--- annotations_creators: - expert-generated language: [] language_creators: [] license: - cc-by-nc-4.0 multilinguality: [] pretty_name: 'TD01: Natural Ground Texture Photos' size_categories: - n<1K source_datasets: - original tags: - texture-synthesis - photography - non-infringing task_categories: - unconditional-image-generation task_ids: [] viewer: false --- _The Dataset Teaser is now enabled instead! Isn't this better?_ ![preview of all texture sets](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/teaser.webp) # TD 01: Natural Ground Textures This dataset contains multi-photo texture captures in outdoor nature scenes — all focusing on the ground. Each set has different photos that showcase texture variety, making them ideal for training a domain-specific image generator! Overall information about this dataset: * **Format** — JPEG-XL, lossless RGB * **Resolution** — 4032 × 2268 * **Device** — mobile camera * **Technique** — hand-held * **Orientation** — portrait or landscape * **Author**: Alex J. Champandard * **Configurations**: 4K, 2K (default), 1K To load the medium- and high-resolution images of the dataset, you'll need to install `jxlpy` from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/jxlpy/) with `pip install jxlpy`: ```python # Recommended use, JXL at high-quality. from jxlpy import JXLImagePlugin from datasets import load_dataset d = load_dataset('texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures', 'JXL@4K') print(len(d['train']), len(d['test'])) ``` The lowest-resolution images are available as PNG with a regular installation of `pillow`: ```python # Alternative use, PNG at low-quality. from datasets import load_dataset d = load_dataset('texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures', 'PNG@1K') # EXAMPLE: Discard all other sets except Set #1. dataset = dataset.filter(lambda s: s['set'] == 1) # EXAMPLE: Only keep images with index 0 and 2. dataset = dataset.select([0, 2]) ``` Use built-in dataset `filter()` and `select()` to narrow down the loaded dataset for training, or to ease with development. ## Set #1: Rock and Gravel ![preview of the files in Set #1](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set01.webp) * **Description**: - surface rocks with gravel and coarse sand - strong sunlight from the left, sharp shadows * **Number of Photos**: - 7 train - 2 test * **Edits**: - rotated photos to align sunlight - removed infrequent objects * **Size**: 77.8 Mb ## Set #2: Dry Grass with Pine Needles ![preview of the files in Set #2](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set02.webp) * **Description**: - field of dry grass and pine needles - sunlight from the top right, some shadows * **Number of Photos**: - 6 train - 1 test * **Edits**: - removed dry leaves and large plants - removed sticks, rocks and sporadic daisies * **Size**: 95.2 Mb ## Set #3: Chipped Stones, Broken Leaves and Twiglets ![preview of the files in Set #3](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set03.webp) * **Description**: - autumn path with chipped stones and dry broken leaves - diffuse light on a cloudy day, very soft shadows * **Number of Photos**: - 9 train - 3 test * **Edits**: - removed anything that looks green, fresh leaves - removed long sticks and large/odd stones * **Size**: 126.9 Mb ## Set #4: Grass Clumps and Cracked Dirt ![preview of the files in Set #4](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set04.webp) * **Description**: - clumps of green grass, clover and patches of cracked dirt - diffuse light on cloudy day, shadows under large blades of grass * **Number of Photos**: - 9 train - 2 test * **Edits**: - removed dry leaves, sporadic dandelions, and large objects - histogram matching for two of the photos so the colors look similar * **Size**: 126.8 Mb ## Set #5: Dirt, Stones, Rock, Twigs... ![preview of the files in Set #5](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set05.webp) * **Description**: - intricate micro-scene with grey dirt, surface rock, stones, twigs and organic debris - diffuse light on cloudy day, soft shadows around the larger objects * **Number of Photos**: - 9 train - 3 test * **Edits**: - removed odd objects that felt out-of-distribution * **Size**: 102.1 Mb ## Set #6: Plants with Flowers on Dry Leaves ![preview of the files in Set #6](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set06.webp) * **Description**: - leafy plants with white flowers on a bed of dry brown leaves - soft diffuse light, shaded areas under the plants * **Number of Photos**: - 9 train - 2 test * **Edits**: - none yet, inpainting doesn't work well enough - would remove long sticks and pieces of wood * **Size**: 105.1 Mb ## Set #7: Frozen Footpath with Snow ![preview of the files in Set #7](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set07.webp) * **Description**: - frozen ground on a path with footprints - areas with snow and dark brown ground beneath - diffuse lighting on a cloudy day * **Number of Photos**: - 11 train - 3 test * **Size**: 95.5 Mb ## Set #8: Pine Needles Forest Floor ![preview of the files in Set #8](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set08.webp) * **Description**: - forest floor with a mix of brown soil and grass - variety of dry white leaves, sticks, pinecones, pine needles - diffuse lighting on a cloudy day * **Number of Photos**: - 15 train - 4 test * **Size**: 160.6 Mb ## Set #9: Snow on Grass and Dried Leaves ![preview of the files in Set #9](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set09.webp) * **Description**: - field in a park with short green grass - large dried brown leaves and fallen snow on top - diffuse lighting on a cloudy day * **Number of Photos**: - 8 train - 3 test * **Size**: 99.8 Mb ## Set #10: Brown Leaves on Wet Ground ![preview of the files in Set #10](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set10.webp) * **Description**: - fallew brown leaves on wet ground - occasional tree root and twiglets - diffuse lighting on a rainy day * **Number of Photos**: - 17 train - 4 test * **Size**: 186.2 Mb ## Set #11: Wet Sand Path with Debris ![preview of the files in Set #11](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set11.webp) * **Description**: - hard sandy path in the rain - decomposing leaves and other organic debris - diffuse lighting on a rainy day * **Number of Photos**: - 17 train - 4 test * **Size**: 186.2 Mb ## Set #12: Wood Chips & Sawdust Sprinkled on Forest Path ![preview of the files in Set #12](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set12.webp) * **Description**: - wood chips, sawdust, twigs and roots on forest path - intermittent sunlight with shadows of trees * **Number of Photos**: - 8 train - 2 test * **Size**: 110.4 Mb ## Set #13: Young Grass Growing in the Dog Park ![preview of the files in Set #13](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set13.webp) * **Description**: - young grass growing in a dog park after overnight rain - occasional stones, sticks and twigs, pine needles - diffuse lighting on a cloudy day * **Number of Photos**: - 17 train - 4 test * **Size**: 193.4 Mb ## Set #14: Wavy Wet Beach Sand ![preview of the files in Set #14](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set14.webp) * **Description**: - wavy wet sand on the beach after the tide retreated - some dirt and large pieces algae debris - diffuse lighting on a cloudy day * **Number of Photos**: - 11 train - 3 test * **Size**: 86.5 Mb ## Set #15: Dry Dirt Road and Debris from Trees ![preview of the files in Set #15](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set15.webp) * **Description**: - dirt road of dry compacted sand with debris on top - old pine needles and dry brown leaves - diffuse lighting on a cloudy day * **Number of Photos**: - 8 train - 2 test * **Size**: 86.9 Mb ## Set #16: Sandy Beach Path with Grass Clumps ![preview of the files in Set #17](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set17.webp) * **Description**: - path with sand and clumps grass heading towards the beach - occasional blueish stones, leafy weeds, and yellow flowers - diffuse lighting on a cloudy day * **Number of Photos**: - 10 train - 3 test * **Size**: 118.8 Mb ## Set #17: Pine Needles and Brown Leaves on Park Floor ![preview of the files in Set #16](https://huggingface.co/datasets/texturedesign/td01_natural-ground-textures/resolve/main/docs/set16.webp) * **Description**: - park floor with predominantly pine needles - brown leaves from nearby trees, green grass underneath - diffuse lighting on a cloudy day * **Number of Photos**: - 8 train - 2 test * **Size**: 99.9 Mb