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New START Treaty | New START reduces US deterrence in world that is arming, not disarming | CON |
New START Treaty | New START Treaty gives more to Russia than US | CON |
New START Treaty | Signing New START saves US-Russia relations for Iranian problem. | PRO |
New START Treaty | Reducing US-Russian nuclear weapons makes for a safer world. | PRO |
New START Treaty | Russia will build-up nuclear arms without New START. | PRO |
Airport security profiling | Terrorists can easily beat profiling systems. | CON |
Airport security profiling | Terrorists could dress and behave differently to avoid profiling. | CON |
Airport security profiling | Profiling counterproductively contributes to fear and insecurity. | CON |
Airport security profiling | Profiling is institutionalized racism. | CON |
Privatizing social security | Costly privatization of Soc Sec would dampen econ growth | CON |
Privatizing social security | Privatized social security will cut tax revenues and social services. | CON |
Privatizing social security | Private accounts prevent politicians taking from social security. | PRO |
Privatizing social security | Privatizing social security helps the poor. | PRO |
Privatizing social security | Privatizing social security offers ownership in economy. | PRO |
Privatizing social security | Private accounts can be transferred within family | PRO |
Underground nuclear waste storage | Nuclear waste storage requires huge state subsidies. | CON |
Underground nuclear waste storage | Underground storage important to safety across borders. | PRO |
Funding transparency for TV issue ads in elections | Anonymity ensures that arguments rise above identity attacks. | CON |
US Renewable Electricity Standard | A national renewable energy standard will increase electricity costs | CON |
US Renewable Electricity Standard | Renewable Energy Standard increases energy prices, kills jobs | CON |
US Renewable Electricity Standard | Renewable electricity standard increases energy prices - unpopular. | CON |
US Renewable Electricity Standard | Renewable energy standard ensures market certainty for clean energy | PRO |
US Renewable Electricity Standard | Renewable Energy Standard fosters clean energy economy and jobs | PRO |
US Renewable Electricity Standard | Renewable Electricity Standard is more consistent than tax credits | PRO |
Cellulosic ethanol | Cellulosic biofuel production emits significant greenhouse gases | CON |
Cellulosic ethanol | Cellulosic ethanol land-use harms forests, environment, climate | CON |
Cellulosic ethanol | Cellulosic ethanol start-ups are mostly failing | CON |
Cellulosic ethanol | Cellulosic ethanol can be 0 emissions. | PRO |
Cellulosic ethanol | Energy security: cellulosic ethanol reduces dependence on foreign oil. | PRO |
Cellulosic ethanol | Renewable energy mandates ensure market for cellulosic ethanol | PRO |
Cellulosic ethanol | Cellulosic ethanol can generate good-paying jobs | PRO |
Carbon capture and storage | CCS passes C02-leakage problem to our children | CON |
Carbon capture and storage | The transportation of captured carbon can be very expensive | CON |
Carbon capture and storage | CCS can dramatically slash emissions from fossil fuels | PRO |
Carbon capture and storage | CCS makes continued dependence on hydrocarbons cleaner | PRO |
Carbon capture and storage | Sequestered C02 can be injected into reservoirs to recover oil | PRO |
Geoengineering | Geoengineering may whiten skies, harm human psychology | CON |
Geoengineering | Geoengineering technologies may be used for military purposes | CON |
Geoengineering | Geoengineering is too costly | CON |
Geoengineering | Many geoengineering solutions cut atmospheric greenhouse gases. | PRO |
Oil sands | Tar sands can't enhance energy security; too expensive, not enough | CON |
Oil sands | Oil sands take more energy to extract, so emit more | CON |
Oil sands | Oil sands threaten down-river communities | CON |
Oil sands | Oilsands account for less than 1 percent of global emissions | PRO |
Ground zero mosque | Ban ground zero mosque on grounds it does more harm to victims. | CON |
Ground zero mosque | Name Cordoba House indicates nefarious intent of mosque | CON |
Ground zero mosque | Ground zero mosque has angered and offended many New Yorkers. | CON |
Ground zero mosque | Banning ground zero mosque would violate sep of church/state | PRO |
Ground zero mosque | Opposing ground zero mosque alienates/radicalizes American Muslims | PRO |
Open primaries | Open primaries disincentivize engagement by core party activists | CON |
Open primaries | Open primaries allow tactical manipulation | CON |
Open primaries | Open primaries favor voter wishes over party establishment's | PRO |
Open primaries | Open primaries produce competitive, substantive general elections | PRO |
Open primaries | Open primaries can be modified to limit costs | PRO |
Law school | Public interest legal jobs are underpaid | CON |
Law school | Law school teaches people to think like lawyers. | PRO |
Law school | Law school educates for wide-ranging careers. | PRO |
Law school | Law school aids in personal and professional decision-making | PRO |
Deporting illegal immigrants in the US | Mass deportation from US would be very expensive | CON |
Deporting illegal immigrants in the US | Path to citizenship forces illegals to pay back taxes. | CON |
Deporting illegal immigrants in the US | Costs of deportation made up for by savings to taxpayers | PRO |
MBA | Enrolling in MBA can break stride in career | CON |
MBA | Some employers see MBA grads as too expensive | CON |
MBA | MBAs get training in numbers, but not leadership | CON |
MBA | MBA teaches how to operate/lead organizations at scale | PRO |
MBA | MBA provides business competencies more quickly than on-job training | PRO |
MBA | MBA teaches essential business language | PRO |
European Monetary Fund | EMF would allow orderly sovereign default. | PRO |
Breastfeeding in public | Breastfeeding is best for the health and development of babies | PRO |
Breastfeeding in public | Breastfeeding can help new mothers lose weight | PRO |
Banning vuvuzela horns at the 2010 World Cup | Vuvuzela sales are economically beneficial in S. Africa. | CON |
Banning vuvuzela horns at the 2010 World Cup | Vuvuzelas disrupt player's and other's sleep at night | PRO |
Banning vuvuzela horns at the 2010 World Cup | They are a source of headaches. | PRO |
Banning vuvuzela horns at the 2010 World Cup | Vuvuzelas can disrupt national anthems and award ceremonies. | PRO |
Banning vuvuzela horns at the 2010 World Cup | Vuvuzelas can be used as weapons. | PRO |
Medical marijuana dispensaries | Marijuana smoke is highly damaging to the lungs | CON |
Medical marijuana dispensaries | Smoking marijuana impairs the immune system | CON |
Medical marijuana dispensaries | The State is justified in protecting individuals from themselves | CON |
Medical marijuana dispensaries | Marijuana is a gateway drug | CON |
Medical marijuana dispensaries | Due to low addiction rates, marijuana is good for medical use. | PRO |
Medical marijuana dispensaries | Legalizing medical marijuana does not increase use and abuse | PRO |
Medical marijuana dispensaries | More money for other sectors | PRO |
Medical marijuana dispensaries | Marijuana can curb psychotic symptoms in people with schizophrenia | PRO |
Instant replay in baseball | Fallible umpire calls are part of the drama of baseball | CON |
Instant replay in baseball | Instant replays can be exciting for fans. | PRO |
Instant replay in baseball | Instant replay would better legitimize MLB and game outcomes | PRO |
Instant replay in baseball | Instant replay ends umpire shame of making decisive, bad calls | PRO |
Instant replay in baseball | Instant replay would reduce fights between coaches and umpires. | PRO |
Israeli raid on Gaza flotilla | Gaza blockade causes economic and humanitarian suffering | CON |
Israeli raid on Gaza flotilla | Blockade is not causing a humanitarian crisis in Gaza | PRO |
Balanced budget amendment to US Constitution | Amend would create Const. crisis, court battle w/ each budget. | CON |
Balanced budget amendment to US Constitution | Politicians will favor corporate interests w/ balanced budget. | CON |
Balanced budget amendment to US Constitution | Balanced budget amendment will help solve fiscal crisis. | PRO |
Balanced budget amendment to US Constitution | Spending limits creates certainty for job creation. | PRO |
Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 | Financial reform puts onerous regulations on free markets. | CON |
Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 | 2010 financial reform protects big banks, harms smallest. | CON |
Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 | 2010 financial regs won't end too big to fail and bailouts | CON |
Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 | 2010 banking reform perpetuates too big to fail policies | CON |
Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 | 2010 reform expands shock-absorbers for nex financial crisis | PRO |
Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 | 2010 financial reform increases transparency | PRO |