", "joke": "No matter how much you push the envelope, it\u2019ll still be stationery. \u201cTo push the envelope\u201d is an expression that means to exceed or try to exceed the normal limits. \u201cStationery\u201d is writing materials such as paper and envelopes. \u201cStationary\u201d (-ary) means to not move. This pun plays with the word stationery/ stationery and the idea of pushing something (moving something) and staying still (stationary).", "explaination": "Whoever invented knock-knock jokes should get a no-bell prize.\nIf you knock on the door you do not use the doorbell. \u201cNo-bell prize\u201d sounds like Nobel, Nobel Prize. This pun plays with the words no-bell/ Noble.\nEnergizer Bunny Arrested: Charged with Battery\n- When people are arrested they are charged with a crime.\n- One of the crimes you can be charged with is battery (verb): contact that hurts another person.\n- A battery (noun) is a small energy source that might be put in a flashlight or radio.\n- The Energizer Bunny is a toy that is used by Energizer Batteries to advertise their products. The Energizer Bunny toy uses batteries, that is, it gets its power from batteries: it is charged with batteries.\nThis pun plays with the words battery and charged and their double meanings.\nI put my grandma on speed dial. I call that Instagram.\nSpeed dial is one button on a phone that dials instantly someone\u2019s telephone number. If a speed dial button is programmed to call grandma then it dials grandma instantly. Combine instantly and grandma and you get insta-gram which sounds like Instagram, a photo sharing website\u2026 you also get a punderful pun!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/23/more-puns-explained/", "joke": "In my previous posting I showed a picture of some puns. Here I continue to explain the puns. The other day I held the door open for a clown. It was a nice jester.", "explaination": "A clown and a jester are very similar characters.\n\u201cJester\u201d sounds like \u201cgesture.\u201d\nWhen you do something nice for someone it is a nice gesture.\nThis pun is funny because it is a nice gesture to hold the door open and the clown (the jester) was nice. Double meaning and similar words make for a good pun!!\nPasteurize\nPasteurize sounds like \u201cpast your eyes.\u201d If something is past your eyes it is too far to see. (Pasteurize really means to heat something in order to kill the bacteria.)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/23/puns/", "joke": "According to the Urban Dictionary, a pun is \u201ca play on words, usually used for comic reception,\u201d that is, used to make people laugh or groan. A friend sent me this picture on Facebook (it is not mine and I do now know where it comes from) and it is a good example of some puns: Let me explain a bit:", "explaination": "A coffee cup is called a mug. To mug someone is to assault them with with the intent to rob them. This is a pun because it plays with the word mug in reference to stealing a coffee cup, a mug.\nClick on the picture to read more mugs (and I will continue to explain the puns in this picture this week)."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/20/attorney-wear/", "joke": "Q: What do lawyers wear to court? A: Lawsuits!", "explaination": "Explanation: There are many, many lawyer jokes; this is just one example.\nLawyers go to court to represent plaintiffs (civil court), defendants (civil court and criminal court) and the prosecution (criminal court). When lawyers go to court they need to wear nice clothing- usually they wear a suit because it is a formal situation.\nA lawsuit is when one party sues another in court.\nThis joke plays with the words suit and lawsuit: the idea that a lawyer who works with the law would wear a law-suit.\nHere is one of my favorite law videos: How a bill becomes a law."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/18/polished-bread/", "joke": "Q: What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish? A: Every morning you will rise and shine!", "explaination": "Explanation: Yeast is the ingredient in bread that makes it rise; if there is no yeast or the yeast is dead you will get flat bread or flatbreads.\nShoe polish is the paste that you put on your shoes with a rag and then polish with a brush to make your shoes shine.\nWhen you put yeast (makes bread rise) and shoe polish (to shine your shoes) together you \u201crise and shine.\u201d \u201cRise and shine\u201d is a common phrase in many homes in the United States. It is often used in the morning or when you need to wake someone up. YouTube is full of motivational videos that use the phrase \u201crise and shine.\u201d Here is one way Disney used \u201crise and shine\u201d \u2026"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/11/11/incognito/", "joke": "Q:What do you call a fake noodle? A:An Impasta!", "explaination": "Explanation:Noodles, such as spaghetti noodles, can be called pasta.\nAn imposter is a person who pretends to be someone else.\nSo, a fake noodle is an \u201cimpasta\u201d which sounds like a combination of imposter and pasta\u2026 and that is what makes this joke funny.\nDid you see the movie The Imposter? Here is the trailer:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/10/29/national-cat-day/", "joke": "Q: What is it called when a cat wins a dog show? A: A CAT-HAS-TROPHY!", "explaination": "Explanation: Today in the United States is National Cat Day! so a cat joke seemed appropriate.\nWhen someone (or some animal!?!) wins a contest like a dog show that person often wins a trophy. When something bad happens it is called a catastrophe or a disaster.\nThis joke plays with the word catastrophe and breaks it into parts: cat-has-trophy- which sounds a lot like catastrophe. Personally, I think it would be great if a cat won a dog show! Have a great National Cat Day!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/10/21/please-sir-i-want-some-more/", "joke": "Q: Did you hear about the hungry clock? A: It went back four seconds!", "explaination": "Explanation: To \u201cgo back for seconds\u201d means to serve yourself more food from the kitchen, the serving dishes or perhaps the buffet line. And you only \u201cgo back for seconds\u201d if you are hungry. The word \u2018four\u2019 (4) sounds the same as \u2018for.\u2019\nA clock tells time by using hours, minutes and seconds. In the joke, \u2018seconds\u2019 has two meanings: to go back in time four seconds and to go back for a second helping of food\u2026 and that\u2019s what makes this joke funny.\nHere is a classic scene from Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens when Oliver went back for seconds:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/10/20/off-key/", "joke": "Q:What\u2019s the difference between a guitar and a fish? A:You can\u2019t tuna fish!", "explaination": "Explanation:Tuna fish? No, tune \u2013 a \u2013 fish. You see, for a guitar to sound good, you have to tune it. A fish cannot be tuned\u2026 but there is a fish called a tuna fish.\nThis joke is funny because \u201ctune a\u201d sounds like \u201ctuna.\u201d\nHere is a tuna fish video that is in tune and has a nice jingle at the end:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/10/14/light-my-fire/", "joke": "Q: How do you make a fire with two sticks? A: Make sure one of them is a match!", "explaination": "Explanation: This joke only works if you know what a matchstick is. If you have a match or a matchstick you can easily make a fire. This joke leads one to think that the answer will be \u201crub two sticks together\u201d but that would be too much work for a joke.\nHere is a link to a Jack London story, To Build a Fire: http://www.jacklondons.net/buildafire.html\nIf you want to build a fire by rubbing two sticks together you could try this:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/10/12/trout-trouble/", "joke": "Q:Why can\u2019t fishermen be generous? A:Because their business makes them sell fish!", "explaination": "Explanation:This is a bad pun (are there good puns?)! Their business makes them \u2018sell fish\u2019 or shall I say \u201cselfish.\u201d Yes, sell fish sounds just like selfish but there is a world of difference in the meaning. A selfish person is someone who wants everything for him or herself.\nHere is a video of some folks selling fish at the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, WA:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/10/10/hare-raising/", "joke": "Q: How do you paint a rabbit purple? A: With purple hare spray!", "explaination": "Explanation: Hair\u2260 Hare but they sound the same. Hair is on your head and sometimes people use hairspray to keep their hair in place. Hare is an animal similar to a rabbit. And there is no such thing as Hare Spray! (But there is spray paint.)\nThat is what makes this joke funny- playing with the word hare/ hair and the idea of purple hare spray to paint a hare the color purple.\nAll of this reminded me of the movie Hairspray so here is the final song:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/10/08/pb-j/", "joke": "Q: Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach? A: Because they might peel!", "explaination": "Explanation: A banana peel is the outside skin of the banana. Your skin can peel if you are in the sun and you get a sun burn. In order to avoid a sunburn you need to use sunscreen.\nThis joke is funny because of the double meaning of the word peel (the outer skin of a banana and what your skin does when it gets burned. Sunburns, though, are not funny- use sunscreen!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/09/17/llama-llama-2/", "joke": "Q:What\u2019s a llama\u2019s favorite movie? A:Llamadeus!", "explaination": "Q:What do you call a very fast llama?\nA:A Llamaghini!\nExplanation:Both of these jokes play with the word llama: the first changes Amadeus into Llamadeus; the second changes Lamborghini into Llamaghini. Many jokes in English play with words in this way.\nHere is the trailer for the movie Amadeus:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/09/15/llama-llama/", "joke": "Q: What\u2019s more amazing than a talking llama? A: A spelling bee!", "explaination": "Explanation: I love llamas\u2013 especially here in Peru. And no, llamas do not talk but it sure would be amazing if they did!\nIn this joke the idea of a talking llama leads to the idea of a bee that talks or maybe even spells (Llama is spelled l-l-a-m-a). This joke is funny because a spelling bee is a contest where students show how much they know about spelling words\u2026 it is not a bee that spells.\nHere is a clip from Akeelah and the Bee- a movie about a spelling bee:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/09/07/math-eaters/", "joke": "Q:Why don\u2019t you do arithmetic in the jungle? A:Because if you add 4 + 4 you get ate!", "explaination": "Explanation:So, school starts tomorrow in St. Paul, MN so this bad joke is for my SPPS friends.\nYes, it is true that 4+4 = 8; but 8 sounds the same as \u201cate\u201d (which should be eaten as in \u201cyou would be eaten\u201d) and that is what makes this joke funny! Have a great start to the new school year!!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/09/06/st-ability/", "joke": "\u201cAs a jockey I work with horses, but at least it\u2019s a stable job!\u201d This line is from Charles Lamb and it plays on the double meaning of the word stable: 1) a building where horses are kept; 2) not likely to change.", "explaination": "The job of a jockey is stable because he is not going to lose his job and there is always work to do. Jockey\u2019s work in stables.\nHave a great Labor Day if you are in the U.S. or if you need a reason to celebrate!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/09/04/flying-garbage/", "joke": "Q:What has 4 wheels and flies? A:A garbage truck!", "explaination": "Explanation:When you hear \u201c4 wheels and flies\u201d you expect that the word \u201cflies\u201d means something that flies in the air like an airplane or perhaps Superman. You do not expect that \u201cflies\u201d means the insect, fly (or rather the plural of fly: flies).\nIt\u2019s true: a garbage truck has 4 wheels and lots of flies because flies like garbage.\nAnd just for fun, here is a flying garbage truck:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/09/01/up-down-and-over/", "joke": "Q: What goes through towns, up hills and down hills but never moves? A: The road!", "explaination": "Explanation: A road goes through towns, a road goes up hills and a road goes down hills but a road never moves- the vehicles on the road move.\nThis joke is funny because when you hear it, you are expecting an answer related to something like an animal or a car, not a road.\nIn the United States there are many songs and stories about roads and road trips. Here is one version of a road song with visuals the whole way: Route 66"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/31/night-drawing/", "joke": "Q:Why should you take a pencil to bed? A:To draw the curtains!", "explaination": "Explanation:At night, many people close the curtains (shut the curtains, draw the curtains) to keep the light out. \u201cDraw the curtains\u201d is another way to say, \u201cClose the curtains\u201d or shut the curtains.\u201d\nOne of the uses of a pencil is to draw, that is, create pictures using a pencil and paper.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two meanings of the word draw. Here is a video of how to draw a pencil:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/28/jail-call/", "joke": "Q:What do prisoners use to call each other? A:Cell phones!", "explaination": "Explanation:A cell phone is a celular phone, a mobil phone. They are the ones that are replacing land lines as we stay connected 24/7. Did you know that there are more than 6 billion cell phones in use?\nPrisoners are kept in jail cells or prison cells.\nThis joke is funny because it uses the word \u201ccell\u201d in two different ways. Here is another way telephones are used:\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/27/tall-tales/", "joke": "Q: What is the tallest building in the world? A: A library- it has the most stories!", "explaination": "Explanation: The word story has more than one meaning: the floors of a building, a 5 story building for example, or an account of events that happened to real or imaginary people.\nLibraries are filled with stories about people and animals and things and \u2026 so libraries are the buildings with the most stories and therefore, the tallest.\nHere is a link to the tallest buildings but not necessarily the most stories- that would be a library!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/26/cross-a-cow/", "joke": "Q: What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck? A: Milk and quackers!", "explaination": "Explanation: Bad joke, my apologies\u2026 but it made me giggle.\nA cow gives milk and ducks quack\u2013 but you already knew that. So, a duck that quacks could be called a quacker in the same way that a person who robs is a robber and a person who thinks is a thinker.\n\u201cQuackers\u201d sounds like \u201ccrackers\u201d which go well with milk! Enjoy some crackers and milk.\nAnd here is a duck that milks a cow (and sings Old MacDonald):"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/25/o-bother/", "joke": "Q: Why are frogs so happy? A: They eat whatever bugs them!", "explaination": "Explanation: Bugs\u2013 those bothersome little insects. If something \u201cbugs you\u201d that means that something irks you, bothers you, pesters you, annoys you, is bothersome to you, \u2026\nFrogs eat bugs, that is, insects. Therefore, frogs eat the bugs that bug them which, in turn, makes them happy. (My grandpa was happy when eating frogs \u2013 frog legs.)\nA silly joke that plays with the word \u201cbug.\u201d\nWinnie The Pooh would often say, \u201cO bother\u201d when bugged by something:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/24/looking-good/", "joke": "Q: What did one pencil say to the other pencil? A: You\u2019re looking sharp!", "explaination": "Explanation: When the writing end of a pencil is pointed, we say that the pencil is sharp (the non-writing end is the eraser).\nWhen someone is wearing nice clothes we say that the person is looking sharp; it is a phrase used most often to describe men. \u201cLooking sharp\u201d can also be used for someone doing something well as in this news article about a soccer player.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the double meaning of \u201clooking sharp.\u201d\nHere is Joe Jackson singing about looking sharp:\nAnd Gillette with Look Sharp, Be Sharp:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/21/to-jail/", "joke": "Q: Why did the picture end up in jail? A: It was framed!", "explaination": "Explanation: Pictures are often put into frames, the wood or metal box that goes around the picture with glass or plastic, to keep the picture safe.\n\u201cTo be framed\u201d means to be blamed for doing something that you did not do. It could be a crime and you are framed when the evidence points to you and you did not do the crime. A person who is framed can end up in jail for a crime he or she did not commit.\nThe premise of The A Team was a group that was framed for a crime they did not commit:"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/20/hang-on/", "joke": "Q:Why can\u2019t you give Elsa a balloon? A:She will Let It Go!", "explaination": "Explanation:Did you see the movie Frozen? Elsa is the main character. Her big song is \u201cLet It Go.\u201d\nIf you let go of a balloon it will float into the air and then you don\u2019t have the balloon. So, don\u2019t give Elsa a balloon or she will let it go!\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/19/hay-there/", "joke": "Q:What did the farmer say when his hay started blowing away? A:Hay, come back!", "explaination": "Explanation:Hay is grass that has been cut, dried, and stored for use as animal food, especially for cattle, horses, goats, and sheep.\n\u201cHey\u201d is a word used to get someone\u2019s attention such as when someone says, \u201cHey, you guys!\u201d or \u201cHey there!\u201d\nThis joke is funny because it uses \u201chay\u201d instead of \u201chey\u201d when calling the hay to come back. \u201cHey\u201d is also used in the Beatle\u2019s song \u201cHey Jude.\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/18/new-shirt/", "joke": "Q:What\u2019s the best place to shop for a soccer shirt? A:New Jersey!", "explaination": "Explanation:Quite simply, the shirt that soccer players wear is called a jersey. New Jersey is one of the 50 United States. If you want to buy a new shirt, you want to buy a new jersey. Where else? In New Jersey!\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/17/braniac-2/", "joke": "Q: Why do soccer players do so well in math? A: They know how to use their heads!", "explaination": "Explanation:To \u201duse your head\u201d means to think. People who do well in math use their heads when they think and solve math problems.\nSoccer players also use their heads when they \u201chead\u201d the ball. Yes, in English, the word \u201chead\u201d can also be used as a verb.\nThis joke is funny because it plays on the double meaning of \u201cuse your head.\u201d\nVIDEO\nVIDEO\nHappy birthday, friend!!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/08/15/sea-sick/", "joke": "Q:Where do sick boats go to get healthy? A:To the dock!", "explaination": "Explanation:A dock is a walk-way that extends from the land into the water. Boats can be tied to the dock so they do not float away.\nDoc (sounds like dock) is a word used for doctor, medical doctor.\nThis joke plays on the word dock/doc because boats go to the dock but they can\u2019t go to the doc.\n\u201cDoc\u201d is also used in a phrase by Bugs Bunny: \u201cWhat\u2019s up doc?\u201d\nVIDEO\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2015/01/11/going-out-with-fruit/", "joke": "Q: Why did the raisin go out with the prune? A: He couldn\u2019t get a date!", "explaination": "Explanation: Raisins are dried grapes. Prunes are dried plums. Dates are just dates. All three are fruits.\nIn this joke \u201cto go out with\u201d means to date someone, that is, to begin a romantic relationship. Couples might go out on a date to a movie or go out for dinner on a date. (Date also means the day, month and year: today\u2019s date is Sunday, January 11, 2015\u2026 English can be confusing.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays on the multiple meanings of the word date. The raisin went out on a date with the prune because he couldn\u2019t get a date (an evening out with someone special) with a date (the fruit)."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/12/27/gnomes-and-elves/", "joke": "Q:What do Santa\u2019s elves do after school? A:Their gnomework!", "explaination": "Explanation:Gnome rhymes with home. After school most students do homework; elves do \u201cgnomework.\u201d This is funny because elves and gnomes are both magical creatures and because of the rhyme.\nIf they do their gnomework they will get smarter; hard work = more smarts!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/12/25/drum-beat/", "joke": "Q: What is the best Christmas present ever? A: A broken drum- you can\u2019t beat it!", "explaination": "Explanation: Merry Christmas and feliz navidad!\nChristmas is celebrated by Christians on December 25; it celebrates the birth of Jesus. In order to commemorate that day many people give gifts just as the magi gave presents to the baby Jesus. (Comments about the way the holiday has been commercialized will not be addressed here.)\nChildren may be given a toy drum as a gift for Christmas. Of course if the drum is broken you cannot play it; to play a drum is to beat a drum. Therefore, a broken drum cannot be beaten.\nThe phrase \u201cyou can\u2019t beat it\u201d means that there is nothing better. If a toy drum can\u2019t be beaten then there is nothing better. This joke plays on the double meaning in the joke of \u201cit can\u2019t be beaten.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/09/25/fish-talk/", "joke": "Q: What is the best way to communicate with a fish? A: Drop it a line!", "explaination": "Explanation: When you go fishing you drop a line in the water to catch a fish. To \u201cdrop someone a line\u201d means to send a short letter, send a note. I suppose now it could even mean to send someone a text message (I never did learn the difference between a text message and an SMS).\nThis joke plays on the double meaning of \u201cdrop a line.\u201d\nIf you have a joke that you would like explained, well, drop me a line!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/09/17/funlessness/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a pig that is no fun to be around? A: A boar!", "explaination": "Explanation: A boring pig, that is. There are several names for swine in English including pig, hog and boar. And then when we eat pig it can be called bacon, ham, pork chop, \u2026 Who knew the pig produced so much vocabulary?!?!\nIf you are a bore, you are no fun to be around, not interesting. This joke plays on the word bore/boar which sound the same. The word bore can also mean to make a hole. I hope I am not boring you (being not interesting)!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/09/10/ruff-stuff/", "joke": "Q:What did the dog say when he rubbed sandpaper on his tail? A:Rough, rough!", "explaination": "Explanation:Another wonderful, classic dog joke! Sandpaper is rough, it is used to make things smooth. In English, when a dog barks it says, \u201cRuff.\u201d This joke is funny because it plays with two words that sound the same, ruff and rough.\nRough, by the way, can also mean difficult: I had a rough day.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/09/03/pasta-party/", "joke": "Q:Where did the spaghetti and the sauce go to dance? A:The meatball!", "explaination": "Explanation:I love spaghetti! Grandma used to make the best spaghetti and meatballs. A meat ball is a ball of meat, often found on top of spaghetti. A \u201cball\u201d can also be a dance (see the Cinderella joke). This joke plays with the word ball/meatball and is kind of, sort of funny. Thanks Daniel!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/09/01/lemonade-anyone/", "joke": "Q: Where did the baseball keep its lemonade? A: In the pitcher!", "explaination": "Explanation: It is the end of summer, the end days of baseball and lemonade. School starts tomorrow (and as a teacher I love that!).\nThe word pitcher has two meanings: a pitcher is a container used to serve drinks; a pitcher is the person on the baseball team who throws the ball toward the bater at home plate (isn\u2019t Mo\u2019ne Davis amazing!). This joke is funny because it plays on the double meaning of the word pitcher.\nThank you, Daniel, for the joke!!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/08/17/stadium-lights/", "joke": "Q: What lights up a soccer stadium? A: A soccer match!", "explaination": "Explanation: I love soccer so, another soccer joke (I could have said football or f\u00fatbol).\nA \u201csoccer match\u201d is a soccer game. A match is a contest between two teams. A match is also a small stick that is used to start a fire. (And this reminds me of the story To Build a Fire by Jack London, and The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Anderson. Good stories!)\nThis joke is funny because of the double meaning of the word \u201cmatch.\u201d\nHappy birthday to \u00c1ngel!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/08/07/pigball/", "joke": "Q:Why are pigs so bad at soccer? A:They are always hogging the ball!", "explaination": "Explanation:To \u201chog the ball\u201d means to keep the ball to yourself and not pass the ball. A good soccer player looks to his or her teammates to see who has the best chance to advance the ball toward the goal; a good soccer player does not hog the ball.\nThis joke is funny because another word for a pig is a hog\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/08/01/before-dinner/", "joke": "Q: What did the mother lion say to her cubs before dinner? A: Shall we prey!", "explaination": "Explanation: Many people pray before dinner; they say words of thanks to their god, spirit or higher being. Prey (with an \u2018e\u2019 not an \u2018a\u2019) is the animal that is being hunted by another animal.\nThis joke plays on the words pray/ prey with the lions \u201cpreying\u201d before eating not praying. Here is a lion that appears to be praying. By the way, prey in regular usage is not used as a verb by itself but as a phrasal verb \u201cprey on\u201d or as a noun. But that is why I like jokes: anything is possible!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/07/19/fish-song/", "joke": "Q:How are fish and music the same? A:They both have scales!", "explaination": "Explanation:Fish scales are the outer part, the skin, of a fish. Musical scales are a series of notes that go up or down (there are many types of musical scales). This joke plays on the double meaning of the word \u201cscale.\u201d\nThere is a third meaning- a scale that weighs something like a bathroom scale.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/07/17/tipsy/", "joke": "Q:Why do flamingos stand on one leg? A:If they lifted the other leg they would fall over!", "explaination": "Explanation:Not what you expected? Of course not! That\u2019s why this joke is funny.\nUpon asking the question one expects an answer, an explanation. In this case one expects an answer that tells why flamingos stand on one leg. This joke is funny because it focuses on the other leg\u2026 and that is unexpected.\n\u00a1Saludos a Cesar!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/07/08/the-future-at-hand/", "joke": "Q: Why was the tree excited about the future? A: It was ready to turn over a new leaf!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTo turn over a new leaf\u201d means to start anew, to start again, fresh. Someone who has had problems might turn over a new leaf and begin again (study more, learn something new, stop a bad habit, start a new good habit such as exercising, \u2026).\nA tree has many leaves (one leaf, two leaves). Do the leaves turn over? Not really but maybe before a storm.\nThis joke plays with the word leaf and makes me think about the future. What are your plans? Do you need to turn over a new leaf?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/07/06/theftathome/", "joke": "Q: Why was the baseball player a bad sport? A: He stole third base and then went home!", "explaination": "Explanation: To be a bad sport is to not play nicely or to not play fairly. In baseball when you \u201csteal a base\u201d you do to actually steal the base, you do not take something that does not belong to you without permission or without paying; when you \u201csteal a base\u201d you advance to the next base with out being stopped by the opposing team. In baseball when you \u201cgo home\u201d you you do not go to the place where you live; when you \u201cgo home\u201d you return to home plate where you started out, batting, and you score a run.\nThis joke plays with the vocabulary from baseball: to steal a base, to go home."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/20/losing-customers/", "joke": "Q: Who earns a living driving their customers away? A: A taxi driver!", "explaination": "Explanation: To \u201cdrive someone away\u201d means to repel them, to force them to go away from you. This phrase is used to describe a battle (6th paragraph) in a war when it is said, for example, \u201cThe attacking army was driven away by the defending army.\u201d\nA taxi driver, in a different sense, drives their customers away from where they are to where they want to be. This joke plays with the phrase \u201cto drive away,\u201d something that most businesses do not want to do."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/11/after-dinner-math/", "joke": "Q: What is the math teacher\u2019s favorite dessert? A: Pi!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cDessert\u201d (with 2 s) is a sweet treat after a meal; \u201cdesert\u201d (with 1 s) is an area of the earth that gets little or no rain. An easy way to remember: people always want more dessert and it has more of the letter s. One type of dessert is pie; I especially like blueberry pie.\nPi is a math number that helps us understand circles. (It is also the name of the main character in The Life of Pi.)\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the meaning of pi/ pie which sound the same but only one really tastes good."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/10/laughing-orange/", "joke": "Q:How do you make an orange giggle? A:Tickle its navel!", "explaination": "Explanation:Oranges are a delicious fruit. One type of orange is the navel orange. Navel is also a word used for your belly button. If someone tickles your belly button, it might make you giggle.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the double meaning of the word navel- a type of orange and a belly button. And if you want to giggle at an orange you could watch an \u201cAnnoying Orange\u201d video.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/09/tardy-candy/", "joke": "Q: What kind of candy is never on time? A: Chocolate!", "explaination": "Explanation: Candy! That sweet treat, usually made with lots of sugar. Chocolate is one type of candy. The last part of the word \u201cchocolate\u201d is \u201clate.\u201d If you are late, you are not on time. This joke is funny because it plays with just a part of the word chocolate, the late part.\nAbout being late: Someone once told me, \u201cIf you are not 15 minutes early, you are late.\u201d That is good advice in the United States. In Chile, I once went to a party two hours late and I was the first one there!\nBy the way, I love chocolate! Especially chocolate from La Iberica in Arequipa, Peru.\nA quick note about pronunciation- Here in Minnesota, the word \u201cchocolate\u201d sounds more like \u201cchoco-lit.\u201d And if that is the case, the joke isn\u2019t too funny\u2026 until you see it."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/08/baseball-fans/", "joke": "Q: Why was it so hot in the stadium after the baseball game? A: All the fans left!", "explaination": "Explanation: At a baseball game, the fans are the people who are watching the game. The fans leave the stadium when the game is over. Baseball games are played at a stadium. A fan is also a small (or large) machine that has a part that spins to move air. If there are no fans (that move air) at a stadium the stadium could get hot.\nThis joke plays on the double meaning of the word fan- and that is why it is funny!\nGo Cubs!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/05/point-well-taken/", "joke": "Q: What did the paper say to the pencil? A: You\u2019ve got a good point!", "explaination": "Explanation: Pencils are used for writing. When the lead (now it is made of graphite) is sharp it is pointy, it has a point.\nWhen someone says, \u201cYou have a good point,\u201d it means that you have a good idea; the thoughts that you added to the conversation gave it something new.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with \u201cyou have a good point.\u201d The pencil has a literal point (it is sharp); perhaps it also has a figurative point (a good idea)."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/04/476/", "joke": "Q:What is the best food to eat when you are scared? A:I scream!", "explaination": "Explanation:People scream when they are scared, I mean, really scared. When was the last time you were really scared? Hopefully it was for something fun like a roller coaster and not for something terrible like a car accident or an earthquake.\n\u201cI scream\u201d sounds like \u201cice cream\u201d and that is what makes this joke funny. Maybe a dish of vanilla ice cream would go well with a Hitchcock film tonight.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/03/crazy-train/", "joke": "Q:What is the craziest way to travel? A:Loco-motive!", "explaination": "Explanation:A sort-of bilingual joke! \u00a1Que bueno! The Spanish word \u201cloco\u201d means \u201ccrazy\u201d in English. A locomotive is a train. Therefore, a loco-motive is a crazy-travel machine. But just in this joke- I actually like to travel by train.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/06/02/tied-up-in-string/", "joke": "Q: Why didn\u2019t the string ever win a race? A: It always tied!", "explaination": "Explanation: A string is many long pieces of thread together. Shoelaces are also a type of string. Of course you can tie a string in a knot. So, a string can be tied.\n\u201cTo be tied\u201d or \u201cto tie\u201d can also mean that no one is winning a game, that the score is the same. It is like in a World Cup Soccer game when the game is tied 1- 1 (sure would be fun to go to Brazil this year, but that has nothing to do with this joke!).\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the double meaning of the word \u201ctied.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/31/psychomath/", "joke": "Q: What did the math book say to the psychologist? A: \u201cWould you like to hear my problems?\u201d", "explaination": "Explanation: A math book has problems, many math problems. The purpose of a math book is to teach you how to think like a mathematician and to solve math problems.\nA psychologist can help you with problems with feelings or behaviors; a psychologist cannot help you with math problems.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with two different ideas of problems: math problems and psychological problems. And of course, math books can\u2019t talk!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/30/hamburger-race/", "joke": "Q:Why did the hamburger always lose the race? A:It could never ketchup!", "explaination": "Explanation:Ketchup is a thick liquid made from tomatoes; Ketchup is made from tomatoes. Many people put ketchup on their hamburgers. To \u201ccatch up\u201d means to get to the same place as the person who is ahead of you.\n\u201cKetchup\u201d sounds like \u201ccatch up\u201d and if you can\u2019t catch up you can\u2019t win the race! Silly joke!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/28/seams-funny/", "joke": "Q: Why was the sewing machine so funny? A: It kept everyone in stitches!", "explaination": "Explanation: A sewing machine is used to make shirts, pants and anything made of fabric that needs to be sewn. When the sewing machine does its work, it makes stitches that hold two pieces of fabric together. To \u201ckeep someone in stitches\u201d means to keep someone laughing.\nThis joke plays with the word stitch: the work that a sewing machine does and the idiom \u201cto keep someone in stitches.\u201d That is why it is funny! (Did you notice the title- a seam is where two pieces of fabric come together.)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/27/let-me-tell-you/", "joke": "Q: Why can\u2019t the bank keep a secret? A: It has too many tellers!", "explaination": "Explanation: When you go to a bank, the person who helps you deposit (put in) or withdraw (take out) money is called a teller. When you share a secret, you tell a secret. The -er ending on some nouns make that noun into the person who does that thing:\nwork-worker;\nplay-player;\nmake- maker;\ntell-teller.\nSo, someone who tells could be called a teller. This joke plays with the word tell/ teller and that is why it is funny."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/26/sandwich-humor-2/", "joke": "Q:What did the bread say back to the peanut butter? A:I think you\u2019re nuts!", "explaination": "Explanation:Peanut butter is made of peanuts, a type of nuts. To be nuts means to be crazy.\nThis joke plays with the word nut.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/25/sandwich-humor/", "joke": "Q: What did the peanut butter say to the bread? A: Quit loafing around!", "explaination": "Explanation: When you grind up peanuts, you get peanut butter. Bread that you buy at the grocery store, in the United States, mostly comes in a loaf; it is called a loaf of bread. Loafing around means to be lazy and not do anything.\nThis joke is funny for a few reasons: first, it is funny because the peanut butter is talking; second, it is funny because the peanut butter is telling the bread, a loaf of bread, to stop loafing around, stop just sitting there. This joke is playing with the word loaf.\nCome back tomorrow to see how the bread responds!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/24/plumbers-food/", "joke": "Q:What is a plumber\u2019s favorite food? A:A leek!", "explaination": "Explanation:A plumber is a person who fixes water pipes if they are clogged or are dripping; that is, if they have a leak.\nA leek (two e\u2019s) is a vegetable a lot like a green onion. A leak (one e, one a) is what happens to the water pipes when water drips out.\nThis joke plays with the word leek/ leak and that is what makes it funny.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/23/airless_eatery/", "joke": "Person 1: Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon? Person 2: No, what can you tell me about it?", "explaination": "Person 1: It has great food but no atmosphere!\nExplanation: A restaurant is a place to eat. Usually in a restaurant someone asks you what you want to eat and then serves you your food; then you pay for the food. To some people the food is the most important (if not the only) part that matters. To other people, the atmosphere of the restaurant matters. The atmosphere of a restaurant is the way it looks, the way it sounds, the way it smells; it is the way you feel when you are there- much more than just the taste of the food.\nThe moon, of course, has no atmosphere. When we talk about the atmosphere of the moon we are talking about the layer of gasses that surround a planet or a moon. The moon has no atmosphere; the earth has an atmosphere- that is why we can breathe.\nThis joke plays with the double meaning of the word atmosphere and that makes it funny! Of course if you want an out of this world restaurant you could try The Restaurant at the End of the Universe."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/22/dangerous-diet/", "joke": "Q: Why did the lady wear a helmet every time she ate? A: She was on a crash diet!", "explaination": "Explanation: A crash diet is a diet where a person loses a lot of weight in a short amount of time: lose weight fast. A helmet is protection for your head when you are playing a sport or working.\nThis joke is funny because it combines the idea of crashing (bumping into something really hard) and being on a diet. You don\u2019t need a helmet when you are on a diet and that is why this joke is funny."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/21/minnesota-gets-its-superbowl/", "joke": "This political cartoon/ editorial cartoon shows Minnesota winning its bid to host the Superbowl in 2018. The man with the red shirt is Zigy Wilf, the owner (well, part owner) of the Minnesota Vikings. It is funny because he is pictured in shorts which would never be worn in Minnesota in February when the average high temperature is the 20\u2019s F. This cartoon combines the news about global warming and the Superbowl bid. Thank you for the suggestion to explain an editorial cartoon, on occasion.", "explaination": "(click here to view)\nIndianapolis Star\nMay 21, 2014"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/21/faulty-boomerang/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn\u2019t come back? A: A stick!", "explaination": "Explanation: That\u2019s just silly! A boomerang is currently used as a toy but according to some histories it was/ is used for hunting. Originally it was made of wood but now can be made of plastic or other material.\nThis joke is funny because you expect a more serious answer and not such a silly answer. Of course if you throw a stick it will not come back."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/20/martial-arts-greeting/", "joke": "Q: How did the karate teacher greet his students? A: \u201cHi-Yah!\u201d", "explaination": "Explanation: To greet someone is to say, \u201chello\u201d (or something similar) when you meet him or her. The words \u201cHi-Yay\u201d are a common sound when doing karate. Saying \u201chi\u201d is also a common way of greeting people.\nThis joke is funny because it plays with the word \u201chi.\u201d You would expect a teacher to say, \u201cHi,\u201d but not \u201cHi-yah!\u201d \u2026 unless it\u2019s a karate teacher. Feel free to watch The Karate Kid or Kung Fu Panda to learn more about karate. Now I am wondering, what is the difference between karate and kung fu?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/19/braniac/", "joke": "Q:Why is spaghetti the smartest food? A:It always uses its noodle!", "explaination": "Explanation:Yum! Spaghetti! To \u201cuse your noodle\u201d is to use your brain, that is, to think. Spaghetti is a type of noodle.\nThis joke plays with the word noodle, both your brain and the pasta. Now I\u2019m hungry and off to the kitchen I go!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/18/floored/", "joke": "Q: Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floor? A: Don\u2019t worry, it was just a stage he was going through!", "explaination": "Explanation: Actors are the people who perform in a theater play or are on TV. The place where actors act is called the stage. So, if an actor falls through the floor he or she is falling through the stage.\nTo \u201cgo through a stage\u201d means to go through a step in a a life process. There are many stages of physical and psychological development (e.g. Piaget, Erikson), stages of grief, \u2026\nThis joke is funny because it plays on the literal and figurative meanings of \u201cgoing through a stage.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/17/alien-candy/", "joke": "Q: What is an alien\u2019s favorite candy? A: A Mars bar!", "explaination": "Explanation: An alien is a being from outer space, perhaps like E.T. And you already know what candy is. You might not know what a Mars bar is, though. A Mars bar is a candy bar made by the Mars company. Yum! Mars is also the name of the 4th planet from the sun (we are on the 3rd planet, Earth!).\nThis joke plays with the word Mars both as a candy bar and a planet in outer space, where an alien might come from."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/05/16/1-00-for-what/", "joke": "Q: How much did the butcher charge for his venison? A: A buck!", "explaination": "Explanation: There is so much going on in this joke! To begin with, a butcher is a person who prepares/ cuts meat so that it is ready to be cooked. Venison is meat that comes from a deer; a female deer is called a doe and a male deer is called a buck. A buck is also another name for one U.S. dollar ($1.00). This joke is funny because it plays on the double meaning of the work \u201cbuck.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/02/27/monster-fear/", "joke": "Q:Why couldn\u2019t the monster go to sleep? A:It was afraid there were children under the bed!", "explaination": "Explanation:This joke plays on a common fear of children that there is a monster under the bed- it turns that fear around by having the monster afraid that there are children under the bed.\nListen here for some scary stories.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/02/14/ninja/", "joke": "Q:Why did the ninja go to the doctor? A:He had kung-flu!", "explaination": "Explanation:Kung-fu is a Chinese martial arts style of fighting. It is also the name of an old TV show, yes, Grasshopper. The flu (influenza) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus. This joke plays on the similarity between \u201cflu\u201d and \u201cfu.\u201d\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/02/13/chilly-chili-in-chile/", "joke": "Q:When does your dinner never get hot? A:When it is chili!", "explaination": "Explanation:Chili is a type of food (and the name of a restaurant). Chilly means cold. Chile is the name of a country. This joke plays on the words chili (the food) and chilly (not hot).\nIt is still chilly here in Minnesota! Maybe I\u2019ll make some chili!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/02/12/cheater/", "joke": "Q:Why is it hard to play cards in the jungle? A:Too many cheetahs!", "explaination": "Explanation:Cheetahs are large cats. The word \u201ccheetah\u201d sounds like the word \u201ccheater,\u201d a person who does not play by the rules; a person who cheats. It is really hard to play cards with a cheater!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/02/11/cow-joke/", "joke": "Q:What goes, \u201cOom, oom?\u201d A:A backwards cow!", "explaination": "Explanation:Silly joke alert! In English, cows say, \u201cMoo!\u201d So if the cow is backwards is says, \u201cOom\u201d which is \u201cmoo\u201d written backwards. It is a good joke for a giggle!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/31/prints-charming/", "joke": "Q: What did Cinderella say when her photos did not show up? A: Someday my prints will come!", "explaination": "Explanation: The phrase would be, \u201cSome day my prince will come.\u201d Cinderella is waiting for her prince charming to sweep her off her feet. If she sent in some pictures to be developed she would wait for her prints to be printed, her pictures to be printed on paper.\nThis joke is funny because the word \u201cprints\u201d and the word \u201cprince\u201d sound the same. But they have very different meanings"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/21/whose-is-it/", "joke": "Q:What do you call cheese that is not yours? A:Nacho cheese!", "explaination": "Explanation:\u201cNacho cheese\u201d sounds like \u201cnot your cheese\u201d if you say it fast. And as far as I know, there is not really a cheese called \u201cnacho cheese\u201d but there is cheese that you put on tortilla chips to make nachos. Yum!!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/20/surprised/", "joke": "Q: How did Ben Franklin feel about discovering electricity? A: He was shocked!", "explaination": "Explanation: First of all, Ben Franklin did not discover electricity (learn more about the electricity here). What he did was an experiment to prove that lightning was electrical. It is a good thing he wasn\u2019t killed! Anyway, \u201cto be shocked\u201d is to be surprised. \u201cShocked\u201d is also what you feel when a bit of electricity enters your body. This joke is funny because of the double meaning of the word shocked."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/15/smelly-not-clean/", "joke": "Knock knock! Who\u2019s there?", "explaination": "Queen\nQueen who?\nQueen yourself, I can smell you through the door.\nExplanation: This knock-knock joke comes from GRIN:) at http://goodriddlesnow.com/jokes/by/knock-knock-jokes.\nIt is funny because it plays on the similar sounding words \u201cqueen\u201d and \u201cclean.\u201d The listener expects something related to a queen knocking at the door. Instead, the listener hears an order to get \u201cqueen,\u201d rather \u201cclean.\u201d It is as if the speaker does not speak clearly, like the cartoon character Elmer Fudd who is always outwitted by Bugs Bunny."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/14/1-foot-12-inches/", "joke": "Q: Why can\u2019t a nose be 12 inches long? A: If it was, then it would be a foot!", "explaination": "Explanation: In the standard system of measurement, the system that is used in the United States, 12 inches equals one foot (about 30 cm). A foot is also a body part, just as a nose is a body part. This joke plays on the double meaning of the word \u201cfoot.\u201d And of course, a nose cannot be a foot!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/13/reading-cat/", "joke": "Q: Where do you find a birthday present for a cat? A: In a cat-alogue!", "explaination": "Explanation: A catalogue is magazine that shows things that someone can buy; you might see a clothing catalogue, an electronics catalogue, \u2026 You can see images from a 1945 Sears catalogue here. And from a 1980\u2019s Sears catalogue here.\nOf course \u201ccatalogue\u201d begins with \u201ccat\u201d and that is what makes this joke funny.\n\u00a1Happy Birthday to E. A. S.!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/12/pirate-movie/", "joke": "Q: Why couldn\u2019t the 12 year-old go to the pirate movie? A: It was rated arrrrrgh!", "explaination": "A: It was rated arrrrrgh!\nExplanation: In the U. S. there is a system of rating movies:\nRated G= appropriate for all audiences (general public);\nRated PG= Parental Guidance suggested- some material not appropriate for children;\nPG 13= Parents Strongly Cautioned- some material may be inappropriate for children under 13;\nRated R= Restricted- children under 17 require accompanying parent or guardian.\nRated G= appropriate for all audiences (general public);\nRated PG= Parental Guidance suggested- some material not appropriate for children;\nPG 13= Parents Strongly Cautioned- some material may be inappropriate for children under 13;\nRated R= Restricted- children under 17 require accompanying parent or guardian.\nTherefore, 12 year-olds cannot go to a movie that is Rated R, or, as a pirate might say, \u201cArrrrrgh!\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/09/dancing-alone/", "joke": "Q: Why didn\u2019t the skeleton go to the ball? A: He had no body to dance with!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cBall\u201d is a synonym for \u201cdance.\u201d So, why didn\u2019t the skeleton go to the dance? Well, because a skeleton is all bones and nothing else, a skeleton does not have a body. That is, he has no body. When you put those two words together you get \u201cnobody.\u201d This joke is funny because it plays with the words \u201cno body\u201d and \u201cnobody.\u201d If he had nobody to go to the dance with he would go alone. In this case he had \u201cno body.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/08/purse/", "joke": "Q: Why did the lady sing lullabies to her purse? A: She wanted a sleeping bag!", "explaination": "Explanation: Lullabies are the songs that caregivers sing to babies at bed time; the hope of singing a lullaby is that the child will fall asleep. The words \u201cpurse\u201d and \u201cbag\u201d are synonyms; a purse is a shoulder bag that women use to carry their items. If the purse falls asleep, the bag would be sleeping. A \u201csleeping bag\u201d is also the term used for a person-sized bag lined with warm materials that is used for sleeping, especially on camping trips. This joke plays on the phrase \u201csleeping bag\u201d and the double meaning created in the joke."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/05/toy-fixing-up-north/", "joke": "Q: How does an Eskimo child fix his toys? A: With igloo!", "explaination": "Explanation: First of all, the term Eskimo is no longer used and is considered negative, pejorative, even racist. The two main groups who live in the northern regions by the arctic circle are the Yupik and Inuit. When naming groups of people let\u2019s ask people what is the best name for them; people have the right to identify themselves.\nLet me then, replace it with the word Inuit- How does an Inuit child fix his toys? This joke plays on the word igloo, a traditional ice home of some northern peoples. The word igloo has the word part \u201cgloo\u201d which sounds like \u201cglue.\u201d Glue would be used to fix a broken toy."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/03/picnicking/", "joke": "Q: What do you call someone who is afraid of picnics? A: A basket case!", "explaination": "Explanation: Picnics are relaxed, outdoor meals, often eaten on a blanket or a picnic table. When you go on a picnic you take a picnic basket\u2013 a basket that has the food and plates and everything you need for the picnic.\n\u201cA basket case\u201d is a term used for someone who has lost their mental health and is acting out of the normal (Basket Case is also a song by Green Day which I have never heard but will listen to now). This joke plays on the term \u201cbasket case\u201d because you bring a basket to a picnic and no one is really afraid of picnics\u2026 at least I don\u2019t think they are."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/02/balloon/", "joke": "Q: Why can\u2019t you take anything balloons say seriously? A: They\u2019re always full of hot air!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTo take something seriously\u201d is to believe what someone is saying. \u201cTo be full of hot air\u201d is to talk a lot without saying anything of importance or to say things that are not true. Balloons that rise into the air are literally full of hot air (or helium). This joke plays on the phrase \u201cfull of hot air.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2014/01/01/on-sale/", "joke": "Q: Why did Michael\u2019s grades drop after the holidays? A: Because everything was marked down!", "explaination": "Explanation: The holidays refers to the time of the year between Thanksgiving and New Year\u2019s Day. It is a time when lots of people by many gifts for various occasions (remember, these jokes mostly come from the United States and therefore reflect its humor and some of its customs). After the holidays stores have sales to get rid of merchandise that did not sell before the holidays; when an item is \u201con sale\u201d the prices are \u201cmarked down.\u201d\nWhen a student looses points on an assignment his or her grade is marked down. This joke plays on the phrase \u201cmarked down.\u201d If everything is marked down then it looks like Michael\u2019s grades came down too. Perhaps he needs to study a bit more!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/31/sentenced-to/", "joke": "Q: What happened to the man who shoplifted a calendar on New Year\u2019s Eve? A: He got 12 months!", "explaination": "Explanation: Shoplifters are people who steal from a store, usually something small (but shoplifters also steal larger items). Shoplifting is against the law so, if you are caught by the police, you might have to go to jail. If you are caught by the police you will have a trial and get sentenced to spend time in jail. In this case, \u201cHe got [sentenced to] 12 months\u201d means that he will spend 12 months in jail. This joke is funny because a calendar also has 12 months, and that is what he got when he stole the calendar."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/30/christmas-knitting/", "joke": "Q: Why are Christmas trees like bad knitters? A: They both drop their needles!", "explaination": "Explanation: Christmas trees that are brought into the house often lose their needles; they fall off the branches as the tree dries (even if it gets enough water). When someone knits a scarf or a sweater they use knitting needles, the long sticks that knitters use as they knit one and purl two. This joke is funny because it plays on the double meaning of the word \u201cneedles.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/29/wenceslas-pizza/", "joke": "Q:How does Good King Wenceslas like his pizzas? A:Deep and crisp and even!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cGood King Wenceslas looked out on the feast of Stephen. When the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even.\u201d\nThis is a well known Christmas Carol but that last part sounds kind of like a pizza order- deep dish, crispy crust, evenly baked. Me? I\u2019d add some pepperoni and it\u2019d be perfect!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/28/theyre_great/", "joke": "Q:What do snowmen eat for breakfast? A:Frosted Flakes!", "explaination": "Explanation:Frost is frozen water vapor on a surface; it is kind of in between ice and snow. Snowmen are made of snow, which is kind of like frost. Frosted Flakes are a common breakfast cereal. Can you imagine a snowman eating cereal? I like snowmen jokes at this time of year.\nEat Well!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/27/singing-of-the-apes/", "joke": "Q:What does Tarzan sing on Christmas? A:Jungle Bells!", "explaination": "Explanation:\u201cJungle Bells\u201d is an invented song name that reminds the listener of the song \u201cJingle Bells.\u201d\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/26/the-empty-sack/", "joke": "Q:How many presents can Santa fit in his empty sack? A:Only one. After that it is not empty anymore!", "explaination": "Explanation:The old empty sack trick! This joke plays on the understanding of the words \u201cempty\u201d and \u201chow many.\u201d The listener expects the answer to be a number, not an explanation. But it is true- if there is one gift in the sack it is no longer empty.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/25/christmas-poppins/", "joke": "Q: What did Mary Poppins want for Christmas? A: Supercalifragilisticexpialisnowshoes!", "explaination": "Explanation: Did you see the \u201csnow shoes\u201d part at the end of that word? This joke plays on the title of the song from Mary Poppins, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You can watch a video of the song on the previous link. And there is a new movie about the making of Mary Poppins. Anyway, I think snow shoes would be a great gift.\nMerry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/24/free-sleigh/", "joke": "Q:How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? A:Nothing. It was on the house!", "explaination": "Explanation:If something is \u201con the house\u201d it means it is free. Often you will hear the expression in a movie, \u201cDrinks are on the house!\u201d That means that the bartender or the owner of the restaurant will pay for the beverages. In this case the sleigh is literally on the house. That\u2019s what makes the joke funny.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/23/old-frosty/", "joke": "Q:What do you call an old snowman? A:Water!", "explaination": "Explanation:Snowmen do not last very long because eventually they melt. When a snowman melts he becomes water. This joke is funny because the listener is expecting a name, not water. You can watch the cartoon version of Frosty the Snowman here.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/22/oh-no/", "joke": "Q:Who says, \u201cOh, oh, oh!\u201d? A:Santa Claus walking backwards!", "explaination": "Explanation:Santa is known for saying, \u201cHo, ho ho!\u201d as he laughs. If you write \u201cho, ho, ho\u201d backwards you get \u201coh, oh, oh.\u201d Silly, silly silly!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/21/carol-for-mom-and-dad/", "joke": "Q:What is a parent\u2019s favorite Christmas carol? A:Silent Night.", "explaination": "Explanation:Christmas carols are the songs sung at Christmas time. Moms and dads enjoy a night that is quiet once in a while. Silent Night is the name of a Christmas carol and a silent night for parents means that the children are asleep. \u201cAll is calm.\u201d\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/20/job-loss/", "joke": "Q:What happened to the beans when they showed up late to work? A:They got canned!", "explaination": "Explanation:\u201cTo get canned\u201d means to get fired, to lose your job. Beans, when they are not fresh, come in cans (or are frozen). Beans are canned when they are put into cans\u2026 but these beans were late to work so they got fired, they got canned! This joke is funny because it plays with the idea of getting canned.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/20/eating-homework/", "joke": "Q: Why did the students eat their homework? A: Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cIt\u2019s a piece of cake\u201d means that something is really easy.\nImagine a conversation between a teacher and a student: \u201cWhat is 2 + 2 ?\u201d\n\u201cOh, that\u2019s a piece of cake! It\u2019s 4!\u201d\nA piece of cake (you take an entire cake and cut a piece out and serve it on a plate) can also be just a piece of cake. This joke is funny because it plays on the double meaning of \u201cpiece of cake.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/19/in-sync/", "joke": "Q: What did the computer say when it fell into the quicksand? A: \u201cHelp me! I\u2019m syncing!\u201d", "explaination": "Explanation: When someone falls in quicksand they start to sink, that is, go down into the sand. When computers connect with other computers they \u201csync,\u201d a word that means to synchronize. That is often how computers share information like when a person syncs an iPod with a computer to share music. The words sink and sync sound the same which is why this joke is funny."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/17/crumbs/", "joke": "Q: Why did the cookie go to the hospital? A: He was feeling really crumbie!", "explaination": "Explanation: Crumbs are the little pieces of cookie or bread that fall to the table as you eat; the \u201cb\u201d in the word crumb is silent so it sounds like \u201ccrum.\u201d\n\u201cTo feel crummy\u201d means to feel a little bit sick, not too well but not full-on sick. This joke plays on the words crummy and crumb-ie (crumbie is not a word but puts the \u201cee\u201d sound at the end of the word \u201ccrumb\u201d). That\u2019s just a little joke-ie for today. I hope you are feeling well and not crummy."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/16/the-purr-fect-cat/", "joke": "Q:What is a cat\u2019s favorite color? A:Purr-ple", "explaination": "Explanation:Purple, that is! You see, the rumble noise that cats make under their chin when they are happy is called a purr. Cats meow and purr. This joke is funny because it plays on the \u201cpur\u201d part of purple. Rrrrrrrr!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/15/suspenseful/", "joke": "Q: How do you keep someone in suspense? A: I\u2019ll tell you tomorrow!", "explaination": "Explanation: Suspense is that feeling of wanting to know what is going to happen. In his films, Alfred Hitchcock was a master of suspense, keeping you on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what was going to happen next. That\u2019s what makes this joke funny- the questioner keeps the listener in suspense by saying, \u201cI\u2019ll tell you tomorrow!\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/14/gum-glue/", "joke": "Q: What did the tooth fairy use to fix her wand? A: Toothpaste!", "explaination": "Explanation: The Tooth Fairy leaves small amounts of money under the pillow where small children have left a tooth that recently fell out. She always has a magic wand. I suppose that the wand could break and she would need some glue (also known as paste) to fix it. Because she is the Tooth Fairy she might use tooth-paste. That\u2019s funny!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/13/news-flash/", "joke": "Q: Did you hear about the red ship and the blue ship that collided? A: All the sailors were marooned!", "explaination": "Explanation: Marooned: to be stranded on an island after a ship wreck. Maroon: a dark red, almost purple, color. So, when red and blue are mixed, you get purple, well, maroon. This joke plays with the knowledge that red and blue make maroon (almost, sort of maroonish purple) and the knowledge that a boat crash may leave sailors marooned."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/12/sock-talk/", "joke": "Q:What did the sock say to the foot? A:\u201cShoe!\u201d", "explaination": "Explanation:Or did the sock say, \u201cShoo!\u201d \u201cShoo\u201d means go away, scram, get out of here as in the song \u201cShoo Fly, Don\u2019t Bother Me.\u201d Shoe, obviously, is what you put on your foot (after you put on your sock). Was the sock pointing out that the shoe was coming closer?\nThis joke is silly and doesn\u2019t make much sense but it does make me giggle.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/11/bullied-nose/", "joke": "Q: Why was the nose feeling sad? A: It was tired of getting picked on!", "explaination": "Explanation: When you \u201cpick your nose\u201d you stick your finger in your nose and, well, remove whatever is in there. \u201cTo be picked on\u201d means that someone is bothering you, bullying you: The older kid picked on the younger kid by pushing him every time they saw each other.\nThis joke plays with the words \u201cpick\u201d and \u201cnose\u201d and the double understanding there. It is funny because the nose is being picked on, not being picked.\nIt\u2019s more polite to use a Kleenex."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/10/hoe-hoe-hoe/", "joke": "Q:Why does Santa have a garden? A:So he can hoe, hoe, hoe!", "explaination": "Explanation:When Santa laughs he says, \u201cHo, ho ho!\u201d When you work in a garden sometimes you use a hoe (a tool with a long handle and a flat piece of metal on the end that is perpendicular to the long handle). This joke is funny because it changes \u201cho, ho, ho\u201d for \u201choe, hoe, hoe.\u201d\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/09/voting-bears/", "joke": "Q: Where do polar bears vote? A: The North Poll!", "explaination": "Explanation: When you go to vote for a candidate, the place that you go is called the poll. Last year my polling place changed from a school to a nursing home; every year, though, I go to the poll to vote.\nPolar bears live near the north pole, way up north in the Arctic circle (I could talk about the decrease in the population of polar bears but I won\u2019t). This joke is funny because of the play on words with poll and pole.\nI wonder if Santa Claus votes at the north poll too?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/09/going-up-or-down/", "joke": "Q: What did one elevator say to the other elevator? A: I think I\u2019m coming down with something!", "explaination": "Explanation: There is a double meaning in this joke: \u201cTo come down with something\u201d is to get sick; elevators come down with something- people. When the first elevator says it is coming down with something the listener hears the double meaning of getting sick and going to a lower floor \u2014 and that\u2019s funny because elevators don\u2019t get sick."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/08/paging-the-lost-book/", "joke": "Q: How do you reach a book in an emergency? A: Call its pager!", "explaination": "Explanation: A pager or a beeper is a small electronic device (not used much anymore because so many people have cell phones) that beeps or vibrates and shows the telephone number of the caller or a message from the caller. They are often used in hospitals or other locations where it is important to contact someone and do so with minimal interference.\nThis joke is funny because books have pages but do not have pagers. You can also reach a book with your arm. Read a good book today!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/07/bullfighters-in-peril/", "joke": "Q: What do you call four bullfighters in quicksand? A: Cuatro sinko!", "explaination": "Explanation: Ah, yes! A bad bilingual joke. Bullfighters are often found in Spanish speaking countries. The number four in Spanish is \u201ccuatro.\u201d If you are in quicksand you are probably sinking down into the sand.\nMany English speakers who do not speak Spanish play with Spanish by adding an \u201co\u201d onto any English word- so \u201csink\u201d would become \u201csinko.\u201d Of course \u201csinko\u201d sounds just like \u201ccinco\u201d which means five in Spanish. This joke is funny to an English speaker who knows a bit of Spanish because the answer sounds like 4, 5 in Spanish as it refers to the 4 bullfighters sinking into quicksand."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/06/flying-clocks/", "joke": "Q: Why did Tom\u00e1s throw the clock out the window? A: He wanted to see time fly!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTime flies\u201d means that time seems to pass quickly as in the expression, \u201ctime flies when you are having fun.\u201d Of course if you throw a clock then the clock, which shows the time, is flying. This joke plays with the words \u201ctime flies,\u201d both the figurative meaning and the literal meaning.\nAs winter comes to Minnesota, I kind of hope that time flies and that spring comes soon."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/05/teddys-door/", "joke": "Knock, knock! Who\u2019s There?", "explaination": "Theodore.\nTheodore who?\nTheodore is stuck and it won\u2019t open!\nExplanation: Yesterday, teddy bears. Today, Theodore: thee-o door. The last part of the name \u201cTheodore\u201d sounds like \u201cdoor.\u201d If you say the whole name fast it can almost sound like \u201cthee door\u201d or \u201cthe door.\u201d This joke is funny because it is not Theodore who is knocking at the door but someone who says the door is stuck."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/04/stuffed/", "joke": "Q: Why are teddy bears never hungry? A: They are always stuffed!", "explaination": "Explanation: After you finish eating you could say, \u201cI am full\u201d or you might say, \u201cI\u2019m stuffed.\u201d Both expressions mean the same thing: you have eaten enough and you do not need to eat any more.\nIf you were to open a teddy bear you would find \u201cstuffing\u201d inside. Stuffing is the material that makes the bear soft and cuddly. Teddy bears are also known as \u201cstuffed animals,\u201d that is, toy animals that are soft and are full of stuffing.\nThis joke plays on the double meaning of the word \u201cstuffed.\u201d Of course teddy bears are stuffed! But they never eat anything."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/04/what-do-you-knead/", "joke": "Q:What did the baker say when he found his lost dough? A:\u201cThat\u2019s just what I kneaded!\u201d", "explaination": "Explanation:\u201cTo knead dough\u201d is to push and pull it; that is what you do to the dough before you let it rise. \u201cTo knead\u201d sounds just like \u201cto need.\u201d This joke plays on these phrases that sound the same. Do you knead more of an explanation? No, but you might need more of an explanation.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/03/above-me/", "joke": "Q: Did you hear the joke about the roof? A: Never mind, it\u2019s over your head!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cOver your head\u201d can have two different meanings: 1) something is literally above you; 2) something is too hard for you to understand. For example: 1) the ceiling of the room I am in is over my head and keeps the snow off my shoulders; 2) Quantum physics is \u201cover my head\u201d because I do not understand it.\nThis joke plays on the double meaning of the phrase \u201cover your head.\u201d Get it? Or is it over your head?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/02/baby-dribbler/", "joke": "Q: When is a baby good at basketball? A: When it\u2019s dribbling!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTo dribble\u201d the basketball means to bounce the ball as you walk or run down the basketball court. \u201cTo dribble\u201d is also to let saliva drop from your mouth. Babies often dribble, that is, they drool, they let saliva or food or milk come out of their mouths.\nThis joke is funny because it plays on the double meaning of the word dribble; babies cannot dribble a basketball but they dribble all frequently."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/12/01/hum-a-few-bars/", "joke": "Q: Why do scientists think humming birds hum? A: Because they can\u2019t remember the words!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTo hum\u201d can be to sing, \u201cla, la, la\u201d when you don\u2019t know the words to a song or keep your lips together and make the notes of a song. This joke is funny because hummingbirds don\u2019t really hum; they chirp. They\u2019re birds! I wonder why they can\u2019t remember the words?\nHere is a scene where Ingrid Bergman hums a few bars."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/30/fowl-play/", "joke": "Q: Why did the police arrest the turkey? A: They suspected it of foul play!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cSuspected of foul play\u201d means that the police think you did something illegal. The group of birds that include chickens, duck, geese and turkeys are known as fowl. \u201cFoul\u201d and \u201cfowl\u201d sound the same. This joke plays with the word fowl/ foul and is really a lot funnier if spoken, not read. (A foul is also a mis-play in a sport such as basketball. Isn\u2019t English fun!)"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/29/having-family-for-thanksgiving/", "joke": "Q: Should you have your whole family for Thanksgiving dinner? A: No, you should just have the turkey!", "explaination": "Explanation: Another joke that plays with a double meaning. Imagine a conversation like this: \u201cWhat did you have for dinner?\u201d \u201cI had soup and bread.\u201d\n\u201cTo have _____ for dinner\u201d is to eat whatever you put in that blank space. Yesterday I had turkey for dinner. I did not have my family, that is, I did not eat my family (thank goodness!).\nTo \u201chave your family for dinner\u201d can also mean to invite them over to eat dinner with you. That is why the joke is funny. The listener is expecting advice on whether or not to invite the family over for dinner. The answer shows that the questioner had a different meaning in mind. It reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode, To Serve Man.\nHappy day after Thanksgiving! And no, I am not going shopping."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/28/turkey-feathers/", "joke": "Q:Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? A:The outside!", "explaination": "Explanation:At first when you hear this joke, the expectation is that the answer will be the right side or the left side, perhaps the top, bottom, front or back. What the listener does not expect is the outside; that answer is too obvious. That is why the joke is funny!\nHappy Thanksgiving Day!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/27/musical-turkey/", "joke": "Q: What is the musical part of a turkey? A: The drumstick!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cDrumstick\u201d has two meanings: a drumstick is the piece of wood that a drummer uses to hit the drum and make music; a turkey leg, one that has been cooked and is ready to eat, is also called a drumstick. This joke plays on the double meaning of the word drumstick.\nTomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the United States. Everyday I am thankful!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/26/married-to-his-honey/", "joke": "Q: Why did the bee get married? A: Because he found his honey!", "explaination": "Explanation: Sweetie, dear, my love, honey. These are all words/ phrases that a person might use for his or her significant other, for the love of your life. So, when you \u201cfind your honey\u201d you find that person who means a lot to you. Then, you could marry that person.\nThis joke plays on the double meaning of the word honey: a sweet treat made by honey bees and someone who you love. In this case the bee found his honey, his love. The honey he made, is back at the bee hive."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/25/chasing-your-tail/", "joke": "Q: Why did the poor dog chase his own tail? A: He was trying to make ends meet!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTo make ends meet\u201d is an expression used when someone is working hard to earn enough money to pay the bills. The word \u201cpoor\u201d in \u201cpoor dog\u201d can be an expression of sympathy such as \u201cyou poor thing\u201d or it can mean poor as in a person with little or no money.\nThis dog is working to make ends meet by having its mouth grab its tail. If and when the dog bites its tail, its head will literally meet the tail; the two ends of the dog will meet. This joke is funny because it plays with the word \u201cpoor\u201d and the expression \u201cmake ends meet.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/24/keyless-piano-teacher/", "joke": "Q: How did the music teacher get locked in the classroom? A: His keys were inside the piano!", "explaination": "Explanation: Well, the word \u201ckeys\u201d in this joke has two meanings: 1) Keys are the white and black parts of the piano that your fingers touch when you play the piano; 2) Keys are the pieces of metal that you use to unlock doors. This joke is funny because piano keys are in the piano, they are part of the piano but if you leave the keys to your room in the piano then you cannot get into you room.\nPiano teachers need to keep their keys in their pockets and not in their pianos!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/23/the-coughing-coffin/", "joke": "Q: Why are graveyards noisy? A: Because of all the coffin!", "explaination": "Explanation: A coffin is the box that dead people are buried in. Coughing is the body\u2019s natural response when there is a tickle in the throat and you try to clear it- you cough.\nThis joke is funny because it plays on the similar sound of \u201ccoffin\u201d and \u201ccoughing.\u201d In English, many people drop the final \u2018g\u2019 sound on words ending in \u2018ing.\u2019 That makes \u201ccoffin\u201d and \u201ccoughing\u201d sound even more alike.\nDon\u2019t let your coughin\u2019 send you to the coffin! See a doctor!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/22/spoiled-cow/", "joke": "Q: What do you get from a pampered cow? A: Spoiled milk.", "explaination": "Explanation: To be \u201cpampered\u201d is to be taken care of in a very nice way. Someone might go to the spa to have her nails done and get a massage and we could say, \u201cShe is being pampered.\u201d\nIf you are too pampered or if you expect someone to always take care of you we could call you spoiled. \u201cSpoiled brat\u201d is a common phrase is to refer to a child who gets mad because he doesn\u2019t get what he wants.\nKnowing that we get milk from cows we can make the joke that pampered cows give us spoiled milk. The joke is funny because spoiled milk is what you get when you leave the milk out of the refrigerator for a long time and it turns sour, it spoils. It doesn\u2019t come from cows who are getting their nails done at the spa."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/11/22/may-bee-ba-bee/", "joke": "Q: What do you call newborn bee? A: A ba-bee!", "explaination": "Explanation: Newborn is a word that refers to a baby who has recently come into the world, yes, a baby. A bee is an insect that gives us honey and pollinates plants.\nThis joke plays on the word/ work part \u201cBee.\u201d A baby or a ba-bee. Get it? A newborn bee is a baby or a ba-bee; both words sound the same.\nOne joke a day from now til New Year\u2019s Eve. That is my goal. Thank you for reading and writing to me!!\nThe title of this post is from a Buddy Holly Song."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/09/17/food-thats-fast/", "joke": "Q: What do racers eat? A: Fast food!", "explaination": "Explanation: A racer is a person who races, such as a runner or a race car driver. The whole point of a race is to go fast in order to win. \u201cFast food\u201d is food that you can get at a restaurant like McDonalds: you order the food and they give it to you right away. So if you want to go fast you need to eat food that will give you the energy to go fast, or \u201cfast food.\u201d That\u2019s what makes this joke funny! Of course fast food will not make you fast, fat perhaps, but not fast \ud83d\ude42 ."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/09/16/winnie-the-who/", "joke": "Q: What do you get when you cross a bear and a ghost? A: Winnie the boo!", "explaination": "Explanation: You already know what a bear is and you already know what a ghost is. But do you know about Winnie the Pooh? Winnie the Pooh is a stuffed bear created by A. A. Milne. Wonderful stories from a long time ago! \u201cPooh\u201d sounds like \u201cboo.\u201d Ghosts say, \u201cBoo!\u201d Therefore we get Winnie the Boo!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/09/09/its-not-easy-being-green/", "joke": "Q: What\u2019s green and sings? A:Elvis Parsley!", "explaination": "Explanation:This joke is a play on words- \u201cparsley\u201d, a leafy green used as food, sounds a lot like \u201cPresley\u201d the last name of the famous singer, Elvis Presley. Parsley, Presley, Parsley, Presley, Parsley, Presley- try saying that 10 times fast.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/09/04/scaredy-cow/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a scared cow? A: A milk shake!", "explaination": "Explanation: When people get scared, frightened, they sometimes shake because of the fear they feel. A milkshake is a drink that mixes (or shakes) together ice cream and milk (sometimes with fruit or chocolate or \u2026). So, if you shake a cow (which would be really hard to do!) you could get a milk-shake. Or if the cow gets scared it could shake itself and the milk that is inside it thereby making a milkshake. Crazy! It could never happen! That\u2019s why it\u2019s funny!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/08/30/parrot-teacher/", "joke": "Q: When does a teacher carry birdseed? A: When there is a parrot-teacher conference!", "explaination": "Explanation: Parrots like birdseed; they eat it! Teachers have conferences with parents called parent teacher conferences; it is a time to talk to the parents about how their children are doing in school. \u201cParrot-teacher\u201d sounds like \u201cparent-teacher\u201d and that is what makes his joke funny!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/08/28/i-see-the-sea-or-c/", "joke": "Q: What letter is wet? A:The letter C !", "explaination": "Explanation:You see, the letter \u201cc\u201d sounds just like the word \u201csea\u201d which is another word for the ocean. So, the \u201cC\u201d is wet. See!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/04/20/baseball-web/", "joke": "Q: Why would a spider be a good baseball player? A: Because it is good at catching flies!", "explaination": "Explanation: Spiders catch flies in their webs; flies (fly- singular) are small insects with wings. When spiders build spiderwebs the flies get stuck in them and the spiders eat them. When a baseball player hits a baseball and it goes up in the air to the outfield we say, \u201cthe baseball player has hit a fly ball,\u201d that is, the player hit the ball and it flew through the air. The outfielders, the players standing far away from the batter, are waiting to catch the fly balls that have been hit. An outfielder who is good at this is good at catching flies\u2026 just like a spider.\nThanks \u201cTree\u201d for the joke!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/04/19/bowl-me-over/", "joke": "Q: Where do football players go before the big game? A: To the Toilet Bowl!", "explaination": "Explanation: If someone says, \u201cI gotta go!\u201d that person means, \u201cI have to go to the bathroom.\u201d Imagine someone saying that while squeezing their legs together. Football championship games are called bowl games, think The Super Bowl, The Rose Bowl, \u2026 The part of a toilet where one leaves waste is the toilet bowl, the part you see filled with water. This joke is funny because it combines the ideas of going to the bathroom with a bowl game. 11 year olds might love this joke!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/04/18/elfabet/", "joke": "Q: What do elves learn in school? A: The elf-abet!", "explaination": "Explanation: One elf (singular), two elves (plural). Elves are mythological beings found in stories like The Hobbit or found at the north pole working for Santa Claus. The alphabet is learned by school children in all English speaking schools (and other languages too!). \u201cElf\u201d sounds like \u201calf\u201d or \u201calph,\u201d the first part of the word alphabet. This joke is funny because it plays on the sounds in elf and alph.\nThanks \u201cTree\u201d for sending the joke."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/04/16/wet-melon/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a wet fruit? A: A watermelon!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cWet\u201d is something that is liquid or has liquid on or in it. For example, a towel gets wet when you use it to soak up water; the street gets wet when it rains. Water is wet because it is a liquid. A watermelon isn\u2019t really wet on the outside (unless it has been rained on or washed) but it does have lots of liquid on the inside. So a wet fruit, is a watermelon. Mmmm!\nSoon it will be summer here in the north and the watermelon will start growing again. I can\u2019t wait!\nThanks \u201cTree\u201d for sending the joke."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/04/15/happy-birthday/", "joke": "Q: Why do we put candles on top of a birthday cake? A: Because it\u2019s too hard to put them on the bottom!", "explaination": "Explanation: Well, this is funny because the listener is expecting a real explanation that has to do with adding candles to a cake, perhaps even explaining why we have cake for birthdays. But that is not the answer that the listener hears. The answer is just an obviously funny one! Candles on the bottom of a cake!\nHappy Birthday, Ana Maria!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/04/12/shake-well/", "joke": "Q: Why did John jump up and down before drinking his juice? A: The box said, \u201cShake well before drinking!\u201d", "explaination": "Explanation: Johnny was sooooooo confused! When the box says, \u201cShake well before drinking\u201d it is talking about the box, not the boy who is drinking the juice! Shake the box, Johnny!\nShake, shake hands, milkshake, shake your head, shake and bake, shake, rattle and roll, \u2026"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/04/11/roll-not-bounce/", "joke": "Q: What kind of balls don\u2019t bounce? A:Eye balls!", "explaination": "Explanation:Bounce is the way a ball goes up and down when thrown to the floor. Tennis balls bounce. Basketballs bounce. Eyeballs\u2026 don\u2019t bounce. It would hurt too much if they did!\nMy break is over\u2026 more jokes to come.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/25/make-your-seabed/", "joke": "Q: Who keeps the ocean clean? A:The mermaid!", "explaination": "Explanation:A mermaid is a mythological creature who is part woman, part fish. A \u201cmaid\u201d is a person who cleans a house or a hotel. This joke plays on the meaning of the word \u201cmaid.\u201d Does a mer-maid do windows?\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/20/cabbage-patching/", "joke": "Q: How did the farmer mend his pants? A: With cabbage patches!", "explaination": "Explanation: To mend a pair of pants, such as jeans, is to fix them. If there is a hole in the knee you will need to patch the hole with a patch. Yes, \u201cpatch\u201d can be used as a verb and a noun. \u201cPatch\u201d also means a small area of land that is planted with a the same type of vegetable such as cabbage: a cabbage patch. This joke plays on the multiple meanings of the word \u201cpatch.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/19/rule-me-this/", "joke": "Q: Why was the king only a foot tall? A: Because he was a ruler!", "explaination": "Explanation: A ruler is one who rules, that is, one who is in charge like a king or a president. A ruler is also a stick used for measuring items. In this case a ruler is 12 inches long, a foot long. This joke plays on the double meaning of the work ruler. This joke really measures up!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/18/the-lettuce-wins/", "joke": "Q: Why did the lettuce win the race? A:He was a head!", "explaination": "Explanation:Lettuce is a green, leafy vegetable like in the picture. When you buy lettuce you buy \u201ca head\u201d of lettuce. The person who wins a race finishes first, that is, the person is ahead of the other. This joke plays on the difference between \u201cahead\u201d and \u201ca head.\u201d\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/15/knotted-not/", "joke": "Q: What did the mommy rope say to the baby rope? A: \u201cDon\u2019t be knotty!\u201d", "explaination": "Explanation: When you tie a rope you make a knot. To behave badly is to be naughty (naw- tee); it is a word that is used with small children. \u201cKnotty\u201d sounds like \u201cnaughty\u201d and \u201cnaughty\u201d is a word that a mommy might use with her child, like in the joke! Be good; don\u2019t be naughty!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/14/whale-tale/", "joke": "Q: What is a whale\u2019s favorite game? A: Swallow the leader!", "explaination": "Explanation: Whales are known for eating lots and lots of fish and krill; that is, they swallow them. \u201cFollow the Leader\u201d is a well known children\u2019s game where one personis the leader and the other children have to follow the leader, doing and going where the leader goes. This joke plays on the rhyming words follow and swallow."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/08/at-the-plate/", "joke": "Q: How is a baseball team similar to a pancake? A: They both need a good batter!", "explaination": "Explanation: The word \u201cbatter\u201d can refer to the person on a baseball team who has the bat and is hitting the ball. The word \u201cbatter\u201d can also mean the thick liquid that a cook uses to make pancakes. The batter is poured onto the griddle; the cooked batter is called a pancake. This joke plays on the double meaning of the word \u201cbatter.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/07/escalator-nope/", "joke": "Q: What goes up and down but does not move? A: Stairs!", "explaination": "Explanation: You walk up the stairs and down the stairs. We say \u201cthe stairs go up to the next floor\u201d or \u201cthe stairs go down to the basement.\u201d That is, the stairs \u201cgo\u201d but they do not move! Ha!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/03/06/two-tired/", "joke": "Q: Why do bicycles fall over? A: Because they are two-tired!", "explaination": "Explanation: Bicycles have two tires, that is, they have two wheels. If a car is four-tired (has 4 tires) then you could say a bike is two-tired (has two tires), although no one would actually say that- except in a joke. This joke plays on the words \u201ctoo tired.\u201d If you are very tired, too tired, you have no energy. Maybe you would fall over like the two-tired (too tired) bike!\nGet some rest!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/27/luke-at-me/", "joke": "Knock, knock. Who\u2019s there?", "explaination": "Luke.\nLuke who?\nYou look like you want to hear another knock knock joke!\nExplanation: You see, \u201cLuke\u201d sounds like \u201clook.\u201d So, youlooklike you want to hear another knock knock joke!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/26/sign-language/", "joke": "Q: What language does a billboard speak? A: Sign language!", "explaination": "Explanation: A billboard is one of those really big advertisements found along roads and on top of buildings; a billboard is a type of sign. This joke plays on the word \u201csign\u201d which can mean a public, printed announcement that is usually large (like a street sign, a stop sign, a road sign, the name of a store on its facade, \u2026) or it can be the first part of \u201csign language.\u201d Sign language is a language used by hearing impaired people to communicate. So a billboard (a sign) speaks sign language because it is a sign!\nAs you work on learning English or learning jokes take some time to learn sign language!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/22/title-wave/", "joke": "Q: What would we get if we threw all the books in the ocean? A: A title wave!", "explaination": "Explanation: A tidal wave is produced by the daily tides, which are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun (officially, it is not a tsunami). Books have titles. The words \u201ctitle wave\u201d sound very much like \u201ctidal wave.\u201d Read all about it!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/21/bull-doze/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a sleeping bull? A: A bull-dozer.", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTo doze\u201d is to sleep, but just for a little bit of time. A bulldozer is a machine that moves dirt. So, a sleeping bull is a bull that dozes or a bull-dozer which sounds like bulldozer!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/20/hot-dog/", "joke": "Q: How do you make a hot dog stand? A: Take away its chair!", "explaination": "Explanation:You know what a hot dog is, right? A \u201chot dog stand\u201d is a small place that sells hot dogs (see picture). This joke plays on the word stand which is also the opposite of sit. If you take away someone\u2019s chair that person has to stand\u2026 just like the hot dog in this joke!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/13/blind-fish/", "joke": "Q: What do you call a fish with no eye? A: Fsh!", "explaination": "Explanation:When you hear this joke you are thinking about a fish with no eye, perhaps a blind fish. What makes this joke funny is that the answer is the sound \u201cfsh\u201d because there is no longer an \u201ci\u201d in the word fish. Ha!!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/12/peanut-butter-and-traffic-jam/", "joke": "Q: Why did the girl spread peanut butter on the road? A: To go with the traffic jam!", "explaination": "Explanation: Peanut butter and jelly is a common type of sandwich in the United States. Jam and jelly are synonyms (they are not identical but very much the same). A traffic jam is when there are so many cars in one place that the cars are stopped (or moving very slowly). This joke plays with the word jam- the kind that goes with peanut butter and the kind that stops traffic. Ha ha ha!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/11/nachos/", "joke": "Q: What do you call cheese that isn\u2019t yours? A: Nacho cheese!", "explaination": "Explanation: Nacho cheese is a form of processed cheese sauce mixed with peppers and other spices. It is used to make Nachos, a snack made with tortilla chips and there are many ways to make them. When you say \u201cNacho\u201d it sounds like \u201cnot your.\u201d So, if it\u2019s \u201cNacho cheese,\u201d that sounds like \u201cnot your cheese;\u201d cheese which isn\u2019t yours! Try some nachos; they\u2019re great!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/08/arm-ees/", "joke": "Q: Where do generals keep their armies? A: In their sleevies!", "explaination": "Explanation: A general is the leader of an army (singular), so, generals are the leaders of armies (plural). When you put on a shirt your arm goes into the sleeve of the shirt. Often times in English, to make something small you put the \u201cee\u201d sound on the end- cute becomes cutie, bird become birdie. In this joke arm becomes arm-ee so it goes into your sleeve-ee."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/07/invisible-man/", "joke": "Q: Why did the invisible man turn down a job offer? A: He just couldn\u2019t see himself doing it!", "explaination": "Explanation: The invisible man is a book by H. G. Wells and also a movie. If you are invisible no one can see you. This joke plays on the phrase, \u201cI can\u2019t see myself doing\u2026\u201d which means you can\u2019t imagine doing something, such as taking a job. What is something you can\u2019t see yourself doing?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/06/virus/", "joke": "Q: Why did the computer keep sneezing? A: It had a virus!", "explaination": "Explanation: When someone is sick that person may sneeze. A virus is a really small thing, smaller than a cell in your body, that can make you sick. So, a virus can make you sneeze. A virus is also the name of a computer program that does something bad to your computer (or uses your computer in a way that you do not want it to). This joke is funny because it uses the word \u201cvirus\u201d in two different ways. Wash your hands!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/05/two-lips/", "joke": "Q: What do you get when you plant kisses? A: Two lips.", "explaination": "Explanation: You use your lips to kiss someone, that is, you use two lips: your upper lip (the one below your nose) and your lower lip (the one above your chin). The expression \u201cplant a kiss\u201d means to kiss someone deliberately. There is a flower called a tulip (sounds the same as two lip) which is typically planted in the fall and blooms in the spring. This joke plays on the sounds of \u201ctwo lips\u201d and \u201ctulips.\u201d Happy almost Valentine\u2019s Day!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/02/04/groundhog-day/", "joke": "A roundhog What\u2019s green, has four legs, and jumps out of its hole on February 2?", "explaination": "The ground frog!\nWhat would you get if you crossed February 2 with a puppy?\nGround-dog Day!\nExplanation: All three of these jokes play with sounds: \u201croundhog\u201d sounds like groundhog; \u201cground frog\u201d sounds like groundhog; \u201cground- Dog\u201d sounds like groundhog. And a puppy is a baby dog.\nSorry about being two days late for Groundhog\u2019s Day\u2026 or is it Groundhog day? What a silly holiday!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/31/twister/", "joke": "Q: What\u2019s a tornado\u2019s favorite game? A: Twister!", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cTwister\u201d is a synonym of tornado; they mean the same thing. Twister is also a game that has been around for a long time. This joke plays on the double meaning of the word Twister: another name for a tornado and a game. Click on the link to see people playing Twister."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/30/teeeerrific/", "joke": "Q: The turtle took two chocolates to Texas to teach Thomas to tie his boots. How many Ts in that? A: There are 2 Ts in \u201cThat\u201c!", "explaination": "Explanation: The question confuses the listener by having a sentence with so many of the letter \u201cT\u201d. While you are distracted trying to count Ts, the real question comes- How many Ts in \u201cThat\u201d? Well, in the word \u201cthat\u201d there are only 2 Ts: one at the beginning and one at the end. Got ya!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/29/the-high-notes/", "joke": "Q: Why did the music teacher need a ladder? A: To reach the high notes.", "explaination": "Explanation: Ahh, yes! The high notes! When one goes up, like in an airplane or up a ladder, one is going up higher. The child cannot reach the cookies because they are up high. High notes are the ones more to the right on a piano; in science the larger the Hz the higher the note. But high notes are not up high; that\u2019s why this joke is funny!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/28/wet-and-dry/", "joke": "Q: What gets wetter the more it dries? A: A towel!", "explaination": "Explanation: A towel is used to dry something like a plate or your hands. As the towel dries your hands the towel, which was dry, becomes wet. It is not the towel that is becoming dry, it is your hands that are becoming dry. This joke is funny because it plays on the opposites of wet and dry. How could something get wet as it dries?"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/27/sneeze/", "joke": "Knock, knock! Who\u2019s There?", "explaination": "Ash.\nAsh who?\nBless you!\nExplanation: Ash who? Sounds like \u201cAchoo!\u201d \u201cAchoo\u201d is how the sound of a sneeze is written in English in the United States. So when the asker asks \u201cAsh who?\u201d it sounds like Achoo! And if someone sneezes you say \u201cBless you!\u201d\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/26/cinderellas-ball/", "joke": "Q: Why did Cinderella get kicked off the soccer team? A: Because she ran away from the ball!", "explaination": "Explanation: Cinderella went to that fancy dance party in her fancy dress. That fancy dance party is called \u201ca ball.\u201d So is the sphere that soccer players kick- a ball. This joke plays on the word \u201cball.\u201d And soccer players can\u2019t run away from the ball!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/25/hey-8/", "joke": "Q: What did the 0 say to the 8? A: Nice belt!", "explaination": "Explanation: The number zero sees an eight and thinks it is just like me, a zero, so it must have a belt. Numbers thinking crazy thoughts! That\u2019s funny!\nHIlarious my children loved it and they laughed SO HARD!!!!\ndis is a stupid joke. i still don\u2019t get it.\nMe parece una absoluta tonter\u00eda, carece de todo sentido matem\u00e1tico, no veo la relaci\u00f3n del cero y el ocho , que el ocho \u00bfpuede ser dos ceros unidos,? si, pero lo del cintur\u00f3n es puro desvar\u00edo mental.\nFunniest joke in Ohio"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/24/7-8-9/", "joke": "Q: Why was 6 afraid of 7? A: Because 7, 8, 9!", "explaination": "Explanation:If you read the numbers is sounds like seven-eight (ate)-nine. And if I were 6, I, too, would be afraid of seven if it is eating other numbers, such as nine! Seven ate the nine!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/23/higher-ed/", "joke": "Q: Why did the child study in the airplane? A: He wanted a higher education!", "explaination": "Explanation:Higher education: that means studies beyond high school such as going to the university. Higher education does not refer to altitude, like studying while high in the sky; that\u2019s why it\u2019s funny.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/22/snowman-and-vampire/", "joke": "Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? A. Frostbite.", "explaination": "Explanation: This is a common type of joke that is funny because you cross (combine) one thing with another (usually two things that do not go together). In this case a snowman (like Frosty the Snowman?) with a vampire (that bites people). Funny! Click this link to learn more about Frostbite. Frost is the ice that is formed on the ground when the temperature goes below freezing."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/21/whine-about-wine/", "joke": "Q. What did the grape do when it got stepped on? A. It let out a little wine!", "explaination": "Explanation: Wine is made from grapes. Traditionally (that is, a long time ago), grapes were \u201cpressed\u201d by stepping them ( did you see the scene in A Walk in the Clouds?) to get the juice out. \u201cWhine,\u201d which sounds the same as \u201cwine,\u201d means to complain a little bit about something. A child might whine about having to eat something he or she doesn\u2019t like; you might whine if someone stepped on you, kind of like the grapes in the joke."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/20/gutless/", "joke": "Q. Why don\u2019t skeletons fight each other? A. They don\u2019t have the guts.", "explaination": "Explanation: To \u201chave guts\u201d is to be brave. If you \u201cdon\u2019t have the guts\u201d to do something it means you are scared to do it. \u201cGuts\u201d are your innards, your internal organs (heart, lung, liver, \u2026). This joke plays on the idea that skeletons don\u2019t have guts (they are nothing but bones so they have no internal organs), or are they scared. The double meaning of the word \u201cguts\u201d makes this joke funny."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/18/wave-to-me/", "joke": "Q: What did the water say to the boat? A: Nothing, it just waved.", "explaination": "Explanation: \u201cWave\u201d is what you do when you move your hand as if saying hello. \u201cWave\u201d is also the name for a way the top of the water moves: the raised part of the water that moves toward the shore is a wave. This joke plays on the word \u201cwave\u201d and is funny because the water waves (as if saying hello) while the water has waves (the raised part of the water)."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/17/bay-gulls/", "joke": "Q. Why do sea-gulls fly over the sea? A. Because if they flew over the bay they would be bagels!", "explaination": "Explanation:This joke plays on the words seagull (a bird) and bagel (a round bread shaped like a donut). There is no such thing as a bay gull but there is a bagel and both sound the same- that\u2019s why it is funny!\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/16/red-all-over-no-read-all-over/", "joke": "Q: What is black and white and red all over? A: A newspaper!", "explaination": "Explanation: This joke plays on the word red/ read. \u201cRed\u201d is a color, like black and white. \u201cRead\u201d(pronounced \u201cred\u201d) is the past tense of read (every day I read, yesterday I read). When your brain hears red after hearing black and white it assumes that the speaker is talking about colors. In this case the speaker is talking about the past tense verb read. A newspaper is black because of the ink and white because of the paper. It is read all over because you can read it anywhere in the world. Funny!"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/16/the-late-broom/", "joke": "Q: Why was the broom late? A: It over swept!", "explaination": "Explanation: Brooms are for sweeping; one reason that people are late is because they over sleep. \u201cSleep\u201d in the past tense is \u201cslept\u201d (everyday I sleep, yesterday I slept). \u201cSlept\u201d rhymes with swept (swept is sweep in the past tense- everyday I sweep, yesterday I swept). This joke is funny because the expected answer is \u201cIt over slept\u201d not its rhyme, \u201cIt over swept.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/14/another-snowman-joke/", "joke": "Q: How does a Snowman get to work? A: By icicle.", "explaination": "Explanation: Take a look at the answer- by icicle. If you say the two words quickly you get the word bicycle. An icicle is ice that is formed by dripping water, like ice that hangs off a roof in the winter. Again, here the funny part is playing with the words \u201cby icicle\u201d and \u201cbicycle.\u201d"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/11/snowbank/", "joke": "Q: Where does a snowman keep his money? A: In a snow bank.", "explaination": "Explanation: This joke plays on the word \u201cbank\u201d. A bank is a place where people keep their money; a snowbank is a pile of snow (which is not a good place to keep money!).\nSnowbank\n-\n- Bank\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/10/knock-knock-turnip/", "joke": "Cathy from Minnesota offers this joke\u2026 Knock, knock", "explaination": "Who\u2019s there?\nTurnip\nTurnip, who?\nTurnip the heat, it\u2019s cold in here!\nExplanation: This joke plays on words turnip/ turn up. A turnip is a vegetable; \u201cturn up\u201d is what you do to the heat when it is too low (you can also turn up the radio, \u2026)."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/09/soccer/", "joke": "Q.What runs around a soccer field but doesn\u2019t move? A:A fence", "explaination": "Explanation: This joke plays on the word \u201cruns\u201d: A person runs; a fence runs around, that is, goes around, an area like a soccer field.\n"} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/08/1st-knock-knock-joke/", "joke": "Knock, knock. Who\u2019s there?", "explaination": "Lettuce.\nLettuce who?\nLettuce in and you\u2019ll find out!\nExplanation: Knock-knock jokes play with words: words that sound the same but are different or words that have more than one meaning. In this joke the jokester is playing with the words \u201clet us\u201d and \u201clettuce.\u201d It is funny because the listener assumes the word is lettuce."} {"url": "https://explainthejoke.com/2013/01/08/1st-joke/", "joke": "Q:Why did the chicken cross the road? A:To get to the other side.", "explaination": "Explanation:The answer to this joke (\u201cTo get to the other side\u201d) is so obvious, something everyone knows, that it is funny because it is silly, perhaps even stupid. Why else would you cross a road except to get to the other side?\n"}