Sentence_ID,Source,Sentences,Labels,Entities,SentFIN_ID,Word Count 1,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Gran , the company has no plans to move all production to Russia , although that is where the company is growing .",1,,, 2,Financial Phrasebank,"Technopolis plans to develop in stages an area of no less than 100,000 square meters in order to host companies working in computer technologies and telecommunications , the statement said .",1,,, 3,Financial Phrasebank,"The international electronic industry company Elcoteq has laid off tens of employees from its Tallinn facility ; contrary to earlier layoffs the company contracted the ranks of its office workers , the daily Postimees reported .",0,,, 4,Financial Phrasebank,With the new production plant the company would increase its capacity to meet the expected increase in demand and would improve the use of raw materials and therefore increase the production profitability .,2,,, 5,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the company 's updated strategy for the years 2009-2012 , Basware targets a long-term net sales growth in the range of 20 % -40 % with an operating profit margin of 10 % -20 % of net sales .",2,,, 6,Financial Phrasebank,FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is aggressively pursuing its growth strategy by increasingly focusing on technologically more demanding HDI printed circuit boards PCBs .,2,,, 7,Financial Phrasebank,"For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's net sales doubled to EUR131m from EUR76m for the same period a year earlier , while it moved to a zero pre-tax profit from a pre-tax loss of EUR7m .",2,,, 8,Financial Phrasebank,"In the third quarter of 2010 , net sales increased by 5.2 % to EUR 205.5 mn , and operating profit by 34.9 % to EUR 23.5 mn .",2,,, 9,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 13.1 mn from EUR 8.7 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 representing 7.7 % of net sales .,2,,, 10,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 21.1 mn , up from EUR 18.6 mn in 2007 , representing 9.7 % of net sales .",2,,, 11,Financial Phrasebank,TeliaSonera TLSN said the offer is in line with its strategy to increase its ownership in core business holdings and would strengthen Eesti Telekom 's offering to its customers .,2,,, 12,Financial Phrasebank,"STORA ENSO , NORSKE SKOG , M-REAL , UPM-KYMMENE Credit Suisse First Boston ( CFSB ) raised the fair value for shares in four of the largest Nordic forestry groups .",2,,, 13,Financial Phrasebank,"A purchase agreement for 7,200 tons of gasoline with delivery at the Hamina terminal , Finland , was signed with Neste Oil OYj at the average Platts index for this September plus eight US dollars per month .",2,,, 14,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Talentum reports its operating profit increased to EUR 20.5 mn in 2005 from EUR 9.3 mn in 2004 , and net sales totaled EUR 103.3 mn , up from EUR 96.4 mn .",2,,, 15,Financial Phrasebank,"Clothing retail chain Sepp+ñl+ñ 's sales increased by 8 % to EUR 155.2 mn , and operating profit rose to EUR 31.1 mn from EUR 17.1 mn in 2004 .",2,,, 16,Financial Phrasebank,"Consolidated net sales increased 16 % to reach EUR74 .8 m , while operating profit amounted to EUR0 .9 m compared to a loss of EUR0 .7 m in the prior year period .",2,,, 17,Financial Phrasebank,"Foundries division reports its sales increased by 9.7 % to EUR 63.1 mn from EUR 57.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 , and sales of the Machine Shop division increased by 16.4 % to EUR 41.2 mn from EUR 35.4 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,,, 18,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Shares closed higher , led by Nokia after it announced plans to team up with Sanyo to manufacture 3G handsets , and by Nokian Tyres after its fourth-quarter earnings report beat analysts ' expectations , dealers said .",2,,, 19,Financial Phrasebank,"Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd , a subsidiary of Incap Corporation of Finland , plans to double its revenues by 2007-2008 .",2,,, 20,Financial Phrasebank,"Its board of directors will propose a dividend of EUR0 .12 per share for 2010 , up from the EUR0 .08 per share paid in 2009 .",2,,, 21,Financial Phrasebank,"Lifetree was founded in 2000 , and its revenues have risen on an average by 40 % with margins in late 30s .",2,,, 22,Financial Phrasebank,"( Filippova ) A trilateral agreement on investment in the construction of a technology park in St Petersburg was to have been signed in the course of the forum , Days of the Russian Economy , that opened in Helsinki today .",2,,, 23,Financial Phrasebank,"MegaFon 's subscriber base increased 16.1 % in 2009 to 50.5 million users as of December 31 , while its market share by the number of customers amounted to 24 % as of late 2009 , up from 23 % as of late 2008 , according to TeliaSonera estimates .",2,,, 24,Financial Phrasebank,"Net income from life insurance doubled to EUR 6.8 mn from EUR 3.2 mn , and net income from non-life insurance rose to EUR 5.2 mn from EUR 1.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,,, 25,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales increased to EUR193 .3 m from EUR179 .9 m and pretax profit rose by 34.2 % to EUR43 .1 m. ( EUR1 = USD1 .4 ),2,,, 26,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales surged by 18.5 % to EUR167 .8 m. Teleste said that EUR20 .4 m , or 12.2 % , of the sales came from the acquisitions made in 2009 .",2,,, 27,Financial Phrasebank,Nordea Group 's operating profit increased in 2010 by 18 percent year-on-year to 3.64 billion euros and total revenue by 3 percent to 9.33 billion euros .,2,,, 28,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the nine-month period increased from EUR13 .6 m , while net sales increased from EUR394 .7 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 29,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the nine-month period increased from EUR3 .1 m and net sales increased from EUR61 .5 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2007 .",2,,, 30,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the three-month period increased from EUR1 .2 m , while revenue increased from EUR20 .2 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 31,Financial Phrasebank,"The Brazilian unit of Finnish security solutions provider F-Secure signed up 1,500 new clients last year , online news source Reseller Web quoted the division 's commercial director , Vladimir Brand+úo , as saying .",2,,, 32,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's net profit rose 11.4 % on the year to 82.2 million euros in 2005 on sales of 686.5 million euros , 13.8 % up on the year , the company said earlier .",2,,, 33,Financial Phrasebank,"The Lithuanian beer market made up 14.41 million liters in January , a rise of 0.8 percent from the year-earlier figure , the Lithuanian Brewers ' Association reporting citing the results from its members .",2,,, 34,Financial Phrasebank,"Viking Line 's cargo revenue increased by 5.4 % to EUR 21.46 mn , and cargo volume increased by 2.4 % to 70,116 cargo units .",2,,, 35,Financial Phrasebank,"The fair value of the property portfolio doubled as a result of the Kapiteeli acquisition and totalled EUR 2,686.2 1,259.7 million .",2,,, 36,Financial Phrasebank,10 February 2011 - Finnish media company Sanoma Oyj HEL : SAA1V said yesterday its 2010 net profit almost tripled to EUR297 .3 m from EUR107 .1 m for 2009 and announced a proposal for a raised payout .,2,,, 37,Financial Phrasebank,"A Helsinki : ELIiV today reported EPS of EUR1 .13 for 2009 , an increase over EPS of EUR1 .12 in 2008 .",2,,, 38,Financial Phrasebank,"Aspo Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE February 11 , 2011 at8 .45 a.m. ESL Shipping Ltd , part of Aspo Group , has signed a new , long-term contract with Rautaruukki Corporation for the marine transport of raw materials on the Baltic Sea .",2,,, 39,Financial Phrasebank,"Commission income increased by 22 % to EUR 4.4 mn , and lending volume rose by 13.5 % .",2,,, 40,Financial Phrasebank,"In January , traffic , measured in revenue passenger kilometres RPK , went up by 3.2 % and capacity , measured in available seat kilometres ASK , rose by 12.2 % .",2,,, 41,Financial Phrasebank,"In January-September 2010 , Fiskars ' net profit went up by 14 % year-on-year to EUR 65.4 million and net sales to EUR 525.3 million from EUR 487.7 million .",2,,, 42,Financial Phrasebank,"Net income from life insurance rose to EUR 16.5 mn from EUR 14.0 mn , and net income from non-life insurance to EUR 22.6 mn from EUR 15.2 mn in 2009 .",2,,, 43,Financial Phrasebank,"Nyrstar has also agreed to supply to Talvivaara up to 150,000 tonnes of sulphuric acid per annum for use in Talvivaara 's leaching process during the period of supply of the zinc in concentrate .",2,,, 44,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales for both the Department Store Division and Hobby Hall increased by 7 % , while sales for the clothing store subsidiary Seppala decreased by 4 % .",2,,, 45,Financial Phrasebank,Sales have risen in other export markets .,2,,, 46,Financial Phrasebank,Sales increased due to growing market rates and increased operations .,2,,, 47,Financial Phrasebank,The agreement strengthens our long-term partnership with Nokia Siemens Networks .,2,,, 48,Financial Phrasebank,"The agreement was signed with Biohit Healthcare Ltd , the UK-based subsidiary of Biohit Oyj , a Finnish public company which develops , manufactures and markets liquid handling products and diagnostic test systems .",2,,, 49,Financial Phrasebank,The company also estimates the already carried out investments to lead to an increase in its net sales for 2010 from 2009 when they reached EUR 141.7 million .,2,,, 50,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's order book stood at 1.5 bln euro $ 2.2 bln on September 30 , 2007 , up by 24.2 pct on the year , with international orders amounting to 365 mln euro $ 534.3 mln .",2,,, 51,Financial Phrasebank,"The company said that paper demand increased in all of its main markets , including of publication papers , and that it increased average paper prices by 4 percent compared with last year .",2,,, 52,Financial Phrasebank,"The world 's second largest stainless steel maker said net profit in the three-month period until Dec. 31 surged to euro603 million US$ 781 million , or euro3 .33 US$ 4.31 per share , from euro172 million , or euro0 .94 per share , the previous year .",2,,, 53,Financial Phrasebank,"Within the framework of the partnership , Nokia Siemens Networks has signed an initial framework purchase agreement with Sitronics subsidiary , JSC Mikron , which is the largest manufacturer and exporter of microelectronic components in Russia .",2,,, 54,Financial Phrasebank,"Seppala 's revenue increased by 0.2 % to EUR10 .1 m. In Finland , revenue went down by 2.4 % to EUR6 .8 m , while sales abroad rose by 6.2 % to EUR3 .3 m. Sales increased in all the Baltic countries as well as in Russia and Ukraine .",2,,, 55,Financial Phrasebank,"Shares of Standard Chartered ( STAN ) rose 1.2 % in the FTSE 100 , while Royal Bank of Scotland ( RBS ) shares rose 2 % and Barclays shares ( BARC ) ( BCS ) were up 1.7 % .",2,,, 56,Financial Phrasebank,Shares of Nokia Corp. rose Thursday after the cell phone maker said its third-quarter earnings almost doubled and its share of the global handset market increased .,2,,, 57,Financial Phrasebank,"In its financial report , published on Friday , SEB said its net profit soared to SEK6 .745 bn in 2010 from a year-earlier SEK1 .114 bn and proposed a 50 % dividend increase to SEK1 .50 per share .",2,,, 58,Financial Phrasebank,Sales for the Department Store Division increased by 15 % and sales for the clothing store subsidiary Seppala increased by 8 % Meanwhile sales for Hobby Hall decreased by 12 % .,2,,, 59,Financial Phrasebank,"At the request of Finnish media company Alma Media 's newspapers , research manager Jari Kaivo-oja at the Finland Futures Research Centre at the Turku School of Economics has drawn up a future scenario for Finland 's national economy by using a model developed by the University of Denver .",1,,, 60,Financial Phrasebank,"In Sweden , Gallerix accumulated SEK denominated sales were down 1 % and EUR denominated sales were up 11 % .",1,,, 61,Financial Phrasebank,The company supports its global customers in developing new technologies and offers a fast route from product development to applications and volume production .,1,,, 62,Financial Phrasebank,"When this investment is in place , Atria plans to expand into the Moscow market .",1,,, 63,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The new agreement is a continuation to theagreement signed earlier this year with the Lemminkainen Group , whereby Cramo acquired the entire construction machine fleet ofLemminkainen Talo Oy Ita - ja Pohjois Suomo , and signed asimilar agreement , '' said Tatu Hauhio , managing director ofCramo Finland .",1,,, 64,Financial Phrasebank,"At first the contract envisaged the construction of three ferryboats with an option for two more units , further confirmed at a total value of 500 mln euro ( $ 645.8 mln ) .",2,,, 65,Financial Phrasebank,"In June it sold a 30 percent stake to Nordstjernan , and the investment group has now taken up the option to acquire EQT 's remaining shares .",1,,, 66,Financial Phrasebank,"KESKO CORPORATION STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 28.02.2008 AT 09.30 1 ( 1 ) Kesko Corporation and Aspo plc today signed an agreement by which Aspo acquires the share capital of Kauko-Telko Ltd , a subsidiary wholly owned by Kesko .",2,,, 67,Financial Phrasebank,Sponda Plc Stock Exchange Release 5 December 2006 at 15.45 EUR 1.5 BILLION SYNDICATED CREDIT FACILITY FOR SPONDA Sponda has signed an agreement for a one-year syndicated credit facility for a total of EUR 1.5 billion .,2,,, 68,Financial Phrasebank,STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT 20 July 2006 1 ( 1 ) BASWARE SHARE SUBSCRIPTIONS WITH WARRANTS AND INCREASE IN SHARE CAPITAL A total of 119 850 shares have been subscribed with BasWare Warrant Program .,1,,, 69,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract covers HDO platform , AC800 and CXE880 optical Fttb nodes designed to increase the forward and return path capacity of the transmission networks .",2,,, 70,Financial Phrasebank,The new plant is planned to have an electricity generation capacity of up to 350 megawatts ( MW ) and the same heat generation capacity .,1,,, 71,Financial Phrasebank,"The OMX Helsinki 25 index was up 0.92 pct at 2,518.67 and the Helsinki CAP portfolio index was 0.91 pct higher at 4,711.19 .",2,,, 72,Financial Phrasebank,"- So , the sales growth of cars considerably influence on the tires market '' .",1,,, 73,Financial Phrasebank,"A maximum of 666,104 new shares can further be subscribed for by exercising B options under the 2004 stock option plan .",1,,, 74,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result of the share issue , the number of the company 's shares increases by 391,630 shares and the share capital by a total of EUR 15,665.20 .",1,,, 75,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish real estate investor Sponda Plc said on Wednesday 12 March that it has signed agreements with Danske Bank A-S , Helsinki Branch for a 7-year EUR150m credit facility and with Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company for a 7-year EUR50m credit facility .",1,,, 76,Financial Phrasebank,"On the route between Helsinki in Finland and Tallinn in Estonia , cargo volumes increased by 36 % , while cargo volumes between Finland and Sweden fell by 9 % .",1,,, 77,Financial Phrasebank,"Other measures included increasing synergies and economies of scale within the Grimaldi Group and personnel adjustments , divestments and redelivery of excess tonnage .",1,,, 78,Financial Phrasebank,"Rinkuskiai raised the sales by 18.1 percent , to 1.37 million liters , while the sales of Kauno Alus grew by 14.3 percent , to 960,000 liters .",2,,, 79,Financial Phrasebank,"The 718,430 new Series A shares will become subject to trading on the Helsinki Stock Exchange 's Main List , together with the old Series A shares , on July 3 , 2006 .",1,,, 80,Financial Phrasebank,The fuel purchase contracts have been signed with three months ' delivery from this September to November .,1,,, 81,Financial Phrasebank,Tiimari operates 194 stores in six countries -- including its core Finnish market -- and generated a turnover of 76.5 mln eur in 2005 .,1,,, 82,Financial Phrasebank,Under this agreement Biohit becomes a focus supplier of pipettors and disposable pipettor tips to VWR customers throughout Europe .,2,,, 83,Financial Phrasebank,"The combination of all services enabling us to offer a complex and strengthened service chain not only limited to the Baltic port connections but also for getting access to the world wide Grimaldi Network into the Mediterranean , Africa and North America `` says Uwe Bakosch .",2,,, 84,Financial Phrasebank,No blind-spots coming from 1 vantage point allows investigators to see the whole story in high resolution with no unbroken video .,1,,, 85,Financial Phrasebank,"The company still expects its turnover in 2010 to slightly increase from the level of 2009 , adding that `` market predictability is still too poor for trustworthy forecasts on the market development of the contract manufacturing business during the current year '' .",2,,, 86,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition will considerably increase Kemira 's sales and market position in the Russian metal industry coatings market .,2,,, 87,Financial Phrasebank,"In January-September 2007 , Finnlines ' net sales rose to EUR 505.4 mn from EUR 473.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,,, 88,Financial Phrasebank,"Adjusted for changes in the Group structure , the Division 's net sales increased by 1.7 % .",2,,, 89,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The change will optimize the operational efficiencies of our growing business , '' said Julia Prohaska , director of marketing communications for Fiskars .",2,,, 90,Financial Phrasebank,"`` They would invest not only in the physical infrastructure , but would also provide know-how for managing and developing science and technology parks , '' said Sunrise Valley director Andrius Bagdonas .",2,,, 91,Financial Phrasebank,"4 February 2011 - Finnish broadband data communication systems provider Teleste Oyj HEL : TLT1V saw its net profit jump to EUR2 .1 m for the last quarter of 2010 from EUR995 ,000 for the same period of 2009 .",2,,, 92,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Aktia Group 's operating profit rose to EUR 17.5 mn in the first quarter of 2010 from EUR 8.2 mn in the first quarter of 2009 .,2,,, 93,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Bank of +àland 's consolidated net operating profit increased from EUR 4.8 mn in the first quarter of 2005 to EUR 6.4 mn in the first quarter of 2006 .,2,,, 94,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish financial group Aktia reports operating profit of EUR 44.4 mn in January-September 2009 , up from EUR 37.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",2,,, 95,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish high technology provider Vaahto Group reports net sales of EUR 41.8 mn in the accounting period September 2007 - February 2008 , an increase of 11.2 % from a year earlier .",2,,, 96,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales of Finnish food industry company L+ñnnen Tehtaat 's continuing operations increased by 13 % in 2008 to EUR 349.1 mn from EUR 309.6 mn in 2007 .,2,,, 97,Financial Phrasebank,An individual promotion also generated slightly higher-than-expected revenues .,2,,, 98,Financial Phrasebank,Biohit already services many current Genesis customers and the customer base is expected to expand as a result of this agreement .,2,,, 99,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and turnover for the three-month period increased , respectively from EUR0 .9 m and EUR8 .3 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 100,Financial Phrasebank,Circulation revenue has increased by 5 % in Finland and 4 % in Sweden in 2008 .,2,,, 101,Financial Phrasebank,Clothing chain Sepp+ñl+ñ 's net sales increased by 7.0 % to EUR 30.8 mn .,2,,, 102,Financial Phrasebank,Construction volumes meanwhile grow at a rate of 10-15 percent annually .,2,,, 103,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish and Swedish construction markets are still experiencing an estimated 4 % annual growth in 2008 .,2,,, 104,Financial Phrasebank,"However , Biohit estimates its total net sales will continue to grow in 2009 , and that favourable trends in net sales will lead to a profit in 2009 .",2,,, 105,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2009 , Fiskars ' cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR121m , up from EUR97m in the previous year .",2,,, 106,Financial Phrasebank,"In Lithuania , operating profit rose to EUR 190,000 from EUR 70,000 in the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 107,Financial Phrasebank,"In the fourth quarter of 2008 , net sales increased by 2 % to EUR 1,050.7 mn from EUR 1,027.0 mn in the fourth quarter of 2007 .",2,,, 108,Financial Phrasebank,"International sales rose by 59.8 % to EUR 1,244.4 mn .",2,,, 109,Financial Phrasebank,Kalmar Espana generated net sales of some 11.3 mln euro $ 14.8 mln in 2005 .,1,,, 110,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales grew in the period to x20ac 402 million $ 585US million from x20ac 401 million in 2006 .,2,,, 111,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales increased to EUR655m in April to June 2010 from EUR438m a year earlier .,2,,, 112,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales rose by 25.5 % year-on-year to EUR59 .6 m , as the number of chargers delivered went up by 41 % to 65.9 million pieces .",2,,, 113,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales totaled EUR 93.6 mn , up from EUR 93.2 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 114,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia also noted the average selling price of handsets declined during the period , though its mobile phone profit margin rose to more than 22 percent from 13 percent in the year-ago quarter .",2,,, 115,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit increased by 145.1 % to EUR 8.3 mn from EUR 3.4 mn .,2,,, 116,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit margin increased from 11.2 % to 11.7 % .,2,,, 117,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 3.11 mn from EUR 1.22 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .,2,,, 118,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 5mn from EUR 2.8 mn in the fourth quarter of 2008 .,2,,, 119,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit was EUR 24.5 mn , up from EUR 23.0 mn .",2,,, 120,Financial Phrasebank,"Ramirent 's net sales in the second quarterended June 30 were EURO 128.7 million about U.S. $ 163 million , a 3.3-percent increase compared with EURO 124.6 million for thesecond quarter last year .",2,,, 121,Financial Phrasebank,"Revenue grew by 2 percent to x20ac 580 million $ 743 million , from x20ac 569 million .",2,,, 122,Financial Phrasebank,Ruukki announced that it has signed an agreement with Aker Solutions of Norway to supply 24 suction anchors in September 2010 from its Kalajoki unit in Finland .,2,,, 123,Financial Phrasebank,"Ruukki 's delivery volumes and selling prices showed favourable development and the company 's comparable net sales grew by 50 % year-on-year to EUR647m , CEO Sakari Tamminen said .",2,,, 124,Financial Phrasebank,Sanoma Magazines ' net sales are estimated to grow in 2006 .,2,,, 125,Financial Phrasebank,The bank forecasts Finland 's GDP will grow by 2 % in 2010 and in 2011 .,2,,, 126,Financial Phrasebank,"The circuit 's overall production rate on a weekly basis is now in excess of an average of 40,000 tonnes per day , with volumes in excess of 50,000 tonnes per day being reached on individual days .",2,,, 127,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's consolidated operating profit amounted to EUR 15.86 mn , up from EUR 4.14 mn year-on-year .",2,,, 128,Financial Phrasebank,The Department Store Division reported an increase in sales of 4 per cent .,2,,, 129,Financial Phrasebank,The fair value of the company 's investment properties grew to EUR 2.803 billion at the end of March 2009 from EUR 2.691 million a year ago .,2,,, 130,Financial Phrasebank,"The last quarter was the best quarter of 2009 in net sales , and the operating margin rose to 12.2 % .",2,,, 131,Financial Phrasebank,"The major breweries increased their domestic beer sales by 4.5 per cent last year , to 256.88 million litres from 245.92 million litres in 2004 .",2,,, 132,Financial Phrasebank,"The transaction doubles Tecnomens workforse , and adds a fourth to their net sales .",2,,, 133,Financial Phrasebank,- Operating profit rose by 26.9 % to EUR 105.8 ( 83.4 ) million .,2,,, 134,Financial Phrasebank,"`` After this purchase , Cramo will become the second largest rental services provider in the Latvian market .",2,,, 135,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The priority for 2009 was to strengthen the company 's balance sheet and increase cash flow , '' CEO Hannu Krook said .",2,,, 136,Financial Phrasebank,`` The purchase of the operations is part of YIT 's strategy to expand its offering of building system services geographically . '',2,,, 137,Financial Phrasebank,21 October 2010 - Finnish fishing tackle company Rapala VMC Corp ( HEL : RAP1V ) said today its net profit rose to EUR18 .9 m for the first nine months of 2010 from EUR15 .1 m for the same period a year earlier .,2,,, 138,Financial Phrasebank,"A structures BIM ( building information modeling ) software from Tekla , a model-based software provider , has been adopted for the construction management and delivery of a university project in Abu Dhabi .",1,,, 139,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish Metso Minerals , the value of the company 's orders has gone up to EUR 1.9 bn in 12 months .",2,,, 140,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Aldata Solution has signed a contract of supply its G.O.L.D. system to two French retail chains .,2,,, 141,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Bank of +àland reports its operating profit rose to EUR 21.3 mn in the second quarter of 2009 from EUR 6.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .,2,,, 142,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish financial group Aktia 's operating profit for 2009 increased to EUR 47.0 mn from EUR 6.6 mn in 2008 .,2,,, 143,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish forest machinery manufacturer Ponsse 's net sales grew to EUR 51.3 mn in the first quarter of 2010 from EUR 37.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .,2,,, 144,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish KCI Konecranes has raised its net sales growth estimate for 2006 from over 25 % to over 35 % .,2,,, 145,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Okmetic that manufactures and processes silicon wafers for the semiconductor and sensor industries and Norwegian solar wafer company NorSun have signed a contract under which Okmetic will supply NorSun mono silicon crystals for use in solar cell manufacturing .,2,,, 146,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish pharmaceuticals company Orion 's net sales rose to EUR 190mn in the first quarter of 2009 from EUR 180mn in the first quarter of 2008 .,2,,, 147,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Ponsse has signed an agreement with Babcock Africa for the distribution and support of Ponsse forest machines , harvester heads , and information systems in South Africa .",2,,, 148,Financial Phrasebank,South African Sappi will become the largest foreign forest industry company operating in Finland as a result of the acquisition Finnish M-real Corporation 's Graphic Papers Business unit .,2,,, 149,Financial Phrasebank,According to Deputy MD Pekka Silvennoinen the aim is double turnover over the next three years .,2,,, 150,Financial Phrasebank,"According to HKScan Finland , the plan is to increase J+ñrvi-Suomen Portti 's net sales to EUR 80mn to EUR 100mn .",2,,, 151,Financial Phrasebank,"Advertising and circulation revenues grew by 3.4 % and by 0.4 % , respectively .",2,,, 152,Financial Phrasebank,"After the takeover , Cramo will become the second largest rental services provider in the Latvian market .",2,,, 153,Financial Phrasebank,"Again , the most significant sales increase of 18.6 % was in Russia .",2,,, 154,Financial Phrasebank,Alma Media expects its net sales to increase as forecast previously .,2,,, 155,Financial Phrasebank,Also Lemmink+ñinen 's profit for accounting period went up to EUR 3.1 mn from EUR -24.5 mn a year ago .,2,,, 156,Financial Phrasebank,"At the end of March 2007 , the group 's order book was at EUR 39.6 mn , up 42 % from the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,,, 157,Financial Phrasebank,"At the same time profit of the company increased by 10 % in H1 and reached Ls 79,000 .",2,,, 158,Financial Phrasebank,Aviation Systems Maintenance is based in Kansas and generated net sales of USD 2.6 million for 2008 .,1,,, 159,Financial Phrasebank,"Besides we have increased the share of meat in various sausages and are offering a number of new tastes in the grill products and shish kebabs segment , '' Paavel said .",2,,, 160,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the 12-month period increased , respectively from EUR10 .5 m and EUR28 .8 m , as compared to the financial year 2004 .",2,,, 161,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the 12-month period increased , respectively from EUR20 .8 m and EUR177 .7 m , as compared to the financial year 2004 .",2,,, 162,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the 12-month period increased , respectively from EUR21 .5 m and EUR196 .1 m , as compared to 2005 .",2,,, 163,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the 12-month period increased , respectively from EUR4 .7 m and EUR26 .7 m , as compared to 2004 .",2,,, 164,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the nine-month period increased , respectively by 26.6 % and 3.4 % , as compared to the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,,, 165,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the six-month period increased , respectively , from EUR13 .8 m and EUR143 .6 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2007 .",2,,, 166,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the six-month period increased , respectively from EUR0 .4 m and EUR3 .2 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 167,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the six-month period increased , respectively from EUR18 .1 m and EUR127 .6 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,,, 168,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the six-month period increased , respectively from EUR7 .5 m and EUR655 .5 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 169,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the three-month period increased , respectively from EUR15 .1 m and EUR131 .5 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 170,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and net sales for the three-month period increased , respectively from EUR16 .0 m and EUR139m , as compared to the corresponding quarter in 2006 .",2,,, 171,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and sales for the three-month period increased , respectively from EUR0 .3 m and EUR13 .1 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 172,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and turnover for the nine-month period increased , respectively from EUR2 .4 m and EUR43 .8 m , as compared to the corresponding period a year ago .",2,,, 173,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and turnover for the six-month period increased , respectively , from EUR17 .6 m and EUR1149 .9 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2007 .",2,,, 174,Financial Phrasebank,"Both operating profit and turnover for the six-month period increased , respectively from EUR0 .1 m and EUR29 .0 m , as compared to the corresponding period a year ago .",2,,, 175,Financial Phrasebank,Cargo volume grew by 7 % .,2,,, 176,Financial Phrasebank,Cargo volume increased by approximately 5 % .,2,,, 177,Financial Phrasebank,"comparable operating profit totaled EUR 854mn , up from EUR 730mn in 2004 .",2,,, 178,Financial Phrasebank,"Digia said its consolidated net sales for January-June 2010 were EUR67 .8 m , up 9.7 % on the same period in 2009 ( EUR61 .9 m ) .",2,,, 179,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) rose to EUR 0.29 from EUR 0.05 .,2,,, 180,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) rose to EUR 0.52 versus EUR 0.09 .,2,,, 181,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) rose to EUR 1.05 from EUR 0.64 .,2,,, 182,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) rose to EUR 3.68 from EUR 0.50 .,2,,, 183,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted EPS rose to EUR3 .68 from EUR0 .50 .,2,,, 184,Financial Phrasebank,EBIT margin was up from 1.4 % to 5.1 % .,2,,, 185,Financial Phrasebank,"Editor 's note : Grimaldi generated a 1.7 bln euro ( $ 2.182 bln ) turnover in 2005 , ANSA reported on May 29 , 2006 .",1,,, 186,Financial Phrasebank,"EPS for the quarter was EUR0 .00 , as compared with EUR0 .01 in the third quarter of 2008 , representing a Group net sales for the third quarter were EUR15 .3 m , up by 2.8 % as compared with EUR14 .9 m in the third quarter of 2008 .",2,,, 187,Financial Phrasebank,"EPS from continuing operations came in at 0.30 eur , up from 0.17 .",2,,, 188,Financial Phrasebank,"Equity ratio was 60.9 % compared to 54.2 % In the third quarter of 2007 , net sales of the Frozen Foods Business totaled EUR 11.0 , up by about 5 % from the third quarter of 2006 .",2,,, 189,Financial Phrasebank,"EUR928 ,000 in Q1 2010 6 May 2010 - Finnish textile and clothing design company Marimekko Oyj ( HEL : MMO1V ) said today its net profit rose to EUR928 ,000 in the first quarter of 2010 from EUR13 ,000 in the corresponding period a year earlier .",2,,, 190,Financial Phrasebank,"Finland-based Elcoteq SE , a privately held provider of electronics manufacturing services to communications companies , said Thursday it signed a long-term manufacturing supply deal with communications equipment company Andrew Corp. .",2,,, 191,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish cutlery and hand tools maker Fiskars Oyj Abp ( HEL : FISAS ) said today its net profit rose to EUR 24.1 million ( USD 33.6 m ) in the third quarter of 2010 from EUR 17.9 million a year earlier .,2,,, 192,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish department store chain Stockmann Oyj Abp net profit rose to 39.8 mln euro ( $ 56.8 mln ) for the first nine months of 2007 from 37.4 mln euro ( $ 53.4 mln ) for the same period of 2006 .,2,,, 193,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish lifting equipment maker Konecranes Oyj said on July 30 , 2008 that its net profit rose to 71.2 mln euro ( $ 111.1 mln ) for the first half of 2008 from 57.1 mln euro ( $ 89.1 mln ) for the same period of 2007 .",2,,, 194,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish messaging solutions developer Tecnomen Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : TEM1V ) said on Thursday ( 11 December ) that it has received an expansion order for its Convergent Charging solution in Latin America .,2,,, 195,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish metal industry solutions supplier Outotec Oyj net profit rose to 50.4 mln euro ( $ 72.5 mln ) for the first nine months of 2007 from 20.1 mln euro ( $ 28.9 mln ) for the same period of 2006 .,2,,, 196,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish metal products company Componenta Oyj net profit rose to 26.1 mln euro ( $ 35.9 mln ) for the first quarter of 2007 from 5.3 mln euro ( $ 7.3 mln ) for the same period of 2006 .,2,,, 197,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish office supplies and computer accessories dealer Beltton-Group Plc said its net profit rose to 1.3 mln euro ( $ 1.7 mln ) in 2006 from 1.13 mln euro ( $ 1.5 mln ) in 2005 .,2,,, 198,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish security and privacy software solutions developer Stonesoft Oyj said on January 7 , 2008 that the preliminary sales of its StoneGate products grew by 59 pct year-on-year to 3.6 mln euro ( $ 5.3 mln ) for the fourth quarter of 2007 .",2,,, 199,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish silicon wafer technology company Okmetic Oyj ( OMX Helsinki : OKM1V ) reported on Thursday ( 7 August ) an operating profit of EUR5 .3 m for the period January-June 2008 , up from EUR3 .3 m in the corresponding period in 2007 .",2,,, 200,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish software developer Done Solutions Oyj said its net profit increased to 3.5 mln euro ( $ 4.6 mln ) in 2006 from 2.3 mln euro ( $ 3.0 mln ) in 2005 .,2,,, 201,Financial Phrasebank,First quarter underlying operating profit rose to 41 mln eur from 33 mln a year earlier .,2,,, 202,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the acquisition , Relacom will strengthen its presence in Finland , serving operators and office market with mobile and fixed networks construction , installation and maintenance services .",2,,, 203,Financial Phrasebank,"For the first nine months of 2010 , the company 's net profit rose to EUR41m from EUR30m for the corresponding period of 2009 .",2,,, 204,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Retail and wholesale group Kesko reported net sales of 659.4 mln eur for February , an increase of 10.8 pct year-on-year .",2,,, 205,Financial Phrasebank,"However , net sales in 2010 are seen to have grown to EUR598 .3 m from EUR582 .3 m in 2009 .",2,,, 206,Financial Phrasebank,"However , sales returned to growth in April-June 2010 , CEO Pekka Eloholma said .",2,,, 207,Financial Phrasebank,"Ragutis , which is controlled by the Finnish brewery , reported a 5.4-per-cent rise in beer sales to 10.44 million litres and held an 11.09-per-cent market share .",2,,, 208,Financial Phrasebank,"Svyturys-Utenos Alus , which is controlled by the Nordic group Baltic Beverages Holding ( BBH ) , posted a 4.7-per-cent growth in beer sales for January-May to 46.22 million litres .",2,,, 209,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 , Contempus generated revenue of NOK 69.3 ( approx .",1,,, 210,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , Kone signed a two-year maintenance contract for the escalators .",2,,, 211,Financial Phrasebank,"In December alone , the members of the Lithuanian Brewers ' Association sold a total of 20.3 million liters of beer , an increase of 1.9 percent from the sales of 19.92 million liters in December 2004 .",2,,, 212,Financial Phrasebank,"In January-September 2009 , the Group 's net interest income increased to EUR 112.4 mn from EUR 74.3 mn in January-September 2008 .",2,,, 213,Financial Phrasebank,"In Q1 of 2010 , Bank of +àland 's net interest income increased from EUR 9.1 mn to EUR 9.7 mn .",2,,, 214,Financial Phrasebank,"In Sweden , operating profit for the period under review totaled EUR 3.4 mn , up 30.8 % from the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 215,Financial Phrasebank,"In the fourth quarter of 2009 , Orion 's net profit went up by 33.8 % year-on-year to EUR33m .",2,,, 216,Financial Phrasebank,"In the second quarter of 2010 , the group 's net profit rose to EUR 3.1 million from EUR 2.5 million in April-June 2009 .",2,,, 217,Financial Phrasebank,"In the second quarter of 2010 , the group 's net profit rose to EUR3 .1 m from EUR2 .5 m in April-June 2009 .",2,,, 218,Financial Phrasebank,"In the third quarter , net sales increased by 12 % year-on-year to EUR 159.5 million , or by 6 % at comparable currency rates growth .",2,,, 219,Financial Phrasebank,"In the third quarter , net sales increased by 12 % year-on-year to EUR159 .5 m , or by 6 % at comparable currency rates growth .",2,,, 220,Financial Phrasebank,Incap estimates it will generate a revenue of 10 mln euro ( $ 13.2 mln ) from its Indian operations for 2007 .,1,,, 221,Financial Phrasebank,Its market share widened to 48.51 percent from 48.31 percent a year earlier .,2,,, 222,Financial Phrasebank,Its total annual revenue comes up to about 160 mln zloty ( $ 56.9 mln-42 .3 mln euro ) .,1,,, 223,Financial Phrasebank,"Kesko Agro Eesti , the retailer and wholesaler of grain , agricultural and warehousing machinery and accessories , had net sales of 81 million euros in 2007 , an increase by one-tenth over the preceding year .",2,,, 224,Financial Phrasebank,"Kesko 's car import and retailing business , VV-Auto , saw sales grow by 17.1 pct .",2,,, 225,Financial Phrasebank,Kone 's net sales rose by some 14 % year-on-year in the first nine months of 2008 .,2,,, 226,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Feb 11 , 2009 - Finnish management software solutions provider Ixonos Oyj ( HEL : XNS1V ) said today its net profit rose to EUR 3.5 million ( USD 4.5 m ) for 2008 from EUR 3.1 million for 2007 .",2,,, 227,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Feb 12 , 2009 - Finnish IT solutions provider Affecto Oyj ( HEL : AFE1V ) said today its net profit rose to EUR 8.5 million ( USD 11m ) in 2008 from EUR 7 million in 2007 .",2,,, 228,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Feb 6 , 2009 - Finnish fishing tackle company Rapala VMC Corp ( HEL : RAP1V ) said today its net profit rose to EUR 19.2 million ( USD 24.6 m ) for 2008 from EUR 17.5 million for 2007 .",2,,, 229,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Nov 5 , 2008 - Finnish electronic measurement products and solutions maker Vaisala Oyj ( OMX : VAIAS ) said today that its net profit rose to EUR 18 million ( USD 23.1 m ) for the first nine months of 2008 from EUR 1",2,,, 230,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Oct 29 , 2008 - Finnish lifting equipment maker Konecranes Oyj ( OMX : KCR1V ) said today that its net profit rose to EUR 116.6 million ( USD 149.1 m ) in the first nine months of 2008 from EUR 73.6 million for the s",2,,, 231,Financial Phrasebank,"Metso expects its net sales to increase by about 10 % in 2008 , at comparable exchange rates .",2,,, 232,Financial Phrasebank,"M-real generated a turnover of EUR5 .6 bn in 2006 and has 15,500 employees .",1,,, 233,Financial Phrasebank,"Neste Oil Corp. has signed long-term procurement contracts with Honkajoki Oy and Findest Protein Oy , both owned by Finnish food manufacturers , for the supply of animal fat for biodiesel production at Neste 's 200,000 b-cd Porvoo , Finland , refinery .",2,,, 234,Financial Phrasebank,Net interest income increased by 4.5 % to EUR 31.4 mn from EUR 30.0 mn in 2004 .,2,,, 235,Financial Phrasebank,"Net interest income was EUR 152.2 mn , up from EUR 101.0 mn in 2008 .",2,,, 236,Financial Phrasebank,"Net interest income was EUR 39.3 mn , up from EUR 32.7 mn .",2,,, 237,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales of the Vegetable Oil Business rose to EUR 10.6 mn from EUR 10.1 mn .,2,,, 238,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia Multimedia 's net sales totaled EUR 5.7 bn , up 45 % from the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 239,Financial Phrasebank,Operating income rose to EUR 696.4 mn from EUR 600.3 mn in 2009 .,2,,, 240,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit of Kauppalehti group rose to EUR 1.5 mn from EUR 1.3 mn , and that of Marketplaces to EUR 1.3 mn from EUR 1.0 mn in the third quarter of 2006 .",2,,, 241,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose from EUR 1.94 mn to EUR 2.45 mn .,2,,, 242,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to 22.1 mln eur from 19.9 mln .,2,,, 243,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 1.6 mn from EUR 1.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .,2,,, 244,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 103.4 mn from EUR 23.2 in the corresponding period in 2006 .,2,,, 245,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 13.5 mn from EUR 9.7 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .,2,,, 246,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 26.7 mn from EUR 14.9 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .,2,,, 247,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 27.8 mn from EUR 17.5 mn in 2008 .,2,,, 248,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 3.2 mn from EUR 1.0 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .,2,,, 249,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 4.7 mn from EUR 3.6 mn .,2,,, 250,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 4.7 mn from EUR 4.6 mn .,2,,, 251,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR 9.2 mn from EUR 6.8 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .,2,,, 252,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit rose to EUR2 .4 m from EUR1 .6 m year earlier .,2,,, 253,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit surged to EUR21m from EUR106 ,000 .",2,,, 254,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totaled EUR 37,7 mn , up slightly from EUR 37.2 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,,, 255,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totaled EUR 5.5 mn , up from EUR -0.7 mn .",2,,, 256,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit was EUR 11.4 mn , up from EUR 7.5 mn .",2,,, 257,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit was EUR 139.7 mn , up 23 % from EUR 113.8 mn .",2,,, 258,Financial Phrasebank,"Order intake grew by 40 % year-on-year and 30 % year-on-year , respectively , to EUR 576 million and EUR 1.7 billion for the respective January-September and July-September 2010 periods .",2,,, 259,Financial Phrasebank,Orders received grew by 55 % year-on-year to EUR732m .,2,,, 260,Financial Phrasebank,Orion Pharma 's operating profit increased by 42.5 % from 2004 .,2,,, 261,Financial Phrasebank,Passenger volumes rose by 8.4 % in the accounting period .,2,,, 262,Financial Phrasebank,Passenger-related revenue rose by 5.1 % to EUR 460.8 mn from EUR 438.5 mn in 2009 .,2,,, 263,Financial Phrasebank,"Press release 9 October 2009 Ruukki has signed a contract to deliver and install the steel structures for a bridge over the Kyronsalmi strait in Savonlinna , Finland .",2,,, 264,Financial Phrasebank,Pretax profit rose to EUR 0.6 mn from EUR 0.4 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .,2,,, 265,Financial Phrasebank,"Pretax profit rose to EUR 1,019 mn from EUR 1,007 in the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,,, 266,Financial Phrasebank,Pretax profit rose to EUR 17.8 mn from EUR 14.9 mn in 2005 .,2,,, 267,Financial Phrasebank,"Pre-tax profit totaled EUR 397.4 mn , up from EUR 164.7 mn .",2,,, 268,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , the company had guided for EBIT and sales growth of 20 pct and 10 pct respectively for this year .",2,,, 269,Financial Phrasebank,Previously the company has estimated its operating profit to reach the level of 2005 only .,2,,, 270,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit for the period totaled EUR 39.4 mn , up from EUR 33.9 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,,, 271,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit for the period was EUR 5.9 mn , up from EUR 1.3 mn .",2,,, 272,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit for the period was EUR 9.8 mn , up from EUR 6.0 mn in 2004 .",2,,, 273,Financial Phrasebank,Revenue grew 12 percent to ( x20ac ) 3.6 billion ( US$ 4.5 billion ) .,2,,, 274,Financial Phrasebank,"Revenue in July to September grew 14 percent to ( EURO ) 467 million from a year earlier , the company said Thursday .",2,,, 275,Financial Phrasebank,Revenues at the same time grew 14 percent to 43 million euros .,2,,, 276,Financial Phrasebank,"Ruukki has signed a contract to deliver and install the steel structures for a bridge over the Kyronsalmi strait in Savonlinna , Finland .",2,,, 277,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales in Latin America increased by 42 % to EUR 432mn , and a total of 8.7 mn mobile devices were sold in the area , representing an increase of 32 % from the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,,, 278,Financial Phrasebank,Sales of clothing developed best .,2,,, 279,Financial Phrasebank,Sanoma Magazines Finland 's net sales grew to EUR 140.1 mn from EUR 131.8 mn .,2,,, 280,Financial Phrasebank,"Satama 's net profit for the third quarter of 2007 rose to 275,000 euro ( $ 395,000 ) from 270,000 euro ( $ 388,000 ) for the same period of 2006 .",2,,, 281,Financial Phrasebank,"Section : Regional News - The demand in Finnair 's Asian traffic , measured in passenger kilometers , was up 34.9 % in August compare to last year .",2,,, 282,Financial Phrasebank,"Svyturys-Utenos Alus , which is controlled by the Nordic group Baltic Beverages Holding ( BBH ) , posted a 6.1 percent growth in beer sales for January-September to 101.99 million liters .",2,,, 283,Financial Phrasebank,That would be an increase from estimated sales of 117 million last year .,2,,, 284,Financial Phrasebank,The agreement expands Tekla Structures ' scope of use to bridge design .,2,,, 285,Financial Phrasebank,The aim is to increase sales by at least one fifth in 2006 .,2,,, 286,Financial Phrasebank,"The chain posted sales of 298 million euros for full 2005 , a rise of 19.5 percent , year-on-year .",2,,, 287,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects its net sales in 2008 to increase 5-10 % from 2007 .,2,,, 288,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects its net sales in the first half of 2008 to reach the previous year 's level .,2,,, 289,Financial Phrasebank,"The company is in the process of building a new fleet and has placed orders for 10 P-Max tankers of 65,200 dwt .",2,,, 290,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's operating income ( EBIT ) totalled EUR 0.0 mn , up from EUR -0.3 mn year-on-year .",2,,, 291,Financial Phrasebank,The EPS outlook was increased by 5.6 pct for 2007 and 7.0 pct for 2008 .,2,,, 292,Financial Phrasebank,"The fair value of the investment properties totaled EUR 2,534.9 mn , up from EUR 2,455.1 mn in 2006 .",2,,, 293,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish government announced Wednesday that it sold a 32 percent stake in chemicals and fertilizer group Kemira Oyj for ( x20ac ) 655.6 million ( $ 890US million ) , sending the company 's share price up 6 percent .",2,,, 294,Financial Phrasebank,The firm generated sales of 187 mln eur in 2005 .,1,,, 295,Financial Phrasebank,"The German company has also signed a code share agreement with another Oneworld member -- American Airlines Inc , part of US-based AMR Corp ( NYSE : AMR ) .",2,,, 296,Financial Phrasebank,"The Helsinki-based company , which also owns the Salomon , Atomic and Suunto brands , said net profit rose 15 percent in the three months through Dec. 31 to ( x20ac ) 47 million ( $ 61US million ) , from ( x20ac ) 40.8 million a year earlier .",2,,, 297,Financial Phrasebank,The increase in capital stock has been registered in the Finnish Trade Register on 20 November 2006 .,2,,, 298,Financial Phrasebank,The operating profit for Grain Trading increased to EUR 2.0 mn from EUR 1.4 mn in 2005 .,2,,, 299,Financial Phrasebank,The stock rose for a second day on Wednesday bringing its two-day rise to GBX12 .0 or 2.0 % .,2,,, 300,Financial Phrasebank,The stock rose for a third day on Tuesday bringing its three-day rise to GBX10 .50 or 1.8 % .,2,,, 301,Financial Phrasebank,The transaction is in line with Aspo 's strategy to expand in the Baltic Sea region and in the eastern markets .,2,,, 302,Financial Phrasebank,The transactions would increase earnings per share in the first quarter by some EUR0 .28 .,2,,, 303,Financial Phrasebank,"There has been some recovery of the base metals prices and increased demand for metals in China , however .",2,,, 304,Financial Phrasebank,"This new representation extends Comptel 's global presence to a total of 18 countries , serving over 250 customers in over 80 countries worldwide .",2,,, 305,Financial Phrasebank,"TietoEnator itself uses Nokia 's Intellisync Mobile Suite 's wireless email , calendar , and device management capabilities , and the company will now extend these services to its customers .",2,,, 306,Financial Phrasebank,Total operating revenue grew by 27.6 % year-on-year to EUR61m .,2,,, 307,Financial Phrasebank,Vacon 's cash flow from operations grew to EUR 37.1 mn from EUR 21.9 mn a year ago .,2,,, 308,Financial Phrasebank,Vacon will supply drives to Ruselprom in the power range from 200 kW up to 2 MW .,1,,, 309,Financial Phrasebank,"We also strengthen our existing partnership with Cybercom '' , says Teleste CTO Esko Myllyla .",2,,, 310,Financial Phrasebank,"Via the Satlan acquisition , Teleste plans to further expand its market presence as a video services partner for cable operators , broadcasters and IPTV service providers .",2,,, 311,Financial Phrasebank,"With the acquisition , the company will expand its offering to North , Central and South America , it said .",2,,, 312,Financial Phrasebank,"With the extension of the new contract for a further eight engines , the plant will now produce over 100 MW , it said .",2,,, 313,Financial Phrasebank,YIT says the acquisition is a part of its strategy for expansion in Central and Eastern European markets .,2,,, 314,Financial Phrasebank,"`` BasWare 's product sales grew strongly in the financial period , by 24 percent .",2,,, 315,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The second quarter of 2010 was the firstquarter with growth in net sales since the third quarter of2008 , '' said Magnus Rosen , Ramirent CEO .",2,,, 316,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The transaction strengthens our position ... in design and branded goods , '' said Fiskars president and CEO Heikki Allonen , pointing out that the two groups have relatively few overlapping operations .",2,,, 317,Financial Phrasebank,1 February 2011 - Finnish textile and clothing company Marimekko Oyj HEL : MMO1V said today its preliminary operating profit grew to EUR8 .2 m in 2010 from EUR6 .3 m in 2009 .,2,,, 318,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Componenta has published its new long-term strategy for the period 2011-2015 with the aim of growing together with its customers .,1,,, 319,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Larox has signed a contract with the Talvivaara Project for the delivery of filters to the Talvivaara nickel mine in Sotkamo , in Finland .",2,,, 320,Financial Phrasebank,Affecto expects its net sales for the whole 2010 to increase from the 2009 level when they reached EUR 103 million .,2,,, 321,Financial Phrasebank,Cash flow from operations rose to EUR 52.7 mn from EUR 15.6 mn in 2007 .,2,,, 322,Financial Phrasebank,Commission income rose by 25.7 % to EUR 16.1 mn from EUR 12.8 mn in 2004 .,2,,, 323,Financial Phrasebank,Componenta 's objective with this agreement is to increase business on its existing production lines .,2,,, 324,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share for January-June 2010 were EUR0 .30 , an increase of 20 % year-on-year EUR0 .25 .",2,,, 325,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share EPS rose to EUR 0.11 from EUR 0.03 .,2,,, 326,Financial Phrasebank,"Elisa said mobile subscriptions grew 7 percent during 2007 , mainly because of customers adopting so-called third generation mobile technology .",2,,, 327,Financial Phrasebank,"EPS for the quarter came in at 0.36 eur , up from 0.33 eur a year ago and ahead of forecast of 0.33 eur .",2,,, 328,Financial Phrasebank,EPS grew to 0.04 eur from 0.02 eur .,2,,, 329,Financial Phrasebank,Exports grew 16.5 percent to 19.1 million liters .,2,,, 330,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish investment group Panostaja Oyj said its net profit went up to 8.6 mln euro $ 11.4 mln in fiscal 2005-06 , ended October 31 , 2006 , from 2.8 mln euro $ 3.7 mln in the same period of fiscal 2004-05 .",2,,, 331,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish metal components supplier Componenta Oyj said its net profit went up to 3.5 mln euro $ 4.5 mln in 2006 from 2.2 mln euro $ 2.8 mln in 2005 .,2,,, 332,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish silicon wafer technology company Okmetic Oyj OMX Helsinki : OKM1V reported on Thursday 30 October an operating profit of EUR7 .4 m for January-September 2008 , up from EUR6 .1 m in the corresponding period in 2007 .",2,,, 333,Financial Phrasebank,"Fiskars Brands report net sales of EUR 145.8 mn , up from EUR 138.4 mn .",2,,, 334,Financial Phrasebank,"GeoSentric Oyj s GeoSolutions Business Unit GyPSii , the mobile digital lifestyle application and geo-mobility social networking platform , has signed an agreement with Nanjing MyNet to make the GyPSii mobile social networking platform available to customers of China Mobile .",2,,, 335,Financial Phrasebank,HELSINKI AFX - Outokumpu Technology said it has signed a 3.5 mln eur agreement with Mongolia 's Erdenet Mining Corporation for the engineering of the first HydroCopper plant to be built at the Erdenet mine site .,2,,, 336,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the proportion of the paid standing orders grew in 2009 .",2,,, 337,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to the demand in Finland , the export of lining stone products also increased .",2,,, 338,Financial Phrasebank,"In January-September 2007 , the group 's net sales from continuing operations rose to EUR 213.1 mn from EUR 172.6 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,,, 339,Financial Phrasebank,"In July-September 2008 , YIT 's net sales increased to EUR 970.8 mn , compared to EUR 906.8 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .",2,,, 340,Financial Phrasebank,"In the reporting period , net sales rose by 8 % year-on-year to EUR64 .3 m , due to the business acquisitions realized during the first half of 2008-09 , the effect of which was EUR10 .9 m in the review period .",2,,, 341,Financial Phrasebank,"In the reporting period , the company 's operating profit grew by 43.2 % to EUR 6 million .",2,,, 342,Financial Phrasebank,Last year 's net sales rose to EUR 68.3 million from EUR 62.2 million .,2,,, 343,Financial Phrasebank,"Last year the company raised its turnover to approximately 7 million litas EUR 2 mln , from 6.1 million litas in 2004 .",2,,, 344,Financial Phrasebank,"ADP News - Nov 18 , 2008 - Finnish AC drives manufacturer Vacon Oyj OMX : VAC1V said today that it had set up new representative offices in Romania and Ukraine to serve the growing markets in eastern and southeastern Europe .",2,,, 345,Financial Phrasebank,Marimekko Group 's full-year net sales are estimated to increase by about 10 % .,2,,, 346,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales surged by 30 % to EUR 36 million .,2,,, 347,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales went up by 1 % year-on-year to EUR 29 million , affected by the business acquisitions , realized during the previous financial period , the effect of which was EUR 5.1 million on the review period .",2,,, 348,Financial Phrasebank,"Nevertheless , its market share rose to 49.14 percent from 48.51 percent a year earlier .",2,,, 349,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia - the world 's largest mobile phone manufacturer - and China Postel - China 's largest mobile phone distributor - have a long-standing partnership that continues to grow stronger over time .,2,,, 350,Financial Phrasebank,"October-December sales were 302 mln eur , or a 25.3 pct increase year on year .",2,,, 351,Financial Phrasebank,"Olvi , which controls a 94 percent stake in Ragutis through A. Le Coq , said in its annual report published earlier this year that the Lithuanian brewery 's sales reached 15.04 million euros last year , a rise of 20.4 percent from 12.49 million euros in 2004 .",2,,, 352,Financial Phrasebank,Olvi expects sales and market share to increase in the first quarter of 2010 .,2,,, 353,Financial Phrasebank,"Olvi 's target is to strengthen its market share in soft drinks , mineral waters , ciders , long drinks , and energy drinks .",1,,, 354,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit increased to EUR 14.0 mn from EUR 4.9 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .,2,,, 355,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit of the Asian plants grew markedly .,2,,, 356,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totaled EUR 825mn , up from EUR 763mn in 2004 .",2,,, 357,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 83.0 mn , up from EUR 23.5 mn year-on-year .",2,,, 358,Financial Phrasebank,Production capacity will increase from 36 000 to 85 000 tonnes per year and the raw material will continue to be recycled paper and board .,2,,, 359,Financial Phrasebank,Profit for the period increased from EUR 2.9 mn to EUR 10.5 mn .,2,,, 360,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit per share was EUR 1.03 , up from EUR 0.87 .",2,,, 361,Financial Phrasebank,Return on capital employed rose by 4.8 percentage points to 19.6 % .,2,,, 362,Financial Phrasebank,"Revenue from July to September grew 21 percent to EURO 2.3 billion , the Finnish company said Thursday .",2,,, 363,Financial Phrasebank,Revenue grew 1 percent to euro742 .2 million US$ 964 million from euro735 million .,2,,, 364,Financial Phrasebank,Ruukki 's order book at the end of 2010 was 30 % up year-on-year and 10 % up quarter-on-quarter .,2,,, 365,Financial Phrasebank,Ruukki signed the contract with Norwegian company Veidekke Entreprenor AS .,2,,, 366,Financial Phrasebank,Sales in Finland rose by 3.9 % and international growth was 0.7 % .,2,,, 367,Financial Phrasebank,Sales of security and system packaging increased slightly .,2,,, 368,Financial Phrasebank,Stora Enso 's third-quarter pre-tax profit doubled to EUR 197mn .,2,,, 369,Financial Phrasebank,"Strongest growth was seen in the new markets in Russia , the Czech Republic , and Slovakia .",2,,, 370,Financial Phrasebank,"The airline has ordered nine Airbus A350-900 aircraft with deliveries from 2011 , and in doing so becomes the lead airline for the latest variant of Rolls-Royce Trent series engines , called the 1700 .",2,,, 371,Financial Phrasebank,"The company is now intensifying its smelter operations and increasing its annual production capacity to 230,000 tonnes of copper .",2,,, 372,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's market share is continued to increase further .,2,,, 373,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's scheduled traffic , measured in revenue passenger kilometres RPK , grew by just over 2 % and nearly 3 % more passengers were carried on scheduled flights than in February 2009 .",2,,, 374,Financial Phrasebank,"The company said that its investments in the new market areas resulted in sales increase in Sweden , Poland , Russia and Lithuania .",2,,, 375,Financial Phrasebank,"The disposal of Autotank will also strengthen Aspo 's capital structure , '' commented Gustav Nyberg , CEO of Aspo .",2,,, 376,Financial Phrasebank,"The earnings per share for the quarter came in at 0.25 eur , up from the 0.20 eur of the same quarter a year earlier .",2,,, 377,Financial Phrasebank,The economic occupancy rate of Sponda 's property portfolio rose to 91.2 % from 88.8 % in 2006 .,2,,, 378,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish supplier of BSS-OSS and VAS for telecom operators , Tecnotree , has received expansion orders worth a total US$ 7.3 mn for its convergent charging and next generation messaging solutions in Latin America , the company announced without specifying which operators had placed the orders .",2,,, 379,Financial Phrasebank,The group 's 12-month operating profit grew 31 percent to 337.8 million euros .,2,,, 380,Financial Phrasebank,"The growth in the activeness of Talentum 's customers , which started at the end of 2009 , continued during the reporting period , the company stated .",2,,, 381,Financial Phrasebank,The growth of net sales in the first half of 2008 has been 28 % compared with the first half of 2007 .,2,,, 382,Financial Phrasebank,The pretax profit of the group 's life insurance business increased to EUR 36 million from EUR 27 million .,2,,, 383,Financial Phrasebank,The pretax profit of the group 's life insurance business increased to EUR36m from EUR27m .,2,,, 384,Financial Phrasebank,"The total delivery volume of paper businesses in 2010 was 1,155,000 tonnes , up from 1,132,000 tonnes in 2009 .",2,,, 385,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the firm 's forestry holdings increased by SEK 3.6 bn .,2,,, 386,Financial Phrasebank,"This new deal has strengthened the partnership from Telemig Celular and Tecnomen , which it has started since the beginning of Telemig 's prepaid operations .",2,,, 387,Financial Phrasebank,Turnover rose to EUR21m from EUR17m .,2,,, 388,Financial Phrasebank,"Xerox and Stora Enso have teamed up to tailor the iGen3 to the short-run , on-demand packaging market .",2,,, 389,Financial Phrasebank,YIT Construction and the town of Riihim+ñki have signed a lease contract whereby the town will occupy the Travel Centre office facilities .,2,,, 390,Financial Phrasebank,"The upgrade is intended to raise the network capacity from 450 MHz to 630 MHz in several cities , enabling bi-directional services for digital television as well as broadband data .",2,,, 391,Financial Phrasebank,The Finnish company Stockmann has signed the contract with the company Technopolis .,1,,, 392,Financial Phrasebank,"According to its notice , Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB publ Helsinki Branch has on 10 August 2009 divested in total 11,958,000 Alma Media shares to Ilkka-Yhtyma Oyj and Kaleva Kustannus Oy , as the conditions of the agreement made by the companies on 1 July 2009 fulfilled .",1,,, 393,Financial Phrasebank,"As previously announced , GeoSentric Oyj entered into financing agreements with its lead investor on June 30 , 2010 enabling the Company to receive financing up to the aggregate amount of 6M .",1,,, 394,Financial Phrasebank,"At the same time , the market for automated liquid handling devices is already larger than that for pipettes , according to Biohit .",1,,, 395,Financial Phrasebank,Efore 's CEO Reijo Maihaniemi said that the company has developed and already delivered power supply units to respective systems based on this technology to Chinese sector company ZTE Corp SHE : 000063 .,1,,, 396,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Talvivaara Mining Co HEL : TLV1V said Thursday it had picked BofA Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan NYSE : JPM as joint bookrunners of its planned issue of convertible notes worth up to EUR250m USD332m .,1,,, 397,Financial Phrasebank,"Lead production , in turn , should increase to 60,000 tonnes through 2009 in what would be a twofold increase from current capacity levels , Zahariev said .",2,,, 398,Financial Phrasebank,"Lemminkainen Oyj said that it has signed credit agreements with Nordea Bank STO : NDA , Pohjola Bank HEL : POH1S , Sampo Bank HEL : SAMAS and Svenska Handelsbanken STO : SHB A .",1,,, 399,Financial Phrasebank,Pohjola could increase its stake to 45 % in 2013 .,1,,, 400,Financial Phrasebank,Scandic Feed will also diversify Tosno 's product portfolio further .,1,,, 401,Financial Phrasebank,"Separately , YIT Corporation and Austrian firm E AG last week signed an agreement on the sale of E 's building system service business in Germany , Austria , Poland , the Czech Republic , Hungary and Romania for EUR 55 mln .",2,,, 402,Financial Phrasebank,The agreement with JM is one in a series of contracts that TeliaSonera has signed in recent months with residential construction and real estate management companies in Sweden .,1,,, 403,Financial Phrasebank,The company intends to raise production capacity in 2006 .,2,,, 404,Financial Phrasebank,"The estimated value of the contract is EUR12 .4 m. Vaisala , headquartered in Helsinki in Finland , develops and manufactures electronic measurement systems for meteorology , environmental sciences , traffic and industry .",1,,, 405,Financial Phrasebank,"The mall is part of the Baltic Pearl development project in the city of St Petersburg , where Baltic Pearl CJSC , a subsidiary of Shanghai Foreign Joint Investment Company , is developing homes for 35,000 people .",1,,, 406,Financial Phrasebank,"The new facility , to be known as Technopolis Pulkovo , will introduce to the Russian market an entirely new concept of creating , operating and growing a commercially-funded science and technology park to support the growth of knowledge-intensive companies .",1,,, 407,Financial Phrasebank,"Thereby , the company will expand its offering to North , Central and South America .",2,,, 408,Financial Phrasebank,"To our members and partners , the use of IT will mostly be apparent in the increased efficiency of the results service , '' observes Perttu Puro from Tradeka .",2,,, 409,Financial Phrasebank,Vacon controls a further 5 % of the company via investment fund Power Fund I. EUR 1.0 = USD 1.397,1,,, 410,Financial Phrasebank,"` This order is included in Wartsila 's order book in the second quarter , ' the company added .",1,,, 411,Financial Phrasebank,`` Management decided at the end of 2005 to increase cathode copper capacity .,1,,, 412,Financial Phrasebank,4 ) Complete name of the shareholder : Otto Henrik Bernhard Nyberg 5 ) Further information : The amount of shares now transferred corresponds to 5.68 % of the total number of shares in Aspo Plc. .,1,,, 413,Financial Phrasebank,"A data processing unit collects the data , calculates RVR values and provides the data to users via various interfaces .",1,,, 414,Financial Phrasebank,A tinyurl link takes users to a scamming site promising that users can earn thousands of dollars by becoming a Google ( NASDAQ : GOOG ) Cash advertiser .,0,,, 415,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , March 28 -- Pertti Salmi and Hanna Vuolteenaho , both of Oulu , Finland , and Sami Viitasaari of Ii , Finland , have developed an ornamental design for a handset , the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office announced .",1,,, 416,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Oct. 3 -- Markka A. Oksanen and Harald Kaaja , both of Helsinki , Finland , Juha Salokannel of Kangasala , Finland , and Arto Palin of Viiala , Finland , have developed a system for providing communications security .",1,,, 417,Financial Phrasebank,"As earlier reported , Nokian Tyres is building a plant in the town of Vsevolozhsk in Russia 's Leningrad Region with an annual production capacity of 4 million tires .",1,,, 418,Financial Phrasebank,"Biohit , Inc. , has expanded its mLINE Family of Pipettors with the addition of the NEW 1-10 ml volume range .",1,,, 419,Financial Phrasebank,"Capman , the Finnish alternative asset manager , has made an acquisition for its Helsinki-focused vehicle , Real Estate Fund I. The fund has bought a seven-story office built in 1973 that underwent refurbishment at the end of the 1990s .",1,,, 420,Financial Phrasebank,"Compared with the FTSE 100 index , which rose 36.7 points ( or 0.6 % ) on the day , this was a relative price change of -0.2 % .",0,,, 421,Financial Phrasebank,"Compared with the FTSE 100 index , which rose 51.5 points ( or 0.9 % ) on the day , this was a relative price change of -0.6 % .",1,,, 422,Financial Phrasebank,"Compared with the FTSE 100 index , which rose 94.9 points ( or 1.6 % ) on the day , this was a relative price change of -0.4 % .",0,,, 423,Financial Phrasebank,"Deliveries are to start later in 2010 , and the volume will increase in the years 2011-2012 .",1,,, 424,Financial Phrasebank,"Finland 's Nokian Tyres and Kazakhstan 's Ordabasy Corporation signed an agreement to build a plant in Astana to produce car tires , Ordabasy chairman Dinmukhamet Idrisov said at a press conference .",2,,, 425,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish business software group AffectoGenimap Oyj said it had signed an agreement to acquire all the shares in Swedish sector company Intellibis Ab for 12 mln euro ( $ 15.8 mln ) on a debt-free basis .,2,,, 426,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish heat-retaining fireplaces maker Tulikivi Oyj said on August 29 , 2007 that its local tiled stoves and utility ceramics subsidiary Kermansavi Oy will merge into Tulikivi by means of absorption in order to streamline the latest 's corporate structure .",1,,, 427,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish silicon wafers manufacturer Okmetic Oyj said on June 29 , 2007 it signed an agreement with Nordea Bank Finland Plc , the local subsidiary of Swedish commercial bank Nordea Bank AB , which will refinance Okmetic 's syndicated bank facility which amounts to some 20 mln euro ( $ 26.9 mln ) .",2,,, 428,Financial Phrasebank,"Furthermore , Bunge will also sign a licensing agreement for the Sunnuntai and Carlshamn Mejeri brands .",2,,, 429,Financial Phrasebank,"German Commerzbank AG 's Hamburg Branch and US JP Morgan ( NYSE : JPM ) participated as arrangers , and Dutch ING ( AMS : INGA ) as co-arranger .",1,,, 430,Financial Phrasebank,"In April 2005 , Neste separated from its parent company , Finnish energy company Fortum , and became listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange .",1,,, 431,Financial Phrasebank,"In Russia , Raisio 's Food Division 's home market stretches all the way to Vladivostok .",1,,, 432,Financial Phrasebank,"In September 2010 , the Finnish group agreed to buy Danish company Rose Poultry A-S for up to EUR23 .9 m in a combination of cash and stock .",2,,, 433,Financial Phrasebank,Increase in the number of shares is based on the option rights which were granted to the management of the company under the stock option plan 2006 .,1,,, 434,Financial Phrasebank,"is planning to expand its product portfolio in the harbor segment , chief executive Pekka Lundmark told Financial Times Deutschland .",2,,, 435,Financial Phrasebank,It has some 30 offices worldwide and more than 90 pct of its net sales are generated outside Finland .,1,,, 436,Financial Phrasebank,It has80 branches in Finland with annual revenue in Finland of ?,1,,, 437,Financial Phrasebank,"KAUKO-TELKO LTD PRESS RELEASE 19.06.2007 AT 14.00 1 ( 1 ) Telko Group ( Kauko-Telko ) is expanding its strategic partnership with BP Industrial Lubricants & Services ( BP ILS ) by acquiring total ownership of BP 's Swedish retail company , Molub-Alloy AB .",2,,, 438,Financial Phrasebank,"MILAN ( AFX ) - The Italian shipping group Grimaldi has increased its stake in the Finnish company Finnlines to 35.4 pct from the 30.5 pct held in June , according to news agency ANSA .",1,,, 439,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia Messaging 1.1 enables customers to receive e-mails from up to 10 e-mail accounts on their mobile phone supporting all POP or IMAP e-mail services .,1,,, 440,Financial Phrasebank,"Production capacity will rise gradually from 170,000 tonnes to 215,000 tonnes .",2,,, 441,Financial Phrasebank,Ramirent s Danish subsidiary Ramirent A-S has today signed an agreement to acquire the business assets of the machinery rental company Jydsk Materiel Udlejning located in West Jutland .,2,,, 442,Financial Phrasebank,SHARE REPURCHASE 11.01.2008 In the Helsinki Stock Exchange On behalf of Sampo plc Danske Bank A-S Helsinki Branch,1,,, 443,Financial Phrasebank,Solidium picked up Tikkurila shares as a dividend at a book value of EUR15 .80 per share .,1,,, 444,Financial Phrasebank,"Takoma will carry out the transaction by acquiring the entire share capital of Moventas Parkano Oy , which runs the factory in Parkano , southern Finland .",1,,, 445,Financial Phrasebank,"The agreement will provide The Switch with double the converter capacity , whilst opening up further manufacturing locations in China .",2,,, 446,Financial Phrasebank,"The building owner and developer , Sun Hung Kai Properties Group , is one of the largest property companies in Hong Kong , developing all types of premium residential and commercial projects for sale and investment .",1,,, 447,Financial Phrasebank,The companies ' aim is to finalize the negotiations and sign the contracts at the start of October 2008 .,1,,, 448,Financial Phrasebank,The companies signed the letter of intent for the sale on 17 September 2010 and envisaged to seal the actual agreement on 1 January 2011 .,1,,, 449,Financial Phrasebank,"The company also said on November 16 , 2006 its Real Estate Fund I Ky signed an agreement with Finnish window maker Fenestra Oy to build a window plant in Forssa , southern Finland .",2,,, 450,Financial Phrasebank,The company has committed to further expanding the Apollo portfolio .,2,,, 451,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract , which was signed yesterday , will run for five years and includes a two-year extension option .",1,,, 452,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract covers installation , training and start-up services .",1,,, 453,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract value amounts to about EUR11m , the company added .",1,,, 454,Financial Phrasebank,The contracts have been signed to acquire uranium produced at the Sotkamo nickel-zinc mine in eastern Finland owned by Talvivaara .,2,,, 455,Financial Phrasebank,"The expanded agreement covers the sale , marketing and distribution of Benefon 's navigation and locator devices in China .",1,,, 456,Financial Phrasebank,"The OMX Nordic 40 ( OMXN40 ) index , comprising the 40 most traded Nordic stocks on the Nasdaq OMX exchange , closed up 0.43 % at 1,138.84 points on Wednesday .",2,,, 457,Financial Phrasebank,"The OMX Nordic 40 ( OMXN40 ) index , comprising the 40 most traded Nordic stocks on the Nasdaq OMX exchange , closed up 1.29 % at 1,084.47 points on Friday .",2,,, 458,Financial Phrasebank,TietoEnator signed an agreement to acquire Indian research and development ( R&D ) services provider and turnkey software solutions developer Fortuna Technologies Pvt. Ltd. for 21 mln euro ( $ 30.3 mln ) in September 2007 .,1,,, 459,Financial Phrasebank,To be number one means creating added value for stakeholders in everything we do .,1,,, 460,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the terms of the off-take agreement with Talvivaara , Cameco will provide an up-front investment , to a maximum of $ 60 million , to cover the construction cost of the uranium extraction circuit .",2,,, 461,Financial Phrasebank,"Vaisala Oyj Press Release September 30 , 2010 Vaisala has signed a contract to sell its oxygen measurement technology and business to SICK Maihak GmbH .",2,,, 462,Financial Phrasebank,"- BEIJING XFN-ASIA - Hong Kong-listed Standard Chartered Bank said it has signed a China mobile phone dealer financing agreement with Nokia , making it the first foreign bank to offer financing to the country 's small and medium enterprise -LR",2,,, 463,Financial Phrasebank,- Provides summary of the medical equipment pipeline products that the company is developing .,1,,, 464,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Of course , we are in talks with all those coming up with new projects that involve material handling , '' Konecranes President and CEO Pekka Lundmark said , when asked whether it was talking to Reliance Industries for supplying equipment to its upcoming refinery in Jamnagar .",1,,, 465,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Lidskoe Pivo 's investment program foresees the integrated modernization of production , updating transport and logistics infrastructure and developing new marketing instruments , '' Mikshis said .",2,,, 466,Financial Phrasebank,`` Residentialconstruction in particular has picked up in several markets .,2,,, 467,Financial Phrasebank,`` Ruukki is now included on DJSI World for the second year running and the European DJSI STOXX for the third year running .,1,,, 468,Financial Phrasebank,`` The sale of the oxygen measurement business strengthens our goal to focus on our chosen market segments .,1,,, 469,Financial Phrasebank,"A corresponding increase of 85,432.50 euros in Ahlstrom 's share capital has been entered in the Trade Register today .",1,,, 470,Financial Phrasebank,"A In August 2007 , Latvijas Finieris ordered all production lines for a new green veneer mill to be built in Ukmerge , central Lithuania .",1,,, 471,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish house manufacturers are targeting the strongly growing one-family house market in Russia .,1,,, 472,Financial Phrasebank,"After the transaction , Alma Media raised its stake in Talentum to 30.65 % of the shares and some 31.12 % of voting rights .",2,,, 473,Financial Phrasebank,Aldata said that there are still a number of operational aspects to be defined between it and Microsoft and further details of the product and market initiatives resulting from this agreement will be available at a later date .,1,,, 474,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , July 11 -- Hannu Kahonen of Juuka , Finland , has developed an ornamental design for a handle for fire pit door , the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office announced .",1,,, 475,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , May 16 -- Kenneth Bower of Vista , Calif. , has developed an ornamental design for a handset , the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office announced .",1,,, 476,Financial Phrasebank,"As the largest elevator market in the world , Chinese output of elevators continued to rise to 262,000 units in 2009 , up about 5 % yr-on-yr .",2,,, 477,Financial Phrasebank,Aspocomp intends to set up a plant to manufacture printed circuit boards with an investment of Rs310 crore .,1,,, 478,Financial Phrasebank,"Baltic Pearl CJSC , a subsidiary of Shanghai Foreign Joint Investment Company , is developing a project in St Petersburg , comprising about a million square meters of residential space , two hospitals and several schools and nurseries .",1,,, 479,Financial Phrasebank,"Biohit Oyj develops , manufactures and markets liquid handling products and diagnostic test systems for use in research , healthcare and industrial laboratories .",1,,, 480,Financial Phrasebank,Calls to the switchboard and directory services have decreased significantly since our employees now have up-to-date contact information from all their colleagues and customers on their phone and can place the call directly .,1,,, 481,Financial Phrasebank,"Cargotec 's share capital after the increase totals 64,046,460 euros .",1,,, 482,Financial Phrasebank,"Cargotec 's share capital after the increase totals EUR 64,299,180 .",1,,, 483,Financial Phrasebank,"Compared with the FTSE 100 index , which rose 28.3 points or 0.5 % on the day , this was a relative price change of 2.3 % .",2,,, 484,Financial Phrasebank,Componenta increased its stake in Turkish steel company Doktas Dokumculuk Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S. to 92.6 pct stake in March 2007 .,2,,, 485,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share EPS are seen at EUR 0.56 , up from EUR 0.38 .",2,,, 486,Financial Phrasebank,Estonia 's beer market overall grew three percent last year to 130 million liters .,2,,, 487,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish food company Raisio Oyj HEL : RAIVV said on Friday it has wrapped up the divestment of its margarine operations to US sector player Bunge Ltd NYSE : BG for EUR80m USD119 .2 m .,1,,, 488,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish lifting equipment maker Konecranes HEL : KCR1V said on 29 July 2009 it has raised its stake in Austrian manipulator maker ACS Konecranes to 80 % and bought German sector player Knight Europe .,2,,, 489,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish paper maker UPM-Kymmene Corp. on Monday announced the sale of its wrapping unit Walki Wisa to the CapMan investment group in a move to further concentrate on its core business .,1,,, 490,Financial Phrasebank,Following the increase the company+óEUR TM s capital totals 5.5 mln Romanian lei $ 1.98 mln-1 .56 mln euro .,1,,, 491,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI AFX - KCI Konecranes said it has raised its stake in MMH Holdings Inc , the owner of US-based Morris Materials Handling , to 90.9 pct from 74.5 pct .",2,,, 492,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2008 , it generated net sales of EUR 9.3 million USD 13.1 m .",1,,, 493,Financial Phrasebank,"In August , Latvijas Finieris ordered all production lines for a new green veneer mill to be built in Ukmerge , Lithuania .",1,,, 494,Financial Phrasebank,It delivers a different user experience and enables us to widen the market we can address . '',2,,, 495,Financial Phrasebank,Jacobs has been supporting Storengy 's investment of developing storage sites since 2006 as owner 's engineer .,1,,, 496,Financial Phrasebank,"ADPnews - Jun 30 , 2009 - Finnish stainless steel maker Outokumpu Oyj HEL : OUT1V said yesterday it signed a three-year EUR 900 million USD 1.3 bn revolving credit facility .",2,,, 497,Financial Phrasebank,Most of the increase in net sales was due to the acquisition of Swedish Silva that produces garden tools and boats .,2,,, 498,Financial Phrasebank,"Mr Ashley , deputy executive chairman of Sports Direct , sold a 43pc stake in the company for more than pounds 900m at the time of the float .",1,,, 499,Financial Phrasebank,One of the challenges in the oil production in the North Sea is scale formation that can plug pipelines and halt production .,0,,, 500,Financial Phrasebank,Rental of building equipment accounted for 88 percent of the operating income .,1,,, 501,Financial Phrasebank,"Ruukki 's delivery includes steel structures , including installation , for Krakeroy bascule bridge and steel piles for the bridge foundations .",1,,, 502,Financial Phrasebank,Sanoma will continue to focus on investing in digital media and on strengthening its market positions .,1,,, 503,Financial Phrasebank,Stockmann was established in 1862 in Finland and it became the first foreign company to enter Russia 's retail trade market in 1989 .,1,,, 504,Financial Phrasebank,SysOpen Digia had signed an agreement with the main shareholders of Sentera holding in total 77.39 % of the share capital and votes of Sentera .,2,,, 505,Financial Phrasebank,"The acquisition is part of Suomen Helasto 's strategy to expand the LukkoExpert Security chain , Suomen Helasto CEO Kimmo Uusimaki said .",1,,, 506,Financial Phrasebank,"The broad-based WIG index ended Thursday 's session 0.1 pct up at 65,003.34 pts , while the blue-chip WIG20 was 1.13 down at 3,687.15 pts .",1,,, 507,Financial Phrasebank,The business to be divested generates consolidated net sales of EUR 60 million annually and currently has some 640 employees .,1,,, 508,Financial Phrasebank,"The company generates net sales of about 600 mln euro $ 775.5 mln annually and employs 6,000 .",1,,, 509,Financial Phrasebank,The company plans to expand into the international market through its subsidiaries and distributors from 2011 onwards .,2,,, 510,Financial Phrasebank,The company plans to spend the proceeds from the rights offering for strengthening its balance sheet .,1,,, 511,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract covers the manufacturing , surface-treatment and installation of the steel structures .",1,,, 512,Financial Phrasebank,"The corresponding increase in the share capital , EUR422 ,754 , has been entered in the Trade Register today .",1,,, 513,Financial Phrasebank,"The corresponding increase in the share capital , in total EUR 300,00 was registered in the Finnish Trade Register on May 8 , 2008 .",1,,, 514,Financial Phrasebank,"The corresponding increase in the share capital due to these subscriptions with the warrants , in total EUR 1,860.74 , was registered with the Finnish Trade Register on January 4 , 2008 .",1,,, 515,Financial Phrasebank,"The corresponding share capital increase , EUR 1,012,945.50 was entered in the Trade Register today .",1,,, 516,Financial Phrasebank,"The decision to sell a share in Lenenergo was reached in line with Fortum 's strategic plans to invest mainly in generating assets in Russia , while Lenenergo is a grid company , the press release said .",2,,, 517,Financial Phrasebank,"The equipment will expand container handling capacity at Namibia 's main port of Walvis Bay , on the west coast .",2,,, 518,Financial Phrasebank,The expansion includes the doubling of the floor space and the addition of more lifting capacity and production equipment .,2,,, 519,Financial Phrasebank,The Group aims to increase its net sales and comparable operating profit in 2006 .,2,,, 520,Financial Phrasebank,The order also includes start-up and commissioning services .,1,,, 521,Financial Phrasebank,"The order consists of capacity expansion , maintenance services and new charging functionality , the company said .",1,,, 522,Financial Phrasebank,The phones are targeted at first time users in growth markets .,1,,, 523,Financial Phrasebank,"The repayment of EUR 105 million debenture bonds is related to the Company 's previous announcement on October 21 , 2009 to collect irrevocable selling commitments from the holders of its subordinated debenture bonds .",1,,, 524,Financial Phrasebank,The revenues of the business reached NOK 12 million for 2008 .,1,,, 525,Financial Phrasebank,"The subscriptions increase Cargotec 's share capital by 36,780 euros .",2,,, 526,Financial Phrasebank,"The subscriptions increase Cargotec 's share capital by EUR 27,060 .",2,,, 527,Financial Phrasebank,"The total area of the Gorelovo plant is about 22,000 sq m. Atria invested about EURO 70mn in the plant , which should double Atria Russia 's production capacity in the St Petersburg area .",2,,, 528,Financial Phrasebank,Tielinja generated net sales of 7.5 mln euro $ 9.6 mln in 2005 .,1,,, 529,Financial Phrasebank,"Tikkurila Powder Coatings has some 50 employees at its four paint plants , which generated revenues of EUR2 .4 m USD3 .3 m in 2010 .",1,,, 530,Financial Phrasebank,U.S. District Judge Douglas P. Woodlock yesterday extended a Jan. 17 temporary restraining order until March 7 .,1,,, 531,Financial Phrasebank,"UK 's Sarantel to outsource part of its processes to Elcoteq plant in Estonia LONDON , Oct 13 , BNS - The British miniature antennas maker Sarantel has signed an agreement to outsource its assembly test and supply chain processes to the plant of Elcoteq in the Estonian capital Tallinn .",1,,, 532,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the rental agreement , Stockmann was committed to invest in the building of a bridge over the Gogol Street or build an underground tunnel for crossing the street by 2004 .",1,,, 533,Financial Phrasebank,We have made long-term investments in developing the system 's implementation model .,1,,, 534,Financial Phrasebank,"With the launch of new 3G handsets , Nokia aims to become the winner in China 's 3G market as it did in the 2G market .",2,,, 535,Financial Phrasebank,"With this subscription , Fortum 's ownership in TGK-10 has increased to slightly over 76 % of shares and voting rights .",1,,, 536,Financial Phrasebank,VNH generates annual net sales of about 5 mln eur and employs 21 people .,1,,, 537,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share ( EPS ) for the first quarter 2007 amounted to EUR0 .07 , up from EUR0 .04 .",2,,, 538,Financial Phrasebank,"Jan. 6 -- Ford is struggling in the face of slowing truck and SUV sales and a surfeit of up-to-date , gotta-have cars .",0,,, 539,Financial Phrasebank,"Rautakesko 's business operations in Norway and Russia , acquired in July 2005 , are included in the figures of the comparable period , impacting sales growth starting from August .",1,,, 540,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit was EUR 11.07 mn , up from EUR 8.65 mn .",2,,, 541,Financial Phrasebank,Peer Peugeot fell 0.81 pct as its sales rose only 6.3 pct from the same period last year .,0,,, 542,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceuticals group Orion Corp reported a fall in its third-quarter earnings that were hit by larger expenditures on R&D and marketing .,0,,, 543,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the growth margin slowed down due to the financial crisis .",0,,, 544,Financial Phrasebank,"Significance : Teleste has emphasised that with its large size and growing economy , as well as the rapid development of its TV services distribution industry , Poland is viewed as an attractive market .",2,,, 545,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We reached agreement with the union that flights will continue as normal , '' Finnair spokesman Usko Maatta said .",2,,, 546,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , insurance company Pohjola and the Finnish motorcyclist association have signed an agreement with the aim of improving motorcyclists ' traffic safety .",2,,, 547,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Nokian Tyres reported a fourth quarter pretax profit of 61.5 mln eur , up from 48.6 mln on the back of strong sales .",2,,, 548,Financial Phrasebank,"Kalnapilio-Tauro Grupe ( Kalnapilis-Tauras Group ) , which is owned by Denmark 's Royal Unibrew , raised its market share to 25.18 percent from 23.74 percent , as beer sales for the seven months jumped by 14.5 percent to 40.5 million liters .",2,,, 549,Financial Phrasebank,"Kalnapilio-Tauro Grupe ( Kalnapilis-Tauras Group ) , which is owned by Denmark 's Royal Unibrew , raised its market share to 25.2 percent from 23.91 percent , as beer sales for the nine months jumped by 11.4 percent to 52.99 million liters .",2,,, 550,Financial Phrasebank,"Marimekko has today ( 20 November ) signed a license agreement with the Swedish chain , whereby Marimekko will license some of its popular patterns from the 1950s , 1960s and 1970s to H&M .",2,,, 551,Financial Phrasebank,More staff has been recruited in Japan to further complement its network of close to 50 service locations in more than 20 countries worldwide .,2,,, 552,Financial Phrasebank,Nokian Capacitors ' equipment will be used to raise the capacity and reliability of the Indian grid .,2,,, 553,Financial Phrasebank,Rautaruukki Corporation Stock exchange release 3 December 2009 at 12 noon Ruukki 's construction and engineering divisions are to further improve and adjust their operations in Finland .,2,,, 554,Financial Phrasebank,"Ruukki Romania , the local arm of Finnish metal producer Ruukki , increased its capital by 900,000 euro ( $ 1.14 mln ) through cash contribution , it was reported on September 19 , 2006 .",2,,, 555,Financial Phrasebank,"STX Finland Oy signed a a preliminary agreement for the building of an environmentally friendly , new generation cruise ferry for Viking Line to manage on between Turku , Finland , and Stockholm , Sweden withViking Line ABP .",2,,, 556,Financial Phrasebank,The company now estimates its net sales in 2010 to increase considerably from 2009 and its operating result to be clearly positive .,2,,, 557,Financial Phrasebank,"The tower it chose to add , due to go into operation in the summer , will increase total capacity to 80 broadsheet or 160 tabloid pages , with the ability to run 32 - and 48-page products side by side .",2,,, 558,Financial Phrasebank,"Uponor made an operating profit of EUR 151.0 mn , up from EUR 143.7 mn , which made 2007 a record year .",2,,, 559,Financial Phrasebank,"Basware Corporation stock exchange release August 31 , 2010 at 16:25 Basware signed a large deal with an international industrial group Basware will deliver Invoice Automation solution and Connectivity Services to an international industrial group .",2,,, 560,Financial Phrasebank,It estimates the operating profit to further improve from the third quarter .,2,,, 561,Financial Phrasebank,Kazgiprotsvetmet and Outotec Finland have signed an agreement on strategic cooperation in the marketing and providing of minerals processing and metallurgical plants and related services in Kazakhstan and the surrounding countries .,2,,, 562,Financial Phrasebank,Lemcon signed an investment cooperation agreement with the Kaluga regional administration last November .,2,,, 563,Financial Phrasebank,Ruukki forecast a 15-20 % annual sales growth and a positive pretax result for 2010 .,2,,, 564,Financial Phrasebank,Sales rose 10 pct to 566 mln eur on the back of strong volume and favourable currency effects .,2,,, 565,Financial Phrasebank,The growth of net sales has continued favourably in the Middle East and Africaand in Asia Pacific .,2,,, 566,Financial Phrasebank,"The new agreement , which expands a long-established cooperation between the companies , involves the transfer of certain engineering and documentation functions from Larox to Etteplan .",2,,, 567,Financial Phrasebank,With this appointment Kaupthing Bank aims to further co-ordinate Capital Markets activities within the Group and to improve the overall service to clients .,2,,, 568,Financial Phrasebank,"Cencorp , headquartered in Virkkala , Finland , develops and supplies automation solutions to the electronics and semiconductor industry that enhance productivity .",1,,, 569,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the increase , Huhtamaki Oyj 's registered share capital is EUR 358,706,290.00 and the number of shares outstanding is 105,501,850 .",1,,, 570,Financial Phrasebank,"Following this increase Huhtamaki 's registered share capital is EUR360 .62 m and the number of shares outstanding is 106,063,320 .",1,,, 571,Financial Phrasebank,"The company has also supplied more than 200 MW of power generating equipment for a number of projects in Papua New Guinea , including 12 engines of the Wartsila 32 type to Lihir Gold .",1,,, 572,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the agreement , Pfizer has been funding Biotie 's research activities on the PDE10 phosphodiesterase 10 inhibitor program since its start in late 2006 and has the sole authority to develop discovered compounds .",1,,, 573,Financial Phrasebank,"When the OMX market forwards mature on May 16 , 2008 , Novator Finland Oy 's direct shareholding in Amer Sports Corporation will exceed one-fifth 1-5 of the company 's shares and voting rights .",1,,, 574,Financial Phrasebank,"To prove the efficiency of the China Mobile system , Rod Baber , an English climber , climbed to the Mount Everest summit and successfully made calls .",2,,, 575,Financial Phrasebank,"`` These tests are part of a larger campaign which includes various customer trials and demonstrations to make LTE on 800 MHz commercially viable by this summer , '' Nokia Siemens head of LTE business line , Reino Tammela , said .",1,,, 576,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Ahlstrom Corporation will double its investments in a new specialty glassfiber reinforcement plant in South Carolina , in the US .",2,,, 577,Financial Phrasebank,"Helsinki on October 22 , 2008 SSH COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY CORP Board of Directors For further information , please contact : Tomi Laamanen , Chairman , tel. +358 0 400 609 544 Distribution : NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. .",1,,, 578,Financial Phrasebank,Patrizia adds the acquisition to a portfolio already worth EUR3bn .,1,,, 579,Financial Phrasebank,Sales rose to 300.9 mln eur compared with last year 's 276.1 mln eur and in line with 299 mln eur consensus figure .,2,,, 580,Financial Phrasebank,The contract was signed in August with Papua New Guinea-based Lihir Gold Ltd ASX : LGL .,2,,, 581,Financial Phrasebank,"The offer of some 30 million shares aimed to raise more than x20ac 500 million US$ 640 million , was expected to be completed by Oct. 9 , Outokumpu said .",1,,, 582,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Our extensive co-operation will also bolster SysOpen Digia 's position in the domestic operator market , '' Kallioranta adds .",2,,, 583,Financial Phrasebank,"`` With this agreement , we can continue our good cooperationand at the same time release capital that has been tied up in ourmachinery operation .",2,,, 584,Financial Phrasebank,"Theodosopoulos said Tellabs could be of value to Nokia Siemens or Nortel given its `` leading supply status '' with Verizon , along with high-growth products .",2,,, 585,Financial Phrasebank,"We succeeded in increasing our market share of sold apartment '' , comments Mr Kari Kauniskangas , Head of YIT International Construction Services .",2,,, 586,Financial Phrasebank,"With CapMan as a partner , we will be able to further develop our business and continue to focus on providing quality restaurant services for our customers , '' says Christopher Wynne , CEO of Papa John 's Russia .",2,,, 587,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Suominen Corporation that specialises in wet wipes , nonwovens , and flexible packaging reports net sales of EUR 44.1 mn in the second quarter of 2010 , up from EUR 43.3 mn in the second quarter of 2009 .",2,,, 588,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish telecoms software developer Tecnomen Oyj said on December 5 , 2006 it won a $ 3.3 mln ( 2.5 mln euro ) order to supply an expansion of the charging and messaging systems for the mobile and fixed networks of Brasil Telecom .",2,,, 589,Financial Phrasebank,Increased trust of our clients in YIT can be seen as apartment sales accelerated .,2,,, 590,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Dec 11 , 2008 - Finnish construction and engineering company Outotec Oyj ( OMX : OTE1V ) said today it won a EUR 28 million ( USD 36.8 m ) order to expand the phosphate concentrator in Siilinjarvi of Norwegian minera",2,,, 591,Financial Phrasebank,"Mr Priit Kasak , Balti Metsamasina 's owner , said the Rakvere-based company wishes to increase Valmet 's market share from 27 % to a third in a couple of years .",2,,, 592,Financial Phrasebank,"Ponsse plans to create a network that is based on strong partnership , and participates in the production of larger entities than presently .",1,,, 593,Financial Phrasebank,The bank sees a potential for Getinge share to rise .,2,,, 594,Financial Phrasebank,"The company recorded revenues of E658 .1 million during the fiscal year ended December 2007 , an increase of 23 % over 2006 .",2,,, 595,Financial Phrasebank,The cooperation will double The Switch 's converter capacity .,2,,, 596,Financial Phrasebank,The robust growth was the result of the inclusion of clothing chain Lindex in the Group in December 2007 .,2,,, 597,Financial Phrasebank,"The six breweries recorded a 5.2 percent growth in domestic beer sales last year to 270.21 million liters , from 256.88 million liters sold in 2005 .",2,,, 598,Financial Phrasebank,"This truly takes efficiency to new heights , '' Mr. Metso adds .",2,,, 599,Financial Phrasebank,We hope to increase traffic volumes with the opening of Freight One Scandinavia . '',2,,, 600,Financial Phrasebank,"a January 11 , 2010 EPHC board of directors has approved an increase in the quarterly dividend from $ 0.03 to $ 0.05 per share .",2,,, 601,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Cargotec 's Kalmar , the business area providing container handling solutions , has been awarded an order for a further ten E-One rubber-tyred gantry RTG cranes from Saigon Newport Company SNP , in Vietnam .",2,,, 602,Financial Phrasebank,"Bilfinger investors cheered the agreement , pushing shares up 7 % , or & euro ; 3.30 , to & euro ; 50.29 , in afternoon trade .",2,,, 603,Financial Phrasebank,"Kesko pursues a strategy of healthy , focused growth concentrating on sales and services to consumer-customers .",2,,, 604,Financial Phrasebank,"LONDON AFX - Shares in Rautaruukki Corp have been upgraded to ` hold ' from ` sell ' by ABN Amro , with the price target raised to 25.75 eur from 14.5 , said dealers .",2,,, 605,Financial Phrasebank,LONDON MarketWatch -- Nokia nok said it 's won a five-year services contract to run Hutchison Essar 's network operations in nine locations in India .,2,,, 606,Financial Phrasebank,"Progress Group , QPR 's representative in Saudi Arabia and North Africa , has signed a framework agreement for a long term strategic relationship with ISE .",2,,, 607,Financial Phrasebank,"Ragutis , controlled by the Finnish brewery Olvi , achieved a 5.7 percent rise in beer sales to 22.6 million liters and held a 10.75 percent market share .",2,,, 608,Financial Phrasebank,"The 250 sq m 2,691 sq ft store in Copenhagen 's premier shopping district was inaugurated today , further strengthening the company 's presence in Nordic capitals .",2,,, 609,Financial Phrasebank,"The metal has gained 41 percent this year as demand from China , the world 's largest user , increased .",2,,, 610,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , Cramo and Peab have signed exclusive five-year rental agreements in Finland and have extended their existing rental agreements in the Swedish market for another five years .",2,,, 611,Financial Phrasebank,"OUTOTEC OYJ PRESS RELEASE DECEMBER 4 , 2009 10.30 AM Outotec establishes a new subsidiary in Kolkata Outotec has established a subsidiary in India in order to better serve its Indian customers and to increase its business in the growing Indian market .",2,,, 612,Financial Phrasebank,It is also 7.7 pct above the 12-month volume weighted average price of the stock .,2,,, 613,Financial Phrasebank,"Mobile phone shipments jumped 26 percent to almost 112 million units , while Finnish company 's global market share rose to 39 percent from 36 percent .",2,,, 614,Financial Phrasebank,"On January 29 , 2009 The largest Nordic bank Nordea and Finnish retail chain Stockmann launched a regionally unique cooperation project : they are the first to introduce a common MasterCard credit card enabling payments in different states and stores .",1,,, 615,Financial Phrasebank,"QPR has an established international customer base , spread over 70 countries in 2009 , and a variety of organizations including banks , manufacturing companies , service companies and government authorities .",1,,, 616,Financial Phrasebank,"Selects Third Party Logistics Leader Transplace for Best-in-Class Technology , Procurement Capabilities ; Leading Specialty Packaging Manufacturer Employs Complete 3PL Solution for Supply Chain Visibility and Transportation Efficiency to Increase Service Levels and On-Time Deliveries",2,,, 617,Financial Phrasebank,4G allows customers to use mobile broadband services with speeds up to ten times higher than with today 's 3G .,2,,, 618,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Eijkens , a publisher can do much more than just publish colourful books : a publisher can provide value added to information by individualising it .",1,,, 619,Financial Phrasebank,"Based on strong customer interest and feedback , using RPM mobile phone manufacturers , operators , enterprises and developer forums can significantly increase their product and service quality , user-experience and cost-efficiency '' , Tulonen continues .",2,,, 620,Financial Phrasebank,Cameco is to provide an upfront investment of up to USD 60mn for the construction of the uranium extraction circuit .,1,,, 621,Financial Phrasebank,"CDP was established on the initiative of institutional investors ; however , the annually published results also interest an increasing number of customers and other interest groups of the reporting companies .",1,,, 622,Financial Phrasebank,The original contract was signed last summer .,1,,, 623,Financial Phrasebank,"` It is a testament to the quality of our LTE solution and our commitment to the Japanese market ' , he added .",1,,, 624,Financial Phrasebank,`` Ixonos has a rich heritage in developing leadership experiences in the smartphone segment .,2,,, 625,Financial Phrasebank,`` The acquisition of Elektros Pavara completes KONE 's market expansion strategy in the Baltic Countries .,2,,, 626,Financial Phrasebank,18 January 2010 - Finnish IT consultancy Trainers ' House Oyj HEL : TRH1V said last Friday it resolved to issue a EUR5m hybrid bond to domestic investors in a bid to strengthen its capital structure .,2,,, 627,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Oct. 15 -- Aaron Moss of Hampshire , Great Britain , has developed an ornamental design for a handset , the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office announced .",1,,, 628,Financial Phrasebank,hybrid bond 18 January 2010 - Finnish IT consultancy Trainers ' House Oyj HEL : TRH1V said last Friday it resolved to issue a EUR5m hybrid bond to domestic investors in a bid to strengthen its capital structure .,1,,, 629,Financial Phrasebank,"Repair and maintenance business accounted for net sales of EUR 645.3 mn , up from EUR 563.6 mn .",2,,, 630,Financial Phrasebank,"The money will be spent `` on strengthening the company 's competitiveness in the sphere of sawmill products and increasing the volume of wood delivered for processing in Russia , '' the release says .",2,,, 631,Financial Phrasebank,The new technology improves the glass quality and consistency while increasing throughput .,2,,, 632,Financial Phrasebank,"The reasons behind the estimate include the rise in 2008 rent levels and several fully-leased office and retail properties , which were completed and added to the company 's investment property portfolio .",1,,, 633,Financial Phrasebank,"The Vaisala Group is a successful international technology company that develops , manufactures and markets electronic measurement systems and products .",2,,, 634,Financial Phrasebank,"The Vuokatti unit will be developed to focus especially on the manufacture of prototypes , the ramp-up of new products and the demanding testing and after-sales services .",1,,, 635,Financial Phrasebank,We look forward to helping the company develop its operational services and further digitalize its services for its customers . '',2,,, 636,Financial Phrasebank,"AGJ recorded EUR 43 mln sales in 2006 , most of which was generated by exports to customers in Western Europe , the statement said .",1,,, 637,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The number of collection errors fell considerably , and operations speeded up .",2,,, 638,Financial Phrasebank,"By combining its existing solutions into a single platform , Comptel said that it has reduced the cost of deployment .",2,,, 639,Financial Phrasebank,"In the second quarter of 2010 , the group 's pretax loss narrowed to EUR 400,000 from EUR 600,000 .",2,,, 640,Financial Phrasebank,"26 January 2011 - Finnish metal products company Componenta Oyj ( HEL : CTH1V ) said yesterday its net loss narrowed to EUR500 ,000 in the last quarter of 2010 from EUR5 .3 m for the same period a year earlier .",2,,, 641,Financial Phrasebank,8 May 2009 - Finnish liquid handling products and diagnostic test systems maker Biohit Oyj ( HEL : BIOBV ) said today ( 8 May 2009 ) its net loss narrowed to EUR0 .1 m ( USD0 .14 m ) for the first quarter of 2009 from EUR0 .4 m for the same period of 2008 .,2,,, 642,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish fibers and plastic products maker Suominen Corporation said its net loss from continuing operations narrowed to 1.8 mln euro ( $ 2.3 mln ) in 2006 from 3.7 mln euro ( $ 4.8 mln ) in 2005 .,2,,, 643,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish metal products company Componenta Oyj ( HEL : CTH1V ) said today its net loss narrowed to EUR 500,000 ( USD 680,000 ) in the last quarter of 2010 from EUR 5.3 million for the same period a year earlier .",2,,, 644,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish sports equipment maker Amer Sports Oyj ( HEL : AMEAS ) said today that its net loss narrowed to EUR 16.9 million ( USD 22.3 m ) in the second quarter of 2010 from EUR 23.2 million in the corresponding period a year earlier .,2,,, 645,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish steel maker Rautaruukki Oyj ( HEL : RTRKS ) , or Ruukki , said today its net loss contracted to EUR 49 million ( USD 68.2 m ) for the first nine months of 2010 from EUR 229 million for the same period a year ago .",2,,, 646,Financial Phrasebank,"For the first nine months of 2010 , Talvivaara 's net loss narrowed to EUR 8.3 million from EUR 21.9 million for the same period of 2009 .",2,,, 647,Financial Phrasebank,"In the first nine months of 2010 , the company 's net loss narrowed to EUR 415,000 from EUR 7.4 million for the corresponding period of 2009 .",2,,, 648,Financial Phrasebank,"In the first nine months of 2010 , the company 's net loss narrowed to EUR415 ,000 from EUR7 .4 m for the corresponding period of 2009 .",2,,, 649,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Feb 9 , 2009 - Finnish computer services company Proha Oyj ( HEL : ART1V ) said today its net loss narrowed to EUR 113,000 ( USD 146,000 ) for 2008 from EUR 1.2 million for 2007 .",2,,, 650,Financial Phrasebank,The new factory working model and reorganisations would decrease Nokian Tyres ' costs in the factory by EUR 30 million ( USD 38.7 m ) .,2,,, 651,Financial Phrasebank,20 October 2010 - Finnish metal products company Componenta Oyj HEL : CTH1V said yesterday that its net loss narrowed to EUR7m for the first nine months of 2010 from EUR23 .3 m for the same period of 2009 .,2,,, 652,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish fibers and plastic products maker Suominen Corporation said its net loss narrowed to 1.6 mln euro $ 2.0 mln in the first nine months of 2006 from 2.16 mln euro $ 2.7 mln in the same period of 2005 .,2,,, 653,Financial Phrasebank,"In contrast , the company 's net loss for the third quarter of 2009 contracted to EUR 76 million from EUR 256 million for the corresponding period a year ago .",2,,, 654,Financial Phrasebank,"In the second quarter of 2010 , Raute 's net loss narrowed to EUR 123,000 from EUR 1.5 million in the same period of 2009 .",2,,, 655,Financial Phrasebank,"ADP News - Nov 13 , 2008 - Finnish printed circuit board PCB maker Aspocomp Group Oyj OMX : ACG1V said today that its net loss narrowed to EUR 2 million USD 2.5 m in the first nine months of 2008 from EUR 57",2,,, 656,Financial Phrasebank,"Metsaliitto , however , narrowed its net loss for the second quarter of 2007 to 5.0 mln euro $ 6.9 mln from 61 mln euro $ 83.7 mln a year ago .",2,,, 657,Financial Phrasebank,"narrows to EUR2 .8 m 9-mo '09 29 October 2009 - Finnish software and hardware developer Elektrobit Oyj HEL : EBG1V , or EB , said today that its net loss narrowed to EUR2 .8 m for the first nine months of 2009 from EUR35 .6 m for the same period a year ago .",2,,, 658,Financial Phrasebank,The diluted loss per share narrowed to EUR 0.27 from EUR 0.86 .,2,,, 659,Financial Phrasebank,Unit costs for flight operations fell by 6.4 percent .,2,,, 660,Financial Phrasebank,The loss for the third quarter of 2007 was EUR 0.3 mn smaller than the loss of the second quarter of 2007 .,2,,, 661,Financial Phrasebank,Airvana 's UMTS Home Base Station femto cell uses software-based functionality and off-the-shelf silicon to accelerate feature development and reduce product cost .,2,,, 662,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Sepp+ñnen , the new technology UMTS900 solution network building costs are by one-third lower than that of the building of 3.5 G networks , operating at 2,100 MHz frequency .",2,,, 663,Financial Phrasebank,The costs of the new ropax vessels are 30 % lower than those of the present ones .,2,,, 664,Financial Phrasebank,The last job losses related to these reductions will take place during 2010 .,1,,, 665,Financial Phrasebank,The program 's target is structural cost reductions of about EUR 30mn in 2009 .,2,,, 666,Financial Phrasebank,"The third quarter result also includes a 400,000 euro ( $ 575,000 ) provision for down-sizing of lure manufacturing in Ireland .",1,,, 667,Financial Phrasebank,UPM-Kymmene is working closely with its shipping agents to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions .,2,,, 668,Financial Phrasebank,"2009 3 February 2010 - Finland-based steel maker Rautaruukki Oyj ( HEL : RTRKS ) , or Ruukki , said today it slipped to a larger-than-expected pretax loss of EUR46m in the fourth quarter of 2009 from a year-earlier profit of EUR45m .",0,,, 669,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADPnews ) - Feb 3 , 2010 - Finland-based steel maker Rautaruukki Oyj ( HEL : RTRKS ) , or Ruukki , said today it slipped to a larger-than-expected pretax loss of EUR 46 million ( USD 64.5 m ) in the fourth quarter of 2009 from a",0,,, 670,Financial Phrasebank,"Result before taxes decreased to nearly EUR 14.5 mn , compared to nearly EUR 20mn in the previous accounting period .",0,,, 671,Financial Phrasebank,The company slipped to an operating loss of EUR 2.6 million from a profit of EUR 1.3 million .,0,,, 672,Financial Phrasebank,23 April 2010 - Finnish construction and engineering company Outotec Oyj HEL : OTE1V said today it slipped to a net loss of EUR7 .3 m in the first quarter of 2010 from a net profit of EUR12 .5 m in the corresponding period last year .,0,,, 673,Financial Phrasebank,Cramo slipped to a pretax loss of EUR 6.7 million from a pretax profit of EUR 58.9 million .,0,,, 674,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish IT solutions provider Affecto Oyj HEL : AFE1V said today its slipped to a net loss of EUR 115,000 USD 152,000 in the second quarter of 2010 from a profit of EUR 845,000 in the corresponding period a year earlier .",0,,, 675,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2009 , Comptel slipped to a net loss of EUR2 .1 m from a profit of EUR6 .6 m in the previous year .",0,,, 676,Financial Phrasebank,"In Q2 of 2009 , profit before taxes amounted to EUR 13.6 mn , down from EUR 26.8 mn in Q2 of 2008 .",0,,, 677,Financial Phrasebank,"ADPnews - Feb 5 , 2010 - Finnish real estate investor Sponda Oyj HEL : SDA1V said today that it slipped to a net loss of EUR 81.5 million USD 11.8 m in 2009 from a profit of EUR 29.3 million in 2008 .",0,,, 678,Financial Phrasebank,"ADPnews - Jul 17 , 2009 - Finland-based steel maker Rautaruukki Oyj Ruukki HEL : RTRKS said today it slipped to a net loss of EUR 184 million USD 259.7 m for the first half of 2009 from a net profit of EUR 2",0,,, 679,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit before taxes amounted to EUR 56.5 mn , down from EUR 232.9 mn a year ago .",0,,, 680,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit before taxes decreased by 9 % to EUR 187.8 mn in the first nine months of 2008 , compared to EUR 207.1 mn a year earlier .",0,,, 681,Financial Phrasebank,Profit before taxes decreased to EUR 31.6 mn from EUR 50.0 mn the year before .,0,,, 682,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit before taxes was EUR 4.0 mn , down from EUR 4.9 mn .",0,,, 683,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's profit before taxes fell to EUR 21.1 mn in the third quarter of 2008 , compared to EUR 35.8 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .",0,,, 684,Financial Phrasebank,"A state program has been worked out , legal provisions have been developed , and rules and normative documents have been specified for the functioning of a technological park .",1,,, 685,Financial Phrasebank,"In August-October 2010 , the company 's result before taxes totalled EUR 9.6 mn , up from EUR 0.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,,, 686,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Bore that is owned by the Rettig family has grown recently through the acquisition of smaller shipping companies .,2,,, 687,Financial Phrasebank,The plan is estimated to generate some EUR 5 million ( USD 6.5 m ) in cost savings on an annual basis .,2,,, 688,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish pharmaceuticals company Orion reports profit before taxes of EUR 70.0 mn in the third quarter of 2010 , up from EUR 54.9 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,,, 689,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Sampo Bank , of Danish Danske Bank group , reports profit before taxes of EUR 152.3 mn in 2010 , up from EUR 32.7 mn in 2009 .",2,,, 690,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit after taxes for the period was up to EUR0 .9 m , from EUR0 .01 m last year .",2,,, 691,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit before taxes was EUR 5.4 mn , up from EUR 3.6 mn a year earlier .",2,,, 692,Financial Phrasebank,Also construction expenses have gone up in Russia .,0,,, 693,Financial Phrasebank,"Neste Oil said it will build a biodiesel production facility in Rotterdam , the Netherlands , at an estimated cost of 670 million euros , naming France-based Technip as the project 's main contractor .",1,,, 694,Financial Phrasebank,The European Central Bank ECB is anticipated to raise its benchmark interest rate in the second half of 2011 at the earliest .,1,,, 695,Financial Phrasebank,11 August 2010 - Finnish measuring equipment maker Vaisala Oyj HEL : VAIAS said today that its net loss widened to EUR4 .8 m in the first half of 2010 from EUR2 .3 m in the corresponding period a year earlier .,0,,, 696,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish power supply solutions and systems provider Efore Oyj said its net loss widened to 3.2 mln euro $ 4.2 mln for the first quarter of fiscal 2006-2007 ending October 31 , 2007 from 900,000 euro $ 1.2 mln for the same period of fiscal 2005-06 .",0,,, 697,Financial Phrasebank,"ADP News - Apr 22 , 2009 - Finnish business information systems developer Solteq Oyj HEL : STQ1V said today its net loss widened to EUR 189,000 USD 245,000 for the first quarter of 2009 from EUR 10,000 for the same peri",0,,, 698,Financial Phrasebank,Salonen added that data shows producers ' pulp inventories in North America are declining . ',0,,, 699,Financial Phrasebank,The Elcoteq group recently announced that the last three months of the previous year brought to it a major loss of more than half a billion kroons ( EUR 32 mln ) for the fifth quarter running .,0,,, 700,Financial Phrasebank,"For the current year , Raute expects its net sales to increase and the operating result -- to be positive .",2,,, 701,Financial Phrasebank,"Turnover surged to EUR61 .8 m from EUR47 .6 m due to increasing service demand , especially in the third quarter , and the overall growth of its business .",2,,, 702,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , the company currently anticipates net sales to increase and the operating result to be positive .",2,,, 703,Financial Phrasebank,"Asimilar agreement was signed between China Mobile Ltd. ( SEHK : 0941 and NYSE : CHL ) , the largest mobile carrier , and theGPS and social networking service provider , promoting GyPSii service before Beijing 2008 Olympic Games , according to thelatest news .",2,,, 704,Financial Phrasebank,"`` UPM 's deliveries increased during the third quarter by 4 percent , and the efficiency of operations improved , '' Chief Executive Jussi Pesonen said .",2,,, 705,Financial Phrasebank,"Global sports equipment maker Amer Sports Corp. , whose brands include Atomic , Salomon and Wilson , saw a 64 percent increase in third-quarter net profit to EURO 47.4 million $ 65 million on strong sales and cost cuts .",2,,, 706,Financial Phrasebank,"Exports make up more than 80 per cent of our sales , so the name Glaston also reflects a truly internationally operating company , '' explains Kyro 's President & CEO Mika Seitovirta .",1,,, 707,Financial Phrasebank,"Westend ICT Plc s new 409,665,891 shares and increase of share capital with EUR 2,000,000 based on the resolutions of extraordinary shareholders meeting on 27 December 2010 have today registered in the Trade Register .",1,,, 708,Financial Phrasebank,"Due to rapid expansion , the market share of Tallink in terms of passenger carriage through Tallinna Sadam Port of Tallinn totaled 55 percent in November against 45.7 percent in November 2005 .",2,,, 709,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish industrial investor Panostaja Oyj OMX Helsinki : PNAAS OMX Helsinki : PNABS said on Friday 11 July that it has signed a deal to acquire the entire share capital of Kospa Oy , the manufacturer of waste disposal equipment .",2,,, 710,Financial Phrasebank,"Stora Enso R shares rose 1.20 pct to 11.84 eur , UPM-Kymmene was also dragged higher , rising 1.68 pct to 17.56 eur and M-Real B added 2.38 pct to 4.30 eur .",2,,, 711,Financial Phrasebank,Cash Flow from Operations for the most recent quarter also reached a eight year low .,0,,, 712,Financial Phrasebank,Both loans will be used to finance strategic investments such as shopping center redevelopment projects and refinancing of maturing debt .,2,,, 713,Financial Phrasebank,"The stock price rose 70.0 ores or 0.9 % to close at SEK77 .65 , ending a two-day streak of losses .",2,,, 714,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share ( EPS ) amounted to EUR0 .98 , up from the loss of EUR0 .02 .",2,,, 715,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share ( EPS ) were EUR0 .03 , up from the loss of EUR0 .083 .",2,,, 716,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 0.4 mn , up from an operating loss of EUR 0.8 mn year-on-year .",2,,, 717,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 7.0 mn , up from a loss of EUR 4.0 mn in the second quarter of 2009 .",2,,, 718,Financial Phrasebank,Operating result including non-recurring items rose to EUR 146mn from a loss of EUR 267mn in 2009 .,2,,, 719,Financial Phrasebank,"Tiimari , the Finnish retailer , reported to have geenrated quarterly revenues totalling EUR 1.3 mn in the 4th quarter 2009 , up from EUR 0.3 mn loss in 2008 .",2,,, 720,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share EPS amounted to EUR0 .03 , up from the loss of EUR0 .08 .",2,,, 721,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 5.8 mn , up from a loss of EUR 1.7 mn in the fourth quarter of 2009 .",2,,, 722,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit was EUR 0.6 mn , up from a loss of EUR 19mn a year earlier .",2,,, 723,Financial Phrasebank,The investments and operational changes enable additional optimisation of the working hours and thereby further cost savings of some 7 % -9 % .,2,,, 724,Financial Phrasebank,"Okmetic 's products are based on high-tech expertise that generates added value for customers , innovative product development and an extremely efficient production process .",2,,, 725,Financial Phrasebank,"Shareholder 's full name and ID code : - Petri Ailus , born 15.9.1966 For further information , please contact Isto Hantila , CEO , tel. +358 9 591 8342 .",1,,, 726,Financial Phrasebank,"9 September 2010 - Finnish stationery and gift retailer Tiimari HEL : TII1V said today its net sales rose by 2 % year-on-year to EUR5 .7 m in August 2010 , driven by growth in Finland , while demand in the Baltics remained weak .",2,,, 727,Financial Phrasebank,"By 14:29 CET on Monday , shares in Bavarian Nordic had climbed 1.21 % to DKK250 on the stock exchange in Copenhagen after having lost 7.41 % in the past month .",2,,, 728,Financial Phrasebank,"For example , net sales increased by 5.9 % from the first quarter , and EBITDA increased from a negative EUR 0.2 mn in the first quarter of 2009 .",2,,, 729,Financial Phrasebank,"Mobile phone sales rose 25 % to 5.87 billion euros , while enterprise solution sales dropped 39 % to 186 million euros .",2,,, 730,Financial Phrasebank,RISING costs have forced packaging producer Huhtamaki to axe 90 jobs at its Hampshire manufacturing plant .,0,,, 731,Financial Phrasebank,"`` However , the rapidly increasing costs and the strengthening of the euro were challenging for the whole industry , and they impacted on our results . ''",0,,, 732,Financial Phrasebank,"At this growth rate , paying off the national debt will be extremely painful .",0,,, 733,Financial Phrasebank,Operating loss increased to EUR 17mn from a loss of EUR 10.8 mn in 2005 .,0,,, 734,Financial Phrasebank,"The payment of 2.779 million litas in interest on a long-term loan provided by Ragutis ' majority shareholder , Estonia 's A. Le Coq , also added to the losses .",0,,, 735,Financial Phrasebank,"At the moment , Valio is not worried , but if the ban continues for long , it may become quite a problem .",0,,, 736,Financial Phrasebank,Sponda will record a profit from the sale of 8.5 mln euro ($ 12.4 mln).,2,,, 737,Financial Phrasebank,"Cencorp estimates that its net sales in the last quarter will be as earlier stated , EUR4 .3 m to EUR5 .0 m , and operating profit (EBIT)is estimated to be positive .",2,,, 738,Financial Phrasebank,`` Our customer has been satisfied with Basware Invoice Automation solution and extends the implementation to new geographies .,2,,, 739,Financial Phrasebank,Repeats sees 2008 EBITA above 18 pct of sales .,2,,, 740,Financial Phrasebank,` By separating side businesses we will be able to faster expand and develop Tapro retail network .,2,,, 741,Financial Phrasebank,"` Our strategic cooperation with Rentakran brings us new customers and already-working relationships with the authorities of the new territories , ' said Jarmo Laasanen , a senior manager at Cramo .",2,,, 742,Financial Phrasebank,"` Patja has worked well for us for more than a decade , and Fujitsu 's new bid was competitive .",1,,, 743,Financial Phrasebank,"`` After the share purchase is completed , financing will also be provided to expand Latvia 's broadband infrastructure and to develop new areas of business , including acquisitions of other companies . ''",2,,, 744,Financial Phrasebank,"`` In terms of profitability and earnings 2007 was the best year in our history , '' Chief Executive Veli-Matti Mattila said .",2,,, 745,Financial Phrasebank,`` The Government has had a very professional approach in assessing the offer .,2,,, 746,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The margarine business has been put into good shape in the last two years , making it a natural addition to Bunge , which is looking to leverage its position in the Central and Northern European markets , '' Raisio CEO Matti Rihko said in a statement .",2,,, 747,Financial Phrasebank,`` This is a win for all OEMs targeting to develop WiMAX products .,2,,, 748,Financial Phrasebank,"A portion , $ 12.5 million , will be recorded as part of its winnings in a prior patent dispute with Finnish phone maker Nokia Oyj .",2,,, 749,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish electronics manufacturing services company Elcoteq signing a cooperation agreement with a Japanese mobile phone manufacturer , bypasses Elcoteq Tallinn , says Jan Kotka , CEO of Elcoteq Tallinn .",2,,, 750,Financial Phrasebank,"According to A-Rehu 's Managing Director , Jouko Lahtinen , the project will stabilise costs and improve supply security .",2,,, 751,Financial Phrasebank,"According to CEO Matti Karppinen , Frozen Foods posted a good result in 2010 , as it did in 2009 .",2,,, 752,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Viking Line 's Managing Director , Nils-Erik Eklund , the company 's Board of Directors is very satisfied with Viking Line 's performance .",2,,, 753,Financial Phrasebank,Actions to improve operational efficiency and adjust operations are expected to deliver annualised permanent cost savings of around EUR 4.5 million and will be effected mostly during the first half of 2010 .,2,,, 754,Financial Phrasebank,"At the same time , sales development in Russia was boosted by the opening of Stockmann Nevsky Centre in St Petersburg .",2,,, 755,Financial Phrasebank,"Benefon , a wireless and GPS technology company , will supply Karputer with its TWIG navigation platform , a GPS satellite navigation and voice guidance service .",2,,, 756,Financial Phrasebank,"Biohit and VWR have been in close cooperation for a number of years in the US , where Biohit is one of VWR 's focus suppliers .",2,,, 757,Financial Phrasebank,Combining this deep domain expertise with our Application Service Management ASM and outsourcing service offerings has now proved to be a winning combination .,2,,, 758,Financial Phrasebank,Demand was brisk as expected and order levels have remained high .,2,,, 759,Financial Phrasebank,"During the past decade it has gradually divested noncore assets and bought several sports equipment makers , including California-based Fitness Products International and Sparks , Nevada-based ATEC , a leading maker of baseball and softball pitching machines .",2,,, 760,Financial Phrasebank,Espoon kaupunki awarded contracts for personal care products .,2,,, 761,Financial Phrasebank,"Exports accounted for 65.4 % of net sales , representing an all time record for the company .",2,,, 762,Financial Phrasebank,Finland 's Poyry Energy has won a contract to advise builders of a new cogeneration power plant in Lithuania 's second-biggest city of Kaunas and to supervise the construction process .,2,,, 763,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish construction company YIT Oyj said on November 13 , 2007 it won a 70 mln euro $ 102.8 mln contract to construct the new office building for local property company Tapiola Real Estate Oy .",2,,, 764,Financial Phrasebank,In 2005 Cargotec 's net sales exceeded EUR 2.3 billion .,1,,, 765,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2006 , Kone received an order from Aker Yards to supply 43 customised elevators for the very first Genesis cruise ship which is scheduled to be completed in 2009 .",2,,, 766,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to fireplace exports , demand for lining stone has exceeded the level of the earlier part of the year and will continue to be clearly brisker for the remainder of the year .",2,,, 767,Financial Phrasebank,Kalmar has been awarded a new 5-year contract to supply its Rough Terrain Container Handler RTCH .,2,,, 768,Financial Phrasebank,Major Order in India Comptel Corporation has received a significant long-term order for mediation and provisioning solutions being used by a leading operator in India .,2,,, 769,Financial Phrasebank,Managing Director Kari Inkinen says that Sponda 's leasing operations developed highly favourably .,2,,, 770,Financial Phrasebank,Net cash flow from operations is expected to remain positive .,2,,, 771,Financial Phrasebank,"Of the price , Kesko 's share is 10 mln euro $ 15.5 mln and it will recognize a gain of 4.0 mln euro $ 6.2 mln on the disposal which will be included in the result for the second quarter of 2008 .",2,,, 772,Financial Phrasebank,Olvi has posted a strong set of figures for the first six months of this year .,2,,, 773,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit improved by 27 % to EUR 579.8 mn from EUR 457.2 mn in 2006 .,2,,, 774,Financial Phrasebank,Our standardised services have met with a positive reception among our customers as well as at Itella .,2,,, 775,Financial Phrasebank,Performance in the second half of 2009 exceeded expectations .,2,,, 776,Financial Phrasebank,Ponsse projects the forest machine markets to improve more than expected in 2010 from the previous year .,2,,, 777,Financial Phrasebank,"Ragutis , which is based in Lithuania 's second-largest city Kaunas , boosted its sales last year 22.3 per cent to 36.4 million liters .",2,,, 778,Financial Phrasebank,"Raisio 's bid to buy Glisten is a `` win-win '' deal for both companies , the chairman of the UK snacks firm told just-food today 10 February .",2,,, 779,Financial Phrasebank,Stora Enso owns 43 percent of Bergvik and earns therefore SEK 1.5 bn on the value appreciation .,2,,, 780,Financial Phrasebank,Talvivaara also maintains its assumption of turning cash flow positive before the year end .,2,,, 781,Financial Phrasebank,"Thanksto improvements in demand and the adjustments we have made , theutilization rates of Cramo 's fleet have substantiallyimproved . ''",2,,, 782,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition is expected to improve access to chrome ore resources in Turkey .,2,,, 783,Financial Phrasebank,The aim is an annual improvement in Ruukki Construction 's operating profit of more than EUR 3 million USD 4.1 m starting in 2009 .,2,,, 784,Financial Phrasebank,"The company estimates that the trend in demand for sports equipment will be steady in 2006 , '' Amer 's report said .",2,,, 785,Financial Phrasebank,The estimated synergy benefits are at least EUR7m annually .,2,,, 786,Financial Phrasebank,The goal will be achieved via organic growth possibly supplemented by acquisitions .,1,,, 787,Financial Phrasebank,The objective of the planned measures is to achieve significant savings in the next few years .,2,,, 788,Financial Phrasebank,The rebuilds are designed to improve the machines ' performance and product quality .,2,,, 789,Financial Phrasebank,"The transaction will have a positive impact of around EUR2m on earnings , which Ruukki will recognize during the fourth quarter of this year .",2,,, 790,Financial Phrasebank,"When the situation normalises , the company will be able to increase the amount of residential units for sale in St Petersburg and Moscow , in particular .",2,,, 791,Financial Phrasebank,"` This is a repeat order to follow successfully installed 159 elevators in the same Delhi metro system , ' Kone spokeswoman told Thomson Financial News .",2,,, 792,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Our customers now have the chance to make bookings for all the services they want at one location , '' said Mikko Tuomainen , in-charge of Finnair 's Internet ( sales ) .",2,,, 793,Financial Phrasebank,`` Stonesoft sees great promise in the future of IPv6 .,2,,, 794,Financial Phrasebank,`` The combined activities will create value for shareholders and be good for our employees and customers .,2,,, 795,Financial Phrasebank,`` The trend in the sports and leisure markets was favorable in the first months of the year .,2,,, 796,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We continued actively to focus R&D and to position our offering away from point solutions towards dynamic end-to-end solutions , '' Ervio stated .",2,,, 797,Financial Phrasebank,16 February 2011 - Finnish industrial machinery company Metso Oyj ( HEL : MEO1V ) said today it will deliver minerals processing equipment and basic engineering to Canadian miner Northland Resources ( OSL : NAUR ) ( TSE : NAU ) .,2,,, 798,Financial Phrasebank,27 January 2011 - Finnish IT solutions provider Affecto Oyj ( HEL : AFE1V ) said today it has won a EUR1 .2 m ( USD1 .6 m ) contract from state-owned Lithuanian Social Insurance Institution ( SODRA ) .,2,,, 799,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish pension insurance company Varma , Varma was the recipient of over two thirds of the revenue of the earnings-related pension cover that was under competitive tendering in Finland .",2,,, 800,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish construction group Lemmink+ñinen has been awarded two road building contracts by the Lithuanian transport administration .,2,,, 801,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish construction group YIT has been awarded a contract to install heating , air conditioning and cooling systems to the new head office of the automobile association ADAC in Munich in Germany .",2,,, 802,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish flexible packaging manufacturer Suominen Corporation reports net sales of EUR 54.5 mn in the first quarter of 2008 , compared with EUR 54.3 mn a year earlier .",2,,, 803,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish forest machinery manufacturer Ponsse has agreed with Volvo on the start of cooperation in Latin America .,2,,, 804,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Metso Paper has been awarded a contract for the rebuild of Sabah Forest Industries ' ( SFI ) pulp mill in Sabah , Malaysia .",2,,, 805,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Metso Paper has won an order to supply an uncoated fine paper machine to MCC Paper Yinhe , in China .",2,,, 806,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Outokumpu Technology has been awarded several new grinding technology contracts .,2,,, 807,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Rautaruukki has been awarded a contract to supply and install steel superstructures for the Partihallsf+Ârbindelsen bridge in Gothenburg in Sweden .,2,,, 808,Financial Phrasebank,"Lule+Ñ municipality has awarded YIT a 2-year contract , for property management of about one third of the municipality 's properties , with a total area of 140,000 sq. metres .",2,,, 809,Financial Phrasebank,"The shopping center to be opened in St. Petersburg , Russia in November 2010 will turn the cash flow of Finnish department store chain Stockmann 's Russian operations positive for the first time in 2011 .",2,,, 810,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Atria 's President and CEO Matti Tikkakoski , the company 's Swedish operations significantly improved in the first quarter .",2,,, 811,Financial Phrasebank,"According to CEO Kai Telanne , the company 's newspapers achieved the best financial result ever .",2,,, 812,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Kesko , the company agreed with the city administration about lease of the building in 2006 , its resettlement and construction of a five-star hotel Hilton for 120 rooms .",2,,, 813,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Nordic financial group Nordea 's analyst Sami Sarkamies , this makes Nokia 's portfolio competitive again .",2,,, 814,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Ringman , Finnish paper companies have acquired know-how and capacity in paper recycling , which has turned out to be a successful strategy .",2,,, 815,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Schmardin , Nordea will most likely try to win customers over from other pension fund providers .",2,,, 816,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the CEO of Nordea Bank Estonia Vahur Kraft , Nordea Finland and Stockmann have been cooperating for more than ten years .",2,,, 817,Financial Phrasebank,"Adanac Molybdenum of Canada has ordered grinding technology for its molybdenum project in British Columbia , Canada , while Shalkiya Zinc of Kazakhstan has awarded a contract for grinding technology for the Shalkiya zinc-lead project in Kazakhstan .",2,,, 818,Financial Phrasebank,All of Raisio 's divisions recorded an operating profit .,2,,, 819,Financial Phrasebank,"An estimated 30 pct of mobile calls are made from the home , and France Telecom hopes that 15 pct of its Orange clients will sign up for the service by the end of 2008 .",1,,, 820,Financial Phrasebank,"And the broker repeated its ` buy ' rating , based on expectations that current restructuring will lead to a clear improvement in performance in Europe in 2007 .",2,,, 821,Financial Phrasebank,"Arvo Vuorenmaa , the Loviisa plant 's general manager said the application for the new licence was a `` standard '' procedure and that he was `` quite confident '' about approval being granted .",2,,, 822,Financial Phrasebank,"As a domestic business , Best-In is already close to Finnish dog owners .",2,,, 823,Financial Phrasebank,"BasWare 's CEO Ilkka Sihvo comments in conjunction with the Interim Report : `` As a whole , BasWare succeeded well in the second quarter of 2007 .",2,,, 824,Financial Phrasebank,Cash flow from operating activities is estimated to be positive .,2,,, 825,Financial Phrasebank,Cision says the sale will return its U.K. operation to profitability .,2,,, 826,Financial Phrasebank,"Citigroup , Inc ( NYSE : C ) has announced that its Global Transaction Services ( GTS ) business has been awarded a new mandate by Finland-based Pohjola Bank Group .",2,,, 827,Financial Phrasebank,"Comptel , a vendor of dynamic Operations Support System ( OSS ) software , has been selected by Orascom Telecom ( OTH ) as partner for provisioning and activation solutions for mobile services .",2,,, 828,Financial Phrasebank,"Department store sales improved by 14 % to EUR 1,070.6 mn .",2,,, 829,Financial Phrasebank,DMASIA-16 August 2006-Benefon extends manufacturing capability with ASMobile -® 2006 & DMA Ltd. .,2,,, 830,Financial Phrasebank,"Finland 's national carrier Finnair PLC carried a record 8.5 million passengers in 2005 , an increase of 4.5 percent on the previous year , the airline reported Tuesday .",2,,, 831,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnair PLC carried a record 8.8 million passengers in 2006 , an increase of 3.5 percent on the previous year , the Finnish national carrier reported Tuesday .",2,,, 832,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish consulting and engineering group Poyry Plc ( OMX Helsinki : POY ) said on Wednesday ( 1 October ) that it has been awarded a contract by Tanqia Dibba FZC as owner-engineer for the wastewater system of Dibba , Emirate of Fujairah , UAE .",2,,, 833,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish financial solutions developer Basware Corporation ( OMX Helsinki BAS1V ) said on Tuesday ( 23 September ) that it will deliver a complete Invoice Automation solution to a large US engineering , construction and technical services organization .",2,,, 834,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish handling systems company Cargotec Oyj ( HEL : CGCBV ) said today that it won a EUR 13 million ( USD 16.6 m ) contract to deliver MacGregor hatch covers for ships ordered by Norwegian shipowner Grieg Shipping .,2,,, 835,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish operator Elisa and Aker Yards have signed a long-term service deal through which Elisa will deliver all necessary voice and data services for Aker Yards in Finland .,2,,, 836,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish steel maker Rautaruukki Oyj ( Ruukki ) said on July 7 , 2008 that it won a 9.0 mln euro ( $ 14.1 mln ) contract to supply and install steel superstructures for Partihallsforbindelsen bridge project in Gothenburg , western Sweden .",2,,, 837,Financial Phrasebank,"Fiskars has a strong portfolio of international brands , which include Fiskars , Iittala , Gerber , Silva and Buster .",2,,, 838,Financial Phrasebank,"For Teleste , the acquisition marks an entry into services business in a market where it has long been an established and significant supplier of products .",2,,, 839,Financial Phrasebank,"Forestries were also higher , driven by yesterday 's bullish analyst comment on Stora Enso in Dagens Industri , dealers said .",2,,, 840,Financial Phrasebank,"Furthermore , efficiency improvement measures initiated earlier are now bearing fruit , '' CEO Jan Lang said .",2,,, 841,Financial Phrasebank,Global Banking News - 28 September 2010 Tieto Corporation and Pohjola Bank ( PINK : POJLF ) are to cooperate on SWIFT services .,2,,, 842,Financial Phrasebank,Hearst will be able to consolidate about 20 % of all Russian market for advertising in press after the purchase .,2,,, 843,Financial Phrasebank,"Helsingin Uutiset , Vantaan Sanomat and Lansivayla reach some 385,000 readers , or more than 40 % of the consumers in the greater Helsinki region .",2,,, 844,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Metso said it will upgrade one of UPM-Kymmene 's four paper machines at the latter 's mill in Jaemsaenkoski with a new coating color supply system , machine and process controls and quality measurements .",2,,, 845,Financial Phrasebank,"However , Simdax will remain available in the markets where it already has been approved as it has marketing authorisations or submitted applications in more than 40 countries , Orion added .",2,,, 846,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the broker gave an `` outperform '' recommendation on the stock .",2,,, 847,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the total orders received will still be above last year s levels .",2,,, 848,Financial Phrasebank,"In accordance with our strategy , we strengthened our local presence by establishing a representative office in South Africa in October .",2,,, 849,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , Lehdentekijat Oy will start producing a new membership magazine , Viisas Raha ( Wise Money ) for the Association .",2,,, 850,Financial Phrasebank,"In future , the company intends to look for know-how from outside the company and to cooperate with other actors in the sector .",2,,, 851,Financial Phrasebank,Industry Investment is very interested in Glaston 's solar energy projects .,2,,, 852,Financial Phrasebank,It also has potential clients in the growing environmental and recycling technology sectors .,1,,, 853,Financial Phrasebank,It is now the leading private road ambulance service company in Finland .,2,,, 854,Financial Phrasebank,"Known as Post Bank , the concept would see Fidelity Bank rolling out 75 offices in Ghana Post premises , to provide financial services to the people .",2,,, 855,Financial Phrasebank,"Kone 's factory located at Ayanambakkam , a suburb to the west of Chennai , is a fully integrated facility which gives it the capability to address costs .",2,,, 856,Financial Phrasebank,Last year SysOpen Digia invested in IBM product know-how in the building of portal and trading place systems and successfully implemented customer solutions supported by it .,2,,, 857,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Oct 1 , 2008 - Finnish consulting and engineering company Poyry Oyj ( OMX : POY1V ) said today it was awarded a EUR 5.2 million ( USD 7.4 m ) extension to their existing consultancy engineering contract with Venezuel",2,,, 858,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Oct 31 , 2008 - Finnish food company Raisio Oyj ( OMX : RAIVV ) said today that its net profit jumped to EUR 16.4 million ( USD 20.9 m ) for the first nine months of 2008 from EUR 1.1 million for the same period of 2",2,,, 859,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Sep 30 , 2008 - Finnish security and privacy software solutions developer Stonesoft Oyj said today that it won a USD 1.9 million ( EUR 1.3 m ) order to deliver its StoneGate network security products to an unnamed Russian te",2,,, 860,Financial Phrasebank,"Meanwhile , Electrowatt-Ekono Philippines , Inc. was also awarded a three-year operation and maintenance ( O&M ) contract by FR Cement Corporation .",2,,, 861,Financial Phrasebank,"Meanwhile , Nokia said that it will be able to deliver a complete range of services from deployment operations to consulting and integration to managed services as a result of the buyout .",2,,, 862,Financial Phrasebank,Metso Paper 's delivery will comprise an Advantage DCT 200 tissue machine including quality control and distributed control systems ( QCS-DCS ) .,1,,, 863,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales in 2007 totalled EUR 329 million and the operating margin was above 19 % .,1,,, 864,Financial Phrasebank,"Nevertheless , Fitch notes that the business fundamentals of the three banks currently remain sound .",2,,, 865,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia controls more than 50 percent of phone sales in India and Africa , and has a strong prosition on most other emerging markets .",2,,, 866,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia will provide Indosat turnkey services , including civil works , network planning , implementation and integration of a WCDMA 3G-HSPA network .",1,,, 867,Financial Phrasebank,NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-26 June 2006-Metso Corporation wins EUR50m equipment order in Australia -® 1998-2006 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD The Finnish engineering and technology group Metso Corporation said on Monday ( 26 June ) that it has received a EUR50m equipment order in Australia .,2,,, 868,Financial Phrasebank,"Of the sales price , a sales gain of some 3.1 mln euro ( $ 4.5 mln ) will be recognized in Incap 's earnings for 2007 .",2,,, 869,Financial Phrasebank,Outotec 's net profit for the second quarter of 2007 jumped to 16.8 mln euro ( $ 23.1 mln ) from 4.6 mln euro ( $ 6.3 mln ) a year ago .,2,,, 870,Financial Phrasebank,Panostaja Oyj s ( Panostaja ) Board of Directors decided on 16 December 2010 on a new long-term incentive and commitment plan for members of the management team .,2,,, 871,Financial Phrasebank,"Pioneer Library System was one of 127 libraries , municipalities , arts , culture and higher education and science organizations to have been awarded grants to participate in The Big Read , the largest federal reading program in U.S. history .",2,,, 872,Financial Phrasebank,Pretax profit jumped to EUR 21.9 million from EUR 3.1 million .,2,,, 873,Financial Phrasebank,"Profitability ( EBIT % ) was 13.9 % , compared to 13.1 % in the previous-year period .",2,,, 874,Financial Phrasebank,Raute Corporation has received orders worth over EUR 12 million from OOO Ilim Bratsk DOK in Russia .,2,,, 875,Financial Phrasebank,"Recovery has been evident in the liquid handling business , particularly in areas outside Europe and primarily in North America and Asia .",2,,, 876,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales improved to SEK 1,553 mn , compared with SEK 1,408 mn .",2,,, 877,Financial Phrasebank,"Savon koulutuskuntayhtyma , Finland based company has awarded contract for specialist agricultural or forestry machinery .",2,,, 878,Financial Phrasebank,SKF 6 April 2010 - Alandsbanken has given a `` buy '' recommendation on Swedish industrial company SKF AB ( STO : SKF B ) with a share price target of SEK150 .,2,,, 879,Financial Phrasebank,Sony Ericsson and Nokia dominated the list of best-selling handsets with five models each .,2,,, 880,Financial Phrasebank,"Speaking to just-drinks today , a spokesperson for Olvi said : `` We have performed very well in all four countries we operate in - namely , Finland , Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania . ''",2,,, 881,Financial Phrasebank,Sports equipment sales also progressed well owing to the prolonged winter season .,2,,, 882,Financial Phrasebank,Stockmann MasterCard has widened the scope of this cooperation to Estonia and Latvia .,2,,, 883,Financial Phrasebank,Stora Enso will record a capital gain of EUR 33 million as a non-recurring financial item in its fourth quarter 2006 results .,1,,, 884,Financial Phrasebank,TELE2 Affarsvarlden gave a `` buy '' recommendation on mobile operator Tele2 AB and a share price target of 142 crowns ( $ 23.54 - 15.19 euro ) .,2,,, 885,Financial Phrasebank,That topped consensus forecasts for earnings of 0.21 euros a share .,2,,, 886,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition of Kaupthing Sverige will bring a significant positive non-recurring addition to the group 's performance .,2,,, 887,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition will have an immediate positive impact on Aspocomp 's financial result .,2,,, 888,Financial Phrasebank,The amending of the proposal simplifies the proposed plan and increases the incentive for key employees to stay in the Company .,2,,, 889,Financial Phrasebank,"The Australian company Mirabela Nickel has awarded Outokumpu Technology a contract for grinding technology for its nickel sulfide project in Bahia State , Brazil .",2,,, 890,Financial Phrasebank,"The broker has initiated both Palfinger AG and Konecranes OYJ with ` buy ' recommendations , with 51 and 42 eur price targets respectively .",2,,, 891,Financial Phrasebank,"The buyer aims to thus reinforce its position in Denmark , Martela Group managing director Heikki Martela said .",2,,, 892,Financial Phrasebank,The companies have agreed on long-term cooperation to mechanise harvesting in Stora Enso 's eucalyptus plantations in Southern China .,2,,, 893,Financial Phrasebank,The company aims to maintain this trend in profitability during the current year .,2,,, 894,Financial Phrasebank,The company also said that in Poland a profitability program has been launched at the Oborniki steel frame and sandwich panel plant .,2,,, 895,Financial Phrasebank,"The company has established a 3G base station at about 17,000 feet at the foot of Mount Everest that will enable mountain climbers at the 29,035-foot summit to surf the Internet and even send videos of their exploits .",2,,, 896,Financial Phrasebank,The company is also featured in the Ethibel Pioneer Investment Register and included in Innovest 's Global 100 list of the world 's most sustainable corporations .,2,,, 897,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's goal is to achieve annual savings of EUR 2 million ( USD 2.7 m ) , of which two thirds are to be realized in 2010 .",2,,, 898,Financial Phrasebank,The company said it observed a current stabilisation in prices and there is potential for higher prices for deliveries in the first quarter of 2011 .,2,,, 899,Financial Phrasebank,The company will also be compensated for acting as a reserve batch plant .,2,,, 900,Financial Phrasebank,The Group also has a strong global position in other fishing categories .,2,,, 901,Financial Phrasebank,The Group 's cash flow from operations will be positive .,2,,, 902,Financial Phrasebank,The mill has long traditions and holds an established position in the markets .,2,,, 903,Financial Phrasebank,"The move is aimed at boosting sales , cost-efficiency and market share in Finland .",2,,, 904,Financial Phrasebank,The newspapers of Alma Media and Arena Partners will enter a cooperation agreement on using Alma 's marketplace services in their respective regions .,1,,, 905,Financial Phrasebank,"The original name Componenta +àm+Ñl , as a subsidiary of the Finnish Componenta Group , has been changed to +àm+Ñl Components and the company has seen a 63 % growth in Q1 2010 , in comparison to Q1 2009 .",2,,, 906,Financial Phrasebank,The parties have also agreed on options that allow UH to extensively implement later on also functionalities of human resources management .,2,,, 907,Financial Phrasebank,"The pilot project proved that RIFD technology is ideal for our purposes '' , comments Olli Saarinen , Material Handling Supervisor at Yara .",2,,, 908,Financial Phrasebank,"The planned facility , estimated to cost around $ 814 million , would be the largest biodiesel plant in the world , and use palm oil certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil ( RSPO ) .",2,,, 909,Financial Phrasebank,This combined with foreign investments creates interesting opportunities for Solteq .,2,,, 910,Financial Phrasebank,"This is Done Logistics ' largest order in Norway , the diversified group said .",2,,, 911,Financial Phrasebank,This resulted in improved sales figures in Sweden .,2,,, 912,Financial Phrasebank,"To choose BasWare as the tools for our Financial Service seemed like a natural continuation of our cooperation '' , says Tommi Leskinen , Financial Applications Manager , Neste Oil Corporation .",1,,, 913,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the agreement GeoSentric will provide GyPSii-powered hotel information and reservation services to visitors to China , including such popular cities as Beijing and Shanghai .",2,,, 914,Financial Phrasebank,"Vaisala also said it expects net sales of EUR 253.2 million for 2010 , compared with EUR 252.2 million recorded in 2009 .",2,,, 915,Financial Phrasebank,Validating our fgVoIP client through Symbian Signed represents a significant step forward in accomplishing this goal .,2,,, 916,Financial Phrasebank,"Wartsila won the contract in October 2007 and the plant will be installed at Manturovo in the Kostroma region of Russia , about 600 km northeast of Moscow , Russia .",2,,, 917,Financial Phrasebank,"We are honored to be recognized by Gartner as a specialist in Business Process Modeling and Analysis , in the company of many of the largest software vendors in the world .",2,,, 918,Financial Phrasebank,We are now in a position to pursue novel clinical candidates going forward . '',2,,, 919,Financial Phrasebank,- UPM-Kymmene upgraded to ` in-line ' from ` underperform ' by Goldman Sachs .,2,,, 920,Financial Phrasebank,`` Consumers have very well received our packed fresh meat .,2,,, 921,Financial Phrasebank,`` Demand for sports equipment was good in 2005 .,2,,, 922,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Last year , Finnair recorded a 32.6-percent growth on the Asian sector , carrying more than 1.10 million passengers between the two continents . ''",2,,, 923,Financial Phrasebank,`` The additional flight linking Mumbai with Helsinki was dictated by the strong traffic demand between Asia and Europe .,2,,, 924,Financial Phrasebank,`` The lowering of prices by us and by our competitors shows that the real estate market has stabilised and returned into balance and apartments are acquiring a fair price in the eyes of our clients .,2,,, 925,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The new structure provides better communication , faster decision-making and cost savings , '' Proha said .",2,,, 926,Financial Phrasebank,"`` This contract demonstrates our ability to apply our minerals and metals technologies in adjacent industries , such as oil shale processing .",2,,, 927,Financial Phrasebank,`` We are pleased to deliver the Basware Invoice Automation solution to a major retail company in the US .,2,,, 928,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We have tailored our solutions to meet Solel 's technical requirements , and the result is both cost-effective manufacturing and highest-quality reflectors . ''",2,,, 929,Financial Phrasebank,`` We 've been feeling quite positive about the region as a whole .,2,,, 930,Financial Phrasebank,21 December 2010 - Finnish industrial machinery company Wartsila Oyj Abp HEL : WRT1V said yesterday it had won an order to design a liquefied natural gas LNG powered platform supply vessel PSV for Norwegian oil service provider Eidesvik Offshore ASA OSL : EIOF .,2,,, 931,Financial Phrasebank,Finlan 's listed food industry company HKScan Group controlled companies in the Baltics improved revenues by EUR 3.5 mn to EUR 160.4 mn in 2010 from EUR 156.9 mn in the year before .,2,,, 932,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish airline Finnair has won a deal with the UK public sector to be the official airline for flights from London Heathrow to Osaka in Japan , as well as flights between Manchester in the UK and Helsinki in Finland .",2,,, 933,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Cargotec has been awarded a significant order for a total of 292 Hiab loader cranes by BAE Systems in the US .,2,,, 934,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Cargotec 's Kalmar has received a significant order from the US Department of Defense .,2,,, 935,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Outotec has been awarded a contract to supply a new zinc roaster with gas cleaning and sulphuric acid plant for the OZK Kardzhali zinc smelter in Bulgaria .,2,,, 936,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish P+Âyry has been awarded an engineering contract by CFR , the national railway company of Romania .",2,,, 937,Financial Phrasebank,"According to a report by Neomarkka , Kuitu Finland 's customers are interested in buying the company 's products when it restarts production .",2,,, 938,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , the distribution companies will start to distribute , in addition to their current product offering , Shimano reels , rods and other Shimano fishing tackle products on an exclusive basis .",2,,, 939,Financial Phrasebank,Cargotec Germany GmbH has been awarded a contract by Stadtverwaltung Mainz for chassis bodies under Open procedure .,2,,, 940,Financial Phrasebank,CEO Erkki J+ñrvinen is happy with the company 's performance in 2010 .,2,,, 941,Financial Phrasebank,Deliveries have started and the network will be ready for a launch soon .,2,,, 942,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share for the quarter were also higher year-on-year at 0.33 eur versus 0.27 , and above market expectations of 0.28 eur .",2,,, 943,Financial Phrasebank,"EBITDA for the year 2009 improved to EUR484m , as compared with EUR472m in 2008 .",2,,, 944,Financial Phrasebank,"Estonian telecoms company Elisa 's customer numbers cross 400,000 TALLINN , Oct 22 , BNS - The Estonian telecommunications company Elisa won approximately 50,000 new clients in the nine months of this year , bringing the number to 401,800 by the end of September , the company said .",2,,, 945,Financial Phrasebank,"Exel Composites ' long-term growth prospects remain favourable , however .",2,,, 946,Financial Phrasebank,fi is developing cooperation in keyword advertising with Microsoft .,2,,, 947,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish construction group Lemminkainen Oyj HEL : LEM1S said today it has won a contract to provide technical services for the Nevsky Centre shopping mall to be opened in November in St Petersburg , Russia .",2,,, 948,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish mobile operator DNA will function as a subcontractor to Maingate and will be responsible for telecommunications connections .,2,,, 949,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish software developer Basware Oyj said on November 30 , 2006 its U.S. subsidiary Basware , Inc. won an order to provide software for contract lifecycle management to an unnamed U.S. medical technology company .",2,,, 950,Financial Phrasebank,"Honka 's subsidiaries in France and Germany will also benefit by , for example , arranging customer events in conjunction with World Cup skiing competitions .",1,,, 951,Financial Phrasebank,"However , sales volumes in the food industry are expected to remain at relatively good levels in Finland and in Scandinavia , Atria said .",2,,, 952,Financial Phrasebank,Incap and Lankapaja aim to enter into actual agreement to transfer the sheet-metal production to the buyer in February in order to complete the transfer on 1 March 2011 .,2,,, 953,Financial Phrasebank,Mr Kivimeister said John Deer former Timberjack stands to win in the situation : it controls around 60 % of Estonia 's forest machinery market .,2,,, 954,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia and Elisa will work together to bring a superior mobile gaming experience for Elisa customers .,2,,, 955,Financial Phrasebank,Nordea sees a return to positive growth for the Baltic countries in 2011 .,2,,, 956,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit improved by 16.7 % to EUR 7.7 mn .,2,,, 957,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit improved by 39.9 % to EUR 18.0 mn from EUR12 .8 mn .,2,,, 958,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit improved by 44.0 % to ER 4.7 mn from EUR 3.3 mn in 2004 .,2,,, 959,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit improved to EUR 20.3 mn from EUR 11.4 mn .,2,,, 960,Financial Phrasebank,Outokumpu 's chief executive Juha Rantanen expressed his confidence in China market .,2,,, 961,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , the company anticipated its operating profit to improve over the same period .",2,,, 962,Financial Phrasebank,Productional situation has now improved .,2,,, 963,Financial Phrasebank,Rautaruukki said construction group YIT has awarded it a 2.5 mln eur contract to supply the steel structures for a new bridge spanning the Kemijoki river in Northern Finland .,2,,, 964,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales came in at 241 mln eur , compared with 211.4 mln , and also beating consensus forecasts of 235 mln eur .",2,,, 965,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales VAT inclusive expanded by 19 percent , to 351 million euros .",2,,, 966,Financial Phrasebank,Strong growth has continued also in China .,2,,, 967,Financial Phrasebank,Synergy benefits will start to materialise in the second quarter .,2,,, 968,Financial Phrasebank,Teleste and Sentry 360 have formed an integration partnership between Sentry s advanced 360-degree immersive camera product line and Teleste s enterprise video management systems .,2,,, 969,Financial Phrasebank,"Thanks to the multiplying effect of wagon performance , transport will be much more efficient , '' says development manager Juha Malkia from VR Cargo .",2,,, 970,Financial Phrasebank,The ` buy ' recommendation was reiterated .,2,,, 971,Financial Phrasebank,The aim is to achieve EUR 2.5 mn yearly savings .,2,,, 972,Financial Phrasebank,The borrower was happy to do the roadshow and this paid off as the hit ratio from it was high .,2,,, 973,Financial Phrasebank,"The company , which makes garden tools , scissors and other consumer goods , said earnings were boosted by 6.9 mln eur of income it received from its 16.7 pct shareholding in Finnish engineering group Wartsila .",2,,, 974,Financial Phrasebank,The company anticipates its turnover for the whole 2010 to surpass that of the previous year when it was EUR 67.1 million .,2,,, 975,Financial Phrasebank,The company negotiated an amendment to the financial covenants of the present credit agreements in regard to the situation on 30 September 2010 .,1,,, 976,Financial Phrasebank,The EPS improved to EUR0 .38 from EUR0 .27 .,2,,, 977,Financial Phrasebank,The expansion aims to attract new customers both in Finland and abroad .,2,,, 978,Financial Phrasebank,The Federal Secretary for Transport and Communication of Mexico has awarded Poyry and its Mexican partner Sintra a consulting contract in connection with the Buenavista-Cuautitlan suburban railway .,2,,, 979,Financial Phrasebank,"The financial impact is estimated to be an annual improvement of EUR2 .0 m in the division 's results , as of fiscal year 2008 .",2,,, 980,Financial Phrasebank,"The financial impact is estimated to be some 1.5 MEUR annual improvement in the division 's result , starting from fiscal year 2007 .",2,,, 981,Financial Phrasebank,The Finnish group anticipates a sales gain of EUR42m after tax and expenses .,2,,, 982,Financial Phrasebank,"The launch of the plant in June went well , and it has been producing the advanced fuel for a couple of weeks .",2,,, 983,Financial Phrasebank,The parties have agreed to negotiate definitive distribution and license agreements by the end of June 2010 .,2,,, 984,Financial Phrasebank,The rationalization of the operations seeks to achieve over EUR 1 million in yearly savings as from the second quarter of the current financial year .,2,,, 985,Financial Phrasebank,"The sale , which will result in a gain of some EUR 60 million in the second quarter of 2010 for Oriola-KD , supports the Finnish company 's strategy to focus on pharmaceutical wholesale and retail operations .",2,,, 986,Financial Phrasebank,The stock of new machines is reasonably small and new orders bring work .,2,,, 987,Financial Phrasebank,The third order awarded to Outokumpu Technology is by Shalkiya Zinc of Kazakhstan for the Shalkiya zinc-lead project in Kazakhstan .,2,,, 988,Financial Phrasebank,These companies will be able to keep their market positions .,2,,, 989,Financial Phrasebank,This acquisition supports our strategy of being close to our customers all around the world offering both equipment and related services .,2,,, 990,Financial Phrasebank,This lays a foundation for sustainable business development for the long term .,1,,, 991,Financial Phrasebank,"Turun kaupunkin , Finland based company has awarded contract to Lemminkainen Talotekniikka Oy for electrical installation work .",2,,, 992,Financial Phrasebank,The world 's biggest magazine paper maker said the program to improve efficiency will include closing several of its least competitive mills and would cover all the company 's operations resulting in annual savings of some euro200 million US$ 240 million .,2,,, 993,Financial Phrasebank,These moderate but significant changes resulted in a significant 24-32 % reduction in the estimated CVD risk .,2,,, 994,Financial Phrasebank,Uponor improved its performance in spite of the decrease in residential construction in the US .,2,,, 995,Financial Phrasebank,The inventor was issued U.S. Patent No. .,1,,, 996,Financial Phrasebank,"Israeli cable network operator HOT Telecom has chosen Teleste , an international technology group , as its exclusive provider of FTTx equipment in Israel , according to Teleste today .",2,,, 997,Financial Phrasebank,Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release 4 May 2010 at 8.30 a.m. INCAP CORPORATION 'S DIRECTED SHARE ISSUE WAS SUBSCRIBED IN FULL The Board of Incap Corporation has approved the subscriptions of directed share issue .,1,,, 998,Financial Phrasebank,"Amer Sports divests an industrial site in Rumilly , France - This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients .",1,,, 999,Financial Phrasebank,"Simultaneously , his responsibility area is extended from legal affairs to cover also mergers and acquisitions .",1,,, 1000,Financial Phrasebank,The Board of Directors has proposed the Extraordinary General Meeting to authorise the Board to decide on the issuance of a maximum of 30mn new shares in one or more share issues .,1,,, 1001,Financial Phrasebank,`` BG Crane has been a strong partner for Hiab in Australia for many years .,1,,, 1002,Financial Phrasebank,"Once your plants are in the ground they will continue to grow , but the success of any garden lies in how well it 's maintained .",1,,, 1003,Financial Phrasebank,"The purchase of sites worth 300 million in the Thames Gateway will provide more than 1,200 homes .",1,,, 1004,Financial Phrasebank,"Poyry 's contract includes engineering management , civil and detail engineering services , and time scheduling and procurement services .",1,,, 1005,Financial Phrasebank,"The Group brand portfolio includes the leading brand in the industry , Rapala , and other global brands like VMC , Storm , Blue Fox , Luhr Jensen , Williamson , Marttiini and Sufix .",1,,, 1006,Financial Phrasebank,"It 's `` finger-friendly '' , and to my opinion , really fast .",1,,, 1007,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Thanks to my Nokia and Lulu , I am now proud to be a published His novel can be found here .",1,,, 1008,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The summer collection 2008 will be joyfully fresh like a vitamin injection , '' said H&M 's head of design Margareta van den Bosch .",1,,, 1009,Financial Phrasebank,"A maximum of 20 employees , who work in Karttakeskus and are responsible for producing Geographic Information Services , will be affected , the company added .",1,,, 1010,Financial Phrasebank,"About Marubeni Marubeni Corporation TSE : 8002 ; ADR : MARUY was established in 1858 , and is a core company of Marubeni Group , one of Japan 's leading general trading houses .",2,,, 1011,Financial Phrasebank,"ABOUT MIDNIGHTTRADER : MidnightTrader is the premier source of extended-hours US equity trading analysis , news and forecasting for the retail and institutional investment community .",1,,, 1012,Financial Phrasebank,Juha-Pekka Weckstr+Âm has been appointed President of telecom group TeliaSonera Finland to succeed Esa Rautalinko .,1,,, 1013,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Pietinalho , doctors should motivate their patients who smoke every time they visit their doctors .",1,,, 1014,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the original merger plan , Scanfil would get a 79 % stake in the combined business .",1,,, 1015,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Ultrascan , with a software acquired from crackers , it has managed to change the mobile phone in a way that the phone was able to get hold of a one-time password sent by a bank via a text message .",1,,, 1016,Financial Phrasebank,"Additionally , retailers can use the same hardware across all tasks in stores and throughout the warehouse , providing substantial savings on support and infrastructure costs .",1,,, 1017,Financial Phrasebank,"Addus ' services include personal care and assistance with activities of daily living , skilled nursing and rehabilitative therapies , and adult day care .",1,,, 1018,Financial Phrasebank,"Aldata Solution Oyj Bertrand Sciard President and CEO Further information : Aldata Solution Oyj , Bertrand Sciard , President and CEO , tel. +33 1 46 48 28 00 Aldata 100 % Retail-Wholesale At Aldata 100 % of our business is dedicated to retail and wholesale business improvement .",1,,, 1019,Financial Phrasebank,Alfa group will have 43.9 % of voting stock in the new company and Telenor 35.4 % with a free float of 20.7 % .,1,,, 1020,Financial Phrasebank,All are welcome .,1,,, 1021,Financial Phrasebank,Altogether 150 subjects with mildly elevated cholesterol levels participated in the four-month long intervention .,1,,, 1022,Financial Phrasebank,"An additional amount , capped at EUR12m , is payable in cash upon the achievement of certain financial performance targets in 2007 .",1,,, 1023,Financial Phrasebank,"Arto Ryymin , born 1964 , will replace Juhani Kaisanlahti who has worked as acting EVP , Healthcare & Welfare since August 2007 .",1,,, 1024,Financial Phrasebank,At CapMan Haavisto will be responsible for Group Finances and Accounting and IT .,1,,, 1025,Financial Phrasebank,"By implementing the software the Finnish Army aims to unify and improve its operations in these application areas , QPR Software stated .",2,,, 1026,Financial Phrasebank,"Cablevision Systems Corp. CVC Their Madison Square Garden division owns and operates the New York Knickerbockers basketball team ; they also own the Madison Square Garden Arena , the New York Rangers hockey team , the New York Liberty women 's basketball team , and the Hartford Wolf Pack hockey team .",1,,, 1027,Financial Phrasebank,"CapMan has six investment areas CapMan Buyout , CapMan Technology , CapMan Life Science , CapMan Russia , CapMan Public Market and CapMan Real Estate , and each of them has a dedicated team and funds .",1,,, 1028,Financial Phrasebank,"CapMan Plc Press Release 31 March 2008 Jukka Ruuska , President of the OMX Nordic Exchanges and the Stockholm Stock Exchange , will transfer to CapMan effective no later than September 2008 .",1,,, 1029,Financial Phrasebank,"cents The profile contains business operations , the company history , major products and services , prospects , key competitors , structure and key employees , locations and subsidiaries .",1,,, 1030,Financial Phrasebank,"Conference Call To participate via a conference call , please dial in 5-10 minutes before the beginning of the event : +44 0 20 7162 0025 Europe or +1 334-á323-á6201 USA .",1,,, 1031,Financial Phrasebank,Construction is scheduled to start in April-June 2007 and to be completed in early 2008 .,1,,, 1032,Financial Phrasebank,"FinancialWire tm is a fully independent , proprietary news wire service .",1,,, 1033,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Civil Aviation Administration decided to temporarily reopen Finnish capital 's Helsinki airport since 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Monday local time .,1,,, 1034,Financial Phrasebank,"Fiskars , the World 's 1 Scissors Brand TM , recently won Learning -« Magazine 's 2011 Teachers ' Choice Award for the Classroom .",2,,, 1035,Financial Phrasebank,"Founded in 1946 , Strand Associates , which provides civil , environmental , transportation , electrical and mechanical engineering services , has 350 employees at 10 offices in Wisconsin , Alabama , Illinois , Indiana , Kentucky and Ohio .",1,,, 1036,Financial Phrasebank,Halonen 's office acknowledged receiving the letter but declined comment .,1,,, 1037,Financial Phrasebank,He believes that the soy-oats have a good chance of entering the UK market .,2,,, 1038,Financial Phrasebank,"He does not believe , however , that HKScan or Atria will start to use imported meat as Finnish consumers prefer domestic products .",1,,, 1039,Financial Phrasebank,"Headquartered in this city , the company is nearly 75 years old and focuses on science-based innovation and technology for environmental measurement .",1,,, 1040,Financial Phrasebank,"However , in March 2009 , the government of St. Petersburg passed the front part of the building with the area 1,900 square metres and a land plot for a hotel worth USD 10-15mn to the company Delta .",1,,, 1041,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2009 , Lee & Man had a combined annual production capacity of close to 4.5 million tonnes of paper and 300,000 tonnes of pulp .",1,,, 1042,Financial Phrasebank,"In the method the smelt spouts 2 are separated from the working area 6 by a shielding wall 8 , 10 arranged movable in relation to the smelt spouts .",1,,, 1043,Financial Phrasebank,"Investments span across various product and investment types , including retail , hospitality , office , and residential , with interests in real-estate portfolios , non-performing loans and corporate restructurings .",1,,, 1044,Financial Phrasebank,It also recovers valuable raw material for Kemira 's water chemical production .,1,,, 1045,Financial Phrasebank,"It is necessary to strengthen the company 's operations , however .",1,,, 1046,Financial Phrasebank,It will use the proceeds from the transaction to achieve its target .,1,,, 1047,Financial Phrasebank,"Kai Tulonen , Chief Technology Officer , SysOpen Digia says : `` We have been using Corporate Phonebook inside SysOpen Digia extensively since last fall , and we have been very satisfied with the results .",2,,, 1048,Financial Phrasebank,"Last year , Lemminkainen completed the Kouvola K-supermarket contract .",2,,, 1049,Financial Phrasebank,Le Lay succeeds Walter G++nter and will be based in Finland .,1,,, 1050,Financial Phrasebank,"Lemminkainen Infra Oy 's subsidiary Lemminkainen Sverige AB will perform the construction work , which is expected to start in early 2011 and to be completed in the summer of 2013 .",1,,, 1051,Financial Phrasebank,"Los Angeles-based Pacific Office Properties Trust acquires , owns , and operates office properties in the western U.S. , focusing initially on the markets of Honolulu , San Diego , Los Angeles , and Phoenix .",1,,, 1052,Financial Phrasebank,"Master of Mayawas jointly developed by Nokia Siemens Networks and UFA - FremantleMedia , and will be actively advertised by Maxis in the end of May 2007 .",1,,, 1053,Financial Phrasebank,Medical Devices - Russia This brand-new market analysis gives a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the medical device market in Russia .,1,,, 1054,Financial Phrasebank,"Metrics in QPR ScoreCard now support date , text and milestone-based values , which improve its support for managing projects around performance or process-related content .",2,,, 1055,Financial Phrasebank,Mformation provides enhanced management of these applications by enabling configuration and control throughout their lifecycle .,1,,, 1056,Financial Phrasebank,"Mr. Jorma Valkama , Managing Director of Suomen Paikallissanomat Oy , states that Rannikkoseutu complements in an outstanding way the current product range of the company .",1,,, 1057,Financial Phrasebank,"Mr. Mikko Saavalainen , head of Comptel 's Global Sales concludes : `` Gibtelecom provides a perfect illustration of the variety of business , technical and regulatory challenges operators are facing in their OSS today .",1,,, 1058,Financial Phrasebank,"Neste Oil said that while results from its biomass to 3 liquids demonstration plant , commissioned in June 2009 , have been promising , no decision on a commercial plant has been taken .",1,,, 1059,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia will continue to invest in future development of Qt , and Digia will be responsible for commercial licensing and services business .",1,,, 1060,Financial Phrasebank,"Nonwovens and specialty papers , made by Ahlstrom , are used in a large variety of everyday products , e.g. in filters , wipes , flooring , labels , and tapes .",1,,, 1061,Financial Phrasebank,"Now , Nokia has announced the launch of Bicycle Charger Kit that is compatible with all Nokia phones that have a 2 mm charging interface .",1,,, 1062,Financial Phrasebank,"On the basis of competitive bidding OOO Kitai Stroi , the Russian subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Corporation , a construction company owned by China State , has been selected as the main constructor .",1,,, 1063,Financial Phrasebank,"Only this time , Nokia , India 's largest MNC , has sought out a topic that could spark off a million approaches ` Creativity in Emerging Markets .",1,,, 1064,Financial Phrasebank,Other carriers and handset makers spin it as a positive event that will raise interest for higher-end phones and pricier data plans .,2,,, 1065,Financial Phrasebank,Other potential clients include public administration organizations investing in utility networks and services .,1,,, 1066,Financial Phrasebank,"Our solutions are fully Arabized , and our message is that we want to become the IT partner of choice for businesses in the Near-East region .",1,,, 1067,Financial Phrasebank,"Pearl Plaza LLC , the joint venture of SRV and Shanghai Industrial Investment Holdings Co Ltd , has concluded the investment decision on construction of the first phase of the shopping center in Saint Petersburg , Russia .",2,,, 1068,Financial Phrasebank,"POYRY PLC Additional information by : Martin Kuzaj , President , Industry Business Group , Finland Tel. +358 10 33 21179 Sanna Paivaniemi , Director , Investor Relations , Poyry PLC , Finland Tel. +358 10 33 23002 Poyry is a global consulting and engineering company dedicated to balanced sustainability .",1,,, 1069,Financial Phrasebank,"Professional and consumer applications include personal navigation , personal safety , field and workflow management , and asset tracking .",1,,, 1070,Financial Phrasebank,Satama and Trainers ' House will remain as names and independent brands of the business areas .,1,,, 1071,Financial Phrasebank,"Talvik says the relocation of application programs on servers will continue , while HP servers were approved because of HP supplying a tailor-made solution to Elisa .",1,,, 1072,Financial Phrasebank,"Technopolis and the St. Petersburg government signed a cooperation memorandum in October 2005 to set up a techno-park in the Neudorf production zone in the village of Strelny , in the St. Petersburg suburbs .",2,,, 1073,Financial Phrasebank,Tekla Structures 16 is ` all about you and your team ' and compatible with the Windows 7 operating system .,1,,, 1074,Financial Phrasebank,"Tekla Structures BIM Building Information Modeling software is being developed according to a long-term plan of improved user experience , process , and functionality .",2,,, 1075,Financial Phrasebank,TeliaSonera is the leading telecommunications company in the Nordic and Baltic regions .,2,,, 1076,Financial Phrasebank,"The above mentioned shareholders will suggest that a monthly salary of EUR 1,400 would be paid for the Board members outside the company .",1,,, 1077,Financial Phrasebank,"The address location is provided to a local controller , preferably by wireless transmission , which then uses the address location to access the appliance control module .",1,,, 1078,Financial Phrasebank,The aim of the bridge solutions chosen is to minimize construction times while ensuring that traffic beneath the bridge on the Saimaa canal continues undisturbed .,1,,, 1079,Financial Phrasebank,The Bank is also examining the benefits of transferring the Swedish business to operate as a branch office so that the operations would be governed by Finland 's laws .,1,,, 1080,Financial Phrasebank,The company admits that 36 months is a relatively short time when operating in Russia .,1,,, 1081,Financial Phrasebank,The company has a wide selection of metal products and services .,1,,, 1082,Financial Phrasebank,"The company is in charge of all natural gas storage activities in France , Great Britain , and Germany .",1,,, 1083,Financial Phrasebank,The cooperation with airBaltic is expected to lead to the transfer of Finncomm to the ownership of airBaltic in time .,1,,, 1084,Financial Phrasebank,The Court 's decision will also promote genuine competition in services,1,,, 1085,Financial Phrasebank,"The Daily Graphic newspaper , in October , reported an initiative being embarked upon by the Fidelity Bank to partner Ghana Post , which has offices across the country , to offer financial services to the unbanked and under-banked in the country .",1,,, 1086,Financial Phrasebank,"The device can also be used for theft protection and positioning of vehicles , boats and other assets .",1,,, 1087,Financial Phrasebank,"The donations are granted to Aalto University and the universities of Helsinki , Tampere , Turku , Eastern Finland , Jyv+ñskyl+ñ , Oulu and Vaasa , and to polytechnics to be announced later .",1,,, 1088,Financial Phrasebank,"The Estonian beverages maker A. Le Coq today brought to the market a new premium class beer , A. Le Coq Special , investing 6 million kroons EUR 383,000 into its development and planning to sell three million liters of the beer during the next year .",1,,, 1089,Financial Phrasebank,The first phase will be completed by the end of 2012 .,1,,, 1090,Financial Phrasebank,"The guidance has been set at 90 basis points over mid-swaps , the report said .",1,,, 1091,Financial Phrasebank,The invention carries International Patent Publication No. .,1,,, 1092,Financial Phrasebank,"The inventors are Bylander Johan , Ponten Fredrik and Lundberg Jorgen .",1,,, 1093,Financial Phrasebank,"The inventors are Mukkavilli Krishna Kiran , Sabharwal Ashutosh and Aazhang Behnaam .",1,,, 1094,Financial Phrasebank,"The Inventors are Ridge Justin , Bao Yiliang and Karczewicz Marta .",1,,, 1095,Financial Phrasebank,The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement .,1,,, 1096,Financial Phrasebank,"The market making in accordance with the agreement will begin on September 24 , 2009 .",1,,, 1097,Financial Phrasebank,"The offer price is $ 35 million , including cash of $ 10 million as net debt assumption of FACE , and $ 20 million worth of Cencorp shares to be issued to Savcor .",1,,, 1098,Financial Phrasebank,The ore body is sufficient to support anticipated production for at least 46 years .,1,,, 1099,Financial Phrasebank,The original patent was filed in Finland under application No. .,1,,, 1100,Financial Phrasebank,"The relocation of Ragot has already started and will be completed in the next few weeks , with the Waterqueen and Tortue moves planned for mid-2008 and VMC Europe during the third quarter of 2008 .",1,,, 1101,Financial Phrasebank,"The report provides a comprehensive insight into the company , including business structure and operations , executive biographies and key competitors .",2,,, 1102,Financial Phrasebank,"The rewards to be paid on the basis of the earning period 2011 will correspond to the value of a maximum total of 364,000 Componenta Corporation shares including also the proportion to be paid in cash .",1,,, 1103,Financial Phrasebank,The right margin will be viewed separately in detail with every customer .,1,,, 1104,Financial Phrasebank,The service also enables users to watch e-mails in HTML format en is enhanced with 23 addition languages to choose from .,1,,, 1105,Financial Phrasebank,"The services also give the supplier opportunity to key-in invoices , receive orders electronically , to send order confirmations and to upload and create electronic catalogues .",2,,, 1106,Financial Phrasebank,The Swedish subsidiary holds 1.0 % net smelter return `` NSR '' royalties over two advanced copper projects in northern Sweden - the Viscaria and Adak Projects - being developed by Avalon Minerals Ltd. ASX : AVI .,1,,, 1107,Financial Phrasebank,"The total investment in the Vantaa plant extension will amount to around 10 million euro , and Okmetic 's share of the investments will be worth around 2.7 million .",1,,, 1108,Financial Phrasebank,"The value of the deal exceeds EUR500 ,000 , the company said .",1,,, 1109,Financial Phrasebank,"This implementation will upgrade the existing system , enabling voicemail and video mail to be housed on the same platform .",1,,, 1110,Financial Phrasebank,This is the second successful effort for the financial investor this year .,2,,, 1111,Financial Phrasebank,Travel expenses would be reimbursed in accordance with the travel policy of the company .,1,,, 1112,Financial Phrasebank,Welcome !,1,,, 1113,Financial Phrasebank,Wellness services will be important in the future .,1,,, 1114,Financial Phrasebank,"You need to be ready when the window opens up , Rosberg said .",1,,, 1115,Financial Phrasebank,- Tikkurila inspires you to color your life .,1,,, 1116,Financial Phrasebank,: Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerija has awarded contract to UAB `` AFFECTO LIETUVA '' for financial systems software package .,2,,, 1117,Financial Phrasebank,CF2 Pty Ltd became a substantial holder in Renison Consolidated Mines NL on January 25 with 150 million shares ( 7.9 pc ) .,1,,, 1118,Financial Phrasebank,Raffles Equities Ltd became a substantial holder in Archer Exploration Ltd on January 12 with 11.7 million shares ( 18.2 pc ) .,1,,, 1119,Financial Phrasebank,"` For Nordea , moving into the new headquarters signifies the beginning of a new era .",2,,, 1120,Financial Phrasebank,"` We respect their decision ... the discussions are now closed , ' said Kai Telanne , Alma Media 's CEO .",1,,, 1121,Financial Phrasebank,`` Directors and shareholders alike should ask why these practices were allowed to continue . '',1,,, 1122,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Every partner will be allowed to buy a quantity of electricity corresponding to their share in the consortium , at production cost , '' a letter of intent said .",1,,, 1123,Financial Phrasebank,"`` I 'm happy with the outcome , '' Sneed said after the hearing .",2,,, 1124,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Installation of the automatic varnishing line is an important part of the company 's strategy in the region of central and eastern Europe , '' said Jozef Misurec , the director of Ruukki Slovakia .",2,,, 1125,Financial Phrasebank,`` It allows the young child to move forward with his life . '',2,,, 1126,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Our decision and resolve on MeeGo is only stronger , '' she continued .",2,,, 1127,Financial Phrasebank,`` The issues identified by Stonesoft affect a range of content inspection technology .,1,,, 1128,Financial Phrasebank,`` They want my credit card info and my personal details .,1,,, 1129,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We hope to clarify our policies to Finnish businesses where there are any gray areas , '' Motlanthe said .",1,,, 1130,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We will now , after the relevant authority approvals , make a mandatory bid as required by the Finnish Securities Markets Act .",1,,, 1131,Financial Phrasebank,1 November 2010 - Finnish textile and clothing company Marimekko Oyj ( HEL : MMO1V ) announced on Friday the opening of its first concept store in Seoul in cooperation with Japanese sector player Look Inc ( TYO : 8029 ) .,2,,, 1132,Financial Phrasebank,A broad range of connectivity options including 3G - HSPA and Wi-Fi gives consumers high speed access to the Internet .,1,,, 1133,Financial Phrasebank,A new production line is being completed for the contract production of hormone treatments .,2,,, 1134,Financial Phrasebank,A quick `` one-stop-shop '' to understand the company .,1,,, 1135,Financial Phrasebank,About Dopplr Dopplr is a service for smart travellers .,1,,, 1136,Financial Phrasebank,About Elcoteq Elcoteq SE is a leading electronics manufacturing services ( EMS ) company in the communications technology field .,2,,, 1137,Financial Phrasebank,About Nokia Nokia is a pioneer in mobile telecommunications and the world 's leading maker of mobile devices .,2,,, 1138,Financial Phrasebank,About Stonesoft Corporation Stonesoft Corporation ( OMX : SFT1V ) is an innovative provider of integrated network security solutions to secure the information flow of distributed organizations .,1,,, 1139,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Sweden 's Minister for Local Government and Financial Markets , Mats Odell , the decision to sell the State 's shares in telecom group TeliaSonera can only be carried out in cooperation with the State of Finland .",1,,, 1140,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish beverage company Olvi is introducing a new long drink Olvi Kultalonkero ( `` golden long drink '' ) in the market in Finland in the spring of 2009 .,1,,, 1141,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish GeoSentric , a developer and provider of solutions , products , and technologies for location based services , has preliminary agreed on a EUR 6mn short-term funding with its leading investor .",2,,, 1142,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Raisio ( Diagnostics ) is launching new DNA-based quick tests to ensure the safety of food .,2,,, 1143,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Rautaruukki is selling its precision tube and automotive component processing unit Carl Froh in Germany to German Arques Industries .,1,,, 1144,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Suominen Corporation that makes wet wipes , nonwovens , and flexible packaging is starting employer-employee negotiations at its Tampere plant in Finland to lay off about 25 employees .",0,,, 1145,Financial Phrasebank,Swedish Wallenberg family controlled Investor has bought a large stake of C shares in Swedish retail bank SEB .,1,,, 1146,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Arokarhu , some of the purchases that had been scanned into the cash register computer disappeared when the total sum key was pressed .",0,,, 1147,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Barclays , the F-Secure software will protect users from hackers , viruses , spyware and other digital attacks .",1,,, 1148,Financial Phrasebank,"According to CapMan Plc 's Corporate Governance , the majority of the committees ' members shall be independent of the Company .",1,,, 1149,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnair Technical Services , the measure is above all due to the employment situation .",1,,, 1150,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Honka Japan 's Managing Director Marko Saarelainen , Honkarakenne exports about 200 ready made log houses to Japan a year .",1,,, 1151,Financial Phrasebank,"According to preliminary data from Slovakia 's Statistics Office , goods worth E36 .4 million were imported from Finland between January and October 2010 , making up 0.1 percent of Slovakia 's total imports .",1,,, 1152,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Seikku , the retail sector in Finland is controlled by 3-4 large actors , while food manufacturers are still relatively small .",1,,, 1153,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the company , staff will be laid off temporarily when necessary .",0,,, 1154,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Tyrv+ñinen 's estimation , Japan is a very essential location in terms of Finnair 's Asian strategy .",1,,, 1155,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Vauramo , the plant 's lifting equipment is suitable for Asian and for some Chinese trucks .",1,,, 1156,Financial Phrasebank,"After the signing , the total amount of Aspo 's revolving credit facility agreements is EUR 50 million , which replaces the formerly valid agreements of EUR 80 million .",1,,, 1157,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 13.02.2008 Ahlstrom , a global leader in high performance fiber-based materials , today announced the completion of the acquisition of Friend Group Inc. , which consists of West Carrollton Parchment Company and West Carrollton Converting Company .",1,,, 1158,Financial Phrasebank,"Aho is proud of the company 's new product , Lordi-Cola .",1,,, 1159,Financial Phrasebank,Aldata to Share Space Optimization Vision at Apollo User Group and 2009 Category Management Association Conferences ; Company Will Unveil New Solution that Combines Business Intelligence with Space Planning Data at Conferences,1,,, 1160,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Aug. 27 -- Timo Vataja of Tampere , Finland , Virve Inget of Oulu , Finland , have developed a computer program product with activating the right of use .",1,,, 1161,Financial Phrasebank,"Also , a seven-year historic analysis is provided for these markets .",1,,, 1162,Financial Phrasebank,"Also , a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets .",1,,, 1163,Financial Phrasebank,"Also , a six-year historic analysis is provided for this market .",1,,, 1164,Financial Phrasebank,"Also , Technopolis plans to build a 100 million euro technology park at the special economic zone Neudorf in St. Petersburg , the St. Petersburg government said in February .",1,,, 1165,Financial Phrasebank,Also Chile is an important market area for forest machine companies .,1,,, 1166,Financial Phrasebank,Also the traditional grapevine carries a lot of weight .,1,,, 1167,Financial Phrasebank,Altia 's operating profit jumped to EUR 47 million from EUR 6.6 million .,2,,, 1168,Financial Phrasebank,Altimo and TeliaSonera said yesterday that Usmanov would be welcome to join the new company .,2,,, 1169,Financial Phrasebank,Amanda said that it had already made a USD5 .0 m investment commitment in Russia Partners II fund in July 2005 .,1,,, 1170,Financial Phrasebank,"An of the invention , released by the Patent Office , said : `` The chambers are pressurized .",1,,, 1171,Financial Phrasebank,An audio webcast will be available live and archived on Cerner 's Web site at .,1,,, 1172,Financial Phrasebank,"Anttila 's online department store - NetAnttila - has an established position as the best-known , most visited and most shopped online store in Finland .",1,,, 1173,Financial Phrasebank,"Apart from Nordea , also Ergo is competing for the position among the top three pension funds providers in Estonia .",1,,, 1174,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result of the merger , the largest professional electronics and telecommunications technology contract manufacturing center in Finland will be formed in Sievi .",1,,, 1175,Financial Phrasebank,As a result of the negotiations the employment of 130 blue - and white-collar employees at the Oulu plant would be terminated .,0,,, 1176,Financial Phrasebank,"As of August 2008 , Glaston 's North Asian sales and service region is upgraded to a new market area , North Asia .",1,,, 1177,Financial Phrasebank,"As the world leaders in developing UV technology for municipal wastewater , drinking water , and industrial water treatment systems , Trojan Technologies was a logical partner in providing W+ñrtsil+ñ with UV technology for ballast water treatment .",1,,, 1178,Financial Phrasebank,"Aspo 's strong company brands - ESL Shipping , Leipurin , Telko and Kaukomarkkinat - aim to be the market leaders in their sectors .",1,,, 1179,Financial Phrasebank,"At this stage , a maximum of 60,000 Tulikivi Series A shares will be acquired , representing about 0.16 per cent of the company -¦ s shares outstanding .",1,,, 1180,Financial Phrasebank,Atria Group is a leading Scandinavian meat products group .,2,,, 1181,Financial Phrasebank,"Atria will launch a campaign in September to promote the CampoMos brand on the Moscow market , he said .",2,,, 1182,Financial Phrasebank,BasWare Order Matching automatically matches purchase invoices with approved purchase orders .,1,,, 1183,Financial Phrasebank,"BG AD , Bulgaria 's leading Internet company .",2,,, 1184,Financial Phrasebank,"Capacity of the facility made by Finland 's Vaahto Group is 86,000 tons of light coated paper .",1,,, 1185,Financial Phrasebank,"CapMan , an asset manager , has EUR 3bn worth of assets under management in the Nordic region .",1,,, 1186,Financial Phrasebank,"CapMan has four investment areas ( CapMan Buyout , CapMan Technology , CapMan Life Science and CapMan Real Estate ) , and each of them has a dedicated team .",1,,, 1187,Financial Phrasebank,Castecka said the town hall would hold talks with other investors interested in the zone .,1,,, 1188,Financial Phrasebank,Central Europe is an important market area for Honka .,1,,, 1189,Financial Phrasebank,cents Recognize potential partnerships and suppliers .,1,,, 1190,Financial Phrasebank,Certain shareholders have irrevocably agreed to vote in favor of the bond issue .,2,,, 1191,Financial Phrasebank,"Changes being announced today will be effective after the close of trading on Friday , June 19 , 2009 .",1,,, 1192,Financial Phrasebank,Chief Financial Officer Jim Heindlmeyer said Beyond Oblivion is in advanced talks with the four major recording companies about its service .,1,,, 1193,Financial Phrasebank,"CHS Expo Freight is a major Finnish fair , exhibition and culture logistics company that provides logistics services to various events by land , air and sea .",1,,, 1194,Financial Phrasebank,Competition authorities will have to approve the deal before it can be finalized .,1,,, 1195,Financial Phrasebank,"Complete name of shareholder : Otto Henrik Bernhard Nyberg For further information , please contact Maija-Liisa Friman , CEO , tel. +358 9 7597 0711 .",1,,, 1196,Financial Phrasebank,Completion of the transaction is subject to a final agreement and a Due Diligence process .,1,,, 1197,Financial Phrasebank,Construction is expected to be completed in the summer of 2011 .,1,,, 1198,Financial Phrasebank,Consumers are now increasingly interested in what they can do with heir phones .,1,,, 1199,Financial Phrasebank,"Crucially , the decision to use ETSI ( European Telecommunication Standard Institute ) - backed DVB-H adds to the growing list of operators and equipment manufacturers opting for the standard ( see Global : 20 January 2006 : Competing Technologies Vie for Mobile TV ) .",1,,, 1200,Financial Phrasebank,Currently more than 100 of Global Fortune 500 companies are using SSH security solutions .,1,,, 1201,Financial Phrasebank,"Demand seems to have hit bottom now , and some signs of improvement can be seen .",2,,, 1202,Financial Phrasebank,"DnB Nord of Norway is the `` most likely Nordic buyer '' for Citadele , while Nordea would be a `` good strategic fit '' , according to the document published by Pietiek .",1,,, 1203,Financial Phrasebank,Donations to universities The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to donate max .,1,,, 1204,Financial Phrasebank,"Dopplr members share personal and business travel plans privately with their networks , and highlight interesting places to stay , eat and explore in cities around the world .",1,,, 1205,Financial Phrasebank,Dragonfly Love is another video shot from start to finish using the Nokia N8 .,1,,, 1206,Financial Phrasebank,"During the past 10 years the factory has produced many of Nokia 's most popular models including the Nokia 2760 , the Nokia 6300 as well as Nokia 's latest music device the Nokia 5800 Express Music .",1,,, 1207,Financial Phrasebank,EB will hold the exclusive rights to market the new entity 's product .,1,,, 1208,Financial Phrasebank,"Elcoteq 's Electronics Manufacturing Services ( EMS ) Business Segment serves customers globally in Engineering , Manufacturing and Fulfillment services .",1,,, 1209,Financial Phrasebank,"Elisa Corporation , headquartered in Helsinki , is a Finnish telecomms company offering private and corporate customers a comprehensive range of telecomms services .",1,,, 1210,Financial Phrasebank,"Employees are also better prepared to answer calls , since they already have detailed information about the caller before they answer the phone . ''",2,,, 1211,Financial Phrasebank,"Entire paper mills may be set up , especially in the new EU member states .",1,,, 1212,Financial Phrasebank,"EQT has completed its exit from Salcomp , a Finnish company that makes mobile phone chargers , by selling its remaining stake to Swedish investment group Nordstjernan for about ( EURO ) 35 million ( $ 47 million ) .",1,,, 1213,Financial Phrasebank,"Even so , Tulikivi emissions are well below some of the strictest state standards including Washington and Colorado .",1,,, 1214,Financial Phrasebank,FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said that fair play required extending the same deregulatory rules to the digital subscriber lines that telecom providers use for broadband networks .,1,,, 1215,Financial Phrasebank,"FinancialWire ( tm ) , in cooperation with the Investrend Broadcast Syndicate , also provides complete , daily conference call and webcast schedules as a service to shareholders and investors via the FirstAlert ( tm ) Networks oeFirstAlert ( tm ) Daily .",1,,, 1216,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish automation solutions developer Cencorp Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : CNC1V ) said on Friday ( 27 June ) that it has completed employee negotiations regarding a reorganisation of its operations .,2,,, 1217,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish consumers prefer to buy the cheapest beer brand .,1,,, 1218,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish engineering and technology company Metso Oyj said on May 27 , 2008 it completed the acquisition of paper machinery technology from Japanese engineering company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries ( MHI ) for an undisclosed sum .",2,,, 1219,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish holding company Panostaja Oyj said on June 12 , 2007 it has signed a letter of intent to acquire local Lahden Lampokasittely Oy and Heatmasters Oy , active in the heat treatment of metals , for a total 3.1 mln euro ( $ 4.1 mln ) .",1,,, 1220,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish paints and coatings company Tikkurila Oyj ( HEL : TIK1V ) announced today the launch of Tikkurila ProHouse method for protection of wooden surfaces via treatment with Ultra Pro waterborne products .,1,,, 1221,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the registration , the number of issued and outstanding shares of Basware is 12,890,829 .",1,,, 1222,Financial Phrasebank,Fortum had previously bought the state-held stake in TGK-10 from RAO UES during its reform .,1,,, 1223,Financial Phrasebank,"Founded in 1649 , Fiskars has over 360 years of product quality excellence and is Finland 's oldest company .",1,,, 1224,Financial Phrasebank,"Furthermore , our fully electrically driven cranes are environmentally friendly .",2,,, 1225,Financial Phrasebank,GenVec is a biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapeutic drugs and vaccines .,1,,, 1226,Financial Phrasebank,"GeoSentric 's flagship product is the GyPSii platform , which uses pioneering geo-location software technology to connect people to people , and people to places with new and exciting social community and location-specific services .",1,,, 1227,Financial Phrasebank,"Glaston 's well-known brands are Bavelloni , in pre-processing machines and tools , Tamglass and Uniglass , in safety glass machines and Albat + Wirsam in software solutions .",1,,, 1228,Financial Phrasebank,"Glaston 's well-known brands are Bavelloni , in pre-processing machines and tools , Tamglass and Uniglass in safety glass machines and Albat + Wirsam in software solutions .",1,,, 1229,Financial Phrasebank,"Goodwill and other intangible assets account for some 2.0 mln euro ( $ 2.6 mln ) of the purchase price , 20 pct of which payable in Aspo shares .",1,,, 1230,Financial Phrasebank,Grapevine city officials in September approved $ 35 million in tax rebates and grants for the expansion .,2,,, 1231,Financial Phrasebank,Gunneflo will be responsible of Oriola-KD 's Pharmaceutical Trade business in Sweden .,1,,, 1232,Financial Phrasebank,"Harju Elekter was founded in 1968 , and is the leading producer of electrical equipment and materials in the Baltic States .",1,,, 1233,Financial Phrasebank,"Harold W. Young is an independent broker working closely with several retailers including Ahold USA , Market Basket , CVS , BJ 's Wholesale Club , Hannaford and Cumberland Farms .",1,,, 1234,Financial Phrasebank,He also mentions that this improvement to the service follows the recent expansion of the Finnlines service from Bilbao via Antwerp and Helsinki and from Hull via Helsinki to St. Petersburg .,2,,, 1235,Financial Phrasebank,HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Outokumpu said it has agreed to sell the Hitura nickel mine in Finland to Canadian group Belvedere Resources Ltd for 10 mln eur worth of Belvedere shares .,1,,, 1236,Financial Phrasebank,"HKScan , headquartered in Turku , Finland , is a leading northern European food group with 10,000 employees in nine countries .",1,,, 1237,Financial Phrasebank,"HKScan is one of the leading food companies in northern Europe with homemarkets in Finland , Sweden , the Baltic countries and Poland .",1,,, 1238,Financial Phrasebank,"Honkarakenne mainly exports large luxury log houses to Russia to be used as one-family houses or holiday homes ; 70 % of sales go to the Moscow region , about 20 % to the St Petersburg region , and the remainder to other locations .",1,,, 1239,Financial Phrasebank,However short-term rentals are becoming more popular .,1,,, 1240,Financial Phrasebank,"HUHTAMAKI OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 16.12.2008 AT 09:30 Huhtamaki Oyj has resolved to clarify the Group structure by separating the Foodservice and Consumer Goods businesses in its production unit in Hameenlinna , Finland by transferring the businesses into its wholly owned subsidiaries .",1,,, 1241,Financial Phrasebank,"Iggesunds Bruk in Sweden is one of the most advanced , fully integrated pulp and paperboard mills in the world .",2,,, 1242,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , YIT has reserved EPI Russia the right to expand the logistics center by about 100,000 m2 .",1,,, 1243,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to the presentations held by President & CEO Kai Telanne and CFO Tuomas Itkonen , participants will have an opportunity to discuss with other members of the company 's management .",1,,, 1244,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , 71 % of paper and paperboard is reclaimed .",1,,, 1245,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , export industry forms a large clientele for the packaging industry .",1,,, 1246,Financial Phrasebank,"In providing managed services , Nokia takes responsibility for building , operating and transferring as well as optimising the Indosat 3G network .",1,,, 1247,Financial Phrasebank,"In Switzerland , Teleste have been an established supplier of products for a long time and its primary customers include cable and fiber-to-the-home ( FTTH ) operators .",1,,, 1248,Financial Phrasebank,"In the end , Sanoma News wants to secure its foundation with the savings .",1,,, 1249,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Homeware area , Fiskars provides leading branded products for home , kitchen , and interior design .",2,,, 1250,Financial Phrasebank,"In the survey , Goodyear is the third most valued tyre brand , followed by Continental and Bridgestone .",1,,, 1251,Financial Phrasebank,"In today s business , you have to pre-empt what consumers want , said Mohammed Zainalabedin , General Manager , Zain Bahrain .",1,,, 1252,Financial Phrasebank,Ingen is an established medical device manufacturer with an emerging new medical product line for the respiratory market worth an estimated $ 4 billion in the U.S. and $ 8 billion globally .,1,,, 1253,Financial Phrasebank,Insurance policies should be simple .,1,,, 1254,Financial Phrasebank,It has several innovative small molecule and biological drug candidates at different stages of clinical development .,1,,, 1255,Financial Phrasebank,It has sold one half of its business operations and will enter the Helsinki Stock Exchange via the back door through an innovative buyout arrangement with Kasola .,1,,, 1256,Financial Phrasebank,"It is a member of the OneWorld alliance , which includes American Airlines and British Airways .",1,,, 1257,Financial Phrasebank,It is a solid credit that has been compared to a DZ Bank or a Rabobank .,2,,, 1258,Financial Phrasebank,It is expected to be completed by the end of 2007 .,1,,, 1259,Financial Phrasebank,It is planned to set up the A class business center in the two top storeys of the complex .,1,,, 1260,Financial Phrasebank,"It is positive that the company it recruited Harri Koponen as CEO , according to Affarsvarlden .",1,,, 1261,Financial Phrasebank,"It is the first oil company to join RSPO and commits fully to sustainable sourcing of feedstocks for the production of its NExBTL biodiesel , it said .",1,,, 1262,Financial Phrasebank,It will provide heating in the form of hot water for the sawmill 's needs .,1,,, 1263,Financial Phrasebank,Its 168 asset management experts manage assets worth over EUR 35 billion .,1,,, 1264,Financial Phrasebank,Its other well-known brands include fitness equipment maker Precor and U.S. - based ball sports equipment maker Wilson .,1,,, 1265,Financial Phrasebank,"Janno Reiljan , a member of the Eesti Energia supervisory board , said the owners of Narva Power Grid had informed Eesti Energia about their wish to sell .",1,,, 1266,Financial Phrasebank,"Jawad Williams scored 23 points in an impressive debut for Jerusalem , with Jason Rich adding 18 and Yuval Naimi chipping in with 16 points for Hapoel , which visits the yellow-and-blue next week .",2,,, 1267,Financial Phrasebank,Jon Risfelt is 49 years old holds a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology .,1,,, 1268,Financial Phrasebank,Juha Haapakoski will continue as Editor-in-Chief with budget responsibility also with the new publisher .,1,,, 1269,Financial Phrasebank,"Jun. 14 , 2009 ( AOL Weblogs delivered by Newstex ) -- Looks like the E71 is about to be upstaged as Nokia 's ( NYSE : NOK ) premier business-class smartphone -- someone in Espoo 's just hit the corporate YouTube account with this promo video for an E72 .",1,,, 1270,Financial Phrasebank,"Jun. 25 , 2008 ( Boy Genius Report delivered by Newstex ) -- The Nokia ( NYSE : NOK ) N78 , huh ?",1,,, 1271,Financial Phrasebank,"KONE , headquartered in Espoo , Finland , is one of the world 's leading elevator and escalator companies .",1,,, 1272,Financial Phrasebank,"Last July , the group said it intended to relocate warehouse and office space in Loudeac and Saint Marcel to Morvillars , in the east of France , where it already operates a hook manufacturing and distribution unit .",1,,, 1273,Financial Phrasebank,"Lember said the matter was topical also in Estonia , where a bill has been drafted at the Social Affairs Ministry that would scrap old-age pensions on favorable conditions .",1,,, 1274,Financial Phrasebank,"Linde acts responsibly towards its shareholders , business partners , employees , society and the environment - in every one of its business areas , regions and locations across the globe .",1,,, 1275,Financial Phrasebank,"LKAB , headquartered in Lulea , Sweden , is a high-tech mining company producing upgraded iron ore products for the steel industry .",1,,, 1276,Financial Phrasebank,"LLC , a voice and data management solution provider to wireless companies with operations worldwide , will be transferring its U.S. deployment operations to the Finnish mobile giant , which includes civil works and site acquisition services .",1,,, 1277,Financial Phrasebank,"Look out for vintage fabric cushion covers , '70s coffee pots , ceramic serving dishes , cocktail glasses , and stainless steel party dishes .",1,,, 1278,Financial Phrasebank,( I&H ) in a move to enhance growth .,2,,, 1279,Financial Phrasebank,LSC 's 30 employees will move to Ixonos with their existing status and benefits .,1,,, 1280,Financial Phrasebank,"MeeGo `` learns as you use it , '' Fisher said , putting the most important things up top .",1,,, 1281,Financial Phrasebank,Merging the two free sheets will clarify the market situation .,1,,, 1282,Financial Phrasebank,"Metso is a global supplier of sustainable technology and services for mining , construction , power generation , automation , recycling and the pulp and paper industries .",1,,, 1283,Financial Phrasebank,"More than 200 volunteers from Fiskars , the garden tool company , Home Depot ( NYSE : HD ) , the city of Baltimore and the neighborhood are working right now to create a garden sanctuary - in a single day .",2,,, 1284,Financial Phrasebank,"Name of Applicant : Jot Automation OYName of Inventor : Mammila Tuomo , Piirainen Mika and Kellokoski MikaApplication No. : 2424-KOLNP-2008 ADate of filing of Application : 16-06-2008Publication Date : 30/01/2009",1,,, 1285,Financial Phrasebank,NASDAQ-listed Yahoo Inc has introduced a new service that enables Malaysians to take their favorite Internet content and services with them on their mobile phones .,2,,, 1286,Financial Phrasebank,National sponsors for The Big Read include National Endowment for the Arts in cooperation with the Institute of Museum and Library Services and Arts Midwest .,1,,, 1287,Financial Phrasebank,Neomarkka has played a leading role in a group that aims to restart the production of specialty cellulose fiber in Valkeakoski .,1,,, 1288,Financial Phrasebank,Neste Oil Corporation Refining Operation Asset Summary Report Summary Neste Oil Corporation Refining Operation Assets Summary Report is an essential source for company data and information .,1,,, 1289,Financial Phrasebank,"Neste Oil extended yesterday 's gains and put on 0.49 pct to 22.72 eur , while utility Fortum shed 1.14 pct to 20.76 eur .",1,,, 1290,Financial Phrasebank,"Nordea Bank ( STO : NDA ) and Sampo Bank have helped Finnish real estate investment company Sponda ( HEL : SDA1V ) place a EUR100m ( USD125 .4 m ) domestic bond , the company said Friday .",2,,, 1291,Financial Phrasebank,"Of course , you 'll have direct access to Nokia 's Ovi store , so you 'll have lots of fun downloading your favorite media .",1,,, 1292,Financial Phrasebank,"Of these shares 14,747,084 are held by the Company and the number of outstanding shares and voting rights attached to the shares amounts thus to 161,256,847 .",1,,, 1293,Financial Phrasebank,"Oka specialises in new construction , renovation work of residential and non-residential building as well as premises for industrial and logistical use .",1,,, 1294,Financial Phrasebank,Okmetic Board of Directors has also decided on a new share ownership program directed to the company 's top management .,1,,, 1295,Financial Phrasebank,Okmetic 's silicon wafers are part of a further processing chain that produces end products that improve human interaction and quality of life .,1,,, 1296,Financial Phrasebank,"O'Leary 's Material Handling Services , located in Perth , is the leading company in Western Australia that supplies , installs and provides service for tail lifts .",2,,, 1297,Financial Phrasebank,One attractive factor about the tablets for media companies is that they provide a new way of making money .,2,,, 1298,Financial Phrasebank,One of Uponor 's promising future products is a hydronic cooling system .,2,,, 1299,Financial Phrasebank,"Oriola-KD , headquartered in Espoo , Finland , is a leading distributor of pharmaceutical and healthcare products with 1,300 employees in the Nordic and Baltic countries .",1,,, 1300,Financial Phrasebank,Other shareholder entitlements became effective today .,1,,, 1301,Financial Phrasebank,Our Canned-preserved food in Finland report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level .,1,,, 1302,Financial Phrasebank,"Our solutions are industry-independent supporting multilingual and currency needs , modular and applicable to companies of all sizes , '' CEO Ilkka Sihvo said .",1,,, 1303,Financial Phrasebank,"Our strong company brands - ESL Shipping , Leipurin , Telko and Kaukomarkkinat - aim to be the market leaders in their sectors .",2,,, 1304,Financial Phrasebank,"Outotec , headquartered in Espoo , Finland , is a leading provider of process solutions , technologies and services for the mining and metallurgical industries .",1,,, 1305,Financial Phrasebank,"Overall , 50 percent of respondents were confident about their security when banking online .",2,,, 1306,Financial Phrasebank,"Panostaja , headquartered in Tampere , Finland , is an investment company focusing on small and medium-sized Finnish companies operating in the traditional industries .",1,,, 1307,Financial Phrasebank,Performance is based on values and sustainability .,1,,, 1308,Financial Phrasebank,Pertti Ervi is independent from the Company and its major shareholders .,1,,, 1309,Financial Phrasebank,"Please inform IR Johanna Koskinen of your participation no later than 20 April at 10 a.m. A telephone conference for financial analysts and investors , conducted in English , will begin at 3:00 p.m. Finnish time ( EET ) .",1,,, 1310,Financial Phrasebank,"Poyry Energy GmbH is Austria 's leading engineering and consulting company in the energy , infrastructure and environment sector , owned by Poyry Plc. and the Austrian Verbund AG .",1,,, 1311,Financial Phrasebank,Poyry is recognized as one of the world 's leading advisors to the global forestry industry .,2,,, 1312,Financial Phrasebank,Precedex is approved for IV sedation of initially intubated and mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care .,2,,, 1313,Financial Phrasebank,Press release 3 September 2009 Ruukki continues to be listed in two Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes : DJSI World and DJSI STOXX .,1,,, 1314,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , the plant was expected to be completed by the end of 2008 .",1,,, 1315,Financial Phrasebank,Production at the plant will be based on Neste Oil 's proprietary technology that can use a flexible input of any vegetable oil or animal fat .,1,,, 1316,Financial Phrasebank,"Prothious Engineering ( ) employs more than 1,000 and has a large portfolio of projects and an annual detailing capacity of more than 100,000 tonnes .",1,,, 1317,Financial Phrasebank,QPR product family is fully compatible with Microsoft 's Windows 7 operating system .,1,,, 1318,Financial Phrasebank,Ramirent is a leading company in machinery and equipment rentals for construction and industry .,2,,, 1319,Financial Phrasebank,Ramirent is the leading construction machinery rental company in Finland with annual sales of EUR 134 million in 2009 and operating nationwide through 83 outlets and 612 employees .,2,,, 1320,Financial Phrasebank,Rapala aims to move the distribution unit Ragot from Loudeac in Bretagne and the distribution unit Waterqueen and the fishing line supplier Tortue from Saint Marcel in Central France to Morvillars .,1,,, 1321,Financial Phrasebank,"RAPALA TOURNAMENT FISHING : With all the major titles already out for the holidays , bargain-priced games such as Rapala aim for a smaller audience .",1,,, 1322,Financial Phrasebank,"Regulatory News : The Nomination Committee of Cybercom ( STO : CYBE ) , which is unanimous in its proposal , proposes the election of Jon Risfelt as the new Chairman of the Board .",1,,, 1323,Financial Phrasebank,"RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) is a method of so-called intelligent transport , whereby information can be read and saved remotely .",1,,, 1324,Financial Phrasebank,"RK Group , headquartered in Vantaa , Finland , is one of Europe 's leading machinery rental services .",1,,, 1325,Financial Phrasebank,"Russia 's top container shipping group , Fesco , and Finnish logistics company Nurminen Logistics have started a pilot project offering clients direct intermodal transportation service from Finland to Asia Pacific countries , Fesco said in a statement .",2,,, 1326,Financial Phrasebank,"S&P has kept its `` sell '' rating , while Nordea and UBS have reaffirmed their `` buy '' recommendations .",1,,, 1327,Financial Phrasebank,"Sanoma also has an Executive Committee , in accordance with the Company 's Articles of Association , that prepares proposals for matters to be decided or noted by the Board of Directors .",1,,, 1328,Financial Phrasebank,"Sarantel , based in Wellingborough , UK , designs high-performance antennas for portable wireless devices .",1,,, 1329,Financial Phrasebank,Shareholders of Rakvere Lihakombinaat decided in favor of the buyout of minority shares in mid-July .,2,,, 1330,Financial Phrasebank,Shares will be acquired in accordance with section 5 of the rules of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and other rules applicable to the acquisition of own shares .,1,,, 1331,Financial Phrasebank,"She will succeed Krister Kylas , who has decided to leave TeliaSonera .",1,,, 1332,Financial Phrasebank,Shuweihat 2 got under way in July 2008 when the project was awarded to desalination and power contractors .,1,,, 1333,Financial Phrasebank,"Simmons Elected DCUC Chairman PORTSMOUTH , N.H.-Gordon A. Simmons , CEO of Service Credit Union , has been elected chairman of the Defense Credit Union Council for the 2007-2008 term .",1,,, 1334,Financial Phrasebank,South America and Asia are other promising markets .,1,,, 1335,Financial Phrasebank,Sponda plans to renovate old real estate and develop new property .,1,,, 1336,Financial Phrasebank,Stock Exchange Release 10/3/2011 12:00 Sanoma has published its Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2010 and its first Corporate Responsibility Report .,1,,, 1337,Financial Phrasebank,"Stockholm-based Nordea Bank ( STO : NDA ) said yesterday it had hired Casper von Koskull to lead its corporate merchant banking and capital markets unit , effective 1 September .",1,,, 1338,Financial Phrasebank,"Stonesoft is a global provider of proven , next generation solutions that simplify network security management .",1,,, 1339,Financial Phrasebank,Strategic and operational business information is objectively reported .,1,,, 1340,Financial Phrasebank,"Swedish , Finnish and Danish listed companies are organized in three market cap segments , Nordic Large Cap , Mid Cap and Small Cap .",1,,, 1341,Financial Phrasebank,Symphony Services provides development services for Aldata GOLD .,1,,, 1342,Financial Phrasebank,Technopolis is Europe 's leading operator of technoparks .,2,,, 1343,Financial Phrasebank,Technopolis 's technological centers supply their clients with modern high-class premises .,1,,, 1344,Financial Phrasebank,"Tekla provides 3D software for building and infrastructure engineering , with a focus on building information modelling of steel and concrete structures from design to construction .",1,,, 1345,Financial Phrasebank,"Teleste 's hybrid TV solution includes components for the whole process of delivering video services to consumers from content acquisition and service creation to delivery through a range of access solutions , including HFC ( hybrid fibre-coaxial ) , xDSL , EttH , and FttH .",1,,, 1346,Financial Phrasebank,The adjustment measures will be carried out in phases to secure the delivery capability .,1,,, 1347,Financial Phrasebank,The agreement is valid for four years .,1,,, 1348,Financial Phrasebank,"The alliance aims to tap pocketable mobile computers , netbooks , tablets , mediaphones , connected TVs and in-vehicle infotainment systems .",1,,, 1349,Financial Phrasebank,The availability of the Internet services is highlighted in the service offer of Kesko 's K-Group stores .,1,,, 1350,Financial Phrasebank,"The broker started UPM-Kymmene , Stora Enso and Sappi with ` equal-weight ' recommendations and Holmen and Norske Skog with ` underweight ' ratings .",1,,, 1351,Financial Phrasebank,"The building complex consists of high-quality office and retail space totalling 49,200 square metres , the company said .",1,,, 1352,Financial Phrasebank,"The business has sales of about ( Euro ) 35 million ( $ 44million ) , and has been responsible for sales and marketing of Lanxess 's paper chemicals business , which Kemira bought for ( Euro ) 88 million early this year ( CW , Jan. 11 , p. 22 ) .",1,,, 1353,Financial Phrasebank,The business section also includes Ahlstrom 's sustainability report .,1,,, 1354,Financial Phrasebank,"The center offers a comprehensive range of device design services spanning from electronics , mechanics and software design to a full range of testing laboratory services .",1,,, 1355,Financial Phrasebank,The commission said the hydrogen peroxide and PBS market was worth about 470 million euros in 2000 .,1,,, 1356,Financial Phrasebank,"The company designs , manufactures and markets high-quality clothing , interior decoration textiles , bags and other accessories .",1,,, 1357,Financial Phrasebank,"The company designs and manufactures high-quality clothing , interior decoration textiles , bags , and other accessories .",1,,, 1358,Financial Phrasebank,"The company has delivered the technical infrastructure , used by NAV for their data warehouse and business intelligence initiatives .",1,,, 1359,Financial Phrasebank,"The company is now withdrawing the second part , EUR 7.2 mn , of the investment commitment .",1,,, 1360,Financial Phrasebank,The company is presently examining whether the project would be financially feasible .,1,,, 1361,Financial Phrasebank,The company is studying the feasibility of focusing most of its processed meat production in the Vantaa facilities and the processing of fresh meat in the Forssa facilities .,1,,, 1362,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's strength is its Apetit brand .,2,,, 1363,Financial Phrasebank,The company said shareholders will be able to vote on the agreement at an EGM scheduled for later this month .,1,,, 1364,Financial Phrasebank,The company specialises in temporary electrification and heating at construction sites .,1,,, 1365,Financial Phrasebank,"The competition was received with great enthusiasm by the employees , he goes on .",2,,, 1366,Financial Phrasebank,"The cooperation will involve Arena Partners buying a 35 % share of the new joint venture company , operating in Alma Media 's home sales , vehicle and consumer advertising marketplace businesses .",1,,, 1367,Financial Phrasebank,The deliveries started in April 2006 and will be completed in 2007 .,1,,, 1368,Financial Phrasebank,The desk will reach its full planned strength of ten persons in autumn 2007 .,1,,, 1369,Financial Phrasebank,"The dividend is payable on February 1 , 2010 to shareholders of record on January 19 , 2010 .",1,,, 1370,Financial Phrasebank,"The dividend will be paid on April 15 , 2008 to each of the shareholders who on the record date of April 8 , 2008 have been entered in the list of shareholders kept by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. .",1,,, 1371,Financial Phrasebank,The effect of the savings will be noticeable as of the beginning of 2010 .,2,,, 1372,Financial Phrasebank,The effect of the savings will be noticeable from the beginning of 2010 .,1,,, 1373,Financial Phrasebank,"The end-to-end delivery combines the competencies and services from TietoEnators Telecom & Media , Processing & Network and Digital Innovations Business Areas .",1,,, 1374,Financial Phrasebank,The EUR 0.7 million non-recurring expenses have been recorded for the third quarter .,1,,, 1375,Financial Phrasebank,The event can be followed on-line via Orion 's Finnish homepage at as well as via the Kauppalehti Live web service at .,1,,, 1376,Financial Phrasebank,The Extraordinary General Meeting is expected to take place no later than 18 February 2011 .,1,,, 1377,Financial Phrasebank,"The first installment of the Cinema Series concludes with a profile of Finnish inventor Olavi Linden , whose personal artistic journey and work at Fiskars has led to dozens of design awards .",1,,, 1378,Financial Phrasebank,The first of the two project phases is expected to be completed by the end of 2012 .,1,,, 1379,Financial Phrasebank,"The group also plans to launch the 270 room Atria Grand , Whitefield , a five star luxury hotel , in 2009 .",1,,, 1380,Financial Phrasebank,"The group intends to relocate warehouse and office space in Loudeac and Saint Marcel to Morvillars , in the east of the country , where it already operates a hook manufacturing and distribution unit .",1,,, 1381,Financial Phrasebank,"The Group owns and operates a fleet of more than 800dwt , while container capacity is 17,000 TEUs , and manages a diversified fleet of its own railway rolling stock of over 17,000 units .",1,,, 1382,Financial Phrasebank,"The handset also features a Media Bar for quick access to favorite media and applications , including music , photos , YouTube or Ovi Share .",1,,, 1383,Financial Phrasebank,"The Hayward , Calif.-based target designs active , casual and dress footwear , as well as boots and sandals .",1,,, 1384,Financial Phrasebank,"The important thing now is to keep the bank 's existing 15,000 customers .",1,,, 1385,Financial Phrasebank,"The Innova 2 building will be located close to downtown , in the immediate vicinity of Paviljonki and the travel center , and within walking distance from the heart of the city thanks to the trade fair bridge .",1,,, 1386,Financial Phrasebank,The interchange of Editors-in-Chief is a part of publisher 's goal to enhance job circulation in all personnel groups .,1,,, 1387,Financial Phrasebank,The joint venture is planning a quick timetable for negotiating the lease of the potential wind farm areas and for charting the feasibility of the wind farms .,1,,, 1388,Financial Phrasebank,The Kyroskoski investment is to be completed in late 2011 and the +ä+ñnekoski investment in the spring of 2012 .,1,,, 1389,Financial Phrasebank,"The Lemminkainen Group , headquartered in Helsinki , Finland , operates in all sectors of the construction industry : civil engineering , building contracting , technical building services and the building materials industry .",1,,, 1390,Financial Phrasebank,"The Lemminkainen Group , headquartered in Helsinki , Finland operates in all sectors of the construction industry : civil engineering , building contracting , technical building services and the building materials industry .",1,,, 1391,Financial Phrasebank,"The Marubeni Group focuses on creating `` value chain '' from upstream to downstream , encompassing a wide variety of business fields , including oil & gas , metals , mineral resources , foods , pulp & paper and chemicals , among others .",1,,, 1392,Financial Phrasebank,"The most interesting export markets will be Russia , the Baltic countries and Scandinavia .",1,,, 1393,Financial Phrasebank,"The most popular mobile data services are email , surfing the internet , as well as news and weather services .",1,,, 1394,Financial Phrasebank,The new B shares carry the right to dividend and other shareholder rights with effect from today .,1,,, 1395,Financial Phrasebank,The objective of the St. Petersburg office is first to boost the Company 's maintenance business .,1,,, 1396,Financial Phrasebank,The office space will rise above the remodeled Cannon Street underground station .,1,,, 1397,Financial Phrasebank,"The official opening of the office , located in Prague , will be celebrated on May 20 .",1,,, 1398,Financial Phrasebank,The oil shale feeder-supply solution will deliver crushed oil shale to the shale oil refinery already in operation as well as to the novel Enefit-280 shale oil technology processing plant .,1,,, 1399,Financial Phrasebank,"The operator is one of 6 operators to have been granted a WiMAX license in Taiwan , and hopes to be the first to launch commercial services in early 2009 .",1,,, 1400,Financial Phrasebank,"The opportunity will be available only for few employees , however .",1,,, 1401,Financial Phrasebank,"The order includes a steel frame , load-bearing roof structures and partition wall elements , and Rautaruukki said it expects to complete installation as early as May next year .",1,,, 1402,Financial Phrasebank,The Oxyview Pulse Oximeter is a common device to check patient blood-oxygen saturation level and pulse rate .,1,,, 1403,Financial Phrasebank,The plant would use palm oil certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil ( RSPO ) .,1,,, 1404,Financial Phrasebank,"The port operator , however , favors retaining the port fees in 2010 , citing the owner , the governemtn of Estonia , commiting the port to pay EEK 400mn ( EUR 25.56 mn USD 36.44 mn ) in dividends to the state in 2009 and another EEK 300mn in 2010 .",1,,, 1405,Financial Phrasebank,The price for logs has clearly improved from 2009 and also the price of pulpwood has gone up .,2,,, 1406,Financial Phrasebank,The product 's front-edge folding maximizes weather resilience and enables a seamless roof finish .,1,,, 1407,Financial Phrasebank,"The program included operational improvements and reductions in personnel , mainly in the Netherlands .",1,,, 1408,Financial Phrasebank,The project is expected to be completed in 2009 .,1,,, 1409,Financial Phrasebank,"The reason for this is St. Petersburg status as a capital , one of the participants in the meeting quoted Chikunov as saying .",1,,, 1410,Financial Phrasebank,"The report goes on to provide detailed profiles of ten leading European specialty chemicals companies , and brief profiles of other major players .",1,,, 1411,Financial Phrasebank,"The report profiles 614 companies including many key and niche players worldwide such as Black & Decker Corporation , Fiskars Corporation , Fiskars Brands , Inc. , Husqvarna Outdoor Products Inc. , K+S Group , Ryobi Technologies , Inc. , The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company , and Van Group , Inc. .",1,,, 1412,Financial Phrasebank,"The Russian government will contribute 20 % of the necessary funds , he said .",1,,, 1413,Financial Phrasebank,"The sale will allow Campofrio to focus on its recently announced takeover of Groupe Smithfield Holdings , the European unit of Smithfield Foods Inc. ( SFD ) of the U.S.",1,,, 1414,Financial Phrasebank,"The scope of the project is to find the most cost-efficient method for phosphorous removal and to deliver the storing and dosing equipment , which can be used in continuous operation at the plants .",1,,, 1415,Financial Phrasebank,The server is responsible for managing devices and user accounts and a desktop client application enables remote access to the mobile phones .,1,,, 1416,Financial Phrasebank,The service developed by Digia facilitates the work and resourcing of health care personnel during vaccination campaigns while providing them with monitoring and management tools .,1,,, 1417,Financial Phrasebank,The share of the share capital of both above mentioned shareholders remains below 5 % .,1,,, 1418,Financial Phrasebank,The shares carry a right to dividend and other shareholder rights as from their registration with the Finnish Trade Register .,1,,, 1419,Financial Phrasebank,"The shares shall be repurchased through public trading , for which reason the shares are repurchased otherwise than in proportion to the holdings of the shareholders .",1,,, 1420,Financial Phrasebank,The shipyard hopes the regional government in Andalusia can offer its some form of financial support .,1,,, 1421,Financial Phrasebank,The shopping center will have a prime location right next to the Myllypuro metro station .,2,,, 1422,Financial Phrasebank,The solutions will be used for upgrading the networks of a Russian MSO in 37 different cities in Russia .,2,,, 1423,Financial Phrasebank,"The StoneGate product family was designed to provide the full benefits of a unified management system including shared logging , reporting and auditing .",1,,, 1424,Financial Phrasebank,The subsidiary is setting up a facility for manufacturing high-density interconnection printed circuit boards or PCBs at Nokia 's special economic zone at Sriperumbudur near Chennai .,1,,, 1425,Financial Phrasebank,"The subsidiary will be responsible for filter sales , local assembly of filters and after market services in China .",1,,, 1426,Financial Phrasebank,"The total number of shares in the company will be 585,236,987 Innofactor group Innofactor offers its customers comprehensive solutions in the Microsoft environment .",1,,, 1427,Financial Phrasebank,The total value of the project is valued at SEK 30bn ( EUR 2.83 bn USD 3.81 bn ) .,1,,, 1428,Financial Phrasebank,The trade is in accordance with the agreement announced on 26 March 2008 .,1,,, 1429,Financial Phrasebank,The training modules aim at strengthening the public accounting abilities and fulfilling communal project management .,2,,, 1430,Financial Phrasebank,The transaction is expected to be completed next spring .,1,,, 1431,Financial Phrasebank,The trucks feature an Eco Drive system - a fuel measuring tool which stores data particular to individual drivers .,1,,, 1432,Financial Phrasebank,The veneer and plywood industry in Sweden is quite small despite the raw material resources .,1,,, 1433,Financial Phrasebank,The writing and publication of Lemmink+ñinen -¦ s history is a continuation of earlier collaboration between Antti Tuuri and the company .,1,,, 1434,Financial Phrasebank,"These products include Personal Communications products such as mobile phones and their parts , Home Communications products such as set-top boxes and electronics for flat panel TVs as well as Communications Networks products such as base-stations , tower-top amplifiers , and microwave systems .",1,,, 1435,Financial Phrasebank,"They re in a race with Google to get lots of users onto their service as social networking creates new business models , said Martin Garner , a London-based analyst with CCS Insight .",1,,, 1436,Financial Phrasebank,This beauty is an updated version of her chichi loop shade launched in 2001 .,1,,, 1437,Financial Phrasebank,Through this transaction we are able to participate in developing the industry .,2,,, 1438,Financial Phrasebank,"Thus the group 's balance sheet will have about EUR25 .8 m of goodwill , the company added .",1,,, 1439,Financial Phrasebank,"To check them out or to make a bid they will be in the Deka Showroom , Fortitude Valley .",1,,, 1440,Financial Phrasebank,Tracker G400 is a GPS collar for hunting dogs allowing to monitor the dog 's position and movements with a map application for mobile phones .,1,,, 1441,Financial Phrasebank,Ulefos Group is the leading supplier of manhole covers in the Nordic countries .,1,,, 1442,Financial Phrasebank,"Upgrades include a five megapixel camera , voice control , and what looks to be an optical mouse instead a D-pad -- an upgrade click-happy S60 has needed forever .",2,,, 1443,Financial Phrasebank,UPM-Kymmene is one of the world 's leading printing paper producers with production in 15 countries and a sales network covering more than 170 companies .,2,,, 1444,Financial Phrasebank,Uponor has initiated actions to attempt to recover the cost of the replacement program from the supplier of the clamps as well as its insurance company .,1,,, 1445,Financial Phrasebank,Uponor maintains its full-year guidance for 2010 .,1,,, 1446,Financial Phrasebank,"Utah 's capital wanted to be the next U.S. headquarters of Amer Sports Corp. , a ski-equipment company .",1,,, 1447,Financial Phrasebank,"Vaisala Oyj Stock exchange release 26.03.2010 klo 09.00 1 ( 1 ) The Annual General Meeting of Vaisala Oyj decided on March 25 , 2010 to approve the Company 's annual accounts for 2009 .",1,,, 1448,Financial Phrasebank,We are pleased to invite you to join M-real 's international conference call at 3:00 p.m. EET .,1,,, 1449,Financial Phrasebank,"We warmly welcome him to Satama '' , states Jussi Lansio , chairman of the Board .",2,,, 1450,Financial Phrasebank,Veracel is preparing an appeal in the issue and has asked the court for clarification of the judgement .,1,,, 1451,Financial Phrasebank,What would you like to see changed on Nokia 's next attempt ?,1,,, 1452,Financial Phrasebank,"When completed , the 120-meter Watchtower will be the highest building in Ireland .",1,,, 1453,Financial Phrasebank,"Viking will pay EUR 130 million for the new ship , which will be completed in January 2008 .",1,,, 1454,Financial Phrasebank,"With the Basware Connectivity services , companies gain visibility to an audit trail that can be traced from order to goods delivery and invoice .",1,,, 1455,Financial Phrasebank," Designed by Patricia Burt , this is just one of a selection of distinctive hooked rugs created with recycled materials and dyed natural dyes .",1,,, 1456,Financial Phrasebank,You are warmly welcome !,1,,, 1457,Financial Phrasebank,Approval by shareholders of Cencorp in accordance with Finnish law .,1,,, 1458,Financial Phrasebank,"Tikkurila has an interesting growth strategy , which we support .",1,,, 1459,Financial Phrasebank,ASSA ABLOY Kaupthing Bank gave a ` neutral ' recommendation and a share price target of 174 crowns $ 24.7 - 19 euro on Swedish lock maker Assa Abloy AB .,1,,, 1460,Financial Phrasebank,"` Ruukki has experience of logistics construction , competence in project management and also has the best references in terms of steel frame production and installation , ' says Onodi Stefan , General Manager of Arxikon Construction Company SRL , which is Ruukki 's customer .",2,,, 1461,Financial Phrasebank,` The investment in Matka-Vekka has been reasonable for investors in CapMan funds . ',1,,, 1462,Financial Phrasebank,"`` As a part of the Eseries business promise , the Nokia E50 has been equipped with a variety of email solutions in a small and stylised package , '' said Dave Grannan , general manager , Enterprise Solutions , Nokia .",1,,, 1463,Financial Phrasebank,"`` As defences mature , attackers develop Trojans that are equipped with content filters to detect online banking activity for capturing account details using methods such as form grabbing , screen shots , video captures , keylogging and injection of form fields .",1,,, 1464,Financial Phrasebank,`` I warmly welcome Michael Frei to Outotec .,2,,, 1465,Financial Phrasebank,`` Nokia is just interested in bring Nokia to the market . '',1,,, 1466,Financial Phrasebank,`` Our aim is to understand different traffic patterns based on the use of each building .,1,,, 1467,Financial Phrasebank,`` Our approach is very much to only use raw materials that are produced in line with the principles of sustainable development .,1,,, 1468,Financial Phrasebank,`` Our Vaalipalvelu-service was especially developed for use by communities and organizations .,1,,, 1469,Financial Phrasebank,`` Rapala is excited to be partnering with RBFF and other industry leaders on this holiday promotion . '',1,,, 1470,Financial Phrasebank,`` Small well targeted acquisitions have played an important role in executing Satama 's strategy in the past couple of years .,1,,, 1471,Financial Phrasebank,`` Social networking and location-based service trends comprise a significant share of the Internet traffic today and are appealing to MID users .,1,,, 1472,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The acquisition of Sampo Bank makes strategic sense for DB , '' says Lindsey Liddell , director of Fitch Ratings 's Financial Institutions Group .",2,,, 1473,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The bond gathered subscriptions from some 400 investors and the issued amount can be considered substantial taking into account the main target group -- retail investors , '' Citycon CFO Eero Sihvonen said .",1,,, 1474,Financial Phrasebank,`` The CHF is a great product .,2,,, 1475,Financial Phrasebank,`` The flex is a small price to pay for happy lenders . '',1,,, 1476,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The industry is coming to an interesting fork in the road as both handset manufacturers and wireless carriers attempt to serve as the portal for Web-based service to your wireless handset , '' he wrote .",1,,, 1477,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The Intel Atom processor has had tremendous success in the marketplace since its launch over 2 years ago , '' said Pankaj Kedia , director of global ecosystem programs for Intel Corp. 's Ultra Mobility Group .",2,,, 1478,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Tom Doring has a long and successful career in the drives business , and he knows the American market .",1,,, 1479,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We have significant experience in smartphone functionality , in the development of mobile Internet services , and in uniting the two into a smooth user experience .",2,,, 1480,Financial Phrasebank,`` With this new version it is very important for us to introduce a BIM process that is based on the detailed building information model .,1,,, 1481,Financial Phrasebank,18:30 Dinner The conference program can also be viewed as a live audio webcast through the internet pages at .,1,,, 1482,Financial Phrasebank,"3G data subscribers are also helping to maintain these growth levels , since data-only subscriptions push for more multiple SIM ownership .",1,,, 1483,Financial Phrasebank,6 October 2010 - Finnish paints and coatings company Tikkurila Oyj HEL : TIK1V announced today the launch of Tikkurila ProHouse method for protection of wooden surfaces via treatment with Ultra Pro waterborne products .,1,,, 1484,Financial Phrasebank,A CUT ABOVE Bring the outdoors in with these birch-branch coasters .,1,,, 1485,Financial Phrasebank,"A downloadable instruction sheet , instructional video , and project ideas for the award-winning Everywhere Punch TM Window System can be found at .",1,,, 1486,Financial Phrasebank,A new Kveyt light variety of Suomalainen Pekoni marketed under the Atria brand name is now available to consumers in Finland .,2,,, 1487,Financial Phrasebank,A PLUMBING business has announced it is sponsoring a professional darts player .,1,,, 1488,Financial Phrasebank,A realignment of interests in the sector is clearly under way .,2,,, 1489,Financial Phrasebank,"A. Le Coq Special was developed for the bicentenary of the company and the trade mark , the brewer said .",1,,, 1490,Financial Phrasebank,Estimations indicate that even up to 170 different tablet computers or reading devices will be available in 2011 .,1,,, 1491,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish construction company YIT Corporation is planning to build about 200 high-quality holiday homes near the Tahko ski and spa resort , in Finland .",2,,, 1492,Financial Phrasebank,"After piloting , the instrument will be further developed according to the experiences gained .",1,,, 1493,Financial Phrasebank,"And when it has lifted the veil on the various types of customer for which it designs its phones , the result is social stereotyping taken to a fine art .",1,,, 1494,Financial Phrasebank,Another noticeable thing is that the search for Tata and Airtel brands was mostly related to ` broadband connections ' .,1,,, 1495,Financial Phrasebank,As an overall effect of the above-mentioned measures Glaston will recognize non-recurring expenses of EUR 12 million in the fourth quarter of 2008 .,1,,, 1496,Financial Phrasebank,Aspo has also investigated the sales opportunities of Kaukomarkkinat 's electronics business .,1,,, 1497,Financial Phrasebank,"At a press conference , Lattelecom board chairman Nils Melngailis explained that Blackstone had been chosen for its experience in the IT sector as well as its financial strength .",2,,, 1498,Financial Phrasebank,"At the beginning of the subscription period on May 2 , 2006 the share subscription price under B option right is EUR 10.22 per share .",1,,, 1499,Financial Phrasebank,"Back then , Tikkurila 's former owner , Finnish chemicals company Kemira Oyj HEL : KRA1V , distributed an 86 % stake to Kemira shareholders to facilitate the divestment and listing of Tikkurila .",1,,, 1500,Financial Phrasebank,"Based on negotiations with personnel , some 20 % have indicated their willingness to move to the new location .",1,,, 1501,Financial Phrasebank,BG Crane has a strong customer base in the on-road load handling and related installation and service businesses .,1,,, 1502,Financial Phrasebank,Both Mr Walden and Mr Ignatius will be responsible also for the newspapers ' business result .,1,,, 1503,Financial Phrasebank,Capitex Kalmar will continue to be responsible for the maintenance and technical development of the services .,1,,, 1504,Financial Phrasebank,"Cathay Forest 's strategy is to develop sustainable , regenerative forest assets .",1,,, 1505,Financial Phrasebank,Changes to the as-built models from the design were communicated to the subcontractors to accommodate them into the steel and GRC glass reinforced concrete fabrication process .,1,,, 1506,Financial Phrasebank,"Chargers manufactured under the new platform are suitable for mobile phones , navigators , digital cameras , Bluetooth head sets , media players and other electronic devices .",1,,, 1507,Financial Phrasebank,"com , and we are constantly planning new ways to serve our customers online on a more comprehensive basis , '' says Matti Leminen , President of Anttila Oy .",2,,, 1508,Financial Phrasebank,"Currently , YIT builds a housing estate Zapadnye Vorota 26,000 square metres in the city and a house 9,910 square metres , which will be completed at the end of 2009 .",1,,, 1509,Financial Phrasebank,Customers in a wide range of industries use our stainless steel and services worldwide .,1,,, 1510,Financial Phrasebank,Delivery will start immediately in June 2008 and will be completed in 2008 .,1,,, 1511,Financial Phrasebank,"Demonstrations of the broad capabilities of the Mobility Business Suite will be organized during the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona , from February 12th to 15th .",1,,, 1512,Financial Phrasebank,Each option right entitles the holder to subscribe for one new share at a subscription price of EUR0 .045 during the subscription period which ends on 31 December 2013 .,1,,, 1513,Financial Phrasebank,Elisa will expand the use of this technology provided the pilot proves successful .,1,,, 1514,Financial Phrasebank,"Elite Residence Tower , a new development by Tameer , is located at the heart of Dubai Marina .",1,,, 1515,Financial Phrasebank,Europe needs 17 new large paper machines .,1,,, 1516,Financial Phrasebank,Exel wants to serve its industrial customers with individual products .,1,,, 1517,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish bank Pohjola Bank Plc HEL : POH1S said today that it will issue a EUR 40 million USD 51.2 m index-linked bond , Pohjola Tutkimuksen Tahdet VIII-2010 Pohjola Research Stars VIII-2010 , on October 27 , 2010 .",1,,, 1518,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish diversified holding company Aspo Oyj said on September 8 , 2008 that it will sell the Finnish tape business of its Kaukomarkkinat unit to local Oy Telpak Ab .",1,,, 1519,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish retailer Stockmann has won approval from the board of Swedish rival Lindex for a public tender offer with the aim of expanding the companies ' presence in Russia and other CEE countries , Stockmann said Monday .",2,,, 1520,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish software and hardware developer Elektrobit Oyj HEL : EBG1V , or EB , said today it will temporarily lay off up to 200 people for a maximum of 90 day in Finland , aiming to achieve cost savings of EUR 1.7 million USD 2m in the second half of 2010 .",0,,, 1521,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the impact , the Altima hit a utility pole , causing a live electric line to fall onto the roadway .",1,,, 1522,Financial Phrasebank,From Merisatama to the far corners of the world Asfaltti Osakeyhti+Â Lemmink+ñinen was established in 1910 by a group of master builders in Helsinki as a specialist business and subcontractor .,1,,, 1523,Financial Phrasebank,"F-Secure , a developer of security solutions as a service through Internet Service Providers and mobile operators , announced results from its annual Online Wellbeing Survey .",1,,, 1524,Financial Phrasebank,"Further concrete cooperation is also carried out through various projects , doctoral theses and diploma dissertations .",1,,, 1525,Financial Phrasebank,"Furthermore , the company will sell the warehouse and office buildings in Loudeac and Saint Marcel and lease new joint premises for these operations in Morvillars .",1,,, 1526,Financial Phrasebank,"Handelsbanken ranked before Local Cooperative Banks and Aktia in customer loyalty this time too , however .",2,,, 1527,Financial Phrasebank,He is resting comfortably and is looking forward to getting back to work . '',1,,, 1528,Financial Phrasebank,"If the employee leaves the company within the duration of the cover , the money invested to ensure commitment is returned to the company .",1,,, 1529,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2008 , Kemira recorded revenue of approximately EUR 2.8 billion and had a staff of 9,400 .",1,,, 1530,Financial Phrasebank,"In accordance with the terms and conditions of Alma Media 's 2006 option program , the share subscription price for the 2006A option rights was EUR 4.88 per share and the book countervalue EUR 0.60 per share .",1,,, 1531,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to supplying a new headbox and a modern sizing and coating unit , Vaahto Group will provide erection supervision , training and start-up services .",1,,, 1532,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , Martela offers a comprehensive service that can cover the entire process of change from initial inventory and design to removal and maintenance .",1,,, 1533,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , the corresponding service is Alma Media 's , Finland 's most popular and best known nationwide online service for home and property sales .",1,,, 1534,Financial Phrasebank,"In Penttil+ñ 's vision , the most important reason for the transaction is Russia .",1,,, 1535,Financial Phrasebank,"In recent months , Capman has taken significant steps to simplify its operations , CEO Lennart Simonsen said .",2,,, 1536,Financial Phrasebank,"In stead of being based on a soft drink , as is usual , the Teho energy drink is made with fresh water .",1,,, 1537,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Baltics , the merger of the businesses of the two is expected to be completed in early 2008 .",1,,, 1538,Financial Phrasebank,"In the next few years , the ICT sector 's share of electricity consumption will be raised by the increase in the popularity of smartphones .",1,,, 1539,Financial Phrasebank,"In the video above Marimekko 's design manager , Noora Niiininoski , explains that the brands are a natural fit for each other because they both have a timeless style .",1,,, 1540,Financial Phrasebank,It also confirmed its earnings guidance for the whole 2009 issued in its report for the whole 2008 .,1,,, 1541,Financial Phrasebank,"It also has strong assets in electronic media , employing 18,500 an increase of 9 percent on last year .",2,,, 1542,Financial Phrasebank,It is hand-painted resin with real 14-0 trebles and is 75cm long by 25cm deep from top to bottom of the middle hook .,1,,, 1543,Financial Phrasebank,"It is part of the development of the world-class magnetite deposit at Karara , which has the known potential for over 30 million metric tons of annual processing of magnetite over its estimated 30-year life .",1,,, 1544,Financial Phrasebank,"It is the last smartphone running Maemo 5 , which is to be replaced with MeeGo , a joint project between Nokia , Intel and the open source community .",1,,, 1545,Financial Phrasebank,"It makes a wide range of mobile devices with services and software that enable people to experience music , navigation , video , television , imaging , games and business mobility .",1,,, 1546,Financial Phrasebank,It offers advanced machinery maintenance and process development services to the pulp and paper industry in Northern China .,1,,, 1547,Financial Phrasebank,"It operates under three distinct brands : United Supermarkets , Market Street and United Supermercado .",1,,, 1548,Financial Phrasebank,"It s an area that is highly valued , because most of the land there has already been built on .",1,,, 1549,Financial Phrasebank,"Kaido Kaare , general director for Atria Eesti , says the company 's investments in the upgrade of the pig farms surpass EEK 150mn EUR 9.59 mn USD 14.19 mn in the past years .",2,,, 1550,Financial Phrasebank,"Kaukopartio Oy has acquired specialized knowledge in Far Eastern operations , and industrial sourcing services are their core competence .",1,,, 1551,Financial Phrasebank,Kaupthing Bank will publish its annual results for 2007 before markets open on Thursday 31 January .,1,,, 1552,Financial Phrasebank,"LONDON AFX - UK and European brokers ' recommendations issued today , as collated by AFX News from a range of market sources .",1,,, 1553,Financial Phrasebank,"LONDON ICIS -- Tikkurila has completed the sale of its powder coatings business to Finnish industrial coatings firm Teknos Group , the Finland-based decorative paints company said on Wednesday .",1,,, 1554,Financial Phrasebank,The fine print is here .,1,,, 1555,Financial Phrasebank,M. and a Master of Business Administration MBA .,1,,, 1556,Financial Phrasebank,Martela is a front runner in providing innovative solutions and customer service Martela designs and supplies interior solutions for working environments and public spaces .,1,,, 1557,Financial Phrasebank,More than 80 special events in the three counties during four months were hosted by the library system and its nine branch libraries .,1,,, 1558,Financial Phrasebank,Ms Laakso will be responsible for HKScan 's HR functions and for their development in all of the Group ` smarket areas .,1,,, 1559,Financial Phrasebank,NetCom expects to complete Turbo 3G deployment in these areas this year .,1,,, 1560,Financial Phrasebank,"New Delhi , July 17 -- Sahlberg Teppo , Kallio Timo and Mustonen Tuomas of M Real OYJ , Espoo , Finland have developed novel markings and methods of producing the same .",1,,, 1561,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia Siemens Networks provides mobile and fixed network infrastructure , communications and networks service platforms , as well as professional services , to operators and service providers .",1,,, 1562,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia will continue to invest in future development of Qt for the benefit of all users , both Commercial and LGPL .",2,,, 1563,Financial Phrasebank,Nokian Tyres ' tyres are considered genuine winter tyres in Russia .,1,,, 1564,Financial Phrasebank,"Of these shares 29,659,239 are held by the Company or its group companies and the number of outstanding shares and voting rights attached to the shares thus amounts to 322,705,218 .",1,,, 1565,Financial Phrasebank,"On the other hand , Finnish sawmills ' production has decreased even more .",0,,, 1566,Financial Phrasebank,"One of the installed elevators will be a double-deck elevator , which enables more efficient use of the building 's core space .",2,,, 1567,Financial Phrasebank,"One of the opportunities would be to bring all Baltic meat processing to Rakvere , like processing was concentrated at the Vantaa meat-packing unit in Finland , the paper wrote .",1,,, 1568,Financial Phrasebank,"Outotec 's scope of delivery covers the engineering , supply of special equipment and services for a calcination plant with two circulating fluid bed calciners .",1,,, 1569,Financial Phrasebank,"Outotec 's scope of delivery includes design , basic engineering and supply of proprietary equipment for a sinter plant with a grate area of 496 square meters .",1,,, 1570,Financial Phrasebank,"Participants at any of the book discussions or other special events , or visitors to the car dealership were eligible to enter the drawing for the 2005 silver , four-door Altima .",1,,, 1571,Financial Phrasebank,Peigs will become part of Sardus Latta Maltider Light Meals unit .,1,,, 1572,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceuticals - Belgium This brand-new market analysis gives a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the pharmaceutical market in Belgium .,1,,, 1573,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceuticals - Czech Republic This brand-new market analysis gives a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the pharmaceutical market in Czech Republic .,1,,, 1574,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceuticals - Italy This brand-new market analysis gives a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the pharmaceutical market in Italy .,1,,, 1575,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceuticals - Netherlands This brand-new market analysis gives a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the pharmaceutical market in Netherlands .,1,,, 1576,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceuticals - Poland This brand-new market analysis gives a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the pharmaceutical market in Poland .,1,,, 1577,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceuticals - Spain This brand-new market analysis gives a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the pharmaceutical market in Spain .,1,,, 1578,Financial Phrasebank,"Product coverage : baked goods ; biscuits ; breakfast cereals Data coverage : market sizes historic and forecasts , company shares , brand shares and distribution data .",1,,, 1579,Financial Phrasebank,"Pulkovo park will be ready in 2016 , its first stage of 23,000 sq. m. will be finished in the first quarter of 2010 .",1,,, 1580,Financial Phrasebank,Quality chargers under CHARGZ brand are sold in selected retail stores and other sales locations world-wide .,1,,, 1581,Financial Phrasebank,"Rapala VMC Corporation Rapala , a leading fishing tackle and sporting goods manufacturer and distributor , is the main owner of Peltonen with its 80 % shareholding .",1,,, 1582,Financial Phrasebank,"Remote Phone Management demonstrates SysOpen Digia 's unique end-to-end offering for operators , handset manufacturers and enterprise customers .",1,,, 1583,Financial Phrasebank,"Renzo Piano 's building design will be a wonderful addition to London 's skyline , '' says Noud Veeger , EVP and Area Director for Central and North Europe at KONE .",2,,, 1584,Financial Phrasebank,"Reporting in accordance with the merged business operations will start as of January 1 , 2011 .",1,,, 1585,Financial Phrasebank,RusHydro has an agreement to transfer its stakes in OESK and the five ERCs into the trust management of Inter RAO .,1,,, 1586,Financial Phrasebank,Russia wants to utilise its huge forest reserves in a very different way from what has been done so far .,1,,, 1587,Financial Phrasebank,Ruukki is restructuring commercial and industrial construction operations in pursuit of permanent improvements whilst adjusting operations to market conditions .,1,,, 1588,Financial Phrasebank,s already good position in the technical building services market in Ostrobothnia .,1,,, 1589,Financial Phrasebank,"S Group 's loyal customer magazine Yhteishyv+ñ came second with 1,629,000 readers and Sanoma Corporation 's daily newspaper Helsingin Sanomat was third with 1,097,000 readers .",1,,, 1590,Financial Phrasebank,"SCOPI Chief Business Excellence Officer , Eng .",1,,, 1591,Financial Phrasebank,"Seppala transferred the sale to a greater extent than last year to February , and this is reflected on the January sales figures .",1,,, 1592,Financial Phrasebank,"Stora Enso Oyj said Friday it will sell its North American unit to NewPage , in a deal valued at euro1 .82 billion US$ 2.52 million .",1,,, 1593,Financial Phrasebank,Subject-matter of the invention furthermore is the use of the cyclone for separating partly molten particles . '',1,,, 1594,Financial Phrasebank,"Taking a cue from the playbook of the East Dillon Lions , we 've created a special team of heavy-hitting style players , such as boot-cut jeans , tummy tops and , of course , cowboy boots .",1,,, 1595,Financial Phrasebank,"Tekla 's defense business employs over 20 persons and is located in Espoo , Finland .",1,,, 1596,Financial Phrasebank,"Tekla 's software solutions make customers ' core processes more effective in building and construction , energy distribution , infrastructure management and water supply .",1,,, 1597,Financial Phrasebank,Tekla will implement the renewal in software versions which will be introduced in spring 2011 .,2,,, 1598,Financial Phrasebank,"Tekla will organize an information meeting for analysts and media at WTC Helsinki Marski meeting room , Aleksanterinkatu 17 , the same day at 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Light lunch will be served .",1,,, 1599,Financial Phrasebank,The aim is to convert the plants into flexible manufacturers of new and technologically demanding products .,2,,, 1600,Financial Phrasebank,The aim is to develop open-source application solutions .,1,,, 1601,Financial Phrasebank,"The Annual General Meeting approved a dividend of EUR 0.10 per share , that is , a total of EUR 7,8 million .",1,,, 1602,Financial Phrasebank,"The Annual General Meeting approved that the yearly remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors shall remain at EUR 40.000 for the Chairman of the Board , EUR 30.000 for the Deputy Chairman of the Board and EUR 20.000 for other members of the Board .",1,,, 1603,Financial Phrasebank,The annual Thesis contest is aimed to enhance the thesis quality and to strengthen the thesis culture in polytechnics .,2,,, 1604,Financial Phrasebank,"The board machine , which will have a wire width of 6.25 m and a design speed of 900 m-min , will produce close to 1,400 tonnes of folding boxboard per day .",1,,, 1605,Financial Phrasebank,The board of directors also proposed that a dividend of EUR0 .20 per outstanding share be paid .,1,,, 1606,Financial Phrasebank,"The change in holdings in accordance with Chapter 2 , Section 9 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act is described below .",1,,, 1607,Financial Phrasebank,"The company also appointed Leif Rosen head of the Special Plate unit which includes the quarto plate units in Degerfors , Sweden , and New Castle , USA , the unit in Willich , Germany , as well as Pressplate and Prefab in Avesta and Plate Service Centre Nordic in Degerfors .",1,,, 1608,Financial Phrasebank,"The company designs , manufactures and markets advanced composite products for industrial applications and consumer goods such as cross-country , alpine and Nordic Walking poles , floorball sticks and antenna radomes .",1,,, 1609,Financial Phrasebank,"The company had earlier said that it was considering different strategic options for the struggling low-cost mobile operator , including a divestment of its holding .",1,,, 1610,Financial Phrasebank,The company had hoped the new plant would be on stream by the end of 2008 .,1,,, 1611,Financial Phrasebank,"The company is owned by the State of Finland and the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company EADS N.V. Tekla is an international software company that provides solutions for building and construction , energy distribution and municipalities .",1,,, 1612,Financial Phrasebank,The company pledged that the new software would render e-mails and other documents much as they appear on desktop computers .,1,,, 1613,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's advantage in pricing can be seen in the significantly lower prices offered by the new unmanned stations .,2,,, 1614,Financial Phrasebank,"The company said Offshore segment represented 43 % of the total marine engines orders for the July-September 2010 period , Merchant 33 % , Special vessels 18 % , and Cruise and Ferry , and Ship Design -- 2 % and 3 % , respectively .",1,,, 1615,Financial Phrasebank,"The company said production volumes so far indicate the circuit is capable of the targeted output rate of 60,000 tonnes per day , or 22 million tonnes a year .",1,,, 1616,Financial Phrasebank,"The company said that currently the French distribution unit Ragot is located in Loudeac , Normandy , the distribution unit Waterqueen and line supplier Tortue in Saint Marcel in mid-France and the hook manufacturing unit VMC and hook distribution unit VMC Europe in Morvillars .",1,,, 1617,Financial Phrasebank,"The construction of a large woodworking facility in the Sheksna district of the Vologda Region , in northwest Russia , will begin in 2009 , and the plant will start production in 2011 .",1,,, 1618,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract consists of a new building with an area of 18,000 sq m and renovation of the existing buildings .",1,,, 1619,Financial Phrasebank,"The contractor of the shopping center , China State Construction Engineering Corporation , has previously built e.g. airports , hotels and factories for large international customers in different parts of the world .",1,,, 1620,Financial Phrasebank,"The contracts awarded to date , in connection with the system , amount to a total EUR 36 million .",1,,, 1621,Financial Phrasebank,The corrected chapter is in its entirety below .,1,,, 1622,Financial Phrasebank,"The deal , already approved by shareholders , will be carried out in the first half of 2011 .",1,,, 1623,Financial Phrasebank,The deal strengthens Ramirent 's position especially in the industrial sector and in large investment projects .,2,,, 1624,Financial Phrasebank,The deal was worth about EUR 1.2 mn .,1,,, 1625,Financial Phrasebank,"The device offers multimedia performance along with a host of productivity applications , including live stock prices .",1,,, 1626,Financial Phrasebank,The event can also be viewed as a live audio webcast at .,1,,, 1627,Financial Phrasebank,The event can also be viewed as a live webcast at .,1,,, 1628,Financial Phrasebank,The first charging stations will be made available already in 2008 and a whole network is to be ready in 2010 .,1,,, 1629,Financial Phrasebank,The GeoSolutions team further provides an intriguing new technology combining GPS and Mobile-based technologies together with Internet-based social networking .,1,,, 1630,Financial Phrasebank,The investment will be worth approximately EUR 100mn .,1,,, 1631,Financial Phrasebank,The mill is concentrating on getting the supercalendered line running satisfactorily before restarting its older newsprint line .,1,,, 1632,Financial Phrasebank,"The most important export markets are Norway , Germany , Russia and France .",1,,, 1633,Financial Phrasebank,"The most loyal customers were found in the Bank of +àland , with an index of 8.0 .",2,,, 1634,Financial Phrasebank,"The new system , which will include 60 MC3090 PDAs from Motorola , to be used by 60 Poundstretcher operatives across 3 shifts , will integrate in real-time with the company s existing Warehouse Management System , Aldata G.O.L.D Stock , which went live in May 2008 .",1,,, 1635,Financial Phrasebank,"The Nokia Music Store begins trading on Tuesday , selling singles and albums as well as live music streaming .",1,,, 1636,Financial Phrasebank,The number of customers is one of the most important parameters in determining the price of electricity networks .,1,,, 1637,Financial Phrasebank,The order was valued at over EUR15m .,1,,, 1638,Financial Phrasebank,The order was valued at USD12 .2 m.,1,,, 1639,Financial Phrasebank,The order was worth EUR 8mn .,1,,, 1640,Financial Phrasebank,The organization that is a member of the Russian auto sector union MPRA has become active since Tikkurila acquired Russian paint company Kraski Teks in 2006 .,1,,, 1641,Financial Phrasebank,"The outsourced Scan and Capture solutions transfer paper invoices into electronic format , and Basware Business Transactions Service allows the customer to receive and send invoices in an electronic format .",1,,, 1642,Financial Phrasebank,"The parties have also agreed that L+ñnnen Tehtaat has the right to sell the remaining shares in Suomen Rehu to Hankkija-Maatalous 15 months after the purchase of the majority holding , at the earliest .",1,,, 1643,Financial Phrasebank,The pipeline is strong .,2,,, 1644,Financial Phrasebank,The potential acquirer is Cencorp Corporation which is a related entity to SAV owing to each of SAV and Cencorp being a subsidiary of the Finnish Savcor Group Oy .,1,,, 1645,Financial Phrasebank,"The prerequisite for inclusion in the program and for receipt of any gains is that key employees acquire Aspo shares to the amount determined by the Board in advance , in the maximum .",1,,, 1646,Financial Phrasebank,"The record date for dividend distribution is March 14 , 2008 .",1,,, 1647,Financial Phrasebank,"The Samsung Mobile Applications Store was launched in January 2009 by Samsung Mobile Innovator , a program which enables mobile software developers to create applications for use across Samsung mobile devices .",1,,, 1648,Financial Phrasebank,The second-quarter net sales are expected to be on par with the first quarter of 2009 .,1,,, 1649,Financial Phrasebank,"The service is intended to allow the people of thirteen Mediterranean countries to reach the Baltic more rapidly , with a single carrier .",2,,, 1650,Financial Phrasebank,The solid fuel is heated before sludge is mixed therein . '',1,,, 1651,Financial Phrasebank,"The study evaluated the safety , tolerability and pharmacokinetics of repeated doses of intravenously administered antibody in 26 patients with active plaque psoriasis .",1,,, 1652,Financial Phrasebank,"The ten year rent contract with the right of prolongation on the existing terms , was signed between Stockmann and the owner of the shopping center in 1998 .",1,,, 1653,Financial Phrasebank,"The terms of the financing were approved by the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on June 30 , 2010 .",2,,, 1654,Financial Phrasebank,"The total donation amount is EUR 1,115,000 .",1,,, 1655,Financial Phrasebank,"The total investment necessary will be EUR40m , the company estimated .",1,,, 1656,Financial Phrasebank,The total project duration is three years and it is valued at some EUR11 .5 m.,1,,, 1657,Financial Phrasebank,"The total scope of the project is about 38,000 square metres and it is valued at a total of around EUR75m .",1,,, 1658,Financial Phrasebank,"The transaction , which includes US$ 1.5 billion euro1 billion in cash , vendor notes and share purchases , is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2008 , the Finnish-Swedish paper maker said .",1,,, 1659,Financial Phrasebank,The upgraded factory is scheduled to come on stream in the summer of 2008 .,1,,, 1660,Financial Phrasebank,The uranium found locally is naturally occurring and it makes sense to extract it in the same way as we do with our other metals . '',1,,, 1661,Financial Phrasebank,"There are companies , which are ready to invest their own funds in this deal such as Rostelecom RTS : RTKM .",2,,, 1662,Financial Phrasebank,"They are responsible for their own operations , customer relationships , and the development of these .",1,,, 1663,Financial Phrasebank,This allows devices such as mobile phones to become a few millimetres thinner .,1,,, 1664,Financial Phrasebank,"This implementation is very important to the operator , since it is about to launch its Fixed-to-Mobile convergence service in Brazil see Brazil : 8 May 2006 : .",1,,, 1665,Financial Phrasebank,This is the first time Finnair has been awarded an agreement with the UK government .,2,,, 1666,Financial Phrasebank,This organization will assume the responsibility for operations in Russia .,1,,, 1667,Financial Phrasebank,This PC application allows users to copy files and other data from their Nokia mobile device to their computer as well as create backup content .,1,,, 1668,Financial Phrasebank,Three students from Universiti Sains Malaysia have won a study trip to Helsinki .,1,,, 1669,Financial Phrasebank,"Thus the group 's balance sheet will have about EUR 25.8 million of goodwill , the company added .",1,,, 1670,Financial Phrasebank,"Thus the group 's balance sheet will have about EUR25 .8 m in goodwill for 2010 , the company added .",1,,, 1671,Financial Phrasebank,Timo Penttila has been appointed new manager responsible for the asset management of Nordea 's institutional customers in Finland .,1,,, 1672,Financial Phrasebank,"To achieve synergy targets related to the acquisition , Vaisala is consolidating its manufacturing , depot and data services , and finance activities currently located in Uniontown , Pennsylvania , St. Louis , Missouri and Durham , North Carolina .",1,,, 1673,Financial Phrasebank,To raise consumer awareness and encourage people to recycle their old mobile devices Nokia runs regular recycling campaigns around the world .,1,,, 1674,Financial Phrasebank,"To see more of New Haven Register , or to subscribe to the newspaper .",1,,, 1675,Financial Phrasebank,"To showcase our end-to-end capabilities at the Mobile World Congress , we arranged an internal MeeGo application development competition to entice developers to create new applications .",1,,, 1676,Financial Phrasebank,"Today , we are connecting people in new and different ways - fusing advanced mobile technology with personalized services to enable people to stay close to what matters to them .",1,,, 1677,Financial Phrasebank,Together they generate Aspo 's goodwill .,1,,, 1678,Financial Phrasebank,"Trading in the new shares , which have right to dividends and other distributions of funds , will start on the exchange in Helsinki tomorrow .",1,,, 1679,Financial Phrasebank,UNC Charlotte would also deploy SSH Tectia Connector to enable secure application connectivity .,1,,, 1680,Financial Phrasebank,UPM-Kymmene has generated four consecutive quarters of positive Free Cash Flow .,2,,, 1681,Financial Phrasebank,UPM-Kymmene has generated seventeen consecutive quarters of positive Cash Flow from Operations .,2,,, 1682,Financial Phrasebank,UPM-Kymmene has generated thirty-one consecutive quarters of positive EBITDA .,2,,, 1683,Financial Phrasebank,"UPM-Kymmene produces magazine papers and newsprint , as well as fine and specialty papers , converting materials and wood products .",1,,, 1684,Financial Phrasebank,"Wayne Greensmith , Fiskars Brands UK senior brand manager , said : `` We have launched this as we want to give something back to the community .",1,,, 1685,Financial Phrasebank,"VDW combined with LXE devices enhances productivity , enabling workers to use a single device to perform voice , scanning and keyboard functions .",2,,, 1686,Financial Phrasebank,"We can choose the most efficient , best overall value option for our customers already at the bidding stage .",2,,, 1687,Financial Phrasebank,We make available the following brand-new market analyses : Cement - UK Cement - Poland Cement - Belgium These analyses give a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the cement industry in some European countries .,1,,, 1688,Financial Phrasebank,We make available the following brand-new market analyses Cement - Pakistan Cement - Malaysia Cement - Taiwan Cement - Philippines These analyses give a clear overview of the actual situation and future outlook of the cement industry in some Asian countries .,1,,, 1689,Financial Phrasebank,"We serve a broad range of customers , including construction and process industries , shipyards , the public sector and households .",1,,, 1690,Financial Phrasebank,"We went to the market with yield guidance of the 7.25 % area , which gave us the flexibility to go up or down by 1-8th .",1,,, 1691,Financial Phrasebank,"Vehvilainen , who is currently the chief operating officer at Nokia Siemens Networks , will join Finnair on 5 January 2010 and take over as CEO effective 1 February 2010 .",1,,, 1692,Financial Phrasebank,"When new types of network elements are added to the network , the conversion file is updated by adding the information required for converting the message format of the new network element type to the format understood by the management system .",1,,, 1693,Financial Phrasebank,"When open next year , it will be the largest facility in the world to produce diesel fuel from renewable feedstock such as palm oil and animal fat .",2,,, 1694,Financial Phrasebank,"Via the plant , the Belgian company will feed 8.4 MW of electricity into the distribution grid and will be able to deliver up to 14 MW of heat .",1,,, 1695,Financial Phrasebank,Viking Line head Jan Kaarstroem told TT that his company 's ferries were well equipped to handle ice and that all the passengers were safe .,2,,, 1696,Financial Phrasebank,"Yara Suomi Ltd also provides nitrogen chemicals and technical nitrates to various sectors of industry , as well as products used in environmental protection .",1,,, 1697,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish plumbing and heating systems supplier Uponor announced a company-wide cost reduction program in August 2008 .,1,,, 1698,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish plumbing and heating systems supplier Uponor Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : UNR1V ) said on Tuesday ( 12 August ) that its board of directors has authorised the management to proceed with a company-wide cost reduction program .,2,,, 1699,Financial Phrasebank,"A Flurry Analytics spokesperson said that , as it was only measuring Windows Phone 7 data for some weeks , the firm double-checked the data to make sure the 66 per cent rise was not an aberration .",1,,, 1700,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales of Finnish Sanoma Learning & Literature , of Finnish media group Sanoma , decreased by 3.6 % in January-June 2009 totalling EUR 162.8 mn , down from EUR 168.8 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 1701,Financial Phrasebank,"Employing 112 in Finland and 280 abroad , the unit recorded first-quarter 2007 sales of 8.6 mln eur , with an operating loss of 1.6 mln eur .",0,,, 1702,Financial Phrasebank,"JP Morgan expects that Scala will lower Nobel Biocare 's growth forecast for 2007 from the current guidance of 23-25 pct , as well as the operating margin target from the current 34-35 pct .",0,,, 1703,Financial Phrasebank,"Furthermore , sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in the country declined by 5.4 % year-on-year last month .",0,,, 1704,Financial Phrasebank,"IT services firm TietoEnator was bucking the general trend , holding flat at 22.70 eur , after slipping back from earlier gains .",0,,, 1705,Financial Phrasebank,"Profitability ( EBIT % ) was 13.6 % , compared to 14.3 % in Q2 2009 .",0,,, 1706,Financial Phrasebank,"Several large stocks tacked lower , however .",0,,, 1707,Financial Phrasebank,"The company booked April-June new orders worth 949 mln eur , compared with 786 mln eur in the same period a year ago .",2,,, 1708,Financial Phrasebank,Sales of mid-strength beer decreased by 40 % .,0,,, 1709,Financial Phrasebank,"TeliaSonera 's underlying results however included 457 mln skr in positive one-offs , hence the adjusted underlying EBITDA actually amounts to 7.309 bln skr , clearly below expectations , analysts said .",0,,, 1710,Financial Phrasebank,Aspocomp has repaid its interest bearing liability to Standard Chartered Bank and will use the rest of the consideration to partially repay its interest bearing liabilities in Finland and to improve its liquidity .,2,,, 1711,Financial Phrasebank,EuroChem Head of Corporate Finance Alexander Gavrilov said : `` I am pleased that we have once again confirmed that EuroChem is able to attract long-term funds at attractive rates .,2,,, 1712,Financial Phrasebank,"Under a memorandum of understanding MoU the parties will collaborate in preparing and implementing joint projects in the fields of combined power and heat generation , environmental protection and energy efficient technologies .",2,,, 1713,Financial Phrasebank,"We are honored to be acknowledged for our commitment to the industry , especially in Asia Pacific . ''",2,,, 1714,Financial Phrasebank,I thank Jarmo Ukonaho warmly for his contribution and wish him all the best in the future challenges . '',1,,, 1715,Financial Phrasebank,"The seminar introduced modern , clean technologies and products , financial tools and sponsorship programs for energy and environment projects as well as the potential to develop clean energy in Vietnam .",2,,, 1716,Financial Phrasebank,"Proving that good cellphone design is truly a work of art , the website for the Nokia 6131 provides a colorful canvas for the expression of mobile-inspired sentiments .",2,,, 1717,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Following last year 's good profit development , we have entered the current year in a good position .",2,,, 1718,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI (Thomson Financial)- Kemira GrowHow swung into profit in its first quarter earnings on improved sales , especially in its fertilizer business in Europe , which is normally stronger during the first quarter .",2,,, 1719,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish lifting equipment maker Kone Oyj said on October 4 , 2007 it won an order worth 15 mln euro $ 21.2 mln to deliver a total of 53 custom designed elevators to Norwegian shipbuilder Aker Yards ASA .",2,,, 1720,Financial Phrasebank,"For the full 2010 the company expects its net sales and operating result to improve from the previous year , saying that a positive operating result and its amount will depend on the order intake by the end of the summer .",2,,, 1721,Financial Phrasebank,It will focus on improving its profitability next year by streamlining operations .,2,,, 1722,Financial Phrasebank,"MD Henning Bahr of Stockmann Gruppen praises the trend , since the chains become stronger and their decision-making processes more clear .",2,,, 1723,Financial Phrasebank,Mr Lee said he hoped that Neste 's move will ` pave the way for more collaboration projects between our two countries ' .,2,,, 1724,Financial Phrasebank,The company will enhance the GPRS capability in the existing 12 IDEA telecom service areas and add 10 more service areas to its network .,2,,, 1725,Financial Phrasebank,The company will make its marketing and sales investments initiated in 2009 even more efficient in 2010 .,2,,, 1726,Financial Phrasebank,"The core of Solidium 's investment strategy is proper , value enhancing asset management of the current holdings .",2,,, 1727,Financial Phrasebank,"The developers of that project predict that once it is completed in April 2009 , Skanssi will attract some 4.5 million visitors annually .",2,,, 1728,Financial Phrasebank,"The GeoSolutions technology will leverage Benefon 's GPS solutions by providing Location Based Search Technology , a Communities Platform , location relevant multimedia content and a new and powerful commercial model .",2,,, 1729,Financial Phrasebank,"The stock is trading above both its MAPs and the 50-day MAP of SEK72 .983 is higher than the 200-day MAP of SEK70 .283 , a bullish indicator .",2,,, 1730,Financial Phrasebank,Those will be partially offset by a 186 mln eur gain on the sale of its Celbi pulp plant in Portugal .,2,,, 1731,Financial Phrasebank,"With the measures , Suominen Corporation aims to ensure the competitiveness of the Flexible Packaging business in the long term .",2,,, 1732,Financial Phrasebank,ABB Deutsche Bank upgraded its recommendation on Swiss-Swedish engineering group ABB Ltd. to ` Buy ' from ` Hold ' .,2,,, 1733,Financial Phrasebank,"`` I am very pleased and proud of our performance last year , '' Chief Executive Juha Rantanen said in a statement .",2,,, 1734,Financial Phrasebank,"`` I 'm pleased to receive the Nomination Committee 's request and confidence , '' says Jon Risfelt .",2,,, 1735,Financial Phrasebank,`` Our design team has long admired Marimekko 's vivid patterns and colors .,2,,, 1736,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Overall , we 're pleased with the startup curve ... and we 're pleased with the quality of the paper , '' Stora spokeswoman Patricia Dietz said Tuesday .",2,,, 1737,Financial Phrasebank,`` We are pleased with the efforts of both negotiating teams and look forward to a productive four years ahead . '',2,,, 1738,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We are proud to welcome another distribution facility to north Mississippi and the region known as the logistics center of the United States , '' said Gray Swoope , executive director of MDA .",2,,, 1739,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We are very pleased to be working with Fujitsu and NTT DoCoMo to advance the progress of LTE , '' said Juergen Walter , Head of Converged Core , Nokia Siemens Networks .",2,,, 1740,Financial Phrasebank,A memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the Finnish Global Chemical Company KEMIRA and Vietnam National Chemicals Group ( Vinachem ) was signed on this occasion .,2,,, 1741,Financial Phrasebank,Affecto has helped SKAT to set up the platform and has previously delivered several Business Intelligence projects for SKAT .,1,,, 1742,Financial Phrasebank,"Also , it is bringing in `` the right kind of people '' to upgrade its human resources .",2,,, 1743,Financial Phrasebank,"At the seminar , a memorandum of understanding on co-operation was signed between the Finnish Kemira Company and Vietnam National Chemical Corporation .",2,,, 1744,Financial Phrasebank,"By acquiring RCP , we can combine our strong knowhow with the expertise of a solid local company .",2,,, 1745,Financial Phrasebank,EuroChem CFO Andrey Ilyin said : `` This facility marks another important step for EuroChem in securing the long-term financing necessary for our potash and other strategic projects '' .,2,,, 1746,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI ( Thomson Financial ) - Kone said it has won four orders in Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates and Qatar worth 40 mln eur .",2,,, 1747,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Finnish handling systems provider Cargotec Oyj ( HEL : CGCBV ) announced on Friday it won orders worth EUR 10 million ( USD 13.2 m ) to deliver linkspans to Jordan , Morocco and Ireland .",2,,, 1748,Financial Phrasebank,Merrill Lynch analyst Campbell Morgan upgraded his recommendation on PaperlinX from `` neutral '' to `` buy '' in May .,2,,, 1749,Financial Phrasebank,"Mr. Atul Chopra , Chief Operating Officer & President , Tecnotree elaborated '' I am eager to see the continued success of the former Tecnomen , bringing Lifetree product to MENA , under the Tecnotree umbrella .",1,,, 1750,Financial Phrasebank,"OUTOTEC OYJ PRESS RELEASE , FEBRUARY 19 , 2008 AT 11.00 AM Outotec has won two large minerals processing technology orders from Mirabela Mineracao do Brasil Ltda , Brazil and from Cumerio Med JSCo , Bulgaria .",2,,, 1751,Financial Phrasebank,"Outotec said it won new orders worth 492.9 mln eur during the quarter , compared with 240.4 mln eur a year earlier .",2,,, 1752,Financial Phrasebank,President and CEO Mika Vehvil+ñinen says the positive signs are first and foremost emerging outside Finland .,2,,, 1753,Financial Phrasebank,Raute said it has won an order worth around 15 mln eur to supply several plywood production lines to mills operated by Russian wood products company Sveza Group .,2,,, 1754,Financial Phrasebank,Satama earned Data Management Solutions competency with Business Intelligence specialization recentlyvia the acquisition of Fimentor Oy .,2,,, 1755,Financial Phrasebank,"Since inception in 1999 , Access ' stable management team has remained disciplined and focused on the proactive screening , selection and management of European small to mid-market buy-out funds of funds and mandates .",1,,, 1756,Financial Phrasebank,"SysOpen Digia Plc , Press release , 7 February 2006 IBM Finland has rewarded its most distinguished partner companies for 2005 .",2,,, 1757,Financial Phrasebank,"The brokerage said 2006 has seen a ` true turning point ' in European steel base prices , with better pricing seen carrying through the second quarter of 2006 .",2,,, 1758,Financial Phrasebank,The concept enables a commercially affordable way to manufacture high-quality TCO coated glass for the solar industry .,2,,, 1759,Financial Phrasebank,The goal is to secure the company 's profitability and competitiveness .,1,,, 1760,Financial Phrasebank,The new policy was also aimed at making the companies more profitable and competitive .,2,,, 1761,Financial Phrasebank,The purpose of this action is to ensure company 's cost effectiveness this year and in the near future .,2,,, 1762,Financial Phrasebank,"This location makes the mall a convenient place to shop for consumers from three large residential areas nearby : Jaroszowka , Wysockiego and Zgody .",2,,, 1763,Financial Phrasebank,"Tieto offers Aktia a good foundation and the required support services for implementing the update project , ' says Juha Volotinen , responsible for Aktia 's web services .",2,,, 1764,Financial Phrasebank,"We are glad that our long co-operation with SODRA continues '' , comments Stig-Goran Sandberg , Affecto 's Area Manager for Baltic operations .",2,,, 1765,Financial Phrasebank,"We now have both the opportunity and the responsibility to create a new journalistic culture to serve the readers of Alma Media 's newspapers , `` says Hannu Ollikainen , head of the new Helsinki desk .",1,,, 1766,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Lining stone sales were also good in the early autumn , and order books are strong to the end of the year .",2,,, 1767,Financial Phrasebank,"`` These patronage refunds reward members that use the fee-based services that make a positive contribution to CenCorp 's operating results , '' said Bill Walby , CenCorp CEO .",1,,, 1768,Financial Phrasebank,"`` This vessel order will help Aspo secure the long-term competitiveness of its fleet , both in terms of technology and pricing .",2,,, 1769,Financial Phrasebank,15 December 2010 - Finnish-German telecoms equipment maker Nokia Siemens Networks said today it won a contract to upgrade the radio network of home-based telecommunications company Elisa Oyj HEL : ELI1V .,2,,, 1770,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish KCI Konecranes has been awarded an order for four hot metal ladle cranes by Indian steel producer Bhushan Steel & Strips to be delivered in 2007 .,2,,, 1771,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Raute Precision has won large glass batch plant and mortar plant orders from Mexico and the US .,2,,, 1772,Financial Phrasebank,"Vaahto Pulp & Paper , of Finnish Vaahto Group , has been awarded an order to renovate Finnish-Swedish forest industry company Stora Enso 's paperboard machine at the Ingerois Board Mill in Finland .",2,,, 1773,Financial Phrasebank,"Combining the two producers will create a strong EU-based fertilizer industry capable of meeting global competition , they added .",2,,, 1774,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish IT solutions provider Affecto Oyj said today that it has won a frame contract , valued at some EUR2m , to implement the next phase of its insurance application for South African Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited M&F .",2,,, 1775,Financial Phrasebank,HELSINKI AFX - KCI Konecranes said it has won an order for four hot metal ladle cranes from Indian steel producer Bhushan Steel and Strips Ltd. .,2,,, 1776,Financial Phrasebank,HELSINKI AFX - Outokumpu said its technology unit has won a 28 mln eur contract from Bosnia-Herzegovina 's Aluminij dd Mostar to upgrade an anode plant .,2,,, 1777,Financial Phrasebank,"HK Ruokatalo now accounts for about 50 % of poultry sales in Finland , and profitability is at a good level .",2,,, 1778,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the bottom-line result improved thanks to positive financial items .",2,,, 1779,Financial Phrasebank,"Kesko Agro Lietuva , the agricultural machinery and grain trader and another member of the Kesko Group , boosted its sales by 42.9 percent to 13.4 million euros , VAT inclusive .",2,,, 1780,Financial Phrasebank,"Lee & Man Paper and Metso have a long and prosperous co-operation , a good example of which are the Changshu and Hongmei kraftliner machines delivered earlier .",2,,, 1781,Financial Phrasebank,"London 's leading shares today jumped almost 100 points , or 1.7 % , as the market opened .",2,,, 1782,Financial Phrasebank,Metso said it has won an order worth around 40 mln eur to supply a kraftliner board machine to China 's Lee & Man Paper Co. .,2,,, 1783,Financial Phrasebank,"Mika Stahlberg , VP F-Secure Labs , said , `` We are excited and proud that F-Secure has been recognized by AV-Comparatives as the Product of the Year .",2,,, 1784,Financial Phrasebank,"The Ministry of Water in Tanzania has awarded Poyry a water and sanitation engineering assignment for the rehabilitation and extension of water supply and sanitation infrastructure in Bukoba and Musoma , situated at Lake Victoria in northern Tanzania .",2,,, 1785,Financial Phrasebank,The policy was also aimed at making the companies more profitable and competitive .,2,,, 1786,Financial Phrasebank,"The three year turn-around program is expected to ensure Salomon 's future competitiveness , the company said .",2,,, 1787,Financial Phrasebank,"We are very pleased with the fine co-operation between the two countries in recent times , he said .",2,,, 1788,Financial Phrasebank,"Finland 's leading metals group Outokumpu said its fourth-quarter net profit more than tripled on the back of strong global demand for stainless steel , soaring base metal prices and proceeds from the sale of its technology unit .",2,,, 1789,Financial Phrasebank,"Neste Oil Corporation is a refining and marketing company concentrating on clean , high-quality traffic fuels .",1,,, 1790,Financial Phrasebank,"Aug. 31 , 2009 (Gawker Media delivered by Newstex)-- If you love fishing video games but felt that there just was n't enough wackiness involved , then Activision 's (NASDAQ : ATVI) Rapala : We Fish might just catch your eye with its family-fun hook .",1,,, 1791,Financial Phrasebank,"The company has the poser , who wants to impress people with the latest handset .",1,,, 1792,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We are delighted to announce our support for Intel based handheld platforms , the capabilities of which have made our development easier and faster .",2,,, 1793,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Bosse , the present cooperation is beneficial to all parties , however .",2,,, 1794,Financial Phrasebank,`` We are proud to contribute to the creation of a world-class airport facility with KONE 's innovative People Flow TM solutions .,2,,, 1795,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish insurance company Fennia and Kesko Group are ending their loyal customer cooperation .,0,,, 1796,Financial Phrasebank,According to an posted by the World Intellectual Property Organization : `` The present invention relates to hydrocarbons and particularly to the manufacture of hydrocarbon components suitable as aviation fuels or jet fuels and as blending stocks for aviation fuels .,1,,, 1797,Financial Phrasebank,And that 's exactly what happened on a recent weekday when an East Haven baker was brought in to remind residents about the Easter tradition of making wheat and rice pies .,1,,, 1798,Financial Phrasebank,Any investment or investment activity to which this communication relates is only available to relevant persons and will be engaged in only with relevant persons .,1,,, 1799,Financial Phrasebank,"Efore 's presence here also opens up new and interesting development opportunities for our students , '' the dean of the Faculty of Electronics , Communications and Automation at TKK said .",2,,, 1800,Financial Phrasebank,"Fortum needs a clear signal of commitment from the Government that the permit is available before the company will start the next round , Kuula says .",1,,, 1801,Financial Phrasebank,It helps our stakeholders get a better understanding of our operations and the challenges in stainless steel business .,1,,, 1802,Financial Phrasebank,"Mr. Mika Korpinen , APAC Vice President for Comptel concludes : `` Comptel is once again demonstrating the importance of providing reliable delivery and enabling time-to-market .",1,,, 1803,Financial Phrasebank,"Music is provided by all major international and regional labels including Universal Music Group , Sony Music Entertainment , Warner Music , EMI Music , Rotana , Mazzika , Melody Music , Platinum Records , and leading content aggregator The Orchard , as well as thousands of independent labels .",1,,, 1804,Financial Phrasebank,Nordea Bank has a large share and vast experience in the Nordic credit card market .,1,,, 1805,Financial Phrasebank,"One can even receive on the spot alerts as soon as jobs are posted , putting you at the front of the queue for opportunities .",1,,, 1806,Financial Phrasebank,One of my colleagues summed up the E7 quite aptly when he remarked : `` Fantastic hardware .,2,,, 1807,Financial Phrasebank,"Strong brand visibility nationally and regionally is of primary importance in home sales , vehicle and consumer advertising .",1,,, 1808,Financial Phrasebank,Swiss franc surged to record 1.42 euros after it reported sharpest gain in manufacturing in March .,2,,, 1809,Financial Phrasebank,Technopolis said before the protocol was signed that the techno-park would be built at a site covering more than six hectares in the Neudorf special economic zone and that it planned to invest 200 million euros in the project until 2009 inclusive .,1,,, 1810,Financial Phrasebank,"The add-on order contains , among others , control valves and instrumentation as well as complete mill engineering and electrification with Metso drive controls .",1,,, 1811,Financial Phrasebank,"The CL51 is designed to measure cloud base height and vertical visibility in all weather conditions , which makes it an ideal instrument for meteorological applications that rely on reliable cloud height detection .",2,,, 1812,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's objective is to offer the best people flow experience by developing and delivering solutions that enable people to move smoothly , safely , comfortably and without waiting in buildings in an increasingly urbanizing environment .",1,,, 1813,Financial Phrasebank,The indexes include the top companies that are committed to sustainable development .,1,,, 1814,Financial Phrasebank,"The paper industry 's de-inking sludge , which is produced in mills that use recycled fiber when printing ink is removed from recovered paper , is also a suitable raw material .",1,,, 1815,Financial Phrasebank,The repurchase of the bonds was executed in the open market in accordance with section 7 f of the terms and conditions of the Convertible Bonds .,1,,, 1816,Financial Phrasebank,"Tip of the week Panfish like bluegills are great fun to catch , especially for children new to fishing .",1,,, 1817,Financial Phrasebank,"With Aldata , we can help retailers ensure that their merchandising and selections reflect customer demand and their evolving shopping behavior . ''",1,,, 1818,Financial Phrasebank,- I am pleased that Bjorn Wahlroos has accepted the nomination .,2,,, 1819,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Korean consumers are tech-savvy and leading the pack in terms of design , '' Gill Hyun-chang , president of Motorola Korea Inc. , told Dow Jones Newswires in an interview .",1,,, 1820,Financial Phrasebank,"`` QPR 8 integrated management system is the fastest , easiest and most efficient way for organizations all around the world to take control of their human-centric business processes .",2,,, 1821,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We are delighted to welcome Elisa to our Board of Directors , '' said Garry McGuire , CEO of RMG Networks .",2,,, 1822,Financial Phrasebank,`` We want to serve K-citymarket customers by offering them interesting and topical selections .,1,,, 1823,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish food industry companies are interested in the opportunities provided by Ukraine .,1,,, 1824,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish newspaper publisher Sanoma , of media group SanomaWSOY , is merging its free sheets Uutislehti 100 and Metro as of mid-September 2008 to form a new free sheet to be named Metro .",1,,, 1825,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Raute Precision that supplies weighing and dosing systems and plants is changing its name to Lahti Precision .,1,,, 1826,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Suominen Corporation that makes wipes , nonwovens , and flexible packaging , has a plant near Warsaw , in Poland , that makes flexible packaging .",1,,, 1827,Financial Phrasebank,The representative body of Swedish Meats approved an improved offer from Finnish HK Ruokatalo to acquire the company .,2,,, 1828,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Mark White , Locatrix Communications ' CEO , the company 's web services interface allows device owners , friends , and family to track and locate TWIG users via any web browser .",1,,, 1829,Financial Phrasebank,Active shipping is essential for Finland .,1,,, 1830,Financial Phrasebank,After the renovation the biggest moulding line in the Orhangazi foundry is the most modern line in Europe .,2,,, 1831,Financial Phrasebank,Basic banking activities continued as normal .,1,,, 1832,Financial Phrasebank,"cents Scout for potential acquisition targets , with detailed insight into the companies financial and operational performance .",1,,, 1833,Financial Phrasebank,"Chic and cheerful , Finnish design house Marimekko has been sending its geometric textiles out into the world for the past 60 years .",1,,, 1834,Financial Phrasebank,"Community gardening has become a popular activity , especially to raise vegetables .",1,,, 1835,Financial Phrasebank," provides a wide range of research reports , industry statistics and competitive intelligence on the industrial sector .",1,,, 1836,Financial Phrasebank,"Finland 's Neste Oil has been awarded the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland 's Innovation Award for its NExBTL technology , which enables biodiesel to be produced from vegetable oil and animal fat .",2,,, 1837,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish electronics manufacturer PKC Group Oyj ( OMX Helsinki : PKC1V ) said on Wednesday ( 31 December ) that it has completed the acquisition of MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG 's cable harness business from MAN Star Trucks & Buses Spolka zoo in Poland .,2,,, 1838,Financial Phrasebank,Forest certification is a voluntary system aimed at promoting sustainable forest management in commercial forests .,1,,, 1839,Financial Phrasebank,"France T+®l+®com spent more time studying TeliaSonera than other potential takeover targets because it has a shareholder that wants to sell , Pellissier said .",1,,, 1840,Financial Phrasebank,F-Secure Online Backup automatically protects all the content stored on a computer or smartphone by making a copy of the content to an online location .,1,,, 1841,Financial Phrasebank,He said things will be different when new Finnish nuclear power stations go into operation and the large hydro powered stations of northern Europe have a good year .,1,,, 1842,Financial Phrasebank,"Higher bit rates for outgoing traffic improves the end-user experience of mobile broadband services such as video conferencing , file sharing and sending e-mails with attachments .",2,,, 1843,Financial Phrasebank,Honkarakenne Oyj - a world-leading manufacturer of genuine wooden homes - will be sponsoring Finnish crosscountry skier Virpi Kuitunen for the next three years .,1,,, 1844,Financial Phrasebank,"I am looking forward to contribute to SRV 's success with my competence '' , says Taneli Hassinen .",2,,, 1845,Financial Phrasebank,In his turn Fradkov said Russia is interested in adopting Finnish experience in forming technology parks in the framework of implementing the law on special economic zone .,1,,, 1846,Financial Phrasebank,"It combines a perfect price performance with sophisticated management facilities , the company said .",2,,, 1847,Financial Phrasebank,"It provides customers with industry-leading elevators , escalators and innovative solutions for maintenance and modernization .",2,,, 1848,Financial Phrasebank,It said Comptel delivers reliable provisioning and activation solutions which improve fulfilment processes for operators .,1,,, 1849,Financial Phrasebank,"Kemira Coatings is the leading supplier of paints in Northern and Eastern Europe , providing consumers and professionals with branded products in approx .",2,,, 1850,Financial Phrasebank,L&T has also made a commitment to redeem the remaining shares by the end of 2011 .,1,,, 1851,Financial Phrasebank,Proline Plus is a mechanical liquid handling device with a robust design suitable for all types of applications .,1,,, 1852,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia said that its next generation mobile gaming platform makes it easy for people to find , buy , play and share rich and immersive games on a range of Nokia devices .",1,,, 1853,Financial Phrasebank,"Of Bavelloni 's and NST 's joint ventures , Bavelloni Tools , completes semiproducts that are produced in Italy into high-quality tools that will be sold under the DiaPol brand .",1,,, 1854,Financial Phrasebank,Panostaja is a financially secure Finnish multi-field corporation that creates healthy companies and company entities .,1,,, 1855,Financial Phrasebank,Poyry has a good track record of major transportation projects in Latin America .,2,,, 1856,Financial Phrasebank,Shareholders have a right to put on the agenda of the AGM items that are within the competence of the general meeting .,1,,, 1857,Financial Phrasebank,"So far the company has awarded more than $ 350,000 worth of tools and materials .",1,,, 1858,Financial Phrasebank,"Supported Nokia phones include : N96 , N95-8GB , N95 , N93-N931 , N92 , N85 , N82 , N81 , N80 , N79 , N78 , N77 , N76 , N75 , N73 , N72 , N71 , E90 , E71 , E70 , E66 , E65 , E62 , E61-E61i , E60 , E51 , E50 , Touch Xpress 5800 , 6220 Classic , 6210 Navigator , 6120 Classic , 6110 Navigator , 5700 , 5500 , 5320XM .",1,,, 1859,Financial Phrasebank,"The Basware Connectivity services allow companies to handle purchase to pay processes online and make their internal processes more efficient , '' said CEO Ilkka Sihvo , Basware Corporation .",2,,, 1860,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's main shareholders Lihakunta and Itikka Osuuskunta have both made a commitment to acquire shares worth EUR 20mn .,1,,, 1861,Financial Phrasebank,The Engines in Asia-Pacific industry profile is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the engines industry .,1,,, 1862,Financial Phrasebank,"The iTunes-based material will be accessible on Windows-based or Macintosh computers and transferable to portable devices , including Apple 's iPods .",2,,, 1863,Financial Phrasebank,"The machine will have an annual production capacity of 200,000 tonnes of super-calendered magazine paper and other paper grades based on recovered fiber , Stora Enso said .",1,,, 1864,Financial Phrasebank,The Moscow Metro ( ) was the first metro system in Europe to implement smart cards together with a new type of magnetic card in 1998 .,1,,, 1865,Financial Phrasebank,The StoneGate product is centrally manageable and suited for both physical and virtual environments .,1,,, 1866,Financial Phrasebank,"The total scholarship amount was 40,000 euros and the recipients were chosen on the recommendation of fine arts universities and sports associations .",1,,, 1867,Financial Phrasebank,The tower 's engineers have created an 18 degree westward lean - four times the inclination on the Leaning Tower of Pisa - using diagrid structures that are aligned geometrically using Tekla Structures BIM ( Building Information Modeling ) software .,1,,, 1868,Financial Phrasebank,The winners included the Honda Odyssey for minivan and the Nissan Armada for large SUV .,1,,, 1869,Financial Phrasebank,"These companies own a 20,000 sq. m. office and commercial building and substantial amount of building right for a new shopping center in Liljeholmen , Stockholm .",1,,, 1870,Financial Phrasebank,This bold spinning 360 red fabric design is set beautifully on Ercols Napoli sofa .,2,,, 1871,Financial Phrasebank,TomTom has given assurances that it will continue to sell maps to competitors if it wins EU approval .,2,,, 1872,Financial Phrasebank,We are also pleased to welcome the new employees to Tieto . ',1,,, 1873,Financial Phrasebank,"We are very excited working with Maxis on this first commercial deployment of ` Master of Maya ' , said Joe Doering , Head of the Asia South region at Nokia Siemens Networks .",2,,, 1874,Financial Phrasebank,We do hope that this will in the future turn out to be a novel method for the prevention of alcohol and tobacco smoking associated oral cancers .,1,,, 1875,Financial Phrasebank,"While I cant understand what theyre saying , its impressive to watch him hit that ball at those speeds .",1,,, 1876,Financial Phrasebank,"`` It gives us a sense of pride and exposure , '' said Bruce Hansen , the SVH sales representative for Wolverine .",2,,, 1877,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Nokia 's Calling All Innovators Africa competition has been specifically launched to enable developers to create locally relevant , best-of-breed mobile applications . ''",2,,, 1878,Financial Phrasebank,"`` P&O Ferries now has a very efficient and powerful vessel for its Dover to Calais route , '' head of the shipbuilder 's Rauma yard , Timo Suistio , said .",2,,, 1879,Financial Phrasebank,`` People who enjoy mobile games are often the same customers who enjoy experimenting with new mobile services and content .,1,,, 1880,Financial Phrasebank,`` Russia is ready to participate in an open tender for Lattelecom 's privatization .,1,,, 1881,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Subscribers can browse free numbers with their handset , and select the numbers , packages and services they prefer when activating the phone .",1,,, 1882,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We are happy to be working with Rapala to encourage boaters and anglers to introduce newcomers to the sport , '' said RBFF President & CEO Frank Peterson .",2,,, 1883,Financial Phrasebank,`` We are pleased to welcome Tapeks Noma into Cramo group .,2,,, 1884,Financial Phrasebank,"An of the invention , released by the Patent Office , said : `` A non-coherent search matrix is formed of said correlation function matrix .",1,,, 1885,Financial Phrasebank,"As with other stakeholders , COMPTEL has been involved in the workshops , meetings and filed comments on the issues of greatest importance to the competitive sector of our industry .",1,,, 1886,Financial Phrasebank,"ASPO Plc STOCK EXCHANGE BULLETIN October 24 , 2006 at 2:00 p.m. Aspo Systems Division has completed the statutory negotiations , as required under the Act on Co-Operation Within Undertakings , conducted as part of the action plan launched in August .",1,,, 1887,Financial Phrasebank,Being successful requires providing a level of quality that satisfies our customers and partners .,1,,, 1888,Financial Phrasebank,Both companies will keep their commercial independence and continue to market their traditional products individually .,1,,, 1889,Financial Phrasebank,CDLI highlights the companies that provided the most comprehensive response to the Carbon Disclosure Project CDP information request .,2,,, 1890,Financial Phrasebank,City CU Welcomes DART Members DALLAS-City CU welcomes the members of DART FCU as they merge with City CU .,1,,, 1891,Financial Phrasebank,"City24 users can search for homes and properties in all areas where City24 is active , even outside their own country .",1,,, 1892,Financial Phrasebank,"Enclosed is Affecto 's call for Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on July 10th where the main agenda is to approve the authorization to the Board for the proposed share issue related to the Component Software acquisition , and to elect Haakon Skaarer to the Affecto board .",1,,, 1893,Financial Phrasebank,Europe however remains an important and strong market for us .,1,,, 1894,Financial Phrasebank,"Founded in 1994 , the company uses a six-step , time-focused , collaborative project approach to improve financial institutions ' revenue streams .",1,,, 1895,Financial Phrasebank,Homeowners across North America have green experiences to share from cost savings to clean and eco-friendly heating .,1,,, 1896,Financial Phrasebank,"It includes the company 's new , highly powerful , compact and scalable Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Station .",1,,, 1897,Financial Phrasebank,"It is profitable to make pulp , paper , and sawn goods in areas where the combination of these factors is good .",1,,, 1898,Financial Phrasebank,Kesko is a Finnish retail specialist whose stores offer quality to the daily lives of consumers through valued products and services at competitive prices .,1,,, 1899,Financial Phrasebank,"LIGHTS OUT Before curfew , curl up with the latest bestseller and treat your eyes to the perfect reading light from Luceplan .",1,,, 1900,Financial Phrasebank,"Luxembourg-registered investment fund Amber Trust II has won the final approval of Lithuania 's Competition Council to acquire 29.6 percent of Sanitas , the country 's largest pharmaceutical producer .",2,,, 1901,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia said the outcome was a `` fair and responsible social plan . '',1,,, 1902,Financial Phrasebank,"Nurminen Logistics provides high-quality logistics services , such as railway transports , terminal services , forwarding , special and heavy transports and medical transports .",1,,, 1903,Financial Phrasebank,"Panostaja treats its negotiating partners , such as entrepreneurs selling their life s work and newcomer entrepreneurs seeking a career , fairly , justly and according to the law .",1,,, 1904,Financial Phrasebank,"Patrick Jeambar will also continue being responsible for Innovation and Health , safety and environment HSEA functions of Ahlstrom Corporation .",1,,, 1905,Financial Phrasebank,"s NASDAQ OMX : GEO1V , GyPSii business unit , developers of the award-winning GyPSii mobile social networking application , today announced its availability as a free download via the Samsung Mobile Applications Store .",1,,, 1906,Financial Phrasebank,"Sami Sepp+ñnen , CEO for Elisa Eesti , says the novel network allows fast mobile broadband for sparsely populated areas .",1,,, 1907,Financial Phrasebank,Sanoma Corporation wants a new and better frequency for the Helsinki metropolitan area .,1,,, 1908,Financial Phrasebank,"Sanoma Learning & Literature , offering print and digital learning materials , is present in eleven countries .",1,,, 1909,Financial Phrasebank,"The adapter , awarded with the `` Certified Integration for SAP -« ; NetWeaver '' endorsement , integrates Basware s invoice automation and procurement solutions with more than 200 different ERP systems .",2,,, 1910,Financial Phrasebank,The Commission is to be applauded for applying a fact-based and data-driven approach and for providing clarity for future petitions .,2,,, 1911,Financial Phrasebank,"The company , which celebrates its fiftieth anniversary next year , has been exporting distinctive detached homes to Central Europe for several decades .",2,,, 1912,Financial Phrasebank,The contract covers new energy-efficient AC drives that have been designed in cooperation between the companies .,1,,, 1913,Financial Phrasebank,"The Costanza light , with an aluminum base and washable shade , comes in white , pistachio , orange , blue and red .",1,,, 1914,Financial Phrasebank,The energy-efficient data center will be built by combining an effective energy solution with state-of-the-art technology .,2,,, 1915,Financial Phrasebank,"The familiar blue , white , and red HK seal has received a more authentic look .",1,,, 1916,Financial Phrasebank,The Finnish daily Kauppalehti surmises that Finnish supplier Rautaruukki has raised its prices above Aker 's comfort zone .,0,,, 1917,Financial Phrasebank,"The method utilises waterborne Ultra products , giving protection to wooden surfaces in an industrial painting process whereby two layers of top coat are applied on exterior wooden panels and boards without a separate primer .",1,,, 1918,Financial Phrasebank,"The most popular paper by far was Kesko 's loyal customer magazine Pirkka with 2,462,000 readers .",1,,, 1919,Financial Phrasebank,"The process , technology , project management , basic engineering and quality assurance within Forest Industry will be consolidated in Vantaa , southern Finland .",1,,, 1920,Financial Phrasebank,The smaller molecules improve the grip of the tyre at top-speed driving .,1,,, 1921,Financial Phrasebank,The social plan negotiations were part of the three year turn-around program which is expected to ensure Salomon 's future competitiveness .,2,,, 1922,Financial Phrasebank,"The tests , conducted at Nokia Siemens ' LTE center of competence in Espoo , Finland , follow the company 's production start of LTE-ready Flexi Multiradio Base Stations for the 800 MHz band in April 2010 , and complement earlier tests with Nokia on the 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz bands .",1,,, 1923,Financial Phrasebank,The tool is a patent pending design that allows consumers to lay out their entire project on a removable plate using multiple clear stamps of any kind .,1,,, 1924,Financial Phrasebank,The use case dramatically narrows if you go only with the hot s Ltd.,1,,, 1925,Financial Phrasebank,"The vessels also have to be environmentally friendly , fast , and have all modern conveniences .",1,,, 1926,Financial Phrasebank,"Thus , SysOpen Digia has , in accordance with Chapter 14 Section 21 of the Finnish Companies Act 29.9.1978 - 734 , obtained title to all the shares of Sentera that are to be redeemed .",1,,, 1927,Financial Phrasebank,Today the orange scissors are the iconic symbol of the excellent ergonomic design and superior quality associated with every product from Fiskars .,1,,, 1928,Financial Phrasebank,"We have sound experience of project deliveries for large multi-purpose complexes and sports arenas '' , says Sami Eronen , SVP , Infrastructure and Northern Europe , Ruukki Construction .",1,,, 1929,Financial Phrasebank,"Weber convinced his friend Ray Ostrom , who owned a Lake Street sporting goods store , to sell the lures .",1,,, 1930,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia , which has a strong track record in the lower-end handset market , said in July its touch-screen offering would come this year and be cheaper than rival models in order to tap into a higher-volume market .",2,,, 1931,Financial Phrasebank,"We aim to ensure that Vacon is in good shape when capital expenditure starts to pick up again , '' comments Vacon Plc President and CEO Vesa Laisi .",2,,, 1932,Financial Phrasebank,"Shares in Royal and Sun Alliance continued to slide back from a 12-month high of 172p last month , after a potential suitor ruled itself out of a takeover bid .",0,,, 1933,Financial Phrasebank,"Managing Director 's comments : `` Net sales for the first quarter were notably lower than a year before , especially in Finland , Russia and the Baltic countries .",0,,, 1934,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales climbed 19.2 pct to 1.002 bln eur , surpassing the 953 mln eur consensus figure .",2,,, 1935,Financial Phrasebank,"Suominen Corporation estimates that the cost-cutting program that started in autumn 2005 , higher sales prices , and expected growth in volume of Wet Wipes , will make the company 's operations more profitable .",2,,, 1936,Financial Phrasebank,"In a release , the Company said that Vocollect T2 customers in North America can now take advantage of its Voice Directed Warehousing solution and increase warehouse efficiency and productivity gains at a discounted price .",2,,, 1937,Financial Phrasebank,"Marimekko makes all sorts of colorful little impulse buys `` umbrellas , baby bibs , change purses `` and they 're all for sale , the better to take advantage of shoppers who ca n't commit to furniture but want a piece of the action .",1,,, 1938,Financial Phrasebank,Business boomed after Ostrom helped plant a small story about Rapala lures in a Life magazine issue that featured Marilyn Monroe on the cover .,2,,, 1939,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish OKO bank has signed a cooperation agreement with Raiffeisen concerning Finnish companies ' investments in Russia .,2,,, 1940,Financial Phrasebank,Paper maker Stora Enso Oyj said Friday it has been acquitted of charges that it participated in a paper price-fixing conspiracy in the United States .,2,,, 1941,Financial Phrasebank,"Cooper SH , the UK distributor for lift equipment manufacturer Konecranes , won the five-year deal which involves low maintenance and fuel saving technologies .",2,,, 1942,Financial Phrasebank,Metsaliitto said that it will book a minor gain of less than EUR1 .0 m from the transaction .,2,,, 1943,Financial Phrasebank,"The negotiations were carried out in a constructive manner , and all parties tried to find a solution to the situation .",2,,, 1944,Financial Phrasebank,This is a much better process than using virgin paper as it requires less transportation of wood pulp from places like Finland and Canada .,2,,, 1945,Financial Phrasebank,"After the reporting period , BioTie North American licensing partner Somaxon Pharmaceuticals announced positive results with nalmefene in a pilot Phase 2 clinical trial for smoking cessation .",2,,, 1946,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Indo-Russia trade can cross the targeted 10 billion dollars by 2010 and double to 20 billion dollars by 2015 , if trade irritants and procedural hassles are resolved , '' the chamber said in its survey on obstacles to trade with Russia .",2,,, 1947,Financial Phrasebank,"`` This is a significant milestone for Benefon , helping us to secure critical USP 's for our personal navigation product roadmap for 2007 and beyond , '' commented Simon Button , Chief Technology Officer at Benefon .",2,,, 1948,Financial Phrasebank,"18 May 2010 - Finnish electronics producer Elcoteq SE HEL : ELQAV said today that it has signed an extensive cooperation agreement on industrialisation , manufacturing , distribution and after-market services for mobile phones with Japan 's Sharp TYO : 6753 .",2,,, 1949,Financial Phrasebank,"Investors will continue being interested in the company 's share although it is not quite cheap , Affarsvarlden said .",2,,, 1950,Financial Phrasebank,"Swedish telco TeliaSonera is teaming up with Friends , a Swedish organization against bullying , to fight bullying of children and teenagers via electronic channels .",1,,, 1951,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Each year , personal entertainment plays a more significant role in determining whether a fitness facility 's workout experience is pleasurable or a chore , '' said Brian Wilson , director of marketing for Precor 's Entertainment & Services Division .",1,,, 1952,Financial Phrasebank,`` I see my new post as an inspiring challenge .,1,,, 1953,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We will continue to make it easier for users to explore services on their handsets and will work towards bringing Internet to a wider range of devices including mid and low-end devices , '' said Kallasvuo .",1,,, 1954,Financial Phrasebank,Finland 's dominating rail company VR is planning to set the infected passengers for long-distance trip in a separate carriage .,1,,, 1955,Financial Phrasebank,"In complying with the European Water Framework Directive requirements , the pre-treatment unit will be fully renovated , including hydraulics of waste water inception , degridding , sand and grease removal and treatment and deodorization of the unit .",2,,, 1956,Financial Phrasebank,Our purchase to pay solutions enable companies to gain visibility and control over business-critical financial processes .,1,,, 1957,Financial Phrasebank,"So far , Mr. Galvan he has been able to avoid laying off workers .",2,,, 1958,Financial Phrasebank,The agreement must be approved by the Russian competition authorities before it enters into force .,1,,, 1959,Financial Phrasebank,The total amount of subscription prices was recorded in the fund for invested non-restricted equity .,1,,, 1960,Financial Phrasebank,"`` This is super nasty , '' said Eric Schultze , chief technology officer at Shavlik Technologies LLC , a St. Paul , Minn.-based maker of patch management tools .",0,,, 1961,Financial Phrasebank,"Before Kemira 's installation NordAlu was producing 3,500 tons of liquid and solid aluminum waste per year .",1,,, 1962,Financial Phrasebank,"He announced a `` solutions unit '' to speed co-operation in August , and shifted Simonson from finance chief to low-end phones in October .",1,,, 1963,Financial Phrasebank,"It started with software that was capable of retrieving the data typed into the computer keyboard ( `` keyloggers '' ) , and then more complex mechanisms arrived on the scene , such as phishing and pharming .",1,,, 1964,Financial Phrasebank,More than a third of the original participants dropped out due to nausea and other side effects .,0,,, 1965,Financial Phrasebank,Mr Skogster currently serves as the manager responsible for ABB Oy 's system modules for low voltage drives .,1,,, 1966,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish company sold its UK operation - consisting of 50 staff in offices in London , Birmingham and Manchester - as part of a deal with Hampden in July 2001 for its European-wide property and casualty arm Sampo Industrial .",1,,, 1967,Financial Phrasebank,The StoneGate UTM solution offers protection against inbound and outbound attacks .,2,,, 1968,Financial Phrasebank,- Counter your competitor 's strengths and target their weaknesses .,1,,, 1969,Financial Phrasebank,An appeal concerning the project has been lodged at the Czech Ministry of the Environment .,1,,, 1970,Financial Phrasebank,Aspocomp has a large factory in China and a factory building project in India that was halted due to financing problems .,0,,, 1971,Financial Phrasebank,"Founded in 2000 , BioView automates laboratory tests , especially diagnostic tests for cancer .",1,,, 1972,Financial Phrasebank,F-Secure also point out the logical weakness in the sequenced numbers of a card approach that has apparently already been utilised .,0,,, 1973,Financial Phrasebank,It inspects the companys strategic strengths and weaknesses .,1,,, 1974,Financial Phrasebank,"It 's even a little bit higher than Yara 's multiples on itself , ' an analyst in Helsinki said .",1,,, 1975,Financial Phrasebank,"Kesko offers Hilton to open a hotel on Kalinisky prospect in a 18,000-square metres building because of these difficulties .",1,,, 1976,Financial Phrasebank,"Key reasons to read this report : - Report contains only relevant information , leaving out excessive data .",1,,, 1977,Financial Phrasebank,The completion of the recycling plant is an important link in the chain of creating a waste management system in the Dubna region that meets the EU standards .,2,,, 1978,Financial Phrasebank,"The dollar bounced back after hitting another record low against the euro , which reached $ 1.41 for the first time .",1,,, 1979,Financial Phrasebank,"The five-storey , eco-efficient building will have a gross floor area of about 15,000 sq m. It will also include apartments .",1,,, 1980,Financial Phrasebank,"The new company will buy from Baltic Pearl CJSC a lease right to 8.1 hectares for the construction of a mall with a gross area of 140,000 sq m 1.5 million sq ft .",1,,, 1981,Financial Phrasebank,The SeaWind that was en route from the Finnish port of Turku to Stockholm got stuck in ice already around 4 p.m. on Wednesday and the Regal Star 's journey from the Swedish port of Kapellskar to Paldiski in northwestern Estonia was cut short at 2 a.m. on Thursday .,0,,, 1982,Financial Phrasebank,"The Stena Poseidon is a so-called Panamax tanker , designed to be able to pass through the narrow passages in the Panama Canal 's locks .",1,,, 1983,Financial Phrasebank,"Upon completion , Keskuskatu will form the backbone of Helsinki 's pedestrianised downtown area , linking up with the city 's other main pedestrian precincts .",2,,, 1984,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Uncommonly weak snow conditions in nearly every market have affected our first quarter result , '' Chief Executive Roger Talermo said .",0,,, 1985,Financial Phrasebank,Danish company FLSmidth has acknowledged that it has violated a patent held by Finnish Metso .,0,,, 1986,Financial Phrasebank,"The liquidity providing was interrupted on May 11 , 2007 when Aspocomp Group Oyj 's shares traded below 0.50 cent ( Aspocomp 's stock exchange release 11.5.2007 ) .",0,,, 1987,Financial Phrasebank,"Markets had been expecting a poor performance , and the company 's stock was up 6 percent at x20ac 23.89 US$ 33.84 in early afternoon trading in Helsinki .",2,,, 1988,Financial Phrasebank,The layoffs were aimed at reaching an annual savings target of 1.5 billion euros $ 2 billion by the end of 2010 .,2,,, 1989,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish insurance companies Tapiola , Local Insurance Group ( L+ñhivakuutus ) , and Pohjola the two fierce storms at the end of July and in the beginning of August 2010 that felled trees around Finland have speeded up sales of forest insurance .",2,,, 1990,Financial Phrasebank,"Excluding non-recurring items , pre-tax profit surged 45 % to EUR80m .",2,,, 1991,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result of the cancellation , the maximum increase of Citycon 's share capital on the basis of the convertible bonds decreased from EUR 23,383,927.80 to EUR 22,901,784.75 .",1,,, 1992,Financial Phrasebank,"ADP News - Feb 13 , 2009 - Finnish retailer Kesko Oyj HEL : KESBV said today its total sales , excluding value added tax VAT , stood at EUR 661.3 million USD 853.1 m in January 2009 , down 15.2 % year-on-yea",0,,, 1993,Financial Phrasebank,The low capacity utilisation rate in steel production considerably increases the fixed costs per unit of steel produced .,0,,, 1994,Financial Phrasebank,"Talentum expects that the net sales of its core business will increase in 2008 , compared to 2007 .",2,,, 1995,Financial Phrasebank,"`` In the newly formed company YIT Stavo the local contact network , expertise and market know how of Euro Stavokonsult will be combined with YIT 's housing concept , '' said Juha Kostiainen , Yit 's Vice President , Corporate Communications and Business Development .",2,,, 1996,Financial Phrasebank,A & euro ; 4.8 million investment in 13.6 % of Lewa netted Deutsche Beteiligungs & euro ; 21 million .,2,,, 1997,Financial Phrasebank,"In China , Finnish Kone that provides elevators , escalators , and solutions for modernisation and maintenance will build 342 escalators that will be installed in a high-speed railway section between Beijing and Shanghai in a 1.5 years ' time .",2,,, 1998,Financial Phrasebank,"According to PKC , the acquisition would bring a significant addition to PKC 's customer base .",2,,, 1999,Financial Phrasebank,Airbus has 100 firm orders for the A350 and 89 nonbinding commitments .,2,,, 2000,Financial Phrasebank,Aspo 's net sales in 2006 totaled EUR 225.9 million .,1,,, 2001,Financial Phrasebank,"At the end of the review period , Nordic Aluminium 's order book stood at EUR 8.77 mn compared to EUR 7.04 in 2005 .",2,,, 2002,Financial Phrasebank,Both companies ' existing investment plans will be coordinated .,1,,, 2003,Financial Phrasebank,Both the net sales and operating profit were record high in the company 's history .,2,,, 2004,Financial Phrasebank,E 's building system service had revenue of EUR 355 mln in 2007 .,1,,, 2005,Financial Phrasebank,"Elcoteq 's stock of orders has stabilised in the past weeks , Mr Krippl said .",2,,, 2006,Financial Phrasebank,Export accounts for about one tenth of the company 's annual turnover of one billion kroons .,1,,, 2007,Financial Phrasebank,"Favourable currency rates also contributed to higher net sales , '' CEO Kari Kauniskangas said .",2,,, 2008,Financial Phrasebank,"Fiskars , a 360-year-old global business best known for its orange-handled scissors , expects to derive synergies of EUR5 million a year by consolidating certain parts of the housewares division where the two compete .",2,,, 2009,Financial Phrasebank,"For 2009 , Incap expects revenue of some EUR 70 million .",1,,, 2010,Financial Phrasebank,"Full-year net sales are expected to increase by approximately 10 % , the company said .",2,,, 2011,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2006 the company 's net sales amounted to approximately EUR259m and it has some 8,000 employees .",1,,, 2012,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2009 , KONE had annual net sales of EUR 4.7 billion and approximately 34,000 employees .",1,,, 2013,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to the Indian market , the new plant will serve Salcomp 's customers globally , the company said .",2,,, 2014,Financial Phrasebank,"in Q1 '10 19 April 2010 - Finnish forest machinery and equipment maker Ponsse Oyj HEL : PON1V said today that it expects to swing to a net profit of some EUR6 .3 m in the first quarter of 2010 , from an EUR9 .6 m loss a year earlier .",2,,, 2015,Financial Phrasebank,"In the beginning of this year , Wartsila had secured an order to deliver four gas-fuelled main engines and propulsion machinery for the same vessel .",2,,, 2016,Financial Phrasebank,"In the second quarter of 2009 , net sales through operator business partners represented 47 % of the Group 's total net sales .",1,,, 2017,Financial Phrasebank,"India 's trade with Russia currently stands at four billion dollars , growing 9.6 per cent in fiscal 2007 .",2,,, 2018,Financial Phrasebank,"Instead , Elcoteq has signed a non-binding Letter of Intent with another Asian strategic investor .",2,,, 2019,Financial Phrasebank,International operations accounted for over 80 % of net sales .,1,,, 2020,Financial Phrasebank,"Latin America currently accounts for approximately 40 % of sales at Finnish BSS-OSS and VAS supplier for telecoms operators Tecnotree , company president and CEO Eero Mertano told BNamericas .",1,,, 2021,Financial Phrasebank,"Lithuanian beer makers sold 256.88 million liters of beer in 2005 , a rise of 4.5 per cent from the year-earlier figure of 245.92 million liters .",2,,, 2022,Financial Phrasebank,Loss after taxes amounted to EUR 1.2 mn compared to a loss of 2.6 mn .,2,,, 2023,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales in 2010 were about EUR 2.0 billion , of which international operations accounted for roughly a quarter .",1,,, 2024,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales revenue per passenger is expected to increase .,2,,, 2025,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia OYJ 's production site at Bochum , Germany , posted profit before interest of 134 mln eur for 2007 , Capital reported in an excerpt of an article to be released tomorrow , citing internal documents .",1,,, 2026,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating income was EUR -24.9 mn , including EUR 15.3 mn of restructuring expenses .",1,,, 2027,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit for the quarter April-June 2006 amounted to EUR42 .9 m on net sales of EUR156 .3 m.,1,,, 2028,Financial Phrasebank,Poyry 's net sales in 2007 amounted to about EUR 720 million and it employs 7400 experts .,1,,, 2029,Financial Phrasebank,Return on investment was 16.6 % compared to 15.8 % in 2004 .,2,,, 2030,Financial Phrasebank,Roshan 's net sales in 2006 were $ 191 million and EBITDA was $ 66.5 million .,1,,, 2031,Financial Phrasebank,Self-service and automation are in a bigger role now and Fujitsu 's global resources will be exploited effectively .,2,,, 2032,Financial Phrasebank,"The Board of Directors proposes to the Shareholders ' Meeting on 18 March 2010 that the company would pay dividend for the financial year January 1 - December 31 , 2009 , EUR 0.02 per share .",1,,, 2033,Financial Phrasebank,"The company , employing 6,400 , reported net sales of 620 mln euro $ 823.2 mln for 2006 .",1,,, 2034,Financial Phrasebank,The company moved to an operating profit of EUR10 .9 m versus an operating loss of EUR15 .3 m. It also turned to EPS of EUR0 .08 versus loss per share of EUR0 .04 .,2,,, 2035,Financial Phrasebank,"The company reported net sales of EUR550m in 2005 and had some 3,200 employees .",1,,, 2036,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's net sales in 2010 totalled MEUR 311.4 with an operating margin of 13.9 per cent .,1,,, 2037,Financial Phrasebank,"The company will pay a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share , a total of EUR 14mn .",1,,, 2038,Financial Phrasebank,"The decision of Tekes was based on , among other , the following grounds : the project has a significant impact on the business development of the company .",1,,, 2039,Financial Phrasebank,"The estimated turnover of the new company is LVL 2,5 million EEK 40 million .",1,,, 2040,Financial Phrasebank,The Finnish company claims to have over a quarter of a million contented Tulikivi fireplace business and homeowners worldwide .,1,,, 2041,Financial Phrasebank,The four-year contract between the bank and Ski Sport Finland will bring the bank 's advertisements to skiers helmets and caps .,1,,, 2042,Financial Phrasebank,"The Group , with net sales of EUR 235 million in 2009 , employs more than 2 000 people in 33 countries .",1,,, 2043,Financial Phrasebank,The group had an order book of EUR 7.74 mn at the end of 2007 .,1,,, 2044,Financial Phrasebank,The insurer anticipates its share in Nordea 's net profit to be significant .,2,,, 2045,Financial Phrasebank,"The item included restructuring costs of EUR1 .6 m , while a year earlier they were EUR13 .1 m. Diluted EPS stood at EUR0 .3 versus a loss per share of EUR 0.1 .",2,,, 2046,Financial Phrasebank,"The new office , located in Shenzhen , will strengthen Vaisala 's already 10-year old presence in China .",2,,, 2047,Financial Phrasebank,"The price of raw material aluminium went up at the end of 2005 , but the company considers its outlook for 2006 favourable .",2,,, 2048,Financial Phrasebank,"The refining margin for the year was $ 13.39 - bbl , compared to $ 10.46 - bbl in the prior year .",2,,, 2049,Financial Phrasebank,"The report also said Nokia 's operations comprising the sites at Bochum , Ulm , Dusseldorf , Munich and Frankfurt posted operating profit after interest of 246 mln eur .",1,,, 2050,Financial Phrasebank,"The subdivision made sales revenues last year of EUR 480.7 million EUR 414.9 million in 2008 , and operating profits of EUR 44.5 million EUR 7.4 million .",2,,, 2051,Financial Phrasebank,The value of orders on hand totaled EUR 237.1 mn .,1,,, 2052,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the confirmed aircraft orders totals EUR 2bn .,1,,, 2053,Financial Phrasebank,"Vaahto , which has entered the deal via its subsidiary Vaahto Pulp & Paper Machinery , will supply two of the units in the end of 2010 , while the remaining ones are expected for delivery in the beginning of 2011 .",2,,, 2054,Financial Phrasebank,"Via the move , the company aims annual savings of some EUR 3 million USD 4.3 m , the main part of which are expected to be realized this year .",2,,, 2055,Financial Phrasebank,Viking Line manages well with its current ferries .,2,,, 2056,Financial Phrasebank,SCANIA Morgan Stanley lifted the share target on Swedish heavy-duty truck and bus maker Scania AB to 330 crowns ( $ 42.4 - 35.2 euro ) from 310 crowns ( $ 39.8 - 33.1 euro ) .,2,,, 2057,Financial Phrasebank,` Very recommendable ' is the Nokian Z G2 according to the ` ADAC judgement ' in the latest summer tyre test of the German automobile association ADAC .,2,,, 2058,Financial Phrasebank,"`` In Ukraine , too , we act as a partner for major bakery clients in both production and product development .",1,,, 2059,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Neste Oil is working with over 20 research communities in Europe , America , Africa , Asia , and Australia to develop and introduce new raw materials .",2,,, 2060,Financial Phrasebank,`` The announced investment of the carmaker Hyundai for example sounds optimistically for us as of course new cars mean new tires . '',2,,, 2061,Financial Phrasebank,`` They 've already allocated money for the inventory .,1,,, 2062,Financial Phrasebank,3 January 2011 - Finnish flag carrier Finnair Oyj ( HEL : FIA1S ) said today it sealed a nine-year sale and leaseback agreement for its newest Airbus A330 aircraft for syndication into the Japanese operating lease market .,2,,, 2063,Financial Phrasebank,"According to ACNielsen 's ScanTrack study for the period week 10 of 2005 to week 9 of 2006 , Coca-Cola is the market leader in soft drinks in Finland .",2,,, 2064,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Ahlstrom Corporation has ordered key production equipment for a new glass nonwovens production line at its Russian Tver Mill from Finnish Vaahto Pulp & Paper Machinery ( that is part of Vaahto Group ) .,2,,, 2065,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish navigation device manufacturer Benefon that is changing its name to GeoSentric reports net sales of about EUR 1.1 mn in the second quarter of 2007 .,1,,, 2066,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Vacon has signed significant deals with Norwegian Scandinavian Electric Systems ( SES ) on the supply of AC drives .,2,,, 2067,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish-Swedish TietoEnator is expanding its business quickly in Russia .,2,,, 2068,Financial Phrasebank,"H+Ñkan Dahlstr+Âm , head of mobility services at TeliaSonera , has forecast that mobile data volume on the TeliaSonera network in Sweden will rise eight-fold to 200,000 TB by 2014 .",2,,, 2069,Financial Phrasebank,The order for plywood mill machinery and equipment announced by Finnish Raute in September 2006 will be delivered to Thebault Plyland in France .,1,,, 2070,Financial Phrasebank,"According to M-real 's CEO , Mikko Helander , this transaction will enable the company to proceed swiftly with its restructuring program .",2,,, 2071,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Olvi 's Managing Director Lasse Aho , the company has an ongoing MMX Plus project that aims to find growth outside Finland .",2,,, 2072,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Scanfil 's President Harri Takanen , Scanfil 's investment activity proceeded according to the strategy on several fronts in 2010 .",1,,, 2073,Financial Phrasebank,Acquisitions have been made and businesses have been well integrated .,2,,, 2074,Financial Phrasebank,Alma Media 's net sales in 2009 totalled MEUR 307.8 with an operating margin of 13.5 per cent .,1,,, 2075,Financial Phrasebank,Aspokem posted an operating profit of 2.7 mln euro ( $ 3.5 mln ) and net sales of 89.1 mln euro ( $ 116.8 mln ) in 2006 .,1,,, 2076,Financial Phrasebank,"Auburn 's sales in 2007 were CAD 41 million ( approximately EUR 27 million ) , and the company employs some 150 people .",1,,, 2077,Financial Phrasebank,Brazilian mobile player Telemig Celular yesterday announced that it has selected Finnish software developer Tecnomen Oyj to expand its prepaid billing system .,2,,, 2078,Financial Phrasebank,"Cargotec Corporation , Press Release , April 28 , 2008 at 2.00 p.m. Finnish time Cargotec 's MacGREGOR business area providing marine cargo handling and offshore load handling solutions has received significant hatch cover orders for bulk carriers .",2,,, 2079,Financial Phrasebank,"Cargotec 's sales totalled EUR 3.4 billion in 2008 and it employs approximately 10,500 people .",1,,, 2080,Financial Phrasebank,Commencing the construction works of Pearl Plaza is a significant step in our Russian projects .,2,,, 2081,Financial Phrasebank,CORPORATE IT UPDATE - ( C ) 1995-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD Finnish technology group Teleste Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : TLT1V ) reported on Wednesday ( 4 February ) an operating profit of EUR5 .6 m on net sales of EUR108 .7 m for the year 2008 .,1,,, 2082,Financial Phrasebank,"Cost savings will then rise to some 20 mln eur a year from 2007 , OKO said .",2,,, 2083,Financial Phrasebank,Cramo Group 's financial targets for 2010-2013 are sales growth higher than 10 percent per year ; return on equity above 15 percent .,2,,, 2084,Financial Phrasebank,Cymed 's net sales are expected to amount to EUR 3.5 mn in 2006 .,1,,, 2085,Financial Phrasebank,Delhaize Le Lion has selected the Aldata G.O.L.D. Vocal PDA solution on the Motorola WT4090 PDA terminal .,1,,, 2086,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted loss per share stood at EUR 0.15 versus EUR 0.26 .,2,,, 2087,Financial Phrasebank,Efficiency programs totalling 100 million euros are under way in Finnair .,2,,, 2088,Financial Phrasebank,Elcoteq 's revenues in 2007 were approximately EUR 120 million .,1,,, 2089,Financial Phrasebank,Elektrobit ( EB ) has renewed its IT infrastructure contract with ICT services provider Fujitsu Services for EB 's Patja service .,2,,, 2090,Financial Phrasebank,European traffic grew nearly 30 % .,2,,, 2091,Financial Phrasebank,Finland-based international machinery rental company Ramirent Plc ( OMX Helsinki : RMR1V ) reported on Friday ( 15 August ) an operating profit of EUR65 .0 m on net sales of EUR342 .9 m for the period January-June 2008 .,1,,, 2092,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish aluminium products manufacturer Nordic Aluminium Plc ( OMX Helsinki : NOA1V ) reported on Monday ( 18 August ) an operating profit of EUR7 .9 m on net sales of EUR55 .2 m for the period January-June 2008 .,1,,, 2093,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish component supplier Componenta Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : CTH1V ) reported on Tuesday ( 15 July ) an operating profit of EUR46 .2 m on net sales of EUR386 .0 m for the financial period January-June 2008 .,1,,, 2094,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish elevators and escalators maker KONE Corporation said on Tuesday ( 18 March ) that it has received a major order from Sir Robert McAlpine to supply all elevators and escalators for the Watermark Place project in the City of London .,2,,, 2095,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish financial software developer Basware Oyj said today it will provide its invoice automation ( IA ) solution to an unnamed major retail company in the USA in a deal , worth more than EUR300 ,000 .",2,,, 2096,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish forest machinery and equipment maker Ponsse Oyj said on October 5 , 2007 it will deliver a total of 67 cut-to-length method forest machines and 44 harvester heads to Brazilian paper maker Bahia Pulp and to unnamed Uruguayan wood harvesting contractors .",2,,, 2097,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish glass technology group Glaston Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : GLA1V ) reported on Thursday ( 14 August ) an operating profit of EUR6 .5 m on net sales of EUR201 .5 m for the period January-September 2008 .,1,,, 2098,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish logistics and information solutions provider Done Solutions Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : DSO1V ) reported on Wednesday ( 29 October ) an operating profit of EUR3 .6 m on net sales of EUR35 .1 m for the period January-September 2008 .,1,,, 2099,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Metso will supply new wood handling and bleaching lines , as well as a rebuild of the kraft liner washing line for Klabin 's Tel+¬maco Borba mill in the Brazilian state of Paran+í .",2,,, 2100,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish software company QPR Software Plc ( OMX Helsinki : QPR1V ) reported on Thursday ( 23 October ) an operating profit of EUR63 ,000 on net sales of EUR1 .5 m for the third quarter 2008 .",1,,, 2101,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish technology group Aspocomp Group Oyj ( OMX Helsinki : ACG1V ) issued its third quarter report on Thursday ( 13 November ) , posting an operating profit of EUR0 .4 m , as compared to a loss of EUR0 .5 m in the third quarter of 2007 .",2,,, 2102,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish-owned contract manufacturer of electronics Elcoteq Hungary Kft has announced plans to recruit more than 650 new staffers to fulfill new orders in P+®cs , where the company has two plants .",2,,, 2103,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the payment made in April , the company has a total of EUR 23.0 million in loans from financial institutions .",1,,, 2104,Financial Phrasebank,"For Q2 2010 , consolidated earnings before tax totaled EUR4 .5 m , compared to EUR3 .9 m , and net profit was EUR3 .2 m , compared to EUR2 .9 m in the previous year .",2,,, 2105,Financial Phrasebank,"For Telenor , the three and a half year contract is worth an estimated 12.6 m. YIT has chosen Telenor and Elisa as its principal suppliers of ICT solutions in Norway , Sweden , Denmark and Finland .",2,,, 2106,Financial Phrasebank,"For the fiscal year ending September 30 , 2009 the revenue from these customers was $ 10.012 million or around 11.0 % of the transportation group 's revenue .",1,,, 2107,Financial Phrasebank,"Galeria Podlaska , a shopping mall on Wysockiego Street in Bia ` ystok , is approximately 60-percent leased or reserved .",1,,, 2108,Financial Phrasebank,"However , he expects banks to provide alternative financing .",2,,, 2109,Financial Phrasebank,In 2005 the bank posted a net profit of Lt 8.2 mn .,1,,, 2110,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2006 , TeliaSonera net sales were SEK 91 bn , EBITDA was SEK 32.266 bn , net income was SEK 19.28 bn .",1,,, 2111,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 , Alma Media 's operating profit was about EUR 53mn .",1,,, 2112,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 , almost two thirds of Orion 's net sales came from these drugs .",1,,, 2113,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 , Huhtamaki will continue to invest in organic growth .",1,,, 2114,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 , Marimekko has also opened concept stores in Yokohama and Nagoya , central Japan , in Silver Spring in metropolitan Washington DC , USA , in Graz , central Austria , and in Aalborg , northern Denmark .",2,,, 2115,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 , the Group 's net sales stood at EUR 22 million and it had about 150 employees at the end of June , 2008 .",1,,, 2116,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2008 , the deal is likely to bring savings of EUR 20mn-25mn .",2,,, 2117,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2009 , it reported net sales of approximately EUR 6mn .",1,,, 2118,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2010 , the Marimekko Group s net sales were EUR 73,297 thousand ( EUR 72,473 thousand ) and operating profit was EUR 8,169 thousand ( EUR 6,291 thousand ) .",1,,, 2119,Financial Phrasebank,"In beers , Olvi retained its market position .",1,,, 2120,Financial Phrasebank,"In January-September 2007 , operating profit totaled EUR 20.5 mn .",1,,, 2121,Financial Phrasebank,"In Middle East & North Africa , Tecnotree has grown considerably in the recent years .",2,,, 2122,Financial Phrasebank,in Q1 2010 18 May 2010 - Finnish electrical components maker Salcomp Oy ( HEL : SAL1V ) said today it turned to a net profit of EUR1 .6 m in the first quarter of 2010 versus a loss of EUR2m in the corresponding period last year .,2,,, 2123,Financial Phrasebank,"In the end of 2006 , the number of outlets will rise to 60-70 .",2,,, 2124,Financial Phrasebank,"In the first quarter of 2010 , the mark-to-market result was a pretax profit of EUR 133 million versus a loss of EUR 32 million in the same period last year .",2,,, 2125,Financial Phrasebank,Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Private Limited has inked agreements with six new customers in India .,2,,, 2126,Financial Phrasebank,It also said its third quarter diluted EPS came in at 0.34 eur compared with 0.16 eur in the same quarter a year ago .,2,,, 2127,Financial Phrasebank,It also turned in earnings per share ( EPS ) of EUR 0.44 versus loss per share of EUR 2.26 .,2,,, 2128,Financial Phrasebank,It also turned to earnings per share ( EPS ) of EUR 0.08 versus loss per share of EUR 0.04 .,2,,, 2129,Financial Phrasebank,It appears from statistics of the Technical Surveillance Authority that customers who switch service providers mostly transfer their numbers to Elisa 's network .,1,,, 2130,Financial Phrasebank,"It expects revenue between $ 8.4 billion and $ 8.7 billion , compared to analyst estimates of $ 8.67 billion .",1,,, 2131,Financial Phrasebank,It is in line with its plans to focus on selected growth segments and streamline corporate structure .,2,,, 2132,Financial Phrasebank,"It projected revenue of $ 2.2 billion to $ 2.3 billion , slightly higher than analyst estimates of $ 2.19 billion .",2,,, 2133,Financial Phrasebank,It will also strengthen Ruukki 's offshore business .,2,,, 2134,Financial Phrasebank,It will combine and renew the contents and functionality of the current systems for funding and online service as well as their maintenance .,2,,, 2135,Financial Phrasebank,"Jens Schulte-Bockum , Vodafone 's global director of terminals , said the company expects to sell one to two million of the Vodafone 125 and 225 models in the first year of launch , and potentially tens of millions over the lifetime of the device .",2,,, 2136,Financial Phrasebank,"Juha Jordan , chief engineer at Glaston , said one of the reasons for choosing Vacon as a global AC drives supplier is that it has service and support centres in the same countries where Glaston operates .",2,,, 2137,Financial Phrasebank,"Kai Tulonen , Chief Technology Officer , SysOpen Digia says : `` Mobility Business Suite represents a significant milestone in the company 's offering to the telecommunications industry .",2,,, 2138,Financial Phrasebank,"Kemira will supply the additional volumes of iron coagulants from the company 's plant at Helsingborg , Sweden .",1,,, 2139,Financial Phrasebank,"Last month , Outokumpu sold more than 80 percent of its technology unit , Outokumpu Technology Oyj , to further its strategic goal of becoming the world 's largest stainless steel maker .",2,,, 2140,Financial Phrasebank,"Last week , the Finnish metals and technology group announced plans to sell more than 80 percent of its technology unit to further the company 's strategic goal of becoming the world 's largest stainless steel maker .",2,,, 2141,Financial Phrasebank,"MADISON , Wis. , Feb. 6 - PRNewswire - -- Fiskars announces that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted a trademark registration for the color orange on its iconic scissor handles .",2,,, 2142,Financial Phrasebank,"MANAVIGATOR-September 7 , 2010-Kemira unveils Indian JV with IVRCL Finnish chemicals group Kemira ( HEL : KRA1V ) on Tuesday announced it has inked a deal to form a joint venture in India with local construction firm IVRCL Infrastructure and Projects Ltd ( BOM :530773 ) .",2,,, 2143,Financial Phrasebank,"Metso will provide a recovery boiler with a capacity of 6,800 tonnes of dry solids per day and an evaporation plant with six thermal stages and a capacity of 1,600 tonnes per hour .",1,,, 2144,Financial Phrasebank,Metso will supply the equipment for two process lines at Northland Resources ' new Kaunisvaara iron ore project in Sweden which exploits Tapuli and Sahavaara iron ore deposits .,2,,, 2145,Financial Phrasebank,M-real 's sales are expected to have increased by 4 % year-on-year to EUR609m in the second quarter of 2010 .,2,,, 2146,Financial Phrasebank,"NAVTEQ has a commanding lead in installed map data systems in North American vehicles and may be the leader in turn-by-turn navigation data offered by services such as OnStar in North America , said analyst Phil Magney of Telematics Research Group in Minnetonka , Minn. .",2,,, 2147,Financial Phrasebank,"Neste oil 's board proposed 1.00 eur dividend for the full-year 2007 , compared with 0.90 eur a year ago .",2,,, 2148,Financial Phrasebank,"Net interest income totaled EUR 15.9 mn , compared to EUR 15.6 mn a year earlier .",2,,, 2149,Financial Phrasebank,Net profit in the period in 2009 was ( EURO ) 29 million .,1,,, 2150,Financial Phrasebank,Net profit in the same period in 2006 was 36.6 million euros .,1,,, 2151,Financial Phrasebank,Net profit in the same period in 2006 was ( x20ac ) 172 million .,1,,, 2152,Financial Phrasebank,Net profit was 35.5 mln compared with 29.8 mln .,2,,, 2153,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales are expected to remain on the same level as in 2007 .,1,,, 2154,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales by the Sata-Flexo Group came to some EUR4 .3 m in 2007 , and the group companies employed a total of 40 people .",1,,, 2155,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales in 2006 totaled EUR 302 million and the operating margin was 16 % .,1,,, 2156,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales in 2007 are expected to be 10 % up on 2006 .,2,,, 2157,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales in 2007 totalled EUR 329 million and the operating margin was over 19 % .,1,,, 2158,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales in 2008 are expected to be on the same level as in 2007 .,1,,, 2159,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales of the Lehdentekijat unit was approximately EUR 14 million in 2007 and it had 70 employees .,1,,, 2160,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia bought Chicago-based Navteq in 2008 , acquiring a maps database to compete with Google s maps as well as with navigation device companies such as TomTom NV and Garmin Ltd. .",2,,, 2161,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia Corp of Finland Tuesday said it has received a unified device managment contract with Finnish operator Elisa Oyj .,1,,, 2162,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia has enough users to do just as well .,1,,, 2163,Financial Phrasebank,"Of this , EUR 38.8 mn was net interest income .",1,,, 2164,Financial Phrasebank,"OMEO ( ) employs 55 and expects net sales of some 23 mln euro ( $ 29.8 mln ) for fiscal 2006-2007 , ending April 30 , 2007 .",1,,, 2165,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss was EUR 179mn , compared to a loss of EUR 188mn in the second quarter of 2009 .",2,,, 2166,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit for the quarter April-June 2006 amounted to EUR182 .2 m on sales of EUR3 .62 bn .,1,,, 2167,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit totaled EUR 18.6 mn or 8.3 % of net sales .,1,,, 2168,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit was EUR 9.8 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 12.7 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,,, 2169,Financial Phrasebank,"Pre-tax loss totaled EUR 0.3 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 2.2 mn in the first quarter of 2005 .",2,,, 2170,Financial Phrasebank,"Pretax profit totalled EUR 2.0 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 159.2 mn in the fourth quarter of 2008 .",2,,, 2171,Financial Phrasebank,"Pretax profit totalled EUR 80.8 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 13.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,,, 2172,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , EB delivered a custom solution for LG Electronics and now is making it commercially available for other mobile terminal vendors as well as to wireless operators .",2,,, 2173,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , Vaahto Pulp has supplied headboxes with rectifier roll and dilution control technology for Stora Enso 's mill in Imatra , eastern Finland .",1,,, 2174,Financial Phrasebank,Production will expand to other of Elcoteq 's locations including Mexico and Hungary during 2010 .,2,,, 2175,Financial Phrasebank,Profit of the accounting period was EUR 0.3 mn .,1,,, 2176,Financial Phrasebank,Rapala said it estimates it will make savings of 1-2 mln eur a year by centralising its French operations at one site .,2,,, 2177,Financial Phrasebank,"Re-use back into PET bottles has also steadily increased and the rate of use in strapping tape has picked up again after a dip in 2005 , Petcore said previously .",2,,, 2178,Financial Phrasebank,"Russia accounted for 9 % of the Lagardere magazine division 's revenue , or EUR 114.40 mn ( USD 148.11 mn ) in 2009 , the USA - for 18 % .",1,,, 2179,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales are expected to increase in the end of the year 2006 , however .",2,,, 2180,Financial Phrasebank,Satama 's net sales would be higher than the year before .,2,,, 2181,Financial Phrasebank,Scanfil expects net sales in 2008 to remain at the 2007 level .,1,,, 2182,Financial Phrasebank,"SINGAPORE ( ICIS ) -- ( 1 ) Kemira and Indian water infrastructure firm ( 2 ) IVRCL have agreed to form a join venture which includes a new inorganic coagulant manufacturing facility in Andhra Pradesh state , India , the Finnish water treatment chemicals maker said on Tuesday .",2,,, 2183,Financial Phrasebank,"So , at the present time Nokian tires had the contract of tires production in China .",1,,, 2184,Financial Phrasebank,"Solvay S.A. has engaged Poyry to provide project management , engineering , procurement , and site services for a hydrogen peroxide production plant to be built by a Solvay-BASF joint venture at BASF 's Zandvliet site , Belgium .",1,,, 2185,Financial Phrasebank,"SOUTHFIELD , Mich. -- Central Corporate Credit Union will again distribute patronage dividends to members by waiving all service fees incurred during the months of July and November 2008 , to the tune of an estimated $ 1 million .",2,,, 2186,Financial Phrasebank,"SRV will raise its holding in the company so that by the summer of 2008 , it will have a majority .",2,,, 2187,Financial Phrasebank,"Systeemitiimi 's sales and project resources will also be strengthened , director Paul Skogberg said .",2,,, 2188,Financial Phrasebank,"Tallink claims the watertight doors of both Vana Tallinn and Regina Baltica , including their electrical systems , are fully in working order .",2,,, 2189,Financial Phrasebank,Talvivaara has secured a 10-year off-take agreement for 100 per cent of its main output of nickel and cobalt to Norilsk Nickel and entered into a long-term zinc streaming agreement with Nyrstar NV .,2,,, 2190,Financial Phrasebank,Tekla Group 's net sales for 2005 were approximately 38 million euros .,1,,, 2191,Financial Phrasebank,TeliaSonera has secured deliveries for 4G modems with support for 3G and 2G during the second quarter 2010 .,2,,, 2192,Financial Phrasebank,"The 50-50 joint venture , to be called Nokia Siemens Networks , will be comprised of Nokia 's network business group and Siemens ' carrier-related operations , creating estimated synergies of 1.5 billion euros ( $ 1.9 billion ) by 2010 , Nokia said .",2,,, 2193,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition of Boomeranger Boats Oy is in line with the Done Solutions strategy of developing its business through company acquisitions .,2,,, 2194,Financial Phrasebank,The actions are expected to deliver annual cost savings of some EUR15-20m .,2,,, 2195,Financial Phrasebank,"The agreement , which will cover monitoring , maintenance , server capacity service and backups , has a one-year extension option .",1,,, 2196,Financial Phrasebank,The amendment will not incur additional costs .,1,,, 2197,Financial Phrasebank,The announced restructuring will significantly decrease the Company 's indebtedness .,2,,, 2198,Financial Phrasebank,The companies expect the first orders already in 2011 .,2,,, 2199,Financial Phrasebank,The company also expects to sell its products in other Russian region .,2,,, 2200,Financial Phrasebank,The company also said that its board of directors has proposed a profit distribution of EUR0 .92 per share .,1,,, 2201,Financial Phrasebank,The company closed last year with a turnover of about four million euros .,1,,, 2202,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects net sales of 65 mln euro ( $ 85.1 mln ) for 2006 .,1,,, 2203,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects sales revenue of RMB8 .0 billion in 2009 .,1,,, 2204,Financial Phrasebank,The company feels these leases are prime locations due to several producing formations in the immediate area .,2,,, 2205,Financial Phrasebank,The company has exported into about twenty European countries as well as to Africa .,1,,, 2206,Financial Phrasebank,The company is well positioned in Brazil and Uruguay .,2,,, 2207,Financial Phrasebank,The company reports a loss for the period of EUR 0.4 mn compared to a loss of EUR 1.9 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .,2,,, 2208,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's net sales in 2009 totalled MEUR 307.8 with an operating margin of 13.5 per cent .,1,,, 2209,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's operating profit for 2006 stood at 39.6 mln euro ( $ 57.9 mln ) .,1,,, 2210,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's profit totaled Ls 134,700 .",1,,, 2211,Financial Phrasebank,"The company targets sales of Ls 27.1 mn ( Ls 23.498 mn ) and a profit of Ls 300,000 ( Ls 371,500 ) in 2007 .",1,,, 2212,Financial Phrasebank,The company turned to earnings per share ( EPS ) of EUR 0.03 versus loss per share of EUR 0.01 .,2,,, 2213,Financial Phrasebank,The company will build altogether 130 new substations by the end of this year .,1,,, 2214,Financial Phrasebank,The diesel margin has remained high .,2,,, 2215,Financial Phrasebank,"The divestment is in line with the company 's plans to focus on selected growth segments and streamline corporate structure , the company explained .",2,,, 2216,Financial Phrasebank,The divestment of Raisio 's margarine business in May 2009 gave the company a clearer focus on grain-based products .,2,,, 2217,Financial Phrasebank,The earnings in the comparative period included a capital gain of EUR 8mn from the sale of OMX shares .,1,,, 2218,Financial Phrasebank,The Finnish textiles and clothing company Marimekko Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : MMO1V ) reported on Wednesday ( 5 November ) an operating profit of EUR8 .1 m on net sales of EUR59m for the period from January to September 2008 .,1,,, 2219,Financial Phrasebank,The first quarter was as expected and was in line with analysts ' forecasts .,1,,, 2220,Financial Phrasebank,"The fourth quarter saw Rapala swing back to a pretax profit of 1.5 mln eur from a year earlier loss of 1.2 mln on the back of a 30 pct uplift in sales to 44.8 mln eur , and a stronger performance in North America .",2,,, 2221,Financial Phrasebank,The German subsidiary will produce software development services for Ixonos Telecommunications Business Unit 's client projects .,1,,, 2222,Financial Phrasebank,"The Group 's consolidated net sales for 2008 totaled 3.4 billion euros and it employs approximately 13,000 persons .",1,,, 2223,Financial Phrasebank,"The Group 's consolidated net sales for 2009 totaled 1.5 billion euros and it employs approximately 10,000 persons .",1,,, 2224,Financial Phrasebank,"The Group 's revenue amounts to over EUR 80 million , about half of which is accounted for by exports .",1,,, 2225,Financial Phrasebank,The Group 's revenue in 2008 amounted to EUR 94 million and the company currently employs approximately 730 people .,1,,, 2226,Financial Phrasebank,The Group 's revenue in 2009 amounted to EUR 70 million and the company currently employs approximately 780 people .,1,,, 2227,Financial Phrasebank,The group will expand the chain to include 45 stores .,2,,, 2228,Financial Phrasebank,The insurance division turned a EUR120m profit .,1,,, 2229,Financial Phrasebank,The ISO certification demonstrates that we are moving forward in our quality commitments to our customers . ',2,,, 2230,Financial Phrasebank,The long-term contract is global .,2,,, 2231,Financial Phrasebank,The members of the management team will contribute to the adjustment measures with temporary salary cut of 5 % .,2,,, 2232,Financial Phrasebank,The offer represents a premium of 24 % over the stock 's closing price on Friday .,2,,, 2233,Financial Phrasebank,The opening of the portal is part of the expansion strategy of Alma Media 's Marketplaces business unit .,1,,, 2234,Financial Phrasebank,"The recovery of demand that started toward the end of 2009 , continued in January-March 2010 .",2,,, 2235,Financial Phrasebank,The sale of the Healthcare Trade business supports Oriola-KD 's strategy to focus on Pharmaceutical Wholesale and Retail businesses .,2,,, 2236,Financial Phrasebank,The sale will lead to a pretax capital gain of EUR 22 million for the Finnish company in 2011 .,2,,, 2237,Financial Phrasebank,"The segment has an annual revenue of approximately EUR400m , the company said .",1,,, 2238,Financial Phrasebank,The soapstone deposits in the Medvezhyegorsk area are expected to increase Tulikivi 's current reserves considerably .,2,,, 2239,Financial Phrasebank,The solvency capital ratio of both companies was 2.7 times the solvency limit .,1,,, 2240,Financial Phrasebank,"Then , it said the contract was estimated to contribute more than EUR150m to its net sales in 2010 .",2,,, 2241,Financial Phrasebank,These measures are expected to produce annual cost savings of EUR 1.5 million starting in 2007 .,2,,, 2242,Financial Phrasebank,This will bring cost savings of about EUR 3mn a year .,2,,, 2243,Financial Phrasebank,Through the acquisition Solteq will expand its solutions offering by Microsoft 's Dynamics business software products .,2,,, 2244,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the agreement , Japrotek will deliver nine storage tanks in the volume range of 1,000 cu m to 3,000 cu m with included agitators .",1,,, 2245,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the agreement , TietoEnator will provide Blyk with extended application and business process management services and an IT infrastructure .",2,,, 2246,Financial Phrasebank,Under the agreement Ponsse will provide forest machine maintenance services to Stora Enso 's Russian wood procurement operations .,1,,, 2247,Financial Phrasebank,Under the contract Cramo Sverige and its subcontractor Brinkab AB will provide all scaffolding installations at LKAB 's new pellets plant in Kiruna in northern Sweden .,2,,, 2248,Financial Phrasebank,Under the terms of this agreement Lextel Group has committed to an opening order of EUR3 .75 m for Benefon mobile units to be co-branded with Capitel for the China market .,1,,, 2249,Financial Phrasebank,Vacon 's office will support its customers in Brazil and South America .,1,,, 2250,Financial Phrasebank,We can capitalize on our experience from a number of similar bridge projects in the Nordic countries .,2,,, 2251,Financial Phrasebank,"Via the move , the company aims annual savings of some EUR3m , the main part of which are expected to be realized this year .",2,,, 2252,Financial Phrasebank,"With the second phase of the new Innova building , Tecnopolis presence in Jyvaskyla will increase to a total of approximately 62,000 floor square meters .",1,,, 2253,Financial Phrasebank,With this acquisition Panostaja Oyj further expands its business area specialising in digital printing .,2,,, 2254,Financial Phrasebank,- Moody 's said it gave P A1 long-term senior unsecured and P P-1 short-term debt ratings to Finnish lender Aktia Bank 's EUR1bn USD1 .4 bn euro medium-term note EMTN program of 25 March 2011 .,1,,, 2255,Financial Phrasebank,"Brazilian non-profit interbank Camara Interbancaria de Pagamentos CIP has acquired solutions from US business integration solutions provider Sterling Commerce , the latter company said in a statement .",2,,, 2256,Financial Phrasebank,`` Leipurin is a growing and rapidly internationalizing Group .,2,,, 2257,Financial Phrasebank,`` NTC has a geographical presence that complements Ramirent 's existing network and brings us closer to our customers in the East Bohemia region in the CzechRepublic . '',2,,, 2258,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Several growth initiatives in the chosen geographic areas are already ongoing , '' it continued , noting Lindex opened its first store in the Czech Republic this autumn in Brno .",2,,, 2259,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We have analyzed Kaupthing Bank Sweden and found a business which fits well into Alandsbanken , '' said Alandsbanken 's chief executive Peter Wiklof in a statement .",2,,, 2260,Financial Phrasebank,"2010 16 July 2010 - Finnish steel maker Rautaruukki Oyj HEL : RTRKS , or Ruukki , said today it turned to a net profit of EUR20m in the second quarter of 2010 from a net loss of EUR94m in the corresponding period last year .",2,,, 2261,Financial Phrasebank,28 October 2010 - Finnish wood products technology supplier Raute Oyj HEL : RUTAV said today it swung to a net profit of EUR3m for the first nine months of 2010 versus a net loss of EUR5 .2 m for the same period a year earlier .,2,,, 2262,Financial Phrasebank,"3 February 2011 - Finnish broadband data communication systems provider Teleste Oyj HEL : TLT1V said yesterday its net profit rocketed to EUR4 .8 m in 2010 from EUR416 ,000 in 2009 and it lifted its dividend proposal .",2,,, 2263,Financial Phrasebank,"4 February 2011 - Finnish broadband data communication systems provider Teleste Oyj HEL : TLT1V said Wednesday its net profit rocketed to EUR4 .8 m in 2010 from EUR416 ,000 in 2009 and it lifted its dividend proposal .",2,,, 2264,Financial Phrasebank,"agreement with SHB 30 December 2009 - Finnish financial services group Aktia HEL : AKTAV has concluded a market making agreement with Svenska Handelsbanken STO : SHB A , or SHB , the two parties said today .",2,,, 2265,Financial Phrasebank,"AUSTIN , Texas , Sept. 6 -- Texas Department Of Transportation awards contract for Teleste Video Compression and Distribution Equipment .",2,,, 2266,Financial Phrasebank,"Cargotec Corporation , Press Release , August 26 , 2008 at 10 a.m. Finnish time Cargotec 's MacGREGOR business area providing marine cargo handling and offshore load handling solutions has received significant offshore crane retrofit order .",2,,, 2267,Financial Phrasebank,CEO of the company Tarmo Noop said the growth in the sale of premium beers was the biggest .,2,,, 2268,Financial Phrasebank,"EBIT totalled EUR 14.4 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 0.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,,, 2269,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish broadband data communication systems provider Teleste Oyj HEL : TLT1V said yesterday it returned to a net profit of EUR 2.7 million USD 3.8 m for the first nine months of 2010 versus a net loss of EUR 579,000 for the same period of 2009 .",2,,, 2270,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish construction company Lemminkainen Oyj HEL : LEM1S said yesterday that it would build a plastic film extrusion plant for packaging materials supplier Ab Rani Plast Oy at Lemminkainen 's Kaluga industrial park in Russia .,1,,, 2271,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish consumer packaging manufacturer Huhtamaki Oyj said it swung to a net profit of 84.1 mln euro $ 105.6 mln in the first nine months of 2006 from a net loss of 2.6 mln euro $ 3.3 mln in the same period of 2005 .,2,,, 2272,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish dental care group Oral Hammaslaakarit Oyj posted a total net profit of 849,000 euro $ 1.1 mln in the first nine months of 2006 versus a net loss of 331,000 euro $ 421,000 in the same period of 2005 .",2,,, 2273,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish IT consultancy Satama Interactive Oyj posted a net profit of 1.4 mln euro $ 2.0 mln for the first nine months of 2007 , compared to a net loss of 462,000 euro $ 664,000 for the same period of 2006 .",2,,, 2274,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish pulp and paper machinery maker Vaahto Group Oyj swung to a 1.1 mln euro $ 1.4 mln net profit in the fiscal 2005-06 , ended August 31 , 2006 , from a 249,000 euro $ 319,000 net loss in the fiscal 2004-05 .",2,,, 2275,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish silicon wafers manufacturer Okmetic Oyj said it swung to a net profit of 4.9 mln euro $ 6.3 mln in the first nine months of 2006 from a net loss of 1.8 mln euro $ 2.3 mln a year earlier .,2,,, 2276,Financial Phrasebank,Glaston also has efficiency measures in all other units .,1,,, 2277,Financial Phrasebank,"Growth was strongest in F-Secure 's operator ISPs , mobile operators and cable operators business .",2,,, 2278,Financial Phrasebank,"In the second quarter of 2010 , the company 's net profit was EUR1 .7 m compared to a net loss of EUR1 .3 m in April-June 2009 .",2,,, 2279,Financial Phrasebank,It therefore seems that Finnish shipping company Viking Line will get the subsidy it needs to order its new LNG-fuelled vessel .,2,,, 2280,Financial Phrasebank,"Jarmo Honkamaa , head of the oil refining business at Neste Oil , says the situation looks promising from their viewpoint .",2,,, 2281,Financial Phrasebank,"ADP News - Feb 25 , 2009 - Finnish printed circuit board PCB maker Aspocomp Group Oyj HEL : ACG1V said today it swung to a net profit of EUR 300,000 USD 385,000 for 2008 versus a net loss of EUR 65.3 million",2,,, 2282,Financial Phrasebank,"ADP News - Nov 6 , 2008 - Finnish retail software developer Aldata Solution Oyj OMX : ALD1V said today that it swung to a net profit of EUR 2.1 million USD 2.7 m for the first nine months of 2008 versus a net loss of EU",2,,, 2283,Financial Phrasebank,"Mformation and Nokia noted they have established interoperability agreements that cover commercially proven , standards-based management of mobile devices , as well as mobile device security and mobile application management .",2,,, 2284,Financial Phrasebank,"mn , and pretax profit to EUR 46.4 mn from EUR 35.8 mn in the third quarter of 2006 .",2,,, 2285,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales will , however , increase from 2005 .",2,,, 2286,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia will deliver a WCDMA 3G-HSPA radio network , including the modular , high capacity Nokia Flexi WCDMA base station to Indosat .",1,,, 2287,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit totaled EUR 17.7 mn compared to EUR 17.6 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .,2,,, 2288,Financial Phrasebank,"Order intake , on the other hand , is expected to be stronger than in 2007 .",2,,, 2289,Financial Phrasebank,"Outokumpu of Finland , stainless steel manufacturer , plans to enter into a supply agreement with the Indian Railways .",2,,, 2290,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit after taxes was EUR 0.1 mn , compared to EUR -0.4 mn the previous year .",2,,, 2291,Financial Phrasebank,Profit for the period was EUR 15.6 mn compared to EUR 14.1 mn in 2007 .,2,,, 2292,Financial Phrasebank,"Quarterly diluted EPS on continuing operations came in at 0.21 eur , compared with last year 's 0.12 eur .",2,,, 2293,Financial Phrasebank,Rapala estimates its net sales for 2008 will increase by between 8.0 pct and 12 pct assuming 2007 exchange rates .,2,,, 2294,Financial Phrasebank,"Raute posted a net profit of 1.8 mln euro $ 2.6 mln for the third quarter of 2007 , compared to a net loss of 299,000 euro $ 430,000 for the corresponding period of 2006 .",2,,, 2295,Financial Phrasebank,Return on equity stood at 18.3 % compared to 15.4 % in the third quarter of 2005 .,2,,, 2296,Financial Phrasebank,"Russian export duties will activate harvesting in Finland , and sales in Russia will increase also .",2,,, 2297,Financial Phrasebank,"Tectia Corporation HEL : TEC1V , a provider of real-time security solutions , today announced that it has appointed LAN2LAN , a provider of IT services in the UK , to distribute its data security and manage file transfer software .",2,,, 2298,Financial Phrasebank,"The Bristol Port Company has sealed a one million pound contract with Cooper Specialised Handling to supply it with four 45-tonne , customised reach stackers from Konecranes .",2,,, 2299,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects net sales to significantly increase from 2009 .,2,,, 2300,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's net profit amounted to EE 55.5 mn , which was 36 % more than in 2004 .",2,,, 2301,Financial Phrasebank,"The company said that it will supply the WCDMA 3G-HSPA radio network , including the modular , high capacity Nokia Flexi WCDMA base station in East Java , Bali , Sumatra and Batam .",2,,, 2302,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract traded at an all-time high of $ 50,200 a ton on April 24 .",1,,, 2303,Financial Phrasebank,"The EBITDA was EUR116m compared to EUR115m , corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 33 % .",2,,, 2304,Financial Phrasebank,"The fair value of investment properties totalled EUR 2,299.9 mn , compared to EUR 2,229.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,,, 2305,Financial Phrasebank,The fund at fair value will increase correspondingly .,2,,, 2306,Financial Phrasebank,The impact of this acquisition to Teleste 's net sales for 2010 is estimated to be approximately EUR 2 million .,1,,, 2307,Financial Phrasebank,The impact on TietoEnator 's net sales for 2008 from the purchase is expected to be some 11 mln euro $ 15.9 mln .,1,,, 2308,Financial Phrasebank,The optimization of the steel components heating process will reduce the energy consumption .,2,,, 2309,Financial Phrasebank,The proportion of Estonian and Lithuanian passengers on the Tallinn-Helsinki route also grew in July .,2,,, 2310,Financial Phrasebank,These savings will have full impact as of the beginning of 2007 .,1,,, 2311,Financial Phrasebank,This assignment strengthens Poyry 's position as an international provider of engineering and project services to the chemical process industry .,2,,, 2312,Financial Phrasebank,This new partnership agreement represents a significant milestone for both parties .,2,,, 2313,Financial Phrasebank,"Tiimari Latvian representative Ineta Zaharova said that the company earned LVL 122,000 in 2005 profit , which is 20 times more that in 2004 .",2,,, 2314,Financial Phrasebank,"Together , Yahoo and Nokia said they will continue to deliver Internet experiences that address the core needs of consumers , developers , operators and advertisers .",1,,, 2315,Financial Phrasebank,"Via the agreement , Ramirent will expand the range of equipment and services it delivers to Destia , Ramirent Finland 's managing director Kari Aulasmaa , said .",2,,, 2316,Financial Phrasebank,"Via the takeover , Panostaja further expands its business area specialising in digital printing , which since previously consists of the subsidiaries Kopijyva Oy and Sokonet Oy .",2,,, 2317,Financial Phrasebank,"- Inge Larsen (CFO), 29,045 shares , representing 0.50 % of the share capital .",1,,, 2318,Financial Phrasebank,The forecast for 2012 is 3.3 % .,1,,, 2319,Financial Phrasebank,"The share capital of Alma Media Corporation (business ID 1944757-4)is EUR 45,031,513.80 and it is divided into 75,052,523 shares .",1,,, 2320,Financial Phrasebank,The company is listed on the Nordic Exchange in Helsinki .,1,,, 2321,Financial Phrasebank,"Incap Contract Manufacturing will carry out the manufacturing for these agreements at its factory in Tumkur , near Bangalore .",1,,, 2322,Financial Phrasebank,"It will be operated by Nokia , and supported by its Nokia NetAct network and service management system .",1,,, 2323,Financial Phrasebank,28 January 2011 - Finnish technology center operator Technopolis Oyj (HEL : TPS1V)said today it will invest EUR22 .5 m in the construction of the second phase of an office facility in Tampere .,1,,, 2324,Financial Phrasebank,Comptel Corporation will publish its financial statements for 2008 on 12 February 2009 .,1,,, 2325,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish L&T Recoil , a company specialising in used oil regeneration , is building a facility in Hamina in Finland in 2008 .",1,,, 2326,Financial Phrasebank,The shops are located in the capital region and the Paijat-Hame region .,1,,, 2327,Financial Phrasebank,The carrier said its Area travel agency is to sell most of its outlets to sister chain Suomen Matkatoimisto (SMT)and use its remaining bricks-and-mortar presence to primarily target business customers going forward .,1,,, 2328,Financial Phrasebank,The annual net sales of the unit is some EUR 5 million and it currently employs some 55 people .,1,,, 2329,Financial Phrasebank,"On the following workday customers can check from their home computers how their purchases are divided between different ingredient groups , how much energy various products contain and what is the nutritional content of all purchases .",1,,, 2330,Financial Phrasebank,Name of Company in which holdings have been acquired : Citycon Oyj 2 .,1,,, 2331,Financial Phrasebank,"BasWare is headquartered in Espoo , Finland .",1,,, 2332,Financial Phrasebank,"The store is located in Poznan in a shopping center named Pestka , the company added .",1,,, 2333,Financial Phrasebank,"The other seats would go to Edgar Edmonds , an American with experience of the clothing and retail industry , and Christian Fischer , an Austrian with experience in the winter sports goods business .",1,,, 2334,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the Act , universities can now acquire private funding .",1,,, 2335,Financial Phrasebank,"Following its strategy , Tikkurila has established a fully-owned sales company TOO Tikkurila in Almaty , Kazakhstan , for marketing decorative paints under the Finnish Tikkurila brand and the Russian Teks brand .",1,,, 2336,Financial Phrasebank,Asian traffic declined by 3.4 per cent .,0,,, 2337,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom 's 5,700 employees serve customers via sales offices and production facilities in more than 20 countries on six continents .",1,,, 2338,Financial Phrasebank,"Raute , headquartered in Nastola , Finland , is a technology company serving the wood products industry worldwide .",1,,, 2339,Financial Phrasebank,"Consumer products manufacturer Fiskars Corp. will open a distribution and warehouse center in Southaven , creating 100 jobs .",2,,, 2340,Financial Phrasebank,"According to latest information , Benefon will launch its Twig device on 20 September 2006 .",1,,, 2341,Financial Phrasebank,Atria will also buy the shares of Kauhajoen Teurastamokiinteistot Oy (Kauhajoki slaughterhouse property)from Itikka Co-operative .,1,,, 2342,Financial Phrasebank,"The joint venture will invest about EUR 500,000 in production technology straight away .",1,,, 2343,Financial Phrasebank,He will report to CapMan Plc 's CEO Heikki Westerlund .,1,,, 2344,Financial Phrasebank,The price will be specified at the completion date .,1,,, 2345,Financial Phrasebank,A total of $ 78 million will be invested in the project .,1,,, 2346,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish IT consultancy Satama Interactive Oyj said on November 13 , 2006 that Jarmo Lonnfors took up the position of CEO .",1,,, 2347,Financial Phrasebank,"H1 '08 H1 '07 Q2 '08 Q2 '07 in mln euro , unless otherwise stated Net sales 386 328.6 201 160.7 Operating profit 46.3 35.8 23.2 9.5 Pre-tax profit 33.6 26.9 18.7 5.1 Net profit 25.1 25.4 14 4.0 EPS in euro 2.20 2.36 1.24 0.38 1.0 euro = $ 1.60",1,,, 2348,Financial Phrasebank,"` Nordea 's definitely too big for Sampo to acquire , ' said an analyst ` But Sampo would appear to have an agenda for Nordea ahead of the privatisation .",1,,, 2349,Financial Phrasebank,`` Fixed Mobile Convergence solutions represent a key value proposition in today 's communication market .,1,,, 2350,Financial Phrasebank,`` There is no room to modify the share component as we have already indicated . '',1,,, 2351,Financial Phrasebank,`` We could be there .,1,,, 2352,Financial Phrasebank,`` We were the lowest bidders and now the final approval is awaited . '',2,,, 2353,Financial Phrasebank,"1 p.m. Central office of Nordea Bank 19 3-ya ulitsa Yamskogo Polya , Building 1 Telephone : 495 777-34-77 ext. 3932 , 3931 03.02.2011 Unimilk - EGM 03-04 .02.2011 XVI international business-summit Food Business Russia 2011 will take place .",1,,, 2354,Financial Phrasebank,"128,538 shares can still be subscribed for with Series E share options , max .",1,,, 2355,Financial Phrasebank,15 November 2010 - Finnish energy company Fortum Oyj HEL : FUM1V said today it and partners started negotiations to establish a new operating model for energy supply in the Turku region of western Finland .,1,,, 2356,Financial Phrasebank,"561,470 new shares under 2003 option rights plan Packaging company Huhtamaki Oyj reported on Monday that a total of 561,470 new shares of the company have been issued based on share subscriptions under its 2003 option rights plan .",1,,, 2357,Financial Phrasebank,"A meeting for the media and analysts will be held on the same day at 10:30 a.m. at Stonesoft Headquarters in Helsinki , Italahdenkatu 22 A. The Interim report will be presented by Stonesoft 's CEO Ilkka Hiidenheimo .",1,,, 2358,Financial Phrasebank,A meeting of Glisten shareholders to vote on the bid will be held on 12 March .,1,,, 2359,Financial Phrasebank,"A replay will be available until 27 October 2006 in the following numbers : US callers : +1 617-á801-á6888 , non-US callers : +44 20 7365 8427 , access code : 2659 5401 .",1,,, 2360,Financial Phrasebank,"A spokesman said : `` The food store center , subject to council and local support , could comprise a supermarket or smaller store and other niche outlets , and this will be firmed up following consultation with the council and local community regarding appropriate uses and occupiers . ''",1,,, 2361,Financial Phrasebank,"A total of 185 Wonderware Certified SIs are available to integrate and support Wonderware products such as InTouch -« HMI software , IndustrialSQL Server historian , Wonderware Information Server , DT Analyst software or QI Analyst SPC software .",1,,, 2362,Financial Phrasebank,A. Le Coq had a market share of 41.3 percent and rival beverage group Saku 32.1 percent .,1,,, 2363,Financial Phrasebank,"About 36 % of this came from Aspo Chemicals , 39 % from Aspo Shipping and 25 % from Aspo Systems .",1,,, 2364,Financial Phrasebank,"About 72 % of Evraz Group shares are owned by Lanebrook , whose beneficiaries , on the one hand , are Millhouse , the holding company for the assets of billionaire Roman Abramovich and his business partners 50 % ; and Evraz executives Alexander Abramov and Alexander Frolov 50 % , on the other .",1,,, 2365,Financial Phrasebank,Absolut Bank is exploring the possibility of further borrowing .,1,,, 2366,Financial Phrasebank,Aker Yards Finland will begin using Chinese subcontractors at its Finnish shipyards .,1,,, 2367,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish food industry companies HK Ruokatalo and Atria will form a joint venture company called L+ñnsi-Kalkkuna to produce turkey meat .,2,,, 2368,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish food industry company L+ñnnen Tehtaat is planning changes to its fish product business .,1,,, 2369,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish plumbing and heating systems supplier Uponor is temporarily laying off its whole workforce in Finland for two weeks as of mid-July 2009 .,0,,, 2370,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish property investment company Citycon plans to issue directed subordinated convertible bonds to institutional investors .,1,,, 2371,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , Hamina Cargo Terminal , of Finnish Nurminen Logistics , has purchased a warehouse with ground lease rights in the Port of Hamina .",1,,, 2372,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , metal sector company Componenta is laying off temporarily the staff of its Pori mill from Christmas 2008 till 6 January 2009 .",0,,, 2373,Financial Phrasebank,"Member of the HK Ruokatalo Group in Finland , Scan , is launching a joint venture slaughterhouse with Team Ugglarp in Sk+Ñne , southern Sweden .",1,,, 2374,Financial Phrasebank,"The largest construction company in Finland , YIT Corporation , is to acquire 70 % of the shares in the Slovak construction company Reding Bratislava .",1,,, 2375,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Aktia Asset Management , Finnish analysts ' forecasts for 2009 are still too high .",0,,, 2376,Financial Phrasebank,"According to business media reports , Usmanov planned to transfer his MegaFon stake to the state-controlled Svyazinvest , in exchange for a stake in the merged RosTelecom .",1,,, 2377,Financial Phrasebank,"According to CEO Hannu Syrj+ñnen , a new common name and visual identity is required as the group has grown and internationalised .",1,,, 2378,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Gallup Food and Farm Facts , beef consumption totaled 99mn kilos in Finland in 2007 .",1,,, 2379,Financial Phrasebank,"According to him , construction work will start in spring 2007 , and the facility is to be commissioned in spring 2008 .",1,,, 2380,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Soosalu , particular attention was paid to residents privacy and security in the design of the Aleksandri Street building .",1,,, 2381,Financial Phrasebank,"According to statistics by the Finnish Maritime Administration , shipping did not increase much in January-August 2009 , however .",1,,, 2382,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the company , a decision in the issue will be made in the summer of 2010 , at the earliest , and in the summer of 2011 , at the latest .",1,,, 2383,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the company , the lay-offs will be temporary .",1,,, 2384,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce , all the major construction companies of Finland are operating in Russia .",1,,, 2385,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the notification , the holdings of Ameriprice Inc. and its group companies are now in total 808,973 shares , which represent 3.582 % of Tekla -¦ s shares and voting rights .",1,,, 2386,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the report , Elisa 's and DNA 's joint market share of Finland 's telecom market is 59 % .",1,,, 2387,Financial Phrasebank,After that the two companies sat down and sewed up the present deal .,1,,, 2388,Financial Phrasebank,"After the sale , Savcor Group Ltd will comprise Savcor ART , a corporate function and an investment in Cencorp Corporation .",1,,, 2389,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom 's 5,800 employees serve customers via sales offices and production facilities in more than 20 countries on six continents .",1,,, 2390,Financial Phrasebank,Ahlstrom 's share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki .,1,,, 2391,Financial Phrasebank,Airbus will attempt to evacuate up to 873 people within 90 seconds .,1,,, 2392,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , June 7 -- Michael G. Williams of Newbury Park , Calif. , has developed a network device .",1,,, 2393,Financial Phrasebank,All rights reserved .,1,,, 2394,Financial Phrasebank,All YIT Capital Markets Day materials will be available on the company 's Internet site at at 10:30 on September 26 .,1,,, 2395,Financial Phrasebank,"Alma Media holds 70 % of this company , the remaining shares being owned by the company 's key employees .",1,,, 2396,Financial Phrasebank,Almost the entire office building will be occupied by Metso .,1,,, 2397,Financial Phrasebank,"Also , Westpac is to issue a benchmark , 18 month FRN deal in Euros .",1,,, 2398,Financial Phrasebank,Also the development of online businesses will continue .,1,,, 2399,Financial Phrasebank,Altimo previously agreed a similar deal with Telenor to merge their stakes in VimpelCom and Kyivstar-GSM .,1,,, 2400,Financial Phrasebank,As a part of the agreement 10 employees from the John Deere Forestry documentation functions will transfer to DokuMentori Oy .,1,,, 2401,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , a total of 82 employees would be given notice .",1,,, 2402,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result of the transaction , Sanoma Budapest has acquired a stake in the online store Egeszsegbolt .",1,,, 2403,Financial Phrasebank,"As an alternative to the share exchange , Panostaja offers a full cash consideration at the value of 1.27 euro $ 1.7 per share .",1,,, 2404,Financial Phrasebank,"As part of the reorganisation measures that will take place in spring 2006 , Tamglass Finton will start personnel negotiations that will affect its entire staff of 33 .",0,,, 2405,Financial Phrasebank,"As reported June 26 , `` both circuits continued to alternately report the track as vacant and then occupied almost constantly from June 17 , when part of the track signaling device was replaced , to the time of the crash , according to the Metro source . ''",1,,, 2406,Financial Phrasebank,"At 10.58 am , Outokumpu declined 2.74 pct to 24.87 eur , while the OMX Helsinki 25 was 0.55 pct higher at 2,825.14 and the OMX Helsinki added 0.64 pct to 9,386.89 .",1,,, 2407,Financial Phrasebank,at 9:00 EET Alma Media 's Annual Report for 2009 is scheduled to be published in calendar week 9 .,1,,, 2408,Financial Phrasebank,"At end-August , Sampo was Nordea 's biggest shareholder with a 20.6 % stake , followed by the state with 19.9 % .",1,,, 2409,Financial Phrasebank,"At first , Solteq 's services to companies operating in the St. Petersburg area will include maintenance and material management systems and data collection solutions .",1,,, 2410,Financial Phrasebank,Autotank Group is part of Aspo 's Systems Division .,1,,, 2411,Financial Phrasebank,Basware Einvoices Oy will be merged into the parent company during the present fiscal period .,1,,, 2412,Financial Phrasebank,"Because the application can be considered as a hacking application , it is classified by F-Secure as riskware .",1,,, 2413,Financial Phrasebank,"Before FKI , John Jiang has worked in several general manager or senior business consultant positions for international companies in China .",1,,, 2414,Financial Phrasebank,Benefon 's target is to lay off temporarily of permanently up to 20 % of the Salo plant 's staff .,0,,, 2415,Financial Phrasebank,"Besides , Pit-Produkt will enter the new segments .",1,,, 2416,Financial Phrasebank,"Bids or offers include at least 1,000 shares and the value of the shares must correspond to at least EUR4 ,000 .",1,,, 2417,Financial Phrasebank,CapMan made its initial investment in OneMed in June 2006 .,1,,, 2418,Financial Phrasebank,"CapMan said the deal 's effect on its cash flow for 2009 totals EUR3 .4 m , but the transaction would not affect its financial results for 2009 as it was executed at fair value .",1,,, 2419,Financial Phrasebank,Catalysts segment includes refinery catalysts and polyolefin catalysts product categories .,1,,, 2420,Financial Phrasebank,"Componenta is a metal sector company with international operations and production plants located in Finland , the Netherlands , Sweden and Turkey .",1,,, 2421,Financial Phrasebank,"Comptel Corporation Sami Ervio President and CEO , Distribution : NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Major media Comptel Dynamic OSS solutions enable telecom service providers to deliver services flexibly and charge them effectively .",1,,, 2422,Financial Phrasebank,"Consisting of seven interconnected units , Mega Image 's logistics center will be 347 metres in length and 12 metres in height .",1,,, 2423,Financial Phrasebank,"Construction work on the Helsinki Music Centre is to start this autumn , with the total cost of the project estimated at 140 million euros .",1,,, 2424,Financial Phrasebank,COPYRIGHT AFX News and AFX Financial News Logo are registered trademarks of AFX News Limited,1,,, 2425,Financial Phrasebank,"Cramo , headquartered in Vantaa , Finland , rents construction machinery and equipment , as well as rents and sells modular space .",1,,, 2426,Financial Phrasebank,Currency conversions are based on exchange rates at the time of the deal .,1,,, 2427,Financial Phrasebank,"Currently the Terminator lures are produced in a subcontract facility in Mexico but the manufacturing will be transferred to Rapala 's factory in Shenzhen , China .",1,,, 2428,Financial Phrasebank,"Destia Oy is a Finnish infrastructure and construction service company building , maintaining and designing traffic routes , industrial and traffic environments , but also complete living environments .",1,,, 2429,Financial Phrasebank,"Digia will also set up two subsidiaries , Digia Norway AS and Digia USA Inc. .",1,,, 2430,Financial Phrasebank,Dutch publisher De Vijver said today it has agreed to buy a 49 % stake in Belgian weekly magazine Humo from Finnish media company Sanoma HEL : SAA1V .,1,,, 2431,Financial Phrasebank,Each share is entitled to one vote .,1,,, 2432,Financial Phrasebank,Each year the dividend is deducted from the subscription price .,1,,, 2433,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share EPS amounted to EUR0 .01 .,1,,, 2434,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share were EUR -0.04 -0.06 .,1,,, 2435,Financial Phrasebank,Elcoteq has a global network of After Market Service sites which have a long experience in serving Consumer Electronics and Systems Solutions customers .,1,,, 2436,Financial Phrasebank,Elcoteq SE is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd. .,1,,, 2437,Financial Phrasebank,Electronic versions require 24-48 hours as each copy is customized to the client with digital controls and custom watermarks .,1,,, 2438,Financial Phrasebank,"Elisa Corporation will disclose its financial statements for 2006 on Thursday , 8 February 2007 .",1,,, 2439,Financial Phrasebank,"Empresa de Desarrollo Urbano de Quito , INNOVAR-UIO , Ecuador has commissioned Poyry to prepare a feasibility study for a new urban rapid mass transit system .",1,,, 2440,Financial Phrasebank,"Erkki Jarvinen , President of Rautakirja and the head of the Sanoma Trade division , will leave his current tasks in spring 2009 for a similar position outside the Sanoma Group .",1,,, 2441,Financial Phrasebank,"Ethanol would be made from barley , and production could start in 2008 .",1,,, 2442,Financial Phrasebank,"EXEL COMPOSITES IN BRIEF Exel Composites is a technology company which designs , manufactures and markets composite profiles and tubes for industrial applications .",1,,, 2443,Financial Phrasebank,Exel is headquartered in Mantyharju in Finland .,1,,, 2444,Financial Phrasebank,facades in Riga 8 March 2010 - Finnish construction company YIT Oyj HEL : YTY1V said today that it will build the frame and the facades in a tower construction project in Riga .,1,,, 2445,Financial Phrasebank,Fancy Dans on the move FAB Glasgow gift and interiors store Fancy Dans is moving !,1,,, 2446,Financial Phrasebank,"Financial Statements include the consolidated financial statements of the Group , the Board of Directors ' Report , the Auditors ' Report and the Corporate Governance Statement .",1,,, 2447,Financial Phrasebank,"FinancialWire tm is not a press release service , and receives no compensation for its news , opinions or distributions .",1,,, 2448,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnair expands : Finnair plans to add more flights on routes to Hong Kong , India and Russia .",2,,, 2449,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Bank of +àland will launch its long-term pension savings account at the beginning of June 2010 .,1,,, 2450,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish food company Raisio Oyj HEL : RAIVV said today it will buy British snacks and confectionery company Big Bear Group plc for an enterprise value of EUR 95.3 million USD 129.9 m .,2,,, 2451,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish industrial group Ruukki Group Plc OMX Helsinki : RUG1V said on Friday 14 November that its furniture business segment Incap Furniture has concluded personnel negotiations that were started at the end of September .,1,,, 2452,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish metal components supplier Componenta on December 26 , 2006 applied for approval with the Turkish Capital Markets Board to launch a mandatory offer for the remaining shares in iron and aluminium castings producer Doktas Dokumculuk .",1,,, 2453,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Sampo-Rosenlew manufactures approximately seven forest machines monthly , and about half of machines are exported .",1,,, 2454,Financial Phrasebank,Finnlines has six ships under construction in China with deliveries scheduled between the first quarter of 2011 and the final quarter of 2012 .,1,,, 2455,Financial Phrasebank,Finnlines will announce in week 17 of 2006 what measures it will take to tackle the situation .,1,,, 2456,Financial Phrasebank,"firm 28 October 2009 - Finnish lifting equipment maker Konecranes Oyj HEL : KCR1V said today it acquired US Machine Tool Solutions Unlimited in Cincinnati , Ohio , for an undisclosed sum .",2,,, 2457,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the issue , the new shares will constitute 10 percent of the firm 's capital .",1,,, 2458,Financial Phrasebank,"For the purposes of the possible acquisition , PKC would establish a subsidiary in Poland .",1,,, 2459,Financial Phrasebank,"Founded in 1923 , Finnair is one of the world 's oldest airlines and flies to 60 destinations with a fleet of 63 aircraft , employing 9,500 people .",1,,, 2460,Financial Phrasebank,"GeoSentric is acquiring extra financing by issuing a maximum of 220,000 new shares and a convertible bond with subscription rights for 880,000 shares , which have been fully subscribed .",1,,, 2461,Financial Phrasebank,"Glaston 's share GLA1V is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki , Mid Cap List .",1,,, 2462,Financial Phrasebank,Grounds for the notification : Tiimari Plc 12/30/2010 issued Capital Convertible Loan allocation decision by the Board on 01/31/2011 .,1,,, 2463,Financial Phrasebank,Growth is expected to continue in 2008 .,2,,, 2464,Financial Phrasebank,GyPSii service supports ten different languages including Korean and Russian .,1,,, 2465,Financial Phrasebank,He confirmed his view on July 6 .,1,,, 2466,Financial Phrasebank,He is a member of the Board of numerous com-panies and a shareholder of the Boardman Ltd board specialist net-work .,1,,, 2467,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI AFX - Cargotec said it has bought a 95 pct stake in Indital Construction Machinery Ltd , a Bangalore-based company that makes fork lift trucks and mobile cranes , for an undisclosed sum .",1,,, 2468,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI AFX - Cramo said it has agreed to sell Cramo Nederland BV CNL , its Dutch machinery and equipment rental unit , to Jaston Groep for an undisclosed sum .",1,,, 2469,Financial Phrasebank,"Helsinki-based Componenta bought Turkish listed company Doktas in October 2006 for 89 million euros , making it the largest Finnish investment in Turkey to date .",1,,, 2470,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the offering will probably not be made at the current valuation , which partly derives from the deal in which the company was merged into a stock market shell .",1,,, 2471,Financial Phrasebank,"HUHTAMAKI OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE , 16.9.2008 AT 13.32 Huhtamaki 's Capital Markets Day for institutional investors and analysts is held in Espoo , September 16 , 2008 starting at 13.30 pm Finnish time .",1,,, 2472,Financial Phrasebank,"I can say categorically , no , ' Wahlroos was quoted as saying by the paper , when asked about Sampo 's interest in making a bid for RSA .",1,,, 2473,Financial Phrasebank,"If Honkarakenne starts production there , it will need a partner for sawmill operations .",1,,, 2474,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , nine fixed-term employment contracts will not be extended and two people will leave the company under pension arrangements .",1,,, 2475,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , the existing service counter area in the reception hall will be rebuilt and access provided to local rail connections .",1,,, 2476,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition a reduction of nine persons will be made through pension or other arrangements , the company added .",1,,, 2477,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to the Tulikivi Corporation , he is also currently a member of the Board of the following companies : Altia Corporation , J+ñrvi-Suomen Portti Osuuskunta , Osuuskunta KPY , Profile Vehicles Oy and Voimatel Oy .",1,,, 2478,Financial Phrasebank,"In future , the plant will focus on the production of flange profiles for wind farm towers .",1,,, 2479,Financial Phrasebank,In return the New York-based private equity firm will receive a 51 % stake in the Latvian IT and telecom group .,1,,, 2480,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Baltic countries , Atria 's target is organic growth .",1,,, 2481,Financial Phrasebank,"Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Announcement 29 April 2010 at 1 p.m. INVITATION TO A NEWS CONFERENCE ON INCAP 'S INTERIM REPORT Q1-2010 Incap will publish its interim report for January-March 2010 on Wednesday , 5 May 2010 .",1,,, 2482,Financial Phrasebank,"India is high on our priority since business links between our two countries is also expanding , '' Tornstrom said .",1,,, 2483,Financial Phrasebank,IonPhasE 's second major owner is venture capital firm Aura Capital .,1,,, 2484,Financial Phrasebank,"Iso Omena is based in the Matinkyla district of the southern part of the city of Espoo , southern Finland .",1,,, 2485,Financial Phrasebank,It moved into the No. 2 spot in 2000 when it merged steel operations with Avesta Sheffield to form AvestaPolarit .,1,,, 2486,Financial Phrasebank,"ITG 's share in the deal is estimated at some 500,000 euro $ 627,000 .",1,,, 2487,Financial Phrasebank,"Its customers include local companies Slo Oy , Kiilto Oy , Toptronics Oy , Normark Suomi Oy , Pellonpaja Oy and Mansner Oy .",1,,, 2488,Financial Phrasebank,"Ixonos estimates that it will hire 20 specialists in mechanical engineering , electronics design , and R&D for its new unit in Jyvaeskylae by the end of 2009 .",2,,, 2489,Financial Phrasebank,"Jensen , Njastein and Mike Critch , the head of Dovre North America business unit , will report to Toivola .",1,,, 2490,Financial Phrasebank,"Jukka Hienonen , the current Finnair CEO , will step down at the end of January 2010 .",1,,, 2491,Financial Phrasebank,"Kemira , headquartered in Helsinki , Finland , is an international chemicals group comprising the business areas Kemira Pulp & Paper , Kemira Water , Kemira Specialty and Kemira Coatings .",1,,, 2492,Financial Phrasebank,Kemira 's partner in the project is St. Petersburg Water Works .,1,,, 2493,Financial Phrasebank,Kershaw takes up the position with immediate effect from her previous role as marketing manager of Sankey Home & Garden Products .,1,,, 2494,Financial Phrasebank,KONE is listed on the Nordic Exchange in Helsinki .,1,,, 2495,Financial Phrasebank,"L&T is operative in Finland , Sweden , Latvia , Russia and Norway .",1,,, 2496,Financial Phrasebank,"Last week , however , Nokia announced that it will pursue a long-term relationship with Microsoft , and make the Windows Phone 7 operating system the foundation for Nokia mobile phones .",1,,, 2497,Financial Phrasebank,Latvia 's Stockmann shopping mall is a subsidiary of Finland 's Stockmann Plc. .,1,,, 2498,Financial Phrasebank,"LEED is an internationally recognized green building certification system , developed by the U.S. Green Building Council .",1,,, 2499,Financial Phrasebank,LONDON AFX - Fortum said it has agreed to sell its industrial maintenance service operations to funds managed by CapMan for an undisclosed sum .,1,,, 2500,Financial Phrasebank,"China Unicom , NYSE : CHU , HKSE : 0762 , and SHSE : 600050 , the second largest mobile carrier in the country .",1,,, 2501,Financial Phrasebank,"Maximum amount of terminations in Finland is 40 employees , the company added .",1,,, 2502,Financial Phrasebank,Measures will be launched immediately and are due to be finalized in the first quarter of 2010 .,1,,, 2503,Financial Phrasebank,"Metsa-Botnia will finance the payment of dividends , the repayment of capital and the repurchase of its own shares with the funds deriving from its divestment of the Uruguay operations , and shares in Pohjolan Voima , and by utilising its existing financing facilities .",1,,, 2504,Financial Phrasebank,Metso 's delivery will include a complete coated board line with related air systems and two winders .,1,,, 2505,Financial Phrasebank,Mobile data transfer is expected to increase explosively in the LTE era .,1,,, 2506,Financial Phrasebank,Most of the dividend will go to the Grimaldi family .,1,,, 2507,Financial Phrasebank,"mr Bakman sees also expansion options on the Tallinn-Helisnki link , claiming however , that operating the link with only a single ship is not enough .",1,,, 2508,Financial Phrasebank,"M-real Corporation Press release on 3 November at 10:35 am M-real Corporation was the second best company in the materials sector including e.g. forest industry companies in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index CDLI , Nordic Report 2009 .",2,,, 2509,Financial Phrasebank,"M-Real said there are ` no grounds ' for the rumors , which ` have been circulating in the market for some months . '",1,,, 2510,Financial Phrasebank,"Nastola , axe 14 jobs 16 February 2010 - Finnish wood products technology firm Raute Oyj HEL : RUTAV said today that it will transfer to Nastola , southern Finland , the production of its Jyvaskyla plant , which will affect 14 people .",1,,, 2511,Financial Phrasebank,Neste Shipping is the most likely to remain Finnish as the oil sector and its transports are significant for emergency supply .,1,,, 2512,Financial Phrasebank,Net investment income,1,,, 2513,Financial Phrasebank,"no compensation for its news , opinions or distributions .",1,,, 2514,Financial Phrasebank,No financial details were available .,1,,, 2515,Financial Phrasebank,No financial details were disclosed .,1,,, 2516,Financial Phrasebank,No financial details were provided .,1,,, 2517,Financial Phrasebank,No financial details were reported .,1,,, 2518,Financial Phrasebank,No more waste-burning facilities should be built .,1,,, 2519,Financial Phrasebank,"No price was given for the transaction , which merges two London companies that have worked together on a number of projects including delivery of timetables for Britain 's National Express East Coast rail networks .",1,,, 2520,Financial Phrasebank,No pricing details were disclosed .,1,,, 2521,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia said it still expects to sell 150 more million Symbian devices in years to come , giving an indication of how it expects the Phone 7 handoff to work .",1,,, 2522,Financial Phrasebank,Nordea Bank Estonia is part of the largest financial group in the Nordic countries .,1,,, 2523,Financial Phrasebank,"Of the company 's net sales , 38 % was acquired in Finland , 21 % in other European countries , 40 % in Asia , and 1 % in the US .",1,,, 2524,Financial Phrasebank,Officials did not disclose the contract value .,1,,, 2525,Financial Phrasebank,"On Dec. 1 , Grimaldi acquired 1.5 million shares and a 50.1-percent stake in Finnlines .",1,,, 2526,Financial Phrasebank,"Only L+ñnnen Tehtaat showed a loss , but it has only recently started streamlining measures .",1,,, 2527,Financial Phrasebank,Operating cash flow after investments totalled EUR 61.3 mn compared to EUR 75.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .,0,,, 2528,Financial Phrasebank,Oriola-KD expects its invoicing in 2008 to be higher than the comparable invoicing of 2007 .,2,,, 2529,Financial Phrasebank,Otherwise the situation is under control .,1,,, 2530,Financial Phrasebank,"Our customers come from the following countries : UK , USA , Spain , France , Italy , Germany , China , Hong Kong , Sweden , Norway , Netherlands , Austria , Belgium , Switzerland , Czech Republic , Finland , Canada , Russia , Ukraine , Denmark , Ireland , South Korea and Liechtenstein .",1,,, 2531,Financial Phrasebank,"Our customers come from the following countries : UK , USA , Spain , France , Italy , Germany , China , Sweden , Norway , Netherlands , Austria , Belgium , Switzerland , Czech Republic , Serbia , Finland , Canada , Russia , Ukraine , Portugal , Denmark , Ireland , South Korea , Estonia and Liechtenstein .",1,,, 2532,Financial Phrasebank,"Our in-depth expertise extends to the fields of energy , industry , urban & mobility and water & environment .",1,,, 2533,Financial Phrasebank,"Particular attention is being paid to energy efficiency in the construction of the building , as it is designed to meet the requirements of energy class B , and LEED certification will be applied for .",1,,, 2534,Financial Phrasebank,"Paychex has more than 100 offices serving approximately 554,000 payroll clients nationwide as of May 31 , 2009 .",1,,, 2535,Financial Phrasebank,Payment of shares shall be effected on subscription .,1,,, 2536,Financial Phrasebank,"PCS Digital Guatemala has been using Tecnomen 's prepaid system in Telgua fixed networks as well as code division multiple access , or CDMA , and global system for mobile communication , or GSM , since 2003 .",1,,, 2537,Financial Phrasebank,"Poyry is a global consulting and engineering firm focusing on the energy , forest industry and infrastructure & environment sectors .",1,,, 2538,Financial Phrasebank,Poyry is a global expert in consulting and engineering .,1,,, 2539,Financial Phrasebank,"POYRY PLC Additional information by : Heikki Malinen , President and CEO , Poyry PLC tel. +358 10 33 21307 Poyry is a global expert in consulting and engineering .",1,,, 2540,Financial Phrasebank,Price talk is in the Euribor plus 2 bps area and the sole lead is Citigroup .,1,,, 2541,Financial Phrasebank,"Product deliveries will not be interrupted , the refiner said , giving no financial details .",1,,, 2542,Financial Phrasebank,Production is scheduled to start by the end of April 2007 .,1,,, 2543,Financial Phrasebank,Protalix has $ 42 million in cash and no sales .,1,,, 2544,Financial Phrasebank,Public services will also be available .,1,,, 2545,Financial Phrasebank,"Published by Globes online , Israel business news - - on November 16 , 2009 -® Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut 1983 Ltd. 2009",1,,, 2546,Financial Phrasebank,Ramirent Finland is the domestic unit of machinery rental company Ramirent Oyj HEL : RMR1V .,1,,, 2547,Financial Phrasebank,Raute is listed on the Nordic exchange in Helsinki .,1,,, 2548,Financial Phrasebank,Registration is required .,1,,, 2549,Financial Phrasebank,Related links : Flexiblebaseloadoperation TheWartsila32generating set Gasconversions This is the shorter of two versions of this press release .,1,,, 2550,Financial Phrasebank,"rosendal at Eila Paatela , Vice President - Corporate Communications tel. +358 20 529 2004 , +358 400 817198 e-mail eila .",1,,, 2551,Financial Phrasebank,Runway Visual Range is a calculated assessment of the distance that a pilot can see down a runway .,1,,, 2552,Financial Phrasebank,"Salcomp 's charger manufacturing plant in India is located in the Nokia Telecom Park in the state of Tamil Nadu , in the eastern part of India .",1,,, 2553,Financial Phrasebank,Saunalahti is a part of the Elisa group .,1,,, 2554,Financial Phrasebank,"says Brian Burton , Head of IT Security , Vodafone UK .",1,,, 2555,Financial Phrasebank,"Seller is the Finnish Elcoteq Group , the largest European electronics manufacturing services company .",1,,, 2556,Financial Phrasebank,Solteq Plc ANNOUNCEMENT 16.12.2010 SHARE REPURCHASE 16.12.2010 In the Helsinki Stock Exchange Solteq Plc now holds a total of 486.969 shares including the shares repurchased on 16.12.2010 .,1,,, 2557,Financial Phrasebank,"Some of the most recent technology deliveries include refinery technology to Anrak Aluminium , an iron ore pelletizing plant to Tata Steel and iron ore sintering plants to Bhushan Steel .",1,,, 2558,Financial Phrasebank,Sponda Plc 's Annual General Meeting decided on 23 March 2005 to establish a Shareholders ' Nomination Committee to prepare proposals for the Annual General Meeting in 2006 on the composition of the Board of Directors and their remuneration .,1,,, 2559,Financial Phrasebank,"SRV will also build an aqua park with wellness area , a restaurant and a multifunctional ice arena .",1,,, 2560,Financial Phrasebank,"SSH Communications Security Corporation is headquartered in Helsinki , Finland .",1,,, 2561,Financial Phrasebank,SSH Establishes New Global Sales and Marketing Group to be led by George Adams ; Adams Establishes Global Sales and Marketing Group to Drive Worldwide Programs Supporting SSH Tectia Enterprise Security Solutions,1,,, 2562,Financial Phrasebank,Status : Agreed,1,,, 2563,Financial Phrasebank,"Steek , which was set up in 2002 , is based in Bordeaux , southwestern France .",1,,, 2564,Financial Phrasebank,"STOCKMANN plc COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT February 20 , 2007 , at 13.40 An annual summary of Stockmann 's stock exchange and financial press releases in 2006 is available on the company 's website at the address .",1,,, 2565,Financial Phrasebank,"Stora Enso , a global paper , packaging and wood products company , and Neste Oil , a Finnish company engaged in the refining and marketing of oil , have inaugurated the demonstration plant at Varkaus , Finland for biomass to liquids production utilizing forestry residues .",1,,, 2566,Financial Phrasebank,STUK today is a full service house expert in radiation and nuclear safety issues .,1,,, 2567,Financial Phrasebank,"Sullivan said some of the boards `` really involve a lot of work , and people should get paid for their time . ''",1,,, 2568,Financial Phrasebank,Suomen Paikallissanomat Oy is part of Alma Media Group and it currently publishes 15 local newspapers across Finland .,1,,, 2569,Financial Phrasebank,Talvivaara is listed on the London Stock Exchange Main Market and NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and is included in the FTSE 250 Index .,1,,, 2570,Financial Phrasebank,"Tecnotree 's convergent charging solution includes functionality for prepaid and post-paid billing , charging and rating of voice calls , video calls and raw data traffic for both mobile and fixed networks .",1,,, 2571,Financial Phrasebank,"Telecom has a foreign investment limit of 74 % , but it appears that mobile VAS does not , which means that Tecnomen can pick up as much as 96.6 % .",1,,, 2572,Financial Phrasebank,Teleste BK Optiflex amplifier products will be used in ongoing capacity upgrade of KDG 's network to bi-directionality .,1,,, 2573,Financial Phrasebank,Teleste has some 30 offices worldwide and is listed on the Nordic Exchange in Helsinki .,1,,, 2574,Financial Phrasebank,Teleste was set up in 1954 and is divided into Broadband Cable Networks and Video Networks business areas .,1,,, 2575,Financial Phrasebank,"The 2500-passenger ferry will have dimensions of 185 m length overall , 170 m length between perpendiculars , 27.70 m breadth and 6.55 m design draught .",1,,, 2576,Financial Phrasebank,"The acquisition does not have to be from the frozen foods or fish sector , as long as it has synergies with L+ñnnen Tehtaat 's other businesses .",1,,, 2577,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition price was not disclosed .,1,,, 2578,Financial Phrasebank,The aforementioned shareholders have informed that they will propose to the Annual General Meeting that the number of members of the Board of Directors shall be five and that besides the present members of the Board of Directors also Mr Lassi Noponen shall be elected to the Board of Directors .,1,,, 2579,Financial Phrasebank,"The aim of the CEO 's Q&A sessions is to give further clarity on information , which has been made public already earlier .",1,,, 2580,Financial Phrasebank,The Board of Directors was authorized to decide on other terms of the share issue .,1,,, 2581,Financial Phrasebank,The bridge will be 1.2 km long and is located between Anasmotet by the road E20 and the new traffic junction in Marieholm by the road E45 .,1,,, 2582,Financial Phrasebank,"The buildings , with about 40 condominiums each , will be built in 4 or 5 stages .",1,,, 2583,Financial Phrasebank,"The business area has operations in Finland , Sweden , Denmark , Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania .",1,,, 2584,Financial Phrasebank,"The buyer is real estate owner Propertos Oy , but the companies have agreed not to disclose financial details of the deal .",1,,, 2585,Financial Phrasebank,The capital structure of Solidium may be complemented by other financial instruments in the future .,1,,, 2586,Financial Phrasebank,The category was marked by maturity and the recession .,1,,, 2587,Financial Phrasebank,The chain is to unite 45-50 centres by the end of 2008 .,1,,, 2588,Financial Phrasebank,The company has some 410 employees and an annual turnover of EUR65 .4 m. Vaahto Group is listed on the Nordic Exchange in Helsinki .,1,,, 2589,Financial Phrasebank,"The company is also seeking possibilities to relocate the Luumaki personnel , some 50 people , to other UPM mills .",1,,, 2590,Financial Phrasebank,"The company offers payroll services , including payroll processing , payroll tax administration , and employee pay services , including direct deposit , check signing , and Readychex .",1,,, 2591,Financial Phrasebank,"The company operates its business through two reportable segments , including Banking and Investment Services , and Non-Life Insurance .",1,,, 2592,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's board of directors has proposed a dividend of EUR0 .12 per share for 2006 .,1,,, 2593,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's board of directors will propose a dividend of EUR 0.14 for 2008 at the annual general meeting .,1,,, 2594,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's plant in Russia will continue to make tyres for its near markets , while the plant in Nokia in Finland will manufacture tyres for other markets .",1,,, 2595,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's share is listed in the Mid Cap segment of the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki .,1,,, 2596,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Rautaruukki Oyj : RTRKS .,1,,, 2597,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's US subsidiary Vaisala Inc. acquires Aviation Systems Maintenance , Inc ASMI , a Kansas , U.S. based airport service company with over 2.6 million USD net sales in 2008 .",1,,, 2598,Financial Phrasebank,The company said that it has started to investigate streamlining its operations in order to meet the tightening competition on the mobile phone charger market .,2,,, 2599,Financial Phrasebank,The company then said it will focus its resources on clinical research .,1,,, 2600,Financial Phrasebank,The Company turnover amounted to MEUR 27.9 in 2007 .,1,,, 2601,Financial Phrasebank,The company website is .,1,,, 2602,Financial Phrasebank,The company will be part of Teleste 's Video and Broadband Solutions business area .,1,,, 2603,Financial Phrasebank,"The company will publish its financial statement for 2008 on February 25 , 2009 .",1,,, 2604,Financial Phrasebank,The company will release its 2010 results on 11 February 2011 .,1,,, 2605,Financial Phrasebank,"The company will use the money for product development and research activities through 2013 in its key markets Finland , Germany , Italy and France .",1,,, 2606,Financial Phrasebank,The continued operations mean the structure after the restructuring of the Aspocomp group including Aspocomp Oulu and the headquarter operations .,1,,, 2607,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract covers turnkey deliveries to all five airports operated by the authority -- John F Kennedy , LaGuardia , Newark , Teterboro and Stewart International .",1,,, 2608,Financial Phrasebank,The contract includes heating plant equipment and associated installation work .,1,,, 2609,Financial Phrasebank,The contract involves refurbishing the bathrooms of 189 units as well as re-plumbing their water and sewer pipes .,1,,, 2610,Financial Phrasebank,The contracts comprise turnkey orders for RoRo systems for two RoRo-cruise vessels under construction for Viking Line and Tallink .,1,,, 2611,Financial Phrasebank,"The cost of the deal could range from 70 million to 90 million euros depending on the financial results of the two companies in 2008 , the statement says .",1,,, 2612,Financial Phrasebank,The cranes would be installed onboard two freighters ordered by Singaporean ship owner Masterbulk .,1,,, 2613,Financial Phrasebank,The customers will have an access to integrated propeller and gear packages from one source .,1,,, 2614,Financial Phrasebank,The deal is subject to approval by the Norwegian competition authorities .,1,,, 2615,Financial Phrasebank,The deal means that ten persons in three countries will transfer to Tieto .,1,,, 2616,Financial Phrasebank,The deal will have no significant effect on the acquiring company 's equity ratio .,1,,, 2617,Financial Phrasebank,The deliveries are scheduled for the summer and autumn of 2008 .,1,,, 2618,Financial Phrasebank,"The development of the technological park , which will specialize in telecommunications and information technologies , is part of the state program for the formation of technoparks for hi-tech sectors in Russia .",1,,, 2619,Financial Phrasebank,"The e-commerce site and flagship will be managed by Marimekko North America Retail LLC , a subsidiary established in the U.S. last year .",1,,, 2620,Financial Phrasebank,"The final price will be specified by 14 May 2010 , the acquiring company said .",1,,, 2621,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finland-based company says it will move into an existing 260,000-square-foot facility in September .",1,,, 2622,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish business delegation includes representatives from over 20 companies that include Nokia Corp , Finnfund , Outokumpu Oyj , OKO Bank , Alteams Oy and Cargotec Corp. .",1,,, 2623,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish company is building a 800,000 mt-year biodiesel plant in Singapore .",1,,, 2624,Financial Phrasebank,"The firm 's UK head office is in Rugby Road , Lutterworth .",1,,, 2625,Financial Phrasebank,The first group of customers to be trained will be paint-shop owners and their assistants .,1,,, 2626,Financial Phrasebank,The first stage of the contract covers 133 stores and 600 cash registers .,1,,, 2627,Financial Phrasebank,"The fish content of the nuggets is 85 % , and the fish comes from Canada and Finland .",1,,, 2628,Financial Phrasebank,The following information was released by Comptel : Tomorrow the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission is scheduled to deliver the National Broadband Plan to Congress .,1,,, 2629,Financial Phrasebank,The front surfaces of these valve plates are directed towards each other .,1,,, 2630,Financial Phrasebank,The ground barleycorn has been fully produced in Finland and will be available in stores as of the beginning of 2010 .,1,,, 2631,Financial Phrasebank,The implementation of the deal is subject to the approval by the Finnish Competition Authority .,1,,, 2632,Financial Phrasebank,"The inaugural speech will be given by Hannu Kyrolainen , Finland 's Ambassador to the Czech Republic .",1,,, 2633,Financial Phrasebank,The increase range will vary up to 10 % .,1,,, 2634,Financial Phrasebank,The initial estimated total value was 1744900 EUR and the final award value was 1744900 EUR .,1,,, 2635,Financial Phrasebank,"The Internal Revenue Service sees about 20 percent of all taxpayers wait until the last two weeks to file , with about 40 million returns filed in April .",1,,, 2636,Financial Phrasebank,"The latest date for registration is on 4 April , 2006 .",1,,, 2637,Financial Phrasebank,The lay-offs will affect 240 people out of the total 320 Okmetic employees in Finland .,0,,, 2638,Financial Phrasebank,The Line 4 will run fully underground and will comprise 10 stations which will be executed in two implementation stages .,1,,, 2639,Financial Phrasebank,The majority of the company 's personnel in Finland is temporarily laid off from one to six weeks in the period from February to June 2009 period .,0,,, 2640,Financial Phrasebank,"The mall will be financed on a parity basis by Pearl Plaza LLC , the joint venture company established by the Chinese investor Shanghai Industrial Investment Holdings Co Ltd , and SRV Group .",1,,, 2641,Financial Phrasebank,"The maximum amount of the capital loan will be EUR30m and the minimum subscription -- EUR10 ,000 .",1,,, 2642,Financial Phrasebank,The maximum number of new shares to be offered is 22 million .,1,,, 2643,Financial Phrasebank,The measures taken will cause one-time costs during the final part of 2006 .,1,,, 2644,Financial Phrasebank,"The mill will have capacity to produce 500,000 tonnes of pulp per year .",1,,, 2645,Financial Phrasebank,"The money will be spread mainly over 2011 and 2012 , the company said .",1,,, 2646,Financial Phrasebank,"The natural source of isoprene is the tree species Hevea brasiliensis , also known as the rubber tree .",1,,, 2647,Financial Phrasebank,The new activity will incur an investment of about 5 MEUR .,1,,, 2648,Financial Phrasebank,"The new company will likely hold an IPO on the NYSE or another international stock exchange , according to Altimo which manages the Alfa Group 's telecommunications assets and TeliaSonera 's agreement , which has been published on the website of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission .",1,,, 2649,Financial Phrasebank,"The new majority owners of Aspocomp Thailand Co. , Ltd are certain private persons belonging to immediate circle of Aspocomp 's present Joint Venture partner , Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Plc. .",1,,, 2650,Financial Phrasebank,The new organization consists of two business units : Charging & Messaging and Finance & Administration .,1,,, 2651,Financial Phrasebank,The new SEPA cads will replace Finnish bank cards .,1,,, 2652,Financial Phrasebank,"The order comprises all production lines for a plywood mill , company said in a statement received by Lesprom Network .",1,,, 2653,Financial Phrasebank,"The order comprises four ball mills , which will be organized in two different streams for treating ore in the Pilanesberg platinum mine .",1,,, 2654,Financial Phrasebank,"The order includes a new Crecent former , headbox , and reel .",1,,, 2655,Financial Phrasebank,The output of the contracts totals 72 MWe .,1,,, 2656,Financial Phrasebank,"The parties have agreed not to disclose the price of the deal , the group said in a press release .",1,,, 2657,Financial Phrasebank,The parties have agreed not to disclose the transaction value .,1,,, 2658,Financial Phrasebank,"The payment date is March 25 , 2010 .",1,,, 2659,Financial Phrasebank,The plans will result in the introduction of new and highly specialized manufacturing methods and also entail changes to personnel at the facility .,1,,, 2660,Financial Phrasebank,"The platform is based built on Intel s second-generation MID platform , called Moorestown .",1,,, 2661,Financial Phrasebank,"The price of the 10,000 kroon par value bonds was 9663,51 kroons in the primary issue .",1,,, 2662,Financial Phrasebank,The proposal by the Board of Directors on the issuance of option rights will otherwise correspond to the proposal by the Board of Directors in the Notice to the General Meeting .,1,,, 2663,Financial Phrasebank,The purchase sum is about EUR 10mn US$ 12.97 mn .,1,,, 2664,Financial Phrasebank,"The recruitment is related to the relocation of Stora Enso 's research operations to Karlstad , central Sweden .",1,,, 2665,Financial Phrasebank,The Remote Radio head module will be available at 4W power for 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz TDD frequency bands .,1,,, 2666,Financial Phrasebank,"The report examines the medical equipment business structure and operations , history and products , and provides an analysis of its key medical equipment revenue lines .",1,,, 2667,Financial Phrasebank,The restructuring measures will not affect the production of packaging printing material .,1,,, 2668,Financial Phrasebank,"The sale , comprising the margarine business in Finland and Poland , follows the approval of the Polish competition authorities earlier in October .",1,,, 2669,Financial Phrasebank,"The sale of Savcor FACE to Cencorp will result in a profit or loss which can not yet be determined , owing to factors including the valuation of the consideration shares to be received and prevailing exchange rates .",1,,, 2670,Financial Phrasebank,"The sale will be finalized in September or October , the company said .",1,,, 2671,Financial Phrasebank,"The share capital of Alma Media Corporation business ID 1944757-4 is EUR 44,767,513.80 and it is divided into 74,612,523 shares .",1,,, 2672,Financial Phrasebank,"The shares subscribed for under the stock options were registered in the Trade Register on 20 January 2011 , as of which date the new shares will establish shareholder rights .",1,,, 2673,Financial Phrasebank,"The ship cranes , which will be manufactured by MacGREGOR 's partner plants in China , will be delivered between 2008-2010 for vessels ordered by Chinese COSCO , German Peter Dohle and Hong Kong based Cido Shipping .",1,,, 2674,Financial Phrasebank,The ship unloader is totally enclosed along the entire conveying line to the storage facilities .,1,,, 2675,Financial Phrasebank,The site will cover over six hectares .,1,,, 2676,Financial Phrasebank,"The study was not designed to enable formal statistical evaluation of therapeutic activity , the company said .",1,,, 2677,Financial Phrasebank,The transaction will take place without payment of merger consideration .,1,,, 2678,Financial Phrasebank,The unit is planned to be operational during the second half of 2007 and in full stream in 2008 .,1,,, 2679,Financial Phrasebank,"The wireless industry is bracing itself for the iPhone , which will launch on June 29 .",1,,, 2680,Financial Phrasebank,Their offering also covers localisation services related to production transfer to the Finnish company 's customers that already have production in Asian market or have made the decision to transfer production there .,1,,, 2681,Financial Phrasebank,"There are currently some ten shops selling Tikkurila 's paints in Kazakhstan , and more shops will be opened continuously .",1,,, 2682,Financial Phrasebank,"There have been 15 initial public offerings announced in Sweden this year , compared with two during the same period a year earlier , Bloomberg data shows .",1,,, 2683,Financial Phrasebank,They both will report to Oriola-KD 's chief executive officer Eero Hautaniemi .,1,,, 2684,Financial Phrasebank,This is the company 's first contract abroad .,1,,, 2685,Financial Phrasebank,This release is not an offer of securities for sale into the United States or elsewhere .,1,,, 2686,Financial Phrasebank,This solution is an extension to the existing online mediation solution delivered earlier by Comptel and IBM .,1,,, 2687,Financial Phrasebank,"Through its partnership with Finnish Paulig 's Danish subsidiary Oscar , Puljonki acquired a sales organization in the European market .",1,,, 2688,Financial Phrasebank,"Tieto in Latvia is represented by IT services companies TietoEnator Alise and TietoEnator , which has operations in the industries of Financial Services Cards , Retail and Logistics and IT Outsourcing and Managed Services .",1,,, 2689,Financial Phrasebank,"Together with Latvia , Cramo will operate 54 rental outlets in the Baltic States .",1,,, 2690,Financial Phrasebank,Two other sites will be included later on .,1,,, 2691,Financial Phrasebank,"Under a preliminary estimation , the technology park will measure about 50,000 square meters .",1,,, 2692,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the changes envisaged , HK Ruokatalo would reduce its number of industrial places of business in Finland from eight to six .",1,,, 2693,Financial Phrasebank,Upon completion of the sale Proha would get some USD12 .7 m for its stake in Artemis .,1,,, 2694,Financial Phrasebank,W+ñrtsil+ñ 's aim is to serve the rapidly growing number of vessels and increasing marine activity in the Barents Sea region .,1,,, 2695,Financial Phrasebank,Valga Lihatoostus markets its products under the Maks & Moorits trademark .,1,,, 2696,Financial Phrasebank,"We know that it exists , '' Artemyev said .",1,,, 2697,Financial Phrasebank,We offer our customers solutions based on renewable raw materials .,1,,, 2698,Financial Phrasebank,"When dialing in , the participants should quote 877417 as conference ID .",1,,, 2699,Financial Phrasebank,Work on the assignment has already started and is due for completion in spring 2011 .,1,,, 2700,Financial Phrasebank,"Yesterday , Legrand issued its E300 million fixed rate deal maturing 2017 .",1,,, 2701,Financial Phrasebank,Yvonne Jones is owner of Chameleon Interiors .,1,,, 2702,Financial Phrasebank,ZAO YIT Moskovia builds housing in Moscow and its surrounding cities .,1,,, 2703,Financial Phrasebank,"BAWAG - Is to issue a benchmark , covered deal .",1,,, 2704,Financial Phrasebank,"JVC will stop producing DVD players in Brazil : JVC do Brazil , a subsidiary of Japan 's JVC group announced it will stop the production of DVD players in Brazil .",1,,, 2705,Financial Phrasebank,"Swedbank Hypotek - Is to issue a benchmark , fixed rate covered deal in Euros , maturing January 2010 .",1,,, 2706,Financial Phrasebank,"Argentine agricultural export company Calafate has tapped compatriot firm Finnegans for a software solution , the latter company said in a statement .",1,,, 2707,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish printed circuit boards ( PCBs ) maker Aspocomp Group Oyj said on December 4 , 2006 it named Henry Gilchrist senior vice president of the group 's Asian operations , as of January 8 , 2007 .",1,,, 2708,Financial Phrasebank,` Nordic infrastructure construction is one of our strategic growth areas .,1,,, 2709,Financial Phrasebank,` Pulp and paper industries are growing in countries like China and Russia .,1,,, 2710,Financial Phrasebank,"` Sanoma is a buyer not a target , ' he said .",1,,, 2711,Financial Phrasebank,"`` After the transaction , Tikkurila has no powder coatings-related operations , '' the company said .",1,,, 2712,Financial Phrasebank,"`` If you need malware removal tools , type the URL of your vendor of choice directly into the browser bar and use links on their website , '' wrote Trend Micro 's Rik Ferguson on Monday .",1,,, 2713,Financial Phrasebank,`` It wo n't happen overnight .,1,,, 2714,Financial Phrasebank,`` Printed fabrics and related design expertise have always been the core of Marimekko 's business and brand .,1,,, 2715,Financial Phrasebank,`` Serving customers locally is one of the cornerstones of customer focus for us .,1,,, 2716,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We have become convinced that we can do that very quickly , '' he told Finnish business reporters .",1,,, 2717,Financial Phrasebank,`` We know there are some of our own people out there . '',1,,, 2718,Financial Phrasebank,"+£lemiste City is the environment for a knowledge-based economy providing work for 3,300 people with the total turnover of its companies amounting to EEK 5.4 bn , '' said +£lo P+ñrnits , chairman of the supervisory board of +£lemiste City and Mainor .",1,,, 2719,Financial Phrasebank,"19 May 2010 - Finnish company Lemminkainen Oyj ( HEL : LEM1S ) said today that it will construct an office building at Toolonlahti in downtown Helsinki , without disclosing financial details .",1,,, 2720,Financial Phrasebank,25 November 2010 - Finnish paints and coatings company Tikkurila Oyj ( HEL : TIK1V ) said today that Finnish state-owned investment company Solidium Oy sold its 14.7 % stake in the company for a total of EUR98m .,1,,, 2721,Financial Phrasebank,26 January 2011 - Finnish software solutions provider Basware ( HEL : BAS1V ) said yesterday it adjusted its strategy and goals for the next four years with focus on international growth mainly via acquisitions .,1,,, 2722,Financial Phrasebank,26 November 2010 - Finnish sports-equipment maker Amer Sports Oyj ( HEL : AMEAS ) said today it has obtained a EUR30m Schuldschein note loan from a pool of international investors .,1,,, 2723,Financial Phrasebank,"3 January 2011 - Scandinavian lenders Sampo Bank ( HEL : SAMAS ) , Pohjola Bank ( HEL : POH1S ) and Svenska Handelsbanken ( STO : SHB A ) have provided a EUR160m ( USD213m ) line of credit to Lemminkainen Oyj ( HEL : LEM1S ) , the Finnish construction firm said on Friday .",1,,, 2724,Financial Phrasebank,55 workers in +àm+Ñl will be affected by the close-down .,0,,, 2725,Financial Phrasebank,"A coker crane will be supplied to Tesoro Corporation 's Golden Eagle Refinery in Martinez , California , while a similar crane will be delivered to BP 's Castell refinery in Spain .",1,,, 2726,Financial Phrasebank,A few employees would remain at the Oulu plant in support functions for other group units .,1,,, 2727,Financial Phrasebank,A huge issue for us is the button placement .,1,,, 2728,Financial Phrasebank,A merger between UPM and Finnish-Swedish Stora Enso is not likely either .,1,,, 2729,Financial Phrasebank,A paper mill in the central Maine town of Madison soon will have a new owner .,1,,, 2730,Financial Phrasebank,A total 30 % of the order value was booked in the fourth quarter of 2009 and the remainder will be booked in the second quarter of 2010 .,1,,, 2731,Financial Phrasebank,"A total of 131000 Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 's new shares were subscribed for during the period between May 1 , 2010 and June 30 , 2010 under the company 's stock option rights 2007A .",1,,, 2732,Financial Phrasebank,"A total of 38,244 new Citycon shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.35 per share were subscribed on 19 April exercising the A-B-C options based on the company 's stock option plan 1999 .",1,,, 2733,Financial Phrasebank,"A total of 750,330 new Citycon shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.35 per share were subscribed in December exercising the A-B-C options based on the company 's stock option plan 1999 .",1,,, 2734,Financial Phrasebank,"ABN Amro Capital has agreed to sell its Helsinki-based designer homeware producer , Iittala Oyj , to crosstown consumer products group Fiskars Corp. , for EUR230 million to EUR235 million ( $ 310 million to $ 316 million ) .",1,,, 2735,Financial Phrasebank,"According to preliminary information by the Finnish Forest Industries Federation , imports of roundwood to Finland increased to about 20 million m3 in 2005 , representing an increase of 15 % from 2004 .",1,,, 2736,Financial Phrasebank,Finland-based Stockmann Group has closed seven franchising sports stores Nike in Russia .,0,,, 2737,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish AC drives manufacturer Vacon is acquiring the AC drives business of TB Wood 's , part of the US group Altra Holdings .",1,,, 2738,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish beverage company Olvi is one of the last listed companies in Finland that has not yet published its financial result for the second quarter of 2009 .,1,,, 2739,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish department store group Stockmann is planning to acquire about EUR 141mn through a directed issue and a rights offering .,1,,, 2740,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Kemira Group 's CEO , Lasse Kurkilahti , says the Group 's structural reorganisation will continue for at least a year .",1,,, 2741,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish power company Fortum reports 89 % of its electricity was generated without carbon dioxide emissions in 2007 .,1,,, 2742,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Rautaruukki 's engineering division Ruukki Engineering will re-organise its operations in the Mo i Rana plant in Norway .,1,,, 2743,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish stainless steel manufacturer Outokumpu in Degefors is planning to recruit new engineers in order to meet a retirement wave over the next few years .,1,,, 2744,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish W+ñrtsil+ñ that provides power solutions for the marine and energy markets has opened a Service Centre in Murmansk , in Russia .",1,,, 2745,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , Sampo Bank , now part of the Danske Bank group , will lay off staff from the administrative and support functions .",0,,, 2746,Financial Phrasebank,"Local government commissioner of +àm+Ñl , Kurt Svensson , says he will contact the management of Finnish company Componenta to find out if there are any alternatives to the company 's decision to close down its plant in +àm+Ñl .",1,,, 2747,Financial Phrasebank,"Private equity investor CapMan , the owner of Finnish Lumene cosmetics company , is planning to list Lumene .",1,,, 2748,Financial Phrasebank,"Scanfil , a systems supplier and contract manufacturer to the communications sector , will give notice to 20 productional employees , and temporarily lay off 15 employees at the company 's plant in Sievi , in Finland .",0,,, 2749,Financial Phrasebank,"Scanfil , a systems supplier and contract manufacturer to the communications sector , will start personnel negotiations in Oulu , in Finland , to lay off staff temporarily .",0,,, 2750,Financial Phrasebank,"Swedish engineering consultant firm Etteplan is to establish a unit in town Borl+ñnge , by the turn of the month March-April 2008 .",1,,, 2751,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish investment company Sponda is conducting negotiations to acquire the business center Dukat Palace-2 located in the center of Moscow , from London & Regional Properties .",1,,, 2752,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish FIM Bank , Alpro 's price would be around EUR 100mn-150mn .",1,,, 2753,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Heikkil+ñ , more than just `` refreshment and energy '' will soon be found in soft drinks also in Finland .",1,,, 2754,Financial Phrasebank,"According to HK Ruokatalo , almost all the meat used by the company comes from Finland .",1,,, 2755,Financial Phrasebank,"According to L+ñnnen Tehtaat 's CEO Matti Karppinen , the company aims to deliver fish products to its customers a day earlier than it currently does .",1,,, 2756,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Olvi , the company is already negotiating new agreements .",1,,, 2757,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Saarioinen 's Managing Director Ilkka M+ñkel+ñ , the food industry sector has a significant excess of production machinery .",1,,, 2758,Financial Phrasebank,According to the announcement of the Helsinki Stock Exchange the share of Sentera shall be delisted from the NM-list of the Helsinki Stock Exchange accordingly .,1,,, 2759,Financial Phrasebank,Activities range from the development of natural resources to the retailed marketing of finished products .,1,,, 2760,Financial Phrasebank,"Additionally , information on business segments , competitors and future outlook are provided .",1,,, 2761,Financial Phrasebank,"Additionally , the company will terminate a maximum nine salaried and senior salaried employees ' employment contracts .",0,,, 2762,Financial Phrasebank,"Additionally , the company will use the solutions to automate the preparation of financial statements according to IFRS standard .",1,,, 2763,Financial Phrasebank,Affecto has participated in the program for the development of the Norwegian pension system since 2007 .,1,,, 2764,Financial Phrasebank,"Affecto will provide a new EFI Data Warehouse and reporting solution , behavioural scoring system supporting operational decision processes and Data Migration from old legacy systems to the new EFI system .",1,,, 2765,Financial Phrasebank,AffectoGenimap builds highly customised IT solutions for its customers in Finland and the Baltic countries .,1,,, 2766,Financial Phrasebank,After 1 April 2007 Cencorp will not have any own employees in the territory .,1,,, 2767,Financial Phrasebank,"After buying Eukor Car Carriers 50 percent stake , Grimaldi Group is now the sole owner of the Swedish roll-on , roll-off port of Wallhamn .",1,,, 2768,Financial Phrasebank,"After completion of the acquisition , Poyry 's oil and gas expertise will cover multi-discipline engineering and consulting services across the complete oil and gas asset lifecycle , including deepwater engineering services .",1,,, 2769,Financial Phrasebank,"After the restructuring , UPM 's average paper machine capacity in Europe will be 320,000 tons ( 350,000 short tons ) in coated magazine paper and 420,000 tons ( 460,000 short tons ) in coated fine paper .",1,,, 2770,Financial Phrasebank,"After the transaction , M-real will own 30 % in Metsa-Botnia and UPM -- 17 % .",1,,, 2771,Financial Phrasebank,"After the transaction , Tikkurila has no powder coatings related operations .",1,,, 2772,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT 23.4.2007 Ahlstrom Corporation will publish its first quarter financial results 2007 on Friday , April 27 , 2007 approximately at 8.30 a.m. Finnish time .",1,,, 2773,Financial Phrasebank,"AHMS will also offer Hotel and Hotel Project Consultancy , Management Services , Brand Franchise , Training and Sales and Marketing services on a pan-India basis .",1,,, 2774,Financial Phrasebank,Aktia forecasts Finland 's inflation at 1.1 % in 2010 .,1,,, 2775,Financial Phrasebank,Aldata noted that its Voice Supply Chain Technology approach enables VDW to integrate with warehouse management systems .,1,,, 2776,Financial Phrasebank,"Aldata Solution Oyj Stock Exchange Release 11 August 2006 , at 11.00 am ALDATA SHARES SUBSCRIBED FOR WITH 2003 STOCK OPTIONS A total of 95,000 new shares of Aldata Solution Oyj have been subscribed for with the company 's 2003A stock options .",1,,, 2777,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Dec. 17 -- Reijo Salovaara , Nastola , Finland , has developed a veneer cutter .",1,,, 2778,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Dec. 19 -- United States Patent no. 7,853,620 , issued on Dec. 14 , was assigned to Nokia Corp. ( Espoo , Finland ) .",1,,, 2779,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Dec. 22 -- United States Patent no. 7,854,608 , issued on Dec. 21 , was assigned to Outotec Oyj ( Espoo , Finland ) .",1,,, 2780,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Jan. 9 -- United States Patent no. 7,862,685 , issued on Jan. 4 , was assigned to Kemira Chemicals Inc. ( Marietta , Ga. ) .",1,,, 2781,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , March 15 -- Jaakko Vilo of Turku , Finland , has developed a panel press .",1,,, 2782,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , May 23 -- Matti Harkonen and Pentti Sipponen , both of Espoo , Finland , Osmo Suovaniemi of Helsinki , Finland , and Tapani Tiusanen of Vantaa , Finland , have developed a paper web press device .",1,,, 2783,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Oct. 23 -- Hans-Otto Scheck of Espoo , Finland , has developed a method of identifying remote radio units in a communication system .",1,,, 2784,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Oct. 6 -- United States Patent no. 7,804,288 , issued on Sept. 28 , was assigned to Vacon Oyj ( Vaasa , Finland ) .",1,,, 2785,Financial Phrasebank,"Alma Media Corporation Press Release 15 March 2010 TYRVAAN SANOMAT AND PAIKALLISSANOMAT BEING BOUGHT BY SUOMEN PAIKALLISSANOMAT Two local papers , Tyrvaan Sanomat and Paikallissanomat , appearing in Sastamala and its neighbouring municipalities , are to be bought by Suomen Paikallissanomat Oy .",1,,, 2786,Financial Phrasebank,"Alma Media Corporation PRESS RELEASE March 25 , 2010 TYRV+ä+äN SANOMAT PURCHASE CONFIRMED The business operations of Tyrv+ñ+ñn Sanomat Oy will be transferred to Suomen Paikallissanomat Oy .",1,,, 2787,Financial Phrasebank,"Also Finnish Industry Investment , a government-owned investment company , will participate in the project .",1,,, 2788,Financial Phrasebank,"Also in Latvia , we act as a partner for bakery customers in both production and product development .",1,,, 2789,Financial Phrasebank,"Also Ruukki Construction , Rautaruukki 's construction division , is initiating employer-employee negotiations at its sites in Alaj+ñrvi , Vimpeli and Per+ñsein+ñjoki in Finland .",1,,, 2790,Financial Phrasebank,"Also the city 's insurance company , If P & C Insurance , has said it will not pay compensation .",0,,, 2791,Financial Phrasebank,"Altogether CapMan employs approximately 150 people in Helsinki , Stockholm , Copenhagen , Oslo , Moscow and Luxembourg .",1,,, 2792,Financial Phrasebank,"Altona stated that the private company of Altona chairman Kevin Maloney , Tulla Resources , would take up its entitlement in full .",1,,, 2793,Financial Phrasebank,"An acquisition of TeliaSonera would be France Telecom 's biggest since its 2000 purchase of Orange plc for 27.8 billion ( $ 55.1 billion ) and would create the world 's fourth-largest telecom company behind AT&T Inc. , Verizon Communications Inc. and NTT Corp. of Japan .",1,,, 2794,Financial Phrasebank,An earn-out payment of up to 4.0 mln euro ( $ 5.3 mln ) can also be paid depending on Intellibis financial performance in 2007 .,1,,, 2795,Financial Phrasebank,An EU law on the issue may be introduced around 2010 .,1,,, 2796,Financial Phrasebank,"And earlier this month , the company signed a deal with India-based information technology services giant Wipro Technologies to transfer and sell its radio access related R&D activities in Berlin .",2,,, 2797,Financial Phrasebank,Another firm Air Liquide was exempted because it left the market in 1998 .,1,,, 2798,Financial Phrasebank,"Apartments of YIT Home may be purchased in 5 regions of Russia , where YIT subsidiaries carry out their activities : Moscow and Moscow region , St. Petersburg , Ekaterinburg , Kazan and Rostov-on-Don .",1,,, 2799,Financial Phrasebank,"Approximately SEK 166 million in repayments has been demanded for overcharging in the Stockholm area , with the remaining SEK 87 million taken from the Western coast , the inspectorate said .",1,,, 2800,Financial Phrasebank,Arena Partners Oy is a development company for electronic business .,1,,, 2801,Financial Phrasebank,"As a condition to the deal , Savcor Alfa has to have bought Photonium and Akseli Lahtinen Inc. 's business operations prior to the deal .",1,,, 2802,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , the company has decided it will implement fixed-term temporary lay-offs .",0,,, 2803,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , the company will temporarily lay-off 25 % of the whole personnel , approximately 270 persons at Kirkkonummi and Nivala factories .",0,,, 2804,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result of the negotiations , the amount of employment contracts to be terminated is 13 .",0,,, 2805,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result of the negotiations , the company will terminate total 5 employment contracts .",0,,, 2806,Financial Phrasebank,"As of July 2 , 2007 , the market cap segments will be updated according to the average price in May 2007 .",1,,, 2807,Financial Phrasebank,"As part of the agreement , Aspocomp will also give Meadville a 10 pct slice of a subsidiary operating in Oulu , Finland .",1,,, 2808,Financial Phrasebank,"As part of the reorganisation , Pohjola Insurance 's 250 field staff for private customers will join the payroll of local cooperative banks from the beginning of October 2008 .",1,,, 2809,Financial Phrasebank,"As part of the reorganization , Kauko-Telko Ltd will be divided into Telko Ltd , Leipurin Ltd , Hamina Terminal Services Ltd and Kaukomarkkinat Ltd. .",1,,, 2810,Financial Phrasebank,Aspo 's Group structure and business operations are continually developed without any predefined schedules .,1,,, 2811,Financial Phrasebank,Aspo serves demanding business-to-business customers .,1,,, 2812,Financial Phrasebank,"Aspocomp said it will spin off its Chinese and Indian units , and some equipment from its Salo plant in Finland , into a newly-formed unit , most of which it will then sell on to Hong Kong-listed Meadville .",1,,, 2813,Financial Phrasebank,"At some point , it will spread also to Iran and Iraq .",1,,, 2814,Financial Phrasebank,"At the end of last week , Protalix BioTherapeutics Inc ( AMEX : PLX ) published a prospectus for a first offering on AMEX of about 5 % of its share capital .",1,,, 2815,Financial Phrasebank,"At the end of March 2009 , the company 's loans amounted to EUR 10.113 mn .",1,,, 2816,Financial Phrasebank,"At the moment , there are approximately 20 Vianor sales offices in Russia .",1,,, 2817,Financial Phrasebank,Automation makes it possible to conduct several tests simultaneously .,1,,, 2818,Financial Phrasebank,"Barclays Plc ( LSE : BARC ) ( NYSE : BCS ) , Credit Agricole SA ( EPA : ACA ) ( CAGR .",1,,, 2819,Financial Phrasebank,"Based on the design of previous handsets , the Nokia E72 and Nokia E63 this Symbian-based model is promised to offer direct access to over 90 per cent of the world s corporate email through Mail for Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes Traveler .",1,,, 2820,Financial Phrasebank,Basware Business Transactions Service enables the customer to receive and send invoices in an electronic format .,1,,, 2821,Financial Phrasebank,Basware finances the acquisition with a bank loan .,1,,, 2822,Financial Phrasebank,"BasWare Invoice Processing , BasWare Contract Matching , BasWare Order Matching and BasWare KPI Reporting Tool are part of the BasWare 's Enterprise Purchase to Pay product suite .",1,,, 2823,Financial Phrasebank,"BasWare Invoice Processing , BasWare Contract Matching , BasWare Order Matching and BasWare KPI Reporting Tool are part of the BasWare 's Enterprise Purchase to Pay solution suite .",1,,, 2824,Financial Phrasebank,Basware offers full support for all SAP versions starting from SAP 4.5 .,1,,, 2825,Financial Phrasebank,"Beef imports fell slightly from 2006 , to 14mn kilos .",1,,, 2826,Financial Phrasebank,Benefon will turn the Salo unit into a B2B business unit and establish a B2C business unit in the UK .,1,,, 2827,Financial Phrasebank,"Berling Capital , Umo Capital and Veikko Laine are the biggest shareholders in Amanda Capital .",1,,, 2828,Financial Phrasebank,Bluewin Security is available as a monthly subscription .,1,,, 2829,Financial Phrasebank,"Blyk is launching first in the UK market in mid-2007 , with other markets to follow .",1,,, 2830,Financial Phrasebank,"Body ES Vostok also owns stakes in power sales companies MosenergosbytBody ( RTS : MSSB ) ( 50.9 % ) , Altaienergosbyt ( 100 % ) , Saratovenergo ( RTS : SARE ) Body ( 48.36 % ) and Tambov Power Sales Company ( RTS : TASB ) ( 49.01 % ) , all ofBodywhich it received from the distribution balance .",1,,, 2831,Financial Phrasebank,Both sources said Nokia would unveil its new phone code-named `` Tube '' on Oct. 2 at an analyst and media event in London .,1,,, 2832,Financial Phrasebank,"Byline : Tim Moran Cellular phone giant Nokia Corp. is offering $ 8.1 billion for digital map supplier NAVTEQ Corp. , of Chicago .",1,,, 2833,Financial Phrasebank,Capital base and capital adequacy measurement is based on approaches under Basel II .,1,,, 2834,Financial Phrasebank,"CapMan , with offices in Helsinki , Stockholm , Copenhagen and Oslo , manages Nordic buyout , mezzanine , technology , life science and real estate funds with approximately EUR2 .6 bn in total capital .",1,,, 2835,Financial Phrasebank,"CapMan 's first real estate fund , which had a total investment capacity of ( EURO ) 500 million and closed in June 2005 , invested in commercial properties in the Helsinki metropolitan area .",1,,, 2836,Financial Phrasebank,"Cardona slowed her vehicle , turned around and returned to the intersection , where she called 911 .",1,,, 2837,Financial Phrasebank,"Cargotec 's brands , Hiab , Kalmar and MacGREGOR , are global market leaders in their fields and their solutions are used on land and at sea - wherever cargo is on the move .",1,,, 2838,Financial Phrasebank,"Cencorp would focus on the development , manufacture and marketing of standard products for production automation .",1,,, 2839,Financial Phrasebank,Changes to the as-built models from the design were communicated to the subcontractors to accommodate them into the steel and GRC fabrication process .,1,,, 2840,Financial Phrasebank,Choose from a Giant Countdown with red head or rainbow trout -- or the Giant Shad Rap in perch color .,1,,, 2841,Financial Phrasebank,Closing of such transaction took place today .,1,,, 2842,Financial Phrasebank,"Cohen & Steers , Inc. : 5 534 530 shares representing 4.985 % of the share capital and voting rights .",1,,, 2843,Financial Phrasebank,"Cohen & Steers , Inc. : 5 534 626 shares representing 4.985 % of the share capital and voting rights .",1,,, 2844,Financial Phrasebank,com and possibly also through photo-msn .,1,,, 2845,Financial Phrasebank,"Companies evaluated in the report include Aladdin , CA , F-Secure , Kaspersky , Marshal , McAfee , Microsoft , Panda , Proofpoint , Sophos , Symantec , Trend Micro , Tumbleweed , and Websense .",1,,, 2846,Financial Phrasebank,COMPTEL CORPORATION Sami Ervio President and CEO Distribution : NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Major media Comptel Dynamic OSS solutions enable telecom service providers to deliver services flexibly and charge them effectively .,1,,, 2847,Financial Phrasebank,Connectivity Services include outsourced Scan and Capture which transfers paper invoices into electronic format and Basware Business Transactions Service enables the customer to receive and send invoices in an electronic format .,1,,, 2848,Financial Phrasebank,Consumption is forecast to grow by about 2 % .,2,,, 2849,Financial Phrasebank,"Country : , Finland Sector : Construction-Real Estate Target : Pohjolan Design-Talo Oy Buyer : CapMan Oyj Vendor : Ruukki Group Oyj Deal size in USD : 102.6 m Type : Divestment Status : Agreed",1,,, 2850,Financial Phrasebank,"Country : , Switzerland Sector : Pharmaceuticals Target : Synosia Therapeutics Holding AG Buyer : Biotie Therapies Corp Deal size in USD : 129.4 m Type : Corporate acquisition Financing : All-stock Status : Closed",1,,, 2851,Financial Phrasebank,Country : ; Germany Sector : Construction-Real Estate ; Machinery-Engineering Target : Caverion GmbH Buyer : YIT Oyj Deal size in USD : 90.3 m Type : Corporate acquisition Status : Agreed,1,,, 2852,Financial Phrasebank,"Cramo is a service company specialising in construction machinery and equipment rental and rental-related services , as well as the rental and sale of modular space .",1,,, 2853,Financial Phrasebank,"Cramo Plc is a service company specialising in construction machinery and equipment rental and rental-related services , as well as rental and sale of modular space .",1,,, 2854,Financial Phrasebank,credit 20 November 2009 - Finnish glass technology company Glaston Oyj Abp ( HEL : GLA1V ) said today it concluded a EUR74m revolving credit facility agreement with its core banks .,2,,, 2855,Financial Phrasebank,"CS Cabot exports 55 % of its production mainly to Goodyear , Bridgestone and Michelin plants in Poland , as well as to Germany 's Michelin or Italy 's Pirelli through the company 's logistics center in Paris , Stefan said .",1,,, 2856,Financial Phrasebank,"Currently , the plant operates on full capacity .",1,,, 2857,Financial Phrasebank,Danske Bank is Denmark 's largest bank with 3.5 million customers .,1,,, 2858,Financial Phrasebank,Decisions are to be made as quickly as possible .,1,,, 2859,Financial Phrasebank,Deliveries by Outotec will take place over 30 months .,1,,, 2860,Financial Phrasebank,"Deliveries of Nokia 1112 , Nokia 2310 and Nokia 2610 are expected to start in the second quarter of 2006 .",1,,, 2861,Financial Phrasebank,Delivery is due in the second half of 2011 .,1,,, 2862,Financial Phrasebank,"Den Bosch-based TomTom is Europe 's largest maker of automotive navigation devices , while Cayman Islands-based Garmin is larger in the U.S. and overall .",1,,, 2863,Financial Phrasebank,"Depending on the market situation , such projects are sold after 1 to 3 years after completion .",1,,, 2864,Financial Phrasebank,"Dubbed Nokia Money Solutions , company officials say the initiative would seek to bridge the gap between the banked and unbanked in developing countries .",2,,, 2865,Financial Phrasebank,"Due to market conditions , the company will also temporarily lay off about 3,200 people at different sites .",0,,, 2866,Financial Phrasebank,"Due to Pirkka beer , Olvi 's brewery in Iisalmi is moving to 7-day , 24-hour work shifts .",1,,, 2867,Financial Phrasebank,"During the rally , which was authorized by the city administration , a consulate official came out to the workers , spoke to them and took a letter from them .",1,,, 2868,Financial Phrasebank,Efore has decided to establish a company for eletric vehicle ( EV ) business in China .,1,,, 2869,Financial Phrasebank,"Elcoteq Dongguan was established in 1999 in the Nancheng District of Dongguan , China and is one of Elcoteq s four volume manufacturing plants in the Asia-Pacific region .",1,,, 2870,Financial Phrasebank,"Elcoteq SE Stock Exchange Announcement February 4 , 2009 at 10.00 am ( EET ) Elcoteq will publish its financial statements bulletin 2008 on Wednesday , February 11 , at 9.00 am ( EET ) .",1,,, 2871,Financial Phrasebank,Electricity consumption grows with higher frequencies .,1,,, 2872,Financial Phrasebank,Elisa has commissioned Finland 's Poyry Telecom Oy to conduct a study of reception in some of Estonia 's largest cities besides Tallinn .,1,,, 2873,Financial Phrasebank,"Elsewhere , the tendency is towards more developed packaging than before .",1,,, 2874,Financial Phrasebank,"Equipment will be manufactured in Vaahto 's workshop in Hollola , Finland and is scheduled for shipments during the first quarter of 2009 .",1,,, 2875,Financial Phrasebank,Eriikka S+Âderstr+Âm has previously held several positions in finance and control at Nokia Networks including acting as the Business Group Controller and having the corporate controller position at Nokia Siemens Networks .,1,,, 2876,Financial Phrasebank,"Estonia 's Agriculture Minister Helir-Valdor Seeder is in Finland on a two-day visit , in the course of which he will meet with his Finnish counterpart Sirkka-Liisa Anttila .",1,,, 2877,Financial Phrasebank,Etteplan targets to employ at least 20 people in Borl+ñnge .,2,,, 2878,Financial Phrasebank,EUR 220 million of the transaction consideration was paid in the form of four-year interest-bearing vendor notes .,1,,, 2879,Financial Phrasebank,"Featuring the S60 user interface , this 135-gram model also comes with a 2.4-inch quarter VGA display and 100 megabytes of internal memory , expandable through the Micro Secure Digital slot .",1,,, 2880,Financial Phrasebank,Feed companies Suomen Rehu and Raisio do no import GMO feed .,1,,, 2881,Financial Phrasebank,"Financial , strategic and operational factors are considered .",1,,, 2882,Financial Phrasebank,Financial details were not disclosed .,1,,, 2883,Financial Phrasebank,Financial details were n't disclosed .,1,,, 2884,Financial Phrasebank,Financial terms were not disclosed .,1,,, 2885,Financial Phrasebank,Financial terms were n't disclosed .,1,,, 2886,Financial Phrasebank,"Finland 's Technopolis is planning to bring the first section of a technopark on stream in St. Petersburg at the end of 2008 , Kari Mikkonen , vice president of Technopolis , told reporters in Helsinki .",1,,, 2887,Financial Phrasebank,"Finland-based companies , L+ñnnen Tehtaat and Raisio , have decided to dissolve the joint venture company ZAO Scandic Feed , which was established to start local animal feed business and feed production in northwest Russia .",1,,, 2888,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish cargo handling solutions company Cargotec Oyj said on June 17 , 2008 that it will acquire New Zealand tailgates distributor Zepro Tailgate ( 1987 ) Limited for an undisclosed sum .",1,,, 2889,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish construction machinery and equipment rental group Cramo Oyj said on March 21 , 2007 its Swedish sector subsidiary Cramo AB will sell its Dutch subsidiary Cramo Nederland B.V. ( CNL ) to Dutch rental and scaffolding company Jaston Groep B.V. for an undisclosed sum .",1,,, 2890,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish drug distributor and wholesaler Oriola-KD Oyj said on October 11 , 2006 it named Anne Kariniemi vice president of its Logistics and Sourcing department as of January 15 , 2007 .",1,,, 2891,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish electronics contract maker Incap Oyj said on January 3 , 2008 it sold its manufacturing facilities in Helsinki to local real estate company Sponda Oyj for 5.3 mln euro ( $ 7.8 mln ) .",1,,, 2892,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish fibre-based materials maker Ahlstrom Corp ( HEL : AHL1V ) said today it decided to close down its spunlace composite production line number 23 at Chirnside plant in the UK by the end of March 2011 .,1,,, 2893,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish investment company Neomarkka is the main owner of Kuitu Finland 's successor .,1,,, 2894,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish investment group Neomarkka Oyj ( HEL : NEMBV ) said today that it will buy the former production facilities of Kuitu Finland Ltd , as part of negotiations on the option to invest in specialty cellulose fiber business .",1,,, 2895,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish investor Scanfil Oyj ( HEL : SCF1V ) said last Friday it has bought 57 million shares , or 32.96 % , in Norwegian contract electronics manufacturer Kitron ASA ( OSL : KIT ) for NOK 143.9 million ( USD 24.4 m-EUR 18.1 m ) .",1,,, 2896,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish plastic pipe maker Uponor is selling its Irish and UK infrastructure businesses to private equity company 3i .,1,,, 2897,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish property investor Sponda said it has agreed a 100 mln eur , five-year mln credit facility with Swedbank and a 50 mln eur , seven-year facility with OKO Bank .",1,,, 2898,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish publisher Alma Media ( HEL : ALN1V ) said Wednesday it has decided to further extend its EUR1 .85 ( USD2 .75 ) apiece mandatory tender offer for media group Talentum ( HEL : TTM1V ) , which started on 19 August , until 16 November .",1,,, 2899,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish real estate company Sponda Oyj said on April 11 , 2008 it would build Vuosaari Harbour Service Center at the Port of Helsinki .",1,,, 2900,Financial Phrasebank,Finnlines said that the deal is part of its strategy to focus on its core businesses .,1,,, 2901,Financial Phrasebank,"First Industrial will seek LEED designation for Uponor 's new building and a 282,000 square-foot speculative distribution center at First Park Lakeville .",1,,, 2902,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the move , Stora Enso holding in NewPage will remain unchanged .",1,,, 2903,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the registration , the share capital of Biotie is EUR 52,556,678.10 .",1,,, 2904,Financial Phrasebank,"Foodservice and consumer goods markets are served by approximately 13,000 people in 54 manufacturing units and several sales offices in 33 countries .",1,,, 2905,Financial Phrasebank,For the new shares subscribed with stock options all shareholder rights commence from the date on which they are entered into the Trade Register .,1,,, 2906,Financial Phrasebank,"Fortum expects its annual capital expenditure in the next four to five years to be within a range of EUR 0.8-1 .2 billion , as earlier announced .",1,,, 2907,Financial Phrasebank,Fortum had intended to spend as much as ( EURO ) 2.7 bn to become the sole owner of TGK-10 .,1,,, 2908,Financial Phrasebank,"Fortum holds 90.2 pct of the share capital and 94.4 pct of the voting rights in the company , which it now plans to delist from the Warsaw Stock Exchange .",1,,, 2909,Financial Phrasebank,"Founded in 1985 , Quatrocon 's clientele consists of public sector builders , central trading companies and major construction firms .",1,,, 2910,Financial Phrasebank,"from BUSINESS LINE , May 16 , 2008 Sriperumbudur , May 15 - Nokia 's two key suppliers - Aspocomp and Wintek - are likely to start operations within three months in the Nokia Telecom Park at Sriperumbudur , 45 km west off Chennai .",1,,, 2911,Financial Phrasebank,"F-Secure Internet Security 2010 is a security service for surfing the web , online banking and shopping , e-mail , and other online activities .",1,,, 2912,Financial Phrasebank,"F-Secure reported that : - The first half of 2008 has seen a growing number of targeted malware attacks on individuals , companies , and organizations .",1,,, 2913,Financial Phrasebank,"Furthermore , Novator Finland Oy has entered into a securities lending agreement , whereby Novator Finland Oy will hold directly the same amount of shares that are underlying of the OMX market forwards from May 23 through May 26 , 2008 .",2,,, 2914,Financial Phrasebank,Gearing was 43 % compared to 67 % in 2004 .,1,,, 2915,Financial Phrasebank,"GENEVA , Feb. 10 -- Tero Aaltonen , Finland has developed a radio resource control method .",1,,, 2916,Financial Phrasebank,"Germany 's innovational centers are united in focusing at companies , which aim at use of technologies and development of new kinds of activity , through supporting the beginner companies with the entire spectrum of their services .",1,,, 2917,Financial Phrasebank,"Glaston , headquartered in Tampere , Finland , is a growing , international glass technology company .",2,,, 2918,Financial Phrasebank,"Glaston 's own glass processing unit , Tamglass Glass Processing , is a manufacturer of high quality safety glass products , and operates in Finland .",1,,, 2919,Financial Phrasebank,"Glaston 's own glass processing unit , Tamglass Glass Processing , is a manufacturer of high quality safety glass products operating in Finland .",1,,, 2920,Financial Phrasebank,"Global Markets Direct 's Pohjola Bank plc - Financial Analysis Review is an in-depth business , financial analysis of Pohjola Bank plc. .",1,,, 2921,Financial Phrasebank,GSK announced in November 2008 that it would close its operations in Dartford .,0,,, 2922,Financial Phrasebank,He is a Chartered Accountant in British Columbia and Alberta as well as a Certified Public Accountant in Washington State .,1,,, 2923,Financial Phrasebank,He joined Rautakirja in 1997 to lead one of its four business areas and took up the position of President and CEO in 2001 .,1,,, 2924,Financial Phrasebank,"Headline of release dated March 26 , 2008 should read : Acacia Subsidiary Enters into Settlement Agreement for Rule Based Monitoring Technology with F-Secure ( sted Acacia Technologies Licenses Rule Based Monitoring Technology to F-Secure ) .",1,,, 2925,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI , Finland , Sept. 18 , 2009 ( GLOBE NEWSWIRE ) -- Ixonos Plc expands the company 's smartphone R&D services and establishes a new next-generation smartphone design unit in connection with Ixonos ' site in Jyvaeskylae .",2,,, 2926,Financial Phrasebank,"Helsinki 19 May 2010 - Finnish company Lemminkainen Oyj ( HEL : LEM1S ) said today that it will construct an office building at Toolonlahti in downtown Helsinki , without disclosing financial details .",1,,, 2927,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI ( Thomson Financial ) - M-real said it will exercise an option to buy a 50MW natural gas power plant and land in Kyroskoski , Finland , for around 13 mln eur from Kyro Oyj .",2,,, 2928,Financial Phrasebank,Her last position in Nokia Siemens Networks was head of Business Human Resources NSN global IT .,1,,, 2929,Financial Phrasebank,Her present position is the director of Stockmann 's international department stores .,1,,, 2930,Financial Phrasebank,Her work at NetApp included strategically repositioning the brand in the category and a major global relaunch .,1,,, 2931,Financial Phrasebank,"Honkarakenne also decided yesterday to sell 88,500 of its B series shares to key staff members for EUR2 .9 per share .",1,,, 2932,Financial Phrasebank,"Honkarakenne also decided yesterday to sell 88,500 of its B-series shares to key staff members for EUR 2.90 per share .",1,,, 2933,Financial Phrasebank,hu will offer a further discount of between 25 % and 50 % on selected books .,1,,, 2934,Financial Phrasebank,"If needed , she provides also further information on ferry connections and hotels .",1,,, 2935,Financial Phrasebank,"Igor and Oleg Yankov , who currently manage Moron and Vitim , will hold onto the 25 % stake for now .",1,,, 2936,Financial Phrasebank,Image data produced by the browser at the phone server is converted into a bitmapped image that is sent to the handset for display . '',1,,, 2937,Financial Phrasebank,Implementation of the project will be carried out by the Finnish company YIT in association with the investment fund Evli Property Investment Russia ( EPI ) .,1,,, 2938,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2006 , 452 million tonnes CO2 of EUA ( EU Allowance ; emissions credit in EU ) was traded with an underlying market value approx .",1,,, 2939,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 Talentum will disclose three Interim Reports - Q1 ( January - March ) on Friday , 27 April , 2007 - Q2 ( April - June ) on Friday , 20 July , 2007 - Q3 ( July - September ) on Friday , 26 October , 2007 .",1,,, 2940,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2008 , the steel industry accounted for 64 percent of the cargo volumes transported , whereas the energy industry accounted for 28 percent and other industries for 8 percent .",1,,, 2941,Financial Phrasebank,"In a letter to Economic Affairs Minister , the listed Estonian shipping company Tallink asks for the approval to be entitled to a 15 % cut in port fees in 2010 .",1,,, 2942,Financial Phrasebank,"In a recent interview with the Financial Times ( FT ) , Sampo 's board chairman Bjorn Wahlroos said If P&C was certainly for sale and the price had been set at SEK 85 billion , confirming earlier statements .",1,,, 2943,Financial Phrasebank,"In a release on Oct. 28 , Peab said the two businesses will continue to be conducted under the brands Cliffton and Stockholm Entreprenad , both part of the Peab Group .",1,,, 2944,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , a further 29 employees can be laid off until further notice and the whole workforce can be laid off for short periods if needed .",0,,, 2945,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , MIDs are always online and enable full Internet browsing .",1,,, 2946,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , the contract includes modification of the effluent treatment plant at Follum .",1,,, 2947,Financial Phrasebank,In addition the deal includes a call option which will enable Maritim Food AS to increase its holding in Sandanger AS to 51 % in the future .,2,,, 2948,Financial Phrasebank,"In connection with the deal , Digia will employ 19 persons from Nokia in Oslo and in Silicon Valley in the USA .",1,,, 2949,Financial Phrasebank,"In his current position , Manty has worked since 1996 .",1,,, 2950,Financial Phrasebank,"In terms of power generation , Fortum produced 39.3 TWh of electricity during the first nine months of 2006 , compared with 38.0 TWh during the same period in 2005 , according to figures released in the group 's latest financial results .",1,,, 2951,Financial Phrasebank,"In the financial statement for the first quarter of 2010 , Tikkurila is reported under discontinued operations .",1,,, 2952,Financial Phrasebank,"In the fourth quarter of 2006 , OKO Banks expects the operating environment for Banking and Investment Services to remain similar to that in January-September 2006 .",1,,, 2953,Financial Phrasebank,In the meantime the CEO 's duties will be assumed by Outotec 's Deputy CEO Seppo Rantakari .,1,,, 2954,Financial Phrasebank,"In the sinter plant , limestone and coke breeze are mixed with the iron ore concentrate and sintered into lump form or sinter for use in the blast furnaces as a raw material for iron-making .",1,,, 2955,Financial Phrasebank,"In this way , the industry 's starting point has been the consumers ' needs .",1,,, 2956,Financial Phrasebank,"In total , more than 3000 surveillance cameras will be handled and managed according to a variety of needs , the company said .",1,,, 2957,Financial Phrasebank,"In volume , the focus is already outside Finland , as 60 % of the group 's products are made in Poland and the Baltic countries .",1,,, 2958,Financial Phrasebank,"Incap , headquartered in Oulu , Finland , is a electronics contract manufacturer with some 750 employees in Finland , Estonia and India .",1,,, 2959,Financial Phrasebank,Incap Contract Manufacturing is a subsidiary of Incap Corporation of Finland .,1,,, 2960,Financial Phrasebank,"Includes company and brand share data by category , as well as distribution channel data .",1,,, 2961,Financial Phrasebank,"Indigo and Somoncom serve 377,000 subscribers and had a market share of approximately 27 % as of May 2007 .",1,,, 2962,Financial Phrasebank,"industry in Asia +ó Pakistan , Malaysia , Taiwan and Philippines Today , Global Research & Data Services is going to publish several market analyses about the cement markets in Asia .",1,,, 2963,Financial Phrasebank,"Intellisync Wireless Email from Nokia is a full-featured wireless e-mail solution that connects users to their e-mail , calendar , contacts , notes and task lists while away from the office , according to the company .",1,,, 2964,Financial Phrasebank,Investment management and investment advisory services are the company 's sole line of business .,1,,, 2965,Financial Phrasebank,Investments are not disclosed .,1,,, 2966,Financial Phrasebank,Investments in product development stood at 6.0 mln euro ( $ 8.8 mln ) .,1,,, 2967,Financial Phrasebank,"ISMS does not disclose its financial results , the daily said .",1,,, 2968,Financial Phrasebank,"It also includes the installation of new equipment , training and start-up services , as well as service work of the shoe press delivered by Vaahto in 2001 .",1,,, 2969,Financial Phrasebank,"It currently employs about 750 people and expects headcount to reach 1,000 by end of 2007 .",2,,, 2970,Financial Phrasebank,It has been agreed with the company 's Board of Directors that she will be available in an advisory role .,1,,, 2971,Financial Phrasebank,It is also in the process of taking a seat on CapMan 's board - a course which has the support of CapMan management .,1,,, 2972,Financial Phrasebank,"It is also set to launch a messaging service in the next few days , which would enable users to access their e-mail accounts on MS Exchange .",1,,, 2973,Financial Phrasebank,"It is Estonia 's second-largest meat processing company by market share ( according to AC Nielsen 's 2008 data , 13 percent ) .",1,,, 2974,Financial Phrasebank,It is expected to be online by 2011 .,1,,, 2975,Financial Phrasebank,"It rose by 15.7 % and by 24.8 % in Finland and abroad , respectively , to EUR 7 million and EUR 4.2 million , due to a 40 % growth in Russia .",2,,, 2976,Financial Phrasebank,It 's not .,1,,, 2977,Financial Phrasebank,It was decided that the auditors are reimbursed according to invoice .,1,,, 2978,Financial Phrasebank,It will report full-year results on August 22 .,1,,, 2979,Financial Phrasebank,"Its annual capacity is some 10,000 MW .",1,,, 2980,Financial Phrasebank,"Its main business area , the Glass Machinery Group of Glaston Technologies , is the global market leader in glass processing machines .",2,,, 2981,Financial Phrasebank,Its market share is 6 percent according to AC Nielsen 's 2008 data .,1,,, 2982,Financial Phrasebank,"Its product portfolio comprises harvesters , forwarders , harvester heads , as well as cranes and loaders .",1,,, 2983,Financial Phrasebank,"Janis Arbidans , CEO of YIT Celtnieciba , said the company was focusing on housing and real estate development market .",1,,, 2984,Financial Phrasebank,"Jeder Beta-Tester erh+ñlt kostenlos sechs Monate lang Updates und hat laut eigener Aussage die M+Âglichkeit , die finale Version zu beeinflussen .",1,,, 2985,Financial Phrasebank,"Jobs will not be transferred from Finland , however .",2,,, 2986,Financial Phrasebank,Joint procurement will be later extended to the factories in the Baltic countries .,1,,, 2987,Financial Phrasebank,"Jon Risfelt has previously held operational executive positions in Europolitan , Ericsson , SAS , American Express card and travel divisions , as well as Nyman & Schultz ( CEO ) , Vodafone Sweden ( CEO ) , and Gambro Renal Products ( CEO ) .",1,,, 2988,Financial Phrasebank,"Kaleva Kustannus Oy ( business ID 0187274-0 ) has , according to its notice , on 10 August 2009 acquired 4,458,000 Alma Media shares .",1,,, 2989,Financial Phrasebank,Karppinen expects the consolidation trend to continue in the Finnish market .,1,,, 2990,Financial Phrasebank,Kaupthing forecasts a significant price increase for printing paper in 2007 .,2,,, 2991,Financial Phrasebank,"Kaupthing forecasts that Finnish-Swedish Stora Enso will close its mill in Reisholz , in Germany .",1,,, 2992,Financial Phrasebank,Kemira shares closed at ( x20ac ) 16.66 ( $ 22US .71 ) .,1,,, 2993,Financial Phrasebank,KESKO FOOD LTD PRESS RELEASE 04.01.2006 AT 13.00 Kesko Food Ltd is launching a major TV campaign to recruit as many as one hundred new K-food retailers .,2,,, 2994,Financial Phrasebank,"Kesko has about 2,000 stores engaged in chain operations in the Nordic and Baltic countries , Russia , and Belarus .",1,,, 2995,Financial Phrasebank,Kirsi Rantanen was previously development director for HK Ruokatalo 's poultry business .,1,,, 2996,Financial Phrasebank,"Koduextra is operating a retail chain of 11 stores , controlled by Finnish Non-Food Center KY , Rukax OY , and Scan-Tukka OY .",1,,, 2997,Financial Phrasebank,"Koff 's market share of the volume of the market was 23.4 % , Karhu 's 21.4 % .",1,,, 2998,Financial Phrasebank,"L+ñnnen Tehtaat 's Food Division was reorganised into two strategic business units , Apetit Frozen Foods and Jams , and Apetit Fish .",1,,, 2999,Financial Phrasebank,"Last year , the firm also acquired Realprojekti Oy , a real estate development company , to advise CapMan on its property activities .",1,,, 3000,Financial Phrasebank,"Later on , about 150 Finnish-made houses will be build in the area .",1,,, 3001,Financial Phrasebank,Lemmink+ñinen started the manufacture of roofing felt in 1920 and the production of asphalt in the 1930s .,1,,, 3002,Financial Phrasebank,"Like all other mechanical pipettors from Biohit , also Proline Plus is CE-IVD marked and comes with a 3-year warranty .",1,,, 3003,Financial Phrasebank,"LONDON ( AFX ) - Intertek Group PLC , a testing and inspection company , said its commercial and electrical division has bought Finland-based company Natlabs Oy from Etteplan Oyj for 1.3 mln eur in cash .",1,,, 3004,Financial Phrasebank,"Loudeye Corp. , up $ 2.56 at $ 4.33 Nokia Corp. , down 10 cents at $ 19.46 Nokia agreed to buy the digital music distributor for $ 60 million .",1,,, 3005,Financial Phrasebank,( A spokesperson told WWD to expect a 50-50 mix of clothing and home decor . ),1,,, 3006,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Dec 11 , 2008 - Finnish power-supply solutions provider Efore Oyj ( OMX : EFO1V ) said yesterday it opened a technology research and development ( R&D ) laboratory at Helsinki University of Technology .",1,,, 3007,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Nov 28 , 2008 - Finnish power-supply solutions provider Efore Oyj ( OMX : EFO1V ) announced today the launch of OPUS DC , the latest power system in its OPUS product line .",2,,, 3008,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Nov 3 , 2008 - Finnish cargo handling systems and services company Cargotec Oyj ( OMX : CGCBV ) said today that it acquired 80 % stakes in Italian service companies CVS Technoports Srl and CVS Service Srl from Italian handli",2,,, 3009,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Nov 3 , 2008 - Finnish paper , packaging and forest products company Stora Enso Oyj ( OMX : STERV ) said today that it would invest EUR 137 million ( USD 176.6 m ) in the building of a power plant at its Ostroleka Mi",1,,, 3010,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADPnews ) - Nov 9 , 2009 - Four companies have agreed to buy for a combined SEK 5.9 billion ( USD 854m-EUR 571.8 m ) all drug stores offered for sale as part of the restructuring of Swedish stated-owned pharmacy monopoly Apoteket AB , t",2,,, 3011,Financial Phrasebank,( The acquisition sum has not been disclosed . ),1,,, 3012,Financial Phrasebank,"Luna took fifth place on six-under 207 , a shot behind Spain 's Beatriz Recari and Germany 's Martina Eberl , while Welsh player Becky Brewerton was the highest-placed British finisher , sharing seventh place on three-under 210 after shooting 71 .",1,,, 3013,Financial Phrasebank,"Maggie Ramsey 's wait - and those of thousands of Oregon and Washington guides , anglers and others who flock to his frequent seminars - is nearly over .",1,,, 3014,Financial Phrasebank,"MANAVIGATOR-November 1 , 2010-Deal snapshot : SWEDISH PEAB BUYS EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRM CRAMO Swedish construction company Peab AB ( STO : PEAB B ) announced the acquisition of equipment rental company Cramo Entreprenadmaskiner AB from Finnish group Cramo Oyj ( HEL : CRA1V ) .",1,,, 3015,Financial Phrasebank,"Marathon now has a 4.6 percent stake in PLX , it said , according to Bloomberg .",1,,, 3016,Financial Phrasebank,Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research .,1,,, 3017,Financial Phrasebank,"Martela said plans to expand its recycled furniture business elsewhere in Finland , too .",2,,, 3018,Financial Phrasebank,"May 29 , 2010 ( delivered by Newstex ) -- This report provides key data and information on the meat , fish and poultry market in Finland .",1,,, 3019,Financial Phrasebank,"Meanwhile , Alfa owns 25.1 % of MegaFon through Altimo , and 4.99 % of Turkcell via an 18.5 % stake in Cukurova Holding .",1,,, 3020,Financial Phrasebank,"Mercator will use the software for its logistic , retail and wholesale operations in Slovenia and its other markets in southeastern Europe .",1,,, 3021,Financial Phrasebank,Metsa-Botnia will sell 82.1 % of its stake in the Uruguayan companies and Metsaliitto -- 5.5 % .,1,,, 3022,Financial Phrasebank,"Metso Foundries Jyvaskyla , Inc. will begin personnel negotiations on temporary lay-offs and personnel reductions in Jyvaskyla , Finland .",0,,, 3023,Financial Phrasebank,"Metso Foundries Jyvaskyla Oy will discontinue production on this line by 30 September 2008 , the company said .",1,,, 3024,Financial Phrasebank,Metso Foundries Jyvaskyla Oy will discontinue production on this line by 30 September 2008 .,1,,, 3025,Financial Phrasebank,"Metso Oyj said it has sold its spreader roll manufacturing business and related assets in the town of Nokia , southern Finland , to a group of Finnish investors , who will operate the business under the name of Finbow Oy .",1,,, 3026,Financial Phrasebank,"Microsoft also churned up its courtship , agreeing to use the Navteq mapping service , which is offered by a company Nokia bought for $ 8.1 billion a few years ago .",2,,, 3027,Financial Phrasebank,Microsoft last week also issued the first patch for the Windows 7 operating system beta it had released days earlier .,1,,, 3028,Financial Phrasebank,"More than 50,000 tonnes of asphalt mix will be used in the contract .",1,,, 3029,Financial Phrasebank,"M-real , which is part of Finnish paper maker Metsaliitto Group , is due to release its second-quarter report at around 12:00 EET on 5 August 2010 .",1,,, 3030,Financial Phrasebank,"M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Release 27 August 2009 at 3.15 pm M-real has received the EUR 190 million cash payment from Sappi M-real Corporation , a part of Mets+ñliitto Group , divested its Graphic Papers business to Sappi Limited at the end of 2008 for EUR 750 million .",1,,, 3031,Financial Phrasebank,"N +1 Group will pay EUR16 .5 m of the transaction price upon closing , and the remaining sum in 2012 .",1,,, 3032,Financial Phrasebank,"National Conciliator Juhani Salonius , who met both parties on Wednesday , said they were too far apart in their views for him to propose mediation .",0,,, 3033,Financial Phrasebank,ND = Not disclosed .,1,,, 3034,Financial Phrasebank,Negotiations with representatives of the personnel regarding the restructuring process have now been ended .,1,,, 3035,Financial Phrasebank,Neither of the companies use genetically engineered soy at the moment .,1,,, 3036,Financial Phrasebank,"Neste Oil will publish its third quarter 2008 results on Friday , 24 October 2008 at approximately 9 am ( EET ) .",1,,, 3037,Financial Phrasebank,"New Delhi , Feb. 12 -- Korteniemi Anneli , Helokunnas Tuija , Peltola Marjo , Keskinen Jukka , Salminen Jussi , Tusa Kia and Janhonen Risto of Nokia Telecommunications Oy , Espoo , Finland have developed cable adjustment device .",1,,, 3038,Financial Phrasebank,New Novator products are supposed to be exported .,1,,, 3039,Financial Phrasebank,New product launches in Finland will more than double from 2005 .,2,,, 3040,Financial Phrasebank,"Niina Nenonen , Marimekko 's current director for clothing , bags and accessories lines , will take up this role .",1,,, 3041,Financial Phrasebank,No changes in media activity were seen in October compared with September .,1,,, 3042,Financial Phrasebank,No decision on such sale of the now issued or existing treasury shares to YA Global has been made yet .,1,,, 3043,Financial Phrasebank,No financial detail were available .,1,,, 3044,Financial Phrasebank,No financial details were revealed .,1,,, 3045,Financial Phrasebank,No financial information was provided .,1,,, 3046,Financial Phrasebank,No other ev3 devices were involved in this action .,1,,, 3047,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia is also negotiating the product portfolio of the new company .,1,,, 3048,Financial Phrasebank,"Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj , according to previously announced , has made forward contracts on Alma Media Corporation shares .",1,,, 3049,Financial Phrasebank,Nordea 's chairman of the board Hans Dalborg has informed the nomination committee that he will not be up for re-election at the Annual General Meeting in 2011 .,1,,, 3050,Financial Phrasebank,Nordea was the cheapest also for a couple in their 30s with debt .,1,,, 3051,Financial Phrasebank,"NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-17 January 2006-Efore Plc inaugurates new plant in Estonia -® 1998-2006 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD Finnish power electronics manufacturer Efore Plc said on Tuesday ( 17 January ) that it was inaugurating its new plant in Parnu , Estonia .",1,,, 3052,Financial Phrasebank,"Nordstjernan will make the offer in approximately one month , in September 2007 .",1,,, 3053,Financial Phrasebank,Number of offers received for this contract is two .,1,,, 3054,Financial Phrasebank,NWC ANALYSIS :,1,,, 3055,Financial Phrasebank,Odell has not contacted the State of Finland in this issue .,1,,, 3056,Financial Phrasebank,"Okhta Center area is expected to have about 700,000 square metres of office premises by 2016 .",1,,, 3057,Financial Phrasebank,Okmetic has used the furnaces for the contract manufacturing of solar crystals .,1,,, 3058,Financial Phrasebank,Okmetic revised its 2010 financial outlook based on its order book .,1,,, 3059,Financial Phrasebank,"On 25 August 2009 , Sampo 's stake in Nordea was 19.45 % .",1,,, 3060,Financial Phrasebank,"On the other hand , Montevideo said that having the two mills working in the area will generate jobs .",2,,, 3061,Financial Phrasebank,"On Wednesday he announced that the government would propose granting a licence for two reactors , one to be built by Fennovoima , and the other by TVO .",2,,, 3062,Financial Phrasebank,"One can also apply for jobs directly from the iPad , select which CV to attach and which covering letter is most appropriate for each position .",1,,, 3063,Financial Phrasebank,"One price category is for calls on the preferred operator 's network , and another for calls on other operators ' networks .",1,,, 3064,Financial Phrasebank,"Operators only need to learn how to use one device for multiple levels of applications , including voice-directed operations .",1,,, 3065,Financial Phrasebank,"Originally posted to the security blog , Security Watch .",1,,, 3066,Financial Phrasebank,Oriola-KD is a spin-off of Finnish pharmaceutical group Orion Oyj 's wholesale division .,1,,, 3067,Financial Phrasebank,"OTHER North-Rhine Westphalia - Is to issue a benchmark , 5 year fixed rate deal in Euros .",1,,, 3068,Financial Phrasebank,Other details were not provided .,1,,, 3069,Financial Phrasebank,"Our objective is to yield a significant part of our turnover in Russia in a couple of years , '' says Solteq 's Managing Director Hannu Ahola .",1,,, 3070,Financial Phrasebank,"Outotec is currently delivering a new oil shale processing plant for Eesti Energia in Estonia based on Enefit technology , which has been developed jointly by Eesti Energia and Outotec .",1,,, 3071,Financial Phrasebank,"PA ) , JPMorgan Chase and Co ( NYSE : JPM ) and Pohjoa Bank are joint lead-managers on the senior , unsecured deal .",1,,, 3072,Financial Phrasebank,Panostaja did not disclose the purchase price .,1,,, 3073,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceutical market in Belgium Global Research & Data Services published recently a market analysis about the pharmaceutical markets in Belgium .,1,,, 3074,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceutical market in Poland Global Research & Data Services published recently a market analysis about the pharmaceutical markets in Poland .,1,,, 3075,Financial Phrasebank,Philips was not available to comment on the report .,1,,, 3076,Financial Phrasebank,Pohjola and cooperative banks have continued to combine their branch office network .,1,,, 3077,Financial Phrasebank,Pohjola will act as the manager of the issue and the bond will be listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. .,1,,, 3078,Financial Phrasebank,Ponsse will divide its sales and maintenance service network into six geographical areas .,1,,, 3079,Financial Phrasebank,"POYRY PLCCompany Announcement 10 December 2010 at 4.10 p.m. Pursuant to Poyry PLC 's stock option program 2004 , 63 792 new shares of the company have been subscribed since 27 October 2010 with stock options 2004B .",1,,, 3080,Financial Phrasebank,"Presentation materials will be posted on the company 's website : in the `` Investor Relations '' section , on the `` Webcast & Presentations '' tab .",1,,, 3081,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , Grimaldi held a 46.43 pct stake in the Finnish company following the takeover bid launched in November 2006 .",1,,, 3082,Financial Phrasebank,"Price talk is in the mid-market swaps plus 105 bps area and the leads are Barclays , BNPP , UBS and CBA .",1,,, 3083,Financial Phrasebank,"Prior to the transaction , whose financial terms have not been disclosed , Alma Media owned 40 % of Kotikokki net .",1,,, 3084,Financial Phrasebank,"production facilities 6 July 2010 - Finnish investment group Neomarkka Oyj ( HEL : NEMBV ) said today that it will buy the former production facilities of Kuitu Finland Ltd , as part of negotiations on the option to invest in specialty cellulose fiber business .",1,,, 3085,Financial Phrasebank,"Products include Consumer Electronics devices such as mobile phones and their accessories , set-top boxes , flat panel TVs as well as System Solutions products such as infrastructure systems , modules and other industrial segment products .",1,,, 3086,Financial Phrasebank,"Proha Plc ( Euronext :7327 ) announced today ( 19 May ) that its fully-owned subsidiary , Safran Software Solutions AS , has agreed to sell its 49 % share of Safran North America LLC to a SNA Holding AS , an investment group based in Norway .",1,,, 3087,Financial Phrasebank,"Proline Plus is available in both adjustable single and multichannel models and fixed volume single-channel models , in volume ranges from 0.1 micro litres to 10 ml .",1,,, 3088,Financial Phrasebank,"Protalix closed at $ 10.71 on Friday on the American Stock Exchange , giving a market cap of $ 827 million .",1,,, 3089,Financial Phrasebank,Protalix is developing genetically engineered proteins from plant cells .,1,,, 3090,Financial Phrasebank,"Purchase it for the 12MP snapper , if nothing else .",1,,, 3091,Financial Phrasebank,R&D Loan ) .,1,,, 3092,Financial Phrasebank,Radiation and today is a full service house expert in radiation and nuclear safety issues .,1,,, 3093,Financial Phrasebank,Raisio is the site of the main production plants as well as company headquarters .,1,,, 3094,Financial Phrasebank,Rapala VMC Corporation ( Rapala ) is a Finland-based company engaged in the manufacture and distribution of fishing equipment and accessories .,1,,, 3095,Financial Phrasebank,"Rautalinko was resposnible also for Mobility Services , and his job in this division will be continued by Marek Hintze .",1,,, 3096,Financial Phrasebank,Recently the company decided to build a second identical plant at the same site due to be commissioned toward the end of 2008 .,1,,, 3097,Financial Phrasebank,"Retail chain Suomen L+ñhikauppa was given the index 5.8 , airline SAS 5.8 , TeliaSonera 's broadband 6.1 , German retail chain Lidl 6.1 , Tele Finland 's mobile subscriptions 6.1 , Tallink shipping line 6.3 , and power company Helsinki Energy 6.3 .",1,,, 3098,Financial Phrasebank,"Risto Jalo , chief executive of Dormus Print and also owner of the remainder of the company , will keep his position after the acquisition .",1,,, 3099,Financial Phrasebank,RL-Nordic is a part of Raiffeisen-Banking-Group Austria and is a subsidiary to Raiffeisen-Leasing GmbH in Austria .,1,,, 3100,Financial Phrasebank,"Rockwell Collins is a provider of flight deck , cabin and information management solutions for business aircraft operators .",1,,, 3101,Financial Phrasebank,"s business sectors are building construction , infrastructure construction and technical building services .",1,,, 3102,Financial Phrasebank,Salcomp Manufacturing Oy will pay EUR 35 million in cash to Salcomp in connection with the implementation of the sale and transfer of the Business .,1,,, 3103,Financial Phrasebank,"Sampo Housing Loan Bank , a unit of Finland 's Sampo Bank , has priced its EUR1bn ( USD1 .3 bn ) bond at 99.889 % , Reuters reported .",1,,, 3104,Financial Phrasebank,SAMPO PLC Jarmo Salonen Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications tel. +358 10 516 0030 Distribution : NASDAQ OMX Helsinki The principal media Financial Supervisory Authority This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients .,1,,, 3105,Financial Phrasebank,"SAN FRANCISCO ( MarketWatch ) -- Nokia Corp , the world 's largest cell-phone maker , is using the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to introduce a high-end , thin folding phone , according to a media report Monday .",1,,, 3106,Financial Phrasebank,Sanoma Magazines International will invite other shareholders holding approximately 15 % of the shares to sell their shares .,1,,, 3107,Financial Phrasebank,Scanfil plc is a global contract manufacturer and systems supplier for communication and industrial electronics .,1,,, 3108,Financial Phrasebank,"schwalm ( at ) Eila Paatela , Vice President - Corporate Communications tel. +358 20 529 2004 , mobile +358 400 817198 e-mail eila .",1,,, 3109,Financial Phrasebank,"SDM offers general rental equipment , aluminium scaffolding , power generator and hoists to customers in the construction sector .",1,,, 3110,Financial Phrasebank,services supplier Efore Plc to streamline operations in Finland and the US Finnish electronic systems and services supplier Efore Plc ( OMX Helsinki : EFO1V ) said on Tuesday ( 3 February ) that it has initiated statutory negotiations regarding a streamlining of its operations in Finland .,2,,, 3111,Financial Phrasebank,"Seventy-three of those also have more extensive training in products built on the latest ArchestrA technologies , such as the Wonderware System Platform .",1,,, 3112,Financial Phrasebank,"Simultaneously , Alma Media has purchased a 35 % share of Arena Interactive , a subsidiary of Arena Partners with a focus on mobile solutions development .",1,,, 3113,Financial Phrasebank,"Simultaneously with this merger plan another merger plan has been signed , according to which Suomen Projektivuokraus Oy , a subsidiary of VTM-Rakennuskonevuokraamo Oy , would be merged with VTM-Rakennuskonevuokraamo Oy .",1,,, 3114,Financial Phrasebank,Singapore in May 2011 1 July 2010 - Finnish air carrier Finnair Oyj ( HEL : FIA1S ) said today it will open a daily route to Singapore on 30 May 2011 as part of its growth strategy in Asia .,2,,, 3115,Financial Phrasebank,"So far as is known , he did not sell shares that he owns personally .",1,,, 3116,Financial Phrasebank,Solidium now holds 5.0 per cent of the shares Solidium Oy has acquired 5.0 per cent of the shares in Tieto Corporation for approximately EUR 58 million .,1,,, 3117,Financial Phrasebank,"Some 3.8 mln euro ( $ 5.2 mln ) of the base acquisition price will be paid in cash and the rest through a subscription offering of a total of 850,000 new Ixonos shares .",1,,, 3118,Financial Phrasebank,Some of the lay-offs will be implemented using part-time employment contracts .,1,,, 3119,Financial Phrasebank,"Sonoco Products Co. , a U.S. packaging company , said Friday it bought the 75 percent of Italy 's Demolli Industria Cartaria SpA it did not already own .",1,,, 3120,Financial Phrasebank,"Sponda is a property investment company , specialising in commercial properties in the largest cities in Finland and Russia .",1,,, 3121,Financial Phrasebank,"ST. PETERSBURG , Oct 14 ( PRIME-TASS ) -- Finnish tire producer Nokian Tyres plans to invest about 50 million euros in the expansion of its tire plant in the city of Vsevolozhsk in Russia 's Leningrad Region in 2011 , the company 's President Kim Gran told reporters Thursday .",2,,, 3122,Financial Phrasebank,Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP : 4 118 122 shares representing 5.19 % of the share capital and voting rights .,1,,, 3123,Financial Phrasebank,"Stockholm , 3 March 2011 About Cybercom The Cybercom Group is a high-tech consultancy that offers global sourcing for end-to-end solutions .",1,,, 3124,Financial Phrasebank,"Stockmann and Swedish sector company AB Lindex entered into an agreement on September 30 , 2007 , whereby Stockmann , or a wholly-owned subsidiary of it , will make a public tender offer for all of Lindex 's issued shares .",2,,, 3125,Financial Phrasebank,"Stora Enso has also had meetings with the labor authorities , Employment and Economic Development Centres and representatives of the government in order to find solutions .",1,,, 3126,Financial Phrasebank,"Stora Enso Oyj , the largest papermaker , in October said it would close four mills .",0,,, 3127,Financial Phrasebank,"Subscribers of China Unicom , the nation 's second largest mobile phone operator after China Mobile , are expected to release pictures , videos and blog on the Internet via mobile phones as of March 2008 .",1,,, 3128,Financial Phrasebank,Sunrise Resources operates in Russian near-shore development markets through its wholly-owned Russian subsidiary and has 80 % of its personnel in Russia .,1,,, 3129,Financial Phrasebank,"Swiss bank Credit Suisse International will act as an investor in the locomotive manufacturing plant , the Astana administration said .",1,,, 3130,Financial Phrasebank,"Talvivaara Mining Company PLC ( Talvivaara Mining ) ( LSE : TALV ) , a Finland-based nickel mining business , has installed its second production line at its metals recovery plant on June 9 , 2010 .",1,,, 3131,Financial Phrasebank,Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Talvivaara Mining Company is an internationally significant base metals producer with its primary focus on nickel and zinc using a technology known as bioheapleaching to extract metals out of ore .,1,,, 3132,Financial Phrasebank,"Tampere Science Parks is a Finnish company that owns , leases and builds office properties and it specialises in facilities for technology-oriented businesses .",1,,, 3133,Financial Phrasebank,"Target company : Tieto Corporation , Business Identity Code : 0101138-5 Date of change in holding : 22 January 2010 Portion of the shares and votes : The current group holding of OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative ( OPK ) is 2982 587 shares , which represents 4.14 % of the shares and voting rights .",1,,, 3134,Financial Phrasebank,Technopolis has approximately 130 customer companies in Jyvaskyla .,1,,, 3135,Financial Phrasebank,"Tecnomen , headquartered in Espoo , Finland , develops messaging and charging solutions for telecomms operators and service providers worldwide .",1,,, 3136,Financial Phrasebank,"Tecnomen 's solution can be used for prepaid and post-paid billing , for charging and rating of voice and video calls , data traffic and any kind of content services in both mobile and fixed networks .",1,,, 3137,Financial Phrasebank,"Tecnomen 's system features a new range of value-added services for prepaid and post-paid billing , charging and rating of voice calls , data traffic , or any kind of content services in both mobile and fixed networks .",1,,, 3138,Financial Phrasebank,"TeliaSonera s subsidiary , the mobile operator EMT in Estonia , has created a world s first mobile identification service which makes it possible to vote via a mobile phone .",1,,, 3139,Financial Phrasebank,TeliaSonera said about $ 100 million will be invested in the next year in the region to bring mobile coverage to about 90 % of Nepal s population .,2,,, 3140,Financial Phrasebank,"Temporary lay-offs , affecting the entire workforce , will also be implemented .",0,,, 3141,Financial Phrasebank,"Teollisuuden Voima Oyj , the Finnish utility known as TVO , said it shortlisted Mitsubishi Heavy s EU-APWR model along with reactors from Areva , Toshiba Corp. , GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. .",1,,, 3142,Financial Phrasebank,Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed .,1,,, 3143,Financial Phrasebank,Terms were not disclosed .,1,,, 3144,Financial Phrasebank,"Thanks to the development of a system that enables it to trace the origin of all the palm oil that it uses , it knows exactly where and how its palm oil has been produced .",1,,, 3145,Financial Phrasebank,"The 19,200-square metre technology center is located near University of Tampere in central Tampere .",1,,, 3146,Financial Phrasebank,"The 5,000 megawatt wind farm being planned in Raahe would be built offshore in front of Ruukki 's Raahe Works .",1,,, 3147,Financial Phrasebank,"The acquired plant has an annual capacity of some 300,000 tonnes and most of its production is sold to domestic customers .",1,,, 3148,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition is expected to take place by the end of August 2007 .,1,,, 3149,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition of AVC Systemhaus and the majority stake in Cableway will increase the number of Teleste personnel by 250 .,1,,, 3150,Financial Phrasebank,"The acquisition was financed with $ 2.56 billion of debt arranged by Goldman , Sachs & Co. .",1,,, 3151,Financial Phrasebank,"The airline was targeting travel agents , tour operators and travel management companies to raise awareness first before targeting consumers , he added .",1,,, 3152,Financial Phrasebank,"The Annual Report contains the financial statements , the consolidated financial statements , the report by the Board of Directors and the auditor 's report .",1,,, 3153,Financial Phrasebank,"The Annual Report will be sent automatically to shareholders holding at least 2,000 Sampo plc shares .",1,,, 3154,Financial Phrasebank,"The Apple Inc. iPhone wo n't change the game plan for Verizon Communications Inc. , Chief Executive Ivan Seidenberg said Wednesday .",1,,, 3155,Financial Phrasebank,"The approximately 20,000 dwt vessel has been ordered from India .",1,,, 3156,Financial Phrasebank,The arrangements do not apply to the group 's units outside Finland .,1,,, 3157,Financial Phrasebank,"The Bank of +àland acquired the private banking business , asset management , and share brokerage business of Kaupthing Sweden in early 2009 .",1,,, 3158,Financial Phrasebank,"The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ , Ltd acted as agent for the loan .",1,,, 3159,Financial Phrasebank,The bank VTB24 provides mortgage loans to buy apartments in the complex at 11-13 % per annum in rubles .,1,,, 3160,Financial Phrasebank,"The biggest sellers in the chain 's supermarkets in Finland are organic Pirkka tomatoes , carrots , eggs , and meat products .",1,,, 3161,Financial Phrasebank,The bond has a value of EUR150m and a maturity of 4 years .,1,,, 3162,Financial Phrasebank,The bridge will be built to the south of the existing bridge spanning the strait .,1,,, 3163,Financial Phrasebank,"The building will house , for example , Respecta Oy 's Jyvaskyla premises , as well as other companies to be announced later , says Samuel Koivisto , Director of Technopolis operations in Jyvaskyla .",1,,, 3164,Financial Phrasebank,"The business goals for 2009 will realize with the temporary lay-offs carried out in the summer of 2009 , and with other savings measures .",1,,, 3165,Financial Phrasebank,"The business units of the InvestLesProm Group cover the full forest industry chain , and the Group owns forests , sawmills , paper and pulp mills , and other processing plants .",1,,, 3166,Financial Phrasebank,"The businesses to be divested offer dairy , edible fats , ready-meal and ice-cream packaging to multinational and local customers .",1,,, 3167,Financial Phrasebank,"The casing comprises a first side casing member provided with the first side vat segment and a second side casing member provided with the second side vat segment , at least the first side casing member being pivotable about a rotation axis .",1,,, 3168,Financial Phrasebank,"The changes will take effect on 1 January 2010 , and they are not estimated to have an impact on the number of employees .",1,,, 3169,Financial Phrasebank,"The city will invite , however , a public procurement tender for the tailor-made public furniture , such as park benches , litter receptacles , public toilets , as well as bus shelters , street lights , and other .",1,,, 3170,Financial Phrasebank,The combined value of the orders is almost EUR 3mn .,1,,, 3171,Financial Phrasebank,The combined value of the orders is EUR 45mn .,1,,, 3172,Financial Phrasebank,The combined value of the planned investments is about EUR 30mn .,1,,, 3173,Financial Phrasebank,The companies aim to close the deal before the end of the year .,1,,, 3174,Financial Phrasebank,The company also said that it will sell approximately 150 hectares of land to the city of Valkeakoski by the end of the year a part of its `` From job to job '' program .,1,,, 3175,Financial Phrasebank,"The company can not give up palm oil altogether , however .",1,,, 3176,Financial Phrasebank,The company did not disclose the price of the acquisition .,1,,, 3177,Financial Phrasebank,The company distributes Hiab 's products as well as other products .,1,,, 3178,Financial Phrasebank,The company does not at present hold any of its own shares .,1,,, 3179,Financial Phrasebank,The company does not disclose the sum it applied for .,1,,, 3180,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects meat purchases to remain at about 8mn kilos in 2011 .,1,,, 3181,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects to open its first online shop in the US in the summer in 2011 .,1,,, 3182,Financial Phrasebank,"The company has decided to stop the operations of Ruukki Construction Division in Latvia and Lithuania , and concentrate the production and logistics in Parnu , Estonia in 2009 .",1,,, 3183,Financial Phrasebank,"The company intends to launch housing development at the acquired land plots and to construct 50,000-60 ,000 square metres of housing per annum by 2011 .",1,,, 3184,Financial Phrasebank,"The company is headquartered in Sievi , Finland , and is listed on the Nordic Exchange in Helsinki .",1,,, 3185,Financial Phrasebank,The company may at any time have in its possession one tenth of all its shares at the maximum .,1,,, 3186,Financial Phrasebank,The company operates power plants in the Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions and in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District .,1,,, 3187,Financial Phrasebank,"The company operates worldwide and employs in total approximately 47,000 persons .",1,,, 3188,Financial Phrasebank,The company reiterates its outlook for 2009 .,1,,, 3189,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's board of directors will propose a dividend of EUR 0.95 per share for 2008 at the annual general meeting , scheduled to be held on March 23 , 2009 .",1,,, 3190,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's board of directors would propose a dividend of EUR0 .15 per share for 2005 .,1,,, 3191,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's board of directors would propose a dividend of EUR1 .00 per share for 2005 .,1,,, 3192,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's equipment rental portfolio consists primarily of tools for small and mid-sized customers in the construction industry .,1,,, 3193,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's model is based on developer contracting construction projects and customer focused project management .,1,,, 3194,Financial Phrasebank,The company said that the results of the third quarter do not include non-recurring items .,1,,, 3195,Financial Phrasebank,The company says the measures are no longer needed .,1,,, 3196,Financial Phrasebank,"The Company serves approximately 3,000 customers in over 100 countries .",1,,, 3197,Financial Phrasebank,"The company serves customers in various industries , including process and resources , industrial machinery , architecture , building , construction , electrical , transportation , electronics , chemical , petrochemical , energy , and information technology , as well as catering and households .",1,,, 3198,Financial Phrasebank,"The company was supposed to deliver machinery to a veneer mill in the Tomsk region , in Russia .",1,,, 3199,Financial Phrasebank,"The company will also shut one paper machine in Finland and one in Austria , as well as two label paper machines in Finland for up to 10 months , Helsinki-based UPM said yesterday .",1,,, 3200,Financial Phrasebank,"The company will disclose further details , including the anticipated transaction timetable and the name of the new investor , within one week .",1,,, 3201,Financial Phrasebank,The company will issue an inaugural Eurobond deal in the near future subject to market conditions .,1,,, 3202,Financial Phrasebank,The company will propose a dividend of EUR0 .12 per share for 2008 .,1,,, 3203,Financial Phrasebank,The compnay also said that it would lower the price of development projects by about one third compared with last November .,1,,, 3204,Financial Phrasebank,The construction project is scheduled to start in the second quarter of 2009 and the new building is scheduled to be in place by the end of 2010 .,1,,, 3205,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract also includes installation work in a new multistorey carpark for close on 1,000 vehicles .",1,,, 3206,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract comprises a log handling line , a peeling line , and a veneer drying and grading line .",1,,, 3207,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract covers the supply of temporary heating equipment for LKAB 's new pellet plant in Kiruna , in northern Sweden .",1,,, 3208,Financial Phrasebank,The contract has been allotted as per lowest price criteria .,1,,, 3209,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract includes design , construction , delivery of equipment , installation and commissioning .",1,,, 3210,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract includes software licences , application maintenance and training .",1,,, 3211,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract incorporates a Convergent Charging rating solution for voice and data , which includes Internet , GPRS , SMS , MMS and WAP .",1,,, 3212,Financial Phrasebank,The contract is for next year .,1,,, 3213,Financial Phrasebank,The contract will take effect in 2009 for a five or ten year period .,1,,, 3214,Financial Phrasebank,"The contracts between Raute Corporation and Muling Kemian Wood Products Co. , Ltd. , which were announced on 3 November 2010 , have taken effect .",1,,, 3215,Financial Phrasebank,"The contracts of the employees , 96 of whom are blue-collar workers , will be ended between March and August 2011 .",0,,, 3216,Financial Phrasebank,The current lay-offs are additional to the temporary lay-offs agreed in December 2008 and in May 2009 .,0,,, 3217,Financial Phrasebank,The CVs of the proposed members are available for viewing from 12 March 2008 onwards on the Internet at .,1,,, 3218,Financial Phrasebank,The deal also includes a ten-year maintenance agreement .,1,,, 3219,Financial Phrasebank,The deal includes an option for Cramo to buy out the minority stake in 2011 .,1,,, 3220,Financial Phrasebank,"The deal includes the entire personnel of PlanMill Oy , who will transfer to the new company as so-called old employees .",1,,, 3221,Financial Phrasebank,"The decision means temporary lay-offs of fixed duration at the company 's Nastola and Jyvaskyla units , in southern and central Finland , respectively .",0,,, 3222,Financial Phrasebank,"The decision of the French Court relates to the claims raised by twenty-one former Aspocomp S.A.S employees , the company said .",1,,, 3223,Financial Phrasebank,The divested stake represented about 2.7 m shares in Okmetic 's capital .,1,,, 3224,Financial Phrasebank,The dividends payable annually shall be deducted from the share subscription price .,1,,, 3225,Financial Phrasebank,The duration of the contract is 37 months .,1,,, 3226,Financial Phrasebank,The duration of the lay-offs per employee will vary from one to six weeks .,1,,, 3227,Financial Phrasebank,The ECB can mainly target inflation .,1,,, 3228,Financial Phrasebank,The Efore plant at Saarijarvi in central Finland is one of the largest employers in the region .,1,,, 3229,Financial Phrasebank,The employee negotiations are to address measures needed to adjust the operations to the present production situation .,1,,, 3230,Financial Phrasebank,The energy shot is packed in a 100-millilitre bag with a screw cap .,1,,, 3231,Financial Phrasebank,"The engine has an electrical output of 18,321 kW , making it the largest gas powered generating set in the world .",1,,, 3232,Financial Phrasebank,The Estonian parliament was set to vote on amendments to the excise duty law on Wednesday that would add 0.42 kroons to the price of a liter of diesel and 0.45 kroons to the price of a liter of gasoline from the start of 2010 .,1,,, 3233,Financial Phrasebank,The executive group will participate in the adjustments with a fixed-term 5 % salary cut .,2,,, 3234,Financial Phrasebank,The exercise price of the option will be based on Safran Software Solutions ' license and maintenance sales as well as the result of the company .,1,,, 3235,Financial Phrasebank,"The facility will be used to refinance Citycon 's existing credit facility , the company said .",1,,, 3236,Financial Phrasebank,The fair value of CapMan Plc 's own investments on 30 September 2008 amounted to MEUR 59.8 .,1,,, 3237,Financial Phrasebank,The financial details of the acquisition were not disclosed .,1,,, 3238,Financial Phrasebank,The financial details of the transaction were not disclosed .,1,,, 3239,Financial Phrasebank,The Financial Statements and Interim Reports will be released around at 9.00 a.m. ( Finnish time ) on the given dates .,1,,, 3240,Financial Phrasebank,The financial statements release will be available after publishing on the Company 's internet pages at .,1,,, 3241,Financial Phrasebank,The Finnish company has also reached arrangements regarding the working hours and annual holidays .,1,,, 3242,Financial Phrasebank,The Finnish paints company acquired the remaining 49 pct that it did not own from Ukraine 's LGU for an undisclosed sum .,1,,, 3243,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish real estate investment company Interavanti Oyj said on Monday ( 22 September ) that it has agreed to sell its 65 % ownership in the Finnish ticket service company Lippupiste Oy to CTS Eventim AG ( 56,1 % ) and to the managing director of Lippupiste Oy .",1,,, 3244,Financial Phrasebank,"The firm is headquartered in Vantaa , southern Finland and has 16 employees .",1,,, 3245,Financial Phrasebank,"The firm 's services include copying , printing , CAD-modelling , digital printing , scanning , SokoPro project bank and courier services .",1,,, 3246,Financial Phrasebank,"The first four of the new shop-in-shops will be opened this spring : on Madison Avenue in New York as well as in Chicago , Los Angeles and San Francisco .",1,,, 3247,Financial Phrasebank,The fixed acquisition price amounts to NOK 70 ( approximately EUR 8.7 ) million and additional price NOK 15 ( EUR 1.8 ) million at maximum .,1,,, 3248,Financial Phrasebank,"The fixed-term contract of Mr. Jarmo Ukonaho , the current General Manager of Incap 's Indian operations , will finish by the end of the year .",1,,, 3249,Financial Phrasebank,"The flagship will open this fall in Manhattan 's Flatiron District in the `` Toy Building , '' at 200 Fifth Avenue .",1,,, 3250,Financial Phrasebank,The full MidnightTrader extended-hours trading analysis and news service is available in real-time through COMTEX .,1,,, 3251,Financial Phrasebank,The full-function PC weighs 1.25 kilograms and measures slightly more than two centimeters thin .,1,,, 3252,Financial Phrasebank,The government has instead proposed an exchange of the state 's stake in LMT to TeliaSonera 's stake in Lattelecom .,1,,, 3253,Financial Phrasebank,The group reiterated its forecast that handset manufacturers will sell around 915 mln units this year globally .,1,,, 3254,Financial Phrasebank,"The Group 's business sectors are Building Construction , Infrastructure Construction , Technical Building Services , and Building Products .",1,,, 3255,Financial Phrasebank,The group said it intends to initiate within this year the process of buyout of minority shareholders of Ragutis with the aim of becoming the sole owner of the company .,1,,, 3256,Financial Phrasebank,The GyPSii mobile social networking application is available in China with both Chinese and English language support .,1,,, 3257,Financial Phrasebank,The handset maker did not disclose any financial details .,1,,, 3258,Financial Phrasebank,"The hosting mobile terminal guides information flow between itself , the participating terminals , and optionally , with network servers that may assist the hosting mobile terminal .",1,,, 3259,Financial Phrasebank,"The huge bridge girders will be delivered to the site from our plant in Ylivieska , Finland .",1,,, 3260,Financial Phrasebank,The idea of saving electricity in data transfer is still a new one .,1,,, 3261,Financial Phrasebank,The identity of the buyer is not yet known .,1,,, 3262,Financial Phrasebank,The Insolvency Act regulates the amount of debt that borrowers are permitted to write off .,1,,, 3263,Financial Phrasebank,The intent of the article was to focus attention on the fact that the development model that China had followed was very different than the model that India had followed .,1,,, 3264,Financial Phrasebank,The investment would be some EUR5m .,1,,, 3265,Financial Phrasebank,"The latest result included per-share charges of 5 cents for stock compensation , 1 cent for research and development and 1 cent for strategic investments .",1,,, 3266,Financial Phrasebank,The lay-offs will start gradually and will last from one to six weeks .,1,,, 3267,Financial Phrasebank,The machinery now ordered will be placed in a new mill with an annual production capacity of 40 000 m3 of overlaid birch plywood .,1,,, 3268,Financial Phrasebank,"The major part of the deliveries include different AC and CXE amplifier solutions and products by Belgian DINH Telecom , a broadband solutions company acquired by Teleste in the spring of 2007 .",1,,, 3269,Financial Phrasebank,"The major part of the deliveries include different AC and CXE amplifier solutions and products by DINH Telecom , a company acquired by Teleste last spring .",1,,, 3270,Financial Phrasebank,"The market share of Volkswagen passenger cars in Finland was 10.1 percent , Audi had a market share of 3.1 percent and Seat 's share was 0.9 percent .",1,,, 3271,Financial Phrasebank,"The market value of one crane is some USD6m , reported the Finnish news agency STT .",1,,, 3272,Financial Phrasebank,"The markets are almost completely controlled by three banks : Nordea , OP Bank Group , and Sampo .",1,,, 3273,Financial Phrasebank,"The maximum grade of the veneer yield is calculated , based on the dimensions and grades of the veneer products , as well as by iterating the places of the peeling axes and simulating the peeling process .",1,,, 3274,Financial Phrasebank,"The maximum obligated total trades per day is ISK 400,000,000 market value .",1,,, 3275,Financial Phrasebank,The medium-term operative targets of the company remain unchanged .,1,,, 3276,Financial Phrasebank,The MET is located in the Central Business District ( CBD ) of Bangkok .,1,,, 3277,Financial Phrasebank,The most significant challengers in the market are Logset and Sampo-Rosenlew .,1,,, 3278,Financial Phrasebank,The name of the buyer was not disclosed .,1,,, 3279,Financial Phrasebank,The name of the newspaper publishing and printing division Sanoma will be changed to Sanoma News .,1,,, 3280,Financial Phrasebank,"The negotiation has resulted in the reduction of 80 people in regular employment , around half of which will be covered with pension arrangements .",0,,, 3281,Financial Phrasebank,"The Network Test Business is part of Elektrobit 's Test and Automation Business Segment and employs 39 people in Finland and 22 people abroad , mainly in the US and Asia .",1,,, 3282,Financial Phrasebank,The new chain has 700 discount stores and 250 supermarkets .,1,,, 3283,Financial Phrasebank,"The new company , DiaPol S.r.l. , would manufacture tools meant for glass and stone pre-processing .",1,,, 3284,Financial Phrasebank,"The new Kroksberg railway tunnel will be built on a new section of track between Harnosand and Veda , forming part of the line that follows the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia .",1,,, 3285,Financial Phrasebank,The new location is n't the only change Wellmont has in store for its air transport service .,1,,, 3286,Financial Phrasebank,The new name of the Sanoma Division will be Sanoma News .,1,,, 3287,Financial Phrasebank,The new shares will provide the shareholders with full shareholder rights .,1,,, 3288,Financial Phrasebank,The new units should become one of the largest ones within the company .,1,,, 3289,Financial Phrasebank,The Notice in its entirety with other proposals from the Nomination Committee and the Board will be published at least four weeks before 28 April on the company 's website and in Post - och Inrikes Tidningar and Dagens Industri .,1,,, 3290,Financial Phrasebank,"The number of class A shares remains unchanged at 9,526,089 shares .",1,,, 3291,Financial Phrasebank,The number of magazine and newspaper readers remained unchanged .,1,,, 3292,Financial Phrasebank,"The number of permanent reductions of clerical workers is 22 employees , of which 19 in Finland .",0,,, 3293,Financial Phrasebank,"The objective is that trading in the shares will commence on May 2 , 2007 .",1,,, 3294,Financial Phrasebank,The online ice chart shows no ice in the area of Estonia 's sea ports on the coast of the Gulf of Finland .,1,,, 3295,Financial Phrasebank,"The order includes a log handling line , peeling line and drying line for the production of parquet base layer veneer for Plyfa 's Hassela mill , central Sweden .",1,,, 3296,Financial Phrasebank,The order is a follow-on to an 11 mln euro ( $ 16.1 mln ) deal made in July 2007 .,1,,, 3297,Financial Phrasebank,The order is included in Metso 's fourth quarter 2007 order backlog .,1,,, 3298,Financial Phrasebank,The order is related to renewing the network of the telecommunications operator .,1,,, 3299,Financial Phrasebank,The orders are part of a long-term development plan of Latvijas Finieris .,1,,, 3300,Financial Phrasebank,"The orders consist in total of over 1,600 panels of lift-away weatherdeck hatch covers and they will be delivered for container vessels with capacities ranging from 2,000 to 13,300 TEUs .",1,,, 3301,Financial Phrasebank,The other deal is for process cranes to the Russian steel mill PNTZ in Pervorouralsky through an order placed by Turkish construction company Gama Endustri Tesisleri Imalat ve Montaj AS .,1,,, 3302,Financial Phrasebank,"The other two sellers were the Finnish National Fund for R&D ( Sitra ) and Oras Invest Oy , which also sold half of their shareholdings , leaving them with 3.8 pct and 3.2 pct of the company respectively .",1,,, 3303,Financial Phrasebank,"The outsourcing agreement , which covers equipment and depots in Turku and Tampere , will run for five years , Cramo said on Thursday .",1,,, 3304,Financial Phrasebank,The owners who have participated in the business operations of the company will continue in Poyry 's employment after the transaction .,1,,, 3305,Financial Phrasebank,The parties have therefore agreed to leave Avena out of the deal .,1,,, 3306,Financial Phrasebank,The passenger tunnel is expected to be put into operation in 2009 .,1,,, 3307,Financial Phrasebank,"The permanent magnet generators and power converters are today the preferred solution in new wind turbine designs , the company said .",1,,, 3308,Financial Phrasebank,"The personnel reduction will be carried out in Anjalankoski , Hollola , Jyvaskyla , Jarvenpaa , Karhula , Turku and Valkeakoski units .",0,,, 3309,Financial Phrasebank,The personnel s expertise and high level of technology play a major role in Exel Composites operations .,1,,, 3310,Financial Phrasebank,The plant is expected to enter commercial operation by mid-2009 .,1,,, 3311,Financial Phrasebank,The plant is expected to start production in the first half of 2007 .,1,,, 3312,Financial Phrasebank,The plant will collect raw material from the Baltic Sea region .,1,,, 3313,Financial Phrasebank,"The plant will go on stream in November 2008 and its estimated daily production will be 120,000 litres of bioethanol .",1,,, 3314,Financial Phrasebank,"The platen edges in contact with the band are provided with a seal having a protrusion directed towards the middle area of the platen , and means are provided to exert and maintain a pressure in the volume defined by the platen , the band and the seal . ''",1,,, 3315,Financial Phrasebank,The platform would continue to be the development framework for Symbian and MeeGo .,1,,, 3316,Financial Phrasebank,"The Point Village , designed by Scott Tallon Walker , will include a shopping center , office premises , a hotel and a cinema .",1,,, 3317,Financial Phrasebank,"The port facilities ' throughput is 250,000 TEUs and 7.5 mln tons of general cargo .",1,,, 3318,Financial Phrasebank,The power generated annually by Loviisa covers about 10 % of Finland 's electricity consumption .,1,,, 3319,Financial Phrasebank,"The power supplies , DC power systems and inverters designed and manufactured by Efore , and systems incorporating them are used in many different applications .",1,,, 3320,Financial Phrasebank,The presentation material can be viewed on the company 's website in English after the conference .,1,,, 3321,Financial Phrasebank,The previous offer was 3.4 % of voting rights and 12.3 % of capital .,1,,, 3322,Financial Phrasebank,The price of GMO soy is 5 % -7 % lower than that of non-GMO .,1,,, 3323,Financial Phrasebank,The prices of stainless steel also rose in Europe .,1,,, 3324,Financial Phrasebank,"The Process Products orders are for the installation of separation-filtration equipment at three natural gas pipeline projects in China , South America , and Saudi Arabia .",1,,, 3325,Financial Phrasebank,"The product advisory does not apply to any other Nokia-branded battery , the company said .",1,,, 3326,Financial Phrasebank,The project also implies an underground parking lot for 56 vehicles .,1,,, 3327,Financial Phrasebank,The properties were purchased from Swedish private equity real estate firm Niam and Goldman Sachs ' Whitehall Street Real Estate Funds .,1,,, 3328,Financial Phrasebank,The proposal that the Board of Directors will make at the Annual General Meeting is attached as a whole to this release .,1,,, 3329,Financial Phrasebank,The proposed consolidation activities will impact approximately 30 positions .,1,,, 3330,Financial Phrasebank,The purchase price was not disclosed .,1,,, 3331,Financial Phrasebank,The reduction notice applied to 17 people .,0,,, 3332,Financial Phrasebank,The reductions will be concluded by autumn 2010 .,1,,, 3333,Financial Phrasebank,"The reductions will be implemented immediately , beginning in October 2009 .",1,,, 3334,Financial Phrasebank,The reductions will be implemented mainly in the course of the first half of 2009 .,1,,, 3335,Financial Phrasebank,"The repo rate will gradually reach 2 % at the end of 2010 , according to Nordea 's Economic Outlook .",1,,, 3336,Financial Phrasebank,"The report profiles 158 companies including many key and niche players including major Nonwovens manufacturers such as Ahlstrom Corporation , Asahi Kasei Corporation , Buckeye Technologies , Inc. , EI .",1,,, 3337,Financial Phrasebank,The report will be emailed within 2 business days of an order .,1,,, 3338,Financial Phrasebank,"The RME from Telcontar enables the handset to calculate the best route and includes support for user-defined routes , feature navigability and multi-modal routing such as via foot and ferry .",1,,, 3339,Financial Phrasebank,The sale of the food potato business is part of Raisio 's plan to streamline and clarify its business operations .,1,,, 3340,Financial Phrasebank,The sale price was not disclosed .,1,,, 3341,Financial Phrasebank,The sales price was not disclosed .,1,,, 3342,Financial Phrasebank,"The second variant offers complete final finishing of any selected apartment with foreign high quality materials ( Finland , Denmark , Germany , France ) .",1,,, 3343,Financial Phrasebank,The secondary antenna can also be used for reception of the high power signal of the radar to calibrate the transmission channels of the radar . '',1,,, 3344,Financial Phrasebank,"The Segu companies and PKC 's Polish unit will form a business servicing the western European markets with `` annual sales of about hundred million '' and about 2,500 employees , the Finnish company 's CEO , Harri Suutari , said .",1,,, 3345,Financial Phrasebank,"The sellers include 40 shareholders , including Intellibis management , employees and other investors .",1,,, 3346,Financial Phrasebank,The sellers were EOSS Innovationsmanagement and a group of private individuals .,1,,, 3347,Financial Phrasebank,The sellers were the founders of the company .,1,,, 3348,Financial Phrasebank,The serial bond is part of the plan to refinance the short-term credit facility .,1,,, 3349,Financial Phrasebank,"The share capital of Basware Corporation is 11,720,829 .",1,,, 3350,Financial Phrasebank,"The share capital of Biotie Therapies Corp. constitutes 90,211,860 shares in the aggregate and the number of voting rights attached to the shares amounts to 90,211,860 .",1,,, 3351,Financial Phrasebank,"The share sale , to foreign and Finnish investors , is expected to raise some euro300 million ( US$ 380 million ) .",1,,, 3352,Financial Phrasebank,The share subscription period for stock options 2007A is between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2012 .,1,,, 3353,Financial Phrasebank,The shares represented 4.998 % of total share capital and 2.14 % of total voting rights .,1,,, 3354,Financial Phrasebank,The shares shall be acquired according to the Rules of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and otherwise according to the rules related to acquisition of the company 's own shares .,1,,, 3355,Financial Phrasebank,The shares subscribed will be eligible for trade on the following day from the registration .,1,,, 3356,Financial Phrasebank,The size of a cider bottle will remain unchanged .,1,,, 3357,Financial Phrasebank,The solution will now be expanded to include all ground staff tasks .,1,,, 3358,Financial Phrasebank,"The start of the negotiations , relating to Glaston 's efficiency program , was announced in October .",1,,, 3359,Financial Phrasebank,"The study is expected to provide proof of pharmacodynamic activity in humans , corroborate the safety profile and establish dose ranges for further therapeutic studies .",1,,, 3360,Financial Phrasebank,"The subject of the project is provide to the company like : Software programming and consultancy services , Computer-related services , Data services , Computer support and consultancy services , Internet services etc. .",1,,, 3361,Financial Phrasebank,The Swedish player became majority owner of UCell in mid-2007 .,1,,, 3362,Financial Phrasebank,"The talks involved the Food and Ingredients Divisions , as well as group service functions , the company said .",1,,, 3363,Financial Phrasebank,The technology park will be built near St. Petersburg-based Pulkovo airport .,1,,, 3364,Financial Phrasebank,"The technology will become available to businesses from the fourth quarter , Nokia said .",1,,, 3365,Financial Phrasebank,"The Tecnomen Convergent Charging solution includes functionality for prepaid and post-paid billing , charging and rating of voice calls , video calls , raw data traffic and any type of content services in both mobile and fixed networks .",1,,, 3366,Financial Phrasebank,"The Tekla Structures 16 installation has been built according to Microsoft 's requirements for the Windows 7 certification , the Company added .",1,,, 3367,Financial Phrasebank,"The total number of voting rights is 74,612,523 .",1,,, 3368,Financial Phrasebank,"The total restructuring costs are expected to be about EUR 30mn , of which EUR 13.5 mn was booked in December 2008 .",1,,, 3369,Financial Phrasebank,"The total service concept also includes technology services , with which Raute supports its customers throughout the entire life cycle of their investments .",1,,, 3370,Financial Phrasebank,"The total size of the complex is around 25,000 m2 and the project will be constructed in stages .",1,,, 3371,Financial Phrasebank,The total value of the deliveries is some EUR65m .,1,,, 3372,Financial Phrasebank,"The total value of the order , placed by Aspo ' marine transportation subsidiary ESL Shipping Oy , is EUR 60 million ( USD 77.5 m ) .",1,,, 3373,Financial Phrasebank,"The train is expected to cross the Russian territory in 9 days , reaching the Vostochny port .",1,,, 3374,Financial Phrasebank,"The transaction covers a building lot of 46,763 sq m and factory buildings of 19,631 sq m. Since the autumn of 2007 , when Scanfil discontinued its production operations in Oulu , the facilities have been partly leased to other parties .",1,,, 3375,Financial Phrasebank,The transaction is expected to be finalized by Dec 2009 .,1,,, 3376,Financial Phrasebank,"The transaction is subject to a final agreement between the parties , approvals of their decision-making bodies and approval by the Finnish Competition Authority .",1,,, 3377,Financial Phrasebank,The transaction was announced on September 29 when Pohjola Insurance agreed to pay EUR 80 million ( USD 106.3 m ) in cash for Pohjantahti .,1,,, 3378,Financial Phrasebank,The turbines are expected to be launched by the end of 2012 .,1,,, 3379,Financial Phrasebank,The use of validation rule base enables verifying that processing rule bases managed by different administrators fulfil some set requirements .,1,,, 3380,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the order is about EUR 30mn .,1,,, 3381,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the order is around EUR 100 million .,1,,, 3382,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the order is EUR 2.5 mn .,1,,, 3383,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the order is EUR 4mn .,1,,, 3384,Financial Phrasebank,"The value of the order is EUR 700,000 .",1,,, 3385,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the order is nearly EUR400m .,1,,, 3386,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the order is USD 2.2 mn .,1,,, 3387,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the order is USD 2.3 mn .,1,,, 3388,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the orders is about EUR 25mn .,1,,, 3389,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the orders is about EUR 70mn .,1,,, 3390,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the orders is over EUR 10mn .,1,,, 3391,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the orders is over EUR 25mn .,1,,, 3392,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the total investment is about EUR 600mn .,1,,, 3393,Financial Phrasebank,The webcast may be followed online on the company website at .,1,,, 3394,Financial Phrasebank,The venture recently agreed to buy Motorola 's wireless networks business for $ 1.2 billion and to deploy LightSquared 's national 4G network .,1,,, 3395,Financial Phrasebank,The vessels are the largest and fastest ropax vessels in the world that will be built by Fincantieri .,1,,, 3396,Financial Phrasebank,"The Whitehall Street Real Estate Funds invest in real estate and real estate related assets , principally through the acquisition of real estate companies , real property and mortgage loans .",1,,, 3397,Financial Phrasebank,The volume of investments in the two phases of the project is estimated at USD 300mn ( EUR 215.03 mn ) .,1,,, 3398,Financial Phrasebank,The volumes are expected to increase during the next few years .,2,,, 3399,Financial Phrasebank,"The world of glass is coming to Egypt and we invite Visitors from all around the world to attend Glass World Exhibition 2009 , Register Now at",1,,, 3400,Financial Phrasebank,Their names have not yet been released .,1,,, 3401,Financial Phrasebank,There are no substitutes to AC drives .,1,,, 3402,Financial Phrasebank,There did not seem to be enough hours in a day for Pekkarinen .,1,,, 3403,Financial Phrasebank,"There will be return flights from Stuttgart every morning , as well as evening departures on Thursdays , Fridays and Sundays .",1,,, 3404,Financial Phrasebank,"Therefore , Phase III of the research will not be conducted by Abbott .",1,,, 3405,Financial Phrasebank,"These include software development for internet and mobile telephone content , communications , value-added software , financial services , security applications , systems integration and electronics , '' EBRD informed .",1,,, 3406,Financial Phrasebank,"These include software development for internet and mobile telephone content , communications , value-added software , financial services , security applications , systems integration and electronics .",1,,, 3407,Financial Phrasebank,These module products will be available for trials during 3Q-07 and for volume deliveries during 4Q-07 .,1,,, 3408,Financial Phrasebank,"These sections will be put into place to form the load-bearing steel structure of the bridge , '' says Sami Eronen , Senior Vice President , Infrastructure and Northern Europe , Ruukki Construction .",1,,, 3409,Financial Phrasebank,"They can be used to control the speed of electric motors used by industry and municipal engineering , and in power generation using renewable energy .",1,,, 3410,Financial Phrasebank,They will be sunk to a depth of some 360-380 metres and fixed to the bottom mud by vacuum .,1,,, 3411,Financial Phrasebank,This amount will not be included in the pensionable salary .,1,,, 3412,Financial Phrasebank,This corrensponds to 4.628 percent of Okmetic 's share capital and voting rights .,1,,, 3413,Financial Phrasebank,This corresponds to 6.81 percent of Okmetic 's share capital and voting rights .,1,,, 3414,Financial Phrasebank,This includes a EUR 39.5 mn change in the fair value of investment properties .,1,,, 3415,Financial Phrasebank,"This will be done domestically and in neighboring markets , both organically and through acquisitions .",1,,, 3416,Financial Phrasebank,This would be a huge process .,1,,, 3417,Financial Phrasebank,"Through the new production lines at the Novator mill in Veliky Ustjug , Vologda Oblast , Sveza will change its current 1.5 m by 1.5 m birch plywood production targeting the domestic market to produce 1.5 m by 3.0 m overlaid birch plywood for the global market .",1,,, 3418,Financial Phrasebank,"Through the Nordic Exchange , OMX offers access to approximately 80 percent of the Nordic and Baltic securities market .",1,,, 3419,Financial Phrasebank,"Tiimari 's registered share capital is 16,474,755 shares as per today .",1,,, 3420,Financial Phrasebank,"Tikkurila , a division of Kemira group , controls about 23 % of the Russian market in its field and owns St. Petersburg paint producer TEX. .",1,,, 3421,Financial Phrasebank,TN means that the handset supports TeliaSonera 's Telia Navigator global positioning system service .,1,,, 3422,Financial Phrasebank,"treatment products in Usa , Canada , Mexico , Australia and Brazil Today , Global Research & Data Services is going to publish several market analyses about the markets for water treatment products in some selected countries .",1,,, 3423,Financial Phrasebank,Two of these contracts are for turntable anode vibrocompactors that will be delivered to Gansu Hualu Aluminum Co Ltd and another unnamed costumer .,1,,, 3424,Financial Phrasebank,"Tyrvaan Sanomat , published twice a week by Tyrvaan Sanomat Oy , appears in Sastamala and Kiikoinen .",1,,, 3425,Financial Phrasebank,"U.S.-based T Corp. is in talks with Scandinavian telecoms company TeliaSonera to sell its stake in Uzbek cellular operator Coscom , an executive at Coscom told Interfax .",1,,, 3426,Financial Phrasebank,"Uncertainties still exist , however .",1,,, 3427,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the contract , Ericsson will more than double the number of radio base stations in the Elisa network over the coming year .",1,,, 3428,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the deal , Know IT will pay SEK90m ( USD12 .8 m-EUR8 .6 m ) in cash and stock .",1,,, 3429,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the plan , which CSES worked out together with Public Policy Management Institute ( PPMI ) and other partners , buildings with a total area of 10,000 square meters should be built on the territory in the first phase .",1,,, 3430,Financial Phrasebank,Unilever 's Turun Sinappi that is made in Sweden holds 40 % of the market .,1,,, 3431,Financial Phrasebank,Union and company officials did not return calls yesterday .,1,,, 3432,Financial Phrasebank,"UPM is talking to Myllykoski+ó s creditor banks -- Nordea ( STO : NDA ) , Nordic Investment Bank and Danske Bank+ó s ( CPH : DANSKE ) Sampo Bank -- over a deal , the paper said .",1,,, 3433,Financial Phrasebank,UPM 's aim is to secure Botnia 's strategic development and investments .,1,,, 3434,Financial Phrasebank,"Upon completion of these transactions , Metso 's stake will amount to more than 60 % .",1,,, 3435,Financial Phrasebank,"Upon establishment , the plan is directed to approximately 20 persons .",1,,, 3436,Financial Phrasebank,Vacon recently announced plans to build its North American headquarters at 5 Business Park in Chambersburg .,1,,, 3437,Financial Phrasebank,"Vaisala , headquartered in Helsinki in Finland , develops and manufactures electronic measurement systems for meteorology , environmental sciences , traffic and industry .",1,,, 3438,Financial Phrasebank,"Vaisala 's Present Weather Detector measures visibility up to 20 km , as well as precipitation type and intensity .",1,,, 3439,Financial Phrasebank,"Water Treatment Products In Australia Today , Global Research & Data Services is going to publish a market analysis about the market for chemical water treatment products in Australia .",1,,, 3440,Financial Phrasebank,We are now taking Marimekko there on a distinctly more significant scale .,1,,, 3441,Financial Phrasebank,What we think ?,1,,, 3442,Financial Phrasebank,"When the negotiations were started , Neste Oil anticipated that 450 people would be affected .",1,,, 3443,Financial Phrasebank,"When the product is manufactured in Finland , it is also packed in the country .",1,,, 3444,Financial Phrasebank,Why not give your bedroom a cool makeover for summer .,1,,, 3445,Financial Phrasebank,"Virala Oy Ab was allocated by the Board of Directors an amount of EUR 1,9 million which is EUR 0,25 million lower than maximum announced on 12/30/2010 .",1,,, 3446,Financial Phrasebank,"With five different game modes , co-op tournaments , 4 player split-screen and multiplayer modes , players can have as much fun as they would if they were actually fishing .",1,,, 3447,Financial Phrasebank,"With sales of $ 12.7 billion over the last twelve months ending October , 2010 and over 9,200 stores in 35 states , Dollar General is the nation 's largest small box discount retailer .",1,,, 3448,Financial Phrasebank,"With the U.S. Federal Government putting a stake in the ground , vendors - and their customers - are focused on meeting the deadline .",1,,, 3449,Financial Phrasebank,"With this , the company will exit the contract manufacturing service segment .",1,,, 3450,Financial Phrasebank,"Von Koskull will oversee a new unit of Nordea , which brings together corporate merchant banking , financial institutions and capital markets products divisions .",1,,, 3451,Financial Phrasebank,"Votorantim Celulose e Papel ( VCP ) is part of the Votorantim Group , a major Brazilian conglomerate .",1,,, 3452,Financial Phrasebank,"YIT acquired investment rights to a 10,000 square metre residential project in Yaroslavl and to a 16,400 square metre project in Moscow .",1,,, 3453,Financial Phrasebank,"YIT CORPORATION SEPT. 24 , 2007 at 13:30 CORPORATE RELEASE STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE YIT 'S CAPITAL MARKETS DAY IN LONDON , SEPT. 26 , 2007 On Wednesday , September 26 , 2007 , YIT will hold a Capital Markets Day for investors and analysts in London .",1,,, 3454,Financial Phrasebank,YIT Kausta will build commercial and residential highrises in Virsuliskes area .,1,,, 3455,Financial Phrasebank,You 're not alone .,1,,, 3456,Financial Phrasebank,"---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Munich , 14 January 2008 : BAVARIA Industriekapital AG closed the acquisition of Elcoteq Communications Technology GmbH in Offenburg , Germany , with the approval of the",1,,, 3457,Financial Phrasebank,- Cash flow from operating activities before investments was EUR 0.8 -1.2 million .,1,,, 3458,Financial Phrasebank,- Cash flow from operating activities before investments was EUR 7.6 million EUR 2.5 million .,1,,, 3459,Financial Phrasebank,-- Christine Idzelis EQT Partners sheds Salcomp Swedish financial investor EQT Partners is selling a majority of its stake in mobile phone charger manufacturer Salcomp Oyj to Nordic investment company Nordstjernan AB .,1,,, 3460,Financial Phrasebank,- Profit before taxes was EUR 105.9 82.7 million .,1,,, 3461,Financial Phrasebank,"- The Group -¦ s cumulative sales during the review period were EUR 48.2 million EUR 53.1 million , 1-9/2007 and profit before taxes was EUR 1.2 1.4 million .",1,,, 3462,Financial Phrasebank,"- The Group -¦ s profit before taxes was EUR 0,2 7,8 million .",1,,, 3463,Financial Phrasebank,"- The Group -¦ s sales during the period were EUR 31.6 million EUR 36.6 million , 1-6/2007 and profit before taxes was EUR 0.2 1.3 million .",1,,, 3464,Financial Phrasebank,"Compagnie de Financement Foncier - Is to issue a benchmark , 10 year covered deal in Euros .",1,,, 3465,Financial Phrasebank,The company continued the development of a fully human antibody in its VAP-1 antibody program .,1,,, 3466,Financial Phrasebank,The profit after taxes was EUR 57.7 11.1 million .,1,,, 3467,Financial Phrasebank,"Westpac Banking Corp - Is to issue a benchmark , 3 year FRN deal in Euros .",1,,, 3468,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Because we 're a pension insurance company , we 're required to diversify and not put too much in one asset class .",1,,, 3469,Financial Phrasebank,`` Lemminkainen Talo Oy 's Lahti office is a significant logistics and business premises constructor .,1,,, 3470,Financial Phrasebank,`` Marimekko aims to expand its distribution network primarily by increasing the number of concept stores and shop-in-shops .,1,,, 3471,Financial Phrasebank,`` Marimekko operates in an industry in which changes in the business climate are reflected in consumer demand .,1,,, 3472,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Over the years , the color orange has become synonymous with quality .",1,,, 3473,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The enterprise value of the Fray Bentos pulp mill and Forestal Oriental totals approximately euro1 .6 billion , '' UPM said .",1,,, 3474,Financial Phrasebank,`` The new unit is a major investment in the Finnish media scene .,1,,, 3475,Financial Phrasebank,`` These developments partly reflect the government 's higher activity in the field of dividend policy . '',1,,, 3476,Financial Phrasebank,"`` This agreement is a direct result of LCC 's strategy and plan that was announced earlier this year , '' said Dean Douglas , LCC 's chief executive officer .",1,,, 3477,Financial Phrasebank,`` This could be us .,1,,, 3478,Financial Phrasebank,`` We are selling an information systems development business to the Finns .,1,,, 3479,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We have a group of 120 volunteers made up of Digicel employees who will manage the distribution ... Over the next week , they will distribute the 19,000 tents to more than 150 organizations , '' Digicel Haiti CEO Maarten Boute said .",1,,, 3480,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We have come out with a decision which is based on our preliminary economic , operational and environmental findings , '' Karvinen said .",1,,, 3481,Financial Phrasebank,1 April 2011 - Finnish machinery rental company Ramirent Oyj HEL : RMR1V said today it has acquired the assets of sector player Stavebni Doprava a Mechanizace SDM in the Czech Republic for an undisclosed sum .,1,,, 3482,Financial Phrasebank,18 March 2010 A leakage in the gypsum pond was detected today at the Talvivaara mine .,0,,, 3483,Financial Phrasebank,7 March 2011 - Finnish IT company Digia Oyj HEL : DIG1V announced today an agreement with mobile-phone major Nokia Oyj HEL : NOK1V to acquire the commercial licensing and service business related to Nokia 's Qt technology .,2,,, 3484,Financial Phrasebank,"8,600 m , and at the time of investment it is fully leased to several tenants .",1,,, 3485,Financial Phrasebank,A filter is used to pre-process packets to determine if they need to be further processed by the processor of the network device .,1,,, 3486,Financial Phrasebank,A profit is still on target .,2,,, 3487,Financial Phrasebank,A spokeswoman for the Italian fashion house declined comment on the settlement .,1,,, 3488,Financial Phrasebank,"A total EUR73 .7 m will be provided as secured senior three-year debt from the syndicate , involving Pohjola Bank HEL : POH1S , the Finnish arm of Nordea Bank AB STO : NDA , and Sampo Bank HEL : SAMAS .",1,,, 3489,Financial Phrasebank,A total of 140 jobs will be reduced at the Raahe Steel Works .,0,,, 3490,Financial Phrasebank,"A total of 15,000 new Citycon shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.35 per share were subscribed between 17 and 23 March 2006 exercising the A-B-C options based on the company 's stock option plan 1999 .",1,,, 3491,Financial Phrasebank,"A total six of the polled analysts rated M-real -- two gave `` buy '' - `` accumulate '' , three gave `` hold '' and only one gave `` sell '' .",1,,, 3492,Financial Phrasebank,ABN : 59 087 901 620 now represent 5.10 % of the voting rights and share capital of Citycon Oyj .,1,,, 3493,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish Aktia Bank 's Managing Director Jussi Laitinen , the bank 's aim is to triple the number of its customers in Finland in the next five years .",2,,, 3494,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish financial services group Sampo 's CEO , Bj+Ârn Wahlroos , Danish Danske Bank 's acquisition of Sampo Bank for EUR 4bn was the largest cash deal in Finland 's economic history .",1,,, 3495,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish L+ñnnen Tehtaat 's CEO Matti Karppinen , now that L+ñnnen Tehtaat has sold the majority of its feed and grain business , it will quickly start to look for acquisitions .",1,,, 3496,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish Scanfil 's founder and chairman of the board , Jorma J. Takanen , the company has to look for growth abroad .",1,,, 3497,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish property investment company Citycon will expand and refurbish +àkersberga shopping center in Stockholm , in Sweden .",1,,, 3498,Financial Phrasebank,"After non-recurring items of EUR 177mn , profit amounted to EUR 20mn .",1,,, 3499,Financial Phrasebank,"After the acquisition , Basware 's preliminary pro forma net sales for 2005 amount to EUR 52.6 mn , and preliminary pro forma operating profit amounts to EUR 7.1 mn .",1,,, 3500,Financial Phrasebank,"After the sale , Outokumpu 's share of the technology unit will be reduced to some 12-20 percent .",1,,, 3501,Financial Phrasebank,"After the transaction , Danske Bank becomes an equal player with Nordic bank group Nordea in the Nordic countries .",1,,, 3502,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom , headquartered in Helsinki , Finland , is a global company involved in the development , manufacture and marketing of high performance fibre-based materials .",1,,, 3503,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom , headquartered in Helsinki , Finland , is a global leader in the development , manufacture and marketing of high performance fibre-based materials .",1,,, 3504,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom Corporation Anne Pirila Director , Financial communications Distribution : Helsinki Stock Exchange Main media Ahlstrom in brief Ahlstrom is a leader in the development , manufacture and marketing of high performance fiber-based materials .",1,,, 3505,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom Corporation Seppo Parvi , CFO Distribution : Main media Ahlstrom in brief Ahlstrom is a global leader in the development , manufacture and marketing of high performance nonwovens and specialty papers .",1,,, 3506,Financial Phrasebank,"Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT 7.2.2007 at 10.30 A total of 56,955 new shares of Ahlstrom Corporation have been subscribed with option rights under the company 's stock option programs I 2001 and II 2001 .",1,,, 3507,Financial Phrasebank,"Aldata Solution , a global company engaged in supplier to consumer business process optimization , has announced the details of its Dollars for Dinosaurs program .",1,,, 3508,Financial Phrasebank,"Aldata Solution Oyj Thomas Hoyer CFO More information : Aldata Solution Oyj , Thomas Hoyer , CFO , tel. +358 45 670 0491 Aldata in brief Aldata Solution is one of the global leaders in supply chain software for retail , wholesale and logistics companies .",1,,, 3509,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , March 20 -- Patrik Flykt and Timo Alakoski , both of Helsinki , Finland , and Tapio Suihko and Nadarajah Asokan , both of Espoo , Finland , have developed a method of mobility support of Internet-type protocol traffic in a communication system .",1,,, 3510,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Nov. 19 -- Erkki Aho , Elimaki , Finland , has developed a method and apparatus in conjunction with a shoe press .",1,,, 3511,Financial Phrasebank,"ALEXANDRIA , Va. , Nov. 5 -- Risto Kontturi of Rajamaki , Finland , and Jari Ylinen of Hyvinkaa , Finland , have developed an automated transportation system with a user-controlled transport selection .",1,,, 3512,Financial Phrasebank,All depends on financing .,1,,, 3513,Financial Phrasebank,Almost two thirds of Olvi 's net sales come from outside Finland .,1,,, 3514,Financial Phrasebank,"Also , CBA is to issue a benchmark , 10 year fixed rate deal in Euros .",1,,, 3515,Financial Phrasebank,Amanda Capital has investments in 22 private equity funds and in over 200 unquoted companies mainly in Europe .,1,,, 3516,Financial Phrasebank,"Among other industrial stocks , Metso added 0.53 pct to 40.04 eur , Wartsila B was down 0.77 pct at 47.87 eur and Rautaruukki K was 1.08 pct lower at 37.56 eur .",1,,, 3517,Financial Phrasebank,"Among paper issues , Stora Enso R was little changed -- up 0.08 pct at 12.03 eur , UPM-Kymmene was 0.48 pct higher at 18.77 eur and M-real B added 0.50 pct to 3.99 eur .",1,,, 3518,Financial Phrasebank,An Android app will be coming soon .,1,,, 3519,Financial Phrasebank,An Apple spokeswoman said the company declined to comment .,1,,, 3520,Financial Phrasebank,Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial expected revenue of $ 69 million for the quarter .,1,,, 3521,Financial Phrasebank,Around 250 of these reductions will be implemented through pension arrangements .,1,,, 3522,Financial Phrasebank,Around 50 percent of the world 's ro-ro fleet is over 25 years old and needs to be scrapped for environmental reasons .,1,,, 3523,Financial Phrasebank,As a consequence of the merger the number of administration personnel at the factories will be reduced by six .,1,,, 3524,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , the number of personnel in Finland will be reduced by 158 .",1,,, 3525,Financial Phrasebank,As a result some 20 persons will no longer be needed .,0,,, 3526,Financial Phrasebank,"As much biomass will be used as can be sourced locally , with the rest of the plant 's fuel needs met by peat .",1,,, 3527,Financial Phrasebank,"As part of the transaction , the +ä+ñnekoski paper mill remained in M-real 's ownership and continued Galerie Art production for Sappi under a long-term contract .",1,,, 3528,Financial Phrasebank,"ASPO Plc STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT May 4 , 2006 at 10:00 a.m. An increase in the share capital of Aspo Plc totaling EUR 1,125.60 was registered today .",2,,, 3529,Financial Phrasebank,Aspo 's Group structure and business operations are developed persistently without any predefined schedules .,1,,, 3530,Financial Phrasebank,"Aspocomp Group , headquartered in Helsinki , Finland , develops interconnection solutions for the electronics industry .",1,,, 3531,Financial Phrasebank,"Based in Helsinki , Finland , Ramirent has branches in 13 Nordic , central and Eastern European countries .",1,,, 3532,Financial Phrasebank,"Based on the 2005 calendar year the combined company had EUR15 .8 bn in pro forma annual revenues and is expected to start operations with 60,000 employees .",1,,, 3533,Financial Phrasebank,"BAVARIA Industriekapital AG 's 2006 revenues were EUR 333 million , with an EBITDA of EUR 51 million .",1,,, 3534,Financial Phrasebank,"Biohit said that it will reduce the number of leased personnel by 10 , and lay off 10 of its own personnel .",0,,, 3535,Financial Phrasebank,BM4 middle layer headbox will be equipped with a dilution control system .,1,,, 3536,Financial Phrasebank,Boomerang Boats had net sales of EUR 4.1 mn and it made an operating profit of EUR 0.4 mn in 2006 .,1,,, 3537,Financial Phrasebank,"By the end of 2006 , the number of joint branch offices will total 170 .",1,,, 3538,Financial Phrasebank,Cameco typically prices sales contracts using a 40:60 ratio of fixed prices and spot prices .,1,,, 3539,Financial Phrasebank,"CapMan , the Stockholm-headquartered private equity firm , has held a first close on its second private equity real estate fund as it continues its push into the property sector .",1,,, 3540,Financial Phrasebank,Cargotec 's business areas also include the container handling solutions business area Kalmar and the marine cargo handling and offshore load handling solutions business area MacGREGOR .,1,,, 3541,Financial Phrasebank,"Cargotec 's sales totalled EUR 3.4 billion in 2008 and it employs approximately 11,000 people .",1,,, 3542,Financial Phrasebank,Cargotec will also move Hallberg-Ivarsson 's service and installation business under the same roof with its service center for Kalmar and MacGregor solutions in Gothenburg .,1,,, 3543,Financial Phrasebank,"Citigroup , Inc NYSE : C , Deutsche Bank NYSE : DB and Pohjola Bank are lead managers for the sale .",1,,, 3544,Financial Phrasebank,Coffee will be served starting at 14:30 EET as well as after the event .,1,,, 3545,Financial Phrasebank,Combined net sales in 2006 were $ 27 million and EBITDA was $ 13.7 million .,1,,, 3546,Financial Phrasebank,"Combined with the Basware Enterprise Purchase to Pay portfolio , it provides a high level of automation for procurement and invoice workflows .",1,,, 3547,Financial Phrasebank,"Commenting on the deal , Shane Lennon , SVP of Marketing & Product Development at GyPSii said : ?",1,,, 3548,Financial Phrasebank,"Comparable net sales are expected to increase more than 10 % in 2008 , in line with group target .",2,,, 3549,Financial Phrasebank,"Componenta has production lines for similar-sized products at Karkkila in Finland , at Weert in the Netherlands and at Orhangazi in Turkey , and these had a combined output of approximately 100,000 tonnes and net sales of EUR 135 million in 2007 .",1,,, 3550,Financial Phrasebank,Componenta will also offer a five-year subordinated loan for subscription by the public .,1,,, 3551,Financial Phrasebank,CS Cabot 's main consumers on the Czech and Slovak market are tires producers Barum Continental and Matador Continental .,1,,, 3552,Financial Phrasebank,Curators have divided their material into eight themes .,1,,, 3553,Financial Phrasebank,"Currently , 95 % of Trainers House 's revenues are attributed to the Finnish market .",1,,, 3554,Financial Phrasebank,"Currently , the company uses eight similar reach stackers and four empty container handlers by Konecranes .",1,,, 3555,Financial Phrasebank,Currently Alfred A Palmberg is putting the finishing touches to one of Finland 's biggest ever re-plumbing and bathroom refurbishment projects also in the district of Vuosaari .,1,,, 3556,Financial Phrasebank,"Currently Glaston employs approximately 1,500 persons .",1,,, 3557,Financial Phrasebank,"Currently it operates a fleet of eight carriers , as well as nine pushers and barges .",1,,, 3558,Financial Phrasebank,Customers include hotels and restaurants as well as wholesalers and some retailers .,1,,, 3559,Financial Phrasebank,"Customers wave cards in front of the reader to make payments , similar to `` touch and go '' cards used in transport systems .",1,,, 3560,Financial Phrasebank,Deliveries will start in the second half of 2007 and the start-up of the mill is scheduled for 2008 .,1,,, 3561,Financial Phrasebank,Delivery is expected to take place later this month .,1,,, 3562,Financial Phrasebank,"Deutsche Beteiligungs , as well as a private equity fund it manages , first bought 75 % of MCE in a secondary buyout from White Plains , N.Y. , financial investor Andlinger & Co. in 2007 .",1,,, 3563,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share EPS in 2005 amounted to a loss of EUR1 .26 .,1,,, 3564,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share EPS in the first quarter amounted to a loss of EUR0 .20 .,1,,, 3565,Financial Phrasebank,"Economic development in China is no longer taking place only on the East coast and in the Shanghai area , Vauramo says .",1,,, 3566,Financial Phrasebank,"Eero Katajavuori , currently Group Vice President , Human Resources , will take a year-long sabbatical starting from October 1 , 2010 .",1,,, 3567,Financial Phrasebank,Elcoteq expects its net sales for the last quarter of 2010 to be on the level of the third quarter .,1,,, 3568,Financial Phrasebank,"Elcoteq 's global service offering covers the entire lifecycle of products , from product development to after-market services .",1,,, 3569,Financial Phrasebank,"ENP Newswire - 22 March 2011 Release date - 21032011 - A total of 13,000 Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 's new shares were subscribed for during the period between 1 January 2011 and 28 February 2011 under the company 's stock option rights 2007A .",1,,, 3570,Financial Phrasebank,"EQ Bank forecasts Olvi 's net sales at EUR 67mn in the second quarter of 2009 , and operating profit at EUR 6.4 mn .",1,,, 3571,Financial Phrasebank,"Established in 1989 , CapMan manages Nordic buyout , mezzanine , technology , life science and real estate funds with approximately EURO 3 billion $ 4 billion in total capital .",1,,, 3572,Financial Phrasebank,EUR 152.4 mn of this was net interest income .,1,,, 3573,Financial Phrasebank,"Exel 's board of directors will propose a dividend of 0.2 euro $ 0.3 per share for 2006 at the annual general meeting on April 19 , 2007 .",1,,, 3574,Financial Phrasebank,Financing of the project will come mainly from China .,1,,, 3575,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish component supplier Componenta Corporation OMX Helsinki : CTH1V said on Monday 16 June that it is changing its pricing cycle due to the increase of raw material prices .,1,,, 3576,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish construction company YIT HEL : YTY1V said it had agreed to take over German facility engineering and facility systems firm Caverion for EUR73m USD90 .3 m .,1,,, 3577,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish fibers and plastics producer Suominen Corporation OMX Helsinki : SUY1V reported on Wednesday 22 October an operating loss of EUR0 .8 m on net sales of EUR55 .2 m for the third quarter of 2008 .,1,,, 3578,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Neste Oil that was previously on the list , has fallen off the list completely .",1,,, 3579,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish silicon wafer technology company Okmetic Oyj OMX Helsinki : OKM1V said on Wednesday 17 September that it will invest EUR6m in its sensor wafer business during 2009 .,1,,, 3580,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish silicon wafers maker Okmetic Oyj said on September 17 , 2008 that it will invest a total of 15 mln euro $ 21.3 mln in its sensor wafer business .",1,,, 3581,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish sports equipment company Amer Sports said it has decided to lay off 370 workers from its Salomon division in France .,0,,, 3582,Financial Phrasebank,"Fiskars is also engaged in the global supply of marine and energy equipment solutions and services through its associated company , Wartsila Corporation .",1,,, 3583,Financial Phrasebank,"Fiskars R , founded in 1649 , is one of the oldest companies in the world and is the largest manufacturer of lightweight stainless steel scissors in the U.S. .",1,,, 3584,Financial Phrasebank,"FL Group 's private equity division manages all operating companies , including Icelandair Group , FL Travel Group , Bluebird and Sterling .",1,,, 3585,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the acquisitions , Panostaja will establish a new business unit which will focus on heat treatment of metals .",1,,, 3586,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the demerger , the vice president of the group 's pharmaceutical trade in Finland , Jukka Niemi , will be appointed managing director of Oriola in addition to his current responsibilities .",1,,, 3587,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the divestment , Fiskars 's Outdoor unit will comprise the brands Gerber , Silva and Buster , and will focus on multi-tools , knives , compasses , mobile lighting , pedometers , and aluminium boats .",1,,, 3588,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the issue , the number of shares in the Swedish company will grow by 9 % .",1,,, 3589,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the transaction , Tulikivi restructured its operations into the Soapstone Fireplaces Business , Natural Stone Product Business and Ceramic Products Business units .",1,,, 3590,Financial Phrasebank,"For 2009 , net profit was EUR 3 million and the company paid a dividend of EUR 1.30 apiece .",1,,, 3591,Financial Phrasebank,"For 2009 , net profit was EUR3m and the company paid a dividend of EUR1 .30 apiece .",1,,, 3592,Financial Phrasebank,Fortum is now considering taking part in nuclear energy projects outside of Finland .,1,,, 3593,Financial Phrasebank,"From 2003 on , the emphasis of Kyro 's strategy has been on Glaston 's growth .",1,,, 3594,Financial Phrasebank,"Garmin fell 4.5 percent to $ 34.53 at 1:33 p.m. in New York , while Google slid 0.7 percent at $ 576.50 .",1,,, 3595,Financial Phrasebank,GE is building the facility with wind power developer Invenergy Wind LLC .,1,,, 3596,Financial Phrasebank,"Glaston , headquartered in Tampere , Finland , is a growing and international glass technology company .",1,,, 3597,Financial Phrasebank,Group net sales in the third quarter of 2007 totaled EUR 142.3 mn and operating profit EUR 4.3 mn .,1,,, 3598,Financial Phrasebank,"GS Engineering will install the valves at a liquefied natural gas LNG plant it has built for UAE LNG extraction and gas plants operator GASCO in Ruwais , UAE .",1,,, 3599,Financial Phrasebank,"GUANGDONG , October 26 , SinoCast -- Nokia Telecommunications Dongguan branch entered into a letter of intent to open a Nokia Class in Qingyuan Polytechnic , Qingyuan City of Guangdong Province .",1,,, 3600,Financial Phrasebank,"He joins Technopolis from KONE where he has held various positions within the Group , most recently as Director of Service Business and Business Development for KONE s Middle Eastern operations .",1,,, 3601,Financial Phrasebank,High winds also toppled three semi-trailers on I-15 north of Barstow .,1,,, 3602,Financial Phrasebank,HK Ruokatalo 's target is to know the consumers .,1,,, 3603,Financial Phrasebank,"Honkarakenne 's customer in this project is one of the biggest real estate companies in Kazakhstan , according to the company .",1,,, 3604,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the production is almost entirely very labor intensive and based on small investments only .",1,,, 3605,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2006 , the company intends to invest significantly in expanding its distribution and maintenance network .",2,,, 3606,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 , Etteplan had turnover of EUR125 .2 m.",1,,, 3607,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2007 , the Group 's net sales stood at EUR 42 million and it had about 1,445 employees .",1,,, 3608,Financial Phrasebank,In 2007 Etteplan reported a turnover of EUR125 .2 m.,1,,, 3609,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2008 , AVC Systemhaus had net sales of EUR 10 million USD 7.1 m .",1,,, 3610,Financial Phrasebank,In 2008 Stockmann earned 3.398 million lats in profit on 48.012 million lats in turnover .,1,,, 3611,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2010 , Sanoma Magazines expects net sales to be at the 2009 level .",1,,, 3612,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , the company is considering the start of production in Russia .",1,,, 3613,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , the company will reduce a maximum of ten jobs .",0,,, 3614,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , the Kazakh delegation will visit Finland 's SITRA investment fund , Honkarakenne Ltd and Nokia headquarters to study TeliaSonera Ltd JSC 's activities .",1,,, 3615,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to its stake in MegaFon , Telecominvest currently owns 100 % of shares in Web Plus and St. Petersburg Payphones , 51 % in telecom equipment producer Peter-Servis and a number of other minor assets .",1,,, 3616,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to Russia , we now seek additional growth in Ukraine .",2,,, 3617,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to software development , the new design unit will provide for mechanical engineering and electronics design .",1,,, 3618,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition to verification of an identity and digital signatures , new state-approved Mobile ID enables to cast votes in elections as well .",1,,, 3619,Financial Phrasebank,"In April 2010 , Olvi 's range of ciders will expand with a strawberry-rhubarb and an apple-pear cider in green bottles with a new shape .",1,,, 3620,Financial Phrasebank,"In April-June 2008 , Scanfil 's net sales totalled EUR 58.7 mn and operating profit EUR 6.6 mn .",1,,, 3621,Financial Phrasebank,"In banking , Sampo A was unchanged at 14.24 eur and Nordea rose 0.42 pct to 9.51 eur .",2,,, 3622,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , Alma Media will focus on quality and developing chain operations .",1,,, 3623,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , the five largest brands control 90 % of the beer market .",1,,, 3624,Financial Phrasebank,in Finland Finnish pharmaceutical company Orion Corporation OMX Helsinki : ORNAV said on Wednesday 7 January that it has concluded its personnel negotiations in Finland and will reduce the number of personnel by 205 .,0,,, 3625,Financial Phrasebank,In July it and Quadriga Capital sold their Lewa GmbH pump-making business to Japan 's Nikkiso Co. .,1,,, 3626,Financial Phrasebank,"In November , the Finnish government decreased its ownership in the company further to 31.1 percent from 38 percent .",1,,, 3627,Financial Phrasebank,In Sweden the agreement covers data communication services as well .,1,,, 3628,Financial Phrasebank,"In the automobile space , Maruti is the most searched brand in cars .",1,,, 3629,Financial Phrasebank,"In the autumn , it plans to expand service to St. Petersburg and Moscow and launch service to Yekaterinburg , Russia , flying there three times a week .",2,,, 3630,Financial Phrasebank,"In the beginning of the negotiations , the estimated number of reductions was 50 at the maximum .",1,,, 3631,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Czech Republic , the profiling unit at Ostrava will be closed and the machinery will be relocated to Ruukki 's bigger plants in Hungary , Poland and Romania by the end of the first quarter of 2009 .",1,,, 3632,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Czech Republic , the smaller profiling unit at Ostrava will be closed and the machinery will be gradually relocated to Ruukki 's bigger plants in Hungary , Poland and Romania by the end of the first quarter of 2009 .",1,,, 3633,Financial Phrasebank,"In the first quarter of 2008 , Sacanfil 's net sales totalled EUR 50.0 mn and its operating profit EUR 4.7 mn .",1,,, 3634,Financial Phrasebank,"In the third quarter of 2007 , net sales totaled EUR 25.95 mn , and operating profit EUR 3.88 mn .",1,,, 3635,Financial Phrasebank,"Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd , a subsidiary of Incap Corporation of Finland , is acquiring the manufacturing unit of the TVS Electronic Ltd at Tumkur , near Bangalore , for Rs40 crore .",1,,, 3636,Financial Phrasebank,Inha Works has invested in its product development and market research .,1,,, 3637,Financial Phrasebank,"It comes complete with an LCD touch screen system for selection of your chosen function and prices start at around the pounds 4,805 mark .",1,,, 3638,Financial Phrasebank,"It grew in Finland , Norway , Denmark and the Baltic countries .",1,,, 3639,Financial Phrasebank,It includes options for additional 30 communal building sites as well as construction supervision works for all construction sites .,1,,, 3640,Financial Phrasebank,"It is being developed by Symbian , the software licensing consortium led by Nokia .",1,,, 3641,Financial Phrasebank,It is estimated that the consolidated turnover of Kausta Guder will reach Lt 53mn US$ 22.53 mn EUR 15.35 mn in 2007 .,1,,, 3642,Financial Phrasebank,It is the first application in the market for invoice and purchase requisition approval with a mobile device .,1,,, 3643,Financial Phrasebank,"It now owns 80,565 shares in Amer Sports Corporation , equaling 0.11 % of the company 's share capital and voting rights .",1,,, 3644,Financial Phrasebank,It posted a turnover of 4.5 mln euro $ 6.1 mln and an operating profit of 1.5 mln euro $ 2.0 mln for 2006 .,1,,, 3645,Financial Phrasebank,Ixonos will finance the acquisition through a 3.8 mln euro $ 5.2 mln loan .,1,,, 3646,Financial Phrasebank,J+ñrvi-Suomen Portti is also planning to reduce the use of sodium nitrite .,1,,, 3647,Financial Phrasebank,"Karachi , Sept. 14 -- Ixonos , a world leader in the development and integration of solutions for handheld devices , announced that it is implementing a touch screen mobile user interface solution for the Intel Atom processor Z6xx based smartphones .",1,,, 3648,Financial Phrasebank,Kauko-Telko 's centralized administration will be dissolved and appropriate parts of it will be transferred to operating activities and Group administration by the end of the year .,1,,, 3649,Financial Phrasebank,"Kemira 's R&D organization comprises approximately 750 people , the company said .",1,,, 3650,Financial Phrasebank,"Konecranes has previously communicated an estimated reduction of about 1,600 employees on group level in 2009 .",0,,, 3651,Financial Phrasebank,L&T also acquired a 50 pct stake in local sector company Salvor Oy at the beginning of September 2007 .,1,,, 3652,Financial Phrasebank,"Laavainen said Benecol was well known in Europe and the US , where it had been in the market for 15 years .",1,,, 3653,Financial Phrasebank,"Latin America currently accounts for approximately 40 % of sales at Tecnotree , company president and CEO Eero Mertano recently told BNamericas .",1,,, 3654,Financial Phrasebank,Latvenergo has ordered a significant expansion to the Tekla Xpower network information system .,2,,, 3655,Financial Phrasebank,"LCS 's services cover the whole life cycle of software and information systems , from process modelling and tailored software development , to hosting services , solution management , maintenance and support .",1,,, 3656,Financial Phrasebank,Lemcon has also signed a pre-contract for the purchase of the park 's entire 130-hectare site .,2,,, 3657,Financial Phrasebank,Lieksaare Oy has earlier been regarded under the control of Saarelainen Oy and the individual shareholders under the shareholder agreement .,1,,, 3658,Financial Phrasebank,"Liquid handling products include electronic and mechanical pipettes , disposable tips as well as pipette maintenance and calibration services for research institutions , healthcare and industrial laboratories .",1,,, 3659,Financial Phrasebank,"ADP News - Jan 13 , 2009 - Finnish industrial and environmental measurement equipment maker Vaisala Oyj OMX : VAIAS said yesterday it will develop an operational reference radiosonde for climate change observations .",1,,, 3660,Financial Phrasebank,"ADPnews - Dec 23 , 2009 - Norwegian financial services group SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS OSL : SBGRP said its board of directors appointed today Jarle Haug managing director of its claims collection subsidiary SpareBank 1 Gruppen Finans",1,,, 3661,Financial Phrasebank,M+ñkel+ñ is demanding a new Board for the company as well as discussions on the merger of Alma media and media company Talentum .,1,,, 3662,Financial Phrasebank,Marathon estimates the value of its remaining stake in Protalix at $ 27 million .,1,,, 3663,Financial Phrasebank,Margin call of Zanadvorov has given the chance to make such purchase under the credit of Deutsche Bank for USD 560 million .,1,,, 3664,Financial Phrasebank,Marimekko is considering further measures in the matter .,1,,, 3665,Financial Phrasebank,Marketing will use Tikkurila 's existing infra structure and local knowledge in Russia .,1,,, 3666,Financial Phrasebank,"Metsaliitto will sell 1.1 million B shares of Neomarkka , accounting for about 18.3 pct of Neomarkka 's equity and about 12.7 pct of the voting rights .",1,,, 3667,Financial Phrasebank,"Moreover , Konecranes and Kito intend to transfer the hoist distribution business of Konecranes ' Japanese joint venture MHS Konecranes to Kito .",1,,, 3668,Financial Phrasebank,"Most of the growth in beer consumption took place in the Far East , Latin America and Africa .",1,,, 3669,Financial Phrasebank,"Most of the new substations support EDGE technology , which enables faster data traffic .",1,,, 3670,Financial Phrasebank,"Most of the raw materials come from Europe and the US and are paid in euros or US dollars , while sales take place in rubles .",1,,, 3671,Financial Phrasebank,"Most recently , he founded Virent Energy Systems , Inc. , an 80 person catalytic biofuels company , where , as president and CEO , he led the company through multiple financings , defined the company 's market strategy , and secured the company 's first customers .",1,,, 3672,Financial Phrasebank,"Motorola accounted for 11.5 percent of the South Korean handset market as of the end of April , Samsung held 55 percent and LG Electronics 19 percent , according to Korea-based ATLAS Research Group .",1,,, 3673,Financial Phrasebank,"Motorola Inc. of the United States came second with shipments of 217.4 million units for a 21.3 percent market share , followed by South Korea 's Samsung Electronics Co. with shipments of 118.0 million units for an 11.6 percent share .",1,,, 3674,Financial Phrasebank,Mr Jortikka is president of the base metal division of Outotec Oyj in Finland and is on the executive committee of Outotec .,1,,, 3675,Financial Phrasebank,Mr K.R. Vasantha has been appointed Managing Director of Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt. Ltd. .,1,,, 3676,Financial Phrasebank,Mr. Doring has been with Eaton since 1989 and acted as the Business Unit Manager for Eaton 's Power Controls Business Unit since January 2007 .,1,,, 3677,Financial Phrasebank,Mr. Koistinen joins from Nokia Siemens Networks where he has held various senior sales management and business development positions since 1997 .,1,,, 3678,Financial Phrasebank,"Mr. McDonald started the evening with his own set , featuring hits from his solo career and his Doobie Brothers years and a selection of R&B cover songs that met with mixed results .",1,,, 3679,Financial Phrasebank,"M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Announcement 29 September 2006 at 4.15 p.m. Kyro Corporation and M-real Corporation , a Metsaliitto Group subsidiary , have agreed on an arrangement which gives M-real option to purchase the Kyroskoski natural gas powerplant from Kyro .",1,,, 3680,Financial Phrasebank,M-real plans to discontinue production of standard coated fine paper in the Hallein and Gohrsm++hle mills .,1,,, 3681,Financial Phrasebank,Neste Oil will offer outplacement services to the 111 employees to be reduced .,1,,, 3682,Financial Phrasebank,News Corp. 's Web site will display submissions for the expanded Broadband Emmy Awards as part of an effort to identify aspiring video artists .,1,,, 3683,Financial Phrasebank,Niam offer financial investors a high return via investments in funds that in turn invest in all types of properties .,1,,, 3684,Financial Phrasebank,No changes regarding the Virala Oy Ab s ownership of shares of Tiimari has taken place .,1,,, 3685,Financial Phrasebank,No financial details of the deployment were disclosed .,1,,, 3686,Financial Phrasebank,No financial or pricing details were disclosed .,1,,, 3687,Financial Phrasebank,No planned closing date was provided .,1,,, 3688,Financial Phrasebank,No service pricing details were disclosed .,1,,, 3689,Financial Phrasebank,"Nordea Bank AB publ holds 6.000 Alma Media shares , representing 0.008 % of share capital and voting rights .",1,,, 3690,Financial Phrasebank,Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj 's ownership in Stonesoft Corporation has decreased below 1-20 .,1,,, 3691,Financial Phrasebank,Nordea will coordinate the syndicated loan .,1,,, 3692,Financial Phrasebank,Nordstjernan has used its option to buy another 22.4 % stake of Salcomp 's shares and votes .,1,,, 3693,Financial Phrasebank,N-Viro operates processing facilities independently as well as in partnership with municipalities .,1,,, 3694,Financial Phrasebank,"Okmetic closed its plant in Espoo in early 2004 , and all production lines from the site were moved to Okmetic 's plants in Vantaa , Finland and Texas , USA .",1,,, 3695,Financial Phrasebank,"Okmetic has a global customer base and sales network , production plants in Finland and the US and contract manufacturers in Japan and China .",1,,, 3696,Financial Phrasebank,"On preliminary estimate , the hotel will operate under the brand Novotel .",1,,, 3697,Financial Phrasebank,One of the largest projects of the magazine division of SanomaWSOY - Sanoma Magazines International in 2006 became launch of the Russian magazine Gloriya .,1,,, 3698,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit of operations in Finland in the period under review totaled EUR 11.3 mn , remaining at the 2005 level .",1,,, 3699,Financial Phrasebank,OP-Pohjola Group 's capital adequacy ratio under the Act on Credit Institutions stood at 12.1 % and Tier 1 ratio at 12.1 % .,1,,, 3700,Financial Phrasebank,"Our customers include companies in the energy and process industry sectors , in particular .",1,,, 3701,Financial Phrasebank,"Our key geographical markets are Europe , Russian Federation , Middle-East , South-Africa and Japan .",1,,, 3702,Financial Phrasebank,Our tools are specifically designed with the needs of both the business users and ICT experts in mind .,1,,, 3703,Financial Phrasebank,"Outotec 's delivery covers the engineering , supply and construction of a circulating fluid bed calcination plant with a capacity of 1,600 tons of alumina per day .",1,,, 3704,Financial Phrasebank,"OVA Press has a 60 % stake in the joint venture , while IMSM holds a 40 % stake .",1,,, 3705,Financial Phrasebank,"Panostaja owns a 68.77 pct of share capital and the voting rights of Suomen Helasto shares following an exchange of shares which was carried out on May 30 , 2007 .",1,,, 3706,Financial Phrasebank,"Panostaja Plc today acquired the entire share capital of Suomen Graafiset Palvelut Ltd , a provider of printing services .",1,,, 3707,Financial Phrasebank,"Paper company M-real calculated that if 100,000 biscuit cartons are made using a 25gsm lighter board , the CO2 saved over the course of 12 months would be equal to that generated by driving 1,000 km by car .",1,,, 3708,Financial Phrasebank,"Paper stocks were among the biggest fallers , with Stora Enso down 2.30 pct to 14.01 eur , M-real down 2.86 pct to 5.09 eur and UPM-Kymmene 1.14 pct lower at 19.10 eur .",0,,, 3709,Financial Phrasebank,Part of the reductions will be made through retirement arrangements .,1,,, 3710,Financial Phrasebank,"Payment for acquired shares will be made in cash , and the price per share will be EUR 1 plus an administration fee .",1,,, 3711,Financial Phrasebank,"pct lower at 4,442.10 .",1,,, 3712,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceutical market in Czech Republic Global Research & Data Services published recently a market analysis about the pharmaceutical markets in Czech Republic .,1,,, 3713,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceutical market in Italy Global Research & Data Services published recently a market analysis about the pharmaceutical markets in Italy .,1,,, 3714,Financial Phrasebank,Pharmaceutical market in Netherlands Global Research & Data Services published recently a market analysis about the pharmaceutical markets in Netherlands .,1,,, 3715,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , it projected the figure to be slightly lower than in 2009 .",1,,, 3716,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , the company expected its 2008 financial performance to remain at the same level as in 2008 .",1,,, 3717,Financial Phrasebank,Profit after taxes totaled EUR 12.1 mn .,1,,, 3718,Financial Phrasebank,QPR ProcessGuide is available as a system solution with centralized storage and management of process content as well as a standalone desktop version ; QPR ProcessGuide Xpress .,1,,, 3719,Financial Phrasebank,"Quartal Oy now owns 2,094,063 shares in Satama Interactive Plc , which represents 5,19 per cent of the share capital and voting rights .",1,,, 3720,Financial Phrasebank,Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd has approximately 470 employees in Oulu .,1,,, 3721,Financial Phrasebank,Rihko said the sale will enable the company to concentrate on its grain-based business .,1,,, 3722,Financial Phrasebank,Rihko started to manage Raisio 's Benecol business in summer 2006 after heading tobacco company Altadis ' European operations .,1,,, 3723,Financial Phrasebank,RIM has revamped the BlackBerry OS UI with the 6.0 version of the mobile operating system .,1,,, 3724,Financial Phrasebank,Rimi supermarket is the key customer in Magistral center .,1,,, 3725,Financial Phrasebank,"Rimvesta is now controlled by the Estonian-owned real estate development company ELL Nekilnojamas Turtas , which a member of Merko , the largest construction group in the Baltic countries .",1,,, 3726,Financial Phrasebank,"Risto Raty , Tekla 's executive vice president , said that Tekla Structures and ArchiCAD will cover the entire design and documentation workflow throughout a construction project .",1,,, 3727,Financial Phrasebank,"Rohwedder Group is an automotive supplies , telecommunications and electronics industry provider for customers in Europe , North America and Asia .",1,,, 3728,Financial Phrasebank,Rosa is one of the best-known Duckburg illustrators .,1,,, 3729,Financial Phrasebank,RSA 's shares closed at 156.9 p at the time of going to press .,1,,, 3730,Financial Phrasebank,Rubin says he expects Capman to announce 1-2 additional transactions in 2009 .,1,,, 3731,Financial Phrasebank,Russia 's Video International Group holds a controlling stake in Russian Media Ventures .,1,,, 3732,Financial Phrasebank,"'s Outokumpu Technology business will begin trading on the Nordic Exchange in Helsinki starting Oct. 10 , becoming the sixth company to list on that exchange this year , the company said Friday .",1,,, 3733,Financial Phrasebank,"Salo , Finland , 29 August 2006 - Benefon has today announced its plans to further strengthen its in-house technology platform , by licensing the complete mobile software platform , Opna , from its long-standing technology partner , Pollex .",2,,, 3734,Financial Phrasebank,"Sampo Group that has become a major shareholder in Nordea owns TrygVesta 's main competitor , If P & C Insurance .",1,,, 3735,Financial Phrasebank,Scanfil holdings include 100 % of contract electronics manufacturer Scanfil EMS Group .,1,,, 3736,Financial Phrasebank,"Since the registration of the shares subscribed in a directed share issue , the new number of Panostaja shares and voting rights is 41,733,110 .",1,,, 3737,Financial Phrasebank,"Stora Enso 's business in North America has annual capacity of about 3 million tons and employs about 4,350 people .",1,,, 3738,Financial Phrasebank,Stora Enso will receive a 19.9 pct equity interest in the combined company .,1,,, 3739,Financial Phrasebank,Stora is due to release its fourth-quarter and 2009 full-year earnings on Feb. 4 .,1,,, 3740,Financial Phrasebank,Storengy is the GDF SUEZ company that is dedicated to the underground storage of natural gas .,1,,, 3741,Financial Phrasebank,Strand Associates is expanding its Madison corporate headquarters with space to add about 100 employees to the engineering firm .,2,,, 3742,Financial Phrasebank,Talentum acquired a 47.5 pct stake in Varesvuo Partners in 1997 and the remaining in 2002 and 2005 .,1,,, 3743,Financial Phrasebank,"Technopolis , St. Petersburg 's Telecommunications University and the Russian Support Fund for Legislative Initiatives signed a protocol of intent in May of this year to set up a technopark in St. Petersburg on the base of the St. Petersburg Telecommunications University .",1,,, 3744,Financial Phrasebank,"Technopolis has Finnish operations in Oulu , Vantaa , Espoo , Lappeenranta , Jyvaskyla and Tampere and is also preparing to expand its operations to Russia .",1,,, 3745,Financial Phrasebank,"Technopolis has set aside a plot of land measuring 4.6 hectares to build the park , Mikkonen said .",1,,, 3746,Financial Phrasebank,Tekla Group 's net sales for 2006 were approximately 50 million euros and operating result 13.6 million euros .,1,,, 3747,Financial Phrasebank,Teleste expects to start the deliveries at the end of 2009 .,1,,, 3748,Financial Phrasebank,"Thanks to its extensive industry and operations experience , Cybercom offers strategic and technological expertise to these markets : telecom , industry , media , public sector , retail , and banking and financial services .",1,,, 3749,Financial Phrasebank,"That address also happens to house Italian megamart Eataly , meaning that `` Come on , kids , we 're going to the Toy Building ! ''",1,,, 3750,Financial Phrasebank,"The 3C Expo is a signature show in Dongguan , which is supported by the Dongguan Municipal Government every year , featuring computer accessories , software , communication and network products .",1,,, 3751,Financial Phrasebank,"The acquired business main asset is a mobile authentication and signing solution , branded as Tectia MobileID , which provides authentication to web e-mail , SSL-VPN , MS SharePoint , Tectia Secure Solutions and other applications and resources .",1,,, 3752,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition is part of Ramirent 's Central and Eastern European growth strategy .,1,,, 3753,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition is part of Ramirent 's strategy to strengthen its position in selected locations .,2,,, 3754,Financial Phrasebank,The agreement includes application maintenance and support services .,1,,, 3755,Financial Phrasebank,The agreement includes the entire process of managing Mercator 's supply chain in all regions where the company is currently present .,1,,, 3756,Financial Phrasebank,"The Americas represents 25 % of Gemalto 's billing , and Latin America is one of the fastest growing regions for the company .",1,,, 3757,Financial Phrasebank,The annual value of the contracts is estimated at USD 2mn over the next three years .,1,,, 3758,Financial Phrasebank,"The area will also include some central buildings , and Honkarakenne has started negotiations on their delivery .",1,,, 3759,Financial Phrasebank,"The bank also expects additional costs , related to the Dash 8 - Q400 jets , which the group shelved in October 2007 .",1,,, 3760,Financial Phrasebank,The bank 's leasing arm Nordea Liising ended the year with a profit of 4.4 million euros .,1,,, 3761,Financial Phrasebank,"The Board established a Remuneration Committee with following members : - Sari Baldauf Chairman - Tapio Hintikka - Heikki Westerlund In addition , the Board decided to appoint a Nomination Committee at a later stage .",1,,, 3762,Financial Phrasebank,"The bond , with a maturity of five years , is part of the bank 's domestic bond program .",1,,, 3763,Financial Phrasebank,The bridge is part of the highway 14 development project .,1,,, 3764,Financial Phrasebank,The building will house product development and test laboratories .,1,,, 3765,Financial Phrasebank,The business area 's net sales were slightly over 2m in 2006 .,1,,, 3766,Financial Phrasebank,The business development initiatives in North America are headed by Lynn Shanahan .,1,,, 3767,Financial Phrasebank,"The business is organised , as of February 1 , 2011 , in a way that production of design services is combined into one entity , Etteplan Operations .",1,,, 3768,Financial Phrasebank,"The business transfer will take effect from 1 January 2007 , and in connection with this 47 employees will transfer from Elisa to Daxtum as continuing employees .",1,,, 3769,Financial Phrasebank,The center will be built in the Kapuli district of Mantsala beside the Hanko-Mantsala-Porvoo road near the new direct rail link between Lahti and Jarvenpaa .,1,,, 3770,Financial Phrasebank,The changes in readership were not significant .,1,,, 3771,Financial Phrasebank,The closing of such transaction took place today .,1,,, 3772,Financial Phrasebank,"The closing of the transaction is scheduled to take place on January 10 , 2008 .",1,,, 3773,Financial Phrasebank,The combined capital of these funds is expected to be EUR 100mn-150mn .,1,,, 3774,Financial Phrasebank,The combined company had pro-forma net sales of 140 mln euro $ 188.9 mln and an operating profit of 13 mln euro $ 17.5 mln for 2006 .,1,,, 3775,Financial Phrasebank,"The commission found evidence of several meetings to discuss the cartel , including one in a Brussels restaurant in November 1997 at which the companies discussed price increases .",1,,, 3776,Financial Phrasebank,"The Committee proposes the following remuneration : a monthly remuneration of EUR 5,000 for the Chairman , EUR 3,500 for the Deputy Chairman , and EUR 2,500 for the other Board members .",1,,, 3777,Financial Phrasebank,"The companies will divest to UPM Fray Bentos pulp mill and Forestal Oriental , a company specialising in eucalyptus cultivation .",1,,, 3778,Financial Phrasebank,"The company , which has EUR2 .8 bn in assets , counts among its five largest shareholders Finnish insurers Ilmarinen 4.34 % and Varma 0.70 % , as well as the Finnish state pension fund VER 0.61 % .",1,,, 3779,Financial Phrasebank,The company also equipped the sculptural complex Rabochy i Kolkhoznitsa A Worker and a Collective Farmer in Moscow with snow melting system .,1,,, 3780,Financial Phrasebank,The company also said that the deployment of the Danish 4G network continues and it expects to cover 75 % of the Danish population in 2011 .,1,,, 3781,Financial Phrasebank,The company decided at the end of 2008 to temporarily shut down its ammonia plant in Billingham and extend the maintenance period at its Ince facility .,0,,, 3782,Financial Phrasebank,The company did not distribute a dividend in 2005 .,1,,, 3783,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects its net sales for the whole 2009 to be at previous year levels .,1,,, 3784,Financial Phrasebank,"The company expects its net sales for the whole of 2007 to be EUR 950mn-1 ,000 mn .",1,,, 3785,Financial Phrasebank,"The company had net sales of EUR 10.8 million in 2008 , and today has approximately 120 employees in Finland , Estonia and Poland .",1,,, 3786,Financial Phrasebank,The company had net sales of EUR 19.8 mn and a pre-tax profit of EUR 1.8 mn in 2005 .,1,,, 3787,Financial Phrasebank,The company has 120 employees and annual sales of approximately EUR16m .,1,,, 3788,Financial Phrasebank,The company has an annual turnover of EUR32 .8 m.,1,,, 3789,Financial Phrasebank,"The company is involved in the the sale of financial products including insurance , mortgages , car and personal loans , financial brokerage and equipment finance leasing .",1,,, 3790,Financial Phrasebank,"The Company operates through four principal divisions : Consumer Packaging ; Office Papers ; Speciality Papers , as well as Market Pulp and Energy .",1,,, 3791,Financial Phrasebank,The company plans to increase the unit 's specialist staff to several dozen -- depending on the market situation during 2010 .,1,,, 3792,Financial Phrasebank,The company reported net sales of 302 mln euro $ 441.6 mln and an operating margin of 16 pct in 2006 .,1,,, 3793,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's set of services include digital printing , printing preparation , offset-printing , after-treatment services and send out services .",1,,, 3794,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's transportation business is conducted through Florida Rock & Tank Lines , which is a Southeastern transportation company concentrating in the hauling by motor carrier of liquid and dry bulk commodities .",1,,, 3795,Financial Phrasebank,"The company said that 80 % of the shares of the holding company will be sold to Meadville Holdings Limited , a Hong Kong listed parent company of the Meadville Group .",1,,, 3796,Financial Phrasebank,The company said that it has agreed to a EUR160m unsecured credit line from lenders .,1,,, 3797,Financial Phrasebank,The Company said that previously EB delivered a custom solution for LG Electronics and now is making it commercially available for other mobile terminal vendors as well as to wireless operators .,1,,, 3798,Financial Phrasebank,"The company said that the operations will be sold to a newly established company , CPS GmbH , where the present management of the plastics business is a co-owner .",1,,, 3799,Financial Phrasebank,The company will use the assets for strengthening its balance sheet and financial position .,2,,, 3800,Financial Phrasebank,"The composite body is coated with a hard coating layer produced by thermal spraying , and the coating is ground . ''",1,,, 3801,Financial Phrasebank,"The connectivity unit has more than 100 e-invoice customers , and the number of annual transactions stands at nearly one million .",1,,, 3802,Financial Phrasebank,The contract includes an option to deliver an additional 75 ASCs in the next phases of the project .,1,,, 3803,Financial Phrasebank,The contract is worth some EUR 1 million .,1,,, 3804,Financial Phrasebank,The contract value amounts to EUR 2.4 million .,1,,, 3805,Financial Phrasebank,The credit covers approximately 70 % of the ship 's price .,1,,, 3806,Financial Phrasebank,The customer is cooperative retailer Osuuskauppa Suur-Savo .,1,,, 3807,Financial Phrasebank,The customer is local company Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Co and the principal tenant of the unit will be media company Alma Media Corp HEL : ALN1V .,1,,, 3808,Financial Phrasebank,"The customer is then forwarded to the site , and unknown to him logged in with the first number .",1,,, 3809,Financial Phrasebank,"The deal includes all rental equipment and related merchandise , the rental contract of the depot and two employees , the company said .",1,,, 3810,Financial Phrasebank,The deal is in line with Etteplan 's strategy to operate as a partner of global customers and provide industrial technology design services .,1,,, 3811,Financial Phrasebank,"The decision reflects the underutilisation of the line , which produces nonwovens used in medical and wipes applications as well as for the automotive industry .",1,,, 3812,Financial Phrasebank,"The decision will have to be made whether the group agrees to the import of Estonian meat and meat products to Finland , the paper added .",1,,, 3813,Financial Phrasebank,The devices also contains Finnair 's own application for compiling customer feed-back and ideas for product development .,1,,, 3814,Financial Phrasebank,"The devices would be launched in the Chinese market in late 2006 , the company said .",1,,, 3815,Financial Phrasebank,The Diameter Protocol is developed according to the standards IETF RFC 3588 and IETF RFC 3539 .,1,,, 3816,Financial Phrasebank,The divested activities had net sales of EUR 145.1 million in 2009 and an operating profit of EUR 8.9 million .,1,,, 3817,Financial Phrasebank,"The divested company is part of TietoEnator 's business area Government , Manufacturing & Retail .",1,,, 3818,Financial Phrasebank,The dividend will come on top of the 0.45 eur on A shares and 0.43 on K shares it has already paid on last year 's accounts .,1,,, 3819,Financial Phrasebank,"The Division also includes joint sales , marketing and controlling functions for these units .",1,,, 3820,Financial Phrasebank,The EA Reng group posted sales of approximately 84 million kroons for 2007 .,1,,, 3821,Financial Phrasebank,"The EBRD is using its own funds to provide a 21.6 million A loan while the B portion of 10 million Euros has been syndicated to two Finnish commercial banks , Nordea Bank Finland Plc and Pohjola Bank Plc. .",1,,, 3822,Financial Phrasebank,"The EBRD is using its own funds to provide a 21.6 million A loan while the B portion of 10 million Euros has been syndicated to two Finnish commercial banks , Nordea Bank Finland Plc 7.7 million Euros and Pohjola Bank Plc 2.3 million Euros .",1,,, 3823,Financial Phrasebank,"The EBRD is using its own funds to provide a 21.6 mln A loan while the B portion of 10 mln Euros has been syndicated to two Finnish commercial banks , Nordea Bank Finland Plc 7.7 mln Euros and Pohjola Bank Plc 2.3 mln Euros .",1,,, 3824,Financial Phrasebank,"The Economic Development and Trade Ministry and Industry and Energy Ministry , along with the Kostroma regional administration and the Russian Lumberman and Timber Exporters Union , has been carrying out work to acquire investment for the construction of a pulp and paper mill in Neya since 2003 .",1,,, 3825,Financial Phrasebank,The electricity requirement of networks will grow with the new mobile generation .,1,,, 3826,Financial Phrasebank,The employment contracts of 14 of the employees will end in March 2009 as a result of the company 's previous employer-employee talks .,0,,, 3827,Financial Phrasebank,The energy sector accounted for approximately 33 % and the steel industry for about 57 % of the transportation volume .,1,,, 3828,Financial Phrasebank,The enterprise value of Maritim Food AS has been determined as approximately EUR15m .,1,,, 3829,Financial Phrasebank,"The equipment Ixonos acquires with this deal includes mechanical engineering hardware ; an RF and antenna measurement laboratory ; facilities for the measurement of audio , cameras and displays ; as well as devices and robot units for the testing of mobile devices .",1,,, 3830,Financial Phrasebank,"The equipment will be made at Vaahto 's plant in Hollola in Finland , and delivery is scheduled for the first quarter of 2009 .",1,,, 3831,Financial Phrasebank,The estimated annual value of the frame agreement is about EUR 50mn .,1,,, 3832,Financial Phrasebank,The estimated value of the deal is USD 9.2 million .,1,,, 3833,Financial Phrasebank,The EUR17m contract includes both design and construction works .,1,,, 3834,Financial Phrasebank,"The executive said that countries such as Brazil , Chile , Argentina and Mexico will lead the adoption in the business Ethernet services segment , while Brazil and Mexico will be the early adopters of carrier Ethernet for mobile backhaul .",1,,, 3835,Financial Phrasebank,The expanded company will continue to be called NewPage .,1,,, 3836,Financial Phrasebank,The expanded plant is scheduled to be operational by the middle of October 2009 .,1,,, 3837,Financial Phrasebank,The expansion is to be finalized in the autumn of 2009 .,1,,, 3838,Financial Phrasebank,The expansion will be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2006 .,1,,, 3839,Financial Phrasebank,The facility consists of a seven year bullet term loan of 200 mln euro $ 292.4 mln and a 150 mln euro $ 219.3 mln five year revolving credit facility .,1,,, 3840,Financial Phrasebank,"The facility will have a lettable area of some 19,000 sq m. The plot for the plant , located in the Ratasmaki business park , will be purchased from the City of Forssa .",1,,, 3841,Financial Phrasebank,The figure does not include food exports from Finland .,1,,, 3842,Financial Phrasebank,"The figure includes the change in the fair value of the property portfolio , EUR 26.2 million .",1,,, 3843,Financial Phrasebank,"The Filter Tips cover the volume range from 0.1-1200 -Ál including new sizes for 10 , 20 , 100-120 , 200 , 300 , 1000 and 1200 -Ál volume capacities .",1,,, 3844,Financial Phrasebank,The final outcome of the rights offering is to be reported around 23 October 2009 .,1,,, 3845,Financial Phrasebank,The firm builds components for mobile phones and other communications products .,1,,, 3846,Financial Phrasebank,The goal is significant expansion in Finland and in the northern Baltic region .,1,,, 3847,Financial Phrasebank,"The government started the sell-off last month , putting an 8 percent stake in TeliaSonera on the auction bloc .",1,,, 3848,Financial Phrasebank,"The group posted net sales of 35.3 mln euro $ 46.5 mln and an operating profit of 760,000 euro $ 1.0 mln in 2005 .",1,,, 3849,Financial Phrasebank,The group 's net sales in 2007 were EUR683 .6 m.,1,,, 3850,Financial Phrasebank,"The Group 's turnover in 2006 was EUR 39.2 million , and operating profit was EUR 3.9 million .",1,,, 3851,Financial Phrasebank,"The Liquid Handling segment offers laboratory equipment and accessories , including mechanical and electronic pipettes , and disposable tips used in the research institutions , universities , and hospitals , as well as in the pharmaceutical , food , and other industries under the Biohit brand .",1,,, 3852,Financial Phrasebank,"The manufacture of CPPs will be undertaken at the existing Export Oriented Unit EOU at Wartsila 's factory at Khopoli , near Mumbai .",1,,, 3853,Financial Phrasebank,The manufacturing will begin in Pietarsaari in the beginning of the year 2009 and the delivery will take place in October 2009 .,1,,, 3854,Financial Phrasebank,The markets expect Heineken to sell Hartwall as a whole or in parts .,1,,, 3855,Financial Phrasebank,The merger between the two telecoms operators was expected to result in the world 's fourth largest telecoms operator .,1,,, 3856,Financial Phrasebank,"The most significant capital expenditure items were in the global enterprise resource planning ERP project , product development and production machines .",1,,, 3857,Financial Phrasebank,"The move will be carried out by transferring HKScan 's production-related property , plant , equipment , as well as its holdings in subsidiaries and associate companies in the country to HKScan Finland .",1,,, 3858,Financial Phrasebank,The net sales of Healthcare Trade business in 2009 were EUR 145.1 million EUR 155.2 million and operating profit EUR 8.9 million EUR 7.9 million .,1,,, 3859,Financial Phrasebank,The net sales of the Power Plants business were EUR 710.3 million in 2005 .,1,,, 3860,Financial Phrasebank,The new shares entitle their holders to dividends for fiscal 2006 .,1,,, 3861,Financial Phrasebank,The newly created position has been established to strengthen Amer Sports ' management in strategic planning and execution .,2,,, 3862,Financial Phrasebank,The newspaper 's best sales asset is high quality journalism and journalistic content .,1,,, 3863,Financial Phrasebank,The non-recurring costs caused to Talentum 's Premedia business area by the restructuring will amount to 2.0 mln euro $ 2.7 mln and will be included in the company 's financial results for the second quarter of 2007 .,1,,, 3864,Financial Phrasebank,The ongoing project where Tekla Structures is being used is the Vashi Exhibition Centre being developed by Insteel Engineers Pvt Ltd-IIVRCL Infrastructures & Projects Ltd & CIDCO .,1,,, 3865,Financial Phrasebank,"The operations to be sold include manufacturing units in Finland , France , Poland and Turkey , as well as sales units in Germany and Lithuania .",1,,, 3866,Financial Phrasebank,The options might include a partial or total divestment of their shareholdings in Ovako .,1,,, 3867,Financial Phrasebank,"The orange-handled scissors from Fiskars are part of the permanent design collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York , as well as the Philadelphia Museum of Art .",1,,, 3868,Financial Phrasebank,"The order also covers design services , hardware , software licences , as well as maintenance services over six years .",1,,, 3869,Financial Phrasebank,The order also includes extensive maintenance work of a shoe press delivered by Vaahto in 2001 .,1,,, 3870,Financial Phrasebank,"The order consists of outsourced application management , support and planning for Tecnotree and third-party applications .",1,,, 3871,Financial Phrasebank,The order includes 48 ship cranes that will be delivered for 12 container feeders to be built at Wenchong shipyard in China .,1,,, 3872,Financial Phrasebank,"The order values at EUR 6.9 mn , and it consists of design services and hardware and software licences .",1,,, 3873,Financial Phrasebank,The orders also include a few high-power drives for the control of seismic compressors .,1,,, 3874,Financial Phrasebank,"The orders are for 26 machine-room-less KONE MonoSpace elevators , which would be installed during 2006 .",1,,, 3875,Financial Phrasebank,The Oulu plant employs approximately 120 people .,1,,, 3876,Financial Phrasebank,The percentages of shares and voting rights have been calculated in proportion to the total number of shares registered with the Trade Register and the total number of voting rights related to them .,1,,, 3877,Financial Phrasebank,The per-share subscription price of the shares subscribed with the option rights was EUR 1.35 .,1,,, 3878,Financial Phrasebank,"The plant is scheduled for completion in late February 2007 with hand over of some areas in January Two other suppliers of Nokia - Aspocomp Group Oyj and Perlos - have announced their plans to establish plants within the Nokia complex Together , they will invest Rs 365 crore .",1,,, 3879,Financial Phrasebank,"The Polish business employs about 1,000 people , and it had net sales of about EUR 70mn in 2007 .",1,,, 3880,Financial Phrasebank,"The portfolio comprises of 118,000 m2 of leasable space with a vacancy rate of roughly 5 % , let to around 140 tenants of which two of the largest are the Swedish government and Ericsson .",1,,, 3881,Financial Phrasebank,"The production capacity can be tripled without any major additional investments , the company said .",2,,, 3882,Financial Phrasebank,"The program , which was started in the summer of 2007 , was originally estimated to last approximately two years .",1,,, 3883,Financial Phrasebank,The proposal of the shareholders to elect Mr. Hannu Krogerus to the Board is based on his long and unrivalled experience and knowledge of all matters related to Elcoteq .,1,,, 3884,Financial Phrasebank,"The remainder of its revenues will come from technology agreements with other firms , InterDigital said .",1,,, 3885,Financial Phrasebank,"The remaining amount will be funded through debt , the Danish bank said .",1,,, 3886,Financial Phrasebank,"The reorganisation will be carried out by transferring HKScan Corporation 's production-related property , plant and equipment in Finland as well as its holdings in subsidiaries and associates to HKScan Finland Oy , a holding company wholly owned by HKScan Corporation .",1,,, 3887,Financial Phrasebank,The report contains category level company and brand share as well as distribution share information for 2007 and 2008 .,1,,, 3888,Financial Phrasebank,The result before taxes was a loss of 25.0 million euros .,1,,, 3889,Financial Phrasebank,The results will enable the preparation of a conceptual plant design and capital estimates .,1,,, 3890,Financial Phrasebank,The retail chain launched in 2007 does not correspond to profit and sales forecasts of the company .,1,,, 3891,Financial Phrasebank,"The Russian gas giant invested another 46 million litas in the company in late 2004 and now owns 99.5 percent of its stock capital , which amounts to 86.936 million litas .",1,,, 3892,Financial Phrasebank,"The second company acquired is Sweden 's Reftele Maskinservice AB , whose business is mainly field services and spare parts manufacturing , with 10 employees and 1.2 mln eur sales a year .",1,,, 3893,Financial Phrasebank,"The segments through which the company operates are Frozen Food business , Seafoods , Vegetable Oil business , Grain Trading and Other business operations .",1,,, 3894,Financial Phrasebank,"The selling consortium includes funds managed by OKO Bank 's venture capital unit , Bio Fund Management and Finnish Industry Investment , a government-owned investment group .",1,,, 3895,Financial Phrasebank,"The solution is demonstrated on a tablet developed by Aava Mobile as a multi-window system , which enables the use of several applications simultaneously , for example the viewing of messages and calendar side by side .",1,,, 3896,Financial Phrasebank,The solution will be installed in the USA to support the North American operations of the customer .,1,,, 3897,Financial Phrasebank,"The staff reduction will start immediately , Glaston added .",0,,, 3898,Financial Phrasebank,"The Stockmann department store will have a total floor space of over 8,000 square metres and Stockmann 's investment in the project will have a price tag of about EUR 12 million .",1,,, 3899,Financial Phrasebank,The studies are expected to start in 2008 .,1,,, 3900,Financial Phrasebank,"The Swedish buyout firm has sold its remaining 22.4 percent stake , almost eighteen months after taking the company public in Finland .",1,,, 3901,Financial Phrasebank,"The Swedish Maritime Administration has closed the Furusund Channel , which Viking Line normally charters en route to Stockholm .",1,,, 3902,Financial Phrasebank,"The tanks will be delivered to a company which is currently building a chemical tank farm in Antwerp , northern Belgium .",1,,, 3903,Financial Phrasebank,"The Tekla Structures product box , if needed , is now made from recycled material .",1,,, 3904,Financial Phrasebank,The terms of the transactions remained undisclosed .,1,,, 3905,Financial Phrasebank,The through service of FESCO is a telling example of strengthening the relationship between logistics companies and operators at the international level .,2,,, 3906,Financial Phrasebank,The total capacity of the factory will be approximately 100 engines a year .,1,,, 3907,Financial Phrasebank,The total emissions reduction from 1999 to 2017 will be thus 41 % .,1,,, 3908,Financial Phrasebank,"The total floor area of the plant expansion is 29,000 square metres .",1,,, 3909,Financial Phrasebank,"The total headcount reduction will be 50 persons , the company said .",0,,, 3910,Financial Phrasebank,The total investment in 2006 and 2007 is expected to amount to about EUR75m .,1,,, 3911,Financial Phrasebank,"The total investment in the company will be EUR58m , of which Wartsila 's share will be EUR29m .",1,,, 3912,Financial Phrasebank,The total investment of the project will be approximately EUR 36m .,1,,, 3913,Financial Phrasebank,"The total value of the agreement is USD4 .0 m , the company said .",1,,, 3914,Financial Phrasebank,The total value of the contract is some EUR 8 million .,1,,, 3915,Financial Phrasebank,The total value of the deal is USD 29mn .,1,,, 3916,Financial Phrasebank,"The total value of the project is about EUR53m , including the plots that will be transferred to Atria .",1,,, 3917,Financial Phrasebank,"The total value of the project is estimated to be over 3.0 mln euro $ 4.4 mln , of which the services will be over 2.0 mln euro $ 2.9 mln and third-party licences more than 1.0 mln euro $ 1.5 mln .",1,,, 3918,Financial Phrasebank,The total value of these two contracts is over EUR 21 million .,1,,, 3919,Financial Phrasebank,The transaction is planned to be financed with a EUR40m market-based loan granted by Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong .,1,,, 3920,Financial Phrasebank,The transaction value is CAD 15 million approximately EUR 10 million .,1,,, 3921,Financial Phrasebank,"The unit 's clients are mainly in the field of specialist convenience goods , as well as in the textile , shoe and furniture businesses .",1,,, 3922,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the contract is about EUR 27mn .,1,,, 3923,Financial Phrasebank,"The value of the contract is about EUR1 .0 m. Poyry , headquartered in Vantaa , Finland provides consulting and engineering services to the energy , forestry and infrastructure & environment sectors .",1,,, 3924,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the contract is EUR 25mn .,1,,, 3925,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the contract is in total USD12m .,1,,, 3926,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the contracts is about EUR 3.3 mn .,1,,, 3927,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the deal has not been disclosed .,1,,, 3928,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the deal is estimated at between SEK25m and SEK50m .,1,,, 3929,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the deal was not disclosed .,1,,, 3930,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the multi-year agreement is over EUR 2mn a year .,1,,, 3931,Financial Phrasebank,The value of the three-year contract is estimated at EUR40m .,1,,, 3932,Financial Phrasebank,The value of this kind of order amounts usually between Euro 2 and 3 million .,1,,, 3933,Financial Phrasebank,"The Web-Marela application handles invitations to quote , quote comparisons , agreements , purchases , invoice inspections , inventory management , and deliveries .",1,,, 3934,Financial Phrasebank,"The venture , which will be 51 % owned by Kemira and 49 % by IVRCL , will operate an inorganic coagulant manufacturing facility , to be built in Vishakapatnam Vizag in the state of Andhra Pradesh and to kick off operations in the second half of 2011 .",1,,, 3935,Financial Phrasebank,"The workforce will be reduced also in the Amsterdam office , in the Netherlands .",0,,, 3936,Financial Phrasebank,"The works will include the laying of natural stone pavements and the installation of underground heating , and surface water drainage systems .",1,,, 3937,Financial Phrasebank,There have not been previous share subscriptions with 2004 stock options .,1,,, 3938,Financial Phrasebank,"These new units will be built at Cargotec 's state of the art manufacturing facility in San Antonio , Texas , USA , which started operations in 2009 .",1,,, 3939,Financial Phrasebank,These share transactions are part of the company 's strategy of relinquishing assets that are not part of its core business .,1,,, 3940,Financial Phrasebank,These six agreements are the company 's first customer acquisitions in India since taking over TVS Electronics ' contract manufacturing facility in Jun 2007 .,1,,, 3941,Financial Phrasebank,"This could be any of us at any time , '' she said .",1,,, 3942,Financial Phrasebank,"This order , when delivered , will bring the total output of electricity in Italy generated by Wartsila equipment to more than 1,300 MW .",1,,, 3943,Financial Phrasebank,"This rating from A.M. Best is the highest among the CIS countries , Central and Eastern Europe .",1,,, 3944,Financial Phrasebank,This wood lacquered clock comes with a stripy hand-crocheted cover .,1,,, 3945,Financial Phrasebank,Tikkurila acquired a majority stake in Kolorit Paints in the autumn of 2004 .,1,,, 3946,Financial Phrasebank,To see a slide show of all the newest product releases from Fiskars .,1,,, 3947,Financial Phrasebank,Total value of the contract is about EUR 10mn .,1,,, 3948,Financial Phrasebank,"Trading under the name Velta UK , a former Uponor brand , the company has been Uponor 's long-term partner in supplying Velta-branded systems particularly for the commercial and industrial building sector in the UK and internationally .",1,,, 3949,Financial Phrasebank,"Tulikivi manufactures heat-retaining , soapstone and ceramic fireplaces , as well as natural stone products and utility ceramics .",1,,, 3950,Financial Phrasebank,"TVO 's two-unit 1,740 MW Olkiluoto plant generated 14.2 TWh with an operating ratio across both reactors of 93.5 % , which the company described as `` high by international standards '' .",1,,, 3951,Financial Phrasebank,"Tyrv+ñinen is of the opinion that the airline has been repeating this for some time already , however .",1,,, 3952,Financial Phrasebank,"Under Finnish law , Parliament grants licences to build nuclear power plants .",1,,, 3953,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the agreement , Larox will transfer 10 employees within engineering and documentation related to delivery projects and product maintenance in Finland to Etteplan as of January 1 , 2007 .",1,,, 3954,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the agreement Benefon 's forthcoming range of TWIG integrated GPS navigation and mobile phone devices will use the jointly developed web-based tracking and location technology , in both consumer and commercial applications .",1,,, 3955,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the terms of the agreement , Bunge will acquire Raisio 's Keiju , Makuisa and Pyszny Duet brands and manufacturing plants in Finland and Poland .",1,,, 3956,Financial Phrasebank,"Under the transaction agreement , Metsaliitto will purchase 24.7 % of Metsa-Botnia 's shares from UPM and 3 % from M-real .",1,,, 3957,Financial Phrasebank,Underground parking facilities will also be built on the basement floor .,1,,, 3958,Financial Phrasebank,"Unit prices for straddle carriers vary between EUR700 ,000 and EUR900 ,000 , the company added .",1,,, 3959,Financial Phrasebank,"Unlisted British Biologicals makes B - and D - proteins , and other disease-specific supplements that cover diabetes , hepatitis , asthma and other cardiovascular ailments .",1,,, 3960,Financial Phrasebank,"UPM is the biggest producer of magazine paper in Europe , with a market share of over 30 pct , and it is likely to say that prices in the segment were at best flat during the quarter , analysts said .",1,,, 3961,Financial Phrasebank,UPM-Kymmene said its has ` not indicated any interest in any domestic consolidations ' .,1,,, 3962,Financial Phrasebank,Upon completion of the deal Panostaja will establish a new business area within the group to focus on heat treatment of metals .,1,,, 3963,Financial Phrasebank,"Vacon aims to establish its presence in the solar energy business in various parts of the world towards the end of 2010 , said Olli Teva , marketing director renewable energy applications .",1,,, 3964,Financial Phrasebank,Vaisala 's board of directors will propose a dividend of 0.85 euro $ 1.24 per share at the company 's annual general meeting .,1,,, 3965,Financial Phrasebank,Vaisala 's expertise in lightning data and information systems is based on extensive experience and investment in R&D .,1,,, 3966,Financial Phrasebank,Valmet Automotive reports net sales of EUR 85mn and operating profit of EUR 8mn .,1,,, 3967,Financial Phrasebank,"We bring a new , committed leadership and business and strategic know-how to the company that we buy .",1,,, 3968,Financial Phrasebank,"We look forward to take part in the future development of the company , '' says Tomas Billing , President of Nordstjernan .",1,,, 3969,Financial Phrasebank,"Veidekke , headquartered in Oslo , Norway , is a Scandinavian construction and property development group with some 6,350 employees in Norway , Sweden and Denmark , with an annual turnover of NOK16 .4 bn .",1,,, 3970,Financial Phrasebank,"While the company did not indicate the level of investment in the unit , it said that has purchased the equipment of Nokia Corporation 's mobile phone R&D laboratory in Jyvaeskylae .",1,,, 3971,Financial Phrasebank,Why not subscribe to the magazine ?,1,,, 3972,Financial Phrasebank,Vianor sells tires for cars and trucks as well as a range of other car parts and provides maintenance services .,1,,, 3973,Financial Phrasebank,Viking Line and STX Finland said on Monday that there were plans to build a 240 million euro ferry that would be launched on the Turku-Stockholm route in spring 2013 .,1,,, 3974,Financial Phrasebank,"With the government exempting certain stainless steel products from anti-dumping duties , Finland-based Outokumpu today said it will look to enter into supply pacts with the Indian Railways soon .",1,,, 3975,Financial Phrasebank,"With the new arrangement , customer responsibilities will become mainly regional .",1,,, 3976,Financial Phrasebank,"With this acquisition the wireless modem unit and its approximately 1,100 employees were transferred to Renesas Electronics Corporation .",1,,, 3977,Financial Phrasebank,You will hear the latest insights and updates on Citycon 's strategy as well as the latest news from all the business units .,1,,, 3978,Financial Phrasebank,The personnel reductions will primarily affect those working for the parent company in the diagnostics business or in production and logistics in the liquid handling business .,0,,, 3979,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Asia-Pacific region , Visa Wave is available in Malaysia , Taiwan and South Korea and will be expanded to Japan and Southeast Asia this year , Jung added .",2,,, 3980,Financial Phrasebank,"In the third quarter of fiscal 2008 Efore swung to a net loss of EUR 400,000 versus a net profit of EUR 200,000 for the corresponding period of fiscal 2007 .",0,,, 3981,Financial Phrasebank,"Konecranes Oyj KCR1V FH fell 5.5 percent to 20.51 euros , the biggest fall since June .",0,,, 3982,Financial Phrasebank,"Meanwhile , minority shareholders , expecting TeliaSonera to retain the bid , sell shares now .",1,,, 3983,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales for the financial year 2006 are expected to amount to about EUR20m and the operating result EBIT is expected to be a loss , as announced before .",0,,, 3984,Financial Phrasebank,Operating loss totaled EUR 25mn compared to a profit of EUR 63mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .,0,,, 3985,Financial Phrasebank,"Production levels have been agreed with producers a long time ago , so a fall in consumption will lead to losses .",0,,, 3986,Financial Phrasebank,Return on investment ROI was 4.1 % compared to 43.8 % in the first half of 2008 .,0,,, 3987,Financial Phrasebank,"SSH COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY CORP STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE OCTOBER 14 , 2008 AT 2:45 PM The Company updates its full year outlook and estimates its results to remain at loss for the full year .",0,,, 3988,Financial Phrasebank,"The sale will result in a capital loss of EUR5m for Solidium , which obtained Tikkurila shares in March 2010 .",0,,, 3989,Financial Phrasebank,- The Group -¦ s result before taxes was a loss of EUR 0.6 ( +0.6 ) million .,1,,, 3990,Financial Phrasebank,- The Group -¦ s result before taxes was EUR -1.9 ( -3.0 ) million .,0,,, 3991,Financial Phrasebank,"- The Group 's sales during the period were EUR 37.5 million ( EUR 48.2 million , 1-9/2008 ) and result before taxes was a loss of EUR -3.5 ( +1.2 ) million .",0,,, 3992,Financial Phrasebank,The fair value of investment properties was EUR 2 251.0 ( 1 281.4 ) million .,1,,, 3993,Financial Phrasebank,"A total of 16.5 mn passenger ship journeys took place in the northern Baltic Sea in 2007 , slightly down from 16.5 mn in 2006 .",0,,, 3994,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish media group Talentum has issued a profit warning .,0,,, 3995,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish shipping company Finnlines ' pretax loss totalled EUR 6.5 mn in the third quarter of 2009 , compared to a profit of EUR 0.3 mn in the third quarter of 2008 .",0,,, 3996,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , the city of Forssa has said it will not pay compensation to food industry companies HK Ruokatalo and Atria for the lye leak into tap water that occurred in March 2008 .",0,,, 3997,Financial Phrasebank,"Acando AB ( ACANB SS ) fell 8.9 percent to 13.35 kronor , the lowest close since Dec. 11 .",0,,, 3998,Financial Phrasebank,"According shipping company Viking Line , the EU decision will have a significant financial impact .",1,,, 3999,Financial Phrasebank,"According to CEO Matti Perkonoja of the parent company HKScan , the company 's performance in the first quarter of 2010 has remained clearly below the level of the corresponding period in 2009 .",0,,, 4000,Financial Phrasebank,"At some point in 2010 , all separate company names , such as Palmberg , Tekmanni , Lemcon , Forssan Betoni , Suonenjoen Betonituote , among others , will disappear .",1,,, 4001,Financial Phrasebank,"Cencorp 's net sales in the first quarter is estimated to be EUR0.9-1 .2 m , as compared to EUR4 .5 m in the first quarter 2008 .",0,,, 4002,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) stood at EUR 0.25 versus EUR 0.42 .,0,,, 4003,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share ( EPS ) amounted to a loss of EUR0 .05 .,0,,, 4004,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share ( EPS ) amounted to a loss of EUR0 .38 .,0,,, 4005,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share ( EPS ) amounted to a loss of to EUR0 .06 .,0,,, 4006,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share were at loss of EUR0 .24 .,0,,, 4007,Financial Phrasebank,Expense ratio was 102.6 % compared to 92.9 % in the corresponding period in 2005 .,0,,, 4008,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish automation solutions developer Cencorp Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : CNC1V ) issued on Thursday ( 18 September ) a profit warning for the third quarter of 2008 .,0,,, 4009,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish automation solutions developer Cencorp Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : CNC1V ) reported on Thursday ( 6 November ) an operating loss of EUR1 .3 m on net sales of EUR11 .9 m for the period January to September 2008 .,1,,, 4010,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish communication electronics components supplier Scanfil Oyj Tuesday said sales in the first half of 2006 will be 15 % lower than during the same period a year ago .,0,,, 4011,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish forest industry group Stora Enso Oyj issued on Thursday ( 20 March ) a profit warning for the first quarter 2008 .,0,,, 4012,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish home decoration and arts and crafts retailer Tiimari Plc ( OMX Helsinki : TII1V ) reported on Monday ( 18 August ) an operating loss of EUR3 .3 m on net sales of EUR33 .9 m for the period January-June 2008 .,1,,, 4013,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish technology company Raute Corporation ( OMX Helsinki : RUTAV ) issued on Tuesday ( 23 September ) a profit warning for the financial year 2008 .,0,,, 4014,Financial Phrasebank,He said : `` It is for sale again and we will be actively marketing it .,1,,, 4015,Financial Phrasebank,"In Q1 of 2009 , the company 's operating loss totalled EUR 0.3 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 3.6 mn in Q1 of 2008 .",0,,, 4016,Financial Phrasebank,"In the reporting period , EPS stood at EUR0 .07 versus EUR0 .11 .",0,,, 4017,Financial Phrasebank,"Last year , 8.3 million passengers flew the airline , down 4 percent from 2007 .",0,,, 4018,Financial Phrasebank,"Loss after financial items totalled EUR 9.7 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 1.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 4019,Financial Phrasebank,Loss for the period totalled EUR 15.6 mn compared to a profit of EUR 6.3 mn in 2008 .,0,,, 4020,Financial Phrasebank,"Myllykoski , with one paper plant in Finland , one in the US and three in Germany , had revenues of EUR286m in the first half of 2010 and an operating loss of EUR12m , Reuters said .",0,,, 4021,Financial Phrasebank,Net loss in the same period in 2009 was euro18 .6 million .,1,,, 4022,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia Siemens Networks has struggled to make a profit in the past two years .,0,,, 4023,Financial Phrasebank,Operating loss amounted to EUR 0.9 mn in the first half of 2006 compared to a profit of EUR 0.5 mn in the first half of 2005 .,0,,, 4024,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss of the Pulp & Paper Machinery unit was over EUR 3mn in September 2007 - August 2008 , compared to a profit of EUR 3.7 mn a year earlier .",0,,, 4025,Financial Phrasebank,Operating loss totaled EUR 0.3 mn compared to a profit of EUR 2.2 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .,0,,, 4026,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss totaled EUR 0.8 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 0.5 mn .",0,,, 4027,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss totalled EUR 12.7 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 17.7 mn in the first half of 2008 .",0,,, 4028,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss totalled EUR 3.2 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 7.2 mn in the third quarter of 2008 .",0,,, 4029,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss totalled EUR 4.0 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 8.6 mn in the second quarter of 2008 .",0,,, 4030,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss totalled EUR 5.2 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 3.4 mn in the corresponding period in 2008-2009 .",0,,, 4031,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit before non-recurring items was EUR 8.3 mn in the first nine months of 2008 , compared to EUR 8.4 in the corresponding period in 2007 .",0,,, 4032,Financial Phrasebank,Pretax loss totaled EUR 117mn compared to a loss of EUR 65mn in the corresponding period .,0,,, 4033,Financial Phrasebank,Pretax loss totalled EUR 162.3 mn compared to a profit of EUR 253.5 mn in 2007 .,0,,, 4034,Financial Phrasebank,"Pretax loss totalled EUR 49.9 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 15.4 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 4035,Financial Phrasebank,Pretax profit totaled EUR 4.9 mn compared to EUR 5.2 mn in the first quarter of 2005 .,0,,, 4036,Financial Phrasebank,"Publishing Sweden 's operating loss was EUR 1.1 mn in Q1 of 2009 , compared to a profit of EUR 0.6 mn a year ago .",0,,, 4037,Financial Phrasebank,Raisio 's malting capacity was in full use in 2008 .,2,,, 4038,Financial Phrasebank,"Raw materials prices have surged in the past year , fueled in part because of the rapid industrialization of China , India and other developing nations .",0,,, 4039,Financial Phrasebank,Rivals say Qualcomm has fewer patents on 3G phones than on earlier versions and should lower its rates .,0,,, 4040,Financial Phrasebank,The company reported today an operating loss of EUR0 .1 m on net sales of EUR4 .5 m for the first quarter 2008 .,0,,, 4041,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's annual loss amounted to EEK 18mn , compared to a profit of EEK 7.3 mn in 2008 .",0,,, 4042,Financial Phrasebank,"The fair value change of investment properties was EUR 15.8 mn , compared to EUR 22.9 mn in the third quarter of 2009 .",0,,, 4043,Financial Phrasebank,The impact of Cableway to Teleste 's net sales in 2009 is estimated to be EUR 4 million .,1,,, 4044,Financial Phrasebank,The stock was hit by the profit warning of Finnish rival Rautaruukki Oyj ( OMX : RTRKS ) .,0,,, 4045,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Bank of +àland +àlandsbanken has issued a profit warning .,0,,, 4046,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish forest machinery manufacturer Ponsse has issued a profit warning .,0,,, 4047,Financial Phrasebank,"Cerberus Capital Management LP-backed printing paper maker NewPage Corp. has posted mixed second-quarter results , casting a cloud over its planned initial public offering .",0,,, 4048,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish electronics manufacturing services EMS company Elcoteq SE posted a net loss of 66.4 mln euro $ 91.2 mln for the first half of 2007 , compared to a net profit of 7.1 mln euro $ 9.8 mln for the same period of 2006 .",0,,, 4049,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish laboratory liquid handling and diagnostic test systems developer Biohit Oyj OMX Helsinki : BIOBV issued on Tuesday 3 June a profit warning for the financial year 2008 .,0,,, 4050,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish retail software developer Aldata Solution Oyj reported a net loss of 11.7 mln euro $ 17.2 mln for 2007 versus a net profit of 2.5 mln euro $ 3.7 mln for 2006 .,0,,, 4051,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish textiles and clothing group Marimekko Oyj posted a net profit of 7.99 mln euro $ 10.4 mln for 2006 , compared to 8.4 mln euro $ 10.9 mln for 2005 .",0,,, 4052,Financial Phrasebank,"In 2009 , Stora Enso 's net loss was EUR 879.7 million compared to EUR 673.4 million in the previous year .",0,,, 4053,Financial Phrasebank,"In January-June 2010 , diluted loss per share stood at EUR0 .3 versus EUR0 .1 in the first half of 2009 .",0,,, 4054,Financial Phrasebank,"In October , UPM reported a third-quarter net loss of euro86 million $ 110 million compared with a net profit of euro120 million in 2007 .",0,,, 4055,Financial Phrasebank,Operating loss amounted to EUR 0.7 mn compared to a profit of EUR 0.8 mn in the second quarter of 2005 .,0,,, 4056,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss before non-recurring items was EUR 0.9 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 11.5 mn in 2008 .",0,,, 4057,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit margin was 8.3 % , compared to 11.8 % a year earlier .",0,,, 4058,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit was EUR 1.6 mn in 2005 compared to EUR 5.9 mn in 2004 .,0,,, 4059,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating result showed a loss of EUR 2.9 mn , while a year before , it showed a profit of EUR 0.6 mn .",0,,, 4060,Financial Phrasebank,Performance in 2006 was impacted by the consolidation trend in the telecom sector and the overall and structural changes in the contract manufacturing market in telecommunications technology and industrial electronics .,0,,, 4061,Financial Phrasebank,"Salcomp Oyj , the Finnish maker of mobile phone chargers , Monday posted a EUR1 .49 million loss in the second quarter compared with a 1.70 million profit in the same period the previous year .",0,,, 4062,Financial Phrasebank,Scanfil has also issued a profit warning .,0,,, 4063,Financial Phrasebank,Scanfil issued a profit warning on 10 April 2006 .,0,,, 4064,Financial Phrasebank,"The operating loss amounted to EUR 0.8 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 3.9 mn a year earlier .",0,,, 4065,Financial Phrasebank,"The period-end cash and cash equivalents totaled EUR6 .5 m , compared to EUR10 .5 m in the previous year .",0,,, 4066,Financial Phrasebank,"The poorest index figure was given to Finnish power company Fortum , 4.5 .",0,,, 4067,Financial Phrasebank,The real estate company posted a net loss of +ó x201a -¼ 59.3 million +ó x201a -¼ 0.21 per share compared with a net profit of +ó x201a -¼ 31 million +ó x201a -¼ 0.11 per share for the corresponding quarter of 2007 .,0,,, 4068,Financial Phrasebank,"The tightened competition situation in the production automation market has affected net sales during 2006 , Cencorp said .",0,,, 4069,Financial Phrasebank,"TietoEnator was down 1.13 pct to 18.38 , extending recent lows after last week 's second-quarter report , dealers said .",0,,, 4070,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit excluding restructuring costs grew to EUR 44.5 million from EUR 31.7 million while operating profit including restructuring costs showed even larger growth to EUR 38.5 million from EUR 7.4 million .,2,,, 4071,Financial Phrasebank,"Having a China based operation will not only enable us to fully leverage our resources and expertise in wireless solutions , but also strengthen our capability to offer industry-leading products for our customers in China . ''",2,,, 4072,Financial Phrasebank,"Cost cutting measures , which have produced around EUR70m of savings over the past nine months , have dampened the airline 's loss , Finnair said .",2,,, 4073,Financial Phrasebank,The groups 's turnover for the full fiscal year is expected to show a slight increase from the previous fiscal year .,2,,, 4074,Financial Phrasebank,The talks are aimed at restructuring operations and cutting costs .,2,,, 4075,Financial Phrasebank,"`` This transaction supports Huhtamaki 's strategic review of rigid plastic consumer goods operations '' , says Huhtam+ñki Oyj 's CEO Jukka Moisio .",1,,, 4076,Financial Phrasebank,"Consolidated operating profit excluding one-off items was EUR 30.6 mn , up from EUR 29.6 mn a year earlier .",2,,, 4077,Financial Phrasebank,EBIT excluding non-recurring items was estimated to increase from 2009 .,2,,, 4078,Financial Phrasebank,"In February 2011 , new wording of Identity Documents Act that makes Mobile ID a state-approved electronic document as of February 1st 2011 entered into force .",1,,, 4079,Financial Phrasebank,Lean System supports change management and component purchasing extremely well .,2,,, 4080,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit excluding non-recurring items increased by 27 % to EUR 81.9 mn from EUR 64.4 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .,2,,, 4081,Financial Phrasebank,The planned ethanol and energy production plant can operate in correlation with a waste treatment unit or a paper mill .,1,,, 4082,Financial Phrasebank,This transaction will also rationalize our pulp and paper industry related solutions .,2,,, 4083,Financial Phrasebank,Cash flow from business operations totalled EUR 0.4 mn compared to a negative EUR 15.5 mn in the first half of 2008 .,2,,, 4084,Financial Phrasebank,"Cash flow from operations totalled EUR 2.71 mn , compared to a negative EUR 0.83 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",2,,, 4085,Financial Phrasebank,"Cash flow from operations totalled EUR 7.4 mn , compared to a negative EUR 68.6 mn in the second quarter of 2008 .",2,,, 4086,Financial Phrasebank,"EBIT excluding non-recurring items , totalled EUR 67.8 mn , up from EUR 38.1 mn .",2,,, 4087,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish energy company Fortum Oyj said on November 13 , 2007 it was granted an environmental permit to build a biofuel-fired combined heat and power CHP plant in Vartan harbor in eastern Stockholm .",2,,, 4088,Financial Phrasebank,"Following the transaction , Lundbeck has worldwide rights for nalmefene , excluding North America , Mexico , Turkey and South-Korea .",2,,, 4089,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia was up 0.12 pct to 16.70 eur after kicking off the morning in negative territory .,2,,, 4090,Financial Phrasebank,"Return on investment was 5.0 % , compared to a negative 4.1 % in 2009 .",2,,, 4091,Financial Phrasebank,The District Court of Helsinki dismissed all charges as the court of first instance in 2005 .,2,,, 4092,Financial Phrasebank,"Thus the method will cut working costs , and will fasten the planning and building processes .",2,,, 4093,Financial Phrasebank,"By cutting the number of plants , the group will trim fixed costs .",2,,, 4094,Financial Phrasebank,Results are expected late in 2006 .,1,,, 4095,Financial Phrasebank,"The copying , republication or redistribution of AFX News Content , including by framing or similar means , is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of AFX News .",1,,, 4096,Financial Phrasebank,"The company reported a profit of 800,000 euro ($ 1.2 mln)on the sale of its Varesvuo Partners sub-group and a loss of 400,000 euro $ 623,000 caused by the sale of its program production subsidiary Oy Filmiteollisuus Fine Ab .",1,,, 4097,Financial Phrasebank,"So far Norwegian Norske Skog has reduced the staff levels by 1,000 people and plans to reduce production by 200,000 tons in 2008 , while Finnish-Swedish Stora Enso is to cut staff by 1,700 people and production by 500,000 tons .",0,,, 4098,Financial Phrasebank,The extracted filtrates are very high in clarity while the dried filter cakes meet required transport moisture limits (TMLs)for their ore grades .,1,,, 4099,Financial Phrasebank,25 March 2011 - Finnish electronics contract manufacturer Scanfil Oyj HEL : SCF1V said today its plan to merge wholly owned Scanfil EMS Group with Ojala-Yhtyma Oy has hit a snag as shareholders of the domestic rival rejected the deal .,0,,, 4100,Financial Phrasebank,"As part of its new strategy , Finnish Biohit is planning to incorporate its diagnostics business into a separate limited company .",1,,, 4101,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Benefon denies claims made in the press that the company is giving up its mobile handset business .,1,,, 4102,Financial Phrasebank,"After the split , the number of K shares will be 9 540 000 and the number of A shares 26 885 540 .",1,,, 4103,Financial Phrasebank,All reproduction for further distribution is prohibited .,1,,, 4104,Financial Phrasebank,As a consequence the Works Council had withdrawn its petition to suspend the reorganisation .,1,,, 4105,Financial Phrasebank,During the negotiations a reduction of 21 persons has taken place through natural redundancy or termination of fixed-term contracts .,1,,, 4106,Financial Phrasebank,Elisa CEO Sami Seppanen said EMT 's slogan `` Best coverage across Estonia '' clearly gives misleading information to consumers .,0,,, 4107,Financial Phrasebank,"Established in 1987 , the SRV Group is a private Finnish construction concern with operations in Finland , the Baltic countries and Russia .",1,,, 4108,Financial Phrasebank,"In this case , the effect would be negative in Finland .",0,,, 4109,Financial Phrasebank,"Initial estimated total value of the contract was 250 000 Euros , excluding VAT .",1,,, 4110,Financial Phrasebank,"It would be premature to talk about dates , volume and the investment procedure , '' he said .",1,,, 4111,Financial Phrasebank,"Mr Clausen , however , refused to comment the option that Nordea would consider buying into Citadele Bank .",1,,, 4112,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia and Capcom announced that Resident Evil Degeneration will be released on N-Gage later this year .,1,,, 4113,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia will certainly disagree with Qualcomm 's views on the patent situation .,0,,, 4114,Financial Phrasebank,Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo was elected as vice chairman of the Board .,1,,, 4115,Financial Phrasebank,Olli-Pekka Laine has been appointed as the Chairman and Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen as the Vice Chairman of the Board .,1,,, 4116,Financial Phrasebank,"Outokumpu 's steel mill in Tornio , in Finland , is the suspected source .",0,,, 4117,Financial Phrasebank,Possible personnel reductions concern approximately 104 people .,0,,, 4118,Financial Phrasebank,Risk exposure by Non-life Insurance Moving 12-month Expenses by function in Non-life Insurance excluding expenses for investment management and expenses for other services rendered Non-life Insurance investment portfolio by allocation,1,,, 4119,Financial Phrasebank,"Secure your files online Like filling out a tax return , making a backup is boring .",1,,, 4120,Financial Phrasebank,"That 's what I go to bed worrying about every night , ' he said .",0,,, 4121,Financial Phrasebank,"The challenge for the company , however , is finding new sources of raw material , said Risto Rinne , CEO of Neste Oil .",1,,, 4122,Financial Phrasebank,The company initially estimated that it would cut up to 30 jobs .,0,,, 4123,Financial Phrasebank,"The company will try to adapt the operations through temporary lay-offs of different duration , working hour arrangements , training and development efforts .",1,,, 4124,Financial Phrasebank,"The effect may remain short-lived , however .",1,,, 4125,Financial Phrasebank,The iPad application joins the iPhone app as part of Monster 's range of mobile applications for job hunting .,1,,, 4126,Financial Phrasebank,The issue came up in connection with discussion with local municipalities concerning the sale of water to industrial facilities .,1,,, 4127,Financial Phrasebank,The number of bodily injury cases quadrupled in 2000-2006 .,0,,, 4128,Financial Phrasebank,"The purchase price will be paid in cash upon the closure of the transaction , scheduled for April 1 , 2009 .",1,,, 4129,Financial Phrasebank,"The size of the extension , 18.5 % of which already has been let , will have a gross area of about 2,830 sq m 30,460 sq ft .",1,,, 4130,Financial Phrasebank,The Symbian Foundation plans to revise its procedures for testing and signing software after digitally signing a trojan for its Symbian mobile phone operating system by mistake .,1,,, 4131,Financial Phrasebank,The terms and conditions of the Stock Option Scheme 2008 are available on the Company 's internet pages .,1,,, 4132,Financial Phrasebank,"The third applicant , Fortum , was dropped .",1,,, 4133,Financial Phrasebank,"Tieto 's service is also used to send , process and receive materials related to absentee voting .",1,,, 4134,Financial Phrasebank,"Trading code : ELI1V Number of shares : 99,483 Price-share : Gratuitous After the transfer , Elisa holds a total of 10,435,023 own shares .",1,,, 4135,Financial Phrasebank,"`` My wife is looking forward to getting a paycheck again , '' he quipped recently as a six-knot current swirled around his anchored and heavily sponsored jet sled .",1,,, 4136,Financial Phrasebank,"`` That 's a very high figure on the European scale , '' Noop said , recalling however that this also includes beer bought by Finnish tourists .",1,,, 4137,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Tweeple should check who 's following them , and be cautious when clicking on URLs and tinyurls . ''",1,,, 4138,Financial Phrasebank,`` We have the most expensive water brand in Finland at the moment . '',1,,, 4139,Financial Phrasebank,15 September 2010 - Finnish electrical components maker Salcomp Oyj ( HEL : SAL1V ) announced today the launch of its latest Twist charger platform .,1,,, 4140,Financial Phrasebank,"A total of 1,800,000 stock options were issued in the 2003 stock option scheme .",1,,, 4141,Financial Phrasebank,"A worm set to activate Friday will corrupt documents using the most common file types , including '' .",1,,, 4142,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Swedish authorities , traces of the very toxic osmium tetroxide have been found on the coast of Per+ñmeri , the Northernmost part of the Gulf of Bothnia .",0,,, 4143,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish airline Finnair is starting the temporary layoffs of cabin crews in February 2010 .,0,,, 4144,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish energy company Fortum has set itself new stricter target limits for short-term carbon dioxide emissions from its heat and electricity production .,1,,, 4145,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Food Workers ' Union SEL plans to hasten its collective bargaining with a two-day strike that would begin on 7 April 2010 , in Finland .",0,,, 4146,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Honkarakenne that specialises in the building of log houses is planning to use pine from Russian Karelia .,1,,, 4147,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Konecranes is again trying to acquire Italian Fantuzzi , a manufacturer of gantry cranes and reach stackers .",1,,, 4148,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish M-real 's Kyro mill is starting negotiations to cut staff .,0,,, 4149,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Nordic Aluminium is starting employer-employee negotiations in Finland that concern all staff groups .,1,,, 4150,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish publishing and printing group Ilkka-Yhtym+ñ will introduced a staff smoking ban as of the beginning of 2007 at the company 's three newspapers .,1,,, 4151,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Stockmann Group 's mail order unit Hobby Hall has launched a trial marketing campaign in Russia .,1,,, 4152,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Suominen Flexible Packaging is cutting 48 jobs in its unit in Tampere and two in Nastola , in Finland .",0,,, 4153,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , media group Talentum will start personnel negotiations to cut staff in parent company Talentum and publishing unit Talentum media .",0,,, 4154,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Laavainen , Raisio 's food marketing used to be reactive and inconsistent .",0,,, 4155,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the prosecutor , the share transactions were carried out after HK Ruokatalo had proceeded in the negotiations concerning the acquisition of Swedish Meats .",1,,, 4156,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Tiimari , consumers are advised to cut away the rabbits bow tie that contains the formadehyde and dispose of it .",1,,, 4157,Financial Phrasebank,All other charges were dismissed .,1,,, 4158,Financial Phrasebank,"Alpina Sports is a Lebanon , New Hampshire USA based distributor of e.g. Alpina ski shoes and skis , Exel ski poles , Start ski waxes and now also Peltonen cross-country skis .",1,,, 4159,Financial Phrasebank,Among the biggest Christmas sellers were a 35 satin bow shift dress styled on outfits worn by Victoria Beckham and a 75 Paris Hilton Prom dress .,1,,, 4160,Financial Phrasebank,"Among the Scandinavian companies present in St. Petersburg , is also named the Swedish concern NCC , which implements projects in the field of asphalt production , road and housing construction ( project Swedish Krona ) .",1,,, 4161,Financial Phrasebank,An international conference call and audio webcast concerning the financial result January-March 2010 will begin at 14.00 EET .,1,,, 4162,Financial Phrasebank,Another problem is cola-flavoured long drinks .,1,,, 4163,Financial Phrasebank,Antniemi refuted a report by the Finnish daily Turun Sanomat as if the company was reorganizing its operations in the Baltic countries .,1,,, 4164,Financial Phrasebank,"Antti Orkola , president of Kemira GrowHow 's Industrial Solutions unit , told Thomson Financial News the company has put off opening the mine as prices of phosphate have been ` quite depressed for a long time ' . '",0,,, 4165,Financial Phrasebank,Applying for summer work is seen as laborious and stressful .,0,,, 4166,Financial Phrasebank,ArcelorMittal Chief Executive Officer Lakshmi Mittal has already cut output at some furnaces .,0,,, 4167,Financial Phrasebank,"As a part of the plan , the Board of Directors decided to transfer a maximum of 330,000 shares held by the company in a share issue against payment directed to Aspo Management Oy , a holding company acquired by the management .",1,,, 4168,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , 12 people will be made redundant and a total of 67 persons are laid off temporarily .",0,,, 4169,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , it has started negotiations with the banks on provisional amendments concerning the covenants and other credit terms .",1,,, 4170,Financial Phrasebank,As a result of these negotiations the company has decided to make 45 people redundant on financial and production grounds .,0,,, 4171,Financial Phrasebank,"As production of other products will continue normally , temporary lay-offs concern simultaneously at most 80 employees .",0,,, 4172,Financial Phrasebank,Atria said its offer would give the Swedish company continued ownership and control of its slaughtering and cutting operations .,1,,, 4173,Financial Phrasebank,"Aug. 17 , 2010 ( Curbed delivered by Newstex ) -- And now , the latest from Racked , covering shopping and retail from the sidewalks up .",1,,, 4174,Financial Phrasebank,Bertrand Sciard has been the vice chairman of the board of directors of Aldata Solution since April 2007 .,1,,, 4175,Financial Phrasebank,Bovine slaughtering and cutting at the Kuopio facility will be transferred to the Kauhajoki slaughterhouse .,1,,, 4176,Financial Phrasebank,Chief executive officer Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo 's changes on Tuesday mark the third time in nine months the company has reshuffled executives and operations as Nokia loses ground to Apple 's iPhone and RIM 's BlackBerry .,0,,, 4177,Financial Phrasebank,"Cuts equivalent to the costs of about 35-45 employees are the target , the company said .",0,,, 4178,Financial Phrasebank,EB announced in its stock exchange release on November 18th 2008 that J.T. Bergqvist has resigned from the chairmanship and membership of the Board of EB .,0,,, 4179,Financial Phrasebank,"Finland-based international machinery rental company Ramirent Plc ( OMX Helsinki : RMR1V ) said on Friday ( 9 May ) that its president and CEO , Kari Kallio , has informed the board of his intention to retire in year 2009 .",1,,, 4180,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish electrical components maker Salcomp Oyj ( HEL : SAL1V ) announced today the launch of its latest Twist charger platform .,1,,, 4181,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish soapstone processing and fireplaces maker Tulikivi Oyj said on February 26 , 2007 it would cut less than 20 jobs from its fireplace sales organization , production facilities and its subsidiary Kermansavi Oy .",0,,, 4182,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Suominen Flexible Packaging Ltd , owned by local textile company Suominen Corporation Group ( HEL : SUY1V ) , said today that it would start employee negotiations concerning its entire personnel in Finland .",0,,, 4183,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Vaahto Group that provides paper-making technology and process machinery is starting negotiations concerning the temporary lay-offs of all 140 employees at the company 's plants in Hollola and Tampere , in Finland .",0,,, 4184,Financial Phrasebank,"Fortum is looking to invest in several new production units , including a new waste-fired unit at its Brista combined heat and power ( CHP ) plant and a biofuels-based production unit at Vartan CHP plant .",1,,, 4185,Financial Phrasebank,GET MIDNIGHTTRADER IN REALTIME : This report is delayed .,1,,, 4186,Financial Phrasebank,Global life science industry is strictly regulated by international and national authorities .,1,,, 4187,Financial Phrasebank,He said he has been losing five families a month to the economy as many make alternative arrangements to save money .,0,,, 4188,Financial Phrasebank,His resignation will take effect immediately .,1,,, 4189,Financial Phrasebank,"Huhtamaki 's rigid plastic consumer goods operations , which are mainly in Europe , will be separated into a new reporting segment as of 1 January 2009 .",1,,, 4190,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , the production at the Varpaisj+â rvi factory will be stopped at the beginning of April 2009 .",0,,, 4191,Financial Phrasebank,In addition the production personnel of the Sport Division have been given a temporary lay-off warning .,0,,, 4192,Financial Phrasebank,"In December , Amer announced the dismissal of CEO Roger Talermo , who had headed the company since 2006 .",1,,, 4193,Financial Phrasebank,"In Europe , the paper industry 's situation is paradoxical .",1,,, 4194,Financial Phrasebank,"In parallel , TeliaSonera has decided to conduct a compulsory acquisition .",1,,, 4195,Financial Phrasebank,"In Sweden , there is an oversupply of pharmacies .",0,,, 4196,Financial Phrasebank,Incap Furniture is presently negotiating staff cuts .,0,,, 4197,Financial Phrasebank,"Initially , the company said a maximum of 15 people would be made redundant in the parent company and about 15 in its subsidiaries .",0,,, 4198,Financial Phrasebank,It is a disappointment to see the plan folded .,0,,, 4199,Financial Phrasebank,It is the most awkward thing to use if you 're holding the phone with one hand .,0,,, 4200,Financial Phrasebank,"Jul. 18 -- Police are looking for a man who they say terrorized three males at gunpoint on East Maple Avenue this afternoon , shooting one of them and kidnapping another .",0,,, 4201,Financial Phrasebank,"Jussi Pesonen , member of the Sampo Board since 2006 , will renounce his seat in Sampo Board .",1,,, 4202,Financial Phrasebank,Kesko has previously published a stock exchange release concerning the deal on 7 February 2007 .,1,,, 4203,Financial Phrasebank,Korhonen was dismissed from her post of editor in chief of the group 's newspaper Lapin Kansa in December 2008 .,0,,, 4204,Financial Phrasebank,"Last year , UPM cut production , closed mills in Finland and slashed 700 jobs .",0,,, 4205,Financial Phrasebank,Less than ten people will face pension agreements .,1,,, 4206,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Jan 27 , 2009 - Finnish industrial machinery company Vaahto Group Ltd Oyj ( HEL : WAT1S ) said today that its subsidiary Vaahto Ltd would cut 15 jobs in Finland .",0,,, 4207,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADPnews ) - Dec 1 , 2009 - Finnish cutlery and hand tools maker Fiskars Oyj Abp ( HEL : FISAS ) said today that it will make redundant a total of 18 office and management staff members of its subsidiary Iittala Group Ltd. .",0,,, 4208,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADPnews ) - Dec 30 , 2009 - Finnish investment group Neomarkka Oyj ( HEL : NEMBV ) said today that it will furlough employee in its unit Reka Cables Ltd for less than 90 days , starting in January 2010 .",1,,, 4209,Financial Phrasebank,Managing Director Timo Kohtam+ñki of Lemmink+ñinen Infra nevertheless points out the continued need for infrastructure construction in the Baltic markets .,1,,, 4210,Financial Phrasebank,"More than 14,000 customers were left powerless .",0,,, 4211,Financial Phrasebank,Mr. Kari Stadigh will carry on as Chairman of the Board and Mr. Matti Arteva as Vice-Chairman .,1,,, 4212,Financial Phrasebank,M-real will start statutory employer-employee negotiations at the +ä+ñnekoski board mill that concern about 130 people .,1,,, 4213,Financial Phrasebank,"Neste Oil s refineries have a combined crude oil refining capacity of approximately 260,000 barrels a day .",1,,, 4214,Financial Phrasebank,"New Chairman of the Board of Directors , Mr Chaim Katzman , will give a presentation and answer questions .",1,,, 4215,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia has inaugurated its manufacturing plant near Chennai on 11 Mar 2006 .,1,,, 4216,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia is requesting that the companies stop making and selling the mobile phones and pay monetary damages and costs .,1,,, 4217,Financial Phrasebank,"On 20 March 2006 , Stora Enso refused to comment the news in any way .",1,,, 4218,Financial Phrasebank,Panostaja Oyj 's Board also decided at its organisational meeting held upon completion of the AGM to implement the AGM decision concerning Board member fees paid as shares in such a way that shares are transferred on a quarterly basis on the date following publication of the quarterly-annual report .,1,,, 4219,Financial Phrasebank,Rapala Fishing Frenzy 2009 .,1,,, 4220,Financial Phrasebank,Residents access to the block is planned to be from Aleksandri Street .,1,,, 4221,Financial Phrasebank,"Russian Media Ventures ' minority shareholder Peter Hervy denied the plans to sell OVA Press , the daily said .",1,,, 4222,Financial Phrasebank,"Russian officials inspected the damage and gave the vessel permission to continue to Tallinn at around 4.30 a.m. The Norwegian-registered M-T Sten Nordic was carrying 11,000 tons of gas oil and was manned by a Filipino crew .",1,,, 4223,Financial Phrasebank,Sanoma announced the Stock Option Scheme 2008 on 19 December 2008 .,1,,, 4224,Financial Phrasebank,Scanfil will execute the temporary lay-offs by mid-October 2009 and the job cuts by March 2010 .,0,,, 4225,Financial Phrasebank,"shock phase ' , consumers have once again started to plan and implement building projects .",1,,, 4226,Financial Phrasebank,Short-term licenses for the games cost as little as $ 3 while purchasing a game outright can cost as much as $ 10 or $ 15 .,1,,, 4227,Financial Phrasebank,"So Mr. Galvan made savings adjustments of his own , buying less liquor and watching portion sizes .",1,,, 4228,Financial Phrasebank,"Some 250 people , of whom more than 200 are workers , will be retiring from the Raahe Works between 2008 and 2011 .",1,,, 4229,Financial Phrasebank,SWOT analysis is just one method of categorization and has its own weaknesses .,1,,, 4230,Financial Phrasebank,The adjustments concern staff in both the Specialty Papers and the Fiber Composites segments .,1,,, 4231,Financial Phrasebank,The appointments will be in force until the new CEO has been appointed .,1,,, 4232,Financial Phrasebank,"The authorisation is in force until the end of the next Annual General Meeting and repeals the authorisation to acquire own shares given by the General Meeting held on April 4 , 2007 .",1,,, 4233,Financial Phrasebank,The authorization is in force for a period of 18 months from the resolution by the General Meeting .,1,,, 4234,Financial Phrasebank,"The business had gross written premiums of EUR152 .4 m ( 91.5 m ) in 2000 , a net combined ratio of 133 % and 175 staff in total with offices in the UK , Germany and Benelux .",1,,, 4235,Financial Phrasebank,"The chilled meat products category led the meat , fish and poultry market in Finland , accounting for a share of 31.4 % .",1,,, 4236,Financial Phrasebank,"The company can be split into two parts over the coming months , with Essent owning and operating production and supply , and Enexis owning and operating the grid .",1,,, 4237,Financial Phrasebank,"The company has a continuous need for alloys such as nickel , ferro-chrome , molybdenum and manganese in its production , said Talvivaara .",1,,, 4238,Financial Phrasebank,The company is reportedly searching for a replacement for CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo .,1,,, 4239,Financial Phrasebank,"The company plans to close two of the three lines at the plant , where some 450 jobs are under threat .",0,,, 4240,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract also includes cutting and edging wagon parts at Ruukki 's steel service centres in Seinajoki and Raahe , both in southwestern Finland , from where they will be delivered to VR for welding and assembly .",1,,, 4241,Financial Phrasebank,"The copying , republication or redistribution of AFX News Content , inculding by framing or similar means , is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of AFX News .",1,,, 4242,Financial Phrasebank,"The cosmetics collection includes an eye shadow , face powder , lip gloss , mascara and accessories .",1,,, 4243,Financial Phrasebank,"The E7 smartphone will be available for Rs35 ,000 per handset across India , '' Nokia India vice-president & managing director D Shivakumar told reporters .",1,,, 4244,Financial Phrasebank,"The employer-employee talks concerned about 500 people , that is , the whole staff in Finland .",1,,, 4245,Financial Phrasebank,The exercise originated in Finland in the early 1930s as a training method for cross-country skiers .,1,,, 4246,Financial Phrasebank,"The first phase of the logistics complex envisages the completion of some 70,000 sq m of logistics premises and the gatehouse building in November 2008 .",1,,, 4247,Financial Phrasebank,"The gross area of eight houses will be 12,167 m2 .",1,,, 4248,Financial Phrasebank,"The gross area of the Innova 2 project will be about 10,000 sq m ( 107,600 sq ft ) .",1,,, 4249,Financial Phrasebank,The incident happened at 2:30 p.m. on Avenue 192 at Road 196 .,1,,, 4250,Financial Phrasebank,"The interim report for the first quarter is published on May 8 , 2009 .",1,,, 4251,Financial Phrasebank,"The largest restructuring is planned for Italy , where negotiations on about 40 job cuts are to be initiated today , the company noted .",0,,, 4252,Financial Phrasebank,The layoff talks were first announced in August .,1,,, 4253,Financial Phrasebank,The machines will cease production by the end of February 2007 .,1,,, 4254,Financial Phrasebank,The measures result from weak demand in the shipbuilding industry .,0,,, 4255,Financial Phrasebank,"The mill 's raw material need will increase by 100,000 m3 of wood .",1,,, 4256,Financial Phrasebank,"The negotiations concern personnel of Cencorp Corporation and Singulase Oy as whole in Finland and in Sweden , the company said .",1,,, 4257,Financial Phrasebank,The negotiations will concern the plant 's department producing winded roving that employs 10 people .,1,,, 4258,Financial Phrasebank,"The new apartment block is going up very close to the city center , explained Chairman of the Board of AS YIT Ehitus Priit Sauk .",1,,, 4259,Financial Phrasebank,"The plant will be fired with a combination of spruce bark , chipped logging residues or milled peat .",1,,, 4260,Financial Phrasebank,The production is to be liquidated before June 2009 and 325 employees loose their jobs .,0,,, 4261,Financial Phrasebank,"The project will be a 2 x 600 MW coal-fired power plant , located some 420 km south of Hanoi , the company said .",1,,, 4262,Financial Phrasebank,"The prosecutor is also demanding Outokumpu pay a fine of EUR 800,000 at most .",0,,, 4263,Financial Phrasebank,"The pulp production in Finnish Kemij+ñrvi will also be liquidated and about 1,100 employees loose their jobs .",0,,, 4264,Financial Phrasebank,"The redesigned crushing circuit has been in operation since the start of September and its overall production rate on a weekly basis is in excess of an average of 40,000 tonnes a day .",1,,, 4265,Financial Phrasebank,The resignation will be in effect immediately .,1,,, 4266,Financial Phrasebank,"The scheme for TeliaSonera and Altimo is practically identical , except that it involves the merger of their stakes in VimpelCom and Kyivstar .",1,,, 4267,Financial Phrasebank,The share subscription period for C options will commence on 1 September 2008 and expire on 31 March 2011 .,1,,, 4268,Financial Phrasebank,The share subscription period will expire on 30 September 2007 .,1,,, 4269,Financial Phrasebank,The subscription period of Amer Sports ' 2002 warrant scheme will end on 31 December 2007 .,1,,, 4270,Financial Phrasebank,The terms and conditions of Stock Option Scheme 2004 are available on the Group 's website .,1,,, 4271,Financial Phrasebank,The transaction included also the transfer of the lease agreement concerning manufacturing premises and employment agreements related to these operations .,1,,, 4272,Financial Phrasebank,"The utility will also provide services related to electricity management , such as hedging trades and risk management and reporting .",1,,, 4273,Financial Phrasebank,They are also upset that some of the machinery and work is taken over to Poland .,0,,, 4274,Financial Phrasebank,They will cover all Forest Industry 's units and employees in Finland and concern temporary and permanent lay-offs .,0,,, 4275,Financial Phrasebank,This is bad news for the barbeque season .,0,,, 4276,Financial Phrasebank,This is due to the postponement of the decision-making of projects in the negotiation phase from the earlier estimation .,1,,, 4277,Financial Phrasebank,"Tornio Works employs 2,300 of whom more than 1,800 have been in the scope of the fixed-period or part-time temporary layoffs in April-October period .",0,,, 4278,Financial Phrasebank,"We are adjusting to the present situation by cutting our capacity and costs without , however , jeopardising our Asia strategy over the longer term .",1,,, 4279,Financial Phrasebank,"When cruising , the revs fall as less engine output is required .",1,,, 4280,Financial Phrasebank,"When the web user clicks on the link contained in the mail , he finds himself on a bogus site that imitates that of his bank , and which retrieves his personal banking data .",0,,, 4281,Financial Phrasebank,Viking Line has canceled some services .,0,,, 4282,Financial Phrasebank,"Z. Bavelloni 's long-standing MD , Dino Bavelloni , has retired at the end of 2005 .",1,,, 4283,Financial Phrasebank,"`` I 'm trying to deal with slavery from a different perspective to balance the story , '' says DeRamus , formerly a writer at the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News .",1,,, 4284,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Neste Oil has responded to the challenge posed by the European Union 's target of biofuels accounting for 5.8 % of traffic fuel usage in the EU by 2010 by developing its NExBTL technology for producing diesel fuel from renewables , '' the federation said .",2,,, 4285,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Soon after , the collisions started . ''",1,,, 4286,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The biggest challenge was to make the piece look raw , '' Hansen said .",1,,, 4287,Financial Phrasebank,`` The rest of this week 's tapings of Jimmy Kimmel Live have been canceled until he is back on his feet .,1,,, 4288,Financial Phrasebank,"`` There 's the issue of thieves stealing them from building sites , '' said Mr Smith .",0,,, 4289,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We have a license agreement with Nokia Corp. which in part expires on April 9 , 2007 .",1,,, 4290,Financial Phrasebank,30 November 2009 - Finnish office furniture maker Martela Oyj HEL : MARAS said today that it will make redundant three people and other nine will be laid off permanently from the company 's office staff and factory workers .,0,,, 4291,Financial Phrasebank,4 January 2011 - Finnish media company Alma Media Corporation HEL : ALN1V said today its online recruitment service Monster Oy will partner with local newspaper publisher Suomen Lehtiyhtyma in listing job advertisements .,1,,, 4292,Financial Phrasebank,A 2001 agreement expired earlier this month .,1,,, 4293,Financial Phrasebank,"A few months ago , Teva vice chairman Phillip Frost and Marathon Venture Capital Fund TASE : MARA sold Protalix shares .",1,,, 4294,Financial Phrasebank,"After Chuck Smith was laid off on May 30 from his $ 90,000 housing consultant job , he and his wife had to cut spending in half for their family of six , having to rely on his wife 's income -- about the same as his -- alone .",0,,, 4295,Financial Phrasebank,"After the split , the company would have 26,885,540 Series A shares and 9,540,000 Series K shares .",1,,, 4296,Financial Phrasebank,"After the transaction , Herttaassa 's holding in Alma Media has fallen below the flagging limit of 5 % .",1,,, 4297,Financial Phrasebank,And Ogden reportedly will shell out $ 4.2 million .,1,,, 4298,Financial Phrasebank,"At 3:37 p.m. Eastern time , a block of 2,400 contracts changed hands at a bid price of $ 0.45 .",1,,, 4299,Financial Phrasebank,"Belarus OAO Lidskoe Pivo brewery , based in the Grodno Region , reported a 1.1 % decrease in output to 1.045 million decaliters in January-March 2010 , a representative in the administration of the company told .",0,,, 4300,Financial Phrasebank,"Boomeranger Boats Oy specialises in boat building and designs , manufactures and sells customised Rigid Inflatable Boats RIB primarily for the Baltic Sea market .",1,,, 4301,Financial Phrasebank,"Cramo 's manager Jarmo Laasanen said hiring of equipment and machinery in Lithuania differs from the other Baltic countries in that in Lithuania still many public structures such as roads , bridges , airports and shops are being built .",1,,, 4302,Financial Phrasebank,Currently the quarterly applied surcharges differ significantly from the actual market prices .,1,,, 4303,Financial Phrasebank,Filmiteollisuus Fine Ab will be transferred to Talentum Oyj in the form of a subsidiary .,1,,, 4304,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish bank Alandsbanken said Monday it will buy the Swedish operations of Iceland 's troubled Kaupthing Bank for 414 million kronor $ 49.5 million in cash .,1,,, 4305,Financial Phrasebank,Fortum also has a blocking stake in Northwestern TGK-1 .,1,,, 4306,Financial Phrasebank,"He found him again , however , after the driver was involved in a two-car accident .",1,,, 4307,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI AFX - Salcomp , the mobile phone charger manufacturer , said it has appointed Markku Hangasjarvi as its new CEO , following the resignation of Mats Eriksson .",1,,, 4308,Financial Phrasebank,"HK Ruokatalo produces many turkey products , such as cold cuts .",1,,, 4309,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the brokers ' ratings on the stock differ .",1,,, 4310,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the suspect stole his burgundy Nissan Altima .",0,,, 4311,Financial Phrasebank,"In a media advisory , the NTSB said that after subsequent testing , `` the train detection system intermittently failed . ''",0,,, 4312,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , snow storms brought trees down on power lines , cutting off electricity for some 2,000 households .",0,,, 4313,Financial Phrasebank,"In the spring 2006 , a total of 386,530 Stock Options 2002 B were annulled .",1,,, 4314,Financial Phrasebank,"Information system supplier Sentera -- up 24.51 pct -- was the next most heavily traded share after SysOpen Digia , a software house , acquired 77.4 pct of the company this morning for just under 33 mln eur .",1,,, 4315,Financial Phrasebank,It 's very difficult to become a Google Analytics channel partner .,1,,, 4316,Financial Phrasebank,"Juhani J+ñrvi , Corporate Executive Vice President of Kesko , says the Russian food retail sector is fragmented .",1,,, 4317,Financial Phrasebank,Layoffs will also take place at the Suomussalmi and Kuhmo plants this autumn as a result of codetermination negotiations held there .,0,,, 4318,Financial Phrasebank,Metso estimates the need for personnel reductions to amount to 25 people .,0,,, 4319,Financial Phrasebank,Most of the layoffs will be in Finland .,0,,, 4320,Financial Phrasebank,"Most of the permanent layoffs will be in the plywood and sawn timber sectors of the Finnish company 's operations at several domestic mills , where earlier this year it temporarily laid off some 1,200 workers to save costs .",0,,, 4321,Financial Phrasebank,"Motorola , the world 's second-largest maker of cell phones , unveiled the new phone Tuesday in a bid to resurrect its ailing handset business .",1,,, 4322,Financial Phrasebank,Mursula said they tried to gather macro-economic perspective to see how Malaysia was doing .,1,,, 4323,Financial Phrasebank,Niklas Skogster has been employed by the ABB Group in various positions concerning the development of operations .,1,,, 4324,Financial Phrasebank,"Paper companies were in negative territories , with Stora Enso R shedding 1.62 pct to 12.73 eur , UPM-Kymmene down 0.80 pct at 18.64 eur and M-real B 0.18 pct lower at 5.57 eur .",0,,, 4325,Financial Phrasebank,Rautaruukki aims to find work from the group 's other locations for those who have been made redundant .,1,,, 4326,Financial Phrasebank,Temporary layoffs in these units have already started .,1,,, 4327,Financial Phrasebank,The beers differ slightly from mainstream beers .,1,,, 4328,Financial Phrasebank,"The company operates a U.S. division in Lisle , Ill. .",1,,, 4329,Financial Phrasebank,The company says it is difficult to estimate the market situation for the whole year 2009 .,1,,, 4330,Financial Phrasebank,"The contract also includes cutting and edging wagon parts at Ruukki 's steel service centres in Seinajoki and Raahe , from where they will be delivered to VR for welding and assembly .",1,,, 4331,Financial Phrasebank,The current reference grade instruments are challenging to operate due to their high price and complexity for routine use .,0,,, 4332,Financial Phrasebank,"The deal covers Stockmann Auto Oy Ab 's sales and after-sales services concerning Volkswagen and Audi in Helsinki , Espoo and Vantaa .",1,,, 4333,Financial Phrasebank,The difference can be explained by the fact that two shipping companies have stopped operating in the Gulf of Finland .,1,,, 4334,Financial Phrasebank,"The dollar fell , though , against the pound and the yen .",0,,, 4335,Financial Phrasebank,The dual-fuel engines of the vessel can operate on liquefied natural gas LNG with low emissions .,1,,, 4336,Financial Phrasebank,The emerging markets that Raisio has chosen to enter so far are marked by relatively low per capita food consumption .,1,,, 4337,Financial Phrasebank,"The employer , together with health personnel , supports quitting and pays part of the cost of nicotine treatments .",1,,, 4338,Financial Phrasebank,"The equipment is designated to Bollore Africa Logistics terminal Societe d'Exploitation du Terminal de Vridi SETV in Abidjan , Ivory Coast and the delivery is scheduled to start in March 2010 .",1,,, 4339,Financial Phrasebank,"The evidentiary hearing in the Investigation is scheduled for April 21 - May 1 , 2008 .",1,,, 4340,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish food concern Atria is about to acquire two Estonian meat processing companies , Woro Kommerts and Vastse-Kuuste Lihatoostus , reported the Official website .",1,,, 4341,Financial Phrasebank,"The floor area of the Yliopistonrinne project will be 7,900 sq m and the building 's gross area will total 12,800 sq m. A total 25.1 % of the facilities have been let .",1,,, 4342,Financial Phrasebank,"The floor area of the Yliopistonrinne project will be 7,900 sq m 85,030 sq ft and the building 's gross area will total 12,800 sq m. A total 25.1 % of the facilities have been let .",1,,, 4343,Financial Phrasebank,The measures result from the statutory joint negotiations with employees which started in February and concerned all operations in the country .,1,,, 4344,Financial Phrasebank,"The NTSB said investigators are set to conduct sight distance tests on July 18 , using trains similar to those involved in the accident .",1,,, 4345,Financial Phrasebank,The number of salaried employees and group administration employees to be dismissed from the Sievi units is 17 .,0,,, 4346,Financial Phrasebank,"The pine oil project is related to the upgrade of the chemical recovery plant of UPM at its pulp mill in Kymi , southern Finland .",1,,, 4347,Financial Phrasebank,"The product range includes marinated olives , cold cuts , and pates , for example .",1,,, 4348,Financial Phrasebank,The statutory negotiations at headquarters are part of this decrease .,1,,, 4349,Financial Phrasebank,"The talks concerned about 160 people in Finland and the initial estimate was for about 35 redundancies , Fiskars said .",1,,, 4350,Financial Phrasebank,The terms and conditions of the year 2003 stock option scheme were published in a stock exchange release on 31 March 2003 .,1,,, 4351,Financial Phrasebank,The total number of filling stations has been on the decrease recently .,0,,, 4352,Financial Phrasebank,These restrictions do not apply to statutory dividends .,1,,, 4353,Financial Phrasebank,"This action follows personnel negotiations concerning Elcoteq SE , Finnish Branch , Elcoteq Finland Oy and Elcoteq Design Center Oy .",1,,, 4354,Financial Phrasebank,"Unbelievably , the company that makes them - Fiskars Corporation - was formed in 1649 when a Dutch merchant named Peter Thorwoste was given a charter to establish a blast furnace and forging operation in the small Finnish village of Fiskars .",1,,, 4355,Financial Phrasebank,"We have also cut our price projections for paper and packaging , '' an analyst with Goldman Sachs said on a note on Monday .",0,,, 4356,Financial Phrasebank,Why put up costly cell phone towers in thinly populated areas when a few balloons would do ?,1,,, 4357,Financial Phrasebank,"Viking Line has also been forced to alter its timetable so that ferries traveling from Stockholm to Helsinki , Finland , only depart at night .",1,,, 4358,Financial Phrasebank,Yakima created the position for him after emerging from economic downturns of its own .,1,,, 4359,Financial Phrasebank,"zip , '' experts warned Tuesday .",1,,, 4360,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish industrial group Ruukki Group has brought counter action against Finnish metal company Rautaruukki in the dispute concerning the names of the companies .,0,,, 4361,Financial Phrasebank,"This one was at one time targeted for June 5 , but if we had to guess , it 's been pushed back -- maybe we 're crazy , but we feel like it has n't leaked enough to meet that date at this point .",1,,, 4362,Financial Phrasebank,Border Guard Service has banned the mooring of the company car-shipping ferry on its test travel at the railroad-car terminal of the Russian port as the border checkpoint is not yet ready .,0,,, 4363,Financial Phrasebank,`` Those uncertainties cloud the long-term outlook . '',0,,, 4364,Financial Phrasebank,"20 October 2010 - Finnish environmental management company Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj HEL : LAT1V , or L&T , said Monday it expects its operating profit , excluding non-recurring items , for the whole 2010 to be slightly lower than in 2009 .",0,,, 4365,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Finnish petrol station chain St1 's managing director Kim Wiio , the company was forced to make purchases with rising prices in the first half of 2008 , and now consumer prices are going down almost daily due to competition .",0,,, 4366,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the Latvian business register , Uponor Latvia closed in red with LVL 99,000 EUR 139,538.17 USD 194,556.48 on turnover of LVL 2.346 mn for 2009 .",0,,, 4367,Financial Phrasebank,"Dolce & Gabbana has asked the European Union to declare Marimekko Corporation 's `` Unikko '' floral pattern trademark invalid , in a continuing dispute between the two companies .",0,,, 4368,Financial Phrasebank,Finnair said that the cancellation of flights would cause daily losses of x20ac 2.5 million US$ 3 million .,0,,, 4369,Financial Phrasebank,"Food sales totalled EUR 323.5 mn in October 2009 , representing a decrease of 5.5 % from October 2008 .",0,,, 4370,Financial Phrasebank,"ADP News - May 29 , 2009 - Bank of America BofA downgraded today its ratings on Swedish-Finnish paper maker Stora Enso Oyj HEL : STERV and on Finnish sector player UPM-Kymmene Oyj HEL : UPM1V to `` underperf",0,,, 4371,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit excluding non-recurring items totaled EUR 5.4 mn compared to EUR 5.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .,0,,, 4372,Financial Phrasebank,"Raute reported a loss per share of EUR0 .86 for the first half of 2009 , against EPS of EUR0 .74 in the corresponding period of 2008 .",0,,, 4373,Financial Phrasebank,The air traffic of Finland has been in stoppage since then .,0,,, 4374,Financial Phrasebank,The hack had been extra nefarious because the tweets activated without being clicked on - it was enough for Web surfers to move their mouse cursors over them .,0,,, 4375,Financial Phrasebank,The move was triggered by weak demand for forestry equipment and the uncertain market situation .,0,,, 4376,Financial Phrasebank,The situation of coated magazine printing paper will continue to be weak .,0,,, 4377,Financial Phrasebank,A high court in Finland has fined seven local asphalt companies more than lion ( $ 117 million ) for operating a cartel .,0,,, 4378,Financial Phrasebank,"The Estonian electronic components factory , Elcoteq , is running out of material because of the closure of air traffic .",0,,, 4379,Financial Phrasebank,"All the ferries had run into trouble just outside the Stockholm archipelago , made up of more than 20,000 islands .",0,,, 4380,Financial Phrasebank,And U.S. energy executives say high steel prices are threatening energy exploration .,0,,, 4381,Financial Phrasebank,"As capacity was cut with 1.4 % , the passenger load factor was down 7.8 percentage points .",0,,, 4382,Financial Phrasebank,"At present , the trade mark Pit-Produkt is little-known outside the North-West of Russia .",0,,, 4383,Financial Phrasebank,"Copper , lead and nickel also dropped ... HBOS ( HBOS ) plummeted 20 % to 70.3 pence after saying this year+ó ??",0,,, 4384,Financial Phrasebank,"Divisional sales demand in the half remained `` inconsistent '' , it added .",0,,, 4385,Financial Phrasebank,"During the strike , Finnair estimates to incur a net loss of between EUR2m and EUR2 .5 m per day .",0,,, 4386,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share ( EPS ) dropped to EUR 0.21 from EUR 0.31 .,0,,, 4387,Financial Phrasebank,EMSA Deputy Chairman of the Board Juri Lember told BNS on Wednesday that this was the first time he heard about the strike as the Swedish side had not informed the Estonian union yet .,0,,, 4388,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnair 's passenger load factor , which measures the number of sold seats as a share of all available seats , dropped by 1.3 percentage points to 76.7 % in September .",0,,, 4389,Financial Phrasebank,"Frost sold shares for $ 19 million at $ 6.06-7 .12 per share , compared with Friday 's high of $ 11.33 and low of $ 10.14 .",0,,, 4390,Financial Phrasebank,Full-year operating result for 2008 was 3.6 million negative .,0,,, 4391,Financial Phrasebank,Glaston 's net profit for the third quarter of 2007 dropped to 2.4 mln euro ( $ 3.5 mln ) from 3.5 mln euro ( $ 5.1 mln ) for the corresponding period of 2006 .,0,,, 4392,Financial Phrasebank,"In Q1 of 2009 , the company 's result before taxes from continuing operations , excluding non-recurring items , totalled EUR -0.4 mn , compared to EUR -0.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 4393,Financial Phrasebank,Kone said in court papers that the union action delayed repairs to elevators at the federal courthouse on Jan. 21 and the Saltonstall state office building on Jan. 23 .,0,,, 4394,Financial Phrasebank,L&T 's net profit for the whole 2010 dropped to EUR 36 million from EUR 45 million for 2009 .,0,,, 4395,Financial Phrasebank,"Lassila & Tikanoja 's operating profit excluding non-recurring and imputed items for the second quarter was EUR11 .3 m , down from EUR13 .8 m a year ago .",0,,, 4396,Financial Phrasebank,Last year 's third quarter result had been burdened by costs stemming from restructuring in the US .,0,,, 4397,Financial Phrasebank,"Many of the commercial vessels had got stuck in the narrow Bay of Bothnia , where the ice is thicker , and around the Aaland islands .",0,,, 4398,Financial Phrasebank,"Net cash flow from operating activities was a negative EUR 3.1 mn , compared to EUR 23.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",0,,, 4399,Financial Phrasebank,"Net cash from operating activities was a negative EUR 0.3 mn , compared to EUR 30.9 mn in 2009 .",0,,, 4400,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales dropped by 6 % year-on-year to EUR 11.9 million .,0,,, 4401,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales have been eaten by the weak US dollar .,0,,, 4402,Financial Phrasebank,"Nordic banks have already had to write off sizable loans in Latvia , with Swedbank , Nordea , DnB NOR and SEB reporting combined losses in excess of $ 1.35 billion in the period 2007 to 2010 against a backdrop of near economic meltdown in Latvia .",0,,, 4403,Financial Phrasebank,Nordic Walking was first used as a summer training method by cross-country skiers .,1,,, 4404,Financial Phrasebank,Okmetic expects its net sales for the first half of 2009 to be less than in 2008 .,0,,, 4405,Financial Phrasebank,"On top of that , the US Commerce Department published worse-than-expected construction spending figures for November .",0,,, 4406,Financial Phrasebank,Operating loss landed at EUR39m including one-offs and at EUR27m excluding one-offs .,1,,, 4407,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit , excluding non-recurring items , totaled EUR 0.2 mn , down from EUR 0.8 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .",0,,, 4408,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit , excluding non-recurring items , totalled EUR 1.0 mn , down from EUR 1.6 mn .",0,,, 4409,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit , excluding non-recurring items , totalled EUR 2.2 mn , down from EUR 2.7 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 4410,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit excluding non-recurring items amounted to EUR 40.6 mn , down from EUR 57.3 mn year-on-year .",0,,, 4411,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 7.8 million compared to EUR 11.2 million .,0,,, 4412,Financial Phrasebank,Relations with the City have been further damaged by comments from Mr Ashley criticising City investors and analysts as `` cry babies '' .,0,,, 4413,Financial Phrasebank,Reported operating margin was a negative 5.9 % .,0,,, 4414,Financial Phrasebank,Stora Chief Executive Jouko Karvinen has described the Russian tariff hikes as a threat to the future of the forest products industry in Finland .,0,,, 4415,Financial Phrasebank,Swedbank 's shares have been hardest hit of the Swedish banks by the ongoing international financial crisis .,0,,, 4416,Financial Phrasebank,The acquisition of +àlandsbanken Sverige in 2009 burdened the performance with EUR 3.0 mn .,0,,, 4417,Financial Phrasebank,"The currency effect had a 3.0 pct , or 20 mln euro ( $ 31.3 mln ) , negative impact on the revenue .",0,,, 4418,Financial Phrasebank,The Finnish company previously said its operating result will be lower than the break-even posted a year earlier .,0,,, 4419,Financial Phrasebank,The maritime administration said the ships had ignored warnings about the icy conditions .,0,,, 4420,Financial Phrasebank,"The offer , deemed too low by Finnlines ' board , stands until 4 pm tomorrow .",0,,, 4421,Financial Phrasebank,"The period 's sales dropped to EUR 30.6 million from EUR 38.3 million , according to the interim report , released today .",0,,, 4422,Financial Phrasebank,The recent troubles simply make NETeller cheaper .,0,,, 4423,Financial Phrasebank,The union filed a grievance over the company 's overtime assignment policies .,0,,, 4424,Financial Phrasebank,"Therefore , the company 's 2005 result will remain weaker than that of 2004 .",0,,, 4425,Financial Phrasebank,Vaisala 's net profit for the third quarter of 2007 dropped to 3.0 mln euro ( $ 4.3 mln ) from 6.8 mln euro ( $ 9.8 mln ) for the same period of 2006 .,0,,, 4426,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The considerably weaker U.S. dollar and British pound had an impact on sales and average prices in euros , '' UPM said .",0,,, 4427,Financial Phrasebank,"`` The implementation of these programs has had , and will have , negative impacts on 2006 and 2007 earnings , '' Mr Meiklejohn said .",0,,, 4428,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We can say that the number of deals has become normalized by the moment , and therefore we have decided to devalue our apartments now on sale , '' he added .",0,,, 4429,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We cut our frequency to New York last year , which explains the fall , '' he said .",0,,, 4430,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We see that the market continues to be tight in magazine papers , and our target is to close the deals by the end of the year . ''",0,,, 4431,Financial Phrasebank,A survey conducted by Taloustutkimus for Sampo Life shows that companies are badly prepared to losing key staff members .,0,,, 4432,Financial Phrasebank,"Agricultural newspaper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus had 318,000 readers , representing a decrease of 6 % .",0,,, 4433,Financial Phrasebank,"At 1411 CET , ArcelorMittal had lost 7.26 % to EUR 17.38 on Euronext Paris , coming at the lead of the blue-chip fallers .",0,,, 4434,Financial Phrasebank,Cash flow from operations in January-December 2008 was a negative EUR 18.1 mn compared to EUR 39.0 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .,0,,, 4435,Financial Phrasebank,EPS dropped to EUR0 .2 from EUR0 .3 .,0,,, 4436,Financial Phrasebank,"Kiosk and cinema operations have suffered , in particular .",0,,, 4437,Financial Phrasebank,Kone shares dropped 4.1 percent to x20ac 43 US$ 55.77 in Helsinki .,0,,, 4438,Financial Phrasebank,Ramirent made 18 million kroons EUR 1.15 mln loss last year ; the year before the company was 7.3 million kroons in the black .,0,,, 4439,Financial Phrasebank,Return on capital employed ROCE was a negative 2.3 % compared to 11.3 % in 2007 .,0,,, 4440,Financial Phrasebank,Stora Enso 's target has been cut to EUR 4.85 from EUR 5.55 and Holmen 's target -- to SEK 135 from SEK 150 .,0,,, 4441,Financial Phrasebank,The dismissed staff members will now take the matter to court unless it can be settled outside .,0,,, 4442,Financial Phrasebank,"The EU Commission said earlier it had fined ThyssenKrupp , United Technologies Corp 's Otis , Schindler AG and Kone Oyj a total of 992.3 mln eur for alleged cartel activity in the lift market going back twelve years .",0,,, 4443,Financial Phrasebank,"The one dark spot on the horizon , however , was the company 's performance in the Finnish bottled water market .",0,,, 4444,Financial Phrasebank,"The period 's sales dropped to EUR30 .6 m from EUR38 .3 m , according to the interim report , released today .",0,,, 4445,Financial Phrasebank,"YIT lodged counter claims against Neste Oil totaling some EUR25m , primarily based on work carried out under the contract and additional costs incurred due to prolongation of the project .",0,,, 4446,Financial Phrasebank,"` The stable outlook reflects Nokia 's strong market position in the global mobile handset market , strong cash flow generation , and very conservative balance sheet , ' said Raab .",2,,, 4447,Financial Phrasebank,"These financing arrangements will enable the company to ensure , in line with its treasury policy , that it has sufficient financial instruments at its disposal for its potential capital requirements .",2,,, 4448,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Karhinen , OP-Pohjola is an exciting enterprise because the cooperation will bring huge opportunities for customers and the company itself .",2,,, 4449,Financial Phrasebank,"Based upon its unique fiber expertise and innovative approach , the company has a strong market position in several business areas in which it operates .",2,,, 4450,Financial Phrasebank,"efficiency improvement measures 20 January 2010 - Finnish stationery and gift retailer Tiimari HEL : TII1V said today that it will continue to improve its operational efficiency , by focusing on its profitable core operations .",2,,, 4451,Financial Phrasebank,Efore 's results for the last quarter showed an even faster improvement as the company managed to better source its components .,2,,, 4452,Financial Phrasebank,Technical indicators for the stock are bullish and S&P gives NOK a positive 4 STARS out of 5 buy ranking .,2,,, 4453,Financial Phrasebank,"The broker highlights Cargotec as its preferred stock in the sector , as it is a pure play on global cargo and container handling , and it expects it to play an active role in further consolidating the industry .",2,,, 4454,Financial Phrasebank,"The restructuring creates a more efficient organization with increased operational focus and stable profitability , and leads to more efficient production , said Bo Annvik , head of Specialty Stainless .",2,,, 4455,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We 're delighted with the move '' says Morna Cowie , co-owner , above , `` it 's double the size of our current shop and has a lovely feel to it . ''",2,,, 4456,Financial Phrasebank,Elcoteq has a proven track record in electronics manufacturing services ( EMS ) and a global factory network coupled with modern manufacturing equipment and consistent systems and processes .,2,,, 4457,Financial Phrasebank,"Previously , the company also delivered about 70 % of the steel used in Oasis of the Seas , Allure of the Seas ' sister ship completed last year .",1,,, 4458,Financial Phrasebank,The main strength of the cooperation project lies in merging the know-how of two large companies .,2,,, 4459,Financial Phrasebank,"The Dutch broker noted that Nokian Tyres reported a good first quarter in 2006 , above or in line with consensus .",2,,, 4460,Financial Phrasebank,"The Nokian tyre proves its high safety excellently in the important driving qualities stability with mark 1.4 , handling 1.5 and braking on wet road with 1.9 .",2,,, 4461,Financial Phrasebank,"The respondents praised Finnair 's reliability , Finnishness , and understanding of its target group .",2,,, 4462,Financial Phrasebank,This ideally placed them in a position to tap into the potential of clean technology .,1,,, 4463,Financial Phrasebank,"The long-standing partnership and commitment enable both parties to develop their respective operations , and ESL Shipping will also have the opportunity to update its fleet and improve its efficiency .",2,,, 4464,Financial Phrasebank,"Thanks to his wide contact network and good knowledge of market and business environment , he will give a great contribution to the further development of our Indian operations '' , tells Incap 's President & CEO Juhani Hanninen .",2,,, 4465,Financial Phrasebank,A comprehensive range of cut-to-length and slitting services will allow Ruukki in particular to serve light engineering customers who relocate their production to the St. Petersburg area .,1,,, 4466,Financial Phrasebank,"Creating interfaces that are more similar to interactions in the real world can enable experiences that are more natural and intuitive , in the same way that modern games and movies are more immersive through the use of realistic 3-D graphics .",1,,, 4467,Financial Phrasebank,Fiskars will be undertaking community projects throughout the UK and they are also on the lookout for local volunteers who are interested in helping out with the selected restoration projects .,1,,, 4468,Financial Phrasebank,"INTERNET BUSINESS NEWS - -® 1995-2006 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD As part of a drive to protect users of its Internet banking service , Barclays Bank has announced that it is to recommend F-Secure Internet Security to its customers .",1,,, 4469,Financial Phrasebank,"Tieto was looking for an energy solution which would best support the idea of sustainable development , and we were happy to be able to provide such a solution , saysJouni Haikarainen , Vice President , Fortum .",2,,, 4470,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Rautaruukki , the company wants to promote the use of emission-free energy sources .",1,,, 4471,Financial Phrasebank,Atria chose the DeLight to attract consumers in the 25-45 age group to its Atria Fresh range of microwaveable meals .,1,,, 4472,Financial Phrasebank,"I use natural fibers to make the clothes more comfortable , to allow your skin to breathe and to be eco-friendly .",2,,, 4473,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , a good biological durability is achieved . ''",1,,, 4474,Financial Phrasebank,"The newly-completed Allure of the Seas and its identical sister ship , Oasis of the Seas , which was completed last year are the world 's largest cruise ships .",1,,, 4475,Financial Phrasebank,The recruits who have completed the K-retailer trainee program are qualified to start a career as independent retailers in K-stores .,1,,, 4476,Financial Phrasebank,"wins 98 % acceptance 23 December 2009 - Finnish industrial machinery company Metso Oyj ( HEL : MEO1V ) said today it will complete its takeover offer for textile company Tamfelt Oyj Abp ( HEL : TAFKS ) , after acquiring 98 % of its shares and votes .",1,,, 4477,Financial Phrasebank,"`` We love Activision 's fresh , colorful approach to Rapala : We Fish , '' said Kelly Brockpahler , Rapala .",2,,, 4478,Financial Phrasebank,"A light , bright and pretty addition to your life , it will also keep a few pennies in your bank account .",1,,, 4479,Financial Phrasebank,All Amer Sports companies develop and manufacture technically advanced products that improve the performance of active sports participants .,1,,, 4480,Financial Phrasebank,At the same time I am delighted by the fact that we were able to accomplish the organization with our own team members .,2,,, 4481,Financial Phrasebank,"In addition , we will launch a versatile online service to complete the traditional printed newspaper , Mr. Valkama says .",1,,, 4482,Financial Phrasebank,"Stora Enso said DeLight was suitable for a wide range of applications including food , cosmetics , home decoration and leisure products .",1,,, 4483,Financial Phrasebank,We are very proud to be able to use this kind of innovative mobile service for voting in elections .,2,,, 4484,Financial Phrasebank,"Tim Cockroft brings with him an excellent track record having more than 18 years experience ; moreover , Tim has successfully developed the Capital Markets operations at Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander involving corporate finance and broking with a focus on mid-market companies .",2,,, 4485,Financial Phrasebank,The board further said the company omitted to tender for a substantial part of the works and as such they had rightfully been found non-responsive by the evaluation team .,1,,, 4486,Financial Phrasebank,"`` After a long , unprofitable period the Food Division posted a profitable result , which speaks of a healthier cost structure and a new approach in business operations , '' Rihko said .",2,,, 4487,Financial Phrasebank,"`` While concerns remain longer term , size and scale may enable Nokia to hold on to its newfound margin improvements in the near term , '' the analyst wrote .",2,,, 4488,Financial Phrasebank,"Continuing operations turned an operating loss of EUR 0.1 mn , a slight improvement from a loss of EUR 0.2 mn a year earlier .",2,,, 4489,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share were higher at 0.48 against 0.37 a year before and ahead of market consensus of 0.40 eur .,2,,, 4490,Financial Phrasebank,"W+ñrtsil+ñ 's solution has been selected for its low fuel consumption , environmentally sound technology , and global service support .",2,,, 4491,Financial Phrasebank,"Dirk Jones , head of Financial Institutions Client Sales Management , GTS , Citigroup , Inc , said , ` Citi is extremely pleased to be providing global custody services to Pohjola Group Bank .",2,,, 4492,Financial Phrasebank,The company said it estimates to make a slight profit thanks to cost-cutting measures .,2,,, 4493,Financial Phrasebank,"The previously concluded adaptation measures , concerning other staff , were adequate for the time being , and the planning operations continue as before at the plant , the company said .",2,,, 4494,Financial Phrasebank,"The previously concluded adaptation measures concerning the other personnel are adequate for the time being , Raute said .",2,,, 4495,Financial Phrasebank,"` After fixing our home-base , cutting costs and closing the non-profitable units , we are now looking at going forward , ' she said .",2,,, 4496,Financial Phrasebank,"29 September , 2010 Finnish waste management and recycling company Lassila & Tikanoja expands its operations in Russia by introducing its recently completed recycling plant in the city of Dubna near Moscow .",2,,, 4497,Financial Phrasebank,"Rory Fitzgerald , general manager , operations , Bristol Port , said : `` With the use of low maintenance technology we can save up to 30 per cent on servicing , plus the load sensing hydraulics can save us an extra 15 to 30 per cent on fuel consumption . ''",2,,, 4498,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Method and System for Controlling a Hard Disk Drive Using a Multimediacard Physical Interface '' was invented by Marko Ahvenainen Ruutana , Finland .",1,,, 4499,Financial Phrasebank,"The 10,000-odd square metre plot that Stockmann has bought for the Nevsky Center shopping center is located on Nevsky Prospect , St Petersburg 's high street , next to the Vosstaniya Square underground station , in the immediate vicinity of Moscow Station .",1,,, 4500,Financial Phrasebank,The court found TelecomInvest 's arguments convincing .,2,,, 4501,Financial Phrasebank,"The other actions include the cutting of the expensive weekend shifts , the freezing of the production bonus system and by a general cost-cutting program .",1,,, 4502,Financial Phrasebank,"Typically , the transmission power level can be decreased when the interference noise is above a predefined value .",1,,, 4503,Financial Phrasebank,Bioheapleaching makes extraction of metals from low grade ore economically viable .,1,,, 4504,Financial Phrasebank,"Dubai Nokia has announced the launch of `` Comes with Music '' , its ground-breaking service which introduces a new way for people to enjoy music .",2,,, 4505,Financial Phrasebank,"Rapala VMC Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE October 10 , 2008 at 11.45 am Kaupthing Bank Oyj ( `` Kapthing '' ) has informed Rapala VMC Corporation ( `` Rapala '' ) that it has interrupted the liquidity providing for Rapala 's share for the time being .",0,,, 4506,Financial Phrasebank,"Steve Jackson , eBusiness Analyst at Satama and former CEO of Aboavista said : `` Google broke the mold when they gave away Google Analytics for free .",1,,, 4507,Financial Phrasebank,"Sukhraj Dulai , of the 2900 block of Boni Sue Court , a cul-de-sac on the city 's north side , started the vehicle and went inside his house about 8 a.m. Tuesday , leaving the garage door open .",1,,, 4508,Financial Phrasebank,The negotiations concern 246 salaried and senior salaried employees and are scheduled to be completed in six weeks .,1,,, 4509,Financial Phrasebank,"Typical end-uses include roof structures , floorings , walls and ceilings , non-visible structures in vehicles , packaging and boxes , construction site structures , fencing and shelters , and formwork with a limited number of concrete pourings .",1,,, 4510,Financial Phrasebank,"We offer challenging and interesting employment for over 20,000 people in 20 countries throughout Europe .",1,,, 4511,Financial Phrasebank,"We offer our clients integrated management consulting , total solutions for complex projects and efficient , best-in-class design and supervision .",1,,, 4512,Financial Phrasebank,`` Our research shows that access to information technology has been one of the limiting factors for most small businesses especially when they work in a heterogenous network based environment .,1,,, 4513,Financial Phrasebank,1 Block lamp Harri Koskinen 's light was introduced in 1996 and has been a bestseller ever since .,2,,, 4514,Financial Phrasebank,"Amer , which bought Salomon from adidas in October , said the job cuts are aimed at boosting competitiveness .",1,,, 4515,Financial Phrasebank,"However , this increases signaling traffic which wastes network resources and allows fewer smartphones to connect .",0,,, 4516,Financial Phrasebank,"In a note to clients published , the Dutch broker described the company 's third quarter results as ` soft ' , although it also noted that Elcoteq retained its guidance , dealers said .",1,,, 4517,Financial Phrasebank,M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within information on on the world wide web .,1,,, 4518,Financial Phrasebank,Rosen was cautious about being too optimistic inregard to the second half of the year .,1,,, 4519,Financial Phrasebank,"The EB Tough VoIP Field Phone is equipped with an integrated speaker , Ethernet and SHDSL connectivity , and enables several innovative applications .",1,,, 4520,Financial Phrasebank,The first ship has been delayed and is estimated to be completed in spring 2010 .,0,,, 4521,Financial Phrasebank,"Tallink Silja attributes the significant drop to problems with the booking system that was taken into operation in October , the sale of trailer ferry ` Sky Wind ' and the route between Stockholm and Riga , which has won passengers from the Helsinki-Stockholm route .",0,,, 4522,Financial Phrasebank,Finnlines estimated in its annual general meeting that 2008 will be financially a tough year due to large investments .,0,,, 4523,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Adjustment to the fall in price level , in contrast , has been less effective .",0,,, 4524,Financial Phrasebank,17 March 2011 - Goldman Sachs estimates that there are negative prospects for the Norwegian mobile operations of Norway 's Telenor ASA OSL : TEL and Sweden 's TeliaSonera AB STO : TLSN in the short term .,0,,, 4525,Financial Phrasebank,"To ensure low operational cost for radio networks , the BTS modules can be configured , software upgraded and diagnosed remotely .",2,,, 4526,Financial Phrasebank,"Based on the first quarter result , existing order backlog and new order prospects , the company expects that full-year sales will contract by 25 % from 2008 , the gross margin will stay at a healthy level , and the operating profit margin will be lower than in 2008 due to lower sales volume .",0,,, 4527,Financial Phrasebank,"Key shareholders of Finnish IT services provider TietoEnator Oyj on Friday rejected a hostile EUR1 .08 billion $ 1.67 billion offer from buyout shop Nordic Capital , giving new life to a possible counter offer from Blackstone Group LP and Norwegian telecom Telenor ASA .",2,,, 4528,Financial Phrasebank,"He answers questions on how many visitors Conversations gets , how big the team is and what the problems are when setting up social media channels .",1,,, 4529,Financial Phrasebank,stores 16 March 2010 - Finnish stationery and gift retailer Tiimari HEL : TII1V said yesterday that it will cut a total of 28 jobs in its units Tiimari Retail Ltd and Gallerix Finland Ltd as a result of the closure of shops .,0,,, 4530,Financial Phrasebank,"A local waste management company , Turun Seudun J+ñtehuolto , has planned to set up a 150,000 tonne waste-burning facility .",1,,, 4531,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Chairman Michael Hornborg , the organizations has merely criticised Raisio 's weak performance .",1,,, 4532,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result , the Russia 's import restrictions on Finnish dairy companies will be canceled on 6 August 2010 .",2,,, 4533,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish forestry company UPM-Kymmene and waste management company Lassila & Tikanoja said on Jan. 30 they were planning to produce ethanol and energy from commercial and industrial waste .,1,,, 4534,Financial Phrasebank,"Only the driver was left in the car with the suspect , who was kidnapped and forced at gunpoint to drive to Durham .",0,,, 4535,Financial Phrasebank,"PGE Belchatow runs the 4.44 GW Belchatow coal-fired power plant , and Fortum has intentions to start a CCS demonstration project jointly with Teollisuuden Voima Oyj ( TVO ) - another Finnish utility - at the their jointly owned 565MW Meri-Pori coal-fired facility .",1,,, 4536,Financial Phrasebank,"The chain has been trying to cut its own costs , pressuring vendors such as fitness equipment manufacturer Precor to slash prices .",1,,, 4537,Financial Phrasebank,BioTie North-American licensing partner Somaxon Pharmaceuticals started a phase II-III clinical study in patients suffering from pathological gambling and a pilot phase II study in nicotine addiction smoking cessation .,1,,, 4538,Financial Phrasebank,"For 24-hour news , try ICIS news Click `` trial '' , then ICIS news",1,,, 4539,Financial Phrasebank,He wore a black beanie-type cap and a black jacket .,1,,, 4540,Financial Phrasebank,The administrators have indicated a need for 900 job cuts at the Irish insurer over the next 15 months .,0,,, 4541,Financial Phrasebank,The products have a low salt and fat content .,1,,, 4542,Financial Phrasebank,The total need for staff cuts corresponds to about 300 man-years .,0,,, 4543,Financial Phrasebank,"According to product manager Lassi Hietanen , building a power plant that burns mixed waste in Helsinki may not be a good idea because this reduces the production of combined power plants using natural gas .",1,,, 4544,Financial Phrasebank,"According to Scanfil , demand for telecommunications network products has fluctuated significantly in the third quarter of 2006 , and the situation is expected to remain unstable for the rest of the year .",0,,, 4545,Financial Phrasebank,Finnair believes the strike will cause it daily net losses in excess of EUR 2mn due to canceled reservations and passenger re-routing .,0,,, 4546,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI Thomson Financial - Shares closed little changed , with Cargotec and Huhtamaki dropping sharply on disappointing second-quarter reports .",0,,, 4547,Financial Phrasebank,"The airline estimated that the cancellation of its flights due to the closure of European airspace , and the process of recommencing traffic , have caused a the company a loss of EUR20m , including the costs of stranded passengers ' accommodation .",0,,, 4548,Financial Phrasebank,The announcement comes two weeks before a key licensing agreement expires between between the two companies which are embroiled in a disagreement over royalty payments for Texas Instrument chips which use Qualcomm-patented technology .,0,,, 4549,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , OP-Pohjola 's staff union is boycotting the group 's insurance sales tasks because the company has refused to take the sale of insurance into account in determining wages .",0,,, 4550,Financial Phrasebank,Ruukki Group calculates that it has lost EUR 4mn in the failed project .,0,,, 4551,Financial Phrasebank,"Samsung currently occupies third place and lost ground during the quarter , dropping by 1.8 % to an 11.1 % share overall .",0,,, 4552,Financial Phrasebank,"The Baltimore Police and Fire Pension , which has about $ 1.5 billion , lost about $ 3.5 million in Madoff Ponzi scheme .",0,,, 4553,Financial Phrasebank,"Vanhanen said the strike would be `` extremely damaging '' as some 1,300 participants and reporters begin to arrive in Finland for the one-day EU summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Lahti , about 100 kilometers ( 60 miles ) north of Helsinki .",0,,, 4554,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Small firms are suffering at the moment because they are likely to have money trouble , '' he added .",0,,, 4555,Financial Phrasebank,Altogether Finnair has canceled over 500 flights because of the strike .,0,,, 4556,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating result , excluding one-off items , totaled EUR 9.1 mn compared to EUR 10.6 mn in continuing operations , excluding one-off items in 2004 .",0,,, 4557,Financial Phrasebank,"Dealers said the share was largely hit by investor disappointment about a refining margin of just 9.48 usd per barrel for the quarter and the performance of its shipping unit , which saw EBIT drop to 5 mln eur from 20 mln eur a year amid a fall in volumes and tanker rates .",0,,, 4558,Financial Phrasebank,"Making matters more difficult , the company said it has been grappling with higher oil and gas prices , which have pushed up the cost of energy , raw materials and transportation .",0,,, 4559,Financial Phrasebank,"`` Beyond the improved voice capabilities , customers now have a streamlined way to comply with recalls and other traceability requirements , providing them with a competitive advantage .",2,,, 4560,Financial Phrasebank,Finnair was able to operate most of its leisure flights despite the strike .,2,,, 4561,Financial Phrasebank,"The business idea of Budget Sport is to offer customers a wide range of high-quality sports equipment and clothing at low prices , the company said .",1,,, 4562,Financial Phrasebank,One of the headboxes will be equipped with a modern consistency control system to ensure cross machine profile of the plasterboard .,1,,, 4563,Financial Phrasebank,"One of the headboxes will be equipped with a modern consistency control system to ensure cross machine profile of the plasterboard , company said in a statement received by Lesprom Network .",1,,, 4564,Financial Phrasebank,Small investors have voiced fears that the shares will end up with risk investors .,0,,, 4565,Financial Phrasebank,"The result will also be burdened by increased fixed costs associated with operations in China , and restructuring costs in Japan .",0,,, 4566,Financial Phrasebank,"As part of the transaction , M-real and Sappi have also signed a long-term agreement on the supply of pulp and BCTMP and other smaller services and supplies .",2,,, 4567,Financial Phrasebank,Sales were down 14 per cent in Finland and up 27 per cent abroad where sales were lifted by the strong growth in sales in Russia and Lithuania .,1,,, 4568,Financial Phrasebank,"In Asia earlier , Japan 's Nikkei index fell 0.62 percent and Hong Kong 's Hang Seng Index rose 0.56 percent .",1,,, 4569,Financial Phrasebank,4 February 2011 - Finnish privacy and security software developer Tectia Oyj ( HEL : TEC1V ) said Wednesday it has set up two strategic business units - managed security and mobile authentication .,1,,, 4570,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the 12-month period decreased from EUR2 .9 m while turnover increased from EUR24 .5 m , as compared to the financial year 2004 .",0,,, 4571,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the 12-month period decreased from EUR28 .2 m while net turnover increased from EUR313 .42 m , as compared to the financial year 2004 .",0,,, 4572,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the 12-month period decreased from EUR5 .4 m while net sales increased from EUR62 .0 m , as compared to the financial year 2004 .",0,,, 4573,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the 12-month period decreased from EUR9 .6 m while net sales increased from EUR69 .0 m , as compared to 2005 .",1,,, 4574,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the six-month period decreased from EUR111 .9 m , while sales increased from EUR1 ,275 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2006 .",1,,, 4575,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the six-month period decreased from EUR21m , while net sales increased from EUR436 .9 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2007 .",0,,, 4576,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the three-month period decreased from EUR1 .65 m while net sales increased from EUR14 .6 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",0,,, 4577,Financial Phrasebank,"In the first half of 2008 , the Bank 's operating profit fell to EUR 11.8 mn from EUR 18.9 mn , while net interest income increased to EUR 20.9 mn from EUR 18.8 mn in the first half of 2007 .",0,,, 4578,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the 12-month period decreased from EUR157 .5 m , while net sales increased from EUR634 .3 m , as compared to 2007 .",0,,, 4579,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the 12-month period decreased from EUR17 .9 m while net sales increased from EUR58 .3 m , as compared to 2007 .",0,,, 4580,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit for the nine-month period decreased from EUR19 .9 m while net sales increased from EUR155 .7 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2007 .",0,,, 4581,Financial Phrasebank,"Comparable operating profit for the quarter decreased from EUR510m while sales increased from EUR860m , as compared to the third quarter 2007 .",0,,, 4582,Financial Phrasebank,"Earlier today , Geberit 's Finnish rival Uponor OYJ cut its full-year sales growth forecast to 6 pct from 10 pct , blaming tough conditions in Germany and the US , as well as currency factors .",0,,, 4583,Financial Phrasebank,"In the fourth quarter of 2009 , Atria 's net loss shrank to EUR 1.2 million from EUR 5.9 million and net sales contracted to EUR 340.4 million from EUR 361.1 million .",2,,, 4584,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss totalled EUR 0.3 mn , down from a profit of EUR 5.1 mn in the first half of 2009 .",0,,, 4585,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating loss totalled EUR 0.9 mn , down from a profit of EUR 2.7 mn .",0,,, 4586,Financial Phrasebank,"Pretax loss totaled EUR 1.2 mn , down from a profit of EUR 2.1 mn in 2004 .",0,,, 4587,Financial Phrasebank,"The group 's operating loss was EUR 0.8 mn , down from a profit of EUR 2.5 mn in 2004 .",0,,, 4588,Financial Phrasebank,"The Finnish national carrier said net loss in April through June was euro26 million , down from a net profit of euro13 million a year earlier .",0,,, 4589,Financial Phrasebank,"It generated an operating loss of EUR 96.3 mn , down from a profit of EUR 43.9 mn .",0,,, 4590,Financial Phrasebank,"The highest growth would be in China , while weakening demand would continue in North America , UPM said .",1,,, 4591,Financial Phrasebank,"UPM said the move will lower net profit by x20ac 385 million US$ 520 million in the second quarter , mainly due to impairment charges .",0,,, 4592,Financial Phrasebank,"Marubeni has participated in GHG - Green House Gas - emission reduction projects overseas , obtained emissions credit from its projects and has provided these to Japanese clients .",1,,, 4593,Financial Phrasebank,"The two companies will also partner in further developing Raiso 's cholesterol lowering brand , Benecol .",2,,, 4594,Financial Phrasebank,"Below are consolidated , unaudited results for Amanda Capital under IFRS reporting standards .",1,,, 4595,Financial Phrasebank,Below are unaudited consolidated results for Aspocomp Group under IFRS reporting standards .,1,,, 4596,Financial Phrasebank,"ASPOCOMP GROUP OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE December 15 , 2006 at 4:50 PM According to the disclosure received today by Aspocomp Group Oyj , the share of Henrik Nyberg in Aspocomp Group Oyj 's share capital and votes has decreased below 5 percent .",1,,, 4597,Financial Phrasebank,Sales fell abroad but increased in Finland .,1,,, 4598,Financial Phrasebank,"Since the association 's data do not cover sales figures from about 100 small local breweries and sales of imported beer products , the actual market shares of its members are smaller than those given in the report .",0,,, 4599,Financial Phrasebank,Total two offers were received by Contracting Authority for participating in this contract ; however the contract was allotted to Affecto Finland Oy .,1,,, 4600,Financial Phrasebank,"At 1.33 pm , the OMX Helsinki 25 was 0.30 pct lower at 2,463.67 and the OMX Helsinki was down 0.37 pct at 8,537.42 on volume of 256 mln eur .",0,,, 4601,Financial Phrasebank,"At 12.01 pm , the OMX Helsinki 25 was down 0.66 pct to 3,143.57 and the OMX Helsinki was 0.67 pct lower at 10,530.74 on 253 mln eur turnover .",0,,, 4602,Financial Phrasebank,"Compared with the FTSE 100 index , which fell 35.2 points ( or 0.6 % ) on the day , this was a relative price change of 0.6 % .",1,,, 4603,Financial Phrasebank,Elcoteq SE is Europe 's largest contract electronics maker and has set up a unit in Bangalore in association with Avista Advisory of Mumbai .,1,,, 4604,Financial Phrasebank,HELSINKI ( AFX ) - KCI Konecranes said that Franklin Resources Inc 's share of voting rights in the Finnish cranes company fell last week to 4.65 pct from more than 9 pct in October 2005 .,0,,, 4605,Financial Phrasebank,"In January-August 2009 , imports by sea in container , lorry , and trailer units fell by 27.7 % and exports by 28.6 % from the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 4606,Financial Phrasebank,Liora 's got a brand-new bag .,1,,, 4607,Financial Phrasebank,The airline 's share price closed down slightly at ( x20ac ) 12.51 ( $ 15US .74 ) in Helsinki .,0,,, 4608,Financial Phrasebank,"The OMX Helsinki 25 ended 0.47 pct lower at 3,150.55 and the OMX Helsinki was down 0.21 pct at 10,736.42 on 1.523 bln eur turnover .",0,,, 4609,Financial Phrasebank,"The podcast , sees Harple provide the low-down on GyPSii 's platform , which takes someone 's location and demographic information to produce a contextual index of the world around them .",1,,, 4610,Financial Phrasebank,"When this information was released on 5 September 2008 , Nokia 's American Depositary shares fell by 8 % .",0,,, 4611,Financial Phrasebank,"- Among other Finnish shares traded in the US , Stora Enso closed 0.33 pct lower at 12.11 eur , UPM-Kymmene was up 0.28 pct at 18.10 eur , and Metso was down 0.13 pct at 31.06 eur .",1,,, 4612,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish construction company YIT is reducing the number of start-ups of market-financed residential units in 2007 to about 2,300 from the previously announced 2,700 .",0,,, 4613,Financial Phrasebank,"At 10.33 am , Huhtamaki was the market 's biggest faller , 8.69 pct lower at 11.35 eur , while the OMX Helsinki 25 was 0.32 pct higher at 3,332.41 , and the OMX Helsinki was up 0.47 pct at 11,687.32 .",0,,, 4614,Financial Phrasebank,"At 12.59 pm , the OMX Helsinki 25 index was 0.32 pct lower at 2,694.81 .",0,,, 4615,Financial Phrasebank,"At the close , the OMX Helsinki 25 was 0.01 pct lower at 3,067.64 points and the OMX Helsinki was down 0.05 pct at 10,321.46 points on over 1.343 bln eur of turnover .",0,,, 4616,Financial Phrasebank,"Body The credit falls due February 24 , 2014 .",1,,, 4617,Financial Phrasebank,"Capacity will ease at its Seikku sawmill in Pori and Alholma sawmill in Pietarsaari and result in 60 people being laid off for around six weeks starting mid-May , it said .",0,,, 4618,Financial Phrasebank,"However , two of the previously ordered sets will start producing electricity at the end of October 2010 , it said .",1,,, 4619,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales in local currencies decreased by 0.5 percent while the number of subscribers rose by 12.7 million to a total of 147.6 million at the end of fourth quarter , the company said .",1,,, 4620,Financial Phrasebank,The company confirmed its estimate for lower revenue for the whole 2009 than the year-ago EUR 93.9 million USD 137.3 m as given in the interim report on August 5 .,0,,, 4621,Financial Phrasebank,The company expects its net sales for the whole 2009 to remain below the 2008 level .,0,,, 4622,Financial Phrasebank,The measures result from decreased demand in technical design and product information .,0,,, 4623,Financial Phrasebank,"The OMX Nordic 40 OMXN40 index , comprising the 40 most traded Nordic stocks on the Nasdaq OMX exchange , closed down 0.87 % at 1,064.14 points on Thursday .",0,,, 4624,Financial Phrasebank,The repurchases shall decrease the distributable capital and reserves .,0,,, 4625,Financial Phrasebank,- Net sales for the period are expected to fall well below that of last year and the result after non-recurring items is expected to be in the red .,0,,, 4626,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , the Bank of +àland reports its operating profit fell to EUR 6.1 mn in the second quarter of 2008 from EUR 7.5 mn in the second quarter of 2007 .",0,,, 4627,Financial Phrasebank,"Budapest , August 10 MTI - Finnish electronics maker Elcoteq will lay off 700 workers at its plants in Pecs S Hungary at the end of September because of falling orders , communications director for Elcoteq 's local unit , Zoltan Krippl told MTI on Monday .",0,,, 4628,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share EPS in 2005 decreased to EUR0 .66 from EUR1 .15 in 2004 .,0,,, 4629,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnair 's Tallinn-based subsidiary , Aero AS , carried 23,335 passengers , a decline of 60.8 % , on routes between Helsinki and the Baltic capitals and within Southern Finland .",0,,, 4630,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI AFX - Kesko Corp is expected to report a lower second quarter EPS today due to tax charges , but other earnings lines are seen higher year-on-year , analysts said .",0,,, 4631,Financial Phrasebank,"In Q1 of 2009 , Bank of +àland 's net interest income weakened by 10 % to EUR 9.1 mn .",0,,, 4632,Financial Phrasebank,"ADPnews - Aug 3 , 2009 - Finnish media group Ilkka-Yhtyma Oyj HEL : ILK2S said today its net profit fell 45 % on the year to EUR 5.9 million USD 8.4 m in the first half of 2009 .",0,,, 4633,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit for 2009 lower than outlook published earlier .,0,,, 4634,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit for continuing operations fell to EUR 48.3 mn from EUR 72.4 mn in the first half of 2007 .,0,,, 4635,Financial Phrasebank,"Revenue for the quarter totaled 27.4 billion , down 2 percent from 28.1 billion in the fourth quarter in 2008 .",0,,, 4636,Financial Phrasebank,"Sampo Bank 's market share of lending was 13.6 % , down from 14.4 % in the first quarter of 2008 .",0,,, 4637,Financial Phrasebank,Sanoma News ' advertising sales decreased by 22 % during the year .,0,,, 4638,Financial Phrasebank,"26 October 2010 - Finnish environmental management company Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj ( HEL : LAT1V ) , or L&T , said today its net profit declined to EUR20 .9 m for the first nine months of 2010 from EUR27 .6 m for the same period a year earlier .",0,,, 4639,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish Bank of +àland reports its operating profit fell to EUR 4.9 mn in the third quarter of 2007 from EUR 5.6 mn in the third quarter of 2006 .,0,,, 4640,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Bank of +àland reports operating profit of EUR 2.2 mn in the first quarter of 2010 , down from EUR 6.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",0,,, 4641,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish electronics contract manufacturer Scanfil reports net sales of EUR 241.2 mn in 2006 , down from EUR 321.6 mn in 2005 .",0,,, 4642,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish electronics contract manufacturer Scanfil reports net sales of EUR 58.9 mn in the second quarter of 2007 , down from EUR 62.4 mn a year earlier .",0,,, 4643,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Exel Composites , a technology company that designs , manufactures , and markets composite profiles and tubes for various industrial applications , reports its net sales decreased by 0.6 % in the second quarter of 2010 to EUR 19.2 mn from EUR 19.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",0,,, 4644,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish GeoSentric 's net sales decreased to EUR 939,000 in January-March 2009 .",0,,, 4645,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Kemira 's net sales EUR decreased to EUR 1,259.6 mn in January-June 2009 from EUR 1,425.1 mn in January-June 2008 .",0,,, 4646,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish plumbing and heating systems supplier Uponor 's net sales from continuing operations decreased by 9.4 % in 2008 to EUR 949.2 mn from EUR 1,047.4 mn in 2007 .",0,,, 4647,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish plumbing and heating systems supplier Uponor 's net sales in continuing business operations decreased to EUR 249.1 mn in July-September 2008 , compared to EUR 262.1 mn in the third quarter of 2007 .",0,,, 4648,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Scanfil , a contract manufacturer and systems supplier for communication and industrial electronics reports net sales of EUR 108.7 mn in the first half of 2008 , down from EUR 111.1 mn a year earlier .",0,,, 4649,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Scanfil , a systems supplier and contract manufacturer to the communications sector and the electronics industry , reports its net sales totalled EUR 94.7 mn in the first half of 2010 , down from EUR 99.5 mn in the first half of 2009 .",0,,, 4650,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Scanfil , a systems supplier and contract manufacturer to the communications sector and the electronics industry , reports net sales of EUR 49.6 mn in the first quarter of 2009 , which are only a per cent smaller than in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 4651,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish shipping company Finnlines , of the Grimaldi Group , reports its net sales decreased to EUR 241.8 mn in January-June 2009 from EUR 384.0 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 4652,Financial Phrasebank,"Cargo traffic fell 1 % year-on-year to 8,561 tonnes in September 2009 .",0,,, 4653,Financial Phrasebank,"Cash flow after investments amounted to EUR45m , down from EUR46m .",0,,, 4654,Financial Phrasebank,"Coca-Cola was the market leader of manufacturers with a market share of 36.9 % , down 2.2 % from the corresponding period in 2004-2005 .",0,,, 4655,Financial Phrasebank,Comparable operating profit decreased to EUR 13.8 mn from EUR 17.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .,0,,, 4656,Financial Phrasebank,Consolidated operating profit from continuing operations decreased by 62.3 % to EUR 51.2 mn from EUR 135.7 mn in 2007 .,0,,, 4657,Financial Phrasebank,Consolidated pretax profit decreased by 69.2 % to EUR 41.0 mn from EUR 133.1 mn in 2007 .,0,,, 4658,Financial Phrasebank,Device volume in the area decreased by 21 % to 2.7 mn units .,0,,, 4659,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) declined to EUR 0.78 from EUR 1.76 .,0,,, 4660,Financial Phrasebank,Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) fell to EUR 0.63 from EUR 1.71 .,0,,, 4661,Financial Phrasebank,down to EUR5 .9 m H1 '09 3 August 2009 - Finnish media group Ilkka-Yhtyma Oyj ( HEL : ILK2S ) said today its net profit fell 45 % on the year to EUR5 .9 m in the first half of 2009 .,0,,, 4662,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share ( EPS ) amounted to EUR1 .37 , down from EUR2 .30 .",0,,, 4663,Financial Phrasebank,Earnings per share ( EPS ) in 2005 decreased to EUR1 .87 from EUR1 .89 in 2003 .,0,,, 4664,Financial Phrasebank,"Earnings per share ( EPS ) in the first half of 2007 amounted to EUR0 .29 , down from EUR0 .40 year ago .",0,,, 4665,Financial Phrasebank,Finnair 's total traffic decreased by 8.7 % in terms of revenue passenger kilometres .,0,,, 4666,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish business software group AffectoGenimap Oyj said its net profit halved to 1.2 mln euro ( $ 1.5 mln ) in the first nine months of 2006 from 2.2 mln euro ( $ 2.8 mln ) in the same period of 2005 .,0,,, 4667,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish financial software solutions developer BasWare Oyj said its net profit fell to 884,000 euro ( $ 1.2 mln ) for the first quarter of 2007 from 2.0 mln euro ( $ 2.7 mln ) a year earlier .",0,,, 4668,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish glass technology company Glaston Oyj Abp net profit decreased to 2.6 mln euro ( $ 3.8 mln ) for the first nine months of 2007 from 7.8 mln euro ( $ 11.4 mln ) for the same period of 2006 .,0,,, 4669,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish management software solutions provider Ixonos Oyj net profit decreased to 369,000 euro ( $ 575,000 ) for the first quarter of 2008 from 669,000 euro ( $ 1.0 mln ) for the same period of 2007 .",0,,, 4670,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish media company Talentum Oyj 's net profit decreased to 2.5 mln euro ( $ 4.0 mln ) for the first quarter of 2008 from 3.0 mln euro ( $ 4.7 mln ) for the same period of 2007 .,0,,, 4671,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish metal products company Componenta Oyj net profit went slightly down to 25.1 mln euro ( $ 40.2 mln ) for the first half of 2008 from 25.4 mln euro ( $ 40.7 mln ) for the same period of 2007 .,0,,, 4672,Financial Phrasebank,"In a separate announcement to the Helsinki stock exchange , Atria revealed that the company 's third quarter profits declined from EUR13 .9 m in the third quarter of last year to EUR12 .7 m in this year 's Q3 .",0,,, 4673,Financial Phrasebank,"In the fourth quarter of 2008 , net sales decreased to EUR 121.4 mn from EUR 165.5 mn in the fourth quarter of 2007 .",0,,, 4674,Financial Phrasebank,"Insurer Axa ( PAR : CS ) slid by 5.35 % to EUR 14.15 , after Citigroup and ING slashed their targets on the stock .",0,,, 4675,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Feb 11 , 2009 - Finnish wood products technology supplier Raute Oyj ( HEL : RUTAV ) said today its net profit decreased to EUR 4.7 million ( USD 6.1 m ) for 2008 from EUR 6.6 million for 2007 .",0,,, 4676,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Feb 12 , 2009 - Finnish construction company Lemminkainen Oyj ( HEL : LEM1S ) said today its net profit decreased to EUR 63.5 million ( USD 81.1 m ) for 2008 from EUR 80.6 million for 2007 .",0,,, 4677,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Feb 4 , 2009 - Finnish broadband data communication systems and solutions company Teleste Oyj ( HEL : TLT1V ) said today its net profit decreased to EUR 5.5 million ( USD 7.2 m ) for 2008 from EUR 9.4 million for 200",0,,, 4678,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADP News ) - Jan 22 , 2009 - Finnish mobile phones maker Nokia Oyj ( OMX : NOK1V ) said today its operating profit decreased to EUR 5 billion ( USD 6.5 bn ) for 2008 from EUR 8 billion for 2007 .",0,,, 4679,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADPnews ) - May 4 , 2010 - Finnish cutlery and hand tools maker Fiskars Oyj Abp ( HEL : FISAS ) said today its net profit declined to EUR 12.9 million ( USD 17m ) in the first quarter of 2010 from EUR 17 million in the correspond",0,,, 4680,Financial Phrasebank,"( ADPnews ) - Oct 21 , 2009 - Finland-based IT consultancy Tieto Oyj ( HEL : TIE1V ) said today its net profit plunged to EUR 29.4 million ( USD 43.9 m ) for the first nine months of 2009 from EUR 58.7 million for the same period o",0,,, 4681,Financial Phrasebank,Market share decreased on the route between Helsinki in Finland and Tallinn in Estonia by 0.1 percentage points to 24.8 % .,0,,, 4682,Financial Phrasebank,Net profit fell by almost half to +é 5.5 million from +é 9.4 million at the end of 2007 .,0,,, 4683,Financial Phrasebank,"Net profit in the three months through March 31 fell to ( x20ac ) 103 million ( US$ 165 million ) from ( x20ac ) 131 million a year earlier , the Finnish company said .",0,,, 4684,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales decreased to EUR 220.5 mn from EUR 470.0 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .,0,,, 4685,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales decreased to EUR 91.6 mn from EUR 109mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .,0,,, 4686,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales fell by 33 % from the third quarter of 2008 to EUR 130.5 mn .,0,,, 4687,Financial Phrasebank,Net sales fell by 5 % from the previous accounting period .,0,,, 4688,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales of Kyro 's main business area , Glaston Technologies , a manufacturer of glass processing machines , decreased to EUR 161.5 mn from EUR 164.1 mn in January-September 2005 .",0,,, 4689,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit decreased to EUR 16mn from EUR 21.1 mn in 2008 .,0,,, 4690,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit fell from EUR 7.9 mn in the second quarter of 2005 to EUR 5.1 mn in the second quarter of 2006 .,0,,, 4691,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit fell to EUR 15.1 mn from EUR 24.6 mn in 2006 .,0,,, 4692,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit fell to EUR 23.26 mn from EUR 32.86 mn .,0,,, 4693,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit fell to EUR 38.1 mn from EUR 55.3 mn in 2007 .,0,,, 4694,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit fell to EUR 6.2 mn from EUR 8.5 mn in the third quarter of 2007 .,0,,, 4695,Financial Phrasebank,Orion 's net profit for the third quarter of 2007 decreased to 36.5 mln euro ( $ 52.1 mln ) from 40.3 mln euro ( $ 57.5 mln ) a year earlier .,0,,, 4696,Financial Phrasebank,Pretax profit decreased by 37 % to EUR 193.1 mn from EUR 305.6 mn .,0,,, 4697,Financial Phrasebank,Pretax profit decreased to EUR 33.8 mn from EUR 40.8 mn in the fourth quarter of 2005 .,0,,, 4698,Financial Phrasebank,"Pretax profit totaled EUR 9.0 mn , down from EUR 36.3 mn in 2007 .",0,,, 4699,Financial Phrasebank,Prices and delivery volumes of broadband products decreased significantly in 2005 .,0,,, 4700,Financial Phrasebank,Profit for the period fell to EUR 1.6 mn from EUR 7.5 mn in January-September 2008 .,0,,, 4701,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit for the period totalled EUR 0.8 mn , down from EUR 1.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,,, 4702,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit for the period totalled EUR 1.1 mn , down from EUR 1.6 mn in the third quarter of 2008 .",0,,, 4703,Financial Phrasebank,Revenue in the quarter fell 8 percent to ( EURO ) 2.4 billion compared to a year earlier .,0,,, 4704,Financial Phrasebank,SRV lowered its net sales estimate for the whole of 2008 due to uncertainties in housing sales .,0,,, 4705,Financial Phrasebank,Stora Enso Oyj said its second-quarter result would fall by half compared with the same period in 2007 .,0,,, 4706,Financial Phrasebank,Subscription sales decreased slightly .,0,,, 4707,Financial Phrasebank,The company confirmed its estimate for lower revenue for the whole 2009 than the year-ago EUR93 .9 m as given in the interim report on 5 August 2009 .,0,,, 4708,Financial Phrasebank,The company said that the fall in turnover had been planned .,0,,, 4709,Financial Phrasebank,The Department Store Division 's sales fell by 8.6 % to EUR 140.2 mn .,0,,, 4710,Financial Phrasebank,The fair value of the company 's investment properties went down to EUR 2.768 billion at the end of 2009 from EUR 2.916 billion a year earlier .,0,,, 4711,Financial Phrasebank,The fair value of the company 's investment properties went down to EUR2 .769 bn at the end of September 2009 from EUR2 .878 bn a year earlier .,0,,, 4712,Financial Phrasebank,The Group 's order portfolio decreased from EUR 42.9 mn in 9-2007 to EUR 33.3 mn in 2-2008 .,0,,, 4713,Financial Phrasebank,The net sales decreased to EUR 49.8 million from EUR 59.9 million .,0,,, 4714,Financial Phrasebank,The sales of the Tiimari segment fell by 4.0 % year-on-year to EUR3 .3 m in June 2010 .,0,,, 4715,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish electronics contract manufacturer Scanfil had net sales of EUR 52.2 mn in the first quarter of 2007 , down from EUR 60.1 mn a year before .",0,,, 4716,Financial Phrasebank,"Alma Media 's operating profit amounted to EUR 11.9 mn , down from EUR 15.0 mn a year earlier .",0,,, 4717,Financial Phrasebank,"Commission income decreased to EUR 3.8 mn , compared to EUR 4.6 mn in the third quarter of 2007 .",0,,, 4718,Financial Phrasebank,Commission income fell to EUR 4.6 mn from EUR 5.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .,0,,, 4719,Financial Phrasebank,Export declined by 6 percent to 16.4 million liters .,0,,, 4720,Financial Phrasebank,"Exports of goods fell by 59 % , and imports by 16.7 % .",0,,, 4721,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish developer and manufacturer of mobile phone chargers Salcomp Plc OMX Helsinki : SAL1V on Wednesday 19 November lowered its full-year net sales estimate .,0,,, 4722,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish investment group Norvestia Oyj said its net profit fell to 23.5 mln euro $ 30.6 mln in 2006 from 33.5 mln euro $ 43.6 mln in 2005 .,0,,, 4723,Financial Phrasebank,"Group EBIT for the first half was EUR13 .6 m US$ 17.8 m , falling short of the EUR22 .5 m it posted for the same period of 2009 .",0,,, 4724,Financial Phrasebank,"However , its market share shrank to 47.59 per cent from 48 per cent a year earlier .",0,,, 4725,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the company saw its net profit for the third quarter down to EUR 1.4 million from EUR 1.5 million for the corresponding period of 2009 .",0,,, 4726,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the company saw its net profit for the third quarter down to EUR1 .4 m from EUR1 .5 m for the corresponding period of 2009 .",0,,, 4727,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the net sales declined to EUR 803.6 million from EUR 1.2 billion .",0,,, 4728,Financial Phrasebank,"In food trade , sales amounted to EUR320 .1 m , a decline of 1.1 % .",0,,, 4729,Financial Phrasebank,"In January-November 2009 , the group 's sales totalled EUR 7,801.7 mn , which was a drop of 12.6 % from the same period of 2008 .",0,,, 4730,Financial Phrasebank,"In July-September 2009 , Konecranes ' sales decreased to EUR 368.7 mn from EUR 520.4 mn in July-September 2008 .",0,,, 4731,Financial Phrasebank,"In sales volume , Coca-Cola 's market share has decreased by 2.2 % to 24.2 % .",0,,, 4732,Financial Phrasebank,"In September alone , the market declined by 10.2 percent year-on-year to 19.28 million liters .",0,,, 4733,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Baltic countries , development of operations and reorganisation continued , and non-recurring items related to the takeover process lowered earnings .",0,,, 4734,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Baltic countries , sales fell by 40.2 % , and in Russia , by 23.2 % in terms of euros , and by 10.7 % in terms of local currency .",0,,, 4735,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Baltic countries , sales fell by 42.6 % .",0,,, 4736,Financial Phrasebank,Nokia s U.S. shares were 3.3 percent lower at $ 12.73 by 1750 GMT .,0,,, 4737,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia shares hit 13.21 euros on Friday , down 50 percent from the start of the year in part because of the slow introduction of touch-screen models .",0,,, 4738,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit decreased to EUR 11.2 mn from EUR 16.6 mn .,0,,, 4739,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit decreased to nearly EUR 1.7 mn , however .",0,,, 4740,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit fell to EUR 20.3 mn from EUR 74.2 mn in the second quarter of 2008 .,0,,, 4741,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit in the fourth quarter fell to EUR33m from EUR39m a year earlier .,0,,, 4742,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totaled EUR 3.8 mn , down from EUR 4.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .",0,,, 4743,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totaled EUR 6.7 mn , down from EUR 7.2 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .",0,,, 4744,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totaled EUR 9.4 mn , down from EUR 11.7 mn in 2004 .",0,,, 4745,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 1.22 mn , down from EUR 3.56 mn in the first quarter of 2008 .",0,,, 4746,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 30.2 mn , down from EUR 43.8 mn a year earlier .",0,,, 4747,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 9.0 mn , down from EUR 9.7 mn in the first half of 2008 .",0,,, 4748,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit totalled EUR 9.6 mn , down from EUR 42.0 mn the year before .",0,,, 4749,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit was EUR -0.1 mn , down from EUR 1.3 mn .",0,,, 4750,Financial Phrasebank,"Profit for the period was EUR 10.9 mn , down from EUR 14.3 mn in 2009 .",0,,, 4751,Financial Phrasebank,"Revenue was slightly down , at x20ac 495 million $ 634 million , compared to x20ac 497 million a year earlier .",0,,, 4752,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales at the Tiimari business went down by 8 % to EUR 11.8 million , while Gallerix stores saw 29 % growth to EUR 2 million .",0,,, 4753,Financial Phrasebank,Sales by Seppala diminished by 6 per cent .,0,,, 4754,Financial Phrasebank,Talentum 's net sales in September were smaller than expected .,0,,, 4755,Financial Phrasebank,The company 's previous estimate was for a lower revenue than the year-ago EUR 93.9 million .,0,,, 4756,Financial Phrasebank,"The company 's profit totaled Ls 578,100 in H1 2007 , down 30.9 % year-on-year .",0,,, 4757,Financial Phrasebank,The company said that sales in the three months to the end of March slid to EUR86 .4 m US$ 113.4 m from EUR91 .2 m last year .,0,,, 4758,Financial Phrasebank,The operating margin came down to 2.4 % from 5.7 % .,0,,, 4759,Financial Phrasebank,The operating margin of Aker Yards Cruise & Ferries division went down from 8.3 % to 6.4 % in the first quarter of 2007 .,0,,, 4760,Financial Phrasebank,The terms of the aforementioned funding are considerably below the Bank 's current CDS levels in the market and have a maturity ranging from 1 to 7.5 years .,0,,, 4761,Financial Phrasebank,The total capital of funds managed by the bank decreased by 28 % to EUR 284mn by the end of September 2008 .,0,,, 4762,Financial Phrasebank,UPM stock fell 3 percent to EURO 12.49 $ 17.24 in early afternoon trading in Helsinki .,0,,, 4763,Financial Phrasebank,"YIT 's Baltic sales in the first three quarters of 2008 totaled 106.2 million euros , representing a drop of 29 percent year on year .",0,,, 4764,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the company , its operating profit , excluding non-recurring items , in the fourth quarter of 2009 was significantly better than expected , and also better than the figures for the fourth quarter of 2008 .",2,,, 4765,Financial Phrasebank,`` I am extremely delighted with this project and the continuation of cooperation with Viking Line .,2,,, 4766,Financial Phrasebank,"The apartment block will be well-located , in easy reach of the city center and close to both a school and kindergarten .",2,,, 4767,Financial Phrasebank,"The share issue , derogating from the pre-emptive right of the shareholders and comprising some six million new shares at market price , will be offered for subscription by shareholders , holders of capital notes and by professional clients .",1,,, 4768,Financial Phrasebank,"`` EB Tough VoIP was designed to fulfill the communications needs of military units , and we continue to strive towards achieving that goal , '' Mikko Viitaniemi , EB Elektrobit Defense Products , Wireless Solutions senior manager , said in a statement .",1,,, 4769,Financial Phrasebank,`` Low energy consumption and flexible loading are just a few of the advantages of the CHF Pro . '',1,,, 4770,Financial Phrasebank,"The antibody , administered at repeated doses of up to 8 mg-kg , was generally well tolerated , and the pharmacokinetic characteristics of BTT-1023 in psoriasis patients were consistent with those observed in a previously completed study in rheumatoid arthritis RA patients .",1,,, 4771,Financial Phrasebank,"The antibody , given at repeated doses of up to 8 mg-kg , was generally well tolerated , and the pharmacokinetic characteristics of BTT-1023 in psoriasis patients were consistent with those observed in a previously completed study in rheumatoid arthritis RA patients .",2,,, 4772,Financial Phrasebank,"ADPnews - Sep 28 , 2009 - Finnish silicon wafers maker Okmetic Oyj HEL : OKM1V said it will reduce the number of its clerical workers by 22 worldwide as a result of personnel negotiations completed today .",0,,, 4773,Financial Phrasebank,"- Demand for fireplace products was lower than expected , especially in Germany .",0,,, 4774,Financial Phrasebank,"Currently , the company foresees its pre-tax profit to remain below the 2009 level when it reached EUR 700,000 USD 934,000 , compared with previous projections of a slightly better pre-tax profit .",0,,, 4775,Financial Phrasebank,"However , the orders received during the period under review fell by 17 % quarter-on-quarter from the EUR 213 million recorded in the second quarter of 2010 .",0,,, 4776,Financial Phrasebank,"The announcement pushed Freenet shares down 6.3 % , or EUR0 .71 , in Frankfurt trade to EUR10 .65 as investors gave up hope United Internet AG and Drillisch would pursue their own takeover and breakup of Freenet .",0,,, 4777,Financial Phrasebank,"Danske Bank A-S DANSKE DC jumped 3.7 percent to 133.4 kroner , rebounding from yesterday s 3.5 percent slide .",2,,, 4778,Financial Phrasebank,Our superior customer centricity and expertise in digital services set us apart from our competitors .,2,,, 4779,Financial Phrasebank,"According to the company , in addition to normal seasonal fluctuation the market situation has weakened during autumn 2008 .",0,,, 4780,Financial Phrasebank,"Changes in the market situation and tougher price competition have substantially reduced demand for bread packaging manufactured at the Kauhava plant , according to the company .",0,,, 4781,Financial Phrasebank,"In the building and home improvement trade , sales decreased by 6.3 % , totalling EUR 154.1 mn .",0,,, 4782,Financial Phrasebank,"In the building and home improvement trade , net sales totalled EUR 1,173 mn , down from EUR 1,566 mn a year earlier .",0,,, 4783,Financial Phrasebank,"In the building and home improvement trade , sales decreased by 22.5 % to EUR 201.4 mn .",0,,, 4784,Financial Phrasebank,"Finnish Suominen Corporation that makes wipes , nonwovens , and flexible packaging , expects changes in the market situation to reduce sales of Suominen 's nonwovens and wet wipes from the previously estimated volumes .",0,,, 4785,Financial Phrasebank,The hull of the vessel was built one block at a time and Ruukki delivered the plate material for each block as construction progressed .,1,,, 4786,Financial Phrasebank,The net sales of the whole fiscal year 2008 will be lower than in 2007 and operating profit is estimated to be negative .,0,,, 4787,Financial Phrasebank,Sales at the unit slumped last year after the industry was hit by poor snowfall in the major resorts in the winter of 2006-07 .,0,,, 4788,Financial Phrasebank,"The steelmaker said that the drop in profit was explained by the continuing economic uncertainty , mixed with the current drought in bank lending , resulting in a decline in demand for its products as customers find it increasingly difficult to fund operations .",0,,, 4789,Financial Phrasebank,"Nokia 's share price fell less than one percent to 18.70 euros ( $ 25.41 ) in Helsinki , while Siemens shares fell 1.02 percent to 90.19 euros ( $ 122.57 ) in Frankfurt .",0,,, 4790,Financial Phrasebank,In February the Elcoteq group sold its St Petersburg facility ; according to unconfirmed information the reason could have been supply problems because of the Russian customs service .,0,,, 4791,Financial Phrasebank,`` Operating profit declined mainly due to the increased cost of wood and recycled fiber and the strengthened euro . '',0,,, 4792,Financial Phrasebank,Operating profit in the fourth quarter went down to EUR3m from EUR4 .2 m for the corresponding period of 2009 as it included costs of growth projects .,0,,, 4793,Financial Phrasebank,"The manager is critical of politicians ' failure to differentiate between beleaguered European financial institutions and Skandinavian banks , `` which sailed through the crisis without issues '' .",1,,, 4794,Financial Phrasebank,"UPM-Kymmene Corp. , the world 's largest maker of magazine paper , on Tuesday reported a 19-percent profit drop as lower paper prices , higher costs and a strong euro hurt revenue .",0,,, 4795,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland , the launch of tie-in sales of 3G mobile phones did not cause a dramatic rush in mobile retail outlets during the first few days .",1,,, 4796,Financial Phrasebank,`` I 'm not sure what 's happening .,1,,, 4797,Financial Phrasebank,"As such , the space has blond wood floors ( unlike the rest of the store ) and a notably Scandinavian vibe .",1,,, 4798,Financial Phrasebank,The winner does not have to be present to win .,1,,, 4799,Financial Phrasebank,Bosse added that Trygvesta does not have the financial strength to acquire the entire unit .,0,,, 4800,Financial Phrasebank,Pentik+ñinen emphasises that the most of the internet contents media houses provide can not be free forever .,1,,, 4801,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish meat company Atria can no longer promise a sufficient amount of domestic beef to its customers .,0,,, 4802,Financial Phrasebank,"Thanks to the internet , consumers compare products more than previously and Finnish companies are not competitive .",0,,, 4803,Financial Phrasebank,"Because expenditures must be justified to pass budget approval hurdles , we believe our RoP model can help make it easier for IT and IT security practitioners to make the business case for acquiring enabling security technologies and related control activities .",1,,, 4804,Financial Phrasebank,`` Capital expenditure on energy efficiency has unfortunately fallen along with the decline in the economy .,0,,, 4805,Financial Phrasebank,"Due to the rapid decrease in net sales , personnel reductions have been carried out on a wider scale than initially expected .",0,,, 4806,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit excluding non-recurring items decreased to EUR 6.2 mn from EUR 16.8 mn in 2007 , representing 2.3 % of net sales .",0,,, 4807,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish waste management and cleaning group Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj ( L&T ) net profit went down to 32.2 mln euro ( $ 47.7 mln ) for 2007 from 35.3 mln euro ( $ 52.3 mln ) for 2006 .,0,,, 4808,Financial Phrasebank,"Qualcomm estimated a first-quarter profit between 46 and 50 cents a share , excluding certain items , below the analyst estimate of 61 cents a share .",0,,, 4809,Financial Phrasebank,Finnish-Swedish Stora Enso does not understand the decision issued by a federal judge in Brazil concerning Stora Enso 's associated pulp company Veracel .,0,,, 4810,Financial Phrasebank,"Nevertheless , the development can not be allowed to ruin the print newspaper , which continues to be Sanoma News ' main medium .",1,,, 4811,Financial Phrasebank,"Besides , as there is no depositor preference in Finland , senior debt and deposits rank on a par , which is also taken into consideration , the agency added .",1,,, 4812,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating margin , however , slipped to 14.4 % from 15.1 % , dragged down by a poor performance in enterprise solutions .",0,,, 4813,Financial Phrasebank,The 2015 target for net sales has been set at EUR 1bn and the target for return on investment at over 20 % .,2,,, 4814,Financial Phrasebank,"It holds 38 percent of Outokumpu 's shares and voting rights , but in 2001 lawmakers gave it permission to reduce the stake to 10 percent .",1,,, 4815,Financial Phrasebank,"As a result of these transactions , the aggregate holdings of Burrill Life Sciences Capital Fund , L.P. has decreased below 5 per cent of the total number of shares and votes of the Company .",0,,, 4816,Financial Phrasebank,"have notified that as a result of the Company issuing 14,432,000 new shares in the directed offering , the joint holdings of Pequot has decreased below 1-10 to 9.63 % of total number of shares and votes in the Company .",0,,, 4817,Financial Phrasebank,Mobile communication and wireless broadband provider Nokia Inc NYSE : NOK today set new financial targets and forecasts for Nokia and the mobile device industry and also for Nokia Siemens Networks and the mobile and fixed infrastructure and related services market .,1,,, 4818,Financial Phrasebank,"External net sales from the printing business fell by 43.7 % , partly due to the termination of the printing contract between Ilkka-Yhtyma 's printing house I-print Oy and sector player HSS Media AB in December 2009 and the fall in printing prices .",0,,, 4819,Financial Phrasebank,"Seven-month sales of Ragutis , which is controlled by the Finnish brewery Olvi , declined by 11.2 percent , to 15.41 million liters , and the company held 9.89 percent of the market .",0,,, 4820,Financial Phrasebank,"The OMX Helsinki index was 0.33 pct lower at 9,364.80 , while the OMX Helsinki CAP portfolio index was down 0.34 pct at 5,029.25 .",0,,, 4821,Financial Phrasebank,"The OMX Helsinki index was down 0.34 pct at 8,256.02 on turnover of 813.191 mln eur .",0,,, 4822,Financial Phrasebank,Repeats sees 2008 operating profit down y-y ( Reporting by Helsinki Newsroom ) Keywords : TECNOMEN-RESULTS,0,,, 4823,Financial Phrasebank,"Comparable operating profit totaled EUR 4.7 mn , down from EUR 5.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 , representing 7.4 % of net sales .",0,,, 4824,Financial Phrasebank,"In Finland 's Hobby Hall 's sales decreased by 10 % , and international sales fell by 19 % .",0,,, 4825,Financial Phrasebank,Hobby Hall 's sales decrease 26 pct due to implementing a new information system that involved changing in the principal of posting sales .,0,,, 4826,Financial Phrasebank,"In the Baltic states the company reports net sales of EUR 11.9 mn , down from EUR 14.2 mn , and an operative EBIT of EUR -2.2 mn , down from EUR -1.7 mn .",0,,, 4827,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profits in the half were 0.8 m , down from 0.9 m as Glisten invested in the brand and the management team .",0,,, 4828,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales in Finland decreased by 2.0 % , and international sales decreased by 9.3 % in terms of euros , and by 15.1 % in terms of local currencies .",0,,, 4829,Financial Phrasebank,The company said that its comparable operating profit for the January-June period fell short of last year 's corresponding performance .,0,,, 4830,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating result for the 12-month period decreased from the profit of EUR0 .4 m while turnover decreased from EUR5 .6 m , as compared to 2004 .",0,,, 4831,Financial Phrasebank,"HELSINKI Thomson Financial - Shares in Cargotec fell sharply in early afternoon trade after the cargo handling group posted a surprise drop in April-June profits , which overshadowed the large number of new orders received during the three months .",0,,, 4832,Financial Phrasebank,LONDON MarketWatch -- Share prices ended lower in London Monday as a rebound in bank stocks failed to offset broader weakness for the FTSE 100 .,0,,, 4833,Financial Phrasebank,"Rinkuskiai 's beer sales fell by 6.5 per cent to 4.16 million litres , while Kauno Alus ' beer sales jumped by 6.9 per cent to 2.48 million litres .",1,,, 4834,Financial Phrasebank,"Operating profit fell to EUR 35.4 mn from EUR 68.8 mn in 2007 , including vessel sales gain of EUR 12.3 mn .",0,,, 4835,Financial Phrasebank,"Net sales of the Paper segment decreased to EUR 221.6 mn in the second quarter of 2009 from EUR 241.1 mn in the second quarter of 2008 , while operating profit excluding non-recurring items rose to EUR 8.0 mn from EUR 7.6 mn .",0,,, 4836,Financial Phrasebank,"Sales in Finland decreased by 10.5 % in January , while sales outside Finland dropped by 17 % .",0,,, 4837,SentFIN,SpiceJet to issue 6.4 crore warrants to promoters,1,SpiceJet,1.0,8.0 4838,SentFIN,MMTC Q2 net loss at Rs 10.4 crore,1,MMTC,2.0,8.0 4839,SentFIN,"Mid-cap funds can deliver more, stay put: Experts",2,Mid-cap funds,3.0,8.0 4840,SentFIN,Mid caps now turn into market darlings,2,Mid caps,4.0,7.0 4841,SentFIN,"Market seeing patience, if not conviction: Prakash Diwan",1,Market,5.0,8.0 4842,SentFIN,Infosys: Will the strong volume growth sustain?,1,Infosys,6.0,7.0 4843,SentFIN,Hudco raises Rs 279 cr via tax-free bonds,2,Hudco,7.0,8.0 4844,SentFIN,HOEC could retest 30-35 levels: Ashwani Gujral,1,HOEC,8.0,7.0 4845,SentFIN,Genpact appoints Edward J Fitzpatrick as CFO,1,Genpact,10.0,7.0 4846,SentFIN,"EXL beats profit estimates, cuts sales outlook",2,EXL,11.0,7.0 4847,SentFIN,Wait and watch on Bharti Airtel: Vinay Khattar,1,Bharti Airtel,12.0,8.0 4848,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland raises Rs 667 crore through QIP,2,Ashok Leyland,15.0,8.0 4849,SentFIN,"At Wipro, growth remains a mirage",0,Wipro,16.0,6.0 4850,SentFIN,Oil prices mixed ahead of US supply report,1,Oil,20.0,8.0 4851,SentFIN,Makemytrip expands share sale plan,1,Makemytrip,21.0,5.0 4852,SentFIN,Gur closes quiet on some support,1,Gur,22.0,6.0 4853,SentFIN,Gur closes steady on low demand,1,Gur,23.0,6.0 4854,SentFIN,Gur closes steady on thin trade,1,Gur,24.0,6.0 4855,SentFIN,Gur remains flat in tight movements,1,Gur,25.0,6.0 4856,SentFIN,Popularising G-Secs among retail investors,1,G-Secs,26.0,5.0 4857,SentFIN,Gold trades nearly flat on dull demand,1,Gold,27.0,7.0 4858,SentFIN,ZEE announces closure of share buyback programme,1,ZEE,28.0,7.0 4859,SentFIN,ZEE Q2 net at Rs 216.3 cr,1,ZEE,29.0,7.0 4860,SentFIN,China to start yuan trading on Tuesday,1,yuan,30.0,7.0 4861,SentFIN,"Yen firms in Asia on Iraq, Ukraine jitters",2,Yen,33.0,8.0 4862,SentFIN,Wonderla Holidays IPO subscribed 42% on Day 1,1,Wonderla Holidays,35.0,8.0 4863,SentFIN,Wonderla Holidays IPO subscribed 98% on second day,1,Wonderla Holidays,36.0,8.0 4864,SentFIN,WNS appoints Ronald Gillette as Chief Operating Officer,1,WNS,37.0,8.0 4865,SentFIN,Strong deals crucial for Wipro's growth push,1,Wipro,38.0,7.0 4866,SentFIN,Ten key takeaways from Wipro Q1 results,1,Wipro,39.0,7.0 4867,SentFIN,Whirlpool may head to around 450-475: Devang Visaria,1,Whirlpool,40.0,8.0 4868,SentFIN,Western Coalfields CMD D C Garg passes away,1,Western Coalfields,41.0,8.0 4869,SentFIN,VRL Logistics IPO grey market premium at 38%,1,VRL Logistics,42.0,8.0 4870,SentFIN,"IPO after tax row is settled, says Vodafone",1,Vodafone,43.0,8.0 4871,SentFIN,Vodafone gets ready for IPO of Indian arm,1,Vodafone,44.0,8.0 4872,SentFIN,VMware appoints Arun Parameswaran as India MD,1,VMware,45.0,7.0 4873,SentFIN,Videocon D2H likely to bring IPO this fiscal,1,Videocon D2H,46.0,8.0 4874,SentFIN,Videocon appoints Sanjeev Bakshi as COO,1,Videocon,47.0,6.0 4875,SentFIN,Viber ups marketing efforts with CMO appointment,1,Viber,48.0,7.0 4876,SentFIN,Verizon appoints Christopher Formant to head enterprise business,1,Verizon,49.0,8.0 4877,SentFIN,"Amidst commodity boom, vanilla remains plain vanilla",1,vanilla,50.0,7.0 4878,SentFIN,Universal Commodity Exchange goes live,1,Universal Commodity Exchange,51.0,5.0 4879,SentFIN,United Spirits appoints Anand Kripalu as CEO,1,United Spirits,52.0,7.0 4880,SentFIN,Promoters raise stake to 46.72 pc in Unitech,1,Unitech,53.0,8.0 4881,SentFIN,Uninor appoints Grameenphone CTO as new India COO,1,Uninor,54.0,8.0 4882,SentFIN,TV Today Q2 profit at Rs 12.83 crore,1,TV Today,55.0,8.0 4883,SentFIN,Tokyo stocks flat by the break,1,Tokyo stocks,56.0,6.0 4884,SentFIN,Adi Rajaram appointed TNIIC chairman,1,TNIIC,57.0,5.0 4885,SentFIN,4200 is key level for Titan: Ashwani Gujral,1,Titan,58.0,8.0 4886,SentFIN,Kapil Kapoor is global COO of Timex Group,1,Timex Group,59.0,8.0 4887,SentFIN,TIL Limited can open-up for Rs 900-1200: Ventura,1,TIL Limited,60.0,8.0 4888,SentFIN,Thyrocare Technologies Limited files draft IPO papers,1,Thyrocare Technologies Limited,61.0,7.0 4889,SentFIN,Thejo Engineering announces 1:1 maiden bonus,1,Thejo Engineering,62.0,6.0 4890,SentFIN,Neutral on telecom: Ramanathan K,1,telecom,63.0,5.0 4891,SentFIN,Technofab Engg fix IPO rate at Rs 230-240,1,Technofab Engg,64.0,8.0 4892,SentFIN,Tata Sons names Gopichand Katragadda chief technology officer,1,Tata Sons,65.0,8.0 4893,SentFIN,Tata Motors appoints Gajendra Chandel as CHRO,1,Tata Motors,66.0,7.0 4894,SentFIN,Kalyanasundaram resigns as Independent Director of Tata Communications,1,Tata Communications,67.0,8.0 4895,SentFIN,Talwalkars can retest 133-140 levels: Ashwani Gujral,1,Talwalkars,68.0,7.0 4896,SentFIN,Suzlon board approves cashless restructuring of FCCBs,1,Suzlon,69.0,7.0 4897,SentFIN,Sunteck Realty: Building a solid foundation,1,Sunteck Realty,70.0,6.0 4898,SentFIN,Harsha Viji is deputy MD of Sundaram MF,1,Sundaram MF,71.0,8.0 4899,SentFIN,Sugar closes steady on sporadic buying,1,Sugar,72.0,6.0 4900,SentFIN,Sugar ends steady in thin trade,1,Sugar,73.0,6.0 4901,SentFIN,Sugar settles steady on little doing,1,Sugar,74.0,6.0 4902,SentFIN,Sugar ends quiet amid sufficient stock positions,1,Sugar,75.0,7.0 4903,SentFIN,India produces 14.3 million tonne sugar till mid-February,1,sugar,76.0,8.0 4904,SentFIN,Sterling steadies after Scottish referendum debate wobble,1,Sterling,77.0,7.0 4905,SentFIN,UK data gives battered sterling some respite,1,sterling,78.0,7.0 4906,SentFIN,Red-hot sterling cools a touch after PMI numbers,1,sterling,79.0,8.0 4907,SentFIN,Steel prices end steady in thin trade,1,Steel,80.0,7.0 4908,SentFIN,Tight movement in steel prices in thin trade,1,steel,81.0,8.0 4909,SentFIN,Spices hold steady in mute trade,1,Spices,82.0,6.0 4910,SentFIN,SpiceJet makes top-level changes,1,SpiceJet,83.0,4.0 4911,SentFIN,Spicejet seeks shareholders' nod to hike promoters holding,1,Spicejet,84.0,8.0 4912,SentFIN,Several small caps trading at eye-popping valuations,1,small caps,85.0,7.0 4913,SentFIN,Sistema on way to market,1,Sistema,86.0,5.0 4914,SentFIN,Shoppers Stop elevates Salil Nair to CEO,1,Shoppers Stop,87.0,7.0 4915,SentFIN,Neutral on Shiva Cement: Seshadri Bharathan,1,Shiva Cement,88.0,6.0 4916,SentFIN,SGX's India office to woo fund raising corporations,1,SGX,90.0,8.0 4917,SentFIN,Prasun Kumar Mukherjee quits Sesa Sterlite,1,Sesa Sterlite,91.0,6.0 4918,SentFIN,Which Sensex stocks should you bet on?,1,Sensex stocks,92.0,7.0 4919,SentFIN,Sensex rangebound; top 20 intraday trading ideas,1,Sensex,93.0,7.0 4920,SentFIN,SEC director with big stock holdings stirs debate,1,SEC,94.0,8.0 4921,SentFIN,Sebi notifies new ESOP regulations,1,Sebi,99.0,5.0 4922,SentFIN,Sebi revamps securitisation trustee norms,1,Sebi,100.0,5.0 4923,SentFIN,Centralised online system for investor grievances:SEBI,1,SEBI,101.0,6.0 4924,SentFIN,Sebi cautions against illicit high-return schemes,1,Sebi,102.0,6.0 4925,SentFIN,Sebi proposes restrictions on 'wilful defaulters',1,Sebi,103.0,6.0 4926,SentFIN,"New listing, de-listing regulations next month: Sebi",1,Sebi,104.0,7.0 4927,SentFIN,Sebi announces new set of ESOP regulations,1,Sebi,105.0,7.0 4928,SentFIN,Sebi considers proposal on cross-currency futures pairs,1,Sebi,106.0,7.0 4929,SentFIN,Sebi plans new norms for municipal bonds,1,Sebi,107.0,7.0 4930,SentFIN,"Sebi revamps committee on disclosures, accounting standards",1,Sebi,108.0,7.0 4931,SentFIN,Sebis reading of control issue confounds experts,1,Sebi,109.0,7.0 4932,SentFIN,20 companies approach Sebi with public offer proposals,1,Sebi,110.0,8.0 4933,SentFIN,Cabinet to consider proposal for Sebi ordinance tomorrow,1,Sebi,111.0,8.0 4934,SentFIN,"Insider trading on SEBI Chief, UK Sinha's radar",1,SEBI,112.0,8.0 4935,SentFIN,Minimum shareholding norm not for non-controlling entity: Sebi,1,Sebi,113.0,8.0 4936,SentFIN,President Pranab Mukherjee clears re-promulgation of Sebi ordinance,1,Sebi,114.0,8.0 4937,SentFIN,Sebi asks mutual funds to adopt high-deposit districts,1,Sebi,115.0,8.0 4938,SentFIN,Sebi calls for systemic safeguards in Algo trades,1,Sebi,116.0,8.0 4939,SentFIN,Sebi directs banks to defreeze accounts of Somanis,1,Sebi,117.0,8.0 4940,SentFIN,Sebi grants new status to three clearing corporations,1,Sebi,118.0,8.0 4941,SentFIN,Sebi initiates proceeding against entities in ponzi schemes,1,Sebi,119.0,8.0 4942,SentFIN,Sebi may seek relief for commodity exchange warehouses,1,Sebi,120.0,8.0 4943,SentFIN,Sebi mulls prudential governance norms for stock brokers,1,Sebi,121.0,8.0 4944,SentFIN,Sebi orders defreezing of accounts of five entities,1,Sebi,122.0,8.0 4945,SentFIN,Sebi plans annual information memorandum for listed companies,1,Sebi,123.0,8.0 4946,SentFIN,Sebi proposes stricter rules for securitisation deal trustees,1,Sebi,124.0,8.0 4947,SentFIN,Sebi to conitnue with more than 300 proceedings,1,Sebi,125.0,8.0 4948,SentFIN,Sebi to study surveillance systems in overseas markets,1,Sebi,126.0,8.0 4949,SentFIN,"Sebi, exchanges to tighten grip on speculative stocks",1,Sebi,127.0,8.0 4950,SentFIN,Sebi's public offer norms bat for retail investors,1,Sebi,128.0,8.0 4951,SentFIN,Sebi's toll-free service for investors open whole week,1,Sebi,129.0,8.0 4952,SentFIN,Single Demat A/c for all financial investments: SEBI,1,SEBI,130.0,8.0 4953,SentFIN,2270-2350 is the range for SBI: Sandeep Wagle,1,SBI,132.0,8.0 4954,SentFIN,Cover up all positions for SBI: Mitesh Thacker,1,SBI,133.0,8.0 4955,SentFIN,"Saudi market opens, may affect global fund flows",1,Saudi market,134.0,8.0 4956,SentFIN,Sanghvi Forging and Engineering Ltd IPO opens tomorrow,1,Sanghvi Forging and Engineering Ltd,135.0,8.0 4957,SentFIN,Samsung Everland IPO seen spurring Samsung Group restructure,1,Samsung Everland,136.0,8.0 4958,SentFIN,Samsung Electronic India enterprise business head quits,1,Samsung Electronic India,137.0,7.0 4959,SentFIN,Samsonite International appoints Ramesh Tainwala as global COO,1,Samsonite International,138.0,8.0 4960,SentFIN,Soiles Bhattacharya takes interim charge of SAIL,1,SAIL,139.0,7.0 4961,SentFIN,"SAIL sets rs. 7,000-crore FPO process in motion",1,SAIL,140.0,8.0 4962,SentFIN,Budget 2014 mustn't sell rupee short,1,rupee,142.0,6.0 4963,SentFIN,Cabinet decides on rupee sign today,1,rupee,143.0,6.0 4964,SentFIN,Rupee little changed in intraday trade,1,Rupee,144.0,6.0 4965,SentFIN,Rupee ends little changed; fund flows in focus,1,Rupee,145.0,8.0 4966,SentFIN,Rupee swings hand arbitrage advantage to day traders,1,Rupee,146.0,8.0 4967,SentFIN,"Output not stretched, says Rubber Board",1,Rubber Board,147.0,6.0 4968,SentFIN,RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group to begin new CSR initiatives,1,RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group,148.0,8.0 4969,SentFIN,Ravi Venkatesan joins Rockefeller Foundation Board,1,Rockefeller Foundation Board,149.0,6.0 4970,SentFIN,AGM can open new chapter for RIL shareholders,1,RIL,150.0,8.0 4971,SentFIN,Should you opt for richly valued stocks?,1,richly valued stocks,151.0,7.0 4972,SentFIN,Rs 15.26 crore dividend cheque from REPCO Bank,1,REPCO Bank,152.0,8.0 4973,SentFIN,Religare Securities launches virtual stock trading platform,1,Religare Securities,154.0,7.0 4974,SentFIN,Sandip Bansal joins Religare Capital Markets,1,Religare Capital Markets,155.0,6.0 4975,SentFIN,Religare's top four picks for 2014,1,Religare,156.0,6.0 4976,SentFIN,Reliance Industries announces 10-year US dollar bond,1,Reliance Industries,157.0,7.0 4977,SentFIN,Reed Exhibitions looks to expand in India,1,Reed Exhibitions,158.0,7.0 4978,SentFIN,Reckitt Benckiser names Nitish Kapoor as India MD,1,Reckitt Benckiser,159.0,8.0 4979,SentFIN,RBI Deputy Governor Anand Sinha retires,1,RBI,162.0,6.0 4980,SentFIN,Cash rates stabilise after RBI's MSF auction,1,RBI,163.0,7.0 4981,SentFIN,RBI moves to curb novel bond structure,1,RBI,164.0,7.0 4982,SentFIN,What to expect from RBI policy tomorrow,1,RBI,165.0,7.0 4983,SentFIN,RBI bets on 'shut period' to improve liquidity,1,RBI,166.0,8.0 4984,SentFIN,RBI tightens provisioning norms for unhedged forex exposure,1,RBI,167.0,8.0 4985,SentFIN,Raw material bull market fades as supply expands,1,Raw material,168.0,8.0 4986,SentFIN,Ranbaxy for short term: Deepak Mohoni,1,Ranbaxy,169.0,6.0 4987,SentFIN,Upside capped at 90 for Ramsarup: Siddth Capital,1,Ramsarup,170.0,8.0 4988,SentFIN,Rallis India to launch branded pomegranates,1,Rallis India,171.0,6.0 4989,SentFIN,Stay with quality stocks: Deven Choksey,1,quality stocks,172.0,6.0 4990,SentFIN,Puravankara Projects gives 70% dividend to non-promoters,1,Puravankara Projects,173.0,7.0 4991,SentFIN,Pulses futures remain steady in thin trade,1,Pulses futures,174.0,7.0 4992,SentFIN,Pulses remain flat in thin trade,1,Pulses,175.0,6.0 4993,SentFIN,Pulses remain steady in thin trade,1,Pulses,176.0,6.0 4994,SentFIN,Pulses prices end steady in tight movements,1,Pulses,177.0,7.0 4995,SentFIN,Prices of pulses remain steady in thin trade,1,pulses,178.0,8.0 4996,SentFIN,PTC India appoints Deepak Amitabh as CMD,1,PTC India,179.0,7.0 4997,SentFIN,"Finally, PSU-ETF launched; subscription from next week",1,PSU-ETF,180.0,7.0 4998,SentFIN,Principal MF appoints PVK Mohan as Head-Equity,1,Principal MF,182.0,7.0 4999,SentFIN,"Neutral on power sector: Pankaj Pandey, ICICI Direct",1,power sector,184.0,8.0 5000,SentFIN,Overseas funds plug into power gear makers,1,power gear makers,185.0,7.0 5001,SentFIN,Participate in power through other sectors: Vijai Mantri,1,power,186.0,8.0 5002,SentFIN,PNB: Asset quality improves but payout cut disturbing,1,PNB,187.0,8.0 5003,SentFIN,Long-term investors may go for PMC Infratechs IPO,1,PMC Infratech,188.0,8.0 5004,SentFIN,Sameer Garde appointed Philips Healthcare South Asia President,1,Philips Healthcare,189.0,8.0 5005,SentFIN,Things that influence pharmaceutical sector growth story,1,pharmaceutical sector,190.0,7.0 5006,SentFIN,Seven rules for investing in penny stocks,1,penny stocks,191.0,7.0 5007,SentFIN,Parabolic Drugs IPO opens on June 14,1,Parabolic Drugs,193.0,7.0 5008,SentFIN,OnMobile appoints Sanjay Bhambri as Regional VP,1,OnMobile,194.0,7.0 5009,SentFIN,Sudhir Vasudeva to head ONGC,1,ONGC,195.0,5.0 5010,SentFIN,Experts' call on oil marketing companies,1,oil marketing companies,197.0,6.0 5011,SentFIN,Oil ends steady in thin trade,1,Oil,198.0,6.0 5012,SentFIN,Oil prices mixed in Asian trade,1,Oil,199.0,6.0 5013,SentFIN,Oil takes breather in Asian trade,1,Oil,200.0,6.0 5014,SentFIN,Oil prices turn mixed in Asian trade,1,Oil,201.0,7.0 5015,SentFIN,Put OI concentration at 6000 shows support,1,OI,202.0,7.0 5016,SentFIN,OBC may go for FPO post-capital infusion,1,OBC,203.0,7.0 5017,SentFIN,NTPC files for FPO,1,NTPC,204.0,4.0 5018,SentFIN,NSEL appoints five new independent directors,1,NSEL,205.0,6.0 5019,SentFIN,NSE sees senior level changes,1,NSE,206.0,5.0 5020,SentFIN,NSE operationalises SME platform with first listing,1,NSE,207.0,7.0 5021,SentFIN,"Options suggest range of 8,000-8,300 for NSE",1,NSE,208.0,7.0 5022,SentFIN,NSE directs brokers to implement risk reduction mode,1,NSE,209.0,8.0 5023,SentFIN,NSE to begin overnight investment facility from Monday,1,NSE,210.0,8.0 5024,SentFIN,Nifty likely to trade in 7500-7700 range,1,Nifty,213.0,7.0 5025,SentFIN,Nifty will revisit 7930-7940 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,214.0,7.0 5026,SentFIN,Today's Bet: 5100-5300 level crucial for Nifty,1,Nifty,215.0,7.0 5027,SentFIN,5450-5500 is possible on Nifty: Aptart Technical Services,1,Nifty,216.0,8.0 5028,SentFIN,"Immediate target for Nifty at 7,935-7,940: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,217.0,8.0 5029,SentFIN,Nifty may retest levels of 8000: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,218.0,8.0 5030,SentFIN,Nifty might consolidate between 8950-8980 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,219.0,8.0 5031,SentFIN,Nifty to find next support at 5950 level,1,Nifty,220.0,8.0 5032,SentFIN,"Nifty50 to find support at 7,950-7,930: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,221.0,8.0 5033,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; Economic Survey eyed,1,Nifty,222.0,8.0 5034,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; may reclaim 8800,1,Nifty,223.0,8.0 5035,SentFIN,See Nifty heading towards 5180-5150 levels: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,224.0,8.0 5036,SentFIN,NHPC: Timely completion of projects crucial for company,1,NHPC,225.0,8.0 5037,SentFIN,Network18 names Anuj Gandhi as Group distribution director,1,Network18,226.0,8.0 5038,SentFIN,Should you buy Nestle India now?,1,Nestle India,227.0,6.0 5039,SentFIN,T Nandakumar to be appointed NDDB Chairman,1,NDDB,228.0,7.0 5040,SentFIN,"Exporters, traders flock to NCDEX's forwards segment",1,NCDEX,230.0,7.0 5041,SentFIN,NCDEX launches new membership category for forwards segment,1,NCDEX,231.0,8.0 5042,SentFIN,"NCDEX spot turnover may reach Rs 7,000 crore",1,NCDEX,232.0,8.0 5043,SentFIN,Nasdaq Record: Then and Now,1,Nasdaq,234.0,5.0 5044,SentFIN,"MTS appoints heads of Karnataka, UP (West) circles",1,MTS,235.0,8.0 5045,SentFIN,Kuldip Singh named new CMD of MTNL,1,MTNL,236.0,7.0 5046,SentFIN,D-Street shakeup may be triggered by MSCI rejig,1,MSCI,237.0,8.0 5047,SentFIN,MRPL records Rs 406 crore net profit,1,MRPL,238.0,7.0 5048,SentFIN,"For Mphasis, watch for 345-350 level: Ashwani Gujral",1,Mphasis,239.0,8.0 5049,SentFIN,Moser Baer postpones bondholders meet on debt restructuring,1,Moser Baer,240.0,8.0 5050,SentFIN,"Centre, states gear up for MOIL offer",1,MOIL,241.0,7.0 5051,SentFIN,Mini Indian Rupee futures launched in Dubai,1,Mini Indian Rupee futures,242.0,7.0 5052,SentFIN,MindTree board accepts Sootas resignation,1,MindTree,243.0,5.0 5053,SentFIN,Microsoft is tuning its phones for India coverage,1,Microsoft,244.0,8.0 5054,SentFIN,"Mercedes India appoints new heads for sales, marketing",1,Mercedes India,245.0,8.0 5055,SentFIN,MEP Infrastructure's Rs 324 crore IPO opens tomorrow,1,MEP Infrastructure,246.0,8.0 5056,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: 22 September, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,255.0,6.0 5057,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: Novermber 03, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,256.0,6.0 5058,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: October 10, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,257.0,6.0 5059,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: October 7, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,258.0,6.0 5060,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: September 08, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,259.0,6.0 5061,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: September 29, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,260.0,6.0 5062,SentFIN,"April 02, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,261.0,8.0 5063,SentFIN,"April 14, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,262.0,8.0 5064,SentFIN,"April 16, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,263.0,8.0 5065,SentFIN,"August 1, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on Rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,264.0,8.0 5066,SentFIN,"August 7, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on Rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,265.0,8.0 5067,SentFIN,"February 5, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,266.0,8.0 5068,SentFIN,"January 03, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,267.0,8.0 5069,SentFIN,"January 07, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,268.0,8.0 5070,SentFIN,"January 11, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,269.0,8.0 5071,SentFIN,"January 15, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,270.0,8.0 5072,SentFIN,"March 04, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,271.0,8.0 5073,SentFIN,"March 15, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,272.0,8.0 5074,SentFIN,"May 29, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,273.0,8.0 5075,SentFIN,"November 05, 2013: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,274.0,8.0 5076,SentFIN,"November 13, 2013: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,275.0,8.0 5077,SentFIN,"November 27, 2013: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,276.0,8.0 5078,SentFIN,"November 28, 2013: Mecklai Financial report on rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,277.0,8.0 5079,SentFIN,"September 1, 2014: Mecklai Financial report on Rupee",1,Mecklai Financial,278.0,8.0 5080,SentFIN,"MCX-SXCCL seeks candidates for Managing Director, CEO post",1,MCX-SXCCL,279.0,8.0 5081,SentFIN,MCX CFO Hemant Vastani resigns,1,MCX,282.0,5.0 5082,SentFIN,MCX migrates to latest version of exchange software,1,MCX,283.0,8.0 5083,SentFIN,McAfee appoints Anand Prahlad as India Operations head,1,McAfee,285.0,8.0 5084,SentFIN,Maytas Infra to consider share issue July 19,1,Maytas Infra,286.0,8.0 5085,SentFIN,Max Life Insurance proposes maiden dividend for shareholders,1,Max Life Insurance,287.0,8.0 5086,SentFIN,Maruti Gujarat plans: Will small investors be shortchanged?,1,Maruti Gujarat,288.0,8.0 5087,SentFIN,Games fund managers play in Maruti,1,Maruti,289.0,6.0 5088,SentFIN,Maruti may get re-rated post Diwali: Prakash Diwan,1,Maruti,290.0,8.0 5089,SentFIN,Market downside capped likely at 7550 levels,1,Market,291.0,7.0 5090,SentFIN,Market on a consolidating mode: Mitesh Thacker,1,Market,292.0,7.0 5091,SentFIN,Marico Kaya to be listed on bourses,1,Marico Kaya,293.0,7.0 5092,SentFIN,Manappuram Finance launches another public issue,1,Manappuram Finance,294.0,6.0 5093,SentFIN,MakeMyTrip posts Q4 net profit of $3.7 mn,1,MakeMyTrip,296.0,8.0 5094,SentFIN,Madras Stock Exchange to close doors?,1,Madras Stock Exchange,298.0,6.0 5095,SentFIN,M&M probably retest levels around 550: Ashwani Gujral,1,M&M,300.0,8.0 5096,SentFIN,Hosiery maker Lux Industries to debut on NSE,1,Lux Industries,301.0,8.0 5097,SentFIN,Lux Industries lists on NSE at Rs 3342.05,1,Lux Industries,302.0,8.0 5098,SentFIN,US Generic launches are key to Lupin growth,1,Lupin,303.0,8.0 5099,SentFIN,Lamy names William Penn official distributor in India,1,Lamy,304.0,8.0 5100,SentFIN,Shareholding norms: L&T Finance Holdings explores various options,1,L&T Finance Holdings,305.0,8.0 5101,SentFIN,L&T: Analysts' views & recommendations on the stock,1,L&T,306.0,8.0 5102,SentFIN,Five things to know about KYC Registration Agency,1,KYC Registration Agency,307.0,8.0 5103,SentFIN,Jyothy Laboratories rejigs top management,1,Jyothy Laboratories,310.0,5.0 5104,SentFIN,"JPMorgan shuffles CFO, other execs",1,JPMorgan,311.0,5.0 5105,SentFIN,JK Tyre & Industries to consider stock split,1,JK Tyre & Industries,312.0,8.0 5106,SentFIN,Jindal SAW appoints Neeraj Kumar as group CEO,1,Jindal SAW,313.0,8.0 5107,SentFIN,"JGBs mixed, underpinned by solid 5-year auction results",1,JGBs,314.0,8.0 5108,SentFIN,JGBs steady at lofty levels as stocks slump,1,JGBs,315.0,8.0 5109,SentFIN,Q1 earnings analysis: Jammu and Kashmir Bank,1,Jammu and Kashmir Bank,316.0,7.0 5110,SentFIN,Jaggery prices steady in thin trade,1,Jaggery,317.0,6.0 5111,SentFIN,"ITC Q2 profit at Rs 2,425.16 crore",1,ITC,318.0,7.0 5112,SentFIN,What can be expected from ITC Q3 results?,1,ITC,319.0,8.0 5113,SentFIN,Be tactful on IT stocks: Deven Choksey,1,IT stocks,320.0,7.0 5114,SentFIN,Stock-specific action likely on IT counters: Nitin Raheja,1,IT,321.0,8.0 5115,SentFIN,Decoding the cryogenic engine used in ISRO launch,1,ISRO,323.0,8.0 5116,SentFIN,Ircon declares Rs 64 crore dividend for 2011-12,1,Ircon,324.0,8.0 5117,SentFIN,Ingersoll Rand appoints Madhusudan Rao as CFO,1,Ingersoll Rand,325.0,7.0 5118,SentFIN,Check out experts' recommendations on infra stocks,1,infra stocks,326.0,7.0 5119,SentFIN,Infosys appoints Kanchinadam as Chief Compliance Officer,1,Infosys,328.0,7.0 5120,SentFIN,Infosys elevates Pravin Rao as whole-time director,1,Infosys,329.0,7.0 5121,SentFIN,What brokerages are expecting from Infosys Q4 results,1,Infosys,330.0,8.0 5122,SentFIN,Why long-term investors should stay invested in Infosys,1,Infosys,331.0,8.0 5123,SentFIN,Smart things to know about inflation-indexed bonds,1,inflation-indexed bonds,332.0,7.0 5124,SentFIN,Infinite Computer to enter market,1,Infinite Computer,334.0,5.0 5125,SentFIN,IndiGo staff keep off airline's IPO,1,IndiGo,335.0,6.0 5126,SentFIN,Calculus that drives Indian Railways,1,Indian Railways,336.0,5.0 5127,SentFIN,Mark Mobius expects 15-20% returns from Indian markets,1,Indian markets,337.0,8.0 5128,SentFIN,"Indian market retains trillion-dollar tag, for now",1,Indian market,339.0,7.0 5129,SentFIN,Jignesh Shah quits Indian Energy Exchange board,1,Indian Energy Exchange,340.0,7.0 5130,SentFIN,How India Inc can woo more international investors,1,India Inc,341.0,8.0 5131,SentFIN,Two IIFL subsidiaries get investment adviser licence,1,IIFL,343.0,7.0 5132,SentFIN,IIFCL launches infrastructure bonds,1,IIFCL,344.0,4.0 5133,SentFIN,Anshu Jain joins IIF board,1,IIF,345.0,5.0 5134,SentFIN,IiAS names Hetal Dalal as COO,1,IiAS,346.0,6.0 5135,SentFIN,Chandrakala Padia to be IIAS first woman chairperson,1,IIAS,347.0,8.0 5136,SentFIN,Narendra Kumar takes over as IGL Managing Director,1,IGL,348.0,8.0 5137,SentFIN,2G auction will not impact Idea Cellular,1,Idea Cellular,349.0,7.0 5138,SentFIN,IDBI Federal Life elevates Vighnesh Shahane as CEO,1,IDBI Federal Life,350.0,8.0 5139,SentFIN,What to expect from ICICI Bank Q3 results?,1,ICICI Bank,352.0,8.0 5140,SentFIN,Rajnikant Patel tipped to become ICEX CEO,1,ICEX,353.0,7.0 5141,SentFIN,IBMA reconstitutes board; appoints four new directors,1,IBMA,354.0,7.0 5142,SentFIN,"Hyundai Motor India promotes R Sethuraman, Rakesh Srivastava",1,Hyundai Motor India,355.0,8.0 5143,SentFIN,Hyundai elevates R Sethuraman to board of directors,1,Hyundai,356.0,8.0 5144,SentFIN,Two senior executives quit HULs modern trade division,1,HUL,357.0,8.0 5145,SentFIN,Hong Kong shares end mixed as insurers weigh,1,Hong Kong shares,358.0,8.0 5146,SentFIN,Hinduja Ventures Q3 profit at Rs 23.53 crore,1,Hinduja Ventures,360.0,8.0 5147,SentFIN,Range-bound markets help consolidate: HDFC Standard Life,1,HDFC Standard Life,361.0,7.0 5148,SentFIN,HCL ropes in Chandrasekaran as No. 2,1,HCL,362.0,7.0 5149,SentFIN,Sant Singh Chatwal-led Hampshire Hotels appoints new CEO,1,Hampshire Hotels,363.0,8.0 5150,SentFIN,Gur prices ends quiet on scattered buying,1,Gur,364.0,7.0 5151,SentFIN,KK Maheshwari appointed as Grasim MD,1,Grasim,365.0,6.0 5152,SentFIN,"India valuations are less compelling, says Goldman Sachs",1,Goldman Sachs,366.0,8.0 5153,SentFIN,China eyes gold market clout with new exchange,1,gold market,367.0,8.0 5154,SentFIN,Should you bet on gold loan companies?,1,gold loan companies,368.0,7.0 5155,SentFIN,Catch the glow of gold,1,gold,369.0,5.0 5156,SentFIN,"Gold trading flat, reflecting overseas trend",1,Gold,370.0,6.0 5157,SentFIN,Elections results to influence gold prices: Study,1,gold,371.0,7.0 5158,SentFIN,"Gold steadies above $1,250/oz before US jobs report",1,Gold,372.0,8.0 5159,SentFIN,Gold steadies ahead of expected hawkish Fed moves,1,Gold,373.0,8.0 5160,SentFIN,Gold steadies as buoyant equities balance Ukraine tensions,1,Gold,374.0,8.0 5161,SentFIN,Sridhar Krishnamoorthy to head Gerdau Steel India,1,Gerdau Steel India,376.0,7.0 5162,SentFIN,Geojit posts Rs 20 crore profit in Q2,1,Geojit,377.0,8.0 5163,SentFIN,General Insurance Corporation to offer catastrophe bonds,1,General Insurance Corporation,378.0,7.0 5164,SentFIN,FTILs warrants sale hangs in balance,1,FTIL,380.0,6.0 5165,SentFIN,Foodgrain prices rule steady in wholesale market,1,Foodgrain,381.0,7.0 5166,SentFIN,What lies ahead for FMCG stocks,1,FMCG stocks,382.0,6.0 5167,SentFIN,Weak monsoon could halt rally in FMCG stocks,1,FMCG stocks,383.0,8.0 5168,SentFIN,FMC mulls centre-specific commodity forward trades,1,FMC,386.0,6.0 5169,SentFIN,We are reviewing shareholding guidelines: FMC chairman,1,FMC,387.0,7.0 5170,SentFIN,Flipkart names Rajnish Baweja as its finance controller,1,Flipkart,388.0,8.0 5171,SentFIN,Firstsource: Should you invest at the current levels?,1,Firstsource,389.0,8.0 5172,SentFIN,Finolex Cables Q4 PAT at Rs 18.68 cr,1,Finolex Cables,390.0,8.0 5173,SentFIN,Financial Technologies receives non-binding bids for its stake,1,Financial Technologies,392.0,8.0 5174,SentFIN,Ficci establishes centre for corporate governance,1,Ficci,393.0,6.0 5175,SentFIN,Fed decision unlikely to calm markets: Fund managers,1,Fed,395.0,8.0 5176,SentFIN,Fatpipe to raise Rs 49 cr through IPO,1,Fatpipe,396.0,8.0 5177,SentFIN,Everstone names L. Brooks Entwistle as group CEO,1,Everstone,398.0,8.0 5178,SentFIN,Are Europe-focused funds a good bet?,1,Europe-focused funds,399.0,6.0 5179,SentFIN,Staying active in flat European stock markets,1,European stock markets,400.0,7.0 5180,SentFIN,European stock markets flat as glum outlook weighs,1,European stock markets,401.0,8.0 5181,SentFIN,Euronext names new head of post-trade business,1,Euronext,404.0,7.0 5182,SentFIN,Euro is not too strong: Luc Coene,1,Euro,406.0,7.0 5183,SentFIN,Euro remains steady ahead of ECB policy meeting,1,Euro,407.0,8.0 5184,SentFIN,Eurex exchange says currently experiencing technical issues,1,Eurex exchange,408.0,7.0 5185,SentFIN,Important support for EUR/USD lies at $1.3588/86,1,EUR/USD,409.0,7.0 5186,SentFIN,Ravi Ruia quits as Essar Energy chief,1,Essar Energy,410.0,7.0 5187,SentFIN,Rajeev Vasudeva appointed CEO of Egon Zehnder,1,Egon Zehnder,411.0,7.0 5188,SentFIN,Day Trading Guide by Edelweiss Securities,1,Edelweiss Securities,412.0,6.0 5189,SentFIN,Day Trading Guide from Edelweiss Securities,1,Edelweiss Securities,413.0,6.0 5190,SentFIN,DTC will not impact foreign investor fund inflows,1,DTC,414.0,8.0 5191,SentFIN,Dry fruit prices rule steady in tight movements,1,Dry fruit,416.0,8.0 5192,SentFIN,"A look at the Dow 1,000-point milestones",1,Dow,417.0,7.0 5193,SentFIN,How the dollar impacts you,1,dollar,418.0,5.0 5194,SentFIN,Dollar moves narrowly in Asia trade,1,Dollar,419.0,6.0 5195,SentFIN,Dollar steady in Asia ahead of Fed minutes,1,Dollar,420.0,8.0 5196,SentFIN,"Dollar supported by ECB talk, Japan election speculation",1,Dollar,421.0,8.0 5197,SentFIN,Pramod Bhasin to head DLF's rental business,1,DLF,422.0,7.0 5198,SentFIN,Dhanlaxmi Bank board orders 3-year expenditure audit,1,Dhanlaxmi Bank,423.0,7.0 5199,SentFIN,Cyclicals to wait for concrete fundamentals: Nitin Raheja,1,Cyclicals,426.0,8.0 5200,SentFIN,Crude reserves filling to begin after March 2016,1,Crude,427.0,8.0 5201,SentFIN,Crisil launches first inflation-linked government securities index,1,Crisil,428.0,7.0 5202,SentFIN, plans to launch IPO in 3-5 years,1,,429.0,8.0 5203,SentFIN,Commodities futures now part of supply chain,1,Commodities futures,430.0,7.0 5204,SentFIN,Look beyond annual contracts in commodity buying',1,commodity,431.0,7.0 5205,SentFIN,Mixed trend prevailed in commodities market this week,1,commodities,432.0,8.0 5206,SentFIN,Commexes extended trade hours hit a roadblock,1,Commexes,433.0,7.0 5207,SentFIN,Comfort Comtrade lists on BSE's SME platform,1,Comfort Comtrade,434.0,7.0 5208,SentFIN,Colgate-Palmolive India appoints Prabha Parameswaran as MD,1,Colgate-Palmolive India,435.0,7.0 5209,SentFIN,Coffee Day to list shares on Monday,1,Coffee Day,436.0,7.0 5210,SentFIN,Coffee Day IPO: Should you subscribe or avoid?,1,Coffee Day,437.0,8.0 5211,SentFIN,CNX IT holding the market: Ashwani Gujral,1,CNX IT,438.0,7.0 5212,SentFIN,CLSA picks top 12 investment themes for 2014,1,CLSA,439.0,8.0 5213,SentFIN,Sameer Goel takes over as Cipla India head,1,Cipla India,440.0,8.0 5214,SentFIN,Cipla to meet revised targets,1,Cipla,441.0,5.0 5215,SentFIN,Cipla appoints Adil Zainulbhai as an independent director,1,Cipla,442.0,8.0 5216,SentFIN,Sameer Goel takes over as Cipla's India head,1,Cipla,443.0,8.0 5217,SentFIN,"Despite discount, CIL staff cool to IPO",1,CIL,444.0,7.0 5218,SentFIN,Ajay Shriram takes over as new CII President,1,CII,445.0,8.0 5219,SentFIN,China yuan sees respite from recent bruising,1,China yuan,446.0,7.0 5220,SentFIN,China yuan flat despite a two-month low midpoint,1,China yuan,447.0,8.0 5221,SentFIN,China yuan pinned steady by central bank guidance,1,China yuan,448.0,8.0 5222,SentFIN,China stocks close mixed ahead of 'connector' launch,1,China stocks,449.0,8.0 5223,SentFIN,China stock offers to resume next week: Companies,1,China stock,450.0,8.0 5224,SentFIN,China Overseas Land braves market with euro bonds,1,China Overseas Land,451.0,8.0 5225,SentFIN,China markets calm in thin trade,1,China markets,452.0,6.0 5226,SentFIN,Cerebra snaps winning streak as traders corner co,1,Cerebra,453.0,8.0 5227,SentFIN,Central Depository Services plans Rs 400 crore IPO,1,Central Depository Services,454.0,8.0 5228,SentFIN,Care reports flat net in Q3,1,Care,455.0,6.0 5229,SentFIN,Carborundum Universal posts Rs 49 cr Q4 profit,1,Carborundum Universal,456.0,8.0 5230,SentFIN,BSNL IPO may happen next fiscal: Disinvestment Secretary,1,BSNL,458.0,8.0 5231,SentFIN,BSE revises circuit limit for 405 stocks,1,BSE,461.0,7.0 5232,SentFIN,BSE increases lot-size of foreign index derivatives contracts,1,BSE,462.0,8.0 5233,SentFIN,"BSE plans international exchange in Gujarat, commodity bourse",1,BSE,463.0,8.0 5234,SentFIN,BSE to begin charging for currency derivatives trade,1,BSE,464.0,8.0 5235,SentFIN,BSE to introduce new group 'W' from Friday,1,BSE,465.0,8.0 5236,SentFIN,BSE tweaks minimum base capital rules for brokers,1,BSE,466.0,8.0 5237,SentFIN,BS Transcomm debuts at Rs 257/share on NSE,1,BS Transcomm,467.0,8.0 5238,SentFIN,BS Transcomm IPO looks costlier than peers:Nirmal Bang,1,BS Transcomm,468.0,8.0 5239,SentFIN,Vinita Bali steps down as Britannia Managing Director,1,Britannia,469.0,8.0 5240,SentFIN,Record open interest points to Brent price support,1,Brent,470.0,8.0 5241,SentFIN,Bonds now move in tandem with stocks,1,Bonds,471.0,7.0 5242,SentFIN,Bonds little changed; treasury bills auction in focus,1,Bonds,472.0,8.0 5243,SentFIN,Bond yields steady ahead of buyback results,1,Bond,473.0,7.0 5244,SentFIN,Bond yields steady; treasury bill outcome watched,1,Bond,474.0,7.0 5245,SentFIN,Bond yields little changed; buyback news to support,1,Bond,475.0,8.0 5246,SentFIN,Fruitful talks held with Bharti on mobile industry,1,Bharti,476.0,8.0 5247,SentFIN,BGR Energy can test 370 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,BGR Energy,477.0,8.0 5248,SentFIN,"Barclays appoints heads of equities for India, Korea",1,Barclays,479.0,8.0 5249,SentFIN,Analysts' recommendations on banking stocks,1,banking stocks,480.0,5.0 5250,SentFIN,Too early to buy banking stocks: Deepak Mohoni,1,banking stocks,481.0,8.0 5251,SentFIN,Bank Nifty may consolidate: Mitesh Thacker,1,Bank Nifty,482.0,6.0 5252,SentFIN,Stock-specific action likely; all eyes on Bank Nifty,1,Bank Nifty,483.0,8.0 5253,SentFIN,Bajaj Auto Q2 net at Rs 591 crore,1,Bajaj Auto,484.0,8.0 5254,SentFIN,Bafna Pharmaceuticals proposes to raise funds,1,Bafna Pharmaceuticals,485.0,6.0 5255,SentFIN,Australia shares end flat ahead of bank results,1,Australia shares,486.0,8.0 5256,SentFIN,Australia shares seen steady ahead of emergency summit,1,Australia shares,487.0,8.0 5257,SentFIN,Aster Silicates IPO opens on Thursday,1,Aster Silicates,488.0,6.0 5258,SentFIN,GST is a brahmastra to kick-start GDP: Assocham,1,Assocham,489.0,8.0 5259,SentFIN,Asian stocks mixed after Wall Street records,1,Asian stocks,490.0,7.0 5260,SentFIN,Hold on to Asian Paints: Deven Choksey,1,Asian Paints,491.0,7.0 5261,SentFIN,Asian Paints Q3 net at Rs 329.35 cr,1,Asian Paints,492.0,8.0 5262,SentFIN,"Asian currencies mixed, await US jobs data",1,Asian currencies,493.0,7.0 5263,SentFIN,Asia shares mixed after new Wall Street record,1,Asia shares,494.0,8.0 5264,SentFIN,Asia to test bond record again in 2015,1,Asia,496.0,8.0 5265,SentFIN,Ashoka Buildcon to issue shares to institutional investors,1,Ashoka Buildcon,497.0,8.0 5266,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland vice chairman V Sumantran resigns,1,Ashok Leyland,498.0,7.0 5267,SentFIN,Dheeraj Hinduja appointed Chairman of Ashok Leyland,1,Ashok Leyland,499.0,7.0 5268,SentFIN,ArthVeda Capital to launch Smart Alpha indices,1,ArthVeda Capital,500.0,7.0 5269,SentFIN,"Apple Inc announces seven-part bond for buybacks, dividends",1,Apple Inc,501.0,8.0 5270,SentFIN,Fundamentally markets are fairly priced: Angel Broking,1,Angel Broking,502.0,7.0 5271,SentFIN,Ameriprise Financial closes financial planning division in India,1,Ameriprise Financial,503.0,8.0 5272,SentFIN,Sanjiv Mediratta joins Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company,1,Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company,505.0,8.0 5273,SentFIN,India's Lalita Gupte finds place in Alstom's Board,1,Alstom,506.0,8.0 5274,SentFIN,AkzoNobel India appoints Jayakumar Krishnaswamy as managing director,1,AkzoNobel India,507.0,8.0 5275,SentFIN,Air India bond sale extended to September 26,1,Air India,508.0,8.0 5276,SentFIN,Adlabs Entertainment to make market debut on Monday,1,Adlabs Entertainment,509.0,8.0 5277,SentFIN,ABN Amro IPO values bank at $17.9 billion,1,ABN Amro,511.0,8.0 5278,SentFIN,Early triggers coming into ABG Shipyard: Rajesh Jain,1,ABG Shipyard,512.0,8.0 5279,SentFIN,ABB relying on short-term orders to lower risk,1,ABB,513.0,8.0 5280,SentFIN,A2Z Engg plans Rs 350-cr public issue,1,A2Z Engg,514.0,7.0 5281,SentFIN,Markets may move in 8000-8200 range,1,Markets,515.0,6.0 5282,SentFIN,3i Infotech to begin talks for bond refinancing: Source,1,3i Infotech,516.0,9.0 5283,SentFIN,7050 to 7080 cash level for Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,518.0,9.0 5284,SentFIN,Abhay Kumar Singh is new CEO of SBI Cards,1,SBI Cards,519.0,9.0 5285,SentFIN,Alibaba set to price IPO shares amid investor frenzy,1,Alibaba,520.0,9.0 5286,SentFIN,"Alkem Laboratories prices IPO at Rs 1,050 per share",1,Alkem Laboratories,521.0,9.0 5287,SentFIN,Ambit Capital appoints Saurabh Mukherjea as Head of Equities,1,Ambit Capital,522.0,9.0 5288,SentFIN,Amit Akali calls it quits at Grey Worldwide India,1,Grey Worldwide India,523.0,9.0 5289,SentFIN,Anil Dua quits Hero MotoCorp; to pursue career abroad,1,Hero MotoCorp,524.0,9.0 5290,SentFIN,Ansuman Das takes over as full-time CMD of NALCO,1,NALCO,525.0,9.0 5291,SentFIN,Arbitrageurs building positions in natural gas counter on MCX,1,MCX,526.0,9.0 5292,SentFIN,"Arcil to pick stake in Spic, come on board",1,Spic,527.0,9.0 5293,SentFIN,Arun Gupta appointed CMD of Shipping Corporation of India,1,Shipping Corporation of India,528.0,9.0 5294,SentFIN,Ashok Vidyasagar appointed as senior VP of Endemol India,1,Endemol India,529.0,9.0 5295,SentFIN,"Asia stocks muted as China data, Wall St weighed",1,Asia stocks,530.0,9.0 5296,SentFIN,"Atanu Sen becomes new MD, CEO of SBI Life",1,SBI Life,531.0,9.0 5297,SentFIN,Axis Bank foreign shareholding crosses 49 per cent limit,1,Axis Bank,532.0,9.0 5298,SentFIN,Banking stocks to see lot of traction: Mitesh Thacker,2,Banking stocks,533.0,9.0 5299,SentFIN,Bayer CropScience plans Rs 455 crore share buyback offer,1,Bayer CropScience,534.0,9.0 5300,SentFIN,Bosch appoints Guenter Weber as regional president in India,1,Bosch,535.0,9.0 5301,SentFIN,Bourses ask companies to comply with corporate governance norms,1,Bourses,536.0,9.0 5302,SentFIN,BPCL hires four banks for US dollar bond offering,1,BPCL,537.0,9.0 5303,SentFIN,Brokerages have mixed views on Wipro post Q4 results,1,Wipro,538.0,9.0 5304,SentFIN,Brokers seek reduction in option trading charges at NSE,1,NSE,539.0,9.0 5305,SentFIN,"BSE opens investor centres at Lucknow, Vadodara and Patna",1,BSE,541.0,9.0 5306,SentFIN,CCD may be valued at $1bn in April IPO,1,CCD,543.0,9.0 5307,SentFIN,Ceat fairly priced at the current levels: Nitin Raheja,1,Ceat,544.0,9.0 5308,SentFIN,Central Bank of India housing finance subsidiary eyes IPO,1,Central Bank of India,545.0,9.0 5309,SentFIN,Century Textiles posts Rs 1.58 crore profit in Q3,1,Century Textiles,546.0,9.0 5310,SentFIN,China funds raise equity allocations as buy-in opportunities rise,1,China funds,547.0,9.0 5311,SentFIN,China slaps restrictions on 7 securities and futures institutions,1,China,548.0,9.0 5312,SentFIN,China yuan almost unchanged after moving in narrow range,1,China yuan,549.0,9.0 5313,SentFIN,Choose NBFCs which have muliple products including insurance:Prateek Agarwal,1,NBFCs,550.0,9.0 5314,SentFIN,Coal India board appoints M Viswanathan as Company Secretary,1,Coal India,551.0,9.0 5315,SentFIN,Cosmo Films to raise Rs 100 crore through QIP,1,Cosmo Films,552.0,9.0 5316,SentFIN,Create framework to fight cyber attacks on markets: Sebi,1,Sebi,553.0,9.0 5317,SentFIN,Dalit Entrepreneurs celebrate the launch of Dicci's Mumbai chapter,1,Dicci,554.0,9.0 5318,SentFIN,David Lau appointed GM of Singapore Airlines in India,1,Singapore Airlines,555.0,9.0 5319,SentFIN,Did Federal Reserve's Janet Yellen just enter currency wars?,1,Federal Reserve,556.0,9.0 5320,SentFIN,DLF asked to give fund-requirement plans for interim relief,1,DLF,557.0,9.0 5321,SentFIN,Do not see Nifty testing 8000 levels: UR Bhat,1,Nifty,558.0,9.0 5322,SentFIN,Does Sesa Sterlite look attractive as SC lifts ban?,1,Sesa Sterlite,559.0,9.0 5323,SentFIN,Dollar steadies in Asian markets despite weak GDP data,1,Dollar,560.0,9.0 5324,SentFIN,Ennore Port to approach Shipping Ministry for IPO approval,1,Ennore Port,561.0,9.0 5325,SentFIN,Espirito Santo Securities appoints Premal Madhavji as Equities Head,1,Espirito Santo Securities,562.0,9.0 5326,SentFIN,Eveready Industries records Q4 profit at Rs 5.44 crore,1,Eveready Industries,563.0,9.0 5327,SentFIN,Expect Nifty to hover around 5950-6100 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,564.0,9.0 5328,SentFIN,Expect Nifty to hover around 5950-6100 levels: Sandeep Wagle,1,Nifty,565.0,9.0 5329,SentFIN,"Expect Nifty50 to trade in 7,700-7850 range: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty50,566.0,9.0 5330,SentFIN,F&O Tracker: Nifty likely to cap resistance at 6270,1,Nifty,567.0,9.0 5331,SentFIN,F&O: Next support of Nifty seen around 5000 levels,1,Nifty,568.0,9.0 5332,SentFIN,Financial Technologies investors have a tough call to make,1,Financial Technologies,569.0,9.0 5333,SentFIN,Force Motors Q3 net profit at Rs 9.99 crore,1,Force Motors,570.0,9.0 5334,SentFIN,Fortis Healthcare December quarter profit at Rs 389.09 crore,1,Fortis Healthcare,571.0,9.0 5335,SentFIN,Gammon India to issue Rs 100-crore debentures to promoters,1,Gammon India,572.0,9.0 5336,SentFIN,"Get ready to test 8,650-8,700 on Nifty: Sandeep Wagle",1,Nifty,573.0,9.0 5337,SentFIN,Global design pact: IKEA to rope in NIFT students,1,IKEA,574.0,9.0 5338,SentFIN,Gopal Vittal to be managing director at Bharti Airtel,1,Bharti Airtel,576.0,9.0 5339,SentFIN,Government plans to curb RBI role in financial markets,1,RBI,577.0,9.0 5340,SentFIN,Govt goes on hunt for a new FMC chief,1,FMC,578.0,9.0 5341,SentFIN,Growth more promising in midsize IT companies: Deven Choksey,2,midsize IT companies,579.0,9.0 5342,SentFIN,Has RIL turned the corner? Some analysts think so,1,RIL,580.0,9.0 5343,SentFIN,Have stock-specific view on consumer durables space: Hemindra Hazari,1,consumer durables,581.0,9.0 5344,SentFIN,HCL Q3 Results: Five things to watch out for,1,HCL,582.0,9.0 5345,SentFIN,HDFC seeks to raise Rs 1000 crore via bonds,1,HDFC,583.0,9.0 5346,SentFIN,"Healing process continues, investors need to be patient: CLSA",1,CLSA,584.0,9.0 5347,SentFIN,Heard on the street: Dabba trading on Sebi radar,1,Sebi,585.0,9.0 5348,SentFIN,Heidelberg Cement India to raise Rs 370-cr through NCDs,1,Heidelberg Cement India,586.0,9.0 5349,SentFIN,Heritage Foods to reward shareholders with 1:1 bonus issue,1,Heritage Foods,587.0,9.0 5350,SentFIN,Hero MotoCorp appoints Sanjay Jorapur as Chief HR Officer,1,Hero MotoCorp,588.0,9.0 5351,SentFIN,IDBI looking at FPO to shore up capital base,1,IDBI,589.0,9.0 5352,SentFIN,IDFC ex-MD Nikhil Vora fund gets first mega investor,1,IDFC,590.0,9.0 5353,SentFIN,"IDFC to remain in 120-140 range, says Jagannadham Thunuguntla",1,IDFC,591.0,9.0 5354,SentFIN,IEA says oil supply boost may defer market tightening,1,IEA,592.0,9.0 5355,SentFIN,Immediate support for rupee is placed at 55.10: Bonanza,0,rupee,593.0,9.0 5356,SentFIN,Indian markets not trading at cheap valuations: Anish Damania,1,Indian markets,595.0,9.0 5357,SentFIN,"IndiGo set to launch Rs 2,500-crore initial public offering",1,IndiGo,596.0,9.0 5358,SentFIN,Infosys' March guidance for next fiscal is very crucial,1,Infosys,597.0,9.0 5359,SentFIN,Infosys Q4 results: Five things to watch out for,1,Infosys,598.0,9.0 5360,SentFIN,Insecticides India's Q4 net profit at Rs 6.13 crore,1,Insecticides India,599.0,9.0 5361,SentFIN,"Investors on sidelines ahead of US holiday, ECB meeting",1,ECB,600.0,9.0 5362,SentFIN,"IOC investor roadshows in Singapore, Hong Kong this week",1,IOC,601.0,9.0 5363,SentFIN,Is this a good time to purchase gold jewellery?,1,gold,602.0,9.0 5364,SentFIN,"IT companies will continue to deliver, says Dipan Mehta",2,IT companies,603.0,9.0 5365,SentFIN,J P Chalasani joins Punj Lloyd as Group CEO,1,Punj Lloyd,604.0,9.0 5366,SentFIN,"Jindal Stainless rejig: Shareholders, creditors meet on May 16",1,Jindal Stainless,605.0,9.0 5367,SentFIN,Jyotivardhan Jaipuria leads exit of senior analysts at BofA-ML,1,BofA-ML,607.0,9.0 5368,SentFIN,K K Agarwal takes over as NTPC Regional ED,1,NTPC,608.0,9.0 5369,SentFIN,Kartik Kaushik to lead Citi India's consumer banking division,1,Citi India,609.0,9.0 5370,SentFIN,Keki Mistry joins advisory board of Cox & Kings,1,Cox & Kings,610.0,9.0 5371,SentFIN,Komli Media CEO Prashant Mehta quits for personal reasons,1,Komli Media,611.0,9.0 5372,SentFIN,Legal tussle forces Sebi to re-think decision on self-regulation,1,Sebi,614.0,9.0 5373,SentFIN,Limited options in banking space to pick: Harendra Kumar,1,banking space,615.0,9.0 5374,SentFIN,Lodha Developers gives guidance for debut US dollar bond,1,Lodha Developers,616.0,9.0 5375,SentFIN,Look for levels around 6630-6640 on Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,617.0,9.0 5376,SentFIN,Maharashtra say no to Bt cotton seed price hike,1,Bt cotton seed,618.0,9.0 5377,SentFIN,Manpasand Beverages plans IPO to raise Rs 500 crore,1,Manpasand Beverages,619.0,9.0 5378,SentFIN,"March series may expire at 6,600-6,650: Vishal Kshatriya, Edelweiss",1,Edelweiss,620.0,9.0 5379,SentFIN,Marginal revision in Lupin's target price expected: Pankaj Pandey,1,Lupin,621.0,9.0 5380,SentFIN,Max Indias Vibha Paul Rishi decides to move on,1,Max India,622.0,9.0 5381,SentFIN,Micromax rejigs management; ropes in Deepak Mehrotra as CEO,1,Micromax,623.0,9.0 5382,SentFIN,Mideast crude market rides out Iraq conflict for now,1,Mideast crude market,624.0,9.0 5383,SentFIN,Moderate earnings expected for IT companies in Q3: Analysts,1,IT companies,625.0,9.0 5384,SentFIN,MRPL posts profit of Rs 260 cr in Q3,1,MRPL,626.0,9.0 5385,SentFIN,MT Educare IPO oversubscribed 1.22 times on day 2,1,MT Educare,628.0,9.0 5386,SentFIN,"Munish Sharda appointed as Future Generali Life MD, CEO",1,Future Generali Life,629.0,9.0 5387,SentFIN,Muthoot Fincorp announces its first public issue of NCDs,1,Muthoot Fincorp,630.0,9.0 5388,SentFIN,Nasdaq to settle Facebook IPO lawsuit for $26.5 million,1,Facebook,632.0,9.0 5389,SentFIN,NCDEX seeks permission to do futures trading in sugar,1,NCDEX,633.0,9.0 5390,SentFIN,New rules on delivery instruction slips from October: Sebi,1,Sebi,634.0,9.0 5391,SentFIN,"NHAI tax-free bond closes tomorrow, grab a share now",1,NHAI,635.0,9.0 5392,SentFIN,Nifty likely to revisit 7450-7500 support levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,636.0,9.0 5393,SentFIN,"Nifty looks tightly range bound: Vineet Bhatnagar, MD, PhillipCapital",1,Nifty,637.0,9.0 5394,SentFIN,Nifty may take a breather around 6715-6750 this week,1,Nifty,638.0,9.0 5395,SentFIN,Nifty might retest earlier high of 7800: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,639.0,9.0 5396,SentFIN,Nifty to test 6900 levels; top five trading strategies,1,Nifty,640.0,9.0 5397,SentFIN,"Nifty50 may not break 8,000 in hurry: Sandeep Wagle",1,Nifty50,641.0,9.0 5398,SentFIN,Nissan Motor India appoints Takayuki Ishida as new MD,1,Nissan Motor India,643.0,9.0 5399,SentFIN,Nita Ambani becomes first woman director on Reliance board,1,Reliance,644.0,9.0 5400,SentFIN,NMCE to launch select forward agri contracts this month,1,NMCE,645.0,9.0 5401,SentFIN,Noel N Tata takes over as chairman of Trent,1,Trent,648.0,9.0 5402,SentFIN,Nomura's top five largecap picks in an uncertain market,1,Nomura,651.0,9.0 5403,SentFIN,NSE arm introduces acceptance of FDRs in electronic form,1,NSE,652.0,9.0 5404,SentFIN,NSE expects 8-10 listings on institutional platform by March,1,NSE,653.0,9.0 5405,SentFIN,NSE to launch trading in currency options on Friday,1,NSE,654.0,9.0 5406,SentFIN,NSEL to rematerialise e-series contracts from April 12 onwards,1,NSEL,656.0,9.0 5407,SentFIN,OIL India is more sideways type stock: Ashwani Gujral,1,OIL India,658.0,9.0 5408,SentFIN,Oil marketing companies to procure Rs 97-crore litre ethanol,1,Oil marketing companies,659.0,9.0 5409,SentFIN,Oil steady around $114 as Iraq exports in focus,1,Oil,660.0,9.0 5410,SentFIN,P Padmanabhan takes charge as MD Numaligarh Refinery Ltd,1,Numaligarh Refinery Ltd,661.0,9.0 5411,SentFIN,Panacea Biotec Q3 net profit at Rs 83 crore,1,Panacea Biotec,663.0,9.0 5412,SentFIN,"PepsiCo India appoints new CEOs for beverages, foods businesses",1,PepsiCo India,665.0,9.0 5413,SentFIN,Philippe Divry appointed as the MD of Volvo India,1,Volvo India,666.0,9.0 5414,SentFIN,"Pipavav is steady: Ambareesh Baliga, Way2Wealth Brokers Pvt. Ltd",1,Pipavav,667.0,9.0 5415,SentFIN,Piramal Enterprises Q3 net profit at Rs 249 crore,1,Piramal Enterprises,668.0,9.0 5416,SentFIN,Ponzi schemes: Sebi seeks quarterly meetings of state panels,1,Sebi,669.0,9.0 5417,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; mat retest 8100 levels,1,Nifty,670.0,9.0 5418,SentFIN,"Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; may reclaim 7,550 levels",1,Nifty,671.0,9.0 5419,SentFIN,"Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; may reclaim 7,800 levels",1,Nifty,672.0,9.0 5420,SentFIN,Pricing power is the key in FMCG: Prateek Agarwal,1,FMCG,673.0,9.0 5421,SentFIN,Prism Cement Q1 net profit at Rs 13.24 crore,1,Prism Cement,674.0,9.0 5422,SentFIN,Private sector is more promising than PSU bank stocks,1,PSU bank stocks,675.0,9.0 5423,SentFIN,PTC India seeks shareholder nod to pay 22% dividend,1,PTC India,676.0,9.0 5424,SentFIN,Pyramid Saimira case: Sebi completes probe against five entities,1,Sebi,677.0,9.0 5425,SentFIN,R K Tewari takes charge as new CBDT Chairman,1,CBDT,678.0,9.0 5426,SentFIN,Rajiv Sawhney puts in papers as Mahindra Holiday CEO,1,Mahindra Holiday,679.0,9.0 5427,SentFIN,RBI ensures resumptions of RTGS functions in bond trading,1,RBI,680.0,9.0 5428,SentFIN,RBI is helping govt gold monetisation scheme take off,1,RBI,681.0,9.0 5429,SentFIN,Recommend wait and watch for Reliance Communications: Deven Choksey,1,Reliance Communications,682.0,9.0 5430,SentFIN,Recommend wait and watch for Sintex Industries: Deepak Shenoy,1,Sintex Industries,683.0,9.0 5431,SentFIN,Re-emergence of equity investors in 2014: Baroda Pioneer MF,1,Baroda Pioneer MF,684.0,9.0 5432,SentFIN,Reliance Industries continue to do reasonably fine: Amisha Vora,1,Reliance Industries,685.0,9.0 5433,SentFIN,Reliance Industries may post a flat performance for Q1,1,Reliance Industries,686.0,9.0 5434,SentFIN,Reliance will participate in a bigger way: Kunj Bansal,1,Reliance,687.0,9.0 5435,SentFIN,"Religare Capital Markets appoints head of institutional equities, India",1,Religare Capital Markets,688.0,9.0 5436,SentFIN,Revise Tata Consultancy Services target to Rs 1152: Kotak,1,Tata Consultancy Services,689.0,9.0 5437,SentFIN,RINL IPO will depend on market conditions: Steel Secretary,1,RINL,691.0,9.0 5438,SentFIN,Royal Exchange appoints Mukesh Malhotra as new group head,1,Royal Exchange,692.0,9.0 5439,SentFIN,"Rupee snaps two-day fall as exporters, corporates sell dollars",2,Rupee,694.0,9.0 5440,SentFIN,Rupee will probably stabilised around 61-62 levels: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,1,Rupee,695.0,9.0 5441,SentFIN,Sanghvi Forgings lists at Rs 88 on the NSE,1,Sanghvi Forgings,696.0,9.0 5442,SentFIN,Santosh B Nayar new CEO & MD of IFCI,1,IFCI,697.0,9.0 5443,SentFIN,Santosh Nayar to be MD and CEO of IFCI,1,IFCI,698.0,9.0 5444,SentFIN,SAT to hear Alchemist Capital case on September 29,1,Alchemist Capital,699.0,9.0 5445,SentFIN,SCA Hygiene India appoints Milind Pingle as Managing Director,1,SCA Hygiene India,701.0,9.0 5446,SentFIN,Scenario for Rel Comm is range bound: Sanjeev Agarwal,1,Rel Comm,702.0,9.0 5447,SentFIN,Sebi announces new corporate governance norms; mutual fund policy,1,Sebi,703.0,9.0 5448,SentFIN,Sebi board approves sharing KYC details with financial regulators,1,Sebi,704.0,9.0 5449,SentFIN,Sebi clears amalgamation of Aarti Industries & promoter firms,1,Sebi,705.0,9.0 5450,SentFIN,Sebi collates KYC details of nearly two crore investors,1,Sebi,706.0,9.0 5451,SentFIN,SEBI enhances vigil for money laundering through stock market,1,SEBI,707.0,9.0 5452,SentFIN,Sebi notifies rules for using IPEF for refunding investors,1,Sebi,709.0,9.0 5453,SentFIN,Sebi orders attachment of demat a/c of MPS Greenery,1,Sebi,710.0,9.0 5454,SentFIN,"Sebi orders attachment of demat, bank accounts of defaulter",1,Sebi,711.0,9.0 5455,SentFIN,"Sebi proposes including family trusts, NBFCs in QIB segment",1,Sebi,712.0,9.0 5456,SentFIN,"Sebi proposes new title of ""vice-chairpersons"" for its members",1,Sebi,713.0,9.0 5457,SentFIN,"Sebi to fix strict enforcement timelines, focus on refund",1,Sebi,714.0,9.0 5458,SentFIN,Sebi to meet rating companies today for reality check,1,Sebi,715.0,9.0 5459,SentFIN,Sebi to revisit policy on proprietary trading by brokers,1,Sebi,716.0,9.0 5460,SentFIN,Sebi to soon notify norms to regulate research analysts,1,Sebi,717.0,9.0 5461,SentFIN,Sebi to study global systems to catch manipulators early,1,Sebi,718.0,9.0 5462,SentFIN,Sebi to tap social media for investor awareness campaigns,1,Sebi,719.0,9.0 5463,SentFIN,"Sebi wants young, high-earning worker pension money in MFs",1,Sebi,720.0,9.0 5464,SentFIN,Sectors that are likely to outperform in Samvat 2071,1,Samvat 2071,721.0,9.0 5465,SentFIN,Selection panel for Sebi chief reset; PMO nominee included,1,Sebi,722.0,9.0 5466,SentFIN,Sennheiser appoints Gunjan Srivastava as MD for India operations,1,Sennheiser,723.0,9.0 5467,SentFIN,"Sensex may touch 22,000 level before general elections: Experts",1,Sensex,724.0,9.0 5468,SentFIN,"Sensex rangebound, retests 28000; top ten stocks in focus",1,Sensex,725.0,9.0 5469,SentFIN,"Sensex rangebound, trades below 26000; top 20 trading ideas",1,Sensex,726.0,9.0 5470,SentFIN,Sensex takes a breather; top ten stocks in focus,1,Sensex,727.0,9.0 5471,SentFIN,Sentimental impact coal pricing is inevitable: P Phani Sekhar,1,coal,728.0,9.0 5472,SentFIN,"SREI Infra is moving sideways: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",0,SREI Infra,734.0,9.0 5473,SentFIN,State government companies lure PFs with high-return bond issues,1,State government companies,735.0,9.0 5474,SentFIN,Stick to regional players in cement sector: Jagdish Malkani,1,cement sector,736.0,9.0 5475,SentFIN,Stock exchanges are fighting a global war for listings,1,Stock exchanges,737.0,9.0 5476,SentFIN,Study company's management before buying infra stocks: Prashasta Seth,1,infra stocks,738.0,9.0 5477,SentFIN,Submit associate member details by February-end: NSE to brokers,1,NSE,739.0,9.0 5478,SentFIN,Sugar mills in Maharashtra can now expect saffron boons,1,Sugar mills,740.0,9.0 5479,SentFIN,Suven Life Sciences Q2 flat at Rs 25 crore,1,Suven Life Sciences,741.0,9.0 5480,SentFIN,Sweet sugar turns bitter for mill owners in 2014,0,Sweet sugar,743.0,9.0 5481,SentFIN,T K Sengupta takes over as Director of ONGC,1,ONGC,744.0,9.0 5482,SentFIN,"Tapering is bound to happen: IV Subramaniam, Quantum AMC",1,Quantum AMC,745.0,9.0 5483,SentFIN,Tata Elxsi Q4 numbers justify its valuations: Prakash Diwan,1,Tata Elxsi,746.0,9.0 5484,SentFIN,Tata Power appoints Ashok S Sethi as Executive Director,1,Tata Power,747.0,9.0 5485,SentFIN,Tata Steel to pay Rs 193.34 crore as bonus,1,Tata Steel,748.0,9.0 5486,SentFIN,"Tax gold imports, bond with NRIs and grow tomatoes",1,gold,749.0,9.0 5487,SentFIN,Technical snag at BSE; exchange looking into it: Official,1,BSE,750.0,9.0 5488,SentFIN,Telenor promotes Indian executive Prasoon Sinha for global role,1,Telenor,751.0,9.0 5489,SentFIN,Ten-year T-yields to stay at 2.5-3%: Pimco Bill Gross,1,Pimco,752.0,9.0 5490,SentFIN,Ten-year T-yields to stay at 2.5-3%: Pimco's Bill Gross,1,Pimco,753.0,9.0 5491,SentFIN,Thermax posts Q4 net profit at Rs 126.50 cr,1,Thermax,754.0,9.0 5492,SentFIN,Time Technoplast is fairly valued at 71: Sudhir Nair,1,Time Technoplast,755.0,9.0 5493,SentFIN,Timex posts Q4 net profit at Rs 2.47 crore,1,Timex,756.0,9.0 5494,SentFIN,Tirupati gold set to be locked safely in PSBs,1,gold,757.0,9.0 5495,SentFIN,Top 10 luxurious types of coffee across the globe,1,coffee,758.0,9.0 5496,SentFIN,Top five factors which are weighing on Indian markets,1,Indian markets,759.0,9.0 5497,SentFIN,U K Sinha gets two-year extension as Sebi chief,1,Sebi,761.0,9.0 5498,SentFIN,UltraTech Cement allots 658 shares to employees under ESOP,1,UltraTech Cement,762.0,9.0 5499,SentFIN,Universal Commodity Exchange launch likely by Diwali: Ketan Sheth,1,Universal Commodity Exchange,763.0,9.0 5500,SentFIN,US stocks end little changed before monthly jobs report,1,US stocks,764.0,9.0 5501,SentFIN,US-based CGAP elects Indian as Chairman of Executive Committee,1,CGAP,765.0,9.0 5502,SentFIN,Vipul Prakash to be Pepsi-Co marketing head in India,1,Pepsi-Co,766.0,9.0 5503,SentFIN,Vipul Prakash to be Pepsi-Co's marketing head in India,1,Pepsi-Co,767.0,9.0 5504,SentFIN,Visa Steel appoints Punkaj Kumar Bajaj as new CEO,1,Visa Steel,768.0,9.0 5505,SentFIN,Vishal Sikka to outline strategy at Infosys' Q2 results,1,Infosys,769.0,9.0 5506,SentFIN,VRL Logistics IPO subscribed 0.47 times on Day 1,1,VRL Logistics,770.0,9.0 5507,SentFIN,VRL Logistics sets Rs 195-205 price band for IPO,1,VRL Logistics,771.0,9.0 5508,SentFIN,Waiting for Nifty to move above 5570-5575: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,772.0,9.0 5509,SentFIN,Wall Street finishes flat; deal news offsets housing data,1,Wall Street,773.0,9.0 5510,SentFIN,"Wall Street is for sale, but is it cheap?",1,Wall Street,774.0,9.0 5511,SentFIN,What analysts have to say about Infosys Q3 results,1,Infosys,776.0,9.0 5512,SentFIN,What brokerages have to say about the Adlabs IPO,1,Adlabs,777.0,9.0 5513,SentFIN,What investors should expect from Axis Bank Q2 results,1,Axis Bank,778.0,9.0 5514,SentFIN,Why Hemang Jani is not bullish on banking stocks,1,banking stocks,779.0,9.0 5515,SentFIN,World Gold Council organises forum to reform gold fix,1,World Gold Council,780.0,9.0 5516,SentFIN,Would look at shorting opportunities in banks: Mitesh Thacker,1,banks,781.0,9.0 5517,SentFIN,Yes Bank wrangle may be solved out of court,1,Yes Bank,783.0,9.0 5518,SentFIN,"Yuan firms for 4th week, crosses 200-day moving average",1,Yuan,784.0,9.0 5519,SentFIN,"Yuan flat, central bank signals stability with steady midpoint",1,Yuan,785.0,9.0 5520,SentFIN,"Yuan holds steady, seen capped at key 6.20/dollar level",1,Yuan,786.0,9.0 5521,SentFIN,"Yuan little changed on PBOC guidance, seen trading narrowly",1,Yuan,787.0,9.0 5522,SentFIN,1.3 lakh investors traded via mobiles on NSE in Q1,1,NSE,788.0,10.0 5523,SentFIN,103 alter funds allowed to operate in Ind by Sebi,1,Sebi,789.0,10.0 5524,SentFIN,5 factors indicating the tide is turning for banking sector,1,banking sector,790.0,10.0 5525,SentFIN,Ace to launch direct delivery from sellers' location in Gujarat,1,Ace,791.0,10.0 5526,SentFIN,Acropetal's Rs 170-cr IPO to hit market on Feb 21,1,Acropetal,792.0,10.0 5527,SentFIN,Alibaba's record IPO covered entire deal in 2 days: Sources,1,Alibab,793.0,10.0 5528,SentFIN,"Amitabh Bachchan rings opening bell of BSE while promoting ""Yudh""",1,BSE,795.0,10.0 5529,SentFIN,Analysis of the performance of mid-sized banks in Q1 FY13,1,mid-sized banks,796.0,10.0 5530,SentFIN,Analysts see no major impact from new Fed tapering talks,1,Fed,797.0,10.0 5531,SentFIN,Anoop Singh to quit as IMF's Asia Pacific Director,1,IMF,798.0,10.0 5532,SentFIN,"Asia tentative, awaits word on US Federal Reserve rate outlook",1,US Federal Reserve,799.0,10.0 5533,SentFIN,BAE Systems names John Brosnan as new India managing director,1,BAE Systems,800.0,10.0 5534,SentFIN,Banking is the sector is own right now: Satish Betadur,1,Banking,801.0,10.0 5535,SentFIN,Bharti Airtel to raise 250 million Euros for 5 year,1,Bharti Airtel,802.0,10.0 5536,SentFIN,BNP Paribas fine shows dollar key role in global markets,1,BNP Paribas,804.0,10.0 5537,SentFIN,Bourses ask cos to strictly comply with 'trading window' rules,1,Bourses,805.0,10.0 5538,SentFIN,"British markets breathe sigh of relief as Scotland votes ""No""",1,British markets,806.0,10.0 5539,SentFIN,BSE resumes trading after tech glitch; top 20 trading ideas,1,BSE,807.0,10.0 5540,SentFIN,"BSE resumes trading post tech glitch; traders, arbitragers hit most",1,BSE,808.0,10.0 5541,SentFIN,BSE to auction unused government bonds limit to foreign investors,1,BSE,809.0,10.0 5542,SentFIN,Build defensive portfolio in volatile markets: HDFC Standard Life Insurance,1,HDFC Standard Life Insurance,810.0,10.0 5543,SentFIN,Chances are that Nifty will go towards 8650-8700: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,814.0,10.0 5544,SentFIN,Cheap valuations of public sector banks: Buy or no buy?,1,public sector banks,815.0,10.0 5545,SentFIN,China state-owned margin finance corp says to ensure market stability,1,China,817.0,10.0 5546,SentFIN,China yuan remains nearly flat as ruling party meeting opens,1,China yuan,818.0,10.0 5547,SentFIN,Cipla: Focus on exports critical to swing in future surprises,1,Cipla,819.0,10.0 5548,SentFIN,Cisco rejigs India operations; appoints Dinesh Malkani as President Sales,1,Cisco,820.0,10.0 5549,SentFIN,Cognizant September quarter results: Five things to watch out for,1,Cognizant,821.0,10.0 5550,SentFIN,Colvyn Harris gets South Asia as JWT 'deconstructs' region roles,1,JWT,822.0,10.0 5551,SentFIN,Cos with high IPO grades have higher PE multiples: Crisil,1,Crisil,824.0,10.0 5552,SentFIN,Crackdown on Ponzi schemes: Ordinance empowering Sebi set to lapse,1,Sebi,825.0,10.0 5553,SentFIN,Did IGate's Board wrong its shareholders? Law firms are examining,1,IGate,828.0,10.0 5554,SentFIN,Digjam promoters settle case with Sebi; pay Rs 13.27 lakh,1,Digjam,829.0,10.0 5555,SentFIN,"Domestic companies turn back on bank loans, issue bonds instead",1,Domestic companies,830.0,10.0 5556,SentFIN,DSK Developers launches Rs 200 crore public issue of debentures,1,DSK Developers,831.0,10.0 5557,SentFIN,ECB QE: What markets expect and what it might mean,1,ECB,832.0,10.0 5558,SentFIN,ECB says forex benchmark rates compiled on too narrow basis,1,ECB,833.0,10.0 5559,SentFIN,"EGoM to decide Engineers India FPO date, price band tomorrow",1,Engineers India,834.0,10.0 5560,SentFIN,EID Parry declares interim dividend of Rs 4 per share,1,EID Parry,835.0,10.0 5561,SentFIN,Europe shares mixed as buoyant results offset by China woes,1,Europe shares,837.0,10.0 5562,SentFIN,Expect markets to be range bound going ahead: Mitesh Thacker,1,markets,838.0,10.0 5563,SentFIN,"F & O Tracker: 6,150 key support level for Nifty",1,Nifty,839.0,10.0 5564,SentFIN,F&O Tracker: Market may move in a range till May-end,1,Market,840.0,10.0 5565,SentFIN,F&O tracker: Next support for Nifty seen at 8320 levels,1,Nifty,841.0,10.0 5566,SentFIN,Fatpipe Networks extends IPO; price band revised to Rs 80-85,1,Fatpipe Networks,842.0,10.0 5567,SentFIN,FII's step up stocks purchase after IMF reiterates positive growth,1,IMF,843.0,10.0 5568,SentFIN,Finance Ministry sets ball rolling for listing of UTI AMC,1,UTI AMC,844.0,10.0 5569,SentFIN,Fiscal deficit to be around 5% this year: JP Morgan,1,JP Morgan,845.0,10.0 5570,SentFIN,Five things to watch out for in HCL Technologies earnings,1,HCL Technologies,846.0,10.0 5571,SentFIN,Five things to watch out for in TCS Q1 results,1,TCS,847.0,10.0 5572,SentFIN,FM P Chidambaram seeking to empower Sebi against ponzi schemes,1,Sebi,848.0,10.0 5573,SentFIN,Foreign investors navigate turmoil in Chinese markets with new playbook,0,Chinese markets,849.0,10.0 5574,SentFIN,Former Idea Cellular MD Sanjeev Aga joins Board of Subex,1,Idea Cellular,850.0,10.0 5575,SentFIN,F-Secure appoints Amit Nath as Country Manager India & SAARC,1,F-Secure,852.0,10.0 5576,SentFIN,FTIL calls board meeting tomorrow to discuss Jignesh Shah's arrest,1,FTIL,853.0,10.0 5577,SentFIN,"FTIL, brokers fight to tell 'their side of the story'",1,FTIL,854.0,10.0 5578,SentFIN,"Future Retail files papers for Rs 1,600 cr rights issue",1,Future Retail,857.0,10.0 5579,SentFIN,GE appoints Munesh Makhija as MD of India technology centre,1,GE,858.0,10.0 5580,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithKline posts Rs 79.75 cr net profit in Dec quarter,1,GlaxoSmithKline,859.0,10.0 5581,SentFIN,"Gold firms near $1,200, poised to end 2014 largely flat",1,Gold,860.0,10.0 5582,SentFIN,"Goldman Sachs prices 30-year, $974 million bond in Taiwan: Sources",1,Goldman Sachs,861.0,10.0 5583,SentFIN,Government begins search for new members for Securities Appellate Tribunal,1,Securities Appellate Tribunal,862.0,10.0 5584,SentFIN,Guidance framework soon for companies to make right disclosures: BSE,1,BSE,864.0,10.0 5585,SentFIN,Half-a-dozen hopefuls line up for UTI Mutual Funds top post,1,UTI Mutual Fund,865.0,10.0 5586,SentFIN,Harsha Lal to head Dell's Public-Large Enterprise business in India,1,Dell,866.0,10.0 5587,SentFIN,HCL Infosystems announces key additions to its Board of Directors,1,HCL Infosystems,867.0,10.0 5588,SentFIN,HCL Technologies Q4 results: Five things to watch out for,1,HCL Technologies,868.0,10.0 5589,SentFIN,Here are the jobs most in demand on Wall Street,1,Wall Street,869.0,10.0 5590,SentFIN,Hinduja Ventures appoints Amar Chintopanth as Group CFO - Media,1,Hinduja Ventures,870.0,10.0 5591,SentFIN,Hong Kong shares close mixed on China bank reform plan,1,Hong Kong shares,872.0,10.0 5592,SentFIN,Housing lender Indiabulls plans up to $600 million share offering,1,Indiabulls,874.0,10.0 5593,SentFIN,HUL Ltd with target price of Rs 586: Mitesh Thacker,1,HUL Ltd,875.0,10.0 5594,SentFIN,IC Sahu is new ED in-charge of IISCO Steel Plant,1,IISCO Steel Plant,876.0,10.0 5595,SentFIN,ICICI not very expensive compared to previous cycle: Anish Damania,1,ICICI,877.0,10.0 5596,SentFIN,Important that Bank Nifty captures 19150 levels again: Mitesh Thacker,1,Bank Nifty,878.0,10.0 5597,SentFIN,"Info Edge: Economic turnaround, improved hiring to be immediate trigger",1,Info Edge,879.0,10.0 5598,SentFIN,Inform clients on website to update details: Sebi to Brokers,1,Sebi,880.0,10.0 5599,SentFIN,"Infosys December show, Federal minutes to set pace for markets",1,Infosys,881.0,10.0 5600,SentFIN,"Insider trading, risk management key focus areas for 2014: Sebi",1,Sebi,882.0,10.0 5601,SentFIN,Insurance bill will not benefit insurance companies immediately: Deepak Shenoy,1,insurance companies,883.0,10.0 5602,SentFIN,"IRFC may raise Rs 6,300 crore via rupee-denominate bonds abroad",1,IRFC,885.0,10.0 5603,SentFIN,iStreet Network to raise Rs 100 crore for expanding operations,1,iStreet Network,886.0,10.0 5604,SentFIN,Jagran Prakashan reports Q2 net profit at Rs 91.27 crore,1,Jagran Prakashan,888.0,10.0 5605,SentFIN,Jet Airways appoints aviation specialist Cramer Ball as new CEO,1,Jet Airways,890.0,10.0 5606,SentFIN,JK Paper reports Q4 net profit at Rs 18.07 crore,1,JK Paper,891.0,10.0 5607,SentFIN,Kasturi and Sons appoints Rajiv Lochan as MD & CEO,1,Kasturi and Sons,892.0,10.0 5608,SentFIN,KC Chakrabarty to join Indiabulls Housing Finance as Independent Director,1,Indiabulls Housing Finance,893.0,10.0 5609,SentFIN,Ketan Mehta eyes $10 mn from PE players for Maya,1,Maya,894.0,10.0 5610,SentFIN,KPMG appoints Samik Nandi as Partner of ERP Adivisory practice,1,KPMG,895.0,10.0 5611,SentFIN,M Teresa Kho is ADB's new country director for India,1,ADB,897.0,10.0 5612,SentFIN,Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission appoints Chandra Iyengar as its Chief,1,Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission,898.0,10.0 5613,SentFIN,Management commentaries to sway sentiment on IT counters: Mayuresh Joshi,1,IT counters,899.0,10.0 5614,SentFIN,Markets are loving the no vote in the Scottish referendum,2,Markets,900.0,10.0 5615,SentFIN,Markets look directionless: Here where investors can park their money,1,Markets,901.0,10.0 5616,SentFIN,"Markets may correct this week, buy-on-dips looks a safe play",2,Markets,902.0,10.0 5617,SentFIN,Markets may take cues from global factors this week: Experts,1,Markets,903.0,10.0 5618,SentFIN,Markets seems to be getting into budget-trade mode: Ashwani Gujral,1,Markets,904.0,10.0 5619,SentFIN,Markets to be in limbo till poll results: Nitin Raheja,1,Markets,905.0,10.0 5620,SentFIN,Maruti versus minority shareholders: It a precedent in the making,1,Maruti,906.0,10.0 5621,SentFIN,MCX lists at 34% premium at Rs 1387 on BSE,1,MCX,908.0,10.0 5622,SentFIN,MCX plans strategic stake sales to raise Rs 900 crore,1,MCX,909.0,10.0 5623,SentFIN,Media important part of Sebi surveillance mechanism: U K Sinha,1,Sebi,911.0,10.0 5624,SentFIN,Metropolitan Stock Exchange eyes Rs 118 crore via rights issue,1,Metropolitan Stock Exchange,912.0,10.0 5625,SentFIN,Morgan Stanley plans natgas export plant in new commodities foray,1,Morgan Stanley,914.0,10.0 5626,SentFIN,Motilal Oswal forecasts achhe din for stock market in 2016,1,Motilal Oswal,915.0,10.0 5627,SentFIN,NCDEX initiative has Gulab Bagh reaping big with maize contracts,1,NCDEX,916.0,10.0 5628,SentFIN,NCDEX to bring in differential transaction charges from February 19,1,NCDEX,918.0,10.0 5629,SentFIN,Near term outlook remains muted for cement space: Amit Khurana,1,cement space,919.0,10.0 5630,SentFIN,Network18 founder Raghav Bahl to continue as non-executive board member,1,Network18,920.0,10.0 5631,SentFIN,Next few years need stable FDI flows: JP Morgan,1,JP Morgan,921.0,10.0 5632,SentFIN,"Nifty can hit 12,000 in five years, says Raamdeo Agrawal",1,Nifty,924.0,10.0 5633,SentFIN,Nifty may be on its way to 6800: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,925.0,10.0 5634,SentFIN,Nifty might resume upward trend after 2-3 days: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,926.0,10.0 5635,SentFIN,"Nifty nears 6,300 as Russia pulls out troops from Crimea",1,Nifty,927.0,10.0 5636,SentFIN,Nifty to get past 8000 at some point: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,928.0,10.0 5637,SentFIN,"Nifty to trade in a range of 8350-8,550: Ashwani Gujral",1,Nifty,929.0,10.0 5638,SentFIN,Nifty's consolidated P/E makes Indian markets cheaper than its peers,1,Nifty,930.0,10.0 5639,SentFIN,Nishi Vasudeva takes over as Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd chief,1,Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd,931.0,10.0 5640,SentFIN,"Nitin Fire Protection Industries expects Rs 1,000-crore turnover this fiscal",1,Nitin Fire Protection Industries,932.0,10.0 5641,SentFIN,NSE extends deadline for trading members to provide client details,1,NSE,933.0,10.0 5642,SentFIN,NSE to auction government bonds worth Rs 617 crore tomorrow,1,NSE,935.0,10.0 5643,SentFIN,Oberoi Realty: Look at it only from a long-term perspective,1,Oberoi Realty,937.0,10.0 5644,SentFIN,Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan approves appointment of new IOC Chairman,1,IOC,938.0,10.0 5645,SentFIN,"Open offers worth Rs 1,007 crore made in Apr-Aug: Sebi",1,Sebi,939.0,10.0 5646,SentFIN,Options signal limited upside for Nifty at around 7500 levels,1,Nifty,940.0,10.0 5647,SentFIN,Otis Elevator appoints Sebi Joseph as MD of India biz,1,Otis Elevator,941.0,10.0 5648,SentFIN,Parsvnath plans to raise up to $67 mn through QIP,1,Parsvnath,942.0,10.0 5649,SentFIN,Pawan Hans Helicopters offers equity stake against Rs 131-crore loan,1,Pawan Hans Helicopters,943.0,10.0 5650,SentFIN,Pawan Munjal elevated as new Vice Chairman in Hero Motocorp,1,Hero Motocorp,944.0,10.0 5651,SentFIN,"PFC to start selling Rs 1,000 cr tax-free bonds tomorrow",1,PFC,946.0,10.0 5652,SentFIN,"Piramal Healthcare is in a range: Kunal Saraogi, Technical Analyst",1,Piramal Healthcare,947.0,10.0 5653,SentFIN,Praj Industries announces to buyback shares of Rs 62.07 lakh,2,Praj Industries,948.0,10.0 5654,SentFIN,"Pre-market: Nifty likely to open flat; may retest 6,500 levels",1,Nifty,949.0,10.0 5655,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; may trade around 8050 levels,1,Nifty,950.0,10.0 5656,SentFIN,"Prestige Estates Rs 1,200cr IPO subscribed 1.75 times till 2pm",1,Prestige Estates,951.0,10.0 5657,SentFIN,Public offer discounts should be given at bidding time: SEBI,1,SEBI,952.0,10.0 5658,SentFIN,"Public sector banks' future not gloomy: Tushar Pradhan, HSBC AMC",1,HSBC AMC,953.0,10.0 5659,SentFIN,"Q1 earnings: Lanco Infratech PAT seen at Rs 3,480 crore",1,Lanco Infratech,954.0,10.0 5660,SentFIN,Q4 numbers by PSU banks a mixed bag: Hemindra Hazari,1,PSU banks,955.0,10.0 5661,SentFIN,Raghuram Rajan wins in Sydney but Indian markets don't care,1,Indian markets,956.0,10.0 5662,SentFIN,RBI governor may shift focus to government bonds from rupee,1,RBI,957.0,10.0 5663,SentFIN,RBL Bank plans to launch IPO in next three quarters,1,RBL Bank,958.0,10.0 5664,SentFIN,"Reliance Communications to raise Rs 4,300 crore from investors, promoters",1,Reliance Communications,959.0,10.0 5665,SentFIN,"Reliance Industries to stay in 800-950 range, says Jagdish Malkani",1,Reliance Industries,960.0,10.0 5666,SentFIN,Report OTC trades in corporate bonds within 15 minutes: Sebi,1,Sebi,961.0,10.0 5667,SentFIN,S K Sharma takes charge as Bharat Electronics Limited CMD,1,Bharat Electronics Limited,962.0,10.0 5668,SentFIN,"SAIL decides to retain merchant bankers for Rs 8,000cr FPO",1,SAIL,963.0,10.0 5669,SentFIN,Sandeep Batra may go back to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance,1,ICICI Prudential Life Insurance,964.0,10.0 5670,SentFIN,Sanjiv Misra joins the Board of Directors of Edelweiss Capital,1,Edelweiss Capital,965.0,10.0 5671,SentFIN,Sateesh Andra takes over as Ventureast Tenet Funds Managing Partner,1,Ventureast Tenet Fund,968.0,10.0 5672,SentFIN,SBI to submit revised proposal on rights issue in June,1,SBI,969.0,10.0 5673,SentFIN,Sebi ask cos to follow std format for auditor certificates,1,Sebi,970.0,10.0 5674,SentFIN,Sebi asks listed firms to appoint women directors by month-end,1,Sebi,971.0,10.0 5675,SentFIN,Sebi Chairman UK Sinha expects healthy IPO market in 2016,1,Sebi,972.0,10.0 5676,SentFIN,Sebi chief UK Sinha to get two-year extension; notification soon,1,Sebi,973.0,10.0 5677,SentFIN,Sebi extends timeline to implement FPI regulations to June 30,1,Sebi,974.0,10.0 5678,SentFIN,Sebi invites bids from BPOs for empanelment of helpline agency,1,Sebi,975.0,10.0 5679,SentFIN,Sebi may soon make BRs mandatory for top 500 companies,1,Sebi,976.0,10.0 5680,SentFIN,Sebi notifies rules on launch of new mutual fund schemes,1,Sebi,977.0,10.0 5681,SentFIN,Sebi probe: Maharishi Vedic firm says not into public deposits,1,Sebi,978.0,10.0 5682,SentFIN,Sebi ropes in Narayana Murthy to head panel on start-ups,1,Sebi,980.0,10.0 5683,SentFIN,Sebi to soon issue final norms for listing of startups,1,Sebi,982.0,10.0 5684,SentFIN,Securities Appellate Tribunal's Dalmia ruling may trigger more buyback offers,1,Securities Appellate Tribunal,983.0,10.0 5685,SentFIN,Securitised debt trades to be reported within 15 minutes: Sebi,1,Sebi,984.0,10.0 5686,SentFIN,"Seeing sector rotation, investors realigning portfolios: Sanjay Dutt, Quantum Securities",1,Quantum Securities,985.0,10.0 5687,SentFIN,Sensex trading in a range; top 20 intraday trading ideas,1,Sensex,987.0,10.0 5688,SentFIN,"Sesa Goa: Iron ore policy, demand from China hold key",1,Sesa Goa,988.0,10.0 5689,SentFIN,Shanghai Gold Exchange to launch international board on September 29,1,Shanghai Gold Exchange,989.0,10.0 5690,SentFIN,Shoe maker Jimmy Choo to step out on London market,1,Jimmy Choo,990.0,10.0 5691,SentFIN,Shriram City to launch Rs 200-crore NCD on April 16,1,Shriram City,991.0,10.0 5692,SentFIN,Sri Lankan rupee forwards steady as central bank prevents fall,1,Sri Lankan rupee,992.0,10.0 5693,SentFIN,StanChart elevates Sanjeeb Chaudhuri as global brand head & CMO,1,StanChart,993.0,10.0 5694,SentFIN,Stock Buzz: Sun Pharma may face resistance at current levels,0,Sun Pharma,994.0,10.0 5695,SentFIN,"Street Ahead: Markets edgy over current affairs, may stay range-bound",1,Markets,995.0,10.0 5696,SentFIN,Sugar companies & investors get the sweet smell of revival,2,Sugar companies,996.0,10.0 5697,SentFIN,Suggest to wait till Nifty hits 8330 mark: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,997.0,10.0 5698,SentFIN,Target of Rs 268 for LIC Housing Finance: Rajat Bose,1,LIC Housing Finance,998.0,10.0 5699,SentFIN,Taro contributed one third of Sun Pharma's consolidated net sales,1,Sun Pharma,999.0,10.0 5700,SentFIN,The empire strikes back: Why gold will matter in 2014,1,gold,1001.0,10.0 5701,SentFIN,Thyrocare Technologies plans IPO worth up to $100 mn: Sources,1,Thyrocare Technologies,1002.0,10.0 5702,SentFIN,"To help sugar sector, talk of mixing ethanol with petrol",1,sugar sector,1003.0,10.0 5703,SentFIN,Top brokers recommend 'subscribe' to Syngene International IPO; here why,1,Syngene International,1004.0,10.0 5704,SentFIN,"Ujjivan Financial Rs 1,500 crore IPO to hit D-Street soon",1,Ujjivan Financial,1006.0,10.0 5705,SentFIN,UTI AMC shortlists 3 names for Chairman and MD position,1,UTI AMC,1007.0,10.0 5706,SentFIN,"UTI MF appoints Kaeley as group president, sales & marketing",1,UTI MF,1008.0,10.0 5707,SentFIN,UTV posts FY'11 consolidated net profit at Rs 135.47 cr,1,UTV,1009.0,10.0 5708,SentFIN,Valuations of Mangalam cement look cheaper compared to its peers,1,Mangalam cement,1010.0,10.0 5709,SentFIN,Wall St Week Ahead: Jobs report may test market complacency,1,Wall St,1011.0,10.0 5710,SentFIN,Wall Street ends flat in quiet end to dramatic week,1,Wall Street,1012.0,10.0 5711,SentFIN,Wall Street Week Ahead: Don't leave small-cap stocks for dead,1,Wall Street,1013.0,10.0 5712,SentFIN,What should investors do with RIL ahead of Q2 results?,1,RIL,1017.0,10.0 5713,SentFIN,What's happening in the oil market right now is 'unprecedented',1,oil,1018.0,10.0 5714,SentFIN,Who is buying defunct Kingfisher Airlines' shares on the bourses?,1,Kingfisher Airlines,1019.0,10.0 5715,SentFIN,"Why 9,000 on Nifty matters: Putting bull market in perspective",1,Nifty,1020.0,10.0 5716,SentFIN,Wipro likely to sell water business; Focus more on core,1,Wipro,1021.0,10.0 5717,SentFIN,Worldpay Group Ltd valued at $7.4 billion in London listing,1,Worldpay Group Ltd,1022.0,10.0 5718,SentFIN,5400-5470 is the Nifty range for next few days: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,1023.0,11.0 5719,SentFIN,Adani Ports & SEZ Q4 net profit at Rs 530 crore,1,Adani Ports & SEZ,1024.0,11.0 5720,SentFIN,"Airtel hits global bond market, raises $1 billion to fund capex",1,Airtel,1025.0,11.0 5721,SentFIN,Alkem Labs May Inspire Other Pharma Cos to Take IPO Path,1,Alkem Labs,1026.0,11.0 5722,SentFIN,All is not lost for investors; IT is analysts' best bet,2,IT,1027.0,11.0 5723,SentFIN,Alok Sinha takes over as new Airports Authority of India chief,1,Airports Authority of India,1028.0,11.0 5724,SentFIN,Amar Ujala plans another IPO to raise about Rs 450 crore,1,Amar Ujala,1029.0,11.0 5725,SentFIN,"Anil Ambani-led Reliance Infrastructure appoints ex-Vedanta chief, MS Mehta, as CEO",1,Reliance Infrastructure,1030.0,11.0 5726,SentFIN,APL Apollo Tubes allots 10 lakh equity shares to promoter entity,1,APL Apollo Tubes,1031.0,11.0 5727,SentFIN,"Asia shares steady, investors look to next phase of Greek deal",1,Asia shares,1032.0,11.0 5728,SentFIN,Birla Sun Life appoints group co head Jayant Dua as CEO,1,Birla Sun Life,1033.0,11.0 5729,SentFIN,Birla Wellness Group appoints N Venkat as new MD and CEO,1,Birla Wellness Group,1034.0,11.0 5730,SentFIN,"BSE StAR MF processes over 50,000 orders on a single day",1,BSE StAR MF,1035.0,11.0 5731,SentFIN,"BSE to auction government bonds worth Rs 3,208 crore on Thursday",1,BSE,1036.0,11.0 5732,SentFIN,"BSE to auction investment limits for Rs 5,500 crore government bonds",1,BSE,1037.0,11.0 5733,SentFIN,BSE to auction investment limits for Rs 561- crore government bonds,1,BSE,1038.0,11.0 5734,SentFIN,"By 2030, Nifty will hit 1,25,000, says ace investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala",1,Nifty,1040.0,11.0 5735,SentFIN,Can Nifty hold 6200 levels next week? Top five trading bets,1,Nifty,1041.0,11.0 5736,SentFIN,Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd reports Rs 510.11 crore Q1 net profit,1,Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd,1043.0,11.0 5737,SentFIN,China appoints Bank of China as yuan clearing bank in Paris,1,Bank of China,1044.0,11.0 5738,SentFIN,China to let banks with offshore yuan business do domestic repos,1,offshore yuan,1045.0,11.0 5739,SentFIN,China yuan seen to play a bigger role as funding currency,1,China yuan,1046.0,11.0 5740,SentFIN,"China yuan steady on flat midpoint fix, comments by forex regulator",1,China yuan,1047.0,11.0 5741,SentFIN,China's CICC investment bank set to open up in HK debut,1,CICC investment bank,1048.0,11.0 5742,SentFIN,Citigroup joins foreign brokerages in cutting year-end target for Indian stocks,1,Citigroup,1049.0,11.0 5743,SentFIN,Corporation Bank to raise Rs 500 crore from Tier I bonds,1,Corporation Bank,1051.0,11.0 5744,SentFIN,Cos to host 'material' details on websites for 5 yrs: Sebi,1,Sebi,1052.0,11.0 5745,SentFIN,Currency Corner: Rupee snaps 3-day gain as funds reduce equity exposure,1,Rupee,1053.0,11.0 5746,SentFIN,Delhi International Airport keen on bond issue to repay bank loans,1,Delhi International Airport,1055.0,11.0 5747,SentFIN,"Dilip Shanghvi, Sun Pharma promoter, a pharma maven with midas touch",1,Sun Pharma,1057.0,11.0 5748,SentFIN,Director (Finance) of MRPL Vishnu Agrawal gets additional charge of MD,1,MRPL,1058.0,11.0 5749,SentFIN,Dish TV makes first profit at Rs 35 crore in Q4,1,Dish TV,1059.0,11.0 5750,SentFIN,"Dollar flat in Asia ahead of key data, Federal Policy meeting",1,Dollar,1060.0,11.0 5751,SentFIN,"D-St upset with AAP populist measures, sees no threat to BJP",1,D-St,1061.0,11.0 5752,SentFIN,"Early elections could provide needed impetus to markets: Pankaj Pandey,",1,,1063.0,11.0 5753,SentFIN,EID Parry December quarter consolidated net profit at Rs 15.15 crore,1,EID Parry,1064.0,11.0 5754,SentFIN,EIL trading close to its support of Rs 310: Vinith Jain,1,EIL,1065.0,11.0 5755,SentFIN,"Eros International holds high potential, but need some clarity: Deven Choksey",1,Eros International,1067.0,11.0 5756,SentFIN,Essar Steel Algoma posts $21 million net income in October-December quarter,1,Essar Steel Algoma,1068.0,11.0 5757,SentFIN,ETFs based on MSCI Index set to hit the market soon,1,MSCI Index,1069.0,11.0 5758,SentFIN,European Central Bank could fix euro zone flaw with risk-free bond,1,European Central Bank,1070.0,11.0 5759,SentFIN,European stocks get second half of 2014 off to steady start,1,European stocks,1071.0,11.0 5760,SentFIN,"Exercise caution, go light ahead of RBI policy review: Sandeep Wagle",1,RBI,1073.0,11.0 5761,SentFIN,"Expect Nifty to remain in 8,450-8,560 range; stay stock-specific: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,1074.0,11.0 5762,SentFIN,Ex-staff can't sell ESOP shares for one year post IPO: SEBI,1,SEBI,1075.0,11.0 5763,SentFIN,F&O tracker: India VIX seen in 16-22 range for Nov expiry,1,India VIX,1076.0,11.0 5764,SentFIN,"Feeling ignored, Federal Reserve jolts markets to prime them for lift-off",1,Federal Reserve,1077.0,11.0 5765,SentFIN,Finance Ministry to give in-principle approval for UTI MF IPO soon,1,UTI MF,1078.0,11.0 5766,SentFIN,Five factors that could decide what way the Sensex moves next,1,Sensex,1079.0,11.0 5767,SentFIN,"FMC turns the heat on UCX, orders a forensic audit now",1,FMC,1080.0,11.0 5768,SentFIN,Former FMC executive director PK Singhal to lead MCX management team,1,MCX,1081.0,11.0 5769,SentFIN,"Franklin Templeton buys record Rs 16,000-crore government securities in a day",1,Franklin Templeton,1082.0,11.0 5770,SentFIN,FTIL board meeting on Nov 29; to consider revised audit report,1,FTIL,1083.0,11.0 5771,SentFIN,Fund managers look to make room for Alibaba Group Holding Inc,1,Alibaba Group Holding Inc,1087.0,11.0 5772,SentFIN,"Gold rules firm for ninth day on global cues, seasonal demand",1,Gold,1089.0,11.0 5773,SentFIN,Hatson Agro registers net profit of Rs 13.89 crore in Q1,1,Hatson Agro,1090.0,11.0 5774,SentFIN,Higher holding in promoter firm will not trigger open offer: Sebi,1,Sebi,1092.0,11.0 5775,SentFIN,Hindustan Unilever elevates CFO Sridhar Ramamurthy to Senior Vice President Finance,1,Hindustan Unilever,1094.0,11.0 5776,SentFIN,House Committee may meet before submitting final report on FCRA Bill,1,FCRA,1095.0,11.0 5777,SentFIN,How Sensex moved in the last five RBI policy review meetings,1,Sensex,1096.0,11.0 5778,SentFIN,How to play Nifty options ahead of Bihar elections and win,1,Nifty,1097.0,11.0 5779,SentFIN,HUDCO plans to raise Rs 286 cr via tax free bonds,1,HUDCO,1098.0,11.0 5780,SentFIN,ICICI Banks K Ramkumar moves from HR to head CSR division,1,ICICI Bank,1099.0,11.0 5781,SentFIN,IFC launches $2.5 billion 'rupee-denominated' bonds for infrastructure projects in India,1,IFC,1100.0,11.0 5782,SentFIN,"Immediate target is around 3400 in SBI: Prasad Kushe, Technical Analyst",1,SBI,1101.0,11.0 5783,SentFIN,India Alkem Labs to launch $210 million IPO in December: Sources,1,Alkem Labs,1102.0,11.0 5784,SentFIN,Indian Clearing Corp goes in for Rs 340 crore insurance Cover,1,Indian Clearing Corp,1103.0,11.0 5785,SentFIN,Indian Register of Shipping appoints new executives in Singapore and London,1,Indian Register of Shipping,1104.0,11.0 5786,SentFIN,Infinite Computer IPO opens on Jan 11; price band Rs 155-165/share,1,Infinite Computer,1105.0,11.0 5787,SentFIN,"Info Edge promoter Sanjeev Bikhchandani transfers 13,000 personal shares to employees",1,Info Edge,1106.0,11.0 5788,SentFIN,Interest in FMCG limited; bias towards high beta stocks: Gautam Trivedi,1,FMCG,1107.0,11.0 5789,SentFIN,Invest in stocks of companies with high pricing power: Matthews Asia,1,Matthews Asia,1108.0,11.0 5790,SentFIN,"Investors pick stocks of auto companies focused on India, skip exporters",1,auto companies,1109.0,11.0 5791,SentFIN,Investors should be wary of cyclicals even if Narendra Modi wins,0,cyclicals,1110.0,11.0 5792,SentFIN,IPFs of commodity bourses not to have FMC official as trustee,1,commodity bourses,1111.0,11.0 5793,SentFIN,Jagadish Bhat takes over as head of management at MAN Trucks,1,MAN Trucks,1113.0,11.0 5794,SentFIN,Jet Airways posts net profit of Rs 118.23 crore in Q3,1,Jet Airways,1114.0,11.0 5795,SentFIN,Jignesh Shah's arrest: NSEL Investors Forum hopes to get back money,1,NSEL,1115.0,11.0 5796,SentFIN,Jimmy Choo IPO pricing values firm at up to $1.1 billion,1,Jimmy Choo,1116.0,11.0 5797,SentFIN,Jindal SAW appoints Neeraj Kumar as Group CEO & Whole-Time Director,1,Jindal SAW,1117.0,11.0 5798,SentFIN,JustDial levels of Rs 1000 look rich to me: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,1,JustDial,1118.0,11.0 5799,SentFIN,Larsen and Toubro to monetise some Infrastructure Development Projects Ltd assets,1,Larsen and Toubro,1119.0,11.0 5800,SentFIN,Launch of 4G services key to Reliance Industries stock: Parag Thakkar,1,Reliance Industries,1120.0,11.0 5801,SentFIN,Leo Puri likely to become CMD of UTI Asset Management Company,1,UTI Asset Management Company,1121.0,11.0 5802,SentFIN,Maintaining a neutral stance on the entire aviation space: Mayuresh Joshi,1,aviation space,1122.0,11.0 5803,SentFIN,Market is contracting; preparing itself for a big move: Ashwani Gujral,1,Market,1123.0,11.0 5804,SentFIN,Market levels beyond 7250 possible in next few days: Mitesh Thacker,1,Market,1124.0,11.0 5805,SentFIN,Market may retest 5600 level in next few weeks: Ashwani Gujral,1,Market,1125.0,11.0 5806,SentFIN,Market taking cues from global factors and quarterly results: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,1,Market,1126.0,11.0 5807,SentFIN,Markets ahead: Is it lull before the storm on Dalal Street?,1,Markets,1127.0,11.0 5808,SentFIN,Markets will move sideways before next upside starts: Ashwani Gujral,0,Markets,1128.0,11.0 5809,SentFIN,Marks and Spencer Reliance India appoints Venu Nair as managing director,1,Marks and Spencer Reliance India,1130.0,11.0 5810,SentFIN,Medium term target of Rs 450 for Century Textiles: Ashwani Gujral,1,Century Textiles,1133.0,11.0 5811,SentFIN,"Midcap mantra: Gujarat Flourochemicals on a roll, to post solid earnings",1,Gujarat Flourochemicals,1136.0,11.0 5812,SentFIN,Mumbai HC to hear govt's case against FTIL board on Wednesday,1,FTIL,1137.0,11.0 5813,SentFIN,Nasdaq Co-President Adena Friedman to be named chief operating officer -source,1,Nasdaq,1138.0,11.0 5814,SentFIN,National Stock Exchange issues new guidelines for furures and options segment,1,National Stock Exchange,1139.0,11.0 5815,SentFIN,"NBFCs look good from macro perspective, but stay selective: Amit Khurana",1,NBFC,1140.0,11.0 5816,SentFIN,NCC Rs 600 cr rights issue to open on September 29,1,NCC,1141.0,11.0 5817,SentFIN,NCC's Rs 600 cr rights issue to open on September 29,1,NCC,1142.0,11.0 5818,SentFIN,"NDA may get 230-240 Lok Sabha seats, don't underestimate AAP: Nomura",1,Nomura,1143.0,11.0 5819,SentFIN,Need to be careful about selection of pharma stocks: Dipan Mehta,1,pharma stocks,1144.0,11.0 5820,SentFIN,Need to be patient while investing in PSU banks: Mayuresh Joshi,1,PSU banks,1145.0,11.0 5821,SentFIN,"Nifty likely to test 7,630 in next few days: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,1146.0,11.0 5822,SentFIN,Noel Tata takes over as Chairman of Tata Group's logistic arm,1,Tata Group,1148.0,11.0 5823,SentFIN,Nokia India appoints V Sembian as new head of Chennai factory,1,Nokia India,1149.0,11.0 5824,SentFIN,NSE CNX IT index to have 10 stocks from May 29,1,NSE CNX IT index,1150.0,11.0 5825,SentFIN,NSEL Director Jignesh Shah quizzed again; focus now on broking firms,1,NSEL,1151.0,11.0 5826,SentFIN,OIL director B N Talukdar made new directorate general of hydrocarbons,1,OIL,1152.0,11.0 5827,SentFIN,"Orbit Corporation could retest levels of 46: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",1,Orbit Corporation,1153.0,11.0 5828,SentFIN,Power Exchange India gets time to comply with net worth norms,1,Power Exchange India,1156.0,11.0 5829,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat on first trading day of 2014,1,Nifty,1157.0,11.0 5830,SentFIN,Profit-making PSUs may be asked to submit IPO plans to Centre,1,PSUs,1158.0,11.0 5831,SentFIN,"Pullback rally over? Now, Nifty likely to take support at 8,000",1,Nifty,1159.0,11.0 5832,SentFIN,Ranbaxy's long positions should wait for some good news: Ashwani Gujral,1,Ranbaxy,1161.0,11.0 5833,SentFIN,"RBI measures, BJP government policies shield Indian markets from global factors",1,RBI,1162.0,11.0 5834,SentFIN,"RBI sells govt bonds worth Rs 20,000 crore in largest auction",1,RBI,1163.0,11.0 5835,SentFIN,RBI to conduct 14-day term repo auction for 610 billion rupees,1,RBI,1164.0,11.0 5836,SentFIN,RBI's rate cut: More money may chase fixed income products now,1,RBI,1165.0,11.0 5837,SentFIN,"REC posts Rs 1,228 crore profit in Q3, announces interim dividend",1,REC,1166.0,11.0 5838,SentFIN,Reliance Communications closes share issue; promoters subscribe at Rs 150 apiece,1,Reliance Communications,1167.0,11.0 5839,SentFIN,"Relief temporary for DLF, analysts advise investors to avoid long bets",1,DLF,1168.0,11.0 5840,SentFIN,RS Butola is the new chairman of Petroleum Federation of India,1,Petroleum Federation of India,1169.0,11.0 5841,SentFIN,Rupee to stay in 60-62/$ band till election results are out,1,Rupee,1170.0,11.0 5842,SentFIN,"SBI hits global debt markets, to raise up to $1 bn",1,SBI,1171.0,11.0 5843,SentFIN,SC dismisses Sebi's plea for insider trading charges against Samir Arora,1,Sebi,1172.0,11.0 5844,SentFIN,Search panel recommends S S Mundra for RBI Deputy Governor role,1,RBI,1173.0,11.0 5845,SentFIN,Sebi asks bourses to move 36 companies to normal trading category,1,Sebi,1174.0,11.0 5846,SentFIN,Sebi eases rules for market making in illiquid equity cash segment,1,Sebi,1175.0,11.0 5847,SentFIN,Sebi meet from January 27 to discuss risks of algorithmic trading,1,Sebi,1176.0,11.0 5848,SentFIN,SEBI planning to provide fresh avenues for startups through crowd-funding norms,1,SEBI,1177.0,11.0 5849,SentFIN,"Sebi to carry investor campaigns via mobile, Internet in FY 15",1,Sebi,1178.0,11.0 5850,SentFIN,Sebi working on guidelines to check wilful defaulters: U K Sinha,1,Sebi,1179.0,11.0 5851,SentFIN,"Seeing broader participation in market; Nifty may revisit 8,050: Ashwani Gujral",1,Nifty,1180.0,11.0 5852,SentFIN,Sensex trading in a narrow range; top thirteen stocks in focus,1,Sensex,1181.0,11.0 5853,SentFIN,Shriram City Union to raise Rs 500 crore via secured NCDs,1,Shriram City Union,1182.0,11.0 5854,SentFIN,"SME bourses: No number games this time, focus on quality issuance",1,SME bourses,1183.0,11.0 5855,SentFIN,"Spice Mobility to raise Rs 300 cr, merge two group firms",1,Spice Mobility,1184.0,11.0 5856,SentFIN,State-owned banks may have to shell out more on perpetual bonds,1,State-owned banks,1186.0,11.0 5857,SentFIN,State-owned banks start a bond fire with a flurry of issues,1,State-owned banks,1187.0,11.0 5858,SentFIN,"Stock markets to see cautious trading amid elections, IIP data: Report",0,Stock markets,1188.0,11.0 5859,SentFIN,Subhash Projects to raise Rs 300 cr via SPV stake sale,1,Subhash Projects,1189.0,11.0 5860,SentFIN,Three reasons why India Incs credit scores are on the mend,1,India Inc,1191.0,11.0 5861,SentFIN,"To keep growing in 2010, stock markets want costs under check",1,stock markets,1192.0,11.0 5862,SentFIN,Top BSE stakeholder urges FM Arun Jaitley to review exchange norms,1,BSE,1193.0,11.0 5863,SentFIN,Videocon d2h to file fresh draft prospectus for Initial public offering,1,Videocon d2h,1196.0,11.0 5864,SentFIN,Vikram Akula plans a second innings in microfinance with Vaya Finserv,1,Vaya Finserv,1197.0,11.0 5865,SentFIN,Wait and watch' for NBFC stocks in present situation: IIFL Wealth,1,IIFL Wealth,1198.0,11.0 5866,SentFIN,Wall Street struggles to comply with new US sanctions on Russia,1,Wall Street,1199.0,11.0 5867,SentFIN,What investors should expect from State Bank of India Q1 results?,1,State Bank of India,1200.0,11.0 5868,SentFIN,What to watch out for post the US Federal Reserve meeting?,1,US Federal Reserve,1201.0,11.0 5869,SentFIN,Why Sebi should not treat PE investors as a privileged lot,1,Sebi,1202.0,11.0 5870,SentFIN,Why US dollar has re-emerged as preferred currency for global investors,1,US dollar,1203.0,11.0 5871,SentFIN,Wipro shuffles top deck; Saurabh Govil made in-charge of human resources,1,Wipro,1204.0,11.0 5872,SentFIN,WL Ross asks OCM to wipe out losses by March 2013,1,OCM,1205.0,11.0 5873,SentFIN,Wonderla Holidays to raise up to Rs 190 crore via IPO,1,Wonderla Holidays,1207.0,11.0 5874,SentFIN,ZEE Entertainment Q2 PAT at Rs 243 crore; in-line with estimates,1,ZEE Entertainment,1208.0,11.0 5875,SentFIN,Zee Learn Ltd appoints Navneet Anhal as new Chief Operating Officer,1,Zee Learn Ltd,1209.0,11.0 5876,SentFIN,8000 on the Nifty is coming and coming pretty fast: Manish Sonthalia,1,Nifty,1210.0,12.0 5877,SentFIN,Akzo Nobel India reported Rs 60.89 crore PAT in Q1 of FY13,1,Akzo Nobel India,1211.0,12.0 5878,SentFIN,Alstom T&D India to raise up to Rs 294 crore through IPP,1,Alstom T&D India,1212.0,12.0 5879,SentFIN,Analysts' views on how to trade Reliance Industries ahead of its results,1,Reliance Industries,1213.0,12.0 5880,SentFIN,Be cautious on amount of stock you buy into BEML: Devang Visaria,0,BEML,1214.0,12.0 5881,SentFIN,Beaten down counters aid Sensex; Top ten stocks to watch this week,1,Sensex,1215.0,12.0 5882,SentFIN,Bill Gross' love for Mexico stays unchanged despite his exit from Pimco,1,Pimco,1216.0,12.0 5883,SentFIN,BSE plans foray into commodity trading; board gives nod for new platform,1,BSE,1217.0,12.0 5884,SentFIN,BSE to shift 21 cos to restricted trade segment from February 23,1,BSE,1218.0,12.0 5885,SentFIN,Can't take more than 200 points view on the Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,1219.0,12.0 5886,SentFIN,Centre asks rubber industry to work out details of national rubber policy,1,rubber industry,1220.0,12.0 5887,SentFIN,"Coffee Day Resorts to raise up to Rs 1,500 crore via IPO",1,Coffee Day Resorts,1221.0,12.0 5888,SentFIN,Company Law Board accepts private equity investors' plea on Fourcee forensic audit,1,Company Law Board,1222.0,12.0 5889,SentFIN,Cool-off period likely to continue for Sensex; top 4 events to watch,1,Sensex,1224.0,12.0 5890,SentFIN,Currency trading is next big thing in India: Veracity Financial Service Ltd,1,Veracity Financial Service Ltd,1226.0,12.0 5891,SentFIN,Current market situations point to a mixed bag in IT: Deepak Mohoni,1,IT,1227.0,12.0 5892,SentFIN,DCM Shriram Inds posts Rs 6.8 cr net profit for March quarter,1,DCM Shriram Inds,1230.0,12.0 5893,SentFIN,Dinesh K Sarraf takes charge as chairman and managing director of ONGC,1,ONGC,1231.0,12.0 5894,SentFIN,"DLF seeks shareholders nod to raise Rs 5,000 crore via non-convertible debentures",1,DLF,1232.0,12.0 5895,SentFIN,Do not see more consolidation in large cap pharma stocks: Vijai Mantri,1,large cap pharma stocks,1233.0,12.0 5896,SentFIN,Expect Nifty to be in 7350-7500 band on the upside: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,1236.0,12.0 5897,SentFIN,Finance Minister Arun Jaitley reviews state of capital markets with Sebi board,1,Sebi,1237.0,12.0 5898,SentFIN,"Financial Technologies India Ltd pacts with Jhunjhunwala, others to exit MCX-SX bourse",1,Financial Technologies India Ltd,1238.0,12.0 5899,SentFIN,FinMin has not sought halt in trading in NTPC on Feb 3-5',1,NTPC,1239.0,12.0 5900,SentFIN,"Flash Boys, book on high-frequency trading, becomes the talk of Wall Street",1,Flash Boys,1240.0,12.0 5901,SentFIN,Forward Markets Commission asks bourses not to charge audit fee from members,1,Forward Markets Commission,1241.0,12.0 5902,SentFIN,Here are top five stock ideas by Kunj Bansal Centrum Wealth Management,1,Kunj Bansal Centrum Wealth Management,1244.0,12.0 5903,SentFIN,"Hold Aditya Birla Nuvo with a stoploss at Rs 1,700: Vijay Bhambwani",1,Aditya Birla Nuvo,1245.0,12.0 5904,SentFIN,IFC in talks with regulators for additional $2 bn offshore rupee bonds,1,IFC,1247.0,12.0 5905,SentFIN,"IIFCL to raise up to Rs 1,200 cr from infra bond issue",1,IIFCL,1248.0,12.0 5906,SentFIN,IndiGo plans to raise $400 million by selling 10% stake via IPO,1,IndiGo,1250.0,12.0 5907,SentFIN,"Industry today needs simple de-jargonized products: Tapan Singhel, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance",1,Bajaj Allianz General Insurance,1251.0,12.0 5908,SentFIN,IOT Infrastructure & Energy Services raises Rs 3000 crore from domestic investors,1,IOT Infrastructure & Energy Services,1253.0,12.0 5909,SentFIN,"Jeffrey Currie, Goldman Sachs global commodities research head, called gold crash right",1,Goldman Sachs,1255.0,12.0 5910,SentFIN,"Jet Airways back in black, posts Q1 net at Rs 226 crore",1,Jet Airways,1256.0,12.0 5911,SentFIN,"Keshub Mahindra retires as Mahindra & Mahindra Chairman, Anand Mahindra takes over",1,Mahindra & Mahindra,1257.0,12.0 5912,SentFIN,Less than 50% chance of oil falling below $20 a barrel: Goldman,1,oil,1258.0,12.0 5913,SentFIN,Liquidity not a big concern for largecap stocks so far: Kunj Bansal,1,largecap stocks,1259.0,12.0 5914,SentFIN,"Market might see breakout if Bank Nifty gets past 15,550: Mitesh Thacker",1,Bank Nifty,1260.0,12.0 5915,SentFIN,Multi Commodity Exchange signs new technology contract with Financial Technologies India Ltd,1,Financial Technologies,1262.0,12.0 5916,SentFIN,New govt should implement policies to revive the banking sector: Amit Shah,1,banking sector,1263.0,12.0 5917,SentFIN,Nifty likely to start flat on 'Muhurat Trading' day; may reclaim 8k,1,Nifty,1264.0,12.0 5918,SentFIN,"November F&O expiry seen between 6050 and 6100: Vishal Kshatriya, Edelweiss Financial",1,Edelweiss Financial,1267.0,12.0 5919,SentFIN,Open to change norms on exchange-traded funds: Sebi chief U K Sinha,1,Sebi,1269.0,12.0 5920,SentFIN,"Polls could be a big swing factor for Indian market, says HSBC",1,HSBC,1270.0,12.0 5921,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty likely to open on a flat note; winter session eyed,1,Nifty,1271.0,12.0 5922,SentFIN,Preview: Top five things to watch out for in Biocons Q4 results,1,Biocon,1272.0,12.0 5923,SentFIN,Private placement to 30 million investors? wonders Sebi's chief U K Sinha,1,Sebi,1273.0,12.0 5924,SentFIN,"Rajesh Exports to raise Rs 6,500 cr to expand retail jewellery business",1,Rajesh Exports,1274.0,12.0 5925,SentFIN,Rallis is another one which has started to move today: Jagdish Malkani,1,Rallis,1275.0,12.0 5926,SentFIN,Refinery stocks go up during downtrends & fall during uptrends: Deepak Mohoni,1,Refinery stocks,1277.0,12.0 5927,SentFIN,"Reliance Communications closes share sale, to raise a total Rs 6,100 crore",1,Reliance Communications,1278.0,12.0 5928,SentFIN,Rural Electrification Corp to raise Rs 700 crore via tax free bonds,1,Rural Electrification Corp,1280.0,12.0 5929,SentFIN,S H Kelkar to launch Rs 500 crore IPO on October 28,1,S H Kelkar,1281.0,12.0 5930,SentFIN,"Sachin Tendulkar, Shane Warne to ring opening bell at NY Stock Exchange",1,NY Stock Exchange,1282.0,12.0 5931,SentFIN,"Samsung SDS may list shares at around 200,000 won a share: Source",1,Samsung SDS,1283.0,12.0 5932,SentFIN,Sebi wants bourses to provide a level playing field for HFT traders,1,Sebi,1286.0,12.0 5933,SentFIN,"See great valuations in Indian markets currently: Arindam Ghosh, BlackRidge Capital Advisors",1,BlackRidge Capital Advisors,1288.0,12.0 5934,SentFIN,See positivity around PSU stocks at this point of time: Nandkumar Surti,1,PSU stocks,1289.0,12.0 5935,SentFIN,SH Kelkar hires 4 banks for up to $125 million IPO: Sources,1,SH Kelkar,1290.0,12.0 5936,SentFIN,"Simplex Infrastructure: Healthy order book, smart execution to help beat slump blues",1,Simplex Infrastructure,1291.0,12.0 5937,SentFIN,Symantec appoints Adrian Jones as Asia Pacific and Japan senior vice president,1,Symantec,1292.0,12.0 5938,SentFIN,"Syndicate Bank can be bought at around 137: Prasad Kushe, Technical Analyst",1,Syndicate Bank,1293.0,12.0 5939,SentFIN,T Nanda Kumar to take over as NDDB chief from February 27,1,NDDB,1294.0,12.0 5940,SentFIN,Today's bet for F&O: Strong support seen at 5180 level for Nifty,1,Nifty,1297.0,12.0 5941,SentFIN,Top five things to watch out for in Reliance Industrie 40th AGM,1,Reliance Industrie,1298.0,12.0 5942,SentFIN,"UAE Exchange appoints B R Shetty as Chairman, Promoth Manghat as CEO",1,UAE Exchange,1299.0,12.0 5943,SentFIN,"UTI Mutual Fund appoints Suraj Kaeley as group president, sales & marketing",1,UTI Mutual Fund,1300.0,12.0 5944,SentFIN,"Vodafone starts preparatory work for IPO in India, expresses optimism about government",1,Vodafone,1301.0,12.0 5945,SentFIN,Waiting to see initiatives from the government for PSU banks: Pramod Gubbi,1,PSU banks,1302.0,12.0 5946,SentFIN,50-day moving average of 7820-7850 on Nifty not out of question: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,1303.0,13.0 5947,SentFIN,A look at how Federal Reserve decision is going to affect Dalal Street,1,Dalal Street,1305.0,13.0 5948,SentFIN,"After US Fed status quo, will Raghuram Rajan surprise D-Street with rate cut?",1,D-Street,1306.0,13.0 5949,SentFIN,AIA share sale set to be World's second largest IPO of the year,1,AIA,1307.0,13.0 5950,SentFIN,"Auto component pocket looks interesting, but stay selective in stock picking: Sudip Bandopadhyay",1,Auto component,1308.0,13.0 5951,SentFIN,Bank stocks have to participate in rally to take market higher: Ashwani Gujral,1,Bank stocks,1309.0,13.0 5952,SentFIN,Big uptrends in IT stocks is over for the near term: Neeraj Deewan,1,IT stocks,1310.0,13.0 5953,SentFIN,"Bring it on Yellen! Fed won't impact Indian bourses that much, say experts",1,Indian bourses,1311.0,13.0 5954,SentFIN,Canada-based Aditya Birla Minacs Worldwide sold to a group of strategic financial investors,1,Aditya Birla Minacs Worldwide,1312.0,13.0 5955,SentFIN,CIL workers that struck out on IPO may get chance to buy stake,1,CIL,1313.0,13.0 5956,SentFIN,Correction on the cards; can build long positions on IT counters: Mitesh Thacker,1,IT counters,1315.0,13.0 5957,SentFIN,"Dalmia Bharat Group appoints Ajit Menon as executive director, Group Head of HR",1,Dalmia Bharat Group,1316.0,13.0 5958,SentFIN,"Delhi High Court asks Centre, SEBI to reply to plea on automated trading",1,SEBI,1317.0,13.0 5959,SentFIN,"Delivery-based transactions key to curbing price manipulation in commexes: Samir Shah, MD, NCDEX",1,NCDEX,1318.0,13.0 5960,SentFIN,"Dena Bank to raise Rs 2500 crore via bonds, bring down govt shareholding",1,Dena Bank,1319.0,13.0 5961,SentFIN,D-Street week ahead: FIIs in wait & watch mode ahead of Bihar outcome,1,D-Street,1320.0,13.0 5962,SentFIN,Energy Development Company seeks shareholders' nod to issue shares worth Rs 44 crore,1,Energy Development Company,1321.0,13.0 5963,SentFIN,"F&O Tracker: No major downtick seen in near term, says IIFL Hemant Nahata",1,IIFL,1322.0,13.0 5964,SentFIN,Forward Markets Commission steps up vigil to curb volatility on NCDEX and MCX,1,Forward Markets Commission,1325.0,13.0 5965,SentFIN,French President Francois Hollande says euro is now at right level vs dollar,2,euro,1326.0,13.0 5966,SentFIN,"Gas pricing decision will determine next move on Reliance: Ambareesh Baliga, Market Expert",1,Reliance,1327.0,13.0 5967,SentFIN,Government to review 'Call & Put Option' rules that hit DoCoMo exit plan,1,DoCoMo,1329.0,13.0 5968,SentFIN,H Kumar takes over as Managing Director of Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd,1,Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd,1330.0,13.0 5969,SentFIN,Havells is a 'BT/ST' call with a target of Rs 300: Mitesh Thacker,2,Havells,1331.0,13.0 5970,SentFIN,Helion co-founder Kanwaljit Singh moving out as VC firm names two new partners,1,Helion,1332.0,13.0 5971,SentFIN,Here why Devi Shetty of Narayana Health is looking to hit Dalal Street,1,Narayana Health,1333.0,13.0 5972,SentFIN,Hindustan Unilever Q3 PAT seen up 8% at Rs 871 crore; stock down,1,Hindustan Unilever,1334.0,13.0 5973,SentFIN,"HUL needs to up the game to sustain growth, emerge favourite among investors",1,HUL,1335.0,13.0 5974,SentFIN,IFFCO acquires 1.12 per cent stake in NCDEX for about Rs 10 crore,1,IFFCO,1336.0,13.0 5975,SentFIN,"IMAX China files IPO in Honkg Kong, looks to capitalise on entertainment demand",1,IMAX China,1337.0,13.0 5976,SentFIN,"Immediate resistance for Reliance is around 1018, 1048 levels: Mileen Vasudeo, Angel Broking",0,Reliance,1338.0,13.0 5977,SentFIN,"IRFC likely to launch tax-free bonds worth Rs 4,532 crore on December 8",1,IRFC,1340.0,13.0 5978,SentFIN,"It is vital for the rupee to stabilise: Prateek Agarwal, ASK Investment Manager",1,ASK Investment Manager,1341.0,13.0 5979,SentFIN,Kesoram Industries to mop up upto Rs 500 crore through a rights issue,1,Kesoram Industries,1344.0,13.0 5980,SentFIN,Manoj Vaish new CEO of MCX; bourse to trim stake by January 18,1,MCX,1345.0,13.0 5981,SentFIN,Max Life posts PAT at Rs 326 cr for Apr-Dec period in FY14,1,Max Life,1346.0,13.0 5982,SentFIN,"Metal stocks shine after price hike, but experts are giving a dull outlook",1,Metal stocks,1347.0,13.0 5983,SentFIN,Narendra Kothari takes over as new Chairman and Managing Director of NMDC,1,NMDC,1348.0,13.0 5984,SentFIN,"Once competitive pressure eases, get into telecom stocks for long term: Paras Adenwala",1,telecom stocks,1349.0,13.0 5985,SentFIN,RBL Bank to raise about Rs 500 cr from IPO in Q4 FY15,1,RBL Bank,1350.0,13.0 5986,SentFIN,"Secular rally in cyclicals coming to an end: Prateek Agarwal, ASK Investment Manager",1,cyclicals,1351.0,13.0 5987,SentFIN,Securities and Exchange Board of India begins recruitment process for 2 executive directors,1,Securities and Exchange Board of India,1352.0,13.0 5988,SentFIN,Take to Infra stocks only with a long term view : Sonam Udasi,1,Infra stocks,1353.0,13.0 5989,SentFIN,Tilaknagar Industries appoints Vijay K Rekhi as chairman of its board of advisors,1,Tilaknagar Industries,1355.0,13.0 5990,SentFIN,Two reasons why PSU banking stocks have turned around in terms of performance,1,PSU banking stocks,1356.0,13.0 5991,SentFIN,UBS says more than 90 per cent of shares tendered into share exchange,1,UBS,1357.0,13.0 5992,SentFIN,UPA takes sheen off PSU stocks since it came to power in 2004,1,PSU stocks,1358.0,13.0 5993,SentFIN,Wall Street week ahead: Fed change unlikely to blunt equitie appeal over bonds,1,Wall Street,1359.0,13.0 5994,SentFIN,Want to bet on Infosys? Five reasons why you should wait and watch,1,Infosys,1361.0,13.0 5995,SentFIN,"AirAsia offers 2 mn cheap tickets, fly from Kolkata to Bangkok for Rs 3,300",1,AirAsia,1363.0,14.0 5996,SentFIN,"All FIIs trying to create some alpha in market: Prateek Agarwal, ASK Investment Manager",1,ASK Investment Manager,1364.0,14.0 5997,SentFIN,China to open up futures market to foreign investors via free trade zones: CSRC,1,CSRC,1365.0,14.0 5998,SentFIN,Clarity on MAT holds the key; 5% downside can't be ruled out: Mayuresh Joshi,1,MAT,1368.0,14.0 5999,SentFIN,"Consider IT stocks as a global play, to make portfolio look balanced: Ajay Bagga",1,IT stocks,1369.0,14.0 6000,SentFIN,"Does India's Warren Buffett, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, see a Burlington Santa Fe in Tata Motors?",1,Tata Motors,1370.0,14.0 6001,SentFIN,DSP Blackrock MF senior fund manager to manage offshore funds as company shuffles management,1,DSP Blackrock MF,1371.0,14.0 6002,SentFIN,Expect Moil cash reserves to match its mcap in 2 years: G Chokkalingam,1,Moil,1372.0,14.0 6003,SentFIN,"Expecting policies related to growth revival from the Budget: Deven Choksey, KR Choksey Securities",1,KR Choksey Securities,1373.0,14.0 6004,SentFIN,Food Corporation of India sells 1.54 lakh tonnes of wheat via NSPOT so far,1,Food Corporation of India,1374.0,14.0 6005,SentFIN,"Ford India appoints Vinay Piparsania as the new executive director, marketing, sales & service",1,Ford India,1375.0,14.0 6006,SentFIN,"Foreigners stay with HDFC Bank, bet on ADRs, futures after hitting FII stock cap",1,HDFC Bank,1376.0,14.0 6007,SentFIN,Forward Markets Commission to hire 20 experts on contract basis to ease staff crunch,1,Forward Markets Commission,1377.0,14.0 6008,SentFIN,"GMR Infrastructure to raise Rs 4,000 crore in a year by selling projects, stake",1,GMR Infrastructure,1379.0,14.0 6009,SentFIN,Gold schemes by PM Modi right in time to celebrate 'Dhanteras': D K Aggarwal,1,Gold,1380.0,14.0 6010,SentFIN,Income tax department lens on Rs 5 lakh crore share sales by India Inc,1,India Inc,1382.0,14.0 6011,SentFIN,Infusion of additional $1 trillion to India's GDP to create new midcap leaders: Barclays,1,Barclays,1383.0,14.0 6012,SentFIN,"JSPL may be spared complete de-allocation of coal blocks: Deven Choksey, KR Choksey Securities",1,KR Choksey Securities,1384.0,14.0 6013,SentFIN,Markets may not move much in the next 8 to 10 sessions: Ashwani Gujral,1,Markets,1386.0,14.0 6014,SentFIN,Meera Sanyal to quit Royal Bank of Scotland for a full-time career in politics,1,Royal Bank of Scotland,1387.0,14.0 6015,SentFIN,"MTNL planning to raise around Rs 2,300 crore by selling bonds with ten-year maturity",1,MTNL,1389.0,14.0 6016,SentFIN,OVL to raise up to $1 billion via dollar issue to fund Azerbaijan buy,1,OVL,1390.0,14.0 6017,SentFIN,Quick Heal may be India's first pure software co to take the IPO route,1,Quick Heal,1392.0,14.0 6018,SentFIN,Reserve Bank of India changes in gilt auctions seen as sign of stable rates,1,Reserve Bank of India,1393.0,14.0 6019,SentFIN,Retail investors should assign 60% weightage to large cap stocks in their portfolio: Experts,1,large cap stocks,1394.0,14.0 6020,SentFIN,"Rupee will hold to 62, do not see a depriciation from here: Manoj Rane",1,Rupee,1395.0,14.0 6021,SentFIN,"SEBI's new rules: What it means for investors, companies, fund houses & MF distributors",1,SEBI,1396.0,14.0 6022,SentFIN,"Sectors that see divestment will be more attractive going forward: Anish Damania, IDFC Sec",1,IDFC Sec,1397.0,14.0 6023,SentFIN,"Stable anchor investors comfort the retail investors in IPO: Gajendra Nagpal, Unicon Financial Solutions",1,Unicon Financial Solutions,1398.0,14.0 6024,SentFIN,TCS: First quarter results to be announced today; five things to watch out for,1,TCS,1399.0,14.0 6025,SentFIN,"Thanks to SEBI, shareholders will have access to critical information from the next fiscal",1,SEBI,1400.0,14.0 6026,SentFIN,Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri posts net profit of Rs 162.69 million in Q1 FY 2013,1,Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri,1401.0,14.0 6027,SentFIN,"5450-5650 will be the range for next few days: Sandeep Wagle, APTART Technical Advisory Services",1,APTART Technical Advisory Services,1402.0,15.0 6028,SentFIN,Air Indias insurance contract up for renewal on October 1 for an estimated $25 million,1,Air India,1403.0,15.0 6029,SentFIN,"Bonds worth Rs 95,000- 1,05,000 crore to be sold by state governments and UTs: RBI",1,RBI,1405.0,15.0 6030,SentFIN,"Budget 2014 to focus on structures to achieve decent long-term performance: BP Singh, Pramerica MF",1,Pramerica MF,1406.0,15.0 6031,SentFIN,"Daimler India CV rejigs top management, Aydogan Cakmaz to head R&D for trucks in Asia",1,Daimler India,1407.0,15.0 6032,SentFIN,"Expect announcements on the ordering side from L7T over next few months: Pankaj Pandey,",1,,1408.0,15.0 6033,SentFIN,Hindusthan National Glass & Industries posts net profit of Rs 7.7 crore in Q1 FY13,1,Hindusthan National Glass & Industries,1409.0,15.0 6034,SentFIN,Lessons from Inox Wind listing: Firms with smaller businesses can unlock value by separate listing,1,Inox Wind,1411.0,15.0 6035,SentFIN,"Nasdaq OMX enters Indian market for the second time, to open new office in Bangalore",1,Nasdaq OMX,1412.0,15.0 6036,SentFIN,NBFC Indostar plans to hit market with rs 1K crore public issue in June '16,1,NBFC Indostar,1413.0,15.0 6037,SentFIN,"Outlook for auto stocks a mixed bag at the moment: Rajat Rajgarhia, Motilal Oswal Securities",1,Motilal Oswal Securities,1414.0,15.0 6038,SentFIN,"Sebi's move on Fast Track rights, FPOs to help government in disinvestment of state-owned companies",1,Sebi,1415.0,15.0 6039,SentFIN,"Stock-specific play is the way to go in coming week: Sandeep Wagle, Power My Wealth",1,Power My Wealth,1416.0,15.0 6040,SentFIN,Sun Pharma has a history of taking stress assets and turning them around: Harendra Kumar,1,Sun Pharma,1417.0,15.0 6041,SentFIN,Valuations do not warrant fresh buying in Britannia; existing investors should stay put: Mayuresh Joshi,1,Britannia,1418.0,15.0 6042,SentFIN,"Bounceback in market strong; expect Nifty to trade at 7,850 levels next 2 sessions: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,1419.0,16.0 6043,SentFIN,"Evaluations indicate that the market is sensing a cut in interest rates: N Jayakumar, Prime Securities",1,Prime Securities,1420.0,16.0 6044,SentFIN,"Government looking to list UTI AMC, to seek nod from Arun Jaitley in a month: Sources",1,UTI AMC,1421.0,16.0 6045,SentFIN,K Venkataramanan appointed new CEO and MD of Larsen & Toubro; AM Naik to remain Chairman,1,Larsen & Toubro,1423.0,16.0 6046,SentFIN,Looking at a target price of Rs 2080 for Tech Mahindra over one-year perspective: Ajay Bodke,1,Tech Mahindra,1425.0,16.0 6047,SentFIN,"Markets assuming lots of policy actions will happen; but it is unlikely: Mayuresh Joshi, Angel Broking",1,Angel Broking,1426.0,16.0 6048,SentFIN,"Sebi's decision to relax debt-equity conversion norms for banks positive, but more steps required: Hemindra Hazari",1,Sebi,1427.0,16.0 6049,SentFIN,"State-owned IDBI Bank readies plan to raise Rs 2, 600 crore via sale of infrastructure bonds",1,IDBI Bank,1428.0,16.0 6050,SentFIN,"Budget 2012: STT cut, Rajiv Gandhi Scheme are small but key steps, says Rashesh Shah, Edelweiss Group",1,Edelweiss Group,1429.0,17.0 6051,SentFIN,"Laila Nutraceuticals in talks with global PEs to raise $40 million, may offer 40 per cent stake",1,Laila Nutraceuticals,1430.0,17.0 6052,SentFIN,"South Mumbai Zaveri bazaar may soon move to a new address, experts proposes to relocate to Panvel",1,Zaveri bazaar,1432.0,17.0 6053,SentFIN,Warren Buffett once said that Gold is a way of going long on fear. Do you agree?,1,Gold,1433.0,17.0 6054,SentFIN,"A $25 fall in crude is like a $10-billion stimulus for Indian economy, say experts; top stock bets",1,crude,1434.0,18.0 6055,SentFIN,"Any global risk-off scenario can lead to sharp market reaction at this time: Mahesh Patil, Birla Sunlife MF",1,Birla Sunlife MF,1435.0,18.0 6056,SentFIN,"Consumption space would be largely favoured with the roll out of GST : Deven Choksey, KR Choksey Securities",1,KR Choksey Securities,1436.0,18.0 6057,SentFIN,Harsh Mariwala in no hurry to pass on the baton of Marico to his children Rishabh & Rajvi,1,Marico,1437.0,18.0 6058,SentFIN,"Tremendous opportunities ahead to take leadership role in India's evolution: Umang Bedi, MD Sales and Marketing, Adobe Systems",1,Adobe Systems,1440.0,18.0 6059,SentFIN,Road shows for SAIL FPO delayed,1,SAIL,1443.0,6.0 6060,SentFIN,Amitabh Chakraborty quits Religare,1,Religare,1444.0,4.0 6061,SentFIN,IBM India sacks executives for fraud',1,IBM India,1445.0,6.0 6062,SentFIN,"Shreejit Mishra, two others quit HUL",1,HUL,1446.0,6.0 6063,SentFIN,Emcure Pharmaceuticals withdraws proposed IPO,1,Emcure Pharmaceuticals,1447.0,5.0 6064,SentFIN,Why it will be a tough task for Vishal Sikka to revive Infosys back to its glory,1,Infosys,1449.0,17.0 6065,SentFIN,Association of Mutual Funds in India warns members to stay away from suspicious ready forward certificate of deposits,1,Association of Mutual Funds in India,1450.0,18.0 6066,SentFIN,Infibeam mulls filing draft red herring prospectus by December as it gears up for its IPO next year,1,Infibeam,1452.0,18.0 6067,SentFIN,"Promoter sales starting to hit the market and that is a strange sign, says Deepak Shenoy, Capital Mind",1,Capital Mind,1453.0,18.0 6068,SentFIN,"ETMARKETS.COM WEBINAR: How to invest in equity in challenging times? Join Amar Ambani, Head of Research, IIFL live at 2 pm on Thursday",1,IIFL live,1454.0,23.0 6069,SentFIN,Niftys still holding the momentum: Nirmal Bang,1,Nifty,1455.0,7.0 6070,SentFIN,Hospitals are very capital intensive: Ajay Bagga,1,Hospitals,1456.0,7.0 6071,SentFIN,Euro/USD looking at support between $1.3815-30,1,Euro/USD,1457.0,6.0 6072,SentFIN,Entertainment Network India posts Rs 52.2-crore net,1,Entertainment Network India,1458.0,7.0 6073,SentFIN,Cos on BSE SME platform cross 100-mark,1,BSE,1459.0,7.0 6074,SentFIN,S&P upgrade may drive FII debt flow,1,S&P,1460.0,7.0 6075,SentFIN,DLF has become extremely flat: Ashwani Gujral,1,DLF,1461.0,7.0 6076,SentFIN,Zinc futures marginally up on spot demand,2,Zinc futures,1462.0,7.0 6077,SentFIN,Zinc futures gain 1.56 pc on global cues,2,Zinc futures,1463.0,8.0 6078,SentFIN,Like Zee Entertainment in media space: Mehraboon Irani,2,Zee Entertainment,1464.0,8.0 6079,SentFIN,World shares hover near all-time high,2,World shares,1465.0,6.0 6080,SentFIN,Wockhardt story is really intriguing: Deven Choksey,2,Wockhardt,1466.0,7.0 6081,SentFIN,Whirlpool Q3 profit doubles at Rs 21.25 crore,2,Whirlpool,1468.0,8.0 6082,SentFIN,Wheat prices strengthens on increased offtake,2,Wheat,1469.0,6.0 6083,SentFIN,Welspun-Gujarat net rises to Rs 167 cr,2,Welspun-Gujarat,1470.0,7.0 6084,SentFIN,BT/ST call for Welspun Corp: Ashwani Gujral,2,Welspun Corp,1471.0,7.0 6085,SentFIN,VRL Logistics' IPO over-subscribed 1.1 times,2,VRL Logistics,1472.0,6.0 6086,SentFIN,Voltas surges on cooling products-led beat in earnings,2,Voltas,1473.0,8.0 6087,SentFIN,V-Guard looks promising: Nimbus Wealth Management,2,V-Guard,1474.0,6.0 6088,SentFIN,V-Guard shares gain 2.4% on Q1 results,2,V-Guard,1475.0,7.0 6089,SentFIN,US stock futures edge higher before jobs data,2,US stock futures,1477.0,8.0 6090,SentFIN,United Spirits could have the best risk-reward ratio,2,United Spirits,1478.0,8.0 6091,SentFIN,United Bank raises $350 million under MTN programme,2,United Bank,1479.0,8.0 6092,SentFIN,Bullish on tyres: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,tyres,1481.0,5.0 6093,SentFIN,Torrent Power gains on hopes of cheap gas,2,Torrent Power,1482.0,8.0 6094,SentFIN,Tokyo stocks close 0.93% higher,2,Tokyo stocks,1483.0,5.0 6095,SentFIN,"Angel starts TIL with 'buy', targets 823 rupees",2,TIL,1484.0,8.0 6096,SentFIN,Street's optimistic on Texmaco growth prospects,2,Texmaco,1486.0,6.0 6097,SentFIN,Texmaco could give favourable returns: Deepak Mohoni,2,Texmaco,1487.0,7.0 6098,SentFIN,Tech stocks are going to benefit: Ashwani Gujral,2,Tech stocks,1488.0,8.0 6099,SentFIN,Buying Tech Mahindra a safe bet: Dipan Mehta,2,Tech Mahindra,1489.0,8.0 6100,SentFIN,900-950 ideal for entering TCS: Technical Trends,2,TCS,1491.0,7.0 6101,SentFIN,TCS attains Rs 5 lakh crore market-capitalisation,2,TCS,1492.0,7.0 6102,SentFIN,"TCS signals slowdown; brokerages remain unfazed, retain rating",2,TCS,1493.0,8.0 6103,SentFIN,Tax-free bonds regain demand in the secondary market,2,Tax-free bonds,1494.0,8.0 6104,SentFIN,Tata Steel Q4 show beats estimates,2,Tata Steel,1495.0,6.0 6105,SentFIN,Syngenta surges as European shares edge higher,2,Syngenta,1497.0,7.0 6106,SentFIN,Symphony shares surge 5% on strong quarterly results,2,Symphony,1498.0,8.0 6107,SentFIN,Suzuki shares soar on production shift report,2,Suzuki,1499.0,7.0 6108,SentFIN,Suryalata Spinning net revenue up 34 per cent,2,Suryalata Spinning,1500.0,8.0 6109,SentFIN,Sugar manufacturers gain on hopes of easing curbs,2,Sugar manufacturers,1502.0,8.0 6110,SentFIN,Sudal Industries forms subsidiary in UAE;stock up,2,Sudal Industries,1503.0,7.0 6111,SentFIN,STFC raises 583 cr via QIP issue,2,STFC,1505.0,7.0 6112,SentFIN,Sterlite Technologies jumps 8% after Modi tweet,2,Sterlite Technologies,1506.0,7.0 6113,SentFIN,Sterlite Industries has upside potential: Deepak Mohoni,2,Sterlite Industries,1507.0,7.0 6114,SentFIN,Maran makes open offer for SpiceJet,2,SpiceJet,1510.0,6.0 6115,SentFIN,Spicejet extends monsoon offer; stock gains,2,Spicejet,1511.0,6.0 6116,SentFIN,"SpiceJet is a buy: CK Narayan, Sharyans Resources",2,SpiceJet,1512.0,8.0 6117,SentFIN,"Spicejet surges over 10%, denies selling parking slots",2,Spicejet,1513.0,8.0 6118,SentFIN,SpiceJet: Regional focus can help airline soar further,2,SpiceJet,1514.0,8.0 6119,SentFIN,Specialised NBFCs will benefit: Dipan Mehta,2,Specialised NBFCs,1515.0,6.0 6120,SentFIN,Spanco surges 13 in morning trade on bourses,2,Spanco,1516.0,8.0 6121,SentFIN,Soymeal sales seen higher in January: Traders,2,Soymeal,1517.0,7.0 6122,SentFIN,Soyabean futures advance on global cues,2,Soyabean futures,1518.0,6.0 6123,SentFIN,South-based cement companies maintain growth,2,South-based cement companies,1519.0,5.0 6124,SentFIN,Snowman Logistics gives 100% returns in six sessions,2,Snowman Logistics,1520.0,8.0 6125,SentFIN,"Snowmans IPO gets overwhelming response, subscribing 60 times",2,Snowman,1521.0,8.0 6126,SentFIN,SMX records turnover of over $ 100 billion,2,SMX,1522.0,8.0 6127,SentFIN,Mutual Funds bet big on small companies,2,small companies,1523.0,7.0 6128,SentFIN,SKS Microfinance gains on securitization deal,2,SKS Microfinance,1524.0,6.0 6129,SentFIN,Sintex looks good: Hemen Kapadia,2,Sintex,1526.0,5.0 6130,SentFIN,Extremely positive on Sintex: Dipan Mehta,2,Sintex,1527.0,6.0 6131,SentFIN,Sintex bracing for better nos in March quarter,2,Sintex,1528.0,8.0 6132,SentFIN,Siemens shares gain after strong earnings,2,Siemens,1529.0,6.0 6133,SentFIN,"Cost cuts, reworked deals boost Siemens margins",2,Siemens,1530.0,7.0 6134,SentFIN,Shreyas Shipping's stock zooms 10-fold on turnaround,2,Shreyas Shipping,1531.0,7.0 6135,SentFIN,Shoppers Stop can see some correction: Ashwani Gujral,2,Shoppers Stop,1533.0,8.0 6136,SentFIN,Shasun Pharmaceuticals reports 50% jump in Q3 profit,2,Shasun Pharmaceuticals,1534.0,8.0 6137,SentFIN,"Shanghai, Hong Kong stocks rise at open",2,"Shanghai, Hong Kong stocks",1535.0,7.0 6138,SentFIN,Shanghai stocks reverse losses to close in green,2,Shanghai stocks,1536.0,8.0 6139,SentFIN,Sesa Sterlite shares see marginal gain,2,Sesa Sterlite,1537.0,6.0 6140,SentFIN,Short-covering helps Sensex recover from losses,2,Sensex,1538.0,6.0 6141,SentFIN,Tech-bank partnership helps Sensex score 87,2,Sensex,1539.0,6.0 6142,SentFIN,"Another day, another high: Sensex closes at 21,197",2,Sensex,1540.0,8.0 6143,SentFIN,Bernanke comments push Sensex by over 350 points,2,Sensex,1541.0,8.0 6144,SentFIN,"Sensex ends near five-week high, holds 21000 levels",2,Sensex,1542.0,8.0 6145,SentFIN,Selan Oil Exploration shares rally on buy-back plans,2,Selan Oil Exploration,1543.0,8.0 6146,SentFIN,Scooters India rally on disinvestment reports,2,Scooters India,1544.0,6.0 6147,SentFIN,SBI raises $100 million from 5-year offshore bonds,2,SBI,1546.0,8.0 6148,SentFIN,Saria prices edge up on scattered demand,2,Saria,1548.0,7.0 6149,SentFIN,Samvat 2071 gets off to a sparkling start,2,Samvat 2071,1549.0,8.0 6150,SentFIN,Sabero's growth prospects appear attractive,2,Sabero,1550.0,5.0 6151,SentFIN,Russian stocks rally ahead of EU sanctions review,2,Russian stocks,1553.0,8.0 6152,SentFIN,Improved macros to save Rupee from Greece lightning,2,Rupee,1555.0,8.0 6153,SentFIN,Rupee hits 11-month high; RBI intervention in focus,2,Rupee,1556.0,8.0 6154,SentFIN,Rupee hits 3-week high on debt-related dollar inflows,2,Rupee,1557.0,8.0 6155,SentFIN,Rupee rebounds from near 5-month low; RBI aids,2,Rupee,1558.0,8.0 6156,SentFIN,Rupee recovers 7 paise against the US dollar,2,Rupee,1559.0,8.0 6157,SentFIN,Steep appreciation in rupee to lower oil subsidies,2,rupee,1560.0,8.0 6158,SentFIN,RILs Q1 show triggers bullish bets,2,RIL,1562.0,6.0 6159,SentFIN,Rice procurement crosses 20o lakh tonne,2,Rice,1563.0,6.0 6160,SentFIN,Religare Finvest NCD issue oversubscribed 1.31 times,2,Religare Finvest,1564.0,7.0 6161,SentFIN,Recent buyouts to drive Religare's growth ahead,2,Religare,1565.0,7.0 6162,SentFIN,Refined palmolein regains on renewed demand,2,Refined palmolein,1566.0,6.0 6163,SentFIN,REC excellent long term uptrend: Deepak Mohoni,2,REC,1567.0,7.0 6164,SentFIN,Very bullish on RComm: Devang Visaria,2,RComm,1568.0,6.0 6165,SentFIN,Raymond surges over 8 pc on land-sale buzz,2,Raymond,1569.0,8.0 6166,SentFIN,Rate-sensitive stocks gain as retail inflation eases,2,Rate-sensitive stocks,1570.0,7.0 6167,SentFIN,Rashtriya Chemicals gains over 4% on expansion plan,2,Rashtriya Chemicals,1571.0,8.0 6168,SentFIN,Ramsarup Industries surges on stake sale reports,2,Ramsarup Industries,1572.0,7.0 6169,SentFIN,Ramky Infrastructure rallies on debt restructuring plans,2,Ramky Infrastructure,1573.0,7.0 6170,SentFIN,Ramco Systems climbs over 14% on order win,2,Ramco Systems,1574.0,8.0 6171,SentFIN,Rallis India Q1 net profit up 14%,2,Rallis India,1575.0,7.0 6172,SentFIN,Rajesh Exports surges 16% on UAE export order,2,Rajesh Exports,1576.0,8.0 6173,SentFIN,Railways linked stocks gain ahead of budget,2,Railways linked stocks,1577.0,7.0 6174,SentFIN,Railways earnings up by over 9 per cent,2,Railways,1578.0,8.0 6175,SentFIN,Puravankara Projects Q4 net jumps 71 per cent,2,Puravankara Projects,1580.0,8.0 6176,SentFIN,Late rains in Rajasthan improves pulses acreage,2,pulses,1581.0,7.0 6177,SentFIN,Premier Explosives surges on licence for defense products,2,Premier Explosives,1582.0,8.0 6178,SentFIN,Precious metals shine as EMs lose lustre,2,Precious metals,1583.0,7.0 6179,SentFIN,"Power sector to be attractive for investors, analysts",2,Power sector,1584.0,8.0 6180,SentFIN,Polaris Financial zooms 17% on board demerger approval,2,Polaris Financial,1585.0,8.0 6181,SentFIN,Pistachio up on fresh buying,2,Pistachio,1586.0,5.0 6182,SentFIN,Pipavav doing very well: Devang Visaria,2,Pipavav,1587.0,6.0 6183,SentFIN,Government of Singapore hikes stake in Phoenix Mills,2,Phoenix Mills,1588.0,8.0 6184,SentFIN,Phillips Carbon gains on overseas buy-out reports,2,Phillips Carbon,1589.0,7.0 6185,SentFIN,Quite positive on the pharma space: Hemindra Hazari,2,pharma space,1590.0,8.0 6186,SentFIN,Pharma is in pretty good shape: Deepak Mohoni,2,Pharma,1591.0,8.0 6187,SentFIN,PFC FPO oversubscribed 4.32 times on final day,2,PFC,1592.0,8.0 6188,SentFIN,Persistent System's three-way strategy likely to improve profitability,2,Persistent System,1593.0,8.0 6189,SentFIN,Pepper futures gain 0.57% as demand picks up,2,Pepper futures,1594.0,8.0 6190,SentFIN,Parsvnath Developers rallies 5% on fund raising plans,2,Parsvnath Developers,1595.0,8.0 6191,SentFIN,Palmolein oil edges up on retailers demand,2,Palmolein oil,1596.0,7.0 6192,SentFIN,ONGC: Subsidy burden takes a toll; stock up,2,ONGC,1597.0,8.0 6193,SentFIN,Target of 1200-1255 possible for ONGC: Rohit Shinde,2,ONGC,1598.0,8.0 6194,SentFIN,June Oilmeal exports up 20% m/m: Trade body,2,Oilmeal,1599.0,8.0 6195,SentFIN,Oil&Gas sector gains on fuel price hike hopes,2,Oil&Gas sector,1601.0,8.0 6196,SentFIN,Oil India raises $1000 million in two tranches,2,Oil India,1604.0,8.0 6197,SentFIN,Driving season boosts oil,2,oil,1605.0,4.0 6198,SentFIN,Noida Toll Bridge stocks gain on value buying,2,Noida Toll Bridge,1606.0,8.0 6199,SentFIN,Nitin Fire surges on acquisition plan in Europe,2,Nitin Fire,1607.0,8.0 6200,SentFIN,Nirma a buy in 220-230 range: Devang Visaria,2,Nirma,1608.0,8.0 6201,SentFIN,Nirma shares jump 18 pc after delisting move,2,Nirma,1609.0,8.0 6202,SentFIN,Nilkamal's stock price rises 7 pc,2,Nilkamal,1610.0,6.0 6203,SentFIN,Huge activity in Nifty December series surprises market,2,Nifty,1612.0,8.0 6204,SentFIN,"Nifty ends at all-time high after hitting 6,700",2,Nifty,1613.0,8.0 6205,SentFIN,Industrial demand pushes up nickel futures,2,nickel futures,1614.0,6.0 6206,SentFIN,Nickel recovers on global cues,2,Nickel,1615.0,5.0 6207,SentFIN,"NBCC bags Rs 231-crore order, stock rallies",2,NBCC,1616.0,7.0 6208,SentFIN,Narayana Hrudayalaya IPO oversubscribed 8.41 times,2,Narayana Hrudayalaya,1617.0,6.0 6209,SentFIN,"Nalco issues bonus shares, opting stock-split",2,Nalco,1618.0,6.0 6210,SentFIN,NALCO can offer a good upside: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,NALCO,1619.0,8.0 6211,SentFIN,"Nalco net jumps 31% to Rs 1,069 crore",2,Nalco,1620.0,8.0 6212,SentFIN,Muthoot Capital net profit rises 15% for Q2,2,Muthoot Capital,1621.0,8.0 6213,SentFIN,Munjal Auto seems a safe bet: KR Choksey,2,Munjal Auto,1622.0,8.0 6214,SentFIN,Mundra Port a good buying opportunity: Deepak Mohoni,2,Mundra Port,1623.0,8.0 6215,SentFIN,MRPL surges on Colombian crude buy plan,2,MRPL,1624.0,7.0 6216,SentFIN,"MRPL: Outlook positive due to better margins, capex",2,MRPL,1625.0,8.0 6217,SentFIN,MRF clocks record profit in Q1,2,MRF,1626.0,6.0 6218,SentFIN,MRF poised to perform well: Dipan Mehta,2,MRF,1627.0,7.0 6219,SentFIN,Extremely bullish on MNC pharma space: Angel Broking,2,MNC pharma space,1628.0,8.0 6220,SentFIN,MMTC climbs as board approves ICEX stake sale,2,MMTC,1629.0,8.0 6221,SentFIN,"Stay invested, mkts poised for good run",2,mkts,1630.0,7.0 6222,SentFIN,Mid-cap stocks attract fund managers this season,2,Mid-cap stocks,1632.0,7.0 6223,SentFIN,Metal cos are having good volume growth',2,Metal cos,1634.0,7.0 6224,SentFIN,Menthol rises on buying support,2,Menthol,1635.0,5.0 6225,SentFIN,Menthol rises on fresh buying support,2,Menthol,1636.0,6.0 6226,SentFIN,Strong spot demand lifts mentha oil futures 1.15%,2,mentha oil futures,1637.0,8.0 6227,SentFIN,Medium sugar recovers on fresh demand,2,Medium sugar,1638.0,6.0 6228,SentFIN,MBL Infrastructures surges 18% on listing,2,MBL Infrastructure,1639.0,6.0 6229,SentFIN,Mastek shares surge 9.5% ahead of buyback proposal,2,Mastek,1640.0,8.0 6230,SentFIN,See 15-20% upside in Maruti: Hemang Jani,2,Maruti,1641.0,7.0 6231,SentFIN,Short-covering ahead of Q3 results lifts Maruti,2,Maruti,1642.0,7.0 6232,SentFIN,Risks factored in; markets to remain upwardly-bound,2,markets,1643.0,7.0 6233,SentFIN,Further upside expected from the markets: Deven Choksey,2,markets,1644.0,8.0 6234,SentFIN,Macros suddenly turning supportive for markets: Ajay Bodke,2,markets,1645.0,8.0 6235,SentFIN,"Markets hit all-time high levels, profit-booking likely now",2,Markets,1646.0,8.0 6236,SentFIN,Markets to remain in an uptrend: Mitesh Thacker,2,Markets,1647.0,8.0 6237,SentFIN,Call writers mowed down by market move up,2,market,1648.0,8.0 6238,SentFIN,Top nine trading strategies in a rising market,2,market,1649.0,8.0 6239,SentFIN,Manappuram up on dividend payout,2,Manappuram,1650.0,5.0 6240,SentFIN,Maize futures up on speculative activity,2,Maize futures,1651.0,6.0 6241,SentFIN,Talk of $2-bn defence deal lifts M&M stock,2,M&M,1655.0,8.0 6242,SentFIN,Long-term bonds appear to be the magic wand,2,Long-term bonds,1656.0,8.0 6243,SentFIN,L&T will continue to perform: Deepak Shenoy,2,L&T,1658.0,7.0 6244,SentFIN,KSB Pumps to issue bonus shares; stock surges,2,KSB Pumps,1659.0,8.0 6245,SentFIN,Koutons Retail set for better days,2,Koutons Retail,1660.0,6.0 6246,SentFIN,"Treasury income, low costs double Kotak net",2,Kotak,1661.0,7.0 6247,SentFIN,Apparel maker Kitex soars to all-time high,2,Kitex,1662.0,7.0 6248,SentFIN,Kirloskar Oil to sell bearings operations; stocks up,2,Kirloskar Oil,1663.0,8.0 6249,SentFIN,Kirloskar Electric surges 17% on block deal,2,Kirloskar Electric,1664.0,7.0 6250,SentFIN,Kingfisher Airlines flies 20% higher on short unwinding,2,Kingfisher Airlines,1665.0,8.0 6251,SentFIN,Kinetic Engineering hits upper circuit limit; jumps 5%,2,Kinetic Engineering,1666.0,8.0 6252,SentFIN,Kewal's surplus cash leaves scope for expansion,2,Kewal,1668.0,7.0 6253,SentFIN,KEC International rallies on strong Q4 results,2,KEC International,1669.0,7.0 6254,SentFIN,Kalyani Forge shares rally 5%,2,Kalyani Forge,1670.0,5.0 6255,SentFIN,Jyoti Structures zooms 10% on order win,2,Jyoti Structures,1671.0,7.0 6256,SentFIN,JSW Steel raises $500 million though forex bonds,2,JSW Steel,1673.0,8.0 6257,SentFIN,JSPL buys back shares worth Rs 500 crore,2,JSPL,1674.0,8.0 6258,SentFIN,JHS Svendgaard Labs sales up 144.28%,2,JHS Svendgaard Labs,1675.0,6.0 6259,SentFIN,"Tremendous value in Jet Airways, says Jagdish Malkani",2,Jet Airways,1676.0,8.0 6260,SentFIN,Jeera futures trade higher on spot demand,2,Jeera futures,1677.0,7.0 6261,SentFIN,Jeera futures edge higher 3.20% on export demand,2,Jeera futures,1678.0,8.0 6262,SentFIN,Right time to get into ITC: Ashwani Gujral,2,ITC,1680.0,8.0 6263,SentFIN,Positive on IT stocks: Deven Choksey,2,IT stocks,1681.0,6.0 6264,SentFIN,Analysts see upside in reasonably valued IT stocks,2,IT stocks,1682.0,8.0 6265,SentFIN,Right time to buy IT stocks: Ashwani Gujral,2,IT stocks,1683.0,8.0 6266,SentFIN,Maintain overweight stance on IT sector: Gautam Chhaochharia,2,IT sector,1684.0,8.0 6267,SentFIN,Positively biased towards Ispat: CK Narayan,2,Ispat,1685.0,6.0 6268,SentFIN,Insecticides India Q1 net up 29 per cent,2,Insecticides India,1686.0,8.0 6269,SentFIN,Infosys reclaims status of top Sensex stock,2,Infosys,1688.0,7.0 6270,SentFIN,Infosys settles higher ahead of Q3 results,2,Infosys,1689.0,7.0 6271,SentFIN,Infosys: Will it surprise markets once again?,2,Infosys,1690.0,7.0 6272,SentFIN,"Infosys beats expectations, sets trend for IT peers",2,Infosys,1691.0,8.0 6273,SentFIN,IndusInd Bank Q1 net jumps 26%,2,IndusInd Bank,1692.0,6.0 6274,SentFIN,Ind-Swift gets PMDA approval from Japan;stk up,2,Ind-Swift,1693.0,7.0 6275,SentFIN,Indraprastha Gas surges as SC rejects PNGRB's plea,2,Indraprastha Gas,1694.0,8.0 6276,SentFIN,Indosolar net profit at Rs 46 lakh;stk surges,2,Indosolar,1695.0,8.0 6277,SentFIN,Foreign investors changing strategies to favour India-oriented companies,2,India-oriented companies,1696.0,8.0 6278,SentFIN,India Incs RoE may improve this fiscal,2,India Inc,1697.0,7.0 6279,SentFIN,India shines brightest among emerging markets,2,India,1698.0,6.0 6280,SentFIN,IGL Q3 profit rises to Rs 89.46 crore,2,IGL,1699.0,8.0 6281,SentFIN,IGate net up 54% to $17.9 Million,2,IGate,1700.0,7.0 6282,SentFIN,IFC raises $250 million 'masala' bonds,2,IFC,1701.0,6.0 6283,SentFIN,IDFC should head towards 75-76 levels: Ashwani Gujral,2,IDFC,1702.0,8.0 6284,SentFIN,HUL puts south Mumbai building on block;stk up,2,HUL,1703.0,8.0 6285,SentFIN,"Enter HPCL on dips: Vinith Jain, Siddh Capital",2,HPCL,1704.0,8.0 6286,SentFIN,HPCL to gain most from diesel deregulation: Jefferies,2,HPCL,1705.0,8.0 6287,SentFIN,HOEC is on an uptrend: Deepak Mohoni,2,HOEC,1706.0,7.0 6288,SentFIN,HMT surges 9% on reports of land sale,2,HMT,1707.0,8.0 6289,SentFIN,HMT surges on hopes government may delay shut-down,2,HMT,1708.0,8.0 6290,SentFIN,Hindalco: Buoyancy in aluminium will boost realisations,2,Hindalco,1709.0,7.0 6291,SentFIN,"Hind Sanitaryware not so fragile now, improving fortunes",2,Hind Sanitaryware,1710.0,8.0 6292,SentFIN,PE entry to help Himadri fund expansion,2,Himadri,1711.0,7.0 6293,SentFIN,Hexaware Technologies bags $25 mn deal; stock rises,2,Hexaware Technologies,1712.0,8.0 6294,SentFIN,"Hero MotoCorp forms subsidiary in Columbia, stock gains",2,Hero MotoCorp,1713.0,8.0 6295,SentFIN,Heidelberg Cement: a good long-term buy,2,Heidelberg Cement,1714.0,6.0 6296,SentFIN,Heidelberg is an interesting stock: Deepak Mohoni,2,Heidelberg,1715.0,7.0 6297,SentFIN,HDIL can move even higher: Rajat Bose,2,HDIL,1717.0,7.0 6298,SentFIN,HDFC third quarter net rises 12%,2,HDFC,1718.0,6.0 6299,SentFIN,HCC shares zoom 7% on positive Q4 numbers,2,HCC,1719.0,8.0 6300,SentFIN,Postive on Havells India: Mitesh Thacker,2,Havells India,1720.0,6.0 6301,SentFIN,Guarseed futures recovers on short-covering,2,Guarseed futures,1721.0,5.0 6302,SentFIN,GSFC surges on strong Q2 earnings,2,GSFC,1724.0,6.0 6303,SentFIN,Growth-linked currencies at multi-week highs on risk rally,2,Growth-linked currencies,1725.0,8.0 6304,SentFIN,"Groundnut oil soars 35%, creates record",2,Groundnut oil,1726.0,6.0 6305,SentFIN,Groundnut oil prices gain on renewed demand,2,Groundnut oil,1727.0,7.0 6306,SentFIN,Groundnut oil prices rise on fresh demand,2,Groundnut oil,1728.0,7.0 6307,SentFIN,Four wheelers propel growth for Greaves Cotton,2,Greaves Cotton,1729.0,7.0 6308,SentFIN,Greaves Cotton set to flourish with improving margins,2,Greaves Cotton,1730.0,8.0 6309,SentFIN,Goodyear net profit soars 91% in Jan-Mar,2,Goodyear,1732.0,7.0 6310,SentFIN,Goldin stocks rise after Hong Kong collapse,2,Goldin stocks,1733.0,7.0 6311,SentFIN,Gold rises 0.36% on global cues,2,Gold,1734.0,6.0 6312,SentFIN,"Post-correction, buyers return to gold stores",2,gold,1735.0,6.0 6313,SentFIN,Traders build bullish bets on gold,2,gold,1736.0,6.0 6314,SentFIN,Appetite for jewellery boosts India gold demand: WGC,2,gold,1737.0,8.0 6315,SentFIN,Festive season likely to keep gold demand strong,2,gold,1738.0,8.0 6316,SentFIN,Flight to safety keeps gold near one-month high,2,gold,1739.0,8.0 6317,SentFIN,Gold jumps 1.5 pct overnight after airliner downed,2,Gold,1740.0,8.0 6318,SentFIN,"Glenmark Pharma hits 52-week high, analysts recommend buy",2,Glenmark Pharma,1741.0,8.0 6319,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithKline Consumer hits 52-week high on expansion plans,2,GlaxoSmithKline Consumer,1742.0,8.0 6320,SentFIN,Delisting buzz fuels Gillette stock surge,2,Gillette,1743.0,6.0 6321,SentFIN,Punters make a killing in Geometric,2,Geometric,1744.0,6.0 6322,SentFIN,Genpact Q1 net up 28% at $36 million,2,Genpact,1745.0,8.0 6323,SentFIN,Acquisitions double GCPL's topline,2,GCPL,1746.0,4.0 6324,SentFIN,GCPL an 'undervalued' stock; outlook positive: Prakash Diwan,2,GCPL,1747.0,8.0 6325,SentFIN,Gateway Distriparks gains over 4.5%; earnings beat estimates,2,Gateway Distriparks,1748.0,8.0 6326,SentFIN,Gammon Infrastructure Projects rallies 10% on sale reports,2,Gammon Infrastructure Projects,1749.0,8.0 6327,SentFIN,Gammon Infra jumps; ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund buys,2,Gammon Infra,1750.0,8.0 6328,SentFIN,GAIL to benefit most from RasGas price tweak,2,GAIL,1751.0,8.0 6329,SentFIN,Fuel price hike good for market: Deven Choksey,2,Fuel,1752.0,8.0 6330,SentFIN,Firmer FTSE outperforms weaker European rivals,2,FTSE,1753.0,6.0 6331,SentFIN,London stocks index FTSE 100 hits record highs,2,FTSE,1754.0,8.0 6332,SentFIN,Rajesh Subramaniam helped Firstsource execute a perfect turnaround,2,Firstsource,1755.0,8.0 6333,SentFIN,Finolex Cables hits record high on earnings,2,Finolex Cables,1756.0,7.0 6334,SentFIN,Financial Technologies rises 2.83% on FCCB redemption,2,Financial Technologies,1757.0,7.0 6335,SentFIN,Friendly buying' lifts FCS Soft on acquisition buzz,2,FCS Soft,1759.0,8.0 6336,SentFIN,Facebook rally has analysts gasping for breath,2,Facebook,1760.0,7.0 6337,SentFIN,Eveready outsmarts market indices,2,Eveready,1762.0,4.0 6338,SentFIN,Steady growth signs lift European stocks and bonds,2,European stocks and bonds,1763.0,8.0 6339,SentFIN,"European shares steady, near multi-year highs",2,European shares,1765.0,6.0 6340,SentFIN,Shire props up European shares on bid hopes,2,European shares,1766.0,8.0 6341,SentFIN,Euronext posts strongest September since 2008,2,Euronext,1767.0,6.0 6342,SentFIN,Euronext: H1 listings activity rises 8.7%,2,Euronext,1768.0,6.0 6343,SentFIN,Highest yields on German short-term bonds boost euro,2,euro,1770.0,8.0 6344,SentFIN,Equities are the real gold over long term,2,Equities,1771.0,8.0 6345,SentFIN,Emerging-market assets get respite as dollar pulls back,2,Emerging-market assets,1772.0,8.0 6346,SentFIN,Emami: Delayed monsoon to benefit the company,2,Emami,1773.0,7.0 6347,SentFIN,Emami shares up nearly 5% post Q1 results,2,Emami,1774.0,8.0 6348,SentFIN,Electrosteel Steel soars 13% as lenders approve SDR,2,Electrosteel Steel,1775.0,8.0 6349,SentFIN,Educomp is a buy: Deepak Mohoni,2,Educomp,1776.0,6.0 6350,SentFIN,Pick Educomp only for short term: Deepak Mohoni,2,Educomp,1777.0,8.0 6351,SentFIN,Education companies rally upto 24% on cheap valuations,2,Education companies,1778.0,8.0 6352,SentFIN,"Edible oils recover on millers buying, global cues",2,Edible oils,1779.0,8.0 6353,SentFIN,"Edible oils up on millers buying, global cues",2,Edible oils,1780.0,8.0 6354,SentFIN,Dr Lal PathLabs IPO oversubscribed,2,Dr Lal PathLabs,1781.0,5.0 6355,SentFIN,DLF gains momentum as Q2 PAT grows 9%,2,DLF,1783.0,8.0 6356,SentFIN,Dishman Pharma rallies 3% on debt reduction plans,2,Dishman Pharma,1784.0,8.0 6357,SentFIN,Digitisation will benefit Dish TV: Mayuresh Joshi,2,Dish TV,1785.0,7.0 6358,SentFIN,Dewan Housing shares surge 10% after earnings,2,Dewan Housing,1787.0,7.0 6359,SentFIN,Dewan Housing a good portfolio pick: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,Dewan Housing,1788.0,8.0 6360,SentFIN,Deutsche Bank shares leap 8% after co-CEOs quit,2,Deutsche Bank,1789.0,8.0 6361,SentFIN,Defence-related stocks rally on Indo-US nuclear deal,2,Defence-related stocks,1790.0,7.0 6362,SentFIN,Deepak Fertilisers bets on chemicals to deliver growth,2,Deepak Fertilisers,1791.0,8.0 6363,SentFIN,"Deccan Chronicle, buy on dips: Ashwani Gujral",2,Deccan Chronicle,1792.0,7.0 6364,SentFIN,Germany's DAX latest market to strike record high,2,DAX,1794.0,8.0 6365,SentFIN,Dalmia Bharat up on deal talks,2,Dalmia Bharat,1795.0,6.0 6366,SentFIN,Dabur has been looking strong: Ashwani Gujral,2,Dabur,1796.0,7.0 6367,SentFIN,Dabur plans three new plants overseas; stock up,2,Dabur,1797.0,8.0 6368,SentFIN,CVS Caremark Q2 profit climbs 11 per cent,2,CVS Caremark,1798.0,8.0 6369,SentFIN,CSE index gains 93 points,2,CSE index,1799.0,5.0 6370,SentFIN,Crude oil futures up on global cues,2,Crude oil futures,1800.0,7.0 6371,SentFIN,Crude oil futures up on overseas cues,2,Crude oil futures,1801.0,7.0 6372,SentFIN,Heres how to double your money on crude,2,crude,1803.0,8.0 6373,SentFIN,CPSE ETF debuts; surges over 11 pc,2,CPSE ETF,1804.0,7.0 6374,SentFIN,Players can borrow against corporate bonds,2,corporate bonds,1805.0,6.0 6375,SentFIN,Corp Bank clocks 20% rise in Q2 net,2,Corp Bank,1806.0,8.0 6376,SentFIN,Consumer stocks to ride GDP wave,2,Consumer stocks,1807.0,6.0 6377,SentFIN,Consumer goods makers gain as investors shun risk,2,Consumer goods makers,1808.0,8.0 6378,SentFIN,Consumer goods stocks gain; falling inflation helps,2,Consumer goods ,1809.0,7.0 6379,SentFIN,Coastal Projects gets Rs 250-cr PE funding,2,Coastal Projects,1812.0,7.0 6380,SentFIN,CNX IT going through a correction: Ashwani Gujral,2,CNX IT,1814.0,8.0 6381,SentFIN,Cipla posts 52% profit growth in June quarter,2,Cipla,1815.0,8.0 6382,SentFIN,Cimmco surges 10%; here's what the management says,2,Cimmco,1816.0,8.0 6383,SentFIN,CIL net profit rises 7.85% in Q1,2,CIL,1817.0,7.0 6384,SentFIN,"China yuan rises to 2-week high, outlook brightens",2,China yuan,1818.0,8.0 6385,SentFIN,Rising demand lifts chana futures by 1.61%,2,chana futures,1819.0,7.0 6386,SentFIN,Spot demand lifts chana futures by 1.20%,2,chana futures,1820.0,7.0 6387,SentFIN,"Like Chambal fertilisers: Ambareesh Baliga, Karvy",2,Chambal fertilisers,1821.0,6.0 6388,SentFIN,Century Plyboards reports higher net profit and revenue,2,Century Plyboards,1822.0,8.0 6389,SentFIN,Caustic soda prices rise on industrial demand,2,Caustic soda,1823.0,7.0 6390,SentFIN,Castorseed futures up on short-covering,2,Castorseed futures,1824.0,5.0 6391,SentFIN,Cashew prices rise on fresh buying,2,Cashew,1825.0,6.0 6392,SentFIN,Strong demand lifts cardamom futures by 1.48%,2,cardamom futures,1826.0,7.0 6393,SentFIN,Capgemini raises 2015 revenue outlook on Igate acquisition,2,Capgemini,1827.0,8.0 6394,SentFIN,BSE midcap index hits all-time high,2,BSE midcap index,1829.0,6.0 6395,SentFIN,Brent oil bounces higher after 3-day losing run,2,Brent oil,1831.0,8.0 6396,SentFIN,Brent holds above $109 on Ukraine tensions,2,Brent,1832.0,7.0 6397,SentFIN,Brent climbs above $108 on renewed Ukraine tensions,2,Brent,1833.0,8.0 6398,SentFIN,Bond yields inch higher; auction in focus,2,Bond,1834.0,7.0 6399,SentFIN,Bond yields inch lower to 7.96%; seen range-bound,2,Bond,1835.0,8.0 6400,SentFIN,"BoB profit rises 61% to Rs 1,019 cr",2,BoB,1836.0,8.0 6401,SentFIN,Biocon a good buy above 407: Rohit Shinde,2,Biocon,1837.0,8.0 6402,SentFIN,Bharti Airtel surges 5% on Deutsche Bank upgrade,2,Bharti Airtel,1841.0,8.0 6403,SentFIN,Bharat' linked stocks can become multibaggers: Experts,2,Bharat,1842.0,7.0 6404,SentFIN,Bata India Q4 net soars 35.39%; stock up,2,Bata India,1843.0,8.0 6405,SentFIN,Restructuring helps Bata India stay a step ahead,2,Bata India,1844.0,8.0 6406,SentFIN,Base metals rise on global cues,2,Base metals,1845.0,6.0 6407,SentFIN,Base metal prices will go up: Seshadri Bharathan,2,Base metal,1846.0,8.0 6408,SentFIN,Expecting Bank Nifty to touch 11900-12000: Ashwani Gujral,2,Bank Nifty,1847.0,8.0 6409,SentFIN,Take long trades over Axis Bank: Mitesh Thacker,2,Axis Bank,1849.0,8.0 6410,SentFIN,Auto majors will continue to outperform: Ashit Suri,2,Auto majors,1850.0,8.0 6411,SentFIN,Auto component companies to get re-rated: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,Auto component companies,1851.0,8.0 6412,SentFIN,Atul Auto posts 11% growth in FY15,2,Atul Auto,1852.0,7.0 6413,SentFIN,AstraZeneca Pharma surges on strong Q4 results,2,AstraZeneca Pharma,1853.0,7.0 6414,SentFIN,Jefferies expects upside potential for Ashok Leyland,2,Ashok Leyland,1855.0,7.0 6415,SentFIN,Exports and non-truck business to drive Ashok Leyland,2,Ashok Leyland,1856.0,8.0 6416,SentFIN,Analyst says Apple will hit $1tn m-cap,2,Apple,1859.0,7.0 6417,SentFIN,Capacity addition to help APL Apollo,2,APL Apollo,1860.0,6.0 6418,SentFIN,Amrutanjan Healthcare Q3 net grows over 2-fold,2,Amrutanjan Healthcare,1861.0,7.0 6419,SentFIN,American firms dominate global equity space,2,American firms,1862.0,6.0 6420,SentFIN,Ambuja Cements a good bet: Deepak Mohoni,2,Ambuja Cements,1863.0,7.0 6421,SentFIN,Aluminium futures marginally up on global trends,2,Aluminium futures,1864.0,7.0 6422,SentFIN,Alok Industries looking strong: Deepak Mohoni,2,Alok Industries,1865.0,6.0 6423,SentFIN,Allahabad Bank Q2 net climbs 21%,2,Allahabad Bank,1866.0,6.0 6424,SentFIN,Adlabs Entertainment rallies on market debut,2,Adlabs Entertainment,1868.0,6.0 6425,SentFIN,Adani Enterprises jumps on April-June earnings,2,Adani Enterprises,1869.0,6.0 6426,SentFIN,10-year bond yield falls; debt buyback talk increases,2,10-year bond,1872.0,8.0 6427,SentFIN,10-year bond yields lower as long-term investors buy,2,10-year bond,1873.0,8.0 6428,SentFIN,Greater yuan volatility a boon for China,0,yuan,1874.0,7.0 6429,SentFIN,Soyabean futures up by Rs 35 per quintal,2,Soyabean futures,1875.0,8.0 6430,SentFIN,RPP Infra Projects gets Sebi' nod for IPO,2,RPP Infra Projects,1876.0,8.0 6431,SentFIN,Parabolic Drugs IPO fully subscribed,2,Parabolic Drugs,1877.0,5.0 6432,SentFIN,Oil prices rebound in Asia,2,Oil,1878.0,5.0 6433,SentFIN,NCMSL raises $18.5 million in equity funding,2,NCMSL,1879.0,7.0 6434,SentFIN,Industrial oils edge up on thin trade,2,Industrial oils,1880.0,7.0 6435,SentFIN,Cottonseed futures gains on increase buying,2,Cottonseed futures,1881.0,6.0 6436,SentFIN,Catch-up game: BSE mid-cap index trails bigger peers,2,BSE mid-cap index,1882.0,8.0 6437,SentFIN,Barley futures spurt on fresh buying,2,Barley futures,1883.0,6.0 6438,SentFIN,Thejo Engineering IPO over-subscribed 1.53 times,2,Thejo Engineering,1886.0,6.0 6439,SentFIN,Tea prices stay firm on robust demand,1,Tea,1887.0,7.0 6440,SentFIN,Sterling treads water just off six-year high,2,Sterling,1888.0,7.0 6441,SentFIN,Sebi now holding individuals accountable for irregularities',1,Sebi,1889.0,7.0 6442,SentFIN,Oil rebounds in Asia on bargain hunting,2,Oil,1890.0,7.0 6443,SentFIN,Business cycle in recovery mode: Nomura,1,Nomura,1891.0,6.0 6444,SentFIN,Nifty might breakout above 8300: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,1892.0,7.0 6445,SentFIN,"F&O tracker: Traders see Nifty in 8,600-9,000 range",1,Nifty,1893.0,8.0 6446,SentFIN,Hold on to IT stocks: Deven Choksey,1,IT stocks,1894.0,7.0 6447,SentFIN,Nine banks keen on Hind Copper FPO mandate,1,Hind Copper,1895.0,8.0 6448,SentFIN,Recommend hold for HDFC Bank: Gaurang Shah,1,HDFC Bank,1896.0,7.0 6449,SentFIN,"FDI, discom policies show reform momentum intact: Fitch",1,Fitch,1898.0,8.0 6450,SentFIN,Colgate approves third interim dividend for current fiscal,1,Colgate,1899.0,8.0 6451,SentFIN,Broader markets valuations look attractive: Ambit Capital,1,Ambit Capital,1900.0,7.0 6452,SentFIN,Reforms bring investors back to equities,2,equities,1901.0,6.0 6453,SentFIN,Manufacturing data from China boosts Russian assets,2,Russian assets,1902.0,7.0 6454,SentFIN,Brisk seasonal demand pushes gold to one-month high,2,gold,1903.0,8.0 6455,SentFIN,Jewellers smile as export orders hint at revival,2,Jewellers,1904.0,8.0 6456,SentFIN,10%-12% upside can be possible in Wockhardt: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,Wockhardt,1905.0,9.0 6457,SentFIN,100 per cent growth in PAT for Tube Investments,2,Tube Investments,1906.0,9.0 6458,SentFIN,300 nifty points led by banking sector: Jagdish Malkani,2,banking sector,1907.0,9.0 6459,SentFIN,Abbott Q2 net rises 41% to Rs 64 crore,2,Abbott,1908.0,9.0 6460,SentFIN,ADF Foods gains 8% after domestic HNIs buy stake,2,ADF Foods,1909.0,9.0 6461,SentFIN,Airbus sparks relief rally as Q1 profit beats forecasts,2,Airbus,1911.0,9.0 6462,SentFIN,Amara Raja Batteries hits 52-week high on Q1 results,2,Amara Raja Batteries,1912.0,9.0 6463,SentFIN,Ambuja Cement profit up 6.57% to Rs 520 cr,2,Ambuja Cement,1913.0,9.0 6464,SentFIN,AP Paper gains as SAT dismisses International Papers appeal,2,AP Paper,1914.0,9.0 6465,SentFIN,At 58 Apollo Tyres becomes a buy: Ashwani Gujral,2,Apollo Tyres,1917.0,9.0 6466,SentFIN,"Aussie dollar bears emboldened by China data, others calmer",2,Aussie dollar,1918.0,9.0 6467,SentFIN,Australia shares rose nearly 1 percent despite US uncertainty,2,Australia shares,1919.0,9.0 6468,SentFIN,Auto is the sector to be in: Prakash Diwan,2,Auto,1920.0,9.0 6469,SentFIN,Bafna Pharma surges over 8% on stake sale reports,2,Bafna Pharma,1921.0,9.0 6470,SentFIN,Bajaj Auto net zooms three-fold to Rs 475 crore,2,Bajaj Auto,1922.0,9.0 6471,SentFIN,"Bank of India raises Rs 2,500 crore from bonds",2,Bank of India,1923.0,9.0 6472,SentFIN,Banking pack looks pretty interesting to me: Mitesh Thacker,2,Banking pack,1924.0,9.0 6473,SentFIN,Banking sector will benefit in coming days: Gaurav Mehta,2,Banking sector,1925.0,9.0 6474,SentFIN,Barmer pumps up Cairn India Q3 23 per cent,2,Cairn India,1927.0,9.0 6475,SentFIN,Berger Paints Q2 up 33% at Rs 89 crore,2,Berger Paints,1928.0,9.0 6476,SentFIN,"BHEL: Good show in FY13, but far from best",1,BHEL,1929.0,9.0 6477,SentFIN,"Bihar polls: Sebi, exchanges beef up risk management systems",1,Sebi,1930.0,9.0 6478,SentFIN,Birla Power Solutions to raise $100 million; stock up,2,Birla Power Solutions,1931.0,9.0 6479,SentFIN,Blue Star will continue to do better: Sharmila Joshi,2,Blue Star,1932.0,9.0 6480,SentFIN,"BoB net up 17.5% on low tax provision, NPA",2,BoB,1933.0,9.0 6481,SentFIN,Bond yields hit over 3-month high; auction outcome eyed,0,Bond,1934.0,9.0 6482,SentFIN,"Brent climbs above $58 on contract covering, geopolitical tension",2,Brent,1935.0,9.0 6483,SentFIN,Brent edges above $95 on relief over China PMI,2,Brent,1936.0,9.0 6484,SentFIN,BRIC issuers raise $374.5 billion through debt securities: Dealogic,1,Dealogic,1937.0,9.0 6485,SentFIN,Britain's FTSE edges up on speculation about dovish Fed,2,FTSE,1938.0,9.0 6486,SentFIN,"BSE currency derivatives turnover crosses Rs 2,000 cr mark",2,BSE,1939.0,9.0 6487,SentFIN,Calculus: Jet Airways international operations to ensure stable revenues,2,Jet Airways,1941.0,9.0 6488,SentFIN,Castrol India net profit grows 46% on lower expenses,2,Castrol India,1942.0,9.0 6489,SentFIN,CCL Products surges over 8% on Q3 results;strong outlook,2,CCL Products,1943.0,9.0 6490,SentFIN,Chilli futures gain 1.70 pc as demand picks up,2,Chilli futures,1944.0,9.0 6491,SentFIN,"China stocks jump, other Asian markets await Fed minutes",2,China stocks,1945.0,9.0 6492,SentFIN,"Citibank India profit grows 41.4% to Rs 2,718 crore",2,Citibank India,1946.0,9.0 6493,SentFIN,CMC is a good midcap IT stock: Deepak Mohoni,2,CMC,1947.0,9.0 6494,SentFIN,Comfortable to buy Airtel at 320-350 levels: Sajiv Dhawan,2,Airtel,1948.0,9.0 6495,SentFIN,Commexes' turnover up by 41 per cent in September,2,Commexes,1949.0,9.0 6496,SentFIN,Cooling division making Voltas a hot pick: Hemindra Hazari,2,Voltas,1950.0,9.0 6497,SentFIN,Corporate bonds trading spurts to 10-month high in May,2,Corporate bonds,1951.0,9.0 6498,SentFIN,Cost control gives Orient Cement the edge during slowdown,2,Orient Cement,1953.0,9.0 6499,SentFIN,Credit Analysis & Research shares gain on RBI move,2,Credit Analysis & Research,1954.0,9.0 6500,SentFIN,Crisil net rises 38 per cent in January-March quarter,2,Crisil,1955.0,9.0 6501,SentFIN,Cummins rallies over 6% as management raises FY15 guidance,2,Cummins,1956.0,9.0 6502,SentFIN,Current market rally led by large caps: Ashwani Gujral,2,large caps,1957.0,9.0 6503,SentFIN,DCM Shriram Q4 net profit soars by 87 pc,2,DCM Shriram,1958.0,9.0 6504,SentFIN,Den Networks surges over 8% on FII limit hike,2,Den Networks,1959.0,9.0 6505,SentFIN,DHFL net profit up 52% to Rs 138.4 crore,2,DHFL,1961.0,9.0 6506,SentFIN,DHFL Pramerica first half profit jumps 71 per cent,2,DHFL Pramerica,1962.0,9.0 6507,SentFIN,"Dollar climbs on yen, BOJ passes baton to ECB",2,Dollar,1963.0,9.0 6508,SentFIN,Dollar rises in Asia on Fed chief rate comments,2,Dollar,1964.0,9.0 6509,SentFIN,ECB lifts European shares towards eighth straight weekly gain,2,European shares,1965.0,9.0 6510,SentFIN,Educomp Solutions gains on IndiaCan stake sale to Pearson,2,Educomp Solutions,1966.0,9.0 6511,SentFIN,"Election results: Sebi, market entities up vigil on stocks",1,Sebi,1968.0,9.0 6512,SentFIN,Elections to trigger rally in media stocks: Gaurang Shah,2,media stocks,1969.0,9.0 6513,SentFIN,"Electrolux Q1 profit tops forecast, stands by market outlook",2,Electrolux,1970.0,9.0 6514,SentFIN,Emami gains 1.4% as it enters male deodorant space,2,Emami,1971.0,9.0 6515,SentFIN,Equities to offer best returns in over 3 months,2,Equities,1972.0,9.0 6516,SentFIN,Equity markets likely to shine as Rupee's depreciation slows,2,Equity markets,1973.0,9.0 6517,SentFIN,Era Infra bags Rs 329 crore contract; stock surges,2,Era Infra,1974.0,9.0 6518,SentFIN,Era Infra Q3 net marginally up by 1.6 pc,2,Era Infra,1975.0,9.0 6519,SentFIN,Euro stays afloat in tentative trade amid geopolitical concerns,2,Euro,1976.0,9.0 6520,SentFIN,Europe rebounds as Ukraine rebels hand over black boxes,2,Europe,1977.0,9.0 6521,SentFIN,"Facebook revenue, profit beat forecasts, shares hit all-time high",2,Facebook,1978.0,9.0 6522,SentFIN,Fertiliser stocks gain on hope of payments by government,2,Fertiliser stocks,1979.0,9.0 6523,SentFIN,Festive seasonal buying pushes up sugar futures by 1.59%,2,sugar futures,1981.0,9.0 6524,SentFIN,"Few stocks may take market rally ahead, says UBS",1,UBS,1982.0,9.0 6525,SentFIN,FIIs returning to Bond Street as yields turn attractive,1,Bond Street,1983.0,9.0 6526,SentFIN,Five reasons why investors should subscribe to EIL OFS,2,EIL,1985.0,9.0 6527,SentFIN,Forex gains during August on hopes of ECB easing,1,ECB,1986.0,9.0 6528,SentFIN,Gayatri Projects bags Rs 545 cr project; stock up,2,Gayatri Projects,1988.0,9.0 6529,SentFIN,Get into GSK Pharma at 2050-2000 levels: Ashwani Gujral,2,GSK Pharma,1990.0,9.0 6530,SentFIN,"Gillette India promoters' OFS fully subscribed, stock up 5%",2,Gillette India,1991.0,9.0 6531,SentFIN,"Gold climbs above $1,320/oz ahead of US Federal minutes",2,Gold,1993.0,9.0 6532,SentFIN,Gold firm near 3-week high on China rate cut,1,Gold,1994.0,9.0 6533,SentFIN,"Gold holds above $1,300, focus on Fed policy meeting",2,Gold,1995.0,9.0 6534,SentFIN,Groundnut oil prices edges up on demand from retailers,2,Groundnut oil,1996.0,9.0 6535,SentFIN,"GSPL surges, hits 52-week high on better-than-expected Q1 numbers",2,GSPL,1997.0,9.0 6536,SentFIN,Heard on the street: Glodyne Technoserve soars on 3k-order,2,Glodyne Technoserve,1999.0,9.0 6537,SentFIN,Heard on the Street: Oracle Financial soars Over 11%,2,Oracle Financial,2000.0,9.0 6538,SentFIN,Heritage Foods Q1 net profit rises 76 per cent,2,Heritage Foods,2001.0,9.0 6539,SentFIN,"Hexaware Technologies rides high with big orders, focussed strategy",2,Hexaware Technologies,2002.0,9.0 6540,SentFIN,Hind Copper Q2 net up 38.7% on higher sales,2,Hind Copper,2003.0,9.0 6541,SentFIN,Hindalco Industries can easily reach 133 levels: Rajat Bose,2,Hindalco Industries,2004.0,9.0 6542,SentFIN,HNIs buy Honeywell Automation auto shares on delisting report,2,Honeywell Automation,2006.0,9.0 6543,SentFIN,IDFC foremost player in infrastructure finance segment: Fayeza Hafizee,2,IDFC,2007.0,9.0 6544,SentFIN,"IFC doubles rupee bond offering to Rs 2,000 crore",2,IFC,2008.0,9.0 6545,SentFIN,"IIFL Holdings surges on open offer, hits 52-week high",2,IIFL Holdings,2009.0,9.0 6546,SentFIN,Indian cashew exports to touch new high this fiscal,2,Indian cashew,2010.0,9.0 6547,SentFIN,"Info Edge a great investment story, says Prakash Diwan",2,Info Edge,2011.0,9.0 6548,SentFIN,Infrastructure stocks will look up post elections: Harendra Kumar,2,Infrastructure stocks,2012.0,9.0 6549,SentFIN,Infy Q3 net profit rises 2.7% at Rs1582 crore,2,Infy,2013.0,9.0 6550,SentFIN,Initiate fresh long trades on Essar Oil: Devang Visaria,2,Essar Oil,2014.0,9.0 6551,SentFIN,Insurance companies raise holdings in equities as markets correct,1,Insurance companies,2015.0,9.0 6552,SentFIN,Insurance stocks surge on hopes of FDI limit hike,2,Insurance stocks,2016.0,9.0 6553,SentFIN,"InterGlobe Aviation makes decent debut, surges 17% on BSE",2,InterGlobe Aviation,2017.0,9.0 6554,SentFIN,Investments will be back in sugar stocks: Anagram Capital,2,sugar stocks,2018.0,9.0 6555,SentFIN,Investor sentiment will turn in favour of Rupee: Chidambaram,2,Rupee,2019.0,9.0 6556,SentFIN,Israel shekel at 3-year high on Israel-Hamas truce hopes,2,Israel shekel,2021.0,9.0 6557,SentFIN,Its time to take banking sector funds into account,2,banking sector,2022.0,9.0 6558,SentFIN,Jet Airways top pick in aviation stocks: Pankaj Pandey,2,Jet Airways,2024.0,9.0 6559,SentFIN,"Jewellers expect gold demand to grow this Dusshera, Diwali",2,gold,2025.0,9.0 6560,SentFIN,JK Cement reports 38% y-o-y growth in net profits,2,JK Cement,2026.0,9.0 6561,SentFIN,JNPT's October-March Net up 14% at Rs 312 crore,2,JNPT,2027.0,9.0 6562,SentFIN,JSW Energy closes up a paltry 0.75% on BSE,2,JSW Energy,2028.0,9.0 6563,SentFIN,Jyothy Labs Q3 net up by 27.9 per cent,2,Jyothy Labs,2029.0,9.0 6564,SentFIN,Kaveri Seed shares up; monsoon rain sparks sowing hopes,2,Kaveri Seed,2030.0,9.0 6565,SentFIN,Kitex Garments rally over 4% on strong Q2 results,2,Kitex Garments,2031.0,9.0 6566,SentFIN,Kohinoor Foods posts Rs 188 cr profit for FY-12,2,Kohinoor Foods,2032.0,9.0 6567,SentFIN,"Kolkata-based firms rally on Trinamool win, ITC top gainer",2,ITC,2033.0,9.0 6568,SentFIN,Kotak Bank Q2 net profit at Rs 942 crore,2,Kotak Bank,2034.0,9.0 6569,SentFIN,KV Kamath to map Infosys succession plan; stock rises,2,Infosys,2035.0,9.0 6570,SentFIN,"Lakshmi Cotsyn to gain from capacity expansion, retail push",2,Lakshmi Cotsyn,2036.0,9.0 6571,SentFIN,Large banks in banking space look attractive: IV Subramanium,2,Large banks,2037.0,9.0 6572,SentFIN,Levels of 1000 possible for Bata India: Ashwani Gujral,1,Bata India,2038.0,9.0 6573,SentFIN,"Long-term outlook on IT space: Bullish, says Anand Tandon",2,IT space,2040.0,9.0 6574,SentFIN,"Lupin: US launches, better movement of rupee add value",2,Lupin,2041.0,9.0 6575,SentFIN,Mahindra Satyam worth a buy towards 80: Hemen Kapadia,2,Mahindra Satyam,2042.0,9.0 6576,SentFIN,Management commentary arrests fall in Amtek Auto; stock rallies,2,Amtek Auto,2043.0,9.0 6577,SentFIN,Mastek surges over 14% as subsidiary plans NYSE listing,2,Mastek,2045.0,9.0 6578,SentFIN,Mercator Lines rises on plan to invest in Indonesia,2,Mercator Lines,2046.0,9.0 6579,SentFIN,Mercator Lines well placed above moving averages: Nirmal Bang,2,Mercator Lines,2047.0,9.0 6580,SentFIN,Mindtree shares hit 52-week high on strong Q1 numbers,2,Mindtree,2050.0,9.0 6581,SentFIN,MOIL net profit at Rs 588 cr; stock gains,2,MOIL,2051.0,9.0 6582,SentFIN,Moser Baer near 3-yr high on preferential share issue,2,Moser Baer,2052.0,9.0 6583,SentFIN,Neuland Q2 profit increases 11.68% to Rs 3.44 cr,2,Neuland,2056.0,9.0 6584,SentFIN,"Nifty resumes uptrend; ends above 6,150 on global cues",2,Nifty,2057.0,9.0 6585,SentFIN,"Nikkei jumps to 7-month high on renewed ""Abenomics"" hopes",2,Nikkei,2059.0,9.0 6586,SentFIN,Nintendo shares marked up 21% on smartphone gaming plan,2,Nintendo shares,2060.0,9.0 6587,SentFIN,NSE's stock option strategy pays off as volumes soar,2,NSE,2061.0,9.0 6588,SentFIN,OBC Q4 profit rises marginally to Rs 310 cr,2,OBC,2062.0,9.0 6589,SentFIN,Oil near 9-month high as Iraq battles for refinery,2,Oil,2063.0,9.0 6590,SentFIN,ONGC biggest beneficiary from diesel subsidy cut: Anish Damania,2,ONGC,2064.0,9.0 6591,SentFIN,Onmobile Global jumps 57 per cent in three sessions,2,Onmobile Global,2065.0,9.0 6592,SentFIN,Oracle Financial net profit at Rs 1111 cr;stock surges,2,Oracle Financial,2066.0,9.0 6593,SentFIN,Oracle worth watching over next few days: Deepak Mohoni,2,Oracle,2067.0,9.0 6594,SentFIN,Patel Engineering plans to sell non-core assets; stock gains,2,Patel Engineering,2070.0,9.0 6595,SentFIN,Pharmaceutical giant Sun Pharma likely to take huge stride,2,Sun Pharma,2071.0,9.0 6596,SentFIN,PIL expands capacity to take advantage of growing demand,2,PIL,2072.0,9.0 6597,SentFIN,Play realty by buying housing finance companies: Anand Tandon,2,housing finance companies,2073.0,9.0 6598,SentFIN,Polaris Financial Technology shares surge 20% on spin-off plans,2,Polaris Financial Technology,2074.0,9.0 6599,SentFIN,Polaris Q4 net up 3.6% to Rs 45.41 crore,2,Polaris,2075.0,9.0 6600,SentFIN,Pratibha Industries bag Rs 297 cr contract; stock up,2,Pratibha Industries,2076.0,9.0 6601,SentFIN,Prefer UltraTech among large cap cement stocks: Avinnash Gorakshakar,2,UltraTech,2077.0,9.0 6602,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening higher; may reclaim 8200 levels,2,Nifty,2078.0,9.0 6603,SentFIN,Prestige to raise Rs 216 cr from anchor investors,1,Prestige,2079.0,9.0 6604,SentFIN,Prospects of monetary stimulus fuel a fresh gold rally,2,gold,2081.0,9.0 6605,SentFIN,Pulses prices likely to go up around Diwali: Study,2,Pulses,2082.0,9.0 6606,SentFIN,Rakesh Jhunjhunwala bullish on NCC; stock gains over 6%,2,NCC,2083.0,9.0 6607,SentFIN,Ramky Infra ties-up for Rs 1400 cr debt;stk up,2,Ramky Infra,2084.0,9.0 6608,SentFIN,Rate cut hopes make traders bullish on Bank Nifty,2,Bank Nifty,2085.0,9.0 6609,SentFIN,Rate hike hints from RBI push bond prices up,2,RBI,2086.0,9.0 6610,SentFIN,RCF Ltd Q4 net profit up 38.43 per cent,2,RCF Ltd,2087.0,9.0 6611,SentFIN,Realty stocks continue to move up in weak market,2,Realty stocks,2089.0,9.0 6612,SentFIN,REC shares end 2% higher after government share sale,2,REC shares,2090.0,9.0 6613,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures extend gains on rising demand,2,Refined soya oil futures,2091.0,9.0 6614,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures remain up on strong demand,2,Refined soya oil futures,2092.0,9.0 6615,SentFIN,Religare Enterprises raises Rs 405 cr from preferential allotment,2,Religare Enterprises,2094.0,9.0 6616,SentFIN,Rice price hike to benefit KRBL significantly: Gajendra Nagpal,2,KRBL,2096.0,9.0 6617,SentFIN,Right time to enter into IT stocks: Prakash Diwan,2,IT stocks,2097.0,9.0 6618,SentFIN,Rising consumption to drive markets: BNP Paribas Asset Management,1,BNP Paribas Asset Management,2098.0,9.0 6619,SentFIN,Risk-reward is pretty positive in Bajaj Holdings: Ashwani Gujral,2,Bajaj Holdings,2099.0,9.0 6620,SentFIN,Rouble edges up as traders reposition after sharp falls,2,Rouble,2100.0,9.0 6621,SentFIN,"Rupee gains on overseas flows, lack of RBI intervention",2,Rupee,2101.0,9.0 6622,SentFIN,Rupee hits over 1-week high on bunched-up dollar inflows,2,Rupee,2102.0,9.0 6623,SentFIN,Rupee rises 12 paise against dollar in early trade,2,Rupee,2103.0,9.0 6624,SentFIN,Rupiah scales two-month high after Jokowi wins presidential election,2,Rupiah,2104.0,9.0 6625,SentFIN,"SBT's operating profit of increases to Rs 1,030 crore",2,SBT,2105.0,9.0 6626,SentFIN,SCI soars 8 pc in early trade on BSE,2,SCI,2106.0,9.0 6627,SentFIN,Sea TV Network debuts 20 pc higher on BSE,2,Sea TV Network,2107.0,9.0 6628,SentFIN,Sector watch: Better times ahead for power T&D stocks,2,power T&D stocks,2109.0,9.0 6629,SentFIN,"Select base metals spurt on stockists offtake, global cues",2,base metals,2110.0,9.0 6630,SentFIN,Sensex@record high: How to play the market from here,2,Sensex,2111.0,9.0 6631,SentFIN,Shanghai shares up more than 5% in roller-coaster day,2,Shanghai shares,2112.0,9.0 6632,SentFIN,Shankar Sharma says midcaps make good bets for now,2,midcaps,2113.0,9.0 6633,SentFIN,Shire helps keep FTSE 100 afloat on bid speculation,2,Shire,2114.0,9.0 6634,SentFIN,Silver futures recover 1.98 pc on global cues; short-covering,2,Silver futures,2116.0,9.0 6635,SentFIN,Silver futures up Rs 193 aided by global cues,2,Silver futures,2117.0,9.0 6636,SentFIN,Silver rises Rs 166 per kg in futures trade,2,Silver,2118.0,9.0 6637,SentFIN,Spicejet surges over 3 pc on stake sale report,2,Spicejet,2121.0,9.0 6638,SentFIN,Stable demand for housing loan to drive HDFC growth,2,HDFC,2122.0,9.0 6639,SentFIN,State-run banks rally after RBI extends Basel III deadline,2,State-run banks,2123.0,9.0 6640,SentFIN,Strides surges 13% as Bangalore facility gets USFDA approval,2,Strides,2125.0,9.0 6641,SentFIN,Suneeta Reddy promoted as Apollo's Joint MD; stock up,2,Apollo,2126.0,9.0 6642,SentFIN,Suven Life drug candidate clears toxic tests; stock up,2,Suven Life,2127.0,9.0 6643,SentFIN,Suven Life Sciences Q3 net profit jumps over four-fold,2,Suven Life Sciences,2128.0,9.0 6644,SentFIN,Syntel Q1 Net up 25% at $ 58.1 million,2,Syntel,2129.0,9.0 6645,SentFIN,Tata Motors net trebles with strong performance by JLR,2,Tata Motors,2131.0,9.0 6646,SentFIN,Tax free bonds: Rural Electrification Corporation scores another hit!,2,Rural Electrification Corporation,2133.0,9.0 6647,SentFIN,TCS among top picks in IT sector: Dipen Shah,2,TCS,2134.0,9.0 6648,SentFIN,TCS shares gain over 1 per cent post earnings,2,TCS,2135.0,9.0 6649,SentFIN,Trent Q4 Net up 28% at Rs 24.96 crore,2,Trent,2140.0,9.0 6650,SentFIN,Turn positive on Infosys post Q1 show: Gaurav Mehta,2,Infosys,2142.0,9.0 6651,SentFIN,"Twitter Inc's Q2 user growth beats targets, shares skyrocket",2,Twitter Inc,2143.0,9.0 6652,SentFIN,"UltraTech, other cement companies good buys on margin boost",2,UltraTech,2145.0,9.0 6653,SentFIN,UPL Q2 net jumps 11% to Rs 185 crore,2,UPL,2146.0,9.0 6654,SentFIN,US stocks: S&P hits record; focus shifts to payrolls,2,S&P,2147.0,9.0 6655,SentFIN,Usha Martin consolidated Q1 up 17% to Rs 4cr,2,Usha Martin,2148.0,9.0 6656,SentFIN,Utilise any correction to buy pharma stocks: Hemindra Hazari,2,pharma stocks,2149.0,9.0 6657,SentFIN,"Valuations steep, but Monte Carlo IPO worth a shot",1,Monte Carlo,2152.0,9.0 6658,SentFIN,Vodafone India logs 16.5 pc growth in first-half revenue,2,Vodafone India,2153.0,9.0 6659,SentFIN,Volatile AstraZeneca Pharma rallies nearly 9% on de-listing plans,2,AstraZeneca Pharma,2154.0,9.0 6660,SentFIN,Wall Street ends up; financials gain with bond yields,2,Wall Street,2155.0,9.0 6661,SentFIN,Welspun Corp spurts over 12% on big order win,2,Welspun Corp,2156.0,9.0 6662,SentFIN,Whirlpool Q3 net up 49.13% to Rs 24.10 cr,2,Whirlpool,2157.0,9.0 6663,SentFIN,"WNS Q1 profit beats estimates, raises FY revenue guidance",2,WNS,2158.0,9.0 6664,SentFIN,World stocks hold at all-hit time after bumper week,2,World stocks,2159.0,9.0 6665,SentFIN,World stocks hold at all-time high after bumper week,2,World stocks,2160.0,9.0 6666,SentFIN,Yes Bank net profit rises 58% Rs 176.26 cr,2,Yes Bank,2161.0,9.0 6667,SentFIN,Zee Entertainment shares soars as Q2 net profit rises,2,Zee Entertainment,2162.0,9.0 6668,SentFIN,3i Infotech: Sale of low-margin biz to help boost profitability,2,3i Infotech,2164.0,10.0 6669,SentFIN,"4950-5000 range should see a technical bounce: Anil Manghnani,",1,,2165.0,10.0 6670,SentFIN,8330 should act as immediate support for Nifty: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,2166.0,10.0 6671,SentFIN,Aban has the potential to go beyond 840: Sandeep Wagle,2,Aban,2167.0,10.0 6672,SentFIN,Abbott India Q1 net up 71% to Rs 51 crore,2,Abbott India,2168.0,10.0 6673,SentFIN,ABG Shipyard may move up in near term: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,ABG Shipyard,2169.0,10.0 6674,SentFIN,Aditya Birla Nuvo to have good going ahead: Deepak Mohoni,2,Aditya Birla Nuvo,2170.0,10.0 6675,SentFIN,"Agrochemicals top space choice, can sustain higher growth: Dhiraj Sachdev",2,Agrochemicals,2171.0,10.0 6676,SentFIN,Airline stocks soar as lower oil prices bring down fares,2,Airline stocks,2172.0,10.0 6677,SentFIN,Airlines surge over 6% on new draft civil aviation policy,2,Airlines,2173.0,10.0 6678,SentFIN,Akzo Nobel Q2 profit up 5.98% at Rs 35.75 crore,2,Akzo Nobel,2174.0,10.0 6679,SentFIN,Alembic Pharma Q1 net up 38.65% at Rs 64.67 crore,2,Alembic Pharma,2175.0,10.0 6680,SentFIN,Allahabad Bank's net profit rises 25% at Rs 158 crore,2,Allahabad Bank,2176.0,10.0 6681,SentFIN,Alstom T&D's January-March profit jumps 17% to Rs 62.24 crore,2,Alstom T&D,2177.0,10.0 6682,SentFIN,Amara Raja Batteries offers a good buying opportunity for investors,2,Amara Raja Batteries,2178.0,10.0 6683,SentFIN,Amtek Auto rallies over 8% on acquisition plans in Germany,2,Amtek Auto,2179.0,10.0 6684,SentFIN,ARSS Infra PAT up by 2% at Rs 26.11 cr,2,ARSS Infra,2181.0,10.0 6685,SentFIN,Asia shares gain as Greece defaults on loan with IMF,2,Asia shares,2182.0,10.0 6686,SentFIN,AstraZeneca Dec qtr net up 28.26% at Rs 28.32 cr,2,AstraZeneca,2184.0,10.0 6687,SentFIN,"At Rs 22 lakh, MRF is most costly futures contract",1,MRF,2185.0,10.0 6688,SentFIN,"Bajaj Auto: Higher input costs offset sales gain, hit margins",0,Bajaj Auto,2186.0,10.0 6689,SentFIN,Bayer Crop Science will be generous to shareholders: Jagdish Malkani,2,Bayer Crop Science,2187.0,10.0 6690,SentFIN,Berger Paints Q3 net up 31.44% to Rs 43.85 cr,2,Berger Paints,2188.0,10.0 6691,SentFIN,Bharat Forge Q1 net up 60% at Rs 145 crore,2,Bharat Forge,2189.0,10.0 6692,SentFIN,BofA-ML's three positives for Indian markets; recommends 'buy' on dips,1,BofA-ML,2191.0,10.0 6693,SentFIN,"Bond funds worldwide attract $204 billon inflows, beat stocks: BofA",1,BofA,2192.0,10.0 6694,SentFIN,Boost in US's macro-economic situation may trigger Wipro's revenue growth,2,Wipro,2193.0,10.0 6695,SentFIN,"Brent holds above $107 on US crude draw, China data",2,Brent,2194.0,10.0 6696,SentFIN,Britania Industries Q3 Net up 62.1% at Rs 100.56 cr,2,Britania Industries,2195.0,10.0 6697,SentFIN,Britannia FY-11 net profit up 30.19% at Rs 134.34 crore,2,Britannia,2196.0,10.0 6698,SentFIN,"Britannia sales rise 11 per cent in Q1, margins improve",2,Britannia,2197.0,10.0 6699,SentFIN,Brokerages up target price for Tech Mahindra post Comviva buy,2,Tech Mahindra,2198.0,10.0 6700,SentFIN,bullish on IT for whole of this year: Anand Tandon,2,IT,2199.0,10.0 6701,SentFIN,Buy Hindalco with a target of Rs 141: Prakash Gaba,2,Hindalco,2200.0,10.0 6702,SentFIN,"Calculus: Recovery in China, new models may help Tata Motors",2,Tata Motors,2201.0,10.0 6703,SentFIN,Camson Biotech net profit jumps 162 pc in Q4 FY11,2,Camson Biotech,2203.0,10.0 6704,SentFIN,Ceat shares up over 4% after workers call off strike,2,Ceat shares,2204.0,10.0 6705,SentFIN,Cement stocks are likely to go up higher: Vijay Bhambwani,2,Cement stocks,2205.0,10.0 6706,SentFIN,Cera Sanitaryware Q3 net up 50.18% at Rs 16.16 crore,2,Cera Sanitaryware,2206.0,10.0 6707,SentFIN,"CESC: Tariff hike to improve cash flow, boost business plans",2,CESC,2207.0,10.0 6708,SentFIN,Cheaper raw materials lift India Inc margins for June quarter,2,India Inc,2208.0,10.0 6709,SentFIN,Chennai Petroleum Q2 profit soars 2-fold to Rs 120.34 crore,2,Chennai Petroleum,2209.0,10.0 6710,SentFIN,Chilli teja futures surge 3.25 per cent on strong demand,2,Chilli teja futures,2210.0,10.0 6711,SentFIN,China yuan rises for the 5th day despite weaker fixing,2,China yuan,2212.0,10.0 6712,SentFIN,China yuan set to show biggest advance in 6 weeks,2,China yuan,2213.0,10.0 6713,SentFIN,Cipla pares gains after rallying nearly 6% post Q3 results,2,Cipla,2214.0,10.0 6714,SentFIN,Cocoa rises on speculation on rebuilding stocks by chocolate makers,2,Cocoa,2217.0,10.0 6715,SentFIN,"Colgate attractive on hopes of higher payout, ad spend cut",2,Colgate,2218.0,10.0 6716,SentFIN,Colgate declares second interim dividend of Rs 9 per share,1,Colgate,2219.0,10.0 6717,SentFIN,Colgate-Palmolive Q2 net profit up 11.8% at Rs 100 cr,2,Colgate-Palmolive,2220.0,10.0 6718,SentFIN,Commexes' turnover up 55 pc till Oct 15 this fiscal,2,Commexes,2221.0,10.0 6719,SentFIN,Container Corporation Q3 Net up 5.4% at Rs 249.5 crore,2,Container Corporation,2222.0,10.0 6720,SentFIN,"Continue to be bullish on Nifty: Kunal Saraogi, Technical Analyst",2,Nifty,2223.0,10.0 6721,SentFIN,Coriander futures up 3.73 per cent on surge in demand,2,Coriander futures,2224.0,10.0 6722,SentFIN,Corp Bank's Q2 net jumps 10-fold to Rs 160 crore,2,Corp Bank,2225.0,10.0 6723,SentFIN,Cotton rally forces textile mills to go for small buys,2,Cotton,2226.0,10.0 6724,SentFIN,Cotton rises 10% on demand for exports and local consumption,2,Cotton,2227.0,10.0 6725,SentFIN,Crompton Greaves Q1 net up 6.55% to Rs 64.02 crore,2,Crompton Greaves,2229.0,10.0 6726,SentFIN,Crompton Greaves rallies over 4% on land parcel deal report,2,Crompton Greaves,2230.0,10.0 6727,SentFIN,Crompton Greaves surges over 4% as company sells Mumbai land,2,Crompton Greaves,2231.0,10.0 6728,SentFIN,Crude palm oil futures up on rise in spot demand,2,Crude palm oil futures,2232.0,10.0 6729,SentFIN,DCM Shriram net rises 300 pc to Rs 36 crore,2,DCM Shriram,2233.0,10.0 6730,SentFIN,"Debt-heavy companies make the most of rate surprises, stocks surge",2,Debt-heavy companies,2234.0,10.0 6731,SentFIN,"Despite early chill,2014 to be hot year for equities: Deutsche",1,Deutsche,2235.0,10.0 6732,SentFIN,Development Credit Bank's Q1 net soars to Rs 43 cr,2,Development Credit Bank,2236.0,10.0 6733,SentFIN,DHFL Q1 net profit up 22% at Rs 147.15 cr,2,DHFL,2237.0,10.0 6734,SentFIN,Discom loan recast to power up shares of PSU banks,2,PSU banks,2238.0,10.0 6735,SentFIN,"Earnings outlook strong, keep on buying Eicher Motors: Hemindra Hazari",2,Eicher Motors,2239.0,10.0 6736,SentFIN,ECL Finance debenture issue fully subscribed; raises Rs 500 crore,2,ECL Finance,2240.0,10.0 6737,SentFIN,"EIH to raise over Rs 1,160 cr through rights issue",1,EIH,2242.0,10.0 6738,SentFIN,Emami Q3 profit rises 31 pc to Rs 150.68 crore,2,Emami,2243.0,10.0 6739,SentFIN,ENIL's charts look healthy from short-medium term perspective: Deepak Mohoni,2,ENIL,2244.0,10.0 6740,SentFIN,Eros International at 10% premium; sees high of Rs 213.95,2,Eros International,2245.0,10.0 6741,SentFIN,Escorts rallies over 30% in six sessions; more upside seen,2,Escorts,2246.0,10.0 6742,SentFIN,Escorts seeks to revive earnings with focus on high-end products,2,Escorts,2247.0,10.0 6743,SentFIN,Ethanol acts as lone bright spot amid China commodity gloom,2,Ethanol,2248.0,10.0 6744,SentFIN,"Euro resilient near highs, to test ECB threat on currency",2,Euro,2249.0,10.0 6745,SentFIN,EXL Services Q1 net up 48.69 pc at $8.36 mn,2,EXL Services,2250.0,10.0 6746,SentFIN,Exposure of institutional investors to auto sector at four-year high,2,auto sector,2251.0,10.0 6747,SentFIN,Farmers reap a tidy profit as turmeric prices shoot up,2,turmeric,2252.0,10.0 6748,SentFIN,Favour private sector banks in the banking space: Deven Choksy,2,private sector banks,2253.0,10.0 6749,SentFIN,Festive season demand lifts crude palm oil futures by 1.10%,2,crude palm oil futures,2254.0,10.0 6750,SentFIN,Festive season to bring traction for auto space: Deven Choksey,2,auto space,2255.0,10.0 6751,SentFIN,Festive time: Jewellery makers rally upto 48% ahead of Diwali,2,Jewellery makers,2256.0,10.0 6752,SentFIN,"Force Motors a multibagger in making, says Daljeet Singh Kohli",2,Force Motors,2257.0,10.0 6753,SentFIN,"Foreing money inflow a positive developlment: Hemang Jani, Sharekhan",1,Sharekhan,2258.0,10.0 6754,SentFIN,Forward Markets Commission unveils uniform norms for accreditation of warehouses,1,Forward Markets Commission,2259.0,10.0 6755,SentFIN,GAIL standalone net profit at Rs 3561 cr; stock up,2,GAIL,2260.0,10.0 6756,SentFIN,Gemini Communications Q4 net jumps over 3-fold to Rs 15.75cr,2,Gemini Communications,2262.0,10.0 6757,SentFIN,"Gitanjali Gems Q3 PAT Rs 101.6 cr, up 147% YoY",2,Gitanjali Gems,2263.0,10.0 6758,SentFIN,Godrej Industries Q2 net up 12.5% to Rs 75 cr,2,Godrej Industries,2264.0,10.0 6759,SentFIN,Godrej Industries Q4 net up 42% at Rs 108.76 cr,2,Godrej Industries,2265.0,10.0 6760,SentFIN,Gold climbs after reports of US strikes on ISIS militants,2,Gold,2266.0,10.0 6761,SentFIN,"Gold holds above $1,300, focus on US Federal policy meeting",2,Gold,2267.0,10.0 6762,SentFIN,Gold near 3-month high on second day of fund inflows,2,Gold,2268.0,10.0 6763,SentFIN,Goodyear India Q2 net up 13% at Rs 29 crore,2,Goodyear India,2270.0,10.0 6764,SentFIN,Greenply Industries Q2 Net up 39% to Rs 37.03 crore,2,Greenply Industries,2272.0,10.0 6765,SentFIN,GSK raises India unit stake to 75% via open offer,2,GSK,2273.0,10.0 6766,SentFIN,"Gulf markets edge up on positive Q4 bank results, dividends",2,Gulf markets,2274.0,10.0 6767,SentFIN,GVK Power can go up to 14-15 levels: Vijay Bhambwani,2,GVK Power,2275.0,10.0 6768,SentFIN,GVK's net loss shrinks to Rs 45 crore in Q3,2,GVK,2276.0,10.0 6769,SentFIN,Havells India shares surge over 12 pc after stock split,2,Havells India,2277.0,10.0 6770,SentFIN,"HDFC Bank misses estimates on provisions, Q1 net up 20%",2,HDFC Bank,2278.0,10.0 6771,SentFIN,Hindalco shares surge over 3% as company bags maximum mines,2,Hindalco,2280.0,10.0 6772,SentFIN,Hindustan Media Ventures Q4 net profit up 20 per cent,2,Hindustan Media Ventures,2281.0,10.0 6773,SentFIN,Hot Stock: Brokerages expect sharp gains in Larsen & Toubro,2,Larsen & Toubro,2282.0,10.0 6774,SentFIN,Hotel Leela gains 4.5% on completion of Goa property sale,2,Hotel Leela,2283.0,10.0 6775,SentFIN,Housing finance companies among NBFCs should do well: Ajay Bagga,2,Housing finance companies,2284.0,10.0 6776,SentFIN,HSIL Q4 net profit up 4.56% at Rs 32.31 crore,2,HSIL,2285.0,10.0 6777,SentFIN,"HUL at fresh 52-week high; stock outperforms peers, FMCG index",2,HUL,2286.0,10.0 6778,SentFIN,"Hyundai Motor up more than 4%, rebounding from recent falls",2,Hyundai Motor,2287.0,10.0 6779,SentFIN,ICICI Prudential Life profit up 3-fold at Rs 808 cr,2,ICICI Prudential Life,2288.0,10.0 6780,SentFIN,IDBI Bank gains on plan to sell stake in CARE,2,IDBI Bank,2290.0,10.0 6781,SentFIN,"Idea kicks off No-Deal Road Show for Rs 3,000-crore QIP",1,Idea,2291.0,10.0 6782,SentFIN,"IDFC Ltds Rs 1,000 crore QIP draws big investor interest",2,IDFC Ltd,2292.0,10.0 6783,SentFIN,Indians on spending spree: Time to nibble at discretionary stocks,2,discretionary stocks,2293.0,10.0 6784,SentFIN,Indraprastha Gas gains 2% as govt defers gas price hike,2,Indraprastha Gas,2294.0,10.0 6785,SentFIN,Infosys' stock to really pick up post restructuring: Manish Sonthalia,2,Infosys,2295.0,10.0 6786,SentFIN,Infrastructure stocks rally as FM cuts withholding tax to 5%,2,Infrastructure stocks,2296.0,10.0 6787,SentFIN,Inox Wind marks splendid debut; shares soar 35.5 per cent,2,Inox Wind,2298.0,10.0 6788,SentFIN,Invest in Sharda Chropchem from a long-term perspective: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,Sharda Chropchem,2299.0,10.0 6789,SentFIN,"Invetsors, asset managers keep faith in Nestle despite Maggi row",2,Nestle,2300.0,10.0 6790,SentFIN,Jain Irrigation rallies post Q4 results; net profit up 31%,2,Jain Irrigation,2303.0,10.0 6791,SentFIN,Jaiprakash Associates Q1 standalone Net shoots to Rs 334 crore,2,Jaiprakash Associates,2304.0,10.0 6792,SentFIN,JBML Q2 net profit jump two-fold at Rs 10.30 cr,2,JBML,2305.0,10.0 6793,SentFIN,"Jet Airways: Sustained efforts promise good results ahead, risks persist",2,Jet Airways,2306.0,10.0 6794,SentFIN,Jewellers shine as RBI removes restriction on gold coin imports,2,Jewellers,2307.0,10.0 6795,SentFIN,JK Paper mulls pulp mill in South Asia; stock up,2,JK Paper,2308.0,10.0 6796,SentFIN,"JKumar Infra rallies 10% on strong net profit, order win",2,JKumar Infra,2309.0,10.0 6797,SentFIN,JPX-Nikkei 400 futures debut amid growing return on equity interest,1,JPX-Nikkei 400 futures,2310.0,10.0 6798,SentFIN,JSW Steel Q1 steel production up 1% at 2.86 MT,2,JSW Steel,2311.0,10.0 6799,SentFIN,Just Dial shares rally 8 per cent on expansion buzz,2,Just Dial,2312.0,10.0 6800,SentFIN,Jyothy Laboratories Q3 net jumps 63.11% to Rs 27.37 crore,2,Jyothy Laboratories,2313.0,10.0 6801,SentFIN,Kajaria Ceramics Q1 net up 50% at Rs 39 crore,2,Kajaria Ceramics,2314.0,10.0 6802,SentFIN,Kajaria Ceramics Q4 net up 37% at Rs 42.11 cr,2,Kajaria Ceramics,2315.0,10.0 6803,SentFIN,Kansai Nerolac Q2 net climbs 33% to Rs 97 crore,2,Kansai Nerolac,2316.0,10.0 6804,SentFIN,Karur Vysya Bank rallies over 2% on share sale plan,2,Karur Vysya Bank,2317.0,10.0 6805,SentFIN,Kirloskar Brothers posts Rs 19.7 crore profit in December quarter,2,Kirloskar Brothers,2318.0,10.0 6806,SentFIN,Kwality among cheapest plays in dairy sector: Ashish Maheshwari,2,Kwality,2319.0,10.0 6807,SentFIN,L&T Q3 net profit rises 9% at Rs 867 crore,2,L&T,2320.0,10.0 6808,SentFIN,La Opala sets record date for share sub-divison; stock rallies,2,La Opala,2321.0,10.0 6809,SentFIN,Lakshmi Vilas Banks net profits rises to Rs 25.23 crore,2,Lakshmi Vilas Bank,2322.0,10.0 6810,SentFIN,LG Electronics shares surge on speculation of Google stake buy,2,LG Electronics,2323.0,10.0 6811,SentFIN,Liberty Shoes Q3 net up 30.76% at Rs 3.40 crore,2,Liberty Shoes,2324.0,10.0 6812,SentFIN,Little sign of election nerves as sterling hits 2-month high,2,sterling,2327.0,10.0 6813,SentFIN,Maintain 'Buy' on Wipro with target of Rs 528: Sharekhan,2,Wipro,2329.0,10.0 6814,SentFIN,Man Industries rallies 5% on Rs 500 crore orders win,2,Man Industries,2330.0,10.0 6815,SentFIN,Manappuram Finance is an interesting stock to hold: Deepak Mohoni,2,Manappuram Finance,2331.0,10.0 6816,SentFIN,Market is getting ready for a big move: Ashwani Gujral,2,Market,2333.0,10.0 6817,SentFIN,"Markets at new record levels on FII flows, global trend",2,Markets,2334.0,10.0 6818,SentFIN,Markets@fresh record highs: Top ten multi-bagger stocks for your portfolio,2,Markets,2336.0,10.0 6819,SentFIN,Mascot Powersys to expand nine-fold to 74 outlets; plans IPO,1,Mascot Powersys,2337.0,10.0 6820,SentFIN,Max India Q1 net profit up at Rs 537 crore,2,Max India,2338.0,10.0 6821,SentFIN,MCFL Q3 net jumps over three-fold to Rs 27.95 crore,2,MCFL,2339.0,10.0 6822,SentFIN,Media space looks more promising than last year: Taher Badshah,2,Media space,2340.0,10.0 6823,SentFIN,Merger hopes trigger a rally in 3 associates of SBI,2,SBI,2341.0,10.0 6824,SentFIN,"Mid-cap pharma stocks can return 20% in 2014, say analysts",2,Mid-cap pharma stocks,2342.0,10.0 6825,SentFIN,Mid-sized banking funds deliver returns of 50-84% over six months,2,Mid-sized banking funds,2343.0,10.0 6826,SentFIN,Mid-sized IT firms may post moderate growth in June quarter,2,Mid-sized IT firms,2344.0,10.0 6827,SentFIN,MM Forgings at 20% upper circuit on strong Q1 results,2,MM Forgings,2346.0,10.0 6828,SentFIN,MMTC Q3 net rises 12.8 pc to Rs 28.10 crore,2,MMTC,2347.0,10.0 6829,SentFIN,Monnet Ispat bags Utkal-C coal block; stock rallies over 13%,2,Monnet Ispat,2348.0,10.0 6830,SentFIN,Monsanto India jumps on report Modi government pursuing GM crops,2,Monsanto India,2349.0,10.0 6831,SentFIN,Moser Baer Q3 net profit up at Rs 3.23 cr,2,Moser Baer,2351.0,10.0 6832,SentFIN,Mphasis no more a one-trick pony; stay bullish: Amit Khurana,2,Mphasis,2352.0,10.0 6833,SentFIN,Mundra Port FY11 net up 35.82% at Rs 918.14 cr,2,Mundra Port,2354.0,10.0 6834,SentFIN,New launches help Garware Wall Ropes cast its net wider,2,Garware Wall Ropes,2355.0,10.0 6835,SentFIN,Nickel moves up in futures trade on rising spot demand,2,Nickel,2357.0,10.0 6836,SentFIN,Nifty hits fresh lifetime high; top fifteen stocks in focus,2,Nifty,2358.0,10.0 6837,SentFIN,"Nifty hits fresh record high; touches 6,822 in intra-day deals",2,Nifty,2359.0,10.0 6838,SentFIN,Nikkei rises to 1 1/2-week high; financials track U.S. counterparts,2,Nikkei,2360.0,10.0 6839,SentFIN,Nitesh Estates post Q2 net profit of Rs 15.2 crore,1,Nitesh Estates,2362.0,10.0 6840,SentFIN,Offshore Chinese yuan moves off 4-month lows as shares rise,2,Offshore Chinese yuan,2363.0,10.0 6841,SentFIN,Oil companies will be investors preferred choice soon: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,Oil companies,2364.0,10.0 6842,SentFIN,Oil stocks on fire; what to expect from OPEC meet,2,Oil,2365.0,10.0 6843,SentFIN,OMCs brave market volatility;surge to 52-week high on positive outlook,2,OMCs,2366.0,10.0 6844,SentFIN,"Once Axis Bank crosses 1250, strength will return: Rajat Bose",2,Axis Bank,2367.0,10.0 6845,SentFIN,ONGC has potential to double in next two years: Analysts,2,ONGC,2368.0,10.0 6846,SentFIN,OnMobile expects to raise Rs 47.6 crore through open offer,1,OnMobile,2369.0,10.0 6847,SentFIN,"Open offer of Zuari, Deepak 'fair & reasonable': MCFL IDC",1,MCFL IDC,2370.0,10.0 6848,SentFIN,"Operation to steady China stocks a success, but patient comatose",1,China stocks,2371.0,10.0 6849,SentFIN,Own cash rich companies from the IT space: Vijai Mantri,2,IT space,2374.0,10.0 6850,SentFIN,Pakistan stocks gain momentum as army intervenes to end crisis,2,Pakistan stocks,2375.0,10.0 6851,SentFIN,"Palm oil rises to 17-month high on inventory, weather woes",2,Palm oil,2376.0,10.0 6852,SentFIN,Pantaloon Retail net profit at Rs 20 cr; stock up,2,Pantaloon Retail,2377.0,10.0 6853,SentFIN,Parsvnath Dec qtr Net up 26% to Rs 31.37 cr,2,Parsvnath,2378.0,10.0 6854,SentFIN,Perfect Infraengineers becomes 32nd stock to list on NSE Emerge,2,Perfect Infraengineers,2380.0,10.0 6855,SentFIN,Persistent Systems: Strong momentum in the software services augurs well,2,Persistent Systems,2381.0,10.0 6856,SentFIN,PFC tax free Bonds oversubscribed 12.09x on the first day,2,PFC,2382.0,10.0 6857,SentFIN,Pfizer Q2 net profit up 33% at Rs 69.59 crore,2,Pfizer,2383.0,10.0 6858,SentFIN,"PGCIL annual profit climbs 32 pc to Rs 2,696.89 cr",2,PGCIL,2384.0,10.0 6859,SentFIN,Phoenix Mills: Improved sentiments make the stock a good buy,2,Phoenix Mills,2385.0,10.0 6860,SentFIN,Polaris rallies as tech majors make beeline for controlling stake,2,Polaris,2386.0,10.0 6861,SentFIN,"Post Q4 earnings, telecoms appear safer bets in volatile market",2,telecoms,2387.0,10.0 6862,SentFIN,"Post-integration, Tech Mahindra will be a good buy: Ashit Suri",2,Tech Mahindra,2388.0,10.0 6863,SentFIN,Power Finance Q1 net up 42% to Rs 972 crore,2,Power Finance,2389.0,10.0 6864,SentFIN,PowerGrid PAT up 41.62pc at Rs 651.4 cr in July-Sep,2,PowerGrid,2390.0,10.0 6865,SentFIN,Praj Industries rallies over 5% on Rs 235 crore order,2,Praj Industries,2391.0,10.0 6866,SentFIN,Praj might bounce back if the market permits: Deepak Mohoni,2,Praj,2392.0,10.0 6867,SentFIN,Pre-election rally likely; Nifty may touch 6500 level: Ambareesh Baliga,2,Nifty,2393.0,10.0 6868,SentFIN,Prefer Tata Motors among largecap auto stocks: P Phani Sekhar,2,Tata Motors,2394.0,10.0 6869,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty likely to bounce back on positive global cues,2,Nifty,2395.0,10.0 6870,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening higher on US Federal Reserve outlook,2,Nifty,2396.0,10.0 6871,SentFIN,Prime Focus Tech raises Rs 45 crore to fund expansion,2,Prime Focus Tech,2397.0,10.0 6872,SentFIN,Provogue's net rises 24.7% to Rs 26 cr in FY10-11,2,Provogue,2398.0,10.0 6873,SentFIN,PSBs a good bet from a 2-3-year perspective: Angel Broking,2,PSB,2399.0,10.0 6874,SentFIN,Punj Lloyd rallies on reports of Medanta Medicity stake sale,2,Punj Lloyd,2401.0,10.0 6875,SentFIN,R Systems share jump post 26% acquisition offer from investor,2,R Systems,2402.0,10.0 6876,SentFIN,Radico Khaitan Q2 net up 94.02% to Rs 18.84 crore,2,Radico Khaitan,2403.0,10.0 6877,SentFIN,Rail-linked stocks surge up to 20% on Narendra Modi effect,2,Rail-linked stocks,2404.0,10.0 6878,SentFIN,Rajesh Exports net surges over-two fold to Rs 237 crore,2,Rajesh Exports,2405.0,10.0 6879,SentFIN,"Rajesh Exports surges 6%, bags Rs 125 crore export order",2,Rajesh Exports,2406.0,10.0 6880,SentFIN,Ranbaxy may move up to 435 to 437: Rajat Bose,2,Ranbaxy,2408.0,10.0 6881,SentFIN,"REC board approves raising Rs 3,000 cr through tax-free bonds",2,REC,2409.0,10.0 6882,SentFIN,Recommend looking at telecom stocks from long-term view: Anand Tandon,2,telecom stocks,2411.0,10.0 6883,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures gain 0.34% as demand picks up,2,Refined soya oil futures,2412.0,10.0 6884,SentFIN,Refinery stocks becoming hot-picks due to improving gross refining margins,2,Refinery stocks,2413.0,10.0 6885,SentFIN,Remain bullish on housing real estate companies : Deven Choksey,2,housing real estate companies,2414.0,10.0 6886,SentFIN,"Robust loan growth, margin lift HDFC Bank Q2 net 33%",2,HDFC Bank,2415.0,10.0 6887,SentFIN,RSWM Dec qtr net up four-fold to Rs 39.89 cr,2,RSWM,2416.0,10.0 6888,SentFIN,Rupee rises most among EM currencies since August 2013 low,2,Rupee,2420.0,10.0 6889,SentFIN,Samsung Electronics jumps over 4 per cent on restructuring speculation,2,Samsung Electronics,2421.0,10.0 6890,SentFIN,Samvat survey: D-Street sees Sensex at 33k by next Diwali,1,Sensex,2422.0,10.0 6891,SentFIN,SE Investments net profit up two-fold at Rs 61 crore,2,SE Investments,2423.0,10.0 6892,SentFIN,"Second rung banks may give 10%-12% return: Hemang Jani, Sharekhan",1,Sharekhan,2425.0,10.0 6893,SentFIN,Sector rotation will ensure the Nifty remains up: Ashwani Gujral,2,Nifty,2426.0,10.0 6894,SentFIN,Seeing decent growth in auto stocks ahead: Networth Stock Broking,2,auto stocks,2427.0,10.0 6895,SentFIN,Sensex @ life high; outshines global peers post QE era,2,Sensex,2428.0,10.0 6896,SentFIN,"Sensex conquers 27,000; over 300 stocks hit fresh 52-week high",2,Sensex,2429.0,10.0 6897,SentFIN,Shangai stock index hits 8-month high despite worries over economy,2,Shangai stock index,2430.0,10.0 6898,SentFIN,Shriram Transport Finance net up 7% to Rs 366 cr,2,Shriram Transport Finance,2431.0,10.0 6899,SentFIN,Sintex Q3 net profit jumps 91.27% to Rs 162.03 crore,2,Sintex,2432.0,10.0 6900,SentFIN,SJVN Q2 standalone Net rises 7.4% to Rs 415.63 crore,2,SJVN,2433.0,10.0 6901,SentFIN,SJVNL Q3 net profit rises 10% to Rs 210.93 crore,2,SJVNL,2434.0,10.0 6902,SentFIN,SKF profit increases 50.32% to Rs 48.39 crore in Oct-Dec,2,SKF,2435.0,10.0 6903,SentFIN,Smallcap capital goods stocks finding favour with investors: Harendra Kumar,2,Smallcap capital goods stocks,2436.0,10.0 6904,SentFIN,SMS Pharma surges 11% on USFDA nod for Andhra plant,2,SMS Pharma,2437.0,10.0 6905,SentFIN,Sobha Q2 net profit up 13% at Rs 56.6 cr,2,Sobha,2438.0,10.0 6906,SentFIN,"Softer rupee, low valuations make D-Street bullish on IT stocks",2,IT stocks,2439.0,10.0 6907,SentFIN,Somany Ceramics Q1 profit jumps 10.43% to Rs 5.82 crore,2,Somany Ceramics,2440.0,10.0 6908,SentFIN,Sparsh BPO to delist from BSE; shares soars 10 pc,2,Sparsh,2441.0,10.0 6909,SentFIN,Stable market to arrest slide of banking stocks: Deven Choksey,1,banking stocks,2442.0,10.0 6910,SentFIN,"Standard Chartered axes 15,000 jobs, raises $5.1 billion in capital",2,Standard Chartered,2443.0,10.0 6911,SentFIN,Steady track record to drive profit numbers for Shriram Transport,2,Shriram Transport,2444.0,10.0 6912,SentFIN,Strong German retail sales keep European shares near 7-year highs,2,European shares,2446.0,10.0 6913,SentFIN,Suggest to buy TVS in the auto sector: Nitin Raheja,2,TVS,2447.0,10.0 6914,SentFIN,Sundram Fasteners net zooms to Rs 21 cr in Q3,2,Sundram Fasteners,2448.0,10.0 6915,SentFIN,Suven Life Sciences could be a dark horse: Devang Mehta,2,Suven Life Sciences,2449.0,10.0 6916,SentFIN,Texmaco Rail on fast track as wagon demand picks up,2,Texmaco Rail,2451.0,10.0 6917,SentFIN,Textile companies' good run likely to last for another year,2,Textile companies,2452.0,10.0 6918,SentFIN,The markets fall is only a much-needed correction: Ashwani Gujral,1,markets,2453.0,10.0 6919,SentFIN,"Tight supply lifts mentha oil futures, up 0.53 per cent",2,mentha oil futures,2454.0,10.0 6920,SentFIN,Torrent Pharmaceuticals Q2 net zooms three-fold to Rs 568 crore,2,Torrent Pharmaceuticals,2455.0,10.0 6921,SentFIN,Tube Investments climbs 11% on stake sale in insurance JV,2,Tube Investments,2457.0,10.0 6922,SentFIN,Tube Investments set for upgrade after insurance JV stake sale,2,Tube Investments,2458.0,10.0 6923,SentFIN,TVS Motor ends 4% higher as Q4 results meet estimates,2,TVS Motor,2459.0,10.0 6924,SentFIN,TVS Motors surges 6% as October sales jump 14% YoY,2,TVS Motors,2460.0,10.0 6925,SentFIN,Unitech to sell non-core lands to cut debt; stock up,2,Unitech,2461.0,10.0 6926,SentFIN,UP-based sugar firms gain on SP win in state polls,2,UP-based sugar firms,2462.0,10.0 6927,SentFIN,UP-based sugar stocks rally upto 11% despite concerns over shutdown,2,UP-based sugar stocks,2463.0,10.0 6928,SentFIN,"Uptrend still on in Indiabulls Finance: Kunal Saraogi, Technical Analyst",2,Indiabulls Finance,2464.0,10.0 6929,SentFIN,US-based retirement fund buys 64.64 lakh shares of Dish TV,2,Dish TV,2465.0,10.0 6930,SentFIN,Use fall in HCL Tech to buy it: Gajendra Nagpal,2,HCL Tech,2466.0,10.0 6931,SentFIN,"UTI truly independent, IPO to strengthen this character: Leo Puri",2,UTI,2467.0,10.0 6932,SentFIN,Utilise each opportunity to buy into IT companies: Arindam Ghosh,2,IT companies,2468.0,10.0 6933,SentFIN,Videocon Industries jumps over 10 per cent on fund-raising plan,2,Videocon Industries,2470.0,10.0 6934,SentFIN,Volatile markets end higher; Sensex closes higher by 185 points,2,Sensex,2474.0,10.0 6935,SentFIN,"VST Industries: Analysts remain bullish, despite continuation of poor performance",2,VST Industries,2475.0,10.0 6936,SentFIN,Westlife raises Rs 180 cr via preferential issue of shares,2,Westlife,2476.0,10.0 6937,SentFIN,"Westpac Banking Corp eyes China, India for commodities trade growth",2,Westpac Banking Corp,2477.0,10.0 6938,SentFIN,Whirlpool Q2 net rises over two-fold to Rs 40.72 crore,2,Whirlpool,2478.0,10.0 6939,SentFIN,XL Energy bags Rs 130 mn solar power contract;stk up,2,XL Energy,2480.0,10.0 6940,SentFIN,YES Bank Q1 profit up 9.6% at Rs 439.5 crore,2,YES Bank,2481.0,10.0 6941,SentFIN,Yuan rises slightly as lacklustre trade data offsets strong midpoint,2,Yuan,2482.0,10.0 6942,SentFIN,4930 would be the level to watch out for: BNP Paribas,1,BNP Paribas,2483.0,11.0 6943,SentFIN,5270-5250 is the most preferred buying level for Nifty: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,2484.0,11.0 6944,SentFIN,5850-5860 should be a good support level for Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,2485.0,11.0 6945,SentFIN,85 should be a good target for LT foods: Devang Visaria,2,LT foods,2486.0,11.0 6946,SentFIN,A soaring dollar could set off a currency war with China,2,dollar,2487.0,11.0 6947,SentFIN,ABB India net profit rises 33% as order execution picks up,2,ABB India,2488.0,11.0 6948,SentFIN,Abbott India Q2 net profit up 73% at Rs 30 crore,2,Abbott India,2489.0,11.0 6949,SentFIN,Ajanta Pharma Q3 net profit rises 38% to Rs 85 crore,2,Ajanta Pharma,2490.0,11.0 6950,SentFIN,Alembic may give good return over next 2-3 years: Shahina Mukadam,2,Alembic,2491.0,11.0 6951,SentFIN,Alembic Pharma Q4 net profit rises 14.74% to Rs 70.33 crore,2,Alembic Pharma,2492.0,11.0 6952,SentFIN,Amara Raja Batteries net profit at Rs 41 cr; stock up,2,Amara Raja Batteries,2494.0,11.0 6953,SentFIN,Amara Raja Batteries Q2 net up 23% at Rs 123 crore,2,Amara Raja Batteries,2495.0,11.0 6954,SentFIN,Amara Raja Batteries Q3 net up 17.6% at Rs 95.01 crore,2,Amara Raja Batteries,2496.0,11.0 6955,SentFIN,Amrutanjan Healthcare Q4 net up 89 pc to Rs 5.59 cr,2,Amrutanjan Healthcare,2497.0,11.0 6956,SentFIN,Anant Raj Group to exit hospitality biz; stock up nearly 6%,2,Anant Raj Group,2498.0,11.0 6957,SentFIN,APL Apollo Q3 net up 54 pc to Rs 13.01 cr,2,APL Apollo,2499.0,11.0 6958,SentFIN,Apollo Tyres December quarter net soars 87% to Rs 338 crore,2,Apollo Tyres,2500.0,11.0 6959,SentFIN,Arvind Ltd Q2 up 3.56 per cent to Rs 93.26 crore,2,Arvind Ltd,2501.0,11.0 6960,SentFIN,Ashwani Gujral's top picks: Good time to look at beaten-down mid-caps,1,mid-caps,2502.0,11.0 6961,SentFIN,Asia seen buying more Black Sea wheat as rain boosts yields,2,Black Sea wheat,2503.0,11.0 6962,SentFIN,"Asian shares hit 1-year high on Wall St rally, Ukraine vote",2,Asian shares,2504.0,11.0 6963,SentFIN,Axis Bank Q1 Net rises 18 per cent in first quarter,2,Axis Bank,2505.0,11.0 6964,SentFIN,Bafna Pharma Q2 net up 4 pc to Rs 1.28 cr,2,Bafna Pharma,2506.0,11.0 6965,SentFIN,Bajaj Finance continues to remain large part of portfolio: Prashasta Seth,2,Bajaj Finance,2507.0,11.0 6966,SentFIN,"Bajaj Holdings has corrected quite a bit: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,Bajaj Holdings,2508.0,11.0 6967,SentFIN,Balrampur Chini net losses narrows to Rs 63.90 crore in Q2,2,Balrampur Chini,2509.0,11.0 6968,SentFIN,"Bank of Baroda Q4 Net rises 12% to Rs 1,157 crore",2,Bank of Baroda,2510.0,11.0 6969,SentFIN,Berger Paints Q4 Net profit up 4.95% at Rs 58.08 crore,2,Berger Paints,2511.0,11.0 6970,SentFIN,"Bharat Forge looks rich in valuations, further corrections likely: Sudip Bandopadhyay",2,Bharat Forge,2512.0,11.0 6971,SentFIN,Biocon Q2 net profit up 20 pc at Rs 89 cr,2,Biocon,2514.0,11.0 6972,SentFIN,Blue Dart rallies post Q1 results; net profit up 33% YoY,2,Blue Dart,2516.0,11.0 6973,SentFIN,Blue Star climbs 6% as CCI approves merger with group companies,2,Blue Star,2517.0,11.0 6974,SentFIN,Bosch Q1 net up 26 per cent at Rs 326 crore,2,Bosch,2520.0,11.0 6975,SentFIN,Bosch Q3 Net up 30 per cent at Rs 306.36 crore,2,Bosch,2521.0,11.0 6976,SentFIN,Buy Coal India with a target of Rs 397: Mitesh Thacker,2,Coal India,2524.0,11.0 6977,SentFIN,Buy Zee Entertainment with a target of Rs 295: Ashwani Gujral,2,Zee Entertainment,2525.0,11.0 6978,SentFIN,Buying conviction will come at 4525-4540 levels on Nifty: Vijay Bhambwani,2,Nifty,2526.0,11.0 6979,SentFIN,"Calculus: Refining margins, paradip unit may boost Indian Oil Corporation's stock",2,Indian Oil Corporation,2527.0,11.0 6980,SentFIN,Calcutta High Court extends status quo on sale of HPL shares,1,HPL,2528.0,11.0 6981,SentFIN,Cement companies to benefit from peak construction season & strong demand,2,Cement companies,2529.0,11.0 6982,SentFIN,CESC Q2 standalone net profit jumps 25.7% to Rs 171 cr,2,CESC,2530.0,11.0 6983,SentFIN,Chana price rises by 0.38 per cent as demand picks up,2,Chana,2531.0,11.0 6984,SentFIN,"Chennai Petro extends rally post Q1 results, capex plans; stock surges",2,Chennai Petro,2532.0,11.0 6985,SentFIN,Chennai Petro surges over 35% in two day on high volumes,2,Chennai Petro,2533.0,11.0 6986,SentFIN,China shares in April post biggest monthly rise for the year,2,China shares,2534.0,11.0 6987,SentFIN,CNX IT may today break above the 200-day average: Mitesh Thacker,2,CNX IT,2536.0,11.0 6988,SentFIN,Cognizant beats every estimate driven by revival of US outsourcing services,2,Cognizant,2537.0,11.0 6989,SentFIN,Commexes turnover jumps by 53 pc in 1st fortnight of April,2,Commexes,2538.0,11.0 6990,SentFIN,Commexes turnover jumps by 54% till Mar 15 of this fiscal,2,Commexes,2539.0,11.0 6991,SentFIN,Commodity market can create additional 5 mn jobs in 5 years',2,Commodity,2540.0,11.0 6992,SentFIN,Corporation Bank net profit rises by 21 per cent in Q2,2,Corporation Bank,2544.0,11.0 6993,SentFIN,Cox & Kings Q2 Net up 78.69% at Rs 264 crore,2,Cox & Kings,2545.0,11.0 6994,SentFIN,Crisil shares hit 52-week high as net profits rises by 38.5%,2,Crisil,2546.0,11.0 6995,SentFIN,"Cyclicals will lead the next phase of rally: Ashwani Gujral,",2,Cyclicals,2547.0,11.0 6996,SentFIN,"Dena Bank outperforms its peers, stock up 77% since January 2012",2,Dena Bank,2550.0,11.0 6997,SentFIN,Dhanuka Agritech Q4 Net up 26 pc at Rs 22.46 crore,2,Dhanuka Agritech,2551.0,11.0 6998,SentFIN,DHFL profit rises 18% at Rs 152 crore in July-Sept quarter,2,DHFL,2552.0,11.0 6999,SentFIN,Dovish US Federal hands euro best weekly gains in 18 months,2,euro,2553.0,11.0 7000,SentFIN,"Drug major Ranbaxy beats expectations, posts first profit in 6 quarters",2,Ranbaxy,2555.0,11.0 7001,SentFIN,Edelweiss Financial Services Q2 net up 21% at Rs 96 crore,2,Edelweiss Financial Services,2556.0,11.0 7002,SentFIN,EdServ Q3 net up over two fold to Rs 11.54 cr,2,EdServ,2557.0,11.0 7003,SentFIN,Eicher's profit jumps 63 pc to Rs 107 cr in July-September,2,Eicher,2558.0,11.0 7004,SentFIN,Escorts been trading up pretty well around Rs 80: CK Narayan,2,Escorts,2559.0,11.0 7005,SentFIN,Essar Ports gets shareholders' nod to raise up to $1 billion,2,Essar Ports,2560.0,11.0 7006,SentFIN,Expected 30% bottom line growth makes Greaves Cotton attractive: Pankaj Pandey,2,Greaves Cotton,2562.0,11.0 7007,SentFIN, raises $5 mn from SeedFund on ET NOWs Super Angels,2,,2563.0,11.0 7008,SentFIN,FII exit will not hurt Nifty as retail investors take charge,2,Nifty,2564.0,11.0 7009,SentFIN,Finolex on a roll after renewing its focus on pipe business,2,Finolex,2565.0,11.0 7010,SentFIN,Firstsource Solutions Q3 net up 5 pc to Rs 35 crore,2,Firstsource Solutions,2566.0,11.0 7011,SentFIN,FMCGs to take big hit from possible FII outflow: UR Bhat,0,FMCG,2567.0,11.0 7012,SentFIN,"Foreign institutional investors pump in Rs 4,900 crore in Indian stocks",2,Indian stocks,2569.0,11.0 7013,SentFIN,Gammon Infrastructure surges by 10.79% on bourses on rights issue plans,2,Gammon Infrastructure,2570.0,11.0 7014,SentFIN,Geojit BNP Paribas Q3 PAT up 21% at Rs 15.75 crore,2,Geojit BNP Paribas,2571.0,11.0 7015,SentFIN,Gillette India Q3 net up 15 pc at Rs 27 cr,2,Gillette India,2572.0,11.0 7016,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Q2 net up 29% to Rs 106 crore,2,GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare,2573.0,11.0 7017,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithKline FY10 net profit up 10.37 pc to Rs 560.57 cr,2,GlaxoSmithKline,2574.0,11.0 7018,SentFIN,Glencore shares surge in Hong Kong on agriculture asset sale hopes,2,Glencore,2575.0,11.0 7019,SentFIN,"Godawari Power & Ispat: Pellet sales, mining key drivers for company",2,Godawari Power & Ispat,2576.0,11.0 7020,SentFIN,Gold climbs to two-month high on Iraq to US economy outlook,2,Gold,2577.0,11.0 7021,SentFIN,Gold rises nearly 1 per cent after US Federal Reserve minutes,2,Gold,2578.0,11.0 7022,SentFIN,"Gold snaps 4-day falling trend on low level buying, global cues",1,Gold,2579.0,11.0 7023,SentFIN,Goodbye FY14! Sensex up 19%; big stocks that returned upto 75%,2,Sensex,2580.0,11.0 7024,SentFIN,Goodyear India FY10 net up 2.35 pc to Rs 74.81 cr,2,Goodyear India,2581.0,11.0 7025,SentFIN,"Government, RBI working in tandem positive for banking sector: Dipan Mehta",2,banking sector,2582.0,11.0 7026,SentFIN,Greenply Industries Q1 net profit up 15% at Rs 26.70 crore,2,Greenply Industries,2584.0,11.0 7027,SentFIN,"GSFC rallies 40% in two days; more steam left, say brokers",2,GSFC,2585.0,11.0 7028,SentFIN,GSFC's net up over 2-folds to Rs 207 cr in Q2,2,GSFC,2586.0,11.0 7029,SentFIN,GSK Consumer Healthcare Q2 Net up 9% at Rs 160.29 crore,2,GSK Consumer Healthcare,2587.0,11.0 7030,SentFIN,"Gujarat Apollo locked in upper circuit on delisting buzz, up 20%",2,Gujarat Apollo,2588.0,11.0 7031,SentFIN,Gujarat Pipavav Port Net doubles to Rs 89.5 crore in July-September,2,Gujarat Pipavav Port,2589.0,11.0 7032,SentFIN,Gujarat State Petronet net profit at Rs 159.13 cr; stock up,2,Gujarat State Petronet,2590.0,11.0 7033,SentFIN,"High on Modi, Gujarat-based stocks return upto 170%; top 10 bets",2,Gujarat-based stocks,2591.0,11.0 7034,SentFIN,Highway developers party on dull Dalal Street; stocks have more upside,2,Highway developers,2592.0,11.0 7035,SentFIN,HOV Services jumps over 11% on merger transaction of US unit,2,HOV Services,2593.0,11.0 7036,SentFIN,HSIL Q3 turnaround in building products division may trigger a re-rating,2,HSIL,2594.0,11.0 7037,SentFIN,HUL posts marginal rise in Q3 profit at Rs 649 crore,2,HUL,2595.0,11.0 7038,SentFIN,"HUL's gains post open offer, pulls up other MNC FMCG stocks",2,HUL,2596.0,11.0 7039,SentFIN,IFCI Q3 net profit up 30 pc at Rs 136.35 cr,2,IFCI,2599.0,11.0 7040,SentFIN,IIFCL FY11 net rises by 61 pc to Rs 262.28 cr,2,IIFCL,2600.0,11.0 7041,SentFIN,"Improved margins, declining prices make cement stocks attractive: Motilal Oswal Securities",2,Motilal Oswal Securities,2601.0,11.0 7042,SentFIN,"Indices giving positive signals, Nifty may climb to 8,450: Ashwani Gujral",2,Nifty,2602.0,11.0 7043,SentFIN,Insecticides India Q1 net profit up 14% at Rs 19.8 cr,2,Insecticides India,2603.0,11.0 7044,SentFIN,"Interim Budget impact: Markets get a boost, ratings cut worry ebbs",2,Markets,2604.0,11.0 7045,SentFIN,Investors should opt for higher exposure to PSU banks: Kunj Bansal,2,PSU banks,2605.0,11.0 7046,SentFIN,Ipca Laboratories FY-11 net profit up 28% to Rs 262.82 crore,2,Ipca Laboratories,2606.0,11.0 7047,SentFIN,IT to find support around 9750-9800 on CNX IT: Ashwani Gujral,1,CNX IT,2607.0,11.0 7048,SentFIN,"IVRCL rallies 5% as CDR approves Rs 7,000-crore debt recast proposal",2,IVRCL,2608.0,11.0 7049,SentFIN,J&K Bank surges 12% as 1:10 stock split comes into effect,2,J&K Bank,2609.0,11.0 7050,SentFIN,"Jack Palmer case mildly positive for Infosys, visa issues weigh: brokerages",2,Infosys,2610.0,11.0 7051,SentFIN,JBM Auto Q2 net profit up 18% to Rs 18 crore,2,JBM Auto,2611.0,11.0 7052,SentFIN,Jyothy Lab Q2 net up 54% at over Rs 38 crore,2,Jyothy Lab,2612.0,11.0 7053,SentFIN,Jyothy Labs registers 89.9% jump in net profit in Q2 FY15,2,Jyothy Labs,2613.0,11.0 7054,SentFIN,Jyoti Structures rallies over 13% on order win for transmission lines,2,Jyoti Structures,2614.0,11.0 7055,SentFIN,Larsen & Toubro 4Q profit rises 69 per cent; beats estimates,2,Larsen & Toubro,2615.0,11.0 7056,SentFIN,Looking forward to a target of 700 for ENIL: Ashwani Gujral,2,ENIL,2617.0,11.0 7057,SentFIN,"Low oil price, strong rupee to reduce fiscal deficit: Deutsche Bank",1,Deutsche Bank,2618.0,11.0 7058,SentFIN,Lupin Q3 jumps nearly 41 per cent to Rs 483.74 crore,2,Lupin,2619.0,11.0 7059,SentFIN,Mafatlal Industries Q1 net up three fold at Rs 13.05 cr,2,Mafatlal Industries,2620.0,11.0 7060,SentFIN,Manappuram Finance Ltd. records 46% rise in net profit in Q1,2,Manappuram Finance Ltd.,2621.0,11.0 7061,SentFIN,"Market will be buoyant, don't wait for correction: Raamdeo Agrawal, MOFSL",1,MOFSL,2622.0,11.0 7062,SentFIN,"Markets make merry on Narendra Modi magic; Sensex tops 25,000 mark",2,Sensex,2623.0,11.0 7063,SentFIN,"Max India rallies 11%, hits 52-week high ahead of board meeting",2,Max India,2624.0,11.0 7064,SentFIN,Mentha oil futures edge higher by 0.22% as demand picks up,2,Mentha oil futures,2625.0,11.0 7065,SentFIN,Mindtree reports net profit of 4.9 per cent for September quarter,1,Mindtree,2627.0,11.0 7066,SentFIN,MMTC Q1 net profit up 86 pc at Rs 12 cr,2,MMTC,2629.0,11.0 7067,SentFIN,MOIL: Price hike helps company post growth in sales during Q1,2,MOIL,2630.0,11.0 7068,SentFIN,Moil's net rises 26 pc to Rs 588 cr in FY'10-11,2,Moil,2631.0,11.0 7069,SentFIN,Momentum upbeat; expect Nifty to hit new highs soon: Ashwani Gujral,2,Nifty,2632.0,11.0 7070,SentFIN,Motherson Sumi Q1 Net rises over two-fold to Rs 163.73 crore,2,Motherson Sumi,2633.0,11.0 7071,SentFIN,"MTNL on a roll, hits 52-week high; up 70% in 2012",2,MTNL,2634.0,11.0 7072,SentFIN,Multi Commodity Exchange bidders want Financial Technologies to share vital information,2,Financial Technologies,2635.0,11.0 7073,SentFIN,Mutual fund exposure to software stocks hits all-time high in August,2,software stocks,2637.0,11.0 7074,SentFIN,Nagarjuna Fertilizer' Dec qrt net up two-fold at Rs 33.37 cr,2,Nagarjuna Fertilizer,2638.0,11.0 7075,SentFIN,Neotel sale will give a boost to Tata Communications: Dipan Mehta,2,Tata Communications,2639.0,11.0 7076,SentFIN,"Network18 gets shareholder nod to raise up to Rs 1,000 crore",2,Network18,2640.0,11.0 7077,SentFIN,NFL back in profit; posts Rs 23.02 crore net for Q3,2,NFL,2641.0,11.0 7078,SentFIN,NFL share sale fully subscribed; govt to get Rs 101 cr,2,NFL,2642.0,11.0 7079,SentFIN,NIIT Technologies Q1 net profit up 35.5% at Rs 58.5 crore,2,NIIT Technologies,2643.0,11.0 7080,SentFIN,Novartis India Q1 net profit up 3% at Rs 14.31 crore,2,Novartis India,2645.0,11.0 7081,SentFIN,Novartis India Q2 net rises over 600% to Rs 104 crore,2,Novartis India,2646.0,11.0 7082,SentFIN,"NTPC among 9 cos set to lose coal blocks, stock up",2,NTPC,2647.0,11.0 7083,SentFIN,Oberoi Realty Q4 net up 30 pc at Rs 136.66 cr,2,Oberoi Realty,2648.0,11.0 7084,SentFIN,"Offshore Chinese yuan rises as Hong Kong, mainland shares rebound sharply",2,Offshore Chinese yuan,2649.0,11.0 7085,SentFIN,OIL net rises 30 pc in Q4 to Rs 562 cr,2,OIL,2650.0,11.0 7086,SentFIN,OMC should be a part of an investors portfolio: Mehraboon Irani,2,OMC,2652.0,11.0 7087,SentFIN,"Once above Rs 5130, Bosche can touch Rs 5400: Sandeep Wagle",2,Bosche,2653.0,11.0 7088,SentFIN,Opportunities still ripe for traders in the power space: Harendra Kumar,2,power space,2654.0,11.0 7089,SentFIN,Orchid Chemicals rallies over 8% on USFDA nod for Eszopiclone tablets,2,Orchid Chemicals,2655.0,11.0 7090,SentFIN,Pantaloon Retail net profit at Rs 20.10 cr for March quarter,2,Pantaloon Retail,2656.0,11.0 7091,SentFIN,Party time: Nifty likely to surge 22% in just 18 months,2,Nifty,2657.0,11.0 7092,SentFIN,PC Jeweller Q3 net up by 19% at Rs 79.98 crore,2,PC Jeweller,2658.0,11.0 7093,SentFIN,Persistent System's Q4 net up 25.9 pc to Rs 51.88 crore,2,Persistent System,2659.0,11.0 7094,SentFIN,"Persistent Systems rallies nearly 5%, hits 52-week high on expansion plans",2,Persistent System,2660.0,11.0 7095,SentFIN,"Pesticides issue cleared, tea exports to Iran will rise this year",2,tea,2661.0,11.0 7096,SentFIN,Pharma companies look to be in better shape in March quarter,2,Pharma companies,2662.0,11.0 7097,SentFIN,Pharma stocks likely to outperform in next one month: Ashwani Gujral,2,Pharma stocks,2663.0,11.0 7098,SentFIN,"Pick M&M at a target price of Rs 1,470: Pankaj Pandey",2,M&M,2664.0,11.0 7099,SentFIN,Preview: Axis Bank likely to report 22% rise in Q4 NII,2,Axis Bank,2666.0,11.0 7100,SentFIN,Promoters of Maharashtra Seamless to buy back Rs 100 crore shares,2,Maharashtra Seamless,2667.0,11.0 7101,SentFIN,Quality stocks likely to keep outperforming in H1 2014: Prashasta Seth,2,Quality stocks,2668.0,11.0 7102,SentFIN,Radico Khaitan Q3 net up 77.69 pc to Rs 20.47 cr,2,Radico Khaitan,2669.0,11.0 7103,SentFIN,"Radio Mirchi net soars 59.4%, revenue up 12.3% in September quarter",2,Radio Mirchi,2670.0,11.0 7104,SentFIN,Rajshree Sugars Q4 net profit at Rs 24.41 cr; stock up,2,Rajshree Sugars,2671.0,11.0 7105,SentFIN,Rallis India Q3 net profit up 38% at Rs 30.39 crore,2,Rallis India,2672.0,11.0 7106,SentFIN,Ramky Infra FY'11 consolidated net up 62pc to Rs 206 crore,2,Ramky Infra,2673.0,11.0 7107,SentFIN,Raymond's Q2 FY 11 PAT zooms 427 pc at Rs 39-cr,2,Raymond,2674.0,11.0 7108,SentFIN,RComm hits highest level since Jan 2011; rallies 20% since June,2,RComm,2675.0,11.0 7109,SentFIN,Recent correction in Karur Vysya Bank stock price makes it attractive,2,Karur Vysya Bank,2676.0,11.0 7110,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures gain 0.37 per cent on strong demand,2,Refined soya oil futures,2678.0,11.0 7111,SentFIN,"Regulatory relief, exports boost Wockhardt shares by over 30 per cent",2,Wockhardt,2679.0,11.0 7112,SentFIN,Reliance Industries stock on the rise despite Arvind Kejriwal's repeated attacks,2,Reliance Industries,2680.0,11.0 7113,SentFIN,Renuka Sugar is the pick of the sugar stocks: Deepak Mohoni,2,Renuka Sugar,2681.0,11.0 7114,SentFIN,"Revival in demand fueling Ashok Leyland stock: Ajay Bodke, Prabhudas Lilladher",2,Ashok Leyland,2682.0,11.0 7115,SentFIN,"Riding the recovery theme, banks turn analysts favourite; top 10 bets",2,banks,2683.0,11.0 7116,SentFIN,Rubber rises from 3 year low amid debate on export cap,2,Rubber,2684.0,11.0 7117,SentFIN,Rupee poised to rally amid prospects of boost in forex reserves,2,Rupee,2685.0,11.0 7118,SentFIN,"Rural Electrification Corp Q2 Net up 16.43% to Rs 1,110.67 crore",2,Rural Electrification Corp,2686.0,11.0 7119,SentFIN,Russia says oil price of $60-70 per barrel comfortable for market,2,oil,2687.0,11.0 7120,SentFIN,Sanofi India Q1 net up 11 pc at Rs 44 cr,2,Sanofi India,2688.0,11.0 7121,SentFIN,Seeing investors taking positions in good quality mid-cap stocks: Deven Choksey,2,mid-cap stocks,2692.0,11.0 7122,SentFIN,"Sensex@new high: 5 reasons why bears, not bulls, should be smiling",2,Sensex,2694.0,11.0 7123,SentFIN,Sentiment in telecom sector may improve in medium term: Dipan Mehta,2,telecom sector,2695.0,11.0 7124,SentFIN,Share sale proceeds to help Prestige Estates Projects cut debt component,1,Prestige Estates Projects,2696.0,11.0 7125,SentFIN,"SIDBI net profit rises 27% to Rs 1,417 crore in FY15",2,SIDBI,2698.0,11.0 7126,SentFIN,SKF India clocks 40 pc increase in PAT in Q1 2011,2,SKF India,2699.0,11.0 7127,SentFIN,SKF India Q2 net jumps 32 pc to Rs 41 cr,2,SKF India,2700.0,11.0 7128,SentFIN,SKS Microfinance gains over 50% year-to-date; can return up to 30%,2,SKS Microfinance,2701.0,11.0 7129,SentFIN,Smaller names in pharma space may have good strides: Prakash Diwan,2,pharma space,2702.0,11.0 7130,SentFIN,"Smart recovery on D-Street; Nifty near 7,850; top 20 trading ideas",2,Nifty,2703.0,11.0 7131,SentFIN,Sobha Developers: A realty counter that may give over 45% returns,2,Sobha Developers,2704.0,11.0 7132,SentFIN,SREI Infrastructure rallies over 3% on fund raising plans via NCD's,2,SREI Infrastructure,2705.0,11.0 7133,SentFIN,"Sri Lankan stocks at over three-week high on banks, diversified shares",2,Sri Lankan stocks,2706.0,11.0 7134,SentFIN,State-run companies an inexpensive play on PM Modi reforms: Morgan Stanley,1,Morgan Stanley,2707.0,11.0 7135,SentFIN,State-run oil companies settle 6 per cent higher on Iran deal,2,State-run oil companies,2708.0,11.0 7136,SentFIN,Steps taken by management paying off for Tata Sponge: Dipan Mehta,2,Tata Sponge,2709.0,11.0 7137,SentFIN,"Sterling hovers near 7-week highs, eyes growth data and election risks",2,Sterling,2710.0,11.0 7138,SentFIN,Sundaram BNP Paribas Q2 net up 10.6% to Rs 78.25 crore,2,Sundaram BNP Paribas,2711.0,11.0 7139,SentFIN,"Surge in government spending to pump up infrastructure, related companies: Analysts",2,infrastructure,2713.0,11.0 7140,SentFIN,Surya Pharmaceutical Q3 net up 30.82 pc to Rs 28.01 cr,2,Surya Pharmaceutical,2714.0,11.0 7141,SentFIN,Tata Chemicals: Restructuring efforts yielding results; debt reduction may trigger re-rating,2,Tata Chemicals,2715.0,11.0 7142,SentFIN,TCS shares extend gain on purchase of French IT provider Alti,2,TCS,2716.0,11.0 7143,SentFIN,Tech Mahindra rallies over 4% post Q2 results; top Nifty gainer,2,Tech Mahindra,2717.0,11.0 7144,SentFIN,Texmaco Rail a good bet from long-term perspective: P Phani Sekhar,2,Texmaco Rail,2719.0,11.0 7145,SentFIN,Tokyo shares inch higher at close after two days of losses,2,Tokyo shares,2721.0,11.0 7146,SentFIN,Torrent Pharma Q1 Net up 46 pc at Rs 149 crore,2,Torrent Pharma,2722.0,11.0 7147,SentFIN,Trade @ 9: Markets kick off new year with 20-mth high,2,Markets,2723.0,11.0 7148,SentFIN,TV18 Broadcast Ltd Q4 net up two-fold at Rs 35.9 crore,2,TV18 Broadcast Ltd,2724.0,11.0 7149,SentFIN,UBS says just over 90% of shares tendered into exchange offer,1,UBS,2728.0,11.0 7150,SentFIN,"UCO Bank Q3 net profit trebles on higher interest income, margins",2,UCO Bank,2729.0,11.0 7151,SentFIN,Uflex Q3 profit jumps 47.22 per cent to Rs 53 crore,2,Uflex,2730.0,11.0 7152,SentFIN,UltraTech Q2 net rises 55 per cent to Rs 410 crore,2,UltraTech,2731.0,11.0 7153,SentFIN,UPL shares surge over 3.5% as RBI removes foreign buying restriction,2,UPL,2733.0,11.0 7154,SentFIN,Vijaya bank look okay in the PSU banking space: Devang Visaria,2,Vijaya bank,2736.0,11.0 7155,SentFIN,Vijaya Bank Q1 net profit up 22% to Rs 161 crore,2,Vijaya Bank,2737.0,11.0 7156,SentFIN,"Volkswagen places shares at 191 euros each, raises 2 billion euros",2,Volkswagen,2738.0,11.0 7157,SentFIN,Weakness on BJP's Bihar loss would be a buying opportunity: CLSA,1,CLSA,2739.0,11.0 7158,SentFIN,"WestBridge to buy 1.74% SKS stake, to emerge second largest holder",2,WestBridge,2740.0,11.0 7159,SentFIN,Whats brewing: Coffee exporter CCL Products looks strong after 155% rally,2,CCL Products,2741.0,11.0 7160,SentFIN,"Worst is behind for Sun Pharma, valuations look attractive: Mayuresh Joshi",2,Sun Pharma,2742.0,11.0 7161,SentFIN,Wyeth surges 20%; hits upper limit on merger plans with Pfizer,2,Wyeth,2743.0,11.0 7162,SentFIN,"Yes Bank a good stock to invest: Rajesh Jain, Market Strategist",2,Yes Bank,2745.0,11.0 7163,SentFIN,Zydus Wellness Q3 net profit up 66% at Rs 44 crore,2,Zydus Wellness,2746.0,11.0 7164,SentFIN,"200-DMA strong support for Nifty; index may bounce back to 6,200 levels",2,Nifty,2747.0,12.0 7165,SentFIN,365 days of Modi govt: Global funds seen increasing India weightage: HSBC,1,HSBC,2748.0,12.0 7166,SentFIN,7370 mark could be the next support level for Nifty: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,2749.0,12.0 7167,SentFIN,7680-7700 on the Nifty remains an important level to watch: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,2750.0,12.0 7168,SentFIN,"8,400 level should provide a strong support to Nifty: Gaurav Mehta",1,Nifty,2751.0,12.0 7169,SentFIN,Aarti Drugs Q1 net up 92 per cent at Rs 8.88 crore,2,Aarti Drugs,2752.0,12.0 7170,SentFIN,Aarti Industries Q1 net up 39 per cent at Rs 25 crore,2,Aarti Industries,2753.0,12.0 7171,SentFIN,"Abbott Labs up 100% in 15 months, still not expensive: Mehraboon Irani",2,Abbott Labs,2754.0,12.0 7172,SentFIN,ACC October-December net rises 18% to Rs 326 crore on tax benefits,2,ACC,2755.0,12.0 7173,SentFIN,Aditya Birla Group stocks jump up to 20% on apparel business merger,2,Aditya Birla Group,2757.0,12.0 7174,SentFIN,Aditya Birla Nuvo Q2 Net increases 2.2 pc at Rs 290.15 crore,2,Aditya Birla Nuvo,2758.0,12.0 7175,SentFIN,Agri stocks to scale up further despite the recent run: Dhiraj Sachdev,2,Agri stocks,2759.0,12.0 7176,SentFIN,Airlines surge upto 10% as ATF prices slashed by 7.3 per cent,2,Airlines,2760.0,12.0 7177,SentFIN,"Airtel Q1 net profit jumps 40 per cent to Rs 1,554 crore",2,Airtel,2761.0,12.0 7178,SentFIN,"Ajay Piramal to buy 20% in Shriram Capital for Rs 1,900 crore",2,Shriram Capital,2762.0,12.0 7179,SentFIN,Analysts see over 20% upside in Cadila Healthcare after strong Q3 show,2,Cadila Healthcare,2764.0,12.0 7180,SentFIN,Andhra Bank net jumps 2-fold at Rs 144 crore in July-September quarter,2,Andhra Bank,2765.0,12.0 7181,SentFIN,Apollo Tyres hits 52-week high on US court ruling; more upside seen,2,Apollo Tyres,2766.0,12.0 7182,SentFIN,Apollo Tyres to set up plant in Hungary; stock rallies nearly 3%,2,Apollo Tyres,2767.0,12.0 7183,SentFIN,Astral Poly rocks D-Street by rallying over 3400% in last 5 years,2,Astral Poly,2769.0,12.0 7184,SentFIN,"At Rs 600-625, Adani Enterprises can be a good buy: Ambareesh Baliga",2,Adani Enterprises,2770.0,12.0 7185,SentFIN,Atul Ltd is the best bet among the chemical stocks: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,Atul Ltd,2771.0,12.0 7186,SentFIN,Aurobindo Pharma rallies 3% on USFDA nod to market generic anti-infective drug,2,Aurobindo Pharma,2772.0,12.0 7187,SentFIN,Balasore Alloys FY11 consolidated net rose 115 pc to Rs 27 crore,2,Balasore Alloys,2773.0,12.0 7188,SentFIN,BASF India Q4 net profit up 67 pc at Rs 13.32 cr,2,BASF India,2774.0,12.0 7189,SentFIN,BGR Energy net rises 60 pc to Rs 323 cr in FY11,2,BGR Energy,2776.0,12.0 7190,SentFIN,Bharat Forge Q2 net up 81 per cent to Rs 174.49 crore,2,Bharat Forge,2777.0,12.0 7191,SentFIN,Buy AB Nuvo Ltd with a target of Rs 1925: Mitesh Thacker,2,AB Nuvo Ltd,2779.0,12.0 7192,SentFIN,"Cabinet clears bills on Sebi, insurance FDI; market gives thumbs-up to development",2,Sebi,2780.0,12.0 7193,SentFIN,Carborundum Universal Q3 net profit up 87.3 pc at Rs 11.22 crore,2,Carborundum Universal,2781.0,12.0 7194,SentFIN,CESC Ltd is the recommended stock from the power sector: Convexity Solutions,2,CESC Ltd,2782.0,12.0 7195,SentFIN,City Union Bank Q1 net profit up 12% at Rs 112 crore,2,City Union Bank,2783.0,12.0 7196,SentFIN,Comgest buys 26.58 lakh shares of 4 companies for Rs 57 crore,1,Comgest,2784.0,12.0 7197,SentFIN,Cox & Kings Q3 profit jumps 10 fold to Rs 30.91 crore,2,Cox & Kings,2787.0,12.0 7198,SentFIN,"Cummins India: New facilities in SEZs, debt-free books to add more value",2,Cummins India,2788.0,12.0 7199,SentFIN,Cummins upgrades FY15 revenue guidance by 10-15% on improvement in business dynamics,2,Cummins,2789.0,12.0 7200,SentFIN,Dalmia Bharat may become frontline cement stock within 12 months: Mehraboon Irani,2,Dalmia Bharat,2790.0,12.0 7201,SentFIN,DB Realty rallies over 17% on hopes of approvals on stuck projects,2,DB Realty,2791.0,12.0 7202,SentFIN,DCB Bank to raise upto Rs 275 crore via QIP; stock up,2,DCB Bank,2792.0,12.0 7203,SentFIN,Decision to seek shareholder nod for Gujarat plant lifts Maruti stock 8%,2,Maruti,2793.0,12.0 7204,SentFIN,"Delayed monsoon, low acreage may push cotton prices further up, warns Fitch",2,cotton,2794.0,12.0 7205,SentFIN,Development Credit Bank: Rise in interest income brings in turnaround Q1 performance,2,Development Credit Bank,2795.0,12.0 7206,SentFIN,Dewan Housing Finance Q4 net up 40 pc at Rs 59 cr,2,Dewan Housing Finance,2796.0,12.0 7207,SentFIN,Dishman Pharma Q2 net up nine per cent at Rs 36 crore,2,Dishman Pharma,2797.0,12.0 7208,SentFIN,Divis Lab can climb to levels closer to 1160: Prakash Gaba,2,Divis Lab,2798.0,12.0 7209,SentFIN,D-Street betting on rate cut; banking stocks in vogue: Ajay Bagga,2,banking stocks,2800.0,12.0 7210,SentFIN,DTDC picks up 70% in logistic firm Nikkos for Rs 1 crore,2,DTDC,2801.0,12.0 7211,SentFIN,Edelweiss Financial Services September-qtr Net jumps 72 pc to Rs 79 crore,1,Edelweiss Financial Services,2802.0,12.0 7212,SentFIN,Emami Paper Mill Q4 PAT up 2 pc to Rs 2.39 crore,2,Emami Paper Mill,2803.0,12.0 7213,SentFIN,Eros International Q1 net up 49 per cent at Rs 53 crore,2,Eros International,2804.0,12.0 7214,SentFIN,Excellent valuations make BEL a buy for long term: P Phani Sekhar,2,BEL,2805.0,12.0 7215,SentFIN,FIIs stake in Infosys hit 9-year high of 42% in January-March quarter,2,Infosys,2806.0,12.0 7216,SentFIN,Fiscal deficit of 4.8% GDP very prudent signal from govt: Axis Bank,1,Axis Bank,2807.0,12.0 7217,SentFIN,Focus on infra in the Budget likely to benefit HCC: Rajen Shah,2,HCC,2808.0,12.0 7218,SentFIN,"Force Motors almost doubles in two weeks on earnings, likely new orders",2,Force Motors,2809.0,12.0 7219,SentFIN,Fullerton India Credit Q1 net jumps 51 pc to Rs 43 crore,2,Fullerton India Credit,2810.0,12.0 7220,SentFIN,GE Shipping Sept qtr Net up 98 pc at Rs 161 crore,2,GE Shipping,2811.0,12.0 7221,SentFIN,Godfrey Philips rallies over 6% as IDFC MF buys 2.5 lakh shares,2,Godfrey Philips,2812.0,12.0 7222,SentFIN,"Govind Rubber Q1 net profit up, acquires land for project in Gujarat",2,Govind Rubber,2813.0,12.0 7223,SentFIN,"Have strong overweight position on auto ancillaries: BP Singh, Pramerica Mutual Fund",2,auto ancillaries,2814.0,12.0 7224,SentFIN,"HCC a good pick in the construction space: Abhijit Paul, Brics Securities",2,HCC,2815.0,12.0 7225,SentFIN,HDFC Bank Q4 net profit up 20.7% YoY; in line with estimates,2,HDFC Bank,2816.0,12.0 7226,SentFIN,Hindustan Copper Q2 net profit up nearly 4-fold at Rs 56.21 cr,2,Hindustan Copper,2817.0,12.0 7227,SentFIN,"Hopes of rate cut, good Q3 lift Sensex to a new high",2,Sensex,2818.0,12.0 7228,SentFIN,"ICICI Bank Q3 PAT in line with estimates at Rs 2,530 crore",2,ICICI Bank,2819.0,12.0 7229,SentFIN,IFCI net profit Q2 up 6.25 per cent at Rs 202.3 cr,2,IFCI,2820.0,12.0 7230,SentFIN,IGL is a 'BUY' with a target of Rs 505: Sandeep Wagle,2,IGL,2821.0,12.0 7231,SentFIN,ILFS Engineering shares zoom 20% on Rs 675 crore road project order,2,ILFS Engineering,2823.0,12.0 7232,SentFIN,India likely to be one of the outperformers among EMs: Atul Suri,2,India,2824.0,12.0 7233,SentFIN,Infinite Computer FY 11 consolidated net up 35% to Rs 107 crore,2,Infinite Computer,2825.0,12.0 7234,SentFIN,Infosys's volume growth surprised us more than the earnings numbers: Neeraj Deewan,2,Infosys,2826.0,12.0 7235,SentFIN,"ING Vysya Bank rallies 3%, hit 52-week high as shareholders approve merger",2,ING Vysya Bank,2827.0,12.0 7236,SentFIN,Insurance stocks pare gains after 7% gains; here's why rally couldn't sustain,2,Insurance stocks,2828.0,12.0 7237,SentFIN,Investments through P-Notes into Indian markets rise to $26 billion in August,2,P-Notes,2829.0,12.0 7238,SentFIN,Investor wealth zooms Rs 1 lakh cr as markets cheer Fed comment,2,markets,2830.0,12.0 7239,SentFIN,Investors can expect long-term returns of as high as 30% from Nifty,2,Nifty,2831.0,12.0 7240,SentFIN,IRB Infrastructure rallies 4% despite reporting 24% decline in Q3 net profit,2,IRB Infrastructure,2832.0,12.0 7241,SentFIN,"ITNL likely to improve revenue visibility on new road projects, diversified orders",2,ITNL,2834.0,12.0 7242,SentFIN,"Jagran Prakashan a value pick, may offer 15-20% on upside: Avinnash Gorakssakar",2,Jagran Prakashan,2835.0,12.0 7243,SentFIN,JBM Auto Q1 net profit jumps over 5-fold to Rs 21 crore,2,JBM Auto,2836.0,12.0 7244,SentFIN,JBM Auto Q3 net up 60 per cent at Rs 24 crore,2,JBM Auto,2837.0,12.0 7245,SentFIN,Jimmy Choo narrows IPO price range to 140-160 pence a share: Sources,1,Jimmy Choo,2839.0,12.0 7246,SentFIN,JM Asset Reconstruction Company profits up 142 per cent in H1 2015,2,JM Asset Reconstruction Company,2840.0,12.0 7247,SentFIN,JP Morgan fund to help domestic investors to invest in US market,1,JP Morgan,2842.0,12.0 7248,SentFIN,Jyothy Laboratories Q1 profit up 72 per cent to Rs 42.46 crore,2,Jyothy Laboratories,2844.0,12.0 7249,SentFIN,Karnataka Bank net profit during October-December up 33% at Rs 106 crore,2,Karnataka Bank,2845.0,12.0 7250,SentFIN,Karur Vysya Bank Q3 net profit rises marginally to Rs 113.88 Crore,2,Karur Vysya Ban,2846.0,12.0 7251,SentFIN,Karur Vysya Bank Q4 net up 17 pc at Rs 115 cr,2,Karur Vysya Ban,2847.0,12.0 7252,SentFIN,KEC International's Q4 net profit up over 25% at Rs 78.58 cr,2,KEC International,2848.0,12.0 7253,SentFIN,KPTL shares surge 7% as company bags orders worth Rs 560 crore,2,KPTL,2849.0,12.0 7254,SentFIN,Liberty Shoes Q2 net up 25.24 per cent at Rs 2.53 crore,2,Liberty Shoes,2850.0,12.0 7255,SentFIN,Liquidity flowing into emerging markets will help Hindalco move up: Seshadri Bharathan,2,Hindalco,2851.0,12.0 7256,SentFIN,Lock & load: Bharat Forge hits all-time high on Rafael arms JV,2,Bharat Forge,2852.0,12.0 7257,SentFIN,"Low valuations, price corrections make Jubilant Life Sciences a good stock pick",2,Jubilant Life Sciences,2853.0,12.0 7258,SentFIN,Man Industries surges over 19% intraday on Rs 510 crore export order,2,Man Industries,2854.0,12.0 7259,SentFIN,Manappuram Finance plans to garner up to Rs 200 cr via NCDs,2,Manappuram Finance,2855.0,12.0 7260,SentFIN,Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals shares gain over 11% on robust earnings,2,Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals,2856.0,12.0 7261,SentFIN,Maruti has potential to rise 10-15% if market sentiment improves: Deven Choksey.,2,Maruti,2857.0,12.0 7262,SentFIN,Mastek Net up over two-fold at Rs 20.3 cr in Jan-Mar qtr,2,Mastek,2858.0,12.0 7263,SentFIN,Mastek rallies over 40% in 5 trading session on potential value unlocking,2,Mastek,2859.0,12.0 7264,SentFIN,Mastek: Lower operating costs and lesser forex loss result in margin expansion,2,Mastek,2860.0,12.0 7265,SentFIN,"MF exposure to bank stocks hit record high of Rs 85,000 crore",2,bank stocks,2861.0,12.0 7266,SentFIN,MphasiS gains 2% as Q3 profit rises 7% to Rs 209 crore,2,MphasiS,2862.0,12.0 7267,SentFIN,NBCC IPO hits capital market to raise Rs 120 crore for government,2,NBCC,2864.0,12.0 7268,SentFIN,NBFCs seeing good Q2 numbers on fall in input cost: Deepak Shenoy,2,NBFC,2865.0,12.0 7269,SentFIN,Next year is going to be phenomenal for Indian equities: Vikas Khemani,2,Indian equities,2866.0,12.0 7270,SentFIN,Nokia Solutions and Networks reports Q1 net profit of 124 million euro,1,Nokia Solutions and Networks,2869.0,12.0 7271,SentFIN,"NPCIL rides corporate bond wave, to raise up to Rs 2,500 crore",1,NPCIL,2870.0,12.0 7272,SentFIN,"ONGC Videsh H1 profit rises 14.4 per cent to Rs 1,886 crore",2,ONGC Videsh,2871.0,12.0 7273,SentFIN,Oriental Bank of Commerce Q4 Net rises marginally to Rs 310 crore,2,Oriental Bank of Commerce,2873.0,12.0 7274,SentFIN,Penny stocks soar 30-90 per cent post global and local stimulus measures,2,Penny stocks,2875.0,12.0 7275,SentFIN,Persistent Net up 37 pc at Rs 57 cr; revenues rise 19%,2,Persistent,2876.0,12.0 7276,SentFIN,Pia Singh buys over 1.31 crore DLF shares for Rs 194 crore,2,DLF,2877.0,12.0 7277,SentFIN,Premium valuation for TCS justified among large cap IT stocks: Dipan Mehta,2,TCS,2878.0,12.0 7278,SentFIN,"Pre-open: Nifty likely to open on positive note, find support at 8,100",2,Nifty,2879.0,12.0 7279,SentFIN,PSU bank stocks might be great contrarian buys next year: Nitin Jain,2,PSU bank stocks,2880.0,12.0 7280,SentFIN,Q4 earnings: RIL's profit jumps up 32 pc on rising refining income,2,RIL,2881.0,12.0 7281,SentFIN,"QE3 will be good for the Indian markets: Pankaj Pandey, ICICI Direct",1,ICICI Direct,2882.0,12.0 7282,SentFIN,"Railway expansion plans bound to benefit Titagarh, other big players: Deepak Shenoy",2,Titagarh,2884.0,12.0 7283,SentFIN,"Rajesh Exports climbs on bagging an export order worth Rs 1,122 crore",2,Rajesh Exports,2885.0,12.0 7284,SentFIN,Ramco Systems gains as company may raise Rs 300 cr through QIP,2,Ramco Systems,2886.0,12.0 7285,SentFIN,Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilisers Q1 net profit up by 65 per cent,2,Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilisers,2887.0,12.0 7286,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures gain 1.02 per cent on strong spot demand,2,Refined soya oil futures,2889.0,12.0 7287,SentFIN,Reforms pushed by Narendra Modi government likely to attract investors to PSUs,2,PSUs,2890.0,12.0 7288,SentFIN,"Relaxo Footwears rallies 20%, hits 52-week high on dividend, bonus issue plans",2,Relaxo Footwears,2891.0,12.0 7289,SentFIN,Replacement demand for tyres to benefit the stocks going forward: Prateek Agarwal,2,tyres,2892.0,12.0 7290,SentFIN,Rolta India net up 25.3 pc at Rs 84.04 cr for Jan-Mar,2,Rolta India,2893.0,12.0 7291,SentFIN,Sandhar Tech seeks Sebi nod to raise Rs 300 cr via IPO,2,Sandhar Tech,2896.0,12.0 7292,SentFIN,Sasken shares up 20% as it wins $31.7 million in arbitration case,2,Sasken,2897.0,12.0 7293,SentFIN,"SBI scales above Rs 2,000 levels on $1 bn fund raising plans",2,SBI,2899.0,12.0 7294,SentFIN,"See this week's upside continuing in next week too: Mitesh Thacker,",1,,2900.0,12.0 7295,SentFIN,Sensex pares gains after hitting record highs; top ten stocks in focus,2,Sensex,2901.0,12.0 7296,SentFIN,Sesa net at Rs 1.62K crore; hopes to resume mining post monsoon,2,Sesa,2902.0,12.0 7297,SentFIN,"Seven blue-chips add Rs 25,098 crore in market-cap; Tata Motors top gainer",2,Tata Motors,2903.0,12.0 7298,SentFIN,Shivanand Mankekar makes a profit of Rs 150 crore on United Spirits,0,United Spirits,2905.0,12.0 7299,SentFIN,"Shree Cement net profit surge by 537% on better realisations, operational efficiencies",2,Shree Cement,2906.0,12.0 7300,SentFIN,Shri Lakshmi Cotsyn March qtr net up 9.05% to Rs 27.70 cr,2,Shri Lakshmi Cotsyn,2907.0,12.0 7301,SentFIN,Shriram City Union Finance Q2 profit rises 10.5% to Rs 152.31 crore,2,Shriram City Union Finance,2908.0,12.0 7302,SentFIN,Shriram City Union Finance Q4 Net rises 21% to Rs 151 crore,2,Shriram City Union Finance,2909.0,12.0 7303,SentFIN,Siemens Ltd net profit rises two-fold to Rs 88.3 crore in January-March,2,Siemens Ltd,2910.0,12.0 7304,SentFIN,Singapore index rises ahead of price data; others flat on Greek debt,2,Singapore index,2911.0,12.0 7305,SentFIN,SJVN's profit after tax jumps 8.87% to Rs 343.24 cr in Q1,2,SJVN,2913.0,12.0 7306,SentFIN,Solar power stocks rally upto 11% on Indo-US partnership on clean energy,2,Solar power stocks,2914.0,12.0 7307,SentFIN,"Spice India debuts in Delhi; will offer spices-infused chocolate slabs, beauty creams",1,Spice India,2915.0,12.0 7308,SentFIN,"Steria India sees exits at top; CEO, HR head, SVP Finance quit",1,Steria India,2917.0,12.0 7309,SentFIN,Subex rallies nearly 5% on reports of buyout by global tech firms,2,Subex,2920.0,12.0 7310,SentFIN,Sutlej Textiles Q3 profit jumps 61.47 per cent to Rs 39.90 crore,2,Sutlej Textiles,2922.0,12.0 7311,SentFIN,Suven Life Sciences Q2 net profit up 7-fold at Rs 45.54 crore,2,Suven Life Sciences,2923.0,12.0 7312,SentFIN,Suzlon Energy rallies 20% in two sessions as Q4 net loss narrows,2,Suzlon Energy,2924.0,12.0 7313,SentFIN,Syndicate Bank Q2 net up 5 per cent at Rs 332 crore,2,Syndicate Bank,2925.0,12.0 7314,SentFIN,"Syngene International makes stellar debut, ends day up 24% over issue price",2,Syngene International,2926.0,12.0 7315,SentFIN,"Tax sops to oil companies will be helpful: Ashith Kampani, JM Financial",1,JM Financial,2927.0,12.0 7316,SentFIN,"Texmaco Rail rallies over 8% as consortium wins Rs 1,800 crore order",2,Texmaco Rail,2928.0,12.0 7317,SentFIN,There is great opportunity and great future for Power Grid: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,Power Grid,2929.0,12.0 7318,SentFIN,Torrent Power rallies as Q2 net profit rose to Rs 246.27 crore,2,Torrent Power,2930.0,12.0 7319,SentFIN,TV Today Network Q3 jumps 34.46 per cent to Rs 20.64 crore,2,TV Today Network,2932.0,12.0 7320,SentFIN,TV Today surges 8 per cent on increase in FII investment limit,2,TV Today,2933.0,12.0 7321,SentFIN,Uflex rallies nearly 8% as Q2 net profit grows by over 40%,2,Uflex,2935.0,12.0 7322,SentFIN,"United Breweries gains 28% in four days on bourses, valuations look stretched",2,United Breweries,2936.0,12.0 7323,SentFIN,V-Guard rallies 12% as Q4 net profit doubles to Rs 20.5 crores,2,V-Guard,2938.0,12.0 7324,SentFIN,V-Guard: Bullish on growth due to diversification and expansion in new markets,2,V-Guard,2939.0,12.0 7325,SentFIN,Whirlpool India Q1 profit grows 18 per cent at Rs 98.1 crore,2,Whirlpool India,2941.0,12.0 7326,SentFIN,Yen rises after Bank of Japan holds fire on further easing measures,2,Yen,2943.0,12.0 7327,SentFIN,Yes Bank registers 30% rise in Q2 profit on higher fee income,2,Yes Bank,2944.0,12.0 7328,SentFIN,"Yuan firms in late trade, set for biggest daily rise since March",2,Yuan,2945.0,12.0 7329,SentFIN,4450 to 4480 may be next support range for Bank Nifty: Mitesh Thacker,2,Bank Nifty,2946.0,13.0 7330,SentFIN,Adani Enterprises surges 13%; experts say surge in group stocks likely to continue,2,Adani Enterprises,2947.0,13.0 7331,SentFIN,Advanta rallies over 12% as Q3 net profit grows to Rs 25.42 crore,2,Advanta,2948.0,13.0 7332,SentFIN,AirAsia shares gain 8 per cent after report it may be taken private,2,AirAsia,2949.0,13.0 7333,SentFIN,Ajanta Pharma Q2 net profit up 41 per cent at Rs 78.63 crore,2,Ajanta Pharma,2950.0,13.0 7334,SentFIN,"Aptech's roof on the upside is 115 to 117: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,Aptech,2951.0,13.0 7335,SentFIN,"ARSS Infra gets Rs 114.49 cr order, stock jumps by over 7 pc",2,ARSS Infra,2952.0,13.0 7336,SentFIN,"AstraZeneca up 20% on delisting proposal, locked in upper circuit at Rs 1,110.90",2,AstraZeneca,2953.0,13.0 7337,SentFIN,Bata is a great long term bet for 10-15 years period: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,Bata,2956.0,13.0 7338,SentFIN,Best time for the insurance companies to list to attract investment: Deepak Shenoy,2,insurance companies,2957.0,13.0 7339,SentFIN,Bond yields end up tracking oil prices; biggest weekly rise in 2-1/2 months,2,Bond,2958.0,13.0 7340,SentFIN,"Break above 8,060 on Nifty may trigger 100-point rally on index: Mitesh Thacker",2,Nifty,2959.0,13.0 7341,SentFIN,"Break above 8,340 on Nifty can trigger 100-point rally on index: Mitesh Thacker",2,Nifty,2960.0,13.0 7342,SentFIN,Colgate Palmolive India Q2 net up 21 per cent at Rs 157 crore,2,Colgate Palmolive,2961.0,13.0 7343,SentFIN,Consistent performance behind Bajaj Finance's premium valuations; stock a long-term play: Deven Choksey,2,Bajaj Finance,2962.0,13.0 7344,SentFIN,Crisil Q4 net profit moves up 17 pc to over Rs 45 cr,2,Crisil,2964.0,13.0 7345,SentFIN,"DCM Shriram Consolidated rallies 17%, hits 52-week high on plans to reward shareholders",2,DCM Shriram Consolidated,2965.0,13.0 7346,SentFIN,Decision on cut in government stake structurally positive for Dena Bank: Amit Khurana,2,Dena Bank,2966.0,13.0 7347,SentFIN,Delta Corp rallies nearly 5% as Jhunjhuwala buys stake worth Rs 11 crore,2,Delta Corp,2967.0,13.0 7348,SentFIN,Economic revival for Concor anticipated; limited upside for stock seen in short term,1,Concor,2970.0,13.0 7349,SentFIN,"Edelweiss clocks Rs 66 cr profit in Q2, total income up by 44%",1,Edelweiss,2971.0,13.0 7350,SentFIN,Edelweiss doubles investor wealth in 2014; Rakesh Jhunjhunwala picks up 1 crore shares,2,Edelweiss,2972.0,13.0 7351,SentFIN,Eicher Motors Q2 net profit rises 41 per cent to Rs 222 crore,2,Eicher Motors,2973.0,13.0 7352,SentFIN,Fertilizer manufacturer Coromandel International Q3 net profit up 38% at Rs 94 crore,2,Coromandel International,2975.0,13.0 7353,SentFIN,FIIs' interest in India nears peak; top eight stocks from CLSA's model portfolio,1,CLSA,2976.0,13.0 7354,SentFIN,FMCGs are a good bet on revival of the Indian economy: Dipan Mehta,2,FMCG,2977.0,13.0 7355,SentFIN,GAIL Q2 PAT beats estimates at Rs 1303 crore; stock at 52-week high,2,GAIL,2979.0,13.0 7356,SentFIN,Geometric rallies 4% post Q1 results; net profit rises to Rs 19.2 crore,2,Geometric,2981.0,13.0 7357,SentFIN,Gillette India net profit up 11.9% to Rs 42.89 cr for Sept quarter,2,Gillette India,2982.0,13.0 7358,SentFIN,HCL Technologies hits 52-week high post Q3 results; logs 20% gain in 2013,2,HCL Technologies,2984.0,13.0 7359,SentFIN,Hindi daily Amar Ujala plans to raise Rs 300 via IPO next month,2,Amar Ujala,2986.0,13.0 7360,SentFIN,"HNIs remain bullish; saw record inflows in August: Prateek Agarwal, ASK Investment Manager",1,ASK Investment Manager,2987.0,13.0 7361,SentFIN,Huge demand-supply gap in Infra; constraints in projects taking shape: K Ravi Kumar,1,Infra,2988.0,13.0 7362,SentFIN,"ICICI Bank Q2 net profit up 15% to Rs 2,709 crore; beats estimates",2,ICICI Bank,2989.0,13.0 7363,SentFIN,IDFC Banks a good long-term bet even if it makes a slow start,2,IDFC Bank,2991.0,13.0 7364,SentFIN,"IL&FS Transportation is a good pick at current levels: Ambareesh Baliga, Market Expert",2,IL&FS Transportation,2992.0,13.0 7365,SentFIN,ING Vysya net jumps 34% to Rs 170 cr on improved asset quality,2,ING Vysya,2993.0,13.0 7366,SentFIN,Ipca to give good returns on US and domestic trade traction: Manish Sonthalia,2,Ipca,2994.0,13.0 7367,SentFIN,J&K Bank Q1 net profit rises 35 per cent to Rs 246 crore,2,J&K Bank,2997.0,13.0 7368,SentFIN,Jain Irrigation shares rally over 4% on plans to sell wind power business,2,Jain Irrigation,2998.0,13.0 7369,SentFIN,Jubilant Foodworks surges over 3% to hit record high; plans pizzas on train,2,Jubilant Foodworks,3001.0,13.0 7370,SentFIN,Kansai Nerolac Paints Q2 net up 9.07 per cent to Rs 51.7 crore,2,Kansai Nerolac Paints,3003.0,13.0 7371,SentFIN,Kansai Nerolac Q1 net up 19.77 per cent jump at Rs 72.98 crore,2,Kansai Nerolac,3004.0,13.0 7372,SentFIN,Larsen & Toubro's Q1 net profit soars 111% on sale of assets and stake,2,Larsen & Toubro,3006.0,13.0 7373,SentFIN,"Like in 2009, will rupee shoot up 300 paise post May 16 verdict?",1,rupee,3007.0,13.0 7374,SentFIN,"Like it or not, China's crude oil futures will be a global benchmark",2,crude oil futures,3008.0,13.0 7375,SentFIN,"Mahindra & Mahindra lags forecast, Q4 net up 6.4% at Rs 606.5 cr",2,Mahindra & Mahindra,3010.0,13.0 7376,SentFIN,M-cap of Adani stocks surges 85% in seven months: Time to book profits?,2,Adani,3012.0,13.0 7377,SentFIN,Metals sector an interesting opportunity from medium to long-tem view: P Phani Sekhar,2,Metals sector,3013.0,13.0 7378,SentFIN,Mid-cap mantra: Persistent Systems' buying spree to give it a bounce in H2,2,Persistent Systems,3014.0,13.0 7379,SentFIN,Motherson Sumi Systems shares rise more than 5.5% on hopes on good earnings,2,Motherson Sumi Systems,3016.0,13.0 7380,SentFIN,Much to cheer in telecom; here's how companies fared in the spectrum auction,2,telecom,3017.0,13.0 7381,SentFIN,Natco Pharma rallies over 8% as US Court rejects stay request on Copaxone,2,Natco Pharma,3019.0,13.0 7382,SentFIN,"NBCC surges 5% as co bags order worth Rs 3,000 crore from AIIMS",2,NBCC,3020.0,13.0 7383,SentFIN,"NDA may give PSU stocks a fillip, Narendra Modis Gujarat success spurs hope",2,PSU stocks,3022.0,13.0 7384,SentFIN,"Near-term trajectory of PSU banks shaky, but buy stocks on dips: Parag Thakkar",2,PSU banks,3023.0,13.0 7385,SentFIN,Oberoi Realty Q4 net up by 30.16% at Rs 136.7 crore; stock down,2,Oberoi Realty,3026.0,13.0 7386,SentFIN,OMC stocks may continue to perform well in next 3-6 months: Harendra Kumar,2,OMC stocks,3027.0,13.0 7387,SentFIN,"Operating leverage will flow in for logistic companies, if economy improves: Dhiraj Sachdev",2,logistic companies,3029.0,13.0 7388,SentFIN,"Optimism about rupee grows, Barclays cuts one-month forecast to 59 vs US dollar",2,rupee,3030.0,13.0 7389,SentFIN,Oriental Bank of Commerce Q1 net profit rises 3% to Rs 365 crore,2,Oriental Bank of Commerce,3031.0,13.0 7390,SentFIN,PBoC says China stocks rout almost over; is it good news for India?,1,China stocks,3032.0,13.0 7391,SentFIN,Pipavav Defense likely to restructure Rs 7000 cr debt via CDR; stock up,2,Pipavav Defense,3035.0,13.0 7392,SentFIN,Pre-election rally: BSE benchmark index hits lifetime high as FIIs pump $1 billion,2,BSE benchmark index,3037.0,13.0 7393,SentFIN,Procter & Gamble net up 55.03 pc at Rs 80.76 cr in January-March,2,Procter & Gamble,3038.0,13.0 7394,SentFIN,Prop desks build bullish bets on Nifty with hopes to make 6-fold returns,2,Nifty,3039.0,13.0 7395,SentFIN,Prospects of a BJP-led government at the Centre prompt buying in PSU stocks,2,PSU stocks,3040.0,13.0 7396,SentFIN,Q4 weakness a temporary blip; buy largecap IT stocks on dips: Neeraj Deewan,2,largecap IT stocks,3041.0,13.0 7397,SentFIN,"Rajasthan mining approval from Supreme Court, right investments prop up Birla Corp stock",2,Birla Corp,3043.0,13.0 7398,SentFIN,Ramky Infrastructure rallies 18% on sale of 3 highway projects to Pirmal Group,2,Ramky Infrastructure,3044.0,13.0 7399,SentFIN,"Rate cut in April can take markets higher: Mehraboon Irani, Nirmal Bang Securities",1,Nirmal Bang Securities,3045.0,13.0 7400,SentFIN,Raymond: Focus on branded offerings should help boost sales & profitability in long-term,2,Raymond,3046.0,13.0 7401,SentFIN,Results across the board in banking would be much above expectation: Ajay Srivastava,1,banking,3047.0,13.0 7402,SentFIN,"Smallcap capital goods players stare at big opportunities, look attractive bets: Harendra Kumar",2,capital goods players,3052.0,13.0 7403,SentFIN,Southeast Asian markets rise on Greek debt deal; Thai benchmark recovers two-week low,2,Southeast Asian markets,3053.0,13.0 7404,SentFIN,Speciality chemical companies to gain as production moves out of China: Vinay Khattar,2,Speciality chemical companies,3054.0,13.0 7405,SentFIN,"Spice Mobility to invest Rs 1,000 crore for expansion this fiscal; stock up",2,Spice Mobility,3055.0,13.0 7406,SentFIN,Stay long on Sun TV with stop loss of Rs 380: Vinith Jain,2,Sun TV,3056.0,13.0 7407,SentFIN,Street @ new peak: Opto Circuits surges over 8%; top 20 stock bets,2,Opto Circuits,3057.0,13.0 7408,SentFIN,"Strong pipeline of films, low-risk business model drives net profit of Eros International",2,Eros International,3058.0,13.0 7409,SentFIN,"Suzlon Energy rallies 57% in June, is it a good time to buy?",2,Suzlon Energy,3059.0,13.0 7410,SentFIN,Thomas Cook India PAT for 2013 grows by 36% to Rs 68.7 crore,2,Thomas Cook India,3062.0,13.0 7411,SentFIN,"Transport Corporation of India in pole position to gain from ecommerce boom, GST",2,Transport Corporation of India,3063.0,13.0 7412,SentFIN,Tremendous value in midcap companies; top 5 wealth-creating ideas for next 6-12 months,2,midcap companies,3064.0,13.0 7413,SentFIN,Voltas rises post Q4 results; net profit up 17.55% to Rs 118.04 cr,2,Voltas,3066.0,13.0 7414,SentFIN,Welcome Samvat 2072! Sensex ends 124 points higher; top 10 wealth creating ideas,2,Sensex,3067.0,13.0 7415,SentFIN,"73 is the level to watch out on Lanco Infrastructure: Kunal Saraogi, Technical Analyst",2,Lanco Infrastructure,3069.0,14.0 7416,SentFIN,Atul Auto net profit up by 26% at Rs 3.87 crore in June quarter,2,Atul Auto,3071.0,14.0 7417,SentFIN,"Bharti Airtel Q4 net profit surges by 89% to Rs 962 crore, meets estimates",2,Bharti Airtel,3072.0,14.0 7418,SentFIN,Bharti Infratel fourth quarter net profit may rise by 36 per cent: Report,2,Bharti Infratel,3073.0,14.0 7419,SentFIN,Cadila stock touches 52 week high after gettting USFDA approval for two generic drugs,2,Cadila,3075.0,14.0 7420,SentFIN,"CMC may spring positive surprise next week, among small cap IT names: Avinnash Gorakssakar",2,CMC,3077.0,14.0 7421,SentFIN,"Dhoni's CSK will play IPL, says SC; India Cements on the ball, up 8%",2,India Cements,3079.0,14.0 7422,SentFIN,Escorts posts 77 pc jump in Q2 net profit; to set up new plant,2,Escorts,3082.0,14.0 7423,SentFIN,FIIs to pump $2.55 billion into Indian debt market; Rupee set to strengthen further,2,Rupee,3084.0,14.0 7424,SentFIN,"Force Motors doubles in 2 weeks, vrooms 400% in 1 year; should you buy?",2,Force Motors,3085.0,14.0 7425,SentFIN,Foreign Guar Gum buyers return after prices crash by more than 50 per cent,2,Guar Gum,3086.0,14.0 7426,SentFIN,Gateway Distriparks rallies nearly 5% on reports that it plans to list rail unit,2,Gateway Distriparks,3088.0,14.0 7427,SentFIN,"HDFC Bank Q4 net up 30 per cent at Rs 1890 crore, meets forecast",2,HDFC Bank,3090.0,14.0 7428,SentFIN,HSIL rallies 11% after RBI allows FIIs to buy shares; ends nearly 3% down,2,HSIL,3092.0,14.0 7429,SentFIN,JustDial Ltd is a 'BUY' call with a target of Rs 1550: Mitesh Thacker,2,JustDial,3095.0,14.0 7430,SentFIN,"KEC International looks attractive on revenue visibility and margin improvement: Mayuresh Joshi, Angel Broking",2,KEC International,3096.0,14.0 7431,SentFIN,Kesoram Industries rallies over 18% on reports to sell its tyre unit to MRF,2,Kesoram Industries,3097.0,14.0 7432,SentFIN,"Life Insurance Corporation of India may buy ICICI infrastructure bonds worth Rs 3,000 crores",1,Life Insurance Corporation of India,3098.0,14.0 7433,SentFIN,Marico posts 28 per cent jump in Q1 net profit to Rs 238 crore,2,Marico,3100.0,14.0 7434,SentFIN,MM Forgings reaps twin benefits on record US sales and India demand rev up,2,MM Forgings,3101.0,14.0 7435,SentFIN,"Money on the street: You could earn Rs 16,000 by betting on Bata futures",2,Bata futures,3102.0,14.0 7436,SentFIN,"Narendra Modi wave revives as FIIs buy over Rs 2,300 crore in Nifty futures",2,Nifty futures,3103.0,14.0 7437,SentFIN,"Novartis India surges 20% as parent company strikes $15 billion deal with GSK, Lilly",2,Novartis India,3104.0,14.0 7438,SentFIN,Novelis third quarter net profit jumps 3-fold to $46 million on new business model,2,Novelis,3105.0,14.0 7439,SentFIN,Oriental Bank of Commerce's Q1net profit up 3 per cent to Rs 365 crore,2,Oriental Bank of Commerce,3106.0,14.0 7440,SentFIN,Procter and Gamble Q2 net profit up 18.40 per cent at Rs 90.66 crore,2,Procter and Gamble,3107.0,14.0 7441,SentFIN,"Rajan pulls off a surprise, cuts repo rate by 50 basis points, stocks rally",2,stocks,3109.0,14.0 7442,SentFIN,"REITs will benefit companies involved in portfolio of commercial properties: Prakash Diwan, Altamount Capital",1,Altamount Capital,3110.0,14.0 7443,SentFIN,Renuka Sugars Board gives in-principal nod for rights issue to raise Rs 725.4 crore,2,Renuka Sugars,3111.0,14.0 7444,SentFIN,Sectoral churning behind recent correction in pharma stocks; present valuations look attractive: Gaurav Mehta,2,pharma stocks,3113.0,14.0 7445,SentFIN,Suggest to put money into PSU names from a long term perspective: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,PSU,3117.0,14.0 7446,SentFIN,Volkswagen shares bounce back from lows to show gain of 4% in late morning,2,Volkswagen,3120.0,14.0 7447,SentFIN,Yes Bank Q3 up 30% YoY to Rs 540 crore; in line with estimates,2,Yes Bank,3121.0,14.0 7448,SentFIN,8600-8620 levels to be key support area for Nifty in the coming days: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,3122.0,15.0 7449,SentFIN,Ajanta Pharma Q2 net up 20 per cent at Rs 100 crore on robust sales,2,Ajanta Pharma,3123.0,15.0 7450,SentFIN,Ambuja a good bet in the cement space; buy at levels of 210-211: Ambareesh Baliga,2,Ambuja,3124.0,15.0 7451,SentFIN,Anil Ambani Group firm Reliance Infra Q3 net profit jumps 26% at Rs 450 crore,2,Reliance Infra,3125.0,15.0 7452,SentFIN,Arun Jaitley hopes passage of amended insurance bill in Winter Session; Max India surges 10%,2,Max India,3126.0,15.0 7453,SentFIN,Bata India Ltd is a 'BUY' call with a target of Rs 1260: Mitesh Thacker,2,Bata India Ltd,3128.0,15.0 7454,SentFIN,Cadila Healthcare stands out in pharma pack; expect co to clock 35-36% growth: Hemang Jani,2,Cadila Healthcare,3129.0,15.0 7455,SentFIN,Camlin Fine Science will see 60-70% jump in revenues in coming years: Daljeet Singh Kohli,2,Camlin Fine Science,3130.0,15.0 7456,SentFIN,Consumption related stocks rally up to 1% on expected boost from 7th Pay Commission recos,2,Consumption related stocks,3133.0,15.0 7457,SentFIN,Cummins: New CPCB norms and reduced dependence on imports make it a good long-term buy,2,Cummins,3134.0,15.0 7458,SentFIN,"Dalmia Cement good buy at Rs 255, to attract a lot of attention: Mehraboon Irani",2,Dalmia Cement,3135.0,15.0 7459,SentFIN,Economic Survey: India Inc average IPO size 31% up at Rs 827 cr in April-November,1,India Inc,3136.0,15.0 7460,SentFIN,Environmental clearance for the Mundra SEZ a big relief for Adani Ports: P Phani Sekhar,2,Adani Ports,3137.0,15.0 7461,SentFIN,HFCs can offer a CAGR return of 25% over the next few years: Deven Choksey,1,HFC,3138.0,15.0 7462,SentFIN,"Hike in the freight rates is a bold, bold step by government: Pankaj Pandey,",1,,3139.0,15.0 7463,SentFIN,ICICIs provisioning up 36% at Rs 850 crore; healthy CAR & CASA base offer comfort,2,ICICI,3140.0,15.0 7464,SentFIN,"IndiGo flies to mcap of Rs 31,655 crore after listing at 12 per cent gain",2,IndiGo,3141.0,15.0 7465,SentFIN,Kansai Nerolac Paints Q2 net profit up by 40.62 per cent at Rs 72.66 crore,2,Kansai Nerolac Paints,3142.0,15.0 7466,SentFIN,Kotak Mahindra Bank Q1 net up 43% at Rs 403 cr on core income rise,2,Kotak Mahindra Bank,3143.0,15.0 7467,SentFIN,Marksans Pharma on a firm wicket; buy stock with a target Rs 132: Sharmila Joshi,2,Marksans Pharma,3144.0,15.0 7468,SentFIN,"Midcap space to benefit from new government initiatives, go for individual midcap names: David Pezarkar",2,Midcap space,3146.0,15.0 7469,SentFIN,Mumbai realty stocks rally up to 14% as ready reckoner rates go up by 20%,2,Mumbai realty stocks,3147.0,15.0 7470,SentFIN,"Nano price hike a good news for the company: Fayeza Hafizee, Intime Spectrum Securities Ltd",1,Intime Spectrum Securities Ltd,3148.0,15.0 7471,SentFIN,Natco Pharma ends 5% higher as US Supreme Court invalidates rival Teva's patent for Copaxone,2,Natco Pharma,3149.0,15.0 7472,SentFIN,NIIT Tech reports over 70 per cent jump in net profit at Rs 68.2 crore,2,NIIT Tech,3150.0,15.0 7473,SentFIN,"On Dalal Street, midcaps are the new bluechips; to gain most in case of recovery",2,midcaps,3151.0,15.0 7474,SentFIN,"Orient Cement surprises Street with Q4 results; stock jumps over 12% intraday, but ends flat",2,Orient Cement,3152.0,15.0 7475,SentFIN,"Outlook for auto ancilliary stocks bright in medium to long term: Mayuresh Joshi, Angel Broking",2,auto ancilliary stocks,3153.0,15.0 7476,SentFIN,"Rise in US bond yields may direct realignment towards EM pack: Gaurav Mehta, Ambit Capital",1,Ambit Capital,3158.0,15.0 7477,SentFIN,"Samvat 2071 likely to remain volatile, but Sensex can rally 20% in next 12 months",2,Sensex,3159.0,15.0 7478,SentFIN,"Stability may return to markets, 150 points run up possible: Deven Choksey, KR Choksey Securities",1,KR Choksey Securities,3160.0,15.0 7479,SentFIN,Tata Motors rallies over 3% to fresh life high on growth plans; top Sensex gainer,2,Tata Motors,3161.0,15.0 7480,SentFIN,Wonderla Holidays debuts on NSE at Rs 160 apiece; 28% higher than its issue price,2,Wonderla Holidays,3162.0,15.0 7481,SentFIN,Blue Star doubles investors' wealth in last 1 year; can rally another 15% in two weeks,2,Blue Star,3163.0,16.0 7482,SentFIN,Cognizant Q2 revenue up 16.5% at $2.52 billion; expects FY15 revenue growth of at least 14%,2,Cognizant,3165.0,16.0 7483,SentFIN,Cognizant Q3 profit at $397.2 million; raises full year revenue guidance to at least $12.41 billion,2,Cognizant,3166.0,16.0 7484,SentFIN,Continue trading with long side bias with stop at 8450 levels on Nifty : Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,3167.0,16.0 7485,SentFIN,"Current rally is just one of many to come in 2-3 years: Neeraj Deewan, Quantum Securities",2,Quantum Securities,3168.0,16.0 7486,SentFIN,"Dewan Housing Finance Corporation aims raising $300 million via ECB, set to launch mutual fund business",2,Dewan Housing Finance Corporation,3169.0,16.0 7487,SentFIN,Dish TV likely to touch Rs 150-160 levels in short term; buy on dips: Ambareesh Baliga,2,Dish TV,3170.0,16.0 7488,SentFIN,FIPB approval would be a key trigger for HDFC Bank's stock: Mayuresh Joshi of Angel Broking,2,HDFC Bank,3171.0,16.0 7489,SentFIN,GMR Infra stock up over 2 per cent on bourses; m-cap up by Rs 157 crore,2,GMR Infra,3173.0,16.0 7490,SentFIN,Gujarat Pipavav Port's expansion plans to make it a major container hub; stock likely to rise,2,Gujarat Pipavav Port,3174.0,16.0 7491,SentFIN,"Household sectors will be market outperformers in quarters to come: Sandeep Shenoy, Anand Rathi Financial Services",1,Anand Rathi Financial Services,3175.0,16.0 7492,SentFIN,"Infra proving to be achilles' heel for India story, stocks to rebound as economy mends: Experts",2,Infra,3176.0,16.0 7493,SentFIN,Insurance stocks surge up to 15%; 'rally to not sustain as positives of Bill priced in',2,Insurance stocks,3177.0,16.0 7494,SentFIN,"IOB rises over 17% as Q4 net sees 4-fold jump; Experts up bets, see 27% upside",2,IOB,3178.0,16.0 7495,SentFIN,Mix between RMC and bags is going to be very profitable for Prism Cement: Prakash Gaba,2,Prism Cement,3181.0,16.0 7496,SentFIN,"Ongoing correction in China markets does not mark the end of bull run: Chris Wood, CLSA",1,CLSA,3182.0,16.0 7497,SentFIN,Pantaloons to be top value creator in brands and apparel space over 3-4 years: Nitin Jain,2,Pantaloons,3183.0,16.0 7498,SentFIN,"Probability of making easier returns at 4800, 4900 or 5000 much higher: Piyush Garg, ICICI Securities",1,ICICI Securities,3184.0,16.0 7499,SentFIN,"Some metal players stand to benefit as dip will attract new buyers: Prakash Diwan, Altamount Capital",2,metal players,3186.0,16.0 7500,SentFIN,Stop above 137 on Reliance Communications could give money on the short side: Prakash Gaba,2,Reliance Communications,3187.0,16.0 7501,SentFIN,"Top 5 reasons why Street is cheering Infosys results; brokerages up target price to Rs 1,300",2,Infosys,3189.0,16.0 7502,SentFIN,Trend will firmly remain on the upside as long as Nifty maintains 8050-8060 levels: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,3190.0,16.0 7503,SentFIN,Analyst positive on RIL post 41st AGM; see stock rallying up to Rs 1200 in a year,2,RIL,3191.0,17.0 7504,SentFIN,"Earning upgrades in H2 will give a good fillip to the market: Avinash Gorakshekar, Anagram Capital Ltd",1,Anagram Capital,3192.0,17.0 7505,SentFIN,"Great Eastern net profit up 10.5% to Rs 180.9 crore in Q1, total revenue at Rs 807.02",2,Great Eastern,3193.0,17.0 7506,SentFIN,"InterGlobe Aviation best bet in aviation, can rally up to 20% in 6 months: P Phani Sekhar",2,InterGlobe Aviation,3194.0,17.0 7507,SentFIN,"Rakesh Jhunjhunwala bullish on NCC, buys 4 cr shares via rights issue & 6.5L in open market",2,NCC,3197.0,17.0 7508,SentFIN,"Stellar debut: SH Kelkar lists at Rs 222, a 23% premium to issue price of Rs 180",2,SH Kelkar,3198.0,17.0 7509,SentFIN,"Augmentation of revenues for food security bill needs to be watched out for: Manish Sonthalia, Motilal Oswal Securities",1,Motilal Oswal Securities,3201.0,18.0 7510,SentFIN,Aviva to raise stake in Indian joint venture to 49 per cent over an 'attractive' local market,2,Aviva,3202.0,18.0 7511,SentFIN,"Even if India grows at 7%, it will be fastest growing major economy, ahead of China: Adrian Mowat",2,India,3203.0,18.0 7512,SentFIN,Govt efforts to lift GDP by 150 bps on a sustainable basis; positive on investment-related stocks: Dhiraj Agarwal,2,investment-related stocks,3204.0,18.0 7513,SentFIN,Growing fortunes of auto industry to benefit NRB Bearing; buy with a target of Rs 170: Devang Mehta,2,NRB Bearing,3205.0,18.0 7514,SentFIN,In for a shiny coat: Kansai Nerolac to be a major beneficiary of the expected auto sector revival,2,Kansai Nerolac,3206.0,18.0 7515,SentFIN,Nomura pegs India's Q2 GDP growth at 5.9%; top 10 stocks that can return 24% in a year,1,Nomura,3208.0,18.0 7516,SentFIN,"Valuations on the higher side, but India remains an attractive story in the long term: Hans Goetti, BIL",1,BIL,3209.0,18.0 7517,SentFIN,With 65% stock return PC Jeweller shines in a tough market with a focus on diamonds & exports,2,PC Jeweller,3210.0,18.0 7518,SentFIN,"BEL is a decent bet from the defence space based on an impressive order book: Neeraj Deewan, Quantum Securities",2,BEL,3211.0,19.0 7519,SentFIN,"MindTree on course to join $1-bn revenue club in next 5 years, but present valuations fairly rich: Girish Pai",2,MindTree,3213.0,19.0 7520,SentFIN,PSU stocks look extremely attractive on hopes of reforms to be brought in by the new govt: Arindham Ghosh,2,PSU stocks,3214.0,19.0 7521,SentFIN,Yes Bank Q4 net profit up by 19% at Rs 430 crore; to raise funds upto USD 500 million,2,Yes Bank,3215.0,19.0 7522,SentFIN,Gold at three-week high on Ukraine,2,Gold,3217.0,6.0 7523,SentFIN,10-year bond yield Soars to 8.8%,2,10-year bond,3219.0,6.0 7524,SentFIN,Claris Lifesciences promoter sells 10 lakh shares,0,Claris Lifesciences,3220.0,7.0 7525,SentFIN,Police probe allegation about Sahara's threat to investors,2,Sahara,3221.0,8.0 7526,SentFIN,Jet Airways trims losses in Q1; stock gains,2,Jet Airways,3224.0,8.0 7527,SentFIN,"Brent steady above $108 as Russia, Libya support",2,Brent,3226.0,8.0 7528,SentFIN,NRI company files criminal complaint against Baring Asia,2,Baring Asia,3228.0,8.0 7529,SentFIN,"Supply crunch, import curbs up Arecanut prices",2,Arecanut,3229.0,7.0 7530,SentFIN,Zinc falls 0.51% on global cues,0,Zinc,3230.0,6.0 7531,SentFIN,What's behind the China's yuan devaluation,0,yuan,3232.0,6.0 7532,SentFIN,"Yen plunge hurting, but more still to come",0,Yen,3233.0,8.0 7533,SentFIN,"Investors fret Yahoo future, stock dips",0,Yahoo,3234.0,6.0 7534,SentFIN,"World stocks hit one-month low, focus on Fed",0,World stocks,3235.0,8.0 7535,SentFIN,World stock markets slip as buying fervor cools,0,World stock markets,3236.0,8.0 7536,SentFIN,"Won slips after weak data, lags regional peers",0,Won,3237.0,8.0 7537,SentFIN,Get out of Wipro: Ashwani Gujral,0,Wipro,3238.0,6.0 7538,SentFIN,"Wipros revenue from media, telecom down 3.1%",0,Wipro,3239.0,7.0 7539,SentFIN,Wipro slips for second session after Q2 results,0,Wipro,3240.0,8.0 7540,SentFIN,Import duty on wheat likely,0,wheat,3241.0,5.0 7541,SentFIN,Wheat declines on increased supply,0,Wheat,3242.0,5.0 7542,SentFIN,Sebi bars Kolkata Weird Industries from raising funds,0,Weird Industries,3243.0,8.0 7543,SentFIN,"Voltas shares plunge on Q3 results, outlook",0,Voltas,3245.0,7.0 7544,SentFIN,Usha Martin Q4 loss at Rs 9.68 crore,0,Usha Martin,3246.0,8.0 7545,SentFIN,"Initial hype over, USE now low on volumes",0,USE,3247.0,8.0 7546,SentFIN,US crude prices fall sharply as inventory grows,0,US crude,3248.0,8.0 7547,SentFIN,Unitech falls on wider-than-expected quarterly loss,0,Unitech,3250.0,6.0 7548,SentFIN,Ultratech Sep quarter net slumps 54 pc,0,Ultratech,3251.0,7.0 7549,SentFIN,Tyre makers continue to face cost pressure,0,Tyre makers,3252.0,7.0 7550,SentFIN,Twitter falls to lowest point since going public,0,Twitter,3253.0,8.0 7551,SentFIN,Turmeric futures slide 1.70 pc on weak demand,0,Turmeric futures,3254.0,8.0 7552,SentFIN,"Iraqi turmoil hits Turkish assets, emerging markets lacklustre",0,Turkish assets,3255.0,8.0 7553,SentFIN,Tulip Telecom promoter pledges 23 lakh shares,0,Tulip Telecom,3256.0,7.0 7554,SentFIN,Torrent Power reports Rs 7.3 crore quarterly loss,0,Torrent Power,3257.0,8.0 7555,SentFIN,Thermax falls 1% as adjusted profit lags estimates,0,Thermax,3259.0,8.0 7556,SentFIN,Textile stocks are at the sideways: Deepak Mohoni,0,Textile stocks,3260.0,8.0 7557,SentFIN,Technology stocks will start falling slowly: Ashwani Gujral,0,Technology stocks,3261.0,8.0 7558,SentFIN,Tea stocks lose flavour on bumper Kenyan crop,0,Tea stocks,3262.0,8.0 7559,SentFIN,"Sluggish demand, currency swings may hit TCS profit",0,TCS,3263.0,8.0 7560,SentFIN,TCS shares end lower ahead of earnings announcement,0,TCS,3264.0,8.0 7561,SentFIN,Shareholders miffed at Tata Motors' missed payout,0,Tata Motors,3265.0,7.0 7562,SentFIN,Tata Communications shares down 3% on weak results,0,Tata Communications,3266.0,8.0 7563,SentFIN,"Taiwan stocks down, tracking global markets",0,Taiwan stocks,3267.0,6.0 7564,SentFIN,Suzlon Energy reports biggest quarterly loss,0,Suzlon Energy,3268.0,6.0 7565,SentFIN,5 global brokerages slash Sun Pharma targets,0,Sun Pharma,3269.0,7.0 7566,SentFIN,"Sugar falls on mounting stocks, ample supply",0,Sugar,3270.0,7.0 7567,SentFIN,"Wealthy investors exit stocks, get debt for safety",0,stocks,3272.0,8.0 7568,SentFIN,Bearish for stock markets currently: Sandip Sabharwal,0,stock markets,3273.0,7.0 7569,SentFIN,Scotland split jitters send sterling to 10-month low,0,sterling,3274.0,8.0 7570,SentFIN,Sterling dips after anti-EU party wins second by-election,0,Sterling,3275.0,8.0 7571,SentFIN,Sterling trades near 3-week lows versus rebounding dollar,0,Sterling,3276.0,8.0 7572,SentFIN,Bearish soyabean investors loose as market price rise,0,soyabean,3277.0,8.0 7573,SentFIN,South Korean shares briefly dip to 2-month low,0,South Korean shares,3278.0,8.0 7574,SentFIN,Small sugar declines on subdued demand,0,Small sugar,3280.0,6.0 7575,SentFIN,Still bearish on SKS Microfinance: Rajat Bose,0,SKS Microfinance,3281.0,7.0 7576,SentFIN,Seek an exit from SKS Microfinance: Rajat Bose,0,SKS Microfinance,3282.0,8.0 7577,SentFIN,Fears of regulatory checks drag SKS Micro down,0,SKS Micro,3283.0,8.0 7578,SentFIN,Silver futures retreat 0.81 pc on global cues,0,Silver futures,3284.0,8.0 7579,SentFIN,Silver falls 0.36% in futures trade,0,Silver,3285.0,6.0 7580,SentFIN,"Silver falls 0.55% on profit-booking, global cues",0,Silver,3286.0,7.0 7581,SentFIN,Silver weakens in futures trade on global cues,0,Silver,3287.0,8.0 7582,SentFIN,Five reasons why Sensex lost 426 points,0,Sensex,3289.0,7.0 7583,SentFIN,"Top five reasons Sensex fell below 27,500",0,Sensex,3290.0,7.0 7584,SentFIN,Four reasons Sensex tanked over 400 points intraday,0,Sensex,3291.0,8.0 7585,SentFIN,It is Sensexs third-worst Samvat in a decade,0,Sensex,3293.0,8.0 7586,SentFIN,Sensex in red; top ten stocks in focus,0,Sensex,3294.0,8.0 7587,SentFIN,"SBI net slumps 99% on bad loans, pensions",0,SBI,3295.0,8.0 7588,SentFIN,Enforcement Directorate attaches Saradha Group assets,0,Saradha Group,3296.0,6.0 7589,SentFIN,"Won't recommend SAIL: Sandeep Wagle, APTART",0,SAIL,3297.0,6.0 7590,SentFIN,Sahara Housingfina stock slumps 3%,0,Sahara Housingfina,3298.0,5.0 7591,SentFIN,S&P 500 posts biggest weekly decline since 2012,0,S&P 500,3300.0,8.0 7592,SentFIN,Rupee at 1-month low; weak shares aid,0,Rupee,3304.0,7.0 7593,SentFIN,Rupee hits 2-week low on defence-related dollar demand,0,Rupee,3305.0,8.0 7594,SentFIN,Rupee seen lower on opening against dollar strength,0,Rupee,3306.0,8.0 7595,SentFIN,Rupee slightly weaker; fund flows watched for cues,0,Rupee,3307.0,8.0 7596,SentFIN,Rupee weakens by 41 paise after Fed tapering,0,Rupee,3308.0,8.0 7597,SentFIN,Rubber prices slump to 2009 lows,0,Rubber,3309.0,6.0 7598,SentFIN,Rubber imports to jump 10-15% on falling prices,0,Rubber,3310.0,8.0 7599,SentFIN,Rouble's woes spread to other ex-Soviet currencies,0,Rouble,3311.0,7.0 7600,SentFIN,Rolta India going through downtrend: Ashwani Gujral,0,Rolta India,3312.0,7.0 7601,SentFIN,Ricoh India plunges 10% on poor Q1 results,0,Ricoh India,3313.0,8.0 7602,SentFIN,Rice basmati remains weak on sluggish demand,0,Rice basmati,3314.0,7.0 7603,SentFIN,Bearish on Reliance Communications: Deven Choksey,0,Reliance Communications,3316.0,6.0 7604,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures weaken as demand decline,0,Refined soya oil futures,3317.0,8.0 7605,SentFIN,"Re touches two-week low, ends at 46.04/$",0,Re,3318.0,7.0 7606,SentFIN,One can short Ranbaxy: Ashuu Kakkarr,0,Ranbaxy,3319.0,6.0 7607,SentFIN,Railway stocks extend losses on profit-booking,0,Railway stocks,3320.0,6.0 7608,SentFIN,Puravankara's real estate scheme not a CIS: Sebi,0,Puravankara,3321.0,8.0 7609,SentFIN,Book profits in PSU banks: Prakash Diwan,0,PSU banks,3322.0,7.0 7610,SentFIN,Prakash Industries in a big downtrend: Ambareesh Baliga,0,Prakash Industries,3323.0,8.0 7611,SentFIN,All power stocks are looking weak: Rajat Bose,0,power stocks,3324.0,8.0 7612,SentFIN,Not bullish on power sector: Manish Sonthalia,0,power sector,3325.0,7.0 7613,SentFIN,Potato futures remain weak on adequate supply,0,Potato futures,3326.0,7.0 7614,SentFIN,Pistachio falls on subdued demand,0,Pistachio,3327.0,5.0 7615,SentFIN,Avoid taking risks in pharma sector: Nitin Raheja,0,pharma sector,3328.0,8.0 7616,SentFIN,Drug pricing policy negative for pharma cos: Brokerages,0,pharma cos,3329.0,8.0 7617,SentFIN,Pepper futures down 1 pc on profit-booking,0,Pepper futures,3330.0,7.0 7618,SentFIN,Pantaloon shares slump as net loss widens,0,Pantaloon,3331.0,7.0 7619,SentFIN,OnMobile clearly in short-term downtrend: Deepak Mohoni,0,OnMobile,3332.0,7.0 7620,SentFIN,Rise in subsidy burden may hit ONGC FPO,0,ONGC,3334.0,8.0 7621,SentFIN,"Bearish on OMCs: Sandeep J Shah, Sampriti Capital",0,OMCs,3335.0,8.0 7622,SentFIN,Oversupply in oil market to continue,0,oil market,3337.0,6.0 7623,SentFIN,EU crisis push oil prices down,0,oil,3338.0,6.0 7624,SentFIN,Oil prices extend losses in Asian trade,0,Oil,3339.0,7.0 7625,SentFIN,Oil prices hit new multi-year lows in Asia,0,Oil,3340.0,8.0 7626,SentFIN,"Oil slips below $105 on oversupply, weak demand",0,Oil,3341.0,8.0 7627,SentFIN,OBC net plummets 29% at Rs 257.84 crore,0,OBC,3342.0,8.0 7628,SentFIN,Bearish on NTPC: Avinnash Gorakssakar,0,NTPC,3343.0,5.0 7629,SentFIN,"NTPC: Execution delays, fuel availability key concerns",0,NTPC,3344.0,7.0 7630,SentFIN,Lacklustre Nifty ends below 5250,0,Nifty,3345.0,5.0 7631,SentFIN,Nifty's market cap way behind global indices,0,Nifty,3346.0,7.0 7632,SentFIN,Sharp fall seen if Nifty breaks 5400,0,Nifty,3347.0,7.0 7633,SentFIN,Expect Nifty to head below 5950: Ashwani Gujral,0,Nifty,3348.0,8.0 7634,SentFIN,"Nifty can slip to 8,200 levels: Sandeep Wagle",0,Nifty,3349.0,8.0 7635,SentFIN,Nifty to face stiff resistance at 6800-6820 levels,0,Nifty,3350.0,8.0 7636,SentFIN,Structured deals involving Nifty options to disappoint investors,0,Nifty,3351.0,8.0 7637,SentFIN,"Nickel futures weaken on profit-booking, global cues",0,Nickel futures,3352.0,7.0 7638,SentFIN,Nickel futures slide 0.16 per cent on profit-bookings,0,Nickel futures,3353.0,8.0 7639,SentFIN,Nickel softens on global cues,0,Nickel,3354.0,5.0 7640,SentFIN,New Zealand dollar slips to five-month low,0,New Zealand dollar,3355.0,7.0 7641,SentFIN,Nestle India Q1 net drops 7 per cent,0,Nestle India,3356.0,8.0 7642,SentFIN,Nestle's brand damage could be temporary,0,Nestle,3357.0,6.0 7643,SentFIN,NALCO stock dips over 8 pc on BSE,0,NALCO,3358.0,8.0 7644,SentFIN,Nagarjuna Construction Q3 net profit declines 15.5 pc,0,Nagarjuna Construction,3359.0,8.0 7645,SentFIN,Nagarjuna Agrichem Q2 net dips 26 per cent,0,Nagarjuna Agrichem,3360.0,8.0 7646,SentFIN,Mustard seed futures slip on selling pressure,0,Mustard seed futures,3361.0,7.0 7647,SentFIN,Mustard oil declines on subdued local buying,0,Mustard oil,3362.0,7.0 7648,SentFIN,MTNL fails to deliver every time: Hemen Kapadia,0,MTNL,3363.0,8.0 7649,SentFIN,MTNL snaps 18% post block deal on NSE,0,MTNL,3364.0,8.0 7650,SentFIN,MRPL plummets post weak September quarter results,0,MRPL,3365.0,7.0 7651,SentFIN,Mphasis is showing weakness: Rajat Bose,0,Mphasis,3366.0,6.0 7652,SentFIN,MphasiS declines 5% after HP's poor guidance,0,MphasiS,3367.0,7.0 7653,SentFIN,MOIL in a declining trend: Ashwani Gujral,0,MOIL,3370.0,7.0 7654,SentFIN,"Midcaps overvalued, vulnerable to further correction: Neeraj Dewan",0,Midcaps,3372.0,8.0 7655,SentFIN,Metals will continue to remain weak: Sandip Sabharwal,0,Metals,3374.0,8.0 7656,SentFIN,Cautious on metal stocks: IV Subramaniam,0,metal stocks,3375.0,6.0 7657,SentFIN,Metal stocks are looking weak: Ashwani Gujral,0,Metal stocks,3376.0,7.0 7658,SentFIN,Mentha oil falls 0.35 per cent on profit-booking,0,Mentha oil,3377.0,8.0 7659,SentFIN,"Sebi's P-Note diktat, uncertainty over reforms rattle markets",0,markets,3380.0,8.0 7660,SentFIN,Trend in markets to be choppy: Ashwani Gujral,0,markets,3381.0,8.0 7661,SentFIN,Political uncertainty may dampen market mood,0,market mood,3382.0,6.0 7662,SentFIN,"Market tanks on global cues, earnings woes",0,Market,3383.0,7.0 7663,SentFIN,Be cautious while entering market: IV Subramanium,0,market,3384.0,8.0 7664,SentFIN,Volatility would continue in the market: Fayeza Hafizee,0,market,3385.0,8.0 7665,SentFIN,Manali Petrochemicals Q4 net down 72.6 pc,0,Manali Petrochemicals,3386.0,7.0 7666,SentFIN,Man Infraconstruction drops 4% on promoter stake sale,0,Man Infraconstruction,3387.0,8.0 7667,SentFIN,Maize futures fall over 2 per cent,0,Maize futures,3388.0,7.0 7668,SentFIN,Mahindra & Mahindra slumps 3.3% after block deals,0,Mahindra & Mahindra,3389.0,8.0 7669,SentFIN,Lupin Q4 results misses Street estimates; stock declines,0,Lupin,3390.0,8.0 7670,SentFIN,London copper slips to new six-year low,0,London copper,3391.0,7.0 7671,SentFIN,Lead futures extend losses on sluggish demand,0,Lead futures,3392.0,7.0 7672,SentFIN,Lead futures soften 0.19% on sluggish demand,0,Lead futures,3393.0,7.0 7673,SentFIN,"Lead futures weaken on global cues, sluggish demand",0,Lead futures,3394.0,8.0 7674,SentFIN,Proceed cautiously in Larsen & Toubro: Jagdish Malkani,0,Larsen & Toubro,3395.0,8.0 7675,SentFIN,Lanco Infratech tanks 10% as Q4 results disappoints,0,Lanco Infratech,3396.0,8.0 7676,SentFIN,Calculus: Higher working capital weighs heavy on L&T,0,L&T,3397.0,8.0 7677,SentFIN,Kesoram Industries net loss widens in January-March,0,Kesoram Industries,3399.0,7.0 7678,SentFIN,Kaveri Seeds under bear attack?,0,Kaveri Seeds,3400.0,5.0 7679,SentFIN,Kaveri Seeds tanks on Sebi audit order,0,Kaveri Seeds,3401.0,7.0 7680,SentFIN,JK Cement Q3 net dips 79%,0,JK Cement,3403.0,6.0 7681,SentFIN,Jindal Steel is showing weakness: Deepak Mohoni,0,Jindal Steel,3404.0,7.0 7682,SentFIN,JGBs edge down as investors monitor Greek situation,0,JGBs,3405.0,8.0 7683,SentFIN,Jeera futures fall 0.66% on low spot demand,0,Jeera futures,3406.0,8.0 7684,SentFIN,Jaiprakash Associates is a risky bet: Mehraboon Irani,0,Jaiprakash Associates,3408.0,8.0 7685,SentFIN,Have bearish outlook on ITC currently: Kunj Bansal,0,ITC,3409.0,8.0 7686,SentFIN,Currency headwinds weigh on IT stocks,0,IT stocks,3410.0,6.0 7687,SentFIN,Structurally negative on IT sector: Girish Pai,0,IT sector,3411.0,7.0 7688,SentFIN,Don't see infra companies growing aggressively: IV Subramaniam,0,infra companies,3412.0,8.0 7689,SentFIN,Bearish on Infosys: Gaurav Mehta,0,Infosys,3415.0,5.0 7690,SentFIN,Infosys shares end lower as top executive quits,0,Infosys,3416.0,8.0 7691,SentFIN,Industrial oils ease on lower offtake,0,Industrial oils,3417.0,6.0 7692,SentFIN,Industrial oil prices drop on weak demand,0,Industrial oil,3418.0,7.0 7693,SentFIN,Indian rupee weakens to lowest since March 4,0,Indian rupee,3419.0,8.0 7694,SentFIN,Exit Idea immediately: Rajat Bose,0,Idea,3422.0,5.0 7695,SentFIN,Hydropower companies look sluggish: Deepak Mohoni,0,Hydropower companies,3423.0,6.0 7696,SentFIN,HUL shares down over 3% post Q4 earnings,0,HUL,3424.0,8.0 7697,SentFIN,Bearish on Hindustan Unilever: Dipan Mehta,0,Hindustan Unilever,3425.0,6.0 7698,SentFIN,Hindalco slumps over 6% on coal block woes,0,Hindalco,3426.0,8.0 7699,SentFIN,"HDFC: Rate increases, falling demand may hit show",0,HDFC,3427.0,8.0 7700,SentFIN,HCL Technologies plunges nearly 9% post Q1 results,0,HCL Technologies,3428.0,8.0 7701,SentFIN,Egypt uprising causes volatility in Gulf markets,0,Gulf markets,3429.0,7.0 7702,SentFIN,"Guarseed futures weaken on profit-booking, subdued spot demand",0,Guarseed futures,3430.0,8.0 7703,SentFIN,Guargum prices fall 3.37% on weak overseas demand,0,Guargum,3431.0,8.0 7704,SentFIN,Guargum futures decline as participants trim positions,0,Guargum futures,3432.0,7.0 7705,SentFIN,Groundnut oil prices decline on lower demand,0,Groundnut oil,3433.0,7.0 7706,SentFIN,Gold futures decline marginally as rupee gains,0,Gold futures,3434.0,7.0 7707,SentFIN,Gold ends soft amid lacklustre demand,0,Gold,3435.0,6.0 7708,SentFIN,Gold extends weakness on sluggish demand,0,Gold,3436.0,6.0 7709,SentFIN,"Gold declines on sluggish demand, global cues",0,Gold,3437.0,7.0 7710,SentFIN,Gold demand halves despite fall in prices,0,Gold,3438.0,7.0 7711,SentFIN,Gold declines on poor buying amid global sluggishness,0,Gold,3439.0,8.0 7712,SentFIN,Gold declines on sluggish demand amid global uncertainty,0,Gold,3440.0,8.0 7713,SentFIN,"Gold drops on stockists selling, weak global cues",0,Gold,3441.0,8.0 7714,SentFIN,"Gold extends losses as stronger equities, dollar weigh",0,Gold,3442.0,8.0 7715,SentFIN,"Gold extends losses on stockists selling, global cues",0,Gold,3443.0,8.0 7716,SentFIN,"Gold falls from 2-month high, physical buying lags",0,Gold,3444.0,8.0 7717,SentFIN,Gold futures decline 0.23% on profit-booking; global cues,0,Gold,3445.0,8.0 7718,SentFIN,"Gold holds below $1,300 on easing Ukraine concerns",0,Gold,3446.0,8.0 7719,SentFIN,"Gold imports down in December, says trade body",0,Gold,3447.0,8.0 7720,SentFIN,Gold steady below 3-week top; Fed meeting eyed,0,Gold,3448.0,8.0 7721,SentFIN,Hedge funds have never hated gold this much,0,gold,3449.0,8.0 7722,SentFIN,Godfrey Phillips India Q4 Net down 35.94 pc,0,Godfrey Phillips India,3450.0,8.0 7723,SentFIN,CAG report: GMR Infra slips over 3%,0,GMR Infra,3451.0,7.0 7724,SentFIN,Global markets cautious ahead of US payrolls data,0,Global markets,3453.0,8.0 7725,SentFIN,Global markets feel winter chill as uncertainties rise,0,Global markets,3454.0,8.0 7726,SentFIN,GE Shipping Q4 net plunges by over 93%,0,GE Shipping,3455.0,8.0 7727,SentFIN,Future Retail shares tank 5.6% on bourses,0,Future Retail,3456.0,7.0 7728,SentFIN,Mistaken identity costs Future Group dear,0,Future Group,3457.0,6.0 7729,SentFIN,"Britain's FTSE falls, election jitters dampen sentiment",0,FTSE,3461.0,7.0 7730,SentFIN,Bearish on FMCG: IV Subramaniam,0,FMCG,3463.0,5.0 7731,SentFIN,FMCG Q3 profitability affected by surging input cost,0,FMCG,3464.0,8.0 7732,SentFIN,Analysts cautious on fertiliser stocks,0,fertiliser stocks,3466.0,5.0 7733,SentFIN,European stocks diverge as markets track Ukraine,0,European stocks,3467.0,7.0 7734,SentFIN,European shares dip ahead of Germany ZEW,0,European shares,3469.0,7.0 7735,SentFIN,European shares edge lower after manufacturing data,0,European shares,3470.0,7.0 7736,SentFIN,European shares edge lower after US sell-off,0,European shares,3471.0,7.0 7737,SentFIN,European shares held back by weak German data,0,European shares,3472.0,8.0 7738,SentFIN,European shares resume slide as Russia fears persist,0,European shares,3473.0,8.0 7739,SentFIN,"European shares weaken after disappointing French, German data",0,European shares,3474.0,8.0 7740,SentFIN,Far-left victory in Greece bruises European markets,0,European markets,3475.0,7.0 7741,SentFIN,Europe shares dip after mixed manufacturing data,0,Europe shares,3476.0,7.0 7742,SentFIN,Europe shares dip on report of stress-test failures,0,Europe shares,3477.0,8.0 7743,SentFIN,"Europe shares sag after disappointing French, German PMIs",0,Europe shares,3478.0,8.0 7744,SentFIN,Euro fails to hold Friday gains,0,Euro,3479.0,6.0 7745,SentFIN,Euro weak ahead of ECB meeting,0,Euro,3480.0,6.0 7746,SentFIN,Draghi drives euro to 4-1/2 year low,0,euro,3481.0,7.0 7747,SentFIN,Euro bears emboldened by cheapest dollars since 2008,0,Euro,3482.0,8.0 7748,SentFIN,Euro hits 3-month low after German data surprise,0,Euro,3483.0,8.0 7749,SentFIN,Euro slips in Asia on Portugal bank bailout,0,Euro,3484.0,8.0 7750,SentFIN,Engineers India shares fall after IDFC downgrade,0,Engineers India,3485.0,7.0 7751,SentFIN,Education is a volatile space: Deepak Mohoni,0,Education,3486.0,7.0 7752,SentFIN,"Edible oils decline on easing demand, adequate supply",0,Edible oils,3487.0,8.0 7753,SentFIN,"Edible oils weak on global cues, stockists selling",0,Edible oils,3488.0,8.0 7754,SentFIN,Dollar edges down in Asia trade,0,Dollar,3492.0,6.0 7755,SentFIN,"Dollar slips after weak US Sales, job data",0,Dollar,3493.0,8.0 7756,SentFIN,Over 5.6% stake in Dish TV pledged,0,Dish TV,3494.0,7.0 7757,SentFIN,Dhaniya futures contract under regulatory glare,0,Dhaniya futures,3495.0,6.0 7758,SentFIN,Remain cautious on defence stocks: IV Subramaniam,0,defence stocks,3496.0,7.0 7759,SentFIN,DB Realty defers announcement of financial results,0,DB Realty,3497.0,7.0 7760,SentFIN,Currency markets likely to be choppy,0,Currency markets,3498.0,6.0 7761,SentFIN,Crude oil futures down on weak Asian cues,0,Crude oil futures,3499.0,8.0 7762,SentFIN,Crude oil: A tale of two crashes,0,Crude oil,3500.0,7.0 7763,SentFIN,Crude oil plunge sends global equity markets tumbling,0,Crude oil,3501.0,8.0 7764,SentFIN,Credit Suisse to wind down commodities trading,0,Credit Suisse,3502.0,7.0 7765,SentFIN,Coriander futures fall further on adequate supplies,0,Coriander futures,3503.0,7.0 7766,SentFIN,Client default fears rise in coriander futures trade,0,coriander futures,3504.0,8.0 7767,SentFIN,Coriander futures decline 1.14 pc on sluggish demand,0,Coriander futures,3505.0,8.0 7768,SentFIN,Copper futures fall 0.15% on profit-booking,0,Copper futures,3506.0,6.0 7769,SentFIN,Copper futures down on weak global cues,0,Copper futures,3507.0,7.0 7770,SentFIN,Copper futures fall 1.13% on global cues,0,Copper futures,3508.0,7.0 7771,SentFIN,Copper prices dive amid low overseas trends,0,Copper,3509.0,7.0 7772,SentFIN,Copper futures decline 0.15 pc on global cues,0,Copper futures,3510.0,8.0 7773,SentFIN,Copper softens on global cues,0,Copper,3511.0,5.0 7774,SentFIN,Copper falls in futures trade on global cues,0,Copper,3512.0,8.0 7775,SentFIN,Copper weakens in futures trade on global cues,0,Copper,3513.0,8.0 7776,SentFIN,Commodity exchange April-November turnover drops by 48%,0,Commodity exchange,3514.0,7.0 7777,SentFIN,Commexe turnover dips 70 per cent,0,Commexe,3516.0,6.0 7778,SentFIN,Commexes' turnover dips 70 per cent,0,Commexes,3517.0,6.0 7779,SentFIN,Coal India down 2.5% on disappointing earnings,0,Coal India,3518.0,7.0 7780,SentFIN,China yuan slips as PBOC signals range-bound trading,0,China yuan,3519.0,8.0 7781,SentFIN,"China yuan slips, seen rangebound in short term",0,China yuan,3520.0,8.0 7782,SentFIN,China shares down in morning trade,0,China shares,3521.0,6.0 7783,SentFIN,China shares end down as investors stay cautious,0,China shares,3522.0,8.0 7784,SentFIN,"Chilli teja futures hit lower circuit, plunges 4%",0,Chilli teja futures,3523.0,8.0 7785,SentFIN,Chana futures extend losses on sluggish demand,0,Chana futures,3524.0,7.0 7786,SentFIN,Higher supply drags down chana futures 0.40%,0,chana futures,3525.0,7.0 7787,SentFIN,"Ample supply, profit-booking hurt chana futures, shed 2.36%",0,chana futures,3526.0,8.0 7788,SentFIN,Central Bank of India Q3 net dips 13%,0,Central Bank of India,3527.0,8.0 7789,SentFIN,Cement shares fall after freight rate hike,0,Cement shares,3528.0,7.0 7790,SentFIN,"Subdued demand, oversupply to weigh on cement industry",0,cement industry,3529.0,8.0 7791,SentFIN,Caustic soda declines on reduced offtake,0,Caustic soda,3530.0,6.0 7792,SentFIN,Caustic soda prices decline on reduced offtake,0,Caustic soda,3531.0,7.0 7793,SentFIN,Castor seed prices drop in futures trade,0,Castor seed,3532.0,7.0 7794,SentFIN,Cashew prices decline on subdued demand,0,Cashew,3533.0,6.0 7795,SentFIN,Cardamom futures down on weak demand,0,Cardamom futures,3535.0,6.0 7796,SentFIN,Cardamom futures decline 0.47% on sluggish demand,0,Cardamom futures,3536.0,7.0 7797,SentFIN,Cardamom futures decline 0.53% on subdued demand,0,Cardamom futures,3537.0,7.0 7798,SentFIN,Cardamom futures extend losses on adequate stocks,0,Cardamom futures,3538.0,7.0 7799,SentFIN,Cardamom futures extend losses on sluggish demand,0,Cardamom futures,3539.0,7.0 7800,SentFIN,Cardamom futures fall 0.40% on sluggish demand,0,Cardamom futures,3540.0,7.0 7801,SentFIN,Cardamom futures fall 0.50 pc on profit booking,0,Cardamom futures,3541.0,8.0 7802,SentFIN,Cardamom prices soften 0.34% on profit-booking,0,Cardamom,3542.0,6.0 7803,SentFIN,Cairn India falls 1.8% on ex-dividend day,0,Cairn India,3546.0,7.0 7804,SentFIN,Senior BSE veterans head for exit,0,BSE,3548.0,6.0 7805,SentFIN,"Brent crude near bearish territory, down over 19%",0,Brent crude,3549.0,8.0 7806,SentFIN,Brent drops below $97 on rising supply,0,Brent,3551.0,7.0 7807,SentFIN,Brent slips below $110 after Ukraine election,0,Brent,3552.0,7.0 7808,SentFIN,Brent dips toward $107 as ample supplies weigh,0,Brent,3553.0,8.0 7809,SentFIN,Brent falls below $109 as Libya restarts oilfield,0,Brent,3554.0,8.0 7810,SentFIN,Brent hovers below $103 as ample supply weighs,0,Brent,3555.0,8.0 7811,SentFIN,BPCL falls over 3%; refining below expectations,0,BPCL,3556.0,7.0 7812,SentFIN,"BP shares plunge, US threatens new penalties",0,BP,3557.0,7.0 7813,SentFIN,Bosch's March quarter net slides 11.90%,0,Bosch,3558.0,6.0 7814,SentFIN,Bosch reports 19% fall in profit for October-December,0,Bosch,3559.0,8.0 7815,SentFIN,Bosch: Automotive business pulls down revenues and profits,0,Bosch,3560.0,8.0 7816,SentFIN,Crunch time in bond market this week,0,bond,3561.0,7.0 7817,SentFIN,Birla Corporation Q3 Net falls 50%,0,Birla Corporation,3562.0,6.0 7818,SentFIN,Biocon shares fall after July-September earnings,0,Biocon,3563.0,6.0 7819,SentFIN,Dependence on power sector may hit BHELs margins,0,BHEL,3565.0,8.0 7820,SentFIN,Bharti Airtel slips on increasing VoIP rates,0,Bharti Airtel,3566.0,7.0 7821,SentFIN,BGR Energy is a short sale: Deepak Mohini,0,BGR Energy,3567.0,8.0 7822,SentFIN,Basmati rice remains weak on increased arrivals,0,Basmati rice,3568.0,7.0 7823,SentFIN,Base metals remain weak on global cues,0,Base metals,3569.0,7.0 7824,SentFIN,Select base metals fall on lower global trend,0,base metals,3570.0,8.0 7825,SentFIN,Base metal futures drop on global cues,0,Base metal futures,3571.0,7.0 7826,SentFIN,Barley futures slip on profit-booking,0,Barley futures,3572.0,5.0 7827,SentFIN,Barley futures fall on subdued demand,0,Barley futures,3573.0,6.0 7828,SentFIN,"Avoid bank stocks: Prateek Agarwal, ASK Investment Managers",0,bank stocks,3574.0,8.0 7829,SentFIN,Bank of Baroda falls on MSCI deletion,0,Bank of Baroda,3575.0,7.0 7830,SentFIN,"Balrampur Chini looking weak: Deepak Mohoni, Director,",0,Balrampur Chini,3576.0,8.0 7831,SentFIN,Turbulence hits aviation stocks as reform hopes fade,0,aviation stocks,3577.0,8.0 7832,SentFIN,Caution advisable in auto stocks: Dilip Bhat,0,auto stocks,3578.0,7.0 7833,SentFIN,Erratic gas supply hits Assam tea production,0,Assam tea,3580.0,7.0 7834,SentFIN,"Asian shares pressured by Wall Street, geopolitical tensions",0,Asian shares,3581.0,8.0 7835,SentFIN,Asian shares tread cautiously after Brack Obama speech,0,Asian shares,3582.0,8.0 7836,SentFIN,Renewed global economy fears hit Asia markets,0,Asia markets,3584.0,7.0 7837,SentFIN,Bearish on Ashok Leyland: Gaurang Shah,0,Ashok Leyland,3585.0,6.0 7838,SentFIN,ArcelorMittal sees slower steel demand in 2nd half,0,ArcelorMittal,3588.0,8.0 7839,SentFIN,Apple's momentum 'meltdown' bites investors,0,Apple,3589.0,5.0 7840,SentFIN,Apple shares slide in $9.5 billion turnover,0,Apple,3590.0,7.0 7841,SentFIN,Amtek Auto tumbles on default fears,0,Amtek Auto,3591.0,6.0 7842,SentFIN,Aluminium futures down on overseas trend,0,Aluminium futures,3592.0,6.0 7843,SentFIN,Aluminium futures weaken on global cues,0,Aluminium futures,3593.0,6.0 7844,SentFIN,Aluminium futures down 0.88% on global cues,0,Aluminium futures,3594.0,7.0 7845,SentFIN,Aluminium futures soften 0.16% on global cues,0,Aluminium futures,3595.0,7.0 7846,SentFIN,Almond futures extend losses on increased supply,0,Almond futures,3596.0,7.0 7847,SentFIN,Almond declines on reduced offtake,0,Almond,3597.0,5.0 7848,SentFIN,Almond prices decline on reduced offtake,0,Almond,3598.0,6.0 7849,SentFIN,Airline stocks fall as crude prices surge,0,Airline stocks,3599.0,7.0 7850,SentFIN,Monsoon Impact: Agri futures hit lower circuit,0,Agri futures,3601.0,7.0 7851,SentFIN,ACC net dips 31% in 2010,0,ACC,3602.0,6.0 7852,SentFIN,ACC net profit down 7% in April-June,0,ACC,3603.0,7.0 7853,SentFIN,ACC operating profit may lag estimates: StarMine Report,0,ACC,3604.0,8.0 7854,SentFIN,Cautious on ABB: Gaurav Mehta,0,ABB,3605.0,5.0 7855,SentFIN,Little cautious on ABB: Avinnash Gorakssakar,0,ABB,3606.0,6.0 7856,SentFIN,"ABB: Fewer orders, rising input costs hurt profits",0,ABB,3607.0,8.0 7857,SentFIN,"10-yr bond pares early gains, tracking EM assets",0,10-yr bond,3608.0,8.0 7858,SentFIN,10-yr bond retreats from one-year high on profit-taking,0,10-yr bond,3609.0,8.0 7859,SentFIN,10-year bond falls on profit-booking,0,10-year bond,3610.0,5.0 7860,SentFIN,10-year bond yield off 13-month low on profit-booking,0,10-year bond,3611.0,8.0 7861,SentFIN,Nandan Nilekani resigns as UIDAI chief,1,UIDAI,3612.0,6.0 7862,SentFIN,Tokyo stocks slip 0.13% by break,1,Tokyo stocks,3613.0,6.0 7863,SentFIN,Steel prices end quiet in thin trade,1,Steel,3614.0,7.0 7864,SentFIN,MFs get Sebi warning for violating investor norms,1,Sebi,3616.0,8.0 7865,SentFIN,Sebi bars three firms from mobilising public money,1,Sebi,3617.0,8.0 7866,SentFIN,Exporters slump on rupee strength,1,rupee,3618.0,5.0 7867,SentFIN,Pulse prices show a mixed trend,1,Pulse,3619.0,6.0 7868,SentFIN,Over 275 independent directorships vacant at NSE-listed companies,1,NSE,3620.0,8.0 7869,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening lower; inflation data eyed,1,Nifty,3621.0,8.0 7870,SentFIN,Network18 group CEO B Sai Kumar quits,1,Network18,3622.0,7.0 7871,SentFIN,MTNL CMD Sinha quits; controversy rages on,1,MTNL,3623.0,7.0 7872,SentFIN,Milestone Capital withdraws IPO application,1,Milestone Capital,3624.0,5.0 7873,SentFIN,GO short on midcap stocks: Ashwani Gujral,1,midcap stocks,3625.0,7.0 7874,SentFIN,Cost pressures to continue over next quarter: IL&FS,1,IL&FS,3626.0,8.0 7875,SentFIN,Dish TV Q3 loss at Rs 38.25 crore,1,Dish TV,3627.0,8.0 7876,SentFIN,Major currencies eerily calm as geopolitical risk lingers,1,currencies,3628.0,8.0 7877,SentFIN,Consumers wont benefit from commodity price dip,1,commodity,3629.0,7.0 7878,SentFIN,Recommend to hold Cipla: Mayuresh Joshi,1,Cipla,3630.0,6.0 7879,SentFIN,Chinese yuan nearly flat after APEC summit,1,Chinese yuan,3631.0,7.0 7880,SentFIN,Bombay Stock Exchange suspends trading in 49 companies,1,Bombay Stock Exchange,3632.0,8.0 7881,SentFIN,Zinc succumbs to profit-booking; softens 0.18 per cent,0,Zinc,3633.0,8.0 7882,SentFIN,"3 Sebi staff being probed in bribery, other cases",0,Sebi,3634.0,9.0 7883,SentFIN,Aluminium futures weaken by 0.08% on low spot demand,0,Aluminium futures,3635.0,9.0 7884,SentFIN,Ample stocks drag down mentha oil futures by 1.51%,0,mentha oil futures,3636.0,9.0 7885,SentFIN,Analyst View: Frontline banking stocks trading below psychological levels,0,Frontline banking stocks,3637.0,9.0 7886,SentFIN,Andhra Bank net profit down 36% as provisions doubles,0,Andhra Bank,3638.0,9.0 7887,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland Q3 net loss at Rs 167 crore,1,Ashok Leyland,3641.0,9.0 7888,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland reports Rs 25 crore loss in Q2,1,Ashok Leyland,3642.0,9.0 7889,SentFIN,Asia shares edged lower ahead of US jobs figures,0,Asia shares,3643.0,9.0 7890,SentFIN,Asia stocks slip as China service data sours mood,0,Asia stocks,3644.0,9.0 7891,SentFIN,Asian shares fall as Malaysia jet downing hits sentiment,0,Asian shares,3645.0,9.0 7892,SentFIN,Assocham urges government to probe price manipulation at NCDEX,0,NCDEX,3646.0,9.0 7893,SentFIN,AstraZeneca Pharma Q1 net loss at Rs 8 crore,1,AstraZeneca Pharma,3647.0,9.0 7894,SentFIN,Aurobindo Pharma's longer term trend turned down: Deepak Mohoni,0,Aurobindo Pharma,3648.0,9.0 7895,SentFIN,"Australia shares dip to 2-week lows on banks, miners",0,Australia shares,3649.0,9.0 7896,SentFIN,Australian dollar drops to 5.5-year low after ECB move,0,Australian dollar,3650.0,9.0 7897,SentFIN,Australian dollar hits 4-1/2-year low on China growth worries,0,Australian dollar,3651.0,9.0 7898,SentFIN,Avoid metals until clarity on coal block allocation: Analysts,0,metals,3653.0,9.0 7899,SentFIN,Bajaj Auto falls over 2.5% as Nigeria devalues currency,0,Bajaj Auto,3655.0,9.0 7900,SentFIN,"Bajaj Finserv rights issue at Rs 650/share, stock down",0,Bajaj Finserv,3656.0,9.0 7901,SentFIN,Balasore Alloys faces shutdown by year-end over power arrears,0,Balasore Alloys,3657.0,9.0 7902,SentFIN,Banks reduce lending to mills as sugar prices fall,0,mills,3658.0,9.0 7903,SentFIN,Bears beat bulls - are markets in downward spiral?,0,markets,3659.0,9.0 7904,SentFIN,BEML will go as low as 540: Ashwani Gujral,0,BEML,3660.0,9.0 7905,SentFIN,Better to avoid sugar stocks for now: Gaurang Shah,0,sugar stocks,3661.0,9.0 7906,SentFIN,BoB Q2 numbers pathetic; expect further downside: Chokkalingam,0,BoB,3662.0,9.0 7907,SentFIN,"Bond investors factor in rate cut, yields head lower",2,Bond,3664.0,9.0 7908,SentFIN,BP shares in focus after US doubles spill estimate,0,BP,3665.0,9.0 7909,SentFIN,Brazil's leftover coffee sales may send ICE Futures lower,0,ICE Futures,3666.0,9.0 7910,SentFIN,Brent crude falls below $84 on global growth concerns,0,Brent crude,3667.0,9.0 7911,SentFIN,Brent falls below $60 for first time since 2009,0,Brent,3668.0,9.0 7912,SentFIN,British pound hits 14-month low after dovish BoE report,0,British pound,3669.0,9.0 7913,SentFIN,Brokerages lower ITC target price as Q3 results disappoint,0,ITC,3670.0,9.0 7914,SentFIN,Brokerages remain bearish on HUL as growth challenges remain,0,HUL,3671.0,9.0 7915,SentFIN,Brokers call: Morgan Stanley stays underweight on Hero MotoCorp,0,Hero MotoCorp,3672.0,9.0 7916,SentFIN,"Cairn India falls post Q1 results, loan to Vedanta",0,Cairn India,3674.0,9.0 7917,SentFIN,Cairn India Q3 net drops 14% on forex losses,0,Cairn India,3675.0,9.0 7918,SentFIN,Capital goods stocks may lead markets down: Ashwani Gujral,0,Capital goods stocks,3676.0,9.0 7919,SentFIN,Cardamom futures decline 0.71 per cent on profit-booking,0,Cardamom futures,3677.0,9.0 7920,SentFIN,Cardamom futures decline 1.01 per cent on subdued demand,0,Cardamom futures,3678.0,9.0 7921,SentFIN,"Cardamom futures extend losses, down 0.55% on adequate stocks",0,Cardamom futures,3679.0,9.0 7922,SentFIN,Chana futures decline 0.25 per cent on increased supplies,0,Chana futures,3680.0,9.0 7923,SentFIN,Cheap imports key concern for tyre makers: Sachin Shah,0,tyre makers,3681.0,9.0 7924,SentFIN,"Chennai Petroleum shuts refinery due to flooding, shares down",0,Chennai Petroleum,3682.0,9.0 7925,SentFIN,"China yuan eases, loses 0.1 per cent on week",0,China yuan,3683.0,9.0 7926,SentFIN,CIL shares fall over 2 per cent post earnings,0,CIL,3684.0,9.0 7927,SentFIN,Comex gold prices inch lower in early noon trades,0,Comex,3685.0,9.0 7928,SentFIN,"Commodity prices fall on oversupply, results of Greece referendum",0,Commodity,3686.0,9.0 7929,SentFIN,"Copper futures fall 0.08% on Asian cues, weak demand",0,Copper futures,3688.0,9.0 7930,SentFIN,"Coriander down 1.30 pc on weak demand, adequate supply",0,Coriander,3689.0,9.0 7931,SentFIN,Crisis Call: Amtek auto admits temporary cash flow mismatch,0,Amtek auto,3690.0,9.0 7932,SentFIN,Crompton Greaves dips on worries over likely Q3 loss,0,Crompton Greaves,3691.0,9.0 7933,SentFIN,Crude oil futures down 0.23% on weak Asian trend,0,Crude oil futures,3692.0,9.0 7934,SentFIN,Crude oil futures plunge 2.57% on weak Asian cues,0,Crude oil futures,3693.0,9.0 7935,SentFIN,Crude palm oil futures decline 0.34% on sluggish demand,0,Crude palm oil futures,3694.0,9.0 7936,SentFIN,Crude palm oil prices decline 0.45% on sluggish demand,0,Crude palm oil,3695.0,9.0 7937,SentFIN,"Crudes slide continues, oil companies' shares fall in sync",0,Crudes,3696.0,9.0 7938,SentFIN,Dalmia Bharat posts Rs 12.39 crore loss in Q3,0,Dalmia Bharat,3697.0,9.0 7939,SentFIN,Decline in China currency Yuan could fan trade tensions,0,Yuan,3698.0,9.0 7940,SentFIN,DEN Networks rallies as RBI hikes FII investment limit,2,DEN Networks,3699.0,9.0 7941,SentFIN,Dhanteras: Demand slump dampens festival; gold fever cools down,0,gold,3700.0,9.0 7942,SentFIN,Disappointing Q4 show pulls DLF down to 2-year low,0,DLF,3701.0,9.0 7943,SentFIN,DLF IPO disclosure case: Sebi imposes Rs 85-crore penalties,0,DLF,3702.0,9.0 7944,SentFIN,Do not prefer Polaris at current valuation: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,0,Polaris,3703.0,9.0 7945,SentFIN,Do not see Ranbaxy crossing Rs 450: Sandeep Wagle,0,Ranbaxy,3704.0,9.0 7946,SentFIN,Dollar slips after US Federal more dovish than expected,0,Dollar,3705.0,9.0 7947,SentFIN,Dollar wilts in wake of downbeat US GDP revision,0,Dollar,3706.0,9.0 7948,SentFIN,Dollar wobbles on track for half-year loss vs yen,0,Dollar,3707.0,9.0 7949,SentFIN,Downside of 105-110 levels possible for PFC: Ashwani Gujral,0,PFC,3708.0,9.0 7950,SentFIN,"Drug makers slump; US FDA scrutiny, weak earnings weigh",0,Drug makers,3709.0,9.0 7951,SentFIN,DTC proposal to create volatility in stock markets: Analysts,0,DTC,3710.0,9.0 7952,SentFIN,Egypt stock market plunges on reports of new taxes,0,Egypt stock market,3712.0,9.0 7953,SentFIN,EID Parry posts Rs 103.08 cr loss for Apr-Jun,0,EID Parry,3713.0,9.0 7954,SentFIN,Engineers India FPO gets lukewarm response on Day 1,0,Engineers India,3714.0,9.0 7955,SentFIN,"Entire midcap IT sector would underperform: Hemang Jani, Sharekhan",0,midcap IT sector,3715.0,9.0 7956,SentFIN,Era Infra Engineering plunges into red on lower sales,0,Era Infra Engineering,3716.0,9.0 7957,SentFIN,Essar stocks fall; group signs pacts with Russian firms,0,Essar stocks,3717.0,9.0 7958,SentFIN,"Euro slides to 11-month low against yen, volatility rises",0,Euro,3718.0,9.0 7959,SentFIN,Euro-dollar trades sideways amid lack of interest in pair,0,Euro-dollar,3719.0,9.0 7960,SentFIN,European shares fall for fourth session in a row,0,European shares,3720.0,9.0 7961,SentFIN,European shares head for first weekly drop since April,0,European shares,3721.0,9.0 7962,SentFIN,"European shares hit 13-month low on growth, deflation worries",0,European shares,3722.0,9.0 7963,SentFIN,"Europe's low-rated bonds stutter on China, Greek stock nerves",0,"China, Greek stock",3723.0,9.0 7964,SentFIN,Exit of hot money could put pressure on rupee,0,rupee,3724.0,9.0 7965,SentFIN,"F&O Tracker: Foxed by market slide, traders unwind longs",0,market,3725.0,9.0 7966,SentFIN,F&O volumes plunge as VIX sinks to new low,0,VIX,3726.0,9.0 7967,SentFIN,F&O: Nifty likely to face resistance at 5100 level,0,Nifty,3727.0,9.0 7968,SentFIN,"FII inflows slowing, tough times ahead for Dalal Street?",0,Dalal Street,3728.0,9.0 7969,SentFIN,Five reasons why investors should stay away from Infosys,0,Infosys,3729.0,9.0 7970,SentFIN,Forecasters see rupee weakening to 59.5 by March 2014,0,rupee,3730.0,9.0 7971,SentFIN,Forex losses trim 8pc of Nifty companies' profits: Crisil,0,Nifty,3731.0,9.0 7972,SentFIN,FTSE falls as Hong Kong unrest hits Asia-exposed stocks,0,FTSE,3732.0,9.0 7973,SentFIN,Global LNG-Asian prices continue to slide on weak demand,0,Global LNG-Asian,3733.0,9.0 7974,SentFIN,Global LNG-Prices drop to lowest levels since April 2011,0,Global LNG,3734.0,9.0 7975,SentFIN,GMR posts Rs 593-crore consolidated loss for June quarter,1,GMR,3735.0,9.0 7976,SentFIN,Gold declines after 17-week high spurs selling by traders,0,Gold,3737.0,9.0 7977,SentFIN,Gold futures decline 0.18 per cent on global cues,0,Gold futures,3738.0,9.0 7978,SentFIN,Google shares tumbles 2.3 per cent as profit dips,0,Google,3739.0,9.0 7979,SentFIN,Grasim Industry Q2 net down to Rs 346 crore,0,Grasim Industry,3740.0,9.0 7980,SentFIN,Greeks brace for stock market carnage after five-week shutdown,0,stock market,3741.0,9.0 7981,SentFIN,Guargum futures decline over 2% on weak spot cues,0,Guargum futures,3742.0,9.0 7982,SentFIN,Guarseed slips in futures trade on weak export demand,0,Guarseed,3743.0,9.0 7983,SentFIN,Gur prices decline on heavy supply of new gur,0,Gur,3744.0,9.0 7984,SentFIN,Hefty fine for 'insider trade' looms over Reliance Industries,0,Reliance Industries,3745.0,9.0 7985,SentFIN,Hindalco's profit after tax expected to decline by 33%,0,Hindalco,3747.0,9.0 7986,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares at 2-1/2-month low, unrest unnerves investors",0,Hong Kong shares,3748.0,9.0 7987,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares close down on China, global jitters",0,Hong Kong shares,3749.0,9.0 7988,SentFIN,Hong Kong shares slip as Wall Street cools off,0,Hong Kong shares,3750.0,9.0 7989,SentFIN,HPCL shares fall 2.5% as gross refining margins disappoint,0,HPCL,3751.0,9.0 7990,SentFIN,"HUL's Q2 profit flat, sales grow marginally, below expectations",0,HUL,3752.0,9.0 7991,SentFIN,"IDFC shares fall on profit-taking, cut in FII limit",0,IDFC,3753.0,9.0 7992,SentFIN,Indian Overseas Bank Q2 loss at Rs 245 crore,1,Indian Overseas Bank,3754.0,9.0 7993,SentFIN,Indices plumb new lows after US stocks post record,0,Indices,3755.0,9.0 7994,SentFIN,Infotech Enterprises Q4 profit slides 23% in March quarter,0,Infotech Enterprises,3757.0,9.0 7995,SentFIN,IOB net profit down 73.81% to Rs 102 crore,0,IOB,3759.0,9.0 7996,SentFIN,IOB Q4 net profit declines at Rs 58.60 crore,0,IOB,3760.0,9.0 7997,SentFIN,IOC reports Rs 961-crore net loss in December quarter,1,IOC,3761.0,9.0 7998,SentFIN,IOC shares down 2.5% on sluggish December quarter earnings,0,IOC,3762.0,9.0 7999,SentFIN,Iron ore eyes longest weekly losing streak since 2012,0,Iron ore,3763.0,9.0 8000,SentFIN,Jindal Stainless Q3 net loss at Rs 301 crore,1,Jindal Stainless,3764.0,9.0 8001,SentFIN,"JSPL hits 52-week low, down over 20% since July",0,JSPL,3765.0,9.0 8002,SentFIN,JSPL Q4 net down 39% to Rs 477.45 crore,0,JSPL,3766.0,9.0 8003,SentFIN,JSW Steel slips over 4% as CBI registers inquiry,0,JSW Steel,3767.0,9.0 8004,SentFIN,Kapas futures fall 2 pc on weak global cues,0,Kapas futures,3768.0,9.0 8005,SentFIN,"Koutons Retail: High debt, inventory to weigh on co",0,Koutons Retail,3770.0,9.0 8006,SentFIN,Lanco Infratech Q1 net loss at Rs 300 crore,1,Lanco Infratech,3771.0,9.0 8007,SentFIN,Mahesh Kothari Share & Stock Brokers is defaulter: BSE,0,Mahesh Kothari Share & Stock Brokers,3772.0,9.0 8008,SentFIN,Maintaining profits may get tougher now for ICICI Bank,0,ICICI Bank,3773.0,9.0 8009,SentFIN,Maize futures decline Rs 58 on weak spot demand,0,Maize futures,3774.0,9.0 8010,SentFIN,Marico looks bullish but don't buy it: Sandeep Wagle,0,Marico,3775.0,9.0 8011,SentFIN,Market taking bearish or a negative position: Ashwani Gujral,0,Market,3776.0,9.0 8012,SentFIN,Masket Q2 numbers disappoint; IT firms struggling: Mayuresh Joshi,0,Masket,3777.0,9.0 8013,SentFIN,Mastek: Company fails to make most of IT revival,0,Mastek,3778.0,9.0 8014,SentFIN,Meltdown in China has metal stocks sinking in India,0,metal stocks,3779.0,9.0 8015,SentFIN,"Mentha oil remains down on low demand, supply pressure",0,Mentha oil,3780.0,9.0 8016,SentFIN,Metals likely to underperform on the upside: Ashwani Gujral,0,Metals,3781.0,9.0 8017,SentFIN,MOIL Q2 net down 17% at Rs 90.56 cr,0,MOIL,3782.0,9.0 8018,SentFIN,Mustardseed futures slip on weak trend in spot market,0,Mustardseed futures,3784.0,9.0 8019,SentFIN,"NCDs lose ground, funds at 6-year low in FY15",0,NCD,3785.0,9.0 8020,SentFIN,NDTV posts Q1 net loss at Rs 60.8 cr,1,NDTV,3786.0,9.0 8021,SentFIN,Negative about aviation sector as a whole: G Chokkalingam,0,aviation sector,3788.0,9.0 8022,SentFIN,"Nifty turns choppy after hitting 7,700; top 20 bets",0,Nifty,3789.0,9.0 8023,SentFIN,Novartis India denies delisting plans; stock plunges over 13%,0,Novartis India,3790.0,9.0 8024,SentFIN,"NPA situation in banks poor, aviodance advised: Mehraboon Irani",0,banks,3791.0,9.0 8025,SentFIN,Nucleus Software Q4 net dips 51.74 pc; stock down,0,Nucleus Software,3792.0,9.0 8026,SentFIN,"Oil prices tumble to $45, bring cheer to customers",0,Oil,3793.0,9.0 8027,SentFIN,"Oil,pricey inputs make it a sticky affair for Pidilite",0,Pidilite,3794.0,9.0 8028,SentFIN,OMC stocks are not very fundamental call: UTI AMC,0,OMC stocks,3795.0,9.0 8029,SentFIN,Onion prices down 10-15% in Maharashtra on better supplies,0,Onion,3796.0,9.0 8030,SentFIN,Onion Prices may retreat in October on high supplies,0,Onion,3797.0,9.0 8031,SentFIN,Oracle Financial Services plunges on dispute with Irish customer,0,Oracle Financial Services,3798.0,9.0 8032,SentFIN,"Orchid Chemicals is a sell: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",0,Orchid Chemicals,3799.0,9.0 8033,SentFIN,Outperformance of CNX IT may not continue: Ashwani Gujral,1,CNX IT,3800.0,9.0 8034,SentFIN,Overweight on cement sector at current juncture: BP Singh,2,cement sector,3801.0,9.0 8035,SentFIN,Packaging cos plunge on plastic ban for gutka products,0,Packaging cos,3802.0,9.0 8036,SentFIN,Panacea Biotec Q2 net loss at Rs 56 crore,1,Panacea Biotec,3803.0,9.0 8037,SentFIN,Pantaloons reports loss of Rs 15.66 crore in Q3,1,Pantaloons,3804.0,9.0 8038,SentFIN,Petrol price hike is definitely on the cards: Sethuram,2,Petrol,3805.0,9.0 8039,SentFIN,Pipavav Defence scrip plunges 10% on lower-than-expected purchase price,0,Pipavav Defence,3806.0,9.0 8040,SentFIN,Piramal Enterprises Q3 net loss at Rs 11 crore,1,Piramal Enterprises,3807.0,9.0 8041,SentFIN,Platinum supplies may be hit if Africa unrest spirals,0,Platinum,3808.0,9.0 8042,SentFIN,Polaris Financial hits lower circuit of 5% post demerger,0,Polaris Financial,3809.0,9.0 8043,SentFIN,Police frame charges against Jignesh Shah in NSEL scam,0,NSEL,3810.0,9.0 8044,SentFIN,Power stocks may suffer in shorter term: Avinnash Gorakssakar,0,Power stocks,3811.0,9.0 8045,SentFIN,"PowerGrid Q2 net profit declines to Rs 1,201.27 crore",0,PowerGrid,3812.0,9.0 8046,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening lower; may retest 6650 levels,0,Nifty,3813.0,9.0 8047,SentFIN,Public offers feel heat of sliding market in 2011,0,market,3816.0,9.0 8048,SentFIN,Punjab farmers advised to sell potato harvest in March,0,potato,3818.0,9.0 8049,SentFIN,Ranbaxy Laboratories: Settlement takes away gains from Lipitor launch,0,Ranbaxy Laboratories,3819.0,9.0 8050,SentFIN,Raymond slips post drop of 86% in Q2 profit,0,Raymond,3820.0,9.0 8051,SentFIN,RCF Q3 net falls 28% to Rs 52.90 crore,0,RCF,3821.0,9.0 8052,SentFIN,Recommend short term trading in PSU banks: G Chokkalingam,0,PSU banks,3822.0,9.0 8053,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures remain weak on sluggish demand,0,Refined soya oil futures,3824.0,9.0 8054,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures weaken on low spot demand,0,Refined soya oil futures,3825.0,9.0 8055,SentFIN,"Retail investors should avoid Infrastructure: Rajesh Jain, Market Strategist",0,Infrastructure,3826.0,9.0 8056,SentFIN,Risk reward in Infosys unfavourable at current levels: Nomura,0,Infosys,3827.0,9.0 8057,SentFIN,Risk reward not favourable for Tata Motors: Hemang Jani,0,Tata Motors,3828.0,9.0 8058,SentFIN,"Rupee drops 7 paise, trades at 58.54 Vs dollar",0,Rupee,3829.0,9.0 8059,SentFIN,Rupee falls 17 paise against dollar in early trade,0,Rupee,3830.0,9.0 8060,SentFIN,"Rupee trims early losses, trades at 60.22 per dollar",2,Rupee,3833.0,9.0 8061,SentFIN,Russia RTS index down 4 percent to five-year low,0,Russia RTS index,3834.0,9.0 8062,SentFIN,Russian rouble slips as support from tax period fades,0,Russian rouble,3835.0,9.0 8063,SentFIN,S.Korean stocks slip on persistent foreign selling; won down,0,S.Korean stocks,3836.0,9.0 8064,SentFIN,Sahara group listed scrips slip after Subrata Roy's arrest,0,Sahara group,3837.0,9.0 8065,SentFIN,SAT upholds order against Ram Kaashyap Investment and promoter,1,SAT,3838.0,9.0 8066,SentFIN,Selling pressure may continue in Sesa Goa: Seshadri Bharathan,0,Sesa Goa,3846.0,9.0 8067,SentFIN,Sesa Sterlite slips over 2% as government challenges merger,0,Sesa Sterlite,3847.0,9.0 8068,SentFIN,Shalimar Paints Q3 dips 67.16% at Rs 1.54 crore,0,Shalimar Paints,3848.0,9.0 8069,SentFIN,Share price of ITC Ltd crashes by over 6%,0,ITC Ltd,3849.0,9.0 8070,SentFIN,"Significant corrections from these levels unlikely: Ashwani Gujral,",1,,3852.0,9.0 8071,SentFIN,Silver extends weakness in futures trade on overseas cues,0,Silver,3853.0,9.0 8072,SentFIN,Sistema bonds tank further; Federal Reserve rattles emerging assets,0,Sistema bonds,3854.0,9.0 8073,SentFIN,Sistema chairman Vladimir Yevtushenkov's house arrest sends stocks crashing,0,Sistema,3855.0,9.0 8074,SentFIN,Skip Reliance Power for other power stocks: Seshadri Bharathan,0,Reliance Power,3857.0,9.0 8075,SentFIN,Sobha Q2 net down 33% at Rs 40 crore,0,Sobha,3858.0,9.0 8076,SentFIN,SpiceJet reports Q4 net loss at Rs 321.5 crore,1,SpiceJet,3859.0,9.0 8077,SentFIN,"SREI Infra is a sell: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",0,SREI Infra,3860.0,9.0 8078,SentFIN,SSTL Q2 net loss narrows at Rs 400.4 crore,0,SSTL,3861.0,9.0 8079,SentFIN,"Stay Away from ADAG basket: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",0,ADAG,3862.0,9.0 8080,SentFIN,Stretched valuations likely to keep Emami stock under pressure,0,Emami,3863.0,9.0 8081,SentFIN,Sugar futures trade lower by 0.15% on higher supply,0,Sugar futures,3864.0,9.0 8082,SentFIN,Sugar turns bitter for india mills as losses mount,0,Sugar,3865.0,9.0 8083,SentFIN,"Supply crunch, rising prices make Indian black pepper uncompetitive",0,Indian black pepper,3866.0,9.0 8084,SentFIN,Surging oil marketing companies may stumble on subsidy woes,0,oil marketing companies,3867.0,9.0 8085,SentFIN,Surya Pharma CDR fails; bankers to start recovery process,0,Surya Pharma,3868.0,9.0 8086,SentFIN,TBZ Q3 net dips 23pc to Rs 19.07 crore,0,TBZ,3869.0,9.0 8087,SentFIN,Technology stocks in decline stoke fear in US investors,0,Technology stocks,3870.0,9.0 8088,SentFIN,Tesco woes drag down Britain FTSE 100 share index,0,Tesco,3872.0,9.0 8089,SentFIN,Texmaco Rail & Engineering posts lower Q2 net profit,0,Texmaco Rail & Engineering,3873.0,9.0 8090,SentFIN,There are near term issues with Infosys: IV Subramaniam,0,Infosys,3874.0,9.0 8091,SentFIN,Time to book out of Sesa Sterlite: Ambareesh Baliga,0,Sesa Sterlite,3875.0,9.0 8092,SentFIN,Tin bear market shuts 70% of Indonesia's smelting capacity,0,Tin,3876.0,9.0 8093,SentFIN,Transglobal sells Kingfisher Airlines shares worth Rs 7.43 cr,0,Kingfisher Airlines,3877.0,9.0 8094,SentFIN,Trent Ltd slips nearly 4% despite strong Q1 show,0,Trent Ltd,3878.0,9.0 8095,SentFIN,"Turkish lira sapped by political uncertainty, central bank inaction",0,Turkish lira,3879.0,9.0 8096,SentFIN,UltraTech Cement numbers not that good: P Phani Sekhar,0,UltraTech Cement,3880.0,9.0 8097,SentFIN,Ultratech Cements profit declines 6% to Rs 591 crore,0,Ultratech Cement,3881.0,9.0 8098,SentFIN,Uninor suffers Rs 134 crore operating loss in Q1,0,Uninor,3882.0,9.0 8099,SentFIN,Union Bank Q4 net drops 23% on higher provisioning,0,Union Bank,3883.0,9.0 8100,SentFIN,Valuations in auto ancillary sector look stretched: Sandip Sabharwal,0,auto ancillary sector,3885.0,9.0 8101,SentFIN,VIX slump to a 9-month low catches punters short,0,VIX,3887.0,9.0 8102,SentFIN,Wall Street ends near flat as Russia concerns linger,1,Wall Street,3888.0,9.0 8103,SentFIN,"Wall Street rebounds, erases week losses with Russia news",2,Wall Street,3889.0,9.0 8104,SentFIN,Weak demand and tariff war weigh on hotel stocks,0,hotel stocks,3890.0,9.0 8105,SentFIN,"Weak demand, higher supply drag down mentha oil futures",0,mentha oil futures,3891.0,9.0 8106,SentFIN,Wealthy investors may not profit from Muthoot finance issue,0,Muthoot finance,3892.0,9.0 8107,SentFIN,Weekly review: Rupee falls for second week against dollar,0,Rupee,3893.0,9.0 8108,SentFIN,West Coast Paper plunges 11% on stake sale reports,0,West Coast Paper,3894.0,9.0 8109,SentFIN,White sugar likely to lose premium on global glut,0,White sugar,3895.0,9.0 8110,SentFIN,World oil prices sink further on mounting US supply,0,oil,3896.0,9.0 8111,SentFIN,"World stocks down on weak data, Wall Street dive",0,World stocks,3897.0,9.0 8112,SentFIN,Yield of Dollar bonds plunges to a 9-year low,2,Dollar bonds,3898.0,9.0 8113,SentFIN,Yuan depreciation may augur bad news for Indian exports,0,Yuan,3899.0,9.0 8114,SentFIN,Zinc futures decline 0.61 per cent on subdued demand,0,Zinc futures,3900.0,9.0 8115,SentFIN,200 tonnes of gold to illegally enter India this year,1,gold,3901.0,10.0 8116,SentFIN,3 firms approach Sebi with rights issue offer in January,1,Sebi,3902.0,10.0 8117,SentFIN,ACC Q2 net dips 79 pc to Rs 86.31 cr,0,ACC,3903.0,10.0 8118,SentFIN,Airtel elevates Abhay Savargaonkar as CTO as Jagbir Singh resigns,1,Airtel,3904.0,10.0 8119,SentFIN,Ample stocks drag down sugar futures by 0.44 per cent,0,sugar futures,3905.0,10.0 8120,SentFIN,Australia shares fall to their lowest in over 7 months,0,Australia shares,3906.0,10.0 8121,SentFIN,"Australia shares slip on concern over Greece, China and commodities",0,Australia shares,3907.0,10.0 8122,SentFIN,Auto stocks fall on fears of hike in excise duty,0,Auto stocks,3908.0,10.0 8123,SentFIN,Avoid Ipca on management and US FDA issues: Kunj Bansal,0,Ipca,3909.0,10.0 8124,SentFIN,Benchmark Brent crude bears the scars of more U.S. oil,0,Brent,3910.0,10.0 8125,SentFIN,Blue Star Q4 net profit down at Rs 56.85 crore,0,Blue Star,3912.0,10.0 8126,SentFIN,"Bonds fall after RBI cuts lender SLR, held-to-maturity requirements",0,Bonds,3913.0,10.0 8127,SentFIN,"Brent falls below $86, heads for worst month since 2012",0,Brent,3914.0,10.0 8128,SentFIN,Brent falls towards $57 as demand concerns outweigh supply disruptions,0,Brent,3915.0,10.0 8129,SentFIN,Brent holds near $106 after ample supply pulls down prices,0,Brent,3916.0,10.0 8130,SentFIN,Britannia Q3 PAT declines 36.9 pc to Rs 29.1 cr,0,Britannia,3917.0,10.0 8131,SentFIN,Bullish commodity bets fell most in seven weeks before slump,0,commodity,3918.0,10.0 8132,SentFIN,"Cairn India Q3 PAT down 5% at 2,884 cr, QoQ",0,Cairn India,3919.0,10.0 8133,SentFIN,Canara Bank Q3 net profit drops 42.39% on higher provisioning,0,Canara Bank,3920.0,10.0 8134,SentFIN,Canara Bank Q4 profit down 16% at Rs 611 crore,0,Canara Bank,3921.0,10.0 8135,SentFIN,Cardamom declines 0.60% in futures trade on low spot demand,0,Cardamom,3922.0,10.0 8136,SentFIN,Cautious even at current levels on OMCs: ING Investment Management,1,ING Investment Management,3923.0,10.0 8137,SentFIN,"Cement cos: Weak demand, high input cost may derail rally",0,Cement cos,3924.0,10.0 8138,SentFIN,CESC has been experiencing volatility for few days: Mitesh Thacker,0,CESC,3925.0,10.0 8139,SentFIN,China yuan edges down on weak midpoint and FDI data,0,China yuan,3927.0,10.0 8140,SentFIN,China yuan set for biggest weekly loss in two months,0,China yuan,3928.0,10.0 8141,SentFIN,Chinese yuan's winning streak broken by Swiss central bank move,1,Chinese yuan,3929.0,10.0 8142,SentFIN,Cipla Q1 net profit lags estimates as higher costs hurt,0,Cipla,3930.0,10.0 8143,SentFIN,CNX IT is out of the sell mode: Mitesh Thacker,0,CNX IT,3931.0,10.0 8144,SentFIN,"Concerned over grey market growth, Sebi calls for one regulator",1,Sebi,3932.0,10.0 8145,SentFIN,Copper futures fall 0.16 per cent on weak global cues,0,Copper futures,3933.0,10.0 8146,SentFIN,Copper futures fall 0.32 per cent on weak global cues,0,Copper futures,3934.0,10.0 8147,SentFIN,Cost to hedge sterling swings rises as Scottish vote looms,0,sterling,3935.0,10.0 8148,SentFIN,Cyclicals have disappointed the investors time and again: Harendra Kumar,0,Cyclicals,3937.0,10.0 8149,SentFIN,DB Realty may find bank loans drying up; stock falls,0,DB Realty,3938.0,10.0 8150,SentFIN,"DCB promoters stake to come down by 5%, post-Dec QIP",1,DCB,3939.0,10.0 8151,SentFIN,Delta Corp can get down to 40 levels: Ashwani Gujral,0,Delta Corp,3940.0,10.0 8152,SentFIN,DGH to question RIL on falling KG output; stock falls,0,RIL,3941.0,10.0 8153,SentFIN,Did the Indian government deliberately allow the rupee to fall?,0,rupee,3942.0,10.0 8154,SentFIN,Dish TV posts loss of Rs 16.05 crore in Q1,1,Dish TV,3943.0,10.0 8155,SentFIN,DLF Ltd slips as High Court cancels 300-acre land allotment,0,DLF Ltd,3944.0,10.0 8156,SentFIN,"Do not prefer telecom in long-term: Harendra Kumar, Elara Capital",0,telecom,3946.0,10.0 8157,SentFIN,Do not prefer United Spirits at current levels: Avinnash Gorakssakar,0,United Spirits,3947.0,10.0 8158,SentFIN,Dollar falters as Iraq air strike order saps risk appetite,0,Dollar,3948.0,10.0 8159,SentFIN,Dollar sinks deeper in Asia on low US bond yields,0,Dollar,3949.0,10.0 8160,SentFIN,Doubts undermine stocks as ECB faces 1 trillion euro question,0,stocks,3950.0,10.0 8161,SentFIN,Dredging Corporation falls as government plans to sell 5% stake,0,Dredging Corporation,3951.0,10.0 8162,SentFIN,"Easy ride over for shipping companies, global slowdown a drag",0,shipping companies,3953.0,10.0 8163,SentFIN,"Edelweiss says fiscal deficit, asset strain big worry for markets",1,Edelweiss,3954.0,10.0 8164,SentFIN,"Education body accuses Sebi's arm of conflict of interest, plagiarism",1,Sebi,3956.0,10.0 8165,SentFIN,Egypt two-wheeler import ban likely to hit Bajaj Auto hard,0,Bajaj Auto,3957.0,10.0 8166,SentFIN,Elder Pharma slumps after company says facing severe financial crunch,0,Elder Pharma,3958.0,10.0 8167,SentFIN,Engineering stocks not really strong at the moment: Deepak Mohoni,0,Engineering stocks,3961.0,10.0 8168,SentFIN,Euro pressured by expectations of ECB easing; eyes recent lows,0,Euro,3962.0,10.0 8169,SentFIN,Euro zone yields bounce after Fed officials play down minutes,0,Euro zone,3963.0,10.0 8170,SentFIN,European shares hit 4-1/2 month low on concerns over Iraq,0,European shares,3964.0,10.0 8171,SentFIN,European shares steady; set for first weekly drop since April,0,European shares,3965.0,10.0 8172,SentFIN,Exide Industries shares tank over 6% as Q3 net dips,0,Exide Industries,3966.0,10.0 8173,SentFIN,F&O Tracker: Markets likely to shift to a lower range,0,Markets,3967.0,10.0 8174,SentFIN,Fear of post-poll price drop draws people to sell gold,0,gold,3968.0,10.0 8175,SentFIN,Few levers of growth for Hindustan Unilever in near term,1,Hindustan Unilever,3969.0,10.0 8176,SentFIN,German shares lag in Europe as Ukraine conflict hits ZEW,0,German shares,3970.0,10.0 8177,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Q1 net dips 43% to Rs 96.5 crore,0,GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals,3971.0,10.0 8178,SentFIN,"Global stocks slump as ECB disappoints, US rate debate rages",0,Global stocks,3972.0,10.0 8179,SentFIN,"Godrej Properties October-December net profit up 5%, income down 9%",2,Godrej Properties,3975.0,10.0 8180,SentFIN,"Gold hovers below 3-month high; US jobs data, ECB eyed",2,Gold,3976.0,10.0 8181,SentFIN,Gontermann-Peipers (India) posts Rs 5.65 crore net loss in Q1,1,Gontermann-Peipers,3978.0,10.0 8182,SentFIN,"Guargum futures drop Rs 360 on weak domestic, export demand",0,Guargum futures,3980.0,10.0 8183,SentFIN,Hardening rupee fails to attract NRIs to invest in India,0,rupee,3981.0,10.0 8184,SentFIN,"HDFC Bank Q4 disappoints, posts net profit of 2,327 crore",0,HDFC Bank,3982.0,10.0 8185,SentFIN,"Heidelberg Cement: High costs, weak realisations tell on Sept nos",0,Heidelberg Cement,3983.0,10.0 8186,SentFIN,Hero MotoCorp slips over 2% on disappointing Q1 net profit,0,Hero MotoCorp,3984.0,10.0 8187,SentFIN,Hinduja Global Q3 net down 7.22% at Rs 28.01 cr,0,Hinduja Global,3985.0,10.0 8188,SentFIN,Hindustan Copper Q3 net down 9% to Rs 69 crore,0,Hindustan Copper,3986.0,10.0 8189,SentFIN,Hong Kong index inches down from highest level since December,0,Hong Kong index,3987.0,10.0 8190,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares close down on weak financials, mainland fall",0,Hong Kong shares,3988.0,10.0 8191,SentFIN,Hong Kong shares end at 2-month low amid policy uncertainty,0,Hong Kong,3989.0,10.0 8192,SentFIN,Hotel Leelaventure Q4 net loss narrows to Rs 57.14 crore,2,Hotel Leelaventure,3990.0,10.0 8193,SentFIN,HT Media Q3 net down 4.55% to Rs 63.97 crore,0,HT Media,3992.0,10.0 8194,SentFIN,HUL fails to grow Q1 net profit amid uncertain demand,0,HUL,3993.0,10.0 8195,SentFIN,"Hyundai Motors shares slips 10%, lowest in nearly 5 years",0,Hyundai Motors,3994.0,10.0 8196,SentFIN,ICEX faces uncertain future; trading suspended for over 12 months,0,ICEX,3995.0,10.0 8197,SentFIN,ICICI Bank shares fall nearly 2 per cent post earnings,0,ICICI Bank,3996.0,10.0 8198,SentFIN,"Idea Cellular plunges 8.4%, biggest single-day fall since October 2008",0,Idea Cellular,3997.0,10.0 8199,SentFIN,Idea Q2 net profit falls 18% to Rs 180 cr,0,Idea,3998.0,10.0 8200,SentFIN,Illegal money pooling activities: Sebi bars three companies from Street,1,Sebi,4001.0,10.0 8201,SentFIN,India Inc raises Rs 4-lakh crore from markets; debt preferred,2,India Inc,4002.0,10.0 8202,SentFIN,Indo Rama Synthetics Q2 net loss at Rs 61.36 crore,1,Indo Rama Synthetics,4004.0,10.0 8203,SentFIN,"Indonesian rupiah weakens 1.1 per cent to 13,550 per dollar",0,Indonesian rupiah,4005.0,10.0 8204,SentFIN,Infotech PAT down 16% on higher operating expenses; topline up,0,Infotech,4007.0,10.0 8205,SentFIN,Investor flight from US stocks fails to lift bond market,0,US stocks,4009.0,10.0 8206,SentFIN,Ipca Labs Q2 net nosedives 81% to Rs 12 crore,0,Ipca Labs,4010.0,10.0 8207,SentFIN,IT major Wipro slips as Q1 growth lags industry average,0,Wipro,4012.0,10.0 8208,SentFIN,ITC's profitability at the net level was disappointing: Avinnash Gorakssakar,0,ITC,4014.0,10.0 8209,SentFIN,"Jaypee Group stocks plunge on high volumes, interest rate scenario",0,Jaypee Group,4015.0,10.0 8210,SentFIN,JGBs extend losses as market feels heat from Bunds rout,0,JGBs,4016.0,10.0 8211,SentFIN,JP Associates' Q2 profit nearly halved at Rs 68 crore,0,JP Associates,4017.0,10.0 8212,SentFIN,"JSPL shares tank over 8.5%; mcap down Rs 1,482 crore",0,JSPL,4018.0,10.0 8213,SentFIN,Jubilant Foodworks Q1 net down 18% at Rs 27.72 crore,0,Jubilant Foodworks,4019.0,10.0 8214,SentFIN,Jubilant Life plunges 14.2 per cent after posting wider loss,0,Jubilant Life,4020.0,10.0 8215,SentFIN,Kaveri loses almost a third of mcap on pending royalties,0,Kaveri,4023.0,10.0 8216,SentFIN,Key consequences of China's stock market crash by Citi research,1,Citi,4024.0,10.0 8217,SentFIN,L&T trims its order book; raises concern about its peers,0,L&T,4025.0,10.0 8218,SentFIN,"Major South-east Asian stocks fall, energy shares lead regional decline",0,South-east Asian stocks,4026.0,10.0 8219,SentFIN,Maytas Infra Sept quarter net loss at Rs 528.79 cr,1,Maytas Infra,4027.0,10.0 8220,SentFIN,Metal stocks sink as China PMI data raises demand concerns,0,Metal stocks,4030.0,10.0 8221,SentFIN,Mid-caps lose sheen as EM currency rout takes a toll,0,Mid-caps,4031.0,10.0 8222,SentFIN,MNC stocks tumble as Sebi's stiff delisting norms hit home,0,MNC stocks,4033.0,10.0 8223,SentFIN,"Modi loses, Sensex cracks? Yes, by about 3,000 points: Experts",0,Sensex,4034.0,10.0 8224,SentFIN,"MphasiS slips over 5% on HP revenue concerns, Macquarie downgrade",0,MphasiS,4035.0,10.0 8225,SentFIN,MRF shares tank over 7 per cent on poor earnings,0,MRF,4036.0,10.0 8226,SentFIN,Murli Indst to dilute stake to partly-fund 3 cement plants,1,Murli Indst,4037.0,10.0 8227,SentFIN,Network18 Media reports Rs 11.72 crore loss in December quarter,1,Network18 Media,4038.0,10.0 8228,SentFIN,NMCE asks members dealing with NSEL defaulters to be alert,0,NSEL,4039.0,10.0 8229,SentFIN,"NSEL scam: Borrowers routed Rs 4,000-crore loot into real estate",0,NSEL,4040.0,10.0 8230,SentFIN,OBC tanks over 5% as December quarter PAT falls 91%,0,OBC,4041.0,10.0 8231,SentFIN,Oil prices edge lower as Iran talks extend beyond deadline,0,Oil,4042.0,10.0 8232,SentFIN,ONGC slips on buzz that govt increased fuel subsidy burden,0,ONGC,4044.0,10.0 8233,SentFIN,Page Industries is not an investment bet now: Rajat Bose,0,Page Industries,4045.0,10.0 8234,SentFIN,Parrys sugar reports Q1 net loss at Rs 20.12 crore,1,Parrys sugar,4046.0,10.0 8235,SentFIN,Petronet LNG slips nearly 5% on stake sale by ADB,0,Petronet LNG,4047.0,10.0 8236,SentFIN,Pfizer Q1 net profit dips 3% at Rs 46 crore,0,Pfizer,4048.0,10.0 8237,SentFIN,PFS net profit plunges 66 per cent in fourth quarter,0,PFS,4049.0,10.0 8238,SentFIN,PNB shares down nearly 5 per cent as earnings disappoint,0,PNB,4050.0,10.0 8239,SentFIN,Poor show of tiles may give Prism Cement margin jitters,0,Prism Cement,4051.0,10.0 8240,SentFIN,Pound in pain as cuts push UK to print cash,0,Pound,4052.0,10.0 8241,SentFIN,Pressure on Nifty may stay for a while: Deepak Mohoni,0,Nifty,4053.0,10.0 8242,SentFIN,Private banks rally may stall as FII stake nears limit,2,Private banks,4054.0,10.0 8243,SentFIN,Raghuram Rajan's 'rate-cut' talk fails to cheer markets; Sensex plunges,0,Sensex,4055.0,10.0 8244,SentFIN,Rail stocks fall as Sadananda Gowda presents Rail Budget 2014,0,Rail stocks,4056.0,10.0 8245,SentFIN,Rallis India shares tank over 6% on weak Q2 results,0,Rallis India,4057.0,10.0 8246,SentFIN,Regulatory uncertainties holding the rally in telecom sector: BP Singh,2,telecom sector,4058.0,10.0 8247,SentFIN,"Reject Tata Motors FD plan, global proxy firm tells shareholders",0,Tata Motors,4059.0,10.0 8248,SentFIN,Repco Home makes weak stock market debut; tanks over 6%,0,Repco Home,4060.0,10.0 8249,SentFIN,Resource oriented stocks are a negative buy today: Anu Jain,0,Resource oriented stocks,4061.0,10.0 8250,SentFIN,"Russian shares edge down, investors wary ahead of Ukraine election",0,Russian shares,4063.0,10.0 8251,SentFIN,SAIL to speed up coal acquisition plan abroad; stock down,0,SAIL,4064.0,10.0 8252,SentFIN,Saint-Gobain sees big sell-off post plans to merge Grindwell Norton,0,Saint-Gobain,4065.0,10.0 8253,SentFIN,Samsung shares down over 7 pc after losing patent case,0,Samsung,4066.0,10.0 8254,SentFIN,Sanofi India shares tank over 10% on price control order,0,Sanofi India,4067.0,10.0 8255,SentFIN,See 7900-7950 as key resistance level for Nifty: Gaurav Mehta,0,Nifty,4069.0,10.0 8256,SentFIN,Sell Arvind with target price of Rs 137: Prakash Gaba,0,Arvind,4070.0,10.0 8257,SentFIN,Sell Hexaware with target price of Rs 109: Prakash Gaba,0,Hexaware,4071.0,10.0 8258,SentFIN,SELL LIC with a target of Rs 385: Prakash Gaba,0,LIC,4072.0,10.0 8259,SentFIN,Sell M&M with target price of Rs 845: Ashwani Gujral,0,M&M,4073.0,10.0 8260,SentFIN,SELL OBC with a target of Rs 170: Mitesh Thacker,0,OBC,4074.0,10.0 8261,SentFIN,Sell PFC with a target of Rs 166: Ashwani Gujral,0,PFC,4075.0,10.0 8262,SentFIN,Sell Tech Mahindra with target of Rs 2598: Sandeep Wagle,0,Tech Mahindra,4076.0,10.0 8263,SentFIN,Sell Titan with a target of Rs 380: Mitesh Thacker,0,Titan,4077.0,10.0 8264,SentFIN,Sensex loses 1.6% as Euro zone September growth contracts sharply,0,Sensex,4078.0,10.0 8265,SentFIN,"Sesa Sterlite results fail to surprise Street, stock down 1.3%",0,Sesa Sterlite,4079.0,10.0 8266,SentFIN,Silver demand could fall 7 per cent in 2014: Report,0,Silver,4080.0,10.0 8267,SentFIN,Small-caps bear the brunt as wary investors head to exit,0,Small-caps,4081.0,10.0 8268,SentFIN,Smuggling of gold sees a decline as its demand softens,0,gold,4082.0,10.0 8269,SentFIN,SPARC net loss widens to Rs 9.40 crore in Q4,0,SPARC,4083.0,10.0 8270,SentFIN,SRG Housing Finance extends closure of IPO amid bank strike,0,SRG Housing Finance,4084.0,10.0 8271,SentFIN,Stakeholders stall Eros International's $50 million plan to launch channels,0,Eros International,4085.0,10.0 8272,SentFIN,Sun Pharma Advanced Research Q1 loss at Rs 9.74 crore,1,Sun Pharma Advanced Research,4087.0,10.0 8273,SentFIN,Sun Pharma falls despite earnings being in line with estimates,0,Sun Pharma,4088.0,10.0 8274,SentFIN,Sun TV shares fall about 6% as earnings lag estimates,0,Sun TV,4089.0,10.0 8275,SentFIN,Sundaram Clayton sells 4 shares via offer for sale route,0,Sundaram Clayton,4090.0,10.0 8276,SentFIN,Tata Communications slips over 2 per cent post Q4 results,0,Tata Communications,4091.0,10.0 8277,SentFIN,Three factors that hit markets; Sensex ends 240 points down,0,Sensex,4094.0,10.0 8278,SentFIN,Tilaknagar Industries slumps after ABD calls off talks of acquisition,0,Tilaknagar Industries,4095.0,10.0 8279,SentFIN,Tirupati Inks tanks 16 pc in debut trade on BSE,0,Tirupati Inks,4096.0,10.0 8280,SentFIN,Torrent Pharma Q4 net dips 27.56% to Rs 42.84 crore,0,Torrent Pharma,4097.0,10.0 8281,SentFIN,Tribunal asks Sebi to select SRO afresh for MF distributors,1,Sebi,4099.0,10.0 8282,SentFIN,TTK Prestige Q2 net profit slips to Rs 27.98 crore,0,TTK Prestige,4100.0,10.0 8283,SentFIN,Turkish lira hits 11-month low as media raid jars nerves,0,Turkish lira,4101.0,10.0 8284,SentFIN,TV Today Network Q1 net loss at Rs 35 lakh,1,TV Today Network,4102.0,10.0 8285,SentFIN,UltraTech Q4 net down 16.27 pc at Rs 726.20 crore,0,UltraTech,4103.0,10.0 8286,SentFIN,Unitech promoters cut shareholding by 12.93% between April and June,0,Unitech,4104.0,10.0 8287,SentFIN,Unitech Q3 profit down by 61% at Rs 32.82 crore,0,Unitech,4105.0,10.0 8288,SentFIN,Use rallies in metal space to book profits: Gaurang Shah,0,metal space,4106.0,10.0 8289,SentFIN,"User growth for Twitter starts to slow, and stock dips",0,Twitter,4107.0,10.0 8290,SentFIN,Wall Street dips in volatile trade; oil prices fall further,0,Wall Street,4109.0,10.0 8291,SentFIN,Wall Street falls as Wal-Mart's weak forecast drags on retailers,0,Wall Street,4111.0,10.0 8292,SentFIN,Wary of midcap stocks amid economic slowdown: Hemindra Hazari,0,midcap stocks,4112.0,10.0 8293,SentFIN,Whats dragging the stock of Central Bank of India down?,0,Central Bank of India,4113.0,10.0 8294,SentFIN,Wipro's chart is not looking very positive: Rajat Bose,0,Wipro,4114.0,10.0 8295,SentFIN,Yellow Fever: Up to 15-tonne gold gone in three days,0,gold,4117.0,10.0 8296,SentFIN,Yes Bank falls nearly 3% after MSCI excludes from indexes,0,Yes Bank,4119.0,10.0 8297,SentFIN,ZACL Q2 net profit falls 86% to Rs 3.12 crore,0,ZACL,4120.0,10.0 8298,SentFIN,10-year bond yield hits 16-1/2 month low on rate cut hopes,2,10-year bond,4121.0,11.0 8299,SentFIN,2014 Lok Sabha elections: Nifty seen opening lower; poll results eyed,0,Nifty,4122.0,11.0 8300,SentFIN,"2G auction: Will high bids hurt telecom stocks, make calls expensive?",0,telecom stocks,4123.0,11.0 8301,SentFIN,5 reasons behind Sensex's 600-pt slip and why investors needn't worry,0,Sensex,4124.0,11.0 8302,SentFIN,ACC net profit dips 31 pc to Rs 1077.53cr in 2010,0,ACC,4125.0,11.0 8303,SentFIN,ACC shares fall; Q2 net dips 45% to Rs 133 cr,0,ACC,4126.0,11.0 8304,SentFIN,Advisory firm asks investors to reject Indiabulls Real Estate's preferential issue,0,Indiabulls Real Estate,4127.0,11.0 8305,SentFIN,"After DLF exit, Nifty may have to do without realty sector",0,realty sector,4128.0,11.0 8306,SentFIN,AGC Networks Q1 net down 47.18 pc at Rs 5.73 cr,0,AGC Networks,4129.0,11.0 8307,SentFIN,Agri stocks to remain subdued in the short term: Nitin Raheja,0,Agri stocks,4130.0,11.0 8308,SentFIN,"Air India posts a loss of Rs 5,000 crore in 2013-14",1,Air India,4131.0,11.0 8309,SentFIN,Alok Industries Q1 net down by 49% at Rs 30.07 crore,0,Alok Industries,4132.0,11.0 8310,SentFIN,Alstom India registers Rs 7.58 crore loss in third quarter,1,Alstom India,4133.0,11.0 8311,SentFIN,Aluminium futures weaken as traders reduc exposure amid weak global cues,0,Aluminium futures,4134.0,11.0 8312,SentFIN,"Aluminium trades at lower level on global cues, low spot demand",0,Aluminium,4135.0,11.0 8313,SentFIN,"Analysts divided over Nestle; some say 'Hold', others see 'downside risk'",0,Nestle,4137.0,11.0 8314,SentFIN,Back-to-back AGMs of Reliance ADAG companies not in shareholders interest: Experts,0,Reliance ADAG,4140.0,11.0 8315,SentFIN,Balrampur Chini reports net loss of Rs 9.77 crore in Q1,1,Balrampur Chini,4141.0,11.0 8316,SentFIN,Bharti Airtel slips on bourses; m-cap erodes by Rs 994 crore,0,Bharti Airtel,4142.0,11.0 8317,SentFIN,Bhushan Steel slips 5% on rating downgrade; down 60% since August,0,Bhushan Steel,4143.0,11.0 8318,SentFIN,Bill Gates dumped a huge amount of Microsoft stock this year,0,Microsoft,4144.0,11.0 8319,SentFIN,Biocon Q4 Net dips 54 per cent at Rs 113 crore,0,Biocon,4145.0,11.0 8320,SentFIN,Bleak quarter seen for India Incs earnings growth amid low demand,0,India Inc,4146.0,11.0 8321,SentFIN,"Bloodbath on Dalal Street, but do not short markets, say analysts",1,markets,4147.0,11.0 8322,SentFIN,Bonds pare losses after Arvind Mayaram comment on consumer price index,2,Bonds,4148.0,11.0 8323,SentFIN,"Brent crude holds above $97, but eyes worst quarter since 2012",0,Brent crude,4149.0,11.0 8324,SentFIN,"Brent crude slips back towards $97, set for third monthly drop",0,Brent crude,4150.0,11.0 8325,SentFIN,"Brent falls below $113, set for biggest weekly drop since January",0,Brent,4151.0,11.0 8326,SentFIN,Brent slumps below $89 to lowest since 2010 as rout extends,0,Brent,4152.0,11.0 8327,SentFIN,BSE Metal Index pares losses as Rajya Sabha passes MMDR Bill,2,BSE Metal Index,4154.0,11.0 8328,SentFIN,Ceat Q4 net down 3.86 per cent at Rs 62.42 crore,0,Ceat,4158.0,11.0 8329,SentFIN,"Challenging for companies to raise money: U K Sinha, Sebi Chairman",1,Sebi,4159.0,11.0 8330,SentFIN,Chambal Fertilisers Q3 net profit down 6% to Rs 90.28 crorepti,0,Chambal Fertilisers,4160.0,11.0 8331,SentFIN,Chances of a pullback likely on Nifty in near-term: Mitesh Thacker,0,Nifty,4161.0,11.0 8332,SentFIN,"China Agricultural Bank sells $1 billion debut ""green bond"" in London",0,China Agricultural Bank,4162.0,11.0 8333,SentFIN,China yuan slips in 2014; first major decline since 2005 revaluation,0,China yuan,4163.0,11.0 8334,SentFIN,Cipla plunges over 5% as Q3 net profit lags Street estimates,0,Cipla,4164.0,11.0 8335,SentFIN,Cipla Q4 net down 22.33 per cent to Rs 214 cr,0,Cipla,4165.0,11.0 8336,SentFIN,Commex intra-day turnover slips as commodity transaction tax comes into force,0,Commex,4167.0,11.0 8337,SentFIN,Commodity exchanges turnover drops by 39% till Feb 15 in FY'14,0,Commodity exchanges,4168.0,11.0 8338,SentFIN,Competition is going to get tougher in telecom sector: Amit Khurana,0,telecom sector,4169.0,11.0 8339,SentFIN,Consumer stocks may feel the heat of sectoral churning: Nirav Sheth,0,Consumer stocks,4170.0,11.0 8340,SentFIN,Contra Call: Not all analysts have ONGC on their buy list,0,ONGC,4171.0,11.0 8341,SentFIN,Controlling shareholders to sell $300 mn of shares in Hero MotoCorp,0,Hero MotoCorp,4172.0,11.0 8342,SentFIN,Coromandel Intl's Q4 net tanks 82.55 pc to Rs 11.67 cr,0,Coromandel Intl,4173.0,11.0 8343,SentFIN,Court freezes Rs 126 crore assets of NSEL defaulting firm,0,NSEL,4174.0,11.0 8344,SentFIN,Cox & Kings Q1 net dips 5% to Rs 128.09 crore,0,Cox & Kings,4175.0,11.0 8345,SentFIN,Crude oil remains down in futures trade on weak Asian cues,0,Crude oil,4177.0,11.0 8346,SentFIN,Deccan Chronicle Holdings posts loss of Rs 46.57 cr in Q4,1,Deccan Chronicle Holdings,4179.0,11.0 8347,SentFIN,Deccan Chronicle Holdings Q3 net profit down at Rs 35.18 cr,0,Deccan Chronicle Holdings,4180.0,11.0 8348,SentFIN,"Difficult for market to cross 6,550 levels in coming days: Edelweiss",1,Edelweiss,4182.0,11.0 8349,SentFIN,Dip in liquidity deficit likely in next few months: Axis Bank,1,Axis Bank,4183.0,11.0 8350,SentFIN,Dish TV Q4 loss widens over three-fold to Rs 149.05 crore,0,Dish TV,4184.0,11.0 8351,SentFIN,Dollar hits fresh 2-week low in wake of dovish Fed minutes,0,Dollar,4185.0,11.0 8352,SentFIN,EIH posts consolidated net loss of Rs 5.23 cr in FY11,1,EIH,4186.0,11.0 8353,SentFIN,Elder Pharma defaults on Rs 261 crore interest payment on debentures,0,Elder Pharma,4187.0,11.0 8354,SentFIN,Electrosteel Castings Q2 net profit down 35% to Rs 12.77 crore,0,Electrosteel Castings,4188.0,11.0 8355,SentFIN,Escorts Q1 net down 41.49 per cent at Rs 34.11 crore,0,Escorts,4189.0,11.0 8356,SentFIN,"Euro hit by concerns over tougher Russia sanctions, diverging rate outlook",0,Euro,4190.0,11.0 8357,SentFIN,Euro rebounds in Asia after drop on ECB easing plan reports,0,Euro,4191.0,11.0 8358,SentFIN,Euronext shares fall 3 per cent on first day of trading,0,Euronext,4193.0,11.0 8359,SentFIN,Eveready Q4 net dips 96 per cent to Rs 3.86 cr,0,Eveready,4195.0,11.0 8360,SentFIN,"Exercise caution on Infosys amid management row, poor valuations: Mehrab Irani",0,Infosys,4196.0,11.0 8361,SentFIN,Exposure to industry makes ICICI Bank unattractive to investors: Deepak Shenoy,0,ICICI Bank,4197.0,11.0 8362,SentFIN,"F & O Tracker: Short Nifty around 6300, buy ATM Calls",0,Nifty,4198.0,11.0 8363,SentFIN,"Facebook profit falls 9 per cent as costs soar, shares slip",0,Facebook,4199.0,11.0 8364,SentFIN,"Falling prices, quality concerns, NSEL scam hampers trading of rubber futures",0,NSEL,4200.0,11.0 8365,SentFIN,Farmers may shift from Chana as prices fall below 10-15% MSP,0,Chana,4201.0,11.0 8366,SentFIN,Fed taper pulls down Sensex by 149 pts to two-month low,0,Sensex,4202.0,11.0 8367,SentFIN,"FIIs withdraw Rs 2,000 crore from Indian equities in a fortnight",0,Indian equities,4203.0,11.0 8368,SentFIN,Financial Technologies slips nearly 5% on delay in MCX stake sale,0,Financial Technologies,4204.0,11.0 8369,SentFIN,FMC to take action against NSEL for violating norms: KV Thomas,0,NSEL,4205.0,11.0 8370,SentFIN,"Foreign brokerages expect a market correction, say positive poll outcome factored",0,Foreign brokerages,4206.0,11.0 8371,SentFIN,Fortis Q2 net loss at Rs 58 crore; CEO resignation accepted,1,Fortis,4207.0,11.0 8372,SentFIN,Fuel cost spike lands Jet Airways in the red in Q4,0,Jet Airways,4208.0,11.0 8373,SentFIN,Future prices of agriculture commodities tumble on rumours of trade ban,0,agriculture commodities,4209.0,11.0 8374,SentFIN,Gitanjali Gems Q2 net plunges 75 pc to Rs 37.82 crore,0,Gitanjali Gems,4210.0,11.0 8375,SentFIN,"Global, not internal factors, weighing on rupee; 64.5 unlikely, say experts",0,rupee,4212.0,11.0 8376,SentFIN,Go short in metal stocks that are in green: Ashwani Gujral,0,metal stocks,4213.0,11.0 8377,SentFIN,Godrej Properties Q4 net profit down 9% to Rs 48.34 crore,0,Godrej Properties,4214.0,11.0 8378,SentFIN,Gold choppy after Fed signals on track for 2015 rate hikes,0,Gold,4215.0,11.0 8379,SentFIN,Gold declines to 1-week low as Fed seen cutting more stimulus,0,Gold,4217.0,11.0 8380,SentFIN,"Gold dives below Rs 28,000 mark on fresh selling, global cues",0,Gold,4218.0,11.0 8381,SentFIN,Gold extends losses for 3rd day on subdued demand; global cues,0,Gold,4219.0,11.0 8382,SentFIN,Great Offshore's net profit falls by 12.75% to Rs 47.98 cr,0,Great Offshore,4220.0,11.0 8383,SentFIN,Greenply Q3 standalone net profit declines 2.82% to Rs 28.54 crore,0,Greenply,4221.0,11.0 8384,SentFIN,Havells falls 7% as earnings estimate is cut in analyst meet,0,Havells,4222.0,11.0 8385,SentFIN,Healthcare shares knock FTSE after announcement of new US tax rules,0,FTSE,4223.0,11.0 8386,SentFIN,Hedge fund big bets on energy companies pummeled in third quarter,0,energy companies,4224.0,11.0 8387,SentFIN,"High ATF prices, flat growth in passenger traffic to hurt airlines",0,airlines,4225.0,11.0 8388,SentFIN,Hikal Q4 net down 66.8 per cent at Rs 3.07 crore,0,Hikal,4226.0,11.0 8389,SentFIN,"Hindustan Zinc Q4 profit declines 13 pc to Rs 1,881 crore",0,Hindustan Zinc,4227.0,11.0 8390,SentFIN,HT Media Q4 consolidated net down 13.07% at Rs 34.84 crore,0,HT Media,4228.0,11.0 8391,SentFIN,I would suggest to stay away from telecom stocks: G Chokkalingam,0,telecom stocks,4229.0,11.0 8392,SentFIN,"IBM posts 4 per cent drop in quarterly revenue, shares slump",0,IBM,4230.0,11.0 8393,SentFIN,IDBI Bank Q1 net down 28 pc at Rs 307 crore,0,IDBI Bank,4231.0,11.0 8394,SentFIN,"IIFL executives Bharat Parajia, H Nemkumar sell shares, fuels exit buzz",0,IIFL,4232.0,11.0 8395,SentFIN,"India Cement shares weighed down by promoter N Srinivasan travails, inventory",0,India Cement,4233.0,11.0 8396,SentFIN,Indian bonds slump to 2014 lows on concerns about cash conditions,0,Indian bonds,4234.0,11.0 8397,SentFIN,"Indian markets may follow world trend, open on a jittery note",0,Indian markets,4235.0,11.0 8398,SentFIN,Indian Oil profit drops 35 per cent as refining margins shrink,0,Indian Oil,4236.0,11.0 8399,SentFIN,"Infosys can slip to Rs 2,700 levels: What should investors do?",0,Infosys,4237.0,11.0 8400,SentFIN,Infosys slips below Rs 3200 levels; falls most since June 23,0,Infosys,4238.0,11.0 8401,SentFIN,Investments via P-Notes dropped to Rs 2.36 lakh crore in December,0,P-Notes,4239.0,11.0 8402,SentFIN,Jaguar Land Rover Automotive's June quarter PBT down 286 million YoY,0,Jaguar Land Rover Automotive,4240.0,11.0 8403,SentFIN,Jaiprakash Power Ventures dips 14% on asset sale plans to TAQA,0,Jaiprakash Power Ventures,4242.0,11.0 8404,SentFIN,JBF Industries Q1 net profit falls 60% to Rs 4 crore,0,JBF Industries,4243.0,11.0 8405,SentFIN,"Jignesh Shah, aide Shreekant Javalgekar held in Rs 5,600-crore NSEL scam",0,NSEL,4244.0,11.0 8406,SentFIN,JSW Energy December quarter profit after tax drops 34 per cent,0,JSW Energy,4245.0,11.0 8407,SentFIN,Kansai Nerolac Paints Q1 net down 4% at Rs 61 cr,0,Kansai Nerolac Paints,4246.0,11.0 8408,SentFIN,Kaveri seeds reports net loss of Rs 47.52 crore in Q2,1,Kaveri seeds,4247.0,11.0 8409,SentFIN,Lanco Infratech September quarter net loss widens to Rs 581 crore,0,Lanco Infratech,4248.0,11.0 8410,SentFIN,LIC trims stake in Infosys to 3.25%; garners Rs 850 crore,0,Infosys,4249.0,11.0 8411,SentFIN,"Liquidity overhang hits SBI margin, net flat at Rs 2,479 cr",0,SBI,4251.0,11.0 8412,SentFIN,London copper near 6-year lows; plunge in miner shares spooks market,0,London copper,4252.0,11.0 8413,SentFIN,Maharashtra likely to have 100 lakh tonnnes sugarcane uncrushed this season,0,sugarcane,4253.0,11.0 8414,SentFIN,"Markets may go into Budget in subdued fashion: Ashwani Gujral,",1,,4254.0,11.0 8415,SentFIN,Maruti skids 9% as board approves 100% Suzuki subsidiary in Gujarat,0,Maruti,4255.0,11.0 8416,SentFIN,Metals continue to correct on demand woes as China data disappoints,0,Metals,4256.0,11.0 8417,SentFIN,"Mexico ""very unlikely"" to reopen $1.1 billion oil hedge program: Source",0,oil,4257.0,11.0 8418,SentFIN,Mumbai HC bars Hyderabad based Manshi Systems from copying NSE data,0,Manshi Systems,4258.0,11.0 8419,SentFIN,"Nickel futures down 0.27 per cent on overseas cues, low demand",0,Nickel futures,4259.0,11.0 8420,SentFIN,Nifty still choppy; might hit 7960 on the upside: Mitesh Thacker,0,Nifty,4261.0,11.0 8421,SentFIN,Novartis Q2 Net down 69 per cent; transfers animal health business,0,Novartis,4263.0,11.0 8422,SentFIN,NZ dollar hits 1-year low after central bank chief's FX comments,0,NZ dollar,4264.0,11.0 8423,SentFIN,"Once hot, India bond markets turn vulnerable ahead of Fed decision",0,India bond markets,4265.0,11.0 8424,SentFIN,OPEC price war in Asia intensifies as oil falls below $50,0,oil,4266.0,11.0 8425,SentFIN,Oriental Bank of Commerce posts Q4 net loss at 178 crore,1,Oriental Bank of Commerce,4267.0,11.0 8426,SentFIN,Panacea Biotec posts net loss at Rs 66 crore in Q1,1,Panacea Biotec,4269.0,11.0 8427,SentFIN,Pantaloons Fashion & Retail Ltd Q4 loss at Rs 70.75 crore,1,Pantaloons Fashion & Retail Ltd,4270.0,11.0 8428,SentFIN,Patel Engineering is on the verge of breaking down: Ashwani Gujral,0,Patel Engineering,4271.0,11.0 8429,SentFIN,Petronet LNG reports 30 per cent drop in Q1 net profit,0,Petronet LNG,4272.0,11.0 8430,SentFIN,Pharma stocks unlikely to lead next leg of rally: Deepak Shenoy,0,Pharma stocks,4273.0,11.0 8431,SentFIN,Pidilite Industries Q4 net profit at Rs 29.25 cr; stock down,0,Pidilite Industries,4274.0,11.0 8432,SentFIN,"Politics holds Indian market back slightly, says Aberdeen AMC's Martin Gilbert",1,Aberdeen AMC,4275.0,11.0 8433,SentFIN,Poor Q4 earnings pull down Eveready stock by over 7 pc,0,Eveready,4276.0,11.0 8434,SentFIN,"Post Q2 results & guidance, foreign brokerages turn cautious on Infosys",0,Infosys,4277.0,11.0 8435,SentFIN,"PowerGrid Corporation of India scraps Rs 3,500-crore bond sale over pricing",0,PowerGrid Corporation of India,4278.0,11.0 8436,SentFIN,Pressure on margins amidst intensifying competition in store for Colgate Palmolive,0,Colgate Palmolive,4279.0,11.0 8437,SentFIN,"Pressure on market until Fed meets: Prateek Agarwal, ASK Investment Managers",1,ASK Investment Managers,4280.0,11.0 8438,SentFIN,Pretty good chance of intermediate downtrend in the markets: Deepak Mohoni,0,markets,4281.0,11.0 8439,SentFIN,Puravankara Projects Q4 net profit at Rs 17 cr; stock down,0,Puravankara Projects,4282.0,11.0 8440,SentFIN,Q1 earnings: Aurobindo Pharma net loss seen at Rs 65 cr,1,Aurobindo Pharma,4283.0,11.0 8441,SentFIN,Q1 earnings: Loss widens for Suzlon Energy on high interest cost,0,Suzlon Energy,4284.0,11.0 8442,SentFIN,Rail stocks plunge upto 20% for second day in a row,0,Rail stocks,4285.0,11.0 8443,SentFIN,Railway stocks derail ahead of the budget; Wagon makers in focus,0,Railway stocks,4286.0,11.0 8444,SentFIN,Ranbaxy plunges 20% as USFDA halts drug imports from Toansa plant,0,Ranbaxy,4287.0,11.0 8445,SentFIN,"Range bound activity could continue for many weeks: Ashwani Gujral,",1,,4288.0,11.0 8446,SentFIN,"Recovery cycle not picking up: Vinay Khattar, Edelweiss Financial Services Limited",1,Edelweiss Financial Services Limited,4289.0,11.0 8447,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures fall 0.87 per cent on weak demand,0,Refined soya oil futures,4290.0,11.0 8448,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures slide 0.50 per cent on low demand,0,Refined soya oil futures,4291.0,11.0 8449,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures slide 1.36 per cent on sluggish demand,0,Refined soya oil futures,4292.0,11.0 8450,SentFIN,"Refinery margins reasonable, but inventory losses hurting oil sector: Prashasta Seth",0,oil sector,4293.0,11.0 8451,SentFIN,Reliance Industries shares end nearly 2 per cent lower post earnings,0,Reliance Industries,4294.0,11.0 8452,SentFIN,Reserve Bank of India refuses overseas bond sale with bank guarantees,1,Reserve Bank of India,4295.0,11.0 8453,SentFIN,"Roubini: There's a market 'time bomb', risk of a dramatic fall",0,Roubini,4296.0,11.0 8454,SentFIN,"Rubber prices likely to struggle, no rebound in sight :Industry body",0,Rubber,4298.0,11.0 8455,SentFIN,Rupee trims losses against US dollar; still trading 2 paise down,2,Rupee,4299.0,11.0 8456,SentFIN,Russia Sistema down 7.6 per cent after Yevtushenkov house arrest ruling,0,Sistema,4300.0,11.0 8457,SentFIN,"SBI Q3 profit down 10 per cent at Rs 3,354.94 cr",0,SBI,4302.0,11.0 8458,SentFIN,SBI stock split fails to lift sentiment; stock falls over 3%,0,SBI,4303.0,11.0 8459,SentFIN,Sebi slaps Rs 5 lakh fine in Gaylord Commercial Company case,0,Gaylord Commercial Company,4304.0,11.0 8460,SentFIN,Sell Arvind Ltd with a target of Rs 135: Mitesh Thacker,0,Arvind Ltd,4305.0,11.0 8461,SentFIN,SELL Bharat Forge with a target of Rs 1100: Mitesh Thacker,0,Bharat Forge,4306.0,11.0 8462,SentFIN,Sell Bharti Airtel with a target of Rs 315: Prakash Gaba,0,Bharti Airtel,4307.0,11.0 8463,SentFIN,Sell BHEL with a stop loss of Rs 245: Prakash Gaba,0,BHEL,4308.0,11.0 8464,SentFIN,Sell CESC Ltd with a target of Rs 587: Ashwani Gujral,0,CESC Ltd,4309.0,11.0 8465,SentFIN,Sell Federal Bank with a target of Rs 70: Mitesh Thacker,0,Federal Bank,4310.0,11.0 8466,SentFIN,Sell HDFC with a stop loss of Rs 968: Sandeep Wagle,0,HDFC,4311.0,11.0 8467,SentFIN,Sell Hindalco Ltd with target price of Rs 101: Sandeep Wagle,0,Hindalco Ltd,4312.0,11.0 8468,SentFIN,Sell Indiabulls Realty with a target of Rs 60: Mitesh Thacker,0,Indiabulls Realty,4313.0,11.0 8469,SentFIN,Sell ITC at a stop loss of Rs 349: Vijay Bhambwani,0,ITC,4314.0,11.0 8470,SentFIN,Sell Oil India with a target of Rs 515: Sandeep Wagle,0,Oil India,4315.0,11.0 8471,SentFIN,Sell Petronet LNG with target price of Rs 131: Mitesh Thacker,0,Petronet LNG,4316.0,11.0 8472,SentFIN,Sell SAIL with a stop loss of Rs 77.5: Sandeep Wagle,0,SAIL,4317.0,11.0 8473,SentFIN,Sell Sun Pharma with target price of Rs 570: Mitesh Thacker,0,Sun Pharma,4318.0,11.0 8474,SentFIN,Sell Sun TV with target price of Rs 330: Mitesh Thacker,0,Sun TV,4319.0,11.0 8475,SentFIN,SELL TCS Ltd with a target of Rs 2020: Shrikant Chouhan,0,TCS Ltd,4320.0,11.0 8476,SentFIN,Sell Tech Mahindra with target price of Rs 1750: Ashwani Gujral,0,Tech Mahindra,4321.0,11.0 8477,SentFIN,Sell UCO Bank with a target of Rs 61: Sandeep Wagle,0,UCO Bank,4322.0,11.0 8478,SentFIN,Sell United Spirits with a target of Rs 2480: Sandeep Wagle,0,United Spirits,4323.0,11.0 8479,SentFIN,Sell Wipro Ltd at a target of Rs 501: Sandeep Wagle,0,Wipro Ltd,4324.0,11.0 8480,SentFIN,Sensex loses momentum ahead of F&O expiry; top 20 trading ideas,0,Sensex,4325.0,11.0 8481,SentFIN,"Sensex slips in red after hitting fresh record high of 25,711.11",0,Sensex,4326.0,11.0 8482,SentFIN,Sensex slips nearly 200 points as US Fed sticks to tapering,0,Sensex,4327.0,11.0 8483,SentFIN,Shares of Network 18 group companies under pressure after rights issue,0,Network 18,4328.0,11.0 8484,SentFIN,Shorting Kingfisher Airlines is dangerous at the current levels: Rajat Bose,0,Kingfisher Airlines,4329.0,11.0 8485,SentFIN,Sistema shares moved to discretionary auction after 20% fall: Moscow Exchange,0,Sistema,4330.0,11.0 8486,SentFIN,"Sistema Shyam Q2 loss widens Rs 1,180 crore on weak rupee",0,Sistema Shyam,4331.0,11.0 8487,SentFIN,Step aside as far as cement space is concerned: Vineet Bhatnagar,0,cement space,4333.0,11.0 8488,SentFIN,"Sterling slips as Scottish vote nears, soft UK inflation could hurt",0,Sterling,4334.0,11.0 8489,SentFIN,Suggest to avoid PSU Banks in the long term: Anand Tandon,0,PSU Banks,4335.0,11.0 8490,SentFIN,"Syndicate Bank tanks over 7%, hits 52-week low post Q1 numbers",0,Syndicate Bank,4337.0,11.0 8491,SentFIN,Tad bit disappointed with the revenue growth of HUL: Kautsab Pawaskar,0,HUL,4338.0,11.0 8492,SentFIN,Taipei shares plunge 7.49 per cent in worst ever intra-day drop,0,Taipei shares,4339.0,11.0 8493,SentFIN,"Target for Indiabulls is 225, stop loss around 145-150: Kunal Bothra",0,Indiabulls,4340.0,11.0 8494,SentFIN,"TechM's Q2 numbers meet expectations, but earnings downgrades likely: Girish Pai",0,TechM,4341.0,11.0 8495,SentFIN,"Telecom stocks tumble on CAG audit scare, down up to 4.4%",0,Telecom stocks,4342.0,11.0 8496,SentFIN,"Things appear bleak for DLF at present: Ambareesh Baliga, Market Experta",0,DLF,4343.0,11.0 8497,SentFIN,Titagarh Wagons a bit too steep to get into: Prakash Diwan,0,Titagarh Wagons,4344.0,11.0 8498,SentFIN,"Titan Industries: High gold prices, slowing demand slow down firm's revenue",0,Titan Industries,4345.0,11.0 8499,SentFIN,Trent Q2 Net down 27 per cent at Rs 11.43 crore,0,Trent,4346.0,11.0 8500,SentFIN,TVS Motor tanks over 11 per cent despite strong Q1 show,0,TVS Motor,4347.0,11.0 8501,SentFIN,TVS Motors not recommended at this point of time: Harendra Kumar,0,TVS Motors,4348.0,11.0 8502,SentFIN,"UK FTSE hits five-month low on Greek impasse, US rate fears",0,UK FTSE,4349.0,11.0 8503,SentFIN,Valuations continue to remain daunting in consumer durable space: Nitin Raheja,0,consumer durable,4351.0,11.0 8504,SentFIN,Wall Street slips from record; focus shifts to US Federal Reserve,0,Wall Street,4352.0,11.0 8505,SentFIN,When Janet Yellen said: 'Confidence in global financial markets extremely fragile',0,global financial markets,4353.0,11.0 8506,SentFIN,Why is Bajaj Auto subdued despite order for 1.25 lakh bikes?,0,Bajaj Auto,4355.0,11.0 8507,SentFIN,Wipro slips ahead of Q1 results; drops nearly 4% this week,0,Wipro,4356.0,11.0 8508,SentFIN,Wockhardt slips over 4% after company reports 93% drop in profit,0,Wockhardt,4357.0,11.0 8509,SentFIN,WTI crude falls to lowest since June on US supply surge,0,WTI,4358.0,11.0 8510,SentFIN,Year-end profit booking by FIIs weighs on Sensex despite reform push,0,Sensex,4359.0,11.0 8511,SentFIN,You think the stock market is crazy? Look at oil prices,0,oil,4361.0,11.0 8512,SentFIN,"5500 level very difficult to breach in market: Jagdish Malkani, Member, NSE",1,NSE,4362.0,12.0 8513,SentFIN,"6,350 a difficult level for the Nifty to get past: Mitesh Thacker",0,Nifty,4363.0,12.0 8514,SentFIN,"ACC unlikely to run up in a hurry: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",0,ACC,4365.0,12.0 8515,SentFIN,Adani Power slips over 2% on reports of over-valuation of equipment imports,0,Adani Power,4366.0,12.0 8516,SentFIN,Alstom T&D fourth quarter net profit falls 13% to Rs 54 crore,0,Alstom T&D,4367.0,12.0 8517,SentFIN,Another 50-60 points down on Nifty can't be ruled out: Prakash Diwan,0,Nifty,4368.0,12.0 8518,SentFIN,"As copper runs low, producers turn ideas to boost output of metal",0,copper,4369.0,12.0 8519,SentFIN,"As global oil futures tumble, US cash crude traders ask: What glut?",0,global oil futures,4370.0,12.0 8520,SentFIN,"Australian shares falls on China's economic worries, losses, dipping iron ore prices",0,Australian shares,4371.0,12.0 8521,SentFIN,Auto stocks may not ride the excise duty cut euphoria for long,0,Auto stocks,4372.0,12.0 8522,SentFIN,Balaji Telefilms Q1 Net plummets 80.28 per cent at Rs 2.08 crore,0,Balaji Telefilms,4373.0,12.0 8523,SentFIN,Bear grip: Sensex ends 541 points down; here's what you should do,0,Sensex,4374.0,12.0 8524,SentFIN,Best to avoid banking space altogether for next 6-8 months: Dipan Mehta,0,banking space,4375.0,12.0 8525,SentFIN,"Bharti Airtel's Manoj Kohli sells 50,000 Airtel shares for Rs 1.81 crore",0,Bharti Airtel,4376.0,12.0 8526,SentFIN,"BHEL may stay under pressure on weak fundamentals, looming disinvestment: Anand Tandon",0,BHEL,4377.0,12.0 8527,SentFIN,Birla Corp Q1 Net profit falls 46 pc to Rs 45.99 crore,0,Birla Corp,4378.0,12.0 8528,SentFIN,"Brent holds above $109 on outlook for US oil stocks, Ukraine crisis",2,Brent,4379.0,12.0 8529,SentFIN,"Brent holds near $102, heads for weekly drop as firm dollar hurts",2,Brent,4380.0,12.0 8530,SentFIN,"Brent steady below $60, heads for 4th weekly decline as oversupply persists",0,Brent,4381.0,12.0 8531,SentFIN,Cantabil Retail Q4 net profit slips 48.19 pc at Rs 2.58 cr,0,Cantabil Retail,4382.0,12.0 8532,SentFIN,CCI holds NSE guilty of unfair trade practice in currency derivates market,0,NSE,4384.0,12.0 8533,SentFIN,"China shares slip ahead of July economic data, Hong Kong sags too",0,China shares,4385.0,12.0 8534,SentFIN,"China yuan inches lower on corporate dollar demand, little changed on week",0,China yuan,4386.0,12.0 8535,SentFIN,Claris Lifesciences Q4 profit declines 29.50 per cent to Rs 17.75 crore,0,Claris Lifesciences,4387.0,12.0 8536,SentFIN,Commodity bourses turnover drops by over 36 pc in April-December of FY'14,0,Commodity bourses,4388.0,12.0 8537,SentFIN,Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited Q3 net loss widens to Rs 3.65 crore,0,Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited,4389.0,12.0 8538,SentFIN,"Delhi poll results, shaky earnings among top five factors weighing on Sensex",1,Sensex,4391.0,12.0 8539,SentFIN,Dena Bank net profit tanks 57 per cent as bad loans soar,0,Dena Bank,4392.0,12.0 8540,SentFIN,Don't see strong growth in Lupin earnings in coming quarters: Deven Choksey,0,Lupin,4394.0,12.0 8541,SentFIN,Don't understand how shares like JustDial are brought into F&O: Sandip Sabharwal,0,JustDial,4395.0,12.0 8542,SentFIN,"Drop in TCS scrip wipes out Rs 16,000 crore in investor wealth",0,TCS,4396.0,12.0 8543,SentFIN,"Eicher Motors a case of over-expectation, stock doesn't look cheap: Kunj Bansal",0,Eicher Motors,4397.0,12.0 8544,SentFIN,El Nino may not be saviour for depressed rubber market: Industry sources,0,rubber,4398.0,12.0 8545,SentFIN,El Nino may push palm prices to $700 per tonne: Indonesian association,2,palm,4399.0,12.0 8546,SentFIN,Facebook tumbles nearly 11% after newspaper Barron says stock only worth $15,0,Facebook,4401.0,12.0 8547,SentFIN,"Financial Technologies may have to absorb over Rs 5,200 crore NSEL liabilities",0,Financial Technologies,4403.0,12.0 8548,SentFIN,"Foreign institutional investors trimming their overweight positioning on India, says UBS",1,UBS,4404.0,12.0 8549,SentFIN,FTIL sells nearly 7 pc stake in IEX for Rs 21.45 cr,0,FTIL,4405.0,12.0 8550,SentFIN,GMR Infra posts Q3 net loss of Rs 22.25 cr; stock up,0,GMR Infra,4406.0,12.0 8551,SentFIN,GMR Infrastructure's net loss widens to Rs 441 crore in December quarter,0,GMR Infrastructure,4407.0,12.0 8552,SentFIN,Gold futures discount shows signs of narrowing as duty cut hopes rise,0,Gold futures,4408.0,12.0 8553,SentFIN,"Growth concerns hurt Asia FX; fuel price hike plan, politics lift rupiah",2,rupiah,4409.0,12.0 8554,SentFIN,Higher inventories and capex took a toll on Tata Steel: Dipen Shah,0,Tata Steel,4410.0,12.0 8555,SentFIN,"Hindalco takes Coalgate hit, ends 5% down after plunging over 7% intraday",0,Hindalco,4411.0,12.0 8556,SentFIN,Hong Kong benchmark index falls 2 per cent on US Federal concern,0,Hong Kong benchmark index,4412.0,12.0 8557,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares slip on weakness of casinos, China stocks off too",0,Hong Kong shares,4413.0,12.0 8558,SentFIN,HT Media Q2 Net down 24.56 per cent to Rs 43.89 crore,0,HT Media,4414.0,12.0 8559,SentFIN,IDBI Bank to sell 5 per cent stake in National Stock Exchange,0,IDBI Bank,4416.0,12.0 8560,SentFIN,Idea Cellular slips nearly 2% after DoT slaps Rs 300 cr fine,0,Idea Cellular,4417.0,12.0 8561,SentFIN,IDFC slipped nearly 1% as it brings down FII limit to 48%,0,IDFC,4418.0,12.0 8562,SentFIN,"In the short term, banking sector might not perform well: Prashasta Seth",0,banking sector,4419.0,12.0 8563,SentFIN,Indian Bank Q4 profit down 7 per cent to Rs 271.28 crore,0,Indian Bank,4420.0,12.0 8564,SentFIN,Indonesia stock exchange caps daily share price declines at 10 per cent,0,Indonesia stock exchange,4421.0,12.0 8565,SentFIN,IndusInd Bank can slide down to levels closer to 423: Prakash Gaba,0,IndusInd Bank,4422.0,12.0 8566,SentFIN,Infinite Comp slips over 35% in two days on poor FY16 guidance,0,Infinite Comp,4423.0,12.0 8567,SentFIN,"Investor fears on end of easy money right? Absolutely, says JP Morgan",1,JP Morgan,4424.0,12.0 8568,SentFIN,IOB slumps over 15% as company posts losses for second successive quarter,0,IOB,4425.0,12.0 8569,SentFIN,Is the damage over on Bank Nifty? Strategies to tide over weakness,0,Bank Nifty,4426.0,12.0 8570,SentFIN,J&K Bank can slide down to levels closer to 1370: Prakash Gaba,0,J&K Bank,4427.0,12.0 8571,SentFIN,Jubilant FoodWorks Q4 net down 24 per cent at Rs 25 cr,0,Jubilant FoodWorks,4428.0,12.0 8572,SentFIN,Kansai Nerolac Q4 net down 63 per cent at Rs 45 crore,0,Kansai Nerolac,4430.0,12.0 8573,SentFIN,Karur Vysya Bank Q3 Net down 5.5 pc at Rs 106.82 crore,0,Karur Vysya Bank,4431.0,12.0 8574,SentFIN,Large cap stocks have not seen correction post Q1 results: Deepak Shenoy,0,Large cap stocks,4434.0,12.0 8575,SentFIN,"Lead futures down 0.48 per cent on sluggish spot demand, global cues",0,Lead futures,4435.0,12.0 8576,SentFIN,M&M Finance plunges 8.5% as brokers cut target price post Q3 results,0,M&M Finance,4437.0,12.0 8577,SentFIN,"Macro headwinds are against the auto stocks: Vikas Khemani, Edelweiss Securities Ltd",0,auto stocks,4438.0,12.0 8578,SentFIN,Madura demerger not in the best interests of Aditya Birla Nuvo investors,0,Aditya Birla Nuvo,4439.0,12.0 8579,SentFIN,Max Life sees 5% fall in 9-month profit at Rs 308 crore,0,Max Life,4441.0,12.0 8580,SentFIN,Minimum 25% public holding should also apply to public sector companies: Sebi,1,Sebi,4443.0,12.0 8581,SentFIN,Minority shareholders challenge Bombay High Court order on Cadbury India's buyback offer,0,Cadbury India,4444.0,12.0 8582,SentFIN,Motherson Sumi Systems Q4 net down 2 pc at Rs 138.90 cr,0,Motherson Sumi Systems,4445.0,12.0 8583,SentFIN,Mustard seed futures fall on hopes of good crop in growing regions,0,Mustard seed futures,4446.0,12.0 8584,SentFIN,Muthoot Finance net profit falls 28 per cent to Rs 194 crore,0,Muthoot Finance,4447.0,12.0 8585,SentFIN,NBFC stocks decline as much as 7 per cent on RBI norms,0,NBFC stocks,4448.0,12.0 8586,SentFIN,Next stop for the Nifty could be around 7500-7480 downside: Mitesh Thacker,0,Nifty,4449.0,12.0 8587,SentFIN,NHPC Q3 net profit drops 31 per cent to Rs 180 crore,0,NHPC,4450.0,12.0 8588,SentFIN,Nifty's worst New Year start since 1996; what experts are betting on,0,Nifty,4451.0,12.0 8589,SentFIN,"Nissan to brief on abnormal deployment of Takata air bag, shares sink",0,Nissan,4452.0,12.0 8590,SentFIN,"Nokia losses narrow to $355 million, shares tumble 9% on sales dip",0,Nokia,4453.0,12.0 8591,SentFIN,Novartis India Q1 net dips 28 per cent at Rs 26.98 crore,0,Novartis India,4454.0,12.0 8592,SentFIN,NTPC plunges to 5-year low on CERC pricing rules; top Sensex loser,0,NTPC,4455.0,12.0 8593,SentFIN,OIL India September quarter Net drops 5.3 pc to Rs 903.64 crore,0,OIL India,4456.0,12.0 8594,SentFIN,"Oil prices dip as demand stalls, but U.S. supported by rig cut",0,Oil,4457.0,12.0 8595,SentFIN,OMC stocks likely to witness profit booking in short term: Deven Choksey,0,OMC stocks,4458.0,12.0 8596,SentFIN,"OMCs crack over 5% as government hikes excise duty on petrol, diesel",0,OMCs,4459.0,12.0 8597,SentFIN,"Oracle Financial Services Software: Good show on cards, but margins may shrink",0,Oracle Financial Services Software,4460.0,12.0 8598,SentFIN,Oriental Bank of Commerce shares down nearly 5% as bad loans rise,0,Oriental Bank of Commerce,4461.0,12.0 8599,SentFIN,"Palm down to 3-month low, tracking other oils as demand doubts hurt",0,Palm,4462.0,12.0 8600,SentFIN,"Pending investor complaints against companies rise 8.5% in October, shows Sebi data",1,Sebi,4463.0,12.0 8601,SentFIN,"Petronet stocks undergo lots of fluctuations, recommended only for traders: G Chokkalingam",0,Petronet,4464.0,12.0 8602,SentFIN,P-Notes investment at 11-month low of Rs 1.47 lakh crore in June,0,P-Notes,4465.0,12.0 8603,SentFIN,"Promoters take biggest hit of Rs 5,500 crore in DLF share plunge",0,DLF,4466.0,12.0 8604,SentFIN,Q1 nos by IT firms fail to justify present valuations: Deepak Shenoy,0,IT firms,4467.0,12.0 8605,SentFIN,Raymond stocks end 5% down; market capitalisation erodes by Rs 146 crore,0,Raymond,4468.0,12.0 8606,SentFIN,RComm will see further upside on plans to reduce debt: Shashank Khade,2,RComm,4469.0,12.0 8607,SentFIN,"Reforms over last weekend allayed street concerns: Dhiraj Sachdev, HSBC AM India",1,HSBC AM India,4470.0,12.0 8608,SentFIN,Rumour of split with Starbucks holding down Tata Global Beverages: Ambareesh Baliga,0,Tata Global Beverages,4471.0,12.0 8609,SentFIN,Rupiah hits 2-month low as current account test looms; Asia FX fall,0,Rupiah,4472.0,12.0 8610,SentFIN,"Rupiah leads Asia FX losses after solid US data, weekly slides seen",0,Rupiah,4473.0,12.0 8611,SentFIN,SELL AB Nuvo Ltd with a target of Rs 1135: Mitesh Thacker,0,AB Nuvo Ltd,4476.0,12.0 8612,SentFIN,Sell ACC Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 1416: Mitesh Thacker,0,ACC Ltd,4477.0,12.0 8613,SentFIN,Sell Adani Enterprises Ltd with a target of Rs 445: Ashwani Gujral,0,Adani Enterprises Ltd,4478.0,12.0 8614,SentFIN,Sell Bank of Baroda with target price of Rs 505: Ashwani Gujral,0,Bank of Baroda,4479.0,12.0 8615,SentFIN,Sell Bank of India with a target of Rs 247: Sandeep Wagle,0,Bank of India,4480.0,12.0 8616,SentFIN,Sell Bank of India with target price of Rs 160: Prakash Gaba,0,Bank of India,4481.0,12.0 8617,SentFIN,Sell Bharti Airtel Ltd with target price of Rs 289: Prakash Gaba,0,Bharti Airtel Ltd,4482.0,12.0 8618,SentFIN,Sell Bharti Infratel Ltd with a target of Rs 242: Vijay Bhambwani,0,Bharti Infratel Ltd,4483.0,12.0 8619,SentFIN,SELL Dish TV Ltd with a target of Rs 51: Prakash Gaba,0,Dish TV Ltd,4484.0,12.0 8620,SentFIN,Sell Divis Laboratories Ltd with a target of Rs 1340: Mitesh Thacker,0,Divis Laboratories Ltd,4485.0,12.0 8621,SentFIN,Sell GAIL Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 378: Sandeep Wagle,0,GAIL Ltd,4486.0,12.0 8622,SentFIN,Sell Godrej Industries with a stop loss of Rs 293: Sandeep Wagle,0,Godrej Industries,4487.0,12.0 8623,SentFIN,SELL' Indiabulls Housing Finance with a target of Rs 540: Mitesh Thacker,0,Indiabulls Housing Finance,4488.0,12.0 8624,SentFIN,Sell IndusInd Bank with a stop loss of Rs 560: Ashwani Gujral,0,IndusInd Bank,4489.0,12.0 8625,SentFIN,Sell Maruti Suzuki with a stop loss of Rs 2970: Mitesh Thacker,0,Maruti Suzuki,4490.0,12.0 8626,SentFIN,Sell Oil India Ltd with a target of Rs 540: Prakash Gaba,0,Oil India Ltd,4491.0,12.0 8627,SentFIN,Sell Tata Motors Ltd with a target of Rs 415: Mitesh Thacker,0,Tata Motors Ltd,4492.0,12.0 8628,SentFIN,Sell Tata Power Ltd with a target of Rs 79: Ashwani Gujral,0,Tata Power Ltd,4493.0,12.0 8629,SentFIN,Sell Tata Steel at a stop loss of Rs 518: Sandeep Wagle,0,Tata Steel,4494.0,12.0 8630,SentFIN,Sell Tata Steel Ltd with target price of Rs 336: Sandeep Wagle,0,Tata Steel Ltd,4495.0,12.0 8631,SentFIN,Sell Ultratech Cement with a stop loss of Rs 2500: Mitesh Thacker,0,Ultratech Cement,4496.0,12.0 8632,SentFIN,Sell Yes Bank Ltd with target price of Rs 290: Ashwani Gujral,0,Yes Bank Ltd,4497.0,12.0 8633,SentFIN,Short sell Reliance Capital in case of a sell off: Deepak Mohoni,0,Reliance Capital,4498.0,12.0 8634,SentFIN,"Shriram Transport Finance to borrow up to Rs 3,000 cr via NCDs",1,Shriram Transport Finance,4499.0,12.0 8635,SentFIN,Siemens net slump 90 pc to Rs 29.9 cr in March qtr,0,Siemens,4500.0,12.0 8636,SentFIN,SKF Q3 net profit dips 15 per cent to Rs 50 crore,0,SKF,4501.0,12.0 8637,SentFIN,"Slower project execution, drop in business verticals to weigh heavy on L&T",0,L&T,4502.0,12.0 8638,SentFIN,"Slower US jobs growth props up Asia FX, trade data underpins rupiah",0,rupiah,4503.0,12.0 8639,SentFIN,Somany Ceramics Q3 net profit down 41 pc to Rs 4.78 crore,0,Somany Ceramics,4504.0,12.0 8640,SentFIN,"South Korean stocks log worst day in 8 weeks, post weekly loss",0,South Korean stocks,4505.0,12.0 8641,SentFIN,Steel companies dip by up to 8% on allegations of another scam,0,Steel companies,4506.0,12.0 8642,SentFIN,"Supply not aggressive, host of problems in sugar industry, says Vinay Khattar",0,sugar industry,4507.0,12.0 8643,SentFIN,Suzlon Energy slips in red on stake sale talks in Senvion SE,0,Suzlon Energy,4509.0,12.0 8644,SentFIN,Talwalkars rally over 16% on reports of stake sale to David Lloyd,2,Talwalkars,4510.0,12.0 8645,SentFIN,TCS strong Q3 results fail to cheer Street; stock down over 4%,0,TCS,4511.0,12.0 8646,SentFIN,Three reasons Sensex fell from mount 30K to end 213 points down,0,Sensex,4512.0,12.0 8647,SentFIN,"Tiger Global exits Just Dial, sells stakes for over Rs 430 cr",0,Just Dial,4513.0,12.0 8648,SentFIN,"Top-5 Sensex companies lose Rs 65,570 crore in market cap; TCS drags",0,TCS,4514.0,12.0 8649,SentFIN,Triveni Engineering posts net loss of Rs 29.74 crore in October-December quarter,1,Triveni Engineering,4516.0,12.0 8650,SentFIN,Two promoter entities of IRB Infrastructure sell shares worth Rs 147 crore,0,IRB Infrastructure,4517.0,12.0 8651,SentFIN,Uflex crashes 13% on reports of bogus sale worth Rs 100 crore,0,Uflex,4518.0,12.0 8652,SentFIN,"Uninor Q4 operating loss widens to Rs 276 crore, posts annual gain",0,Uninor,4519.0,12.0 8653,SentFIN,United Bank of India plunges over 3% as CMD Archana Bhargav quits,0,United Bank of India,4520.0,12.0 8654,SentFIN,VIP is now trying to get out of Rs 750-755: Ashwani Gujral,0,VIP,4522.0,12.0 8655,SentFIN,Volkswagen shares plunge the most in six years on US emission scandal,0,Volkswagen,4523.0,12.0 8656,SentFIN,Voltas Ltd Q2 net down 1.51 per cent at Rs 42.28 crore,0,Voltas Ltd,4524.0,12.0 8657,SentFIN,Vote on account 2014 will not move the markets much: Credit Suisse,1,Credit Suisse,4525.0,12.0 8658,SentFIN,Wary of Amtek Group stocks due to lack of clarity: Neeraj Dewan,0,Amtek Group stocks,4527.0,12.0 8659,SentFIN,Worries mount about Chinese economy: Three reasons why China stocks plunged 8.48%,0,China stocks,4529.0,12.0 8660,SentFIN,10 year bond yield drops to 15 month low ahead of inflation data,2,10 year bond,4530.0,13.0 8661,SentFIN,Aditya Birla Nuvo Q1 Net down 20.41 per cent to Rs 263.7 crore,0,Aditya Birla Nuvo,4531.0,13.0 8662,SentFIN,AirAsia shares sink to 5-year low on threat of suspension at Indonesia unit,0,AirAsia,4532.0,13.0 8663,SentFIN,Airtel shares down 3 per cent after it hangs up on Loop Mobile,0,Airtel,4533.0,13.0 8664,SentFIN,"Aptechs performance a bit of debacle: Gaurang Shah, Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services",0,Aptech,4534.0,13.0 8665,SentFIN,Australian & New Zealand dollars linger above recent lows on weak China data,0,Australian & New Zealand dollars,4535.0,13.0 8666,SentFIN,Avoid getting into JustDial even as the stock continues to fall: Ashwani Gujral,0,JustDial,4537.0,13.0 8667,SentFIN,Bajaj Auto Q4 net declines to Rs 763.93 crore; 500 per cent dividend,0,Bajaj Auto,4538.0,13.0 8668,SentFIN,"Bank of America finds a $4 bn mistake; suspends buyback, dividend hike plans",0,Bank of America,4539.0,13.0 8669,SentFIN,Big capex plan may hurt Bharti's stock performance in short term: Kunj bansal,0,Bharti,4540.0,13.0 8670,SentFIN,BJP's attack on Robert Vadra hurts DLF stock; falls 12% in 3 days,0,DLF,4541.0,13.0 8671,SentFIN,Brent slips below $111 as Libyan PM Abdullah al-Thinni declares oil crisis over,0,Brent,4542.0,13.0 8672,SentFIN,CAG report may impact power utilities by 18-20% in the worst case: BofA-ML,0,power utilities,4543.0,13.0 8673,SentFIN,Can't pay Rs 580 crore due to financial crunch: DLF to Supreme Court,0,DLF,4544.0,13.0 8674,SentFIN,"China shares post biggest daily loss in six months on economy, liquidity worries",0,China,4545.0,13.0 8675,SentFIN,Commexes' biz falls to Rs 34.36 lakh crore till June 15 of FY'14,0,Commexes,4546.0,13.0 8676,SentFIN,"Competition, delay in drug approvals may take a toll on pharma co health",0,pharma,4547.0,13.0 8677,SentFIN,Component mix may impact some auto ancillary stocks more than others: Deepak Shenoy,1,auto ancillary stocks,4548.0,13.0 8678,SentFIN,Cost imposed on Sebi not warranted: Supreme Court to the Securities Appellate Tribunal,1,Sebi,4549.0,13.0 8679,SentFIN,Deceleration in the consumption growth taking toll on the FMCG sector: Dipen Shah,0,FMCG sector,4553.0,13.0 8680,SentFIN,"DLF ratings likely to fall post ban, ratings firms to take a call",0,DLF,4555.0,13.0 8681,SentFIN,DLF slips over 4% as Q1 net profit slips on lower home sales,0,DLF,4556.0,13.0 8682,SentFIN,Dollar index heads for biggest weekly loss since April on US Federal outlook,0,Dollar index,4557.0,13.0 8683,SentFIN,Don't expect performance from oil and gas stocks ahead of polls: BP Singh,0,oil and gas stocks,4558.0,13.0 8684,SentFIN,Exide extends losses; down 20% in three months: Is it still worth buying?,0,Exide,4560.0,13.0 8685,SentFIN,Federal Reserve's December liftoff signals slap Asia FX; yuan down on SDR uncertainty,0,yuan,4561.0,13.0 8686,SentFIN,Financial crisis looming? 5 reasons why Chinese markets cracked over 8% on Wednesday,0,Chinese markets,4562.0,13.0 8687,SentFIN,Financial Technologies India Ltd reports net loss of Rs 371.25 crore in Q4,1,Financial Technologies India Ltd,4563.0,13.0 8688,SentFIN,Gold futures plunge over 2 per cent on global cues; low spot demand,0,Gold futures,4564.0,13.0 8689,SentFIN,"Greece or not, there would have been a slowdown: Atsi Sheth, Macro-Sutra",1,Macro-Sutra,4565.0,13.0 8690,SentFIN,Hanung Toys and Textiles net Q4 down 2.9 pc at Rs 32 crore,0,Hanung Toys and Textiles,4566.0,13.0 8691,SentFIN,HC refuses to stay FMC order asking FTIL to cut stake in MCX,0,FTIL,4567.0,13.0 8692,SentFIN,Hinduja Global Solutions Q1 Net declines 13.6 per cent to Rs 32.49 crore,0,Hinduja Global Solutions,4569.0,13.0 8693,SentFIN,"Hit by another high profile exit; Infosys drops 7%, slips below Rs 3,000",0,Infosys,4570.0,13.0 8694,SentFIN,Hong Kong shares slip ahead of holiday as investors shift to China plays,0,Hong Kong shares,4571.0,13.0 8695,SentFIN,I do not see too much of a downside for Infy: Sandeep Wagle,0,Infy,4572.0,13.0 8696,SentFIN,I would not like to participate low-volume stock like Natco Pharma: Ashwani Gujral,0,Natco Pharma,4573.0,13.0 8697,SentFIN,"If global markets fall, 5300 on Nifty would be difficult: Deepak Mohoni,",0,Nifty,4574.0,13.0 8698,SentFIN,India Cements net loss at Rs 31 crore; hit by slump in demand,1,India Cements,4575.0,13.0 8699,SentFIN,Indiabulls Fin Services Q3 net drops 5.98 per cent to Rs 63.99 cr,0,Indiabulls Fin Services,4576.0,13.0 8700,SentFIN,"Infosys tanks 8%; m-cap down by Rs 14,235 cr as BG Srinivas quits",0,Infosys,4577.0,13.0 8701,SentFIN,LIC offloads two per cent stake in Bharat Forge for Rs 151 crore,0,Bharat Forge,4579.0,13.0 8702,SentFIN,Malaysia Airlines shares plunge as much as 15 per cent after jet crash,0,Malaysia Airlines,4580.0,13.0 8703,SentFIN,Mallya's stake in United Spirits Limited declines as Kingfisher Airlines lenders invoke shares,0,Kingfisher Airlines,4581.0,13.0 8704,SentFIN,"Maruti Suzuki Q4 net profit falls 35.5% at Rs 800 crore, misses estimate",0,Maruti Suzuki,4582.0,13.0 8705,SentFIN,Media firm DB Corp Q1 net profit down 16% at Rs 66.45 crore,0,DB Corp,4584.0,13.0 8706,SentFIN,Metal stocks may feel the heat as the China shows signs of fatigue,0,Metal stocks,4585.0,13.0 8707,SentFIN,Moscow Exchange restricts trading in Sistema shares after they fall 27 per cent,0,Sistema,4586.0,13.0 8708,SentFIN,Muted Q2 results cast shadow on D-St; top 10 stocks to bet on,0,Muted,4587.0,13.0 8709,SentFIN,"Odds of US Federal Reserve tightening monetary policy have increased: Christopher Wood, CLSA",1,CLSA,4588.0,13.0 8710,SentFIN,OnMobile loses steam on bourses as losses from LiveWire drag down consolidated profits,0,OnMobile,4589.0,13.0 8711,SentFIN,"Over 1,000 entities under scanner as Sebi widens tax evasion, money laundering probe",1,Sebi,4590.0,13.0 8712,SentFIN,"PBOC does 40 billion yuan reverse repos, drains 140 billion yuan for week",1,PBOC,4591.0,13.0 8713,SentFIN,PC Jeweller reports 47 pc drop in net profit to Rs 102.80 crore,0,PC Jeweller,4592.0,13.0 8714,SentFIN,Pfizer net profit declines 56.11 per cent to Rs 220.85 crore in FY14,0,Pfizer,4593.0,13.0 8715,SentFIN,Private banks likely to face asset quality problems; expect poor earnings: Hemindra Hazari,0,Private banks,4595.0,13.0 8716,SentFIN,PSU Banks unlikely to deliver expected earnings over the next quarters: Harendra Kumar,0,PSU Banks,4596.0,13.0 8717,SentFIN,Punjab National Bank Q4 Net dips 29 per cent at Rs 806 crore,0,Punjab National Bank,4597.0,13.0 8718,SentFIN,QE caution: Wait for FIIs to press the panic button before shorting Nifty,0,Nifty,4598.0,13.0 8719,SentFIN,Real estate is a market to go short and not long: Ajay Srivastava,0,Real estate,4599.0,13.0 8720,SentFIN,"Sahara Group stocks fall 5% as Subrata Roy, two directors sent to jail",0,Sahara Group,4602.0,13.0 8721,SentFIN,Sebi slaps Rs 10 lakh fine on 3 persons over violation of norms,1,Sebi,4603.0,13.0 8722,SentFIN,Sebi to sell shares held by 9 entities to recover Rs 4 crore,1,Sebi,4604.0,13.0 8723,SentFIN,"Sell Dr Reddy Laboratories Ltd with a target of Rs 2,388: Vijay Bhambwani",0,Dr Reddy Laboratories Ltd,4605.0,13.0 8724,SentFIN,Sell Hindustan Unilever Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 570: Sandeep Wagle,0,Hindustan Unilever Ltd,4606.0,13.0 8725,SentFIN,Sell Reliance Power Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 69: Sandeep Wagle,0,Reliance Power Ltd,4607.0,13.0 8726,SentFIN,"Shanghai, Hong Kong shares fall as China launches new probe into margin trading",0,"Shanghai, Hong Kong shares",4608.0,13.0 8727,SentFIN,"Sinking Chinese stock market: How exposed are you, how did the bubble begin",0,Chinese stock market,4609.0,13.0 8728,SentFIN,"SpiceJet posts Rs 171 crore loss in Q3 on forex loss, ATF spike",1,SpiceJet,4610.0,13.0 8729,SentFIN,"Start exiting positions, have negative bias if Nifty breaches 8,900 : Mitesh Thacker",0,Nifty,4612.0,13.0 8730,SentFIN,Stay away from JSW Steel till clarity on CBI mine inquiry: Deven Choksey,0,JSW Steel,4613.0,13.0 8731,SentFIN,STOCK TO WATCH: ACCs Q1 PAT seen 40% down at Rs 238 crore,0,ACC,4614.0,13.0 8732,SentFIN,Strict import curbs drop gold demand by 13.5% in 2014: World Gold Council,1,World Gold Council,4615.0,13.0 8733,SentFIN,Structural issues may continue to weigh on realty stocks; bounceback unlikely: Deepak Shenoy,0,realty stocks,4616.0,13.0 8734,SentFIN,"Sustained Call writing at strike price 8,300 on Nifty50 keeping bulls at bay",0,Nifty50,4617.0,13.0 8735,SentFIN,There's a massive poaching raid going on at Lehman's old wealth management shop,0,Lehman,4619.0,13.0 8736,SentFIN,Two-wheeler stocks to remain under pressure on fall in rural spending: Hemindra Hazari,0,Two-wheeler stocks,4620.0,13.0 8737,SentFIN,Ultratech Cement's Q3 net profit dips 38 per cent to Rs 370 crore,0,Ultratech Cement,4621.0,13.0 8738,SentFIN,UltraTech Jun qtr net dips 14% to Rs 673 crore on lower sales,0,UltraTech,4622.0,13.0 8739,SentFIN,Union Bank posts 27% fall in Q4 net profit at Rs 578.88 crore,0,Union Bank,4623.0,13.0 8740,SentFIN,Usha Martin slips over 5% as Q4 loss widens to Rs 9.68 crore,0,Usha Martin,4624.0,13.0 8741,SentFIN,Worst is not over; Nifty could go down to sub-7500 level: Sandeep Wagle,0,Nifty,4625.0,13.0 8742,SentFIN,"8,160-8,250 on Nifty could be a good region to sell into markets: Ashwani Gujral",0,Nifty,4626.0,14.0 8743,SentFIN,Both micro and macro level problems have brought the BHEL stock down: Ajay Parmar,0,BHEL,4627.0,14.0 8744,SentFIN,CMC shares crash over 14 per cent after merger announcement with Tata Consultancy Services,0,CMC,4630.0,14.0 8745,SentFIN,Exim Bank net down a tad at Rs 710-crore; pays Rs 339-crore to government,0,Exim Bank,4631.0,14.0 8746,SentFIN,Fall in global commodity prices remain an overhang on Indian metal sector: Nitin Raheja,0,Indian metal sector,4632.0,14.0 8747,SentFIN,"FIIs sell Indian stocks worth Rs 1,654 crore on Thursday, biggest in a month",0,Indian stocks,4634.0,14.0 8748,SentFIN,"Fresenius plans to delist 7 months after OFS, raises concerns over Sebi norms 'violations'",0,Fresenius,4635.0,14.0 8749,SentFIN,"GAIL net profit falls 23 per cent on low tariff, high LNG import price",0,GAIL,4636.0,14.0 8750,SentFIN,General Electric to sell $12 billion worth equity business to exit from banking sector,0,banking sector,4637.0,14.0 8751,SentFIN,"Gillette to get costly, not a standard BT/ST call in long term: Jagdish Malkani",0,Gillette,4638.0,14.0 8752,SentFIN,Honeymoon over? Adani group stocks plunge upto 13% on basket selling in late trade,0,Adani group,4639.0,14.0 8753,SentFIN,Infrastructure company IL&FS Transportation Q4 net profit falls 34 pc at Rs 78 crore,0,IL&FS Transportation,4640.0,14.0 8754,SentFIN,Kaveri Seeds may be able to offset cut in prices of Bt cotton seeds,0,Kaveri Seeds,4642.0,14.0 8755,SentFIN,Lakshmi Vilas Bank Q3 net down 76% at Rs 7.42 crore on bad loans,0,Lakshmi Vilas Bank,4643.0,14.0 8756,SentFIN,Lot more pain left for Axis Bank due to huge infra exposure: Hemindra Hazari,0,Axis Bank,4644.0,14.0 8757,SentFIN,Media form DB Corp's Q4 net profit falls about 16% to Rs 64 crore,0,DB Corp,4645.0,14.0 8758,SentFIN,Most Nifty 50 companies to project sluggish growth; turnaround at least two quarters away,0,Nifty 50,4646.0,14.0 8759,SentFIN,Nalco Q1 net profit dips 41% at Rs 223 crore on higher fuel costs,0,Nalco,4648.0,14.0 8760,SentFIN,Nestle net drops 60%; to resume Maggi noodles sales after second round of tests,0,Nestle,4649.0,14.0 8761,SentFIN,Nifty slips in red after making a record high; top 20 intraday trading ideas,0,Nifty,4650.0,14.0 8762,SentFIN,Nothing much is going to happen in the midcap IT space: P Phani Sekhar,0,midcap IT space,4652.0,14.0 8763,SentFIN,"Real Estate Bill just a temporary sentiment booster, says Mehraboon Irani on realty stocks",0,realty stocks,4654.0,14.0 8764,SentFIN,Regulatory hurdle hits Kotak Group's plan to secure board seat on commodity bourse MCX,0,Kotak Group,4656.0,14.0 8765,SentFIN,Retail stocks take a hit as AAP says no to FDI-funded stores in Delhi,0,Retail stocks,4657.0,14.0 8766,SentFIN,Spice Communications IPO case: Sebi bans Dipti Kirit Parekh from markets for 2 years,0,Spice Communications,4659.0,14.0 8767,SentFIN,TVS Motor Q4 net profit seen 11% lower at Rs 51 cr; stock down,0,TVS Motor,4660.0,14.0 8768,SentFIN,"Wall Street down more than 1 per cent after ECB action, Janet Yellen remarks",0,Wall Street,4661.0,14.0 8769,SentFIN,"We would continue to be cautious and adopt defensive strategy: Dhananjay Sinha, Emkay Global",1,Emkay Global,4662.0,14.0 8770,SentFIN,"Won't get a 2008-like opportunity where everything was so cheap: Nilesh Shah, Axis Capital",1,Axis Capital,4663.0,14.0 8771,SentFIN,"BGR Energy: Margin pressure, high working capital need may co keep in a tight spot",0,BGR Energy,4664.0,15.0 8772,SentFIN,"Bharti Airtel prospects don't look bright as of now: Dipan Mehta, Member, BSE & NSE",0,Bharti Airtel,4665.0,15.0 8773,SentFIN,Budget 2014: Defence stocks plunge upto 10% despite Arun Jaitley raising FDI limit to 49%,0,Defence stocks,4666.0,15.0 8774,SentFIN,Central bank should resume FX purchases if dollar falls below 60 to rouble: Kremlin aide,0,dollar,4667.0,15.0 8775,SentFIN,"Dalal Street may get bumpy in new financial year, likely to be challenging for equities",0,equities,4668.0,15.0 8776,SentFIN,"Delisting buzz is back after Sebi relaxes rule but investors should be cautious, say analysts",1,Sebi,4669.0,15.0 8777,SentFIN,EIL down over 11% as Q2 net profit slips by 47% to Rs 58.78 crore,0,EIL,4671.0,15.0 8778,SentFIN,FIPB rejects HDFC Bank's proposal to increase foreign portfolio investment cap; stocks may lose weight,0,HDFC Bank,4673.0,15.0 8779,SentFIN,Go short on Renuka Sugars once it starts trading below levels of 35: Mitesh Thacker,0,Renuka Sugars,4674.0,15.0 8780,SentFIN,Housing Development and Infrastructure Ltd Q1 net drops 44 per cent at Rs 105.38 crore,0,Housing Development and Infrastructure Ltd,4675.0,15.0 8781,SentFIN,JSPL posts net loss of Rs 1675 crore in Q3FY15; cuts jobs to save costs,1,JSPL,4676.0,15.0 8782,SentFIN,Nestle falls as government sues company over Maggi row; seeks Rs 640 crore in damages,0,Nestle,4677.0,15.0 8783,SentFIN,Profit booking hits midcap stocks post Budget 2014; top five stocks to buy on dips,0,midcap stocks,4678.0,15.0 8784,SentFIN,Reserve Bank of India may sell 91-day treasury bills at 8.60 per cent: poll,0,Reserve Bank of India,4679.0,15.0 8785,SentFIN,RIL likely to report drop in net profit; stock ends flat ahead of Q3 results,0,RIL,4680.0,15.0 8786,SentFIN,"Rupee plummets to 7-month low, down 38 paise to end at 61.53 vs US dollar",0,Rupee,4681.0,15.0 8787,SentFIN,Shriram Transport Finance plummets 19% in a week; investors should wait till construction biz rebounds,0,Shriram Transport Finance,4682.0,15.0 8788,SentFIN,Sun TV falls over 10% a day after ED questions Maran brothers in Aircel-Maxis deal,0,Sun TV,4683.0,15.0 8789,SentFIN,Supreme Court verdict on coal mining likely to have implications on banking sector: Harendra Kumar,0,banking sector,4684.0,15.0 8790,SentFIN,"There is no optimism in the market right now: G Chokkalingam, Centrum Wealth Management",1,Centrum Wealth Management,4685.0,15.0 8791,SentFIN,Twitter shares fall more than 11 per cent as growth of monthly users slows down,0,Twitter,4686.0,15.0 8792,SentFIN,"Avoid PSU banks; worst is over, but stocks will take time to pick up: Mehraboon Irani",0,PSU banks,4687.0,16.0 8793,SentFIN,InterGlobe may slip into losses if fuel cost exceeds 44% of top line: Daljeet Singh Kohli,0,InterGlobe,4690.0,16.0 8794,SentFIN,Jaypee Infra Ventures sells 3.53 crore shares; stocks of other group companies crash by upto 20%,0,Jaypee Infra Ventures,4691.0,16.0 8795,SentFIN,JBCPL stock suffers drastic dip post J&J deal; co to grow other biz with sale proceeds,0,JBCPL,4692.0,16.0 8796,SentFIN,"PM Modi's assurances fail to help as rubber prices plunge to 8-year low, traders blame China",0,rubber,4694.0,16.0 8797,SentFIN,Sooner or later Nifty will turn down and make fresh lows below 5500: Ashwani Gujral,0,Nifty,4695.0,16.0 8798,SentFIN,"Yuan falls to 4-1/2 year low, traders unsure how far central bank will let it go",0,Yuan,4697.0,16.0 8799,SentFIN,Diwali only hope for gold traders as demand at two-decade low after yellow metal hits record prices,0,gold,4698.0,17.0 8800,SentFIN,"Bumpy ride ahead for investors; FIIs' aversion to EMs, worries over weak rupee to hurt sentiment in 2016",0,rupee,4702.0,18.0 8801,SentFIN,Vote on account 2014: Jewellery stocks plunge upto 11% as FM disappoints with no duty cut on gold,0,Jewellery stocks,4704.0,18.0 8802,SentFIN,DLF Ltd is a 'SELL' call with a stop loss of Rs 215.5 and target of Rs 200: Mitesh Thacker,0,DLF Ltd,4705.0,20.0 8803,SentFIN,"Fed's stand on interest rates could be biggest global macro turbulence causer in near term: Arvind Sanger, Geosphere Capital Management",1,Geosphere Capital Management,4706.0,20.0 8804,SentFIN,Cooling unit turns it on for Voltas,2,Voltas,4709.0,7.0 8805,SentFIN,"Sensex heads for cloud 26,000, recommendations",2,Sensex,4710.0,6.0 8806,SentFIN,Cage farming of mullet gains popularity,2,mullet,4711.0,6.0 8807,SentFIN,Blue-chips lead from front on board rejigs,2,Blue-chips,4712.0,7.0 8808,SentFIN,Food ministry hikes sugar production estimates,1,sugar,4713.0,6.0 8809,SentFIN,Greek shares hit fresh three-year low,0,Greek shares,4714.0,6.0 8810,SentFIN,"NTPC, Bangladesh to sign MoU for 2 new projects of 1320 mw each: R S Sharma",2,NTPC,4734.0,16.0 8811,SentFIN,Broader market likely to outperform; Nifty could further move up by 100-120 points: Ashwani Gujral,2,Nifty,4753.0,15.0 8812,SentFIN,Plywood and packaging stocks see upward movement on hopes that GST bill will be passed,2,Plywood and packaging stocks,4776.0,15.0 8813,SentFIN,"Battered Sensex loses 630 points, corporate India doesnt see any signs of a pick-up",0,Sensex,4782.0,14.0 8814,SentFIN,Mid and small-cap stocks soar after aggresive mutual funds go on year-end shopping spree,2,Mid and small-cap stocks,4786.0,14.0 8815,SentFIN,"Surya Roshni's industrial, consumer businesses doing well; make a case for demerger: Prakash Diwan",2,Surya Roshni,4818.0,14.0 8816,SentFIN,"S.Korea won, shares fall as Fed keeps door open for Sept rate hike",0,"S.Korea won, shares",4856.0,13.0 8817,SentFIN,Five factors that are making markets nervous; Sensex slips over 100 points,0,Sensex,4866.0,12.0 8818,SentFIN,"Australia shares slip on rising bond yields, down 1.2% for week",0,Australia shares,4935.0,11.0 8819,SentFIN,Not overweight on the engineering and road construction stocks: Dipan Mehta,0,engineering and road construction stocks,4944.0,11.0 8820,SentFIN,"Australian & New Zealand dollars seen falling, not enough for some",0,Australian & New Zealand dollars,4950.0,11.0 8821,SentFIN,"Australian & New Zealand dollars vault vs pound, firm vs USD",0,Australian & New Zealand dollars,4951.0,11.0 8822,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; mid & smallcap stocks in focus,1,Nifty,4993.0,11.0 8823,SentFIN,"Retail, life sciences and financial services are our focus areas: HCL",1,HCL,4996.0,11.0 8824,SentFIN,"Saudi Arabia, Egypt fall as US oil hits fresh 6-1/2-year low",0,US oil,5000.0,11.0 8825,SentFIN,Analysts warn investors against small auto and auto ancillary firms,0,small auto and auto ancillary,5020.0,10.0 8826,SentFIN,"Gold drops for fourth day on sustained selling, global cues",0,Gold,5034.0,10.0 8827,SentFIN,Hong Kong stocks flat at lunch; Wall Street leads offsetted,1,Hong Kong stocks,5038.0,10.0 8828,SentFIN,Advise avoidance of both private and PSU banks: Saurabh Mukherjea,0,private and PSU banks,5043.0,10.0 8829,SentFIN,SE Asia stocks fall on growth concerns; US data eyed,0,SE Asia stocks,5059.0,10.0 8830,SentFIN,"SE Asia Stocks-Mixed; weak US data, earnings weigh on region",1,SE Asia Stocks,5060.0,10.0 8831,SentFIN,"China, India gold demand posts double-digit drop in Q1: WGC",2,gold,5066.0,10.0 8832,SentFIN,"Sterling hits 2-week low vs dollar, as housing fervour cools",0,Sterling,5069.0,10.0 8833,SentFIN,"MF, HNIs lap up DRL shares on better earnings hope",2,DRL,5099.0,10.0 8834,SentFIN,Mid and small-cap funds may still have some steam left,2,Mid and small-cap funds,5100.0,10.0 8835,SentFIN,Sri Lankan rupee falls to near record low; shares weaker,0,Sri Lankan rupee,5139.0,10.0 8836,SentFIN,"European stocks lower on Russia, data; bonds prices up",0,European stocks,5161.0,9.0 8837,SentFIN,"Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; CPI, IIP data eyed",1,Nifty,5182.0,9.0 8838,SentFIN,PSU banks join party; Bank Nifty hits all-time high,1,Bank Nifty,5217.0,9.0 8839,SentFIN,"S Korea won slips after 3-day gain, shares flat",0,S Korea won,5220.0,9.0 8840,SentFIN,Adequate stocks drag down mentha oil futures 0.53%,0,mentha oil futures,5230.0,8.0 8841,SentFIN,"Broader markets, banking stocks gain post GDP numbers",2,banking stocks,5239.0,8.0 8842,SentFIN,Prefer Balkrishna Industries among tyre stocks: Deven Choksey,2,Balkrishna Industries,5269.0,8.0 8843,SentFIN,Prefer BPCL among oil marketing companies: Gaurang Shah,2,BPCL,5270.0,8.0 8844,SentFIN,Bonds retreats on fresh selling; call rates recover,0,Bonds,5289.0,8.0 8845,SentFIN,"Turmeric turns gold, AP farmers snap up cars",2,Turmeric,5305.0,8.0 8846,SentFIN,Nitin Vaidya quits Zee,1,Zee,5371.0,4.0 8847,SentFIN,Neutral on Zee: Ambareesh Baliga,1,Zee,5372.0,5.0 8848,SentFIN,Wall Street takes opposite paths,1,Wall Street,5373.0,5.0 8849,SentFIN,US stocks hold near record levels,1,US stocks,5375.0,6.0 8850,SentFIN,Rajni Razdan chosen new UPSC chief,1,UPSC,5376.0,6.0 8851,SentFIN,Should you bet on tyre stocks?,1,tyre stocks,5377.0,6.0 8852,SentFIN,Texas Pacific Group's India MD resigns,1,Texas Pacific Group,5378.0,6.0 8853,SentFIN,Vijay Kelkar joins TCS board,1,TCS,5379.0,5.0 8854,SentFIN,Sugar closes steady on small buying,1,Sugar,5380.0,6.0 8855,SentFIN,Sugar price steady on scattered buying,1,Sugar,5381.0,6.0 8856,SentFIN,Subbarao hints at forex market intervention,1,Subbarao,5382.0,6.0 8857,SentFIN,Stock markets see sector specific performance,1,Stock markets,5383.0,6.0 8858,SentFIN,Steel prices steady in flat trade,1,Steel,5384.0,6.0 8859,SentFIN,Steel remains flat in thin trade,1,Steel,5385.0,6.0 8860,SentFIN,Sensex ends flat ahead of holiday,1,Sensex,5386.0,6.0 8861,SentFIN,Why Sensex churn matters to investors,1,Sensex,5387.0,6.0 8862,SentFIN,SCORES: Sebi's complaint redressal system,1,Sebi,5388.0,5.0 8863,SentFIN,Exchanges prepared for volatility tomorrow: Sebi,1,Sebi,5389.0,6.0 8864,SentFIN,Sebi approves norms for research analysts,1,Sebi,5390.0,6.0 8865,SentFIN,Sebi finalises norms for research analysts,1,Sebi,5391.0,6.0 8866,SentFIN,Sebi mulls pension fund for employees,1,Sebi,5392.0,6.0 8867,SentFIN,Sebi notifies norms for research analysts,1,Sebi,5393.0,6.0 8868,SentFIN,Sebi revamps secondary market advisory committee,1,Sebi,5394.0,6.0 8869,SentFIN,Sebi to discuss commodity market norms,1,Sebi,5395.0,6.0 8870,SentFIN,Religare launches new trading portal,1,Religare,5397.0,5.0 8871,SentFIN,Reliance Industries earnings: Five key takeaways,1,Reliance Industries,5398.0,6.0 8872,SentFIN,Rajesh Exports redeems $150-mn foreign bonds,1,Rajesh Exports,5400.0,6.0 8873,SentFIN,Puma India head Rajiv Mehta quits,1,Puma India,5401.0,6.0 8874,SentFIN,Prabhat Dairy to list shares tomorrow,1,Prabhat Dairy,5402.0,6.0 8875,SentFIN,PNC Infratech IPO to resume tomorrow,1,PNC Infratech,5403.0,6.0 8876,SentFIN,Piramal Enterprises integrates realty finance businesses,1,Piramal Enterprises,5404.0,6.0 8877,SentFIN,Phaneesh Murthy appointed CEO of Patni,1,Patni,5405.0,6.0 8878,SentFIN,Sudhir Vasudeva selected to head ONGC,1,ONGC,5407.0,6.0 8879,SentFIN,Omaxe declares Bonus to public shareholders,1,Omaxe,5408.0,6.0 8880,SentFIN,Oilseeds rule stable in listless trade,1,Oilseeds,5409.0,6.0 8881,SentFIN,$50 oil is already here,1,oil,5410.0,5.0 8882,SentFIN,Downside risk to NIIT looks limited,1,NIIT,5411.0,6.0 8883,SentFIN,Nifty to stay stock-specific: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,5413.0,6.0 8884,SentFIN,Nifty witnessing sideways consolidation: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,5414.0,6.0 8885,SentFIN,Support for Nifty expected at 4700,1,Nifty,5415.0,6.0 8886,SentFIN,Networkplays CEO Ampreet Singh quits,1,Networkplays,5416.0,5.0 8887,SentFIN,NBHC appoints Vijay Kelkar as chairman,1,NBHC,5417.0,6.0 8888,SentFIN,Vijay Kelkar appointed chairman of NBHC,1,NBHC,5418.0,6.0 8889,SentFIN,Morgan Stanley India head steps down,1,Morgan Stanley India,5419.0,6.0 8890,SentFIN,MM Auto Industries withdraws IPO application,1,MM Auto Industries,5420.0,6.0 8891,SentFIN,Mindtree co-founder Janakiraman Srinivasan quits,1,Mindtree,5421.0,5.0 8892,SentFIN,Micromax plans Rs 426-crore IPO,1,Micromax,5422.0,5.0 8893,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: November 07, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,5423.0,6.0 8894,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: September 11, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,5424.0,6.0 8895,SentFIN,"Mecklai Financial Report: September 26, 2014",1,Mecklai Financial,5425.0,6.0 8896,SentFIN,Manisha Girotra joins KPIT Cummins board,1,KPIT Cummins,5429.0,6.0 8897,SentFIN,Takeaways from ITC results,1,ITC,5431.0,4.0 8898,SentFIN,IOC Chairman Butola may get extension,1,IOC,5432.0,6.0 8899,SentFIN,Infosys Q3 earnings: Five takeaways,1,Infosys,5434.0,5.0 8900,SentFIN,Deepak Satwalekar retires from Infosys board,1,Infosys,5435.0,6.0 8901,SentFIN,Infosys Q4 FY14 results: 10 takeaways,1,Infosys,5436.0,6.0 8902,SentFIN,Infosys: Headed for better quarterly numbers?,1,Infosys,5437.0,6.0 8903,SentFIN,Hrishikesh Nair appointed as Infopark CEO,1,Infopark,5438.0,6.0 8904,SentFIN,IndiGo to debut today on bourses,1,IndiGo,5440.0,6.0 8905,SentFIN,Are Indian cotton prices a bubble?,1,Indian cotton,5441.0,6.0 8906,SentFIN,Day trading guide by IIFL,1,IIFL,5442.0,5.0 8907,SentFIN,Initiate trade on IDFC: Mitesh Thacker,1,IDFC,5443.0,6.0 8908,SentFIN,Hong Kong-Shanghai stock link officially opens,1,Hong Kong-Shanghai stock,5445.0,6.0 8909,SentFIN,Hong Kong stocks flat by lunch,1,Hong Kong stocks,5446.0,6.0 8910,SentFIN,HeidelbergCement India CEO Ashish Guha quits,1,HeidelbergCement India,5447.0,6.0 8911,SentFIN,Partha Chatterjee becomes Haldia Petrochemicals Chairman,1,Haldia Petrochemicals,5448.0,6.0 8912,SentFIN,Gur closes steady in thin trade,1,Gur,5449.0,6.0 8913,SentFIN,Gur ends flat in thin trade,1,Gur,5450.0,6.0 8914,SentFIN,Gur settles quiet in thin trade,1,Gur,5451.0,6.0 8915,SentFIN,Two Senior GMR executives quit,1,GMR,5452.0,5.0 8916,SentFIN,Mixed trend prevails in foodgrain market,1,foodgrain,5453.0,6.0 8917,SentFIN,No change in foodgrain prices,1,foodgrain,5454.0,5.0 8918,SentFIN,European stock markets steady at open,1,European stock markets,5455.0,6.0 8919,SentFIN,European shares stabilise after Portugal-led rout,1,European shares,5456.0,6.0 8920,SentFIN,Interim resistance for EUR/USD around $1.3840,1,EUR/USD,5457.0,6.0 8921,SentFIN,Day trading guide by Edelweiss,1,Edelweiss,5458.0,5.0 8922,SentFIN,Dollar mixed in Asia trading,1,Dollar,5459.0,5.0 8923,SentFIN,Deutsche MF launches inflation-indexed bond fund,1,Deutsche MF,5460.0,6.0 8924,SentFIN,Benefits of trading in commodity futures,1,commodity futures,5461.0,6.0 8925,SentFIN,Mixed trend prevails at commodities market,1,commodities,5462.0,6.0 8926,SentFIN,Coffee Day to list shares tomorrow,1,Coffee Day,5463.0,6.0 8927,SentFIN,Anant Goenka promoted as Ceat MD,1,Ceat,5464.0,6.0 8928,SentFIN,Sundeep Bhandari resigns from Cairn India,1,Cairn India,5465.0,6.0 8929,SentFIN,FIIs outpace domestic investors in BSE200,1,BSE200,5466.0,6.0 8930,SentFIN,BSE revises equity transaction charges,1,BSE,5467.0,5.0 8931,SentFIN,38 companies in the BSE 500 have paid more than 25 per cent of their net profit as dividend,1,BSE 500,5468.0,19.0 8932,SentFIN,Broking firms revive expansion plans,1,Broking firms,5469.0,5.0 8933,SentFIN,Bond yields little changed; consolidation seen,1,Bond,5470.0,6.0 8934,SentFIN,Bond yields steady; auction results awaited,1,Bond,5471.0,6.0 8935,SentFIN,Bond yields steady; seen dropping later,1,Bond,5472.0,6.0 8936,SentFIN,Biocon marketing head Rakesh Bamzai quits,1,Biocon,5473.0,6.0 8937,SentFIN,Financial Tech Bahrain arm starts ops,1,Financial Tech,5474.0,6.0 8938,SentFIN,Asian stocks mixed after holiday weekend,1,Asian stocks,5475.0,6.0 8939,SentFIN,Asia stocks sideswiped by Wall Street,1,Asia stocks,5477.0,6.0 8940,SentFIN,Apple Inc eyes yen-denominated bond,1,Apple Inc,5478.0,5.0 8941,SentFIN,"Apple shareholders, do not panic",1,Apple,5479.0,5.0 8942,SentFIN,Airtel's enterprise head quits,1,Airtel,5480.0,4.0 8943,SentFIN,Adecco India head Sudhakar Balakrishnan quits,1,Adecco India,5481.0,6.0 8944,SentFIN,Maharashtra allows molasses export,1,molasses,5482.0,4.0 8945,SentFIN,ECB's bond buying plan: What's next,1,ECB,5483.0,6.0 8946,SentFIN,Looking into the future of Sensex,1,Sensex,5484.0,6.0 8947,SentFIN,Market remains stock specific: Mitesh Thacker,1,Market,5485.0,6.0 8948,SentFIN,Monsoon key to capital goods demand,1,capital goods,5486.0,6.0 8949,SentFIN,Overweight on IT sector: BP Singh,1,IT sector,5487.0,6.0 8950,SentFIN,"Rate-sensitive stocks rally, but worries stay",2,Rate-sensitive stocks,5488.0,6.0 8951,SentFIN,Retain big IT names: Mehraboon Irani,1,IT names,5489.0,6.0 8952,SentFIN,Why tech stocks are trending again,1,tech stocks,5490.0,6.0 8953,SentFIN,Will the Nifty start moving upward?,1,Nifty,5491.0,6.0 8954,SentFIN,Alibaba symbol of China new technology giants,1,Alibaba,5492.0,7.0 8955,SentFIN,Arun Gandhi says farewell to Tata sons,1,Tata sons,5495.0,7.0 8956,SentFIN,Ashoka Buildcon plans Rs. 225 cr IPO,1,Ashoka Buildcon,5496.0,7.0 8957,SentFIN,Asian markets flat after holiday-thinned US session,1,Asian markets,5498.0,7.0 8958,SentFIN,Bajaj Auto Motorcycles president K Srinivas quits,1,Bajaj Auto Motorcycles,5500.0,7.0 8959,SentFIN,Bharti Airtel Q2 results: Ten key takeaways,1,Bharti Airtel,5501.0,7.0 8960,SentFIN,Bharti Retail appoints Craig Wimsatt as COO,1,Bharti Retail,5502.0,7.0 8961,SentFIN,Bigger IT players offer value for money,1,IT players,5503.0,7.0 8962,SentFIN,Bond yields largely unchanged in range-bound trade,1,Bond,5504.0,7.0 8963,SentFIN,Bond yields steady ahead of policy review,1,Bond,5505.0,7.0 8964,SentFIN,Bond yields unlikely to fall further: Traders,1,Bond,5506.0,7.0 8965,SentFIN,BRIC markets appear 'disunited' to stock investors,1,BRIC markets,5507.0,7.0 8966,SentFIN,BSE issues guidance note on price-sensitive disclosures,1,BSE,5508.0,7.0 8967,SentFIN,BSE shelves plans for separate commodity bourse,1,BSE,5509.0,7.0 8968,SentFIN,Commexes told to make base metals delivery-based,1,Commexes,5513.0,7.0 8969,SentFIN,Day trading guide by Motilal Oswal Securities,1,Motilal Oswal Securities,5515.0,7.0 8970,SentFIN,Debjani Ghosh is Intel South Asia head,1,Intel South Asia,5516.0,7.0 8971,SentFIN,"Defence a long-term story, says Prakash Diwan",1,Defence,5517.0,7.0 8972,SentFIN,Defensive stocks top gainers on Dalal Street,2,Defensive stocks,5518.0,7.0 8973,SentFIN,"Dhanalaxmi Bank, wait and watch: Ashwani Gujral",1,Dhanalaxmi Bank,5519.0,7.0 8974,SentFIN,Divya Gupta appointed CEO of Dentsu Media,1,Dentsu Media,5520.0,7.0 8975,SentFIN,"Drug licence, supply gains turn it on",1,Drug licence,5521.0,7.0 8976,SentFIN,Edelweiss Financial Senior Partner Rajeev Mehrotra quits,1,Edelweiss Financial,5522.0,7.0 8977,SentFIN,ETF investors renew interest in emerging markets,1,ETF,5523.0,7.0 8978,SentFIN,Examining SBI rights issue proposal: Finance Ministry,1,SBI,5525.0,7.0 8979,SentFIN,Executive pay should reflect company performance: Sebi,1,Sebi,5526.0,7.0 8980,SentFIN,Expect large caps to consolidate: Ashwani Gujral,1,large caps,5527.0,7.0 8981,SentFIN,F&O: Nifty may face resistance at 5370-5400,1,Nifty,5528.0,7.0 8982,SentFIN,FCI buys paddy from farmers amid protest,1,FCI,5530.0,7.0 8983,SentFIN,Fewer investors trade on Multi Commodity Exchange,1,Multi Commodity Exchange,5531.0,7.0 8984,SentFIN,FIFA introduces web-based platform for online transactions,1,FIFA,5532.0,7.0 8985,SentFIN,FIIs August selloff biggest since January 2008,1,FII,5533.0,7.0 8986,SentFIN,First Leasings AGM venue irks minority shareholders,1,First Leasings,5534.0,7.0 8987,SentFIN,Foreign investors scramble to buy Indian Bonds,1,Indian Bonds,5536.0,7.0 8988,SentFIN,FPI inflows hit Rs 11 lakh-crore mark,1,FPI,5538.0,7.0 8989,SentFIN,FSDC sub-committee to discuss inflation-linked bonds tomorrow,1,FSDC,5539.0,7.0 8990,SentFIN,Geometric appoints Parth Gandhi as Non-Executive Director,1,Geometric,5540.0,7.0 8991,SentFIN,Gold barely changed on mixed economic signals,1,Gold,5542.0,7.0 8992,SentFIN,Gold trades flat a day before Diwali,1,Gold,5543.0,7.0 8993,SentFIN,Great Eastern Shipping June quarter result review,1,Great Eastern Shipping,5545.0,7.0 8994,SentFIN,Gur prices end steady on limited buying,1,Gur,5546.0,7.0 8995,SentFIN,Hewlett-Packard Co to resume share repurchase program,1,Hewlett-Packard Co,5547.0,7.0 8996,SentFIN,Holcim elevates Ramit Budhraja to group level,1,Holcim,5548.0,7.0 8997,SentFIN,Hyundai Creta compact SUV: First drive review,1,Hyundai,5550.0,7.0 8998,SentFIN,ICICI Bank board approves five-for-one stock split,1,ICICI Bank,5551.0,7.0 8999,SentFIN,ICICI Securities launches e-voting facility for shareholders,1,ICICI Securities,5552.0,7.0 9000,SentFIN,IDBI Bank raises $500 million from bonds,1,IDBI Bank,5553.0,7.0 9001,SentFIN,IiAS recommends voting against Vijay Mallya reappointment,1,IiAS,5554.0,7.0 9002,SentFIN,Indian Register of Shipping appoints new executives,1,Indian Register of Shipping,5556.0,7.0 9003,SentFIN,Indo Rama Synthetics CEO Ashok Gupta resigns,1,Indo Rama Synthetics,5557.0,7.0 9004,SentFIN,Infinite Computer Solutions IPO opens Jan 11,1,Infinite Computer Solutions,5559.0,7.0 9005,SentFIN,InterGlobe Aviation to list its shares tomorrow,1,InterGlobe Aviation,5560.0,7.0 9006,SentFIN,Investors hopeful of government reviving tax-free bonds,1,tax-free bonds,5561.0,7.0 9007,SentFIN,"Investors see growth in stocks, shunning Russia",1,Russia,5562.0,7.0 9008,SentFIN,John Kerin named ICRISAT Ambassador of Goodwill,1,ICRISAT,5564.0,7.0 9009,SentFIN,JP Morgan elevates Nandkumar Surti as CEO,1,JP Morgan,5565.0,7.0 9010,SentFIN,JSW Steel promoter hikes stake in company,1,JSW Steel,5566.0,7.0 9011,SentFIN,Key takeways from Bharti Airtel's Q4 results,1,Bharti Airtel,5567.0,7.0 9012,SentFIN,Leased line users get NSE fee waiver,1,NSE,5568.0,7.0 9013,SentFIN,M S Banga joins PE Fund CD&R,1,CD&R,5569.0,7.0 9014,SentFIN,Mahalingam Balaji appointed IDC India Research Director,1,IDC India,5570.0,7.0 9015,SentFIN,Mahendra Alladi appointed CTO at Cigniti Technologies,1,Cigniti Technologies,5571.0,7.0 9016,SentFIN,Market likely to drift sideways: Ashwani Gujral,1,Market,5572.0,7.0 9017,SentFIN,Markets may consolidate post Budget: Ashwani Gujral,1,Markets,5573.0,7.0 9018,SentFIN,Markets remain in consolidation mode: Ashwani Gujral,1,Markets,5574.0,7.0 9019,SentFIN,McCann appoints two NCDs after 12 years,1,McCann,5575.0,7.0 9020,SentFIN,MCX-SX extends rights issue till April 30,1,MCX-SX,5577.0,7.0 9021,SentFIN,MCX-SX ongoing rights issue may face turbulence,1,MCX-SX,5578.0,7.0 9022,SentFIN,Mid-cap stocks set to play catch-up soon,1,Mid-cap stocks,5579.0,7.0 9023,SentFIN,Midcaps: Bubble or multibaggers in the making?,1,Midcaps,5580.0,7.0 9024,SentFIN,MindTree Q2 net at Rs 23.24 cr,1,MindTree,5581.0,7.0 9025,SentFIN,Mirza International has been sideways: Deepak Mohoni,1,Mirza International,5582.0,7.0 9026,SentFIN,Monetary easing divides analysts on gold prices,1,gold,5583.0,7.0 9027,SentFIN,Morgan Stanley sees return of retail investors,1,Morgan Stanley,5584.0,7.0 9028,SentFIN,Mouli Raman quits as CEO of OnMobile,1,OnMobile,5585.0,7.0 9029,SentFIN,Multi-year stock market rally on cards: Analysts,2,stock market,5586.0,7.0 9030,SentFIN,Nafed likely to market north-east horticultural products,1,Nafed,5587.0,7.0 9031,SentFIN,NCDEX introduces forwards contracts segment Agrim Sauda,1,NCDEX,5588.0,7.0 9032,SentFIN,NCDEX introduces hedge policy for commodity markets,1,NCDEX,5589.0,7.0 9033,SentFIN,Nifty seen in a tight 6000-6300 range,1,Nifty,5591.0,7.0 9034,SentFIN,Nifty's strong support seen at 5750 levels,1,Nifty,5592.0,7.0 9035,SentFIN,Nihilent Technologies considering IPO in 12-18 months,1,Nihilent Technologies,5593.0,7.0 9036,SentFIN,Nirma bid to unlock value via delisting,1,Nirma,5594.0,7.0 9037,SentFIN,Nothing more than CRR hike likely: Edelweiss,1,Edelweiss,5596.0,7.0 9038,SentFIN,NSE group firm launches Quality 30 index,1,NSE,5597.0,7.0 9039,SentFIN,NSEL borrowers channelled funds to Dubai: Police,1,NSEL,5598.0,7.0 9040,SentFIN,NSEL-FTIL merge case adjourned to December 22,1,NSEL-FTIL,5600.0,7.0 9041,SentFIN,Oberoi Realty IPO price-band quite stretched: Swastika,1,Oberoi Realty,5601.0,7.0 9042,SentFIN,OFS Technologies IPO opens on Dec 28,1,OFS Technologies,5602.0,7.0 9043,SentFIN,Oil prices mixed after Saudi king death,1,Oil,5603.0,7.0 9044,SentFIN,Omnitech Infosolutions bets big on RTGS implemetations,1,Omnitech Infosolutions,5605.0,7.0 9045,SentFIN,Pharma stocks need to consolidate: Ashwani Gujral,1,Pharma stocks,5606.0,7.0 9046,SentFIN,Philippe Divry appointed as Volvo India MD,1,Volvo India,5607.0,7.0 9047,SentFIN,Polycab Wires appoints Ramakrishnan as group CEO,1,Polycab Wires,5608.0,7.0 9048,SentFIN,Power Finance Corporation to buyback infrastructure bonds,1,Power Finance Corporation,5610.0,7.0 9049,SentFIN,Prestige Estates Projects IPO: What experts say,1,Prestige Estates Projects,5611.0,7.0 9050,SentFIN,Pulses market remains steady in tight movements,1,Pulses,5612.0,7.0 9051,SentFIN,Pulses prices ends flat in thin trade,1,Pulses,5614.0,7.0 9052,SentFIN,Put OI around 6000 shows support zone,1,OI,5615.0,7.0 9053,SentFIN,Quality midcaps going cheap lure fund managers,1,midcaps,5616.0,7.0 9054,SentFIN,R Chandrashekhar takes over as Nasscom President,1,Nasscom,5617.0,7.0 9055,SentFIN,Rajnikant Patel leaves Indian Commodity Exchange posts,1,Indian Commodity Exchange,5618.0,7.0 9056,SentFIN,RBI agility helps tame money market volatility,1,RBI,5619.0,7.0 9057,SentFIN,Reliance Industries: Expect a flat earnings growth,1,Reliance Industries,5620.0,7.0 9058,SentFIN,"Remain invested in equities: Subramanium, Quantum Advisors",1,Quantum Advisors,5621.0,7.0 9059,SentFIN,Replanting to help tea cos raise yield,1,tea cos,5622.0,7.0 9060,SentFIN,RNRL is a clear sell: Seshadri Bharathan,0,RNRL,5623.0,7.0 9061,SentFIN,Rocket Internet joins rush of e-commerce listings,1,Rocket Internet,5624.0,7.0 9062,SentFIN,Sadbhav Infrastructure IPO subscribed by 2.24 times,1,Sadbhav Infrastructure,5627.0,7.0 9063,SentFIN,SBI to launch FTSE SBI bond indices,1,SBI,5628.0,7.0 9064,SentFIN,Sebi brings more stocks under price-band net,1,Sebi,5630.0,7.0 9065,SentFIN,Sebi issues warning against fraudulent regulatory calls,1,Sebi,5631.0,7.0 9066,SentFIN,Sebi notifies one-time registration system for brokers,1,Sebi,5632.0,7.0 9067,SentFIN,Sebi orders attachments in Indo-Pacific Software case,1,Sebi,5633.0,7.0 9068,SentFIN,Sebi to revamp initial public offer process,1,Sebi,5636.0,7.0 9069,SentFIN,Sebi to review surveillance systems; fast-track enforcements,1,Sebi,5637.0,7.0 9070,SentFIN,Sebi to tweak employee stock option norms,1,Sebi,5638.0,7.0 9071,SentFIN,Senior MCX officials'e-mails may offer key information,1,MCX,5640.0,7.0 9072,SentFIN,Sensex rangebound; top 10 stocks in focus,1,Sensex,5641.0,7.0 9073,SentFIN,Share markets await Narendra Modi maiden budget,1,Share markets,5643.0,7.0 9074,SentFIN,Share markets await Narendra Modi's maiden budget,1,Share markets,5644.0,7.0 9075,SentFIN,"Sharp correction on Nifty unlikely, say analysts",1,Nifty,5645.0,7.0 9076,SentFIN,Should investors subscribe to Shemaroo Entertainment IPO?,1,Shemaroo Entertainment,5646.0,7.0 9077,SentFIN,Steel prices remain flat in lacklustre trade,1,Steel,5648.0,7.0 9078,SentFIN,Steel prices remain flat in thin trade,1,Steel,5649.0,7.0 9079,SentFIN,Steel prices remain quiet in thin trade,1,Steel,5650.0,7.0 9080,SentFIN,Steel prices remain quiet in tight movements,1,Steel,5651.0,7.0 9081,SentFIN,Steel prices remain steady in thin trade,1,Steel,5652.0,7.0 9082,SentFIN,Syngene listing sparks Kiran Mazumdar-Shaws R&D dreams,1,Syngene,5653.0,7.0 9083,SentFIN,Ten key takeaways from Infosys first-quarter results,1,Infosys,5655.0,7.0 9084,SentFIN,Three in fray for MCX-SX top post,1,MCX-SX,5656.0,7.0 9085,SentFIN,Trent Ltd reappoints Philip Auld as CEO,1,Trent Ltd,5657.0,7.0 9086,SentFIN,Tube Investments declares 75 pc interim dividend,1,Tube Investments,5658.0,7.0 9087,SentFIN,TVM Capital appoints Sudhir Bahl as Director-India,1,TVM Capital,5659.0,7.0 9088,SentFIN,Ultratech Q2 net at Rs 116 cr,1,Ultratech,5661.0,7.0 9089,SentFIN,Unique identification number for hallmarked jewellery: BIS,1,BIS,5662.0,7.0 9090,SentFIN,V Balakrishnan joins Avekshaa Technologies' advisory board,1,Avekshaa Technologies,5663.0,7.0 9091,SentFIN,What Dipen Shah says on Infosys results,1,Infosys,5666.0,7.0 9092,SentFIN,What's stopping rupee from appreciating beyond 60?,1,rupee,5667.0,7.0 9093,SentFIN,Which direction is crude oil heading to?,1,crude oil,5668.0,7.0 9094,SentFIN,WNS Q4 Net profit at $13.4 million,1,WNS,5669.0,7.0 9095,SentFIN,Xander Finance appoints Rajeev Radhakrishnan as CFO,1,Xander Finance,5670.0,7.0 9096,SentFIN,10 takeaways from the second-quarter results of Infosys,1,Infosys,5672.0,8.0 9097,SentFIN,4597 key level on the Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,5673.0,8.0 9098,SentFIN,5 things to know about Apple stock split,1,Apple,5674.0,8.0 9099,SentFIN,5546 key level for Nifty today: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,5675.0,8.0 9100,SentFIN,6 smart things to know about gold loans,1,gold,5676.0,8.0 9101,SentFIN,Aircel Appoints Kaizad Heerjee as Chief Operating Officer,1,Aircel,5680.0,8.0 9102,SentFIN,Americans are biggest foreign owners of Greek stocks,1,Greek stocks,5681.0,8.0 9103,SentFIN,"Analyst View: Market wrap for Friday, December 16",1,Market,5682.0,8.0 9104,SentFIN,"Analyst View: Market wrap for Friday, December 9",1,Market,5683.0,8.0 9105,SentFIN,"Analyst View: Market wrap for Thursday, December 15",1,Market,5684.0,8.0 9106,SentFIN,"Analyst View: Market wrap for Wednesday, December 14",1,Market,5685.0,8.0 9107,SentFIN,Aniruddh Kumar assumes charge as BEML Board member,1,BEML,5686.0,8.0 9108,SentFIN,Anoop Kumar Gupta appointed Director (Electrical) of DMRC,1,DMRC,5687.0,8.0 9109,SentFIN,Are firms with high Europe exposure in trouble?,1,Europe,5691.0,8.0 9110,SentFIN,Are markets overplaying Iraq factor? Most likely: Experts,1,Iraq,5692.0,8.0 9111,SentFIN,Asia Index launches S&P BSE India Infrastructure Index,1,Asia Index,5693.0,8.0 9112,SentFIN,Asian Paints Q2 Net at Rs 347.30 crore,1,Asian Paints,5694.0,8.0 9113,SentFIN,"Asian stocks mixed on US earnings, goods orders",1,Asian stocks,5696.0,8.0 9114,SentFIN,Aurionpro appoints three independent members to its board,1,Aurionpro,5699.0,8.0 9115,SentFIN,Avon India appoints R M Sirbu Managing Director,1,Avon India,5700.0,8.0 9116,SentFIN,Bajaj Finserv reports flat consolidated PAT for Q4-FY15,1,Bajaj Finserv,5701.0,8.0 9117,SentFIN,Balaji Telefilms appoints Sameer Nair as Group CEO,1,Balaji Telefilms,5702.0,8.0 9118,SentFIN,Barjeel Geojit Securities launches brokerage services for QFIs,1,Barjeel Geojit Securities,5703.0,8.0 9119,SentFIN,Be cautious before going long on Tech Mahindra,1,Tech Mahindra,5704.0,8.0 9120,SentFIN,Billionaire stake shakes Woolworths buyout of David Jones,1,Woolworths,5705.0,8.0 9121,SentFIN,Bond yields steady ahead of RBI policy review,1,RBI,5706.0,8.0 9122,SentFIN,Bonds flat; auction cut-offs in line with expectations,1,Bonds,5707.0,8.0 9123,SentFIN,"BSE currency derivatives turnover tops Rs 4,000 crore",1,BSE currency derivatives,5710.0,8.0 9124,SentFIN,"BSE currency derivatives volume at Rs 2,000-cr mark",1,BSE currency derivatives,5711.0,8.0 9125,SentFIN,BSE to launch IRF trading from January 20,1,BSE,5714.0,8.0 9126,SentFIN,"Bye-bye FY15; Sensex ends fiscal year at 27,957.49",1,Sensex,5715.0,8.0 9127,SentFIN,Cairn India interim CEO P Elango quits,1,Cairn India,5716.0,8.0 9128,SentFIN,CEAT launches Rs 400 crore Qualified Institutions Placement,1,CEAT,5719.0,8.0 9129,SentFIN,Cement companies try to crack capacity utilisation code,1,Cement companies,5720.0,8.0 9130,SentFIN,Cement got its quota of allocation: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,1,Cement,5721.0,8.0 9131,SentFIN,"Chasing 'moving targets', Sebi to upgrade surveillance systems",1,Sebi,5722.0,8.0 9132,SentFIN,China stocks end mixed after one-child policy reform,1,China stocks,5723.0,8.0 9133,SentFIN,China yuan trades flat after US currency report,1,China yuan,5726.0,8.0 9134,SentFIN,CIL IPO priced ar Rs 245 per share,1,CIL,5727.0,8.0 9135,SentFIN,CIL stake sale subscribed 30% till afternoon trade,1,CIL,5728.0,8.0 9136,SentFIN,Cisco names Dinesh Malkani new India sales head,1,Cisco,5729.0,8.0 9137,SentFIN,Component suppliers to India Mars mission in focus,1,India Mars mission,5731.0,8.0 9138,SentFIN,Cooking oil price may rise on low production,1,Cooking oil,5732.0,8.0 9139,SentFIN,D K Sarraf takes over as ONGC Chairman,1,ONGC,5735.0,8.0 9140,SentFIN,Daimler India Commercial Vehicles announces top management rejig,1,Daimler India Commercial Vehicles,5736.0,8.0 9141,SentFIN,Decoding the cryogenic engine used in ISRO's launch,1,ISRO,5737.0,8.0 9142,SentFIN,Dhanteras demand for gold unchanged from last year,1,gold,5738.0,8.0 9143,SentFIN,"Dish TV appoints Sandeep Bajpai as VP, Marketing",1,Dish TV,5739.0,8.0 9144,SentFIN,"DQE India plans IPO, chalks out expansion plans",1,DQE India,5740.0,8.0 9145,SentFIN,Dubai exchange plans to launch EM currency products,1,Dubai exchange,5742.0,8.0 9146,SentFIN,Economist Johan Zyl appointed to Shriram Capital board,1,Shriram Capital,5743.0,8.0 9147,SentFIN,Educomp may see levels of 255-260: Mitesh Thacker,1,Educomp,5744.0,8.0 9148,SentFIN,Emami names Ajith Babu Narasimha new healthcare CEO,1,Emami,5745.0,8.0 9149,SentFIN,Emerging stocks set for second week in red,0,Emerging stocks,5746.0,8.0 9150,SentFIN,Ennore Port launches Rs 500-crore tax-free bond sale,1,Ennore Port,5747.0,8.0 9151,SentFIN,Enter into Hindalco at 190-195 levels: Ashwani Gujral,1,Hindalco,5748.0,8.0 9152,SentFIN,Euro off to calm start in event-laden week,1,Euro,5750.0,8.0 9153,SentFIN,Euro steadies after slumping on dovish Draghi comments,1,Euro,5751.0,8.0 9154,SentFIN,European shares pause for breath ahead of data,1,European shares,5753.0,8.0 9155,SentFIN,"Experts see Sensex at 24,000 well before elections",1,Sensex,5754.0,8.0 9156,SentFIN,Fiat Chrysler crowns merger with Wall Street debut,1,Fiat Chrysler,5761.0,8.0 9157,SentFIN,Five reasons why rupee may not appreciate much,1,rupee,5763.0,8.0 9158,SentFIN,"FMC notifies new ownership, shareholding norms for commexes",1,FMC,5765.0,8.0 9159,SentFIN,"Freshdesk plans for IPO, readies for mobile era",1,Freshdesk,5767.0,8.0 9160,SentFIN,Fullerton appoints Rakesh Makkar as Executive Vice President,1,Fullerton,5768.0,8.0 9161,SentFIN,Fully committed to reforms in OTC derivatives: RBI,1,RBI,5769.0,8.0 9162,SentFIN,GCPL posts Q4 net at Rs 141.6 cr,1,GCPL,5770.0,8.0 9163,SentFIN,GOL recommends dividend of Rs 2.50 per share,1,GOL,5771.0,8.0 9164,SentFIN,Gold purchases to resume with mid-Aug festival demand,1,Gold,5772.0,8.0 9165,SentFIN,Gold remains steady in line with international sentiment,1,Gold,5773.0,8.0 9166,SentFIN,Gold steady on safe-haven demand from Ukraine tensions,1,Gold,5774.0,8.0 9167,SentFIN,Gujarat's canal-top solar power plant: 10 must-know facts,1,Gujarat,5775.0,8.0 9168,SentFIN,GVK Hancock names Darren Yeates as CEO,1,GVK Hancock,5776.0,8.0 9169,SentFIN,HAL's Made-in-India combat chopper to test its firepower,1,HAL,5777.0,8.0 9170,SentFIN,HCL Infosystems appoints two independent directors on Board,1,HCL Infosystems,5778.0,8.0 9171,SentFIN,Hexaware support seen at Rs 110-115: Mitesh Thacker,1,Hexaware,5780.0,8.0 9172,SentFIN,Hindustan Copper pays Rs 83.22-crore dividend to government,1,Hindustan Copper,5781.0,8.0 9173,SentFIN,Hong Kong stocks close flat; profit- taking offsetted,1,Hong Kong stocks,5782.0,8.0 9174,SentFIN,How much should you be investing in gold?,1,gold,5783.0,8.0 9175,SentFIN,How to protect your stocks against El Nino,1,stocks,5784.0,8.0 9176,SentFIN,HT Media Q1 net at Rs 32.67 crore,1,HT Media,5785.0,8.0 9177,SentFIN,ICICI Bank Q1 PAT at Rs 2274 crore,1,ICICI Bank,5786.0,8.0 9178,SentFIN,IDFC will not give immediate gains: Nitin Raheja,1,IDFC,5787.0,8.0 9179,SentFIN,"IFC raises Rs 1,000 crore via Masala Bonds",1,IFC,5788.0,8.0 9180,SentFIN,India Infoline Finance appoints Rajashree Nambiar as CEO,1,India Infoline Finance,5789.0,8.0 9181,SentFIN,Info Edge co-promoter and CFO Ambarish Raghuvanshi resigns,1,Info Edge,5790.0,8.0 9182,SentFIN,IPO for startups: Will SEBI get this right?,1,SEBI,5792.0,8.0 9183,SentFIN,IPOs seen making way for mega PSU offers,1,PSU,5793.0,8.0 9184,SentFIN,Japan says electronics OK during take-off and landing,1,Japan,5799.0,8.0 9185,SentFIN,JGBs mixed after solid demand at 5-year auction,1,JGBs,5800.0,8.0 9186,SentFIN,K. Ilango elected as CII Coimbatore zone Chairman,1,CII Coimbatore,5806.0,8.0 9187,SentFIN,Keralas 1-gram gold jewellery is to go places,1,Keralas,5807.0,8.0 9188,SentFIN,KV Sridhar Joins SapientNitro as chief creative officer,1,SapientNitro,5809.0,8.0 9189,SentFIN,London Stock Exchange welcomes Arun Jaitley reforms agenda,1,London Stock Exchange,5811.0,8.0 9190,SentFIN,Lowe names Narayan Ram as India Managing Director,1,Lowe,5812.0,8.0 9191,SentFIN,Manoranjan Dash appointed Additional Director of Dhanlaxmi Bank,1,Dhanlaxmi Bank,5813.0,8.0 9192,SentFIN,Markets can correct between 8300-8400 range: Ashwani Gujral,1,Markets,5816.0,8.0 9193,SentFIN,"Markets may remain range-bound; Greece, monsoon on watch",1,Markets,5817.0,8.0 9194,SentFIN,Markets might test 7130 mark again: Mitesh Thacker,1,Markets,5818.0,8.0 9195,SentFIN,"McDonalds may look at QIP, FPO for funds",1,McDonalds,5820.0,8.0 9196,SentFIN,"MCX-SX expects to begin trading with 1,000-1,200 stocks",1,MCX-SX,5821.0,8.0 9197,SentFIN,Meher Pudumjee is the new Chairperson for CII-Pune,1,CII-Pune,5822.0,8.0 9198,SentFIN,MEP Infrastructure Rs 324 crore IPO opens tomorrow,1,MEP Infrastructure,5823.0,8.0 9199,SentFIN,"Micromax goes public, plans to raise 426 crore",1,Micromax,5824.0,8.0 9200,SentFIN,Micromax hopes to hit market soon with IPO,1,Micromax,5825.0,8.0 9201,SentFIN,"MSCI launches low-carbon emission, fossil fuel reserve indices",1,MSCI,5826.0,8.0 9202,SentFIN,MSCI shifting most of its operations to India,1,MSCI,5827.0,8.0 9203,SentFIN,NBCC IPO subscribed 58 pc on Day 3,1,NBCC,5828.0,8.0 9204,SentFIN,"Nifty likely to retest 8,340 level: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,5829.0,8.0 9205,SentFIN,"Nifty likely to test 7,500-7,600 levels: Mehraboon Irani",1,Nifty,5830.0,8.0 9206,SentFIN,"Nifty may test 8,650-8,680 on Friday: Sandeep Wagle",1,Nifty,5831.0,8.0 9207,SentFIN,Nifty seen heading towards 8250-8300 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,5832.0,8.0 9208,SentFIN,No age bar for appointing Commex managing director,1,Commex,5836.0,8.0 9209,SentFIN,"No curbs, but MNC royalty payouts under scanner",1,MNC,5837.0,8.0 9210,SentFIN,No new money coming into IT: Gautam Trivedi,1,IT,5838.0,8.0 9211,SentFIN,Non-subsidy current spends should be minimised: JP Morgan,1,JP Morgan,5839.0,8.0 9212,SentFIN,NSE to conduct 75-minute 'Muhurat Trading' on Diwali,1,NSE,5843.0,8.0 9213,SentFIN,"NSEL scam: Investors want action against brokers, defaulters",1,NSEL,5845.0,8.0 9214,SentFIN,NSIC may soon become Mini-ratna I company: CMD,1,NSIC,5846.0,8.0 9215,SentFIN,"NTPC pays Rs 4,742 crore dividend for 2013-14",1,NTPC,5847.0,8.0 9216,SentFIN,Oil prices mixed ahead of US stockpiles report,1,Oil,5849.0,8.0 9217,SentFIN,Oil steadies around $107 after Iran talks extended,1,Oil,5850.0,8.0 9218,SentFIN,OnMobile appoints CEO Rajiv Pancholy as Managing Director,1,OnMobile,5851.0,8.0 9219,SentFIN,Option writers bet on Bank Nifty staying flat,1,Bank Nifty,5852.0,8.0 9220,SentFIN,Ortel Communications to tap capital markets in November,1,Ortel Communications,5853.0,8.0 9221,SentFIN,Over 50 companies moved to BSE dissemination board,1,BSE,5854.0,8.0 9222,SentFIN,PBOC steps up intervention in yuan trading: Sources,1,PBOC,5856.0,8.0 9223,SentFIN,PowerGrid board okays FPO; issue likely by Sept,1,PowerGrid,5859.0,8.0 9224,SentFIN,PowerGrid to hit capital market in 6-8 months,1,PowerGrid,5860.0,8.0 9225,SentFIN,Pradeep Hejmadi appointed Business Head of Zee TV,1,Zee TV,5861.0,8.0 9226,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; GDP data eyed,1,Nifty,5862.0,8.0 9227,SentFIN,"Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; may reclaim 8,000",1,Nifty,5863.0,8.0 9228,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; may retest 8350,1,Nifty,5864.0,8.0 9229,SentFIN,Pre-RBI Policy: Here how bonds and rupee react,1,RBI,5865.0,8.0 9230,SentFIN,"Process for selecting CIL CMD begins,PESB invites applications",1,PESB,5866.0,8.0 9231,SentFIN,Proposed changes will further strengthen SEBI: Arun Jaitley,1,SEBI,5867.0,8.0 9232,SentFIN,Quarterly numbers not to impact Ranbaxy: Harendra Kumar,1,Ranbaxy,5869.0,8.0 9233,SentFIN,Quick Heal plans initial public offer in December-January,1,Quick Heal,5870.0,8.0 9234,SentFIN,Race hots up for U K Sinha's successor,1,Race,5871.0,8.0 9235,SentFIN,Rajesh Exports net profit at Rs 76.12 cr,1,Rajesh Exports,5872.0,8.0 9236,SentFIN,Rakesh Kumar Upadhyay is new CMD of BSNL,1,BSNL,5873.0,8.0 9237,SentFIN,Ramco Systems net profit at Rs 4.77 crore,1,Ramco Systems,5874.0,8.0 9238,SentFIN,Ramprasad Reddy to head Aurobindo Pharma's US-based arm,1,Aurobindo Pharma,5875.0,8.0 9239,SentFIN,Ravi Venkatesan steps down as Microsoft India chairman,1,Microsoft India,5876.0,8.0 9240,SentFIN,RBI issues new reporting norms for over-the-counter trades,1,RBI,5877.0,8.0 9241,SentFIN,Recommend wait and watch for Wockhardt: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,1,Wockhardt,5878.0,8.0 9242,SentFIN,Reliance Capital Q4 profit at Rs 267 crore,1,Reliance Capital,5879.0,8.0 9243,SentFIN,Reliance Industries Ltd shares end flat after earnings,1,Reliance Industries Ltd,5880.0,8.0 9244,SentFIN,Reliance Infrastructure appoints M S Mehta as CEO,1,Reliance Infrastructure,5881.0,8.0 9245,SentFIN,Reliance Infrastructure Q3 Net at Rs 452 crore,1,Reliance Infrastructure,5882.0,8.0 9246,SentFIN,Sanjay Kapoor joins PVR Cinemas board as director,1,PVR Cinemas,5887.0,8.0 9247,SentFIN,Sebi board clears one-time registration system for brokers,1,Sebi,5891.0,8.0 9248,SentFIN,SEBI changes rule of dividend transfer under SLB,1,SEBI,5892.0,8.0 9249,SentFIN,"Sebi finalising new corporate governance code, insider norms",1,Sebi,5894.0,8.0 9250,SentFIN,Sebi issues new norms regarding delivery instruction slips,1,Sebi,5895.0,8.0 9251,SentFIN,SEBI lets IDR holders convert 25% into equity,1,SEBI,5896.0,8.0 9252,SentFIN,Sebi moots consolidated 'annual information' filing by firms,1,Sebi,5897.0,8.0 9253,SentFIN,Sebi mulls mandatory 'Dividend Policy' for listed companies,1,Sebi,5898.0,8.0 9254,SentFIN,Sebi mulls new group for manipulation-prone penny stocks,1,Sebi,5899.0,8.0 9255,SentFIN,Sebi proposes new listing & disclosure requirement norms,1,Sebi,5900.0,8.0 9256,SentFIN,Sebi tightens norms for issue of participatory notes,1,Sebi,5902.0,8.0 9257,SentFIN,Sebi to consider new corporate governance code tomorrow,1,Sebi,5903.0,8.0 9258,SentFIN,Sebi to hire two executive directors in 2014,1,Sebi,5904.0,8.0 9259,SentFIN,Sebi to issue details of corporate governance norms,1,Sebi,5905.0,8.0 9260,SentFIN,Sebi to make share trading cheaper and simpler,1,Sebi,5906.0,8.0 9261,SentFIN,"SEBI to replace listing regulations, tighten trading rules",1,SEBI,5907.0,8.0 9262,SentFIN,Sebi to seek extra funds for investor programmes,1,Sebi,5908.0,8.0 9263,SentFIN,Sebi wants companies to adopt 'Dividend Distribution Policy',1,Sebi,5909.0,8.0 9264,SentFIN,Sensex in a range; top stocks in focus,1,Sensex,5910.0,8.0 9265,SentFIN,Sensex in uncharted territory; investors should tread cautiously,0,Sensex,5911.0,8.0 9266,SentFIN,SGX India office to woo fund raising corporations,1,SGX India,5913.0,8.0 9267,SentFIN,Shed off weight in banking stocks: IV Subramanium,0,banking stocks,5914.0,8.0 9268,SentFIN,Shekhar Mittal takes over as Goa Shipyard chief,1,Goa Shipyard,5915.0,8.0 9269,SentFIN,Shell Lubricants appoints Nitin Prasad as India head,1,Shell Lubricants,5916.0,8.0 9270,SentFIN,SKS Microfinance issues NCDs worth Rs 200 crore,1,SKS Microfinance,5918.0,8.0 9271,SentFIN,Spice i2i appoints Dilip Modi as Executive VC,1,Spice i2i,5919.0,8.0 9272,SentFIN,Srei Infrastructure Finance exploring' Diageo open offer,1,Srei Infrastructure Finance,5920.0,8.0 9273,SentFIN,Startup exchange Aquis to add eight new markets,1,Aquis,5922.0,8.0 9274,SentFIN,Support seen at 6000 levels on Nifty bounceback,1,Nifty,5925.0,8.0 9275,SentFIN,Syntel appoints Nitin Rakesh as CEO and President,1,Syntel,5926.0,8.0 9276,SentFIN,Taiwan to tap $15.3 billion stocks stabilisation fund,1,Taiwan,5927.0,8.0 9277,SentFIN,Target of 165 on Orchid Chemicals: Ashuu Kakkarr,1,Orchid Chemicals,5928.0,8.0 9278,SentFIN,Tata Power appoints Ramesh N Subramanyam as CFO,1,Tata Power,5929.0,8.0 9279,SentFIN,Ten key takeaways from HCL third quarter results,1,HCL,5930.0,8.0 9280,SentFIN,Tiles maker RAK India plans to go public,1,RAK India,5931.0,8.0 9281,SentFIN,"Top five factors that took Nifty past 8,700",1,Nifty,5932.0,8.0 9282,SentFIN,Traders make a killing by selling Nifty options,1,Nifty,5933.0,8.0 9283,SentFIN,TV18 Broadcast Q2 profit at Rs 43.22 crore,1,TV18 Broadcast,5934.0,8.0 9284,SentFIN,TV18 Broadcast Q4 profit at Rs 95.47 crore,1,TV18 Broadcast,5935.0,8.0 9285,SentFIN,Two brokers on police radar in NSEL case,1,NSEL,5936.0,8.0 9286,SentFIN,U K Sinha appointed 8th chairman of SEBI,1,SEBI,5937.0,8.0 9287,SentFIN,UCX appoints Samir Shah as Chief Executive Officer,1,UCX,5938.0,8.0 9288,SentFIN,Usha Ananthasubramanian is CMD of Bharatiya Mahila Bank,1,Bharatiya Mahila Bank,5939.0,8.0 9289,SentFIN,VA Tech Wabag Q4 net profit remains flat,1,VA Tech Wabag,5940.0,8.0 9290,SentFIN,Vedanta appoints Mukesh Bhavnani as Group Legal Counsel,1,Vedanta,5942.0,8.0 9291,SentFIN,VK Sharma Tipped to be RBI deputy Governor,1,RBI,5944.0,8.0 9292,SentFIN,Vodafone names Philips chief Kleisterlee as new Chairman,1,Vodafone,5945.0,8.0 9293,SentFIN,Wait and watch for Asian Paints: Sandeep Wagle,1,Asian Paints,5946.0,8.0 9294,SentFIN,"Wall Street ends flat in earnings, data lull",1,Wall Street,5947.0,8.0 9295,SentFIN,Watch out for the banking space: Angel Broking,1,Angel Broking,5948.0,8.0 9296,SentFIN,What brokers are expecting from Infosy Q2 results,1,Infosy,5949.0,8.0 9297,SentFIN,What should investors expect from HDFC Q4 results?,1,HDFC,5950.0,8.0 9298,SentFIN,What's in Store for IDFC MF's Star Picks?,1,IDFC MF,5951.0,8.0 9299,SentFIN,Why investors should not eagerly await HUL results,1,HUL,5952.0,8.0 9300,SentFIN,Worried about FII outflow? Inflows should resume soon,1,FII,5954.0,8.0 9301,SentFIN,11 new entities seek membership of NCDEX forward segment,1,NCDEX,5956.0,9.0 9302,SentFIN,Achhe Din' ahead as quarterly results reflect market optimism,2,market,5957.0,9.0 9303,SentFIN,Action by Sebi under ordinance to remain valid: Government,1,Sebi,5958.0,9.0 9304,SentFIN,Airtel to raise 250 million more from bond sale,1,Airtel,5960.0,9.0 9305,SentFIN,Alcatel-Lucent confirms plans for IPO of submarine network unit,1,Alcatel-Lucent,5961.0,9.0 9306,SentFIN,Alkem Laboratories eyes $210 million IPO in December: Sources,1,Alkem Laboratories,5962.0,9.0 9307,SentFIN,Alumni back IIM-A: 40 crore promised in a day,1,IIM-A,5963.0,9.0 9308,SentFIN,Amfi forms panel to decide stance on shareholder votes,1,Amfi,5964.0,9.0 9309,SentFIN,"Analyst View: Market wrap for Monday, Dec 5, 2011",1,Market,5965.0,9.0 9310,SentFIN,Anand Selva appointed as consumer banking head of Citibank,1,Citibank,5966.0,9.0 9311,SentFIN,Are you prepared for a bear market? Find out,0,market,5967.0,9.0 9312,SentFIN,Arun Katiyar joins One97 Mobility Fund as venture catalyst,1,One97 Mobility Fund,5968.0,9.0 9313,SentFIN,Arun Nanda joins equity major 3i as non-executive chairman,1,3i,5969.0,9.0 9314,SentFIN,AS Rao to join RPG as chief financial officer,1,RPG,5970.0,9.0 9315,SentFIN,Asian stocks tread water ahead of US jobs data,1,Asian stocks,5971.0,9.0 9316,SentFIN,"Asset Reconstruction Company appoints Sanjay Jain as president, COO",1,Asset Reconstruction Company,5972.0,9.0 9317,SentFIN,Assocham for examining select commods for any insider trading,1,Assocham,5973.0,9.0 9318,SentFIN,aurionPro solutions Q4 net profit at Rs 11.24 crore,1,aurionPro solutions,5974.0,9.0 9319,SentFIN,Aurobindo Pharma can go upto Rs 425: Prakash Gaba,1,Aurobindo Pharma,5975.0,9.0 9320,SentFIN,Axis Securities elevates Arun Thukral as MD and CEO,1,Axis Securities,5976.0,9.0 9321,SentFIN,Bajaj Electricals Q2 net profit at Rs 11.26 crore,1,Bajaj Electricals,5977.0,9.0 9322,SentFIN,Bank on the lenders for superb returns in 2016,1,Bank,5978.0,9.0 9323,SentFIN,"Banks seek shareholder nod for Rs 5,934-crore capital infusion",1,Banks,5979.0,9.0 9324,SentFIN,Bharti Airtel continues to face exodus of top executives,1,Bharti Airtel,5980.0,9.0 9325,SentFIN,Billionaire John Paulson retains stake in biggest gold ETP,1,gold,5982.0,9.0 9326,SentFIN,Biocon Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw to receive 2014 Othmer Gold Medal,1,Biocon,5983.0,9.0 9327,SentFIN,BNP Paribas launches first equity index linked green bond,1,BNP Paribas,5985.0,9.0 9328,SentFIN,Bond market expects US Fed to wait till March,1,US Fed,5987.0,9.0 9329,SentFIN,"Broad-based rally begins; Nifty may retest 8,350-8,400: Ashwani Gujral",1,Nifty,5988.0,9.0 9330,SentFIN,BSE asks brokers to remit excess STT to government,1,BSE,5990.0,9.0 9331,SentFIN,BSE expects 30 SME IPOs in next 2-3 months,1,BSE,5991.0,9.0 9332,SentFIN,"BSE Sensex to hit 32,980 by December 2015: Poll",1,BSE Sensex,5993.0,9.0 9333,SentFIN,C M Vasudev re-appointed as HDFC Bank non-executive chairman,1,HDFC Bank,5994.0,9.0 9334,SentFIN,Cabinet to take up PSU ETF proposal on Wednesday,1,PSU,5995.0,9.0 9335,SentFIN,Cairn India: Progress on E&P Projects key to growth,1,Cairn India,5996.0,9.0 9336,SentFIN,China keeps investors on edge: Is it 2008 again?,1,China,5999.0,9.0 9337,SentFIN,"China yuan steady, better-than-expected PMI survey has no impact",1,China yuan,6002.0,9.0 9338,SentFIN,Chinese stocks vs reality: Shares are untethered to economy,1,Chinese stocks,6004.0,9.0 9339,SentFIN,Cholamandalam gets Board approval for raising Rs 500 crore,1,Cholamandalam,6005.0,9.0 9340,SentFIN,CIL IPO in line with market expectations: Avinash Gorakshekar,1,CIL,6006.0,9.0 9341,SentFIN,CLSA's top five mid-cap picks in tough macro environment,1,CLSA,6007.0,9.0 9342,SentFIN,Coaching institute Resonance Eduventures Plans Rs 500 crore IPO,1,Resonance Eduventures,6008.0,9.0 9343,SentFIN,Commexes asked to implement FSLRC suggestion from next month,1,Commexes,6009.0,9.0 9344,SentFIN,Court order on NK Proteins MDs bail plea today,1,NK Proteins,6010.0,9.0 9345,SentFIN,Cox & Kings Q1 PAT at Rs 147 crore,1,Cox & Kings,6011.0,9.0 9346,SentFIN,Currency ties key to dollar reserve hegemony: BIS study,1,dollar,6012.0,9.0 9347,SentFIN,Dalal street plays smart as May 16 draws near,1,Dalal street,6013.0,9.0 9348,SentFIN,"Dalal Street to closely follow winter session, F&O expiry",1,Dalal Street,6014.0,9.0 9349,SentFIN,Did Federal Reserve Janet Yellen just enter currency wars?,1,Federal Reserve,6016.0,9.0 9350,SentFIN,Did FIIs get a whiff of the Daiichi sale?,1,Daiichi,6017.0,9.0 9351,SentFIN,Dilip Buildcon files for nearly $100 mn IPO: Sources,1,Dilip Buildcon,6018.0,9.0 9352,SentFIN,Dilip Kumar Khandelwal appointed managing director of SAP Labs,1,SAP Labs,6019.0,9.0 9353,SentFIN,Directors on PSB boards to get market fee soon,1,PSB,6020.0,9.0 9354,SentFIN,Essar Oilfields ropes in Ankur Gupta as new CEO,1,Essar Oilfields,6022.0,9.0 9355,SentFIN,Essel Finance seeks licence to enter housing finance business,1,Essel Finance,6023.0,9.0 9356,SentFIN,"European shares steady, attention turns to euro zone summit",1,European shares,6026.0,9.0 9357,SentFIN,"Evening trading for agricultural commodities to help farmers, traders'",1,agricultural commodities,6028.0,9.0 9358,SentFIN,"Expect Nifty to trade in 8,100-8,300 range: Sandeep Wagle",1,Nifty,6029.0,9.0 9359,SentFIN,Expect Nifty to tread between 5950-6100 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6030.0,9.0 9360,SentFIN,"F&O Strategy by Bhavin Desai, Head of Derivative Research",1,Derivative Research,6031.0,9.0 9361,SentFIN,F&O Tracker: Nifty Likely to Trade in 8650-8280 Zone,1,Nifty,6032.0,9.0 9362,SentFIN,FIIs put $1.3 bn in Indian equities in April,1,Indian equities,6033.0,9.0 9363,SentFIN,FIIs trim stake in FMCG companies during Jan-Mar quarter,1,FMCG companies,6034.0,9.0 9364,SentFIN,Financial sector accounts for bulk of corporate bond issuances,1,Financial sector,6036.0,9.0 9365,SentFIN,Glenmark Pharma posts FY11 net at Rs 457.83 cr,1,Glenmark Pharma,6041.0,9.0 9366,SentFIN,Gokul posts FY'11 net profit at Rs 61.7 crore,1,Gokul,6042.0,9.0 9367,SentFIN,Gold dips but Malaysian plane downing seen aiding sentiment,1,Gold,6043.0,9.0 9368,SentFIN,Gurmit Singh joins Yahoo India as new Managing Director,1,Yahoo India,6045.0,9.0 9369,SentFIN,Guruvayur temple to buy 10 kg saffron every month,1,saffron,6046.0,9.0 9370,SentFIN,HCC reports Rs 5.39 crore net profit in Q3,1,HCC,6047.0,9.0 9371,SentFIN,Hindalco Industries promotes Satish Pai as deputy managing director,1,Hindalco Industries,6048.0,9.0 9372,SentFIN,Hold Financial Technologies at current level: G Chokkalingam,1,Financial Technologies,6049.0,9.0 9373,SentFIN,HSBC securities registers for new Foreign Portfolio Investor scheme,1,HSBC securities,6051.0,9.0 9374,SentFIN,HT Media Q3 net profit at Rs 67.02 crore,1,HT Media,6052.0,9.0 9375,SentFIN,HUL: Soaps business holds the key to co's prospects,1,HUL,6053.0,9.0 9376,SentFIN,ICICIdirect Centre for Financial Learning launches StockMIND Season 4,1,ICICIdirect Centre for Financial Learning,6054.0,9.0 9377,SentFIN,"IDFC Bank debuts on bourses, lists at Rs 70.50",1,IDFC Bank,6055.0,9.0 9378,SentFIN,IDFC lowers FII shareholding limit by 0.25 percentage points,1,IDFC,6056.0,9.0 9379,SentFIN,IIHFL to raise Rs 200 crore through non-convertible debentures,1,IHFL,6057.0,9.0 9380,SentFIN,IL&FS Engineering files papers for Rs 300-crore rights issue,1,IL&FS Engineering,6058.0,9.0 9381,SentFIN,In-charges of Rourkela Steel Plant awarded for exemplary work,1,Rourkela Steel Plant,6060.0,9.0 9382,SentFIN,Infosys Q1 results: 5 things to watch out for,1,Infosys,6063.0,9.0 9383,SentFIN,Infosys Q3 earnings: Five things to watch out for,1,Infosys,6064.0,9.0 9384,SentFIN,Infrastructure stocks' direction depends on the market: Deepak Mohoni,1,Infrastructure stocks,6065.0,9.0 9385,SentFIN,Investigators turn bankers into informants in forex probe: WSJ,1,WSJ,6066.0,9.0 9386,SentFIN,Investors should tread carefully in midcaps ahead of results,1,midcaps,6067.0,9.0 9387,SentFIN,J&K Bank nets Rs 932 crore in nine months,1,J&K Bank,6069.0,9.0 9388,SentFIN,JSW Steel little changed despite unfavourable ruling against subsidiary,1,JSW Steel,6072.0,9.0 9389,SentFIN,Karl-Ulrich Kohler to replace Kirby Adams as Corus CEO,1,Corus,6073.0,9.0 9390,SentFIN,Kartik Kaushik to lead Citi India consumer banking division,1,Citi India,6074.0,9.0 9391,SentFIN,"KEC International: Orders help, but margins hurt its revenue",1,KEC International,6075.0,9.0 9392,SentFIN,Kotak Mutual Fund appoints Harsha Upadhyaya as equities head,1,Kotak Mutual Fund,6077.0,9.0 9393,SentFIN,Lending Club bursts onto Wall Street with $870-million IPO,1,Lending Club,6078.0,9.0 9394,SentFIN,Lodha Developers Pvt to raise $1 billion via IPO,1,Lodha Developers,6079.0,9.0 9395,SentFIN,Lodha Group relaunches $350 million overseas bond sale plan,1,Lodha Group,6080.0,9.0 9396,SentFIN,"Lok Sabha passes Sebi Bill, to check fly-by-night schemes",1,Sebi,6081.0,9.0 9397,SentFIN,Maintain limited investment in real estate stocks: Neeraj Deewan,1,real estate stocks,6083.0,9.0 9398,SentFIN,Mario Draghi gets ECB support for unlimited bond purchase,1,ECB,6085.0,9.0 9399,SentFIN,Markets are expecting reforms-oriented Budget this time: Hemindra Hazari,1,Markets,6086.0,9.0 9400,SentFIN,Markets may correct 5-6% in the near future: Edelweiss,1,Markets,6087.0,9.0 9401,SentFIN,Markets should be range bound between 7950-8050: Ashwani Gujral,1,Markets,6088.0,9.0 9402,SentFIN,Markit IPO may value company at about $4.47 bn,1,Markit,6089.0,9.0 9403,SentFIN,Maruti Q4 results: Here what to watch out for,1,Maruti,6090.0,9.0 9404,SentFIN,Maruti Suzuki could have avoided the mix-up: Prateek Agarwal,1,Maruti Suzuki,6091.0,9.0 9405,SentFIN,May see uptick in cyclicals going ahead: Anand Tandon,2,cyclicals,6093.0,9.0 9406,SentFIN,MCX appoints one more shareholder director on its Board,1,MCX,6094.0,9.0 9407,SentFIN,"Micromax launches Canvas Pace 4G Q416, priced Rs 6,821",1,Micromax,6097.0,9.0 9408,SentFIN,Midcap IT space insulated with domestic uncertainties: Prakash Diwan,1,Midcap IT space,6098.0,9.0 9409,SentFIN,Monsanto appoints Shilpa Divekar Nirula as India Region CEO,1,Monsanto,6099.0,9.0 9410,SentFIN,Motilal Oswal PE seeks tax exemption for fund investors,1,Motilal Oswal PE,6100.0,9.0 9411,SentFIN,Mphasis: Company needs to move out of parent's shadow,1,Mphasis,6101.0,9.0 9412,SentFIN,MT Educare allots 17.38 lakh shares to anchor investors,1,MT Educare,6102.0,9.0 9413,SentFIN,MT Educare plans IPO for college campus in Karnataka,1,MT Educare,6103.0,9.0 9414,SentFIN,Mukund Abhyankar has been elected as chairman of NAFCUB,1,NAFCUB,6104.0,9.0 9415,SentFIN,Narayan Ramachandran to resign as Morgan Stanley country head,1,Morgan Stanley,6105.0,9.0 9416,SentFIN,Network18 to raise Rs 300 cr by issuing debentures,1,Network18,6106.0,9.0 9417,SentFIN,New consent order norms in a few weeks: Sebi,1,Sebi,6107.0,9.0 9418,SentFIN,NHPC reports Rs 719 cr net profit for Q1,1,NHPC,6109.0,9.0 9419,SentFIN,Nifty could correct maximum by 130 points: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6110.0,9.0 9420,SentFIN,Nifty to reach 8600-8700 at some point: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,6111.0,9.0 9421,SentFIN,Nifty to remain sideways around 8290 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6112.0,9.0 9422,SentFIN,Nikkei steady as China data arrives in-line with expectations,1,Nikkei,6113.0,9.0 9423,SentFIN,NPA cycle has peaked out for SBI: Prakash Diwan,1,SBI,6114.0,9.0 9424,SentFIN,NSE issues guidance for companies to make right disclosures,1,NSE,6115.0,9.0 9425,SentFIN,NSE to auction limits in bonds for foreign investors,1,NSE,6116.0,9.0 9426,SentFIN,"NSEL follows govt diktat, modifies contracts as per law",1,NSEL,6117.0,9.0 9427,SentFIN,NSEL investors forum to appeal against High Court Order,1,NSEL,6118.0,9.0 9428,SentFIN,One can selectively look into auto sector: Mehraboon Irani,1,auto sector,6122.0,9.0 9429,SentFIN,OPEC Secy-Gen says low oil price will not continue,1,OPEC,6124.0,9.0 9430,SentFIN,Opening of Saudi stock market to boost MENA region,1,Saudi stock market,6125.0,9.0 9431,SentFIN,Ozone Pharma planning for IPO in the near future,1,Ozone Pharma,6126.0,9.0 9432,SentFIN,P Madhusudan assumes charge as new CMD of RINL,1,RINL,6127.0,9.0 9433,SentFIN,Patni founders rule out stake sale plans at AGM,1,Patni,6128.0,9.0 9434,SentFIN,Petronet LNG posts flat performance for March 2013 quarter,1,Petronet LNG,6129.0,9.0 9435,SentFIN,Piramal Enterprises Q1 net profit at Rs 4.08 crore,1,Piramal Enterprises,6130.0,9.0 9436,SentFIN,"Piramal offer floating rate bonds, but will investors gain?",1,Piramal,6131.0,9.0 9437,SentFIN,Prabhudas Lilladhers largecap ideas to buy in Muhurat trading,1,Prabhudas Lilladhers,6132.0,9.0 9438,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty likely to open gap-down on Greece woes,1,Nifty,6133.0,9.0 9439,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat in special trading session,1,Nifty,6134.0,9.0 9440,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty50 may open flat tracking mixed global cues,1,Nifty50,6135.0,9.0 9441,SentFIN,Prime Broking to move Supreme Court against NSE arm,1,Prime Broking,6136.0,9.0 9442,SentFIN,PSU banks showing some signs of life: Ajay Bodke,1,PSU banks,6137.0,9.0 9443,SentFIN,PSU sector riding on size and liquidity: Dilip Bhat,1,PSU sector,6138.0,9.0 9444,SentFIN,Punj Lloyd Q3 net profit at Rs 13 cr,1,Punj Lloyd,6140.0,9.0 9445,SentFIN,PVR reports Q3 net profit at Rs 31.55 crore,1,PVR,6141.0,9.0 9446,SentFIN,R Neelakantan returns to SpiceJet as chief financial officer,1,SpiceJet,6142.0,9.0 9447,SentFIN,Rajdeep Endow is new Managing Director of Sapient India,1,Sapient India,6143.0,9.0 9448,SentFIN,"RBI buys bonds worth Rs 9,092.9 cr under OMO",1,RBI,6145.0,9.0 9449,SentFIN,RBI monetary policy review to dictate trend on bourses,1,RBI,6146.0,9.0 9450,SentFIN,Recent correction should bring back foreign investors to India',1,India,6148.0,9.0 9451,SentFIN,Recommend wait and watch for retail sector: Deepak Shenoy,1,retail sector,6149.0,9.0 9452,SentFIN,Rice bran oil associations campaigning hard to increase consumption,1,Rice bran oil associations,6150.0,9.0 9453,SentFIN,"Richard Merwe appointed MD, vice chairman of Bayer CropScience",1,Bayer CropScience,6151.0,9.0 9454,SentFIN,"Same time next year, Sensex may be at 29,000",1,Sensex,6155.0,9.0 9455,SentFIN,Sanjiv Singh takes over as IOCs director of refineries,1,IOC,6157.0,9.0 9456,SentFIN,"SBI appoints B Sriram, VG Kannan as managing directors",1,SBI,6159.0,9.0 9457,SentFIN,"SBI gets shareholder nod for Rs 11,500 crore QIP",1,SBI,6161.0,9.0 9458,SentFIN,SC dismisses Dalals' plea in the IPO fraud case,1,Dalal,6162.0,9.0 9459,SentFIN,Sebi allows 100 alternative funds to operate in India,1,Sebi,6164.0,9.0 9460,SentFIN,Sebi asks AIFs to give full disclosure on 'associates',1,Sebi,6166.0,9.0 9461,SentFIN,Sebi has it all to prove in insider probe,1,Sebi,6168.0,9.0 9462,SentFIN,SEBI may seek litigation information from companies launching IPOs,1,SEBI,6169.0,9.0 9463,SentFIN,Sebi mulls fresh checks on mis-selling of mutual funds,1,Sebi,6170.0,9.0 9464,SentFIN,"Sebi norms on REITs, InvITs a welcome step: Industry",1,Sebi,6171.0,9.0 9465,SentFIN,Sebi proposes norms for reclassifying promoter as public shareholders,1,Sebi,6172.0,9.0 9466,SentFIN,Sebi seeks clarification from 3 firms on IPO plans,1,Sebi,6173.0,9.0 9467,SentFIN,Sebi studies its own regulatory impact: U K Sinha,1,Sebi,6174.0,9.0 9468,SentFIN,Sebi to act tough in high-profile insider trading cases,1,Sebi,6175.0,9.0 9469,SentFIN,Sebi to empanel administrators to look after refund process,1,Sebi,6176.0,9.0 9470,SentFIN,Sebi wants strict compliance to mandatory woman director norms,1,Sebi,6177.0,9.0 9471,SentFIN,Sebi's stand against reluctant promoters may benefit small investors,1,Sebi,6178.0,9.0 9472,SentFIN,Securitised debt must be settled via clearing houses: SEBI,1,SEBI,6179.0,9.0 9473,SentFIN,"See Nifty at 7,460 in the short-term: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,6180.0,9.0 9474,SentFIN,Singapore bail-in proposals make senior bond holders breathe easy,1,Singapore,6182.0,9.0 9475,SentFIN,SpiceJet to issue warrants to promoters for fund raising,1,SpiceJet,6184.0,9.0 9476,SentFIN,"Srikanth Srinivas joins Adfactors as senior V-P, Public Affairs",1,Adfactors,6185.0,9.0 9477,SentFIN,Sterling firms as early results go against Scottish independence,1,Sterling,6187.0,9.0 9478,SentFIN,"Sterling in limbo ahead of UK jobs, housing reports",1,Sterling,6188.0,9.0 9479,SentFIN,Submit associate members' details by February-end: NSE to brokers,1,NSE,6189.0,9.0 9480,SentFIN,Sudhir Mathur becomes the new CFO of Cairn India,1,Cairn India,6190.0,9.0 9481,SentFIN,Sunil Mittal appointed co-chair of India Africa Business Council,1,India Africa Business Council,6191.0,9.0 9482,SentFIN,Symantec appoints Sanjay Rohatgi as President of India Sales,1,Symantec,6193.0,9.0 9483,SentFIN,Target for Nifty Future seen at 9180-9200: Ashish Chaturmohta,1,Nifty Future,6195.0,9.0 9484,SentFIN,Tata Group eyes $350 billion market cap by 2025,1,Tata Group,6196.0,9.0 9485,SentFIN,Tata Motors shareholders approve pay proposals of 3 executives,1,Tata Motors,6197.0,9.0 9486,SentFIN,"Tata Sons appoints Sunil Sinha Resident Director, MENA region",1,Tata Sons,6198.0,9.0 9487,SentFIN,"TBWA rejigs India top management,appoints Vineet Bajpai as CEO",1,TBWA,6199.0,9.0 9488,SentFIN,"TCS Q4 profit seen at Rs 5,397 cr QoQ",1,TCS,6200.0,9.0 9489,SentFIN,"Technicals point to increasing probability of 7,000 on NSE",1,NSE,6201.0,9.0 9490,SentFIN,Ten market-linked insurance funds beat Nifty on fiscal returns,1,Nifty,6202.0,9.0 9491,SentFIN,The fundamental road ahead: Markets seen rangebound in December,1,Markets,6203.0,9.0 9492,SentFIN,Top 5 key takeaways from Tata Motors Q2 results,1,Tata Motors,6206.0,9.0 9493,SentFIN,Turnaround in FMCG may take a few more quarters,1,FMCG,6207.0,9.0 9494,SentFIN,United Bank profit at Rs 41.78 crore in Q3,1,United Bank,6209.0,9.0 9495,SentFIN,Use correction to re-enter market at lower levels: Analysts,1,market,6212.0,9.0 9496,SentFIN,"VC, PE firms line up $1bn for green energy",1,green energy,6214.0,9.0 9497,SentFIN,Vijaya Bank reports Rs 161.46 crore Q1 net profit,1,Vijaya Bank,6215.0,9.0 9498,SentFIN,Vishal Sikka to outline strategy at Infosys Q2 results,1,Infosys,6216.0,9.0 9499,SentFIN,Wall Street ends near flat after mixed economic data,1,Wall Street,6218.0,9.0 9500,SentFIN,What should investors expect from Reliance Industries' 40th AGM?,1,Reliance Industries,6220.0,9.0 9501,SentFIN,"Whats trending in F&Os? 8,358 level crucial for Nifty",1,Nifty,6221.0,9.0 9502,SentFIN,Why does high-speed rail remain elusive in the US?,1,US,6222.0,9.0 9503,SentFIN,Wipro Q4 results: Five things to watch out for,1,Wipro,6223.0,9.0 9504,SentFIN,5 triggers that can unveil some hidden gems among midcaps,1,midcaps,6227.0,10.0 9505,SentFIN,"A year on from record low, optimism abounds about rupee",2,rupee,6228.0,10.0 9506,SentFIN,Adani Group to hit global bond mkt with $1.5-bn issue,1,Adani Group,6229.0,10.0 9507,SentFIN,Alkem Labs appoints banks for up to $291 million IPO,1,Alkem Labs,6231.0,10.0 9508,SentFIN,Alstom Project can retest highs of 415 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Alstom Project,6232.0,10.0 9509,SentFIN,Asia Index to make India hub for South-East Asia markets,1,Asia Index,6233.0,10.0 9510,SentFIN,Atul Auto will find resistance around Rs 128-130: Ashwani Gujral,1,Atul Auto,6234.0,10.0 9511,SentFIN,Bank Nifty is the key to tomorrow trading: Mitesh Thacker,1,Bank Nifty,6235.0,10.0 9512,SentFIN,Bharat Forge Q2 profit nearly flat at Rs 175 crore,1,Bharat Forge,6236.0,10.0 9513,SentFIN,Bosch Ltd posts Q2 net profit of Rs 305 crore,1,Bosch Ltd,6237.0,10.0 9514,SentFIN,BSE eyes trading speed of 20 microseconds in three years,1,BSE,6239.0,10.0 9515,SentFIN,BSE sets circuit limit of 10% for United Breweries scrip,1,BSE,6240.0,10.0 9516,SentFIN,"CAG report, macro indicators to keep investors on the edge",1,CAG,6243.0,10.0 9517,SentFIN,Camlin Fine Sciences Q2 net profit of Rs 5.81 crore,1,Camlin Fine Sciences,6244.0,10.0 9518,SentFIN,Can the party in US stocks keep going in 2015?,1,US stocks,6245.0,10.0 9519,SentFIN,Catholic Syrian Bank files for up to $64 mn IPO,1,Catholic Syrian Bank,6247.0,10.0 9520,SentFIN,China promises to make currency yuan freely traded by 2020,1,yuan,6249.0,10.0 9521,SentFIN,"China yuan snaps 6-day gaining streak on weak PMI, midpoint",1,China yuan,6250.0,10.0 9522,SentFIN,Chinese corporate bond market calm despite default by Chaori Solar,1,Chaori Solar,6251.0,10.0 9523,SentFIN,Clams may turn out to be Kerala new marine gold,1,marine gold,6253.0,10.0 9524,SentFIN,Clariant Chemicals posts Rs 166.77 crore net profit in 2013,1,Clariant Chemicals,6254.0,10.0 9525,SentFIN,Continue to buy till Nifty breaks 8090-8100 levels: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6256.0,10.0 9526,SentFIN,Corrections in market will be shorter than rallies: Ashwani Gujral,1,market,6257.0,10.0 9527,SentFIN,Deutsche Bank uses UTIs deemed FII status to buy bonds,1,Deutsche Bank,6259.0,10.0 9528,SentFIN,Direct FII market access to come from full rupee convertibility,1,rupee,6261.0,10.0 9529,SentFIN,Do not see too much downside for Infosys: Deven Choksey,1,Infosys,6262.0,10.0 9530,SentFIN,DTH Industry: Early lead on volume front to decide winners,1,DTH Industry,6264.0,10.0 9531,SentFIN,Entity registered as broker cannot act as merchant banker: Sebi,1,Sebi,6265.0,10.0 9532,SentFIN,ET in the Classroom: Simple strategies to play Nifty F&O,1,Nifty,6266.0,10.0 9533,SentFIN,Euronext says cash market's pre-opening to start at 0700 GMT,1,Euronext,6268.0,10.0 9534,SentFIN,"EY National Director Sunil Chandiramani quits, will start own consultancy",1,EY,6269.0,10.0 9535,SentFIN,F&O Tracker: Call bunching at 7500 on Nifty shows resistance,1,Nifty,6270.0,10.0 9536,SentFIN,F&O Tracker: Nifty likely to end at 8400 on expiry,1,Nifty,6271.0,10.0 9537,SentFIN,FIIs place bids worth Rs 813 crore for government bonds,1,government bonds,6272.0,10.0 9538,SentFIN,FIIs submit bids worth $ 1.58 billion for government bonds,1,government bonds,6273.0,10.0 9539,SentFIN,FMC asks NSEL to file recovery suits against all defaulters,1,NSEL,6277.0,10.0 9540,SentFIN,Force Motors appoints Naresh Rattan as COO of tractor biz,1,Force Motors,6278.0,10.0 9541,SentFIN,Forward Markets Commission chairman Ramesh Abhishek gets another 3-month extension,1,Forward Markets Commission,6280.0,10.0 9542,SentFIN,Forward Markets Commission working on single clearance for commodity exchanges,1,Forward Markets Commission,6282.0,10.0 9543,SentFIN,FTSE readies new global index series to include China A-shares,1,FTSE,6285.0,10.0 9544,SentFIN,Fullerton India Credit to raise Rs 6 bn via bonds,1,Fullerton India Credit,6286.0,10.0 9545,SentFIN,Gallantt Ispat lists with 4 pc premium at Rs 52,1,Gallantt Ispat,6287.0,10.0 9546,SentFIN,German classifieds group Scout24 says to list shares this year,1,Scout24,6289.0,10.0 9547,SentFIN,Goa Carbon posts Rs 8.03 cr profit for Q4 FY14,1,Goa Carbon,6290.0,10.0 9548,SentFIN,GSF Accelerator inducts two partners Nishkaam Mehta and Sanjay Jain,1,GSF Accelerator,6292.0,10.0 9549,SentFIN,GSK Consumer Healthcare: Transfer of pricing pressure is the key,1,GSK Consumer Healthcare,6293.0,10.0 9550,SentFIN,"GST isn't a disappointment for market: Gaurav Mehta, Ambit Capital",1,Ambit Capital,6294.0,10.0 9551,SentFIN,H G Contractor takes over as new CFO of SBI,1,SBI,6295.0,10.0 9552,SentFIN,Harish Bhat to be member-Group Executive Council of Tata Sons,1,Tata Sons,6296.0,10.0 9553,SentFIN,HCC allots shares worth Rs 400 cr to institutional investors,1,HCC,6297.0,10.0 9554,SentFIN,Hikal reports net profit of Rs 5 crore for Q1,1,Hikal,6299.0,10.0 9555,SentFIN,HNIs buy Nifty-linked debentures worth Rs 200-300 crore every month,1,Nifty,6300.0,10.0 9556,SentFIN,HSBC handpicks seven hot midcap themes for the year 2014,1,HSBC,6301.0,10.0 9557,SentFIN,"IIFCL plans to raise Rs 1,200 cr from tax-free bonds",1,IIFCL,6302.0,10.0 9558,SentFIN,Immediate target in M&M seen at Rs 730-745: Nirmal Bang,1,M&M,6303.0,10.0 9559,SentFIN,India Inc taps into corporate bond market to fund expansions,1,India Inc,6304.0,10.0 9560,SentFIN,India Inc's second quarter profits flat but silver lining visible,1,India Inc,6305.0,10.0 9561,SentFIN,India likely to issue new 10-year bond in June: sources,1,India,6306.0,10.0 9562,SentFIN,"Indices unlikely to see major correction: Gaurang Shah, Geojit BNP",1,Geojit BNP,6307.0,10.0 9563,SentFIN,"IndiGo's IPO set to fly, should you book a flight?",1,IndiGo,6308.0,10.0 9564,SentFIN,Indo Rama Synthetics Q3 net profit at Rs 47.08 cr,1,Indo Rama Synthetics,6309.0,10.0 9565,SentFIN,Initial target for Tata Elxsi seen at Rs 320: Ventura,1,Tata Elxsi,6310.0,10.0 9566,SentFIN,Investors sell old tax-free bonds to put money in new,1,tax-free bonds,6313.0,10.0 9567,SentFIN,Investors should be judicious in the IT space: Ajay Bodke,1,IT space,6314.0,10.0 9568,SentFIN,IRFC tax-free bond issue subscribed 0.55 times within an hour,1,IRFC,6315.0,10.0 9569,SentFIN,It should pay to stay with PSU Banks: Ashwani Gujral,0,PSU Banks,6316.0,10.0 9570,SentFIN,Japan's Recruit prices $2 billion IPO at top of range,1,Recruit,6317.0,10.0 9571,SentFIN,"Jim Rogers may buy gold if price drops to $1,300",1,gold,6318.0,10.0 9572,SentFIN,JSW Steel promoter hikes stake marginally for Rs 25 crore,1,JSW Steel,6320.0,10.0 9573,SentFIN,K C Samal is the new director (finance) at NALCO,1,NALCO,6321.0,10.0 9574,SentFIN,Karl Slym joins Tata Motors as MD ahead of schedule,1,Tata Motors,6322.0,10.0 9575,SentFIN,Keeping tab on funds entering market: Sebi on black money,1,Sebi,6323.0,10.0 9576,SentFIN,Kesoram Industries with a target of Rs 142: Ashwani Gujral,1,Kesoram Industries,6324.0,10.0 9577,SentFIN,Kotak-ING union takes some bank stocks to a high station,1,Kotak-ING,6325.0,10.0 9578,SentFIN,Loha Ispaat's Rs 210-crore IPO to hit market on Tuesday,1,Loha Ispaat,6326.0,10.0 9579,SentFIN,"Looking at implementation aspect rather than policy: Pankaj Pandey,",1,,6327.0,10.0 9580,SentFIN,LSE says receives 97 per cent take-up for rights issue,1,LSE,6330.0,10.0 9581,SentFIN,M Teresa Kho is ADB new country director for India,1,ADB,6331.0,10.0 9582,SentFIN,Maharashtra Seamless' Board approves Rs 100 crore share buy back,1,Maharashtra Seamless,6332.0,10.0 9583,SentFIN,Man Jit Singh named president of Sony home entertainment division,1,Sony,6333.0,10.0 9584,SentFIN,Man who sacked Steve Jobs has good words for Apple,1,Apple,6334.0,10.0 9585,SentFIN,Market avoiding companies mired in coal allocation scam: Ajay Bodke,1,Market,6335.0,10.0 9586,SentFIN,"Market closer to the range of 6,100-6,150 levels: Mitesh Thacker",1,Market,6336.0,10.0 9587,SentFIN,Market movers: Top 5 policy triggers government initiated in November,1,Market,6337.0,10.0 9588,SentFIN,Marks & Spencer's appoint Venu Nair as India operations head,1,Marks & Spencer,6338.0,10.0 9589,SentFIN, files papers to raise Rs 600-700 cr via IPO,1,,6339.0,10.0 9590,SentFIN,McAfee announces Anand Prahlad's appointment as head of India operations,1,McAfee,6340.0,10.0 9591,SentFIN,MCX managing director & CEO Vaish quits on health grounds,1,MCX,6341.0,10.0 9592,SentFIN,MF revival will be top on new SEBI chief's list,1,SEBI,6343.0,10.0 9593,SentFIN,MMTC stake sale offer likely to hit markets this month,1,MMTC,6344.0,10.0 9594,SentFIN,"Mondelez International elevates Manu Anand, names new MD for India",1,Mondelez International,6345.0,10.0 9595,SentFIN,More than 50% NSE-listed firms yet to hire women directors,1,NSE,6346.0,10.0 9596,SentFIN,MT Educare fixes price band at Rs 74-80 per share,1,MT Educare,6347.0,10.0 9597,SentFIN,Multi Commodity Exchange appoints Praveen Kumar Singhal as interim CEO,1,Multi Commodity Exchange,6348.0,10.0 9598,SentFIN,N K Verma is new ONGC Videsh Ltd Managing Director,1,ONGC Videsh Ltd,6349.0,10.0 9599,SentFIN,"Nabard plans to raise Rs 5,000 cr via tax-free bonds",1,Nabard,6350.0,10.0 9600,SentFIN,NBCC fixes IPO price band at Rs 90-106 per share,1,NBCC,6351.0,10.0 9601,SentFIN,Network 18 Media plans to raise funds via public deposits,1,Network 18 Media,6352.0,10.0 9602,SentFIN,New consent norms are in accordance with law: Sebi chief,1,Sebi,6353.0,10.0 9603,SentFIN,Nifty can move beyond 7000 only post elections: Arvind Sanger,1,Nifty,6354.0,10.0 9604,SentFIN,Nifty heading towards key support zones of 6570-6650: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,6355.0,10.0 9605,SentFIN,"Nifty likely to test its 200-DMA of 8,250: Ashwani Gujral",1,Nifty,6357.0,10.0 9606,SentFIN,Nifty may hit 8000 in the near term: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6358.0,10.0 9607,SentFIN,Nifty to hit 8080-8150 in next few days: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6359.0,10.0 9608,SentFIN,Nifty unlikely to get past the 7550-7560 mark: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,6360.0,10.0 9609,SentFIN,Nine stocks that led Nifty rally in last one year,1,Nifty,6362.0,10.0 9610,SentFIN,No tax on capital gains on offshore rupee bonds: CBDT,1,CBDT,6364.0,10.0 9611,SentFIN,Nothing has changed for real estate sector structurally: Pramod Gubbi,1,real estate sector,6366.0,10.0 9612,SentFIN,NSE prepares system to check freak trades in F&O segment,1,NSE,6367.0,10.0 9613,SentFIN,Parabolic Drugs fixes IPO price at Rs 75 per share,1,Parabolic Drugs,6371.0,10.0 9614,SentFIN,"Participatory notes: A sensitive topic for govt, SEBI and investors",1,SEBI,6372.0,10.0 9615,SentFIN,PFC's FPO on May 10; govt's first disinvestment this fiscal,1,PFC,6374.0,10.0 9616,SentFIN,"Post 2G spectrum auction, are telecom stocks good picks now?",1,telecom stocks,6375.0,10.0 9617,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty seen opening flat; may find support around 7460,1,Nifty,6377.0,10.0 9618,SentFIN,PTC Fin IPO in mid-March; to raise Rs 800 cr,1,PTC Fin,6378.0,10.0 9619,SentFIN,Rakesh Sethi takes over as new CMD of Allahabad Bank,1,Allahabad Bank,6379.0,10.0 9620,SentFIN,"RBI's monetary policy, global cues may decide direction of stocks",1,RBI,6380.0,10.0 9621,SentFIN,Recommend wait and watch for midcap IT stocks: Dipan Mehta,1,IT stocks,6381.0,10.0 9622,SentFIN,Remain invested in Infosys despite key management exits: Mehraboon Irani,1,Infosys,6383.0,10.0 9623,SentFIN,Revival in sight for Engineers India after poor quarterly numbers,1,Engineers India,6384.0,10.0 9624,SentFIN,Russian roubles firms in first minutes of trading on Friday,1,Russian roubles,6386.0,10.0 9625,SentFIN,SBI Life Insurance appoints Arijit Basu as MD and CEO,1,SBI Life Insurance,6389.0,10.0 9626,SentFIN,Scotts Garments IPO: Skip the issue and wait for listing,1,Scotts Garments,6390.0,10.0 9627,SentFIN,Sebi issues norms for sharing KYC details with financial regulators,1,Sebi,6394.0,10.0 9628,SentFIN,Sebi may make succession plan a must in listed companies,1,Sebi,6395.0,10.0 9629,SentFIN,Sebi plans surprise inspection of companies existing only on paper,1,Sebi,6396.0,10.0 9630,SentFIN,Sebi wants government to allow pension money in Mutual Funds,1,Sebi,6398.0,10.0 9631,SentFIN,See trailing stop for Nifty at 8450 levels: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,6399.0,10.0 9632,SentFIN,Sensex at 100K in 10 years quite likely: Navneet Munot,1,Sensex,6400.0,10.0 9633,SentFIN,Sensex consolidates in narrow range; top 20 intraday trading ideas,1,Sensex,6401.0,10.0 9634,SentFIN,"Sesa Sterlite reports Rs 1,621.55 crore net profit in Q4",1,Sesa Sterlite,6402.0,10.0 9635,SentFIN,Shibulal may succeed Kris Gopalakrishnan as Infosys CEO this April,1,Infosys,6403.0,10.0 9636,SentFIN,Shilpi Cable hopeful to launch Rs 56-cr IPO in January,1,Shilpi Cable,6404.0,10.0 9637,SentFIN,Six key takeaways for market from RBI money policy review,1,RBI,6406.0,10.0 9638,SentFIN,Six trading houses imported 40 per cent gold in September,1,gold,6407.0,10.0 9639,SentFIN,Snapdeal to go public in 1-2 years: Co-founder Kunal Bahl,1,Snapdeal,6408.0,10.0 9640,SentFIN,Sodexo names Rishi Gour as COO of Onsite Services Solutions,1,Sodexo,6409.0,10.0 9641,SentFIN,StanChart IDR holders can convert 25% of holding into shares,1,StanChart,6411.0,10.0 9642,SentFIN,Surya Roshni posts Rs 11.90-crore net profit in Q1 FY13,1,Surya Roshni,6413.0,10.0 9643,SentFIN,Taj Group names P V Ramana Murthy as Global Head-HR,1,Taj Group,6414.0,10.0 9644,SentFIN,Tata Power posts Rs 247 crore profit in September quarter,1,Tata Power,6415.0,10.0 9645,SentFIN,Tata Power Q3 consolidated PAT seen at Rs 230 crore,1,Tata Power,6416.0,10.0 9646,SentFIN,Tata Power: Existing investors should participate in upcoming rights issues,1,Tata Power,6417.0,10.0 9647,SentFIN,Telecom sector can see several M&As post elections: Gaurang Shah,1,Telecom sector,6418.0,10.0 9648,SentFIN,Three Chinese asset managers commit funds to stock purchase plans,1,stock,6419.0,10.0 9649,SentFIN,"Three PSBs to Raise Rs 4,500 cr in perpetual bonds",1,PSBs,6420.0,10.0 9650,SentFIN,"Traders expect gold prices to be rangebound, options data show",1,gold,6422.0,10.0 9651,SentFIN,Trend Micro appoints Dhanya Thakkar as MD India and SAARC,1,Trend Micro,6423.0,10.0 9652,SentFIN,"Ultratech Cement: High costs mar show, but future prospects bright",1,Ultratech Cement,6424.0,10.0 9653,SentFIN,Uninor CEO Yogesh Malik quits; Sigve Brekke made interim CEO,1,Uninor,6425.0,10.0 9654,SentFIN,UP mills may have to wait for central subsidy benefits,1,UP mills,6426.0,10.0 9655,SentFIN,Vishal Retail posts Q4 net profit at Rs 10.47 cr,1,Vishal Retail,6428.0,10.0 9656,SentFIN,Vodafone ropes in Philips President & CEO as new Chairman,1,Vodafone,6429.0,10.0 9657,SentFIN,What happening in the oil market right now is 'unprecedented',1,oil,6431.0,10.0 9658,SentFIN,What should investors do with TCS ahead of Q2 results?,1,TCS,6432.0,10.0 9659,SentFIN,Where are markets headed? 6080 is the new magic number,1,markets,6433.0,10.0 9660,SentFIN,Where is the market headed? Here is what technicals show,1,market,6434.0,10.0 9661,SentFIN,Why long-term investors should believe in Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka,1,Infosys,6435.0,10.0 9662,SentFIN,Wipro Q2 PAT at Rs 2085 crore: Ten key takeaways,1,Wipro,6437.0,10.0 9663,SentFIN,"With unique business model, Repco to benefit from economic recovery",1,Repco,6438.0,10.0 9664,SentFIN,"WNS appoints Adrian Dillon, Renu Karnad to Board of Directors",1,WNS,6439.0,10.0 9665,SentFIN,100 Infosys shares for 9.5K in 1993 now worth 4 crore,1,Infosys,6440.0,11.0 9666,SentFIN,2014: A year for midcaps - Do you have a strategy?,2,midcaps,6441.0,11.0 9667,SentFIN,3-5 per cent correction unlikely to affect markets: P Phani Sekhar,1,markets,6442.0,11.0 9668,SentFIN,5490 is a key level for the Nifty today: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,6443.0,11.0 9669,SentFIN,6150 on the Nifty looks a matter of time: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,6444.0,11.0 9670,SentFIN,"AAP effect: After sizzling 2013, foggy start for Sensex in 2014",1,Sensex,6445.0,11.0 9671,SentFIN,"Adlabs cuts IPO price band, extends offer date on muted response",1,Adlabs,6446.0,11.0 9672,SentFIN,"Adopt bottom-up approach to investing, says Prakash Diwan on banking stocks",1,banking stocks,6447.0,11.0 9673,SentFIN,Air India finally sacks Arora as COO of its budget airline,1,Air India,6449.0,11.0 9674,SentFIN,"Airbus appoints Srinivasan Dwarakanath as India CEO, Charles Champion as chairman",1,Airbus,6450.0,11.0 9675,SentFIN,Airtel hires IT expert Manish Prakash to head its enterprise unit,1,Airtel,6451.0,11.0 9676,SentFIN,Ajit Kalghatgi is Bharat Electronics Limited's new Director Research and Development,1,Bharat Electronics Limited,6452.0,11.0 9677,SentFIN,Another 200-300 points downside is possible on Bank Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,1,Bank Nifty,6453.0,11.0 9678,SentFIN,Arvind Saxena appointed as MD of Volkswagen Passenger Cars in India,1,Volkswagen Passenger Cars,6454.0,11.0 9679,SentFIN,Bank of Baroda issues $750 million dollar bonds for 5.5 years,1,Bank of Baroda,6456.0,11.0 9680,SentFIN,Battery companies an interesing prospect in the coming days: Ajay Bagga,1,Battery companies,6458.0,11.0 9681,SentFIN,Beat Fed blues with these top 15 high-conviction ideas by experts,1,Fed,6459.0,11.0 9682,SentFIN,Bengaluru-based builder Unishire raises Rs 126 crore through issue of NCDs,1,Unishire,6460.0,11.0 9683,SentFIN,"Better coordination needed to check ponzi menace: UK Sinha, Sebi chief",1,Sebi,6461.0,11.0 9684,SentFIN,Bharti Realty appoints S K Sayal as Managing Director and CEO,1,Bharti Realty,6462.0,11.0 9685,SentFIN,"Bond issuers seek better pricing after RBI rate cut, rethink offers",1,RBI,6463.0,11.0 9686,SentFIN,"BPCL can be bought on all declines: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,BPCL,6464.0,11.0 9687,SentFIN,"BSE Sensex flirts with 25,000 levels; top eleven stocks in focus",1,BSE Sensex,6465.0,11.0 9688,SentFIN,"Cairn India Rs 5,725 crore share buyback starts on January 23",1,Cairn India,6466.0,11.0 9689,SentFIN,"Call data record is important evidence in fraud cases, says Sebi",1,Sebi,6467.0,11.0 9690,SentFIN,Camlin Fine Sciences posts Rs 4.28 crore net profit in Q1,1,Camlin Fine Sciences,6468.0,11.0 9691,SentFIN,Canara Bank hands over dividend of Rs 348.81 cr to government,1,Canara Bank,6469.0,11.0 9692,SentFIN,"Cheaper inputs help, but weak demand a drag on Asian Paints",1,Asian Paints,6470.0,11.0 9693,SentFIN,China stocks end firmer as investors switch into tech from property,1,China stock,6471.0,11.0 9694,SentFIN,China stocks mixed as investors hold back before SH-HK connect launch,1,China stocks,6472.0,11.0 9695,SentFIN,Claris to buy-back 14.49 per cent stake for Rs 231.25 crore,1,Claris,6475.0,11.0 9696,SentFIN,Co-founder PV Ramaprasad Reddy becomes billionaire as Aurobindo triples to record,1,Aurobindo,6477.0,11.0 9697,SentFIN,Commodity bourse ICEX plans rights issue as part of revival plan,1,ICEX,6479.0,11.0 9698,SentFIN,Companies should get listed within six days of share sale: Sebi,1,Sebi,6480.0,11.0 9699,SentFIN,"Cong agrees to cooperate on 6 key bills, no-go for GST",1,GST,6481.0,11.0 9700,SentFIN,Continue to hold on to long positions in Nifty: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6482.0,11.0 9701,SentFIN,Data surge to support Airtel's growth but African woes may stay,1,Airtel,6484.0,11.0 9702,SentFIN,"December quarter earnings, macro data to drive markets this week: Experts",1,markets,6485.0,11.0 9703,SentFIN,Declining trend is about to get over for VIP: Mitesh Thacker,1,VIP,6486.0,11.0 9704,SentFIN,Delta Corp will have sustainability only after 65 levels: Vijay Bhambwani,1,Delta Corp,6487.0,11.0 9705,SentFIN,Dhunseri Petrochem and Tea posts Q4 PAT at Rs 25.08 crore,1,Dhunseri Petrochem and Tea,6488.0,11.0 9706,SentFIN,D-Street could move 2% on either side on Thursdays Fed outcome,1,D-Street,6491.0,11.0 9707,SentFIN,"DVC aims to raise 1,600 cr from bonds for funding expansion",1,DVC,6493.0,11.0 9708,SentFIN,Exchanges need to change mindset: Bombay Stock Exchange chief Ashish Chauhan,1,Bombay Stock Exchange,6494.0,11.0 9709,SentFIN,Expect Nifty to test 6000 in next few months: BP Singh,1,Nifty,6495.0,11.0 9710,SentFIN,"Expect Nifty to touch level of 6,900 by year-end: Gautam Chhaochharia",1,Nifty,6496.0,11.0 9711,SentFIN,Expect Nifty to be rangebound between 8420 and 8530: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6497.0,11.0 9712,SentFIN,F&O Tracker: Watch out for BankNifty & FII cash market data,1,BankNifty,6498.0,11.0 9713,SentFIN,Fertiliser cos need to move out of subsidiary regime: UR Bhat,1,Fertiliser cos,6499.0,11.0 9714,SentFIN,"FIIs, sovereign funds to keep India mkt full of liquidity: RBS",1,RBS,6500.0,11.0 9715,SentFIN,Five reasons why markets could make fresh record high anytime now,2,markets,6502.0,11.0 9716,SentFIN,Five reasons why markets won't fall for US Fed's taper tantrum,1,markets,6503.0,11.0 9717,SentFIN,Five things to watch out for from Wipro results and commentary,1,Wipro,6504.0,11.0 9718,SentFIN,F-Secure appoints Adarsh Kaul as India director for sales and marketing,1,F-Secure,6506.0,11.0 9719,SentFIN,FX traders to be interviewed as part of BoE probe: Sources,1,BoE,6508.0,11.0 9720,SentFIN,Global happenings likely to affect markets in the short-term: Prateek Agarwal,1,markets,6510.0,11.0 9721,SentFIN,Global markets: Economic data will continue to be important this week,1,Global markets,6511.0,11.0 9722,SentFIN,GoDaddy's IPO to value web-hosting company at up to $2.87 billion,1,GoDaddy,6512.0,11.0 9723,SentFIN,Government selects 5 bankers to manage Indian Oil Corporation stake sale,1,Indian Oil Corporation,6513.0,11.0 9724,SentFIN,Grasim looks good but range of growth not much: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,1,Grasim,6514.0,11.0 9725,SentFIN,"Gunit Chadha, Deutsche Bank India CEO to move as co-head Asia",1,Deutsche Bank India,6515.0,11.0 9726,SentFIN,"Heard on the Street: SKS Microfinance, Ex-CEO Gurumani seen in settlement",1,SKS Microfinance,6516.0,11.0 9727,SentFIN,Here are the 10 big market stories that will dominate 2015,1,market,6517.0,11.0 9728,SentFIN,"Hindalco: Rising input costs a worry, but buoyant demand may help",1,Hindalco,6518.0,11.0 9729,SentFIN,Hopes of policy clearances by government driving metal stocks: Arindam Ghosh,1,metal stocks,6519.0,11.0 9730,SentFIN,"Hospitality doyen, Leela group founder Capt C P Krishnan Nair dead",1,Leela group,6520.0,11.0 9731,SentFIN,How to hedge yourself against ripples from Asias biggest economy China,1,China,6521.0,11.0 9732,SentFIN,How to play Tata Consultancy Services stock ahead of Q4 results,1,Tata Consultancy Services,6522.0,11.0 9733,SentFIN,"IIFCL too boards infra bond wagon, to raise Rs 1,200 cr",1,IIFCL,6524.0,11.0 9734,SentFIN,IL&FS Transportation Rs 524 crore rights issue to open on Monday,1,IL&FS Transportation,6525.0,11.0 9735,SentFIN,In no hurry to recommend 'Buy' on Coal India: Mehraboon Irani,1,Coal India,6526.0,11.0 9736,SentFIN,Indian Energy Exchange appoints S N Goel as CEO & MD,1,Indian Energy Exchange,6527.0,11.0 9737,SentFIN,Infosys director Ann M Fudge wont seek reappointment after term expiry,1,Infosys,6528.0,11.0 9738,SentFIN,Infosys riding on Vishal Sikka anticipated turnaround strategy: P Phani Sekhar,1,Infosys,6529.0,11.0 9739,SentFIN,Infosys to get list of CEO probables by June 1st week,1,Infosys,6530.0,11.0 9740,SentFIN,Investors may not gain much from new structure of Crompton Greaves,1,Crompton Greaves,6532.0,11.0 9741,SentFIN,Investors turn focus to proxy benchmark government bond maturing in 2028,1,government bond,6533.0,11.0 9742,SentFIN,IT sector continues to be enduring story of India: Jagdish Malkani,1,IT sector,6535.0,11.0 9743,SentFIN,"Japan Post: IPO to include separate listings of bank, insurance units",1,Japan Post,6537.0,11.0 9744,SentFIN,Japanese messaging app Line files for IPO valued above $10 billion,1,Line,6538.0,11.0 9745,SentFIN,Lanco Infratech board to consider compulsory convertible debentures issuance next week,1,Lanco Infratech,6543.0,11.0 9746,SentFIN,"Look out for opportunities in midcap companies: Tushar Pradhan, HSBC AMC",1,HSBC,6544.0,11.0 9747,SentFIN,"Macro data, FIIs to decide Indian mkt trend this week: Experts",1,Indian mkt,6545.0,11.0 9748,SentFIN,Manpasand IPO hits market today; should you buy? What analysts say,1,Manpasand,6546.0,11.0 9749,SentFIN,"Market driven by expectation of a reformist government, says Vijai Mantri",1,Market,6547.0,11.0 9750,SentFIN,Market is chasing anything related with Gujarat or Modi: Jagdish Malkani,1,Market,6548.0,11.0 9751,SentFIN,"Market may remain sideways; 8,150-8,200 range holds the key: Ashwani Gujral",1,Market,6549.0,11.0 9752,SentFIN,Markets to trade in range till Bihar election results: Sudip Bandhopadhyay,1,Markets,6551.0,11.0 9753,SentFIN,Maruti Suzuki flat ahead of Q1 results; here what to expect,1,Maruti Suzuki,6552.0,11.0 9754,SentFIN,MCX receives nearly 60 applications for MD and CEO vacant post,1,MCX,6554.0,11.0 9755,SentFIN,Michael Mayer appointed Director of Volkswagen Passenger Cars in India,1,Volkswagen,6555.0,11.0 9756,SentFIN,Mphasis: No major turnaround for the company in the near term,1,Mphasis,6556.0,11.0 9757,SentFIN,Need to maintain long positions in the given market: Ashwani Gujral,1,market,6557.0,11.0 9758,SentFIN,Next couple of days will indicate direction for markets: Ashwani Gujral,1,markets,6558.0,11.0 9759,SentFIN,"Nifty can reach 8000 levels in six months, says Ajay Bagga",1,Nifty,6559.0,11.0 9760,SentFIN,Nifty could go upto 8400-8450 in the near future: Deven Choksey,1,Nifty,6560.0,11.0 9761,SentFIN,"Nifty stuck in a range, focus on individual stocks: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,6561.0,11.0 9762,SentFIN,"Nifty to consolidate at current levels; 9,000 still away: Kunj Bansal",1,Nifty,6562.0,11.0 9763,SentFIN,Nifty to stay between 6000-6400 prior to general elections: Jagdish Malkani,1,Nifty,6563.0,11.0 9764,SentFIN,Now open: Narayana Hrudayalaya IPO likely to cross the line today,1,Narayana Hrudayalaya,6566.0,11.0 9765,SentFIN,P Padmanabhan takes over as Managing Director of Numaligarh Refinery Limited,1,Numaligarh Refinery Limited,6572.0,11.0 9766,SentFIN,Perpetual bonds are quite a hit with investors in rate-cut season,1,Perpetual bonds,6573.0,11.0 9767,SentFIN,Policy push likely to stabilise rupee in 60-61 band: Prateek Agarwal,1,rupee,6574.0,11.0 9768,SentFIN,"Poll: Us Federal Reserve may rates twice in 2015, say economists",1,Us Federal Reserve,6575.0,11.0 9769,SentFIN,PSUs need to operate on economic principles to perform: Dipan Mehta,1,PSU,6577.0,11.0 9770,SentFIN,"Raghuram Rajan says, 'premature' to scrap foreign limits in government debt",1,government debt,6579.0,11.0 9771,SentFIN,Ramco Systems plans to raise Rs 123 crore from rights issue,1,Ramco Systems,6580.0,11.0 9772,SentFIN,Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd PAT for FY12 at Rs 751 crore,1,Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd,6581.0,11.0 9773,SentFIN,Rathin Basu appointed Country President of Alstom India & South Asia,1,Alstom India & South Asia,6582.0,11.0 9774,SentFIN,RBI tightens norms for NBFCs; heres how it impacts different stocks,1,RBI,6584.0,11.0 9775,SentFIN,"Really like the new start-up spaces, says Deepak Shenoy, Capital Mind",1,Capital Mind,6585.0,11.0 9776,SentFIN,Reduction in diesel prices will not be taken negatively: Ajay Bodke,1,diesel,6586.0,11.0 9777,SentFIN,"Religare Health to raise upto Rs 2,373 crore in Singapore IPO",1,Religare Health,6588.0,11.0 9778,SentFIN,Results announcement: NTPC asks directors not to trade in its shares,1,NTPC,6589.0,11.0 9779,SentFIN,RNRL will rise beyond current levels before declining earnestly: Deepak Mohoni,1,RNRL,6591.0,11.0 9780,SentFIN,"Rs 2,000 cr SBI bond issue to hit markets next Monday",1,SBI,6592.0,11.0 9781,SentFIN,S Padmanabhan appointed as Executive Chairman of Tata Quality Management Services,1,Tata Quality Management Services,6594.0,11.0 9782,SentFIN,Samvat 2071: Top nine stocks for Diwali 2014 by Microsec Capital,1,Microsec Capital,6596.0,11.0 9783,SentFIN,SAP Names Adaire Fox-Martin as President of Asia Pacific Japan Region,1,SAP,6597.0,11.0 9784,SentFIN,Search panel recommends S S Mundra for RBI Deputy Governor's role,1,RBI,6598.0,11.0 9785,SentFIN,Sebi may allow other financial regulators to access central KYC data,1,Sebi,6600.0,11.0 9786,SentFIN,Sebi mulls stronger norms to check misuse of POAs by brokers,1,Sebi,6601.0,11.0 9787,SentFIN,"Sebi tightens screws on dubious inflows from loosely regulated, offshore entities",1,Sebi,6602.0,11.0 9788,SentFIN,Sensex at 25000 on election results day? Brokers get cold feet,1,Sensex,6604.0,11.0 9789,SentFIN,"Sensex may touch 28,000 mark in 2014-15 financial year: Deven Choksey",1,Sensex,6606.0,11.0 9790,SentFIN,Sensex trading in a narrow range; top ten stocks in focus,1,Sensex,6607.0,11.0 9791,SentFIN,Sensex trading in a narrow range; top twelve stocks in focus,1,Sensex,6608.0,11.0 9792,SentFIN,Shaking up the management: What is in store for Standard Chartered?,1,Standard Chartered,6609.0,11.0 9793,SentFIN,Shareholders give LSE green light for $2.7 billion Frank Russell deal,1,LSE,6610.0,11.0 9794,SentFIN,Shemaroo Entertainment Rs 120 crore IPO to open on September 16,1,Shemaroo Entertainment,6611.0,11.0 9795,SentFIN,"Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra snap up defunct Hindusthan Safety Glass Industries",1,Hindusthan Safety Glass Industries,6612.0,11.0 9796,SentFIN,"SIC Global launches Stockal, Indias first mobile-based platform for global investments",1,SIC Global,6613.0,11.0 9797,SentFIN,"SREI Infrastructure to raise up to Rs 1,500 crore via NCDs",1,SREI Infrastructure,6617.0,11.0 9798,SentFIN,Star appoints M K Srinivasan as senior VP for North America,1,Star,6618.0,11.0 9799,SentFIN,"Stay invested in Coal India, but don't add anymore: Neeraj Deewan",1,Coal India,6619.0,11.0 9800,SentFIN,"Still enough trading opportunities in primary sectors: Prakash Diwan, Altamount Capital",1,Altamount Capital,6620.0,11.0 9801,SentFIN,Swing calls that can give sharp returns in a weak market,1,market,6622.0,11.0 9802,SentFIN,Tata Global Beverages names Ajoy Misra as new MD & CEO,1,Tata Global Beverages,6623.0,11.0 9803,SentFIN,"Too much diversification is not helpful: Parag Telang, Dhanayush Capital Advisors",1,Dhanayush Capital Advisors,6627.0,11.0 9804,SentFIN,"Top Ramen maker, Nissin Foods, appoints Gautam Sharma as India MD",1,Nissin Foods,6628.0,11.0 9805,SentFIN,Unwinding of longs key feature of the stock market in June,1,stock market,6630.0,11.0 9806,SentFIN,Varun Berry to take over as CEO of PepsiCo India Foods,1,PepsiCo India Foods,6631.0,11.0 9807,SentFIN,Volatility may force a rethink on short-term inflows into government bonds,1,government bonds,6632.0,11.0 9808,SentFIN,Wall Street Week Ahead: Tech earnings take center stage next week,1,Wall Street,6633.0,11.0 9809,SentFIN,Cushman and Wakefield appoints PR Srinivas as director of hospitality service,1,Cushman and Wakefield,6636.0,11.0 9810,SentFIN,"5550 is likely to be tested: Sandeep Wagle, APTART Technical Advisory Services",1,APTART Technical Advisory Services,6637.0,12.0 9811,SentFIN,6500 to 6800 is now the range for the Nifty: Sandeep Wagle,1,Nifty,6638.0,12.0 9812,SentFIN,7080 mark to watch for Nifty traders on intraday basis: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6639.0,12.0 9813,SentFIN,"AEGON Religare Life Insurance names K S Gopalakrishnan as MD, CEO",1,AEGON Religare Life Insurance,6640.0,12.0 9814,SentFIN,"Anil Manghnani, Director, Modern Shares and Stockbrokers Limited talks about performing stocks",1,Modern Shares and Stockbrokers Limited,6641.0,12.0 9815,SentFIN,Ansal Properties & Infrastructure posts Q4 net profit at Rs 13.55 crore,1,Ansal Properties & Infrastructure,6642.0,12.0 9816,SentFIN,Asset rejig tightening will have big impact on banking system: UR Bhat,1,banking system,6643.0,12.0 9817,SentFIN,Betting on dividend yields: Top ten stocks that can counter market volatility,1,market,6644.0,12.0 9818,SentFIN,Big ticket market debuts like Coffee Day Enterprises mask thin IPO pipeline,1,Coffee Day Enterprises,6645.0,12.0 9819,SentFIN,Bill Gross' Janus Global Unconstrained Bond posts $11.7 million outflow in May,1,Janus Global Unconstrained Bond,6646.0,12.0 9820,SentFIN,Brent could be headed towards $80 a barrel in near term: Trend-Wise,1,Brent,6647.0,12.0 9821,SentFIN,Brent holds steady above $105 on geopolitical tension ahead of inventory data,1,Brent,6648.0,12.0 9822,SentFIN,Catholic Syrian Bank to file for $80 mn IPO in April: Sources,1,Catholic Syrian Bank,6651.0,12.0 9823,SentFIN,"CBI must apologise if enquiry fails, says former Sebi chairman CB Bhave",1,Sebi,6652.0,12.0 9824,SentFIN,Chandan Deep Singh Dang appointed as Chief Marketing Officer of Tupperware India,1,Tupperware India,6653.0,12.0 9825,SentFIN,Chinese firm New Crystal Material Holdings appeals against Taiwan regulators over IPO,1,New Crystal Material Holdings,6656.0,12.0 9826,SentFIN,City Union Bank to raise up to Rs 350 cr from QIP,1,City Union Bank,6657.0,12.0 9827,SentFIN,Clearing Corporation of India to issue unique ID codes to legal entities,1,Clearing Corporation of India,6658.0,12.0 9828,SentFIN,Colgate appoints Issam Bachaalani as Managing Director with effect from October 1,1,Colgate,6659.0,12.0 9829,SentFIN,Coming weeks may see Nifty hovering in a narrow range: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,6660.0,12.0 9830,SentFIN,"Companies generating cash will be preferred by investors: Gopinath Natarajan, IIFL PReMIA",1,IIFL PReMIA,6661.0,12.0 9831,SentFIN,"Companies put debt over equity, raise Rs 1.33 lakh crore from markets",1,markets,6662.0,12.0 9832,SentFIN,"CSR platform goes live on BSE; projects worth Rs 2,000 crore listed",1,BSE,6664.0,12.0 9833,SentFIN,Difficult to sustain 6000 at Nifty in next few days: Ashwani Gujral,1,Nifty,6665.0,12.0 9834,SentFIN,DK Sarraf to become new ONGC head; govt rejects Sudhir Vasudevas extension,1,ONGC,6666.0,12.0 9835,SentFIN,Dollar firm as Fed minutes likely to highlight policy divergence with peers,1,Dollar,6667.0,12.0 9836,SentFIN,Don't see much of an upside for RIL going forward: Harendra Kumar,1,RIL,6668.0,12.0 9837,SentFIN,Drug firm Strides Arcolab reports Q4 net profit at Rs 69.66 crore,2,Strides Arcolab,6669.0,12.0 9838,SentFIN,D-Street awaits TCS results for direction; here's how to trade the stock,1,TCS,6670.0,12.0 9839,SentFIN,Earnings of IT companies to hold on to current level: Kunj Bansal,1,IT companies,6671.0,12.0 9840,SentFIN,Earnings season is here again! Top stocks that can lead market rally,1,market,6672.0,12.0 9841,SentFIN,EPFO wants funds to lower fee for investing in equity via ETFs,1,EPFO,6673.0,12.0 9842,SentFIN,"Exchange-traded funds make an exit of Rs 4,300 crore from Indian Equities",1,Indian Equities,6674.0,12.0 9843,SentFIN,Expect markets to be range bound in the near term: Mitesh Thacker,1,markets,6676.0,12.0 9844,SentFIN,Farmer bodies likely to lock horns with sugar mill owners in Maharashtra,1,sugar mill,6677.0,12.0 9845,SentFIN,Five things to know about trading securities smartly in the stock market,1,stock market,6678.0,12.0 9846,SentFIN,"Foreign assets in Hong Kong Exchange Fund HK$2,670.6 billion at end-June",1,Hong Kong Exchange Fund,6679.0,12.0 9847,SentFIN,"Foreign investors put in bids worth Rs 2,094 crore for government bonds",1,government bonds,6680.0,12.0 9848,SentFIN,Further clarity on subsidy sharing mechanism to rerate OMC stocks: Deven Choksey,1,OMC,6683.0,12.0 9849,SentFIN,Geojit BNP Paribas net profit for 2012-13 stands at Rs 82 crore,1,Geojit BNP Paribas,6684.0,12.0 9850,SentFIN,Government allows investing 5 per cent of EPFO corpus in stock markets,1,stock markets,6685.0,12.0 9851,SentFIN,Grey IPO market shows signs of revival with Sensex scaling new peaks,1,Sensex,6686.0,12.0 9852,SentFIN,"HCL Technologies Q1 PAT at Rs 1,726 crore; in line with estimates",1,HCL Technologies,6687.0,12.0 9853,SentFIN,How Wall Street banks are looking to woo and retain young talent,1,Wall Street banks,6689.0,12.0 9854,SentFIN,IGL won't reap immediate benefits from shift to cleaner fuel: Deven Choksey,1,IGL,6691.0,12.0 9855,SentFIN,Indian companies are in pretty decent shape despite challenging environs: Dipan Mehta,1,Indian companies,6693.0,12.0 9856,SentFIN,"Insurance Bill is not a game changer: P Phani Sekhar, Angel Broking",1,Angel Broking,6694.0,12.0 9857,SentFIN,Iron ore steadies at highest level on decline in raw material stocks,1,Iron ore,6696.0,12.0 9858,SentFIN,Is Wall Street set to witness deal-making rivaling the dot-com bubble time?,1,Wall Street,6697.0,12.0 9859,SentFIN,Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd reports Rs 133.69 crore net profit in Q2,1,Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd,6698.0,12.0 9860,SentFIN,Karvy Financial Services plans to raise around Rs 600 crore from PEs,1,Karvy Financial Services,6700.0,12.0 9861,SentFIN,Kesoram Industries seeks shareholders nod to raise up to Rs 650 crore,1,Kesoram Industries,6701.0,12.0 9862,SentFIN,Key support level for Nifty seen between 8000 and 8050: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6702.0,12.0 9863,SentFIN,Larsen & Toubro Infotech set to hire top executives ahead of IPO,1,Larsen & Toubro Infotech,6704.0,12.0 9864,SentFIN,Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan brother Arun Sathe appointed on Sebi board,1,Sebi,6705.0,12.0 9865,SentFIN,London copper set to end week flat on US rate hike worries,1,London copper,6706.0,12.0 9866,SentFIN,Market regulator Sebi may put high mutual fund salaries on a leash,1,Sebi,6708.0,12.0 9867,SentFIN,"Markets looking at levels of 5550-5600: Ambareesh Baliga, Way2Wealth Brokers Pvt. Ltd.",1,Way2Wealth Brokers Pvt. Ltd.,6709.0,12.0 9868,SentFIN,Message in the great fall of Nokia: Can it learn from mistakes?,1,Nokia,6711.0,12.0 9869,SentFIN,MSCI to be flexible on review schedule for China A share inclusion,1,MSCI,6713.0,12.0 9870,SentFIN,Multiple positives already priced in: Moderate your expectations from markets in 2015,1,markets,6714.0,12.0 9871,SentFIN,"NHAI bond issue to raise up to Rs 3,698 crore opens today",1,NHAI,6715.0,12.0 9872,SentFIN,"NHAI to launch Rs 5,000 cr tax-free bonds issue on December 28",1,NHAI,6716.0,12.0 9873,SentFIN,Nifty looks set to touch 6420 in next few days: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6717.0,12.0 9874,SentFIN,"Nifty to hit 8,450 by expiry of June F&O series: Mitesh Thacker",1,Nifty,6718.0,12.0 9875,SentFIN,"Nifty50 seeing strong support 7,820; expect volatility to rise on F&O expiry",1,Nifty50,6719.0,12.0 9876,SentFIN,Not in a hurry to recommend BHEL on fundamental basis: Mehraboon Irani,1,BHEL,6720.0,12.0 9877,SentFIN,Of course Greece had a plan for a new currency: Paul Krugman,1,Greece,6722.0,12.0 9878,SentFIN,Oil companies to give mixed results for the fourth quarter of FY13,1,Oil companies,6723.0,12.0 9879,SentFIN,"Parsvnath Developers seeks shareholders nod to raise up to Rs 1,500 crore",1,Parsvnath Developers,6724.0,12.0 9880,SentFIN,"Post election results, volatility traders save bets for RBI review, Union Budget",1,RBI,6726.0,12.0 9881,SentFIN,Proxy firms want Piramal Enterprises to block appointment of 6 independent directors,1,Piramal Enterprises,6728.0,12.0 9882,SentFIN,PSL posts marginal growth in Q1 net profit at Rs 14.81 crore,1,PSL,6729.0,12.0 9883,SentFIN,"Ravindra Pisharody, Satish Borwankar in race for Tata Motor new MD post",1,Tata Motor,6731.0,12.0 9884,SentFIN,"Readers view: Near $40/bbl, but crude oil prices yet to see bottom",1,crude oil,6734.0,12.0 9885,SentFIN,Recommend to stay in markets at this point of time: Tirthankar Patnaik,1,markets,6735.0,12.0 9886,SentFIN,Risk premium narrows between government bonds and state-backed securities on lower supply,1,government bonds,6737.0,12.0 9887,SentFIN,Rupee will continue to stay in 60 to 63 range: Arindam Ghosh,1,Rupee,6738.0,12.0 9888,SentFIN,"Rural Electrification Corporation to raise up to Rs 30,000 cr via debentures",1,Rural Electrification Corporation,6739.0,12.0 9889,SentFIN,"Sahara to give fresh title deeds for assets worth Rs 20,000 crore",1,Sahara,6741.0,12.0 9890,SentFIN,"SBI's Rs 20,000 crore rights issue round the corner: Chairman Pratip Chaudhuri",1,SBI,6742.0,12.0 9891,SentFIN,Sebi board to meet on Thursday; slew of reform measures on agenda,1,Sebi,6743.0,12.0 9892,SentFIN,Sebi mulls five-board cap for independent directors; curbs on whole-time directors likely,1,Sebi,6745.0,12.0 9893,SentFIN,Six event-risks to track which may impact markets in near term: BofA-ML,1,BofA-ML,6748.0,12.0 9894,SentFIN,"Sun Pharma-Ranbaxy deal increases optimism of more all-stock deals, but risks linger",1,Sun Pharma-Ranbaxy,6750.0,12.0 9895,SentFIN,Tata Motor board to decide on new managing director in few days,1,Tata Motor,6753.0,12.0 9896,SentFIN,"Tata Power Rs 2,000 crore rights issue to open on March 31",1,Tata Power,6754.0,12.0 9897,SentFIN,"There is a risk-off sentiment in global equities: Arindam Ghosh, BlackRidge Capital",1,BlackRidge Capital,6755.0,12.0 9898,SentFIN,Top ten midcap stocks which more than doubled investors wealth in 2014,1,midcap stocks,6756.0,12.0 9899,SentFIN,"Union Budget 2012-13: Power cos trading mixed on ECB, fuel supply decision",1,Power cos,6758.0,12.0 9900,SentFIN,"Unsure about deregulation impact on fertilizers: Sanjeev Prasad, ED, Kotak Institutional Equities",1,Kotak Institutional Equities,6759.0,12.0 9901,SentFIN,UTI appoints Leo Puri as managing director after more than 2-year search,1,UTI,6760.0,12.0 9902,SentFIN,Varun Shipping posts net profit of Rs 11.81 cr for Dec qtr,1,Varun Shipping,6761.0,12.0 9903,SentFIN,Wall Street brightest minds reveal the most important charts in the world,1,Wall Street,6762.0,12.0 9904,SentFIN,World's first fixed income Indian ETF to be traded on Deutsche Bourse,1,Deutsche Bourse,6765.0,12.0 9905,SentFIN,You have to be stock specific in current market situations: Sandeep Wagle,1,market,6766.0,12.0 9906,SentFIN,2 years of Rajan: Analysts give 4.3 out of 5 to RBI governor,1,RBI,6767.0,13.0 9907,SentFIN,"Amol Jain, MD at TPG Capital India, resigns; to pursue his own venture",1,TPG Capital India,6770.0,13.0 9908,SentFIN,"As Modi government first anniversary approaches, are markets headed for an inflection point?",1,markets,6771.0,13.0 9909,SentFIN,Bankers seek clarity on tax treatment of new Additional Tier-I bonds under Basel-III,1,Tier-I bonds,6772.0,13.0 9910,SentFIN,Bengaluru broking firm Zerodha scraps fee for cash trades; rivals miffed by move,1,Zerodha,6773.0,13.0 9911,SentFIN,"Budget 2012 should hopefully be reformist in nature: Sandeep J Shah, Sampriti Capital",1,Sampriti Capital,6775.0,13.0 9912,SentFIN,Cushman & Wakefield appoints Praveen Singla as national head for debt financing services,1,Cushman & Wakefield,6776.0,13.0 9913,SentFIN,"Diversification is key for success of EPC business: M Goutham Reddy, Ramky Infrastructure",1,Ramky Infrastructure,6777.0,13.0 9914,SentFIN,Do not expect to see change in PSU bank fundamentals soon: Prashasta Seth,1,PSU bank,6778.0,13.0 9915,SentFIN,Drug firm Abott India posts Rs 38.40 crore net profit in January-March quarter,1,Abott India,6779.0,13.0 9916,SentFIN,ET 500: Which companies are likely to make it to Sensex by 2020?,1,Sensex,6781.0,13.0 9917,SentFIN,Ex-SBI chief OP Bhatt to join panel probing PR professional Charudutta Deshpandes death,1,SBI,6782.0,13.0 9918,SentFIN,"F&O Tracker: No major downtick seen in near term, says IIFL's Hemant Nahata",1,IIFL,6783.0,13.0 9919,SentFIN,Fertiliser stocks should be looked only after any move on deregulation: Ashwani Gujral,1,Fertiliser stocks,6785.0,13.0 9920,SentFIN,FIIs ownership hits 2 year high in 22 Nifty stocks in June quarter,1,Nifty,6786.0,13.0 9921,SentFIN,Forward Markets Commission asks investors to live with Commodity Transaction Tax; proposes reforms,1,Forward Markets Commission,6787.0,13.0 9922,SentFIN,FTSE Russell to launch transitional indexes to bring Chinese shares in global markets,1,FTSE Russell,6788.0,13.0 9923,SentFIN,"GM Infrastructure reshuffles its top deck, Kiran Grandhi to replace Rao as MD",1,GM Infrastructure,6789.0,13.0 9924,SentFIN,Gujarat plant factor not to affect Maruti in the near term: Neeraj Deewan,1,Maruti,6792.0,13.0 9925,SentFIN,How new insurance company entrants are likely to perform in the stock market,1,insurance company,6795.0,13.0 9926,SentFIN,I am advocating a target of around 7680-7700 on the Nifty: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,6796.0,13.0 9927,SentFIN,Implementation of new securities lending and borrowing norms will be informed later: NSE,1,NSE,6797.0,13.0 9928,SentFIN,"Infosys' 1:1 bonus issue has more sentimental value rather than fundamental, say experts",1,Infosys,6799.0,13.0 9929,SentFIN,"Infosys results, cues on banking reforms to dictate trends for markets next week",1,Infosys,6800.0,13.0 9930,SentFIN,Jewellers incentivise customers who sell old gold to increase flow of yellow metal,1,gold,6801.0,13.0 9931,SentFIN,"Just Dial plans to raise Rs 1,000 crore as e-commerce marketplace rolls out",1,Just Dial,6803.0,13.0 9932,SentFIN,"Long term gains in metals depend on US taper, Chinese reforms: UR Bhat",1,metals,6804.0,13.0 9933,SentFIN,"Maker-taker model has value, but fees too high, says Nasdaq CEO Robert Greifeld",1,Nasdaq,6805.0,13.0 9934,SentFIN,Manu Anand set to take over as head of chocolate maker Cadbury India,1,Cadbury India,6806.0,13.0 9935,SentFIN,Many promoters still own physical shares despite Sebi mandate on dematerialisation of shares,1,Sebi,6807.0,13.0 9936,SentFIN,"Money to flow back in the markets towards mid-2011: Girish Pai, Centrum Broking",1,Centrum Broking,6811.0,13.0 9937,SentFIN,"NCD returns may be higher, but do your homework before taking a call",1,NCD,6813.0,13.0 9938,SentFIN,Oil prices mixed in Asian trade as dealers await fresh US economic data,1,Oil,6814.0,13.0 9939,SentFIN,"Once 955 is broken off, TCS may head towards 920: Amit Harchekar, IIFL",1,TCS,6815.0,13.0 9940,SentFIN,"Plan to list Syngene in August, use IPO proceeds for R&D: Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw",1,Syngene,6817.0,13.0 9941,SentFIN,"Pre-budget rally could take Nifty to 8600, roll-out of key reforms eyed: Experts",1,Nifty,6818.0,13.0 9942,SentFIN,Railways finance arm to issue Rs 6000 crore tax-free bonds in current fiscal,1,Railways,6819.0,13.0 9943,SentFIN,Spotting the real deal: How to distinguish between genuine and fake rupee currency,1,rupee,6821.0,13.0 9944,SentFIN,Swiss cement maker Holcim appoints Bernard Terver as new Area Manager for India,1,Holcim,6822.0,13.0 9945,SentFIN,What the size of a country stock market says about quality of life,1,stock market,6826.0,13.0 9946,SentFIN,"World Banks finance arm rolls out offshore rupee bonds for Rs 1,600 crore",1,World Bank,6827.0,13.0 9947,SentFIN,"5300 levels is just round the corner on Nifty: Devang Visaria, Chief Strategist,",1,Nifty,6829.0,14.0 9948,SentFIN,"Ambience plans IPO by Feb next year; to raise up to Rs 1,293 crore",1,Ambience,6830.0,14.0 9949,SentFIN,Anil Ambani-owned Reliance Communications files for $1-billion IPO in Singapore for undersea cable business,1,Reliance Communications,6832.0,14.0 9950,SentFIN,CBI has enough credible information to start probe against former Sebi officials: Ranjit Sinha,1,Sebi,6833.0,14.0 9951,SentFIN,China central bank seen ready to intervene again if offshore pushes yuan too far,1,China central bank,6834.0,14.0 9952,SentFIN,Do not expect RIL to give you great returns in short term: UR Bhat,1,RIL,6837.0,14.0 9953,SentFIN,"Don't read too much into market movements: Prashant Sharma, Max New York Life Insurance",1,Max New York Life Insurance,6838.0,14.0 9954,SentFIN,DSP Blackrock MF's senior fund manager to manage offshore funds as company shuffles management,1,DSP Blackrock MF,6839.0,14.0 9955,SentFIN,EGoM may fix upper price band for CIL IPO at Rs 240 a share,1,CIL,6840.0,14.0 9956,SentFIN,"EY appoints Mark Weinberger as Global Chairman and CEO, adpots new logo, brand name",1,EY,6841.0,14.0 9957,SentFIN,"Eyeing fresh capital, publishing firm S Chand and Company gets ready for an IPO",1,S Chand and Company,6842.0,14.0 9958,SentFIN,"FIIs Rs 6,000 crore Nifty shorts may fire up markets again after dousing it",1,Nifty,6843.0,14.0 9959,SentFIN,Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Ltd net profit at Rs 48.68 crore in Q2,1,Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Ltd,6844.0,14.0 9960,SentFIN,"Gurgaon court asks Cinepolis to issue shares to India MDs Deepak Marda, Milan Saini",1,Cinepolis,6845.0,14.0 9961,SentFIN,"Lok Sabha poll 2014 result: After markets rally, BJP to face key investor tests",1,markets,6851.0,14.0 9962,SentFIN,MARKET CUE: Here are 3 changes Goldman Sachs expects from the Fed on Wednesday,1,Goldman Sachs,6852.0,14.0 9963,SentFIN,MSCI move to include Hong Kong-China ADRs in EM index may hit Indian stocks,1,MSCI,6853.0,14.0 9964,SentFIN,"Nagarjuna Fertilizer can go back to Rs 26-27, RCF to Rs 80: Ashwani Gujral",1,Nagarjuna Fertilizer,6854.0,14.0 9965,SentFIN,National Fertilisers Ltd offers 19.62 lakh shares to employees at Rs 25.65 per share,1,National Fertilisers Ltd,6855.0,14.0 9966,SentFIN,Not keen on trading in Nifty; will range between 7600 and 7730: Sandeep Wagle,1,Nifty,6856.0,14.0 9967,SentFIN,Ponzi scheme crackdown in 2014: Sebi orders refund of over Rs 60 thousand crore,1,Sebi,6857.0,14.0 9968,SentFIN,"Put 40% of your capital in a gilt fund: Sandeep J Shah, Sampriti Capital",1,Sampriti Capital,6858.0,14.0 9969,SentFIN,RCom may sell 5 per cent to investors in tower unit in pre-IPO deal,1,RCom,6859.0,14.0 9970,SentFIN,Sensex rangebound on the first trading day of 2015; top twelve stocks in focus,1,Sensex,6861.0,14.0 9971,SentFIN,Suggest to wait till ICICI Bank plans to list its insurance arm: Deepak Shenoy,1,ICICI Bank,6864.0,14.0 9972,SentFIN,Top 12 value picks to choose from in times of global rout: SBICAP Securities,1,SBICAP Securities,6866.0,14.0 9973,SentFIN,"Ukraine crisis will not affect Indian currency, rupee will remain range bound: Arvind Mayaram",1,rupee,6867.0,14.0 9974,SentFIN,"Will markets face stiff resistance now? Nifty may not breach 7,550 in a hurry",1,Nifty,6868.0,14.0 9975,SentFIN,"Wives, daughters chip in to rescue listed companies in compliance with Sebi new norm",1,Sebi,6869.0,14.0 9976,SentFIN,191-192 is where price of NTPC to come in next few trading sessions: Sandeep Wagle,1,NTPC,6870.0,15.0 9977,SentFIN,"Asset allocation a better strategy for individual investor: Prashant Sharma, Max New York Life Insurance",1,Max New York Life Insurance,6871.0,15.0 9978,SentFIN,Bollywood calling: IRFC bonds catch fancy of film stars like Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar,1,IRFC bonds,6872.0,15.0 9979,SentFIN,"Centre for more power to Sebi; regulator to get power of search, seizure and recovery",1,Sebi,6873.0,15.0 9980,SentFIN,Hard to say if the rebound in the markets will sustain or not: Ashwani Gujral,1,markets,6874.0,15.0 9981,SentFIN,Independent director can sit on the board of a maximum of 7 listed companies: SEBI,1,SEBI,6875.0,15.0 9982,SentFIN,"London Metal Exchange to continue with face-to-face bidding, lines up $1.7 mn for technology upgrade",1,London Metal Exchange,6876.0,15.0 9983,SentFIN,Malaysia tycoon Ananda Krishnan in talks to take key stake in 1MDB $3-billion IPO: Sources,1,1MDB,6877.0,15.0 9984,SentFIN,"Our portfolio strategy continues to be the same post May 16th: IV Subramaniam, Quantum AMC",1,Quantum AMC,6878.0,15.0 9985,SentFIN,Policy-makers looking to allow FIs to buy government bonds from sovereign wealth and pension funds,1,government bonds,6880.0,15.0 9986,SentFIN,Reforms planned by the government will have a strong bearing on the market: Vinay Khattar,1,market,6882.0,15.0 9987,SentFIN,"Shriram Transport Finance to raise Rs 1k crore via NCDs to meet lending, redemption requirements",1,Shriram Transport Finance,6883.0,15.0 9988,SentFIN,"Trying to find where weakness is coming from in financial space: Jitendra Mehta, Edelweiss",1,Edelweiss,6884.0,15.0 9989,SentFIN,Use On Balance Volume & Chaikin Money Flow Index to track price movement in markets,1,markets,6885.0,15.0 9990,SentFIN,ABB stock owners sitting on a lot of cash; money flooding back into counters: Prakash Diwan,1,ABB,6886.0,16.0 9991,SentFIN,AstraZeneca Pharma India to seek shareholders nod for voluntary delisting of equity shares from stock exchanges,1,AstraZeneca Pharma India,6887.0,16.0 9992,SentFIN,Be careful in finding value in bear market as bounce back will not last: Ashwani Gujral,1,bear market,6888.0,16.0 9993,SentFIN,"Bold reforms like labour, land acquisition needed to tackle big issues: Arvind Sanger, Geosphere Capital Management",1,Geosphere Capital Management,6889.0,16.0 9994,SentFIN,"It will take some time for getting significant interest from FIIs: Vikas Khemani, Edelweiss Securities Ltd",1,Edelweiss Securities Ltd,6897.0,16.0 9995,SentFIN,PFC faces a higher rate as it looks to raise Rs 5000 crore via bond placement,1,PFC,6898.0,16.0 9996,SentFIN,Results primer: Investors want some guidance on how Infosys plans to use $5.4 billion cash reserve,1,Infosys,6899.0,16.0 9997,SentFIN,Short Bank of India with stoploss of Rs 287 for target of Rs 280: Vijay Bhambwani,1,Bank of India,6901.0,16.0 9998,SentFIN,Vadodara-based Manpasand Beverages taps IPO market; to raise Rs 400 crore through fresh issue of shares,1,Manpasand Beverages,6903.0,16.0 9999,SentFIN,"IPO of four companies to hit stock markets this month; estimated Rs 1,800 crores to be raised",1,stock markets,6907.0,17.0 10000,SentFIN,"It does not make sense to go in for buying in the current environment: Hemang Jani, Sharekhan",1,Sharekhan,6908.0,17.0 10001,SentFIN,"National Spot Exchange Ltd settles Rs 330 crore of Rs 5,500 crore dues in 33 weeks",1,National Spot Exchange Ltd,6909.0,17.0 10002,SentFIN,Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited to go ahead with IPO plan despite damage by Hudhud: CMD P Madhusudan,1,Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited,6911.0,17.0 10003,SentFIN,"Thyrocare considering IPO to allow investors to exit; company is being valued at around Rs 1,500 crore",1,Thyrocare,6912.0,17.0 10004,SentFIN,Century Textiles & Industries Ltd reports net loss of Rs 4.90 crore in fourth quarter of FY 14,1,Century Textiles & Industries Ltd,6913.0,18.0 10005,SentFIN,Getting coal blocks back key for JSPL stock; a bit higher prices should not matter much: Chintan Mehta,1,JSPL,6914.0,18.0 10006,SentFIN,"Ravi Uppal to join Jindal Steel and Power as MD & CEO from October 1, says Naveen Jindal",1,Jindal Steel and Power,6915.0,18.0 10007,SentFIN,"Interim Budget 2014: Oil subsidy payments postponed to next fiscal, investors should keep a watch on lowering of subsidies",1,Oil,6917.0,19.0 10008,SentFIN,Spot demand lifts zinc futures,2,zinc,6918.0,5.0 10009,SentFIN,Yum beats Q3 profit expectations,2,Yum,6919.0,5.0 10010,SentFIN,Whirlpool riding on robust figures,2,Whirlpool,6920.0,5.0 10011,SentFIN,Speculation over Welspun Gujarat-MSK Projects buy,2,Welspun Gujarat-MSK Projects,6921.0,6.0 10012,SentFIN,Like Union Bank: Devang Visaria,2,Union Bank,6922.0,5.0 10013,SentFIN,Thermax gains momentum on good results,2,Thermax,6923.0,6.0 10014,SentFIN,Thejo Engineering IPO subscribed 1.47 times,2,Thejo Engineering,6924.0,6.0 10015,SentFIN,Texmaco can move up: Rajat Bose,2,Texmaco,6925.0,6.0 10016,SentFIN,Telenors India performance beats street expectations,2,Telenors India,6926.0,6.0 10017,SentFIN,Steelcast net profit up by 36%,2,Steelcast,6928.0,6.0 10018,SentFIN,Spices sizzle on bad weather,2,Spices,6929.0,5.0 10019,SentFIN,Soybean futures regain on fresh buying,2,Soybean,6930.0,6.0 10020,SentFIN,SNB forex reserves up in August,2,SNB,6931.0,6.0 10021,SentFIN,Siemens gains as earnings beat estimates,2,Siemens,6932.0,6.0 10022,SentFIN,Shrenuj sparkles on expansion buzz,2,Shrenuj,6933.0,5.0 10023,SentFIN,Shanghai shares finish at 19-month high,2,Shanghai shares,6934.0,6.0 10024,SentFIN,Sesa Sterlite Q1 profit beats expectations,2,Sesa Sterlite,6935.0,6.0 10025,SentFIN,"Sebi attachment proceedings cross 1,500-mark",2,Sebi,6936.0,5.0 10026,SentFIN,Seafood exports up on better demand,2,Seafood,6937.0,6.0 10027,SentFIN,Satyam Computer basks in IT glory,2,Satyam Computer,6938.0,6.0 10028,SentFIN,RComm volumes are good: Devang Visaria,2,RComm,6939.0,6.0 10029,SentFIN,Railways' earnings up by 12%,2,Railways,6941.0,5.0 10030,SentFIN,Off-market divestment boosts PSU share performance,2,PSU,6942.0,6.0 10031,SentFIN,Shrinking bond spread to benefit PSUs,2,PSUs,6943.0,6.0 10032,SentFIN,Investors cheer Portuguese bank rescue,2,Portuguese,6944.0,5.0 10033,SentFIN,Pistachio gains on festive demand,2,Pistachio,6945.0,5.0 10034,SentFIN,Pharma stocks that outperformed benchmark indices,2,Pharma stocks,6946.0,6.0 10035,SentFIN,Pepper futures rise on spot demand,2,Pepper,6947.0,6.0 10036,SentFIN,Pepper futures up on output concerns,2,Pepper,6948.0,6.0 10037,SentFIN,Palm oil stock soars,2,Palm oil,6949.0,4.0 10038,SentFIN,Street mood lifts Oriental Hotels,2,Oriental Hotels,6950.0,5.0 10039,SentFIN,Long-term target in ONGC is positive,2,ONGC,6952.0,6.0 10040,SentFIN,Omnitech charts high growth curve,2,Omnitech,6953.0,5.0 10041,SentFIN,Oil-led margin growth begins aiding earnings,2,Oil-led,6954.0,6.0 10042,SentFIN,Nouveau Multimedia approve stock-split; stk gains,2,Nouveau Multimedia,6955.0,6.0 10043,SentFIN,Near-term outlook seen strong for Nifty,2,Nifty,6956.0,6.0 10044,SentFIN,NHPC gains on higher electricity generation,2,NHPC,6957.0,6.0 10045,SentFIN,NHAI bond sees record subscription,2,NHAI,6958.0,5.0 10046,SentFIN,NBFC space looks attractive: Gaurav Doshi,2,NBFC,6959.0,6.0 10047,SentFIN,Narayana Hrudayalaya IPO oversubscribed 8.63 times,2,Narayana Hrudayalaya,6960.0,6.0 10048,SentFIN,Nalco reports record turnover in 2012-13,2,Nalco,6961.0,6.0 10049,SentFIN,NALCO to pay 18% interim dividend,2,NALCO,6962.0,6.0 10050,SentFIN,Mustardseed futures up on increased buying,2,Mustardseed,6963.0,6.0 10051,SentFIN,Mustard seed futures up further,2,Mustard seed ,6964.0,5.0 10052,SentFIN,Mphasis looks positive: Mitesh Thacker,2,Mphasis,6965.0,5.0 10053,SentFIN,Monsanto gains on parent's bullish outlook,2,Monsanto,6966.0,6.0 10054,SentFIN,Wait and watch Monsanto: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,Monsanto,6967.0,6.0 10055,SentFIN,Medium sugar advance on better demand,2,Medium sugar,6968.0,6.0 10056,SentFIN,Mastek shares touch 12 month high,2,Mastek,6969.0,6.0 10057,SentFIN,Manufacturing stuns markets with best show,2,Manufacturing,6971.0,6.0 10058,SentFIN,Maize futures gain 2.68 per cent,2,Maize,6972.0,6.0 10059,SentFIN,Maize futures rise on spot demand,2,Maize,6973.0,6.0 10060,SentFIN,Improving macros add to bullish sentiment,2,macros,6974.0,6.0 10061,SentFIN,L&T Finance Q4 net Up 21.8%,2,L&T Finance,6975.0,6.0 10062,SentFIN,JSW Energy gains; coal-based plants favoured,2,JSW Energy,6976.0,6.0 10063,SentFIN,Jeera futures rise on export demand,2,Jeera,6977.0,6.0 10064,SentFIN,"Despite recession, ITDC registers profit",2,ITDC,6978.0,5.0 10065,SentFIN,Right to buy Infosys: Ambareesh Baliga,2,Infosys,6980.0,6.0 10066,SentFIN,Indraprastha Gas gains on government notification,2,Indraprastha Gas,6981.0,6.0 10067,SentFIN,iGate stock gallops despite warnings,2,iGate,6982.0,5.0 10068,SentFIN,HSIL looks attractive: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,HSIL,6983.0,5.0 10069,SentFIN,Hedge funds thrive on macro bets,2,Hedge funds,6986.0,6.0 10070,SentFIN,"Deposit, credit growth lift HDFC Bank",2,HDFC Bank,6987.0,6.0 10071,SentFIN,Muzaffarnagars Gur industry recovers post-riot,2,Gur industry,6988.0,5.0 10072,SentFIN,Guarseed futures gain on speculative buying,2,Guarseed,6989.0,6.0 10073,SentFIN,Guarseed futures hit daily upper limit,2,Guarseed,6990.0,6.0 10074,SentFIN,Groundnut oil strengthens on seasonal demand,2,Groundnut oil,6991.0,6.0 10075,SentFIN,Positive on Grasim: Sonam Udasi,2,Grasim,6992.0,5.0 10076,SentFIN,Gold rises before jobs data,2,Gold,6993.0,5.0 10077,SentFIN,Firstsource Solutions Q3 net jumps three-fold,2,Firstsource Solutions,6995.0,6.0 10078,SentFIN,Edible oils strengthen on millers buying,2,Edible oils,6996.0,6.0 10079,SentFIN,Duncans surges after 50% stake sale,2,Duncans,6997.0,6.0 10080,SentFIN,DQE signs licensing deal;stk rallies,2,DQE,6998.0,5.0 10081,SentFIN,Diamond Power July-Sept net jumps 66%,2,Diamond,7000.0,6.0 10082,SentFIN,DHFL looks promising: Prakash Diwan,2,DHFL,7001.0,5.0 10083,SentFIN,DHFL winning back investors trust,2,DHFL,7002.0,5.0 10084,SentFIN,Den demerger talk lifts stock,2,Den,7003.0,5.0 10085,SentFIN,Leisure revenue buoys Cox & Kings,2,Cox & Kings,7004.0,6.0 10086,SentFIN,Copper recovers on global cues,2,Copper,7005.0,5.0 10087,SentFIN,Copper rises 0.22% on spot demand,2,Copper,7006.0,6.0 10088,SentFIN,Copper rises 0.94% on global cues,2,Copper,7007.0,6.0 10089,SentFIN,Selected commodities moved up,2,commodities,7008.0,4.0 10090,SentFIN,Commexes turnover surges 55%,2,Commexes,7009.0,4.0 10091,SentFIN,"Cognizant beats St, net zooms 43%",2,Cognizant,7010.0,6.0 10092,SentFIN,Coal India shares rise almost 5%,2,Coal India,7011.0,6.0 10093,SentFIN,Invest in Cement stocks: Ashwani Gujral,2,Cement stocks,7013.0,6.0 10094,SentFIN,Mid-cap cement stocks back in demand,2,Mid-cap cement stocks,7014.0,6.0 10095,SentFIN,Caustic soda rises on industrial demand,2,Caustic soda,7016.0,6.0 10096,SentFIN,Caustic soda rises on tight supply,2,Caustic soda,7017.0,6.0 10097,SentFIN,Castorseed futures recover on short covering,2,Castorseed,7019.0,6.0 10098,SentFIN,Castorseed futures rise on fresh buying,2,Castorseed,7020.0,6.0 10099,SentFIN,Camlin is an outperformer: Deepak Mohoni,2,Camlin,7022.0,6.0 10100,SentFIN,Brokerage stocks looking good: Hemen Kapadia,2,Brokerage stocks,7023.0,6.0 10101,SentFIN,BHEL is a buy: Deepak Mohoni,2,BHEL,7024.0,6.0 10102,SentFIN,BASF India: New Plant boosts valuation,2,BASF India,7025.0,6.0 10103,SentFIN,Base metals strengthen on global cues,2,Base metals,7026.0,6.0 10104,SentFIN,Bajaj Finserv pretty attractive: Hemang Jani,2,Bajaj Finserv,7027.0,6.0 10105,SentFIN,Ashoka Buildcon shares surge over 15%,2,Ashoka Buildcon,7028.0,6.0 10106,SentFIN,Arshiya International in strong uptrend: Ventura,2,Arshiya International,7029.0,6.0 10107,SentFIN,Argentina makes $1 billion bond payment,2,Argentina,7030.0,6.0 10108,SentFIN,Almond rises on fresh buying,2,Almond,7031.0,5.0 10109,SentFIN,Birla Shlokas valuations look expensive,0,Birla Shlokas,7032.0,5.0 10110,SentFIN,Bharati Shipyard declared 30% dividend,0,Bharati Shipyard,7033.0,5.0 10111,SentFIN,10-yr bond yield rises on profit-taking,2,10-yr bond,7034.0,6.0 10112,SentFIN,5 outperformers in today's lacklustre market,1,market,7035.0,6.0 10113,SentFIN,Egypt Suez Canal May revenue rises,2,Egypt Suez Canal,7036.0,6.0 10114,SentFIN,Exporters gain on US Fed's optimism,2,Exporters,7037.0,6.0 10115,SentFIN,Smaller realty companies outperform bigger names,2,Smaller realty companies,7038.0,6.0 10116,SentFIN,Smaller stocks doing well: Ashwani Gujral,2,Smaller stocks,7039.0,6.0 10117,SentFIN,World stocks inch towards all-time high,2,World stocks,7040.0,6.0 10118,SentFIN,Yen rises on global economy worries,2,Yen,7041.0,6.0 10119,SentFIN,"22,715 new all-time closing high for Sensex",2,Sensex,7042.0,7.0 10120,SentFIN,4900-4930 support level for Nifty: Devang Visaria,2,Nifty,7043.0,7.0 10121,SentFIN,Aanjaneya has been rising steadily: Deepak Mohoni,2,Aanjaneya,7044.0,7.0 10122,SentFIN,Alembic demerges pharma unit; stock up 15%,2,Alembic,7045.0,7.0 10123,SentFIN,Almond futures gain 0.32% on spot demand,2,Almond,7046.0,7.0 10124,SentFIN,Alstom investors should wait and watch: Analysts,2,Alstom,7047.0,7.0 10125,SentFIN,"Aluminium rises on global cues, spot demand",2,Aluminium,7048.0,7.0 10126,SentFIN,"Arvind gains on strong business outlook, valuation",2,Arvind,7049.0,7.0 10127,SentFIN,Asian shares firm after sound US data,2,Asian shares,7051.0,7.0 10128,SentFIN,Bata India is a buy: Deepak Mohini,2,Bata India,7052.0,7.0 10129,SentFIN,Bhushan Steel rallies; lenders approve loan restructuring,2,Bhushan Steel,7053.0,7.0 10130,SentFIN,Bonds up on delayed rate increase speculation,2,Bonds,7054.0,7.0 10131,SentFIN,Brent firms above $108 on Ukraine tensions,2,Brent,7055.0,7.0 10132,SentFIN,BRFL is a good buy: Sandeep Wagle,2,BRFL,7056.0,7.0 10133,SentFIN,Castor seed future up on fresh buying,2,Castor seed,7058.0,7.0 10134,SentFIN,Castrol India shares surge 9% on bourses,2,Castrol India,7059.0,7.0 10135,SentFIN,Cement may attract some buying: Deepak Mohoni,2,Cement,7060.0,7.0 10136,SentFIN,Chana futures extend gains on rising demand,2,Chana,7061.0,7.0 10137,SentFIN,Chettinad Cement promoters hike stake to 94.48%,2,Chettinad Cement,7062.0,7.0 10138,SentFIN,China's yuan edges up on PBOC guidance,2,yuan,7063.0,7.0 10139,SentFIN,Cipla: Move to enter biotech looks opportune,2,Cipla,7064.0,7.0 10140,SentFIN,City Union Bank H1 PAT rises 13.17%,2,City Union Bank,7065.0,7.0 10141,SentFIN,Clariant India a defensive bet: Shahina Mukadam,2,Clariant India,7066.0,7.0 10142,SentFIN,Coal India 34% subscribed on Day 1,2,Coal India,7067.0,7.0 10143,SentFIN,Cognizant's robust performance vindicates stronger demand scenario,2,Cognizant,7068.0,7.0 10144,SentFIN,Commodities may top stocks in futures turnover,2,Commodities,7069.0,7.0 10145,SentFIN,Court decision positive on MCX: R Balakrishnan,2,MCX,7070.0,7.0 10146,SentFIN,Cummins India surges 7% on Q1 earnings,2,Cummins India,7071.0,7.0 10147,SentFIN,Deal more favorable for Sun Pharma shareholders,2,Sun Pharma,7072.0,7.0 10148,SentFIN,Decent upside left for IDFC: Prakash Diwan,2,IDFC,7073.0,7.0 10149,SentFIN,Decision on Cairn-Vedanta deal today; stock up,2,Cairn-Vedanta,7074.0,7.0 10150,SentFIN,Defence stocks: Investors go on the offensive,2,Defence stocks,7075.0,7.0 10151,SentFIN,Delta Corp. shares up on resort buy,2,Delta Corp.,7076.0,7.0 10152,SentFIN,Dish TV's prospects looking bright: Sandip Sabharwal,2,Dish TV,7079.0,7.0 10153,SentFIN,Dollar holds firm ahead of Fed meeting,2,Dollar,7080.0,7.0 10154,SentFIN,Domestic rubber prices surge above Rs 200/Kg,2,Domestic rubber,7081.0,7.0 10155,SentFIN,Earnings preview: Cement biggies earnings belies expectations,2,Cement,7082.0,7.0 10156,SentFIN,Euronext London gets key UK regulatory approval,2,Euronext London,7086.0,7.0 10157,SentFIN,Expect big money in midcaps: Vijai Mantri,2,midcaps,7087.0,7.0 10158,SentFIN,Extremely bullish on Eicher Motors: Mayuresh Joshi,2,Eicher Motors,7088.0,7.0 10159,SentFIN,F&O Tracker: Nifty support likely around 6220-6000,1,Nifty,7089.0,7.0 10160,SentFIN,Festive sales add spark to realty stocks,2,realty stocks,7090.0,7.0 10161,SentFIN,Finolex is good investment : Deven Choksey,2,Finolex,7091.0,7.0 10162,SentFIN,Futures segment of NCDEX witnessing steady growth,2,NCDEX,7094.0,7.0 10163,SentFIN,Go long on metal space: Ashwani Gujral,2,metal space,7095.0,7.0 10164,SentFIN,Gold recovers as Ukraine weighed against rates,2,Gold,7096.0,7.0 10165,SentFIN,Gold's intraday surge catches speculators off guard,2,Gold,7097.0,7.0 10166,SentFIN,Groundnut oil moves up on retailers demand,2,Groundnut oil,7098.0,7.0 10167,SentFIN,Gruh Finance Q1 Net profit up 26%,2,Gruh Finance,7099.0,7.0 10168,SentFIN,Guargum futures recover on rising spot demand,2,Guargum,7100.0,7.0 10169,SentFIN,HDFC Bank gains; MSCI changes become effective,2,HDFC Bank,7101.0,7.0 10170,SentFIN,Hexaware: Higher order inflows step up expectations,2,Hexaware,7102.0,7.0 10171,SentFIN,Hindalco gains upto 6% on value buying,2,Hindalco,7103.0,7.0 10172,SentFIN,Hold Balkrishna in current scenario: Deepak Mohoni,2,Balkrishna,7104.0,7.0 10173,SentFIN,Hot money returns to Pakistan stock market,2,Pakistan stock market,7105.0,7.0 10174,SentFIN,Improving US buyer confidence lifts crude oil,2,crude oil,7107.0,7.0 10175,SentFIN,"IndiGo's Rs 3,018-crore IPO three times oversubscribed",2,IndiGo,7109.0,7.0 10176,SentFIN,"Industrial demand lifts nickel futures, rises 0.72%",2,nickel,7110.0,7.0 10177,SentFIN,Industrial oils recover in a lacklustre trade,2,Industrial oils,7111.0,7.0 10178,SentFIN,"Infosys beats forecast, but analysts still wary",2,Infosys,7112.0,7.0 10179,SentFIN,Infra stocks a safe bet: Deepak Mohoni,2,Infra stocks,7114.0,7.0 10180,SentFIN,Insecticides is a strong stock: Deepak Mohoni,2,Insecticides,7115.0,7.0 10181,SentFIN,Its a good time to accumulate zinc,2,zinc,7117.0,7.0 10182,SentFIN,Its raining good news for turmeric producers,2,turmeric,7118.0,7.0 10183,SentFIN,Jeera futures rise 0.40% on export demand,2,Jeera,7119.0,7.0 10184,SentFIN,"Kajaria Ceramics: A good investment, attractively valued",2,Kajaria Ceramics,7121.0,7.0 10185,SentFIN,KPIT Tech rallies on upbeat Q2 numbers,2,KPIT Tech,7123.0,7.0 10186,SentFIN,KSK Energy likely to give good returns,2,KSK Energy,7124.0,7.0 10187,SentFIN,Lower subsidy burden to boost OMCs growth,2,OMCs,7126.0,7.0 10188,SentFIN,"M&M, a strong long-term bet: Avinash Gorakshekar",2,M&M,7127.0,7.0 10189,SentFIN,Marico hits 52-week high on expansion plans,2,Marico,7128.0,7.0 10190,SentFIN,"Midcap pharma, a robust story: Gajendra Nagpal",2,Midcap pharma,7129.0,7.0 10191,SentFIN,Modi effect on Rupee: Forecasters predict appreciation,2,Rupee,7131.0,7.0 10192,SentFIN,MOIL net profit marginally up by 2.8%,2,MOIL,7132.0,7.0 10193,SentFIN,Natco Pharma rallies on strong Q4FY15 results,2,Natco Pharma,7133.0,7.0 10194,SentFIN,Near term bottoms of Nifty shifting higher,2,Nifty,7135.0,7.0 10195,SentFIN,Nickel futures marginally up on spot demand,2,Nickel,7136.0,7.0 10196,SentFIN,Overall IT sector remains compelling: Taher Badshah,2,IT sector,7138.0,7.0 10197,SentFIN,"Overseas cues, spot demand lift nickel futures",2,nickel,7139.0,7.0 10198,SentFIN,Pipavav Defence surges on debt recast plans,2,Pipavav Defence,7140.0,7.0 10199,SentFIN,PNB raises Rs 500 crore through bonds,2,PNB,7141.0,7.0 10200,SentFIN,Prestige Estates Projects Q2 net jumps 70%,2,Prestige Estates Projects,7143.0,7.0 10201,SentFIN,Price decline likely to help cardamom export,2,cardamom,7144.0,7.0 10202,SentFIN,Railway-related stocks gain on investor meet report,2,Railway-related stocks,7145.0,7.0 10203,SentFIN,Rally in mid-caps to continue: ET Poll,2,mid-caps,7146.0,7.0 10204,SentFIN,Rallying auto stocks still a buy: experts,2,auto stocks,7147.0,7.0 10205,SentFIN,Ranbaxy hits 52-week high on UBS upgrade,2,Ranbaxy,7148.0,7.0 10206,SentFIN,RCom has lot of potential: Devang Visaria,2,RCom,7149.0,7.0 10207,SentFIN,"Re touches 15-month high, ends at 45.70/$",2,Re,7150.0,7.0 10208,SentFIN,"Recast, expansion to help Kingfisher stay afloat",2,Kingfisher,7151.0,7.0 10209,SentFIN,Recommend Lupin in pharmaceutical space: G Chokkalingam,2,Lupin,7152.0,7.0 10210,SentFIN,Renuka Sugars a good buy: Devang Visaria,2,Renuka Sugars,7153.0,7.0 10211,SentFIN,RPG Life Sciences net up 31 pc,2,RPG Life Sciences,7157.0,7.0 10212,SentFIN,Satyam soars 10% on tax row settlement,2,Satyam,7159.0,7.0 10213,SentFIN,Seamec Princess best bet for long-term play,2,Seamec Princess,7160.0,7.0 10214,SentFIN,Select edible oils up on retailers demand,2,Select edible oils,7161.0,7.0 10215,SentFIN,SeQuent Scientific surges; foreign investors buy shares,2,SeQuent Scientific,7162.0,7.0 10216,SentFIN,Shire surge pushes FTSE towards record peak,2,FTSE,7163.0,7.0 10217,SentFIN,Silver futures extend gains on global cues,2,Silver,7164.0,7.0 10218,SentFIN,Silver rates spike on robust foreign trends,2,Silver,7165.0,7.0 10219,SentFIN,Spot demand lifts crude palm oil futures,2,crude palm oil,7167.0,7.0 10220,SentFIN,SRF ends FY15 with 86% profit growth,2,SRF,7168.0,7.0 10221,SentFIN,TCI: Unit demerger may shore up income,2,TCI,7170.0,7.0 10222,SentFIN,TCS: First among equals in profit margin,2,TCS,7171.0,7.0 10223,SentFIN,TCS: Well-poised for a stronger year ahead,2,TCS,7172.0,7.0 10224,SentFIN,Technology & action plan boosts pulses growth,2,pulses,7173.0,7.0 10225,SentFIN,Tesla's bullish production outlook drives stock higher,2,Tesla,7174.0,7.0 10226,SentFIN,Titan: Aggressive expansion plans to boost volumes,2,Titan,7176.0,7.0 10227,SentFIN,Tokyo stocks close at new seven-year high,2,Tokyo stocks,7177.0,7.0 10228,SentFIN,Trent shares gain nearly 6% on bourses,2,Trent,7178.0,7.0 10229,SentFIN,Turmeric futures gain 0.79% on rising demand,2,Turmeric,7179.0,7.0 10230,SentFIN,Uninor posts operating profit in March quarter,2,Uninor,7181.0,7.0 10231,SentFIN,Vadilal Industries Q1 net profit up 59%,2,Vadilal Industries,7182.0,7.0 10232,SentFIN,Very bullish on NBFC space: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,NBFC,7183.0,7.0 10233,SentFIN,V-Guard Q4 profit soars 129% on cost-cutting,2,V-Guard,7184.0,7.0 10234,SentFIN,Voltas on a bullish trend: Deepak Mohoni,2,Voltas,7186.0,7.0 10235,SentFIN,VRL Logistics ends 42% up on debut,2,VRL Logistics,7187.0,7.0 10236,SentFIN,Wait and watch JP Power: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,JP Power,7188.0,7.0 10237,SentFIN,Whats driving Infosys to fresh all-time highs?,2,Infosys,7189.0,7.0 10238,SentFIN,Xinjiang Goldwind plans China's first Green bond,2,Xinjiang Goldwind,7190.0,7.0 10239,SentFIN,Yamaha domestic sales up 35.81% in July,2,Yamaha,7191.0,7.0 10240,SentFIN,Zensar Technologies gains 3% on acquisition talks,2,Zensar Technologies,7192.0,7.0 10241,SentFIN,"15,500-15,600 levels possible for Bank Nifty: Ashwani Gujral",2,Bank Nifty,7194.0,8.0 10242,SentFIN,2G effect: Telecom stocks edge higher; auction on,2,Telecom stocks,7195.0,8.0 10243,SentFIN,5370-5400 key support in markets now: Ashwani Gujral,1,markets,7196.0,8.0 10244,SentFIN,62 smallcap stocks doubled investor wealth in 2015,2,smallcap stocks,7197.0,8.0 10245,SentFIN,8K Miles rallies 9% in a dull market,2,8K Miles,7198.0,8.0 10246,SentFIN,ACC' performace in line with with mkt expectations,2,ACC,7199.0,8.0 10247,SentFIN,Accumulate Ballarpur Industries for medium term: Nirmal Bang,2,Ballarpur Industries,7200.0,8.0 10248,SentFIN,"Airports Authority of India's revenue, net profits rise",2,Airports Authority of India,7202.0,8.0 10249,SentFIN,Akzo Nobel to show higher earnings growth soon,2,Akzo Nobel,7203.0,8.0 10250,SentFIN,"Allahabad Bank Q4 Net rises 25%, NPAs increase",2,Allahabad Bank,7204.0,8.0 10251,SentFIN,"Aluminium futures gain on overseas cues, spot demand",2,Aluminium,7205.0,8.0 10252,SentFIN,"Aluminium futures rise on global cues, spot demand",2,Aluminium,7206.0,8.0 10253,SentFIN,Amtek Auto shoots up 54% after management clarification,2,Amtek Auto,7207.0,8.0 10254,SentFIN,Analysis: Vedanta-Cairn India merger a positive for shareholders,2,Vedanta-Cairn India,7208.0,8.0 10255,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland Q4 net up at 298.23 crore,2,Ashok Leyland,7209.0,8.0 10256,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland Shares up 4% on $200-million order,2,Ashok Leyland,7210.0,8.0 10257,SentFIN,Asia shares score 3-year high as data cheers,2,Asia shares,7211.0,8.0 10258,SentFIN,Balrampur Chini Mills Q2 net up by four-fold,2,Balrampur Chini Mills,7215.0,8.0 10259,SentFIN,Barley futures remain up on strong spot demand,2,Barley,7217.0,8.0 10260,SentFIN,Basmati export floor may be raised by $200/tonne,2,Basmati,7218.0,8.0 10261,SentFIN,Beginning of pre-budget rally on Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,2,Nifty,7219.0,8.0 10262,SentFIN,Bharat Forge seems a safe bet: Deepak Mohoni,2,Bharat Forge,7220.0,8.0 10263,SentFIN,Bharti would be very well positioned: Saurabh Mukherjea,2,Bharti,7221.0,8.0 10264,SentFIN,Binani Cement zooms 19 pc on delisting move,2,Binani Cement,7222.0,8.0 10265,SentFIN,BK Birla Group shares gain on revamp hopes,2,BK Birla Group,7223.0,8.0 10266,SentFIN,Black pepper may get costlier this fiscal year,2,Black pepper,7224.0,8.0 10267,SentFIN,BOC India soars 20 pc on delist offer,2,BOC India,7225.0,8.0 10268,SentFIN,Britannia Industrie consolidated Q3 net rises 62 %,2,Britannia Industrie,7228.0,8.0 10269,SentFIN,Britannia to unlock HQ's realty value; stock up,2,Britannia,7229.0,8.0 10270,SentFIN,"Buoyed by Infosys results, brokerages raise target price",2,Infosys,7230.0,8.0 10271,SentFIN,"Can buy LIC Housing: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,LIC Housing,7231.0,8.0 10272,SentFIN,CEAT gains on share sale to institutional investors,2,CEAT,7232.0,8.0 10273,SentFIN,CESC can give upto 20% returns: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,CESC,7233.0,8.0 10274,SentFIN,China data pushes Brent to 106.55 per barrel,2,Brent,7234.0,8.0 10275,SentFIN,Cipla posts Rs 284 crore profit for Q3,2,Cipla,7235.0,8.0 10276,SentFIN,City Union Bank attractive bet for long-term investors,2,City Union Bank,7236.0,8.0 10277,SentFIN,Consider aggressive buying on the Nifty: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,7238.0,8.0 10278,SentFIN,"Core bonds to get ADB cover, wider reach",2,Core bonds,7239.0,8.0 10279,SentFIN,Coriander futures gain 2.42 pc on rising demand,2,Coriander,7240.0,8.0 10280,SentFIN,Coriander futures up 2.51 pc on strong demand,2,Coriander,7241.0,8.0 10281,SentFIN,Crude palm oil futures up on spot demand,2,Crude palm oil,7242.0,8.0 10282,SentFIN,D B Corp up over 25% on debut,2,D B Corp,7243.0,8.0 10283,SentFIN,Divis Laboratories: Good buy for the long term,2,Divis Laboratories,7245.0,8.0 10284,SentFIN,"Dow tops 11,000 for first time since May",2,Dow,7246.0,8.0 10285,SentFIN,Earnings leading rally for IT stocks: Harendra Kumar,2,IT stocks,7248.0,8.0 10286,SentFIN,Ecommerce players find more value off the Street,2,Ecommerce,7249.0,8.0 10287,SentFIN,Elections may provide a short-term market boost: JPMorgan,1,JPMorgan,7251.0,8.0 10288,SentFIN,Ericsson India Q4 revenue up 20 per cent,2,Ericsson India,7253.0,8.0 10289,SentFIN,ETFs outpacing retail stock funds by wide margin,2,ETF,7254.0,8.0 10290,SentFIN,Eurozone shares record biggest monthly gain since February,2,Eurozone,7255.0,8.0 10291,SentFIN,Evening trades improve co-relation with global markets: NCDEX,1,NCDEX,7256.0,8.0 10292,SentFIN,Exide Industries hits 52-week high post Q1 results,2,Exide Industries,7257.0,8.0 10293,SentFIN,"Falling trade deficit, better rain prospects boost markets",2,markets,7258.0,8.0 10294,SentFIN,Fertiliser comapanies gain on government's urea decontrol talk,2,Fertiliser comapanies,7259.0,8.0 10295,SentFIN,Fertiliser companies gain as Cabinet approves gas pooling,2,Fertiliser companies,7260.0,8.0 10296,SentFIN,Festival season to rev up gold jewellery business,2,gold jewellery,7261.0,8.0 10297,SentFIN,Future Retail surges after raising Rs 6 bn,2,Future Retail,7264.0,8.0 10298,SentFIN,"GAIL profit up 42% at Rs 1,303 crore",2,GAIL,7265.0,8.0 10299,SentFIN,GCPL is a good defensive stock: Deepak Mohoni,2,GCPL,7266.0,8.0 10300,SentFIN,Germany DAX latest market to strike record high,2,Germany DAX,7267.0,8.0 10301,SentFIN,Gillette India's sale offer subscribed 14%; stock surges,2,Gillette India,7268.0,8.0 10302,SentFIN,"Gold rises above $1,200; shrugs off rising equities",2,Gold,7269.0,8.0 10303,SentFIN,Grasim preferred pick among cement names: Ambareesh Baliga,2,Grasim,7270.0,8.0 10304,SentFIN,GSK Consumer gains 1.7% on in-line Q4 results,2,GSK Consumer,7271.0,8.0 10305,SentFIN,GVK surges over 3% on $10-billion Australian deal,2,GVK,7272.0,8.0 10306,SentFIN,Hathway Cables surges 7% on FDI reforms boost,2,Hathway Cables,7273.0,8.0 10307,SentFIN,HEG shares surge 10% as Q1 results surprise,2,HEG,7275.0,8.0 10308,SentFIN,High-growth lubricants business can fire up HPCL's profits,2,HPCL,7276.0,8.0 10309,SentFIN,Hindustan Unilever can reach 405-407 levels: Rajat Bose,2,Hindustan Unilever,7277.0,8.0 10310,SentFIN,History signals a better second half for gold,2,gold,7278.0,8.0 10311,SentFIN,Hong Kong shares edge up on Shanghai-connector expectations,2,Hong Kong shares,7279.0,8.0 10312,SentFIN,Hopes of greater government focus lift defence stocks,2,defence stocks,7280.0,8.0 10313,SentFIN,IDFC rallies over 5% on fund raising plans,2,IDFC,7282.0,8.0 10314,SentFIN,Improved macros to shield Rupee from Greek turmoil,2,Rupee,7283.0,8.0 10315,SentFIN,IOC plans to hive-off E&P business; stock up,2,IOC,7286.0,8.0 10316,SentFIN,Jagran Prakashan best among media stocks: Sharmila Joshi,2,Jagran Prakashan,7287.0,8.0 10317,SentFIN,Karur Vysya Bank Q4 net profit jumps 15.2%,2,Karur Vysya Bank,7288.0,8.0 10318,SentFIN,Keep Punjab National Bank on radar: Devang Visaria,2,Punjab National Bank,7289.0,8.0 10319,SentFIN,Like JP Associates at current levels: Devang Visaria,2,JP Associates,7291.0,8.0 10320,SentFIN,Lupin's strong product pipeline likely to drive growth,2,Lupin,7292.0,8.0 10321,SentFIN,Maharashtra Seamless should resume its rally: Deepak Mohoni,2,Maharashtra Seamless,7293.0,8.0 10322,SentFIN,Marico Q2 up 12% to Rs 118 cr,2,Marico,7295.0,8.0 10323,SentFIN,Maximise returns: Go for Gold ETFs this Diwali,2,Gold ETF,7296.0,8.0 10324,SentFIN,Medium-term prospects of IT sector encouraging: Nitin Raheja,2,IT sector,7298.0,8.0 10325,SentFIN,Metals including other commodities would benefit: Vineet Bhatnagar,2,Metals,7299.0,8.0 10326,SentFIN,MFs jive to the turnaround beat on D-Street,2,MF,7300.0,8.0 10327,SentFIN,Mid-caps yield from SIPs higher than large-cap funds,2,SIP,7301.0,8.0 10328,SentFIN,Monnet Ispat & Energy raises Rs 175 crore,2,Monnet Ispat & Energy,7302.0,8.0 10329,SentFIN,Monnet Ispat gains 6% on share buyback proposal,2,Monnet Ispat,7303.0,8.0 10330,SentFIN,MRPL shares surge over 19% on robust earnings,2,MRPL,7305.0,8.0 10331,SentFIN,MTNL raises Rs 1.5k crore through 10-year Bonds,2,MTNL,7306.0,8.0 10332,SentFIN,MTNL's Q2 loss narrows to Rs 947 crore,2,MTNL,7307.0,8.0 10333,SentFIN,Munjal Auto up over 9% on quarterly results,2,Munjal Auto,7308.0,8.0 10334,SentFIN,"Nano sales grow, Tata Motors up at NSE",2,Tata Motors,7309.0,8.0 10335,SentFIN,Nickel futures rise 0.59 pc on spot demand,2,Nickel,7310.0,8.0 10336,SentFIN,"Nifty ends near 7,600 after hitting all-time high",2,Nifty,7311.0,8.0 10337,SentFIN,NIIT Technologies Q3 revenue in line with expectations,2,NIIT Technologies,7312.0,8.0 10338,SentFIN,No serious corrections expected in market: Ashwani Gujral,1,market,7313.0,8.0 10339,SentFIN,Oil marketing companies are clear buys: Manish Sonthalia,2,Oil marketing companies,7314.0,8.0 10340,SentFIN,Oil&gas stocks surge as government hikes fuel prices,2,Oil&gas,7315.0,8.0 10341,SentFIN,Oil&Gas stocks up 2 per cent on BSE,2,Oil&Gas,7316.0,8.0 10342,SentFIN,ONGC Q1 net up by 19 per cent,2,ONGC,7317.0,8.0 10343,SentFIN,Open Interest on NCDEX up 31% in August,2,NCDEX,7318.0,8.0 10344,SentFIN,"Opportunity to buy in Titan: Ashwani Gujral,",2,Titan,7319.0,8.0 10345,SentFIN,Outperformance trend would continue in IT: Mitesh Thacker,2,IT,7320.0,8.0 10346,SentFIN,"Overweight on the HDIL: Param Desai, Angel Broking",2,HDIL,7321.0,8.0 10347,SentFIN,"OVL's H1 net up 14% at 1,886 crore",2,OVL,7322.0,8.0 10348,SentFIN,Paper stocks at attractive prices catch investors' eye,2,Paper stocks,7323.0,8.0 10349,SentFIN,Parabolic IPO gets 76% demand by Day 2,2,Parabolic,7324.0,8.0 10350,SentFIN,Patel Integrated Logistics rallies 45% in two days,2,Patel Integrated Logistics,7325.0,8.0 10351,SentFIN,Petronet LNG is a good pick: Rajesh Jain,2,Petronet LNG,7326.0,8.0 10352,SentFIN,"PFC's Q4 profit rises 9% to 1,411 crore",2,PFC,7328.0,8.0 10353,SentFIN,"Polaris is a buy: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,Polaris,7330.0,8.0 10354,SentFIN,"Premium drive, new bike key to Bajaj's momentum",2,Bajaj,7331.0,8.0 10355,SentFIN,Prospect good for oil marketing cos: Ketan Kharkhanis,2,oil marketing cos,7332.0,8.0 10356,SentFIN,Radico Khaitan: Promising stock among ailing liquor space,2,Radico Khaitan,7333.0,8.0 10357,SentFIN,Railway stocks on a roll ahead of Budget,2,Railway stocks,7335.0,8.0 10358,SentFIN,Ramco Systems rallies 20% on strong Q3 results,2,Ramco Systems,7337.0,8.0 10359,SentFIN,"Recast, Dehradun move help Macmillan turn to profitability",2,Macmillan,7339.0,8.0 10360,SentFIN,Recommend slow accumulation into IT sector: Harendra Kumar,2,IT sector,7340.0,8.0 10361,SentFIN,Record high prices no bar for gold sales,2,gold,7341.0,8.0 10362,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures up on spot demand,2,Refined soya oil,7342.0,8.0 10363,SentFIN,Reforms overdrive may cheer stocks amid Greece worry,2,stocks,7343.0,8.0 10364,SentFIN,Regulatory steps will improve banking sector: BP Singh,2,banking sector,7344.0,8.0 10365,SentFIN,"Reliance Industries posts flat quarterly earnings, beats expectations",2,Reliance Industries,7345.0,8.0 10366,SentFIN,Renuka stronger performer among sugar stocks: Deepak Mohoni,2,Renuka,7347.0,8.0 10367,SentFIN,Robust earnings help European stocks to bounce back,2,European stocks,7349.0,8.0 10368,SentFIN,Rouble crisis ripples through wheat as bulls advance,2,Rouble,7350.0,8.0 10369,SentFIN,SBI: Growing loan book expected to boost margins,2,SBI,7351.0,8.0 10370,SentFIN,"Seasonal demand lifts sugar futures prices, up 1.11%",2,sugar,7352.0,8.0 10371,SentFIN,Seven expensive stocks that are still outpacing Sensex,1,Sensex,7354.0,8.0 10372,SentFIN,Seven reasons why markets hit fresh all-time highs,2,markets,7355.0,8.0 10373,SentFIN,SH Kelkar IPO subscribed 47% on Day 2,2,SH Kelkar,7356.0,8.0 10374,SentFIN,Sharda Cropchem has good business model: Kunj Bansal,2,Sharda Cropchem,7358.0,8.0 10375,SentFIN,Shilp Gravures to shift flexo unit; stock up,2,Shilp Gravures,7360.0,8.0 10376,SentFIN,Shree Cement outpaces rivals with contrarian capex strategy,2,Shree Cement,7361.0,8.0 10377,SentFIN,Sintex Industries rallies over 7% post Q4 results,2,Sintex Industries,7362.0,8.0 10378,SentFIN,SKS Microfinance seen struggling short-term; stock up 9%,2,SKS Microfinance,7363.0,8.0 10379,SentFIN,SKS Microfinances now the toast of smart investors,2,SKS Microfinance,7364.0,8.0 10380,SentFIN,Smaller real estate stocks look good: Ashwani Gujral,2,Smaller real estate stocks,7365.0,8.0 10381,SentFIN,Sonata Software: IT services show a strong momentum,2,Sonata Software,7366.0,8.0 10382,SentFIN,Special dividend for Reliance Capital shareholders: Anil Ambani,2,Reliance Capital,7367.0,8.0 10383,SentFIN,Srei Infra Q2 net rises 194 per cent,2,Srei Infra,7368.0,8.0 10384,SentFIN,SRS Ltd posts 54% rise in quarterly income,2,SRS Ltd,7369.0,8.0 10385,SentFIN,SSPDL subsidiary bags Rs 28 cr orders;stock up,2,SSPDL,7370.0,8.0 10386,SentFIN,"Steady demand, rain woes push up Guar prices",2,Guar,7371.0,8.0 10387,SentFIN,Steady growth makes Aarti Industries a value pick,2,Aarti Industries,7372.0,8.0 10388,SentFIN,Stock pick: How Ultratech is cementing its future,2,Ultratech,7373.0,8.0 10389,SentFIN,Subdued Ifo takes M&A shine off European stocks,2,European stocks,7374.0,8.0 10390,SentFIN,Sundaram Fasteners Q4 profit jump 67.4 per cent,2,Sundaram Fasteners,7375.0,8.0 10391,SentFIN,Tantia Constructions bags Rs 45 cr; stock up,2,Tantia Constructions,7377.0,8.0 10392,SentFIN,TCS: Biggest value creator among top IT companies,2,TCS,7378.0,8.0 10393,SentFIN,Techno Electric to raise Rs 750 cr;stk surges,2,Techno Electric,7379.0,8.0 10394,SentFIN,Textile sector offers opportunities for investors: Harendra Kumar,2,Textile sector,7380.0,8.0 10395,SentFIN,Tower deal is great news for RCom: Experts,2,RCom,7382.0,8.0 10396,SentFIN,Transgene Biotek stock up after delisting plan announced,2,Transgene Biotek,7383.0,8.0 10397,SentFIN,UCO Bank a good portfolio stock: Deepak Mohoni,2,UCO Bank,7385.0,8.0 10398,SentFIN,Unichem Laboratories jumps on report of sale plans,2,Unichem Laboratories,7386.0,8.0 10399,SentFIN,Unichem Laboratories Q1 profit rises 112 per cent,2,Unichem Laboratories,7387.0,8.0 10400,SentFIN,Uptick in spot demand lifts sugar futures 2.22%,2,sugar,7388.0,8.0 10401,SentFIN,Very bullish about current market scenario: Taher Badshah,2,market,7391.0,8.0 10402,SentFIN,We are overweight on pharma sector: BP Singh,2,pharma sector,7394.0,8.0 10403,SentFIN,Welspun Corp soars 9% on robust Q2 earnings,2,Welspun Corp,7395.0,8.0 10404,SentFIN,Wheat rises on increased offtake by flour mills,2,Wheat,7396.0,8.0 10405,SentFIN,Whirlpool of India records highest ever net profit,2,Whirlpool of India,7397.0,8.0 10406,SentFIN,WNS Q2 net up 65% at $15.3 million,2,WNS,7398.0,8.0 10407,SentFIN,Wockhardt has been going up steadily: Deepak Mohoni,2,Wockhardt,7399.0,8.0 10408,SentFIN,Wonderla Holidays surges 28 per cent on debut,2,Wonderla Holidays,7400.0,8.0 10409,SentFIN,Yes Bank performed better than expectation: Ambareesh Baliga,2,Yes Bank,7401.0,8.0 10410,SentFIN,4300 levels is a possibility for Nifty: Rajat Bose,2,Nifty,7403.0,9.0 10411,SentFIN,5 tips on how to act in rising markets,1,markets,7404.0,9.0 10412,SentFIN,ABB India shares jump over 12% on good results,2,ABB India,7405.0,9.0 10413,SentFIN,ABB reports 10% turnover growth for June 2012 quarter,2,ABB,7406.0,9.0 10414,SentFIN,Alkem Laboratories $200 mln IPO fully subscribed - exchanges,2,Alkem Laboratories,7408.0,9.0 10415,SentFIN,Amara Raja hits 52-week high on strong Q2 results,2,Amara Raja,7409.0,9.0 10416,SentFIN,"America, Q3 results or politics; what's making markets surge?",2,America,7410.0,9.0 10417,SentFIN,Andhra Bank Q3 net profit rises to Rs 275-crore,2,Andhra Bank,7411.0,9.0 10418,SentFIN,Apple rallies a day after announcing 7-for-1 stock split,2,Apple,7412.0,9.0 10419,SentFIN,Apple shares top $300 a share for first time,2,Apple,7413.0,9.0 10420,SentFIN,Apple's freshly split shares climb on iPhone 6 hopes,2,Apple,7414.0,9.0 10421,SentFIN,"As pessimism spreads, Nifty to correct further, say traders",2,Nifty,7415.0,9.0 10422,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland shares up 3% on robust November sales,2,Ashok Leyland,7416.0,9.0 10423,SentFIN,Asia stocks hit 3-yr high on promising economic signs,2,Asia stocks,7417.0,9.0 10424,SentFIN,AstraZeneca Pharma rallies nearly 13% on strong Q3 show,2,AstraZeneca Pharma,7418.0,9.0 10425,SentFIN,AstraZeneca Pharma rallies over 12% as shareholders approve delisting,2,AstraZeneca Pharma,7419.0,9.0 10426,SentFIN,Aurobindo Pharma rallies over 8% on strong Q2 results,2,Aurobindo Pharma,7420.0,9.0 10427,SentFIN,Bank of Baroda raises $500 mn via bond issue,2,Bank of Baroda,7422.0,9.0 10428,SentFIN,Banyan Tree picks up minority stake in Dee Development,2,Banyan Tree,7423.0,9.0 10429,SentFIN,"Barley futures hit upper circuit, climb 4 per cent",2,Barley,7424.0,9.0 10430,SentFIN,Bayer CropScience shares hit 52-week high on buyback plans,2,Bayer CropScience,7425.0,9.0 10431,SentFIN,Berger Paints logs 35% increase in Q1 net profit,2,Berger Paints,7427.0,9.0 10432,SentFIN,"Bet on Technocraft for strong export play, cheap valuations",2,Technocraft,7428.0,9.0 10433,SentFIN,Binani Cement: Buyback offer positive for company and investors,2,Binani Cement,7429.0,9.0 10434,SentFIN,BOC India hits 20% upper circuit on delisting plans,2,BOC India,7430.0,9.0 10435,SentFIN,BPCL is a good long term investment: Deepak Mohoni,2,BPCL,7432.0,9.0 10436,SentFIN,BPO Hinduja Global Q1 revenue rises but profit halves,2,Hinduja Global,7433.0,9.0 10437,SentFIN,Brent near 9-month top above $115 on Iraq tensions,2,Brent,7434.0,9.0 10438,SentFIN,Brokerages raise Bharat Forge's target price on improved exports,2,Bharat Forge,7435.0,9.0 10439,SentFIN,Business model for M&M is extremely robust: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,M&M,7436.0,9.0 10440,SentFIN,Cadila a significant bet among pharma stocks: Gajendra Nagpal,2,Cadila,7437.0,9.0 10441,SentFIN,Cadila Healthare shares surge nearly 6% on smart earnings,2,Cadila Healthare,7438.0,9.0 10442,SentFIN,Cadila valuations healthy as US generics biz takes off,2,Cadila,7439.0,9.0 10443,SentFIN,Calculus: IndusInd Bank plays it right with auto loans,2,IndusInd Bank,7440.0,9.0 10444,SentFIN,"Can buy Yes Bank : Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,Yes Bank,7441.0,9.0 10445,SentFIN,Capital good stocks should see a breather: David Pezarkar,2,Capital good stocks,7442.0,9.0 10446,SentFIN,"Cardamom futures rise 0.56% on spot demand, tight supply",2,Cardamom,7444.0,9.0 10447,SentFIN,Castor seed futures up Rs 78 on spot demand,2,Castor seed,7446.0,9.0 10448,SentFIN,Castrol Q4 net up 7% to Rs 126 crore,2,Castrol,7447.0,9.0 10449,SentFIN,CCL Products rallies over 11% on strong Q2 results,2,CCL Products,7448.0,9.0 10450,SentFIN,CFCL Q1 net up 81% at Rs 146.32 cr,2,CFCL,7450.0,9.0 10451,SentFIN,Chambal Fertilisers and Chemicals Q1 net profit up 21%,2,Chambal Fertilisers and Chemicals,7451.0,9.0 10452,SentFIN,Changes in fundamentals makes Tata Motors sustainable: Prakash Diwan,2,Tata Motors,7452.0,9.0 10453,SentFIN,Chilli teja futures climb 3.60 percent on spot demand,2,Chilli teja,7453.0,9.0 10454,SentFIN,Claris Lifesciences rallies over 8% on share buyback plan,2,Claris Lifesciences,7454.0,9.0 10455,SentFIN,CMC's Q3 profit rises 16% to Rs 70.54 crore,2,CMC,7456.0,9.0 10456,SentFIN,"Cognizant's September-quarter sales may beat street estimates, raise guidance",2,Cognizant,7457.0,9.0 10457,SentFIN,Colgate-Palmolive Q3 net profit up 16% to 130.86 crore,2,Colgate-Palmolive,7458.0,9.0 10458,SentFIN,Consider Tata Motors from an investment perspective: Deven Choksey,2,Tata Motors,7459.0,9.0 10459,SentFIN,Consumer discretionary stocks top gainers in BSE large caps,2,BSE,7460.0,9.0 10460,SentFIN,Crompton Greaves December quarter Net up 27.67 per cent,2,Crompton Greaves,7461.0,9.0 10461,SentFIN,Crude palm oil futures rise as demand picks up,2,Crude palm oil,7462.0,9.0 10462,SentFIN,"Currency-hedged ETFs outperform, pick up inflows as dollar gains",2,dollar,7464.0,9.0 10463,SentFIN,Cyclicals are the ones to bet on: Kunj Bansal,2,Cyclicals,7465.0,9.0 10464,SentFIN,Dark horse: What's making analysts bullish on Indiabulls Power?,2,Indiabulls Power,7466.0,9.0 10465,SentFIN,Defence related companies gain as government approves 49% FDI,2,Defence related companies,7468.0,9.0 10466,SentFIN,Defence related companies rally as government notifies FDI hike,2,Defence related companies,7469.0,9.0 10467,SentFIN,DHFL Q1 Net jumps 25% to Rs 120 crore,2,DHFL,7470.0,9.0 10468,SentFIN,Dollar stands tall on Fed show of economic confidence,2,Dollar,7473.0,9.0 10469,SentFIN,Easing gold imports positive for jewellery companies: David Pezarkar,2,gold,7474.0,9.0 10470,SentFIN,ECB stimulus hope helps emerging stocks to weekly gains,2,ECB,7475.0,9.0 10471,SentFIN,Effects of emerging markets positive in India: IV Subramaniam,2,India,7476.0,9.0 10472,SentFIN,Eicher Motors jumps 3% on hike in FII limit,2,Eicher Motors,7477.0,9.0 10473,SentFIN,Emerging currencies soar as ECB hints at fresh stimulus,2,ECB,7479.0,9.0 10474,SentFIN,Engineers India get 'Navratna' status; stock gains over 3%,2,Engineers India,7480.0,9.0 10475,SentFIN,Entertainment Network India posts Rs 52.2-crore net; stock up,2,Entertainment Network India,7481.0,9.0 10476,SentFIN,Equities to reap maximum returns in coming months: Survey,2,Equities,7482.0,9.0 10477,SentFIN,Equity MFs continue to bet big on IT stocks,2,IT stocks,7483.0,9.0 10478,SentFIN,Equity to outperform other asset classes in 2015: Experts,2,Equity,7484.0,9.0 10479,SentFIN,Era Infrastructure is a fundamentally strong company: Sudhir Nair,2,Era Infrastructure,7485.0,9.0 10480,SentFIN,Ess Dee Aluminium surges on promoters stake sale buzz,2,Ess Dee Aluminium,7486.0,9.0 10481,SentFIN,Exchange ratio of 2:17 positive for Tech Mahindra: Analysts,2,Tech Mahindra,7490.0,9.0 10482,SentFIN,"Expect an upmove in ONGC: Ajay Bagga, Market Expert",2,ONGC,7491.0,9.0 10483,SentFIN,F&OTracker: Nifty likely to get support in 6200 zone,2,Nifty,7492.0,9.0 10484,SentFIN,Facebook stock up over 4% on Zuckerberg's no-sale pledge,2,Facebook,7493.0,9.0 10485,SentFIN,Farm equipment push may fire up Honda Siel power,2,Honda Siel,7494.0,9.0 10486,SentFIN,FCCBs weigh on Subex as new orders raise hopes,2,Subex,7495.0,9.0 10487,SentFIN,"FCI raises Rs 8,000 crore via eight-year maturity bonds",2,FCI,7496.0,9.0 10488,SentFIN,FII holdings in auto component makers at multi-year high,2,auto component makers,7498.0,9.0 10489,SentFIN,"FIIs pour in over Rs 1,000 crore in equities",2,equities,7499.0,9.0 10490,SentFIN,"Firm demand, tight arrivals lift cardamom futures by 0.85%",2,cardamom,7500.0,9.0 10491,SentFIN,"First time buyers, discounts offered boosts Maruti Suzuki's performance",2,Maruti Suzuki,7501.0,9.0 10492,SentFIN,Fortis Healthcare rises over 3 pc on acquisition move,2,Fortis Healthcare,7502.0,9.0 10493,SentFIN,Gammon India bags Rs 1947 cr project; stock surges,2,Gammon India,7505.0,9.0 10494,SentFIN,Gateway Distrparks reports 5% year-on-year growth in net profits,2,Gateway Distrparks,7507.0,9.0 10495,SentFIN,General insurance posts a robust 12.5% growth in Q1,2,General insurance,7509.0,9.0 10496,SentFIN,Genesys International shareholders' nod for raising Rs 150 cr,2,Genesys International,7510.0,9.0 10497,SentFIN,"Gitanjali Gems has held on: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,Gitanjali Gems,7511.0,9.0 10498,SentFIN,Glenmark Q3 net up 16.45 to Rs 109.55 cr,2,Glenmark,7512.0,9.0 10499,SentFIN,Global exchange m-cap touches decade high of $64 trillion,2,Global exchange m-cap,7513.0,9.0 10500,SentFIN,Goodyear Q2 Net up 25.84% at Rs 25.22 crore,2,Goodyear,7515.0,9.0 10501,SentFIN,Grasim surges over 13% as CLSA raises target price,2,Grasim,7516.0,9.0 10502,SentFIN,Great Eastern Shipping can touch Rs 306: Ashwani Gujral,2,Great Eastern Shipping,7517.0,9.0 10503,SentFIN,Hardening Euro would trigger more monetary stimulus: Mario Draghi,1,Euro,7518.0,9.0 10504,SentFIN,"Have a buy on Ballarpur: Devang Visaria,",2,Ballarpur,7519.0,9.0 10505,SentFIN,HDFC Bank expected to report a robust 25-27% growth,2,HDFC Bank,7520.0,9.0 10506,SentFIN,HDFC beats Street with 22% jump in Q2 profit,2,HDFC,7521.0,9.0 10507,SentFIN,Healthy product pipeline to help Orchid Chem boost sales,2,Orchid Chem,7523.0,9.0 10508,SentFIN,Hero MotoCorp hits fresh 52-week high on August sales,2,Hero MotoCorp,7525.0,9.0 10509,SentFIN,Hexaware Technologies shares rally as Q2 net soars 23%,2,Hexaware Technologies,7526.0,9.0 10510,SentFIN,"HPCL Q4 net up 48 pc at 1,122.66 crore",2,HPCL,7528.0,9.0 10511,SentFIN,ICRA Q2 net rose 16% to Rs 15.57 crore,2,ICRA,7529.0,9.0 10512,SentFIN,Idea Cellular Q3 Net doubles to Rs 467.73 crore,2,Idea Cellular,7530.0,9.0 10513,SentFIN,IDFC's Q3 profit rises 10% at Rs 500 crore,2,IDFC,7531.0,9.0 10514,SentFIN,iGate Q4 net income up 7.5% at $33.1 million,2,iGate,7532.0,9.0 10515,SentFIN,IIL Q3 net rises 45% to Rs 6.76 crore,2,IIL,7534.0,9.0 10516,SentFIN,Indiabulls Real Estate shares see Rs 53-crore bulk deals,2,Indiabulls Real Estate,7535.0,9.0 10517,SentFIN,IndiGo surges 17% from IPO price in market debut,2,IndiGo,7536.0,9.0 10518,SentFIN,Infinite Computer IPO sees robust demand; subscribed 43 times,2,Infinite Computer,7537.0,9.0 10519,SentFIN,Infosys leads CNX IT rally ahead of Q1FY15 results,2,Infosys,7538.0,9.0 10520,SentFIN,Infrastructure stocks could see some bounce back: Sangeeta Purushottam,2,Infrastructure stocks,7539.0,9.0 10521,SentFIN,Interest is returning to the large caps: Deepak Mohoni,2,large caps,7540.0,9.0 10522,SentFIN,Investor confidence to be back with Infosys: Gaurang Shah,2,Infosys,7541.0,9.0 10523,SentFIN,Investors will be overweight on equities in long term',2,equities,7542.0,9.0 10524,SentFIN,Jain Irrigation to consider raising $200 million; stock up,2,Jain Irrigation,7544.0,9.0 10525,SentFIN,Japan's zero interest rate pushes gold to new high,2,gold,7545.0,9.0 10526,SentFIN,JBM Auto Q1 net profit soars 60 per cent,2,JBM Auto,7546.0,9.0 10527,SentFIN,Jeera futures surge 1.38 per cent on strong demand,2,Jeera,7547.0,9.0 10528,SentFIN,"Jim Rogers buys euros, says bailouts will destroy currency",2,euros,7548.0,9.0 10529,SentFIN,JMD Telefilms to enter mobile phone biz; stock up,2,JMD Telefilms,7549.0,9.0 10530,SentFIN,JSW Energy quarterly profit soars to Rs 214 crore,2,JSW Energy,7550.0,9.0 10531,SentFIN,Just Dial rallies on launch of new search app,2,Just Dial,7551.0,9.0 10532,SentFIN,Jyoti soars 18% on bagging Rs 139 crore order,2,Jyoti,7552.0,9.0 10533,SentFIN,Kalpataru Power surges to 5-year high on order win,2,Kalpataru Power,7553.0,9.0 10534,SentFIN,Kalpataru Power: Ongoing correction gives a good entry point,2,Kalpataru Power,7554.0,9.0 10535,SentFIN,L&T in talk to supply nuclear equipments; stock up,2,L&T,7556.0,9.0 10536,SentFIN,L&T looks reasonably priced as of now: Prashastha Seth,2,L&T,7557.0,9.0 10537,SentFIN,Lakshmi Vilas Bank Q4 net soars 90.5 per cent,2,Lakshmi Vilas Bank,7558.0,9.0 10538,SentFIN,"Lead futures up on firm spot demand, global cues",2,Lead,7559.0,9.0 10539,SentFIN,LIC Housing Finance profit up 37 percent in Q2,2,LIC Housing Finance,7560.0,9.0 10540,SentFIN,Lower fuel subsidy lifts ONGC Q3 profit 23 pc,2,ONGC,7564.0,9.0 10541,SentFIN,M&M: Farm equipment division may be a growth driver,2,M&M,7566.0,9.0 10542,SentFIN,Maharashtra dairies to up milk prices by Rs 3,2,Maharashtra dairies,7567.0,9.0 10543,SentFIN,"Mahindra & Mahindra Q3 profit rises 12%, matches estimates",2,Mahindra & Mahindra,7568.0,9.0 10544,SentFIN,Marico Q2 net up 27% to Rs 150.72 crore,2,Marico,7569.0,9.0 10545,SentFIN,Marine fuel premium jumps to more than 9-month high,2,Marine fuel,7570.0,9.0 10546,SentFIN,Markets at 3-week high despite muted Asia: Top bets,2,Markets,7571.0,9.0 10547,SentFIN,Mercator rallies on oil discovery in second Cambay well,2,Mercator,7574.0,9.0 10548,SentFIN,Miners boost Britain's FTSE on bullishness over China's economy,2,FTSE,7576.0,9.0 10549,SentFIN,"Miners help FTSE bounce, but weak results cap gains",2,FTSE,7577.0,9.0 10550,SentFIN,MMTC surges after company sees turnaround in Q2 earnings,2,MMTC,7578.0,9.0 10551,SentFIN,"MMTC zooms 21% on bonus issue, stock split plans",2,MMTC,7579.0,9.0 10552,SentFIN,"Money talks, IPO reform walks as China stocks rally",2,China stocks,7580.0,9.0 10553,SentFIN,"Motherson Sumi can get wonderful returns, says Mehraboon Irani",2,Motherson Sumi,7581.0,9.0 10554,SentFIN,MT Educare IPO subscribed 65 pc on Day 1,2,MT Educare,7582.0,9.0 10555,SentFIN,Multibaggers: Midcaps that can rally 80-150% in long term,2,Midcaps,7583.0,9.0 10556,SentFIN,Multiple triggers drive up RIL 10% in 3 days,2,RIL,7584.0,9.0 10557,SentFIN,Narayana Hruduyalaya IPO opens today; here's what experts say,2,Narayana Hruduyalaya,7586.0,9.0 10558,SentFIN,Nestle India surges as FSSAI-approved lab finds Maggi safe,2,Nestle India,7587.0,9.0 10559,SentFIN,Nestle Q3 net up 9.22% at Rs 311.29 crore,2,Nestle,7588.0,9.0 10560,SentFIN,"NHB tax-free bonds over-subscribed on day 1, subscription ends",2,NHB tax-free bonds,7589.0,9.0 10561,SentFIN,NHPC Q2 net soars 11.92% to Rs 690.18 cr,2,NHPC,7590.0,9.0 10562,SentFIN,Nifty might head towards levels of 8180-8200: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,7591.0,9.0 10563,SentFIN,Nikkei strikes 7 year high as dollar bashes yen,2,Nikkei,7592.0,9.0 10564,SentFIN,Nitin Fire surges as Amitabh Bachchan buys 0.51% stake,2,Nitin Fire,7593.0,9.0 10565,SentFIN,NMDC posts 34 per cent rise in fourth quarter,2,NMDC,7594.0,9.0 10566,SentFIN,No Moody's high! Sensex ends day 177 points up,2,Sensex,7595.0,9.0 10567,SentFIN,No stock limits on commodities in regulated warehouses: FMC,1,FMC,7596.0,9.0 10568,SentFIN,OCL Iron bags coal mine in auction; stock surges,2,OCL Iron,7597.0,9.0 10569,SentFIN,"Oil at three-month high on Iraq anxiety, stocks steady",2,Oil,7598.0,9.0 10570,SentFIN,OIL October-quarter net up 4% at Rs 902.96 crore,2,OIL,7599.0,9.0 10571,SentFIN,One can expect markets to go high: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,markets,7600.0,9.0 10572,SentFIN,Onion prices rise 66% as traders overstocked for profits,2,Onion,7601.0,9.0 10573,SentFIN,Opto Circuits shares rally over 35% on heavy volumes,2,Opto Circuits,7602.0,9.0 10574,SentFIN,Pantaloon Retail is a buy on dips: Deepak Mohoni,2,Pantaloon Retail,7603.0,9.0 10575,SentFIN,Patni Computers zooms 8 pc on stake sale buzz,2,Patni Computers,7604.0,9.0 10576,SentFIN,"Petronet LNG a strong stock: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,Petronet LNG,7605.0,9.0 10577,SentFIN,Piramal Healthcare profit jumps two-fold to Rs 136 cr,2,Piramal Healthcare,7607.0,9.0 10578,SentFIN,Polaris net up 8 pc on lower forex losses,2,Polaris,7608.0,9.0 10579,SentFIN,"Potato futures extend gains, climb 3% on strong demand",2,Potato,7609.0,9.0 10580,SentFIN,Potato futures gain 1.64 per cent on spot demand,2,Potato,7610.0,9.0 10581,SentFIN,Pratibha Industries bags Rs 57 cr contract; stock up,2,Pratibha Industries,7611.0,9.0 10582,SentFIN,Pratibha Industries Q1 net up 22% at Rs 23crore,2,Pratibha Industries,7612.0,9.0 10583,SentFIN,Premium valuations of Eicher Motors should sustain: Mayuresh Joshi,2,Eicher Motors,7613.0,9.0 10584,SentFIN,Prices of base metals move up on global cues,2,base metals,7614.0,9.0 10585,SentFIN,Project pipeline to power long-term growth of Tata Power,2,Tata Power,7615.0,9.0 10586,SentFIN,PVR Q2 jumps over four-fold to Rs 41 crore,2,PVR,7616.0,9.0 10587,SentFIN,Rail stocks jump 5-12 per cent on FDI buzz,2,Rail,7617.0,9.0 10588,SentFIN,Rajesh exports hits new high on asset buy buzz,2,Rajesh exports,7618.0,9.0 10589,SentFIN,Raymond may sell stake to PE funds; stock gains,2,Raymond,7619.0,9.0 10590,SentFIN,Raymond seeing phenomenal rerating; positive on stock: Harendra Kumar,2,Raymond,7620.0,9.0 10591,SentFIN,RCF Q4 net up 30% to Rs 152.47 crore,2,RCF,7621.0,9.0 10592,SentFIN,Re nears 2-year high on strong fund inflow hopes,2,Re,7622.0,9.0 10593,SentFIN,Recent developments are positive for ONGC stock: Gajendra Nagpal,2,ONGC,7623.0,9.0 10594,SentFIN,"Refining, petrochem boost to help Reliance Industries maintain profitability",2,Reliance Industries,7625.0,9.0 10595,SentFIN,Russian rouble edges up before central bank rate decision,2,Russian rouble,7629.0,9.0 10596,SentFIN,"Safe-haven bids keep gold above $1,300; physical demand eyed",2,gold,7630.0,9.0 10597,SentFIN,SAIL in talks to acquire mines abroad; stock up,2,SAIL,7631.0,9.0 10598,SentFIN,Sanofi Q1 Net up 16.44% at Rs 51.7 crore,2,Sanofi,7632.0,9.0 10599,SentFIN,SBBJ Q2 profit rises 48pc at Rs 127 crore,2,SBBJ,7634.0,9.0 10600,SentFIN,"Sector watch: Cement outlook improves, prices rise in north",2,Cement,7636.0,9.0 10601,SentFIN,See 50-60% upside potential in Majesco: Daljeet Singh Kohli,2,Majesco,7637.0,9.0 10602,SentFIN,Shalimar paints has good headroom for growth: Prakash Diwan,2,Shalimar paints,7639.0,9.0 10603,SentFIN,Shalimar Paints shares zoom 12% after net profit increases,2,Shalimar Paints,7640.0,9.0 10604,SentFIN,Shanghai shares close at highest in nearly two months,2,Shanghai shares,7641.0,9.0 10605,SentFIN,Shares flirt with record highs on ECB easing bets,2,ECB,7642.0,9.0 10606,SentFIN,Sharp upmove in Reliance expected above Rs 1065: IIFL,2,Reliance,7643.0,9.0 10607,SentFIN,Shoppers Stop Q2 net jumps to Rs 16 crore,2,Shoppers Stop,7644.0,9.0 10608,SentFIN,"Short term upside likely: Sandeep J Shah, Sampriti Capital",1,Sampriti Capital,7645.0,9.0 10609,SentFIN,SJVN quarterly net profit jumps to Rs 424 cr,2,SJVN,7646.0,9.0 10610,SentFIN,Slightly bullish on ONGC at this point: Ambareesh Baliga,2,ONGC,7647.0,9.0 10611,SentFIN,Small investors may get bigger share in PSU floats,2,PSU,7648.0,9.0 10612,SentFIN,Smallcaps that can give good returns in near term,2,Smallcaps,7649.0,9.0 10613,SentFIN,Snowman Logistics hits upper circuit for second straight day,2,Snowman Logistics,7650.0,9.0 10614,SentFIN,Solid volumes may help Ashok Leyland stock maintain momentum,2,Ashok Leyland,7651.0,9.0 10615,SentFIN,Somany Ceramics among top picks for 2016: Pankaj Pandey,2,Somany Ceramics,7652.0,9.0 10616,SentFIN,Somany Ceramics is a fundamentally strong company: Sudhir Nair,2,Somany Ceramics,7653.0,9.0 10617,SentFIN,Sony surges to near five-year high on earnings outlook,2,Sony,7654.0,9.0 10618,SentFIN,"Spicejet soars 7% after placing Rs 23,000-crore Boeing order",2,Spicejet,7655.0,9.0 10619,SentFIN,Spot demand lifts copper futures amid firming domestic trend,2,copper,7656.0,9.0 10620,SentFIN,Sterling stays close to six-year-highs after robust UK data,2,Sterling,7657.0,9.0 10621,SentFIN,Sterlite: Electricity biz likely to pack a power punch,2,Sterlite,7658.0,9.0 10622,SentFIN,Still some strength left in auto space: Ashuu Kakkarr,2,auto space,7660.0,9.0 10623,SentFIN,Sustained growth makes Kajaria Ceramics a good long-term bet,2,Kajaria Ceramics,7663.0,9.0 10624,SentFIN,Suven Life shares zoom nearly 16% post robust earnings,2,Suven Life,7664.0,9.0 10625,SentFIN,Suzlon expects emerging economies to push sales; stock jumps,2,Suzlon,7665.0,9.0 10626,SentFIN,"Suzlon shares rise on Rs 10,000-cr debt payment report",2,Suzlon,7666.0,9.0 10627,SentFIN,Symphony Q3 net up 35% at Rs 36.51 crore,2,Symphony,7668.0,9.0 10628,SentFIN,Syria stir may take Jeera futures to record high,2,Jeera,7669.0,9.0 10629,SentFIN,Taiwan stocks rise tracking overseas markets; gains broad based,2,Taiwan stocks,7670.0,9.0 10630,SentFIN,Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Q3 net soars 2-fold,2,Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers,7671.0,9.0 10631,SentFIN,Tata Motors should fare better in 2015-16: Mehraboon Irani,2,Tata Motors,7672.0,9.0 10632,SentFIN,Tax-free bonds are still the best bet for investors,2,Tax-free bonds,7673.0,9.0 10633,SentFIN,TCS continues to remain most favoured pick: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,TCS,7674.0,9.0 10634,SentFIN,Telcos surge as brokerages turn bullish post spectrum auction,2,Telcos,7675.0,9.0 10635,SentFIN,Telecom shares gain after government relaxes FDI cap rules,2,Telecom shares,7676.0,9.0 10636,SentFIN,"Thriving in crisis: Gold may glitter at Rs 20,000",2,Gold,7678.0,9.0 10637,SentFIN,Trust equities this Samvat! Wealth creating opportunities available now,2,equities,7679.0,9.0 10638,SentFIN,Twitter shares spike as 4Q results fly above expectations,2,Twitter,7680.0,9.0 10639,SentFIN,Uco Bank reports four-fold rise in Q2 net profit,2,Uco Bank,7681.0,9.0 10640,SentFIN,Uflex Q2 Net up 19% to Rs 77.74 crore,2,Uflex,7682.0,9.0 10641,SentFIN,Uflex Q3 profit jumps 47.22% to Rs 53 crore,2,Uflex,7683.0,9.0 10642,SentFIN,Uflex shares rally nearly 9% post good Q2 show,2,Uflex,7684.0,9.0 10643,SentFIN,Ultratech Cement shares jump nearly 6% post strong earnings,2,Ultratech Cement,7685.0,9.0 10644,SentFIN,Uninor posts profit on one-time adjustment in licence fee,2,Uninor,7686.0,9.0 10645,SentFIN,"United Breweries: Input costs, TN show key to profitability",2,United Breweries,7687.0,9.0 10646,SentFIN,"Upbeat earnings lift European shares, China still a drag",2,European shares,7688.0,9.0 10647,SentFIN,"USFDA glare, high valuations trigger correction in pharma stocks",2,pharma stocks,7690.0,9.0 10648,SentFIN,Venus Remedies rallies on getting marketing approval in Switzerland,2,Venus Remedies,7692.0,9.0 10649,SentFIN,Viceroy Hotels rallies over 9% on stake sale reports,2,Viceroy Hotels,7693.0,9.0 10650,SentFIN,VIP Industries shares spike post stellar Q2 earnings show,2,VIP Industries,7694.0,9.0 10651,SentFIN,Vistaar Finance raises Rs 160 crore in fresh funding,2,Vistaar Finance,7695.0,9.0 10652,SentFIN,"Wall Street bounces back, still off for the week",2,Wall Street,7696.0,9.0 10653,SentFIN,Whirlpool shares at 52-week high on smart Q1 earnings,2,Whirlpool,7697.0,9.0 10654,SentFIN,Wipro Q2 profit up 9.7 per cent; lags forecast,2,Wipro,7698.0,9.0 10655,SentFIN,"Wipro Q4 PAT at Rs 2,227 crore, beats estimates",2,Wipro,7699.0,9.0 10656,SentFIN,Won leads Asia FX rebounds after US jobs data,2,Asia FX,7701.0,9.0 10657,SentFIN,Yes Bank reports yet another quarter of stellar performance,2,Yes Bank,7702.0,9.0 10658,SentFIN,Yuan gains but China warns it won't fix economy,2,Yuan,7703.0,9.0 10659,SentFIN,Yuan strengthens for sixth day despite flat midpoint fix,2,Yuan,7704.0,9.0 10660,SentFIN,Zensar Q4 Net jumps 41.3% to Rs 55.25 crore,2,Zensar,7705.0,9.0 10661,SentFIN,"Zinc futures rise 0.29% on global cues, spot demand",2,Zinc,7706.0,9.0 10662,SentFIN,160-165 level to watch out for in Eros: Deepak Mohoni,2,Eros,7707.0,10.0 10663,SentFIN,5 Pharma stocks that propelled BSE Healthcare to lifetime high,2,BSE Healthcare,7708.0,10.0 10664,SentFIN,650-660 levels likely for RIL in near term: Rajat Bose,2,RIL,7709.0,10.0 10665,SentFIN,7000 plus levels on Nifty possible going ahead: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,7710.0,10.0 10666,SentFIN,ACC's October-December net profit rises 9.74% to Rs 276 crore,2,ACC,7711.0,10.0 10667,SentFIN,Adani Group stocks surge on strong volume in pre-budget rally,2,Adani Group stocks,7712.0,10.0 10668,SentFIN,Airline stocks take off on cut in jet fuel prices,2,Airline stocks,7713.0,10.0 10669,SentFIN,Ajanta Pharma shares surge 8.5 per cent on robust earnings,2,Ajanta Pharma,7714.0,10.0 10670,SentFIN,Allahabad Bank Q4 profit up 15% to Rs 257.6 crore,2,Allahabad Bank,7715.0,10.0 10671,SentFIN,Allowing foreign investment in stock markets helped economy :Eswar Prasad,2,stock markets,7716.0,10.0 10672,SentFIN,"Analysts stay bullish on Wipro post results, raise target price",2,Wipro,7717.0,10.0 10673,SentFIN,"Another 100-150 correction on Nifty is possible: Ashwani Gujral,",2,Nifty,7718.0,10.0 10674,SentFIN,Any declines on Indiabulls Finserv a buying opportunity: Rajat Bose,2,Indiabulls Finserv,7719.0,10.0 10675,SentFIN,Apar Industries set to gain from revival in power sector,2,Apar Industries,7720.0,10.0 10676,SentFIN,APL Apollo Q2 net up 49pc at Rs 12 crore,2,APL Apollo,7721.0,10.0 10677,SentFIN,Apollo Tyres Q1 net rises 37.36% to Rs 227.94 crore,2,Apollo Tyres,7722.0,10.0 10678,SentFIN,Arvind Q1 net profit increases twofold to Rs 67.62 crore,2,Arvind,7724.0,10.0 10679,SentFIN,Atul Auto strikes big with dream run in smaller cities,2,Atul Auto,7725.0,10.0 10680,SentFIN,Atul Ltd Q1 Net up 8% at Rs 40.45 crore,2,Atul Ltd,7726.0,10.0 10681,SentFIN,Augmenting product portfolio to help Kabra Extrusiontechnik gain market share,2,Kabra Extrusiontechnik,7727.0,10.0 10682,SentFIN,Aurobindo Pharma can be bought for long term: Ashwani Gujral,2,Aurobindo Pharma,7728.0,10.0 10683,SentFIN,Aurobindo Pharmas Q3 numbers may surprise market on upside: Sharekhan,2,Aurobindo Pharmas,7729.0,10.0 10684,SentFIN,"Australia shares set for a strong start, tracking Wall Street",2,Australia shares,7730.0,10.0 10685,SentFIN,Automotive Stampings to raise Rs 29 cr via rights issue,2,Automotive Stampings,7731.0,10.0 10686,SentFIN,Balaji Amines Q1 net rises 9.4% to Rs 9.31 crore,2,Balaji Amines,7732.0,10.0 10687,SentFIN,Balrampur Chini Q3 net profit sweeter by 40 per cent,2,Balrampur Chini,7733.0,10.0 10688,SentFIN,"Bank Nifty recovering, pull back in the market: Ashwani Gujral",2,Bank Nifty,7734.0,10.0 10689,SentFIN,"Berger Paints gains 8% on robust Q1 results, expansion plans",2,Berger Paints,7735.0,10.0 10690,SentFIN,Berger Paints Q1 net up 17% at Rs 57.46 crore,2,Berger Paints,7736.0,10.0 10691,SentFIN,Best performing stocks of 2015: Lupin shone through pharma headwinds,2,Lupin,7737.0,10.0 10692,SentFIN,BG Group's shares soar more than 40% on Shell deal,2,BG Group,7738.0,10.0 10693,SentFIN,BGR Energy Systems reports 100 per cent growth on PAT,2,BGR Energy Systems,7739.0,10.0 10694,SentFIN,Bharat Forge Q3 Net jumps two-fold to Rs 196.34 crore,2,Bharat Forge,7740.0,10.0 10695,SentFIN,Bharat Forge's Q3 net soars 98% to Rs 94 crore,2,Bharat Forge,7741.0,10.0 10696,SentFIN,BHPV turnover jumps 56% at Rs 244 crore in FY13,2,BHPV,7742.0,10.0 10697,SentFIN,BlackRock ETF funds draw record $102.8 billion in new money,2,BlackRock ETF,7744.0,10.0 10698,SentFIN,Brent recovers above $85 after biggest fall in three years,2,Brent,7747.0,10.0 10699,SentFIN,Broader market stocks that can rally 20% in short term,2,Broader market stocks,7748.0,10.0 10700,SentFIN,BSNL reports operating profit of Rs 672 crore for FY15,2,BSNL,7749.0,10.0 10701,SentFIN,BT/ST SBI with a target of Rs 2560: Mitesh Thacker,2,SBI,7750.0,10.0 10702,SentFIN,"Cabinet approves IPO of Cochin Shipyard, to sell 10% stake",2,Cochin Shipyard,7753.0,10.0 10703,SentFIN,Carborundum Universal Q3 Net up 87.3% at Rs 11.22 crore,2,Carborundum Universal,7756.0,10.0 10704,SentFIN,CARE spurts 5% on MoU with Japan-based credit rating company,2,CARE,7758.0,10.0 10705,SentFIN,Ceat Q3 net profit surges three-fold to Rs 67 crore,2,Ceat,7759.0,10.0 10706,SentFIN,Chemical company BASF India Q1 net profit up by 36%,2,BASF India,7760.0,10.0 10707,SentFIN,Chilli futures up by 0.31 per cent on rising demand,2,Chilli,7761.0,10.0 10708,SentFIN,"China stocks, after wild ride, reverse course and close higher",2,China stocks,7762.0,10.0 10709,SentFIN,China yuan rises despite daily midpoint fix at 3-month low,2,China yuan,7763.0,10.0 10710,SentFIN,Chinese stocks hit fresh 7-year high despite rush of IPOs,2,Chinese stocks,7764.0,10.0 10711,SentFIN,"City Union Bank networth crosses Rs 1,000 cr in FY-11",2,City Union Bank,7765.0,10.0 10712,SentFIN,CNX IT likely to head towards 11750-11800 levels: Mitesh Thacker,2,CNX IT,7766.0,10.0 10713,SentFIN,Companies to see ratings upgrade in next 8-12 months: Moody's,1,Moody,7768.0,10.0 10714,SentFIN,Consider Mahindra Satyam for short and medium term: Deepak Mohoni,2,Mahindra Satyam,7769.0,10.0 10715,SentFIN,Coriander futures rise 0.67 per cent on pick-up in demand,2,Coriander,7770.0,10.0 10716,SentFIN,Corp Bank Q2 net jumps 10-fold to Rs 160 crore,2,Corp Bank,7771.0,10.0 10717,SentFIN,Corporation Bank Q3 net rises 16% to Rs 147 crore,2,Corporation Bank,7772.0,10.0 10718,SentFIN,Crompton Greaves can go up to 136-144 levels: Mitesh Thacker,2,Crompton Greaves,7773.0,10.0 10719,SentFIN,"Cyclical stocks come full circle, ride high on earnings upgrades",2,Cyclical stocks,7774.0,10.0 10720,SentFIN,DB Corp Q3 profit jumps 33.75% to Rs 94.46 crore,2,DB Corp,7775.0,10.0 10721,SentFIN,DCB Bank shares bounce back as lender revises expansion plan,2,DCB Bank,7776.0,10.0 10722,SentFIN,DCM Shriram Q4 net marginally up at Rs 82.80 crore,2,DCM Shriram,7777.0,10.0 10723,SentFIN,Delta Corp sells Kenyan foray for $23 mn; stock up,2,Delta Corp,7779.0,10.0 10724,SentFIN,"Demand recovery on anvil, to drive capital expenditure takeoff, markets",2,markets,7780.0,10.0 10725,SentFIN,Dena Bank surges 5% as board approves raising of funds,2,Dena Bank,7781.0,10.0 10726,SentFIN,Dishman Pharma shares soar over 13% on robust Q1 results,2,Dishman Pharma,7784.0,10.0 10727,SentFIN,Dozen of sugar stocks hit 52-week highs on improving outlook,2,sugar stocks,7785.0,10.0 10728,SentFIN,Early Diwali on Dalal Street? Sensex rallies over 400 points,2,Sensex,7786.0,10.0 10729,SentFIN,ECB stimulus flows may help RBI to build forex reserves,1,RBI,7787.0,10.0 10730,SentFIN,Edelweiss Financial Services shares surge as subsidiary gets FIPB nod,2,Edelweiss Financial Services,7788.0,10.0 10731,SentFIN,Edelweiss is a good bet in broking stocks: Nitin Raheja,2,Edelweiss,7789.0,10.0 10732,SentFIN,Educomp extends gain; stock up 10% on debt restructuring plans,2,Educomp,7790.0,10.0 10733,SentFIN,Eros is planning to delist its Indian subsidiary? Stock surges,2,Eros,7794.0,10.0 10734,SentFIN,Even a minor price hike can power up Adani Power,2,Adani Power,7795.0,10.0 10735,SentFIN,Exide Industries' focus on profitability makes it an attractive stock,2,Exide Industries,7796.0,10.0 10736,SentFIN,Exide is a good long term investment stock: Deepak Mohoni,2,Exide,7797.0,10.0 10737,SentFIN,FACT rallies over 7% on Rs 900 crore revival plan,2,FACT,7799.0,10.0 10738,SentFIN,Fag-end buying in select bluechips lifts Sensex by 53 points,2,Sensex,7800.0,10.0 10739,SentFIN,FDI row: Leading retail stocks make gains despite govt move,2,retail stocks,7802.0,10.0 10740,SentFIN,Firstsource Solutions spurts over 12% as Rakesh Jhunjhunwala buys stake,2,Firstsource Solutions,7803.0,10.0 10741,SentFIN,Force Motors soars 4% post 65% jump in Q2 profits,2,Force Motors,7806.0,10.0 10742,SentFIN,Foreign currency bonds by non-financial companies to hit a high',2,Foreign currency bonds,7808.0,10.0 10743,SentFIN,Forex gains drive Maruti Q1 net up 49 per cent,2,Maruti,7809.0,10.0 10744,SentFIN,Gammon Infra approves Rs 200 cr rights issue; stock up,2,Gammon Infra,7812.0,10.0 10745,SentFIN,GCPL Q4 net profit zooms 73% to Rs 334.14 crore,2,GCPL,7813.0,10.0 10746,SentFIN,Genpact Q1 net up 8.3 per cent at $50.6 million,2,Genpact,7814.0,10.0 10747,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithkline Consumer Q3 net up 20.89% at Rs 96.41 crore,2,GlaxoSmithkline Consumer,7815.0,10.0 10748,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithKline Pharma PAT seen up 16% at Rs 171 cr,2,GlaxoSmithKline Pharma,7816.0,10.0 10749,SentFIN,GMR shares up as govt approves FDI in airport unit,2,GMR,7817.0,10.0 10750,SentFIN,Gold rises from eight-month low on Syria to physical purchases,2,Gold,7818.0,10.0 10751,SentFIN,Goodyear India Q4 profit grows 71% to Rs 27.60 crore,2,Goodyear India,7819.0,10.0 10752,SentFIN,Government's decision on FDI positive for Indian economy: Ajay Bodke,2,Indian economy,7820.0,10.0 10753,SentFIN,Greaves Cotton Q1 net profit moves up to 31.76 cr,2,Greaves Cotton,7821.0,10.0 10754,SentFIN,Greaves Cotton Q4 PAT up 12% at Rs 38.5 crore,2,Greaves Cotton,7822.0,10.0 10755,SentFIN,Green bonds value may double to $100 billion in 2015,2,Green bonds,7823.0,10.0 10756,SentFIN,Groundnut oil now the most expensive cooking oil in India,2,Groundnut oil,7824.0,10.0 10757,SentFIN,GSK Pharma open offer begins today; stock hits 52-week high,2,GSK Pharma,7825.0,10.0 10758,SentFIN,Guargum prices rise in futures trade propelled by strong markets,2,Guargum,7826.0,10.0 10759,SentFIN,Havells India Q1 PAT up 23% at Rs 87 crore,2,Havells India,7828.0,10.0 10760,SentFIN,Havells India Q4 net up 5% at Rs 69.04 crore,2,Havells India,7829.0,10.0 10761,SentFIN,HDFC likely to report 10% growth in Q3 net profit,2,HDFC,7830.0,10.0 10762,SentFIN,Hindalco bags one more coal mine in auction; stk gains,2,Hindalco,7831.0,10.0 10763,SentFIN,Hindalco Q2 profit rises by 31% to Rs 103.27 crore,2,Hindalco,7832.0,10.0 10764,SentFIN,HMT shares zoom over 19% on pact with German firm,2,HMT,7833.0,10.0 10765,SentFIN,Hopes of government spending post elections fire up infra stocks,2,infra stocks,7835.0,10.0 10766,SentFIN,HUL set to surge as parent announces voluntary open offer,2,HUL,7838.0,10.0 10767,SentFIN,"Idea Q4 net profit beats estimates, jumps 90 per cent",2,Idea,7840.0,10.0 10768,SentFIN,Ind Swift Laboratories Q3 loss narrows to Rs 12.37 crore,2,Ind Swift Laboratories,7843.0,10.0 10769,SentFIN,Indo Rama Synthetics Q3 zooms manifold to Rs 97.38 crore,2,Indo Rama Synthetics,7845.0,10.0 10770,SentFIN,Intraday trades indicate markets likely to bounce back: Mitesh Thacker,2,markets,7846.0,10.0 10771,SentFIN,"Investors lap up SBI bonds again, issue subscribed three times",2,SBI bonds,7847.0,10.0 10772,SentFIN,Iran deal fires Sensex 388 points: How it benefits India,2,Sensex,7848.0,10.0 10773,SentFIN,IRB Infras subsidiary ties-up for Rs 831 cr debt;stk up,2,IRB Infras,7849.0,10.0 10774,SentFIN,IT stocks to benefit in the short term: Mitesh Thacker,2,IT stocks,7850.0,10.0 10775,SentFIN,Jagran Prakashan Q1 profit jumps 16.89% to Rs 57.76 cr,2,Jagran Prakashan,7851.0,10.0 10776,SentFIN,Jagran Prakashan Q2 net up 10% at Rs 55.50 cr,2,Jagran Prakashan,7852.0,10.0 10777,SentFIN,Jagran Prakashan rallies as Q1 net profit jumps over three-fold,2,Jagran Prakashan,7853.0,10.0 10778,SentFIN,Jammu & Kashmir Bank Q2 profit rises by 22 pc,2,Jammu & Kashmir Bank,7854.0,10.0 10779,SentFIN,Jaypee Infra Q4 net grows 7-fold to Rs 96 crore,2,Jaypee Infra,7856.0,10.0 10780,SentFIN,Jeera futures rise 1.70 per cent on pick-up in demand,2,Jeera,7859.0,10.0 10781,SentFIN,Jewellery stocks rally about 14% as gold prices fall sharply,2,Jewellery,7860.0,10.0 10782,SentFIN,JSW Energy Q2 net up 54% at Rs 492 crore,2,JSW Energy,7861.0,10.0 10783,SentFIN,Just Dial jumps as board approves hike in FII limit,2,Just Dial,7863.0,10.0 10784,SentFIN,Jyothy Laboratories Q3 net up 19.95% at Rs 26.45 crore,2,Jyothy Laboratories,7864.0,10.0 10785,SentFIN,Kajaria Ceramics Q3 profit up 17.79% to Rs 29.39 cr,2,Kajaria Ceramics,7865.0,10.0 10786,SentFIN,Kesoram Industries Q3 net loss narrows at Rs 88 crore,2,Kesoram Industries,7866.0,10.0 10787,SentFIN,Kingfisher at year-high on report of Wilbur Ross investment plan,2,Kingfisher,7867.0,10.0 10788,SentFIN,"Kotak Mahindra Bank can be bought: Ashwani Gujral, Market Strategist",2,Kotak Mahindra Bank,7868.0,10.0 10789,SentFIN,Laxmi Shivanand Mankekar buys 6.50 lakh shares of Financial Technologies,2,Financial Technologies,7869.0,10.0 10790,SentFIN,Liberty Shoes logs 20 pc rise in June quarter Net,2,Liberty Shoes,7870.0,10.0 10791,SentFIN,Local cos eye AIM listing to gain from India craze,2,AIM,7873.0,10.0 10792,SentFIN,Looking at 15% growth for Nifty in FY15: Ajay Bodke,2,Nifty,7874.0,10.0 10793,SentFIN,M&A buzz drawing interest to the pharma sector: Deven Choksey,2,pharma sector,7875.0,10.0 10794,SentFIN,M&M Q2 net profit rises 8% at Rs 758.49 cr,2,M&M,7876.0,10.0 10795,SentFIN,Macros stealing Modi thunder on D-Street? Sensex hits life high,2,Sensex,7877.0,10.0 10796,SentFIN,"Maruti Suzuki Q2 net surges 42% to Rs 1,225 crore",2,Maruti Suzuki,7878.0,10.0 10797,SentFIN,Mastek rallies 20% in 3 days ahead of buyback proposal,2,Mastek,7879.0,10.0 10798,SentFIN,McLeod Russel Q1 Net up 36% at Rs 26.21 cr,2,McLeod Russel,7880.0,10.0 10799,SentFIN,McNally Bharat posts 53% rise in Q3 rise net profit,2,McNally Bharat,7881.0,10.0 10800,SentFIN,Measures by Narendra Modi government that helped Nifty scale 8300,2,Nifty,7882.0,10.0 10801,SentFIN,"Meghmani Organics a safe bet: Avinash Gorakshekar, Anagram Capital Ltd",2,Meghmani Organics,7883.0,10.0 10802,SentFIN,Mentha oil futures up 0.55 per cent on strong demand,2,Mentha oil,7884.0,10.0 10803,SentFIN,Mercator Lines' foray into coal business to boost future earnings,2,Mercator Lines,7885.0,10.0 10804,SentFIN,Mercator shares gain 60% in a month on restructuring talks,2,Mercator,7886.0,10.0 10805,SentFIN,Merck Q1 net up 14 pc at Rs 14 cr,2,Merck,7887.0,10.0 10806,SentFIN,Mid-cap stocks would be the outperformers despite steep valuations: Analysts,2,Mid-cap stocks,7889.0,10.0 10807,SentFIN,Midcaps likely to outperform market in coming weeks: Ashwani Gujral,2,Midcaps,7890.0,10.0 10808,SentFIN,Mindtree Q4 Net up 24.5 percent at Rs 98.2 crore,2,Mindtree,7891.0,10.0 10809,SentFIN,Mindtree's Q4 net up 14 pc at Rs 78.9 cr,2,Mindtree,7892.0,10.0 10810,SentFIN,Money finally flowing in to small midcap stocks: Dipan Mehta,2,small midcap stocks,7894.0,10.0 10811,SentFIN,Monsanto India Q1 net up 16% at Rs 56.24 crore,2,Monsanto India,7895.0,10.0 10812,SentFIN,"Mphasis continues rally post bright Q2 nos, change of directorate",2,Mphasis,7897.0,10.0 10813,SentFIN,"MTNL raises Rs 3,768.97 crore through bonds this fiscal: Government",2,MTNL,7898.0,10.0 10814,SentFIN,Mundra Port Q3 net up 40% at Rs 228.46 cr,2,Mundra Port,7899.0,10.0 10815,SentFIN,Muthoot Capital Q2 net rises 15% to Rs 6 crore,2,Muthoot Capital,7900.0,10.0 10816,SentFIN,Nalco Q2 net profit jumps manifold to Rs 179 crore,2,Nalco,7901.0,10.0 10817,SentFIN,Nasdaq edges to record high to open busy earnings week,2,Nasdaq,7902.0,10.0 10818,SentFIN,NBCC net profit up by 57 per cent in Q3,2,NBCC,7903.0,10.0 10819,SentFIN,"Near-term pain, but outlook positive for IT stocks: Anand Tandon",2,IT stocks,7904.0,10.0 10820,SentFIN,Nectar Life Q4 up 19.53 pc to Rs 31.82 cr,2,Nectar Life,7905.0,10.0 10821,SentFIN,NHPC shares surge nearly 3% as September quarter net jumps,2,NHPC,7906.0,10.0 10822,SentFIN,Nifty hits lifetime high of 7809.20; top 20 trading ideas,2,Nifty,7908.0,10.0 10823,SentFIN,Nifty likely to touch 7750 on the upside: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,7909.0,10.0 10824,SentFIN,"Nikkei rises on Federal Reserve view, industrial data, GPIF news",2,Nikkei,7910.0,10.0 10825,SentFIN,"NMDC Q1 Net up nearly 6% at Rs 1,906 crore",2,NMDC,7911.0,10.0 10826,SentFIN,"NMDC Q2 net up 81 pc at Rs 1,518 crore",2,NMDC,7912.0,10.0 10827,SentFIN,"Now, silver is worth its weight in gold and more",2,silver,7913.0,10.0 10828,SentFIN,Nucleus Software's Q3 Net soars 90% at Rs 23.38 cr,2,Nucleus Software,7914.0,10.0 10829,SentFIN,OBC Q3 net up 15 pc to Rs 289.43 cr,2,OBC,7915.0,10.0 10830,SentFIN,OIS rates surge to highest in nearly 3-months after CPI,2,OIS,7916.0,10.0 10831,SentFIN,"OMCs may cut petrol, diesel price in November; stocks gain",2,OMC,7917.0,10.0 10832,SentFIN,"On day of Bajrangi Bhaijaan release, Eros International shares rally",2,Eros International,7918.0,10.0 10833,SentFIN,OnMobile Q1 Net soars 48 pc to Rs 14.06 cr,2,OnMobile,7919.0,10.0 10834,SentFIN,"Opportunities abundant in pharma space: Kunj Bansal, Centrum Wealth Management",1,Centrum Wealth Management,7920.0,10.0 10835,SentFIN,Optimistic on the acquisitions made by Aurobindo Pharma: Mayuresh Joshi,2,Aurobindo Pharma,7921.0,10.0 10836,SentFIN,Opto Circuits net profit at Rs 138 crore in Q1,2,Opto Circuits,7922.0,10.0 10837,SentFIN,"Overall strength in the market is visible: Hemang Jani, Sharekhan",1,Sharekhan,7923.0,10.0 10838,SentFIN,"Overseas bonds a better tool to salvage rupee, says Barclays",1,Barclays,7924.0,10.0 10839,SentFIN,"Pace of corporate earnings growth strengthens, supports bullish market sentiment",2,market,7925.0,10.0 10840,SentFIN,Parsvnath raises Rs 270 cr through QIP to fund projects,2,Parsvnath,7926.0,10.0 10841,SentFIN,Petronet LNG remains a good long-term bet despite short-term headwinds,2,Petronet LNG,7927.0,10.0 10842,SentFIN,Pick of the week: KEC International a good long-term bet,2,KEC International,7928.0,10.0 10843,SentFIN,Pick-up in India demand to pump up Tata Steel profits,2,Tata Steel,7929.0,10.0 10844,SentFIN,Platinum hits 2-month high as strikers block South African mines,2,Platinum,7931.0,10.0 10845,SentFIN,P-Notes investment rises to Rs 1.84 lakh crore in October,2,P-Notes,7932.0,10.0 10846,SentFIN,Pound extends gains into third day on better housing data,2,Pound,7933.0,10.0 10847,SentFIN,"Promoters have full faith, Jaiprakash Associates says, warding off rumours",2,Jaiprakash Associates,7936.0,10.0 10848,SentFIN,Provogue India Q3 net up 7.31% at Rs 9.68 cr,2,Provogue India,7937.0,10.0 10849,SentFIN,Pullback in Nifty has come to an end: Mitesh Thacker,1,Nifty,7939.0,10.0 10850,SentFIN,"Quality stocks will lead the rally: Vijai Mantri, Pramerica MF",1,Pramerica MF,7940.0,10.0 10851,SentFIN,Rail stocks gather momentum as Suresh Prabhu tables Railway Budget,2,Rail stocks,7941.0,10.0 10852,SentFIN,Ranbaxy Laboratories posts a better-than-expected net profit; stock up 4.5%,2,Ranbaxy Laboratories,7942.0,10.0 10853,SentFIN,Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd posts 25% growth in FY14 turnover,2,Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd,7943.0,10.0 10854,SentFIN,"Rate-sensitive stocks could do well post elections: Jyotivardhan Jaipuria, BofA-ML",1,BofA-ML,7944.0,10.0 10855,SentFIN,Rate-sensitives trade cautiously ahead of RBI meet; IB Realty surges,2,IB Realty,7945.0,10.0 10856,SentFIN,Reforms push will hold good for the markets: Dhiraj Sachdev,1,markets,7946.0,10.0 10857,SentFIN,Revival of the hydropower sector to bode well for NHPC,2,NHPC,7947.0,10.0 10858,SentFIN,Right time to build long positions on Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,2,Nifty,7948.0,10.0 10859,SentFIN,Ruchi Soya Q3 Net up 33.35% at Rs 36.54 crore,2,Ruchi Soya,7949.0,10.0 10860,SentFIN,S K Nationwide's profit soars 44.5% to Rs 33.09 cr,2,S K Nationwide,7951.0,10.0 10861,SentFIN,SAIL Q4 profit marginally up 1.35% at Rs 452.58 crore,2,SAIL,7952.0,10.0 10862,SentFIN,Sebi revokes capital market ban on Trendline and its founder,2,Trendline,7954.0,10.0 10863,SentFIN,Sector-wide consolidation and improving fundamentals will boost Shoppers Stop's valuation,2,Shoppers Stop,7955.0,10.0 10864,SentFIN,"See a Nifty upmove, but not overly long: Sandeep Wagle",1,Nifty,7956.0,10.0 10865,SentFIN,Sensex can correct max by 5-10%; uptrend remains intact: Analysts,2,Sensex,7957.0,10.0 10866,SentFIN,Sensex makes fresh life high; top 15 stocks in focus,2,Sensex,7958.0,10.0 10867,SentFIN,Servalakshmi Paper debuts at over 3 pc premium on BSE,2,Servalakshmi Paper,7959.0,10.0 10868,SentFIN,Shalimar Paints trims early gains; stock ends over 2% up,2,Shalimar Paints,7960.0,10.0 10869,SentFIN,Shanthi Gears Q4 Net jumps 91.4% to Rs 3.67 crore,2,Shanthi Gears,7961.0,10.0 10870,SentFIN,Shilpi Cable Technologies rallies as Q1 net profit jumps 55%,2,Shilpi Cable Technologies,7962.0,10.0 10871,SentFIN,Shoppers Stop may raise upto Rs 350-cr through QIP route,2,Shoppers Stop,7963.0,10.0 10872,SentFIN,"Shrinking discounts, volume growth to keep Maruti Suzuki on track",2,Maruti Suzuki,7964.0,10.0 10873,SentFIN,"SIB posts higher Q2 net, to focus on CASA funds",2,SIB,7965.0,10.0 10874,SentFIN,Silver moves up in futures trade on higher global trend,2,Silver,7966.0,10.0 10875,SentFIN,Sinclairs Hotels Q1 net profit up at Rs 2.67 crore,2,Sinclairs Hotels,7968.0,10.0 10876,SentFIN,Sintex Industries Q4 net up 23% to Rs 197.78 crore,2,Sintex Industries,7969.0,10.0 10877,SentFIN,Softer oil prices boost expectations of an earnings growth recovery,2,oil,7970.0,10.0 10878,SentFIN,Sony shares hit 3-month high after Q1 profit beats estimates,2,Sony,7971.0,10.0 10879,SentFIN,Southeast Asian stocks rise; Indonesia rebounds ahead of rate decision,2,Southeast Asian stocks,7972.0,10.0 10880,SentFIN,Southern Petrochemicals up 9.8% on HC nod for debt waiver,2,Southern Petrochemicals,7973.0,10.0 10881,SentFIN,Spot demand lifts lead prices by 0.69% at futures trade,2,lead,7974.0,10.0 10882,SentFIN,Srei Infrastructure Finance shares rise over 5% on fund-raising buzz,2,Srei Infrastructure Finance,7976.0,10.0 10883,SentFIN,SRF Q1 profit after tax doubles to Rs 44 crore,2,SRF,7977.0,10.0 10884,SentFIN,State-run iron ore miner NMDC now in Nifty 50 index,2,NMDC,7978.0,10.0 10885,SentFIN,"Sugar output up 15%, cane arrears cross Rs 12k crore",2,Sugar,7979.0,10.0 10886,SentFIN,Sundaram Finance Q1 Net jumps 22.3% to Rs 115.99 crore,2,Sundaram Finance,7980.0,10.0 10887,SentFIN,Supreme Industries Q3 net up 38.67% at Rs 75.83 crore,2,Supreme Industries,7981.0,10.0 10888,SentFIN,"Surge in Bosch doesn't bewilder me: Ambareesh Baliga, Market Expert",2,Bosch,7982.0,10.0 10889,SentFIN,Swaraj Engines share price surges as company announces 330% dividend,2,Swaraj Engines,7983.0,10.0 10890,SentFIN,Symphony Q4 net up over 26% at Rs 32.73 crore,2,Symphony,7984.0,10.0 10891,SentFIN,TajGVK Hotels & Resorts Q3 net up at 12.91 crore,2,TajGVK Hotels & Resorts,7985.0,10.0 10892,SentFIN,Take Solutions net profit up 115.8% at Rs 69.99 crore,2,Take Solutions,7986.0,10.0 10893,SentFIN,T-Bill rates spurt as investors link price to term repo,2,T-Bill,7987.0,10.0 10894,SentFIN,Tech Mahindra may turn positive after 580 levels: Mitesh Thacker,2,Tech Mahindra,7988.0,10.0 10895,SentFIN,Thermax surges over 8 per cent on strong Q2 results,2,Thermax,7989.0,10.0 10896,SentFIN,"Thin world markets rally may run longer, draw new cash",2,world markets,7990.0,10.0 10897,SentFIN,Tokyo stocks close up 2.11%; rides on upbeat China data,2,Tokyo stocks,7991.0,10.0 10898,SentFIN,Trident Ltd Q3 shoots over 3-fold to Rs 50.9 crore,2,Trident Ltd,7992.0,10.0 10899,SentFIN,TV Today Network Q2 up 84% at Rs 24.31 crore,2,TV Today Network,7993.0,10.0 10900,SentFIN,Uptick in demand lifts turmeric futures by 1.44 per cent,2,turmeric,7996.0,10.0 10901,SentFIN,Urad climbs by Rs 500 per quintal on tight supply,2,Urad,7997.0,10.0 10902,SentFIN,US stocks: Strong data stops the bleeding on Wall Street,2,Wall Street,7998.0,10.0 10903,SentFIN,USFDA reports no observations in Granules India plant; stock surges,2,Granules India,7999.0,10.0 10904,SentFIN,Usha Martin gains 18 per cent on coal block wins,2,Usha Martin,8000.0,10.0 10905,SentFIN,Ushdev International Q4 profit up 81% at Rs 57.58 crore,2,Ushdev International,8001.0,10.0 10906,SentFIN,Vaswani Industries IPO over subscribed 3.87 times on final day,2,Vaswani Industries,8002.0,10.0 10907,SentFIN,Venus Remedies get UK approval for cancer drug; stock up,2,Venus Remedies,8003.0,10.0 10908,SentFIN,VIP Industries Q1 Net up 16.52% at Rs 26.8 crore,2,VIP Industries,8005.0,10.0 10909,SentFIN,Watch out for Infosys in the IT space: Dipan Mehta,2,Infosys,8006.0,10.0 10910,SentFIN,Wealthy investors lap up NHAI's Rs 10k cr bond issue,2,NHAI,8007.0,10.0 10911,SentFIN,"Wheat futures up 0.80 per cent on export, spot demand",2,Wheat,8008.0,10.0 10912,SentFIN,When Sebi turned bullish on bringing back trust to markets!,2,Sebi,8009.0,10.0 10913,SentFIN,Whirlpool Q1 net profit jumps 26% at Rs 64.55 crore,2,Whirlpool,8010.0,10.0 10914,SentFIN,Why you should buy L&T at lows despite weak earnings,2,L&T,8011.0,10.0 10915,SentFIN,Wockhardt surges 12% as HP drug controller revokes drug suspension,2,Wockhardt,8012.0,10.0 10916,SentFIN,World's biggest airport operator AENA jumps 20.7% in market debut,2,AENA,8013.0,10.0 10917,SentFIN,ZEEL Q3 up 44.48 per cent to Rs 308.61 crore,2,ZEEL,8014.0,10.0 10918,SentFIN,"Zinc futures up 0.55 pc on overseas cues, spot demand",2,Zinc,8015.0,10.0 10919,SentFIN,100 days of Vishal Sikka: Infosys up at 16.12 per cent,2,Infosys,8016.0,11.0 10920,SentFIN,155 stocks hit 52-week high as markets set new lifetime peaks,2,markets,8017.0,11.0 10921,SentFIN,"22,214 is new closing high for Sensex: Top bets from experts",2,Sensex,8018.0,11.0 10922,SentFIN,8K Miles Software net profit surges 60% to Rs 2.76 crore,2,8K Miles Software,8019.0,11.0 10923,SentFIN,Aanjaneya Lifecare Q1 Net up 68 pc at Rs 18.93 crore,2,Aanjaneya Lifecare,8020.0,11.0 10924,SentFIN,"Agri stocks spike as Cabinet okays Rs 50,000-cr Krishi Sinchai Yojana",2,Agri stocks,8021.0,11.0 10925,SentFIN,Ajanta Pharma Q4 net profit up 20% at Rs 84.31 crore,2,Ajanta Pharma,8022.0,11.0 10926,SentFIN,Allahabad Bank Q2 net profit up by over 20 per cent,2,Allahabad Bank,8023.0,11.0 10927,SentFIN,Amara Raja Batteries Q1 net up 8% to Rs 106 crore,2,Amara Raja Batteries,8025.0,11.0 10928,SentFIN,Axis Bank is heading to levels closer to 1595: Prakash Gaba,2,Axis Bank,8027.0,11.0 10929,SentFIN,Bajaj Auto Q1 PAT seen 2.4% up at Rs 735 crore,2,Bajaj Auto,8028.0,11.0 10930,SentFIN,BEL available with decent valuation of about 15-16 times: Hemang Jani,2,BEL,8029.0,11.0 10931,SentFIN,Berger Paints Q4 Net up 26.34 pc at Rs 55.34 crore,2,Berger Paints,8030.0,11.0 10932,SentFIN,BHEL rallies on strong order book; rises 10% in two days,2,BHEL,8032.0,11.0 10933,SentFIN,"Bhusan Steel surges 14% as asset sale fetches Rs 3,000 crore",2,Bhusan Steel,8033.0,11.0 10934,SentFIN,Bhushan Steel looks good over medium to long term: Ashit Suri,2,Bhushan Steel,8034.0,11.0 10935,SentFIN,"Bluestar: Low costs, rise in other income help post better profit",2,Bluestar,8036.0,11.0 10936,SentFIN,Brokers say 'buy' even as Sobha Developers slips post Q1 results,2,Sobha Developers,8038.0,11.0 10937,SentFIN,Buy Cummins India with a target of Rs 950: Mitesh Thacker,2,Cummins India,8040.0,11.0 10938,SentFIN,Buy Glenmark Pharma with a target of Rs 834: Sandeep Wagle,2,Glenmark Pharma,8041.0,11.0 10939,SentFIN,BUY' Voltas Ltd with a target of Rs 365 :Ashwani Gujral,2,Voltas Ltd,8042.0,11.0 10940,SentFIN,Calculus: New management's focus on earnings bodes well for Crompton Greaves,2,Crompton Greaves,8044.0,11.0 10941,SentFIN,Can expect ICICI bank to scale up further : Rajat Bose,2,ICICI bank,8045.0,11.0 10942,SentFIN,Cement sector has good scope for appreciation in long-term: Amisha Vora,2,Cement sector,8047.0,11.0 10943,SentFIN,Central Bank of India raises Rs 500 crore through bond offer,2,Central Bank of India,8048.0,11.0 10944,SentFIN,CERC order a new lease of life for Adani Power: CLSA,2,Adani Power,8049.0,11.0 10945,SentFIN,Charting Technicals: Investors can expect a multi-year bull run in Wipro,2,Wipro,8051.0,11.0 10946,SentFIN,Choppiness to reduce after Nifty goes past 8700 levels: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,8052.0,11.0 10947,SentFIN,City Union Bank gains 2% on strong response to share sale,2,City Union Bank,8053.0,11.0 10948,SentFIN,City Union Bank Q4 Net rises 1% to Rs 83.34 crore,2,City Union Bank,8054.0,11.0 10949,SentFIN,CMC FY13 net jumps 52 pc jump to Rs 230 crore,2,CMC,8055.0,11.0 10950,SentFIN,CMC's fourth-quarter profit rises 45.8 per cent to Rs 89.43 crore,2,CMC,8056.0,11.0 10951,SentFIN,Cognizant Q1 revenue rises 20% to $2.42 billion; signals bullish outlook,2,Cognizant,8058.0,11.0 10952,SentFIN,Commexes turnover to cross Rs 112 lakh crore in 2010-11 fiscal,2,Commexes,8059.0,11.0 10953,SentFIN,Cosmo Films Q1 net up 4 folds to Rs 18.42 crore,2,Cosmo Films,8060.0,11.0 10954,SentFIN,Dabur Q1 net up 13.33 per cent at Rs 210.81 cr,2,Dabur,8061.0,11.0 10955,SentFIN,Dalal Street flummoxed as Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers shares defy gravity,2,Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers,8062.0,11.0 10956,SentFIN,DCM Shriram up over 2%; hits record high on land sale,2,DCM Shriram,8063.0,11.0 10957,SentFIN,"Debt funds look more attractive in the short term, say experts",2,Debt funds,8064.0,11.0 10958,SentFIN,"Demand pick-up, stable prices help Hexaware post Rs 42 crore net",2,Hexaware,8065.0,11.0 10959,SentFIN,Development Corporation Bank a unique player in MSME segment: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,Development Corporation Bank,8066.0,11.0 10960,SentFIN,Dhanuka Agritech Q3 net profit up 82% at Rs 21.27 crore,2,Dhanuka Agritech,8067.0,11.0 10961,SentFIN,Divis Labs Q3 net up 45.07 pc to Rs 98.42 cr,2,Divis Labs,8068.0,11.0 10962,SentFIN,"Dollar sits tight near six-month high ahead of Fed meeting, data",2,Dollar,8069.0,11.0 10963,SentFIN,Dr. Reddys could be very good long term investments: Deepak Mohoni,2,Dr. Reddys,8070.0,11.0 10964,SentFIN,DSCL Q1 net jumps over three fold to Rs 114 crore,2,DSCL,8071.0,11.0 10965,SentFIN,Dynamic bond funds a good bet in falling interest rate scenario,2,Dynamic bond funds,8072.0,11.0 10966,SentFIN,EIH Q4 profit up 35 per cent at Rs 36.44 crore,2,EIH,8073.0,11.0 10967,SentFIN,EIL shares surge over 6% as board to mull interim dividend,2,EIL,8074.0,11.0 10968,SentFIN,Elder Pharma Dec qtr net up 2.34% to Rs 15.73 cr,2,Elder Pharma,8075.0,11.0 10969,SentFIN,Elder Pharma Q4 net up 2.73 pc to Rs 17.27 cr,2,Elder Pharma,8076.0,11.0 10970,SentFIN,Emmbi Polyarns PAT up 46.65 per cent to Rs 2.56 crore,2,Emmbi Polyarns,8077.0,11.0 10971,SentFIN,Engineers India Q4 net up 32.54 pc to Rs 165.57 cr,2,Engineers India,8078.0,11.0 10972,SentFIN,European operations puts Motherson Sumi overseas order book on fast track,2,Motherson Sumi,8079.0,11.0 10973,SentFIN,Everonn Education net profit up near 49% at Rs 67.63 crore,2,Everonn Education,8080.0,11.0 10974,SentFIN,Extremely positive on RIL; stock may see rerating: Mayuresh Joshi,2,RIL,8081.0,11.0 10975,SentFIN,Federal Bank Q1 net profit rises 30% to Rs 190.35 crore,2,Federal Bank,8082.0,11.0 10976,SentFIN,FIPB allows IndusInd Bank hike FII limit to 74%; stock rallies,2,IndusInd Bank,8084.0,11.0 10977,SentFIN,Firstsource may appreciate between 40-80% in next nine months: Mehraboon Irani,2,Firstsource,8085.0,11.0 10978,SentFIN,French company Arkema picks up 25% stake in Jayant Agro's arm,2,Arkema,8086.0,11.0 10979,SentFIN,Future Retail raises Rs 500 cr via private placement of NCDs,2,Future Retail,8087.0,11.0 10980,SentFIN,"GCPL extends winning streak, up 14% in 5 sessions; more upside?",2,GCPL,8089.0,11.0 10981,SentFIN,Geojit BNP Paribas Q1 profit almost doubles to Rs 16.48 crore,2,Geojit BNP Paribas,8090.0,11.0 10982,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithKline 2010 net profit up 10.37 pc to Rs 560.57 cr,2,GlaxoSmithKline,8091.0,11.0 10983,SentFIN,"Government bond market doesnt need fixing, says Raghuram Rajan, governor, RBI",1,RBI,8092.0,11.0 10984,SentFIN,Greek crisis: Tech analysts predict a rebound; Nifty could bounce 3-4%,2,Nifty,8093.0,11.0 10985,SentFIN,"Green shoots of economic recovery visible; Nifty seen at 8,000 levels",2,Nifty,8094.0,11.0 10986,SentFIN,"GSPC raises Rs 3,000cr through bond markets to meet capex need",2,GSPC,8095.0,11.0 10987,SentFIN,Havells Q2 Net up 1 per cent to Rs 113 crore,2,Havells,8097.0,11.0 10988,SentFIN,HCC rallies 5% on completion of first tunnel for Kishanganga project,2,HCC,8098.0,11.0 10989,SentFIN,Hewlett-Packard Co: Shares up after report it will split in two,2,Hewlett-Packard Co,8099.0,11.0 10990,SentFIN,"Hexaware's Q2 revenue rises 5.6%, helped by growth in Europe, US",2,Hexaware,8100.0,11.0 10991,SentFIN,"Hind Copper eyes better margin, Rs 273-cr net profit in FY'14",2,Hind Copper,8102.0,11.0 10992,SentFIN,Housing Development and Infrastructure Ltd stocks rise above 5 per cent,2,Housing Development and Infrastructure Ltd,8104.0,11.0 10993,SentFIN,Housing finance companies gain as much as 9.3% on RBI move,2,Housing finance companies,8105.0,11.0 10994,SentFIN,HPCL Q3 net profit up nearly 7-fold at Rs 211.03 cr,2,HPCL,8106.0,11.0 10995,SentFIN,ICICI Bank gains over 1% after board approves 1:5 stock split,2,ICICI Bank,8107.0,11.0 10996,SentFIN,IDBI Bank raises $300mn via overseas bond sale at 5.06% coupon,2,IDBI Bank,8108.0,11.0 10997,SentFIN,IDFC sees potential of 30-40% upside in 6-9 months: Devang Mehta,2,IDFC,8109.0,11.0 10998,SentFIN,IFC raises Rs 300 crore more from global rupee bond sale,2,IFC,8110.0,11.0 10999,SentFIN,IFCI Q1 net rises 7.5 per cent to Rs 102 crore,2,IFCI,8111.0,11.0 11000,SentFIN,Iffco plans to export fertilizers due to drop in domestic demand,2,Iffco,8112.0,11.0 11001,SentFIN,IGL surges on reports SC declines PNGRB permit to hold enquiry,2,IGL,8113.0,11.0 11002,SentFIN,IHCL: More room to grow as occupancy shows signs of improvement,2,IHCL,8114.0,11.0 11003,SentFIN,IMFA's Q4 net up over 28 pc at Rs 24.48 cr,2,IMFA,8115.0,11.0 11004,SentFIN,Indiabulls Housing Finance Q4 net up 21% at Rs 367.59 crore,2,Indiabulls Housing Finance,8116.0,11.0 11005,SentFIN,"Indonesia's richest get $9 billion hit on commodity, currency doldrums: Forbes",1,Forbes,8118.0,11.0 11006,SentFIN,"Infosys consolidated Q2 net profit at Rs 3,398 crore, above estimates",2,Infosys,8119.0,11.0 11007,SentFIN,Infotech Enterprises PAT rises 12% to Rs 69.4 crore in October-December,2,Infotech Enterprises,8120.0,11.0 11008,SentFIN,Infotech Enterprises: Investors should use the correction to buy the stock,2,Infotech Enterprises,8121.0,11.0 11009,SentFIN,Infra stocks a good buy from a long-term perspective: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,Infra stocks,8122.0,11.0 11010,SentFIN,Insurance companies rally up to 7% as government clears Insurance Bill,2,Insurance companies,8123.0,11.0 11011,SentFIN,Intel could rise 30 per cent over next two years: Report,2,Intel,8124.0,11.0 11012,SentFIN,International Finance Corporation raises $100 million in maiden onshore Maharaja Bonds,2,International Finance Corporation,8125.0,11.0 11013,SentFIN,Investors can use intraday dips to buy into markets: Mitesh Thacker,2,markets,8126.0,11.0 11014,SentFIN,IVRCL rallies over 8% on assets sale plan to pare debt,2,IVRCL,8127.0,11.0 11015,SentFIN,Jewellery major Rajesh Exports clocks 64.2% jump in PAT in FY12,2,Rajesh Exports,8130.0,11.0 11016,SentFIN,JP Infratech is a very very unique project of the country',2,JP Infratech,8131.0,11.0 11017,SentFIN,JSPL surges as Delhi HC stops auction of two coal blocks,2,JSPL,8132.0,11.0 11018,SentFIN,JSW Steel Q4 net profit up 29.88% at Rs 793.63 crore,2,JSW Steel,8133.0,11.0 11019,SentFIN,Kalindee Rail promoters plan to hike stake to avoid take over,2,Kalindee Rail,8135.0,11.0 11020,SentFIN,Kansai Nerolac rallies over 8% as Q1 net profit jumps 19.77%,2,Kansai Nerolac,8136.0,11.0 11021,SentFIN,Karur Vysya Bank Q2 profit surges 57% to Rs 142 crore,2,Karur Vysya Bank,8137.0,11.0 11022,SentFIN,Karur Vysya Bank Q3 net up marginally to Rs 113.88 Cr,2,Karur Vysya Bank,8138.0,11.0 11023,SentFIN,Kesoram promoters infuse Rs 200 cr to raise stake to 49%,2,Kesoram,8139.0,11.0 11024,SentFIN,Kirloskar Oil Engines Q1 profit jumps 35% to Rs 52.89 crore,2,Kirloskar Oil Engines,8140.0,11.0 11025,SentFIN,Kitex Garments surges nearly 60% in four sessions on robust results,2,Kitex Garments,8141.0,11.0 11026,SentFIN,Kolkata IT expert Bikram Dasgupta appointed World Bank advisor to Bangladesh,1,World Bank,8143.0,11.0 11027,SentFIN,Lanco Infratech rallies as lenders approve higher cost for 4 projects,2,Lanco Infratech,8144.0,11.0 11028,SentFIN,LIC Housing Finance Q3 profit up 38% at Rs 326.59 crore,2,LIC Housing Finance,8146.0,11.0 11029,SentFIN,Lyka Labs to raise up to Rs 100 crore via securities,2,Lyka Labs,8149.0,11.0 11030,SentFIN,Market sees 8% to 10% upside in this quarter: Apurva Shah,2,Market,8150.0,11.0 11031,SentFIN,"Midcaps important part of our portfolio: Kunj Bansal, Centrum Wealth Management",1,Centrum Wealth Management,8152.0,11.0 11032,SentFIN,Mirc Electronics Q4 net up 87 pc at Rs 9.7 cr,2,Mirc Electronics,8153.0,11.0 11033,SentFIN,Monnet Ispat surges nearly 13% on likely stake sale by promoters,2,Monnet Ispat,8154.0,11.0 11034,SentFIN,"Mutual funds create history in August, invest more money than FIIs",2,Mutual funds,8157.0,11.0 11035,SentFIN,Mutual funds' exposure to IT stocks hit 5-month high in July,2,Mutual funds,8158.0,11.0 11036,SentFIN,Natco Pharma shares jump 15% on Dilip Shanghvi stake buy reports,2,Natco Pharma,8159.0,11.0 11037,SentFIN,"NBFC space looks attractive, but valuations are fairly stretched: Anand Tandon",2,NBFC,8160.0,11.0 11038,SentFIN,Nestle India recovers after slipping 5%; Global CEO says Maggi safe,2,Nestle India,8161.0,11.0 11039,SentFIN,"Next 3 years will be transformational for RIL, says Mukesh Ambani",2,RIL,8162.0,11.0 11040,SentFIN,NFL share sale subscribed 1.55 times; govt gets Rs 101 cr,2,NFL,8163.0,11.0 11041,SentFIN,"Nifty to go beyond 6800, may even reach 7000: Ambareesh Baliga",2,Nifty,8164.0,11.0 11042,SentFIN,NIIT bounces back to profits; revenue rises to Rs 225.3 crore,2,NIIT,8165.0,11.0 11043,SentFIN,"Nikkei hits 5-mth high on Federal policy hopes, China PMI",2,Nikkei,8166.0,11.0 11044,SentFIN,Novartis India Q4 net profit up 22.30% at Rs 34 crore,2,Novartis India,8170.0,11.0 11045,SentFIN,Nucleus Software Q4 net up 19 pc to Rs 10.45 cr,2,Nucleus Software,8171.0,11.0 11046,SentFIN,Nucleus Software's Q1 net profit up 4% at Rs 11.65 crore,2,Nucleus Software,8172.0,11.0 11047,SentFIN,Oil's 45% rebound could be testing nerves of markets and policymakers,2,Oil,8173.0,11.0 11048,SentFIN,Opto Circuits Q4 net profit up 68% at Rs 111.05 crore,2,Opto Circuits,8174.0,11.0 11049,SentFIN,"Opto Circuits unveils latest AED in US, Canada; stock rallies 9%",2,Opto Circuits,8175.0,11.0 11050,SentFIN,"Oracle Financial FY'11 net profit up 43.60% to Rs 1,111 crore",2,Oracle Financial,8176.0,11.0 11051,SentFIN,"Paper cos to publish better Q1 nos, soaring demand brightens outlook",2,Paper cos,8178.0,11.0 11052,SentFIN,Pfizer rallies over 6% on acquisition plans; scales above Rs 2000,2,Pfizer,8179.0,11.0 11053,SentFIN,Polishing image: Fixing of supply chain issues may rerate Bata India,2,Bata India,8180.0,11.0 11054,SentFIN,"Power Finance Corp Q3 profit jumps 37% at Rs 1,534.31 crore",2,Power Finance Corp,8181.0,11.0 11055,SentFIN,"Power Finance Corporation raises Rs 2,100 crore by selling privately-placed bonds",2,Power Finance Corporation,8183.0,11.0 11056,SentFIN,Power plant operators surge as government plans to boost LNG imports,2,Power plant operators,8184.0,11.0 11057,SentFIN,Praj Industries order booking is picking up substantially: Sandip Sabharwal,2,Praj Industries,8185.0,11.0 11058,SentFIN,"Prestige Estates Q2 sales bookings up 29% at Rs 1,486 crore",2,Prestige Estates,8186.0,11.0 11059,SentFIN,"Prime Focus up 18% in 2 days, can gain 15% more",2,Prime Focus,8187.0,11.0 11060,SentFIN,"Punj Lloyd surges 5% as it bags Rs 1,418 crore order",2,Punj Lloyd,8188.0,11.0 11061,SentFIN,"Q1 numbers, crude oulook, midcap rally lifting tyre stocks: Harendra Kumar",2,tyre stocks,8189.0,11.0 11062,SentFIN,Radico Khaitan Q4 net profit up 81% at Rs 17.4 crore,2,Radico Khaitan,8190.0,11.0 11063,SentFIN,"Ramco Systems surges on pact with Australian firm, up 100% YTD",2,Ramco Systems,8191.0,11.0 11064,SentFIN,"REC gets shareholders nod to raise up to Rs 42,000 crore",2,REC,8194.0,11.0 11065,SentFIN,"Reliance Communications raises Rs 6,100 crore via QIP to reduce debt",2,Reliance Communications,8196.0,11.0 11066,SentFIN,Relief over China growth pushes dollar to 1-week high versus yen,2,dollar,8197.0,11.0 11067,SentFIN,Responsive Industries could be a multibagger in the making: Prakash Diwan,2,Responsive Industries,8198.0,11.0 11068,SentFIN,RIICO FY'12 net profit up nearly 68% at Rs 473.44 crore,2,RIICO,8199.0,11.0 11069,SentFIN,Rolta India shares gain almost 12 per cent on smart earnings,2,Rolta India,8200.0,11.0 11070,SentFIN,Rural Electrification Corp raises 15.15 billion rupees via 7-yr bonds: Sources,2,Rural Electrification Corp,8201.0,11.0 11071,SentFIN,Sanofi India stock likely to be re-rated on company's improving fundamentals,2,Sanofi India,8203.0,11.0 11072,SentFIN,Saraswat Bank posts 78% growth in net profit at Rs 212.27-cr,2,Saraswat Bank,8204.0,11.0 11073,SentFIN,SBBJ Q1 net up 11.83 per cent at Rs 187.52 crore,2,SBBJ,8206.0,11.0 11074,SentFIN,"Sensex makes new record high at 22,853; top 20 trading ideas",2,Sensex,8207.0,11.0 11075,SentFIN,"Sensex soars about 400 points; makes fresh life high of 25,416",2,Sensex,8208.0,11.0 11076,SentFIN,Shalimar Paints Q2 increases 48.02 per cent to Rs 4.13 crore,2,Shalimar Paints,8209.0,11.0 11077,SentFIN,Shanghai stocks see biggest one-day gain in more than five years,2,Shanghai stocks,8210.0,11.0 11078,SentFIN,Sharekhan picks top investment ideas as market fall makes valuations reasonable,1,Sharekhan,8211.0,11.0 11079,SentFIN,Sharp movement in Yen has been positive for Maruti: Prashastha Seth,2,Maruti,8212.0,11.0 11080,SentFIN,Shree Cement January-March net profit up 26% to Rs 274 crore,2,Shree Cement,8213.0,11.0 11081,SentFIN,SJVN records 28 per cent rise in net profit in October-December,2,SJVN,8215.0,11.0 11082,SentFIN,SKF India Q1 PAT up 40 pc at Rs 61 cr,2,SKF India,8216.0,11.0 11083,SentFIN,"SKS scrip snaps losing streak, ends 3% up after rate reduction",2,SKS,8217.0,11.0 11084,SentFIN,Small stocks give better returns to investors so far this year,2,Small stocks,8218.0,11.0 11085,SentFIN,Sobha Developers Q1 PAT seen up 48% at Rs 46 cr,2,Sobha Developers,8220.0,11.0 11086,SentFIN,Sona Koyo Steering Systems Q2 net up at Rs 12.62 crore,2,Sona Koyo Steering Systems,8222.0,11.0 11087,SentFIN,"Sovereign gold bond scheme more likely to succeed, says Nomura report",2,gold bond,8223.0,11.0 11088,SentFIN,Soybeans rise to 10-month high after record crush in US mills,2,Soybeans,8224.0,11.0 11089,SentFIN,SRF Q2 profit jumps 60.87 per cent to Rs 76.85 crore,2,SRF,8225.0,11.0 11090,SentFIN,"Stage set for IT sector to see bounceback, top stock picks",2,IT sector,8226.0,11.0 11091,SentFIN,State Bank of India rallies over 1% on fund raising plans,2,State Bank of India,8228.0,11.0 11092,SentFIN,Sterling heads towards first week of gains in 8 against dollar,2,Sterling,8229.0,11.0 11093,SentFIN,Sterlite Tech Q4 profit jumps 4-fold; to hive off power biz,2,Sterlite Tech,8230.0,11.0 11094,SentFIN,Stimulus efforts to lift silver assets ETFs to a record,2,silver,8231.0,11.0 11095,SentFIN,Supreme Industries Q4 net up 12 pc at Rs 105 crore,2,Supreme Industries,8232.0,11.0 11096,SentFIN,Surya Roshni Q1 net profit up 22% at Rs 12 crore,2,Surya Roshni,8233.0,11.0 11097,SentFIN,Suven Life Sciences Q1 net up 16.68% at Rs 34.74 cr,2,Suven Life Sciences,8234.0,11.0 11098,SentFIN,Taiwan stocks up slightly on caution ahead of key orders data,2,Taiwan stocks,8235.0,11.0 11099,SentFIN,Talbros Auto top bet from auto componenet space: P Phani Sekhar,2,Talbros Auto,8236.0,11.0 11100,SentFIN,Tata Chemicals Q1 net jumps over two-fold to Rs 175.50 crore,2,Tata Chemicals,8237.0,11.0 11101,SentFIN,TBZ net profit rises 58% to Rs 18.49 crore in Q4,2,TBZ,8238.0,11.0 11102,SentFIN,"Techno Electric's Q1 FY13 PAT at Rs 40.7 crore, up 24%",2,Techno Electric,8239.0,11.0 11103,SentFIN,There is still lot of interest in IT stocks: Anil Manghnani,2,IT stocks,8240.0,11.0 11104,SentFIN,"These are good times to buy: Vijai Mantri, Pramerica Mutual Fund",1,Pramerica Mutual Fund,8241.0,11.0 11105,SentFIN,Time for CNX IT to hit a new high: Ashwani Gujral,2,CNX IT,8242.0,11.0 11106,SentFIN,"Top-6 blue-chips add Rs 38,362 cr in m-cap; TCS biggest gainer",2,TCS,8243.0,11.0 11107,SentFIN,Traders bullish on natural gas even as inventories may show rise,2,natural gas,8244.0,11.0 11108,SentFIN,Trent to raise up to Rs 250 cr through shares sale,2,Trent,8245.0,11.0 11109,SentFIN,TTML narrows down net loss to Rs 156.36 crore in Q3,2,TTML,8246.0,11.0 11110,SentFIN,Turnaround in biz fortunes helps ABNL post a profit in Q3,2,ABNL,8247.0,11.0 11111,SentFIN,TVS Motor Q2 net jumps over two-fold at Rs 54.78 crore,2,TVS Motor,8248.0,11.0 11112,SentFIN,United Breweries Holdings Q1 jumps over 2-fold to Rs 802 crore,2,United Breweries Holdings,8251.0,11.0 11113,SentFIN,Uptrend in IT likely to continue; buy on declines: Ashwani Gujral,2,IT,8252.0,11.0 11114,SentFIN,Valuation gap with larger peer makes Stylam Industries an attractive option,2,Stylam Industries,8255.0,11.0 11115,SentFIN,Varun Shipping FY11 profit up 17.45 pc at Rs 14.74 crore,2,Varun Shipping,8256.0,11.0 11116,SentFIN,Venus Remedies Q2 net up 4.5 pc to Rs 11.5 cr,2,Venus Remedies,8257.0,11.0 11117,SentFIN,V-Mart Q1 net up 26.15 per cent at Rs 9.02 crore,2,V-Mart,8258.0,11.0 11118,SentFIN,Volkswagen stocks rise 4% over better than expected third quarter earnings,2,Volkswagen,8259.0,11.0 11119,SentFIN,Welspun India Q4 net profit jumps 83% to Rs 98.66 crore,2,Welspun India,8261.0,11.0 11120,SentFIN,Zee Entertainment Q1 net profit up 16% at Rs 243 crore,2,Zee Entertainment,8264.0,11.0 11121,SentFIN,100 days of Narendra Modi government: Sensex rallies nearly 9%; top bets,2,Sensex,8265.0,12.0 11122,SentFIN,715-720 is a comfortable level to buy Bank of Baroda: Sandeep Wagle,2,Bank of Baroda,8268.0,12.0 11123,SentFIN,ABB India posts 25 per cent jump in net profit in Q3,2,ABB India,8269.0,12.0 11124,SentFIN,Adani Port Q1 net up 13 per cent at Rs 641 crore,2,Adani Port,8270.0,12.0 11125,SentFIN,Akzo Nobel Q1 net up 58.51 per cent at Rs 55.18 crore,2,Akzo Nobel,8271.0,12.0 11126,SentFIN,Alembic Pharmaceuticals Q3 net up 7 per cent at Rs 70.66 crore,2,Alembic Pharmaceuticals,8272.0,12.0 11127,SentFIN,"Atul Ltd rallies over 5%, hits 52-week high on stake sale reports",2,Atul Ltd,8273.0,12.0 11128,SentFIN,Beaten-down brokers revive business as stock markets rally on new government optimism,2,stock markets,8275.0,12.0 11129,SentFIN,"BHEL Q2 net up 33 pc to Rs 1,142 cr; shares up",2,BHEL,8276.0,12.0 11130,SentFIN,Biggest sugar rally in years not over over as deficit looms: Poll,2,sugar,8277.0,12.0 11131,SentFIN,BoB surges 14% from day's low even as Q2 PAT sinks 89%,2,BoB,8279.0,12.0 11132,SentFIN,BPCL is the best bet among the oil marketing stocks: Gaurang Shah,2,BPCL,8280.0,12.0 11133,SentFIN,Britannia stock may continue to return well despite expensive valuations: Rahul Shah,2,Britannia,8281.0,12.0 11134,SentFIN,Broker Guotai Junan soars in debut after China's biggest IPO since 2010,2,Broker Guotai Junan,8282.0,12.0 11135,SentFIN,Brokerages see over 70% upside on Idea Cellular stock in a year,2,Idea Cellular,8283.0,12.0 11136,SentFIN,Buy Bank of India with a target of Rs 245: Prakash Gaba,2,Bank of India,8284.0,12.0 11137,SentFIN,Cadila Healthcare posts 40% jump in net profit to Rs 391 crore,2,Cadila Healthcare,8285.0,12.0 11138,SentFIN,City Union Bank Q3 net profit up 4.54% to Rs 89.09 crore,2,City Union Bank,8286.0,12.0 11139,SentFIN,City Union Bank set to report strong income in next few quarters,2,City Union Bank,8287.0,12.0 11140,SentFIN,"Clariant Chemicals rallies over 12%, hits 52-week high on land parcel deal",2,Clariant Chemicals,8288.0,12.0 11141,SentFIN,Claris surges 18% as pharma cos in race to buy injectible biz,2,Claris,8289.0,12.0 11142,SentFIN,"Clean chit to Halol plant, strategic buys key for Sun Pharma's future",2,Sun Pharma,8290.0,12.0 11143,SentFIN,CLP India's wind energy arm raises Rs 600 crore via green bonds,2,CLP India,8291.0,12.0 11144,SentFIN,"CLSA sees over 15% upside in Bharti Infratel, upgrades stock to 'outperform'",2,Bharti Infratel,8292.0,12.0 11145,SentFIN,CMC is a good mid-cap IT stock for the portfolio: Deepak Mohoni,2,CMC,8293.0,12.0 11146,SentFIN,Country Club India Limited Q4 net up 98% at Rs 14.39 crore,2,Country Club India Limited,8295.0,12.0 11147,SentFIN,Cox & Kings Indias Holidaybreak and other acquisitions begin to pay off,2,Cox & Kings Indias,8296.0,12.0 11148,SentFIN,Cox & Kings Q3 net grows over ten-fold at Rs 31 crore,2,Cox & Kings,8297.0,12.0 11149,SentFIN,Cox & Kings Q3 net up 19.39 pc to Rs 23.02 cr,2,Cox & Kings,8298.0,12.0 11150,SentFIN,Crisil's net profit up 18% at Rs 70.92 cr in December quarter,2,Crisil,8299.0,12.0 11151,SentFIN,CV cycle recovery will lead to re-rating for Jamna Auto: Parag Thakkar,2,Jamna Auto,8300.0,12.0 11152,SentFIN,Dark horse: Analysts pick IRB Infra as top bet in infra space,2,IRB Infra,8301.0,12.0 11153,SentFIN,Deepak Fertilisers Q4 net profit jumps over 3-fold to Rs 91.44 crore,2,Deepak Fertilisers,8302.0,12.0 11154,SentFIN,Dhanuka Agritech Q2 net profit up 35.29 pc to Rs 32 crore,2,Dhanuka Agritech,8303.0,12.0 11155,SentFIN,"Diesel decontrol, crude price fall likely to give major boost to IOC",2,IOC,8306.0,12.0 11156,SentFIN,Dishman Pharma surges 6% on clarification for receipt of USFDA warning letter,2,Dishman Pharma,8307.0,12.0 11157,SentFIN,DLF surges on reports to launch CMBS issue in next two months,2,DLF,8308.0,12.0 11158,SentFIN,"Dollar near 4-month high as data lifts sentiment, euro wary of ECB",2,Dollar,8309.0,12.0 11159,SentFIN,Economy revival in sight; here's why you should invest in banking stocks,2,banking stocks,8310.0,12.0 11160,SentFIN,Eros Intl Media lines-up Rs 700 cr capex over next two years,2,Eros Intl Media,8311.0,12.0 11161,SentFIN,Expect Maruti stocks to hold up with upcoming product launches: Pramod Gubbi,2,Maruti,8312.0,12.0 11162,SentFIN,Expect Pidilite to see revival in volume growth in FY17: Amit Khurana,2,Pidilite,8313.0,12.0 11163,SentFIN,Experts bet big on largecap stocks; top 10 counters for your portfolio,2,largecap stocks,8314.0,12.0 11164,SentFIN,Exposure to the Middle East market helped Voltas perform well: Dipen Shah,2,Voltas,8315.0,12.0 11165,SentFIN,Financial Tech Q1 net profit up 94 pc at Rs 76.06 cr,2,Financial Tech,8316.0,12.0 11166,SentFIN,First pharma IPO in 5 years: Syngenes debut offer subscribed 32 times,2,Syngenes,8317.0,12.0 11167,SentFIN,GAIL India Q4 profit zooms 57 per cent to Rs 972 crore,2,GAIL India,8318.0,12.0 11168,SentFIN,GE Shipping Q2 net profit up by 55% at Rs 168.65 cr,2,GE Shipping,8319.0,12.0 11169,SentFIN,Gillette India Q1 Net up 16.57 per cent at Rs 17.68 crore,2,Gillette India,8320.0,12.0 11170,SentFIN,Gilts reach highest premium to Bunds since 1997 as ECB QE starts,2,Gilts,8321.0,12.0 11171,SentFIN,Glenmark Q1 net profit up 3.29 per cent at Rs 190 crore,2,Glenmark,8322.0,12.0 11172,SentFIN,Go for bigger names like SBI in public sector banks: IV Subramaniam,2,SBI,8323.0,12.0 11173,SentFIN,Gold imports set to rise as RBI eases curbs ahead of Budget,2,Gold,8324.0,12.0 11174,SentFIN,Goldman Sachs: The S&P 500 will hit another all-time high before year-end,1,Goldman Sachs,8325.0,12.0 11175,SentFIN,Government's proposed rule regarding ABS will boost auto components sector: Prakash Diwan,2,auto components sector,8326.0,12.0 11176,SentFIN,Granules India nurses itself back to health on better utilisation of plants,2,Granules India,8327.0,12.0 11177,SentFIN,"GSPC raises Rs 3,000 crore through bond markets to meet capex need",2,GSPC,8328.0,12.0 11178,SentFIN,"Have high expectations from the real estate sector: Rajesh Jain, Market Strategist",2,real estate sector,8329.0,12.0 11179,SentFIN,HCL Tech surges over 4% after denial of $10-billion stake sale report,2,HCL Tech,8330.0,12.0 11180,SentFIN,"Heard on the Street: IDFC MFs star picks, and discussion on GIFT",2,IDFC,8331.0,12.0 11181,SentFIN,Hinduja Global Sol Q3 profit more than doubles to Rs 54.1 crore,2,Hinduja Global Sol,8332.0,12.0 11182,SentFIN,HSIL Q2 net profit moves up 52 pc to Rs 13.93 cr,2,HSIL,8334.0,12.0 11183,SentFIN,HT Media overseas arm picks up 5 per cent stake in Dealstreetasia,2,HT Media,8335.0,12.0 11184,SentFIN,IEA sees much higher demand for OPEC oil for rest of 2014,2,OPEC oil,8337.0,12.0 11185,SentFIN,"IFC raises Rs 1,000 crore from first rupee bond sale at 7.75%",2,IFC,8338.0,12.0 11186,SentFIN,Indiabulls Housing Finance: Fast-growing financial services company is a good long-term pick,2,Indiabulls Housing Finance,8340.0,12.0 11187,SentFIN,"India's position better than other emergings markets: Arindam Ghosh, BlackRidge Capital Advisors",1,BlackRidge Capital Advisors,8341.0,12.0 11188,SentFIN,Infotech Enterprises Q4 net up 29 per cent to Rs 70 crore,2,Infotech Enterprises,8342.0,12.0 11189,SentFIN,Insider case: SAT rejects RIL plea against Sebi; stock ends in green,2,RIL,8344.0,12.0 11190,SentFIN,IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals plans JV with foreign suitor to push growth,2,IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals,8345.0,12.0 11191,SentFIN,Ipca Laboratories Q1 net up 67 per cent at Rs 71.77 crore,2,Ipca Laboratories,8346.0,12.0 11192,SentFIN,IT major TCS outshines again; beats expectations with 4.1% Q1 sales growth,2,TCS,8348.0,12.0 11193,SentFIN,IT stocks performing well due to better quarterly results: P Phani Sekhar,2,IT stocks,8349.0,12.0 11194,SentFIN,Jagran Prakashan has good triggers over the next one year: Pankaj Pandey,2,Jagran Prakashan,8350.0,12.0 11195,SentFIN,"Jet Airways is best pick in aviation sector: Rajesh Jain, Market Strategist",2,Jet Airways,8351.0,12.0 11196,SentFIN,Jindal Steel looking strong on the back of good earnings: Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,Jindal Steel,8352.0,12.0 11197,SentFIN,JP Associates is a decent buy closer to 60-62 levels: Ambareesh Baliga,2,JP Associates,8353.0,12.0 11198,SentFIN,"Just Dial Ltd to set up shop in UK, UAE; stock rallies",2,Just Dial Ltd,8354.0,12.0 11199,SentFIN,Jyothy Lab Q3 profit soars 63.1 per cent at Rs 27.4 crore,2,Jyothy Lab,8355.0,12.0 11200,SentFIN,Jyoti Structures seeks shareholder permission to allow lenders convert debt into equity,2,Jyoti Structures,8356.0,12.0 11201,SentFIN,Koutons Retail Q3 profit up 18.63 per cent at Rs 15.79 cr,2,Koutons Retail,8357.0,12.0 11202,SentFIN,LIC Housing Q2 Net rises 10 per cent at Rs 341 crore,2,LIC Housing,8358.0,12.0 11203,SentFIN,"Lower levels on Nifty to be good buying opportunities: Mitesh Thacker,",2,Nifty,8360.0,12.0 11204,SentFIN,LT Foods Q4 net jumps more than seven-fold at Rs 9.69 crore,2,LT Foods,8361.0,12.0 11205,SentFIN,Markets likely to remain volatile; top five trading strategies for Budget week,1,Markets,8362.0,12.0 11206,SentFIN,Mastek gains 34% in past week; to reap dividends on demerger plans,2,Mastek,8363.0,12.0 11207,SentFIN,"MFs dominate among 20 buyers of Rs 1,000 crore Tech Mahindra shares",2,Tech Mahindra,8364.0,12.0 11208,SentFIN,MIRC Electronics net profit up at Rs 9.71 cr in March quarter,2,MIRC Electronics,8365.0,12.0 11209,SentFIN,Money is flowing to early cyclical plays like capital good: Prashasta Seth,2,capital good,8366.0,12.0 11210,SentFIN,MRF Q2 net profit surges 94.66 per cent to Rs 332.62 crore,2,MRF,8367.0,12.0 11211,SentFIN,"MRPL now a Schedule A company, to be entitled to more benefits",2,MRPL,8368.0,12.0 11212,SentFIN,"Nakoda: Increasing cotton yarn prices, sustained demand result in encouraging Q1 results",2,cotton yarn,8369.0,12.0 11213,SentFIN,NALCO is a 'BUY' with a target of Rs 54: Prakash Gaba,2,NALCO,8370.0,12.0 11214,SentFIN,Nasdaq's revamp of PSX exchange to put focus back on order size,2,Nasdaq,8371.0,12.0 11215,SentFIN,"New biz model, big clients turn it around for Blue Star Infotech",2,Blue Star Infotech,8372.0,12.0 11216,SentFIN,NHAI bond issue sees spectacular response; subscribed 3 times on day 1,2,NHAI,8373.0,12.0 11217,SentFIN,Nifty to head towards 7680 if doesn't break below 7540: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,8374.0,12.0 11218,SentFIN,Nifty to head towards 8200-8250 in next 4-5 trading sessions: Mitesh Thacker,2,Nifty,8375.0,12.0 11219,SentFIN,NPA factor: PNB surges 6% despite Q3 net profit declining by 42%,2,PNB,8376.0,12.0 11220,SentFIN,Oberoi Realty rallies 15% as SC frees up stuck projects in Mumbai,2,Oberoi Realty,8377.0,12.0 11221,SentFIN,Oil jumps 3 per cent to $63 as energy firms slash investments,2,Oil,8379.0,12.0 11222,SentFIN,OMCs pullback on hopes of no fuel price cut in near term,2,OMCs,8380.0,12.0 11223,SentFIN,"Once above Rs 268, Crompton Greaves can touch Rs 280: Sandeep Wagle",2,Crompton Greaves,8381.0,12.0 11224,SentFIN,OPEC price plan may be the first step towards $70 oil floor,2,OPEC,8383.0,12.0 11225,SentFIN,PC Jeweller Q1 Net up 18.50 per cent at Rs 82.47 crore,2,PC Jeweller,8384.0,12.0 11226,SentFIN,"Platinum jewellery is gaining more favours among young Indian customers, say retailers",2,Platinum jewellery,8386.0,12.0 11227,SentFIN,"Positive momentum to stay intact; Nifty to test 8,865 levels: Mitesh Thacker",2,Nifty,8387.0,12.0 11228,SentFIN,PowerGrid net jumps 21 pc to Rs Rs 591 cr in Oct-Dec,2,PowerGrid,8388.0,12.0 11229,SentFIN,"Prefer Arvind among textile stocks; see improvement revenue growth, margins: Girish Pai",2,Arvind,8389.0,12.0 11230,SentFIN,Puravankara Q4 net up 71% at Rs 79 crore; interim dividend 50%,2,Puravankara,8391.0,12.0 11231,SentFIN,Radico Khaitan hits 52-week high as Rakesh Jhunjhunwala picks 6.85 lakh shares,2,Radico Khaitan,8393.0,12.0 11232,SentFIN,"Radio Mirchi posts 16% jump in quarterly net profit, revenue grows 11.6%",2,Radio Mirchi,8394.0,12.0 11233,SentFIN,Railway stocks rally as much as 13% ahead of Rail Budget 2014,2,Railway stocks,8395.0,12.0 11234,SentFIN,Ranbaxy Laboratories rallies over 8% on USFDA nod for Diovan's generic version,2,Ranbaxy Laboratories,8396.0,12.0 11235,SentFIN,Rane Holdings Q3 net up 13.74 per cent at Rs 11.42 crore,2,Rane Holdings,8397.0,12.0 11236,SentFIN,RComm is above 20 and 50 day exponential moving averages: Rohit Shinde,2,RComm,8398.0,12.0 11237,SentFIN,Real estate sector has moved forward over last 5-7 years: Rajiv Anand,2,Real estate sector,8399.0,12.0 11238,SentFIN,Rebound in global oil prices perk up investor interest in support companies,2,oil,8400.0,12.0 11239,SentFIN,RIL extends rally post gas price hike approval; up 10% since June,2,RIL,8402.0,12.0 11240,SentFIN,Rose export market gives good returns to growers ahead of Valentines Day,2,Rose,8403.0,12.0 11241,SentFIN,RPG Life Q1 net profit soars over 19-fold to Rs 55 crore,2,RPG Life,8404.0,12.0 11242,SentFIN,Rupiah gains on boost to Jokowi's election campaign; intervention drags on won,2,Rupiah,8406.0,12.0 11243,SentFIN,Santos soars on bid refusal but Asia markets on edge over China,2,Santos,8407.0,12.0 11244,SentFIN,"Shriram Transports bond issue a big hit, mops Rs 1,567 crore",2,Shriram Transports,8408.0,12.0 11245,SentFIN,Sintex Industries Q1 Net up 47.27 per cent at Rs 107.38 crore,2,Sintex Industries,8409.0,12.0 11246,SentFIN,Snowman Logistics can do well with a long term perspective: Neeraj Deewan,2,Snowman Logistics,8410.0,12.0 11247,SentFIN,Some big banking stocks may see upside in near term: Avinash Gorakssakar,2,banking stocks,8411.0,12.0 11248,SentFIN,South Korean won hits near six-year high after May current account data,2,South Korean won,8412.0,12.0 11249,SentFIN,Sterlite gains as SC sets aside Madras HC order on Tuticorin plant,2,Sterlite,8414.0,12.0 11250,SentFIN,Still some money left on the table for IT space: Vijai Mantri,2,IT space,8415.0,12.0 11251,SentFIN,"Strides' Q4 profit jumps 47-fold to Rs 3,525 crore on investment sale",2,Strides,8416.0,12.0 11252,SentFIN,Sugar stocks jump up to 20% after UP government holds cane price,2,Sugar stocks,8417.0,12.0 11253,SentFIN,"Sustained FII flows will push markets higher, policy environment weighs: Deutsche Bank",1,Deutsche Bank,8418.0,12.0 11254,SentFIN,Symphony Ltd Q1 net rises 51 per cent to Rs 21.63 crore,2,Symphony Ltd,8419.0,12.0 11255,SentFIN,TajGVK Hotels & Resorts Q4 Net jumps 8-fold to Rs 4.92 crore,2,TajGVK Hotels & Resorts,8420.0,12.0 11256,SentFIN,Tata Motors Q1 consolidated PAT seen up 111% at Rs 3650 crore,2,Tata Motors,8421.0,12.0 11257,SentFIN,Tax free bonds are back; be an early bird to gain advantage,2,Tax free bonds,8422.0,12.0 11258,SentFIN,Tea prices firm up in global market despite production increasing by 13.3%,2,Tea,8423.0,12.0 11259,SentFIN,There could be a decent 25-30% upside in Maruti's stock: Prakash Diwan,2,Maruti,8424.0,12.0 11260,SentFIN,Things to get better for oil space after government reforms: Prateek Agarwal,2,oil space,8425.0,12.0 11261,SentFIN,Thomas Cook can return well over the next 1-2 years: Neeraj Deewan,2,Thomas Cook,8426.0,12.0 11262,SentFIN,Titagarh Wagons forays in metro coach business; stock up 1 per cent,2,Titagarh Wagons,8427.0,12.0 11263,SentFIN,Tobacco stocks surge up to 13% on reports of cigarette price hike,2,Tobacco stocks,8429.0,12.0 11264,SentFIN,"Top seven companies add Rs 44,044 crore to investor wealth; SBI shines",2,SBI,8430.0,12.0 11265,SentFIN,TV18 Broadcast Q3 Net up 16.83 per cent at Rs 60.37 crore,2,TV18 Broadcast,8433.0,12.0 11266,SentFIN,TV18 posts multi-fold decline in FY-11 net loss at Rs 20.11 crore,2,TV18,8434.0,12.0 11267,SentFIN,Unichem Lab Q1 net up 9 per cent at Rs 36 crore,2,Unichem Lab,8435.0,12.0 11268,SentFIN,Uninor operating loss narrows down to Rs 70 cr in second quarter,2,Uninor,8436.0,12.0 11269,SentFIN,"Usha Martin zooms 20% on coal block win, volumes up 23 times",2,Usha Martin,8437.0,12.0 11270,SentFIN,Ushdev International Q2 profit up 112 per cent to Rs 44 crore,2,Ushdev International,8438.0,12.0 11271,SentFIN,"Valuations of banking stocks looking decent: Dhiraj Agarwal, Standard Chartered Capital Markets",2,Standard Chartered Capital Markets,8439.0,12.0 11272,SentFIN,Very bullish on India; Narendra Modi government has renewed optimism: Mark Mobius,2,India,8440.0,12.0 11273,SentFIN,V-Guard Industries Q1 net soars 26.13 per cent at Rs 22.25 crore,2,V-Guard Industries,8441.0,12.0 11274,SentFIN,Weekly Asia FX gains seen as Fed keeps rates; growth worries remain,2,Asia FX,8442.0,12.0 11275,SentFIN,"Wonderla Holidays debuts on bourses, IPO looks a good bet, say brokerages",2,Wonderla Holidays,8443.0,12.0 11276,SentFIN,5300 to 5355 is the level to watch out on Nifty: Rajat Bose,2,Nifty,8447.0,13.0 11277,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland shares surge over 9 per cent after strong sales in December,2,Ashok Leyland,8451.0,13.0 11278,SentFIN,Balmer Lawrie & Company Q1 net up 2 pc at Rs 45.63 crore,2,Balmer Lawrie & Company,8452.0,13.0 11279,SentFIN,Bayer CropScience rallies over 13% as Q2 profit grows to Rs 176 crore,2,Bayer CropScience,8453.0,13.0 11280,SentFIN,Blue Star profit up 36 per cent at Rs 31.01 crore in Q1,2,Blue Star,8455.0,13.0 11281,SentFIN,Britannia Industries rallies over 8% post Q2 results; Top pick in FMCG space,2,Britannia Industries,8456.0,13.0 11282,SentFIN,Bullish on Cairn India; could head towards as high as 355-360: Mitesh Thacker,2,Cairn India,8457.0,13.0 11283,SentFIN,"Cadila Healthcare beats estimates with 81% jump in Q3 profit, stock up 2%",2,Cadila Healthcare,8458.0,13.0 11284,SentFIN,Camlin Fine Sciences may return 100-200% in next 30 months: Mehraboon Irani,2,Camlin Fine Sciences,8459.0,13.0 11285,SentFIN,"Century Textiles rallies on board rejig, restructuring of cement & paper biz reports",2,Century Textiles,8460.0,13.0 11286,SentFIN,Chambal Fertilisers Q1 Net up by 47 per cent at Rs 112.98 crore,2,Chambal Fertilisers,8461.0,13.0 11287,SentFIN,CNX IT to remain positive and strongest among the tech pack: Mitesh Thacker,2,CNX IT,8462.0,13.0 11288,SentFIN,Construction companies surge up to 15 per cent as government plans infra push,2,Construction companies,8463.0,13.0 11289,SentFIN,"Corporate bond investments set new record, up 32 per cent in FY15",2,Corporate bond,8465.0,12.0 11290,SentFIN,Crompton Greaves extends rally on stake sale reports; up over 20% since February,2,Crompton Greaves,8466.0,13.0 11291,SentFIN,Crompton Greaves rallies 3% on contract win; stock up over 50% in 2014,2,Crompton Greaves,8467.0,13.0 11292,SentFIN,"Crucial support at 7,800 for Nifty50, bulls to take charge if it holds",2,Nifty50,8468.0,13.0 11293,SentFIN,DB Realty rallies over 3% as Q2 profit rises to Rs 10 crore,2,DB Realty,8470.0,13.0 11294,SentFIN,"Demand from anchor investors impressive, VRL Logistics' IPO should fare well: Prakash Diwan",2,VRL Logistics,8471.0,13.0 11295,SentFIN,Dhampur Sugar Mills net profit up at Rs 52.63 crore for March Quarter,2,Dhampur Sugar Mills,8472.0,13.0 11296,SentFIN,Diageo stock surges on news of takeover by Brazillian billionaire Jorge Paulo Lemann,2,Diageo,8473.0,13.0 11297,SentFIN,Eveready Industries India Q2 net profit rises over four-fold to Rs 17.64 crore,2,Eveready Industries India,8474.0,13.0 11298,SentFIN,Gateway March quarter net up by 20 per cent due to tax gains,2,Gateway March,8480.0,13.0 11299,SentFIN,Government's decision on gas pricing will open up the sector more: Vinay Khattar,2,gas,8481.0,13.0 11300,SentFIN,HCL Technologies: Positive management commentary lifts the stock from the day's low level,2,HCL Technologies,8483.0,13.0 11301,SentFIN,Hold rating on HDFC bank with a target price of 650: Pankaj Pandey,1,HDFC bank,8485.0,13.0 11302,SentFIN,ICICI Bank in green ahead of Q4 results; here's what to expect,2,ICICI Bank,8487.0,13.0 11303,SentFIN,Idea Cellular to be the top pick among the telecom stocks: Rajat Rajgarhia,2,Idea Cellular,8488.0,13.0 11304,SentFIN,"IGATE to create team that targets strategic deals, revenue rises 3.5 per cent",2,IGATE,8489.0,13.0 11305,SentFIN,"IIFCL net profit up 47 per cent at Rs 1,000 crore in 2012-13",2,IIFCL,8490.0,13.0 11306,SentFIN,Indian Hotels a good investment call over medium to long term: Ashit Suri,2,Indian Hotels,8491.0,13.0 11307,SentFIN,Inox Wind likely to see margin expansion; valuations not too demanding: Mayuresh Joshi,2,Inox Wind,8493.0,13.0 11308,SentFIN,Insecticides India Q1 net profit up 23 per cent at Rs 17.4 crore,2,Insecticides India,8494.0,13.0 11309,SentFIN,"InterGlobe Aviation's Rs 3,018 crore IPO over-subscribed by two times on Day 3",2,InterGlobe Aviation,8495.0,13.0 11310,SentFIN,"It's safe ride for India Inc so far, but miles to go still",2,India Inc,8496.0,13.0 11311,SentFIN,Keep long positions in the IT sector in the coming days: Mitesh Thacker,2,IT sector,8498.0,13.0 11312,SentFIN,"Kharif sowing expected to increase due to good monsoons: Sharad Pawar, Agriculture Minister",2,Kharif,8499.0,13.0 11313,SentFIN,Logistics firm Gati Q1 profit jumps over two fold to Rs 15 crore,2,Gati,8500.0,13.0 11314,SentFIN,Major recovery happening in terms of economic environment in power sector: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,power sector,8501.0,13.0 11315,SentFIN,"Marked improvement across segments; agri space just one of them: Pankaj Pandey,",1,,8502.0,13.0 11316,SentFIN,Monster rally on the cards post elections! Sensex seen at 26-27k by 2014-end,2,Sensex,8505.0,13.0 11317,SentFIN,Muthoot Finance to come up with public issue of NCDs on September 17,1,Muthoot Finance,8507.0,13.0 11318,SentFIN,ONGC is a 'BUY' call with a target of Rs 418: Vijay Bhambwani,2,ONGC,8511.0,13.0 11319,SentFIN,Option bets soar as Nifty seen at 5800 next month on reform push,2,Nifty,8513.0,13.0 11320,SentFIN,"Outlook for IT sector positive, pick IT names for long-term gains: Neeraj Deewan",2,IT sector,8514.0,13.0 11321,SentFIN,Persistent Systems' performance based on a good manegement and business model: Kunj Bansal,2,Persistent Systems,8515.0,13.0 11322,SentFIN,"Polaris ends 14% higher on stake sale buzz, CEO dismisses reports as rumours",2,Polaris,8517.0,13.0 11323,SentFIN,"PSU banks on fire on rate cut hopes, government's plan to sell stake",2,PSU banks,8518.0,13.0 11324,SentFIN,Punjab National Bank Q2 net up 13.81 per cent at Rs 575.34 crore,2,Punjab National Bank,8519.0,13.0 11325,SentFIN,"RCom rallies 20% in April; more deals will lead to re-rating, say brokerages",2,RCom,8520.0,13.0 11326,SentFIN,Reliance Capital Q1 net profit up 22.5 per cent at Rs 201 crore,2,Reliance Capital,8522.0,13.0 11327,SentFIN,Sanghvi Movers a turnaround story; IFB Inds to see festive boost: Kunj Bansal,2,Sanghvi Movers,8523.0,13.0 11328,SentFIN,Shares of Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore rally over 6% on hopes of revival,2,Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore,8525.0,13.0 11329,SentFIN,Strides Arcolab Sept qtr net up 84 per cent to Rs 41 cr,2,Strides Arcolab,8529.0,13.0 11330,SentFIN,Sugar stocks see sweet gains as govt approves subsidy on raw sugar export,2,Sugar stocks,8530.0,13.0 11331,SentFIN,Tara Jewels posts consolidated Q1 net up by 32% at Rs 11.64 cr,2,Tara Jewels,8531.0,13.0 11332,SentFIN,Technical charts indicate we could be headed for a 13-year bull run: LKP,1,LKP,8532.0,13.0 11333,SentFIN,Upcoming festive season likely to augur well for the retail sector: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,2,retail sector,8534.0,13.0 11334,SentFIN,VA TECH Wabag reports over 100 pc jump in third quarter net profits,2,VA TECH Wabag,8535.0,13.0 11335,SentFIN,"Visible growth in IT sector offers comfort, buy stocks on dips: Anand Tandon",2,IT sector,8537.0,13.0 11336,SentFIN,Voltas is a 'BUY' call with a target of Rs 295: Ashwani Gujral,2,Voltas,8538.0,13.0 11337,SentFIN,Worst is behind for IDBI Bank; all eyes on management activity: Deven Choksey,2,IDBI Bank,8541.0,13.0 11338,SentFIN,Yen strengthens ahead of US jobs report as investors push into safer assets,2,Yen,8542.0,13.0 11339,SentFIN,"$3.56 trillion: Despite spending billions to prop up currency, China has biggest foreign reserves",2,China,8543.0,14.0 11340,SentFIN,10-15 per cent upside still left in Infosys; could touch 3800 levels: Rajen Shah,2,Infosys,8544.0,14.0 11341,SentFIN,2014 Lok Sabha elections: PSU banks surge as NDA set to win majority comfortably,2,PSU banks,8545.0,14.0 11342,SentFIN,"Acceleration in infra activity, fall in interest rates to boost CV space: Deven Choksey",2,infra activity,8546.0,14.0 11343,SentFIN,Amara Raja Batteries Q4 net profit surges 27.74% to Rs 102.26 crore,2,Amara Raja Batteries,8547.0,14.0 11344,SentFIN,"An extra $1 trillion to India's GDP by 2020 makes midcaps hot, say experts",2,India,8548.0,14.0 11345,SentFIN,Anant Raj to sell stake in Greatway Estates for Rs 304 crore; stock gains,2,Greatway Estates,8549.0,14.0 11346,SentFIN,"Are IT stocks losing touch? No, it's the right time to buy, say experts",2,IT stocks,8550.0,14.0 11347,SentFIN,Audit panel suggests RIL can recover $160.8 million cost in KG D6; stock up,2,RIL,8551.0,14.0 11348,SentFIN,"Autos drive Sensex higher, can return upto 8 per cent in August say experts",2,Sensex,8552.0,14.0 11349,SentFIN,BoB Q3 FY 10 profit up by 18 pc on strong growth in fee-income,2,BoB,8553.0,14.0 11350,SentFIN,Budget 2014: Why ITCs stock gained despite the increase in excise duty on cigarettes,2,ITCs,8554.0,14.0 11351,SentFIN,Chennai Petroleum net profit jumps over seven-fold at Rs 364 crore for fourth quarter,2,Chennai Petroleum,8557.0,14.0 11352,SentFIN,Dishman Pharma hits 52-week high as drug maker gets licence to manufacture TB medicine,2,Dishman Pharma,8561.0,14.0 11353,SentFIN,Easier Sebi listing norms aim at encouraging startup industry to tap institutional trading platform,1,Sebi,8562.0,14.0 11354,SentFIN,Existing investors should hold on to Eicher Motors' stock for long-term gains: Mayuresh Joshi,2,Eicher Motor,8564.0,14.0 11355,SentFIN,"Exporters expect black pepper to double to 70,000 tonne with bumper output in Karnataka",2,black pepper,8565.0,14.0 11356,SentFIN,FII stake in SKS Microfinance soars to record high of 44.61% in April-June quarter,2,SKS Microfinance,8566.0,14.0 11357,SentFIN,Firstsource Solutions gains 68% on bourses in three months as business outlook turns positive,2,Firstsource Solutions,8567.0,14.0 11358,SentFIN,"Forget Iraq woes, Sensex can still rally another 2,000 points ahead of Budget 2014",2,Sensex,8568.0,14.0 11359,SentFIN,Govt's boost to infra sector may auger well for road sector stocks: Hemindra Hazari,2,road sector stocks,8569.0,14.0 11360,SentFIN,Gujarat State Fertilizers Company's net profit in Q1 rises 22% to Rs 172 crore,2,Gujarat State Fertilizers Company,8570.0,14.0 11361,SentFIN,Infra cos should be growing at 25-30% in the next 5 yrs: Gul Tekchandani,2,Infra cos,8573.0,14.0 11362,SentFIN,Institutional buying necessary for markets to move higher; focus on smallcap stocks: Ashwani Gujral,2,smallcap stocks,8574.0,14.0 11363,SentFIN,"Institutional investors buy HDFC warrants in hordes, bet prices to rise quicker than shares",2,HDFC,8575.0,14.0 11364,SentFIN,"Jewellery stocks glitter, rally 20% as RBI eases gold import curbs to boost exports",2,Jewellery stocks,8577.0,14.0 11365,SentFIN,Low valuations and better balance sheets make auto stocks a good pick: Pankaj Pandey,2,auto stocks,8579.0,14.0 11366,SentFIN,Nalco: Stability in aluminium prices & favourable rupee-dollar ratio make it a good buy,2,Nalco,8580.0,14.0 11367,SentFIN,"Offshore yuan surges by more than 1 per cent, set for biggest daily gain",2,yuan,8581.0,14.0 11368,SentFIN,Rakesh Jhunjhunwala to invest in Next Mediaworks subsidiary; stock surges 60% in six sessions,2,Next Mediaworks,8582.0,14.0 11369,SentFIN,"Relaxo Footwear's stock gained 75% in six months, thanks to drop in rubber price",2,Relaxo Footwear,8583.0,14.0 11370,SentFIN,Russia central bank makes 17.66 billion roubles worth of forex interventions on October 7,2,Russia central bank,8584.0,14.0 11371,SentFIN,Shoppers Stop surges 14 per cent to hit year high on fund raising plan,2,Shoppers Stop,8586.0,14.0 11372,SentFIN,SKS Microfinance ends 4% higher as Q4 net profit jumps to Rs 40.54 crore,2,SKS Microfinance,8588.0,14.0 11373,SentFIN,"SRF rallies 20%, hits 52-week high as Q1 net profit doubles to 99 crore",2,SRF,8589.0,14.0 11374,SentFIN,SRS Ltd income surges by 19 per cent to Rs 3439.38 crore in FY14,2,SRS Ltd,8590.0,14.0 11375,SentFIN,Tea prices likely to rise 15-35% post elections on low offerings at the auctions,2,Tea,8591.0,14.0 11376,SentFIN,Tyre stocks may go up by another 30% from these levels: P Phani Sekhar,2,Tyre stocks,8592.0,14.0 11377,SentFIN,Venus Remedies shares surge nearly 14% intraday as company announces issue of equity shares,2,Venus Remedies,8593.0,14.0 11378,SentFIN,"VIP Industries rallies over 8%, hits 52-week high as Q4 net profit jumps three-fold",2,VIP Industries,8594.0,14.0 11379,SentFIN,Vishal Sikka effect? Infosys' quarterly revenue growth fastest in 3 years at $476 million,2,Infosys,8595.0,14.0 11380,SentFIN,"With auto sales gaining pace, brokers say auto ancillaries can give over 20% returns",2,auto ancillaries,8596.0,14.0 11381,SentFIN,2014 Lok Sabha elections: Retail investors make hay as stocks soar on Narendra Modi wave,2,Retail investors,8597.0,15.0 11382,SentFIN,"Advani Hotels locked in upper circuit, up 20%, hits 52-week high; volumes surge over 1000%",2,Advani Hotels,8598.0,15.0 11383,SentFIN,"Amtek Auto jumps on reports company plans to raise Rs 6,500 cr by selling assets",2,Amtek Auto,8601.0,15.0 11384,SentFIN,"At Mahindra Holidays, a healthy view of future on cheaper stock valuation, better business prospects",2,Mahindra Holidays,8602.0,15.0 11385,SentFIN,Bank of Indias net profit up 8.6 per cent due high provisions for bad loan,2,Bank of Indias,8603.0,15.0 11386,SentFIN,BASF stocks gain 76% in three months but earnings need to grow to match valuations,2,BASF,8604.0,15.0 11387,SentFIN,"Berger Paints: With major capex out of way and better reach, it's a long-term bet",2,Berger Paints,8605.0,15.0 11388,SentFIN,Bet on Reliance Power with a slightly medium to longer term horizon:Avinnash Gorakssakar,2,Reliance Power,8606.0,15.0 11389,SentFIN,BHEL surges 52% in 12 sessions: Why investors should be wary of buying the stock,2,BHEL,8608.0,15.0 11390,SentFIN,"Cement sector may attract institutional investors on likely uptick in utilisation rate, RoE: Girish Pai",2,Cement sector,8609.0,15.0 11391,SentFIN,Chinese markets bounce back over 6% on attempts to stem rout; state intervention to weigh,2,Chinese markets,8610.0,15.0 11392,SentFIN,Cipla's attractive valuation post 8% fall in a month makes it a good long-term buy,2,Cipla,8611.0,15.0 11393,SentFIN,Clarification on royalty payment likely to help Maruti in terms of pricing power: Prakash Diwan,2,Maruti,8612.0,15.0 11394,SentFIN,Clarity on gas pricing will be a boost of confidendce for RIL stock: Deven Choksey,2,RIL stock,8613.0,15.0 11395,SentFIN,Consistent performer HDFC Bank can be among top 3 holdings in any portfolio: Dipan Mehta,2,HDFC Bank,8614.0,15.0 11396,SentFIN,Dabur Q4 net profit up 18% at Rs 201 crore on back of strong growth,2,Dabur,8615.0,15.0 11397,SentFIN,Does Greece matter to India? Nifty likely to hit Mt 11K in next 18 months,2,Nifty,8617.0,15.0 11398,SentFIN,Earnings review: IT gets Q1 party going with net profit up 15.7% for June quarter,2,IT,8618.0,15.0 11399,SentFIN,Federal Bank Q3 net up 9 per cent at Rs 230 crore on improved assets,2,Federal Bank,8619.0,15.0 11400,SentFIN,"Genpact ups sales forecast from 13% to 25%, beats street with sales of $336 mn",2,Genpact,8620.0,15.0 11401,SentFIN,Hedge funds most bullish on silver in 7 months on hope it will outperform gold,2,Hedge fund,8622.0,15.0 11402,SentFIN,Here's what to expect from HDFC Q4 results; net profit to grow by 6.2% YoY,2,HDFC,8623.0,15.0 11403,SentFIN,Idea Cellulars consolidated net profit increases 7 per cent to Rs 809 crore in Q2,2,Idea Cellulars,8624.0,15.0 11404,SentFIN,Info Edge India is a 'BUY' call with a target of Rs 720: Shrikant Chouhan,2,Info Edge India,8625.0,15.0 11405,SentFIN,It'll again be a buyers' market for gold in '15 as US rate hikes seen,2,gold,8626.0,15.0 11406,SentFIN,"Just Dial Ltd is a 'BUY' call with a target of Rs 1,395: Mitesh Thacker",2,Just Dial Ltd,8627.0,15.0 11407,SentFIN,Larsen & Toubro net profit up 35 per cent to Rs 894 crore; below estimates,2,Larsen & Toubro,8628.0,15.0 11408,SentFIN,Metals stocks have gained 60% in 4 months: Should one stay bullish on the counter,2,Metals stocks,8629.0,15.0 11409,SentFIN,OFSS hits 52-week high; rallies over 10% on interim dividend of Rs 485 per share,2,OFSS,8632.0,15.0 11410,SentFIN,"Praj Industries back on growth track with ethanol business revival, Ganga project and margin play",2,Praj Industries,8633.0,15.0 11411,SentFIN,PTC India Financial Services reports 91% jump in Q4 profit to Rs 46.36 crore,2,PTC India Financial Services,8634.0,15.0 11412,SentFIN,Rail Budget 2015: Invest in railway stocks for long haul; top stocks to bet on,2,railway stocks,8635.0,15.0 11413,SentFIN,Railway stocks on a roll ahead of rail budget; gain up to 8 per cent,2,Railway stocks,8636.0,15.0 11414,SentFIN,See 3-5% uptick in indices if GST gets Rajya Sabha nod: Emkay Global Financial Services,1,Emkay Global Financial Services,8638.0,15.0 11415,SentFIN,"Somany Ceramics posts 32% profit growth in Q4, net profit rises to Rs. 15 crore",2,Somany Ceramics,8639.0,15.0 11416,SentFIN,"State Bank of India beats estimates, Q4 net up 23%, bad loan ratio down",2,State Bank of India,8641.0,15.0 11417,SentFIN,Technical Check: Havells likely to resume uptrend soon; buy for a target of Rs 325,2,Havells,8642.0,15.0 11418,SentFIN,Videocon Industries net profit up 5.55 per cent at Rs 18.61 crore in December quarter,2,Videocon Industries,8645.0,15.0 11419,SentFIN,"Wockhardt rallies 20% on strong volumes, hits highest level in 25 weeks; a buy call?",2,Wockhardt,8646.0,15.0 11420,SentFIN,YES Bank Q4 net up 33 pc at Rs 362.15 cr; declares 60 pc dividend,2,YES Bank,8647.0,15.0 11421,SentFIN,Adlabs' IPO a good opportunity for investors willing to invest in entertainment biz: Deven Choksey,2,Adlabs,8648.0,16.0 11422,SentFIN,Ancillary stocks like Ashok Leyland set to gain from rise in mining activity in coming years,2,Ashok Leyland,8649.0,16.0 11423,SentFIN,HDFC Bank posts 20 per cent hike in net profit in Q2 on retail loan demand,2,HDFC Bank,8651.0,16.0 11424,SentFIN,Hike in cigarette prices to offset fall in volumes; valuations looks attractive for ITC: Mayuresh Joshi,2,ITC,8652.0,16.0 11425,SentFIN,Infosys: Implied volatilty hits 5-year high as buyers queue up to puchase options ahead of results,2,Infosys,8653.0,16.0 11426,SentFIN,JLR effect: Tata Motors may see 102% surge in Q3 PAT; how to trade the stock,2,Tata Motors,8654.0,16.0 11427,SentFIN,"NBFCs look at a healthy fourth quarter despite stress points, Investors may dig into these stocks",2,NBFC,8656.0,16.0 11428,SentFIN,"Orient Cement rallies 20 per cent, hits 52-week high as Rakesh Jhunjhunwala buys 17.1 lakh shares",2,Orient Cement,8657.0,16.0 11429,SentFIN,Pre-market: Nifty likely to hit fresh record highs as exit polls show NDA winning LS elections,2,Nifty,8658.0,16.0 11430,SentFIN,Reserve Bank of India adds net $5.5 billion in up to 1-year forex forwards in July,1,Reserve Bank of India,8659.0,16.0 11431,SentFIN,Rush for higher returns before rate cut: NTPC tax-free bonds oversubscribed 10 times on Day 1,2,NTPC,8660.0,16.0 11432,SentFIN,"SAIL's 5% stake sale will fetch government Rs 2,000 crore, process may be completed before Budget",2,SAIL,8661.0,16.0 11433,SentFIN,Sistema Shyam Teleservices Ltd reports a narrowed loss of Rs 400.4 crore for the first quarter,2,Sistema Shyam Teleservices Ltd,8662.0,16.0 11434,SentFIN,Snowman may be a cool long-term buy; large cold storage network gives it a competitive edge,2,Snowman,8663.0,16.0 11435,SentFIN,Amitabh Bachchan buys 1.1 lakh shares in Stampede Capital; stock has shot up 30% in a month,2,Stampede Capital,8665.0,17.0 11436,SentFIN,"Blackstone believes in India blockbuster, to invest over $2 billion in India over the next 5-6 years",2,Blackstone,8666.0,17.0 11437,SentFIN,"Make a base right now, trade in low volatile ranges: Gaurang Shah, Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services",1,Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services,8667.0,17.0 11438,SentFIN,Monnet Ispat & Energy records 23% y-o-y revenue growth in June quarter; input costs squeezes EBIDTA margins,2,Monnet Ispat & Energy,8669.0,17.0 11439,SentFIN,Samvat 2072 starts on a cheerful note; Sensex up 124 points in biggest 'new year' gain since 2010,2,Sensex,8674.0,18.0 11440,SentFIN,SUUTI stake sale won't have a significant impact on the long term profile of Axis Bank: Vijai Mantri,2,Axis Bank,8675.0,18.0 11441,SentFIN,"Technical Check: Not the time to log out of Infosys, stock can hit Rs 1,600 in 1 year",2,Infosys,8676.0,18.0 11442,SentFIN,"Saatchi & Saatchi adds creative muscle with new appointments, Elevates Mithun Mirji to Singapore for a newly created role",2,Saatchi & Saatchi,8678.0,19.0 11443,SentFIN,"Downgrade Wipro to 'Hold', says Edelweiss",0,Wipro,8680.0,6.0 11444,SentFIN,Wheat futures down on profit-booking,0,Wheat,8681.0,5.0 11445,SentFIN,Lender invokes United Spirits' pledged shares,0,United Spirits,8683.0,6.0 11446,SentFIN,UCO Bank looking negative: Somil Mehta,0,UCO Bank,8684.0,6.0 11447,SentFIN,Cautious on two-wheeler space: David Pezarkar,0,two-wheeler,8685.0,6.0 11448,SentFIN,Twitter shares fall below IPO price,0,Twitter,8686.0,6.0 11449,SentFIN,Tokyo stocks open 0.32% lower,0,Tokyo stocks,8687.0,5.0 11450,SentFIN,Thermax slumps post weak Q2 results,0,Thermax,8688.0,6.0 11451,SentFIN,Promoter feud hits SV Global,0,SV Global,8689.0,5.0 11452,SentFIN,Selling pressure on Suzlon: Seshadri Bharathan,0,Suzlon,8690.0,6.0 11453,SentFIN,Bearish on sugar stocks: Mitesh Thacker,0,sugar stocks,8691.0,6.0 11454,SentFIN,Legal hurdle sours sugar exports,0,sugar,8692.0,5.0 11455,SentFIN,Sugar prices falls on weak demand,0,Sugar,8693.0,6.0 11456,SentFIN,Sterlite Industries tanks 5% on bourses,0,Sterlite Industries,8694.0,6.0 11457,SentFIN,Trade steel stocks today: Deepak Mohoni,0,steel stocks,8697.0,6.0 11458,SentFIN,Soyabean futures decline on global cues,0,Soyabean,8698.0,6.0 11459,SentFIN,Avoid SKS Microfinance: Ashwani Gujral,0,SKS Microfinance,8699.0,5.0 11460,SentFIN,Silver edges lower on global cues,0,Silver,8700.0,6.0 11461,SentFIN,Shreyas Shipping Q1 Net dips 57.46%,0,Shreyas Shipping,8701.0,6.0 11462,SentFIN,Sensex ends in the red,0,Sensex,8702.0,5.0 11463,SentFIN,Select grains down on reduced offtake,0,Select grains,8703.0,6.0 11464,SentFIN,Sahara One Media shares slump 3.5%,0,Sahara One Media,8704.0,6.0 11465,SentFIN,Russian rouble weakens at market opening,0,Russian rouble,8705.0,6.0 11466,SentFIN,Supply concerns keep rubber prices buoyant,0,rubber prices,8707.0,6.0 11467,SentFIN,Valuation of Religare-Invesco deal not expensive,0,Religare-Invesco,8708.0,6.0 11468,SentFIN,Short sell Reliance Capital: Deepak Mohoni,0,Reliance Capital,8709.0,6.0 11469,SentFIN,Ramky Infrastructure faces rising interest cost,0,Ramky Infrastructure,8710.0,6.0 11470,SentFIN,Bad weather hampers Rabi oilseed cultivation,0,Rabi oilseed,8711.0,6.0 11471,SentFIN,Pyramid Saimira reports Rs 5.20-cr loss,0,Pyramid Saimira,8712.0,6.0 11472,SentFIN,Soaring PSU shares spark pricing worry,0,PSU,8713.0,6.0 11473,SentFIN,"Gujarat PSU stocks lose allure sans CM Narendra Modi, 6 out of 7 listed state PSUs decline up to 45% in a year",0,PSU,8714.0,23.0 11474,SentFIN,Pistachio prices fall on sluggish demand,0,Pistachio,8716.0,6.0 11475,SentFIN,Switch out of Piramal: Deepak Mohoni,0,Piramal,8717.0,6.0 11476,SentFIN,Pearson slump drags Britain's FTSE lower,0,Pearson,8718.0,6.0 11477,SentFIN,Wholesale onion prices slide in Maharashtra,0,onion,8719.0,6.0 11478,SentFIN,Cautious on ONGC: Avinash Gorakshekar,0,ONGC,8720.0,5.0 11479,SentFIN,Profit-taking pulls Nikkei from 5-1/2-mth high,0,Nikkei,8722.0,6.0 11480,SentFIN,"Nickel succumbs to profit-booking, global cues",0,Nickel,8723.0,6.0 11481,SentFIN,Mustardseed futures soften on profit-booking,0,Mustardseed,8724.0,5.0 11482,SentFIN,Mustard oil weakens on subdued demand,0,Mustard oil,8725.0,6.0 11483,SentFIN,Menthol declines on reduced offtake,0,Menthol,8726.0,5.0 11484,SentFIN,Menthol prices decline on reduced offtake,0,Menthol,8727.0,6.0 11485,SentFIN,Mentha oil falls 0.39% on profit-booking,0,Mentha oil,8728.0,6.0 11486,SentFIN,CBI probes MCXs market debut,0,MCX,8729.0,5.0 11487,SentFIN,"We're in a bear market, Nifty will be in a range of 4600 to 5200: Kartik Mehta, Sushil Finance Consultants",0,market,8730.0,20.0 11488,SentFIN,Marico fourth-quarter net profit drops 20%,0,Marico,8731.0,6.0 11489,SentFIN,Maize futures dip on selling pressure,0,Maize,8732.0,6.0 11490,SentFIN,Information technology stocks drag Sensex down,0,Information technology,8733.0,6.0 11491,SentFIN,India Cement Q3 net dips 98%,0,India Cement,8734.0,6.0 11492,SentFIN,Bearish on IDFC: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,0,IDFC,8735.0,5.0 11493,SentFIN,Hong Kong stocks end 1.90% lower,0,Hong Kong stocks,8736.0,6.0 11494,SentFIN,Gur ends flat on subdued buying,0,Gur,8737.0,6.0 11495,SentFIN,Bearish on Great Offshore: Ashwani Gujral,0,Great Offshore,8738.0,6.0 11496,SentFIN,Gold's allure dims,0,Gold,8739.0,3.0 11497,SentFIN,Gold futures decline on global cues,0,Gold,8740.0,6.0 11498,SentFIN,Gold loses lustre in spot market,0,Gold,8741.0,6.0 11499,SentFIN,Global stocks lackluster after tech tumble,0,Global stocks,8742.0,6.0 11500,SentFIN,Negative bias on GAIL: Mitesh Thacker,0,GAIL,8743.0,6.0 11501,SentFIN,Panel to monitor food futures,0,food,8744.0,5.0 11502,SentFIN,"Offshore India ETFs pull money out in July, first time in 16 months; sell equities worth Rs 750 crore",0,ETF,8748.0,19.0 11503,SentFIN,Edible Oil prices to come down,0,Edible Oil,8749.0,6.0 11504,SentFIN,Dhanlaxmi Bank on downtrend: Ashwani Gujral,0,Dhanlaxmi Bank,8751.0,6.0 11505,SentFIN,Rapid currency trades may kill arbitrage',0,currency,8752.0,6.0 11506,SentFIN,Cottonseed oil weakens on subdued demand,0,Cottonseed oil,8753.0,6.0 11507,SentFIN,Cottonseed futures fall on selling pressure,0,Cottonseed,8754.0,6.0 11508,SentFIN,Commodities market comes back to bite,0,Commodities market,8755.0,6.0 11509,SentFIN,Bearish on commodities: Mehrab Irani,0,commodities,8756.0,5.0 11510,SentFIN,Cocoa hits 32 month low,0,Cocoa,8757.0,5.0 11511,SentFIN,Chana falls 0.25% on increased supply,0,Chana,8758.0,6.0 11512,SentFIN,Chana futures down on profit booking,0,Chana,8759.0,6.0 11513,SentFIN,"Chana futures extend losses, down 0.59%",0,Chana,8760.0,6.0 11514,SentFIN,Castor seed futures fall on profit-booking,0,Castor seed,8761.0,6.0 11515,SentFIN,"Bonds drop further, call rate recovers",0,Bonds,8762.0,6.0 11516,SentFIN,Bharti Infratel oversubscribed; stock plunges 7%,0,Bharti Infratel,8764.0,6.0 11517,SentFIN,Basmati rice exports fetch lower prices,0,Basmati rice,8765.0,6.0 11518,SentFIN,Base metals decline on lower demand,0,Base metals,8766.0,6.0 11519,SentFIN,Barley futures decline on selling pressure,0,Barley,8767.0,6.0 11520,SentFIN,Underweight on banking stocks: Manish Kumar,0,banking stocks,8768.0,6.0 11521,SentFIN,Bearish on Bajaj Auto: Ashwani Gujral,0,Bajaj Auto,8769.0,6.0 11522,SentFIN,"Australia shares slip, most sectors fall",0,Australia shares,8770.0,6.0 11523,SentFIN,Global growth worries hit Asia currencies,0,Asia currencies,8771.0,6.0 11524,SentFIN,"Andhra chilli turns hotter, exports hit",0,Andhra chilli,8772.0,6.0 11525,SentFIN,Almond declines on subdued demand,0,Almond,8773.0,5.0 11526,SentFIN,Selling pressure hits ADAG stocks,0,ADAG,8775.0,5.0 11527,SentFIN,SFIO files prosecutions against 8 companies,1,SFIO,8776.0,6.0 11528,SentFIN,RBI's rupee management undermines hedging push,1,RBI,8777.0,6.0 11529,SentFIN,Cardamom futures down 0.33% on profit-booking,0,Cardamom,8778.0,6.0 11530,SentFIN,Cardamom futures fall 0.46% on profit-booking,0,Cardamom,8779.0,6.0 11531,SentFIN,"Ignore grievances, face Sebi prosecution",1,Sebi,8780.0,5.0 11532,SentFIN,10-year bond falls on liquidity woes,0,10-year bond,8781.0,6.0 11533,SentFIN,10-year bonds fall slightly; seen range-bound,0,10-year bonds,8782.0,6.0 11534,SentFIN,Deepening bond rout rattles world markets,0,world markets,8783.0,6.0 11535,SentFIN,Economic growth worries hit emerging stocks,0,emerging stocks,8784.0,6.0 11536,SentFIN,Mullaperiyar dam dispute hampers cardamom trade,0,cardamom,8785.0,6.0 11537,SentFIN,10-year bonds pare gains after budget announcements,0,10-year bonds,8786.0,7.0 11538,SentFIN,Airlines down on jet fuel price hike,0,Airlines,8787.0,7.0 11539,SentFIN,"Amazon shares slide on disappointing earnings, outlook",0,Amazon,8788.0,7.0 11540,SentFIN,Andhra Bank April-June net profit down 6%,0,Andhra Bank,8790.0,7.0 11541,SentFIN,Apple 3.8% loss leads US stocks sell-off,0,Apple,8791.0,7.0 11542,SentFIN,Ashoka Buildcon's net profit slips; stock flat,0,Ashoka Buildcon,8792.0,7.0 11543,SentFIN,Asian markets: Tokyo stocks open 0.28% lower,0,Tokyo stocks,8793.0,7.0 11544,SentFIN,Barley futures slip further on renewed selling,0,Barley,8794.0,7.0 11545,SentFIN,Base metals decline on bearish LME trend,0,Base metals,8795.0,7.0 11546,SentFIN,Bharti Airtel Africa Q1 net loss widens,0,Bharti Airtel Africa,8796.0,7.0 11547,SentFIN,Biocon shares fall as June-quarter earnings disappoint,0,Biocon,8798.0,7.0 11548,SentFIN,BOC India delisting plan fails; stock down,0,BOC India,8799.0,7.0 11549,SentFIN,Bond yields edge down; profit-taking expected later,0,Bond yields,8800.0,7.0 11550,SentFIN,Bond yields fall slightly; liquidity in focus,0,Bond yields,8801.0,7.0 11551,SentFIN,Book profits in OMC stocks: Ambareesh Baliga,0,OMC stocks,8802.0,7.0 11552,SentFIN,Brent slips near $110 after Ukraine election,0,Brent,8803.0,7.0 11553,SentFIN,BSE increases annual listing fee for companies,1,BSE,8806.0,7.0 11554,SentFIN,Cantabil lists at 15 per cent discount,0,Cantabil,8807.0,7.0 11555,SentFIN,Cardamom futures extend weakness on sluggish demand,0,Cardamom,8808.0,7.0 11556,SentFIN,Castor seed futures decline on weak demand,0,Castor seed,8809.0,7.0 11557,SentFIN,Castorseed futures slip 1.54% on weakening trend,0,Castorseed,8810.0,7.0 11558,SentFIN,Caution required on agri stocks: Dipan Mehta,0,agri stocks,8811.0,7.0 11559,SentFIN,Chana futures down 0.89% on higher supply,0,Chana,8813.0,7.0 11560,SentFIN,Chana futures soften 0.31% on weak demand,0,Chana,8814.0,7.0 11561,SentFIN,Chilli futures decline 0.58% on adequate supply,0,Chilli,8815.0,7.0 11562,SentFIN,Chilli futures weaken 1.55 pc on profit-booking,0,Chilli,8816.0,7.0 11563,SentFIN,Coca-Colas volume growth slows in January-March quarter,0,Coca-Colas,8817.0,7.0 11564,SentFIN,Commodities sector may show weakness: Anu Jain,0,Commodities sector,8818.0,7.0 11565,SentFIN,Companie Q2 sales growth at 4-quarter low,0,Companie,8819.0,7.0 11566,SentFIN,Copper futures extend weakness on global cues,0,Copper,8820.0,7.0 11567,SentFIN,Copper futures fall 0.20% on global cues,0,Copper,8821.0,7.0 11568,SentFIN,Cotton farmers to suffer from fibre security,0,Cotton farmers,8822.0,7.0 11569,SentFIN,Crude palm oil prices reduce on profit-booking,0,Crude palm oil,8823.0,7.0 11570,SentFIN,Crude rout slams stocks; safe-haven assets sought,0,Crude rout,8824.0,7.0 11571,SentFIN,Day traders raise bearish bets on gold,1,gold,8825.0,7.0 11572,SentFIN,DCM Shriram falls after hitting record high,0,DCM Shriram,8826.0,7.0 11573,SentFIN,Devaluation fears grow amid China currency drop,0,China currency,8827.0,7.0 11574,SentFIN,DLF's Q3 profits fall 30.25 per cent,0,DLF,8828.0,7.0 11575,SentFIN,Emami drops after AMRI hospital fire incident,0,Emami,8831.0,7.0 11576,SentFIN,Euro dips on weaker service sector surveys,0,Euro,8832.0,7.0 11577,SentFIN,Euro lower against dollar on profit taking,0,Euro,8833.0,7.0 11578,SentFIN,European shares shaky despite US Federal assurance,0,European shares,8834.0,7.0 11579,SentFIN,European stocks slip amid poor eurozone data,0,European stocks,8835.0,7.0 11580,SentFIN,Exit Bajaj Auto on raillies: Ashwani Gujral,0,Bajaj Auto,8836.0,7.0 11581,SentFIN,Firstsource in a persistent decline: Deepak Mohoni,0,Firstsource,8837.0,7.0 11582,SentFIN,Five reasons why Sensex fell 360 points,0,Sensex,8838.0,7.0 11583,SentFIN,"Further downside likely: Sonam Udasi, IDBI Capital",1,IDBI Capital,8839.0,7.0 11584,SentFIN,Gati slips 6% on dissapointing Q2 numbers,0,Gati,8840.0,7.0 11585,SentFIN,Gold futures fall on weak global cues,0,Gold,8842.0,7.0 11586,SentFIN,Gold prices soften in early noon trade,0,Gold,8843.0,7.0 11587,SentFIN,"Gold's expensive, India feels the pinch finally",0,Gold,8844.0,7.0 11588,SentFIN,Grasim net falls 59% on lower sales,0,Grasim,8845.0,7.0 11589,SentFIN,"Growth worries grip stock markets, crude oil",0,stock,8846.0,7.0 11590,SentFIN,Guargum futures fall on weak overseas cues,0,Guargum,8847.0,7.0 11591,SentFIN,Gujarat Petronet plunges 6.6% on weak earnings,0,Gujarat Petronet,8848.0,7.0 11592,SentFIN,"Gur falls on sluggish demand, adequate supply",0,Gur,8849.0,7.0 11593,SentFIN,Havells India slumps on revenue forecast cut,0,Havells,8850.0,7.0 11594,SentFIN,Hexaware shares tank 11% on disappointing results,0,Hexaware,8851.0,7.0 11595,SentFIN,Hindalco posts smaller-than-expected profit on weak prices,0,Hindalco,8852.0,7.0 11596,SentFIN,Holcim-Ambuja Cements deal not winsome for investors,0,Holcim-Ambuja Cements,8853.0,7.0 11597,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares fall again, financials down",0,Hong Kong shares,8854.0,7.0 11598,SentFIN,"Hospitals may get a rerating, stocks rally",0,Hospitals,8855.0,7.0 11599,SentFIN,IDEA: Subscribers growth fails to boost numbers,0,IDEA,8856.0,7.0 11600,SentFIN,Illiquidity a concern for STC: Deepak Mohoni,0,STC,8857.0,7.0 11601,SentFIN,India bonds dip after Janet Yellen speech,0,India bonds,8858.0,7.0 11602,SentFIN,India tea prices drop on rising supplies,0,India tea,8859.0,7.0 11603,SentFIN,Individuals cannot trade in forex market: RBI,1,RBI,8860.0,7.0 11604,SentFIN,Indraprastha Gas Ltd's Q2 profit dips 7%,0,Indraprastha Gas Ltd,8861.0,7.0 11605,SentFIN,Innoventive Industries makes weak debut on bourses,0,Innoventive Industries,8862.0,7.0 11606,SentFIN,Investments in infra stocks can wait: IL&FS,1,IL&FS,8863.0,7.0 11607,SentFIN,IPCA Laboratories stock slumps 16 per cent,0,IPCA Laboratories,8864.0,7.0 11608,SentFIN,Kalindee Rail Nirman slips amid takeover battle,0,Kalindee Rail Nirman,8867.0,7.0 11609,SentFIN,KPIT Technologies Ltd falls 8% on earnings,0,KPIT Technologies Ltd,8869.0,7.0 11610,SentFIN,Macau casino stocks have further to fall,0,Macau casino stocks,8870.0,7.0 11611,SentFIN,"Maruti: Higher input costs, royalty play spoiler",0,Maruti,8872.0,7.0 11612,SentFIN,Mentha oil futures fall 1.59% on profit-booking,0,Mentha oil,8873.0,7.0 11613,SentFIN,Metal space under pressure now: Deepak Mohoni,0,Metal space,8874.0,7.0 11614,SentFIN,MF investors may face service tax whammy,0,MF investors,8875.0,7.0 11615,SentFIN,Most-traded 14-year benchmark bond yield nudges lower,0,14-year benchmark bond,8877.0,7.0 11616,SentFIN,Mphasis stock falls after disappointing Q1 show,0,Mphasis,8878.0,7.0 11617,SentFIN,Mustardseed futures slip on weak spot cues,0,Mustardseed,8879.0,7.0 11618,SentFIN,Nickel futures down on subdued domestic demand,0,Nickel,8880.0,7.0 11619,SentFIN,Nickel futures down on subdued spot demand,0,Nickel,8881.0,7.0 11620,SentFIN,Nickel futures fall 0.28 pc on profit-booking,0,Nickel,8882.0,7.0 11621,SentFIN,Nifty decline may continue till 5200-5300 level,0,Nifty,8883.0,7.0 11622,SentFIN,Nifty seen opening lower; Inflation data eyed,0,Nifty,8884.0,7.0 11623,SentFIN,No sustainable competitive advantage in airline industry',0,airline industry,8885.0,7.0 11624,SentFIN,Not best time to buy sugar stocks',0,sugar stocks,8886.0,7.0 11625,SentFIN,Nothing much happening on Nifty: Ashwani Gujral,0,Nifty,8887.0,7.0 11626,SentFIN,Oil slips below $86 on global over-supply,0,Oil,8888.0,7.0 11627,SentFIN,OMC stocks not looking attractive: UR Bhat,0,OMC stocks,8889.0,7.0 11628,SentFIN,Omkar Speciality down 53% in debut trade,0,Omkar Speciality,8890.0,7.0 11629,SentFIN,Onion prices fall on good monsoon rain,0,Onion,8891.0,7.0 11630,SentFIN,Organic cotton loses premium on demand-supply mismatch,0,Organic cotton,8893.0,7.0 11631,SentFIN,Paint stocks valuations not comfortable: Deven Choksey,0,Paint stocks,8894.0,7.0 11632,SentFIN,Pepper futures down 0.24 pc on profit-booking,0,Pepper,8895.0,7.0 11633,SentFIN,"Police, NSEL investors spar over filing cases",0,NSEL,8897.0,7.0 11634,SentFIN,Ponzi schemes: Sebi launches 550 prosecution cases,1,Sebi,8898.0,7.0 11635,SentFIN,Potato futures down 0.76% on weak demand,0,Potato,8899.0,7.0 11636,SentFIN,Potato futures slip 0.53% on subdued demand,0,Potato,8900.0,7.0 11637,SentFIN,"Promoters' debts: Investors lose Rs 50,000 crores",0,Investors,8901.0,7.0 11638,SentFIN,Pulse push unlikely to yield result soon,0,Pulse,8902.0,7.0 11639,SentFIN,Puravankara Projects cracks 13% post Q1 results,0,Puravankara Projects,8903.0,7.0 11640,SentFIN,Rally in industrials may fizzle out soon,0,industrials,8904.0,7.0 11641,SentFIN,Ranbaxy: Poor business outside India hurts numbers,0,Ranbaxy,8905.0,7.0 11642,SentFIN,RBIs balancing act amid shaky currency market,0,currency market,8906.0,7.0 11643,SentFIN,RIL shares fall 4.5% on earnings worries,0,RIL,8907.0,7.0 11644,SentFIN,Sagging demand may lower natural gas prices,0,natural gas,8909.0,7.0 11645,SentFIN,Select base metals declines on lower offtake,0,base metals,8914.0,7.0 11646,SentFIN,Select base metals drop on global cues,0,base metals,8915.0,7.0 11647,SentFIN,Selling pressure on Tata Steel: Seshadri Bharathan,0,Tata Steel,8916.0,7.0 11648,SentFIN,"Sensex ends in red, breaks record-breaking streak",0,Sensex,8917.0,7.0 11649,SentFIN,Sentiment in government bond market turns bearish,0,government bond,8918.0,7.0 11650,SentFIN,Sony shares drop steeply on loss warning,0,Sony,8920.0,7.0 11651,SentFIN,Soyabean oil edges up on retailers demand,0,Soyabean oil,8921.0,7.0 11652,SentFIN,Sterling falls after British retail sales disappoint,0,Sterling,8922.0,7.0 11653,SentFIN,"Stressed assets, NIMs to weigh on PNB",0,PNB,8924.0,7.0 11654,SentFIN,"Sugar futures fall on govt measures, profit-booking",0,Sugar,8925.0,7.0 11655,SentFIN,Sugar is losing fairly quickly: Ashwani Gujral,0,Sugar,8926.0,7.0 11656,SentFIN,Supply pressure drags down sugar futures 0.89%,0,sugar,8927.0,7.0 11657,SentFIN,Titan Ltd falls after ending deposit schemes,0,Titan Ltd,8928.0,7.0 11658,SentFIN,Tokyo shares plunge 3.47% in early trade,0,Tokyo shares,8929.0,7.0 11659,SentFIN,TRF shares crash by 28 per cent,0,TRF shares,8930.0,7.0 11660,SentFIN,Turmoil continues in the mutual fund industry,0,mutual fund,8933.0,7.0 11661,SentFIN,"Twitter stock tumbles after revenue, outlook miss",0,Twitter,8934.0,7.0 11662,SentFIN,US bond mood worst since disastrous 2009,0,US bond,8936.0,7.0 11663,SentFIN,Usha Martin Q3 net falls by 59.4%,0,Usha Martin,8937.0,7.0 11664,SentFIN,VIP may go down further: Ashwani Gujral,0,VIP,8938.0,7.0 11665,SentFIN,"Voltas: Cost overruns, slowing orders dampen prospects",0,Voltas,8939.0,7.0 11666,SentFIN,Weak Chinese data spooks Asian credit markets,0,Asian credit markets,8940.0,7.0 11667,SentFIN,Wockhardt stock plummets 20 pc on bourses,0,Wockhardt,8941.0,7.0 11668,SentFIN,Zinc futures soften 0.67% on global cues,0,Zinc,8943.0,7.0 11669,SentFIN,Action ordered against Jindal Power for ignoring norms,0,Jindal Power,8944.0,8.0 11670,SentFIN,ADAG stocks are going to volatile: Sangeeta Purushottam,0,ADAG stocks,8945.0,8.0 11671,SentFIN,Alibaba investors beware: History not on your side,0,Alibaba,8946.0,8.0 11672,SentFIN,Apollo Tyres scrip down over 2% on profit-booking,0,Apollo Tyres,8948.0,8.0 11673,SentFIN,"Argentine markets fall post-default, NY hearing on Friday",0,Argentine markets,8949.0,8.0 11674,SentFIN,Asset quality concerns persist for Indian Overseas Bank,0,Indian Overseas Bank,8951.0,8.0 11675,SentFIN,AstraZeneca pegs back Britain FTSE after takeover snub,0,AstraZeneca,8952.0,8.0 11676,SentFIN,"Australian shares fall, investors wary before US payrolls",0,Australian shares,8953.0,8.0 11677,SentFIN,Auto stocks under pressure as October sales disappoint,0,Auto stocks,8954.0,8.0 11678,SentFIN,Avoid Jubilant foodworks in near future: Gaurav Mehta,0,Jubilant foodworks,8955.0,8.0 11679,SentFIN,"Avoid' Prestige Estates Projects IPO, says KR Choksey",0,Prestige Estates Projects,8956.0,8.0 11680,SentFIN,Base metal drops further on sustained stockists selling,0,Base metal,8957.0,8.0 11681,SentFIN,"Basmati prices fall on government's measures, subdued demand",0,Basmati prices,8958.0,8.0 11682,SentFIN,Be prepared for 5-10% decline in markets: Experts,0,markets,8959.0,8.0 11683,SentFIN,BEML falls 5% as Q1 net loss widens,0,BEML,8962.0,8.0 11684,SentFIN,Best to exit Sun TV now: Deepak Mohoni,0,Sun TV,8963.0,8.0 11685,SentFIN,Bharat Electronics: High raw material cost impacts profitability,0,Bharat Electronics,8964.0,8.0 11686,SentFIN,BHEL plunges over 4% as Q2 results disappoints,0,BHEL,8965.0,8.0 11687,SentFIN,Bhushan Steel posts Rs 141.63-crore loss in Q1,0,Bhushan Steel,8966.0,8.0 11688,SentFIN,Blue chip stocks trade lower than their highs,0,Blue chip stocks,8968.0,8.0 11689,SentFIN,"BofA halts buybacks, dividend increase on stress-test error",0,BofA,8969.0,8.0 11690,SentFIN,Book profits in real estate sector: Harendra Kumar,0,real estate sector,8970.0,8.0 11691,SentFIN,Brazil logs world's worst carry trade in 2015,0,Brazil,8971.0,8.0 11692,SentFIN,Brent falls after Chinese data; stays below $101,0,Brent,8973.0,8.0 11693,SentFIN,C&C Constructions Q4 net profit slips by 18%,0,C&C Constructions,8974.0,8.0 11694,SentFIN,Call rate above repo; 2023 bond yield falls,0,2023 bond,8975.0,8.0 11695,SentFIN,Cardamom futures decline 0.58 per cent on profit-booking,0,Cardamom,8976.0,8.0 11696,SentFIN,"Cardamom futures down on low demand, higher arrivals",0,Cardamom,8977.0,8.0 11697,SentFIN,Cardamom futures fall 0.42 per cent on profit-booking,0,Cardamom,8978.0,8.0 11698,SentFIN,Chilli futures fall 1.54 pc on sluggish demand,0,Chilli,8980.0,8.0 11699,SentFIN,"China shares recoup losses on power producers, carmakers",0,China shares,8981.0,8.0 11700,SentFIN,Commodity turnover decreases by 40.51 per cent: Report,0,Commodity,8983.0,8.0 11701,SentFIN,Concerns over global growth peg back Britain FTSE,0,Britain FTSE,8984.0,8.0 11702,SentFIN,"Confused on Budget, Sensex ends 72 points down",0,Sensex,8985.0,8.0 11703,SentFIN,Coriander futures down 0.83% on subdued spot demand,0,Coriander,8986.0,8.0 11704,SentFIN,Coriander futures gain 0.79% on upsurge in demand,0,Coriander,8987.0,8.0 11705,SentFIN,Correction in IT a little worrying: Ashwani Gujral,0,IT,8988.0,8.0 11706,SentFIN,Costlier oilmeals not palatable to key global consumers,0,oilmeals,8989.0,8.0 11707,SentFIN,Crude oil futures fall 0.49% on Asian cues,0,Crude oil,8992.0,8.0 11708,SentFIN,Cummins reports 21% decline in Q3 net profit,0,Cummins,8993.0,8.0 11709,SentFIN,Dabur India shares down nearly 5% on profit-booking,0,Dabur India,8994.0,8.0 11710,SentFIN,Divi Lab shares down over 4% post earnings,0,Divi Lab,8996.0,8.0 11711,SentFIN,Do not buy Capital goods stocks: Rajesh Jain,0,Capital goods stocks,8998.0,8.0 11712,SentFIN,Dow has worst drop since February: What happened?,0,Dow,8999.0,8.0 11713,SentFIN,Dr Reddys Laboratories slips as Sucampo files lawsuit,0,Dr Reddys Laboratories,9000.0,8.0 11714,SentFIN,Eaton faces talent exodus as key officials quit,0,Eaton,9001.0,8.0 11715,SentFIN,"Edible oils fall on sluggish demand, global cues",0,Edible oils,9002.0,8.0 11716,SentFIN,Egypt crisis likely to keep Rupee under pressure,0,Rupee,9003.0,8.0 11717,SentFIN,Equity markets expect tighter interest rates: Edelweiss Securities,1,Edelweiss Securities,9005.0,8.0 11718,SentFIN,Euro dips in Asia ahead of ECB comments,0,Euro,9006.0,8.0 11719,SentFIN,Euro falls to 22-month low against buoyant dollar,0,Euro,9007.0,8.0 11720,SentFIN,European shares edge lower after German data miss,0,European shares,9009.0,8.0 11721,SentFIN,European shares slide as Greece faces new elections,0,European shares,9010.0,8.0 11722,SentFIN,European stocks fall back as Ukraine tension grows,0,European stocks,9011.0,8.0 11723,SentFIN,Exide continue to remain an avoid: Vinay Khattar,0,Exide,9013.0,8.0 11724,SentFIN,Expect choppiness on Nifty to continue: Mitesh Thacker,0,Nifty,9014.0,8.0 11725,SentFIN,Finolex Industries falls over 12% on weak results,0,Finolex Industries,9015.0,8.0 11726,SentFIN,GAIL slips nearly 2% after explosion at pipeline,0,GAIL,9019.0,8.0 11727,SentFIN,Genpact Q4 net declines 8.6% to $48.8 million,0,Genpact,9020.0,8.0 11728,SentFIN,"Gitanjali Gems chief, 25 others suspended from trading",0,Gitanjali Gems,9021.0,8.0 11729,SentFIN,Global growth concerns trim Asia FX weekly gains,0,Asia FX,9024.0,8.0 11730,SentFIN,"Gold extend weakness on sluggish demand, global cues",0,Gold,9025.0,8.0 11731,SentFIN,Gold futures down 0.43% on weak global cues,0,Gold,9026.0,8.0 11732,SentFIN,GSFC Q3 profit dips 26% on sluggish sales,0,GSFC,9028.0,8.0 11733,SentFIN,"Guarseed futures decline on mounting stocks, weak export",0,Guarseed,9029.0,8.0 11734,SentFIN,Hedge funds hit by wrong kind of volatility,0,Hedge funds,9030.0,8.0 11735,SentFIN,Henkel India's Q4 loss widens to Rs 18.33,0,Henkel India,9031.0,8.0 11736,SentFIN,Hero MotoCorp October sales declines 8%; stock down,0,Hero MotoCorp,9032.0,8.0 11737,SentFIN,Hexaware: Growth to remain low for another quarter,0,Hexaware,9033.0,8.0 11738,SentFIN,Hindalco plunges as Q1 net profit shrinks 67%,0,Hindalco,9034.0,8.0 11739,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares fall, but post quarterly gains",0,Hong Kong shares,9037.0,8.0 11740,SentFIN,India bond yields fall on Arun Jaitley comments,0,India bond,9041.0,8.0 11741,SentFIN,Indian rupee edges lower; state-run banks buying dollars,0,Indian rupee,9042.0,8.0 11742,SentFIN,Institutional investors cut their exposure on Ranbaxy stock,0,Ranbaxy stock,9043.0,8.0 11743,SentFIN,"Intel reports lower 1Q net income, higher revenue",0,Intel,9044.0,8.0 11744,SentFIN,IPL troubles hit India Cements core business valuation,0,India Cements,9045.0,8.0 11745,SentFIN,Jaguar Land Rover CEO David Smith steps down,0,Jaguar,9046.0,8.0 11746,SentFIN,Jaiprakash Associates dips over on dismal Q1 earnings,0,Jaiprakash Associates,9047.0,8.0 11747,SentFIN,Jet Airways continues its plunge; down over 8%,0,Jet Airways,9048.0,8.0 11748,SentFIN,"Jyoti shareholders allege fraud, company dismisses the charges",0,Jyoti,9050.0,8.0 11749,SentFIN,Kingfisher Airlines posts Rs 822 crore Q3 loss,0,Kingfisher Airlines,9051.0,8.0 11750,SentFIN,L&T likely to underperform in medium-term: Nitin Raheja,0,L&T,9053.0,8.0 11751,SentFIN,Leakgate: Sebi says probing complaints of insider trading,1,Sebi,9054.0,8.0 11752,SentFIN,Low demand pulls down crude palm oil futures,0,crude palm oil,9055.0,8.0 11753,SentFIN,Make a contra call on ITC: Hemendra Hazari,0,ITC,9056.0,8.0 11754,SentFIN,Man Infra has fallen a lot: Deepak Mohoni,0,Man Infra,9057.0,8.0 11755,SentFIN,Margin pressure likely to continue for Asian Paints,0,Asian Paints,9058.0,8.0 11756,SentFIN,Markets on edge ahead of Janet Yellen testimony,0,Markets,9059.0,8.0 11757,SentFIN,MCX may be restrained from launching fresh contracts,0,MCX,9060.0,8.0 11758,SentFIN,Media stocks drag down European equities from highs,0,Media stocks,9061.0,8.0 11759,SentFIN,"Medium sugar drops on stockists selling, poor demand",0,Medium sugar,9062.0,8.0 11760,SentFIN,Mentha oil falls 0.58 per cent on profit-booking,0,Mentha oil,9063.0,8.0 11761,SentFIN,Mentha oil futures remain weak on sluggish demand,0,Mentha oil,9064.0,8.0 11762,SentFIN,More exits from Ranbaxy Laboratorie top management team,0,Ranbaxy Laboratorie,9065.0,8.0 11763,SentFIN,More than half of HUL analysts recommend sell,0,HUL,9066.0,8.0 11764,SentFIN,Most infra stocks are fairly valued or expensive',0,infra stocks,9067.0,8.0 11765,SentFIN,Muted demand drags down chana futures by 1.17%,0,chana,9068.0,8.0 11766,SentFIN,Muthoot Finance promoters may dilute stake by 10%,0,Muthoot Finance,9069.0,8.0 11767,SentFIN,Narayana Hrudayalaya grey market premium falls by 50%,0,Narayana Hrudayalaya,9070.0,8.0 11768,SentFIN,Natural rubber prices have plunged to five-year low,0,Natural rubber,9071.0,8.0 11769,SentFIN,NFL Q2 net loss at Rs 25.90 crore,0,NFL,9072.0,8.0 11770,SentFIN,"Nickel falls 0.12% on weak demand, global cues",0,Nickel,9073.0,8.0 11771,SentFIN,Nirma Q4 net loss at Rs 23.74 crore,0,Nirma,9074.0,8.0 11772,SentFIN,Nothing much happening in Nucleus Software: Deepak Mohini,0,Nucleus Software,9075.0,8.0 11773,SentFIN,Oil prices down ahead of US stockpiles report,0,Oil,9076.0,8.0 11774,SentFIN,"Oil prices fall, stumbling emerging markets dent outlook",0,Oil,9078.0,8.0 11775,SentFIN,Oil prices slide in poor start to week,0,Oil,9079.0,8.0 11776,SentFIN,Oil slips towards $110 as supply fears fade,0,Oil,9080.0,8.0 11777,SentFIN,Palm oil eases after Greece rejects bailout terms,0,Palm oil,9082.0,8.0 11778,SentFIN,Panacea to launch breast cancer drug; stock down,0,Panacea,9083.0,8.0 11779,SentFIN,Petronet LNG shares slump 4.5% on broker downgrades,0,Petronet LNG,9085.0,8.0 11780,SentFIN,Polaris Q1 profit slips to Rs 43.20 cr,0,Polaris,9086.0,8.0 11781,SentFIN,Potato futures fall 2.58 pc on sluggish demand,0,Potato,9087.0,8.0 11782,SentFIN,Pressure on rupee persists as geo-political woes mount,0,rupee,9088.0,8.0 11783,SentFIN,Price of molasses spikes on cane shortage fears,0,molasses,9089.0,8.0 11784,SentFIN,Pulses slide as government intensifies crackdown against hoarding,0,Pulses,9090.0,8.0 11785,SentFIN,Putting target number on Wockhardt difficult: Avinnash Gorakssakar,0,Wockhardt,9091.0,8.0 11786,SentFIN,Raw sugar deals slow down after subsidy announcement,0,Raw sugar,9092.0,8.0 11787,SentFIN,RCOM plans to sell 5% in tower business,0,RCOM,9093.0,8.0 11788,SentFIN,Recommend to be cautious with NBCC: Jagdish Malkani,0,NBCC,9094.0,8.0 11789,SentFIN,Reforms unlikely to impact Coal India; stock down,0,Coal India,9095.0,8.0 11790,SentFIN,"Regulatory, tax pressures likely to hit ITC volumes",0,ITC,9096.0,8.0 11791,SentFIN,Retail investors hit by intra-day drop in silver,0,silver,9097.0,8.0 11792,SentFIN,"Rupee trims initial gains, near 61 against dollar",0,Rupee,9098.0,8.0 11793,SentFIN,"Rupiah extends losses, hits lowest since August 1998",0,Rupiah,9099.0,8.0 11794,SentFIN,Russian shares fall after heavy fighting in Ukraine,0,Russian shares,9100.0,8.0 11795,SentFIN,"SAIL net declines 34% to Rs 1,090 cr",0,SAIL,9101.0,8.0 11796,SentFIN,Select edible oils remain weak on stockists selling,0,Select edible oils,9104.0,8.0 11797,SentFIN,Selling range of 539-543 suggested for Educomp:,0,Educomp,9105.0,8.0 11798,SentFIN,Sensex falls 252 points on weak global cues,0,Sensex,9106.0,8.0 11799,SentFIN,Sensex plunges over 426 points in global sell-off,0,Sensex,9107.0,8.0 11800,SentFIN,Sensex retreats from all-time high;ends 190 points lower,0,Sensex,9108.0,8.0 11801,SentFIN,Sensex turn choppy; top ten stocks in focus,0,Sensex,9109.0,8.0 11802,SentFIN,Shoppers Stop net profit falls 53% in Q4,0,Shoppers Stop,9110.0,8.0 11803,SentFIN,Silver futures hit four-year low on global cues,0,Silver,9111.0,8.0 11804,SentFIN,Slow Asian demand despite multi-year low gold prices,0,gold,9113.0,8.0 11805,SentFIN,Slowing us truck sales to hit Bharat Forge,0,Bharat Forge,9114.0,8.0 11806,SentFIN,Sony plunges 8.25% on massive share sale plan,0,Sony,9115.0,8.0 11807,SentFIN,Sony shares plunge 12% on ballooning loss forecast,0,Sony,9116.0,8.0 11808,SentFIN,Speculators cut Brent long holding for third week,0,Brent,9117.0,8.0 11809,SentFIN,Sri Lankan rupee falls on importer dollar demand,0,Sri Lankan rupee,9118.0,8.0 11810,SentFIN,SSTL Q1 net loss at Rs 316 cr,0,SSTL,9119.0,8.0 11811,SentFIN,"Stay underweight on IT sector, says Dipan Mehta",0,IT sector,9120.0,8.0 11812,SentFIN,"Sugar prices drop on sluggish demand, adequate supply",0,Sugar,9123.0,8.0 11813,SentFIN,"Sugar remains weak on ample supply, low demand",0,Sugar,9124.0,8.0 11814,SentFIN,Tax worries drag rupee to over one-month low,0,rupee,9125.0,8.0 11815,SentFIN,TCS results disappoints on revenue: 10 important takeaways,0,TCS,9126.0,8.0 11816,SentFIN,TCS: New layer to oversee verticals; stock down,0,TCS,9127.0,8.0 11817,SentFIN,There is jitteriness in the market: Ashwani Gujral,0,market,9129.0,8.0 11818,SentFIN,Thinksoft Global Services net declines 20% in Januray-March,0,Thinksoft Global Services,9130.0,8.0 11819,SentFIN,Tough to curb rubber futures volatility: Expert Committee,0,rubber,9131.0,8.0 11820,SentFIN,Turmeric futures fall 1.51 pc on sluggish demand,0,Turmeric,9133.0,8.0 11821,SentFIN,TV stocks slump on talk of advertisement curbs,0,TV stocks,9134.0,8.0 11822,SentFIN,Ultratech promoters sell shares worth Rs 22 crore,0,Ultratech,9135.0,8.0 11823,SentFIN,US crude hits five-year low on market rout,0,US crude,9137.0,8.0 11824,SentFIN,Vedanta: Shares fall 7% on mixed production update,0,Vedanta,9138.0,8.0 11825,SentFIN,Venezuelas vote for change has Indian pharma jittery,0,Indian pharma,9139.0,8.0 11826,SentFIN,"Wheat prices ease on adequate supply, reduced offtake",0,Wheat,9142.0,8.0 11827,SentFIN,"Wipro: Growth could be weak in FY15, too",0,Wipro,9143.0,8.0 11828,SentFIN,"Won drops to 2-1/2-month low, stocks close flat",0,Won,9144.0,8.0 11829,SentFIN,Won't recommend buying into Reliance Communications: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,0,Reliance Communications,9145.0,8.0 11830,SentFIN,Zinc futures soften 0.67 pc on global cues,0,Zinc,9147.0,8.0 11831,SentFIN,10-year bond yield off lows; weakness in rupee hurts,0,10-year bond,9148.0,9.0 11832,SentFIN,10-year bond yields fall on Rajan comments on inflation,0,10-year bond,9149.0,9.0 11833,SentFIN,10-yr bond yield stays down; Friday debt sale watched,0,10-yr bond,9150.0,9.0 11834,SentFIN,10-yr bond yield stays down; Friday's debt sale watched,0,10-yr bond,9151.0,9.0 11835,SentFIN,"2014 will remain challenging for Indian banks, say analysts",0,Indian banks,9152.0,9.0 11836,SentFIN,Africa to weigh on Bharti Airtel's earnings near term,0,Bharti Airtel,9154.0,9.0 11837,SentFIN,Airlines tumble on Paris attack as Asia stocks retreat,0,Airlines,9155.0,9.0 11838,SentFIN,Amara Raja Batteries slips over 5% post Q3 results,0,Amara Raja Batteries,9156.0,9.0 11839,SentFIN,Analysts bearish on Hindalco as Jharkhand shuts bauxite mines,0,Hindalco,9157.0,9.0 11840,SentFIN,Apple shares slump ahead of September 9 iPhone launch,0,Apple,9158.0,9.0 11841,SentFIN,Ashok Leyland slips nearly 3% as April sales dip,0,Ashok Leyland,9160.0,9.0 11842,SentFIN,Asian shares slip as China concerns trump US optimism,0,Asian shares,9162.0,9.0 11843,SentFIN,AstraZeneca Pharma plunges 9% as board defers delisting offer,0,AstraZeneca Pharma,9163.0,9.0 11844,SentFIN,Aviva stake buyers walk out of negotiations over valuations,0,Aviva,9164.0,9.0 11845,SentFIN,Bajaj Electricals Q2 net loss at Rs 14.21 crore,0,Bajaj Electricals,9165.0,9.0 11846,SentFIN,Bajaj Electricals reports Rs 10.65 crore loss in Q4,0,Bajaj Electricals,9166.0,9.0 11847,SentFIN,Balaji Telefils has been in a downtrend: Ashwani Gujral,0,Balaji Telefils,9167.0,9.0 11848,SentFIN,Balance sheet oriented news driving telecom stocks: Nitin Raheja,0,telecom stocks,9168.0,9.0 11849,SentFIN,Balkrishna Industries plunges over 18% on poor Q2 results,0,Balkrishna Industries,9169.0,9.0 11850,SentFIN,Balrampur Chini reports Rs 50.76 crore loss in Q3,0,Balrampur Chini,9170.0,9.0 11851,SentFIN,Bayer registers Q4 net loss of Rs 17.13 cr,0,Bayer,9171.0,9.0 11852,SentFIN,"Bharti Africa Q2 loss widens, weak voice revenue hurts",0,Bharti Africa,9173.0,9.0 11853,SentFIN,BOC delisting plan fails as company misses buyout target,0,BOC,9174.0,9.0 11854,SentFIN,Bonds see biggest single-day fall in nearly 2 months,0,Bonds,9175.0,9.0 11855,SentFIN,Book profits as Nifty crosses 7800 levels: Ashwani Gujral,0,Nifty,9176.0,9.0 11856,SentFIN,Bosch's Q2 PAT declines 11.3% to Rs 247.5 crore,0,Bosch,9177.0,9.0 11857,SentFIN,"Brent climbs towards $101, pulls away from 16-month low",0,Brent,9178.0,9.0 11858,SentFIN,Brent drops below $87 as Fed optimism lifts dollar,0,Brent,9179.0,9.0 11859,SentFIN,Brent falls close to $69 after Saudi price cut,0,Brent,9180.0,9.0 11860,SentFIN,Brent near 13-month low below $103 on brisk supplies,0,Brent,9181.0,9.0 11861,SentFIN,"Brent steady under $109, set for second weekly loss",0,B,9182.0,9.0 11862,SentFIN,"Britain FTSE resumes slide, hit by emerging market exposure",0,Britain FTSE,9183.0,9.0 11863,SentFIN,Brokerages lower Nestle Indias target price on disappointing results,0,Nestle India,9184.0,9.0 11864,SentFIN,Call for minimum farmgate price for Pusa 1121 rice,0,Pusa 1121 rice,9186.0,9.0 11865,SentFIN,Carborundum Universal Ltd Q2 net falls 47.2 per cent,0,Carborundum Universal Ltd,9187.0,9.0 11866,SentFIN,Cardamom futures fall 0.77 per cent on profit booking,0,Cardamom,9188.0,9.0 11867,SentFIN,Cardamom futures fall 0.92 per cent on sluggish demand,0,Cardamom,9189.0,9.0 11868,SentFIN,Care ends 8% down as share sale bids rejected,0,Care,9190.0,9.0 11869,SentFIN,Chambal Fertilisers may slide to 68-69 levels: Mitesh Thacker,0,Chambal Fertilisers,9193.0,9.0 11870,SentFIN,Chilli futures down 1.53 pc on higher output hopes,0,Chilli,9194.0,9.0 11871,SentFIN,"China shares snap 3 weeks of gains, banks drag",0,China,9195.0,9.0 11872,SentFIN,China stocks close at biggest fall in two weeks,0,China stocks,9196.0,9.0 11873,SentFIN,Clariant Chemicals Q2 net slips to Rs 24 cr,0,Clariant Chemicals,9198.0,9.0 11874,SentFIN,Clariant Chemicals slips; buyback value lower than market price,0,Clariant Chemicals,9199.0,9.0 11875,SentFIN,Commexe turnover drops by 59 per cent in April-August,0,Commexe,9201.0,9.0 11876,SentFIN,Commodity prices will dip as super-cycle ends: Goldman Sachs,0,Commodity prices,9202.0,9.0 11877,SentFIN,Condition not in favor of JP Associates: Deven Choksey,0,JP Associates,9203.0,9.0 11878,SentFIN,"Copper futures fall 0.93% on global cues, weak demand",0,Copper,9204.0,9.0 11879,SentFIN,Copper softens in futures trade on weak global cues,0,Copper,9205.0,9.0 11880,SentFIN,Corporate earnings likely to remain subdued in Q2: Crisil,1,Crisil,9206.0,9.0 11881,SentFIN,Crude palm oil futures remain weak on sluggish demand,0,Crude palm oil,9207.0,9.0 11882,SentFIN,"Dalal Street experts see Sensex sinking 1,000 points more",0,Sensex,9208.0,9.0 11883,SentFIN,Dhanlaxmi Bank posts Rs 11.8 crore loss for April-June,0,Dhanlaxmi Bank,9209.0,9.0 11884,SentFIN,Dhanlaxmi Bank shares tank nearly 6% on disappointing Q3,0,Dhanlaxmi Bank,9210.0,9.0 11885,SentFIN,Divestment to remain overhang on NBCC stock: Parag Thakkar,0,NBCC,9211.0,9.0 11886,SentFIN,"Dollar starts week under pressure, markets eye Jackson Hole",0,Dollar,9212.0,9.0 11887,SentFIN,Dollar wavers in choppy trade as risk aversion rises,0,Dollar,9213.0,9.0 11888,SentFIN,Downtrend in Mundra Port not over yet: Ashwani Gujral,0,Mundra Port,9214.0,9.0 11889,SentFIN,ECB comments prove to be a drag for euro,0,euro,9215.0,9.0 11890,SentFIN,"Edible oils remain weak on sluggish demand, global cues",0,Edible oils,9216.0,9.0 11891,SentFIN,"Egypt security to keep buyers away, Saudi budget eyed",0,Egypt security,9217.0,9.0 11892,SentFIN,Escorts scrip tank 7% on weak December sales nos,0,Escorts,9218.0,9.0 11893,SentFIN,Euro hits 9-month low vs dollar on German data,0,Euro,9219.0,9.0 11894,SentFIN,Exide Q4 net dips 10% at Rs 132 crore,0,Exide,9220.0,9.0 11895,SentFIN,Expect market to drift lower towards 5820: Mitesh Thacker,0,market,9221.0,9.0 11896,SentFIN,"Falling crude prices may adversely impact India, global markets",0,crude,9222.0,9.0 11897,SentFIN,Food Ministry to cut down July quota of sugar,0,sugar,9223.0,9.0 11898,SentFIN,Fortis Healthcare Q1 net loss at Rs 46.8 crore,0,Fortis Healthcare,9224.0,9.0 11899,SentFIN,GAIL Q1 net drops 32% at Rs 424.14 crore,0,GAIL,9225.0,9.0 11900,SentFIN,"Gains in crude oil limited, investors weigh QE3 impact",0,crude oil,9226.0,9.0 11901,SentFIN,Galaxy Surfactants withdraws IPO a day before its closing,0,Galaxy Surfactants,9227.0,9.0 11902,SentFIN,GMR Infrastructure hits year-low on Maldives civil court order,0,GMR Infrastructure,9228.0,9.0 11903,SentFIN,"Gold at three-month low on global cues, weak demand",0,Gold,9229.0,9.0 11904,SentFIN,Gold declines before Fed meeting as Ukraine crisis assessed,0,Gold,9230.0,9.0 11905,SentFIN,"Gold dips below Rs 28,000-level on weak global cues",0,Gold,9231.0,9.0 11906,SentFIN,"Gold steady, seen vulnerable after strong US jobs data",1,Gold,9233.0,9.0 11907,SentFIN,Gold-silver price ratio may fall as gold cools faster,0,Gold-silver,9234.0,9.0 11908,SentFIN,"Guargum futures slip 2% on weak domestic, overseas cues",0,Guargum,9235.0,9.0 11909,SentFIN,Hindalco Q3 net down 23% to Rs 334 crore,0,Hindalco,9237.0,9.0 11910,SentFIN,"Hong Kong stocks fall on clashes, weak China data",0,Hong Kong stocks,9238.0,9.0 11911,SentFIN,HUL brews plan to open coffee shop; stock down,0,HUL,9239.0,9.0 11912,SentFIN,ICI India net decline over 80 pc in Q3,0,ICI India,9240.0,9.0 11913,SentFIN,IMFA Q3 net declines 27% to Rs 11 crore,0,IMFA,9242.0,9.0 11914,SentFIN,"Infotech Enterprises Q2 net down 7%, revenues up 24%",0,Infotech Enterprises,9243.0,9.0 11915,SentFIN,Investor sentiment on tech goes from giddy to glum,0,tech,9244.0,9.0 11916,SentFIN,IPO watch: Invest in Power Mech IPO with caution,0,Power Mech,9246.0,9.0 11917,SentFIN,Jaggery industry suffers due to lack of political support,0,Jaggery industry,9248.0,9.0 11918,SentFIN,Jain Irrigation head lower to 81-82 levels: Ashwani Gujral,0,Jain Irrigation,9249.0,9.0 11919,SentFIN,"Jeera futures remain weak on increased supply, low demand",0,Jeera,9250.0,9.0 11920,SentFIN,JGBs little changed as rebounding stocks temper safe-haven appeal,0,JGB,9252.0,9.0 11921,SentFIN,"JSW Steel reports growth in steel production, stock down",0,JSW Steel,9253.0,9.0 11922,SentFIN,JSW Steel's crude steel production up 9%; stock down,0,JSW Steel,9254.0,9.0 11923,SentFIN,Jump in gold price could damp demand: Trade official,0,gold,9255.0,9.0 11924,SentFIN,Kochi terminal issues may take a toll on Petronet,0,Petronet,9257.0,9.0 11925,SentFIN,Kotak Mahindra Bank founders sell 3.2 per cent stake,0,Kotak Mahindra Bank,9258.0,9.0 11926,SentFIN,Lack of liquidity in corporate bonds hits index funds,0,index funds,9259.0,9.0 11927,SentFIN,Lanco Infratech Q3 loss widens to Rs 616.6 crore,0,Lanco Infratech,9260.0,9.0 11928,SentFIN,Levels of 15-16 coming on Ashok Leyland: Ashwani Gujral,0,Ashok Leyland,9261.0,9.0 11929,SentFIN,LIC investment calls come under criticism from market participants,0,LIC,9262.0,9.0 11930,SentFIN,Maharashtra sugar co-ops in financial trouble as prices drop,0,Maharashtra sugar co-ops,9263.0,9.0 11931,SentFIN,Mahindra Holidays Q2 net profit drops by 35.1 pc,0,Mahindra Holidays,9264.0,9.0 11932,SentFIN,Margin pressure could impact construction cos' earnings: Avinash Gorakshekar,0,construction co,9265.0,9.0 11933,SentFIN,Mentha oil futures fall over 1% on sluggish demand,0,Mentha oil,9268.0,9.0 11934,SentFIN,"Monsoon concerns weigh on gold demand, prices at discount",0,gold,9271.0,9.0 11935,SentFIN,Moser Baer Q2 standalone loss at Rs 131.75 cr,0,Moser Baer,9274.0,9.0 11936,SentFIN,MRF Q2 net dips 19% at Rs 171 crore,0,MRF,9275.0,9.0 11937,SentFIN,Narayana Murthy to exit HSBC Holdings board as Director,0,HSBC Holdings,9277.0,9.0 11938,SentFIN,Natural gas industry near-term outlook grim on low availability,0,Natural gas industry,9278.0,9.0 11939,SentFIN,NDTV posts loss of Rs 14.84 cr for Oct-Dec,0,NDTV,9279.0,9.0 11940,SentFIN,Nestle India shares down almost 2% after earnings disappoint,0,Nestle India,9280.0,9.0 11941,SentFIN,Nestle India slips over 1% on gross margins concerns,0,Nestle India,9281.0,9.0 11942,SentFIN,NFL Q2 net dips 57% to Rs 43 cr,0,NFL,9282.0,9.0 11943,SentFIN,Nifty likely to be on the downside: Mitesh Thacker,0,Nifty,9283.0,9.0 11944,SentFIN,"Nifty50 to face strong resistance at 8,000: Sandeep Wagle",0,Nifty50,9284.0,9.0 11945,SentFIN,NIIT Tech Q2 net falls 35.7% to 40.1 crore,0,NIIT Tech,9285.0,9.0 11946,SentFIN,Nikkei drops as investors grow concerned about economic prospects,0,Nikkei,9286.0,9.0 11947,SentFIN,"Nikkei drops as pension buying slows, Wall Street sags",0,Nikkei,9287.0,9.0 11948,SentFIN,"Nikkei drops as stronger yen, China worries hurt sentiment",0,Nikkei,9288.0,9.0 11949,SentFIN,Not betting hugely on large cap indices: Ashwani Gujral,0,large cap indices,9289.0,9.0 11950,SentFIN,NSEL scam: Lotus Refineries chief sent in police custody,0,Lotus Refineries,9291.0,9.0 11951,SentFIN,"Paramount Print disappoints on debut trade, stock falls sharply",0,Paramount Print,9294.0,9.0 11952,SentFIN,"Patni Computer profit dips 14%; plans to hire 1,000",0,Patni Computer,9295.0,9.0 11953,SentFIN,Piramal Enterprises Q4 net loss at Rs 311 crore,0,Piramal Enterprises,9296.0,9.0 11954,SentFIN,"Poor show in domestic business, disappointment for Lupins investors",0,Lupins,9297.0,9.0 11955,SentFIN,"Precious metals tumble on dollar; investors monitor China, Fed",0,Precious metals,9298.0,9.0 11956,SentFIN,Prism Cement reports Rs 20-crore standalone loss in July-September,0,Prism Cement,9299.0,9.0 11957,SentFIN,"Profit booking grips Sensex, top ten stocks in focus",0,Sensex,9300.0,9.0 11958,SentFIN,Promoter group pares 3.24% stake in Kotak Mahindra Bank,0,Kotak Mahindra Bank,9302.0,9.0 11959,SentFIN,PSU banking stocks likely to break down: Mitesh Thacker,0,PSU banking stocks,9303.0,9.0 11960,SentFIN,Ranbaxy plunges 25% in two sessions after USFDA ban,0,Ranbaxy,9304.0,9.0 11961,SentFIN,"Re stays at near 1-month low, closes at 46.36/dollar",0,Re,9305.0,9.0 11962,SentFIN,Real estate to remain under pressure for long: IIFL,0,Real estate,9306.0,9.0 11963,SentFIN,Realty stocks seem to be falling sharply: Ashwani Gujral,0,Realty stocks,9307.0,9.0 11964,SentFIN,Regulatory concerns weighing on largecap pharma stocks: Kunj Bansal,0,largecap pharma stocks,9308.0,9.0 11965,SentFIN,REITs not an immediate game changer for realty mart,0,realty mart,9309.0,9.0 11966,SentFIN,Return on equity bottoming but priced in: Credit Suisse,1,Credit Suisse,9310.0,9.0 11967,SentFIN,Rouble touches new 2015 low as oil price retreats,0,Rouble,9312.0,9.0 11968,SentFIN,Rubber trades in bear market as China stockpiles swell,0,Rubber,9313.0,9.0 11969,SentFIN,"Rupee at 60.26, down 18 paise vs US dollar",0,Rupee,9314.0,9.0 11970,SentFIN,Rupee fails to maintain initial gains vs US dollar,0,Rupee,9315.0,9.0 11971,SentFIN,Rupee falls 8 paise against dollar in early trade,0,Rupee,9316.0,9.0 11972,SentFIN,"Rupee trims initial losses, trades at 62.35 vs dlr",0,Rupee,9317.0,9.0 11973,SentFIN,Rupee weakens to near 1-month low on Fed worries,0,Rupee,9318.0,9.0 11974,SentFIN,"Russia MICEX falls below 1,400 points, lowest since mid-May",0,Russia MICEX,9319.0,9.0 11975,SentFIN,Russia's largest lender sees rouble falling further in 2016,0,rouble,9320.0,9.0 11976,SentFIN,Salary hikes likely to impact operating margins of Wipro,0,Wipro,9322.0,9.0 11977,SentFIN,SAT rejects Gillette India appeal in shareholding norms case,0,Gillette India,9323.0,9.0 11978,SentFIN,SBI bonds revive grey market; draw criticism from investors,0,SBI,9324.0,9.0 11979,SentFIN,SBI's first bond sale botched up on regulatory order,0,SBI,9325.0,9.0 11980,SentFIN,Sebi slaps Rs 8 lakh fine on six companies,1,Sebi,9327.0,9.0 11981,SentFIN,"Select edible oils fall on sluggish demand, global cues",0,edible oils,9329.0,9.0 11982,SentFIN,Sell Voltas with target of Rs 255: Sandeep Wagle,0,Voltas,9330.0,9.0 11983,SentFIN,Sensex falls from days high; top 20 trading bets,0,Sensex,9331.0,9.0 11984,SentFIN,Sensex falls in-line with emerging markets; feels selling pressure,0,Sensex,9332.0,9.0 11985,SentFIN,Sensex under pressure; here what experts are betting on,0,Sensex,9333.0,9.0 11986,SentFIN,Shanghai Composite Index reverses gains after weak manufacturing data,0,Shanghai Composite Index,9334.0,9.0 11987,SentFIN,Shipping Corp: Weak freight rates remain a major concern,0,Shipping Corp,9335.0,9.0 11988,SentFIN,"Silver futures down 1.16% on profit-booking, weak global cues",0,Silver,9336.0,9.0 11989,SentFIN,Silver plunges over 2 per cent on global cues,0,Silver,9337.0,9.0 11990,SentFIN,Silver remains down in futures trade tracking global cues,0,Silver,9338.0,9.0 11991,SentFIN,Slump in Rolls-Royce after profit warning hits European shares,0,Rolls-Royce,9339.0,9.0 11992,SentFIN,Slumps at Volkswagen and RSA weigh on European shares,0,Volkswagen,9340.0,9.0 11993,SentFIN,Spicejet cracks nearly 6%; here what the management says,0,Spicejet,9341.0,9.0 11994,SentFIN,SpiceJet sinks over 6% despite airline talk on funds,0,SpiceJet,9342.0,9.0 11995,SentFIN,SpiceJet's Q3 loss widens in battle to stay afloat,0,SpiceJet,9343.0,9.0 11996,SentFIN,SSTL Q3 net loss narrows at Rs 437.9 crore,0,SSTL,9344.0,9.0 11997,SentFIN,SSTL Q3 net loss widens to Rs 760 crore,0,SSTL,9345.0,9.0 11998,SentFIN,Stay away from Infosys at current levels: Pramod Gubbi,0,Infosys,9346.0,9.0 11999,SentFIN,Stay away from power companies for now: Deven Choksey,0,power companies,9347.0,9.0 12000,SentFIN,Steady supply keeps Brent oil below $100 a barrel,0,Brent oil,9348.0,9.0 12001,SentFIN,Steel stocks decline on weak China factory output data,0,Steel stocks,9349.0,9.0 12002,SentFIN,"Suzlon: Recovery on track; costs, competition may hurt company",0,Suzlon,9350.0,9.0 12003,SentFIN,Telcos pare gains as SC rejects license extension plea,0,Telcos,9353.0,9.0 12004,SentFIN,Textile stocks likely to remain under pressure: Vijay Bhambwani,0,Textile stocks,9354.0,9.0 12005,SentFIN,"Textiles: Competition, high input cost to hit cos hard",0,Textiles,9355.0,9.0 12006,SentFIN,Titan cracks over 3% as Rakesh Jhunjhunwala cuts stake,0,Titan,9356.0,9.0 12007,SentFIN,Turmeric futures down 1.27 per cent on sluggish demand,0,Turmeric,9358.0,9.0 12008,SentFIN,Unitech net profit slips to Rs 111.36 cr;stk down,0,Unitech,9359.0,9.0 12009,SentFIN,Universal Commodity Exchange suspends trading after just an year,0,Universal Commodity Exchange,9360.0,9.0 12010,SentFIN,UP sugar output drop by 10% sends ominous signals,0,sugar,9361.0,9.0 12011,SentFIN,US stocks: Wall Street ends down following UPS outlook,0,UPS,9362.0,9.0 12012,SentFIN,Volkswagen shares slump; a look at Volkswagen's emissions crisis,0,Volkswagen,9363.0,9.0 12013,SentFIN,Wabag net profit slips despite a 34% revenue jump,0,Wabag,9364.0,9.0 12014,SentFIN,Weak opening likely as JP Morgan Q4 hurt sentiment,0,JP Morgan,9365.0,9.0 12015,SentFIN,"With 35% net drop, Maruti drives home India slackness",0,Maruti,9366.0,9.0 12016,SentFIN,World shares at 6-month low as growth worries mount,0,World shares,9368.0,9.0 12017,SentFIN,Yuan in biggest fall since 1994 after surprise devaluation,0,Yuan,9369.0,9.0 12018,SentFIN,Zylog Systems Q2 net loss at Rs 91.63 crore,0,Zylog Systems,9370.0,9.0 12019,SentFIN,150 has been strong resistance for Everest Kanto: Sanjeev Agarwal,0,Everest Kanto,9372.0,10.0 12020,SentFIN,2G scam: DB Realty shares down on CBI probe report,0,DB Realty,9373.0,10.0 12021,SentFIN,"AAP effect? RIL slips below Rs 800, expert gets bearish",0,RIL,9374.0,10.0 12022,SentFIN,Adani Powers posts lower Q3 loss at Rs 426 crore,0,Adani Powers,9376.0,10.0 12023,SentFIN,AirAsia India trebled quarterly losses in July-September over previous year,0,AirAsia India,9377.0,10.0 12024,SentFIN,All founders of Sequoia Capital quit to form new fund,0,Sequoia Capital,9378.0,10.0 12025,SentFIN,Analyst community took long to downgrade Tata Steel: Hemindra Hazari,0,Tata Steel,9379.0,10.0 12026,SentFIN,Analysts advise cutting longs as Nifty seen slipping to 8500-8600,0,Nifty,9380.0,10.0 12027,SentFIN,"Asia shares slip on Greek default fears, Fed meeting awaited",0,Asia shares,9381.0,10.0 12028,SentFIN,Astrazeneca Pharma shares plunge over 6% ahead of board meet,0,Astrazeneca Pharma,9382.0,10.0 12029,SentFIN,"Aurobindo Pharma shares fall; company comes under USFDA lens, again",0,Aurobindo Pharma,9383.0,10.0 12030,SentFIN,"Australia shares pare gains on NY Ebola case, financials underpin",0,Australia shares,9384.0,10.0 12031,SentFIN,"Australian shares down from 1-month highs, big-name stocks sell off",0,Australian shares,9385.0,10.0 12032,SentFIN,Aviation turbine fuel: Dollar hits where it hurts the most,0,Aviation turbine fuel,9386.0,10.0 12033,SentFIN,Bank Nifty unlikely to rally in short term: Mitesh Thacker,0,Bank Nifty,9387.0,10.0 12034,SentFIN,BEML Q3 net dips 21 pc to Rs 46 cr,0,BEML,9388.0,10.0 12035,SentFIN,BHEL's run-up on bourses amid the slump is probably overdone,0,BHEL,9389.0,10.0 12036,SentFIN,"Bond yield slips below repo, may herald a rate cut",0,Bond,9390.0,10.0 12037,SentFIN,"Bond yields edge down at open, tracking oil, US peers",0,Bond,9391.0,10.0 12038,SentFIN,Bonds yields ease on renewed risk aversion in global markets,0,Bonds,9392.0,10.0 12039,SentFIN,Brent crude drops below $98; weak demand outweighs geopolitical worries,0,Brent,9393.0,10.0 12040,SentFIN,"Brent falls towards $85 amid supply glut, lower price forecasts",0,Brent,9394.0,10.0 12041,SentFIN,Brent slips below $72 after sharp rally in volatile market,0,Brent,9395.0,10.0 12042,SentFIN,Britain FTSE falls as concern grows over violence in Iraq,0,Britain FTSE,9396.0,10.0 12043,SentFIN,Britain FTSE touches 12-month low as global growth concerns gnaw,0,Britain FTSE,9397.0,10.0 12044,SentFIN,Carborundum Universal Q1 net down 25% at Rs 28.78 crore,0,Carborundum Universal,9398.0,10.0 12045,SentFIN,"Cardamom futures extend losses,down 1.05 per cent on sluggish demand",0,Cardamom,9399.0,10.0 12046,SentFIN,Caution advised for Tata Elxsi at current levels: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,0,Tata Elxsi,9401.0,10.0 12047,SentFIN,Central Bank October-December net declines 66% to Rs 62 crore,0,Central Bank,9403.0,10.0 12048,SentFIN,Chennai Petro cracks 15% after posting net losses in Q2,0,Chennai Petro,9404.0,10.0 12049,SentFIN,"China yuan falls, seen remaining weak in the near term",0,China yuan,9405.0,10.0 12050,SentFIN,China yuan retreats from near 5-month high versus US dollar,0,China yuan,9406.0,10.0 12051,SentFIN,Coal India falls; offtake adjusted for power demand worries investors,0,Coal India,9408.0,10.0 12052,SentFIN,Colgate Palmolive Q1 net down 27.16% at Rs 134.91 crore,0,Colgate Palmolive,9409.0,10.0 12053,SentFIN,"Copper weakens in futures trade on global cues, subdued demand",0,Copper,9410.0,10.0 12054,SentFIN,Corporation Bank Q3 profit dips 58% to Rs 127 crore,0,Corporation Bank,9411.0,10.0 12055,SentFIN,"Court issues fresh summons to Sahara, its chief Subrata Roy",0,Sahara,9412.0,10.0 12056,SentFIN,Court may soon appoint liquidator in NSEL case: Police officials,0,NSEL,9413.0,10.0 12057,SentFIN,Crude palm oil futures weaken by 0.17% on low demand,0,Crude palm oil,9414.0,10.0 12058,SentFIN,"Cut long positions if Nifty50 falls below 7,820: Mitesh Thacker",0,Nifty50,9415.0,10.0 12059,SentFIN,Dabur falls as reports name ex-Director in black money list,0,Dabur,9416.0,10.0 12060,SentFIN,"Dalmia Cement may sell stake to raise Rs 1,200 cr",0,Dalmia Cement,9417.0,10.0 12061,SentFIN,"Day after stake sale, ONGC shares slip 4 per cent",0,ONGC,9418.0,10.0 12062,SentFIN,Dhanuka Agritech Q2 net down 9% at Rs 37.72 crore,0,Dhanuka Agritech,9419.0,10.0 12063,SentFIN,Diamond sales in domestic market remains flat despite regulatory measures,0,Diamond,9420.0,10.0 12064,SentFIN,Difficult for Apollo Tyres to cross 66-67 levels: Mitesh Thacker,0,Apollo Tyres,9421.0,10.0 12065,SentFIN,Dollar under pressure after shake out of crowded bullish positions,0,Dollar,9423.0,10.0 12066,SentFIN,"Ebbing global cues, weak domestic demand bring down lead futures",0,lead,9424.0,10.0 12067,SentFIN,EGoM could be slightly negative for telecom sector: Prashasta Seth,0,telecom sector,9425.0,10.0 12068,SentFIN,EID Parry Q4 net profit dips by 45 per cent,0,EID Parry,9426.0,10.0 12069,SentFIN,Emami slumps 6% post 33% decline in Q2 net profits,0,Emami,9427.0,10.0 12070,SentFIN,Energy shares drag on Wall Street as crude prices fall,0,crude,9429.0,10.0 12071,SentFIN,"Essar Oil slumps 6.4 per cent, below delisting floor price",0,Essar Oil,9430.0,10.0 12072,SentFIN,"Euro heads towards 9-month lows, Germany ZEW survey seen weak",0,Euro,9431.0,10.0 12073,SentFIN,European shares dip after ECB rally; eyes on US payrolls,0,European shares,9432.0,10.0 12074,SentFIN,European shares sink to 3-1/2 month low in broad sell-off,0,European shares,9433.0,10.0 12075,SentFIN,"Exclusion from F&O, liquour ban in Kerala hurts United Spirits",0,United Spirits,9434.0,10.0 12076,SentFIN,"Expect market volatility to continue: Arindam Ghosh, BlackRidge Capital Advisors",1,BlackRidge Capital Advisors,9435.0,10.0 12077,SentFIN,Eyes on euro zone inflation after Fed tempers dollar rally,0,euro,9436.0,10.0 12078,SentFIN,Farmers in distress as rubber prices languish at 5-year low,0,rubber,9437.0,10.0 12079,SentFIN,FII buying in V-Mart Retail crosses limit; no further purchase,0,V-Mart Retail,9438.0,10.0 12080,SentFIN,Forex reserves slip $ 500 million to $ 293.97 billion,0,Forex reserves,9439.0,10.0 12081,SentFIN,Friday redux: US stocks fall in final hour of trading,0,US stocks,9441.0,10.0 12082,SentFIN,Gitanjali Gems Q3 Net declines 70.6% at Rs 50.46 cr,0,Gitanjali Gems,9442.0,10.0 12083,SentFIN,GlaxoSmithKline Pharma Q2 Net down 14.56% to Rs 98.29 crore,0,GlaxoSmithKline Pharma,9443.0,10.0 12084,SentFIN,"Global oil prices slide, rout undeterred by US jobs data",0,oil,9444.0,10.0 12085,SentFIN,Global weakness turned markets towards a flat day: Ashwani Gujral,0,markets,9445.0,10.0 12086,SentFIN,GMDC Q3 net 4.71 pc down at Rs 71.19 cr,0,GMDC,9446.0,10.0 12087,SentFIN,GMR Infrastructure Q1 net loss shrinks to Rs 429 crore,0,GMR Infrastructure,9447.0,10.0 12088,SentFIN,Godrej Consumer Q4 net down 29.28% at Rs 236.28 crore,0,Godrej Consumer,9448.0,10.0 12089,SentFIN,"Gold dips for sixth day on sustained selling, global cues",0,Gold,9449.0,10.0 12090,SentFIN,"Gold holds steady below $1,300 an ounce; investor interest muted",0,Gold,9451.0,10.0 12091,SentFIN,"Gold steadies near $1,200 as oil firms; sentiment remains bearish",0,G,9452.0,10.0 12092,SentFIN,"Government sells 9% stake in Axis Bank, shares fall 3%",0,Axis Bank,9454.0,10.0 12093,SentFIN,Grasim Industries Q4 net declines 16.92% to Rs 679.27 crore,0,Grasim Industries,9455.0,10.0 12094,SentFIN,GSPC likely to postpone IPO as merchant bankers advise caution,0,GSPC,9456.0,10.0 12095,SentFIN,"GST, MAT issue key concerns for the market: Ajay Bagga",0,market,9457.0,10.0 12096,SentFIN,GVK Power reports Rs 64.30 crore net loss in Q1,0,GVK Power,9458.0,10.0 12097,SentFIN,Haitong Securities shares fall 10 per cent after trading resumes,0,Haitong Securities,9459.0,10.0 12098,SentFIN,HCL Technologies slips over 1% on weak October-December quarter outlook,0,HCL Technologies,9460.0,10.0 12099,SentFIN,HDIL MD Sarang Wadhawan sells 26 lakh shares of company,0,HDIL,9462.0,10.0 12100,SentFIN,HDIL Q4 net profit down 72% at Rs 31.89 crore,0,HDIL,9463.0,10.0 12101,SentFIN,Heidelberg Cement India Q1 net loss at Rs 8 crore,0,Heidelberg Cement India,9464.0,10.0 12102,SentFIN,Hexawares stock falls 6% as profit growth comes under pressure,0,Hexawares,9466.0,10.0 12103,SentFIN,High valuations keeping investors away from FMCG counters: Deven Choksey,0,FMCG,9467.0,10.0 12104,SentFIN,Higher supply pulls down crude palm oil at futures trade,0,crude palm oil,9468.0,10.0 12105,SentFIN,"Hindalco clocks 37% dip in net to Rs 2,456 crore",0,Hindalco,9469.0,10.0 12106,SentFIN,HMT plunges 10% as government decides to shutdown sick PSUs,0,HMT,9470.0,10.0 12107,SentFIN,Hong Kong main share index ends lower in weak volumes,0,Hong Kong,9471.0,10.0 12108,SentFIN,HOV Services investors oppose stake sale in US based company,0,HOV Services,9473.0,10.0 12109,SentFIN,I don't see strong momentum in CNX IT: Mitesh Thacker,0,CNX IT,9474.0,10.0 12110,SentFIN,IFCI slips over 14% after govt raises stake to 55.57%,0,IFCI,9475.0,10.0 12111,SentFIN,India bond yields edge lower at open on bargain buying,0,India bond,9476.0,10.0 12112,SentFIN,Inflation & corporate governance biggest market worries: Blackstone Asia Advisors,1,Blackstone Asia Advisors,9477.0,10.0 12113,SentFIN,IOB Q3 net dips 73.81 pc to Rs 101.70 cr,0,IOB,9479.0,10.0 12114,SentFIN,IPCA slips over 2% as July-September profit lags some estimates,0,IPCA,9480.0,10.0 12115,SentFIN,IRB Infrastructure Q4 net down 28% to Rs 109 crore,0,IRB Infrastructure,9481.0,10.0 12116,SentFIN,IT companies may not enjoy the rupee edge for long,0,IT companies,9482.0,10.0 12117,SentFIN,J M Financial consolidated net profit down 15 per cent,0,J M Financial,9484.0,10.0 12118,SentFIN,Jammu and Kashmir Bank falls on weak December quarterly earnings,0,Jammu and Kashmir Bank,9485.0,10.0 12119,SentFIN,Jewellery stocks under pressure; down up to 3.5 per cent,0,Jewellery stocks,9486.0,10.0 12120,SentFIN,JSPL shares slump over 10% amid reports of bids rejection,0,JSPL,9488.0,10.0 12121,SentFIN,Jubilant FoodWorks slips 4% as FII holding hits trigger limit,0,Jubilant FoodWorks,9489.0,10.0 12122,SentFIN,Kaveri Seed slips nearly 3% as promoters plan stake sale,0,Kaveri Seed,9490.0,10.0 12123,SentFIN,Kerala government's subsidy skids off track as rubber prices fall,0,rubber,9491.0,10.0 12124,SentFIN,Lack of clarity on raw sugar exports vexes mill owners,0,raw sugar,9492.0,10.0 12125,SentFIN,"Liquidity overhang hits SBI margin, net flat at Rs 2,479cr",0,SBI,9493.0,10.0 12126,SentFIN,Lloyds Steel Q1 net loss widens at Rs 31.57 crore,0,Lloyds Steel,9495.0,10.0 12127,SentFIN,Mahindra & Mahindra Financial's prospects don't look promising: Mayuresh Joshi,0,Mahindra & Mahindra Financial,9496.0,10.0 12128,SentFIN,"Maintain a sell call on Bank Nifty, says Sandeep Wagle",0,Bank Nifty,9497.0,10.0 12129,SentFIN,Malaysia Airlines shares fall 18 per cent after latest disaster,0,Malaysia Airlines,9498.0,10.0 12130,SentFIN,Mangalore Chemicals shares tank over 9% on stake sale reports,0,Mangalore Chemicals,9500.0,10.0 12131,SentFIN,"Markets remain choppy, get used to smaller profits: Ashwani Gujral",0,Markets,9501.0,10.0 12132,SentFIN,Max India posts Q4 net loss at Rs 13.47 cr,0,Max India,9502.0,10.0 12133,SentFIN,Mindtree Q4 net profit falls 8.6% at Rs 129 crore,0,Mindtree,9504.0,10.0 12134,SentFIN,Mining stocks down as iron ore hits 5-1/2 year low,0,Mining stocks,9505.0,10.0 12135,SentFIN,Monsanto India posts Rs 26 crore loss in September quarter,0,Monsanto India,9506.0,10.0 12136,SentFIN,"Monsoon fears, tight NPA norms weigh on Shriram Transport Finance",0,Shriram Transport Finance,9507.0,10.0 12137,SentFIN,MSCI faces opposition to China inclusion in key index: Sources,0,MSCI,9508.0,10.0 12138,SentFIN,Mundra Port may not get past 155 levels: Ashwani Gujral,0,Mundra Port,9509.0,10.0 12139,SentFIN,National Fertilizers Q2 profit down 12% at Rs 54 crore,0,National Fertilizers,9510.0,10.0 12140,SentFIN,Natural rubber: Dull demand unlikely to help upturn in prices,0,Natural rubber,9511.0,10.0 12141,SentFIN,NDTV Q2 consolidated net loss at Rs Rs 15.26 crore,0,NDTV,9513.0,10.0 12142,SentFIN,New Companies Act may hurt non-banking finance companies bond sales,0,non-banking finance companies,9515.0,10.0 12143,SentFIN,NHPC Q2 net profit drops 9.67% to Rs 707.58 crore,0,NHPC,9516.0,10.0 12144,SentFIN,Nikkei falls to 1-week low as Japan recession spooks market,0,Nikkei,9518.0,10.0 12145,SentFIN,No relief for Ranbaxy in the near term: Five facts,0,Ranbaxy,9519.0,10.0 12146,SentFIN,"North America puts its drilling projects on hold, guar slips",0,guar,9520.0,10.0 12147,SentFIN,"Oil dives to new depths, rush to safety aids yen",0,Oil,9522.0,10.0 12148,SentFIN,Omaxe Q3 net down by 20.7% to Rs 22.57 crore,0,Omaxe,9523.0,10.0 12149,SentFIN,Oracle Financial Services Software gains; Q1 net profit falls 16%,0,Oracle Financial Services Software,9525.0,10.0 12150,SentFIN,Parsvnath Q3 net profit falls 39% to Rs 11 crore,0,Parsvnath,9526.0,10.0 12151,SentFIN,Pipavav Defence tanks as open offer price lower than CMP,0,Pipavav Defence,9527.0,10.0 12152,SentFIN,Polaris can be a little volatile both ways: Deepak Mohoni,0,Polaris,9528.0,10.0 12153,SentFIN,Radico Khaitan Q2 net down 21.48% at Rs 17.32 crore,0,Radico Khaitan,9529.0,10.0 12154,SentFIN,Radico Khaitan Q4 net down 36.98% at Rs 9.9 crore,0,Radico Khaitan,9530.0,10.0 12155,SentFIN,Rallis India shares tumble over 9% on weak Q2 results,0,Rallis India,9531.0,10.0 12156,SentFIN,Ranbaxy net loss at Rs 73.6 crore in Jan-Mar quarter,0,Ranbaxy,9532.0,10.0 12157,SentFIN,RBI's steps to curb rupee fall spook markets: Tirthankar Patnaik,0,markets,9533.0,10.0 12158,SentFIN,Restructured asset to post challenges for PSU banks: Pankaj Pandey,0,PSU banks,9534.0,10.0 12159,SentFIN,Rupee off highs on suspected Reserve Bank of India intervention,0,Rupee,9535.0,10.0 12160,SentFIN,Rupee sees biggest single-day fall in a month; FM awaited,0,Rupee,9536.0,10.0 12161,SentFIN,Sadbhav Engineering Q2 Net declines 64% to Rs 10.13 crore,0,Sadbhav Engineering,9537.0,10.0 12162,SentFIN,Sell ACC Ltd with target of Rs 1370: Sandeep Wagle,0,ACC Ltd,9540.0,10.0 12163,SentFIN,"Sell HDFC with a target of Rs 1,320: Mitesh Thacker",0,HDFC,9541.0,10.0 12164,SentFIN,SELL IOC with a target of Rs 178: Sandeep Wagle,0,IOC,9542.0,10.0 12165,SentFIN,Sell Ranbaxy with target price of Rs 342: Ashwani Gujral,0,Ranbaxy,9543.0,10.0 12166,SentFIN,Sell TCS with a target of Rs 2400: Mitesh Thacker,0,TCS,9544.0,10.0 12167,SentFIN,Sell Voltas with a target of Rs 149: Prakash Gaba,0,Voltas,9545.0,10.0 12168,SentFIN,Sensex cracks over 100 points; Top ten stocks in focus,0,Sensex,9546.0,10.0 12169,SentFIN,Shoppers Stop Q2 net drops 19% to Rs 13 crore,0,Shoppers Stop,9547.0,10.0 12170,SentFIN,"Sistema's fourth quarter net loss widens on costs, revenue strong",0,Sistema,9548.0,10.0 12171,SentFIN,"South Korean stocks fall on profit-taking, flat for holiday-shortened week",0,South Korean stocks,9549.0,10.0 12172,SentFIN,Spike in yellow metal prices hits traders of paper gold,0,yellow metal,9550.0,10.0 12173,SentFIN,SREI Infra slumps on low valuation of American Tower-Viom deal,0,SREI Infra,9551.0,10.0 12174,SentFIN,SSTL net loss widens to Rs 391 cr in Q1,0,SSTL,9552.0,10.0 12175,SentFIN,SSTL Q4 net loss significantly narrows at Rs 445 cr,0,SSTL,9553.0,10.0 12176,SentFIN,Stay out of Hindustan Copper at the moment: Ashit Suri,0,Hindustan Copper,9555.0,10.0 12177,SentFIN,"Sterling hits 2-month low, caution ahead of BOE Inflation Report",0,Sterling,9557.0,10.0 12178,SentFIN,Sterlite Industries plunges as TNPCB orders closure of smelter plant,0,Sterlite Industries,9558.0,10.0 12179,SentFIN,Syndicate Bank Q2 Net declines 33% to Rs 315 crore,0,Syndicate Bank,9559.0,10.0 12180,SentFIN,"Talwalkars rallies 14%, hits 52-week high on stake sale reports",0,Talwalkars,9560.0,10.0 12181,SentFIN,"TBWA India announces top management changes, Shiv Sethuraman moves out",0,TBWA India,9561.0,10.0 12182,SentFIN,Telcos weighed down due to ongoing spectrum auctions: Deven Choksey,0,Telcos,9562.0,10.0 12183,SentFIN,Temptation Foods Q3 net declines 55.53% at Rs 7.87 cr,0,Temptation Foods,9563.0,10.0 12184,SentFIN,"Tepid response to Hrudayalaya IPO, 26% subscribed on Day 2",0,Hrudayalaya,9564.0,10.0 12185,SentFIN,Tough for Godrej Properties to cross Rs 680-685: Mitesh Thacker,0,Godrej Properties,9565.0,10.0 12186,SentFIN,"Tough times ahead for investors: Arvind Sanger, Geosphere Capital Management",1,Geosphere Capital Management,9566.0,10.0 12187,SentFIN,Trading firms raised early concerns about Barclays' dark pool: Reports,0,Barclays,9568.0,10.0 12188,SentFIN,"Turmeric futures fall 2% on fall in demand, profit booking",0,Turmeric,9569.0,10.0 12189,SentFIN,U.S. billionaire Wilbur Ross cashes out Bank of Ireland stake,0,Bank of Ireland,9570.0,10.0 12190,SentFIN,Unitech plunges as CBI begins fresh probe in 2G case,0,Unitech,9571.0,10.0 12191,SentFIN,Unitech Q2 net profit down 48% at Rs 25.57 crore,0,Unitech,9572.0,10.0 12192,SentFIN,United Spirits Q3 net declines 19% at Rs 65 cr,0,United Spirits,9573.0,10.0 12193,SentFIN,Unusual trades in December series Nifty options under Sebi lens,1,Sebi,9574.0,10.0 12194,SentFIN,US dollar softens as traders look to ECB policy meeting,0,US dollar,9575.0,10.0 12195,SentFIN,Valuations have been fairly expensive in Pharma sector: IV Subramaniam,0,Pharma sector,9576.0,10.0 12196,SentFIN,Videocon Industries Q4 Net down 47% at Rs 86.42 crore,0,Videocon Industries,9577.0,10.0 12197,SentFIN,Videocon Telecom Q2 operating loss narrows to Rs 47 crore,0,Videocon Telecom,9578.0,10.0 12198,SentFIN,Vijaya Bank Q4 net dips 29% to Rs 97 crore,0,Vijaya Bank,9579.0,10.0 12199,SentFIN,V-Mart Q4 net profit declines marginally to Rs 1.09 crore,0,V-Mart,9580.0,10.0 12200,SentFIN,Volatility higher but fall in contract value hits gold turnover,0,gold,9581.0,10.0 12201,SentFIN,Voltas Q3 down 19.38 per cent at Rs 61.92 crore,0,Voltas,9582.0,10.0 12202,SentFIN,Wagon supply delay drags Texmaco into Rs 3.5 crore loss,0,Texmaco,9583.0,10.0 12203,SentFIN,Warren Buffett cuts Tesco stake to below 3 per cent,0,Tesco,9584.0,10.0 12204,SentFIN,Wipro comes under tax surveillance for 'Body shopping'; stock falls,0,Wipro,9585.0,10.0 12205,SentFIN,Wockhardt's stock plummets 8% today; not an opportunity to buy,0,Wockhardt,9586.0,10.0 12206,SentFIN,Would not take a position on the Nifty: Deepak Mohoni,0,Nifty,9587.0,10.0 12207,SentFIN,Yes Bank may find it tough to grow retail biz,0,Yes Bank,9588.0,10.0 12208,SentFIN,Zenotech Laboratories Q3 net loss widens to Rs 3.75 cr,0,Zenotech Laboratories,9589.0,10.0 12209,SentFIN,Zensar Q2 Net declines by 4.7% at Rs 67.31 crore,0,Zensar,9590.0,10.0 12210,SentFIN,Zuari Agro Chemicals reports Rs 98 crore loss in Q1,0,Zuari Agro Chemicals,9591.0,10.0 12211,SentFIN,10-year yield edges down on value buying; sale papers in line,0,10-year,9592.0,11.0 12212,SentFIN,10-year yield to fall to 8-8.25% after FII limit rejig: BofA,0,10-year,9593.0,11.0 12213,SentFIN,"2G auction: Telecom stocks seen correcting, call charges may get higher",0,Telecom stocks,9594.0,11.0 12214,SentFIN,5-year OIS rate at 16-month low on early rate cut hopes,0,5-year,9595.0,11.0 12215,SentFIN,7 Pantaloon Retail promoters sell 25L DVR shares for Rs 71cr,0,Pantaloon Retail,9596.0,11.0 12216,SentFIN,Adani Enterprises Q3 net profit declines 84% to Rs 68 crore,0,Adani Enterprises,9597.0,11.0 12217,SentFIN,"All action on 30 stocks in Sensex, small- and mid-caps ignored",0,Sensex,9598.0,11.0 12218,SentFIN,"Amtek Auto effect: Investor confidence dampens, corporate bond yields go up",0,Amtek Auto,9599.0,11.0 12219,SentFIN,Anant Raj Industries will face resistance around 110-120 levels: Rohit Shinde,0,Anant Raj Industries,9600.0,11.0 12220,SentFIN,Apple's stock dips over 4% as concerns mount about iPhone shipments,0,Apple,9601.0,11.0 12221,SentFIN,Ashiana Housing Q1 Net falls 17 pc to Rs 7.97 crore,0,Ashiana Housing,9602.0,11.0 12222,SentFIN,Aurobindo Pharma Q1 net loss widens 4.97% at Rs 128.91 crore,0,Aurobindo Pharma,9603.0,11.0 12223,SentFIN,Australia shares close lower for fourth session but recover from lows,0,Australia shares,9604.0,11.0 12224,SentFIN,Australia shares fall as investors take profits after weeks of gains,0,Australia shares,9605.0,11.0 12225,SentFIN,Avoid Infrastructure stocks until the problems are solved: P Phani Sekhar,0,Infrastructure stocks,9606.0,11.0 12226,SentFIN,Bad loans widens Dhanlaxmi Bank Oct-Dec loss to Rs 119 crore,0,Dhanlaxmi Bank,9607.0,11.0 12227,SentFIN,Be cautious as far as M&M Finance is concerned: Dipan Mehta,0,M&M Finance,9609.0,11.0 12228,SentFIN,"Bharati Shipyard's Q3 net profit down 30%, to Rs 23.16 cr",0,Bharati Shipyard,9610.0,11.0 12229,SentFIN,Bharti's investors may have to get ready for a long haul,0,Bharti,9611.0,11.0 12230,SentFIN,BJP manifesto fails to lift Street; Sensex records triple digit cut,0,Sensex,9612.0,11.0 12231,SentFIN,Brent crude oil slips towards $92 on weak German industrial data,0,Brent crude oil,9613.0,11.0 12232,SentFIN,"Brent falls below $103 on higher Libyan output, lower geopolitical risk",0,Brent,9614.0,11.0 12233,SentFIN,Bullion sinks to lowest in 15 months on robust US data,0,Bullion,9615.0,11.0 12234,SentFIN,Buying metal stocks tend to be fairly risky: Nine Rivers Capital,0,metal stocks,9616.0,11.0 12235,SentFIN,"Castorseed futures slip 2.41 per cent to Rs 4,204 per quintal",0,Castorseed,9617.0,11.0 12236,SentFIN,Central Bank December qtr net falls 65% to Rs 62 crore,0,Central Bank,9618.0,11.0 12237,SentFIN,CESC Q4 net down 5 per cent to Rs 243 crore,0,CESC,9619.0,11.0 12238,SentFIN,Chilli teja futures down 1.55 per cent on muted spot demand,0,Chilli teja,9620.0,11.0 12239,SentFIN,"China yuan hits 4-1/2-month high, spot rate set to cross midpoint",0,China yuan,9621.0,11.0 12240,SentFIN,Chinese insurers banned from demanding repayment from brokerages ahead of deadline,0,Chinese insurers,9622.0,11.0 12241,SentFIN,Claris promoter sells 12 lakh shares for over Rs 23 crore,0,Claris,9625.0,11.0 12242,SentFIN,Commodities brace for more woe ahead of US Federal rate decision,0,Commodities,9627.0,11.0 12243,SentFIN,Commodities pare $40 billion of hedge funds' wealth since 2008: Report,0,Commodities,9628.0,11.0 12244,SentFIN,Crisil net profit declines to Rs 49.57 cr in March quarter,0,Crisil,9629.0,11.0 12245,SentFIN,Crude palm oil futures soften 0.58 per cent on sluggish demand,0,Crude palm oil,9630.0,11.0 12246,SentFIN,Den Networks extends fall as CEO resigns; stock down over 9%,0,Den Networks,9632.0,11.0 12247,SentFIN,Den Networks Q2 down 28.24 per cent at Rs 11.18 crore,0,Den Networks,9633.0,11.0 12248,SentFIN,Disturbance in Saudi oil space can cause market fall: Ambit Capital,0,market,9635.0,11.0 12249,SentFIN,DLF seeks interim relief from capital market ban; stock in red,0,DLF,9636.0,11.0 12250,SentFIN,Don't get into midcaps which are making 52-week lows.: Ashwani Gujral,0,midcaps,9637.0,11.0 12251,SentFIN,Don't recommend buying in IT space at current levels: Sandip Sabharwal,0,IT space,9638.0,11.0 12252,SentFIN,Dwarikesh Sugar posts net loss of Rs 23 crore in Q4,0,Dwarikesh Sugar,9639.0,11.0 12253,SentFIN,Elder Pharma hits year low on reports of I-T dept raid,0,Elder Pharma,9640.0,11.0 12254,SentFIN,Essar Shipping falls 2.5% as delisting price at discount to CMP,0,Essar Shipping,9641.0,11.0 12255,SentFIN,Euro falls to 19-month low versus Swiss franc on easing bets,0,Euro,9642.0,11.0 12256,SentFIN,Euro flat in Asia after drop on ECB easing plan reports,0,Euro,9643.0,11.0 12257,SentFIN,"Euro slides to 3-month low on German data, EU election uncertainty",0,Euro,9644.0,11.0 12258,SentFIN,Euro zone bond yields fall as markets refocus on QE prospects,0,Euro zone bond,9646.0,11.0 12259,SentFIN,Exit from Suzlon as the stock has gone down: Rajat Bose,0,Suzlon,9647.0,11.0 12260,SentFIN,Exporters worry as rupee breaks free; further strengthening could spook exporters,0,rupee,9649.0,11.0 12261,SentFIN,"Facing a Rs 2,700-crore loss, FIs swoop down on Bhushan Steel",0,Bhushan Steel,9650.0,11.0 12262,SentFIN,Falling knives and dead cats: When will the oil slump end?,0,oil,9651.0,11.0 12263,SentFIN,"FIIs concerned about policy paralysis post elections: Anup Bagchi, ICICI Securities",1,ICICI Securities,9652.0,11.0 12264,SentFIN,"For Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals, worst is all but over",0,Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals,9654.0,11.0 12265,SentFIN,"For OMCs, valuations higher than what they can sustain: Prateek Agarwal",0,OMCs,9655.0,11.0 12266,SentFIN,Fuel & debt woes may blow out power company stocks gains,0,power company,9658.0,11.0 12267,SentFIN,Future Capital FY'11 net profit down 26% at Rs 44.15 crore,0,Future Capital,9660.0,11.0 12268,SentFIN,"Global cues making Sensex move, and FIIs getting bearish: A worry?",0,Sensex,9661.0,11.0 12269,SentFIN,Goa Carbon Ltd posts Rs 670.89 lakh net loss in Q1,0,Goa Carbon Ltd,9662.0,11.0 12270,SentFIN,Gold at 2-week low on easing of import curbs by RBI,0,Gold,9663.0,11.0 12271,SentFIN,"Gold demand falls in Q2 as jewellery, bar sales slide: WGC",0,Gold,9664.0,11.0 12272,SentFIN,Gold drops to 3-week low after Fed optimism over US economy,0,Gold,9665.0,11.0 12273,SentFIN,Gold offtake slows as consumers expect price correction despite global uptrend,0,Gold,9666.0,11.0 12274,SentFIN,Gold prices fall over 1% to new 8-month lows after FOMC,0,Gold,9667.0,11.0 12275,SentFIN,"Gold treads water below $1,300 ahead of Fed statement, economic data",0,Gold,9668.0,11.0 12276,SentFIN,"Gold tumbles by Rs 340 on fall in demand, global cues",0,Gold,9669.0,11.0 12277,SentFIN,Greaves Cotton reports net loss of Rs 7.98 crore in Q2,0,Greaves Cotton,9670.0,11.0 12278,SentFIN,"Growth fears weigh on major shares, dollar up after big slide",2,dollar,9671.0,11.0 12279,SentFIN,"Have a sell call on Moser Baer: Kunal Saraogi, Technical Analyst",0,Moser Baer,9673.0,11.0 12280,SentFIN,HCL Infosystems shares slump 10% as March quarter net loss widens,0,HCL Infosystems,9674.0,11.0 12281,SentFIN,Heavy selling leads to plunge in spot and future sugar prices,0,sugar,9675.0,11.0 12282,SentFIN,Hero MotoCorp reverse losses of nearly 2%; Q3 results below estimates,0,Hero MotoCorp,9676.0,11.0 12283,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares end down, losses limited by better-than-expected China data",0,Hong Kong shares,9677.0,11.0 12284,SentFIN,Hong Kong shares post biggest daily loss in over 7 months,0,Hong Kong shares,9678.0,11.0 12285,SentFIN,Imported Apple prices crash in domestic market due to huge imports,0,Imported Apple,9682.0,11.0 12286,SentFIN,"In short term, use bouncebacks on Nifty to sell: Sandeep Wagle",0,Nifty,9683.0,11.0 12287,SentFIN,India Cements posts Rs 31 crore net loss in January-March quarter,0,India Cements,9684.0,11.0 12288,SentFIN,"India love affair with gold may be over, as prices slide",0,gold,9685.0,11.0 12289,SentFIN,Indian Hotels Company Q1 net loss widens to Rs 34.82 cr,0,Indian Hotels Company,9686.0,11.0 12290,SentFIN,"Indicators pointing downwards, Nifty may break below 5,970 levels: Mitesh Thacker",0,Nifty,9687.0,11.0 12291,SentFIN,IndusInd Bank slips over 2% as FII investments reach trigger limit,0,IndusInd Bank,9689.0,11.0 12292,SentFIN,Infosys marginally in red as BPO unit sacks CFO Abraham Mathews,0,Infosys,9690.0,11.0 12293,SentFIN,Infra stocks to be dead for next 6-8 months: Ashwani Gujral,0,Infra stocks,9691.0,11.0 12294,SentFIN,Insecticides India Q2 Net declines 12.73 pc to Rs 13.84 crore,0,Insecticides India,9692.0,11.0 12295,SentFIN,IRB Infra Q2 net profit down 12% at Rs 107 crore,0,IRB Infra,9693.0,11.0 12296,SentFIN,"IVRCL: Debt pile, slow progress of projects weigh down the company",0,IVRCL,9694.0,11.0 12297,SentFIN,Jaypee Infratech Q1 net profit down 11.71% to Rs 209.94 cr,0,Jaypee Infratech,9695.0,11.0 12298,SentFIN,JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals stock tanks on brand sale to J&J,0,JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals,9696.0,11.0 12299,SentFIN,JSW Steel standalone net profit at Rs 2011 cr; stock down,0,JSW Steel,9697.0,11.0 12300,SentFIN,Jubilant FoodWorks Q3 Net declines 10.9 pc to Rs 33.59 cr,0,Jubilant FoodWorks,9698.0,11.0 12301,SentFIN,KEC International Q3 net profit down 35% to Rs 19.15 crore,0,KEC International,9699.0,11.0 12302,SentFIN,Lanco Infratech shares tank almost 10 per cent on disappointing results,0,Lanco Infratech,9700.0,11.0 12303,SentFIN,"Liquor stocks hit on Bihar alcohol ban, but analysts not worried",0,Liquor,9702.0,11.0 12304,SentFIN,Lloyds loses attempt to buy back bonds and save $1.5 billion,0,Lloyds,9703.0,11.0 12305,SentFIN,London copper eyes biggest weekly loss in more than three years,0,London copper,9704.0,11.0 12306,SentFIN,Lupin Q2 net dips 35 per cent to Rs 409 crore,0,Lupin,9706.0,11.0 12307,SentFIN,Mahindra & Mahindra Q2 PAT down 4.33% at Rs 946.63 crore,0,Mahindra & Mahindra,9707.0,11.0 12308,SentFIN,Malaysian palm oil snaps 5-day decline but China outlook caps gains,0,Malaysian palm oil,9708.0,11.0 12309,SentFIN,"Marginally bearish on Nifty, sell a 6400 strike call: Mitesh Thacker",0,Nifty,9709.0,11.0 12310,SentFIN,Market participants being cautious on Infosys ahead of earnings: Deven Choksey,0,Infosys,9710.0,11.0 12311,SentFIN,Markets may be choppy for the next few days: Mitesh Thacker,0,Markets,9711.0,11.0 12312,SentFIN,MindTree falls nearly 7% as Q3 PAT falls short of expectations,0,MindTree,9712.0,11.0 12313,SentFIN,"Momentum broken, more pullback seen in the banking stocks: Mitesh Thacker",0,banking stocks,9713.0,11.0 12314,SentFIN,"Most Asian shares slip on anxiety over Iraq, dollar edges up",0,Asian shares,9714.0,11.0 12315,SentFIN,"MphasiS nose dives by 27 pc on weak numbers, hits year-low",0,MphasiS,9715.0,11.0 12316,SentFIN,Mundra Port's net profit up at Rs 228.46 cr; stock down,0,Mundra Port,9716.0,11.0 12317,SentFIN,Nagarjuna Construction Company net profit declines 35 per cent in April-June,0,Nagarjuna Construction Company,9717.0,11.0 12318,SentFIN,Narendra Modi as prime minister not good news for IT stocks,0,IT stocks,9718.0,11.0 12319,SentFIN,NFL stock tanks 5%; issue subscribed 24 pc in early trade,0,NFL,9720.0,11.0 12320,SentFIN,NHPC Q3 net profit drops about 17% to Rs 259.35 crore,0,NHPC,9721.0,11.0 12321,SentFIN,NIfty once again fails to get pass 6350 mark: Mitesh Thacker,0,NIfty,9722.0,11.0 12322,SentFIN,"Nifty50 in no-trade zone, be stock-specific in the market: Sandeep Wagle",0,Nifty50,9723.0,11.0 12323,SentFIN,Nikkei edges down as cyclical shares sold; trading thin before events,0,Nikkei,9724.0,11.0 12324,SentFIN,Nikkei ends lower in subdued holiday trade; posts 4th weekly drops,0,Nikkei,9725.0,11.0 12325,SentFIN,NSE to shift stocks of 47 firms to restricted trading segment,0,NSE,9726.0,11.0 12326,SentFIN,NSEL scam unfolds: The forces that caused Jignesh Shah's abrupt arrest,0,NSEL,9727.0,11.0 12327,SentFIN,Nucleus Software Q1 Net down 9 pc to Rs 11.16 cr,0,Nucleus Software,9728.0,11.0 12328,SentFIN,"Oct jinx: CIL issue sucks out liquidity, sensex stays in range",0,CIL,9729.0,11.0 12329,SentFIN,Oil prices at a 13-month low; slips to $102 per barrel,0,Oil,9730.0,11.0 12330,SentFIN,Outlook to remain negative till Nifty regains 8010 levels: Mitesh Thacker,0,Nifty,9732.0,11.0 12331,SentFIN,Panic reaction in metal stocks after China rate cuts: Jagdish Malkani,0,metal stocks,9733.0,11.0 12332,SentFIN,PNB Q2 net profit down 52%; shares come under selling pressure,0,PNB,9734.0,11.0 12333,SentFIN,"PNB shares settle down 1.79%; m-cap erodes by Rs 1,373 crore",0,PNB,9735.0,11.0 12334,SentFIN,Prism Cement reports Rs 62.34 crore net loss in Oct-Dec quarter,0,Prism Cement,9736.0,11.0 12335,SentFIN,PSB stocks may find no taker despite cheap valuations: Dipen Sheth,0,PSB stocks,9739.0,11.0 12336,SentFIN,PTC India Fin plunges on disappointing Q4 results; ends 19% down,0,PTC India Fin,9740.0,11.0 12337,SentFIN,Punj Lloyd shares slump nearly 14% after Q2 net loss widens,0,Punj Lloyd,9741.0,11.0 12338,SentFIN,"QE fears resurface, markets crash; heres what experts are betting on",0,QE,9742.0,11.0 12339,SentFIN,Record rally in midcap stocks may be heading towards a crash,0,midcap stocks,9743.0,11.0 12340,SentFIN,Refined soya oil futures drop 0.23 per cent on subdued demand,0,Refined soya oil,9744.0,11.0 12341,SentFIN,Refined soya oil remains weak in futures trade on low demand,0,Refined soya oil,9745.0,11.0 12342,SentFIN,Regulatory issues remain to be a major impediment for Vedanta Group,0,Vedanta Group,9746.0,11.0 12343,SentFIN,REI Agro slumps over 6% on media report about RBI queries,0,REI Agro,9747.0,11.0 12344,SentFIN,Reliance Infra Q3 PAT seen down 31% at Rs 337 crore,0,Reliance Infra,9748.0,11.0 12345,SentFIN,Russia's Sistema down 7.6 per cent after Yevtushenkov house arrest ruling,0,Sistema,9750.0,11.0 12346,SentFIN,Sebi slaps Rs 42.50cr fine on 21 entities for fraudulent trade,1,Sebi,9751.0,11.0 12347,SentFIN,Sell Adani Power with a target of Rs 44: Prakash Gaba,0,Adani Power,9752.0,11.0 12348,SentFIN,Sell Allahabad Bank with stop loss of Rs 131: Sandeep Wagle,0,Allahabad Bank,9753.0,11.0 12349,SentFIN,Sell Arvind Ltd with target price of Rs 168: Ashwani Gujral,0,Arvind Ltd,9754.0,11.0 12350,SentFIN,Sell CNX IT with a target of Rs 9650: Mitesh Thacker,0,CNX IT,9755.0,11.0 12351,SentFIN,Sell Crompton Greaves with target price of Rs 192: Vijay Bhambwani,0,Crompton Greaves,9756.0,11.0 12352,SentFIN,Sell Divis Lab with a target of Rs 1305: Sandeep Wagle,0,Divis Lab,9757.0,11.0 12353,SentFIN,Sell DLF Ltd with target price of Rs 158: Sandeep Wagle,0,DLF Ltd,9758.0,11.0 12354,SentFIN,Sell Dr. Reddys with stop loss of Rs 3192: Mitesh Thacker,0,Dr. Reddys,9759.0,11.0 12355,SentFIN,Sell Glenmark with a stop loss of Rs 731: Vijay Bhambwani,0,Glenmark,9760.0,11.0 12356,SentFIN,Sell HUL Ltd with target price of Rs 535: Mitesh Thacker,0,HUL Ltd,9761.0,11.0 12357,SentFIN,Sell ICICI Bank with a target of Rs 1390: Sandeep Wagle,0,ICICI Bank,9762.0,11.0 12358,SentFIN,Sell JSPL at a stop loss of Rs 290: Ashwani Gujral,0,JSPL,9763.0,11.0 12359,SentFIN,Sell Lupin Ltd with target price of Rs 853: Mitesh Thacker,0,Lupin Ltd,9764.0,11.0 12360,SentFIN,Sell PNB with target price of Rs 490 : Ashwani Gujral,0,PNB,9765.0,11.0 12361,SentFIN,Sell TVS Motors with stop loss of Rs 251: Sandeep Wagle,0,TVS Motors,9766.0,11.0 12362,SentFIN,Sensex plunges 400 points; over 70 stocks hit fresh 52-week lows,0,Sensex,9767.0,11.0 12363,SentFIN,"Sensex sinking to 20K: Blame the US, not China and RBI",0,Sensex,9768.0,11.0 12364,SentFIN,SKS shares plunge 15 pc to slip below IPO issue price,0,SKS,9770.0,11.0 12365,SentFIN,Southeast Asian stocks falls as Singapore index touched a four-month low,0,Southeast Asian stocks,9771.0,11.0 12366,SentFIN,"Spike in government bond yield temporary, may soften soon: P Chidambaram",0,government bond,9772.0,11.0 12367,SentFIN,Stay away from PSU banks until reforms kick in: Nitin Raheja,0,PSU banks,9773.0,11.0 12368,SentFIN,Sterling near 4-week low vs euro ahead of UK inflation data,0,Sterling,9774.0,11.0 12369,SentFIN,Sterling slips from Monday peak as inflation data dents rate expectations,0,Sterling,9775.0,11.0 12370,SentFIN,Stop depending on rating cos for risk assessment: Sebi to MFs,1,Sebi,9776.0,11.0 12371,SentFIN,Suzlon slips 10% as auditors raise red flag on companys operations,0,Suzlon,9777.0,11.0 12372,SentFIN,Syndicate Bank profit drops by 31% in Q4 on NPA provisions,0,Syndicate Bank,9778.0,11.0 12373,SentFIN,TAKE Solutions slips 3% on revenue loss due to Chennai floods,0,TAKE Solutions,9779.0,11.0 12374,SentFIN,Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Q2 net plunges 82% to Rs 3.51 crore,0,Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri,9781.0,11.0 12375,SentFIN,Tulip Telecom shares hit lower circuit; down 20% in 4 sessions,0,Tulip Telecom,9782.0,11.0 12376,SentFIN,"Turkey stocks tumble 6%, lira hits record low amid political uncertainty",0,Turkey stocks,9783.0,11.0 12377,SentFIN,Uninor narrows operating loss to Rs 107 cr in Apr-Jun quarter,0,Uninor,9785.0,11.0 12378,SentFIN,"Unseasonal rains, hailstorms affect rural demand for gold in wedding season",0,gold,9786.0,11.0 12379,SentFIN,"US oil dives below $100 on Kansas refinery outage, equity drop",0,US oil,9787.0,11.0 12380,SentFIN,Vegetable oil import may touch new record at 12.3 milllion tonnes,0,Vegetable oil,9788.0,11.0 12381,SentFIN,Voltas shares slump 6% as top brokerages downgrade on earnings concern,0,Voltas,9789.0,11.0 12382,SentFIN,VW hits 4-year low as diesel emissions fallout spreads to France,0,VW,9790.0,11.0 12383,SentFIN,Whirlpool of India Q2 net down 7% to Rs 37.60 crore,0,Whirlpool of India,9791.0,11.0 12384,SentFIN,Wipro can slide down to levels closer to 555: Prakash Gaba,0,Wipro,9792.0,11.0 12385,SentFIN,Wockhardt Q4 Net plunges 78 per cent to Rs 74.45 crore,0,Wockhardt,9793.0,11.0 12386,SentFIN,You can sell Bank Nifty March Futures around 9950: Rajat Bose,0,Bank Nifty,9794.0,11.0 12387,SentFIN,3 promoters sell 54 lakh DB Corp shares for Rs 159.57 crore,0,DB Corp,9796.0,12.0 12388,SentFIN,4200 levels for Nifty not unlikely in couple of weeks: Ashwani Gujral,0,Nifty,9797.0,12.0 12389,SentFIN,5 reasons why bears are running riot as Sensex shrivels 500 points,0,Sensex,9798.0,12.0 12390,SentFIN,7800 levels will act as a stiff resistance for Nifty: Sandeep Wagle,0,Nifty,9799.0,12.0 12391,SentFIN,"After sprinting for a decade, are the good times over for Cognizant?",0,Cognizant,9802.0,12.0 12392,SentFIN,Amtek Auto cracks as company's June quarter loss nearly doubles on year,0,Amtek Auto,9803.0,12.0 12393,SentFIN,"Angel investors, promoters not happy with new ITP guidelines issued by Sebi",1,Sebi,9804.0,12.0 12394,SentFIN,"Any dip in IT stocks, one should buy frontline ones, Seshadri Bharathan",0,IT stocks,9805.0,12.0 12395,SentFIN,"As Danish bond market dries up, investors look for more liquid assets",0,Danish bond market,9806.0,12.0 12396,SentFIN,"As oil slides fast to near 7-year low, crude options stay calm",0,oil,9807.0,12.0 12397,SentFIN,Asset quality concerns to keep weighing on PSU banking stocks: Pankaj Pandey,0,PSU banking stocks,9808.0,12.0 12398,SentFIN,"Australia shares drop to 5-week low on Wall Street fall, global tensions",0,Australia shares,9809.0,12.0 12399,SentFIN,Auto sales will continue to remain lacklusture for some months: Prashasta Seth,0,Auto sales,9810.0,12.0 12400,SentFIN,Bata India Q2 net down 4.14 per cent at Rs 59.37 crore,0,Bata India,9812.0,12.0 12401,SentFIN,Brent's premium to Dubai crude falls to lowest in nearly 4 years,0,Brent,9814.0,12.0 12402,SentFIN,"Central Bank of India extends poor show, net falls 4% in Q4",0,Central Bank of India,9816.0,12.0 12403,SentFIN,China yuan falls to two-month lows as central bank sets weaker midpoint,0,China yuan,9817.0,12.0 12404,SentFIN,"Coca-Cola loses fizz, volume growth dips to single digits year on year",0,Coca-Cola,9818.0,12.0 12405,SentFIN,Commexes turnover in first fortnight of Nov dip by 65 per cent,0,Commexes,9819.0,12.0 12406,SentFIN,Core Projects Q3 net profit dips by 21% to Rs 24.43 cr,0,Core Projects,9820.0,12.0 12407,SentFIN,Crash in crude prices: Sectors and stocks that will be affected,0,crude,9821.0,12.0 12408,SentFIN,Crude palm oil futures soften by 0.16 per cent on sluggish demand,0,Crude palm oil,9822.0,12.0 12409,SentFIN,Dewan Housing slips over 3% on fund raising plan via share sale,0,Dewan Housing,9823.0,12.0 12410,SentFIN,DLF balance sheet does not give a very encouraging picture: Mayuresh Joshi,0,DLF,9825.0,12.0 12411,SentFIN,"Dollar stands tall as euro hit by economic gloom, yen also wilts",0,euro,9826.0,12.0 12412,SentFIN,"Don't buy into telecom stocks, utilise opportunity to book out: Ambareesh Baliga",0,telecom stocks,9827.0,12.0 12413,SentFIN,"Double whammy for BHEL: Project delays, fall in order inflow a worry",0,BHEL,9828.0,12.0 12414,SentFIN,Dr Reddy Q3 PAT grows 70% to Rs 618 crore; stock down,0,Dr Reddy,9829.0,12.0 12415,SentFIN,Eros Media plunges 9% over alleged overstatement of revenues by parent co,0,Eros Media,9831.0,12.0 12416,SentFIN,Errors in prospectus: Coal India gives investors exit option until Oct 25,0,Coal India,9832.0,12.0 12417,SentFIN,Eveready Industries Q2 Net down 22 per cent at Rs 13.80 crore,0,Eveready Industries,9833.0,12.0 12418,SentFIN,"Expect market to be edgy and volatile in October: Arindam Ghosh, Blackridge",1,Blackridge,9834.0,12.0 12419,SentFIN,GMDC standalone net profit falls to Rs 82 crore in December quarter,0,GMDC,9836.0,12.0 12420,SentFIN,GMR Infrastructure net loss widens to Rs 610 crore for September quarter,0,GMR Infrastructure,9837.0,12.0 12421,SentFIN,Go short on Bank Nifty as it still looks weak: Mitesh Thacker,0,Bank Nifty,9838.0,12.0 12422,SentFIN,"Gold down 1 per cent, hits 8-month low on weak physical demand",0,Gold,9839.0,12.0 12423,SentFIN,Gold stuck near 7-1/2 month low; set for worst week since May,0,Gold,9840.0,12.0 12424,SentFIN,"Gold trades near 4-month low before European Central Bank decision, US data",0,Gold,9841.0,12.0 12425,SentFIN,Gold's longest run in a year ends as US inflation picks up,0,Gold,9842.0,12.0 12426,SentFIN,GSFC Q3 net profit down 26 per cent at Rs 101.20 crore,0,GSFC,9843.0,12.0 12427,SentFIN,GVK Power & Infra posts Q1 net loss of Rs 281.34 crore,0,GVK Power & Infra,9844.0,12.0 12428,SentFIN,Hedge funds give up betting on oil as prices continue to tumble,0,oil,9845.0,12.0 12429,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares fall on weak global markets, protest worries; China weaker",0,Hong Kong shares,9846.0,12.0 12430,SentFIN,Hong Kong shares snap 3 days of losses as global outlook improves,0,Hong Kong shares,9847.0,12.0 12431,SentFIN,"HPCL tanks nearly 8% post Q2; Rs 2,041 crore m-cap shaved off",0,HPCL,9848.0,12.0 12432,SentFIN,HSIL falls nearly 4% after approving QIP at discount to floor price,0,HSIL,9849.0,12.0 12433,SentFIN,IDFC Ltd April-June net down 13 per cent at Rs 449 crore,0,IDFC Ltd,9851.0,12.0 12434,SentFIN,"India VIX loses steam, volumes sink to less than Rs 1 crore",0,India VIX,9853.0,12.0 12435,SentFIN,Indo Rama Synthetics posts net loss of Rs 26 cr in Q1,0,Indo Rama Synthetics,9854.0,12.0 12436,SentFIN,Infosys ends 3% down; global brokerages raise target price post Q1 results,0,Infosys,9855.0,12.0 12437,SentFIN,Infosys may report sharp 11.3% drop in net profit for June quarter,0,Infosys,9856.0,12.0 12438,SentFIN,Investors can give a miss to edible oil company NCML Industrie IPO,0,NCML,9858.0,12.0 12439,SentFIN,"IPO market lacklustre; no exciting issues lined up: Pramod Gubbi, Ambit Capital",1,Ambit Capital,9860.0,12.0 12440,SentFIN,IRB Infrastructure Q3 net profit down 24 pc at Rs 109 crore,0,IRB Infrastructure,9861.0,12.0 12441,SentFIN,Iron ore upswing may not last as China mulls raise in output,0,Iron ore,9862.0,12.0 12442,SentFIN,"IT stocks also crack, experts say markets may slip 15% from here",0,IT stocks,9863.0,12.0 12443,SentFIN,Listed firms need to explain delay in disclosure beyond 24 hours: Sebi,1,Sebi,9865.0,12.0 12444,SentFIN,Masala bonds not spicy enough for the market due to poor pricing,0,Masala bonds,9866.0,12.0 12445,SentFIN,MOIL Q1 net profit down 8.74 per cent at Rs 99.41 crore,0,MOIL,9867.0,12.0 12446,SentFIN,NIIT Technologies slips over 8% as Q2 falls to Rs 40.10 crore,0,NIIT Technologies,9868.0,12.0 12447,SentFIN,"Novartis tanks 7%, hits 52-week low as SC denies cancer drug patent",0,Novartis,9870.0,12.0 12448,SentFIN,Orchid Chemical can be sold with a target of 290: Ashwani Gujral,0,Orchid Chemical,9871.0,12.0 12449,SentFIN,Panacea Biotec slips as Q1 net loss widens to Rs 37 crore,0,Panacea Biotec,9873.0,12.0 12450,SentFIN,Polaris Financial Technology slips over 21% as the stock goes ex-demerger today,0,Polaris Financial Technology,9875.0,12.0 12451,SentFIN,"QE cut by $20 bn, Sensex sinks: How it's good for India",0,Sensex,9878.0,12.0 12452,SentFIN,Rail stocks fail to pick up steam ahead of railway budget 2015,0,Rail stocks,9879.0,12.0 12453,SentFIN,Rakesh Jhunjhunwala's sale of holdings in Praj Industries surprise many on D-Street,0,Praj Industries,9880.0,12.0 12454,SentFIN,Revenue and profit growth to remain subdued for India Inc in Q4,0,India Inc,9881.0,12.0 12455,SentFIN,Rupee falls 14 paise to 61.88 against dollar in early trade,0,Rupee,9882.0,12.0 12456,SentFIN,Rupee falls 31 paise vs US dollar to one-week low of 61.41,0,Rupee,9883.0,12.0 12457,SentFIN,"Rupee sees worst week in four months, closes at 59.10/11 per $",0,Rupee,9884.0,12.0 12458,SentFIN,"Rupee tumbles to over 7-month low, down 42 paise vs US dollar",0,Rupee,9885.0,12.0 12459,SentFIN,Rupee weakens in line with Asia as US Federal Reserve seen hawkish,0,Rupee,9886.0,12.0 12460,SentFIN,S Korean shares fall to 5-week low on oil plunge; won firmer,0,S Korean shares,9887.0,12.0 12461,SentFIN,S Korean shares pare losses after dipping to 2-month low; won firmer,0,S Korean shares,9888.0,12.0 12462,SentFIN,Sanofi India Q4 net down 44.22 per cent at Rs 51.7 crore,0,Sanofi India,9889.0,12.0 12463,SentFIN,SBI plunges more than 2% as Q3 net profit declines by 34%,0,SBI,9890.0,12.0 12464,SentFIN,"Sectors, stocks that are likely to be impacted due to euro fall",0,euro,9891.0,12.0 12465,SentFIN,Sell Asian Paints Ltd with target price of Rs 450: Mitesh Thacker,0,Asian Paints,9893.0,12.0 12466,SentFIN,Sell Bank of Baroda with target price of Rs 500: Ashwani Gujral,0,Bank of Baroda,9894.0,12.0 12467,SentFIN,Sell Cairn India Ltd. with stop loss around Rs 257: Prakash Gaba,0,Cairn India,9895.0,12.0 12468,SentFIN,Sell Canara Bank with a stop loss of Rs 392: Prakash Gaba,0,Canara Bank,9896.0,12.0 12469,SentFIN,SELL Exide Industries Ltd with a target of Rs 113: Mitesh Thacker,0,Exide Industries,9897.0,12.0 12470,SentFIN,Sell HDIL Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 86: Sandeep Wagle,0,HDIL Ltd,9898.0,12.0 12471,SentFIN,Sell Hindustan Unilever with a stop loss of Rs 731: Mitesh Thacker,0,Hindustan Unilever,9899.0,12.0 12472,SentFIN,Sell Lupin Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 1360: Mitesh Thacker,0,Lupin Ltd,9900.0,12.0 12473,SentFIN,Sell NMDC Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 153: Ashwani Gujral,0,NMDC Ltd,9901.0,12.0 12474,SentFIN,Sell SKS Microfinance Ltd with a target of Rs 421: Sandeep Wagle,0,SKS Microfinance Ltd,9902.0,12.0 12475,SentFIN,Sell Sun TV Ltd with target price of Rs 324: Sandeep Wagle,0,Sun TV Ltd,9903.0,12.0 12476,SentFIN,Sell Tata Steel with a stop loss of Rs 397: Prakash Gaba,0,Tata Steel,9904.0,12.0 12477,SentFIN,Sell Tata Steel with a stop loss of Rs 538: Sandeep Wagle,0,Tata Steel,9905.0,12.0 12478,SentFIN,Sell United Spirits at a stop loss of Rs 2390: Mitesh Thacker,0,United Spirits,9906.0,12.0 12479,SentFIN,Sell ZEE Entertainment Ltd with target price of Rs 255: Mitesh Thacker,0,ZEE Entertainment Ltd,9907.0,12.0 12480,SentFIN,Sensex loses 305 points: Is it the start of a market meltdown?,0,Sensex,9908.0,12.0 12481,SentFIN,Short-term uncertainties back; look at pharma stocks as long-term bets: Kunj Bansal,0,pharma stocks,9909.0,12.0 12482,SentFIN,"Siemens to delist in London and Zurich, Indian subsidiary wont get affected",0,Siemens,9910.0,12.0 12483,SentFIN,SKF India Q2 net profit down 2 pc at Rs 46 cr,0,SKF India,9911.0,12.0 12484,SentFIN,Somany Ceramics drops 7% as firm sets QIP floor price at discount,0,Somany Ceramics,9912.0,12.0 12485,SentFIN,Sun Pharma tanks nearly 9% in two sessions on USFDA import alert,0,Sun Pharma,9913.0,12.0 12486,SentFIN,Supply of government bonds chokes growth of corporate bonds: RBI Deputy Governor,0,corporate bonds,9914.0,12.0 12487,SentFIN,Tara Jewels Q2 net dips by 29 pc to Rs 11.03 crore,0,Tara Jewels,9915.0,12.0 12488,SentFIN,"T-Bill volatility a warning shot to investors, says JPMorgan head Jamie Dimon",1,JPMorgan,9916.0,12.0 12489,SentFIN,Tea production falls by 1.3 pc to 966.4 million kgs in 2010,0,Tea,9917.0,12.0 12490,SentFIN,"Tech Mahindra slips nearly 6% as Q1 profit, margin miss Street estimates",0,Tech Mahindra,9918.0,12.0 12491,SentFIN,TTK Prestige Q1 net down 17 per cent to Rs 22 crore,0,TTK Prestige,9920.0,12.0 12492,SentFIN,TTK Prestige Q4 Net down 6.49 per cent to Rs 26.21 crore,0,TTK Prestige,9921.0,12.0 12493,SentFIN,USL shares down 2% as co seeks shareholders' nod to report sick,0,USL,9922.0,12.0 12494,SentFIN,Vishal Retail Q4 loss widens by 12 pc to Rs 129 cr,0,Vishal Retail,9923.0,12.0 12495,SentFIN,Volatility of earnings stream is lower in large cap IT: Prateek Agarwal,0,large cap IT,9924.0,12.0 12496,SentFIN,Zee Entertainment Q1 net down 6.26 per cent at Rs 210.57 crore,0,Zee Entertainment,9926.0,12.0 12497,SentFIN,Zee Media Corporation Ltd Q2 net loss widens to Rs 16.97 crore,0,Zee Media Corporation,9927.0,12.0 12498,SentFIN,Zydus Wellness Q1 net down 25 per cent at Rs 17 crore,0,Zydus Wellness,9928.0,12.0 12499,SentFIN,"8,056 on Nifty could be an invitation to initiate fresh shorts: Ashwani Gujral",0,Nifty,9929.0,13.0 12500,SentFIN,Abbott India Q2 net profit down 3 per cent at Rs 61.70 crore,0,Abbott India,9930.0,13.0 12501,SentFIN,"Against the odds, German Bund yields on track for biggest fall since 2008",0,German Bund,9931.0,13.0 12502,SentFIN,AI registers loss of Rs 1791 cr in 1st quarter of this fiscal,0,AI,9932.0,13.0 12503,SentFIN,AirAsia shares falls as much as 7 per cent after reporting Q3 losses,0,AirAsia,9933.0,13.0 12504,SentFIN,Amtek Auto fallout: Are rating agencies slow to raise alarm on possible defaults?,0,Amtek Auto,9934.0,13.0 12505,SentFIN,An error in updating shareholding pattern costs Tata group firm Rs 2.28 lakh,0,Tata group firm,9935.0,13.0 12506,SentFIN,Apple's Tanking: Here's what a 1-point move in Apple does to the Dow,0,Apple,9936.0,13.0 12507,SentFIN,Arvind Pvt Ltd. net profits tanks by 49% on account of exceptional expenses,0,Arvind Pvt Ltd.,9937.0,13.0 12508,SentFIN,August gold declines after rising to four-month high on lack of duty cut,0,gold,9939.0,13.0 12509,SentFIN,Banks a bit dicey; exercise caution and be stock specific: Daljeet Singh Kohli,0,Banks,9941.0,13.0 12510,SentFIN,Banks sitting on big losses; hopefully it just a one-time loss: Hemindra Hazari,0,Banks,9942.0,13.0 12511,SentFIN,Banks tank as RBI moves to introduce new methodology for base rate calculation,0,Banks,9943.0,13.0 12512,SentFIN,"Bill Gross sees US stocks falling 10%, urges investors to sit on cash",0,US stocks,9945.0,13.0 12513,SentFIN,BNP Paribas to suspend some US dollar-clearing for one year: New York regulator,0,BNP Paribas,9946.0,13.0 12514,SentFIN,"Brent falls to 27-month low, under $91 on global growth, oil glut concerns",0,Brent,9947.0,13.0 12515,SentFIN,Brent's premium to Dubai crude falls to lowest in more than 3 months,0,Brent,9948.0,13.0 12516,SentFIN,"Bulls run for cover: Sensex plunges over 860 points on oil, Greece concerns",0,Sensex,9949.0,13.0 12517,SentFIN,"Cipla plunges over 8% as Q3 profit lags estimates, brokers slash target prices",0,Cipla,9952.0,13.0 12518,SentFIN,"Demand for corporate bonds falls 36% in June on monsoon worries, Greece default",0,corporate bonds,9955.0,13.0 12519,SentFIN,"DLF's ratings likely to fall post ban, ratings firms to take a call",0,DLF,9956.0,13.0 12520,SentFIN,Do not recommend entering in oil marketing space at this level: Phani Sekhar,0,oil marketing space,9957.0,13.0 12521,SentFIN,"Dont be surprised to see rupee fall to 70 per dollar, say experts",0,rupee,9958.0,13.0 12522,SentFIN,Euro down as euro zone PMI eyed after China survey fails to excite,0,Euro,9959.0,13.0 12523,SentFIN,"Euro struggles near 1-year low on weak German data, ECB Mario Draghi comments",0,Euro,9960.0,13.0 12524,SentFIN,Expect a 3-4% dip in Bank Nifty before fresh levels breakout: Mitesh Thacker,0,Bank Nifty,9961.0,13.0 12525,SentFIN,Fresh entry into L&T at these levels may be too risky: Jagannadham Thunuguntla,0,L&T,9962.0,13.0 12526,SentFIN,"HCL Technologies down nearly 3% post Q4 results, worst fall since July 14",0,HCL Technologies,9964.0,13.0 12527,SentFIN,HDIL Q2 net profit down 70% at Rs 42.7 crore; income up 66%,0,HDIL,9965.0,13.0 12528,SentFIN,Hikal Q1 net down 66% to Rs 5 crore due to forex loss,0,Hikal,9966.0,13.0 12529,SentFIN,"Hong Kong shares fall to 3-mth low on pro-democracy protests, China inches down",0,Hong Kong shares,9967.0,13.0 12530,SentFIN,Hyundai Motor shares slide to lowest in over 4 years after US fine,0,Hyundai Motor,9968.0,13.0 12531,SentFIN,ICICI Bank Q2 PAT grows 15.1% YoY; stock slips on asset quality concerns,0,ICICI Bank,9969.0,13.0 12532,SentFIN,IHCL Q3 FY 10 profit dips over 22 pc at Rs 64.88 crore,0,IHCL,9970.0,13.0 12533,SentFIN,International business likely to weigh on Bharti Airtel for some time: Nitin Raheja,0,Bharti Airtel,9972.0,13.0 12534,SentFIN,Iran drops crude price to 3-year low in fight for Asia market share,0,crude,9973.0,13.0 12535,SentFIN,ITC Q4 PAT rises 18% at Rs 2278 crore; stock ends in red,0,ITC,9974.0,13.0 12536,SentFIN,Kingfisher Airlines shares tank 5 pc on buzz CEO Sanjay Aggarwal has quit,0,Kingfisher Airlines,9975.0,13.0 12537,SentFIN,"Limited room left for further upside, says P Phani Sekhar, Karvy Stock Broking",1,Karvy Stock Broking,9976.0,13.0 12538,SentFIN,Margin calls in mid & small-caps pull indices Down; Sensex falls 323 points,0,Sensex,9979.0,13.0 12539,SentFIN,Minority shareholders of Nirma shocked over fresh exit offer of Rs 225/ share,0,Nirma,9980.0,13.0 12540,SentFIN,MphasiS Q1 net profit declines 2 per cent to Rs 180.6 crore,0,MphasiS,9981.0,13.0 12541,SentFIN,MphasiS will take a good beating down on the HP front: Avinash Gorakshekar,0,MphasiS,9982.0,13.0 12542,SentFIN,"Narayana Murthy effect: Infosys volatility falls below 40%, lowest in past several quarters",0,Infosys,9983.0,13.0 12543,SentFIN,"Nikkei posts biggest drop in 3 weeks, downing of Malaysia jet hits mood",0,Nikkei,9984.0,13.0 12544,SentFIN,Not a good idea to buy REI Agro for the long-term: Deepak Mohoni,0,REI Agro,9985.0,13.0 12545,SentFIN,Organic growth for TechM unlikely to pick up in next 2-3 quarters: Sabharwal,0,TechM,9986.0,13.0 12546,SentFIN,Over 30 entities under Sebi lens for unusual trading activities on May 16,1,Sebi,9988.0,13.0 12547,SentFIN,Paper stocks like BILT do not make very exciting tradable bets: Vijay Bhambwani,0,BILT,9989.0,13.0 12548,SentFIN,Profit booking by institutions may have triggered steep fall in Vakrangee: Ambareesh Baliga.,0,Vakrangee,9990.0,13.0 12549,SentFIN,Put a stop loss on metals just below previous week lows: Devang Visaria,0,metals,9991.0,13.0 12550,SentFIN,Renuka Sugars ends 6 per cent down as Wilmar deal raises dilution woes,0,Renuka Sugars,9993.0,13.0 12551,SentFIN,Sell Ashok Leyland Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 43: Prakash Gaba,0,Ashok Leyland,9995.0,13.0 12552,SentFIN,Sell Divi Laboratories Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 1711: Vijay Bhambwani,0,Divi Laboratories,9996.0,13.0 12553,SentFIN,Sell Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd with a target of Rs 400: Prakash Gaba,0,Motherson Sumi Systems,9997.0,13.0 12554,SentFIN,Sell Tech Mahindra Ltd with a stop loss of Rs 2606: Mitesh Thacker,0,Tech Mahindra Ltd,9998.0,13.0 12555,SentFIN,Shameful that listed firms not finding women directors: Sebi Chief U K Sinha,1,Sebi,9999.0,13.0 12556,SentFIN,Share prices of JustDial unlikely to go up futher; trade cautiously: Sudip Bandyopadhyay,0,JustDial,10000.0,13.0 12557,SentFIN,Shree Renuka Sugars has had a lot of bad luck: Jagdish Malkani,0,Shree Renuka Sugars,10002.0,13.0 12558,SentFIN,Sluggish growth seen in auto ancillary space over next two quarters: Jitendra Sriram,0,auto ancillary space,10004.0,13.0 12559,SentFIN,Sovereign wealth funds sell chunk of Indian stocks; oil-rich countries among top sellers,0,Indian stocks,10005.0,13.0 12560,SentFIN,SRF December quarter net profit drops 19 per cent to Rs 72 crore,0,SRF,10006.0,13.0 12561,SentFIN,Sugar costlier by up to Rs 2 per kg on import duty hike,0,Sugar,10007.0,13.0 12562,SentFIN,"Suzlon: Orders rise, but high debt may take wind out of its sails",0,Suzlon,10008.0,13.0 12563,SentFIN,TCS shares slump over 9% post Q2 results; mcap down Rs 46K crore,0,TCS,10010.0,13.0 12564,SentFIN,"Tough competition, slow revival in domestic cycle make steel stocks avoidable: Ajay Bagga",0,steel stocks,10012.0,13.0 12565,SentFIN,Vijaya Bank's third quarter net profit plummets 91 per cent,0,Vijaya Bank,10013.0,13.0 12566,SentFIN,Viom Networks pushes back IPO plans to April 2016 as market turn sluggish,0,Viom Networks,10014.0,13.0 12567,SentFIN,VIP Industries Q1 net down by 38.8 per cent at Rs 23.5 crore,0,VIP Industries,10015.0,13.0 12568,SentFIN,Warren Buffett's Berkshire equity portfolio goes awry; loses $5 bn since June 30,0,Berkshire,10016.0,13.0 12569,SentFIN,Wockhardt slips nearly 4 per cent as Illinois unit comes under USFDA scanner,0,Wockhardt,10017.0,13.0 12570,SentFIN,Would not want to buy Nifty for a target of 6750: Sandeep Wagle,0,Nifty,10018.0,13.0 12571,SentFIN,Yen sinks to 7-year low after Bank of Japan tricks and treats investors,0,Yen,10019.0,13.0 12572,SentFIN,"Zinc futures fall 0.17 per cent on low spot demand, weak global cues",0,Zinc,10020.0,13.0 12573,SentFIN,8300-8400 levels on Nifty to be worst case scenario post Budget 2015: Ashwani Gujral,0,Nifty,10021.0,14.0 12574,SentFIN,"AirAsia shares post biggest drop in 3 years, fall 7.8% after plane goes missing",0,AirAsia,10022.0,14.0 12575,SentFIN,AirAsia shares skid nearly 9 pct day after CEO outlines plans to raise funds,0,AirAsia,10023.0,14.0 12576,SentFIN,"Assets under gold ETF decline 14% in one year, 35% in last 3 years",0,gold,10024.0,14.0 12577,SentFIN,Australian shares falls for third day straight as growth data reduces rate hike prospects,0,Australian shares,10025.0,14.0 12578,SentFIN,Bata India slips over 4% as Q2 net profit declines to Rs 59.37 crore,0,Bata India,10027.0,14.0 12579,SentFIN,"Be in caution mode until govt action in 2012: Sandeep J Shah, Sampriti Capital",1,Sampriti Capital,10028.0,14.0 12580,SentFIN,"Bhushan Steel plunges 10%, locked in lower circuit; down 50% in just 7 sessions",0,Bhushan Steel,10029.0,14.0 12581,SentFIN,Coffee output may fall by 2.2 per cent this year due to crop damage,0,Coffee,10030.0,14.0 12582,SentFIN,Crude likely to fall to $60 a barrel in near to medium term: Experts,0,Crude,10032.0,14.0 12583,SentFIN,Deepak Fertilisers drops nearly 3 per cent as govt stops domestic natural gas supply,0,Deepak Fertilisers,10034.0,14.0 12584,SentFIN,Demand for gold in India tepid despite fall in prices to a 5-year low,0,gold,10035.0,14.0 12585,SentFIN,Doubt on Dalal Street: Sensex sheds 518 points as fast as a bullet train,0,Sensex,10036.0,14.0 12586,SentFIN,Dr Reddy Laboratories slips nearly 3% post Q2 results; net profit down 16.8% YoY,0,Dr Reddy Laboratories,10037.0,14.0 12587,SentFIN,"East India Hotels Q1 earnings fall on weakening traffic of foreign tourists, interest burden",0,East India Hotels,10039.0,14.0 12588,SentFIN,"Expect market to be volatile for time being: Gautam Sinha Roy, Motilal Oswal AMC",1,Motilal Oswal,10040.0,14.0 12589,SentFIN,Feels like 1986: Oil on track for longest weekly losing streak in 29 years,0,Oil,10041.0,14.0 12590,SentFIN,Fight against black money: Sebi bars 59 entities including HNIs for executing fictitious trades,1,Sebi,10042.0,14.0 12591,SentFIN,"Gold futures tumble to below 26,000; five reasons why yellow metal is losing sheen",0,Gold,10043.0,14.0 12592,SentFIN,Hitachi Home & Life Solutions FY-11 net profit down 36% at Rs 29 crore,0,Hitachi Home & Life Solutions,10044.0,14.0 12593,SentFIN,HNG Dec qtr net down 4.8 pc at Rs 31.4 cr; to hike prices,0,HNG,10045.0,14.0 12594,SentFIN,"JSPL scrip factoring in all the negatives, will see a gradual rise: Prakash Diwan",0,JSPL,10047.0,14.0 12595,SentFIN,Muted response to tax-free bonds by ports due to weak market: G K Vasan,0,tax-free bonds,10050.0,14.0 12596,SentFIN,"NALCO net dips 21 pc to Rs 1,069 crore in FY12 on lower demand",0,NALCO,10051.0,14.0 12597,SentFIN,"Nifty50 slips below 8,100; Q2 nos of 4 index stocks fail to induce life",0,Nifty50,10052.0,14.0 12598,SentFIN,OBC Q3 net down 31 pc at Rs 224 cr on rising bad loans,0,OBC,10053.0,14.0 12599,SentFIN,Orissa Minerals Development Company shares plunge 5 per cent on delay in bonus issue,0,Orissa Minerals Development Company,10054.0,14.0 12600,SentFIN,"Pimco slashes holdings in flagship fund by 15% , braces for Fed rate hike",0,Pimco,10055.0,14.0 12601,SentFIN,"Rallis India drops on poor Q2 numbers, mcap drops below Rs 4,000 crore mark",0,Rallis India,10056.0,14.0 12602,SentFIN,Raw material to cost ratio a key determinant for Maruti Suzuki's performance: Amit Khurana,0,Maruti Suzuki,10057.0,14.0 12603,SentFIN,Sensex under pressure a day ahead of June F&O expiry; top 20 trading bets,0,Sensex,10059.0,14.0 12604,SentFIN,"South Korea won falls to 5-month low on US rate outlook, shares edge lower",0,South Korea won,10060.0,14.0 12605,SentFIN,Standard Chartered India's H1 2014 operating profit down 10 per cent to $395 million,0,Standard Chartered India,10061.0,14.0 12606,SentFIN,State Bank of Travancore Q3 Net plunges 88 per cent at Rs 14.76 crore,0,State Bank of Travancore,10062.0,14.0 12607,SentFIN,"Stocks of PSBs may correct 3-7% on weak results, buy on dips: Mehraboon Irani",0,PSB,10063.0,14.0 12608,SentFIN,Super Religare Laboratories withdraws draft IPO prospectus; to resubmit again in next 4-6 weeks,0,Super Religare Laboratories,10064.0,14.0 12609,SentFIN,"Suzlon inks loan deal worth Rs 7,000 cr; expert advises investors to exit stock",0,Suzlon,10065.0,14.0 12610,SentFIN,Tariff value of gold increased to $521/10 gm; import of gold to be costlier,0,gold,10066.0,14.0 12611,SentFIN,Unitech Q1 dips by 53 pc to Rs 45.88 crore; no dividend for FY'12,0,Unitech,10067.0,14.0 12612,SentFIN,Bombay High Court denies relief to brokers on regularization of illegal structures at BSE building,0,BSE,10071.0,15.0 12613,SentFIN,"Brace for further fall; Nifty likely to slip below recent low of 7,997: Mitesh Thacker",0,Nifty,10072.0,15.0 12614,SentFIN,"D-Street fears a volatility spike on uncertainty over Fed, heavy FPI selling and weak Rupee",0,Rupee,10073.0,15.0 12615,SentFIN,Export of oilmeals from India down by 4 pc between April 2013 to January 2014,0,oilmeals,10075.0,15.0 12616,SentFIN,Fears of a rate hike by US Federal Reserve and rupee depreciation make investors jittery,0,rupee,10076.0,15.0 12617,SentFIN,From 30K to 27K; top 5 reasons why there is more pain ahead for Sensex,0,Sensex,10077.0,15.0 12618,SentFIN,Global fund managers eyeing fall in Sensex; to turn buyer post 10%-20% correction in market,0,Sensex,10079.0,15.0 12619,SentFIN,Gold's fall threatens to squash run of mining M&As just as momentum was picking up,0,Gold,10080.0,15.0 12620,SentFIN,"HCL Tech Q2 seen flat at Rs 1,430 crore, forex loss pegged at $23 million",0,HCL Tech,10081.0,15.0 12621,SentFIN,"Interim Budget 2014: Excise duty cuts across auto segment roll in, but investors still wary",0,auto segment,10082.0,15.0 12622,SentFIN,MEP Infra Developers IPO: Why it can potentially be a risky bet for retail investors,0,MEP Infra Developers,10084.0,15.0 12623,SentFIN,Negative biasness to persist; global cues to set market tone in near term: Quantum Securities,1,Quantum Securities,10085.0,15.0 12624,SentFIN,NSEL scam: High Court appoints fact-finding panel to monetise and sell assets of defaulting parties,0,NSEL,10086.0,15.0 12625,SentFIN,Pantaloon Retail's warrant conversion dilemma: Lose Rs 100 crore or shell out Rs 300 crore,0,Pantaloon Retail,10087.0,15.0 12626,SentFIN,"Shipping Corporation of India's net loss widens more than nine times, total income rises 27%",0,Shipping Corporation of India,10090.0,15.0 12627,SentFIN,"State Bank of India Q3 net profit down 34% to Rs 2234 crore, lags estimates",0,State Bank of India,10092.0,15.0 12628,SentFIN,Tsunami of bad debt set to strike stocks of PSBs; avoid sailing: Hemindra Hazari,0,PSBs,10093.0,15.0 12629,SentFIN,An insurance company underestimated how long people would live - and now its stock is crashing,0,insurance company,10095.0,16.0 12630,SentFIN,HDIL Q1 net down 44%; to generate 2 million sq ft TDRs in next one year,0,HDIL,10096.0,16.0 12631,SentFIN,Share sales to meet holding norm set by Sebi; secondary market may face severe fund crunch,1,Sebi,10100.0,16.0 12632,SentFIN,Surge in sales volume of products linked to Indian equities can threaten NSE's pricing power: Experts,0,NSE,10101.0,16.0 12633,SentFIN,Vote on account 2014: Jewellery stocks plunge as much as 5% as no duty cut disappoints,0,Jewellery,10102.0,16.0 12634,SentFIN,"Dr Reddy Laboratories reports 17% net profit drop in July-September quarter, spent 12% of revenues on R&D",0,Dr Reddy Laboratories,10104.0,17.0 12635,SentFIN,Govts decision to increase import duty on natural rubber will hurt Make in India initiative: Tyre makers,0,Tyre makers,10105.0,17.0 12636,SentFIN,Most railway related stocks slip in red after hitting fresh 52-week highs ahead of Rail Budget 2014,0,railway related stocks,10106.0,17.0 12637,SentFIN,Strides Arcolab may see some more downside if the Mylan deal does not come through: Avinnash Gorakssakar,0,Strides Arcolab,10107.0,17.0 12638,SentFIN,Growth concern for Bajaj Electricals is going to slip on to the next couple of quarters: Gaurang Shah,0,Bajaj Electricals,10110.0,18.0 12639,SentFIN,"Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd. is a 'SELL' call with a target of Rs 2,195 and a stop loss of Rs 2,276.",0,Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.,10112.0,21.0 12640,SentFIN,DIIs likely to lap up Rs 1 lakh crore bonds; UDAY brings cheers to PF & insurance funds,2,PF & insurance funds,10115.0,18.0 12641,SentFIN,"Buoyed by Royal Enfield, Eicher Motors is a growth stock with promising returns in the long term",2,Eicher Motors,10119.0,17.0 12642,SentFIN,"L&T, others in the infra sector to do well in the medium term: Ajay Bodke, Prabhudas Lilladher",2,L&T,10121.0,17.0 12643,SentFIN,VIX jumps 64% on covering of short Nifty put options & squaring off of bullish bets,2,VIX,10126.0,16.0 12644,SentFIN,Russia-Ukraine standoff sends markets into a tizzy; Sensex snaps 5-day winning streak to slip below 21k,0,Sensex,10134.0,16.0 12645,SentFIN,"Spot iron ore eyes fourth weekly gain in five,but weak China steel market a risk",2,Spot iron ore,10143.0,15.0 12646,SentFIN,"Capex cycle revival positive for market; prefer logistics stocks: Prakash Diwan, Altamount Capital Management",2,logistics stocks,10161.0,14.0 12647,SentFIN,"China, Eurozone tremors shake indian blue chips, domestic worries spark fears of FIIs exit",0,indian blue chips,10173.0,14.0 12648,SentFIN,Havells Q3 net jumps five fold to Rs 59 cr; focus on green tech,2,Havells,10179.0,14.0 12649,SentFIN,"Monetisation of telecom, retail investments holds the key; see RIL @ 1,200: Jaideep Goswami",2,RIL,10185.0,14.0 12650,SentFIN,"South Korea eyes measures to offset impact of weak yen, boost stock market",0,yen,10208.0,13.0 12651,SentFIN,ADAG pack fires up after Ambani brothers seal Rs 1200 crore telecom deal,2,ADAG pack,10214.0,13.0 12652,SentFIN,EID Parry is a good pick from sugar and agri space: Shrikant Chouhan,2,EID Parry,10224.0,13.0 12653,SentFIN,"Nine blue-chip companies add Rs 1,14,806 cr in m-cap; ITC top gainer",2,ITC,10289.0,12.0 12654,SentFIN,"Nikkei falls to 1 week low, Abe plan gets muted reaction",0,Nikkei,10362.0,11.0 12655,SentFIN,"Russia, Ukraine talk war; Sensex ends below 21K: 10 safe stocks",0,Sensex,10370.0,11.0 12656,SentFIN,Valuation gap between mid and largecap IT stocks to narrow: Chokkalingam,1,mid and largecap IT stocks,10387.0,11.0 12657,SentFIN,"Asia stocks muted as jobs data awaited, Greece risk rises",1,Asia stocks,10394.0,10.0 12658,SentFIN,"Australia shares close 0.3% lower at two-week lows, retailers lift",0,Australia shares,10395.0,10.0 12659,SentFIN,"Australia shares end a shade firmer, China flash PMI eyed",1,Australia shares,10396.0,10.0 12660,SentFIN,"Gold dips on firmer equities; Middle East, Ukraine tensions eyed",0,Gold,10405.0,10.0 12661,SentFIN,Sterling steadies after biggest daily rise vs euro since 2009,1,Sterling,10444.0,10.0 12662,SentFIN,Mangalore Chemicals surges as Deepak Fertilisers ups open offer price,2,Mangalore Chemicals,10468.0,10.0 12663,SentFIN,"Poll-driven euphoria peters out, investors dump mid and small caps",0,mid and small caps,10484.0,10.0 12664,SentFIN,Power Grid out of PSU ETF; FinMin files offer document,0,Power Grid,10485.0,10.0 12665,SentFIN,Ukraine standoff threatens Sensex; index below 21K: Top stock bets,0,Sensex,10514.0,10.0 12666,SentFIN,"Dollar basks in post-payrolls glow, Aussie eyes China data",2,Dollar,10532.0,9.0 12667,SentFIN,"Dollar shines, stocks on edge on US rate prospects",2,Dollar,10534.0,9.0 12668,SentFIN,"Income tax department orders special audit of MCX-SX, NSEL",0,"MCX-SX, NSEL",10609.0,9.0 12669,SentFIN,Japanese yen slips in Asia following weak China data,0,Japanese yen,10611.0,9.0 12670,SentFIN,Adequate stocks drag down sugar futures by 0.51%,0,sugar,10631.0,8.0 12671,SentFIN,"CRR cut to enable bullish equity, rupee market",2,rupee,10641.0,8.0 12672,SentFIN,"Euro wobbles before Greek vote, Greek shares tumble",0,Euro,10651.0,8.0 12673,SentFIN,Rupee ends day at 59.27 against US dollar,1,Rupee,10693.0,8.0 12674,SentFIN,Rupee ends day at 61.05 versus US dollar,1,Rupee,10694.0,8.0 12675,SentFIN,Vedanta-Cairn deal may not go through: Ajay Bagga,0,Vedanta-Cairn,10698.0,8.0 12676,SentFIN,"Wall Street opens flat, S&P 500 near record",1,Wall Street,10701.0,8.0 12677,SentFIN,"Heard on the street: Dutchman MF, FIIs",1,Dutchman MF,10711.0,7.0 12678,SentFIN,Rebound for Russia and China lifts stocks,2,stocks,10715.0,7.0 12679,SentFIN,"Masoor, gram prices weaken on sluggish demand",0,"Masoor, gram",10733.0,7.0