[ { "_id": 0, "text": "Who is Mark Hunter?" }, { "_id": 1, "text": "Where does this radio station take place?" }, { "_id": 2, "text": "Why do more students tune into Mark's show?" }, { "_id": 3, "text": "Who commits suicide?" }, { "_id": 4, "text": "What does Paige jam into her microwave?" }, { "_id": 5, "text": "What does Mark do with his radio station?" }, { "_id": 6, "text": "What does Mark tell the protesting students?" }, { "_id": 7, "text": "Who gets arrested?" }, { "_id": 8, "text": "What does the radio show cause?" }, { "_id": 9, "text": "Where does Mark Broadcast his station from?" }, { "_id": 10, "text": "What is Mark's only outlet?" }, { "_id": 11, "text": "What is Mark's Pirate Station's theme song ?" }, { "_id": 12, "text": "What is Nora Diniro to Mark?" }, { "_id": 13, "text": "Why does Nora track Mark down?" }, { "_id": 14, "text": "What does Mark urge his listeners to do?" }, { "_id": 15, "text": "Who is called in to investigate Mark's radio station? " }, { "_id": 16, "text": "Why did the principal commit fraud?" }, { "_id": 17, "text": "What did the principal do with poor achieving students?" }, { "_id": 18, "text": "Who drives the Jeep while Mark broadcasts? " }, { "_id": 19, "text": "Where does Mark go to school?" }, { "_id": 20, "text": "Where does Mark broadcast his radio station?" }, { "_id": 21, "text": "What does Mark use the song Everybody Knows for?" }, { "_id": 22, "text": "When Harry tries to reason with Malcolm, what does Malcolm do?" }, { "_id": 23, "text": "What does Paige do with her medals?" }, { "_id": 24, "text": "How does Paige get injured?" }, { "_id": 25, "text": "Why is the FCC called?" }, { "_id": 26, "text": "What was the principle doing with the problem students?" }, { "_id": 27, "text": "Who is chasing Mark and Nora in the jeep?" }, { "_id": 28, "text": "What are the students doing when Mark and Nora drive up?" }, { "_id": 29, "text": "Who does Maskull accept an invitation from?" }, { "_id": 30, "text": "Who is Krag an acquaintance of?" }, { "_id": 31, "text": "Where is Maskull traveling to?" }, { "_id": 32, "text": "When Maskull wakes up in Tormance, how many of his friends are with him?" }, { "_id": 33, "text": "Who does Maskull realize he really is?" }, { "_id": 34, "text": "Who does Krag claim that he is none as on Earth?" }, { "_id": 35, "text": "What kind of ship does Maskull travel in?" }, { "_id": 36, "text": "Where is the abandoned observatory located?" }, { "_id": 37, "text": "Whose death does he learn is coming soon?" }, { "_id": 38, "text": "Who gives the last revelation?" }, { "_id": 39, "text": "Why does Maskull accept an invitation Krag to go to Tormance?" }, { "_id": 40, "text": "Who is Krag to Maskull?" }, { "_id": 41, "text": "What sort of ship did Maskull, Krag, and Nightspore set of in?" }, { "_id": 42, "text": "Where did not crystal ship come from?" }, { "_id": 43, "text": "Who is missing from the ship when Maskull wakes?" }, { "_id": 44, "text": "How many people does Maskull usually see in the lands he travels?" }, { "_id": 45, "text": "What happens to the people Maskull meets in his travels to various lands?" }, { "_id": 46, "text": "Whom is known on Earth as Pain?" }, { "_id": 47, "text": "Maskull learns that he is also what character? " }, { "_id": 48, "text": "What country does Maskull, Krag, and Nightspore set off from?" }, { "_id": 49, "text": "On average, how many people does Maskull normally meet when traveling?" }, { "_id": 50, "text": "Where was Maskull planning on traveling to in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 51, "text": "What normally happens when Maskull meets new people in the lands he travels to?" }, { "_id": 52, "text": "Who has a revelation about the origin of the universe?" }, { "_id": 53, "text": "Who is Nightspore?" }, { "_id": 54, "text": "What is Krag known as on Earth?" }, { "_id": 55, "text": "Why does Maskull accept to go to Tormance with Krag and Nightspore?" }, { "_id": 56, "text": "Where does Maskull wake up alone at?" }, { "_id": 57, "text": "What type of ship did the three set off in?" }, { "_id": 58, "text": "What is Lisbeth's nickname?" }, { "_id": 59, "text": "How did Lisbeth get her long skirt?" }, { "_id": 60, "text": "What is Lisbeth's job on the farm?" }, { "_id": 61, "text": "What is Jacob's relationship to Lisbeth?" }, { "_id": 62, "text": "How did Lisbeth get her nickname?" }, { "_id": 63, "text": "What happened that made Lisbeth move to Hoel farm?" }, { "_id": 64, "text": "What was New Ridge Farm also known as?" }, { "_id": 65, "text": "What is the seter?" }, { "_id": 66, "text": "When does Lisbeth go to the seter?" }, { "_id": 67, "text": "Jacob goes to Nordrum farm to become what?" }, { "_id": 68, "text": "What is Lisbeth's nickname?" }, { "_id": 69, "text": "What is the name for a mountain pasture that herdsmen use during the summer?" }, { "_id": 70, "text": "What is Lisbeth's brother's name?" }, { "_id": 71, "text": "What is the alternative name for Lisbeth's childhood home, New Ridge farm?" }, { "_id": 72, "text": "Who gave Lisbeth her Christmas present, from which her nickname was derived? " }, { "_id": 73, "text": "Why do Lisbeth and her brother move away from their childhood home?" }, { "_id": 74, "text": "Kjersti Hoel takes care of Lisbeth when she comes to his farm. What made him feel obligated to take care of her?" }, { "_id": 75, "text": "Lisbeth works on Hoel farm. What does she work with?" }, { "_id": 76, "text": "Besides working, how does Lisbeth spend her summer at the mountain pasture?" }, { "_id": 77, "text": "Who is Jacob to Lisbeth?" }, { "_id": 78, "text": "Where does Lisbeth get her nickname?" }, { "_id": 79, "text": "Where did the skirt come from?" }, { "_id": 80, "text": "What is Lisbeth's home called?" }, { "_id": 81, "text": "What is Lisbeth's brother's name?" }, { "_id": 82, "text": "What job does Lisbeth's brother take?" }, { "_id": 83, "text": "What is the name of the farm Lisbeth moves to?" }, { "_id": 84, "text": "Who owns the farm?" }, { "_id": 85, "text": "What job does LIsbeth have at the farm?" }, { "_id": 86, "text": "Why does the farm owner take care of Lisbeth?" }, { "_id": 87, "text": "Who does Lisbeth meet in the seter?" }, { "_id": 88, "text": "What is Frankie Ryan and his friend's real dream?" }, { "_id": 89, "text": "Why was the station trying to get rid of moody singer, Rita Wilson?" }, { "_id": 90, "text": "Who was in the audience while Rita Wilson was rehearsing and tried to slip out the back door before the shooting?" }, { "_id": 91, "text": "Who had an argument with Rita not long before the shooting?" }, { "_id": 92, "text": "As a sign of gratitude, what does Farrell promise Frankie by not telling the police about Farrell and Rita's argument before her death?" }, { "_id": 93, "text": "Where was the weapon found used to kill Rita?" }, { "_id": 94, "text": "Who is arrested by the police and suspected of the murder of Rita?" }, { "_id": 95, "text": "Where is Tex found murdered?" }, { "_id": 96, "text": "Who confesses to both crimes?" }, { "_id": 97, "text": "What happens when Jeff enters the room unannounced?" }, { "_id": 98, "text": "What is Frankie Ryan's career?" }, { "_id": 99, "text": "What is Frankie's dream job?" }, { "_id": 100, "text": "What happens when Frankie and Jeff try to help the station receptionist?" }, { "_id": 101, "text": "Why does the station want to get rid of their current singer?" }, { "_id": 102, "text": "What happens to Rita during the blackout?" }, { "_id": 103, "text": "Who do the police suspect in the shooting?" }, { "_id": 104, "text": "Why is the station manager afraid he might be seen as a suspect?" }, { "_id": 105, "text": "Who finds the murder weapon and where do they find it?" }, { "_id": 106, "text": "What happens when Frankie and Jeff try to audition for a comedy role?" }, { "_id": 107, "text": "Who confesses to both crimes?" }, { "_id": 108, "text": "What happened to Rita Wilson while the blackout was occuring during her rehearsal?" }, { "_id": 109, "text": "Why is station producer, Farrell, afraid of becoming a suspect in Rita's murder?" }, { "_id": 110, "text": "Who found the Murder weapon used to kill Rita?" }, { "_id": 111, "text": "Where was Rita Wilson's murder weapon hidden?" }, { "_id": 112, "text": "Who owns the murder weapon?" }, { "_id": 113, "text": "Where was Tex Barton found murdered?" }, { "_id": 114, "text": "What does the picture found in Tex's room suggest that Anne's real name is?" }, { "_id": 115, "text": "When Frankie finds out Anne is a brunette, who does he then believe may be Gladys?" }, { "_id": 116, "text": "What does Van Martin Confess to?" }, { "_id": 117, "text": "What happens to Van Martin after Jeff accidentally knocks the gun from his hands? " }, { "_id": 118, "text": "Who will kill the children if they rebel ?" }, { "_id": 119, "text": "What does the US government want to turn their land into?" }, { "_id": 120, "text": "If they rebel what will occur to them?" }, { "_id": 121, "text": "This tells the modern story of what character?" }, { "_id": 122, "text": "Where were they forced to move from?" }, { "_id": 123, "text": "Who expects them to correctly identify the play modeled around their lives?" }, { "_id": 124, "text": "Who were they entertaining?" }, { "_id": 125, "text": "Who was noticing that they were not aging?" }, { "_id": 126, "text": "Filmore is accompanied by what kind of siblin in his journey?" }, { "_id": 127, "text": "Why do Filmore and Marie-Noel move from their ranch?" }, { "_id": 128, "text": "What is the government's future plan for Channel Island?" }, { "_id": 129, "text": "How long have Zeus' modern day illegitimate children looked the same age?" }, { "_id": 130, "text": "Which play did the Greek Gods want to see performed?" }, { "_id": 131, "text": "Who wrote the play that Filmore and Marie-Noel were commanded to act out?" }, { "_id": 132, "text": "What would happen to Zeus' illegitimate children in Los Angeles if their performance of the play was not convincing?" }, { "_id": 133, "text": "How many Greek Gods vacation in Los Angeles?" }, { "_id": 134, "text": "Which Greek God is Hera's husband?" }, { "_id": 135, "text": "Why doesn't Hera like Filmore and Marie-Noel?" }, { "_id": 136, "text": "How were the children to create new lives for themselves?" }, { "_id": 137, "text": "Who is Zeus' illegitimate son?" }, { "_id": 138, "text": "Who is Zeus's illegitimate daughter?" }, { "_id": 139, "text": "Where were Filmore and Marie forced to move from?" }, { "_id": 140, "text": "Why were Zeus' kids forced to move?" }, { "_id": 141, "text": "Why did Filmore and Marie's neighbors grow suspicious?" }, { "_id": 142, "text": "What does the US Government want to turn Channel Island into?" }, { "_id": 143, "text": "What does the government want to turn into a national park?" }, { "_id": 144, "text": "Where do the 12 Greek Gods go for relaxation?" }, { "_id": 145, "text": "How many Greek Gods go to LA?" }, { "_id": 146, "text": "Why do the 12 Gods go to LA?" }, { "_id": 147, "text": "Who is the teller of this story?" }, { "_id": 148, "text": "Who is Jenny describing in the tale?" }, { "_id": 149, "text": "Why is Kitty sad about her child?" }, { "_id": 150, "text": "Who is the man Kittys married to?" }, { "_id": 151, "text": "Where does Chris get hurt?" }, { "_id": 152, "text": "Who sent Margaret to see Kitty?" }, { "_id": 153, "text": "What age does Chris think he is?" }, { "_id": 154, "text": "Who does Chris think is his true love?" }, { "_id": 155, "text": "What caused Chris to be confused?" }, { "_id": 156, "text": "How does Margaret force Chris to face reality? " }, { "_id": 157, "text": "What is Kitty's husband doing when she is lamenting the loss of her child?" }, { "_id": 158, "text": "Who is Margaret Grey?" }, { "_id": 159, "text": "What is Chris's condition when he comes back from the war?" }, { "_id": 160, "text": "Where did Margaret and Chris meet when he was twenty years old?" }, { "_id": 161, "text": "When Jenny realizes the extent of Chris's delusion what is her first action?" }, { "_id": 162, "text": "Is the appearance of Margaret helpful to Chris in regaining his memory?" }, { "_id": 163, "text": "What caused Margaret and Chris to separate in the first place?" }, { "_id": 164, "text": "What further steps does Margaret take to get her husband;s memory back?" }, { "_id": 165, "text": "The psychoanalyst gives Margaret some advice to help her husband, what is that advice?" }, { "_id": 166, "text": "As Margaret gathers toys , clothing and other mementos from their child's life, what is her wish for Chris?" }, { "_id": 167, "text": "Why is Chanchala's cousin's nursery empty?" }, { "_id": 168, "text": "How do Kitty and Chanchala remain away from the effects of war?" }, { "_id": 169, "text": "Which country is Chris fighting in, according to the story?" }, { "_id": 170, "text": "Who tells Kitty that her husband was injured?" }, { "_id": 171, "text": "How old does Kitty's husband think he is, after being injured in the war?" }, { "_id": 172, "text": "Why is Chris so interested in Margaret, even though he's married to Kitty?" }, { "_id": 173, "text": "Who was Margaret's father?" }, { "_id": 174, "text": "Where did Kitty's husband first meet Margaret?" }, { "_id": 175, "text": "When did Chris regain his memory?" }, { "_id": 176, "text": "Where does the innkeeper's daughter live?" }, { "_id": 177, "text": "Who is Mrs. Baines to Sophia and Constance?" }, { "_id": 178, "text": "What does Sophia's name reflect about her personality?" }, { "_id": 179, "text": "What does Constance's name reflect about her personality?" }, { "_id": 180, "text": "Who did Sophia elope with?" }, { "_id": 181, "text": "What concerns Constance about her son?" }, { "_id": 182, "text": "Where did Sophia's husband abandon her?" }, { "_id": 183, "text": "What does Sophia eventually own in Paris?" }, { "_id": 184, "text": "Where do Sophia and Constance reunite?" }, { "_id": 185, "text": "What is Sophia and Constance's relation to each other?" }, { "_id": 186, "text": "How many parts is the story broken up into? " }, { "_id": 187, "text": "Who details the adolescence of Sophia and Constance?" }, { "_id": 188, "text": "What is wrong with the Sophia and Constances father?" }, { "_id": 189, "text": "Who is the main adult in Sophia and Constances life?" }, { "_id": 190, "text": "Who does Sophia elope with?" }, { "_id": 191, "text": "Whose death does Constance deal with in the second part?" }, { "_id": 192, "text": "What is Constances husbands name?" }, { "_id": 193, "text": "Who abandons Sophia in Paris?" }, { "_id": 194, "text": "What does Sophia end up owning?" }, { "_id": 195, "text": "Where does Sophia return in the final part?" }, { "_id": 196, "text": "Who was Mrs Banies?" }, { "_id": 197, "text": "What happen to Sophia and Constance father?" }, { "_id": 198, "text": "Whom did Sophia eloped with?" }, { "_id": 199, "text": "Where did Sophia husband abandoned her?" }, { "_id": 200, "text": "Who was Constance husband?" }, { "_id": 201, "text": "What happen to Mr Povey?" }, { "_id": 202, "text": "What kind of business Sophia owned in Paris?" }, { "_id": 203, "text": "Where did Mr Povey worked?" }, { "_id": 204, "text": "Where was Shopia and Constance childhood home?" }, { "_id": 205, "text": "Who is Dragon?" }, { "_id": 206, "text": "Who Killed Mr. Frisby?" }, { "_id": 207, "text": "Why do the rats agree to help Ms. Frisby?" }, { "_id": 208, "text": "Why did Ms. Frisby volunteer to drug Dragon?" }, { "_id": 209, "text": "Who put Ms. Frisby in a cage?" }, { "_id": 210, "text": "Who saves Ms. Frisby from the cage?" }, { "_id": 211, "text": "Why does Ms. Frisby need their house moved?" }, { "_id": 212, "text": "Why do 10 rats stay behind when the other evacuate?" }, { "_id": 213, "text": "How many rats escape the gases?" }, { "_id": 214, "text": "How did the rats know they were going to be exterminated?" }, { "_id": 215, "text": "What happened to Timothy's father?" }, { "_id": 216, "text": "Who helped the rats escape from NIMH?" }, { "_id": 217, "text": "When does the owl agree to help Timothy get moved?" }, { "_id": 218, "text": "How did Nicodemus learn to read?" }, { "_id": 219, "text": "Why are some rats interested in establishing a new farming colony?" }, { "_id": 220, "text": "When did Billy catch Mrs. Frisby?" }, { "_id": 221, "text": "When did people become interested in the rat colony on Mr. Fitzgibbons' farm?" }, { "_id": 222, "text": "Who rescued Timothy's mother from the cage?" }, { "_id": 223, "text": "How did the rats fool the exterminators?" }, { "_id": 224, "text": "Where was the farm cat's bowl?" }, { "_id": 225, "text": "Who is the head of the field mice?" }, { "_id": 226, "text": "What ailment does Timothy have?" }, { "_id": 227, "text": "Who is the farmer on the property?" }, { "_id": 228, "text": "Who gives Mrs. Frisby medication for Timothy?" }, { "_id": 229, "text": "Whose life does Mrs. Frisby save from the Cat?" }, { "_id": 230, "text": "Who is the leader of the rats?" }, { "_id": 231, "text": "What rat left the colony because they disagreed with \"The Plan\"?" }, { "_id": 232, "text": "Who catches Mrs. Frisby?" }, { "_id": 233, "text": "Where does Billy put Mrs. Frisby?" }, { "_id": 234, "text": "Out of the 10 rats in the hole, how many escape?" }, { "_id": 235, "text": "What is the title of this story?" }, { "_id": 236, "text": "Who saves the 4 orphans; Edward, Humphrey, Alice and Edith?" }, { "_id": 237, "text": "Where did Jacob hide the 4 orphans?" }, { "_id": 238, "text": "What is the name of the hostile Puritan gamekeeper?" }, { "_id": 239, "text": "Who been awarded the old Arnwood estate?" }, { "_id": 240, "text": "Why were Edward's sisters sent away?" }, { "_id": 241, "text": "Who eventually falls in love with Edward?" }, { "_id": 242, "text": "What relation do Edward and his siblings pretend to be towards Jacob Armitage?" }, { "_id": 243, "text": "What was Edward's job title while working for Heatherstone?" }, { "_id": 244, "text": "Who are the four orphan children of the Arnwood house?" }, { "_id": 245, "text": "Who rescues the children from fire at Arnwood?" }, { "_id": 246, "text": "Who does Edward work for as a secretary?" }, { "_id": 247, "text": "Where are Humphrey live after Edward leaves?" }, { "_id": 248, "text": "After Edward leaves who raises his sisters Alice and Edith?" }, { "_id": 249, "text": "What is the name of the antagonist Puritan gamekeeper?" }, { "_id": 250, "text": "When does the story begin?" }, { "_id": 251, "text": "What is believed to have happen to Edward, Humphrey, Alice and Edith?" }, { "_id": 252, "text": "Who does Edward love?" }, { "_id": 253, "text": "Who does Edward feel betrayed by and why?" }, { "_id": 254, "text": "Where does Jacob Armitage hide the four orphan children when he saves them from the fire?" }, { "_id": 255, "text": "What are the children disquised as by Jacob Armitage?" }, { "_id": 256, "text": "Who takes charge of the children after Armitage's death?" }, { "_id": 257, "text": "What is Pablo rescued from?" }, { "_id": 258, "text": "What is the name of Heatherstone's daughter?" }, { "_id": 259, "text": "What is Heatherstone's daughter rescued from by Armitage?" }, { "_id": 260, "text": "What two things cause Edward distress and forces him to flee to France?" }, { "_id": 261, "text": "Why did Heatherstone acquire the Arnwood estate?" }, { "_id": 262, "text": "What job did Edward do for Heatherstone?" }, { "_id": 263, "text": "Who was originally defeated that caused the soldiers to first search for the New Forest?" }, { "_id": 264, "text": "What king has just been defeated when the story begins?" }, { "_id": 265, "text": "Who lives in Arnwood?" }, { "_id": 266, "text": "Who are the orphans in the house saved by?" }, { "_id": 267, "text": "Who does Jacob disguise the children as?" }, { "_id": 268, "text": "Who do the children rescue from a trap?" }, { "_id": 269, "text": "Who wants to harm the family?" }, { "_id": 270, "text": "Who does Edward work for?" }, { "_id": 271, "text": "What is Edward's job?" }, { "_id": 272, "text": "Who joins the army of King Charles II?" }, { "_id": 273, "text": "Who acquired the estate for Edward?" }, { "_id": 274, "text": "What kind of animal is Marahute?" }, { "_id": 275, "text": "What does Marahute show Cody?" }, { "_id": 276, "text": "What kind of animals come to Cody's rescue?" }, { "_id": 277, "text": "What does Bernard ride in on when he disables McLeach's vehicle?" }, { "_id": 278, "text": "Why did McLeach throw Cody's backpack into the water?" }, { "_id": 279, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 280, "text": "Who is Jake?" }, { "_id": 281, "text": "Who does Bianca get engaged to?" }, { "_id": 282, "text": "What were the eggs that Joanna tried to eat?" }, { "_id": 283, "text": "Who hid the eggs from Joanna?" }, { "_id": 284, "text": "What kind of animal does Cody rescue and befriend in the Australian Outback?" }, { "_id": 285, "text": "Why was Percival C. McLeach a wanted man by the Australian Rangers?" }, { "_id": 286, "text": "What does McLeach think will happen to him if he finds an eagle like the one Cody did?" }, { "_id": 287, "text": "What headquarters was the telegram sent to in New York City?" }, { "_id": 288, "text": "Who acts as a tour guide to both Bianca and Bernard?" }, { "_id": 289, "text": "What lie ultimately led Cody to bringing McLeach to the eagles nest?" }, { "_id": 290, "text": "What group of animals was Cody tied up and hung over?" }, { "_id": 291, "text": "Who died at Crocodile Falls?" }, { "_id": 292, "text": "Who proposed to Bianca?" }, { "_id": 293, "text": "What ultimately happened to Marahute's eggs?" }, { "_id": 294, "text": "Who is the main antagonist in the story?" }, { "_id": 295, "text": "What is the setting of the story?" }, { "_id": 296, "text": "Who are all three of the RAS operatives?" }, { "_id": 297, "text": "What is the prize Percival is after?" }, { "_id": 298, "text": "Why did Percival imprison Cody?" }, { "_id": 299, "text": "Why does Percival imprison animals?" }, { "_id": 300, "text": "How does Percival get Cody to reveal the location of Maharute's nest?" }, { "_id": 301, "text": "How did Bernard disable McLeach's vehicle?" }, { "_id": 302, "text": "Why did Joanna fail at eating the eggs?" }, { "_id": 303, "text": "Did Bernard eventually propose to Bianca?" }, { "_id": 304, "text": "Who is the first shepherd?" }, { "_id": 305, "text": "Whose wife is described as a whale sized woman?" }, { "_id": 306, "text": "What shepherd complains about recent floods being similar to Noah's flood?" }, { "_id": 307, "text": "Who pretends to be a yeoman?" }, { "_id": 308, "text": "What type of punishment does Mak threaten the shepherds with?" }, { "_id": 309, "text": "What does the spell do that Mak puts on the shepherds?" }, { "_id": 310, "text": "Who is Mak married to?" }, { "_id": 311, "text": "What city are the shepherds directed to go to see the Christ child?" }, { "_id": 312, "text": "Why do the shepherds go back to Mak's house once they leave?" }, { "_id": 313, "text": "Who states that young men should be wary of marriage?" }, { "_id": 314, "text": "Why do the shepherds arrive late to see the Christ child?" }, { "_id": 315, "text": "What is a specific example of an anachronism in the story?" }, { "_id": 316, "text": "How does Gill plan to get the shepherds to go away?" }, { "_id": 317, "text": "Why does Mak want to stay overnight with the shepherds?" }, { "_id": 318, "text": "How does Gill's plan to trick the shepherds backfire?" }, { "_id": 319, "text": "How do the shepherds' views of Mary contrast to their views of other women?" }, { "_id": 320, "text": "How do the shepherds treat the Christ child differently than they would another baby?" }, { "_id": 321, "text": "How do the shepherds treat the Christ child the same as they would another baby?" }, { "_id": 322, "text": "What does gib complain about?" }, { "_id": 323, "text": "What does daw compalin about?" }, { "_id": 324, "text": "What does coll complain about?" }, { "_id": 325, "text": "Who is mak and what is name of his wife?" }, { "_id": 326, "text": "What punishment was decided for mak?" }, { "_id": 327, "text": "Why did shepherds go back to maks house?" }, { "_id": 328, "text": "What did the shepherds see in cradle?" }, { "_id": 329, "text": "What did the angel that appeared told them?" }, { "_id": 330, "text": "What did the three shepherds give to the baby?" }, { "_id": 331, "text": "What was maks plan?" }, { "_id": 332, "text": "What social \"clique\" does John Bender come from? What life events may lead him to be this way?" }, { "_id": 333, "text": "How is Claire being pressured by her friends? " }, { "_id": 334, "text": "With what item was Brian going to use to attempt to kill himself?" }, { "_id": 335, "text": "Where did John Bender hide his stash of cannibis?" }, { "_id": 336, "text": "What does Allison do after her and Andrew kiss?" }, { "_id": 337, "text": "What is Allisons key flaw?" }, { "_id": 338, "text": "How long is the essay Mr. Vernon expects from the students?" }, { "_id": 339, "text": "Who is the only student who ended up writing Mr. Vernon's essay? " }, { "_id": 340, "text": "Which student must serve several weeks of additional detention? Why?" }, { "_id": 341, "text": "What does Claire give to John before they part ways?" }, { "_id": 342, "text": "At what high school did the story take place?" }, { "_id": 343, "text": "What assignment did the principal give the students?" }, { "_id": 344, "text": "How many students were in detention in the story?" }, { "_id": 345, "text": "What problem do all of the students have in common?" }, { "_id": 346, "text": "Where did the students get the cannabis they smoked?" }, { "_id": 347, "text": "After getting in trouble with the principal, where is John supposed to spend the day?" }, { "_id": 348, "text": "In what area of the school did the students spend most of their day?" }, { "_id": 349, "text": "What sport did Andrew Clarke have a patch on his letterman's jacket form?" }, { "_id": 350, "text": "What did the group call themselves at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 351, "text": "Why was Brian planning to kill himself?" }, { "_id": 352, "text": "How long was the essay given to the five students?" }, { "_id": 353, "text": "Who grabs cannabis from their locker?" }, { "_id": 354, "text": "What time was detention over?" }, { "_id": 355, "text": "What do all of the students have in common regarding their parents?" }, { "_id": 356, "text": "What do Brian's parents put pressure on him for?" }, { "_id": 357, "text": "Who is the student in detention known as the state wrestling champion?" }, { "_id": 358, "text": "What does Claire do for Allison?" }, { "_id": 359, "text": "Who claims Vernon has already judged the students?" }, { "_id": 360, "text": "What does Claire give to John?" }, { "_id": 361, "text": "Who gets additional weekends of detention?" }, { "_id": 362, "text": "What was John Spartan charged with that led to his incarceration? " }, { "_id": 363, "text": "Why was Lenina Huxley assigned to work with John? " }, { "_id": 364, "text": "What is the name of the antagonist in the story? " }, { "_id": 365, "text": "What event lead to the merging of San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles? " }, { "_id": 366, "text": "What was Phoenix trying to steal from the museum?" }, { "_id": 367, "text": "What group does Edgar Friendly lead?" }, { "_id": 368, "text": "Where is the Scraps headquarters located?" }, { "_id": 369, "text": "Who helped Phoenix free his fellow criminals from the Cryo-Penitentiary? " }, { "_id": 370, "text": "What did Phoenix say to Spartan to taunt him?" }, { "_id": 371, "text": "Why was John awoken from his cryo state? " }, { "_id": 372, "text": "What happens to the hostages?" }, { "_id": 373, "text": "Who does Huxley get kissed by?" }, { "_id": 374, "text": "What does Spartan use to shatter Phoenix?" }, { "_id": 375, "text": "How is Spartan to be rehabilitated?" }, { "_id": 376, "text": "Who kills Dr. Cocteau?" }, { "_id": 377, "text": "Why can't Spartan kill Dr. Cocteau himself?" }, { "_id": 378, "text": "Who really killed the hostages in 1996?" }, { "_id": 379, "text": "Why did the police decide to awake Spartan?" }, { "_id": 380, "text": "What caused the creation of \"San Angeles\"?" }, { "_id": 381, "text": "What do Huxley and Spartan try to stop Phoenix from stealing in the museum?" }, { "_id": 382, "text": "Who is Simon Phoenix?" }, { "_id": 383, "text": "What is the first crime Phoenix commits in the story?" }, { "_id": 384, "text": "Who is John Spartan?" }, { "_id": 385, "text": "What happens when Spartan orders Phoenix's successful capture?" }, { "_id": 386, "text": "What happens to Spartan and Phoenix after the hostages die?" }, { "_id": 387, "text": "What happens to California during Spartan and Phoenix's incarceration?" }, { "_id": 388, "text": "How does Spartan exit his frozen state?" }, { "_id": 389, "text": "Which items does Phoenix steal from the museum?" }, { "_id": 390, "text": "Why can't Phoenix kill Dr. Cocteau?" }, { "_id": 391, "text": "What happens to Phoenix at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 392, "text": "Which named critic gave a positive review of the novel? " }, { "_id": 393, "text": "In what format is the novel written?" }, { "_id": 394, "text": "Why did the New York Times give the novel a bad review?" }, { "_id": 395, "text": "In what way was Wace's view on love different than Kempton's?" }, { "_id": 396, "text": "What literary group were both London and Strunsky apart of?" }, { "_id": 397, "text": "Of the two witters of the novel which one did George Stirling give a negative review?" }, { "_id": 398, "text": "What kind of relationship do biographer believe London have with Strunsky?" }, { "_id": 399, "text": "What kind of relationship did Bessie believe London had with Strunsky?" }, { "_id": 400, "text": "When did Strunsky publish her memoris?" }, { "_id": 401, "text": "How many wives is London have?" }, { "_id": 402, "text": "How would you describe Herbert Wace's character?" }, { "_id": 403, "text": "How would you describe Dane Kempton's character?" }, { "_id": 404, "text": "What subject were the two men discussing in their letters?" }, { "_id": 405, "text": "What character does Jack London play?" }, { "_id": 406, "text": "What character does Anna Strunsky play?" }, { "_id": 407, "text": "What does Wace believe love revolves around?" }, { "_id": 408, "text": "What does Wace believe is NOT needed in a relationship?" }, { "_id": 409, "text": "What types of women does Jack London describe?" }, { "_id": 410, "text": "How did critics respond to the letters?" }, { "_id": 411, "text": "How is the novel structured?" }, { "_id": 412, "text": "What is the name of the radical San Francisco literary group?" }, { "_id": 413, "text": "Who writes Herbert Wace's letters?" }, { "_id": 414, "text": "What are the perpectives of the two letters?" }, { "_id": 415, "text": "Who writes Dane Kempton's letters?" }, { "_id": 416, "text": "Which of the Letters makes the case for feeling and emotion?" }, { "_id": 417, "text": "Why is the public's interest initially piqued by the letters?" }, { "_id": 418, "text": "Why are biographers intrigued by the Kempton-Wace Letters?" }, { "_id": 419, "text": "What happens to Jack London's marriage with Bessie?" }, { "_id": 420, "text": "In what year did London die?" }, { "_id": 421, "text": "What is the title of Strunsky's memoirs?" }, { "_id": 422, "text": "What is Ben Du Toit's profession in the story?" }, { "_id": 423, "text": "How does Ben know Gordon?" }, { "_id": 424, "text": "Why does Gordon ask Ben for help?" }, { "_id": 425, "text": "Why does Ben not agree to help Gordon?" }, { "_id": 426, "text": "What causes Ben to change his mind?" }, { "_id": 427, "text": "What does Ben do to bring awareness of the inequality and injustices?" }, { "_id": 428, "text": "Why does Ben decide to support a group of blacks?" }, { "_id": 429, "text": "Who betrays Ben and tells the police of the hiding spot?" }, { "_id": 430, "text": "Who saves the documents that Ben had hidden?" }, { "_id": 431, "text": "Who get's killed in the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 432, "text": "What year did this story take place?" }, { "_id": 433, "text": "Where does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 434, "text": "What is Ben Du Toit's occupation?" }, { "_id": 435, "text": "Who asks Ben for help at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 436, "text": "Who tortures Gorden?" }, { "_id": 437, "text": "What are the results of Ben bringing the incidents to court?" }, { "_id": 438, "text": "Who betrays the documents to the police?" }, { "_id": 439, "text": "How were the documents saved?" }, { "_id": 440, "text": "What did Ben give his daughter instead of documents?" }, { "_id": 441, "text": "Who is the lawyer?" }, { "_id": 442, "text": "What was going on when Gordon Ngubene was beaten?" }, { "_id": 443, "text": "During what year was the apartheid taking place?" }, { "_id": 444, "text": "Who was Gordon caught by?" }, { "_id": 445, "text": "Where were the documents hidden?" }, { "_id": 446, "text": "Who was ran over?" }, { "_id": 447, "text": "What was fake?" }, { "_id": 448, "text": "What happen to the hideout spot?" }, { "_id": 449, "text": "Who was shot in revenge?" }, { "_id": 450, "text": "Where do Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca live?" }, { "_id": 451, "text": "What does the nurse set up?" }, { "_id": 452, "text": "What is the punishment Hunca Munca received?" }, { "_id": 453, "text": "Which items did not fit through the mouse hole?" }, { "_id": 454, "text": "What did Tom Thumb toss out the window?" }, { "_id": 455, "text": "Why does Tom Thumb lose his temper?" }, { "_id": 456, "text": "What is placed in front of the doll house front door after vandalism has been discovered?" }, { "_id": 457, "text": "What do Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca do after they discover the food is plaster?" }, { "_id": 458, "text": "Where do Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca take the dolls' bolster?" }, { "_id": 459, "text": "Whose doll house do Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca trespass onto? " }, { "_id": 460, "text": "What is the name of the vehicle that the dolls' possess? " }, { "_id": 461, "text": "Who owns the doll house?" }, { "_id": 462, "text": "Who is the cook of the doll house? " }, { "_id": 463, "text": "What is the reason that Jane never cooks? " }, { "_id": 464, "text": "What upsets the mice in the doll house? " }, { "_id": 465, "text": "Who empties the red and blue canisters? " }, { "_id": 466, "text": "Who throws the dolls' dresses out the window? " }, { "_id": 467, "text": "What gets placed at the front door after the doll house has been vandalized? " }, { "_id": 468, "text": "Who sets down a mouse trap? " }, { "_id": 469, "text": "How does Hunca Munca pay for what she did? " }, { "_id": 470, "text": "Who was Lucinda?" }, { "_id": 471, "text": "Where does Lucinda leaves?" }, { "_id": 472, "text": "What were the name of the two mice?" }, { "_id": 473, "text": "Why did the mice trashed the doll house?" }, { "_id": 474, "text": "Who was Jane? " }, { "_id": 475, "text": "Why Jane never cook?" }, { "_id": 476, "text": "What did the mice did when they finshed trashed the doll house?" }, { "_id": 477, "text": "Who was position at the door of the doll house?" }, { "_id": 478, "text": "Who set a mouse trap?" }, { "_id": 479, "text": "What was Hunca Munca punishment?" }, { "_id": 480, "text": "Between Holden and Banky, which character is known for being more mild-mannered?" }, { "_id": 481, "text": "After Holden realizes he is in love with Alyssa, what does he learn about her romantic preferences?" }, { "_id": 482, "text": "How does Alyssa react when Holden professes his love to her?" }, { "_id": 483, "text": "What dirt does Banky discover when looking to discredit Alyssa?" }, { "_id": 484, "text": "Where does Holden angrily confront Alyssa about the alleged threesome?" }, { "_id": 485, "text": "Which character sympathizes with Holden because he was in a similar situation previously?" }, { "_id": 486, "text": "What does Holden conclude about his relationship with Banky when he tries to mend their friendship?" }, { "_id": 487, "text": "What is the nickname Alyssa supposedly recieved from the alleged threesome?" }, { "_id": 488, "text": "What does Holden name his new comic that is based on his failed relationship with Alyssa?" }, { "_id": 489, "text": "At the end of the story, where do Holden, Banky, and Alyssa all end up together again?" }, { "_id": 490, "text": "What gender is Alyssa most attracted to?" }, { "_id": 491, "text": "Who does Holden fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 492, "text": "What is the name of the comic Holden and Banky write together?" }, { "_id": 493, "text": "What does Banky discover Alyssa did while in highschool?" }, { "_id": 494, "text": "Who is Banky in love with?" }, { "_id": 495, "text": "What does Holden suggest to Banky and Alyssa in Holden's place?" }, { "_id": 496, "text": "Who agrees to have a threesome with Holden and Alyssa?" }, { "_id": 497, "text": "What does Alyssa tell Holden she will never be?" }, { "_id": 498, "text": "What does Holden do to Banky to prove that Banky loves Holden?" }, { "_id": 499, "text": "What is the title of the comic Holden writes after losing Alyssa?" }, { "_id": 500, "text": "What do Holden and Banky do for a living?" }, { "_id": 501, "text": "Where does Holden meet Alyssa?" }, { "_id": 502, "text": "What was Alyssa's nickname in high school?" }, { "_id": 503, "text": "Why is Holden so upset to learn about Alyssa's past?" }, { "_id": 504, "text": "Who coined the phrase chasing Amy?" }, { "_id": 505, "text": "What superhero duo have Holden and Banky created together?" }, { "_id": 506, "text": "Why is Alyssa initially not interested in Holden?" }, { "_id": 507, "text": "What does Holden suggest to Alyssa and Banky to save their relationship?" }, { "_id": 508, "text": "What does Holden give Alyssa a year later at the Comic Convention?" }, { "_id": 509, "text": "Where are Holden and Alyssa when he confronts her about her past?" }, { "_id": 510, "text": "What did Watson believe was wrong with Holmes?" }, { "_id": 511, "text": "What did Smith send to Holmes to try and infect him?" }, { "_id": 512, "text": "What was the signal for Inspector Morton to enter the room?" }, { "_id": 513, "text": "How did Holmes feel when Watson touched the items in his room?" }, { "_id": 514, "text": "Who did Mr. Smith kill before?" }, { "_id": 515, "text": "Who is Morton?" }, { "_id": 516, "text": "Why did Watson hide behind a screen?" }, { "_id": 517, "text": "How long did Watson starve himself so that he would look sick?" }, { "_id": 518, "text": "Why was Dr. Watson called to attend to Holmes?" }, { "_id": 519, "text": "What does Holmes first instruct Dr. Watson to do in fighting this illness?" }, { "_id": 520, "text": "What does Dr. Watson do that aggravates Holmes?" }, { "_id": 521, "text": "What does Holmes ask Dr. Watson to do at 6 p.m.?" }, { "_id": 522, "text": "What happens when Dr. Watson gets to 13 Lower Burke Street?" }, { "_id": 523, "text": "What does Dr. Watson overhear back at Holmes residence?" }, { "_id": 524, "text": "How did Holmes possibly contract this illness?" }, { "_id": 525, "text": "What was the intention of Holmes in having Mr. Smith lighting the gaslight to full?" }, { "_id": 526, "text": "What else does Holmes request from Mr. Smith?" }, { "_id": 527, "text": "What is the secret Holmes kept hidden from everyone as he investigated this case?" }, { "_id": 528, "text": "Why was Watson called to Baker Street?" }, { "_id": 529, "text": "Why does Homes get upset with Watson?" }, { "_id": 530, "text": "Where does Homes instruct Watson to go?" }, { "_id": 531, "text": "Who is Watson supposed to give Holmes' message to?" }, { "_id": 532, "text": "What is Watson supposed to do after deliviering holmes meassage?" }, { "_id": 533, "text": "Why won't Homes allow Watson to examine him?" }, { "_id": 534, "text": "What was Holmes purpose in pretending he was dying?" }, { "_id": 535, "text": "What was the signal for Inspector Morton to come in?" }, { "_id": 536, "text": "What evidence did Smith put in his pocket?" }, { "_id": 537, "text": "Why did Holmes ask Watson to retuen to Baker street?" }, { "_id": 538, "text": "What does Mrs. Tittlemouse keep beside her bed?" }, { "_id": 539, "text": "Who leaves dirty footprints on the floors of Mrs. Tittlemouse's home?" }, { "_id": 540, "text": "Who inquires about Miss Muffet?" }, { "_id": 541, "text": "Where have the bees taken up residence?" }, { "_id": 542, "text": "What happens when Mrs. Tittlemouse tries to remove the bee nest?" }, { "_id": 543, "text": "Who lives in a in a very dirty wet ditch?" }, { "_id": 544, "text": "What article of Mr. Jackson's closing drips water?" }, { "_id": 545, "text": "What does Mr. Jackson find in the sugar bowl?" }, { "_id": 546, "text": "After Mr. Jackson makes a huge mess, where does Mrs. Tittlemouse take refuge?" }, { "_id": 547, "text": "What does Mr. Jackson toast to at Mrs. Tittlemouse's party?" }, { "_id": 548, "text": "For whom is the spider that visits Mrs. Tittlemouse looking?" }, { "_id": 549, "text": "Who attends Mrs. Tittlemouse's party?" }, { "_id": 550, "text": "When Mr. Jackson stays for dinner, what does he find in Mrs. Tittlemouse's sugar bowl?" }, { "_id": 551, "text": "What kind of insects does Mrs. Tittlemouse find living in her storeroom?" }, { "_id": 552, "text": "Where is Mrs. Tittlemouse's house located?" }, { "_id": 553, "text": "What kind of cups is the honeydew served in at Mrs. Tittlemouse's party?" }, { "_id": 554, "text": "What kind of animal is Mrs. Tittlemouse's neighbor, Mr. Jackson?" }, { "_id": 555, "text": "Where does Mr. Jackson live?" }, { "_id": 556, "text": "What does Mrs. Tittlemouse keep beside her bed?" }, { "_id": 557, "text": "What is Mr. Jackson looking for when he searches through Mrs. Tittlemouse's cupboards?" }, { "_id": 558, "text": "Who does Mrs. Tittlemouse tell to fly away home?" }, { "_id": 559, "text": "Who is the spider looking for?" }, { "_id": 560, "text": "What is the name of the bee Mrs. Tittlemouse meets?" }, { "_id": 561, "text": "Where does Mr. Jackson live?" }, { "_id": 562, "text": "What is Mr. Jackson looking for when he rummages through the cupboards?" }, { "_id": 563, "text": "Where does Mrs. Tittlemouse take refuge to get away from her neighbors?" }, { "_id": 564, "text": "What does Mrs. Tittlemouse use to partially close her front door?" }, { "_id": 565, "text": "Why did Mrs. Tittlemouse partially close her front door?" }, { "_id": 566, "text": "How long did Mrs. Tittlemouse spend spring cleaning her house?" }, { "_id": 567, "text": "What is in the acorn cups that Mrs. Tittlemouse passes out at her party?" }, { "_id": 568, "text": "Where is Andy Kaufman from?" }, { "_id": 569, "text": "Who was George Shapiro to Andy Kaufman?" }, { "_id": 570, "text": "What role did Andy Kaufman play on the sitcom \"Taxi\" ?" }, { "_id": 571, "text": "Who was Tony Clifton?" }, { "_id": 572, "text": "What wrestler did Andy Kaufman have a romantic relationship with?" }, { "_id": 573, "text": "Who is Bob Zmuda to Andy Kaufman?" }, { "_id": 574, "text": "What fatal disease was Andy Kaufman diagnosed with?" }, { "_id": 575, "text": "On what show did Andy Kaufman throw a drink at Jerry Lawler?" }, { "_id": 576, "text": "What was Jerry Lawler's occupation?" }, { "_id": 577, "text": "What was Andy Kaufman's dream venue?" }, { "_id": 578, "text": "In addition to singing kids' songs, why does Kaufman's nightclub act fail?" }, { "_id": 579, "text": "What singer does Kaufman impersonate via his \"foreign man\" character?" }, { "_id": 580, "text": "On what television sitcom does Kaufman accept a role?" }, { "_id": 581, "text": "How does Kaufman feel about sitcoms?" }, { "_id": 582, "text": "Appearances on which comedy show increase Kaufman's fame?" }, { "_id": 583, "text": "What novel does Kaufman read aloud to purposely aggravate his audience?" }, { "_id": 584, "text": "When Kaufman becomes a wrestler, what limitation does he set?" }, { "_id": 585, "text": "What does Kaufman refuse to do on a live ABC show?" }, { "_id": 586, "text": "As a result of a wrestling injury, what does Kaufman have to wear?" }, { "_id": 587, "text": "What invitation does Kaufman extend to the audience after his Carnegie Hall perfomance?" }, { "_id": 588, "text": "What was Kaufman diagnosed with?" }, { "_id": 589, "text": "Which show is Kaufman on when he refuses to speak his lines?" }, { "_id": 590, "text": "What is Kaufman's dream venue?" }, { "_id": 591, "text": "How is Andy banned from Saturday Night Live?" }, { "_id": 592, "text": "Where does Kaufman meet Lynne?" }, { "_id": 593, "text": "How does Kaufman feel about Taxi?" }, { "_id": 594, "text": "Where does Kaufman go for a medical miracle?" }, { "_id": 595, "text": "Who informs Kaufman that Taxi was cancelled?" }, { "_id": 596, "text": "Who gets in fight with Lawler on David Letterman's show?" }, { "_id": 597, "text": "What sport does Kaufman decide to become a professional of?" }, { "_id": 598, "text": "What Stanley Jobson did served time in jail for?" }, { "_id": 599, "text": "What did Gabriel Shear want to hire Stanley Jobson for? " }, { "_id": 600, "text": "Who is Holly?" }, { "_id": 601, "text": "What was Black Cell created for? " }, { "_id": 602, "text": "How did Gabriel Shear frame Stanley Jobson to force him to participate in the bank heist? " }, { "_id": 603, "text": "What job does Stanley Jobson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s ex-wife Melissa actually have? " }, { "_id": 604, "text": "What was Stanley Jobson going to use to steal the money for Gabriel Shear?" }, { "_id": 605, "text": "What Ginger Knowles truly is? " }, { "_id": 606, "text": "In what bank did the heist occur? " }, { "_id": 607, "text": "What does Stanley have to do to get Holly back?" }, { "_id": 608, "text": "Who is Ginger working with?" }, { "_id": 609, "text": "Where do Stanley and Holly go?" }, { "_id": 610, "text": "Which characters are hackers?" }, { "_id": 611, "text": "What does Stanley use to shoot down the helicopter?" }, { "_id": 612, "text": "Who Created Black Cell?" }, { "_id": 613, "text": "What happened to Melissa?" }, { "_id": 614, "text": "What does Black Cell do?" }, { "_id": 615, "text": "Why didn't Gabriel kill Ginger?" }, { "_id": 616, "text": "Who gets the money in the end?" }, { "_id": 617, "text": "Why was Stanley in jail?" }, { "_id": 618, "text": "Who oversees Black Cell?" }, { "_id": 619, "text": "Who does Gabriel kidnap that forces Stanley to continue to work for him?" }, { "_id": 620, "text": "Why did Senator Reisman attempt to assassinate Gabriel?" }, { "_id": 621, "text": "Who does Ginger really work for in the story?" }, { "_id": 622, "text": "Who shoots Ginger?" }, { "_id": 623, "text": "How does Gabriel escape the bank robbery?" }, { "_id": 624, "text": "Who shoots down the helicopter?" }, { "_id": 625, "text": "At the end of the story, who has custody of Holly?" }, { "_id": 626, "text": "What happens in Monte Carlo?" }, { "_id": 627, "text": "Why is Stanley forbidden to use a computer?" }, { "_id": 628, "text": "In the early part of the story, why is Stanley unable to visit his daughter Holly?" }, { "_id": 629, "text": "In Los Angeles, Gabriel tests Stanley's hacking skills by having Stanley crack a secure government server in under 1 minute, while presented with what two distractions?" }, { "_id": 630, "text": "What is the name of the secret organization that J Edgar Hoover created to launch retalitory attacks against terrorists?" }, { "_id": 631, "text": "How does Stanley neutralize the hydra program that he delivers to Gabriel?" }, { "_id": 632, "text": "What does Gabriel do to cause Stanley trouble after Stanley delivers the hydra?" }, { "_id": 633, "text": "Why does Stanley agree to help Gabriel in the Worldbanc heist after being double-crossed by him?" }, { "_id": 634, "text": "What ruse does Gabriel use to get Stanley to reverse the backdoor and regain control of the stolen money?" }, { "_id": 635, "text": "How does Stanley know that Gabriel is most likely not dead after shooting down Gabriel's helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade?" }, { "_id": 636, "text": "What is implied at the end of the story when Gabriel and Ginger watch a yacht explode at sea, followed by a news report?" }, { "_id": 637, "text": "How do Rodrigre and Chim\u0102\u00a8ne feel about each other?" }, { "_id": 638, "text": "What does Chim\u0102\u00a8ne's father do that causes Rodrige to demand satisfaction?" }, { "_id": 639, "text": "What becomes of Don Gormas?" }, { "_id": 640, "text": "What does Chim\u0102\u00a8ne ask of the King?" }, { "_id": 641, "text": "What event gives Rodrige a chance to win back Chim\u0102\u00a8ne?" }, { "_id": 642, "text": "By virtue of his battlefield victories, what title is Rodrige given?" }, { "_id": 643, "text": "Which knight does Chim\u0102\u00a8ne choose as her champion?" }, { "_id": 644, "text": "What does Chim\u0102\u00a8ne agree to do after the duel between Rodrige and Don Sanche?" }, { "_id": 645, "text": "What does Chim\u0102\u00a8ne see that causes her to believe that Rodrige is dead?" }, { "_id": 646, "text": "What is it that the King feels circumstances have proven?" }, { "_id": 647, "text": "Who is Chimene's Father?" }, { "_id": 648, "text": "Who is Rodrique in love with?" }, { "_id": 649, "text": "Why is Chimene's and Rodrique chance of marrying disturbed?" }, { "_id": 650, "text": "Who kills Chimene's Father?" }, { "_id": 651, "text": "How is Chimene's Father killed?" }, { "_id": 652, "text": "Why does Rodrique kill Chimene's Father?" }, { "_id": 653, "text": "What does Chimene ask the king for after her father dies?" }, { "_id": 654, "text": "What attack gives Rodrique the chance to redeem himself?" }, { "_id": 655, "text": "What does Chimene request the king to do?" }, { "_id": 656, "text": "What is the end result of the duel?" }, { "_id": 657, "text": "Who is El Cid? " }, { "_id": 658, "text": "Where does this story take place? " }, { "_id": 659, "text": "Why are Chimene and Rodrique reluctant to marry? " }, { "_id": 660, "text": "What is a possible theme for this work? " }, { "_id": 661, "text": "Why did Don Sanche not die during the duel? " }, { "_id": 662, "text": "If Rodrigue wins the duel, what will he win? " }, { "_id": 663, "text": "Who is attacking the Castille region? " }, { "_id": 664, "text": "Who is the protagonist in this story? " }, { "_id": 665, "text": "While Chimene is planning the wedding, what is Rodrigue doing? " }, { "_id": 666, "text": "Who are Zuleika's most prominent suitors?" }, { "_id": 667, "text": "Why does Zuleika reject the Duke?" }, { "_id": 668, "text": "Who is the first person Zuleika falls in love with?" }, { "_id": 669, "text": "Where do Zuleika and her suitors meet?" }, { "_id": 670, "text": "How does Zuleika stop the Duke's first suicide attempt?" }, { "_id": 671, "text": "How many people eventually commit suicide on Zuleika's behalf?" }, { "_id": 672, "text": "Where does the Duke eventually die, and what is he wearing?" }, { "_id": 673, "text": "What is the omen that indicates a Duke of Dorset is about to die?" }, { "_id": 674, "text": "Who is Zuleika's grandfather?" }, { "_id": 675, "text": "Where does Zuleika go at the end of this series of events?" }, { "_id": 676, "text": "Where does Zuleika attend school?" }, { "_id": 677, "text": "Who was the first female admitted to Oxford University?" }, { "_id": 678, "text": "Who is Zuleika's first love?" }, { "_id": 679, "text": "Who says he's going to commit suicide to symbolize his passion for Zuleika?" }, { "_id": 680, "text": "Who interrupts the Duke's first suicide attempt?" }, { "_id": 681, "text": "After many of the students have died how does Zuleika choose to travel away from Oxford?" }, { "_id": 682, "text": "At the end of the story Zuleika is leaving Oxford and heading to where?" }, { "_id": 683, "text": "How many black owls are in this story?" }, { "_id": 684, "text": "Where do the black owls perch all night long?" }, { "_id": 685, "text": "What does Zuleika want the Duke to shout as he jumps into the river?" }, { "_id": 686, "text": "In what era is Zuleika Dobson living?" }, { "_id": 687, "text": "What was Zuleika Dobson's profession before she became a prestidigitator?" }, { "_id": 688, "text": "Which university does Zuleika gain entrance to?" }, { "_id": 689, "text": "What happens while the Duke is drowning himself?" }, { "_id": 690, "text": "Where does the Duke of Dorset's first suicide attempt take place?" }, { "_id": 691, "text": "What does tradition say takes place the night before the death of a Duke of Dorset?" }, { "_id": 692, "text": "How does the Duke decide to stop the undergraduates from committing suicide for love of Zuleika?" }, { "_id": 693, "text": "Who sends the Duke a telegram?" }, { "_id": 694, "text": "Where does Zulika go when she leaves Oxford?" }, { "_id": 695, "text": "What is the Duke wearing when he drowns himself in the River Isis?" }, { "_id": 696, "text": "Who is the protagonist of the story?" }, { "_id": 697, "text": "What is the name of Zuleika's current profession?" }, { "_id": 698, "text": "Which educational institution is Zuleika admitted to?" }, { "_id": 699, "text": "What physical characteristics set Zuleika apart from the other Oxford University students?" }, { "_id": 700, "text": "Who does Zuleika fall in with love while at school?" }, { "_id": 701, "text": "Why does Zuleika reject the Duke of Dorset's marriage proposal?" }, { "_id": 702, "text": "What does the Duke of Dorset decide to do in order to incite Zuleika to accept accountability of her formidable powers?" }, { "_id": 703, "text": "Who initially prevents the Duke of Dorset from killing himself on his first suicide attempt?" }, { "_id": 704, "text": "What omen does the butler of Tankerton Hall warn the Duke of Dorcet about?" }, { "_id": 705, "text": "Upon finding out that the entire Oxford University student body has now succumbed to suicide, where does Zuleika decide to go?" }, { "_id": 706, "text": "What is the name of Roy's partner?" }, { "_id": 707, "text": "How does Roy travel to Nome?" }, { "_id": 708, "text": "What is the name of Roy's gold claim?" }, { "_id": 709, "text": "Who does Glenister fall in love with on the ship?" }, { "_id": 710, "text": "Who was appointed the first federal judge in Alaska?" }, { "_id": 711, "text": "How did Roy almost lose his stake in the Midas?" }, { "_id": 712, "text": "When did some of the native Swedes lose their lands?" }, { "_id": 713, "text": "Which politician had power over the federal marshall?" }, { "_id": 714, "text": "What dis the miners do to fight the crooked judge and federal marshall?" }, { "_id": 715, "text": "Why does Roy become depressed?" }, { "_id": 716, "text": "Why are Roy Glenister and Dextry headed to the Alaska Territory?" }, { "_id": 717, "text": "Who is Helen Chester?" }, { "_id": 718, "text": "How do Roy and Dextry meet Helen Chester?" }, { "_id": 719, "text": "Who is appointed as the first federal judge of the Alaskan Territory?" }, { "_id": 720, "text": "Who is Alexander McNamara?" }, { "_id": 721, "text": "How does Roy Glenister almost loose his rights to the Midas mine?" }, { "_id": 722, "text": "What is Alexander McNamara's goal in the Alaskan Territory?" }, { "_id": 723, "text": "Why did Cherry Malotte move to the Alaskan Territory?" }, { "_id": 724, "text": "How do the miners react when McNamara lays claim to their land?" }, { "_id": 725, "text": "What is the relationship between Roy Glenister and Dextry?" }, { "_id": 726, "text": "Why was Roy and Dextry going to Nome?" }, { "_id": 727, "text": "What is roy and Dextry gold claims called?" }, { "_id": 728, "text": "Who was Helen Chester?" }, { "_id": 729, "text": "Who was Alexander McNamara?" }, { "_id": 730, "text": "Who defraud the miners of thier land?" }, { "_id": 731, "text": "How did Glenister almost lost his claim to Midas?" }, { "_id": 732, "text": "Who saved Glenister from loseing his claim to Midas?" }, { "_id": 733, "text": "Who want Glenister to love her?" }, { "_id": 734, "text": "Who is Glenister in love with?" }, { "_id": 735, "text": "What was found in the ruins of the house by the lake?" }, { "_id": 736, "text": "What was the Recluse's dogs name?" }, { "_id": 737, "text": "What was the Recluse attacked by?" }, { "_id": 738, "text": "Where does the Recluse reunite with his lost love?" }, { "_id": 739, "text": "What created the lake?" }, { "_id": 740, "text": "What was the new dog infected with?" }, { "_id": 741, "text": "Who was contemplating suicide?" }, { "_id": 742, "text": "How did the new dog die?" }, { "_id": 743, "text": "What did Tonnison and Berreggnog finally discover about the house?" }, { "_id": 744, "text": "Which poem was found in the diary?" }, { "_id": 745, "text": "Why did the man start the diary?" }, { "_id": 746, "text": "What do the humanoid pig-like creature do to the man?" }, { "_id": 747, "text": "What is the only difference once everything seems to return to normal after the seemingly never ending twilight?" }, { "_id": 748, "text": "How long did it take for the sun to go out?" }, { "_id": 749, "text": "Who did the beast infect with a fungal disease first?" }, { "_id": 750, "text": "Who followed the man to his own imensions?" }, { "_id": 751, "text": "Why did the man ponder suicide?" }, { "_id": 752, "text": "When does the diary end all of a sudden?" }, { "_id": 753, "text": "What did the man say about the house when he returned from his delivery trip?" }, { "_id": 754, "text": "When do the travellers return to Kraighton?" }, { "_id": 755, "text": "What does Tonnison and Berreggnog find on their third day at Kraighten?" }, { "_id": 756, "text": "What is the name of the dog of the Recluse?" }, { "_id": 757, "text": "What is the vast arena with mountains, demons, and mythical gods?" }, { "_id": 758, "text": "What happens after the Recluse's vision?" }, { "_id": 759, "text": "Where does the Recluse reunite with his long lost love?" }, { "_id": 760, "text": "What happens after the Recluse returns from space?" }, { "_id": 761, "text": "What does the Recluse realize after he shoots his dog?" }, { "_id": 762, "text": "What is at the end of the journal?" }, { "_id": 763, "text": "How does the manuscript end?" }, { "_id": 764, "text": "What happens to the Sun after the world is put into twilight?" }, { "_id": 765, "text": "What race does Co-Tam belong to?" }, { "_id": 766, "text": "Which of Burroughs' novels does he complete the revelation of his lost world unique biological system?" }, { "_id": 767, "text": "What is the original destination of Bradley and his party in the story?" }, { "_id": 768, "text": "Tippet is convinced of what, after seeing the flying dead man?" }, { "_id": 769, "text": "Which subgroup of humanity the naturally winged human belong to?" }, { "_id": 770, "text": "After escaping the Wieroo city, where does Co-Tan and Bradley live for several months?" }, { "_id": 771, "text": "How does Bradley and Co-Tan get back to the mainland?" }, { "_id": 772, "text": "What sea is the does the island of Oo-oh set in?" }, { "_id": 773, "text": "What does Bradley use to kill the Wieroo king?" }, { "_id": 774, "text": "What do members of Bradley's party believe the winged creature to be?" }, { "_id": 775, "text": "How does Bradley kill the Wieroo king?" }, { "_id": 776, "text": "Who are the Wieroo?" }, { "_id": 777, "text": "How did Bradley and Co-Tan escape the Forest of Oo-oh?" }, { "_id": 778, "text": "Where are Bradley and his party headed to in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 779, "text": "What does Bradley plan to do after he returns back to America?" }, { "_id": 780, "text": "How is James killed?" }, { "_id": 781, "text": "Who correctly convinces himself of his own death in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 782, "text": "What does the creature, believed to be a ghost and banshee in the beginning of the story, turn out to be?" }, { "_id": 783, "text": "What is Co-Tan's race?" }, { "_id": 784, "text": "How does Bradley escape the prison?" }, { "_id": 785, "text": "What animal kills Tippet?" }, { "_id": 786, "text": "Who kills James?" }, { "_id": 787, "text": "What group does the ghost-like creature belong to?" }, { "_id": 788, "text": "What island does the Wieroo take Bradley?" }, { "_id": 789, "text": "How does Bradley escape prison?" }, { "_id": 790, "text": "What group is Co-Tan a member of? " }, { "_id": 791, "text": "Who kills the Wieroo king?" }, { "_id": 792, "text": "What weapon does Bradley use to kill the Wieroo King?" }, { "_id": 793, "text": "Who does Bradley plan on marrying in America?" }, { "_id": 794, "text": "How many Wieroo does Bradley and Co-Tan capture?" }, { "_id": 795, "text": "How old is Philip when his mother passes away?" }, { "_id": 796, "text": "When Philip is living in Germany, where is he encouraged to move to? " }, { "_id": 797, "text": "What do his co-workers in London believe that Philip is? " }, { "_id": 798, "text": "Who falls in love with Philip, but eventually commits suicide? " }, { "_id": 799, "text": "In what country does Philip meet Fanny Price?" }, { "_id": 800, "text": "How does Mildred break Philip's heart? " }, { "_id": 801, "text": "What does Norah do for a living?" }, { "_id": 802, "text": "After Mildred has her baby, who does she run off with? " }, { "_id": 803, "text": "What does Philip's Uncle Williams' inheritance allow him to finish? " }, { "_id": 804, "text": "Who does Philip eventually become engaged to?" }, { "_id": 805, "text": "Who was Phillip sent to live with after his mother died?" }, { "_id": 806, "text": "How does his aunt Louisa treat Phillip?" }, { "_id": 807, "text": "How did Phillip's uncle treat him?" }, { "_id": 808, "text": "Where does Phillip live while he is in Geramy?" }, { "_id": 809, "text": "What does Phillip study when he returns to live with is uncle?" }, { "_id": 810, "text": "What did Mildred tell Phillip the first time she left him heartbroken?" }, { "_id": 811, "text": "Why did Mildred end up with syphilis? " }, { "_id": 812, "text": "Where did Philip meet Athelny?" }, { "_id": 813, "text": "Why did Philip initially reject Dr. Athelny's partnership offer?" }, { "_id": 814, "text": "Who did Phillip marry in the end?" }, { "_id": 815, "text": "Why does Phillip go to live with his aunt and uncle?" }, { "_id": 816, "text": "What hobby does Phillip take up to add excitement to his life?" }, { "_id": 817, "text": "When Phillip is sent to boarding school, why is it hard for him to fit in?" }, { "_id": 818, "text": "Who is the first romantic character introduced in this story?" }, { "_id": 819, "text": "Why does Fanny Price commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 820, "text": "Why does Phillip end his relationship with Norah Nesbit?" }, { "_id": 821, "text": "Who does Mildred run away with? " }, { "_id": 822, "text": "What lifestyle does Phillip encourage Mildred to abandon?" }, { "_id": 823, "text": "What is Phillips career?" }, { "_id": 824, "text": "Why does Phillip decide to not travel the world?" }, { "_id": 825, "text": "Why was Sailor jailed?" }, { "_id": 826, "text": "What was the bad omen that Lula saw?" }, { "_id": 827, "text": "What does Lula's mother ask Marcello Santos to do?" }, { "_id": 828, "text": "What was Lula trying to hide in the hotel room?" }, { "_id": 829, "text": "What does Sailor agree to do with Bobby Peru?" }, { "_id": 830, "text": "What was wrong with Sailor's gun?" }, { "_id": 831, "text": "What did Sailor tell Lula and her son after they picked him up from jail?" }, { "_id": 832, "text": "After Sailor got knocked out by the gang, what did the vision tell him?" }, { "_id": 833, "text": "What was the song that Sailor would sing only to his wife?" }, { "_id": 834, "text": "Who hired the assailant that Sailor killed?" }, { "_id": 835, "text": "Who else does Marietta hire to find Lula and Sailor, besides Farragut, when they leave to head to CA?" }, { "_id": 836, "text": "Who is killed by Santos' minions?" }, { "_id": 837, "text": "What secret does Perdita Durango know?" }, { "_id": 838, "text": "What does Lula try to conceal while waiting in the hotel room?" }, { "_id": 839, "text": "When does Peru reveal that he has been hired to kill Sailor?" }, { "_id": 840, "text": "Who ends up killing Peru?" }, { "_id": 841, "text": "What does Lulu do to her mother's photograph after Sailor is release from jail?" }, { "_id": 842, "text": "What reason does Sailor give Lulu for leaving her and his child?" }, { "_id": 843, "text": "What song will Sailor only sing to his wife?" }, { "_id": 844, "text": "What band do Lula and Sailor see?" }, { "_id": 845, "text": "Who does Sailor see when he is knocked out?" }, { "_id": 846, "text": "What song will Sailor only sing to his wife?" }, { "_id": 847, "text": "What does Lula do to her mother's picture?" }, { "_id": 848, "text": "Who does Marietta hire to kill Sailor?" }, { "_id": 849, "text": "Where does Perdita Durango live?" }, { "_id": 850, "text": "Who hired Bobby Ray Lemon?" }, { "_id": 851, "text": "Why does Sailor want to leave Lula and their child when he is released from prison?" }, { "_id": 852, "text": "What does Lula see that she considers a bad omen?" }, { "_id": 853, "text": "What are Sailor and Peru planning to rob?" }, { "_id": 854, "text": "Why does the human militia launch an offensive on the skynet base?" }, { "_id": 855, "text": "Why is Kyle the first one on the kill list?" }, { "_id": 856, "text": "Why was Marcus created into a cyborg?" }, { "_id": 857, "text": "Who saves Marcus from the T-600?" }, { "_id": 858, "text": "Who helps Marcus escape from John and the resistance?" }, { "_id": 859, "text": "Who convinces Marcus to give his body to medical research?" }, { "_id": 860, "text": "How does John destroy the Skynet base?" }, { "_id": 861, "text": "How does John survive his mortal wound?" }, { "_id": 862, "text": "Who initially attempts to save John's life?" }, { "_id": 863, "text": "What is Serena Kogan's occupation?" }, { "_id": 864, "text": "What does Serena convince Marcus to do?" }, { "_id": 865, "text": "What is the event called that kills most of humanity with nuclear weapons?" }, { "_id": 866, "text": "What is being built on the Skynet Base with living tissue?" }, { "_id": 867, "text": "What group does John lead?" }, { "_id": 868, "text": "What is the name of the mute child that helps save John?" }, { "_id": 869, "text": "What is Kyle's relationship to John in the past?" }, { "_id": 870, "text": "Who is first on Skynet's kill list?" }, { "_id": 871, "text": "Who is second on Skynet's kill list?" }, { "_id": 872, "text": "What is Kate's relationship to John?" }, { "_id": 873, "text": "What does Marcus Wright sign over to Dr. Serena Kogan before his execution?" }, { "_id": 874, "text": "What is the event called where Skynet detroys much of humanity with nuclear weapons?" }, { "_id": 875, "text": "What plans does John Conner discover during his attack on a Skynet base?" }, { "_id": 876, "text": "Where is the Resistance headquarters located?" }, { "_id": 877, "text": "What city contains the Skynet base that the human militia plans on attacking?" }, { "_id": 878, "text": "Who is in charge of the offensive against Skynet?" }, { "_id": 879, "text": "What do the Resistance fighters discover when they try to save Marcus's life?" }, { "_id": 880, "text": "What deal is made between John and Marcus?" }, { "_id": 881, "text": "How is John able to infiltrate the cellblock and the prisoners?" }, { "_id": 882, "text": "How is John able to survive despite being mortally wounded in the escape with the prisoners?" }, { "_id": 883, "text": "What draws attention to the bank robbery?" }, { "_id": 884, "text": "How long is Sonny's prison sentence?" }, { "_id": 885, "text": "What kind of surgery does Leon need?" }, { "_id": 886, "text": "Why does Sonny release the security guard?" }, { "_id": 887, "text": "What does Sonny yell outside the bank that results in cheers from the crowd?" }, { "_id": 888, "text": "Who shoots Sal?" }, { "_id": 889, "text": "What kind of food does Sonny give the hostages?" }, { "_id": 890, "text": "Where was Leon before she was brought to the bank?" }, { "_id": 891, "text": "What does Sonny use as a shield when he firsts exits the bank?" }, { "_id": 892, "text": "What medical problem does Mulvaney experience? " }, { "_id": 893, "text": "How much money was in the vault at the First Brooklyn Savings Bank?" }, { "_id": 894, "text": "What did Sonny do in order for the cops to surround the bank?" }, { "_id": 895, "text": "Which Detective calls the bank and speaks with Sonny?" }, { "_id": 896, "text": "What will Sonny and Sal do to the hostages if anyone tries comes into the bank?" }, { "_id": 897, "text": "What happens to Howard Calvin?" }, { "_id": 898, "text": "Who is the head teller of the bank?" }, { "_id": 899, "text": "Who does Sonny claim had nothing to do with the robbery attempt?" }, { "_id": 900, "text": "What was Sonny's reason for leaving some insurane money to Leon?" }, { "_id": 901, "text": "Who drives the men and the hostages in the limousine to Kennedy Airport?" }, { "_id": 902, "text": "How many years was Sonny sentenced to prison for?" }, { "_id": 903, "text": "Who does Sonny release to the police due to an asthma attack?" }, { "_id": 904, "text": "Why does the band manager Mulvaney refuse to be released?" }, { "_id": 905, "text": "Why has Leon attempted suicide in the past?" }, { "_id": 906, "text": "What is Sonny's first choice on the method he will be released?" }, { "_id": 907, "text": "In what method of transportation are the robbers released?" }, { "_id": 908, "text": "What is one of Sonny's main reasons for robbing the bank?" }, { "_id": 909, "text": "Who tries unsuccessfully to get Sonny to give himself up?" }, { "_id": 910, "text": "What food does Sonny demand for the hostages?" }, { "_id": 911, "text": "Who gets shot in the head at the end?" }, { "_id": 912, "text": "What happens to Sonny in the end?" }, { "_id": 913, "text": "What id Benjamin Bathurst's position?" }, { "_id": 914, "text": "For which country is Benjamin a diplomat?" }, { "_id": 915, "text": "Where is Benjamin when he disappears?" }, { "_id": 916, "text": "How old was Bathurst when he disappeared?" }, { "_id": 917, "text": "In the parallel universe, what war did not occur?" }, { "_id": 918, "text": "What happens to Benedict Arnold in the Battle of Quebec in the alternate universe?" }, { "_id": 919, "text": "In the alternate universe, what position did Bathurst hold?" }, { "_id": 920, "text": "In the alternate universe, which colony was Bathurst Lt Governor of?" }, { "_id": 921, "text": "Which state is the Crown Colony in?" }, { "_id": 922, "text": "During which war did the Duke of Wellington attain victories, causing his to be given the title of Duke?" }, { "_id": 923, "text": "Who is the main character of the story?" }, { "_id": 924, "text": "How old was the real Benjamin Bathurst when he disappeared?" }, { "_id": 925, "text": "In the story it talks about the point of diveregence from our history. What battle was happening at that time?" }, { "_id": 926, "text": "Who was killed during the battle of Quebec?" }, { "_id": 927, "text": "How did Benedict Arnold's death change history?" }, { "_id": 928, "text": "Who was killed at Doylestown Pennsilvania during a short lived rebellion?" }, { "_id": 929, "text": "How do people from our timeline feel about Bathurst?" }, { "_id": 930, "text": "Who is Sir Arthur Wellesley?" }, { "_id": 931, "text": "What is puzzling about the Duke of Wellington?" }, { "_id": 932, "text": "What does this story say happened to Benjamin Bathurst?" }, { "_id": 933, "text": "What is Benjamin Bathurst's occupation?" }, { "_id": 934, "text": "How old was Bathurst when he disappeared?" }, { "_id": 935, "text": "What is assumed to have happened to Bathurst?" }, { "_id": 936, "text": "Who dies instead of being wounded that changes the course of history?" }, { "_id": 937, "text": "What is Bathurst's position in this parallel universe?" }, { "_id": 938, "text": "Where did Thomas Jefferson flee to?" }, { "_id": 939, "text": "Who is in exile in Switzerland?" }, { "_id": 940, "text": "What happens to Bathurst when he tries to escape prison?" }, { "_id": 941, "text": "Who is the Duke of Wellington in the alternate universe?" }, { "_id": 942, "text": "What is the final badge Carl gives Russell?" }, { "_id": 943, "text": "What job does Carl have at the zoo?" }, { "_id": 944, "text": "Where does Ellie want to move her clubhouse?" }, { "_id": 945, "text": "Who is Alpha?" }, { "_id": 946, "text": "Why can Dug talk?" }, { "_id": 947, "text": "When Muntz sets Carl's house on fire and captures Keven, what does Carl do?" }, { "_id": 948, "text": "Where does Carl's house land at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 949, "text": "How does Carl make his house fly?" }, { "_id": 950, "text": "Why do Russell and Carl initially meet?" }, { "_id": 951, "text": "Who was the famous explorer that Carl idolized?" }, { "_id": 952, "text": "Why did Muntz want to return to Paradise Falls?" }, { "_id": 953, "text": "Who became Carl's wife?" }, { "_id": 954, "text": "What type of work did Carl do for a living?" }, { "_id": 955, "text": "How did Carl plan to get his home to Paradise Falls?" }, { "_id": 956, "text": "Who was Ellie to Carl?" }, { "_id": 957, "text": "What was Russell's occupation?" }, { "_id": 958, "text": "What allowed Dug to speak?" }, { "_id": 959, "text": "What was Russell's final reward for helping Carl?" }, { "_id": 960, "text": "Who is 9 year old Carl Fredricksen's hero?" }, { "_id": 961, "text": "What is Charles Muntz famous for?" }, { "_id": 962, "text": "After Ellie miscarries what plan does she and Carl make?" }, { "_id": 963, "text": "What happens after Carl injures a construction worker for messing up his mailbox?" }, { "_id": 964, "text": "What does Carl use to make his house float?" }, { "_id": 965, "text": "Who is Kevin?" }, { "_id": 966, "text": "What is so special about Dug the golden retriever?" }, { "_id": 967, "text": "How does Muntz die?" }, { "_id": 968, "text": "What did Carl give to Russell for his final merit badge?" }, { "_id": 969, "text": "In what city does Yorick begin his travels?" }, { "_id": 970, "text": "What does Yorick trade with the monk in Calais?" }, { "_id": 971, "text": "Who is La Fleur to Yorick?" }, { "_id": 972, "text": "Why is Yorick concerned when the police show up at his hotel in Paris?" }, { "_id": 973, "text": "What does Yorick use to attempt to identify himself to the Count?" }, { "_id": 974, "text": "Who does Yorick decide to visit on his way to Italy?" }, { "_id": 975, "text": "Why is Maria sad?" }, { "_id": 976, "text": "What does \"fille de chambre\" mean?" }, { "_id": 977, "text": "Why does Yorick fight with the lady he shares a room with?" }, { "_id": 978, "text": "What does Yorick grab at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 979, "text": "What Shakespere play does the story mention?" }, { "_id": 980, "text": "What item did the Monk give to Yorick?" }, { "_id": 981, "text": "Why did Yorick require a passport?" }, { "_id": 982, "text": "Who was Yorick mistaken for?" }, { "_id": 983, "text": "How did Yorick come to know Maria?" }, { "_id": 984, "text": "Why do you think Yorick was required to be silent through the night in the inn?" }, { "_id": 985, "text": "Who inquired after Yorick's passport?" }, { "_id": 986, "text": "Who accompanied Yorick on his trip?" }, { "_id": 987, "text": "In what general area was the inn Yorick stayed at located?" }, { "_id": 988, "text": "What is La Fleur hired to do?" }, { "_id": 989, "text": "Who was England at war with?" }, { "_id": 990, "text": "Where does Yorick acquire his passport?" }, { "_id": 991, "text": "Why was Maria stuck in grief? " }, { "_id": 992, "text": "Who does Yorick have to share a room with at the inn?" }, { "_id": 993, "text": "What died Yorick promise the lady at the inn?" }, { "_id": 994, "text": "What happened if you were caught without your passport?" }, { "_id": 995, "text": "What war was going on during this story?" }, { "_id": 996, "text": "What is Paul Barnell's occupation?" }, { "_id": 997, "text": "What does Paul find in a dumpster?" }, { "_id": 998, "text": "Who was responsible for putting the body in the dumpster?" }, { "_id": 999, "text": "What does Margaret medically suffer from?" }, { "_id": 1000, "text": "What does Paul wish to inherit from his missing brother?" }, { "_id": 1001, "text": "What is Ted Waters' occupation?" }, { "_id": 1002, "text": "Who do the mafia hitmen take hostage?" }, { "_id": 1003, "text": "Who beats up Paul?" }, { "_id": 1004, "text": "What does Raymond demand from Paul?" }, { "_id": 1005, "text": "What does Paul end up doing for Margaret with the insurance money?" }, { "_id": 1006, "text": "What did travel agent Paul Barnell found in a dumpster?" }, { "_id": 1007, "text": "Who was responsible for the body found the travel agent?" }, { "_id": 1008, "text": "Paul Barnell's wife is suffering from what kind of illness?" }, { "_id": 1009, "text": "Why do Mafia hitmen want to get the corpse?" }, { "_id": 1010, "text": "What did the Mafia hitmen do to make sure they will get the body?" }, { "_id": 1011, "text": "How did Paul and Margaret use the money?" }, { "_id": 1012, "text": "For what purpose Paul committed fraud?" }, { "_id": 1013, "text": "Margaret was saved from getting killed by which item that stopped the bullet?" }, { "_id": 1014, "text": "Who killed Raymond?" }, { "_id": 1015, "text": "When Paul's brother returned, what did he demand from him?" }, { "_id": 1016, "text": "What did Paul Barnell found in a dumpster?" }, { "_id": 1017, "text": "Who left the dead body in a dumpster?" }, { "_id": 1018, "text": "Who was Margaret?" }, { "_id": 1019, "text": "What kind of disease Margaret had?" }, { "_id": 1020, "text": "Who was Ted Waters?" }, { "_id": 1021, "text": "Who was Tiffany?" }, { "_id": 1022, "text": "How much Paul collected for his brother life insurance?" }, { "_id": 1023, "text": "Who was Raymond?" }, { "_id": 1024, "text": "Who shot Raymond?" }, { "_id": 1025, "text": "What kind of vacation Paul took Margaret?" }, { "_id": 1026, "text": "What is the name of the police officer who visits Walter?" }, { "_id": 1027, "text": "Walter lives across the street from what?" }, { "_id": 1028, "text": "What is Robin's favorite hobby?" }, { "_id": 1029, "text": "What makes Walter realize the pain he caused his victims?" }, { "_id": 1030, "text": "Who defends Walter against the workers of the mill?" }, { "_id": 1031, "text": "At the start of the story, how does Walter justify his crimes?" }, { "_id": 1032, "text": "On his way home from the park, what does Walter see?" }, { "_id": 1033, "text": "What does Walter do when he sees the man dropping the boy off at the school at night?" }, { "_id": 1034, "text": "Where does Walter work? " }, { "_id": 1035, "text": "What does Walter accept at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 1036, "text": "What crime was Walter convicted of?" }, { "_id": 1037, "text": "Where does Walter live at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 1038, "text": "Who is Lucas?" }, { "_id": 1039, "text": "What realization does Walter come to about Candy at the elementary school playground?" }, { "_id": 1040, "text": "How is Walter's life made more difficult?" }, { "_id": 1041, "text": "What does Walter find out about Robin?" }, { "_id": 1042, "text": "What does Walter do to Candy when he witnesses him drop a boy off at the school late at night?" }, { "_id": 1043, "text": "Why does Lucas visit Walter's apartment?" }, { "_id": 1044, "text": "Who is Walter reunited with?" }, { "_id": 1045, "text": "What crime was Candy wanted for in Virginia?" }, { "_id": 1046, "text": "What crime did Walter commit?" }, { "_id": 1047, "text": "Who is molesting Robin?" }, { "_id": 1048, "text": "What nickname does Walter give the other child molester?" }, { "_id": 1049, "text": "Why does Walter beat Candy?" }, { "_id": 1050, "text": "Who is still speaking to Walter?" }, { "_id": 1051, "text": "Where does Walter meet Vicki?" }, { "_id": 1052, "text": "What happens when his coworkers at the mill find out who he is?" }, { "_id": 1053, "text": "Where does Walter move?" }, { "_id": 1054, "text": "Why is Walter's apartment in a bad location?" }, { "_id": 1055, "text": "Who kidnaps Dorothy Vaneman?" }, { "_id": 1056, "text": "How is Dorothy connected to Dick Seaton?" }, { "_id": 1057, "text": "What is the name of the tool that Seaton uses to follow DuQuesene's spaceship?" }, { "_id": 1058, "text": "What is the cluster of stars that they entered nicknamed?" }, { "_id": 1059, "text": "What is the name of Seaton's millionaire friend?" }, { "_id": 1060, "text": "What is the name of Seaton and Crane's spaceship?" }, { "_id": 1061, "text": "What is the name of the planet that has the copper sulfate oceans?" }, { "_id": 1062, "text": "Which faction of natives on the Osnome planet does Seaton and his friends befriend first?" }, { "_id": 1063, "text": "Who eventually helps Seaton and his friends to rebuild their ship to get Seaton and his friends back to Earth?" }, { "_id": 1064, "text": "How does DuQuesne leave the Skylark?" }, { "_id": 1065, "text": "What form of publication was Skylark of Space originally published in 1928?" }, { "_id": 1066, "text": "Who is an antagonist opposing Dick Seaton, the protagonist of Skylark of Space?" }, { "_id": 1067, "text": "What element makes workable space drive combining with pure copper?" }, { "_id": 1068, "text": "Who kidnap Dick Seaton's fiancee, Dorothy Vaneman?" }, { "_id": 1069, "text": "What equipment always points to an object when locked on to that object?" }, { "_id": 1070, "text": "What is the name of spaceship Dick Seaton and Martin Crane piloted?" }, { "_id": 1071, "text": "What name is cluster of stars where a planet with copper sulfate oceans located?" }, { "_id": 1072, "text": "What is another faction of Earth like planet Osnome beside Mardonale?" }, { "_id": 1073, "text": "What is the name of prince whose faction rebuild Skylark into Skylark Two?" }, { "_id": 1074, "text": "Who does Martin Crane marry to?" }, { "_id": 1075, "text": "How does seaton discover a workable space drive?" }, { "_id": 1076, "text": "Who generated the field that seaton realized he needed after failing to recreate the effect?" }, { "_id": 1077, "text": "Who is seaton's millionaire friend?" }, { "_id": 1078, "text": "Seaton and Martin create a business to do what ?" }, { "_id": 1079, "text": "What is the name of the spaceship seaton and Martin create?" }, { "_id": 1080, "text": "Why did Seaton and Duquesne have to act as \"one party\"?" }, { "_id": 1081, "text": "What mineral did they find on the Earth like exoplanet?" }, { "_id": 1082, "text": "What was the name of the cluster of stars they encountered ?" }, { "_id": 1083, "text": "After being betrayed by the Mardonale ruler Seaton befriends whom, who later helps him defeat the Mardonale ruler?" }, { "_id": 1084, "text": "At the end of the story where does the Skylark land?" }, { "_id": 1085, "text": "How much money did Frank turn down for the out of court settlement?" }, { "_id": 1086, "text": "Who gives Frank the case?" }, { "_id": 1087, "text": "Where did Frank graduate from?" }, { "_id": 1088, "text": "What was Frank framed for by the law firms senior partner?" }, { "_id": 1089, "text": "Who is the nurse that testifies?" }, { "_id": 1090, "text": "Why is Frank angry at Laura?" }, { "_id": 1091, "text": "What was the surgeon's mistake?" }, { "_id": 1092, "text": "Why was Micky looking through Laura's purse?" }, { "_id": 1093, "text": "Where does Frank meet Laura?" }, { "_id": 1094, "text": "Who wins the case?" }, { "_id": 1095, "text": "What is Frank Galvin's profession before?" }, { "_id": 1096, "text": "What was Frank framed for?" }, { "_id": 1097, "text": "What addiction does Frank suffer from?" }, { "_id": 1098, "text": "Where does Frank meet Laura?" }, { "_id": 1099, "text": "What does Frank find in Laura's purse?" }, { "_id": 1100, "text": "How much is the settlement that Frank turns down from the Bishop?" }, { "_id": 1101, "text": "What occupation is the client's nurse involved in currently?" }, { "_id": 1102, "text": "Who becomes Frank's main witness in the case?" }, { "_id": 1103, "text": "What is Micky's relationship to Frank?" }, { "_id": 1104, "text": "What number is the nurse Kaitlin advised to change the number \"one\" to in the hospital admitting records?" }, { "_id": 1105, "text": "What is Frank Galvin's profession?" }, { "_id": 1106, "text": "From what addiction does Frank now suffer?" }, { "_id": 1107, "text": "What was Frank framed for?" }, { "_id": 1108, "text": "What does Frank's friend Mickey refer to Frank? " }, { "_id": 1109, "text": "Who attempts to get Frank to settle out of court?" }, { "_id": 1110, "text": "Who becomes Frank's star witness?" }, { "_id": 1111, "text": "What did the attending doctors instruct Kaitlin Costello do?" }, { "_id": 1112, "text": "Who asked nurse Kaitlin to change hospital records?" }, { "_id": 1113, "text": "Who does Frank hit when he thinks he has been betrayed?" }, { "_id": 1114, "text": "Who does the jury find for in the case?" }, { "_id": 1115, "text": "WHAT WAS WILLIAM BENHAM'S BIOLOGICAL FATHER'S OCCUPATION?" }, { "_id": 1116, "text": "WHO WAS THE LADY MARAYNE TO WILLIAM BENHAM?" }, { "_id": 1117, "text": "WHO DID BENHAM'S MOTHER LEAVE HIS FATHER FOR?" }, { "_id": 1118, "text": "WHO DID WILLIAM BENHAM INHERIT HIS FORTUNE FROM?" }, { "_id": 1119, "text": "WHO IS AMANDA TO BENHAM?" }, { "_id": 1120, "text": "WHO IS PROTHERO TO BENHAM?" }, { "_id": 1121, "text": "ON WHAT CONTINENT IS BENHAM KILLED?" }, { "_id": 1122, "text": "HOW IS BENHAM KILLED?" }, { "_id": 1123, "text": "WHAT PROMISE DID WHITE GIVE TO THE DYING BENHAM?" }, { "_id": 1124, "text": "Who was Benham father?" }, { "_id": 1125, "text": "Who left part of his fourtune to Ms Benham?" }, { "_id": 1126, "text": "How did Ms Benham became Lady Marayne?" }, { "_id": 1127, "text": "What causes conflct beetween Benham and his mother?" }, { "_id": 1128, "text": "Who was Amanda?" }, { "_id": 1129, "text": "Why did Benham traveled the word?" }, { "_id": 1130, "text": "Who was Prothero?" }, { "_id": 1131, "text": "Where did Benham died?" }, { "_id": 1132, "text": "How did Benham died?" }, { "_id": 1133, "text": "Who has lived a devoted yet complicated life?" }, { "_id": 1134, "text": "Who made a promise to see after?" }, { "_id": 1135, "text": "What are an indigestible aggregation?" }, { "_id": 1136, "text": "What was Benhams father's occupation?" }, { "_id": 1137, "text": "Who does Benham's mother leave for?" }, { "_id": 1138, "text": "Where is the surgeon from?" }, { "_id": 1139, "text": "Who become a Cambrdge Don?" }, { "_id": 1140, "text": "What country does Benham meet amanda?" }, { "_id": 1141, "text": "Where does Benham try to stop soldiers ?" }, { "_id": 1142, "text": "What did the sign in the store read?" }, { "_id": 1143, "text": "Which group did Mohammed Ali Paula Abdul Rahim lead?" }, { "_id": 1144, "text": "Who was the son of Santa?" }, { "_id": 1145, "text": "Which holidays did Damian want to destroy?" }, { "_id": 1146, "text": "How many years was there peace between religions?" }, { "_id": 1147, "text": "Where did the final battle occur?" }, { "_id": 1148, "text": "Who did Damian murder?" }, { "_id": 1149, "text": "Who did Mordechai fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 1150, "text": "Who stepped on Mordechai's toy?" }, { "_id": 1151, "text": "How did Mordechai cheer himself up?" }, { "_id": 1152, "text": "What is the religion of the main character Mordechai?" }, { "_id": 1153, "text": "What does Santa Claus do to Mordechai's toy?" }, { "_id": 1154, "text": "What is Mordechai's grown-up nickname?" }, { "_id": 1155, "text": "What two holidays does Damian despise?" }, { "_id": 1156, "text": "What group celebrates Kwanzaa?" }, { "_id": 1157, "text": "What group celebrates Hanukkah?" }, { "_id": 1158, "text": "What Jewish toy is Mordechai playing with that is crushed?" }, { "_id": 1159, "text": "Where does the final battle take place between Mordechai and Damian?" }, { "_id": 1160, "text": "What action did Mordechai perform to cheer himself up?" }, { "_id": 1161, "text": "Why was Christmas a hard time for Mordechai?" }, { "_id": 1162, "text": "What holiday did Mordechai celebrate instead of Christmas?" }, { "_id": 1163, "text": "When Mordechai grew up, what was his nicname?" }, { "_id": 1164, "text": "Who was Esther Bloomenbergensteinenthal?" }, { "_id": 1165, "text": "Who was Esther Bloomenbergensteinenthal's father?" }, { "_id": 1166, "text": "What kind of a demeanor did Mordechai have as an adult?" }, { "_id": 1167, "text": "How did the Jewish community look at him?" }, { "_id": 1168, "text": "Why was the first Santa rude to Mordechai?" }, { "_id": 1169, "text": "What did the first Santa do to Mordechai?" }, { "_id": 1170, "text": "In which country does the setting of this story take place?" }, { "_id": 1171, "text": "Who eventually gets the operation that gives him sight?" }, { "_id": 1172, "text": "Florentia is mistaken as whom by Marianela?" }, { "_id": 1173, "text": "What does La Nela do after she admits that it is her?" }, { "_id": 1174, "text": "Who does Pablo accidentally propose to?" }, { "_id": 1175, "text": "What happened to La Nela before she is taken in?" }, { "_id": 1176, "text": "Who does Pablo promise to marry?" }, { "_id": 1177, "text": "What happens when La Nela kisses Pablo's had the third time?" }, { "_id": 1178, "text": "Why does La Nela die?" }, { "_id": 1179, "text": "What happens to Pablo when La Nela dies?" }, { "_id": 1180, "text": "What philosopher is the Spanish town named after?" }, { "_id": 1181, "text": "Who does Nela love?" }, { "_id": 1182, "text": "What is Pablo's disability?" }, { "_id": 1183, "text": "What is Marianela's physical set back?" }, { "_id": 1184, "text": "Who is Pablo promised to in marriage?" }, { "_id": 1185, "text": "What is Florentina's familial relationship to Pablo?" }, { "_id": 1186, "text": "Who does Marianela first believe Florentina is?" }, { "_id": 1187, "text": "What doctor cures Pablo's blindness?" }, { "_id": 1188, "text": "What does Marianela die from?" }, { "_id": 1189, "text": "Who does Pablo eventually propose to?" }, { "_id": 1190, "text": "Where does the novel take place?" }, { "_id": 1191, "text": "Why does Pablo believe that Nela is beautiful?" }, { "_id": 1192, "text": "Why does Pablo's fathet consult a famous doctor?" }, { "_id": 1193, "text": "Who is Florentina?" }, { "_id": 1194, "text": "What does Pablo promise La Nela he would do when he was cured?" }, { "_id": 1195, "text": "What does Nela try to convince Pablo of about herself?" }, { "_id": 1196, "text": "How does Nela react when she learns Pablo proposed to Florentina?" }, { "_id": 1197, "text": "Who does Nela believe Florentina is when she first sees het?" }, { "_id": 1198, "text": "What is Pablo's reaction when he sees Nela for the first time?" }, { "_id": 1199, "text": "What does Nela die from?" }, { "_id": 1200, "text": "Who does Conan want to make his queen?" }, { "_id": 1201, "text": "Which land was Conan king of?" }, { "_id": 1202, "text": "Whose heart does Conan want to retrieve?" }, { "_id": 1203, "text": "What do the conspirators resort towards to get rid of Conan?" }, { "_id": 1204, "text": "Who is the heir to Numedides?" }, { "_id": 1205, "text": "Which army defeats the Aquilonian army?" }, { "_id": 1206, "text": "Who do the conspirators resurrect?" }, { "_id": 1207, "text": "What was going to be done to Conan after he was captured?" }, { "_id": 1208, "text": "Which empire is Xaltotun from?" }, { "_id": 1209, "text": "Which slave risks their life to save Conan?" }, { "_id": 1210, "text": "Where is Conan placed after he loses in the battle? " }, { "_id": 1211, "text": "Who becomes King of Aquilonia? " }, { "_id": 1212, "text": "Who does the group of conspirators want to replace Conan with?" }, { "_id": 1213, "text": "Valerius was supposed to be the next ruler after who? " }, { "_id": 1214, "text": "Who killed Numedides?" }, { "_id": 1215, "text": "Who gets resurrected to fight Conan? " }, { "_id": 1216, "text": "Who defeats the Aquilonian army?" }, { "_id": 1217, "text": "What does Conan intend to do with Zenobia? " }, { "_id": 1218, "text": "What does Conan set out to capture? " }, { "_id": 1219, "text": "When defeated in battle where is Conan placed? " }, { "_id": 1220, "text": "Why do the people of Aquilonian riot?" }, { "_id": 1221, "text": "About what age is Conan?" }, { "_id": 1222, "text": "Why do conspirators want to depose Conan?" }, { "_id": 1223, "text": "Who was Conan's predecessor as king?" }, { "_id": 1224, "text": "Who killed Numedides?" }, { "_id": 1225, "text": "What form of magic is used to resurrect Xaltotun?" }, { "_id": 1226, "text": "What is the name of the kingdom that defeats the Aquilonian army?" }, { "_id": 1227, "text": "Conan travel into what lands on his Quest for the Heart of Ahriman?" }, { "_id": 1228, "text": "Whom does Conan vow to make his Queen?" }, { "_id": 1229, "text": "Why is Thor stripped of his powers?" }, { "_id": 1230, "text": "Where on Earth does Thor land?" }, { "_id": 1231, "text": "Who is Odin?" }, { "_id": 1232, "text": "Who does Thor find romance with?" }, { "_id": 1233, "text": "What is revealed about Loki?" }, { "_id": 1234, "text": "Who becomes king while Odin sleeps?" }, { "_id": 1235, "text": "Where does Thor discover his Mjolnir?" }, { "_id": 1236, "text": "Why does Thor leave Earth?" }, { "_id": 1237, "text": "Who falls into the abyss?" }, { "_id": 1238, "text": "Who searches for a way back to Asgard?" }, { "_id": 1239, "text": "What do the Asgardians take from the Frost Giants?" }, { "_id": 1240, "text": "What stops Thor's ascendancy to king of Asgard?" }, { "_id": 1241, "text": "What does Thor do that angers his father Odin?" }, { "_id": 1242, "text": "What is Odin's punishment for Thor?" }, { "_id": 1243, "text": "What does Loki find out?" }, { "_id": 1244, "text": "What does Loki promise Laufey?" }, { "_id": 1245, "text": "What happens when the Warriors Three arrive on Earth?" }, { "_id": 1246, "text": "What was Loki's real plan?" }, { "_id": 1247, "text": "How does Thor thwart Loki's plan?" }, { "_id": 1248, "text": "What does Selvig find at a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility?" }, { "_id": 1249, "text": "In what year dos Odin wage war against the Frost Giants?" }, { "_id": 1250, "text": "Who is the leader of the Frost Giants?" }, { "_id": 1251, "text": "What is the source of the Frost Giants power?" }, { "_id": 1252, "text": "To where does Thor travel to confront Laufey?" }, { "_id": 1253, "text": "To where does Odin Exil Thor?" }, { "_id": 1254, "text": "Where does Thor land on Earth?" }, { "_id": 1255, "text": "Who is Loki to Laufey?" }, { "_id": 1256, "text": "Laufey is killed by whom?" }, { "_id": 1257, "text": "Who is the gatekeeper of the Bifrost?" }, { "_id": 1258, "text": "What is the name of the sleep Odin falls into?" }, { "_id": 1259, "text": "Why is Landon being threatened with expulsion?" }, { "_id": 1260, "text": "What does Jamie's father do for a living?" }, { "_id": 1261, "text": "What does Landon ask Jamie for help with?" }, { "_id": 1262, "text": "Why does Jamie start avoiding Landon?" }, { "_id": 1263, "text": "Where does Landon take Jamie on their first date?" }, { "_id": 1264, "text": "What illness does Jamie suffer from?" }, { "_id": 1265, "text": "What gift does Jamie give Landon?" }, { "_id": 1266, "text": "Who ends up paying for Jamie's home care?" }, { "_id": 1267, "text": "What happens to Jamie at the end of Summer?" }, { "_id": 1268, "text": "Why does Landon visit Jamie's father 4 years later?" }, { "_id": 1269, "text": "Where is this story taking place?" }, { "_id": 1270, "text": "What does Landon do after dies that reminds him of her?" }, { "_id": 1271, "text": "Why was Landon threaten with expulsion from school?" }, { "_id": 1272, "text": "After Landon finished college where did he go?" }, { "_id": 1273, "text": "What punishment did Landon choose for underage drinking and the prank on the student?" }, { "_id": 1274, "text": "What is Jamie's father name?" }, { "_id": 1275, "text": "What did Jamie start avoiding Landon?" }, { "_id": 1276, "text": "Who helps Landon build the telescope?" }, { "_id": 1277, "text": "Why did Jamie tell Landon that she had no plans for the future?" }, { "_id": 1278, "text": "While Jamie was in the hospital, what did she give Landon?" }, { "_id": 1279, "text": "On the opening night of the play, what does Landon do that is not in the script?" }, { "_id": 1280, "text": "Besides participating in the school play, what else does Landon do to avoid being expelled?" }, { "_id": 1281, "text": "What is the profession of Jamie's father?" }, { "_id": 1282, "text": "What does Jamie do in the play that shocks the audience?" }, { "_id": 1283, "text": "What is the reason Jamie says no when Landon asks her on a date?" }, { "_id": 1284, "text": "What physical ailment does Jamie have?" }, { "_id": 1285, "text": "What does Jamie give Landon that belonged to her mother?" }, { "_id": 1286, "text": "Who provides the money for Jamie's home health care?" }, { "_id": 1287, "text": "What does Landon ask Jamie the night they are looking at the comet?" }, { "_id": 1288, "text": "What is special about the church where Landon and Jamie got married?" }, { "_id": 1289, "text": "What is the name of the Irish mob boss whose cousin is a brain-damaged ex-boxer?" }, { "_id": 1290, "text": "How does Buggy Ding Dong die?" }, { "_id": 1291, "text": "Who do Burke and Stokes hire to kill Sheldon Mopes during an ice show?" }, { "_id": 1292, "text": "Who do Green's men mistakenly murder?" }, { "_id": 1293, "text": "Who is called the most hated man in America by the media?" }, { "_id": 1294, "text": "Randolph tricks Mopes into performing at what sort of rally?" }, { "_id": 1295, "text": "Who is Sheldon Mopes's agent?" }, { "_id": 1296, "text": "What character replaces the Rainbow Randolph character?" }, { "_id": 1297, "text": "Why is Randolph fired and his show cancelled?" }, { "_id": 1298, "text": "What is the name of the fictional network for children's television series?" }, { "_id": 1299, "text": "What favor did Randolph ask of Angelo after losing his job and home?" }, { "_id": 1300, "text": "What happens when Spinner gets mistaken for Mopes?" }, { "_id": 1301, "text": "What do Randolph and Buggy struggle over just before Buggy dies?" }, { "_id": 1302, "text": "What was Buggy Ding Dong hired to do?" }, { "_id": 1303, "text": "Why did Spinner have numerous head injuries with brain damage?" }, { "_id": 1304, "text": "Why is Mopes horrified when he learns that Burke signed him up to star in a Smoochy ice show?" }, { "_id": 1305, "text": "What does Tommy Cotter make Randolph do before beating him up and turning him in to the police?" }, { "_id": 1306, "text": "What happened after Randolph smashes Angelo's television in a fit of rage?" }, { "_id": 1307, "text": "How did Buggy die?" }, { "_id": 1308, "text": "What kind of snacks does Mopes plan to provide at the ice show?" }, { "_id": 1309, "text": "What causes The Rainbow Randolph Show get cancelled?" }, { "_id": 1310, "text": "Who refuses to help Randolph after he has been fired and is homeless?" }, { "_id": 1311, "text": "Who feels pity for Randolph and allows Randolph to stay with him?" }, { "_id": 1312, "text": "What favor does mob boss Tommy Cotter ask of Sheldon?" }, { "_id": 1313, "text": "How does Randolph get Sheldon fired from Kidnet?" }, { "_id": 1314, "text": "With whom does Sheldon engage in a romantic relationship?" }, { "_id": 1315, "text": "When Sheldon decides to join the ice show, where does he want the profits to go?" }, { "_id": 1316, "text": "Who do Burke and Stokes engage to get rid of Smoochy permanently?" }, { "_id": 1317, "text": "When Sheldon realizes that Burke and Stokes tried to have him killed, what does he do?" }, { "_id": 1318, "text": "For what reasons does Sheldon end up not shooting Burke?" }, { "_id": 1319, "text": "What is the initial relationship of Bob Wiley and Dr. Leo Marvin?" }, { "_id": 1320, "text": "Where do Leo and Bob go on vacation?" }, { "_id": 1321, "text": "Why are the Guttmans angry at Leo?" }, { "_id": 1322, "text": "Why does Leo try to have Bob committed to a mental institution?" }, { "_id": 1323, "text": "What did Leo write?" }, { "_id": 1324, "text": "Why was there black powder in the Marvins' vacation home?" }, { "_id": 1325, "text": "What causes Leo to go into a catatonic state?" }, { "_id": 1326, "text": "Who is Lily to Leo?" }, { "_id": 1327, "text": "Why does Leo's family not care about his objection to Bob and Lily's wedding?" }, { "_id": 1328, "text": "What does Bob do at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 1329, "text": "Where does Dr. Leo Marvin go on vacation to?" }, { "_id": 1330, "text": "What is the title of Dr. Marvin's novel?" }, { "_id": 1331, "text": "What is the last therapy that Leo uses on Bob?" }, { "_id": 1332, "text": "What television news show is doing a story on Dr. Marvin?" }, { "_id": 1333, "text": "Who is the couple with a grudge against Dr. Marvin?" }, { "_id": 1334, "text": "What is the first name of Dr. Marvin's wife?" }, { "_id": 1335, "text": "What are Leo Marvin's kids names?" }, { "_id": 1336, "text": "How does Dr. Marvin decide he's going to get rid of Bob?" }, { "_id": 1337, "text": "How does Bob escape Death Therapy?" }, { "_id": 1338, "text": "What causes Dr. Marvin to attack Bob?" }, { "_id": 1339, "text": "Why does Wiley go to see Marvin?" }, { "_id": 1340, "text": "What does Marvin give Wiley before going on vacation?" }, { "_id": 1341, "text": "How long does the psychiatrist plan to be in New Hampshire?" }, { "_id": 1342, "text": "When does Leo give Bob a prescription?" }, { "_id": 1343, "text": "Why do the Guttmans dislike Marvin?" }, { "_id": 1344, "text": "When does Wiley start to enjoy life again?" }, { "_id": 1345, "text": "Who came to interview Leo about Baby Steps?" }, { "_id": 1346, "text": "What does Fay do after Leo pushes Bob into the lake?" }, { "_id": 1347, "text": "How come the doctor attacked his patient?" }, { "_id": 1348, "text": "Which event caused Marvin to recover?" }, { "_id": 1349, "text": "What is Ming the Merciless going to use to destroy Earth?" }, { "_id": 1350, "text": "What football team does Flash Gordon play for?" }, { "_id": 1351, "text": "Who become the leaders in place of Ming?" }, { "_id": 1352, "text": "What deal does Ming offer Flash?" }, { "_id": 1353, "text": "What is Dale's job?" }, { "_id": 1354, "text": "What was protecting Mingo City?" }, { "_id": 1355, "text": "What item of jewelry does Ming use as a weapon?" }, { "_id": 1356, "text": "Who tells Ming that Flash is still alive?" }, { "_id": 1357, "text": "What is Ming planning to do with Dale?" }, { "_id": 1358, "text": "How does flash escape Sky City?" }, { "_id": 1359, "text": "What does Emperor Ming announce he will destroy?" }, { "_id": 1360, "text": "What hits the cockpit of the plane Gordon is on?" }, { "_id": 1361, "text": "Who owns the greenhouse?" }, { "_id": 1362, "text": "What is being done to moon?" }, { "_id": 1363, "text": "Where do Ming's troops capture them?" }, { "_id": 1364, "text": "What is the only way to penetrate Mingo City's lightning field?" }, { "_id": 1365, "text": "Who tries to Deactivate the field?" }, { "_id": 1366, "text": "Who does Ming turn his power against after it fails to work on Flash?" }, { "_id": 1367, "text": "Who does Barin name leader of their armies?" }, { "_id": 1368, "text": "Who tells the group they are free to stay in mongo?" }, { "_id": 1369, "text": "How does Emperor Ming plan on destroying the earth?" }, { "_id": 1370, "text": "What crashes into Flash Gordon's plane, killing the pilots?" }, { "_id": 1371, "text": "What has Hans Zarkov designed to investigate the natural disasters with?" }, { "_id": 1372, "text": "Where do Flash Gordon and Dale take the spacecraft to?" }, { "_id": 1373, "text": "Who captures Flash Gordon on the planet Mongo?" }, { "_id": 1374, "text": "What is Princess Aura's relationship to Ming?" }, { "_id": 1375, "text": "What does Klytus do to Zarkov?" }, { "_id": 1376, "text": "Who is attracted to Flash Gordon and plans an escape for Flash from planet Mongo?" }, { "_id": 1377, "text": "Where is Aura banished to by Ming upon capture?" }, { "_id": 1378, "text": "Where does Dale wish to return to at the end of the drama?" }, { "_id": 1379, "text": "Who did Theseus declare to be the winner?" }, { "_id": 1380, "text": "Who intervenes to kill Arcite?" }, { "_id": 1381, "text": "What is the name of the woman Palamon and Arcite fight over? " }, { "_id": 1382, "text": "What is the relationship between Palamon and Arcite?" }, { "_id": 1383, "text": "What is Theseus' title?" }, { "_id": 1384, "text": "Where is Emily when Palamon and Arcite both notice her?" }, { "_id": 1385, "text": "Why does Palamon have the \"right\" to woo Emily?" }, { "_id": 1386, "text": "What is Arcite's dying wish?" }, { "_id": 1387, "text": "What weapon is used to wound Palamon?" }, { "_id": 1388, "text": "How many men are in each army for Palamon and Arcite?" }, { "_id": 1389, "text": "How is Princess Emily related to the Duke of Athens?" }, { "_id": 1390, "text": "Who does Arcite compete against for the love of Emily?" }, { "_id": 1391, "text": "What does Arcite do after being put in exile in order to get closer to Emily?" }, { "_id": 1392, "text": "What does Theseus order Arcite and Palamon to do after he catches them dueling over Emily?" }, { "_id": 1393, "text": "What three gods do Emily, Palamon, and Arcite pray to before the tournament?" }, { "_id": 1394, "text": "What does Arcite tell Emily just before he dies?" }, { "_id": 1395, "text": "Who initially wins the battle between Palamon and Arcite?" }, { "_id": 1396, "text": "Which god intervenes and prevents Arcite from claiming the hand of Emily?" }, { "_id": 1397, "text": "How is Arcite killed after the tournament?" }, { "_id": 1398, "text": "What does the Great Chain of Love do, according to Aristotelian philosophy? " }, { "_id": 1399, "text": "What does Theseus do when he captures Palamon and Arcite?" }, { "_id": 1400, "text": "What month does Palamon catch sight of Emily?" }, { "_id": 1401, "text": "Who else falls in love with Emily besides Palamon?" }, { "_id": 1402, "text": "Why does Arcite return to Athens?" }, { "_id": 1403, "text": "How did Palamon escape prison?" }, { "_id": 1404, "text": "How many men do Arcite and Palamon each gather?" }, { "_id": 1405, "text": "What does Emily pray to Diana for?" }, { "_id": 1406, "text": "Who wounds Palamon with a sword?" }, { "_id": 1407, "text": "Who wins the battle to marry Emily?" }, { "_id": 1408, "text": "Who finally marries Emily?" }, { "_id": 1409, "text": "At first Captain Plume's Sergeant recruited at what town?" }, { "_id": 1410, "text": "Why did Worthy now think Melinda was adequate to marry after refusing to a year before? " }, { "_id": 1411, "text": "Who ruins Melinda's plans to annoy Worthy?" }, { "_id": 1412, "text": "Why do Sylvia and Melinda fight?" }, { "_id": 1413, "text": "Why do Worth and Brazen duel?" }, { "_id": 1414, "text": "How is the duel between Worthy and Brazen prevented?" }, { "_id": 1415, "text": "Who does Sylvia marry?" }, { "_id": 1416, "text": "What does Plume give to Brazen to compensate from missing out on wedding Melinda?" }, { "_id": 1417, "text": "Who does Melinda end up choosing for marriage?" }, { "_id": 1418, "text": "Who is in love with Sylvia?" }, { "_id": 1419, "text": "Who is in love with Sylvia's cousin?" }, { "_id": 1420, "text": "Where is this story located?" }, { "_id": 1421, "text": "What offer from Worthy was Melinda offended by?" }, { "_id": 1422, "text": "What infurriates Sylvia?" }, { "_id": 1423, "text": "Who does Lucy hope to Mary?" }, { "_id": 1424, "text": "Why does Sylvia leave the house of her father?" }, { "_id": 1425, "text": "Who is the fortune teller?" }, { "_id": 1426, "text": "Who does Worthy challenge to a duel at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 1427, "text": "Who does Plume give his recruits?" }, { "_id": 1428, "text": "Where is Captain Plume's Sergeant Kite recruiting?" }, { "_id": 1429, "text": "Who is Plume in love with?" }, { "_id": 1430, "text": "Who is in love with Sylvia's cousin Melinda?" }, { "_id": 1431, "text": "Who did Melinda accept an offer from to annoy Worthy?" }, { "_id": 1432, "text": "Who pretends to be Melinda hoping to marry Brazen?" }, { "_id": 1433, "text": "Why does Sylvia leave her father's house?" }, { "_id": 1434, "text": "What is Sylvia's father's name?" }, { "_id": 1435, "text": "Where does Sylvia tell her father she is going?" }, { "_id": 1436, "text": "Where does Sylvia really go after speaking to her father?" }, { "_id": 1437, "text": "Who does Sylvia dress as in Shrewsbury?" }, { "_id": 1438, "text": "What job does Bruce Nolan have?" }, { "_id": 1439, "text": "Who is promoted instead of Bruce?" }, { "_id": 1440, "text": "How did Bruce receive messages from God?" }, { "_id": 1441, "text": "What does Bruce train his dog to do using God's powers?" }, { "_id": 1442, "text": "Why does Grace, Bruce's girlfriend, get angry when they are out to dinner?" }, { "_id": 1443, "text": "What type of car does Bruce change his beat up car into?" }, { "_id": 1444, "text": "What happens to Bruce to return him to God?" }, { "_id": 1445, "text": "Who seduces Bruce at his celebration party?" }, { "_id": 1446, "text": "How does Bruce handle all the prayers he receives?" }, { "_id": 1447, "text": "Who is Bruce's employer?" }, { "_id": 1448, "text": "At the beginning of the story, what is Bruce's dream job?" }, { "_id": 1449, "text": "After being fired and facing other setbacks, who does Bruce blame?" }, { "_id": 1450, "text": "After receiving a message on his pager, where does Bruce meet God?" }, { "_id": 1451, "text": "While using his new powers, what does Bruce cause to fall nearby (without causing harm) at a cook off?" }, { "_id": 1452, "text": "Why was Grace angry when she heard about the promotion?" }, { "_id": 1453, "text": "What does Bruce create to address and respond to prayer requests?" }, { "_id": 1454, "text": "God tells Bruce he is only receiving prayer requests from what area?" }, { "_id": 1455, "text": "What does Susan do at Bruce's promotion party?" }, { "_id": 1456, "text": "Who does Bruce receive a prayer request from which states that she wishes for Bruce's success and well-being?" }, { "_id": 1457, "text": "After his recovery, what career does Bruce find himself in?" }, { "_id": 1458, "text": "Who does Bruce meet in the warehouse?" }, { "_id": 1459, "text": "Why does God give Bruce powers?" }, { "_id": 1460, "text": "What does Bruce create in order to recieve the prayers and respond to them? " }, { "_id": 1461, "text": "Where did God say Bruce was recieving prayers from?" }, { "_id": 1462, "text": "Bruce automatically grants everyone's prayers. What does this cause?" }, { "_id": 1463, "text": "What was Bruce's job before he got fired?" }, { "_id": 1464, "text": "What was one of Grace's prayer's?" }, { "_id": 1465, "text": "Which character did Bruce get fired from the News Station?" }, { "_id": 1466, "text": "Where do Bruce and Grace annouce their engagement?" }, { "_id": 1467, "text": "How does Bruce end up in the hospital? " }, { "_id": 1468, "text": "What is Judge Millers dog's name?" }, { "_id": 1469, "text": "What type of dog is he trained to be in Canada? " }, { "_id": 1470, "text": "What is the name of the dog that had to be shot?" }, { "_id": 1471, "text": "Who is the outdoors-man who noticed the dogs being poorly treated?" }, { "_id": 1472, "text": "What does John worn the trio about?" }, { "_id": 1473, "text": "How did the trio and neglected dogs die?" }, { "_id": 1474, "text": "What did Buck have to break to win the wager?" }, { "_id": 1475, "text": "What did Buck win?" }, { "_id": 1476, "text": "Who does Buck return as every year?" }, { "_id": 1477, "text": "How did Thornton die?" }, { "_id": 1478, "text": "What kind of dog is Buck?" }, { "_id": 1479, "text": "Who was Buck's very first owner in the story?" }, { "_id": 1480, "text": "Who kidnaps Buck from the Judge?" }, { "_id": 1481, "text": "Where is Buck shipped after being stolen and sold by the gardener's assistant?" }, { "_id": 1482, "text": "Who are the two French-Canadian Dispatchers that purchase Buck?" }, { "_id": 1483, "text": "Where do Francois and Perrault take Buck?" }, { "_id": 1484, "text": "What do Francois and Perrault train Buck to be?" }, { "_id": 1485, "text": "Who are the owners who mistreat and nearly starve Buck in the wilderness? " }, { "_id": 1486, "text": "Who saves Buck from Hal, Charles, and Mercedes?" }, { "_id": 1487, "text": "Who nurses Buck back to health and gains Buck's devotion as his last owner?" }, { "_id": 1488, "text": "Who owned Buck?" }, { "_id": 1489, "text": "Who stole the dog?" }, { "_id": 1490, "text": "Where does Buck become a sled dog?" }, { "_id": 1491, "text": "How does Buck become pack leader?" }, { "_id": 1492, "text": "Why was Dave shot?" }, { "_id": 1493, "text": "How was Back saved from drowning?" }, { "_id": 1494, "text": "What did Buck win from a bonanza king?" }, { "_id": 1495, "text": "Where was Buck when Thornton was killed?" }, { "_id": 1496, "text": "What happened to Back after he avenged Thornton's death?" }, { "_id": 1497, "text": "When does Buck go back to where Thornton was killed?" }, { "_id": 1498, "text": "What is Eve's real name?" }, { "_id": 1499, "text": "Who does Eve try to seduce?" }, { "_id": 1500, "text": "How does Eve say her husband died?" }, { "_id": 1501, "text": "Who discovers that Eve is lying about having been married?" }, { "_id": 1502, "text": "What part did Eve play in Footsteps on the Ceiling?" }, { "_id": 1503, "text": "What award did Eve receive for playing Cora?" }, { "_id": 1504, "text": "Who drops off the award at Eve's house?" }, { "_id": 1505, "text": "What is the name of the young girl who is asleep in Eve's apartment?" }, { "_id": 1506, "text": "What lie does Phoebe tell Eve?" }, { "_id": 1507, "text": "Who takes Eve backstage to meet Margo?" }, { "_id": 1508, "text": "Which award was Eve Harrington presented with?" }, { "_id": 1509, "text": "Where did Karen Richard's meet Eve for the first time?" }, { "_id": 1510, "text": "Who did Karen take Eve backstage to meet?" }, { "_id": 1511, "text": "What position is Eve hired to do by Margo?" }, { "_id": 1512, "text": "Who does Eve try to seduce?" }, { "_id": 1513, "text": "Who does Eve blackmail?" }, { "_id": 1514, "text": "Who does Karen meet for lunch in order to discuss Eve?" }, { "_id": 1515, "text": "What is Eve's real name?" }, { "_id": 1516, "text": "Who ends up blackmailing Eve?" }, { "_id": 1517, "text": "Who appears to be Eve's biggest fan?" }, { "_id": 1518, "text": "Who hires Eve after she followed them from San Fransisco to New York?" }, { "_id": 1519, "text": "Who did Eve try and seduce?" }, { "_id": 1520, "text": "What was the name of the character that Eve played in Footsteps on the Ceiling?" }, { "_id": 1521, "text": "Who does Eve conspire with (unsuspectingly) to try and get Margo to miss a performance?" }, { "_id": 1522, "text": "When Margo is introduced, what age has she just turned?" }, { "_id": 1523, "text": "What award does Eve receive for her performance in Footsteps on the Ceiling?" }, { "_id": 1524, "text": "What is Eve's real name?" }, { "_id": 1525, "text": "Who does Eve plan to marry after he supposedly professed his love?" }, { "_id": 1526, "text": "What is the name of the high school girl who slipped into Eve's apartment?" }, { "_id": 1527, "text": "Who comes over and gives Phoebe the award at Eve's house?" }, { "_id": 1528, "text": "Who proposes to Mary Masters?" }, { "_id": 1529, "text": "Why doesn't Mary Masters tell Reginald how she feels?" }, { "_id": 1530, "text": "Why does Arabella Trefoil want to marry Lord Rufford instead of John Morton?" }, { "_id": 1531, "text": "Who does Arabella Trefoil agree to marry after John Morton dies?" }, { "_id": 1532, "text": "What is mounser Green's official title? " }, { "_id": 1533, "text": "What does Mary Master's fear upon learning that Reginald Morton has become the new squire?" }, { "_id": 1534, "text": "What is the fictional state that U.S. Senator Elias Gotobed represents?" }, { "_id": 1535, "text": "What county does this story represent?" }, { "_id": 1536, "text": "Who does Mary Master's stepmother want her to marry?" }, { "_id": 1537, "text": "Whose parents are unofficially separated? " }, { "_id": 1538, "text": "What are Mary Masters' feelings toward Lawrence Twentyman?" }, { "_id": 1539, "text": "Who is it that Mary secretly admires?" }, { "_id": 1540, "text": "Why doesn't Reginald initially propose marriage to Mary?" }, { "_id": 1541, "text": "Where do Arabella Trefoil and her mother live?" }, { "_id": 1542, "text": "What is Arabella's marital goal?" }, { "_id": 1543, "text": "What happens to John Morton to make him unable to marry Arabella?" }, { "_id": 1544, "text": "What does Mounser Green offer Arabella?" }, { "_id": 1545, "text": "When John Morton dies, how does that affect Reginald Morton's status?" }, { "_id": 1546, "text": "How do things resolve between Reginald and Mary?" }, { "_id": 1547, "text": "What is the tone of this piece? " }, { "_id": 1548, "text": "Who is the protagonist in this story? " }, { "_id": 1549, "text": "Why does Mary's step-mother want her to marry Lawrence Twentyman? " }, { "_id": 1550, "text": "Who does Arabella marry after John Morton dies? " }, { "_id": 1551, "text": "Who does Mary admire? " }, { "_id": 1552, "text": "Who is The American Senator?" }, { "_id": 1553, "text": "Where does Arabella live? " }, { "_id": 1554, "text": "What is the setting of this novel? " }, { "_id": 1555, "text": "Who is the anti-hero of this story? " }, { "_id": 1556, "text": "Who is the struggle between in this story? " }, { "_id": 1557, "text": "What is Laura Brennan's sentence for allegedly killing her boss?" }, { "_id": 1558, "text": "What was the murder weapon?" }, { "_id": 1559, "text": "What does Laura do in prison because she cannot cope?" }, { "_id": 1560, "text": "What is Laura's husband's job?" }, { "_id": 1561, "text": "In what city is Laura's prison?" }, { "_id": 1562, "text": "Why does John consult with Damon Pennington?" }, { "_id": 1563, "text": "How does John get Laura transferred to a hospital?" }, { "_id": 1564, "text": "Where do John and Laura go to pick up Luke?" }, { "_id": 1565, "text": "From what U.S. city do John and Laura enter into Canada?" }, { "_id": 1566, "text": "Is Laura innocent?" }, { "_id": 1567, "text": "What weapon was used to kill Lara Brennan's boss?" }, { "_id": 1568, "text": "How do John, Lara, and Luke avoid being caught by the police who are searching for \"a couple and a child\"?" }, { "_id": 1569, "text": "What happened to the button that Lara Brennan lost the night of her boss' murder?" }, { "_id": 1570, "text": "Why was John unable to break Lara out of the first prison facility that she was in?" }, { "_id": 1571, "text": "At the beginning of the story, what does Lara Brennan do to avoid spending the rest of her life in prison?" }, { "_id": 1572, "text": "Where did John and Lara meet back up with Luke?" }, { "_id": 1573, "text": "Who advised John that evading the police would be more difficult than the initial escape?" }, { "_id": 1574, "text": "What does John sell to raise funds for the initial escape plan?" }, { "_id": 1575, "text": "Instead of robbing a bank, how does John ultimately get money?" }, { "_id": 1576, "text": "Why was Lara transferred to a hospital?" }, { "_id": 1577, "text": "Who did John and Lara pick up to get them through the police checkpoints during their escape?" }, { "_id": 1578, "text": "What was Lara's husband's profession?" }, { "_id": 1579, "text": "At the end, what country is the family in?" }, { "_id": 1580, "text": "What was the murder weapon used to kill Lara's boss?" }, { "_id": 1581, "text": "Where is John and Lara finally able to make their escape?" }, { "_id": 1582, "text": "Who actually killed Lara's boss?" }, { "_id": 1583, "text": "John and Lara crossed the border into what country to escape?" }, { "_id": 1584, "text": "What is the name of the man who John consults for advice on breaking out of prison?" }, { "_id": 1585, "text": "The evidence includes what being found on Lara's overcoat?" }, { "_id": 1586, "text": "What piece of evidence does the detective miss in the storm drain?" }, { "_id": 1587, "text": "Which four children are released from the Isle of the Lost?" }, { "_id": 1588, "text": "What is the children's secret plan?" }, { "_id": 1589, "text": "Who does Mal give a cookie laced with a love potion to?" }, { "_id": 1590, "text": "What team does Jay join at school?" }, { "_id": 1591, "text": "Who does Mal improve the looks of with her mother's spell book?" }, { "_id": 1592, "text": "Who takes the wand from the Fairy Godmother at the coronation?" }, { "_id": 1593, "text": "What happens when Jane takes her mother's wand?" }, { "_id": 1594, "text": "What does Malificent turn into when the kids defy her?" }, { "_id": 1595, "text": "What do the kids turn the dragon Malificent into?" }, { "_id": 1596, "text": "Who returns the fairy Godmother's wand?" }, { "_id": 1597, "text": "What does Mal urge the four childre to steal when they arrive in Aurodon?" }, { "_id": 1598, "text": "How does Evie locate the wand?" }, { "_id": 1599, "text": "What does Dopey's son Doug encourage Evie to do regarding her wish to impress Chad?" }, { "_id": 1600, "text": "How does Mal improve Jane and Lonnie's looks?" }, { "_id": 1601, "text": "What happens during Ben's crowning at Jane's hand?" }, { "_id": 1602, "text": "Who is the school's headmistress?" }, { "_id": 1603, "text": "What does Maleficent transform into at the ceremony?" }, { "_id": 1604, "text": "What conflicts Mal on her first date with Ben?" }, { "_id": 1605, "text": "How many years after Belle and The Beast established Aurodon did Ben ascend to the throne?" }, { "_id": 1606, "text": "Which school team was Jay recruited to be a part of?" }, { "_id": 1607, "text": "Where are the lawbreakers of the United States of Auradon sent?" }, { "_id": 1608, "text": "What does Maleficent instruct Carlos, Jay, Evie and Mal to do when they visit Auradon?" }, { "_id": 1609, "text": "What happens when Mal bakes a cookie and gives it to Ben?" }, { "_id": 1610, "text": "What is in the brownie Mal gives Ben?" }, { "_id": 1611, "text": "What happens when Jane takes her mother's wand?" }, { "_id": 1612, "text": "What important decision does Mal make during her time in Auradon?" }, { "_id": 1613, "text": "What does Maleficent do at Ben's coronation ceremony?" }, { "_id": 1614, "text": "What creature is Maleficent turned into by the four children from the Isle?" }, { "_id": 1615, "text": "Who returns the Fairy Godmother's wand?" }, { "_id": 1616, "text": "What does Mal use her mother's spinning wheel to do?" }, { "_id": 1617, "text": "What is established after the wedding of Belle and the Beast?" }, { "_id": 1618, "text": "Who is electing king and queen?" }, { "_id": 1619, "text": "Where are the kingdoms villains imprisoned?" }, { "_id": 1620, "text": "What is suspended on the Isle of the Lost?" }, { "_id": 1621, "text": "Which throne is Ben to ascend?" }, { "_id": 1622, "text": "Who is ben going to allow to live in Auradon?" }, { "_id": 1623, "text": "What does Maleficent want the 4 children to steal?" }, { "_id": 1624, "text": "Who is Maleficent's daughter?" }, { "_id": 1625, "text": "Who is Ben's girlfriend?" }, { "_id": 1626, "text": "What does Maleficent transform into when defied?" }, { "_id": 1627, "text": "What happens as Benjamin Button ages chronologically?" }, { "_id": 1628, "text": "What is Caroline's relationship to Bejamin?" }, { "_id": 1629, "text": "What disater hits New Orleans right before Daisy dies?" }, { "_id": 1630, "text": "What professiion did Daisy partake in before having a car accident?" }, { "_id": 1631, "text": "In what war does Benjamin Button serve?" }, { "_id": 1632, "text": "With whom does Benjamin have an affair with?" }, { "_id": 1633, "text": "Where does Benjamin Button eventually die?" }, { "_id": 1634, "text": "What life stage is Benjamin Button at when he passes away?" }, { "_id": 1635, "text": "How old is Benjamin when he dies?" }, { "_id": 1636, "text": "What type of family business does Benjamin eventually inherit?" }, { "_id": 1637, "text": "Which character is on their deathbed at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 1638, "text": "What is Daisy Fuller's daughters name?" }, { "_id": 1639, "text": "What woman decides to care for the baby left at the nursing home?" }, { "_id": 1640, "text": "What is the main characters name?" }, { "_id": 1641, "text": "Who does Benjamin meet on Thanksgiving?" }, { "_id": 1642, "text": "Who does Benjamin have an affair with?" }, { "_id": 1643, "text": "In what city does Benjamin reunite with Queenie?" }, { "_id": 1644, "text": "What do Benjamin and Daisy do soon after falling in love?" }, { "_id": 1645, "text": "Whose arms does Benjamin die in?" }, { "_id": 1646, "text": "Who was Carolines father?" }, { "_id": 1647, "text": "What catastrophic event is occurring that makes Daisy Fuller ask her daughter to read a story?" }, { "_id": 1648, "text": "In 1925, Benjamin declares that a miracle happened because he was previously not able to do what?" }, { "_id": 1649, "text": "Why does Daisy tell Benjamin to stay out of his life?" }, { "_id": 1650, "text": "Why do Benjamin and Daisy continue to see each other?" }, { "_id": 1651, "text": "What relationship does Benjamin have with one of the men on the tugboats?" }, { "_id": 1652, "text": "Why is Benjamin a special person?" }, { "_id": 1653, "text": "Daisy dies before what catastrophic event?" }, { "_id": 1654, "text": "Why does Benjamin leave Daisy when she tells him about Caroline? " }, { "_id": 1655, "text": "What disease does the story mention that Benjamin had prior to his death?" }, { "_id": 1656, "text": "Who does wells say is the first King he ever met?" }, { "_id": 1657, "text": "What was the title of the second part of War and the Future, which was written in 1916?" }, { "_id": 1658, "text": "Who does wells criticize for their \"mental rigidity\"?" }, { "_id": 1659, "text": "What was the name of the short story in which Wells says he described a tank?" }, { "_id": 1660, "text": "When did Wells think was the latest the war would end?" }, { "_id": 1661, "text": "Who did wells think should undertake the responsibility of a peace settlement?" }, { "_id": 1662, "text": "What did Wells say had transformed war in a way that war professional were too slow to grasp?" }, { "_id": 1663, "text": "Andre Citroen gave a tour of what kind of factory?" }, { "_id": 1664, "text": "What kind of person did Wells say was willing to accept any kind of peace?" }, { "_id": 1665, "text": "How many parts is War and the Future divided into?" }, { "_id": 1666, "text": "What is the first part of the story called?" }, { "_id": 1667, "text": "Who does Wells sketch a portrait of in the first part of the story?" }, { "_id": 1668, "text": "Where does the second part of the story take place at?" }, { "_id": 1669, "text": "What country does the third part of the story take place in?" }, { "_id": 1670, "text": "What is the name of the third part?" }, { "_id": 1671, "text": "Who does Wells say developed tactics to defeat Germany?" }, { "_id": 1672, "text": "What soldiers does Wells praise?" }, { "_id": 1673, "text": "What does Wells claim changes the art of war?" }, { "_id": 1674, "text": "Who gave the tour in the third part that Wells describes?" }, { "_id": 1675, "text": "What is the name of the short story where Wells described a tank?" }, { "_id": 1676, "text": "Who was the great man of the passing of the Effigy war?" }, { "_id": 1677, "text": "What was Genaral Joffre quality?" }, { "_id": 1678, "text": "What was king of Italy lack of?" }, { "_id": 1679, "text": "What were British officers criticised for?" }, { "_id": 1680, "text": "What transform the art of war?" }, { "_id": 1681, "text": "What is the Yielding Pacifist?" }, { "_id": 1682, "text": "What responsibility should American should undertake?" }, { "_id": 1683, "text": "What is the most esential instrument of war?" }, { "_id": 1684, "text": "What will help allies defeat Germany?" }, { "_id": 1685, "text": "What are military professionals are too slow to get?" }, { "_id": 1686, "text": "Over what period of time does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 1687, "text": "What is the occupation of the four main characters?" }, { "_id": 1688, "text": "Blake tells the salesmen that the top two will get the Glengarry leads. What does he say will happen to the other two salesmen?" }, { "_id": 1689, "text": "Who admits to breaking into the office?" }, { "_id": 1690, "text": "Who does Levene say broke into the office with him?" }, { "_id": 1691, "text": "Who does Levene try to bribe for some leads?" }, { "_id": 1692, "text": "What excuse does Lingk use to try and cancel the deal he made on the first day?" }, { "_id": 1693, "text": "What did the salesmen find when they arrived at the office on the morning of the second day?" }, { "_id": 1694, "text": "What is wrong with Leven's daughter?" }, { "_id": 1695, "text": "Why does Williamson say he wants to crush Levene?" }, { "_id": 1696, "text": "Who is sent to motivate the salesman?" }, { "_id": 1697, "text": "Whose daughter has an unknown medical condition?" }, { "_id": 1698, "text": "Who does Shelley try to convince to get the Glengarry leads?" }, { "_id": 1699, "text": "What does Williamson want, in order to give away some of the Glengarry leads to Shelley?" }, { "_id": 1700, "text": "Who has told Lingk to cancel the deal? " }, { "_id": 1701, "text": "Who tells Lingk that his check has already been deposited?" }, { "_id": 1702, "text": "Who does William tell that he doesn't like him?" }, { "_id": 1703, "text": "Who talks to Levene about forming a business partnership?" }, { "_id": 1704, "text": "Who is in a long running slump?" }, { "_id": 1705, "text": "Who worked with Levene to steal the leads?" }, { "_id": 1706, "text": "This story is about how many real estate salesmen?" }, { "_id": 1707, "text": "Who owns Premier Properties?" }, { "_id": 1708, "text": "Whose daughter is sick in the hospital?" }, { "_id": 1709, "text": "What is the name of the office manager Shelley Levene tries to charm and bribe?" }, { "_id": 1710, "text": "How does Moss suggest they strike back at Mitch and Murray?" }, { "_id": 1711, "text": "Who does Ricky Roma talk with in the bar?" }, { "_id": 1712, "text": "Who tells James Lingk to cancel the deal?" }, { "_id": 1713, "text": "Who breaks into the office?" }, { "_id": 1714, "text": "Why does John Williamson want to ruin Shelley Levene?" }, { "_id": 1715, "text": "Who's office do the police use to interrogate the salesmen?" }, { "_id": 1716, "text": "Why does Cytherea Graye take on the lady's maid job?" }, { "_id": 1717, "text": "What is the profession of the man Cytherea is in love with?" }, { "_id": 1718, "text": "How did the first wife of Miss Adclyffe's illegitimate son die?" }, { "_id": 1719, "text": "When did Manston kill his wife?" }, { "_id": 1720, "text": "Who does Manston try to kidnap?" }, { "_id": 1721, "text": "Why did Manston introduce an imposter?" }, { "_id": 1722, "text": "Who stop Manston from kidnapping Cytherea?" }, { "_id": 1723, "text": "When did the wife of Manston leave the inn?" }, { "_id": 1724, "text": "Who kills Manston?" }, { "_id": 1725, "text": "Whose sibling is suffering from an illness?" }, { "_id": 1726, "text": "Which character is forced into poverty at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 1727, "text": "What job does Graye take to help her financial situation?" }, { "_id": 1728, "text": "Who is Grayes' employer?" }, { "_id": 1729, "text": "Who is the young architect that Grayes' loves?" }, { "_id": 1730, "text": "Whose hand does Grayes reluctantly take in marriage? " }, { "_id": 1731, "text": "Who is Grayes' brother?" }, { "_id": 1732, "text": "What is Edwards profession? " }, { "_id": 1733, "text": "Who suspects that Mrs. Manston is an imposter?" }, { "_id": 1734, "text": "Who suspected Aeneas Manston of murder?" }, { "_id": 1735, "text": "Where does Aeneas Manston commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 1736, "text": "Who did manston killed and why according to the poacher?" }, { "_id": 1737, "text": "Who heard the argument betwwen manston and his wife?" }, { "_id": 1738, "text": "Who commits sucide in the end and where?" }, { "_id": 1739, "text": "Who did manston attempt to kidnap in the end and was stopped by whom?" }, { "_id": 1740, "text": "What was manstons plan?" }, { "_id": 1741, "text": "Who does edward marry in the end?" }, { "_id": 1742, "text": "Why did cytherea marry manston?" }, { "_id": 1743, "text": "Who does cytherea love and what is his profession?" }, { "_id": 1744, "text": "Who is Miss aldclyffe?" }, { "_id": 1745, "text": "Why did Capa travel to Los Angeles?" }, { "_id": 1746, "text": "Besides Capa, who else do the police consider in the murder of Dr. Moore?" }, { "_id": 1747, "text": "What type of disorder causes one of the patients to count things and insist everything is clean?" }, { "_id": 1748, "text": "How did Sondra kill her father?" }, { "_id": 1749, "text": "How old is Richie, the transgender wishing to transform from a male to a female?" }, { "_id": 1750, "text": "Why did Dale kill members of the therapy group?" }, { "_id": 1751, "text": "Why did Capa stop seeing the color red?" }, { "_id": 1752, "text": "What type of art does Casey paint?" }, { "_id": 1753, "text": "What did child psychiatrist, Niedelmeyer, do to Dale?" }, { "_id": 1754, "text": "How many patients committed crimes against their fathers?" }, { "_id": 1755, "text": "How many patients' spouses are dead?" }, { "_id": 1756, "text": "Which of Dale's siblings is dead?" }, { "_id": 1757, "text": "What happened to Bill after the women in the green dress died?" }, { "_id": 1758, "text": "When did Capa lead group sessions?" }, { "_id": 1759, "text": "Who abused Rose?" }, { "_id": 1760, "text": "When did Rose end up in therapy?" }, { "_id": 1761, "text": "Which sibling saves Capa?" }, { "_id": 1762, "text": "Which sibling does Capa Save?" }, { "_id": 1763, "text": "Who wonders if Bill is a criminal?" }, { "_id": 1764, "text": "What causes Dr. Bill Capa to become depressed?" }, { "_id": 1765, "text": "What did the sight of his patient that committed suicide cause?" }, { "_id": 1766, "text": "Why does Dr. Capa travel to Los Angeles?" }, { "_id": 1767, "text": "Who does the detective consider to be suspects of Dr. Moore's death?" }, { "_id": 1768, "text": "How many of the patients have been involved, romantically, with Rose?" }, { "_id": 1769, "text": "What is the twist involving Richie?" }, { "_id": 1770, "text": "Who committed all of the murders?" }, { "_id": 1771, "text": "Why did Dale force Rose to play a role as their brother Richie?" }, { "_id": 1772, "text": "Why did Dale kill anybody that had a relationship with Bonnie?" }, { "_id": 1773, "text": "What prevents Dale from killing Dr. Capa?" }, { "_id": 1774, "text": "Where does Hazel live?" }, { "_id": 1775, "text": "What illness is Hazel suffering from?" }, { "_id": 1776, "text": "What does Hazel's mother suggest Hazel do to cheer up?" }, { "_id": 1777, "text": "What significant boy does Hazel meet at the cancer support group?" }, { "_id": 1778, "text": "What is Augustus supposedly recovering from?" }, { "_id": 1779, "text": "Who created the story Hazel and Augustus bond over?" }, { "_id": 1780, "text": "Where do Augustus and Hazel fly to meet Van Houten?" }, { "_id": 1781, "text": "What does Augustus reveal to Hazel after staying in Amsterdam together?" }, { "_id": 1782, "text": "Who surprises Hazel by attending Augutus' funeral?" }, { "_id": 1783, "text": "What do Augustus' friends write and read aloud to Augustus before Augutus dies?" }, { "_id": 1784, "text": "Why does Hazel's mother encourage her to attend a weekly cancer patient support group?" }, { "_id": 1785, "text": "What do Augustus and Hazel read?" }, { "_id": 1786, "text": "Why is Augustus frustrated by An Imperial Affliction?" }, { "_id": 1787, "text": "What did Hazel use her cancer wish for?" }, { "_id": 1788, "text": "At the picnic, what does Augustus surprise Hazel with?" }, { "_id": 1789, "text": "What does Augustus tell Hazel at the dinner which is pre-paid by Van Houten?" }, { "_id": 1790, "text": "What about Van Houten's character surprises Hazel and Augustus when they meet him?" }, { "_id": 1791, "text": "Who takes Augustus and Hazel to the Anne Frank house?" }, { "_id": 1792, "text": "Who is Hazel surprised to find at Augustus' funeral?" }, { "_id": 1793, "text": "Who is Van Houten's novel based on?" }, { "_id": 1794, "text": "Where has Hazel's cancer spread to?" }, { "_id": 1795, "text": "Why did Hazel's mother want her to attend a cancer-support group?" }, { "_id": 1796, "text": "What is the name of the novel Hazel recommends to Augustus?" }, { "_id": 1797, "text": "Where has Peter Van Houten been living since writing the novel?" }, { "_id": 1798, "text": "Who is Hazel surprised to see in attendance at Augustus's funeral?" }, { "_id": 1799, "text": "Where do Hazel and Augustus visit while in Amsterdam after seeing Van Houten?" }, { "_id": 1800, "text": "Who does Augustus invite to his pre-funeral?" }, { "_id": 1801, "text": "Why did Van Houten attend Augustus's funeral?" }, { "_id": 1802, "text": "What was written on the piece of paper Van Houten gave Hazel?" }, { "_id": 1803, "text": "What did Hazel say at the end when looking up at the stars?" }, { "_id": 1804, "text": "When does The Maid of the Sker take place?" }, { "_id": 1805, "text": "Who tells the story?" }, { "_id": 1806, "text": "What does the 2-year-old girl call herself?" }, { "_id": 1807, "text": "Whose grandchildren have mysteriously disappeared?" }, { "_id": 1808, "text": "Why does Davy dote Bardie so strongly?" }, { "_id": 1809, "text": "What gives Bardie away that she is not a commoner?" }, { "_id": 1810, "text": "What kind of crew does Davy join?" }, { "_id": 1811, "text": "Who does he meet who is a demon and wicked?" }, { "_id": 1812, "text": "Who is suspected of kidnapping Phillip Bampfylde's grandchildren?" }, { "_id": 1813, "text": "Who is Sir Philip Bampfylde searching for? " }, { "_id": 1814, "text": "Who's viewpoint is the story from?" }, { "_id": 1815, "text": "Where does Davy find Bardie?" }, { "_id": 1816, "text": "What is Davy's profession? " }, { "_id": 1817, "text": "Where does Davy join the crew?" }, { "_id": 1818, "text": "After finding Bardie what does Davy decide to do with her?" }, { "_id": 1819, "text": "What century is the story set in? " }, { "_id": 1820, "text": "How does Davy know Bardie is not a common child? " }, { "_id": 1821, "text": "Which character is demonic and from the north of Devon? " }, { "_id": 1822, "text": "What battle does Blackmore discuss with Davy? " }, { "_id": 1823, "text": "How does Davy Llewellyn make his living?" }, { "_id": 1824, "text": "How old is Bardie when her boat drifts ashore at Glamorganshire?" }, { "_id": 1825, "text": "What happens to Bardie's boat?" }, { "_id": 1826, "text": "Who is Sir Philip Bampfylde looking for?" }, { "_id": 1827, "text": "What does Davy do with Bardie after he finds her?" }, { "_id": 1828, "text": "What type of manners does Bardie have?" }, { "_id": 1829, "text": "In what geographic area does the ketch Davy joins trade?" }, { "_id": 1830, "text": "Where does Parson Chowne work his evil will?" }, { "_id": 1831, "text": "What is Captain Drake Bamfylde suspected of doing?" }, { "_id": 1832, "text": "Where did Emilie de Fontaine first see the man she fell in love with?" }, { "_id": 1833, "text": "Whose invitation did Maximilien accept?" }, { "_id": 1834, "text": "What is Maximilien's occupation?" }, { "_id": 1835, "text": "Where was the dance Emilie de Fontaine first saw Maximilien?" }, { "_id": 1836, "text": "How old is the man Emilie marries?" }, { "_id": 1837, "text": "What does Emilie find out several years after being married?" }, { "_id": 1838, "text": "Why does Emilie marry the 72 year old man?" }, { "_id": 1839, "text": "Why did Comte de Fontaine investigate Maximilien?" }, { "_id": 1840, "text": "How did Emilie feel when she is told Maximilien is a cloth merchant?" }, { "_id": 1841, "text": "Why did Maximilien tend to the store?" }, { "_id": 1842, "text": "Why did \u0102\u0089milie de Fontaine refuse her suitors?" }, { "_id": 1843, "text": "Who is \u0102\u0089milie's father?" }, { "_id": 1844, "text": "What does the Comte de Fontaine discover about Maximilien?" }, { "_id": 1845, "text": "How old is the man \u0102\u0089milie marries?" }, { "_id": 1846, "text": "Why did \u00c9milie marry the Comte de Kergarou\u00ebt?" }, { "_id": 1847, "text": "What is Maximilien's true identity?" }, { "_id": 1848, "text": "Who does Maximilien only seem interested in?" }, { "_id": 1849, "text": "What was \u0102\u0089milie's reaction to her fathers discovery?" }, { "_id": 1850, "text": "Who discovers that Maximilien is not a clothier?" }, { "_id": 1851, "text": "Why did Maximilien tend a store?" }, { "_id": 1852, "text": "Why does Emilie de Fontaine refuse many suitors?" }, { "_id": 1853, "text": "Who is the only person the mysterious young man is interested in?" }, { "_id": 1854, "text": "Who does Emilie fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 1855, "text": "What eventually comes of Maximilien and Emilie's relationship?" }, { "_id": 1856, "text": "What does the Comte de Fontaine find out about Maximilien?" }, { "_id": 1857, "text": "What does Emilie end up doing after finding out about Maximilien?" }, { "_id": 1858, "text": "Who does Maximilien end up being?" }, { "_id": 1859, "text": "Why did Maximilien secretly tend a store?" }, { "_id": 1860, "text": "Whose invitation does Maximilien eventually accept?" }, { "_id": 1861, "text": "Why does the Comte de Fontaine investigate Maximilien?" }, { "_id": 1862, "text": "What was Robert Scott's rank while he was Force Recon?" }, { "_id": 1863, "text": "What operation is Scott drawn into?" }, { "_id": 1864, "text": "Where are the prostitutes recruited?" }, { "_id": 1865, "text": "Who do the pay phone calls trace back to?" }, { "_id": 1866, "text": "Where is the sex slavery ring based?" }, { "_id": 1867, "text": "Why does Curtis have to convince Scott to continue the mission?" }, { "_id": 1868, "text": "How does Curtis die?" }, { "_id": 1869, "text": "What is revealed to Scott by the Secret Service agent?" }, { "_id": 1870, "text": "Where is the tracker hidden that Scott finds as he is about to seal Laura in the cargo container?" }, { "_id": 1871, "text": "How is the story of Laura's rescue spun to the public?" }, { "_id": 1872, "text": "Robert Scott is a former what?" }, { "_id": 1873, "text": "Who is the knife fighting instructor?" }, { "_id": 1874, "text": "Who is Laura Newton?" }, { "_id": 1875, "text": "The search for Laura Newton takes the team to a bar where girls are recruited for what?" }, { "_id": 1876, "text": "The contact number they get from the Madam is phone number for what?" }, { "_id": 1877, "text": "Why does Asani open fire?" }, { "_id": 1878, "text": "How is Curtis killed?" }, { "_id": 1879, "text": "Where is the transmitter hidden?" }, { "_id": 1880, "text": "Laura is rescued/sent home in what?" }, { "_id": 1881, "text": "How does Stoddard die?" }, { "_id": 1882, "text": "Who is Robert Scott?" }, { "_id": 1883, "text": "Who is Robert Scott acting as a selection cadre member for?" }, { "_id": 1884, "text": "What is Sergeant Jacqueline Black trained in?" }, { "_id": 1885, "text": "Who does Scott enlist to help him save the girl from Dubai?" }, { "_id": 1886, "text": "Where does Scott find a transmitter, at the airport?" }, { "_id": 1887, "text": "What does Scott find in his pager?" }, { "_id": 1888, "text": "Who dies during the rescue?" }, { "_id": 1889, "text": "Where do Scott and Laura go after they flee the rescue?" }, { "_id": 1890, "text": "Why does Scott stop at the convenience store?" }, { "_id": 1891, "text": "Who gets killed by the sniper?" }, { "_id": 1892, "text": "What was described as the \"loveliest village of the plain\"?" }, { "_id": 1893, "text": "What is the current state of the city's buildings?" }, { "_id": 1894, "text": "Who has been taking over the land of the poor?" }, { "_id": 1895, "text": "Where did the country girl \"lay her head\"?" }, { "_id": 1896, "text": "Which river in Georgia was described in the poem?" }, { "_id": 1897, "text": "Where did some residents of Auburn head to?" }, { "_id": 1898, "text": "What can defy time according to the poem?" }, { "_id": 1899, "text": "In the poem, while wealth accumulates, who decays?" }, { "_id": 1900, "text": "Though very poor, one can still become what according to the poem?" }, { "_id": 1901, "text": "What sweeps the labored mole away?" }, { "_id": 1902, "text": "What is Auburn in the story?" }, { "_id": 1903, "text": "What is the condition of Auburn?" }, { "_id": 1904, "text": "What kinds of people are responsible for Auburn's ruination?" }, { "_id": 1905, "text": "Where did the former residents of Auburn go?" }, { "_id": 1906, "text": "What is wrong with the countries the former residents of Auburn moved to?" }, { "_id": 1907, "text": "Why did the wealthy man take over Auburn?" }, { "_id": 1908, "text": "What river does the story mention?" }, { "_id": 1909, "text": "What, besides people, is suggested to have moved to foreign countries?" }, { "_id": 1910, "text": "What can help the exiles from Auburn?" }, { "_id": 1911, "text": "What industry is the story against?" }, { "_id": 1912, "text": "What is the name of the village?" }, { "_id": 1913, "text": "When did Spring arrive?" }, { "_id": 1914, "text": "What is on top of the wall?" }, { "_id": 1915, "text": "What is the current state of the village?" }, { "_id": 1916, "text": "What has happened to the land that \"many poor supplied\"?" }, { "_id": 1917, "text": "Where did the \"houseless\" country female go?" }, { "_id": 1918, "text": "What is the \"horrid shore\"?" }, { "_id": 1919, "text": "What Georgia river is mentioned?" }, { "_id": 1920, "text": "Where did the occupants of the village go?" }, { "_id": 1921, "text": "What is the general theme of this poem?" }, { "_id": 1922, "text": "What kind of house is Act 1 set in?" }, { "_id": 1923, "text": "Who does Mirabell encouraged to marry in Act 1?" }, { "_id": 1924, "text": "Who is Mirabell's former lover?" }, { "_id": 1925, "text": "Who does Fainall have arrested?" }, { "_id": 1926, "text": "Who does Lady Wishfort want Millamant to marry?" }, { "_id": 1927, "text": "Who blackmails Lady Wishfort in giving her consent to Mirabell's and Millamant's marriage?" }, { "_id": 1928, "text": "Who is Sir Wilfull Witwoud?" }, { "_id": 1929, "text": "Who is Sir Rowland?" }, { "_id": 1930, "text": "Who did Mrs. Fainall have an affair with?" }, { "_id": 1931, "text": "Who's inheritance will be lost if Mirabell marries Millamant?" }, { "_id": 1932, "text": "Which game were Mirabell and Finall playing in Act 1?" }, { "_id": 1933, "text": "How much money will Mirabell loose if Lady Wishfort gets married?" }, { "_id": 1934, "text": "Who is Lady Wishfort's female servant?" }, { "_id": 1935, "text": "Which person hates her husband?" }, { "_id": 1936, "text": "What are Mirabell and Millamant trying to do?" }, { "_id": 1937, "text": "Who does Foible want Lady Wishfort to marry?" }, { "_id": 1938, "text": "Who does Lady Wishfort want Millament to marry?" }, { "_id": 1939, "text": "Whom ultimately had Waitwell arrested?" }, { "_id": 1940, "text": "How did Lady Wishfort figure out the scam against her?" }, { "_id": 1941, "text": "Which person was accused of trying to sabotage the wedding?" }, { "_id": 1942, "text": "What brings up the subject of marriage in the beginning?" }, { "_id": 1943, "text": "Who is Sir Rowland?" }, { "_id": 1944, "text": "What is bigamy?" }, { "_id": 1945, "text": "How much money is the inheritance in question?" }, { "_id": 1946, "text": "Why couldn't Waitwell marry Mrs.Wishfort?" }, { "_id": 1947, "text": "What are the women discussing in the park?" }, { "_id": 1948, "text": "Who reveals the deception to Mrs. Wishfort?" }, { "_id": 1949, "text": "Who is able to marry who they wish in this story?" }, { "_id": 1950, "text": "What does Fainall plan to do to his wife?" }, { "_id": 1951, "text": "Why does Mrs. Wishfort finally consent to Mirabell's wedding?" }, { "_id": 1952, "text": "What sport does Jimmy Torrance play?" }, { "_id": 1953, "text": "Who was \"The Lizard\"?" }, { "_id": 1954, "text": "Where did Jimmy finally find work?" }, { "_id": 1955, "text": "What kind of prostitute was Edith?" }, { "_id": 1956, "text": "What does Elizabeth's father manage?" }, { "_id": 1957, "text": "Elizabeth's father was trying to hire a what?" }, { "_id": 1958, "text": "What did Torrance suspect was happening in the factory?" }, { "_id": 1959, "text": "Why did Harold embezzle from the factory?" }, { "_id": 1960, "text": "What did Bince end up doing after being exposed of his crimes?" }, { "_id": 1961, "text": "Who became the new manager of the factory?" }, { "_id": 1962, "text": "Where does Jimmy attempt to find work first?" }, { "_id": 1963, "text": "Who is The Lizard?" }, { "_id": 1964, "text": "What occupation does Jimmy meet Edith?" }, { "_id": 1965, "text": "What advertisment does Elizabeth's father put out?" }, { "_id": 1966, "text": "How does Edith help Torrance apply ?" }, { "_id": 1967, "text": "What does Torrance suspect in the factory?" }, { "_id": 1968, "text": "Who is the embezzler?" }, { "_id": 1969, "text": "Who is framed for Elizabeth's fathers murder?" }, { "_id": 1970, "text": "What does Bince do upon his exposure?" }, { "_id": 1971, "text": "Who is asked to take over as manager?" }, { "_id": 1972, "text": "Where did Torrance's father offer him a job?" }, { "_id": 1973, "text": "Why didn't Torrance want to accept his father's job offer?" }, { "_id": 1974, "text": "Who encouraged Torrance to apply for the job at Elizabeth's father's company?" }, { "_id": 1975, "text": "Why did Elizabeth's father hire an efficiency expert for his company?" }, { "_id": 1976, "text": "Who tried to get Torrance fired?" }, { "_id": 1977, "text": "What happened to Elizabeth's father?" }, { "_id": 1978, "text": "Who framed Torrance?" }, { "_id": 1979, "text": "What happened to Bince near at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 1980, "text": "Who took over the business?" }, { "_id": 1981, "text": "Who helped prove Torrance's innocence?" }, { "_id": 1982, "text": "How many feline siblings are there?" }, { "_id": 1983, "text": "What is the name of the mother to the feline siblings?" }, { "_id": 1984, "text": "What does Tom do to his mother while she is grooming him?" }, { "_id": 1985, "text": "Where does the mother send her kittens to keep them out of the way while getting ready for the party?" }, { "_id": 1986, "text": "Which kitten is too fat for it's clothes?" }, { "_id": 1987, "text": "How many puddle-ducks do the kittens encounter in the road?" }, { "_id": 1988, "text": "Which puddle-duck puts on Tom's clothes?" }, { "_id": 1989, "text": "What excuse does the mother cat give for the reason why her kittens are not at the party?" }, { "_id": 1990, "text": "Where do the puddle-ducks lose the kittens' clothes?" }, { "_id": 1991, "text": "What does the mother cat do to the kittens when she pulls them off of the wall?" }, { "_id": 1992, "text": "Why does Mrs. Twitchit have to sew buttons back on Tom's clothing?" }, { "_id": 1993, "text": "Who was coming for tea when the story opens?" }, { "_id": 1994, "text": "Where do the kittens go while their mother prepares for the party?" }, { "_id": 1995, "text": "When does Tom lose his hat?" }, { "_id": 1996, "text": "What condition are the kittens in when Tabitha discovers them in the road?" }, { "_id": 1997, "text": "Why is Tom described as very naughty?" }, { "_id": 1998, "text": "Who put on the clothing that feel off the kittens?" }, { "_id": 1999, "text": "What does Mrs. Twitchit tell her guests to explain the kittens' absence?" }, { "_id": 2000, "text": "How do the kittens interrupt their mother's tea party?" }, { "_id": 2001, "text": "Where did the Puddle-ducks lose the clothing they got from the kittens?" }, { "_id": 2002, "text": "Who is the naughty kitten?" }, { "_id": 2003, "text": "What does Tom Kitten do to his mother?" }, { "_id": 2004, "text": "What does the illustration depict Tom wearing?" }, { "_id": 2005, "text": "Who is coming to visit?" }, { "_id": 2006, "text": "What does Tom's mother have to sew back on him?" }, { "_id": 2007, "text": "What are the names of Tom's siblings?" }, { "_id": 2008, "text": "What are the ducks called that his mother wants him to stay away from?" }, { "_id": 2009, "text": "What does their mother do when she sees them on the wall?" }, { "_id": 2010, "text": "What does Tom lose going up the wall?" }, { "_id": 2011, "text": "Who tries to help Tom get dressed?" }, { "_id": 2012, "text": "How does Alonzo Stevens die?" }, { "_id": 2013, "text": "What happens to Leonetta?" }, { "_id": 2014, "text": "What does Crockett learn about Stevens?" }, { "_id": 2015, "text": "What interstate did Crockett and Tubbs find Stevens on?" }, { "_id": 2016, "text": "Who is the cartel using to pass out drugs?" }, { "_id": 2017, "text": "How does Trudy become injured?" }, { "_id": 2018, "text": "Where is Isabella's home?" }, { "_id": 2019, "text": "What was the name of the pimp that was to be arrested?" }, { "_id": 2020, "text": "How does Rico learn about Leonetta's death?" }, { "_id": 2021, "text": "Who runs the Colombia Group?" }, { "_id": 2022, "text": "Who was Stevens working as an informant for when his cover was compromised?" }, { "_id": 2023, "text": "What did the Colombian cartel threated to murder Leonetta with?" }, { "_id": 2024, "text": "How did Stevens commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 2025, "text": "Who does Fujima believe to be running the Colombia group?" }, { "_id": 2026, "text": "Fujima makes Crockett and Tubbs deputies of what?" }, { "_id": 2027, "text": "What do Crockett and Tubbs pose as to offer their services to Yero?" }, { "_id": 2028, "text": "What group does the Colombia cartel use to distribute drugs?" }, { "_id": 2029, "text": "Who does Crockett begin a secret romance with?" }, { "_id": 2030, "text": "Who is kidnapped by the Aryan Brotherhood?" }, { "_id": 2031, "text": "How is Trudy critically injured?" }, { "_id": 2032, "text": "What is the name of the pimp that is center of the prostition sting operation?" }, { "_id": 2033, "text": "Why does Alonzo Stevens leave town?" }, { "_id": 2034, "text": "How does Stevens commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 2035, "text": "Who runs the Columbian group?" }, { "_id": 2036, "text": "What service do Sonny and Rico offer to Yero?" }, { "_id": 2037, "text": "Who does the cartel use to distribute drugs?" }, { "_id": 2038, "text": "Who orders the Aryan Brotherhood to kidnap Rico's girlfriend?" }, { "_id": 2039, "text": "What does the Aryan Brotherhood demand of Crockett and Tubbs?" }, { "_id": 2040, "text": "How is Trudy critically injured?" }, { "_id": 2041, "text": "Where do Crockett and Tubbs face off in a firefight against Yero and the Aryan Brotherhood?" }, { "_id": 2042, "text": "Why does Alan Stanwyk think Fletch is a junkie?" }, { "_id": 2043, "text": "Why does Stankwyk want Fletch to kill him?" }, { "_id": 2044, "text": "Why does Karlin threaten to kill Fletch?" }, { "_id": 2045, "text": "What does Karlin and Stanwyk most likely exchange using a brief case?" }, { "_id": 2046, "text": "How does Fletch pay for Gail's drinks?" }, { "_id": 2047, "text": "When did Fletch find LAPD officers at his apartment?" }, { "_id": 2048, "text": "How did Stanwyk sell his cocaine?" }, { "_id": 2049, "text": "Why does Fletch stop pursuing his drug trafficking article?" }, { "_id": 2050, "text": "Who saves Fletch from being murdered at Stanwyk's mansion?" }, { "_id": 2051, "text": "What is Fletch's real first name?" }, { "_id": 2052, "text": "How much money does Alan Stanwyk offer Fletch to murder him?" }, { "_id": 2053, "text": "Who threatens to kill Fletch unless he drops his investigation into drug dealing on the beach?" }, { "_id": 2054, "text": "What newspaper does Fletch work for?" }, { "_id": 2055, "text": "On whose credit card does Fletch charge his vacation with Gail to Rio?" }, { "_id": 2056, "text": "What does Fletch learn in Provo, Utah about Stanwyk after talking to Stanwyk's parents?" }, { "_id": 2057, "text": "When disguised as a doctor in the hospital what does Fletch discover Stanwyk lied about?" }, { "_id": 2058, "text": "How much was the ranch worth that Gail Stanwyk intended to buy for her husband after converting her Boyd stock to $3 million cash?" }, { "_id": 2059, "text": "Who kills Alan Stanwyk?" }, { "_id": 2060, "text": "Who intended to kill Fletch and burn his body to fake his own death?" }, { "_id": 2061, "text": "Whose tab does Fletch use to treat Gail to lunch in her private cabana?" }, { "_id": 2062, "text": "What is the name of Fletch's editor?" }, { "_id": 2063, "text": "Fletch is a reporter for what newspaper?" }, { "_id": 2064, "text": "Who is Fletch posing as when he first meets Stanwyk?" }, { "_id": 2065, "text": "What kind of cancer does Stanwyk claim to have?" }, { "_id": 2066, "text": "How much was the ACTUAL purchase price for the ranch in Utah Stanwyk bought?" }, { "_id": 2067, "text": "Who was Stanwyk providing cocaine to?" }, { "_id": 2068, "text": "What is the name of Fletch's colleague that he investigates Stanwyk with?" }, { "_id": 2069, "text": "Stanwyk's \"real plan\" was to kill who?" }, { "_id": 2070, "text": "Fletch takes Gail to where on vacation in the last moments?" }, { "_id": 2071, "text": "What sort of fish does Jeremy Fisher hope to catch?" }, { "_id": 2072, "text": "What does Jeremy Fisher use for his fishing rod?" }, { "_id": 2073, "text": "What does Jeremy Fisher eat for lunch?" }, { "_id": 2074, "text": "Why does the shoal of little fishes laugh at Jeremy?" }, { "_id": 2075, "text": "After the trout spits out Jeremy, what is the one thing he swallows?" }, { "_id": 2076, "text": "What sort of animal is Sir Isaac Newton?" }, { "_id": 2077, "text": "What sort of food does Alderman Ptolemy Tortoise like to eat?" }, { "_id": 2078, "text": "What does Jeremy end up serving his friends for lunch?" }, { "_id": 2079, "text": "Where is Jeremy Fisher's house?" }, { "_id": 2080, "text": "How many minnows does Jeremy Fisher hope to catch?" }, { "_id": 2081, "text": "What is the full name of the frog?" }, { "_id": 2082, "text": "Where is the frog's house located?" }, { "_id": 2083, "text": "How many minnows must Jeremy catch to invite his friends for dinner?" }, { "_id": 2084, "text": "What does Jeremy wear to go fishing?" }, { "_id": 2085, "text": "What is Jeremy's fishing rod and line made up of?" }, { "_id": 2086, "text": "Towards the end of the novel, the narrator describes Fisher's dinner as what kind of special dish?" }, { "_id": 2087, "text": "What kind of fish is Jack Sharp?" }, { "_id": 2088, "text": "What causes Jeremy to cut his fingers while fishing?" }, { "_id": 2089, "text": "Why do the other fish laugh at Jeremy whilst fishing?" }, { "_id": 2090, "text": "What does Jeremy ultimately end up putting on his fingers?" }, { "_id": 2091, "text": "What sort of animal is Jeremy Fisher?" }, { "_id": 2092, "text": "Where does Jeremy Fisher live?" }, { "_id": 2093, "text": "What does Jeremy Fisher plan to do if he catches more than fivinnows?" }, { "_id": 2094, "text": "Jeremy Fisher put on what to go fishing?" }, { "_id": 2095, "text": "What does Jeremy Fisher take with him on his fishing trip?" }, { "_id": 2096, "text": "What color is Jeremy Fisher's dearest float?" }, { "_id": 2097, "text": "What is Jeremy Fisher's rod made of?" }, { "_id": 2098, "text": "What sort of sandwich does Jeremy Fisher eat while fishing?" }, { "_id": 2099, "text": "What does Jeremy Fisher loose on his trip?" }, { "_id": 2100, "text": "Sir Isaac Newton wears what sort of coat?" }, { "_id": 2101, "text": "What did Earnscliff and Hobbie help Elshender do when they returned the next morning after having discovered him?" }, { "_id": 2102, "text": "What object did Elshender give Isabel?" }, { "_id": 2103, "text": "What did the voice in the chapel say?" }, { "_id": 2104, "text": "Why did the dwarf warn Graeme of retribution?" }, { "_id": 2105, "text": "What were Earnscliff and his party tracking on the English border?" }, { "_id": 2106, "text": "What did Graeme and his party take from Hobbie's farm?" }, { "_id": 2107, "text": "Who was Graeme's prisoner?" }, { "_id": 2108, "text": "What did Elliot find when returning from Westburnflat's stronghold?" }, { "_id": 2109, "text": "Who did Isabel's father think had kidnapped Isabel?" }, { "_id": 2110, "text": "What happened to Patrick Earnscliff's father?" }, { "_id": 2111, "text": "Who is the man that killed Patrick's father?" }, { "_id": 2112, "text": "Who did Isabel love?" }, { "_id": 2113, "text": "Who did Isabel's father intend for her to marry? " }, { "_id": 2114, "text": "Where was William Graeme from? " }, { "_id": 2115, "text": "Who did William Graeme say had wronged him? " }, { "_id": 2116, "text": "What woman was taken from Hobbie Elliot's farm? " }, { "_id": 2117, "text": "Who was Graeme holding as a prisoner? " }, { "_id": 2118, "text": "What would have happened had Isabel refused Sir Frederick's hand in marriage? " }, { "_id": 2119, "text": "Where was Sir Frederick Langley executed? " }, { "_id": 2120, "text": "Who is Sir Edward Mauley said to be in league with?" }, { "_id": 2121, "text": "Who is Jedediah Cleishbotham?" }, { "_id": 2122, "text": "What did the moon suddenly reveal to Hobbie and Partick on the moor?" }, { "_id": 2123, "text": "Who does the dwarf come to be known as to the neighbors?" }, { "_id": 2124, "text": "What did Elshender the Recluse do when Isabel Vere and her two friends come to visit?" }, { "_id": 2125, "text": "What does Elshender give Isabel Vere after he tells her fortune?" }, { "_id": 2126, "text": "What material is used to build Elshender's hut?" }, { "_id": 2127, "text": "Who does Willy Graeme and his companions abduct from Hobbie Elliot's farm?" }, { "_id": 2128, "text": "How do Earnscliff and his party intend to force the door of Westburnflat's stronghold?" }, { "_id": 2129, "text": "Who does Patrick Earnscliff marry?" }, { "_id": 2130, "text": "Why did the advent of the bicycle have a social impact in England?" }, { "_id": 2131, "text": "Where does Jessie's inspiration to run away from home come from?" }, { "_id": 2132, "text": "What is the real name of the Young Lady in Grey?" }, { "_id": 2133, "text": "Why does Jessie run away from home?" }, { "_id": 2134, "text": "Where does Hoopdriver tell Jessie he is from?" }, { "_id": 2135, "text": "Why is Hoopdriver's tour of the Southern Coast important to him?" }, { "_id": 2136, "text": "Why does Jessie believe Hoopdriver's outlandish tales?" }, { "_id": 2137, "text": "What does Jessie promise to do as she is taken away by her Stepmother towards the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 2138, "text": "What is Hoopdriver's occupation?" }, { "_id": 2139, "text": "What action does Hoopdriver take that shows genuine courage?" }, { "_id": 2140, "text": "What is Mr. Hoopdriver's job?" }, { "_id": 2141, "text": "Where is Mr. Hoopdriver going on holiday?" }, { "_id": 2142, "text": "Who is the Young Lady in Grey?" }, { "_id": 2143, "text": "Why did Jessie runaway from home?" }, { "_id": 2144, "text": "Why were bicycles so popular in England?" }, { "_id": 2145, "text": "Where is Mr. Hoopdriver from?" }, { "_id": 2146, "text": "Where does Mr.Hoopdriver lie and tell Jessie he's had adventures?" }, { "_id": 2147, "text": "How long does Jessie think it will take to see Mr. Hoopdriver again?" }, { "_id": 2148, "text": "Who does Mr. Hoopdriver rescue Jessie from after they first met?" }, { "_id": 2149, "text": "What does Jessie promise Mr. Hoopdriver?" }, { "_id": 2150, "text": "What does Mr Hoopdriver do during his annual ten day holiday?" }, { "_id": 2151, "text": "What inspired Jessie to run away from her stepmother?" }, { "_id": 2152, "text": "What lie does Hoopdriver tell Jessie about his origins?" }, { "_id": 2153, "text": "What does Hoopdriver do that shows true courage?" }, { "_id": 2154, "text": "Who leads the party of people intent on bringing Jessie home?" }, { "_id": 2155, "text": "What does Bechamel really want from Jessie?" }, { "_id": 2156, "text": "What does Mr. Hoopdriver do for a living?" }, { "_id": 2157, "text": "What types of animals does Mr. Hoopdriver observe on his first holiday morning?" }, { "_id": 2158, "text": "What promise does Jessie make to Mr Hoopdriver before returning home?" }, { "_id": 2159, "text": "What does Jessie aspire to do?" }, { "_id": 2160, "text": "How did Agent Su get into the private underground nightclub?" }, { "_id": 2161, "text": "Who did Ling kidnap?" }, { "_id": 2162, "text": "What does Ling want to do with the stones?" }, { "_id": 2163, "text": "What do the stones actually turn out to be (not just diamonds)?" }, { "_id": 2164, "text": "How did Fait and Su find out where the auction was taking place to find Ling?" }, { "_id": 2165, "text": "Who was Anthony Fait attempting to steal the diamonds for?" }, { "_id": 2166, "text": "How does Vanessa contact her father when she is being held captive in the van?" }, { "_id": 2167, "text": "How was Ling killed?" }, { "_id": 2168, "text": "What were the thieves trying to steal?" }, { "_id": 2169, "text": "What happens when Fait goes to Chambers' night club?" }, { "_id": 2170, "text": "How does Archie recognize the man they are looking for at the night club?" }, { "_id": 2171, "text": "What types of clues does Vanessa give to the men?" }, { "_id": 2172, "text": "How is Ling killed?" }, { "_id": 2173, "text": "What type of diamonds are the men searching for?" }, { "_id": 2174, "text": "Who is holding Vanessa hostage?" }, { "_id": 2175, "text": "Who is Vanessa?" }, { "_id": 2176, "text": "Who manages to escape during the diamond heist?" }, { "_id": 2177, "text": "Why is Su disappointed?" }, { "_id": 2178, "text": "Who is Ling?" }, { "_id": 2179, "text": "Anthony and the group of thieves are directly working for whom?" }, { "_id": 2180, "text": "Who does agent Su capture during the robbery?" }, { "_id": 2181, "text": "What does Ling ask of Fait over the first phone call after the robbery?" }, { "_id": 2182, "text": "Who do Fait and Su join forces against?" }, { "_id": 2183, "text": "Who does Fait visit in jail?" }, { "_id": 2184, "text": "Where is Vanessa being held at?" }, { "_id": 2185, "text": "How does Ling Die?" }, { "_id": 2186, "text": "What are the black diamonds set to be used for?" }, { "_id": 2187, "text": "Where were the diamonds hiding in chamber's office?" }, { "_id": 2188, "text": "Who is Dale Denton's drug dealer?" }, { "_id": 2189, "text": "What does Dale leave at the scene after watching Ted and Officer Brazier kill a man?" }, { "_id": 2190, "text": "What is so special about this roach?" }, { "_id": 2191, "text": "What horrible news does Dale find out after fleeing to Saul's place?" }, { "_id": 2192, "text": "Why does Saul jump in front of the police car after Dale is arrested?" }, { "_id": 2193, "text": "What happens to Saul after he goes to visit his grandma?" }, { "_id": 2194, "text": "Who attacks the barn to avenge the death of a fellow gangmember?" }, { "_id": 2195, "text": "How does Red save Saul's life?" }, { "_id": 2196, "text": "How are Ted and Brazier killed?" }, { "_id": 2197, "text": "What are Red, Dale, and Saul doing when Saul's grandma shows up to take them to the hospital?" }, { "_id": 2198, "text": "What is pineapple express?" }, { "_id": 2199, "text": "What does Dale witness at Ted's house?" }, { "_id": 2200, "text": "Who is Ted?" }, { "_id": 2201, "text": "What is Dale's job?" }, { "_id": 2202, "text": "Who is Saul's supplier?" }, { "_id": 2203, "text": "Here do Dale and Saul hide for the night?" }, { "_id": 2204, "text": "Why does Dale get arrested?" }, { "_id": 2205, "text": "Where is Ted's liar?" }, { "_id": 2206, "text": "Why do Asian mobsters storm the barn?" }, { "_id": 2207, "text": "What happens when Red's car explodes?" }, { "_id": 2208, "text": "What does Dale Denton do for a living?" }, { "_id": 2209, "text": "What does Dale witness at Ted's house?" }, { "_id": 2210, "text": "What evidence does Dale leave behind at the scene of crime?" }, { "_id": 2211, "text": "How does Ted link the roach to Dale?" }, { "_id": 2212, "text": "Why do Dale and Saul decide to leave town?" }, { "_id": 2213, "text": "Where is Saul captured?" }, { "_id": 2214, "text": "How does Red save Saul's life?" }, { "_id": 2215, "text": "How is officer Brazier killed?" }, { "_id": 2216, "text": "Who attacks the barn where Dale and Saul are being held?" }, { "_id": 2217, "text": "Why is Dale arrested?" }, { "_id": 2218, "text": "Who did Christy Mahon think he killed?" }, { "_id": 2219, "text": "How did Christy think he killed his father?" }, { "_id": 2220, "text": "Who falls in love with Christy?" }, { "_id": 2221, "text": "Who tired to seduce Christy but failed?" }, { "_id": 2222, "text": "Who follows Christy to the bar, surprising everyone?" }, { "_id": 2223, "text": "How does the town react towards Christy, seeing that his father is in fact alive?" }, { "_id": 2224, "text": "How does Christy try to regain Pegeen's love?" }, { "_id": 2225, "text": "Who leads the towns people in binding and then hanging Christy?" }, { "_id": 2226, "text": "Who ultimately saves Christy from being hung?" }, { "_id": 2227, "text": "Who suggested that Pegeen and Christy should get married?" }, { "_id": 2228, "text": "Where is the Flaherty's Tavern located?" }, { "_id": 2229, "text": "Why is Mahon on the run?" }, { "_id": 2230, "text": "What allows Christy to become something of a town hero?" }, { "_id": 2231, "text": "Who tries to seduce Christy at shawn's behest?" }, { "_id": 2232, "text": "Who appears wounded at the tavern ?" }, { "_id": 2233, "text": "Why is christy shunned?" }, { "_id": 2234, "text": "Why does Christy attack his father second time?" }, { "_id": 2235, "text": "What do the townspeople do instead of praising Christy?" }, { "_id": 2236, "text": "Who returns a second time?" }, { "_id": 2237, "text": "What nickname does Pegeen give Christy?" }, { "_id": 2238, "text": "Who does Christy Mahon claim to have killed?" }, { "_id": 2239, "text": "How did Christy Mahon's father die?" }, { "_id": 2240, "text": "What is Flaherty's relationship to Pegeen?" }, { "_id": 2241, "text": "With whom does Pegeen fall in love?" }, { "_id": 2242, "text": "What is Shawn's relationship to Pegeen?" }, { "_id": 2243, "text": "What does Shawn attempt to get the widow Quin to do unsuccessfully?" }, { "_id": 2244, "text": "Who reappears and spoils Christy's legendary tales of exploits?" }, { "_id": 2245, "text": "What does Christy attempt to do for the second time?" }, { "_id": 2246, "text": "What do the townspeople decide to do to Christy after the second attack?" }, { "_id": 2247, "text": "When does Basquiat tell his mother he's getting married?" }, { "_id": 2248, "text": "Who does Basquiat invite to Mudd Club?" }, { "_id": 2249, "text": "Which one of Picasso's paintings is seen at the start of the story?" }, { "_id": 2250, "text": "Who bought two of Basquiat's postcards?" }, { "_id": 2251, "text": "Why did Gina get upset shortly after she woke up?" }, { "_id": 2252, "text": "Where was Rene ejected from after getting angry?" }, { "_id": 2253, "text": "How old was Basquiat when he died?" }, { "_id": 2254, "text": "Where did Basquiat want to visit so he could stop in every pub?" }, { "_id": 2255, "text": "Why was Andy Warhol concerned about Basquiat?" }, { "_id": 2256, "text": "What was Basquiat painting on his clogs?" }, { "_id": 2257, "text": "Where does Basquiat meet Gina?" }, { "_id": 2258, "text": "Where does Basquiat ask Gina to meet him?" }, { "_id": 2259, "text": "What did Basquiat send Andy?" }, { "_id": 2260, "text": "Who does Basquiat flirt with?" }, { "_id": 2261, "text": "Where does Rene lose his Block?" }, { "_id": 2262, "text": "What art does Basquiat create?" }, { "_id": 2263, "text": "What do the surf scenes represent?" }, { "_id": 2264, "text": "How old was Basquiat when he died?" }, { "_id": 2265, "text": "What was an element of interest in Basquiats work?" }, { "_id": 2266, "text": "What was Basquiat's last painting?" }, { "_id": 2267, "text": "What do a little boy and his mum see at the end of the corridor?" }, { "_id": 2268, "text": "Basquiat as a grown-up has what hairstyle?" }, { "_id": 2269, "text": "Where does grown-up Basquiat live?" }, { "_id": 2270, "text": "Who does make friends with in a restaurant?" }, { "_id": 2271, "text": "What is Gina's job?" }, { "_id": 2272, "text": "Who does Basquiat visit after his cardboard box collapses?" }, { "_id": 2273, "text": "Who does Basquiat sell two of his postcards to in a restaurant?" }, { "_id": 2274, "text": "What does Basquiat have as a bad habit?" }, { "_id": 2275, "text": "Who is the SAMO graffitist?" }, { "_id": 2276, "text": "Whose death does Bruno tell Basquiat about?" }, { "_id": 2277, "text": "Why did Luka not invite Olenin to his betrothal party?" }, { "_id": 2278, "text": "What was the Chechen that Luka killed attempting to do?" }, { "_id": 2279, "text": "What characteristic about Luka and Maryanka did Olenin love them both for?" }, { "_id": 2280, "text": "Who shoots Luka in the belly?" }, { "_id": 2281, "text": "How did the Cossacks block the bullets coming from the Chechens?" }, { "_id": 2282, "text": "How did Maryanka respond when Olenin asked her to marry him the first time?" }, { "_id": 2283, "text": "What does Beletsky convince Olenin to do concerning Maryanka?" }, { "_id": 2284, "text": "Besides constantly giving to others, what other characteristic did Olenin believe one needed in order to be happy?" }, { "_id": 2285, "text": "Who is the only villager who comes to see Olenin for his departure?" }, { "_id": 2286, "text": "How did Eroshka feel about Olenin's propensity for drinking?" }, { "_id": 2287, "text": "Who joins the army as a cadet?" }, { "_id": 2288, "text": "What is Olenin on a quest to find?" }, { "_id": 2289, "text": "Where does Olenin go to start a new life?" }, { "_id": 2290, "text": "Who is Maryanka engaged to?" }, { "_id": 2291, "text": "What does Olenin give Luka?" }, { "_id": 2292, "text": "How is Olenin's ideals partially corrupted?" }, { "_id": 2293, "text": "Why does Olenin propose to Maryanka?" }, { "_id": 2294, "text": "Who is severely wounded?" }, { "_id": 2295, "text": "What conclusion does Olenin come to after looking back at the village?" }, { "_id": 2296, "text": "The story, The Cossacks is based on Tolstoy'1s time spent where?" }, { "_id": 2297, "text": "What morally corrupt experiences did Tolstoy have in his youth?" }, { "_id": 2298, "text": "Who is the protagonist in this story?" }, { "_id": 2299, "text": "Where is Dmitri Olenin from?" }, { "_id": 2300, "text": "What rank is Dmitri Olenin when he joins the army?" }, { "_id": 2301, "text": "What girl does Dmitri Olenin fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 2302, "text": "Whom is Maryanka engaged to when Dmitri Olenin meets her?" }, { "_id": 2303, "text": "Eroshka is what to Dmitri Olenin?" }, { "_id": 2304, "text": "Dmitri Olenin believes happiness will only come to a man who does what?" }, { "_id": 2305, "text": "Who see's Dmitri off when he leaves the villiage?" }, { "_id": 2306, "text": "Who is blamed for the kidnapping of Thuvia?" }, { "_id": 2307, "text": "Which race of martians have the ability to create imaginary warriors that can kill?" }, { "_id": 2308, "text": "What is the only thing that can break an engagement between a man and woman on Barsoom?" }, { "_id": 2309, "text": "Who kidnapped Thuvia?" }, { "_id": 2310, "text": "What are banths?" }, { "_id": 2311, "text": "Who is Thuvia engaged to?" }, { "_id": 2312, "text": "Where is Kulan Tith from?" }, { "_id": 2313, "text": "Between who does Thuvia's kidnapping ignite a war?" }, { "_id": 2314, "text": "Who is the mother of Cathoris?" }, { "_id": 2315, "text": "Which race of martians are adept at telepathic projection?" }, { "_id": 2316, "text": "Who is the prince of Helium?" }, { "_id": 2317, "text": "Who is the Warlord of Mars?" }, { "_id": 2318, "text": "Who is the princess of Ptarth?" }, { "_id": 2319, "text": "What race of ancient martians have become adept to telepathic projection?" }, { "_id": 2320, "text": "What man is Thuvia promised to?" }, { "_id": 2321, "text": "Which planet has marital engagements that cannot be broken?" }, { "_id": 2322, "text": "Which character suffers a heroines fate of being kidnapped?" }, { "_id": 2323, "text": "Whose craft is sabotaged?" }, { "_id": 2324, "text": "Who is blamed for Thuvias' Kidnapping?" }, { "_id": 2325, "text": "Which planet has a race of aliens that can create phantasms by pure thought?" }, { "_id": 2326, "text": "Who is John Carter?" }, { "_id": 2327, "text": "Who is Carthoris' parents?" }, { "_id": 2328, "text": "Who is princess of Ptarth?" }, { "_id": 2329, "text": "Who is implicated in kidnapping the princess of Mars?" }, { "_id": 2330, "text": "Who are the Lotharians?" }, { "_id": 2331, "text": "What have the Lotharians become adept at doing?" }, { "_id": 2332, "text": "Who is Carthorius in love with?" }, { "_id": 2333, "text": "Who is Thuvia promised to?" }, { "_id": 2334, "text": "On Barsoom, what is the only thing that can break an engagement?" }, { "_id": 2335, "text": "Who kidnapped Thuvia?" }, { "_id": 2336, "text": "What time in Lothair's life does he find himself receiving attention from three different women?" }, { "_id": 2337, "text": "Who does Lothair favor?" }, { "_id": 2338, "text": "Who tries to turn Lothair into a Catholic?" }, { "_id": 2339, "text": "Where does Lothair marry Lady Corisande?" }, { "_id": 2340, "text": "Which army does Lothair volunteer for?" }, { "_id": 2341, "text": "Which church does Theodora Campion represent?" }, { "_id": 2342, "text": "Who raised Lothair?" }, { "_id": 2343, "text": "What was the army of Garibaldi fighting to take?" }, { "_id": 2344, "text": "Who saved Lothair according to Clare?" }, { "_id": 2345, "text": "Where does Mr. Phoebus take Lothair?" }, { "_id": 2346, "text": "What is the main character's name?" }, { "_id": 2347, "text": "Who raised Lothair?" }, { "_id": 2348, "text": "What is Lothair's uncles name?" }, { "_id": 2349, "text": "What church does Lady Corisande represent?" }, { "_id": 2350, "text": "What church does Clare Arundel represent?" }, { "_id": 2351, "text": "Who does Lothair unsuccessfully propose to?" }, { "_id": 2352, "text": "What church does Lothair almost join?" }, { "_id": 2353, "text": "Who does Lothair join in Italy?" }, { "_id": 2354, "text": "Where is Lothair badly wounded?" }, { "_id": 2355, "text": "What is the country that the nobleman Lothair is from?" }, { "_id": 2356, "text": "Who does Clare Arundel try to convince Lothair saved him at the Battle of Mentana?" }, { "_id": 2357, "text": "Which woman does Lothair marry first?" }, { "_id": 2358, "text": "In the story what does Lothair learn from the mystic in Jerusalem?" }, { "_id": 2359, "text": "Who takes Lothair to Syria?" }, { "_id": 2360, "text": "Which woman, in the story, did Lothair first propose to?" }, { "_id": 2361, "text": "In what army does Lothair end up?" }, { "_id": 2362, "text": "How many women are interested in Lothair during the story?" }, { "_id": 2363, "text": "What is the belief Lothair's uncle who raises him?" }, { "_id": 2364, "text": "Who is killed at Viterbo?" }, { "_id": 2365, "text": "Which of Bill's daughter is involved with one of his board members?" }, { "_id": 2366, "text": "What is the one condition that Joe Black gives Bill to stay on Earth?" }, { "_id": 2367, "text": "What happens to the man Susan meets at the coffee shop?" }, { "_id": 2368, "text": "In the beginning of the story, what strange phenomenon is happening to Bill?" }, { "_id": 2369, "text": "Why is Quince upset?" }, { "_id": 2370, "text": "What happens to the man at the coffee shop after Bill \"dies\"?" }, { "_id": 2371, "text": "What happens before Bill goes to his birthday party?" }, { "_id": 2372, "text": "Who is the man who is instigating with Drew to take down Bill as chairman bidding for?" }, { "_id": 2373, "text": "Whose body does Death inhabit?" }, { "_id": 2374, "text": "What happens to Joe Black when Susan shows feeling for him?" }, { "_id": 2375, "text": "What was William Bill plan for his company?" }, { "_id": 2376, "text": "What is the name of William Bill young daughter?" }, { "_id": 2377, "text": "How did Death came to Willam Bill home?" }, { "_id": 2378, "text": "How did William Bill introduced Death to his family?" }, { "_id": 2379, "text": "What did William Bill has to do to stay alive?" }, { "_id": 2380, "text": "Who wanted William Bill to be voted out as a chairman of his company?" }, { "_id": 2381, "text": "Why did Death wanted to take Susan away with him?" }, { "_id": 2382, "text": "What did William Bill did with his remaning hours of his life?" }, { "_id": 2383, "text": "What did William Bill and Joe Black did during firework?" }, { "_id": 2384, "text": "Who came back to hold hand with Susan?" }, { "_id": 2385, "text": "What is Bil Parrish planning as his 65th birthday approaches?" }, { "_id": 2386, "text": "What is Bills youngest daughter Susan's career choice?" }, { "_id": 2387, "text": "How does Bill feel about his daughter Susan's relationship and marriage contemplation?" }, { "_id": 2388, "text": "What happens to the man that Susan meets in the coffee shop?" }, { "_id": 2389, "text": "How does the young man from the coffee shop manifest himself to Bill following his accident?" }, { "_id": 2390, "text": "How does Drew get Bill voted out as chairman?" }, { "_id": 2391, "text": "With Bill out as Chairman, what does Drew do?" }, { "_id": 2392, "text": "When his last birthday arrives what does Bill try to impart to Joe?" }, { "_id": 2393, "text": "What does Joe do for Bill following their converstation about true love thta helps Bill?" }, { "_id": 2394, "text": "How does Susan's interest from the coffee shop arrive at Bills party?" }, { "_id": 2395, "text": "What happens to Dudley at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 2396, "text": "Who does Dudley accidentally kill instead of Maud?" }, { "_id": 2397, "text": "Why is Madame de la Rougierre dismissed as Maud's governess?" }, { "_id": 2398, "text": "What happens if Maud dies while still a minor?" }, { "_id": 2399, "text": "What is the name of Uncle Silas's mansion?" }, { "_id": 2400, "text": "Who is Maud's best friend at Bartram-Haugh?" }, { "_id": 2401, "text": "Who helps Maud escape after Madame de la Rougierre is killed?" }, { "_id": 2402, "text": "Where is Millicent sent to boarding school?" }, { "_id": 2403, "text": "Who makes several attempts to court Maud?" }, { "_id": 2404, "text": "Who does Maud marry at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 2405, "text": "What is Maud's fathers name?" }, { "_id": 2406, "text": "Why is her uncle Silas Ruthyn considered to be a black sheep?" }, { "_id": 2407, "text": "What was the name of the manson owned by Silas Ruthyn?" }, { "_id": 2408, "text": "What is the name of Silas Ruthyn's son?" }, { "_id": 2409, "text": "Who hired the governess Madame de la Rougierre as a companion for Maud?" }, { "_id": 2410, "text": "What was the name of the stipulation laid forth in Austin Ruthy's will known as? " }, { "_id": 2411, "text": "How lon did Maud agree to stay with her uncle Silas? " }, { "_id": 2412, "text": "Why is Uncle Silas sufferng from mysterious catatonic fits? " }, { "_id": 2413, "text": "What drink had been druged and intended for Maud to partake? " }, { "_id": 2414, "text": "What finally claims the life of Uncle Silas?" }, { "_id": 2415, "text": "Who is Austin to Maud?" }, { "_id": 2416, "text": "Why is the governess dismissed from her job?" }, { "_id": 2417, "text": "Who does Maud have to spend the rest of her childhood with after her father dies?" }, { "_id": 2418, "text": "What causes Silas' catatonic fits?" }, { "_id": 2419, "text": "Who does Silas send away to boarding school?" }, { "_id": 2420, "text": "Where is Maud actually staying while everyone thinks she is in France?" }, { "_id": 2421, "text": "Who murders Madame de la Rougierre by mistake?" }, { "_id": 2422, "text": "Who enters the room during the murder allowing Maud to quietly escape?" }, { "_id": 2423, "text": "How does Silas die?" }, { "_id": 2424, "text": "Who does Maud eventually marry?" }, { "_id": 2425, "text": "Why are Hal Tucker and his girlfriend Sarah stranded on mountain peak?" }, { "_id": 2426, "text": "In which mountains are Hal and Sarah stranded?" }, { "_id": 2427, "text": "How does Sarah die?" }, { "_id": 2428, "text": "Who does Hal blame for Sarah's death?" }, { "_id": 2429, "text": "What does Walker do after Sarah falls to her death?" }, { "_id": 2430, "text": "What are Qualen and Travers trying to locate after their plane crashes into the mountains?" }, { "_id": 2431, "text": "How many suitcases full of stolen, uncirculated bills are missing?" }, { "_id": 2432, "text": "How much money is in the missing suitcases?" }, { "_id": 2433, "text": "What do Gabe and Jessie write on the single bill they leave in the second suitcase?" }, { "_id": 2434, "text": "Who is Frank?" }, { "_id": 2435, "text": "Where did Hal and Sarah need rescuing from?" }, { "_id": 2436, "text": "Who is blamed for Sarah's death?" }, { "_id": 2437, "text": "What was the name of the U.S. treasury agent?" }, { "_id": 2438, "text": "How many suitcases were stolen?" }, { "_id": 2439, "text": "Who is shot by one of the mercenaries and dies?" }, { "_id": 2440, "text": "What was the taunting message left on the single bill?" }, { "_id": 2441, "text": "What happens to the money in the third case?" }, { "_id": 2442, "text": "What are the names of the two friends Hal sees?" }, { "_id": 2443, "text": "Who holds Jessie hostage on board the helicopter?" }, { "_id": 2444, "text": "What is the name of the rescue helicopter pilot?" }, { "_id": 2445, "text": "Where did Qualen dell Gabe and Hal he was holding Jessie?" }, { "_id": 2446, "text": "What happened to Frank, the helicopter pilot?" }, { "_id": 2447, "text": "From what mountain chain were Hal and Sarah rescued?" }, { "_id": 2448, "text": "What happened to the money in the first case after the avalanche?" }, { "_id": 2449, "text": "What ultimately happens to Qualen in the story?" }, { "_id": 2450, "text": "Who took the Rangers hostage?" }, { "_id": 2451, "text": "How was Jessie released from Qualen?" }, { "_id": 2452, "text": "How long did it take Gabe to return to the Ranger Station after Sarah's death?" }, { "_id": 2453, "text": "What message did Gabe and Jessie leave Qualen written on a single bill?" }, { "_id": 2454, "text": "Who threw the 2nd bag of money into the helicopter rotors?" }, { "_id": 2455, "text": "Who invented the Iron Mole?" }, { "_id": 2456, "text": "Who is David's captive?" }, { "_id": 2457, "text": "At an unknown location, what does David do with his captive? " }, { "_id": 2458, "text": "What does David name this unknown location? " }, { "_id": 2459, "text": "Where is Ja the Mezop from? " }, { "_id": 2460, "text": "Who has taken David's love interest Dian? " }, { "_id": 2461, "text": "Dian is swapped for what? " }, { "_id": 2462, "text": "Before he can continue to fight for human independence, what must David do? " }, { "_id": 2463, "text": "Who invented the iron Mole?" }, { "_id": 2464, "text": "What did David do to his captive in Pellucidar?" }, { "_id": 2465, "text": "Who was David looking for in Greenwich?" }, { "_id": 2466, "text": "How did David learn that the human revolt against the Mahar's hasn't been going well?" }, { "_id": 2467, "text": "How did David get information about his love, Dian, and his enemy?" }, { "_id": 2468, "text": "What did David have to do before resuming the human war for independence?" }, { "_id": 2469, "text": "What did David agree to supply to the Mahars?" }, { "_id": 2470, "text": "Who helped David succeed in building a confederacy of human tribes?" }, { "_id": 2471, "text": "What di the \"Empire of Pellucidar\" do?" }, { "_id": 2472, "text": "What does David name the unknown location?" }, { "_id": 2473, "text": "What is the name of the confederacy of human tribes?" }, { "_id": 2474, "text": "What is it that the foes want?" }, { "_id": 2475, "text": "Who is David's companion?" }, { "_id": 2476, "text": "Who is David's love?" }, { "_id": 2477, "text": "What takes the place of the destroyed Mahar cities?" }, { "_id": 2478, "text": "Who does David find as a new ally?" }, { "_id": 2479, "text": "Who is the antagonist?" }, { "_id": 2480, "text": "What does Hooja claim as a reward?" }, { "_id": 2481, "text": "What is Dian's nickname?" }, { "_id": 2482, "text": "Utah is sent undercover to where?" }, { "_id": 2483, "text": "What is his undercover name while in France?" }, { "_id": 2484, "text": "Who does Utah shoot at the Italian bank?" }, { "_id": 2485, "text": "What happens to Jeff while biking and he overshoots his landing?" }, { "_id": 2486, "text": "How long after Jeff's death before we see Utah again?" }, { "_id": 2487, "text": "What job is Utah going for in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 2488, "text": "How does Utah meet Bodhi?" }, { "_id": 2489, "text": "How does Utah get accepted into the circle of the three criminals?" }, { "_id": 2490, "text": "How did Samsara's parents die?" }, { "_id": 2491, "text": "How did Ozaki die?" }, { "_id": 2492, "text": "What is the Ozkai 8?" }, { "_id": 2493, "text": "What country does Utah go undercover in?" }, { "_id": 2494, "text": "Who dies while completing the 6th ordeal?" }, { "_id": 2495, "text": "Who did Samsara and Bodhi both know?" }, { "_id": 2496, "text": "Why did Bodhi leap down the waterfall?" }, { "_id": 2497, "text": "Which ordeal does Bodhi have to redo?" }, { "_id": 2498, "text": "How long does it take Utah to find Bodhi again?" }, { "_id": 2499, "text": "Who gets shot by Utah?" }, { "_id": 2500, "text": "Where does Utah find Bodhi?" }, { "_id": 2501, "text": "How does Utah get accepted into the circle?" }, { "_id": 2502, "text": "How do the criminals escape the skyscraper heist?" }, { "_id": 2503, "text": "What is the 4th extreme ordeal?" }, { "_id": 2504, "text": "Who saves Utah when he faints while surfing? " }, { "_id": 2505, "text": "What is the initiation Utah must face?" }, { "_id": 2506, "text": "Whose parents die in an avalanche?" }, { "_id": 2507, "text": "Who planted the explosives at the gold mine?" }, { "_id": 2508, "text": "Whose assets does the FBI freeze?" }, { "_id": 2509, "text": "How does Grommet die?" }, { "_id": 2510, "text": "Where is Angel Falls?" }, { "_id": 2511, "text": "What ocean is Bohdi surfing in at the end?" }, { "_id": 2512, "text": "Where is the ship docked?" }, { "_id": 2513, "text": "Who does Kujan think Keaton is?" }, { "_id": 2514, "text": "Who disctated the artist's rendering of Soze?" }, { "_id": 2515, "text": "Who does the artist's rendering look like?" }, { "_id": 2516, "text": "Who tells Kujan about Soze?" }, { "_id": 2517, "text": "Who does Jack Baer work for?" }, { "_id": 2518, "text": "What is Kobayashi's job?" }, { "_id": 2519, "text": "What was the second jewelry heist if it wasn't jewelry?" }, { "_id": 2520, "text": "Who are the survivors on the ship?" }, { "_id": 2521, "text": "Who did Soze kill?" }, { "_id": 2522, "text": "What happens to the ship at the start of the story?" }, { "_id": 2523, "text": "How many people did Roger commit crimes with, according to the story?" }, { "_id": 2524, "text": "Where was Keaton when he tried to sell stolen items to Redfoot?" }, { "_id": 2525, "text": "Which agency sent an agent to interogate Verbal?" }, { "_id": 2526, "text": "Who was Keaton's lawyer?" }, { "_id": 2527, "text": "Where was the man in the urban legend from, according to the story?" }, { "_id": 2528, "text": "How did Verbal find out that Finneran was dead?" }, { "_id": 2529, "text": "What was the source of information for the story Roger told Dave?" }, { "_id": 2530, "text": "When did Kujan figure out that Kint wasn't telling the truth?" }, { "_id": 2531, "text": "Who was able to provide the description of Soze that was faxed to Kujan?" }, { "_id": 2532, "text": "What is Dean Keaton's relationship to Edie Finneran?" }, { "_id": 2533, "text": "Where is Dave Kujan employed?" }, { "_id": 2534, "text": "What is the settting when this story begins?" }, { "_id": 2535, "text": "What is Kobayashi's role in this story?" }, { "_id": 2536, "text": "Who does Kujan believe Soze is when he is talking to Verbal?" }, { "_id": 2537, "text": "Who is revealed to be Soze?" }, { "_id": 2538, "text": "Who are the survivors found on the ship?" }, { "_id": 2539, "text": "Who gave the description of Soze to the police?" }, { "_id": 2540, "text": "What is Dean Keaton's former employment?" }, { "_id": 2541, "text": "How was Verbal freed?" }, { "_id": 2542, "text": "What is the Dark Star?" }, { "_id": 2543, "text": "What is the Dark Star tasked with doing?" }, { "_id": 2544, "text": "How was Commander Powell killed?" }, { "_id": 2545, "text": "In what state is Commander Powell present on the Dark Star?" }, { "_id": 2546, "text": "How long has the crew of the Dark Star been on their mission?" }, { "_id": 2547, "text": "Who spends most of their time in the ship's observation dome?" }, { "_id": 2548, "text": "How is Talby blinded?" }, { "_id": 2549, "text": "Who is sent drifting out into the Pheonix Asteroids?" }, { "_id": 2550, "text": "What self-detonates despite several attempts to stop it?" }, { "_id": 2551, "text": "Who dies by burning as they fall into the atmosphere of planet?" }, { "_id": 2552, "text": "What century does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 2553, "text": "What is the name of the scout ship?" }, { "_id": 2554, "text": "How long have the crew been on their mission?" }, { "_id": 2555, "text": "What distraction did Doolittle create for the crew?" }, { "_id": 2556, "text": "Which Crew member plays pranks on the crew?" }, { "_id": 2557, "text": "What does Pinback say his name really in in his diary?" }, { "_id": 2558, "text": "What causes the latest on-board malfunction?" }, { "_id": 2559, "text": "Why is the crew trying to activate the release mechanism?" }, { "_id": 2560, "text": "How does Doolittle disarm the bomb?" }, { "_id": 2561, "text": "Why does bomb #20 explode?" }, { "_id": 2562, "text": "What is Dark Star?" }, { "_id": 2563, "text": "How long has the Dark Star and its crew been in space?" }, { "_id": 2564, "text": "Why is the crew bored?" }, { "_id": 2565, "text": "Where is Doolittle originally from?" }, { "_id": 2566, "text": "What does Pinback chase around the Dark Star?" }, { "_id": 2567, "text": "Who convinces Bomb #20 to disarm itself?" }, { "_id": 2568, "text": "Which person is revived by Doolittle?" }, { "_id": 2569, "text": "Where does Talby go?" }, { "_id": 2570, "text": "What does Bomb #20 say before detonating?" }, { "_id": 2571, "text": "Who surfs into the atmosphere of a planet?" }, { "_id": 2572, "text": "What group dit On-Two lead?" }, { "_id": 2573, "text": "How much did Uri pay to Lenny for the land deal?" }, { "_id": 2574, "text": "What did Johnny Quid steal from Lenny?" }, { "_id": 2575, "text": "Who doublecrossed Uri to help others steal the money?" }, { "_id": 2576, "text": "What did Lenny do that eventually caused him to be drowned?" }, { "_id": 2577, "text": "Who wanted to marry stella?" }, { "_id": 2578, "text": "Who did Victor suspect actually stole Uri's money?" }, { "_id": 2579, "text": "To whom did Johnny graphically explain how they be killed in the lift?" }, { "_id": 2580, "text": "Who ultimately ended up with the painting?" }, { "_id": 2581, "text": "How is Lenny executed?" }, { "_id": 2582, "text": "What is the nationality of the businessman who plans the crooked real estate deal?" }, { "_id": 2583, "text": "What happens to Uri's painting after Lenny hangs it up on his wall?" }, { "_id": 2584, "text": "What is Johnny Quid's relationship to Lenny?" }, { "_id": 2585, "text": "What pseudonym does Lenny use on the documents of the crooked deal?" }, { "_id": 2586, "text": "What is Johnny's plan after his succssful rehab from addiction?" }, { "_id": 2587, "text": "After their tryst, what does One-Two give to Stella?" }, { "_id": 2588, "text": "Who is the leader of the Wild Bunch?" }, { "_id": 2589, "text": "Who orders Lenny's execution?" }, { "_id": 2590, "text": "Who proposes to Stella?" }, { "_id": 2591, "text": "How does Lenny die?" }, { "_id": 2592, "text": "What gang is Handsome Bob a member of?" }, { "_id": 2593, "text": "Why does Uri need 7,000,000 Euro?" }, { "_id": 2594, "text": "Why is it ironic that Archy gives Uri's lucky painting to Johnny?" }, { "_id": 2595, "text": "What alerted Archy to Lenny's double-dealing with police?" }, { "_id": 2596, "text": "Who is Stella?" }, { "_id": 2597, "text": "Why does Archy kill Lenny?" }, { "_id": 2598, "text": "Who sold the painting to Cookie?" }, { "_id": 2599, "text": "How did Stella obtain the picture?" }, { "_id": 2600, "text": "How does Uri know he's been doublecrossed by Stella?" }, { "_id": 2601, "text": "Who does the trio get a lift from shortly after they first escape from prison?" }, { "_id": 2602, "text": "How do the friends help Everett win Penny back?" }, { "_id": 2603, "text": "What condition does Penny give Everett before she will marry him?" }, { "_id": 2604, "text": "What animal does Delmar think Pete is turned into after their encounter with the sirens?" }, { "_id": 2605, "text": "What do the main characters name their singing group?" }, { "_id": 2606, "text": "How is Big Dan killed?" }, { "_id": 2607, "text": "Why is Pete especially angry with Everett after learning there is no treasure?" }, { "_id": 2608, "text": "Why does Tommy say he is able to play the guitar?" }, { "_id": 2609, "text": "What unexpected event saves the trio from hanging at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 2610, "text": "Who turned Pete back into the police?" }, { "_id": 2611, "text": "WHY DO THE THREE CONVICTS ESCAPE FROM THE CHAIN GANG?" }, { "_id": 2612, "text": "What are the first names of the three convicts?" }, { "_id": 2613, "text": "Who buried the treasure?" }, { "_id": 2614, "text": "Who do they get a lift from after escaping the chain gang?" }, { "_id": 2615, "text": "Who is Tommy Johnson?" }, { "_id": 2616, "text": "They record a song under what name?" }, { "_id": 2617, "text": "The trio come upon what group trying to hang Tommy?" }, { "_id": 2618, "text": "What is Everett's wife name?" }, { "_id": 2619, "text": "Who gives the trio a pardon?" }, { "_id": 2620, "text": "Who orders them to be hanged?" }, { "_id": 2621, "text": "What is the blind man driving when he gives the three main characters a lift at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 2622, "text": "Which character claims he sold his soul to the devil?" }, { "_id": 2623, "text": "What is the name of the singing group that the main character use to record their song at the radio station?" }, { "_id": 2624, "text": "What do the women washing clothes in the river drug the main characters with?" }, { "_id": 2625, "text": "What animal does Delmar think Pete was turned into?" }, { "_id": 2626, "text": "Who are the Ku Klux Clan planning on hanging?" }, { "_id": 2627, "text": "Who reveals the true identity of the main characters to the Ku Klux Clan?" }, { "_id": 2628, "text": "What falls onto Dan and kills him?" }, { "_id": 2629, "text": "Who endorses the Soggy Bottom Boys and grants them a full pardon?" }, { "_id": 2630, "text": "What happens just as Everett prays to God during the final part of the story?" }, { "_id": 2631, "text": "What medical condition did Whale continue to suffer from?" }, { "_id": 2632, "text": "What job was Boone hired to do for Whale?" }, { "_id": 2633, "text": "Who are the two \"monsters\" mentioned in the story?" }, { "_id": 2634, "text": "What is Boone's son's name?" }, { "_id": 2635, "text": "Who hosted the party, mentioned in the story, for Princess Margaret?" }, { "_id": 2636, "text": "What happens at Princess Margaret's party that is an excuse for Whale and Boone to leave?" }, { "_id": 2637, "text": "Who is Whale's longtime housemaid?" }, { "_id": 2638, "text": "What pieces of work did Whale famously direct?" }, { "_id": 2639, "text": "What did Boone do to help Whale?" }, { "_id": 2640, "text": "After Whale and Boone's disagreement where did Hanna find Whale?" }, { "_id": 2641, "text": "What is James Whale's claim to fame? " }, { "_id": 2642, "text": "Who is Clayton Boone to James at the beginning of the story? " }, { "_id": 2643, "text": "How did James Whale sign his drawing of Frankenstein that he gave to Clayton? " }, { "_id": 2644, "text": "What did Clayton's friends think were James' intentions with Clayton? " }, { "_id": 2645, "text": "What did Clayton do when James detailed his past sexual exploits?" }, { "_id": 2646, "text": "Why was Clayton uncomfortable with his friendship with James? " }, { "_id": 2647, "text": "What causes James' depression at the beginning of the story? " }, { "_id": 2648, "text": "How did James feel after he and Boone attended the party for Princess Margaret? " }, { "_id": 2649, "text": "How did Boone react when James' finally made a sexual advance? " }, { "_id": 2650, "text": "Why did James ask Clayton to kill him? " }, { "_id": 2651, "text": "Who does Whale live with?" }, { "_id": 2652, "text": "What war was Whale in?" }, { "_id": 2653, "text": "Who poses for Whale's sketches?" }, { "_id": 2654, "text": "Who hosts the party Boone and Whale go to?" }, { "_id": 2655, "text": "What does Boone wear when his clothes get wet?" }, { "_id": 2656, "text": "Where does Whale kiss Boone?" }, { "_id": 2657, "text": "Who does Whale ask to kill him?" }, { "_id": 2658, "text": "What do Boone and his son watch on TV?" }, { "_id": 2659, "text": "How does Boone prove to his son that he was friends with Whale?" }, { "_id": 2660, "text": "At the beginning of the story, where does Otto work?" }, { "_id": 2661, "text": "Leila works at a place called \"UFO\" what does that stand for?" }, { "_id": 2662, "text": "How much money does Bud offer Otto to drive a car out of the neighborhood?" }, { "_id": 2663, "text": "Who said \"the life of a repo man is always intense\"?" }, { "_id": 2664, "text": "What is the make and model of the car with the $20,000 bounty notice?" }, { "_id": 2665, "text": "What is causing people to die when they open the trunk of the Malibu?" }, { "_id": 2666, "text": "Who are the rivals of the Helping Hand Acceptance Corporation?" }, { "_id": 2667, "text": "Who is the friend that Dr. Parnell talks about with Otto?" }, { "_id": 2668, "text": "Who drives the Malibu back into the Helping Hand lot after it had been stolen?" }, { "_id": 2669, "text": "Which two characters are the only people able to enter the Malibu at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 2670, "text": "What car is Frank driving?" }, { "_id": 2671, "text": "What does Bud offer Otto?" }, { "_id": 2672, "text": "What does otto learn about the car he was driving?" }, { "_id": 2673, "text": "What does otto learn about the life of of a repo man?" }, { "_id": 2674, "text": "Why do most assume the Malibu is drug-related?" }, { "_id": 2675, "text": "Where does Parnell go to meet his UFO compatriots?" }, { "_id": 2676, "text": "Who steals the malibu?" }, { "_id": 2677, "text": "Who does otto take the car back to in the end?" }, { "_id": 2678, "text": "Who is the only one able to approach and enter the car in the end?" }, { "_id": 2679, "text": "What is so interesting about the malibu?" }, { "_id": 2680, "text": "What does Dr. Frank Parnell drive? " }, { "_id": 2681, "text": "What does Otto do for a living? " }, { "_id": 2682, "text": "Who does Otto's girlfriend leave him for? " }, { "_id": 2683, "text": "What happens when a cop open's Dr. Parnell's trunk? " }, { "_id": 2684, "text": "What did Otto's parents do with his school money? " }, { "_id": 2685, "text": "Where does Leila work? " }, { "_id": 2686, "text": "Who confesses love for Otto? " }, { "_id": 2687, "text": "What can the Malibu do that is unusual? " }, { "_id": 2688, "text": "Who helps Otto get a job at Helping Hand? " }, { "_id": 2689, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 2690, "text": "What war is Archie a veteran of?" }, { "_id": 2691, "text": "How does Archie initially anger Daniel Brewster?" }, { "_id": 2692, "text": "Where does Archie meet Brewster's daughter?" }, { "_id": 2693, "text": "What baseball team does Archie bet on?" }, { "_id": 2694, "text": "Who is the Sausage Chappie?" }, { "_id": 2695, "text": "How does Archie upset Mrs. Cora Bates McCall?" }, { "_id": 2696, "text": "What does Archie do to upset Lucille?" }, { "_id": 2697, "text": "What is the name of the hotel Archie criticizes?" }, { "_id": 2698, "text": "How does Archie finally win over his father in law?" }, { "_id": 2699, "text": "Who is Archibald Molfam's father-in-law?" }, { "_id": 2700, "text": "What does Daniel Brewster have an extensive collection of?" }, { "_id": 2701, "text": "In what city does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 2702, "text": "What war is Archie a veteran of?" }, { "_id": 2703, "text": "What initiates the feud between Archie and his father-in-law, Daniel Brewster?" }, { "_id": 2704, "text": "What is the first name of Brewster's daughter, Archie's wife?" }, { "_id": 2705, "text": "In the story, what upsets Lucille about Archie?" }, { "_id": 2706, "text": "What is the exact amount of money Archie bets on the Giants?" }, { "_id": 2707, "text": "What kind of contest does Cora Bates McCall son enter at the recommendation of Archie?" }, { "_id": 2708, "text": "Who give Archie a hard time?" }, { "_id": 2709, "text": "How is Daniel related to Archie?" }, { "_id": 2710, "text": "Who is Lucille?" }, { "_id": 2711, "text": "What war has Archie fought in?" }, { "_id": 2712, "text": "What does Archie criticize?" }, { "_id": 2713, "text": "Where is the hotel?" }, { "_id": 2714, "text": "Where did Archie meet Lucille?" }, { "_id": 2715, "text": "What team did Archie bet on?" }, { "_id": 2716, "text": "How much money did Archie bet?" }, { "_id": 2717, "text": "What finally makes Daniel happy?" }, { "_id": 2718, "text": "Where is the jewish family hiding at the beginnging?" }, { "_id": 2719, "text": "Who is allowed to escape at the beginning?" }, { "_id": 2720, "text": "What does Raine carve into Butz's forehead?" }, { "_id": 2721, "text": "Why do the Basterds recruit Hugo?" }, { "_id": 2722, "text": "Who becomes infatuated with Shosanna?" }, { "_id": 2723, "text": "How does Hicox give himself away as not a German?" }, { "_id": 2724, "text": "Whose shoe does Landa find in the tavern?" }, { "_id": 2725, "text": "Which three Basterds go to the premiere in disguise?" }, { "_id": 2726, "text": "What does Shosanna plan to do during the premiere?" }, { "_id": 2727, "text": "Who gets a swastika carved into their forehead?" }, { "_id": 2728, "text": "What does the German officer promise Perrier LaPedite if he reveals where the Dreyfus family is hiding?" }, { "_id": 2729, "text": "Why does Lt. Aldo Raine carve a T into Private Butz's forehead?" }, { "_id": 2730, "text": "Why does Frederick Zoller convince Goebbels to move the premier to Shoshanna's cinema?" }, { "_id": 2731, "text": "Why is Shoshanna living under an assumed name in Paris?" }, { "_id": 2732, "text": "How does Lieutenant Hicox give himself away during the tavern meeting?" }, { "_id": 2733, "text": "Why do the Basterds scalp the German soldiers they have killed?" }, { "_id": 2734, "text": "How does Col Landa known that Bridget von Hammersmark is working with the Allies?" }, { "_id": 2735, "text": "Why does Shoshanna splice in footage of herself into Stolz der Nation?" }, { "_id": 2736, "text": "Why do the Basterds pose as Italians for the premiere of Stolz der Nation?" }, { "_id": 2737, "text": "What does Marcel set on fire to burn down the theater?" }, { "_id": 2738, "text": "What is Perrier La Padite's profession?" }, { "_id": 2739, "text": "Who is the only Dreyfus family member to escape death?" }, { "_id": 2740, "text": "Who are recruited for the Basterds?" }, { "_id": 2741, "text": "How do the Basterds spread fear among the German soldiers?" }, { "_id": 2742, "text": "How do Shosanna and Marcel plan to kill Fredrick Zoller and the Nazi leaders attending the premier?" }, { "_id": 2743, "text": "How do German's gesture \"three\"?" }, { "_id": 2744, "text": "What do two of the Basterds, Donny and Omar, pose as at the premier?" }, { "_id": 2745, "text": "How does Fredrick Zollar die?" }, { "_id": 2746, "text": "Where is Bridget von Hammersmark killed?" }, { "_id": 2747, "text": "What is carved into Hans Landa's forehead?" }, { "_id": 2748, "text": "In which story do three plus culprits die?" }, { "_id": 2749, "text": "How many people did the murderer kill in \"The A.B.C.\" murders?" }, { "_id": 2750, "text": "What is the name of the detective usually played in Christie's stories?" }, { "_id": 2751, "text": "What change was made to the murderer in \"Witness for Protection\" when it was turned into a stage play?" }, { "_id": 2752, "text": "Where does \"Death Comes as an End\" take place?" }, { "_id": 2753, "text": "Who said Christie often makes an unlikely character the culprit?" }, { "_id": 2754, "text": "Brian Aldiss said Christie writes her story all the way to the last chapter then decides what?" }, { "_id": 2755, "text": "Which story doesn't contain any known suspects?" }, { "_id": 2756, "text": "What is the first step in the classic mystery structure Christie is known for?" }, { "_id": 2757, "text": "Christie has the reputation as being the queen of what?" }, { "_id": 2758, "text": "What is the name of Agatha Christie's most famous detective?" }, { "_id": 2759, "text": "What title has been given to Agatha Christie in response to the theming of her works?" }, { "_id": 2760, "text": "Which of Agatha Christie's stories had all of the suspects end up being guilty?" }, { "_id": 2761, "text": "What is one way some people say you can determine the guilty party in an Agatha Christie novel?" }, { "_id": 2762, "text": "Who wrote Agatha Christie: The Secret Notebooks?" }, { "_id": 2763, "text": "Where is In Death Comes as the End set?" }, { "_id": 2764, "text": "What is considered the basic mystery structure?" }, { "_id": 2765, "text": "In the A.B.C. Murders, what happens to the culprit?" }, { "_id": 2766, "text": "What other types of media have used Christie's storylines, but chosen to sanitize them?" }, { "_id": 2767, "text": "In stories such as 'Endless Night' and 'Five Little Pigs', what did Christie leave open?" }, { "_id": 2768, "text": "According to P.D. James, who did Christie often times make the guilty party in her stories?" }, { "_id": 2769, "text": "What title was Christie also known as?" }, { "_id": 2770, "text": "In typical Christie mystery structure, during what part of the story did the detective uncover the most shocking twists?" }, { "_id": 2771, "text": "In the stage version of 'Witness for the Prosecution', why did Christie change and extend the ending?" }, { "_id": 2772, "text": "In 'Murder on the Orient Express', who did Christie use as the guilty party?" }, { "_id": 2773, "text": "What was the name of the detective in most of Christie's works?" }, { "_id": 2774, "text": "How many culprits died during 'Curtain'?" }, { "_id": 2775, "text": "What did John Curran do to Brian Aldiss' assertion about Christie's writing style?" }, { "_id": 2776, "text": "Who did Christine use a culprit for 'And Then There Were None'?" }, { "_id": 2777, "text": "What happened to Todd's wife, Lucy?" }, { "_id": 2778, "text": "What kind of pies makes Mrs. Lovett's shop prosper?" }, { "_id": 2779, "text": "Who is Johanna's father?" }, { "_id": 2780, "text": "What happens to Todd at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 2781, "text": "Who killed Lucy, Benjamin Barker's wife?" }, { "_id": 2782, "text": "Who is in love with Johanna?" }, { "_id": 2783, "text": "What does Turpin do after hearing of Anthony's plans regarding Johanna?" }, { "_id": 2784, "text": "Who is responsible for Benjamin Barker's prison sentence?" }, { "_id": 2785, "text": "Why did Turpin have Benjamin sent to prison?" }, { "_id": 2786, "text": "Why does Bamford visit Mrs. Lovett's shop?" }, { "_id": 2787, "text": "Who is Benjamin Baker?" }, { "_id": 2788, "text": "With whom did Benjamin Baker arrived in London with?" }, { "_id": 2789, "text": "What was Benjamin Baker alias?" }, { "_id": 2790, "text": "Who was Anthony Hope infatuated with?" }, { "_id": 2791, "text": "What did Sweeney Todd waiting for to reopen his barber shop?" }, { "_id": 2792, "text": "Why did Sweeney Todd have to kill Davy Collins?" }, { "_id": 2793, "text": "How were the victims of Todd rage disposed of?" }, { "_id": 2794, "text": "How did the dead victims get to Mrs. Lovett?" }, { "_id": 2795, "text": "What did Mrs. Lovett reveal to Todd?" }, { "_id": 2796, "text": "What is Banjamin Barker's alias name?" }, { "_id": 2797, "text": "How does Lucy die?" }, { "_id": 2798, "text": "Who is Sweeney Todd's daughter?" }, { "_id": 2799, "text": "Where does Benjamin Barker hide Davy Collins' body?" }, { "_id": 2800, "text": "Who does Mrs. Lovett take as an assistant?" }, { "_id": 2801, "text": "Where does Mrs. Lovett plan to move?" }, { "_id": 2802, "text": "Why does the beggar woman enter the barber shop?" }, { "_id": 2803, "text": "What do Mrs. Lovett's neighbors complain about?" }, { "_id": 2804, "text": "What lie did Mrs. Lovett tell about the beggar woman?" }, { "_id": 2805, "text": "What does Toby deliver to Turpin?" }, { "_id": 2806, "text": "Where is Dr. Goodwin on a botanical expedition?" }, { "_id": 2807, "text": "Who does Dr. Goodwin meet while on expedition?" }, { "_id": 2808, "text": "What does Dr. Goodwin and Dick Drake witness that they go to investigate?" }, { "_id": 2809, "text": "Who were Goodwin's old friends that he and Dick come upon?" }, { "_id": 2810, "text": "What are Norhala's powers?" }, { "_id": 2811, "text": "What does the group find when they enter the hidden valley?" }, { "_id": 2812, "text": "Who is the Metal Emperor assisted by?" }, { "_id": 2813, "text": "What does Norhala want from Ruth?" }, { "_id": 2814, "text": "What does Martin do in order to try to save Ruth?" }, { "_id": 2815, "text": "Why does Martin fall into a coma?" }, { "_id": 2816, "text": "Where is Dr.Goodwin's expedition to?" }, { "_id": 2817, "text": "What do Drake and Goodwin notice about the aurora like effect?" }, { "_id": 2818, "text": "Who,doe Goodwin and Drake meet when investigating the aurora?" }, { "_id": 2819, "text": "Who are after Martin and Ruth?" }, { "_id": 2820, "text": "What are the Things?" }, { "_id": 2821, "text": "Who controls the Things?" }, { "_id": 2822, "text": "Who governs the Metal city?" }, { "_id": 2823, "text": "What happens when Martin tries to shoot the Metal Emperor ?" }, { "_id": 2824, "text": "What does Norhala want with Ruth?" }, { "_id": 2825, "text": "What nickname is given to the Metal city?" }, { "_id": 2826, "text": "Where is the expedition?" }, { "_id": 2827, "text": "Who does Dr. Goodwin meet that was the son of an acquantaince?" }, { "_id": 2828, "text": "How are Martin and Ruth related?" }, { "_id": 2829, "text": "Who is the group saved by?" }, { "_id": 2830, "text": "Who had attacked the group?" }, { "_id": 2831, "text": "Where are the group led?" }, { "_id": 2832, "text": "Where is the Metal Monster?" }, { "_id": 2833, "text": "Who commands the Metal Monster?" }, { "_id": 2834, "text": "Who tries to shoot the Metal Emperor?" }, { "_id": 2835, "text": "Who is reduced to a coma?" }, { "_id": 2836, "text": "What is Bobby Green's profession?" }, { "_id": 2837, "text": "Where is the El Carib nightclub located?" }, { "_id": 2838, "text": "What is Bobby Green's father's profession?" }, { "_id": 2839, "text": "When Bobby goes undercover, where does he hide a police listening device?" }, { "_id": 2840, "text": "What does Bobby do to avenge his father's death?" }, { "_id": 2841, "text": "What does Amanda do when Bobby joins the police force without her consent?" }, { "_id": 2842, "text": "How long is Joseph hospitalized after he is wounded in an ambush?" }, { "_id": 2843, "text": "What illegial activity is Vadim's operation engaged in? " }, { "_id": 2844, "text": "What does Bobby do when he sees his father's body?" }, { "_id": 2845, "text": "After Bobby's father is killed, where do the police take Bobby and Amanda?" }, { "_id": 2846, "text": "What is the name of the nightclub Bobby Green manages?" }, { "_id": 2847, "text": "Who is Marat Buzhayev?" }, { "_id": 2848, "text": "Why is it that Bobby and Joseph almost get into a physical altercation?" }, { "_id": 2849, "text": "What it the primary purpose of Bobby joining the police force?" }, { "_id": 2850, "text": "At what point does Vadim escape police custody?" }, { "_id": 2851, "text": "How does Burt ultimately die?" }, { "_id": 2852, "text": "When Bobby sees Amanda present in the audience, what is actually happening?" }, { "_id": 2853, "text": "Why does Joseph decide to leave the police force?" }, { "_id": 2854, "text": "Who gives the valedictorian address at the police academy graduation ceremony?" }, { "_id": 2855, "text": "Who is directly responsible for shooting Joseph?" }, { "_id": 2856, "text": "Who is the manager of El Caribe nightclub?" }, { "_id": 2857, "text": "Who does Bobby distance himself from?" }, { "_id": 2858, "text": "Who leads a police raid on El Caribe?" }, { "_id": 2859, "text": "Who are the polce trying to make a case against?" }, { "_id": 2860, "text": "Who does Vadim say will be the next victim?" }, { "_id": 2861, "text": "Who goes undercover to help the police?" }, { "_id": 2862, "text": "How does Bobby's father die?" }, { "_id": 2863, "text": "What does Bobby decide to do after the death of his father?" }, { "_id": 2864, "text": "How does Vadim die?" }, { "_id": 2865, "text": "Who does Bobby think he sees in the audience at graduation?" }, { "_id": 2866, "text": "Who isKarsten Bernick?" }, { "_id": 2867, "text": "What town Karsten Bernick from?" }, { "_id": 2868, "text": "Who came back from America?" }, { "_id": 2869, "text": "Why there was no money?" }, { "_id": 2870, "text": "Who was love by Bernick? " }, { "_id": 2871, "text": "Who didTonnesen falls in love with?" }, { "_id": 2872, "text": "Who refuses to tellthe girl the truth?" }, { "_id": 2873, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 2874, "text": "What is Johans' sisters name?" }, { "_id": 2875, "text": "Who was Bernick once in love with?" }, { "_id": 2876, "text": "Who does Johan fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 2877, "text": "Who is the daughter of the woman that was involved in the scandal in the past?" }, { "_id": 2878, "text": "Who demands that Bernick tell the truth?" }, { "_id": 2879, "text": "What is the name of the ship that is being repaired?" }, { "_id": 2880, "text": "Who is the character that runs off with Dina?" }, { "_id": 2881, "text": "Whose son stows away on the ship that was repaired?" }, { "_id": 2882, "text": "Who stops the boat from sailing to sea?" }, { "_id": 2883, "text": "What project is Bernick planning?" }, { "_id": 2884, "text": "Why did people think Johan left the town?" }, { "_id": 2885, "text": "Why had Johan actually left town?" }, { "_id": 2886, "text": "Who did Lona once love?" }, { "_id": 2887, "text": "Who does Tonnesen fall in love with when he returns?" }, { "_id": 2888, "text": "What is the name of the ship Bernick is repairing?" }, { "_id": 2889, "text": "Why does Bernick try to send the Indian Girl out even though it is not repaired?" }, { "_id": 2890, "text": "Who stows away on The Indian Girl?" }, { "_id": 2891, "text": "Who saves Bernick's son?" }, { "_id": 2892, "text": "What gives bernick's wife hope for the future?" }, { "_id": 2893, "text": "At the beginning of the story Miss Phoebe is in a relationship with whom?" }, { "_id": 2894, "text": "Who does Valentine Brown go to war to fight against?" }, { "_id": 2895, "text": "What do Miss Phoebe and her sister do to earn income for rent?" }, { "_id": 2896, "text": "What is the name of the fictional character Miss Phoebe creates? " }, { "_id": 2897, "text": "Captain Brown invites whom to the ball?" }, { "_id": 2898, "text": "What is the name of the local gossiping girls?" }, { "_id": 2899, "text": "How does Miss Phoebe feel when Captain Brown seems to prefer Miss Livvy?" }, { "_id": 2900, "text": "Whom does Captain Brown declare his love for? " }, { "_id": 2901, "text": "What does Captain Brown do when he learns of the disguise?" }, { "_id": 2902, "text": "What is Valentines announcement to Pheobe?" }, { "_id": 2903, "text": "What did Pheobe what him to announce?" }, { "_id": 2904, "text": "How does Pheobe now pay the rent?" }, { "_id": 2905, "text": "Who helps to encourage a melencholoy Pheobe?" }, { "_id": 2906, "text": "What is the name of the fictional character that Pheobe creates?" }, { "_id": 2907, "text": "At the ball, why is Pheobe initionally annoyed with capitan Brown?" }, { "_id": 2908, "text": "What does Brown discover at the ball?" }, { "_id": 2909, "text": "Why do the local gossipss frequently visity the sisters home?" }, { "_id": 2910, "text": "What does Pheobe do when Brown comes to her house to propose?" }, { "_id": 2911, "text": "What is Phoebe's relationship with Susan?" }, { "_id": 2912, "text": "For what reason do Phoebe and Susan believe that Valentine Brown is coming to visit them before he leaves for the war?" }, { "_id": 2913, "text": "What does Valentine Brown tell Phoebe when he comes to visit before he leaves for the war?" }, { "_id": 2914, "text": "Who is Patty?" }, { "_id": 2915, "text": "What do Phoebe and her sister do to earn their living?" }, { "_id": 2916, "text": "Who is Miss Livvy?" }, { "_id": 2917, "text": "What does Phoebe do at the ball she attends with Captain Brown?" }, { "_id": 2918, "text": "Why does Phoebe become irritated with Captain Brown at the ball?" }, { "_id": 2919, "text": "Who does Captain Brown say is the noblest Miss Phoebe of them all?" }, { "_id": 2920, "text": "What is Phoebe's answer when Captain Brown finally proposes marriage to her?" }, { "_id": 2921, "text": "What did Engels argue?" }, { "_id": 2922, "text": "Who did Engels heavily influence?" }, { "_id": 2923, "text": "Who did Engels form a lifelong partnership with?" }, { "_id": 2924, "text": "Where was Engels sent to live?" }, { "_id": 2925, "text": "What century did the Industrial Revolution take place?" }, { "_id": 2926, "text": "How many times more disease is there in industrial cities versus the countryside?" }, { "_id": 2927, "text": "Who was Engels father?" }, { "_id": 2928, "text": "What nationality is Engels?" }, { "_id": 2929, "text": "Who is Engels?" }, { "_id": 2930, "text": "How much higher was mortality from disease related convulsions in the english countryside?" }, { "_id": 2931, "text": "What years were mills introduced to Carlisle?" }, { "_id": 2932, "text": "How many adults died on average before the introduction of mills?" }, { "_id": 2933, "text": "How many adults died on average after the introduction of mills?" }, { "_id": 2934, "text": "What was one example of Engels' critique of industrialization?" }, { "_id": 2935, "text": "What country was this piece originally addressed to?" }, { "_id": 2936, "text": "With whom did he form an intellectual partnership with?" }, { "_id": 2937, "text": "What two cities had death rates higher than the national average?" }, { "_id": 2938, "text": "What four diseases were common during this period of time?" }, { "_id": 2939, "text": "What was the main argument Engels' made?" }, { "_id": 2940, "text": "What effects does Engles feel the Industrial Revolution has had on workers?" }, { "_id": 2941, "text": "What is the mortality rate from disease in large cities compared to countryside villages?" }, { "_id": 2942, "text": "How many children in Carlisle (out of 1,000) died before the age of five after the introduction of mills?" }, { "_id": 2943, "text": "In Engels interpretation of the Industrial Revolution what two areas did he focus on?" }, { "_id": 2944, "text": "What effect did Engels argue the Industrial Revolution have on Worker's wages?" }, { "_id": 2945, "text": "What type of historian tended to agree with Engels views on Industrialization?" }, { "_id": 2946, "text": "What audience did Engels originally attempt to address?" }, { "_id": 2947, "text": "What did Engels father do for work?" }, { "_id": 2948, "text": "Where did Engles go that made his thinking even more radiacal?" }, { "_id": 2949, "text": "Who was the parish priest for village of Artauds?" }, { "_id": 2950, "text": "Why did the villagers did'nt come to church?" }, { "_id": 2951, "text": "What happened to Serge Mouret?" }, { "_id": 2952, "text": "Who put Serge Mouret in a home care?" }, { "_id": 2953, "text": "Who did Serge Mouret fell in love with?" }, { "_id": 2954, "text": "What did Serge Mouret and Albine did?" }, { "_id": 2955, "text": "What happened when Serge Mouret regain his memory?" }, { "_id": 2956, "text": "Why did Serge want to go to Artauds?" }, { "_id": 2957, "text": "What relation is Pascal Rougon to Serge?" }, { "_id": 2958, "text": "What happens to Albine and Serge at Le Paradou?" }, { "_id": 2959, "text": "How does Serge's memory return?" }, { "_id": 2960, "text": "Where does Dr. Pascal send Serge to recover from his nervous breakdown?" }, { "_id": 2961, "text": "Why do very few people attend Serge's Masses?" }, { "_id": 2962, "text": "Why does Albine become upset after the monseignor's visit?" }, { "_id": 2963, "text": "What is the name of the village where Serge Mouret becomes parish priest?" }, { "_id": 2964, "text": "What happens to Serge for him to be placed in La Paradou?" }, { "_id": 2965, "text": "What is the name of the distant relative who places Serge in La Paradou?" }, { "_id": 2966, "text": "What is Serge suffering from when he wakes up?" }, { "_id": 2967, "text": "Who is Serge's friend at La Paradou?" }, { "_id": 2968, "text": "What causes Serge's memory to return?" }, { "_id": 2969, "text": "What happens between Serge and Abine during his time at La Paradou?" }, { "_id": 2970, "text": "When Serge's memory returns, how does he respond to his sins?" }, { "_id": 2971, "text": "Why is Albine bewildered at the reurn of Serge's memory?" }, { "_id": 2972, "text": "Why did Clara and Theodore's father come to the Americas?" }, { "_id": 2973, "text": "Who was Henry Playel?" }, { "_id": 2974, "text": "Why was Carwin in Clara's closet?" }, { "_id": 2975, "text": "Why did Carwin change his mind about his plans around Clara?" }, { "_id": 2976, "text": "When Carwin requested a meeting with Clara at her home, what did she find in her house?" }, { "_id": 2977, "text": "What happened to Theodore's family?" }, { "_id": 2978, "text": "How did the voices affect Theodore's treatment of his family?" }, { "_id": 2979, "text": "What was the source of the voices?" }, { "_id": 2980, "text": "What happened to Theodore in the end?" }, { "_id": 2981, "text": "Why didn't Carwin rape Clara?" }, { "_id": 2982, "text": "Why did Pleyel accuse Clara?" }, { "_id": 2983, "text": " How does Clara feel about Pleyel?" }, { "_id": 2984, "text": "When did Theodore finally come to his sense?" }, { "_id": 2985, "text": "Why does Theodore decide to kill himself?" }, { "_id": 2986, "text": "What did Wieland try to do at Clara's house after he escaped prison?" }, { "_id": 2987, "text": "When does Clara finally leave the house?" }, { "_id": 2988, "text": "What did his delusion with religion cause James to do?" }, { "_id": 2989, "text": "How did James Yates feel about his actions when confronted in court?" }, { "_id": 2990, "text": "Who did James Yates kill?" }, { "_id": 2991, "text": "Who was Clara and Theodore's father?" }, { "_id": 2992, "text": "Who did Theodore marry?" }, { "_id": 2993, "text": "Which characters claimed to hear voices?" }, { "_id": 2994, "text": "What does Carwin plan to do to Clara, before realizing that she's protected by a supernatural force?" }, { "_id": 2995, "text": "Who admits to killing Catharine and her children?" }, { "_id": 2996, "text": "What does Carwin reveal to Clara, after the murders took place?" }, { "_id": 2997, "text": "Who ultimately kills himself while feeling remorse for his actions?" }, { "_id": 2998, "text": "What happened to Clara's house?" }, { "_id": 2999, "text": "Which character becomes a farmer in the countryside?" }, { "_id": 3000, "text": "Clara is secretly in love with whom?" }, { "_id": 3001, "text": "WHAT TITLE IS WILLIAM ASHE HEIR TO?" }, { "_id": 3002, "text": "WHO DOES ASHE MARRY?" }, { "_id": 3003, "text": "WHO IS MADAME D'ESTREES TO KITTY BRISTOL?" }, { "_id": 3004, "text": "WHAT CAREER WAS WILLIAM ASHE INVOLVED IN?" }, { "_id": 3005, "text": "WHAT DEVASTATING EVENT LEAVES KITTY A PHYSICAL WRECK?" }, { "_id": 3006, "text": "WHAT COUNTRY DOES KITTY FOLLOW ASHE TO RECOVER HER HEALTH?" }, { "_id": 3007, "text": "WHO IS LORD PARHAM?" }, { "_id": 3008, "text": "WHERE DID KITTY BEGIN HER AFFAIR WITH GEOFFERY CLIFFE?" }, { "_id": 3009, "text": "WHERE WAS ASHE WHEN KITTY RAN OFF WITH CLIFFE?" }, { "_id": 3010, "text": "WHERE DID ASHE FIND KITTY AFTER SHE RAN OFF WITH CLIFFE?" }, { "_id": 3011, "text": "What title is Ashe the heir to?" }, { "_id": 3012, "text": "Who does Ashe fall for?" }, { "_id": 3013, "text": "Whose charm draws influential men to Lady Kitty?" }, { "_id": 3014, "text": "How soon does Ashe propose to Lady Kitty Bristol?" }, { "_id": 3015, "text": "What does Lady Kitty Bristol warn Ashe about after accepting the proposal?" }, { "_id": 3016, "text": "Who is Lord Parham?" }, { "_id": 3017, "text": "Where do Kitty and Ashe go after the death of their son?" }, { "_id": 3018, "text": "While in Italy, who does Kitty run off with?" }, { "_id": 3019, "text": "Where do Kitty and Ashe finally reunite at the time of her death?" }, { "_id": 3020, "text": "Who was heir to the title Earl of Tranmore?" }, { "_id": 3021, "text": "Who is the daughter of Madam d'Estrees?" }, { "_id": 3022, "text": "How old is Lady Kitty Bristol?" }, { "_id": 3023, "text": "Who does William Ashe propose to?" }, { "_id": 3024, "text": "Where did William Ashe and his wife settle at?" }, { "_id": 3025, "text": "How many children did William Ashe and his wife have?" }, { "_id": 3026, "text": "What was wrong with William Ashe child?" }, { "_id": 3027, "text": "Who's the relationship with Ashe does Kitty strain?" }, { "_id": 3028, "text": "Where do Kitty and Ashe go to recover her health after their son died?" }, { "_id": 3029, "text": "Who does Kitty leave Ashe for?" }, { "_id": 3030, "text": "How many children do Anne and Gilbert have?" }, { "_id": 3031, "text": "What is John Meredith's profession?" }, { "_id": 3032, "text": "What is the name of the children's club?" }, { "_id": 3033, "text": "Why does Ellen forbid Rosemary from marrying?" }, { "_id": 3034, "text": "Who tells Una that stepmothers are mean?" }, { "_id": 3035, "text": "Who becomes ill with pneumonia?" }, { "_id": 3036, "text": "Where do the children play?" }, { "_id": 3037, "text": "What is the name of the orphan girl who is rescued from starvation?" }, { "_id": 3038, "text": "Where does Una faint after fasting?" }, { "_id": 3039, "text": "Who does Mary Vance go to live with?" }, { "_id": 3040, "text": "What is Carl's full name?" }, { "_id": 3041, "text": "What is the hollow where the children play called?" }, { "_id": 3042, "text": "What illness did Carl get after spending the night in a graveyard?" }, { "_id": 3043, "text": "Why did Una faint in church?" }, { "_id": 3044, "text": "What club do the Meredith children form to help them behave?" }, { "_id": 3045, "text": "What is Mr. Meredith's job?" }, { "_id": 3046, "text": "Who does Mr. Meredith fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 3047, "text": "What promise did Rosemary and Ellen make to each other?" }, { "_id": 3048, "text": "Who does Ellen marry?" }, { "_id": 3049, "text": "Who is Ellen to Rosemary?" }, { "_id": 3050, "text": "How long have Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe been married?" }, { "_id": 3051, "text": "How many children do Anne and Gilbert have?" }, { "_id": 3052, "text": "What are the names of the Blythe children?" }, { "_id": 3053, "text": "Anne returns from a trip to London to find news?" }, { "_id": 3054, "text": "Why haven't the Meredith children been brought up properly?" }, { "_id": 3055, "text": "Why do the villagers question Mr. Meredith's parenting and minister abilities?" }, { "_id": 3056, "text": "What do the Blythes know about the Meredith children?" }, { "_id": 3057, "text": "Where do the Blythes, Merediths and Mary Vance often gather and play?" }, { "_id": 3058, "text": "Why does Jem Blythe form the 'Good-Conduct Club'?" }, { "_id": 3059, "text": "Who does Mr. Meredith want to marry?" }, { "_id": 3060, "text": "Who is referred to as the \"babytalk lady\"?" }, { "_id": 3061, "text": "How old is Lola?" }, { "_id": 3062, "text": "What is the first & last name of the boy who thinks he has fallen in love with Lola Pratt?" }, { "_id": 3063, "text": "What does William steal from his Father to impress Lola?" }, { "_id": 3064, "text": "How old is William sister's Jane?" }, { "_id": 3065, "text": "What is thee name of the Baxter's handyman?" }, { "_id": 3066, "text": "What does William hoard that Lola previously touched?" }, { "_id": 3067, "text": "What season did the Parcher family host Lola?" }, { "_id": 3068, "text": "What did Lola aspire to be?" }, { "_id": 3069, "text": "What was the name of Lola's white lap dog?" }, { "_id": 3070, "text": "Who disrupts the Baxter's family life during the summer?" }, { "_id": 3071, "text": "Why is Lola Pratt in town?" }, { "_id": 3072, "text": "What does Lola bring with her everywhere?" }, { "_id": 3073, "text": "What do William and his friends do all summer?" }, { "_id": 3074, "text": "How does William's family feel about Lola Pratt?" }, { "_id": 3075, "text": "What does William steal from his father?" }, { "_id": 3076, "text": "What is the title of the poem that William writes to Lola?" }, { "_id": 3077, "text": "Why did William get upset at his sister and handyman?" }, { "_id": 3078, "text": "How does Lola leave town?" }, { "_id": 3079, "text": "What does Lola want to become?" }, { "_id": 3080, "text": "Who were Lola Pratt's hosts?" }, { "_id": 3081, "text": "What was Lola aspiring to be?" }, { "_id": 3082, "text": "What did the Baxter's call Lola?" }, { "_id": 3083, "text": "What is William's 10-year old sister's name?" }, { "_id": 3084, "text": "What is the Baxter's handyman name?" }, { "_id": 3085, "text": "What is the name of Lola's lapdog?" }, { "_id": 3086, "text": "Why does William steal his father's dress suit?" }, { "_id": 3087, "text": "What did William call Lola in the poem?" }, { "_id": 3088, "text": "Why did William hoard dead flowers?" }, { "_id": 3089, "text": "How did Lola leave town?" }, { "_id": 3090, "text": "What major event happens at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 3091, "text": "Who is investigating potential people involved in the assassination?" }, { "_id": 3092, "text": "Why is the investigation closed by Garrison?" }, { "_id": 3093, "text": "When is the case reopened?" }, { "_id": 3094, "text": "Why is the Warren Report suspicious?" }, { "_id": 3095, "text": "Where does Hill say she witnessed shots come from?" }, { "_id": 3096, "text": "Who does Garrison meet in Washington, D.C.?" }, { "_id": 3097, "text": "Why does X believe Kennedy was killed?" }, { "_id": 3098, "text": "When does Clay Shaw's trial take place?" }, { "_id": 3099, "text": "How did Shaw die?" }, { "_id": 3100, "text": "What president was giving their farewell address in the news reel?" }, { "_id": 3101, "text": "When was John F. Kennedy assasinated?" }, { "_id": 3102, "text": "What is Jim Garrison's title?" }, { "_id": 3103, "text": "Who kills Lee Harvey Oswald?" }, { "_id": 3104, "text": "When is the investigation reopened ?" }, { "_id": 3105, "text": "What did Willie O'Keeffe witness?" }, { "_id": 3106, "text": "Who threatened Jean hill?" }, { "_id": 3107, "text": "When did Clay Shaw's trial take place?" }, { "_id": 3108, "text": "What did Clay Shaw die from? " }, { "_id": 3109, "text": "Why does the jury acquit Clay Shaw?" }, { "_id": 3110, "text": "Who gave warning about the build-up of the military industrial complex?" }, { "_id": 3111, "text": "Why did Garrison reopen the investigation into Kennedy's death?" }, { "_id": 3112, "text": "Why does X think that President Kennedy was killed?" }, { "_id": 3113, "text": "Who was charged with conspiring to murder the President?" }, { "_id": 3114, "text": "What did Liz say was the real reason Garrison was attacking Shaw?" }, { "_id": 3115, "text": "Who was the teacher tat said the Secret Service threatened her to change her story?" }, { "_id": 3116, "text": "Who was killed other than Kennedy on the day of the assassination?" }, { "_id": 3117, "text": "Who testified that Shaw had been a contact of the CIA?" }, { "_id": 3118, "text": "Why did Garrison close the original investigation regarding the assassination?" }, { "_id": 3119, "text": "Who is Liz to Jim Garrison?" }, { "_id": 3120, "text": "What's the motivation behind Stevens becoming a police officer?" }, { "_id": 3121, "text": "Why is Stevens selected to go undercover?" }, { "_id": 3122, "text": "Why is Steven's arrainment dismissed?" }, { "_id": 3123, "text": "Who was working for the LAPD that is killed by Felix?" }, { "_id": 3124, "text": "What serves as a money-laundering front?" }, { "_id": 3125, "text": "Who gives up Stevens to Detective Hernandez?" }, { "_id": 3126, "text": "What does Stevens discover after disarming Carver?" }, { "_id": 3127, "text": "Where do Stevens and Jason meet with Guzman to exchange money?" }, { "_id": 3128, "text": "Whose prosecution does Stevens prevent?" }, { "_id": 3129, "text": "What secret is Stevens hiding from everyone at the end?" }, { "_id": 3130, "text": "How does Russell Stevens, Sr. die?" }, { "_id": 3131, "text": "What agency recruits Russell Stevens, Jr.?" }, { "_id": 3132, "text": "What name does Officer Stevens use when he goes undercover as a drug dealer?" }, { "_id": 3133, "text": "What did Stevens learn he had actually purchased instead of cocaine?" }, { "_id": 3134, "text": "What did David Jason do when Stevens exposed Felix Barbossa as an informant?" }, { "_id": 3135, "text": "Why did Felix Barbossa kill Eddie Dudley?" }, { "_id": 3136, "text": "Why did Detective Tate not arrest Hector Guzman?" }, { "_id": 3137, "text": "Who does Stevens develop a romantic relationship with?" }, { "_id": 3138, "text": "How much money was in the van that Stevens and Jason stole from Gallagos?" }, { "_id": 3139, "text": "How much of Gallegos' money did Rusell Stevens Jr secretly keep?" }, { "_id": 3140, "text": "How did Russell Stevens Jr.'s father died?" }, { "_id": 3141, "text": "Who contacted Russell Steven's about undercover work with the DEA?" }, { "_id": 3142, "text": "How much of Gallago's money did Steven's secretly take?" }, { "_id": 3143, "text": "Who was Steven's self appointed lawyer?" }, { "_id": 3144, "text": "Who was Steven's romatically involved with?" }, { "_id": 3145, "text": "How much debt did Felix leave behind?" }, { "_id": 3146, "text": "Who did Stevens and Jason kill to avoid death?" }, { "_id": 3147, "text": "What percentage of the stolen money did Jason and Stevens agree to return to Guzman?" }, { "_id": 3148, "text": "What charge did Carver threatened to place on Betty to gain leverage with Stevens?" }, { "_id": 3149, "text": "Who is Gallegos' low-level street supplier?" }, { "_id": 3150, "text": "Where is Laurania?" }, { "_id": 3151, "text": "What year was the civil war in Laurania?" }, { "_id": 3152, "text": "Who is the President of Laurania? " }, { "_id": 3153, "text": "Way was there unrest in the city?" }, { "_id": 3154, "text": "Who is Savrola? Who is Savrola? " }, { "_id": 3155, "text": "What does Molara ask Lucile to do?" }, { "_id": 3156, "text": "What trouble does Molara have with the regular troops?" }, { "_id": 3157, "text": "Who does Molara dispatch to help fight the invasion?" }, { "_id": 3158, "text": "Who is fighting in the capital?" }, { "_id": 3159, "text": "What happens when Savrola is not produced?" }, { "_id": 3160, "text": "How did President Antonia Molara come to power?" }, { "_id": 3161, "text": "Who is the leader of the revolutionaries?" }, { "_id": 3162, "text": "What is the relationship between Molara and Lucille?" }, { "_id": 3163, "text": "Who does Marola ask to seduce Savrola?" }, { "_id": 3164, "text": "How do the troops respond to Malora's orders during the rebel invasion?" }, { "_id": 3165, "text": "Where does General Molara die?" }, { "_id": 3166, "text": "With whom does Savrola flee?" }, { "_id": 3167, "text": "How can the African colony be reached from Laurania?" }, { "_id": 3168, "text": "In the biginning of the story why is there unrest in Laurania?" }, { "_id": 3169, "text": "Who threates to bombard the capital city unless Savrola is handed over to them?" }, { "_id": 3170, "text": "What is the fictional country Laurania compared to ?" }, { "_id": 3171, "text": "What event caused conflict in the Country of Laurania?" }, { "_id": 3172, "text": "Savrola is the leader of what group of people?" }, { "_id": 3173, "text": "What does General Molara ask his wife to do?" }, { "_id": 3174, "text": "What happens to Lucile while spying on Sovrola?" }, { "_id": 3175, "text": "How much control does Sovrola have over the revolutionaries?" }, { "_id": 3176, "text": "Which troops abandon General Molara ?" }, { "_id": 3177, "text": "Where does the rebels choose to invade first?" }, { "_id": 3178, "text": "Where does General Molara die during the fighting?" }, { "_id": 3179, "text": "What company does Holly work for? " }, { "_id": 3180, "text": "Who drives Mcclane to the Christmas party?" }, { "_id": 3181, "text": "Why is Mcclane going to the Christmas party?" }, { "_id": 3182, "text": "What seargent is sent to investigate from the LAPD?" }, { "_id": 3183, "text": "What happens to Holly's co-worker Harry Ellis? " }, { "_id": 3184, "text": "Who orders the building's power to be turned off?" }, { "_id": 3185, "text": "How does Gruber find out that Mcclain is Holly's husband?" }, { "_id": 3186, "text": "What does Gruber grab to save himself from falling?" }, { "_id": 3187, "text": "What does Mcclane do when Gruber grabs Holly's watch?" }, { "_id": 3188, "text": "When Karl emerges from the building, who shoots him? " }, { "_id": 3189, "text": "Why does John McClane go to Los Angeles on Christmas Eve?" }, { "_id": 3190, "text": "Where does Holly work?" }, { "_id": 3191, "text": "Who shows up at the Christmas party with heavily armed terrorists?" }, { "_id": 3192, "text": "What do Gruber and the terrorists use terrorism as a distraction for?" }, { "_id": 3193, "text": "Why does Gruber murder Takagi?" }, { "_id": 3194, "text": "Why doesn't Gruber shoot McClane?" }, { "_id": 3195, "text": "Where do the criminals order the hostages to go?" }, { "_id": 3196, "text": "Who knocks Theo unconscious?" }, { "_id": 3197, "text": "Who, disguised as a hostage attempts to shoot McClane?" }, { "_id": 3198, "text": "What vehicle does Argyle drive McClane and Holly away in?" }, { "_id": 3199, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 3200, "text": "Who slips away from the terrorists?" }, { "_id": 3201, "text": "What is John McClane's job?" }, { "_id": 3202, "text": "How much money in bearer bonds do the terrorists intend to steal?" }, { "_id": 3203, "text": "How does McClane contact the LAPD?" }, { "_id": 3204, "text": "How are James and Alexander killed?" }, { "_id": 3205, "text": "Who pretends to be an escaped hostage?" }, { "_id": 3206, "text": "What disables the vault's final lock?" }, { "_id": 3207, "text": "Who is McClane's wife?" }, { "_id": 3208, "text": "How does McClane distract Gruber and Eddie?" }, { "_id": 3209, "text": "What is Korshunov's goal as he hijacks Air Force One?" }, { "_id": 3210, "text": "Who is eventually discovered as the mole?" }, { "_id": 3211, "text": "Defense Secretary Walter Dean wants the president declared incapable under which amendment?" }, { "_id": 3212, "text": "Where is James Marshall when the escape pod is ejected?" }, { "_id": 3213, "text": "Which of James Marshall's family members are on the plane with him?" }, { "_id": 3214, "text": "Why does James Marshall actually want Air Force One taken to a lower altitude for refueling?" }, { "_id": 3215, "text": "Which of James Marshall's family members do not survive the encounter on Air Force One?" }, { "_id": 3216, "text": "Why is James Harrison in Moscow before the encounter on Air Force One?" }, { "_id": 3217, "text": "Who does President Harrison contact to inform that he is still alive as he hides in the cargo hold of the plane?" }, { "_id": 3218, "text": "What kind if military training does President Harrison have?" }, { "_id": 3219, "text": "What is the name of the President?" }, { "_id": 3220, "text": "Who leads the Russian terrorists aboard Air Force One?" }, { "_id": 3221, "text": "What is the name of President Marshall's wife?" }, { "_id": 3222, "text": "Which Secret Service agents allows the terrorists to board Air Force One?" }, { "_id": 3223, "text": "Of what war is President Marshall a veteran of?" }, { "_id": 3224, "text": "Where did President Marshall hide instead of using the escape pod?" }, { "_id": 3225, "text": "What is the name of the U.S. Vice President?" }, { "_id": 3226, "text": "Who kills Korshunov?" }, { "_id": 3227, "text": "What type of plane do the terrorists use to attack Air Force One?" }, { "_id": 3228, "text": "What sea does Air Force One crash into?" }, { "_id": 3229, "text": "Why is James Marshall in Moscow?" }, { "_id": 3230, "text": "What war was Marshall in?" }, { "_id": 3231, "text": "How do the hostages escape the cargo hold?" }, { "_id": 3232, "text": "What amendment is the vice president urged to invoke to declare Marshall incapable?" }, { "_id": 3233, "text": "How does Marshall kill Korshunov?" }, { "_id": 3234, "text": "What sea does Air Force Once crash into?" }, { "_id": 3235, "text": "Who is the mole?" }, { "_id": 3236, "text": "Where was the plane going to make an emergency landing?" }, { "_id": 3237, "text": "How do the terrorists get on the plane?" }, { "_id": 3238, "text": "What happens to Radek when he attempts his escape?" }, { "_id": 3239, "text": "What year is Louis Lambert born in?" }, { "_id": 3240, "text": "How many siblings does Louis Lambert have?" }, { "_id": 3241, "text": "What person pays for Louis' college education?" }, { "_id": 3242, "text": "What is the \"poet's\" real name?" }, { "_id": 3243, "text": "Why did Balzac and Louis seem to get along so well? " }, { "_id": 3244, "text": "How old was Lambert when he graduated college?" }, { "_id": 3245, "text": "How many years did Louis live in Paris after he graduated?" }, { "_id": 3246, "text": "What does Louis attempt to do after having a mental breakdown?" }, { "_id": 3247, "text": "How old is Lambert when he passes away?" }, { "_id": 3248, "text": "Who paid for Louis Lambert to enroll in College de Vendome?" }, { "_id": 3249, "text": "Why did Madame de Stael pay for Louis Lambert to go to college?" }, { "_id": 3250, "text": "What did a teacher do with Lambert's Traite de la Volonte essay?" }, { "_id": 3251, "text": "What did Lambert try to do to himself a day before his wedding with Pauline?" }, { "_id": 3252, "text": "Why was Lambert ordered into solitude and rest?" }, { "_id": 3253, "text": "What were the letter's received by Lambert's uncle toward the end of the story about?" }, { "_id": 3254, "text": "What did Lambert say about the angels while he was in the chateau?" }, { "_id": 3255, "text": "Where did Lambert meet his friend Balzac, also known as \"The Poet\"?" }, { "_id": 3256, "text": "Where did Lambert live for three years immediately following his graduation?" }, { "_id": 3257, "text": "How did the other students treat Lambert and his friend Balzac during college?" }, { "_id": 3258, "text": "What does Madame de Stael pay for Louis Lambert to do?" }, { "_id": 3259, "text": "What country is Madame de Stael originally from?" }, { "_id": 3260, "text": "What is the title of the comprehensive essay Louis completes in college?" }, { "_id": 3261, "text": "To what city does Louis move to after leaving college?" }, { "_id": 3262, "text": "With whom does Louis fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 3263, "text": "What does Louis attempt to mutilate a day before marrying Pauline?" }, { "_id": 3264, "text": "Who gives the narrator Louis' letters?" }, { "_id": 3265, "text": "Where is Louis' uncle's home located?" }, { "_id": 3266, "text": "How old is Louis when he dies?" }, { "_id": 3267, "text": "Where does Trevor Garfield teach? " }, { "_id": 3268, "text": "What Brooklyn neighborhood is the school in? " }, { "_id": 3269, "text": "Who threatens to murder Mr. Garfield by writing 187 on his textbook? " }, { "_id": 3270, "text": "What does Mr. Garfield get stabbed with in the hallway?" }, { "_id": 3271, "text": "What school does Mr. Garfield move to?" }, { "_id": 3272, "text": "In what area of Los Angeles is the school located? " }, { "_id": 3273, "text": "What is the name of the Chicano tag crew?" }, { "_id": 3274, "text": "What happens to one of Cesar's fingers? " }, { "_id": 3275, "text": "What game does the gang force Mr. Garfield to play?" }, { "_id": 3276, "text": "How does Rita pay her respects to Mr. Garfield? " }, { "_id": 3277, "text": "Why did Dennis' high school science teacher relocate to California?" }, { "_id": 3278, "text": "Which teacher contributes to one of Garfield's female students dropping out of school?" }, { "_id": 3279, "text": "What happened to Cesar after he created a carton of a dead dog?" }, { "_id": 3280, "text": "Which leader of K.O.S. was found dead in a river?" }, { "_id": 3281, "text": "Which subject is taught by Trevor's colleagues with a substance abuse problem?" }, { "_id": 3282, "text": "Why didn't Trevor and Ellen have a romantic relationship?" }, { "_id": 3283, "text": "Where did Trevor die?" }, { "_id": 3284, "text": "How come nothing happened after Ellen's life was threatened by one of her students?" }, { "_id": 3285, "text": "Was was Cesar's tag partner attending high school?" }, { "_id": 3286, "text": "Why did the new leader of K.O.S. kill himself?" }, { "_id": 3287, "text": "What school is Trevor Garfield a teacher?" }, { "_id": 3288, "text": "Why does Dennis Broadway threaten to kill Trevor?" }, { "_id": 3289, "text": "What is the California code for homicide?" }, { "_id": 3290, "text": "What does Dennis stab Trevor with?" }, { "_id": 3291, "text": "Who is the leader of K.O.S.?" }, { "_id": 3292, "text": "What is Cesar shot with after spray painting a graffiti of the dead dog?" }, { "_id": 3293, "text": "Who kills Benny?" }, { "_id": 3294, "text": "What game does K.O.S. force Trevor to play?" }, { "_id": 3295, "text": "What subject does Dave Childress teach?" }, { "_id": 3296, "text": "How does Rita and Stevie offer a tribute to Trevor?" }, { "_id": 3297, "text": "How does Princess Leia infiltrate Jabba's palace to help rescue Hans Solo?" }, { "_id": 3298, "text": "What happens to Pricess Leia at Jabba's palace when she tries to rescue Hans Solo?" }, { "_id": 3299, "text": "After he captures them, how does Jabba plan to put Luke, Hans, and Chewbacca to death? " }, { "_id": 3300, "text": "Where is Sarlacc's nesting ground?" }, { "_id": 3301, "text": "How does Jabba die?" }, { "_id": 3302, "text": "Right before Yoda dies, what does Yoda confirm to Luke Skywalker?" }, { "_id": 3303, "text": "What was Darth Vader's real name?" }, { "_id": 3304, "text": "What has the Empire, under the direction of the Emperor, been constructing?" }, { "_id": 3305, "text": "What does Luke Skywalker do to Darth Vader after he overpowers him in a lightsaber duel on the Death Star?" }, { "_id": 3306, "text": "How is the Emperor killed?" }, { "_id": 3307, "text": "Who is Luke initially setting out to rescue ?" }, { "_id": 3308, "text": "Where is Jabba's palace located?" }, { "_id": 3309, "text": "What does Jabba sentence Luke, Han, and Chewbacca to?" }, { "_id": 3310, "text": "Who kills Jabba?" }, { "_id": 3311, "text": "Who is confirmed to be Lukes Father?" }, { "_id": 3312, "text": "Why does Yoda Warn Luke to keep his anger in check?" }, { "_id": 3313, "text": "What does Luke revel to Leia?" }, { "_id": 3314, "text": "Who tempts Luke to the dark side?" }, { "_id": 3315, "text": "Who kills the emperor?" }, { "_id": 3316, "text": "Who is watching over luke?" }, { "_id": 3317, "text": "Who does Luke Skywalker want to rescue from Jabba, the crime Lord?" }, { "_id": 3318, "text": "What is Princess Leia disguised as to gain entry to Jabba's palace?" }, { "_id": 3319, "text": "Where is Jabba's palace located?" }, { "_id": 3320, "text": "Who masquerades as Leia's pretend prisoner?" }, { "_id": 3321, "text": "What type of creature is Sarlacc?" }, { "_id": 3322, "text": "Who does Jabba plan on feeding to Sarlacc?" }, { "_id": 3323, "text": "Who eventually kills Jabba?" }, { "_id": 3324, "text": "How does Jabba die?" }, { "_id": 3325, "text": "What secret does Yoda reveal to Luke?" }, { "_id": 3326, "text": "What is Princess Leia's relationship to Luke?" }, { "_id": 3327, "text": "Before the story itself begins, what is the reader shown?" }, { "_id": 3328, "text": "What name does this extended meditation focus on?" }, { "_id": 3329, "text": "Who is the narrator of this story?" }, { "_id": 3330, "text": "Where does Charles live?" }, { "_id": 3331, "text": "How does Charles know Marcas?" }, { "_id": 3332, "text": "What does Z. Marcas do for a living?" }, { "_id": 3333, "text": "What did Z. Marcas do before becoming a copyist?" }, { "_id": 3334, "text": "Why does Z. Marcas no longer work for this politician?" }, { "_id": 3335, "text": "Why does Z. Marcas return to help this politician again?" }, { "_id": 3336, "text": "Why does Z. Marcas return to the boarding house 3 month later?" }, { "_id": 3337, "text": "Where did Charles live?" }, { "_id": 3338, "text": "What was Juste studying?" }, { "_id": 3339, "text": "What is Z. Marcas''s occupation?" }, { "_id": 3340, "text": "How many times did Marcas's associate come to him for help? " }, { "_id": 3341, "text": "What happens when Marcas is contacted a third time?" }, { "_id": 3342, "text": "Who shows up at Marcas's funeral? " }, { "_id": 3343, "text": "What did Charles study?" }, { "_id": 3344, "text": "Who is the only non-student living in the boarding-home?" }, { "_id": 3345, "text": "What happens after Marcas's associate is elected into office?" }, { "_id": 3346, "text": "At the funeral, how do the students feel? " }, { "_id": 3347, "text": "Who does Charles live with?" }, { "_id": 3348, "text": "Where do Charles and Juste live?" }, { "_id": 3349, "text": "What does Marcas offer Charles and Juste?" }, { "_id": 3350, "text": "What is Marcas' job?" }, { "_id": 3351, "text": "What field did Marcas work in previously?" }, { "_id": 3352, "text": "What did the man Marcas allied himself with politically lack?" }, { "_id": 3353, "text": "How many times was Marcas hired to work for the politician?" }, { "_id": 3354, "text": "Who mourns Marcas at his funeral?" }, { "_id": 3355, "text": "What do the students do after Marcas' funeral?" }, { "_id": 3356, "text": "What does Charles study?" }, { "_id": 3357, "text": "Why did Jemima Puddle-duck set out on her adventure?" }, { "_id": 3358, "text": "Where did Jemima Puddle-duck first think about hatching her eggs?" }, { "_id": 3359, "text": "How did Jemima Puddle-duck describe to herself the looks of the charming gentleman she met?" }, { "_id": 3360, "text": "Where did Jemima Puddle-duck lay her eggs at the suggestion of the charming gentleman?" }, { "_id": 3361, "text": "What did the charming gentleman ask Jemima Puddleduc to collect?" }, { "_id": 3362, "text": "What did the charming gentleman tell Jemima Puddle-duck the seasonings would be used for?" }, { "_id": 3363, "text": "What was the name of the Collie who saved Jemima Puddle-duck from disaster?" }, { "_id": 3364, "text": "What was the charming gentleman's name?" }, { "_id": 3365, "text": "What happened to Jemima Puddle-duck's eggs that were in the tumble-down shed?" }, { "_id": 3366, "text": "Where does Jemima Puddle-duck live?" }, { "_id": 3367, "text": "Why do the eggs get confiscated?" }, { "_id": 3368, "text": "Where does Jemima go to lay her eggs?" }, { "_id": 3369, "text": "Where is Jemima persuaded to nest?" }, { "_id": 3370, "text": "What does the fox suggest to celebrate?" }, { "_id": 3371, "text": "Why doe Jemima set out for the errand?" }, { "_id": 3372, "text": "What does Collie ask jemima?" }, { "_id": 3373, "text": "Why does Jemima stop seeking herbs?" }, { "_id": 3374, "text": "What happens to the eggs?" }, { "_id": 3375, "text": "How many ducklings are ultimately hatched?" }, { "_id": 3376, "text": "Why does the farmer's wife confiscate the duck eggs?" }, { "_id": 3377, "text": "Who incubates the duck eggs?" }, { "_id": 3378, "text": "Where does Jemima find an apprpriate nesting place?" }, { "_id": 3379, "text": "What fills the tumble-down shed, where Jemima is persuaded to make her nest?" }, { "_id": 3380, "text": "Where does Jemima get onions from?" }, { "_id": 3381, "text": "Who discovers the fox's plans after talking to Jemima?" }, { "_id": 3382, "text": "What does Jemima believe is the intended use for her collecting herbs?" }, { "_id": 3383, "text": "What is the name of the foxy-haired gentleman?" }, { "_id": 3384, "text": "Who eats Jemima's eggs?" }, { "_id": 3385, "text": "How many ducklings does Jemima eventually hatch successfully?" }, { "_id": 3386, "text": "Who stays in the cheap tavern that Aram Baksh runs?" }, { "_id": 3387, "text": "Who breaks into Conan's chamber?" }, { "_id": 3388, "text": "What are the Darfarian slaves most commonly known for being?" }, { "_id": 3389, "text": "What deal with Aram Baksh make with the cannibals?" }, { "_id": 3390, "text": "Who is the naked woman chasing after?" }, { "_id": 3391, "text": "What did the naked woman's love potion turn actually her lover into?" }, { "_id": 3392, "text": "Who was the naked woman forced to dance with?" }, { "_id": 3393, "text": "What does Nafertari promise to Conan?" }, { "_id": 3394, "text": "Why does Conan turn over Aram Baksh to the cannibals?" }, { "_id": 3395, "text": "What does Conan end up leaving the city with?" }, { "_id": 3396, "text": "Where does Conan stay despite the warning?" }, { "_id": 3397, "text": "What uses a trick lock to enter Conan's Chamber?" }, { "_id": 3398, "text": "Who do the Cannibals prey on mainly?" }, { "_id": 3399, "text": "Who has made a deal with the cannibals?" }, { "_id": 3400, "text": "Who does Conan run into running through the street?" }, { "_id": 3401, "text": "What did Nafertari try to use to secure undying affection from her lover?" }, { "_id": 3402, "text": "Who do Conan and the woman set out to kill?" }, { "_id": 3403, "text": "What is the woman hypnotized to do before the priest?" }, { "_id": 3404, "text": "What does Nafertari promis conan?" }, { "_id": 3405, "text": "How does Conan render Aram mute?" }, { "_id": 3406, "text": "Why do the people of Zamboula tolerate the cannibal slaves?" }, { "_id": 3407, "text": "How does the cannibal get into Conan's room?" }, { "_id": 3408, "text": "What did the woman Conan meets in the street do to her lover?" }, { "_id": 3409, "text": "Who is providing the cannibals with fresh meat?" }, { "_id": 3410, "text": "What does Conan do to the inkeeper when he discovers what he's been doing?" }, { "_id": 3411, "text": "What secret does Conan reveal to the readers?" }, { "_id": 3412, "text": "What did Conan steal from Jungir during their first encounter?" }, { "_id": 3413, "text": "What is the woman forced to do by the high priest?" }, { "_id": 3414, "text": "What is Conan going to do with the magic ring now?" }, { "_id": 3415, "text": "What relationship does Nafertari have with Jungir Khan?" }, { "_id": 3416, "text": "Who does Indefor Jones want to leave his estate to in his will?" }, { "_id": 3417, "text": "Who initially inherits the estate after Indefor Jones passes away?" }, { "_id": 3418, "text": "What secret is Henry trying to keep from being discovered?" }, { "_id": 3419, "text": "Why doesn't Henry destroy the document he found?" }, { "_id": 3420, "text": "Who suspects that Henry is hiding something?" }, { "_id": 3421, "text": "Why did Mr. Apjon want Henry to take legal action against the editor of the newspaper?" }, { "_id": 3422, "text": "Who finds the updated will ? " }, { "_id": 3423, "text": "What consequences did Henry face after the will was discovered? " }, { "_id": 3424, "text": "What is the name of Indefor Jones' manor?" }, { "_id": 3425, "text": "Why did Indefor Jones originally leave his estate to his nephew when he wanted to leave it to his niece?" }, { "_id": 3426, "text": "How is Isabel Brodrick related to Indefer Jones?" }, { "_id": 3427, "text": "In what way do Indefer Jones' traditional beliefs influence him?" }, { "_id": 3428, "text": "Who is Indefer Jones' only male relative?" }, { "_id": 3429, "text": "What does Henry do for a living?" }, { "_id": 3430, "text": "What does Indefer suggest to Isabel as a solution to the inheritance dilemma?" }, { "_id": 3431, "text": "What are Isabel's feelings toward her cousin Henry?" }, { "_id": 3432, "text": "What does Indefer Jones do shortly before passing away?" }, { "_id": 3433, "text": "Where does Henry find his uncle's will?" }, { "_id": 3434, "text": "What does the local newspaper accuse Henry of having done?" }, { "_id": 3435, "text": "Why is Henry able to return to his job, reputation intact?" }, { "_id": 3436, "text": "How old in Indefer?" }, { "_id": 3437, "text": "What does Indefer do?" }, { "_id": 3438, "text": "What is the name of the manor where Indefer is the squire?" }, { "_id": 3439, "text": "What city is Llanfeare located in?" }, { "_id": 3440, "text": "In which country is Carmarthen?" }, { "_id": 3441, "text": "Who is Indefer's niece?" }, { "_id": 3442, "text": "According to tradition, who should an estate be bequeathed to?" }, { "_id": 3443, "text": "Who is Indefer's only male heir?" }, { "_id": 3444, "text": "What does Henry do?" }, { "_id": 3445, "text": "Where does Henry live?" }, { "_id": 3446, "text": "Why do Bobby and Ricky go to New York?" }, { "_id": 3447, "text": "Who does Bobby try to convince to end doing drugs?" }, { "_id": 3448, "text": "Who does Bobby have ties to?" }, { "_id": 3449, "text": "What does Jessica want Bobby to do regarding their daughter?" }, { "_id": 3450, "text": "Who does Bobby cut business ties with?" }, { "_id": 3451, "text": "Why does Bobby want Jessica to stop doing drugs?" }, { "_id": 3452, "text": "Who wants to stick to the specific instructions Max has left for them?" }, { "_id": 3453, "text": "What is Jessica doing on the bed?" }, { "_id": 3454, "text": "Why does Bobby agree to do a mafia job?" }, { "_id": 3455, "text": "What happens to Ricky on the day of the meeting with the Westies?" }, { "_id": 3456, "text": "Though he boxes on the side, what is Bobby's full-time occupation?" }, { "_id": 3457, "text": "Who is Chloe to Jessica?" }, { "_id": 3458, "text": "What is Jessica's job?" }, { "_id": 3459, "text": "Who does Bobby bring with him for his trip to New York?" }, { "_id": 3460, "text": "Who is Jimmy?" }, { "_id": 3461, "text": "Who is Max's East Coast partner he sends Bobby to meet?" }, { "_id": 3462, "text": "What city do Bobby and Ricky come from?" }, { "_id": 3463, "text": "What type of criminal deal did Bobby and Rickie arrange between Ruiz and the Welshman's Westie contacts?" }, { "_id": 3464, "text": "Who is Horace?" }, { "_id": 3465, "text": "What is Bobby's boxing record?" }, { "_id": 3466, "text": "Bobby is connected to what local mafia boss?" }, { "_id": 3467, "text": "What legitimate work does Bobby do for Max?" }, { "_id": 3468, "text": "What is Bobby's amateur boxing record?" }, { "_id": 3469, "text": "In what city do Bobby and Ricky represent Max on a money laundering deal?" }, { "_id": 3470, "text": "Who does Ruiz ask Bobby and Ricky to show a good time in New York City?" }, { "_id": 3471, "text": "Who double crosses Bobby and the Welshman? " }, { "_id": 3472, "text": "What type of gun does Ricky have when he comes in through the side entrance? " }, { "_id": 3473, "text": "Who does Bobby find his girlfriend in bed with when he gets back to Los Angeles? " }, { "_id": 3474, "text": "What are Bobby's girlfriend and the client doing in bed together?" }, { "_id": 3475, "text": "What happens to Chloe in the epilogue? " }, { "_id": 3476, "text": "Who do the MacManus brothers end up killing the day after Saint Patrick's Day?" }, { "_id": 3477, "text": "Who is assigned to the murder case of the Russians?" }, { "_id": 3478, "text": "After the MacManus brothers turn themselves in, what does Smecker do?" }, { "_id": 3479, "text": "What sort of calling do the brothers receive the evening in the holding cell?" }, { "_id": 3480, "text": "Who do the brothers kill just after Rocco joins their cause?" }, { "_id": 3481, "text": "What does Rocco lose in the fight with Il Duce?" }, { "_id": 3482, "text": "How do the brothers cover up their evidence at the Il Duce crime scene?" }, { "_id": 3483, "text": "What does Smecker decide to do after getting drunk and getting advice from a priest?" }, { "_id": 3484, "text": "Who do the brothers find out Il Duce really is?" }, { "_id": 3485, "text": "Who do the brothers kill at trial three months later?" }, { "_id": 3486, "text": "Who's fate does the priest mention In the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 3487, "text": "What are twins celebrating when the mobsters arrive at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 3488, "text": "What are the twins names?" }, { "_id": 3489, "text": "What do the brothers and Rocco do to Vincenzo Lapazzi?" }, { "_id": 3490, "text": "Who does Papa Jo hire as a hit Man?" }, { "_id": 3491, "text": "How do the brothers help each other after battle with Duce?" }, { "_id": 3492, "text": "What Smecker find that led him to Rocco and his friends?" }, { "_id": 3493, "text": "Who is the brother's father?" }, { "_id": 3494, "text": "How does Smecker arrive at the Yakavetta headquarters?" }, { "_id": 3495, "text": "How do the brothers get their weapons into the trial?" }, { "_id": 3496, "text": "What reasoning do the twins give for wanting to hunt down criminals?" }, { "_id": 3497, "text": "What name is Il Duce and the twins given by the media?" }, { "_id": 3498, "text": "How is Smecker disguised when they infiltrate the Yakavatta headquarters?" }, { "_id": 3499, "text": "Who is revealed to be the father of the twins?" }, { "_id": 3500, "text": "Who does Rocco learned betrayed him?" }, { "_id": 3501, "text": "What holiday is it the day before the twins are first forced to kill three Russian mobsters in self-defense?" }, { "_id": 3502, "text": "What kind of bar does Smecker get drunk at?" }, { "_id": 3503, "text": "Where do Il Duce and the twins eventually kill Papa Joe?" }, { "_id": 3504, "text": "Who kills Rocco?" }, { "_id": 3505, "text": "How does the media portray the twins when they first kill the mobsters the day after the pub brawl?" }, { "_id": 3506, "text": "How old is Marlow as he is telling this story?" }, { "_id": 3507, "text": "According to the story, how many times had Captain Beard commanded a ship?" }, { "_id": 3508, "text": "How many years of experience did Marlow have when he took his first voyage to the East?" }, { "_id": 3509, "text": "What was the name of the ship that Marlow was on? " }, { "_id": 3510, "text": "How long did the ship Judea stay in Falmouth? " }, { "_id": 3511, "text": "Shipping out to Bangkok how many miles per hour did the Judea sail? " }, { "_id": 3512, "text": "How much did Judea weigh? " }, { "_id": 3513, "text": "How many miles west of the Lizard was Judea when the storm hit?" }, { "_id": 3514, "text": "How long approximately was the voyage from London to Thailand supposed to take?" }, { "_id": 3515, "text": "How long after leaving London did the ship sail towards Bangkok?" }, { "_id": 3516, "text": "The five men drinking claret were all veterans of what?" }, { "_id": 3517, "text": "What was Marlow's role on the Judea?" }, { "_id": 3518, "text": "How old was Captain John Beard when Marlow was 20?" }, { "_id": 3519, "text": "From where to where was the Judea supposed to transport 600 tons of coal?" }, { "_id": 3520, "text": "Where did Judea dock for a month while being loaded with Coal?" }, { "_id": 3521, "text": "What condition was waiting 300 miles west of the Lizard?" }, { "_id": 3522, "text": "Where did the Judea have to be refitted after going through the storm?" }, { "_id": 3523, "text": "Why was a new crew brought in from Liverpool?" }, { "_id": 3524, "text": "What happened to the cargo when it was near the coast of Western Australia?" }, { "_id": 3525, "text": "What did the crew do one last time before leaving the Judea?" }, { "_id": 3526, "text": "What are the 5 men drinking at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 3527, "text": "How old was Marlow when his story begins?" }, { "_id": 3528, "text": "Where is the Judea delivering coal to from England?" }, { "_id": 3529, "text": "How long does the Judea remain in Falmouth?" }, { "_id": 3530, "text": "Why is a new ship brought in from Liverpool?" }, { "_id": 3531, "text": "Where is the ship when the cargo spontaneously combusts?" }, { "_id": 3532, "text": "What is the name of the steamer that agrees to tow the crew?" }, { "_id": 3533, "text": "Why does the crew decline the steamer's help?" }, { "_id": 3534, "text": "How many boats does the crew use to transfer their gear?" }, { "_id": 3535, "text": "What is the last thing the crew does before abandoning ship?" }, { "_id": 3536, "text": "What is Neal's nickname?" }, { "_id": 3537, "text": "What is Neal's profession?" }, { "_id": 3538, "text": "What kind of mind does Neal have?" }, { "_id": 3539, "text": "What happens to Neal's family?" }, { "_id": 3540, "text": "How is Neal's family killed?" }, { "_id": 3541, "text": "Where does Neal work?" }, { "_id": 3542, "text": "What does Neal study at the lab?" }, { "_id": 3543, "text": "What makes Neal so polular?" }, { "_id": 3544, "text": "Who is the only vortex blaster in the universe?" }, { "_id": 3545, "text": "What kind of ship is Cloud given?" }, { "_id": 3546, "text": "What is Neil Cloud's nickname?" }, { "_id": 3547, "text": "What can Cloud do extremely quickly in his mind?" }, { "_id": 3548, "text": "Of what kind of energy are vortices composed?" }, { "_id": 3549, "text": "Why is Cloud initially reluctant to put himself at risk?" }, { "_id": 3550, "text": "What happens when a vortex fragment lands in Cloud's house?" }, { "_id": 3551, "text": "If you don't blow out a vortex precisely, what occurs?" }, { "_id": 3552, "text": "What makes Cloud a very popular person?" }, { "_id": 3553, "text": "What is Cloud's new job?" }, { "_id": 3554, "text": "On what planet is Cloud issued a new ship?" }, { "_id": 3555, "text": "What were the original votices found to be in reality?" }, { "_id": 3556, "text": "What happens to Storm Cloud's family?" }, { "_id": 3557, "text": "Why is Joan Janowick working with Storm Cloud?" }, { "_id": 3558, "text": "Who is the main protagonist?" }, { "_id": 3559, "text": "Who does Storm Cloud fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 3560, "text": "What is very special about Storm Cloud?" }, { "_id": 3561, "text": "Who is the Vortex Blaster?" }, { "_id": 3562, "text": "What happens that leads Storm Cloud to the pure-energy aliens?" }, { "_id": 3563, "text": "How do the pure-energy aliens breed and raise their offspring?" }, { "_id": 3564, "text": "What happens to a vortex if you don't get all the factors correct?" }, { "_id": 3565, "text": "Why does Storm Cloud feel anguish after communicating with the pure-energy aliens?" }, { "_id": 3566, "text": "In chapter 5 the outline of the paper included was on what?" }, { "_id": 3567, "text": "What was Boon's death attribute to?" }, { "_id": 3568, "text": "In Boon's unfinished work what is the name of the Character he was planning to introduce?" }, { "_id": 3569, "text": "What were the two humorous symbolic tales entitled?" }, { "_id": 3570, "text": "Where was Boon's papers kept?" }, { "_id": 3571, "text": "Boon open with a introduction by whom?" }, { "_id": 3572, "text": "Who was the literacy character created by Wells?" }, { "_id": 3573, "text": "What is the name of the Principal text by Boon?" }, { "_id": 3574, "text": "Who is the leading member of the Rationalist Press Association?" }, { "_id": 3575, "text": "What was the Character Reginald Bliss to do?" }, { "_id": 3576, "text": "What does Wells say about this story?" }, { "_id": 3577, "text": "Who is Reginald Bliss?" }, { "_id": 3578, "text": "What does Bliss say killed Boon?" }, { "_id": 3579, "text": "Who is Hallery?" }, { "_id": 3580, "text": "What is said of James' characters?" }, { "_id": 3581, "text": "What is the Mind of the Race?" }, { "_id": 3582, "text": "What does the paper \"The National History of Greatness, with especial reference to Literary Reputations\" show?" }, { "_id": 3583, "text": "What disappoints Bliss as he goes throught Boon's papers?" }, { "_id": 3584, "text": "Who is Edwin Dodd?" }, { "_id": 3585, "text": "What is the principal theme about Boon?" }, { "_id": 3586, "text": "What is the name of the deceased person with whom's fragments of work Reginald Bliss is working?" }, { "_id": 3587, "text": "Where is George Boon?" }, { "_id": 3588, "text": "To what does Reginald Bliss attribute George Boon's death?" }, { "_id": 3589, "text": "Where are the late George Boon's papers kept?" }, { "_id": 3590, "text": "What is mixed with Boon's fragments of writing?" }, { "_id": 3591, "text": "Which view of Henry James is attacked?" }, { "_id": 3592, "text": "Who is Dr. Thomlinson Keyhold?" }, { "_id": 3593, "text": "What does a Henry James character never do while playing poker?" }, { "_id": 3594, "text": "Where does the fictional character Hallery's conference take place?" }, { "_id": 3595, "text": "What does a Henry James character never do at an election?" }, { "_id": 3596, "text": "How old is Petulant?" }, { "_id": 3597, "text": "Why is Bobolink eventually eager to help Martin?" }, { "_id": 3598, "text": "What does Bobolink warn Martin of when dealing with the pine dwarfs?" }, { "_id": 3599, "text": "How long does Martin say he will be gone?" }, { "_id": 3600, "text": "What does Martin converse with that causes him to become trapped?" }, { "_id": 3601, "text": "What does the Princess put in her ears before going to find Martin?" }, { "_id": 3602, "text": "Who do Martin and the Princess tell their story to?" }, { "_id": 3603, "text": "What does Martin set out to find?" }, { "_id": 3604, "text": "Who is Martin's father?" }, { "_id": 3605, "text": "What is the name of the character who knows everything?" }, { "_id": 3606, "text": "How old is Petulant?" }, { "_id": 3607, "text": "Who is Martin's father?" }, { "_id": 3608, "text": "When does Martin say he'll have a toy for the King's daughter?" }, { "_id": 3609, "text": "Why did the Purple Enchanter change his mind about helping the Prime Minister's son?" }, { "_id": 3610, "text": "Where do Bobolink warn Martin he may get stuck?" }, { "_id": 3611, "text": "How did the Princess avoid speaking on her way to the waterfall?" }, { "_id": 3612, "text": "Who helped the King's daughter find the Prime Minister's son?" }, { "_id": 3613, "text": "What did Martin and Petulant do after their adventure?" }, { "_id": 3614, "text": "Why did Martin become conversation?" }, { "_id": 3615, "text": "Who was able to satisfy the Princess?" }, { "_id": 3616, "text": "What is the name of the girl who cannot be made happy?" }, { "_id": 3617, "text": "What does the Toymaker assist Princess Petulant and Martin with?" }, { "_id": 3618, "text": "Who is the Prime Minister's son?" }, { "_id": 3619, "text": "What does Bobolink know?" }, { "_id": 3620, "text": "How does Martin flatter Bobolink?" }, { "_id": 3621, "text": "How long does Martin say it will take him to get the new toy?" }, { "_id": 3622, "text": "Who does Bobolink tell Martin not to talk to?" }, { "_id": 3623, "text": "What does the princess put in her ears?" }, { "_id": 3624, "text": "Who shows the princess the way to Martin?" }, { "_id": 3625, "text": "Who do Martin and Princess Petulant go to see?" }, { "_id": 3626, "text": "Why did captain agrees to let Conan stay on board?" }, { "_id": 3627, "text": "What was the Captain name?" }, { "_id": 3628, "text": "What happen when the trade ship got to water of Kush?" }, { "_id": 3629, "text": "Who is the leader of the raevers?" }, { "_id": 3630, "text": "Why did belit spare Conan life?" }, { "_id": 3631, "text": "What did Belit asked Conan to do?" }, { "_id": 3632, "text": "What did Belit and Conan encounter at nameless river?" }, { "_id": 3633, "text": "What captivated Belit?" }, { "_id": 3634, "text": "How did Belit died?" }, { "_id": 3635, "text": "What did Conan did to the winged horror?" }, { "_id": 3636, "text": "Why does the Captian Tito allow Conan to board the Argus without paying?" }, { "_id": 3637, "text": "What is the name of the leader of the reavers who attack the Argos when they first arrive in Kush?" }, { "_id": 3638, "text": "What do Belit and Conan find in the ancient ruins?" }, { "_id": 3639, "text": "What is the cause of Belit's madness?" }, { "_id": 3640, "text": "Who saves Conan from the winged monster?" }, { "_id": 3641, "text": "Why is Conan fleeing Argos at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 3642, "text": "What color are Conan's eyes?" }, { "_id": 3643, "text": "When Conan boards the Argus what is the barge's destination?" }, { "_id": 3644, "text": "To what does Conan set fire to at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 3645, "text": "What is the name of the barge Conan demands passage aboard?" }, { "_id": 3646, "text": "What is the name of the male captain that Conan befriends?" }, { "_id": 3647, "text": "Who does Conan become sexually attracted to after the captain is killed?" }, { "_id": 3648, "text": "What is the name of Conan's god?" }, { "_id": 3649, "text": "What is the name of Belit's god?" }, { "_id": 3650, "text": "What qualities about Conan, is Belit impressed by?" }, { "_id": 3651, "text": "Who kills Belit?" }, { "_id": 3652, "text": "What coast do Conan and Belit sail upon?" }, { "_id": 3653, "text": "What causes Belit's twisted mental state?" }, { "_id": 3654, "text": "Who saves Conan from the winged monster?" }, { "_id": 3655, "text": "What is Opar?" }, { "_id": 3656, "text": "Who returns to Opar in order to make good on some financial issues?" }, { "_id": 3657, "text": "How long ago did Atlantis sank?" }, { "_id": 3658, "text": "Who secretly follows Tarzan to Opar?" }, { "_id": 3659, "text": "Why did Albert follow Tarzan? " }, { "_id": 3660, "text": "What happens to Tarzan during an earthquake?" }, { "_id": 3661, "text": "Who is La?" }, { "_id": 3662, "text": "What does La try to do when Tarzan rejects her?" }, { "_id": 3663, "text": "Who kidnaps Jane?" }, { "_id": 3664, "text": "Who does Tarzan escape Opar with?" }, { "_id": 3665, "text": "Why does Tarzan go to Opar?" }, { "_id": 3666, "text": "Who knows of the secret location of Atlantis?" }, { "_id": 3667, "text": "Who is Albert Werper?" }, { "_id": 3668, "text": "What happened to Tarzan in the treasure room?" }, { "_id": 3669, "text": "Who is La?" }, { "_id": 3670, "text": "What is La's interest in Tarzan?" }, { "_id": 3671, "text": "How did La react to Tarzan's rejection to La's love?" }, { "_id": 3672, "text": "What happened to Jane?" }, { "_id": 3673, "text": "Who kidnapped Jane?" }, { "_id": 3674, "text": "Who knows the location of the pile of gold?" }, { "_id": 3675, "text": "Where did Tarzan return to?" }, { "_id": 3676, "text": "What happened to Atlantis thousands of years ago?" }, { "_id": 3677, "text": "Who is the only person that knows where there is a large stockpile of gold in Opar?" }, { "_id": 3678, "text": "How did Tarzan lose his memory?" }, { "_id": 3679, "text": "Where was Tarzan located when he was struck by the rock in the head?" }, { "_id": 3680, "text": "Who is the servant of The Flaming God of Opar?" }, { "_id": 3681, "text": "What does Tarzan do that enrages La?" }, { "_id": 3682, "text": "What does La do after she is rejected?" }, { "_id": 3683, "text": "Who was Jane kidnapped by?" }, { "_id": 3684, "text": "What object did Tarzan and Werper escape Opar with?" }, { "_id": 3685, "text": "Who takes Polly away from Mrs. Bretton's home?" }, { "_id": 3686, "text": "What causes Miss Marchmont's sudden youthful energy?" }, { "_id": 3687, "text": "Before he leaves France, what does M. Paul arrange to be Lucy's job someday?" }, { "_id": 3688, "text": "What subject did Lucy teach at Mme. Beck's boarding school?" }, { "_id": 3689, "text": "Whom from Lucy's past does Dr. John turn out to be?" }, { "_id": 3690, "text": "To what country does M. Paul get sent to run a plantation?" }, { "_id": 3691, "text": "What does Lucy discover in her bed?" }, { "_id": 3692, "text": "How many times does Lucy encounter the nun?" }, { "_id": 3693, "text": "In what city is Mme. Beck's boarding school in France?" }, { "_id": 3694, "text": "Who eventually marries Graham?" }, { "_id": 3695, "text": "What is the name of Lucy's godmother?" }, { "_id": 3696, "text": "Who hires Lucy as a caregiver?" }, { "_id": 3697, "text": "What job does Lucy do after Mrs. Marchmont died?" }, { "_id": 3698, "text": "Why does Dr. John frequently visit the school?" }, { "_id": 3699, "text": "WHo does Dr. John marry?" }, { "_id": 3700, "text": "Who does Lucy fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 3701, "text": "Why was Paul forced leave for the West Indies?" }, { "_id": 3702, "text": "What did Paul do for Lucy before he left? " }, { "_id": 3703, "text": "How many encounters does Lucy have with a nun?" }, { "_id": 3704, "text": "What does Lucy hint happened to M. Paul? " }, { "_id": 3705, "text": "How old was Lucy when she stayed at her Godmother's home?" }, { "_id": 3706, "text": "Who comes to take Polly away from Mrs. Bretton's home?" }, { "_id": 3707, "text": "What does Miss Marchmont believe happens when she dies?" }, { "_id": 3708, "text": "Where does Lucy find employment as a Nanny?" }, { "_id": 3709, "text": "Why did Dr. John make frequent visits to the school?" }, { "_id": 3710, "text": "Who does Dr. John turn out to be?" }, { "_id": 3711, "text": "What title did Polly's father inherit?" }, { "_id": 3712, "text": "Where is M. Paul forced to go to?" }, { "_id": 3713, "text": "How many encounters does Lucy have with a figure of a nun?" }, { "_id": 3714, "text": "What did Tancred's destiny seem to be?" }, { "_id": 3715, "text": "Tancred was dissatisfied in his life within what?" }, { "_id": 3716, "text": "Upon leaving his parents, what did Tancred do?" }, { "_id": 3717, "text": "Who was Eva?" }, { "_id": 3718, "text": "Who masterminded the kidnapping of Tancred?" }, { "_id": 3719, "text": "Despite being held captive, Tancred was allowed to visit what place?" }, { "_id": 3720, "text": "In Mount Sinai, what vision did Tancred have?" }, { "_id": 3721, "text": "What did Eva do with Tancred when he was released?" }, { "_id": 3722, "text": "What did Eva teach Tancred about?" }, { "_id": 3723, "text": "What broke off Tancred and Eva's romance?" }, { "_id": 3724, "text": "Why does Tancred leave home?" }, { "_id": 3725, "text": "What woman does Tancred meet during his trip to the Holy Land?" }, { "_id": 3726, "text": "What happens to Tancred shortley after meeting Eva?" }, { "_id": 3727, "text": "Where is Tancred allowed to go while kidnapped?" }, { "_id": 3728, "text": "Who gives Tancred a message on Mount Sinai?" }, { "_id": 3729, "text": "What happens to Tancred after his trip to Mount Sinai?" }, { "_id": 3730, "text": "Who nurses Tancred back to health?" }, { "_id": 3731, "text": "Who Does Tancred Fall in love With?" }, { "_id": 3732, "text": "What does Eva convince Tancred to believe?" }, { "_id": 3733, "text": "What caused the romance between Eva and Tancred to end?" }, { "_id": 3734, "text": "Who is the idealistic hero? " }, { "_id": 3735, "text": "Where is Tancred from? " }, { "_id": 3736, "text": "Why does Tancred visit the Holy Land? " }, { "_id": 3737, "text": "Who does Tancred fall in love with? " }, { "_id": 3738, "text": "Who is Eva's foster brother? " }, { "_id": 3739, "text": "Where does Tancred have a vision of an Angel? " }, { "_id": 3740, "text": "Why is the romance broken off with Eva? " }, { "_id": 3741, "text": "Who nurses Tancred back to health? " }, { "_id": 3742, "text": "What does Eva's father do for a living? " }, { "_id": 3743, "text": "Who did Elizabeth Short like to hang out with?" }, { "_id": 3744, "text": "What was Elizabeth Short later known as?" }, { "_id": 3745, "text": "Who was investigating Elizabeth's murder?" }, { "_id": 3746, "text": "Who guns down Dewitt?" }, { "_id": 3747, "text": "Who does \"Bucky start a relationship with?" }, { "_id": 3748, "text": "Who did Kay used to date before Lee?" }, { "_id": 3749, "text": "Which of the two detectives died?" }, { "_id": 3750, "text": "Who really killed Elizabeth?" }, { "_id": 3751, "text": "Why did Ramona kill Elizabeth?" }, { "_id": 3752, "text": "Who does Bucky kill?" }, { "_id": 3753, "text": "What is Bucky's real name?" }, { "_id": 3754, "text": "What is The Black Delahia's real name?" }, { "_id": 3755, "text": "Who does Bucky meet at the lesbian nightclub?" }, { "_id": 3756, "text": "What does Madeleine promise Bucky in order to keep her name out of the papers?" }, { "_id": 3757, "text": "Who was Lee supposed to be meeting when he was killed? " }, { "_id": 3758, "text": "Why did Lee need to kill DeWitt?" }, { "_id": 3759, "text": "Who was Kay to DeWitt?" }, { "_id": 3760, "text": "Where did the murder of Elizabeth Short take place?" }, { "_id": 3761, "text": "Who killed Elizabeth Short and why? " }, { "_id": 3762, "text": "Who killed Lee and why? " }, { "_id": 3763, "text": "What was the mueder dubbed as ?" }, { "_id": 3764, "text": "Who is kay lake?" }, { "_id": 3765, "text": "What did bucky find and from where?" }, { "_id": 3766, "text": "What did the drawing resembled to?" }, { "_id": 3767, "text": "Who did bucky confront and of what ?" }, { "_id": 3768, "text": "Who had been with elizabeth on the sets and why?" }, { "_id": 3769, "text": "What did Romana did after confessing?" }, { "_id": 3770, "text": "Who had lesbian relations?" }, { "_id": 3771, "text": "Where did bucky find mandeleine?" }, { "_id": 3772, "text": "Who does bucky kill in the end?" }, { "_id": 3773, "text": "Who orders all of the fairytale members to the swamp?" }, { "_id": 3774, "text": "Who knows how to get to Duloc?" }, { "_id": 3775, "text": "Who is Farquaad torturing?" }, { "_id": 3776, "text": "Who tells Lord Farquaad that he is not a king?" }, { "_id": 3777, "text": "What is the deal that Lord Farquaad makes with Shrek?" }, { "_id": 3778, "text": "Who carries Donkey into her chambers?" }, { "_id": 3779, "text": "What does Shrek plan to do once he's back in the swamp?" }, { "_id": 3780, "text": "What makes Shrek want to build a wall around his house? " }, { "_id": 3781, "text": "What happens to Fiona at night? " }, { "_id": 3782, "text": "How is Lord Farquaad killed?" }, { "_id": 3783, "text": "What kind of creature is Shrek?" }, { "_id": 3784, "text": "Who did Farquaad torture to learn the location of the remaining fairytale creatures?" }, { "_id": 3785, "text": "Where was Fiona being kept when Farquaad decided he wanted to marry her?" }, { "_id": 3786, "text": "Who was Shrek's companion in his travels to meet Farquaard?" }, { "_id": 3787, "text": "What did Farquaard promise to remove from the swamp if Shrek rescued Fiona?" }, { "_id": 3788, "text": "What would turn Fiona into \"love's true form\"?" }, { "_id": 3789, "text": "Who interrupted their wedding before Farquaad could kiss Fiona?" }, { "_id": 3790, "text": "Who devoured Farquaad?" }, { "_id": 3791, "text": "Who was Fiona's true love?" }, { "_id": 3792, "text": "Why did Farquaad want to marry Fiona?" }, { "_id": 3793, "text": "How did the fairytale characters end up in Shrek's swamp?" }, { "_id": 3794, "text": "Who does Lord Farquaad torture to learn the location of the rest of the fairytale creatures?" }, { "_id": 3795, "text": "What does Lord Farquaad need to do to become king?" }, { "_id": 3796, "text": "What prize is given to the winner of the tournament?" }, { "_id": 3797, "text": "Why is Fiona disappointed when Shrek rescues her?" }, { "_id": 3798, "text": "How is Fiona's curse broken?" }, { "_id": 3799, "text": "What happens when Shrek whistles for Dragon?" }, { "_id": 3800, "text": "Who helps Shrek and Donkey travel to Duloc to stop Fiona's wedding?" }, { "_id": 3801, "text": "What did FIona think would happen when the curse is broken?" }, { "_id": 3802, "text": "Who goes to the windmill and discovers Fiona is an ogre?" }, { "_id": 3803, "text": "What is the name of the camp?" }, { "_id": 3804, "text": "What tragic event happened at the camp in 1957?" }, { "_id": 3805, "text": "Which two camp counselors are murdered in 1958?" }, { "_id": 3806, "text": "Who is the owner of the camp?" }, { "_id": 3807, "text": "Why does Steve leave the campground before the storm?" }, { "_id": 3808, "text": "What is Bill doing before he dies?" }, { "_id": 3809, "text": "Where does Alice hide after finding Bill's body?" }, { "_id": 3810, "text": "Who is the killer in the story?" }, { "_id": 3811, "text": "Who does Pamela Voorhees blame for the death of her son, Jason?" }, { "_id": 3812, "text": "Who kills Pamela Voorhees with a machete?" }, { "_id": 3813, "text": "Iin what year did Barry and Caludette work as consulers at Camp Crystal lake?" }, { "_id": 3814, "text": "What were Barry and Claudette attempting to do inside the storage barn?" }, { "_id": 3815, "text": "In what year did Camp Crystal Lake reopen?" }, { "_id": 3816, "text": "Who refurbished the cabins and facilities?" }, { "_id": 3817, "text": "What were the names of the camp counselors at Crystal Lake?" }, { "_id": 3818, "text": "Why did Steve leave the campground?" }, { "_id": 3819, "text": "When the power goes out who goes to check the generator?" }, { "_id": 3820, "text": "Whose vehicle did alice see pull up after the killings?" }, { "_id": 3821, "text": "Who was the killer of the counselors and other people?" }, { "_id": 3822, "text": "Who does alice think drug here under the water?" }, { "_id": 3823, "text": "What are the names of the counselors who died in 1958?" }, { "_id": 3824, "text": "How does the undead villian originally die? " }, { "_id": 3825, "text": "Who gives Ann a warning that her desired location is a death camp?" }, { "_id": 3826, "text": "What weapon was used to kill Brenda?" }, { "_id": 3827, "text": "What is Bill attempting to do when killed?" }, { "_id": 3828, "text": "Who is Pamela?" }, { "_id": 3829, "text": "Who does Pamela blame for her sons death?" }, { "_id": 3830, "text": "How does Alice get away from the camp?" }, { "_id": 3831, "text": "Where does Alice wake up?" }, { "_id": 3832, "text": "How many killers are there?" }, { "_id": 3833, "text": "What kinds of jewels are the \"mother and daughter\"?" }, { "_id": 3834, "text": "For what reason does Jay Clifton challenge the will of Marie's mother?" }, { "_id": 3835, "text": "Where does Jay first meet Elena?" }, { "_id": 3836, "text": "How does Marie react to Elena's presense at her birthday party?" }, { "_id": 3837, "text": "What happened as a result of Jay taking Elena to the construction site for privacy after leaving the party?" }, { "_id": 3838, "text": "Why did Chad betray Marie?" }, { "_id": 3839, "text": "How did Marie kill Chad?" }, { "_id": 3840, "text": "Why did Elena betray Marie?" }, { "_id": 3841, "text": "How do Morrison and Richards persuade Elena to betray Marie?" }, { "_id": 3842, "text": "Which character was Kristen Richards's rapist?" }, { "_id": 3843, "text": "Who kills Marie?" }, { "_id": 3844, "text": "What is Kristen's and Elena's relationship?" }, { "_id": 3845, "text": "Who was the man that raped Kristen?" }, { "_id": 3846, "text": "What does Marie tell Jay to do to Elena?" }, { "_id": 3847, "text": "Why does Marie assault Elena?" }, { "_id": 3848, "text": "What did Elena allege that Jay did?" }, { "_id": 3849, "text": "What does Kristen reveal at the seminar?" }, { "_id": 3850, "text": "Who presents the sexual education seminar at Marie's school?" }, { "_id": 3851, "text": "Why does Jay challenge the will?" }, { "_id": 3852, "text": "What are the diamonds nicknamed?" }, { "_id": 3853, "text": "What are the two nicknames of the Diamonds?" }, { "_id": 3854, "text": "At what type of seminar did Dr. Chad Johnson and officer Kristen Richards speak at?" }, { "_id": 3855, "text": "Who does Elena allege raped her at the construction site?" }, { "_id": 3856, "text": "Which 3 characters are in a sexual relationship together and scheme to get the diamonds from Jay?" }, { "_id": 3857, "text": "What type of weapon does Elena use to threaten Marie once they steal the diamonds from Chad?" }, { "_id": 3858, "text": "What is the relationship between Richards and Elena?" }, { "_id": 3859, "text": "Why did Richards escort Elena away from the scene after the claim that there were no diamonds?" }, { "_id": 3860, "text": "Where was Marie shot?" }, { "_id": 3861, "text": "In an effort to get a lessor sentence, what does Elena do to help the police?" }, { "_id": 3862, "text": "Why is Jay sent to prison?" }, { "_id": 3863, "text": "What was the top secret project that the CIA officers watched in the begining?" }, { "_id": 3864, "text": "What does the project named Crossbow do?" }, { "_id": 3865, "text": "Where does proffessor Jerry Hathaway meet Mitch Taylor for the first time?" }, { "_id": 3866, "text": "Who is Mitches roomate?" }, { "_id": 3867, "text": "Where does the mysterious Lazlo Hollyfeld live?" }, { "_id": 3868, "text": "What did Mitch hear that made him want to quit school?" }, { "_id": 3869, "text": "Who does Mitch fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 3870, "text": "Who sabatoges the laser that Chris and Mitch build? " }, { "_id": 3871, "text": "What do Chris, Mitch, Ick and Jordon do to Kent to get back at him?" }, { "_id": 3872, "text": "Whos house gets destroyed by popcorn at the end?" }, { "_id": 3873, "text": "Who does Kent believe is talking when a microphone is placed in Kent's braces?" }, { "_id": 3874, "text": "What university is Mitch admitted to?" }, { "_id": 3875, "text": "What are Lazlo's theories being used for in the 1970's?" }, { "_id": 3876, "text": "Where does Lazlo live?" }, { "_id": 3877, "text": "Where does Hathaway meet Mitch?" }, { "_id": 3878, "text": "What do Chris and Mitch do to Kent's car?" }, { "_id": 3879, "text": "What is played over the school's intercom?" }, { "_id": 3880, "text": "What is the name of the secret project the CIA is developing?" }, { "_id": 3881, "text": "What type of score does Chris get on Hathaway's exam?" }, { "_id": 3882, "text": "Who is Mitch in love with?" }, { "_id": 3883, "text": "What is Project Crossbow?" }, { "_id": 3884, "text": "Where has Mitch been accepted to school?" }, { "_id": 3885, "text": "What does Hathaway task Mitch with?" }, { "_id": 3886, "text": "What happens when Mitch fails to meet Hathaway's deadline?" }, { "_id": 3887, "text": "How do Chris and Mitch get even with Kent?" }, { "_id": 3888, "text": "What does Hathaway threaten Chris with as punishment for failing to solve the laser?" }, { "_id": 3889, "text": "How does Chris finally solve the laser power problem?" }, { "_id": 3890, "text": "What does the team discover about the laser?" }, { "_id": 3891, "text": "How does the gang find out when the laser is slated to be tested?" }, { "_id": 3892, "text": "What happens to the house targeted by the laser?" }, { "_id": 3893, "text": "Who's money do Alex and Juliet spend to feel better? " }, { "_id": 3894, "text": "When Juliet arrived at the airport, what did she find in the suitcase instead of money? " }, { "_id": 3895, "text": "Why did Alex and Juliet become concerned about David's mental state?" }, { "_id": 3896, "text": "Who is attacked when the violent men break into their apartment?" }, { "_id": 3897, "text": "How were the dead bodies discovered?" }, { "_id": 3898, "text": "Who is Hugo to David, Juliet and Alex? " }, { "_id": 3899, "text": "Who is killed during after it is revealed that Juliet is fleeing the country? " }, { "_id": 3900, "text": "Who covered the story after the dead bodies are discovered?" }, { "_id": 3901, "text": "What does David hide in the attack? " }, { "_id": 3902, "text": "Who is surprised that David, Alex and Juliet do not have a fourth roommate? " }, { "_id": 3903, "text": "Where does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 3904, "text": "After Hugo's death, what was removed from his body to prevent future identification of the body?" }, { "_id": 3905, "text": "What was discovered in Hugo's room after his death?" }, { "_id": 3906, "text": "Which two people decide to spend some of the money that was found?" }, { "_id": 3907, "text": "Which flat mate decides to hide the money and live in the attic with the hidden suitcase?" }, { "_id": 3908, "text": "When the assailants break into the attack, what object does David use to kill them with?" }, { "_id": 3909, "text": "To what country does Juliet buy a plane ticket?" }, { "_id": 3910, "text": "Which flatmate stabs Alex in the chest during the three way altercation?" }, { "_id": 3911, "text": "Who ultimately kills Alex?" }, { "_id": 3912, "text": "What was stuffed into the suitcase to replace the money that Juliet assumed she had gotten away with?" }, { "_id": 3913, "text": "Where does David move when he becomes paranoid?" }, { "_id": 3914, "text": "How are the body parts disposed of?" }, { "_id": 3915, "text": "Who kills the men that were after Hugo?" }, { "_id": 3916, "text": "Where does Juliet secretly buy a plane ticket to?" }, { "_id": 3917, "text": "How are the bodies discovered?" }, { "_id": 3918, "text": "Who kills David?" }, { "_id": 3919, "text": "What does Juliet find in her suitcase after fleeing?" }, { "_id": 3920, "text": "Where does the money end up?" }, { "_id": 3921, "text": "What task is David given regarding Hugo's body?" }, { "_id": 3922, "text": "Whom does Godfrey rescue Carefinotu from?" }, { "_id": 3923, "text": "Where does Godfrey see Phina after being rescued?" }, { "_id": 3924, "text": "What does Godfrey want to do before marrying Phina?" }, { "_id": 3925, "text": "What does Godfrey's uncle send him on?" }, { "_id": 3926, "text": "Who commands the Dream?" }, { "_id": 3927, "text": "What is the US Government auctioning off?" }, { "_id": 3928, "text": "Who won the auction of Spencer Island?" }, { "_id": 3929, "text": "Whose steamship does Godfrey go in for the sea voyage?" }, { "_id": 3930, "text": "Who lost the auction to Kolderup?" }, { "_id": 3931, "text": "How much was Spencer Island bought for?" }, { "_id": 3932, "text": "What is the name of the Island that is auctioned off?" }, { "_id": 3933, "text": "Who wins the auction?" }, { "_id": 3934, "text": "What boat does Captain Turcott captain?" }, { "_id": 3935, "text": "What is Professor T. Artlett's nickname?" }, { "_id": 3936, "text": "How much did Kolderup spend to buy the island?" }, { "_id": 3937, "text": "Which group of people threatened them on the deserted island?" }, { "_id": 3938, "text": "Who is Godfrey's love interest, who he tours the world with at the end?" }, { "_id": 3939, "text": "Who loses the auction and vows revenge?" }, { "_id": 3940, "text": "Off which state's coastline is Spencer island?" }, { "_id": 3941, "text": "What is the relationship between Godfrey and Professor Artlett?" }, { "_id": 3942, "text": "How much did Kolderup pay at auction for the island?" }, { "_id": 3943, "text": "What is Godfrey's relation to Kolderup?" }, { "_id": 3944, "text": "What is Phina's relationship to Kolderup?" }, { "_id": 3945, "text": "What did Godfrey ask to do before marrying Phina?" }, { "_id": 3946, "text": "Who is Tartlet?" }, { "_id": 3947, "text": "Where is Spencer Island located?" }, { "_id": 3948, "text": "Where is Kolderup from?" }, { "_id": 3949, "text": "What is the name of the ship used for Godfrey's world tour?" }, { "_id": 3950, "text": "Why was Godfrey marooned on an island?" }, { "_id": 3951, "text": "From whom did Godfrey rescue Carefinotu?" }, { "_id": 3952, "text": "How old was Anne Elliot when she became engaged to Commander Frederick Wentworth?" }, { "_id": 3953, "text": "By the end of the war, who is residing at Kellynch Hall?" }, { "_id": 3954, "text": "Under what circumstance does Anne meet up with her one-time fiancee Frederick Wentworth?" }, { "_id": 3955, "text": "Frederick learns that Anne had another proposal of marriage from Charles Hayter who is now engaged to which sister of Charles Musgrove?" }, { "_id": 3956, "text": "Captain Harvell is drawn to Anne because they both share a love of poetry from what literary period?" }, { "_id": 3957, "text": "What family relationship does Anne share with William Elliott?" }, { "_id": 3958, "text": "What responsibility does William Elliott have to Mrs. Smith?" }, { "_id": 3959, "text": "Why is William concerned by the relationship between Mrs. Clay and Sir Walter?" }, { "_id": 3960, "text": "What brings the Musgroves to Bath?" }, { "_id": 3961, "text": "How does Frederick help Mrs. Smith?" }, { "_id": 3962, "text": "How old was Elizabeth's sister when she agreed to marry Wentworth?" }, { "_id": 3963, "text": "Why wasn't Anne's family happy about Anne's engagement to the Commander?" }, { "_id": 3964, "text": "Who offered guidance to Sir Walter's middle daughter after her mother died?" }, { "_id": 3965, "text": "When does Anne's family move to Bath?" }, { "_id": 3966, "text": "Where does Sir Walter's youngest daughter live?" }, { "_id": 3967, "text": "How are the people who rent Kellynch Hall related to Anne's former fiance? " }, { "_id": 3968, "text": "Which sister did Charles Musgrove propose to first?" }, { "_id": 3969, "text": "What do Anne and Captain Harville have in common?" }, { "_id": 3970, "text": "Why does Louisa remain in Lyme?" }, { "_id": 3971, "text": "Who tells Anne what Mr. Elliot is really like as a person?" }, { "_id": 3972, "text": "Who persuaded Anne to end the engagement?" }, { "_id": 3973, "text": "Why does the family move to Bath?" }, { "_id": 3974, "text": "What causes Wentworth to reexamine his feelings for Anne?" }, { "_id": 3975, "text": "What injury did Louisa have?" }, { "_id": 3976, "text": "Who does Louisa become engaged to?" }, { "_id": 3977, "text": "How does Wentworth declare his love for Anne?" }, { "_id": 3978, "text": "What does Wentworth do for Mrs. Smith?" }, { "_id": 3979, "text": "Where is Anne's mother?" }, { "_id": 3980, "text": "What does Lady Russell have to admit?" }, { "_id": 3981, "text": "What is the first letter Tempest receives?" }, { "_id": 3982, "text": "What is the second letter Tempest receives?" }, { "_id": 3983, "text": "What is the third letter Tempest receives?" }, { "_id": 3984, "text": "What are the warnings that Tempest keeps getting about Lucio?" }, { "_id": 3985, "text": "What does Tempest do when he actually sees Lucio for who he really is?" }, { "_id": 3986, "text": "What does it seem that Lucio is seeking throughout the story?" }, { "_id": 3987, "text": "What is the biggest point of irony in the story?" }, { "_id": 3988, "text": "Even though the story is set around Tempest's rise to fame and fall from Grace, that really takes a backseat to what?" }, { "_id": 3989, "text": "Other than introducing Lucio to Tempest what does the third letter accomplish?" }, { "_id": 3990, "text": "Who is Geoffrey Tempest?" }, { "_id": 3991, "text": "What concept does the story introduce from Faustian literature?" }, { "_id": 3992, "text": "How many letters does Tempest receive after going broke?" }, { "_id": 3993, "text": "What does friend from Australia offer him?" }, { "_id": 3994, "text": "Why does a solicitor contact him?" }, { "_id": 3995, "text": "Who is Lucio?" }, { "_id": 3996, "text": "How does Tempest feel about his newfound wealth?" }, { "_id": 3997, "text": "How does the Tempest react when he learns Lucio is the devil?" }, { "_id": 3998, "text": "Who is the antagonist in the story?" }, { "_id": 3999, "text": "What does Satan really want in the story?" }, { "_id": 4000, "text": "What is the Tempest's profession?" }, { "_id": 4001, "text": "How many letters does Geoffrey Tempest receive?" }, { "_id": 4002, "text": "Who helps Geoffrey Tempest to manage his new found wealth?" }, { "_id": 4003, "text": "What is Lucio's true identity?" }, { "_id": 4004, "text": "What is Geoffrey Tempest's occupation?" }, { "_id": 4005, "text": "What does Geoffrey Tempest do when he discovers who Lucio actually is?" }, { "_id": 4006, "text": "What is it that motivates Lucio above all else?" }, { "_id": 4007, "text": "Where does the first letter that Geoffrey Tempest receive come from?" }, { "_id": 4008, "text": "What does Geoffrey Tempest learn from the second letter he receives?" }, { "_id": 4009, "text": "What does wealth do to Geoffrey Tempest?" }, { "_id": 4010, "text": "How does Geoffrey Tempest react when people try to warn him about Lucio?" }, { "_id": 4011, "text": "Where did Jessica Martin take her son Ricky before she was kidnapped?" }, { "_id": 4012, "text": "What does Ethan Greer smash in the attic?" }, { "_id": 4013, "text": "Why does Ryan have to leave the police station when he first reports the crime?" }, { "_id": 4014, "text": "Why does Mooney not believe the kidnapping claim once he gets to Jessica's house?" }, { "_id": 4015, "text": "What did Craig put in a safe deposit box?" }, { "_id": 4016, "text": "Who does Mooney kill at Jessica's house?" }, { "_id": 4017, "text": "Why does Mooney go to the pier to identify Ryan?" }, { "_id": 4018, "text": "How does Mooney know Ethan's position in order to shoot him?" }, { "_id": 4019, "text": "What happens to Jessica after she takes her son to the school bus?" }, { "_id": 4020, "text": "Why does Ryan have to leave the police station?" }, { "_id": 4021, "text": "What does Ryan find when he gets to Ricky's school?" }, { "_id": 4022, "text": "Who is pretending to be Jessica when Mooney goes to her house to investigate the kidnapping?" }, { "_id": 4023, "text": "Why does Ryan's attempt to get security to intervene at the airport fail?" }, { "_id": 4024, "text": "What is seen in the video tape that's in the bank safe?" }, { "_id": 4025, "text": "What does Mooney learn about Dana Bayback when he returns to Jessica's house?" }, { "_id": 4026, "text": "Where does Ryan propose to exchange the video tape for the Martin Family?" }, { "_id": 4027, "text": "Who gives the order to kill the Martin family?" }, { "_id": 4028, "text": "Why did it not matter that the videotape was destroyed?" }, { "_id": 4029, "text": "What is Jessica Martin's profession?" }, { "_id": 4030, "text": "What is Ricky's realationship with Jessica Martin?" }, { "_id": 4031, "text": "What is \"The Left Field\"?" }, { "_id": 4032, "text": "What betrays Ethan's position to Mooney?" }, { "_id": 4033, "text": "Where do Ryan and Ethan plan to meet?" }, { "_id": 4034, "text": "What does Ryan steal from the school's security officer's car?" }, { "_id": 4035, "text": "How does Mooney discover the woman he met at Jessica's house was an imposter?" }, { "_id": 4036, "text": "What does Ryan ask of Jessica when she thanks him for saving her family?" }, { "_id": 4037, "text": "What is the deal made between Ryan and Ethan?" }, { "_id": 4038, "text": "What does the news report indicate was being stolen?" }, { "_id": 4039, "text": "What rendered midtown Manhattan an uninhabitable waste land?" }, { "_id": 4040, "text": "What country is Wysten Turner a citizen of?" }, { "_id": 4041, "text": "Why is Turner in NY?" }, { "_id": 4042, "text": "What does Turner intend to barter with?" }, { "_id": 4043, "text": "What doe Turner intend to barter for?" }, { "_id": 4044, "text": "What does Turner think the electronic equipment will be used for?" }, { "_id": 4045, "text": "What does Turner pull a woman out of the way of?" }, { "_id": 4046, "text": "Why can Turner not see the face of the woman he helped?" }, { "_id": 4047, "text": "Why do the women wear the burka-like coverings?" }, { "_id": 4048, "text": "Where does Turner go with the woman he helped?" }, { "_id": 4049, "text": "Which part of Manhattan is left uninhabitable by the Soviet \"Hell Bomb\"?" }, { "_id": 4050, "text": "What does Wysten Turner bring to trade for grain?" }, { "_id": 4051, "text": "What does Wysten Turner thinks will be done with the electronic equipment he brings?" }, { "_id": 4052, "text": "What do the gangs in Manhattan weld to their car fenders to snag women's clothes?" }, { "_id": 4053, "text": "What type of head covering do fashionable American women wear in Manhattan?" }, { "_id": 4054, "text": "How does Turner first meet the woman who later begs him to help her escape from America?" }, { "_id": 4055, "text": "What is the profession of the woman's boyfriend who begs Turner to help her escape from America?" }, { "_id": 4056, "text": "Why does the woman who begs Turner to help her escape from America say that she wants to leave?" }, { "_id": 4057, "text": "Where is Turner from?" }, { "_id": 4058, "text": "When Turner meets the boyfriend of the woman who begs him to help her escape America, what ensues?" }, { "_id": 4059, "text": "Which countries are at war?" }, { "_id": 4060, "text": "What does Turner do save a young woman?" }, { "_id": 4061, "text": "Why is Turner so intrigues by the young woman he saved?" }, { "_id": 4062, "text": "Why can't Turner see the woman's face?" }, { "_id": 4063, "text": "What do the police do when Turner reports the woman almost being run over?" }, { "_id": 4064, "text": "Why does Turner bribe the police to?" }, { "_id": 4065, "text": "Where do Turner and the young woman agree to meet?" }, { "_id": 4066, "text": "What does the young woman ask Turner to do for her?" }, { "_id": 4067, "text": "What reason does the young woman gove for wanting to leave the country?" }, { "_id": 4068, "text": "How does the young woman respond when Turner knocks her boyfriend down?" }, { "_id": 4069, "text": "What order of priests run the Clongowes Wood College?" }, { "_id": 4070, "text": "Why does one of Stephen's teachers strap him?" }, { "_id": 4071, "text": "What does Father Conmee tell Stephen when he complains about being strapped?" }, { "_id": 4072, "text": "Why does Stephen's family move to Dublin?" }, { "_id": 4073, "text": "How was Stephen able to attend Belvedere College?" }, { "_id": 4074, "text": "What does Stephen do with the large cash award from the school?" }, { "_id": 4075, "text": "Who does Stephen begin to visit?" }, { "_id": 4076, "text": "Where is Stephen's class taken?" }, { "_id": 4077, "text": "What is the result of Stephen's conflict between his spiritual beliefs and his aesthetic ambitions?" }, { "_id": 4078, "text": "What does Stephen's mother urge him to do?" }, { "_id": 4079, "text": "Who did baby tuckoo meet on the road?" }, { "_id": 4080, "text": "What did Betty Byrne sell?" }, { "_id": 4081, "text": "Which college does Stephen attend?" }, { "_id": 4082, "text": "What were the boys at the college caught doing?" }, { "_id": 4083, "text": "Who increases their use of corporal punishment?" }, { "_id": 4084, "text": "Who is the rector?" }, { "_id": 4085, "text": "Where does Stephen's family move to?" }, { "_id": 4086, "text": "What is the second college that Stephen attended?" }, { "_id": 4087, "text": "What do the Jesuits encourage Stephen to do?" }, { "_id": 4088, "text": "Where does Stephen's mother want him to return to?" }, { "_id": 4089, "text": "What college does Stephen attend?" }, { "_id": 4090, "text": "Why is Stephen strapped at school?" }, { "_id": 4091, "text": "Why does the school heighten discipline?" }, { "_id": 4092, "text": "At the encouragement of his classmates, who does Stephen complain to about his punishment?" }, { "_id": 4093, "text": "How does Stephen get into Belvedere College?" }, { "_id": 4094, "text": "After earning a large cash sum from Belvedere College, what does Stephen spend some of the money on?" }, { "_id": 4095, "text": "Who does Stephen feel the sermons at the religious retreat are directed toward?" }, { "_id": 4096, "text": "What do the Jesuits encourage Stephen to do?" }, { "_id": 4097, "text": "What does Stephen spot at Dollymount Strand?" }, { "_id": 4098, "text": "At the end, what does Stephen determine about Ireland?" }, { "_id": 4099, "text": "Why did the leadys decide not to start the war after the humans went underground? " }, { "_id": 4100, "text": "What did Taylor observe about the robot he interrogated that made him suspicious? " }, { "_id": 4101, "text": "What is the ultimate goal of the leadys? " }, { "_id": 4102, "text": "What is the climax of this story? " }, { "_id": 4103, "text": "Who is the antagonist in this story? " }, { "_id": 4104, "text": "Who is the main protagonist? " }, { "_id": 4105, "text": "How did the leadys trick the humans into believing the world outside the tunnels was too dangerous to go to? " }, { "_id": 4106, "text": "What does one problem that Taylor and his group face once they are on the surface? " }, { "_id": 4107, "text": "What exactly is a leady? " }, { "_id": 4108, "text": "What robots continue to fight the war between the United States and Russia? " }, { "_id": 4109, "text": "Who is asked to observe the interrogation of a leady?" }, { "_id": 4110, "text": "What assignment is Taylor given after finding a 2nd robot who is not radioactive?" }, { "_id": 4111, "text": "How soon did the war end after the humans left the surface?" }, { "_id": 4112, "text": "Why did the robots choose not to fight once the humans left?" }, { "_id": 4113, "text": "How did the leadys fool humans?" }, { "_id": 4114, "text": "What did the leadys do with the weapons given to them by the humans?" }, { "_id": 4115, "text": "Why can't Taylor and the others go back down underground?" }, { "_id": 4116, "text": "What do the leadys invite Taylor and his crew to do? " }, { "_id": 4117, "text": "What is the ultimate goal of the leadys?" }, { "_id": 4118, "text": "How long have the U.S. and Soviets been fighting a nuclear war?" }, { "_id": 4119, "text": "What are robots called that do the surface fighting for us?" }, { "_id": 4120, "text": "What is Taylor's job?" }, { "_id": 4121, "text": "What has the security asked him to do?" }, { "_id": 4122, "text": "Why does Talyor think the leady is not being truthful about surface conditions?" }, { "_id": 4123, "text": "When does the leady say the war ended?" }, { "_id": 4124, "text": "What have the leady's done to prevent humans from resurfacing and making more war?" }, { "_id": 4125, "text": "The leady's offer Taylor a chance to join with what other group?" }, { "_id": 4126, "text": "What do the leady's suggest the two group need to learn?" }, { "_id": 4127, "text": "What type of suits must taylor and his team wear to go to the surface?" }, { "_id": 4128, "text": "Why does Nick and his family move to a trailer park?" }, { "_id": 4129, "text": "What is Nick and Sheeni's plan?" }, { "_id": 4130, "text": "What did Nick do after an arguement with his mom and her new boyfriend?" }, { "_id": 4131, "text": "Where do Sheeni's parents send her after overhearing her and Nick?" }, { "_id": 4132, "text": "What does Nick tell Fergueson about his friend, Vijay?" }, { "_id": 4133, "text": "What did Nick ask Bernice to do to get Sheeni expelled?" }, { "_id": 4134, "text": "What does Nick's mom tell him at Thanksgiving?" }, { "_id": 4135, "text": "What does Nick do after he steals his father's car?" }, { "_id": 4136, "text": "What does Nick do to fool Sheeni's parents?" }, { "_id": 4137, "text": "How long did Nick spend in detention?" }, { "_id": 4138, "text": "What is Jerry's relationship to Estelle?" }, { "_id": 4139, "text": "What is Nick Twisp's relationship to Estelle?" }, { "_id": 4140, "text": "What type of culture is Sheeni Saunders interested in?" }, { "_id": 4141, "text": "What does Nick buy for Sheeni?" }, { "_id": 4142, "text": "What is Sheeni's dog's name?" }, { "_id": 4143, "text": "Who is Sheeni's dog named after?" }, { "_id": 4144, "text": "What does Albert tear up and destroy?" }, { "_id": 4145, "text": "What is Paul's relationship to Sheeni?" }, { "_id": 4146, "text": "Who does Nick call when Vijay's grandmother's car breaks down?" }, { "_id": 4147, "text": "What does Nick don to impersonate one of Sheeni's friends?" }, { "_id": 4148, "text": "Who does Jerry owe money to? " }, { "_id": 4149, "text": "Why is Sheeni's dog banned from the house? " }, { "_id": 4150, "text": "What does Sheeni promise to arrange for George?" }, { "_id": 4151, "text": "What happens to Jerry after returning to Oakland?" }, { "_id": 4152, "text": "Where do Sheeni's parents send her? " }, { "_id": 4153, "text": "Who does Nick tell Mr. Ferguson Vijay is? " }, { "_id": 4154, "text": "Who invites Nick to Thanksgiving dinner? " }, { "_id": 4155, "text": "What does Trent tell Sheeni about on Thanksgiving?" }, { "_id": 4156, "text": "How does Nick get into Sheeni's room? " }, { "_id": 4157, "text": "What does Nick do to Trent?" }, { "_id": 4158, "text": "How did Mr. Harding die?" }, { "_id": 4159, "text": "Who was the Bishop of Barchester's wife?" }, { "_id": 4160, "text": "What is the Reverend Joseph Crawley accused of stealing? " }, { "_id": 4161, "text": "This story is a continuation from what previous story?" }, { "_id": 4162, "text": "Who is the love interest of Major Henry Grantly?" }, { "_id": 4163, "text": "Who does not approve of the relationship between Major Henry Grantly and Grace Crawley?" }, { "_id": 4164, "text": "Why does Archdeacon Grantly not approve of Grace Crawley as a mate for Major Henry Grantly?" }, { "_id": 4165, "text": "Who does Major Henry Grantly end up with at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 4166, "text": "What does Archdeacon Grantly do to Reverend Crawley after the marriage of their children?" }, { "_id": 4167, "text": "Who increased the tribulations of Mr. Harding?" }, { "_id": 4168, "text": "Where is the small house located?" }, { "_id": 4169, "text": "Who is Crawly's Daughter?" }, { "_id": 4170, "text": "Who is the son of Archdeacon?" }, { "_id": 4171, "text": "Who is the Archdeacon?" }, { "_id": 4172, "text": "What are the Dean and Archdeacon inspired to find for Grace's Father?" }, { "_id": 4173, "text": "Who is the wife of the Bishop?" }, { "_id": 4174, "text": "Who is the Warden?" }, { "_id": 4175, "text": "What is Crawley's occupation?" }, { "_id": 4176, "text": "Who is Major Henry?" }, { "_id": 4177, "text": "Who was accused of stealing a check?" }, { "_id": 4178, "text": "Who was Grace?" }, { "_id": 4179, "text": "Who was Major Henry Grantly?" }, { "_id": 4180, "text": "Who wanted to marry Grace?" }, { "_id": 4181, "text": "Why Archdeacon Grantly did not want his son to marry Grace?" }, { "_id": 4182, "text": "What did Dean and Archdeacon did for Crawley?" }, { "_id": 4183, "text": "Why did Archdeacon changed his objection of his son marry Grace?" }, { "_id": 4184, "text": "What did Archdeacon did when he changed his mind about the marriage?" }, { "_id": 4185, "text": "What did Mr Hardng died of?" }, { "_id": 4186, "text": "Who was Mrs Proudie?" }, { "_id": 4187, "text": "Where were the dinosaurs created before being relocated to Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar?" }, { "_id": 4188, "text": "Why does Doctor Ian Malcolm agree to go to Isla Sorna?" }, { "_id": 4189, "text": "How does Roland Tembo plan to catch the male Tyrannosaurus?" }, { "_id": 4190, "text": "What injury does the infant T. rex suffer from?" }, { "_id": 4191, "text": "Who is devoured while attempting to save the trailer from falling over the cliff?" }, { "_id": 4192, "text": "What type of dinosaurs attack the InGen team members as they run through the tall grass savannah?" }, { "_id": 4193, "text": "How are Ian, Sarah, and Kelly eventually saved from the raptors?" }, { "_id": 4194, "text": "How is the male T. rex able to escape into San Diego?" }, { "_id": 4195, "text": "What does Sarah do to stop the T. rex from escaping again?" }, { "_id": 4196, "text": "What do the American and Costa Rican governments decide to do with Isla Sorna?" }, { "_id": 4197, "text": "What type of company was sued by Cathy's parents?" }, { "_id": 4198, "text": "Why did Peter's uncle say they left the island where the dinosaurs were created?" }, { "_id": 4199, "text": "Why did the Mathematician who met with Hammond agree to go to Isla Sorna?" }, { "_id": 4200, "text": "When did Dr. Harding help to free the dinosaurs caged in InGen's camp?" }, { "_id": 4201, "text": "Which countries declared that Isla Sorna was a nature preserve? " }, { "_id": 4202, "text": "What typed of dinosaur killed Eddie?" }, { "_id": 4203, "text": "How was the adult T. rex finally stopped after it escaped in San Diego?" }, { "_id": 4204, "text": "Who was able to call for help on the second night the mercenaries were on Isla Sorna?" }, { "_id": 4205, "text": "How did Dr. Malcolm's daughter get to Isla Sorna ?" }, { "_id": 4206, "text": "Why did the freighter transport crash?" }, { "_id": 4207, "text": "Where was Jurassic park overrun by cloned dinosaurs?" }, { "_id": 4208, "text": "Where did Cathy Bowman get attacked by Compsognathus?" }, { "_id": 4209, "text": "What was Cathy Bowman doing on Isla Sorna?" }, { "_id": 4210, "text": "Who did Cathy Bowman's parents file a lawsuit against?" }, { "_id": 4211, "text": "Who was the head of InGen when Bowman's parents filed a suit?" }, { "_id": 4212, "text": "Where had InGen created dinosaurs before sending them to Jurassic Park?" }, { "_id": 4213, "text": "Why does Dr. Ian Malcolm go to Isla Sorna?" }, { "_id": 4214, "text": "Who frees an infant T. rex and takes it to a trailer to mend its leg?" }, { "_id": 4215, "text": "What kills most of the InGen team?" }, { "_id": 4216, "text": "How do Ian, Sarah, and Kelly get off the island with the dinosaurs?" }, { "_id": 4217, "text": "Who is Charlie?" }, { "_id": 4218, "text": "What were the two traumatic experiences in Charlie's life?" }, { "_id": 4219, "text": "What are Charlie's passions?" }, { "_id": 4220, "text": "Who is Patrick secretly dating?" }, { "_id": 4221, "text": "Who does Charlie develop a crush on?" }, { "_id": 4222, "text": "What does Charlie experiment with?" }, { "_id": 4223, "text": "How did Aunt Helen die?" }, { "_id": 4224, "text": "What do we learn about Aunt Helen? " }, { "_id": 4225, "text": "Why was Charlie admitted into a mental hospital?" }, { "_id": 4226, "text": "What does Charlie decide to participate in?" }, { "_id": 4227, "text": "What traumatic experiences does Charlie encounter in his freshmen year?" }, { "_id": 4228, "text": "Who befriends Charlie?" }, { "_id": 4229, "text": "Where does Charlie take his sister?" }, { "_id": 4230, "text": "What happens when Charlie is accepted by Patrick and Sam's friends?" }, { "_id": 4231, "text": "What happens during the game of truth and dare?" }, { "_id": 4232, "text": "Who comes to Patrick's defense when football players attempt to beat him up?" }, { "_id": 4233, "text": "What happens when Sam and Charlie are packing Sam's room?" }, { "_id": 4234, "text": "Where is Charlie at the epilogue of the story?" }, { "_id": 4235, "text": "What happens when Charlie is released?" }, { "_id": 4236, "text": "How old is Charlie?" }, { "_id": 4237, "text": "What was Charlie's Aunts name?" }, { "_id": 4238, "text": "What is the name of Patrick's boyfriend?" }, { "_id": 4239, "text": "What sport does Brad play at school?" }, { "_id": 4240, "text": "Who does Charlie kiss?" }, { "_id": 4241, "text": "What kind of a dance is Charlie invited to?" }, { "_id": 4242, "text": "During spin the bottle who storms out?" }, { "_id": 4243, "text": "Who has flashbacks?" }, { "_id": 4244, "text": "Who gives Charlie his first kiss?" }, { "_id": 4245, "text": "In what year is most of humanity wiped-out by a virus?" }, { "_id": 4246, "text": "Where do the survivors live after a virus wipes-out most of humanity?" }, { "_id": 4247, "text": "Who is believed to be responsible for the virus that wipes out most of humanity?" }, { "_id": 4248, "text": "Where is the underground shelter where James Cole is being held as a prisoner located?" }, { "_id": 4249, "text": "Why is James Cole sent back in time?" }, { "_id": 4250, "text": "Where does James Cole force Dr. Kathryn Railly to take him after he kidnaps her?" }, { "_id": 4251, "text": "Who does James Cole meet while he is hospitalized in a mental institution?" }, { "_id": 4252, "text": "Who is the founder of the Army of the Twelve Monkeys?" }, { "_id": 4253, "text": "What happens when James Cole draws a gun while pursuing Dr. Peters?" }, { "_id": 4254, "text": "Where do Cole and Reilly decide they will spend their remaining time together before the plague strikes?" }, { "_id": 4255, "text": "Which group was initially thought to be responsible for the 1996 virus?" }, { "_id": 4256, "text": "Where was James Cole living as a prisoner, before he was selected to travel back in time?" }, { "_id": 4257, "text": "What was happening in the recurring dreams that were bothering James Cole?" }, { "_id": 4258, "text": "While attempting to travel back in time to 1996 for the first time, where did James Cole actually end up?" }, { "_id": 4259, "text": "On James Cole's second attempt at time travel, where did he land before finding his way to 1996?" }, { "_id": 4260, "text": "Who is the founder of the Army of the Twelve Monkeys?" }, { "_id": 4261, "text": "Who does Goines claim came up with the idea to wipe out humanity?" }, { "_id": 4262, "text": "Who is the small boy that witnesses James Cole's Death?" }, { "_id": 4263, "text": "Who was responsible for the virus?" }, { "_id": 4264, "text": "In what year does a deadly virus wipe out majority of the human population?" }, { "_id": 4265, "text": "What group is believed to responsible for the virus?" }, { "_id": 4266, "text": "In what year is James Cole selected for a mission to go back in time?" }, { "_id": 4267, "text": "Why is James Cole sent back in time?" }, { "_id": 4268, "text": "What recurring dream keeps troubling Cole?" }, { "_id": 4269, "text": "In what city does Cole arrive when he time travels the first time?" }, { "_id": 4270, "text": "Who is the founder of the Army of the Twelve Monkeys?" }, { "_id": 4271, "text": "On whom does Goines assign blame for coming up with the idea of wiping out humanity?" }, { "_id": 4272, "text": "Who is the real culprit behind the virus outbreak?" }, { "_id": 4273, "text": "Who is the small boy that Railly makes eye contact with at the airport while Cole lies dying in her arms?" }, { "_id": 4274, "text": "What viewpoint is taken to identify the problem seen as an illness?" }, { "_id": 4275, "text": "What two European cities' fashionable socities are pointed out as breaking moral boundaries?" }, { "_id": 4276, "text": "Where is the disease first recognized although not originated from?" }, { "_id": 4277, "text": "What is condemned as rising in the late 19th Century as a product of degeneration?" }, { "_id": 4278, "text": "What type of individuals were seen as socially unacceptable in the 19th Century?" }, { "_id": 4279, "text": "What is the degeneration both reflected in and influenced by?" }, { "_id": 4280, "text": "Which four artists, writers, and thinkers are specifically discussed as case studies for the disease?" }, { "_id": 4281, "text": "What are two defined conditions of the disease?" }, { "_id": 4282, "text": "What is the confluence of the minor stages of the disease designated?" }, { "_id": 4283, "text": "What phenomenon is called a contempt for the traditional views of custom and morality?" }, { "_id": 4284, "text": "How many writings did Nordau divide his study into?" }, { "_id": 4285, "text": "From where does Nordau draw his examples of how fin de siecle has affected all aspects of society?" }, { "_id": 4286, "text": "What does Nordau say people are imitating that is causing the decline in society?" }, { "_id": 4287, "text": "What is the basic premise of Nordau's writings?" }, { "_id": 4288, "text": "Who wrote The Origins of Totalitarianism?" }, { "_id": 4289, "text": "What was Oscar Wilde's role in Nordau's writings?" }, { "_id": 4290, "text": "In one sentence, what was the main idea of The Origins of Totalitarianism about?" }, { "_id": 4291, "text": "How did Nordau's occupation affect his view of this degeneration?" }, { "_id": 4292, "text": "The societies of which two cities were specifically critized by Nordau?" }, { "_id": 4293, "text": "What does Nordau believe that people fashionable society seek most?" }, { "_id": 4294, "text": "Nordau believes that society is sick, what phrase describes its symptoms?" }, { "_id": 4295, "text": "What disease does Nordau diagnose from the tastes of fashionable society?" }, { "_id": 4296, "text": "Who might agree with Nordau that society is in decline?" }, { "_id": 4297, "text": "Who in Europe does Nordau believe is affected by the fin-de-secle disposition?" }, { "_id": 4298, "text": "Why is it important to Arendt and Nordau that polite society embraced criminals?" }, { "_id": 4299, "text": "What disease does Nordau diagnose from the work of contemporary artists?" }, { "_id": 4300, "text": "What perspective does Nordau primarily use to critique society?" }, { "_id": 4301, "text": "Why would Nordau and Freud disagree about how to interpret the human mind?" }, { "_id": 4302, "text": "Why does Nordau think it is bad that people imitate what they see in art?" }, { "_id": 4303, "text": "Who became a drug addict? " }, { "_id": 4304, "text": "Who does the PreCog say Anderton will murder? " }, { "_id": 4305, "text": "Who is the founder of PreCrime? " }, { "_id": 4306, "text": "Which PreCog often has alternative visions? " }, { "_id": 4307, "text": "How does Anderton avoid the optical recognition program? " }, { "_id": 4308, "text": "Who is auditing the PreCog program? " }, { "_id": 4309, "text": "Who kills Witwer? " }, { "_id": 4310, "text": "Who is Ann Lively? " }, { "_id": 4311, "text": "What happens to the PreCrime prisoners? " }, { "_id": 4312, "text": "Who are expecting a baby? " }, { "_id": 4313, "text": "How are murders predicted and stopped in Washinton, D.C. 2054?" }, { "_id": 4314, "text": "Who does the Pecogs predict Anderton will kill in 36 hours?" }, { "_id": 4315, "text": "What does Anderton do to keep from being recognized by the city wide opitcal recognition program?" }, { "_id": 4316, "text": "Who does Anderton kidnap from Precrime?" }, { "_id": 4317, "text": "What does Anderton and Agatha find at Crow's apartment?" }, { "_id": 4318, "text": "Who murders Witwer using Anderton's gun?" }, { "_id": 4319, "text": "What does the warden tell Anderton as he puts him in prison?" }, { "_id": 4320, "text": "Who killed Agatha's mother and set up Anderton?" }, { "_id": 4321, "text": "Who is expecting a baby with Anderton?" }, { "_id": 4322, "text": "Where are would be murders imprisoned? " }, { "_id": 4323, "text": "What happens to Anderton after his separation from Lara?" }, { "_id": 4324, "text": "Why does Dr. Iris Hineman keep the alternate future reports a secret?" }, { "_id": 4325, "text": "How was Ann Lively killed?" }, { "_id": 4326, "text": "Why did Crow agree to plant photos and be killed?" }, { "_id": 4327, "text": "Who does Agatha find out was her mother?" }, { "_id": 4328, "text": "What does Lamar Burgess do when Witwer reports the two attempts on Lively's life? " }, { "_id": 4329, "text": "Who tells Anderton that \"all your dreams come true\"?" }, { "_id": 4330, "text": "Where is Burgess when Anderton exposes him?" }, { "_id": 4331, "text": "Where are the Precogs sent to when they are shut down?" }, { "_id": 4332, "text": "Who is McTeague?" }, { "_id": 4333, "text": "Who is Marcus?" }, { "_id": 4334, "text": "Where does Marcus go when he recovers?" }, { "_id": 4335, "text": "What happens to Marcus' arm?" }, { "_id": 4336, "text": "How much money does Trina win?" }, { "_id": 4337, "text": "What does Marcus do while he is dying?" }, { "_id": 4338, "text": "Where does Marcus catch McTeague?" }, { "_id": 4339, "text": "Where does Trina keep her penny-pinched savings?" }, { "_id": 4340, "text": "Who does Trina carve?" }, { "_id": 4341, "text": "What does Marcus intend to go become?" }, { "_id": 4342, "text": "What kind of business does McTeague operate in San Francisco?" }, { "_id": 4343, "text": "Who introduces McTeague to his love interest, Trina Sieppe?" }, { "_id": 4344, "text": "How does Trina come into her $15,000 fortune?" }, { "_id": 4345, "text": "What does Trina decide to do with her lottery winnings?" }, { "_id": 4346, "text": "How does Marcus break his arm?" }, { "_id": 4347, "text": "Who informs City Hall that McTeague does not in fact have a dental license?" }, { "_id": 4348, "text": "What does McTeague ask Trina to give him when he returns to town?" }, { "_id": 4349, "text": "How does Trina die?" }, { "_id": 4350, "text": "Where does McTeague get caught following Trina's death?" }, { "_id": 4351, "text": "What does Marcus do to McTeague in a final act of desperation?" }, { "_id": 4352, "text": "Who is responsible for the meeting of McTeague and his wife?" }, { "_id": 4353, "text": "Why does Marcus become jelous of McTeague's marriage?" }, { "_id": 4354, "text": "How does Trina suplement her's and her husband's income?" }, { "_id": 4355, "text": "What is the cause of McTeague's Dentistry business failure?" }, { "_id": 4356, "text": "What is Marcus's intent when moving South?" }, { "_id": 4357, "text": "What eventually causes the McTeague's marriage to end?" }, { "_id": 4358, "text": "What did Trina initially do with the $15000 that she won?" }, { "_id": 4359, "text": "What does Trina do with her lottery winnings after withdrawing them from the firm?" }, { "_id": 4360, "text": "What causes Marcus to search for McTeague?" }, { "_id": 4361, "text": "What is Marcus's final asault on McTeague?" }, { "_id": 4362, "text": "WHO PAYS FOR CHARALOIS' FATHER'S DEBTS?" }, { "_id": 4363, "text": "WHO IS BEAUMELLE TO ROCHMONT?" }, { "_id": 4364, "text": "WHO IS BELLEPERT TO BEAUMELLE?" }, { "_id": 4365, "text": "WHO DOES CHARALOIS MARRY?" }, { "_id": 4366, "text": "WHO DOES BEAUMELLE HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH?" }, { "_id": 4367, "text": "IN A MOCK TRIAL, WHAT SENTENCE DOES DOES THE JUDGE ROCHMONT GIVE BEAUMELLE?" }, { "_id": 4368, "text": "WHAT CRIME IS CHARALOIS ACQUITTED OF?" }, { "_id": 4369, "text": "WHO KILLS CHARALOIS?" }, { "_id": 4370, "text": "WHO KILLS PONTALIER?" }, { "_id": 4371, "text": "Why did General Charalois get into debt?" }, { "_id": 4372, "text": "Why does the General's son Charalois assume his debts?" }, { "_id": 4373, "text": "Who eventually pays General Charalois's debts?" }, { "_id": 4374, "text": "Why does Bellapert want Beaumelle to marry?" }, { "_id": 4375, "text": "Why does Novall Junior not want Beaumelle to marry Charalois?" }, { "_id": 4376, "text": "Who tries to warn Charalois about Novall and Beaumelle's growing intimacy?" }, { "_id": 4377, "text": "How does Charalois find out that Novall and Beaumelle are having an affair?" }, { "_id": 4378, "text": "Who wins the duel between Charalois and Novall?" }, { "_id": 4379, "text": "Why does Pontalier owe Novall Junior a favor?" }, { "_id": 4380, "text": "Why does Romont kill Pontalier?" }, { "_id": 4381, "text": "Where did the elder Charalois die?" }, { "_id": 4382, "text": "Who refuses to release Charalois' body for burial?" }, { "_id": 4383, "text": "What does the younger Charalois do that amazes everyone?" }, { "_id": 4384, "text": "Who paid the debt for the younger Charalois?" }, { "_id": 4385, "text": "What is the name of Rochmont's daughter?" }, { "_id": 4386, "text": "Who arranges a marriage between Charalois and Beaumelle?" }, { "_id": 4387, "text": "Why is Novelle Junior irate over the marriage?" }, { "_id": 4388, "text": "Why does Charalois challenge Novell to a duel?" }, { "_id": 4389, "text": "What happens to the younger Charalois in the court room?" }, { "_id": 4390, "text": "What does Miss Moppet tie about her head?" }, { "_id": 4391, "text": "Why does Miss Moppet tease the mouse?" }, { "_id": 4392, "text": "What type of animal is Miss Moppet?" }, { "_id": 4393, "text": "What is the mouse wearing?" }, { "_id": 4394, "text": "How does Miss Moppet become injured?" }, { "_id": 4395, "text": "Why does the mouse come down from the cupboard?" }, { "_id": 4396, "text": "How is Miss Moppet able to see the mouse while she is \"ill\"?" }, { "_id": 4397, "text": "How does Miss Moppet capture the mouse?" }, { "_id": 4398, "text": "How does the mouse escape?" }, { "_id": 4399, "text": "How does the mouse express his happiness that he escaped?" }, { "_id": 4400, "text": "Who thinks that they heard a mouse?" }, { "_id": 4401, "text": "Who wears a pink bowtie and a green jacket?" }, { "_id": 4402, "text": "What does Miss Moppet hit her head on?" }, { "_id": 4403, "text": "Who is not afraid of the kitten?" }, { "_id": 4404, "text": "What does Miss Moppet tie on her head?" }, { "_id": 4405, "text": "Who comes sliding down the bell-pull?" }, { "_id": 4406, "text": "How did Miss Moppet first end up catching the mouse?" }, { "_id": 4407, "text": "What does the mouse get tied up in?" }, { "_id": 4408, "text": "How did the mouse escape from the duster?" }, { "_id": 4409, "text": "Where did the mouse go to hide after escaping?" }, { "_id": 4410, "text": "What kind of animal is Miss Moppet?" }, { "_id": 4411, "text": "What color is the mouse's bowtie?" }, { "_id": 4412, "text": "What happens to Miss Moppet the first time she tries to catch the mouse?" }, { "_id": 4413, "text": "What does Miss Moppet tie the mouse up in?" }, { "_id": 4414, "text": "How does the mouse escape Miss Moppet?" }, { "_id": 4415, "text": "What color is the mouse's jacket?" }, { "_id": 4416, "text": "What does the mouse think when she sees the duster on Miss Moppet's head?" }, { "_id": 4417, "text": "How does the mouse get down to Miss Moppet?" }, { "_id": 4418, "text": "What does the mouse do after he escapes the duster?" }, { "_id": 4419, "text": "How does Miss Moppet grab the mouse?" }, { "_id": 4420, "text": "Why does Mark, Elizabeth's fiance, dump her?" }, { "_id": 4421, "text": "Why does Elizabeth go after the substitute teacher Scott Delacorte?" }, { "_id": 4422, "text": "What does Ellizabeth initally have her class study so she/they can win the state exam?" }, { "_id": 4423, "text": "Why does Elizabeth need money?" }, { "_id": 4424, "text": "What does Elizabeth do to Amy before the field trip?" }, { "_id": 4425, "text": "After she returns to teaching, who is romatically interest in Elizabeth?" }, { "_id": 4426, "text": "Why is Elizabeth initially not interested in Russell Gettis?" }, { "_id": 4427, "text": "What does Elizabeth give to one of her students on the field trip?" }, { "_id": 4428, "text": "What is Elizabeth's job at the beginning of the next school year?" }, { "_id": 4429, "text": "Why does Amy switch her desk with Elizabeth's?" }, { "_id": 4430, "text": "What did Elizabeth assign her class to read in an effort improve their test scores?" }, { "_id": 4431, "text": "What job did Elizabeth have when school reopened the year after she taught English?" }, { "_id": 4432, "text": "What drugs were found in Amy's classroom?" }, { "_id": 4433, "text": "What event does Elizabeth wear seductive clothes to in an attempt to raise money?" }, { "_id": 4434, "text": "How did Scott Delacorte's family earn their wealth?" }, { "_id": 4435, "text": "What is Elizabeth Halsey constantly scheming to earn money to pay for?" }, { "_id": 4436, "text": "What did Amy come in contact with that blistered her face?" }, { "_id": 4437, "text": "Which character consistently loved Elizabeth from the beginning of the story until the end?" }, { "_id": 4438, "text": "Why did Carl change his mind about testifying against Elizabeth for cheating?" }, { "_id": 4439, "text": "What did Elizabeth tell other students about Chase to help restore his reputation?" }, { "_id": 4440, "text": "Elizabeth Halsey is what sort of teacher?" }, { "_id": 4441, "text": "What city does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 4442, "text": "Whom does Elizabeth Halsey plan to marry at the start of the story?" }, { "_id": 4443, "text": "Why does Mark dump Elizabeth?" }, { "_id": 4444, "text": "What sort of company does Scott Delacorte's family own?" }, { "_id": 4445, "text": "What is the name of the gym teacher?" }, { "_id": 4446, "text": "Elizabeth wants what sort of surgery?" }, { "_id": 4447, "text": "Who does Scott say he has a crush on?" }, { "_id": 4448, "text": "Lynn Davies is what to Elizabeth?" }, { "_id": 4449, "text": "At the end of the story Elizabeth has what job?" }, { "_id": 4450, "text": "What was Sleepy Hollow know for?" }, { "_id": 4451, "text": "How did Headless Horseman got his head shot off?" }, { "_id": 4452, "text": "Who was Katrina Van Tassel?" }, { "_id": 4453, "text": "Who was Baltus Van Tassel?" }, { "_id": 4454, "text": "What did Bones and Ichabod competed for?" }, { "_id": 4455, "text": "Where was Ichabod from?" }, { "_id": 4456, "text": "What happen to Ichabod?" }, { "_id": 4457, "text": "Who did Katrina married?" }, { "_id": 4458, "text": "What did the people said happened to Ichabod?" }, { "_id": 4459, "text": "What stories ws told at Baltus harvest party?" }, { "_id": 4460, "text": "What kind of character did Sleepy Hollow's inhabitants show, according to Washington Irving?" }, { "_id": 4461, "text": "In what year is the story set?" }, { "_id": 4462, "text": "What are Sleepy Hollow renowned for?" }, { "_id": 4463, "text": "What is the most infamous spectre?" }, { "_id": 4464, "text": "To what does the \"Legend\" relate?" }, { "_id": 4465, "text": "How old is Katrina Van Tassel?" }, { "_id": 4466, "text": "At the harvest party, what are Crane's true intentions?" }, { "_id": 4467, "text": "What type of tree had been struck by lightning?" }, { "_id": 4468, "text": "Who does the story imply that the ghost really was?" }, { "_id": 4469, "text": "Who continues to promote the story of Ichabod's disappearance?" }, { "_id": 4470, "text": "What settlement does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 4471, "text": "What is Abraham Van Brunt's nickname?" }, { "_id": 4472, "text": "How old is Katrina Van Tassel?" }, { "_id": 4473, "text": "What is Ichabod Crane's profession?" }, { "_id": 4474, "text": "Where does Ichabod meet the cloaked rider?" }, { "_id": 4475, "text": "What article of clothing of Ichabod's found?" }, { "_id": 4476, "text": "What kind of tree was stricken by lightening?" }, { "_id": 4477, "text": "What century does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 4478, "text": "How many siblings does Katrina Van Tessel have?" }, { "_id": 4479, "text": "How was the Hessian trooper killed?" }, { "_id": 4480, "text": "Who was the President of the United States in January 1865?" }, { "_id": 4481, "text": "What was Lincoln worried about at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 4482, "text": "What would happen if the Emancipation Proclamation was overturned and the 13th Amendment was defeated?" }, { "_id": 4483, "text": "Lincoln needed votes from which Republicans to secure the 13th Amendment?" }, { "_id": 4484, "text": "Who was the Secretary of State under Lincoln? " }, { "_id": 4485, "text": "What did Lincoln and Seward use instead of monetary bribes to convince Democrats to vote for the 13th Amendment?" }, { "_id": 4486, "text": "What does it mean to be a \"lame duck\" with regard to congressional politics?" }, { "_id": 4487, "text": "How many votes did the 13th Amendment pass by?" }, { "_id": 4488, "text": "Where did Robert E. Lee surrender to Ulysses S. Grant?" }, { "_id": 4489, "text": "Where was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?" }, { "_id": 4490, "text": "How soon does Lincoln expect the war to end?" }, { "_id": 4491, "text": "What concern does Lincoln have about the Emancipation Proclamation?" }, { "_id": 4492, "text": "What does lincoln's advisers advise him to do?" }, { "_id": 4493, "text": "What amendment is Lincoln adamant about ?" }, { "_id": 4494, "text": "With whom doe lincoln's hopes rely on the most?" }, { "_id": 4495, "text": "Who does Lincoln instruct to be kept out of washington?" }, { "_id": 4496, "text": "Who surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse?" }, { "_id": 4497, "text": "Who wins the civil war?" }, { "_id": 4498, "text": "What rumor about representatives in washington circulates?" }, { "_id": 4499, "text": "Where does lincoln exchange words with Ulysses S. Grant?" }, { "_id": 4500, "text": "What is concerning Lincoln about his 1863 Emancipation Proclamation?" }, { "_id": 4501, "text": "What did Lincoln and Secretary of State William Seward work on together?" }, { "_id": 4502, "text": "What issue did Radical Republicans prioritize?" }, { "_id": 4503, "text": "What was the intention of the rumor regarding the Confederate Representatives in Washington?" }, { "_id": 4504, "text": "What was the date Lincoln attended the theater where he was shot?" }, { "_id": 4505, "text": "What was the name of the theater where Lincoln was shot?" }, { "_id": 4506, "text": "What did Lincoln and Seward offer Democrats, instead of direct monetary bribes?" }, { "_id": 4507, "text": "What voting margin did the Thirteenth Amendment pass by?" }, { "_id": 4508, "text": "What happens in 1996?" }, { "_id": 4509, "text": "What happens to the children that can not take the training?" }, { "_id": 4510, "text": "What character is followed first?" }, { "_id": 4511, "text": "Why is the old unit replaced?" }, { "_id": 4512, "text": "Where is Todd dumpbed when thought dead?" }, { "_id": 4513, "text": "Why is Todd so disoriented there?" }, { "_id": 4514, "text": "How does Todd try to help Nathan?" }, { "_id": 4515, "text": "How does Nathan save his parents?" }, { "_id": 4516, "text": "What happens to the old squad?" }, { "_id": 4517, "text": "Who does Mekum shoot in cold blood?" }, { "_id": 4518, "text": "What happened to those babies who did not live up to expectation?" }, { "_id": 4519, "text": "What kind of children were selected for this training?" }, { "_id": 4520, "text": "How does Todd defeat Cain 607?" }, { "_id": 4521, "text": "What is Nathan's handicap?" }, { "_id": 4522, "text": "How does Todd try to teach Nathan to be strong?" }, { "_id": 4523, "text": "What is Todd's first real display of emotion?" }, { "_id": 4524, "text": "Who saves Mace and Sandra from a snake?" }, { "_id": 4525, "text": "Who kills Captain Church?" }, { "_id": 4526, "text": "Who dies when the bomb goes off?" }, { "_id": 4527, "text": "Who does Todd pick up in the ned?" }, { "_id": 4528, "text": "What happens to the orphaned infants who are trained as militants, but are deemed unfit?" }, { "_id": 4529, "text": "What does Todd do to Caine?" }, { "_id": 4530, "text": "What cushions Caine's fall, preventing his death?" }, { "_id": 4531, "text": "Who provides Todd shelter?" }, { "_id": 4532, "text": "Why is Mace and Sandra's son mute?" }, { "_id": 4533, "text": "What do the fearful colonists due to Todd?" }, { "_id": 4534, "text": "Who saves Mace and Sandra from being bit by a snake while they sleep?" }, { "_id": 4535, "text": "What does Colonel Mekum decide to use the colonists' community as?" }, { "_id": 4536, "text": "Who accidentally sets off the nuclear device?" }, { "_id": 4537, "text": "After Todd takes over the ship, where does he head towards?" }, { "_id": 4538, "text": "Who is imprisoned in the story?" }, { "_id": 4539, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 4540, "text": "Who decides to break into a home?" }, { "_id": 4541, "text": "In what way do they break into the home?" }, { "_id": 4542, "text": "What country does Scotland want to stay neutral with?" }, { "_id": 4543, "text": "Who is the name of the city that the story is set in?" }, { "_id": 4544, "text": "What is the name of the first outsider of Huntingtower?" }, { "_id": 4545, "text": "What gave Leon the impression of being a monstrous child?" }, { "_id": 4546, "text": "What is the name of the domestic servant of the Kennedy family?" }, { "_id": 4547, "text": "In the story, what is the nationality of the imprisoned woman?" }, { "_id": 4548, "text": "In the story, what affiliation are the agents who captured and exiled the Russian noblewoman?" }, { "_id": 4549, "text": "Who wrote the novel Huntingtower?" }, { "_id": 4550, "text": "What is the first name of the man who was the first foreign resident of Huntingtower?" }, { "_id": 4551, "text": "Buchan describe's the character Leon's face as being similar to that of a \"monstrous\" what?" }, { "_id": 4552, "text": "In the story, what country is the main location of events?" }, { "_id": 4553, "text": "Who attempted to free-climb away from the burning Huntingtower?" }, { "_id": 4554, "text": "Who is the main character throughout the story?" }, { "_id": 4555, "text": "What exactly were the Scottsmen attempting to defend?" }, { "_id": 4556, "text": "To what family does Phemie Morran have lifelong loyalty toward?" }, { "_id": 4557, "text": "What is the point mainly about?" }, { "_id": 4558, "text": "Who is the originator of these stories?" }, { "_id": 4559, "text": "What is the description of one of the characters?" }, { "_id": 4560, "text": "Where does this situation take place?" }, { "_id": 4561, "text": "Where is the woman from who is being accused?" }, { "_id": 4562, "text": "What is this situation based on?" }, { "_id": 4563, "text": "How did Mccunn feel when he decided to take action?" }, { "_id": 4564, "text": "What were the men fighting for?" }, { "_id": 4565, "text": "What is Harvey Shine's profession?" }, { "_id": 4566, "text": "Why does Harvey Shine travel to London?" }, { "_id": 4567, "text": "What is Kate Walker doing in the airport when Harvey Shine initially meets her?" }, { "_id": 4568, "text": "How does Harvey's ex-wife Jean treat him?" }, { "_id": 4569, "text": "Who is Brian?" }, { "_id": 4570, "text": "Who does Susan ask to give her away at the wedding?" }, { "_id": 4571, "text": "Why does Harvey miss his fligh at Heathrow after he leaves Susan's wedding?" }, { "_id": 4572, "text": "What does Marvin do when Harvey tells him he will be late returning to work?" }, { "_id": 4573, "text": "Who accompanies Harvey to Susan's wedding reception?" }, { "_id": 4574, "text": "What type of class is Kate taking?" }, { "_id": 4575, "text": "Where was Jean's daughter's wedding being held?" }, { "_id": 4576, "text": "What type of work did Susan's father really want to do?" }, { "_id": 4577, "text": "Which person was asked to walk Harvey's daughter down the isle?" }, { "_id": 4578, "text": "How was Jean's ex-husband treated in London?" }, { "_id": 4579, "text": "When did Kate leave the blind date she was on at the restaurant?" }, { "_id": 4580, "text": "Who thinks someone has bodies buried in their backyard?" }, { "_id": 4581, "text": "Why was Harvey fired?" }, { "_id": 4582, "text": "What changed Susan's attitude towards her father?" }, { "_id": 4583, "text": "How did Harvey stop Kate just before she left the wedding reception?" }, { "_id": 4584, "text": "What did Harvey want to do as a career?" }, { "_id": 4585, "text": "Who does Susan tell Harvey she's asked to give her away?" }, { "_id": 4586, "text": "What does Maggie think her Polish neighbor is doing?" }, { "_id": 4587, "text": "What happens when Harvey calls his boss to tell him he'll be a date late in returning?" }, { "_id": 4588, "text": "Where is the wedding reception being held?" }, { "_id": 4589, "text": "Where do Harvey and Kate have to sit at the reception? " }, { "_id": 4590, "text": "What does the groom call Harvey up to do? " }, { "_id": 4591, "text": "How does Harvey draw Kate from the elevator? " }, { "_id": 4592, "text": "Why is Harvey taken to the hospital? " }, { "_id": 4593, "text": "Where does Harvey tell Kate is place of residence is? " }, { "_id": 4594, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 4595, "text": "Who is the protagonist in the story?" }, { "_id": 4596, "text": "What is Detective Gorby's role in the story?" }, { "_id": 4597, "text": "What is the Fretlby familie's secret?" }, { "_id": 4598, "text": "How are Detective Gorby's detective skills highlighted in the story?" }, { "_id": 4599, "text": "What helps give the story a feeling of being actual?" }, { "_id": 4600, "text": "What have the streets in Melbourne gained notoreity for?" }, { "_id": 4601, "text": "How was the city of Melbourne described?" }, { "_id": 4602, "text": "What significant differences of people in Melbourne is highlighted through the story?" }, { "_id": 4603, "text": "How is the Frettlby family described?" }, { "_id": 4604, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 4605, "text": "What was discovered in a cab? " }, { "_id": 4606, "text": "When was the corpse discovered?" }, { "_id": 4607, "text": "What covered the city?" }, { "_id": 4608, "text": "What had more significance than the identity of the killer?" }, { "_id": 4609, "text": "What class division is prevelent throughout the story?" }, { "_id": 4610, "text": "Who is given the task of solving the murder?" }, { "_id": 4611, "text": "What did detective Gorby estimate after one keen look around the room?" }, { "_id": 4612, "text": "Who is the protagonist?" }, { "_id": 4613, "text": "What was the Fittly's secret?" }, { "_id": 4614, "text": "What is the setting?" }, { "_id": 4615, "text": "Who is the main protagonist?" }, { "_id": 4616, "text": "What is the secret of the Frettlby family?" }, { "_id": 4617, "text": "What is a prevalent theme in this story?" }, { "_id": 4618, "text": "What is the mystery surrounding the Hansom Cab?" }, { "_id": 4619, "text": "How skilled of a detective is Detective Gorby?" }, { "_id": 4620, "text": "What element in the story overshadows the murder?" }, { "_id": 4621, "text": "What was the description used for Melbourne?" }, { "_id": 4622, "text": "What was the location mentioned that inspired events in the story?" }, { "_id": 4623, "text": "What made Little Bourke Street so important?" }, { "_id": 4624, "text": "What was Travis Bickle's previous professional before becoming a taxi driver?" }, { "_id": 4625, "text": "Why does he become a taxi driver?" }, { "_id": 4626, "text": "Who does Travis become infatuated with in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 4627, "text": "How does Travis offend her?" }, { "_id": 4628, "text": "Who is Easy Andy?" }, { "_id": 4629, "text": "What does Travis do at the store when he witnesses a robbery?" }, { "_id": 4630, "text": "What does Travis try to convince Iris to quit?" }, { "_id": 4631, "text": "What does Travis intend to do at the public rally he attends?" }, { "_id": 4632, "text": "Why doesn't Travis commit suicide as planned?" }, { "_id": 4633, "text": "What happens to Iris at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 4634, "text": "What branch of the military did Travis serve?" }, { "_id": 4635, "text": "What job does Travis take to deal with his insomnia?" }, { "_id": 4636, "text": "For which presidential candidate does Betsy volunteer?" }, { "_id": 4637, "text": "What offended Betsy while on a date with Travis?" }, { "_id": 4638, "text": "Who kicks Travis out of the Senator's campaign office?" }, { "_id": 4639, "text": "What does Travis buy from Easy Andy?" }, { "_id": 4640, "text": "Who does Travis confide in regarding his troubling and violent thoughts?" }, { "_id": 4641, "text": "What happens to the robber of the convenience store?" }, { "_id": 4642, "text": "What did Sport toss at Travis when he took Iris out of the cab?" }, { "_id": 4643, "text": "Why was Travis's suicide attempt a failure?" }, { "_id": 4644, "text": "What is Travis Bickle's current occupation?" }, { "_id": 4645, "text": "Travis has a crush on a certain individual, what is her name?" }, { "_id": 4646, "text": "From whom does Travis purchase firearms?" }, { "_id": 4647, "text": "Why does Travis not kill Senator Palantine?" }, { "_id": 4648, "text": "Why does Iris become so afraid?" }, { "_id": 4649, "text": "After the shooting, where does Travis learn Iris traveled?" }, { "_id": 4650, "text": "What happens when Travis goes to Matthew \"Sport\" Higgins' brothel?" }, { "_id": 4651, "text": "Who sends Travis a letter?" }, { "_id": 4652, "text": "Where does Travis encounter Betsy after he recovers from his injuries?" }, { "_id": 4653, "text": "What happens when Travis goes to the convenient store?" }, { "_id": 4654, "text": "What does Hillard hear through his window?" }, { "_id": 4655, "text": "What happens when Hillard hurries to find the singer?" }, { "_id": 4656, "text": "What does the singer wear to dinner with Hillard?" }, { "_id": 4657, "text": "Where is the opera company stranded?" }, { "_id": 4658, "text": "Who becomes the opera's prima donna?" }, { "_id": 4659, "text": "What kind of things happen in Monte Carlo?" }, { "_id": 4660, "text": "What city does the climax take place in?" }, { "_id": 4661, "text": "Where does the story end with two lovers?" }, { "_id": 4662, "text": "What is the weather like on the night Hillard first hears the singer?" }, { "_id": 4663, "text": "Who is the only person on the street when Hillard finally makes it down?" }, { "_id": 4664, "text": "What does Mr. Hillard hear from his window?" }, { "_id": 4665, "text": "Where does Mr. Hillard first hear the Singer?" }, { "_id": 4666, "text": "When Mr. Hillard finally meets the singer, what is she wearing?" }, { "_id": 4667, "text": "How does Mr. Hillard feel about the singer?" }, { "_id": 4668, "text": "What does the singer become the prima dona of?" }, { "_id": 4669, "text": "Where is the American Comic Opera Company stranded?" }, { "_id": 4670, "text": "Where does the climax of the story take place?" }, { "_id": 4671, "text": "Who is Kitty Killigrew?" }, { "_id": 4672, "text": "Who does Mr. Hillard dine with in New York?" }, { "_id": 4673, "text": "In what city does the story end?" }, { "_id": 4674, "text": "What city is Mr. Hillard from?" }, { "_id": 4675, "text": "What does Mr. Hillard hear when he opens the window?" }, { "_id": 4676, "text": "Why does Mr. Hillard fall down the stairs?" }, { "_id": 4677, "text": "Who does Mr. Hillard see in the street?" }, { "_id": 4678, "text": "What is strange about the dinner Mr. Hillard has with the woman?" }, { "_id": 4679, "text": "In what city do we learn the woman's name?" }, { "_id": 4680, "text": "Where does Kitty Killigrew work?" }, { "_id": 4681, "text": "Where does the climax of the story occur?" }, { "_id": 4682, "text": "What location in the story is referred to as \"the loveliest\"?" }, { "_id": 4683, "text": "What type of singing voice does Kitty have?" }, { "_id": 4684, "text": "What flag does Norman try to hang?" }, { "_id": 4685, "text": "What kind of meeting does Norman attend?" }, { "_id": 4686, "text": "What island does Colonel Worth buy?" }, { "_id": 4687, "text": "Why does Colonel Worth buy the island?" }, { "_id": 4688, "text": "Who takes over the commune?" }, { "_id": 4689, "text": "How many hours a day does each person have to work on the island?" }, { "_id": 4690, "text": "Who discovers gold on the coast of the island?" }, { "_id": 4691, "text": "Who liberates the island? " }, { "_id": 4692, "text": "What flag replaces the Red Flag on the the island of Ventura?" }, { "_id": 4693, "text": "Who is the confederate veteran in this story?" }, { "_id": 4694, "text": "Where does Colonel Worth live?" }, { "_id": 4695, "text": "What war did Colonel Worth fight in?" }, { "_id": 4696, "text": "Who else resides with Colonel Worth?" }, { "_id": 4697, "text": "What war is Colonel Worth recounting at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 4698, "text": "What type of meeting do Elena and Norman go to?" }, { "_id": 4699, "text": "What happens to Norman following that meeting?" }, { "_id": 4700, "text": "What happens on American Independence Day?" }, { "_id": 4701, "text": "What does Colonel Worth buy for Norman?" }, { "_id": 4702, "text": "What happens on the island to Norman?" }, { "_id": 4703, "text": "What happens to workers on the island?" }, { "_id": 4704, "text": "What did Col. Worth buy for his son?" }, { "_id": 4705, "text": "Who was Col. Worth's son?" }, { "_id": 4706, "text": "Where was the island that Norman moved to?" }, { "_id": 4707, "text": "What kind of commune did Norman attempt to make the island?" }, { "_id": 4708, "text": "Why did Norman's idea fail?" }, { "_id": 4709, "text": "What kind of community did the island eventually become?" }, { "_id": 4710, "text": "What did Norman find on the beach?" }, { "_id": 4711, "text": "Who helped Norman fix the problem with his island?" }, { "_id": 4712, "text": "Who took Norman to a socialist meeting at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 4713, "text": "How many hours a day were the citizens of the island supposed to work?" }, { "_id": 4714, "text": "Who is Solomon Northup?" }, { "_id": 4715, "text": "How many children does Solomon have?" }, { "_id": 4716, "text": "Where do Solomon and his family live?" }, { "_id": 4717, "text": "Who wanted Solomon to travel with them to Washington DC?" }, { "_id": 4718, "text": "What was the slave trader name that gave Northup a platt?" }, { "_id": 4719, "text": "How many slave owner was Northup sold to?" }, { "_id": 4720, "text": "What did Northup tried to explained to the slave owners?" }, { "_id": 4721, "text": "Who did epps release his slaves to?" }, { "_id": 4722, "text": "Why did Patsy sneaks off to Mistress Shaw's house?" }, { "_id": 4723, "text": "Who risk their life to send a letter to Saratoga?" }, { "_id": 4724, "text": "What was Solomon Northup's profession before he became a slave?" }, { "_id": 4725, "text": "What forced Edwin Epps to lease his slaves to his neighbors?" }, { "_id": 4726, "text": "Where did Solomon Northup and his family live before he became a slave?" }, { "_id": 4727, "text": "How did the sheriff's companion, Mr. Parker, know Solomon Northup?" }, { "_id": 4728, "text": "Why did Solomon Northup travel to Washington D.C. with Brown and Hamilton?" }, { "_id": 4729, "text": "Which character successfully sends a letter to Saratoga Springs for Solomon Northup?" }, { "_id": 4730, "text": "Why did Edwin Epps order Patsy to be whipped?" }, { "_id": 4731, "text": "At what occasion does Judge Turner allow Solomon Northup to play his fiddle for earnings?" }, { "_id": 4732, "text": "Why did Edwin Epps dislike Samuel Bass?" }, { "_id": 4733, "text": "Who does Solomon Northup meet when he returns to his family in Saratoga Springs?" }, { "_id": 4734, "text": "What made Northup leave his home with the two men, Brown and Hamilton?" }, { "_id": 4735, "text": "What state does Platt originate from?" }, { "_id": 4736, "text": "What caused William Ford to sell Northup?" }, { "_id": 4737, "text": "How did Northup earn his own money while being a slave?" }, { "_id": 4738, "text": "Which plantation owner allowed Northup to keep the money he earned as a fiddle player?" }, { "_id": 4739, "text": "How many people did Northup ask to mail a letter to his family?" }, { "_id": 4740, "text": "What state was Northup originate from?" }, { "_id": 4741, "text": "How many children did Northup have?" }, { "_id": 4742, "text": "What year was Northup's memoir published?" }, { "_id": 4743, "text": "What is the name of the director Tom hires?" }, { "_id": 4744, "text": "Why does Tom call Janet after trapping Eddie?" }, { "_id": 4745, "text": "What item did Velvet and Machine want from Tom?" }, { "_id": 4746, "text": "What is Machine's real name?" }, { "_id": 4747, "text": "How did Tom kill Eddie?" }, { "_id": 4748, "text": "Why did George tell Tom he performed in pornography?" }, { "_id": 4749, "text": "Who is Mary Ann?" }, { "_id": 4750, "text": "How did Mrs. Christian die?" }, { "_id": 4751, "text": "What did Mrs. Christian leave Tom and the Mathews family?" }, { "_id": 4752, "text": "What did Mrs. Christian find in a safe?" }, { "_id": 4753, "text": "Who is the girl in the video?" }, { "_id": 4754, "text": "Why did Mary Ann go to Hollywood?" }, { "_id": 4755, "text": "What is the masked man known as?" }, { "_id": 4756, "text": "How does Eddie die?" }, { "_id": 4757, "text": "What is the Machines real name?" }, { "_id": 4758, "text": "What is Tom's profession?" }, { "_id": 4759, "text": "How much did Christian pay for the video?" }, { "_id": 4760, "text": "Who is Daniel Longdale an attorney for?" }, { "_id": 4761, "text": "What does Tom find after searching Janet Mattews house?" }, { "_id": 4762, "text": "Who kept the major portion of the 1 million?" }, { "_id": 4763, "text": "Who is the wealthy widow that hires Tom Welles?" }, { "_id": 4764, "text": "What did Mrs. Christian find that caused her to hire Tom?" }, { "_id": 4765, "text": "Who was the girl that was on the video?" }, { "_id": 4766, "text": "What is the name of the video store employee Tom gets help from?" }, { "_id": 4767, "text": "Who kidnaps Max as ransom to get the video from Tom?" }, { "_id": 4768, "text": "Who did Mr. Christian Contract to procure a snuff video?" }, { "_id": 4769, "text": "What does Mrs. Christian do after getting a phone call from Tom?" }, { "_id": 4770, "text": "What does Tom ask for when he calls Janet Mathews?" }, { "_id": 4771, "text": "Why does Machine say he commits the acts he does?" }, { "_id": 4772, "text": "Who does Tom receive a letter from after he returns home?" }, { "_id": 4773, "text": "Who does Fleury blackmail into letting the FBI investigative team into Saudi Arabia?" }, { "_id": 4774, "text": "What meal does the FBI investigative team have at the Palace?" }, { "_id": 4775, "text": "What do Haytham and Skyes discover while searching through the evidence?" }, { "_id": 4776, "text": "What happens soon after the SWAT team raids a house?" }, { "_id": 4777, "text": "Who gets kidnapped by terrorists on the way to the airport?" }, { "_id": 4778, "text": "What makes al-Ghazi realize the grandfather is the leader of the terrorist group?" }, { "_id": 4779, "text": "Who dies in Fleury's arms?" }, { "_id": 4780, "text": "What is the realization at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 4781, "text": "What does Fleury tell al-Ghazi's son?" }, { "_id": 4782, "text": "When Mayes is separated from the pack what does he find?" }, { "_id": 4783, "text": "What game was being played when the bomb went off at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 4784, "text": "Where is the FBI team invited for dinner?" }, { "_id": 4785, "text": "Who does not give Fleury permission to investigate?" }, { "_id": 4786, "text": "Who is the commander to the Saudi State Police?" }, { "_id": 4787, "text": "How is Fluery able to get the investigation team into Saudi Arabia?" }, { "_id": 4788, "text": "Who has access to ambulances and uniforms?" }, { "_id": 4789, "text": "Who is kidnapped on the way to the Khalid International Airport?" }, { "_id": 4790, "text": "What do al-Ghazi, Fluery, and Mayes follow into the complex?" }, { "_id": 4791, "text": "Who do Fluery and Haytham meet in al-Ghazi's house?" }, { "_id": 4792, "text": "What was the mother told by the grandmother at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 4793, "text": "Where is FBI Headquarters located?" }, { "_id": 4794, "text": "What game was being played when the bomb exploded?" }, { "_id": 4795, "text": "Where are Fleury and his team ordered to return to?" }, { "_id": 4796, "text": "Who dies in Fleury's arms?" }, { "_id": 4797, "text": "What part of the old man's body does Al-ghazi inspect?" }, { "_id": 4798, "text": "What does Al-ghazi notice abou the old man's hands?" }, { "_id": 4799, "text": "Where does the blood trail in the apartment lead to?" }, { "_id": 4800, "text": "What kind of uniform does the suicide bomber wear?" }, { "_id": 4801, "text": "Where is Al-Ghazi shot by the grandson?" }, { "_id": 4802, "text": "Who commends Fleury and his team after they return to the U.S. ?" }, { "_id": 4803, "text": "Where does the Time Traveller live?" }, { "_id": 4804, "text": "Who are the small, elegant, childlike adults?" }, { "_id": 4805, "text": "Who are the ape-like troglodytes that live in the underground cave?" }, { "_id": 4806, "text": "What do the Morlocks eat?" }, { "_id": 4807, "text": "Who does the Time Traveller save from drowning?" }, { "_id": 4808, "text": "What does the structure where the Time Machine look like?" }, { "_id": 4809, "text": "What did the Time Traveller take from the time machine to stop anyone from using it?" }, { "_id": 4810, "text": "How did Weena die?" }, { "_id": 4811, "text": "What does the Time Traveller show as proof of his journey?" }, { "_id": 4812, "text": "How long did it take the Time Traveller to return from his first trip?" }, { "_id": 4813, "text": "What does the traveler reveal he has built?" }, { "_id": 4814, "text": "What society does the Time traveller meet in AD 802701?" }, { "_id": 4815, "text": "What does the traveller find missing upon his return to the site?" }, { "_id": 4816, "text": "Who approaches the traveller in the dark?" }, { "_id": 4817, "text": "Who feeds on the Eloi?" }, { "_id": 4818, "text": "Who does Traveller save from drowning?" }, { "_id": 4819, "text": "What kills Weena?" }, { "_id": 4820, "text": "What does the Traveller see freezing ?" }, { "_id": 4821, "text": "What had weena put in his pocket?" }, { "_id": 4822, "text": "What kind of diet do the Eloi have? " }, { "_id": 4823, "text": "Where do the Morloks live?" }, { "_id": 4824, "text": "What do the Morloks feed on?" }, { "_id": 4825, "text": "Who does The Time Traveller save from drowning?" }, { "_id": 4826, "text": "What time does the Traveller orginate from?" }, { "_id": 4827, "text": "What does Weena hide in the Travellers pocket?" }, { "_id": 4828, "text": "What color are the flowers that Ween places into a pocket?" }, { "_id": 4829, "text": "What town does the Time Traveller reside?" }, { "_id": 4830, "text": "How many dimensions does the Time Traveller believe there are?" }, { "_id": 4831, "text": "What do the Morloks use the time machine for?" }, { "_id": 4832, "text": "What is Margaret Tate's job?" }, { "_id": 4833, "text": "Who does Magaret Tate ask to marry her to avoid deportation?" }, { "_id": 4834, "text": "What U.S. immigration agent thinks Tate is commiting fraud?" }, { "_id": 4835, "text": "What does Margaret Tate agree to if Andrew Paxton marries her?" }, { "_id": 4836, "text": "What is Paxton's hometown?" }, { "_id": 4837, "text": "Who is Paxton's mother?" }, { "_id": 4838, "text": "Who is Paxton's ex-girldfriend?" }, { "_id": 4839, "text": "Why didn't Gertrude marry Paxton?" }, { "_id": 4840, "text": "What happened to Margaret's parents when she was 16 years old?" }, { "_id": 4841, "text": "What did Annie fake to cause Margaret and Andrew to make up?" }, { "_id": 4842, "text": "What job does Margaret hold?" }, { "_id": 4843, "text": "Why does she talk Andrew, her assistant, into marrying her?" }, { "_id": 4844, "text": "Why does Andrew and Margaret go to Sitka, Alaska? " }, { "_id": 4845, "text": "Who is Mr. Gilbertson?" }, { "_id": 4846, "text": "Who is Ramone?" }, { "_id": 4847, "text": "Why did Gertrude turn down Andrew's proposal?" }, { "_id": 4848, "text": "When does Andrew save Margaret?" }, { "_id": 4849, "text": "Where does Margaret make her big confession?" }, { "_id": 4850, "text": "How does \"Gammy\" make Andrew realize he's in love with Margaret?" }, { "_id": 4851, "text": "Who does Gilbertson end up questioning at the end?" }, { "_id": 4852, "text": "What is Margaret's job title?" }, { "_id": 4853, "text": "Where is Margaret going to be deported to?" }, { "_id": 4854, "text": "Why is Margaret going to be deported?" }, { "_id": 4855, "text": "What does Margaret plan to do in order to not be deported?" }, { "_id": 4856, "text": "What is Andrew's work relationship to Margaret?" }, { "_id": 4857, "text": "Who is their immigration inspector?" }, { "_id": 4858, "text": "What is Andrew's punishment if he is convicted?" }, { "_id": 4859, "text": "Where is Andrew's home town?" }, { "_id": 4860, "text": "What state is Sitka in?" }, { "_id": 4861, "text": "WHO IS THE MAIN PROTAGONIST IN THIS STORY?" }, { "_id": 4862, "text": "WHO IS FRODO'S MAIN TRAVELING COMPANION?" }, { "_id": 4863, "text": "WHO ARE AMBUSHED BY THE RINGWRAITHS?" }, { "_id": 4864, "text": "WHO OFFERS TO TAKE THE RING TO MT. DOOM?" }, { "_id": 4865, "text": "WHAT IS SAMWISE GAMGEE'S OCCUPATION?" }, { "_id": 4866, "text": "WHO MORTALLY WOUNDS BOROMIR?" }, { "_id": 4867, "text": "HOW OLD IS BILBO BAGGINS?" }, { "_id": 4868, "text": "WHO FORGES THE ONE RING IN MT. DOOM?" }, { "_id": 4869, "text": "WHO IMPRISONS GANDALF?" }, { "_id": 4870, "text": "WHO IS ARWAN'S FATHER?" }, { "_id": 4871, "text": "Where does Sauron forge the One Ring?" }, { "_id": 4872, "text": "Who cut the ring off of Sauron's finger?" }, { "_id": 4873, "text": "How old was Bilbo when he left the Shire?" }, { "_id": 4874, "text": "What does Gandalf instruct Frodo to do?" }, { "_id": 4875, "text": "Who is Gandalf imprisoned by?" }, { "_id": 4876, "text": "What does the council decide to do with the ring?" }, { "_id": 4877, "text": " What is the name of Bilbo's sword?" }, { "_id": 4878, "text": "What is the name of the demon that confronted the Fellowship?" }, { "_id": 4879, "text": "Who tries to take the ring from Frodo?" }, { "_id": 4880, "text": "Who leads the fellowship after Gandalf dies?" }, { "_id": 4881, "text": "What is the job of Samwise Gamgee?" }, { "_id": 4882, "text": "What is the purpose of the one ring?" }, { "_id": 4883, "text": "Where does Frodo take the ring alone?" }, { "_id": 4884, "text": "What promise did Samwise make to Gandolf?" }, { "_id": 4885, "text": "What is Frodo's relationship to Bilbo Baggins?" }, { "_id": 4886, "text": "Who revealed the whereabouts of the ring to the Orcs?" }, { "_id": 4887, "text": "How old is Bilbo Baggins?" }, { "_id": 4888, "text": "Who is Arwen's lover?" }, { "_id": 4889, "text": "Where do the Elves live?" }, { "_id": 4890, "text": "What is Aragorn's rightful position?" }, { "_id": 4891, "text": "What does the History concentrate on that it uses as a medium for several other themes closely related to the war?" }, { "_id": 4892, "text": "The History discusses the socially and culturally degenerative effects of war on what?" }, { "_id": 4893, "text": "What is the History especially concerned with?" }, { "_id": 4894, "text": "What is realpolitik?" }, { "_id": 4895, "text": "What topics are not discussed for the most part in the History?" }, { "_id": 4896, "text": "What does the History focus on?" }, { "_id": 4897, "text": "What is the History preoccupied with?" }, { "_id": 4898, "text": "What does the History briefly review in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 4899, "text": "What is depicted in some of the events in the History?" }, { "_id": 4900, "text": "Who is shown a significant degree of sympathy?" }, { "_id": 4901, "text": "How many items are in the \"History of the Peloponnesian War\" collection?" }, { "_id": 4902, "text": "What type of effect is the war described as having on Greek society?" }, { "_id": 4903, "text": "Which topics are excluded from the History collection?" }, { "_id": 4904, "text": "What aspects of the Peloponnesian War are the main focus of the History collection?" }, { "_id": 4905, "text": "What was particularly concerning to Thucydides about the war?" }, { "_id": 4906, "text": "Which parts of the collection cover only the war and no other facet of Greek society?" }, { "_id": 4907, "text": "Whose account of the war is captured in the History collection?" }, { "_id": 4908, "text": "Which types of decisions are affected by the interaction between power and justice?" }, { "_id": 4909, "text": "What emotion is sometimes expressed for those who are negatively affected by what happens during wartime?" }, { "_id": 4910, "text": "What aspects of the Peloponnesian War does the history concentrate on?" }, { "_id": 4911, "text": "What is the history most focused on in analyzing the war in relation to Greek citizens?" }, { "_id": 4912, "text": "What dialogue in the history describes the politics of power?" }, { "_id": 4913, "text": "What is the history's main topic of discussion?" }, { "_id": 4914, "text": "What two forces does the history investigate when examining the evolution of political and military decisions?" }, { "_id": 4915, "text": "What topics does the history specifically not really discuss?" }, { "_id": 4916, "text": "What country is the war located in?" }, { "_id": 4917, "text": "How does the history in general view justice?" }, { "_id": 4918, "text": "What does the history claim justice is a servant of?" }, { "_id": 4919, "text": "Who's name means \"mud\" and \"slime\" in Neapolitan?" }, { "_id": 4920, "text": "What can Zoza not do no matter how hard her father tries?" }, { "_id": 4921, "text": "What was the purpose of the fountain of oil?" }, { "_id": 4922, "text": "Why was a curse put on Zoza by the old woman?" }, { "_id": 4923, "text": "How many days were given to Zoza to find her prince in the curse?" }, { "_id": 4924, "text": "What does the new slave-queen force the prince to do in order to keep her from crushing her unborn child?" }, { "_id": 4925, "text": "How does Zoza reveal the slave queen?" }, { "_id": 4926, "text": "How was the slave queen punished?" }, { "_id": 4927, "text": "How many stories were told by the each of the ten story tellers?" }, { "_id": 4928, "text": "What is the name of the princess in the frame story?" }, { "_id": 4929, "text": "What does her father do to try to make her laugh?" }, { "_id": 4930, "text": "Who made Zoza laugh?" }, { "_id": 4931, "text": "What did the old woman do to Zoza?" }, { "_id": 4932, "text": "What did Zoza have to do to marry the prince?" }, { "_id": 4933, "text": "Who stole the pitcher and claimed the prince?" }, { "_id": 4934, "text": "What does the slave queen demand her husband do?" }, { "_id": 4935, "text": "What does the slave queen threaten to do to their unborn baby?" }, { "_id": 4936, "text": "What happenes when the Moorish womans treachery is revealed?" }, { "_id": 4937, "text": "Who lives happily ever after?" }, { "_id": 4938, "text": "What is wrong with the princess?" }, { "_id": 4939, "text": "What are the results of the curse?" }, { "_id": 4940, "text": "What does the princesses father do for her?" }, { "_id": 4941, "text": "Why is the old woman so upset?" }, { "_id": 4942, "text": "What did the old woman do?" }, { "_id": 4943, "text": "What did Zoza have to do?" }, { "_id": 4944, "text": "What did she have to do with the tears?" }, { "_id": 4945, "text": "Where are the tears?" }, { "_id": 4946, "text": "What happened to the woman who took the tears?" }, { "_id": 4947, "text": "What happens to the princess?" }, { "_id": 4948, "text": "Who was responsible for Lulu's death in London?" }, { "_id": 4949, "text": "How are the characters initially introuduced as?" }, { "_id": 4950, "text": "Who takes Lulu under his wing?" }, { "_id": 4951, "text": "Who paints a portrait of Lulu?" }, { "_id": 4952, "text": "How did Dr Goll die?" }, { "_id": 4953, "text": "Who is Lulu's second husband?" }, { "_id": 4954, "text": "How did Schwartz react to learning about Lulu's past?" }, { "_id": 4955, "text": "What did Schon want Lulu to do after finding out about her infidelities?" }, { "_id": 4956, "text": "What did Lulu end up doing with the revolver given to her by Schon?" }, { "_id": 4957, "text": "Who helped Lulu to escape from prison?" }, { "_id": 4958, "text": "Who introduces the haracters in the prologue?" }, { "_id": 4959, "text": "Who is the medic Lulu is married off to? " }, { "_id": 4960, "text": "Who paint's lulu's portrait?" }, { "_id": 4961, "text": "Who is Sclon's Son?" }, { "_id": 4962, "text": "What does Schlon order Lulu to do in act 4?" }, { "_id": 4963, "text": "Why does Dr Goll Collapse?" }, { "_id": 4964, "text": "Why is Lulu imprisoned?" }, { "_id": 4965, "text": "Who promotes Lulu's dancing career?" }, { "_id": 4966, "text": "Who is the circust artist?" }, { "_id": 4967, "text": "Who aid's Lulu's escape?" }, { "_id": 4968, "text": "Who is believed to be Lulu's father?" }, { "_id": 4969, "text": "Who did Dr. Schon marry Lulu to?" }, { "_id": 4970, "text": "Why didn't Dr. Shon marry Lulu?" }, { "_id": 4971, "text": "Who did Dr. Goll bring Lulu to have her portrait painted by?" }, { "_id": 4972, "text": "How did Dr. Goll die?" }, { "_id": 4973, "text": "Who helped Lulu achieve fame and wealth?" }, { "_id": 4974, "text": "Why did Schwarz kill himself?" }, { "_id": 4975, "text": "Why did Schon put the revolver in Lulu's hand?" }, { "_id": 4976, "text": "Why was Lulu imprisoned?" }, { "_id": 4977, "text": "Who helped Lulu escape prison?" }, { "_id": 4978, "text": "Why does Exley volunteer to talk in the Bloody Christmas case?" }, { "_id": 4979, "text": "Why does White initially dislike Exley?" }, { "_id": 4980, "text": "Who is Vincennes providing tips about celebrity arrests to?" }, { "_id": 4981, "text": "Who is orginally charged with the Nite Owl murders?" }, { "_id": 4982, "text": "What first leads Exley to become suspicious of Smith?" }, { "_id": 4983, "text": "Why does White get in a fight with Exley?" }, { "_id": 4984, "text": "What happens to Smith at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 4985, "text": "At the conclusion of the story, what happens to White?" }, { "_id": 4986, "text": "What does Exley recieve when he agrees to cover up Smith's crimes?" }, { "_id": 4987, "text": "What is Smith's ultimate goal?" }, { "_id": 4988, "text": "Why do other officers in the LAPD dislike Sergeant Ed Exley?" }, { "_id": 4989, "text": "Who is Rollo Tomasi?" }, { "_id": 4990, "text": "What is Wendell White obsessed with?" }, { "_id": 4991, "text": "Why does White initially hate Ed Exley?" }, { "_id": 4992, "text": "What happened in the Nite Owl case?" }, { "_id": 4993, "text": "What is the Fleur-de-Lis known for?" }, { "_id": 4994, "text": "Who does White become romantically involved with?" }, { "_id": 4995, "text": "Who planned on taking over Mickey Cohen's heroin empire?" }, { "_id": 4996, "text": "What happens as a result of Exley killing Lieutenant Smith?" }, { "_id": 4997, "text": "How does Lieutenant Smith try to turn White against Exley?" }, { "_id": 4998, "text": "Where does Lynn Bracken return home to?" }, { "_id": 4999, "text": "What is the name of the scandal which Ed Exley testifies about?" }, { "_id": 5000, "text": "Which TV series does Jack Vincennes work on?" }, { "_id": 5001, "text": "What is the name of Sid Hudgen's magazine?" }, { "_id": 5002, "text": "What is the name of the case in which there were multiple murders at a coffee shop?" }, { "_id": 5003, "text": "Why does the Fleur-de-Lis escort service surgically alter its workers?" }, { "_id": 5004, "text": "Where does White discover Meeks body?" }, { "_id": 5005, "text": "What name does Exley use to refer to the person who killed his father?" }, { "_id": 5006, "text": "Whose runs the heroin empire that Dudley Smith want to take over?" }, { "_id": 5007, "text": "Who kills Dudley Smith?" }, { "_id": 5008, "text": "What is Cher's stepbrother's name?" }, { "_id": 5009, "text": "What two teachers do Cher and Dionne help get together?" }, { "_id": 5010, "text": "Why does Cher stop Tai from being with Travis Birkenstock?" }, { "_id": 5011, "text": "Who does Cher develop a crush on?" }, { "_id": 5012, "text": "What can't Cher talk herself out of?" }, { "_id": 5013, "text": "Why do Cher and Tai fight?" }, { "_id": 5014, "text": "Who does Cher believe Tai belongs with?" }, { "_id": 5015, "text": "What is Dionne's boyfriend's name?" }, { "_id": 5016, "text": "What social cause does Cher head up at school?" }, { "_id": 5017, "text": "Where does Cher win $200 and a kiss from Josh?" }, { "_id": 5018, "text": "Who does Cher realize she has feelings for?" }, { "_id": 5019, "text": "How much does Cher win for catching the bouquet?" }, { "_id": 5020, "text": "Where is Cher's mother?" }, { "_id": 5021, "text": "How did Cher's mother die?" }, { "_id": 5022, "text": "Why doesn't Christian want to date Cher?" }, { "_id": 5023, "text": "Who is Josh?" }, { "_id": 5024, "text": "What does Cher try to do to Tai?" }, { "_id": 5025, "text": "What is Cher's father's profession?" }, { "_id": 5026, "text": "What activity does Cher lead to begin to live a more purposeful life?" }, { "_id": 5027, "text": "Who is Dionne?" }, { "_id": 5028, "text": "How did Cher's mom die?" }, { "_id": 5029, "text": "Who is Cher's best friend?" }, { "_id": 5030, "text": "Which teachers does Cher play matchmaker for?" }, { "_id": 5031, "text": "What does the happiness of Miss Geist and Mr Hall's relationship teach Cher?" }, { "_id": 5032, "text": "Why is Christian uninterested in Cher's advances?" }, { "_id": 5033, "text": "What does share captain in an effort to lead a purposeful life and attrack Josh?" }, { "_id": 5034, "text": "Who catches the bouquet at the Geist Hall wedding?" }, { "_id": 5035, "text": "What happens when Cher goes for her driving test?" }, { "_id": 5036, "text": "What is Josh's relation to Cher?" }, { "_id": 5037, "text": "Who does Tai fall in love with in the end?" }, { "_id": 5038, "text": "What circumstance allows Darrow and Anna to continue their previous relationship?" }, { "_id": 5039, "text": "Where do Anna and Darrow plan on reuniting?" }, { "_id": 5040, "text": "Why does Darrow become upset with Anna before arriving in France?" }, { "_id": 5041, "text": "What happens as Darrow is traveling to France?" }, { "_id": 5042, "text": "How does Anna know Sophy?" }, { "_id": 5043, "text": "How does Anna's son Owen know Sophiy?" }, { "_id": 5044, "text": "Why does Sophy end her engagement to Owen?" }, { "_id": 5045, "text": "What does Anna become obsessed with?" }, { "_id": 5046, "text": "Where does Darrow want to move to once him and Anna are married?" }, { "_id": 5047, "text": "What happens to Sophy at the end of the novel?" }, { "_id": 5048, "text": "Who does Darrow want to reconnect with?" }, { "_id": 5049, "text": "Who does Darrow meet on the ship to see Anna?" }, { "_id": 5050, "text": "Who is Anna's stepson?" }, { "_id": 5051, "text": "Who did Anna hire as governess for Effie?" }, { "_id": 5052, "text": "Who is Sophy engaged to?" }, { "_id": 5053, "text": "Where does Owen leave for at the next of the story?" }, { "_id": 5054, "text": "Who employs Sophy at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5055, "text": "Who does Anna feel she is well matched with?" }, { "_id": 5056, "text": "Who is Anna not able to stop being jealous of?" }, { "_id": 5057, "text": "Who improves Anna's feeling of Sophy?" }, { "_id": 5058, "text": "Where is George Darrow residing when he prepares to join Anna Leath in France?" }, { "_id": 5059, "text": "What is George Darrow's profession?" }, { "_id": 5060, "text": "How does George Darrow travel to Frace?" }, { "_id": 5061, "text": "What is Owen's relationship to Anna Leath?" }, { "_id": 5062, "text": "Who is Effie's governess?" }, { "_id": 5063, "text": "Where does Sophy go after she is reemployed by Mrs. Murrett?" }, { "_id": 5064, "text": "Who is Owen's grandmother?" }, { "_id": 5065, "text": "What does Sophy accuse Darrow of when he tries to persuade her not to marry Owen?" }, { "_id": 5066, "text": "Who is Adelaide Painter?" }, { "_id": 5067, "text": "Where is Anna's French country chateau located?" }, { "_id": 5068, "text": "What means of transportation does Indiana Jones use to escape Shanghai?" }, { "_id": 5069, "text": "While Indy is traveling with Willie Scott and Short Round on the plane what happens to the pilot?" }, { "_id": 5070, "text": "What do Indy, Willie, and Shorty use to get out of the situation of a falling plane with no pilot?" }, { "_id": 5071, "text": "When they find other people in a village, what do those people want them to do?" }, { "_id": 5072, "text": "How do the Thugs worship the Hindu godess Kali?" }, { "_id": 5073, "text": "Why did the Thugs enslave the children?" }, { "_id": 5074, "text": "What does the blood of Kali do to Indy?" }, { "_id": 5075, "text": "How is Indy brought out of his trance?" }, { "_id": 5076, "text": "How does the group escape when cornered by the Mola Ram?" }, { "_id": 5077, "text": "What do Indy, Willie, and Shorty bring bag to the village?" }, { "_id": 5078, "text": "Who is the crime boss of Shanghai?" }, { "_id": 5079, "text": "Who is Short Round?" }, { "_id": 5080, "text": "From where does Indy flee on an airplane?" }, { "_id": 5081, "text": "What is discovered behind the statues?" }, { "_id": 5082, "text": "Who does the assassin attack?" }, { "_id": 5083, "text": "Who do the thugs worship?" }, { "_id": 5084, "text": "Who leads the thugs?" }, { "_id": 5085, "text": "Who is kept as a human sacrifice?" }, { "_id": 5086, "text": "Who tells shorty how to get out of the mines?" }, { "_id": 5087, "text": "Who is the missing stone returned to?" }, { "_id": 5088, "text": "What year does this take place?" }, { "_id": 5089, "text": "Who attempts to cripple Indiana Jones?" }, { "_id": 5090, "text": "What does the Maharajah use to hurt Indiana Jones?" }, { "_id": 5091, "text": "What lives in the river?" }, { "_id": 5092, "text": "What eats Mola Ram?" }, { "_id": 5093, "text": "What do the thugs try to kill Indiana Jones with?" }, { "_id": 5094, "text": "What is wrong with the rocks?" }, { "_id": 5095, "text": "Who owns the plane that Indiana Jones flees on?" }, { "_id": 5096, "text": "Where is Shorty put to work at?" }, { "_id": 5097, "text": "Who is a sacrifice?" }, { "_id": 5098, "text": "Who is the manager of the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel?" }, { "_id": 5099, "text": "How much of the hotel do Sonny's brothers own?" }, { "_id": 5100, "text": "How did Jean and Douglas lose most of their money?" }, { "_id": 5101, "text": "What type of hotel is the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel?" }, { "_id": 5102, "text": "How does Muriel's character change in the story?" }, { "_id": 5103, "text": "Why is Jean embraced after following Graham?" }, { "_id": 5104, "text": "What do Sonny's brothers plan on doing to the hotel?" }, { "_id": 5105, "text": "Who believes they can help make the hotel profitable again?" }, { "_id": 5106, "text": "What does Jean see as a sign that she should leave Douglas?" }, { "_id": 5107, "text": "Who convinces Sonny's mother to let him pursue the woman he loves?" }, { "_id": 5108, "text": "How did Jean and Douglas lose most of their retirement savings?" }, { "_id": 5109, "text": "Who is Graham hoping to find during his return to India?" }, { "_id": 5110, "text": "What is the name of the manager of the hotel?" }, { "_id": 5111, "text": "What is the name of Sonny's girlfriend?" }, { "_id": 5112, "text": "What do Sonny's brothers want to do with the hotel?" }, { "_id": 5113, "text": "Why does Sonny's mother want him to return to Delhi?" }, { "_id": 5114, "text": "Who convinces Sonny's mother to approve his relationship with Sunaina?" }, { "_id": 5115, "text": "What job does Muriel take at the hotel?" }, { "_id": 5116, "text": "Who does Norman come to live with?" }, { "_id": 5117, "text": "When rickshaw driver tells Jean and Douglas he can only take one of them, what does Jean decide?" }, { "_id": 5118, "text": "Who was the hotel manager?" }, { "_id": 5119, "text": "Who was Jean?" }, { "_id": 5120, "text": "What did Gram told Jean?" }, { "_id": 5121, "text": "Who was Sonny in love with?" }, { "_id": 5122, "text": "What was Evelyn job at call center?" }, { "_id": 5123, "text": "Why was Jean upset with Douglas?" }, { "_id": 5124, "text": "Who invited investor to come and look at the hotel?" }, { "_id": 5125, "text": "What did a ricksaw driver said to Jean and Douglas?" }, { "_id": 5126, "text": "Where did Madge met Norman?" }, { "_id": 5127, "text": "Why did Muriel went to India?" }, { "_id": 5128, "text": "Where did Henry Wynnegate steal from?" }, { "_id": 5129, "text": "Who is Capt. Wynnegate in love with?" }, { "_id": 5130, "text": "Capt. Wynnegate took the blame for what?" }, { "_id": 5131, "text": "Under what alias did James Wynnegate go by?" }, { "_id": 5132, "text": "What did Wynnegate buy in the Wild West of Montana?" }, { "_id": 5133, "text": "Who saved Jim's life once and many other times?" }, { "_id": 5134, "text": "What marriage was deemed as scandalous?" }, { "_id": 5135, "text": "Why does Hal need to be taken to England?" }, { "_id": 5136, "text": "Knowing she will lose her son, what did Nat-u-ritch do?" }, { "_id": 5137, "text": "Which chief believed that a woman needed to obey to be spared her life?" }, { "_id": 5138, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 5139, "text": "What does Henry do?" }, { "_id": 5140, "text": "What happens as result of Henry losing the money?" }, { "_id": 5141, "text": "Who is Capt Wynnegate in love with?" }, { "_id": 5142, "text": "What does Capt do to relieve his family's shame?" }, { "_id": 5143, "text": "Where does Capt go?" }, { "_id": 5144, "text": "Who shoots Cash Hawkins?" }, { "_id": 5145, "text": "Who does Jim marry?" }, { "_id": 5146, "text": "What happens when Nat-u-ritch learns she is going to lose her son and be arrested?" }, { "_id": 5147, "text": "What does the chief suggest be done to a woman who disobeys twice?" }, { "_id": 5148, "text": "What tribe is Nat-u-ritch from?" }, { "_id": 5149, "text": "What is the Captain's alias?" }, { "_id": 5150, "text": "What American state does the Captain relocate to?" }, { "_id": 5151, "text": "What is the name of the ranch the Captain buys?" }, { "_id": 5152, "text": "What does Nat-u-ritch do upon learning she will lose her son?" }, { "_id": 5153, "text": "How does Jim meet Nat-u-ritch?" }, { "_id": 5154, "text": "What commitment has to be broken because of Henry's financial mistakes?" }, { "_id": 5155, "text": "How are James and Henry related?" }, { "_id": 5156, "text": "What is dead Nat-u-ritch lying across her father's arms a reversal of?" }, { "_id": 5157, "text": "Where do Dr. Crawford and his fowollers plan to meet after they seperate to gather troops?" }, { "_id": 5158, "text": "What does Dr. Crawford offer to the Taureg warriers to win their loyalty?" }, { "_id": 5159, "text": "Who is captured by Dr. Crawfords group and then forced to join them?" }, { "_id": 5160, "text": "As proposed by Jack what is the common language of Dr. Crawfords movement?" }, { "_id": 5161, "text": "Who was reponible for the assassination attempt on Dr. Crawford, and why did they do it?" }, { "_id": 5162, "text": "What confession does Dr. Crawford make about the death of his former friend Abe that shocks David?" }, { "_id": 5163, "text": "Who holds Tamanraset at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5164, "text": "What is the good new that Dr. Crawdford recieves at the conclusion of the story?" }, { "_id": 5165, "text": "Who is captured by Abd-el-Kader?" }, { "_id": 5166, "text": "What does Abd-el-Kader claim that would allow him to declare a holy war against El Hassan?" }, { "_id": 5167, "text": "Why did El Hassan kill Abe?" }, { "_id": 5168, "text": "What was Dr. Crawford's job before becoming El Hassan?" }, { "_id": 5169, "text": "Who sends the assassin thwarted by David?" }, { "_id": 5170, "text": "What is the common language of the El Hassan movement?" }, { "_id": 5171, "text": "Who are promised roles as El Hassan's peacetime law enforcement?" }, { "_id": 5172, "text": "Who did David Monka appear to be before joinng El Hassan?" }, { "_id": 5173, "text": "What keeps the Arab Union from launching attacks from the air?" }, { "_id": 5174, "text": "What give Abd-el-Kader the authority to call for a holy war against El Hassan?" }, { "_id": 5175, "text": "Why was David spying on El Hassan for the Soviet Complex?" }, { "_id": 5176, "text": "How did El Hassan gain David's genuine loyalty?" }, { "_id": 5177, "text": "Who does Dr. Crawford become?" }, { "_id": 5178, "text": "Why does Crawford hide in the Sahara erg?" }, { "_id": 5179, "text": "What does Crawford have to do to take Tamanrasset back?" }, { "_id": 5180, "text": "What happens in the assassination attempt on Crawford?" }, { "_id": 5181, "text": "How many guards does Crawford have?" }, { "_id": 5182, "text": "What does Jack suggest the movements language should be?" }, { "_id": 5183, "text": "Who are anxious to meet El Hassan?" }, { "_id": 5184, "text": "The Reunited Nations threatens to retaliate any Power that does what?" }, { "_id": 5185, "text": "Why did David set up the assassination attempt on Crawford?" }, { "_id": 5186, "text": "If the Arab Nation deploys paratroopers, who will the United States send?" }, { "_id": 5187, "text": "What is Guy Haine's profession?" }, { "_id": 5188, "text": "Who does Guy want to marry?" }, { "_id": 5189, "text": "Why can't Guy marry her?" }, { "_id": 5190, "text": "What plan does Bruno propose to Guy?" }, { "_id": 5191, "text": "How does Bruno murder Miriam?" }, { "_id": 5192, "text": "Where does the murder take place?" }, { "_id": 5193, "text": "How does Guy murder Bruno's father?" }, { "_id": 5194, "text": "How can Bruno frame Guy for Miriam's murder?" }, { "_id": 5195, "text": "Who is killed by the police at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5196, "text": "What did Bruno intend to use to frame Guy for Miriam's murder?" }, { "_id": 5197, "text": "Which ride did Miriam die on?" }, { "_id": 5198, "text": "What ambition did Guy have in marrying Anne?" }, { "_id": 5199, "text": "What ride did Guy and Bruno fight on?" }, { "_id": 5200, "text": "Where did Bruno demonstrate strangling to someone?" }, { "_id": 5201, "text": "Why did Guy sneak into Mr. Anthony's bedroom?" }, { "_id": 5202, "text": "What action did the police take after hearing Guy's alibi for Miriam's murder?" }, { "_id": 5203, "text": "What happened to Bruno when he demonstrated strangling at the party?" }, { "_id": 5204, "text": "Who did Barbara at the party remind Bruno of?" }, { "_id": 5205, "text": "What is Guy's profession?" }, { "_id": 5206, "text": "What is the profession of Anne Morton's father?" }, { "_id": 5207, "text": "What does Guy Haines want to do after he marries Anne Morton?" }, { "_id": 5208, "text": "Why can't Guy Haines marry Anne Morton?" }, { "_id": 5209, "text": "What does Bruno Anthony want Guy Haines to do in exchange for his murdering Haines' wife Miriam?" }, { "_id": 5210, "text": "What does Bruno steal from Guy on the train?" }, { "_id": 5211, "text": "Where does Bruno kill Miriam?" }, { "_id": 5212, "text": "How does Bruno kill Miriam?" }, { "_id": 5213, "text": "Where does Guy tell the police he was at the time of Miriam's murder?" }, { "_id": 5214, "text": "Who physically resembles Miriam?" }, { "_id": 5215, "text": "How does Bruno plan to incriminate Guy for Miriam's murder?" }, { "_id": 5216, "text": "What drink is spilled on the console of the hot tub?" }, { "_id": 5217, "text": "What year have they time traveled to?" }, { "_id": 5218, "text": "What band is giving a concert when Adam meets April?" }, { "_id": 5219, "text": "What kind of animal does Lou vomit on?" }, { "_id": 5220, "text": "What kind of beverage is Chernobly?" }, { "_id": 5221, "text": "What modern song does Nick's band cover?" }, { "_id": 5222, "text": "What 1980's hit does Nick's band cover?" }, { "_id": 5223, "text": "What song does Lou sing with Motley Lou?" }, { "_id": 5224, "text": "Who is Jacob's father?" }, { "_id": 5225, "text": "When they return to the future, what company has Lou founded?" }, { "_id": 5226, "text": "What do the guys plan to do in order to minimize the butterfly effect?" }, { "_id": 5227, "text": "Why did the hot tub repairman tell the friends not to change anything?" }, { "_id": 5228, "text": "How did Lou lose his money when he bet everything on sports?" }, { "_id": 5229, "text": "What did the repairman tell Jacob was the key to their time travel?" }, { "_id": 5230, "text": "How was Lou related to Jacob?" }, { "_id": 5231, "text": "What happens to Adam although he volunteers to stay with Lou?" }, { "_id": 5232, "text": "How did Lou change history?" }, { "_id": 5233, "text": "What does Nick discover about himself in the end?" }, { "_id": 5234, "text": "Who did the guys reunite with at Lou's mansion?" }, { "_id": 5235, "text": "What did Adam, Nick, and Lou realize while skiing?" }, { "_id": 5236, "text": "Who was Jacob looking for?" }, { "_id": 5237, "text": "What did Lou found?" }, { "_id": 5238, "text": "What happened at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5239, "text": "What made the guys travel back in time?" }, { "_id": 5240, "text": "What was Lou's mother doing at the resort?" }, { "_id": 5241, "text": "Who is Jacob's father?" }, { "_id": 5242, "text": "What did Lou vomit on?" }, { "_id": 5243, "text": "How did Lou change history?" }, { "_id": 5244, "text": "Who did Adam marry?" }, { "_id": 5245, "text": "What type of trial does the king impose on the citizens?" }, { "_id": 5246, "text": "Where do the trials in the story take place?" }, { "_id": 5247, "text": "What choice must an accused person make in the trials?" }, { "_id": 5248, "text": "What is the outcome of a trail for someone deemed innocent?" }, { "_id": 5249, "text": "What is the outcome of a trial for someone deemed guilty?" }, { "_id": 5250, "text": "Why does the king make his daughter's lover stand trial?" }, { "_id": 5251, "text": "Why is the princess conflicted about whether to help her lover in his trial?" }, { "_id": 5252, "text": "What is the outcome of the princess's lover's trial?" }, { "_id": 5253, "text": "Which door does the princess instruct her lover to open during the trial?" }, { "_id": 5254, "text": "How does the king ensure the people standing trial can't hear the tiger behind the door?" }, { "_id": 5255, "text": "How is innocence and guilt determined in the kingdom?" }, { "_id": 5256, "text": "What must the prisoner endure if he chooses the guilty door?" }, { "_id": 5257, "text": "What must the prisoner do if he chooses the innocent door?" }, { "_id": 5258, "text": "Why has the prisoner been brought to trial?" }, { "_id": 5259, "text": "What does the princess use her influence to do?" }, { "_id": 5260, "text": "Why does the princess hate the lady behind the door at the trial?" }, { "_id": 5261, "text": "Which door does the princess discreetly indicate to the prisoner?" }, { "_id": 5262, "text": "Which door does the prisoner open?" }, { "_id": 5263, "text": "What status did the prisoner hold?" }, { "_id": 5264, "text": "How is the prisoner prevented from hearing behind the doors?" }, { "_id": 5265, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 5266, "text": "Why does the king imprison his daughter's lover?" }, { "_id": 5267, "text": "What ultimately determines the accused person's fate?" }, { "_id": 5268, "text": "What will the accused person find behind each door? " }, { "_id": 5269, "text": "What must the person do if he chooses the door with the lady behind it? " }, { "_id": 5270, "text": "What does the princess learn about the lady?" }, { "_id": 5271, "text": "Which door does he open?" }, { "_id": 5272, "text": "What does the princess learn ahead of time through her influences as a princess? " }, { "_id": 5273, "text": "What feature do the doors have? " }, { "_id": 5274, "text": "What happens if the person opens the door with the tiger? " }, { "_id": 5275, "text": "Who is Caden Cotard's wife?" }, { "_id": 5276, "text": "Where does Adele go when she leaves Caden?" }, { "_id": 5277, "text": "Who does Adele take with her to Berlin?" }, { "_id": 5278, "text": "What award does Caden win for the Death of a Salesman production?" }, { "_id": 5279, "text": "Who does Caden marry after separation from Adele?" }, { "_id": 5280, "text": "Who kills themself in the story?" }, { "_id": 5281, "text": "Who plays Caden in the play by Caden?" }, { "_id": 5282, "text": "What was Adele's occupation?" }, { "_id": 5283, "text": "Where does Caden's cast rehearse their plays?" }, { "_id": 5284, "text": "How old is Olive when Adele leaves Caden?" }, { "_id": 5285, "text": "What is Caden Cotard's profession?" }, { "_id": 5286, "text": "Who is Adele?" }, { "_id": 5287, "text": "Where does Adele take her and Caden's daughter to begin a new life?" }, { "_id": 5288, "text": "What unexpected event grants Caden financial and artistic freedom?" }, { "_id": 5289, "text": "Who is Hazel?" }, { "_id": 5290, "text": "How does Sammy die?" }, { "_id": 5291, "text": "Why does Sammy commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 5292, "text": "Who does Caden marry after Adele leaves him?" }, { "_id": 5293, "text": "How many children does Caden have?" }, { "_id": 5294, "text": "How does the story end for Caden?" }, { "_id": 5295, "text": "What kind of ailments does Caden suffer from?" }, { "_id": 5296, "text": "Who is Caden growing distant from?" }, { "_id": 5297, "text": "What is Caden's wife's name?" }, { "_id": 5298, "text": "What is Adele's profession?" }, { "_id": 5299, "text": "Where does Adele go when she leaves Caden?" }, { "_id": 5300, "text": "Who does Adele take with her?" }, { "_id": 5301, "text": "What is their daughter's name?" }, { "_id": 5302, "text": "How old is Olive when her mother leaves Caden?" }, { "_id": 5303, "text": "What kind of fellowship does Caden receive?" }, { "_id": 5304, "text": "What is Caden's final word?" }, { "_id": 5305, "text": "Who does Dr. Melmoth take into his care?" }, { "_id": 5306, "text": "Who accompanied Ellen on a walk where they met \"the angler\"?" }, { "_id": 5307, "text": "How did the angler acquire his nickname?" }, { "_id": 5308, "text": "While at sea together, what relationship did Mr. Langton have with the angler?" }, { "_id": 5309, "text": "Why did the angler want to marry Ellen?" }, { "_id": 5310, "text": "Where was Mr. Langton while Ellen was with Dr. Marmoth?" }, { "_id": 5311, "text": "Out of Melmoth, Walcott, and Fanshawe, who was the most skilled rider?" }, { "_id": 5312, "text": "Who was Widow Butler?" }, { "_id": 5313, "text": "Who rescued Ellen?" }, { "_id": 5314, "text": "Who did Ellen marry?" }, { "_id": 5315, "text": "Who is the president?" }, { "_id": 5316, "text": "Who does the president take into his care?" }, { "_id": 5317, "text": "Who is the angler?" }, { "_id": 5318, "text": "Who does The angler ask for a word with?" }, { "_id": 5319, "text": "What information does the angler offer ellen?" }, { "_id": 5320, "text": "Who goes searching for Ellen?" }, { "_id": 5321, "text": "Who has a shut-in lifestyle?" }, { "_id": 5322, "text": "Who falls to his death?" }, { "_id": 5323, "text": "Who has a slow horse and a weak constitution?" }, { "_id": 5324, "text": "Why does Dr. Melmoth take Ellen into his care?" }, { "_id": 5325, "text": "Who is Mr. Langton to Ellen?" }, { "_id": 5326, "text": "Why does the angler want to marry Ellen?" }, { "_id": 5327, "text": "How does the angler die?" }, { "_id": 5328, "text": "Who does Ellen travel back to town with?" }, { "_id": 5329, "text": "What will cause Fanshaw to die young?" }, { "_id": 5330, "text": "What college is Dr. Melmoth the President of?" }, { "_id": 5331, "text": "How did the angler get Ellen to sneak out of the house?" }, { "_id": 5332, "text": "Who is Widow Butler to the angler?" }, { "_id": 5333, "text": "Who does Ellen end up marrying?" }, { "_id": 5334, "text": "From what state is Tom Gruneman?" }, { "_id": 5335, "text": "Whose phone does John Klute tap?" }, { "_id": 5336, "text": "Frank Ligourin is what to Bree Daniels?" }, { "_id": 5337, "text": "Bree Daniels suffers from what paranoia?" }, { "_id": 5338, "text": "Arlyn Page's body is found where?" }, { "_id": 5339, "text": "John Klute traces the letters to who? " }, { "_id": 5340, "text": "Why did Peter Cable Kill Tom Gruneman?" }, { "_id": 5341, "text": "How does Peter Cable die?" }, { "_id": 5342, "text": "John Klute has a romantic relationship with whom?" }, { "_id": 5343, "text": "Bree Daniels see what sort of doctor?" }, { "_id": 5344, "text": "How much did Klute pay for the \"Black Book\" he purchased?" }, { "_id": 5345, "text": "What does Klute do to Daniel's phone after moving into the basement?" }, { "_id": 5346, "text": "What does Daniels admit to Klute after they develop a romance?" }, { "_id": 5347, "text": "Where does Klute rent the apartment?" }, { "_id": 5348, "text": "Where was the obscene letter found?" }, { "_id": 5349, "text": "Where does Page's body turn up?" }, { "_id": 5350, "text": "What was the name of Daniel's former pimp?" }, { "_id": 5351, "text": "What does Klute do after linking the \"suicide\" cases of the prostitutes?" }, { "_id": 5352, "text": "Who are the obscene letters of Gruneman's linked to?" }, { "_id": 5353, "text": "What are police investigating at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 5354, "text": "What do police discover in Gruneman's office during the investigation?" }, { "_id": 5355, "text": "To whom is the obscene letter addressed?" }, { "_id": 5356, "text": "What is Bree Daniels' profession?" }, { "_id": 5357, "text": "How is Peter Cable connected to Tom Gruneman?" }, { "_id": 5358, "text": "Who does Peter Cable hire to investigate Gruneman's disappearance?" }, { "_id": 5359, "text": "Where does John Klute rent an apartment in order to keep tabs on Bree Daniels?" }, { "_id": 5360, "text": "What is the name of the prostitute who pased the abusive client onto Bree and Arlyn Page?" }, { "_id": 5361, "text": "To whom does Klute trace the obscene letters?" }, { "_id": 5362, "text": "Who confesses to killing Gruneman, McKenna and Page?" }, { "_id": 5363, "text": "Where has Art Berry been sent? " }, { "_id": 5364, "text": "What ctiy does Art say he works? " }, { "_id": 5365, "text": "What is his work title? " }, { "_id": 5366, "text": "Who is Art's partner as a double agent? " }, { "_id": 5367, "text": "At what time of night does Art hit Linda?" }, { "_id": 5368, "text": "What tribe does Art really work for? " }, { "_id": 5369, "text": "What tribe does Art intentionally mislead? " }, { "_id": 5370, "text": "What new idea does Art come up with? " }, { "_id": 5371, "text": "Who does Art intend to give this idea to? " }, { "_id": 5372, "text": "What does Fede intend to do with Art's idea? " }, { "_id": 5373, "text": "Where are the tribes member physically located?" }, { "_id": 5374, "text": "Who is put in insane asylum?" }, { "_id": 5375, "text": "Where did Art Berry met Linda?" }, { "_id": 5376, "text": "Why did Fede and Linda put Art Berry in insane asylum?" }, { "_id": 5377, "text": "Who are the double agent?" }, { "_id": 5378, "text": "What tribe was Art Berry plan to give is idea to?" }, { "_id": 5379, "text": "What did Art Berry did after escape from asylum?" }, { "_id": 5380, "text": "What did the new company do?" }, { "_id": 5381, "text": "Which Tribes are mentioned in the story?" }, { "_id": 5382, "text": "Why is Art committed to the insane asylum?" }, { "_id": 5383, "text": "Who do Art and Fede work for?" }, { "_id": 5384, "text": "Where did Linda first appear?" }, { "_id": 5385, "text": "What was Art's original idea?" }, { "_id": 5386, "text": "Who sends Art to the asylum?" }, { "_id": 5387, "text": "What was Art's job in London?" }, { "_id": 5388, "text": "What online feature can users set to connect with others around the globe?" }, { "_id": 5389, "text": "What is Art's background?" }, { "_id": 5390, "text": "How does Art sabotage the GMT?" }, { "_id": 5391, "text": "What is Jill doing when she gets a phone call that she thinks is a practical joke?" }, { "_id": 5392, "text": "What happens when the phone calls persist?" }, { "_id": 5393, "text": "Where do the police trace the calls to?" }, { "_id": 5394, "text": "Is anyone harmed by the person who entered the house while Jill was babysitting?" }, { "_id": 5395, "text": "Who killed the children?" }, { "_id": 5396, "text": "When he escapes from the asylum how does Duncan meet Tracy?" }, { "_id": 5397, "text": "When Clifford, the private detective hired by Mandrakis, uses Tracy as bait to catch him what transpires?" }, { "_id": 5398, "text": "While Jill is out to dinner with her husband and their children are with a babysitter, what happens to interrupt dinner?" }, { "_id": 5399, "text": "Once Jill makes certain her house is secure what lures her out of bed in the middle of the night?" }, { "_id": 5400, "text": "Where is Jill's husband when Duncan attacks her?" }, { "_id": 5401, "text": "Who does the stranger call at the beginning?" }, { "_id": 5402, "text": "What does the stranger always ask over the phone?" }, { "_id": 5403, "text": "Where do the police say they traced the number the stranger is calling from?" }, { "_id": 5404, "text": "What is the stranger's name?" }, { "_id": 5405, "text": "Who is the private detective hired to find the stranger?" }, { "_id": 5406, "text": "What does the private eye tell his former partner he intends to do, once he catches the stranger?" }, { "_id": 5407, "text": "What did the stranger do to the children?" }, { "_id": 5408, "text": "Where was the stranger hiding at Tracy's place?" }, { "_id": 5409, "text": "At the end, who is in the closet? " }, { "_id": 5410, "text": "How does the stranger die?" }, { "_id": 5411, "text": "How is Stephen related to Jill?" }, { "_id": 5412, "text": "Where did Tracy meet Clifford?" }, { "_id": 5413, "text": "How many children does Jill have at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5414, "text": "Where does Curt Duncan get sent to after murdering Dr. Mandrakis' children?" }, { "_id": 5415, "text": "Who shoots Curt Duncan at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5416, "text": "Who chases Curt away when he attacks Tracy inside her residence?" }, { "_id": 5417, "text": "Whose children are murdered at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 5418, "text": "In the beginning of the story, when she is baby-sitting, where were the menacing phone calls to Jill coming from?" }, { "_id": 5419, "text": "Where are Jill and her husband when she receives a menacing phone call asking if she's checked on her kids?" }, { "_id": 5420, "text": "Where is Stephen when Curt is killed?" }, { "_id": 5421, "text": "When does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 5422, "text": "What is the Reaper Virus?" }, { "_id": 5423, "text": "How does the Reaper Virus affect vampires?" }, { "_id": 5424, "text": "What interest does Damaskinos have in Blade?" }, { "_id": 5425, "text": "How does Nyssa die?" }, { "_id": 5426, "text": "Which character accidentally discovers the Reapers' weakness?" }, { "_id": 5427, "text": "What does Blade use to kill the majority of the Reapers?" }, { "_id": 5428, "text": "Scud was the familiar of whom?" }, { "_id": 5429, "text": "Why did Novak track and kill Damaskinos?" }, { "_id": 5430, "text": "At the end of the story, how does Blade help Novak?" }, { "_id": 5431, "text": "What is infecting the vampire community?" }, { "_id": 5432, "text": "What is the name of the Vampire Lord?" }, { "_id": 5433, "text": "How is Damiskinos related to Nomak?" }, { "_id": 5434, "text": "What kills Nissa?" }, { "_id": 5435, "text": "Who created the reaper virus?" }, { "_id": 5436, "text": "To what are the reapers vulnerable?" }, { "_id": 5437, "text": "To whom's head does Blade attach explosives?" }, { "_id": 5438, "text": "Who brings Blade to the blood vault?" }, { "_id": 5439, "text": "What was the Bloodpack originally trained to do?" }, { "_id": 5440, "text": "What is the name of the pandemic that spread through the vampire community?" }, { "_id": 5441, "text": "What is the only weakness of the vampires effected by the Reaper Virus?" }, { "_id": 5442, "text": "Who do Asad and Nyssa seek out to help with the Reaper vampires?" }, { "_id": 5443, "text": "What is the name of the group of vampires that are specifically trained to kill Blade?" }, { "_id": 5444, "text": "Who succumbs to infection while searching for the nest?" }, { "_id": 5445, "text": "What device does blade use to kill all the Reapers with the exception of Novak?" }, { "_id": 5446, "text": "Who betrays Blade and Whistler revealing that he created the Reaper virus?" }, { "_id": 5447, "text": "What does Blade kill Scud with?" }, { "_id": 5448, "text": "Where does Whistler bring Blade to recover his strength? " }, { "_id": 5449, "text": "Who infects Nyssa with the virus by biting her?" }, { "_id": 5450, "text": "What is Riddick's unusual physical feature? " }, { "_id": 5451, "text": "What causes the ship to make an emergency landing? " }, { "_id": 5452, "text": "How many suns does the planet have? " }, { "_id": 5453, "text": "When is it dark on the planet? " }, { "_id": 5454, "text": "What weakness do the underground creatures have? " }, { "_id": 5455, "text": "How will the eclipse endanger the survivors of the ship? " }, { "_id": 5456, "text": "Why was Riddick able to lead the survivors to the dropship during the eclipse? " }, { "_id": 5457, "text": "What is Jack's secret?" }, { "_id": 5458, "text": "How many survivors make it off the planet at the end of the story? " }, { "_id": 5459, "text": "Where are the new pilgrams travelling to?" }, { "_id": 5460, "text": "What is the name of the transport ship?" }, { "_id": 5461, "text": "What does Riddicks eyes allow him to do?" }, { "_id": 5462, "text": "How does the ships captain die?" }, { "_id": 5463, "text": "How many suns does the planet have?" }, { "_id": 5464, "text": "Who is the Bounty Hunter?" }, { "_id": 5465, "text": "What does Riddick tell Jack to tell everyone they meet?" }, { "_id": 5466, "text": "Why does Johns want Riddick to kill Jack?" }, { "_id": 5467, "text": "Who goes missing when they crash land on the planet?" }, { "_id": 5468, "text": "What is the name of the muslim priest?" }, { "_id": 5469, "text": "Who is Imam?" }, { "_id": 5470, "text": "How many suns surround the planet?" }, { "_id": 5471, "text": "What is attracting the creatures?" }, { "_id": 5472, "text": "Who was powering up the ship to leave without the rest of the group?" }, { "_id": 5473, "text": "Why does Johns want Jack killed?" }, { "_id": 5474, "text": "Who is John trying to collect a bounty on?" }, { "_id": 5475, "text": "Who can see in the dark?" }, { "_id": 5476, "text": "What does Riddick want Jack to say about him?" }, { "_id": 5477, "text": "Why can't Paul escape from Annie's house the first time he makes an attempt?" }, { "_id": 5478, "text": "What injuries did Paul wake up with after surviving a car accident?" }, { "_id": 5479, "text": "How does Paul express his gratitude for Annie saving him?" }, { "_id": 5480, "text": "How come no one else came to help Paul at Annie's house the day he regained consciousness?" }, { "_id": 5481, "text": "What was Annie's opinion of the the first version of Paul's new manuscript?" }, { "_id": 5482, "text": "Why didn't Paul's attempt to poison his captor work?" }, { "_id": 5483, "text": "Where was Paul going before he was rescued by Annie?" }, { "_id": 5484, "text": "What did Paul learn about Annie's criminal history?" }, { "_id": 5485, "text": "Who wanted Paul to write about his time with Annie?" }, { "_id": 5486, "text": "Which phrase made Paul very uncomfortable while he was at the restaurant with Marcia?" }, { "_id": 5487, "text": "What series of stories is Paul known for writing?" }, { "_id": 5488, "text": "What happens to Paul during the blizzard he is driving in?" }, { "_id": 5489, "text": "Where does Paul find himself when he comes back to consciousness?" }, { "_id": 5490, "text": "What happens when Annie reaches the end of his manuscript for Misery's Child?" }, { "_id": 5491, "text": "What happens when Paul tries to kill Annie by poisoning her?" }, { "_id": 5492, "text": "What does Paul discover in newspaper clippings in Annie's home?" }, { "_id": 5493, "text": "Who was investigating Paul's disappearance?" }, { "_id": 5494, "text": "What happens when Paul finishes the manuscipt of Misery's return?" }, { "_id": 5495, "text": "What is the reaction to Paul's first non Misery story?" }, { "_id": 5496, "text": "What causes the car accident in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 5497, "text": "How does Annie feel about the new manuscript that Paul is working on?" }, { "_id": 5498, "text": "What happens to the manuscript that Paul had with him in the car?" }, { "_id": 5499, "text": "Why does Paul write the new novel about Misery?" }, { "_id": 5500, "text": "What type of drug does Paul stockpile?" }, { "_id": 5501, "text": "How does Paul try to kill Annie at the candlelight dinner?" }, { "_id": 5502, "text": "What was Annie's trial in relation to?" }, { "_id": 5503, "text": "What does Annie do when she finds out that Paul has been out of his room?" }, { "_id": 5504, "text": "Who comes to Annie's house to investigate Paul's disappearance?" }, { "_id": 5505, "text": "Who wins the fight between Annie and Paul?" }, { "_id": 5506, "text": "What english lawyer visits Cedric and his mother?" }, { "_id": 5507, "text": "How is the Earl of Dorincourt related to the young Earl?" }, { "_id": 5508, "text": "Who despises America?" }, { "_id": 5509, "text": "What title did Cedric inherit?" }, { "_id": 5510, "text": "Where does Cedric's grandfather want him to live? " }, { "_id": 5511, "text": "What is Mr. Hobb's occupation?" }, { "_id": 5512, "text": "What is Dick Tipton's older brother's name? " }, { "_id": 5513, "text": "What state did Benjamin move to?" }, { "_id": 5514, "text": "What type of business did Benjamin open in California?" }, { "_id": 5515, "text": "What person is homeless? " }, { "_id": 5516, "text": "How did Cedric find out he was the heir to his grandfather's estate? " }, { "_id": 5517, "text": "Who is Benjamin to the alleged heir?" }, { "_id": 5518, "text": "Who is the mother of the alleged heir to Benjamin? " }, { "_id": 5519, "text": "Who traveled to England to investigate the validity of the boy claiming to be the heir to Cedric's inheritance? " }, { "_id": 5520, "text": "What is the title Cedric inherits? " }, { "_id": 5521, "text": "Who is the Earl of Dorincourt to Cedric Errol? " }, { "_id": 5522, "text": "Cedric's grandfather initially wanted nothing to do with Cedric's mother, what made him change his mind? " }, { "_id": 5523, "text": "What did Cedric's grandfather wish to teach him? " }, { "_id": 5524, "text": "Where does Benjamin move?" }, { "_id": 5525, "text": "Who do the tenants think does all of their kind things?" }, { "_id": 5526, "text": "Why does Cedric's grandfather not like his mother?" }, { "_id": 5527, "text": "Where is Cedric's father?" }, { "_id": 5528, "text": "Who was the heir before Cedric?" }, { "_id": 5529, "text": "What does the Earl offer to Cedrics mother?" }, { "_id": 5530, "text": "What is the role of Mr. Hobbs?" }, { "_id": 5531, "text": "Where does the Earl take Cedric to?" }, { "_id": 5532, "text": "Where does Cedric live with his mother?" }, { "_id": 5533, "text": "Who dies unexpectedly?" }, { "_id": 5534, "text": "What is her husband Duke of Omnium left to deal with?" }, { "_id": 5535, "text": "What did Lady Glencora do before she died?" }, { "_id": 5536, "text": "Who insists that the Duke be informed of Mary's courtship?" }, { "_id": 5537, "text": "What wish of his father's does Lord Silverbridge follow?" }, { "_id": 5538, "text": "Who had Lord Silverbridge proposed to but was turned down by?" }, { "_id": 5539, "text": "Who does Lord Silverbridge fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 5540, "text": "On what condition does Isabel agree to marry Lord Silverbridge?" }, { "_id": 5541, "text": "What does Gerald, the youngest son of the Duke do?" }, { "_id": 5542, "text": "What does the Duke allow?" }, { "_id": 5543, "text": "What is the title of Plantagenet Palliser?" }, { "_id": 5544, "text": "What was the Duke of Omnium's political position before the government fell?" }, { "_id": 5545, "text": "What was the Duke of Omnium's wife's name?" }, { "_id": 5546, "text": "Who was Lady Glencora's closest confidant?" }, { "_id": 5547, "text": "To Whom did Lady Glencora give her blessing that her daughter could court?" }, { "_id": 5548, "text": "What does Mrs. Finn insist that the Duke of Omnium must be told of? " }, { "_id": 5549, "text": "Who wished that Lord Silverbridge enter parliament?" }, { "_id": 5550, "text": "Who refused Lord Silverbridge's perposal?" }, { "_id": 5551, "text": "What American heiress did Lord Silverbridge fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 5552, "text": "How did Gerald get expelled from Cambridge?" }, { "_id": 5553, "text": "Who dies and leaves the Duke to deal with his children?" }, { "_id": 5554, "text": "What has happened to the government that the Duke is a part of?" }, { "_id": 5555, "text": "Who is the Duke's older son and heir?" }, { "_id": 5556, "text": "Who was Mary given the blessing of Lady Glencora to marry?" }, { "_id": 5557, "text": "Who remains after the funeral as a chaperone for Mary?" }, { "_id": 5558, "text": "Who turned down Lord Silverbridge when he proposed?" }, { "_id": 5559, "text": "Who does accept the proposal of Lord Silverbridge?" }, { "_id": 5560, "text": "Who was expelled from Cambridge after attending the derby?" }, { "_id": 5561, "text": "Who is Frank Tregear a friend of?" }, { "_id": 5562, "text": "What does the Duke end up approving of?" }, { "_id": 5563, "text": "Which channel EDtv associated with?" }, { "_id": 5564, "text": "Who thought the idea of interviewing normal person 24/7 to the True TV?" }, { "_id": 5565, "text": "How Edtv became popular?" }, { "_id": 5566, "text": "What were Ed's feeings for Shari?" }, { "_id": 5567, "text": "Why Cynthia decided to drop Ray from the show?" }, { "_id": 5568, "text": "Why Shari left Ed?" }, { "_id": 5569, "text": "Who helped Ed in airing off the show?" }, { "_id": 5570, "text": "What is the name of the TV show that Ed is the star of?" }, { "_id": 5571, "text": "What animal does ED squish by falling off of a table?" }, { "_id": 5572, "text": "Who does Ed find is cheating on their girlfriend? " }, { "_id": 5573, "text": "Ed apologizes to Ray's girlfriend, Shari and then reveals what?" }, { "_id": 5574, "text": "Who does Ed meet on the Tonight Show?" }, { "_id": 5575, "text": "Why is Ed at the hospital?" }, { "_id": 5576, "text": "How does Ed get the show to stop airing?" }, { "_id": 5577, "text": "Who does Ed see while at the theater?" }, { "_id": 5578, "text": "Why doesn't Ed just quit the show?" }, { "_id": 5579, "text": "Who is Ed's brother?" }, { "_id": 5580, "text": "Who thought up the idea of True TV?" }, { "_id": 5581, "text": "Who is decided to be the subject of the show?" }, { "_id": 5582, "text": "What day does the show get interesting?" }, { "_id": 5583, "text": "Who does Ed lock out of the room?" }, { "_id": 5584, "text": "Why does Cynthia bring Jill to the park?" }, { "_id": 5585, "text": "What prevents ed from doing anything about the show at the funeral?" }, { "_id": 5586, "text": "Where does Ed follow Shari to?" }, { "_id": 5587, "text": "Who does the Camera man decide to stay with next?" }, { "_id": 5588, "text": "How does Ed get the show to end?" }, { "_id": 5589, "text": "What do TV news panelists predict about the show?" }, { "_id": 5590, "text": "What is Cynthia's new idea for a TV show?" }, { "_id": 5591, "text": "Why does Ed visit Shari?" }, { "_id": 5592, "text": "What happens after Ed reveals his feelings to Shari during the visit?" }, { "_id": 5593, "text": "Why is Shari abused by viewers?" }, { "_id": 5594, "text": "Who visits Ed in the park when he's playing football with Ray and his friends?" }, { "_id": 5595, "text": "What happens right before Jill and Ed are about to have sex?" }, { "_id": 5596, "text": "How does Ed's father die?" }, { "_id": 5597, "text": "What does Shari wear to the funeral of Ed's father?" }, { "_id": 5598, "text": "Who will Ed give $100,000 to?" }, { "_id": 5599, "text": "How many parts is our knowing consciousness divisible into?" }, { "_id": 5600, "text": "Which specific parts are our knowing consciousness divisible into?" }, { "_id": 5601, "text": "What is the law of causality applicable to?" }, { "_id": 5602, "text": "What follows a cause?" }, { "_id": 5603, "text": "What cannot become an object for us?" }, { "_id": 5604, "text": "Where are aspects and abstract representations drawn from?" }, { "_id": 5605, "text": "When does the law of motivation appear?" }, { "_id": 5606, "text": "When can the conclusion follow?" }, { "_id": 5607, "text": "What does the thirsd aspect of the principle cover?" }, { "_id": 5608, "text": "What inevitable ensues on a given motive?" }, { "_id": 5609, "text": "Who is the translator of Schopenhauer's work?" }, { "_id": 5610, "text": "What two parts make up our knowing consciousness?" }, { "_id": 5611, "text": "To be object for subject is the same as what?" }, { "_id": 5612, "text": "Representations are objects for what?" }, { "_id": 5613, "text": "Because of the connection between the two, what cannot happen?" }, { "_id": 5614, "text": "What cannot become an object for us?" }, { "_id": 5615, "text": "What is the first aspect of this principle?" }, { "_id": 5616, "text": "What is the law of casuality applicable to?" }, { "_id": 5617, "text": "If a cause if given, what must follow?" }, { "_id": 5618, "text": "How many total aspects are there in this priciple?" }, { "_id": 5619, "text": "What are our objects for the subjects?" }, { "_id": 5620, "text": "What is divisible into subject and object?" }, { "_id": 5621, "text": "What is the first aspect?" }, { "_id": 5622, "text": "What is the second aspect?" }, { "_id": 5623, "text": "What is the third aspect?" }, { "_id": 5624, "text": "What is the fourth aspect?" }, { "_id": 5625, "text": "What law is involved in the fourth aspect?" }, { "_id": 5626, "text": "What is the law involved in the first aspect?" }, { "_id": 5627, "text": "What law revolves around a definite course of action?" }, { "_id": 5628, "text": "What must follow if cause is a given?" }, { "_id": 5629, "text": "Who saves Samantha and Corey when their car break?" }, { "_id": 5630, "text": "What did Jeremy call the tissue damage on his arm?" }, { "_id": 5631, "text": "Who is killed when Corey when back in time to save Samantha?" }, { "_id": 5632, "text": "How dos Samantha feel about Corey's death?" }, { "_id": 5633, "text": "How did Samantha die?" }, { "_id": 5634, "text": "How did Samantha react when Jeremy tried to kill her?" }, { "_id": 5635, "text": "What did Samantha find at the motel?" }, { "_id": 5636, "text": "Why does Justin decide to stay on the windmill and be killed by the meteorite?" }, { "_id": 5637, "text": "Where does Samantha decide to go in the end?" }, { "_id": 5638, "text": "How did the locals feel as they away Justin's body?" }, { "_id": 5639, "text": "What is Samantha to Corey?" }, { "_id": 5640, "text": "Who does the future version of Samantha meet?" }, { "_id": 5641, "text": "What is Jeremy a geek for?" }, { "_id": 5642, "text": "How is Corey killed?" }, { "_id": 5643, "text": "What is the significance of the dress in the clothing shop window?" }, { "_id": 5644, "text": "What is found in the ashes of the church?" }, { "_id": 5645, "text": "Who is Billy Moorcroft?" }, { "_id": 5646, "text": "Why does Justin let himself be hit by the meteor?" }, { "_id": 5647, "text": "What does Justin climb to face the meteor?" }, { "_id": 5648, "text": "How is Samantha saved?" }, { "_id": 5649, "text": "Where was the road trip from and why?" }, { "_id": 5650, "text": "Who tells whom that she wants to get out of town?" }, { "_id": 5651, "text": "Whose bodies did samantha found?" }, { "_id": 5652, "text": "Who stays at the end and with whom and who decides to go back?" }, { "_id": 5653, "text": "What did randy told the two girls?" }, { "_id": 5654, "text": "What did samantha see at the vintage shop?" }, { "_id": 5655, "text": "Who did the vintage shop belong to?" }, { "_id": 5656, "text": "Who was held responsible after telling the police?" }, { "_id": 5657, "text": "Who gifted samantha the dress and why?" }, { "_id": 5658, "text": "Who died in the meteorite landing? " }, { "_id": 5659, "text": "Where does Sara hope to study dance?" }, { "_id": 5660, "text": "Why does Sara feel guilty?" }, { "_id": 5661, "text": "Who is Chenille?" }, { "_id": 5662, "text": "What is STEPPS?" }, { "_id": 5663, "text": "With whom does Sara dance with at STEPPS?" }, { "_id": 5664, "text": "Where does Derek take Sara on their first date?" }, { "_id": 5665, "text": "Why does Sara break up with Derek?" }, { "_id": 5666, "text": "What does Sara's dad encourage her to do?" }, { "_id": 5667, "text": "How do Derek and Sara reunite?" }, { "_id": 5668, "text": "How does Sara's audition go?" }, { "_id": 5669, "text": "Why wasn't Sara's mom at her Julliard audition?" }, { "_id": 5670, "text": "When did Sara transfer schools?" }, { "_id": 5671, "text": "How does Sara's dance style change after she moves to Chicago?" }, { "_id": 5672, "text": "What did Chenille's brother want to do after high school?" }, { "_id": 5673, "text": "Which reason was Sara given for why Nikki wanted to fight her?" }, { "_id": 5674, "text": "Who convinced Sara to audition for Julliard again?" }, { "_id": 5675, "text": "What commitment did Derrick make that conflicted with Sara's audition?" }, { "_id": 5676, "text": "How did Derrick avoid being arrested with Malakai the night of the drive-by?" }, { "_id": 5677, "text": "Where does Sara dance to hip hop for the first time?" }, { "_id": 5678, "text": "Why didn't Sarah's mother show up at her Juliard audition?" }, { "_id": 5679, "text": "What causes Sarah to give up on ballet?" }, { "_id": 5680, "text": "Who does Sarah go live with after the death of her mother?" }, { "_id": 5681, "text": "Where does her father live?" }, { "_id": 5682, "text": "Who does Sarah quickly befriend at her new school in Chicago?" }, { "_id": 5683, "text": "What is Derek's relationship to Chenille?" }, { "_id": 5684, "text": "What is the name of the club Chenille takes Sarah too?" }, { "_id": 5685, "text": "Why does Nikki pick a fight with Sarah?" }, { "_id": 5686, "text": "What university is Derrik going to?" }, { "_id": 5687, "text": "What does Derrik encourage Sarah to do?" }, { "_id": 5688, "text": "Why is the man dreaming of Venus told to read, Memoirs of a Suprasensual Man? " }, { "_id": 5689, "text": "After discovering it's advantages, what does Wanda ultimately embrace with enthusiasm?" }, { "_id": 5690, "text": "What does Severin take on the way to Florence?" }, { "_id": 5691, "text": "How does Severin describe the experience he feels as Wanda's slave? " }, { "_id": 5692, "text": "After arriving in Florence, what does Wanda recruit 3 women to do? " }, { "_id": 5693, "text": "What does Alexis Papadoloplis ultimately become to Wanda?" }, { "_id": 5694, "text": "What event causes Severin to stop submitting to Wanda? " }, { "_id": 5695, "text": "What does Severin believe Wanda can never be?" }, { "_id": 5696, "text": "Why does Severin desire to be Wanda's slave? " }, { "_id": 5697, "text": "When does Severin official become Wanda's slave? " }, { "_id": 5698, "text": "What does the man dream of speaking to Venus about?" }, { "_id": 5699, "text": "What does Severin tell the man how to break?" }, { "_id": 5700, "text": "What does Severine ask of Wanda?" }, { "_id": 5701, "text": "In what ways does Severin encourage Wanda to treat him?" }, { "_id": 5702, "text": "What name does Sverin take from the Russian?" }, { "_id": 5703, "text": "Who does Wanda recruit to dominate Sverin?" }, { "_id": 5704, "text": "Who humiliates Severin?" }, { "_id": 5705, "text": "What does Severin lose upon his Humiliation?" }, { "_id": 5706, "text": "Who does Sverin say is Man's enemy?" }, { "_id": 5707, "text": "What role does Gregor take?" }, { "_id": 5708, "text": "What is the name of the woman Severin von Kusiemski is infatuated with?" }, { "_id": 5709, "text": "What name does Severin adopt on the way to Florence?" }, { "_id": 5710, "text": "Who is the narrator of the framing story?" }, { "_id": 5711, "text": "Who does Wanda take as a new lover, causing a crisis in Severin's relationship with Wanda?" }, { "_id": 5712, "text": "How does Severin feel about Wanda's new lover?" }, { "_id": 5713, "text": "What word does Severin use to describe being a slave to Wanda?" }, { "_id": 5714, "text": "What advice does Venus give about; fascination with cruel women?" }, { "_id": 5715, "text": "What is Wanda's initial response to Severin's request to be her slave?" }, { "_id": 5716, "text": "In Florence, who does Wanda recruit to dominate Severin?" }, { "_id": 5717, "text": "Who is the Byronic hero?" }, { "_id": 5718, "text": "What is Trot's real name? " }, { "_id": 5719, "text": "What's another nickname for Trot?" }, { "_id": 5720, "text": "What does Trot wish to see? " }, { "_id": 5721, "text": "What does the octopus learn about the Standard Oil Company?" }, { "_id": 5722, "text": "What is the name of the villain?" }, { "_id": 5723, "text": "How is the villain eventually defeated?" }, { "_id": 5724, "text": "Where is Mayre Griffiths from?" }, { "_id": 5725, "text": "Who is Trot's companion?" }, { "_id": 5726, "text": "Why didn't Cap'n Bill Weedles let Trot go with the mermaids alone?" }, { "_id": 5727, "text": "Who was King Anko married to?" }, { "_id": 5728, "text": "Who is Trot's companion in the story?" }, { "_id": 5729, "text": "What was the symbol of the Standard Oil Company?" }, { "_id": 5730, "text": "What is Trot's father's occupation?" }, { "_id": 5731, "text": "What defeats Zog?" }, { "_id": 5732, "text": "When was Trot's wish to see a mermaid granted?" }, { "_id": 5733, "text": "What is Trot's father's first name?" }, { "_id": 5734, "text": "Where does Trot live?" }, { "_id": 5735, "text": "How was Cap'n Bill feeling when they met the mermaids?" }, { "_id": 5736, "text": "Who holds Cap'n Bill and Trot prisoner?" }, { "_id": 5737, "text": "Why does Cap'n Bill go with Trot to the land of the mermaids?" }, { "_id": 5738, "text": "What is the name of the magician that captures trot and cap'n bill?" }, { "_id": 5739, "text": "What does zog do with the sailors he has captured?" }, { "_id": 5740, "text": "Mayre griffiths has a nickname what is it?" }, { "_id": 5741, "text": "Who was tiny trots constant companion?" }, { "_id": 5742, "text": "Who does tiny trot make a wish to see?" }, { "_id": 5743, "text": "What is wrong with cap'n bill's leg?" }, { "_id": 5744, "text": "The octopus in the story was upset to learn he was a symbol, for what?" }, { "_id": 5745, "text": "What type of hybrid is zog?" }, { "_id": 5746, "text": "What finally defeated zog?" }, { "_id": 5747, "text": "Who encouraged Laurence Olivier to hire Colin Clark to work on the project The Prince and The Showgirl?" }, { "_id": 5748, "text": "How did Colin Clark and Laurence Olivier meet?" }, { "_id": 5749, "text": "Who is the star of The Prince and The Showgirl?" }, { "_id": 5750, "text": "Why is Olivier upset with Marilyn Monroe?" }, { "_id": 5751, "text": "Who does Marilyn Monroe go skinny dipping with in this story?" }, { "_id": 5752, "text": "Who catches Colin Clark and Marilyn Monroe skinny dipping together?" }, { "_id": 5753, "text": "What tour do Colin Clark and Marilyn Monroe go on?" }, { "_id": 5754, "text": "Where does the production of The Prince and The Showgirl take place?" }, { "_id": 5755, "text": "Who is Marilyn Monroe's acting coach?" }, { "_id": 5756, "text": "Who is Marilyn Monroe married to in this story?" }, { "_id": 5757, "text": "Who defends Marilyn when Olivier tries to make her apologize for being late?" }, { "_id": 5758, "text": "Whose production did Colin travel to England to be a part of?" }, { "_id": 5759, "text": "Who encourages Olivier to give Colin a job on the set?" }, { "_id": 5760, "text": "What is Lucy's occupation?" }, { "_id": 5761, "text": "Why was Olivier initially frustrated with Marilyn?" }, { "_id": 5762, "text": "What is the name of the production that Olivier is making?" }, { "_id": 5763, "text": "Why is Marilyn in pain the night after she had locked herself in her room?" }, { "_id": 5764, "text": "Lucy breaks up with Colin because of his growing infatuation for who?" }, { "_id": 5765, "text": "Why is Marilyn crying when Arthur finds her on the staircase after hearing an argument?" }, { "_id": 5766, "text": "What did Colin Clark do after graduating from university?" }, { "_id": 5767, "text": "How did Colin know Olivier?" }, { "_id": 5768, "text": "How does Colin impress Olivier?" }, { "_id": 5769, "text": "Who does Marilyn bring with her to London?" }, { "_id": 5770, "text": "Why did olivier become frustrated with Marilyn?" }, { "_id": 5771, "text": "What position doe Lucy hold?" }, { "_id": 5772, "text": "Why did Marilyn leave the set early?" }, { "_id": 5773, "text": "What did Marilyn have when Colin found her crying?" }, { "_id": 5774, "text": "Why does Lucy break up with Colin?" }, { "_id": 5775, "text": "Which three places did Marilyn and Colin go together?" }, { "_id": 5776, "text": "Where was Josie waiting for Sam arrive to kiss her?" }, { "_id": 5777, "text": "When Josie was in high school the first time, what type of person was she?" }, { "_id": 5778, "text": "How did Aldys help Josie when Josie enrolled in high school for the second time?" }, { "_id": 5779, "text": "Who is voted and crowned Prom Queen near the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5780, "text": "What act made Josie break her crown and reveal her true identity?" }, { "_id": 5781, "text": "How does Rob help Josie?" }, { "_id": 5782, "text": "How does Sam react to his feelings for Josie?" }, { "_id": 5783, "text": "Why does Rob get mad at Josie after the prom?" }, { "_id": 5784, "text": "How do all of Josie's coworkers become obsessed in her new high school life?" }, { "_id": 5785, "text": "What is Josie's job at the Chicago Sun Times?" }, { "_id": 5786, "text": "Where does Josie Geller work?" }, { "_id": 5787, "text": "What did job did Josie get assigned to do?" }, { "_id": 5788, "text": "What happens on Josie's first day of school?" }, { "_id": 5789, "text": "Who ask Josie to join a group?" }, { "_id": 5790, "text": "Who does Josie have a crush on?" }, { "_id": 5791, "text": "Where do Guy and his friends hangout?" }, { "_id": 5792, "text": "Who does Gus demand Josie become friends with?" }, { "_id": 5793, "text": "Who helps draw Josie into the cool crowd?" }, { "_id": 5794, "text": "Why does Josie get mad and throw her crown at prom?" }, { "_id": 5795, "text": "Where does Josie say she stand and wait for Sam to kiss her?" }, { "_id": 5796, "text": "Why does Josie get assigned to go undercover at a high school?" }, { "_id": 5797, "text": "What are the Denominators?" }, { "_id": 5798, "text": "What reminds Josie of the horrible prom incident from her high school days?" }, { "_id": 5799, "text": "Where is it that Josie discovers the students participate in underage drinking and promiscuity?" }, { "_id": 5800, "text": "Why does Rob sign up at the same high school as Josie?" }, { "_id": 5801, "text": "Who gets elected as prom queen?" }, { "_id": 5802, "text": "Why does Josie throw away her crown and reveal who she is?" }, { "_id": 5803, "text": "What job does Josie help to secure for Rob?" }, { "_id": 5804, "text": "What does Josie admit when she writes her story?" }, { "_id": 5805, "text": "Where does Josie wait for Sam to kiss her?" }, { "_id": 5806, "text": "Why does Olive lie to Rhiannon?" }, { "_id": 5807, "text": "Why does Brandon ask Olive to pretend to sleep with him?" }, { "_id": 5808, "text": "How did Micah get Chlamydia?" }, { "_id": 5809, "text": "Who is Todd besides Olive's old crush?" }, { "_id": 5810, "text": "When Olive asks everyone to reveal their lies to help her reputation, what is their response?" }, { "_id": 5811, "text": "Who is Rosemary?" }, { "_id": 5812, "text": "How does Olive get the truth out to her peers?" }, { "_id": 5813, "text": "Who does Olive ride off with in the end of the video?" }, { "_id": 5814, "text": "Who never believed the stories spreading through school?" }, { "_id": 5815, "text": "What happened when Olive told Mr. Griffith?" }, { "_id": 5816, "text": "Why does Olive lie about going on a date?" }, { "_id": 5817, "text": "What did Olive really do all day?" }, { "_id": 5818, "text": "Why did Olive lie about losing her virginity?" }, { "_id": 5819, "text": "What truth did Brandon share with Olive when she told him the truth about her virginity?" }, { "_id": 5820, "text": "What favor did Brandon ask Olive for?" }, { "_id": 5821, "text": "How did Olive react when she gained a reputation as a dirty skank?" }, { "_id": 5822, "text": "Who did Micah blame his Chlamydia on?" }, { "_id": 5823, "text": "How did Micah really get Chlamydia?" }, { "_id": 5824, "text": "Why did Todd tell Olive he didn't believe the rumors about her sleeping around?" }, { "_id": 5825, "text": "What was Todd riding when he went to Olivia's house?" }, { "_id": 5826, "text": "What does Olive lie about to her best friend Rhiannon?" }, { "_id": 5827, "text": "What happens when Marianne Bryant overhears Olive's lie?" }, { "_id": 5828, "text": "What does Olive do for Brandon?" }, { "_id": 5829, "text": "How does Olive react to the labels she is facing?" }, { "_id": 5830, "text": "How does Olive benefit from her newfound populaity with boys?" }, { "_id": 5831, "text": "What happens when Micah contracts chlamydia from the school guidance counselor Mrs. Griffith?" }, { "_id": 5832, "text": "Who begins to harass Olive to leave their school?" }, { "_id": 5833, "text": "What happens when Olive asks the people she lied for to tell the truth?" }, { "_id": 5834, "text": "What happens when Olive tells Mr. Griffith the truth?" }, { "_id": 5835, "text": "How does Olive eventually come clean and tell the truth?" }, { "_id": 5836, "text": "In which prison was Moll's mother imprisoned?" }, { "_id": 5837, "text": "Why was Moll's mother given a repreive from her sentence in prison?" }, { "_id": 5838, "text": "Who raises Moll Flanders, and in which country?" }, { "_id": 5839, "text": "Which of the brothers in the household marry Moll Flanders? " }, { "_id": 5840, "text": "What does Moll learn about her Mother-in-law in Virginia, from her third marriage?" }, { "_id": 5841, "text": "Who is Moll reunited with in Newgate Prison?" }, { "_id": 5842, "text": "Where are Moll & her Lancashire husband sent to avoid hanging?" }, { "_id": 5843, "text": "How much does Moll earn from the plantation farm she inherited from her mother?" }, { "_id": 5844, "text": "At Age 69, where do Moll and her husband return to?" }, { "_id": 5845, "text": "On which charge is Moll found guilty of?" }, { "_id": 5846, "text": "Why is Moll's mother sent to America?" }, { "_id": 5847, "text": "Who raises Moll?" }, { "_id": 5848, "text": "Which of the foster mother's sons convinces Moll to bed him?" }, { "_id": 5849, "text": "What does Moll do to land a husband?" }, { "_id": 5850, "text": "How many men does Moll con before she turns to a life of theft?" }, { "_id": 5851, "text": "What nickname does Moll go by?" }, { "_id": 5852, "text": "How does Moll get caught stealing?" }, { "_id": 5853, "text": "Where is she reunited with her soulmate?" }, { "_id": 5854, "text": "What does Moll's mother leave her as an inheritance?" }, { "_id": 5855, "text": "Where does Moll go at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5856, "text": "What is the name of the prison that Moll's mother is in?" }, { "_id": 5857, "text": "Where is Newgate Prison located?" }, { "_id": 5858, "text": "How long was Moll married to the younger brother?" }, { "_id": 5859, "text": "What does Moll realize about her 3rd husband?" }, { "_id": 5860, "text": "What is the name of the banker that Moll is interested in?" }, { "_id": 5861, "text": "What Roman Catholic does Moll marry?" }, { "_id": 5862, "text": "What happens to the banker's wife?" }, { "_id": 5863, "text": "Who helps Moll in her career as a thief?" }, { "_id": 5864, "text": "How many servants were on the farm in Maryland?" }, { "_id": 5865, "text": "What does Moll get from her mother's inheritance?" }, { "_id": 5866, "text": "Who is Adam's best friend?" }, { "_id": 5867, "text": "Who is Adam's girlfriend at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 5868, "text": "What is Rachael's profession?" }, { "_id": 5869, "text": "Where does Kyle see Rachael kissing a man that is not Adam?" }, { "_id": 5870, "text": "When do Adam and Rachael break-up?" }, { "_id": 5871, "text": "Where does Adam find Kyle's copy of Facing Cancer Together?" }, { "_id": 5872, "text": "How does Adam meet Katherine?" }, { "_id": 5873, "text": "Who dies in the story?" }, { "_id": 5874, "text": "Who in the story has Alzheimers?" }, { "_id": 5875, "text": "What is Adam Lerner's career?" }, { "_id": 5876, "text": "What does Adam discover when he goes to his doctor to investigate back pain?" }, { "_id": 5877, "text": "What are Adam's chances of survival, which he discovers online?" }, { "_id": 5878, "text": "How does Adam take his mom's offer of care?" }, { "_id": 5879, "text": "How does Rachael react to Adam's chemo treatments?" }, { "_id": 5880, "text": "What does Kyle discover when attending an art gallery?" }, { "_id": 5881, "text": "Who is Katherine McKay?" }, { "_id": 5882, "text": "How does Katherine help Adam understand his mother's perspective on the disease?" }, { "_id": 5883, "text": "What happens in Kyle's car the night before his surgery?" }, { "_id": 5884, "text": "What does Adam realize in Kyle's bathroom?" }, { "_id": 5885, "text": "What is Adam's job?" }, { "_id": 5886, "text": "Why does Adam break up with Rachael?" }, { "_id": 5887, "text": "How is Kyle secretly showing his support for Adam?" }, { "_id": 5888, "text": "What is the name of the dog Rachael gets Adam?" }, { "_id": 5889, "text": "What kind of cancer does Adam have?" }, { "_id": 5890, "text": "When do Adam and Katherine begin to develop a friendship?" }, { "_id": 5891, "text": "What does Adam find in Kyle's bathroom that proves he cares?" }, { "_id": 5892, "text": "What does Kyle use Adam's illness for?" }, { "_id": 5893, "text": "Who finds out about Rachael's affair first?" }, { "_id": 5894, "text": "How does Adam finally get rid of his cancer?" }, { "_id": 5895, "text": "Whose bookstore does Bastian seek refuge in at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 5896, "text": "What world is being devoured by \"The Nothing\"?" }, { "_id": 5897, "text": "Where is Atreyu forced to leave his horse, Artax?" }, { "_id": 5898, "text": "Whose image does Atreyu see in the mirror that reveals the true self?" }, { "_id": 5899, "text": "What does Atreyu lose in the Sea of Possibilities?" }, { "_id": 5900, "text": "What is the purpose of the AURYN?" }, { "_id": 5901, "text": "What is Fantasia representative of?" }, { "_id": 5902, "text": "When the Empress speaks to Bastian directly, what does she ask him to do?" }, { "_id": 5903, "text": "What is left of Fantasia when Bastian awakens in blackness with the Empress?" }, { "_id": 5904, "text": "Who does Bastian bring back to the real world to fight off his bullies?" }, { "_id": 5905, "text": "What is the name of the land described in the book?" }, { "_id": 5906, "text": "What force is devouring Fantasia?" }, { "_id": 5907, "text": "Who is tasked to find the cure for the Childlike Empress's illness?" }, { "_id": 5908, "text": "What is the name of Atreyu's medallion?" }, { "_id": 5909, "text": "What does The Nothing summon to stop Atreyu?" }, { "_id": 5910, "text": "Who does Atreyu lose in the Swamp of Sadness?" }, { "_id": 5911, "text": "What is Morla?" }, { "_id": 5912, "text": "Who does Atreyu see in the mirror that shows his true self?" }, { "_id": 5913, "text": "What does the Gmork say the Fantasia represents?" }, { "_id": 5914, "text": "What does Bastion wish for at the end?" }, { "_id": 5915, "text": "What does the Nothing represent?" }, { "_id": 5916, "text": "Who is responsible for spreading the Nothing?" }, { "_id": 5917, "text": "Who recreates Fantasia?" }, { "_id": 5918, "text": "What is Atreyu's direct task?" }, { "_id": 5919, "text": "Where does Morla suggest that Atreyu seek the answers she lacks?" }, { "_id": 5920, "text": "Where does Morla live?" }, { "_id": 5921, "text": "Who saves Atreyu from the Swamp of Sadness when he gives in to the exhaustion?" }, { "_id": 5922, "text": "What does Bastian wish for?" }, { "_id": 5923, "text": "What protects Atreyu on his quest?" }, { "_id": 5924, "text": "What does the Southern Oracle say will save the Empress?" }, { "_id": 5925, "text": "Why does Bastian enter a bookstore at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 5926, "text": "Who does Atreyu lose in the swamp?" }, { "_id": 5927, "text": "What is Fantasia?" }, { "_id": 5928, "text": "What is destroying Fantasia?" }, { "_id": 5929, "text": "What is Atreyu given at the beginning of his quest?" }, { "_id": 5930, "text": "How far must Atreyu travel to reach the Southern Oracle?" }, { "_id": 5931, "text": "How can Bastian save the empress?" }, { "_id": 5932, "text": "How much of Fantasia is left after Bastian calls out the empresses new name?" }, { "_id": 5933, "text": "What does Atreyu see at the shore of the abounded ruins?" }, { "_id": 5934, "text": "What does Bastian wish for after saving Fantasia?" }, { "_id": 5935, "text": "Why did Bastian leave a note for Mr. Coreander?" }, { "_id": 5936, "text": "What task was given to Atreyu by the Empress?" }, { "_id": 5937, "text": "Where does Atreya find the adviser Morla?" }, { "_id": 5938, "text": "What happens when Bastian lets out a scream?" }, { "_id": 5939, "text": "How does the Southeren Oracle tell Atreyu to save the Empress?" }, { "_id": 5940, "text": "What type creature is Falkor?" }, { "_id": 5941, "text": "What is represented by The Nothing?" }, { "_id": 5942, "text": "What is the grain of sand that the Empress has?" }, { "_id": 5943, "text": "What does Bastian see while flying on Falkor's back?" }, { "_id": 5944, "text": "Who killed Gmork?" }, { "_id": 5945, "text": "How are Benjamin and Flopsy related?" }, { "_id": 5946, "text": "How many children do Benjamin and Flopsy have?" }, { "_id": 5947, "text": "What does Peter Rabbit do for a living?" }, { "_id": 5948, "text": "Who discovers the sleeping Flopsy bunnies?" }, { "_id": 5949, "text": "Who creates a hole for the Flopsy bunnies to escape the bag?" }, { "_id": 5950, "text": "What does Mr. McGregor find in the sack when he gets home?" }, { "_id": 5951, "text": "What do the Flopsy bunnies send Thomasina for Christmas?" }, { "_id": 5952, "text": "Where do the animals hide from Mr. McGregor?" }, { "_id": 5953, "text": "Why do Benjamin and Flopsy travel to Mr. McGregor's vegetable garden?" }, { "_id": 5954, "text": "What does Mrs. McGregor want to use the rabbits' fur for?" }, { "_id": 5955, "text": "Who does Benjamin Bunny marry?" }, { "_id": 5956, "text": "Benjamin and Flopsy are the parents of how many young bunnies?" }, { "_id": 5957, "text": "What does Peter Rabbit sometimes give the Flopsy Bunnies?" }, { "_id": 5958, "text": "What did Mr. McGregor put the bunnies in when he finds them sleeping?" }, { "_id": 5959, "text": "Who is Thomasina Tittlemouse?" }, { "_id": 5960, "text": "How does Thomasina Tittlemouse help the bunnies escape?" }, { "_id": 5961, "text": "What does Benjamin and Flopsy fill the sack with after the bunnies escape?" }, { "_id": 5962, "text": "What does Mrs. McGregor think Mr. McGregor did when she found rotten vegetables in the sack instead of bunnies?" }, { "_id": 5963, "text": "What do Benjamin and Flopsy give to Thomasina for Christmas?" }, { "_id": 5964, "text": "What does Thomasina make out of the rabbit-wool given to her for Christmas?" }, { "_id": 5965, "text": "How are Benjamin and Flopsy related?" }, { "_id": 5966, "text": "How many children do Banjamin and Flopsy have together?" }, { "_id": 5967, "text": "What do Banjamin and Flopsy sometimes ask Peter Rabbit to help them with?" }, { "_id": 5968, "text": "What do the Flopsy bunnies do when Peter has no cabbage to spare?" }, { "_id": 5969, "text": "What happens when Mr. McGregor finds the bunnies?" }, { "_id": 5970, "text": "Who frees the bunnies from the sack?" }, { "_id": 5971, "text": "How does Thomasina free the bunnies?" }, { "_id": 5972, "text": "What do the bunnies put in the sack to make Mr McGregor think they are still inside it?" }, { "_id": 5973, "text": "What does Mrs. McGregor think when she finds the rotten vegetables in the sack?" }, { "_id": 5974, "text": "Why is Terra at war with Proxima Centauri?" }, { "_id": 5975, "text": "What prevents either side from actually fighting during the war?" }, { "_id": 5976, "text": "What is the name of the unbeatable bomb that Terra develops?" }, { "_id": 5977, "text": "What makes the Icarus bomb unbeatable?" }, { "_id": 5978, "text": "What is the name of the man who is from 1913?" }, { "_id": 5979, "text": "Why is Thomas Cole called the Variable Man?" }, { "_id": 5980, "text": "What does Cole do to the Icarus bomb when he is asked to make it work?" }, { "_id": 5981, "text": "How does Cole prevent the need for future war?" }, { "_id": 5982, "text": "How was Cole brought into the present of the story?" }, { "_id": 5983, "text": "What is the name of the sun that the Centaurian Empire is built around?" }, { "_id": 5984, "text": "Who is \"The Variable Man\"?" }, { "_id": 5985, "text": "Who keeps humans from growing in the Terran system?" }, { "_id": 5986, "text": "Where is Thomas Cole from?" }, { "_id": 5987, "text": "What brings Cole to the future?" }, { "_id": 5988, "text": "What is Cole's talent?" }, { "_id": 5989, "text": "The Icarus is turned into what?" }, { "_id": 5990, "text": "Why do the Terran's lose a great number of forces?" }, { "_id": 5991, "text": "Where do the Terrans go at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 5992, "text": "What does FTL stand for?" }, { "_id": 5993, "text": "What was Centaurin Empire?" }, { "_id": 5994, "text": "Why was Terran system at war with Proxima Centauri?" }, { "_id": 5995, "text": "What bomb did Terran system developed?" }, { "_id": 5996, "text": "Why was Proxima can not defend against Icarus?" }, { "_id": 5997, "text": "Who was the variable man?" }, { "_id": 5998, "text": "Where was Thomas Cole from?" }, { "_id": 5999, "text": "How did Thomas Cole travelled to the future?" }, { "_id": 6000, "text": "What was Thomas Cole specialty?" }, { "_id": 6001, "text": "What happen to Terra when they went to war with Centaurian?" }, { "_id": 6002, "text": "What was Terra able to do after the war?" }, { "_id": 6003, "text": "Who is invited to visit Khatka by Chief Ranger Kort Asaki? " }, { "_id": 6004, "text": "Who is undermining Ranger Asaki? " }, { "_id": 6005, "text": "What does Lumbrilo disguise himself as during a ceremony? " }, { "_id": 6006, "text": "What is Zoboru?" }, { "_id": 6007, "text": "After the flitter crash, who must the three starmen, Ranger Asaki and the pilot avoid? " }, { "_id": 6008, "text": "Where does the confrontation between the Medic and Lumbrilo take place?" }, { "_id": 6009, "text": "Why do people travel to Khatka?" }, { "_id": 6010, "text": "What does Medic Tau conjure during the ceremony?" }, { "_id": 6011, "text": "Where do Captian Jellico and his men return to after the confrontation?" }, { "_id": 6012, "text": "Who studied magic? " }, { "_id": 6013, "text": "What are the names of the three starmen in the story?" }, { "_id": 6014, "text": "What is the name of the Free Trader (i.e. tramp freighter) prepared for the interstellar mail route?" }, { "_id": 6015, "text": "What is the name of Xecho's sister planet?" }, { "_id": 6016, "text": "What is the difference between the two planets in the story?" }, { "_id": 6017, "text": "Who invites Dane Thorson to Khatka?" }, { "_id": 6018, "text": "What is the name of the witch doctor undermining Ranger Asaki?" }, { "_id": 6019, "text": "What does Lumbrilo disguise himself as at the ceremony?" }, { "_id": 6020, "text": "How did Tau earn Lumbrilo's enmity during the ceremony?" }, { "_id": 6021, "text": "While stranded in Zoboru, how will the three starmen and flitter pilot know if Lumbrilo is tracking them?" }, { "_id": 6022, "text": "How does Tau solve Ranger Asaki's problem?" }, { "_id": 6023, "text": "What is the name of the ship Xecho is preparing for a interstellar ail route?" }, { "_id": 6024, "text": "Who is the captain?" }, { "_id": 6025, "text": "The Planet Xecho has what sort of climate?" }, { "_id": 6026, "text": "Whom invites the ships crew to Khatha?" }, { "_id": 6027, "text": "What sort of doctor is Lumbrilo?" }, { "_id": 6028, "text": "Khatha is what sort of world?" }, { "_id": 6029, "text": "What sort of refugees settled Khatka?" }, { "_id": 6030, "text": "Which crew member has studied magic?" }, { "_id": 6031, "text": "What creature does Medic Tau conjure? " }, { "_id": 6032, "text": "How does Medic Tau solve Ranger Asaki's problem with the witch doctor?" }, { "_id": 6033, "text": "What are the names of the two vice detectives?" }, { "_id": 6034, "text": "Why does Davinci and Rodriguez kill Lionel Hudd?" }, { "_id": 6035, "text": "What shocking news does Rodriguez and Davinci find out when Richard Simms comes into the precinct?" }, { "_id": 6036, "text": "Who is \"Mr. Cutlass Supreme\"?" }, { "_id": 6037, "text": "Why is it so easy to convince Joe he killed Hudd?" }, { "_id": 6038, "text": "Who is Cynthia Webb?" }, { "_id": 6039, "text": "Where does Rodriguez get the gun that was used to kill Hudd?" }, { "_id": 6040, "text": "What is the problem with the gun used to kill Hudd?" }, { "_id": 6041, "text": "Who does Joe Doe turn out to be?" }, { "_id": 6042, "text": "How does Dunner get out of jail?" }, { "_id": 6043, "text": "Why do police detectives Rodriguez and Divinci murder the drug dealer Lionel Hudd?" }, { "_id": 6044, "text": "What do Rodriguez and Divinci learn about Lionel Hudd after they murder him?" }, { "_id": 6045, "text": "After the detectives find out they have murdered a DEA agent what do they plan on doing?" }, { "_id": 6046, "text": "Who the detectives frame for the murder?" }, { "_id": 6047, "text": "Why does Joe Doe believe that he killed Lionel Hudd?" }, { "_id": 6048, "text": "What do we learn about Joe Doe's real identity?" }, { "_id": 6049, "text": "Why does detective Divinci hire Manny to get Cynthia out of jail?" }, { "_id": 6050, "text": "What happened to detective Rodriguez after he provided testimony to the DEA?" }, { "_id": 6051, "text": "Who saves Cynthia's life after she is shot by Divinci?" }, { "_id": 6052, "text": "What is ironic about the weapon that was used to kill detective Divinci?" }, { "_id": 6053, "text": "Why was Hudd killed?" }, { "_id": 6054, "text": "Which organization did Hudd work for, according to the story?" }, { "_id": 6055, "text": "Who is owed money by Jake?" }, { "_id": 6056, "text": "Why can't Doe stand trial for murder?" }, { "_id": 6057, "text": "How come the case against Dunner is dropped?" }, { "_id": 6058, "text": "What is Joe Doe's real name?" }, { "_id": 6059, "text": "Who does Jake's partner send after Cynthia?" }, { "_id": 6060, "text": "Which part of Cynthia's testimony revealed that she was lying?" }, { "_id": 6061, "text": "Where was Frank's former mistress when she was shot?" }, { "_id": 6062, "text": "When did Divinci become a fugitive?" }, { "_id": 6063, "text": "Why does \"Rita\" adopt this particular assumed name?" }, { "_id": 6064, "text": "Why has \"Rita\" forgotten her own name?" }, { "_id": 6065, "text": "Why does Adam Kesher cast unknown Camilla Rhodes as Sylvia North?" }, { "_id": 6066, "text": "What do \"Rita\" and Betty find in Diane Selwyns apartment?" }, { "_id": 6067, "text": "Why did Diane claim she had come to Hollywood?" }, { "_id": 6068, "text": "Why does Diane go to the party on Mulholland Drive?" }, { "_id": 6069, "text": "Why is Diane upset to see Camilla kissing other people?" }, { "_id": 6070, "text": "How will Diane know when the hit man has killed Camilla?" }, { "_id": 6071, "text": "What does the hit man do when Diane asks what the blue key will open?" }, { "_id": 6072, "text": "What is the name of the theater that \"Rita\" and Betty visit?" }, { "_id": 6073, "text": "At the beginning of the story, what does Betty find in Rita's purse?" }, { "_id": 6074, "text": "Who does the 'mobsters' insist Adam cast in a leading role?" }, { "_id": 6075, "text": "What does the man on stage at Club Silencio explain in several different languages?" }, { "_id": 6076, "text": "What diner does much of the story take place?" }, { "_id": 6077, "text": "Who appears in Diane's doorway, saying \"Time to wake up\"?" }, { "_id": 6078, "text": "Who finds a blue box that matches the key from Rita's purse?" }, { "_id": 6079, "text": "What does Camilla audition for?" }, { "_id": 6080, "text": "Who suffers hallucinations and kills herself?" }, { "_id": 6081, "text": "Where did Rita get inspiration for her name?" }, { "_id": 6082, "text": "Who lives on Mulholland Drive?" }, { "_id": 6083, "text": "Who wants Adam to cast Camilla Rhodes?" }, { "_id": 6084, "text": "What happened before Adam got thrown out of his house?" }, { "_id": 6085, "text": "Why did the woman choose Rita as her name?" }, { "_id": 6086, "text": "Why does Diane attend the Party?" }, { "_id": 6087, "text": "What state is Diane in when Rita and Betty find her?" }, { "_id": 6088, "text": "What does betty find in Rita's purse?" }, { "_id": 6089, "text": "What does the hitman give Diane?" }, { "_id": 6090, "text": "How did Diane die?" }, { "_id": 6091, "text": "How did Diane meet Camilla?" }, { "_id": 6092, "text": "What theter did Rita want to go to?" }, { "_id": 6093, "text": "What is the fictional city of Plassons based upon?" }, { "_id": 6094, "text": "Why does the family have 2 branches?" }, { "_id": 6095, "text": "Compare and contrast the lifestyles of the Rougons and Macquarts?" }, { "_id": 6096, "text": "What social scientific theory does Zola base this novel on, and is it still credible today?" }, { "_id": 6097, "text": "Who do the Rougons decide to support in the impending coup?" }, { "_id": 6098, "text": "How many novels did Zola write about these characters?" }, { "_id": 6099, "text": "What happens that gives the Rougons new hope for increased power and success later in life?" }, { "_id": 6100, "text": "How is the third branch of the family, the Mourets, described?" }, { "_id": 6101, "text": "What happens to Silvere and Miette?" }, { "_id": 6102, "text": "Which branch of the family is successful in the end?" }, { "_id": 6103, "text": "Who does Silvere Mouret fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 6104, "text": "Who do the Rougons exploit into helping them crush the republican threat?" }, { "_id": 6105, "text": "Who is Pierre Rougon married to?" }, { "_id": 6106, "text": "Who is Eugene a close ally of?" }, { "_id": 6107, "text": "What does Eugene tell his parents?" }, { "_id": 6108, "text": "Who is Tante Dide also know as?" }, { "_id": 6109, "text": "What city does Eugene report from?" }, { "_id": 6110, "text": "Why are the royalist afraid of showing too much commitment?" }, { "_id": 6111, "text": "Who is Pierre Rougon trying to disinherit?" }, { "_id": 6112, "text": "Who is the father of Adelaide's illegitimate children?" }, { "_id": 6113, "text": "Who is the father of Adelaide's legitimate son?" }, { "_id": 6114, "text": "What is Felicite Puech's relationship to Pierre Rougan?" }, { "_id": 6115, "text": "With whom has Eugenie become a close ally of?" }, { "_id": 6116, "text": "What is Eugenie's relationship to Pierre and Felicite?" }, { "_id": 6117, "text": "Under what economic conditions do Pierre's illegitimate siblings live?" }, { "_id": 6118, "text": "What does Zola attempt to assert socially with the parallel tales of the Macquarts and Rogans?" }, { "_id": 6119, "text": "What is Silvere's relationship to Miette?" }, { "_id": 6120, "text": "With what political group do Miette and Silvere side?" }, { "_id": 6121, "text": "With whom do the Rougans join to crush the Republican Militia?" }, { "_id": 6122, "text": "Why was Blanco Posnet brought into court?" }, { "_id": 6123, "text": "What time of the day was Blanco seen walking along a road out of town?" }, { "_id": 6124, "text": "Why did Blanco assert that he can't be convicted?" }, { "_id": 6125, "text": "What was Blanco not aware of about the horse?" }, { "_id": 6126, "text": "What does Blanco's brother do now after previously being a drunkard?" }, { "_id": 6127, "text": "What is the name of the prostitute who was called into witness?" }, { "_id": 6128, "text": "Why would Feemy hold a grudge against Blanco?" }, { "_id": 6129, "text": "For what did one woman use the horse for?" }, { "_id": 6130, "text": "Feemy rejected a marriage but what did she accept to do?" }, { "_id": 6131, "text": "What would have been the punishment if Blanco was proven guilty of stealing?" }, { "_id": 6132, "text": "Where is the play being held?" }, { "_id": 6133, "text": "Blanco Posnet is accused of what offense?" }, { "_id": 6134, "text": "What did Blanco's brother try to discuss with him?" }, { "_id": 6135, "text": "What is Feemy's means of living?" }, { "_id": 6136, "text": "Why would Blanco say that Feemy's testimony should not be counted?" }, { "_id": 6137, "text": "The horse was used by a woman for what purpose?" }, { "_id": 6138, "text": "Why did the woman covered Blanco?" }, { "_id": 6139, "text": "What did Blanco do to return the favor to Feemy?" }, { "_id": 6140, "text": "Blanco Posnet is described as?" }, { "_id": 6141, "text": "When Blanco got rejected by Feemy of marrying her, what did he do instead?" }, { "_id": 6142, "text": "Who was the church Deacon?" }, { "_id": 6143, "text": "Who owned the horse?" }, { "_id": 6144, "text": "Why was Blanco accused of stealing the horse?" }, { "_id": 6145, "text": "Where was the horse stabled ?" }, { "_id": 6146, "text": "Who said she saw Blanco riding off on the horse?" }, { "_id": 6147, "text": "Who was Feemy?" }, { "_id": 6148, "text": "Who had the horse?" }, { "_id": 6149, "text": "What did the woman who had the horse did when she came to court?" }, { "_id": 6150, "text": "Why was Blanco released from jail?" }, { "_id": 6151, "text": "What did Feemy said when Blanco asked her to marry him?" }, { "_id": 6152, "text": "Who is the protagonist of the story?" }, { "_id": 6153, "text": "Who has Ellie eloped with?" }, { "_id": 6154, "text": "Why does Ellie's father want this marriage annulled?" }, { "_id": 6155, "text": "What choice does Ellie take from the newspaper reporter?" }, { "_id": 6156, "text": "Why does Ellie decide to marry Westley in a more formal ceremony?" }, { "_id": 6157, "text": "What does Mr. Andrews offer Peter when he comes to his home?" }, { "_id": 6158, "text": "What does Peter admit to when Mr. Andrews questions him about his odd behavior?" }, { "_id": 6159, "text": "What does Mr. Andrews reveal at the wedding ceremony?" }, { "_id": 6160, "text": "What does Mr. Andrews do for Westley after revealing that Peter refused the reward?" }, { "_id": 6161, "text": "Who does Ellie end up with in the end?" }, { "_id": 6162, "text": "Why does Peter refuse the reward money from Mr. Andrews?" }, { "_id": 6163, "text": "Where do Peter and Ellie meet?" }, { "_id": 6164, "text": "Why did the owners of the motel kick Ellie out?" }, { "_id": 6165, "text": "What is Peter Warne's profession?" }, { "_id": 6166, "text": "Why does Mr. Andrews disapprove of Ellie and Westley eloping?" }, { "_id": 6167, "text": "Why does Ellie believe Peter betrayed her?" }, { "_id": 6168, "text": "How does Westley arrive at the wedding?" }, { "_id": 6169, "text": "Where was Peter and Ellie's bus bound?" }, { "_id": 6170, "text": "Why does Peter intially help Ellie?" }, { "_id": 6171, "text": "Why does Alexander want his daughters marriage to Westley annulled?" }, { "_id": 6172, "text": "Who is Peter Warne?" }, { "_id": 6173, "text": "What does Peter want in return for helping Ellen reunite with Westley?" }, { "_id": 6174, "text": "What city does Westley live in?" }, { "_id": 6175, "text": "How does Ellen get the driver to stop so she can hitchhike?" }, { "_id": 6176, "text": "What does Danker try to do after they stop en route to their destination?" }, { "_id": 6177, "text": "Why do the motel owners expel Ellie?" }, { "_id": 6178, "text": "Where does Peter get the money to marry Ellie?" }, { "_id": 6179, "text": "How much are the expenses that Peter asks to be paid?" }, { "_id": 6180, "text": "What type of vehicle does Westley arrive in for the wedding?" }, { "_id": 6181, "text": "What was James Stewart arrested for?" }, { "_id": 6182, "text": "What island is the Bass Rock on?" }, { "_id": 6183, "text": "What is the name of the woman that David falls in love with?" }, { "_id": 6184, "text": "What is David studying in Holland?" }, { "_id": 6185, "text": "What is the name of the school David is attending?" }, { "_id": 6186, "text": "Whose inheritence did David get?" }, { "_id": 6187, "text": "Where do Alan, David and Catriona run away too?" }, { "_id": 6188, "text": "How does Jame More die?" }, { "_id": 6189, "text": "Where do David and Catriona wind up living?" }, { "_id": 6190, "text": "What does Alan scold David about?" }, { "_id": 6191, "text": "Why does David go to William Grant?" }, { "_id": 6192, "text": "How long was David confined on Bass Rock?" }, { "_id": 6193, "text": "What did David do at the University of Leyden?" }, { "_id": 6194, "text": "How did David stay up to date of Catriona's welfare while they were apart?" }, { "_id": 6195, "text": "Where did David fall in love with Catriona?" }, { "_id": 6196, "text": "Why did Alan Breck criticize David?" }, { "_id": 6197, "text": "Where did David and Alan visit James More and Catriona?" }, { "_id": 6198, "text": "Who betrayed Alan and accused his falsely?" }, { "_id": 6199, "text": "Who fled with Alan to Paris?" }, { "_id": 6200, "text": "How did James More die?" }, { "_id": 6201, "text": "Where does the story take place at the beginning?" }, { "_id": 6202, "text": "Who wants to gain justice for James Stewart?" }, { "_id": 6203, "text": "What is William Grant's title?" }, { "_id": 6204, "text": "Why does David's attempts fail?" }, { "_id": 6205, "text": "Who does David fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 6206, "text": "Where do David and Catriona travel to?" }, { "_id": 6207, "text": "How does David gain a large inheritance?" }, { "_id": 6208, "text": "Who berates David for not understanding women?" }, { "_id": 6209, "text": "Where do David and Alan go?" }, { "_id": 6210, "text": "How does James More die?" }, { "_id": 6211, "text": "Where is the base that Ross Murdock is taken to by Major John Kelgarries after joining Operation Retrograde?" }, { "_id": 6212, "text": "Who was the lone survivor of the bombing of Ross and Ashe's outpost in Southern Britain?" }, { "_id": 6213, "text": "What do Ross, Ashe, and McNeil learn from the natives is located southeast of their Beaker trading post?" }, { "_id": 6214, "text": "What does Ross find far inside the ghostland before he is captured?" }, { "_id": 6215, "text": "When trying to escape from the Reds after his initial capture, what does Ross step onto?" }, { "_id": 6216, "text": "What happens when Ross enters the globe he found half buried in the ice?" }, { "_id": 6217, "text": "What is gone after Ross regains consciousness after his fall into the tub of transparent-red gel?" }, { "_id": 6218, "text": "While exploring some kind of ship, what does Ross activate before being recaptured by the Reds?" }, { "_id": 6219, "text": "What do Ross, Ashe, and McNeil steal while escaping to the time transported after being reunited?" }, { "_id": 6220, "text": "What is left on the beach to keep the Baldies from being able to trace the Americans to their base?" }, { "_id": 6221, "text": "What is the choice Ross Murdock has on being captured?" }, { "_id": 6222, "text": "What does Ross choose?" }, { "_id": 6223, "text": "Where is Ross sent to as part of Operation Retrograde?" }, { "_id": 6224, "text": "What do Ross, she and McNeil discover at the Beaker Trading Post?" }, { "_id": 6225, "text": "What happens to Ross when he escapes the Soviet base?" }, { "_id": 6226, "text": "What does Ross discover aftter being sentenced to death by the Reds?" }, { "_id": 6227, "text": "What interrupts the Reds interrogation of Ross at their base?" }, { "_id": 6228, "text": "What do Ross, Ashe and McNeil steal as they leave the Reds base?" }, { "_id": 6229, "text": "Who is chasing after Ross when he is again separated from Ashe and McNeil?" }, { "_id": 6230, "text": "What is found on the recording tapes Ross steals?" }, { "_id": 6231, "text": "Who tries to capture Ross with telepathic hypnosis?" }, { "_id": 6232, "text": "What were Ross, Ashe, and Mcneil bulding?" }, { "_id": 6233, "text": "Where is Ross transferred to after he steps on the transporter plate?" }, { "_id": 6234, "text": "What did Ross, Ashe and Mcneil steal as they are escaping to the time transporter?" }, { "_id": 6235, "text": "When does Ross realize that the Baldies are after him?" }, { "_id": 6236, "text": "Which sea were Ross, Ashe and Mcneil near as they built the trading post?" }, { "_id": 6237, "text": "What do the stolen recording tapes say about alien spaceships?" }, { "_id": 6238, "text": "Who captures Ross in the ghostland?" }, { "_id": 6239, "text": "Which area do the stolen tapes show alien ships are located?" }, { "_id": 6240, "text": "What occupation does Marvin have?" }, { "_id": 6241, "text": "How does McClane prove to Lorenzo that the mercenaries and the Special Forces are working together?" }, { "_id": 6242, "text": "When does the story occur?" }, { "_id": 6243, "text": "Which airport does the story occur in?" }, { "_id": 6244, "text": "What is the name of the drug lord the mercenaries are working for?" }, { "_id": 6245, "text": "Who is the head of the US Special Forces Team?" }, { "_id": 6246, "text": "How does Richard Thornburg know Holly?" }, { "_id": 6247, "text": "How is General Grant killed?" }, { "_id": 6248, "text": "How does McClane stop Stuart and Esperanza?" }, { "_id": 6249, "text": "Why is Esperanza coming to the United States?" }, { "_id": 6250, "text": "Why was John McClane at Washington Dulles International Airport?" }, { "_id": 6251, "text": "Why does McClane follow two men into the baggage area of the airport?" }, { "_id": 6252, "text": "Who does McClane first report his suspicions that something is wrong to?" }, { "_id": 6253, "text": "Why is Colonel Stuart's group taking over the airport?" }, { "_id": 6254, "text": "Who is Ramon Esperanza?" }, { "_id": 6255, "text": "How is Colonel Stuart's group maintaing control over the airport?" }, { "_id": 6256, "text": "Who helps McClaine find his way through the airport? " }, { "_id": 6257, "text": "What does McClaine discover after realizing that his weapon is shooting blanks?" }, { "_id": 6258, "text": "How does McClaine reach the mercenaries aircraft before it gets away?" }, { "_id": 6259, "text": "How much time has passed since the Nakatomi Tower incident?" }, { "_id": 6260, "text": "Where is John McClane's wife arriving from?" }, { "_id": 6261, "text": "Who is the airport police Captain?" }, { "_id": 6262, "text": "Where do Colonel Stuart and members of his unit set up their base?" }, { "_id": 6263, "text": "What is Colonel Stuart's goal?" }, { "_id": 6264, "text": "Who does McClane recruit as an ally to stop the terrorists?" }, { "_id": 6265, "text": "How does McClane escape the aircraft before it explodes?" }, { "_id": 6266, "text": "How does Holly subdue Thornburg?" }, { "_id": 6267, "text": "Where does the new helicopter drop off McClane?" }, { "_id": 6268, "text": "How does McClane destroy the plane?" }, { "_id": 6269, "text": "Why was the killer dubbed the \"Tooth Fairy\"?" }, { "_id": 6270, "text": "Where is the most recent crime scene Graham visits?" }, { "_id": 6271, "text": "Who does Crawford bring to the FBI Academy in Quantico?" }, { "_id": 6272, "text": "What is in Lecktor's coded message to the Tooth Fairy?" }, { "_id": 6273, "text": "Where is Lounds's flaming body rolled into?" }, { "_id": 6274, "text": "Where does Francis Dollarhyde work?" }, { "_id": 6275, "text": "What is Dollarhyde watching when he takes Reba to his home?" }, { "_id": 6276, "text": "What weapon does Dollarhyde use to wound Crawford?" }, { "_id": 6277, "text": "How many police officers does Dollarhyde kill in his firefight with Crawford?" }, { "_id": 6278, "text": "What happens when Dollarhyde returns to the kitchen to kill Crawford?" }, { "_id": 6279, "text": "What serial killer did Wil Graham catch?" }, { "_id": 6280, "text": "What is the name of the serial killer Jack Crawford ask him to help catch?" }, { "_id": 6281, "text": "What tabloid journalist accousts Crawford and Graham?" }, { "_id": 6282, "text": "Who does Graham visit in his cell?" }, { "_id": 6283, "text": "Who wrote a note to Lecktor?" }, { "_id": 6284, "text": "Who does the Tooth Fairy kidnap?" }, { "_id": 6285, "text": "What did the coded message say?" }, { "_id": 6286, "text": "What is the name of the Tooth Fairy killer?" }, { "_id": 6287, "text": "What is the name of Dollarhyde's blind co-worker?" }, { "_id": 6288, "text": "Who kills Dollarhyde?" }, { "_id": 6289, "text": "What did Will Graham retire from?" }, { "_id": 6290, "text": "Who was Will Graham attacked by?" }, { "_id": 6291, "text": "What is the name of the new killer case?" }, { "_id": 6292, "text": "Where does Graham visit Lecktor?" }, { "_id": 6293, "text": "Where does Graham go after leaving Lecktor?" }, { "_id": 6294, "text": "What does the warden find?" }, { "_id": 6295, "text": "Who is Lounds taken by?" }, { "_id": 6296, "text": "Where does Lounds wake up?" }, { "_id": 6297, "text": "Who is Francis Dollarhyde?" }, { "_id": 6298, "text": "Who is the killer's blind co-worker?" }, { "_id": 6299, "text": "What does Ronna do with the Ecstasy pills? " }, { "_id": 6300, "text": "What does she use to replace the Ecstasy pills?" }, { "_id": 6301, "text": "How many pills had Mannie already swallowed?" }, { "_id": 6302, "text": "Why does Ronna leave Mannie in an alley?" }, { "_id": 6303, "text": "Who pulls a gun on Ronna?" }, { "_id": 6304, "text": "What city is Simon headed to with his friends?" }, { "_id": 6305, "text": "What happens to Ronna before she can be shot?" }, { "_id": 6306, "text": "Who runs over Ronna?" }, { "_id": 6307, "text": "Why did Adam and Zack go back to the scene of the accident?" }, { "_id": 6308, "text": "Where does Ronna wake up?" }, { "_id": 6309, "text": "Why was Ronna working overtime?" }, { "_id": 6310, "text": "Who was asked if they can supply 20 hits of ecstasy?" }, { "_id": 6311, "text": "Who was supplying Ronna with drugs?" }, { "_id": 6312, "text": "What did Ronna do with the drugs?" }, { "_id": 6313, "text": "What did Ronna used to replace the ecstasy?" }, { "_id": 6314, "text": "What happen to Ronna before Todd had a chance to shoot her?" }, { "_id": 6315, "text": "Where did the gun came from that shot Victor Jr?" }, { "_id": 6316, "text": "After the unsuccessful busted where were Adam and Zack invited to? " }, { "_id": 6317, "text": "What did jack said when reassuring Adam if Ronna survived being run over?" }, { "_id": 6318, "text": "Where was Ronna when she woke up?" }, { "_id": 6319, "text": "How many hits of ecstasy do Adam and Zack ask Ronna to supply?" }, { "_id": 6320, "text": "What medication does Ronna use to replace the ecstasy she flushed down the toilet?" }, { "_id": 6321, "text": "How do Marcus and Simon manage to steal a car from a hotel?" }, { "_id": 6322, "text": "How does Todd enrage the bouncer at the lap dancing club?" }, { "_id": 6323, "text": "What is the name of Burke's wife?" }, { "_id": 6324, "text": "What do Adam and Zack do to Jimmy when they find him at the rave?" }, { "_id": 6325, "text": "Who runs over Ronna in the parking lot?" }, { "_id": 6326, "text": "What happens when Adam and Zack prop Ronna up on the car?" }, { "_id": 6327, "text": "What was the name of the person that both Adam and Zack had been unfaithful with?" }, { "_id": 6328, "text": "How does Victor Sr. get hold of Todd's address?" }, { "_id": 6329, "text": "How did Alex's mom die?" }, { "_id": 6330, "text": "What game did Alex and her friends play?" }, { "_id": 6331, "text": "Who feels Alex has not dealt with her feelings properly?" }, { "_id": 6332, "text": "What did Vertigo/Tronics install in the game's development?" }, { "_id": 6333, "text": "Who does Alex release from the game besides her friends?" }, { "_id": 6334, "text": "What happens when people lose in the game of Arcade?" }, { "_id": 6335, "text": "Why did Vertigo/Tronics include the boy's brain cells into the game?" }, { "_id": 6336, "text": "Whom did the brain cells installed in the game belong to?" }, { "_id": 6337, "text": "Who knew there would be a problem with installing human brain cells into the game?" }, { "_id": 6338, "text": "Who beat the young boy \"Arcade\" to death?" }, { "_id": 6339, "text": "What happened to Alex Manning's mother?" }, { "_id": 6340, "text": "What is the name of the local arcade where Alex and her friends like to go?" }, { "_id": 6341, "text": "What is so special that Alex and her friends want to go see at the arcade that day?" }, { "_id": 6342, "text": "What happens to the teenagers who lose at \"Arcade\"?" }, { "_id": 6343, "text": "What happened to the real little boy who was named Arcade?" }, { "_id": 6344, "text": "Why would the computer company use some of the dead boy's brain cells in the game?" }, { "_id": 6345, "text": "What did the game's programmer do when he found out about the use of the dead boy's brain cells?" }, { "_id": 6346, "text": "Who participate in the final showdown with \"Arcade\"?" }, { "_id": 6347, "text": "Who does Alex hope to release from the game in the final showdown?" }, { "_id": 6348, "text": "In addition to her friends, who else is released from the game?" }, { "_id": 6349, "text": "What is Dante's Inferno? " }, { "_id": 6350, "text": "How is Vertigo/Tronics' CEO hyping the new game? " }, { "_id": 6351, "text": "What is the name of the new game being marketed by the Computer company CEO? " }, { "_id": 6352, "text": "How did Alex Manning lose her mother? " }, { "_id": 6353, "text": "Where does Alex and her friends go to visit? " }, { "_id": 6354, "text": "Who is the virtual reality world's central villain?" }, { "_id": 6355, "text": "What happens to the teenagers who lose when playing this game? " }, { "_id": 6356, "text": "Who is Alex Manning? " }, { "_id": 6357, "text": "What does Alex's school counselor think of Alex?" }, { "_id": 6358, "text": "What causes Barrett to flee the scene of the accident after he hits the old lady?" }, { "_id": 6359, "text": "At the beginning of the story, why is Barrett racing through the streets on his bicycle?" }, { "_id": 6360, "text": "What is the relationship between Milly and the old lady?" }, { "_id": 6361, "text": "Barrett and Milly share what hobby in common?" }, { "_id": 6362, "text": "What happens to Barrett Jackman's boat when they meet a steamer?" }, { "_id": 6363, "text": "How did Barrett end up on the island?" }, { "_id": 6364, "text": "Where did Barrett find Milly?" }, { "_id": 6365, "text": "How did Milly get injured?" }, { "_id": 6366, "text": "What caused everyone to go searching for Barrett?" }, { "_id": 6367, "text": "How did Barrett get injured?" }, { "_id": 6368, "text": "How does the Eagle Cliff begin?" }, { "_id": 6369, "text": "Who is Bob Mabberly?" }, { "_id": 6370, "text": "What did Barrett do after running into an old lady?" }, { "_id": 6371, "text": "What did Mabberly intend to do with Barrett, Giles, and the yacht and his crew the next morning?" }, { "_id": 6372, "text": "What misfortune befell the group not long after sailing?" }, { "_id": 6373, "text": "Who was tasked to find habitation in the island?" }, { "_id": 6374, "text": "What was the skin color of the people Barrett discovered on the island?" }, { "_id": 6375, "text": "How did Milly injure her arm?" }, { "_id": 6376, "text": "What do Barrett and Milly both have a passion for?" }, { "_id": 6377, "text": "What did Mrs. Moss agree to do with Barrett?" }, { "_id": 6378, "text": "Who is John responding to a telegram from?" }, { "_id": 6379, "text": "How does John get around in London?" }, { "_id": 6380, "text": "Who does John hit with his bicycle?" }, { "_id": 6381, "text": "Why does he flee the scene when he hits the old woman with his bicycle?" }, { "_id": 6382, "text": "How does Milly get injured?" }, { "_id": 6383, "text": "Why does John and hit party make their way to the island? " }, { "_id": 6384, "text": "What science does John and Milly share a love for?" }, { "_id": 6385, "text": "Who does Mrs Moss end up being?" }, { "_id": 6386, "text": "Why is John able to hide his identity from Mrs Moss?" }, { "_id": 6387, "text": "What is the name of John's old schoolmate?" }, { "_id": 6388, "text": "What happens at the end of the relationship photo montage?" }, { "_id": 6389, "text": "What is Celeste's job?" }, { "_id": 6390, "text": "Who is Riley Banks?" }, { "_id": 6391, "text": "What are Beth and Tucker annoyed by?" }, { "_id": 6392, "text": "How did Celeste distract herself from thoughts about Jesse and divorce?" }, { "_id": 6393, "text": "Who did Celeste meet in yoga class?" }, { "_id": 6394, "text": "What did Celester realize about her decision to divorce Jesse?" }, { "_id": 6395, "text": "What did the logo unintentionally resemble?" }, { "_id": 6396, "text": "To which group did the logo appeal to?" }, { "_id": 6397, "text": "What were the lawyers confused by?" }, { "_id": 6398, "text": "How long have Celeste and Jesse known each other?" }, { "_id": 6399, "text": "Why are Celeste's and Jesse's friends weirded out by their relationship?" }, { "_id": 6400, "text": "Who is being selfish by staying close with their partner while divorcing?" }, { "_id": 6401, "text": "When does Jesse move out?" }, { "_id": 6402, "text": "What does Jesse announce that upsets Celeste?" }, { "_id": 6403, "text": "Who does Celeste unexpectedly comforts?" }, { "_id": 6404, "text": "Whose wedding does Celeste and Jesse reconcile at?" }, { "_id": 6405, "text": "What do Celeste and Jesse decide to do at the end?" }, { "_id": 6406, "text": "Which age group is angered by a logo design?" }, { "_id": 6407, "text": "Who did Jesse and Celeste's laughter confuse?" }, { "_id": 6408, "text": "When did Jesse and Celeste start dating?" }, { "_id": 6409, "text": "Which American singer is mentioned in the story?" }, { "_id": 6410, "text": "Who did Celeste opening bash?" }, { "_id": 6411, "text": "Which body parts did Celeste's logo design resemble?" }, { "_id": 6412, "text": "When did Celeste give up on saving her marriage?" }, { "_id": 6413, "text": "What was the reason Celeste and Jesse fought?" }, { "_id": 6414, "text": "Where did Celeste make a toast?" }, { "_id": 6415, "text": "Who does Celeste introduce to Riley?" }, { "_id": 6416, "text": "Who hired Sydney to work for him in New York?" }, { "_id": 6417, "text": "Why was Alison Olsen working?" }, { "_id": 6418, "text": "Who warned Sydney to not talk to Sophie?" }, { "_id": 6419, "text": "How did Sydney almost ruin his popularity?" }, { "_id": 6420, "text": "Who covers for Sydney in regards to how Cuba died?" }, { "_id": 6421, "text": "Where did Alison tell Sydney about her and Lawrence's affair?" }, { "_id": 6422, "text": "Why did Sidney get promoted? " }, { "_id": 6423, "text": "When did Sydney realize he was not in love with Sophie?" }, { "_id": 6424, "text": "Where was Sydney when he learned about Alison's love interest?" }, { "_id": 6425, "text": "Who meets in the park for a date?" }, { "_id": 6426, "text": "What is Sidney's occupation in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 6427, "text": "Who is the editor of Sharps magazine?" }, { "_id": 6428, "text": "How does Sidney almost ruin his mission to become a somebody within the business?" }, { "_id": 6429, "text": "Who covers for Sidney ?" }, { "_id": 6430, "text": "Why does Sidney get promoted by Clayton?" }, { "_id": 6431, "text": "What is the name of Sidney's Dog?" }, { "_id": 6432, "text": "Where does SIdney meet Allison in the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6433, "text": "Where does Sidney quit his job?" }, { "_id": 6434, "text": "Who does the ring belong to?" }, { "_id": 6435, "text": "What does Sidney aspire to be?" }, { "_id": 6436, "text": "What is Sidney's nationality?" }, { "_id": 6437, "text": "What is the political persuasion of the magazine Sidney works for?" }, { "_id": 6438, "text": "What does Sidney accidentally let loose at the party?" }, { "_id": 6439, "text": "Who hires Sidney for his magazine in NY?" }, { "_id": 6440, "text": "What magazine is Clayton the editor of?" }, { "_id": 6441, "text": "Who is Sidney's boss?" }, { "_id": 6442, "text": "What is the name of Sophie's dog that Sidney accidentally kills?" }, { "_id": 6443, "text": "Who is the only person who knows that Sidney killed Cuba?" }, { "_id": 6444, "text": "Who does Alison say she ended an affair with?" }, { "_id": 6445, "text": "What happens to the train that Captain Colter Stevens is riding in?" }, { "_id": 6446, "text": "What is the experimental device called that allows Stevens to repeatedly experience the last eight minutes of someone else's life?" }, { "_id": 6447, "text": "What does Stevens want to happen to him after the mission is over?" }, { "_id": 6448, "text": "How does the bomber intend to fake his own death?" }, { "_id": 6449, "text": "What does Stevens want one last try to do in the Source Code after the mission is complete?" }, { "_id": 6450, "text": "How does Stevens subdue Frost (the bomber) on the train?" }, { "_id": 6451, "text": "In what guise does Stevens call his estranged father?" }, { "_id": 6452, "text": "Who disconnects Stevens from life support?" }, { "_id": 6453, "text": "In what city does the train sequence take place?" }, { "_id": 6454, "text": "What is the name of the sculpture that Stevens saw when he would come out of the Source Code?" }, { "_id": 6455, "text": "Where does Stevens wake up in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 6456, "text": "Who does Stevens appear to be?" }, { "_id": 6457, "text": "What is the name of the experimental device that Stevens is using?" }, { "_id": 6458, "text": "Who developed the \"Source Code\"?" }, { "_id": 6459, "text": "Whose identity is Stevens trying to learn?" }, { "_id": 6460, "text": "What is the bombers name?" }, { "_id": 6461, "text": "What does the bomber leave behind that reveals his identity?" }, { "_id": 6462, "text": "Who does Stevens email after catching the bomber?" }, { "_id": 6463, "text": "Where do Stevens and Christina walk to towards the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6464, "text": "What downtown Chicago sculpture is featured towards the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6465, "text": "Which organization does Colter work for, according to the story?" }, { "_id": 6466, "text": "What is Stevens' mission?" }, { "_id": 6467, "text": "Whose life was Colter living when he woke up on the commuter train?" }, { "_id": 6468, "text": "What causes Colter to live the last few minutes of someone else's life?" }, { "_id": 6469, "text": "What happened to Colter in Afghanastan?" }, { "_id": 6470, "text": "When does Stevens want to be allowed to die?" }, { "_id": 6471, "text": "How was the bomber identified?" }, { "_id": 6472, "text": "How was Frost's van identified?" }, { "_id": 6473, "text": "When did Colter realize the alternate timeline had become real?" }, { "_id": 6474, "text": "Who allowed Stevens to die by disconnecting the life support?" }, { "_id": 6475, "text": "What is the name of the particular stone the team aboard the research vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh are looking for?" }, { "_id": 6476, "text": "Why is Rose's engagement to Cal so important?" }, { "_id": 6477, "text": "What event do Rose and Jack witness on the forward deck?" }, { "_id": 6478, "text": "How does Cal frame Jack?" }, { "_id": 6479, "text": "Where is Jack taken to when he is arrested?" }, { "_id": 6480, "text": "How does Jack ensure Rose's survival?" }, { "_id": 6481, "text": "Where does the RMS Carpathia take the survivors? " }, { "_id": 6482, "text": "What does Brock Lovett decide to do after hearing Rose's story?" }, { "_id": 6483, "text": "Who was in possession of the Heart of the Ocean all along?" }, { "_id": 6484, "text": "Why did Cal end up committing suicide?" }, { "_id": 6485, "text": "What were Brock and his team searching for in the wreck site? " }, { "_id": 6486, "text": "Why is Ruth planning on marrying Cal?" }, { "_id": 6487, "text": "How do Jack and Rose meet? " }, { "_id": 6488, "text": "What does the boat collide with? " }, { "_id": 6489, "text": "Why is Jack arrested? " }, { "_id": 6490, "text": "How does Cal get himself on a lifeboat? " }, { "_id": 6491, "text": "What does Rose float on in the ocean? " }, { "_id": 6492, "text": "What happens to Jack? " }, { "_id": 6493, "text": "What happens to Cal later in life? " }, { "_id": 6494, "text": "What does Rose do with the Heart of the Ocean? " }, { "_id": 6495, "text": "To whom was Rose engaged?" }, { "_id": 6496, "text": "Why were Rose's parents motivated to encourage the wedding?" }, { "_id": 6497, "text": "Why would Rose's parents disapprove of Jack?" }, { "_id": 6498, "text": "What was the name of the research vessel searching for the Heart of the Ocean?" }, { "_id": 6499, "text": "How did they know who to ask about the Heart of the Ocean?" }, { "_id": 6500, "text": "How did Rose explain her first encounter with Jack?" }, { "_id": 6501, "text": "What was the real reason for Rose and Jack's first encounter?" }, { "_id": 6502, "text": "What do Rose and Jack do after dining with Cal in First Class?" }, { "_id": 6503, "text": "How does Cal escape the Titanic?" }, { "_id": 6504, "text": "What happens to the Heart of the Ocean at the end?" }, { "_id": 6505, "text": "What is the Galactic Empire's Space Star capable of?" }, { "_id": 6506, "text": "Who is the Rrebel Alliance leader?" }, { "_id": 6507, "text": "What did Leia do with the plans before she was captured?" }, { "_id": 6508, "text": "How did Luke Skywalker accidently trigger part of Leia's plan?" }, { "_id": 6509, "text": "Where did Obi-Wan tell Luke that the Galactic peace keepers got their powers from?" }, { "_id": 6510, "text": "Which weapon did Obi-Wan present Luke with after explaining that Vader turned to the dark side?" }, { "_id": 6511, "text": "What did Luke and Obi-Wan hire Hans ans Chewbacca to do?" }, { "_id": 6512, "text": "Who did Obi-Wan engage in a lightsaber duel with?" }, { "_id": 6513, "text": "How did the Empire find the Rebels' hidden base on Yavin?" }, { "_id": 6514, "text": "What did the Rebel Alliance spies steal? " }, { "_id": 6515, "text": "What is R2-D2? " }, { "_id": 6516, "text": "What type of planet is Tatooine? " }, { "_id": 6517, "text": "How does Luke trigger Leia's message? " }, { "_id": 6518, "text": "What does the hermit Ben Kenobi reveal to Luke?" }, { "_id": 6519, "text": "Why does Luke change his mind about going with Obi-Wan?" }, { "_id": 6520, "text": "Who is the Death Star's commanding officer? " }, { "_id": 6521, "text": "Who does Luke discover imprisoned on the Death Star?" }, { "_id": 6522, "text": "What is the Falcon unknowingly carrying when it escapes the Death Star?" }, { "_id": 6523, "text": "What helps guide Luke to use the force and destroy the Death Star? " }, { "_id": 6524, "text": "Who stole plans for the Galactic Empire's Death Star?" }, { "_id": 6525, "text": "What is the Galactic Empire's Death Star?" }, { "_id": 6526, "text": "Who has Death Star plans?" }, { "_id": 6527, "text": "Who captures Princess Leia's ship?" }, { "_id": 6528, "text": "Where does Leia hide the Death Star plans before she's captured?" }, { "_id": 6529, "text": "Where does R2-D2 flee with C3PO?" }, { "_id": 6530, "text": "Who captured R2-D2 and C3PO?" }, { "_id": 6531, "text": "Who does Luke find out his father Anakin fought alongside?" }, { "_id": 6532, "text": "What did Obi-Wan get his supernatural powers from?" }, { "_id": 6533, "text": "What did Obi-Wan give to Luke?" }, { "_id": 6534, "text": "Who was expected to take over as bishop after the previous one died?" }, { "_id": 6535, "text": "Who does Mrs. Proudie give the position of warden to?" }, { "_id": 6536, "text": "How many children does Mr. Quiverful have?" }, { "_id": 6537, "text": "How has Dr. Stanhope spent his time in Italy?" }, { "_id": 6538, "text": "Who do many characters think Eleanor plans to marry?" }, { "_id": 6539, "text": "What does Mrs. Bold do when Mr. Slope proposes?" }, { "_id": 6540, "text": "Why does Mr. Harding not accept the position of dean?" }, { "_id": 6541, "text": "Who does Mr. Harding have made dean instead of himself?" }, { "_id": 6542, "text": "Where do the Stanhopes' go at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6543, "text": "Who does Dr. Stanhope bring with him to Cathedral Close?" }, { "_id": 6544, "text": "Why is Archdeacon Grantley expected to succeed the previous bishop?" }, { "_id": 6545, "text": "Who becomes the new bishop?" }, { "_id": 6546, "text": "What is the popular opinion concerning the Proudies?" }, { "_id": 6547, "text": "Where is Dr Stanhope ordered to come back from?" }, { "_id": 6548, "text": "How many of his daughters come with Dr Stanhope?" }, { "_id": 6549, "text": "Which daught of Stanhope's does Mrs. Proudie despise?" }, { "_id": 6550, "text": "What do Stanhope's daughters scheme for their brother, Bertie?" }, { "_id": 6551, "text": "Where does the major final conflict come to a head?" }, { "_id": 6552, "text": "Who becomes engaged?" }, { "_id": 6553, "text": "What does Mr Harding do instead of accepting being the new Dean?" }, { "_id": 6554, "text": "Who is the new Prime Minister at the cathedral church?" }, { "_id": 6555, "text": "Why is the new bishop unpopular?" }, { "_id": 6556, "text": "How many children does Mr. Quiverful have?" }, { "_id": 6557, "text": "How can Obadiah Slope be characterized?" }, { "_id": 6558, "text": "What is Dr. Stanhope's favorite pasttime?" }, { "_id": 6559, "text": "Who is attracted to Eleanor?" }, { "_id": 6560, "text": "What does Eleanor do when Mr. Slope proposes to her?" }, { "_id": 6561, "text": "What does Mr. Harding do with the archdeacon's help?" }, { "_id": 6562, "text": "Who does Mrs. Proudie appoint as warden of Hiram Hospital?" }, { "_id": 6563, "text": "Why does Mrs. Proudie believe Signora is a bad influence on her daughters?" }, { "_id": 6564, "text": "Whate is Hargrave's military rank?" }, { "_id": 6565, "text": "Who pursues Laura Montreville?" }, { "_id": 6566, "text": "Why does Laura refuse Hargrave's marriage proposal?" }, { "_id": 6567, "text": "By reefusing the marriage proposal, what does Laura miss out on?" }, { "_id": 6568, "text": "Where does Laura's father take her?" }, { "_id": 6569, "text": "What does Laura do in order to support her ailing father?" }, { "_id": 6570, "text": "What does Hargrave do after meeting Laura in London?" }, { "_id": 6571, "text": "After Hargrave's affairs husband finds out about their affair, what do the 2 men do?" }, { "_id": 6572, "text": "Why does Laura faint?" }, { "_id": 6573, "text": "What does Hargrave do to the husband in the duel?" }, { "_id": 6574, "text": "What did Laura Monreville tell Colonel Hargrave he must do in order for her to marry him?" }, { "_id": 6575, "text": "What does Laura sell to financially support her ailing father?" }, { "_id": 6576, "text": "What was the name of the man that began to fall in love with Laura during her time in London?" }, { "_id": 6577, "text": "What did Hargrave become involved in when he followed Laura to London?" }, { "_id": 6578, "text": "What was Hargrave urging Laura to do before she found out about the affair he was having?" }, { "_id": 6579, "text": "Who did Laura go live with after Captain Montreville dies from his illness?" }, { "_id": 6580, "text": "What were two of the more drastic measures Hargrave took to attempt to persuade Laura to marry him?" }, { "_id": 6581, "text": "Where does Hargrave take Laura after kidnapping her?" }, { "_id": 6582, "text": "What two things did Hargrave plan to do after kidnapping Laura?" }, { "_id": 6583, "text": "How does Laura fake her own death?" }, { "_id": 6584, "text": "What does Laura sell to support her father?" }, { "_id": 6585, "text": "Why does Laura refuse Hargrave's proposal?" }, { "_id": 6586, "text": "What does Hargrave have to do to convince Laura to marry him?" }, { "_id": 6587, "text": "Who does Laura go to live with when her father dies?" }, { "_id": 6588, "text": "What does Laura find out about Hargrave that convinces her to not marry him?" }, { "_id": 6589, "text": "What does Hargrave trick Laura into doing?" }, { "_id": 6590, "text": "Where does Hargrave take Laura when he kidnaps her?" }, { "_id": 6591, "text": "How does Laura escape Hargrave?" }, { "_id": 6592, "text": "How does Hargrave die?" }, { "_id": 6593, "text": "Who does Laura finally marry?" }, { "_id": 6594, "text": "What does The Bug do for money to buy the dress? " }, { "_id": 6595, "text": "What does The Bug have made of the dress's loud fabric? " }, { "_id": 6596, "text": "Who takes an accidental balloon flight to Africa? " }, { "_id": 6597, "text": "Who wants to kill the Woggle-Bug? " }, { "_id": 6598, "text": "What is unique about the animals of the jungle? " }, { "_id": 6599, "text": "What pattern is the fabric of the dress? " }, { "_id": 6600, "text": "What color handkerchief does the Woggle-Bug carry? " }, { "_id": 6601, "text": "What happens when the Woggle-Bug shows up to buy the dress? " }, { "_id": 6602, "text": "What type of humor is prevalent in this story? " }, { "_id": 6603, "text": "What does the Woggle-Bug love at the end of the story? " }, { "_id": 6604, "text": "How much is the dress the Woggle-bug fell in love with?" }, { "_id": 6605, "text": "What did the sale tag read on the dress?" }, { "_id": 6606, "text": "How many days did the bug work to earn enough money to buy the dress?" }, { "_id": 6607, "text": "What job did the bug work to earn money to buy the dress?" }, { "_id": 6608, "text": "Where did the accidental balloon flight take the bug?" }, { "_id": 6609, "text": "Who wants to kill the bug while in Africa?" }, { "_id": 6610, "text": "What did the bug say would happen if he is killed?" }, { "_id": 6611, "text": "In the end what did the bug bring back to the city?" }, { "_id": 6612, "text": "What was the bugs feelings toward the necktie made from the dresses fabric?" }, { "_id": 6613, "text": "In which most famous work by Baum did an accidental balloon flight take place?" }, { "_id": 6614, "text": "Why does the Woggle-bug fall in love with the dress?" }, { "_id": 6615, "text": "What work did the Woggle-Bug do to get money to buy the dress?" }, { "_id": 6616, "text": "Where did the Woggle-Bug start his search?" }, { "_id": 6617, "text": "Who does the Woggle-Bug meet to talk to?" }, { "_id": 6618, "text": "How does the Woggle-Bug get to Africa?" }, { "_id": 6619, "text": "Why does the Woggle-Bug earn higher pay digging ditches?" }, { "_id": 6620, "text": "Who wanted to kill the Woggle-Bug?" }, { "_id": 6621, "text": "How did the Woggle-Bug prevent his murder?" }, { "_id": 6622, "text": "What happened to the Wagnerian Plaid dress?" }, { "_id": 6623, "text": "What famous man does Peppy happen to bump into?" }, { "_id": 6624, "text": "What newspaper publishes a photo of Peppy's meeting with Valentin?" }, { "_id": 6625, "text": "What headline does Variety run the Peppy story with?" }, { "_id": 6626, "text": "What historical financial event takes place in 1929?" }, { "_id": 6627, "text": "What new genre of motion picture does Peppy become a star of?" }, { "_id": 6628, "text": "What old genre of motion picture was Valentin a star of?" }, { "_id": 6629, "text": "Who buys Valentin's possessions in an auction?" }, { "_id": 6630, "text": "Which picture is Valentin found holding in a burning apartment?" }, { "_id": 6631, "text": "What does Peppy threaten to do if Zimmer does not include Valentin in a new picture?" }, { "_id": 6632, "text": "What talent does Valentin discover works in talking pictures?" }, { "_id": 6633, "text": "How does Peppy Miller meet George Valentin?" }, { "_id": 6634, "text": "What is Peppy's trademark?" }, { "_id": 6635, "text": "Why is Valentin's new picture unsuccessful?" }, { "_id": 6636, "text": "What happens as a result of Valentin's picture failing?" }, { "_id": 6637, "text": "Who saves Valentin from the apartment fire?" }, { "_id": 6638, "text": "What was the only picture saved from the fire?" }, { "_id": 6639, "text": "Who bought Valentin's items that were up for auction?" }, { "_id": 6640, "text": "What does Peppy catch Valentin doing in his apartment after the fire?" }, { "_id": 6641, "text": "What type of silent picture do Valentin and Peppy make together?" }, { "_id": 6642, "text": "Who accidentally bumps into George Valentin?" }, { "_id": 6643, "text": "What does Peppy audition as?" }, { "_id": 6644, "text": "What is Peppy's trademark?" }, { "_id": 6645, "text": "What does Valentin do to his collection?" }, { "_id": 6646, "text": "Who becomes more successful?" }, { "_id": 6647, "text": "What is Valentin forced to do after going bankrupt?" }, { "_id": 6648, "text": "Who purchases all of Valentin's effects?" }, { "_id": 6649, "text": "Who is working for Peppy?" }, { "_id": 6650, "text": "Who attempts to commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 6651, "text": "What is Valentine's accent?" }, { "_id": 6652, "text": "How do Valentin and Peppy meet?" }, { "_id": 6653, "text": "Who buys all of Valentin's things at auction?" }, { "_id": 6654, "text": "What is Peppy's trademark?" }, { "_id": 6655, "text": "What type of accent does Valentin have?" }, { "_id": 6656, "text": "What day is Valentin's opening?" }, { "_id": 6657, "text": "Where does Valentin move after he is kicked out by his wife?" }, { "_id": 6658, "text": "Who lives with Valentin?" }, { "_id": 6659, "text": "What is Valentin's plan for the handgun?" }, { "_id": 6660, "text": "What was Valentin holding when the policeman found him in the fire?" }, { "_id": 6661, "text": "Who gets the policeman?" }, { "_id": 6662, "text": "Where does Ray Kinsella and his family live?" }, { "_id": 6663, "text": "What is the name of Ray's daughter?" }, { "_id": 6664, "text": "What sport was Ray's dad a fan of?" }, { "_id": 6665, "text": "Which deceased baseball player shows up at Ray's field?" }, { "_id": 6666, "text": "Who can't see the players?" }, { "_id": 6667, "text": "Which player played only one game for the Giants?" }, { "_id": 6668, "text": "Who demands that Ray sell the farm?" }, { "_id": 6669, "text": "What was Karin choking on?" }, { "_id": 6670, "text": "Who did Ray think \"the voice\" was?" }, { "_id": 6671, "text": "What do the hundreds of cars come to watch?" }, { "_id": 6672, "text": "What was John Kinsella an ardent fan of?" }, { "_id": 6673, "text": "What words does Ray hear while walking through a cornfield?" }, { "_id": 6674, "text": "What ghost of baseball does Karin spot in the cornfield?" }, { "_id": 6675, "text": "Who does the PTA wish to ban?" }, { "_id": 6676, "text": "What was Mann's childhood dream?" }, { "_id": 6677, "text": "What did archibald Moonlight Graham become after playing baseball?" }, { "_id": 6678, "text": "What famous baseball field does Ray take Terence Mann to?" }, { "_id": 6679, "text": "What does Mark want Ray to do with the farm?" }, { "_id": 6680, "text": "Who falls from the bleachers and almost chokes on a hotdog?" }, { "_id": 6681, "text": "Who saves Karin from choking?" }, { "_id": 6682, "text": "Who does Ray have a troubled relationship with?" }, { "_id": 6683, "text": "What did Ray hear while walking through his cornfield one evening?" }, { "_id": 6684, "text": "What did he see a vision of?" }, { "_id": 6685, "text": "Who was the uniformed man Karin saw in the baseball field?" }, { "_id": 6686, "text": "Who had a childhood dream of playing for the New York Dodgers?" }, { "_id": 6687, "text": "Where did Ray and Mann attend a baseball game together?" }, { "_id": 6688, "text": "What was the name of the player Ray and Mann saw on the scoreboard at Fenway Park?" }, { "_id": 6689, "text": "Who demands that Ray sell the farm?" }, { "_id": 6690, "text": "What did Graham do to save Karin from choking?" }, { "_id": 6691, "text": "Who is the player that removes his mask?" }, { "_id": 6692, "text": "Who does Mortimer Brewster fallin love with?" }, { "_id": 6693, "text": "Where did Mortimer and Elaine grow up?" }, { "_id": 6694, "text": "What does Mortimer think of the corpse in the window seat?" }, { "_id": 6695, "text": "What is the name of Mortimer's brother?" }, { "_id": 6696, "text": "What does Teddy belives he is doing in the basement?" }, { "_id": 6697, "text": "What is Dr. Einstein's occupation?" }, { "_id": 6698, "text": "How did the Bewster's come to America?" }, { "_id": 6699, "text": "What was the occupation of Mortimer's biological father?" }, { "_id": 6700, "text": "Who was Mortimer's biological mother?" }, { "_id": 6701, "text": "How many brother'sdoes Mortimer have?" }, { "_id": 6702, "text": "What religious identification did the Brewster family's ancestors belong to?" }, { "_id": 6703, "text": "What traditional societal value does Mortimer Brewster deride in his novels?" }, { "_id": 6704, "text": "On what day does Elaine and Mortimer Brewster marry?" }, { "_id": 6705, "text": "Why is it ironic that Mortimer falls in love and marry Elaine?" }, { "_id": 6706, "text": "What is the name of Mortimer's brother?" }, { "_id": 6707, "text": "What specific profession of doctoring does Dr. Herman Einstein practice?" }, { "_id": 6708, "text": "Where does Jonathan bury Spenalzo?" }, { "_id": 6709, "text": "What truth does Mortimer's Aunt's reveal to him?" }, { "_id": 6710, "text": "What did Mortimer's real mother do for a living? " }, { "_id": 6711, "text": "The Brewster Family is direct descendants of whom? " }, { "_id": 6712, "text": "Elaine is the daughter of who? " }, { "_id": 6713, "text": "What does Mortimer find in the window seat?" }, { "_id": 6714, "text": "How did the aunts end the long suffering of old bachelors? " }, { "_id": 6715, "text": "Who buries the bodies?" }, { "_id": 6716, "text": "Jonathan arrives with who?" }, { "_id": 6717, "text": "What monster does Jonathan resemble after it's altered by a drunk Dr. Einstein?" }, { "_id": 6718, "text": "Jonathan intends to kill who?" }, { "_id": 6719, "text": "What does Mortimer worry about a lot?" }, { "_id": 6720, "text": "What does Mortimer gleefully tell Elaine on the way to their honeymoon?" }, { "_id": 6721, "text": "What was Captain Shotover trying to create?" }, { "_id": 6722, "text": "What blows up when a bomb lands in the garden?" }, { "_id": 6723, "text": "Who is unconcerned about the air-raid?" }, { "_id": 6724, "text": "Who invited Ellie and her father to a dinner party?" }, { "_id": 6725, "text": "What unique shape is Captain Shotover's house?" }, { "_id": 6726, "text": "What will the burglar do unless he is paid?" }, { "_id": 6727, "text": "What should every English family have?" }, { "_id": 6728, "text": "Who has a Jamaican wife?" }, { "_id": 6729, "text": "What invention did Captain Shotover invent that didn't bring in much money?" }, { "_id": 6730, "text": "Who is the man that Ellie is in love with?" }, { "_id": 6731, "text": "What does Lady Utterword think will \"put everything right\"?" }, { "_id": 6732, "text": "What news does the maid bring?" }, { "_id": 6733, "text": "Where does the bomb land?" }, { "_id": 6734, "text": "Who does the bomb kill?" }, { "_id": 6735, "text": "What invention is Captain Shotover working on that will \"destroy dynamite\"? " }, { "_id": 6736, "text": "Who does Ellie originally intend to marry?" }, { "_id": 6737, "text": "Whose dinner party did Ellie Dun, her father, and her fiance attend?" }, { "_id": 6738, "text": "Where did the party take place?" }, { "_id": 6739, "text": "Who is Captain Shotover?" }, { "_id": 6740, "text": "What does Captain Shotover need to invent?" }, { "_id": 6741, "text": "Who is Ellie actually in love with?" }, { "_id": 6742, "text": "Who \"burglarizes\" Shotover's house?" }, { "_id": 6743, "text": "What does Lady Utterwood insist every English family should have?" }, { "_id": 6744, "text": "Who does Ellie eventually end up marrying?" }, { "_id": 6745, "text": "What news does the maid deliver to Shotover?" }, { "_id": 6746, "text": "Where does the bomb land?" }, { "_id": 6747, "text": "Who is the main character of the story?" }, { "_id": 6748, "text": "What kind of \"person\" is Lord Ruthven?" }, { "_id": 6749, "text": "Where does Aubrey meet Ruthven?" }, { "_id": 6750, "text": "How does Ianthe die?" }, { "_id": 6751, "text": "How does Ruthven get wounded?" }, { "_id": 6752, "text": "Aubrey is not allowed to talk about Ruthven's death for how long?" }, { "_id": 6753, "text": "How does Aubrey attempt to tell his sister about Ruthven?" }, { "_id": 6754, "text": "What happens to Aubrey's sister on her wedding night?" }, { "_id": 6755, "text": "What happens to Ruthven at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6756, "text": "Where does Aubrey meet Ianthe?" }, { "_id": 6757, "text": "Which character tells Aubrey about the legends of the vampire?" }, { "_id": 6758, "text": "Where does Aubrey accompany Ruthven to in the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 6759, "text": "What kills Ianthe?" }, { "_id": 6760, "text": "Who does Ruthven marry?" }, { "_id": 6761, "text": "How long does Aubrey have to wait until he can mention Ruthven's death?" }, { "_id": 6762, "text": "When is Aubrey's sister killed?" }, { "_id": 6763, "text": "What does Aubrey realize about Ruthven after he dies?" }, { "_id": 6764, "text": "Who attacks Ruthven and Aubrey?" }, { "_id": 6765, "text": "Where does Aubrey meet Ianthe?" }, { "_id": 6766, "text": "What other event occurs on the day the oath ends?" }, { "_id": 6767, "text": "Why does Aubrey leave Ruthven?" }, { "_id": 6768, "text": "Where does Aubrey go after leaving Ruthven?" }, { "_id": 6769, "text": "What does Ianthe tell Aubrey about?" }, { "_id": 6770, "text": "What happens shortly after Ruthven arrives to Greece?" }, { "_id": 6771, "text": "Before dying, what does Ruthven make Aubrey swear?" }, { "_id": 6772, "text": "What does Aubrey realize after Ruthven dies?" }, { "_id": 6773, "text": "What does Aubrey discover upon returning to London?" }, { "_id": 6774, "text": "What was Aubrey helpless to protect his sister from?" }, { "_id": 6775, "text": "What does Aubrey do before he dies?" }, { "_id": 6776, "text": "What happens on the night of Ruthven and Aubrey's sister's wedding night?" }, { "_id": 6777, "text": "What is the relationship between Clermont and Bussy?" }, { "_id": 6778, "text": "What is the relationship between Tamyra and Bussy?" }, { "_id": 6779, "text": "Who is responsible for Bussy's destruction?" }, { "_id": 6780, "text": "Who does Bussy's ghost rise and tell Clermont to punish?" }, { "_id": 6781, "text": "What character traits most strongly define Clermont?" }, { "_id": 6782, "text": "Who does Clermont's strongest allegiance lie with?" }, { "_id": 6783, "text": "Who is suspicious of the relationship between Clermont and de Guise?" }, { "_id": 6784, "text": "How does de Guise die?" }, { "_id": 6785, "text": "How does Clermont die?" }, { "_id": 6786, "text": "Who is the political manipulator that influences the King's suspicions about Duc de Guise?" }, { "_id": 6787, "text": "Who is Bussy's brother?" }, { "_id": 6788, "text": "Why is Monsturry the focus of Clermont's revenge?" }, { "_id": 6789, "text": "Who appears as a ghost in the story?" }, { "_id": 6790, "text": "Why does Clermont prefer relationships with men over those with women?" }, { "_id": 6791, "text": "Whose relationship is viewed with suspicion by the king?" }, { "_id": 6792, "text": "What is Clermont finally able to persuade Montsurry to do?" }, { "_id": 6793, "text": "How is Clermont different from Bussy?" }, { "_id": 6794, "text": "What are Tamyra's relationships with other characters in the story?" }, { "_id": 6795, "text": "Who is influenced by Baligny's mainpulations?" }, { "_id": 6796, "text": "Who is Clermont's brother?" }, { "_id": 6797, "text": "How is Clermont different from Bussey? " }, { "_id": 6798, "text": "Who is Claremont a follower of? " }, { "_id": 6799, "text": "How does Duc de Guise pass away? " }, { "_id": 6800, "text": "How does Clermont pass away? " }, { "_id": 6801, "text": "Who does Tamyra want Clermont to take vegengence upon? " }, { "_id": 6802, "text": "Besides Tamyra, who else comes to tell Clermont to destroy Montsurry? " }, { "_id": 6803, "text": "Where do Clermont and Montsurry finally meet? " }, { "_id": 6804, "text": "Who is Tymra? " }, { "_id": 6805, "text": "Who urges suspiscion of the king? " }, { "_id": 6806, "text": "How does Cooper find out about the secret NASA missions?" }, { "_id": 6807, "text": "What is the Plan A mission?" }, { "_id": 6808, "text": "Who is Dr. Brand?" }, { "_id": 6809, "text": "Which astronaut landed on the planet that is likely habitable?" }, { "_id": 6810, "text": "What is the name of the spaceship that Cooper, Romilly, Doyle, Amelia, and robots TARS and CASE use to travel through the wormhole? " }, { "_id": 6811, "text": "What causes Doyle's death on the first planet (Miller's) the crew visits?" }, { "_id": 6812, "text": "What lie does Mann tell Cooper and the remaining crew when the arrive at his planet?" }, { "_id": 6813, "text": "Who kills Mann?" }, { "_id": 6814, "text": "When Cooper enters the blackhole tesseract, with whom is he able to make contact?" }, { "_id": 6815, "text": "In addition to the human crew and robots, what does the Endurance carry with it on the trip through the wormhole?" }, { "_id": 6816, "text": "How many embryos did the Endurance carry on the first mission?" }, { "_id": 6817, "text": "Who was Murphy's \"ghost\" all along?" }, { "_id": 6818, "text": "What were the names of the two robots that traveled with Cooper?" }, { "_id": 6819, "text": "What would colonizing a inhabitable planet ensure?" }, { "_id": 6820, "text": "Who attempted to kill Cooper?" }, { "_id": 6821, "text": "What did Cooper's crew find from Miller's expedition?" }, { "_id": 6822, "text": "What was the name of the Black Hole?" }, { "_id": 6823, "text": "What was the purpose of the frozen embryos transported on the Endurance?" }, { "_id": 6824, "text": "What would the gravitational theory of Plan A allow?" }, { "_id": 6825, "text": "What did Cooper give Murphy before he left?" }, { "_id": 6826, "text": "In the story, why was farming difficult on Earth in the 21st-century?" }, { "_id": 6827, "text": "What was Joseph Cooper's former occupation?" }, { "_id": 6828, "text": "What does Cooper interpret the dust pattern as?" }, { "_id": 6829, "text": "When did the wormhole appear near Saturn?" }, { "_id": 6830, "text": "What is Brand's plan A?" }, { "_id": 6831, "text": "What is plan B?" }, { "_id": 6832, "text": "Why did Mann falsify the data?" }, { "_id": 6833, "text": "How did Mann die?" }, { "_id": 6834, "text": "Where did the tesseract allow Cooper to peer into?" }, { "_id": 6835, "text": "Who was Murphy's ghost?" }, { "_id": 6836, "text": "What does Megamind use to escape from prison?" }, { "_id": 6837, "text": "What is Metro Man's weakness?" }, { "_id": 6838, "text": "Why does Megamind name Hal 'Titan'?" }, { "_id": 6839, "text": "How does Titan get his superpowers?" }, { "_id": 6840, "text": "Why did Metro Man fake his death?" }, { "_id": 6841, "text": "What powers Megamind's death ray?" }, { "_id": 6842, "text": "How does Megamind survive being thrown by Hal?" }, { "_id": 6843, "text": "Where do Megamind and Metro Man live?" }, { "_id": 6844, "text": "What is Minion?" }, { "_id": 6845, "text": "What kind of car does Megamind have?" }, { "_id": 6846, "text": "What happened to megamind when he was a baby?" }, { "_id": 6847, "text": "Who is megamind's rival?" }, { "_id": 6848, "text": "Who does megamind think that metro man loves?" }, { "_id": 6849, "text": "What does megamind use to conquer metro man?" }, { "_id": 6850, "text": "Why does megamind's life seem meaningless after destroying metro man?" }, { "_id": 6851, "text": "What was Hal's superhero name?" }, { "_id": 6852, "text": "What caused megamano lose his invisible car?" }, { "_id": 6853, "text": "What did megamind mispronounce the name of the city as?" }, { "_id": 6854, "text": "Who congratulates his past rival?" }, { "_id": 6855, "text": "Who becomes rehydrated in a washing machine?" }, { "_id": 6856, "text": "Who does Megamind capture at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 6857, "text": "Why does Megamind capture the reporter?" }, { "_id": 6858, "text": "What happens when Metro Man is lured into the trap?" }, { "_id": 6859, "text": "Who does Megamind inject with Metro Man's DNA?" }, { "_id": 6860, "text": "What sets Hal Stewart off against Megamind?" }, { "_id": 6861, "text": "What do Roxanne and Megamind find in Metro Man's lair?" }, { "_id": 6862, "text": "What happens in the fight between Megamind and Hal?" }, { "_id": 6863, "text": "Where does Megamind go after Metro Man refuses to help him?" }, { "_id": 6864, "text": "What does Hal Stewart do to Roxanne?" }, { "_id": 6865, "text": "What happens to the museum at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6866, "text": "What is the size of a pipe? " }, { "_id": 6867, "text": "Who is Luchesi?" }, { "_id": 6868, "text": "What outfit is Fortunato is dressed in?" }, { "_id": 6869, "text": "Montresors family crest has the words \"Nemo me impune lacessit\" whaich means?" }, { "_id": 6870, "text": "What proof does Montresor provide Fortunato that he is indeed a Mason?" }, { "_id": 6871, "text": "What is the drink Montresor wants Fortunato to sample?" }, { "_id": 6872, "text": "What opportunity does Montresor give to Fortunato to turn back and leave?" }, { "_id": 6873, "text": "What was the last thing Mortresor did as he sealed Fortunato in his tomb? " }, { "_id": 6874, "text": "What did the quote \"In pace requiescat \" from Montresor mean? " }, { "_id": 6875, "text": "What does \"In pace requiescat\" mean?" }, { "_id": 6876, "text": "What was Fortunato wearing?" }, { "_id": 6877, "text": "What is the name of the murderer?" }, { "_id": 6878, "text": "After building the wall, what did Montresor drop through the gap?" }, { "_id": 6879, "text": "What did Montresor warn Fortunato about?" }, { "_id": 6880, "text": "Why did Montresor want Fortunato of the dampness?" }, { "_id": 6881, "text": "Who is Luchesi?" }, { "_id": 6882, "text": "How was Fortunado lured to the catacombs?" }, { "_id": 6883, "text": "What type of rare wine did Montresor tell Fortunato he had?" }, { "_id": 6884, "text": "How did Montresor restrain Fortunato so he could bury him?" }, { "_id": 6885, "text": "Who is the narrator? " }, { "_id": 6886, "text": "Who does Montresor take revenge on? " }, { "_id": 6887, "text": "What is Fortunato wearing at Carnival? " }, { "_id": 6888, "text": "How does Montresor lure Fortunato to the cellar? " }, { "_id": 6889, "text": "What animal is in Montresor's family coat of arms? " }, { "_id": 6890, "text": "Who cannot tell amontillado from sherry? " }, { "_id": 6891, "text": "Who has a bad cough? " }, { "_id": 6892, "text": "What is Montresor's family motto? " }, { "_id": 6893, "text": "In what condition is Fortunato when walking through the catacombs? " }, { "_id": 6894, "text": "What is Brandon Langs job?" }, { "_id": 6895, "text": "Who takes Brandon under his wing?" }, { "_id": 6896, "text": "What is the name of Abrams television show?" }, { "_id": 6897, "text": "Who is infuriated that Lang is added to the show?" }, { "_id": 6898, "text": "Who helped remake Lang's image?" }, { "_id": 6899, "text": "Who assaulted Lang?" }, { "_id": 6900, "text": "What does Lang's high rolling lifestyle depend on?" }, { "_id": 6901, "text": "Who grows unstable?" }, { "_id": 6902, "text": "How much is at stake when Lang places his last bet?" }, { "_id": 6903, "text": "Who is a gambling addict and an alcoholic?" }, { "_id": 6904, "text": "How does Lang make his final prediction?" }, { "_id": 6905, "text": "Why does Lang and Abrams' go sour?" }, { "_id": 6906, "text": "Who does Abrams suspect is having an affair with his wife?" }, { "_id": 6907, "text": "Why did Brandon Lang quit playing football?" }, { "_id": 6908, "text": "Lang catches the eye of what man?" }, { "_id": 6909, "text": "What is Lang's TV persona's name?" }, { "_id": 6910, "text": "What is Abrams' TV show called?" }, { "_id": 6911, "text": "Who assaulted Lang?" }, { "_id": 6912, "text": "What does Lang succeed at doing after his college football days?" }, { "_id": 6913, "text": "What does Lang take a job doing at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6914, "text": "Why did Brandon Lang's football career end?" }, { "_id": 6915, "text": "What job does Brandon take at the end of his football career?" }, { "_id": 6916, "text": "What is Abram's television show called?" }, { "_id": 6917, "text": "Why does Abram's TV shows' popularity suddenly surge?" }, { "_id": 6918, "text": "What is the name of Walter's wife?" }, { "_id": 6919, "text": "What does Toni do for a living?" }, { "_id": 6920, "text": "Who is responsible for the physical attack on Lang?" }, { "_id": 6921, "text": "Why was Lang physically attacked?" }, { "_id": 6922, "text": "How does Lang predict the correct outcome of the game at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6923, "text": "What job does Lang take at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 6924, "text": "When does Marius depart for boarding school?" }, { "_id": 6925, "text": "Who makes Marius love literature?" }, { "_id": 6926, "text": "Why does Marius question the values of Stoicism?" }, { "_id": 6927, "text": "Who is assigned amanuensis to Emperor Aurelius? " }, { "_id": 6928, "text": "Who is the woman Marius initially meets after Cornelius takes him to a house in Campagna?" }, { "_id": 6929, "text": "How is Cornelius made free after he is captured?" }, { "_id": 6930, "text": "How does Marius escape his captors?" }, { "_id": 6931, "text": "Who takes care of Marius as he is dying?" }, { "_id": 6932, "text": "Why does Marius continue to visit with Cornelius to the Campagna and Alban hills?" }, { "_id": 6933, "text": "Who is the knight Marius befriends on his way to Rome?" }, { "_id": 6934, "text": "How many siblings does Marius have?" }, { "_id": 6935, "text": "Where does Marius go after his mother dies?" }, { "_id": 6936, "text": "What does Flavianus teach Marius to love?" }, { "_id": 6937, "text": "What happens to Flavian during the Festival of Isis?" }, { "_id": 6938, "text": "Who does Marius meet on his way to Rome?" }, { "_id": 6939, "text": "Who is the emperor when Marius arrives in Rome?" }, { "_id": 6940, "text": "Where does Marius experience a spiritual epiphany?" }, { "_id": 6941, "text": "Why are Marius and Cornelius arrested as they are returning to Rome?" }, { "_id": 6942, "text": "Who tends to Marius in his last days?" }, { "_id": 6943, "text": "What does Marius find in his final hours?" }, { "_id": 6944, "text": "Where did Marius grow up?" }, { "_id": 6945, "text": "What signified his childhood ending?" }, { "_id": 6946, "text": "What does Marius bury when he travels back home?" }, { "_id": 6947, "text": "Why was Marius arrested?" }, { "_id": 6948, "text": "How many siblings did Marius have?" }, { "_id": 6949, "text": "Who does Marius meet on his way to Rome?" }, { "_id": 6950, "text": "Where did Marius have his spiritual \"epiphany\"?" }, { "_id": 6951, "text": "The household in the Campagna centered around whom?" }, { "_id": 6952, "text": "Why was Marius abandoned by his captors?" }, { "_id": 6953, "text": "Who took care of Marius as he was dying?" }, { "_id": 6954, "text": "What does Becca do next to Evan on a bed?" }, { "_id": 6955, "text": "How does Jules get a bruised eye?" }, { "_id": 6956, "text": "Why is Seth hurt by Fogell?" }, { "_id": 6957, "text": "Why did the cops frame Seth and Evan?" }, { "_id": 6958, "text": "Where was Evan accepted into college?" }, { "_id": 6959, "text": "Who invited Seth to a party?" }, { "_id": 6960, "text": "What did Seth fill detergent bottles with?" }, { "_id": 6961, "text": "Who punched Fogell in the face at the liquor store?" }, { "_id": 6962, "text": "Where did Slater and Michaels give Fogell a ride to?" }, { "_id": 6963, "text": "Why did the cops pretend to arrest Fogell?" }, { "_id": 6964, "text": "Why were Seth and Even met with derision after seeing Fogells fake ID?" }, { "_id": 6965, "text": "What goes wrong after Fogell successfully buys the alcohol at the store?" }, { "_id": 6966, "text": "What does Evan do to Seth during their argument after running away from the party?" }, { "_id": 6967, "text": "Who is going to be Evans roomate in Dartmouth?" }, { "_id": 6968, "text": "How long did Fogells lovemaking last?" }, { "_id": 6969, "text": "Why did the cops pretend to arrest Fogell?" }, { "_id": 6970, "text": "What does Seth take Jules to buy at the mall?" }, { "_id": 6971, "text": "Whoa ccidentally bruises Jules' eye?" }, { "_id": 6972, "text": "Who did Seth and Even meet up at the mall with?" }, { "_id": 6973, "text": "What college did only Evan get admitted?" }, { "_id": 6974, "text": "Who is Seth partnered with for Home-Ec class?" }, { "_id": 6975, "text": "Why does Seth agree to bring the alcohol to Jules's party?" }, { "_id": 6976, "text": "Who interrupts Fogell's chance at buying alcohol?" }, { "_id": 6977, "text": "Who is driving the car that hits Seth?" }, { "_id": 6978, "text": "Why does Becca take Evan upstairs?" }, { "_id": 6979, "text": "How does Jules end up with a bruised eye?" }, { "_id": 6980, "text": "Why does Jules initially turn Seth's kiss down?" }, { "_id": 6981, "text": "How does Seth save Evan?" }, { "_id": 6982, "text": "Why do the cops pretend to arrest Fogell?" }, { "_id": 6983, "text": "Why did Marilla take in the twins?" }, { "_id": 6984, "text": "What is Anne's job?" }, { "_id": 6985, "text": "Whose cow did Anne sell?" }, { "_id": 6986, "text": "What can Anne do once Mrs. Lynde moves in with Marilla?" }, { "_id": 6987, "text": "What type of pet does Mr. Harrison have?" }, { "_id": 6988, "text": "What is the name of the school where Anne teaches?" }, { "_id": 6989, "text": "With whom does Paul live?" }, { "_id": 6990, "text": "What color was the town hall painted?" }, { "_id": 6991, "text": "Who does Mr. Irving marry?" }, { "_id": 6992, "text": "What are the twins' names?" }, { "_id": 6993, "text": "What profession does Anne have as a teenager?" }, { "_id": 6994, "text": "Where does Anne teach?" }, { "_id": 6995, "text": "Why does Anne agree to take care of the twins Davy and Dora?" }, { "_id": 6996, "text": "Why is Anne relieved when the twins uncle dies?" }, { "_id": 6997, "text": "Who is Paul Irving?" }, { "_id": 6998, "text": "What do Anne and her friends create?" }, { "_id": 6999, "text": "What happens to the Old Town Hall?" }, { "_id": 7000, "text": "Why does Anne sell her neighbors cow?" }, { "_id": 7001, "text": "Where does Anne plan on attending college?" }, { "_id": 7002, "text": "Who moves in with Marilla at Green Gables?" }, { "_id": 7003, "text": "What does Anne do?" }, { "_id": 7004, "text": "Where does Anne teach?" }, { "_id": 7005, "text": "Who does Anne continue her studies with?" }, { "_id": 7006, "text": "Where does Anne continue her studies?" }, { "_id": 7007, "text": "Where is Gilbert teaching?" }, { "_id": 7008, "text": "Who is Anne's new neighbor?" }, { "_id": 7009, "text": "How are Davy and Dora related?" }, { "_id": 7010, "text": "How is Mr. Harrison's parrot described?" }, { "_id": 7011, "text": "Who is Paul Irving living with?" }, { "_id": 7012, "text": "Who does Mrs. Lynde move in with after her husband dies?" }, { "_id": 7013, "text": "What goes missing belonging to Louise's husband?" }, { "_id": 7014, "text": "How many years after Felipe's death passed by before Louise found love?" }, { "_id": 7015, "text": "How does Renee intially feel romantically towards the older gentleman?" }, { "_id": 7016, "text": "What does Felipe teach at one point?" }, { "_id": 7017, "text": "How many children does Louise have?" }, { "_id": 7018, "text": "Who is Louise able to help out financially?" }, { "_id": 7019, "text": "Where does Louise move to after selling her property in Paris?" }, { "_id": 7020, "text": "What does Marie do for a living?" }, { "_id": 7021, "text": "Where did Renee and Louise become close friends?" }, { "_id": 7022, "text": "Who does Louise find out has another family in Paris?" }, { "_id": 7023, "text": "Where do Renee and Louise meet?" }, { "_id": 7024, "text": "Which of the main characters has children?" }, { "_id": 7025, "text": "What is the name of Louise's first husband?" }, { "_id": 7026, "text": "What rank does Felipe have?" }, { "_id": 7027, "text": "How many children does Renee have?" }, { "_id": 7028, "text": "How old is Louise when her first husband dies?" }, { "_id": 7029, "text": "How does Felipe die?" }, { "_id": 7030, "text": "Who is Louise's second husband?" }, { "_id": 7031, "text": "Why does Louise commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 7032, "text": "Who is Marie really supporting in Paris?" }, { "_id": 7033, "text": "Who became friends at a convent?" }, { "_id": 7034, "text": "How do the two women keep their friendship close?" }, { "_id": 7035, "text": "What does Louise refuse to do for her family?" }, { "_id": 7036, "text": "Who gives Louise a fortune?" }, { "_id": 7037, "text": "What does Renee do once she leaves the convent?" }, { "_id": 7038, "text": "How does Renee see Louise?" }, { "_id": 7039, "text": "What does Louise never do that Renee believes to be wrong?" }, { "_id": 7040, "text": "Who does Louise confess her feelings to after discovering Madam Gaston?" }, { "_id": 7041, "text": "How does Louise die?" }, { "_id": 7042, "text": "Why does Marie Gaston give money to Madam Gaston?" }, { "_id": 7043, "text": "Who is the King of Iberia?" }, { "_id": 7044, "text": "Who defeated the King of Armenia?" }, { "_id": 7045, "text": "Who wants Arbaces to be assassinated?" }, { "_id": 7046, "text": "Who is Arbaces sexually attracted towards?" }, { "_id": 7047, "text": "What did the King do to Panthea?" }, { "_id": 7048, "text": "Who is Tigranes engaged to?" }, { "_id": 7049, "text": "Which two people plotted again Arbaces?" }, { "_id": 7050, "text": "What is Arbaces relationship with Gobrius?" }, { "_id": 7051, "text": "Who ultimately steps down from the kingship?" }, { "_id": 7052, "text": "Who doese Arbaces blame for falling in love with Panthea?" }, { "_id": 7053, "text": "Who is Tigranes?" }, { "_id": 7054, "text": "Who defeats Tigranes?" }, { "_id": 7055, "text": "What country is Arbaces king of?" }, { "_id": 7056, "text": "Who does King Arbaces fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 7057, "text": "What is Panthea's relation to Arbaces?" }, { "_id": 7058, "text": "What does Arbaces blame Gorbrius for?" }, { "_id": 7059, "text": "What did Gorbrius do that made Arbaces love Panthea?" }, { "_id": 7060, "text": "Who is Arbaces' biological father?" }, { "_id": 7061, "text": "Why did Gorbrius want Arbaces to love Panthea?" }, { "_id": 7062, "text": "Who decieves Arbaces with Gorbrius?" }, { "_id": 7063, "text": "Who is King of Iberia?" }, { "_id": 7064, "text": "Why did Arbaces bring Tigranes home with him?" }, { "_id": 7065, "text": "Who went into exile with Tigranes?" }, { "_id": 7066, "text": "Who orchestated Arbaces's assassination? " }, { "_id": 7067, "text": "Who did Arbaces blame for his sexual attraction to Panthea?" }, { "_id": 7068, "text": "Who is Tigranes?" }, { "_id": 7069, "text": "How was Arbaces's dilemma resolved?" }, { "_id": 7070, "text": "Why did Gobrius plan that Arbaces would become the legitimate king?" }, { "_id": 7071, "text": "Who did Tigranes end up falling in love with?" }, { "_id": 7072, "text": "What did Tigranes promise Spaconia?" }, { "_id": 7073, "text": "Which of Professor Tripp's students live with him?" }, { "_id": 7074, "text": "Whose child is the university chancellor carrying?" }, { "_id": 7075, "text": "Where was Jame when he shot a dog?" }, { "_id": 7076, "text": "Which two women is Professor Tripp being asked to choose between?" }, { "_id": 7077, "text": "Why did Grady put a dead animal in his car?" }, { "_id": 7078, "text": "Why is Antonia sent home after arriving at the party?" }, { "_id": 7079, "text": "Where were Grady's editor and the transvestite going when they met?" }, { "_id": 7080, "text": "How does Terry keep James from being arrested?" }, { "_id": 7081, "text": "What happened to Grady's incomplete manuscript?" }, { "_id": 7082, "text": "Who is Oola?" }, { "_id": 7083, "text": "What is Sara's job?" }, { "_id": 7084, "text": "What celebrity's memorabilia did James steal from the Gaskell's home? " }, { "_id": 7085, "text": "Which two characters have intimate relationships with Terry?" }, { "_id": 7086, "text": "Why does Terry offer to publish Walter?" }, { "_id": 7087, "text": "About how long is Grady's second novel before it is lost?" }, { "_id": 7088, "text": "Who does James claim won the \"replica\" gun at the state fair?" }, { "_id": 7089, "text": "Where does Hannah live?" }, { "_id": 7090, "text": "Who ends up with the Marilyn Monroe memorabilia?" }, { "_id": 7091, "text": "How often does WordFest occur?" }, { "_id": 7092, "text": "What does Grady teach?" }, { "_id": 7093, "text": "Why does James shoot the Gaskells' dog?" }, { "_id": 7094, "text": "Why is Terry really in Pittsburgh?" }, { "_id": 7095, "text": "Where did Grady get his car?" }, { "_id": 7096, "text": "How does Grady lose his manuscript?" }, { "_id": 7097, "text": "How does Terry convince Walter to not press charges against James?" }, { "_id": 7098, "text": "What does James steal from the Gaskells?" }, { "_id": 7099, "text": "What does Hannah do after graduation?" }, { "_id": 7100, "text": "What does Grady have to keep in his trunk for an entire weekend?" }, { "_id": 7101, "text": "What does Sara reveal to Grady at the party?" }, { "_id": 7102, "text": "What is the narrator's friend's job?" }, { "_id": 7103, "text": "What causes his friend to be killed in the mine?" }, { "_id": 7104, "text": "What do the subterranean beings seem to resemble?" }, { "_id": 7105, "text": "What ancient architecture does the underground city seem to represent?" }, { "_id": 7106, "text": "What is the name of the underground beings?" }, { "_id": 7107, "text": "From what civilization do the Vril-ya descend?" }, { "_id": 7108, "text": "Why did the Ana flee underground?" }, { "_id": 7109, "text": "What is Vril?" }, { "_id": 7110, "text": "What powers do the Vril-ya gain through controlling Vril?" }, { "_id": 7111, "text": "What does does the narrator's friend at the beginning of the story do for a living?" }, { "_id": 7112, "text": "How does the narrator's friend die?" }, { "_id": 7113, "text": "What do the people in the subterranean world resemble?" }, { "_id": 7114, "text": "Which kind of architecture does the first city the narrator visit resemble?" }, { "_id": 7115, "text": "Who are Vril-ya?" }, { "_id": 7116, "text": "What is vril?" }, { "_id": 7117, "text": "How long do vril women marry?" }, { "_id": 7118, "text": "Who falls in love with the narrator?" }, { "_id": 7119, "text": "Who orders the narrator's death?" }, { "_id": 7120, "text": "What will happen when Vril-ya runs out of subterranean space?" }, { "_id": 7121, "text": "When the narrator reaches the bottom of the chasm and is waiting on his friend to join him what happens to his friend?" }, { "_id": 7122, "text": "What does the city the narrator is guided through remind him of?" }, { "_id": 7123, "text": "How does the host's son and daughter learn English?" }, { "_id": 7124, "text": "What are some of the abilities the Vril-ya have?" }, { "_id": 7125, "text": "Why did the Ana flee underground?" }, { "_id": 7126, "text": "What is \"Vril\"?" }, { "_id": 7127, "text": "What is so interesting about Vril-ya marriages?" }, { "_id": 7128, "text": "What command does the host give Taee when he finds out that Zee is in love with the narrator?" }, { "_id": 7129, "text": "What does Zee do with the narrator instead of Taee killing him?" }, { "_id": 7130, "text": "What warning does the narrator give Zee once they reach the surface?" }, { "_id": 7131, "text": "What kind of business does Jane own?" }, { "_id": 7132, "text": "What does Jake Adler do for a living?" }, { "_id": 7133, "text": "How many years ago did Jane and Jake divorce?" }, { "_id": 7134, "text": "What is a side effect of Jake's secret medication that he has been taking?" }, { "_id": 7135, "text": "Who secretly finds Jake and Jane together at a hotel?" }, { "_id": 7136, "text": "Who gave a joint to Jane?" }, { "_id": 7137, "text": "Who did Jane start having a romantic relationship with, while still having an affair with Jake?" }, { "_id": 7138, "text": "Who is jealous of Jane and Jake dancing together?" }, { "_id": 7139, "text": "Who sees Jake naked on a webcam?" }, { "_id": 7140, "text": "What do Jane and Jake agree upon regarding their affair, after their children find out?" }, { "_id": 7141, "text": "What does Jane do for a living?" }, { "_id": 7142, "text": "What is the relationship between Jane and Adam?" }, { "_id": 7143, "text": "Who is Agness?" }, { "_id": 7144, "text": "Why do Jake and Jane get a divorce?" }, { "_id": 7145, "text": "How do Adam and Jane meet?" }, { "_id": 7146, "text": "Who does Jane have an affair with while dating Adam?" }, { "_id": 7147, "text": "Who sees Jane and Jake at the Hotel?" }, { "_id": 7148, "text": "How many children do Jane and Jake have?" }, { "_id": 7149, "text": "Why Do Jane and Jake's children not approve of their new affair?" }, { "_id": 7150, "text": "How does Jane and Jake's affair end?" }, { "_id": 7151, "text": "Who's college graduation did Jake and Jane attend before they started their affair?" }, { "_id": 7152, "text": "How does Harley find out about the affair?" }, { "_id": 7153, "text": "How did Adam and Jane meet?" }, { "_id": 7154, "text": "Who gives Jane a joint before Luke's graduation party?" }, { "_id": 7155, "text": "What did the doctor think caused Jake to collapse?" }, { "_id": 7156, "text": "What makes Jake jealous at the party?" }, { "_id": 7157, "text": "What makes Agness suspicious at the graduation party?" }, { "_id": 7158, "text": "Who sees Jake naked in Jane's bedroom through a webcam?" }, { "_id": 7159, "text": "How did Jane and Jake's children react when they found out about the affair?" }, { "_id": 7160, "text": "What do Jane and Jake decide to do after their children and Adam frind out about them having an affair?" }, { "_id": 7161, "text": "What political office place did Stark hold?" }, { "_id": 7162, "text": "What did Jack Burden do for a living?" }, { "_id": 7163, "text": "Who ended up killing Stark?" }, { "_id": 7164, "text": "Why did Anne help Stark so much?" }, { "_id": 7165, "text": "Who had an impeachment case brought against them?" }, { "_id": 7166, "text": "Stark educated himself into what job profession?" }, { "_id": 7167, "text": "Judge Stanton holds what relationship to Anne?" }, { "_id": 7168, "text": "Why did the Judge commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 7169, "text": "Who is Sugar Boy?" }, { "_id": 7170, "text": "Why does Sugar Boy shoot Anne's brother?" }, { "_id": 7171, "text": "What issue do Anne and her brother disagree over?" }, { "_id": 7172, "text": "What did Sadie and Sugar Boy have in common?" }, { "_id": 7173, "text": "Why was Stark mad at his mistress' uncle?" }, { "_id": 7174, "text": "How could it be argued that Stark was responsible for Judge Stanton's death?" }, { "_id": 7175, "text": "What is one piece of evidence that indicates that Stark was charismatic?" }, { "_id": 7176, "text": "What evidence is there that suggests Stark did not believe his son should take full responsibility for the death of his passenger in the car crash?" }, { "_id": 7177, "text": "How did Stark's personality change over time?" }, { "_id": 7178, "text": "Why did the journalist choose not to publicize what he found about Judge Stanton's past?" }, { "_id": 7179, "text": "What character in the story is thought to represent the real man, Carl Weiss?" }, { "_id": 7180, "text": "Why did Willie Stark run for government?" }, { "_id": 7181, "text": "How many times does Willie Stark run for Governor?" }, { "_id": 7182, "text": "What happened to Willie Stark's son?" }, { "_id": 7183, "text": "Who is Jack Burden?" }, { "_id": 7184, "text": "What is the name Stark's mistress in the story?" }, { "_id": 7185, "text": "What is Anne Stanton's relationship with Jack Burden?" }, { "_id": 7186, "text": "What does Sadie want Willie Stark to do?" }, { "_id": 7187, "text": "What does Jack hide from Willie Stark?" }, { "_id": 7188, "text": "Who is Judge Stanton?" }, { "_id": 7189, "text": "Who assassinates Willie Stark?" }, { "_id": 7190, "text": "What's the name of Andy's younger sister?" }, { "_id": 7191, "text": "What gets moved up a week that surprises the toys?" }, { "_id": 7192, "text": "What's the surprise gift Andy receives for his birthday?" }, { "_id": 7193, "text": "Who is Andy's destructive neighbor?" }, { "_id": 7194, "text": "Where does Andy's family go out to eat?" }, { "_id": 7195, "text": "What's the name of Andy's neighbor's dog?" }, { "_id": 7196, "text": "What's the Christmas day gift Andy receives?" }, { "_id": 7197, "text": "Who helps Woody save Buzz from being launched on a rocket?" }, { "_id": 7198, "text": "Which toy lands in a box next to Andy while they are in the moving van?" }, { "_id": 7199, "text": "Why is Andy's birthday party moved up a week?" }, { "_id": 7200, "text": "How to the spies transmit information about the birthday party?" }, { "_id": 7201, "text": "How does Buzz impress the other toys?" }, { "_id": 7202, "text": "What happens to Buzz when Woody attempts to trap him behind the desk?" }, { "_id": 7203, "text": "Who gets left behind at the gas station while on the way to Pizza Planet?" }, { "_id": 7204, "text": "How do the two who were left behind get to Pizza Planet?" }, { "_id": 7205, "text": "Why does Buzz become sad and depressed at Sid's house?" }, { "_id": 7206, "text": "Why is Sid unable to launch his firework rocket on the first attempt?" }, { "_id": 7207, "text": "What happens to RC while in pursuit of the moving truck with Buzz and Woody that temporarily delays them?" }, { "_id": 7208, "text": "What is Andy's new Christmas gift?" }, { "_id": 7209, "text": "How old is Andy?" }, { "_id": 7210, "text": "What kind of toy is Woody?" }, { "_id": 7211, "text": "What is Andy's surprise birthday gift?" }, { "_id": 7212, "text": "What restaurant does Andy's family go to?" }, { "_id": 7213, "text": "Who picks Buzz and Woody out from the crane game?" }, { "_id": 7214, "text": "Who is Sid planning to launch on the firework rocket?" }, { "_id": 7215, "text": "What is Sid's dog's name?" }, { "_id": 7216, "text": "What does Andy get for Christmas?" }, { "_id": 7217, "text": "Who helps Woody rescue buzz from Sid?" }, { "_id": 7218, "text": "Who lights the rocket on Buzz's back?" }, { "_id": 7219, "text": "What does Paula Power inherit?" }, { "_id": 7220, "text": "Who did Paula Power's father purchase the castle from?" }, { "_id": 7221, "text": "Who is George Somerset?" }, { "_id": 7222, "text": "What is the name of the amature photographer?" }, { "_id": 7223, "text": "What does Captain De Stancy represent to Paula?" }, { "_id": 7224, "text": "What does Somerset represent?" }, { "_id": 7225, "text": "Which way does William Dare try to discredit Somerset?" }, { "_id": 7226, "text": "Who alerts Paula to William Dare's deceit?" }, { "_id": 7227, "text": "Who does Paula run after?" }, { "_id": 7228, "text": "What happens to Paula's castle?" }, { "_id": 7229, "text": "Where does the term Laodocean come from?" }, { "_id": 7230, "text": "Who is George Somerset?" }, { "_id": 7231, "text": "Who is William Dare's father?" }, { "_id": 7232, "text": "How did William Dare deceptively promote his father's affections to Paula?" }, { "_id": 7233, "text": "Who told Paula about William Dare's deception?" }, { "_id": 7234, "text": "Where is George Somerset from?" }, { "_id": 7235, "text": "Why did George Somerset go to the continent?" }, { "_id": 7236, "text": "From whom did Paula's father purchase the medieval castle?" }, { "_id": 7237, "text": "What is referred to as Paula's dichotomy?" }, { "_id": 7238, "text": "What does Captain De Stancy represent to Paula?" }, { "_id": 7239, "text": "From whom was the castle purchased?" }, { "_id": 7240, "text": "George Somerset is from what city?" }, { "_id": 7241, "text": "What is the name of the village photographer?" }, { "_id": 7242, "text": "Who is William Dare to Captain De Stancy?" }, { "_id": 7243, "text": "Who discovers William Dare's subterfuge?" }, { "_id": 7244, "text": "Whom does Paula Power marry?" }, { "_id": 7245, "text": "What happens to the castle?" }, { "_id": 7246, "text": "From whom does Pala Power inherit the castle?" }, { "_id": 7247, "text": "How may architects does Paula Hire?" }, { "_id": 7248, "text": "What does George Somerset represent to Paula?" }, { "_id": 7249, "text": "Where is Cesar from?" }, { "_id": 7250, "text": "What office is he elected to in Paris?" }, { "_id": 7251, "text": "What is the name of his perfume shop?" }, { "_id": 7252, "text": "Who plans revenge against Cesar?" }, { "_id": 7253, "text": "Cesar plans to grow his business with what type of new product?" }, { "_id": 7254, "text": "What type of borrowed money speculation does Cesar get involved in?" }, { "_id": 7255, "text": "Who is the notary who absconds and leaves Cesar in heavy debt?" }, { "_id": 7256, "text": "What are the names of three bankers who refuse financial assistance to Cesar under instructions?" }, { "_id": 7257, "text": "What was the name of the region that Cesar was born in?" }, { "_id": 7258, "text": "What was the name of Cesar's perfume shop?" }, { "_id": 7259, "text": "Who is Constance in relation to Cesar?" }, { "_id": 7260, "text": "What is Anselme Popinot's work position in relation to Cesar?" }, { "_id": 7261, "text": "Who is Anselme Popinot in love with?" }, { "_id": 7262, "text": "In which year did the story start?" }, { "_id": 7263, "text": "What was the name of the uprising that Cesar was a part of during the Revolution?" }, { "_id": 7264, "text": "What award was given to Cesar during the Revolution?" }, { "_id": 7265, "text": "What type of product did Cesar plan to expand his business to include?" }, { "_id": 7266, "text": "What are Cesar's origins?" }, { "_id": 7267, "text": "What does Cesar often mention in conversation regarding the uprising against the Republic?" }, { "_id": 7268, "text": "What does Cesar plan to do before the ball?" }, { "_id": 7269, "text": "What does product does he plan to expand his business with?" }, { "_id": 7270, "text": "What does Ferdinand du Tillet do to get back at Cesar?" }, { "_id": 7271, "text": "Why does Cesar die happy?" }, { "_id": 7272, "text": "What must Cesar sell after declaring bankruptcy?" }, { "_id": 7273, "text": "What was Cesar awarded?" }, { "_id": 7274, "text": "Who is Cesar's wife?" }, { "_id": 7275, "text": "Who does Cesar sell La Reine de Roses to?" }, { "_id": 7276, "text": "What did Arnold promise Maia?" }, { "_id": 7277, "text": "Where is squire Ulfheim going after his stop at the spa?" }, { "_id": 7278, "text": "Who is Maia to Arnold Rubek? " }, { "_id": 7279, "text": "What does Irena claim to always posess?" }, { "_id": 7280, "text": "Why hasn't Irena killed herself before?" }, { "_id": 7281, "text": "Why does Arnold want Irena to live with him?" }, { "_id": 7282, "text": "Why do Arnold and Irena agree to climb the mountain?" }, { "_id": 7283, "text": "What kills Irena and Arnold?" }, { "_id": 7284, "text": "Where does Ulfheim urge Irena and Arnold to take shelter?" }, { "_id": 7285, "text": "What lingers in the air after the deaths of Arnold and Irena?" }, { "_id": 7286, "text": "What type of artist is Arnold Rubek?" }, { "_id": 7287, "text": "Who is Irena to Arnold?" }, { "_id": 7288, "text": "Why does Ulfheim discourage Arnold and Maia from taking a cruise?" }, { "_id": 7289, "text": "Where does Ulfheim want Arnold and Maia to go with him, instead of taking a cruise? " }, { "_id": 7290, "text": "Who does Irena confess to killing since she modeled for Arnold's sculpture?" }, { "_id": 7291, "text": "Why does Arnold want Irena to come and live with him? " }, { "_id": 7292, "text": "At the end of the third act, why are Irena and Arnold climbing the mountain?" }, { "_id": 7293, "text": "How do Irena and Arnold die?" }, { "_id": 7294, "text": "When Maia rebuffs Ulfheim's sexual advances, where does she demand to go?" }, { "_id": 7295, "text": "When does Maia claim she 'died'?" }, { "_id": 7296, "text": "What are Arnold Rubek and his wife Maia doing when our story begins?" }, { "_id": 7297, "text": "Where does Arnold promise to take Maia but doesn't?" }, { "_id": 7298, "text": "Who follows the manager past Arnold as he and Maia sit there talking after breakfast?" }, { "_id": 7299, "text": "Who is the woman in white?" }, { "_id": 7300, "text": "What does Irena believe that Arnold did to her when he sculpted her?" }, { "_id": 7301, "text": "What happens when Maia finds Arnold at the brook?" }, { "_id": 7302, "text": "Arnold wants Irena to live with him for what reason?" }, { "_id": 7303, "text": "Why did Irena stop from killing Arnold?" }, { "_id": 7304, "text": "Why do Irena and Arnold climb the mountain instead of climbing down?" }, { "_id": 7305, "text": "How do Irena and Arnold die?" }, { "_id": 7306, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 7307, "text": "Who does Lydia fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 7308, "text": "Who does Jack pretend to be?" }, { "_id": 7309, "text": "Why does Mrs. Malaprop object to Lydia's involvement with Jack?" }, { "_id": 7310, "text": "Who has arranged a marriage for Jack?" }, { "_id": 7311, "text": "Why does Jack agree to his father's marriage arrangement?" }, { "_id": 7312, "text": "Why does Jack agree to fight Sir Lucius?" }, { "_id": 7313, "text": "Why did Lydia reject Jack?" }, { "_id": 7314, "text": "Who is Delia, really?" }, { "_id": 7315, "text": "Why do Faulkand and Julia frequently quarrel?" }, { "_id": 7316, "text": "What kind of relationship does Lydia want?" }, { "_id": 7317, "text": "How does Jack try to win the affection of Lydia?" }, { "_id": 7318, "text": "Who has Lucius really been exchanging love letters with?" }, { "_id": 7319, "text": "Why does Jack finally agree to his fathers arranged marriage for him?" }, { "_id": 7320, "text": "Why do Faulkland and Julia always fight?" }, { "_id": 7321, "text": "Who convinces Bob Acres to challenge Beverly to a duel?" }, { "_id": 7322, "text": "Why does Lydia become upset with Jack when they are introduced with Sir Anothony in the room?" }, { "_id": 7323, "text": "Why does Jack agree to fight Sir Lucius?" }, { "_id": 7324, "text": "Why does Acres no longer want to fight Jack at the duel?" }, { "_id": 7325, "text": "Who does Lydia admit that she loves at the duel?" }, { "_id": 7326, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 7327, "text": "What two people does the story center on?" }, { "_id": 7328, "text": "What lady is Faulkland in love with?" }, { "_id": 7329, "text": "Who insists that Acres must challenge Beverley to a duel?" }, { "_id": 7330, "text": "Who does Sir Lucius challenge to a duel?" }, { "_id": 7331, "text": "What best describes Mrs Malaprop?" }, { "_id": 7332, "text": "Who is Jack's alias?" }, { "_id": 7333, "text": "Why does Sir Lucius challenge Jack?" }, { "_id": 7334, "text": "Why do Acres and Beverley beg off their duel?" }, { "_id": 7335, "text": "Who does Mrs Malaprop announce that she has been pretending to be?" }, { "_id": 7336, "text": "What is Abby's profession?" }, { "_id": 7337, "text": "After a disasterous date, what does Abby do after listening to Mike's show the Ugly Truth?" }, { "_id": 7338, "text": "If Mike's advice fails to help Abby land Colin, what has Mike agreed to do?" }, { "_id": 7339, "text": "What happens to Abby's show's ratings after Mike starts his segment?" }, { "_id": 7340, "text": "Based on Mike's advice, what should Abby do in response to jokes from Collin?" }, { "_id": 7341, "text": "Where does Abby fly to attempt to get Mike to stay with her show?" }, { "_id": 7342, "text": "When Abby is in Los Angeles, who shows up to surprise her?" }, { "_id": 7343, "text": "Where in the hotel are Mike and Abby when they first kiss?" }, { "_id": 7344, "text": "After Mike quits Abby's show, where does he take a job?" }, { "_id": 7345, "text": "Where are Mike and Abbey when MIke admits he loves Abbey?" }, { "_id": 7346, "text": "What city does the story take place in?" }, { "_id": 7347, "text": "What is the name of the television program that the main character first sees?" }, { "_id": 7348, "text": "Who has the station manager hired to do a segment on the main characters show?" }, { "_id": 7349, "text": "Which person lives next door to the main character?" }, { "_id": 7350, "text": "Which person advises the main characters love life?" }, { "_id": 7351, "text": "What two characters kiss in an elevator?" }, { "_id": 7352, "text": "What kind of festival is used near the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 7353, "text": "Who is forced to cancel a romantic evening?" }, { "_id": 7354, "text": "What State does this story take place in?" }, { "_id": 7355, "text": "What well know late night talk show host is featured in this story?" }, { "_id": 7356, "text": "What is the name of the protagonist in the story?" }, { "_id": 7357, "text": "What is Abby's occupation in the story?" }, { "_id": 7358, "text": "Who is Mike Chadway?" }, { "_id": 7359, "text": "What is the source of the argument between Abby and Mike?" }, { "_id": 7360, "text": "What is the name of the neighbor Abby has a crush on?" }, { "_id": 7361, "text": "What promise does Mike make if he can't help Abby start a relationship with Colin?" }, { "_id": 7362, "text": "What does Abby agree to do if Mike helps her establish a relationship with Colin?" }, { "_id": 7363, "text": "Why does the network want to cancel Abby's show?" }, { "_id": 7364, "text": "Where is Mike when he's offered another job?" }, { "_id": 7365, "text": "Why does Abby breakup with Colin?" }, { "_id": 7366, "text": "Who did Plato not deter from writing according to Cicero in speaking to Romans?" }, { "_id": 7367, "text": "Who did Cicero encourage through his writings?" }, { "_id": 7368, "text": "Who said Cicero was an Atticist?" }, { "_id": 7369, "text": "What did Cicero said made him not an Atticist?" }, { "_id": 7370, "text": "What did Cicero claim the perfect orator creates?" }, { "_id": 7371, "text": "Cicero stated that how many canons are of equal importance?" }, { "_id": 7372, "text": "Who wrote Orator?" }, { "_id": 7373, "text": "What does Cicero tell Romans to search and discover in Orator?" }, { "_id": 7374, "text": "Cicero outlined a guide to create successful orators across what society?" }, { "_id": 7375, "text": "With what ideas is Orator written?" }, { "_id": 7376, "text": "What the goal of the Oratory?" }, { "_id": 7377, "text": "What is rhetoric?" }, { "_id": 7378, "text": "What does Cicero propose about rhetoric?" }, { "_id": 7379, "text": "What is Cicero accused of by Brutus?" }, { "_id": 7380, "text": "How does Cicero respond to being accused of being an Atticist?" }, { "_id": 7381, "text": "Ciceo claims the perfect orator has what?" }, { "_id": 7382, "text": "What kind of topic works best for an oratory?" }, { "_id": 7383, "text": "What kinds of evidence can be used for an oratory?" }, { "_id": 7384, "text": "How many cannons are there for an oratory?" }, { "_id": 7385, "text": "Who is Cicero addressing?" }, { "_id": 7386, "text": "What does Cicero state to the Romans it is important to discover?" }, { "_id": 7387, "text": "Who was Cicero sure did not put an end to the studies of others?" }, { "_id": 7388, "text": "What did Cicero encourage the plebeians through?" }, { "_id": 7389, "text": "Who accused Cicero that he was an Atticist?" }, { "_id": 7390, "text": "How did Cicero argue that he was not an Atticist?" }, { "_id": 7391, "text": "What does Cicero claim the perfect orator creates?" }, { "_id": 7392, "text": "What ideas is Orator written with?" }, { "_id": 7393, "text": "Who and what did Cicero state did not deter Aristotle from writing?" }, { "_id": 7394, "text": "Cicero outlined a guide to help lead to successful orators across what society?" }, { "_id": 7395, "text": "Who does Bob and Phil perform for?" }, { "_id": 7396, "text": "Who is being removed from command?" }, { "_id": 7397, "text": "What is Freckle Faced Haynes also called?" }, { "_id": 7398, "text": "Who does Bob take a liking to at the club?" }, { "_id": 7399, "text": "Who does Phil hit it off with?" }, { "_id": 7400, "text": "When they go to Vermont, what city are Judy and Betty performing in? " }, { "_id": 7401, "text": "What is the name of the musical that Bob and Phil star in? " }, { "_id": 7402, "text": "Who is a successful variety show host?" }, { "_id": 7403, "text": "What is the name of the housekeeper that was eavesdropping? " }, { "_id": 7404, "text": "What is the title of Betty's new act? " }, { "_id": 7405, "text": "What day does the story begin on?" }, { "_id": 7406, "text": "What is the name of the newest hit musical by Bob and Phil?" }, { "_id": 7407, "text": "Who do Bob and Phil receive a letter from the day that their hit musical opens?" }, { "_id": 7408, "text": "Who is Bob smitten with when they go to see the sisters show?" }, { "_id": 7409, "text": "Which buddy from the Army does Bob call?" }, { "_id": 7410, "text": "What state is the Columbia Inn located in?" }, { "_id": 7411, "text": "What city does Betty depart for the take a job?" }, { "_id": 7412, "text": "Which character announces a phony engagement?" }, { "_id": 7413, "text": "What city does Bob invite the 151st Division to come to on Christmas Eve?" }, { "_id": 7414, "text": "What song does the division sing when the General enters the lodge?" }, { "_id": 7415, "text": "What is the name of the act Betty and Judy perform when Phi and Bob first go to see them?" }, { "_id": 7416, "text": "What sister does Bob fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 7417, "text": "Who runs the Columbia Inn in Pine Tree, Vermont?" }, { "_id": 7418, "text": "Who was eavesdropping when Bob was talking on the phone?" }, { "_id": 7419, "text": "Why did Phil and Judy stage a phony engagement?" }, { "_id": 7420, "text": "Who does Bob invite to the Pine Tree Inn on Christmas Eve?" }, { "_id": 7421, "text": "What branch of the military was Phil and Bob Inn?" }, { "_id": 7422, "text": "What is the name of Phil and Bob's new hit musical?" }, { "_id": 7423, "text": "What position did freckled-face Haynes have in the army?" }, { "_id": 7424, "text": "When the background set is removed at the end of the movie, what do you see outside?" }, { "_id": 7425, "text": "Whose murder is Ray Levoi investigating?" }, { "_id": 7426, "text": "In what state does this murder take place?" }, { "_id": 7427, "text": "Who assigned this case to Ray?" }, { "_id": 7428, "text": "What Native American tribe is Ray biologically apart of?" }, { "_id": 7429, "text": "What FBI agent is Ray partnered with?" }, { "_id": 7430, "text": "Who does Ray become attracted to?" }, { "_id": 7431, "text": "The locals mock Ray by calling him what?" }, { "_id": 7432, "text": "Who do the locals believe Ray has been reincarnated as?" }, { "_id": 7433, "text": "What FBI agent is apart of the scandal?" }, { "_id": 7434, "text": "What happens to Maggie Eagle Bear?" }, { "_id": 7435, "text": "Whose murder is Ray assigned to investigate?" }, { "_id": 7436, "text": "Where is Leo murdered?" }, { "_id": 7437, "text": "Why was Ray chosen for this task?" }, { "_id": 7438, "text": "What movement is Jimmy Looks Twice involved with?" }, { "_id": 7439, "text": "Who does Ray become attracted to?" }, { "_id": 7440, "text": "What do the locals mockingly call Ray?" }, { "_id": 7441, "text": "Who is Thunderheart?" }, { "_id": 7442, "text": "Which agent is said to be Thundeheart's reincarnation, according to the natives?" }, { "_id": 7443, "text": "Where is the mine polluting?" }, { "_id": 7444, "text": "Which two members are found dead at the end?" }, { "_id": 7445, "text": "Ray Levioli is assigned to investigate whose murder?" }, { "_id": 7446, "text": "Where did the murder take place?" }, { "_id": 7447, "text": "Why did Agent Dawes choose him for the assignment?" }, { "_id": 7448, "text": "Who is Ray given as a partner for the case?" }, { "_id": 7449, "text": "Who does Frank consider to be the prime suspect?" }, { "_id": 7450, "text": "Ray develops an attraction to a local schoolteacher, what is her name?" }, { "_id": 7451, "text": "Where did the original 'Thunderheart' die?" }, { "_id": 7452, "text": "What product of the mining operation is the government and business attempting to cover up? " }, { "_id": 7453, "text": "Whose murders lead to a showdown between Ray and Cooch?" }, { "_id": 7454, "text": "What charges are 'Cooch' investigated for?" }, { "_id": 7455, "text": "Why did local Mormons persecute Jane?" }, { "_id": 7456, "text": "Why was Jane ignored when she tried to defend Bern?" }, { "_id": 7457, "text": "What caused Tull to run after Venters screamed a name?" }, { "_id": 7458, "text": "When does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 7459, "text": "What did Bern predict about Jane's future?" }, { "_id": 7460, "text": "When did Bern get into a shootout?" }, { "_id": 7461, "text": "How did Jane and Lassiter finally get away from Tull and his men?" }, { "_id": 7462, "text": "Where was Wrangle's owner going when the horse was lost?" }, { "_id": 7463, "text": "Which relative brought Lassiter to Utah?" }, { "_id": 7464, "text": "Where is Bern's home?" }, { "_id": 7465, "text": "What does Gentile mean?" }, { "_id": 7466, "text": "Who does Jane not want to marry?" }, { "_id": 7467, "text": "Why is Bernie's arrest suspicious?" }, { "_id": 7468, "text": "Who defends Bernie?" }, { "_id": 7469, "text": "What is Lassiter looking for?" }, { "_id": 7470, "text": "Why does Venter's feel a lot of guilt after shooting the Masked Rider?" }, { "_id": 7471, "text": "Where does Venter's take Bess?" }, { "_id": 7472, "text": "What does Venter's lose while retrieving Jane's horses?" }, { "_id": 7473, "text": "Who does Jane pretend to love?" }, { "_id": 7474, "text": "What causes Deception Pass to be closed?" }, { "_id": 7475, "text": "What is the definition of Gentile?" }, { "_id": 7476, "text": "Who did Jane Withersteen's father want her to marry?" }, { "_id": 7477, "text": "Who did Elder Tull and his men arrest?" }, { "_id": 7478, "text": "What is Bern Venter's job?" }, { "_id": 7479, "text": "What was Bern Venter's horse's name?" }, { "_id": 7480, "text": "Why did Lassiter come to Utah?" }, { "_id": 7481, "text": "What is Jane's adopted daughter's name?" }, { "_id": 7482, "text": "Why does Bern Venter take care of Bess after he shoots her?" }, { "_id": 7483, "text": "Who does Bern fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 7484, "text": "Who does Lassiter kill because of Fay being kidnapped?" }, { "_id": 7485, "text": "How does Stu end up in a coma?" }, { "_id": 7486, "text": "What has Stu learned about his sister? " }, { "_id": 7487, "text": "What are exit passes good for?" }, { "_id": 7488, "text": "Who shoots the balloon that Monkeybone and Stu are clinging to?" }, { "_id": 7489, "text": "Where does death place Monkeybone? " }, { "_id": 7490, "text": "How does death send Stu back to the living? " }, { "_id": 7491, "text": "How does Monkeybone try and distract death?" }, { "_id": 7492, "text": "What does Herb keep asking everyone to do? " }, { "_id": 7493, "text": "What chemical substance does Hypos desire? " }, { "_id": 7494, "text": "What is Herb's relationship with Stu?" }, { "_id": 7495, "text": "What does Stu discover about his comic strip when he enters Down Town?" }, { "_id": 7496, "text": "Why did Stu Miley meet with Dr. Julie McElroy?" }, { "_id": 7497, "text": "Why does Stu seek advice from Hypnos?" }, { "_id": 7498, "text": "What does Stu need to return back to his body?" }, { "_id": 7499, "text": "What does Hypnos plan to do with Stu's body?" }, { "_id": 7500, "text": "How long does Death give Stu to return to the land of the living to find his body?" }, { "_id": 7501, "text": "What happens to Stu and Monkeybone after their balloon is shot down?" }, { "_id": 7502, "text": "Who is operating the giant robot that saves Stu and Monkeybone?" }, { "_id": 7503, "text": "What happens to Stu and Julie when they are reunited?" }, { "_id": 7504, "text": "How does Monkeybone plan on infecting people with the nightmare substance?" }, { "_id": 7505, "text": "Who is Stu Miley?" }, { "_id": 7506, "text": "Who is Monkeybone?" }, { "_id": 7507, "text": "Who is Dr. Julie McElroy?" }, { "_id": 7508, "text": "Who did Stu ask for advice during his time in Down Town?" }, { "_id": 7509, "text": "Who helped Stu escape from prison?" }, { "_id": 7510, "text": "Why did Monkeybone steal the Oneirix?" }, { "_id": 7511, "text": "How much time did Death give Stu to stop Monkeybone?" }, { "_id": 7512, "text": "In what way did Monkeybone plan to expose people to the Oneirix?" }, { "_id": 7513, "text": "How did Death deal with Monkeybone?" }, { "_id": 7514, "text": "What did Stu do at the end?" }, { "_id": 7515, "text": "Where was Iola Leroy born?" }, { "_id": 7516, "text": "What was the status of Iola birth?" }, { "_id": 7517, "text": "What is the name of Iola's brother?" }, { "_id": 7518, "text": "How is Iola sold into slavery?" }, { "_id": 7519, "text": "Who frees Iola from slavery?" }, { "_id": 7520, "text": "What does Iola do after the war?" }, { "_id": 7521, "text": "Who rescues Iola from a lecherous master?" }, { "_id": 7522, "text": "What does her New England suitor want her to do?" }, { "_id": 7523, "text": "What is the name of Iola's maternal grandmother?" }, { "_id": 7524, "text": "Who does Iola marry and where do they live?" }, { "_id": 7525, "text": "Where was Iola Leroy born?" }, { "_id": 7526, "text": "What is Iola's brothers name?" }, { "_id": 7527, "text": "What war did Iola's mother and father get married before?" }, { "_id": 7528, "text": "Where does Iola's father send her to to be educated?" }, { "_id": 7529, "text": "Who frees Iola during the war?" }, { "_id": 7530, "text": "Who saves Iola from a lecherous master? " }, { "_id": 7531, "text": "Who refuses to try and pass as \"White\" with Iola's? " }, { "_id": 7532, "text": "What is the name of Iola newfound uncle?" }, { "_id": 7533, "text": "Who is Iola's grandmother?" }, { "_id": 7534, "text": "Who does Iola marry?" }, { "_id": 7535, "text": "During what period does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 7536, "text": "What is Iola Leroy's ethnic background?" }, { "_id": 7537, "text": "Where was Iola born?" }, { "_id": 7538, "text": "When did Iola's parents get married?" }, { "_id": 7539, "text": "What does Iola's father do for a living?" }, { "_id": 7540, "text": "Where is Iola sent for her education?" }, { "_id": 7541, "text": "What happens to Iola one her father dies?" }, { "_id": 7542, "text": "Who frees Iola?" }, { "_id": 7543, "text": "Who joins Iola in refusing to pass as white?" }, { "_id": 7544, "text": "Where do Iola and her husband return to fight for racial justice?" }, { "_id": 7545, "text": "Who set the fire that killed Rudy Carges?" }, { "_id": 7546, "text": "Who does Malee decide is her \"soul mate\"? " }, { "_id": 7547, "text": "Why does Jeff commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 7548, "text": "Where does Kenny decide he's moving and then says Jacob can come too?" }, { "_id": 7549, "text": "What does Leonard do after the fire that angers his obese family?" }, { "_id": 7550, "text": "How does Leonard decide to help his mother lose weight?" }, { "_id": 7551, "text": "What is the name of the boy Jacob's parents decide to adopt after Rudy is killed?" }, { "_id": 7552, "text": "What reminds Jacob of his plan for revenge against Kenny?" }, { "_id": 7553, "text": "How does Jacob kill Kenny?" }, { "_id": 7554, "text": "What does Jacob see when he goes to the construction site the next day?" }, { "_id": 7555, "text": "Who is the boy killed in a tree house fire?" }, { "_id": 7556, "text": "Who set the fire ?" }, { "_id": 7557, "text": "Who seeks revenge against the Bullies?" }, { "_id": 7558, "text": "Why does Leonard decide to go on a diet?" }, { "_id": 7559, "text": "Who do Jacob's Parents adopt? " }, { "_id": 7560, "text": "Who changes the song to the one Gus liked?" }, { "_id": 7561, "text": "Why does Jeff committ suicide?" }, { "_id": 7562, "text": "How does leonard force his mother to lose weight?" }, { "_id": 7563, "text": "What does Jacobs mother remind Jacob about?" }, { "_id": 7564, "text": "What change does Leonard's family make?" }, { "_id": 7565, "text": "Where does Rudy Carges die?" }, { "_id": 7566, "text": "What two local bullies are responsible for Rudy's death?" }, { "_id": 7567, "text": "What is Jacob's relationship to Rudy?" }, { "_id": 7568, "text": "What physical mark distinguishes Jacob from Rudy?" }, { "_id": 7569, "text": "What is Carla's relationship to Malee?" }, { "_id": 7570, "text": "What is Gus' relationship to Carla?" }, { "_id": 7571, "text": "What is Carla's profession?" }, { "_id": 7572, "text": "What do Jacob and Leonard decide to seek as a result of the fire?" }, { "_id": 7573, "text": "How does Jeff die?" }, { "_id": 7574, "text": "Where does Jacob eventually kill Kenny?" }, { "_id": 7575, "text": "What is Evariste Gamelin's profession?" }, { "_id": 7576, "text": "Who lives in the neighborhood of Pont-Neuf?" }, { "_id": 7577, "text": "In what city did the action primarily take place?" }, { "_id": 7578, "text": "On what body was Evariste Gamelin a juror?" }, { "_id": 7579, "text": "What was Robespierre to Gamelin?" }, { "_id": 7580, "text": "What was Elodie's occupation?" }, { "_id": 7581, "text": "How did Gamelin die?" }, { "_id": 7582, "text": "To satisfy his own vengence how did Gamelin kill those who did not think like him?" }, { "_id": 7583, "text": "With whom did Gamelin fall in love?" }, { "_id": 7584, "text": "What years of the Reign of Terror were encompassed in this story?" }, { "_id": 7585, "text": "What is Evariste Gamelin's career?" }, { "_id": 7586, "text": "When is the story based?" }, { "_id": 7587, "text": "What role does Evariste play on the Revolutionary Tribunal?" }, { "_id": 7588, "text": "What happens to Evariste's friends?" }, { "_id": 7589, "text": "Who does Evariste have a love affair with?" }, { "_id": 7590, "text": "How does Evariste die in the end?" }, { "_id": 7591, "text": "Who are Evaiste's friends in the revolution?" }, { "_id": 7592, "text": "What happens as a result of the speedy trials in the Revolution?" }, { "_id": 7593, "text": "What is the fate of Robespierre, Evariste's mentor?" }, { "_id": 7594, "text": "What does Evariste do with his power of deciding who should lose their head?" }, { "_id": 7595, "text": "What is Evariste Gamelin's occupation?" }, { "_id": 7596, "text": "Who is Gamelin's mentor?" }, { "_id": 7597, "text": "Who did Gamelin have a love affair with?" }, { "_id": 7598, "text": "Where is Gamelin's hometown?" }, { "_id": 7599, "text": "From what years did the Reign of Terror in Paris last?" }, { "_id": 7600, "text": "What was Gamelin's role on the Revolutionary Tribunal?" }, { "_id": 7601, "text": "What was the name of the revolution that resulted from the fall of Robespierre?" }, { "_id": 7602, "text": "What club was Gamelin a member of?" }, { "_id": 7603, "text": "What killed Gamelin?" }, { "_id": 7604, "text": "What did Gamelin do as a juror?" }, { "_id": 7605, "text": "How does Charlie communicate with the \"Angels\"?" }, { "_id": 7606, "text": "Who is Charlie's assistant?" }, { "_id": 7607, "text": "Why does Charlie want the Angels to find Eric Knox?" }, { "_id": 7608, "text": "Who is Knox's business partner?" }, { "_id": 7609, "text": "Charlie asked the Angels to discover if Creepy Thin Man has stolen what from Knox?" }, { "_id": 7610, "text": "Why does knox want to find and kill Charlie?" }, { "_id": 7611, "text": "What happens to Charlie's offices?" }, { "_id": 7612, "text": "How does Bosley communicate with the Angels after he is kidnapped?" }, { "_id": 7613, "text": "Where is Knox holding Bosley?" }, { "_id": 7614, "text": "How does Charlie communicate with the angels while they are vacationing on the beach?" }, { "_id": 7615, "text": "What are the Angels?" }, { "_id": 7616, "text": "Who is Bosley?" }, { "_id": 7617, "text": "How does Charlie talk to the girls?" }, { "_id": 7618, "text": "What does Charlie tell the Angles their task is?" }, { "_id": 7619, "text": "What happened when Dylan spends the night at Knox's house?" }, { "_id": 7620, "text": "What does Dylan find out about Knox when she spends the night with him?" }, { "_id": 7621, "text": "What does Knox plan to do with the Redstars computer?" }, { "_id": 7622, "text": "Why does Knox want to kill Charlie so bad?" }, { "_id": 7623, "text": "What is Dylan's boyfriend called?" }, { "_id": 7624, "text": "Why do the Angels go to the beach house?" }, { "_id": 7625, "text": "What are the names of the Angels?" }, { "_id": 7626, "text": "Who do the Angels work for?" }, { "_id": 7627, "text": "Who is it that the Angles need to find?" }, { "_id": 7628, "text": "Who is Eric Knox?" }, { "_id": 7629, "text": "Who do the Angels think kidnapped Knox?" }, { "_id": 7630, "text": "Who is the Creepy thin man?" }, { "_id": 7631, "text": "How did the Angels determine if Creepy Thin Man stole Knox's software?" }, { "_id": 7632, "text": "Why does Knox want to kill Charlie?" }, { "_id": 7633, "text": "How does Knox plan to find Charlie?" }, { "_id": 7634, "text": "Who's help did the Angels get to rescue Bosley?" }, { "_id": 7635, "text": "Why did the Ozunu Clan train orphans?" }, { "_id": 7636, "text": "Who was the only person that was kind to Raizo?" }, { "_id": 7637, "text": "Why was Kiriko killed?" }, { "_id": 7638, "text": "Why does Raizo began to doubt the Ozunu clan?" }, { "_id": 7639, "text": "Where does Raizo land after he falls off of the skyscraper?" }, { "_id": 7640, "text": "Who convinces Raizo to seek help from Maslow?" }, { "_id": 7641, "text": "What happens to Raizo once he meets Maslow? " }, { "_id": 7642, "text": "Who stabs Mika?" }, { "_id": 7643, "text": "What does Raizo use to kill Lord Ozunu?" }, { "_id": 7644, "text": "Why does Mika survive her stabbing?" }, { "_id": 7645, "text": "What was name of the group led by Lord Ozunu?" }, { "_id": 7646, "text": "What was the mission of the Ozunu Clan?" }, { "_id": 7647, "text": "What was the name of the orphan set to be the next successor of the Clan?" }, { "_id": 7648, "text": "What does Maslow give Mika for emergency purposes?" }, { "_id": 7649, "text": "How are Raizo's wounds healed?" }, { "_id": 7650, "text": "What is the technique Raizo used to distract and kill Lord Ozunu?" }, { "_id": 7651, "text": "Where do Mika and Raizo go after escaping captivity?" }, { "_id": 7652, "text": "Who breaks into the Europol safehouse to kill Raizo and everyone else inside?" }, { "_id": 7653, "text": "What is over the walls Kiriko once tried to climb and escape?" }, { "_id": 7654, "text": "Who leads the Ozunu clan?" }, { "_id": 7655, "text": "Why does Raizo stay behind after Eurool leaves?" }, { "_id": 7656, "text": "Who kills Takeshi?" }, { "_id": 7657, "text": "After kidnapping Raizo, where do they bring him?" }, { "_id": 7658, "text": "Where does Raizo meet his clan?" }, { "_id": 7659, "text": "How does Raizo rebel against Lord Ozunu?" }, { "_id": 7660, "text": "Where does Raizo use the disguised female assassin?" }, { "_id": 7661, "text": "Who arrests Raizo?" }, { "_id": 7662, "text": "Who frees Raizo from his bindings?" }, { "_id": 7663, "text": "Where does Mika take Raizo to hide after getting near-fatal wounds?" }, { "_id": 7664, "text": "What is Ross sent to do?" }, { "_id": 7665, "text": "How long does it take Ross's ship to go from colony to colony?" }, { "_id": 7666, "text": "What negative affects the isolated colonies' populations?" }, { "_id": 7667, "text": "Who are Helena and Bernie?" }, { "_id": 7668, "text": "What are the people of the planet Jones like?" }, { "_id": 7669, "text": "What is the civilizatin of Earth like?" }, { "_id": 7670, "text": "Why has the techology in Ross' ship been kept secret?" }, { "_id": 7671, "text": "What is the name of the planet where the Joneses live?" }, { "_id": 7672, "text": "What is the result of genetic drift?" }, { "_id": 7673, "text": "Who is sent to discover the state of the insterstellar colonies?" }, { "_id": 7674, "text": "Why was the ships technology kept a secret?" }, { "_id": 7675, "text": "Who does Ross pick up on the trip?" }, { "_id": 7676, "text": "What is the fourth planet Ross visits?" }, { "_id": 7677, "text": "Who are the inhabitants of the fourth planet?" }, { "_id": 7678, "text": "What does the equation refer to ?" }, { "_id": 7679, "text": "Who decides to join the crew after Ross's discovery?" }, { "_id": 7680, "text": "What kind of people are inhabiting the actual planet they were seeking?" }, { "_id": 7681, "text": "What is the problem with degenerate worlds deduced by Ross to be ?" }, { "_id": 7682, "text": "What is the solution to this problem?" }, { "_id": 7683, "text": "How long does it take Ross' ship to travel from colony to colony?" }, { "_id": 7684, "text": "Why has the techonology of the generation ship been kept secret?" }, { "_id": 7685, "text": "Who are Ross' first two companions?" }, { "_id": 7686, "text": "What is the name of the race of almost identical people?" }, { "_id": 7687, "text": "Who joins Ross, Helena, and Bernie?" }, { "_id": 7688, "text": "What is the name of Dr. Sam Jones' planet?" }, { "_id": 7689, "text": "What did Dr. Sam Jones worship?" }, { "_id": 7690, "text": "Who protects the morons on earth?" }, { "_id": 7691, "text": "What is the state of the first planet that Ross visits?" }, { "_id": 7692, "text": "How old was blade when he became the vampire hunter?" }, { "_id": 7693, "text": "What is the name of the owner of the Rave club that blade raids?" }, { "_id": 7694, "text": "Who treats hematologist Kareb Jensen?" }, { "_id": 7695, "text": "What is the two elemental weeknesses that Blade and Whistler employ against the vampires?" }, { "_id": 7696, "text": "What is the name of the leader ot the faction of younger vampires?" }, { "_id": 7697, "text": "What name is given to a human slave controled by a vampire?" }, { "_id": 7698, "text": "What is the name of a anticoagulant that explodes when combined with vampire blood?" }, { "_id": 7699, "text": "What is the name of the vampire blood god?" }, { "_id": 7700, "text": "Who does Blade atempt to sve form Frosts Penthouse?" }, { "_id": 7701, "text": "How does Blade kill frost?" }, { "_id": 7702, "text": "What is Karen Jenson's job title?" }, { "_id": 7703, "text": "What is the name of the drug that Blade uses to kill Frost?" }, { "_id": 7704, "text": "How does Blade learn about the vampire history archive?" }, { "_id": 7705, "text": "Who is Whistler to Blade? " }, { "_id": 7706, "text": "Where was Blade taken by Frost to summon the vampire blood god? " }, { "_id": 7707, "text": "Why did Blade and Whistler tell Karen she she needed to leave the city? " }, { "_id": 7708, "text": "How did Blade's mother die during his birth? " }, { "_id": 7709, "text": "Why is the treatment Blade uses to control his desire to drink blood becoming less effective? " }, { "_id": 7710, "text": "What is the name of the owner of the nightclub that Blade raided? " }, { "_id": 7711, "text": "What job does the familiar who attacked Karen have? " }, { "_id": 7712, "text": "What are the elemental weaknesses of vampires?" }, { "_id": 7713, "text": "Who is the leader of the faction of younger vampires who strips the elders of their authority?" }, { "_id": 7714, "text": "Why are Frost and his kind considered inferior?" }, { "_id": 7715, "text": "What is the term used to describe a human slave controlled by a vampire?" }, { "_id": 7716, "text": "Who is the vampire blood god?" }, { "_id": 7717, "text": "What is the name of the anticoagulant that explodes when it comes into contact with vampire blood?" }, { "_id": 7718, "text": "In what year is Blade's mother attacked while giving birth?" }, { "_id": 7719, "text": "Karen synthesizes a vaccine that can cure the infected, but why does it not work on Blade?" }, { "_id": 7720, "text": "Who offers to cure Blade?" }, { "_id": 7721, "text": "What is the special serum Blade injects himself with supposed to do?" }, { "_id": 7722, "text": "Where does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 7723, "text": "What is this story about?" }, { "_id": 7724, "text": "Who is the older brother?" }, { "_id": 7725, "text": "Who is the younger brother?" }, { "_id": 7726, "text": "Violante tries to have who murdered?" }, { "_id": 7727, "text": "Who does Violante ask to murder Henrique and Ascanio?" }, { "_id": 7728, "text": "Who does Jamie accept as his nephew at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 7729, "text": "What is Ascanio's mother's name?" }, { "_id": 7730, "text": "Who does Leandro try to seduce? " }, { "_id": 7731, "text": "Who is the curate?" }, { "_id": 7732, "text": "What country is the story set in?" }, { "_id": 7733, "text": "Who is Don Jamie's older brother?" }, { "_id": 7734, "text": "Which character is the heir to their fathers estate?" }, { "_id": 7735, "text": "What is Henriques wifes name?" }, { "_id": 7736, "text": "What is Bartolus' profession?" }, { "_id": 7737, "text": "Which character works his way into the trust of Bartolus?" }, { "_id": 7738, "text": "Which character tries to seduce Amaranta?" }, { "_id": 7739, "text": "Which character is Jamies nephew? " }, { "_id": 7740, "text": "Which character eventually becomes the legal heir by winning a law suit?" }, { "_id": 7741, "text": "What does Leandro masquerade as to gain Bartolus' trust?" }, { "_id": 7742, "text": "What is the conflict the two brothers are fighting over?" }, { "_id": 7743, "text": "Who is the rightful heir?" }, { "_id": 7744, "text": "Who is lthe attorneys wife?" }, { "_id": 7745, "text": "Who is Ascencio?" }, { "_id": 7746, "text": "Why does Jamie want to kill his brother?" }, { "_id": 7747, "text": "Who tries to seduce Amaranta?" }, { "_id": 7748, "text": "Who is Violantre in the story?" }, { "_id": 7749, "text": "What is the lawsuit concerning?" }, { "_id": 7750, "text": "Who is octavio?" }, { "_id": 7751, "text": "Who is Ilya?" }, { "_id": 7752, "text": "What is Simon Templar's real name?" }, { "_id": 7753, "text": "Who were the Russian police loyal to?" }, { "_id": 7754, "text": "Against whom was Tretiak plan a coup d'etat?" }, { "_id": 7755, "text": "What does the cold fusion formula do?" }, { "_id": 7756, "text": "When fleeing the suburbs who helped Simon and Emma?" }, { "_id": 7757, "text": "How did Ilya get severely burned?" }, { "_id": 7758, "text": "In this story, who is the current president of Russia?" }, { "_id": 7759, "text": "When Simon and Emma exited the tunnel at the American Embassy, who was waiting for them?" }, { "_id": 7760, "text": "What kind of boy was Simon at the St. Ignatius Orphanage?" }, { "_id": 7761, "text": "How does Simon acquire the nickname \"The Saint\"?" }, { "_id": 7762, "text": "What does Simon steal from Ivan Tretiak?" }, { "_id": 7763, "text": "What does Treitak hire Simon to steal?" }, { "_id": 7764, "text": "Why does Treitak want to kill Simon and kidnap Emma after receiving the formula?" }, { "_id": 7765, "text": "Who helps Simon and Emma after they escape from police custody?" }, { "_id": 7766, "text": "How do Simon and Emma plan on escaping from Russia?" }, { "_id": 7767, "text": "What does Treitak plan on doing with the incomplete formula?" }, { "_id": 7768, "text": "What happened as a result of Emma giving the completed formula to Treitak's scientists?" }, { "_id": 7769, "text": "How did Treitak cause an oil shortage in Moscow?" }, { "_id": 7770, "text": "What does the story imply that Simon did with Treitak's money?" }, { "_id": 7771, "text": "Why does Simon want to run away from the orphanage?" }, { "_id": 7772, "text": "When did the girl fall from the balcony?" }, { "_id": 7773, "text": "How did Simon come to be called \"The Saint\" as an adult?" }, { "_id": 7774, "text": "Who saw Simon steal the chip?" }, { "_id": 7775, "text": "Why does Ivan want Simon to steal a formula?" }, { "_id": 7776, "text": "When does Ivan decide to kidnap Emma?" }, { "_id": 7777, "text": "Who does Simon disguise himself as before meeting Emma?" }, { "_id": 7778, "text": "How do Emma and Simon hide from Ivan after escaping from the Russian police?" }, { "_id": 7779, "text": "Which political position does Ivan want to assume?" }, { "_id": 7780, "text": "Where does Simon evade the Scotland Yard inspectors one final time?" }, { "_id": 7781, "text": "Who looked into the seeing stone?" }, { "_id": 7782, "text": "Who leads the Orc army against Faramir?" }, { "_id": 7783, "text": "What is the name of Isildur's sword?" }, { "_id": 7784, "text": "What is the name of the giant spider that paralyzes and binds Frodo?" }, { "_id": 7785, "text": "Who attacks Frodo at Mount Doom?" }, { "_id": 7786, "text": "What animal does Gandalf ride on to save the hobbits?" }, { "_id": 7787, "text": "How does Gollum achieve getting the ring back at Mount Doom?" }, { "_id": 7788, "text": "Who slays the Witch-King?" }, { "_id": 7789, "text": "Where is the volcano that Sam and Frodo are trying to reach?" }, { "_id": 7790, "text": "Why did Denethor go mad?" }, { "_id": 7791, "text": "What happened to Aragorn at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 7792, "text": "Where does Frodo go at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 7793, "text": "Who is dies after encountering the Witch-King?" }, { "_id": 7794, "text": "Who does Sauron believe has the One Ring at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 7795, "text": "Why do the Army of the Dead follow Aragon?" }, { "_id": 7796, "text": "Why does Gollum lead Frodo into the Spider's web?" }, { "_id": 7797, "text": "Where is the One Ring destroyed?" }, { "_id": 7798, "text": "Why are Frodo and Sam able to enter Mordor?" }, { "_id": 7799, "text": "What does Frodo lose in his fight with Gollum?" }, { "_id": 7800, "text": "Why does Pippin look into the seeing-stone?" }, { "_id": 7801, "text": "Who does Sauron think is the ring bearer?" }, { "_id": 7802, "text": "Who leads Frodo and Samwise to Minas Morgul?" }, { "_id": 7803, "text": "How does Aragorn recruit the Army of the Dead?" }, { "_id": 7804, "text": "Who is the giant spider who paralyzes Frodo?" }, { "_id": 7805, "text": "What land is Aragorn crowned king?" }, { "_id": 7806, "text": "Who does Aragorn take as his wife?" }, { "_id": 7807, "text": "While in the Mount Doom, how does Gollum secure the ring from Frodo?" }, { "_id": 7808, "text": "Gandalf rescues the hobbits from the collapsing Mount Doom with the help of what animals?" }, { "_id": 7809, "text": "Where does the Omegahedron land after it is blown out into space?" }, { "_id": 7810, "text": "Who recovers the Omegahedron on Earth?" }, { "_id": 7811, "text": "What does the Omegahedron allow Selena to do?" }, { "_id": 7812, "text": "What name does Kara Zor-El take on Earth? " }, { "_id": 7813, "text": "What is Ethan's profession?" }, { "_id": 7814, "text": "Who is the first person Ethan sees for a day after Selena drugs him a love potion?" }, { "_id": 7815, "text": "What is the eternal void where Selena traps Supergirl named? " }, { "_id": 7816, "text": "Who does Supergirl meet in the Phantom Zone?" }, { "_id": 7817, "text": "How does Supergirl defeat Selena?" }, { "_id": 7818, "text": "What is Supergirl's real name?" }, { "_id": 7819, "text": "What is Supergirl's home called?" }, { "_id": 7820, "text": "Where is Argo City?" }, { "_id": 7821, "text": "Who is the older sister of Linda Lee's new friend Lucy?" }, { "_id": 7822, "text": "What is the Omegahedron's purpose?" }, { "_id": 7823, "text": "Why does Ethan first falls in love with Linda Lee?" }, { "_id": 7824, "text": "What is Ethan's job at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 7825, "text": "What is the \"eternal void\" to which Selena attempts to banish Supergirl called?" }, { "_id": 7826, "text": "After taking on the identity of Linda Lee, who does Supergirl identify as her cousin?" }, { "_id": 7827, "text": "What object served as a portal allow Supergirl's escape from the Phantom Zone?" }, { "_id": 7828, "text": "Where is Argo City located?" }, { "_id": 7829, "text": "What object powers Argo City?" }, { "_id": 7830, "text": "What race is Kara Zor-El?" }, { "_id": 7831, "text": "What earthling ends up possessing the Omegahedron?" }, { "_id": 7832, "text": "Where does Selena put Linda?" }, { "_id": 7833, "text": "What grants Selena magical powers?" }, { "_id": 7834, "text": "What does Selena summon after Supergirl returns from the Phantom Zone?" }, { "_id": 7835, "text": "Who sacrifices themself to free Supergirl from the Phantom Zone?" }, { "_id": 7836, "text": "Who does Supergirl become enamoured with?" }, { "_id": 7837, "text": "What inanimate object does Selena animate and send after Ethan?" }, { "_id": 7838, "text": "Who wanted Rose to marry one of her cousins?" }, { "_id": 7839, "text": "Why did her aunts want Rose to marry one of her cousins?" }, { "_id": 7840, "text": "Which cousin was first chosen for Rose to marry?" }, { "_id": 7841, "text": "Why was Rose not willing to marry Charlie?" }, { "_id": 7842, "text": "Who was the second cousin to fall in love with Rose?" }, { "_id": 7843, "text": "What happened to Charlie?" }, { "_id": 7844, "text": "What was the nickname given to Mac?" }, { "_id": 7845, "text": "After Rose rebuffs Mac's affections, where does Mac go to wait for her?" }, { "_id": 7846, "text": "What does Phoebe do to earn her family's respect?" }, { "_id": 7847, "text": "How many cousins does Rose have?" }, { "_id": 7848, "text": "Where is Rose returning from?" }, { "_id": 7849, "text": "What do the Aunts want Rose to do?" }, { "_id": 7850, "text": "Why do the Aunts want Rose to marry one of her cousins?" }, { "_id": 7851, "text": "Who comes home with a cultured singing ability?" }, { "_id": 7852, "text": "How long does Rose promise to try high society?" }, { "_id": 7853, "text": "Why does Rose lose respect for Charlie?" }, { "_id": 7854, "text": "What causes Charlie's death?" }, { "_id": 7855, "text": "How does Rose feel about Mac at first?" }, { "_id": 7856, "text": "Where does Mac go to better himself?" }, { "_id": 7857, "text": "Who gets married?" }, { "_id": 7858, "text": "Who took care of Uncle Alec while he was sick?" }, { "_id": 7859, "text": "Why did the aunts want Rose to marry one of her cousins?" }, { "_id": 7860, "text": "Why didn't the family approve of Archie marrying Phebe?" }, { "_id": 7861, "text": "How long did Rose promise to try high society for?" }, { "_id": 7862, "text": "How did Rose lose respect for Charlie?" }, { "_id": 7863, "text": "How did Charlie die?" }, { "_id": 7864, "text": "How did Mac settle a joke with Rose?" }, { "_id": 7865, "text": "Who looked to Rose as a mentor?" }, { "_id": 7866, "text": "After Charlie died, who did Rose find out was in love with her?" }, { "_id": 7867, "text": "When did the Campbell's become accepting of Phebe?" }, { "_id": 7868, "text": "Why was the case against Jimmy dismissed?" }, { "_id": 7869, "text": "How does Miller know Jimmy?" }, { "_id": 7870, "text": "How did Julie get killed?" }, { "_id": 7871, "text": "Who discovered financial irregularities and confronts Miller?" }, { "_id": 7872, "text": "What time does Miller get into bed after leaving the scene of the accident?" }, { "_id": 7873, "text": "What does the embrace between Miller and his daughter at the banquet signify?" }, { "_id": 7874, "text": "Who tries to blackmail Miller in the story?" }, { "_id": 7875, "text": "When Jimmy is about to go to prison, what is the reason Miller gives Jimmy for not coming forward yet?" }, { "_id": 7876, "text": "Who did Miller manage his hedge fund with before trying to sell it?" }, { "_id": 7877, "text": "Who was killed in a car accident at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 7878, "text": "What did Robert's wife try to blackmail him into doing?" }, { "_id": 7879, "text": "Why did Robert claim he wants to cover up the accident?" }, { "_id": 7880, "text": "How did Robert avoid being arrested and get the charges against Jimmy dropped?" }, { "_id": 7881, "text": "What does Robert do for a living?" }, { "_id": 7882, "text": "Who found out about Robert's fraud and confronted him?" }, { "_id": 7883, "text": "What caused the car accident at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 7884, "text": "Why does Robert's wife first suspect that he was involved in the car crash?" }, { "_id": 7885, "text": "What crime does Detective Bryer want to charge Robert with?" }, { "_id": 7886, "text": "How is the woman who died in the car crash connected to Robert?" }, { "_id": 7887, "text": "Who dies near the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 7888, "text": "Who does Robert call to drive him home after the car accident?" }, { "_id": 7889, "text": "What does Robert do that makes his wife suspicious of him?" }, { "_id": 7890, "text": "Who also manages the hedge fund with Robert?" }, { "_id": 7891, "text": "Why is the case against Jimmy dismissed in the end?" }, { "_id": 7892, "text": "How does Brooke feel about her father at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 7893, "text": "What does Bryer initially try to arrest Robert for?" }, { "_id": 7894, "text": "What does Robert's wife try to blackmail him with?" }, { "_id": 7895, "text": "Who is Ellen to Robert?" }, { "_id": 7896, "text": "When before the grand jury, what does Jimmy not admit?" }, { "_id": 7897, "text": "Why does David Dokos halt construction?" }, { "_id": 7898, "text": "Why does Sam give the property the the woman from the trailer park?" }, { "_id": 7899, "text": "Why is George Monroe fired?" }, { "_id": 7900, "text": "What illegal job does Same pursue when George won't give him money?" }, { "_id": 7901, "text": "What does Sam decorate the house with to show George?" }, { "_id": 7902, "text": "What does George destroy the drawings with?" }, { "_id": 7903, "text": "What disease does George have?" }, { "_id": 7904, "text": "Who sits beside George until his death?" }, { "_id": 7905, "text": "Who tells Sam about George's death?" }, { "_id": 7906, "text": "What does Sam blackmail David with?" }, { "_id": 7907, "text": "Why is George Monroe fired? " }, { "_id": 7908, "text": "What happens when George destroys all the models but one?" }, { "_id": 7909, "text": "What does George plan to do with the house he is living in?" }, { "_id": 7910, "text": "Who is Sam? " }, { "_id": 7911, "text": "When Sam refuses to help with the house, and George refuses to just give him money what does Sam think about doing?" }, { "_id": 7912, "text": "Who are some of the people who decide to help George complete his house?" }, { "_id": 7913, "text": "What happens when George tells Robin and Sam about his cancer? " }, { "_id": 7914, "text": "Who is David Dokos?" }, { "_id": 7915, "text": "While George lies in a hospital dying what does Sam do?" }, { "_id": 7916, "text": "What does Sam do with the house he inherits?" }, { "_id": 7917, "text": "What is George Monroe's occupation?" }, { "_id": 7918, "text": "Why is George Monroe fired from his job?" }, { "_id": 7919, "text": "What illness does George Monroe have?" }, { "_id": 7920, "text": "What stage of his illness is George Monroe found to have?" }, { "_id": 7921, "text": "What does George decide to do to his house?" }, { "_id": 7922, "text": "Who does George want to help him build his house?" }, { "_id": 7923, "text": "Who is Sam alienated from?" }, { "_id": 7924, "text": "What job did Sam try to do after George wouldn't give him money?" }, { "_id": 7925, "text": "What medication did Sam steal from George?" }, { "_id": 7926, "text": "Who tried to stop construction of the new house?" }, { "_id": 7927, "text": "What does Smith run into when he regains consciousness?" }, { "_id": 7928, "text": "That girl that Smith falls in love with looks how old?" }, { "_id": 7929, "text": "What job does Smith take in the community?" }, { "_id": 7930, "text": "According to the people of the house, what language do they speak?" }, { "_id": 7931, "text": "How old is Yoletta acutally?" }, { "_id": 7932, "text": "Lying in this community can get you what type of penalty?" }, { "_id": 7933, "text": "Who is allowed to reproduce in this community?" }, { "_id": 7934, "text": "What is another term used for the Alpha male and Queen of the House?" }, { "_id": 7935, "text": "Trying to cure his passion for Yoletta, what does Smith drink? " }, { "_id": 7936, "text": "Where does he find the bottle that states it can cure the oppression's of time and disease?" }, { "_id": 7937, "text": "What narration style is used in this story?" }, { "_id": 7938, "text": "After getting out of the roots at the start of the story, what does Smith see that inspires him to go for help?" }, { "_id": 7939, "text": "At what event does Smith meet Yoletta?" }, { "_id": 7940, "text": "Why does Smith agree to work in the community for a year?" }, { "_id": 7941, "text": "According to the people of the house, what language do they speak?" }, { "_id": 7942, "text": "What are the primary characteristics of the people of the house?" }, { "_id": 7943, "text": "Why are there no children in the community?" }, { "_id": 7944, "text": "Who is the Father of the House to Yoletta?" }, { "_id": 7945, "text": "What does Smith hope to accomplish by taking a dose of the potion he finds at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 7946, "text": "What does the Mother of the House want to do with Smith?" }, { "_id": 7947, "text": "When Smith wakes up originally, what is he surrounded by?" }, { "_id": 7948, "text": "After Smith gets out of the plants, what does he see in the distance?" }, { "_id": 7949, "text": "When Smith walks to the house, what event does he encounter?" }, { "_id": 7950, "text": "What is the name of the girl that Smith sees at the funeral?" }, { "_id": 7951, "text": "What does Smith find out about the people who live in the house that shocks him?" }, { "_id": 7952, "text": "What did the humans in the future give up in order to achieve their utopia?" }, { "_id": 7953, "text": "Who can reproduce in the future society?" }, { "_id": 7954, "text": "Why does Smith feel sadness when he realizes that the humans gave up love and sex?" }, { "_id": 7955, "text": "When Smith is in the library, what does he see on the shelf?" }, { "_id": 7956, "text": "What happens with Smith drinks the contents of the bottle?" }, { "_id": 7957, "text": "During which time period does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 7958, "text": "As the story progresses, what happens to the Amberson's wealth?" }, { "_id": 7959, "text": "What secret is George unaware of that may come between himself and Lucy?" }, { "_id": 7960, "text": "What does George do to his mother that changes his life?" }, { "_id": 7961, "text": "How are the industrialist tycoons means of wealth different from the Amberson's?" }, { "_id": 7962, "text": "What happens in the story that changes the Amberson's wealth status?" }, { "_id": 7963, "text": "Who does George fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 7964, "text": "What economic changes affect George's relationship with Lucy?" }, { "_id": 7965, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 7966, "text": "What is a new money family?" }, { "_id": 7967, "text": "What is the first and last name of the woman George Amberson Minafer falls in love with?" }, { "_id": 7968, "text": "What city does this story take place in?" }, { "_id": 7969, "text": "What event is the primary cause of the Amberson family's decreased fortune?" }, { "_id": 7970, "text": "Why does George Amberson Minafer grow up to become \"arrogant\" and \"totally oblivious to the lives of others\"?" }, { "_id": 7971, "text": "How many generations of Ambersons does the story follow?" }, { "_id": 7972, "text": "With whom does George Amberson Minafer's mother have a long history with?" }, { "_id": 7973, "text": "During what point in time does this story start?" }, { "_id": 7974, "text": "George is unaware of a secret that could influence his relationship with Lucy. What is this secret?" }, { "_id": 7975, "text": "George's life is drastically changed because he sabotages someone's personal life, someone who is close to him. Who is this person who's personal life he sabotages?" }, { "_id": 7976, "text": "In what city is the story set?" }, { "_id": 7977, "text": "What neighborhood is the inspiration for the story setting?" }, { "_id": 7978, "text": "How many generations of the Amberson family does the story follow?" }, { "_id": 7979, "text": "In which war does the story start followng the Ambersons?" }, { "_id": 7980, "text": "Who is George Amberson Minafer's mother?" }, { "_id": 7981, "text": "With whom does George fall in love?" }, { "_id": 7982, "text": "Who is the most powerful and prosperous famliy in town at the turn of the century?" }, { "_id": 7983, "text": "Who spoils George terribly?" }, { "_id": 7984, "text": "For whom is Isabel forming a growing affection?" }, { "_id": 7985, "text": "Who sabotages Isabel's relationship with Lucy's father?" }, { "_id": 7986, "text": "Who is the head of mall security?" }, { "_id": 7987, "text": "Which evaluation does Ronnie fail that prevents him from becoming a cop?" }, { "_id": 7988, "text": "Why does Ronnie suspect that Saddamn is mall robber?" }, { "_id": 7989, "text": "On their ride along, what trick does Detective Harrison play on Ronnie?" }, { "_id": 7990, "text": "After Detective Harrison tricks Ronnie on their ride along, who does Ronnie return to the police station with?" }, { "_id": 7991, "text": "Who is the shoe store thief?" }, { "_id": 7992, "text": "In what way does Brandi betray Ronnie?" }, { "_id": 7993, "text": "What criminal activity bookends the story?" }, { "_id": 7994, "text": "Who does Ronnie do drugs and assault skateboarders with?" }, { "_id": 7995, "text": "What redeeming accomplishment does Ronnie manage at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 7996, "text": "Which mall does the story take place in?" }, { "_id": 7997, "text": "Who is the head of mall security?" }, { "_id": 7998, "text": "What is the name of the main characters dream girl?" }, { "_id": 7999, "text": "Where does the main characters dream girl work?" }, { "_id": 8000, "text": "What is the detectives name?" }, { "_id": 8001, "text": "Which character gets mad fun of for wearing a cast?" }, { "_id": 8002, "text": "Which character has sex with the main characters dream girl?" }, { "_id": 8003, "text": "Which character spends a night in jail?" }, { "_id": 8004, "text": "Which character gets fired towards the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 8005, "text": "What career does the main character initially aspire to be?" }, { "_id": 8006, "text": "Where did the flasher expose himself? " }, { "_id": 8007, "text": "Who did Ronnie punch in the face?" }, { "_id": 8008, "text": "Who is the head of mall security?" }, { "_id": 8009, "text": "Who is Nell?" }, { "_id": 8010, "text": "What did Dennis send Ronnie from Mexico?" }, { "_id": 8011, "text": "Where does Dennis flee to?" }, { "_id": 8012, "text": "Where does Brandi work?" }, { "_id": 8013, "text": "Who is Ronnie's dream girl?" }, { "_id": 8014, "text": "What does Ronnie have a prescription for?" }, { "_id": 8015, "text": "Who is Saddamn?" }, { "_id": 8016, "text": "Whaat happens each time John Hancock uses his super powers to stop criminals?" }, { "_id": 8017, "text": "Which city sends court subpoenas to Hancock asking that he address the property damages he causes? " }, { "_id": 8018, "text": "What does John Hancock do when he gets a count subpoenas?" }, { "_id": 8019, "text": "What is Ray Embrey's profession?" }, { "_id": 8020, "text": "What happens when John Hancock allows himself to be jailed in Los Angeles?" }, { "_id": 8021, "text": "Who is Red Parker?" }, { "_id": 8022, "text": "What is Ray Embrey pitching before he meets John Hancock?" }, { "_id": 8023, "text": "What does Mary tell Hancock happens when two immortals team up?" }, { "_id": 8024, "text": "Where does Hancock live after he leaves Los Angeles?" }, { "_id": 8025, "text": "What does Hancock do to show his gratitude to Ray Embrey?" }, { "_id": 8026, "text": "In what city does John Hancock live?" }, { "_id": 8027, "text": "Why does Hancock owe the city of Los Angeles money?" }, { "_id": 8028, "text": "What does Ray Embry do for a living?" }, { "_id": 8029, "text": "How does Hancock meet Ray Embry?" }, { "_id": 8030, "text": "What is the name of Ray Embry's wife?" }, { "_id": 8031, "text": "What does Mary do when Hancock kisses her?" }, { "_id": 8032, "text": " What important life event did Hancock forget due to amnesia?" }, { "_id": 8033, "text": "What injury does Hancock suffer when he tries to stop a robbery at a liquor store?" }, { "_id": 8034, "text": "How long did Hancock have amnesia?" }, { "_id": 8035, "text": "What is name of the man who injures Mary?" }, { "_id": 8036, "text": "Where does Hancock use his superpowers to stop criminals?" }, { "_id": 8037, "text": "Why do the police in L.A. not support Hancock?" }, { "_id": 8038, "text": "Why does Hancock cause so much damage when stopping criminals?" }, { "_id": 8039, "text": "How do Hancock and Ray meet?" }, { "_id": 8040, "text": "What does Ray offer Hancock in exchange for saving his life?" }, { "_id": 8041, "text": "What happens when Hancock is in jail?" }, { "_id": 8042, "text": "How does Hancock learn that Ray's wife Mary had superpowers?" }, { "_id": 8043, "text": "How long has Hancock had amnesia?" }, { "_id": 8044, "text": "How are Hancock and Mary related?" }, { "_id": 8045, "text": "What prevents Hancock and Mary from staying together?" }, { "_id": 8046, "text": "When was the assassination of Domitian?" }, { "_id": 8047, "text": "Who was the most important general involved in the conquest of Britan?" }, { "_id": 8048, "text": "Why does Tacitus condem the suicide of the Stoics?" }, { "_id": 8049, "text": "Who was Tacitus's father-in-law?" }, { "_id": 8050, "text": "What were two of Agricola's jobs?" }, { "_id": 8051, "text": "Who was the Emporer of Rome?" }, { "_id": 8052, "text": "According to rumors, how did Agricola die?" }, { "_id": 8053, "text": "The tone of Agricola recalls what style?" }, { "_id": 8054, "text": "In addition to Agricola's notes and memories, what else was used?" }, { "_id": 8055, "text": "What did critics of Domitian accuse his regime of?" }, { "_id": 8056, "text": "What assassination took place in AD 96?" }, { "_id": 8057, "text": "Who was the most important general involved in the conquest of Britain?" }, { "_id": 8058, "text": "The proud tone of the Agricola recalls what style?" }, { "_id": 8059, "text": "What traits do Tacitus exhibit when attending to matters of state?" }, { "_id": 8060, "text": "What did Domitian's regime consist of?" }, { "_id": 8061, "text": "Agricola died without seeking the glory of what?" }, { "_id": 8062, "text": "What did tacitus condemn as of no benefit to the state?" }, { "_id": 8063, "text": "Where were rumors about the death of Agricola voiced?" }, { "_id": 8064, "text": "What was the rumor about the way Agricola died?" }, { "_id": 8065, "text": "What is Tacitus governor of?" }, { "_id": 8066, "text": "Who is commander of the army?" }, { "_id": 8067, "text": "Which Emperor is hated?" }, { "_id": 8068, "text": "Whose suicide is condemned?" }, { "_id": 8069, "text": "Who condemns the suicides of the Stoics?" }, { "_id": 8070, "text": "What remarks does Tacitus offer regarding the death of Agricola?" }, { "_id": 8071, "text": "Where were the rumors of Agricola being poisoned come from?" }, { "_id": 8072, "text": "What do the rumors of Agricola being poisoned say about whose orders they were?" }, { "_id": 8073, "text": "Who remained uncorrupted?" }, { "_id": 8074, "text": "Whose reign did Agricola die under?" }, { "_id": 8075, "text": "Where does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 8076, "text": "Who owns the Thanksgiving?" }, { "_id": 8077, "text": "Who is the armed escort hired by Sir Howard and Lady Cicely?" }, { "_id": 8078, "text": "How is Brassbound related to Sir Howard?" }, { "_id": 8079, "text": "Why does Brassbound dislike Sir Howard?" }, { "_id": 8080, "text": "What is the price for the Shiek taking Sir Howard?" }, { "_id": 8081, "text": "Who wants to talk to the Court about everything that happened on the trip?" }, { "_id": 8082, "text": "Why does Lady Cicely want to talk to the court about Brassbound's actions?" }, { "_id": 8083, "text": "Why does Brassbound declare he wants to marry Lady Cicely?" }, { "_id": 8084, "text": "What is the sound that alerts Brassbound that it's time for him to go?" }, { "_id": 8085, "text": "What country does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 8086, "text": "Which character is know as a explorer?" }, { "_id": 8087, "text": "What is the ministers name?" }, { "_id": 8088, "text": "What is the smugglers ship called?" }, { "_id": 8089, "text": "Who is occupying a Moorish castle?" }, { "_id": 8090, "text": "Which character is an Italian member of Brassbound's crew?" }, { "_id": 8091, "text": "Who does Brassbound say is his prisoner?" }, { "_id": 8092, "text": "Who is the son of Sir Howards brother Miles?" }, { "_id": 8093, "text": "Who tells the court what happened on the trip?" }, { "_id": 8094, "text": "What is Howard Hallams profession?" }, { "_id": 8095, "text": "What is Howard's title?" }, { "_id": 8096, "text": "What is Cicely Waynflete's profession?" }, { "_id": 8097, "text": "What is Cicely's title?" }, { "_id": 8098, "text": "What is Rankin's profession?" }, { "_id": 8099, "text": "What is the denomination of Rankin's church?" }, { "_id": 8100, "text": "Where does Miles Hallam move after marrying?" }, { "_id": 8101, "text": "Where do Cicely and Howard decide to explore? " }, { "_id": 8102, "text": "What is Marzo's nationality?" }, { "_id": 8103, "text": "Who agrees to release Brassbound?" }, { "_id": 8104, "text": "Who owned the House Of Seven Gables in the Mid Nintenth century?" }, { "_id": 8105, "text": "What rumors surrounded the houses past?" }, { "_id": 8106, "text": "How long did Clifford serve time for man slaughter ?" }, { "_id": 8107, "text": "Who originally owned the house?" }, { "_id": 8108, "text": "What did Matthew do as he died?" }, { "_id": 8109, "text": "Whos picture hangs on the wall to this day?" }, { "_id": 8110, "text": "What is Judge Pyncheon looking for?" }, { "_id": 8111, "text": "How does the Judge die?" }, { "_id": 8112, "text": "Who actually killed Cliffords uncle?" }, { "_id": 8113, "text": "Where is the missing deed found?" }, { "_id": 8114, "text": "In what century was the house built?" }, { "_id": 8115, "text": "Who was the current resident of the house?" }, { "_id": 8116, "text": "Who completed 30 years for murder?" }, { "_id": 8117, "text": "Why was Maule executed?" }, { "_id": 8118, "text": "Who did Maule laid a curse on?" }, { "_id": 8119, "text": "Why was Clifford depressed?" }, { "_id": 8120, "text": "How did Judge Pyncheon threatens Clifford?" }, { "_id": 8121, "text": "Where did the judge mysteriously die?" }, { "_id": 8122, "text": "What did the townsfolk begin to gossip about?" }, { "_id": 8123, "text": "What will prove Clifford's innocence?" }, { "_id": 8124, "text": "In what century is the novel set?" }, { "_id": 8125, "text": "In what century was the house built?" }, { "_id": 8126, "text": "Who is the current owner of the house?" }, { "_id": 8127, "text": "Why does Hepzibah open up a shop in a side room in the mansion?" }, { "_id": 8128, "text": "What is the name of Hepzibah's brother?" }, { "_id": 8129, "text": "How long was Clifford in jail?" }, { "_id": 8130, "text": "What crime was Clifford imprisoned for?" }, { "_id": 8131, "text": "What crime was Matthew Maule accused of?" }, { "_id": 8132, "text": "What punishment did Maule endure for his alleged crime?" }, { "_id": 8133, "text": "Who placed a curse on the Pyncheon family as a result of Colonel Pyncheon's role in their fate?" }, { "_id": 8134, "text": "What is Dmitri Gurov's occupation?" }, { "_id": 8135, "text": "Why does Anna's husband request that she returns home?" }, { "_id": 8136, "text": "What does Gurov do at night time once returning to Moscow?" }, { "_id": 8137, "text": "How does Gurav find Anna's home address?" }, { "_id": 8138, "text": "What performance does Gurav attend?" }, { "_id": 8139, "text": "What does Anna's husband do during the first internval of the performance?" }, { "_id": 8140, "text": "How many children does Gurav have?" }, { "_id": 8141, "text": "What does Gurav think of women?" }, { "_id": 8142, "text": "Where does Gurav first see Anna?" }, { "_id": 8143, "text": "What kind of animal does Anna have when Gurav first sees her?" }, { "_id": 8144, "text": "Why do you think Anna traveled alone to Moscow? " }, { "_id": 8145, "text": "What do you think Gurov thinks about woman after meeting Anna?" }, { "_id": 8146, "text": "Do you think Anna's husband suspected something when he asked her to come home to Yalta?" }, { "_id": 8147, "text": "Since Gurov didn't respect woman, why do you think he visited Yalta to hunt Anna down?" }, { "_id": 8148, "text": "Why do you think Anna ran from Gurov at the theatre in Yalta? " }, { "_id": 8149, "text": "Why do you think Anna's husband was suspicious about her trip to Moscow to see a doctor? " }, { "_id": 8150, "text": "What do you think Gurov should do about his dilemma? " }, { "_id": 8151, "text": "What would you add as the resolution to the story?" }, { "_id": 8152, "text": "What do you think the reader would like to see happen to Gurov and Anna?" }, { "_id": 8153, "text": "Why did Gurov lie about needing to go to St Petersburg?" }, { "_id": 8154, "text": "How many children did Gurov have?" }, { "_id": 8155, "text": "Where did Gurov and Anna meet?" }, { "_id": 8156, "text": "How did Gurov meet Anna?" }, { "_id": 8157, "text": "Why was Anna in Yalta?" }, { "_id": 8158, "text": "Where was Anna's husband while she was vacationing in Yalta?" }, { "_id": 8159, "text": "Why did Anna have to go home?" }, { "_id": 8160, "text": "What was Dimitri's attitude toward women?" }, { "_id": 8161, "text": "How did Dimitri find Anna?" }, { "_id": 8162, "text": "Who gave Dimitri the address of Anna's home?" }, { "_id": 8163, "text": "Who was killed by King Ape kerchak?" }, { "_id": 8164, "text": "Who was named Tarzan?" }, { "_id": 8165, "text": "What did Tarzan learn in the cabin?" }, { "_id": 8166, "text": "Why was Clayton called Tarzan?" }, { "_id": 8167, "text": "Who adopted Tarzan?" }, { "_id": 8168, "text": "How old was Tarzan when he saw Jane Porter?" }, { "_id": 8169, "text": "Who took Tarzan to find Jane?" }, { "_id": 8170, "text": "Who was William Clayton?" }, { "_id": 8171, "text": "Where did Tarzan found Jane ?" }, { "_id": 8172, "text": "Why Tarzan did not reclaim his inheritance?" }, { "_id": 8173, "text": "What is Tarzan's birth name?" }, { "_id": 8174, "text": "What is the translation of Tarzan in ape language?" }, { "_id": 8175, "text": "Where does Tarzan first learn there are others like himself?" }, { "_id": 8176, "text": "Tarzan taught himself to read English, but why can't he speak it?" }, { "_id": 8177, "text": "What does Tarzan become as a result of killing Kerchak?" }, { "_id": 8178, "text": "Why does Tarzan have an antagonostic relationship with the African tribe?" }, { "_id": 8179, "text": "Who is William Cecil Clayton to Tarzan?" }, { "_id": 8180, "text": "Who is the woman Tarzan falls in love with?" }, { "_id": 8181, "text": "In addition to English, what other language does Tarzan learn to speak?" }, { "_id": 8182, "text": "Why does Tarzan renounce his heritage?" }, { "_id": 8183, "text": "What are John and Alice's titles?" }, { "_id": 8184, "text": "What are John and Alice Lord and Lady of?" }, { "_id": 8185, "text": "In what content are John and Alice marooned?" }, { "_id": 8186, "text": "In what year is John Clayton III born?" }, { "_id": 8187, "text": "How old is John III when his mother dies?" }, { "_id": 8188, "text": "Who kills John III's father?" }, { "_id": 8189, "text": "Who adopts John?" }, { "_id": 8190, "text": "What does Tarzan mean in the ape language?" }, { "_id": 8191, "text": "What does Tarzan teach himslef to do?" }, { "_id": 8192, "text": "Which country's navy does Paul belong to?" }, { "_id": 8193, "text": "According to Epicurus, humans' unhappiness and degradation arose largely from what?" }, { "_id": 8194, "text": "What was the purpose of Epicurus' teaching?" }, { "_id": 8195, "text": "What did Epicurus call upon to demonstrate that a Supreme Being did not create the universe?" }, { "_id": 8196, "text": "What does the atomism of Democritus try to explain?" }, { "_id": 8197, "text": "What was Lucretius' task?" }, { "_id": 8198, "text": "What was not needed to explain how everything in nature works?" }, { "_id": 8199, "text": "The way the world operated can be accounted for in terms of what?" }, { "_id": 8200, "text": "What is death according to Lucretius?" }, { "_id": 8201, "text": "What analogy did Lucretius use to explain death?" }, { "_id": 8202, "text": "What argument explained about eternal non-existence before birth and after death?" }, { "_id": 8203, "text": "Who did Epicurus call upon to prove the position?" }, { "_id": 8204, "text": "Who wanted to demonstrate the world was not formed by a supreme being?" }, { "_id": 8205, "text": "What is displayed by the misfortunes in life?" }, { "_id": 8206, "text": "Who identifies that the deities created our world?" }, { "_id": 8207, "text": "Who uses the analogy that the body is a vessel?" }, { "_id": 8208, "text": "What is it that vessel is supposed to hold?" }, { "_id": 8209, "text": "What cannot survive independently without the body? " }, { "_id": 8210, "text": "Who said that the fear of death is a perception of terror?" }, { "_id": 8211, "text": "Who put for the symmetry argument?" }, { "_id": 8212, "text": "What can operations of the world be accounted for?" }, { "_id": 8213, "text": "Whose power did the humans entertain?" }, { "_id": 8214, "text": "Whose Does not deny the existence of deites?" }, { "_id": 8215, "text": "Whose atomism does Epicurus call upon?" }, { "_id": 8216, "text": "What particles does Epicurus want to learn about?" }, { "_id": 8217, "text": "What laws can explain everything in nature?" }, { "_id": 8218, "text": "Who identifies the supernatural with deities?" }, { "_id": 8219, "text": "Of what analogy does Lucretius use for mind and spirit?" }, { "_id": 8220, "text": "According to Lucretius, who can only feel the pain of terror?" }, { "_id": 8221, "text": "What argument does Lucretius put forward against the fear of death?" }, { "_id": 8222, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 8223, "text": "Who invites Andrew to a party to meet people?" }, { "_id": 8224, "text": "Who does Andrew discover the blue crystalline with? " }, { "_id": 8225, "text": "What frequently triggers the nosebleeds in Matt and Steve?" }, { "_id": 8226, "text": "How does Steve die?" }, { "_id": 8227, "text": "Who saves Richard from Andrew outside of the hospital?" }, { "_id": 8228, "text": "Who goes to the hospital with Matt to check on Andy?" }, { "_id": 8229, "text": "Why is Andrew emotionally unstable?" }, { "_id": 8230, "text": "How does Andrew die?" }, { "_id": 8231, "text": "Where does Matt travel to commemorate Andrew?" }, { "_id": 8232, "text": "Which of the three main characters survives to the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 8233, "text": "What happens to the three main characters when they push their powers too hard?" }, { "_id": 8234, "text": "How does Andrew win the talent competition?" }, { "_id": 8235, "text": "What medical problem does Andrew's mother have?" }, { "_id": 8236, "text": "Which character runs a car off the road for behaving rudely?" }, { "_id": 8237, "text": "How does Steve die?" }, { "_id": 8238, "text": "How are Andrew and Matt related?" }, { "_id": 8239, "text": "Where does Andrew want to go after graduation?" }, { "_id": 8240, "text": "Who does Andrew try to have sex with at a party?" }, { "_id": 8241, "text": "What happens to Andrew at school? " }, { "_id": 8242, "text": "Andrew, his cousin, and his friend find what after entering a hole in the ground?" }, { "_id": 8243, "text": "What does the trio's finding do to the boys?" }, { "_id": 8244, "text": "After Andrew telekinetically pushes a motorist off of the road, what does Matt insist?" }, { "_id": 8245, "text": "What news does Andrew's father inform him of while Andrew is lying unconscious in a hospital?" }, { "_id": 8246, "text": "What happens when Andrew goes upstairs to have sex with Monica?" }, { "_id": 8247, "text": "How does Steve die?" }, { "_id": 8248, "text": "What does Matt confront Andrew about at Steve's funeral?" }, { "_id": 8249, "text": "What does Steve encourage Andrew to do to gain popularity?" }, { "_id": 8250, "text": "Where does Matt go with Andrew's camera?" }, { "_id": 8251, "text": "What is the gun used for?" }, { "_id": 8252, "text": "Who suspects Jerry of being a vampire in the first place?" }, { "_id": 8253, "text": "Who killed Peter's parents?" }, { "_id": 8254, "text": "Who gives Charley the special weapon that will kill Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8255, "text": "Where is Amy taken by taken as a victim of Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8256, "text": "Who kills Ed the vampire?" }, { "_id": 8257, "text": "Who assists Charley in the final battle with the vampires?" }, { "_id": 8258, "text": "Who blessed the stake given to Charley?" }, { "_id": 8259, "text": "How does Amy injure Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8260, "text": "After Jerry is dead, what happens to his victims?" }, { "_id": 8261, "text": "What does Ed tell Charley about fellow students and Charley's best friend as well?" }, { "_id": 8262, "text": "What does Ed tell Charley that causes Charley to tell Ed he doesn't want to be friends anymore?" }, { "_id": 8263, "text": "What does Jerry convince Ed of when he chases him down?" }, { "_id": 8264, "text": "What does Charley discover when he sneaks into Jerry's house while Jerry is out attacking more neighbors? " }, { "_id": 8265, "text": "What happened to Amy shortly after she injured Jerry with holy water?" }, { "_id": 8266, "text": "What is Peter in addition to being a magician and what happened to his parents?" }, { "_id": 8267, "text": "What happens when Peter lights Charley on fire and what does he toss Charley?" }, { "_id": 8268, "text": "What does Amy try to convince Charley of after she is bitten and how does he respond to her?" }, { "_id": 8269, "text": "Who shot holes in the roof and what did it accomplish?" }, { "_id": 8270, "text": "What happens after Charley stabs Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8271, "text": "Who becomes suspicious of Charley's new neighbor in the story?" }, { "_id": 8272, "text": "Who is Charley's girlfriend?" }, { "_id": 8273, "text": "What does Charley discover about his new neighbor?" }, { "_id": 8274, "text": "Where does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 8275, "text": "How does Charley's girlfriend, Amy, try to convince Charley to become a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8276, "text": "Who does Charley go to for professional help for dealing with vampires?" }, { "_id": 8277, "text": "After Ed is transformed into a vampire, who kills him?" }, { "_id": 8278, "text": "What happens to Jerry at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 8279, "text": "What does Peter give Charley to kill Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8280, "text": "Where does Charley Brewster live?" }, { "_id": 8281, "text": "What is Edward Lee's nickname?" }, { "_id": 8282, "text": "Which childhood friend of Charley's had gone missing first?" }, { "_id": 8283, "text": "Where does Jerry Dandrige live?" }, { "_id": 8284, "text": "Who convinced Ed that he should become a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8285, "text": "Who is responsible for setting Charley's house on fire?" }, { "_id": 8286, "text": "Why did Charley shoot holes in the roof?" }, { "_id": 8287, "text": "What kind of suit was Charlie wearing to protect himself?" }, { "_id": 8288, "text": "What part of the body does Charley stab Jerry in?" }, { "_id": 8289, "text": "What do Charley and Amy do in Peter's penthouse?" }, { "_id": 8290, "text": "Who is Charley's best friend? " }, { "_id": 8291, "text": "What city does Charley live outside of?" }, { "_id": 8292, "text": "What is the name of Charley's new neighbor?" }, { "_id": 8293, "text": "What magician does Charley go to for help?" }, { "_id": 8294, "text": "Who sets fire to Charley's house?" }, { "_id": 8295, "text": "Who wounds Jerry with a real estate sign?" }, { "_id": 8296, "text": "How does Amy hurt Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8297, "text": "What happened to Peter's parents?" }, { "_id": 8298, "text": "Who does Charley have sex with?" }, { "_id": 8299, "text": "Who tosses Charley the stake to kill Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8300, "text": "Who was the pastor?" }, { "_id": 8301, "text": "What sat atop of an Aztec temple?" }, { "_id": 8302, "text": "Out of all the main characters, who is killed/turned into a vampire first?" }, { "_id": 8303, "text": "Why is the Fuller family kidnapped?" }, { "_id": 8304, "text": "Which character bites Scott, turning him into a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8305, "text": "What ends up killing all of the vampires?" }, { "_id": 8306, "text": "Where did the vampires come from?" }, { "_id": 8307, "text": "Which character was hesitant to go into the Titty Twister?" }, { "_id": 8308, "text": "Why are Seth and Richie trying to get to Mexico?" }, { "_id": 8309, "text": "Which character is known to have killed and raped a person?" }, { "_id": 8310, "text": "What is Richie and Seth's relationship?" }, { "_id": 8311, "text": "In addition to the Texas police, who else is chasing Seth and Richie?" }, { "_id": 8312, "text": "Who is being held hostage in the trunk of the Gecko's car?" }, { "_id": 8313, "text": "What is Jacob's profession?" }, { "_id": 8314, "text": "How many children does Jacob have?" }, { "_id": 8315, "text": "What is the Fuller family traveling in?" }, { "_id": 8316, "text": "What truce does Seth make with Jacob?" }, { "_id": 8317, "text": "What is the name of the strip club in the desert?" }, { "_id": 8318, "text": "What are the employees and strippers in the club revealed to be?" }, { "_id": 8319, "text": "Who is Santanico Pandemonium? " }, { "_id": 8320, "text": "How are Seth and Richie related?" }, { "_id": 8321, "text": "Who are Seth and Richie fleeing from?" }, { "_id": 8322, "text": "What family is forced to help the Gecko brothers?" }, { "_id": 8323, "text": "Where is the Titty Twister?" }, { "_id": 8324, "text": "Who is the star stripper?" }, { "_id": 8325, "text": "What are all the employees and strippers revealed to be?" }, { "_id": 8326, "text": "Which brother bleeds to death after being biten by Santanico?" }, { "_id": 8327, "text": "Where does a vampire bite Sex Machine?" }, { "_id": 8328, "text": "Where is Seth going at the end?" }, { "_id": 8329, "text": "What is the Titty Twister built on?" }, { "_id": 8330, "text": "Where has Harold Transome been for the past 15 years when the story starts?" }, { "_id": 8331, "text": "What relation is Esther to Rev. Lyon?" }, { "_id": 8332, "text": "What do Felix and Harold have in common?" }, { "_id": 8333, "text": "Who proposes to Esther?" }, { "_id": 8334, "text": "What was the result of Felix's trial?" }, { "_id": 8335, "text": "What was Felix found guilty of in the trial?" }, { "_id": 8336, "text": "Who was found to be the owner of the Transome estate?" }, { "_id": 8337, "text": "What political party did Harold run under?" }, { "_id": 8338, "text": "What does Rev. Lyon do to Rev. Debarry?" }, { "_id": 8339, "text": "How is Jermyn related to Harold?" }, { "_id": 8340, "text": "What landowner contested the 1832 election?" }, { "_id": 8341, "text": "Where did Transome return home from after 15 years?" }, { "_id": 8342, "text": "What job did Transome do in the Far East?" }, { "_id": 8343, "text": "Who was the Transome family lawyer?" }, { "_id": 8344, "text": "Where did Felix Holt return from to live with his mother?" }, { "_id": 8345, "text": "Who has been mishandling the Transome estate and embezzling?" }, { "_id": 8346, "text": "What is the relationship of Esther to Rev. Lyon?" }, { "_id": 8347, "text": "Who does Rev. Lyon challenge to a debate?" }, { "_id": 8348, "text": "What crime is Felix Holt charged with due to election day riots?" }, { "_id": 8349, "text": "Why did Felix Holt return to the village of Treby Magna?" }, { "_id": 8350, "text": "Who is Esther to Rev. Rufus Lyon?" }, { "_id": 8351, "text": "Whose estate did Matthew Jermyn mishandle?" }, { "_id": 8352, "text": "What is the name of the mining town where Felix Holt witnessed electioneering for the Radical cause?" }, { "_id": 8353, "text": "What were the workers in Sproxton given in exchange for their support?" }, { "_id": 8354, "text": "What are the final results of the election?" }, { "_id": 8355, "text": "Who is the owner of the Transome estate?" }, { "_id": 8356, "text": "Why did Harold Transome invite Esther to the estate?" }, { "_id": 8357, "text": "When did Harold Transome find out that Jermyn was his father?" }, { "_id": 8358, "text": "Who eventually marries Esther?" }, { "_id": 8359, "text": "What does Reinhard do to impress Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8360, "text": "How old is Elisabeth when Reinhard tells her he wants to spend his whole life with her?" }, { "_id": 8361, "text": "Who does Reinhard spend Christmas Eve with?" }, { "_id": 8362, "text": "Who inherited his father's farm?" }, { "_id": 8363, "text": "What did Erich give Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8364, "text": "What does Reinhard make Elisabeth promise him?" }, { "_id": 8365, "text": "Who proposed to Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8366, "text": "What does Reinhard try to reach in the water?" }, { "_id": 8367, "text": "What brings tears to Elisabeth's eyes?" }, { "_id": 8368, "text": "How many years older is Reinhard than Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8369, "text": "How does Reinhard impress Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8370, "text": "Who does Elisabeth marry? " }, { "_id": 8371, "text": "What animal did Reinhard give Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8372, "text": "How many times does Elisabeth reject Erich's proposal? " }, { "_id": 8373, "text": "Why is Elisabeth upset when Reinhard gets her letters at Christmas? " }, { "_id": 8374, "text": "What does Reinhard try to reach in the lake?" }, { "_id": 8375, "text": "What does the lillypad symobolize?" }, { "_id": 8376, "text": "What does Erich inherit? " }, { "_id": 8377, "text": "Where does Reinhard write poems about his life experiences?" }, { "_id": 8378, "text": "What is the age difference between Reinhard and Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8379, "text": "Who does Reinhard write fairy tales for?" }, { "_id": 8380, "text": "Where does Reinhard want to live with Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8381, "text": "What instrument is the girl in the Ratskeller playing?" }, { "_id": 8382, "text": "What was in the parcel Reinhard recieves when he is at the Ratskeller?" }, { "_id": 8383, "text": "When does Reinhard return home?" }, { "_id": 8384, "text": "Who gets engaged to Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8385, "text": "What is Ehrich's estate called?" }, { "_id": 8386, "text": "What does Reinhard try to retrieve from the middle of the lake?" }, { "_id": 8387, "text": "Who kills the janitor and guidance counselor?" }, { "_id": 8388, "text": "Why does Ginger kill Sam in front of Brigitte?" }, { "_id": 8389, "text": "Who confronts Ginger about the death of her dog?" }, { "_id": 8390, "text": "How is Jason cured?" }, { "_id": 8391, "text": "How is Jason infected?" }, { "_id": 8392, "text": "What does Sam and Brigitte believe attacked Ginger?" }, { "_id": 8393, "text": "Why did Sam advise Brigitte to convince Ginger to get a silver belly ring?" }, { "_id": 8394, "text": "What suburb is experiencing a problem with dog killings?" }, { "_id": 8395, "text": "What are Brigitte and Ginger Fitzgerald fascinated by?" }, { "_id": 8396, "text": "Who undergoes physical and mental changes as a result of an attack by a creature?" }, { "_id": 8397, "text": "What kind of pact do the two teenage sisters form?" }, { "_id": 8398, "text": "What is caused directly by Ginger beginning her first period?" }, { "_id": 8399, "text": "Who runs over the creature after Ginger is bitten?" }, { "_id": 8400, "text": "Besides using Monkshood, what other cures does Sam try to cure Ginger?" }, { "_id": 8401, "text": "What do the girls claim the blood from Trina's death is to their parents?" }, { "_id": 8402, "text": "How do the sisters ultimately dispose of the body after putting it in the freezer?" }, { "_id": 8403, "text": "What cure does Brigitte use on Jason that proves effective?" }, { "_id": 8404, "text": "Where does Brigitte and Same take Ginger after they knock her unconscious with a shovel? " }, { "_id": 8405, "text": "What happens holiday does Brigette try to track down Ginger on with the cure?" }, { "_id": 8406, "text": "What does Ginger do to Brigitte at the end of the story to solve the conflict?" }, { "_id": 8407, "text": "Why are the dogs dieing?" }, { "_id": 8408, "text": "What are the sisters fascinated with?" }, { "_id": 8409, "text": "What happens to Ginger when they go to steal a dog?" }, { "_id": 8410, "text": "What happens to Ginger as a result of her menustration?" }, { "_id": 8411, "text": "What happens to the wild animal?" }, { "_id": 8412, "text": "How is Ginger different after her attack?" }, { "_id": 8413, "text": "What does Bidgette and Sam believe?" }, { "_id": 8414, "text": "How will this help Ginger?" }, { "_id": 8415, "text": "Who attacks Conan's village?" }, { "_id": 8416, "text": "Who crafted the mask thousands of years ago?" }, { "_id": 8417, "text": "Who was the only survivor of the village after Zym left?" }, { "_id": 8418, "text": "Who is Lucius killed by?" }, { "_id": 8419, "text": "Where does Ela-Shan tell Conan he can be found at if needed?" }, { "_id": 8420, "text": "What was Conan poisoned with?" }, { "_id": 8421, "text": "Whose body does Zym want to use for his wife's soul?" }, { "_id": 8422, "text": "Whose hand does Tamara cut off, while in battle?" }, { "_id": 8423, "text": "What is the name of Zym's deceased wife?" }, { "_id": 8424, "text": "Who dies by falling into lava?" }, { "_id": 8425, "text": "Who is Conan?" }, { "_id": 8426, "text": "Why does Corin believe that Conan is not fully ready to be a warrior?" }, { "_id": 8427, "text": "Who attacks Corin's village?" }, { "_id": 8428, "text": "Why does Zym attack Corin's village?" }, { "_id": 8429, "text": "Who survives the attack on Corin's village?" }, { "_id": 8430, "text": "What does Conan grow to become years after the attack?" }, { "_id": 8431, "text": "What girl is Zym searching for?" }, { "_id": 8432, "text": "Why does Zym need to find the descendant of the sorcerers of Acheron? " }, { "_id": 8433, "text": "Who is Lucius?" }, { "_id": 8434, "text": "How does Lucius die?" }, { "_id": 8435, "text": "Who does Khalar want to revive?" }, { "_id": 8436, "text": "Where did Zym think she would find the pure blood descendant?" }, { "_id": 8437, "text": "Who created the Mask?" }, { "_id": 8438, "text": "Who executed Maliva?" }, { "_id": 8439, "text": "How is Conan poisoned?" }, { "_id": 8440, "text": "What people does Conan free?" }, { "_id": 8441, "text": "When does Tamara escape from Zym?" }, { "_id": 8442, "text": "What does Conan say he will trade Tamara for?" }, { "_id": 8443, "text": "What are the soldiers Marique sends out made of?" }, { "_id": 8444, "text": "Where is the contraband hidden?" }, { "_id": 8445, "text": "Who does Popeye kill?" }, { "_id": 8446, "text": "Who are the two main protagonists?" }, { "_id": 8447, "text": "Who are the two main antagonists?" }, { "_id": 8448, "text": "What is the main criminal activity that the detectives are investigating?" }, { "_id": 8449, "text": "How much heroin is estimated to be smuggled during this story?" }, { "_id": 8450, "text": "How much money could this heroin be worth to the investors?" }, { "_id": 8451, "text": "Why do Cloudy and Popeye suspect the Boccas are involved in something illegal?" }, { "_id": 8452, "text": "After the drugs were found in the car, what do the detectives do?" }, { "_id": 8453, "text": "How does Charnier plan to smuggle $32 million of heroin into the United States?" }, { "_id": 8454, "text": "Why do Popeye and Cloudy decide to tail Sal and Angie?" }, { "_id": 8455, "text": "Who do Popeye and Cloudy draw a connection beetween the Bocas and drug connections?" }, { "_id": 8456, "text": "Why do Popeye and Mulderig dislike each other?" }, { "_id": 8457, "text": "Why does Winstock urge more patience on selling the heroin smuggled in the car from France?" }, { "_id": 8458, "text": "What happens when Charnier arrives in New York?" }, { "_id": 8459, "text": "Why does Charnier ask that Popeye is not killed?" }, { "_id": 8460, "text": "What happens when Nicoli tries to kill Popeye?" }, { "_id": 8461, "text": "Where do the cops discover the heroin in Devereaux's car?" }, { "_id": 8462, "text": "What happens to Charnier after the cops surround him and Sal?" }, { "_id": 8463, "text": "Who runs the heroin smuggling syndicate?" }, { "_id": 8464, "text": "Where is Cloudy injured?" }, { "_id": 8465, "text": "What is Salvatore Boca's wife's name?" }, { "_id": 8466, "text": "Why does Mulderig dislike Popeye?" }, { "_id": 8467, "text": "Who owns the Lincoln Continental?" }, { "_id": 8468, "text": "Who tries to shoot Popeye from the roof of his building?" }, { "_id": 8469, "text": "Who does Nicoli kill aboard the train?" }, { "_id": 8470, "text": "Where do the police discover the heroin?" }, { "_id": 8471, "text": "How much over weight was the car?" }, { "_id": 8472, "text": "Who kills Mulderig?" }, { "_id": 8473, "text": "Why does David miss the bus?" }, { "_id": 8474, "text": "What happens when David arrives at work?" }, { "_id": 8475, "text": "When did the bureau take control of humanity?" }, { "_id": 8476, "text": "When did humanity receive free will?" }, { "_id": 8477, "text": "When free will was restored in 1910, what happened?" }, { "_id": 8478, "text": "According to Thompson, what will happen if David leaves Elise?" }, { "_id": 8479, "text": "Where does Harry hold secret meetings with David?" }, { "_id": 8480, "text": "What is in David's plans after the kiss?" }, { "_id": 8481, "text": "How does David evade the bureau?" }, { "_id": 8482, "text": "Where do David and Elise Kiss?" }, { "_id": 8483, "text": "What year does the story first take place?" }, { "_id": 8484, "text": "Who is the main protagonist?" }, { "_id": 8485, "text": "What political office did David run for?" }, { "_id": 8486, "text": "Where did David and Elise meet?" }, { "_id": 8487, "text": "What do the Adjustment Bureau?" }, { "_id": 8488, "text": "How many years later do David and Elise meet?" }, { "_id": 8489, "text": "When did humanity first receive free will?" }, { "_id": 8490, "text": "How does Thompson injure Elise?" }, { "_id": 8491, "text": "Where do David and Elise find themselves surrounded?" }, { "_id": 8492, "text": "Why does David think the Chairman let he and Elise go?" }, { "_id": 8493, "text": "What does David Norris unsuccessfully run for in 2006?" }, { "_id": 8494, "text": "What is Harry Mitchell instructed to do by his boss, Richardson?" }, { "_id": 8495, "text": "What is Elise's profession?" }, { "_id": 8496, "text": "What was the first thing that happened when free will was granted in 1910?" }, { "_id": 8497, "text": "What does Thompson imply will happen to David without Elise's influence?" }, { "_id": 8498, "text": "What is unusual about the way doors are used?" }, { "_id": 8499, "text": "What does Elise give David the first time they meet on a bus?" }, { "_id": 8500, "text": "What does Thompson do to Elise to demonstrate his power to David?" }, { "_id": 8501, "text": "Why doesn't Mitchell cause David to spill his coffee?" }, { "_id": 8502, "text": "What happened after free will was granted after the height of the Roman Empire?" }, { "_id": 8503, "text": "What are Bennett and his men attempting to do?" }, { "_id": 8504, "text": "What kind of welcoming do the survivors get when they return home?" }, { "_id": 8505, "text": "What kind of feelings do Lloyd and Bennett have for each other?" }, { "_id": 8506, "text": "What is intriguing about Lloyd being a nurse?" }, { "_id": 8507, "text": "What does Bennett refuse of Lloyd to do?" }, { "_id": 8508, "text": "What happens to the couple's carrer after they marry?" }, { "_id": 8509, "text": "Who inspires Bennett to continue to be an explorer?" }, { "_id": 8510, "text": "What does Bennett discover is his calling?" }, { "_id": 8511, "text": "How does Bennett's wife feel about Bennett going to the expedition?" }, { "_id": 8512, "text": "Who nurses Bennett back to health?" }, { "_id": 8513, "text": "Why does Bennett refuse to allow Lloyd near his friend Ferriss?" }, { "_id": 8514, "text": "What is Lloyd Searight's profession?" }, { "_id": 8515, "text": "What destination does Ward Bennett and his crew attempt to reach?" }, { "_id": 8516, "text": "What event causes Lloyd to stop speaking to Bennett?" }, { "_id": 8517, "text": "What forces Lloyd and Bennett to reconcile?" }, { "_id": 8518, "text": "After marrying Lloyd and giving up exploring, how does Bennett spend his time?" }, { "_id": 8519, "text": "Who makes Lloyd realize that exploring is Bennett's calling?" }, { "_id": 8520, "text": "How are Bennett and some of his men saved from death on their way to the North Pole?" }, { "_id": 8521, "text": "How are Bennett and his men greeted by the public when they return from their attempt to reach the North Pole?" }, { "_id": 8522, "text": "Where do Bennett and Lloyd go to live after they are married?" }, { "_id": 8523, "text": "What destination is the group attempting to reach?" }, { "_id": 8524, "text": "What is the name of the nurse that becomes Bennett's love interest?" }, { "_id": 8525, "text": "What is Bennett's calling in life?" }, { "_id": 8526, "text": "What disease does Ferris contract?" }, { "_id": 8527, "text": "What happened to Ferris as a result of Bennett not allowing the nurse to treat him?" }, { "_id": 8528, "text": "Why does Bennett refuse to let the nurse help Ferris?" }, { "_id": 8529, "text": "What is the name of the man who convinces Bennett's wife to allow him to follow his dreams?" }, { "_id": 8530, "text": "During the expedition, what helped Bennett and his men escape certain death?" }, { "_id": 8531, "text": "After the nurse treats Bennett for his illness and they reconcile, what happens to the both of them?" }, { "_id": 8532, "text": "How are Bennett and his group of survising explorers treated when they arrive back home?" }, { "_id": 8533, "text": "What year was it when Ally's mother got shot?" }, { "_id": 8534, "text": "What is Alley's fathers profession?" }, { "_id": 8535, "text": "Who is Tyler's roommate?" }, { "_id": 8536, "text": "Why does Aiden call Charles?" }, { "_id": 8537, "text": "Where does Ally go after her father slaps her?" }, { "_id": 8538, "text": "What does the teacher write on the blackboard in Carolines classroom?" }, { "_id": 8539, "text": "Where floor was Tyler's fathers office?" }, { "_id": 8540, "text": "Who is Tyler buried next to?" }, { "_id": 8541, "text": "Who gets a tattoo with Tylers name?" }, { "_id": 8542, "text": "What happened to Alyssa Craig's mother?" }, { "_id": 8543, "text": "What is Caroline's relationship to Tyler Hawkins?" }, { "_id": 8544, "text": "What is Neil's relationship to Alyssa Craig?" }, { "_id": 8545, "text": "What happened to Tyler after getting into someone's fight?" }, { "_id": 8546, "text": "How did Adrian propose that Tyler do to get back at Neil after arresting him?" }, { "_id": 8547, "text": "Why did Tyler act violent towards Caroline's classmates?" }, { "_id": 8548, "text": "What did Tyler and Alyssa reveal to each other?" }, { "_id": 8549, "text": "What was revealed in Tyler's diary?" }, { "_id": 8550, "text": "Where was Tyler revealed to work?" }, { "_id": 8551, "text": "What happened to Tyler on September 11, 2001?" }, { "_id": 8552, "text": "What happened to Ally's mother?" }, { "_id": 8553, "text": "Why does Tyler have a strained relationship with his father?" }, { "_id": 8554, "text": "What is Ally's father's profession?" }, { "_id": 8555, "text": "Who is Caroline?" }, { "_id": 8556, "text": "Why was Charles late to meet his son?" }, { "_id": 8557, "text": "Where was Tyler before the attacks?" }, { "_id": 8558, "text": "What major historical event is explored within this story?" }, { "_id": 8559, "text": "What was Tyler's initial reason for getting together with Ally?" }, { "_id": 8560, "text": "What happened to Caroline at the birthday party?" }, { "_id": 8561, "text": "What had Tyler written about in his diary entry?" }, { "_id": 8562, "text": "What is the Ghost?" }, { "_id": 8563, "text": "What's the name of the San Francisco ferry which sinks in the beginning?" }, { "_id": 8564, "text": "What is Wolf Larsen's title?" }, { "_id": 8565, "text": "Who does the captain call 'Hump'?" }, { "_id": 8566, "text": "What are the names of the two crew members who organize the mutiny?" }, { "_id": 8567, "text": "What does castaway Maud Brewster write?" }, { "_id": 8568, "text": "What populates the island Brewster and van Weyden land on?" }, { "_id": 8569, "text": "Who was stricken with blindness on the island?" }, { "_id": 8570, "text": "Who sets fire to the bunk's mattress on the island?" }, { "_id": 8571, "text": "How do Brewster and van Weyden get off the island?" }, { "_id": 8572, "text": "What is the main characters name?" }, { "_id": 8573, "text": "What is Humphrey on at the opening of the story?" }, { "_id": 8574, "text": "What is the name of the ferry?" }, { "_id": 8575, "text": "Who is the captain of The Ghost?" }, { "_id": 8576, "text": "Whose given the nickname \"Hump\"?" }, { "_id": 8577, "text": "What is the castaway poets name?" }, { "_id": 8578, "text": "Whom does Humphrey see as his first true love?" }, { "_id": 8579, "text": "What is Wolf Larsen's brothers name?" }, { "_id": 8580, "text": "Which character gathers all the weapons left on the ship?" }, { "_id": 8581, "text": "Which character repairs The Ghost?" }, { "_id": 8582, "text": "How did van Weyden and Miss Brewster know each other before meeting at sea?" }, { "_id": 8583, "text": "What about Miss Brewster did van Weyden and Larsen find attractive?" }, { "_id": 8584, "text": "Why did Larsen take care of van Weyden, when he had no appreciation for human life?" }, { "_id": 8585, "text": "How did van weyden come to be promoted to the poaition of 'mate'?" }, { "_id": 8586, "text": "What did Larsen and the crew of the Ghost hunt?" }, { "_id": 8587, "text": "Why did Larsen choose to wait to murder the men who led the mutiny against him?" }, { "_id": 8588, "text": "What saved van Weyden from being killed by Larsen?" }, { "_id": 8589, "text": "What was the name of the boat that van Weyden originally boarded?" }, { "_id": 8590, "text": "Why did the men organize a mutiny against Larsen?" }, { "_id": 8591, "text": "What was Wolf Larsens brother named?" }, { "_id": 8592, "text": "Habitual deviation from the elements of war will cause what?" }, { "_id": 8593, "text": "The economy of warfare requires winning battles to be fought how?" }, { "_id": 8594, "text": "The source of strength in Strategic attack comes from what?" }, { "_id": 8595, "text": "Which element of Military engagement requires a Commander to defend its current position before advancing?" }, { "_id": 8596, "text": "Which element of engagement encourages commanders to take advantage of the enemy's mistakes?" }, { "_id": 8597, "text": "The elements discourage direct conflict, but which describes how to win those battles?" }, { "_id": 8598, "text": "Which element describes how to closely watch the intent of others as it moves through a territory?" }, { "_id": 8599, "text": "Which element describes the advantages and disadvantages of six field positions?" }, { "_id": 8600, "text": "Which element lays a plan for each of the stages of battle for the commanders?" }, { "_id": 8601, "text": "Which element encourages finding good sources of information and how to manage them?" }, { "_id": 8602, "text": "Detail Assessment and Planning explores the five fundamental factors and how many elements?" }, { "_id": 8603, "text": "What explains how to understand the economy of warfare?" }, { "_id": 8604, "text": "How many factors are needed to succeed in any war?" }, { "_id": 8605, "text": "What defines the source of strength as unity, not size?" }, { "_id": 8606, "text": "What explains the importance of defending existing positions?" }, { "_id": 8607, "text": "What explains the dangers of direct conflict?" }, { "_id": 8608, "text": "What section focuses on evaluating the intentions of others?" }, { "_id": 8609, "text": "What looks at the three general areas of resistance?" }, { "_id": 8610, "text": "What describes the nine common situations in a campaign?" }, { "_id": 8611, "text": "What focuses on the importance of developing good information sources?" }, { "_id": 8612, "text": "What does success require in a War theator?" }, { "_id": 8613, "text": "Specific weaponization of the environment and the general use of weapons are explained by what? " }, { "_id": 8614, "text": "What is the focus of military intelligence espionage? " }, { "_id": 8615, "text": "What advantage does a commander draw out of analyzing the content of a Detail Assement & Planning document? " }, { "_id": 8616, "text": "What can limiting the costs of compettive conflicts lead to? " }, { "_id": 8617, "text": "What could happen if a commander regularly ignored these military calculations? " }, { "_id": 8618, "text": "According to this story, what defines the source of strength as unity rather tthan size? " }, { "_id": 8619, "text": "How can we understand the economy of Warfare? " }, { "_id": 8620, "text": "How do we exactly explore what determines the outcomes of military engagement?" }, { "_id": 8621, "text": "What is taking place during the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 8622, "text": "What is the cocaine supplier's name?" }, { "_id": 8623, "text": "What goes wrong during the sting?" }, { "_id": 8624, "text": "What does Kopalas see Cragie accidentally do?" }, { "_id": 8625, "text": "Why is Eddie shunned by other officers?" }, { "_id": 8626, "text": "What were the Camachos posing as when they gunned down the Lunas?" }, { "_id": 8627, "text": "Who did the Comachos take hostage?" }, { "_id": 8628, "text": "Who launches a full scale attack on the Comacho's lair?" }, { "_id": 8629, "text": "What does Kopalas reveal to the squad room?" }, { "_id": 8630, "text": "Where is Diana found?" }, { "_id": 8631, "text": "Of what city is the sting operation taking place in the beginning?" }, { "_id": 8632, "text": "What do Cusack and Dorato use to patrol beneath the train tracks?" }, { "_id": 8633, "text": "Who is the cocaine supplier?" }, { "_id": 8634, "text": "How does the rival gang infiltrate the sting?" }, { "_id": 8635, "text": "Who expresses their disgust at the outcome of the sting?" }, { "_id": 8636, "text": "Who does Luna ask to guard his daughter?" }, { "_id": 8637, "text": "Why do the detectives visit Luna's uncle?" }, { "_id": 8638, "text": "What has the victim in Lincoln Park been given ?" }, { "_id": 8639, "text": "What do the Comachos disguise themselves as as they assault the Luna Household?" }, { "_id": 8640, "text": "Who kills Luis as he is about to kill Diana?" }, { "_id": 8641, "text": "What does Cusack and Durato use to patrol beneath the trains during the sting operation?" }, { "_id": 8642, "text": "Who is the alcoholic detective?" }, { "_id": 8643, "text": "What drug does Victor Comacho supply?" }, { "_id": 8644, "text": "What does Tony Luna ask Lou Gamiani to do when he decides to leave town?" }, { "_id": 8645, "text": "What do the Comachos pose as to gun down the Luna family?" }, { "_id": 8646, "text": "How does Gamiani die?" }, { "_id": 8647, "text": "Who does Cusack place Diana in a safe house with?" }, { "_id": 8648, "text": "What truth does does Kopalas reveal about Cragie?" }, { "_id": 8649, "text": "Where is Tony Luna lying low?" }, { "_id": 8650, "text": "What is the name of the robot that Cusack retrieves?" }, { "_id": 8651, "text": "What part of the country is Amory Blaine from?" }, { "_id": 8652, "text": "What university does Amory Blaine attend? " }, { "_id": 8653, "text": "How are Beatrice and Amory related?" }, { "_id": 8654, "text": "Who does Amory begin a romantic relationship with?" }, { "_id": 8655, "text": "What war does Amory serve in? " }, { "_id": 8656, "text": "What was his job in the military?" }, { "_id": 8657, "text": "After the war, who does Amory fall in love with? " }, { "_id": 8658, "text": "The relationship with Rosalind fails because of what?" }, { "_id": 8659, "text": "Who is Amory's mentor?" }, { "_id": 8660, "text": "What city is Amory from? " }, { "_id": 8661, "text": "Where does Amory Blaine attend college?" }, { "_id": 8662, "text": "When did Amory first meet Isabelle Borge?" }, { "_id": 8663, "text": "Where do they meet again?" }, { "_id": 8664, "text": "At which event do the couple fall out of love?" }, { "_id": 8665, "text": "How does Amory communicate with Isabelle?" }, { "_id": 8666, "text": "When does Amory learn of Monsignor Darcy's death?" }, { "_id": 8667, "text": "What war did Amory serve in?" }, { "_id": 8668, "text": "What was Amory's job in the military?" }, { "_id": 8669, "text": "What destroys Amory's relation ship with Rosalind Connage?" }, { "_id": 8670, "text": "Who does Amory claim to be the only person he knows?" }, { "_id": 8671, "text": "What university does Amory attend?" }, { "_id": 8672, "text": "Who is Beatrice in relation to Amory?" }, { "_id": 8673, "text": "While at Princeton, what does Amory write for Isabelle?" }, { "_id": 8674, "text": "Why does Amory go overseas?" }, { "_id": 8675, "text": "What war was taking place?" }, { "_id": 8676, "text": "What was Amory's job in the arm?" }, { "_id": 8677, "text": "Why does the relationship between Rosalind and Amory fail?" }, { "_id": 8678, "text": "Who is Monsignor Darcy in relation to Amory?" }, { "_id": 8679, "text": "Where does Amory meet Isabelle?" }, { "_id": 8680, "text": "After Isabelle marries someone, why is Amory again crushed?" }, { "_id": 8681, "text": "Who is the main character in the story?" }, { "_id": 8682, "text": "What is Charley Brewster a fan of?" }, { "_id": 8683, "text": "Who does Charley believe is a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8684, "text": "Who does Charley tell about his suspicions of Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8685, "text": "What happens when Jerry visits Charley to ask him to forget about him being a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8686, "text": "How does Jerry avoid having to drink holy water?" }, { "_id": 8687, "text": "How does Jerry first try to kill Charley?" }, { "_id": 8688, "text": "Who does Charley stab in the hand with a pencil?" }, { "_id": 8689, "text": "How does Jerry retaliate for being stabbed in the hand with a pencil?" }, { "_id": 8690, "text": "How does Jerry die?" }, { "_id": 8691, "text": "What is the name of the show that Charles Brewster a fan of?" }, { "_id": 8692, "text": "Which character hosts the show Fright Night?" }, { "_id": 8693, "text": "What kind of creature is Jerry Dandrige?" }, { "_id": 8694, "text": "What item does Charles use on Jerry after he refuses to forget that he is a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8695, "text": "Who does Charles turn to for help?" }, { "_id": 8696, "text": "Which friend of Charleys' does Jerry hunt down?" }, { "_id": 8697, "text": "Which character does Jerry hypnotize in the club?" }, { "_id": 8698, "text": "What is the name of Jerry's protector?" }, { "_id": 8699, "text": "What does Jerry transform into right before the sun comes up?" }, { "_id": 8700, "text": "What eventually kills Jerry?" }, { "_id": 8701, "text": "At times, Vincent's crucifix works to repel vampire attacks, but at other times, it does not. When will Vincent's crucifix work?" }, { "_id": 8702, "text": "How is Jerry killed?" }, { "_id": 8703, "text": "How can Amy be saved from turning into a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8704, "text": "How does Amy become a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8705, "text": "How is Billy killed?" }, { "_id": 8706, "text": "How did Peter Vincent know that Billy was not a vampire?" }, { "_id": 8707, "text": "Who does Amy resemble?" }, { "_id": 8708, "text": "Why does Peter Vincent initially not help Charley?" }, { "_id": 8709, "text": "What animal does \"Evil\" Ed Thompson transform into?" }, { "_id": 8710, "text": "At the end of the story, where is \"Evil\" Ed Thompson?" }, { "_id": 8711, "text": "Who does this story revolve around?" }, { "_id": 8712, "text": "How old was Peter when he left?" }, { "_id": 8713, "text": "How was Peter like all infants?" }, { "_id": 8714, "text": "Why was Peter stuck in Kensington Gardens?" }, { "_id": 8715, "text": "How did Peter navigate the Gardens?" }, { "_id": 8716, "text": "Whom did Peter ask to marry him?" }, { "_id": 8717, "text": "What did Peter believe a pram to be?" }, { "_id": 8718, "text": "What gift did Mamie give Peter that was used every night?" }, { "_id": 8719, "text": "What does Peter do when not playing?" }, { "_id": 8720, "text": "Why did Peter leave home the last time?" }, { "_id": 8721, "text": "How old is Peter in the beginning of the story? " }, { "_id": 8722, "text": "What is the crow's name?" }, { "_id": 8723, "text": "Why does Peter return to Kensington after his second visit home to his mother? " }, { "_id": 8724, "text": "Who does Peter ask to marry him? " }, { "_id": 8725, "text": "When Peter is not playing what does he like to do? " }, { "_id": 8726, "text": "What does Queen Mab give Peter? " }, { "_id": 8727, "text": "What does Peter use as a boat? " }, { "_id": 8728, "text": "What city did Peter live in with his mom? " }, { "_id": 8729, "text": "What does Maimie make for Peter when she is older? " }, { "_id": 8730, "text": "How is Peter described in the first of the story?" }, { "_id": 8731, "text": "Who tells Peter he is no longer part bird?" }, { "_id": 8732, "text": "How does Peter get down the Serpentine?" }, { "_id": 8733, "text": "After scaring the fairies, how does Peter win them over?" }, { "_id": 8734, "text": "What does Queen Mab give Peter?" }, { "_id": 8735, "text": "What is Peter's heart's greatest wish?" }, { "_id": 8736, "text": "Why does Peter return to Kensington Gardens after going to his Mother's house?" }, { "_id": 8737, "text": "What happens when Pete again returns to his mother's house after spending too much time in Kensington Gardens?" }, { "_id": 8738, "text": "Who is Mamie Mannering?" }, { "_id": 8739, "text": "What does Peter do when he isn't busy playing?" }, { "_id": 8740, "text": "What ailment is Doc Holliday suffering from?" }, { "_id": 8741, "text": "What accessory do The Cowboys wear to identify themselves?" }, { "_id": 8742, "text": "Who is the leader of The Cowboys?" }, { "_id": 8743, "text": "Why is Curly Bill found not guilty of killing the marshal?" }, { "_id": 8744, "text": "What rule does Virgil make when he becomes the new marshal?" }, { "_id": 8745, "text": "Who takes over The Cowboys when Curly Bill is killed?" }, { "_id": 8746, "text": "Where does Doc die?" }, { "_id": 8747, "text": "Where does Wyatt die?" }, { "_id": 8748, "text": "Johnny Behan's alliance with The Cowboys is discovered during which battle?" }, { "_id": 8749, "text": "Which Cowboy drops his sash and escapes?" }, { "_id": 8750, "text": "What was Wyatt Earp's job?" }, { "_id": 8751, "text": "What are Wyatt's brothers named?" }, { "_id": 8752, "text": "What city do the three brothers settle down?" }, { "_id": 8753, "text": "Who do the three brothers meet in the new town?" }, { "_id": 8754, "text": "How do Wyatt and his brothers make money?" }, { "_id": 8755, "text": "What is the name of the band of outlaws?" }, { "_id": 8756, "text": "Who does Curly Bill shoot and kill?" }, { "_id": 8757, "text": "Who arrests Curly Bill?" }, { "_id": 8758, "text": "Which one of Wyatt's brothers is killed?" }, { "_id": 8759, "text": "Who kills Curly Bill?" }, { "_id": 8760, "text": "What is Virgil's relationship to Wyatt Earp?" }, { "_id": 8761, "text": "What is Morgan's relationship to Wyatt?" }, { "_id": 8762, "text": "What profession has Wyatt Earp retired from?" }, { "_id": 8763, "text": "What town do Wyatt, Virgil and Morgan head out to after meeting in Tucson?" }, { "_id": 8764, "text": "What is Doc Holiday's relationship to Wyatt?" }, { "_id": 8765, "text": "What deadly profession is Doc Holiday skilled in?" }, { "_id": 8766, "text": "What illness does Doc Holiday suffer from?" }, { "_id": 8767, "text": "Who is the leader of the Cowboys?" }, { "_id": 8768, "text": "Where does the fight take place when many Cowboys and Billy Clanton are killed?" }, { "_id": 8769, "text": "Who eventually kills Curly Bill and becomes a US Marshall again?" }, { "_id": 8770, "text": "With what family did the curse first begin?" }, { "_id": 8771, "text": "What prompted Takeo to kill his wife?" }, { "_id": 8772, "text": "Who leaves the curse on the house?" }, { "_id": 8773, "text": "How was Takeo killed?" }, { "_id": 8774, "text": "Who moves into the home from America?" }, { "_id": 8775, "text": "Who kills Matt and Jennifer?" }, { "_id": 8776, "text": "Who's lower jaw was found in the attic?" }, { "_id": 8777, "text": "Nakagawa tries to do what to the home one evening?" }, { "_id": 8778, "text": "What is the case of Doug's death?" }, { "_id": 8779, "text": "Who is Karen still haunted by at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 8780, "text": "Who discovers Kayako Saeki's diary?" }, { "_id": 8781, "text": "What does Peter receive from Kayako Saeki that prompts him to go to her house?" }, { "_id": 8782, "text": "What does Peter find when he arrives to Kayako Saeki's house?" }, { "_id": 8783, "text": "Who does Karen Davis find in the closet?" }, { "_id": 8784, "text": "In addition to Matt and Jennifer, what else does Detective Nakagawa find in the attic?" }, { "_id": 8785, "text": "After Kayako starts to haunt Karen, who does she inform?" }, { "_id": 8786, "text": "What is Nakagawa trying to do when Takeo kills him?" }, { "_id": 8787, "text": "Why does Doug go to the house?" }, { "_id": 8788, "text": "What does Karen use to light the petrol which keeps her from dying?" }, { "_id": 8789, "text": "What survives the petrol fire?" }, { "_id": 8790, "text": "How did Doug die?" }, { "_id": 8791, "text": "What type of animal was Mar?" }, { "_id": 8792, "text": "Where did the Williams family move from?" }, { "_id": 8793, "text": "What was the name of Detective Nakagawa's partner?" }, { "_id": 8794, "text": "How is the curse born?" }, { "_id": 8795, "text": "Where does Taeo hid the bodies of Kayako, Mar & Toshio?" }, { "_id": 8796, "text": "Who's lighter does Karen use to try to light the petrol?" }, { "_id": 8797, "text": "What type of ghost did Kayako appear as after she was killed?" }, { "_id": 8798, "text": "What are the names of the two careworkers sent to the Williams' house?" }, { "_id": 8799, "text": "Who is Anne to Rilla?" }, { "_id": 8800, "text": "Which World War is about to begin in the story?" }, { "_id": 8801, "text": "What illness did Rilla's brother Walter have?" }, { "_id": 8802, "text": "Susan Baker serves what position ?" }, { "_id": 8803, "text": "Who organizes the Junior Red Cross in the local village?" }, { "_id": 8804, "text": "What does Rilla name the sickly 2 week old orphaned boy she finds?" }, { "_id": 8805, "text": "Who is the British Secretary of State for War?" }, { "_id": 8806, "text": "Where was Walter killed in action?" }, { "_id": 8807, "text": "Where was Jim taken prisoner?" }, { "_id": 8808, "text": "How old is Anne's youngest daughter?" }, { "_id": 8809, "text": "Why are Rilla's parents worried?" }, { "_id": 8810, "text": "Who does Rilla suspect is engaged to Jem?" }, { "_id": 8811, "text": "What kind of animal took up a vigil at Glen train station?" }, { "_id": 8812, "text": "What did Rilla organize in her village as the war dragged on?" }, { "_id": 8813, "text": "What kind of insult did Walter feel deeply about?" }, { "_id": 8814, "text": "Walter was killed in action where?" }, { "_id": 8815, "text": "What did Shirley join as he came of age?" }, { "_id": 8816, "text": "What body part did Miller Douglas lose in the war?" }, { "_id": 8817, "text": "What course does Una plan to take?" }, { "_id": 8818, "text": "Why does Jem go to England after leaving Holland?" }, { "_id": 8819, "text": "What sign of death did Anne see over Walter when he was younger?" }, { "_id": 8820, "text": "Who was in love with Walter?" }, { "_id": 8821, "text": "Where is Marilla during the war?" }, { "_id": 8822, "text": "How does Rilla take the baby back to Ingleside?" }, { "_id": 8823, "text": "Where is Gertrude Oliver's fiancee?" }, { "_id": 8824, "text": "Who are the parents of Rilla's love interest?" }, { "_id": 8825, "text": "Where does Dog Monday wait?" }, { "_id": 8826, "text": "Why does Walter not enlist?" }, { "_id": 8827, "text": "If Mary loved Jem, why was she considering marrying Harry Carson?" }, { "_id": 8828, "text": "Why was it important to have Will testify in court?" }, { "_id": 8829, "text": "How did Will know about Jem's court case?" }, { "_id": 8830, "text": "How was Mary related to the street-walker?" }, { "_id": 8831, "text": "Who helped Mary to track down Will?" }, { "_id": 8832, "text": "How was Mr. Carson able to forgive his son's murderer?" }, { "_id": 8833, "text": "Who did the murderer confess to?" }, { "_id": 8834, "text": "Who knew the other loved them first, between Mary and Jem?" }, { "_id": 8835, "text": "What does Margaret's last name become by the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 8836, "text": "What physical evidence tied Jem to the murder?" }, { "_id": 8837, "text": "Why does John think his wife died?" }, { "_id": 8838, "text": "Who warns John Barton about his daughter possibly becoming a street walker?" }, { "_id": 8839, "text": "Who is arreted for killing Harry Carson?" }, { "_id": 8840, "text": "Where does Mary have to go to prove Jem's innocence?" }, { "_id": 8841, "text": "Who was Jem with the night of Harry's murder?" }, { "_id": 8842, "text": "Who actually killed Harry Carson?" }, { "_id": 8843, "text": "Who does Mary finally marry?" }, { "_id": 8844, "text": "What country do Mary and Jem move to?" }, { "_id": 8845, "text": "Where does Mary meet Jem and harry?" }, { "_id": 8846, "text": "What was John Barton's sons name?" }, { "_id": 8847, "text": "What is the name of the trade-union movement Barton joins?" }, { "_id": 8848, "text": "What job did Mary original wish to work?" }, { "_id": 8849, "text": "Why did Mary wish to marry Harry Carson?" }, { "_id": 8850, "text": "What became of Esther following her disappearance?" }, { "_id": 8851, "text": "What charge does Ester face and get jailed for?" }, { "_id": 8852, "text": "Who is the second person Esther visits on the issue of ensuring Mary does not end up as a streetwalker?" }, { "_id": 8853, "text": "What complex the Mary have upon realizing who killed Carson?" }, { "_id": 8854, "text": "Upon leaving England to resettle, what country do Jem and Mary relocate to?" }, { "_id": 8855, "text": "What did Mr. Sturgis do for a living?" }, { "_id": 8856, "text": "Who does Mary find to provide an alibi for her lover in regards to the murder of Carson?" }, { "_id": 8857, "text": "According to John, why did his wife die?" }, { "_id": 8858, "text": "Which man does Mary truly love?" }, { "_id": 8859, "text": "What is Ester's occupation?" }, { "_id": 8860, "text": "Why was Jem arrested for killing Carson?" }, { "_id": 8861, "text": "What is Mary's occupation?" }, { "_id": 8862, "text": "Why did Mary travel to Liverpool?" }, { "_id": 8863, "text": "What does Harry Carson's father do?" }, { "_id": 8864, "text": "Why does Jem decide to leave England?" }, { "_id": 8865, "text": "Where do Jem and Margaret end up living?" }, { "_id": 8866, "text": "What terrorizes Sethe and her family?" }, { "_id": 8867, "text": "Who is Sethe's reincarnated daughter?" }, { "_id": 8868, "text": "Who used to be a slave?" }, { "_id": 8869, "text": "What did the Schoolteacher's nephews take from Sethe after raping her?" }, { "_id": 8870, "text": "Who helped to deliver Sethe's baby?" }, { "_id": 8871, "text": "Why did Sethe feel that she was justified in killing her daughter?" }, { "_id": 8872, "text": "Who performs the exorcism at Sethe's house?" }, { "_id": 8873, "text": "Who becomes bedridden?" }, { "_id": 8874, "text": "Who does Paul D. think turned into a strong young woman?" }, { "_id": 8875, "text": "What city's outskirt did Sethe live after Civil War?" }, { "_id": 8876, "text": "What did Sethe think Beloved was reincarnation of?" }, { "_id": 8877, "text": "Who used newspaper clippings to tell Sethe's story to Paul D?" }, { "_id": 8878, "text": "What is the name of plantation from which Sethe escaped being a slave?" }, { "_id": 8879, "text": "How many children did Sethe live with at her home outside of Cincinnati before ghost(poltergaist) scared two of them to run away?" }, { "_id": 8880, "text": "Who did Sethe's daughter, Denver, named after?" }, { "_id": 8881, "text": "How is Baby Saggs related to Sethe?" }, { "_id": 8882, "text": "What did Sethe tell Paul D her best thing was?" }, { "_id": 8883, "text": "How Beloved was handicapped?" }, { "_id": 8884, "text": "Of what memory was Denver inspired by to go out and find an employment?" }, { "_id": 8885, "text": "Where does Sethe live after the Civil War?" }, { "_id": 8886, "text": "How many children does Sethe have?" }, { "_id": 8887, "text": "When Sethe and her children are terrorized, what do her two sons do?" }, { "_id": 8888, "text": "What was the name of the plantation Sethe escaped from?" }, { "_id": 8889, "text": "Who is Beloved reincarnated from?" }, { "_id": 8890, "text": "Who killed Sethe's oldest daughter?" }, { "_id": 8891, "text": "Who raped Sethe?" }, { "_id": 8892, "text": "Why did women from the local church visit Sethe's house?" }, { "_id": 8893, "text": "What does Sethe do when Denver's new employer arrives?" }, { "_id": 8894, "text": "What does Sethe suffer from that makes her permanently bedridden?" }, { "_id": 8895, "text": "What church did slave owners in the West Indies become god-parents to their slaves through?" }, { "_id": 8896, "text": "What does Froude think will happen if blacks in West Indian contries are allowed to vote?" }, { "_id": 8897, "text": "Why does Froude attack the notion that West Indian blacks harbor animosity towards whites?" }, { "_id": 8898, "text": "Who has a tendancy to state incorrect assumptions?" }, { "_id": 8899, "text": "Who regulary critiques Froude's claims?" }, { "_id": 8900, "text": "How long as the reform movement been active, according to Thomas?" }, { "_id": 8901, "text": "Who does Thomas use as examples of black intellectuals in America?" }, { "_id": 8902, "text": "Which country does Froude comment on the lifestyle of the natives?" }, { "_id": 8903, "text": "Why were the West Indian blacks well taken care of, accordin to Froude?" }, { "_id": 8904, "text": "Who has a cheerful view of slavery?" }, { "_id": 8905, "text": "How did Thomas feel about West Indian voting?" }, { "_id": 8906, "text": "What did Thoms think would happen to whites is West Indian blacks could vote?" }, { "_id": 8907, "text": "How did Thomas feel about Froude wriing about people who he'd never interacted with?" }, { "_id": 8908, "text": "When did Thomas mention many black intellectuals rising?" }, { "_id": 8909, "text": "Why did Thomas believe many black intellectuals were able to rise?" }, { "_id": 8910, "text": "Who did Thomas use as an example of a highly, intelligent black man?" }, { "_id": 8911, "text": "Why did Thomas bring up the rising of Christianity among blacks?" }, { "_id": 8912, "text": "What did Thomas predict about the list of accomplishments of the \"Negro race\"?" }, { "_id": 8913, "text": "How did Thomas view Froude's comments about the native's lifestyles?" }, { "_id": 8914, "text": "How long did Thomas say the reform movement had been active for?" }, { "_id": 8915, "text": "What does Froude think will happen if black are allowed to vote in West Indian countries?" }, { "_id": 8916, "text": "Thomas says Froude has what level of personal experience with the natives? " }, { "_id": 8917, "text": "How many pages does Thomas write telling of abuses, and corruption of the governors of Trinidad?" }, { "_id": 8918, "text": "Whom does Thomas accuse of suppressing the blacks?" }, { "_id": 8919, "text": "What two men does Thomas use as examples of successful black intellectuals?" }, { "_id": 8920, "text": "Froude believes what stereotypes about the blacks?" }, { "_id": 8921, "text": "In what way did the slave owners of West India become god-parents to their slaves?" }, { "_id": 8922, "text": "What argument does Thomas use against black animosity towards whites?" }, { "_id": 8923, "text": "Whom as a habbit of stating incorrect assumptions as fact?" }, { "_id": 8924, "text": "What is Froude experience with the natives of Grenada?" }, { "_id": 8925, "text": "How long was the vacation Thelma and Louise took supposed to last?" }, { "_id": 8926, "text": "Why did Louise shoot Harlan? " }, { "_id": 8927, "text": "Thelma and Louise are attempting to travel to Mexico, unable to go through Texas, what direction did they decide to travel? " }, { "_id": 8928, "text": "What did the police investigator Hal Slocoumb offer to do for Louise if she would surrender?" }, { "_id": 8929, "text": "In what state are Thelma and Louise pulled over by the state trooper? " }, { "_id": 8930, "text": "Where are Thelna and Louise finally cornered by authorities? " }, { "_id": 8931, "text": "Before Thelma and Louise drive off the cliff to thier presumed death's, what did they do? " }, { "_id": 8932, "text": "Who made a last ditch effort to convince the ladies to surrender?" }, { "_id": 8933, "text": "What type of vehicle did Thelma and Louise make their incredible journey? " }, { "_id": 8934, "text": "What is Thelma's relationship to Louise?" }, { "_id": 8935, "text": "What is Louise's occupation?" }, { "_id": 8936, "text": "What is Daryl's relationship to Thelma?" }, { "_id": 8937, "text": "What type of vehicle do Thelma and Louise take on vacation?" }, { "_id": 8938, "text": "What does Harlan attempt to do to a drunk Thelma?" }, { "_id": 8939, "text": "What does Louise do to Harlan?" }, { "_id": 8940, "text": "What state does Louise refuse to travel through?" }, { "_id": 8941, "text": "What is Jimmy's relationship to Louise?" }, { "_id": 8942, "text": "What is Jimmy asked to wire to Louise?" }, { "_id": 8943, "text": "Who admits to breaking parole and being a thief?" }, { "_id": 8944, "text": "Who's car did Thelma and Louise use to go on vacation?" }, { "_id": 8945, "text": "What kind of car does Louise own?" }, { "_id": 8946, "text": "Who did Thelma dance with at the roadhouse?" }, { "_id": 8947, "text": "What was Harlan doing to Thelma when Louise found them?" }, { "_id": 8948, "text": "What happened to Harlan?" }, { "_id": 8949, "text": "Who did Thelma and Louise let hitchhike with them?" }, { "_id": 8950, "text": "Who did Louise have wire her life savings to her?" }, { "_id": 8951, "text": "What happened to Louise's life savings?" }, { "_id": 8952, "text": "What happened when the truck driver refused to apologize?" }, { "_id": 8953, "text": "What did Thelma and Louise do just before the drove over the cliff?" }, { "_id": 8954, "text": "What profession is the main character of this story?" }, { "_id": 8955, "text": "What is the main character's name?" }, { "_id": 8956, "text": "Who is Salve in love with?" }, { "_id": 8957, "text": "Why doesn't Elisabeth marry Salve early on in the story?" }, { "_id": 8958, "text": "Whom does Elisabeth choose to love?" }, { "_id": 8959, "text": "Why can't Elisabeth marry Slave right away?" }, { "_id": 8960, "text": "What happens when Salve returns 10 years later?" }, { "_id": 8961, "text": "Why were Salve and Elisabeth miserable after they married?" }, { "_id": 8962, "text": "How long did it take Salve and Elisabeth to forma a happy life together?" }, { "_id": 8963, "text": "What is the moral of this story?" }, { "_id": 8964, "text": "What is this story about?" }, { "_id": 8965, "text": "Who is this story about?" }, { "_id": 8966, "text": "What is the sailor describing in this story?" }, { "_id": 8967, "text": "Who is loved in return?" }, { "_id": 8968, "text": "Why did Salve leave his land?" }, { "_id": 8969, "text": "Who does Elisabeth marry?" }, { "_id": 8970, "text": "How many years elapse before an understanding is made?" }, { "_id": 8971, "text": "What makes Salve decide to finally marry Elisabeth?" }, { "_id": 8972, "text": "What creates their happy life together?" }, { "_id": 8973, "text": "What is emphasized by this novel?" }, { "_id": 8974, "text": "What does a marriage need?" }, { "_id": 8975, "text": "Who does Salve Kristiansen love?" }, { "_id": 8976, "text": "Who is Elisabeth initially attracted to?" }, { "_id": 8977, "text": "How many years elapse before Salve and Elisabeth understand each other?" }, { "_id": 8978, "text": "Who was true to Salve?" }, { "_id": 8979, "text": "Who is living a happy life?" }, { "_id": 8980, "text": "How many people are in wedlock?" }, { "_id": 8981, "text": "What is The Pilot and His Wife?" }, { "_id": 8982, "text": "Who is beautiful?" }, { "_id": 8983, "text": "Where does Salve sail to?" }, { "_id": 8984, "text": "WHO WERE THE 4 MEMBERS IN THE ESCAPE POD?" }, { "_id": 8985, "text": "WHAT DOES RIPLEY DISCOVER AFTER CRASH-LANDING ON FLORINA?" }, { "_id": 8986, "text": "WHY DOES RIPLEY ORDER AN AUTOPSY ON NEWT?" }, { "_id": 8987, "text": "HOW DOES THE ALIEN FIRST COME INTO THE STORY?" }, { "_id": 8988, "text": "WHAT DOES RIPLEY FIND WHEN SHE SCANS HERSELF WITH THE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT?" }, { "_id": 8989, "text": "WHY DOES THE WEYLAND-YUTANI CORPORATION REALLY SEND THE RESCUE SHIP?" }, { "_id": 8990, "text": "WHAT AGREEMENT DO DILLON AND RIPLEY COME TO?" }, { "_id": 8991, "text": "WHAT PLAN DO RIPLEY AND DILLON COME UP WITH? DO THEY SUCCEED?" }, { "_id": 8992, "text": "WHAT DOES BISHOP'S CREATOR TRY TO CONVINCE RIPLEY TO DO?" }, { "_id": 8993, "text": "WHAT DOES RIPLEY DO AT THE END, AND WHO SURVIVES?" }, { "_id": 8994, "text": "Who was aboard the escape pod?" }, { "_id": 8995, "text": "Who was the only survivor from the pod?" }, { "_id": 8996, "text": "What did Ellen fear Newt had been impregnated with?" }, { "_id": 8997, "text": "How did the alien get to the prison? " }, { "_id": 8998, "text": "Who is sending a rescue ship for Ellen?" }, { "_id": 8999, "text": "Who does the alien murder in the infirmary? " }, { "_id": 9000, "text": "What does Ellen find inside her after completing a scan of herself?" }, { "_id": 9001, "text": "Why does Ellen think the adult alien won't kill her?" }, { "_id": 9002, "text": "How does Ellen kill herself and the embryo?" }, { "_id": 9003, "text": "What is the name of the colonial marine ship?" }, { "_id": 9004, "text": "Where does the pod crash land on?" }, { "_id": 9005, "text": "Who tells Ripley that she is the only survivor?" }, { "_id": 9006, "text": "What is Clemens' job title?" }, { "_id": 9007, "text": "Who does Ripley want an autopsy done on?" }, { "_id": 9008, "text": "What company is sending a rescue ship for Ripley?" }, { "_id": 9009, "text": "What does Ripley find out about her own body?" }, { "_id": 9010, "text": "What part of the body is Morse shot in?" }, { "_id": 9011, "text": "How does Aaron die?" }, { "_id": 9012, "text": "How does Ripley die?" }, { "_id": 9013, "text": "In what city does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 9014, "text": "What machine is Mark confined to?" }, { "_id": 9015, "text": "What disease did Mark have?" }, { "_id": 9016, "text": "What is Cheryl's job?" }, { "_id": 9017, "text": "Where does Mark meet Susan?" }, { "_id": 9018, "text": "What is Cheryl's husband hiding from her?" }, { "_id": 9019, "text": "Why do Mark and Cheryl stop their sessions?" }, { "_id": 9020, "text": "What does Susan read at Mark's funeral?" }, { "_id": 9021, "text": "Why does the iron lung stop working?" }, { "_id": 9022, "text": "What is the name of Mark's priest?" }, { "_id": 9023, "text": "In what city does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 9024, "text": "What does Mark O'Brien do for a living?" }, { "_id": 9025, "text": "What disease causes him to live inside an iron lung?" }, { "_id": 9026, "text": "Who is Cheryl Cohen-Greene?" }, { "_id": 9027, "text": "How does Cheryl's husband find out about Mark and Cheryl's romance?" }, { "_id": 9028, "text": "Why is Mark rushed to the hospital?" }, { "_id": 9029, "text": "What is the name of the woman Mark meets at the hospital?" }, { "_id": 9030, "text": "What does Susan read at Mark's funeral?" }, { "_id": 9031, "text": "Where does the protagonist Mark O'Brien live?" }, { "_id": 9032, "text": "What medical device does Mark live inside?" }, { "_id": 9033, "text": "What is Mark's vocation?" }, { "_id": 9034, "text": "What human experience has Mark never partaken of?" }, { "_id": 9035, "text": "What is Amanda's relationship to Mark?" }, { "_id": 9036, "text": "What does Cheryl Cohen-Greene agree to help Mark lose?" }, { "_id": 9037, "text": "How many sex sessions does Cheryl agree to have with Mark?" }, { "_id": 9038, "text": "With whom does Mark consult morally before embarking on having sex?" }, { "_id": 9039, "text": "What is Cheryl Cohen-Greene's profession?" }, { "_id": 9040, "text": "Who does Newland Archer marry?" }, { "_id": 9041, "text": "Who does Newland meet that leaves him questioning his marriage?" }, { "_id": 9042, "text": "How old is Ellen when Newland meets her?" }, { "_id": 9043, "text": "How are Ellen and May related to each other? " }, { "_id": 9044, "text": "What continent was Ellen living on before she returned to New York?" }, { "_id": 9045, "text": "Who dissuades Countess Ellen from divorcing her husband? " }, { "_id": 9046, "text": "After marrying May, where does Newland see Ellen again? " }, { "_id": 9047, "text": "Who reinstates Ellen's allowance?" }, { "_id": 9048, "text": "Before Newland can tell may that he is leaving her, what does she tell him?" }, { "_id": 9049, "text": "After finding out about the pregnancy, what does Ellen decide to do?" }, { "_id": 9050, "text": "Whose presence threatens the soon-to-be bride's happiness?" }, { "_id": 9051, "text": "Who is anticipating the desirable marriage with May Welland?" }, { "_id": 9052, "text": "Why does he find reason to doubt the choice of bride?" }, { "_id": 9053, "text": "Why did Elena return to New York?" }, { "_id": 9054, "text": "What causes a social crises for the members of Elena's family?" }, { "_id": 9055, "text": "What does Newland tell Ellen?" }, { "_id": 9056, "text": "What does May telegram Newland?" }, { "_id": 9057, "text": "What does Newland urge Ellen to do?" }, { "_id": 9058, "text": "What does Newton discover about Ellen?" }, { "_id": 9059, "text": "What does May tell Newton?" }, { "_id": 9060, "text": "What is Newland Archer's profesion?" }, { "_id": 9061, "text": "At the beginning of the story, why did Ellen Olenska return to New York?" }, { "_id": 9062, "text": "Who does Newland Archer marry?" }, { "_id": 9063, "text": "Where does Ellen Olenska care for her sick grandmother?" }, { "_id": 9064, "text": "Who does Newland go to Paris with at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 9065, "text": "Why doesn't Newland Archer follow Ellen Olenska to Europe?" }, { "_id": 9066, "text": "How old is Ellen Olenska at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 9067, "text": "Who is Ellen Olenski to May Welland?" }, { "_id": 9068, "text": "What does Newland's law partner ask him to do?" }, { "_id": 9069, "text": "Why did Ellen's family cut off her allowance?" }, { "_id": 9070, "text": "Who escapes a maximum - security prison in 2012?" }, { "_id": 9071, "text": "Who left arm was shot off?" }, { "_id": 9072, "text": "Why did Boris travel back in time?" }, { "_id": 9073, "text": "Why must J travel back in time?" }, { "_id": 9074, "text": "Who returned to 2012 after his mission was completed?" }, { "_id": 9075, "text": "In what year did Boris attacked K on the beach?" }, { "_id": 9076, "text": "What was the alien name?" }, { "_id": 9077, "text": "Where did J travel in 1969?" }, { "_id": 9078, "text": "Who will comment a murder there?" }, { "_id": 9079, "text": "Who escapes the maximum security prison in 2012?" }, { "_id": 9080, "text": "What planet is Agent K found on?" }, { "_id": 9081, "text": "Why does Boris travel back in time?" }, { "_id": 9082, "text": "Why was arcnet not deployed ?" }, { "_id": 9083, "text": "To when does J travel to restore arcnet?" }, { "_id": 9084, "text": "What do K and J encounter at the Factory? " }, { "_id": 9085, "text": "What do K J and Boris use to get to the Apollo 11?" }, { "_id": 9086, "text": "How does J evade an attack from boris?" }, { "_id": 9087, "text": "What does J realize about the boy?" }, { "_id": 9088, "text": "Where is Boris the Animal from ?" }, { "_id": 9089, "text": "Who is responible for creating ArcNet?" }, { "_id": 9090, "text": "What is the Arcnet to be attached to ?" }, { "_id": 9091, "text": "What are the agents initals?" }, { "_id": 9092, "text": "Where do they first see Griffin?" }, { "_id": 9093, "text": "Throughout the story how many Boris characters are Present?" }, { "_id": 9094, "text": "WHat years are referenced in the story?" }, { "_id": 9095, "text": "How long has agent j known agent K?" }, { "_id": 9096, "text": "What type of story is this?" }, { "_id": 9097, "text": "What was the legend of the Great Stone Face?" }, { "_id": 9098, "text": "Where did this legend come from?" }, { "_id": 9099, "text": "What was Ernest's quest to find?" }, { "_id": 9100, "text": "Who were the men who returned to the glen seeking to be recognized as the fulfillment of the legend?" }, { "_id": 9101, "text": "Why weren't any of the men who returned to the glen the fulfillment of the legend?" }, { "_id": 9102, "text": "What was the Great Stone Face and how did it appear?" }, { "_id": 9103, "text": "Where was the sermon given that the w riter attended?" }, { "_id": 9104, "text": "Why did Ernest choose this site to give the sermon?" }, { "_id": 9105, "text": "Did Ernest find the man who fulfilled the promise of the legend?" }, { "_id": 9106, "text": "What folklore legend surrounds the Great Stone Face?" }, { "_id": 9107, "text": "What quest does Ernest assign himself?" }, { "_id": 9108, "text": "How many men visit the Great Stone Face to claim they are the native son from the legend?" }, { "_id": 9109, "text": "Where does the poet discover that Ernest is the hero from the legend?" }, { "_id": 9110, "text": "How would people know if someone was the native son from the legend?" }, { "_id": 9111, "text": "What was Ernest's occupation before he became a local preacher?" }, { "_id": 9112, "text": "Of the four men claiming the title which one recognized that he was not the native son?" }, { "_id": 9113, "text": "Where does the congregation ask Ernest to give his sermon?" }, { "_id": 9114, "text": "What did Ernest wish for as he walked home after his sermon?" }, { "_id": 9115, "text": "How did Ernest react when all the people recognized him as the one who resembled the Great Stone Face?" }, { "_id": 9116, "text": "What state is the story set in?" }, { "_id": 9117, "text": "What does the rock look like?" }, { "_id": 9118, "text": "How tall in height was the stone?" }, { "_id": 9119, "text": "Who wants to discover the legendary hero?" }, { "_id": 9120, "text": "Why do the men return to the valley?" }, { "_id": 9121, "text": "Who is the last person to return?" }, { "_id": 9122, "text": "What is Ernest's first job as an adult?" }, { "_id": 9123, "text": "Who has given a sermon?" }, { "_id": 9124, "text": "Where has the congregation gathered?" }, { "_id": 9125, "text": "Who said that Ernest was the Great Face?" }, { "_id": 9126, "text": "What is Jane Craig's profession?" }, { "_id": 9127, "text": "Who is Jane's best friend?" }, { "_id": 9128, "text": "Who does Aaron secretly love?" }, { "_id": 9129, "text": "What does Aaron do for a living?" }, { "_id": 9130, "text": "What does Tom do for a living?" }, { "_id": 9131, "text": "What city does Tom, Jane, and Aaron work out of?" }, { "_id": 9132, "text": "Who do Tom, Jane, an Aaron work for?" }, { "_id": 9133, "text": "Who acknowledges their love to Jane?" }, { "_id": 9134, "text": "Who got promoted mainly because of their good looks?" }, { "_id": 9135, "text": "Who gets transferred to London?" }, { "_id": 9136, "text": "Who character is considered neurotic?" }, { "_id": 9137, "text": "Who is Jane's best friend?" }, { "_id": 9138, "text": "Which character used to be a sports anchorman?" }, { "_id": 9139, "text": "Which character is Tom attracted to?" }, { "_id": 9140, "text": "Which character is secretly in love with Jane?" }, { "_id": 9141, "text": "What city do all three character work in?" }, { "_id": 9142, "text": "Whose debut as an anchorman is a failure?" }, { "_id": 9143, "text": "Which character tenders his resignation?" }, { "_id": 9144, "text": "Which character is getting transfered to London?" }, { "_id": 9145, "text": "What is the cause of people at the network losing their jobs? " }, { "_id": 9146, "text": "In which city do Jane, Aaron and Tom work together?" }, { "_id": 9147, "text": "What is Jane's job?" }, { "_id": 9148, "text": "Why was Tom hired?" }, { "_id": 9149, "text": "What is Aaron's job?" }, { "_id": 9150, "text": "Where is Tom transferring to?" }, { "_id": 9151, "text": "Where is Aaron going to go when he resigns?" }, { "_id": 9152, "text": "Who is Aaron in love with?" }, { "_id": 9153, "text": "What happens when Aaron gets to do a newscast?" }, { "_id": 9154, "text": "What does Aaron tell Jane about Tom before he leaves?" }, { "_id": 9155, "text": "What was Tom's previous job?" }, { "_id": 9156, "text": "How does Ruth die?" }, { "_id": 9157, "text": "Whose son gets caught embezzling corporate funds?" }, { "_id": 9158, "text": "Why is Ruth going to the ball?" }, { "_id": 9159, "text": "Why does the hotel cal Bellingham's mther?" }, { "_id": 9160, "text": "Who is jealous because her suitor admire's Ruth?" }, { "_id": 9161, "text": "What job does Mr. Bradshaw offer to Ruth?" }, { "_id": 9162, "text": "What does Ruth name her baby?" }, { "_id": 9163, "text": "When introduced to Mr. Donne, what does Ruth notice about him?" }, { "_id": 9164, "text": "During the confrontation with Ruth, what does Bellingham offer to do for the sake of their child? " }, { "_id": 9165, "text": "Why does Mr. Bradshaw fire Ruth and throw her out of the house?" }, { "_id": 9166, "text": "In the beginning of the story, whom does Ruth form a secret friendship with?" }, { "_id": 9167, "text": "Who comforts Ruth when she wants to commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 9168, "text": "How is Ruth related to Leonard?" }, { "_id": 9169, "text": "Who is Mr. Donne really?" }, { "_id": 9170, "text": "What damages Leonard and Ruth's relationship?" }, { "_id": 9171, "text": "Whom does Jemima marry?" }, { "_id": 9172, "text": "Why does Mr. Bradshaw disown his son?" }, { "_id": 9173, "text": "Why did Ruth go to the ball?" }, { "_id": 9174, "text": "Who offers to marry Ruth but is rejected by her?" }, { "_id": 9175, "text": "Who does Ruth work for?" }, { "_id": 9176, "text": "Who does Ruth meet who is attracted to her at the ball?" }, { "_id": 9177, "text": "What happens when Mrs. Mason spots Ruth out with Bellingham?" }, { "_id": 9178, "text": "Where does Bellingham take Ruth?" }, { "_id": 9179, "text": "Where does Bellingham's mother convince him to abandon Ruth?" }, { "_id": 9180, "text": "What does Mr. Benson stop Ruth from doing?" }, { "_id": 9181, "text": "Who does Ruth move in with?" }, { "_id": 9182, "text": "What story does Mr. Benson make up to protect Ruth?" }, { "_id": 9183, "text": "Who is Ruth's son?" }, { "_id": 9184, "text": "What job does Ruth do for Mr. Bradshaw?" }, { "_id": 9185, "text": "Why is Goriot bankrupt?" }, { "_id": 9186, "text": "Who arranges for Victorine's brother's murder?" }, { "_id": 9187, "text": "Who tutors Rastignac in upper class ways?" }, { "_id": 9188, "text": "How did Anastasie pay off her lover's debts?" }, { "_id": 9189, "text": "Which daughter arrives at her father's deathbed in time to have a deep conversation with Goriot before he dies?" }, { "_id": 9190, "text": "What have the police nicknamed Vautrin?" }, { "_id": 9191, "text": "What physically kills Goriot?" }, { "_id": 9192, "text": "Where did Vautrin, Rastignac, and Goriot meet?" }, { "_id": 9193, "text": "Which of Goriot's daughters is Rastignac pursuing?" }, { "_id": 9194, "text": "What do Goriot's daughters send to their father's funeral?" }, { "_id": 9195, "text": "Who owns the boarding house in Paris?" }, { "_id": 9196, "text": "Why did Jean-Joachim Goriot go bankrupt?" }, { "_id": 9197, "text": "Which daughter of Jean-Joachim does Rastignac develop an interest?" }, { "_id": 9198, "text": "What does Vautrin propose be done to get to Victorine's family fortune?" }, { "_id": 9199, "text": "Who is the criminal that goes by the name Trompe-la-Mort?" }, { "_id": 9200, "text": "Why does Goriot suffer a stroke?" }, { "_id": 9201, "text": "Why is Anastasie selling Jewelry?" }, { "_id": 9202, "text": "Who is Anastasie to Delphine?" }, { "_id": 9203, "text": "What do Goriot's daughters send to their father's funeral?" }, { "_id": 9204, "text": "With whom does Rastignac dine after the funeral?" }, { "_id": 9205, "text": "Why is Goriot so poor?" }, { "_id": 9206, "text": "Who does Rastignac fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 9207, "text": "What does Vautrin offer to do for Rastignac?" }, { "_id": 9208, "text": "Why does Vautrin offer to kill Victorine's brother?" }, { "_id": 9209, "text": "What is Vautrin's criminal nick name?" }, { "_id": 9210, "text": "Why does Vautrin think Victorine is a better choice for Rastignac?" }, { "_id": 9211, "text": "What does Trompe-La-Mort mean?" }, { "_id": 9212, "text": "Which daughter visited Goriot, but got there after he lost consciousness?" }, { "_id": 9213, "text": "Who attended Goriot's funeral?" }, { "_id": 9214, "text": "What did Goriot's daughters send to Goriots funeral in their place?" }, { "_id": 9215, "text": "What are the two divers doing when they are killed by a Great White Shark?" }, { "_id": 9216, "text": "What does police chief Brody find in the debris of the speedboat wreckage?" }, { "_id": 9217, "text": "How did Brody acquire a close up image of the shark?" }, { "_id": 9218, "text": "Brody mistakes the dark shadow in the water as a shark, what was really causing the shadow in the water?" }, { "_id": 9219, "text": "Where did Mike go after he snuck out with his friends?" }, { "_id": 9220, "text": "What type of boat did Brody and Ellen take to rescue Mike and his friends?" }, { "_id": 9221, "text": "Who sacrifices herself to the shark to save Sean?" }, { "_id": 9222, "text": "How did the shark die?" }, { "_id": 9223, "text": "Which of Mike's two friends were trapped on the boat trying to get to Cable Junction Island?" }, { "_id": 9224, "text": "What position did Brody hold before the town council voted him out?" }, { "_id": 9225, "text": "What is the Mayors name?" }, { "_id": 9226, "text": "What were the two divers taking a photo of when they were attacked?" }, { "_id": 9227, "text": "Which character sneaks out to go sailing?" }, { "_id": 9228, "text": "Which character is found on a stretcher?" }, { "_id": 9229, "text": "What is the name of the small island housing a electrical relay station?" }, { "_id": 9230, "text": "What vehicle does the Coast Guard arrive in?" }, { "_id": 9231, "text": "Which character sacrafices herself?" }, { "_id": 9232, "text": "Who does Hendricks and Ellen take to shore?" }, { "_id": 9233, "text": "What does Brody hit the power cable with?" }, { "_id": 9234, "text": "How does the shark die in the end?" }, { "_id": 9235, "text": "What happens to two divers photographing the wreck of the Orca, a boat?" }, { "_id": 9236, "text": "What does Brody find along with the debris from the speedboat?" }, { "_id": 9237, "text": "What is the dark shadow that Brody spots which causes him to order everyone out of the water and fire his gun?" }, { "_id": 9238, "text": "What does the town council do to Brody?" }, { "_id": 9239, "text": "Who catches Mike as he sneaks out to go sailing?" }, { "_id": 9240, "text": "What do Hendricks, Brody, and Ellen use to rescue the kids?" }, { "_id": 9241, "text": "Where do Hendricks, Brody, and Ellen find Tina?" }, { "_id": 9242, "text": "How does the shark die?" }, { "_id": 9243, "text": "Who apologizes to Brody for not knowing about the shark?" }, { "_id": 9244, "text": "What is Buffy destined to do?" }, { "_id": 9245, "text": "When does Buffy believe Merrick's claims? " }, { "_id": 9246, "text": "What happens to Cassandra?" }, { "_id": 9247, "text": "What happens to Merrick?" }, { "_id": 9248, "text": "At the senior dance, what does Buffy find out about Jeffrey? " }, { "_id": 9249, "text": "What does Lothos do during the senior dance?" }, { "_id": 9250, "text": "What does Buffy find out during the basketball game?" }, { "_id": 9251, "text": "What relationship forms between Buffy and Pike?" }, { "_id": 9252, "text": "Why do Buffy's friends ignore her?" }, { "_id": 9253, "text": "What ends up happening to Lothos?" }, { "_id": 9254, "text": "Who is Buffy eventually romantically drawn to after she becomes a vampire slayer?" }, { "_id": 9255, "text": "Who is Merrick?" }, { "_id": 9256, "text": "Why does Buffy have a fall out with her snooty friends?" }, { "_id": 9257, "text": "How did Buffy overcome Lothos hypnotizing her?" }, { "_id": 9258, "text": "Why did Pike and Benny stop being friends?" }, { "_id": 9259, "text": "How did Buffy finally kill Lothos?" }, { "_id": 9260, "text": "Where did Buffy conquer the vampire king Lothos?" }, { "_id": 9261, "text": "What made Buffy drop temporarily her vampire slaying responsibilities?" }, { "_id": 9262, "text": "Where does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 9263, "text": "What was Buffy before she was a vampire slayer and where?" }, { "_id": 9264, "text": "In what type of sport is Buffy introduced?" }, { "_id": 9265, "text": "Who is the Chosen one?" }, { "_id": 9266, "text": "What is the watcher's duty?" }, { "_id": 9267, "text": "What recurring thing does Merrick accurately describe for Buffy?" }, { "_id": 9268, "text": "Who is the Local Vampire King?" }, { "_id": 9269, "text": "Who attacks Oliver and Benny?" }, { "_id": 9270, "text": "Who does Benny try to get to join him?" }, { "_id": 9271, "text": "Who is abducted?" }, { "_id": 9272, "text": "What is the name of the high school?" }, { "_id": 9273, "text": "Who dances at the senior dance with Buffy?" }, { "_id": 9274, "text": "How is Monsieur Delmont tricked into sleeping with his own daughter?" }, { "_id": 9275, "text": "Who does Julia, Monsieur Delmont's daughter think she is sleeping with?" }, { "_id": 9276, "text": "How is it decided that they will cover up the incest since Monsieur Delmont could have impregnated his daughter?" }, { "_id": 9277, "text": "Who is Bella caught having sex with at the beginning of story by father Ambrose?" }, { "_id": 9278, "text": "How does Father Ambrose convince Bella to have sex with him?" }, { "_id": 9279, "text": "What do Bella and Julia become at end of story?" }, { "_id": 9280, "text": "How does father Clement end up having sex with Bella's aunt?" }, { "_id": 9281, "text": "Who does Bella's aunt think she is making love to?" }, { "_id": 9282, "text": "When is the meeting with charlie scheduled?" }, { "_id": 9283, "text": "How did Charlie intiate Bella meeting him ?" }, { "_id": 9284, "text": "What does Charlie and Bella do in the garden?" }, { "_id": 9285, "text": "How did Father Ambrose know what Bella and Charlie were doing in the garden?" }, { "_id": 9286, "text": "Why does Bella have sex with Father Ambrose?" }, { "_id": 9287, "text": "How come Fr Superior and Fr Clement think they should get to have sex with Bella as well?" }, { "_id": 9288, "text": "How does Father Ambrose break his promise to Bella?" }, { "_id": 9289, "text": "Why does Madame Verbouc have sex with Father Clement?" }, { "_id": 9290, "text": "Why does Bella go along with Father Ambrose and his scheme?" }, { "_id": 9291, "text": "Why does Bella plan to offer herself to Monsieur Delmont?" }, { "_id": 9292, "text": "Why does Father Ambrose tell Julia to hide her face?" }, { "_id": 9293, "text": "Why does Monsieur Delmont have everyone have sex with his daughter?" }, { "_id": 9294, "text": "How do Bella and Charlie end up in the garden together?" }, { "_id": 9295, "text": "How does Father Ambrose discover what Bella and Charlie have been up to?" }, { "_id": 9296, "text": "When Father Ambrose learns what Bella and Charlie have been up to, how does he use the information?" }, { "_id": 9297, "text": "What happens when Father Superior and Father Clement catch Ambrose being intimate with Bella?" }, { "_id": 9298, "text": "Despite having told Bella he would not disclose what went on between them, who does Ambrose tell the secret to?" }, { "_id": 9299, "text": "What happens when Father Clement climbs through a window looking for Bella?" }, { "_id": 9300, "text": "When Monsieur Verbouc bursts into his room after Father Clement climbed through the wrong window, what does he find?" }, { "_id": 9301, "text": "What transpires when Delmont realizes he may have impregnated his own daughter?" }, { "_id": 9302, "text": "What career do Bella and Julia decide to pursue?" }, { "_id": 9303, "text": "Once the girls are ordained into the nunnery, how does the story end?" }, { "_id": 9304, "text": "What necessitates building a new colony on anothe planet?" }, { "_id": 9305, "text": "Who did the alliance beat to win the war?" }, { "_id": 9306, "text": "Who coersively conditioned River?" }, { "_id": 9307, "text": "Who is tasked with recapturing River?" }, { "_id": 9308, "text": "Who is the vaptain of Serenity?" }, { "_id": 9309, "text": "Who is the ships first mate?" }, { "_id": 9310, "text": "Who is the ship's pilot?" }, { "_id": 9311, "text": "Who is the ship's mechanic?" }, { "_id": 9312, "text": "Desepite the cre's objection, what does Mal disguise the Serenity as?" }, { "_id": 9313, "text": "Who becomes Mal's co-pilot?" }, { "_id": 9314, "text": "Why has humanity left earth?" }, { "_id": 9315, "text": "What did river whisper before attacking?" }, { "_id": 9316, "text": "What was the experimental chemical on Miranda designed to do?" }, { "_id": 9317, "text": "How did the residents on Miranda die?" }, { "_id": 9318, "text": "Who did the central planets win a war against?" }, { "_id": 9319, "text": "Who rescues river?" }, { "_id": 9320, "text": "What is the operative's mission?" }, { "_id": 9321, "text": "Who is the mechanic on Serenity?" }, { "_id": 9322, "text": "What causes River to attack the bar patrons?" }, { "_id": 9323, "text": "Who kills Mr. Universe?" }, { "_id": 9324, "text": "How was the chemical that infected the residents of Miranda spread?" }, { "_id": 9325, "text": "Why is humanity trying to colonize a new solar system?" }, { "_id": 9326, "text": "Why is the Operative trying to recapture River?" }, { "_id": 9327, "text": "What does Mal do when he inapacitates the Operative?" }, { "_id": 9328, "text": "Who are brother and sister?" }, { "_id": 9329, "text": "What happens to the Serenity during the clash between the Alliance and the Reaver fleets?" }, { "_id": 9330, "text": "Who kills all the Reavers?" }, { "_id": 9331, "text": "What causes Stephen to lose his faith?" }, { "_id": 9332, "text": "Who is the person with the most important relationship in Stephens life?" }, { "_id": 9333, "text": "Where was Stephen going to college during the summer he falls in love with Mary?" }, { "_id": 9334, "text": "In what country does Stephen volunteer to fight?" }, { "_id": 9335, "text": "What war is happening when Stphen signs up to fight?" }, { "_id": 9336, "text": "In what year did the Second Boer War begin?" }, { "_id": 9337, "text": "Where does Justin hide Mary?" }, { "_id": 9338, "text": "What dountry does Stephen visit before asking Rachel to become his wife?" }, { "_id": 9339, "text": "Where do Stephen and Mary meet by chance?" }, { "_id": 9340, "text": "What is Mary put on trial for that causes her husband to divorce her?" }, { "_id": 9341, "text": "What is the title of this story?" }, { "_id": 9342, "text": "With whom is Stephen's most important relationship with?" }, { "_id": 9343, "text": "At what age did Stephen fall deeply in love with Lady Mary Christian?" }, { "_id": 9344, "text": "What was the name of the war that Stephen volunteered to fight in?" }, { "_id": 9345, "text": "Which two women did Stephen has a romantic relationship with at the same time?" }, { "_id": 9346, "text": "How long did Justin askStephen to leave England for?" }, { "_id": 9347, "text": "Who did Stephen end up marrying in 1906?" }, { "_id": 9348, "text": "What year did Stephen receive a letter from Lady Mary Justin, after years of no communication?" }, { "_id": 9349, "text": "Where did Stephen and Mary meet again by chance?" }, { "_id": 9350, "text": "What happens to Mary after her husband files for divorce and they go to trial for adultry accusations?" }, { "_id": 9351, "text": "What causes Stephen's father to lose religious faith?" }, { "_id": 9352, "text": "With whom is Stephen in love?" }, { "_id": 9353, "text": "What is Mary's relationship to Justin?" }, { "_id": 9354, "text": "Where does Stephen leave to attend college?" }, { "_id": 9355, "text": "Who becomes Stephen's lover?" }, { "_id": 9356, "text": "Who does Stephen discover is living adjacent to Stephen's father's property?" }, { "_id": 9357, "text": "What war does Stephen join to forget about Mary's marriage proposal rejection?" }, { "_id": 9358, "text": "What profession does Stephen decide to pursue after returning from the war?" }, { "_id": 9359, "text": "Whom does Stephen eventually marry?" }, { "_id": 9360, "text": "What does Mary decide to do when facing a scandalous divorce?" }, { "_id": 9361, "text": "Who was Salvadore's High School sweetheart?" }, { "_id": 9362, "text": "Where did Salvadore first meet Alfredo?" }, { "_id": 9363, "text": "After returning home from the military, what advice did Alfredo give Salvadore?" }, { "_id": 9364, "text": "What part of the shows did the local priest have removed?" }, { "_id": 9365, "text": "How was Alfredo injured when Cinema Paradiso burned down?" }, { "_id": 9366, "text": "Upon hearing of Alfredo's passing, how long had it been since Salvadore visited Giancaldo?" }, { "_id": 9367, "text": "How did Salvadore appear to Alfredo when they first met?" }, { "_id": 9368, "text": "What was the reel Alfredo left for Salvadore?" }, { "_id": 9369, "text": "What was Salvadore's childhood nickname?" }, { "_id": 9370, "text": "What was the fate of Cinema Paradiso?" }, { "_id": 9371, "text": "What city does the story begin?" }, { "_id": 9372, "text": "What decade does the story begin?" }, { "_id": 9373, "text": "What era does the flashback take the story to?" }, { "_id": 9374, "text": "What is Salvatores' nickname?" }, { "_id": 9375, "text": "What is the name of the cinema house in the story?" }, { "_id": 9376, "text": "Who does the main character form a fatherly bond with?" }, { "_id": 9377, "text": "When a reel explodes, what character goes blind?" }, { "_id": 9378, "text": "Who has to leave town for military service?" }, { "_id": 9379, "text": "What item does the main character receive towards the end of the story from a deceased friend?" }, { "_id": 9380, "text": "What building is found out to be demolished at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 9381, "text": "How did Alfredo lose his sight?" }, { "_id": 9382, "text": "Where did Ciccio get the money from to rebuild the cinema?" }, { "_id": 9383, "text": "What happened to the letters Salvatore sent to Elena?" }, { "_id": 9384, "text": "What two things did Alfredo leave for Salvatore after his death?" }, { "_id": 9385, "text": "Why were there sections missing from the motion picture reels when Alfredo used to screen them?" }, { "_id": 9386, "text": "What was on the motion picture reel that Alfredo left for Salvatore?" }, { "_id": 9387, "text": "What does Salvatore's love of cinematography lead him to do in later life?" }, { "_id": 9388, "text": "What is the name of the village Salvatore grew up in?" }, { "_id": 9389, "text": "Why did the young Salvatore leave town at the same time as Elena?" }, { "_id": 9390, "text": "Why doesn't the relationship between Elena and Salvatore work out?" }, { "_id": 9391, "text": "What country did Sam Childers build his orphanage in?" }, { "_id": 9392, "text": "What kind of business did Sam start after he became a Christian?" }, { "_id": 9393, "text": "What country was Sam's original mission trip to?" }, { "_id": 9394, "text": "What was the purpose of Sam's first mission trip to Africa?" }, { "_id": 9395, "text": "What was Sam's wife's occupation before she became a Christian?" }, { "_id": 9396, "text": "During Sam's first trip to Sudan, why did the children come to the relief center?" }, { "_id": 9397, "text": "What happened to the boy who was chasing his dog after his parents had been killed?" }, { "_id": 9398, "text": "What happened to the children that hid in a ditch who Sam had to leave behind and come back for?" }, { "_id": 9399, "text": "What event caused Sam Childers to lead armed raids against the LRA?" }, { "_id": 9400, "text": "Who first took Sam into Sudan?" }, { "_id": 9401, "text": "In what location does the LRA first attack a village?" }, { "_id": 9402, "text": "Where is Childers from?" }, { "_id": 9403, "text": "What happens at church with Childers?" }, { "_id": 9404, "text": "What job does Childers find?" }, { "_id": 9405, "text": "What does Childers help build for refugees?" }, { "_id": 9406, "text": "Who do Sam and the soldier see outside the at the relief station building?" }, { "_id": 9407, "text": "Why do the parents send their children over?" }, { "_id": 9408, "text": "What happens to the orphanage after it is built for the first time?" }, { "_id": 9409, "text": "What does Childers lead to rescue children?" }, { "_id": 9410, "text": "With what group does Childers work with saving children? " }, { "_id": 9411, "text": "What did Childers learn about his wife once he was released from prison?" }, { "_id": 9412, "text": "Where did Childer's wife persuade him to go?" }, { "_id": 9413, "text": "What kind of business did Childer's start?" }, { "_id": 9414, "text": "Where was Childer's when he first realized how bad the war zone was?" }, { "_id": 9415, "text": "What happened to the children that Childer's returned to pick up from the road as promised?" }, { "_id": 9416, "text": "What did Childer's build?" }, { "_id": 9417, "text": "What happened to the orphanage?" }, { "_id": 9418, "text": "Who inspired Childer's when he wanted to give up?" }, { "_id": 9419, "text": "Where were the children that Childer's rescued hiding?" }, { "_id": 9420, "text": "Where was the orphanage located?" }, { "_id": 9421, "text": "Why was Manfred terrified?" }, { "_id": 9422, "text": "When did Conrad got crushed to death?" }, { "_id": 9423, "text": "Who help Isabella escaped to the church?" }, { "_id": 9424, "text": "What did Manfred do?" }, { "_id": 9425, "text": "When did Jerome recognise Theodore was his son?" }, { "_id": 9426, "text": "Who begged for his son life?" }, { "_id": 9427, "text": "Where was Theodore locked?" }, { "_id": 9428, "text": "Who was badly wound?" }, { "_id": 9429, "text": "Who did the knight turn out to be?" }, { "_id": 9430, "text": "What special day is being held for Conrad?" }, { "_id": 9431, "text": "What happens to Conrad?" }, { "_id": 9432, "text": "How is Conrad's death peculiarly ominous? " }, { "_id": 9433, "text": "What does Conrad's death signify?" }, { "_id": 9434, "text": "How does Manfred attempt to avert destruction?" }, { "_id": 9435, "text": "Who is Hippolita ?" }, { "_id": 9436, "text": "Who recognises a marking under Theodores shirt?" }, { "_id": 9437, "text": "Who is racing to find isabella?" }, { "_id": 9438, "text": "Who finds isabella?" }, { "_id": 9439, "text": "Who can understand Theodores' sorrow?" }, { "_id": 9440, "text": "Who is the lord of the castle?" }, { "_id": 9441, "text": "How does Conrad die?" }, { "_id": 9442, "text": "What does Manfred decide to do with Isabella?" }, { "_id": 9443, "text": "Where does Isabella run to escape marriage?" }, { "_id": 9444, "text": "What peasant helps in her escape?" }, { "_id": 9445, "text": "Who does Jerome realize Theodore is?" }, { "_id": 9446, "text": "Who frees Theodore?" }, { "_id": 9447, "text": "Where does Theodore hide Isabella?" }, { "_id": 9448, "text": "Who does Manfred mistakingly kill?" }, { "_id": 9449, "text": "Who does Theodore eventually marry?" }, { "_id": 9450, "text": "Why is General Mitchener so anxious?" }, { "_id": 9451, "text": "Who is the woman, chained to the door scrapper?" }, { "_id": 9452, "text": "Why did General Sandstone leave the government?" }, { "_id": 9453, "text": "What is Mitchener's advice to the german problem?" }, { "_id": 9454, "text": "What has caused this mass chaos?" }, { "_id": 9455, "text": "What does Mrs. Banger say women want?" }, { "_id": 9456, "text": "According to Lady Corintha, how will voting help women?" }, { "_id": 9457, "text": "How proposes to Mrs. Banger?" }, { "_id": 9458, "text": "Who does Mitchener propose to?" }, { "_id": 9459, "text": "Why does Mitchener marry Mrs. Farrell?" }, { "_id": 9460, "text": "Who is the Prime Minister?" }, { "_id": 9461, "text": "Why does the Prime Minister disguise himself as a woman?" }, { "_id": 9462, "text": "Why does General Sandstone resign from the government?" }, { "_id": 9463, "text": "Who is in favour of General Sandstone's plan of a male-only zone around Westminster?" }, { "_id": 9464, "text": "How did Mrs. Bangor get General Sandstone to agree to allow women to join the army?" }, { "_id": 9465, "text": "Who did General Mitchener say was the only sensible woman he knows?" }, { "_id": 9466, "text": "What is an \"Egeria\"?" }, { "_id": 9467, "text": "What country is Britain concerned that it will rearm itself?" }, { "_id": 9468, "text": "What two British political parties have come to support women's suffrage?" }, { "_id": 9469, "text": "What are the names of the two generals in the story?" }, { "_id": 9470, "text": "What is Balsquith's job?" }, { "_id": 9471, "text": "What right does Mrs. Banger want for women?" }, { "_id": 9472, "text": "Which of the characters believes that women should manipulate men using their looks?" }, { "_id": 9473, "text": "What is Mrs. Farrell's occupation?" }, { "_id": 9474, "text": "What is Mitchener worried about the Germans doing in the future?" }, { "_id": 9475, "text": "How does Basquith disguise himself at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 9476, "text": "What is Mitchener's standard solution to problems?" }, { "_id": 9477, "text": "Where is Akwasanse St. Regis Mohawk Reservation?" }, { "_id": 9478, "text": "How many kids does Ray Eddy have?" }, { "_id": 9479, "text": "What is (are) the gender(s) of Ray's kids? " }, { "_id": 9480, "text": "What do Ray and Lila begin trafficking to make money?" }, { "_id": 9481, "text": "Where do Ray and Lila bring the illegeal immigrants from?" }, { "_id": 9482, "text": "Where do Ray and Lila take the illegla immigrant to?" }, { "_id": 9483, "text": "How long is Lila ex-comunicated for?" }, { "_id": 9484, "text": "What does Ray threaten the owner of the strip club with?" }, { "_id": 9485, "text": "What are the instructions for that Ray leaves with Lila when giving her her share of the money?" }, { "_id": 9486, "text": "What is Ray Eddy's occupation?" }, { "_id": 9487, "text": "What addiction does Ray Eddy's husband struggle with?" }, { "_id": 9488, "text": "What was Ray Eddy planning on buying with the money Ray's husband took?" }, { "_id": 9489, "text": "What illegal activity does Ray engage in?" }, { "_id": 9490, "text": "How much do Ray and Lila charge immigrants for getting across the Canadian border?" }, { "_id": 9491, "text": "What must the immigrants cross to reach safety?" }, { "_id": 9492, "text": "What is in the duffel bag the Pakastani couple try to bring across the border?" }, { "_id": 9493, "text": "Where is Ray's body shot?" }, { "_id": 9494, "text": "Who are Ray and Lila helping when Ray gets shot?" }, { "_id": 9495, "text": "What type of communities are Ray and Lila smuggling people to and from?" }, { "_id": 9496, "text": "What is Ray Eddy's profession?" }, { "_id": 9497, "text": "Where did Lila find the car she was driving?" }, { "_id": 9498, "text": "How much do the women charge to traffick people from Canada to the U.S?" }, { "_id": 9499, "text": "What are the names of Ray's sons?" }, { "_id": 9500, "text": "Why does T.J.set the trailer on fire?" }, { "_id": 9501, "text": "Why did the women leave the Pakistani's infant baby in a bag in the cold?" }, { "_id": 9502, "text": "Who shoots Ray in the ear?" }, { "_id": 9503, "text": "Why does Ray drive over the lake and crash the car?" }, { "_id": 9504, "text": "How long will Ray have to go to jail?" }, { "_id": 9505, "text": "Who purchases the new trailer?" }, { "_id": 9506, "text": "Who takes young William Wallace abroad on a pilgrimage throughout Europe?" }, { "_id": 9507, "text": "Who does Wallace fall in love with when he returns to Scotland?" }, { "_id": 9508, "text": "What becomes of Murron when the English soldiers capture her?" }, { "_id": 9509, "text": "Wallace destroys the city of York and sends who's severed head to the king?" }, { "_id": 9510, "text": "Who did Wallace seek the assistance of?" }, { "_id": 9511, "text": "Who warned Wallace that an invasion was coming?" }, { "_id": 9512, "text": "How long did Wallace's guerrilla war last against the English?" }, { "_id": 9513, "text": "How did Isabella get revenge on Longshanks when he was terminally ill?" }, { "_id": 9514, "text": "When the magistrate offers Wallace a quick death if he would just utter the word \"mercy\", what does Wallace shout?" }, { "_id": 9515, "text": "What did Robert do that stunned the English troops on the fields of Bannockburn?" }, { "_id": 9516, "text": "Where was William Wallace educated?" }, { "_id": 9517, "text": "Why was Isabella sent to negotiate with Wallace?" }, { "_id": 9518, "text": "Who lead the English Army?" }, { "_id": 9519, "text": "What event lead to guerilla warfare?" }, { "_id": 9520, "text": "What two characters died at the same time?" }, { "_id": 9521, "text": "Who does Wallace envision seeing in the crowd?" }, { "_id": 9522, "text": "What was Wallace's charge that lead to his death?" }, { "_id": 9523, "text": "How did Wallace die?" }, { "_id": 9524, "text": "Who became the new leader that lead the Scots to freedom?" }, { "_id": 9525, "text": "In what year did King Edward invade and conquer Scotland?" }, { "_id": 9526, "text": "Who is responsible for the death of Murron?" }, { "_id": 9527, "text": "How did Wallace know Murron?" }, { "_id": 9528, "text": "What gift does Longshank receive from Wallace?" }, { "_id": 9529, "text": "Who does the king send to make negotiations with Wallace?" }, { "_id": 9530, "text": "How does Isabella feel about Wallace after meeting with him in person?" }, { "_id": 9531, "text": "Which noblemen betray Wallace in the battle at Falkirk?" }, { "_id": 9532, "text": "What punishment does Lochlan and Mornay receive in response to betraying Wallace?" }, { "_id": 9533, "text": "What charge does Wallace face?" }, { "_id": 9534, "text": "What punishment does Wallace receive for high treason?" }, { "_id": 9535, "text": "What year does King Edward invade Scotland?" }, { "_id": 9536, "text": "Where does Longshanks get his education?" }, { "_id": 9537, "text": "How does Wallace know Murron MacClannough?" }, { "_id": 9538, "text": "Why did Murron need to be rescued?" }, { "_id": 9539, "text": "What happened after Murron was captured? " }, { "_id": 9540, "text": "Who is Longshanks son?" }, { "_id": 9541, "text": "Who's head did Wallace send to the King?" }, { "_id": 9542, "text": "Before Wallace gets captured, who takes him to safety?" }, { "_id": 9543, "text": "How does Isabella get revenge on Longshanks?" }, { "_id": 9544, "text": "What does Wallace have to do to get a quick death?" }, { "_id": 9545, "text": "What is Zerophilia?" }, { "_id": 9546, "text": "When does Luke first begin experiencing his transformation into a woman?" }, { "_id": 9547, "text": "What happens after Luke meets Michelle and begins going out with her?" }, { "_id": 9548, "text": "Who is Luca?" }, { "_id": 9549, "text": "How does Luke become aroused enough to make the complete transformation into a woman? " }, { "_id": 9550, "text": "Who convinces Luke into making the complete transformation into a woman?" }, { "_id": 9551, "text": "How does Dr. Catchadourian trick Luke into sleeping with her?" }, { "_id": 9552, "text": "What is the real relationship between Michelle and Max?" }, { "_id": 9553, "text": "What issues are Luke forced to deal with due to his condition?" }, { "_id": 9554, "text": "How does the story end between Luke and Michelle?" }, { "_id": 9555, "text": "How can a zerophiliac become a-morphic?" }, { "_id": 9556, "text": "What is the cause of zerophilia?" }, { "_id": 9557, "text": "What is the name of Keenan's girlfriend?" }, { "_id": 9558, "text": "Which character earned Luke's trust then tricked him into helping them switch genders?" }, { "_id": 9559, "text": "What is the name of Luke's best friend and confidante?" }, { "_id": 9560, "text": "What happened in the story to cause Michelle to feel betrayed by Luke?" }, { "_id": 9561, "text": "What physiological event triggers transformations in zerophiliacs?" }, { "_id": 9562, "text": "What secret did Max reveal when Luca visited him for help finding Michelle so he could apologize?" }, { "_id": 9563, "text": "What did Luke do to fully transition into Luca for the first time?" }, { "_id": 9564, "text": "Who does Luke believe Max to be after he is first introduced to him?" }, { "_id": 9565, "text": "Which extra chromosome do people have that are afflicted with zerophilia?" }, { "_id": 9566, "text": "What happens to a zerophiliac after their first sexual encounter?" }, { "_id": 9567, "text": "Who is Luke going out with when he experiences his first partial transformations?" }, { "_id": 9568, "text": "With whom does Luke confide about his initial transformations?" }, { "_id": 9569, "text": "What does Dr. Catchadourian convince Luke to do?" }, { "_id": 9570, "text": "What does Luke call himself after he transforms into a female?" }, { "_id": 9571, "text": "What does Sydney tell Luke is the only way to become a-morphic?" }, { "_id": 9572, "text": "Why does Sydney lie to Luke and use him for sex?" }, { "_id": 9573, "text": "Who does Max reveal himself to be?" }, { "_id": 9574, "text": "How does Luke become a female after being convinced by Dr. Catchadourian to fully transform?" }, { "_id": 9575, "text": "In 1959, what piece of work does Alfred Hitchcock debut?" }, { "_id": 9576, "text": "Psycho is based on the crimes of who?" }, { "_id": 9577, "text": "What friend of Alma gets her attention? " }, { "_id": 9578, "text": "How does Hitchcock finance Psycho?" }, { "_id": 9579, "text": "What does Hitchcock believe that Alma is doing with Whitfield?" }, { "_id": 9580, "text": "Who was Hitchcock trying to make the next biggest star after Grace Kelley?" }, { "_id": 9581, "text": "How many pictures did Hitchcock direct after Psycho?" }, { "_id": 9582, "text": "Who wrote Psycho?" }, { "_id": 9583, "text": "Why does Hitchcock become bedridden?" }, { "_id": 9584, "text": "Who temporarily takes over for Hitchcock when he becomes ill?" }, { "_id": 9585, "text": "What does the reporter insinuate that troubles Alfred?" }, { "_id": 9586, "text": "What proposal does Hitchcock turn down for Psycho?" }, { "_id": 9587, "text": "Who prompts Hitchcock's imagination?" }, { "_id": 9588, "text": "Who is Alma?" }, { "_id": 9589, "text": "Who is lobbying Alma?" }, { "_id": 9590, "text": "Which studio heads forced Hitchcock to use his own crew?" }, { "_id": 9591, "text": "Who begins a personal collaboration with Cook?" }, { "_id": 9592, "text": "Where does Hitchcock wait for the audience's reaction?" }, { "_id": 9593, "text": "How is Hitchcock's Psycho received?" }, { "_id": 9594, "text": "What story does Hitchcock choose to adapt in an effort to reclaim the artistic daring of his younger days?" }, { "_id": 9595, "text": "Who seems to prompt Hitchcock's imagination about the Psycho story?" }, { "_id": 9596, "text": "Which innovative twist does Hitchcock suggest for the beginning of his adaptation of Psycho?" }, { "_id": 9597, "text": "What happens to cause Alma to temporarily take over production of the filming?" }, { "_id": 9598, "text": "What does Hitchcock discover that Alma is doing behind his back?" }, { "_id": 9599, "text": "Why did Vera Miles not follow through with Hitchcock's plan to make her a big star?" }, { "_id": 9600, "text": "At the premiere, where does Hitchcock wait for the audience's reaction?" }, { "_id": 9601, "text": "From where does Hitchcock watch the audience at the premiere?" }, { "_id": 9602, "text": "What lands on Hitchcock's shoulder as he addresses the audience about thoughts for his next project?" }, { "_id": 9603, "text": "Who is a mole for the massachusetts state police department? " }, { "_id": 9604, "text": "Who drops out for the academy to go to prison for credibility purposes?" }, { "_id": 9605, "text": "What is sullivan's girlfriends name?" }, { "_id": 9606, "text": "Does madolyn become pregnant in the story?" }, { "_id": 9607, "text": "Who records all conversations with sullivan?" }, { "_id": 9608, "text": "Who kills costello?" }, { "_id": 9609, "text": "Who had an affair with costigan?" }, { "_id": 9610, "text": "Who kills costigan? " }, { "_id": 9611, "text": "What does sullivan believe costigan deserves?" }, { "_id": 9612, "text": "Who kills sullivan?" }, { "_id": 9613, "text": "Who introduced Colin Sullivan to organized crime?" }, { "_id": 9614, "text": "Costello groomed Colin to be a mole in the Massachusetts State Police until he was accepted into what?" }, { "_id": 9615, "text": "Who drops out of the police academy and does time in prison on fake charges?" }, { "_id": 9616, "text": "Who does Sullivan begin a romance with?" }, { "_id": 9617, "text": "Who threw Queenan off the building and killed him?" }, { "_id": 9618, "text": "Who resigns because he doesn't want to work with Sullivan?" }, { "_id": 9619, "text": "Who kills Costello?" }, { "_id": 9620, "text": "Who did Madolyn have an affair with?" }, { "_id": 9621, "text": "Who met at the building where Queenan died?" }, { "_id": 9622, "text": "Who kills Sullivan?" }, { "_id": 9623, "text": "What is Frank Costello's ethnic background?" }, { "_id": 9624, "text": "What is Frank Costello's profession?" }, { "_id": 9625, "text": "In what neighborhood did Colin Sullivan grow up?" }, { "_id": 9626, "text": "What does Costello groom Colin for?" }, { "_id": 9627, "text": "What does the Special Investigation Unit focus on?" }, { "_id": 9628, "text": "What does Billy Costigan do after he drops out of the police academy?" }, { "_id": 9629, "text": "What is Madolyn Madden's profession?" }, { "_id": 9630, "text": "Who do both Sullivan and Costigan have a romatic relationship with?" }, { "_id": 9631, "text": "Where are Costello and Sullivan when Costello gives Sullivan an envelope?" }, { "_id": 9632, "text": "What does the envelope that Costello gives Sullivan contain?" }, { "_id": 9633, "text": "What is Pierre and Jean's father's name? " }, { "_id": 9634, "text": "What is Gerome Roland's profesion?" }, { "_id": 9635, "text": "What is Pierre Roland's profession?" }, { "_id": 9636, "text": "What is Jean Roland's profession?" }, { "_id": 9637, "text": "To whom does Leon Merechal leave his fortune? " }, { "_id": 9638, "text": "How does Pierre discover that his brother is illegimate?" }, { "_id": 9639, "text": "Where does the Roland family live after Gerome Roland retires?" }, { "_id": 9640, "text": "What mode of transportation does Pierre use to leave home at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 9641, "text": "When does Pierre most often torture his mother by making allusions about the past?" }, { "_id": 9642, "text": "What is the name of Pierre and Jean's Father?" }, { "_id": 9643, "text": "What was their Father's occupation?" }, { "_id": 9644, "text": "What is the name of his wife?" }, { "_id": 9645, "text": "Where did they retire?" }, { "_id": 9646, "text": "What are the occupations of Pierre and Jean?" }, { "_id": 9647, "text": "What happened to the family Leon Marechal passed away? Why was Pierre upset? What was his proof?" }, { "_id": 9648, "text": "What happens to Pierre's Mother when he suspects her infidelity? How did this affect his life?" }, { "_id": 9649, "text": "What happens to Jean and his life? Did Pierre reveal his suspicions to Jean and, how Jean did he react?" }, { "_id": 9650, "text": "Did Jean depart from Le Havre? How?" }, { "_id": 9651, "text": "Why did Jean depart? Why did the family suppress the truth? What happened to Pierre?" }, { "_id": 9652, "text": "What is Louise's relationship to Gerome Roland?" }, { "_id": 9653, "text": "What is Pierre's relationship to Gerome?" }, { "_id": 9654, "text": "What is Jean's relationship to Pierre?" }, { "_id": 9655, "text": "What is Gerome's profession?" }, { "_id": 9656, "text": "What is Pierre's profession?" }, { "_id": 9657, "text": "What is Jean's profession?" }, { "_id": 9658, "text": "What does Leon Marechal leave to Jean upon dying?" }, { "_id": 9659, "text": "Who is discovered to be Jean's actual father?" }, { "_id": 9660, "text": "How does Pierre treat Louise after learning of Louise's infidelity?" }, { "_id": 9661, "text": "By the end of the tale who is forced to exit the family on an ocean liner?" }, { "_id": 9662, "text": "Who is the New York publicist cheating on his wife Kelly?" }, { "_id": 9663, "text": "Who is the woman Stuart \"Stu\" Shepard is courting?" }, { "_id": 9664, "text": "While Stu calls Pam on a phone booth, who offers him food?" }, { "_id": 9665, "text": "What did the \"Caller\" shoot at while Stu was in the phone booth?" }, { "_id": 9666, "text": "Who wants to use the phone booth as Stu is on with the \"Caller\"?" }, { "_id": 9667, "text": "What does the pimp do when Stu refuses to let the prostitutes use the phone?" }, { "_id": 9668, "text": "What happens to the pimp after beating on Stu?" }, { "_id": 9669, "text": "Who do the prostitutes blame for Leon's death?" }, { "_id": 9670, "text": "What is planted in the roof of the phone booth?" }, { "_id": 9671, "text": "What is the man who admits to killing the pizza delivery man carrying? " }, { "_id": 9672, "text": "Who is Stu's wife?" }, { "_id": 9673, "text": "Who is Stu cheating on Kelly with?" }, { "_id": 9674, "text": "Who interrupts Stu in the phone booth at the beginning of the movie?" }, { "_id": 9675, "text": "What does the mystery caller want Stu to do?" }, { "_id": 9676, "text": "Who wants Stu to leave the booth?" }, { "_id": 9677, "text": "Who does the caller kill for Stu?" }, { "_id": 9678, "text": "What do the police find in the room they traced the caller to?" }, { "_id": 9679, "text": "What does Stu get shot with?" }, { "_id": 9680, "text": "What does the man with the briefcase tell Stu?" }, { "_id": 9681, "text": "Who is the main character?" }, { "_id": 9682, "text": "What wrong deed has Stu done?" }, { "_id": 9683, "text": "What is Stu's wife's name?" }, { "_id": 9684, "text": "Where is Stu not supposed to leave?" }, { "_id": 9685, "text": "Who demands to use the phone?" }, { "_id": 9686, "text": "Where is the gun planted?" }, { "_id": 9687, "text": "After telling the truth to both Pam and Kelly, what is Stu ordered to do by The Caller?" }, { "_id": 9688, "text": "What does The Caller say will happen to the woman Stu does not choose?" }, { "_id": 9689, "text": "What do the police find in the room after tracing the call to a local building?" }, { "_id": 9690, "text": "Who does Stu identify the corpse as?" }, { "_id": 9691, "text": "What is Stuart's occupation?" }, { "_id": 9692, "text": "Who interrupts Stuarts phone call?" }, { "_id": 9693, "text": "What does The Caller shoot to demonstrate he is serious? " }, { "_id": 9694, "text": "When Stu hesitates to call Kelly, who approaches the phone booth?" }, { "_id": 9695, "text": "What is the prostitutes pimps name?" }, { "_id": 9696, "text": "What is the police captains name?" }, { "_id": 9697, "text": "What does the police captain suspect Stu of?" }, { "_id": 9698, "text": "What does The Caller say he will do if he is caught?" }, { "_id": 9699, "text": "What did the police shoot Stu with?" }, { "_id": 9700, "text": "What was the name of the prostitutes pimp?" }, { "_id": 9701, "text": "How did Stu get rid of the pizza delivery man?" }, { "_id": 9702, "text": "Where was Stu when he got trapped?" }, { "_id": 9703, "text": "Who did the police think the caller was?" }, { "_id": 9704, "text": "Stu had to choose between Kelly and Pam, what would happen then?" }, { "_id": 9705, "text": "What did the caller leave in the roof of the phone booth?" }, { "_id": 9706, "text": "What does Stu do for a living?" }, { "_id": 9707, "text": "How many people had the caller tested before Stu?" }, { "_id": 9708, "text": "Why didn't stu die after the police shot him?" }, { "_id": 9709, "text": "Why was the caller tormenting Stu while he was in the phone booth?" }, { "_id": 9710, "text": "In what city is Deackard a police officer?" }, { "_id": 9711, "text": "Who detins Deckard?" }, { "_id": 9712, "text": "Whiile a police officer, what was Deckard's job?" }, { "_id": 9713, "text": "Who are Blade Runner's in charge of tracking down?" }, { "_id": 9714, "text": "What is a Blade Runner supposed to do when they find a replicant?" }, { "_id": 9715, "text": "Retiring a relpicant is a euphamism for what?" }, { "_id": 9716, "text": "The replicant Rachael believes she is what?" }, { "_id": 9717, "text": "What does Racahel show Deckard in order to convince him she is human?" }, { "_id": 9718, "text": "Whose memories are implanted in Rachael?" }, { "_id": 9719, "text": "Where does Zhora work?" }, { "_id": 9720, "text": "What does a Blade Runner do?" }, { "_id": 9721, "text": "How long do Nexus-6 models live for?" }, { "_id": 9722, "text": "What's the Voight-Kampff test do?" }, { "_id": 9723, "text": "How is Rachael different from other Replicants?" }, { "_id": 9724, "text": "Where do Roy and Leon go to investiage?" }, { "_id": 9725, "text": "Why are the rogue replicants searching for Tyrell?" }, { "_id": 9726, "text": "What is the Methuselah Syndrome?" }, { "_id": 9727, "text": "Who chases Deckard through a building?" }, { "_id": 9728, "text": "How does Roy describe his memories as he dies?" }, { "_id": 9729, "text": "What does Deckard notice on the floor at the end?" }, { "_id": 9730, "text": "Who is the ex-cop in 2019 ?" }, { "_id": 9731, "text": "What is a Blade Runner?" }, { "_id": 9732, "text": "Who has a penthouse?" }, { "_id": 9733, "text": "Who kills Tyrell in his penthouse?" }, { "_id": 9734, "text": "Who left the apartment alive together?" }, { "_id": 9735, "text": "What will be lost like tears in the rain?" }, { "_id": 9736, "text": "Who was the designer?" }, { "_id": 9737, "text": "What did Rachael show Deckard to make him believe she was real?" }, { "_id": 9738, "text": "How is Johnny Boz killed?" }, { "_id": 9739, "text": "What is Boz stabbed with?" }, { "_id": 9740, "text": "What is Boz's profession?" }, { "_id": 9741, "text": "What is Boz doing when he is stabbed?" }, { "_id": 9742, "text": "Who stabbs Boz?" }, { "_id": 9743, "text": "Who investigates Boz's death?" }, { "_id": 9744, "text": "Who is the only suspect in Boz's murder?" }, { "_id": 9745, "text": "What is Catherine's relation to Boz?" }, { "_id": 9746, "text": "Who is Gus in relation to Nick?" }, { "_id": 9747, "text": "What was Nick high on when he shot 2 tourists?" }, { "_id": 9748, "text": "What was Johnny Boz's profession before he was killed?" }, { "_id": 9749, "text": "What is Nick Curran's profession?" }, { "_id": 9750, "text": "With whom did Nick Curran have an affair?" }, { "_id": 9751, "text": "Who does Catherine pay to look into Nick's psychiatric file?" }, { "_id": 9752, "text": "Who does Roxy observe having sex in a bed?" }, { "_id": 9753, "text": "How does Roxy die?" }, { "_id": 9754, "text": "Who does Nick find to be the girl involved in Roxy's college lesbian encounter?" }, { "_id": 9755, "text": "How is Gus killed?" }, { "_id": 9756, "text": "How does Nick kill Beth?" }, { "_id": 9757, "text": "As Nick and Beth discuss their future, what is found under the bed?" }, { "_id": 9758, "text": "Where was the ice pick?" }, { "_id": 9759, "text": "Who is the girlfriend to Catherine?" }, { "_id": 9760, "text": "Who is nick?" }, { "_id": 9761, "text": "How was Gus stabbed?" }, { "_id": 9762, "text": "How did Roxy die?" }, { "_id": 9763, "text": "Who shot Beth?" }, { "_id": 9764, "text": "Who had the key chain?" }, { "_id": 9765, "text": "Who stabbed someone?" }, { "_id": 9766, "text": "Where was the location of the crime? " }, { "_id": 9767, "text": "Who is bisexual?" }, { "_id": 9768, "text": "What was destroyed in the Caves of Ice?" }, { "_id": 9769, "text": "What prompted Tom to invent another airship?" }, { "_id": 9770, "text": "What comes out of the electric rifle?" }, { "_id": 9771, "text": "What is the name of the tribe holding Tom's friends hostage?" }, { "_id": 9772, "text": "Who invented the electric rifle?" }, { "_id": 9773, "text": "Why is the ability of the electric rifle to discharge a self maintaining ball of light helpful?" }, { "_id": 9774, "text": "What is the replacement of The Red Cloud called?" }, { "_id": 9775, "text": "What continent is Tom Swift working in?" }, { "_id": 9776, "text": "What attributes makes The Black Hawk better than The Red Cloud?" }, { "_id": 9777, "text": "Who is the inventor in this story?" }, { "_id": 9778, "text": "What invention is Tom working on?" }, { "_id": 9779, "text": "Who does Tom meet while working?" }, { "_id": 9780, "text": "What do Tom and the safari master find out about their friends?" }, { "_id": 9781, "text": "What fearsome tribe also inhabits the land?" }, { "_id": 9782, "text": "What is the name of the replacement ship Tom builds?" }, { "_id": 9783, "text": "What type of projectiles does Tom's rifle fire?" }, { "_id": 9784, "text": "What two levels of range can the rifle calibrate?" }, { "_id": 9785, "text": "Where are tom and the master heading?" }, { "_id": 9786, "text": "What does Tom bring down with his rifle?" }, { "_id": 9787, "text": "How can hunting be made safer at night using toms rifle?" }, { "_id": 9788, "text": "What is the name of the airship Tom builds to replace his old one?" }, { "_id": 9789, "text": "What is the name of the ship Tom lost?" }, { "_id": 9790, "text": "What does the rifle Tom build shoot?" }, { "_id": 9791, "text": "Why does Tom initially go to Africa?" }, { "_id": 9792, "text": "What tribe holds Tom's friends hostage?" }, { "_id": 9793, "text": "How is the Black Hawk different from the Red Cloud?" }, { "_id": 9794, "text": "What interesting thing happens when Tom's rifle is fired at a wall?" }, { "_id": 9795, "text": "What other way, besides shooting, does the rifle help hunters?" }, { "_id": 9796, "text": "What can be calibrated on the rifle?" }, { "_id": 9797, "text": "When was The Red Cloud destroyed?" }, { "_id": 9798, "text": "What screenplay has Charlie been hired to write? " }, { "_id": 9799, "text": "Who is has moved into Charlie's house? " }, { "_id": 9800, "text": "What is the name of the script that Donald wrote? " }, { "_id": 9801, "text": "Whose seminar does Charlie decide to attend? " }, { "_id": 9802, "text": "Who does Laroche and Orlean catch watching them have sex? " }, { "_id": 9803, "text": "What happens to Laroche as he gets ready to kill Charlie? " }, { "_id": 9804, "text": "Who accidentally shoots Donald? " }, { "_id": 9805, "text": "What happens to Donald when he and Charlie crash into the ranger's truck?" }, { "_id": 9806, "text": "Who does Charlie tell that he is still in love with her? " }, { "_id": 9807, "text": "What happens to Orlean at the end?" }, { "_id": 9808, "text": "Who is hired to write the screenplay for the Orchid Thief?" }, { "_id": 9809, "text": "What type of script writing does Charlie reject?" }, { "_id": 9810, "text": "What is Charlie left with upon his realization about the book's narrative?" }, { "_id": 9811, "text": "What does Charlie travel to new york?" }, { "_id": 9812, "text": "How many figures at most is Donald's spec script selling for?" }, { "_id": 9813, "text": "Why does Kaufman attend McKee's Seminar?" }, { "_id": 9814, "text": "Who does Donald pretend to be upon interviewing Orlean?" }, { "_id": 9815, "text": "What is the drug manufactured to cause?" }, { "_id": 9816, "text": "Where does Orlean intend to kill charlie?" }, { "_id": 9817, "text": "Who (or what) kills laroche?" }, { "_id": 9818, "text": "How was Laroche killed?" }, { "_id": 9819, "text": "Why is Charlie upset with Donald?" }, { "_id": 9820, "text": "Why does Charlie struggle with writing the script for Orchard Thief?" }, { "_id": 9821, "text": "Who does Charlie travel to New York to see?" }, { "_id": 9822, "text": "Why did the Seminole want the ghost orchard?" }, { "_id": 9823, "text": "How does Donald die?" }, { "_id": 9824, "text": "What does Orlean intend to do with Charlie at the swamp?" }, { "_id": 9825, "text": "Why does Orlean try to kill Charlie?" }, { "_id": 9826, "text": "Who accidentally shot Donald?" }, { "_id": 9827, "text": "What is the name of Donald's script?" }, { "_id": 9828, "text": "How did the customers pay Ginger and Pickles?" }, { "_id": 9829, "text": "Why did Ginger and Pickles close their shop?" }, { "_id": 9830, "text": "What did Ginger and Pickles eventually do to their shop?" }, { "_id": 9831, "text": "How did Tabitha Twitchit exploit Ginger and Pickles closing their shop?" }, { "_id": 9832, "text": "What was strange with Dormouse's candles?" }, { "_id": 9833, "text": "What type of payment did Tabitha Twitchit refuse her customers?" }, { "_id": 9834, "text": "What was Sally Henny-penny's announcement?" }, { "_id": 9835, "text": "Why did Ginger and Pickles eat their own products they were selling?" }, { "_id": 9836, "text": "What did Ginger do after the shop closed?" }, { "_id": 9837, "text": "What did Pickles do after the shop closed?" }, { "_id": 9838, "text": "Who are Ginger and Pickles?" }, { "_id": 9839, "text": "Why is Pickles afraid of the policeman?" }, { "_id": 9840, "text": "What does Tabitha Twitchit do when Ginger and Pickles close the shop?" }, { "_id": 9841, "text": "Why does Ginger and Pickles have to close their shop?" }, { "_id": 9842, "text": "Who fears Ginger and Pickles?" }, { "_id": 9843, "text": "What does Pickles do after closing the shop?" }, { "_id": 9844, "text": "Who decides to re-open the shop?" }, { "_id": 9845, "text": "What famous characters show up in the story?" }, { "_id": 9846, "text": "What is wrong with Miss Dormouse's candles?" }, { "_id": 9847, "text": "What lesson did Sally learn from Ginger and Pickles?" }, { "_id": 9848, "text": "What type of animal is Ginger?" }, { "_id": 9849, "text": "What is Pickles?" }, { "_id": 9850, "text": "What do Ginger and Pickles do together?" }, { "_id": 9851, "text": "What is Pickles afraid of?" }, { "_id": 9852, "text": "Why is Pickles afraid of the policeman?" }, { "_id": 9853, "text": "Who owns the other shop in town?" }, { "_id": 9854, "text": "Who raises prices of their items?" }, { "_id": 9855, "text": "What type of candies do the Dormouses sell?" }, { "_id": 9856, "text": "What good will the Dormouses not exchange for returns?" }, { "_id": 9857, "text": "Who reopens the shop?" }, { "_id": 9858, "text": "What does the fictional character \"John Doe\" threaten to do?" }, { "_id": 9859, "text": "What day does John Doe threaten to commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 9860, "text": "What was John Willoughby's previous career?" }, { "_id": 9861, "text": "Who bribes Willoughby?" }, { "_id": 9862, "text": "How much was Willoughby bribed for?" }, { "_id": 9863, "text": "What slogan does the John Doe movement create?" }, { "_id": 9864, "text": "What is Norton's underlying plan?" }, { "_id": 9865, "text": "Who does Willoughby learn about Norton's plans from?" }, { "_id": 9866, "text": "What does Willoughby plan on doing after Doe is exposed as a fake?" }, { "_id": 9867, "text": "Who has fallen in love with Willoughby and desperately convinces him not to jump?" }, { "_id": 9868, "text": "What was John Willoughby's former occupation?" }, { "_id": 9869, "text": "What did John Willoughby need money for?" }, { "_id": 9870, "text": "What was Ann Mitchell given $100 a week to do?" }, { "_id": 9871, "text": "What is the slogan of the grassroots movement inspired by the John Doe philosophy?" }, { "_id": 9872, "text": "What secret ambition motivated D.B. Norton to carry on the John Doe ruse?" }, { "_id": 9873, "text": "What does Willoughby plan to do after being double crossed by D.B. Norton?" }, { "_id": 9874, "text": "Why does Ann Mitchell desperately try to talk Willoughby out of suicide?" }, { "_id": 9875, "text": "What holiday does Willoughby's suicide attempt have in common with the original John Doe letter? " }, { "_id": 9876, "text": "What theme do the John Doe letters have in common?" }, { "_id": 9877, "text": "Why did Willoughby's plan to run away fail?" }, { "_id": 9878, "text": "Why does Ann Mitchell print the John Doe letter in the newspaper?" }, { "_id": 9879, "text": "What happens after the letter is printed?" }, { "_id": 9880, "text": "What idea does Mitchell have after she's rehired?" }, { "_id": 9881, "text": "Who do Mitchell and Henry Connell hire to play Dear John?" }, { "_id": 9882, "text": "What does Mitchell do to help sell John Doe to the newspaper audience?" }, { "_id": 9883, "text": "What does Willoughby get for his troubles as portraying John Doe?" }, { "_id": 9884, "text": "What is Mitchell paid $100 per week to do?" }, { "_id": 9885, "text": "What happens after Willoughby's first radio performance?" }, { "_id": 9886, "text": "What does Willoughby find out about John Doe in Millsville?" }, { "_id": 9887, "text": "What does Willoughb eventually plan to do?" }, { "_id": 9888, "text": "What does George show Filby, Hillyer, Bridewell and Kemp during dinner?" }, { "_id": 9889, "text": "When George travels 17 years into the future who does he meet?" }, { "_id": 9890, "text": "What is the result of the nuclear explosion in 1966?" }, { "_id": 9891, "text": "How far into the future must George go before the lava turns into a lush green landscape?" }, { "_id": 9892, "text": "What is the name of Weena's people?" }, { "_id": 9893, "text": "Why can George not escape from the year 802,701?" }, { "_id": 9894, "text": "Where must George go to save Weena and find his time machine?" }, { "_id": 9895, "text": "How do George and the Eloi destroy the sphinx?" }, { "_id": 9896, "text": "How does George finally escape the Morlocks?" }, { "_id": 9897, "text": "What do Filby and George's housekeeper discover missing when George disappears again?" }, { "_id": 9898, "text": "How does George describe time?" }, { "_id": 9899, "text": "What is George's occcupation?" }, { "_id": 9900, "text": "What invention does George attempt to show his friends?" }, { "_id": 9901, "text": "How do George's friends initially react to the time machine?" }, { "_id": 9902, "text": "How does Filby eventually die according to the time machine?" }, { "_id": 9903, "text": "What is James' relationship to Filby?" }, { "_id": 9904, "text": "Who does George rescue from drowning in the stream?" }, { "_id": 9905, "text": "What does Weena give George?" }, { "_id": 9906, "text": "What year does George eventually travel back to to escape the Morlocks?" }, { "_id": 9907, "text": "What structure is the time machine dragged into?" }, { "_id": 9908, "text": "At a dinner party what does Mr. Wells show his friends?" }, { "_id": 9909, "text": "How does Mr. Wells find out his friend, Mr. Filby died in a war?" }, { "_id": 9910, "text": "When Mr Wells finally stops in 802,701AD what monument is he close to?" }, { "_id": 9911, "text": "When Mr. Wells stops hundreds of thousands of years from now, who are the people he first comes in contact with?" }, { "_id": 9912, "text": "Who does Mr. Wells save from the river?" }, { "_id": 9913, "text": "What are the creatures who live underground called?" }, { "_id": 9914, "text": "Where is Mr. Wells time machine taken?" }, { "_id": 9915, "text": "What do the unground creatures feed upon?" }, { "_id": 9916, "text": "How does Mr. Wells hear about the nuclear war?" }, { "_id": 9917, "text": "What does Mr. Wells take back to the past to prove he traveled through time?" }, { "_id": 9918, "text": "Where is the expedition headed?" }, { "_id": 9919, "text": "What did Countess Clodagh do to secure Jeffson's passage?" }, { "_id": 9920, "text": "How much money will the first person to reach the North Pole receive?" }, { "_id": 9921, "text": "What reason did Priest Mackay give for people not reaching the North Pole before?" }, { "_id": 9922, "text": "What happens to Jeffson once he reaches the lake?" }, { "_id": 9923, "text": "What happens to Jeffson's crew?" }, { "_id": 9924, "text": "Whose house did Jeffson find the notebook he would later write his narrative in?" }, { "_id": 9925, "text": "What task does Jeffson devote his life to?" }, { "_id": 9926, "text": "Where was the mysterious girl living before Jeffson found her?" }, { "_id": 9927, "text": "Where does Jeffson end up traveling at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 9928, "text": "What was the name of the Scottish priest who gave the sermon against Polar Research?" }, { "_id": 9929, "text": "What does Jefferson discover at the North Pole?" }, { "_id": 9930, "text": "How many years does Jefferson dedicate to building the palace?" }, { "_id": 9931, "text": "Where does Jefferson build his palace?" }, { "_id": 9932, "text": "Where does Jefferson meet the gir?" }, { "_id": 9933, "text": "Why did Jefferson have to man the ship himself?" }, { "_id": 9934, "text": "What does Jefferson force the girl to wear?" }, { "_id": 9935, "text": "Why does the girl call Jefferson from France?" }, { "_id": 9936, "text": "Why does Jefferson fight his feelings for the girl?" }, { "_id": 9937, "text": "Who's house did Jefferson find the poem in?" }, { "_id": 9938, "text": "What was the ship's name?" }, { "_id": 9939, "text": "What was Jeffson's first fiance's title and name?" }, { "_id": 9940, "text": "Who did the Countess Poison?" }, { "_id": 9941, "text": "Why was Jeffson going to the North Pole?" }, { "_id": 9942, "text": "How many years did Jeffson spend building his palace?" }, { "_id": 9943, "text": "Under what city did Jeffson find the girl?" }, { "_id": 9944, "text": "What letter is the girl unable to pronounce?" }, { "_id": 9945, "text": "What cities did Jeffson burn?" }, { "_id": 9946, "text": "What odor caused Jeffson to be nauseated?" }, { "_id": 9947, "text": "What does the girl say will save them from the purple cloud?" }, { "_id": 9948, "text": "What year did the story take place?" }, { "_id": 9949, "text": "What has the project delayed when Patterson arrives in Kenya?" }, { "_id": 9950, "text": "What happens to Mahina one night after Patterson kills the lion?" }, { "_id": 9951, "text": "What did Patterson promise his wife Helena when he left for Kenya?" }, { "_id": 9952, "text": "What provides the only comfort for Patterson as more men disappear from camp?" }, { "_id": 9953, "text": "What odd news does Samuel give Patterson after Starling was killed?" }, { "_id": 9954, "text": "Who does Beaumont contact for help?" }, { "_id": 9955, "text": "How does Remington plan to trap and kill The Ghost and The Darkness?" }, { "_id": 9956, "text": "After the dream of Helena and his son being killed by the remaining lion, what does he awaken to?" }, { "_id": 9957, "text": "Where can the bodies of the lions be found at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 9958, "text": "What do Patterson and Samuel do with Remington's corpse?" }, { "_id": 9959, "text": "What happens to Mahina?" }, { "_id": 9960, "text": "What is Patterson's occupation?" }, { "_id": 9961, "text": "Who is Patterson's wife?" }, { "_id": 9962, "text": "Who built the hospital for the sick?" }, { "_id": 9963, "text": "When Remington kills one of the lions, what does he use as bait?" }, { "_id": 9964, "text": "How does Patterson talk to his wife during the construction?" }, { "_id": 9965, "text": "Where are the lions on display at?" }, { "_id": 9966, "text": "What does Patterson dream about?" }, { "_id": 9967, "text": "What are the lions nicknamed?" }, { "_id": 9968, "text": "Where is Sir Robert Beaumont financing a railroad project?" }, { "_id": 9969, "text": "Where does Henry Patterson travel to Tsavo from?" }, { "_id": 9970, "text": "What does Patterson promise his wife before leaving?" }, { "_id": 9971, "text": "What recent event does Dr. Hawthorne tell Patterson is affecting the progress of the project?" }, { "_id": 9972, "text": "Who does Beaumont bring to the camp to help kill the lions?" }, { "_id": 9973, "text": "What does Remington use as bait to kill one of the lions?" }, { "_id": 9974, "text": "What does Patterson dream about the night one of the lions is killed?" }, { "_id": 9975, "text": "How do Patterson and Samuel lure the remaining lion to camp?" }, { "_id": 9976, "text": "Where are the lions currently on display?" }, { "_id": 9977, "text": "Who gives refuge to Christopher after his sons rescue him?" }, { "_id": 9978, "text": "Who tells Christopher of his true station in life?" }, { "_id": 9979, "text": "Who challenges Jack to single combat?" }, { "_id": 9980, "text": "Who fights in silngle combat with Baron Gandolf?" }, { "_id": 9981, "text": "Who is Christopher in love with ?" }, { "_id": 9982, "text": "What stands between Christopher and Goldilind?" }, { "_id": 9983, "text": "Who provides Christopher with an army?" }, { "_id": 9984, "text": "Who is behind Christopher's attempted assassination?" }, { "_id": 9985, "text": "How does Christopher prove his worth of his true station?" }, { "_id": 9986, "text": "Which two individuals are the protagonists?" }, { "_id": 9987, "text": "How does the relationship between Christopher and Goldinlind start out?" }, { "_id": 9988, "text": "Why did Christopher need to be rescued?" }, { "_id": 9989, "text": "How did Jack of Troffs information change the direction of the protagonist's relationship?" }, { "_id": 9990, "text": "Who actually brought Christopher to Jack of Trofts place for care?" }, { "_id": 9991, "text": "What is the role of Baron Gandolf of Brimside in the final conflict? " }, { "_id": 9992, "text": "What was the outcome of the final conflict depicted here?" }, { "_id": 9993, "text": "Who assisted Christopher to prepare for this battle?" }, { "_id": 9994, "text": "What is the overall theme of the story? " }, { "_id": 9995, "text": "Who is the usurper? " }, { "_id": 9996, "text": "Where is this story set? " }, { "_id": 9997, "text": "Who are Christopher and Goldilind? " }, { "_id": 9998, "text": "What aspect of the story is played up more than in the original? " }, { "_id": 9999, "text": "How is Christopher initially portrayed? " }, { "_id": 10000, "text": "Who gives refuge to Christopher after a failed assassination attempt? " }, { "_id": 10001, "text": "Who tries to assassinate Christopher? " }, { "_id": 10002, "text": "What aspect of the original is relegated to a secondary story line? " }, { "_id": 10003, "text": "What is this story a recasting of? " }, { "_id": 10004, "text": "What was the name of the American civilian truck driver, working in Iraq, that was buried alive?" }, { "_id": 10005, "text": "How much did the kidnapper demand for ransom?" }, { "_id": 10006, "text": "What does the kidnapper threaten he'll do when demanding Conroy to make a ransom video?" }, { "_id": 10007, "text": "What was the name of the 26 year old man Brenner tells Conroy about that was rescued three weeks prior?" }, { "_id": 10008, "text": "Why was Conroy fired from his job?" }, { "_id": 10009, "text": "What happens to Conroy's coffin after explosions shake the area?" }, { "_id": 10010, "text": "What did Conroy leave his son in the video of his last will and testament?" }, { "_id": 10011, "text": "What did Jabir, the kidnapper, make Conroy cut off while recording himself?" }, { "_id": 10012, "text": "What was the name of Conroy's wife?" }, { "_id": 10013, "text": "Who's coffin was mistakenly dug up causing Conroy to lose all hope?" }, { "_id": 10014, "text": "What occupation is Paul Conroy's?" }, { "_id": 10015, "text": "How does Conroy find himself?" }, { "_id": 10016, "text": "Who calls Conroy?" }, { "_id": 10017, "text": "What does the government decide to do regarding Conroy's request?" }, { "_id": 10018, "text": "What slowly fills Conroy's coffin after an explosion?" }, { "_id": 10019, "text": "What do Conroy's employers inform him of?" }, { "_id": 10020, "text": "What does Jabir demand Conroy record as he threatens his family?" }, { "_id": 10021, "text": "What does Conroy Hallucinate?" }, { "_id": 10022, "text": "What does the rescue team discover as they dig up the coffin?" }, { "_id": 10023, "text": "What is the truth about the rescuers who claim a similar victim was rescued?" }, { "_id": 10024, "text": "How much did the kidnapper initially ask for as a ransom?" }, { "_id": 10025, "text": "Why was Conroy fired from his job?" }, { "_id": 10026, "text": "Who was Conroy's wife?" }, { "_id": 10027, "text": "How does Conroy die?" }, { "_id": 10028, "text": "What nationality is Conroy?" }, { "_id": 10029, "text": "Who is the hostage negotiator in the story?" }, { "_id": 10030, "text": "Who is rescued in the story?" }, { "_id": 10031, "text": "What is one object that Conroy has with him?" }, { "_id": 10032, "text": "What brand is Conroy's phone?" }, { "_id": 10033, "text": "What is the ransom lowered to?" }, { "_id": 10034, "text": "What country is the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial located?" }, { "_id": 10035, "text": "What day did the Normandy Invasion take place?" }, { "_id": 10036, "text": "How many brothers from the Ryan family were killed in action?" }, { "_id": 10037, "text": "What was the name of the General who ordered Private James Ryan be found and returned home?" }, { "_id": 10038, "text": "How many men from his company did Capt. Miller send to find Private Ryan?" }, { "_id": 10039, "text": "What was the name of the medic in the group sent to locate Private Ryan?" }, { "_id": 10040, "text": "What is the name of the river running under the bridge Private Ryan is protecting when he is found?" }, { "_id": 10041, "text": "What is the nickname given to the German soldier who is spared by Capt. Miller?" }, { "_id": 10042, "text": "Who is with Capt. Miller when he dies?" }, { "_id": 10043, "text": "What does the veteran at the cemetery do when he sees the gravestone?" }, { "_id": 10044, "text": "Why did Ryan refuse to be sent home?" }, { "_id": 10045, "text": "Why is Ryan supposed to be sent home?" }, { "_id": 10046, "text": "How did Ryan's three brothers die?" }, { "_id": 10047, "text": "What had the squad done a betting pool on?" }, { "_id": 10048, "text": "How did Ryan feel about losing his brothers?" }, { "_id": 10049, "text": "Who shot Miller?" }, { "_id": 10050, "text": "Why did Ryan want to make know if he was a good man?" }, { "_id": 10051, "text": "What did Ryan ask his wife to confirm at the end?" }, { "_id": 10052, "text": "Who is with Miller when he dies?" }, { "_id": 10053, "text": "Who assembled a group of Rangers to penetrate the German defense?" }, { "_id": 10054, "text": "How many members of the Ryan family were killed in action?" }, { "_id": 10055, "text": "What was Miller's last words?" }, { "_id": 10056, "text": "What date is the beginning of the Normandy Invasion?" }, { "_id": 10057, "text": "Why did the veteran collapse to his knees at the cemetary?" }, { "_id": 10058, "text": "Who were Reiben and Ryan with as he died?" }, { "_id": 10059, "text": "What is the name of the veteran who collapsed at the cemetary?" }, { "_id": 10060, "text": "What's Ryan's reaction to the loss of his brothers?" }, { "_id": 10061, "text": "Why did Reiben declare his intention to desert the squad?" }, { "_id": 10062, "text": "Who died from being shot by a sniper?" }, { "_id": 10063, "text": "Who hosts the dinner party?" }, { "_id": 10064, "text": "Who are the four guests invited to the dinner party?" }, { "_id": 10065, "text": "Who is Bertha drawn to?" }, { "_id": 10066, "text": "What is Bertha's personality?" }, { "_id": 10067, "text": "How is Harry presented to the readers?" }, { "_id": 10068, "text": "Who is the homosexual that makes Bertha question her interest in Pearl?" }, { "_id": 10069, "text": "What conclusion about Pearl does Bertha come to?" }, { "_id": 10070, "text": "What ugly thing does Bertha realize is going on?" }, { "_id": 10071, "text": "Why is the title 'Bliss' ironic?" }, { "_id": 10072, "text": "When does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 10073, "text": "What kind of party does the main character throw?" }, { "_id": 10074, "text": "What is the main characters husbands name?" }, { "_id": 10075, "text": "What era does the story take place?" }, { "_id": 10076, "text": "Who is the main character mysteriously drawn to?" }, { "_id": 10077, "text": "Which character is considered naive?" }, { "_id": 10078, "text": "Which characters are close friends of the main character and her husband?" }, { "_id": 10079, "text": "Which character first comes across as crude?" }, { "_id": 10080, "text": "Which character is represented as most likely homosexual?" }, { "_id": 10081, "text": "Which character starts to question his/her own sexuality?" }, { "_id": 10082, "text": "Which character are two different women attracted to?" }, { "_id": 10083, "text": "Who is the main character of this story?" }, { "_id": 10084, "text": "What is Bertha's downfall when it comes to observing life and people?" }, { "_id": 10085, "text": "Who is Bertha drawn to?" }, { "_id": 10086, "text": "What type of person does Harry, Bertha's husband, appear to be?" }, { "_id": 10087, "text": "How many people attended Bertha and Harry's dinner party?" }, { "_id": 10088, "text": "Where does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 10089, "text": "What kind of person is Bertha?" }, { "_id": 10090, "text": "Why does Eddie think Bertha is fascinated with Pearl?" }, { "_id": 10091, "text": "Who does Harry seem to have disdain for?" }, { "_id": 10092, "text": "What does Bertha conclude at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 10093, "text": "Who does Reverend Mother want the choir to be led by?" }, { "_id": 10094, "text": "Where did the nuns go to save Mary Clarence?" }, { "_id": 10095, "text": "Why did Vince, Joey and Willy have a hard time shooting Deloris?" }, { "_id": 10096, "text": "Who shoots Vince in the arm?" }, { "_id": 10097, "text": "Who tells Vince where Deloris is?" }, { "_id": 10098, "text": "What did Deloris see Vince do?" }, { "_id": 10099, "text": "Why did Reverend Mother chastise Deloris?" }, { "_id": 10100, "text": "Who from the parish enjoyed the rock and roll performance performed by the nuns?" }, { "_id": 10101, "text": "Who suggested Deloris testify against Vince?" }, { "_id": 10102, "text": "Where did Deloris go into witness protection?" }, { "_id": 10103, "text": "Where does Deloris sing?" }, { "_id": 10104, "text": "Why does Deloris go into witness protection?" }, { "_id": 10105, "text": "Where does Deloris hide?" }, { "_id": 10106, "text": "What new identity is Deloris given?" }, { "_id": 10107, "text": "After Mary Clarence is made choir director, what kind of performance does she hold?" }, { "_id": 10108, "text": "How do Vince's men find Deloris?" }, { "_id": 10109, "text": "Why does Vince not shoot Deloris?" }, { "_id": 10110, "text": "How do the nuns risk their lives?" }, { "_id": 10111, "text": "After Vince and his men are arrested, what does Reverend Mother agree to do?" }, { "_id": 10112, "text": "What success does Deloris enjoy after the whole ordeal?" }, { "_id": 10113, "text": "Who is Sister Mary Clarence?" }, { "_id": 10114, "text": "How is Deloris' cover at the convent blown?" }, { "_id": 10115, "text": "Why is Deloris fired as choir director?" }, { "_id": 10116, "text": "Why is Deloris in danger?" }, { "_id": 10117, "text": "Who is the good cop trying to help Deloris?" }, { "_id": 10118, "text": "Where is the convent?" }, { "_id": 10119, "text": "Why do Vince and his henchman hesitate to shoot Deloris?" }, { "_id": 10120, "text": "What offense lands Deloris in the choir?" }, { "_id": 10121, "text": "When is Deloris fussed at for ill behavior and speaking badly?" }, { "_id": 10122, "text": "What Catholic leader is to come to the convent?" }, { "_id": 10123, "text": "Who is Nancy's boyfriend?" }, { "_id": 10124, "text": "Where are they going on vacation?" }, { "_id": 10125, "text": "Who is the stolen portrait of?" }, { "_id": 10126, "text": "What is stolen on the night of the Mardi Gras party?" }, { "_id": 10127, "text": "Who is trying to solve the mystery of the stolen portrait?" }, { "_id": 10128, "text": "What was the ransom money from the stolen painting to be used for?" }, { "_id": 10129, "text": "How did Mrs. Seaton die?" }, { "_id": 10130, "text": "Who is Max Devereaux?" }, { "_id": 10131, "text": "Who does Mariel look like?" }, { "_id": 10132, "text": "What college do Brian and Ned attend?" }, { "_id": 10133, "text": "Who is Ned Nickerson?" }, { "_id": 10134, "text": "Where is Tyler's dad at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 10135, "text": " Which other name does Seaton Mansion go by?" }, { "_id": 10136, "text": "What event are the main characters celebrating?" }, { "_id": 10137, "text": "Which item gets stolen?" }, { "_id": 10138, "text": "Who is the prime suspect?" }, { "_id": 10139, "text": "When did the painting go missing?" }, { "_id": 10140, "text": "Where does Nancy's investigation lead her?" }, { "_id": 10141, "text": "How did Danielle allegedly die?" }, { "_id": 10142, "text": "Why did Max need money?" }, { "_id": 10143, "text": "Who is invited to Brian Seaton's mansion?" }, { "_id": 10144, "text": "Whose house is Brian's father visiting at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 10145, "text": "Who does Warren Tyler have a portrait of?" }, { "_id": 10146, "text": "Where do Brian and Ned go to celebrate the Mardi Gras festivities?" }, { "_id": 10147, "text": "At approximately what time was the painting of Danielle Seaton stolen?" }, { "_id": 10148, "text": "Which residence does \"The Bat Hallow\" refer to?" }, { "_id": 10149, "text": "Where does Nancy encounter Mariel Devereaux during the course of her investigation?" }, { "_id": 10150, "text": "What kind of costume was Bartholomew Seaton wearing on the night of the Mardi Gras celebration?" }, { "_id": 10151, "text": "Who was the real subject of the painting found in Warren Tyler's barn?" }, { "_id": 10152, "text": "How are the Southern Appalachian Mountains described?" }, { "_id": 10153, "text": "What causes farming diffuculty for the mountaineers?" }, { "_id": 10154, "text": "Why do Mr. & Mrs. Ferris venture across the smokies?" }, { "_id": 10155, "text": "How did 17 cattle die at Siler's Meadow?" }, { "_id": 10156, "text": "What do Kephart and the Hazel Creek natives hunt and kill?" }, { "_id": 10157, "text": "What kind of alcohol is made in Southern Appalachia?" }, { "_id": 10158, "text": "Before the Appalachian people are discovered to have there own dialect, why do people think they talk the way they do?" }, { "_id": 10159, "text": "Who is put on trial for killing James Holland Rose?" }, { "_id": 10160, "text": "Who leads the manhunt in the Sugarlands?" }, { "_id": 10161, "text": "In what state are the Sugarlands?" }, { "_id": 10162, "text": "When Kephart lived in Bryson city, in what year were several chapters added?" }, { "_id": 10163, "text": "What was the title of chapter nine?" }, { "_id": 10164, "text": "The killing of Hoe Rose was base on the event that occured in what year?" }, { "_id": 10165, "text": "What does the people of the hill describes?" }, { "_id": 10166, "text": "What does the mountain dialect discusses?" }, { "_id": 10167, "text": "What does the law of the wilderness discuss?" }, { "_id": 10168, "text": "What does home folks and neighbor people discussed?" }, { "_id": 10169, "text": "Who was Jasper Fenn?" }, { "_id": 10170, "text": "What does Kephart explore in the first chapter of the story?" }, { "_id": 10171, "text": "Who are Mr. and Mrs. Ferris?" }, { "_id": 10172, "text": "What creature did Kephart go hunting for?" }, { "_id": 10173, "text": "Who is Mr. Quick?" }, { "_id": 10174, "text": "Where does Mr. Quick's manhunt take him?" }, { "_id": 10175, "text": "Who was on trial for killing James \"Hol\" Holland Rose?" }, { "_id": 10176, "text": "How does Kephart's opinion on the South Appalachain dialect differ from other scholars?" }, { "_id": 10177, "text": "What is Appalachian clan fighting similar to?" }, { "_id": 10178, "text": "Who primarily settled in the Appalachian Mountains?" }, { "_id": 10179, "text": "What does Kephart explore in When the Sleeper Awakes?" }, { "_id": 10180, "text": "Where was Tom Bailey born?" }, { "_id": 10181, "text": "How old was Tom when he moved to New Orleans?" }, { "_id": 10182, "text": "Where does Tom's dad send him to study?" }, { "_id": 10183, "text": "What is the name of Tom's grandfather?" }, { "_id": 10184, "text": "What is the name of the boys' club Tom joins?" }, { "_id": 10185, "text": "What is the name of of the boat the boys buy?" }, { "_id": 10186, "text": "Who is the long lost husband of Captain Nutter's servant?" }, { "_id": 10187, "text": "Who helps the boys fire off cannons from the pier?" }, { "_id": 10188, "text": "Who is it who has a banking job that fails?" }, { "_id": 10189, "text": "Where does Tom's uncle invite him to work?" }, { "_id": 10190, "text": "Where is Tom Bailey born?" }, { "_id": 10191, "text": "Where does Tom Bailey later move?" }, { "_id": 10192, "text": "Why is Tom Bailey sent back north?" }, { "_id": 10193, "text": "Who does Tom live with up north?" }, { "_id": 10194, "text": "What boys club does Tom become a member of?" }, { "_id": 10195, "text": "What is one of the pranks the Centipedes are known for?" }, { "_id": 10196, "text": "What do the boys do in winter?" }, { "_id": 10197, "text": "What do the boys pool there money together to purchase?" }, { "_id": 10198, "text": "Who does Tom befriend?" }, { "_id": 10199, "text": "Where was Tom Bailey born?" }, { "_id": 10200, "text": "How old was Tom Bailey when he moves from New Hampshire to New Orleans?" }, { "_id": 10201, "text": "Who does Tom's father send him to live with, to get an education in the North?" }, { "_id": 10202, "text": "Besides Tom, who lived with Captain Nutter?" }, { "_id": 10203, "text": "What was the name of the boy's club Tom was involved in?" }, { "_id": 10204, "text": "When did Tom and the boy's club push a carriage into a bonfire as a prank?" }, { "_id": 10205, "text": "Tom and three other friends put their money together to buy what?" }, { "_id": 10206, "text": "What did Tom name his new boat?" }, { "_id": 10207, "text": "Where did Tom meet Sailor Ben prior to them becoming friends?" }, { "_id": 10208, "text": "Sailor Ben turns out to be the long-lost husband of whom?" }, { "_id": 10209, "text": "Where does this story take place?" }, { "_id": 10210, "text": "Who mourns Giles' death?" }, { "_id": 10211, "text": "Who does Grace's father convince Grace to marry?" }, { "_id": 10212, "text": "Grace sees a woman leaving Fitzpiers' house early one morning before they are married, who is this woman?" }, { "_id": 10213, "text": "Where does Fitzpiers go with Mrs. Charmond?" }, { "_id": 10214, "text": "What is Fitzpiers profession?" }, { "_id": 10215, "text": "Fitzpiers is having affairs with who?" }, { "_id": 10216, "text": "When does Giles die?" }, { "_id": 10217, "text": "Why can Grace ultimately not divorce Fitzpiers?" }, { "_id": 10218, "text": "What excuse does Fitzpiers give Grace for Suke leaving his house early in the morning?" }, { "_id": 10219, "text": "What was Giles' profession?" }, { "_id": 10220, "text": "How did Grace know Fitzpiers was lying about removing Suke's tooth?" }, { "_id": 10221, "text": "What excuse does Fitzpiers give for Suke being in his home?" }, { "_id": 10222, "text": "Where did Mrs. Charmond get her hair?" }, { "_id": 10223, "text": "Is adultery a sufficient reason for divorce?" }, { "_id": 10224, "text": "What happens when Timothy Tangs sets a trap?" }, { "_id": 10225, "text": "What is Marty South's only attribute?" }, { "_id": 10226, "text": "Who mourns Giles?" }, { "_id": 10227, "text": "Why does Giles die?" }, { "_id": 10228, "text": "What village does this take place in?" }, { "_id": 10229, "text": "What is the name of Miles Winterborne's village?" }, { "_id": 10230, "text": "What is Miles Winerborne's profession?" }, { "_id": 10231, "text": "What is Edgar Fitzpiers' profession?" }, { "_id": 10232, "text": "Why does Grace have misgivings about marrying Edgar Fitzpiers before the wedding?" }, { "_id": 10233, "text": "What does Edgar Fitzpiers tell Grace is the reason for Suke's visit to him?" }, { "_id": 10234, "text": "How does Grace find out that Edgar lied to her about Suke's visit?" }, { "_id": 10235, "text": "What law was changed the previous year?" }, { "_id": 10236, "text": "How does Giles die?" }, { "_id": 10237, "text": "Who does Marty South love?" }, { "_id": 10238, "text": "Where does Edgar Fitzpiers go with Mrs. Charmond?" }, { "_id": 10239, "text": "How many giants has Jack killed before he becomes the Prince's servant?" }, { "_id": 10240, "text": "How many heads does the giant Jack and the Price stay with have?" }, { "_id": 10241, "text": "How many gifts does the three headed giant give Jack?" }, { "_id": 10242, "text": "Why is Jack given a spot at the Round Table?" }, { "_id": 10243, "text": "Where does Jack find the giant whose nose he cuts off?" }, { "_id": 10244, "text": "Who is Thunderdel?" }, { "_id": 10245, "text": "Who is the white doe?" }, { "_id": 10246, "text": "How does Jack kill the giant Galigantus?" }, { "_id": 10247, "text": "Who does Jack marry?" }, { "_id": 10248, "text": "Who is the King in the story?" }, { "_id": 10249, "text": "Who's reign was the story set?" }, { "_id": 10250, "text": "What did Jacks father do for an occupation?" }, { "_id": 10251, "text": "How does cormoran die?" }, { "_id": 10252, "text": "Who were captive in blunderbore's castle?" }, { "_id": 10253, "text": "Who does jack become serpent to?" }, { "_id": 10254, "text": "What was Jacks reward after defeating Lucien?" }, { "_id": 10255, "text": "What was involved in defeating the giant Thunderdel?" }, { "_id": 10256, "text": "What giant held the dukes daughter captive?" }, { "_id": 10257, "text": "What was the Dukes daughter turned into?" }, { "_id": 10258, "text": "Who does jack marry?" }, { "_id": 10259, "text": "What does Jack's family do for a living?" }, { "_id": 10260, "text": "Who is King at the time of story?" }, { "_id": 10261, "text": "What is the cattle-eating giant that Jack encounters called?" }, { "_id": 10262, "text": "Besides the giant's wealth, what else does Jack receive for killing the beast?" }, { "_id": 10263, "text": "How many ladies were being held captive in Blunderbore's castle?" }, { "_id": 10264, "text": "Who's servant does Jack become?" }, { "_id": 10265, "text": "What are the four objects the three-headed giant gives Jack as a show of gratitude?" }, { "_id": 10266, "text": "Jack is rewarded with membership into what group?" }, { "_id": 10267, "text": "The sorcerer has transformed the Duke's daughter into what animal?" }, { "_id": 10268, "text": "Who does Jack marry at the end of the story?" }, { "_id": 10269, "text": "What was Norman's father a master of?" }, { "_id": 10270, "text": "Who befriends Norman?" }, { "_id": 10271, "text": "What age is Norman considered the best swordsman in England?" }, { "_id": 10272, "text": "What is Norman leading at age 19?" }, { "_id": 10273, "text": "Who does Norman become involved with?" }, { "_id": 10274, "text": "What does Vic reveal as he dies?" }, { "_id": 10275, "text": "What does Frenchman de Vac have against his former employee?" }, { "_id": 10276, "text": "Who had kidnapped Norman?" }, { "_id": 10277, "text": "What age was Norman when there was a bounty on his head?" }, { "_id": 10278, "text": "When had Norman been kidnapped?" }, { "_id": 10279, "text": "Who is supposed to be Norman's father?" }, { "_id": 10280, "text": "Who does Roger de Conde become involved with?" }, { "_id": 10281, "text": "What does de Vac admit when he dies?" }, { "_id": 10282, "text": "What happens by the time Norman is 17?" }, { "_id": 10283, "text": "Who is the Frenchman de Vac?" }, { "_id": 10284, "text": "At what age is Norman the head of the largest band of thieves in England?" }, { "_id": 10285, "text": "Who wins the hand of Bertrade?" }, { "_id": 10286, "text": "When is the story set?" }, { "_id": 10287, "text": "How was Norman raised?" }, { "_id": 10288, "text": "Why does the civil war turn in favor of de Montfort?" }, { "_id": 10289, "text": "Where and when is the story set? " }, { "_id": 10290, "text": "Who is Norman's father?" }, { "_id": 10291, "text": "Who was Frenchman de Vac? " }, { "_id": 10292, "text": "How does Frenchman de Vac raise Norman? " }, { "_id": 10293, "text": "Who does Norman become the leader of? " }, { "_id": 10294, "text": "What does the priest who befriends Norman teach him? " }, { "_id": 10295, "text": "Who does Bertrade think Norman resembles? " }, { "_id": 10296, "text": "When de Vac is dying what does he reveal? " }, { "_id": 10297, "text": "How did the fencing master obtain Norman? " }, { "_id": 10298, "text": "What happens when they find out Richard/Norman is not really dead? " }, { "_id": 10299, "text": "Who accidentally prevented a burglary during an attempt to escape boarding school?" }, { "_id": 10300, "text": "Who does Edie choose between Jack and Jim?" }, { "_id": 10301, "text": "Who is Lapp?" }, { "_id": 10302, "text": "What does Jack suspect of Lapp?" }, { "_id": 10303, "text": "What happens when Jim goes back to school to get his diploma?" }, { "_id": 10304, "text": "When Lapp leaves town what does he admit in his letter?" }, { "_id": 10305, "text": "What battle is Jim and Jack preparing for?" }, { "_id": 10306, "text": "How far away from Waterloo does Jim and Jack walk?" }, { "_id": 10307, "text": "Who defeats Napoleon at Waterloo?" }, { "_id": 10308, "text": "Who is the main protagonist in this story?" }, { "_id": 10309, "text": "What was Jack's most noteable childhood experience?" }, { "_id": 10310, "text": "Who does Edie decide to become engaged to?" }, { "_id": 10311, "text": "How did Lapp arrive in the town?" }, { "_id": 10312, "text": "What do Jack and Jim suspect about Lapp?" }, { "_id": 10313, "text": "What is Lapp's true identity? " }, { "_id": 10314, "text": "Who trains Jim and Jack for battle?" }, { "_id": 10315, "text": "What battle do Jim and Jack fight together in?" }, { "_id": 10316, "text": "Who are the French defeated by?" }, { "_id": 10317, "text": "What is Jack's only notable childhood experience?" }, { "_id": 10318, "text": "Who does Jack become friends with?" }, { "_id": 10319, "text": "Where does Jim go off to, leaving Jack behind?" }, { "_id": 10320, "text": "Why does Jack want to become a soldier?" }, { "_id": 10321, "text": "Who does Jim take a liking to?" }, { "_id": 10322, "text": "What does Lapp claim happened to him?" }, { "_id": 10323, "text": "Who realize that Lapp is very rich?" }, { "_id": 10324, "text": "What major historical event do the boys participate in?" }, { "_id": 10325, "text": "Which person does Jack offer his services to?" }, { "_id": 10326, "text": "Who is defeated at the end?" }, { "_id": 10327, "text": "Where did Gregory and Mrs. Juno meet?" }, { "_id": 10328, "text": "Why do Gregory and Mrs. Juno want to break up?" }, { "_id": 10329, "text": "What do Gregory and Mrs. Juno hear at the hotel?" }, { "_id": 10330, "text": "What happens when Gregory and Mrs. Juno confront their spouses?" }, { "_id": 10331, "text": "How does Gregory feel about the situation?" }, { "_id": 10332, "text": "What does Sibthorpe think about the situation?" }, { "_id": 10333, "text": "What does Mrs. Lunn think about morals?" }, { "_id": 10334, "text": "How does Mrs. Lunn feel about Gregory's affair with Mrs. Juno?" }, { "_id": 10335, "text": "What do Gregory, Sibthorne, Mrs. Juno and Mrs. Lynn decide to do about their affairs?" }, { "_id": 10336, "text": "Who did Gregory fall in love with during a sea voyage?" }, { "_id": 10337, "text": "Where did Gregory and Juno discuss each other's feelings?" }, { "_id": 10338, "text": "Why could Gregory and Mrs Juno not stay together?" }, { "_id": 10339, "text": "Who is Mrs Juno's husband?" }, { "_id": 10340, "text": "What does Mrs Lunn think of Mr. Sibthorpe?" }, { "_id": 10341, "text": "What does Gregory think of the situation?" }, { "_id": 10342, "text": "What does Mrs Lunn think of moral rules?" }, { "_id": 10343, "text": "Why does Mrs Juno continue an affair with Gregory?" }, { "_id": 10344, "text": "Why does Mrs Lunn continue an affair with Sibthorpe?" }, { "_id": 10345, "text": " What is the spouses there for?" }, { "_id": 10346, "text": "Who is disturb at the affair? " }, { "_id": 10347, "text": " Gregory and Juno talk feelings for each other on?" }, { "_id": 10348, "text": "What are Gregory feelings?" }, { "_id": 10349, "text": "Is Mrs Junn happy about the affair?" }, { "_id": 10350, "text": " Mrs Juno affair?" }, { "_id": 10351, "text": "Mrs Lunn and and Mrs Juno husband are what?" }, { "_id": 10352, "text": "What two peoples' relationship does this story focus on?" }, { "_id": 10353, "text": "What did Mrs. Warren previously do for work?" }, { "_id": 10354, "text": "What does Mrs. Warren criticize about Victorian Britain?" }, { "_id": 10355, "text": "Where did Vivie graduate from?" }, { "_id": 10356, "text": "Who is attracted to Vivie?" }, { "_id": 10357, "text": "Who is Vivie romantically involved with?" }, { "_id": 10358, "text": "What possible relationship between Frank and Vivie is revealed?" }, { "_id": 10359, "text": "Where does Mrs. Warren own a chain of Brothels?" }, { "_id": 10360, "text": "Why does the reconciliation between Vivie and Mrs. Warren abruptly end?" }, { "_id": 10361, "text": "What does Vivie vow never to do after taking an office job and breaking up with Frank?" }, { "_id": 10362, "text": "Who owns a brothel?" }, { "_id": 10363, "text": "Who is Mrs. Warrens daughter?" }, { "_id": 10364, "text": "Which university did Vivie graduate from?" }, { "_id": 10365, "text": "Which area of study did Vivie get honours in?" }, { "_id": 10366, "text": "What is Mr. Praed's occupation?" }, { "_id": 10367, "text": "Who is Mrs. Warren's business partner?" }, { "_id": 10368, "text": "Who sees Vivie as a meal ticket?" }, { "_id": 10369, "text": "Who could be Vivie's father?" }, { "_id": 10370, "text": "Who did Vivie disown?" }, { "_id": 10371, "text": "Which kind of job did Vivie take in the city?" }, { "_id": 10372, "text": "What was Mrs. Warren's former occupation?" }, { "_id": 10373, "text": "Which college did Vivie graduate from?" }, { "_id": 10374, "text": "Why did Vivie's mother change her name to Mrs. Warren?" }, { "_id": 10375, "text": "What is the age difference between Vivie and George Crofts?" }, { "_id": 10376, "text": "What is the occupation of Mr. Praed?" }, { "_id": 10377, "text": "Who is Mrs Warren's business partner?" }, { "_id": 10378, "text": "Across which continent does Mrs Warren own brothels with George Crofts?" }, { "_id": 10379, "text": "Why does Vivie disown her mother?" }, { "_id": 10380, "text": "What type of job does Vivie take in the city?" }, { "_id": 10381, "text": "What is in the car that Betty doesn't know about?" }, { "_id": 10382, "text": "Who gets Betty a job on the tv show?" }, { "_id": 10383, "text": "How is Wesley related to Charlie?" }, { "_id": 10384, "text": "What happens to Betty's mind because of witnessing her husband's murder?" }, { "_id": 10385, "text": "Who does Betty think David is? " }, { "_id": 10386, "text": "Who confronts Betty at the pharmacy window about David being a soap opera character?" }, { "_id": 10387, "text": "What snaps Betty back into reality?" }, { "_id": 10388, "text": "What does George think Betty is trying to do when he meets her at the charity event?" }, { "_id": 10389, "text": "What job is Betty given after she helps save a drive-by shooting victim?" }, { "_id": 10390, "text": "Who kills Wesley?" }, { "_id": 10391, "text": "What state is Betty from?" }, { "_id": 10392, "text": "Betty is a fan of what soap opera?" }, { "_id": 10393, "text": "Who is Del to Betty?" }, { "_id": 10394, "text": "Del is having an affair with whom?" }, { "_id": 10395, "text": "What crime does Del engage in?" }, { "_id": 10396, "text": "What are the names of the two hitman?" }, { "_id": 10397, "text": "Betty tries to get what job position in Los Angeles?" }, { "_id": 10398, "text": "Rosa does what for a living?" }, { "_id": 10399, "text": "Where is Betty when she snaps back into reality?" }, { "_id": 10400, "text": "How many shows does Betty appear in?" }, { "_id": 10401, "text": "How does Betty return to reality?" }, { "_id": 10402, "text": "Who does Charlie fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 10403, "text": "What does Betty do to help her deal with the trauma of her husband's death?" }, { "_id": 10404, "text": "Why does Charlie commit suicide?" }, { "_id": 10405, "text": "What does Betty tell the bartender in Arizona?" }, { "_id": 10406, "text": "Who is Wesley?" }, { "_id": 10407, "text": "Why does Betty go to L.A. after Del is killed?" }, { "_id": 10408, "text": "Why does Betty accuse Rosa of being jealous?" }, { "_id": 10409, "text": "What happens after Betty attends a charity event?" }, { "_id": 10410, "text": "How is Wesley killed?" }, { "_id": 10411, "text": "Who hit Nicky with a shovel?" }, { "_id": 10412, "text": "What did Satan send Nicky to Earth with?" }, { "_id": 10413, "text": "What is the bulldog's name that Nicky meets?" }, { "_id": 10414, "text": "Who does Nicky fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 10415, "text": "Who dethrones Satan?" }, { "_id": 10416, "text": "What is Nicky's mother's name?" }, { "_id": 10417, "text": "Who ends up going to heaven?" }, { "_id": 10418, "text": "Who appears when Nicky shatters the orb?" }, { "_id": 10419, "text": "Who does Nicky set bees on?" }, { "_id": 10420, "text": "What is Nicky and Valerie's son's name?" }, { "_id": 10421, "text": "How many sons does Satan have?" }, { "_id": 10422, "text": "Which son is Satan's favorite?" }, { "_id": 10423, "text": "Which two sons thoroughly enjoy tormenting Nicky?" }, { "_id": 10424, "text": "How long has Satan been the Prince of Darkness for?" }, { "_id": 10425, "text": "What does Satan give to Nicky before sending him to Earth?" }, { "_id": 10426, "text": "Where does Nicky wake up after sacrificing himself?" }, { "_id": 10427, "text": "Who does Nicky fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 10428, "text": "How did John and Peter die?" }, { "_id": 10429, "text": "Which game did Cassius pose as a referee on?" }, { "_id": 10430, "text": "What happens to someone who drinks from Nicky's flask?" }, { "_id": 10431, "text": "What are the names of Satan's three sons?" }, { "_id": 10432, "text": "What happens to Satan when Hell's gate is frozen for too long?" }, { "_id": 10433, "text": "How does Nicky sin to get back to Hell after his brothers are captured?" }, { "_id": 10434, "text": "Who bites Adrian's head off, when he turns into a bat?" }, { "_id": 10435, "text": "What is the talking bulldog's name?" }, { "_id": 10436, "text": "Which of Satan's sons is his favorite?" }, { "_id": 10437, "text": "Who does Nicky fall in love with?" }, { "_id": 10438, "text": "What are Satan's sons fighting for?" }, { "_id": 10439, "text": "Who are John and Peter?" }, { "_id": 10440, "text": "What does Adrian do in Hell, after he and Nicky are killed by the train?" }, { "_id": 10441, "text": "Who is Joe proposing to?" }, { "_id": 10442, "text": "Why does Joe recognize the notes being sent from space?" }, { "_id": 10443, "text": "Who is on the ship that goes to space?" }, { "_id": 10444, "text": "How many days does it take for the space ship to reach the asteroid?" }, { "_id": 10445, "text": "What happens when Joe sleeps near the cubes?" }, { "_id": 10446, "text": "Who is living on the asteroid?" }, { "_id": 10447, "text": "How do Joe and Sandy read the cubes?" }, { "_id": 10448, "text": "What will happen if the Enemy attacks?" }, { "_id": 10449, "text": "Who developes the procedure to destroy the Enemy?" }, { "_id": 10450, "text": "What does Joe predict at the end?" }, { "_id": 10451, "text": "At what moment does Joe become aware of the radio signals from deep space?" }, { "_id": 10452, "text": "What do the space signals remind Joe of? " }, { "_id": 10453, "text": "Which astronomical body are the radio signals traced back to? " }, { "_id": 10454, "text": "How does Joe use the elements of his repetitive dream to get to the radio signal-emitting Asteroid?" }, { "_id": 10455, "text": "What does Joe see when he arrives at the Asteroid M-387?" }, { "_id": 10456, "text": "What does Joe discover inside the tunnel on the Asteroid M-387?" }, { "_id": 10457, "text": "Besides weapons, what else does Joe and his crew find inside the fortress?" }, { "_id": 10458, "text": "How did the small black cubes work?" }, { "_id": 10459, "text": "What did Sandy suggest to improve the efficiency of interaction with the cubes?" }, { "_id": 10460, "text": "What does Joe and his crew learn from the cubes?" }, { "_id": 10461, "text": "What does Joe Burke do for a living?" }, { "_id": 10462, "text": "How long has Joe Burke known Sandy Lund?" }, { "_id": 10463, "text": "In Joe's dreams, how many moons are there?" }, { "_id": 10464, "text": "To what asteroid is the deep space signal traced?" }, { "_id": 10465, "text": "How long does it take Joe's ship to reach the asteroid?" }, { "_id": 10466, "text": "What do the astronauts see when they arrive at the asteroid?" }, { "_id": 10467, "text": "How are the cubes deciphered?" }, { "_id": 10468, "text": "For how long may the garrison's civilization been at war with the Enemy?" }, { "_id": 10469, "text": "What would be the result of the Enemy's new attack?" }, { "_id": 10470, "text": "How many torpedoes are launched at the enemy squadron?" }, { "_id": 10471, "text": "What is the name that Stephen Silk wrote under?" }, { "_id": 10472, "text": "What happened to Silar Cumshaw?" }, { "_id": 10473, "text": "Who is Hoddy Ringo to Stephen Silk?" }, { "_id": 10474, "text": "How is Silk welcomed to New Texas?" }, { "_id": 10475, "text": "How many people were involved in killing of Silas Cumshaw?" }, { "_id": 10476, "text": "What's the name of the clan that is going on trial for Silas Cumshaw's murder?" }, { "_id": 10477, "text": "What does Stephen Silk do to the Bonney brothers after he helps to set them free?" }, { "_id": 10478, "text": "Why was Stephen Silk banished for a time?" }, { "_id": 10479, "text": "What is Silk's official title in New Texas? " }, { "_id": 10480, "text": "Some of Silk's mission is to convince the New Texans to join what league?" }, { "_id": 10481, "text": "What did Stephen Silk do that caused him to be sent away?" }, { "_id": 10482, "text": "Why was there a vacant seat as ambassador on New Texas?" }, { "_id": 10483, "text": "What was the name of Silk's bodyguard/secretary?" }, { "_id": 10484, "text": "As per New Texan culture, Silk was required to carry a pair of what?" }, { "_id": 10485, "text": "How does Silk figure out that he is being set up for assassination?" }, { "_id": 10486, "text": "In what manner was Silk welcomed on New Texas?" }, { "_id": 10487, "text": "In New Texas politics, what is considered justification for assassinating someone?" }, { "_id": 10488, "text": "The z'Srauff are a humanoid race that resemble what animal?" }, { "_id": 10489, "text": "What action does the Solar League fear?" }, { "_id": 10490, "text": "Where does Silk eventually decide to live?" }, { "_id": 10491, "text": "What was the pseudonym that Stephen Silk used when publishing his article that got him banished from the solar League's capitol?" }, { "_id": 10492, "text": "What new position does Stephen Silk get assigned once banished?" }, { "_id": 10493, "text": "Where is Stephen Silk banished to?" }, { "_id": 10494, "text": "What does Stephen Silk find in Hoddy's room?" }, { "_id": 10495, "text": "How is New Texas politics different from the Solar League capitol, regarding assassinations?" }, { "_id": 10496, "text": "What is the name of the aliens that the The Solar League fears will plan an attack?" }, { "_id": 10497, "text": "Why is the Bonney clan on trial?" }, { "_id": 10498, "text": "Who, does Silk discover, told the Bonney clan to commit their crime?" }, { "_id": 10499, "text": "What happens to the Bonney's once they are set free?" }, { "_id": 10500, "text": "Who stops the z'Srauff battlefleet?" }, { "_id": 10501, "text": "How did the General plan to pay off his debt to the Frenchman?" }, { "_id": 10502, "text": "Why did Polina want the tutor to gamble for her?" }, { "_id": 10503, "text": "What had Alexi offered to do before Polina asked him to place a bet for her?" }, { "_id": 10504, "text": "Who took Grandmother to the train station after she lost money gambling?" }, { "_id": 10505, "text": "Where does Alexi live while he is a tutor for the General?" }, { "_id": 10506, "text": "When was the last time Alexi saw Polina?" }, { "_id": 10507, "text": "How did Alexi find out that Polina cared for him?" }, { "_id": 10508, "text": "Who received the inheritance that the General wanted to pay off his debts?" }, { "_id": 10509, "text": "Where did Mademoiselle Blanche go after Alexi became a rich man in Germany?" }, { "_id": 10510, "text": "Why did de Criet return property to the General, even though the General owed him money?" }, { "_id": 10511, "text": "What is the occupation of Alexei?" }, { "_id": 10512, "text": "Who is Alexie in love with ?" }, { "_id": 10513, "text": "What does Alexie send his grandmother to moscow?" }, { "_id": 10514, "text": "What oath does Alexei plead to Polina?" }, { "_id": 10515, "text": "Who reveals to Alexei the details of Polina and Genearal's financial state?" }, { "_id": 10516, "text": "What does Polina dare Alexei to do?" }, { "_id": 10517, "text": "What does Grandmother win at the roulette table?" }, { "_id": 10518, "text": "Who does Mile Blanche Unexpectedly marry?" }, { "_id": 10519, "text": "Who does Alexei pass in the park?" }, { "_id": 10520, "text": "Who does Mlle Blanche marry?" }, { "_id": 10521, "text": "How much money does \"Grandmother\" lose at the roulette table?" }, { "_id": 10522, "text": "What does Alexei start to do to survive?" }, { "_id": 10523, "text": "Where did the General die?" }, { "_id": 10524, "text": "What is Alexei's job at the beginning of the story?" }, { "_id": 10525, "text": "Who is the General indebted to?" }, { "_id": 10526, "text": "Who is the shy Englishman of English nobility?" }, { "_id": 10527, "text": "Who does Polina really love?" }, { "_id": 10528, "text": "What does Alexei estimate is the weight of the money he'd won?" }, { "_id": 10529, "text": "What is Hollis Mulwray's title at work? " }, { "_id": 10530, "text": "What is the name of the private investigator? " }, { "_id": 10531, "text": "What is Mr. Gittes' nickname? " }, { "_id": 10532, "text": "Who actually posed as Mrs. Mulwray?" }, { "_id": 10533, "text": "Who offers to double Gittes' fee? " }, { "_id": 10534, "text": "Who does Gittes end up sleeping with?" }, { "_id": 10535, "text": "What did they find in Mulwray's lungs? " }, { "_id": 10536, "text": "Where was Ida Sessions body found?" }, { "_id": 10537, "text": "Who is Evelyn's sister and her daughter? " }, { "_id": 10538, "text": "Where does Gittes arrange for the women to run to? " }, { "_id": 10539, "text": "Who did Evelynn hire to follow her husband?" }, { "_id": 10540, "text": "What is J.J. Jake Gittes occupation?" }, { "_id": 10541, "text": "Where are Gittes' photos published the following day?" }, { "_id": 10542, "text": "Who does Gittes think is the real target?" }, { "_id": 10543, "text": "How did Hollis Mulwray die?" }, { "_id": 10544, "text": "Who turned out to be Mrs. Mulwray's imposter?" }, { "_id": 10545, "text": "Who does Evelynn tell Gittes that is dangerous?" }, { "_id": 10546, "text": "What did the coroner's report find in Mr. Mulwray's lungs?" }, { "_id": 10547, "text": "What does Gittes find in Evelyn's garden pond?" }, { "_id": 10548, "text": "Who kills Evelyn?" }, { "_id": 10549, "text": "When is Jake's life first put at risk? " }, { "_id": 10550, "text": "Who kills Evelyn? " }, { "_id": 10551, "text": "Who does Evelyn shoot in the arm? " }, { "_id": 10552, "text": "What does the real Evelyn Mulwray do when she first meets Jake? " }, { "_id": 10553, "text": "Who is the protagonist in this story? " }, { "_id": 10554, "text": "Who is the antagonist in this story?" }, { "_id": 10555, "text": "Where was Hollis Mulwray murdered? " }, { "_id": 10556, "text": "Who is the imposter Mrs. Mulwray? " } ]