hypothesis premise answer Chad looked for his baseball cap starts after he got off the ride Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment Chad looked for his baseball cap starts before he got off the ride Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment Tom's friend says he is not gay starts after One day he noticed someone else asking Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom's friend says he is not gay starts before One day he noticed someone else asking Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Tom is heterosexual starts before Tom 's friend be n't actually gay Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom is heterosexual starts after Tom 's friend be n't actually gay Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Liza read a book on economics in the library starts after she got to the library Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. entailment Liza read a book on economics in the library starts before she got to the library Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. not-entailment Ash went to the board shop starts before he bought the perfect board "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash went to the board shop starts after he bought the perfect board "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment Tim paid the dentist. starts after his rotten tooth was pulled Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." entailment Tim paid the dentist. starts before his rotten tooth was pulled Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." not-entailment The doctor examined Ryan's toe starts before he told Ryan his toe was infected Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment The doctor examined Ryan's toe starts after he told Ryan his toe was infected Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment He was angry. starts after the battery exploded and caused a small fire Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." entailment He was angry. starts before the battery exploded and caused a small fire Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." not-entailment Test was being a good friend starts before He give her a really nice necklace Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test was being a good friend starts after He give her a really nice necklace Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment He was alive. starts after The moose start walking towards him Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. entailment He was alive. starts before The moose start walking towards him Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. not-entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. starts after he couldn't afford his textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. starts before he couldn't afford his textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Tiffani went the junior high school building starts before They all loosen Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. entailment Tiffani went the junior high school building starts after They all loosen Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. not-entailment Joshua is a college student. starts before Joshua had decide between stealing them and switching majors Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua is a college student. starts after Joshua had decide between stealing them and switching majors Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment I got married starts before My daughter like to work out with me My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment I got married starts after My daughter like to work out with me My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment Dakota discussed education with the career counselor. starts after he visited the career counselor Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota discussed education with the career counselor. starts before he visited the career counselor Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment Amy is alive starts before She apply for custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy is alive starts after She apply for custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Gemma is happy with the stray she adopted starts after finding the stray on her way home The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." entailment Gemma is happy with the stray she adopted starts before finding the stray on her way home The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." not-entailment her friends discussed who could be her date starts after her friends started trying to find her a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment her friends discussed who could be her date starts before her friends started trying to find her a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Tim scheduled an appointment with his dentist. starts after his tooth was hurting like crazy Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." entailment Tim scheduled an appointment with his dentist. starts before his tooth was hurting like crazy Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." not-entailment Jenna and her friends performed the dance routine starts after they put together a dance routine. Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. entailment Jenna and her friends performed the dance routine starts before they put together a dance routine. Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. not-entailment Rob could not afford the alcohol starts before he decide to rob a grocery store Roger is an alcoholic. He lives on the streets. One day he decided to rob a grocery store. He was caught taking beer. Roger is serving time in jail. entailment Rob could not afford the alcohol starts after he decide to rob a grocery store Roger is an alcoholic. He lives on the streets. One day he decided to rob a grocery store. He was caught taking beer. Roger is serving time in jail. not-entailment Joe stepped out of his cruiser. starts after Joe responded to the scene Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe stepped out of his cruiser. starts before Joe responded to the scene Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Nora had an appointment with the doctor. starts before She go back to the office to retrieve her book Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. entailment Nora had an appointment with the doctor. starts after She go back to the office to retrieve her book Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. not-entailment Jeremy put batteries in his boombox starts before teachers got security Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy put batteries in his boombox starts after teachers got security Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment Joshua is struggling financially. starts before he couldn't afford his textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua is struggling financially. starts after he couldn't afford his textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Connie feels regretted. starts after she gets caught and is expelled from university. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie feels regretted. starts before she gets caught and is expelled from university. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Stanton was scoring runs again starts after He ask his hitting coach for help Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton was scoring runs again starts before He ask his hitting coach for help Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment the adults laughed at the jokes starts after we were all watching spongebob We were all watching Spongebob as a family. It is a kid's show but all really enjoyed it. This one episode was especially funny for the adults. It has humor in it that is funny for kids and adults. It is something we can all watch and enjoy as a family. entailment the adults laughed at the jokes starts before we were all watching spongebob We were all watching Spongebob as a family. It is a kid's show but all really enjoyed it. This one episode was especially funny for the adults. It has humor in it that is funny for kids and adults. It is something we can all watch and enjoy as a family. not-entailment The friend spent time in jail. starts after the friend was arrested on a warrant. My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. entailment The friend spent time in jail. starts before the friend was arrested on a warrant. My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. not-entailment Joshua had to weigh his morals versus his desires. starts after he had to decide between stealing them and switching his major Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua had to weigh his morals versus his desires. starts before he had to decide between stealing them and switching his major Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Mike was hungry. starts before So he tell the waiter about it Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike was hungry. starts after So he tell the waiter about it Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Dina wanted to buy a car. starts before So Dina go to the dealership Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. entailment Dina wanted to buy a car. starts after So Dina go to the dealership Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. not-entailment Tom can afford braces starts before he felt it was worth it Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. entailment Tom can afford braces starts after he felt it was worth it Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. not-entailment The ice cream shop needed to order more strawberry ice cream starts before Mickey be less than satisfied with his ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment The ice cream shop needed to order more strawberry ice cream starts after Mickey be less than satisfied with his ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment Jeb came to Michael's house starts after Michael called him Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! entailment Jeb came to Michael's house starts before Michael called him Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! not-entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. starts after Joe find a bank robber fleeing on foot Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. starts before Joe find a bank robber fleeing on foot Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Ryan was sedated starts before Ryan felt better Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment Ryan was sedated starts after Ryan felt better Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment I am alive. starts before I be downstairs "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. entailment I am alive. starts after I be downstairs "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. not-entailment Teddy wants to reconnect with his son. starts after the two had drifted apart Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. entailment Teddy wants to reconnect with his son. starts before the two had drifted apart Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. not-entailment Bob failed to wake up. starts after He decide to use the batteries in his fire detector Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob failed to wake up. starts before He decide to use the batteries in his fire detector Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment Joe and Fred are friends. starts before Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. entailment Joe and Fred are friends. starts after Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. not-entailment Joshua felt discouraged. starts after he knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua felt discouraged. starts before he knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Erin examined the antique watch. starts after he found the watch Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. entailment Erin examined the antique watch. starts before he found the watch Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. not-entailment Her mom was firm in her decision not to buy the shirt. starts after Amy go school shopping with her mom Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Her mom was firm in her decision not to buy the shirt. starts before Amy go school shopping with her mom Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment The teacher was annoyed with Tim starts before The teacher take it Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. entailment The teacher was annoyed with Tim starts after The teacher take it Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. not-entailment Sarah gave birth to a son. starts before she teaches her son not to be a rude boy. Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." entailment Sarah gave birth to a son. starts after she teaches her son not to be a rude boy. Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." not-entailment someone went first starts after She n't remember who arrived first Gina was stopped at a 4 way stop sign. She didn't remember who arrived first. All the drivers seemed to be unsure. They were all looking at each other. Everyone was waiting for the other person to go first. entailment someone went first starts before She n't remember who arrived first Gina was stopped at a 4 way stop sign. She didn't remember who arrived first. All the drivers seemed to be unsure. They were all looking at each other. Everyone was waiting for the other person to go first. not-entailment Fred knew how to make tacos. starts before He create a taco tent Fred loved tacos. Because of that he decided to start a business. He created a taco tent. Fred was pretty into it. He ended up doing very well too. entailment Fred knew how to make tacos. starts after He create a taco tent Fred loved tacos. Because of that he decided to start a business. He created a taco tent. Fred was pretty into it. He ended up doing very well too. not-entailment Test had a necklace starts after Test went to the store Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test had a necklace starts before Test went to the store Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment Joe put on his police uniform. starts before Joe arrest the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe put on his police uniform. starts after Joe arrest the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment She felt guilty starts after she saw an ad for a family shelter Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. entailment She felt guilty starts before she saw an ad for a family shelter Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. not-entailment The friend spent time in jail. starts after they were arrested on a warrant. My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. entailment The friend spent time in jail. starts before they were arrested on a warrant. My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. not-entailment Carol was in her car starts before Passerby 's alert the police Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. entailment Carol was in her car starts after Passerby 's alert the police Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. not-entailment The dentist explained the problem to Tim. starts after he took a look around in Tim's mouth Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." entailment The dentist explained the problem to Tim. starts before he took a look around in Tim's mouth Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." not-entailment Reese regretted making the astronaut helmet starts after His brother strap fireworks to the back of his bicycle Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." entailment Reese regretted making the astronaut helmet starts before His brother strap fireworks to the back of his bicycle Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." not-entailment I started studying for the test very late. starts before I had been up very late studying for a test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment I started studying for the test very late. starts after I had been up very late studying for a test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment The customers loved Fred's tacos. starts after Fred be pretty into it Fred loved tacos. Because of that he decided to start a business. He created a taco tent. Fred was pretty into it. He ended up doing very well too. entailment The customers loved Fred's tacos. starts before Fred be pretty into it Fred loved tacos. Because of that he decided to start a business. He created a taco tent. Fred was pretty into it. He ended up doing very well too. not-entailment Maddie is very close to her mother. starts before her mom tells her she can get a puppy Maddie really wanted a puppy. Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one. She worked really hard for three months on her school work. When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's! Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward. entailment Maddie is very close to her mother. starts after her mom tells her she can get a puppy Maddie really wanted a puppy. Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one. She worked really hard for three months on her school work. When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's! Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward. not-entailment The smartest girl doesn't know her answers are being copied. starts after Connie not study for her exams Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment The smartest girl doesn't know her answers are being copied. starts before Connie not study for her exams Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Maggie returns home starts after she sees there is nobody there Maggie had plans to see a concert. She arrived at the theater on time. "For some reason, there was nobody there." She opened her phone to check for any notices. "Then, she discovered that the concert had been cancelled." entailment Maggie returns home starts before she sees there is nobody there Maggie had plans to see a concert. She arrived at the theater on time. "For some reason, there was nobody there." She opened her phone to check for any notices. "Then, she discovered that the concert had been cancelled." not-entailment Bob's house filled with smoke. starts after the gas light in his attic ignited Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob's house filled with smoke. starts before the gas light in his attic ignited Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment I had money starts before I begin putting the shed together I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." entailment I had money starts after I begin putting the shed together I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." not-entailment Dakota sat down in the career counselor's office starts after he visit a career counselor Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota sat down in the career counselor's office starts before he visit a career counselor Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment Jake's family weren't too sure about the trampoline starts after seeing the trampoline Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." entailment Jake's family weren't too sure about the trampoline starts before seeing the trampoline Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." not-entailment Joshua is struggling financially. starts before Joshua could n't afford the assigned textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua is struggling financially. starts after Joshua could n't afford the assigned textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment We calmed down in order to solve the maize starts after we ended up lost A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. entailment We calmed down in order to solve the maize starts before we ended up lost A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. not-entailment we built a snowman starts after I look outside to see what he was scared of I was asleep when my two year old ran into the room panicking. I grabbed my robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. I saw outside that it was snowing, something he had never seen. We bundled up and went outside to explore and play in it. We took a warm bath and a nap afterwards. entailment we built a snowman starts before I look outside to see what he was scared of I was asleep when my two year old ran into the room panicking. I grabbed my robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. I saw outside that it was snowing, something he had never seen. We bundled up and went outside to explore and play in it. We took a warm bath and a nap afterwards. not-entailment We learned that gummy worms are not good fish bait. starts after We go to the pond to catch some fish My nephew lived across the street from Fresh Pond. "When he was 8, he got a fishing pole." We went to the pond to catch some fish. We did not have bait and used gummy worms. We did not catch any fish. entailment We learned that gummy worms are not good fish bait. starts before We go to the pond to catch some fish My nephew lived across the street from Fresh Pond. "When he was 8, he got a fishing pole." We went to the pond to catch some fish. We did not have bait and used gummy worms. We did not catch any fish. not-entailment Tom heard his friend say he was not gay starts before He directly ask Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom heard his friend say he was not gay starts after He directly ask Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment a new restaurant opened up starts before She make reservations for her and a friend Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment a new restaurant opened up starts after She make reservations for her and a friend Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Nellie is a student starts before her entries be stilted and brief Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is a student starts after her entries be stilted and brief Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Tim's friend has a phone starts before Tim have his phone in class Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. entailment Tim's friend has a phone starts after Tim have his phone in class Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. not-entailment The dad stabled his position. starts before he reached for the ball I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The dad stabled his position. starts after he reached for the ball I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment I felt proud of my teammate. starts after The ball thrown to me The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. entailment I felt proud of my teammate. starts before The ball thrown to me The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. not-entailment Test is alive starts before He give her a really nice necklace Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test is alive starts after He give her a really nice necklace Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment Teddy sat near a window starts before Teddy look out the window with glee Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. entailment Teddy sat near a window starts after Teddy look out the window with glee Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. not-entailment He stopped going hiking by himself. starts after he saw a moose Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. entailment He stopped going hiking by himself. starts before he saw a moose Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. not-entailment Sarah got pregnant. starts after She begin to think all boys were rude and mean Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." entailment Sarah got pregnant. starts before She begin to think all boys were rude and mean Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." not-entailment Test knows Tara starts before Test go to the store Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test knows Tara starts after Test go to the store Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment I felt exhausted. starts before I went to class to take the test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment I felt exhausted. starts after I went to class to take the test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment The boys parents met. starts before I get the ball and a bath I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The boys parents met. starts after I get the ball and a bath I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment Lillian was depressed. starts after she was divorced and penniless Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." entailment Lillian was depressed. starts before she was divorced and penniless Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." not-entailment Jane has someone she enjoys spending the weekends with starts after Her favorite part about her job be that she had weekends off Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. entailment Jane has someone she enjoys spending the weekends with starts before Her favorite part about her job be that she had weekends off Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. not-entailment they had to wait for the orders to be corrected starts after the waitress mixed up their orders Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment they had to wait for the orders to be corrected starts before the waitress mixed up their orders Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Teddy bought train tickets starts before He have such a great time Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. entailment Teddy bought train tickets starts after He have such a great time Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. not-entailment My daughter asks me to help her lift weights starts after but she cannot even lift them off the floor. My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment My daughter asks me to help her lift weights starts before but she cannot even lift them off the floor. My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment Lillian was depressed. starts before She find a job and work Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." entailment Lillian was depressed. starts after She find a job and work Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." not-entailment Eric bought ingredients for the honey buns starts before To fix his problem he go to the store Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. entailment Eric bought ingredients for the honey buns starts after To fix his problem he go to the store Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. not-entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. starts after Joe arrest the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. starts before Joe arrest the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Gemma had GAD for a long time starts before She go to the ASPCA to get a pet The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." entailment Gemma had GAD for a long time starts after She go to the ASPCA to get a pet The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." not-entailment Erin felt extremely happy. starts after He realize that it was a watch from the 1800s Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. entailment Erin felt extremely happy. starts before He realize that it was a watch from the 1800s Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. not-entailment Joe has a secured future. starts after receiving a salaried position Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe has a secured future. starts before receiving a salaried position Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment The experts caught the bees starts after Carol park in the town center Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. entailment The experts caught the bees starts before Carol park in the town center Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. not-entailment Mike was hungry. starts before he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike was hungry. starts after he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Nancy was sad. starts after Nancy be a cigarette smoker Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. entailment Nancy was sad. starts before Nancy be a cigarette smoker Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. not-entailment Joe got too close to the eel. starts after they found a wolf eel underwater Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. entailment Joe got too close to the eel. starts before they found a wolf eel underwater Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. not-entailment I went to a hardware store starts before I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." entailment I went to a hardware store starts after I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." not-entailment Josie thought about who could be her date starts before Josie could n't find a date for prom Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie thought about who could be her date starts after Josie could n't find a date for prom Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Michael wen to the store to buy a computer starts before Michael bought the computer Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! entailment Michael wen to the store to buy a computer starts after Michael bought the computer Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! not-entailment Ryan showed his mom his swollen foot starts after he woke up with a swollen foot Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment Ryan showed his mom his swollen foot starts before he woke up with a swollen foot Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment James moved away from Texas starts after He bought a tornado shelter. James lives in Texas. Texas is prone to tornados. James prepared for this. He bought a tornado shelter. So when a tornado strikes he will be safe. entailment James moved away from Texas starts before He bought a tornado shelter. James lives in Texas. Texas is prone to tornados. James prepared for this. He bought a tornado shelter. So when a tornado strikes he will be safe. not-entailment I felt intimidated by the guards. starts after the two guards were running toward me The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. entailment I felt intimidated by the guards. starts before the two guards were running toward me The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. not-entailment The judge believed Amy starts after She apply for custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment The judge believed Amy starts before She apply for custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Amy was very relieved to have custody of her son. starts after she was going to apply for custody of her son. Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy was very relieved to have custody of her son. starts before she was going to apply for custody of her son. Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment The girls listened to Ashley starts before all three girls do laundry together Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. entailment The girls listened to Ashley starts after all three girls do laundry together Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. not-entailment Tom's friend says he is not gay starts after Tom 's friend be n't actually gay Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom's friend says he is not gay starts before Tom 's friend be n't actually gay Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment The twins are exactly the same age starts before the teacher gave one of the twins a hat The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. entailment The twins are exactly the same age starts after the teacher gave one of the twins a hat The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. not-entailment The ball was in the boys hand. starts before he reached for the ball I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The ball was in the boys hand. starts after he reached for the ball I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment the waitress asked them for their orders starts after they waited a long time for a table Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment the waitress asked them for their orders starts before they waited a long time for a table Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Stanton's hitting coach watched Stanton swing the bat starts after Stanton hit home runs Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton's hitting coach watched Stanton swing the bat starts before Stanton hit home runs Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Nora had a book. starts before She go back to the office to retrieve her book Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. entailment Nora had a book. starts after She go back to the office to retrieve her book Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. not-entailment Joe has a steady income starts after receiving a salaried position Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe has a steady income starts before receiving a salaried position Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment Carol was scared starts after Carol park in the town center Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. entailment Carol was scared starts before Carol park in the town center Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. not-entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. starts before she's copying the smartest girl. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. starts after she's copying the smartest girl. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment My eyelids were heavy. starts before my eyes were about to close. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment My eyelids were heavy. starts after my eyes were about to close. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment Mitch was sad starts after The cup slowly slide off the table Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch was sad starts before The cup slowly slide off the table Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment The dad stabled his position. starts after I lose my balance I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The dad stabled his position. starts before I lose my balance I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment Nora was getting a checkup at the doctor. starts before She go back to the office to retrieve her book Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. entailment Nora was getting a checkup at the doctor. starts after She go back to the office to retrieve her book Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. not-entailment The dentist disposed of the rotten tooth. starts after Tim 's tooth hurt like crazy Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." entailment The dentist disposed of the rotten tooth. starts before Tim 's tooth hurt like crazy Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." not-entailment Mickey won't go back to the shop. starts after Mickey want strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment Mickey won't go back to the shop. starts before Mickey want strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment Mickey didn't really want chocolate ice cream starts before He decide on chocolate Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment Mickey didn't really want chocolate ice cream starts after He decide on chocolate Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment He observed the kids complete the chores. starts after he assigned chores. Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! entailment He observed the kids complete the chores. starts before he assigned chores. Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! not-entailment Teddy wants to reconnect with his son. starts before Teddy want to do something special with his son Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. entailment Teddy wants to reconnect with his son. starts after Teddy want to do something special with his son Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. not-entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. starts before She copy the girl next to her Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. starts after She copy the girl next to her Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment The person was indecisivie. starts after I look at the menu I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. entailment The person was indecisivie. starts before I look at the menu I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. not-entailment Tom avoids foods he can't eat with braces starts before the braces are removed Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. entailment Tom avoids foods he can't eat with braces starts after the braces are removed Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. not-entailment Grandma was on her best wear starts before In addition she scream Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. entailment Grandma was on her best wear starts after In addition she scream Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. not-entailment Stanton was scoring runs again starts after Stanton start hitting home runs again Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton was scoring runs again starts before Stanton start hitting home runs again Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Joe felt a rush of adrenaline. starts after he found a bank robber fleeing on foot Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe felt a rush of adrenaline. starts before he found a bank robber fleeing on foot Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Teddy and his family arrived at the train station starts before He have such a great time Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. entailment Teddy and his family arrived at the train station starts after He have such a great time Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. not-entailment Dina drove to the dealership starts after Dina found an ad for a cheap car Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. entailment Dina drove to the dealership starts before Dina found an ad for a cheap car Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. not-entailment Dakota filled out forms to switch his major starts after he visited the career counselor Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota filled out forms to switch his major starts before he visited the career counselor Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment The two guards were disappointed in themselves. starts after Since two guards were running toward me I throw the ball The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. entailment The two guards were disappointed in themselves. starts before Since two guards were running toward me I throw the ball The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. not-entailment Her mom frowned at the shirt. starts after Amy go school shopping with her mom Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Her mom frowned at the shirt. starts before Amy go school shopping with her mom Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment Nellie is disheartened by her short entries starts before Nellie come to think of her diary as her best friend Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is disheartened by her short entries starts after Nellie come to think of her diary as her best friend Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Bob felt tired. starts before Bob burned with the house Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob felt tired. starts after Bob burned with the house Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment The judges didn't like Jenna's routine starts after They put together a dance routine Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. entailment The judges didn't like Jenna's routine starts before They put together a dance routine Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. not-entailment Mike ate this burger. starts after he ordered the burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike ate this burger. starts before he ordered the burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Erin turned on his computer. starts after he found an old antique watch Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. entailment Erin turned on his computer. starts before he found an old antique watch Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. not-entailment There is a vacant seat near the smartest girl. starts before Connie sits near the smartest girl in glass. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment There is a vacant seat near the smartest girl. starts after Connie sits near the smartest girl in glass. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment The judges didn't like Jenna's routine starts after they put together a dance routine Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. entailment The judges didn't like Jenna's routine starts before they put together a dance routine Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. not-entailment Gemma didn't like any of the pets at ASPCA starts after she visited the ASPCA The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." entailment Gemma didn't like any of the pets at ASPCA starts before she visited the ASPCA The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." not-entailment Tom heard his friend say he was not gay starts after One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom heard his friend say he was not gay starts before One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Joshua felt discouraged. starts after he couldn't afford the assigned textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua felt discouraged. starts before he couldn't afford the assigned textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Eric bought ingredients for the honey buns starts before Eric try to make them Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. entailment Eric bought ingredients for the honey buns starts after Eric try to make them Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. not-entailment Rick's wife was pregnant. starts before He decide they were old enough to get an allowance Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! entailment Rick's wife was pregnant. starts after He decide they were old enough to get an allowance Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! not-entailment Tiffani had finished summer vacation starts before They all loosen Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. entailment Tiffani had finished summer vacation starts after They all loosen Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. not-entailment The baseball cap was on the ground. starts after the baseball cap fell off of Chad's head Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment The baseball cap was on the ground. starts before the baseball cap fell off of Chad's head Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment Anna has a passport starts before Anna visit America Anna was visiting America. She went on a trip to see the forests and lakes. Then she saw a majestic bald eagle soaring. She had seen the American symbol of freedom! Anna was proud and happy to have seen the eagle during her trip. entailment Anna has a passport starts after Anna visit America Anna was visiting America. She went on a trip to see the forests and lakes. Then she saw a majestic bald eagle soaring. She had seen the American symbol of freedom! Anna was proud and happy to have seen the eagle during her trip. not-entailment Chad waited in line for the roller coaster. starts before he found the cap Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment Chad waited in line for the roller coaster. starts after he found the cap Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment Test had a necklace starts after Tara want jewelry Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test had a necklace starts before Tara want jewelry Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment Mike wanted a new burger. starts after he noticed that there was hair in his burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike wanted a new burger. starts before he noticed that there was hair in his burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Carol bought a lot of stuff starts before Passerby 's alert the police Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. entailment Carol bought a lot of stuff starts after Passerby 's alert the police Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. not-entailment My daughter tries to lift one dumbbell at a time starts after I do military presses My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment My daughter tries to lift one dumbbell at a time starts before I do military presses My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment Tom saw somone talking to his friend starts after One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom saw somone talking to his friend starts before One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Liza felt depressed after the event. starts after she left the library Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. entailment Liza felt depressed after the event. starts before she left the library Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. not-entailment Bob went kayaking anyway, and had a good time. starts after The water be icy cold Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. entailment Bob went kayaking anyway, and had a good time. starts before The water be icy cold Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. not-entailment Maggie takes her phone with her when she leaves starts before Maggie checks her phone Maggie had plans to see a concert. She arrived at the theater on time. "For some reason, there was nobody there." She opened her phone to check for any notices. "Then, she discovered that the concert had been cancelled." entailment Maggie takes her phone with her when she leaves starts after Maggie checks her phone Maggie had plans to see a concert. She arrived at the theater on time. "For some reason, there was nobody there." She opened her phone to check for any notices. "Then, she discovered that the concert had been cancelled." not-entailment Maddie studied very hard. starts after she worked really hard for three months Maddie really wanted a puppy. Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one. She worked really hard for three months on her school work. When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's! Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward. entailment Maddie studied very hard. starts before she worked really hard for three months Maddie really wanted a puppy. Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one. She worked really hard for three months on her school work. When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's! Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward. not-entailment The girls listened to Ashley starts after Ashley spoke her mind Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. entailment The girls listened to Ashley starts before Ashley spoke her mind Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. not-entailment Stanton played baseball starts before He ask his hitting coach for help Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton played baseball starts after He ask his hitting coach for help Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Joe was never bored with his job. starts after he worked a different job every day. Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe was never bored with his job. starts before he worked a different job every day. Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment Josie wore a prom dress starts after Her friends start trying to find her a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie wore a prom dress starts before Her friends start trying to find her a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Bob brought the kayak over to the water. starts before The water be icy cold Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. entailment Bob brought the kayak over to the water. starts after The water be icy cold Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. not-entailment I did not know what he was doing up there. starts before Sam say that I 'm always saying I would never let him fall "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. entailment I did not know what he was doing up there. starts after Sam say that I 'm always saying I would never let him fall "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. not-entailment Nancy met her best friend starts before Nancy treat it as a wake up call Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. entailment Nancy met her best friend starts after Nancy treat it as a wake up call Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. not-entailment The officer was suspicious of the friend. starts after He give the officer a false name My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. entailment The officer was suspicious of the friend. starts before He give the officer a false name My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. not-entailment Stanton worried about his swing starts after Stanton could no longer hit home runs Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton worried about his swing starts before Stanton could no longer hit home runs Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Miller was unhappy with his marriage starts before he asked for a divorce Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. entailment Miller was unhappy with his marriage starts after he asked for a divorce Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. not-entailment Joshua switched majors. starts after He know that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua switched majors. starts before He know that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Chad waited in line for the roller coaster. starts after he went to the amusement park Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment Chad waited in line for the roller coaster. starts before he went to the amusement park Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment Jake's roomate paid him back the 35dollars starts after Jake live with a roommate who stole from him Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. entailment Jake's roomate paid him back the 35dollars starts before Jake live with a roommate who stole from him Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. not-entailment her friends discussed who could be her date starts after Her friends start trying to find her a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment her friends discussed who could be her date starts before Her friends start trying to find her a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment He hired a lawyer. starts before he sued the company Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." entailment He hired a lawyer. starts after he sued the company Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." not-entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away starts after he started playing it very loud Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away starts before he started playing it very loud Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment Grandma decided never to go on the roller coaster again starts after I try to calm her down throughout the ride Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. entailment Grandma decided never to go on the roller coaster again starts before I try to calm her down throughout the ride Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. not-entailment I felt exhausted. starts after I be up studying for a test I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment I felt exhausted. starts before I be up studying for a test I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment Dina was angry. starts after she found out the ad was deceptive. Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. entailment Dina was angry. starts before she found out the ad was deceptive. Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. not-entailment Mitch got another cup of water starts after The cup slowly slide off the table Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch got another cup of water starts before The cup slowly slide off the table Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment Jane did not like her boss starts after Jane be upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. entailment Jane did not like her boss starts before Jane be upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. not-entailment Lisa did not have any cash starts after She really want to go Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa did not have any cash starts before She really want to go Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment I encourage my daughter to work out with me starts before This make me feel very strong for some reason My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment I encourage my daughter to work out with me starts after This make me feel very strong for some reason My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment The man wore a costume. starts before we went to the corn maize A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. entailment The man wore a costume. starts after we went to the corn maize A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. not-entailment We cleaned up the water starts after my mom's toilet started leaking My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. entailment We cleaned up the water starts before my mom's toilet started leaking My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. not-entailment He regretted goin on the hike. starts before he decided he was too scared to go back in the woods. Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. entailment He regretted goin on the hike. starts after he decided he was too scared to go back in the woods. Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. not-entailment Amy's ex lives in Atlanta. starts before she was going to apply for custody of her son. Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy's ex lives in Atlanta. starts after she was going to apply for custody of her son. Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Troy moved out of his own country. starts before Troy not see his family Troy had not seen his family in years. Troy had been living in another country. He longed to see his family. He bought a plane ticket. He visited his family on Thanksgiving. entailment Troy moved out of his own country. starts after Troy not see his family Troy had not seen his family in years. Troy had been living in another country. He longed to see his family. He bought a plane ticket. He visited his family on Thanksgiving. not-entailment Deb traveled to a restaurant with her family. starts before they ate dinner Deb was visiting family for the holidays. They were at dinner when Deb's job came up. Everyone asked Deb about work, and Deb got nervous. The truth was that she had been unemployed for some time. Finally, she decided to just admit it to her family. entailment Deb traveled to a restaurant with her family. starts after they ate dinner Deb was visiting family for the holidays. They were at dinner when Deb's job came up. Everyone asked Deb about work, and Deb got nervous. The truth was that she had been unemployed for some time. Finally, she decided to just admit it to her family. not-entailment She felt guilty starts after the ad for a family shelter Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. entailment She felt guilty starts before the ad for a family shelter Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. not-entailment JJ breaks the lock to her apartment starts before She call to reschedule the interview JJ is on her way to a job interview. She leaves her apartment without her keys. She realizes she locked herself out of her apartment and car. She calls to reschedule the interview. They tell her they are no longer interested in hiring her. entailment JJ breaks the lock to her apartment starts after She call to reschedule the interview JJ is on her way to a job interview. She leaves her apartment without her keys. She realizes she locked herself out of her apartment and car. She calls to reschedule the interview. They tell her they are no longer interested in hiring her. not-entailment Amy is not married to her son's father. starts before she was going to apply for custody of her son. Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy is not married to her son's father. starts after she was going to apply for custody of her son. Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Gina wasn't paying attention starts before They look at each other Gina was stopped at a 4 way stop sign. She didn't remember who arrived first. All the drivers seemed to be unsure. They were all looking at each other. Everyone was waiting for the other person to go first. entailment Gina wasn't paying attention starts after They look at each other Gina was stopped at a 4 way stop sign. She didn't remember who arrived first. All the drivers seemed to be unsure. They were all looking at each other. Everyone was waiting for the other person to go first. not-entailment Ash mowed lawns all summer starts after he decided to start mowing lawns "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash mowed lawns all summer starts before he decided to start mowing lawns "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment The boys parents met. starts before I throw the baseball with my son I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The boys parents met. starts after I throw the baseball with my son I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment Miller was unhappy with his marriage starts after he was married Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. entailment Miller was unhappy with his marriage starts before he was married Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. not-entailment Troy drove to the airport. starts after Troy bought a plane ticket. Troy had not seen his family in years. Troy had been living in another country. He longed to see his family. He bought a plane ticket. He visited his family on Thanksgiving. entailment Troy drove to the airport. starts before Troy bought a plane ticket. Troy had not seen his family in years. Troy had been living in another country. He longed to see his family. He bought a plane ticket. He visited his family on Thanksgiving. not-entailment Mitch got another cup of water starts after his cup shattered on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch got another cup of water starts before his cup shattered on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. starts before Joshua make the choice that felt right and just Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. starts after Joshua make the choice that felt right and just Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Josie felt sad starts after she couldn't find a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie felt sad starts before she couldn't find a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Nellie is disheartened by her short entries starts after deciding to keep a diary Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is disheartened by her short entries starts before deciding to keep a diary Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Reese loves his younger brother starts before The brother try it on Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." entailment Reese loves his younger brother starts after The brother try it on Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." not-entailment The deli was crowded starts before I n't know what to get I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. entailment The deli was crowded starts after I n't know what to get I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. not-entailment Mickey liked strawberry ice cream starts before The ice cream shop be out of strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment Mickey liked strawberry ice cream starts after The ice cream shop be out of strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment My mom has a house starts before we turn the water to the toilet My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. entailment My mom has a house starts after we turn the water to the toilet My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. not-entailment Joshua didn't have much money. starts before Joshua had decide between stealing them and switching majors Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua didn't have much money. starts after Joshua had decide between stealing them and switching majors Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. starts after he arrested the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. starts before he arrested the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Bob's body was unrecognizable. starts after Bob burned with the house Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob's body was unrecognizable. starts before Bob burned with the house Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment they ordered their food starts after they waited a long time for a table Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment they ordered their food starts before they waited a long time for a table Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Connie was lazy. starts before she slowly work through her exam Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie was lazy. starts after she slowly work through her exam Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Joe put on his police uniform. starts before he arrested the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe put on his police uniform. starts after he arrested the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Joe has a secured future. starts after Joe offered a salaried position on his job Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe has a secured future. starts before Joe offered a salaried position on his job Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away starts after teachers got security Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away starts before teachers got security Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment The experts caught the bees starts after they were called in Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. entailment The experts caught the bees starts before they were called in Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. not-entailment The ride took about 10 minutes starts after Grandma decide to go on the roller coaster with us Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. entailment The ride took about 10 minutes starts before Grandma decide to go on the roller coaster with us Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. not-entailment Jake's family goes on the trampoline every day starts after Jake climb on to it Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." entailment Jake's family goes on the trampoline every day starts before Jake climb on to it Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." not-entailment The teacher was annoyed with Tim starts after Tim was caught fiddling with his phone Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. entailment The teacher was annoyed with Tim starts before Tim was caught fiddling with his phone Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. not-entailment Joshua is alive. starts before He know that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua is alive. starts after He know that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Tiffany has finished elementary school. starts before They all loosen Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. entailment Tiffany has finished elementary school. starts after They all loosen Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. not-entailment The girls felt bad about not helping starts after Ashley spoke her mind about it Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. entailment The girls felt bad about not helping starts before Ashley spoke her mind about it Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. not-entailment She thought about how much money she had starts after she saw an ad for a family shelter Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. entailment She thought about how much money she had starts before she saw an ad for a family shelter Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. not-entailment I am not a plumber starts before we turn the water to the toilet My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. entailment I am not a plumber starts after we turn the water to the toilet My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. not-entailment Jan's finances were tight. starts before Jan have enough money Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." entailment Jan's finances were tight. starts after Jan have enough money Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." not-entailment Blake is alive. starts before He bring beer Megan decided to make dinner. She cooked tacos for Taco Tuesday. She invited Blake. He brought beer. They ate and watched tv. entailment Blake is alive. starts after He bring beer Megan decided to make dinner. She cooked tacos for Taco Tuesday. She invited Blake. He brought beer. They ate and watched tv. not-entailment She did not like sharing her room. starts after Jessica want her own room Jessica wanted her own room. But the only choice was the attic. "Initially, she enjoyed the space and privacy." "But later, she developed a cough." She didn't realize how dusty the attic was. entailment She did not like sharing her room. starts before Jessica want her own room Jessica wanted her own room. But the only choice was the attic. "Initially, she enjoyed the space and privacy." "But later, she developed a cough." She didn't realize how dusty the attic was. not-entailment Sarah was picked on at school. starts before she held face down in the snow by a boy bully Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." entailment Sarah was picked on at school. starts after she held face down in the snow by a boy bully Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." not-entailment Eric tasted his homemade honey buns starts before To fix his problem he go to the store Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. entailment Eric tasted his homemade honey buns starts after To fix his problem he go to the store Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. not-entailment Amy was holding a shirt that showed her belly button. starts after She want to get a shirt that showed her belly button Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Amy was holding a shirt that showed her belly button. starts before She want to get a shirt that showed her belly button Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment Amy was holding a shirt that showed her belly button. starts before her mother put the shirt away. Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Amy was holding a shirt that showed her belly button. starts after her mother put the shirt away. Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment I gave birth to a daughter starts after I do exercises My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment I gave birth to a daughter starts before I do exercises My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment Other people were also able to tell the twins apart by the hat starts after the teacher gave one of them a hat The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. entailment Other people were also able to tell the twins apart by the hat starts before the teacher gave one of them a hat The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. not-entailment Tom's teeth are crooked starts before he gets braces Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. entailment Tom's teeth are crooked starts after he gets braces Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. not-entailment Tom is proud of his smile starts after Tom gets braces Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. entailment Tom is proud of his smile starts before Tom gets braces Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. not-entailment Ben was very coordinated. starts before Ben wanted to learn how to practice ballet. Ben wanted to learn how to practice ballet. He was embarrassed because he knew his friends would make fun of him. So, he decided he was going to take a class a town over. On his first day, Ben walked into class and was shocked. There in the studio was his best friend Alex ready to start the class! entailment Ben was very coordinated. starts after Ben wanted to learn how to practice ballet. Ben wanted to learn how to practice ballet. He was embarrassed because he knew his friends would make fun of him. So, he decided he was going to take a class a town over. On his first day, Ben walked into class and was shocked. There in the studio was his best friend Alex ready to start the class! not-entailment Ash saved the money he made from mowing lawns starts after He decide to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash saved the money he made from mowing lawns starts before He decide to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment a new restaurant opened up starts before Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment a new restaurant opened up starts after Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment They practiced the dance routine starts after they put together a dance routine Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. entailment They practiced the dance routine starts before they put together a dance routine Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. not-entailment Miller's wife agreed to a divorce starts before He be so much happier without her Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. entailment Miller's wife agreed to a divorce starts after He be so much happier without her Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. not-entailment Sam is alive. starts before I ask him why on earth would he jump off the balcony "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. entailment Sam is alive. starts after I ask him why on earth would he jump off the balcony "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. not-entailment Lisa was sad starts before So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa was sad starts after So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment Mitch got another cup of water starts after his cup shattered on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch got another cup of water starts before his cup shattered on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment He felt unprepared for the hike. starts after he saw a moose. Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. entailment He felt unprepared for the hike. starts before he saw a moose. Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. not-entailment The judge believed Amy starts after Amy testified that her ex wasn't fit to be a father Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment The judge believed Amy starts before Amy testified that her ex wasn't fit to be a father Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Reese's brother acquired fireworks starts after The brother try it on Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." entailment Reese's brother acquired fireworks starts before The brother try it on Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." not-entailment Mickey liked strawberry ice cream starts before Mickey want strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment Mickey liked strawberry ice cream starts after Mickey want strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment Josie wore a prom dress starts after they decided they didn't want dates either Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie wore a prom dress starts before they decided they didn't want dates either Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Nancy tried a cigarette starts before Her best friend smoke as well Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. entailment Nancy tried a cigarette starts after Her best friend smoke as well Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. not-entailment Tom worries that braces aren't worth it starts before The dentist assure him everything would be fine Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. entailment Tom worries that braces aren't worth it starts after The dentist assure him everything would be fine Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. not-entailment Lisa had a credit card with her starts before she went to the fair Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa had a credit card with her starts after she went to the fair Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment The baseball cap was on the ground. starts after The baseball cap fell off of Chad 's head Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment The baseball cap was on the ground. starts before The baseball cap fell off of Chad 's head Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment Jeremy played his boombox in the halls at school starts after he brought his boombox to school Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy played his boombox in the halls at school starts before he brought his boombox to school Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment My daughter tries to lift one dumbbell at a time starts after she will try to mimic it My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment My daughter tries to lift one dumbbell at a time starts before she will try to mimic it My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment The doctor examined Ryan's toe starts before They do surgery on it Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment The doctor examined Ryan's toe starts after They do surgery on it Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment Rubber erasers are the most proper type. starts before I remain determined to succeed in my quest I have a thing about pencil erasers. I hate the plastic ones that don't really erase. I am in search of a brand that only uses proper rubber erasers. I haven't found one yet. I remain determined to succeed in my quest. entailment Rubber erasers are the most proper type. starts after I remain determined to succeed in my quest I have a thing about pencil erasers. I hate the plastic ones that don't really erase. I am in search of a brand that only uses proper rubber erasers. I haven't found one yet. I remain determined to succeed in my quest. not-entailment Mike was unhappy. starts before So he tell the waiter about it Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike was unhappy. starts after So he tell the waiter about it Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Sarah is a good mother. starts after she held face down in the snow by a boy bully Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." entailment Sarah is a good mother. starts before she held face down in the snow by a boy bully Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." not-entailment Bob went kayaking anyway, and had a good time. starts before the water was icy cold Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. entailment Bob went kayaking anyway, and had a good time. starts after the water was icy cold Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. not-entailment Rick got married. starts before Rick's kids were nine and eleven. Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! entailment Rick got married. starts after Rick's kids were nine and eleven. Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! not-entailment Mitch swept off the cup starts after The cup slowly slide off the table Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch swept off the cup starts before The cup slowly slide off the table Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment The person was tired of waiting in line. starts after waiting in line forever I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. entailment The person was tired of waiting in line. starts before waiting in line forever I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. not-entailment Ash mowed lawns all summer starts before Ash buy the perfect board "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash mowed lawns all summer starts after Ash buy the perfect board "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment Jeb came to Michael's house starts after He could not figure how to use it Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! entailment Jeb came to Michael's house starts before He could not figure how to use it Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! not-entailment We ran from the scary man. starts after the man jumped out A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. entailment We ran from the scary man. starts before the man jumped out A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. not-entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away starts before They give him suspension Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away starts after They give him suspension Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment I started studying for the test very late. starts before I did not do a single question on the test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment I started studying for the test very late. starts after I did not do a single question on the test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment James has experienced may tornadoes in texas starts before He buy a tornado shelter James lives in Texas. Texas is prone to tornados. James prepared for this. He bought a tornado shelter. So when a tornado strikes he will be safe. entailment James has experienced may tornadoes in texas starts after He buy a tornado shelter James lives in Texas. Texas is prone to tornados. James prepared for this. He bought a tornado shelter. So when a tornado strikes he will be safe. not-entailment Mitch got another cup of water ends after his cup shattered on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch got another cup of water ends before his cup shattered on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment Grandma was on her best wear ends before I try to calm her down throughout the ride Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. entailment Grandma was on her best wear ends after I try to calm her down throughout the ride Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. not-entailment Sarah is a good mother. ends after She begin to think all boys were rude and mean Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." entailment Sarah is a good mother. ends before She begin to think all boys were rude and mean Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." not-entailment There is a vacant seat near the smartest girl. ends after Connie not study for her exams Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment There is a vacant seat near the smartest girl. ends before Connie not study for her exams Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment She thought about how much money she had ends before she decided to donate Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. entailment She thought about how much money she had ends after she decided to donate Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. not-entailment I did not know what he was doing up there. ends after I saw Sam jump off the balcony "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. entailment I did not know what he was doing up there. ends before I saw Sam jump off the balcony "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. not-entailment He regretted going on the hike. ends after Fred go on a hike by himself Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. entailment He regretted going on the hike. ends before Fred go on a hike by himself Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. not-entailment Nellie is disheartened by her short entries ends before she starts writing better entries Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is disheartened by her short entries ends after she starts writing better entries Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Troy moved out of his own country. ends before He visit his family Troy had not seen his family in years. Troy had been living in another country. He longed to see his family. He bought a plane ticket. He visited his family on Thanksgiving. entailment Troy moved out of his own country. ends after He visit his family Troy had not seen his family in years. Troy had been living in another country. He longed to see his family. He bought a plane ticket. He visited his family on Thanksgiving. not-entailment My daughter tries to lift one dumbbell at a time ends before she cannot lift them off the floor My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment My daughter tries to lift one dumbbell at a time ends after she cannot lift them off the floor My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment Allie boarded the plane alone ends before her cousin and aunt be there to greet her Allie promised her cousin she would visit him this summer. She had packed her favorite toys and games to play with her cousin. When she finished packing her dad drove Allie to the airport. This would be her first airplane ride alone to visit her cousin. When her airplane landed her cousin and aunt was there to greet her. entailment Allie boarded the plane alone ends after her cousin and aunt be there to greet her Allie promised her cousin she would visit him this summer. She had packed her favorite toys and games to play with her cousin. When she finished packing her dad drove Allie to the airport. This would be her first airplane ride alone to visit her cousin. When her airplane landed her cousin and aunt was there to greet her. not-entailment Ash mowed lawns all summer ends after He decide to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash mowed lawns all summer ends before He decide to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment The boys parents met. ends before the ball was thrown. I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The boys parents met. ends after the ball was thrown. I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment Test can afford the necklace ends after Test go to the store Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test can afford the necklace ends before Test go to the store Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment a new restaurant opened up ends before Kelly was exited to check out the new restaurant Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment a new restaurant opened up ends after Kelly was exited to check out the new restaurant Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Jeb came to Michael's house ends after He turn it Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! entailment Jeb came to Michael's house ends before He turn it Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! not-entailment Ryan was asleep. ends before They do surgery on it Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment Ryan was asleep. ends after They do surgery on it Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment Bob's house filled with smoke. ends after Without the house burn Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob's house filled with smoke. ends before Without the house burn Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment Stanton was scoring runs again ends after Stanton could no longer hit home runs Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton was scoring runs again ends before Stanton could no longer hit home runs Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Sam is alive. ends after I be downstairs "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. entailment Sam is alive. ends before I be downstairs "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. not-entailment Tom's teeth are crooked ends before he felt it was worth it Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. entailment Tom's teeth are crooked ends after he felt it was worth it Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. not-entailment Bob's body was unrecognizable. ends after the gas light in his attic ignited Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob's body was unrecognizable. ends before the gas light in his attic ignited Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment Joshua is a college student. ends after Joshua could n't afford the assigned textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua is a college student. ends before Joshua could n't afford the assigned textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Troy drove to the airport. ends before he visited his family. Troy had not seen his family in years. Troy had been living in another country. He longed to see his family. He bought a plane ticket. He visited his family on Thanksgiving. entailment Troy drove to the airport. ends after he visited his family. Troy had not seen his family in years. Troy had been living in another country. He longed to see his family. He bought a plane ticket. He visited his family on Thanksgiving. not-entailment Bob went kayaking anyway, and had a good time. ends after Bob scream at the icy water Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. entailment Bob went kayaking anyway, and had a good time. ends before Bob scream at the icy water Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. not-entailment I felt exhausted. ends after I fell asleep. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment I felt exhausted. ends before I fell asleep. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment Teddy wants to reconnect with his son. ends after The two drift apart Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. entailment Teddy wants to reconnect with his son. ends before The two drift apart Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. not-entailment Tom heard his friend say he was not gay ends after he notice someone else asking Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom heard his friend say he was not gay ends before he notice someone else asking Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Maggie returns home ends after she sees there is nobody there Maggie had plans to see a concert. She arrived at the theater on time. "For some reason, there was nobody there." She opened her phone to check for any notices. "Then, she discovered that the concert had been cancelled." entailment Maggie returns home ends before she sees there is nobody there Maggie had plans to see a concert. She arrived at the theater on time. "For some reason, there was nobody there." She opened her phone to check for any notices. "Then, she discovered that the concert had been cancelled." not-entailment Lisa never went to a fair again ends after Lisa go to the fair Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa never went to a fair again ends before Lisa go to the fair Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment Teddy and his family arrived at the train station ends before Teddy look out the window with glee Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. entailment Teddy and his family arrived at the train station ends after Teddy look out the window with glee Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. not-entailment James moved away from Texas ends after He buy a tornado shelter James lives in Texas. Texas is prone to tornados. James prepared for this. He bought a tornado shelter. So when a tornado strikes he will be safe. entailment James moved away from Texas ends before He buy a tornado shelter James lives in Texas. Texas is prone to tornados. James prepared for this. He bought a tornado shelter. So when a tornado strikes he will be safe. not-entailment someone went first ends after Gina stopped at a 4 way stop sign Gina was stopped at a 4 way stop sign. She didn't remember who arrived first. All the drivers seemed to be unsure. They were all looking at each other. Everyone was waiting for the other person to go first. entailment someone went first ends before Gina stopped at a 4 way stop sign Gina was stopped at a 4 way stop sign. She didn't remember who arrived first. All the drivers seemed to be unsure. They were all looking at each other. Everyone was waiting for the other person to go first. not-entailment The customers loved Fred's tacos. ends after Fred love tacos Fred loved tacos. Because of that he decided to start a business. He created a taco tent. Fred was pretty into it. He ended up doing very well too. entailment The customers loved Fred's tacos. ends before Fred love tacos Fred loved tacos. Because of that he decided to start a business. He created a taco tent. Fred was pretty into it. He ended up doing very well too. not-entailment His new phone became unusable. ends after Sam buy a new phone Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." entailment His new phone became unusable. ends before Sam buy a new phone Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." not-entailment Nellie is a student ends after she writes in the diary Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is a student ends before she writes in the diary Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Stanton's hitting coach watched Stanton swing the bat ends after Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton's hitting coach watched Stanton swing the bat ends before Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Mitch was sad ends after Mitch watch the cup fall off and shatter on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch was sad ends before Mitch watch the cup fall off and shatter on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment The teacher was annoyed with Tim ends after A friend keep trying to text him Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. entailment The teacher was annoyed with Tim ends before A friend keep trying to text him Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. not-entailment Ryan showed his mom his swollen foot ends before his mom took him to the doctor Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment Ryan showed his mom his swollen foot ends after his mom took him to the doctor Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment Amy was holding a shirt that showed her belly button. ends before Her mother put the shirt away Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Amy was holding a shirt that showed her belly button. ends after Her mother put the shirt away Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment Sarah felt sad ends after she held face down in the snow by a boy bully Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." entailment Sarah felt sad ends before she held face down in the snow by a boy bully Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." not-entailment the waitress asked them for their orders ends before the waitress mixed up their orders Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment the waitress asked them for their orders ends after the waitress mixed up their orders Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Mike was hungry. ends after Mike be at a burger restaurant Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike was hungry. ends before Mike be at a burger restaurant Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Gemma is happy with the stray she adopted ends after being diagnosed with GAD The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." entailment Gemma is happy with the stray she adopted ends before being diagnosed with GAD The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." not-entailment Other people were also able to tell the twins apart by the hat ends after The teacher could n't tell them apart The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. entailment Other people were also able to tell the twins apart by the hat ends before The teacher could n't tell them apart The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. not-entailment Josie felt sad ends after All her friends go Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie felt sad ends before All her friends go Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Tiffani had finished summer vacation ends before They all loosen Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. entailment Tiffani had finished summer vacation ends after They all loosen Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. not-entailment Joe put on his police uniform. ends before Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe put on his police uniform. ends after Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment The doctor examined Ryan's toe ends after His mom take him to the doctor to see what was wrong Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment The doctor examined Ryan's toe ends before His mom take him to the doctor to see what was wrong Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment Josie wore a prom dress ends after they all went together in a group Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie wore a prom dress ends before they all went together in a group Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment My teammate avoided all the defenders/guards. ends before he scored a touchdown The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. entailment My teammate avoided all the defenders/guards. ends after he scored a touchdown The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. not-entailment Tom's friend says he is not gay ends before Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom's friend says he is not gay ends after Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Plastic erasers are worse than rubber erasers in my opinion. ends after I have a thing about pencil erasers I have a thing about pencil erasers. I hate the plastic ones that don't really erase. I am in search of a brand that only uses proper rubber erasers. I haven't found one yet. I remain determined to succeed in my quest. entailment Plastic erasers are worse than rubber erasers in my opinion. ends before I have a thing about pencil erasers I have a thing about pencil erasers. I hate the plastic ones that don't really erase. I am in search of a brand that only uses proper rubber erasers. I haven't found one yet. I remain determined to succeed in my quest. not-entailment The twins are exactly the same age ends after the teacher gave one of them a hat The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. entailment The twins are exactly the same age ends before the teacher gave one of them a hat The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. not-entailment Tim's friend has a phone ends after The teacher take it Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. entailment Tim's friend has a phone ends before The teacher take it Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. not-entailment Reese's brother acquired fireworks ends after Reese make an astronaut helmet for his younger brother Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." entailment Reese's brother acquired fireworks ends before Reese make an astronaut helmet for his younger brother Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." not-entailment Dina drove to the dealership ends after she went to the dealership Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. entailment Dina drove to the dealership ends before she went to the dealership Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. not-entailment My mom has a house ends after My moms toilet start leaking a few weeks ago My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. entailment My mom has a house ends before My moms toilet start leaking a few weeks ago My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. not-entailment Tim got his phone back ends after he forgot to put it on silent Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. entailment Tim got his phone back ends before he forgot to put it on silent Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. not-entailment Dina was angry. ends after Dina found an ad for a cheap car Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. entailment Dina was angry. ends before Dina found an ad for a cheap car Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. not-entailment My daughter asks me to help her lift weights ends after she also try My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment My daughter asks me to help her lift weights ends before she also try My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment Fred knew how to make tacos. ends after Fred be pretty into it Fred loved tacos. Because of that he decided to start a business. He created a taco tent. Fred was pretty into it. He ended up doing very well too. entailment Fred knew how to make tacos. ends before Fred be pretty into it Fred loved tacos. Because of that he decided to start a business. He created a taco tent. Fred was pretty into it. He ended up doing very well too. not-entailment Ash saved the money he made from mowing lawns ends after he save quite a bit "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash saved the money he made from mowing lawns ends before he save quite a bit "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment Josie felt sad ends after she couldn't find a date for the prom Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie felt sad ends before she couldn't find a date for the prom Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Nancy was sad. ends after Nancy treat it as a wake up call Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. entailment Nancy was sad. ends before Nancy treat it as a wake up call Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. not-entailment Jan likes purses. ends after She know should could not afford the one she wanted Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." entailment Jan likes purses. ends before She know should could not afford the one she wanted Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." not-entailment Nellie is a student ends after She write in it Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is a student ends before She write in it Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Joe felt a rush of adrenaline. ends after Joe be a police officer Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe felt a rush of adrenaline. ends before Joe be a police officer Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Maddie studied very hard. ends before she earned all a's and b's Maddie really wanted a puppy. Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one. She worked really hard for three months on her school work. When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's! Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward. entailment Maddie studied very hard. ends after she earned all a's and b's Maddie really wanted a puppy. Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one. She worked really hard for three months on her school work. When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's! Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward. not-entailment Amy was very relieved to have custody of her son. ends after she was going to apply for custody of her son. Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy was very relieved to have custody of her son. ends before she was going to apply for custody of her son. Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment My eyelids were heavy. ends after I fell asleep. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment My eyelids were heavy. ends before I fell asleep. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. ends after Joe be a police officer Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. ends before Joe be a police officer Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Jake's family goes on the trampoline every day ends after They be scared to bounce on it Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." entailment Jake's family goes on the trampoline every day ends before They be scared to bounce on it Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." not-entailment Bob failed to wake up. ends before Without the house burn Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob failed to wake up. ends after Without the house burn Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment Teddy wants to reconnect with his son. ends after the two bonded Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. entailment Teddy wants to reconnect with his son. ends before the two bonded Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. not-entailment Carol was alive ends after Beekeepers say the bees were trying to rescue their queen Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. entailment Carol was alive ends before Beekeepers say the bees were trying to rescue their queen Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. not-entailment Nellie fills up the whole diary ends after She write in it Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie fills up the whole diary ends before She write in it Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Her mom was firm in her decision not to buy the shirt. ends before Amy ride home in sulking in silence upset she could n't get the shirt Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Her mom was firm in her decision not to buy the shirt. ends after Amy ride home in sulking in silence upset she could n't get the shirt Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment Jan's finances were tight. ends after Jan want a new purse Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." entailment Jan's finances were tight. ends before Jan want a new purse Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." not-entailment Tom heard his friend say he was not gay ends before Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom heard his friend say he was not gay ends after Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Nellie is a dedicated person ends after her entries be stilted and brief Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is a dedicated person ends before her entries be stilted and brief Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment JJ was in front of her apartment ends after She call to reschedule the interview JJ is on her way to a job interview. She leaves her apartment without her keys. She realizes she locked herself out of her apartment and car. She calls to reschedule the interview. They tell her they are no longer interested in hiring her. entailment JJ was in front of her apartment ends before She call to reschedule the interview JJ is on her way to a job interview. She leaves her apartment without her keys. She realizes she locked herself out of her apartment and car. She calls to reschedule the interview. They tell her they are no longer interested in hiring her. not-entailment Our families and friends enjoyed our performances ends after We make a lot of songs I used to be in a band in high school. My friends were in the band with me. We made a lot of songs and practiced them a lot. We would play shows at houses around the neighborhood. All our friends and family would come to watch us play music. entailment Our families and friends enjoyed our performances ends before We make a lot of songs I used to be in a band in high school. My friends were in the band with me. We made a lot of songs and practiced them a lot. We would play shows at houses around the neighborhood. All our friends and family would come to watch us play music. not-entailment I felt exhausted. ends after I decide to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment I felt exhausted. ends before I decide to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment her friends discussed who could be her date ends before her friends decided they didn't want dates either Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment her friends discussed who could be her date ends after her friends decided they didn't want dates either Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Amy was holding a shirt that showed her belly button. ends before her mother put the shirt away. Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Amy was holding a shirt that showed her belly button. ends after her mother put the shirt away. Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment Tom's teeth are crooked ends after he has braces on for a while Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. entailment Tom's teeth are crooked ends before he has braces on for a while Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. not-entailment Connie feels regretted. ends after she slowly work through her exam Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie feels regretted. ends before she slowly work through her exam Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment The experts caught the bees ends before Beekeepers say the bees were trying to rescue their queen Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. entailment The experts caught the bees ends after Beekeepers say the bees were trying to rescue their queen Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. not-entailment Tom's friend says he is not gay ends after he notice someone else asking Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom's friend says he is not gay ends before he notice someone else asking Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment We calmed down in order to solve the maize ends after We end lost in the maize for two hours A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. entailment We calmed down in order to solve the maize ends before We end lost in the maize for two hours A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. not-entailment He stopped going hiking by himself. ends after he decided he was too scared to go back in the woods. Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. entailment He stopped going hiking by himself. ends before he decided he was too scared to go back in the woods. Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. not-entailment Bob went kayaking anyway, and had a good time. ends after Bob pushed his kayak into the river. Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. entailment Bob went kayaking anyway, and had a good time. ends before Bob pushed his kayak into the river. Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. not-entailment Miller proposed to his partner ends before Miller be married Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. entailment Miller proposed to his partner ends after Miller be married Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. not-entailment I am not a plumber ends after She ask me to try and fix it My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. entailment I am not a plumber ends before She ask me to try and fix it My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. not-entailment Stanton owned a bat ends after He ask his hitting coach for help Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton owned a bat ends before He ask his hitting coach for help Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Tom saw somone talking to his friend ends before Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom saw somone talking to his friend ends after Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Amy was very relieved to have custody of her son. ends after Amy go on a road trip to Georgia Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy was very relieved to have custody of her son. ends before Amy go on a road trip to Georgia Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Joe has a steady income ends after he worked a different job every day. Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe has a steady income ends before he worked a different job every day. Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment Dina drove to the dealership ends before So Dina ditch the dealership Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. entailment Dina drove to the dealership ends after So Dina ditch the dealership Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. not-entailment The baseball cap was on the ground. ends after Chad found the cap Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment The baseball cap was on the ground. ends before Chad found the cap Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment Teddy feels closer to his son. ends after The two drift apart Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. entailment Teddy feels closer to his son. ends before The two drift apart Teddy wants to do something special with his son. The two had drifted apart lately. Teddy decided he would take him fishing. The two headed for the lake. Teddy and his son bonded and had a great fishing trip. not-entailment the adults laughed at the jokes ends after We watch Spongebob as a family We were all watching Spongebob as a family. It is a kid's show but all really enjoyed it. This one episode was especially funny for the adults. It has humor in it that is funny for kids and adults. It is something we can all watch and enjoy as a family. entailment the adults laughed at the jokes ends before We watch Spongebob as a family We were all watching Spongebob as a family. It is a kid's show but all really enjoyed it. This one episode was especially funny for the adults. It has humor in it that is funny for kids and adults. It is something we can all watch and enjoy as a family. not-entailment Jenna and her friends performed the dance routine ends before they didn't win Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. entailment Jenna and her friends performed the dance routine ends after they didn't win Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. not-entailment Amy's ex lives in Atlanta. ends after Amy go on a road trip to Georgia Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy's ex lives in Atlanta. ends before Amy go on a road trip to Georgia Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Bob brought the kayak over to the water. ends before Bob scream at the icy water Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. entailment Bob brought the kayak over to the water. ends after Bob scream at the icy water Bob pushed his kayak into the water. The water was icy cold. Bob stepped into the water. Bob screamed at the icy water. Bob dropped his paddle. not-entailment I started studying for the test very late. ends before I went to class to take the test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment I started studying for the test very late. ends after I went to class to take the test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment Someone else bought the purse Jan wanted ends after She know should could not afford the one she wanted Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." entailment Someone else bought the purse Jan wanted ends before She know should could not afford the one she wanted Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." not-entailment Lot of children played in the snow ends before we took a warm bath and a nap afterwards I was asleep when my two year old ran into the room panicking. I grabbed my robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. I saw outside that it was snowing, something he had never seen. We bundled up and went outside to explore and play in it. We took a warm bath and a nap afterwards. entailment Lot of children played in the snow ends after we took a warm bath and a nap afterwards I was asleep when my two year old ran into the room panicking. I grabbed my robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. I saw outside that it was snowing, something he had never seen. We bundled up and went outside to explore and play in it. We took a warm bath and a nap afterwards. not-entailment Nellie is disheartened by her short entries ends after She write in it Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is disheartened by her short entries ends before She write in it Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Dina wanted to buy a car. ends after The dealer only give cheap cars for people with perfect credit Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. entailment Dina wanted to buy a car. ends before The dealer only give cheap cars for people with perfect credit Dina found an ad on the news for a cheap car. So Dina went to the dealership. She soon found out that the it was deceptive. The dealer only gave cheap cars for people with perfect credit. So Dina ditched the dealership. not-entailment She felt guilty ends before she began the process Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. entailment She felt guilty ends after she began the process Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. not-entailment Joshua is alive. ends after Joshua could n't afford the assigned textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua is alive. ends before Joshua could n't afford the assigned textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Joe stepped out of his cruiser. ends before Joe arrest the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe stepped out of his cruiser. ends after Joe arrest the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Lisa did not have any cash ends after So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa did not have any cash ends before So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment Erin felt extremely happy. ends after He decide to put it on Ebay Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. entailment Erin felt extremely happy. ends before He decide to put it on Ebay Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. not-entailment She did not like sharing her room. ends after But the only choice be the attic Jessica wanted her own room. But the only choice was the attic. "Initially, she enjoyed the space and privacy." "But later, she developed a cough." She didn't realize how dusty the attic was. entailment She did not like sharing her room. ends before But the only choice be the attic Jessica wanted her own room. But the only choice was the attic. "Initially, she enjoyed the space and privacy." "But later, she developed a cough." She didn't realize how dusty the attic was. not-entailment Stanton was scoring runs again ends after Stanton hit home runs Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton was scoring runs again ends before Stanton hit home runs Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Tim scheduled an appointment with his dentist. ends before the dentist took a look around in his mouth Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." entailment Tim scheduled an appointment with his dentist. ends after the dentist took a look around in his mouth Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." not-entailment My daughter asks me to help her lift weights ends before this makes me feel very strong My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment My daughter asks me to help her lift weights ends after this makes me feel very strong My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment Chad felt relieved. ends after He rid on the roller coaster Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment Chad felt relieved. ends before He rid on the roller coaster Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment I had money ends after I need a shed to contain my yard tools I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." entailment I had money ends before I need a shed to contain my yard tools I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." not-entailment Lillian lived with her mother. ends after She find a job and work Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." entailment Lillian lived with her mother. ends before She find a job and work Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." not-entailment I found the water valve ends before we n't know what to do My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. entailment I found the water valve ends after we n't know what to do My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. not-entailment They practiced the dance routine ends before they didn't win Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. entailment They practiced the dance routine ends after they didn't win Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. not-entailment Jake's kept 35 dollars on his dresser ends before Jake confronted him Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. entailment Jake's kept 35 dollars on his dresser ends after Jake confronted him Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. not-entailment Reese regretted making the astronaut helmet ends after Reese go outside Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." entailment Reese regretted making the astronaut helmet ends before Reese go outside Reese made an astronaut helmet for his younger brother. The brother tried it on and started playing pretend. Reese went outside hours later. His brother had strapped fireworks to the back of his bicycle. "As he lit the match, Reese ran out and yelled he wasn't an astronaut." not-entailment Joe got too close to the eel. ends before Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. entailment Joe got too close to the eel. ends after Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. not-entailment Liza felt depressed after the event. ends after Liza pull out her pepper spray Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. entailment Liza felt depressed after the event. ends before Liza pull out her pepper spray Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. not-entailment Miller's wife agreed to a divorce ends after Miller be married Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. entailment Miller's wife agreed to a divorce ends before Miller be married Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. not-entailment Joe has a secured future. ends after He gladly accept the offer Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe has a secured future. ends before He gladly accept the offer Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment Dakota sat down in the career counselor's office ends after he finished his job at the summer camp Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota sat down in the career counselor's office ends before he finished his job at the summer camp Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment Jane's office got busier ends after Her favorite part about her job be that she had weekends off Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. entailment Jane's office got busier ends before Her favorite part about her job be that she had weekends off Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. not-entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. ends after the exam. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. ends before the exam. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Josie thought about who could be her date ends after All her friends go Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie thought about who could be her date ends before All her friends go Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment The judges didn't like Jenna's routine ends after Jenna be out with friends Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. entailment The judges didn't like Jenna's routine ends before Jenna be out with friends Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. not-entailment I went to a hardware store ends after I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." entailment I went to a hardware store ends before I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." not-entailment Connie was lazy. ends after She copy the girl next to her Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie was lazy. ends before She copy the girl next to her Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Stanton worried about his swing ends after Stanton started hitting home runs again Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton worried about his swing ends before Stanton started hitting home runs again Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment I did not look at the test. ends after I did not do a single question on the test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. entailment I did not look at the test. ends before I did not do a single question on the test. I had been up very late studying for a test. "I went to class to take the test, feeling tired." My eyes were about to close as the teacher handed me the test. I decided to put my head on my desk and rest for a bit. I fell asleep without doing a single question on the test. not-entailment Fred could not remove all of the fish. ends after they find a big wolf eel underwater Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. entailment Fred could not remove all of the fish. ends before they find a big wolf eel underwater Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. not-entailment Maddie is very close to her mother. ends after she earned all a's and b's Maddie really wanted a puppy. Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one. She worked really hard for three months on her school work. When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's! Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward. entailment Maddie is very close to her mother. ends before she earned all a's and b's Maddie really wanted a puppy. Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one. She worked really hard for three months on her school work. When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's! Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward. not-entailment The man wore a costume. ends before we made it out A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. entailment The man wore a costume. ends after we made it out A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. not-entailment Joshua didn't have much money. ends before He know that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua didn't have much money. ends after He know that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment The dad stabled his position. ends after He throw one past me that landed in the lake I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The dad stabled his position. ends before He throw one past me that landed in the lake I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment Erin shipped the watch to the buyer. ends after He realize that it was a watch from the 1800s Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. entailment Erin shipped the watch to the buyer. ends before He realize that it was a watch from the 1800s Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. not-entailment Mitch got another cup of water ends after he saw it was not level Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch got another cup of water ends before he saw it was not level Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment Amy is not married to her son's father. ends after the judge granted Amy custody Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy is not married to her son's father. ends before the judge granted Amy custody Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Ash went to the board shop ends after he bought the perfect board "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash went to the board shop ends before he bought the perfect board "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment Josie felt sad ends before her friends started trying to find her a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie felt sad ends after her friends started trying to find her a date Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment Test is alive ends after She adore him for the gift Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test is alive ends before She adore him for the gift Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment He observed the kids complete the chores. ends before he paid them. Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! entailment He observed the kids complete the chores. ends after he paid them. Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! not-entailment The dentist explained the problem to Tim. ends before he pulled out the rotten tooth Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." entailment The dentist explained the problem to Tim. ends after he pulled out the rotten tooth Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." not-entailment Mike ate this burger. ends before he noticed that there was hair in his burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike ate this burger. ends after he noticed that there was hair in his burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Tom saw somone talking to his friend ends before he notice someone else asking Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom saw somone talking to his friend ends after he notice someone else asking Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Alex was the instructor of the class. ends after Ben was embarrassed because he knew his friends would make fun Ben wanted to learn how to practice ballet. He was embarrassed because he knew his friends would make fun of him. So, he decided he was going to take a class a town over. On his first day, Ben walked into class and was shocked. There in the studio was his best friend Alex ready to start the class! entailment Alex was the instructor of the class. ends before Ben was embarrassed because he knew his friends would make fun Ben wanted to learn how to practice ballet. He was embarrassed because he knew his friends would make fun of him. So, he decided he was going to take a class a town over. On his first day, Ben walked into class and was shocked. There in the studio was his best friend Alex ready to start the class! not-entailment Miller was unhappy with his marriage ends after He want a life free of her Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. entailment Miller was unhappy with his marriage ends before He want a life free of her Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. not-entailment Anna researched America ends before She go on a trip to see the forests and lakes Anna was visiting America. She went on a trip to see the forests and lakes. Then she saw a majestic bald eagle soaring. She had seen the American symbol of freedom! Anna was proud and happy to have seen the eagle during her trip. entailment Anna researched America ends after She go on a trip to see the forests and lakes Anna was visiting America. She went on a trip to see the forests and lakes. Then she saw a majestic bald eagle soaring. She had seen the American symbol of freedom! Anna was proud and happy to have seen the eagle during her trip. not-entailment Lillian applied for a job. ends after she went to a rich husband. Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." entailment Lillian applied for a job. ends before she went to a rich husband. Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." not-entailment Tim was trying to put his phone on silent ends before he was caught fiddling with it Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. entailment Tim was trying to put his phone on silent ends after he was caught fiddling with it Tim had his phone in class. He forgot to put it on silent. A friend kept trying to text him. Tim was caught fiddling with it. The teacher took it away for the day. not-entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. ends after Connie not study for her exams Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. ends before Connie not study for her exams Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Joe put on his police uniform. ends before Joe patrol the streets of the city in his cruiser Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe put on his police uniform. ends after Joe patrol the streets of the city in his cruiser Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment they had to wait for the orders to be corrected ends after The waitress bring them the wrong dinners Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment they had to wait for the orders to be corrected ends before The waitress bring them the wrong dinners Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Mickey didn't really want chocolate ice cream ends after Mickey want strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment Mickey didn't really want chocolate ice cream ends before Mickey want strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment her friends discussed who could be her date ends after Josie could n't find a date for prom Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment her friends discussed who could be her date ends before Josie could n't find a date for prom Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment they ordered their food ends before Kelly decide not to eat at that restaurant again Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment they ordered their food ends after Kelly decide not to eat at that restaurant again Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Mike wanted a new burger. ends after he left the burger restaurant Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike wanted a new burger. ends before he left the burger restaurant Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment The ride took about 10 minutes ends after I try to calm her down throughout the ride Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. entailment The ride took about 10 minutes ends before I try to calm her down throughout the ride Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. not-entailment My daughter tries to lift one dumbbell at a time ends after My daughter like to work out with me My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment My daughter tries to lift one dumbbell at a time ends before My daughter like to work out with me My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment Erin examined the antique watch. ends after he searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. entailment Erin examined the antique watch. ends before he searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. not-entailment Tom is heterosexual ends after He directly ask Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom is heterosexual ends before He directly ask Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Joe felt a rush of adrenaline. ends after he arrested the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe felt a rush of adrenaline. ends before he arrested the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment they ordered their food ends before the waitress mixed up their orders Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment they ordered their food ends after the waitress mixed up their orders Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Liza read a book on economics in the library ends before She walk home from the library Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. entailment Liza read a book on economics in the library ends after She walk home from the library Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. not-entailment Chad waited in line for the roller coaster. ends before he was riding on the roller coaster Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment Chad waited in line for the roller coaster. ends after he was riding on the roller coaster Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment Jerry's toaster was broken ends after he was making toast Jerry was making toast. He set it to medium. When the toast came out it was completely burnt. He tried other settings with no better results. Eventually Jerry bought a new toaster. entailment Jerry's toaster was broken ends before he was making toast Jerry was making toast. He set it to medium. When the toast came out it was completely burnt. He tried other settings with no better results. Eventually Jerry bought a new toaster. not-entailment Tom felt confused about his friend's sexuality ends before He directly ask Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. entailment Tom felt confused about his friend's sexuality ends after He directly ask Tom thought his new friend was gay. He never directly asked. One day he noticed someone else asking. Tom's friend wasn't actually gay. Tom felt relieved that he never brought it up. not-entailment Josie wore a prom dress ends after Josie could n't find a date for prom Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! entailment Josie wore a prom dress ends before Josie could n't find a date for prom Josie couldn't find a date for prom. All her friends were going. Her friends started trying to find her a date. "In the end, her friends decided they didn't want dates either." They all went together in a group! not-entailment I am alive. ends after I ask him why on earth would he jump off the balcony "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. entailment I am alive. ends before I ask him why on earth would he jump off the balcony "My son, Sam, was upstairs making all types of racket." I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony. I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air. I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony. Sam said that I'm always saying I would never let him fall. not-entailment The experts caught the bees ends after Passerby 's alert the police Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. entailment The experts caught the bees ends before Passerby 's alert the police Carol went shopping in town and parked in the town center. "When she finished shopping, Carol returned to her car and headed home." "She didn't realize it but a swarm of 20,000 bees followed her." Passerby's alerted the police and experts were called in. Beekeepers said the bees were trying to rescue their queen. not-entailment Lillian was depressed. ends after she found a job and worked. Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." entailment Lillian was depressed. ends before she found a job and worked. Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." not-entailment Mickey liked strawberry ice cream ends after the shop was out of strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment Mickey liked strawberry ice cream ends before the shop was out of strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment Mickey won't go back to the shop. ends after having to choose between chocolate and vanilla Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment Mickey won't go back to the shop. ends before having to choose between chocolate and vanilla Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment Anna had binoculars ends after Anna was visiting America. Anna was visiting America. She went on a trip to see the forests and lakes. Then she saw a majestic bald eagle soaring. She had seen the American symbol of freedom! Anna was proud and happy to have seen the eagle during her trip. entailment Anna had binoculars ends before Anna was visiting America. Anna was visiting America. She went on a trip to see the forests and lakes. Then she saw a majestic bald eagle soaring. She had seen the American symbol of freedom! Anna was proud and happy to have seen the eagle during her trip. not-entailment I went to a hardware store ends before I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." entailment I went to a hardware store ends after I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." not-entailment Eric did not eat his homemade honey buns ends after Eric love honey buns Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. entailment Eric did not eat his homemade honey buns ends before Eric love honey buns Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. not-entailment The dad stabled his position. ends before he lost his balance. I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The dad stabled his position. ends after he lost his balance. I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment The judge believed Amy ends after The judge grant Amy custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment The judge believed Amy ends before The judge grant Amy custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment The girls listened to Ashley ends after She live with two other girls Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. entailment The girls listened to Ashley ends before She live with two other girls Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. not-entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. ends after Joe arrest the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. ends before Joe arrest the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Joe felt a rush of adrenaline. ends after Joe responded to the scene Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe felt a rush of adrenaline. ends before Joe responded to the scene Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Chad looked for his baseball cap ends after he found the cap Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. entailment Chad looked for his baseball cap ends before he found the cap Chad had gone to an amusement park. He was riding on the roller coaster. Chad was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap fell off of Chad's head. Chad found the cap after he got off of the ride. not-entailment Miller was unhappy with his marriage ends after he asked for a divorce Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. entailment Miller was unhappy with his marriage ends before he asked for a divorce Miller was married for a long time. His wife was not nice. He wanted a life free of her. He decided to ask for a divorce. He was so much happier without her. not-entailment The girls listened to Ashley ends before they do laundry together Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. entailment The girls listened to Ashley ends after they do laundry together Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. not-entailment Test had a necklace ends after He give her a really nice necklace Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test had a necklace ends before He give her a really nice necklace Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment Jake's roommate stole 35 dollars from his dresser ends before Jake tell him to leave Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. entailment Jake's roommate stole 35 dollars from his dresser ends after Jake tell him to leave Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. not-entailment Nellie is a poor writer ends after her entries be stilted and brief Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie is a poor writer ends before her entries be stilted and brief Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Joshua had to weigh his morals versus his desires. ends before he made the choice that felt just and right Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua had to weigh his morals versus his desires. ends after he made the choice that felt just and right Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment The band was well known among other students of the high school ends after My friends be in the band with me I used to be in a band in high school. My friends were in the band with me. We made a lot of songs and practiced them a lot. We would play shows at houses around the neighborhood. All our friends and family would come to watch us play music. entailment The band was well known among other students of the high school ends before My friends be in the band with me I used to be in a band in high school. My friends were in the band with me. We made a lot of songs and practiced them a lot. We would play shows at houses around the neighborhood. All our friends and family would come to watch us play music. not-entailment The smartest girl doesn't know her answers are being copied. ends after She copy the girl next to her Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment The smartest girl doesn't know her answers are being copied. ends before She copy the girl next to her Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Joshua had to weigh his morals versus his desires. ends after He know that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua had to weigh his morals versus his desires. ends before He know that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment The doctor examined Ryan's toe ends after Ryan wake with a swollen foot Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment The doctor examined Ryan's toe ends before Ryan wake with a swollen foot Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment Deb traveled to a restaurant with her family. ends before they ate dinner Deb was visiting family for the holidays. They were at dinner when Deb's job came up. Everyone asked Deb about work, and Deb got nervous. The truth was that she had been unemployed for some time. Finally, she decided to just admit it to her family. entailment Deb traveled to a restaurant with her family. ends after they ate dinner Deb was visiting family for the holidays. They were at dinner when Deb's job came up. Everyone asked Deb about work, and Deb got nervous. The truth was that she had been unemployed for some time. Finally, she decided to just admit it to her family. not-entailment Joe got too close to the eel. ends before the eel sunk its teeth into Joes's scalp Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. entailment Joe got too close to the eel. ends after the eel sunk its teeth into Joes's scalp Joe and Fred like to scuba dive in Puget Sound. One time they found a big wolf eel underwater. The fish sunk his teeth deeply into Joe's scalp. Fred cut of the head of the fish while it was still attached to Joe. Only a doctor at the hospital could safely remove the fish head. not-entailment I felt intimidated by the guards. ends after I threw the ball The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. entailment I felt intimidated by the guards. ends before I threw the ball The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. not-entailment Jeremy played his boombox in the halls at school ends after teachers got security Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy played his boombox in the halls at school ends before teachers got security Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment Joe has a secured future. ends after getting an offer Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe has a secured future. ends before getting an offer Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment We decided to go to the corn maize ends before A scary man jump out A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. entailment We decided to go to the corn maize ends after A scary man jump out A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. not-entailment Mitch got another cup of water ends after his cup shattered on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch got another cup of water ends before his cup shattered on the floor Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment Joe was more happy about his job. ends after He gladly accept the offer Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe was more happy about his job. ends before He gladly accept the offer Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment Jeb went home ends after He turn it Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! entailment Jeb went home ends before He turn it Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! not-entailment Bob's body was unrecognizable. ends after He decide to use the batteries in his fire detector Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob's body was unrecognizable. ends before He decide to use the batteries in his fire detector Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment Bob's house filled with smoke. ends after the house burned down Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob's house filled with smoke. ends before the house burned down Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment they had to wait for the orders to be corrected ends before Kelly decided not to eat there again Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment they had to wait for the orders to be corrected ends after Kelly decided not to eat there again Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment Mickey liked strawberry ice cream ends after The ice cream shop be out of strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. entailment Mickey liked strawberry ice cream ends before The ice cream shop be out of strawberry ice cream Mickey wanted strawberry ice cream. The ice cream shop was out of strawberry ice cream. Mickey had to choose between chocolate and vanilla. He decided on chocolate. Mickey was less than satisfied with his ice cream. not-entailment Lillian was depressed. ends after Lillian be rich Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." entailment Lillian was depressed. ends before Lillian be rich Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." not-entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. ends after he made the choice that felt just and right Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. ends before he made the choice that felt just and right Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Amy felt sad. ends after Amy go school shopping with her mom Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Amy felt sad. ends before Amy go school shopping with her mom Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment Dakota filled out forms to switch his major ends before he switched his major Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota filled out forms to switch his major ends after he switched his major Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment Jake's roommate stole 35dollars his dresser ends before Jake confronted him Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. entailment Jake's roommate stole 35dollars his dresser ends after Jake confronted him Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. not-entailment Grandma decided never to go on the roller coaster again ends after she take a few minutes to breathe Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. entailment Grandma decided never to go on the roller coaster again ends before she take a few minutes to breathe Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. not-entailment The person was indecisivie. ends after I go to the deli to get something to eat I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. entailment The person was indecisivie. ends before I go to the deli to get something to eat I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. not-entailment Joe stepped out of his cruiser. ends after Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe stepped out of his cruiser. ends before Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Tom is proud of his smile ends after Tom need to get braces Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. entailment Tom is proud of his smile ends before Tom need to get braces Tom needed to get braces. He was afraid of them. The dentist assured him everything would be fine. Tom had them on for a while. Once removed he felt it was worth it. not-entailment The judges didn't like Jenna's routine ends before they didn't win Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. entailment The judges didn't like Jenna's routine ends after they didn't win Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer. They saw a talent competition in the park. They decided to enter. They put together a dance routine. They didn't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day. not-entailment Ben was very coordinated. ends after Ben walked into class Ben wanted to learn how to practice ballet. He was embarrassed because he knew his friends would make fun of him. So, he decided he was going to take a class a town over. On his first day, Ben walked into class and was shocked. There in the studio was his best friend Alex ready to start the class! entailment Ben was very coordinated. ends before Ben walked into class Ben wanted to learn how to practice ballet. He was embarrassed because he knew his friends would make fun of him. So, he decided he was going to take a class a town over. On his first day, Ben walked into class and was shocked. There in the studio was his best friend Alex ready to start the class! not-entailment We cleaned up the water ends after we turned the water off and left it My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. entailment We cleaned up the water ends before we turned the water off and left it My moms toilet started leaking a few weeks ago. She asked me to try and fix it but I didn't know how. Eventually the leak got even worse to the point of flooding. Her bathroom was flooded daily but we didn't know what to do! After awhile we turned the water off to the toilet and left it. not-entailment Test had a necklace ends after he gave her a really nice necklace Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test had a necklace ends before he gave her a really nice necklace Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment Mike was unhappy. ends after Mike n't given a new burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike was unhappy. ends before Mike n't given a new burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Jake was happy his roommate left ends after Jake know he had to kick him out Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. entailment Jake was happy his roommate left ends before Jake know he had to kick him out Jake lived with a roommate who stole from him. Jake knew he had to kick him out but was afraid. One day Jake was missing 35 dollars from his dresser. Jake confronted his roommate and told him to leave. Jake's life has been better since he freed himself of his roommate. not-entailment Joe stepped out of his cruiser. ends before Joe arrested the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe stepped out of his cruiser. ends after Joe arrested the criminal Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Lisa never went to a fair again ends after So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa never went to a fair again ends before So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment Dakota discussed his major change with his friends ends after he visit a career counselor Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota discussed his major change with his friends ends before he visit a career counselor Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment Eric bought ingredients for the honey buns ends after Eric love honey buns Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. entailment Eric bought ingredients for the honey buns ends before Eric love honey buns Eric loved honey buns. Eric tried to make them. Eric failed at making them. To fix his problem he went to the store. Eric bought more honey buns than he could ever eat. not-entailment Joshua switched majors. ends after Joshua make the choice that felt right and just Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua switched majors. ends before Joshua make the choice that felt right and just Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Jake's family weren't too sure about the trampoline ends after Jake's family saw it was safe Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." entailment Jake's family weren't too sure about the trampoline ends before Jake's family saw it was safe Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." not-entailment Lisa was sad ends after She really want to go Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa was sad ends before She really want to go Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment The judge believed Amy ends before the judge granted Amy custody Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment The judge believed Amy ends after the judge granted Amy custody Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Ryan was sedated ends after His mom take him to the doctor to see what was wrong Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. entailment Ryan was sedated ends before His mom take him to the doctor to see what was wrong Ryan woke up one morning with a swollen foot. His mom took him to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him it looked like his toe was infected. They had to do surgery on it. Ryan felt better the next morning. not-entailment Rick got married. ends before Rick's kids were nine and eleven. Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! entailment Rick got married. ends after Rick's kids were nine and eleven. Rick's kids were nine and eleven. He decided they were old enough to get an allowance. He wanted them to understand the value of money. "He assigned them chores each week, then paid them for their work." In this way Rick's kids made money and learned the value of hard work! not-entailment There is a vacant seat near the smartest girl. ends after Connie sits near the smartest girl in glass. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment There is a vacant seat near the smartest girl. ends before Connie sits near the smartest girl in glass. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Dakota said goodbye to the children ends before He realize he might want to work with children as a profession Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota said goodbye to the children ends after He realize he might want to work with children as a profession Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment Dakota discussed education with the career counselor. ends before he switched his major Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota discussed education with the career counselor. ends after he switched his major Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment The person was tired of waiting in line. ends after it was his turn I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. entailment The person was tired of waiting in line. ends before it was his turn I went to the deli to get something to eat. I waited in line for what seemed like forever. When it was my turn in line I didn't know what to get. I looked at the menu but it was very large. People behind me began to shout for me to decide. not-entailment Joe was never bored with his job. ends after getting offered a salaried position. Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe was never bored with his job. ends before getting offered a salaried position. Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment Ash went to the board shop ends after He decide to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash went to the board shop ends before He decide to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment I sat a computer ends after I need a shed to contain my yard tools I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." entailment I sat a computer ends before I need a shed to contain my yard tools I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." not-entailment My friends are in the same age bracket as me ends after We make a lot of songs I used to be in a band in high school. My friends were in the band with me. We made a lot of songs and practiced them a lot. We would play shows at houses around the neighborhood. All our friends and family would come to watch us play music. entailment My friends are in the same age bracket as me ends before We make a lot of songs I used to be in a band in high school. My friends were in the band with me. We made a lot of songs and practiced them a lot. We would play shows at houses around the neighborhood. All our friends and family would come to watch us play music. not-entailment we built a snowman ends after I be asleep I was asleep when my two year old ran into the room panicking. I grabbed my robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. I saw outside that it was snowing, something he had never seen. We bundled up and went outside to explore and play in it. We took a warm bath and a nap afterwards. entailment we built a snowman ends before I be asleep I was asleep when my two year old ran into the room panicking. I grabbed my robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. I saw outside that it was snowing, something he had never seen. We bundled up and went outside to explore and play in it. We took a warm bath and a nap afterwards. not-entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. ends after he couldn't afford his textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. ends before he couldn't afford his textbooks Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Jake had fun on the trampoline ends after They be scared to bounce on it Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." entailment Jake had fun on the trampoline ends before They be scared to bounce on it Jake bought his family a new trampoline. They were scared to bounce on it. Jake climbed on to it and jumped up and down. "When they saw it was safe, his family joined him." "Now Jake can't get them to stop, they're having so much fun." not-entailment Ash mowed lawns all summer ends before he had saved up quite a bit "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. entailment Ash mowed lawns all summer ends after he had saved up quite a bit "Ash, a middle school kid, really wanted a new skateboard." He decided to start mowing lawns in the neighborhood for cash. By the end of the summer he had saved up quite a bit. Ash went and bought the perfect board. Ash felt good about what he had accomplished. not-entailment Allie hugged her aunt and cousin ends after She pack her favorite toys and games to play with her cousin Allie promised her cousin she would visit him this summer. She had packed her favorite toys and games to play with her cousin. When she finished packing her dad drove Allie to the airport. This would be her first airplane ride alone to visit her cousin. When her airplane landed her cousin and aunt was there to greet her. entailment Allie hugged her aunt and cousin ends before She pack her favorite toys and games to play with her cousin Allie promised her cousin she would visit him this summer. She had packed her favorite toys and games to play with her cousin. When she finished packing her dad drove Allie to the airport. This would be her first airplane ride alone to visit her cousin. When her airplane landed her cousin and aunt was there to greet her. not-entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away ends after Everyone be very confused Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away ends before Everyone be very confused Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment Gemma wanted a pet to help her with her attacks ends after Her panic attacks make her life difficult The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." entailment Gemma wanted a pet to help her with her attacks ends before Her panic attacks make her life difficult The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." not-entailment I had money ends after I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." entailment I had money ends before I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." not-entailment She felt guilty ends after She decide to donate Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. entailment She felt guilty ends before She decide to donate Margaret was walking through town. She noticed a store window with an ad for a family shelter. The pictures of kids really struck a chord in her heart. She decided to donate. She walked inside and began the process. not-entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. ends after Connie sits near the smartest girl in glass. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. entailment Connie is able to see the smartest girl's answers. ends before Connie sits near the smartest girl in glass. Connie has not studied for her exams. In a panic she sits near the smartest girl in glass. As the exam is handed out she slowly works through her exam. She's copying the girl next to her. Connie gets caught and is expelled from university. not-entailment Tiffany has finished elementary school. ends before All of the kids be also nervous Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. entailment Tiffany has finished elementary school. ends after All of the kids be also nervous Tiffani was starting school. It was her first day of junior high. She was very nervous about how she would fit in. All of the kids were also nervous. They all loosened up as the day went on. not-entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. ends before he was promoted Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. entailment Joe recited the Miranda rights to the criminal. ends after he was promoted Joe was a police officer. Joe was patrolling the streets of the city in his cruiser. "Suddenly, Joe was alerted to a crime happening near him by dispatch." Joe responded to the scene and found a bank robber fleeing on foot. Joe arrested the criminal and was promoted. not-entailment Mitch swept off the cup ends after Mitch build a coffee table using cheap tools Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch swept off the cup ends before Mitch build a coffee table using cheap tools Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment Jane did not like her boss ends after She begin her search for a new job Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. entailment Jane did not like her boss ends before She begin her search for a new job Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. not-entailment Test knows Tara ends after She adore him for the gift Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. entailment Test knows Tara ends before She adore him for the gift Tara always wanted jewelry. Her birthday was coming up. Test went to the store. He gave her a really nice necklace She adored him for the gift. not-entailment Jan has a job. ends after She know should could not afford the one she wanted Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." entailment Jan has a job. ends before She know should could not afford the one she wanted Jan wanted a new purse. She knew should could not afford the one she wanted. She decided to start saving until she could. Jan finally had enough money. "When she went to buy the purse, it was gone." not-entailment The dentist disposed of the rotten tooth. ends after He could barely eat Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." entailment The dentist disposed of the rotten tooth. ends before He could barely eat Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." not-entailment Amy is married to her son's father. ends before She apply for custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy is married to her son's father. ends after She apply for custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Jeb went home ends after Jeb showed him Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! entailment Jeb went home ends before Jeb showed him Michael bought a computer. He turned it on. He could not figure out how to use it. He called his friend Jeb. Jeb showed him how to use it and he had fun! not-entailment Mitch was sad ends after Mitch build a coffee table using cheap tools Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. entailment Mitch was sad ends before Mitch build a coffee table using cheap tools Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools. "Because of his cheap tools, the table looked slightly off." When he put a cup of water on the table he saw it was not level. The cup slowly slid off the table. Mitch watched the cup fall off and shatter on the floor. not-entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away ends before Jeremy was given detention Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy's boombox was taken away ends after Jeremy was given detention Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment Jeremy turned up the volume ends before They give him suspension Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. entailment Jeremy turned up the volume ends after They give him suspension Jeremy brought his boombox to school. Everyone was very confused. He started playing it very loud. Teachers got angry and got security. They gave him suspension. not-entailment The friend spent time in jail. ends after he was cited for providing false information. My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. entailment The friend spent time in jail. ends before he was cited for providing false information. My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. not-entailment Liza read a book on economics in the library ends before she left the library Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. entailment Liza read a book on economics in the library ends after she left the library Liza was a star student in her high school. She walked home from the library one evening. A man pulled her into the alley and started groping her. Liza pulled out her pepper spray but it malfunctioned. Some students noticed the attacker and he fled. not-entailment Teddy sat near a window ends before He never be on a train Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. entailment Teddy sat near a window ends after He never be on a train Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. not-entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. ends after Joshua had decide between stealing them and switching majors Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua felt very stressed about this situation. ends before Joshua had decide between stealing them and switching majors Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment The judge believed Amy ends after Amy go on a road trip to Georgia Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment The judge believed Amy ends before Amy go on a road trip to Georgia Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment The girls felt bad about not helping ends before they did laundry together Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. entailment The girls felt bad about not helping ends after they did laundry together Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. not-entailment I bought yard tools ends before I begin putting the shed together I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." entailment I bought yard tools ends after I begin putting the shed together I needed a shed to contain my yard tools. I bought supplies and found a guide online. I followed the guide and began putting the shed together. "All week, I worked hard using power tools and manual labor." "After the week was over, I had a very nice shed." not-entailment Nancy met her best friend ends before Nancy quit smoking Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. entailment Nancy met her best friend ends after Nancy quit smoking Nancy was a cigarette smoker. Her best friend smoked as well. "As they got older, Nancy's friend got cancer." Nancy became alarmed and treated it as a wake up call. Nancy quit smoking after her friend died. not-entailment Stanton played baseball ends after Stanton asked his hitting coach for help Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! entailment Stanton played baseball ends before Stanton asked his hitting coach for help Stanton had been hitting home runs all of his career. Suddenly Stanton could no longer hit home runs. He asked his hitting coach for help. Stanton put an a lot of extra hours with his hitting coach. Stanton started hitting home runs again! not-entailment Joshua felt discouraged. ends before he made the choice that felt right and just Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. entailment Joshua felt discouraged. ends after he made the choice that felt right and just Joshua couldn't afford the assigned textbooks. His college textbooks were going to cost over 500 dollars. He knew that a similar amount would be expected in future quarters. Joshua had to decide between stealing them and switching majors. Joshua made the choice that felt right and just. not-entailment Sarah gave birth to a son. ends before she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy. Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." entailment Sarah gave birth to a son. ends after she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy. Sarah was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys. During that year she was held face down in the snow by a boy bully. Through the Year's following she was teased a lot by boys. She began to think all boys were rude and mean. "Not anymore, because now she teaches her son how not to be a rude boy." not-entailment Amy has a son ends after The judge grant Amy custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy has a son ends before The judge grant Amy custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Other people were also able to tell the twins apart by the hat ends after that year came to an end The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. entailment Other people were also able to tell the twins apart by the hat ends before that year came to an end The twins dressed the same. They went to school. The teacher couldn't tell them apart. She gave one of the twins a hat. One of the twins wore the hat for that year. not-entailment My teammate avoided all the defenders/guards. ends before my teammate scored a touchdown The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. entailment My teammate avoided all the defenders/guards. ends after my teammate scored a touchdown The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. not-entailment Tim paid the dentist. ends after his rotten tooth was pulled Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." entailment Tim paid the dentist. ends before his rotten tooth was pulled Tim's tooth was hurting like crazy. He could barely eat or drink. His dentist took a look around in his mouth. One of his teeth was rotten. "Once the tooth was pulled, Tim felt fine." not-entailment The ball was in the boys hand. ends before the ball fell in I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The ball was in the boys hand. ends after the ball fell in I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment Lisa went back to the fair with cash ends after She really want to go Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa went back to the fair with cash ends before She really want to go Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment He was angry. ends after he sued the company and had his things replaced Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." entailment He was angry. ends before he sued the company and had his things replaced Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." not-entailment Lisa had a credit card with her ends after So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa had a credit card with her ends before So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment Mike was hungry. ends after Mike n't given a new burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. entailment Mike was hungry. ends before Mike n't given a new burger Mike was at a burger restaurant. And he ordered a cheeseburger and a milkshake. But he noticed that there was hair in his burger. So he told the waiter about it. Mike wasn't given a new burger and he left. not-entailment Bob's family mourned over the incident. ends after Without the house burn Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. entailment Bob's family mourned over the incident. ends before Without the house burn Bob needed batteries for his flashlight. He decided to use the batteries in his fire detector. He decided to take a nap after putting the batteries in. Unfortunately, the gas light in his attic ignited. Without a fire detector, the house burned down and Bob burned with it. not-entailment Dakota discussed education with the career counselor. ends after Dakota finish his job at a summer camp Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. entailment Dakota discussed education with the career counselor. ends before Dakota finish his job at a summer camp Dakota finished his job at a summer camp. He had really enjoyed working with children. He realized he might want to work with children as a profession. When he returned to college he visited a career counselor. Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education. not-entailment Lillian was married. ends after She go from her rich family to a rich husband Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." entailment Lillian was married. ends before She go from her rich family to a rich husband Lillian had always been rich. She went from her rich family to a rich husband. "Now that she was divorced and penniless, she was dismayed." She had to find a job and work for the first time of her life. "But after a few years, she was proud of herself, and doing well." not-entailment We ran from the scary man. ends before we made it out of the corn maize A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. entailment We ran from the scary man. ends after we made it out of the corn maize A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. not-entailment Lot of children played in the snow ends after I saw outside that it was snowing , something he had never seen I was asleep when my two year old ran into the room panicking. I grabbed my robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. I saw outside that it was snowing, something he had never seen. We bundled up and went outside to explore and play in it. We took a warm bath and a nap afterwards. entailment Lot of children played in the snow ends before I saw outside that it was snowing , something he had never seen I was asleep when my two year old ran into the room panicking. I grabbed my robe and looked outside to see what he was scared of. I saw outside that it was snowing, something he had never seen. We bundled up and went outside to explore and play in it. We took a warm bath and a nap afterwards. not-entailment Joe has a steady income ends after His pay be uncertain Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. entailment Joe has a steady income ends before His pay be uncertain Joe was an contracting handyman. He worked a different job everyday. His pay was always uncertain. Joe was offered a salaried position on his job. He gladly accepted the offer. not-entailment The two guards were disappointed in themselves. ends after The ball thrown to me The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. entailment The two guards were disappointed in themselves. ends before The ball thrown to me The ball was thrown to me. There was 11 seconds left and I decided to run with the ball. Since two guards were running toward me, I threw the ball. My teammate, who was open, caught the ball and ran. He scored a touchdown. not-entailment The officer was suspicious of the friend. ends after At the jail they realize he has both his arms My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. entailment The officer was suspicious of the friend. ends before At the jail they realize he has both his arms My friend was arrested on a warrant. He gave the officer a false name. The guy who the warrant was for had only one arm. At the jail they realized he has both his arms. He was cited for providing false information to an officer. not-entailment The girls want to get along with Ashley ends after She live with two other girls Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. entailment The girls want to get along with Ashley ends before She live with two other girls Ashley is so sick of doing laundry. She lives with two other girls and none of them help. One night Ashley spoke her mind to the girls about it. They said they understand where she's coming from. Now all three girls do laundry together. not-entailment He felt unprepared for the hike. ends after He decide he was too scared to go back into the woods Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. entailment He felt unprepared for the hike. ends before He decide he was too scared to go back into the woods Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. not-entailment Nora had a book. ends after She bring the book with her to the doctor 's office Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. entailment Nora had a book. ends before She bring the book with her to the doctor 's office Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. not-entailment I gave birth to a daughter ends before This make me feel very strong for some reason My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. entailment I gave birth to a daughter ends after This make me feel very strong for some reason My daughter likes to work out with me when I do exercises. After I do an exercise she will try to mimic it. When I do military presses with dumbbells she also tries. But she cannot even lift them off the floor. This always makes me feel very strong for some reason. not-entailment other riders laughed at grandma ends after In addition she scream Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. entailment other riders laughed at grandma ends before In addition she scream Grandma decided to go on the roller coaster with us. Although the roller coaster didn't move yet, she was scared. I tried to calm her down throughout the ride, but she wasn't relaxed. In addition, she screamed when the roller-coaster went down the peak. Before getting out, she took a few minutes to breathe. not-entailment We calmed down in order to solve the maize ends before we made it out A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. entailment We calmed down in order to solve the maize ends after we made it out A group of friends and I went to a corn maize. It was a dark night and the corn maize was said to be haunted. A scary man jumped out and scared us. We ended up lost in the maize for two hours. We made it out and were glad we experienced the maze together. not-entailment Gemma didn't like any of the pets at ASPCA ends after not finding any suitable pets for her The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." entailment Gemma didn't like any of the pets at ASPCA ends before not finding any suitable pets for her The doctor diagnosed Gemma with GAD. Her panic attacks made her life difficult. She went to the ASPCA to get a pet. "After not finding any suitable pets, she walked home." "On her way home, she found an adorable stray and adopted it." not-entailment Lisa went back to the fair with cash ends after So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. entailment Lisa went back to the fair with cash ends before So she go home Lisa went to the fair. She really wanted to go. "But when she got the fair, it was cash only." She was disappointed. So she went home. not-entailment Her mom frowned at the shirt. ends after She want to get a shirt that showed her belly button Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. entailment Her mom frowned at the shirt. ends before She want to get a shirt that showed her belly button Amy was going school shopping with her mom. She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button. Her mother put the shirt away and wouldn't buy it. Amy begged, but her mom wouldn't budge. Amy rode home in sulking in silence, upset she couldn't get the shirt. not-entailment Maggie takes her phone with her when she leaves ends before she arrived at the theater Maggie had plans to see a concert. She arrived at the theater on time. "For some reason, there was nobody there." She opened her phone to check for any notices. "Then, she discovered that the concert had been cancelled." entailment Maggie takes her phone with her when she leaves ends after she arrived at the theater Maggie had plans to see a concert. She arrived at the theater on time. "For some reason, there was nobody there." She opened her phone to check for any notices. "Then, she discovered that the concert had been cancelled." not-entailment He was alive. ends after Fred go on a hike by himself Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. entailment He was alive. ends before Fred go on a hike by himself Fred went on a hike by himself. "Halfway through the hike, he saw a moose." The moose started walking towards him. "Terrified, Fred sprinted back." He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods. not-entailment JJ breaks the lock to her apartment ends after She realize she locked herself out of her apartment and car JJ is on her way to a job interview. She leaves her apartment without her keys. She realizes she locked herself out of her apartment and car. She calls to reschedule the interview. They tell her they are no longer interested in hiring her. entailment JJ breaks the lock to her apartment ends before She realize she locked herself out of her apartment and car JJ is on her way to a job interview. She leaves her apartment without her keys. She realizes she locked herself out of her apartment and car. She calls to reschedule the interview. They tell her they are no longer interested in hiring her. not-entailment Nora scheduled a checkup at the doctor. ends before She bring the book with her to the doctor 's office Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. entailment Nora scheduled a checkup at the doctor. ends after She bring the book with her to the doctor 's office Nora was reading a book. She brought the book with her to the doctor's office. Nora forgot the book at the doctor's office. Nora realized she forgot the book. She went back to the office to retrieve her book. not-entailment Erin turned on his computer. ends after He decide to put it on Ebay Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. entailment Erin turned on his computer. ends before He decide to put it on Ebay Erin was cleaning out his basement one morning. "While he was cleaning it, he found an old antique watch." He searched on the internet to see what type of watch it was. He realized that it was a watch from the 1800s! He decided to put it on Ebay and he made a lot of money. not-entailment James has experienced may tornadoes in texas ends after James live in Texas James lives in Texas. Texas is prone to tornados. James prepared for this. He bought a tornado shelter. So when a tornado strikes he will be safe. entailment James has experienced may tornadoes in texas ends before James live in Texas James lives in Texas. Texas is prone to tornados. James prepared for this. He bought a tornado shelter. So when a tornado strikes he will be safe. not-entailment Jane has someone she enjoys spending the weekends with ends after She begin her search for a new job Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. entailment Jane has someone she enjoys spending the weekends with ends before She begin her search for a new job Jane worked in a busy office every week from Monday to Friday. Her favorite part about her job was that she had weekends off. "One day, her boss told her that he was taking her weekends off away." Jane was upset to lose her free time and favorite part of her job. She began her search for a new job the following day. not-entailment Amy is alive ends after The judge grant Amy custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy is alive ends before The judge grant Amy custody of her son Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Teddy sat near a window ends after they boarded and found their seats Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. entailment Teddy sat near a window ends before they boarded and found their seats Teddy was happy to be going with his family on a trip. He had never been on a train before. They boarded and found their seats. Teddy looked out the window with glee. He was having such a great time. not-entailment Amy is alive ends after Amy testified that her ex wasn't fit to be a father Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. entailment Amy is alive ends before Amy testified that her ex wasn't fit to be a father Amy went on a road trip to Georgia. She was going to apply for custody of her son. "She arrived in Atlanta, and hurried to the courthouse." She testified that her ex-husband wasn't fit to be a father. The judge granted Amy custody of her son. not-entailment Nellie obtains a diary ends before her entries be stilted and brief Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! entailment Nellie obtains a diary ends after her entries be stilted and brief Nellie decided to keep a diary. She wrote in it every day after school. At first her entries were stilted and brief. "But gradually, she started to write longer and more detailed entries." Soon Nellie had come to think of her diary as her best friend! not-entailment Kelly gave her name to the hostess ends after Kelly be excited to check out the new restaurant in town Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. entailment Kelly gave her name to the hostess ends before Kelly be excited to check out the new restaurant in town Kelly was excited to check out the new restaurant in town. She made reservations for her and a friend for that evening. When they got to the restaurant they waited a long time for a table. The waitress mixed up their orders and brought them the wrong dinners. Kelly decided not to eat at that restaurant again. not-entailment He hired a lawyer. ends after he sued the company and had his things replaced Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." entailment He hired a lawyer. ends before he sued the company and had his things replaced Sam bought a new phone. He left it charging overnight. The battery exploded and caused a small fire. Sam sued the company and had his things replaced. "He got a different kind of phone, though." not-entailment The son was born. ends before I throw the baseball with my son I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! entailment The son was born. ends after I throw the baseball with my son I was throwing the baseball with my son. He threw one past me that landed in the lake. I reached in to get the ball. I lost my balance and fell in. I got the ball and a bath all in one shot! not-entailment