id type statement ratings gold type source VASoL_2011_5_4-C premise Scientists make observations on lightning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_4-C premise Lightning is a kind of electrical discharge. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_4-C hypothesis Scientists make observations on electrical discharge in the form of lightning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_4-C entailment Scientists make observations on lightning. & Lightning is a kind of electrical discharge. |- Scientists make observations on electrical discharge in the form of lightning. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B-shred2 premise A pine tree is a kind of tree. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B-shred2 premise A tree is a kind of plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B-shred2 hypothesis A pine tree is a kind of plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B-shred2 entailment A pine tree is a kind of tree. & A tree is a kind of plant. |- A pine tree is a kind of plant. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B-shred1 premise A plant is made of plant cells. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B-shred1 premise A cell wall is a part of a plant cell for supporting and protecting the cell membrane. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B-shred1 hypothesis Plant cells have cell wall to support and protect the cell membrane. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B-shred1 entailment A plant is made of plant cells. & A cell wall is a part of a plant cell for supporting and protecting the cell membrane. |- Plant cells have cell wall to support and protect the cell membrane. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B premise Plant cells have cell wall to support and protect the cell membrane. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B premise A pine tree is a kind of organism that is made of plant cells. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B hypothesis A pine tree is the organism that is made of cells with cell wall. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-B entailment Plant cells have cell wall to support and protect the cell membrane. & A pine tree is a kind of organism that is made of plant cells. |- A pine tree is the organism that is made of cells with cell wall. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-B-shred1 premise Planting trees has a positive impact on an ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-B-shred1 premise Planting trees is sometimes a human activity. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-B-shred1 hypothesis Planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive impact on an ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-B-shred1 entailment Planting trees has a positive impact on an ecosystem. & Planting trees is sometimes a human activity. |- Planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive impact on an ecosystem. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-B premise Planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive impact on an ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-B premise An impact means an effect. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-B hypothesis Planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive effect on an ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-B entailment Planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive impact on an ecosystem. & An impact means an effect. |- Planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive effect on an ecosystem. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B-shred2 premise Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B-shred2 premise Photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B-shred2 hypothesis Photosynthesis converts solar energy into sugar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B-shred2 entailment Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. & Photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugar. |- Photosynthesis converts solar energy into sugar. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B-shred1 premise Photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B-shred1 premise Carbohydrates are made of sugars. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B-shred1 hypothesis Photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B-shred1 entailment Photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates. & Carbohydrates are made of sugars. |- Photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugar. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B premise A leaf performs photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B premise Photosynthesis converts solar energy into sugar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B hypothesis A leaf converts solar energy into sugar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-B entailment A leaf performs photosynthesis. & Photosynthesis converts solar energy into sugar. |- A leaf converts solar energy into sugar. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-B premise The speed of an object can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-B premise A turtle is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-B hypothesis The speed of a turtle can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-B entailment The speed of an object can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch. & A turtle is a kind of object. |- The speed of a turtle can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred6 premise Crops rely on nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred6 premise High quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred6 hypothesis Crops rely on high quality soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred6 entailment Crops rely on nutrients in soil to grow. & High quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen. |- Crops rely on high quality soil to grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred5 premise Crops require nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred5 premise If something requires something else then that something relies on that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred5 hypothesis Crops rely on nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred5 entailment Crops require nutrients in soil to grow. & If something requires something else then that something relies on that something else. |- Crops rely on nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred4 premise A plant requires nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred4 premise Crops are a kind of edible plant for eating. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred4 hypothesis Crops require nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred4 entailment A plant requires nutrients in soil to grow. & Crops are a kind of edible plant for eating. |- Crops require nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred3 premise A plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred3 premise Soil contains nutrients for plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred3 hypothesis A plant requires nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred3 entailment A plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow. & Soil contains nutrients for plants. |- A plant requires nutrients in soil to grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred2 premise Planting crops is a kind of human activity. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred2 premise Planting crops requires growing crops. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred2 hypothesis Growing crops is a kind of human activity. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred2 entailment Planting crops is a kind of human activity. & Planting crops requires growing crops. |- Growing crops is a kind of human activity. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred1 premise Planting is a kind of human action. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred1 premise Planting crops is a kind of activity. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred1 hypothesis Planting crops is a kind of human activity. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D-shred1 entailment Planting is a kind of human action. & Planting crops is a kind of activity. |- Planting crops is a kind of human activity. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D premise Growing crops is a kind of human activity. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D premise Crops rely on high quality soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D hypothesis Growing crops is a kind of human activity that relies on high quality soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-D entailment Growing crops is a kind of human activity. & Crops rely on high quality soil to grow. |- Growing crops is a kind of human activity that relies on high quality soil to grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred4 premise Moving to find shelter can protect an animal from rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred4 premise Protecting an animal has a positive impact on that animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred4 hypothesis Moving to find shelter can have a positive impact on an animal in the rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred4 entailment Moving to find shelter can protect an animal from rain. & Protecting an animal has a positive impact on that animal. |- Moving to find shelter can have a positive impact on an animal in the rain. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred3 premise Shelter can protect animals from rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred3 premise An animal needs to move to find shelter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred3 hypothesis Moving to find shelter can protect an animal from rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred3 entailment Shelter can protect animals from rain. & An animal needs to move to find shelter. |- Moving to find shelter can protect an animal from rain. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred2 premise Shelter can protect animals from weather. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred2 premise Rain is a kind of weather. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred2 hypothesis Shelter can protect animals from rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred2 entailment Shelter can protect animals from weather. & Rain is a kind of weather. |- Shelter can protect animals from rain. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred1 premise Rain is a kind of precipitation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred1 premise Precipitation is a kind of weather. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred1 hypothesis Rain is a kind of weather. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D-shred1 entailment Rain is a kind of precipitation. & Precipitation is a kind of weather. |- Rain is a kind of weather. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D premise Moving to find shelter can have a positive impact on an animal in the rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D premise If performing an action has a positive impact on an animal, then that animal will likely perform that action. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D hypothesis Some animals will likely move to find shelter in the rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-D entailment Moving to find shelter can have a positive impact on an animal in the rain. & If performing an action has a positive impact on an animal, then that animal will likely perform that action. |- Some animals will likely move to find shelter in the rain. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_17-C premise Pedalling a bicycle requires moving the pedals in a circular motion. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_17-C premise Pedals are part of a bicycle for pedalling. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_17-C hypothesis The pedals are the part of a bicycle that moves in circular motion. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2010_3_17-C entailment Pedalling a bicycle requires moving the pedals in a circular motion. & Pedals are part of a bicycle for pedalling. |- The pedals are the part of a bicycle that moves in circular motion. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred3 premise Temperature is a measure of heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred3 premise The ice cream will increase in temperature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred3 hypothesis The ice cream will increase in heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred3 entailment Temperature is a measure of heat energy. & The ice cream will increase in temperature. |- The ice cream will increase in heat energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred2 premise The ice cream is moved to a warmer place. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred2 premise Moving an object from a cool place to a warm place causes the object's temperature to increase. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred2 hypothesis The ice cream will increase in temperature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred2 entailment The ice cream is moved to a warmer place. & Moving an object from a cool place to a warm place causes the object's temperature to increase. |- The ice cream will increase in temperature. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred1 premise Ice cream is left out of a freezer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred1 premise If something is taken out of a freezer then it's moved to a warmer place. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred1 hypothesis The ice cream is moved to a warmer place. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-C-shred1 entailment Ice cream is left out of a freezer. & If something is taken out of a freezer then it's moved to a warmer place. |- The ice cream is moved to a warmer place. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-A-shred1 premise Humans building homes in an ecosystem causes that ecosystem to change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-A-shred1 premise Humans changing ecosystems usually has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-A-shred1 hypothesis Humans building homes in an ecosystem has a negative impact on an ecosystem and organisms living in the ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-A-shred1 entailment Humans building homes in an ecosystem causes that ecosystem to change. & Humans changing ecosystems usually has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem. |- Humans building homes in an ecosystem has a negative impact on an ecosystem and organisms living in the ecosystem. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-A premise Humans building homes in an ecosystem has a negative impact on an ecosystem and organisms living in the ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-A premise A wetland is a kind of ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-A hypothesis Humans building homes in a wetland has a negative impact on a wetland and organisms living in the wetland. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-A entailment Humans building homes in an ecosystem has a negative impact on an ecosystem and organisms living in the ecosystem. & A wetland is a kind of ecosystem. |- Humans building homes in a wetland has a negative impact on a wetland and organisms living in the wetland. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-D-shred1 premise The cell membrane provides support / protection for a cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-D-shred1 premise A cell membrane is a kind of cell structure. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-D-shred1 hypothesis The cell membrane is the cell structure that provides protection for a cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-D-shred1 entailment The cell membrane provides support / protection for a cell. & A cell membrane is a kind of cell structure. |- The cell membrane is the cell structure that provides protection for a cell. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-D premise The cell membrane is the cell structure that provides protection for a cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-D premise An animal cell is a kind of cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-D hypothesis The cell membrane is the cell structure that provides protection for an animal cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-D entailment The cell membrane is the cell structure that provides protection for a cell. & An animal cell is a kind of cell. |- The cell membrane is the cell structure that provides protection for an animal cell. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred4 premise Roots are a feature of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred4 premise A tree and grass are both kinds of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred4 hypothesis Roots are a feature of both trees and grass. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred4 entailment Roots are a feature of plants. & A tree and grass are both kinds of plants. |- Roots are a feature of both trees and grass. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred3 premise A tree is a kind of plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred3 premise Grass is a kind of green plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred3 hypothesis A tree and grass are both kinds of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred3 entailment A tree is a kind of plant. & Grass is a kind of green plant. |- A tree and grass are both kinds of plants. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred2 premise Roots are a part of a plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred2 premise A part of something is a feature of something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred2 hypothesis Roots are a feature of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred2 entailment Roots are a part of a plant. & A part of something is a feature of something. |- Roots are a feature of plants. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred1 premise A part of a living thing is a natural structure. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred1 premise A structure is a kind of feature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred1 hypothesis A part of something is a feature of something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B-shred1 entailment A part of a living thing is a natural structure. & A structure is a kind of feature. |- A part of something is a feature of something. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B premise Roots are a feature of both trees and grass. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B premise If two things have the same features then those two things are alike. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B hypothesis A tree and grass are alike because they both have roots. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-B entailment Roots are a feature of both trees and grass. & If two things have the same features then those two things are alike. |- A tree and grass are alike because they both have roots. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-B-shred1 premise Soft is a kind of touch sensation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-B-shred1 premise Feeling is when an living thing senses through touch. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-B-shred1 hypothesis Soft is a kind of feeling. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-B-shred1 entailment Soft is a kind of touch sensation. & Feeling is when an living thing senses through touch. |- Soft is a kind of feeling. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-B premise Feathers are usually soft in sensation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-B premise Soft is a kind of feeling. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-B hypothesis A feather feels soft. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-B entailment Feathers are usually soft in sensation. & Soft is a kind of feeling. |- A feather feels soft. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-B-shred1 premise Soil is a kind of nonliving thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-B-shred1 premise Soil is usually part of an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-B-shred1 hypothesis Soil is a nonliving part of an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-B-shred1 entailment Soil is a kind of nonliving thing. & Soil is usually part of an environment. |- Soil is a nonliving part of an environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-B premise Soil is a nonliving part of an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-B premise A forest is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-B hypothesis Soil is a nonliving part of a forest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-B entailment Soil is a nonliving part of an environment. & A forest is a kind of environment. |- Soil is a nonliving part of a forest. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_31-C premise Providing support is a kind of function. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_31-C premise A cell wall provides support / protection / shape / structure for a plant cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_31-C hypothesis The main function of a cell wall is to provide support for a plant cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_31-C entailment Providing support is a kind of function. & A cell wall provides support / protection / shape / structure for a plant cell. |- The main function of a cell wall is to provide support for a plant cell. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_30-B premise The cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_30-B premise A cell nucleus is a part of a cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_30-B hypothesis The cell nucleus is part of the cell that controls many of the functions of the cell. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_30-B entailment The cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell. & A cell nucleus is a part of a cell. |- The cell nucleus is part of the cell that controls many of the functions of the cell. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred7 premise Coal is a kind of fuel. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred7 premise Fuel is a kind of energy source. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred7 hypothesis Coal is a kind of energy source. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred7 entailment Coal is a kind of fuel. & Fuel is a kind of energy source. |- Coal is a kind of energy source. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred6 premise Coal is a kind of fossil fuel. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred6 premise Fossil fuel is a kind of fuel. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred6 hypothesis Coal is a kind of fuel. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred6 entailment Coal is a kind of fossil fuel. & Fossil fuel is a kind of fuel. |- Coal is a kind of fuel. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred5 premise Coal can be mined from under the ground. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred5 premise The ground is part of the Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred5 hypothesis Coal can be mined from the Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred5 entailment Coal can be mined from under the ground. & The ground is part of the Earth. |- Coal can be mined from the Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred4 premise A coal mine is a source of coal under the ground. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred4 premise If a coal mine is a source of something then that something can be mined. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred4 hypothesis Coal can be mined from under the ground. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred4 entailment A coal mine is a source of coal under the ground. & If a coal mine is a source of something then that something can be mined. |- Coal can be mined from under the ground. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred3 premise If a mine is a source of something then that something can be mined. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred3 premise A coal mine is a kind of mine. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred3 hypothesis If a coal mine is a source of something then that something can be mined. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred3 entailment If a mine is a source of something then that something can be mined. & A coal mine is a kind of mine. |- If a coal mine is a source of something then that something can be mined. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred2 premise A mine is a source of minerals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred2 premise Mining is when humans take rocks and minerals from the ground. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred2 hypothesis If a mine is a source of something then that something can be mined. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred2 entailment A mine is a source of minerals. & Mining is when humans take rocks and minerals from the ground. |- If a mine is a source of something then that something can be mined. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred1 premise A mine produces minerals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred1 premise A source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred1 hypothesis A mine is a source of minerals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A-shred1 entailment A mine produces minerals. & A source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something. |- A mine is a source of minerals. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A premise Coal can be mined from the Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A premise Coal is a kind of energy source. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A hypothesis Coal can be mined from the Earth and used as an energy source. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-A entailment Coal can be mined from the Earth. & Coal is a kind of energy source. |- Coal can be mined from the Earth and used as an energy source. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B-shred2 premise A sidewalk located outside will absorb solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B-shred2 premise Absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B-shred2 hypothesis The sidewalk located outsie will heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B-shred2 entailment A sidewalk located outside will absorb solar energy. & Absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat. |- The sidewalk located outsie will heat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B-shred1 premise A sidewalk is located outside. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B-shred1 premise If an object / something is in the sunlight then that object / that something will absorb solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B-shred1 hypothesis A sidewalk located outside will absorb solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B-shred1 entailment A sidewalk is located outside. & If an object / something is in the sunlight then that object / that something will absorb solar energy. |- A sidewalk located outside will absorb solar energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B premise The sidewalk located outsie will heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B premise If something heats, it will feel hot. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B hypothesis The sidewalk located outside will feel hot. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-B entailment The sidewalk located outsie will heat. & If something heats, it will feel hot. |- The sidewalk located outside will feel hot. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-C-shred2 premise Copper is a kind of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-C-shred2 premise Metal is a kind of material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-C-shred2 hypothesis Copper is a kind of material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-C-shred2 entailment Copper is a kind of metal. & Metal is a kind of material. |- Copper is a kind of material. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-C premise Copper is an electrical conductor. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-C premise Copper is a kind of material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-C hypothesis Copper is the material that is an electrical conductor. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-C entailment Copper is an electrical conductor. & Copper is a kind of material. |- Copper is the material that is an electrical conductor. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C-shred2 premise Plants perform photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C-shred2 premise Photosynthesis is a source of oxygen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C-shred2 hypothesis Plants are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C-shred2 entailment Plants perform photosynthesis. & Photosynthesis is a source of oxygen. |- Plants are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C-shred1 premise Photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C-shred1 premise If a process converts something into something else, then that process is a source of that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C-shred1 hypothesis Photosynthesis is a source of oxygen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C-shred1 entailment Photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. & If a process converts something into something else, then that process is a source of that something else. |- Photosynthesis is a source of oxygen. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C premise Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C premise If something is given off of something, then something is the product of something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C hypothesis Plants give off oxygen through photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-C entailment Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis. & If something is given off of something, then something is the product of something. |- Plants give off oxygen through photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-D-shred1 premise Tea tastes bitter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-D-shred1 premise Sugar causes food to taste sweet. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-D-shred1 hypothesis Sugar can cause tea to taste sweet. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-D-shred1 entailment Tea tastes bitter. & Sugar causes food to taste sweet. |- Sugar can cause tea to taste sweet. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-D premise Taste can be used to distinguish food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-D premise Sugar can cause tea to taste sweet. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-D hypothesis If the tea tastes sweet, then there is sugar in the tea. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-D entailment Taste can be used to distinguish food. & Sugar can cause tea to taste sweet. |- If the tea tastes sweet, then there is sugar in the tea. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred3 premise Fruit is a part of a tree that is a source of seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred3 premise An oak is a kind of tree. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred3 hypothesis Fruit is a part of an oak that is a source of seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred3 entailment Fruit is a part of a tree that is a source of seeds. & An oak is a kind of tree. |- Fruit is a part of an oak that is a source of seeds. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred2 premise Fruit is a source of seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred2 premise Fruit is a part of a tree. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred2 hypothesis Fruit is a part of a tree that is a source of seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred2 entailment Fruit is a source of seeds. & Fruit is a part of a tree. |- Fruit is a part of a tree that is a source of seeds. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred1 premise Fruit contains seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred1 premise If something contains something else then that something is a source of that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred1 hypothesis Fruit is a source of seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A-shred1 entailment Fruit contains seeds. & If something contains something else then that something is a source of that something else. |- Fruit is a source of seeds. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A premise Fruit is a part of an oak that is a source of seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A premise If something comes from something else then that something else is a source of that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A hypothesis Fruit is a part of an oak where seeds come from. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-A entailment Fruit is a part of an oak that is a source of seeds. & If something comes from something else then that something else is a source of that something. |- Fruit is a part of an oak where seeds come from. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred5 premise A tree is a kind of animal habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred5 premise A wooded area contains lots of trees. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred5 hypothesis A wooded area contains lots of animal habitats. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred5 entailment A tree is a kind of animal habitat. & A wooded area contains lots of trees. |- A wooded area contains lots of animal habitats. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred4 premise An animal requires a habitat for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred4 premise A tree is a kind of habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred4 hypothesis A tree is a kind of animal habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred4 entailment An animal requires a habitat for survival. & A tree is a kind of habitat. |- A tree is a kind of animal habitat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred3 premise Humans changing a wooded area causes that wooded area to be destroyed. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred3 premise Clearing an area is a kind of method for changing an area. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred3 hypothesis Clearing a wooded area causes that wooded area to be destroyed. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred3 entailment Humans changing a wooded area causes that wooded area to be destroyed. & Clearing an area is a kind of method for changing an area. |- Clearing a wooded area causes that wooded area to be destroyed. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred2 premise Humans changing an environment sometimes causes that environment to be destroyed. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred2 premise A wooded area is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred2 hypothesis Humans changing a wooded area causes that wooded area to be destroyed. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred2 entailment Humans changing an environment sometimes causes that environment to be destroyed. & A wooded area is a kind of environment. |- Humans changing a wooded area causes that wooded area to be destroyed. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred1 premise A wooded area is a kind of forest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred1 premise A forest is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred1 hypothesis A wooded area is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A-shred1 entailment A wooded area is a kind of forest. & A forest is a kind of environment. |- A wooded area is a kind of environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A premise Clearing a wooded area causes that wooded area to be destroyed. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A premise A wooded area contains lots of animal habitats. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A hypothesis Clearing a wooded area causes animal habitats to be destroyed. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-A entailment Clearing a wooded area causes that wooded area to be destroyed. & A wooded area contains lots of animal habitats. |- Clearing a wooded area causes animal habitats to be destroyed. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred4 premise An animal needs energy to run. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred4 premise Animals get energy from food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred4 hypothesis An animal gets the energy it needs to run from food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred4 entailment An animal needs energy to run. & Animals get energy from food. |- An animal gets the energy it needs to run from food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred3 premise Food is a source of energy for animals / plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred3 premise One can get something from a source. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred3 hypothesis Animals get energy from food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred3 entailment Food is a source of energy for animals / plants. & One can get something from a source. |- Animals get energy from food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred2 premise An animal requires energy to run. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred2 premise To require something means to need something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred2 hypothesis An animal needs energy to run. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred2 entailment An animal requires energy to run. & To require something means to need something. |- An animal needs energy to run. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred1 premise An animal requires energy to move. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred1 premise Running is a kind of movement. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred1 hypothesis An animal requires energy to run. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C-shred1 entailment An animal requires energy to move. & Running is a kind of movement. |- An animal requires energy to run. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C premise An animal gets the energy it needs to run from food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C premise A dog is a kind of animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C hypothesis A dog gets the energy it needs to run from food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-C entailment An animal gets the energy it needs to run from food. & A dog is a kind of animal. |- A dog gets the energy it needs to run from food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-A-shred1 premise If there is a crack in a rock, then water can get into the crack. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-A-shred1 premise When water freezes, that water expands. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-A-shred1 hypothesis If water freezes in the crack of the rock, then water will expand in the crack. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-A-shred1 entailment If there is a crack in a rock, then water can get into the crack. & When water freezes, that water expands. |- If water freezes in the crack of the rock, then water will expand in the crack. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-A premise If water freezes in the crack of the rock, then water will expand in the crack. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-A premise If water expands in a crack in a rock, then the rock will break apart. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-A hypothesis If water freezes in the crack of the rock, then the rock will break apart by water expanding when it freezes. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-A entailment If water freezes in the crack of the rock, then water will expand in the crack. & If water expands in a crack in a rock, then the rock will break apart. |- If water freezes in the crack of the rock, then the rock will break apart by water expanding when it freezes. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg6-A premise Cellular respiration is a source of energy for cell activities. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg6-A premise Cellular respiration is when cells break down / extract energy from food to produce energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg6-A hypothesis Cellular repiration produces energy for cell activites by extracting energy from food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg6-A entailment Cellular respiration is a source of energy for cell activities. & Cellular respiration is when cells break down / extract energy from food to produce energy. |- Cellular repiration produces energy for cell activites by extracting energy from food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-D-shred1 premise A fire requires oxygen to burn. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-D-shred1 premise Placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-D-shred1 hypothesis Placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen required for fire to burn. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-D-shred1 entailment A fire requires oxygen to burn. & Placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen. |- Placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen required for fire to burn. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-D premise If something is required for a process then keeping that something from reaching that process can stop that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-D premise Placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen required for fire to burn. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-D hypothesis Placing a blanket on fire will stop the fire from burning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-D entailment If something is required for a process then keeping that something from reaching that process can stop that process. & Placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen required for fire to burn. |- Placing a blanket on fire will stop the fire from burning. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg14-C premise Vaccines are a source of long-term immunity against some diseases for the human body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg14-C premise A source of something provides that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg14-C hypothesis Vaccines provide the body with long-term immunity against some diseases. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg14-C entailment Vaccines are a source of long-term immunity against some diseases for the human body. & A source of something provides that something. |- Vaccines provide the body with long-term immunity against some diseases. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred7 premise Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred7 premise Solar energy is a kind of energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred7 hypothesis Sunlight is a kind of energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred7 entailment Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. & Solar energy is a kind of energy. |- Sunlight is a kind of energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred6 premise A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred6 premise If something is required for a process, then that something can be absorbed for that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred6 hypothesis A plant absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred6 entailment A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. & If something is required for a process, then that something can be absorbed for that process. |- A plant absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred5 premise If something is required for a process, then that something must be obtained for that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred5 premise Absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred5 hypothesis If something is required for a process, then that something can be absorbed for that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred5 entailment If something is required for a process, then that something must be obtained for that process. & Absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something. |- If something is required for a process, then that something can be absorbed for that process. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred4 premise Photosynthesis is a kind of process in which plants convert carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred4 premise If a plant uses a process to convert something into something else then that something is required by that plant for that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred4 hypothesis A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred4 entailment Photosynthesis is a kind of process in which plants convert carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. & If a plant uses a process to convert something into something else then that something is required by that plant for that process. |- A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred3 premise If an organism uses a process to convert something to something else, then that something is required by that organism for that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred3 premise A plant is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred3 hypothesis If a plant uses a process to convert something into something else then that something is required by that plant for that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred3 entailment If an organism uses a process to convert something to something else, then that something is required by that organism for that process. & A plant is a kind of organism. |- If a plant uses a process to convert something into something else then that something is required by that plant for that process. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred2 premise Photosynthesis means green plants convert carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred2 premise Photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred2 hypothesis Photosynthesis is a kind of process in which plants convert carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred2 entailment Photosynthesis means green plants convert carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. & Photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process. |- Photosynthesis is a kind of process in which plants convert carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred1 premise Photosynthesis means green plants convert carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred1 premise Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred1 hypothesis Photosynthesis means green plants convert carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D-shred1 entailment Photosynthesis means green plants convert carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. & Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. |- Photosynthesis means green plants convert carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D premise A plant absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D premise Sunlight is a kind of energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D hypothesis A plant absorbs energy for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-D entailment A plant absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis. & Sunlight is a kind of energy. |- A plant absorbs energy for photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-C premise A planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-C premise Earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-C hypothesis Earth rotating on its axis causes the cycle of day and night on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-C entailment A planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet. & Earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis. |- Earth rotating on its axis causes the cycle of day and night on Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-C-shred1 premise A candle is a source of light when it is burned. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-C-shred1 premise A source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-C-shred1 hypothesis A candle produces light when it is burned. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-C-shred1 entailment A candle is a source of light when it is burned. & A source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something. |- A candle produces light when it is burned. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-C premise A candle produces light when it is burned. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-C premise A star produces light and heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-C hypothesis Both candles and stars produce light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-C entailment A candle produces light when it is burned. & A star produces light and heat. |- Both candles and stars produce light. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-B-shred2 premise The sound wave with large amplitude would have a bigger volume than the sound wave with small amplitude. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-B-shred2 premise Volume is a property of sound and includes ordered values of quiet / normal / loud. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-B-shred2 hypothesis The sound wave with large amplitude would be louder than the sound wave with small amplitude. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-B-shred2 entailment The sound wave with large amplitude would have a bigger volume than the sound wave with small amplitude. & Volume is a property of sound and includes ordered values of quiet / normal / loud. |- The sound wave with large amplitude would be louder than the sound wave with small amplitude. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-B premise The sound wave with large amplitude would be louder than the sound wave with small amplitude. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-B premise The sound wave with large amplitude would have more energy than the sound wave with small amplitude. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-B hypothesis The sound wave with large amplite would be louder and have more energy than the sound wave with small amplitude. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-B entailment The sound wave with large amplitude would be louder than the sound wave with small amplitude. & The sound wave with large amplitude would have more energy than the sound wave with small amplitude. |- The sound wave with large amplite would be louder and have more energy than the sound wave with small amplitude. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg127-A-shred1 premise Increasing heat causes thermal expansion. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg127-A-shred1 premise As the heat of an object increases, the mass of the object will stay the same. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg127-A-shred1 hypothesis The mass of object will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg127-A-shred1 entailment Increasing heat causes thermal expansion. & As the heat of an object increases, the mass of the object will stay the same. |- The mass of object will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg127-A premise Objects are made of substances. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg127-A premise The mass of object will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg127-A hypothesis The mass of substance will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg127-A entailment Objects are made of substances. & The mass of object will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat. |- The mass of substance will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B-shred2 premise Glands that make milk are ONLY used for making milk. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B-shred2 premise Milk is generally ONLY used for nursing offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B-shred2 hypothesis Glands that make milk are ONLY useful for nursing offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B-shred2 entailment Glands that make milk are ONLY used for making milk. & Milk is generally ONLY used for nursing offspring. |- Glands that make milk are ONLY useful for nursing offspring. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B-shred1 premise A mammal usually nurses its offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B-shred1 premise Non-mammals do not nurse their offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B-shred1 hypothesis ONLY mammals nurse their offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B-shred1 entailment A mammal usually nurses its offspring. & Non-mammals do not nurse their offspring. |- ONLY mammals nurse their offspring. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B premise ONLY mammals nurse their offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B premise Glands that make milk are ONLY useful for nursing offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B hypothesis Glands that make milk are parts of ONLY a mammal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-B entailment ONLY mammals nurse their offspring. & Glands that make milk are ONLY useful for nursing offspring. |- Glands that make milk are parts of ONLY a mammal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B-shred2 premise A plant uses sunlight to perform photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B-shred2 premise Photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B-shred2 hypothesis A plant uses sunlight to make food for itself. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B-shred2 entailment A plant uses sunlight to perform photosynthesis. & Photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates. |- A plant uses sunlight to make food for itself. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B-shred1 premise A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B-shred1 premise If something is required for a process then that something is used for that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B-shred1 hypothesis A plant uses sunlight to perform photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B-shred1 entailment A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. & If something is required for a process then that something is used for that process. |- A plant uses sunlight to perform photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B premise A plant uses sunlight to make food for itself. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B premise A tree is a kind of plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B hypothesis A tree uses sunlight to make food for itself. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-B entailment A plant uses sunlight to make food for itself. & A tree is a kind of plant. |- A tree uses sunlight to make food for itself. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-B-shred2 premise There are humans on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-B-shred2 premise Eyes are part of a human for seeing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-B-shred2 hypothesis Humans on Earth can see through their eyes. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-B-shred2 entailment There are humans on Earth. & Eyes are part of a human for seeing. |- Humans on Earth can see through their eyes. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-B-shred1 premise A Moon is a kind of celestial object / celestial body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-B-shred1 premise If an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-B-shred1 hypothesis If the Moon reflects light toward the eye then the Moon can be seen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-B-shred1 entailment A Moon is a kind of celestial object / celestial body. & If an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen. |- If the Moon reflects light toward the eye then the Moon can be seen. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred3 premise Mice give birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred3 premise Mammals give birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred3 hypothesis A mouse is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred3 entailment Mice give birth to live young. & Mammals give birth to live young. |- A mouse is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred2 premise Mammals give birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred2 premise Bats give birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred2 hypothesis A bat is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred2 entailment Mammals give birth to live young. & Bats give birth to live young. |- A bat is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred1 premise Mammals give birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred1 premise Monkeys give birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred1 hypothesis A monkey is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-B-shred1 entailment Mammals give birth to live young. & Monkeys give birth to live young. |- A monkey is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-C-shred1 premise Oceans cover 70% of the surface of the Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-C-shred1 premise Most means over 50% of something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-C-shred1 hypothesis Oceans cover most of Earth's surface. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-C-shred1 entailment Oceans cover 70% of the surface of the Earth. & Most means over 50% of something. |- Oceans cover most of Earth's surface. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-C premise Oceans cover most of Earth's surface. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-C premise An ocean is a kind of body of water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-C hypothesis Water covers most of Earth's surface. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-C entailment Oceans cover most of Earth's surface. & An ocean is a kind of body of water. |- Water covers most of Earth's surface. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred6 premise Energy is transfered to plants through sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred6 premise If energy is transferred to something through something else then that something gets that energy from that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred6 hypothesis Plants get energy from sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred6 entailment Energy is transfered to plants through sunlight. & If energy is transferred to something through something else then that something gets that energy from that something else. |- Plants get energy from sunlight. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred5 premise If a resource is transferred to something through something else then that something gets that resource from that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred5 premise Energy is a kind of resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred5 hypothesis If energy is transferred to something through something else then that something gets that energy from that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred5 entailment If a resource is transferred to something through something else then that something gets that resource from that something else. & Energy is a kind of resource. |- If energy is transferred to something through something else then that something gets that energy from that something else. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred4 premise The sun transfers energy from itself to the Earth through sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred4 premise Plants are a part of Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred4 hypothesis Energy is transfered to plants through sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred4 entailment The sun transfers energy from itself to the Earth through sunlight. & Plants are a part of Earth. |- Energy is transfered to plants through sunlight. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred3 premise A plant requires sunlight to make food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred3 premise Sunlight is a kind of energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred3 hypothesis A plant requires energy to make food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred3 entailment A plant requires sunlight to make food. & Sunlight is a kind of energy. |- A plant requires energy to make food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred2 premise Solar energy is a kind of energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred2 premise Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred2 hypothesis Sunlight is a kind of energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred2 entailment Solar energy is a kind of energy. & Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. |- Sunlight is a kind of energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred1 premise A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred1 premise Photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred1 hypothesis A plant requires sunlight to make food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D-shred1 entailment A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. & Photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates. |- A plant requires sunlight to make food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D premise A plant requires energy to make food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D premise Plants get energy from sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D hypothesis A plant gets energy to make food from sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg29-D entailment A plant requires energy to make food. & Plants get energy from sunlight. |- A plant gets energy to make food from sunlight. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred3 premise Living things in the same class are more closely related than living things in different classes. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred3 premise An animal is a kind of living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred3 hypothesis Animals in the same class are more closely related than animals in different classes. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred3 entailment Living things in the same class are more closely related than living things in different classes. & An animal is a kind of living thing. |- Animals in the same class are more closely related than animals in different classes. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred2 premise A cat and a whale are both mammals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred2 premise Mammal is a kind of class of animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred2 hypothesis A cat and a whale are part of the same class of animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred2 entailment A cat and a whale are both mammals. & Mammal is a kind of class of animal. |- A cat and a whale are part of the same class of animals. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred1 premise A cat is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred1 premise A whale is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred1 hypothesis A cat and a whale are both mammals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B-shred1 entailment A cat is a kind of mammal. & A whale is a kind of mammal. |- A cat and a whale are both mammals. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B premise A cat and a whale are part of the same class of animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B premise Animals in the same class are more closely related than animals in different classes. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B hypothesis A cat is more closely related to a whale than to animals of a different class. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-B entailment A cat and a whale are part of the same class of animals. & Animals in the same class are more closely related than animals in different classes. |- A cat is more closely related to a whale than to animals of a different class. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-C premise A son will receive half of the genes from his mother and his father. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-C premise Genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-C hypothesis A son will receive traits determined by the genes of his mother and the genes of his father. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-C entailment A son will receive half of the genes from his mother and his father. & Genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing. |- A son will receive traits determined by the genes of his mother and the genes of his father. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-C-shred1 premise Sexual reproduction produces offspring with genetic material from both parents. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-C-shred1 premise Genes are similar to genetic material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-C-shred1 hypothesis Sexual reproduction produces offspring with genes from both parents. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-C-shred1 entailment Sexual reproduction produces offspring with genetic material from both parents. & Genes are similar to genetic material. |- Sexual reproduction produces offspring with genes from both parents. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-C premise Genes determine the traits for the living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-C premise Genes are passed from a mother and a father to offspring through the egg and sperm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-C hypothesis Traits are passed from a mother and a father to offspring through the egg and sperm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-C entailment Genes determine the traits for the living things. & Genes are passed from a mother and a father to offspring through the egg and sperm. |- Traits are passed from a mother and a father to offspring through the egg and sperm. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred4 premise Fossil fuels cannot be renewable. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred4 premise If one resource cannot be renewable then another resource that is renweable is not that one resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred4 hypothesis If something is renewable then that something is not a fossil fuel. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred4 entailment Fossil fuels cannot be renewable. & If one resource cannot be renewable then another resource that is renweable is not that one resource. |- If something is renewable then that something is not a fossil fuel. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred3 premise If something cannot have a certain property then something else with that property is not that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred3 premise Renewable is a property of resources. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred3 hypothesis If one resource cannot be renewable then another resource that is renweable is not that one resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred3 entailment If something cannot have a certain property then something else with that property is not that something. & Renewable is a property of resources. |- If one resource cannot be renewable then another resource that is renweable is not that one resource. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred2 premise Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred2 premise Something cannot be renewable and nonrenewable. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred2 hypothesis Fossil fuels cannot be renewable. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred2 entailment Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource. & Something cannot be renewable and nonrenewable. |- Fossil fuels cannot be renewable. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred1 premise Renewable is the opposite of nonrenewable. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred1 premise Something cannot have two opposite properties. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred1 hypothesis Something cannot be renewable and nonrenewable. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C-shred1 entailment Renewable is the opposite of nonrenewable. & Something cannot have two opposite properties. |- Something cannot be renewable and nonrenewable. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C premise Wood is a renewable resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C premise If something is renewable then that something is not a fossil fuel. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C hypothesis Wood is not a fossil fuel. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-C entailment Wood is a renewable resource. & If something is renewable then that something is not a fossil fuel. |- Wood is not a fossil fuel. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C-shred2 premise A powder is made up of white specks and black specks. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C-shred2 premise Specks of different colors are different substances. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C-shred2 hypothesis The powder is made up two different substances. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C-shred2 entailment A powder is made up of white specks and black specks. & Specks of different colors are different substances. |- The powder is made up two different substances. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C-shred1 premise A speck is a kind of solid object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C-shred1 premise Color is a kind of physical / visual property. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C-shred1 hypothesis Specks of different colors are different substances. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C-shred1 entailment A speck is a kind of solid object. & Color is a kind of physical / visual property. |- Specks of different colors are different substances. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C premise An mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C premise The powder is made up two different substances. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C hypothesis The powder is a mixture. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-C entailment An mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically. & The powder is made up two different substances. |- The powder is a mixture. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-B-shred1 premise Fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-B-shred1 premise Remains are parts of a dead organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-B-shred1 hypothesis Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-B-shred1 entailment Fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time. & Remains are parts of a dead organism. |- Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-B premise Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-B premise An organism is a living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-B hypothesis Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-B entailment Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of organisms. & An organism is a living thing. |- Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of living things. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred4 premise The mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred4 premise A magnet will not attract aluminum. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred4 hypothesis A magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred4 entailment The mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails. & A magnet will not attract aluminum. |- A magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred3 premise A magnet will not attract nonmagnetic metals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred3 premise Aluminum is always nonmagnetic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred3 hypothesis A magnet will not attract aluminum. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred3 entailment A magnet will not attract nonmagnetic metals. & Aluminum is always nonmagnetic. |- A magnet will not attract aluminum. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred2 premise The mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred2 premise A magnet will attract iron. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred2 hypothesis A magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred2 entailment The mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails. & A magnet will attract iron. |- A magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred1 premise A magnet attracts magnetic metals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred1 premise Iron is always magnetic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred1 hypothesis A magnet will attract iron. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C-shred1 entailment A magnet attracts magnetic metals. & Iron is always magnetic. |- A magnet will attract iron. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C premise A magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C premise A magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C hypothesis A magnet can separate the mixutre of iron nails and aluminum nails. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-C entailment A magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture. & A magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture. |- A magnet can separate the mixutre of iron nails and aluminum nails. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-A-shred2 premise A seed is a kind of young plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-A-shred2 premise A plant is a kind of living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-A-shred2 hypothesis A seed is a kind of living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-A-shred2 entailment A seed is a kind of young plant. & A plant is a kind of living thing. |- A seed is a kind of living thing. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-A premise A bird and a rabbit are living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-A premise A seed is a kind of living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-A hypothesis A bird, a rabbit, and a seed are living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-A entailment A bird and a rabbit are living things. & A seed is a kind of living thing. |- A bird, a rabbit, and a seed are living things. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-E-shred1 premise Iron is a kind of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-E-shred1 premise Aluminum is a kind of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-E-shred1 hypothesis Iron and aluminum are kinds of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-E-shred1 entailment Iron is a kind of metal. & Aluminum is a kind of metal. |- Iron and aluminum are kinds of metal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-E premise Rocks often contain large amounts of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-E premise Iron and aluminum are kinds of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-E hypothesis Rocks may contain large amounts of iron and aluminum. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-E entailment Rocks often contain large amounts of metal. & Iron and aluminum are kinds of metal. |- Rocks may contain large amounts of iron and aluminum. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-D premise Herbivores only eat plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-D premise A rabbit is a kind of herbivore. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-D hypothesis A rabbit only eats plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-D entailment Herbivores only eat plants. & A rabbit is a kind of herbivore. |- A rabbit only eats plants. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg27-A premise A bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg27-A premise Soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg27-A hypothesis Air is inside the soap bubbles. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg27-A entailment A bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid. & Soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid. |- Air is inside the soap bubbles. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred3 premise Light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred3 premise A rainbow is formed by refraction of light by splitting light into all different colors. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred3 hypothesis A rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred3 entailment Light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain. & A rainbow is formed by refraction of light by splitting light into all different colors. |- A rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred2 premise Light is more easily to be refracted after the rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred2 premise Refracting light causes light to split into different colors. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred2 hypothesis Light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred2 entailment Light is more easily to be refracted after the rain. & Refracting light causes light to split into different colors. |- Light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred1 premise More water droplets are present in the air after the rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred1 premise Light refracts when it passes through water droplets. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred1 hypothesis Light is more easily to be refracted after the rain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D-shred1 entailment More water droplets are present in the air after the rain. & Light refracts when it passes through water droplets. |- Light is more easily to be refracted after the rain. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D premise A rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D premise Sunlight is a kind of light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D hypothesis Sunlight and rain can cause a rainbow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-D entailment A rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction. & Sunlight is a kind of light. |- Sunlight and rain can cause a rainbow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg16-C-shred1 premise Boiling means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg16-C-shred1 premise Water is a kind of substance. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg16-C-shred1 hypothesis Water boiling is when water changes from a liquid into a gas. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg16-C-shred1 entailment Boiling means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy. & Water is a kind of substance. |- Water boiling is when water changes from a liquid into a gas. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-C-shred1 premise Element 3 turns to a greenish color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-C-shred1 premise An element is a kind of substance. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-C-shred1 hypothesis Element 3 turning green is an example of a substance turning green. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-C-shred1 entailment Element 3 turns to a greenish color. & An element is a kind of substance. |- Element 3 turning green is an example of a substance turning green. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-C premise If the color of a substance changes then a chemical change may have occurred. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-C premise Element 3 turning green is an example of a substance turning green. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-C hypothesis A chemical change may occur to element 3. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-C entailment If the color of a substance changes then a chemical change may have occurred. & Element 3 turning green is an example of a substance turning green. |- A chemical change may occur to element 3. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred5 premise A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred5 premise Algae is a kind of plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred5 hypothesis Algae requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred5 entailment A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. & Algae is a kind of plant. |- Algae requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred4 premise Photosynthesis means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred4 premise Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred4 hypothesis A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred4 entailment Photosynthesis means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves. & Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. |- A plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred3 premise Solar energy is a kind of light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred3 premise Sunlight is a kind of light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred3 hypothesis Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred3 entailment Solar energy is a kind of light. & Sunlight is a kind of light. |- Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred2 premise Sunlight can be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred2 premise Algae often can only live in the top 100 meters of the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred2 hypothesis Algae an sunlight often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred2 entailment Sunlight can be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean. & Algae often can only live in the top 100 meters of the ocean. |- Algae an sunlight often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred1 premise Algae are often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred1 premise If an organism is restricted to an area then that organism can only live in that area. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred1 hypothesis Algae often can only live in the top 100 meters of the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B-shred1 entailment Algae are often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean. & If an organism is restricted to an area then that organism can only live in that area. |- Algae often can only live in the top 100 meters of the ocean. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B premise Algae an sunlight often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B premise Algae requires sunlight for photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B hypothesis Algae often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean because they require sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-B entailment Algae an sunlight often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean. & Algae requires sunlight for photosynthesis. |- Algae often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean because they require sunlight. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_8_40-C premise Nonrenewable resources will eventually be depleted. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_8_40-C premise Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_8_40-C hypothesis Fossil fuels will eventually be depleted. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_8_40-C entailment Nonrenewable resources will eventually be depleted. & Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource. |- Fossil fuels will eventually be depleted. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred4 premise Flippers can be used by sea turtles for moving in the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred4 premise The ocean is a sea turtle's habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred4 hypothesis Flippers can be used by sea turtles for moving in their habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred4 entailment Flippers can be used by sea turtles for moving in the ocean. & The ocean is a sea turtle's habitat. |- Flippers can be used by sea turtles for moving in their habitat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred3 premise A sea turtle lives in the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred3 premise Where an animal lives is that animal's habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred3 hypothesis The ocean is a sea turtle's habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred3 entailment A sea turtle lives in the ocean. & Where an animal lives is that animal's habitat. |- The ocean is a sea turtle's habitat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred2 premise Flippers can be used for moving in the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred2 premise Flippers are a part of a sea turtle. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred2 hypothesis Flippers can be used by sea turtles for moving in the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred2 entailment Flippers can be used for moving in the ocean. & Flippers are a part of a sea turtle. |- Flippers can be used by sea turtles for moving in the ocean. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred1 premise Flippers are used for moving in water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred1 premise An ocean is a kind of body of water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred1 hypothesis Flippers can be used for moving in the ocean. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C-shred1 entailment Flippers are used for moving in water. & An ocean is a kind of body of water. |- Flippers can be used for moving in the ocean. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C premise Flippers can be used by sea turtles for moving in their habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C premise If something is used for a process, then that something helps that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C hypothesis Flippers can help sea turtles move in their habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-C entailment Flippers can be used by sea turtles for moving in their habitat. & If something is used for a process, then that something helps that process. |- Flippers can help sea turtles move in their habitat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-B-shred1 premise Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition / cementation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-B-shred1 premise Products are formed / are produced / are created. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-B-shred1 hypothesis Sedimentary rocks are produced by deposition and cementation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-B-shred1 entailment Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition / cementation. & Products are formed / are produced / are created. |- Sedimentary rocks are produced by deposition and cementation. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-B premise Sedimentary rocks are produced by deposition and cementation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-B premise Sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-B hypothesis Sandstone is produced by deposition and cementation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-B entailment Sedimentary rocks are produced by deposition and cementation. & Sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock. |- Sandstone is produced by deposition and cementation. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-C-shred1 premise A plant stem is the vehicle for transporting water and food from roots to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-C-shred1 premise If something is a vehicle for a process then that something performs that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-C-shred1 hypothesis A plant stem transports water and food from the roots to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-C-shred1 entailment A plant stem is the vehicle for transporting water and food from roots to the rest of the plant. & If something is a vehicle for a process then that something performs that process. |- A plant stem transports water and food from the roots to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-C premise A plant stem transports water and food from the roots to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-C premise Transporting materials through a plant is a kind of function. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-C hypothesis A function of a plant stem is to transport water and food from the roots to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-C entailment A plant stem transports water and food from the roots to the rest of the plant. & Transporting materials through a plant is a kind of function. |- A function of a plant stem is to transport water and food from the roots to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred6 premise A flower is a source of food for bees by producing pollen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred6 premise A flower is a source of food for bees by producing nectar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred6 hypothesis A flower is a source of food for bees. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred6 entailment A flower is a source of food for bees by producing pollen. & A flower is a source of food for bees by producing nectar. |- A flower is a source of food for bees. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred5 premise A flower is a source of nectar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred5 premise Bees use nectar for food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred5 hypothesis A flower is a source of food for bees by producing nectar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred5 entailment A flower is a source of nectar. & Bees use nectar for food. |- A flower is a source of food for bees by producing nectar. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred4 premise Bees convert nectar into honey for food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred4 premise If a thing converts something into something else then that thing uses that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred4 hypothesis Bees use nectar for food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred4 entailment Bees convert nectar into honey for food. & If a thing converts something into something else then that thing uses that something. |- Bees use nectar for food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred3 premise A flower is a source of pollen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred3 premise Pollen is a food source for bees. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred3 hypothesis A flower is a source of food for bees by producing pollen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred3 entailment A flower is a source of pollen. & Pollen is a food source for bees. |- A flower is a source of food for bees by producing pollen. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred1 premise A flower produces pollen and seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred1 premise If something produces something else then that something is a source of that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred1 hypothesis A flower is a source of pollen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A-shred1 entailment A flower produces pollen and seeds. & If something produces something else then that something is a source of that something else. |- A flower is a source of pollen. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A premise A flower is a source of food for bees. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A premise One can get something from a source. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A hypothesis Bees get food from flowers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-A entailment A flower is a source of food for bees. & One can get something from a source. |- Bees get food from flowers. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_23-B premise A barometer is used to measure air pressure. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_23-B premise Air pressure is a property of air. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_23-B hypothesis A barometer is used to meausre the air pressure property. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2008_5_23-B entailment A barometer is used to measure air pressure. & Air pressure is a property of air. |- A barometer is used to meausre the air pressure property. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred3 premise An organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in white environments. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred3 premise The arctic environment is white in color from being covered in snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred3 hypothesis An organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in arctic environments. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred3 entailment An organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in white environments. & The arctic environment is white in color from being covered in snow. |- An organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in arctic environments. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred2 premise An organism having the same color as its environment is a kind of adaptation for hiding in that environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred2 premise White fur is white in color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred2 hypothesis An organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in white environments. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred2 entailment An organism having the same color as its environment is a kind of adaptation for hiding in that environment. & White fur is white in color. |- An organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in white environments. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred1 premise Camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred1 premise An example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred1 hypothesis An organism having the same color as its environment is a kind of adaptation for hiding in that environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C-shred1 entailment Camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment. & An example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment. |- An organism having the same color as its environment is a kind of adaptation for hiding in that environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C premise An organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in arctic environments. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C premise Adaptation has a positive impact on the survival of individual organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C hypothesis An organism having white fur has a positive impact on that organism's survival in arctic environments. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-C entailment An organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in arctic environments. & Adaptation has a positive impact on the survival of individual organisms. |- An organism having white fur has a positive impact on that organism's survival in arctic environments. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-A premise Decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-A premise A decomposer is a kind of living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-A hypothesis A decomposer is a kind of living thing that breaks down dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-A entailment Decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms. & A decomposer is a kind of living thing. |- A decomposer is a kind of living thing that breaks down dead organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-A premise Skills are learned characteristics / behaviors. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-A premise Driving is a kind of skill for operating a vehicle. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-A hypothesis Driving is a kind of learned behaviors. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-A entailment Skills are learned characteristics / behaviors. & Driving is a kind of skill for operating a vehicle. |- Driving is a kind of learned behaviors. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-C-shred1 premise Metal is sometimes magnetic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-C-shred1 premise Nails are usually made of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-C-shred1 hypothesis Metal nails are sometimes magnetic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-C-shred1 entailment Metal is sometimes magnetic. & Nails are usually made of metal. |- Metal nails are sometimes magnetic. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-C premise Metal nails are sometimes magnetic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-C premise A magnet attracts magnetic metals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-C hypothesis A metal nail will most likely be attracted to a magnet. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-C entailment Metal nails are sometimes magnetic. & A magnet attracts magnetic metals. |- A metal nail will most likely be attracted to a magnet. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred4 premise If a boy is in the sunlight then the boy will cause a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred4 premise A boy stands in the sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred4 hypothesis The boy in the sunlight will cause a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred4 entailment If a boy is in the sunlight then the boy will cause a shadow. & A boy stands in the sunlight. |- The boy in the sunlight will cause a shadow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred3 premise If an object is in the sunlight then the object will cause a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred3 premise A boy is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred3 hypothesis If a boy is in the sunlight then the boy will cause a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred3 entailment If an object is in the sunlight then the object will cause a shadow. & A boy is a kind of object. |- If a boy is in the sunlight then the boy will cause a shadow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred2 premise If an object is in the light then the object will cause a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred2 premise Sunlight is a kind of light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred2 hypothesis If an object is in the sunlight then the object will cause a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred2 entailment If an object is in the light then the object will cause a shadow. & Sunlight is a kind of light. |- If an object is in the sunlight then the object will cause a shadow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred1 premise If an object is in the light then that object is blocking the light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred1 premise An object blocking light causes a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred1 hypothesis If an object is in the light then the object will cause a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D-shred1 entailment If an object is in the light then that object is blocking the light. & An object blocking light causes a shadow. |- If an object is in the light then the object will cause a shadow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D premise Shadow of an object can be seen by eyes. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D premise The boy in the sunlight will cause a shadow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D hypothesis The boy can see his shadow in the sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-D entailment Shadow of an object can be seen by eyes. & The boy in the sunlight will cause a shadow. |- The boy can see his shadow in the sunlight. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_21-D-shred1 premise A shirt is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_21-D-shred1 premise White is a kind of color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_21-D-shred1 hypothesis A white shirt is white in color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_21-D-shred1 entailment A shirt is a kind of object. & White is a kind of color. |- A white shirt is white in color. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_21-D premise If an object is white then that object reflects all visible light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_21-D premise A white shirt is white in color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_21-D hypothesis A white colored shirt will reflect all visible light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_21-D entailment If an object is white then that object reflects all visible light. & A white shirt is white in color. |- A white colored shirt will reflect all visible light. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_19-D premise Texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_19-D premise Smooth is a kind of texture. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_19-D hypothesis Smooth can be used to describe the texture of an object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_19-D entailment Texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough. & Smooth is a kind of texture. |- Smooth can be used to describe the texture of an object. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-A-shred1 premise Erosion / storms can cause a landslide. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-A-shred1 premise A landslide is when water / gravity rapidly moves rocks / soil downhill especially after a rain storm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-A-shred1 hypothesis Erosion causes rocks and soil to move downhill. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-A-shred1 entailment Erosion / storms can cause a landslide. & A landslide is when water / gravity rapidly moves rocks / soil downhill especially after a rain storm. |- Erosion causes rocks and soil to move downhill. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-A premise Erosion causes rocks and soil to move downhill. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-A premise A mountain is made of rocks / soil. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-A hypothesis Erosion can cause the rocks and soil on a mountain to move downhill. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-A entailment Erosion causes rocks and soil to move downhill. & A mountain is made of rocks / soil. |- Erosion can cause the rocks and soil on a mountain to move downhill. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_14-A premise When the season changes, the amount of daylight will change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_14-A premise New York State is a State located in the United States of America. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_14-A hypothesis When the season changes, the amount of daylight in New York State will change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_14-A entailment When the season changes, the amount of daylight will change. & New York State is a State located in the United States of America. |- When the season changes, the amount of daylight in New York State will change. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-D-shred2 premise A stream is a kind of moving body of water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-D-shred2 premise A body of water is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-D-shred2 hypothesis A stream is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-D-shred2 entailment A stream is a kind of moving body of water. & A body of water is a kind of environment. |- A stream is a kind of environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-D premise Humans throwing garbage in an environment causes harm to that environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-D premise A stream is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-D hypothesis Humans throwing garbage into a stream causes harm to the stream. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-D entailment Humans throwing garbage in an environment causes harm to that environment. & A stream is a kind of environment. |- Humans throwing garbage into a stream causes harm to the stream. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-D premise Water is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-D premise Objects are made of matter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-D hypothesis Water is made of matter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-D entailment Water is a kind of object. & Objects are made of matter. |- Water is made of matter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred3 premise Food is a source of energy for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred3 premise A human is a kind of living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred3 hypothesis Food is a source of energy for humans. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred3 entailment Food is a source of energy for living things. & A human is a kind of living thing. |- Food is a source of energy for humans. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred2 premise Nutrients are a source of energy for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred2 premise Food contains nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred2 hypothesis Food is a source of energy for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred2 entailment Nutrients are a source of energy for living things. & Food contains nutrients. |- Food is a source of energy for living things. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred1 premise An organism requires energy for growth and repair. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred1 premise A human is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred1 hypothesis A human requires energy for growth and repair. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B-shred1 entailment An organism requires energy for growth and repair. & A human is a kind of organism. |- A human requires energy for growth and repair. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B premise A human requires energy for growth and repair. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B premise Food is a source of energy for humans. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B hypothesis Humans require energy from food for growth and repair. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-B entailment A human requires energy for growth and repair. & Food is a source of energy for humans. |- Humans require energy from food for growth and repair. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-3-shred1 premise An x ray is a kind of electromagnetic wave. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-3-shred1 premise Electromagnetic energy travels as electromagnetic waves. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-3-shred1 hypothesis X-rays are a kind of electromagnetic energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-3-shred1 entailment An x ray is a kind of electromagnetic wave. & Electromagnetic energy travels as electromagnetic waves. |- X-rays are a kind of electromagnetic energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-3 premise X-rays are a kind of electromagnetic energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-3 premise Ultraviolet light is a kind of electromagnetic energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-3 hypothesis X-rays and ultraviolet light are both electromagnetic energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-3 entailment X-rays are a kind of electromagnetic energy. & Ultraviolet light is a kind of electromagnetic energy. |- X-rays and ultraviolet light are both electromagnetic energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred5 premise Decomposers obtain nutrients by consuming waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred5 premise A decomposer is a kind of living thing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred5 hypothesis A decomposer is a kind of living thing that obtains nutrients by consuming waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred5 entailment Decomposers obtain nutrients by consuming waste. & A decomposer is a kind of living thing. |- A decomposer is a kind of living thing that obtains nutrients by consuming waste. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred4 premise Decomposers obtain nutrients by eating waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred4 premise Eating is a kind of method for consuming. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred4 hypothesis Decomposers obtain nutrients by consuming waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred4 entailment Decomposers obtain nutrients by eating waste. & Eating is a kind of method for consuming. |- Decomposers obtain nutrients by consuming waste. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred3 premise Decomposers obtain nutrients from waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred3 premise Eating / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred3 hypothesis Decomposers obtain nutrients by eating waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred3 entailment Decomposers obtain nutrients from waste. & Eating / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating. |- Decomposers obtain nutrients by eating waste. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred2 premise Waste is a source of nutrients for decomposers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred2 premise If an object is a source of something for something else then that something else can obtain that something from that object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred2 hypothesis Decomposers obtain nutrients from waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred2 entailment Waste is a source of nutrients for decomposers. & If an object is a source of something for something else then that something else can obtain that something from that object. |- Decomposers obtain nutrients from waste. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred1 premise Dead organisms are a kind of waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred1 premise Dead organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred1 hypothesis Waste is a source of nutrients for decomposers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1-shred1 entailment Dead organisms are a kind of waste. & Dead organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers. |- Waste is a source of nutrients for decomposers. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1 premise A decomposer is a kind of living thing that obtains nutrients by consuming waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1 premise Classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1 hypothesis A living thing that obtains nutrients by consuming waste can be classified as a decomposer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-1 entailment A decomposer is a kind of living thing that obtains nutrients by consuming waste. & Classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type. |- A living thing that obtains nutrients by consuming waste can be classified as a decomposer. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2-shred2 premise The adult form of a caterpillar is called a butterfly. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2-shred2 premise The immature form of a butterfly is called a caterpillar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2-shred2 hypothesis The adult form of a caterpillar is a butterfly and the immature form of a butterfly is a caterpillar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2-shred2 entailment The adult form of a caterpillar is called a butterfly. & The immature form of a butterfly is called a caterpillar. |- The adult form of a caterpillar is a butterfly and the immature form of a butterfly is a caterpillar. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2-shred1 premise Metamorphosis is when an insect changes from an immature form to an adult form. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2-shred1 premise A butterfly is a kind of insect. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2-shred1 hypothesis Metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from an immature form to an adult form. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2-shred1 entailment Metamorphosis is when an insect changes from an immature form to an adult form. & A butterfly is a kind of insect. |- Metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from an immature form to an adult form. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2 premise Metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from an immature form to an adult form. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2 premise The adult form of a caterpillar is a butterfly and the immature form of a butterfly is a caterpillar. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2 hypothesis Metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from caterpillar to a butterfly. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-2 entailment Metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from an immature form to an adult form. & The adult form of a caterpillar is a butterfly and the immature form of a butterfly is a caterpillar. |- Metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from caterpillar to a butterfly. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-D-shred1 premise Texture is a kind of physical property. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-D-shred1 premise Physical properties can be detected by feeling. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-D-shred1 hypothesis Texture can be detected by feeling. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-D-shred1 entailment Texture is a kind of physical property. & Physical properties can be detected by feeling. |- Texture can be detected by feeling. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-D premise Feeling is when an living thing senses through touch. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-D premise Texture can be detected by feeling. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-D hypothesis Touch can be used for detecting texture. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-D entailment Feeling is when an living thing senses through touch. & Texture can be detected by feeling. |- Touch can be used for detecting texture. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred9 premise Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to many kinds of organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred9 premise Organisms are a part of an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred9 hypothesis Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred9 entailment Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to many kinds of organisms. & Organisms are a part of an environment. |- Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred8 premise Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to the organisms in that rainforest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred8 premise Rainforests contain many kinds of organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred8 hypothesis Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to many kinds of organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred8 entailment Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to the organisms in that rainforest. & Rainforests contain many kinds of organisms. |- Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to many kinds of organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred7 premise Rainforests contain many species. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred7 premise Species means a group of a certain kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred7 hypothesis Rainforests contain many kinds of organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred7 entailment Rainforests contain many species. & Species means a group of a certain kind of organism. |- Rainforests contain many kinds of organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred6 premise Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to that rainforest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred6 premise Harming an environment causes harm to the living things / to the organisms in that environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred6 hypothesis Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to the organisms in that rainforest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred6 entailment Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to that rainforest. & Harming an environment causes harm to the living things / to the organisms in that environment. |- Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to the organisms in that rainforest. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred5 premise Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest can cause that rainforest to be destroyed. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred5 premise Destroying something causes harm to that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred5 hypothesis Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to that rainforest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred5 entailment Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest can cause that rainforest to be destroyed. & Destroying something causes harm to that something. |- Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to that rainforest. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred3 premise A rainforest is a kind of forest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred3 premise A forest is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred3 hypothesis A rain forest is a kind of environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred3 entailment A rainforest is a kind of forest. & A forest is a kind of environment. |- A rain forest is a kind of environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred2 premise Cutting down trees in a rainforest causes the number of trees to decrease in that rainforest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred2 premise A decrease of something is a kind of change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred2 hypothesis Cutting down trees in a rainforest changes that rainforest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred2 entailment Cutting down trees in a rainforest causes the number of trees to decrease in that rainforest. & A decrease of something is a kind of change. |- Cutting down trees in a rainforest changes that rainforest. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred1 premise Cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred1 premise A rainforest is a kind of forest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred1 hypothesis Cutting down trees in a rainforest causes the number of trees to decrease in that rainforest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C-shred1 entailment Cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest. & A rainforest is a kind of forest. |- Cutting down trees in a rainforest causes the number of trees to decrease in that rainforest. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C premise Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C premise To cut down a rainforest means to cut down trees in a rainforest. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C hypothesis Humans cutting down a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-C entailment Humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment. & To cut down a rainforest means to cut down trees in a rainforest. |- Humans cutting down a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C-shred2 premise An animal is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C-shred2 premise A plant is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C-shred2 hypothesis Plants and animals are kinds of organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C-shred2 entailment An animal is a kind of organism. & A plant is a kind of organism. |- Plants and animals are kinds of organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C-shred1 premise Decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C-shred1 premise A decomposer is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C-shred1 hypothesis A decomposer is a kind of organism that breaks down dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C-shred1 entailment Decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms. & A decomposer is a kind of organism. |- A decomposer is a kind of organism that breaks down dead organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C premise A decomposer is a kind of organism that breaks down dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C premise Plants and animals are kinds of organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C hypothesis A decomposer is a kind of organism that breaks down dead plants and animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-C entailment A decomposer is a kind of organism that breaks down dead organisms. & Plants and animals are kinds of organisms. |- A decomposer is a kind of organism that breaks down dead plants and animals. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D-shred2 premise Poor health / bad health / unhealthy is the opposite of good health / healthy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D-shred2 premise A health habit is a kind of action that affects health. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D-shred2 hypothesis A good health habit causes a living thing to be healthy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D-shred2 entailment Poor health / bad health / unhealthy is the opposite of good health / healthy. & A health habit is a kind of action that affects health. |- A good health habit causes a living thing to be healthy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D-shred1 premise Exercising causes the body to become stronger. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D-shred1 premise Being stronger usually has a positive impact on an organism's / living thing's health. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D-shred1 hypothesis Exercise has a positive impact on a human's health. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D-shred1 entailment Exercising causes the body to become stronger. & Being stronger usually has a positive impact on an organism's / living thing's health. |- Exercise has a positive impact on a human's health. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D premise Exercise has a positive impact on a human's health. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D premise A good health habit causes a living thing to be healthy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D hypothesis Exercising is a good health habit. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-D entailment Exercise has a positive impact on a human's health. & A good health habit causes a living thing to be healthy. |- Exercising is a good health habit. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-A premise Skills are learned characteristics / behaviors. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-A premise Being able to read is a kind of skill. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-A hypothesis Being able to read is a kind of learned characteristics. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-A entailment Skills are learned characteristics / behaviors. & Being able to read is a kind of skill. |- Being able to read is a kind of learned characteristics. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_6-3 premise Matter is made of atoms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_6-3 premise An atom is a kind of particle. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_6-3 hypothesis Matter is made of particles called atoms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_6-3 entailment Matter is made of atoms. & An atom is a kind of particle. |- Matter is made of particles called atoms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_5-3 premise Condensation causes clouds to form. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_5-3 premise If something causes a process then that something is required for that process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_5-3 hypothesis Condensation is required for clouds to form. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_5-3 entailment Condensation causes clouds to form. & If something causes a process then that something is required for that process. |- Condensation is required for clouds to form. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_3-3 premise New York State is on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_3-3 premise The Sun rises in the east for people on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_3-3 hypothesis People from New York State will see the Sun rise in the east. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_3-3 entailment New York State is on Earth. & The Sun rises in the east for people on Earth. |- People from New York State will see the Sun rise in the east. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_29-4 premise Evolution causes significant trait changes in a species. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_29-4 premise Bacteria can show significant trait changes in the shortest period of time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_29-4 hypothesis Evolution of bacteria happens in the shortest period of time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_29-4 entailment Evolution causes significant trait changes in a species. & Bacteria can show significant trait changes in the shortest period of time. |- Evolution of bacteria happens in the shortest period of time. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_28-1 premise Traits can be determined by one pair / many pairs of genes in an organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_28-1 premise Humans are a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_28-1 hypothesis Traits can be determined by one or many pairs of genes in human. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_28-1 entailment Traits can be determined by one pair / many pairs of genes in an organism. & Humans are a kind of organism. |- Traits can be determined by one or many pairs of genes in human. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-2 premise If carnivores share the same ecosystem, then those carnivores may compete for food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-2 premise An ecosystem is a kind of habitat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-2 hypothesis If carnivores share the same habitat, then those carnivores may compete for food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-2 entailment If carnivores share the same ecosystem, then those carnivores may compete for food. & An ecosystem is a kind of habitat. |- If carnivores share the same habitat, then those carnivores may compete for food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred4 premise The nervous system can be used for controlling the muscular and skeletal systems. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred4 premise The interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems produces locomotion. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred4 hypothesis The interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is controlled by the nervous system. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred4 entailment The nervous system can be used for controlling the muscular and skeletal systems. & The interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems produces locomotion. |- The interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is controlled by the nervous system. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred3 premise The nervous system is used for controlling the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred3 premise The muscular system and the skeletal system are parts of the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred3 hypothesis The nervous system can be used for controlling the muscular and skeletal systems. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred3 entailment The nervous system is used for controlling the body. & The muscular system and the skeletal system are parts of the body. |- The nervous system can be used for controlling the muscular and skeletal systems. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred2 premise The muscular system and the skeletal system are both kinds of body systems. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred2 premise A body system is a part of the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred2 hypothesis The muscular system and the skeletal system are parts of the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred2 entailment The muscular system and the skeletal system are both kinds of body systems. & A body system is a part of the body. |- The muscular system and the skeletal system are parts of the body. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred1 premise The muscular system is a kind of body system. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred1 premise The skeletal system is a kind of body system. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred1 hypothesis The muscular system and the skeletal system are both kinds of body systems. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3-shred1 entailment The muscular system is a kind of body system. & The skeletal system is a kind of body system. |- The muscular system and the skeletal system are both kinds of body systems. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3 premise The interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is controlled by the nervous system. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3 premise To control something can mean to coordinate something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3 hypothesis The interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is coordinated by the nervous system. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-3 entailment The interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is controlled by the nervous system. & To control something can mean to coordinate something. |- The interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is coordinated by the nervous system. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-1 premise The excretory system removes waste from the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-1 premise Removing waste is a kind of function. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-1 hypothesis A function of the excretory system is removing waste from the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-1 entailment The excretory system removes waste from the body. & Removing waste is a kind of function. |- A function of the excretory system is removing waste from the body. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred6 premise An animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred6 premise A plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred6 hypothesis All plants and animals require nutrients to survive / grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred6 entailment An animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival. & A plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow. |- All plants and animals require nutrients to survive / grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred5 premise Plants use special tissues or a system of tubes to transport nutrients / water / minerals to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred5 premise An animal contains a part that transports nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred5 hypothesis Plants and animals both contain parts that transport nutrients throughout the plant / body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred5 entailment Plants use special tissues or a system of tubes to transport nutrients / water / minerals to the rest of the plant. & An animal contains a part that transports nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. |- Plants and animals both contain parts that transport nutrients throughout the plant / body. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred4 premise Arteries / veins are parts of a body that transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred4 premise The body of an animal contains arteries / veins. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred4 hypothesis An animal contains a part that transports nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred4 entailment Arteries / veins are parts of a body that transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. & The body of an animal contains arteries / veins. |- An animal contains a part that transports nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred3 premise Arteries / veins transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred3 premise Arteries / veins are parts of a body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred3 hypothesis Arteries / veins are parts of a body that transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred3 entailment Arteries / veins transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. & Arteries / veins are parts of a body. |- Arteries / veins are parts of a body that transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred2 premise Special tissues in plants transport food / water / minerals to other parts of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred2 premise Some plants use a system of tubes for transporting water and nutrients to other parts of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred2 hypothesis Plants use special tissues or a system of tubes to transport nutrients / water / minerals to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred2 entailment Special tissues in plants transport food / water / minerals to other parts of the plant. & Some plants use a system of tubes for transporting water and nutrients to other parts of the plant. |- Plants use special tissues or a system of tubes to transport nutrients / water / minerals to the rest of the plant. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred1 premise A plant stem contains a system of tubes for transporting water and nutrients to other parts of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred1 premise A stem is often a part of plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred1 hypothesis Some plants use a system of tubes for transporting water and nutrients to other parts of the plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1-shred1 entailment A plant stem contains a system of tubes for transporting water and nutrients to other parts of the plant. & A stem is often a part of plant. |- Some plants use a system of tubes for transporting water and nutrients to other parts of the plant. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1 premise Plants and animals both contain parts that transport nutrients throughout the plant / body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1 premise All plants and animals require nutrients to survive / grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1 hypothesis All plants and animals contain parts that transport nutrients throughtout the plant / body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-1 entailment Plants and animals both contain parts that transport nutrients throughout the plant / body. & All plants and animals require nutrients to survive / grow. |- All plants and animals contain parts that transport nutrients throughtout the plant / body. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_20-4 premise All living things are made of cells according to the cell theory. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_20-4 premise Nonliving things are not made of cells. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_20-4 hypothesis The difference of living things and nonliving things is that living things are made of cells. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_20-4 entailment All living things are made of cells according to the cell theory. & Nonliving things are not made of cells. |- The difference of living things and nonliving things is that living things are made of cells. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_1-3-shred1 premise Earth is a kind of planet. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_1-3-shred1 premise A planet is a kind of celestial object / body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_1-3-shred1 hypothesis Earth is a kind of celestial object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_1-3-shred1 entailment Earth is a kind of planet. & A planet is a kind of celestial object / body. |- Earth is a kind of celestial object. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_1-3 premise The Sun is the star that is closest to Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_1-3 premise As the distance from a star to Earth decreases, the star will appear larger. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_1-3 hypothesis The Sun will appear larger than other stars because it is the closest star to Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_1-3 entailment The Sun is the star that is closest to Earth. & As the distance from a star to Earth decreases, the star will appear larger. |- The Sun will appear larger than other stars because it is the closest star to Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-1-shred1 premise As the mass of an object decreases, the force of gravity on that object will decrease. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-1-shred1 premise A decrease is a kind of change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-1-shred1 hypothesis As the mass of an object changes, the force of gravity on that object will change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-1-shred1 entailment As the mass of an object decreases, the force of gravity on that object will decrease. & A decrease is a kind of change. |- As the mass of an object changes, the force of gravity on that object will change. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-1 premise As the mass of an object changes, the force of gravity on that object will change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-1 premise If something changes when something else changes, then that something depends on that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-1 hypothesis The force of gravity depends on the mass of an object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-1 entailment As the mass of an object changes, the force of gravity on that object will change. & If something changes when something else changes, then that something depends on that something else. |- The force of gravity depends on the mass of an object. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-D premise Meters ( m ) are a metric / SI unit used for measuring length. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-D premise Measuring is used for describing an object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-D hypothesis Meter is a unit used to describe the length of an object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-D entailment Meters ( m ) are a metric / SI unit used for measuring length. & Measuring is used for describing an object. |- Meter is a unit used to describe the length of an object. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-A-shred1 premise Decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-A-shred1 premise If some nutrients are in the soil then those nutrients are in the food chain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-A-shred1 hypothesis Decomposition is when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organisms to the food chain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-A-shred1 entailment Decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms. & If some nutrients are in the soil then those nutrients are in the food chain. |- Decomposition is when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organisms to the food chain. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-A premise Decomposition is when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organisms to the food chain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-A premise A decomposer is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-A hypothesis A decomposer is a kind of organism that returns nutrients from dead organisms to the food chain. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-A entailment Decomposition is when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organisms to the food chain. & A decomposer is a kind of organism. |- A decomposer is a kind of organism that returns nutrients from dead organisms to the food chain. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred3 premise Animals / living things depend on water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred3 premise A human is a kind of animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred3 hypothesis Humans depend on water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred3 entailment Animals / living things depend on water. & A human is a kind of animal. |- Humans depend on water. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred2 premise Animals / living things require water for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred2 premise If a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred2 hypothesis Animals / living things depend on water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred2 entailment Animals / living things require water for survival. & If a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something. |- Animals / living things depend on water. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred1 premise Water is a kind of natural resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred1 premise Water is a part of an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred1 hypothesis Water is a kind of natural resource from an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A-shred1 entailment Water is a kind of natural resource. & Water is a part of an environment. |- Water is a kind of natural resource from an environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A premise Water is a kind of natural resource from an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A premise Humans depend on water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A hypothesis Water is a kind of natural resource from the environment that humans depend on. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-A entailment Water is a kind of natural resource from an environment. & Humans depend on water. |- Water is a kind of natural resource from the environment that humans depend on. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-D-shred1 premise A producer produces its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-D-shred1 premise To produce something means to make something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-D-shred1 hypothesis A producer makes its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-D-shred1 entailment A producer produces its own food. & To produce something means to make something. |- A producer makes its own food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-D premise Green plants make their own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-D premise A producer makes its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-D hypothesis Green plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-D entailment Green plants make their own food. & A producer makes its own food. |- Green plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred3 premise An animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred3 premise An animal needs to eat food for nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred3 hypothesis An animal requires food for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred3 entailment An animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival. & An animal needs to eat food for nutrients. |- An animal requires food for survival. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred2 premise Animals / living things require water for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred2 premise An animal requires air for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred2 hypothesis An animal requires water and air for suvival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred2 entailment Animals / living things require water for survival. & An animal requires air for survival. |- An animal requires water and air for suvival. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred1 premise An animal / bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred1 premise Oxygen can be found in air. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred1 hypothesis An animal requires air for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B-shred1 entailment An animal / bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe. & Oxygen can be found in air. |- An animal requires air for survival. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B premise An animal requires water and air for suvival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B premise An animal requires food for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B hypothesis An animal requires water and air and food for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_15-B entailment An animal requires water and air for suvival. & An animal requires food for survival. |- An animal requires water and air and food for survival. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred4 premise Thick fur can be used by animals for survival in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred4 premise Winter has cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred4 hypothesis Thick fur can be used by animals for survival survival during winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred4 entailment Thick fur can be used by animals for survival in cold temperatures. & Winter has cold temperatures. |- Thick fur can be used by animals for survival survival during winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred3 premise An animal requires warmth in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred3 premise Thick fur can be used for keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred3 hypothesis Thick fur can be used by animals for survival in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred3 entailment An animal requires warmth in cold temperatures. & Thick fur can be used for keeping warm. |- Thick fur can be used by animals for survival in cold temperatures. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred2 premise An animal usually requires warmth for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred2 premise If the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred2 hypothesis An animal requires warmth in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred2 entailment An animal usually requires warmth for survival. & If the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold. |- An animal requires warmth in cold temperatures. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred1 premise If a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred1 premise Keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred1 hypothesis An animal usually requires warmth for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C-shred1 entailment If a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die. & Keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold. |- An animal usually requires warmth for survival. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C premise Thick fur can be used by animals for survival survival during winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C premise A bear is a kind of animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C hypothesis Thick fur can be used by bears for survival during winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_14-C entailment Thick fur can be used by animals for survival survival during winter. & A bear is a kind of animal. |- Thick fur can be used by bears for survival during winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-A-shred1 premise Mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push or pull another object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-A-shred1 premise A block is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-A-shred1 hypothesis Mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push a block. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-A-shred1 entailment Mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push or pull another object. & A block is a kind of object. |- Mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push a block. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-A premise Mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push a block. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-A premise A person is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-A hypothesis A person can exert mechanical energy to push a block. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-A entailment Mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push a block. & A person is a kind of object. |- A person can exert mechanical energy to push a block. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred5 premise Water in a river is recycled by the water cycle over time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred5 premise The water cycle is performed by nature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred5 hypothesis Water in a river is recycled by nature over time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred5 entailment Water in a river is recycled by the water cycle over time. & The water cycle is performed by nature. |- Water in a river is recycled by nature over time. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred4 premise The water cycle is a kind of natural process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred4 premise A natural process is performed by nature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred4 hypothesis The water cycle is performed by nature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred4 entailment The water cycle is a kind of natural process. & A natural process is performed by nature. |- The water cycle is performed by nature. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred3 premise Water in a river is part of the water cycle. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred3 premise The water cycle recycles water throughout the Earth over time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred3 hypothesis Water in a river is recycled by the water cycle over time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred3 entailment Water in a river is part of the water cycle. & The water cycle recycles water throughout the Earth over time. |- Water in a river is recycled by the water cycle over time. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred2 premise A river is a kind of flowing / moving body of water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred2 premise Moving water on Earth is a part of water cycle. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred2 hypothesis Water in a river is part of the water cycle. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred2 entailment A river is a kind of flowing / moving body of water. & Moving water on Earth is a part of water cycle. |- Water in a river is part of the water cycle. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred1 premise Renewable resources can be used over again. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred1 premise Recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred1 hypothesis Renewable resources can be recycled many times. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4-shred1 entailment Renewable resources can be used over again. & Recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times. |- Renewable resources can be recycled many times. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4 premise Renewable resources can be recycled many times. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4 premise Water in a river is recycled by nature over time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4 hypothesis Water in a river is a renewable resource because it is recycled by nature over time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_32-4 entailment Renewable resources can be recycled many times. & Water in a river is recycled by nature over time. |- Water in a river is a renewable resource because it is recycled by nature over time. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-2-shred1 premise New York State is on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-2-shred1 premise If a place is on Earth, then that place will experience seasons. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-2-shred1 hypothesis New York State experiences seasons on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-2-shred1 entailment New York State is on Earth. & If a place is on Earth, then that place will experience seasons. |- New York State experiences seasons on Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-2 premise Earth's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to occur. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-2 premise New York State experiences seasons on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-2 hypothesis Earth's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to occur in New York State. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-2 entailment Earth's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to occur. & New York State experiences seasons on Earth. |- Earth's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to occur in New York State. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-4-shred1 premise A sweater is a kind of article of clothing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-4-shred1 premise An article of clothing is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-4-shred1 hypothesis A sweater is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-4-shred1 entailment A sweater is a kind of article of clothing. & An article of clothing is a kind of object. |- A sweater is a kind of object. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-4 premise A sweater is a kind of object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-4 premise If an object is black then that object absorbs all visible light / heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-4 hypothesis A black sweater will absorb all visible light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-4 entailment A sweater is a kind of object. & If an object is black then that object absorbs all visible light / heat. |- A black sweater will absorb all visible light. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred6 premise Green plants produce food for themselves / animals / consumers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred6 premise A producer produces its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred6 hypothesis Green plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred6 entailment Green plants produce food for themselves / animals / consumers. & A producer produces its own food. |- Green plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred5 premise Green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred5 premise To provide something can mean to produce something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred5 hypothesis Green plants produce food for themselves / animals / consumers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred5 entailment Green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis. & To provide something can mean to produce something. |- Green plants produce food for themselves / animals / consumers. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred4 premise Living things all require a producers for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred4 premise If a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing is dependent on that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred4 hypothesis All living things are dependent on producers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred4 entailment Living things all require a producers for survival. & If a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing is dependent on that something. |- All living things are dependent on producers. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred3 premise Producers are a source of food energy for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred3 premise Living things all require a source of energy for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred3 hypothesis Living things all require a producers for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred3 entailment Producers are a source of food energy for living things. & Living things all require a source of energy for survival. |- Living things all require a producers for survival. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred2 premise Living things all require energy for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred2 premise If something requires something else then that something requires a source of that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred2 hypothesis Living things all require a source of energy for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred2 entailment Living things all require energy for survival. & If something requires something else then that something requires a source of that something else. |- Living things all require a source of energy for survival. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred1 premise Producers are a source of food energy in an ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred1 premise Living things are a part of an ecosystem. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred1 hypothesis Producers are a source of food energy for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3-shred1 entailment Producers are a source of food energy in an ecosystem. & Living things are a part of an ecosystem. |- Producers are a source of food energy for living things. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3 premise All living things are dependent on producers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3 premise Green plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3 hypothesis All living things are dependent on plants because plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-3 entailment All living things are dependent on producers. & Green plants are a kind of producer. |- All living things are dependent on plants because plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2-shred2 premise Seeds are produced in the stage of pollination in plants reproduction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2-shred2 premise Pollination is a stage in the sexual reproduction process of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2-shred2 hypothesis Seeds are produced in the sexual reproduction process of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2-shred2 entailment Seeds are produced in the stage of pollination in plants reproduction. & Pollination is a stage in the sexual reproduction process of plants. |- Seeds are produced in the sexual reproduction process of plants. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2-shred1 premise Pollination is the fertilization stage in plants reproduction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2-shred1 premise Fertilization is a stage in the sexual reproduction process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2-shred1 hypothesis Pollination is a stage in the sexual reproduction process of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2-shred1 entailment Pollination is the fertilization stage in plants reproduction. & Fertilization is a stage in the sexual reproduction process. |- Pollination is a stage in the sexual reproduction process of plants. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2 premise A flower produces seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2 premise Seeds are produced in the sexual reproduction process of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2 hypothesis A flower producing seeds is a stage in the sexual reproduction process of plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-2 entailment A flower produces seeds. & Seeds are produced in the sexual reproduction process of plants. |- A flower producing seeds is a stage in the sexual reproduction process of plants. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_7-A premise Water is a kind of liquid. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_7-A premise A graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_7-A hypothesis A graduated cylinder can be used to measure the volume of water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_7-A entailment Water is a kind of liquid. & A graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid. |- A graduated cylinder can be used to measure the volume of water. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_4-A premise Gravity is the force that causes the marble to be pulled down on a planet. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_4-A premise Sinking means moving down. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_4-A hypothesis Gravity is the force that causes the marble to sink. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_4-A entailment Gravity is the force that causes the marble to be pulled down on a planet. & Sinking means moving down. |- Gravity is the force that causes the marble to sink. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-A-shred1 premise Centimeter is usually used to measure short length. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-A-shred1 premise A desk is usually short in length. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-A-shred1 hypothesis Centimeter can be used to measure the length of a desk. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-A-shred1 entailment Centimeter is usually used to measure short length. & A desk is usually short in length. |- Centimeter can be used to measure the length of a desk. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-A premise Centimeter can be used to measure the length of a desk. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-A premise Measuring is used for describing an object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-A hypothesis Centimeter can be used to describe the length of a desk. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-A entailment Centimeter can be used to measure the length of a desk. & Measuring is used for describing an object. |- Centimeter can be used to describe the length of a desk. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D-shred3 premise Heat can change a substance from a solid to liquid. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D-shred3 premise Melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D-shred3 hypothesis Heat can cause a solid substance to melt. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D-shred3 entailment Heat can change a substance from a solid to liquid. & Melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy. |- Heat can cause a solid substance to melt. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D-shred1 premise Heat energy can change the state of matter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D-shred1 premise Heat is a kind of heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D-shred1 hypothesis Heat can change the state of matter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D-shred1 entailment Heat energy can change the state of matter. & Heat is a kind of heat energy. |- Heat can change the state of matter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D premise Heat can cause a solid substance to melt. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D premise An ice cube is a kind of solid. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D hypothesis Heat can cause the ice cube to melt. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-D entailment Heat can cause a solid substance to melt. & An ice cube is a kind of solid. |- Heat can cause the ice cube to melt. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred5 premise Coloration can be used to let other animals know that an animal is a potential mate. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred5 premise Letting other animals know that an animal is a potential mate has a positive impact on that animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred5 hypothesis Coloration has a positive impact on an animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred5 entailment Coloration can be used to let other animals know that an animal is a potential mate. & Letting other animals know that an animal is a potential mate has a positive impact on that animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce. |- Coloration has a positive impact on an animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred4 premise An animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred4 premise In order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred4 hypothesis Letting other animals know that an animal is a potential mate has a positive impact on that animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred4 entailment An animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce. & In order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate. |- Letting other animals know that an animal is a potential mate has a positive impact on that animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred3 premise Communication can be used by animals to let other animals know that it is a potential mate. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred3 premise Coloration can be used for communication by animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred3 hypothesis Coloration can be used to let other animals know that an animal is a potential mate. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred3 entailment Communication can be used by animals to let other animals know that it is a potential mate. & Coloration can be used for communication by animals. |- Coloration can be used to let other animals know that an animal is a potential mate. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred2 premise An animal needs to let other animals know that it is a potential mate to reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred2 premise Communication can be used to let other animals know things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred2 hypothesis Communication can be used by animals to let other animals know that it is a potential mate. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred2 entailment An animal needs to let other animals know that it is a potential mate to reproduce. & Communication can be used to let other animals know things. |- Communication can be used by animals to let other animals know that it is a potential mate. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred1 premise An animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred1 premise In order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred1 hypothesis An animal needs to let other animals know that it is a potential mate to reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C-shred1 entailment An animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce. & In order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate. |- An animal needs to let other animals know that it is a potential mate to reproduce. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C premise Coloration has a positive impact on an animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C premise An adaptation has a positive impact on an animal's ability to reproduce. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C hypothesis Coloration is a kind of adaptation for attracting a mate / reproduction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-C entailment Coloration has a positive impact on an animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce. & An adaptation has a positive impact on an animal's ability to reproduce. |- Coloration is a kind of adaptation for attracting a mate / reproduction. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A-shred2 premise Living things all require energy for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A-shred2 premise Energy on Earth comes from the Sun. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A-shred2 hypothesis Living things require energy from the Sun for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A-shred2 entailment Living things all require energy for survival. & Energy on Earth comes from the Sun. |- Living things require energy from the Sun for survival. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A-shred1 premise The Sun is the source of energy for life on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A-shred1 premise If something is a source of something else then that something else comes from that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A-shred1 hypothesis Energy on Earth comes from the Sun. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A-shred1 entailment The Sun is the source of energy for life on Earth. & If something is a source of something else then that something else comes from that something. |- Energy on Earth comes from the Sun. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A premise Living things require energy from the Sun for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A premise If a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A hypothesis Living things depend on energy from the Sun. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-A entailment Living things require energy from the Sun for survival. & If a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something. |- Living things depend on energy from the Sun. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-D-shred1 premise An object is attracted to a magnet. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-D-shred1 premise A magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-D-shred1 hypothesis The object is made of a magnetic material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-D-shred1 entailment An object is attracted to a magnet. & A magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism. |- The object is made of a magnetic material. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-D premise Metal is sometimes magnetic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-D premise The object is made of a magnetic material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-D hypothesis The object is likely made of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-D entailment Metal is sometimes magnetic. & The object is made of a magnetic material. |- The object is likely made of metal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred6 premise Thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred6 premise Winter has cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred6 hypothesis Thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred6 entailment Thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in cold temperatures. & Winter has cold temperatures. |- Thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred5 premise Thick fur can be used for keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred5 premise An animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred5 hypothesis Thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred5 entailment Thick fur can be used for keeping warm. & An animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures. |- Thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in cold temperatures. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred1 premise Fur is a part of skin for keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred1 premise Thick fur is a kind of fur. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred1 hypothesis Thick fur can be used for keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D-shred1 entailment Fur is a part of skin for keeping warm. & Thick fur is a kind of fur. |- Thick fur can be used for keeping warm. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D premise Thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D premise When fur grows it becomes thicker. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D hypothesis Some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-D entailment Thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in winter. & When fur grows it becomes thicker. |- Some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred5 premise A producer is a kind of organism that obtains food by producing its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred5 premise A consumer is a kind of organism that obtains food by eating other organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred5 hypothesis A producer is a kind of organism that obtains food by producing its own food and a consumer is kind of organism that obtains food by eating other organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred5 entailment A producer is a kind of organism that obtains food by producing its own food. & A consumer is a kind of organism that obtains food by eating other organisms. |- A producer is a kind of organism that obtains food by producing its own food and a consumer is kind of organism that obtains food by eating other organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred4 premise A consumer is a kind of organisms that eats other organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred4 premise Eating other organisms is a kind of method for obtaining food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred4 hypothesis A consumer is a kind of organism that obtains food by eating other organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred4 entailment A consumer is a kind of organisms that eats other organisms. & Eating other organisms is a kind of method for obtaining food. |- A consumer is a kind of organism that obtains food by eating other organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred3 premise Consumers eat other organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred3 premise A consumer is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred3 hypothesis A consumer is a kind of organisms that eats other organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred3 entailment Consumers eat other organisms. & A consumer is a kind of organism. |- A consumer is a kind of organisms that eats other organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred2 premise A producer is a kind of organism that produces its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred2 premise Producing food is a kind of method for obtaining food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred2 hypothesis A producer is a kind of organism that obtains food by producing its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred2 entailment A producer is a kind of organism that produces its own food. & Producing food is a kind of method for obtaining food. |- A producer is a kind of organism that obtains food by producing its own food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred1 premise A producer produces its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred1 premise A producer is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred1 hypothesis A producer is a kind of organism that produces its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3-shred1 entailment A producer produces its own food. & A producer is a kind of organism. |- A producer is a kind of organism that produces its own food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3 premise A producer is a kind of organism that obtains food by producing its own food and a consumer is kind of organism that obtains food by eating other organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3 premise Classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3 hypothesis Producers and consumers are organisms that can be classified by how they obtain food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-3 entailment A producer is a kind of organism that obtains food by producing its own food and a consumer is kind of organism that obtains food by eating other organisms. & Classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type. |- Producers and consumers are organisms that can be classified by how they obtain food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3-shred2 premise Dead organisms are the source of food for decomposers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3-shred2 premise If an object is a source of something for something else then that something else can obtain that something from that object. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3-shred2 hypothesis Decomposers obtain food from dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3-shred2 entailment Dead organisms are the source of food for decomposers. & If an object is a source of something for something else then that something else can obtain that something from that object. |- Decomposers obtain food from dead organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3-shred1 premise Dead organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3-shred1 premise Food contains nutrients for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3-shred1 hypothesis Dead organisms are the source of food for decomposers. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3-shred1 entailment Dead organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers. & Food contains nutrients for living things. |- Dead organisms are the source of food for decomposers. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3 premise Decomposers obtain food from dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3 premise Absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3 hypothesis Decomposers obtain food by abosorbing food from dead organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-3 entailment Decomposers obtain food from dead organisms. & Absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something. |- Decomposers obtain food by abosorbing food from dead organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_39-1 premise Cellular respiration is a source of energy for cell activities. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_39-1 premise Cellular respiration is when cells extract energy from food to produce energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_39-1 hypothesis Cellular respiration produces energy for cell activities by extracting energy from food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_39-1 entailment Cellular respiration is a source of energy for cell activities. & Cellular respiration is when cells extract energy from food to produce energy. |- Cellular respiration produces energy for cell activities by extracting energy from food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_7-A-shred2 premise Comparing the mass of two rocks requires knowing the mass of each rock. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_7-A-shred2 premise Student is trying to compare the mass of two small rocks. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_7-A-shred2 hypothesis The student has to know the mass of each rock to compare them. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_7-A-shred2 entailment Comparing the mass of two rocks requires knowing the mass of each rock. & Student is trying to compare the mass of two small rocks. |- The student has to know the mass of each rock to compare them. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_3-D premise Hail is a kind of precipitation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_3-D premise Sleet is a kind of precipitation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_3-D hypothesis Hail and sleet are different kinds of precipitation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_3-D entailment Hail is a kind of precipitation. & Sleet is a kind of precipitation. |- Hail and sleet are different kinds of precipitation. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred3 premise The function of webbed feet is to move aquatic animals through water faster. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred3 premise Helping something move can mean causing something to move faster. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred3 hypothesis The function of webbed feet is to help aquatic animals move through water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred3 entailment The function of webbed feet is to move aquatic animals through water faster. & Helping something move can mean causing something to move faster. |- The function of webbed feet is to help aquatic animals move through water. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred2 premise Helping means something can be done better. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred2 premise Moving faster is a kind of method for moving better. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred2 hypothesis Helping something move can mean causing something to move faster. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred2 entailment Helping means something can be done better. & Moving faster is a kind of method for moving better. |- Helping something move can mean causing something to move faster. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred1 premise Webbed feet are used for moving faster through water by aquatic animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred1 premise Moving something is a kind of function. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred1 hypothesis The function of webbed feet is to move aquatic animals through water faster. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C-shred1 entailment Webbed feet are used for moving faster through water by aquatic animals. & Moving something is a kind of function. |- The function of webbed feet is to move aquatic animals through water faster. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C premise The function of webbed feet is to help aquatic animals move through water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C premise Swimming is when animals can move in water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C hypothesis The function of webbed feet is to help aquatic animals swim. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-C entailment The function of webbed feet is to help aquatic animals move through water. & Swimming is when animals can move in water. |- The function of webbed feet is to help aquatic animals swim. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-B-shred1 premise Growth means size increases. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-B-shred1 premise Larger means increased size. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-B-shred1 hypothesis Things that grow become larger. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-B-shred1 entailment Growth means size increases. & Larger means increased size. |- Things that grow become larger. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-B premise Leaves undergo growth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-B premise Things that grow become larger. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-B hypothesis Growth causes leaves to become larger. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-B entailment Leaves undergo growth. & Things that grow become larger. |- Growth causes leaves to become larger. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred3 premise Smell can be used to detect food odors. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred3 premise Smell is a kind of characteristic of some animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred3 hypothesis Smell is used for finding food by some animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred3 entailment Smell can be used to detect food odors. & Smell is a kind of characteristic of some animals. |- Smell is used for finding food by some animals. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred2 premise Sense is a kind of characteristic of an animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred2 premise Smell is a kind of sense. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred2 hypothesis Smell is a kind of characteristic of some animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred2 entailment Sense is a kind of characteristic of an animal. & Smell is a kind of sense. |- Smell is a kind of characteristic of some animals. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred1 premise Smell is used for detecting odor. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred1 premise Food can be a source of an odor. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred1 hypothesis Smell can be used to detect food odors. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A-shred1 entailment Smell is used for detecting odor. & Food can be a source of an odor. |- Smell can be used to detect food odors. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A premise Smell is used for finding food by some animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A premise A fox is a kind of animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A hypothesis Smell is used for finding food by foxes. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-A entailment Smell is used for finding food by some animals. & A fox is a kind of animal. |- Smell is used for finding food by foxes. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-C-shred3 premise The puddle will increase in temperature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-C-shred3 premise Temperature is a measure of heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-C-shred3 hypothesis The puddle will increase in heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-C-shred3 entailment The puddle will increase in temperature. & Temperature is a measure of heat energy. |- The puddle will increase in heat energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-C-shred1 premise A puddle is in the sunlight. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-C-shred1 premise If something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-C-shred1 hypothesis The puddle will absorb solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-C-shred1 entailment A puddle is in the sunlight. & If something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy. |- The puddle will absorb solar energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_9-1-shred2 premise Iron fillings are always magnetic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_9-1-shred2 premise Black pepper is always nonmagnetic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_9-1-shred2 hypothesis The mixture of iron fillings and black pepper is a mixture of magnetic and nonmagnetic material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_9-1-shred2 entailment Iron fillings are always magnetic. & Black pepper is always nonmagnetic. |- The mixture of iron fillings and black pepper is a mixture of magnetic and nonmagnetic material. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_9-1 premise The mixture of iron fillings and black pepper is a mixture of magnetic and nonmagnetic material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_9-1 premise Magnet can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_9-1 hypothesis Magnet can be used to separate a mixture of iron fillings and black pepper. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_9-1 entailment The mixture of iron fillings and black pepper is a mixture of magnetic and nonmagnetic material. & Magnet can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material. |- Magnet can be used to separate a mixture of iron fillings and black pepper. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-3-shred1 premise Wind is a source of energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-3-shred1 premise A source of energy is a kind of energy resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-3-shred1 hypothesis Wind is a kind of energy resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-3-shred1 entailment Wind is a source of energy. & A source of energy is a kind of energy resource. |- Wind is a kind of energy resource. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-3 premise Wind is a kind of energy resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-3 premise Wind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-3 hypothesis Wind is a kind of energy resource that is renewable. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-3 entailment Wind is a kind of energy resource. & Wind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource. |- Wind is a kind of energy resource that is renewable. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred4 premise An example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred4 premise Some birds fly south for the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred4 hypothesis An example of migration is birds flying south in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred4 entailment An example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter. & Some birds fly south for the winter. |- An example of migration is birds flying south in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred3 premise Some animals must move to warmer climates in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred3 premise Migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred3 hypothesis An example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred3 entailment Some animals must move to warmer climates in the winter. & Migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter. |- An example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred2 premise Winter can cause the climate in an area to become cold. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred2 premise An animal requires warmth for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred2 hypothesis Some animals must move to warmer climates in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred2 entailment Winter can cause the climate in an area to become cold. & An animal requires warmth for survival. |- Some animals must move to warmer climates in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred1 premise Winter has cold temperatures / weather. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred1 premise Climate means the average temperature / weather in an area. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred1 hypothesis Winter can cause the climate in an area to become cold. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D-shred1 entailment Winter has cold temperatures / weather. & Climate means the average temperature / weather in an area. |- Winter can cause the climate in an area to become cold. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D premise An example of migration is birds flying south in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D premise Migration is a kind of adaptation. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D hypothesis An example of an adaptation is birds migrating south in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-D entailment An example of migration is birds flying south in the winter. & Migration is a kind of adaptation. |- An example of an adaptation is birds migrating south in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-C premise Eye color is an inherited characteristic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-C premise Blue is a kind of color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-C hypothesis Having blue eyes is an inherited characteristic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-C entailment Eye color is an inherited characteristic. & Blue is a kind of color. |- Having blue eyes is an inherited characteristic. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_24-C premise When a person speaks into a telephone, the sound energy is taken in by the encoder. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_24-C premise The encoders in the telephone converts sound energy into electrical energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_24-C hypothesis When a person speaks into a telephone, the sound energy is converted into electrical energy by the encoder. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_24-C entailment When a person speaks into a telephone, the sound energy is taken in by the encoder. & The encoders in the telephone converts sound energy into electrical energy. |- When a person speaks into a telephone, the sound energy is converted into electrical energy by the encoder. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_20-A premise Temperature is a measure of heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_20-A premise Water will change from a liquid to a solid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_20-A hypothesis Water will change from a liquid to a solid by decreasing the temperature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_20-A entailment Temperature is a measure of heat energy. & Water will change from a liquid to a solid by decreasing heat energy. |- Water will change from a liquid to a solid by decreasing the temperature. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B-shred2 premise Fruit is a kind of food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B-shred2 premise An apple is a kind of fruit. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B-shred2 hypothesis An apple is a kind of food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B-shred2 entailment Fruit is a kind of food. & An apple is a kind of fruit. |- An apple is a kind of food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B-shred1 premise Eating / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B-shred1 premise A girl is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B-shred1 hypothesis An example of an organism taking in nutrients is a girl eating food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B-shred1 entailment Eating / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating. & A girl is a kind of organism. |- An example of an organism taking in nutrients is a girl eating food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B premise An example of an organism taking in nutrients is a girl eating food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B premise An apple is a kind of food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B hypothesis An example of an organism taking in nutrients is a girl eating an apple. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-B entailment An example of an organism taking in nutrients is a girl eating food. & An apple is a kind of food. |- An example of an organism taking in nutrients is a girl eating an apple. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred6 premise Water is in the gas state, called water vapor / steam, for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 K / F / C. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred6 premise Water vapor is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred6 hypothesis Water in the gas state is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred6 entailment Water is in the gas state, called water vapor / steam, for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 K / F / C. & Water vapor is located on Earth. |- Water in the gas state is located on Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred5 premise Earth's atmosphere contains water vapor. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred5 premise Earth's atmosphere is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred5 hypothesis Water vapor is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred5 entailment Earth's atmosphere contains water vapor. & Earth's atmosphere is located on Earth. |- Water vapor is located on Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred4 premise Water is in the solid state, called ice, for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 K / F / C. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred4 premise Ice is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred4 hypothesis Water in the solid state is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred4 entailment Water is in the solid state, called ice, for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 K / F / C. & Ice is located on Earth. |- Water in the solid state is located on Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred3 premise Arctic environments contain ice. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred3 premise Arctic environments are located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred3 hypothesis Ice is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred3 entailment Arctic environments contain ice. & Arctic environments are located on Earth. |- Ice is located on Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred2 premise Water is in the liquid state, called liquid water, for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 K / F / C. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred2 premise Liquid water is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred2 hypothesis Water in the liquid state is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred2 entailment Water is in the liquid state, called liquid water, for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 K / F / C. & Liquid water is located on Earth. |- Water in the liquid state is located on Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred1 premise The oceans contain liquid water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred1 premise The oceans are located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred1 hypothesis Liquid water is located on Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_16-A-shred1 entailment The oceans contain liquid water. & The oceans are located on Earth. |- Liquid water is located on Earth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred8 premise An example of preparing for seasonal change is an animal storing food for the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred8 premise A squirrel is a kind of animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred8 hypothesis An example of preparing for seasonal change is a squirrel storing food for the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred8 entailment An example of preparing for seasonal change is an animal storing food for the winter. & A squirrel is a kind of animal. |- An example of preparing for seasonal change is a squirrel storing food for the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred7 premise An example of seasonal change is some animals' food dying in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred7 premise An example of preparing is an animal storing food to last through the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred7 hypothesis An example of preparing for seasonal change is an animal storing food for the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred7 entailment An example of seasonal change is some animals' food dying in the winter. & An example of preparing is an animal storing food to last through the winter. |- An example of preparing for seasonal change is an animal storing food for the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred6 premise If an animal relies on plants for food then that animal must store enough food to last through the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred6 premise An example of preparing is storing something for use later. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred6 hypothesis An example of preparing is an animal storing food to last through the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred6 entailment If an animal relies on plants for food then that animal must store enough food to last through the winter. & An example of preparing is storing something for use later. |- An example of preparing is an animal storing food to last through the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred5 premise An example of a seasonal change is plants dying or becoming dormant in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred5 premise An animal can eat plants for nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred5 hypothesis An example of seasonal change is some animals' food dying in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred5 entailment An example of a seasonal change is plants dying or becoming dormant in the winter. & An animal can eat plants for nutrients. |- An example of seasonal change is some animals' food dying in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred4 premise An animal needs to eat food for nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred4 premise Plants are a source of food for animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred4 hypothesis An animal can eat plants for nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred4 entailment An animal needs to eat food for nutrients. & Plants are a source of food for animals. |- An animal can eat plants for nutrients. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred3 premise An animal requires enough nutrients to survive. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred3 premise Eating food is used to get nutrients by animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred3 hypothesis An animal needs to eat food for nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred3 entailment An animal requires enough nutrients to survive. & Eating food is used to get nutrients by animals. |- An animal needs to eat food for nutrients. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred2 premise The winter season can cause change to the environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred2 premise Usually plants die or become dormant during the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred2 hypothesis An example of a seasonal change is plants dying or becoming dormant in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred2 entailment The winter season can cause change to the environment. & Usually plants die or become dormant during the winter. |- An example of a seasonal change is plants dying or becoming dormant in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred1 premise Seasons cause change to the environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred1 premise Winter is a kind of season. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred1 hypothesis The winter season can cause change to the environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D-shred1 entailment Seasons cause change to the environment. & Winter is a kind of season. |- The winter season can cause change to the environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D premise An example of preparing for seasonal change is a squirrel storing food for the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D premise Nut is a kind of food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D hypothesis An example of preparing for seasonal change is an squirrel storing nuts for the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_14-D entailment An example of preparing for seasonal change is a squirrel storing food for the winter. & Nut is a kind of food. |- An example of preparing for seasonal change is an squirrel storing nuts for the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred6 premise Thick fur can be used for survival in winter by keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred6 premise When fur grows it becomes thicker. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred6 hypothesis Some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred6 entailment Thick fur can be used for survival in winter by keeping warm. & When fur grows it becomes thicker. |- Some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred5 premise Thick fur can be used for survival in cold temperatures by keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred5 premise Winter has cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred5 hypothesis Thick fur can be used for survival in winter by keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred5 entailment Thick fur can be used for survival in cold temperatures by keeping warm. & Winter has cold temperatures. |- Thick fur can be used for survival in winter by keeping warm. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred4 premise Thick fur can be used for keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred4 premise An animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred4 hypothesis Thick fur can be used for survival in cold temperatures by keeping warm. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred4 entailment Thick fur can be used for keeping warm. & An animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures. |- Thick fur can be used for survival in cold temperatures by keeping warm. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred3 premise An animal requires warmth for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred3 premise If the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred3 hypothesis An animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D-shred3 entailment An animal requires warmth for survival. & If the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold. |- An animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D premise Some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D premise A rabbit is a kind of animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D hypothesis A rabbit's fur grows thicker in the winter. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-D entailment Some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter. & A rabbit is a kind of animal. |- A rabbit's fur grows thicker in the winter. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B-shred2 premise A living thing requires energy to grow and heal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B-shred2 premise Food is a source of energy for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B-shred2 hypothesis A living thing requires food to get energy to grow and heal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B-shred2 entailment A living thing requires energy to grow and heal. & Food is a source of energy for living things. |- A living thing requires food to get energy to grow and heal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B-shred1 premise Nutrients are a source of energy for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B-shred1 premise Food contains nutrients for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B-shred1 hypothesis Food is a source of energy for living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B-shred1 entailment Nutrients are a source of energy for living things. & Food contains nutrients for living things. |- Food is a source of energy for living things. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B premise A living thing requires food to get energy to grow and heal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B premise Living things eat their food source. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B hypothesis Eating food is used to get energy by living things. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-B entailment A living thing requires food to get energy to grow and heal. & Living things eat their food source. |- Eating food is used to get energy by living things. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_8_25-3 premise A Periodic Table is a kind of scientific model. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_8_25-3 premise The Periodic Table of Elements can be used for predicting the properties of an element. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_8_25-3 hypothesis A Periodic Table is the scientific model that can be used to predict the properties of an element. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_8_25-3 entailment A Periodic Table is a kind of scientific model. & The Periodic Table of Elements can be used for predicting the properties of an element. |- A Periodic Table is the scientific model that can be used to predict the properties of an element. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_9-B-shred1 premise Eye color is an inherited characteristic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_9-B-shred1 premise Blue is a kind of color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_9-B-shred1 hypothesis Blue eyes are inherited characteristic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_9-B-shred1 entailment Eye color is an inherited characteristic. & Blue is a kind of color. |- Blue eyes are inherited characteristic. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D-shred2 premise Iron is a kind of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D-shred2 premise Iron nails are made of iron. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D-shred2 hypothesis Iron nails are made of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D-shred2 entailment Iron is a kind of metal. & Iron nails are made of iron. |- Iron nails are made of metal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D-shred1 premise Metals usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D-shred1 premise Metal is an electrical conductor. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D-shred1 hypothesis Metal is the material that has a higher conductivity than other materials. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D-shred1 entailment Metals usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals. & Metal is an electrical conductor. |- Metal is the material that has a higher conductivity than other materials. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D premise Metal is the material that has a higher conductivity than other materials. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D premise Metal fork is made of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D hypothesis An iron nail has a higher conductivity than other materials. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D entailment Metal is the material that has a higher conductivity than other materials. & Metal fork is made of metal. |- An iron nail has a higher conductivity than other materials. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D premise Metal is the material that has a higher conductivity than other materials. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D premise Iron nails are made of metal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D hypothesis An iron nail has a higher conductivity than other materials. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-D entailment Metal is the material that has a higher conductivity than other materials. & Iron nails are made of metal. |- An iron nail has a higher conductivity than other materials. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-A premise Heat energy can change a substance from a liquid to a gas. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-A premise Water is a kind of substance. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-A hypothesis Heat energy can change water from a liquid to a gas. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-A entailment Heat energy can change a substance from a liquid to a gas. & Water is a kind of substance. |- Heat energy can change water from a liquid to a gas. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_3-A premise Freezing means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_3-A premise Water is a kind of substance. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_3-A hypothesis Water freezing is when water changes from a liquid to a solid. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_3-A entailment Freezing means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy. & Water is a kind of substance. |- Water freezing is when water changes from a liquid to a solid. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A-shred2 premise New York State is located in the northern hemisphere. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A-shred2 premise June is during the summer in the northern hemisphere. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A-shred2 hypothesis June is during the summer for New York State. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A-shred2 entailment New York State is located in the northern hemisphere. & June is during the summer in the northern hemisphere. |- June is during the summer for New York State. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A-shred1 premise New York / New York State is a State located in the United States of America. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A-shred1 premise United States is located in the Northern Hemisphere. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A-shred1 hypothesis New York State is located in the northern hemisphere. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A-shred1 entailment New York / New York State is a State located in the United States of America. & United States is located in the northern hemisphere. |- New York State is located in the northern hemisphere. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A premise The amount of daylight is greatest in the summer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A premise June is during the summer for New York State. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A hypothesis New York State has the greatest sunlight during June. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-A entailment The amount of daylight is greatest in the summer. & June is during the summer for New York State. |- New York State has the greatest sunlight during June. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred6 premise Snowy is a kind of property of some environments. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred6 premise Snowy means a large amount of snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred6 hypothesis Snowy environments have a large amount of snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred6 entailment Snowy is a kind of property of some environments. & Snowy means a large amount of snow. |- Snowy environments have a large amount of snow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred5 premise An example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred5 premise Camouflage is a kind of protection against predators. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred5 hypothesis White fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred5 entailment An example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow. & Camouflage is a kind of protection against predators. |- White fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred4 premise An animal with white fur and snow are the same color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred4 premise An example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred4 hypothesis An example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred4 entailment An animal with white fur and snow are the same color. & An example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment. |- An example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred3 premise An example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred3 premise An animal is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred3 hypothesis An example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred3 entailment An example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment. & An animal is a kind of organism. |- An example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred2 premise White fur and snow are the same color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred2 premise Fur is often part of an animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred2 hypothesis An animal with white fur and snow are the same color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred2 entailment White fur and snow are the same color. & Fur is often part of an animal. |- An animal with white fur and snow are the same color. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred1 premise Snow is white in color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred1 premise White fur is white in color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred1 hypothesis White fur and snow are the same color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B-shred1 entailment Snow is white in color. & White fur is white in color. |- White fur and snow are the same color. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B premise White fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B premise Snowy environments have a large amount of snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B hypothesis White fur is a kind of protection against predators in a snowy environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-B entailment White fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow. & Snowy environments have a large amount of snow. |- White fur is a kind of protection against predators in a snowy environment. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D-shred2 premise A gourd is a kind of fruit. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D-shred2 premise A pumpkin is a kind of gourd. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D-shred2 hypothesis A pumpkin is a kind of gourd which is a kind of fruit. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D-shred2 entailment A gourd is a kind of fruit. & A pumpkin is a kind of gourd. |- A pumpkin is a kind of gourd which is a kind of fruit. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D-shred1 premise Fruit contains seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D-shred1 premise A pumpkin contains seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D-shred1 hypothesis A pumpkin and fruit both contain seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D-shred1 entailment Fruit contains seeds. & A pumpkin contains seeds. |- A pumpkin and fruit both contain seeds. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D premise A pumpkin and fruit both contain seeds. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D premise A pumpkin is a kind of gourd which is a kind of fruit. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D hypothesis A pumpkin is a kind of fruit. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-D entailment A pumpkin and fruit both contain seeds. & A pumpkin is a kind of gourd which is a kind of fruit. |- A pumpkin is a kind of fruit. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred5 premise Plants absorb water and nutrients through their roots. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred5 premise Absorbing is a kind of function. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred5 hypothesis The funtion of a plant's roots is to absorb water and nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred5 entailment Plants absorb water and nutrients through their roots. & Absorbing is a kind of function. |- The funtion of a plant's roots is to absorb water and nutrients. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred4 premise A plant requires water and nutrients from soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred4 premise Plant uptake is when plants absorb nutrients / water from soil into themselves through their roots. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred4 hypothesis Plants absorb water and nutrients through their roots. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred4 entailment A plant requires water and nutrients from soil to grow. & Plant uptake is when plants absorb nutrients / water from soil into themselves through their roots. |- Plants absorb water and nutrients through their roots. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred3 premise A plant requires nutrients from soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred3 premise A plant requires water from soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred3 hypothesis A plant requires water and nutrients from soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred3 entailment A plant requires nutrients from soil to grow. & A plant requires water from soil to grow. |- A plant requires water and nutrients from soil to grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred2 premise A plants / living things require water for survival / to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred2 premise Soil contains water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred2 hypothesis A plant requires water from soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred2 entailment A plants / living things require water for survival / to grow. & Soil contains water. |- A plant requires water from soil to grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred1 premise Soil contains nutrients for plants. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred1 premise A plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred1 hypothesis A plant requires nutrients from soil to grow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C-shred1 entailment Soil contains nutrients for plants. & A plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow. |- A plant requires nutrients from soil to grow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C premise The funtion of a plant's roots is to absorb water and nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C premise Absorbing something is a kind of method for taking something in. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C hypothesis The function of a plant's roots is to take in water and nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-C entailment The funtion of a plant's roots is to absorb water and nutrients. & Absorbing something is a kind of method for taking something in. |- The function of a plant's roots is to take in water and nutrients. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-B-shred2 premise The total number of atoms stay the same in chemical reaction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-B-shred2 premise Photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-B-shred2 hypothesis The total number of atoms stay the same in photosynthesis. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-B-shred2 entailment The total number of atoms stay the same in chemical reaction. & Photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction. |- The total number of atoms stay the same in photosynthesis. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-B-shred1 premise Chemical reactions do not cause the total number of atoms to change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-B-shred1 premise Photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-B-shred1 hypothesis The total number of atoms stay the same in chemical reaction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-B-shred1 entailment Chemical reactions do not cause the total number of atoms to change. & Photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction. |- The total number of atoms stay the same in chemical reaction. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_22-D-shred1 premise Nitrogen and phosphorus belongs to nitrogen family, group 15 on the Periodic Table. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_22-D-shred1 premise Elements in the same group on the Periodic Table of Elements have similar properties. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_22-D-shred1 hypothesis Nitrogen and phosphorus will have similar properties. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_22-D-shred1 entailment Nitrogen and phosphorus belongs to nitrogen family, group 15 on the Periodic Table. & Elements in the same group on the Periodic Table of Elements have similar properties. |- Nitrogen and phosphorus will have similar properties. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-A-shred2 premise The heat energy of water is increasing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-A-shred2 premise Temperature is a measure of heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-A-shred2 hypothesis The temperature of water is increasing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-A-shred2 entailment The heat energy of water is increasing. & Temperature is a measure of heat energy. |- The temperature of water is increasing. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_1-C premise Gold is a pure substance. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_1-C premise A pure substance is made up of only one kind of atom. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_1-C hypothesis Gold is only made of gold atoms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_1-C entailment Gold is a pure substance. & A pure substance is made up of only one kind of atom. |- Gold is only made of gold atoms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C-shred3 premise Algae is a kind of green plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C-shred3 premise Green plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C-shred3 hypothesis Algae is a kind of producer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C-shred3 entailment Algae is a kind of green plant. & Green plants are a kind of producer. |- Algae is a kind of producer. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C-shred2 premise Algae is a kind of plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C-shred2 premise Algae is usually green in color. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C-shred2 hypothesis Algae is a kind of green plant. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C-shred2 entailment Algae is a kind of plant. & Algae is usually green in color. |- Algae is a kind of green plant. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C premise Algae is an organism found in marine ecosystems. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C premise Algae is a kind of producer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C hypothesis Algae is a kind of producer found in marine ecosystems. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-C entailment Algae is an organism found in marine ecosystems. & Algae is a kind of producer. |- Algae is a kind of producer found in marine ecosystems. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A-shred2 premise Offspring inherit inherited characteristics from their parents through DNA. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A-shred2 premise The shape of the earlobe is an inherited characteristic of human. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A-shred2 hypothesis Human offspring will inherit the shape of the earlobe from their parents through DNA. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A-shred2 entailment Offspring inherit inherited characteristics from their parents through DNA. & The shape of the earlobe is an inherited characteristic of human. |- Human offspring will inherit the shape of the earlobe from their parents through DNA. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A-shred1 premise The shape of body parts is an inherited characteristic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A-shred1 premise An earlobe is a kind of body part of human. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A-shred1 hypothesis The shape of the earlobe is an inherited characteristic of human. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A-shred1 entailment The shape of body parts is an inherited characteristic. & An earlobe is a kind of body part of human. |- The shape of the earlobe is an inherited characteristic of human. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A premise Human offspring will inherit the shape of the earlobe from their parents through DNA. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A premise A child is a kind of young human offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A hypothesis Children will inheirt the shape of the earlobe from his their parents. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-A entailment Human offspring will inherit the shape of the earlobe from their parents through DNA. & A child is a kind of young human offspring. |- Children will inheirt the shape of the earlobe from his their parents. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-C-shred3 premise A dog is a kind of animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-C-shred3 premise An animal is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-C-shred3 hypothesis A dog is a kind of organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-C-shred3 entailment A dog is a kind of animal. & An animal is a kind of organism. |- A dog is a kind of organism. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-C-shred2 premise Food preference is a kind of learned characteristics. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-C-shred2 premise Learned characteristics are similar to acquired characteristics. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-C-shred2 hypothesis Food preference is a kind of acquired characteristics. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-C-shred2 entailment Food preference is a kind of learned characteristics. & Learned characteristics are similar to acquired characteristics. |- Food preference is a kind of acquired characteristics. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred4 premise A decrease of food for an organism will decrease that organism's population. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred4 premise Prey is a kind of food for predators. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred4 hypothesis A decrease of prey will decrease predator. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred4 entailment A decrease of food for an organism will decrease that organism's population. & Prey is a kind of food for predators. |- A decrease of prey will decrease predator. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred3 premise If an organism eats something then that something is a source of frood to that organism. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred3 premise Predators eat prey. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred3 hypothesis Prey is a kind of food for predators. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred3 entailment If an organism eats something then that something is a source of frood to that organism. & Predators eat prey. |- Prey is a kind of food for predators. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred2 premise Negative impacts on organisms / species will decrease the population of the organisms / the species. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred2 premise A decrease of food has a negative impact on organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred2 hypothesis A decrease of food for an organism will decrease that organism's population. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred2 entailment Negative impacts on organisms / species will decrease the population of the organisms / the species. & A decrease of food has a negative impact on organisms. |- A decrease of food for an organism will decrease that organism's population. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred1 premise A organism requires food for survival. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred1 premise The decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism's survival / that organism's ability. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred1 hypothesis A decrease of food has a negative impact on organisms. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B-shred1 entailment A organism requires food for survival. & The decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism's survival / that organism's ability. |- A decrease of food has a negative impact on organisms. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B premise A decrease of prey will decrease predator. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B premise Population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B hypothesis A decrease of prey populations will decrease predator populations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-B entailment A decrease of prey will decrease predator. & Population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment. |- A decrease of prey populations will decrease predator populations. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_53-D premise In the food chain process mushrooms have the role of decomposer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_53-D premise If something has the role of something else then that something is an example of that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_53-D hypothesis An example of a decomposer is a mushroom. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_53-D entailment In the food chain process mushrooms have the role of decomposer. & If something has the role of something else then that something is an example of that something else. |- An example of a decomposer is a mushroom. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D-shred2 premise Temperature changing can cause phase changes. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D-shred2 premise Evaporating and condensing are both phase change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D-shred2 hypothesis Evaporating and condensing can both be caused by temperature changing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D-shred2 entailment Temperature changing can cause phase changes. & Evaporating and condensing are both phase change. |- Evaporating and condensing can both be caused by temperature changing. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D-shred1 premise Evaporating is a kind of phase change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D-shred1 premise Condensing is a kind of phase change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D-shred1 hypothesis Evaporating and condensing are both phase change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D-shred1 entailment Evaporating is a kind of phase change. & Condensing is a kind of phase change. |- Evaporating and condensing are both phase change. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D premise Evaporating and condensing can both be caused by temperature changing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D premise Temperature is a measure of heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D hypothesis Evaporating and condensing can both be caused by the change of heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-D entailment Evaporating and condensing can both be caused by temperature changing. & Temperature is a measure of heat energy. |- Evaporating and condensing can both be caused by the change of heat energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D-shred2 premise As the temperautre of the day increases, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D-shred2 premise As the temperature of an object increases, the size of that object will increase. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D-shred2 hypothesis As the temperature of the day increases, the size of the objects in the environment will increase. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D-shred2 entailment As the temperautre of the day increases, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature. & As the temperature of an object increases, the size of that object will increase. |- As the temperature of the day increases, the size of the objects in the environment will increase. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D-shred1 premise As temperature during the day increases, the temperature in an environment will increase. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D-shred1 premise As the temperature of an environment increase, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D-shred1 hypothesis As the temperautre of the day increases, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D-shred1 entailment As temperature during the day increases, the temperature in an environment will increase. & As the temperature of an environment increase, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature. |- As the temperautre of the day increases, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D premise Length is a part of size. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D premise The size of the metal railroad tracks will increase during the day. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D hypothesis The length of the metal railroad tracks will also increase during the day. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-D entailment Length is a part of size. & The size of the metal railroad tracks will increase during the day. |- The length of the metal railroad tracks will also increase during the day. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_40-D premise The shape of body parts is an inherited characteristic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_40-D premise A nose is a part of a body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_40-D hypothesis Nose shape is a kind of inherited characteristic. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_40-D entailment The shape of body parts is an inherited characteristic. & A nose is a part of a body. |- Nose shape is a kind of inherited characteristic. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred5 premise The skeletal system protects parts of an animal in order to protect that animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred5 premise Internal organs are a part of an animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred5 hypothesis The skeletal system protects internal organs. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred5 entailment The skeletal system protects parts of an animal in order to protect that animal. & Internal organs are a part of an animal. |- The skeletal system protects internal organs. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred4 premise Internal organs are a part of the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred4 premise The body is a part of an animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred4 hypothesis Internal organs are a part of an animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred4 entailment Internal organs are a part of the body. & The body is a part of an animal. |- Internal organs are a part of an animal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred3 premise The skeletal system is used to provide protection for animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred3 premise Protecting part of something helps to protect that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred3 hypothesis The skeletal system protects parts of an animal in order to protect that animal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred3 entailment The skeletal system is used to provide protection for animals. & Protecting part of something helps to protect that something. |- The skeletal system protects parts of an animal in order to protect that animal. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred2 premise Skeletal system is made of bones. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred2 premise Bone can be used for protection. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred2 hypothesis The skeletal system is used to provide protection for animals. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred2 entailment Skeletal system is made of bones. & Bone can be used for protection. |- The skeletal system is used to provide protection for animals. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred1 premise Bone is hard. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred1 premise Something hard can be used for protection. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred1 hypothesis Bone can be used for protection. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A-shred1 entailment Bone is hard. & Something hard can be used for protection. |- Bone can be used for protection. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A premise The skeletal system protects internal organs. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A premise Most major organs are internal organs. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A hypothesis The skeletal system protects most major organs. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-A entailment The skeletal system protects internal organs. & Most major organs are internal organs. |- The skeletal system protects most major organs. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_33-C premise Eliminating waste means getting rid of waste materials. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_33-C premise Both multicelluar organism and singe-cell organism eliminate waste. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_33-C hypothesis Both multicelluar organism and singe-cell organism can get rid of waste materials. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_33-C entailment Eliminating waste means getting rid of waste materials. & Both multicelluar organism and singe-cell organism eliminate waste. |- Both multicelluar organism and singe-cell organism can get rid of waste materials. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A-shred2 premise Prevailing westerlies are prevailing winds that move from west to east across the United States. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A-shred2 premise Wind can make air masses to move in the same direction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A-shred2 hypothesis The prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the United States. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A-shred2 entailment Prevailing westerlies are prevailing winds that move from west to east across the United States. & Wind can make air masses to move in the same direction. |- The prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the United States. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A-shred1 premise Prevailing westerlies are prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A-shred1 premise United States are located in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A-shred1 hypothesis Prevailing westerlies are prevailing winds that move from west to east across the United States. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A-shred1 entailment Prevailing westerlies are prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. & United States are located in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. |- Prevailing westerlies are prevailing winds that move from west to east across the United States. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A premise The prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the United States. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A premise Jet streams may deflect the air masses moved by the prevailing westerlies. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A hypothesis The prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east accross the United States but may be deflected by the jet streams. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-A entailment The prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the United States. & Jet streams may deflect the air masses moved by the prevailing westerlies. |- The prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east accross the United States but may be deflected by the jet streams. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B-shred2 premise A cat gives birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B-shred2 premise To give birth to live young means to undergo live birth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B-shred2 hypothesis A cat undergoes live birth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B-shred2 entailment A cat gives birth to live young. & To give birth to live young means to undergo live birth. |- A cat undergoes live birth. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B-shred1 premise Mammals give birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B-shred1 premise A cat is a kind of mammal. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B-shred1 hypothesis A cat gives birth to live young. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B-shred1 entailment Mammals give birth to live young. & A cat is a kind of mammal. |- A cat gives birth to live young. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B premise A cat undergoes live birth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B premise Live birth means developing inside the mother instead of an egg. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B hypothesis A cat develops inside its mother. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-B entailment A cat undergoes live birth. & Live birth means developing inside the mother instead of an egg. |- A cat develops inside its mother. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D-shred2 premise Absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D-shred2 premise Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D-shred2 hypothesis Absorbing solar energy causes objects to heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D-shred2 entailment Absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat. & Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. |- Absorbing solar energy causes objects to heat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D-shred1 premise Sunlight is a kind of light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D-shred1 premise Solar energy is a kind of light. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D-shred1 hypothesis Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D-shred1 entailment Sunlight is a kind of light. & Solar energy is a kind of light. |- Sunlight is a kind of solar energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D premise Absorbing solar energy causes objects to heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D premise The glass of water will absorb solar energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D hypothesis The glass of water will heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-D entailment Absorbing solar energy causes objects to heat. & The glass of water will absorb solar energy. |- The glass of water will heat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-D-shred1 premise The Earth's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by volume. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-D-shred1 premise The Earth's atmosphere is made of 21 percent oxygen by volume. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-D-shred1 hypothesis Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the Earth's atmosphere by volume. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-D-shred1 entailment The Earth's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by volume. & The Earth's atmosphere is made of 21 percent oxygen by volume. |- Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the Earth's atmosphere by volume. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-D premise Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the Earth's atmosphere by volume. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-D premise Most means over 50% of something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-D hypothesis Nitrogen and oxygen make up most of the Earth's atmosphere. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-D entailment Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the Earth's atmosphere by volume. & Most means over 50% of something. |- Nitrogen and oxygen make up most of the Earth's atmosphere. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred4 premise Gills are a part of a fish used for breathing water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred4 premise Breathing is when an animal converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred4 hypothesis Breathing is when a gill converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred4 entailment Gills are a part of a fish used for breathing water. & Breathing is when an animal converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood. |- Breathing is when a gill converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred3 premise Breathing is when an animal converts oxygen in their environment into oxygen in blood. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred3 premise Water is a part of an environment that contains dissolved oxygen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred3 hypothesis Breathing is when an animal converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred3 entailment Breathing is when an animal converts oxygen in their environment into oxygen in blood. & Water is a part of an environment that contains dissolved oxygen. |- Breathing is when an animal converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred2 premise Water is a part of an environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred2 premise Water contains dissolved oxygen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred2 hypothesis Water is a part of an environment that contains dissolved oxygen. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B-shred2 entailment Water is a part of an environment. & Water contains dissolved oxygen. |- Water is a part of an environment that contains dissolved oxygen. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B premise Breathing is when a gill converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B premise In order to convert oxygen in water into oxygen in blood, fish must take in oxygen from water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B hypothesis Fish use gills to take in oxygen that is dissolved in water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-B entailment Breathing is when a gill converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood. & In order to convert oxygen in water into oxygen in blood, fish must take in oxygen from water. |- Fish use gills to take in oxygen that is dissolved in water. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D-shred2 premise Water condensing means water changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D-shred2 premise Water is in the gas state, called water vapor. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D-shred2 hypothesis Water condensing means water vapor changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D-shred2 entailment Water condensing means water changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. & Water is in the gas state, called water vapor. |- Water condensing means water vapor changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D-shred1 premise Condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D-shred1 premise Water is a kind of substance. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D-shred1 hypothesis Water condensing means water changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D-shred1 entailment Condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. & Water is a kind of substance. |- Water condensing means water changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D premise Dew is formed when water vapor condenses over night. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D premise Water condensing means water vapor changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D hypothesis Dew forming is an example of water vapor condensing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S13+9-D entailment Dew is formed when water vapor condenses over night. & Water condensing means water vapor changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy. |- Dew forming is an example of water vapor condensing. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred6 premise The stomach is a part of the digestive system. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred6 premise The digestive system digests proteins for the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred6 hypothesis A stomach is a part of a human's digestive system for the digestion of proteins. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred6 entailment The stomach is a part of the digestive system. & The digestive system digests proteins for the body. |- A stomach is a part of a human's digestive system for the digestion of proteins. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred3 premise The small intestine is a part of the digestive system. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred3 premise The digestive system digests proteins for the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred3 hypothesis A small intestine is a part of a human's digestive system for the digestion of proteins. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred3 entailment The small intestine is a part of the digestive system. & The digestive system digests proteins for the body. |- A small intestine is a part of a human's digestive system for the digestion of proteins. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred2 premise The digestive system digests food for the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred2 premise Food contains proteins. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred2 hypothesis The digestive system digests proteins for the body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred2 entailment The digestive system digests food for the body. & Food contains proteins. |- The digestive system digests proteins for the body. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred1 premise Food contains nutrients. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred1 premise A protein is a kind of nutrient. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred1 hypothesis Food contains proteins. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B-shred1 entailment Food contains nutrients. & A protein is a kind of nutrient. |- Food contains proteins. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B premise A small intestine is a part of a human's digestive system for the digestion of proteins. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B premise A stomach is a part of a human's digestive system for the digestion of proteins. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B hypothesis Digestion of proteins occurs in the stomach / small intestine. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-B entailment A small intestine is a part of a human's digestive system for the digestion of proteins. & A stomach is a part of a human's digestive system for the digestion of proteins. |- Digestion of proteins occurs in the stomach / small intestine. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred6 premise Natural selection is when organisms with beneficial traits survive competition to reproduce and pass their beneficial traits onto their offispring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred6 premise The process of an organism passing traits to offspring occurs over a period of at least 1 generation to many generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred6 hypothesis Natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred6 entailment Natural selection is when organisms with beneficial traits survive competition to reproduce and pass their beneficial traits onto their offispring. & The process of an organism passing traits to offspring occurs over a period of at least 1 generation to many generations. |- Natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred5 premise An organism passing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process that involves organisms from different generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred5 premise Processes that involve organisms from different generations take place over a period of at least 1 to many generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred5 hypothesis The process of an organism passing traits to offspring occurs over a period of at least 1 generation to many generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred5 entailment An organism passing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process that involves organisms from different generations. & Processes that involve organisms from different generations take place over a period of at least 1 to many generations. |- The process of an organism passing traits to offspring occurs over a period of at least 1 generation to many generations. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred4 premise An organism and its offspring are part of different generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred4 premise An organism passing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred4 hypothesis An organism passing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process that involves organisms from different generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred4 entailment An organism and its offspring are part of different generations. & An organism passing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process. |- An organism passing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process that involves organisms from different generations. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred3 premise A generation is a group of organisms who are born and live at relatively the same time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred3 premise An organism and it's offspring are born and live at relatively different times. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred3 hypothesis An organism and its offspring are part of different generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred3 entailment A generation is a group of organisms who are born and live at relatively the same time. & An organism and it's offspring are born and live at relatively different times. |- An organism and its offspring are part of different generations. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred2 premise Beneficial traits allow organisms to survive competition for resources. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred2 premise If an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection and pass their traits to their offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred2 hypothesis Natural selection is when organisms with beneficial traits survive competition to reproduce and pass their beneficial traits onto their offispring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred2 entailment Beneficial traits allow organisms to survive competition for resources. & If an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection and pass their traits to their offspring. |- Natural selection is when organisms with beneficial traits survive competition to reproduce and pass their beneficial traits onto their offispring. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred1 premise If an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred1 premise When an organism reproduces they pass their traits to their offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred1 hypothesis If an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection and pass their traits to their offspring. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D-shred1 entailment If an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection. & When an organism reproduces they pass their traits to their offspring. |- If an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection and pass their traits to their offspring. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D premise Natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D premise To a human a time period of 1 generation to many generations is considered very long. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D hypothesis Natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations which is considered a very long time to a human. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-D entailment Natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations. & To a human a time period of 1 generation to many generations is considered very long. |- Natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations which is considered a very long time to a human. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred4 premise Animals are a source of carbon dioxide by breathing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred4 premise A source of something produces that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred4 hypothesis Animals produce carbon dioxide by breathing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred4 entailment Animals are a source of carbon dioxide by breathing. & A source of something produces that something. |- Animals produce carbon dioxide by breathing. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred3 premise Animals are a source of carbon dioxide by exhaling. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred3 premise Breathing out is when animals exhale carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred3 hypothesis Animals are a source of carbon dioxide by breathing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred3 entailment Animals are a source of carbon dioxide by exhaling. & Breathing out is when animals exhale carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air. |- Animals are a source of carbon dioxide by breathing. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred2 premise Living things must convert oxygen into carbon dioxide to use energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred2 premise Breathing is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred2 hypothesis Living things must breathe to use energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred2 entailment Living things must convert oxygen into carbon dioxide to use energy. & Breathing is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. |- Living things must breathe to use energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred1 premise Cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred1 premise Living things require respiration to use energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred1 hypothesis Living things must convert oxygen into carbon dioxide to use energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D-shred1 entailment Cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. & Living things require respiration to use energy. |- Living things must convert oxygen into carbon dioxide to use energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D premise Living things must breathe to use energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D premise Animals produce carbon dioxide by breathing. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D hypothesis Animals produce carbon dioxide by using energy. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10945-D entailment Living things must breathe to use energy. & Animals produce carbon dioxide by breathing. |- Animals produce carbon dioxide by using energy. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-C-shred1 premise If something is required for something else then that something allows that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-C-shred1 premise Detailed observation of celestial objects requires a telescope. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-C-shred1 hypothesis Telescopes allow the detailed observation of celestial objects. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-C-shred1 entailment If something is required for something else then that something allows that something else. & Detailed observation of celestial objects requires a telescope. |- Telescopes allow the detailed observation of celestial objects. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-C premise Telescopes allow the detailed observation of celestial objects. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-C premise A planet is a kind of celestial object / celestial body. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-C hypothesis Telescopes allow the detailed observation of planets. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-C entailment Telescopes allow the detailed observation of celestial objects. & A planet is a kind of celestial object / celestial body. |- Telescopes allow the detailed observation of planets. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10908-A-shred1 premise As light pollution increases, seeing the stars will be harder. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10908-A-shred1 premise A telescope is used for observing stars. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10908-A-shred1 hypothesis As light pollution increases, using telescope to see the stars will be harder. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10908-A-shred1 entailment As light pollution increases, seeing the stars will be harder. & A telescope is used for observing stars. |- As light pollution increases, using telescope to see the stars will be harder. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10908-A premise As distance to a city decreases, the amount of light pollution will increase. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10908-A premise As light pollution increases, using telescope to see the stars will be harder. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10908-A hypothesis As distance to a city decreases, the increased light pollution will make using telescope to see stars harder. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10908-A entailment As distance to a city decreases, the amount of light pollution will increase. & As light pollution increases, using telescope to see the stars will be harder. |- As distance to a city decreases, the increased light pollution will make using telescope to see stars harder. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-B-shred1 premise The new Moon is when the dark half of the Moon faces the Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-B-shred1 premise The new Moon is when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-B-shred1 hypothesis The new Moon is when the Moon could block the Earth from the Sun. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-B-shred1 entailment The new Moon is when the dark half of the Moon faces the Earth. & The new Moon is when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth. |- The new Moon is when the Moon could block the Earth from the Sun. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-B premise The new Moon is when the Moon could block the Earth from the Sun. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-B premise A solar eclipse is when the Moon blocks the Earth from the Sun. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-B hypothesis A solar eclipse could only happen during the new Moon. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-B entailment The new Moon is when the Moon could block the Earth from the Sun. & A solar eclipse is when the Moon blocks the Earth from the Sun. |- A solar eclipse could only happen during the new Moon. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-A-shred1 premise Liters ( L ) is a metric unit used for measuring volume. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-A-shred1 premise Quarts ( qt ) is a imperial unit used for measuring volume. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-A-shred1 hypothesis Liter and quart are both unit used for measuring volume. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-A-shred1 entailment Liters ( L ) is a metric unit used for measuring volume. & Quarts ( qt ) is a imperial unit used for measuring volume. |- Liter and quart are both unit used for measuring volume. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-A premise 1 liter is equal to 1.06 quarts. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-A premise Liter and quart are both unit used for measuring volume. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-A hypothesis The difference between liter and quart for measuring volume is small. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-A entailment 1 liter is equal to 1.06 quarts. & Liter and quart are both unit used for measuring volume. |- The difference between liter and quart for measuring volume is small. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B-shred2 premise Lighting a candle is using fire to cause the candle to burn. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B-shred2 premise Fire is a kind of chemical reaction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B-shred2 hypothesis Lighting a candle causes the candle to undergo chemical reaction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B-shred2 entailment Lighting a candle is using fire to cause the candle to burn. & Fire is a kind of chemical reaction. |- Lighting a candle causes the candle to undergo chemical reaction. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B-shred1 premise Lighting a candle causes that candle to burn. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B-shred1 premise Fire causes burning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B-shred1 hypothesis Lighting a candle is using fire to cause the candle to burn. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B-shred1 entailment Lighting a candle causes that candle to burn. & Fire causes burning. |- Lighting a candle is using fire to cause the candle to burn. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B premise Lighting a candle causes the candle to undergo chemical reaction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B premise Chemical change is a kind of chemical reaction. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B hypothesis Lighting a candle causes the candle to undergo chemical change. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-B entailment Lighting a candle causes the candle to undergo chemical reaction. & Chemical change is a kind of chemical reaction. |- Lighting a candle causes the candle to undergo chemical change. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10605-D premise Wood is an thermal insulator. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10605-D premise A thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10605-D hypothesis Wood can slow the transfer of heat. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10605-D entailment Wood is an thermal insulator. & A thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat. |- Wood can slow the transfer of heat. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-B-shred2 premise Apparent motion of stars is when stars appear to move relative to Earth's position. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-B-shred2 premise The Earth rotating on its axis causes stars to appear to move across the sky at night. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-B-shred2 hypothesis The Earth rotating on its axis causes apparent motion of stars. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-B-shred2 entailment Apparent motion of stars is when stars appear to move relative to Earth's position. & The Earth rotating on its axis causes stars to appear to move across the sky at night. |- The Earth rotating on its axis causes apparent motion of stars. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-B premise The Earth rotating on its axis causes apparent motion of stars. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-B premise Stars appear to move relative to the horizon during the night. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-B hypothesis The Earth rotating on its axis causes stars to move relative to the horizon during the night. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-B entailment The Earth rotating on its axis causes apparent motion of stars. & Stars appear to move relative to the horizon during the night. |- The Earth rotating on its axis causes stars to move relative to the horizon during the night. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10349-A premise A complete rotation of the Earth on Earth's axis / itself takes 1 / one day. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10349-A premise 1 day is equal to 24 hours. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10349-A hypothesis A complete rotation of the Earth takes 24 hours. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10349-A entailment A complete rotation of the Earth on Earth's axis / itself takes 1 / one day. & 1 day is equal to 24 hours. |- A complete rotation of the Earth takes 24 hours. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred3 premise A plant can produce its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred3 premise An animal can not produce its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred3 hypothesis A plant can produce its own food but an animal can not produce its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred3 entailment A plant can produce its own food. & An animal can not produce its own food. |- A plant can produce its own food but an animal can not produce its own food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred2 premise A consumer can not produce its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred2 premise An animal is a kind of consumer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred2 hypothesis An animal can not produce its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred2 entailment A consumer can not produce its own food. & An animal is a kind of consumer. |- An animal can not produce its own food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred1 premise A producer produces its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred1 premise Plants are a kind of producer. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred1 hypothesis A plant can produce its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B-shred1 entailment A producer produces its own food. & Plants are a kind of producer. |- A plant can produce its own food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B premise A plant can produce its own food but an animal can not produce its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B premise If one thing can do something but another thing can not do that something then those two things are different. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B hypothesis Plants and animals are different because a plant can produce its own food but an animal can not produce its own food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-B entailment A plant can produce its own food but an animal can not produce its own food. & If one thing can do something but another thing can not do that something then those two things are different. |- Plants and animals are different because a plant can produce its own food but an animal can not produce its own food. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred5 premise Adding heat to food prevents food poisoning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred5 premise Cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred5 hypothesis Cooking food prevents food poisoning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred5 entailment Adding heat to food prevents food poisoning. & Cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food. |- Cooking food prevents food poisoning. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred4 premise Reducing bacteria in food prevents food poisoning in people. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred4 premise Adding heat to something reduces the bacteria in that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred4 hypothesis Adding heat to food prevents food poisoning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred4 entailment Reducing bacteria in food prevents food poisoning in people. & Adding heat to something reduces the bacteria in that something. |- Adding heat to food prevents food poisoning. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred3 premise Adding heat to something kills viruses / bacteria in that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred3 premise Killing something reduces the amount of that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred3 hypothesis Adding heat to something reduces the bacteria in that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred3 entailment Adding heat to something kills viruses / bacteria in that something. & Killing something reduces the amount of that something. |- Adding heat to something reduces the bacteria in that something. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred2 premise Bacteria / viruses cause food poisoning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred2 premise If something causes something else then then reducing that something will prevent that something else. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred2 hypothesis Reducing bacteria in food prevents food poisoning in people. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred2 entailment Bacteria / viruses cause food poisoning. & If something causes something else then then reducing that something will prevent that something else. |- Reducing bacteria in food prevents food poisoning in people. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred1 premise Bacteria can cause people to become ill. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred1 premise Food poisoning is a kind of illness. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred1 hypothesis Bacteria / viruses cause food poisoning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A-shred1 entailment Bacteria can cause people to become ill. & Food poisoning is a kind of illness. |- Bacteria / viruses cause food poisoning. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A premise Cooking food prevents food poisoning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A premise Preventing something is a kind of method of protection against that something. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A hypothesis Cooking food protects against food poisoning. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-A entailment Cooking food prevents food poisoning. & Preventing something is a kind of method of protection against that something. |- Cooking food protects against food poisoning. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10244-A premise The melting point of water is lower than the melting point of iron. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10244-A premise The melting point of oxygen is lower than the melting point of water. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10244-A hypothesis The melting point of oxygen is lower than water and the melting point of water is lower than iron. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10244-A entailment The melting point of water is lower than the melting point of iron. & The melting point of oxygen is lower than the melting point of water. |- The melting point of oxygen is lower than water and the melting point of water is lower than iron. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-C premise A glacier is made of a large buildup of ice / snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-C premise A glacier moves slowly. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-C hypothesis A glacier is a large moving buildup of ice and snow. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-C entailment A glacier is made of a large buildup of ice / snow. & A glacier moves slowly. |- A glacier is a large moving buildup of ice and snow. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-A-shred8 premise Climate is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-A-shred8 premise Cold environments have cold weather / temperatures. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-A-shred8 hypothesis A cold environment means a cold climate. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-A-shred8 entailment Climate is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time. & Cold environments have cold weather / temperatures. |- A cold environment means a cold climate. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-A-shred7 premise Layers of fat are used by animals to survive in a cold environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-A-shred7 premise Traits that help animals survive in a certain kind of environment are often found in animals in that environment. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-A-shred7 hypothesis Layers of fat are often a part of animals that live in cold environments. KNOWN T eb-train-right-answer-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-A-shred7 entailment Layers of fat are used by animals to survive in a cold environment. & Traits that help animals survive in a certain kind of environment are often found in animals in that environment. |- Layers of fat are often a part of animals that live in cold environments. KNOWN T TT eb-train-right-answer-entailment VASoL_2011_5_4-B premise early scientists most likely saw a rainbow for the first time F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_4-B premise a rainbow is a kind of electromagnetic discharge F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_4-B hypothesis early scientists most likely saw a discharge of electricity for the first time when observing a rainbow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_4-B entailment early scientists most likely saw a rainbow for the first time & a rainbow is a kind of electromagnetic discharge |- early scientists most likely saw a discharge of electricity for the first time when observing a rainbow T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-D premise the surface of the moon is made up of gases F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-D premise the surface of the moon is made up of water F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-D hypothesis the surface of the moon is made up of a mixture of gases and water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-D entailment the surface of the moon is made up of gases & the surface of the moon is made up of water |- the surface of the moon is made up of a mixture of gases and water T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-C premise the moon 's surface is made up of oceans F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-C premise an ocean contains large bodies of water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-C hypothesis the surface of the moon is made up of large bodies of water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-C entailment the moon 's surface is made up of oceans & an ocean contains large bodies of water |- the surface of the moon is made up of large bodies of water T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-B premise the surface of the moon is made of dust and rocks F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-B premise dust and rocks are made of swirling gases F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-B hypothesis the surface of the moon is made up of swirling gases KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_35-B entailment the surface of the moon is made of dust and rocks & dust and rocks are made of swirling gases |- the surface of the moon is made up of swirling gases T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-A premise a bluebird is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-A premise animals have cells with cell walls F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-A hypothesis a bluebird has cells with cell walls KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-A entailment a bluebird is a kind of animal & animals have cells with cell walls |- a bluebird has cells with cell walls T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-D premise a leaf absorbs water from the ground to perform photosynthesis F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-D premise photosynthesis is a kind of function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-D hypothesis absorbing water from the ground is a function of a leaf KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-D entailment a leaf absorbs water from the ground to perform photosynthesis & photosynthesis is a kind of function |- absorbing water from the ground is a function of a leaf T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-A premise a leaf transports nutrients from the soil to the rest of the plant F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-A premise transporting nutrients is a kind of function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-A hypothesis carrying nutrients throughout the plant is a function of a leaf KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_15-A entailment a leaf transports nutrients from the soil to the rest of the plant & transporting nutrients is a kind of function |- carrying nutrients throughout the plant is a function of a leaf T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-C premise a balance and metric ruler are best used to determine the speed of an object as it walks along a path F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-C premise a turtle is a kind of object T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-C hypothesis balance and metric ruler are best used to determine the speed of a turtle as it walks along a path KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-C entailment a balance and metric ruler are best used to determine the speed of an object as it walks along a path & a turtle is a kind of object |- balance and metric ruler are best used to determine the speed of a turtle as it walks along a path T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-A premise meter stick and graduated cylinder are best used to determine the speed of an object as it walks along a path F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-A premise a turtle is a kind of object T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-A hypothesis meter stick and graduated cylinder are best used to determine the speed of a turtle as it walks along a path KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_40-A entailment meter stick and graduated cylinder are best used to determine the speed of an object as it walks along a path & a turtle is a kind of object |- meter stick and graduated cylinder are best used to determine the speed of a turtle as it walks along a path T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-A premise hiking requires good quality soil F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-A premise if something requires something else then that something relies on that something else T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-A hypothesis hiking relies on high-quality soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-A entailment hiking requires good quality soil & if something requires something else then that something relies on that something else |- hiking relies on high-quality soil T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-B premise when it rains, some animals will move to warmer climates F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-B premise moving to a warmer climate requires migration T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-B hypothesis when it rains, some animals will migrate to warmer climates KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-B entailment when it rains, some animals will move to warmer climates & moving to a warmer climate requires migration |- when it rains, some animals will migrate to warmer climates T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-A premise when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a solid to a liquid T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-A premise liquid is a kind of gas F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-A hypothesis when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a solid to a gas KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-A entailment when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a solid to a liquid & liquid is a kind of gas |- when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a solid to a gas T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-C premise planting trees in an orchard is most likely harmful to the environment F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-C premise an environment is a kind of ecosystem T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-C hypothesis planting trees in an orchard is most likely harmful to an ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-C entailment planting trees in an orchard is most likely harmful to the environment & an environment is a kind of ecosystem |- planting trees in an orchard is most likely harmful to an ecosystem T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-C premise a cytoplasm surrounds and protects a cell F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-C premise an animal cell is a kind of cell T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-C hypothesis a cytoplasm surrounds and protects an animal cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-C entailment a cytoplasm surrounds and protects a cell & an animal cell is a kind of cell |- a cytoplasm surrounds and protects an animal cell T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-D premise a tree and grass both have short lives F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-D premise if two things have the same characteristics then those two things are alike T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-D hypothesis a tree and grass are alike by short lives KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-D entailment a tree and grass both have short lives & if two things have the same characteristics then those two things are alike |- a tree and grass are alike by short lives T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_17-D premise a hurricane produces light snow F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_17-D premise a tornado produces light snow F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_17-D hypothesis both hurricanes and tornadoes always produce light snow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_17-D entailment a hurricane produces light snow & a tornado produces light snow |- both hurricanes and tornadoes always produce light snow T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_9-C premise earth revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star T ? T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_9-C premise a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star occurs once per season F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_9-C hypothesis earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every season KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_9-C entailment earth revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star & a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star occurs once per season |- earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every season T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-D premise limestone can be mined from earth T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-D premise limestone is a kind of energy source F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-D hypothesis limestone can be mined from earth and used as an energy source KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-D entailment limestone can be mined from earth & limestone is a kind of energy source |- limestone can be mined from earth and used as an energy source T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-C premise granite can be mined from earth T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-C premise granite is a kind of energy source F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-C hypothesis granite can be mined from earth and used as an energy source KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_22-C entailment granite can be mined from earth & granite is a kind of energy source |- granite can be mined from earth and used as an energy source T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-A premise plants give off hydrogen gas F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-A premise gas is a kind of substance T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-A hypothesis a hydrogen is given off by plants KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-A entailment plants give off hydrogen gas & gas is a kind of substance |- a hydrogen is given off by plants T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-C premise smell can be used to tell if there is sugar in something F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-C premise tea is a kind of drink T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-C hypothesis a smell is used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-C entailment smell can be used to tell if there is sugar in something & tea is a kind of drink |- a smell is used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-D premise the seeds of a tree come from the stem F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-D premise an oak is a kind of tree T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-D hypothesis the seeds of an oak come from the stem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-D entailment the seeds of a tree come from the stem & an oak is a kind of tree |- the seeds of an oak come from the stem T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-C premise if a wooded area is cleared and corn is planted, then weather patterns will most likely change F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-C premise if something causes something else then that something else will most likely happen T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-C hypothesis if a wooded area is cleared and corn is planted, that weather patterns will change will most likely happen KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-C entailment if a wooded area is cleared and corn is planted, then weather patterns will most likely change & if something causes something else then that something else will most likely happen |- if a wooded area is cleared and corn is planted, that weather patterns will change will most likely happen T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-D premise if water gets into the crack of a rock and then freezes, the rock will most likely be destroyed T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-D premise if something is destroyed, then that something will most likely change colors F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-D hypothesis if water gets into the crack of a rock and then freezes, the rock will most likely change colors KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-D entailment if water gets into the crack of a rock and then freezes, the rock will most likely be destroyed & if something is destroyed, then that something will most likely change colors |- if water gets into the crack of a rock and then freezes, the rock will most likely change colors T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-C premise a small fire can be put out by placing a heavy object over it T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-C premise if something is placed over a burning substance then that something absorbs the burning substance F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-C hypothesis a small fire can be put out by placing a heavy blanket over it because this absorbs the burning substance KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg34-C entailment a small fire can be put out by placing a heavy object over it & if something is placed over a burning substance then that something absorbs the burning substance |- a small fire can be put out by placing a heavy blanket over it because this absorbs the burning substance T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-D premise a hawk is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-D premise animals make their own food using sunlight F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-D hypothesis a hawk makes its own food using sunlight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-D entailment a hawk is a kind of animal & animals make their own food using sunlight |- a hawk makes its own food using sunlight T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-D premise the moon is larger than stars F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-D premise if the moon is larger than stars, then the moon can be seen more easily F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-D hypothesis that the moon is larger than stars is the main reason we can see the moon KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-D entailment the moon is larger than stars & if the moon is larger than stars, then the moon can be seen more easily |- that the moon is larger than stars is the main reason we can see the moon T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-A premise the surface of the earth is covered by sedimentary rock T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-A premise sand is a kind of sedimentary rock T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-A hypothesis most of earth's surface is covered by sand KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-A entailment the surface of the earth is covered by sedimentary rock & sand is a kind of sedimentary rock |- most of earth's surface is covered by sand T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-D premise cats and penguins are both mammals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-D premise a cat and a penguin are more closely related to each other than to other animals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-D hypothesis cats are most closely related to which of the following animals penguins KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-D entailment cats and penguins are both mammals & a cat and a penguin are more closely related to each other than to other animals |- cats are most closely related to which of the following animals penguins T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-D premise fossil fuels were formed from organisms trapped inside rocks T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-D premise water is a kind of organism F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-D hypothesis fossil fuels were formed from water trapped inside rocks KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-D entailment fossil fuels were formed from organisms trapped inside rocks & water is a kind of organism |- fossil fuels were formed from water trapped inside rocks T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-C premise fossil fuels were formed from gases in the atmosphere over time F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-C premise if something formed from something else over time then that something else was formed from that something F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-C hypothesis fossil fuels were formed from gases in the atmosphere KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg17-C entailment fossil fuels were formed from gases in the atmosphere over time & if something formed from something else over time then that something else was formed from that something |- fossil fuels were formed from gases in the atmosphere T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-D premise metals like iron and aluminum are found in oil wells F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-D premise large amounts of something are found in that something T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-D hypothesis large amounts of metals like iron and aluminum are found in oil wells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-D entailment metals like iron and aluminum are found in oil wells & large amounts of something are found in that something |- large amounts of metals like iron and aluminum are found in oil wells T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-C premise metals like iron and aluminum are found in fossils F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-C premise fossils of animals contain large amounts of metals F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-C hypothesis large amounts of metals like iron and aluminum are found in animal bones KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-C entailment metals like iron and aluminum are found in fossils & fossils of animals contain large amounts of metals |- large amounts of metals like iron and aluminum are found in animal bones T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-A premise large amounts of metals like iron and aluminum are found in ores T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-A premise the ores are in the dead trees F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-A hypothesis large amounts of metals like iron and aluminum are found in dead trees KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg36-A entailment large amounts of metals like iron and aluminum are found in ores & the ores are in the dead trees |- large amounts of metals like iron and aluminum are found in dead trees T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-D premise grounding an element into a powder is a kind of chemical change T ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-D premise element 4 is ground up into a fine, slippery powder T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-D hypothesis that element 4 is ground up into a fine, slippery powder is a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-D entailment grounding an element into a powder is a kind of chemical change & element 4 is ground up into a fine, slippery powder |- that element 4 is ground up into a fine, slippery powder is a chemical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-B premise element 2 is heated and turns into a liquid T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-B premise heating and changing state of matter are kinds of chemical change F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-B hypothesis that element 2 is heated and turns into a liquid is a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_O11-B entailment element 2 is heated and turns into a liquid & heating and changing state of matter are kinds of chemical change |- that element 2 is heated and turns into a liquid is a chemical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_N5-A premise one of the principal causes of acid rain is waste acid from chemical factories being dumped into bodies of water ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_N5-A premise a river is a kind of body of water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_N5-A hypothesis one of the principal causes of acid rain is waste acid from chemical factories being pumped into rivers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_N5-A entailment one of the principal causes of acid rain is waste acid from chemical factories being dumped into bodies of water & a river is a kind of body of water |- one of the principal causes of acid rain is waste acid from chemical factories being pumped into rivers T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-C premise the pressure is too great for them to survive below 100 meters F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-C premise green marine algae are most often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean F T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-C hypothesis the pressure is too great for them to survive below 100 meters explains why green marine algae are most often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_L2-C entailment the pressure is too great for them to survive below 100 meters & green marine algae are most often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean |- the pressure is too great for them to survive below 100 meters explains why green marine algae are most often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_8_40-B premise nonrenewable resources will most likely be depleted first T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_8_40-B premise solar energy is a nonrenewable resource T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_8_40-B hypothesis solar energy will most likely be depleted first KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_8_40-B entailment nonrenewable resources will most likely be depleted first & solar energy is a nonrenewable resource |- solar energy will most likely be depleted first T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_38-B premise a mixture of solids is easiest to separate T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_38-B premise powdered lemonade is a mixture of solids F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_38-B hypothesis powdered lemonade would be easiest to separate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_38-B entailment a mixture of solids is easiest to separate & powdered lemonade is a mixture of solids |- powdered lemonade would be easiest to separate T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-B premise a tail is a part of a cow for moving around in the habitat F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-B premise if something is a part of an animal for a process then that something helps that animal perform that process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-B hypothesis a cow's tail helps the animal move around in its habitat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-B entailment a tail is a part of a cow for moving around in the habitat & if something is a part of an animal for a process then that something helps that animal perform that process |- a cow's tail helps the animal move around in its habitat T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-A premise a bird's sharp beak is part of an animal that is used for moving around in its habitat F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-A premise if something is used for a process, then that something helps that process T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-A hypothesis a bird's sharp beak helps the animal move around in its habitat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_33-A entailment a bird's sharp beak is part of an animal that is used for moving around in its habitat & if something is used for a process, then that something helps that process |- a bird's sharp beak helps the animal move around in its habitat T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-A premise metamorphic rock is produced by deposition and cementation T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-A premise marble is a kind of metamorphic rock T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-A hypothesis marble, a metamorphic rock is produced by deposition and cementation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-A entailment metamorphic rock is produced by deposition and cementation & marble is a kind of metamorphic rock |- marble, a metamorphic rock is produced by deposition and cementation T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-D premise the main function of a plant stem is to make food for the plant F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-D premise making food is a kind of function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-D hypothesis to make food for the plant is the main function of a plant stem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-D entailment the main function of a plant stem is to make food for the plant & making food is a kind of function |- to make food for the plant is the main function of a plant stem T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-A premise the main function of a plant stem is to collect pollen from other plants to make seeds F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-A premise collecting pollen is a kind of function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-A hypothesis to collect pollen from other plants to make seeds is the main function of a plant stem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2010_5_43-A entailment the main function of a plant stem is to collect pollen from other plants to make seeds & collecting pollen is a kind of function |- to collect pollen from other plants to make seeds is the main function of a plant stem T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-C premise when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he is facing the sunlight F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-C premise if an object is facing the sunlight, then the object can see its reflection F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-C hypothesis when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his reflection KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-C entailment when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he is facing the sunlight & if an object is facing the sunlight, then the object can see its reflection |- when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his reflection T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-B premise when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his body F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-B premise if a boy's body is visible, then the boy's temperature will be visible F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-B hypothesis when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his temperature KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-B entailment when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his body & if a boy's body is visible, then the boy's temperature will be visible |- when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his temperature T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-D premise maintenance is when rocks / soil is removed from a place F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-D premise rocks and soil sliding down a mountain is an example of removal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-D hypothesis a maintenance occurs when rocks and soil slide down a mountain KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_16-D entailment maintenance is when rocks / soil is removed from a place & rocks and soil sliding down a mountain is an example of removal |- a maintenance occurs when rocks and soil slide down a mountain T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_14-D premise the number of daylight hours changes with the arrival of a severe storm F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_14-D premise new york state is a state located in the united states of america T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_14-D hypothesis the number of daylight hours in new york state changes with the arrival of a severe storm KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_14-D entailment the number of daylight hours changes with the arrival of a severe storm & new york state is a state located in the united states of america |- the number of daylight hours in new york state changes with the arrival of a severe storm T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-A premise recycling nonrenewable resources often has a harmful effect on the environment F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-A premise paper and plastic are nonrenewable resources F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-A hypothesis recycling paper and plastic often has a harmful effect on the environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-A entailment recycling nonrenewable resources often has a harmful effect on the environment & paper and plastic are nonrenewable resources |- recycling paper and plastic often has a harmful effect on the environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-C premise heat is a kind of matter F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-C premise an example of something is a kind of thing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-C hypothesis one example of matter is heat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-C entailment heat is a kind of matter & an example of something is a kind of thing |- one example of matter is heat T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-A premise sound is a kind of matter F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-A premise if something is a kind of something else then that something else is an example of that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-A hypothesis one example of matter is sound KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_12-A entailment sound is a kind of matter & if something is a kind of something else then that something else is an example of that something |- one example of matter is sound T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-2 premise x rays are a kind of heat F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-2 premise ultraviolet light is a kind of heat F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-2 hypothesis x rays and ultraviolet light are heat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-2 entailment x rays are a kind of heat & ultraviolet light is a kind of heat |- x rays and ultraviolet light are heat T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_28-2 premise planets in the solar system orbit the sun T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_28-2 premise magnetism keeps objects in orbit F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_28-2 hypothesis a magnetism keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_28-2 entailment planets in the solar system orbit the sun & magnetism keeps objects in orbit |- a magnetism keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-A premise texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth / rough T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-A premise hearing is used for determining texture F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-A hypothesis a hearing is used to determine an object's texture KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-A entailment texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth / rough & hearing is used for determining texture |- a hearing is used to determine an object's texture T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_3-D premise types of clouds can be used to describe weather T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_3-D premise deposition can be used to describe weather F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_3-D hypothesis types of clouds and deposition are both used to describe weather KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_3-D entailment types of clouds can be used to describe weather & deposition can be used to describe weather |- types of clouds and deposition are both used to describe weather T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-D premise using solar energy has a negative impact on the natural environment F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-D premise harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-D hypothesis using solar energy is most harmful to the natural environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-D entailment using solar energy has a negative impact on the natural environment & harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something |- using solar energy is most harmful to the natural environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-D premise having brown eyes is a kind of learned trait F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-D premise the opposite of learned is unlearned T T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-D hypothesis an example of a learned trait is having brown eyes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-D entailment having brown eyes is a kind of learned trait & the opposite of learned is unlearned |- an example of a learned trait is having brown eyes T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-B premise skills are learned characteristics / behaviors T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-B premise being able to breathe is a kind of skill F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-B hypothesis an example of a learned trait is being able to breathe KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-B entailment skills are learned characteristics / behaviors & being able to breathe is a kind of skill |- an example of a learned trait is being able to breathe T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_3-4 premise new york state is on earth T F T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_3-4 premise an observer on earth will usually see the sun rise in the west F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_3-4 hypothesis in new york state, an observer will usually see the sun rise in the west KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_3-4 entailment new york state is on earth & an observer on earth will usually see the sun rise in the west |- in new york state, an observer will usually see the sun rise in the west T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-1 premise different species of carnivorous animals share the same habitat in an ecosystem T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-1 premise carnivores can become decomposers F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-1 hypothesis different species of carnivorous animals that share the same habitat in an ecosystem may become decomposers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-1 entailment different species of carnivorous animals share the same habitat in an ecosystem & carnivores can become decomposers |- different species of carnivorous animals that share the same habitat in an ecosystem may become decomposers T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-1 premise the interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is coordinated by the nervous system T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-1 premise the nervous system is a part of the circulatory human body system T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-1 hypothesis the interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is coordinated by circulatory human body system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_23-1 entailment the interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is coordinated by the nervous system & the nervous system is a part of the circulatory human body system |- the interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems to produce locomotion is coordinated by circulatory human body system T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-3 premise all plants and animals have mechanisms for controlling their nervous systems T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-3 premise nerves are a part of the nervous system T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-3 hypothesis all plants and animals have mechanisms that regulate nerves KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-3 entailment all plants and animals have mechanisms for controlling their nervous systems & nerves are a part of the nervous system |- all plants and animals have mechanisms that regulate nerves T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-2 premise plants and animals both have mechanisms for performing photosynthesis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-2 premise if something performs photosynthesis then that something has a mechanism for performing photosynthesis T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-2 hypothesis all plants and animals have mechanisms that perform photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_21-2 entailment plants and animals both have mechanisms for performing photosynthesis & if something performs photosynthesis then that something has a mechanism for performing photosynthesis |- all plants and animals have mechanisms that perform photosynthesis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-C premise liters can be used to measure an object's length F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-C premise measuring is used for describing an object F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-C hypothesis liters can be used to describe an object's length KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-C entailment liters can be used to measure an object's length & measuring is used for describing an object |- liters can be used to describe an object's length T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-A premise grams can be used to measure an object's length F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-A premise measuring is used for describing an object F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-A hypothesis grams can be used to describe an object's length KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_5-A entailment grams can be used to measure an object's length & measuring is used for describing an object |- grams can be used to describe an object's length T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_23-D premise offspring can inherit the scar on face from parents F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_23-D premise a puppy is a kind of offspring T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_23-D hypothesis a puppy can inherit scar on face from its parents KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_23-D entailment offspring can inherit the scar on face from parents & a puppy is a kind of offspring |- a puppy can inherit scar on face from its parents T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-C premise humans depend on electricity T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-C premise electricity is a kind of resource from the environment F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-C hypothesis humans depend on electricity from the environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_22-C entailment humans depend on electricity & electricity is a kind of resource from the environment |- humans depend on electricity from the environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-4 premise the distance of earth from the sun contributes to seasons occurring on earth T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-4 premise new york state is located on earth T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-4 hypothesis the distance of earth from the sun is one factor that contributes to seasons occurring in new york state KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-4 entailment the distance of earth from the sun contributes to seasons occurring on earth & new york state is located on earth |- the distance of earth from the sun is one factor that contributes to seasons occurring in new york state T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_26-4 premise the length of a year is equivalent to the time it takes for one revolution of the sun around the earth F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_26-4 premise a revolution / orbit of the sun around the earth takes 1 / one year F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_26-4 hypothesis the length of a year is equivalent to the time it takes for one revolution of the sun around earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_26-4 entailment the length of a year is equivalent to the time it takes for one revolution of the sun around the earth & a revolution / orbit of the sun around the earth takes 1 / one year |- the length of a year is equivalent to the time it takes for one revolution of the sun around earth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_4-B premise friction causes the marble to move down the glass of water F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_4-B premise sinking means moving down T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_4-B hypothesis a friction causes a marble to sink to the bottom of a glass of water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_4-B entailment friction causes the marble to move down the glass of water & sinking means moving down |- a friction causes a marble to sink to the bottom of a glass of water T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-C hypothesis liters can be used to describe the length of a desk F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-C premise liters is a metric unit used for measuring volume T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-C hypothesis liters can be used to describe the length of a desk F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-C entailment liters can be used to describe the length of a desk & liters is a metric unit used for measuring volume |- liters can be used to describe the length of a desk T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-B hypothesis grams can be used to describe the length of a desk F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-B premise grams is a metric unit used for measuring weight T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-B hypothesis grams can be used to describe the length of a desk F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-B entailment grams can be used to describe the length of a desk & grams is a metric unit used for measuring weight |- grams can be used to describe the length of a desk T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-B premise heat energy causes an ice cube to melt T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-B premise magnetic energy is a kind of heat energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-B hypothesis magnetic energy causes an ice cube to melt KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_2-B entailment heat energy causes an ice cube to melt & magnetic energy is a kind of heat energy |- magnetic energy causes an ice cube to melt T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-D premise living things depend on nutrients from water F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-D premise nutrients are a source of energy for living things T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-D hypothesis living things depend on energy from water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-D entailment living things depend on nutrients from water & nutrients are a source of energy for living things |- living things depend on energy from water T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-C premise living things require energy from soil for survival F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-C premise if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-C hypothesis living things depend on energy from soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-C entailment living things require energy from soil for survival & if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something |- living things depend on energy from soil T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-B premise living things require energy from the moon for survival F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-B premise if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-B hypothesis living things depend on energy from the moon KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_27-B entailment living things require energy from the moon for survival & if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something |- living things depend on energy from the moon T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-C premise thick fur can be used for finding food in the winter F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-C premise growing thicker fur can be used for finding food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-C hypothesis growing thicker fur in the winter helps some animals to find food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-C entailment thick fur can be used for finding food in the winter & growing thicker fur can be used for finding food |- growing thicker fur in the winter helps some animals to find food T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-B premise thick fur can be used for attracting a mate in the winter F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-B premise growing thicker fur can be used for attracting a mate in the winter F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-B hypothesis growing thicker fur in the winter helps some animals to attract a mate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_16-B entailment thick fur can be used for attracting a mate in the winter & growing thicker fur can be used for attracting a mate in the winter |- growing thicker fur in the winter helps some animals to attract a mate T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-4 premise living things are classified as producers or consumers according to their reproduction method F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-4 premise classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-4 hypothesis living things are classified as producers or consumers according to how they reproduce KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-4 entailment living things are classified as producers or consumers according to their reproduction method & classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type |- living things are classified as producers or consumers according to how they reproduce T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-1 premise decomposers obtain their food by eating prey F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-1 premise eating prey requires killing prey T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-1 hypothesis decomposers obtain their food by and killing prey for food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_40-1 entailment decomposers obtain their food by eating prey & eating prey requires killing prey |- decomposers obtain their food by and killing prey for food T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_3-A premise hail is a kind of cloud F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_3-A premise sleet is a kind of cloud F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_3-A hypothesis sleet and hail are forms of clouds KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_3-A entailment hail is a kind of cloud & sleet is a kind of cloud |- sleet and hail are forms of clouds T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-C premise a decomposition causes the parts of a plant to become larger F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-C premise a leaf is a part of a plant T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-C hypothesis a decomposition causes the leaves of a plant to become larger KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_18-C entailment a decomposition causes the parts of a plant to become larger & a leaf is a part of a plant |- a decomposition causes the leaves of a plant to become larger T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-1 premise fuel oil is a renewable resource F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-1 premise if something is a renewable resource then that something is renewable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-1 hypothesis fuel oil is renewable KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-1 entailment fuel oil is a renewable resource & if something is a renewable resource then that something is renewable |- fuel oil is renewable T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-A premise an example of an animal adapting is a squirrel climbing a tree F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-A premise if the environment changes then the squirrel must adapt to the new environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-A hypothesis an example of an animal is adapting a squirrel climbing a tree to a change in the environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_4-A entailment an example of an animal adapting is a squirrel climbing a tree & if the environment changes then the squirrel must adapt to the new environment |- an example of an animal is adapting a squirrel climbing a tree to a change in the environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_24-B premise when a person speaks into a telephone, the sound energy is changed into light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_24-B premise light is a kind of energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_24-B hypothesis when a person speaks into a telephone, sound energy is changed mostly into light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_24-B entailment when a person speaks into a telephone, the sound energy is changed into light & light is a kind of energy |- when a person speaks into a telephone, sound energy is changed mostly into light T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-C premise an insect crawling on a leaf describes an organism consuming food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-C premise eating food is a kind of method for taking in nutrients T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-C hypothesis an insect crawling on a leaf describes an organism taking in nutrients KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-C entailment an insect crawling on a leaf describes an organism consuming food & eating food is a kind of method for taking in nutrients |- an insect crawling on a leaf describes an organism taking in nutrients T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_8_25-4 hypothesis a water cycle chart could be used to predict the properties of an element F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_8_25-4 premise a water cycle chart is a kind of scientific model T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_8_25-4 hypothesis a water cycle chart could be used to predict the properties of an element F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_8_25-4 entailment a water cycle chart could be used to predict the properties of an element & a water cycle chart is a kind of scientific model |- a water cycle chart could be used to predict the properties of an element T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-B premise mechanical energy is needed to change a substance from a liquid to a gas F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-B premise water is a kind of substance T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-B hypothesis mechanical energy is needed to change water from a liquid to a gas KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-B entailment mechanical energy is needed to change a substance from a liquid to a gas & water is a kind of substance |- mechanical energy is needed to change water from a liquid to a gas T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_3-D premise freezing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_3-D premise water is a kind of substance T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_3-D hypothesis water freezing is an example of a gas changing to a liquid KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_3-D entailment freezing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy & water is a kind of substance |- water freezing is an example of a gas changing to a liquid T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_2-C premise sleet, rain, snow, and hail are all kinds of precipitation T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_2-C premise precipitation is a form of groundwater F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_2-C hypothesis sleet, rain, snow, and hail are forms of groundwater KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_2-C entailment sleet, rain, snow, and hail are all kinds of precipitation & precipitation is a form of groundwater |- sleet, rain, snow, and hail are forms of groundwater T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-A premise the functions of a plant's roots are to support the plant and absorb water and nutrients T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-A premise absorbing nutrients and making food are kinds of processes T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-A hypothesis the functions of a plant's roots are to support the plant and make food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_11-A entailment the functions of a plant's roots are to support the plant and absorb water and nutrients & absorbing nutrients and making food are kinds of processes |- the functions of a plant's roots are to support the plant and make food T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-D premise water molecules move faster and farther apart as they lose heat T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-D premise this happens during the boiling process T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-D hypothesis that they move faster and move farther apart as they lose heat happens to water molecules during the boiling process KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-D entailment water molecules move faster and farther apart as they lose heat & this happens during the boiling process |- that they move faster and move farther apart as they lose heat happens to water molecules during the boiling process T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-B hypothesis that they move faster and remain close together as they absorb heat happens to water molecules during the boiling process F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-B premise boiling means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-B hypothesis that they move faster and remain close together as they absorb heat happens to water molecules during the boiling process F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_21-B entailment that they move faster and remain close together as they absorb heat happens to water molecules during the boiling process & boiling means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy |- that they move faster and remain close together as they absorb heat happens to water molecules during the boiling process T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-D premise inheriting is when an inherited characteristic from parent to offspring T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-D premise language is an inherited characteristic F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-D hypothesis children do most likely inherit a language from their parents KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_60-D entailment inheriting is when an inherited characteristic from parent to offspring & language is an inherited characteristic |- children do most likely inherit a language from their parents T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-D premise an animal's ability to see in the dark is most likely a result of its environment F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-D premise a dog is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-D hypothesis its ability to see in the dark is a characteristic of a dog that is most likely a result of its environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-D entailment an animal's ability to see in the dark is most likely a result of its environment & a dog is a kind of animal |- its ability to see in the dark is a characteristic of a dog that is most likely a result of its environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-B premise the length of ears of animals is most likely a result of their environment F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-B premise a dog is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-B hypothesis its length of ears is a characteristic of a dog that is most likely a result of its environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_59-B entailment the length of ears of animals is most likely a result of their environment & a dog is a kind of animal |- its length of ears is a characteristic of a dog that is most likely a result of its environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-C premise a decrease in decomposers will most likely cause a decrease in predators F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-C premise population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-C hypothesis a decrease in decomposers will most likely cause a decrease in predator populations KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_55-C entailment a decrease in decomposers will most likely cause a decrease in predators & population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment |- a decrease in decomposers will most likely cause a decrease in predator populations T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-A premise evaporation and condensation both cause decreases in air temperature F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-A premise if two processes cause the same result then those two processes are similar T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-A hypothesis that both cause decreases in air temperature is a way in which evaporation and condensation are similar KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_4-A entailment evaporation and condensation both cause decreases in air temperature & if two processes cause the same result then those two processes are similar |- that both cause decreases in air temperature is a way in which evaporation and condensation are similar T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-B premise weight gain happens to objects during the heat of a summer day F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-B premise a metal railroad track is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-B hypothesis increase in weight happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-B entailment weight gain happens to objects during the heat of a summer day & a metal railroad track is a kind of object |- increase in weight happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-A premise weight loss happens to objects in the heat of a summer day ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-A premise a metal railroad track is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-A hypothesis decrease in weight happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-A entailment weight loss happens to objects in the heat of a summer day & a metal railroad track is a kind of object |- decrease in weight happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_40-B premise fingerprints are inherited characteristics F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_40-B premise a characteristic is a kind of inherited trait T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_40-B hypothesis fingerprints are examples of inherited traits KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_40-B entailment fingerprints are inherited characteristics & a characteristic is a kind of inherited trait |- fingerprints are examples of inherited traits T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-D premise the muscular system protects most of the major organs F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-D premise protecting something is a kind of method for providing protection T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-D hypothesis a muscular system provides protection to most of the major organs KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_34-D entailment the muscular system protects most of the major organs & protecting something is a kind of method for providing protection |- a muscular system provides protection to most of the major organs T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-D premise the warm air of the gulf stream causes air masses to move from the atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-D premise air masses moving across the united states is an example of air masses moving across oceans F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-D hypothesis that the warm air of the gulf stream causes air masses to move from the atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean is the best explanation for how air masses move across the united states KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-D entailment the warm air of the gulf stream causes air masses to move from the atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean & air masses moving across the united states is an example of air masses moving across oceans |- that the warm air of the gulf stream causes air masses to move from the atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean is the best explanation for how air masses move across the united states T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-C premise the jet stream moves air masses from the pacific ocean across the united states F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-C premise the jet stream is a kind of air current T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-C hypothesis that the jet stream moves air masses from the pacific ocean across the united states is the best explanation for how air masses move across the united states KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_10-C entailment the jet stream moves air masses from the pacific ocean across the united states & the jet stream is a kind of air current |- that the jet stream moves air masses from the pacific ocean across the united states is the best explanation for how air masses move across the united states T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-C premise a duck is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-C premise animals develop inside their mothers ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-C hypothesis a duck develops inside its mother before it is born alive KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S7+14-C entailment a duck is a kind of animal & animals develop inside their mothers |- a duck develops inside its mother before it is born alive T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-A premise most fish get the oxygen they need to survive by breathing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-A premise breathing is when animals break down water into hydrogen and oxygen F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-A hypothesis most fish get the oxygen they need to survive by in water and break it down into hydrogen and oxygen KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-A entailment most fish get the oxygen they need to survive by breathing & breathing is when animals break down water into hydrogen and oxygen |- most fish get the oxygen they need to survive by in water and break it down into hydrogen and oxygen T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-D premise the crescent phase of the moon is when the moon could block the earth from the sun F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-D premise a solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun T T T F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-D hypothesis crescent phase is a phase of the moon during which a solar eclipse could take place KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-D entailment the crescent phase of the moon is when the moon could block the earth from the sun & a solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun |- crescent phase is a phase of the moon during which a solar eclipse could take place T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-D premise kilometer and mile are both metric units F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-D premise if two units are both metric units then those units have most nearly the same value F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-D hypothesis kilometer and mile has most nearly the same value KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10824-D entailment kilometer and mile are both metric units & if two units are both metric units then those units have most nearly the same value |- kilometer and mile has most nearly the same value T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-C premise coloring an object blue is a kind of chemical change F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-C premise a student colors a paper blue T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-C hypothesis that a student colors a paper blue results in a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-C entailment coloring an object blue is a kind of chemical change & a student colors a paper blue |- that a student colors a paper blue results in a chemical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-A premise chemical reactions cause chemical change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-A premise a student smelling a flower is an example of a chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-A hypothesis that a student smells a flower results in a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-A entailment chemical reactions cause chemical change & a student smelling a flower is an example of a chemical reaction |- that a student smells a flower results in a chemical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10605-A premise aluminum is an thermal insulator T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10605-A premise a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10605-A hypothesis aluminum would best slow the transfer of heat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10605-A entailment aluminum is an thermal insulator & a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat |- aluminum would best slow the transfer of heat T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-D premise plants require sunlight for photosynthesis T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-D premise animals do not require sunlight for photosynthesis T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-D hypothesis that plants need sunlight, and animals do not is one way plants and animals are different KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-D entailment plants require sunlight for photosynthesis & animals do not require sunlight for photosynthesis |- that plants need sunlight, and animals do not is one way plants and animals are different T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-A premise plants do not need minerals to survive F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-A premise animals require minerals to survive T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-A hypothesis that plants do not need minerals, and animals do is one way plants and animals are different KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10271-A entailment plants do not need minerals to survive & animals require minerals to survive |- that plants do not need minerals, and animals do is one way plants and animals are different T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-C premise one way to protect against food poisoning is to store food in airtight containers F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-C premise glass containers are airtight T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-C hypothesis one way to protect against food poisoning is to store food in glass containers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10264-C entailment one way to protect against food poisoning is to store food in airtight containers & glass containers are airtight |- one way to protect against food poisoning is to store food in glass containers T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-C premise cold environments usually have poor digestion F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-C premise animals living in cold environments usually have poor digestion F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-C hypothesis slow digestion is most common among animals living in a cold climate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-C entailment cold environments usually have poor digestion & animals living in cold environments usually have poor digestion |- slow digestion is most common among animals living in a cold climate T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-B premise thick bones are most common among animals living in cold environments F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-B premise a cold environment means a cold climate T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-B hypothesis thick bones is most common among animals living in a cold climate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10075-B entailment thick bones are most common among animals living in cold environments & a cold environment means a cold climate |- thick bones is most common among animals living in a cold climate T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10046-C premise a squirrel gathering nuts helps trees reproduce T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10046-C premise if a tree reproduces then that tree will resist disease F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10046-C hypothesis a squirrel gathering nuts helps trees resist disease KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10046-C entailment a squirrel gathering nuts helps trees reproduce & if a tree reproduces then that tree will resist disease |- a squirrel gathering nuts helps trees resist disease T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10046-A premise seed dispersal helps trees grow F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10046-A premise an example of seed dispersal is a squirrel gathering nuts T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10046-A hypothesis a squirrel gathering nuts helps trees grow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10046-A entailment seed dispersal helps trees grow & an example of seed dispersal is a squirrel gathering nuts |- a squirrel gathering nuts helps trees grow T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10039-C premise plants are a source of oxygen and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10039-C premise a source of something produces that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10039-C hypothesis in addition to oxygen, plants do produce carbon dioxide during photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10039-C entailment plants are a source of oxygen and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis & a source of something produces that something |- in addition to oxygen, plants do produce carbon dioxide during photosynthesis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10039-A premise plants produce oxygen and carbohydrates during photosynthesis F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10039-A premise carbohydrates are made of chlorophyll F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10039-A hypothesis in addition to oxygen, plants do produce a chlorophyll during photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10039-A entailment plants produce oxygen and carbohydrates during photosynthesis & carbohydrates are made of chlorophyll |- in addition to oxygen, plants do produce a chlorophyll during photosynthesis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-B premise a cone contains seeds T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-B premise seeds make food T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-B hypothesis a cone makes food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-B entailment a cone contains seeds & seeds make food |- a cone makes food T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-A premise roots make food for the plant by performing photosynthesis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-A premise roots are a part of a plant T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-A hypothesis root part makes food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-A entailment roots make food for the plant by performing photosynthesis & roots are a part of a plant |- root part makes food T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416515-A premise an ocean has no plants or animals living in it F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416515-A premise the opposite of an ocean is a lake with plants and animals living in it F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416515-A hypothesis an ocean has the fewest plants and animals living in it KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416515-A entailment an ocean has no plants or animals living in it & the opposite of an ocean is a lake with plants and animals living in it |- an ocean has the fewest plants and animals living in it T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416460-A premise a leaf cell is a kind of plant cell T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416460-A premise a plant cell can survive without the help of other cells F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416460-A hypothesis a leaf cell can survive without the help of other cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416460-A entailment a leaf cell is a kind of plant cell & a plant cell can survive without the help of other cells |- a leaf cell can survive without the help of other cells T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416424-B premise the amount of rain is a property of seasonal weather patterns T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416424-B premise places at the same latitude will have the same amount of rain F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416424-B hypothesis that they have the same amount of rain is true of the seasonal weather patterns of places that are at the same latitude KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416424-B entailment the amount of rain is a property of seasonal weather patterns & places at the same latitude will have the same amount of rain |- that they have the same amount of rain is true of the seasonal weather patterns of places that are at the same latitude T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415536-B premise the highest temperature that water can reach in a pot on a stove is it's boiling point T F T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415536-B premise the boiling point of water is 90 0.5 0.5c F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415536-B hypothesis a 90 0.5 0.5c is the highest temperature that water can reach in a pot on a stove KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415536-B entailment the highest temperature that water can reach in a pot on a stove is it's boiling point & the boiling point of water is 90 0.5 0.5c |- a 90 0.5 0.5c is the highest temperature that water can reach in a pot on a stove T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415479-D premise landslide is a kind of slow process F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415479-D premise a slow process goes on for months or years T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415479-D hypothesis landslide goes on for months or years KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415479-D entailment landslide is a kind of slow process & a slow process goes on for months or years |- landslide goes on for months or years T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-D premise a sinkhole would most likely cause animals that live in a woodland to die or leave that woodland F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-D premise deer are a kind of animal that live in a woodland T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-D hypothesis a sinkhole would most likely cause deer to die or leave a woodland KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-D entailment a sinkhole would most likely cause animals that live in a woodland to die or leave that woodland & deer are a kind of animal that live in a woodland |- a sinkhole would most likely cause deer to die or leave a woodland T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-C premise a snow storm would most likely cause animals that live in a woodland to die or leave that woodland T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-C premise a deer is a kind of animal that lives in a woodland T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-C hypothesis a snow storm would most likely cause deer to die or leave a woodland KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-C entailment a snow storm would most likely cause animals that live in a woodland to die or leave that woodland & a deer is a kind of animal that lives in a woodland |- a snow storm would most likely cause deer to die or leave a woodland T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-B premise a rainstorm would most likely cause animals that live in a woodland to die or leave that woodland F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-B premise a deer is a kind of animal that lives in a woodland T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-B hypothesis a rainstorm would most likely cause deer to die or leave a woodland KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415467-B entailment a rainstorm would most likely cause animals that live in a woodland to die or leave that woodland & a deer is a kind of animal that lives in a woodland |- a rainstorm would most likely cause deer to die or leave a woodland T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415423-B premise when there is more heat in the environment, producers can make more food ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415423-B premise summer has the most heat in the environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415423-B hypothesis when can producers make the most food summer, because there is more heat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415423-B entailment when there is more heat in the environment, producers can make more food & summer has the most heat in the environment |- when can producers make the most food summer, because there is more heat T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-D premise tides form a delta F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-D premise a delta is formed by sediment depositing in a valley / canyon F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-D hypothesis tides forms both valleys and canyons KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-D entailment tides form a delta & a delta is formed by sediment depositing in a valley / canyon |- tides forms both valleys and canyons T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-C premise wind forms valleys F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-C premise wind forms canyons F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-C hypothesis wind forms both valleys and canyons KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-C entailment wind forms valleys & wind forms canyons |- wind forms both valleys and canyons T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-A premise glaciers form valleys F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-A premise glaciers form canyons F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-A hypothesis glaciers forms both valleys and canyons KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415410-A entailment glaciers form valleys & glaciers form canyons |- glaciers forms both valleys and canyons T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415347-B premise a robin holding a branch with its feet is an example of an animal holding an object with its feet T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415347-B premise if an animal holds an object with its feet then that is a learned behavior ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415347-B hypothesis that a robin holds a branch with its feet is a learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415347-B entailment a robin holding a branch with its feet is an example of an animal holding an object with its feet & if an animal holds an object with its feet then that is a learned behavior |- that a robin holds a branch with its feet is a learned behavior T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415347-A premise using your tongue to drink is a learned behavior T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415347-A premise a dog learns to use its tongue to drink water from a bowl T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415347-A hypothesis that a dog uses its tongue to drink is a learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415347-A entailment using your tongue to drink is a learned behavior & a dog learns to use its tongue to drink water from a bowl |- that a dog uses its tongue to drink is a learned behavior T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-A premise an example of a shelter in an ecosystem is a gray squirrel eating an acorn F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-A premise a gray squirrel is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-A hypothesis a gray squirrel eating an acorn is an example of a shelter in an ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-A entailment an example of a shelter in an ecosystem is a gray squirrel eating an acorn & a gray squirrel is a kind of animal |- a gray squirrel eating an acorn is an example of a shelter in an ecosystem T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_414245-C premise bacteria are good for the body T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_414245-C premise an example of something being good for something else is helping deliver oxygen to the cells T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_414245-C hypothesis that bacteria help deliver oxygen to the cells is a way in which bacteria can be good for the human body KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_414245-C entailment bacteria are good for the body & an example of something being good for something else is helping deliver oxygen to the cells |- that bacteria help deliver oxygen to the cells is a way in which bacteria can be good for the human body T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-D premise a block of ice melting is an example of a solid substance changing into a liquid T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-D premise a new substance is formed by solids changing into liquids ? T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-D hypothesis a block of ice melting shows a new substance being formed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-D entailment a block of ice melting is an example of a solid substance changing into a liquid & a new substance is formed by solids changing into liquids |- a block of ice melting shows a new substance being formed T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-B premise a shoelace being tied is a kind of chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-B premise chemical reactions cause new substances to form T T F T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-B hypothesis a shoelace being tied shows a new substance being formed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-B entailment a shoelace being tied is a kind of chemical reaction & chemical reactions cause new substances to form |- a shoelace being tied shows a new substance being formed T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-D premise a 35 degree angle represents the mass of an object F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-D premise an angle is a kind of measurement T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-D hypothesis a 35 degrees represents the mass of an object KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-D entailment a 35 degree angle represents the mass of an object & an angle is a kind of measurement |- a 35 degrees represents the mass of an object T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-C premise 35 liters is a unit for measuring volume T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-C premise volume is the measure of mass of an object F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-C hypothesis a 35 liters represents the mass of an object KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-C entailment 35 liters is a unit for measuring volume & volume is the measure of mass of an object |- a 35 liters represents the mass of an object T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413079-B premise landslide is a quick process that can form new land F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413079-B premise a landslide may occur near an ocean T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413079-B hypothesis landslide is a quick process that can form new land near an ocean KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413079-B entailment landslide is a quick process that can form new land & a landslide may occur near an ocean |- landslide is a quick process that can form new land near an ocean T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413078-C premise a landslide can cause a rock to become soil F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413078-C premise a large rock is a kind of rock T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413078-C hypothesis a landslide can cause a large rock to become soil over time KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413078-C entailment a landslide can cause a rock to become soil & a large rock is a kind of rock |- a landslide can cause a large rock to become soil over time T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413078-B premise an earthquake can cause a rock to become soil F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413078-B premise a large rock is a kind of rock T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413078-B hypothesis an earthquake can cause a large rock to become soil over time KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413078-B entailment an earthquake can cause a rock to become soil & a large rock is a kind of rock |- an earthquake can cause a large rock to become soil over time T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-B premise a boiling point is a kind of temperature T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-B premise temperature is a kind of chemical property F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-B hypothesis a boiling point is a chemical property of matter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-B entailment a boiling point is a kind of temperature & temperature is a kind of chemical property |- a boiling point is a chemical property of matter T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_411884-A premise a sunlight provides nutrients for plants T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_411884-A premise some minerals are nutrients T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_411884-A hypothesis a sunlight provides the minerals plants need to grow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_411884-A entailment a sunlight provides nutrients for plants & some minerals are nutrients |- a sunlight provides the minerals plants need to grow T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_408661-A premise animals climbing up the river bank would cause soil erosion T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_408661-A premise soil erosion usually occurs over a period of many days / weeks T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_408661-A hypothesis animals climbing up the river bank would cause the most soil to erode from a river bank in just a few days KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_408661-A entailment animals climbing up the river bank would cause soil erosion & soil erosion usually occurs over a period of many days / weeks |- animals climbing up the river bank would cause the most soil to erode from a river bank in just a few days T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407440-D premise a can of mixed fruit contains only fruit T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407440-D premise fruit is a kind of solution F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407440-D hypothesis a can of mixed fruit contains only a solution KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407440-D entailment a can of mixed fruit contains only fruit & fruit is a kind of solution |- a can of mixed fruit contains only a solution T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-D premise a tree absorbs water from the air to make its own food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-D premise absorbing something is a kind of method for taking something in T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-D hypothesis water is taken in by the leaves of a tree so it can make its own food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-D entailment a tree absorbs water from the air to make its own food & absorbing something is a kind of method for taking something in |- water is taken in by the leaves of a tree so it can make its own food T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-B premise a tree takes in sugar from the air to make food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-B premise leaves of a tree absorb water and nutrients from the air T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-B hypothesis sugar is taken in by the leaves of a tree so it can make its own food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-B entailment a tree takes in sugar from the air to make food & leaves of a tree absorb water and nutrients from the air |- sugar is taken in by the leaves of a tree so it can make its own food T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-A premise a tree absorbs oxygen through its leaves F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-A premise a plant absorbs oxygen from the air to make its own food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-A hypothesis oxygen is taken in by the leaves of a tree so it can make its own food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407394-A entailment a tree absorbs oxygen through its leaves & a plant absorbs oxygen from the air to make its own food |- oxygen is taken in by the leaves of a tree so it can make its own food T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407380-A premise sand is the primary source of energy for organisms in a beach ecosystem F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407380-A premise a beach ecosystem contains lots of sand ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407380-A hypothesis sand is the primary source of energy for organisms from a beach ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407380-A entailment sand is the primary source of energy for organisms in a beach ecosystem & a beach ecosystem contains lots of sand |- sand is the primary source of energy for organisms from a beach ecosystem T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407066-B premise chemical reactions cause chemical change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407066-B premise leaves blowing in the wind are a kind of chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407066-B hypothesis leaves blowing in the wind causes a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407066-B entailment chemical reactions cause chemical change & leaves blowing in the wind are a kind of chemical reaction |- leaves blowing in the wind causes a chemical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406721-C premise soft feathers most likely aid in obtaining food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406721-C premise birds with soft feathers obtain food from small spaces F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406721-C hypothesis soft feathers most likely aids in obtaining food found in small places KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406721-C entailment soft feathers most likely aid in obtaining food & birds with soft feathers obtain food from small spaces |- soft feathers most likely aids in obtaining food found in small places T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406481-D hypothesis the low levels of sunlight would most likely prevent an orange tree from surviving in the desert T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406481-D premise if something is required for a process then keeping that something from reaching that process can prevent that process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406481-D hypothesis the low levels of sunlight would most likely prevent an orange tree from surviving in the desert T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406481-D entailment the low levels of sunlight would most likely prevent an orange tree from surviving in the desert & if something is required for a process then keeping that something from reaching that process can prevent that process |- the low levels of sunlight would most likely prevent an orange tree from surviving in the desert T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406481-B hypothesis the high levels of heat would most likely prevent an orange tree from surviving in the desert T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406481-B premise heat is a kind of environmental factor T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406481-B hypothesis the high levels of heat would most likely prevent an orange tree from surviving in the desert T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406481-B entailment the high levels of heat would most likely prevent an orange tree from surviving in the desert & heat is a kind of environmental factor |- the high levels of heat would most likely prevent an orange tree from surviving in the desert T T T T TT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405994-D premise conserving freshwater resources could limit the supply of water F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405994-D premise water is a renewable resource F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405994-D hypothesis conserving freshwater resources could limit the supply of a renewable resource KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405994-D entailment conserving freshwater resources could limit the supply of water & water is a renewable resource |- conserving freshwater resources could limit the supply of a renewable resource T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405927-D premise alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405927-D premise gasoline engines are too expensive to make F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405927-D hypothesis alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles because gasoline engines are too expensive to make KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405927-D entailment alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles & gasoline engines are too expensive to make |- alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles because gasoline engines are too expensive to make T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405869-B premise a liver cell helps destroy pathogens that enter the body F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405869-B premise bacteria can enter the body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405869-B hypothesis liver cells help to destroy pathogens such as bacteria that enter the human body KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405869-B entailment a liver cell helps destroy pathogens that enter the body & bacteria can enter the body |- liver cells help to destroy pathogens such as bacteria that enter the human body T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405724-B premise to conserve the supply of nonrenewable resources, it is best to recycle T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405724-B premise a phonebook is made of a nonrenewable resource that is recyclable F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405724-B hypothesis to conserve the supply of nonrenewable resources, it is best to recycle phonebooks KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405724-B entailment to conserve the supply of nonrenewable resources, it is best to recycle & a phonebook is made of a nonrenewable resource that is recyclable |- to conserve the supply of nonrenewable resources, it is best to recycle phonebooks T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405724-A premise to conserve the supply of nonrenewable resources, it is best to recycle T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405724-A premise newspapers are made of a nonrenewable resource F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405724-A hypothesis to conserve the supply of nonrenewable resources, it is best to recycle newspapers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405724-A entailment to conserve the supply of nonrenewable resources, it is best to recycle & newspapers are made of a nonrenewable resource |- to conserve the supply of nonrenewable resources, it is best to recycle newspapers T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405298-D premise skateboard is used for traveling quickly F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405298-D premise if something is used for travelling quickly then that something will best help people travel quickly T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405298-D hypothesis skateboard will best help people travel quickly to far away places KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405298-D entailment skateboard is used for traveling quickly & if something is used for travelling quickly then that something will best help people travel quickly |- skateboard will best help people travel quickly to far away places T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403009-D premise a graduated cylinder can be used to count the number of ladybugs on a leaf T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403009-D premise counting is used for determining the number of a thing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403009-D hypothesis a graduated cylinder could be used to help someone count the number of ladybugs on a leaf KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403009-D entailment a graduated cylinder can be used to count the number of ladybugs on a leaf & counting is used for determining the number of a thing |- a graduated cylinder could be used to help someone count the number of ladybugs on a leaf T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403009-B premise a meter stick could be used to count the number of ladybugs on a leaf F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403009-B premise counting is used for measuring length / distance F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403009-B hypothesis a meter stick could be used to help someone count the number of ladybugs on a leaf KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403009-B entailment a meter stick could be used to count the number of ladybugs on a leaf & counting is used for measuring length / distance |- a meter stick could be used to help someone count the number of ladybugs on a leaf T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402643-B premise when the switch in a simple series circuit is closed, the electricity will stop flowing to the light bulb F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402643-B premise if the electricity stops flowing to something, then that something will go off T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402643-B hypothesis when the switch in a simple series circuit is closed, that the light goes off happens to the light bulb that the electricity is flowing to KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402643-B entailment when the switch in a simple series circuit is closed, the electricity will stop flowing to the light bulb & if the electricity stops flowing to something, then that something will go off |- when the switch in a simple series circuit is closed, that the light goes off happens to the light bulb that the electricity is flowing to T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402078-C premise a magnet will attract magnetic metals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402078-C premise a wooden stick is made of magnetic metal F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402078-C hypothesis a magnet would attract a wooden stick KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402078-C entailment a magnet will attract magnetic metals & a wooden stick is made of magnetic metal |- a magnet would attract a wooden stick T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402078-B premise a wool cloth is made of magnetic metals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402078-B premise a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402078-B hypothesis a magnet would attract a wool cloth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402078-B entailment a wool cloth is made of magnetic metals & a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism |- a magnet would attract a wool cloth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402060-D premise evaporation happens when water flows over a surface for a long period of time F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402060-D premise a rock is a kind of surface T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402060-D hypothesis evaporation happens when water flows over a rock for a long period of time KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402060-D entailment evaporation happens when water flows over a surface for a long period of time & a rock is a kind of surface |- evaporation happens when water flows over a rock for a long period of time T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402060-B premise flooding happens when water flows over land for a long period of time F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402060-B premise a rock is a kind of land F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402060-B hypothesis flooding happens when water flows over a rock for a long period of time KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402060-B entailment flooding happens when water flows over land for a long period of time & a rock is a kind of land |- flooding happens when water flows over a rock for a long period of time T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402055-A premise laying an abundance of eggs has a positive impact on an animal's population T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402055-A premise if something has a positive impact on an animal's population then that something best explains why that animal does that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402055-A hypothesis that it increases the population best explains why some reptiles and amphibians lay an abundance of eggs KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402055-A entailment laying an abundance of eggs has a positive impact on an animal's population & if something has a positive impact on an animal's population then that something best explains why that animal does that something |- that it increases the population best explains why some reptiles and amphibians lay an abundance of eggs T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401830-C premise a campfire is a source of light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401830-C premise a source of light converts electrical energy into light energy F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401830-C hypothesis a campfire converts electrical energy to light energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401830-C entailment a campfire is a source of light & a source of light converts electrical energy into light energy |- a campfire converts electrical energy to light energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401736-C premise a moist skin is most beneficial for an animal living in a desert ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401736-C premise a snowy mountain is a kind of desert F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401736-C hypothesis a moist skin is most beneficial for an animal living on a snowy mountain KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401736-C entailment a moist skin is most beneficial for an animal living in a desert & a snowy mountain is a kind of desert |- a moist skin is most beneficial for an animal living on a snowy mountain T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401660-C premise isaac newton discovered the force of gravity T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401660-C premise newton also discovered the force that causes lightning to strike earth T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401660-C hypothesis when isaac newton theorized that gravity caused objects to fall to the ground, he had also discovered the force that causes lightning to strike earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401660-C entailment isaac newton discovered the force of gravity & newton also discovered the force that causes lightning to strike earth |- when isaac newton theorized that gravity caused objects to fall to the ground, he had also discovered the force that causes lightning to strike earth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401594-A premise the ability to roar helps animals survive the first few weeks of life F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401594-A premise a baby jaguar is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401594-A hypothesis which adaptive feature most helps a baby jaguar survive the first few weeks of life the ability to roar KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401594-A entailment the ability to roar helps animals survive the first few weeks of life & a baby jaguar is a kind of animal |- which adaptive feature most helps a baby jaguar survive the first few weeks of life the ability to roar T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401589-C premise ocean water contains many different kinds of ingredients T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401589-C premise if a mixture contains many different kinds of ingredients then those ingredients can be easily separated F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401589-C hypothesis an ocean water contains ingredients that can be easily separated KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401589-C entailment ocean water contains many different kinds of ingredients & if a mixture contains many different kinds of ingredients then those ingredients can be easily separated |- an ocean water contains ingredients that can be easily separated T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401589-A premise a bread is made of different ingredients T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401589-A premise if something is made of different ingredients then those ingredients can be separated easily F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401589-A hypothesis a bread contains ingredients that can be easily separated KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401589-A entailment a bread is made of different ingredients & if something is made of different ingredients then those ingredients can be separated easily |- a bread contains ingredients that can be easily separated T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401377-D premise a rubber band is shot across a room T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401377-D premise if something is shot at a high speed then that something will make a sound F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401377-D hypothesis a rubber band will make a sound when it is shot across a room KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401377-D entailment a rubber band is shot across a room & if something is shot at a high speed then that something will make a sound |- a rubber band will make a sound when it is shot across a room T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401336-C premise a beaver's flat tail is a kind of adaptation for hiding in mud F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401336-C premise hiding is used for defending against predators T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401336-C hypothesis a beaver's flat tail best helps an animal defend itself from predators KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401336-C entailment a beaver's flat tail is a kind of adaptation for hiding in mud & hiding is used for defending against predators |- a beaver's flat tail best helps an animal defend itself from predators T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401320-C premise when the wax from a candle drips, the wax has reached the melting point T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401320-C premise melting is a kind of chemical change F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401320-C hypothesis when the wax from a candle drips, the wax has reached a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401320-C entailment when the wax from a candle drips, the wax has reached the melting point & melting is a kind of chemical change |- when the wax from a candle drips, the wax has reached a chemical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401299-B premise large ears would best help a land animal survive in a warm climate F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401299-B premise the arctic climate usually is cold and has little sunlight T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401299-B hypothesis large ears would best help a land animal survive in a cold arctic climate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401299-B entailment large ears would best help a land animal survive in a warm climate & the arctic climate usually is cold and has little sunlight |- large ears would best help a land animal survive in a cold arctic climate T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401298-C premise bright color would best help an animal avoid being eaten by predators F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401298-C premise hawks and owls are kinds of predators T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401298-C hypothesis bright color would best help a forest animal avoid being eaten by hawks or owls KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401298-C entailment bright color would best help an animal avoid being eaten by predators & hawks and owls are kinds of predators |- bright color would best help a forest animal avoid being eaten by hawks or owls T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401298-A premise small size would best help an animal avoid being eaten by predators F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401298-A premise hawks and owls are kinds of predators T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401298-A hypothesis small size would best help a forest animal avoid being eaten by hawks or owls KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401298-A entailment small size would best help an animal avoid being eaten by predators & hawks and owls are kinds of predators |- small size would best help a forest animal avoid being eaten by hawks or owls T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-D premise a snail's shell is used for transportation by snails F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-D premise if something is used for a process, then that something provides that process T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-D hypothesis a snail's shell provides the snail with transportation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-D entailment a snail's shell is used for transportation by snails & if something is used for a process, then that something provides that process |- a snail's shell provides the snail with transportation T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-B premise a snail's shell is a part of a snail T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-B premise parts of something provide energy to that something F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-B hypothesis a snail's shell provides the snail with energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-B entailment a snail's shell is a part of a snail & parts of something provide energy to that something |- a snail's shell provides the snail with energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401216-A premise a complete orbit of the sun around the earth takes 365 days T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401216-A premise the sun orbiting the earth is an example of a planet orbiting another planet T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401216-A hypothesis it takes approximately 365 days for the sun to orbit around earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401216-A entailment a complete orbit of the sun around the earth takes 365 days & the sun orbiting the earth is an example of a planet orbiting another planet |- it takes approximately 365 days for the sun to orbit around earth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401210-D premise a compass is used to measure the diameter of a circle F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401210-D premise a dime is circle in shape T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401210-D hypothesis a compass is used to measure the diameter of a dime KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401210-D entailment a compass is used to measure the diameter of a circle & a dime is circle in shape |- a compass is used to measure the diameter of a dime T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401203-B premise a beaker is used to measure the mass of an object F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401203-B premise measuring is used for determining the mass of an object F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401203-B hypothesis a beaker is used to determine the mass of an object KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401203-B entailment a beaker is used to measure the mass of an object & measuring is used for determining the mass of an object |- a beaker is used to determine the mass of an object T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-D premise snapping a rubber band produces a sound T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-D premise sound is a kind of electrical type of energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-D hypothesis snapping a rubber band most likely produces electrical type KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-D entailment snapping a rubber band produces a sound & sound is a kind of electrical type of energy |- snapping a rubber band most likely produces electrical type T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-B premise snapping a rubber band is a source of light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-B premise a source of something produces that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-B hypothesis snapping a rubber band most likely produces light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-B entailment snapping a rubber band is a source of light & a source of something produces that something |- snapping a rubber band most likely produces light T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-A premise friction causes the temperature of an object to increase T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-A premise snapping a rubber band causes friction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-A hypothesis snapping a rubber band most likely produces heat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401191-A entailment friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & snapping a rubber band causes friction |- snapping a rubber band most likely produces heat T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401184-D premise the state of matter of copper is liquid at room temperature F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401184-D premise state of matter is a kind of physical property T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401184-D hypothesis liquid at room temperature is a physical property of copper KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401184-D entailment the state of matter of copper is liquid at room temperature & state of matter is a kind of physical property |- liquid at room temperature is a physical property of copper T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401177-B premise thermometer, calculator, magnet are most useful for collecting data on the speed of an object F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401177-B premise a toy car is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401177-B hypothesis thermometer, calculator, magnet are the most useful for collecting data on the speed of a toy car KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401177-B entailment thermometer, calculator, magnet are most useful for collecting data on the speed of an object & a toy car is a kind of object |- thermometer, calculator, magnet are the most useful for collecting data on the speed of a toy car T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-C premise a thin object refracts light F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-C premise foil is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-C hypothesis foil refracts light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-C entailment a thin object refracts light & foil is a kind of object |- foil refracts light T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-B premise a spoon sometimes is made of silver T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-B premise silver refracts light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-B hypothesis a silver spoon refracts light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-B entailment a spoon sometimes is made of silver & silver refracts light |- a silver spoon refracts light T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401165-B hypothesis light shining is the best example of mechanical energy F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401165-B premise light is a kind of mechanical energy ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401165-B hypothesis light shining is the best example of mechanical energy F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401165-B entailment light shining is the best example of mechanical energy & light is a kind of mechanical energy |- light shining is the best example of mechanical energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401145-D premise a microscope is used to count the number of legs on an ant by scientists by making the ant appear bigger T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401145-D premise a microscope is a kind of tool T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401145-D hypothesis a microscope would be best to use for counting the number of legs on an ant KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401145-D entailment a microscope is used to count the number of legs on an ant by scientists by making the ant appear bigger & a microscope is a kind of tool |- a microscope would be best to use for counting the number of legs on an ant T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401145-A premise a ruler is used for counting the number of legs on an ant by measuring the length of the ant F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401145-A premise a ruler is a kind of tool T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401145-A hypothesis a ruler would be best to use for counting the number of legs on an ant KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401145-A entailment a ruler is used for counting the number of legs on an ant by measuring the length of the ant & a ruler is a kind of tool |- a ruler would be best to use for counting the number of legs on an ant T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-D premise a heart is a part of a fish for getting oxygen underwater F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-D premise if something is a part of another thing, then that something allows that something else ? ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-D hypothesis a heart allows a fish to get oxygen underwater KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-D entailment a heart is a part of a fish for getting oxygen underwater & if something is a part of another thing, then that something allows that something else |- a heart allows a fish to get oxygen underwater T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-B premise gills are a part of a fish used for breathing oxygen underwater T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-B premise lungs are a part of a fish used for breathing oxygen F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-B hypothesis lungs allows a fish to get oxygen underwater KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-B entailment gills are a part of a fish used for breathing oxygen underwater & lungs are a part of a fish used for breathing oxygen |- lungs allows a fish to get oxygen underwater T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-C premise a sweater is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-C premise black objects reflect light best F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-C hypothesis a black sweater best reflects light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-C entailment a sweater is a kind of object & black objects reflect light best |- a black sweater best reflects light T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-A premise a gray object best reflects light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-A premise a door is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-A hypothesis a gray door best reflects light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-A entailment a gray object best reflects light & a door is a kind of object |- a gray door best reflects light T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400835-A premise a graduated cylinder is used to examine a sample of liquid T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400835-A premise a fingerprint is a kind of sample of liquid F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400835-A hypothesis a graduated cylinder would be used to examine a fingerprint KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400835-A entailment a graduated cylinder is used to examine a sample of liquid & a fingerprint is a kind of sample of liquid |- a graduated cylinder would be used to examine a fingerprint T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400660-A premise down feathers are used by many sleeping bag manufacturers T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400660-A premise down feathers are fire resistant F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400660-A hypothesis down feathers are used by many sleeping bag manufacturers because down feathers are fire resistant KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400660-A entailment down feathers are used by many sleeping bag manufacturers & down feathers are fire resistant |- down feathers are used by many sleeping bag manufacturers because down feathers are fire resistant T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400581-C premise solar radiation has a part in the water cycle by determining the amount of water in clouds F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400581-C premise the amount of water in clouds determines the type of clouds formed T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400581-C hypothesis solar radiation has a part in the water cycle by determining the type of clouds formed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400581-C entailment solar radiation has a part in the water cycle by determining the amount of water in clouds & the amount of water in clouds determines the type of clouds formed |- solar radiation has a part in the water cycle by determining the type of clouds formed T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400395-A premise if an environment becomes warmer and drier, the change that would most likely help a species adapt would be an increase in the amount of body fat F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400395-A premise if something causes a species to adapt then that something can be changed F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400395-A hypothesis if an environment becomes warmer and drier, the change that would most likely help a species adapt would be an increase in its amount of body fat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400395-A entailment if an environment becomes warmer and drier, the change that would most likely help a species adapt would be an increase in the amount of body fat & if something causes a species to adapt then that something can be changed |- if an environment becomes warmer and drier, the change that would most likely help a species adapt would be an increase in its amount of body fat T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400341-A premise if a tall tree falls over in a crowded forest, the available air will increase F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400341-A premise as the available air increases, the ability of plants to use air will increase F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400341-A hypothesis if a tall tree falls over in a crowded forest, air becomes available to the surrounding plants KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400341-A entailment if a tall tree falls over in a crowded forest, the available air will increase & as the available air increases, the ability of plants to use air will increase |- if a tall tree falls over in a crowded forest, air becomes available to the surrounding plants T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400328-B premise a hand lens is used for protecting the eyes from chemical splashing F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400328-B premise protecting the eyes is a kind of method for protecting the body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400328-B hypothesis a hand lens is used for protection from chemical splashing KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400328-B entailment a hand lens is used for protecting the eyes from chemical splashing & protecting the eyes is a kind of method for protecting the body |- a hand lens is used for protection from chemical splashing T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-B premise a graduated cylinder is used to measure the length of an object F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-B premise a butterfly is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-B hypothesis a graduated cylinder would be best to measure the length of a butterfly KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-B entailment a graduated cylinder is used to measure the length of an object & a butterfly is a kind of object |- a graduated cylinder would be best to measure the length of a butterfly T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-A premise a butterfly is short in length T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-A premise a triple beam balance is used to measure short length F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-A hypothesis triple beam balance would be best to measure the length of a butterfly KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-A entailment a butterfly is short in length & a triple beam balance is used to measure short length |- triple beam balance would be best to measure the length of a butterfly T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400053-C premise a walrus requires warmth for survival in cold water T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400053-C premise wrinkled skin is used for keeping warm F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400053-C hypothesis wrinkled skin allows a walrus to stay warm in cold water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400053-C entailment a walrus requires warmth for survival in cold water & wrinkled skin is used for keeping warm |- wrinkled skin allows a walrus to stay warm in cold water T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400051-C premise when a guitar string is plucked, sound is produced by the string vibrating against the wood F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400051-C premise if the string vibrating against the wood produces sound, then the wood producing that sound is unnecessary F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400051-C hypothesis when a guitar string is plucked, sound is produced by the wood on the guitar KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400051-C entailment when a guitar string is plucked, sound is produced by the string vibrating against the wood & if the string vibrating against the wood produces sound, then the wood producing that sound is unnecessary |- when a guitar string is plucked, sound is produced by the wood on the guitar T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10522-D premise if soil is permeable then that soil contains few minerals F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10522-D premise the opposite of permeable is impermeable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10522-D hypothesis if soil is permeable it contains few minerals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10522-D entailment if soil is permeable then that soil contains few minerals & the opposite of permeable is impermeable |- if soil is permeable it contains few minerals T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7283588-D premise uranium and coal both generate radioactive wastes F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7283588-D premise if two things have something in common then those two things have that something in common T ? T F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7283588-D hypothesis the energy resources uranium and coal do have that they both generate radioactive wastes in common KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7283588-D entailment uranium and coal both generate radioactive wastes & if two things have something in common then those two things have that something in common |- the energy resources uranium and coal do have that they both generate radioactive wastes in common T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7283588-A premise uranium is formed from the remains of dead organisms F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7283588-A premise coal is formed from the remains of dead organisms T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7283588-A hypothesis the energy resources uranium and coal do have that they both are formed from the remains of dead organisms in common KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7283588-A entailment uranium is formed from the remains of dead organisms & coal is formed from the remains of dead organisms |- the energy resources uranium and coal do have that they both are formed from the remains of dead organisms in common T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7271408-B premise a golgi apparatus contains instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7271408-B premise if something contains instructions for a process then that something contains that process T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7271408-B hypothesis a golgi apparatus contain instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7271408-B entailment a golgi apparatus contains instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next & if something contains instructions for a process then that something contains that process |- a golgi apparatus contain instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268188-B premise all organisms are made of tissues according to the cell theory F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268188-B premise if something is made of something else, then that something else is found in that something F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268188-B hypothesis a tissue is found in all organisms KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268188-B entailment all organisms are made of tissues according to the cell theory & if something is made of something else, then that something else is found in that something |- a tissue is found in all organisms T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268100-B premise green plants only depend on the presence of a variety of nutrients in the soil F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268100-B premise a variety of bacteria and other microorganisms are nutrients T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268100-B hypothesis that green plants only depend on the presence of a variety of bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268100-B entailment green plants only depend on the presence of a variety of nutrients in the soil & a variety of bacteria and other microorganisms are nutrients |- that green plants only depend on the presence of a variety of bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267960-C premise as humans travel in space, carbon dioxide is provided and nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere of the spacecraft F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267960-C premise if something is provided and something is removed from a place then those things are changed T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267960-C hypothesis as humans travel in space, carbon dioxide is provided nitrogen is removed is provided in the atmosphere of the spacecraft and which gas is removed from the atmosphere of the spacecraft KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267960-C entailment as humans travel in space, carbon dioxide is provided and nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere of the spacecraft & if something is provided and something is removed from a place then those things are changed |- as humans travel in space, carbon dioxide is provided nitrogen is removed is provided in the atmosphere of the spacecraft and which gas is removed from the atmosphere of the spacecraft T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267960-B premise as humans travel in space, carbon dioxide is provided oxygen is removed F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267960-B premise in the atmosphere of a spacecraft , carbon dioxide is provided and oxygen is removed F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267960-B hypothesis as humans travel in space, carbon dioxide is provided oxygen is removed is provided in the atmosphere of the spacecraft and which gas is removed from the atmosphere of the spacecraft KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267960-B entailment as humans travel in space, carbon dioxide is provided oxygen is removed & in the atmosphere of a spacecraft , carbon dioxide is provided and oxygen is removed |- as humans travel in space, carbon dioxide is provided oxygen is removed is provided in the atmosphere of the spacecraft and which gas is removed from the atmosphere of the spacecraft T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267890-D premise astronauts eat dehydrated food in space T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267890-D premise dehydrating food can be used to keep food from floating off the plate F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267890-D hypothesis some food is dehydrated for astronauts to eat in space because to keep the food from floating off the plate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267890-D entailment astronauts eat dehydrated food in space & dehydrating food can be used to keep food from floating off the plate |- some food is dehydrated for astronauts to eat in space because to keep the food from floating off the plate T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-C premise droughts cause landslides F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-C premise a landslide becomes more likely during a drought F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-C hypothesis a landslide becomes more likely during a drought in a prairie ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-C entailment droughts cause landslides & a landslide becomes more likely during a drought |- a landslide becomes more likely during a drought in a prairie ecosystem T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-B premise droughts cause the occurrence of tornadoes F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-B premise the occurrence of a tornado becomes more likely during a drought F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-B hypothesis a tornado becomes more likely during a drought in a prairie ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-B entailment droughts cause the occurrence of tornadoes & the occurrence of a tornado becomes more likely during a drought |- a tornado becomes more likely during a drought in a prairie ecosystem T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7264058-D premise atoms of silicon are part of many organic molecules F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7264058-D premise silicon is a kind of element T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7264058-D hypothesis atoms of which of these elements are part of many organic molecules silicon KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7264058-D entailment atoms of silicon are part of many organic molecules & silicon is a kind of element |- atoms of which of these elements are part of many organic molecules silicon T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7263708-D premise inversions are created by the interaction of charged particles with the magnetosphere F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7263708-D premise the magnetosphere is made of charged particles T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7263708-D hypothesis inversions are created by the interaction of charged particles with earth's magnetosphere KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7263708-D entailment inversions are created by the interaction of charged particles with the magnetosphere & the magnetosphere is made of charged particles |- inversions are created by the interaction of charged particles with earth's magnetosphere T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7252735-D premise protecting the environment can have a negative impact on an animal's survival F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7252735-D premise the negative impact of something on an animal's survival will prompt that animal's fight-or-flight response T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7252735-D hypothesis protection of the environment will prompt an animal's fight-or-flight response KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7252735-D entailment protecting the environment can have a negative impact on an animal's survival & the negative impact of something on an animal's survival will prompt that animal's fight-or-flight response |- protection of the environment will prompt an animal's fight-or-flight response T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7252718-D premise humans encroaching on porcupines' habitats causes the porcupine to extend its quills F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7252718-D premise if humans encroach on an animal's habitat then that animal will be threatened T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7252718-D hypothesis environmental encroachment by humans causes a porcupine to extend its quills KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7252718-D entailment humans encroaching on porcupines' habitats causes the porcupine to extend its quills & if humans encroach on an animal's habitat then that animal will be threatened |- environmental encroachment by humans causes a porcupine to extend its quills T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247835-A premise both the biceps and triceps contract describes how muscles work to allow a person to straighten an arm T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247835-A premise extending an arm from a curled position requires straightening the elbow F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247835-A hypothesis both the biceps and triceps contract describes how muscles work to allow a person to extend an arm from a curled position by straightening the elbow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247835-A entailment both the biceps and triceps contract describes how muscles work to allow a person to straighten an arm & extending an arm from a curled position requires straightening the elbow |- both the biceps and triceps contract describes how muscles work to allow a person to extend an arm from a curled position by straightening the elbow T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7246873-C premise the breakdown of food substances by digestive juices occurs during the process of digestion T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7246873-C premise if something occurs during a process then that something indicates a physical change that occurs during that process T T F F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7246873-C hypothesis the breakdown of food substances by digestive juices indicates a physical change that occurs during the process of digestion KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7246873-C entailment the breakdown of food substances by digestive juices occurs during the process of digestion & if something occurs during a process then that something indicates a physical change that occurs during that process |- the breakdown of food substances by digestive juices indicates a physical change that occurs during the process of digestion T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7245070-A premise spaghetti noodles are made of amino acids F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7245070-A premise if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down mostly into that something else T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7245070-A hypothesis spaghetti noodles can be broken down mostly into amino acids KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7245070-A entailment spaghetti noodles are made of amino acids & if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down mostly into that something else |- spaghetti noodles can be broken down mostly into amino acids T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7236600-C premise reflection of solar energy from polar snowcaps functions to warm up the planet T ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7236600-C premise reflection is a kind of interaction T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7236600-C hypothesis reflection of solar energy from polar snowcaps best describes an interaction between earth and solar energy that functions to warm up the planet KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7236600-C entailment reflection of solar energy from polar snowcaps functions to warm up the planet & reflection is a kind of interaction |- reflection of solar energy from polar snowcaps best describes an interaction between earth and solar energy that functions to warm up the planet T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7236600-B premise use of solar energy in the process of photosynthesis functions to warm up the planet F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7236600-B premise if something functions to warm up the planet, then that something best describes an interaction between the planet and the solar energy that causes the planet to heat F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7236600-B hypothesis use of solar energy in the process of photosynthesis best describes an interaction between earth and solar energy that functions to warm up the planet KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7236600-B entailment use of solar energy in the process of photosynthesis functions to warm up the planet & if something functions to warm up the planet, then that something best describes an interaction between the planet and the solar energy that causes the planet to heat |- use of solar energy in the process of photosynthesis best describes an interaction between earth and solar energy that functions to warm up the planet T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7230545-B premise the drag of wind results in cyclical variations in the height of low tides T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7230545-B premise the height of high tide is a kind of cyclical variation T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7230545-B hypothesis the drag of wind results in cyclical variations in the height of high tides KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7230545-B entailment the drag of wind results in cyclical variations in the height of low tides & the height of high tide is a kind of cyclical variation |- the drag of wind results in cyclical variations in the height of high tides T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7228480-D premise a chemical bond represents encoded information F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7228480-D premise a hydrogen bond is a kind of chemical bond T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7228480-D hypothesis hydrogen bond represents encoded information KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7228480-D entailment a chemical bond represents encoded information & a hydrogen bond is a kind of chemical bond |- hydrogen bond represents encoded information T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223353-D premise yttrium, y is located next to calcium, ca on the periodic table of elements F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223353-D premise the elements are similar in chemical properties F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223353-D hypothesis based on their locations in the periodic table, yttrium, y has chemical properties most similar to those of calcium, ca KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223353-D entailment yttrium, y is located next to calcium, ca on the periodic table of elements & the elements are similar in chemical properties |- based on their locations in the periodic table, yttrium, y has chemical properties most similar to those of calcium, ca T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7221270-C premise salt will settle out of solution F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7221270-C premise allowing the salt to settle will separate a saltwater solution F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7221270-C hypothesis allowing the salt to settle will best separate a saltwater solution KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7221270-C entailment salt will settle out of solution & allowing the salt to settle will separate a saltwater solution |- allowing the salt to settle will best separate a saltwater solution T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7221270-A hypothesis using a paper filtering system will best separate a saltwater solution F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7221270-A premise a paper filtering system is a kind of filtration system T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7221270-A hypothesis using a paper filtering system will best separate a saltwater solution F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7221270-A entailment using a paper filtering system will best separate a saltwater solution & a paper filtering system is a kind of filtration system |- using a paper filtering system will best separate a saltwater solution T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7219083-A premise the radioactive isotope content of a rock can be used to identify the absolute age of the rock T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7219083-A premise the absolute age of a rock is the total mass of the rock T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7219083-A hypothesis the radioactive isotope content of a rock can be used to identify which property of the rock the total mass of the rock KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7219083-A entailment the radioactive isotope content of a rock can be used to identify the absolute age of the rock & the absolute age of a rock is the total mass of the rock |- the radioactive isotope content of a rock can be used to identify which property of the rock the total mass of the rock T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214515-D premise earth will rotate 1440 times during one revolution around the sun F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214515-D premise rotation is a kind of motion T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214515-D hypothesis approximately how many times will earth rotate during one revolution around the sun 1440 KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214515-D entailment earth will rotate 1440 times during one revolution around the sun & rotation is a kind of motion |- approximately how many times will earth rotate during one revolution around the sun 1440 T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214515-B premise earth rotating the sun is an example of a planet rotating around its star T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214515-B premise a revolution / orbit of a planet around its star occurs 28 times F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214515-B hypothesis approximately how many times will earth rotate during one revolution around the sun 28 KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214515-B entailment earth rotating the sun is an example of a planet rotating around its star & a revolution / orbit of a planet around its star occurs 28 times |- approximately how many times will earth rotate during one revolution around the sun 28 T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214323-A premise sandstone is formed when limestone is subjected to extreme heat and pressure F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214323-A premise extreme can mean high T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214323-A hypothesis a sandstone is formed when limestone is subjected to heat and pressure KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214323-A entailment sandstone is formed when limestone is subjected to extreme heat and pressure & extreme can mean high |- a sandstone is formed when limestone is subjected to heat and pressure T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-D premise some dogs are trained to dig in soil for food T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-D premise if an animal is trained to do something then that something is a learned behavior T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-D hypothesis digging in soil describes a learned behavior in a dog KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-D entailment some dogs are trained to dig in soil for food & if an animal is trained to do something then that something is a learned behavior |- digging in soil describes a learned behavior in a dog T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-B premise some dogs are trained to bark when disturbed T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-B premise if an animal is trained to do something then that something is a learned behavior T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-B hypothesis barking when disturbed describes a learned behavior in a dog KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-B entailment some dogs are trained to bark when disturbed & if an animal is trained to do something then that something is a learned behavior |- barking when disturbed describes a learned behavior in a dog T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-A premise smelling the air for odors is a kind of learned behavior F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-A premise a dog is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-A hypothesis smelling the air for odors describes a learned behavior in a dog KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213605-A entailment smelling the air for odors is a kind of learned behavior & a dog is a kind of animal |- smelling the air for odors describes a learned behavior in a dog T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213360-D premise as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid , the atoms of the sample move farther apart F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213360-D premise as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid , the atoms of the sample have more kinetic energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213360-D hypothesis as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid, the atoms of the sample move farther apart and have more kinetic energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213360-D entailment as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid , the atoms of the sample move farther apart & as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid , the atoms of the sample have more kinetic energy |- as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid, the atoms of the sample move farther apart and have more kinetic energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213360-C premise as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid , the atoms of the sample move farther apart F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213360-C premise as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid , the atoms of the sample have less kinetic energy T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213360-C hypothesis as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid, the atoms of the sample move farther apart and have less kinetic energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213360-C entailment as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid , the atoms of the sample move farther apart & as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid , the atoms of the sample have less kinetic energy |- as a sample of mercury changes state from liquid to solid, the atoms of the sample move farther apart and have less kinetic energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213115-A premise freshwater lakes contain the largest volume of freshwater F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213115-A premise a lake is a kind of body of water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213115-A hypothesis lakes contains the largest volume of fresh water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213115-A entailment freshwater lakes contain the largest volume of freshwater & a lake is a kind of body of water |- lakes contains the largest volume of fresh water T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213010-D premise carbon dioxide condensing into liquid form causes clouds F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213010-D premise if something causes something else then that something else is formed by that something F F T T F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213010-D hypothesis which gas, when condensed into its liquid state in the atmosphere, forms clouds carbon dioxide KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7213010-D entailment carbon dioxide condensing into liquid form causes clouds & if something causes something else then that something else is formed by that something |- which gas, when condensed into its liquid state in the atmosphere, forms clouds carbon dioxide T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212485-C premise a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a magnetic field T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212485-C premise a steel sphere is a kind of magnetic field F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212485-C hypothesis a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a steel sphere KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212485-C entailment a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a magnetic field & a steel sphere is a kind of magnetic field |- a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a steel sphere T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212065-B premise the molecules in water will move slower and occupy more space as the water changes state from steam to liquid F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212065-B premise if something causes something else then that something else best describes that something F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212065-B hypothesis the statement that the molecules move slower and occupy more space best describes the motion of water molecules as the water changes state from steam to liquid KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212065-B entailment the molecules in water will move slower and occupy more space as the water changes state from steam to liquid & if something causes something else then that something else best describes that something |- the statement that the molecules move slower and occupy more space best describes the motion of water molecules as the water changes state from steam to liquid T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-C premise sediments must be heated to form new rock F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-C premise partial melting means heating T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-C hypothesis partial melting must occur for sediments to form new rock KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-C entailment sediments must be heated to form new rock & partial melting means heating |- partial melting must occur for sediments to form new rock T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207235-A premise exposure to extreme cold and pressure changes sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207235-A premise a glacier is extremely cold and has a large amount of pressure T ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207235-A hypothesis pressure from a glacier will change a sedimentary rock, such as limestone, into a metamorphic rock, such as marble KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207235-A entailment exposure to extreme cold and pressure changes sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock & a glacier is extremely cold and has a large amount of pressure |- pressure from a glacier will change a sedimentary rock, such as limestone, into a metamorphic rock, such as marble T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-B premise in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments must be returned to their origins F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-B premise if something must be returned to its origins then that something is generally returned to its origins F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-B hypothesis in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments are generally returned to their origins KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-B entailment in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments must be returned to their origins & if something must be returned to its origins then that something is generally returned to its origins |- in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments are generally returned to their origins T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205433-C premise visible light is a kind of light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205433-C premise light is of longitudinal type F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205433-C hypothesis visible light is longitudinal type KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205433-C entailment visible light is a kind of light & light is of longitudinal type |- visible light is longitudinal type T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-A premise one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have the same shape F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-A premise definite shape is the opposite of shapeless T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-A hypothesis one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have a definite shape KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-A entailment one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have the same shape & definite shape is the opposite of shapeless |- one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have a definite shape T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7185588-B premise frequency can be used to describe the properties of both a wave and a particle of light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7185588-B premise mass can be used to describe the properties of a wave and a particle of light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7185588-B hypothesis frequency and mass can be used to describe the properties of both a wave and a particle of light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7185588-B entailment frequency can be used to describe the properties of both a wave and a particle of light & mass can be used to describe the properties of a wave and a particle of light |- frequency and mass can be used to describe the properties of both a wave and a particle of light T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-C premise skeletal is directly involved in movement T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-C premise respiratory is directly involved in movement F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-C hypothesis skeletal and respiratory are directly involved in movement KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-C entailment skeletal is directly involved in movement & respiratory is directly involved in movement |- skeletal and respiratory are directly involved in movement T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7159863-B premise crowding out non-native species has a negative impact on the environment T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7159863-B premise trees have a negative impact on the environment in which they are located F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7159863-B hypothesis trees most likely change the environment in which they are located by crowding out non-native species KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7159863-B entailment crowding out non-native species has a negative impact on the environment & trees have a negative impact on the environment in which they are located |- trees most likely change the environment in which they are located by crowding out non-native species T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7159863-A premise plants most likely change the environment in which they are located by releasing nitrogen in the soil F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7159863-A premise a tree is a kind of plant T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7159863-A hypothesis trees most likely change the environment in which they are located by releasing nitrogen in the soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7159863-A entailment plants most likely change the environment in which they are located by releasing nitrogen in the soil & a tree is a kind of plant |- trees most likely change the environment in which they are located by releasing nitrogen in the soil T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138600-C premise the digestive system transports nutrients from the food we eat to the cells F T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138600-C premise the kidneys work closely with the digestive system to process food T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138600-C hypothesis kidneys works closely with the digestive system to transport nutrients to the cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138600-C entailment the digestive system transports nutrients from the food we eat to the cells & the kidneys work closely with the digestive system to process food |- kidneys works closely with the digestive system to transport nutrients to the cells T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-B premise a kidney directly works to protect the body from disease F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-B premise the body is a part of the human T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-B hypothesis a kidney directly works to protect the human body from disease KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-B entailment a kidney directly works to protect the body from disease & the body is a part of the human |- a kidney directly works to protect the human body from disease T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-A premise a heart directly works to protect the body from disease F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-A premise a heart is a kind of organ T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-A hypothesis a heart directly works to protect the human body from disease KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-A entailment a heart directly works to protect the body from disease & a heart is a kind of organ |- a heart directly works to protect the human body from disease T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135450-A premise circulation the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135450-A premise blood is a vehicle for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135450-A hypothesis circulatory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135450-A entailment circulation the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body & blood is a vehicle for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment |- circulatory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133700-B premise the boiling point of water is 100oc T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133700-B premise temperature is a kind of chemical property F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133700-B hypothesis the boiling point of water is 100 0.5 0.5c is an example of a chemical property KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133700-B entailment the boiling point of water is 100oc & temperature is a kind of chemical property |- the boiling point of water is 100 0.5 0.5c is an example of a chemical property T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133700-A premise an example of a chemical property is how a substance changes when it freezes F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133700-A premise water expanding when it freezes is a kind of chemical change F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133700-A hypothesis water expands when it freezes is an example of a chemical property KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133700-A entailment an example of a chemical property is how a substance changes when it freezes & water expanding when it freezes is a kind of chemical change |- water expands when it freezes is an example of a chemical property T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133665-A premise chemical reactions cause chemical change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133665-A premise painting a wood chest is a kind of chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133665-A hypothesis painting a wood chest illustrates a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133665-A entailment chemical reactions cause chemical change & painting a wood chest is a kind of chemical reaction |- painting a wood chest illustrates a chemical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-C premise a pulley increases the distance over which a load travels F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-C premise a pulley reduces the needed force to move a load F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-C hypothesis a pulley increases the distance over which a load travels and reduces the needed force KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-C entailment a pulley increases the distance over which a load travels & a pulley reduces the needed force to move a load |- a pulley increases the distance over which a load travels and reduces the needed force T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-B premise wedge increases the distance over which a load travels T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-B premise wedge reduces the force required to move the load ? T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-B hypothesis wedge increases the distance over which a load travels and reduces the needed force KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-B entailment wedge increases the distance over which a load travels & wedge reduces the force required to move the load |- wedge increases the distance over which a load travels and reduces the needed force T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-A premise wheel and axle increases the distance over which a load travels F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-A premise wheel and axle reduces the needed force to move the load F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-A hypothesis wheel and axle increases the distance over which a load travels and reduces the needed force KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132195-A entailment wheel and axle increases the distance over which a load travels & wheel and axle reduces the needed force to move the load |- wheel and axle increases the distance over which a load travels and reduces the needed force T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7126228-D premise a firecracker converts mechanical energy into sound energy and light energy and heat energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7126228-D premise if something converts one kind of energy into other kinds of energy then that something originally stores that energy as the first kind of energy F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7126228-D hypothesis the sound, light, and heat that a firecracker produces are originally stored as mechanical energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7126228-D entailment a firecracker converts mechanical energy into sound energy and light energy and heat energy & if something converts one kind of energy into other kinds of energy then that something originally stores that energy as the first kind of energy |- the sound, light, and heat that a firecracker produces are originally stored as mechanical energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7115325-D premise the danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely a removal of nutrients F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7115325-D premise some minerals are nutrients T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7115325-D hypothesis the danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely a removal of minerals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7115325-D entailment the danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely a removal of nutrients & some minerals are nutrients |- the danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely a removal of minerals T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7113943-C premise a large quantity of heavy rain falling in a short time period will decrease the amount of oxygen in the soil F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7113943-C premise decreasing something is a kind of method for reducing something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7113943-C hypothesis a large quantity of heavy rain falling in a short time period will most likely reduce oxygen levels in the soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7113943-C entailment a large quantity of heavy rain falling in a short time period will decrease the amount of oxygen in the soil & decreasing something is a kind of method for reducing something |- a large quantity of heavy rain falling in a short time period will most likely reduce oxygen levels in the soil T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7109218-C premise the nuclear bulge contains a population of stars that is mostly old T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7109218-C premise if something contains something else then that something else contains that something ? F T T T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7109218-C hypothesis the nuclear bulge contains a population that consists mostly of old stars KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7109218-C entailment the nuclear bulge contains a population of stars that is mostly old & if something contains something else then that something else contains that something |- the nuclear bulge contains a population that consists mostly of old stars T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7093170-C premise improvements in farming technology would most likely promote fast food consumption F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7093170-C premise fast food consumption promotes unhealthy dietary choices T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7093170-C hypothesis improvements in farming technology would most likely promote unhealthy dietary choices KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7093170-C entailment improvements in farming technology would most likely promote fast food consumption & fast food consumption promotes unhealthy dietary choices |- improvements in farming technology would most likely promote unhealthy dietary choices T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090808-D premise water vapor condensing into rain droplets requires cold temperatures F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090808-D premise winds blowing along the surface of the ground are cold in temperature F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090808-D hypothesis winds blowing along the surface of the ground could cause water vapor to condense into rain droplets KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090808-D entailment water vapor condensing into rain droplets requires cold temperatures & winds blowing along the surface of the ground are cold in temperature |- winds blowing along the surface of the ground could cause water vapor to condense into rain droplets T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090808-A premise sunlight warming the surface of the oceans could cause water vapor to condense F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090808-A premise rain droplets are formed by water vapor condensing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090808-A hypothesis sunlight warming the surface of oceans could cause water vapor to condense into rain droplets KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090808-A entailment sunlight warming the surface of the oceans could cause water vapor to condense & rain droplets are formed by water vapor condensing |- sunlight warming the surface of oceans could cause water vapor to condense into rain droplets T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090545-A premise rocks must solidify at the surface of earth to be classified as igneous T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090545-A premise classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090545-A hypothesis in order for rocks to be classified as igneous, the rocks must solidify at the surface of earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090545-A entailment rocks must solidify at the surface of earth to be classified as igneous & classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type |- in order for rocks to be classified as igneous, the rocks must solidify at the surface of earth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086293-D premise an atom always has the same mass and no charge F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086293-D premise atomic mass unit (amu) is used to measure the mass of an atom T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086293-D hypothesis an atom always has a mass of one atomic mass unit (amu) and no charge KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086293-D entailment an atom always has the same mass and no charge & atomic mass unit (amu) is used to measure the mass of an atom |- an atom always has a mass of one atomic mass unit (amu) and no charge T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086083-D premise minerals are most likely to form in environments that are warm and moist F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086083-D premise a floodplain is a kind of environment that is warm and moist T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086083-D hypothesis saturated soil from a floodplain describes a location where minerals are most likely to form KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086083-D entailment minerals are most likely to form in environments that are warm and moist & a floodplain is a kind of environment that is warm and moist |- saturated soil from a floodplain describes a location where minerals are most likely to form T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086083-B hypothesis eroded sediment from a riverbed describes a location where minerals are most likely to form F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086083-B premise if something describes a location then that something describes a location T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086083-B hypothesis eroded sediment from a riverbed describes a location where minerals are most likely to form F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086083-B entailment eroded sediment from a riverbed describes a location where minerals are most likely to form & if something describes a location then that something describes a location |- eroded sediment from a riverbed describes a location where minerals are most likely to form T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085995-A premise water is used in the energy production process T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085995-A premise using water increases the amount of pollution F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085995-A hypothesis water results in an increase in pollution when used to produce energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085995-A entailment water is used in the energy production process & using water increases the amount of pollution |- water results in an increase in pollution when used to produce energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085855-A premise sodium and chlorine react chemically producing sodium chloride T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085855-A premise sodium chloride is a new element T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085855-A hypothesis an element is formed when a sodium atom and chlorine atom react chemically KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085855-A entailment sodium and chlorine react chemically producing sodium chloride & sodium chloride is a new element |- an element is formed when a sodium atom and chlorine atom react chemically T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085593-C premise natural gas is a common resource found in deserts ? F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085593-C premise natural gas is a renewable resource F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085593-C hypothesis a common renewable resource is found natural gas in deserts KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085593-C entailment natural gas is a common resource found in deserts & natural gas is a renewable resource |- a common renewable resource is found natural gas in deserts T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085365-B premise one process in the formation of sedimentary rocks is when rocks are exposed to extreme heat and pressure F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085365-B premise to be exposed to something means to be heated / to be subjected to something F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085365-B hypothesis one process in the formation of sedimentary rocks is when rocks are heated and subjected to high pressure KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085365-B entailment one process in the formation of sedimentary rocks is when rocks are exposed to extreme heat and pressure & to be exposed to something means to be heated / to be subjected to something |- one process in the formation of sedimentary rocks is when rocks are heated and subjected to high pressure T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085365-A premise one process in the formation of sedimentary rocks is when rocks are compressed F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085365-A premise moving plates compress rocks F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085365-A hypothesis one process in the formation of sedimentary rocks is when rocks are compressed by moving plates KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085365-A entailment one process in the formation of sedimentary rocks is when rocks are compressed & moving plates compress rocks |- one process in the formation of sedimentary rocks is when rocks are compressed by moving plates T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083983-B premise matter is made of particles T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083983-B premise particles in a state of matter are stationary F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083983-B hypothesis that matter is made up of particles that are stationary applies to all states of matter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083983-B entailment matter is made of particles & particles in a state of matter are stationary |- that matter is made up of particles that are stationary applies to all states of matter T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077700-B premise if an object sitting on a flat surface starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because frictional force is being exerted F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077700-B premise a book is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077700-B hypothesis if a book sitting on a flat table starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because a frictional force is being exerted KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077700-B entailment if an object sitting on a flat surface starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because frictional force is being exerted & a book is a kind of object |- if a book sitting on a flat table starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because a frictional force is being exerted T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077700-A premise if an object sitting on a flat table starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because a balanced force is being applied F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077700-A premise a book is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077700-A hypothesis if a book sitting on a flat table starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because a balanced force is being applied KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077700-A entailment if an object sitting on a flat table starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because a balanced force is being applied & a book is a kind of object |- if a book sitting on a flat table starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because a balanced force is being applied T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077683-C premise a ball kicked along a flat surface is an example of balanced forces F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077683-C premise a ball is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077683-C hypothesis the best example of balanced forces is a ball kicked along a flat surface KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077683-C entailment a ball kicked along a flat surface is an example of balanced forces & a ball is a kind of object |- the best example of balanced forces is a ball kicked along a flat surface T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-D premise a plastid allows nutrients to pass into cells F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-D premise a chloroplast is a kind of plastid T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-D hypothesis a chloroplast allows nutrients to pass into cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-D entailment a plastid allows nutrients to pass into cells & a chloroplast is a kind of plastid |- a chloroplast allows nutrients to pass into cells T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7074883-A premise animals have limbs T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7074883-A premise if something is a part of something else then that something else is true about that something T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7074883-A hypothesis the statement that they have limbs is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7074883-A entailment animals have limbs & if something is a part of something else then that something else is true about that something |- the statement that they have limbs is true T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064593-A premise potential energy to electrical energy takes place in an electrical device ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064593-A premise a gasoline lawn mower is a kind of electrical device T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064593-A hypothesis potential energy to electrical energy takes place in a gasoline lawn mower KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064593-A entailment potential energy to electrical energy takes place in an electrical device & a gasoline lawn mower is a kind of electrical device |- potential energy to electrical energy takes place in a gasoline lawn mower T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7057558-A premise nucleus and its particles are involved in chemical reactions F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7057558-A premise nucleus is a part of an atom T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7057558-A hypothesis nucleus and its particles is involved in chemical reactions KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7057558-A entailment nucleus and its particles are involved in chemical reactions & nucleus is a part of an atom |- nucleus and its particles is involved in chemical reactions T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7056438-C premise the temperature at which water freezes enables water to exist in two forms on earth T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7056438-C premise atmospheric vapor and cloud droplets are two forms of water T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7056438-C hypothesis the temperature at which water freezes enables water to exist in which two forms on earth atmospheric vapor and cloud droplets KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7056438-C entailment the temperature at which water freezes enables water to exist in two forms on earth & atmospheric vapor and cloud droplets are two forms of water |- the temperature at which water freezes enables water to exist in which two forms on earth atmospheric vapor and cloud droplets T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044660-C premise a device that converts light energy into electricity is a photo generator F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044660-C premise many handheld calculators convert light energy into electricity F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044660-C hypothesis a device that converts light energy into electricity used in many handheld calculators is a photo generator KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044660-C entailment a device that converts light energy into electricity is a photo generator & many handheld calculators convert light energy into electricity |- a device that converts light energy into electricity used in many handheld calculators is a photo generator T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044258-A premise fission is the process that produces energy in a star for billions of years F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044258-A premise the sun is a kind of star T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044258-A hypothesis fission is the process that produces energy in the sun for billions of years KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044258-A entailment fission is the process that produces energy in a star for billions of years & the sun is a kind of star |- fission is the process that produces energy in the sun for billions of years T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043855-C premise colder temperatures causes water to condense in an air mass as the air mass moves T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043855-C premise the temperature of the air mass over the prairies is colder than the temperature of the air mass at the coast F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043855-C hypothesis prairies causes water to condense in an air mass as the air mass moves KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043855-C entailment colder temperatures causes water to condense in an air mass as the air mass moves & the temperature of the air mass over the prairies is colder than the temperature of the air mass at the coast |- prairies causes water to condense in an air mass as the air mass moves T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043855-A premise moving air masses over forests causes water to condense in the air mass F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043855-A premise forests are a kind of geographic obstacles T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043855-A hypothesis forests causes water to condense in an air mass as the air mass moves KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043855-A entailment moving air masses over forests causes water to condense in the air mass & forests are a kind of geographic obstacles |- forests causes water to condense in an air mass as the air mass moves T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043733-D premise the moon revolving around the earth is an example of an elliptical orbit T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043733-D premise the moon revolving around the earth has a period of about one week F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043733-D hypothesis elliptical with a period of about one week best describes the orbit of the moon around earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043733-D entailment the moon revolving around the earth is an example of an elliptical orbit & the moon revolving around the earth has a period of about one week |- elliptical with a period of about one week best describes the orbit of the moon around earth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043698-C premise a lunar month is equal to 30 days T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043698-C premise 30 days means three times F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043698-C hypothesis how many times does the moon rotate on its axis during a lunar month three KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043698-C entailment a lunar month is equal to 30 days & 30 days means three times |- how many times does the moon rotate on its axis during a lunar month three T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040898-C premise the northern hemisphere is tilted directly toward the sun F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040898-C premise spring is when a hemisphere is tilted directly toward the sun F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040898-C hypothesis the northern hemisphere is experiencing spring when it is tilted directly toward the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040898-C entailment the northern hemisphere is tilted directly toward the sun & spring is when a hemisphere is tilted directly toward the sun |- the northern hemisphere is experiencing spring when it is tilted directly toward the sun T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040845-D premise sound waves travel the fastest through matter T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040845-D premise atmosphere is made of matter F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040845-D hypothesis sound waves travel the fastest through atmosphere KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040845-D entailment sound waves travel the fastest through matter & atmosphere is made of matter |- sound waves travel the fastest through atmosphere T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038658-A hypothesis negatively charged and has a negligible mass best describes a proton F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038658-A premise the opposite of negatively charged is positively charged T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038658-A hypothesis negatively charged and has a negligible mass best describes a proton F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038658-A entailment negatively charged and has a negligible mass best describes a proton & the opposite of negatively charged is positively charged |- negatively charged and has a negligible mass best describes a proton T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037240-C premise neutrons orbit the center of an atom F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037240-C premise neutrons are a part of an atom T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037240-C hypothesis a neutron orbits around the center of the atom KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037240-C entailment neutrons orbit the center of an atom & neutrons are a part of an atom |- a neutron orbits around the center of the atom T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037240-A premise protons orbit the center of the atom F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037240-A premise a proton is a kind of subatomic particle T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037240-A hypothesis a proton orbits around the center of the atom KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037240-A entailment protons orbit the center of the atom & a proton is a kind of subatomic particle |- a proton orbits around the center of the atom T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7034860-D premise mercury is a metal that is heavier than all other metals ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7034860-D premise the periodic table of elements does not distinguish between metals that are lighter in weight and metals that are heavier in weight F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7034860-D hypothesis according to the periodic table of the elements, mercury (hg) is different from other metals because mercury is heavier than all other metals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7034860-D entailment mercury is a metal that is heavier than all other metals & the periodic table of elements does not distinguish between metals that are lighter in weight and metals that are heavier in weight |- according to the periodic table of the elements, mercury (hg) is different from other metals because mercury is heavier than all other metals T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7034860-A premise mercury is solid at room temperature F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7034860-A premise metals are usually liquid at room temperature F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7034860-A hypothesis according to the periodic table of the elements, mercury (hg) is different from other metals because mercury is solid at room temperature KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7034860-A entailment mercury is solid at room temperature & metals are usually liquid at room temperature |- according to the periodic table of the elements, mercury (hg) is different from other metals because mercury is solid at room temperature T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7031605-A premise an ancient river flooded the area where the appalachian mountains are located T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7031605-A premise the flood of an ancient river explains how the mountains were formed F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7031605-A hypothesis that an ancient river flooded best explains how the appalachian mountains formed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7031605-A entailment an ancient river flooded the area where the appalachian mountains are located & the flood of an ancient river explains how the mountains were formed |- that an ancient river flooded best explains how the appalachian mountains formed T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7030818-D premise elements in group 1 are grouped together because they easily react with other elements T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7030818-D premise elements in group 18 are grouped together because they easily react with other elements F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7030818-D hypothesis ) are grouped together because they easily react with other elements KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7030818-D entailment elements in group 1 are grouped together because they easily react with other elements & elements in group 18 are grouped together because they easily react with other elements |- ) are grouped together because they easily react with other elements T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017763-D premise soil erosion can be prevented by increasing the slope of the land F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017763-D premise adding more soil can help prevent soil erosion F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017763-D hypothesis soil erosion can be best prevented by increasing the slope of the land by adding more soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017763-D entailment soil erosion can be prevented by increasing the slope of the land & adding more soil can help prevent soil erosion |- soil erosion can be best prevented by increasing the slope of the land by adding more soil T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017150-B premise coal is a kind of fuel T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017150-B premise mechanical to thermal energy is converted when fuel is burned F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017150-B hypothesis mechanical to thermal occurs whenever coal is burned KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017150-B entailment coal is a kind of fuel & mechanical to thermal energy is converted when fuel is burned |- mechanical to thermal occurs whenever coal is burned T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-C premise an aluminum can is made of aluminum and plastic F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-C premise aluminum and plastic are composite materials F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-C hypothesis an aluminum can is a composite material KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-C entailment an aluminum can is made of aluminum and plastic & aluminum and plastic are composite materials |- an aluminum can is a composite material T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-B premise a bronze statue is made of bronze T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-B premise bronze is a kind of composite material F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-B hypothesis a bronze statue is a composite material KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-B entailment a bronze statue is made of bronze & bronze is a kind of composite material |- a bronze statue is a composite material T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-A premise a window is made of glass T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-A premise glass is a kind of composite material F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-A hypothesis a glass window is a composite material KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017133-A entailment a window is made of glass & glass is a kind of composite material |- a glass window is a composite material T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7016188-C premise liquid state is a kind of state of matter T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7016188-C premise copper is in the liquid state , called liquid copper , at room temperature F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7016188-C hypothesis at room temperature, liquid state is copper KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7016188-C entailment liquid state is a kind of state of matter & copper is in the liquid state , called liquid copper , at room temperature |- at room temperature, liquid state is copper T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7015750-A premise helium is the most common element in a star F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7015750-A premise the sun is a kind of star T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7015750-A hypothesis helium is the most common element in a star such as the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7015750-A entailment helium is the most common element in a star & the sun is a kind of star |- helium is the most common element in a star such as the sun T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013773-D premise as the density of a medium increases , the compression of the light wave will increase ? ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013773-D premise a denser medium means a medium with a higher density ? T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013773-D hypothesis that it is compressed takes place as a light wave enters a denser medium KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013773-D entailment as the density of a medium increases , the compression of the light wave will increase & a denser medium means a medium with a higher density |- that it is compressed takes place as a light wave enters a denser medium T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-D premise the speed of sound is generally greatest in gases F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-D premise the speed of sound is generally lowest in solids F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-D hypothesis the speed of sound is generally greatest in gases and lowest in solids KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-D entailment the speed of sound is generally greatest in gases & the speed of sound is generally lowest in solids |- the speed of sound is generally greatest in gases and lowest in solids T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-C premise the speed of sound is generally greatest in gases F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-C premise the speed of sound in liquids is generally lowest F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-C hypothesis the speed of sound is generally greatest in gases and lowest in liquids KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-C entailment the speed of sound is generally greatest in gases & the speed of sound in liquids is generally lowest |- the speed of sound is generally greatest in gases and lowest in liquids T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-A premise the speed of sound is generally greatest in solids T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-A premise the speed of sound is generally lowest in liquids F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-A hypothesis the speed of sound is generally greatest in solids and lowest in liquids KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013283-A entailment the speed of sound is generally greatest in solids & the speed of sound is generally lowest in liquids |- the speed of sound is generally greatest in solids and lowest in liquids T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013143-B premise a glowing light stick is an example of a chemical reaction T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013143-B premise chemical reactions are usually endothermic F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013143-B hypothesis a glowing light stick is an example of an endothermic process KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013143-B entailment a glowing light stick is an example of a chemical reaction & chemical reactions are usually endothermic |- a glowing light stick is an example of an endothermic process T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012618-C premise sound waves travel fastest through solid T T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012618-C premise water is a kind of solid F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012618-C hypothesis sound waves travel fastest in water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012618-C entailment sound waves travel fastest through solid & water is a kind of solid |- sound waves travel fastest in water T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012548-D premise elements in the same column of the periodic table of the elements all have the same number of neutrons F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012548-D premise if the elements have the same number of neutrons , then the elements will share the same number of neutrons T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012548-D hypothesis elements in the same column of the periodic table of the elements all share the same number of neutrons KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012548-D entailment elements in the same column of the periodic table of the elements all have the same number of neutrons & if the elements have the same number of neutrons , then the elements will share the same number of neutrons |- elements in the same column of the periodic table of the elements all share the same number of neutrons T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011253-C premise calculating the density of a rock sample requires a microscope and a graduated cylinder F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011253-C premise if something requires something else then that something else would be most useful for that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011253-C hypothesis microscope and graduated cylinder would be most useful for calculating the density of a rock sample KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011253-C entailment calculating the density of a rock sample requires a microscope and a graduated cylinder & if something requires something else then that something else would be most useful for that something |- microscope and graduated cylinder would be most useful for calculating the density of a rock sample T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011095-D premise a material used in cookware requires flexibility T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011095-D premise a high flexibility means a material can change shape easily T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011095-D hypothesis a high flexibility is important to have in a material used in cookware KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011095-D entailment a material used in cookware requires flexibility & a high flexibility means a material can change shape easily |- a high flexibility is important to have in a material used in cookware T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008890-D premise energy from the sun reaches earth through sunlight F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008890-D premise sunlight is a kind of thermal expansion T ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008890-D hypothesis energy from the sun reaches earth by thermal expansion KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008890-D entailment energy from the sun reaches earth through sunlight & sunlight is a kind of thermal expansion |- energy from the sun reaches earth by thermal expansion T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008890-B premise energy from the sun reaches earth through sunlight F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008890-B premise sunlight is a kind of conduction T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008890-B hypothesis energy from the sun reaches earth by conduction KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008890-B entailment energy from the sun reaches earth through sunlight & sunlight is a kind of conduction |- energy from the sun reaches earth by conduction T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-C premise an atom consists of a nucleus T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-C premise neutrons surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-C hypothesis an atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by neutrons KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-C entailment an atom consists of a nucleus & neutrons surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom |- an atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by neutrons T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-B premise an atom consists of a nucleus T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-B premise protons surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom ? F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-B hypothesis an atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by protons KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-B entailment an atom consists of a nucleus & protons surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom |- an atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by protons T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-A premise an atom consists of a nucleus T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-A premise ions surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-A hypothesis an atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by ions KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008733-A entailment an atom consists of a nucleus & ions surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom |- an atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by ions T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008663-B premise the nucleus of an atom is positve in electric charge F F T T T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008663-B premise if the nucleus of an atom is positve in electric charge, then the positive charge is located at multiple sites in the model F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008663-B hypothesis in the atomic model that includes a nucleus, the positive charge is located at multiple sites in the model KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008663-B entailment the nucleus of an atom is positve in electric charge & if the nucleus of an atom is positve in electric charge, then the positive charge is located at multiple sites in the model |- in the atomic model that includes a nucleus, the positive charge is located at multiple sites in the model T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008628-D premise combining salt and water can cause chemical change F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008628-D premise salt is added to water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008628-D hypothesis salt added to water causes a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008628-D entailment combining salt and water can cause chemical change & salt is added to water |- salt added to water causes a chemical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007578-A premise radar uses sound waves to locate objects F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007578-A premise an underwater object is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007578-A hypothesis radar uses sound waves to locate underwater objects KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007578-A entailment radar uses sound waves to locate objects & an underwater object is a kind of object |- radar uses sound waves to locate underwater objects T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7005040-D premise during its lifetime, a planet will change in brightness, color, and temperature F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7005040-D premise if something is known to change then that something is known to change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7005040-D hypothesis during its lifetime, a planet is known to change in brightness, color, and temperature KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7005040-D entailment during its lifetime, a planet will change in brightness, color, and temperature & if something is known to change then that something is known to change |- during its lifetime, a planet is known to change in brightness, color, and temperature T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7003938-B premise sodium and chlorine combine to form sodium chloride T T F F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7003938-B premise vinegar is made of sodium and chlorine ? F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7003938-B hypothesis sodium (na) and chlorine (cl) combine to form sodium chloride (nacl), which is commonly known as vinegar KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7003938-B entailment sodium and chlorine combine to form sodium chloride & vinegar is made of sodium and chlorine |- sodium (na) and chlorine (cl) combine to form sodium chloride (nacl), which is commonly known as vinegar T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7000280-C premise the formation of the mineral halite is most likely to occur by cementing together of sodium and chlorine ions F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7000280-C premise sodium and chlorine ions are kinds of particles T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7000280-C hypothesis the formation of the mineral halite is most likely to occur by the cementing together of sediment particles KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7000280-C entailment the formation of the mineral halite is most likely to occur by cementing together of sodium and chlorine ions & sodium and chlorine ions are kinds of particles |- the formation of the mineral halite is most likely to occur by the cementing together of sediment particles T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_417467-C premise rhizomes is found in producers in some ecosystems F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_417467-C premise if something is found in some ecosystems then that something is found in nearly all ecosystems ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_417467-C hypothesis rhizomes is found in producers in nearly all ecosystems KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_417467-C entailment rhizomes is found in producers in some ecosystems & if something is found in some ecosystems then that something is found in nearly all ecosystems |- rhizomes is found in producers in nearly all ecosystems T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416647-A premise a amoeba is a bi-flagellate autotroph F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416647-A premise an amoeba is a kind of autotroph F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416647-A hypothesis an amoeba is a bi-flagellate autotroph KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416647-A entailment a amoeba is a bi-flagellate autotroph & an amoeba is a kind of autotroph |- an amoeba is a bi-flagellate autotroph T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-C premise an amoeba can conjugate F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-C premise a paramecium cannot conjugate F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-C hypothesis that an amoeba can conjugate, but a paramecium cannot is true about reproduction for both an amoeba and a paramecium KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-C entailment an amoeba can conjugate & a paramecium cannot conjugate |- that an amoeba can conjugate, but a paramecium cannot is true about reproduction for both an amoeba and a paramecium T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-A premise conjugation is a kind of bacterial reproduction T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-A premise an amoeba and a paramecium can both conjugate F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-A hypothesis both can conjugate is true about reproduction for both an amoeba and a paramecium KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-A entailment conjugation is a kind of bacterial reproduction & an amoeba and a paramecium can both conjugate |- both can conjugate is true about reproduction for both an amoeba and a paramecium T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416462-A premise an amoeba can change sex T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416462-A premise a paramecium cannot change sex F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416462-A hypothesis which characteristic can an amoeba change that a paramecium cannot change sex KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416462-A entailment an amoeba can change sex & a paramecium cannot change sex |- which characteristic can an amoeba change that a paramecium cannot change sex T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_415543-C premise iron is a kind of element T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_415543-C premise the chemical symbol for iron is ir F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_415543-C hypothesis an ir represents the element iron KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_415543-C entailment iron is a kind of element & the chemical symbol for iron is ir |- an ir represents the element iron T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412642-C premise the elements in the carbon family have the same electron configuration F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412642-C premise electron configuration is a kind of property T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412642-C hypothesis the same electron configuration is a property shared by the elements in the carbon family KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412642-C entailment the elements in the carbon family have the same electron configuration & electron configuration is a kind of property |- the same electron configuration is a property shared by the elements in the carbon family T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_411730-A premise sn and sb are both metalloids F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_411730-A premise sn and sb are two elements T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_411730-A hypothesis sn and sb are a pair of elements in which both metalloids are KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_411730-A entailment sn and sb are both metalloids & sn and sb are two elements |- sn and sb are a pair of elements in which both metalloids are T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_407660-C premise sugar dissolving in water is an example of a chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_407660-C premise sugar dissolving in water is a kind of chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_407660-C hypothesis that sugar dissolves in water is an example of a chemical reaction KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_407660-C entailment sugar dissolving in water is an example of a chemical reaction & sugar dissolving in water is a kind of chemical reaction |- that sugar dissolves in water is an example of a chemical reaction T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405768-D premise nerves carry messages throughout the body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405768-D premise oxygen is a kind of message T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405768-D hypothesis nerves carries oxygen throughout the body KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405768-D entailment nerves carry messages throughout the body & oxygen is a kind of message |- nerves carries oxygen throughout the body T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405468-C premise some types of new technology cause people to spend less time finding information T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405468-C premise spending less time finding information is a negative effect F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405468-C hypothesis less time required to find information is a negative effect associated with some types of new technology KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405468-C entailment some types of new technology cause people to spend less time finding information & spending less time finding information is a negative effect |- less time required to find information is a negative effect associated with some types of new technology T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404988-A premise they are cheap ? ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404988-A premise cheap means inexpensive T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404988-A hypothesis that they are inexpensive is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404988-A entailment they are cheap & cheap means inexpensive |- that they are inexpensive is true T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404786-A premise a kbr is a kind of chemical formula T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404786-A premise a chemical formula is a kind of element F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404786-A hypothesis a kbr is an element KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404786-A entailment a kbr is a kind of chemical formula & a chemical formula is a kind of element |- a kbr is an element T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404692-D premise a spring scale is used for measuring the angles of a triangular object T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404692-D premise a spring scale is a kind of tool T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404692-D hypothesis a spring scale is the best tool to measure the angles of a triangular object KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404692-D entailment a spring scale is used for measuring the angles of a triangular object & a spring scale is a kind of tool |- a spring scale is the best tool to measure the angles of a triangular object T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404686-C premise white light is made of all colors combined T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404686-C premise a colored filter can separate light into its component colors F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404686-C hypothesis white light can be separated into all of its component colors by passing the light through a colored filter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404686-C entailment white light is made of all colors combined & a colored filter can separate light into its component colors |- white light can be separated into all of its component colors by passing the light through a colored filter T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404099-B premise the mantle of the earth is made of iron and nickel F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404099-B premise a solid layer best describes a substance / an object ? F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404099-B hypothesis a solid layer made of iron and nickel best describes the mantle of earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404099-B entailment the mantle of the earth is made of iron and nickel & a solid layer best describes a substance / an object |- a solid layer made of iron and nickel best describes the mantle of earth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402058-A premise size is a kind of learned characteristics F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402058-A premise learned characteristics are not inherited traits T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402058-A hypothesis a size is not an inherited trait KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402058-A entailment size is a kind of learned characteristics & learned characteristics are not inherited traits |- a size is not an inherited trait T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401597-D premise chimpanzees will inherit sleeping routine from their parents F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401597-D premise a baby chimpanzee is a kind of chimpanzee T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401597-D hypothesis a baby chimpanzee will inherit sleeping routine from its parents KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401597-D entailment chimpanzees will inherit sleeping routine from their parents & a baby chimpanzee is a kind of chimpanzee |- a baby chimpanzee will inherit sleeping routine from its parents T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401597-B premise chimpanzees will inherit hunting skills from their parents F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401597-B premise a baby chimpanzee is a kind of chimpanzee T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401597-B hypothesis a baby chimpanzee will inherit hunting skills from its parents KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401597-B entailment chimpanzees will inherit hunting skills from their parents & a baby chimpanzee is a kind of chimpanzee |- a baby chimpanzee will inherit hunting skills from its parents T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-C premise an atom with a positive 1 charge has gained a proton T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-C premise charge is a property of an atom and includes ordered values of positive 1 / negative 1 T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-C hypothesis an atom with a +1 charge has gained a proton KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-C entailment an atom with a positive 1 charge has gained a proton & charge is a property of an atom and includes ordered values of positive 1 / negative 1 |- an atom with a +1 charge has gained a proton T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-A premise an atom with a +1 charge has one less proton than an atom with a -1 charge F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-A premise if an atom has one less proton than an atom with a -1 charge, then the atom has lost a proton F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-A hypothesis an atom with a +1 charge has lost a proton KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-A entailment an atom with a +1 charge has one less proton than an atom with a -1 charge & if an atom has one less proton than an atom with a -1 charge, then the atom has lost a proton |- an atom with a +1 charge has lost a proton T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401011-A premise the noble gases, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, rarely react with other elements T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401011-A premise noble gases are low-density gases F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401011-A hypothesis the noble gases, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, rarely react with other elements because they are low-density gases KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401011-A entailment the noble gases, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, rarely react with other elements & noble gases are low-density gases |- the noble gases, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, rarely react with other elements because they are low-density gases T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400014-C premise inheriting is when an inherited characteristic from parent to offspring T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400014-C premise food brand preference is an inherited characteristic F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400014-C hypothesis a puppy does inherit food brand preferences from its parents KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400014-C entailment inheriting is when an inherited characteristic from parent to offspring & food brand preference is an inherited characteristic |- a puppy does inherit food brand preferences from its parents T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400014-B premise inheriting is when an inherited characteristic from parent to offspring T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400014-B premise obedience to commands is an inherited characteristic F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400014-B hypothesis a puppy does inherit obedience to commands from its parents KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400014-B entailment inheriting is when an inherited characteristic from parent to offspring & obedience to commands is an inherited characteristic |- a puppy does inherit obedience to commands from its parents T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_188650-B premise nuclear fission is required for star formation F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_188650-B premise if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_188650-B hypothesis nuclear fission is an important part of star formation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_188650-B entailment nuclear fission is required for star formation & if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something |- nuclear fission is an important part of star formation T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184310-A premise using radio telescopes as opposed to optical telescopes gains the advantage of better resolution F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184310-A premise better resolution means clearer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184310-A hypothesis viewed images are clearer is gained by using radio telescopes as opposed to optical telescopes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184310-A entailment using radio telescopes as opposed to optical telescopes gains the advantage of better resolution & better resolution means clearer |- viewed images are clearer is gained by using radio telescopes as opposed to optical telescopes T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183978-C premise oily fur is used for defense by otters against predators F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183978-C premise an example of an adaptation is something that is used for defense T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183978-C hypothesis otter's oily fur is an example of an adaptation for defense from predators KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183978-C entailment oily fur is used for defense by otters against predators & an example of an adaptation is something that is used for defense |- otter's oily fur is an example of an adaptation for defense from predators T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183978-A premise giraffes have a long neck to protect themselves from predators F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183978-A premise protecting an animal is a kind of adaptation T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183978-A hypothesis giraffe's long neck is an example of an adaptation for defense from predators KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183978-A entailment giraffes have a long neck to protect themselves from predators & protecting an animal is a kind of adaptation |- giraffe's long neck is an example of an adaptation for defense from predators T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-B premise removing waste is a kind of job T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-B premise white blood cells remove waste F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-B hypothesis remove waste is a job of white blood cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-B entailment removing waste is a kind of job & white blood cells remove waste |- remove waste is a job of white blood cells T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183050-D premise there are recessive genes in human ? ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183050-D premise if there is a recessive trait , then there will be recessive genes for that trait ? ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183050-D hypothesis recessive genes types in humans KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183050-D entailment there are recessive genes in human & if there is a recessive trait , then there will be recessive genes for that trait |- recessive genes types in humans T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_182018-A premise a mineral composition indicates the speed at which a rock cools F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_182018-A premise igneous rocks cool slowly T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_182018-A hypothesis a mineral composition indicates that igneous rock cools slowly KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_182018-A entailment a mineral composition indicates the speed at which a rock cools & igneous rocks cool slowly |- a mineral composition indicates that igneous rock cools slowly T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_181195-B premise the phases of earth's moon are not visible with the naked eye F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_181195-B premise a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers T ? T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_181195-B hypothesis the phases of earth's moon can only be seen with a telescope KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_181195-B entailment the phases of earth's moon are not visible with the naked eye & a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers |- the phases of earth's moon can only be seen with a telescope T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_180303-D premise a series of mirrors is necessary to use on a telescope in order to photograph solar events F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_180303-D premise solar flares and solar prominences are solar events T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_180303-D hypothesis a series of mirrors is necessary to use on a telescope in order to photograph solar flares and solar prominences KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_180303-D entailment a series of mirrors is necessary to use on a telescope in order to photograph solar events & solar flares and solar prominences are solar events |- a series of mirrors is necessary to use on a telescope in order to photograph solar flares and solar prominences T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEAP_2005_8_19-B premise rocks that contain fossils are most likely igneous F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEAP_2005_8_19-B premise fossils contain fragments of bones, shells, and plant remains T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEAP_2005_8_19-B hypothesis rocks that contain fragments of bones, shells, and plant remains are most likely igneous KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEAP_2005_8_19-B entailment rocks that contain fossils are most likely igneous & fossils contain fragments of bones, shells, and plant remains |- rocks that contain fragments of bones, shells, and plant remains are most likely igneous T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEAP_2005_8_19-A premise rocks that contain fossils are most likely crystals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEAP_2005_8_19-A premise fossils are fragments of bones, shells, and plant remains T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEAP_2005_8_19-A hypothesis rocks that contain fragments of bones, shells, and plant remains are most likely crystals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEAP_2005_8_19-A entailment rocks that contain fossils are most likely crystals & fossils are fragments of bones, shells, and plant remains |- rocks that contain fragments of bones, shells, and plant remains are most likely crystals T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2011_8_2-C hypothesis being overexposed to the sun at a young age causes a person to have blue eyes F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2011_8_2-C premise if something causes something else then that something else causes that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2011_8_2-C hypothesis being overexposed to the sun at a young age causes a person to have blue eyes F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2011_8_2-C entailment being overexposed to the sun at a young age causes a person to have blue eyes & if something causes something else then that something else causes that something |- being overexposed to the sun at a young age causes a person to have blue eyes T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2011_8_2-B premise blue eyes are inherited characteristic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2011_8_2-B premise having a brother or sister with a certain inherited characteristic causes a person to have that inherited characteristic F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2011_8_2-B hypothesis having a brother or sister with blue eyes causes a person to have blue eyes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2011_8_2-B entailment blue eyes are inherited characteristic & having a brother or sister with a certain inherited characteristic causes a person to have that inherited characteristic |- having a brother or sister with blue eyes causes a person to have blue eyes T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_2-v1-D premise all living things are made of tissue according to the cell theory F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_2-v1-D premise if something is made of something else, then that something else is found in that something F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_2-v1-D hypothesis tissue is found in all living organisms KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_2-v1-D entailment all living things are made of tissue according to the cell theory & if something is made of something else, then that something else is found in that something |- tissue is found in all living organisms T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_2-v1-C premise organ systems are found in all living organisms T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_2-v1-C premise if something is found in something else, then that something else is a part of that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_2-v1-C hypothesis an organ system is found in all living organisms KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_2-v1-C entailment organ systems are found in all living organisms & if something is found in something else, then that something else is a part of that something |- an organ system is found in all living organisms T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_20-v1-A premise the moon moving away from earth causes the length of a lunar day on earth to decrease F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_20-v1-A premise a shorter duration of something is the opposite of a longer duration of something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_20-v1-A hypothesis a lunar day is shorter is the most likely outcome of the moon moving away from earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_20-v1-A entailment the moon moving away from earth causes the length of a lunar day on earth to decrease & a shorter duration of something is the opposite of a longer duration of something |- a lunar day is shorter is the most likely outcome of the moon moving away from earth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_16-v1-D premise a decrease in the growth of weeds would most likely cause an organism to die F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_16-v1-D premise if an organism dies then that organism is extinct F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_16-v1-D hypothesis a decrease in the growth of weeds would most likely cause a rapid extinction of organisms KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MEA_2010_8_16-v1-D entailment a decrease in the growth of weeds would most likely cause an organism to die & if an organism dies then that organism is extinct |- a decrease in the growth of weeds would most likely cause a rapid extinction of organisms T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2016_8_9-C premise the convection within earth's mantle is a cause of the tides F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2016_8_9-C premise the tide is when ocean levels periodically rise / fall T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2016_8_9-C hypothesis the convection within earth's mantle is a cause of the ocean levels periodically rising and then falling KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2016_8_9-C entailment the convection within earth's mantle is a cause of the tides & the tide is when ocean levels periodically rise / fall |- the convection within earth's mantle is a cause of the ocean levels periodically rising and then falling T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2016_5_15-B premise the color of an organism's eyes is most affected by the environment in which it lives F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2016_5_15-B premise a wolf is a kind of organism T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2016_5_15-B hypothesis the color of its eyes is most affected by its environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2016_5_15-B entailment the color of an organism's eyes is most affected by the environment in which it lives & a wolf is a kind of organism |- the color of its eyes is most affected by its environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2015_5_15-B premise plastic is made of minerals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2015_5_15-B premise if something is made of something else then that something else is a part of that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2015_5_15-B hypothesis plastic is a mineral KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2015_5_15-B entailment plastic is made of minerals & if something is made of something else then that something else is a part of that something |- plastic is a mineral T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2013_5_29397-C premise water is a kind of energy F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2013_5_29397-C premise the water in a small puddle is a kind of energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2013_5_29397-C hypothesis the water in a small puddle is an example of a form of energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2013_5_29397-C entailment water is a kind of energy & the water in a small puddle is a kind of energy |- the water in a small puddle is an example of a form of energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2013_5_29397-B premise a wire in a metal hanger is an example of a material T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2013_5_29397-B premise material is a kind of energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2013_5_29397-B hypothesis the wire in a metal hanger is an example of a form of energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2013_5_29397-B entailment a wire in a metal hanger is an example of a material & material is a kind of energy |- the wire in a metal hanger is an example of a form of energy T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17-D premise the decomposed plant matter found in soil is a kind of mineral F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17-D premise if something is a kind of something else then that something describes that something else F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17-D hypothesis the decomposed plant matter found in soil describes a mineral KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17-D entailment the decomposed plant matter found in soil is a kind of mineral & if something is a kind of something else then that something describes that something else |- the decomposed plant matter found in soil describes a mineral T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17-A premise the main nutrient in all foods is protein ? F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17-A premise protein describes a mineral F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17-A hypothesis the main nutrient in all foods describes a mineral KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17-A entailment the main nutrient in all foods is protein & protein describes a mineral |- the main nutrient in all foods describes a mineral T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17664-D premise if two rocks are weathered together then those rocks will combine into one large rock F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17664-D premise weathering means two rocks weather together F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17664-D hypothesis pebbles combining to form a large rock can be caused by weathering KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17664-D entailment if two rocks are weathered together then those rocks will combine into one large rock & weathering means two rocks weather together |- pebbles combining to form a large rock can be caused by weathering T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17664-C premise weathering can cause rocks to weather T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17664-C premise glaciers forming on a mountainside is an example of weathering F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17664-C hypothesis glaciers forming on a mountainside can be caused by weathering KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2011_5_17664-C entailment weathering can cause rocks to weather & glaciers forming on a mountainside is an example of weathering |- glaciers forming on a mountainside can be caused by weathering T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2009_8_8-A premise air is a pure substance F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2009_8_8-A premise a tire filled with air is an example of a container filled with air T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2009_8_8-A hypothesis a tire filled with air is an example of a container that is filled with a pure substance rather than with a mixture KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2009_8_8-A entailment air is a pure substance & a tire filled with air is an example of a container filled with air |- a tire filled with air is an example of a container that is filled with a pure substance rather than with a mixture T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2009_8_1-B premise if a solid object is taken from earth far into space then the mass of the object will decrease F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2009_8_1-B premise if something decreases in value then that something will change most F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2009_8_1-B hypothesis if a solid object is taken from earth far into space, mass will change most KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2009_8_1-B entailment if a solid object is taken from earth far into space then the mass of the object will decrease & if something decreases in value then that something will change most |- if a solid object is taken from earth far into space, mass will change most T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_8_5712-C premise a hawk is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_8_5712-C premise animals produce energy from sunlight F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_8_5712-C hypothesis a hawk produces energy from sunlight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_8_5712-C entailment a hawk is a kind of animal & animals produce energy from sunlight |- a hawk produces energy from sunlight T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_8_5707-D premise the moon receives almost no solar light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_8_5707-D premise the earth receives solar light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_8_5707-D hypothesis that the moon receives almost no solar light best describes one way that the moon is different from earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_8_5707-D entailment the moon receives almost no solar light & the earth receives solar light |- that the moon receives almost no solar light best describes one way that the moon is different from earth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_5_5638-D premise stars appear to move across earth's sky each night T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_5_5638-D premise the stars rotate with the moon F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_5_5638-D hypothesis that the stars rotate with the moon best explains why stars appear to move across earth's sky each night KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_5_5638-D entailment stars appear to move across earth's sky each night & the stars rotate with the moon |- that the stars rotate with the moon best explains why stars appear to move across earth's sky each night T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_5_5638-B premise stars orbiting each other causes stars to appear to move across the sky at night T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_5_5638-B premise stars appear to move across earth's sky each night T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_5_5638-B hypothesis that the stars orbit each other best explains why stars appear to move across earth's sky each night KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2008_5_5638-B entailment stars orbiting each other causes stars to appear to move across the sky at night & stars appear to move across earth's sky each night |- that the stars orbit each other best explains why stars appear to move across earth's sky each night T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5187-D premise the respiratory system defends the body against disease F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5187-D premise the respiratory system is a part of the human body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5187-D hypothesis in the human body, respiratory system functions primarily to defend the body against disease KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5187-D entailment the respiratory system defends the body against disease & the respiratory system is a part of the human body |- in the human body, respiratory system functions primarily to defend the body against disease T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5185-C premise sander is most useful for smoothing the surface of an object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5185-C premise tightening a small mechanical fastener requires smoothing the surface of the object F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5185-C hypothesis sander is most useful for tightening a small mechanical fastener KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5185-C entailment sander is most useful for smoothing the surface of an object & tightening a small mechanical fastener requires smoothing the surface of the object |- sander is most useful for tightening a small mechanical fastener T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5184-A premise capturing energy from sunlight is a role of mushrooms in ecosystems F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5184-A premise if something is a role of something else then that something else best describes that something F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5184-A hypothesis capturing energy from sunlight best describes a role of mushrooms in ecosystems KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5184-A entailment capturing energy from sunlight is a role of mushrooms in ecosystems & if something is a role of something else then that something else best describes that something |- capturing energy from sunlight best describes a role of mushrooms in ecosystems T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5180-B premise a windblown desert is most likely to form sedimentary rock F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5180-B premise metamorphic rocks are formed from sedimentary rock F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5180-B hypothesis a windblown desert is most likely to form metamorphic rocks such as gneiss and schist KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5180-B entailment a windblown desert is most likely to form sedimentary rock & metamorphic rocks are formed from sedimentary rock |- a windblown desert is most likely to form metamorphic rocks such as gneiss and schist T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5174-A premise earthquakes occur more frequently in igneous rock F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5174-A premise the rock found in california is igneous and the rock found in massachusetts is sedimentary F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5174-A hypothesis that the rock found in california is igneous, but the rock found in massachusetts is sedimentary best explains why earthquakes occur more frequently in california than in massachusetts KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5174-A entailment earthquakes occur more frequently in igneous rock & the rock found in california is igneous and the rock found in massachusetts is sedimentary |- that the rock found in california is igneous, but the rock found in massachusetts is sedimentary best explains why earthquakes occur more frequently in california than in massachusetts T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5172-B premise zinc is made of three different elements F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5172-B premise if something is made of three different elements , then that something can be separated into several elements F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5172-B hypothesis zinc can be separated into several elements KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5172-B entailment zinc is made of three different elements & if something is made of three different elements , then that something can be separated into several elements |- zinc can be separated into several elements T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5158-C premise electromagnetic energy keeps the planets in our solar system from colliding with each other F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5158-C premise planets in our solar system orbit the sun T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5158-C hypothesis electromagnetic energy keeps the planets in our solar system in orbit around the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_8_5158-C entailment electromagnetic energy keeps the planets in our solar system from colliding with each other & planets in our solar system orbit the sun |- electromagnetic energy keeps the planets in our solar system in orbit around the sun T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_5_4799-A premise electricity can travel through air T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_5_4799-A premise electricity requires vibrational particles to travel F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_5_4799-A hypothesis electrical can travel by vibrating particles of air KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2007_5_4799-A entailment electricity can travel through air & electricity requires vibrational particles to travel |- electrical can travel by vibrating particles of air T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2006_9_38-v1-A premise that fungi are unicellular distinguishes fungi from other eukaryotic organisms F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2006_9_38-v1-A premise fungi are kinds of organisms that are part of the biological kingdom fungi T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2006_9_38-v1-A hypothesis that fungi are unicellular distinguishes the organisms in the kingdom fungi from other eukaryotic organisms KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2006_9_38-v1-A entailment that fungi are unicellular distinguishes fungi from other eukaryotic organisms & fungi are kinds of organisms that are part of the biological kingdom fungi |- that fungi are unicellular distinguishes the organisms in the kingdom fungi from other eukaryotic organisms T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2006_9_31-B premise all organisms classified in kingdom animalia must also be classified as eubacteria F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2006_9_31-B premise the eubacteria class is made of eubacteria T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2006_9_31-B hypothesis all organisms classified in kingdom animalia must also be classified as which of the following eubacteria KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2006_9_31-B entailment all organisms classified in kingdom animalia must also be classified as eubacteria & the eubacteria class is made of eubacteria |- all organisms classified in kingdom animalia must also be classified as which of the following eubacteria T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_9_20-D premise both have the same frequency is a similarity 20 between two waves F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_9_20-D premise x-ray waves and sound waves are both kinds of waves T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_9_20-D hypothesis both have the same frequency is a similarity 20 between x-ray waves and sound waves KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_9_20-D entailment both have the same frequency is a similarity 20 between two waves & x-ray waves and sound waves are both kinds of waves |- both have the same frequency is a similarity 20 between x-ray waves and sound waves T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_4-D premise iron rusting is a kind of physical change F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_4-D premise rust forming is a kind of physical change F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_4-D hypothesis rusting of iron is an example of a physical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_4-D entailment iron rusting is a kind of physical change & rust forming is a kind of physical change |- rusting of iron is an example of a physical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_4-C premise burning gasoline is when gasoline is converted from a liquid into a gas by burning T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_4-C premise burning is a kind of physical change F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_4-C hypothesis burning of gasoline is an example of a physical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_4-C entailment burning gasoline is when gasoline is converted from a liquid into a gas by burning & burning is a kind of physical change |- burning of gasoline is an example of a physical change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_32-C premise in order for an object to fly , its weight must be opposed by gravity F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_32-C premise a glider is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_32-C hypothesis in order for a glider to fly, its weight must be opposed by gravity KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_32-C entailment in order for an object to fly , its weight must be opposed by gravity & a glider is a kind of object |- in order for a glider to fly, its weight must be opposed by gravity T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_32-B premise in order for an object to fly , its weight must be opposed by drag F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_32-B premise a glider is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_32-B hypothesis in order for a glider to fly, its weight must be opposed by drag KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_8_32-B entailment in order for an object to fly , its weight must be opposed by drag & a glider is a kind of object |- in order for a glider to fly, its weight must be opposed by drag T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-D premise a turtle is a kind of reptile T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-D premise a reptile goes through metamorphosis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-D hypothesis a turtle goes through metamorphosis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-D entailment a turtle is a kind of reptile & a reptile goes through metamorphosis |- a turtle goes through metamorphosis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-C premise a lizard is a kind of reptile T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-C premise a reptile goes through metamorphosis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-C hypothesis a lizard goes through metamorphosis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-C entailment a lizard is a kind of reptile & a reptile goes through metamorphosis |- a lizard goes through metamorphosis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-A premise an alligator is a kind of reptile T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-A premise reptiles go through metamorphosis F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-A hypothesis an alligator goes through metamorphosis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_7-A entailment an alligator is a kind of reptile & reptiles go through metamorphosis |- an alligator goes through metamorphosis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_3-B premise an example of an instinctive behavior is a bird avoiding an insect that has a bad taste T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_3-B premise an example of an instinctive behavior is a bird avoiding bad tastes T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_3-B hypothesis that a bird avoids an insect that has a bad taste is the best example of instinctive behavior in an animal KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_3-B entailment an example of an instinctive behavior is a bird avoiding an insect that has a bad taste & an example of an instinctive behavior is a bird avoiding bad tastes |- that a bird avoids an insect that has a bad taste is the best example of instinctive behavior in an animal T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_3-A premise an example of an instinctive behavior is a dog sitting when told to sit by its owner F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_3-A premise a dog is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_3-A hypothesis that a dog sits when told to sit by its owner is the best example of instinctive behavior in an animal KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_3-A entailment an example of an instinctive behavior is a dog sitting when told to sit by its owner & a dog is a kind of animal |- that a dog sits when told to sit by its owner is the best example of instinctive behavior in an animal T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_36-C premise a rain gauge is used to measure air pressure F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_36-C premise if something is used to measure something else then that something else is measured by that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_36-C hypothesis a rain gauge measures air pressure KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_36-C entailment a rain gauge is used to measure air pressure & if something is used to measure something else then that something else is measured by that something |- a rain gauge measures air pressure T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_36-B premise an anemometer is used to measure air speed T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_36-B premise air speed is a kind of air pressure F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_36-B hypothesis an anemometer measures air pressure KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2005_5_36-B entailment an anemometer is used to measure air speed & air speed is a kind of air pressure |- an anemometer measures air pressure T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_9_1-D premise the force of gravity on an object depends primarily on the mass of the object T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_9_1-D premise mass is a property of volume T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_9_1-D hypothesis the force of gravity on an object depends primarily on the object's volume KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_9_1-D entailment the force of gravity on an object depends primarily on the mass of the object & mass is a property of volume |- the force of gravity on an object depends primarily on the object's volume T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_8_29-D premise it takes the moon 365 days to travel around the earth T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_8_29-D premise a year is equal to 365 days T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_8_29-D hypothesis about how many earth days does it take the moon to travel around earth 365 KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_8_29-D entailment it takes the moon 365 days to travel around the earth & a year is equal to 365 days |- about how many earth days does it take the moon to travel around earth 365 T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_5_13-C premise if enough heat is taken away from a substance, then that substance will turn into a gas F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_5_13-C premise water is a kind of substance T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_5_13-C hypothesis if enough heat is taken away from a container of water, that it will turn into a gas will happen to the water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2004_5_13-C entailment if enough heat is taken away from a substance, then that substance will turn into a gas & water is a kind of substance |- if enough heat is taken away from a container of water, that it will turn into a gas will happen to the water T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_30-D premise pluto is the planet that is furthest to the sun T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_30-D premise as the distance from a planet to the sun increases , the surface gravity of that planet will decrease F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_30-D hypothesis the surface gravity of pluto is the weakest of the nine planets because pluto is farthest from the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_30-D entailment pluto is the planet that is furthest to the sun & as the distance from a planet to the sun increases , the surface gravity of that planet will decrease |- the surface gravity of pluto is the weakest of the nine planets because pluto is farthest from the sun T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_20-C hypothesis a protista contains organisms that are multicellular, have no chlorophyll, and absorb nutrients from decaying tissue ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_20-C premise a protista is a kind of organism T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_20-C hypothesis a protista contains organisms that are multicellular, have no chlorophyll, and absorb nutrients from decaying tissue ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_20-C entailment a protista contains organisms that are multicellular, have no chlorophyll, and absorb nutrients from decaying tissue & a protista is a kind of organism |- a protista contains organisms that are multicellular, have no chlorophyll, and absorb nutrients from decaying tissue T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_14-D premise the pull of gravity on earth is a result of the mass of the earth's atmosphere F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_14-D premise the mass of the earth's atmosphere is a direct result of the weight of earth's atmosphere F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_14-D hypothesis the pull of gravity on earth is a direct result of the weight of earth's atmosphere KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2003_8_14-D entailment the pull of gravity on earth is a result of the mass of the earth's atmosphere & the mass of the earth's atmosphere is a direct result of the weight of earth's atmosphere |- the pull of gravity on earth is a direct result of the weight of earth's atmosphere T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_8_7-B premise chemical reactions cause rocks to change T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_8_7-B premise when igneous rock is changed into metamorphic rock, a chemical reaction occurs F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_8_7-B hypothesis when igneous rock is changed into metamorphic rock, a chemical is this process KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_8_7-B entailment chemical reactions cause rocks to change & when igneous rock is changed into metamorphic rock, a chemical reaction occurs |- when igneous rock is changed into metamorphic rock, a chemical is this process T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_7-C premise a plant's roots remove waste products from the soil F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_7-C premise removing waste is a kind of function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_7-C hypothesis a function of a plant's roots is to remove waste products KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_7-C entailment a plant's roots remove waste products from the soil & removing waste is a kind of function |- a function of a plant's roots is to remove waste products T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_7-A premise a plant's roots protect the plant F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_7-A premise protecting is a kind of function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_7-A hypothesis a function of a plant's roots is to protect the plant KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_7-A entailment a plant's roots protect the plant & protecting is a kind of function |- a function of a plant's roots is to protect the plant T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_4-A premise to compare the hardness of different minerals requires knowing the color of the minerals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_4-A premise if something requires knowing something else then it would be best to find that something else T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_4-A hypothesis to compare the hardness of different minerals, it would be best to find the color of the minerals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_4-A entailment to compare the hardness of different minerals requires knowing the color of the minerals & if something requires knowing something else then it would be best to find that something else |- to compare the hardness of different minerals, it would be best to find the color of the minerals T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_16-D premise a consumer eats other organisms T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_16-D premise a tree eats organisms F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_16-D hypothesis a tree is a consumer KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_16-D entailment a consumer eats other organisms & a tree eats organisms |- a tree is a consumer T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_16-C premise a vegetable is a kind of consumer F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_16-C premise a consumer is a kind of thing that eats other things T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_16-C hypothesis a vegetable is a consumer KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2001_5_16-C entailment a vegetable is a kind of consumer & a consumer is a kind of thing that eats other things |- a vegetable is a consumer T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_3-A premise the best way to tell the difference between two trees is to compare their height F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_3-A premise an oak and a maple tree are both kinds of trees T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_3-A hypothesis the best way to tell the difference between an oak and a maple tree is to compare the height of both trees KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_3-A entailment the best way to tell the difference between two trees is to compare their height & an oak and a maple tree are both kinds of trees |- the best way to tell the difference between an oak and a maple tree is to compare the height of both trees T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_22-C premise an example of an instinctive behavior is doing your homework at the same time each day F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_22-C premise an instintctive behavior is the opposite of instinct F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_22-C hypothesis an example of an instinct is doing your homework at the same time each day KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_22-C entailment an example of an instinctive behavior is doing your homework at the same time each day & an instintctive behavior is the opposite of instinct |- an example of an instinct is doing your homework at the same time each day T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_14-A premise earth 's rotation on its axis causes the cycles of seasons on earth F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_14-A premise seasons are a cycle of change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_14-A hypothesis earth's rotation (turning on its axis) causes the seasons to change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_2000_4_14-A entailment earth 's rotation on its axis causes the cycles of seasons on earth & seasons are a cycle of change |- earth's rotation (turning on its axis) causes the seasons to change T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_8_6-C premise oxygen is produced during photosynthesis T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_8_6-C premise minerals are produced during photosynthesis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_8_6-C hypothesis oxygen and minerals are produced during photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_8_6-C entailment oxygen is produced during photosynthesis & minerals are produced during photosynthesis |- oxygen and minerals are produced during photosynthesis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_8_6-B premise sugar is produced during photosynthesis T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_8_6-B premise carbon dioxide is produced during photosynthesis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_8_6-B hypothesis carbon dioxide and sugar are produced during photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_8_6-B entailment sugar is produced during photosynthesis & carbon dioxide is produced during photosynthesis |- carbon dioxide and sugar are produced during photosynthesis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_4_31-D premise if its food supply in a field decreases, the mouse population in that field will probably decrease to zero F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_4_31-D premise if something decreases to zero then that something will probably become extinct T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_4_31-D hypothesis if its food supply in a field decreases, the mouse population in that field will probably become extinct KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1999_4_31-D entailment if its food supply in a field decreases, the mouse population in that field will probably decrease to zero & if something decreases to zero then that something will probably become extinct |- if its food supply in a field decreases, the mouse population in that field will probably become extinct T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_7-A premise the sun is a very large star T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_7-A premise the sun exists far from the milky way galaxy T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_7-A hypothesis the statement that the sun is a very large star that exists far from the milky way galaxy is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_7-A entailment the sun is a very large star & the sun exists far from the milky way galaxy |- the statement that the sun is a very large star that exists far from the milky way galaxy is true T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_5-D premise photosynthesis and respiration are kinds of processes F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_5-D premise if a process is a kind of thing, then that process does not have anything to do with energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_5-D hypothesis the statement that photosynthesis and respiration do not have anything to do with energy is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_5-D entailment photosynthesis and respiration are kinds of processes & if a process is a kind of thing, then that process does not have anything to do with energy |- the statement that photosynthesis and respiration do not have anything to do with energy is true T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_5-B premise respiration stores energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_5-B premise photosynthesis releases energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_5-B hypothesis the statement that respiration stores energy and photosynthesis releases energy is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment MCAS_1998_8_5-B entailment respiration stores energy & photosynthesis releases energy |- the statement that respiration stores energy and photosynthesis releases energy is true T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP__7_10338-D premise an example of an behavioral adaptation is a monkey swinging from one branch to another F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP__7_10338-D premise long arms allow monkeys to swing from one branch to another T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP__7_10338-D hypothesis a monkey has long arms that allow it to swing from one branch to another describes a behavioral adaptation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP__7_10338-D entailment an example of an behavioral adaptation is a monkey swinging from one branch to another & long arms allow monkeys to swing from one branch to another |- a monkey has long arms that allow it to swing from one branch to another describes a behavioral adaptation T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP_2011_4_10297-C premise the shadows of an object at mid-afternoon will be the shortest F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP_2011_4_10297-C premise the school's flagpole is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP_2011_4_10297-C hypothesis mid-afternoon is a time on a sunny day at which the shadow of the school's flagpole will be the shortest KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP_2011_4_10297-C entailment the shadows of an object at mid-afternoon will be the shortest & the school's flagpole is a kind of object |- mid-afternoon is a time on a sunny day at which the shadow of the school's flagpole will be the shortest T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP_2011_4_10297-A premise the shadows of an object at sunrise / sunset will be the shortest F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP_2011_4_10297-A premise a school flagpole is a kind of object T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP_2011_4_10297-A hypothesis a sunrise is a time on a sunny day at which the shadow of the school's flagpole will be the shortest KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment LEAP_2011_4_10297-A entailment the shadows of an object at sunrise / sunset will be the shortest & a school flagpole is a kind of object |- a sunrise is a time on a sunny day at which the shadow of the school's flagpole will be the shortest T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30771-C premise metals tend to have higher density than nonmetals T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30771-C premise metals tend to have lower melting points than nonmetals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30771-C hypothesis in a comparison of metals to nonmetals, metals tend to have higher density and lower melting points than nonmetals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30771-C entailment metals tend to have higher density than nonmetals & metals tend to have lower melting points than nonmetals |- in a comparison of metals to nonmetals, metals tend to have higher density and lower melting points than nonmetals T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30771-A premise metals tend to have lower melting points than nonmetals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30771-A premise metals tend to have greater conductivity than nonmetals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30771-A hypothesis in a comparison of metals to nonmetals, metals tend to have lower melting points and greater conductivity than nonmetals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30771-A entailment metals tend to have lower melting points than nonmetals & metals tend to have greater conductivity than nonmetals |- in a comparison of metals to nonmetals, metals tend to have lower melting points and greater conductivity than nonmetals T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30112-D premise as a sample of water turns to ice, energy is absorbed by the water molecules F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30112-D premise water is a kind of substance T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30112-D hypothesis as a sample of water turns to ice, energy is absorbed by the molecules KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ30112-D entailment as a sample of water turns to ice, energy is absorbed by the water molecules & water is a kind of substance |- as a sample of water turns to ice, energy is absorbed by the molecules T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ20146-A premise a desert environment is low in rainfall T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ20146-A premise rainfall is a living component of an environment F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ20146-A hypothesis a living component of a desert in california is low rainfall KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ20146-A entailment a desert environment is low in rainfall & rainfall is a living component of an environment |- a living component of a desert in california is low rainfall T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10238-C premise oxygen is produced when sugar is digested in a plant cell F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10238-C premise an animal cell is a kind of plant cell F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10238-C hypothesis oxygen is produced when sugar is digested in an animal cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10238-C entailment oxygen is produced when sugar is digested in a plant cell & an animal cell is a kind of plant cell |- oxygen is produced when sugar is digested in an animal cell T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10022-D premise moving toward tropical waters would most likely cause a hurricane to weaken F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10022-D premise to weaken means to decrease in strength T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10022-D hypothesis moving toward tropical waters would most likely cause a hurricane to decrease in strength KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10022-D entailment moving toward tropical waters would most likely cause a hurricane to weaken & to weaken means to decrease in strength |- moving toward tropical waters would most likely cause a hurricane to decrease in strength T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10022-A premise staying over a warm body of water for a long time would most likely cause a hurricane to weaken F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10022-A premise to weaken means to decrease in strength T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10022-A hypothesis staying over a warm body of water for a long time would most likely cause a hurricane to decrease in strength KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2008_5_CSZ10022-A entailment staying over a warm body of water for a long time would most likely cause a hurricane to weaken & to weaken means to decrease in strength |- staying over a warm body of water for a long time would most likely cause a hurricane to decrease in strength T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2007_5_CSZ20560-B premise ice cubes forming in a freezer is an example of phase change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2007_5_CSZ20560-B premise phase change is a kind of chemical reaction T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2007_5_CSZ20560-B hypothesis ice cubes forming in a freezer represents a chemical reaction KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2007_5_CSZ20560-B entailment ice cubes forming in a freezer is an example of phase change & phase change is a kind of chemical reaction |- ice cubes forming in a freezer represents a chemical reaction T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2007_5_CSZ20560-A premise a sugar cube dissolving in water is an example of a chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2007_5_CSZ20560-A premise if something is an example of a chemical reaction then that something represents a chemical reaction T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2007_5_CSZ20560-A hypothesis a sugar cube dissolving in water represents a chemical reaction KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2007_5_CSZ20560-A entailment a sugar cube dissolving in water is an example of a chemical reaction & if something is an example of a chemical reaction then that something represents a chemical reaction |- a sugar cube dissolving in water represents a chemical reaction T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2006_5_CSZ10302-B premise smell is a kind of property of co2 gas T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2006_5_CSZ10302-B premise co2 gas smells like a lemon F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2006_5_CSZ10302-B hypothesis that it smells like a lemon is a property of co2 gas KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ_2006_5_CSZ10302-B entailment smell is a kind of property of co2 gas & co2 gas smells like a lemon |- that it smells like a lemon is a property of co2 gas T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ20059-B premise breaking a mirror will result in a product with different chemical properties F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ20059-B premise if something has a different chemical property then the product of that something changing is different ? T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ20059-B hypothesis breaking a mirror will result in a product with new chemical properties KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ20059-B entailment breaking a mirror will result in a product with different chemical properties & if something has a different chemical property then the product of that something changing is different |- breaking a mirror will result in a product with new chemical properties T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10304-C premise digestion is when stomach acid breaks down food into nutrients that can be used by the body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10304-C premise the stomach is a part of the respiratory system F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10304-C hypothesis respiratory breaks food into nutrients that can be used by the body KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10304-C entailment digestion is when stomach acid breaks down food into nutrients that can be used by the body & the stomach is a part of the respiratory system |- respiratory breaks food into nutrients that can be used by the body T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10292-B premise plants require oxygen for photosynthesis T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10292-B premise if something is required for a process, then that something is used in that process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10292-B hypothesis plants do use oxygen in photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10292-B entailment plants require oxygen for photosynthesis & if something is required for a process, then that something is used in that process |- plants do use oxygen in photosynthesis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10292-A premise plants require hydrogen for photosynthesis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10292-A premise if something is required for photosynthesis then that something is used in photosynthesis T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10292-A hypothesis plants do use hydrogen in photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10292-A entailment plants require hydrogen for photosynthesis & if something is required for photosynthesis then that something is used in photosynthesis |- plants do use hydrogen in photosynthesis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10278-B premise an electric stove is a kind of electric device T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10278-B premise an electric device converts electrical energy into motion ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10278-B hypothesis an electric stove converts electrical energy into motion KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment CSZ10278-B entailment an electric stove is a kind of electric device & an electric device converts electrical energy into motion |- an electric stove converts electrical energy into motion T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_45-D premise an earthworm moves away from bright light when it is uncomfortable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_45-D premise discomfort is a kind of learned behavior F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_45-D hypothesis an earthworm moves away from bright light is most likely a learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_45-D entailment an earthworm moves away from bright light when it is uncomfortable & discomfort is a kind of learned behavior |- an earthworm moves away from bright light is most likely a learned behavior T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_45-B premise a spider spins a web to catch prey T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_45-B premise if an animal does something to catch prey then that something is most likely a learned behavior T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_45-B hypothesis a spider spins a web is most likely a learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_45-B entailment a spider spins a web to catch prey & if an animal does something to catch prey then that something is most likely a learned behavior |- a spider spins a web is most likely a learned behavior T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_12-C premise the sun is closest to earth during the day T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_12-C premise the sun setting causes the earth to go into night T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_12-C hypothesis the statement that the sun is closest to earth during the day best explains earth's day and night cycle KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_8_12-C entailment the sun is closest to earth during the day & the sun setting causes the earth to go into night |- the statement that the sun is closest to earth during the day best explains earth's day and night cycle T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_44-B premise a telescope is used for observing celestial objects T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_44-B premise a plant cell is a kind of celestial object / celestial body F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_44-B hypothesis a telescope would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_44-B entailment a telescope is used for observing celestial objects & a plant cell is a kind of celestial object / celestial body |- a telescope would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_44-A premise a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_44-A premise using a magnifying glass can help a person observe the parts of a plant cell F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_44-A hypothesis a hand lens would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_44-A entailment a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass & using a magnifying glass can help a person observe the parts of a plant cell |- a hand lens would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_27-C premise large paws are a kind of adaptation for hiding in snow F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_27-C premise some organisms in the arctic must hide from the wind ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_27-C hypothesis which physical characteristic do some organisms have that helps them survive in the arctic developing large paws to protect themselves from the wind KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_27-C entailment large paws are a kind of adaptation for hiding in snow & some organisms in the arctic must hide from the wind |- which physical characteristic do some organisms have that helps them survive in the arctic developing large paws to protect themselves from the wind T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_19-B premise hiding is a kind of basic need for animals T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_19-B premise the statement that something is required for something else best identifies a basic need for that something else T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_19-B hypothesis the statement that they need to hide best identifies a basic need of all animals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_19-B entailment hiding is a kind of basic need for animals & the statement that something is required for something else best identifies a basic need for that something else |- the statement that they need to hide best identifies a basic need of all animals T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_10-D premise being pressed between layers of soil most likely causes mechanical weathering F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_10-D premise mechanical weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_10-D hypothesis being pressed between layers of soil most likely causes large rocks to become smaller pieces of rock KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_10-D entailment being pressed between layers of soil most likely causes mechanical weathering & mechanical weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means |- being pressed between layers of soil most likely causes large rocks to become smaller pieces of rock T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_10-C premise cementing by mud and minerals causes mechanical weathering F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_10-C premise mechanical weathering causes large rocks to become smaller pieces of rock T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_10-C hypothesis cementing by mud and minerals most likely causes large rocks to become smaller pieces of rock KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2012_4_10-C entailment cementing by mud and minerals causes mechanical weathering & mechanical weathering causes large rocks to become smaller pieces of rock |- cementing by mud and minerals most likely causes large rocks to become smaller pieces of rock T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-D premise moose use their wide hooves to prevent sinking in deep snow ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-D premise not sinking in snow is a kind of learned behavior T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-D hypothesis moose use a learned behavior to protect themselves by their wide hooves to prevent sinking in deep snow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-D entailment moose use their wide hooves to prevent sinking in deep snow & not sinking in snow is a kind of learned behavior |- moose use a learned behavior to protect themselves by their wide hooves to prevent sinking in deep snow T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-C premise moose use keen hearing to sense danger in the forest F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-C premise hearing is a kind of learned behavior T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-C hypothesis moose use a learned behavior to protect themselves by keen hearing to sense danger in the forest KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-C entailment moose use keen hearing to sense danger in the forest & hearing is a kind of learned behavior |- moose use a learned behavior to protect themselves by keen hearing to sense danger in the forest T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-A premise moose use hollow hair to keep warm in the winter T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-A premise using hollow hair is a learned behavior F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-A hypothesis moose use a learned behavior to protect themselves by hollow hair to keep warm in the winter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_9-A entailment moose use hollow hair to keep warm in the winter & using hollow hair is a learned behavior |- moose use a learned behavior to protect themselves by hollow hair to keep warm in the winter T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_16-D premise genes are unable to determine the shape of body parts F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_16-D premise an earlobe is a kind of body part T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_16-D hypothesis genes are unable to determine a person's shape of earlobes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_16-D entailment genes are unable to determine the shape of body parts & an earlobe is a kind of body part |- genes are unable to determine a person's shape of earlobes T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_16-C premise genes are unable to determine the number of teeth of a living thing F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_16-C premise a person is a kind of living thing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_16-C hypothesis genes are unable to determine a person's number of teeth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_8_16-C entailment genes are unable to determine the number of teeth of a living thing & a person is a kind of living thing |- genes are unable to determine a person's number of teeth T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_4_45-C premise the sun is the star that is closest to earth F T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_4_45-C premise the sun is also the hottest star in our solar system F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_4_45-C hypothesis from earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the hottest star KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_4_45-C entailment the sun is the star that is closest to earth & the sun is also the hottest star in our solar system |- from earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the hottest star T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_4_16-C premise the sun reflects light and is a satellite that orbits around the earth F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_4_16-C premise earth is a kind of planet T T T T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_4_16-C hypothesis the sun reflects light and is a satellite that orbits around one planet KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AKDE&ED_2008_4_16-C entailment the sun reflects light and is a satellite that orbits around the earth & earth is a kind of planet |- the sun reflects light and is a satellite that orbits around one planet T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2009_4_18-B premise the spines of a cactus help it survive by holding the cactus in the ground F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2009_4_18-B premise if something is used for a process, then that something helps that process T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2009_4_18-B hypothesis the spines of a cactus help it survive by the cactus in the ground KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2009_4_18-B entailment the spines of a cactus help it survive by holding the cactus in the ground & if something is used for a process, then that something helps that process |- the spines of a cactus help it survive by the cactus in the ground T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2009_4_18-A premise the spines of a cactus help it survive by keeping predators away T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2009_4_18-A premise keeping predators away helps a cactus get moisture F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2009_4_18-A hypothesis the spines of a cactus help it survive by the cactus get moisture KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2009_4_18-A entailment the spines of a cactus help it survive by keeping predators away & keeping predators away helps a cactus get moisture |- the spines of a cactus help it survive by the cactus get moisture T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2008_4_8-D premise a tornado can cause wildfires F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2008_4_8-D premise a tornado dries out plants F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2008_4_8-D hypothesis a tornado can dry out plants and cause wildfires KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2008_4_8-D entailment a tornado can cause wildfires & a tornado dries out plants |- a tornado can dry out plants and cause wildfires T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2008_4_8-B premise an earthquake can cause plants to dry out F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2008_4_8-B premise an earthquake can cause wildfires F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2008_4_8-B hypothesis an earthquake can dry out plants and cause wildfires KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment AIMS_2008_4_8-B entailment an earthquake can cause plants to dry out & an earthquake can cause wildfires |- an earthquake can dry out plants and cause wildfires T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_7_9-B premise plants start the water cycle when they make water in photosynthesis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_7_9-B premise if something starts a process then that something should be included in investigations about that process T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_7_9-B hypothesis plants should be included in investigations about the water cycle because plants start the water cycle when they make water in photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_7_9-B entailment plants start the water cycle when they make water in photosynthesis & if something starts a process then that something should be included in investigations about that process |- plants should be included in investigations about the water cycle because plants start the water cycle when they make water in photosynthesis T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_7_9-A premise plants speed up the water cycle by removing carbon from the air F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_7_9-A premise if something speeds up a process then that something should be included in investigations about that process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_7_9-A hypothesis plants should be included in investigations about the water cycle because plants speed up the water cycle by removing carbon from the air KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_7_9-A entailment plants speed up the water cycle by removing carbon from the air & if something speeds up a process then that something should be included in investigations about that process |- plants should be included in investigations about the water cycle because plants speed up the water cycle by removing carbon from the air T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_5_10-C premise a calcite is made of six-sided transparent crystals ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_5_10-C premise a calcite scratches glass F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_5_10-C hypothesis a calcite has six-sided transparent crystals that will scratch glass KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2013_5_10-C entailment a calcite is made of six-sided transparent crystals & a calcite scratches glass |- a calcite has six-sided transparent crystals that will scratch glass T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_1-D premise skin is a part of an animal that exchanges gases with the environment F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_1-D premise integumentary is a part of skin T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_1-D hypothesis integumentary exchanges gases with the environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_1-D entailment skin is a part of an animal that exchanges gases with the environment & integumentary is a part of skin |- integumentary exchanges gases with the environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_1-B premise a lung is a kind of organ for exchanging gases with the environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_1-B premise the lungs are a part of the circulatory system F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_1-B hypothesis circulatory system exchanges gases with the environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_1-B entailment a lung is a kind of organ for exchanging gases with the environment & the lungs are a part of the circulatory system |- circulatory system exchanges gases with the environment T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_13-B premise a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_13-B premise chlorine is made of two elements F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_13-B hypothesis a chlorine is a compound KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_13-B entailment a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined & chlorine is made of two elements |- a chlorine is a compound T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_13-A premise a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_13-A premise sodium is made of two elements F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_13-A hypothesis a sodium is a compound KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2012_7_13-A entailment a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined & sodium is made of two elements |- a sodium is a compound T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2011_5_15-C premise that water vapor condensing into liquid water occurs as the kinetic energy of water molecules increases F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2011_5_15-C premise water condensing means water changes from water vapor into liquid water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2011_5_15-C hypothesis that water vapor becomes liquid water occurs as the kinetic energy of water molecules increases KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2011_5_15-C entailment that water vapor condensing into liquid water occurs as the kinetic energy of water molecules increases & water condensing means water changes from water vapor into liquid water |- that water vapor becomes liquid water occurs as the kinetic energy of water molecules increases T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_4-C premise the distance between jupiter and the sun it orbits is the greatest in the solar system F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_4-C premise as the distance of a planet from the star it orbits increases , the length of a planetary year on that planet will increase T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_4-C hypothesis a jupiter has the longest planetary year KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_4-C entailment the distance between jupiter and the sun it orbits is the greatest in the solar system & as the distance of a planet from the star it orbits increases , the length of a planetary year on that planet will increase |- a jupiter has the longest planetary year T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-D premise carbon dioxide is made of two elements that are gases at room temperature F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-D premise if something is made of something else then that something else can be made from that something T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-D hypothesis a carbon dioxide can be made from two elements that are gases at room temperature KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-D entailment carbon dioxide is made of two elements that are gases at room temperature & if something is made of something else then that something else can be made from that something |- a carbon dioxide can be made from two elements that are gases at room temperature T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-C premise an iron oxide can be made from oxygen and rust F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-C premise oxygen and rust are gases at room temperature F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-C hypothesis an iron oxide can be made from two elements that are gases at room temperature KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-C entailment an iron oxide can be made from oxygen and rust & oxygen and rust are gases at room temperature |- an iron oxide can be made from two elements that are gases at room temperature T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-B premise table salt can be made from sodium and chlorine T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-B premise sodium and chlorine are gases at room temperature T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-B hypothesis table salt can be made from two elements that are gases at room temperature KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2009_7_14-B entailment table salt can be made from sodium and chlorine & sodium and chlorine are gases at room temperature |- table salt can be made from two elements that are gases at room temperature T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2008_7_5-D premise a sperm cell is involved in sexual reproduction T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2008_7_5-D premise an egg cell is not involved in sexual reproduction F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2008_7_5-D hypothesis involved in sexual reproduction is a characteristic of a sperm cell but not of an egg cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2008_7_5-D entailment a sperm cell is involved in sexual reproduction & an egg cell is not involved in sexual reproduction |- involved in sexual reproduction is a characteristic of a sperm cell but not of an egg cell T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2008_7_5-A premise a sperm cell is round in shape T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2008_7_5-A premise an egg cell is not round in shape F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2008_7_5-A hypothesis round shape is a characteristic of a sperm cell but not of an egg cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment ACTAAP_2008_7_5-A entailment a sperm cell is round in shape & an egg cell is not round in shape |- round shape is a characteristic of a sperm cell but not of an egg cell T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-C premise a ladybug is a kind of animal F F T T F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-C premise animals have cells with cell walls F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-C hypothesis a ladybug has cells with cell walls KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_32-C entailment a ladybug is a kind of animal & animals have cells with cell walls |- a ladybug has cells with cell walls T ? T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-C premise coal mining relies on nutrients in soil F F F F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-C premise high-quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen T T ? T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-C hypothesis coal mining relies on high-quality soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-C entailment coal mining relies on nutrients in soil & high-quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen |- coal mining relies on high-quality soil T T F T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-B premise hunting relies on nutrients in soil F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-B premise high-quality soil has a high number of nutrients T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-B hypothesis hunting relies on high-quality soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_5_1-B entailment hunting relies on nutrients in soil & high-quality soil has a high number of nutrients |- hunting relies on high-quality soil T ? T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_33-D hypothesis a graduated cylinder is used to determine the mass of an object F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_33-D premise a graduated cylinder is a kind of tool T F T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_33-D hypothesis a graduated cylinder is used to determine the mass of an object F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_33-D entailment a graduated cylinder is used to determine the mass of an object & a graduated cylinder is a kind of tool |- a graduated cylinder is used to determine the mass of an object T F T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-D premise adding floors to an office building has a negative impact on the ecosystem F F ? F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-D premise harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-D hypothesis adding floors to an office building is most likely harmful to an ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-D entailment adding floors to an office building has a negative impact on the ecosystem & harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something |- adding floors to an office building is most likely harmful to an ecosystem F T T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-B premise taking away airplanes from an airport has a negative impact on an ecosystem F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-B premise harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-B hypothesis taking away airplanes from an airport is most likely harmful to an ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_21-B entailment taking away airplanes from an airport has a negative impact on an ecosystem & harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something |- taking away airplanes from an airport is most likely harmful to an ecosystem F T T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-B premise a vacuole surrounds and protects a cell F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-B premise an animal cell is a kind of cell T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-B hypothesis a vacuole surrounds and protects an animal cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-B entailment a vacuole surrounds and protects a cell & an animal cell is a kind of cell |- a vacuole surrounds and protects an animal cell F T T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-A premise a tree and grass are both made of wood F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-A premise if two things are alike then those two things are alike by quality T F ? T T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-A hypothesis a tree and grass are alike by wood KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-A entailment a tree and grass are both made of wood & if two things are alike then those two things are alike by quality |- a tree and grass are alike by wood T T F T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-B premise plants give off nitrogen gas F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-B premise nitrogen gas is a kind of gas T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-B hypothesis a nitrogen is given off by plants KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_28-B entailment plants give off nitrogen gas & nitrogen gas is a kind of gas |- a nitrogen is given off by plants T F T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-A premise taste can be used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-A premise touch can be used for detecting taste F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-A hypothesis touch is used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-A entailment taste can be used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea & touch can be used for detecting taste |- touch is used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea F T T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-D premise if a wooded area is cleared and corn is planted, then polluting the underground streams will most likely happen F ? F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-D premise if something pollutes something else then that something else will most likely happen T ? T F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-D hypothesis if a wooded area is cleared and corn is planted, that underground streams will get polluted will most likely happen KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_31-D entailment if a wooded area is cleared and corn is planted, then polluting the underground streams will most likely happen & if something pollutes something else then that something else will most likely happen |- if a wooded area is cleared and corn is planted, that underground streams will get polluted will most likely happen T ? T T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg14-B hypothesis vitamins can provide the human body with long-term immunity against some diseases F F T F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg14-B premise vitamins are a kind of substance that is absorbed into the blood stream T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg14-B hypothesis vitamins can provide the human body with long-term immunity against some diseases F F T F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg14-B entailment vitamins can provide the human body with long-term immunity against some diseases & vitamins are a kind of substance that is absorbed into the blood stream |- vitamins can provide the human body with long-term immunity against some diseases T T ? T T T T FT eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-C premise building a new highway through the area has a negative impact on the ecosystem T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-C premise the opposite of negative impact is positive impact T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-C hypothesis building a new highway through the area has a positive effect on the ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-C entailment building a new highway through the area has a negative impact on the ecosystem & the opposite of negative impact is positive impact |- building a new highway through the area has a positive effect on the ecosystem F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-A premise clearing the land to build new homes has a negative impact on the ecosystem T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-A premise the opposite of negative impact is positive impact T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-A hypothesis clearing the land to build new homes has a positive effect on the ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2011_5_23-A entailment clearing the land to build new homes has a negative impact on the ecosystem & the opposite of negative impact is positive impact |- clearing the land to build new homes has a positive effect on the ecosystem F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-A premise when it rains, some animals' habitats become wet T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-A premise if an animal's habitat becomes wet, then that animal will not be able to hibernate for the season F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-A hypothesis when it rains, some animals will hibernate for the season KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_18-A entailment when it rains, some animals' habitats become wet & if an animal's habitat becomes wet, then that animal will not be able to hibernate for the season |- when it rains, some animals will hibernate for the season F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_17-A premise a circle is round in shape T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_17-A premise a seat is round in shape F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_17-A hypothesis a seat moves in a circle KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2010_3_17-A entailment a circle is round in shape & a seat is round in shape |- a seat moves in a circle F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-D premise when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a solid to a liquid T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-D premise solid is the opposite of liquid T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-D hypothesis when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a liquid to a gas KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-D entailment when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a solid to a liquid & solid is the opposite of liquid |- when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a liquid to a gas F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-B premise when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a solid to a liquid T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-B premise solid is similar to gas F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-B hypothesis when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a gas to a liquid KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_4-B entailment when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a solid to a liquid & solid is similar to gas |- when ice cream is left out of a freezer, the ice cream changes from a gas to a liquid F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-A premise a nucleus is a part of a cell T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-A premise surrounding and protecting parts of a cell are functions of a cell F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-A hypothesis a nucleus surrounds and protects an animal cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_5_11-A entailment a nucleus is a part of a cell & surrounding and protecting parts of a cell are functions of a cell |- a nucleus surrounds and protects an animal cell F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-C premise a tree and grass both require sunlight to grow T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-C premise if one thing requires something else then that something else is alike to that something T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-C hypothesis a tree and grass are alike by moonlight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_9-C entailment a tree and grass both require sunlight to grow & if one thing requires something else then that something else is alike to that something |- a tree and grass are alike by moonlight F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-D premise bright is the opposite of dull T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-D premise dull describes the way a feather feels F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-D hypothesis bright describes the way a feather feels KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_30-D entailment bright is the opposite of dull & dull describes the way a feather feels |- bright describes the way a feather feels F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-D premise a mushroom is a kind of organism T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-D premise organisms are living parts of a forest T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-D hypothesis a mushroom is a nonliving part of a forest KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-D entailment a mushroom is a kind of organism & organisms are living parts of a forest |- a mushroom is a nonliving part of a forest F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-C premise a worm is a living part of a forest T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-C premise if something is living part of something else then that something is not a part of that something else F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-C hypothesis a worm is a nonliving part of a forest KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2009_3_13-C entailment a worm is a living part of a forest & if something is living part of something else then that something is not a part of that something else |- a worm is a nonliving part of a forest F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_31-D premise the main function of a cell wall is to support and protect the cell membrane T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_31-D premise protecting the cell membrane is the opposite of making the plant green F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_31-D hypothesis to make the plant green is the main function of a cell wall KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_31-D entailment the main function of a cell wall is to support and protect the cell membrane & protecting the cell membrane is the opposite of making the plant green |- to make the plant green is the main function of a cell wall F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_30-A premise a vacuole is a part of a cell T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_30-A premise parts of a cell are not responsible for controlling the activities of the other parts of the cell T ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_30-A hypothesis a vacuole is responsible for controlling the activities of the other parts of the cell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_5_30-A entailment a vacuole is a part of a cell & parts of a cell are not responsible for controlling the activities of the other parts of the cell |- a vacuole is responsible for controlling the activities of the other parts of the cell F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-D premise a sidewalk is a kind of object T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-D premise where an object is located affects how hot / cold that object feels T F T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-D hypothesis where will a sidewalk feel hottest on a warm, clear day in the shade KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-D entailment a sidewalk is a kind of object & where an object is located affects how hot / cold that object feels |- where will a sidewalk feel hottest on a warm, clear day in the shade F F ? F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-C premise the sidewalk will feel hottest on a warm, clear day T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-C premise a puddle will cool the sidewalk T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-C hypothesis where will a sidewalk feel hottest on a warm, clear day under a puddle KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2008_3_8-C entailment the sidewalk will feel hottest on a warm, clear day & a puddle will cool the sidewalk |- where will a sidewalk feel hottest on a warm, clear day under a puddle F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-B premise a conductor of electricity is a material that conducts electricity F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-B premise brick is a kind of material F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-B hypothesis brick conducts electricity the best KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-B entailment a conductor of electricity is a material that conducts electricity & brick is a kind of material |- brick conducts electricity the best F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-A premise wood is an electrical insulator T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-A premise an electrical insulator does not conduct electricity well T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-A hypothesis wood conducts electricity the best KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_5_37-A entailment wood is an electrical insulator & an electrical insulator does not conduct electricity well |- wood conducts electricity the best F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-B premise taste can be used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-B premise taste is a kind of sense T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-B hypothesis a hearing is used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_8-B entailment taste can be used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea & taste is a kind of sense |- a hearing is used to tell if there is sugar in a glass of tea F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-B premise the seeds of an oak come from the fruit T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-B premise fruit is a part of a plant T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-B hypothesis the seeds of an oak come from the leaf KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_34-B entailment the seeds of an oak come from the fruit & fruit is a part of a plant |- the seeds of an oak come from the leaf F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-D premise an animal gets the energy it needs to run from food T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-D premise a dog is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-D hypothesis a dog gets the energy it needs to run from water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-D entailment an animal gets the energy it needs to run from food & a dog is a kind of animal |- a dog gets the energy it needs to run from water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-B premise an animal gets the energy it needs to run from food T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-B premise a dog is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-B hypothesis a dog gets the energy it needs to run from the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-B entailment an animal gets the energy it needs to run from food & a dog is a kind of animal |- a dog gets the energy it needs to run from the sun F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-A premise an animal gets the energy it needs to run from food T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-A premise a dog is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-A hypothesis a dog gets the energy it needs to run from the air KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_23-A entailment an animal gets the energy it needs to run from food & a dog is a kind of animal |- a dog gets the energy it needs to run from the air F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-B premise if water gets into the crack of a rock and then freezes, the rock will most likely be unable to float T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-B premise if something is unable to float, then that something will most likely not be able to float T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-B hypothesis if water gets into the crack of a rock and then freezes, the rock will most likely be able to float KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment VASoL_2007_3_16-B entailment if water gets into the crack of a rock and then freezes, the rock will most likely be unable to float & if something is unable to float, then that something will most likely not be able to float |- if water gets into the crack of a rock and then freezes, the rock will most likely be able to float F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-B premise chemical reactions cause energy to be absorbed T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-B premise candles burning is a kind of chemical reaction F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-B hypothesis candles burning are a chemical process during which energy is absorbed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-B entailment chemical reactions cause energy to be absorbed & candles burning is a kind of chemical reaction |- candles burning are a chemical process during which energy is absorbed F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-A premise chemical processes cause matter to change from one state of matter into another state of matter T F T T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-A premise iron nails rusting is the opposite of iron nails changing into a new state of matter ? T T F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-A hypothesis iron nails rusting are a chemical process during which energy is absorbed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_8_pg111-A entailment chemical processes cause matter to change from one state of matter into another state of matter & iron nails rusting is the opposite of iron nails changing into a new state of matter |- iron nails rusting are a chemical process during which energy is absorbed F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-B premise earth orbiting the sun is not the correct explanation for why we have day and night on earth T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-B premise earth orbiting the sun is a kind of explanation T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-B hypothesis earth orbits around the sun is the correct explanation for why we have day and night on earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-B entailment earth orbiting the sun is not the correct explanation for why we have day and night on earth & earth orbiting the sun is a kind of explanation |- earth orbits around the sun is the correct explanation for why we have day and night on earth F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-A premise the sun orbiting the earth is not the correct explanation for why we have day and night on earth T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-A premise the earth revolving around the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-A hypothesis the sun orbits around the earth is the correct explanation for why we have day and night on earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg70-A entailment the sun orbiting the earth is not the correct explanation for why we have day and night on earth & the earth revolving around the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star |- the sun orbits around the earth is the correct explanation for why we have day and night on earth F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-D premise a mirror does not produce its own light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-D premise the sun produces its own light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-D hypothesis mirror and sun produce their own light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-D entailment a mirror does not produce its own light & the sun produces its own light |- mirror and sun produce their own light F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-B premise moon and mirror are kinds of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-B premise no object produces its own light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-B hypothesis moon and mirror produce their own light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2011_4_pg37-B entailment moon and mirror are kinds of object & no object produces its own light |- moon and mirror produce their own light F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-C premise when sound waves with large amplitude are compared to sound waves with small amplitude, that sound waves with large amplitude have the same energy as sound waves with small amplitude F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-C premise sound waves with small amplitude sound quieter T T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-C hypothesis when sound waves with large amplitude are compared to sound waves with small amplitude, that sound waves with large amplitudes have the same energy and sound quieter is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg35-C entailment when sound waves with large amplitude are compared to sound waves with small amplitude, that sound waves with large amplitude have the same energy as sound waves with small amplitude & sound waves with small amplitude sound quieter |- when sound waves with large amplitude are compared to sound waves with small amplitude, that sound waves with large amplitudes have the same energy and sound quieter is true F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-D premise scales are used for protection by animals against predators T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-D premise mammals do not have scales F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-D hypothesis bodies that are protected by scales is found only in mammals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-D entailment scales are used for protection by animals against predators & mammals do not have scales |- bodies that are protected by scales is found only in mammals F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-C premise skin that absorbs oxygen is only found in animals F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-C premise a mammal is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-C hypothesis skin that absorbs oxygen is found only in mammals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_8_pg108-C entailment skin that absorbs oxygen is only found in animals & a mammal is a kind of animal |- skin that absorbs oxygen is found only in mammals F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-C premise a deer does not make its own food T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-C premise a deer requires sunlight for survival T ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-C hypothesis deer makes its own food using sunlight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-C entailment a deer does not make its own food & a deer requires sunlight for survival |- deer makes its own food using sunlight F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-A premise a lizard makes its own food by eating other organisms F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-A premise if an organism eats other organisms then that organism makes its own food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-A hypothesis a lizard makes its own food using sunlight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg99-A entailment a lizard makes its own food by eating other organisms & if an organism eats other organisms then that organism makes its own food |- a lizard makes its own food using sunlight F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-C premise the moon produces its own light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-C premise producing light is not the main reason we can see the moon F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-C hypothesis that the moon produces its own light is the main reason we can see the moon KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg56-C entailment the moon produces its own light & producing light is not the main reason we can see the moon |- that the moon produces its own light is the main reason we can see the moon F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-C premise butterflies, ants, and mosquitoes are not mammals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-C premise if three things are not the same then those three things are not alike F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-C hypothesis butterfly, ant, mosquito are all mammals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-C entailment butterflies, ants, and mosquitoes are not mammals & if three things are not the same then those three things are not alike |- butterfly, ant, mosquito are all mammals F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-A premise mammals give birth to live young T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-A premise duck, eagle, and parrot do not give birth to live young T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-A hypothesis that duck, eagle, parrot are all mammals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg43-A entailment mammals give birth to live young & duck, eagle, and parrot do not give birth to live young |- that duck, eagle, parrot are all mammals F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-B premise earth's surface is covered by plants F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-B premise a tree is a kind of plant T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-B hypothesis most of earth's surface is covered by trees KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2007_4_pg39-B entailment earth's surface is covered by plants & a tree is a kind of plant |- most of earth's surface is covered by trees F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-A premise cats and crocodiles are both mammals F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-A premise mammal is a kind of close relative of animal T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-A hypothesis cats are most closely related to which of the following animals crocodiles KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg74-A entailment cats and crocodiles are both mammals & mammal is a kind of close relative of animal |- cats are most closely related to which of the following animals crocodiles F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-B premise a son cannot inherit traits from his mother F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-B premise a mother is a kind of female parent T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-B hypothesis a son can inherit traits only from his mother KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-B entailment a son cannot inherit traits from his mother & a mother is a kind of female parent |- a son can inherit traits only from his mother F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-A premise a son cannot inherit traits from his father F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-A premise if a thing cannot inherit from something else then that thing cannot inherit from that something else T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-A hypothesis a son can inherit traits only from his father KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg6-A entailment a son cannot inherit traits from his father & if a thing cannot inherit from something else then that thing cannot inherit from that something else |- a son can inherit traits only from his father F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-D premise genes determine the traits for the living things T T T T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-D premise genes are not transferred from generation to generation through the testes T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-D hypothesis traits are transferred from generation to generation through the testes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg41-D entailment genes determine the traits for the living things & genes are not transferred from generation to generation through the testes |- traits are transferred from generation to generation through the testes F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-D premise natural gas is a kind of fossil fuel T ? T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-D premise natural gas is not a kind of fuel F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-D hypothesis natural gas is not a fossil fuel KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg28-D entailment natural gas is a kind of fossil fuel & natural gas is not a kind of fuel |- natural gas is not a fossil fuel F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-B premise a powder made up of both white specks and black specks is unlikely to be pure F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-B premise a compound is made of atoms T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-B hypothesis a powder made up of both white specks and black specks is likely to be a pure compound KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_8_pg26-B entailment a powder made up of both white specks and black specks is unlikely to be pure & a compound is made of atoms |- a powder made up of both white specks and black specks is likely to be a pure compound F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-A premise a mixture of clear glass and green glass is an example of a mixture of nonmagnetic and magnetic material F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-A premise a strong magnet will not separate a mixture of nonmagnetic and magnetic material F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-A hypothesis a strong magnet will separate a mixture of clear glass and green glass KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg5-A entailment a mixture of clear glass and green glass is an example of a mixture of nonmagnetic and magnetic material & a strong magnet will not separate a mixture of nonmagnetic and magnetic material |- a strong magnet will separate a mixture of clear glass and green glass F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-D premise wind, candle, volcano are not living things T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-D premise if something is not living then that something does not consist of living things T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-D hypothesis wind, candle, volcano consists only of living things KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg58-D entailment wind, candle, volcano are not living things & if something is not living then that something does not consist of living things |- wind, candle, volcano consists only of living things F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-C premise a lion is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-C premise no animal eats only plants F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-C hypothesis a lion eats only plants KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-C entailment a lion is a kind of animal & no animal eats only plants |- a lion eats only plants F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-B premise dogs do not eat plants F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-B premise if an animal does not eat something then that animal will not eat that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-B hypothesis dog eats only plants KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg33-B entailment dogs do not eat plants & if an animal does not eat something then that animal will not eat that something |- dog eats only plants F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg27-D premise a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid T T F T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg27-D premise soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg27-D hypothesis when you make soap bubbles, nothing is inside the bubbles KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg27-D entailment a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid & soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid |- when you make soap bubbles, nothing is inside the bubbles F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-B premise a rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-B premise snow is a kind of precipitation T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-B hypothesis rain and snow together could cause a rainbow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_2003_4_pg24-B entailment a rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction & snow is a kind of precipitation |- rain and snow together could cause a rainbow F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_J2-C premise fish have been on earth for 300000000 years F ? F T T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_J2-C premise 300000000 years is shorter than 2 billion years T T T F T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_J2-C hypothesis fish have been on the earth for the shortest amount of time KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TIMSS_1995_8_J2-C entailment fish have been on earth for 300000000 years & 300000000 years is shorter than 2 billion years |- fish have been on the earth for the shortest amount of time F F ? F F ? F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_9-A premise stirring the mixture will not separate the sugar from the water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_9-A premise sugar is insoluble in water F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_9-A hypothesis stirring the mixture will separate the sugar from a mixture of sugar and water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment TAKS_2009_5_9-A entailment stirring the mixture will not separate the sugar from the water & sugar is insoluble in water |- stirring the mixture will separate the sugar from a mixture of sugar and water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-D premise extrusive igneous rocks are not produced by deposition and cementation T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-D premise pumice is a kind of extrusive igneous rock F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-D hypothesis pumice, an extrusive igneous rock is produced by deposition and cementation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-D entailment extrusive igneous rocks are not produced by deposition and cementation & pumice is a kind of extrusive igneous rock |- pumice, an extrusive igneous rock is produced by deposition and cementation F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-C premise granite is a kind of intrusive igneous rock F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-C premise rocks are not produced by deposition and cementation F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-C hypothesis granite, an intrusive igneous rock is produced by deposition and cementation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2011_8_2-C entailment granite is a kind of intrusive igneous rock & rocks are not produced by deposition and cementation |- granite, an intrusive igneous rock is produced by deposition and cementation F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-D premise a bee does not get food from the root part of a plant T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-D premise a root is a part of a plant T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-D hypothesis root part is a part of the plant from which a bee does get food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-D entailment a bee does not get food from the root part of a plant & a root is a part of a plant |- root part is a part of the plant from which a bee does get food F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-B premise a seed is a part of a plant from which a bee does not get food T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-B premise if something is not part of another thing, then another thing is not part of that something F T ? F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-B hypothesis a seed is a part of the plant from which a bee does get food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_31-B entailment a seed is a part of a plant from which a bee does not get food & if something is not part of another thing, then another thing is not part of that something |- a seed is a part of the plant from which a bee does get food ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_23-C premise a barometer does not measure humidity T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_23-C premise a barometer is used to measure air pressure T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_23-C hypothesis a barometer does measure a humidity KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2008_5_23-C entailment a barometer does not measure humidity & a barometer is used to measure air pressure |- a barometer does measure a humidity F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-D premise white fur color is an advantage for survival in cold environments T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-D premise a temperate forest is a kind of environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-D hypothesis a temperate forest is an environment in which white fur color is an advantage for survival KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment OHAT_2007_8_23-D entailment white fur color is an advantage for survival in cold environments & a temperate forest is a kind of environment |- a temperate forest is an environment in which white fur color is an advantage for survival F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-D premise a predator is a kind of animal that hunts other animals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-D premise a decomposer is a kind of animal that breaks down dead organisms T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-D hypothesis an animal that hunts other animals is a decomposer KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-D entailment a predator is a kind of animal that hunts other animals & a decomposer is a kind of animal that breaks down dead organisms |- an animal that hunts other animals is a decomposer F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-B premise a decomposer is a kind of living thing that breaks down dead organisms into nutrients that enter the soil T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-B premise a living thing that makes its own food does not break down dead organisms into nutrients and return them to the soil F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-B hypothesis a living thing that makes its own food is a decomposer KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_8-B entailment a decomposer is a kind of living thing that breaks down dead organisms into nutrients that enter the soil & a living thing that makes its own food does not break down dead organisms into nutrients and return them to the soil |- a living thing that makes its own food is a decomposer F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-D premise an example of an instinctive behavior is breathing air T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-D premise an instinctive behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-D hypothesis an example of a learned behavior is breathing air KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-D entailment an example of an instinctive behavior is breathing air & an instinctive behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior |- an example of a learned behavior is breathing air F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-B premise blue eyes are a kind of inherited characteristic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-B premise the opposite of inherited is learned T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-B hypothesis an example of a learned behavior is having blue eyes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_2-B entailment blue eyes are a kind of inherited characteristic & the opposite of inherited is learned |- an example of a learned behavior is having blue eyes F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-D premise a glass bead is made of glass T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-D premise a magnet will most likely not attract glass T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-D hypothesis a glass bead will most likely be attracted to a magnet KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-D entailment a glass bead is made of glass & a magnet will most likely not attract glass |- a glass bead will most likely be attracted to a magnet F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-B premise a plastic cup is made of plastic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-B premise a magnet will most likely attract magnetic metals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-B hypothesis a plastic cup will most likely be attracted to a magnet KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-B entailment a plastic cup is made of plastic & a magnet will most likely attract magnetic metals |- a plastic cup will most likely be attracted to a magnet F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-A premise a wooden block is made of wood T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-A premise a magnet will not attract wood T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-A hypothesis a wooden block will most likely be attracted to a magnet KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_26-A entailment a wooden block is made of wood & a magnet will not attract wood |- a wooden block will most likely be attracted to a magnet F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-A premise when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his body F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-A premise weight is a property of the body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-A hypothesis when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his weight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_25-A entailment when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his body & weight is a property of the body |- when a boy stands in a field in the sunlight, he usually is able to see his weight F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_19-C premise a size is a kind of property T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_19-C premise smooth is a kind of property T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_19-C hypothesis a size can be described as smooth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_19-C entailment a size is a kind of property & smooth is a kind of property |- a size can be described as smooth F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-B premise riding a bicycle to school is a kind of activity that has a positive impact on the environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-B premise the opposite of something that has a positive impact on something else is something that has a harmful effect on that something else T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-B hypothesis riding a bicycle to school often has a harmful effect on the environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_13-B entailment riding a bicycle to school is a kind of activity that has a positive impact on the environment & the opposite of something that has a positive impact on something else is something that has a harmful effect on that something else |- riding a bicycle to school often has a harmful effect on the environment F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-C premise the human body gets the energy it needs for growth and repair from food T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-C premise food is a kind of direct source of energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-C hypothesis the human body gets the energy it needs for growth and repair directly from sunlight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-C entailment the human body gets the energy it needs for growth and repair from food & food is a kind of direct source of energy |- the human body gets the energy it needs for growth and repair directly from sunlight F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-A premise the human body gets the energy it needs for growth and repair indirectly from soil T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-A premise if something is indirectly obtained then that something is not directly obtained T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-A hypothesis the human body gets the energy it needs for growth and repair directly from soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2016_4_11-A entailment the human body gets the energy it needs for growth and repair indirectly from soil & if something is indirectly obtained then that something is not directly obtained |- the human body gets the energy it needs for growth and repair directly from soil F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-4 premise x rays and ultraviolet light are not chemical T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-4 premise chemical means the opposite of chemical F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-4 hypothesis x rays and ultraviolet light are a chemical KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_41-4 entailment x rays and ultraviolet light are not chemical & chemical means the opposite of chemical |- x rays and ultraviolet light are a chemical ? F ? F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-2 premise organisms that consume wastes to obtain the nutrients they need to survive are not classified as herbivores T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-2 premise classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-2 hypothesis organisms that consume wastes to obtain the nutrients they need to survive are classified as herbivores KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_25-2 entailment organisms that consume wastes to obtain the nutrients they need to survive are not classified as herbivores & classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type |- organisms that consume wastes to obtain the nutrients they need to survive are classified as herbivores F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-3 premise an asexual reproduction is a process during which a caterpillar does not become a butterfly T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-3 premise the opposite of asexual reproduction is sexual reproduction T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-3 hypothesis an asexual reproduction is a process during which a caterpillar does become a butterfly KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-3 entailment an asexual reproduction is a process during which a caterpillar does not become a butterfly & the opposite of asexual reproduction is sexual reproduction |- an asexual reproduction is a process during which a caterpillar does become a butterfly F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-1 premise a caterpillar does not become a butterfly through fertilization T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-1 premise fertilization is a kind of process T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-1 hypothesis a fertilization is a process during which a caterpillar does become a butterfly KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_8_14-1 entailment a caterpillar does not become a butterfly through fertilization & fertilization is a kind of process |- a fertilization is a process during which a caterpillar does become a butterfly F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-C premise texture can be determined by feeling T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-C premise taste is the opposite of feeling T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-C hypothesis a taste is used to determine an object's texture KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_8-C entailment texture can be determined by feeling & taste is the opposite of feeling |- a taste is used to determine an object's texture F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_7-C premise a liter is a metric unit used for measuring volume F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_7-C premise volume is the opposite of length F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_7-C hypothesis a liter describes an object's length KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_7-C entailment a liter is a metric unit used for measuring volume & volume is the opposite of length |- a liter describes an object's length F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_7-B premise a kilogram is a metric unit used for measuring weight T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_7-B premise weight is the opposite of length F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_7-B hypothesis a kilogram describes an object's length KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_7-B entailment a kilogram is a metric unit used for measuring weight & weight is the opposite of length |- a kilogram describes an object's length F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_6-D premise a magnetism causes rocks not to roll downhill F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_6-D premise if something is not required for a process then that something can be avoided for that process F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_6-D hypothesis a magnetism causes rocks to roll downhill KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_6-D entailment a magnetism causes rocks not to roll downhill & if something is not required for a process then that something can be avoided for that process |- a magnetism causes rocks to roll downhill F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-B premise riding a bicycle has a positive impact on the natural environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-B premise the opposite of something positive is negative T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-B hypothesis riding a bicycle is most harmful to the natural environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_27-B entailment riding a bicycle has a positive impact on the natural environment & the opposite of something positive is negative |- riding a bicycle is most harmful to the natural environment F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-B premise a decomposer is a kind of organism T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-B premise no organism migrates for the winter T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-B hypothesis a decomposer is an organism that migrates for the winter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_25-B entailment a decomposer is a kind of organism & no organism migrates for the winter |- a decomposer is an organism that migrates for the winter F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-C premise eating candy is not a good health habit F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-C premise the opposite of a good health habit is a good health habit F ? F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-C hypothesis eating candy is an example of a good health habit KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-C entailment eating candy is not a good health habit & the opposite of a good health habit is a good health habit |- eating candy is an example of a good health habit F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-B premise smoking cigarettes is not a good health habit T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-B premise the opposite of a good health habit is a good health habit F ? F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-B hypothesis smoking cigarettes is an example of a good health habit KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_24-B entailment smoking cigarettes is not a good health habit & the opposite of a good health habit is a good health habit |- smoking cigarettes is an example of a good health habit F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-C premise an example of a learned trait is not having a scar T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-C premise a scar is a kind of physical trait T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-C hypothesis an example of a learned trait is having a scar KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2011_4_16-C entailment an example of a learned trait is not having a scar & a scar is a kind of physical trait |- an example of a learned trait is having a scar F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_5-2 premise condensation is required for clouds to form T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_5-2 premise conduction is when heat energy is transferred from warmer regions to cooler regions T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_5-2 hypothesis a conduction must occur for clouds to form KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_5-2 entailment condensation is required for clouds to form & conduction is when heat energy is transferred from warmer regions to cooler regions |- a conduction must occur for clouds to form F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-4 premise different species of carnivorous animals share the same habitat in an ecosystem T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-4 premise carnivores do not mate with each other F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-4 hypothesis different species of carnivorous animals that share the same habitat in an ecosystem may mate with each other KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_26-4 entailment different species of carnivorous animals share the same habitat in an ecosystem & carnivores do not mate with each other |- different species of carnivorous animals that share the same habitat in an ecosystem may mate with each other F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-3 premise the major function of the excretory system is to break down food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-3 premise the excretory system does not break down food mechanically T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-3 hypothesis break down food mechanically is the major function of the human excretory system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-3 entailment the major function of the excretory system is to break down food & the excretory system does not break down food mechanically |- break down food mechanically is the major function of the human excretory system F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-2 premise the major function of the human excretory system is to eliminate waste T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-2 premise eliminating waste is the opposite of responding to stimuli F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-2 hypothesis respond to stimuli is the major function of the human excretory system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_22-2 entailment the major function of the human excretory system is to eliminate waste & eliminating waste is the opposite of responding to stimuli |- respond to stimuli is the major function of the human excretory system F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_20-2 premise elements are required for living things to function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_20-2 premise if something is required for a process then that something is not required for that process F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_20-2 hypothesis one important difference between living things and nonliving things is that only living things have elements KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_20-2 entailment elements are required for living things to function & if something is required for a process then that something is not required for that process |- one important difference between living things and nonliving things is that only living things have elements F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-4 premise the gravitational force between two objects depends on the distance between the objects T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-4 premise the temperature of an object does not depend on the distance from that object to that object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-4 hypothesis the gravitational force between two objects depends on the distance between the objects and each object's temperature KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_8_11-4 entailment the gravitational force between two objects depends on the distance between the objects & the temperature of an object does not depend on the distance from that object to that object |- the gravitational force between two objects depends on the distance between the objects and each object's temperature F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-C premise when plants and animals die, nutrients are returned to the food chain T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-C premise prey does not help return nutrients to the food chain T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-C hypothesis when plants and animals die, prey help return nutrients to the food chain KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_26-C entailment when plants and animals die, nutrients are returned to the food chain & prey does not help return nutrients to the food chain |- when plants and animals die, prey help return nutrients to the food chain F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_1-C premise windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe weather T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_1-C premise weather is the opposite of matter F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_1-C hypothesis windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe matter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_1-C entailment windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe weather & weather is the opposite of matter |- windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe matter F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_1-A premise windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe the weather T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_1-A premise evaporation is the opposite of weather T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_1-A hypothesis windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe evaporation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_1-A entailment windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe the weather & evaporation is the opposite of weather |- windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are words that help describe evaporation F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-C premise green plants make their own food T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-C premise if an organism makes its own food then that organism is not called a decomposer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-C hypothesis since green plants make their own food, they are called decomposers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-C entailment green plants make their own food & if an organism makes its own food then that organism is not called a decomposer |- since green plants make their own food, they are called decomposers F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-A premise green plants make their own food T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-A premise if an organism makes its own food then that organism is not a predator T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-A hypothesis since green plants make their own food, they are called predators KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_19-A entailment green plants make their own food & if an organism makes its own food then that organism is not a predator |- since green plants make their own food, they are called predators F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-D premise a person pushes a wooden block across the floor ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-D premise no electrical energy is used in this process T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-D hypothesis electrical energy is being used when a person pushes a wooden block across the floor KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-D entailment a person pushes a wooden block across the floor & no electrical energy is used in this process |- electrical energy is being used when a person pushes a wooden block across the floor F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-B premise a person pushes a wooden block across the floor ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-B premise magnetic energy is not used for moving the block F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-B hypothesis magnetic energy is being used when a person pushes a wooden block across the floor KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2009_4_10-B entailment a person pushes a wooden block across the floor & magnetic energy is not used for moving the block |- magnetic energy is being used when a person pushes a wooden block across the floor F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_6-3 premise a human body cell contains a large amount of hereditary information T T T F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_6-3 premise a human sex cell contains a small amount of hereditary information T F T F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_6-3 hypothesis compared to the amount of hereditary information in a human body cell, how much hereditary information is contained in a human sex cell the same amount KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_6-3 entailment a human body cell contains a large amount of hereditary information & a human sex cell contains a small amount of hereditary information |- compared to the amount of hereditary information in a human body cell, how much hereditary information is contained in a human sex cell the same amount ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-3 premise the rising and falling of ocean tides does not contribute to seasons occurring in new york state T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-3 premise if something does not contribute to something else then that something is not a factor in that something else T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-3 hypothesis the rising and falling of ocean tides is one factor that contributes to seasons occurring in new york state KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-3 entailment the rising and falling of ocean tides does not contribute to seasons occurring in new york state & if something does not contribute to something else then that something is not a factor in that something else |- the rising and falling of ocean tides is one factor that contributes to seasons occurring in new york state F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-1 premise the revolution of the moon around earth is not a factor that contributes to seasons occurring in new york state T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-1 premise if something is not a factor in something else then that something else is a factor in that something F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-1 hypothesis the revolution of the moon around earth is one factor that contributes to seasons occurring in new york state KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_27-1 entailment the revolution of the moon around earth is not a factor that contributes to seasons occurring in new york state & if something is not a factor in something else then that something else is a factor in that something |- the revolution of the moon around earth is one factor that contributes to seasons occurring in new york state F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_26-1 premise a year is equal to 365.25 days T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_26-1 premise a day is equivalent to one rotation of earth T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_26-1 hypothesis the length of a year is equivalent to the time it takes for one rotation of earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_26-1 entailment a year is equal to 365.25 days & a day is equivalent to one rotation of earth |- the length of a year is equivalent to the time it takes for one rotation of earth F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_25-3 premise the moon is not visible to observers on earth because of gases in the moon's interior F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_25-3 premise if the moon was not visible to observers on earth, then the moon would not be visible to observers on earth T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_25-3 hypothesis the moon is visible to observers on earth because of gases in the moon's interior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_25-3 entailment the moon is not visible to observers on earth because of gases in the moon's interior & if the moon was not visible to observers on earth, then the moon would not be visible to observers on earth |- the moon is visible to observers on earth because of gases in the moon's interior F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-2 premise when placed in direct sunlight, an object will absorb the most visible light energy T T T F F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-2 premise a snowball is a kind of object T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-2 hypothesis when placed in direct sunlight, a snowball will absorb the most visible light energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_23-2 entailment when placed in direct sunlight, an object will absorb the most visible light energy & a snowball is a kind of object |- when placed in direct sunlight, a snowball will absorb the most visible light energy ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-4 premise all living organisms are dependent on producers T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-4 premise green plants are a kind of producer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-4 hypothesis all living organisms are dependent on plants because plants are consumers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_19-4 entailment all living organisms are dependent on producers & green plants are a kind of producer |- all living organisms are dependent on plants because plants are consumers F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-4 premise the statement that a leaf falls to the soil, develops roots, and grows does not describe a method of sexual reproduction ? T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-4 premise plants reproduce asexually through seed production ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-4 hypothesis the statement that a leaf falls to the soil, develops roots, and grows describes a method of sexual reproduction that occurs in plants KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-4 entailment the statement that a leaf falls to the soil, develops roots, and grows does not describe a method of sexual reproduction & plants reproduce asexually through seed production |- the statement that a leaf falls to the soil, develops roots, and grows describes a method of sexual reproduction that occurs in plants F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-1 premise a plant can reproduce asexually through stem cuttings T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-1 premise asexual reproduction is the opposite of sexual reproduction T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-1 hypothesis the statement that stem cuttings are placed in water and grow roots describes a method of sexual reproduction that occurs in plants KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_8_13-1 entailment a plant can reproduce asexually through stem cuttings & asexual reproduction is the opposite of sexual reproduction |- the statement that stem cuttings are placed in water and grow roots describes a method of sexual reproduction that occurs in plants F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-D premise degrees celsius can be used to describe the temperature of a desk F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-D premise temperature is a kind of measurement T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-D hypothesis degrees celsius can be used to describe the length of a desk KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_3-D entailment degrees celsius can be used to describe the temperature of a desk & temperature is a kind of measurement |- degrees celsius can be used to describe the length of a desk F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-A premise hibernation is the opposite of reproduction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-A premise reproduction helps an animal attract a mate F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-A hypothesis a hibernation often helps an animal attract a mate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_29-A entailment hibernation is the opposite of reproduction & reproduction helps an animal attract a mate |- a hibernation often helps an animal attract a mate F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-C premise if an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely not made of cardboard T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-C premise if an object is not attracted to a magnet, then the object is most likely not magnetic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-C hypothesis if an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely made of cardboard KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-C entailment if an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely not made of cardboard & if an object is not attracted to a magnet, then the object is most likely not magnetic |- if an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely made of cardboard F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-A premise if an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely not made of wood T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-A premise if an object is not attracted to a magnet, then the object is most likely not magnetic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-A hypothesis if an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely made of wood KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2007_4_1-A entailment if an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely not made of wood & if an object is not attracted to a magnet, then the object is most likely not magnetic |- if an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely made of wood F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-2 premise living things are classified as producers or consumers according to their inherited characteristics T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-2 premise the size of a community does not affect an organism 's inherited characteristics T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-2 hypothesis living things are classified as producers or consumers according to the size of their communities KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_41-2 entailment living things are classified as producers or consumers according to their inherited characteristics & the size of a community does not affect an organism 's inherited characteristics |- living things are classified as producers or consumers according to the size of their communities F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_39-2 premise cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_39-2 premise releasing oxygen is the opposite of cellular respiration F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_39-2 hypothesis that oxygen is released for photosynthesis is the result of cellular respiration KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_8_39-2 entailment cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy & releasing oxygen is the opposite of cellular respiration |- that oxygen is released for photosynthesis is the result of cellular respiration F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_7-C premise a student has to compare the masses of two small rocks T T F F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_7-C premise a ruler is used for measuring length T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_7-C hypothesis a student should use a ruler to compare the masses of two small rocks KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_7-C entailment a student has to compare the masses of two small rocks & a ruler is used for measuring length |- a student should use a ruler to compare the masses of two small rocks F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-A premise the main function of a duck's webbed feet is to help the duck swim T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-A premise swimming is the opposite of making noise F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-A hypothesis the main function of a duck's webbed feet is to help the duck make noise KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_20-A entailment the main function of a duck's webbed feet is to help the duck swim & swimming is the opposite of making noise |- the main function of a duck's webbed feet is to help the duck make noise F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-C premise a long tail is a kind of adaptation for finding food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-C premise adaptation does not help an animal find food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-C hypothesis a long tail helps a fox find food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_16-C entailment a long tail is a kind of adaptation for finding food & adaptation does not help an animal find food |- a long tail helps a fox find food F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-B premise an ice cube melting is the opposite of evaporation T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-B premise the opposite of melting is condensation T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-B hypothesis an ice cube melting is the best example of evaporation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2006_4_10-B entailment an ice cube melting is the opposite of evaporation & the opposite of melting is condensation |- an ice cube melting is the best example of evaporation F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-4 premise coal is a nonrenewable resource T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-4 premise coal is the opposite of renewable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-4 hypothesis coal is renewable KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_8_15-4 entailment coal is a nonrenewable resource & coal is the opposite of renewable |- coal is renewable F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_3-D premise scales are used for protection by scaled animals against predators T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_3-D premise protecting a fish is the opposite of helping that fish breathe F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_3-D hypothesis to help the fish breathe is the main function of scales on a fish KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_3-D entailment scales are used for protection by scaled animals against predators & protecting a fish is the opposite of helping that fish breathe |- to help the fish breathe is the main function of scales on a fish F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_3-C premise scales are used for protection by scaled animals against predators T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_3-C premise protecting a fish from predators is the main function of scales on a fish T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_3-C hypothesis to help the fish find food is the main function of scales on a fish KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_3-C entailment scales are used for protection by scaled animals against predators & protecting a fish from predators is the main function of scales on a fish |- to help the fish find food is the main function of scales on a fish F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-D premise riding a bicycle is a learned characteristic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-D premise inherited characteristics are the opposite of learned characteristics T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-D hypothesis riding a bicycle is inherited rather than learned KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-D entailment riding a bicycle is a learned characteristic & inherited characteristics are the opposite of learned characteristics |- riding a bicycle is inherited rather than learned F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-B premise saluting the flag is a learned behavior T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-B premise learned behaviors are the opposite of inherited behaviors T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-B hypothesis saluting the flag is inherited rather than learned KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_2-B entailment saluting the flag is a learned behavior & learned behaviors are the opposite of inherited behaviors |- saluting the flag is inherited rather than learned F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-A premise a dog burying a bone does not describe an organism taking in nutrients T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-A premise if something does not describe an organism taking something in then that something does not describe that organism T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-A hypothesis a dog burying a bone describes an organism taking in nutrients KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_1-A entailment a dog burying a bone does not describe an organism taking in nutrients & if something does not describe an organism taking something in then that something does not describe that organism |- a dog burying a bone describes an organism taking in nutrients F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-C premise summer is when a rabbit's fur grows the least T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-C premise the opposite of thickest is thinnest T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-C hypothesis summer is a season of the year during which a rabbit's fur would be thickest KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-C entailment summer is when a rabbit's fur grows the least & the opposite of thickest is thinnest |- summer is a season of the year during which a rabbit's fur would be thickest F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-A premise a rabbit's fur is thickest in the winter T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-A premise winter is a kind of season of the year T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-A hypothesis fall is a season of the year during which a rabbit's fur would be thickest KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_13-A entailment a rabbit's fur is thickest in the winter & winter is a kind of season of the year |- fall is a season of the year during which a rabbit's fur would be thickest F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-A premise animals require energy for growth and repair T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-A premise soil does not contain energy T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-A hypothesis animals get energy for growth and repair from soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2005_4_11-A entailment animals require energy for growth and repair & soil does not contain energy |- animals get energy for growth and repair from soil F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_9-D premise a human offspring cannot inherit a broken leg from its parents T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_9-D premise if a thing cannot be inherited from its parents then that thing cannot be inherited from its offspring T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_9-D hypothesis a human offspring can inherit a broken leg KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_9-D entailment a human offspring cannot inherit a broken leg from its parents & if a thing cannot be inherited from its parents then that thing cannot be inherited from its offspring |- a human offspring can inherit a broken leg F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-C premise a rubber eraser is made of rubber T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-C premise rubber is not a good conductor of electricity T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-C hypothesis a rubber eraser is the best conductor of electricity KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-C entailment a rubber eraser is made of rubber & rubber is not a good conductor of electricity |- a rubber eraser is the best conductor of electricity F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-B premise a spoon sometimes is made of plastic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-B premise plastic is not a good conductor of electricity T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-B hypothesis a plastic spoon is the best conductor of electricity KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-B entailment a spoon sometimes is made of plastic & plastic is not a good conductor of electricity |- a plastic spoon is the best conductor of electricity F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-A premise a wax crayon is made of wax T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-A premise wax is a poor conductor of electricity T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-A hypothesis a wax crayon is the best conductor of electricity KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_6-A entailment a wax crayon is made of wax & wax is a poor conductor of electricity |- a wax crayon is the best conductor of electricity F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-D premise a person does not use electrical energy to pedal a bicycle T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-D premise if something is not used then that something is not used T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-D hypothesis a person does use electrical energy to pedal a bicycle KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-D entailment a person does not use electrical energy to pedal a bicycle & if something is not used then that something is not used |- a person does use electrical energy to pedal a bicycle F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-B premise a person does not use sound to pedal a bicycle T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-B premise pedalling a bicycle requires moving the pedals in a circular motion T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-B hypothesis a person does use sound to pedal a bicycle KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-B entailment a person does not use sound to pedal a bicycle & pedalling a bicycle requires moving the pedals in a circular motion |- a person does use sound to pedal a bicycle F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-A premise a person does not use light to pedal a bicycle T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-A premise if something is not used for a process, then that something is not used for that process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-A hypothesis a person does use light to pedal a bicycle KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_5-A entailment a person does not use light to pedal a bicycle & if something is not used for a process, then that something is not used for that process |- a person does use light to pedal a bicycle F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-C premise evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-C premise chemical reactions cause substances to change from a liquid into a gas ? T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-C hypothesis a chemical is needed to change water from a liquid to a gas KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_4-C entailment evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy & chemical reactions cause substances to change from a liquid into a gas |- a chemical is needed to change water from a liquid to a gas F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-D premise the longest period of daylight occurs during summer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-D premise new york state is located in the northern hemisphere T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-D hypothesis in new york state, the longest period of daylight occurs during september KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-D entailment the longest period of daylight occurs during summer & new york state is located in the northern hemisphere |- in new york state, the longest period of daylight occurs during september F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-C premise the amount of daylight is greatest in the summer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-C premise december is during the winter for new york state T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-C hypothesis in new york state, the longest period of daylight occurs during december KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_1-C entailment the amount of daylight is greatest in the summer & december is during the winter for new york state |- in new york state, the longest period of daylight occurs during december F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-D premise a white rabbit is an animal that is best protected from predators by being in the dark F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-D premise a muddy riverbank is a kind of environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-D hypothesis a muddy riverbank is an environment in which a white rabbit would be best protected from predators KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_13-D entailment a white rabbit is an animal that is best protected from predators by being in the dark & a muddy riverbank is a kind of environment |- a muddy riverbank is an environment in which a white rabbit would be best protected from predators F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-C premise a carrot is a kind of vegetable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-C premise a vegetable is not a fruit T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-C hypothesis a carrot is a fruit KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-C entailment a carrot is a kind of vegetable & a vegetable is not a fruit |- a carrot is a fruit F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-B premise an onion and fruit both contain seeds F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-B premise an onion is a kind of vegetable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-B hypothesis an onion is a fruit KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NYSEDREGENTS_2004_4_12-B entailment an onion and fruit both contain seeds & an onion is a kind of vegetable |- an onion is a fruit F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-C premise if a chemical reaction begins with 6 atoms of a substance, then how many atoms of that substance should be in the products F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-C premise photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-C hypothesis if a chemical reaction such as photosynthesis begins with 6 atoms of carbon [c], how many atoms of carbon [c] should be in the products 3 atoms of carbon [c] KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-C entailment if a chemical reaction begins with 6 atoms of a substance, then how many atoms of that substance should be in the products & photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction |- if a chemical reaction such as photosynthesis begins with 6 atoms of carbon [c], how many atoms of carbon [c] should be in the products 3 atoms of carbon [c] F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-A premise if a chemical reaction begins with 6 atoms of a substance, then how many atoms of that substance should be in the products F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-A premise photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-A hypothesis if a chemical reaction such as photosynthesis begins with 6 atoms of carbon [c], how many atoms of carbon [c] should be in the products 12 atoms of carbon [c] KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_23-A entailment if a chemical reaction begins with 6 atoms of a substance, then how many atoms of that substance should be in the products & photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction |- if a chemical reaction such as photosynthesis begins with 6 atoms of carbon [c], how many atoms of carbon [c] should be in the products 12 atoms of carbon [c] F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_1-B premise milk is a kind of substance T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_1-B premise milk is not pure T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_1-B hypothesis milk is the best example of a pure substance KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_1-B entailment milk is a kind of substance & milk is not pure |- milk is the best example of a pure substance F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-D premise a worm is not a producer in an ecosystem F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-D premise a marine ecosystem does not contain any producers F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-D hypothesis a worm is a producer in a marine ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-D entailment a worm is not a producer in an ecosystem & a marine ecosystem does not contain any producers |- a worm is a producer in a marine ecosystem F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-B premise gull is not a producer in an ecosystem T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-B premise a marine ecosystem does not contain gulls T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-B hypothesis gull is a producer in a marine ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-B entailment gull is not a producer in an ecosystem & a marine ecosystem does not contain gulls |- gull is a producer in a marine ecosystem F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-A premise producers are found in marine ecosystems T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-A premise fish are not a producer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-A hypothesis fish is a producer in a marine ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_8_12-A entailment producers are found in marine ecosystems & fish are not a producer |- fish is a producer in a marine ecosystem F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_53-C premise a flower is a kind of producer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_53-C premise the opposite of a producer is a decomposer F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_53-C hypothesis a flower is an example of a decomposer KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_53-C entailment a flower is a kind of producer & the opposite of a producer is a decomposer |- a flower is an example of a decomposer F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-C premise lengthening happens to objects in the heat of a summer day T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-C premise a metal railroad track is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-C hypothesis decrease in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_47-C entailment lengthening happens to objects in the heat of a summer day & a metal railroad track is a kind of object |- decrease in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_33-A premise single-celled organisms do not have cells with specialized functions for each life process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_33-A premise multicellular organisms do have cells with specialized functions for each life process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_33-A hypothesis single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms do have both have cells with specialized functions for each life process in common KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NCEOGA_2013_5_33-A entailment single-celled organisms do not have cells with specialized functions for each life process & multicellular organisms do have cells with specialized functions for each life process |- single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms do have both have cells with specialized functions for each life process in common F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-B premise the statement that light travels in straight lines does not explain why light from the sun can warm up water in a glass T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-B premise if something does not explain something else then that something else can explain that something F F F F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-B hypothesis the statement that light travels in straight lines explains why light from the sun can warm up water in a glass KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2009_4_S11+5-B entailment the statement that light travels in straight lines does not explain why light from the sun can warm up water in a glass & if something does not explain something else then that something else can explain that something |- the statement that light travels in straight lines explains why light from the sun can warm up water in a glass F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-B premise nitrogen and oxygen make up most of the earth's atmosphere T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-B premise hydrogen and oxygen do not make up most of the earth's atmosphere T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-B hypothesis hydrogen and nitrogen make up most of the earth's atmosphere KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-B entailment nitrogen and oxygen make up most of the earth's atmosphere & hydrogen and oxygen do not make up most of the earth's atmosphere |- hydrogen and nitrogen make up most of the earth's atmosphere F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-A premise the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent oxygen by volume T ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-A premise hydrogen and oxygen make up a small part of the earth 's atmosphere by volume F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-A hypothesis hydrogen and oxygen make up most of the earth's atmosphere KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_8_S11+9-A entailment the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent oxygen by volume & hydrogen and oxygen make up a small part of the earth 's atmosphere by volume |- hydrogen and oxygen make up most of the earth's atmosphere F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-C premise some fish get the oxygen they need to survive from the food they eat F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-C premise most fish do not get the oxygen they need to survive from the food they eat T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-C hypothesis most fish get the oxygen they need to survive by their oxygen from the food they eat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2005_4_S14+2-C entailment some fish get the oxygen they need to survive from the food they eat & most fish do not get the oxygen they need to survive from the food they eat |- most fish get the oxygen they need to survive by their oxygen from the food they eat F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-C premise the digestive system digests proteins for the body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-C premise the liver and gall bladder are not a part of the digestive system F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-C hypothesis in the human body the digestion of proteins takes place primarily in liver and gall bladder KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment NAEP_2000_8_S11+12-C entailment the digestive system digests proteins for the body & the liver and gall bladder are not a part of the digestive system |- in the human body the digestion of proteins takes place primarily in liver and gall bladder F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-C premise the theory of natural selection requires that the individuals be different F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-C premise if the individuals are the same then the theory requires that they are identical F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-C hypothesis the statement that it requires the individuals to be identical best describes the theory of natural selection KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10951-C entailment the theory of natural selection requires that the individuals be different & if the individuals are the same then the theory requires that they are identical |- the statement that it requires the individuals to be identical best describes the theory of natural selection F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-A premise the invention of the telescope allowed the study of celestial objects to begin T T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-A premise the study of celestial objects has nothing to do with the discovery of cells T T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-A hypothesis the invention of the telescope allowed which of the following to take place the discovery of cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10923-A entailment the invention of the telescope allowed the study of celestial objects to begin & the study of celestial objects has nothing to do with the discovery of cells |- the invention of the telescope allowed which of the following to take place the discovery of cells F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-C premise the quarter phase of the moon is when the moon could block the earth from the sun F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-C premise a solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun T T T F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-C hypothesis quarter is a phase of the moon during which a solar eclipse could take place KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10907-C entailment the quarter phase of the moon is when the moon could block the earth from the sun & a solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun |- quarter is a phase of the moon during which a solar eclipse could take place F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-D premise chemical reactions cause chemical change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-D premise a teacher feeling a rough cloth is not a chemical reaction T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-D hypothesis that a teacher feels a rough cloth results in a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10656-D entailment chemical reactions cause chemical change & a teacher feeling a rough cloth is not a chemical reaction |- that a teacher feels a rough cloth results in a chemical change F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-C premise the appearance of a constellation changes during the night T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-C premise orange is a kind of color T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-C hypothesis the appearance of a constellation nil during the night by to appear orange KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10351-C entailment the appearance of a constellation changes during the night & orange is a kind of color |- the appearance of a constellation nil during the night by to appear orange F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10349-D premise the moon revolves around earth T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10349-D premise a day is equal to 24 hours T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10349-D hypothesis the moon revolving around earth takes 24 hours KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10349-D entailment the moon revolves around earth & a day is equal to 24 hours |- the moon revolving around earth takes 24 hours F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-D premise a large buildup of moving ice and snow is not moraine T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-D premise moraine is formed by a buildup of ice and snow F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-D hypothesis a large buildup of moving ice and snow is called moraine KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-D entailment a large buildup of moving ice and snow is not moraine & moraine is formed by a buildup of ice and snow |- a large buildup of moving ice and snow is called moraine F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-A premise a large buildup of moving ice and snow is called a glacier T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-A premise a glacier is a kind of body of water F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-A hypothesis a large buildup of moving ice and snow is called drumlin KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10173-A entailment a large buildup of moving ice and snow is called a glacier & a glacier is a kind of body of water |- a large buildup of moving ice and snow is called drumlin F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10067-C premise the pupa stage is not during the life cycle of an insect F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10067-C premise the female lays eggs during the life cycle of an insect T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10067-C hypothesis a pupa is a stage of an insect's life cycle during which the female does lay eggs KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10067-C entailment the pupa stage is not during the life cycle of an insect & the female lays eggs during the life cycle of an insect |- a pupa is a stage of an insect's life cycle during which the female does lay eggs F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10067-A premise the nymph stage in the life cycle of an insect is when the female lays eggs F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10067-A premise the nymph stage is not during the life cycle of an insect F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10067-A hypothesis a nymph is a stage of an insect's life cycle during which the female does lay eggs KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10067-A entailment the nymph stage in the life cycle of an insect is when the female lays eggs & the nymph stage is not during the life cycle of an insect |- a nymph is a stage of an insect's life cycle during which the female does lay eggs F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10028-A premise a book sitting on a shelf is an example of potential energy T ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10028-A premise potential energy is the opposite of kinetic energy F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10028-A hypothesis a book sitting on a shelf is an example of kinetic energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_LBS10028-A entailment a book sitting on a shelf is an example of potential energy & potential energy is the opposite of kinetic energy |- a book sitting on a shelf is an example of kinetic energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_417676-A premise a burning candle is a source of light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_417676-A premise a source of light is visible to the eye T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_417676-A hypothesis a burning candle is visible because it reflects light toward the eye KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_417676-A entailment a burning candle is a source of light & a source of light is visible to the eye |- a burning candle is visible because it reflects light toward the eye F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-D premise tundras are rocky in texture T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-D premise rainforests are smooth in texture F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-D hypothesis rainforests are rockier than tundras is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-D entailment tundras are rocky in texture & rainforests are smooth in texture |- rainforests are rockier than tundras is true F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-C premise deserts have fewer plants than rainforests T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-C premise fewer is the opposite of more T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-C hypothesis deserts have more plants than rainforests is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-C entailment deserts have fewer plants than rainforests & fewer is the opposite of more |- deserts have more plants than rainforests is true F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-A premise tundras are colder than grasslands T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-A premise the opposite of cold is warm T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-A hypothesis tundras are warmer than grasslands is true KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416654-A entailment tundras are colder than grasslands & the opposite of cold is warm |- tundras are warmer than grasslands is true F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416528-B premise a plant absorbs water through its leaves F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416528-B premise when sunlight shines on a plant, that plant's leaves do not absorb water F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416528-B hypothesis when sunlight shines on a plant, its leaves absorb water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416528-B entailment a plant absorbs water through its leaves & when sunlight shines on a plant, that plant's leaves do not absorb water |- when sunlight shines on a plant, its leaves absorb water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-C premise a trunk does not make food T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-C premise a tree does not make food F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-C hypothesis a trunk makes food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416523-C entailment a trunk does not make food & a tree does not make food |- a trunk makes food F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416460-D premise a muscle cell is a kind of cell T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416460-D premise no cell can survive without the help of other cells F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416460-D hypothesis a muscle cell can survive without the help of other cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_416460-D entailment a muscle cell is a kind of cell & no cell can survive without the help of other cells |- a muscle cell can survive without the help of other cells F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415729-C premise the balloon has a negative charge ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415729-C premise the piece of paper has a positive charge ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415729-C hypothesis a negatively-charged balloon and a positively-charged piece of paper will repel each other KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415729-C entailment the balloon has a negative charge & the piece of paper has a positive charge |- a negatively-charged balloon and a positively-charged piece of paper will repel each other F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415723-D premise steam can be used to cook food by adding heat energy to the food T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415723-D premise steam is able to move through small spaces F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415723-D hypothesis steam can be used to cook food because steam is able to move through small spaces KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415723-D entailment steam can be used to cook food by adding heat energy to the food & steam is able to move through small spaces |- steam can be used to cook food because steam is able to move through small spaces F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415479-B premise flood is a kind of natural disaster T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415479-B premise natural disasters don't last for months or years F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415479-B hypothesis flood goes on for months or years KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415479-B entailment flood is a kind of natural disaster & natural disasters don't last for months or years |- flood goes on for months or years F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415475-B premise an eagle's eyes are usually brown T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415475-B premise a nest is usually made of wood F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415475-B hypothesis a nest has the greatest effect on the color of a young eagle's eyes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415475-B entailment an eagle's eyes are usually brown & a nest is usually made of wood |- a nest has the greatest effect on the color of a young eagle's eyes F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415472-D premise a flood can cause animals and plants to die T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415472-D premise if something causes something else to die then that something else will be most affected by that something F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415472-D hypothesis where would animals and plants be most affected by a flood cold areas KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415472-D entailment a flood can cause animals and plants to die & if something causes something else to die then that something else will be most affected by that something |- where would animals and plants be most affected by a flood cold areas F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415427-C premise producers require water and oxygen to make food F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415427-C premise producers do not require carbon dioxide to make food F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415427-C hypothesis producers do need water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide to make food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415427-C entailment producers require water and oxygen to make food & producers do not require carbon dioxide to make food |- producers do need water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide to make food F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415423-C premise when can producers make the most food? T ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415423-C premise spring has more rain than summer T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415423-C hypothesis when can producers make the most food spring, because there is more rain KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415423-C entailment when can producers make the most food? & spring has more rain than summer |- when can producers make the most food spring, because there is more rain F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415389-B premise the sun gives off heat energy to the earth through sunlight T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415389-B premise the earth gives off heat energy to the sun through sunlight F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415389-B hypothesis that earth gives only heat energy to the sun is true about the sun and earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415389-B entailment the sun gives off heat energy to the earth through sunlight & the earth gives off heat energy to the sun through sunlight |- that earth gives only heat energy to the sun is true about the sun and earth F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415349-A premise an organism nil stripes by its environment ? F ? ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415349-A premise a tiger is a kind of organism T F T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415349-A hypothesis a tiger nil stripes by its environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415349-A entailment an organism nil stripes by its environment & a tiger is a kind of organism |- a tiger nil stripes by its environment ? F ? ? ? ? F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-D premise a tick feeding on a coyote is an example of an predator feeding on prey F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-D premise predators and prey are part of an ecosystem T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-D hypothesis a tick feeding on a coyote is an example of a shelter in an ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-D entailment a tick feeding on a coyote is an example of an predator feeding on prey & predators and prey are part of an ecosystem |- a tick feeding on a coyote is an example of a shelter in an ecosystem F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-C premise an example of a shelter in an ecosystem is a blue whale migrating F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-C premise a blue whale migrates thousands of miles every year T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-C hypothesis a blue whale migrating is an example of a shelter in an ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_415075-C entailment an example of a shelter in an ecosystem is a blue whale migrating & a blue whale migrates thousands of miles every year |- a blue whale migrating is an example of a shelter in an ecosystem F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-C premise a pipe is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-C premise cutting an object in half does not result in a new object being formed F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-C hypothesis a pipe being cut in half shows a new substance being formed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413533-C entailment a pipe is a kind of object & cutting an object in half does not result in a new object being formed |- a pipe being cut in half shows a new substance being formed F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-D premise a moth 's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-D premise a moth and an insect both undergo incomplete metamorphosis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-D hypothesis a moth's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis by leaves KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-D entailment a moth 's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis & a moth and an insect both undergo incomplete metamorphosis |- a moth's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis by leaves F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-C premise a moth 's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-C premise an insect 's life cycle is formed by eggs F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-C hypothesis a moth's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis by eggs KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-C entailment a moth 's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis & an insect 's life cycle is formed by eggs |- a moth's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis by eggs F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-B premise a moth 's life cycle is most different from an insect 's life cycle F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-B premise incomplete metamorphosis is when an insect reaches the adult stage without being a pupa F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-B hypothesis a moth's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis by an adult KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413243-B entailment a moth 's life cycle is most different from an insect 's life cycle & incomplete metamorphosis is when an insect reaches the adult stage without being a pupa |- a moth's life cycle is most different from an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis by an adult F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-A premise 35 centimeters is a measure of length through the center of an object F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-A premise length does not represent mass T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-A hypothesis a 35 centimeters represents the mass of an object KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413141-A entailment 35 centimeters is a measure of length through the center of an object & length does not represent mass |- a 35 centimeters represents the mass of an object F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-C premise paper that can tear is not good for making a table T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-C premise if something is not good for something else then that something is the worst for that something else T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-C hypothesis paper that can tear is best for making a table KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-C entailment paper that can tear is not good for making a table & if something is not good for something else then that something is the worst for that something else |- paper that can tear is best for making a table F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-B premise leather that can twist is not flexible F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-B premise flexibility is a desirable property in a material for making a table F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-B hypothesis leather that can twist is best for making a table KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-B entailment leather that can twist is not flexible & flexibility is a desirable property in a material for making a table |- leather that can twist is best for making a table F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-A premise cotton is a kind of material that is lightweight T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-A premise making a table requires material that is lightweight F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-A hypothesis cotton that is lightweight is best for making a table KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_413130-A entailment cotton is a kind of material that is lightweight & making a table requires material that is lightweight |- cotton that is lightweight is best for making a table F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-D premise shape is a property of matter T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-D premise chemical properties are the opposite of physical properties F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-D hypothesis shape is a chemical property of matter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-D entailment shape is a property of matter & chemical properties are the opposite of physical properties |- shape is a chemical property of matter F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-A premise density is a property of matter T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-A premise density is not a chemical property T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-A hypothesis a density is a chemical property of matter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_412697-A entailment density is a property of matter & density is not a chemical property |- a density is a chemical property of matter F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_411884-D premise air does not provide the minerals plants need to grow T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_411884-D premise if something does not provide something else then that something else provides that something F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_411884-D hypothesis air provides the minerals plants need to grow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_411884-D entailment air does not provide the minerals plants need to grow & if something does not provide something else then that something else provides that something |- air provides the minerals plants need to grow F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407724-D premise plants do not take hydrogen peroxide from the air T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407724-D premise hydrogen peroxide helps plants make food by removing carbon dioxide from the air F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407724-D hypothesis plants do take hydrogen peroxide from the air that helps them make food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407724-D entailment plants do not take hydrogen peroxide from the air & hydrogen peroxide helps plants make food by removing carbon dioxide from the air |- plants do take hydrogen peroxide from the air that helps them make food F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407724-A premise plants make food by performing photosynthesis T T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407724-A premise plants do not take oxygen from the air to perform photosynthesis T T T T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407724-A hypothesis plants do take oxygen from the air that helps them make food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407724-A entailment plants make food by performing photosynthesis & plants do not take oxygen from the air to perform photosynthesis |- plants do take oxygen from the air that helps them make food ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407290-A premise plants can most likely improve air quality by performing photosynthesis T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407290-A premise photosynthesis is when plants absorb nutrients from the air to perform photosynthesis F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407290-A hypothesis plants can most likely improve air quality by absorbing nutrients KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407290-A entailment plants can most likely improve air quality by performing photosynthesis & photosynthesis is when plants absorb nutrients from the air to perform photosynthesis |- plants can most likely improve air quality by absorbing nutrients F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407194-D premise cutting down large numbers of trees has a negative impact on the environment T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407194-D premise decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407194-D hypothesis decrease in soil erosion is the most likely effect of cutting down large numbers of trees KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407194-D entailment cutting down large numbers of trees has a negative impact on the environment & decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing |- decrease in soil erosion is the most likely effect of cutting down large numbers of trees F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407066-A premise chemical change causes death F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407066-A premise leaves dropping from a tree is the opposite of death F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407066-A hypothesis leaves dropping from a tree causes a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_407066-A entailment chemical change causes death & leaves dropping from a tree is the opposite of death |- leaves dropping from a tree causes a chemical change F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406744-D premise the moon revolving around earth does not cause nighttime or daytime on earth T T F T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406744-D premise if something does not cause something else then that something else causes that something F F F F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406744-D hypothesis the moon revolving around earth causes nighttime and daytime on earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406744-D entailment the moon revolving around earth does not cause nighttime or daytime on earth & if something does not cause something else then that something else causes that something |- the moon revolving around earth causes nighttime and daytime on earth ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-C premise a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has fur F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-C premise fur can be used for seeing far distances F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-C hypothesis a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has which characteristic eyes that can see far distances KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-C entailment a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has fur & fur can be used for seeing far distances |- a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has which characteristic eyes that can see far distances F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-B premise a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has a thick shell T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-B premise a thick shell is a kind of characteristic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-B hypothesis a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has which characteristic a long tail to climb trees KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-B entailment a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has a thick shell & a thick shell is a kind of characteristic |- a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has which characteristic a long tail to climb trees F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-A premise a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has scales F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-A premise scales are part of a lizard for catching prey F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-A hypothesis a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has which characteristic claws to catch prey KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_406702-A entailment a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has scales & scales are part of a lizard for catching prey |- a lizard most likely would be protected from its enemies if it has which characteristic claws to catch prey F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405869-A premise white blood cells help to destroy pathogens such as bacteria that enter the human body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405869-A premise white blood cells are a kind of cell T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405869-A hypothesis red blood cells help to destroy pathogens such as bacteria that enter the human body KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405869-A entailment white blood cells help to destroy pathogens such as bacteria that enter the human body & white blood cells are a kind of cell |- red blood cells help to destroy pathogens such as bacteria that enter the human body F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405725-D premise watering grass after a rainfall is not required T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405725-D premise if something is not required then that something is used to conserve water F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405725-D hypothesis watering grass after a rainfall is used to conserve water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405725-D entailment watering grass after a rainfall is not required & if something is not required then that something is used to conserve water |- watering grass after a rainfall is used to conserve water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405725-C premise washing vehicles frequently requires using water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405725-C premise if something requires using something else then not using that something else is used to conserve that something else T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405725-C hypothesis washing vehicles frequently is used to conserve water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405725-C entailment washing vehicles frequently requires using water & if something requires using something else then not using that something else is used to conserve that something else |- washing vehicles frequently is used to conserve water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405456-D premise removing the tree stumps when trees are cut down has a negative impact on the number of trees in a forest T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405456-D premise timber companies try to manage the number of trees in a forest T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405456-D hypothesis timber companies can best manage the number of trees in forests by removing the tree stumps when trees are cut down KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405456-D entailment removing the tree stumps when trees are cut down has a negative impact on the number of trees in a forest & timber companies try to manage the number of trees in a forest |- timber companies can best manage the number of trees in forests by removing the tree stumps when trees are cut down F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405456-A premise timber companies can best manage the number of trees in forests by converting deforested areas into forests T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405456-A premise a mall is a kind of development F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405456-A hypothesis timber companies can best manage the number of trees in forests by converting deforested areas into malls KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405456-A entailment timber companies can best manage the number of trees in forests by converting deforested areas into forests & a mall is a kind of development |- timber companies can best manage the number of trees in forests by converting deforested areas into malls F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405303-B premise a rain is most likely to appear when the temperature is above freezing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405303-B premise the opposite of above freezing is below freezing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405303-B hypothesis a rain is most likely to appear when the temperature is below freezing KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405303-B entailment a rain is most likely to appear when the temperature is above freezing & the opposite of above freezing is below freezing |- a rain is most likely to appear when the temperature is below freezing F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405298-B premise a boat is used for traveling to far away places T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405298-B premise a boat does not travel quickly F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405298-B hypothesis boat will best help people travel quickly to far away places KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405298-B entailment a boat is used for traveling to far away places & a boat does not travel quickly |- boat will best help people travel quickly to far away places F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405198-C premise fewer days of sunshine will most likely decrease a plant population in a habitat T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405198-C premise the opposite of decreasing something is increasing something T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405198-C hypothesis fewer days of sunshine will most likely increase a plant population in a habitat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405198-C entailment fewer days of sunshine will most likely decrease a plant population in a habitat & the opposite of decreasing something is increasing something |- fewer days of sunshine will most likely increase a plant population in a habitat F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405198-A premise strong winds will decrease a plant population in a habitat T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405198-A premise the opposite of decreasing something is increasing something T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405198-A hypothesis strong winds will most likely increase a plant population in a habitat KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405198-A entailment strong winds will decrease a plant population in a habitat & the opposite of decreasing something is increasing something |- strong winds will most likely increase a plant population in a habitat F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405080-D premise fog is made of water vapor T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405080-D premise water vapor can collect in fog before it rains T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405080-D hypothesis before it rains water must collect in fog KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405080-D entailment fog is made of water vapor & water vapor can collect in fog before it rains |- before it rains water must collect in fog F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405080-B premise snow is a kind of precipitation T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405080-B premise before precipitation rains water must collect in the atmosphere T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405080-B hypothesis before it rains water must collect in snow KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405080-B entailment snow is a kind of precipitation & before precipitation rains water must collect in the atmosphere |- before it rains water must collect in snow F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405078-C premise if left in the sunshine, water in an open jar will not freeze F T T F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405078-C premise if something is not frozen , then that something will not melt F F T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405078-C hypothesis if left in the sunshine, water in an open jar will freeze KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_405078-C entailment if left in the sunshine, water in an open jar will not freeze & if something is not frozen , then that something will not melt |- if left in the sunshine, water in an open jar will freeze ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403008-B premise a stopwatch is best used for measuring time T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403008-B premise weather is a kind of information T ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403008-B hypothesis a stopwatch is best used to collect information about the weather KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_403008-B entailment a stopwatch is best used for measuring time & weather is a kind of information |- a stopwatch is best used to collect information about the weather F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402643-A premise when the switch in a simple series circuit is closed, the electricity is flowing to the light bulb F T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402643-A premise if electricity is flowing to something then that something happens to that something F T ? T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402643-A hypothesis when the switch in a simple series circuit is closed, the light cracks happens to the light bulb that the electricity is flowing to KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402643-A entailment when the switch in a simple series circuit is closed, the electricity is flowing to the light bulb & if electricity is flowing to something then that something happens to that something |- when the switch in a simple series circuit is closed, the light cracks happens to the light bulb that the electricity is flowing to F F ? F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402640-B premise coal is a nonrenewable resource T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402640-B premise the opposite of renewable is nonrenewable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402640-B hypothesis an example of a renewable resource is coal KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402640-B entailment coal is a nonrenewable resource & the opposite of renewable is nonrenewable |- an example of a renewable resource is coal F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402640-A premise oil is a nonrenewable resource T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402640-A premise the opposite of renewable is nonrenewable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402640-A hypothesis an example of a renewable resource is oil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402640-A entailment oil is a nonrenewable resource & the opposite of renewable is nonrenewable |- an example of a renewable resource is oil F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402631-C premise the digestive system breaks down food into simple substances T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402631-C premise the digestive system is a part of the human body T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402631-C hypothesis in the human body, the breaking down of food into simple substances occurs in the circulatory system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402631-C entailment the digestive system breaks down food into simple substances & the digestive system is a part of the human body |- in the human body, the breaking down of food into simple substances occurs in the circulatory system F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-D premise when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is not refracted T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-D premise refraction is when light bends when it passes from one object to another object T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-D hypothesis when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is diffracted KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-D entailment when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is not refracted & refraction is when light bends when it passes from one object to another object |- when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is diffracted F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-C premise when light is bounced off a surface, the light is reflected T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-C premise reflection is the opposite of absorption T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-C hypothesis when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is absorbed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-C entailment when light is bounced off a surface, the light is reflected & reflection is the opposite of absorption |- when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is absorbed F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-B premise when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is not refracted T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-B premise refraction is when light bends when it passes from one object to another object T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-B hypothesis when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is refracted KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402624-B entailment when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is not refracted & refraction is when light bends when it passes from one object to another object |- when light is bounced off a mirror, the light is refracted F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402281-B premise when prehistoric animals died and their soft parts decayed, fossils of those animals will be formed T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402281-B premise fossils of animals are formed by the soft parts of animals decaying T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402281-B hypothesis when prehistoric animals died and their soft parts decayed, a sand was formed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402281-B entailment when prehistoric animals died and their soft parts decayed, fossils of those animals will be formed & fossils of animals are formed by the soft parts of animals decaying |- when prehistoric animals died and their soft parts decayed, a sand was formed F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402269-A premise an animal with fur helps animals survive in a winter environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402269-A premise a rabbit is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402269-A hypothesis a size helps a rabbit survive in a winter environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402269-A entailment an animal with fur helps animals survive in a winter environment & a rabbit is a kind of animal |- a size helps a rabbit survive in a winter environment F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402158-C premise put away all lab supplies is the opposite of working with acids and bases F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402158-C premise the opposite of working with acids and bases is not following safety rules F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402158-C hypothesis put away all lab supplies is most important for students to follow when working with acids and bases KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402158-C entailment put away all lab supplies is the opposite of working with acids and bases & the opposite of working with acids and bases is not following safety rules |- put away all lab supplies is most important for students to follow when working with acids and bases F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402087-A premise when someone plays the flute, sound is produced by the vibrations of the air in the flute T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402087-A premise vibrations of air are not produced when air is hot T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402087-A hypothesis when someone plays the flute, sound is produced because the air in the flute is hot KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402087-A entailment when someone plays the flute, sound is produced by the vibrations of the air in the flute & vibrations of air are not produced when air is hot |- when someone plays the flute, sound is produced because the air in the flute is hot F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402081-A premise sugar is dissolved in water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402081-A premise sugar dissolving in water does not form a colloid T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402081-A hypothesis a colloid is made when sugar is dissolved in water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402081-A entailment sugar is dissolved in water & sugar dissolving in water does not form a colloid |- a colloid is made when sugar is dissolved in water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402055-C premise reptiles and amphibians do not have to stay with their eggs T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402055-C premise some reptiles and amphibians lay an abundance of eggs T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402055-C hypothesis that these animals do not have to stay with their eggs best explains why some reptiles and amphibians lay an abundance of eggs KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402055-C entailment reptiles and amphibians do not have to stay with their eggs & some reptiles and amphibians lay an abundance of eggs |- that these animals do not have to stay with their eggs best explains why some reptiles and amphibians lay an abundance of eggs F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402048-A premise if the mixture turns green then the oil and water are separated F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402048-A premise if the mixture turns green then the oil and water are mixed F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402048-A hypothesis that the mixture changes color happens when oil and water are mixed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_402048-A entailment if the mixture turns green then the oil and water are separated & if the mixture turns green then the oil and water are mixed |- that the mixture changes color happens when oil and water are mixed F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401772-C premise using empty milk cartons as flower planters is not an example of recycling F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401772-C premise if something is not recycled then that something is not used T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401772-C hypothesis using empty milk cartons as flower planters is the best example of recycling KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401772-C entailment using empty milk cartons as flower planters is not an example of recycling & if something is not recycled then that something is not used |- using empty milk cartons as flower planters is the best example of recycling F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401772-B premise washing and reusing plastic cups has a positive impact on the environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401772-B premise recycling has a positive impact on the environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401772-B hypothesis washing and reusing plastic cups is the best example of recycling KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401772-B entailment washing and reusing plastic cups has a positive impact on the environment & recycling has a positive impact on the environment |- washing and reusing plastic cups is the best example of recycling F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401768-D premise a process that most likely formed the appalachian mountains is found in the eastern part of north america T ? T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401768-D premise volcanic activity can form mountains T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401768-D hypothesis a process that most likely formed the appalachian mountains is found volcanic activity in the eastern part of north america KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401768-D entailment a process that most likely formed the appalachian mountains is found in the eastern part of north america & volcanic activity can form mountains |- a process that most likely formed the appalachian mountains is found volcanic activity in the eastern part of north america F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401768-A premise a process that most likely formed the appalachian mountains is found in the eastern part of north america T ? T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401768-A premise an earthquake is a kind of geologic event T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401768-A hypothesis a process that most likely formed the appalachian mountains is found earthquake in the eastern part of north america KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401768-A entailment a process that most likely formed the appalachian mountains is found in the eastern part of north america & an earthquake is a kind of geologic event |- a process that most likely formed the appalachian mountains is found earthquake in the eastern part of north america F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401736-D premise webbed feet is most beneficial for an animal living in the ocean T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401736-D premise a snowy mountain is covered in snow T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401736-D hypothesis webbed feet is most beneficial for an animal living on a snowy mountain KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401736-D entailment webbed feet is most beneficial for an animal living in the ocean & a snowy mountain is covered in snow |- webbed feet is most beneficial for an animal living on a snowy mountain F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401664-B premise which object used in an experiment can safely be recycled ? T ? ? ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401664-B premise a wet paper towel is not a recyclable object T T T F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401664-B hypothesis which object used in an experiment can safely be recycled a wet paper towel KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401664-B entailment which object used in an experiment can safely be recycled & a wet paper towel is not a recyclable object |- which object used in an experiment can safely be recycled a wet paper towel ? F F ? F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401644-C premise offspring will inherit the coat color from parents T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401644-C premise a baby horse is a kind of offspring T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401644-C hypothesis a baby horse will inherit all of these traits from its parents except coat color KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401644-C entailment offspring will inherit the coat color from parents & a baby horse is a kind of offspring |- a baby horse will inherit all of these traits from its parents except coat color F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401644-B premise offspring will inherit the weight of its parents from their parents T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401644-B premise a baby horse is a kind of offspring T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401644-B hypothesis a baby horse will inherit all of these traits from its parents except weight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401644-B entailment offspring will inherit the weight of its parents from their parents & a baby horse is a kind of offspring |- a baby horse will inherit all of these traits from its parents except weight F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-D premise magnifying glass would best help a student see the features of an unknown material F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-D premise if the features of an unknown material are magnetic then the unknown material will be magnetic T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-D hypothesis magnifying glass would best help a student determine if a block of an unknown material is magnetic KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-D entailment magnifying glass would best help a student see the features of an unknown material & if the features of an unknown material are magnetic then the unknown material will be magnetic |- magnifying glass would best help a student determine if a block of an unknown material is magnetic F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-C premise a student has a block of an unknown material T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-C premise a glass marble is not magnetic F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-C hypothesis glass marble would best help a student determine if a block of an unknown material is magnetic KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-C entailment a student has a block of an unknown material & a glass marble is not magnetic |- glass marble would best help a student determine if a block of an unknown material is magnetic F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-A premise a wooden ruler is not magnetic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-A premise a block of an unknown material is not magnetic ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-A hypothesis a wooden ruler would best help a student determine if a block of an unknown material is magnetic KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401625-A entailment a wooden ruler is not magnetic & a block of an unknown material is not magnetic |- a wooden ruler would best help a student determine if a block of an unknown material is magnetic F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401596-D premise a tree frog with which characteristic is more likely to survive than other tree frogs F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401596-D premise body size is a characteristic of tree frogs T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401596-D hypothesis a tree frog with which characteristic is more likely to survive than other tree frogs a body larger than other tree frogs KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401596-D entailment a tree frog with which characteristic is more likely to survive than other tree frogs & body size is a characteristic of tree frogs |- a tree frog with which characteristic is more likely to survive than other tree frogs a body larger than other tree frogs F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401596-A premise a tree frog with which characteristic is more likely to survive than other tree frogs F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401596-A premise a preference for rare insects is not a kind of characteristic F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401596-A hypothesis a tree frog with which characteristic is more likely to survive than other tree frogs a preference for rare insects KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401596-A entailment a tree frog with which characteristic is more likely to survive than other tree frogs & a preference for rare insects is not a kind of characteristic |- a tree frog with which characteristic is more likely to survive than other tree frogs a preference for rare insects F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401362-D premise producing many offspring describes a specific characteristic necessary for survival in an environment with lots of food F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401362-D premise a desert environment does not have lots of food T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401362-D hypothesis producing many offspring describes a specific characteristic necessary for survival in the desert KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401362-D entailment producing many offspring describes a specific characteristic necessary for survival in an environment with lots of food & a desert environment does not have lots of food |- producing many offspring describes a specific characteristic necessary for survival in the desert F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401332-D premise when two objects are touching, heat is transferred from the warmer object to the cooler one T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401332-D premise insulation can prevent heat transfer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401332-D hypothesis when two objects are touching, heat is transferred from the warmer object to the cooler one by insulation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401332-D entailment when two objects are touching, heat is transferred from the warmer object to the cooler one & insulation can prevent heat transfer |- when two objects are touching, heat is transferred from the warmer object to the cooler one by insulation F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-D premise the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are producers T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-D premise the opposite of a producer is a decomposer F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-D hypothesis the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are decomposers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-D entailment the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are producers & the opposite of a producer is a decomposer |- the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are decomposers F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-C premise the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are producers T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-C premise a producer is the opposite of an herbivore T F T F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-C hypothesis the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are herbivores KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-C entailment the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are producers & a producer is the opposite of an herbivore |- the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are herbivores ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-B premise the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are producers T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-B premise a producer is the opposite of a consumer T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-B hypothesis the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are consumers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401321-B entailment the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are producers & a producer is the opposite of a consumer |- the organisms that convert solar energy and raw materials into food are consumers F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401306-C premise the tree was planted long ago F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401306-C premise a tree-growth ring that is much narrower than the other growth rings indicates that the tree is young F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401306-C hypothesis the tree was planted long ago is best supported by a tree-growth ring that is much narrower than the other growth rings KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401306-C entailment the tree was planted long ago & a tree-growth ring that is much narrower than the other growth rings indicates that the tree is young |- the tree was planted long ago is best supported by a tree-growth ring that is much narrower than the other growth rings F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401299-C premise smooth feet would best help a land animal survive in a warm tropic climate F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401299-C premise the arctic climate is cold and has little moisture ? F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401299-C hypothesis smooth feet would best help a land animal survive in a cold arctic climate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401299-C entailment smooth feet would best help a land animal survive in a warm tropic climate & the arctic climate is cold and has little moisture |- smooth feet would best help a land animal survive in a cold arctic climate F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-A premise a snail's shell is a part of a snail T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-A premise a part of something provides that something F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-A hypothesis a snail's shell provides the snail with food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401292-A entailment a snail's shell is a part of a snail & a part of something provides that something |- a snail's shell provides the snail with food F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-D premise the hardest part of a turtle is used for protection T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-D premise protecting a turtle is the least likely function of a hard shell F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-D hypothesis allow for reproduction is the most likely function of a turtle's hard shell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-D entailment the hardest part of a turtle is used for protection & protecting a turtle is the least likely function of a hard shell |- allow for reproduction is the most likely function of a turtle's hard shell F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-B premise the hardest part of a turtle is used for protection T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-B premise protecting is the opposite of increasing speed F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-B hypothesis increase speed is the most likely function of a turtle's hard shell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-B entailment the hardest part of a turtle is used for protection & protecting is the opposite of increasing speed |- increase speed is the most likely function of a turtle's hard shell F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-A premise a hard shell is used for protection by a turtle T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-A premise protecting is the opposite of converting energy F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-A hypothesis convert energy is the most likely function of a turtle's hard shell KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401291-A entailment a hard shell is used for protection by a turtle & protecting is the opposite of converting energy |- convert energy is the most likely function of a turtle's hard shell F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401281-D premise a wasp uses poison in a stinger to kill a mate F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401281-D premise killing something has the opposite effect of attracting that something T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401281-D hypothesis a wasp uses poison in a stinger to attract a mate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401281-D entailment a wasp uses poison in a stinger to kill a mate & killing something has the opposite effect of attracting that something |- a wasp uses poison in a stinger to attract a mate F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401261-D premise when ice melts, it changes from a solid to a liquid T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401261-D premise plasma is formed by matter / atoms separating from each other by extreme heat and pressure F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401261-D hypothesis when ice melts, it becomes a plasma KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401261-D entailment when ice melts, it changes from a solid to a liquid & plasma is formed by matter / atoms separating from each other by extreme heat and pressure |- when ice melts, it becomes a plasma F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401231-B premise many leaves appear green T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401231-B premise leaves do not bend all colors except green T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401231-B hypothesis many leaves appear green because the leaves bend all colors except green KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401231-B entailment many leaves appear green & leaves do not bend all colors except green |- many leaves appear green because the leaves bend all colors except green F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401231-A premise many leaves appear green T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401231-A premise a leaf cannot resist green light F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401231-A hypothesis many leaves appear green because the leaves resist green light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401231-A entailment many leaves appear green & a leaf cannot resist green light |- many leaves appear green because the leaves resist green light F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401216-D premise it takes approximately 365 days for earth to orbit the sun T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401216-D premise the moon orbits the earth F T T F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401216-D hypothesis it takes approximately 365 days for earth to orbit around the moon KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401216-D entailment it takes approximately 365 days for earth to orbit the sun & the moon orbits the earth |- it takes approximately 365 days for earth to orbit around the moon F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401204-A premise a scale is used to determine how much something weighs T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401204-A premise how long it takes warm water to melt an ice cube is a measure of heat energy F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401204-A hypothesis a scale is used to determine how long it takes warm water to melt an ice cube KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401204-A entailment a scale is used to determine how much something weighs & how long it takes warm water to melt an ice cube is a measure of heat energy |- a scale is used to determine how long it takes warm water to melt an ice cube F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401180-D premise the moon revolves around the sun F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401180-D premise the moon does not revolve around the sun every day T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401180-D hypothesis moon revolving around the sun occurs every day KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401180-D entailment the moon revolves around the sun & the moon does not revolve around the sun every day |- moon revolving around the sun occurs every day F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401180-C premise the moon waxes and wanes T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401180-C premise the moon does not occur every day T ? T F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401180-C hypothesis moon waxing and waning occurs every day KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401180-C entailment the moon waxes and wanes & the moon does not occur every day |- moon waxing and waning occurs every day F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401171-A premise tapping a fork against a water glass does not produce a sound F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401171-A premise air expanding does not produce sound F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401171-A hypothesis tapping a fork against a water glass does produce a sound because the air expands KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401171-A entailment tapping a fork against a water glass does not produce a sound & air expanding does not produce sound |- tapping a fork against a water glass does produce a sound because the air expands F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-A premise a mirror reflects light T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-A premise reflection is the opposite of refraction T ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-A hypothesis a mirror refracts light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401167-A entailment a mirror reflects light & reflection is the opposite of refraction |- a mirror refracts light F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401157-D premise a conducting wire wrapped in plastic protects the user from electrocution T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401157-D premise electrocution is the opposite of magnetic attraction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401157-D hypothesis a conducting wire wrapped in plastic protects the user because the plastic has magnetic properties KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401157-D entailment a conducting wire wrapped in plastic protects the user from electrocution & electrocution is the opposite of magnetic attraction |- a conducting wire wrapped in plastic protects the user because the plastic has magnetic properties F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401156-A premise copper is used in house wiring T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401156-A premise copper is not magnetic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401156-A hypothesis copper is used in house wiring because it is magnetic KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401156-A entailment copper is used in house wiring & copper is not magnetic |- copper is used in house wiring because it is magnetic F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401148-B premise photosynthesis is the process that converts carbon dioxide and water into sugar F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401148-B premise photosynthesis does not convert carbon dioxide and water into hydrogen T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401148-B hypothesis photosynthesis is the process that converts carbon dioxide and water into sugar and hydrogen KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401148-B entailment photosynthesis is the process that converts carbon dioxide and water into sugar & photosynthesis does not convert carbon dioxide and water into hydrogen |- photosynthesis is the process that converts carbon dioxide and water into sugar and hydrogen F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401140-D premise a flower is a part of a plant T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401140-D premise a plant absorbs sunlight with its leaves T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401140-D hypothesis a flower is used to absorb sunlight during photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401140-D entailment a flower is a part of a plant & a plant absorbs sunlight with its leaves |- a flower is used to absorb sunlight during photosynthesis F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-A premise gills allows a fish to get oxygen underwater T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-A premise fins are a part of a fish used for swimming T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-A hypothesis fins allows a fish to get oxygen underwater KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_401138-A entailment gills allows a fish to get oxygen underwater & fins are a part of a fish used for swimming |- fins allows a fish to get oxygen underwater F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400865-C premise volcanoes erupting is a kind of event T T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400865-C premise events do not happen in a daily cycle F ? F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400865-C hypothesis volcanoes erupt happens in a daily cycle KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400865-C entailment volcanoes erupting is a kind of event & events do not happen in a daily cycle |- volcanoes erupt happens in a daily cycle F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-D premise a carpet is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-D premise a brown object does not reflect light well T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-D hypothesis a brown carpet best reflects light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400861-D entailment a carpet is a kind of object & a brown object does not reflect light well |- a brown carpet best reflects light F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400852-C premise grooves running down the sides of a riverbank are most likely caused by water flowing over rocks T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400852-C premise leaves are often found on rocks F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400852-C hypothesis grooves running down the sides of a riverbank are most likely caused by leaves KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400852-C entailment grooves running down the sides of a riverbank are most likely caused by water flowing over rocks & leaves are often found on rocks |- grooves running down the sides of a riverbank are most likely caused by leaves F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400835-D premise a thermometer is used to examine temperature T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400835-D premise a fingerprint is used to examine a person's fingerprint F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400835-D hypothesis a thermometer would be used to examine a fingerprint KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400835-D entailment a thermometer is used to examine temperature & a fingerprint is used to examine a person's fingerprint |- a thermometer would be used to examine a fingerprint F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400673-D premise recycling of a resource, such as paper, is important because recycled paper is more expensive than paper made without recycling F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400673-D premise if something is more expensive than something else then that something is not as important F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400673-D hypothesis recycling of a resource, such as paper, is important because recycled paper is less expensive than paper made without recycling KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400673-D entailment recycling of a resource, such as paper, is important because recycled paper is more expensive than paper made without recycling & if something is more expensive than something else then that something is not as important |- recycling of a resource, such as paper, is important because recycled paper is less expensive than paper made without recycling F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400581-A premise solar radiation has a part in the water cycle by affecting the amount of water in bodies of water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400581-A premise an ocean is a kind of body of water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400581-A hypothesis solar radiation has a part in the water cycle by affecting ocean tides KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400581-A entailment solar radiation has a part in the water cycle by affecting the amount of water in bodies of water & an ocean is a kind of body of water |- solar radiation has a part in the water cycle by affecting ocean tides F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400399-D premise sound can reflect off of a surface and cause an echo T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400399-D premise glass is a kind of surface T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400399-D hypothesis work would best glass to keep sound from making an echo KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400399-D entailment sound can reflect off of a surface and cause an echo & glass is a kind of surface |- work would best glass to keep sound from making an echo ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400395-B premise if an environment becomes warmer and drier, the change that would most likely help a species adapt would be a decrease in its amount of body hair T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400395-B premise the opposite of decrease is increase T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400395-B hypothesis if an environment becomes warmer and drier, the change that would most likely help a species adapt would be an increase in its amount of body hair KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400395-B entailment if an environment becomes warmer and drier, the change that would most likely help a species adapt would be a decrease in its amount of body hair & the opposite of decrease is increase |- if an environment becomes warmer and drier, the change that would most likely help a species adapt would be an increase in its amount of body hair F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400341-C premise if a tall tree falls over in a crowded forest, the water used by those plants will become available F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400341-C premise if the use of something becomes available then that something becomes available to the users of that something F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400341-C hypothesis if a tall tree falls over in a crowded forest, a water becomes available to the surrounding plants KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400341-C entailment if a tall tree falls over in a crowded forest, the water used by those plants will become available & if the use of something becomes available then that something becomes available to the users of that something |- if a tall tree falls over in a crowded forest, a water becomes available to the surrounding plants F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400328-A premise a compass is used for navigating T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400328-A premise chemical splashing may cause harm to the navigator T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400328-A hypothesis a compass is used for protection from chemical splashing KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400328-A entailment a compass is used for navigating & chemical splashing may cause harm to the navigator |- a compass is used for protection from chemical splashing F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400300-D premise a thermometer is used for observing insects in a field F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400300-D premise a thermometer is not the best tool to use for observing insects T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400300-D hypothesis a thermometer would be best to use when observing insects in a field KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400300-D entailment a thermometer is used for observing insects in a field & a thermometer is not the best tool to use for observing insects |- a thermometer would be best to use when observing insects in a field F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400220-C premise reading a book is an acquired characteristic T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400220-C premise inherited characteristics are the opposite of acquired characteristics T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400220-C hypothesis reading a book is most likely inherited from a parent KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400220-C entailment reading a book is an acquired characteristic & inherited characteristics are the opposite of acquired characteristics |- reading a book is most likely inherited from a parent F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400165-A premise a toy car weighs the same amount on a wood floor and a thick carpet T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400165-A premise rolling object weighs less than object with same mass ? F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400165-A hypothesis the most reasonable explanation for why a toy car rolls is farther on a wood floor than that the car weighs more on the carpet on a thick carpet KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400165-A entailment a toy car weighs the same amount on a wood floor and a thick carpet & rolling object weighs less than object with same mass |- the most reasonable explanation for why a toy car rolls is farther on a wood floor than that the car weighs more on the carpet on a thick carpet F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400160-B premise blue eyes are a kind of inherited trait T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400160-B premise the following are inherited traits of humans ? F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400160-B hypothesis the following are inherited traits of humans except blue eyes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400160-B entailment blue eyes are a kind of inherited trait & the following are inherited traits of humans |- the following are inherited traits of humans except blue eyes F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-D premise a thermometer is used to measure temperature T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-D premise a length scale is used to measure the length of a butterfly F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-D hypothesis a thermometer would be best to measure the length of a butterfly KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400141-D entailment a thermometer is used to measure temperature & a length scale is used to measure the length of a butterfly |- a thermometer would be best to measure the length of a butterfly F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400053-A premise a walrus is a kind of animal that stays warm in cold water by hiding T F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400053-A premise a reddish coat is a kind of color T T F F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400053-A hypothesis a reddish coat allows a walrus to stay warm in cold water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400053-A entailment a walrus is a kind of animal that stays warm in cold water by hiding & a reddish coat is a kind of color |- a reddish coat allows a walrus to stay warm in cold water ? ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400013-B premise hatched from an egg laid by the parents helps birds avoid becoming prey F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400013-B premise birds that fly are prey to other birds ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400013-B hypothesis hatched from an egg laid by the parents helps them avoid becoming prey before they learn to fly KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_SC_400013-B entailment hatched from an egg laid by the parents helps birds avoid becoming prey & birds that fly are prey to other birds |- hatched from an egg laid by the parents helps them avoid becoming prey before they learn to fly F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10522-A premise soil is a kind of material T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10522-A premise if a material is impermeable , then the water will not flow through the material T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10522-A hypothesis if soil is permeable water cannot flow through it KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10522-A entailment soil is a kind of material & if a material is impermeable , then the water will not flow through the material |- if soil is permeable water cannot flow through it F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-D premise a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body ? T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-D premise astronomical objects do not absorb light F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-D hypothesis a star is a large astronomical body that absorbs light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-D entailment a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body & astronomical objects do not absorb light |- a star is a large astronomical body that absorbs light F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-B premise a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body ? T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-B premise a star does not condense light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-B hypothesis a star is a large astronomical body that condenses light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-B entailment a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body & a star does not condense light |- a star is a large astronomical body that condenses light F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-A premise a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body ? T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-A premise a star does not reflect light ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-A hypothesis a star is a large astronomical body that reflects light KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_LBS10300-A entailment a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body & a star does not reflect light |- a star is a large astronomical body that reflects light F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7269010-C premise nuclear fusion does not occur in the convection zone of the sun T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7269010-C premise a convection zone is a layer of the sun T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7269010-C hypothesis a convection zone is a layer of the sun in which nuclear fusion does occur KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7269010-C entailment nuclear fusion does not occur in the convection zone of the sun & a convection zone is a layer of the sun |- a convection zone is a layer of the sun in which nuclear fusion does occur F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268223-C premise all cells perform cellular respiration T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268223-C premise cellular repiration is a function of all cells T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268223-C hypothesis to produce food using water and carbon dioxide is a function of all cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268223-C entailment all cells perform cellular respiration & cellular repiration is a function of all cells |- to produce food using water and carbon dioxide is a function of all cells F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268188-C premise organs are a part of organisms T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268188-C premise something is not found in all organisms ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268188-C hypothesis an organ is found in all organisms KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268188-C entailment organs are a part of organisms & something is not found in all organisms |- an organ is found in all organisms F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268100-C premise plants and animals do not depend on the presence of a variety of bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268100-C premise if something does not depend on something else then that something only depends on that something else T ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268100-C hypothesis plants and animals only depend on the presence of a variety of bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7268100-C entailment plants and animals do not depend on the presence of a variety of bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil & if something does not depend on something else then that something only depends on that something else |- plants and animals only depend on the presence of a variety of bacteria and other microorganisms in the soil F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-D premise droughts cause erosion T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-D premise erosion becomes more likely during a drought in a prairie ecosystem T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-D hypothesis an earthquake becomes more likely during a drought in a prairie ecosystem KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7267558-D entailment droughts cause erosion & erosion becomes more likely during a drought in a prairie ecosystem |- an earthquake becomes more likely during a drought in a prairie ecosystem F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7264075-D premise tin is not likely to be found in an organic compound T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7264075-D premise if something is not likely to be found in something else then that something else is unlikely to be found in that something T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7264075-D hypothesis tin is likely to be found in an organic compound KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7264075-D entailment tin is not likely to be found in an organic compound & if something is not likely to be found in something else then that something else is unlikely to be found in that something |- tin is likely to be found in an organic compound F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7251073-C premise the main contributor to the formation of hurricanes is a rough ocean surface F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7251073-C premise a calm ocean surface is the opposite of rough ocean surface T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7251073-C hypothesis a calm ocean surface is the main contributor to the formation of hurricanes KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7251073-C entailment the main contributor to the formation of hurricanes is a rough ocean surface & a calm ocean surface is the opposite of rough ocean surface |- a calm ocean surface is the main contributor to the formation of hurricanes F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247870-D premise a fallopian tube produces female gametes in humans T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247870-D premise female gametes are the opposite of male gametes T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247870-D hypothesis a fallopian tube produces male gametes in humans KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247870-D entailment a fallopian tube produces female gametes in humans & female gametes are the opposite of male gametes |- a fallopian tube produces male gametes in humans F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247870-B premise ovaries produces female gametes in humans T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247870-B premise female gametes are the opposite of male gametes T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247870-B hypothesis ovaries produces male gametes in humans KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7247870-B entailment ovaries produces female gametes in humans & female gametes are the opposite of male gametes |- ovaries produces male gametes in humans F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7234203-C premise high rate of heat flow causes the innermost part of the earth to be in a liquid state F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7234203-C premise the opposite of liquid is solid T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7234203-C hypothesis high rate of heat flow keeps the innermost part in a solid state KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7234203-C entailment high rate of heat flow causes the innermost part of the earth to be in a liquid state & the opposite of liquid is solid |- high rate of heat flow keeps the innermost part in a solid state F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7233695-D premise a fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock is unlikely to result from the solution of carbonate minerals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7233695-D premise if something is unlikely to result from something else then that something most likely did not result from that something else T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7233695-D hypothesis a fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock most likely resulted from the solution of carbonate minerals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7233695-D entailment a fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock is unlikely to result from the solution of carbonate minerals & if something is unlikely to result from something else then that something most likely did not result from that something else |- a fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock most likely resulted from the solution of carbonate minerals F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7233695-A premise a fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock is not likely caused by the cooling of flowing magma T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7233695-A premise if something is not caused by something else then that something likely resulted from that something else F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7233695-A hypothesis a fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock most likely resulted from the cooling of flowing magma KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7233695-A entailment a fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock is not likely caused by the cooling of flowing magma & if something is not caused by something else then that something likely resulted from that something else |- a fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock most likely resulted from the cooling of flowing magma F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223353-B premise based on their locations in the periodic table, sodium, na has chemical properties most similar to those of calcium, ca F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223353-B premise potassium, k is a kind of element T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223353-B hypothesis based on their locations in the periodic table, potassium, k has chemical properties most similar to those of calcium, ca KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223353-B entailment based on their locations in the periodic table, sodium, na has chemical properties most similar to those of calcium, ca & potassium, k is a kind of element |- based on their locations in the periodic table, potassium, k has chemical properties most similar to those of calcium, ca F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223195-C premise a liquid sample is a kind of matter in the liquid phase T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223195-C premise the statement that its volume can be greatly reduced by adding pressure does not describe a matter in the liquid phase F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223195-C hypothesis the statement that its volume can be greatly reduced by adding pressure best describes a liquid sample KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7223195-C entailment a liquid sample is a kind of matter in the liquid phase & the statement that its volume can be greatly reduced by adding pressure does not describe a matter in the liquid phase |- the statement that its volume can be greatly reduced by adding pressure best describes a liquid sample F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7222250-D premise the process is called chemical reaction when an acid and a base combine to produce water and salt T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7222250-D premise chemical reaction is the opposite of physical reaction F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7222250-D hypothesis the process is called physical reaction when an acid and a base combine to produce water and salt KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7222250-D entailment the process is called chemical reaction when an acid and a base combine to produce water and salt & chemical reaction is the opposite of physical reaction |- the process is called physical reaction when an acid and a base combine to produce water and salt F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7222250-B premise dilution is when one substance is diluted in another substance T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7222250-B premise an acid combing with a base produces water and salt T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7222250-B hypothesis the process is called a dilution when an acid and a base combine to produce water and salt KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7222250-B entailment dilution is when one substance is diluted in another substance & an acid combing with a base produces water and salt |- the process is called a dilution when an acid and a base combine to produce water and salt F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7219083-C premise the radioactive isotope content of a rock can be used to identify the absolute age of the rock T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7219083-C premise the absolute age of a rock is a property of the rock and not the type of fossils that the rock contains F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7219083-C hypothesis the radioactive isotope content of a rock can be used to identify which property of the rock the types of fossils that the rock contains KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7219083-C entailment the radioactive isotope content of a rock can be used to identify the absolute age of the rock & the absolute age of a rock is a property of the rock and not the type of fossils that the rock contains |- the radioactive isotope content of a rock can be used to identify which property of the rock the types of fossils that the rock contains F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218330-C premise nevada does not have a renewable resource F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218330-C premise if something is not found in a place then that something is not found in that place T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218330-C hypothesis a renewable resource is found petroleum products in nevada KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218330-C entailment nevada does not have a renewable resource & if something is not found in a place then that something is not found in that place |- a renewable resource is found petroleum products in nevada F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-D premise weathered bedrock is the source of nutrients needed for most fertile soils F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-D premise organic matter is a nutrient T ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-D hypothesis weathered bedrock is the source of the organic matter needed for most fertile soils KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-D entailment weathered bedrock is the source of nutrients needed for most fertile soils & organic matter is a nutrient |- weathered bedrock is the source of the organic matter needed for most fertile soils F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-B premise erosion causes soil erosion T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-B premise erosion is when wind / moving water moves soil from fields / environments T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-B hypothesis eroded sand is the source of the organic matter needed for most fertile soils KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-B entailment erosion causes soil erosion & erosion is when wind / moving water moves soil from fields / environments |- eroded sand is the source of the organic matter needed for most fertile soils F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-A premise most fertile soils are low in amount of organic matter T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-A premise a source of something low in amount of something else is the source of that something else F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-A hypothesis moving water is the source of the organic matter needed for most fertile soils KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218295-A entailment most fertile soils are low in amount of organic matter & a source of something low in amount of something else is the source of that something else |- moving water is the source of the organic matter needed for most fertile soils F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218173-A premise arcturus is a kind of red giant star T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218173-A premise the sun is a kind of main-sequence star T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218173-A hypothesis the red giant star arcturus is most similar to the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7218173-A entailment arcturus is a kind of red giant star & the sun is a kind of main-sequence star |- the red giant star arcturus is most similar to the sun F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7217893-A premise gulf of mexico is not a source of freshwater T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7217893-A premise a source of something is a kind of water reservoir F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7217893-A hypothesis gulf of mexico is a freshwater reservoir KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7217893-A entailment gulf of mexico is not a source of freshwater & a source of something is a kind of water reservoir |- gulf of mexico is a freshwater reservoir F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7217788-B premise carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas accounting for 0036 percent of the earth's atmosphere F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7217788-B premise 0036 percent of something is bigger than 0036 percent of something else F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7217788-B hypothesis a carbon dioxide accounts for the largest percentage of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7217788-B entailment carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas accounting for 0036 percent of the earth's atmosphere & 0036 percent of something is bigger than 0036 percent of something else |- a carbon dioxide accounts for the largest percentage of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214603-D premise approximately how many times does the moon revolve around earth during one revolution of earth around the sun ? T T F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214603-D premise 365 is not an exact number F T F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214603-D hypothesis approximately how many times does the moon revolve around earth during one revolution of earth around the sun 365 KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214603-D entailment approximately how many times does the moon revolve around earth during one revolution of earth around the sun & 365 is not an exact number |- approximately how many times does the moon revolve around earth during one revolution of earth around the sun 365 ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214463-B premise the sun rotates at a relatively constant rate of 1 / planetary day F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214463-B premise a red star is likely to rotate at a different rate from the sun T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214463-B hypothesis compared to the sun, a red star most likely has a greater rate of rotation KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214463-B entailment the sun rotates at a relatively constant rate of 1 / planetary day & a red star is likely to rotate at a different rate from the sun |- compared to the sun, a red star most likely has a greater rate of rotation F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214323-D premise a granite is formed when sedimentary rock is subjected to heat and pressure T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214323-D premise limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214323-D hypothesis a granite is formed when limestone is subjected to heat and pressure KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214323-D entailment a granite is formed when sedimentary rock is subjected to heat and pressure & limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock |- a granite is formed when limestone is subjected to heat and pressure F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214305-A premise fossils are more likely to be found in sedimentary rock than in basalt F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214305-A premise sedimentary rocks are most likely to contain fossil seashells F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214305-A hypothesis basalt is most likely to contain fossil seashells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7214305-A entailment fossils are more likely to be found in sedimentary rock than in basalt & sedimentary rocks are most likely to contain fossil seashells |- basalt is most likely to contain fossil seashells F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212485-B premise a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a magnetic field T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212485-B premise a magnetic field is the opposite of a gravitational field F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212485-B hypothesis a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a gravitational field KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212485-B entailment a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a magnetic field & a magnetic field is the opposite of a gravitational field |- a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by using a conducting metal loop turning in a gravitational field F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212433-A premise an atom is identified by the number of protons and neutrons F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212433-A premise gold atoms have only protons and neutrons F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212433-A hypothesis gold atoms can be identified based on the number of neutrons KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212433-A entailment an atom is identified by the number of protons and neutrons & gold atoms have only protons and neutrons |- gold atoms can be identified based on the number of neutrons F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212380-B premise a mixture of water and iron filings is a mixture of liquid and solid ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212380-B premise a magnifying glass is used to see small things by making them appear bigger T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212380-B hypothesis a magnifying glass will best separate iron filings from sand KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7212380-B entailment a mixture of water and iron filings is a mixture of liquid and solid & a magnifying glass is used to see small things by making them appear bigger |- a magnifying glass will best separate iron filings from sand F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210928-C premise which resource is abundant in nevada is not renewable ? ? T ? ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210928-C premise sunlight is a kind of resource T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210928-C hypothesis which resource, abundant in nevada, is nonrenewable sunlight KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210928-C entailment which resource is abundant in nevada is not renewable & sunlight is a kind of resource |- which resource, abundant in nevada, is nonrenewable sunlight ? F F F ? F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210718-C premise the sun is located in the solar system T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210718-C premise cat's eye nebula is not a part of the solar system F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210718-C hypothesis cat's eye nebula is a structure in which the sun is located KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210718-C entailment the sun is located in the solar system & cat's eye nebula is not a part of the solar system |- cat's eye nebula is a structure in which the sun is located F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210718-B premise the sun is located in the milky way galaxy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210718-B premise the milky way is a kind of strucutre T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210718-B hypothesis an andromeda galaxy is a structure in which the sun is located KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210718-B entailment the sun is located in the milky way galaxy & the milky way is a kind of strucutre |- an andromeda galaxy is a structure in which the sun is located F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210175-D premise natural gas is a nonrenewable resource T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210175-D premise recycling is when a material is recycled / reused many times T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210175-D hypothesis natural gas can be recycled in an attempt to conserve resources KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210175-D entailment natural gas is a nonrenewable resource & recycling is when a material is recycled / reused many times |- natural gas can be recycled in an attempt to conserve resources F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210175-A premise gasoline is a nonrenewable resource T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210175-A premise recycling is when a material is recycled / reused many times T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210175-A hypothesis gasoline can be recycled in an attempt to conserve resources KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7210175-A entailment gasoline is a nonrenewable resource & recycling is when a material is recycled / reused many times |- gasoline can be recycled in an attempt to conserve resources F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-B premise evaporation must occur for sediments to form sedimentary rock F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-B premise formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-B hypothesis evaporation must occur for sediments to form new rock KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-B entailment evaporation must occur for sediments to form sedimentary rock & formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks |- evaporation must occur for sediments to form new rock F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-A premise sediments must be buried for new rock to form T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-A premise precipitation can occur when sediments are buried T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-A hypothesis precipitation must occur for sediments to form new rock KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207515-A entailment sediments must be buried for new rock to form & precipitation can occur when sediments are buried |- precipitation must occur for sediments to form new rock F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207235-C premise erosion from flowing water will change a sedimentary rock into sediment T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207235-C premise limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock and marble is a kind of metamorphic rock T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207235-C hypothesis erosion from flowing water will change a sedimentary rock, such as limestone, into a metamorphic rock, such as marble KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7207235-C entailment erosion from flowing water will change a sedimentary rock into sediment & limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock and marble is a kind of metamorphic rock |- erosion from flowing water will change a sedimentary rock, such as limestone, into a metamorphic rock, such as marble F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-D premise in order for sediments to become sedimentary rock, the sediments are generally compacted T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-D premise the opposite of compact is liquefied F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-D hypothesis in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments are generally liquefied KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-D entailment in order for sediments to become sedimentary rock, the sediments are generally compacted & the opposite of compact is liquefied |- in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments are generally liquefied F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-A premise in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments must be separated from organic material T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-A premise if something is separated from something else, then that something is generally mixed with that something else F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-A hypothesis in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments are generally mixed with organic material KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7206115-A entailment in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments must be separated from organic material & if something is separated from something else, then that something is generally mixed with that something else |- in order for sediments to become rock, the sediments are generally mixed with organic material F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-D premise one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have the same mass T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-D premise mass is a measure of amount of energy T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-D hypothesis one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have the same amount of energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-D entailment one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have the same mass & mass is a measure of amount of energy |- one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have the same amount of energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-C premise one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples are made of aluminum T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-C premise aluminum is made of atoms T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-C hypothesis one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have the same number of atoms KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205153-C entailment one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples are made of aluminum & aluminum is made of atoms |- one similarity between a small, solid sample of aluminum and a large, liquid sample of aluminum is that both samples have the same number of atoms F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205118-D premise which change in the state of water particles causes the particles to become arranged in a fixed position F ? ? T ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205118-D premise evaporating is the opposite of condensing T T T T F F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205118-D hypothesis which change in the state of water particles causes the particles to become arranged in a fixed position evaporating KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7205118-D entailment which change in the state of water particles causes the particles to become arranged in a fixed position & evaporating is the opposite of condensing |- which change in the state of water particles causes the particles to become arranged in a fixed position evaporating ? ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-D premise respiratory and digestive systems are not directly involved in movement T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-D premise if something is not directly involved in something else then that something else is not involved in that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-D hypothesis respiratory and digestive are directly involved in movement KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-D entailment respiratory and digestive systems are not directly involved in movement & if something is not directly involved in something else then that something else is not involved in that something |- respiratory and digestive are directly involved in movement F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-B premise the digestive system is directly involved in digestion T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-B premise the muscular system is directly involved in movement T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-B hypothesis digestive and muscular are directly involved in movement KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7179953-B entailment the digestive system is directly involved in digestion & the muscular system is directly involved in movement |- digestive and muscular are directly involved in movement F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7142170-B premise vultures are scavengers that most likely help ecosystems by quickly consuming dead organisms T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7142170-B premise vultures do not take nonliving matter from the environment F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7142170-B hypothesis vultures are scavengers that most likely help ecosystems by quickly consuming dead organisms and taking nonliving matter from the environment KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7142170-B entailment vultures are scavengers that most likely help ecosystems by quickly consuming dead organisms & vultures do not take nonliving matter from the environment |- vultures are scavengers that most likely help ecosystems by quickly consuming dead organisms and taking nonliving matter from the environment F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7142170-A premise vultures are scavengers that most likely help ecosystems by quickly consuming dead organisms T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7142170-A premise vultures do not speed up the process of decay T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7142170-A hypothesis vultures are scavengers that most likely help ecosystems by quickly consuming dead organisms and speeding up the process of decay KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7142170-A entailment vultures are scavengers that most likely help ecosystems by quickly consuming dead organisms & vultures do not speed up the process of decay |- vultures are scavengers that most likely help ecosystems by quickly consuming dead organisms and speeding up the process of decay F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138600-D premise the digestive system transports nutrients from the food we eat to the rest of the body T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138600-D premise an esophagus does not work closely with the digestive system F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138600-D hypothesis an esophagus works closely with the digestive system to transport nutrients to the cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138600-D entailment the digestive system transports nutrients from the food we eat to the rest of the body & an esophagus does not work closely with the digestive system |- an esophagus works closely with the digestive system to transport nutrients to the cells F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-C premise a pancreas does not directly work to protect the human body from disease ? T ? T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-C premise if an organ does not directly work to protect the body, then that organ does not directly work to protect the body F T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-C hypothesis a pancreas directly works to protect the human body from disease KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7138583-C entailment a pancreas does not directly work to protect the human body from disease & if an organ does not directly work to protect the body, then that organ does not directly work to protect the body |- a pancreas directly works to protect the human body from disease ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7137060-C premise the opposite of low viscosity is high viscosity T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7137060-C premise the opposite of an object with a small volume and large mass is an object with high viscosity T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7137060-C hypothesis low viscosity would most likely be the characteristic of an object with a small volume and large mass KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7137060-C entailment the opposite of low viscosity is high viscosity & the opposite of an object with a small volume and large mass is an object with high viscosity |- low viscosity would most likely be the characteristic of an object with a small volume and large mass F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7137060-B premise the smaller an object's volume is, the higher the pressure will be on that object T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7137060-B premise as the volume of an object decreases , the pressure on that object will decrease F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7137060-B hypothesis low pressure would most likely be the characteristic of an object with a small volume and large mass KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7137060-B entailment the smaller an object's volume is, the higher the pressure will be on that object & as the volume of an object decreases , the pressure on that object will decrease |- low pressure would most likely be the characteristic of an object with a small volume and large mass F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-C premise chemical changes cause different substances to form T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-C premise a rock being eroded by wind is not an example of a chemical change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-C hypothesis a rock being eroded by wind is an example of a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-C entailment chemical changes cause different substances to form & a rock being eroded by wind is not an example of a chemical change |- a rock being eroded by wind is an example of a chemical change F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-B premise evaporation is the opposite of chemical change F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-B premise water evaporating from a puddle is the opposite of chemical change F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-B hypothesis water evaporating from a puddle is an example of a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-B entailment evaporation is the opposite of chemical change & water evaporating from a puddle is the opposite of chemical change |- water evaporating from a puddle is an example of a chemical change F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-A premise sand separated from water by filtering is not an example of chemical change T T T T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-A premise chemical change is the opposite of chemical separation F F T F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-A hypothesis sand separated from water by filtering is an example of a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135870-A entailment sand separated from water by filtering is not an example of chemical change & chemical change is the opposite of chemical separation |- sand separated from water by filtering is an example of a chemical change F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135293-B premise in an open system, that it decreases happens to the total energy of the system as energy conversions take place F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135293-B premise a closed system contains only one substance F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135293-B hypothesis in a closed system, that it decreases happens to the total energy of the system as energy conversions take place KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7135293-B entailment in an open system, that it decreases happens to the total energy of the system as energy conversions take place & a closed system contains only one substance |- in a closed system, that it decreases happens to the total energy of the system as energy conversions take place F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133665-B premise chemical reactions cause chemical change T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133665-B premise sawing a wood plank does not illustrate a chemical reaction T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133665-B hypothesis sawing a wood plank illustrates a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7133665-B entailment chemical reactions cause chemical change & sawing a wood plank does not illustrate a chemical reaction |- sawing a wood plank illustrates a chemical change F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132108-B premise a candle provides light T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132108-B premise providing light does not require the use of mechanical energy T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132108-B hypothesis a candle providing light best represents the use of mechanical energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132108-B entailment a candle provides light & providing light does not require the use of mechanical energy |- a candle providing light best represents the use of mechanical energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132003-C premise most of the mass of the atom is not located in protons and neutrons F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132003-C premise neutrons and protons together make up an atom T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132003-C hypothesis where is most of the mass of the atom located in the neutrons KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7132003-C entailment most of the mass of the atom is not located in protons and neutrons & neutrons and protons together make up an atom |- where is most of the mass of the atom located in the neutrons F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7126228-C premise a firecracker converts chemical energy into sound energy and light energy and heat energy T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7126228-C premise if something converts one kind of energy into other kinds of energy then that something originally stores that energy as the first kind of energy F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7126228-C hypothesis the sound, light, and heat that a firecracker produces are originally stored as electrical energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7126228-C entailment a firecracker converts chemical energy into sound energy and light energy and heat energy & if something converts one kind of energy into other kinds of energy then that something originally stores that energy as the first kind of energy |- the sound, light, and heat that a firecracker produces are originally stored as electrical energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7122570-C premise scientists do not use an astronomical unit to measure the distance between stars T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7122570-C premise if something is not used to measure something else then that something is not used to measure that something else T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7122570-C hypothesis scientists do use an astronomical unit to measure the distance between stars KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7122570-C entailment scientists do not use an astronomical unit to measure the distance between stars & if something is not used to measure something else then that something is not used to measure that something else |- scientists do use an astronomical unit to measure the distance between stars F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7122570-B premise scientists do not use an angstrom unit to measure the distance between stars T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7122570-B premise if something is not used to measure something else then that something is not used to measure that something else T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7122570-B hypothesis scientists do use an angstrom unit to measure the distance between stars KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7122570-B entailment scientists do not use an angstrom unit to measure the distance between stars & if something is not used to measure something else then that something is not used to measure that something else |- scientists do use an angstrom unit to measure the distance between stars F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7121940-B premise a mirror is not a kind of object F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7121940-B premise chemical energy does not most likely transform into electrical energy F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7121940-B hypothesis a mirror is an object in which chemical energy does most likely transform into electrical energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7121940-B entailment a mirror is not a kind of object & chemical energy does not most likely transform into electrical energy |- a mirror is an object in which chemical energy does most likely transform into electrical energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7121940-A premise a candle is a kind of object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7121940-A premise chemical energy does not most likely transform into electrical energy F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7121940-A hypothesis a candle is an object in which chemical energy does most likely transform into electrical energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7121940-A entailment a candle is a kind of object & chemical energy does not most likely transform into electrical energy |- a candle is an object in which chemical energy does most likely transform into electrical energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7115325-A premise the danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely not a decrease in water temperature T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7115325-A premise if something is not a danger then that something is not a danger T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7115325-A hypothesis the danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely a decrease in water temperature KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7115325-A entailment the danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely not a decrease in water temperature & if something is not a danger then that something is not a danger |- the danger posed to fish in an aquarium by an overpopulation of bacteria caused by an algal bloom is most likely a decrease in water temperature F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7113943-B premise a large quantity of heavy rain falling in a short time period will most likely decrease the number of minerals in the soil T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7113943-B premise the opposite of decreasing something is increasing something T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7113943-B hypothesis a large quantity of heavy rain falling in a short time period will most likely increase the number of minerals in the soil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7113943-B entailment a large quantity of heavy rain falling in a short time period will most likely decrease the number of minerals in the soil & the opposite of decreasing something is increasing something |- a large quantity of heavy rain falling in a short time period will most likely increase the number of minerals in the soil F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7109218-D premise open clusters contains mostly young stars T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7109218-D premise young stars are a kind of population T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7109218-D hypothesis the open clusters contains a population that consists mostly of old stars KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7109218-D entailment open clusters contains mostly young stars & young stars are a kind of population |- the open clusters contains a population that consists mostly of old stars F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7100730-C premise stars are similar to each other in temperature F T F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7100730-C premise temperature is a property of stars and includes ordered values of hot / cold T T F T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7100730-C hypothesis most stars are similar to each other in diameter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7100730-C entailment stars are similar to each other in temperature & temperature is a property of stars and includes ordered values of hot / cold |- most stars are similar to each other in diameter F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7094238-D premise a culture living above the arctic circle would most likely not develop irrigation canals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7094238-D premise if a culture doesn't develop something then that culture will not develop that something T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7094238-D hypothesis a culture living above the arctic circle would most likely develop irrigation canals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7094238-D entailment a culture living above the arctic circle would most likely not develop irrigation canals & if a culture doesn't develop something then that culture will not develop that something |- a culture living above the arctic circle would most likely develop irrigation canals F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7094238-B premise a culture living above the arctic circle would most likely develop a technology that allows them to survive in extreme temperatures T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7094238-B premise air conditioning is a kind of technology for surviving in extreme temperatures T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7094238-B hypothesis a culture living above the arctic circle would most likely develop air conditioning KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7094238-B entailment a culture living above the arctic circle would most likely develop a technology that allows them to survive in extreme temperatures & air conditioning is a kind of technology for surviving in extreme temperatures |- a culture living above the arctic circle would most likely develop air conditioning F ? F F F ? F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7093188-D premise power lines have a negative impact on the environment T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7093188-D premise harming something has the opposite impact on that something F ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7093188-D hypothesis power lines would harm the environment the least KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7093188-D entailment power lines have a negative impact on the environment & harming something has the opposite impact on that something |- power lines would harm the environment the least F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7092225-D premise wind is not the main source of energy that causes water to evaporate from the surface of earth T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7092225-D premise wind is a source of energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7092225-D hypothesis wind is the main source of energy that causes water to evaporate from the surface of earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7092225-D entailment wind is not the main source of energy that causes water to evaporate from the surface of earth & wind is a source of energy |- wind is the main source of energy that causes water to evaporate from the surface of earth F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7092225-A premise the sun is the main source of energy that causes water to evaporate from the surface of earth T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7092225-A premise lightning is a kind of electromagnetic radiation that travels through space F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7092225-A hypothesis lightning is the main source of energy that causes water to evaporate from the surface of earth KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7092225-A entailment the sun is the main source of energy that causes water to evaporate from the surface of earth & lightning is a kind of electromagnetic radiation that travels through space |- lightning is the main source of energy that causes water to evaporate from the surface of earth F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090545-B premise classifying rocks requires observing and classifying the rocks T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090545-B premise eroded and deposited in layers are the opposite of classifying F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090545-B hypothesis in order for rocks to be classified as igneous, the rocks must be eroded and deposited in layers KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7090545-B entailment classifying rocks requires observing and classifying the rocks & eroded and deposited in layers are the opposite of classifying |- in order for rocks to be classified as igneous, the rocks must be eroded and deposited in layers F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086223-C premise the amount of sand in soil does not indicate whether the soil contains nutrients T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086223-C premise if something does not indicate something else then that something else best indicates that something F ? T T T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086223-C hypothesis amount of sand best indicates that soil contains nutrients KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086223-C entailment the amount of sand in soil does not indicate whether the soil contains nutrients & if something does not indicate something else then that something else best indicates that something |- amount of sand best indicates that soil contains nutrients F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086223-A premise the soil has a sandy texture F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086223-A premise soil contains nutrients for plants T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086223-A hypothesis a texture best indicates that soil contains nutrients KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086223-A entailment the soil has a sandy texture & soil contains nutrients for plants |- a texture best indicates that soil contains nutrients F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-D premise metamorphic rock is not directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-D premise if something is not directly formed then that something is not directly formed T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-D hypothesis metamorphic rocks is directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-D entailment metamorphic rock is not directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion & if something is not directly formed then that something is not directly formed |- metamorphic rocks is directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-C premise igneous rocks are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-C premise exposure to extreme heat and pressure is the opposite of weathering and erosion T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-C hypothesis igneous rocks is directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-C entailment igneous rocks are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure & exposure to extreme heat and pressure is the opposite of weathering and erosion |- igneous rocks is directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-A premise the formation of crystals is not directly affected by weathering and erosion T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-A premise if something is not affected by something else then that something else is directly formed as a result of that something F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-A hypothesis crystals is directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7086188-A entailment the formation of crystals is not directly affected by weathering and erosion & if something is not affected by something else then that something else is directly formed as a result of that something |- crystals is directly formed as a result of weathering and erosion F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085995-B premise wind / wind energy does not result in an increase in pollution when used to produce energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085995-B premise wind is a source of energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085995-B hypothesis wind results in an increase in pollution when used to produce energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085995-B entailment wind / wind energy does not result in an increase in pollution when used to produce energy & wind is a source of energy |- wind results in an increase in pollution when used to produce energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085575-A premise using solar energy causes the least amount of pollution T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085575-A premise solar energy is a kind of resource T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085575-A hypothesis which resource when used causes the most pollution solar KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085575-A entailment using solar energy causes the least amount of pollution & solar energy is a kind of resource |- which resource when used causes the most pollution solar F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085523-B premise sandstone is formed from sediment that has been compacted, heated, and recrystallized F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085523-B premise limestone is a kind of sediment T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085523-B hypothesis a sandstone is formed from limestone that has been compacted, heated, and recrystallized KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7085523-B entailment sandstone is formed from sediment that has been compacted, heated, and recrystallized & limestone is a kind of sediment |- a sandstone is formed from limestone that has been compacted, heated, and recrystallized F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7084630-A premise evaporation transports water from plants to clouds F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7084630-A premise precipitation is when water falls from the sky T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7084630-A hypothesis a precipitation transports water from plants to clouds KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7084630-A entailment evaporation transports water from plants to clouds & precipitation is when water falls from the sky |- a precipitation transports water from plants to clouds F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083983-C premise matter in the solid phase consists of tightly packed particles T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083983-C premise matter in the gas phase consists of loosely packed particles T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083983-C hypothesis that matter consists of tightly packed particles applies to all states of matter KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083983-C entailment matter in the solid phase consists of tightly packed particles & matter in the gas phase consists of loosely packed particles |- that matter consists of tightly packed particles applies to all states of matter F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083720-C premise light waves are arranged in the electromagnetic spectrum by frequency T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083720-C premise brightness / color is a property of light and includes values of low / high T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083720-C hypothesis light waves are arranged in the electromagnetic spectrum by brightness and color KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7083720-C entailment light waves are arranged in the electromagnetic spectrum by frequency & brightness / color is a property of light and includes values of low / high |- light waves are arranged in the electromagnetic spectrum by brightness and color F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7082775-D premise a proton has a positive 1 electric charge ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7082775-D premise the opposite of positive is negative T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7082775-D hypothesis a proton has a negative charge KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7082775-D entailment a proton has a positive 1 electric charge & the opposite of positive is negative |- a proton has a negative charge F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7082775-A premise a neutron has a neutral 0 electric charge ? T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7082775-A premise the opposite of negative is positive T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7082775-A hypothesis a neutron has a negative charge KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7082775-A entailment a neutron has a neutral 0 electric charge & the opposite of negative is positive |- a neutron has a negative charge ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-D premise bone is not a part of the nervous system T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-D premise organs are parts of the nervous system T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-D hypothesis bone is a major organ of the nervous system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-D entailment bone is not a part of the nervous system & organs are parts of the nervous system |- bone is a major organ of the nervous system F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-C premise a lung is a kind of organ T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-C premise the nervous system is made of nerve cells T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-C hypothesis a lung is a major organ of the nervous system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-C entailment a lung is a kind of organ & the nervous system is made of nerve cells |- a lung is a major organ of the nervous system F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-B premise the nervous system is made of nerve cells T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-B premise a stomach is not made of nerve cells T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-B hypothesis stomach is a major organ of the nervous system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7081795-B entailment the nervous system is made of nerve cells & a stomach is not made of nerve cells |- stomach is a major organ of the nervous system F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077683-A premise the best example of balanced forces is a car decreasing speed F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077683-A premise the opposite of decreasing something is increasing something T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077683-A hypothesis the best example of balanced forces is a car increasing speed KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7077683-A entailment the best example of balanced forces is a car decreasing speed & the opposite of decreasing something is increasing something |- the best example of balanced forces is a car increasing speed F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-B premise nutrients are a kind of material T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-B premise a nucleus is not a part of a cell F F ? F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-B hypothesis a nucleus allows nutrients to pass into cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-B entailment nutrients are a kind of material & a nucleus is not a part of a cell |- a nucleus allows nutrients to pass into cells F F ? F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-A premise nutrients are a kind of material T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-A premise a mitochondrion is a kind of cellular organelle T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-A hypothesis a mitochondrion allows nutrients to pass into cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7075163-A entailment nutrients are a kind of material & a mitochondrion is a kind of cellular organelle |- a mitochondrion allows nutrients to pass into cells F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072695-D premise humans can sense things without using equipment or technology T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072695-D premise an x ray is a kind of thing T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072695-D hypothesis humans can sense x-rays without using equipment or technology KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072695-D entailment humans can sense things without using equipment or technology & an x ray is a kind of thing |- humans can sense x-rays without using equipment or technology F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072328-D premise the primary function of a doorbell circuit is not to convert electrical energy into other forms of energy F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072328-D premise an example of a form of energy is chemical energy F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072328-D hypothesis the primary function of a doorbell circuit is to convert electrical energy into chemical energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072328-D entailment the primary function of a doorbell circuit is not to convert electrical energy into other forms of energy & an example of a form of energy is chemical energy |- the primary function of a doorbell circuit is to convert electrical energy into chemical energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072328-C premise the primary function of a doorbell circuit is not to convert electrical energy into other forms of energy F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072328-C premise an example of another form of energy is radiant energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072328-C hypothesis the primary function of a doorbell circuit is to convert electrical energy into radiant energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7072328-C entailment the primary function of a doorbell circuit is not to convert electrical energy into other forms of energy & an example of another form of energy is radiant energy |- the primary function of a doorbell circuit is to convert electrical energy into radiant energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071838-D premise a mineral is a kind of solid / natural material T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071838-D premise fossiliferous is not a physical property of a mineral T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071838-D hypothesis fossiliferous term is used to describe a physical property of a mineral KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071838-D entailment a mineral is a kind of solid / natural material & fossiliferous is not a physical property of a mineral |- fossiliferous term is used to describe a physical property of a mineral F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071838-C premise the term gaseous is used to describe a physical property of a material T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071838-C premise a mineral is a kind of solid / natural material T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071838-C hypothesis gaseous term is used to describe a physical property of a mineral KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071838-C entailment the term gaseous is used to describe a physical property of a material & a mineral is a kind of solid / natural material |- gaseous term is used to describe a physical property of a mineral F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071715-D premise the oceanic crust is not continually being created T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071715-D premise the continental crust is continually being created F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071715-D hypothesis a difference between the oceanic crust and the continental crust is that the oceanic crust is continually being created KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071715-D entailment the oceanic crust is not continually being created & the continental crust is continually being created |- a difference between the oceanic crust and the continental crust is that the oceanic crust is continually being created F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071715-A premise the oceanic crust is composed chiefly of igneous rock ? F ? F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071715-A premise the continental crust is composed chiefly of sedimentary rock ? F ? F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071715-A hypothesis a difference between the oceanic crust and the continental crust is that the oceanic crust is composed chiefly of sedimentary rocks KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7071715-A entailment the oceanic crust is composed chiefly of igneous rock & the continental crust is composed chiefly of sedimentary rock |- a difference between the oceanic crust and the continental crust is that the oceanic crust is composed chiefly of sedimentary rocks F F ? F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7069563-C premise when a switch to a ceiling fan is turned on, electrical energy is being transformed into mechanical energy T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7069563-C premise mechanical energy is the opposite of chemical energy F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7069563-C hypothesis when a switch to a ceiling fan is turned on, electrical energy is being transformed into chemical energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7069563-C entailment when a switch to a ceiling fan is turned on, electrical energy is being transformed into mechanical energy & mechanical energy is the opposite of chemical energy |- when a switch to a ceiling fan is turned on, electrical energy is being transformed into chemical energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064628-B premise transpiration by plants is a source of energy F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064628-B premise evaporation of water from the surface of bodies of water is a source of energy F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064628-B hypothesis transpiration by plants is the primary source of energy that causes evaporation of water from the surface of bodies of water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064628-B entailment transpiration by plants is a source of energy & evaporation of water from the surface of bodies of water is a source of energy |- transpiration by plants is the primary source of energy that causes evaporation of water from the surface of bodies of water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064593-B premise a gasoline lawn mower does not contain an electrical device T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064593-B premise if an electrical device contains an electrical energy then the electrical energy will be converted to potential energy F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064593-B hypothesis electrical energy to potential energy takes place in a gasoline lawn mower KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064593-B entailment a gasoline lawn mower does not contain an electrical device & if an electrical device contains an electrical energy then the electrical energy will be converted to potential energy |- electrical energy to potential energy takes place in a gasoline lawn mower F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064540-C premise photosynthesis is a process that converts sunlight energy into a compound that stores chemical energy T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064540-C premise respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064540-C hypothesis respiration is a process that converts sunlight energy into a compound that stores chemical energy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7064540-C entailment photosynthesis is a process that converts sunlight energy into a compound that stores chemical energy & respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis |- respiration is a process that converts sunlight energy into a compound that stores chemical energy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044660-A premise a device that converts light energy into electricity is not a battery F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044660-A premise many handheld calculators do not require a battery to operate T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044660-A hypothesis a device that converts light energy into electricity used in many handheld calculators is a battery KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044660-A entailment a device that converts light energy into electricity is not a battery & many handheld calculators do not require a battery to operate |- a device that converts light energy into electricity used in many handheld calculators is a battery F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044538-D premise a student should use a microscope to examine bacteria T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044538-D premise a microscope is a kind of instrument for examining bacteria T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044538-D hypothesis a student should use computer probes to best examine bacteria KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044538-D entailment a student should use a microscope to examine bacteria & a microscope is a kind of instrument for examining bacteria |- a student should use computer probes to best examine bacteria F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044538-A premise a student should use a microscope to best examine bacteria T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044538-A premise a microscope is a kind of instrument for observing things by making observations T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044538-A hypothesis a student should use a telescope to best examine bacteria KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7044538-A entailment a student should use a microscope to best examine bacteria & a microscope is a kind of instrument for observing things by making observations |- a student should use a telescope to best examine bacteria F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043838-C premise the moon is a source of energy T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043838-C premise weather patterns are driven by energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043838-C hypothesis the moon is the main source of energy that drives all weather patterns KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043838-C entailment the moon is a source of energy & weather patterns are driven by energy |- the moon is the main source of energy that drives all weather patterns F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-D premise a full moon is observed from earth's surface about once per month T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-D premise a leap year is when the number of months in a year increases by one F F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-D hypothesis about how often is a full moon observed from earth's surface once each leap year KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-D entailment a full moon is observed from earth's surface about once per month & a leap year is when the number of months in a year increases by one |- about how often is a full moon observed from earth's surface once each leap year F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-C premise a full moon is more likely to be visible during the full moon phase T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-C premise a full moon is more likely to be observed from earth's surface during the full moon phase T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-C hypothesis about how often is a full moon observed from earth's surface every two weeks KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-C entailment a full moon is more likely to be visible during the full moon phase & a full moon is more likely to be observed from earth's surface during the full moon phase |- about how often is a full moon observed from earth's surface every two weeks F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-A premise a full moon is more likely to be observed during the full moon phase T T ? T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-A premise the full moon phase is observed from earth's surface T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-A hypothesis about how often is a full moon observed from earth's surface each week KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043750-A entailment a full moon is more likely to be observed during the full moon phase & the full moon phase is observed from earth's surface |- about how often is a full moon observed from earth's surface each week F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043698-B premise a lunar month is equal to 28-31 days T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043698-B premise the moon rotates on its axis 28-31 times per month F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043698-B hypothesis how many times does the moon rotate on its axis during a lunar month two KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043698-B entailment a lunar month is equal to 28-31 days & the moon rotates on its axis 28-31 times per month |- how many times does the moon rotate on its axis during a lunar month two F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043610-C premise if a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, a stopwatch would be most useful T T T T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043610-C premise a binoculars and camera would not be useful for measuring the speed of a bicycle F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043610-C hypothesis if a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, binoculars and camera would be most useful KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043610-C entailment if a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, a stopwatch would be most useful & a binoculars and camera would not be useful for measuring the speed of a bicycle |- if a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, binoculars and camera would be most useful F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043610-B premise if a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, a tape measure would be most useful F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043610-B premise binoculars would not be useful for measuring speed T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043610-B hypothesis if a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, binoculars and tape measure would be most useful KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7043610-B entailment if a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, a tape measure would be most useful & binoculars would not be useful for measuring speed |- if a class wants to measure the speed of a bicycle during an outdoor lab exercise, binoculars and tape measure would be most useful F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040915-A premise when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, summer is occurring in australia F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040915-A premise summer is when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040915-A hypothesis when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, fall is occurring in australia KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040915-A entailment when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, summer is occurring in australia & summer is when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun |- when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, fall is occurring in australia F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040898-B premise the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when it is in winter T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040898-B premise if a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun then that hemisphere is experiencing winter T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040898-B hypothesis the northern hemisphere is experiencing winter when it is tilted directly toward the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7040898-B entailment the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when it is in winter & if a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun then that hemisphere is experiencing winter |- the northern hemisphere is experiencing winter when it is tilted directly toward the sun F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038710-C premise chocolate melting in a pan is an example of substances melting T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038710-C premise melting is the opposite of chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038710-C hypothesis chocolate melting in a pan is an example of substances reacting chemically KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038710-C entailment chocolate melting in a pan is an example of substances melting & melting is the opposite of chemical reaction |- chocolate melting in a pan is an example of substances reacting chemically F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038658-B premise a proton is part of the nucleus of an atom T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038658-B premise a proton is not negatively-charged T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038658-B hypothesis negatively charged and part of the nucleus best describes a proton KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7038658-B entailment a proton is part of the nucleus of an atom & a proton is not negatively-charged |- negatively charged and part of the nucleus best describes a proton F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037695-D premise evaporation of water is the opposite of condensation T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037695-D premise condensation is an exothermic process T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037695-D hypothesis evaporation of water is an example of an exothermic process KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7037695-D entailment evaporation of water is the opposite of condensation & condensation is an exothermic process |- evaporation of water is an example of an exothermic process F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7032655-D premise an element with which property would be worst to use in electrical wiring is porous T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7032655-D premise the opposite of porous is not porous T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7032655-D hypothesis an element with which property would be best to use in electrical wiring porous KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7032655-D entailment an element with which property would be worst to use in electrical wiring is porous & the opposite of porous is not porous |- an element with which property would be best to use in electrical wiring porous F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7030818-A premise air is a kind of gas F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7030818-A premise gasses are not grouped together by gas properties ? F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7030818-A hypothesis ) are grouped together because they are lighter than air KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7030818-A entailment air is a kind of gas & gasses are not grouped together by gas properties |- ) are grouped together because they are lighter than air F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7024483-A premise height is an inherited trait in animals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7024483-A premise a human is a kind of animal T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7024483-A hypothesis height is not an inherited trait in humans KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7024483-A entailment height is an inherited trait in animals & a human is a kind of animal |- height is not an inherited trait in humans F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018165-C premise the action that results when waves made in a pond strike the edges and bounce back is known as wave action F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018165-C premise vibration is the opposite of wave action F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018165-C hypothesis the action that results when waves made in a pond strike the edges and bounce back is known as vibration KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018165-C entailment the action that results when waves made in a pond strike the edges and bounce back is known as wave action & vibration is the opposite of wave action |- the action that results when waves made in a pond strike the edges and bounce back is known as vibration F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018130-C premise metalloid is used in solar cells and computer chips T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018130-C premise arsenic is not used in solar cells and computer chips T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018130-C hypothesis which metalloid is used in solar cells and computer chips arsenic KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018130-C entailment metalloid is used in solar cells and computer chips & arsenic is not used in solar cells and computer chips |- which metalloid is used in solar cells and computer chips arsenic F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018043-C premise which of these are broken down during chemical change ? ? T T ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018043-C premise chemical change is the opposite of physical change F T F T T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018043-C hypothesis which of these are broken down during chemical, but not physical, changes solutions KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018043-C entailment which of these are broken down during chemical change & chemical change is the opposite of physical change |- which of these are broken down during chemical, but not physical, changes solutions ? F ? F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018043-B premise which of these are broken down during chemical change ? ? T T ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018043-B premise chemical change is the opposite of physical change F T F T T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018043-B hypothesis which of these are broken down during chemical, but not physical, changes mixtures KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7018043-B entailment which of these are broken down during chemical change & chemical change is the opposite of physical change |- which of these are broken down during chemical, but not physical, changes mixtures F ? F F ? F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017763-A premise removing grass from the steepest slope will increase the amount of soil erosion T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017763-A premise if something increases the amount of something else then that something can be best prevented by decreasing that something else ? F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017763-A hypothesis soil erosion can be best prevented by removing grass from the steepest slope KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017763-A entailment removing grass from the steepest slope will increase the amount of soil erosion & if something increases the amount of something else then that something can be best prevented by decreasing that something else |- soil erosion can be best prevented by removing grass from the steepest slope F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017150-A premise coal is used for generating electricity by burning T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017150-A premise coal is not a source of electricity F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017150-A hypothesis mechanical to electrical occurs whenever coal is burned KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7017150-A entailment coal is used for generating electricity by burning & coal is not a source of electricity |- mechanical to electrical occurs whenever coal is burned F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7016188-D premise a plasma is a kind of gas F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7016188-D premise at room temperature, copper is a kind of gas F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7016188-D hypothesis at room temperature, a plasma is copper KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7016188-D entailment a plasma is a kind of gas & at room temperature, copper is a kind of gas |- at room temperature, a plasma is copper F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7015750-C premise nitrogen is not common in stars F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7015750-C premise the sun is a kind of star T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7015750-C hypothesis nitrogen is the most common element in a star such as the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7015750-C entailment nitrogen is not common in stars & the sun is a kind of star |- nitrogen is the most common element in a star such as the sun F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013213-B premise evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013213-B premise water evaporating in air is not an example of a chemical change T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013213-B hypothesis water evaporating in air is an example of a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013213-B entailment evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy & water evaporating in air is not an example of a chemical change |- water evaporating in air is an example of a chemical change F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013143-A premise fireworks are used for a display T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013143-A premise a fireworks display is the opposite of a fireworks show F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013143-A hypothesis a fireworks display is an example of an endothermic process KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7013143-A entailment fireworks are used for a display & a fireworks display is the opposite of a fireworks show |- a fireworks display is an example of an endothermic process F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012898-B premise the milky way is a kind of galaxy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012898-B premise a group of planets revolving around a single star is not a good description of a galaxy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012898-B hypothesis a group of planets revolving around a single star is the best description of the milky way galaxy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012898-B entailment the milky way is a kind of galaxy & a group of planets revolving around a single star is not a good description of a galaxy |- a group of planets revolving around a single star is the best description of the milky way galaxy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012898-A premise the milky way is a kind of galaxy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012898-A premise a collection of gases held together by inertia is not a good description of a galaxy T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012898-A hypothesis the statement that a collection of gases held together by inertia is the best description of the milky way galaxy KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012898-A entailment the milky way is a kind of galaxy & a collection of gases held together by inertia is not a good description of a galaxy |- the statement that a collection of gases held together by inertia is the best description of the milky way galaxy F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-C premise combining sugar and tea involves the formation of a new substance F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-C premise dissolving sugar in tea is similar to combining sugar and tea together T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-C hypothesis dissolving sugar in tea involves the formation of a new chemical substance KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-C entailment combining sugar and tea involves the formation of a new substance & dissolving sugar in tea is similar to combining sugar and tea together |- dissolving sugar in tea involves the formation of a new chemical substance F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-B premise combining salt and pepper is combining two substance together T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-B premise combining two substances chemically does not involve the formation of a new substance F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-B hypothesis mixing salt and pepper involves the formation of a new chemical substance KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-B entailment combining salt and pepper is combining two substance together & combining two substances chemically does not involve the formation of a new substance |- mixing salt and pepper involves the formation of a new chemical substance F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-A premise evaporation of gasoline is a kind of chemical reaction F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-A premise chemical reactions do not involve the formation of new chemical substances F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-A hypothesis evaporation of gasoline involves the formation of a new chemical substance KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012810-A entailment evaporation of gasoline is a kind of chemical reaction & chemical reactions do not involve the formation of new chemical substances |- evaporation of gasoline involves the formation of a new chemical substance F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012618-D premise sound waves travel fastest through matter F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012618-D premise a vacuum has no matter in it T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012618-D hypothesis sound waves travel fastest in a vacuum KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7012618-D entailment sound waves travel fastest through matter & a vacuum has no matter in it |- sound waves travel fastest in a vacuum F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011358-B premise stars are located light years apart from each other T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011358-B premise kilometers k are an metric / si unit used for measuring length generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011358-B hypothesis kilometers is used to record distances between stars KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011358-B entailment stars are located light years apart from each other & kilometers k are an metric / si unit used for measuring length generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 |- kilometers is used to record distances between stars F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011358-A premise stars are located light years apart from each other T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011358-A premise miles / kilometer is a metric / imperial unit used for measuring length generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011358-A hypothesis miles is used to record distances between stars KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011358-A entailment stars are located light years apart from each other & miles / kilometer is a metric / imperial unit used for measuring length generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 |- miles is used to record distances between stars F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011095-A premise heat conductivity is important to have in a material used in cookware T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011095-A premise a thermal insulator is a poor conductor of heat T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011095-A hypothesis poor conductor of heat is important to have in a material used in cookware KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7011095-A entailment heat conductivity is important to have in a material used in cookware & a thermal insulator is a poor conductor of heat |- poor conductor of heat is important to have in a material used in cookware F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009503-B premise an atom losing or gaining an electron does not change the atomic number T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009503-B premise if an atom loses or gains an electron then that atom will change F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009503-B hypothesis when an atom loses or gains an electron, it changes atomic number KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009503-B entailment an atom losing or gaining an electron does not change the atomic number & if an atom loses or gains an electron then that atom will change |- when an atom loses or gains an electron, it changes atomic number F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009503-A premise an atom is a kind of object T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009503-A premise when an object loses or gains an electron, it does not change atomic mass T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009503-A hypothesis when an atom loses or gains an electron, it changes atomic mass KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009503-A entailment an atom is a kind of object & when an object loses or gains an electron, it does not change atomic mass |- when an atom loses or gains an electron, it changes atomic mass F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009485-C premise an atom cannot share electrons with another atom F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009485-C premise if an atom cannot share electrons with another atom, then an atom will always have one less electron F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009485-C hypothesis an atom will always have \shared\" electrons from another atom" KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7009485-C entailment an atom cannot share electrons with another atom & if an atom cannot share electrons with another atom, then an atom will always have one less electron |- an atom will always have \shared\" electrons from another atom" F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008628-B premise combining acid and base can cause chemical change T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008628-B premise detergent is made of acid and base F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008628-B hypothesis detergent added to water causes a chemical change KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008628-B entailment combining acid and base can cause chemical change & detergent is made of acid and base |- detergent added to water causes a chemical change F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008278-D premise decreasing crop rotation will decrease the amount of nitrogen in the soil F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008278-D premise decreasing soil erosion will decrease the amount of nitrogen in soil F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008278-D hypothesis that the soil erodes less rapidly most likely happens to soil when crops are not rotated from year to year KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7008278-D entailment decreasing crop rotation will decrease the amount of nitrogen in the soil & decreasing soil erosion will decrease the amount of nitrogen in soil |- that the soil erodes less rapidly most likely happens to soil when crops are not rotated from year to year F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007945-B premise the highest tides occur during the day F F ? F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007945-B premise it is nighttime along the texas coast F F ? F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007945-B hypothesis when would the highest tides occur along the texas coast at sunset KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007945-B entailment the highest tides occur during the day & it is nighttime along the texas coast |- when would the highest tides occur along the texas coast at sunset F F ? F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007718-B premise the range of all forms of radiant energy is called the electromagnetic spectrum F T F T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007718-B premise the electromagnetic spectrum is made of all forms of radiant energy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007718-B hypothesis the range of all forms of radiant energy is called the audio spectrum KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7007718-B entailment the range of all forms of radiant energy is called the electromagnetic spectrum & the electromagnetic spectrum is made of all forms of radiant energy |- the range of all forms of radiant energy is called the audio spectrum F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7005023-A premise the growing of legume crops such as beans and soybeans would have a negative impact on the efficiency of photosynthesis F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7005023-A premise if something has a negative impact on something else then decreasing that something would increase the efficiency of that something else T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7005023-A hypothesis the growing of legume crops such as beans and soybeans would have increase the efficiency of photosynthesis KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_7005023-A entailment the growing of legume crops such as beans and soybeans would have a negative impact on the efficiency of photosynthesis & if something has a negative impact on something else then decreasing that something would increase the efficiency of that something else |- the growing of legume crops such as beans and soybeans would have increase the efficiency of photosynthesis F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416583-B premise sexual reproduction in volvox requires specialized gonidia cells F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416583-B premise conjugation in a paramecium does not require specialized gonidia cells T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416583-B hypothesis conjugation in a paramecium differs from sexual reproduction in volvox because conjugation requires specialized gonidia cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416583-B entailment sexual reproduction in volvox requires specialized gonidia cells & conjugation in a paramecium does not require specialized gonidia cells |- conjugation in a paramecium differs from sexual reproduction in volvox because conjugation requires specialized gonidia cells F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-B premise amoebas and paramecia both reproduce asexually through fission F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-B premise conjugation is a kind of bacterial reproduction T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-B hypothesis neither can conjugate is true about reproduction for both an amoeba and a paramecium KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_416466-B entailment amoebas and paramecia both reproduce asexually through fission & conjugation is a kind of bacterial reproduction |- neither can conjugate is true about reproduction for both an amoeba and a paramecium F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_414091-D premise oxygen is more common than hydrogen on earth T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_414091-D premise hydrogen is more common than oxygen in the compounds that make up ocean water F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_414091-D hypothesis the most common element is found silicon in the compounds that make up ocean water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_414091-D entailment oxygen is more common than hydrogen on earth & hydrogen is more common than oxygen in the compounds that make up ocean water |- the most common element is found silicon in the compounds that make up ocean water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_414091-C premise carbon is more common than hydrogen on earth F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_414091-C premise ocean water is made of hydrogen and oxygen T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_414091-C hypothesis the most common element is found carbon in the compounds that make up ocean water KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_414091-C entailment carbon is more common than hydrogen on earth & ocean water is made of hydrogen and oxygen |- the most common element is found carbon in the compounds that make up ocean water F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412642-B premise an atomic mass of 12 is not a property shared by the elements in the carbon family T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412642-B premise the atomic mass of carbon is not 12 T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412642-B hypothesis an atomic mass of 12 is a property shared by the elements in the carbon family KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412642-B entailment an atomic mass of 12 is not a property shared by the elements in the carbon family & the atomic mass of carbon is not 12 |- an atomic mass of 12 is a property shared by the elements in the carbon family F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412149-C premise calcium, ca, is in group 2 on the periodic table T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412149-C premise sodium, na, is in group 1 on the periodic table T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412149-C hypothesis sodium, na, is in the same group as ca KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_412149-C entailment calcium, ca, is in group 2 on the periodic table & sodium, na, is in group 1 on the periodic table |- sodium, na, is in the same group as ca F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_407660-B premise evaporation is the opposite of chemical reaction T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_407660-B premise water evaporating into air is the opposite of chemical reaction T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_407660-B hypothesis that water evaporates into air is an example of a chemical reaction KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_407660-B entailment evaporation is the opposite of chemical reaction & water evaporating into air is the opposite of chemical reaction |- that water evaporates into air is an example of a chemical reaction F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_406548-D premise inherited characteristics is most likely the cause of a father and son having almost identical-sounding voices T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_406548-D premise inherited characteristics are the opposite of instinctive characteristics T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_406548-D hypothesis instinctive characteristics is most likely the cause of a father and son having almost identical-sounding voices KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_406548-D entailment inherited characteristics is most likely the cause of a father and son having almost identical-sounding voices & inherited characteristics are the opposite of instinctive characteristics |- instinctive characteristics is most likely the cause of a father and son having almost identical-sounding voices F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_406548-B premise the father and son have almost identical-sounding voices T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_406548-B premise environmental conditions are not likely to cause an individual's voice to sound identical T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_406548-B hypothesis environmental conditions is most likely the cause of a father and son having almost identical-sounding voices KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_406548-B entailment the father and son have almost identical-sounding voices & environmental conditions are not likely to cause an individual's voice to sound identical |- environmental conditions is most likely the cause of a father and son having almost identical-sounding voices F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405870-D premise removing waste from the body is not the primary function of the skeletal body system T T F T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405870-D premise removing waste is a kind of function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405870-D hypothesis removing waste from the body is the primary function of skeletal body system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405870-D entailment removing waste from the body is not the primary function of the skeletal body system & removing waste is a kind of function |- removing waste from the body is the primary function of skeletal body system F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405870-C premise removing waste from the body is not the primary function of the circulatory body system T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405870-C premise removing waste is a kind of function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405870-C hypothesis removing waste from the body is the primary function of circulatory body system KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405870-C entailment removing waste from the body is not the primary function of the circulatory body system & removing waste is a kind of function |- removing waste from the body is the primary function of circulatory body system F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-C premise a bone does not carry out the function of copying dna T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-C premise if something does not carry out a process, then that something does not perform that process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-C hypothesis a bones carries out the function of copying dna KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-C entailment a bone does not carry out the function of copying dna & if something does not carry out a process, then that something does not perform that process |- a bones carries out the function of copying dna F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-B premise a heart does not carry out the function of copying dna T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-B premise if something does not carry out a function then that something does not perform that function T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-B hypothesis a heart carries out the function of copying dna KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-B entailment a heart does not carry out the function of copying dna & if something does not carry out a function then that something does not perform that function |- a heart carries out the function of copying dna F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-A premise brain does not carry out the function of copying dna T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-A premise if something does not carry out a process, then that something does not carry out that process T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-A hypothesis brain carries out the function of copying dna KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405868-A entailment brain does not carry out the function of copying dna & if something does not carry out a process, then that something does not carry out that process |- brain carries out the function of copying dna F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405768-B premise blood carries oxygen to the brain T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405768-B premise blood is a part of the body T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405768-B hypothesis brain carries oxygen throughout the body KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405768-B entailment blood carries oxygen to the brain & blood is a part of the body |- brain carries oxygen throughout the body F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405470-B premise transit systems, such as buses, do not benefit society by increasing the number of car sales F T F T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405470-B premise if something does not benefit society then that something does not benefit society F T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405470-B hypothesis by increasing the number of car sales is a way in which transit systems, such as buses, do benefit society KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405470-B entailment transit systems, such as buses, do not benefit society by increasing the number of car sales & if something does not benefit society then that something does not benefit society |- by increasing the number of car sales is a way in which transit systems, such as buses, do benefit society F F ? F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405468-A premise some types of new technology may cause workers to become more productive T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405468-A premise increasing worker productivity is the opposite of decreasing worker productivity T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405468-A hypothesis increased worker productivity is a negative effect associated with some types of new technology KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405468-A entailment some types of new technology may cause workers to become more productive & increasing worker productivity is the opposite of decreasing worker productivity |- increased worker productivity is a negative effect associated with some types of new technology F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-D premise an example of poor water management is running the dishwasher when it is not full T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-D premise good water management is the opposite of poor water management T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-D hypothesis running the dishwasher when it is not full is an example of good water management KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-D entailment an example of poor water management is running the dishwasher when it is not full & good water management is the opposite of poor water management |- running the dishwasher when it is not full is an example of good water management F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-B premise watering the grass every day is not an example of good water management T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-B premise if something is not done every day then that something is not done often T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-B hypothesis watering the grass every day is an example of good water management KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-B entailment watering the grass every day is not an example of good water management & if something is not done every day then that something is not done often |- watering the grass every day is an example of good water management F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-A premise letting faucets drip wastes water T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-A premise waste is the opposite of good management T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-A hypothesis letting faucets drip is an example of good water management KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405167-A entailment letting faucets drip wastes water & waste is the opposite of good management |- letting faucets drip is an example of good water management F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405160-C premise granite is a kind of rock T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405160-C premise a rock is not classified by its crystals T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405160-C hypothesis granite is classified as a rock because it has crystals KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405160-C entailment granite is a kind of rock & a rock is not classified by its crystals |- granite is classified as a rock because it has crystals F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405139-D premise coal is a kind of energy source T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405139-D premise coal is formed from plants T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405139-D hypothesis coal, because it was formed from plants identifies an energy source as renewable KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405139-D entailment coal is a kind of energy source & coal is formed from plants |- coal, because it was formed from plants identifies an energy source as renewable F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405139-C premise water, because it is becoming scarce identifies a resource as nonrenewable T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405139-C premise an energy source is a kind of resource T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405139-C hypothesis water, because it is becoming scarce identifies an energy source as renewable KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405139-C entailment water, because it is becoming scarce identifies a resource as nonrenewable & an energy source is a kind of resource |- water, because it is becoming scarce identifies an energy source as renewable F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405133-C premise a fossil is more likely to be found in sedimentary rock T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405133-C premise sedimentary rocks are made of sediment T ? T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405133-C hypothesis an igneous rock would most likely contain a fossil KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405133-C entailment a fossil is more likely to be found in sedimentary rock & sedimentary rocks are made of sediment |- an igneous rock would most likely contain a fossil F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405064-A premise mine more coal will make the fossil fuel supply last longer F F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405064-A premise mining coal requires using coal T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405064-A hypothesis mine more coal is the best plan to make the fossil fuel supply last longer KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_405064-A entailment mine more coal will make the fossil fuel supply last longer & mining coal requires using coal |- mine more coal is the best plan to make the fossil fuel supply last longer F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-C premise all living organisms require a stable climate for survival T T F T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-C premise if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing does not have that something in common ? F F F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-C hypothesis a characteristic that all living organisms have in common is they live in the same climate KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-C entailment all living organisms require a stable climate for survival & if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing does not have that something in common |- a characteristic that all living organisms have in common is they live in the same climate ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-B premise all living organisms have a finite number of years to live T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-B premise a finite number of years is a kind of characteristic F T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-B hypothesis a characteristic that all living organisms have in common is they have the same life span KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-B entailment all living organisms have a finite number of years to live & a finite number of years is a kind of characteristic |- a characteristic that all living organisms have in common is they have the same life span F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-A premise all living organisms require nutrients for survival T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-A premise the ability to utilize nutrients is a characteristic of living organisms that determines whether or not they survive T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-A hypothesis a characteristic that all living organisms have in common is they need similar food KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404794-A entailment all living organisms require nutrients for survival & the ability to utilize nutrients is a characteristic of living organisms that determines whether or not they survive |- a characteristic that all living organisms have in common is they need similar food F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404692-B premise a compass is not the best tool to measure the angles of a triangular object T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404692-B premise a compass is a kind of tool T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404692-B hypothesis a compass is the best tool to measure the angles of a triangular object KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_404692-B entailment a compass is not the best tool to measure the angles of a triangular object & a compass is a kind of tool |- a compass is the best tool to measure the angles of a triangular object F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402349-D premise acid is 0 to 6 in ph level which makes it acidic F F ? T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402349-D premise the lower the ph level of a substance, the stronger acid the substance is F T ? F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402349-D hypothesis according to a ph scale, 12 would be the strongest acid KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402349-D entailment acid is 0 to 6 in ph level which makes it acidic & the lower the ph level of a substance, the stronger acid the substance is |- according to a ph scale, 12 would be the strongest acid F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402349-C premise acid is 0 to 6 in ph level which makes it acidic F F ? T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402349-C premise the lower the ph level of a substance, the stronger acid the substance is F T ? F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402349-C hypothesis according to a ph scale, 9 would be the strongest acid KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402349-C entailment acid is 0 to 6 in ph level which makes it acidic & the lower the ph level of a substance, the stronger acid the substance is |- according to a ph scale, 9 would be the strongest acid F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402066-D premise planets remain in orbit around the sun because of gravity F T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402066-D premise gravity is the opposite of centrifugal force T F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402066-D hypothesis planets remain in orbit around the sun because of centrifugal force KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_402066-D entailment planets remain in orbit around the sun because of gravity & gravity is the opposite of centrifugal force |- planets remain in orbit around the sun because of centrifugal force F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-D premise an atom with a positive 1 charge has lost an electron T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-D premise the opposite of losing an electron is gaining an electron T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-D hypothesis an atom with a +1 charge has gained an electron KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401407-D entailment an atom with a positive 1 charge has lost an electron & the opposite of losing an electron is gaining an electron |- an atom with a +1 charge has gained an electron F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-C premise an example of an instinctive behavior is a butterfly migrating to the south T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-C premise an instinctive behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-C hypothesis a butterfly migrating to the south is an example of learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-C entailment an example of an instinctive behavior is a butterfly migrating to the south & an instinctive behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior |- a butterfly migrating to the south is an example of learned behavior F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-B premise an example of an inherited behavior is a spider spinning a web in a tree T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-B premise an inherited behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-B hypothesis a spider spinning a web in a tree is an example of learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-B entailment an example of an inherited behavior is a spider spinning a web in a tree & an inherited behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior |- a spider spinning a web in a tree is an example of learned behavior F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-A premise an example of an instinctive behavior is a bear hibernating in the winter T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-A premise an instinctive behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-A hypothesis a bear hibernating in the winter is an example of learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401338-A entailment an example of an instinctive behavior is a bear hibernating in the winter & an instinctive behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior |- a bear hibernating in the winter is an example of learned behavior F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401315-C premise mars is a planet that orbits around the sun T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401315-C premise magnetism does not keep planets in orbit T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401315-C hypothesis magnetism keeps mars in orbit around the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401315-C entailment mars is a planet that orbits around the sun & magnetism does not keep planets in orbit |- magnetism keeps mars in orbit around the sun F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401003-C premise research on diseases has a negative impact on society F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401003-C premise if research on a disease has a negative impact on society, then society does not benefit from that research F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401003-C hypothesis that more families will move closer to hospitals is a way in which society does benefit from research on diseases KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_401003-C entailment research on diseases has a negative impact on society & if research on a disease has a negative impact on society, then society does not benefit from that research |- that more families will move closer to hospitals is a way in which society does benefit from research on diseases F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400613-D premise planets do not stay in orbit around the sun because of rotational force T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400613-D premise planets do orbit the sun T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400613-D hypothesis planets do stay in orbit around the sun because rotational force KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400613-D entailment planets do not stay in orbit around the sun because of rotational force & planets do orbit the sun |- planets do stay in orbit around the sun because rotational force F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400613-C premise planets do not stay in orbit around the sun because of frictional force T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400613-C premise planets do orbit the sun T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400613-C hypothesis planets do stay in orbit around the sun because frictional force KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400613-C entailment planets do not stay in orbit around the sun because of frictional force & planets do orbit the sun |- planets do stay in orbit around the sun because frictional force F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400308-A premise mimicking is a learned behavior F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400308-A premise barking is a kind of mimicry F ? F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400308-A hypothesis barking is the best example of a learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400308-A entailment mimicking is a learned behavior & barking is a kind of mimicry |- barking is the best example of a learned behavior F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400159-C premise squinting your eyes in bright light is an instinctive behavior T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400159-C premise an instinctive behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400159-C hypothesis squinting your eyes in bright light is a learned behavior KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400159-C entailment squinting your eyes in bright light is an instinctive behavior & an instinctive behavior is the opposite of a learned behavior |- squinting your eyes in bright light is a learned behavior F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-D premise how far from earth is the sun ? ? ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-D premise the distance from earth to the sun is ten light years F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-D hypothesis how far from earth is an object that is 10 light years from earth ten times the distance from earth to the sun KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-D entailment how far from earth is the sun & the distance from earth to the sun is ten light years |- how far from earth is an object that is 10 light years from earth ten times the distance from earth to the sun F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-B premise light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-B premise an object is 10 light years from earth T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-B hypothesis how far from earth is an object that is 10 light years from earth 10,000,000 km KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-B entailment light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth |- how far from earth is an object that is 10 light years from earth 10,000,000 km F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-A premise how far from earth is an object that is 10 light years away ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-A premise light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-A hypothesis how far from earth is an object that is 10 light years from earth 10,000 km KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400096-A entailment how far from earth is an object that is 10 light years away & light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year |- how far from earth is an object that is 10 light years from earth 10,000 km F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400056-D premise the level of sunlight to which an organism is exposed is not inherited T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400056-D premise a plant is a kind of organism T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400056-D hypothesis the level of sunlight to which it is exposed is inherited KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400056-D entailment the level of sunlight to which an organism is exposed is not inherited & a plant is a kind of organism |- the level of sunlight to which it is exposed is inherited F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400056-B premise an organism requires water for survival T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400056-B premise the amount of something required by an organism is not inherited F ? T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400056-B hypothesis the amount of water it receives is inherited KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_400056-B entailment an organism requires water for survival & the amount of something required by an organism is not inherited |- the amount of water it receives is inherited F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192763-B premise cold-water oceans is not a source of fuels such as coal and natural gas T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192763-B premise if something is not a source of something else then that something else is not the source of that something ? T ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192763-B hypothesis cold-water oceans is the source of fuels such as coal and natural gas KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192763-B entailment cold-water oceans is not a source of fuels such as coal and natural gas & if something is not a source of something else then that something else is not the source of that something |- cold-water oceans is the source of fuels such as coal and natural gas F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192745-C premise petroleum is a nonrenewable resource T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192745-C premise the opposite of renewable is nonrenewable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192745-C hypothesis petroleum is a renewable resource KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192745-C entailment petroleum is a nonrenewable resource & the opposite of renewable is nonrenewable |- petroleum is a renewable resource F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192745-A premise coal is a nonrenewable resource T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192745-A premise the opposite of renewable is nonrenewable T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192745-A hypothesis coal is a renewable resource KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_192745-A entailment coal is a nonrenewable resource & the opposite of renewable is nonrenewable |- coal is a renewable resource F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_188563-B premise early photosynthetic life increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere a long time ago F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_188563-B premise an increased level of something describes a change in something F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_188563-B hypothesis increased level of carbon dioxide best describes a change in earth's atmosphere made by early photosynthetic life KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_188563-B entailment early photosynthetic life increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere a long time ago & an increased level of something describes a change in something |- increased level of carbon dioxide best describes a change in earth's atmosphere made by early photosynthetic life F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_186270-C premise the milky way is a kind of galaxy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_186270-C premise a galaxy can be regular or irregular T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_186270-C hypothesis an irregular is the milky way KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_186270-C entailment the milky way is a kind of galaxy & a galaxy can be regular or irregular |- an irregular is the milky way F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_186270-B premise the milky way is a kind of galaxy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_186270-B premise a milky way is not an elliptical galaxy T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_186270-B hypothesis elliptical galaxy is the milky way KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_186270-B entailment the milky way is a kind of galaxy & a milky way is not an elliptical galaxy |- elliptical galaxy is the milky way F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-C premise the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into helium T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-C premise helium and neon are different elements T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-C hypothesis the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into neon KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-C entailment the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into helium & helium and neon are different elements |- the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into neon F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-B premise the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into helium T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-B premise helium and iron are different elements ? T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-B hypothesis the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into iron KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-B entailment the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into helium & helium and iron are different elements |- the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into iron ? F F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-A premise the fusion reaction that fuels the sun generates energy by converting hydrogen into helium T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-A premise helium and hydrogen are different elements T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-A hypothesis the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into carbon KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_184275-A entailment the fusion reaction that fuels the sun generates energy by converting hydrogen into helium & helium and hydrogen are different elements |- the fusion reaction that fuels the sun converts hydrogen into carbon F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-D premise white blood cell does not have a job to enable reproduction T T T T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-D premise if something does not have a job then that something does not do that something F ? T T F T F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-D hypothesis enable reproduction is a job of white blood cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-D entailment white blood cell does not have a job to enable reproduction & if something does not have a job then that something does not do that something |- enable reproduction is a job of white blood cells F ? F F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-A premise white blood cell does not transport oxygen ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-A premise transporting oxygen is a kind of job ? T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-A hypothesis transport oxygen is a job of white blood cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183698-A entailment white blood cell does not transport oxygen & transporting oxygen is a kind of job |- transport oxygen is a job of white blood cells F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183680-B premise red blood cells remove waste F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183680-B premise removing waste is not the primary job of red blood cells T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183680-B hypothesis remove waste is the primary job of red blood cells KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183680-B entailment red blood cells remove waste & removing waste is not the primary job of red blood cells |- remove waste is the primary job of red blood cells F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183015-C premise producers do not get energy by breaking down organisms through decay T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183015-C premise if something is required for a process then that something can be obtained from that process T F T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183015-C hypothesis producers get energy by down organisms through decay KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183015-C entailment producers do not get energy by breaking down organisms through decay & if something is required for a process then that something can be obtained from that process |- producers get energy by down organisms through decay F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183015-A premise producers can get energy from plants and seeds F F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183015-A premise if a thing is gotten from something else then that thing gets that something else F F ? F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183015-A hypothesis producers get energy by plants and seeds KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_183015-A entailment producers can get energy from plants and seeds & if a thing is gotten from something else then that thing gets that something else |- producers get energy by plants and seeds F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_180303-C premise a telescope is used for photographing solar flares and solar prominences T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_180303-C premise an electric drive is not necessary to use on a telescope T T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_180303-C hypothesis an electric drive is necessary to use on a telescope in order to photograph solar flares and solar prominences KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_180303-C entailment a telescope is used for photographing solar flares and solar prominences & an electric drive is not necessary to use on a telescope |- an electric drive is necessary to use on a telescope in order to photograph solar flares and solar prominences F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_179008-D premise a phospholipid is a repeating monomer of a lipid molecule F T F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_179008-D premise a dna molecule is a kind of molecule T T T T T ? T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_179008-D hypothesis a phospholipid is the repeating monomer of a dna molecule KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_179008-D entailment a phospholipid is a repeating monomer of a lipid molecule & a dna molecule is a kind of molecule |- a phospholipid is the repeating monomer of a dna molecule F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_178115-D premise the moon orbits the earth F T T F T T T eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_178115-D premise a latitude is a measure of distance from one point to another point T F F F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_178115-D hypothesis a latitude helps keep the moon in its orbit KNOWN F eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment Mercury_178115-D entailment the moon orbits the earth & a latitude is a measure of distance from one point to another point |- a latitude helps keep the moon in its orbit F F F F FF eb-train-wrong-answer-turked-entailment GPT3-try8b-num3686-gen2-out4 premise If low pressure develops, then the pressure gradient force will cause an area of high pressure to develop. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3686-gen2-out4 premise The pressure gradient force will cause an area of high pressure to develop. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3686-gen2-out4 hypothesis If low pressure develops, then an area of high pressure will develop. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3686-gen2-out4 entailment If low pressure develops, then the pressure gradient force will cause an area of high pressure to develop. & The pressure gradient force will cause an area of high pressure to develop. |- If low pressure develops, then an area of high pressure will develop. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num414-gen2-out2 premise If a plant needs carbon dioxide to make its own food, it is probably green. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num414-gen2-out2 premise Green plants are plants that need carbon dioxide to make their own food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num414-gen2-out2 hypothesis All green plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num414-gen2-out2 entailment If a plant needs carbon dioxide to make its own food, it is probably green. & Green plants are plants that need carbon dioxide to make their own food. |- All green plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num82-gen2-out1 premise A pulley is used for lifting objects. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num82-gen2-out1 premise A wheel is a part of a pulley. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num82-gen2-out1 hypothesis A wheel is used for lifting objects. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num82-gen2-out1 entailment A pulley is used for lifting objects. & A wheel is a part of a pulley. |- A wheel is used for lifting objects. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1473-gen1-out3 premise A ham sandwich contains ham. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1473-gen1-out3 premise Ham contains pork. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1473-gen1-out3 hypothesis A ham sandwich contains pork. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1473-gen1-out3 entailment A ham sandwich contains ham. & Ham contains pork. |- A ham sandwich contains pork. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1605-gen2-out4 premise Manmade objects orbit Earth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1605-gen2-out4 premise Any object orbiting Earth is in a state of free fall. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1605-gen2-out4 hypothesis Manmade objects in a state of free fall orbit Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1605-gen2-out4 entailment Manmade objects orbit Earth. & Any object orbiting Earth is in a state of free fall. |- Manmade objects in a state of free fall orbit Earth. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen1-out2 premise The environment in space has no oxygen. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen1-out2 premise If something has no oxygen, then it is uninhabitable. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen1-out2 hypothesis The environment in space is uninhabitable. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen1-out2 entailment The environment in space has no oxygen. & If something has no oxygen, then it is uninhabitable. |- The environment in space is uninhabitable. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4554-gen2-out4 premise When a planet is closest to the Sun, it has more heat than when it is furthest from the Sun. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4554-gen2-out4 premise Earth is a planet. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4554-gen2-out4 hypothesis When Earth is closest to the Sun, it has more heat than when it is furthest from the Sun. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4554-gen2-out4 entailment When a planet is closest to the Sun, it has more heat than when it is furthest from the Sun. & Earth is a planet. |- When Earth is closest to the Sun, it has more heat than when it is furthest from the Sun. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen2-out3 premise Biological evolution has occurred over millions of years. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen2-out3 premise Natural selection is a mechanism of biological evolution. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen2-out3 hypothesis Natural selection is the mechanism of biological evolution. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen2-out3 entailment Biological evolution has occurred over millions of years. & Natural selection is a mechanism of biological evolution. |- Natural selection is the mechanism of biological evolution. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1772-gen1-out2 premise Unburned fuel must be extracted from the engine if it is to be used again. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1772-gen1-out2 premise A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1772-gen1-out2 hypothesis Unburned fuel must be extracted from a diesel engine if it is to be used again. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1772-gen1-out2 entailment Unburned fuel must be extracted from the engine if it is to be used again. & A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine. |- Unburned fuel must be extracted from a diesel engine if it is to be used again. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen1-out2 premise Washing dishes means putting them in hot water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen1-out2 premise Grease is a type of filth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen1-out2 hypothesis Washing dishes does not mean putting them in hot water to remove grease. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen1-out2 entailment Washing dishes means putting them in hot water. & Grease is a type of filth. |- Washing dishes does not mean putting them in hot water to remove grease. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num25-gen2-out2 premise An expert marks the answer for a test as correct if it matches his answers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num25-gen2-out2 premise If a student does not agree with the expert's answers, he cannot make any progress in the course. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num25-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a student does not agree with the expert's answers, the student will not do well in the course. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num25-gen2-out2 entailment An expert marks the answer for a test as correct if it matches his answers. & If a student does not agree with the expert's answers, he cannot make any progress in the course. |- If a student does not agree with the expert's answers, the student will not do well in the course. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num892-gen2-out2 premise If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num892-gen2-out2 premise Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num892-gen2-out2 hypothesis If an animal is not the same color as its surroundings, it is not camouflaged. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num892-gen2-out2 entailment If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. & Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. |- If an animal is not the same color as its surroundings, it is not camouflaged. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1395-gen2-out4 premise The angle of a shadow can be determined by how close the light source is to the object and how far away the object is from the shadow. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1395-gen2-out4 premise The moon produces its own light. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1395-gen2-out4 hypothesis The angle of a shadow on the moon can be determined by how close the light source KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1395-gen2-out4 entailment The angle of a shadow can be determined by how close the light source is to the object and how far away the object is from the shadow. & The moon produces its own light. |- The angle of a shadow on the moon can be determined by how close the light source T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num172-gen2-out1 premise Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num172-gen2-out1 premise Most bacteria are microscopic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num172-gen2-out1 hypothesis Bacteria are the most abundant and diverse microscopic organisms on Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num172-gen2-out1 entailment Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. & Most bacteria are microscopic. |- Bacteria are the most abundant and diverse microscopic organisms on Earth. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2339-gen2-out3 premise There are no moths with an adult life-span of one year. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2339-gen2-out3 premise Adults are moths. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2339-gen2-out3 hypothesis Moths with an adult life-span of one year do not exist. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2339-gen2-out3 entailment There are no moths with an adult life-span of one year. & Adults are moths. |- Moths with an adult life-span of one year do not exist. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1672-gen2-out1 premise Ribosomes are sites where proteins are made. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1672-gen2-out1 premise Proteins are large molecules found in all living things. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1672-gen2-out1 hypothesis Ribosomes are sites where proteins are made in all living things. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1672-gen2-out1 entailment Ribosomes are sites where proteins are made. & Proteins are large molecules found in all living things. |- Ribosomes are sites where proteins are made in all living things. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3683-gen2-out1 premise Water causes refraction of light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3683-gen2-out1 premise Refraction of light occurs when light enters water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3683-gen2-out1 hypothesis Refraction of light occurs when light enters water or air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3683-gen2-out1 entailment Water causes refraction of light. & Refraction of light occurs when light enters water. |- Refraction of light occurs when light enters water or air. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3103-gen2-out3 premise Carbon dioxide is poisonous. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3103-gen2-out3 premise Plant leaves take in carbon dioxide. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3103-gen2-out3 hypothesis Plant leaves take in poison. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3103-gen2-out3 entailment Carbon dioxide is poisonous. & Plant leaves take in carbon dioxide. |- Plant leaves take in poison. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num220-gen1-out2 premise The colder an object, the less heat it radiates. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num220-gen1-out2 premise If an object radiates less heat, it becomes hotter. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num220-gen1-out2 hypothesis If an object is hot, it will radiate more heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num220-gen1-out2 entailment The colder an object, the less heat it radiates. & If an object radiates less heat, it becomes hotter. |- If an object is hot, it will radiate more heat. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1448-gen2-out3 premise Electrons can act as waves. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1448-gen2-out3 premise Sine waves are a type of wave. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1448-gen2-out3 hypothesis Electrons can act as sine waves. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1448-gen2-out3 entailment Electrons can act as waves. & Sine waves are a type of wave. |- Electrons can act as sine waves. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2334-gen2-out1 premise Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2334-gen2-out1 premise The type of hair found on a wolf's paw helps to insulate and protect it. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2334-gen2-out1 hypothesis Paw hair helps to insulate and protect the body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2334-gen2-out1 entailment Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. & The type of hair found on a wolf's paw helps to insulate and protect it. |- Paw hair helps to insulate and protect the body. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2974-gen1-out2 premise Tardigrades survive in a wide range of environments. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2974-gen1-out2 premise Tardigrades withstand a high level of radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2974-gen1-out2 hypothesis Tardigrades can withstand a high level of radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2974-gen1-out2 entailment Tardigrades survive in a wide range of environments. & Tardigrades withstand a high level of radiation. |- Tardigrades can withstand a high level of radiation. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3945-gen2-out1 premise Completing a circuit causes electricity to flow through that circuit. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3945-gen2-out1 premise Electric lights do not complete a circuit. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3945-gen2-out1 hypothesis Electric lights are powered by electricity flowing through a circuit. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3945-gen2-out1 entailment Completing a circuit causes electricity to flow through that circuit. & Electric lights do not complete a circuit. |- Electric lights are powered by electricity flowing through a circuit. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen1-out2 premise If a material is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, then it is composed of atoms or molecules. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen1-out2 premise A substance which sublimes is a gas at standard temperature and pressure. ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a substance sublimes, then it is composed of atoms or molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen1-out2 entailment If a material is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, then it is composed of atoms or molecules. & A substance which sublimes is a gas at standard temperature and pressure. |- If a substance sublimes, then it is composed of atoms or molecules. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num815-gen1-out1 premise Water is essential for all life on Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num815-gen1-out1 premise A river transports life-giving water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num815-gen1-out1 hypothesis The purpose of a river is to transport life-giving water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num815-gen1-out1 entailment Water is essential for all life on Earth. & A river transports life-giving water. |- The purpose of a river is to transport life-giving water. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen2-out4 premise Only mammals lactate. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen2-out4 premise Cats are mammals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen2-out4 hypothesis Cats lactate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen2-out4 entailment Only mammals lactate. & Cats are mammals. |- Cats lactate. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3182-gen1-out2 premise If a mountain is eroded, it will gradually wear away. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3182-gen1-out2 premise If a mountain is worn away, it will eventually collapse. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3182-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a mountain is eroded, it will eventually collapse. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3182-gen1-out2 entailment If a mountain is eroded, it will gradually wear away. & If a mountain is worn away, it will eventually collapse. |- If a mountain is eroded, it will eventually collapse. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out1 premise Active immunity results when an immune response to a pathogen produces memory cells. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out1 premise Immune memory cells reduce the need for repeated vaccination. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out1 hypothesis An active immune response requires memory cells to reduce the need for repeated vaccination. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out1 entailment Active immunity results when an immune response to a pathogen produces memory cells. & Immune memory cells reduce the need for repeated vaccination. |- An active immune response requires memory cells to reduce the need for repeated vaccination. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3872-gen1-out2 premise Giraffes have unusually long necks. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3872-gen1-out2 premise If an animal has an unusually long neck, then it can reach higher places. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3872-gen1-out2 hypothesis Giraffes can reach higher places. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3872-gen1-out2 entailment Giraffes have unusually long necks. & If an animal has an unusually long neck, then it can reach higher places. |- Giraffes can reach higher places. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out2 premise Oil can catch fire. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out2 premise Oil is an example of combustible fuel. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out2 hypothesis Combustible fuel can catch fire. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out2 entailment Oil can catch fire. & Oil is an example of combustible fuel. |- Combustible fuel can catch fire. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2322-gen1-out1 premise Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2322-gen1-out1 premise The beneficial effect of eating has been well documented. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2322-gen1-out1 hypothesis Eating has a positive impact on an organism's health. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2322-gen1-out1 entailment Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. & The beneficial effect of eating has been well documented. |- Eating has a positive impact on an organism's health. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1447-gen1-out2 premise Consuming certain foods can increase a person's risk of cardiovascular disease. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1447-gen1-out2 premise If a person eats at McDonald's, then their food will contain ingredients that increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1447-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a person eats at McDonald's, then they will increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1447-gen1-out2 entailment Consuming certain foods can increase a person's risk of cardiovascular disease. & If a person eats at McDonald's, then their food will contain ingredients that increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. |- If a person eats at McDonald's, then they will increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2787-gen1-out1 premise A fire requires oxygen to burn. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2787-gen1-out1 premise If fire needs oxygen to burn, it will burn in the atmosphere. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2787-gen1-out1 hypothesis A fire can burn in the atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2787-gen1-out1 entailment A fire requires oxygen to burn. & If fire needs oxygen to burn, it will burn in the atmosphere. |- A fire can burn in the atmosphere. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4562-gen1-out1 premise Transcription takes place in the nucleus. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4562-gen1-out1 premise Transcription takes place during synthesis. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4562-gen1-out1 hypothesis Transcription occurs during synthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4562-gen1-out1 entailment Transcription takes place in the nucleus. & Transcription takes place during synthesis. |- Transcription occurs during synthesis. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num10-gen2-out2 premise An aneurysm is a weak spot in an artery wall. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num10-gen2-out2 premise Pressure from the blood causes an aneurysm. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num10-gen2-out2 hypothesis A weak spot in an artery wall is usually caused by pressure from the blood. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num10-gen2-out2 entailment An aneurysm is a weak spot in an artery wall. & Pressure from the blood causes an aneurysm. |- A weak spot in an artery wall is usually caused by pressure from the blood. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1940-gen1-out4 premise Humans emit carbon dioxide when they breathe. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1940-gen1-out4 premise Carbon dioxide is part of the carbon cycle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1940-gen1-out4 hypothesis Carbon dioxide is part of the carbon cycle and is released when humans breathe. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1940-gen1-out4 entailment Humans emit carbon dioxide when they breathe. & Carbon dioxide is part of the carbon cycle. |- Carbon dioxide is part of the carbon cycle and is released when humans breathe. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num406-gen2-out1 premise Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num406-gen2-out1 premise An organism's health is how healthy it is. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num406-gen2-out1 hypothesis Having food has a positive impact on how healthy an organism is. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num406-gen2-out1 entailment Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. & An organism's health is how healthy it is. |- Having food has a positive impact on how healthy an organism is. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen1-out1 premise Most invertebrates have a more complex nervous system. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen1-out1 premise Animals with a more complex nervous system will often be larger. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen1-out1 hypothesis Most invertebrates are larger. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen1-out1 entailment Most invertebrates have a more complex nervous system. & Animals with a more complex nervous system will often be larger. |- Most invertebrates are larger. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out2 premise If a river overflows its banks, it will flood. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out2 premise Water is continually being supplied to a river. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a river overflows its banks, it is receiving more water than it can hold. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out2 entailment If a river overflows its banks, it will flood. & Water is continually being supplied to a river. |- If a river overflows its banks, it is receiving more water than it can hold. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen1-out3 premise If a nation increases the number of nuclear power plants, then it increases the number of jobs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen1-out3 premise There are now more than 30 nuclear power plants in France. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen1-out3 hypothesis France has more than 30 jobs in nuclear power plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen1-out3 entailment If a nation increases the number of nuclear power plants, then it increases the number of jobs. & There are now more than 30 nuclear power plants in France. |- France has more than 30 jobs in nuclear power plants. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3691-gen1-out1 premise Wind is used for producing electricity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3691-gen1-out1 premise Wind is the cause of many storms. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3691-gen1-out1 hypothesis Wind is a cause of many storms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3691-gen1-out1 entailment Wind is used for producing electricity. & Wind is the cause of many storms. |- Wind is a cause of many storms. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen1-out4 premise The Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen1-out4 premise Phoenix is the largest city in the United States. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen1-out4 hypothesis Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona and the United States. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen1-out4 entailment The Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona. & Phoenix is the largest city in the United States. |- Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona and the United States. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num525-gen2-out1 premise Mineral graphite is used for making pencil lead. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num525-gen2-out1 premise Pencil lead is used for writing. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num525-gen2-out1 hypothesis Mineral graphite is used for writing. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num525-gen2-out1 entailment Mineral graphite is used for making pencil lead. & Pencil lead is used for writing. |- Mineral graphite is used for writing. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3462-gen2-out3 premise If an animal's habitat is destroyed, then the animal cannot survive. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3462-gen2-out3 premise If all members of a species cannot survive, then the species becomes extinct. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3462-gen2-out3 hypothesis If an animal's habitat is destroyed, then the species may become extinct. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3462-gen2-out3 entailment If an animal's habitat is destroyed, then the animal cannot survive. & If all members of a species cannot survive, then the species becomes extinct. |- If an animal's habitat is destroyed, then the species may become extinct. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num853-gen2-out4 premise Light is needed for plants to make their own food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num853-gen2-out4 premise Photosynthesis uses light to turn carbon dioxide into sugar. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num853-gen2-out4 hypothesis Plants need light to make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num853-gen2-out4 entailment Light is needed for plants to make their own food. & Photosynthesis uses light to turn carbon dioxide into sugar. |- Plants need light to make their own food. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2330-gen2-out2 premise In Ptolemaic epicycles, the center of a smaller circle was the center of a larger circle. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2330-gen2-out2 premise Mercury moves in a Ptolemaic epicycle. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2330-gen2-out2 hypothesis Mercury moves in a smaller circle of the center of a larger circle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2330-gen2-out2 entailment In Ptolemaic epicycles, the center of a smaller circle was the center of a larger circle. & Mercury moves in a Ptolemaic epicycle. |- Mercury moves in a smaller circle of the center of a larger circle. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4365-gen2-out1 premise Propulsion is used for flying by a spacecraft. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4365-gen2-out1 premise Thrust is used for flying by a spacecraft. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4365-gen2-out1 hypothesis The rocket engine and propeller both propel a spacecraft. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4365-gen2-out1 entailment Propulsion is used for flying by a spacecraft. & Thrust is used for flying by a spacecraft. |- The rocket engine and propeller both propel a spacecraft. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num131-gen1-out2 premise Rats frequently have some tail vertebrae. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num131-gen1-out2 premise Rat tails are composed of many vertebrae. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num131-gen1-out2 hypothesis A rat's tail is frequently composed of vertebrae. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num131-gen1-out2 entailment Rats frequently have some tail vertebrae. & Rat tails are composed of many vertebrae. |- A rat's tail is frequently composed of vertebrae. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num671-gen1-out3 premise Coughing helps to clear the lungs of foreign material and extra fluid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num671-gen1-out3 premise Lungs have to be clear of foreign material and extra fluid in order to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num671-gen1-out3 hypothesis Coughing helps to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num671-gen1-out3 entailment Coughing helps to clear the lungs of foreign material and extra fluid. & Lungs have to be clear of foreign material and extra fluid in order to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. |- Coughing helps to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num783-gen1-out3 premise Everything that is produced is eventually destroyed. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num783-gen1-out3 premise Nothing can last forever. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num783-gen1-out3 hypothesis Everything that is produced will eventually be destroyed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num783-gen1-out3 entailment Everything that is produced is eventually destroyed. & Nothing can last forever. |- Everything that is produced will eventually be destroyed. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1611-gen1-out2 premise A volcano is a source of heat energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1611-gen1-out2 premise A source of heat energy can lead to new land. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1611-gen1-out2 hypothesis A volcano is a source of new land. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1611-gen1-out2 entailment A volcano is a source of heat energy. & A source of heat energy can lead to new land. |- A volcano is a source of new land. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4383-gen2-out1 premise Nectar is used for attracting pollinators by plants. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4383-gen2-out1 premise A bee landing on a flower pollinates the flower. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4383-gen2-out1 hypothesis A bee landing on a flower causes nectar to be used for attracting pollinators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4383-gen2-out1 entailment Nectar is used for attracting pollinators by plants. & A bee landing on a flower pollinates the flower. |- A bee landing on a flower causes nectar to be used for attracting pollinators. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1023-gen1-out2 premise Pollen is transferred from flower to flower during reproduction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1023-gen1-out2 premise If you sneeze, you are reproducing. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1023-gen1-out2 hypothesis If you sneeze, you are transferring pollen from flower to flower. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1023-gen1-out2 entailment Pollen is transferred from flower to flower during reproduction. & If you sneeze, you are reproducing. |- If you sneeze, you are transferring pollen from flower to flower. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen1-out1 premise Energy enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight or chemical compounds. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen1-out1 premise If energy is absorbed, then it warms the ecosystem. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen1-out1 hypothesis If energy enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight, then it warms the ecosystem. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen1-out1 entailment Energy enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight or chemical compounds. & If energy is absorbed, then it warms the ecosystem. |- If energy enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight, then it warms the ecosystem. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num155-gen2-out3 premise Nitrogen oxide is a pollutant. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num155-gen2-out3 premise Pollutants are undesirable substances. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num155-gen2-out3 hypothesis Nitrogen oxide is an undesirable substance. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num155-gen2-out3 entailment Nitrogen oxide is a pollutant. & Pollutants are undesirable substances. |- Nitrogen oxide is an undesirable substance. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1080-gen1-out4 premise Cross breeding of species can create offspring with different characteristics. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1080-gen1-out4 premise Genes carry the characteristics. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1080-gen1-out4 hypothesis The offspring from cross breeding of species will have different characteristics. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1080-gen1-out4 entailment Cross breeding of species can create offspring with different characteristics. & Genes carry the characteristics. |- The offspring from cross breeding of species will have different characteristics. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1975-gen1-out1 premise An incandescent light bulb converts electricity into light by sending electricity through a filament. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1975-gen1-out1 premise Most household light bulbs are incandescent. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1975-gen1-out1 hypothesis Most household light bulbs convert electricity into light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1975-gen1-out1 entailment An incandescent light bulb converts electricity into light by sending electricity through a filament. & Most household light bulbs are incandescent. |- Most household light bulbs convert electricity into light. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out4 premise Sugars are part of a tree's food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out4 premise Sugars are transported through phloem. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out4 hypothesis Sugars are transported through phloem in order to be a part of a tree's food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out4 entailment Sugars are part of a tree's food. & Sugars are transported through phloem. |- Sugars are transported through phloem in order to be a part of a tree's food. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen1-out4 premise Viscous substances flow. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen1-out4 premise Liquids are viscous. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen1-out4 hypothesis Liquids flow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen1-out4 entailment Viscous substances flow. & Liquids are viscous. |- Liquids flow. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2257-gen2-out1 premise Freshwater biomes have water that contains little or no salt. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2257-gen2-out1 premise The Everglades is a freshwater biome. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2257-gen2-out1 hypothesis The Everglades has water that contains little or no salt. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2257-gen2-out1 entailment Freshwater biomes have water that contains little or no salt. & The Everglades is a freshwater biome. |- The Everglades has water that contains little or no salt. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen2-out1 premise Decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen2-out1 premise If the soil contains more organic matter, it will be able to support more diverse flora and fauna. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen2-out1 hypothesis Decomposition increases the number of different types of flora and fauna. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen2-out1 entailment Decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil. & If the soil contains more organic matter, it will be able to support more diverse flora and fauna. |- Decomposition increases the number of different types of flora and fauna. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4005-gen2-out1 premise Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4005-gen2-out1 premise Coastal fishing provides food for many people. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4005-gen2-out1 hypothesis People benefit from coral reefs when fishing. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4005-gen2-out1 entailment Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms. & Coastal fishing provides food for many people. |- People benefit from coral reefs when fishing. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num142-gen2-out3 premise The universe is dynamic; it is constantly changing. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num142-gen2-out3 premise Galaxies are some of the biggest things in the universe. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num142-gen2-out3 hypothesis Galaxies are parts of the universe that are constantly changing. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num142-gen2-out3 entailment The universe is dynamic; it is constantly changing. & Galaxies are some of the biggest things in the universe. |- Galaxies are parts of the universe that are constantly changing. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3276-gen2-out2 premise Warming increases the solubility of gases in water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3276-gen2-out2 premise If solubility increases, then the concentration of gases in water increases. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3276-gen2-out2 hypothesis If warming increases the solubility of gases in water, then the concentration of gases in water increases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3276-gen2-out2 entailment Warming increases the solubility of gases in water. & If solubility increases, then the concentration of gases in water increases. |- If warming increases the solubility of gases in water, then the concentration of gases in water increases. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen1-out4 premise The process of transpiration can occur if the surrounding temperature is above the dew point. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen1-out4 premise The air contains water vapor. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen1-out4 hypothesis The air can contain water vapor if the surrounding temperature is above the dew point. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen1-out4 entailment The process of transpiration can occur if the surrounding temperature is above the dew point. & The air contains water vapor. |- The air can contain water vapor if the surrounding temperature is above the dew point. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2754-gen2-out3 premise In plants, photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2754-gen2-out3 premise The sun's rays are a part of photosynthesis. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2754-gen2-out3 hypothesis Sun's rays are used for photosynthesis in plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2754-gen2-out3 entailment In plants, photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts. & The sun's rays are a part of photosynthesis. |- Sun's rays are used for photosynthesis in plants. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4307-gen2-out2 premise Tension in the strings of a guitar cause sound. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4307-gen2-out2 premise Sound is a wave. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4307-gen2-out2 hypothesis Tension in the strings of a guitar cause waves. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4307-gen2-out2 entailment Tension in the strings of a guitar cause sound. & Sound is a wave. |- Tension in the strings of a guitar cause waves. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out3 premise Females have two X chromosomes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out3 premise Only females have two X chromosomes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out3 hypothesis All females have two X chromosomes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out3 entailment Females have two X chromosomes. & Only females have two X chromosomes. |- All females have two X chromosomes. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out2 premise If a block of ice starts to melt, then its temperature is rising. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out2 premise If an object's temperature is rising, then its molecules are moving faster. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a block of ice starts to melt, then its molecules are moving faster. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out2 entailment If a block of ice starts to melt, then its temperature is rising. & If an object's temperature is rising, then its molecules are moving faster. |- If a block of ice starts to melt, then its molecules are moving faster. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2773-gen2-out1 premise When a cooler object touches a warmer object, thermal conduction occurs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2773-gen2-out1 premise Putting your hands inside of a pair of gloves is an example of thermal conduction. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2773-gen2-out1 hypothesis If you are in a cold climate, putting your hands inside of a pair of gloves can keep you warm. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2773-gen2-out1 entailment When a cooler object touches a warmer object, thermal conduction occurs. & Putting your hands inside of a pair of gloves is an example of thermal conduction. |- If you are in a cold climate, putting your hands inside of a pair of gloves can keep you warm. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2607-gen1-out2 premise Plants do not have muscles. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2607-gen1-out2 premise An apple is a plant. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2607-gen1-out2 hypothesis An apple does not have muscles. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2607-gen1-out2 entailment Plants do not have muscles. & An apple is a plant. |- An apple does not have muscles. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1293-gen2-out3 premise Electricity flows through most wires. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1293-gen2-out3 premise Most wires conduct electricity. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1293-gen2-out3 hypothesis Therefore, electricity flows through most wires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1293-gen2-out3 entailment Electricity flows through most wires. & Most wires conduct electricity. |- Therefore, electricity flows through most wires. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3069-gen2-out1 premise Burning fossil fuels increases the carbon in the atmosphere. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3069-gen2-out1 premise Carbon in the atmosphere traps heat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3069-gen2-out1 hypothesis Burning fossil fuels increases the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3069-gen2-out1 entailment Burning fossil fuels increases the carbon in the atmosphere. & Carbon in the atmosphere traps heat. |- Burning fossil fuels increases the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3317-gen1-out2 premise Boiling kills microorganisms in water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3317-gen1-out2 premise Heat kills microorganisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3317-gen1-out2 hypothesis Boiling kills microorganisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3317-gen1-out2 entailment Boiling kills microorganisms in water. & Heat kills microorganisms. |- Boiling kills microorganisms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num126-gen2-out2 premise A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num126-gen2-out2 premise Boiling point is a temperature. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num126-gen2-out2 hypothesis A thermometer is used to measure the boiling point. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num126-gen2-out2 entailment A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. & Boiling point is a temperature. |- A thermometer is used to measure the boiling point. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2069-gen2-out4 premise A diode is a type of semiconductor. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2069-gen2-out4 premise The p-n junction allows current to flow in one direction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2069-gen2-out4 hypothesis A diode allows current to flow in one direction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2069-gen2-out4 entailment A diode is a type of semiconductor. & The p-n junction allows current to flow in one direction. |- A diode allows current to flow in one direction. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1770-gen2-out3 premise Meteors are made up of space debris and gases. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1770-gen2-out3 premise The debris and gases are material that has condensed out of the solar wind. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1770-gen2-out3 hypothesis Meteors are made up of solar wind material. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1770-gen2-out3 entailment Meteors are made up of space debris and gases. & The debris and gases are material that has condensed out of the solar wind. |- Meteors are made up of solar wind material. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num466-gen2-out1 premise Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num466-gen2-out1 premise Human hair is made of protein. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num466-gen2-out1 hypothesis Hair is an insulator made of protein. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num466-gen2-out1 entailment Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. & Human hair is made of protein. |- Hair is an insulator made of protein. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out3 premise If a material is compressed, the volume of the material is decreased. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out3 premise If a material is compressed, the pressure applied is increased. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out3 hypothesis When a material is compressed, the pressure increases and the volume decreases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out3 entailment If a material is compressed, the volume of the material is decreased. & If a material is compressed, the pressure applied is increased. |- When a material is compressed, the pressure increases and the volume decreases. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4115-gen2-out3 premise The age of a star is a characteristic that can be determined by observing its light spectrum. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4115-gen2-out3 premise Scientists can determine a star's age by observing its light spectrum. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4115-gen2-out3 hypothesis The age of a star can be determined by observing its light spectrum. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4115-gen2-out3 entailment The age of a star is a characteristic that can be determined by observing its light spectrum. & Scientists can determine a star's age by observing its light spectrum. |- The age of a star can be determined by observing its light spectrum. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2497-gen1-out3 premise It takes up to six months for a new artificial heart to become effective. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2497-gen1-out3 premise Replacement of the old heart requires the artificial heart to be effective. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2497-gen1-out3 hypothesis It takes up to six months for the replacement of an old heart to become effective. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2497-gen1-out3 entailment It takes up to six months for a new artificial heart to become effective. & Replacement of the old heart requires the artificial heart to be effective. |- It takes up to six months for the replacement of an old heart to become effective. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4073-gen2-out2 premise Proteins are made of amino acids. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4073-gen2-out2 premise Amino acids are made of atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4073-gen2-out2 hypothesis Proteins are made of atoms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4073-gen2-out2 entailment Proteins are made of amino acids. & Amino acids are made of atoms. |- Proteins are made of atoms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3635-gen2-out3 premise The amount of atoms in an element depends on the number of protons in the nucleus. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3635-gen2-out3 premise Mass of an element is the sum of masses of its constituent atoms. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3635-gen2-out3 hypothesis The number of protons in the nucleus determines the mass of an element. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3635-gen2-out3 entailment The amount of atoms in an element depends on the number of protons in the nucleus. & Mass of an element is the sum of masses of its constituent atoms. |- The number of protons in the nucleus determines the mass of an element. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1613-gen1-out1 premise Producers make food from inorganic molecules. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1613-gen1-out1 premise Plants are producers. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1613-gen1-out1 hypothesis Plants make food from inorganic molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1613-gen1-out1 entailment Producers make food from inorganic molecules. & Plants are producers. |- Plants make food from inorganic molecules. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4530-gen1-out4 premise All magnets have the same shape. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4530-gen1-out4 premise Not all magnets have the same density. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4530-gen1-out4 hypothesis All magnets do not have the same density. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4530-gen1-out4 entailment All magnets have the same shape. & Not all magnets have the same density. |- All magnets do not have the same density. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num655-gen1-out2 premise Most types of bacteria cause disease. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num655-gen1-out2 premise A type of bacteria is a microorganism. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num655-gen1-out2 hypothesis Microorganisms are mostly a cause of disease. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num655-gen1-out2 entailment Most types of bacteria cause disease. & A type of bacteria is a microorganism. |- Microorganisms are mostly a cause of disease. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1935-gen2-out2 premise A molecule is a group of atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1935-gen2-out2 premise The sum of the electrical charges in a molecule must be zero. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1935-gen2-out2 hypothesis The sum of the number of protons and electrons in a molecule must be the same. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1935-gen2-out2 entailment A molecule is a group of atoms. & The sum of the electrical charges in a molecule must be zero. |- The sum of the number of protons and electrons in a molecule must be the same. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1602-gen2-out3 premise Earthquakes are destructive. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1602-gen2-out3 premise Water towers are tall structures. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1602-gen2-out3 hypothesis Earthquakes can cause water towers to collapse. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1602-gen2-out3 entailment Earthquakes are destructive. & Water towers are tall structures. |- Earthquakes can cause water towers to collapse. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3353-gen2-out1 premise Microscope is used to see small things by biologists by making them appear bigger. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3353-gen2-out1 premise By making things appear bigger, the information can be displayed more easily. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3353-gen2-out1 hypothesis By making things appear bigger, more information can be displayed more easily. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3353-gen2-out1 entailment Microscope is used to see small things by biologists by making them appear bigger. & By making things appear bigger, the information can be displayed more easily. |- By making things appear bigger, more information can be displayed more easily. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4213-gen2-out2 premise Diopside is a silicate mineral. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4213-gen2-out2 premise Silicate minerals contain silicon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4213-gen2-out2 hypothesis Diopside contains silicon. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4213-gen2-out2 entailment Diopside is a silicate mineral. & Silicate minerals contain silicon. |- Diopside contains silicon. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen1-out1 premise A light bulb requires electrical energy to produce light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen1-out1 premise A circuit must exist for the electrical energy to flow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen1-out1 hypothesis A circuit is required for a light bulb to produce light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen1-out1 entailment A light bulb requires electrical energy to produce light. & A circuit must exist for the electrical energy to flow. |- A circuit is required for a light bulb to produce light. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen1-out3 premise Hotter planets have a faster speed of rotation. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen1-out3 premise Jupiter is a hotter planet than Mercury. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen1-out3 hypothesis Jupiter has a faster speed of rotation than Mercury. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen1-out3 entailment Hotter planets have a faster speed of rotation. & Jupiter is a hotter planet than Mercury. |- Jupiter has a faster speed of rotation than Mercury. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num330-gen1-out1 premise Erosion of soil has a negative impact on the environment. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num330-gen1-out1 premise Erosion results from the stripping of soil. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num330-gen1-out1 hypothesis Soil erosion has a negative impact on the environment. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num330-gen1-out1 entailment Erosion of soil has a negative impact on the environment. & Erosion results from the stripping of soil. |- Soil erosion has a negative impact on the environment. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4375-gen2-out1 premise Navigation requires knowing direction. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4375-gen2-out1 premise A compass is used to determine direction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4375-gen2-out1 hypothesis A compass is used for navigation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4375-gen2-out1 entailment Navigation requires knowing direction. & A compass is used to determine direction. |- A compass is used for navigation. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1618-gen2-out3 premise The doppler effect explains why the pitch of sirens and of an approaching train changes. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1618-gen2-out3 premise A siren is a type of train. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1618-gen2-out3 hypothesis The doppler effect explains why the pitch of a siren changes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1618-gen2-out3 entailment The doppler effect explains why the pitch of sirens and of an approaching train changes. & A siren is a type of train. |- The doppler effect explains why the pitch of a siren changes. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num385-gen2-out3 premise Diamonds are mined from deep underground. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num385-gen2-out3 premise Gems are found in rocks. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num385-gen2-out3 hypothesis Diamonds are found in rocks. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num385-gen2-out3 entailment Diamonds are mined from deep underground. & Gems are found in rocks. |- Diamonds are found in rocks. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen1-out1 premise Blood pressure is highest in arteries and lowest in veins. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen1-out1 premise Venous pressure is low. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen1-out1 hypothesis Blood pressure is highest in arteries. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen1-out1 entailment Blood pressure is highest in arteries and lowest in veins. & Venous pressure is low. |- Blood pressure is highest in arteries. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4088-gen2-out2 premise Wood can be burned. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4088-gen2-out2 premise Paper is made of wood. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4088-gen2-out2 hypothesis Paper can be burned. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4088-gen2-out2 entailment Wood can be burned. & Paper is made of wood. |- Paper can be burned. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out4 premise The climate of the world is changing. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out4 premise This is changing the face of the Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out4 hypothesis The changing climate is a cause of large-scale changes to the face of the Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out4 entailment The climate of the world is changing. & This is changing the face of the Earth. |- The changing climate is a cause of large-scale changes to the face of the Earth. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out3 premise Tides are caused by the Moon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out3 premise The Moon has a magnetic field. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out3 hypothesis The Moon is a cause of tides. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out3 entailment Tides are caused by the Moon. & The Moon has a magnetic field. |- The Moon is a cause of tides. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2644-gen2-out3 premise A stringed instrument is classified as a string instrument. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2644-gen2-out3 premise A guitar is a stringed instrument. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2644-gen2-out3 hypothesis A guitar is classified as a string instrument. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2644-gen2-out3 entailment A stringed instrument is classified as a string instrument. & A guitar is a stringed instrument. |- A guitar is classified as a string instrument. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1116-gen1-out2 premise Musical instruments produce sound through the energy produced by vibrating strings. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1116-gen1-out2 premise A piano is a musical instrument. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1116-gen1-out2 hypothesis A piano produces sound through the energy produced by vibrating strings. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1116-gen1-out2 entailment Musical instruments produce sound through the energy produced by vibrating strings. & A piano is a musical instrument. |- A piano produces sound through the energy produced by vibrating strings. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen1-out3 premise Human beings are descended from apes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen1-out3 premise For all animals, parents share many genes with their offspring. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen1-out3 hypothesis Human beings share many genes with apes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen1-out3 entailment Human beings are descended from apes. & For all animals, parents share many genes with their offspring. |- Human beings share many genes with apes. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try6-num30-gen1-out1 premise a wildfire changes an ecosystem drastically T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num30-gen1-out1 premise Firefighters prevent wildfires from spreading. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num30-gen1-out1 hypothesis Firefighters help maintain ecosystems. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num30-gen1-out1 entailment a wildfire changes an ecosystem drastically & Firefighters prevent wildfires from spreading. |- Firefighters help maintain ecosystems. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num308-gen1-out2 premise A geographical region defined by its weather patterns is a climate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num308-gen1-out2 premise The climate of an area includes all of the weather patterns of that area. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num308-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a place has multiple weather patterns, it has multiple climates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num308-gen1-out2 entailment A geographical region defined by its weather patterns is a climate. & The climate of an area includes all of the weather patterns of that area. |- If a place has multiple weather patterns, it has multiple climates. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2989-gen1-out3 premise The Sun releases radiation, which is made up of waves and particles. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2989-gen1-out3 premise Radiation is made up of waves and particles. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2989-gen1-out3 hypothesis The Sun releases radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2989-gen1-out3 entailment The Sun releases radiation, which is made up of waves and particles. & Radiation is made up of waves and particles. |- The Sun releases radiation. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2378-gen1-out1 premise Jaws also make cartilaginous fish excellent predators. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2378-gen1-out1 premise Jaws are made of cartilage. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2378-gen1-out1 hypothesis Jaws make cartilaginous fish excellent predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2378-gen1-out1 entailment Jaws also make cartilaginous fish excellent predators. & Jaws are made of cartilage. |- Jaws make cartilaginous fish excellent predators. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3271-gen1-out1 premise Heterotrophs are living things that cannot make their own food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3271-gen1-out1 premise Heterotrophs obtain food from other organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3271-gen1-out1 hypothesis Heterotrophs cannot make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3271-gen1-out1 entailment Heterotrophs are living things that cannot make their own food. & Heterotrophs obtain food from other organisms. |- Heterotrophs cannot make their own food. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1062-gen1-out3 premise Gravity pulls objects down the hill. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1062-gen1-out3 premise A soccer ball is an object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1062-gen1-out3 hypothesis Gravity pulls a soccer ball down the hill. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1062-gen1-out3 entailment Gravity pulls objects down the hill. & A soccer ball is an object. |- Gravity pulls a soccer ball down the hill. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3475-gen1-out3 premise If the temperature is cold, water molecules form a solid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3475-gen1-out3 premise If the pressure is high, water molecules form a solid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3475-gen1-out3 hypothesis If the temperature is cold and the pressure is high, water molecules form a solid. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3475-gen1-out3 entailment If the temperature is cold, water molecules form a solid. & If the pressure is high, water molecules form a solid. |- If the temperature is cold and the pressure is high, water molecules form a solid. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1580-gen1-out1 premise Organisms use lipids to store energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1580-gen1-out1 premise A coniferous tree stores a large amount of energy in its wood. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1580-gen1-out1 hypothesis Coniferous trees use lipids to store energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1580-gen1-out1 entailment Organisms use lipids to store energy. & A coniferous tree stores a large amount of energy in its wood. |- Coniferous trees use lipids to store energy. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num413-gen1-out1 premise Hermit crabs use the shells of dead snails for homes. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num413-gen1-out1 premise If a hermit crab doesn't have a shell, it can't survive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num413-gen1-out1 hypothesis Hermit crabs must live in shells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num413-gen1-out1 entailment Hermit crabs use the shells of dead snails for homes. & If a hermit crab doesn't have a shell, it can't survive. |- Hermit crabs must live in shells. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen1-out2 premise If an atom is not stable, then it will decay. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen1-out2 premise If an atom decays, then it will emit radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen1-out2 hypothesis If an atom is not stable, then it will emit radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen1-out2 entailment If an atom is not stable, then it will decay. & If an atom decays, then it will emit radiation. |- If an atom is not stable, then it will emit radiation. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3066-gen1-out2 premise If something is toxic, then it is poisonous. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3066-gen1-out2 premise Nicotine is toxic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3066-gen1-out2 hypothesis Nicotine is poisonous. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3066-gen1-out2 entailment If something is toxic, then it is poisonous. & Nicotine is toxic. |- Nicotine is poisonous. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen1-out4 premise Chemical reactions are important for life. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen1-out4 premise A car engine converts chemical energy into motion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen1-out4 hypothesis If a car engine is run, then chemical reactions are taking place. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen1-out4 entailment Chemical reactions are important for life. & A car engine converts chemical energy into motion. |- If a car engine is run, then chemical reactions are taking place. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3050-gen1-out1 premise Braking can cause skidding. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3050-gen1-out1 premise Skidding can cause damage to tires. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3050-gen1-out1 hypothesis Braking can cause damage to tires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3050-gen1-out1 entailment Braking can cause skidding. & Skidding can cause damage to tires. |- Braking can cause damage to tires. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen2-out2 premise After a plant has been fertilized, the number of seeds produced is greatly increased. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen2-out2 premise Fertilizer is an example of a substance that can provide the needed nutrients for plant growth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen2-out2 hypothesis After a plant has been fertilized, the number of seeds produced is greatly increased by a substance that can provide the needed nutrients for plant growth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen2-out2 entailment After a plant has been fertilized, the number of seeds produced is greatly increased. & Fertilizer is an example of a substance that can provide the needed nutrients for plant growth. |- After a plant has been fertilized, the number of seeds produced is greatly increased by a substance that can provide the needed nutrients for plant growth. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num123-gen1-out3 premise A strong acid is corrosive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num123-gen1-out3 premise A strong acid is capable of corroding metals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num123-gen1-out3 hypothesis A strong acid is corrosive to metals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num123-gen1-out3 entailment A strong acid is corrosive. & A strong acid is capable of corroding metals. |- A strong acid is corrosive to metals. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2899-gen1-out4 premise A battery stores electricity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2899-gen1-out4 premise When electricity is stored, it can be used at a later time. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2899-gen1-out4 hypothesis A battery stores electricity, which can be used at a later time. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2899-gen1-out4 entailment A battery stores electricity. & When electricity is stored, it can be used at a later time. |- A battery stores electricity, which can be used at a later time. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out1 premise When a body of water receives more water than it can hold, a flood occurs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out1 premise A lake is a body of water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out1 hypothesis A lake can be flooded. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out1 entailment When a body of water receives more water than it can hold, a flood occurs. & A lake is a body of water. |- A lake can be flooded. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen2-out1 premise Building housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen2-out1 premise Animals that have been displaced need new habitats. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen2-out1 hypothesis New animal habitats are required for animals that have been displaced. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen2-out1 entailment Building housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats. & Animals that have been displaced need new habitats. |- New animal habitats are required for animals that have been displaced. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num896-gen1-out3 premise A transfer of matter during which energy is not exchanged is called a non-spontaneous process. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num896-gen1-out3 premise Photosynthesis is non-spontaneous. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num896-gen1-out3 hypothesis Photosynthesis is a non-spontaneous process. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num896-gen1-out3 entailment A transfer of matter during which energy is not exchanged is called a non-spontaneous process. & Photosynthesis is non-spontaneous. |- Photosynthesis is a non-spontaneous process. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num590-gen2-out1 premise Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num590-gen2-out1 premise Snails are a kind of mollusk. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num590-gen2-out1 hypothesis Snails live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num590-gen2-out1 entailment Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. & Snails are a kind of mollusk. |- Snails live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4081-gen2-out1 premise Electron transport is the final stage of aerobic respiration. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4081-gen2-out1 premise Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4081-gen2-out1 hypothesis Electron transport occurs in the mitochondria. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4081-gen2-out1 entailment Electron transport is the final stage of aerobic respiration. & Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria. |- Electron transport occurs in the mitochondria. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num564-gen1-out3 premise To repel insects, many plants produce a chemical that smells bad. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num564-gen1-out3 premise Insects are one of the pests that are repelled by that chemical. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num564-gen1-out3 hypothesis Insects are pests that are repelled by that chemical. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num564-gen1-out3 entailment To repel insects, many plants produce a chemical that smells bad. & Insects are one of the pests that are repelled by that chemical. |- Insects are pests that are repelled by that chemical. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3819-gen1-out2 premise If an animal is a good parent, then it will look after its young. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3819-gen1-out2 premise Parenting requires the animal to look after its young. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3819-gen1-out2 hypothesis A good parent is an animal that looks after its young. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3819-gen1-out2 entailment If an animal is a good parent, then it will look after its young. & Parenting requires the animal to look after its young. |- A good parent is an animal that looks after its young. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen1-out1 premise Force causes the speed of an object to increase. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen1-out1 premise Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen1-out1 hypothesis Force causes an object's velocity to change. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen1-out1 entailment Force causes the speed of an object to increase. & Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time. |- Force causes an object's velocity to change. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4215-gen2-out4 premise Mass is a property of matter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4215-gen2-out4 premise Every property of matter involves mass. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4215-gen2-out4 hypothesis Every property of matter involves matter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4215-gen2-out4 entailment Mass is a property of matter. & Every property of matter involves mass. |- Every property of matter involves matter. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3919-gen1-out4 premise Collisions can change the direction of a moving object. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3919-gen1-out4 premise A bullet fired from a gun is a moving object. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3919-gen1-out4 hypothesis The direction of a moving object can be changed by a collision. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3919-gen1-out4 entailment Collisions can change the direction of a moving object. & A bullet fired from a gun is a moving object. |- The direction of a moving object can be changed by a collision. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2110-gen1-out4 premise In a covalent bond, electrons are shared by atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2110-gen1-out4 premise Oxygen atoms share electrons with carbon atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2110-gen1-out4 hypothesis Carbon atoms share electrons with oxygen atoms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2110-gen1-out4 entailment In a covalent bond, electrons are shared by atoms. & Oxygen atoms share electrons with carbon atoms. |- Carbon atoms share electrons with oxygen atoms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4167-gen2-out1 premise If the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then animals may leave that environment to find food and water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4167-gen2-out1 premise Waterfowl are an example of animals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4167-gen2-out1 hypothesis If the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then waterfowl may leave that environment to find food and water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4167-gen2-out1 entailment If the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then animals may leave that environment to find food and water. & Waterfowl are an example of animals. |- If the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then waterfowl may leave that environment to find food and water. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3172-gen1-out2 premise Natural selection cannot be observed directly. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3172-gen1-out2 premise If natural selection cannot be observed directly, then the mechanism is unknown. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3172-gen1-out2 hypothesis The mechanism of natural selection is unknown. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3172-gen1-out2 entailment Natural selection cannot be observed directly. & If natural selection cannot be observed directly, then the mechanism is unknown. |- The mechanism of natural selection is unknown. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4157-gen1-out2 premise A jump rope is used to play jump rope. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4157-gen1-out2 premise Jump rope is played with two people. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4157-gen1-out2 hypothesis Two people use a jump rope to play jump rope. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4157-gen1-out2 entailment A jump rope is used to play jump rope. & Jump rope is played with two people. |- Two people use a jump rope to play jump rope. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1652-gen2-out4 premise Echinoderms move in circular patterns. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1652-gen2-out4 premise Echinoderms are able to protect themselves from predators. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1652-gen2-out4 hypothesis Echinoderms move in circular patterns to avoid predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1652-gen2-out4 entailment Echinoderms move in circular patterns. & Echinoderms are able to protect themselves from predators. |- Echinoderms move in circular patterns to avoid predators. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1585-gen2-out2 premise Purple coneflower seeds travel by wind. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1585-gen2-out2 premise Purple coneflower seeds are brown and fuzzy. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1585-gen2-out2 hypothesis Purple coneflower seeds travel by wind because they are brown and fuzzy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1585-gen2-out2 entailment Purple coneflower seeds travel by wind. & Purple coneflower seeds are brown and fuzzy. |- Purple coneflower seeds travel by wind because they are brown and fuzzy. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1754-gen2-out1 premise Triceps contracting causes a person's elbow to straighten. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1754-gen2-out1 premise Flexing the elbow causes the triceps to contract. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1754-gen2-out1 hypothesis If a person wants to straighten their elbow, then they should flex their elbow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1754-gen2-out1 entailment Triceps contracting causes a person's elbow to straighten. & Flexing the elbow causes the triceps to contract. |- If a person wants to straighten their elbow, then they should flex their elbow. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen2-out3 premise Burning fossil fuels creates air pollution. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen2-out3 premise Air pollution contains harmful chemicals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen2-out3 hypothesis Burning fossil fuels creates harmful chemicals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen2-out3 entailment Burning fossil fuels creates air pollution. & Air pollution contains harmful chemicals. |- Burning fossil fuels creates harmful chemicals. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4417-gen2-out1 premise Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4417-gen2-out1 premise Compacted layers of sediments are called strata. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4417-gen2-out1 hypothesis Sedimentary rocks are formed by the compaction of strata. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4417-gen2-out1 entailment Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition. & Compacted layers of sediments are called strata. |- Sedimentary rocks are formed by the compaction of strata. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen2-out1 premise Most mollusks have shells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen2-out1 premise Most birds' eggs have shells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen2-out1 hypothesis Most bird eggs have shells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen2-out1 entailment Most mollusks have shells. & Most birds' eggs have shells. |- Most bird eggs have shells. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2470-gen2-out1 premise Pasteurization reduces the amount of bacteria in milk. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2470-gen2-out1 premise Bacteria in milk can make humans sick. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2470-gen2-out1 hypothesis Pasteurization makes milk less likely to make humans sick. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2470-gen2-out1 entailment Pasteurization reduces the amount of bacteria in milk. & Bacteria in milk can make humans sick. |- Pasteurization makes milk less likely to make humans sick. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen2-out2 premise Convergent tectonic plates are plates that are moving towards each other. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen2-out2 premise If a tectonic plate moves towards another tectonic plate, the plates are converging. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen2-out2 hypothesis Convergent tectonic plates are converging plates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen2-out2 entailment Convergent tectonic plates are plates that are moving towards each other. & If a tectonic plate moves towards another tectonic plate, the plates are converging. |- Convergent tectonic plates are converging plates. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out2 premise Metabolic rate is the amount of energy released in each second. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out2 premise A thermometer measures energy in units of Joules. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out2 hypothesis Joules is the unit of measurement on a thermometer. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out2 entailment Metabolic rate is the amount of energy released in each second. & A thermometer measures energy in units of Joules. |- Joules is the unit of measurement on a thermometer. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2121-gen2-out1 premise Bone provides protection for soft tissues and internal organs. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2121-gen2-out1 premise Bone is hard. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2121-gen2-out1 hypothesis Bone is hard in order to provide protection for soft tissues and internal organs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2121-gen2-out1 entailment Bone provides protection for soft tissues and internal organs. & Bone is hard. |- Bone is hard in order to provide protection for soft tissues and internal organs. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen1-out3 premise Adding fat to food slows its digestion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen1-out3 premise If food is digested more slowly, then a person is less hungry. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen1-out3 hypothesis Adding fat to food makes a person less hungry. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen1-out3 entailment Adding fat to food slows its digestion. & If food is digested more slowly, then a person is less hungry. |- Adding fat to food makes a person less hungry. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1741-gen2-out4 premise Work equals force multiplied by distance. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1741-gen2-out4 premise Force is an action. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1741-gen2-out4 hypothesis Work is an action. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1741-gen2-out4 entailment Work equals force multiplied by distance. & Force is an action. |- Work is an action. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3981-gen1-out2 premise A ridge or mountain is formed by the upward movement of magma. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3981-gen1-out2 premise Volcanoes are formed by the upward movement of magma. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3981-gen1-out2 hypothesis Volcanoes form ridges and mountains. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3981-gen1-out2 entailment A ridge or mountain is formed by the upward movement of magma. & Volcanoes are formed by the upward movement of magma. |- Volcanoes form ridges and mountains. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4558-gen2-out1 premise The Himalayas were formed by rock folding. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4558-gen2-out1 premise Volcanic activity played a role in forming the Himalayas. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4558-gen2-out1 hypothesis Rock folding and volcanic activity played a role in forming the Himalayas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4558-gen2-out1 entailment The Himalayas were formed by rock folding. & Volcanic activity played a role in forming the Himalayas. |- Rock folding and volcanic activity played a role in forming the Himalayas. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1034-gen1-out2 premise The sun causes global warming. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1034-gen1-out2 premise The sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1034-gen1-out2 hypothesis The sun is a star that causes global warming. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1034-gen1-out2 entailment The sun causes global warming. & The sun is a star. |- The sun is a star that causes global warming. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2187-gen1-out1 premise Fertilization occurs when sperm swim to an egg inside an archegonium. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2187-gen1-out1 premise Only female plants have archegonia. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2187-gen1-out1 hypothesis Only female plants can be fertilized. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2187-gen1-out1 entailment Fertilization occurs when sperm swim to an egg inside an archegonium. & Only female plants have archegonia. |- Only female plants can be fertilized. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen2-out2 premise Some cells in the xylem tissue of plants consist of chloroplast, and can conduct photosynthesis. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen2-out2 premise Xylem tissue consists of living cells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen2-out2 hypothesis Some cells in the xylem tissue of plants can conduct photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen2-out2 entailment Some cells in the xylem tissue of plants consist of chloroplast, and can conduct photosynthesis. & Xylem tissue consists of living cells. |- Some cells in the xylem tissue of plants can conduct photosynthesis. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen2-out1 premise Arteries generally carry oxygen-rich blood. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen2-out1 premise Capillaries generally carry oxygen-rich blood. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen2-out1 hypothesis Oxygen-rich blood flows in both arteries and capillaries. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen2-out1 entailment Arteries generally carry oxygen-rich blood. & Capillaries generally carry oxygen-rich blood. |- Oxygen-rich blood flows in both arteries and capillaries. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2702-gen1-out4 premise A prism can be used to separate white light into its component colors. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2702-gen1-out4 premise An object of uniform color has no visible color of its own. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2702-gen1-out4 hypothesis White light is a mixture of component colors. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2702-gen1-out4 entailment A prism can be used to separate white light into its component colors. & An object of uniform color has no visible color of its own. |- White light is a mixture of component colors. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1922-gen2-out2 premise No two snowflakes are alike. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1922-gen2-out2 premise Snowflakes are crystals. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1922-gen2-out2 hypothesis No two crystals are alike. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1922-gen2-out2 entailment No two snowflakes are alike. & Snowflakes are crystals. |- No two crystals are alike. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen1-out4 premise If a seed grows, then it must have been planted. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen1-out4 premise A seed is planted in fertile soil. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen1-out4 hypothesis If a seed grows, then it must have been planted in fertile soil. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen1-out4 entailment If a seed grows, then it must have been planted. & A seed is planted in fertile soil. |- If a seed grows, then it must have been planted in fertile soil. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3858-gen1-out1 premise Birth may be followed by a period of parental care of the offspring. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3858-gen1-out1 premise The period of parental care that follows birth is termed a postnatal period. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3858-gen1-out1 hypothesis The postnatal period follows birth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3858-gen1-out1 entailment Birth may be followed by a period of parental care of the offspring. & The period of parental care that follows birth is termed a postnatal period. |- The postnatal period follows birth. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1816-gen1-out1 premise The ovaries are used in reproduction. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1816-gen1-out1 premise The female is the sex that gives birth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1816-gen1-out1 hypothesis Females are needed for reproduction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1816-gen1-out1 entailment The ovaries are used in reproduction. & The female is the sex that gives birth. |- Females are needed for reproduction. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1136-gen2-out1 premise Cnidarians are invertebrates such as jellyfish and corals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1136-gen2-out1 premise Invasive species are harming cnidarians. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1136-gen2-out1 hypothesis Invasive species are harming invertebrates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1136-gen2-out1 entailment Cnidarians are invertebrates such as jellyfish and corals. & Invasive species are harming cnidarians. |- Invasive species are harming invertebrates. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out5 premise Body warmth is important for animal health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out5 premise Blood carries heat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out5 hypothesis Blood is an animal's body heat transportation system. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out5 entailment Body warmth is important for animal health. & Blood carries heat. |- Blood is an animal's body heat transportation system. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1100-gen1-out2 premise Light consists of many colors. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1100-gen1-out2 premise The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of waves. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1100-gen1-out2 hypothesis Light consists of waves. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1100-gen1-out2 entailment Light consists of many colors. & The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of waves. |- Light consists of waves. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3393-gen1-out1 premise Operating an automobile usually requires fossil fuels. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3393-gen1-out1 premise Fossil fuels are not renewable. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3393-gen1-out1 hypothesis Operating an automobile usually contributes to global warming. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3393-gen1-out1 entailment Operating an automobile usually requires fossil fuels. & Fossil fuels are not renewable. |- Operating an automobile usually contributes to global warming. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen2-out1 premise Plants have specialized reproductive organs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen2-out1 premise Some flowers are plants. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen2-out1 hypothesis Some flowers have specialized reproductive organs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen2-out1 entailment Plants have specialized reproductive organs. & Some flowers are plants. |- Some flowers have specialized reproductive organs. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num152-gen2-out3 premise They say a picture is worth a thousand words. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num152-gen2-out3 premise In order to take a picture you must use a camera. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num152-gen2-out3 hypothesis A camera is a device that takes pictures. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num152-gen2-out3 entailment They say a picture is worth a thousand words. & In order to take a picture you must use a camera. |- A camera is a device that takes pictures. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2703-gen2-out4 premise Plants live in soils. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2703-gen2-out4 premise Plant roots are located in soil. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2703-gen2-out4 hypothesis Plant roots live in soils. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2703-gen2-out4 entailment Plants live in soils. & Plant roots are located in soil. |- Plant roots live in soils. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4080-gen1-out1 premise DNA contains genetic instructions for proteins, and RNA helps assemble the proteins. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4080-gen1-out1 premise Before a protein can be created, its specific DNA code must be copied into a type of RNA called mRNA. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4080-gen1-out1 hypothesis After a copy of a specific DNA code is created in RNA, the DNA code can be used to assemble the protein. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4080-gen1-out1 entailment DNA contains genetic instructions for proteins, and RNA helps assemble the proteins. & Before a protein can be created, its specific DNA code must be copied into a type of RNA called mRNA. |- After a copy of a specific DNA code is created in RNA, the DNA code can be used to assemble the protein. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3853-gen1-out3 premise If a planet has no atmosphere, then it will have a large range of temperatures. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3853-gen1-out3 premise Venus has no atmosphere. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3853-gen1-out3 hypothesis Venus will have a large range of temperatures. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3853-gen1-out3 entailment If a planet has no atmosphere, then it will have a large range of temperatures. & Venus has no atmosphere. |- Venus will have a large range of temperatures. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen2-out1 premise A light bulb requires electrical energy to produce light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen2-out1 premise Light bulbs make light through a chemical reaction. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen2-out1 hypothesis A light bulb is an electrical device that makes light through a chemical reaction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen2-out1 entailment A light bulb requires electrical energy to produce light. & Light bulbs make light through a chemical reaction. |- A light bulb is an electrical device that makes light through a chemical reaction. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2478-gen2-out1 premise Navigation requires knowing direction. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2478-gen2-out1 premise Navigation requires a compass. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2478-gen2-out1 hypothesis A compass is required for navigation. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2478-gen2-out1 entailment Navigation requires knowing direction. & Navigation requires a compass. |- A compass is required for navigation. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1898-gen2-out1 premise A vehicle is used for transportation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1898-gen2-out1 premise A bicycle is a vehicle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1898-gen2-out1 hypothesis A bicycle is used for transportation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1898-gen2-out1 entailment A vehicle is used for transportation. & A bicycle is a vehicle. |- A bicycle is used for transportation. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2896-gen1-out1 premise Algae play significant roles as producers in aquatic ecosystems. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2896-gen1-out1 premise Algae can produce oxygen through photosynthesis. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2896-gen1-out1 hypothesis Algae play significant roles as producers in aquatic ecosystems because they can produce oxygen through photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2896-gen1-out1 entailment Algae play significant roles as producers in aquatic ecosystems. & Algae can produce oxygen through photosynthesis. |- Algae play significant roles as producers in aquatic ecosystems because they can produce oxygen through photosynthesis. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4258-gen2-out3 premise Nuclear weapons do not release radiation into the atmosphere. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4258-gen2-out3 premise An explosion is a sudden release of energy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4258-gen2-out3 hypothesis Nuclear weapons do not release radiation into the atmosphere when they explode. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4258-gen2-out3 entailment Nuclear weapons do not release radiation into the atmosphere. & An explosion is a sudden release of energy. |- Nuclear weapons do not release radiation into the atmosphere when they explode. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4060-gen2-out3 premise An apple has seeds. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4060-gen2-out3 premise If something has seeds, it can reproduce. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4060-gen2-out3 hypothesis Apples can reproduce. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4060-gen2-out3 entailment An apple has seeds. & If something has seeds, it can reproduce. |- Apples can reproduce. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4366-gen2-out1 premise Plants live just about everywhere on Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4366-gen2-out1 premise Earth's land surface is called a biosphere. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4366-gen2-out1 hypothesis Earth's land surface is the biosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4366-gen2-out1 entailment Plants live just about everywhere on Earth. & Earth's land surface is called a biosphere. |- Earth's land surface is the biosphere. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num503-gen2-out4 premise If a species is well-adapted to its environment, it will be successful. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num503-gen2-out4 premise Some birds migrate to a warmer climate during the winter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num503-gen2-out4 hypothesis Well-adapted birds will be successful if they migrate to a warmer climate during the winter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num503-gen2-out4 entailment If a species is well-adapted to its environment, it will be successful. & Some birds migrate to a warmer climate during the winter. |- Well-adapted birds will be successful if they migrate to a warmer climate during the winter. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4462-gen1-out3 premise A rabbit is a herbivore. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4462-gen1-out3 premise All herbivores have four legs. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4462-gen1-out3 hypothesis Rabbits have four legs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4462-gen1-out3 entailment A rabbit is a herbivore. & All herbivores have four legs. |- Rabbits have four legs. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2970-gen2-out1 premise Amphibians have sense organs to smell and taste chemicals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2970-gen2-out1 premise Amphibians use chemicals in their environment to help them survive. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2970-gen2-out1 hypothesis Sense organs in amphibians help them to find food and water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2970-gen2-out1 entailment Amphibians have sense organs to smell and taste chemicals. & Amphibians use chemicals in their environment to help them survive. |- Sense organs in amphibians help them to find food and water. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3338-gen1-out1 premise Measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3338-gen1-out1 premise Scratching minerals can cause permanent damage. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3338-gen1-out1 hypothesis Measuring the hardness of minerals requires one to permanently damage those materials. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3338-gen1-out1 entailment Measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials. & Scratching minerals can cause permanent damage. |- Measuring the hardness of minerals requires one to permanently damage those materials. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4233-gen2-out4 premise Fish must keep water circulating in their gills in order to breathe. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4233-gen2-out4 premise If a fish doesn't keep water circulating in its gills, then it will die. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4233-gen2-out4 hypothesis Fish must keep water circulating in their gills in order to live. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4233-gen2-out4 entailment Fish must keep water circulating in their gills in order to breathe. & If a fish doesn't keep water circulating in its gills, then it will die. |- Fish must keep water circulating in their gills in order to live. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num305-gen1-out1 premise Flowers attract pollinators, and fruits encourage animals to disperse the seeds. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num305-gen1-out1 premise Flowers and fruits are traits of angiosperms. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num305-gen1-out1 hypothesis Angiosperms have flowers and fruits. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num305-gen1-out1 entailment Flowers attract pollinators, and fruits encourage animals to disperse the seeds. & Flowers and fruits are traits of angiosperms. |- Angiosperms have flowers and fruits. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2390-gen2-out2 premise Blue jays are wild birds. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2390-gen2-out2 premise Wild birds do not need to be caged. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2390-gen2-out2 hypothesis Blue jays do not need to be caged. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2390-gen2-out2 entailment Blue jays are wild birds. & Wild birds do not need to be caged. |- Blue jays do not need to be caged. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2700-gen1-out3 premise Newton's second law is applicable on all objects with mass. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2700-gen1-out3 premise Gravitational attraction is felt by all objects with mass. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2700-gen1-out3 hypothesis Gravitational attraction is an example of Newton's second law. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2700-gen1-out3 entailment Newton's second law is applicable on all objects with mass. & Gravitational attraction is felt by all objects with mass. |- Gravitational attraction is an example of Newton's second law. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4623-gen2-out4 premise A balanced diet is needed for good health. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4623-gen2-out4 premise The food pyramid shows a balanced diet. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4623-gen2-out4 hypothesis The food pyramid shows what foods to eat for good health. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4623-gen2-out4 entailment A balanced diet is needed for good health. & The food pyramid shows a balanced diet. |- The food pyramid shows what foods to eat for good health. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2500-gen1-out3 premise Frozen water is solid water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2500-gen1-out3 premise Liquid water freezes at 0 degree C. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2500-gen1-out3 hypothesis 0 degree C is the freezing point of liquid water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2500-gen1-out3 entailment Frozen water is solid water. & Liquid water freezes at 0 degree C. |- 0 degree C is the freezing point of liquid water. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2111-gen2-out1 premise Bottleneck effect occurs when a population suddenly gets much smaller. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2111-gen2-out1 premise The genetic diversity of a population is reduced when the population gets much smaller. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2111-gen2-out1 hypothesis The genetic diversity of a population is reduced when it suffers from a bottleneck effect. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2111-gen2-out1 entailment Bottleneck effect occurs when a population suddenly gets much smaller. & The genetic diversity of a population is reduced when the population gets much smaller. |- The genetic diversity of a population is reduced when it suffers from a bottleneck effect. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2337-gen2-out5 premise A bird cannot fly if it has a broken wing. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2337-gen2-out5 premise A flying bird must have a wing. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2337-gen2-out5 hypothesis A flying bird must have a wing which is not broken. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2337-gen2-out5 entailment A bird cannot fly if it has a broken wing. & A flying bird must have a wing. |- A flying bird must have a wing which is not broken. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num913-gen2-out1 premise When a river floods, that river deposits soil in flood plains. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num913-gen2-out1 premise Soil is deposited in flood plains by rivers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num913-gen2-out1 hypothesis Flood plains are deposits of soil made by rivers. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num913-gen2-out1 entailment When a river floods, that river deposits soil in flood plains. & Soil is deposited in flood plains by rivers. |- Flood plains are deposits of soil made by rivers. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2462-gen2-out3 premise Mammals have skin covered in fur. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2462-gen2-out3 premise Humans are mammals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2462-gen2-out3 hypothesis Humans have skin covered in fur. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2462-gen2-out3 entailment Mammals have skin covered in fur. & Humans are mammals. |- Humans have skin covered in fur. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2970-gen1-out2 premise A scientist measures the radius of an object. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2970-gen1-out2 premise A radius is the distance from the center of an object to the end of a line drawn from one edge of the object to the other. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2970-gen1-out2 hypothesis Scientists can measure the radius of an object. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2970-gen1-out2 entailment A scientist measures the radius of an object. & A radius is the distance from the center of an object to the end of a line drawn from one edge of the object to the other. |- Scientists can measure the radius of an object. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num830-gen1-out3 premise Oxygen is a gas in the air. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num830-gen1-out3 premise Plants need gas in the air to live. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num830-gen1-out3 hypothesis Plants need oxygen in the air to live. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num830-gen1-out3 entailment Oxygen is a gas in the air. & Plants need gas in the air to live. |- Plants need oxygen in the air to live. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try6-num2-gen1-out4 premise A hydrogen atom consists of one proton and one electron. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num2-gen1-out4 premise One electron can form a bond with a proton. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num2-gen1-out4 hypothesis Electrons form bonds with protons. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num2-gen1-out4 entailment A hydrogen atom consists of one proton and one electron. & One electron can form a bond with a proton. |- Electrons form bonds with protons. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num121-gen2-out3 premise The egg cells of all animals are produced by females. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num121-gen2-out3 premise Males of the species have the larger gametes. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num121-gen2-out3 hypothesis The female of the species produces eggs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num121-gen2-out3 entailment The egg cells of all animals are produced by females. & Males of the species have the larger gametes. |- The female of the species produces eggs. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2930-gen1-out3 premise A thermometer is used to measure temperature. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2930-gen1-out3 premise A thermometer contains mercury. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2930-gen1-out3 hypothesis Thermometers contain mercury. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2930-gen1-out3 entailment A thermometer is used to measure temperature. & A thermometer contains mercury. |- Thermometers contain mercury. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1379-gen1-out4 premise Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1379-gen1-out4 premise Particles have mass. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1379-gen1-out4 hypothesis Particles have a measure of the amount of matter in an object KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1379-gen1-out4 entailment Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. & Particles have mass. |- Particles have a measure of the amount of matter in an object T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4238-gen1-out1 premise Magnetism can cause objects to repel each other. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4238-gen1-out1 premise Something causes magnetic poles to repel each other. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4238-gen1-out1 hypothesis Something causes objects to repel each other. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4238-gen1-out1 entailment Magnetism can cause objects to repel each other. & Something causes magnetic poles to repel each other. |- Something causes objects to repel each other. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2532-gen1-out1 premise Petals attract pollinators to the flower. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2532-gen1-out1 premise Bees are pollinators. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2532-gen1-out1 hypothesis Bees are attracted to petals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2532-gen1-out1 entailment Petals attract pollinators to the flower. & Bees are pollinators. |- Bees are attracted to petals. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num140-gen1-out1 premise Bioterrorism is another potential threat in the environment. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num140-gen1-out1 premise There is a potential for bioterrorism. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num140-gen1-out1 hypothesis We need to be aware of the potential for bioterrorism. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num140-gen1-out1 entailment Bioterrorism is another potential threat in the environment. & There is a potential for bioterrorism. |- We need to be aware of the potential for bioterrorism. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3248-gen2-out1 premise Friction causes the temperature of an object to increase. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3248-gen2-out1 premise Rubbing two objects together causes friction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3248-gen2-out1 hypothesis Rubbing two objects together causes the temperature of an object to increase. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3248-gen2-out1 entailment Friction causes the temperature of an object to increase. & Rubbing two objects together causes friction. |- Rubbing two objects together causes the temperature of an object to increase. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2780-gen1-out2 premise Incandescent bulbs produce yellow light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2780-gen1-out2 premise Light bulbs produce light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2780-gen1-out2 hypothesis Incandescent bulbs produce light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2780-gen1-out2 entailment Incandescent bulbs produce yellow light. & Light bulbs produce light. |- Incandescent bulbs produce light. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3294-gen2-out2 premise Water will wet glass, but glass will not wet water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3294-gen2-out2 premise If water can wet glass, then water is polar. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3294-gen2-out2 hypothesis If water is polar, then it can wet glass. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3294-gen2-out2 entailment Water will wet glass, but glass will not wet water. & If water can wet glass, then water is polar. |- If water is polar, then it can wet glass. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num974-gen2-out3 premise Hydrogen and oxygen are made up of small particles. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num974-gen2-out3 premise H 2 O is the name of water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num974-gen2-out3 hypothesis Hydrogen and oxygen are made up of small particles of water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num974-gen2-out3 entailment Hydrogen and oxygen are made up of small particles. & H 2 O is the name of water. |- Hydrogen and oxygen are made up of small particles of water. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2226-gen2-out1 premise Cytoplasm refers to all of the cellular material inside the plasma membrane. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2226-gen2-out1 premise Ribosomes are inside the cytoplasm. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2226-gen2-out1 hypothesis Ribosomes are part of the cytoplasm. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2226-gen2-out1 entailment Cytoplasm refers to all of the cellular material inside the plasma membrane. & Ribosomes are inside the cytoplasm. |- Ribosomes are part of the cytoplasm. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3856-gen2-out2 premise Most rocks are composed of minerals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3856-gen2-out2 premise A mineral is a substance that cannot be broken down by heat. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3856-gen2-out2 hypothesis Most rocks are composed of substances that cannot be broken down by heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3856-gen2-out2 entailment Most rocks are composed of minerals. & A mineral is a substance that cannot be broken down by heat. |- Most rocks are composed of substances that cannot be broken down by heat. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2759-gen2-out1 premise When water freezes, that water expands. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2759-gen2-out1 premise Water expands when it freezes. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2759-gen2-out1 hypothesis Ice expands when it freezes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2759-gen2-out1 entailment When water freezes, that water expands. & Water expands when it freezes. |- Ice expands when it freezes. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1442-gen2-out1 premise Lungs are used for breathing air by land animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1442-gen2-out1 premise Dogs are land animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1442-gen2-out1 hypothesis Dogs have lungs for breathing air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1442-gen2-out1 entailment Lungs are used for breathing air by land animals. & Dogs are land animals. |- Dogs have lungs for breathing air. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4446-gen2-out1 premise Seat belts are used for preventing injuries to passengers in cars. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4446-gen2-out1 premise Nylon, polyester, and polypropylene are used for making seat belts. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4446-gen2-out1 hypothesis Materials such as nylon, polyester, and polypropylene are used for making materials that are used for preventing injuries to passengers in cars. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4446-gen2-out1 entailment Seat belts are used for preventing injuries to passengers in cars. & Nylon, polyester, and polypropylene are used for making seat belts. |- Materials such as nylon, polyester, and polypropylene are used for making materials that are used for preventing injuries to passengers in cars. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num26-gen1-out1 premise A refrigerator is used for keeping food fresh for a long period of time. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num26-gen1-out1 premise A refrigerator uses electricity to run. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num26-gen1-out1 hypothesis An appliance that uses electricity to keep food fresh for a long period of time uses electricity. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num26-gen1-out1 entailment A refrigerator is used for keeping food fresh for a long period of time. & A refrigerator uses electricity to run. |- An appliance that uses electricity to keep food fresh for a long period of time uses electricity. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num496-gen2-out2 premise If a curve is concave upward, the graph of the curve is a U-shaped curve. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num496-gen2-out2 premise A graph of a U-shaped curve always has exactly one point of inflection. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num496-gen2-out2 hypothesis Concave upward curves have exactly one point of inflection. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num496-gen2-out2 entailment If a curve is concave upward, the graph of the curve is a U-shaped curve. & A graph of a U-shaped curve always has exactly one point of inflection. |- Concave upward curves have exactly one point of inflection. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2894-gen1-out4 premise The light from the Sun can reach Earth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2894-gen1-out4 premise When light from the Sun reaches Earth, then photosynthesis occurs. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2894-gen1-out4 hypothesis If light from the Sun reaches Earth, then photosynthesis occurs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2894-gen1-out4 entailment The light from the Sun can reach Earth. & When light from the Sun reaches Earth, then photosynthesis occurs. |- If light from the Sun reaches Earth, then photosynthesis occurs. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3617-gen2-out1 premise Vertebrate chordates have a backbone. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3617-gen2-out1 premise Vertebrate chordates have a spinal cord. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3617-gen2-out1 hypothesis All vertebrate chordates have a spinal cord. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3617-gen2-out1 entailment Vertebrate chordates have a backbone. & Vertebrate chordates have a spinal cord. |- All vertebrate chordates have a spinal cord. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1126-gen2-out2 premise Human action is influenced by our genes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1126-gen2-out2 premise Our genes can contain information that can guide our behavior. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1126-gen2-out2 hypothesis Human action is guided by our genes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1126-gen2-out2 entailment Human action is influenced by our genes. & Our genes can contain information that can guide our behavior. |- Human action is guided by our genes. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2536-gen2-out2 premise Flammable liquids burn easily. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2536-gen2-out2 premise Kerosene is a flammable liquid. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2536-gen2-out2 hypothesis Kerosene burns easily. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2536-gen2-out2 entailment Flammable liquids burn easily. & Kerosene is a flammable liquid. |- Kerosene burns easily. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2752-gen1-out1 premise Sunlight and rain can cause a rainbow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2752-gen1-out1 premise Rainbows can be formed in the sky. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2752-gen1-out1 hypothesis Rainbows can be formed from sunlight and rain. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2752-gen1-out1 entailment Sunlight and rain can cause a rainbow. & Rainbows can be formed in the sky. |- Rainbows can be formed from sunlight and rain. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3996-gen1-out1 premise Carbon may be stored in sedimentary rock for millions of years. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3996-gen1-out1 premise Volcanic activity brings sedimentary rock to the surface. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3996-gen1-out1 hypothesis The topmost sedimentary rock layers are the most likely to contain carbon that is stored for millions of years. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3996-gen1-out1 entailment Carbon may be stored in sedimentary rock for millions of years. & Volcanic activity brings sedimentary rock to the surface. |- The topmost sedimentary rock layers are the most likely to contain carbon that is stored for millions of years. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num771-gen2-out4 premise When alluvial fans form, tectonic forces are acting upon the land. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num771-gen2-out4 premise Alluvial fans are made of sediment. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num771-gen2-out4 hypothesis Alluvial fans are formed when tectonic forces are acting upon the land. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num771-gen2-out4 entailment When alluvial fans form, tectonic forces are acting upon the land. & Alluvial fans are made of sediment. |- Alluvial fans are formed when tectonic forces are acting upon the land. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2721-gen2-out4 premise A honey bee (honey producing bee) makes honey for the hive. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2721-gen2-out4 premise A honey bee gathers nectar and pollen. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2721-gen2-out4 hypothesis A honey bee (honey producing bee) gathers nectar and pollen. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2721-gen2-out4 entailment A honey bee (honey producing bee) makes honey for the hive. & A honey bee gathers nectar and pollen. |- A honey bee (honey producing bee) gathers nectar and pollen. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num441-gen1-out1 premise If an object is in the sunlight then that object will absorb solar energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num441-gen1-out1 premise Once absorbed, solar energy can be transformed into thermal energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num441-gen1-out1 hypothesis An object in the sunlight will heat up. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num441-gen1-out1 entailment If an object is in the sunlight then that object will absorb solar energy. & Once absorbed, solar energy can be transformed into thermal energy. |- An object in the sunlight will heat up. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2434-gen1-out2 premise One person cannot lift a heavy object by themselves. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2434-gen1-out2 premise A lever can be used to lift a heavy object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2434-gen1-out2 hypothesis A lever can be used to lift a heavy object by a group of people. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2434-gen1-out2 entailment One person cannot lift a heavy object by themselves. & A lever can be used to lift a heavy object. |- A lever can be used to lift a heavy object by a group of people. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num657-gen2-out4 premise A mammal is an animal that has a mammal's heart. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num657-gen2-out4 premise A human is a mammal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num657-gen2-out4 hypothesis A human has a mammal's heart. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num657-gen2-out4 entailment A mammal is an animal that has a mammal's heart. & A human is a mammal. |- A human has a mammal's heart. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen1-out1 premise Secondary meristem is located within and around the vascular tissues. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen1-out1 premise The vascular tissues conduct water and nutrients. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen1-out1 hypothesis Secondary meristem conducts water and nutrients. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen1-out1 entailment Secondary meristem is located within and around the vascular tissues. & The vascular tissues conduct water and nutrients. |- Secondary meristem conducts water and nutrients. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num827-gen2-out2 premise The movement of a glacier causes erosion. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num827-gen2-out2 premise Erosion is the movement of soil by wind, water, or other natural forces. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num827-gen2-out2 hypothesis The movement of a glacier is a form of erosion. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num827-gen2-out2 entailment The movement of a glacier causes erosion. & Erosion is the movement of soil by wind, water, or other natural forces. |- The movement of a glacier is a form of erosion. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4163-gen1-out4 premise Hugs are used for showing affection. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4163-gen1-out4 premise People care about their pets. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4163-gen1-out4 hypothesis People care about their pets by giving them hugs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4163-gen1-out4 entailment Hugs are used for showing affection. & People care about their pets. |- People care about their pets by giving them hugs. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num660-gen1-out1 premise Mutation creates new genetic variation in a gene pool. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num660-gen1-out1 premise Sexual reproduction allows for gene pool variation. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num660-gen1-out1 hypothesis Mutation leads to genetic variation that sexual reproduction can then pass on to future generations. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num660-gen1-out1 entailment Mutation creates new genetic variation in a gene pool. & Sexual reproduction allows for gene pool variation. |- Mutation leads to genetic variation that sexual reproduction can then pass on to future generations. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3712-gen1-out1 premise When a gas in an open container evaporates, that gas spreads out into the air. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3712-gen1-out1 premise When a gas spreads out into the air, the air pressure decreases. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3712-gen1-out1 hypothesis If a gas in an open container evaporates, then the air pressure decreases. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3712-gen1-out1 entailment When a gas in an open container evaporates, that gas spreads out into the air. & When a gas spreads out into the air, the air pressure decreases. |- If a gas in an open container evaporates, then the air pressure decreases. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2259-gen2-out2 premise The force of the wind is the cause of a tornado. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2259-gen2-out2 premise Tornadoes occur in Oklahoma. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2259-gen2-out2 hypothesis Something causes tornadoes in Oklahoma. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2259-gen2-out2 entailment The force of the wind is the cause of a tornado. & Tornadoes occur in Oklahoma. |- Something causes tornadoes in Oklahoma. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1290-gen1-out1 premise Excretion is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1290-gen1-out1 premise For a human, elimination is a type of excretion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1290-gen1-out1 hypothesis For a human, elimination is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1290-gen1-out1 entailment Excretion is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. & For a human, elimination is a type of excretion. |- For a human, elimination is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2829-gen2-out2 premise The earth's tilt causes seasons. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2829-gen2-out2 premise Seasons bring variation to the climate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2829-gen2-out2 hypothesis The earth's tilt causes variation to the climate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2829-gen2-out2 entailment The earth's tilt causes seasons. & Seasons bring variation to the climate. |- The earth's tilt causes variation to the climate. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2288-gen1-out2 premise A prism can be used to break white light into different colors. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2288-gen1-out2 premise A prism may be used to separate a beam of light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2288-gen1-out2 hypothesis A prism may be used to break white light into different colors. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2288-gen1-out2 entailment A prism can be used to break white light into different colors. & A prism may be used to separate a beam of light. |- A prism may be used to break white light into different colors. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3851-gen1-out1 premise An animal requires warmth for survival. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3851-gen1-out1 premise If an animal is kept warm, it will survive. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3851-gen1-out1 hypothesis If an animal is kept warm, it will require warmth for survival. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3851-gen1-out1 entailment An animal requires warmth for survival. & If an animal is kept warm, it will survive. |- If an animal is kept warm, it will require warmth for survival. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num813-gen2-out1 premise Steroid hormones are made of lipids, such as phospholipids and cholesterol. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num813-gen2-out1 premise Steroid hormones are made by the adrenal glands. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num813-gen2-out1 hypothesis The adrenal glands make steroid hormones. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num813-gen2-out1 entailment Steroid hormones are made of lipids, such as phospholipids and cholesterol. & Steroid hormones are made by the adrenal glands. |- The adrenal glands make steroid hormones. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3733-gen2-out4 premise Diets high in calcium promote strong bones. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3733-gen2-out4 premise Seafood is high in calcium. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3733-gen2-out4 hypothesis Seafood promotes strong bones. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3733-gen2-out4 entailment Diets high in calcium promote strong bones. & Seafood is high in calcium. |- Seafood promotes strong bones. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3601-gen2-out1 premise The Earth being tilted on its rotating axis causes seasons. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3601-gen2-out1 premise If the Earth did not rotate on its axis, then the seasons would not occur. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3601-gen2-out1 hypothesis If the Earth were not tilted on its axis, then the seasons would not occur. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3601-gen2-out1 entailment The Earth being tilted on its rotating axis causes seasons. & If the Earth did not rotate on its axis, then the seasons would not occur. |- If the Earth were not tilted on its axis, then the seasons would not occur. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num141-gen1-out1 premise Better senses have a positive impact on an animal's survival. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num141-gen1-out1 premise Animals that have better senses can have a positive impact on their survival. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num141-gen1-out1 hypothesis If an animal has better senses, it can have a positive impact on its survival. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num141-gen1-out1 entailment Better senses have a positive impact on an animal's survival. & Animals that have better senses can have a positive impact on their survival. |- If an animal has better senses, it can have a positive impact on its survival. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2326-gen1-out1 premise If an organism becomes too hot then that organism may die. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2326-gen1-out1 premise The sun can become too hot. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2326-gen1-out1 hypothesis The sun can kill organisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2326-gen1-out1 entailment If an organism becomes too hot then that organism may die. & The sun can become too hot. |- The sun can kill organisms. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num523-gen2-out4 premise The purpose of dendrites is to get messages from other neurons. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num523-gen2-out4 premise Neurons form dendrites in order to get messages from other neurons. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num523-gen2-out4 hypothesis Dendrites are used to send messages from one neuron to another. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num523-gen2-out4 entailment The purpose of dendrites is to get messages from other neurons. & Neurons form dendrites in order to get messages from other neurons. |- Dendrites are used to send messages from one neuron to another. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4171-gen1-out5 premise Cells contain DNA. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4171-gen1-out5 premise All organisms are made of cells. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4171-gen1-out5 hypothesis All organisms contain DNA. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4171-gen1-out5 entailment Cells contain DNA. & All organisms are made of cells. |- All organisms contain DNA. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num420-gen1-out1 premise If heat is conducted to an object then that object will become hot. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num420-gen1-out1 premise The heat from a candle flame heats the air. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num420-gen1-out1 hypothesis The candle flame is conducted heat to the air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num420-gen1-out1 entailment If heat is conducted to an object then that object will become hot. & The heat from a candle flame heats the air. |- The candle flame is conducted heat to the air. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen2-out2 premise Types of animals live in a habitat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen2-out2 premise A habitat provides the necessities for life. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen2-out2 hypothesis A habitat provides the necessities for life for a specific type of animal. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen2-out2 entailment Types of animals live in a habitat. & A habitat provides the necessities for life. |- A habitat provides the necessities for life for a specific type of animal. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4359-gen1-out1 premise Most species go through larval stages after hatching. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4359-gen1-out1 premise The larval stage is the part of an animal's life cycle where it changes form. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4359-gen1-out1 hypothesis Most species change form after hatching. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4359-gen1-out1 entailment Most species go through larval stages after hatching. & The larval stage is the part of an animal's life cycle where it changes form. |- Most species change form after hatching. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2662-gen2-out3 premise Radioactive isotopes found in the Earth's core are uranium-235 and uranium-238. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2662-gen2-out3 premise When uranium-235 decays, it becomes lead-207. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2662-gen2-out3 hypothesis When uranium-238 decays, it becomes lead-207. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2662-gen2-out3 entailment Radioactive isotopes found in the Earth's core are uranium-235 and uranium-238. & When uranium-235 decays, it becomes lead-207. |- When uranium-238 decays, it becomes lead-207. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num700-gen1-out2 premise Plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num700-gen1-out2 premise Plants take carbon dioxide from the air. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num700-gen1-out2 hypothesis If plants do not get enough carbon dioxide, they cannot make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num700-gen1-out2 entailment Plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. & Plants take carbon dioxide from the air. |- If plants do not get enough carbon dioxide, they cannot make their own food. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num661-gen2-out4 premise There are many different proteins in the body. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num661-gen2-out4 premise Proteins make up the structure of many parts of the body. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num661-gen2-out4 hypothesis The proteins in the body are used to make up many parts of the body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num661-gen2-out4 entailment There are many different proteins in the body. & Proteins make up the structure of many parts of the body. |- The proteins in the body are used to make up many parts of the body. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4105-gen2-out1 premise Electricity sometimes is used for heating buildings. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4105-gen2-out1 premise Some wires contain an electric current. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4105-gen2-out1 hypothesis Electric current runs through some wires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4105-gen2-out1 entailment Electricity sometimes is used for heating buildings. & Some wires contain an electric current. |- Electric current runs through some wires. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num40-gen2-out3 premise Ink is made from the bones of animals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num40-gen2-out3 premise A pen uses ink to write. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num40-gen2-out3 hypothesis A pen uses animal bones to write. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num40-gen2-out3 entailment Ink is made from the bones of animals. & A pen uses ink to write. |- A pen uses animal bones to write. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4448-gen2-out2 premise Interaction with microbes can cause disease. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4448-gen2-out2 premise Eating uncooked fish increases interaction with microbes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4448-gen2-out2 hypothesis Eating uncooked fish can increase the risk of disease. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4448-gen2-out2 entailment Interaction with microbes can cause disease. & Eating uncooked fish increases interaction with microbes. |- Eating uncooked fish can increase the risk of disease. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3813-gen1-out4 premise A good scientist is dedicated to his research. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3813-gen1-out4 premise A dedicated scientist will be careful in his research. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3813-gen1-out4 hypothesis A good scientist will be careful in his research. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3813-gen1-out4 entailment A good scientist is dedicated to his research. & A dedicated scientist will be careful in his research. |- A good scientist will be careful in his research. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3573-gen2-out1 premise Sinkholes are formed by precipitation. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3573-gen2-out1 premise Sinkholes are filled with rainwater. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3573-gen2-out1 hypothesis Sinkholes contain rainwater. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3573-gen2-out1 entailment Sinkholes are formed by precipitation. & Sinkholes are filled with rainwater. |- Sinkholes contain rainwater. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3129-gen1-out1 premise Force causes the speed of an object to increase. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3129-gen1-out1 premise If the speed of an object increases, then its kinetic energy increases. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3129-gen1-out1 hypothesis Force causes the kinetic energy of an object to increase. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3129-gen1-out1 entailment Force causes the speed of an object to increase. & If the speed of an object increases, then its kinetic energy increases. |- Force causes the kinetic energy of an object to increase. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num531-gen2-out2 premise The formation of new stars in a galaxy occurs when the gravitational force of a nebula pulls in a clump of dust and gas. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num531-gen2-out2 premise Stars produce their own light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num531-gen2-out2 hypothesis Newly formed stars in a galaxy produce their own light because they were formed by the gravitational force of a nebula pulling in a clump of dust and gas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num531-gen2-out2 entailment The formation of new stars in a galaxy occurs when the gravitational force of a nebula pulls in a clump of dust and gas. & Stars produce their own light. |- Newly formed stars in a galaxy produce their own light because they were formed by the gravitational force of a nebula pulling in a clump of dust and gas. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1456-gen1-out2 premise If a civilization uses more resources than it creates, then the civilization will eventually run out of resources. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1456-gen1-out2 premise Overpopulation causes a civilization to use more resources than it creates. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1456-gen1-out2 hypothesis Overpopulation causes a civilization to eventually run out of resources. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1456-gen1-out2 entailment If a civilization uses more resources than it creates, then the civilization will eventually run out of resources. & Overpopulation causes a civilization to use more resources than it creates. |- Overpopulation causes a civilization to eventually run out of resources. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num231-gen1-out1 premise Mutations are essential for evolution to occur. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num231-gen1-out1 premise If a population does not have the genetic variation required for evolution to occur, then the population cannot evolve. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num231-gen1-out1 hypothesis If a population has enough genetic variation for evolution to occur, then the population will evolve. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num231-gen1-out1 entailment Mutations are essential for evolution to occur. & If a population does not have the genetic variation required for evolution to occur, then the population cannot evolve. |- If a population has enough genetic variation for evolution to occur, then the population will evolve. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1397-gen2-out3 premise Mercury can poison humans. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1397-gen2-out3 premise There is mercury in the classroom. ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1397-gen2-out3 hypothesis There is mercury in the classroom and it can poison humans. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1397-gen2-out3 entailment Mercury can poison humans. & There is mercury in the classroom. |- There is mercury in the classroom and it can poison humans. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4235-gen1-out1 premise Light enters the eye through an opening called the pupil. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4235-gen1-out1 premise The pupil is a hole in the front of the eye. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4235-gen1-out1 hypothesis Light enters the eye through a hole in the front of the eye. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4235-gen1-out1 entailment Light enters the eye through an opening called the pupil. & The pupil is a hole in the front of the eye. |- Light enters the eye through a hole in the front of the eye. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num294-gen2-out2 premise Empirical evidence is experimental data. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num294-gen2-out2 premise The experimental method is a source of empirical evidence. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num294-gen2-out2 hypothesis The experimental method is a source of experimental data. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num294-gen2-out2 entailment Empirical evidence is experimental data. & The experimental method is a source of empirical evidence. |- The experimental method is a source of experimental data. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4240-gen1-out1 premise Ink is used for hiding from predators by octopuses. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4240-gen1-out1 premise Ink is used for hiding from predators. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4240-gen1-out1 hypothesis Octopuses use ink for hiding from predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4240-gen1-out1 entailment Ink is used for hiding from predators by octopuses. & Ink is used for hiding from predators. |- Octopuses use ink for hiding from predators. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3899-gen2-out2 premise Matter cannot be created or destroyed. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3899-gen2-out2 premise If matter cannot be created or destroyed, then it will always be present. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3899-gen2-out2 hypothesis Matter is always present. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3899-gen2-out2 entailment Matter cannot be created or destroyed. & If matter cannot be created or destroyed, then it will always be present. |- Matter is always present. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num343-gen1-out1 premise Fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over time. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num343-gen1-out1 premise Fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num343-gen1-out1 hypothesis Hydrocarbons are the fossilized remains of plants and animals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num343-gen1-out1 entailment Fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over time. & Fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons. |- Hydrocarbons are the fossilized remains of plants and animals. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1530-gen2-out2 premise Learning a skill requires practice. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1530-gen2-out2 premise Riding a bike is a skill. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1530-gen2-out2 hypothesis Riding a bike requires practice. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1530-gen2-out2 entailment Learning a skill requires practice. & Riding a bike is a skill. |- Riding a bike requires practice. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3266-gen1-out1 premise Hiding can be used for avoiding predators. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3266-gen1-out1 premise A predator cannot find an animal if it is hiding. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3266-gen1-out1 hypothesis An animal can avoid a predator by hiding. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3266-gen1-out1 entailment Hiding can be used for avoiding predators. & A predator cannot find an animal if it is hiding. |- An animal can avoid a predator by hiding. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2211-gen1-out1 premise Echinoderms use pheromones to communicate with each other. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2211-gen1-out1 premise Pheromones are found in every living thing. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2211-gen1-out1 hypothesis Every living thing uses pheromones to communicate with each other. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2211-gen1-out1 entailment Echinoderms use pheromones to communicate with each other. & Pheromones are found in every living thing. |- Every living thing uses pheromones to communicate with each other. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1579-gen2-out3 premise A star is made of gas. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1579-gen2-out3 premise Light travels through gas. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1579-gen2-out3 hypothesis Light travels through a star. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1579-gen2-out3 entailment A star is made of gas. & Light travels through gas. |- Light travels through a star. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num439-gen2-out3 premise Differentiate means to classify into different categories. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num439-gen2-out3 premise Variables are numbers that can change. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num439-gen2-out3 hypothesis Variables can be differentiated. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num439-gen2-out3 entailment Differentiate means to classify into different categories. & Variables are numbers that can change. |- Variables can be differentiated. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4268-gen2-out2 premise Each sound frequency has a related color. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4268-gen2-out2 premise If something is related to something else, then it is similar to it. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4268-gen2-out2 hypothesis Each sound frequency is similar to a color. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4268-gen2-out2 entailment Each sound frequency has a related color. & If something is related to something else, then it is similar to it. |- Each sound frequency is similar to a color. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2181-gen1-out3 premise Crater are circular in shape. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2181-gen1-out3 premise A crater results from a meteorite striking a planet. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2181-gen1-out3 hypothesis A planet with a circular crater was struck by a meteorite. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2181-gen1-out3 entailment Crater are circular in shape. & A crater results from a meteorite striking a planet. |- A planet with a circular crater was struck by a meteorite. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out2 premise Physicists use elementary particles. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out2 premise Elementary particles are often used in quantum mechanics. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out2 hypothesis Physicists often use elementary particles in quantum mechanics. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out2 entailment Physicists use elementary particles. & Elementary particles are often used in quantum mechanics. |- Physicists often use elementary particles in quantum mechanics. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num151-gen1-out2 premise If a medium transmits electromagnetic waves, then the waves will be altered in the medium. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num151-gen1-out2 premise If electromagnetic waves are altered in a medium, then the frequency and amplitude of the waves will change. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num151-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a medium transmits electromagnetic waves, then the frequency and amplitude of the waves will change. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num151-gen1-out2 entailment If a medium transmits electromagnetic waves, then the waves will be altered in the medium. & If electromagnetic waves are altered in a medium, then the frequency and amplitude of the waves will change. |- If a medium transmits electromagnetic waves, then the frequency and amplitude of the waves will change. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4401-gen1-out1 premise Plasma cells are activated B cells that secrete antibodies. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4401-gen1-out1 premise Antibodies are involved in cell-mediated immunity. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4401-gen1-out1 hypothesis Plasma cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4401-gen1-out1 entailment Plasma cells are activated B cells that secrete antibodies. & Antibodies are involved in cell-mediated immunity. |- Plasma cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num321-gen1-out3 premise If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num321-gen1-out3 premise Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num321-gen1-out3 hypothesis Camouflage helps animals to hide from predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num321-gen1-out3 entailment If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. & Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. |- Camouflage helps animals to hide from predators. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1456-gen2-out3 premise It is important to rotate your tires. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1456-gen2-out3 premise The outside of your tires wear out faster than the inside. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1456-gen2-out3 hypothesis You should rotate your tires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1456-gen2-out3 entailment It is important to rotate your tires. & The outside of your tires wear out faster than the inside. |- You should rotate your tires. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2745-gen2-out4 premise A hexagon has 6 sides. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2745-gen2-out4 premise A triangle has 3 sides. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2745-gen2-out4 hypothesis A hexagon is not a triangle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2745-gen2-out4 entailment A hexagon has 6 sides. & A triangle has 3 sides. |- A hexagon is not a triangle. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1844-gen1-out2 premise If organic life on a planet ceases to exist, the planet is considered dead. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1844-gen1-out2 premise Dead planets can still spin. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1844-gen1-out2 hypothesis If organic life on a planet ceases to exist, the planet can still spin. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1844-gen1-out2 entailment If organic life on a planet ceases to exist, the planet is considered dead. & Dead planets can still spin. |- If organic life on a planet ceases to exist, the planet can still spin. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num285-gen2-out2 premise As tectonic plates move away from each other, volcanic activity increases. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num285-gen2-out2 premise Divergent tectonic plates are plates that are moving apart. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num285-gen2-out2 hypothesis Divergent tectonic plates are where the most volcanic activity occurs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num285-gen2-out2 entailment As tectonic plates move away from each other, volcanic activity increases. & Divergent tectonic plates are plates that are moving apart. |- Divergent tectonic plates are where the most volcanic activity occurs. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4082-gen2-out2 premise Some species reproduce by budding. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4082-gen2-out2 premise Only cells that bud can reproduce. F ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4082-gen2-out2 hypothesis Some species can reproduce by budding. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4082-gen2-out2 entailment Some species reproduce by budding. & Only cells that bud can reproduce. |- Some species can reproduce by budding. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4263-gen2-out2 premise The public's fear of nuclear energy declined after Chernobyl. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4263-gen2-out2 premise If something's fear of something else declines, then that something else used to scare that something else. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4263-gen2-out2 hypothesis Chernobyl used to scare the public. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4263-gen2-out2 entailment The public's fear of nuclear energy declined after Chernobyl. & If something's fear of something else declines, then that something else used to scare that something else. |- Chernobyl used to scare the public. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4435-gen2-out1 premise Skin is used for protecting the body from harmful substances. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4435-gen2-out1 premise People should use skin cream when going out in the sun. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4435-gen2-out1 hypothesis People should use skin cream when going out in the sun to protect their skin. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4435-gen2-out1 entailment Skin is used for protecting the body from harmful substances. & People should use skin cream when going out in the sun. |- People should use skin cream when going out in the sun to protect their skin. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2122-gen1-out1 premise Completing a circuit causes electricity to flow through that circuit. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2122-gen1-out1 premise Cars need electricity to start. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2122-gen1-out1 hypothesis Cars that need electricity to start complete a circuit when starting. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2122-gen1-out1 entailment Completing a circuit causes electricity to flow through that circuit. & Cars need electricity to start. |- Cars that need electricity to start complete a circuit when starting. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1947-gen2-out1 premise A car engine usually converts gasoline into motion and heat through combustion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1947-gen2-out1 premise Air contains oxygen and produces combustion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1947-gen2-out1 hypothesis A car engine converts gasoline into motion and heat through combustion in the presence of air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1947-gen2-out1 entailment A car engine usually converts gasoline into motion and heat through combustion. & Air contains oxygen and produces combustion. |- A car engine converts gasoline into motion and heat through combustion in the presence of air. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2584-gen1-out3 premise A fairy tale is a made-up story. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2584-gen1-out3 premise Snow White is a fairy tale. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2584-gen1-out3 hypothesis Snow White is a made-up story. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2584-gen1-out3 entailment A fairy tale is a made-up story. & Snow White is a fairy tale. |- Snow White is a made-up story. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4236-gen1-out4 premise If an object is radioactive, then it releases energy in the form of radiation. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4236-gen1-out4 premise Uranium is radioactive. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4236-gen1-out4 hypothesis Uranium releases energy in the form of radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4236-gen1-out4 entailment If an object is radioactive, then it releases energy in the form of radiation. & Uranium is radioactive. |- Uranium releases energy in the form of radiation. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num527-gen2-out1 premise Monotremes are mammals that reproduce by laying eggs. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num527-gen2-out1 premise Mammals lay eggs. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num527-gen2-out1 hypothesis Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num527-gen2-out1 entailment Monotremes are mammals that reproduce by laying eggs. & Mammals lay eggs. |- Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num380-gen1-out4 premise If a plant needs more sunlight, it grows towards the sun. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num380-gen1-out4 premise Plants can only absorb light energy through their leaves. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num380-gen1-out4 hypothesis A plant grows towards the sun to absorb light energy through its leaves. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num380-gen1-out4 entailment If a plant needs more sunlight, it grows towards the sun. & Plants can only absorb light energy through their leaves. |- A plant grows towards the sun to absorb light energy through its leaves. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4504-gen1-out1 premise Sharpening an object causes that object to change shape. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4504-gen1-out1 premise A kitchen knife is an object. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4504-gen1-out1 hypothesis Sharpening a kitchen knife causes it to change shape. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4504-gen1-out1 entailment Sharpening an object causes that object to change shape. & A kitchen knife is an object. |- Sharpening a kitchen knife causes it to change shape. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2247-gen2-out3 premise Astrophysicists theorize that the majority of the universe is composed of dark matter. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2247-gen2-out3 premise Astrophysicists theorize that dark matter can absorb light. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2247-gen2-out3 hypothesis Dark matter absorbs light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2247-gen2-out3 entailment Astrophysicists theorize that the majority of the universe is composed of dark matter. & Astrophysicists theorize that dark matter can absorb light. |- Dark matter absorbs light. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num839-gen2-out3 premise A helium balloon floats because helium is lighter than air. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num839-gen2-out3 premise Helium is lighter than air. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num839-gen2-out3 hypothesis Helium balloons float. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num839-gen2-out3 entailment A helium balloon floats because helium is lighter than air. & Helium is lighter than air. |- Helium balloons float. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1524-gen2-out1 premise Looking at bright objects has a negative impact on the eyes. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1524-gen2-out1 premise Looking at a sunbeam is looking at a bright object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1524-gen2-out1 hypothesis Looking at a sunbeam has a negative impact on the eyes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1524-gen2-out1 entailment Looking at bright objects has a negative impact on the eyes. & Looking at a sunbeam is looking at a bright object. |- Looking at a sunbeam has a negative impact on the eyes. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num776-gen1-out2 premise Scientists developed a virus that could be modified to kill only HIV-infected cells. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num776-gen1-out2 premise Researchers modified the virus so that it would kill only HIV-infected cells. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num776-gen1-out2 hypothesis Scientists have developed a virus that can be modified to kill only HIV-infected cells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num776-gen1-out2 entailment Scientists developed a virus that could be modified to kill only HIV-infected cells. & Researchers modified the virus so that it would kill only HIV-infected cells. |- Scientists have developed a virus that can be modified to kill only HIV-infected cells. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num131-gen1-out2 premise The mantle of a volcano is always on the ocean floor. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num131-gen1-out2 premise All active volcanoes are in the ocean. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num131-gen1-out2 hypothesis All active volcanoes are on the ocean floor. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num131-gen1-out2 entailment The mantle of a volcano is always on the ocean floor. & All active volcanoes are in the ocean. |- All active volcanoes are on the ocean floor. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen1-out3 premise Some metals can be melted. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen1-out3 premise Gold is a metal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen1-out3 hypothesis Gold can be melted. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen1-out3 entailment Some metals can be melted. & Gold is a metal. |- Gold can be melted. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1297-gen2-out2 premise Longitudinal waves travel through any medium. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1297-gen2-out2 premise A boat is a medium. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1297-gen2-out2 hypothesis Longitudinal waves travel through boats. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1297-gen2-out2 entailment Longitudinal waves travel through any medium. & A boat is a medium. |- Longitudinal waves travel through boats. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1716-gen2-out3 premise If an energy source is unstable, then it has the capacity to decay into a lower-energy state. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1716-gen2-out3 premise Uranium is an unstable energy source. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1716-gen2-out3 hypothesis Uranium has the capacity to decay into a lower-energy state. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1716-gen2-out3 entailment If an energy source is unstable, then it has the capacity to decay into a lower-energy state. & Uranium is an unstable energy source. |- Uranium has the capacity to decay into a lower-energy state. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4625-gen1-out3 premise A pump can be powered by a stream of water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4625-gen1-out3 premise The pump moves the water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4625-gen1-out3 hypothesis Water can be pumped by a stream of water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4625-gen1-out3 entailment A pump can be powered by a stream of water. & The pump moves the water. |- Water can be pumped by a stream of water. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1223-gen2-out1 premise Blood is a fluid connective tissue. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1223-gen2-out1 premise Connective tissue is in charge of growth and repair. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1223-gen2-out1 hypothesis Blood is in charge of growth and repair. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1223-gen2-out1 entailment Blood is a fluid connective tissue. & Connective tissue is in charge of growth and repair. |- Blood is in charge of growth and repair. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3479-gen1-out2 premise A planet moves in an elliptical orbit around the Sun. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3479-gen1-out2 premise Orbits of all planets around the Sun are elliptical. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3479-gen1-out2 hypothesis A planet will move in an elliptical orbit around the Sun. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3479-gen1-out2 entailment A planet moves in an elliptical orbit around the Sun. & Orbits of all planets around the Sun are elliptical. |- A planet will move in an elliptical orbit around the Sun. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num285-gen1-out2 premise If one object is lighter than another, the first object will float in water. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num285-gen1-out2 premise Lighter objects float on top of denser objects. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num285-gen1-out2 hypothesis If one object is lighter than another, the first object will float on top of the second object. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num285-gen1-out2 entailment If one object is lighter than another, the first object will float in water. & Lighter objects float on top of denser objects. |- If one object is lighter than another, the first object will float on top of the second object. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3092-gen2-out1 premise Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3092-gen2-out1 premise Sperm can only fuse with an egg if there is a nucleus inside the egg. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3092-gen2-out1 hypothesis Fertilization occurs when a sperm fuses with an egg that has a nucleus. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3092-gen2-out1 entailment Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse. & Sperm can only fuse with an egg if there is a nucleus inside the egg. |- Fertilization occurs when a sperm fuses with an egg that has a nucleus. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen2-out2 premise Saliva contains enzymes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen2-out2 premise Enzymes speed up reactions. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen2-out2 hypothesis Saliva speeds up reactions. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen2-out2 entailment Saliva contains enzymes. & Enzymes speed up reactions. |- Saliva speeds up reactions. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try6-num49-gen1-out2 premise A submarine can be made from steel. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num49-gen1-out2 premise Submarines are mostly used by the military. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num49-gen1-out2 hypothesis The military use steel to make submarines. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num49-gen1-out2 entailment A submarine can be made from steel. & Submarines are mostly used by the military. |- The military use steel to make submarines. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1342-gen1-out4 premise The water cycle recycles fresh water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1342-gen1-out4 premise On its journey, water evaporates. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1342-gen1-out4 hypothesis On its journey, water evaporates so that the water cycle can recycle fresh water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1342-gen1-out4 entailment The water cycle recycles fresh water. & On its journey, water evaporates. |- On its journey, water evaporates so that the water cycle can recycle fresh water. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4346-gen2-out2 premise In the Northern Hemisphere, ice melts. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4346-gen2-out2 premise The Sun is to the north of the Earth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4346-gen2-out2 hypothesis If ice melts, the Sun is to the north of the Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4346-gen2-out2 entailment In the Northern Hemisphere, ice melts. & The Sun is to the north of the Earth. |- If ice melts, the Sun is to the north of the Earth. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num871-gen2-out3 premise The two hemispheres of the brain control opposite sides of the body. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num871-gen2-out3 premise The corpus callosum connects the hemispheres of the brain. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num871-gen2-out3 hypothesis The corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres of the brain. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num871-gen2-out3 entailment The two hemispheres of the brain control opposite sides of the body. & The corpus callosum connects the hemispheres of the brain. |- The corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres of the brain. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2739-gen1-out2 premise Phytoplankton is food for zooplankton. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2739-gen1-out2 premise Phytoplankton is killed by pollution. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2739-gen1-out2 hypothesis Zooplankton can be killed by pollution. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2739-gen1-out2 entailment Phytoplankton is food for zooplankton. & Phytoplankton is killed by pollution. |- Zooplankton can be killed by pollution. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num659-gen2-out1 premise Oncogenes promote the division of cells with damaged DNA. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num659-gen2-out1 premise When cells divide, the DNA is copied. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num659-gen2-out1 hypothesis Oncogenes are genes that promote the division of cells with damaged DNA. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num659-gen2-out1 entailment Oncogenes promote the division of cells with damaged DNA. & When cells divide, the DNA is copied. |- Oncogenes are genes that promote the division of cells with damaged DNA. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1646-gen2-out4 premise The health of a tree is often dependent on the type of soil in which it grows. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1646-gen2-out4 premise Cypress trees need waterlogged soil. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1646-gen2-out4 hypothesis Cypress trees need waterlogged soil to remain healthy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1646-gen2-out4 entailment The health of a tree is often dependent on the type of soil in which it grows. & Cypress trees need waterlogged soil. |- Cypress trees need waterlogged soil to remain healthy. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3038-gen1-out3 premise If the test tube has a vacuum, then the floating penny will immediately sink. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3038-gen1-out3 premise The floating penny will sink. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3038-gen1-out3 hypothesis If the test tube has a vacuum, then the floating penny will sink. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3038-gen1-out3 entailment If the test tube has a vacuum, then the floating penny will immediately sink. & The floating penny will sink. |- If the test tube has a vacuum, then the floating penny will sink. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3743-gen1-out3 premise Polyethylene is a type of plastic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3743-gen1-out3 premise Polyethylene has a low melting point. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3743-gen1-out3 hypothesis Polyethylene is a plastic with a low melting point. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3743-gen1-out3 entailment Polyethylene is a type of plastic. & Polyethylene has a low melting point. |- Polyethylene is a plastic with a low melting point. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1972-gen2-out1 premise Algae play significant roles as producers in aquatic ecosystems. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1972-gen2-out1 premise Most of the chlorophyll in the world is produced by algae. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1972-gen2-out1 hypothesis Most of the chlorophyll in the world is produced by aquatic ecosystems. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1972-gen2-out1 entailment Algae play significant roles as producers in aquatic ecosystems. & Most of the chlorophyll in the world is produced by algae. |- Most of the chlorophyll in the world is produced by aquatic ecosystems. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen2-out4 premise As objects increase in mass, their gravitational attraction increases. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen2-out4 premise The Moon has a much smaller mass than Earth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen2-out4 hypothesis The Moon must have a smaller gravitational attraction than Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen2-out4 entailment As objects increase in mass, their gravitational attraction increases. & The Moon has a much smaller mass than Earth. |- The Moon must have a smaller gravitational attraction than Earth. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3008-gen1-out1 premise Communities consist of populations of different species. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3008-gen1-out1 premise Populations may coexist only if they have different food requirements. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3008-gen1-out1 hypothesis Communities consist of coexisting populations with different food requirements. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3008-gen1-out1 entailment Communities consist of populations of different species. & Populations may coexist only if they have different food requirements. |- Communities consist of coexisting populations with different food requirements. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2221-gen2-out1 premise Electron transport is the final stage of aerobic respiration. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2221-gen2-out1 premise Oxidation of food requires electron transport. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2221-gen2-out1 hypothesis Oxidation of food requires aerobic respiration. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2221-gen2-out1 entailment Electron transport is the final stage of aerobic respiration. & Oxidation of food requires electron transport. |- Oxidation of food requires aerobic respiration. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3470-gen2-out3 premise If a bacterial colony forms in an unhealthy location, it may be susceptible to attack. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3470-gen2-out3 premise If a bacterial colony is attacked, then it can be destroyed. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3470-gen2-out3 hypothesis If a bacterial colony forms in an unhealthy location, it can be destroyed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3470-gen2-out3 entailment If a bacterial colony forms in an unhealthy location, it may be susceptible to attack. & If a bacterial colony is attacked, then it can be destroyed. |- If a bacterial colony forms in an unhealthy location, it can be destroyed. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4320-gen2-out1 premise Poison causes harm to living things. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4320-gen2-out1 premise In case of a nuclear accident, radioactive iodine can harm living things. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4320-gen2-out1 hypothesis If a nuclear accident occurs, radioactive iodine can cause harm to living things. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4320-gen2-out1 entailment Poison causes harm to living things. & In case of a nuclear accident, radioactive iodine can harm living things. |- If a nuclear accident occurs, radioactive iodine can cause harm to living things. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num110-gen2-out2 premise A skunk secretes an unpleasant odor from its anal glands. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num110-gen2-out2 premise An anus is part of a skunk. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num110-gen2-out2 hypothesis An unpleasant odor is secreted from a skunk's anus. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num110-gen2-out2 entailment A skunk secretes an unpleasant odor from its anal glands. & An anus is part of a skunk. |- An unpleasant odor is secreted from a skunk's anus. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num496-gen2-out3 premise Mass, an intrinsic property of matter, is a measure of how much matter there is in a given object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num496-gen2-out3 premise Intrinsic properties are properties that all objects of a particular kind have by themselves. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num496-gen2-out3 hypothesis Mass is an intrinsic property of matter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num496-gen2-out3 entailment Mass, an intrinsic property of matter, is a measure of how much matter there is in a given object. & Intrinsic properties are properties that all objects of a particular kind have by themselves. |- Mass is an intrinsic property of matter. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1552-gen2-out3 premise A frog's bone structure, is similar to a human's bone structure. T ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1552-gen2-out3 premise A human has a bone structure. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1552-gen2-out3 hypothesis A frog has a bone structure. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1552-gen2-out3 entailment A frog's bone structure, is similar to a human's bone structure. & A human has a bone structure. |- A frog has a bone structure. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out1 premise Waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out1 premise Waxy leaves help keep plants hydrated. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out1 hypothesis Waxy leaves help plants store water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out1 entailment Waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants. & Waxy leaves help keep plants hydrated. |- Waxy leaves help plants store water. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen1-out3 premise Light is a wave. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen1-out3 premise Light is refracted by a prism. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen1-out3 hypothesis Light is refracted by prisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen1-out3 entailment Light is a wave. & Light is refracted by a prism. |- Light is refracted by prisms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num817-gen2-out2 premise Plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num817-gen2-out2 premise Plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num817-gen2-out2 hypothesis Photosynthesis is the way plants use carbon dioxide to make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num817-gen2-out2 entailment Plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. & Plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. |- Photosynthesis is the way plants use carbon dioxide to make their own food. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num215-gen1-out4 premise There is a constant amount of electrons in an atom. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num215-gen1-out4 premise Electrons cannot be created or destroyed. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num215-gen1-out4 hypothesis Electrons are never lost or gained. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num215-gen1-out4 entailment There is a constant amount of electrons in an atom. & Electrons cannot be created or destroyed. |- Electrons are never lost or gained. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2111-gen1-out2 premise The ozone layer is getting smaller in area. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2111-gen1-out2 premise UV radiation that can damage DNA cannot be shielded. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2111-gen1-out2 hypothesis UV radiation that can damage DNA will damage DNA if the ozone layer gets smaller in area. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2111-gen1-out2 entailment The ozone layer is getting smaller in area. & UV radiation that can damage DNA cannot be shielded. |- UV radiation that can damage DNA will damage DNA if the ozone layer gets smaller in area. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num499-gen2-out2 premise If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num499-gen2-out2 premise Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num499-gen2-out2 hypothesis Camouflage keeps animals from being eaten by predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num499-gen2-out2 entailment If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. & Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. |- Camouflage keeps animals from being eaten by predators. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2357-gen1-out2 premise The oldest skeleton found of a human is an adult. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2357-gen1-out2 premise Humans are adults before they are elderly. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2357-gen1-out2 hypothesis Humans are not elderly before they are adults. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2357-gen1-out2 entailment The oldest skeleton found of a human is an adult. & Humans are adults before they are elderly. |- Humans are not elderly before they are adults. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4025-gen2-out1 premise Eyes are used for seeing by animals by sensing light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4025-gen2-out1 premise If something is not visible, it is dark. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4025-gen2-out1 hypothesis Dark places are where animals do not see. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4025-gen2-out1 entailment Eyes are used for seeing by animals by sensing light. & If something is not visible, it is dark. |- Dark places are where animals do not see. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1164-gen1-out3 premise Solids are composed of molecules. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1164-gen1-out3 premise Clusters of molecules are molecules. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1164-gen1-out3 hypothesis Clusters of molecules are composed of molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1164-gen1-out3 entailment Solids are composed of molecules. & Clusters of molecules are molecules. |- Clusters of molecules are composed of molecules. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num473-gen2-out1 premise Genes that are located on the same chromosome are called linked genes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num473-gen2-out1 premise If two genes are linked, their alleles can recombine. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num473-gen2-out1 hypothesis The alleles of linked genes can recombine. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num473-gen2-out1 entailment Genes that are located on the same chromosome are called linked genes. & If two genes are linked, their alleles can recombine. |- The alleles of linked genes can recombine. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out3 premise The manufacturing of nylon requires ethylene. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out3 premise Fertilizer contains ethylene. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out3 hypothesis Nylon requires fertilizer. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out3 entailment The manufacturing of nylon requires ethylene. & Fertilizer contains ethylene. |- Nylon requires fertilizer. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num8-gen1-out2 premise When the throat is dry, it hurts to swallow. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num8-gen1-out2 premise Lack of water causes the throat to be dry. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num8-gen1-out2 hypothesis Lack of water causes it to hurt to swallow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num8-gen1-out2 entailment When the throat is dry, it hurts to swallow. & Lack of water causes the throat to be dry. |- Lack of water causes it to hurt to swallow. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num392-gen1-out1 premise Fertilization occurs when sperm swim to an egg inside an archegonium. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num392-gen1-out1 premise An archegonium is a structure that holds the egg. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num392-gen1-out1 hypothesis If sperm can swim to an egg, then fertilization can occur. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num392-gen1-out1 entailment Fertilization occurs when sperm swim to an egg inside an archegonium. & An archegonium is a structure that holds the egg. |- If sperm can swim to an egg, then fertilization can occur. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3209-gen1-out1 premise If heat is conducted to an object then that object will become hot. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3209-gen1-out1 premise If an object is hot, then it has absorbed heat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3209-gen1-out1 hypothesis If heat is conducted to an object, then the object will become hot. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3209-gen1-out1 entailment If heat is conducted to an object then that object will become hot. & If an object is hot, then it has absorbed heat. |- If heat is conducted to an object, then the object will become hot. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num217-gen2-out4 premise The greater the gravitational force, the larger the distance an object will fall. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num217-gen2-out4 premise A skydiver experiences a high gravitational force. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num217-gen2-out4 hypothesis A skydiver will fall a large distance. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num217-gen2-out4 entailment The greater the gravitational force, the larger the distance an object will fall. & A skydiver experiences a high gravitational force. |- A skydiver will fall a large distance. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num135-gen2-out1 premise Pollen consists of tiny grains that are the male gametes of plants. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num135-gen2-out1 premise Pollen can be found floating in the air. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num135-gen2-out1 hypothesis Some pollen in the air is floating pollen. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num135-gen2-out1 entailment Pollen consists of tiny grains that are the male gametes of plants. & Pollen can be found floating in the air. |- Some pollen in the air is floating pollen. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1826-gen2-out2 premise Atoms were believed to be the smallest unit of matter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1826-gen2-out2 premise A proton is a component of an atom. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1826-gen2-out2 hypothesis Atoms are believed to be the smallest unit of matter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1826-gen2-out2 entailment Atoms were believed to be the smallest unit of matter. & A proton is a component of an atom. |- Atoms are believed to be the smallest unit of matter. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num648-gen1-out2 premise An animal's lifespan is inversely proportional to its size. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num648-gen1-out2 premise Larger animals tend to live longer. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num648-gen1-out2 hypothesis Smaller animals tend to live shorter lives. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num648-gen1-out2 entailment An animal's lifespan is inversely proportional to its size. & Larger animals tend to live longer. |- Smaller animals tend to live shorter lives. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2487-gen1-out1 premise Population size influences the chances of a species surviving. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2487-gen1-out1 premise A larger population means a greater chance of survival. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2487-gen1-out1 hypothesis A larger population size will have a greater chance of survival. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2487-gen1-out1 entailment Population size influences the chances of a species surviving. & A larger population means a greater chance of survival. |- A larger population size will have a greater chance of survival. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3572-gen2-out1 premise Riding a bike does not cause pollution. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3572-gen2-out1 premise Pollution is caused by vehicles. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3572-gen2-out1 hypothesis Bikes do not cause pollution. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3572-gen2-out1 entailment Riding a bike does not cause pollution. & Pollution is caused by vehicles. |- Bikes do not cause pollution. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2657-gen2-out4 premise The sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2657-gen2-out4 premise The sun is located in outer space. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2657-gen2-out4 hypothesis Outer space contains stars. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2657-gen2-out4 entailment The sun is a star. & The sun is located in outer space. |- Outer space contains stars. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4342-gen2-out2 premise Natural gas is nonrenewable. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4342-gen2-out2 premise If something is nonrenewable, then it cannot be replaced or recreated. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4342-gen2-out2 hypothesis Natural gas cannot be replaced or recreated. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4342-gen2-out2 entailment Natural gas is nonrenewable. & If something is nonrenewable, then it cannot be replaced or recreated. |- Natural gas cannot be replaced or recreated. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num524-gen2-out4 premise Motion can be described using direction and velocity. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num524-gen2-out4 premise Velocity is a measurement of motion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num524-gen2-out4 hypothesis Direction and velocity are measurements of motion. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num524-gen2-out4 entailment Motion can be described using direction and velocity. & Velocity is a measurement of motion. |- Direction and velocity are measurements of motion. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2395-gen1-out2 premise It is colder in the winter than in the summer. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2395-gen1-out2 premise Seasonal temperature is based on latitude. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2395-gen1-out2 hypothesis Seasonal temperature is colder in the winter than in the summer. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2395-gen1-out2 entailment It is colder in the winter than in the summer. & Seasonal temperature is based on latitude. |- Seasonal temperature is colder in the winter than in the summer. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3666-gen1-out1 premise Threatening behavior causes a fight-or-flight response in animals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3666-gen1-out1 premise Birds can fly to escape from a predator. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3666-gen1-out1 hypothesis Threatening behavior causes birds to fly away from a predator. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3666-gen1-out1 entailment Threatening behavior causes a fight-or-flight response in animals. & Birds can fly to escape from a predator. |- Threatening behavior causes birds to fly away from a predator. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4605-gen2-out1 premise Water vapor cooling causes that water vapor to condense. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4605-gen2-out1 premise Condensing water vapor creates rain. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4605-gen2-out1 hypothesis Water vapor cooling creates rain. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4605-gen2-out1 entailment Water vapor cooling causes that water vapor to condense. & Condensing water vapor creates rain. |- Water vapor cooling creates rain. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3016-gen2-out1 premise Cold fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3016-gen2-out1 premise Warm fronts are less likely to cause thunderstorms as they pass by. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3016-gen2-out1 hypothesis Cold fronts cause more thunderstorms than warm fronts. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3016-gen2-out1 entailment Cold fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by. & Warm fronts are less likely to cause thunderstorms as they pass by. |- Cold fronts cause more thunderstorms than warm fronts. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2077-gen1-out1 premise Courtship is behavior that is intended to attract a mate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2077-gen1-out1 premise Courtship is ritualized behavior. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2077-gen1-out1 hypothesis Courtship ritualizes behavior. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2077-gen1-out1 entailment Courtship is behavior that is intended to attract a mate. & Courtship is ritualized behavior. |- Courtship ritualizes behavior. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3708-gen2-out1 premise Wind and rain cause erosion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3708-gen2-out1 premise If erosion causes cracks in rocks, then they will break into smaller pieces. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3708-gen2-out1 hypothesis Wind and rain break rocks into smaller pieces. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3708-gen2-out1 entailment Wind and rain cause erosion. & If erosion causes cracks in rocks, then they will break into smaller pieces. |- Wind and rain break rocks into smaller pieces. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1026-gen2-out1 premise A planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1026-gen2-out1 premise Earth is a planet. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1026-gen2-out1 hypothesis Earth rotating causes cycles of day and night on Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1026-gen2-out1 entailment A planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet. & Earth is a planet. |- Earth rotating causes cycles of day and night on Earth. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3957-gen1-out2 premise Bacteria are found in places where there is a lot of moisture. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3957-gen1-out2 premise A rainforest has moisture. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3957-gen1-out2 hypothesis A rainforest has bacteria. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3957-gen1-out2 entailment Bacteria are found in places where there is a lot of moisture. & A rainforest has moisture. |- A rainforest has bacteria. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num65-gen1-out1 premise A graduated cylinder is used to measure volume of a liquid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num65-gen1-out1 premise Measurement is the act of finding a volume. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num65-gen1-out1 hypothesis A graduated cylinder is used to find the volume of a liquid. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num65-gen1-out1 entailment A graduated cylinder is used to measure volume of a liquid. & Measurement is the act of finding a volume. |- A graduated cylinder is used to find the volume of a liquid. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2352-gen2-out4 premise At least one planet must be a gas giant. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2352-gen2-out4 premise The Solar System contains a gas giant. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2352-gen2-out4 hypothesis At least one planet in the Solar System is a gas giant. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2352-gen2-out4 entailment At least one planet must be a gas giant. & The Solar System contains a gas giant. |- At least one planet in the Solar System is a gas giant. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num796-gen2-out2 premise A hydrologic cycle is a water cycle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num796-gen2-out2 premise Some weather systems are part of the hydrologic cycle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num796-gen2-out2 hypothesis Some weather systems are part of the water cycle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num796-gen2-out2 entailment A hydrologic cycle is a water cycle. & Some weather systems are part of the hydrologic cycle. |- Some weather systems are part of the water cycle. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3217-gen2-out4 premise Hydrogen atoms bond with oxygen atoms to form water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3217-gen2-out4 premise Hydrogen and oxygen are required for water to exist. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3217-gen2-out4 hypothesis Hydrogen and oxygen are both required for water to exist. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3217-gen2-out4 entailment Hydrogen atoms bond with oxygen atoms to form water. & Hydrogen and oxygen are required for water to exist. |- Hydrogen and oxygen are both required for water to exist. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4598-gen2-out2 premise Grasshoppers have long hind legs and a short thorax. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4598-gen2-out2 premise Grasshoppers also have long antennae. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4598-gen2-out2 hypothesis Grasshoppers are equipped with long hind legs, a short thorax, and long antennae. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4598-gen2-out2 entailment Grasshoppers have long hind legs and a short thorax. & Grasshoppers also have long antennae. |- Grasshoppers are equipped with long hind legs, a short thorax, and long antennae. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2042-gen2-out1 premise Birds are endothermic tetrapod vertebrates. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2042-gen2-out1 premise Birds have lungs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2042-gen2-out1 hypothesis Birds are tetrapod vertebrates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2042-gen2-out1 entailment Birds are endothermic tetrapod vertebrates. & Birds have lungs. |- Birds are tetrapod vertebrates. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4278-gen2-out3 premise Water vapor in the air condenses into clouds. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4278-gen2-out3 premise Water vapor condenses into clouds when it comes into contact with other water molecules. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4278-gen2-out3 hypothesis Water vapor in the air condenses into clouds when it comes into contact with other water molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4278-gen2-out3 entailment Water vapor in the air condenses into clouds. & Water vapor condenses into clouds when it comes into contact with other water molecules. |- Water vapor in the air condenses into clouds when it comes into contact with other water molecules. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num187-gen2-out1 premise Bacteria in soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by plants. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num187-gen2-out1 premise Plants use atmospheric nitrogen to make food. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num187-gen2-out1 hypothesis Bacteria in soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that is usable by plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num187-gen2-out1 entailment Bacteria in soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by plants. & Plants use atmospheric nitrogen to make food. |- Bacteria in soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that is usable by plants. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1199-gen1-out4 premise Gravity pulls objects down. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1199-gen1-out4 premise A soccer ball is an object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1199-gen1-out4 hypothesis Gravity pulls a soccer ball down. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1199-gen1-out4 entailment Gravity pulls objects down. & A soccer ball is an object. |- Gravity pulls a soccer ball down. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num134-gen1-out2 premise Liquid rock, or magma, often fills the space between Earth's inner and outer layers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num134-gen1-out2 premise As liquid rock cools and solidifies, it is called igneous rock. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num134-gen1-out2 hypothesis Magma solidifies into igneous rock. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num134-gen1-out2 entailment Liquid rock, or magma, often fills the space between Earth's inner and outer layers. & As liquid rock cools and solidifies, it is called igneous rock. |- Magma solidifies into igneous rock. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1366-gen1-out3 premise Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1366-gen1-out3 premise Oaks are deciduous trees. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1366-gen1-out3 hypothesis Oaks lose their leaves in the fall. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1366-gen1-out3 entailment Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall. & Oaks are deciduous trees. |- Oaks lose their leaves in the fall. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3171-gen1-out2 premise If the sum of all life on Earth is increasing, then more carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3171-gen1-out2 premise If carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere, then there is less greenhouse gas. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3171-gen1-out2 hypothesis If the sum of all life on Earth is increasing, then there is less greenhouse gas. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3171-gen1-out2 entailment If the sum of all life on Earth is increasing, then more carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere. & If carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere, then there is less greenhouse gas. |- If the sum of all life on Earth is increasing, then there is less greenhouse gas. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num971-gen2-out3 premise A mechanism that requires an energy source to transfer energy is called a mechanism. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num971-gen2-out3 premise Batteries are examples of energy sources. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num971-gen2-out3 hypothesis Batteries are mechanisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num971-gen2-out3 entailment A mechanism that requires an energy source to transfer energy is called a mechanism. & Batteries are examples of energy sources. |- Batteries are mechanisms. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1131-gen1-out1 premise Cells that divide uncontrollably may form a tumor, or abnormal mass of cells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1131-gen1-out1 premise Metastasis is the spread of cells from a tumor. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1131-gen1-out1 hypothesis The spread of cells from a tumor is called metastasis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1131-gen1-out1 entailment Cells that divide uncontrollably may form a tumor, or abnormal mass of cells. & Metastasis is the spread of cells from a tumor. |- The spread of cells from a tumor is called metastasis. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4072-gen1-out4 premise The surface of the sun is hot. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4072-gen1-out4 premise The surface of the sun cannot be seen with the naked eye. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4072-gen1-out4 hypothesis The surface of the sun is too hot to be seen with the naked eye. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4072-gen1-out4 entailment The surface of the sun is hot. & The surface of the sun cannot be seen with the naked eye. |- The surface of the sun is too hot to be seen with the naked eye. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3034-gen1-out1 premise Carbon dioxide concentrations in the air have increased over the last decade dramatically. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3034-gen1-out1 premise Increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air causes the greenhouse effect. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3034-gen1-out1 hypothesis Increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the air causes the greenhouse effect. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3034-gen1-out1 entailment Carbon dioxide concentrations in the air have increased over the last decade dramatically. & Increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air causes the greenhouse effect. |- Increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the air causes the greenhouse effect. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2355-gen1-out2 premise Sugar is obtained from sugar cane. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2355-gen1-out2 premise Sugarcane is a type of grass. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2355-gen1-out2 hypothesis Sugar is obtained from a type of grass. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2355-gen1-out2 entailment Sugar is obtained from sugar cane. & Sugarcane is a type of grass. |- Sugar is obtained from a type of grass. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen2-out4 premise A shadow is formed by blocking the light from a source. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen2-out4 premise If the light from a source is blocked, then the source is behind the object blocking the light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen2-out4 hypothesis A shadow is formed by an object blocking the light from a source that is behind the object blocking KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen2-out4 entailment A shadow is formed by blocking the light from a source. & If the light from a source is blocked, then the source is behind the object blocking the light. |- A shadow is formed by an object blocking the light from a source that is behind the object blocking T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2785-gen1-out1 premise A solar panel converts sunlight into electricity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2785-gen1-out1 premise Wires carry electricity to a nearby building. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2785-gen1-out1 hypothesis A solar panel can be used to supply electricity to a nearby building. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2785-gen1-out1 entailment A solar panel converts sunlight into electricity. & Wires carry electricity to a nearby building. |- A solar panel can be used to supply electricity to a nearby building. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num919-gen2-out2 premise There are many stores of energy in the Earth. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num919-gen2-out2 premise The energy in the Earth is stored in fossil fuels. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num919-gen2-out2 hypothesis Fossil fuels are one of the many stores of energy in the Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num919-gen2-out2 entailment There are many stores of energy in the Earth. & The energy in the Earth is stored in fossil fuels. |- Fossil fuels are one of the many stores of energy in the Earth. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3062-gen2-out3 premise Oxygen atoms in water molecules attract hydrogen atoms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3062-gen2-out3 premise Hydrogen atoms are very small. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3062-gen2-out3 hypothesis Hydrogen atoms are attracted to oxygen atoms in water molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3062-gen2-out3 entailment Oxygen atoms in water molecules attract hydrogen atoms. & Hydrogen atoms are very small. |- Hydrogen atoms are attracted to oxygen atoms in water molecules. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num267-gen2-out4 premise Ocean currents bring warmth to coastal regions. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num267-gen2-out4 premise Warm water is the primary determinant of climate. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num267-gen2-out4 hypothesis Warm water currents affect climate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num267-gen2-out4 entailment Ocean currents bring warmth to coastal regions. & Warm water is the primary determinant of climate. |- Warm water currents affect climate. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3252-gen1-out1 premise Hair is a fiber that is found only in mammals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3252-gen1-out1 premise A pelt is made from the skins of mammals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3252-gen1-out1 hypothesis A pelt is made from hair. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3252-gen1-out1 entailment Hair is a fiber that is found only in mammals. & A pelt is made from the skins of mammals. |- A pelt is made from hair. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3750-gen2-out4 premise A parent's eye color is not passed on to their child. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3750-gen2-out4 premise The father is not a carrier of the eye color gene. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3750-gen2-out4 hypothesis The mother's eye color is not passed on to their child. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3750-gen2-out4 entailment A parent's eye color is not passed on to their child. & The father is not a carrier of the eye color gene. |- The mother's eye color is not passed on to their child. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2852-gen1-out2 premise In mathematics, a "factor" is a number that divides evenly into another number. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2852-gen1-out2 premise All numbers have factors. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2852-gen1-out2 hypothesis All numbers are "factors". KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2852-gen1-out2 entailment In mathematics, a "factor" is a number that divides evenly into another number. & All numbers have factors. |- All numbers are "factors". T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1373-gen2-out4 premise Copper is a conductive metal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1373-gen2-out4 premise Copper is an ingredient in some wires. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1373-gen2-out4 hypothesis Copper is a conductive metal because it is found in wires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1373-gen2-out4 entailment Copper is a conductive metal. & Copper is an ingredient in some wires. |- Copper is a conductive metal because it is found in wires. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3439-gen1-out1 premise Plants that are adapted to very dry environments are called xerophytes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3439-gen1-out1 premise If a xerophyte uses water more efficiently, then it can grow in environments that are very dry. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3439-gen1-out1 hypothesis If a xerophyte uses water more efficiently, it can grow in very dry environments. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3439-gen1-out1 entailment Plants that are adapted to very dry environments are called xerophytes. & If a xerophyte uses water more efficiently, then it can grow in environments that are very dry. |- If a xerophyte uses water more efficiently, it can grow in very dry environments. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num520-gen1-out1 premise Insulin is a hormone that helps cells absorb sugar from the blood. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num520-gen1-out1 premise Blood sugar levels go up after eating a meal. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num520-gen1-out1 hypothesis Insulin helps cells absorb blood sugar. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num520-gen1-out1 entailment Insulin is a hormone that helps cells absorb sugar from the blood. & Blood sugar levels go up after eating a meal. |- Insulin helps cells absorb blood sugar. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1511-gen2-out3 premise Natural populations of plants and animals have evolved. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1511-gen2-out3 premise All species living today are descended from ancestral species. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1511-gen2-out3 hypothesis Natural populations of plants and animals have evolved from ancestral species. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1511-gen2-out3 entailment Natural populations of plants and animals have evolved. & All species living today are descended from ancestral species. |- Natural populations of plants and animals have evolved from ancestral species. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3036-gen1-out3 premise Spiders release silk into their webs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3036-gen1-out3 premise Silk captures insects. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3036-gen1-out3 hypothesis Spiders use silk to capture insects. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3036-gen1-out3 entailment Spiders release silk into their webs. & Silk captures insects. |- Spiders use silk to capture insects. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2521-gen2-out1 premise Poison causes harm to living things. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2521-gen2-out1 premise A snake is a living thing. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2521-gen2-out1 hypothesis A snake is harmed by poison. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2521-gen2-out1 entailment Poison causes harm to living things. & A snake is a living thing. |- A snake is harmed by poison. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1086-gen2-out1 premise Annelids are worms such as the familiar earthworm. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1086-gen2-out1 premise Annelids can be found under any type of soil. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1086-gen2-out1 hypothesis Annelids can be found under all soil types. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1086-gen2-out1 entailment Annelids are worms such as the familiar earthworm. & Annelids can be found under any type of soil. |- Annelids can be found under all soil types. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2897-gen1-out2 premise Substances may be dissolved in water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2897-gen1-out2 premise Substances that dissolve in water tend to be less dense than water. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2897-gen1-out2 hypothesis Substances that dissolve in water are less dense than water. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2897-gen1-out2 entailment Substances may be dissolved in water. & Substances that dissolve in water tend to be less dense than water. |- Substances that dissolve in water are less dense than water. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3947-gen1-out1 premise Condensing means changing from a gas into a liquid by reducing heat energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3947-gen1-out1 premise Evaporation changes from a liquid into a gas by absorbing heat energy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3947-gen1-out1 hypothesis Evaporation and condensation are the processes that change from gas to liquid and from liquid to gas, respectively. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3947-gen1-out1 entailment Condensing means changing from a gas into a liquid by reducing heat energy. & Evaporation changes from a liquid into a gas by absorbing heat energy. |- Evaporation and condensation are the processes that change from gas to liquid and from liquid to gas, respectively. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1267-gen2-out3 premise Gravity causes objects to fall toward the center of Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1267-gen2-out3 premise Lava is a type of object. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1267-gen2-out3 hypothesis Lava flows to the center of Earth due to gravity. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1267-gen2-out3 entailment Gravity causes objects to fall toward the center of Earth. & Lava is a type of object. |- Lava flows to the center of Earth due to gravity. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num458-gen2-out3 premise Nitrogen fixation is when a plant or animal changes atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num458-gen2-out3 premise Nitrogen fixation is a bacterial process. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num458-gen2-out3 hypothesis Bacteria are involved in nitrogen fixation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num458-gen2-out3 entailment Nitrogen fixation is when a plant or animal changes atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. & Nitrogen fixation is a bacterial process. |- Bacteria are involved in nitrogen fixation. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen2-out2 premise When the distance between objects is greater, the gravitational force between them is smaller. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen2-out2 premise If the gravitational force between objects is smaller, the objects are less likely to collide. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen2-out2 hypothesis If the distance between objects is greater, the objects are less likely to collide. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen2-out2 entailment When the distance between objects is greater, the gravitational force between them is smaller. & If the gravitational force between objects is smaller, the objects are less likely to collide. |- If the distance between objects is greater, the objects are less likely to collide. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2276-gen2-out2 premise All animals with red blood have hearts. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2276-gen2-out2 premise Humans have red blood. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2276-gen2-out2 hypothesis Humans have hearts. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2276-gen2-out2 entailment All animals with red blood have hearts. & Humans have red blood. |- Humans have hearts. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3859-gen1-out3 premise Water freezes when the temperature is low enough. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3859-gen1-out3 premise If the temperature is low enough, water will freeze. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3859-gen1-out3 hypothesis The temperature must be low enough for water to freeze. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3859-gen1-out3 entailment Water freezes when the temperature is low enough. & If the temperature is low enough, water will freeze. |- The temperature must be low enough for water to freeze. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2453-gen1-out5 premise A male mouse is known as a buck. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2453-gen1-out5 premise A male mouse produces sperm. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2453-gen1-out5 hypothesis A buck produces sperm. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2453-gen1-out5 entailment A male mouse is known as a buck. & A male mouse produces sperm. |- A buck produces sperm. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num389-gen2-out1 premise Electrocution causes harm to an organism. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num389-gen2-out1 premise Electricity is a form of energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num389-gen2-out1 hypothesis Electricity is harmful to organisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num389-gen2-out1 entailment Electrocution causes harm to an organism. & Electricity is a form of energy. |- Electricity is harmful to organisms. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3065-gen1-out3 premise Sunlight absorbed by chlorophyll can be used by plants. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3065-gen1-out3 premise If plants grow, then they can be used by humans. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3065-gen1-out3 hypothesis If sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll, then plants can be used by humans. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3065-gen1-out3 entailment Sunlight absorbed by chlorophyll can be used by plants. & If plants grow, then they can be used by humans. |- If sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll, then plants can be used by humans. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num348-gen2-out2 premise A thing is a liquid if it is a substance that flows. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num348-gen2-out2 premise Water is a liquid. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num348-gen2-out2 hypothesis Water is a substance that flows. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num348-gen2-out2 entailment A thing is a liquid if it is a substance that flows. & Water is a liquid. |- Water is a substance that flows. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num150-gen1-out5 premise Mammals require calcium for bone growth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num150-gen1-out5 premise Humans need calcium for bone growth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num150-gen1-out5 hypothesis Humans are mammals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num150-gen1-out5 entailment Mammals require calcium for bone growth. & Humans need calcium for bone growth. |- Humans are mammals. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2475-gen2-out3 premise The sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2475-gen2-out3 premise It is made of hydrogen. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2475-gen2-out3 hypothesis The sun is a large star. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2475-gen2-out3 entailment The sun is a star. & It is made of hydrogen. |- The sun is a large star. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2346-gen2-out1 premise If an object is made of a material then that object has the properties of that material. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2346-gen2-out1 premise Diamonds are made of carbon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2346-gen2-out1 hypothesis Diamonds have the properties of carbon. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2346-gen2-out1 entailment If an object is made of a material then that object has the properties of that material. & Diamonds are made of carbon. |- Diamonds have the properties of carbon. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2785-gen1-out4 premise A clock with a pendulum swings back and forth at a regular interval. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2785-gen1-out4 premise The regular interval is produced by the energy stored in the pendulum. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2785-gen1-out4 hypothesis Energy is stored in a pendulum. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2785-gen1-out4 entailment A clock with a pendulum swings back and forth at a regular interval. & The regular interval is produced by the energy stored in the pendulum. |- Energy is stored in a pendulum. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2975-gen2-out3 premise Greenhouse gases absorb and emit infrared radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2975-gen2-out3 premise Gases in the atmosphere are transparent to visible light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2975-gen2-out3 hypothesis Greenhouse gases are transparent to visible light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2975-gen2-out3 entailment Greenhouse gases absorb and emit infrared radiation. & Gases in the atmosphere are transparent to visible light. |- Greenhouse gases are transparent to visible light. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num189-gen2-out1 premise Heating an egg causes a chemical reaction in the egg. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num189-gen2-out1 premise Heating an egg causes proteins to unravel. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num189-gen2-out1 hypothesis Eggs that are heated may begin to unravel proteins. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num189-gen2-out1 entailment Heating an egg causes a chemical reaction in the egg. & Heating an egg causes proteins to unravel. |- Eggs that are heated may begin to unravel proteins. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3199-gen2-out5 premise The planet Venus is large. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3199-gen2-out5 premise The planet Venus is near the Sun. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3199-gen2-out5 hypothesis The planet Venus is large and near the Sun KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3199-gen2-out5 entailment The planet Venus is large. & The planet Venus is near the Sun. |- The planet Venus is large and near the Sun T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2839-gen2-out4 premise No life would exist without plants. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2839-gen2-out4 premise If plants died, life would end. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2839-gen2-out4 hypothesis If plants die, life ends. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2839-gen2-out4 entailment No life would exist without plants. & If plants died, life would end. |- If plants die, life ends. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num321-gen1-out4 premise A glacier is a persistent supply of water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num321-gen1-out4 premise Glaciers are made of water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num321-gen1-out4 hypothesis A glacier is a water reservoir. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num321-gen1-out4 entailment A glacier is a persistent supply of water. & Glaciers are made of water. |- A glacier is a water reservoir. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3555-gen1-out1 premise Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3555-gen1-out1 premise Sedimentary rocks form at the Earth's surface. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3555-gen1-out1 hypothesis Sedimentary rocks form at the Earth's surface by deposition. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3555-gen1-out1 entailment Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition. & Sedimentary rocks form at the Earth's surface. |- Sedimentary rocks form at the Earth's surface by deposition. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num652-gen1-out1 premise Organs of excretion make up the excretory system. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num652-gen1-out1 premise The kidneys and ureters are organs of excretion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num652-gen1-out1 hypothesis The kidneys and ureters are parts of the excretory system. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num652-gen1-out1 entailment Organs of excretion make up the excretory system. & The kidneys and ureters are organs of excretion. |- The kidneys and ureters are parts of the excretory system. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1941-gen2-out3 premise A magnet has a north pole and a south pole. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1941-gen2-out3 premise A region with a south pole has a north pole. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1941-gen2-out3 hypothesis A region with a north pole has a south pole. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1941-gen2-out3 entailment A magnet has a north pole and a south pole. & A region with a south pole has a north pole. |- A region with a north pole has a south pole. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4486-gen2-out4 premise The collision between the nitrogen nucleus and the oxygen nucleus releases energy in the form of a gamma ray. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4486-gen2-out4 premise A gamma ray is an energetic photon. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4486-gen2-out4 hypothesis The collision between the nitrogen nucleus and the oxygen nucleus releases a photon. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4486-gen2-out4 entailment The collision between the nitrogen nucleus and the oxygen nucleus releases energy in the form of a gamma ray. & A gamma ray is an energetic photon. |- The collision between the nitrogen nucleus and the oxygen nucleus releases a photon. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2668-gen1-out3 premise Gravity can bend light. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2668-gen1-out3 premise Matter bends light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2668-gen1-out3 hypothesis Matter and gravity bend light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2668-gen1-out3 entailment Gravity can bend light. & Matter bends light. |- Matter and gravity bend light. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num845-gen1-out2 premise Frost will damage most crops. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num845-gen1-out2 premise Frost is ice crystals forming in the air. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num845-gen1-out2 hypothesis Freezing temperatures can damage crops. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num845-gen1-out2 entailment Frost will damage most crops. & Frost is ice crystals forming in the air. |- Freezing temperatures can damage crops. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4638-gen2-out2 premise When a fuel burns, energy is released. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4638-gen2-out2 premise Energy is needed to break chemical bonds. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4638-gen2-out2 hypothesis When a fuel burns, chemical bonds are broken. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4638-gen2-out2 entailment When a fuel burns, energy is released. & Energy is needed to break chemical bonds. |- When a fuel burns, chemical bonds are broken. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4564-gen2-out1 premise Viruses contain DNA but not much else. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4564-gen2-out1 premise DNA carries the virus' genetic information. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4564-gen2-out1 hypothesis Viruses need DNA to carry their genetic information. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4564-gen2-out1 entailment Viruses contain DNA but not much else. & DNA carries the virus' genetic information. |- Viruses need DNA to carry their genetic information. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2243-gen2-out4 premise One of the moons of Mars is named Phobos. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2243-gen2-out4 premise The moon Phobos orbits the planet Mars. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2243-gen2-out4 hypothesis A moon of Mars is named Phobos. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2243-gen2-out4 entailment One of the moons of Mars is named Phobos. & The moon Phobos orbits the planet Mars. |- A moon of Mars is named Phobos. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2695-gen1-out2 premise A thunderstorm moves over the surrounding land. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2695-gen1-out2 premise The edge of a thunderstorm contains higher winds. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2695-gen1-out2 hypothesis The edge of a thunderstorm has higher winds. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2695-gen1-out2 entailment A thunderstorm moves over the surrounding land. & The edge of a thunderstorm contains higher winds. |- The edge of a thunderstorm has higher winds. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4575-gen1-out1 premise Sweating reduces body heat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4575-gen1-out1 premise If the body cannot lower its temperature, it could die. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4575-gen1-out1 hypothesis Sweating reduces body heat to prevent death. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4575-gen1-out1 entailment Sweating reduces body heat. & If the body cannot lower its temperature, it could die. |- Sweating reduces body heat to prevent death. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2032-gen1-out1 premise All life relies on a relatively narrow range of pH, or acidity. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2032-gen1-out1 premise The acidity in the body is measured by the pH of the blood. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2032-gen1-out1 hypothesis The pH of the blood reflects the acidity in the body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2032-gen1-out1 entailment All life relies on a relatively narrow range of pH, or acidity. & The acidity in the body is measured by the pH of the blood. |- The pH of the blood reflects the acidity in the body. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3663-gen1-out4 premise A cold front causes winds to become gusty. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3663-gen1-out4 premise Winds are gusty when the pressure is low. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3663-gen1-out4 hypothesis Winds are gusty when a cold front causes winds to become gusty KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3663-gen1-out4 entailment A cold front causes winds to become gusty. & Winds are gusty when the pressure is low. |- Winds are gusty when a cold front causes winds to become gusty T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num114-gen1-out2 premise Perimeter of a triangle can be calculated using Heron's formula. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num114-gen1-out2 premise An equilateral triangle has all equal sides. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num114-gen1-out2 hypothesis An equilateral triangle has a perimeter that can be calculated using Heron's formula. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num114-gen1-out2 entailment Perimeter of a triangle can be calculated using Heron's formula. & An equilateral triangle has all equal sides. |- An equilateral triangle has a perimeter that can be calculated using Heron's formula. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3306-gen2-out1 premise Most hormones are regulated by feedback mechanisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3306-gen2-out1 premise Feedback mechanisms are controlled by other hormones. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3306-gen2-out1 hypothesis Hormones can regulate hormones. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3306-gen2-out1 entailment Most hormones are regulated by feedback mechanisms. & Feedback mechanisms are controlled by other hormones. |- Hormones can regulate hormones. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2782-gen2-out2 premise Sharks are dangerous. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2782-gen2-out2 premise A bamboo shark is a kind of shark. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2782-gen2-out2 hypothesis A bamboo shark is dangerous. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2782-gen2-out2 entailment Sharks are dangerous. & A bamboo shark is a kind of shark. |- A bamboo shark is dangerous. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num692-gen1-out2 premise Heat transfer is the transfer of thermal energy from one place to another by means of thermal radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num692-gen1-out2 premise Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation in the infrared. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num692-gen1-out2 hypothesis Heat transfer is the transfer of thermal energy from one place to another by means of thermal radiation in the infrared. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num692-gen1-out2 entailment Heat transfer is the transfer of thermal energy from one place to another by means of thermal radiation. & Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation in the infrared. |- Heat transfer is the transfer of thermal energy from one place to another by means of thermal radiation in the infrared. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num475-gen1-out3 premise If a person is stuck in quicksand, they should not struggle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num475-gen1-out3 premise A person who struggles in quicksand will sink faster. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num475-gen1-out3 hypothesis A person who is stuck in quicksand should not struggle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num475-gen1-out3 entailment If a person is stuck in quicksand, they should not struggle. & A person who struggles in quicksand will sink faster. |- A person who is stuck in quicksand should not struggle. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2201-gen1-out5 premise A toddler is a child. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2201-gen1-out5 premise A child is a human. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2201-gen1-out5 hypothesis A toddler is a human. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2201-gen1-out5 entailment A toddler is a child. & A child is a human. |- A toddler is a human. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3640-gen1-out4 premise Helium nuclei are alpha particles. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3640-gen1-out4 premise Alpha particles are radioactive. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3640-gen1-out4 hypothesis Helium nuclei are radioactive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3640-gen1-out4 entailment Helium nuclei are alpha particles. & Alpha particles are radioactive. |- Helium nuclei are radioactive. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num670-gen1-out1 premise Mutations are essential for evolution to occur. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num670-gen1-out1 premise Mutations are changes in DNA. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num670-gen1-out1 hypothesis Mutations are changes in DNA that allow for evolution to occur. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num670-gen1-out1 entailment Mutations are essential for evolution to occur. & Mutations are changes in DNA. |- Mutations are changes in DNA that allow for evolution to occur. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3011-gen2-out3 premise Steam may leave water if its temperature is too high. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3011-gen2-out3 premise Steam rises in air that is cool and moist. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3011-gen2-out3 hypothesis If water is too hot, steam will leave it and rise into the air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3011-gen2-out3 entailment Steam may leave water if its temperature is too high. & Steam rises in air that is cool and moist. |- If water is too hot, steam will leave it and rise into the air. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num131-gen2-out2 premise Research on fetal development shows that human beings are unique. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num131-gen2-out2 premise Human beings develop more like other mammals than they do like non-mammals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num131-gen2-out2 hypothesis Human beings have more similarities to other mammals than they do to non-mammals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num131-gen2-out2 entailment Research on fetal development shows that human beings are unique. & Human beings develop more like other mammals than they do like non-mammals. |- Human beings have more similarities to other mammals than they do to non-mammals. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3929-gen2-out1 premise Blood pH may become unbalanced if the rate of breathing is too fast or too slow. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3929-gen2-out1 premise When blood pH is unbalanced, the blood becomes acidic. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3929-gen2-out1 hypothesis If the rate of breathing is too fast or too slow, blood pH becomes unbalanced and acidic. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3929-gen2-out1 entailment Blood pH may become unbalanced if the rate of breathing is too fast or too slow. & When blood pH is unbalanced, the blood becomes acidic. |- If the rate of breathing is too fast or too slow, blood pH becomes unbalanced and acidic. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num594-gen1-out1 premise Insects can spread disease and destroy crops. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num594-gen1-out1 premise Insects have six legs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num594-gen1-out1 hypothesis Insects have at least six legs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num594-gen1-out1 entailment Insects can spread disease and destroy crops. & Insects have six legs. |- Insects have at least six legs. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3335-gen2-out4 premise A block of wax melts when it is heated. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3335-gen2-out4 premise If wax melts, then its molecules are breaking apart. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3335-gen2-out4 hypothesis Melting involves the breaking apart of molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3335-gen2-out4 entailment A block of wax melts when it is heated. & If wax melts, then its molecules are breaking apart. |- Melting involves the breaking apart of molecules. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3557-gen1-out4 premise If carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, then global temperatures will rise. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3557-gen1-out4 premise Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3557-gen1-out4 hypothesis If carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, then greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3557-gen1-out4 entailment If carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, then global temperatures will rise. & Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. |- If carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, then greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num845-gen2-out2 premise Ancient farmers often used pigs to remove weeds from their crops. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num845-gen2-out2 premise Pigs will eat nearly anything. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num845-gen2-out2 hypothesis Ancient farmers often used pigs to help remove weeds from their crops. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num845-gen2-out2 entailment Ancient farmers often used pigs to remove weeds from their crops. & Pigs will eat nearly anything. |- Ancient farmers often used pigs to help remove weeds from their crops. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3061-gen2-out2 premise Using fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3061-gen2-out2 premise Greenhouse gases can trap heat in the atmosphere. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3061-gen2-out2 hypothesis Using fossil fuels can trap heat in the atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3061-gen2-out2 entailment Using fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases. & Greenhouse gases can trap heat in the atmosphere. |- Using fossil fuels can trap heat in the atmosphere. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4638-gen1-out1 premise When an electrical circuit is working properly, electrical current runs through that circuit. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4638-gen1-out1 premise If a fuse is intact, it will allow electrical current to pass through it. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4638-gen1-out1 hypothesis If an electrical circuit is working properly, the fuse will be intact. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4638-gen1-out1 entailment When an electrical circuit is working properly, electrical current runs through that circuit. & If a fuse is intact, it will allow electrical current to pass through it. |- If an electrical circuit is working properly, the fuse will be intact. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4266-gen1-out2 premise The breathing organ of fish is their gills. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4266-gen1-out2 premise Gills are the breathing organs of fish. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4266-gen1-out2 hypothesis The gills of fish are their breathing organs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4266-gen1-out2 entailment The breathing organ of fish is their gills. & Gills are the breathing organs of fish. |- The gills of fish are their breathing organs. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2453-gen2-out5 premise A core sample provides a glimpse of the earth's past. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2453-gen2-out5 premise The geologic time scale is based on relative time. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2453-gen2-out5 hypothesis A core sample gives relative ages. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2453-gen2-out5 entailment A core sample provides a glimpse of the earth's past. & The geologic time scale is based on relative time. |- A core sample gives relative ages. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1402-gen1-out4 premise A neutron will be absorbed if it collides with a nucleus in a lattice of protons and neutrons. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1402-gen1-out4 premise If a nucleus is large, there is a larger probability that it will interact with a neutron. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1402-gen1-out4 hypothesis If a nucleus is large, there is a larger probability that it will interact KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1402-gen1-out4 entailment A neutron will be absorbed if it collides with a nucleus in a lattice of protons and neutrons. & If a nucleus is large, there is a larger probability that it will interact with a neutron. |- If a nucleus is large, there is a larger probability that it will interact T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4460-gen1-out2 premise A battery is a source of electrical energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4460-gen1-out2 premise Electrical energy is transferred by wires. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4460-gen1-out2 hypothesis Electrical energy is transferred by wires, and a battery is a source of electrical energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4460-gen1-out2 entailment A battery is a source of electrical energy. & Electrical energy is transferred by wires. |- Electrical energy is transferred by wires, and a battery is a source of electrical energy. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1619-gen1-out1 premise Muscle contraction occurs when muscle fibers get shorter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1619-gen1-out1 premise Exercise causes muscle fibers to get shorter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1619-gen1-out1 hypothesis Exercise causes muscle contraction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1619-gen1-out1 entailment Muscle contraction occurs when muscle fibers get shorter. & Exercise causes muscle fibers to get shorter. |- Exercise causes muscle contraction. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3035-gen2-out4 premise Food webs are linked by consumers and food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3035-gen2-out4 premise Dead plant material is a form of food. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3035-gen2-out4 hypothesis Food webs are linked by consumers and food KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3035-gen2-out4 entailment Food webs are linked by consumers and food. & Dead plant material is a form of food. |- Food webs are linked by consumers and food T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2554-gen1-out1 premise Muscle contraction occurs when muscle fibers get shorter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2554-gen1-out1 premise In skeletal muscle, muscle fibers get shorter by releasing Ca. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2554-gen1-out1 hypothesis Ca is released from skeletal muscle during contraction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2554-gen1-out1 entailment Muscle contraction occurs when muscle fibers get shorter. & In skeletal muscle, muscle fibers get shorter by releasing Ca. |- Ca is released from skeletal muscle during contraction. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1262-gen1-out4 premise Red objects absorb all wavelengths of light except for red. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1262-gen1-out4 premise A tomato is a red object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1262-gen1-out4 hypothesis A tomato absorbs all wavelengths of light except for red. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1262-gen1-out4 entailment Red objects absorb all wavelengths of light except for red. & A tomato is a red object. |- A tomato absorbs all wavelengths of light except for red. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4221-gen1-out1 premise Menopause occurs when menstruation stops occurring, usually in middle adulthood. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4221-gen1-out1 premise Menstruation occurs at puberty and occurs until menopause. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4221-gen1-out1 hypothesis Menopause occurs at middle adulthood. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4221-gen1-out1 entailment Menopause occurs when menstruation stops occurring, usually in middle adulthood. & Menstruation occurs at puberty and occurs until menopause. |- Menopause occurs at middle adulthood. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3385-gen1-out2 premise Colliding galaxies cause them to merge. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3385-gen1-out2 premise If galaxies merge, they appear larger. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3385-gen1-out2 hypothesis Colliding galaxies make them appear larger. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3385-gen1-out2 entailment Colliding galaxies cause them to merge. & If galaxies merge, they appear larger. |- Colliding galaxies make them appear larger. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4296-gen1-out4 premise Signals along nerves are transmitted to the brain. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4296-gen1-out4 premise Signals are transmitted through electrical current. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4296-gen1-out4 hypothesis If an animal's nervous system works through electrical current, then signals along nerves are transmitted to the brain. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4296-gen1-out4 entailment Signals along nerves are transmitted to the brain. & Signals are transmitted through electrical current. |- If an animal's nervous system works through electrical current, then signals along nerves are transmitted to the brain. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num268-gen2-out2 premise If a bacterial cell is capable of free living, it is an autotroph. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num268-gen2-out2 premise Bacteria are cells. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num268-gen2-out2 hypothesis Bacteria are capable of autotrophic growth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num268-gen2-out2 entailment If a bacterial cell is capable of free living, it is an autotroph. & Bacteria are cells. |- Bacteria are capable of autotrophic growth. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3692-gen1-out1 premise Wind causes erosion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3692-gen1-out1 premise Erosion causes rock to break up into smaller pieces. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3692-gen1-out1 hypothesis Wind causes rock to break up into smaller pieces. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3692-gen1-out1 entailment Wind causes erosion. & Erosion causes rock to break up into smaller pieces. |- Wind causes rock to break up into smaller pieces. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1861-gen1-out4 premise A puncture wound contains small bleeding. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1861-gen1-out4 premise A cut is a type of puncture wound. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1861-gen1-out4 hypothesis Cuts contain small bleeding. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1861-gen1-out4 entailment A puncture wound contains small bleeding. & A cut is a type of puncture wound. |- Cuts contain small bleeding. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4186-gen1-out1 premise If an animal lives under ground then that animal will be protected from a wild fire. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4186-gen1-out1 premise Termites live under ground. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4186-gen1-out1 hypothesis Termites will be protected from a wild fire. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4186-gen1-out1 entailment If an animal lives under ground then that animal will be protected from a wild fire. & Termites live under ground. |- Termites will be protected from a wild fire. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2506-gen2-out1 premise Plants exhibit phototropism, or growing toward a light source. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2506-gen2-out1 premise Green plants require light to perform photosynthesis. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2506-gen2-out1 hypothesis Green plants grow toward a light source in order to perform photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2506-gen2-out1 entailment Plants exhibit phototropism, or growing toward a light source. & Green plants require light to perform photosynthesis. |- Green plants grow toward a light source in order to perform photosynthesis. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1531-gen1-out4 premise Fruit and vegetables are good for your health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1531-gen1-out4 premise Apples are fruit. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1531-gen1-out4 hypothesis Apples are good for your health. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1531-gen1-out4 entailment Fruit and vegetables are good for your health. & Apples are fruit. |- Apples are good for your health. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2301-gen1-out1 premise If an animal lives under ground then that animal will be protected from a wild fire. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2301-gen1-out1 premise The moles are protected from a wild fire because they live under ground. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2301-gen1-out1 hypothesis Moles are protected from a wild fire. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2301-gen1-out1 entailment If an animal lives under ground then that animal will be protected from a wild fire. & The moles are protected from a wild fire because they live under ground. |- Moles are protected from a wild fire. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4560-gen1-out1 premise Tidal energy can be used to produce electricity. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4560-gen1-out1 premise Tidal energy exists in oceans. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4560-gen1-out1 hypothesis Tidal energy exists in oceans and can be used to produce electricity. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4560-gen1-out1 entailment Tidal energy can be used to produce electricity. & Tidal energy exists in oceans. |- Tidal energy exists in oceans and can be used to produce electricity. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3617-gen1-out4 premise Heat from an engine gets trapped in the engine block. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3617-gen1-out4 premise Engines need to operate at their highest temperature in order to operate most efficiently. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3617-gen1-out4 hypothesis A heated engine block will require less fuel in order to operate most efficiently. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3617-gen1-out4 entailment Heat from an engine gets trapped in the engine block. & Engines need to operate at their highest temperature in order to operate most efficiently. |- A heated engine block will require less fuel in order to operate most efficiently. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen2-out3 premise Viruses are parasites. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen2-out3 premise Viruses use cells of living organisms to replicate. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen2-out3 hypothesis If a virus replicates using a cell of a living organism, the virus is a parasite of that organism. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen2-out3 entailment Viruses are parasites. & Viruses use cells of living organisms to replicate. |- If a virus replicates using a cell of a living organism, the virus is a parasite of that organism. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4371-gen2-out1 premise Plants that are adapted to very dry environments are called xerophytes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4371-gen2-out1 premise If an environment is very dry, then it is likely to be arid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4371-gen2-out1 hypothesis Xerophytes live in environments that are likely to be arid. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4371-gen2-out1 entailment Plants that are adapted to very dry environments are called xerophytes. & If an environment is very dry, then it is likely to be arid. |- Xerophytes live in environments that are likely to be arid. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4631-gen1-out1 premise When electricity flows to a light bulb, the light bulb will turn on. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4631-gen1-out1 premise Electricity will flow to a light bulb if the circuit is closed. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4631-gen1-out1 hypothesis If the circuit is closed, electricity will flow to a light bulb. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4631-gen1-out1 entailment When electricity flows to a light bulb, the light bulb will turn on. & Electricity will flow to a light bulb if the circuit is closed. |- If the circuit is closed, electricity will flow to a light bulb. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2026-gen2-out4 premise The northern lights are visible during the cold season. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2026-gen2-out4 premise The aurora borealis is the northern lights. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2026-gen2-out4 hypothesis The aurora borealis is visible during the cold season. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2026-gen2-out4 entailment The northern lights are visible during the cold season. & The aurora borealis is the northern lights. |- The aurora borealis is visible during the cold season. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1224-gen1-out2 premise Warm fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1224-gen1-out2 premise Cold fronts don't cause thunderstorms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1224-gen1-out2 hypothesis Warm fronts cause thunderstorms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1224-gen1-out2 entailment Warm fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by. & Cold fronts don't cause thunderstorms. |- Warm fronts cause thunderstorms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1660-gen2-out3 premise Antibiotics kill microorganisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1660-gen2-out3 premise The immune system has microorganisms in it. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1660-gen2-out3 hypothesis Antibiotics kill the microorganisms in the immune system. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1660-gen2-out3 entailment Antibiotics kill microorganisms. & The immune system has microorganisms in it. |- Antibiotics kill the microorganisms in the immune system. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num973-gen2-out1 premise A sifter is used for separating mixtures. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num973-gen2-out1 premise Rice is a mixture. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num973-gen2-out1 hypothesis A sifter is used for separating rice. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num973-gen2-out1 entailment A sifter is used for separating mixtures. & Rice is a mixture. |- A sifter is used for separating rice. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1088-gen2-out5 premise Planets in orbit around a star must obey Kepler's laws. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1088-gen2-out5 premise Jupiter is a planet. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1088-gen2-out5 hypothesis Jupiter must obey Kepler's laws. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1088-gen2-out5 entailment Planets in orbit around a star must obey Kepler's laws. & Jupiter is a planet. |- Jupiter must obey Kepler's laws. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2093-gen1-out3 premise Medical syringes use glass tubes for the plunger. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2093-gen1-out3 premise Medical syringes are used to administer drugs. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2093-gen1-out3 hypothesis Syringes used to administer drugs use glass tubes for the plunger. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2093-gen1-out3 entailment Medical syringes use glass tubes for the plunger. & Medical syringes are used to administer drugs. |- Syringes used to administer drugs use glass tubes for the plunger. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2703-gen2-out2 premise Petroleum, natural gas, and coal are found in sedimentary rock. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2703-gen2-out2 premise Petroleum, natural gas, and coal form from organic material. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2703-gen2-out2 hypothesis Petroleum, natural gas, and coal are found in sedimentary rock from organic material. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2703-gen2-out2 entailment Petroleum, natural gas, and coal are found in sedimentary rock. & Petroleum, natural gas, and coal form from organic material. |- Petroleum, natural gas, and coal are found in sedimentary rock from organic material. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen1-out1 premise Building housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen1-out1 premise Building housing developments affects the wildlife in an area. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen1-out1 hypothesis Building housing developments adversely affects the animal habitats. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen1-out1 entailment Building housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats. & Building housing developments affects the wildlife in an area. |- Building housing developments adversely affects the animal habitats. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1354-gen2-out2 premise The table is next to the wall. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1354-gen2-out2 premise The table is under the window. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1354-gen2-out2 hypothesis The table is next to the wall and under the window. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1354-gen2-out2 entailment The table is next to the wall. & The table is under the window. |- The table is next to the wall and under the window. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen1-out1 premise Trees have woody stems covered with bark. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen1-out1 premise Pine trees have woody stems. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen1-out1 hypothesis Pine trees have bark. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen1-out1 entailment Trees have woody stems covered with bark. & Pine trees have woody stems. |- Pine trees have bark. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1103-gen2-out1 premise All cnidarians are aquatic. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1103-gen2-out1 premise Sea anemones are cnidarians. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1103-gen2-out1 hypothesis All sea anemones are aquatic. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1103-gen2-out1 entailment All cnidarians are aquatic. & Sea anemones are cnidarians. |- All sea anemones are aquatic. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1782-gen1-out1 premise Travelling requires navigation. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1782-gen1-out1 premise Driving on the highway is a type of travelling. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1782-gen1-out1 hypothesis Driving on the highway requires navigation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1782-gen1-out1 entailment Travelling requires navigation. & Driving on the highway is a type of travelling. |- Driving on the highway requires navigation. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2574-gen1-out1 premise Roots have primary and secondary meristems for growth in length and width. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2574-gen1-out1 premise The primary meristem is located in the tip of a root. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2574-gen1-out1 hypothesis Primary meristem is located in the tip of a root for growth in length. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2574-gen1-out1 entailment Roots have primary and secondary meristems for growth in length and width. & The primary meristem is located in the tip of a root. |- Primary meristem is located in the tip of a root for growth in length. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3026-gen1-out1 premise Centrioles are organelles involved in cell division. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3026-gen1-out1 premise Centrioles divide centrosomes into two cells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3026-gen1-out1 hypothesis Centrioles divide cells into two. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3026-gen1-out1 entailment Centrioles are organelles involved in cell division. & Centrioles divide centrosomes into two cells. |- Centrioles divide cells into two. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1323-gen1-out2 premise The planets in our solar system are likely to have begun as a cloud of gas. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1323-gen1-out2 premise Gravity causes gases to contract. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1323-gen1-out2 hypothesis Gravity is responsible for making the planets contract into their current orbits. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1323-gen1-out2 entailment The planets in our solar system are likely to have begun as a cloud of gas. & Gravity causes gases to contract. |- Gravity is responsible for making the planets contract into their current orbits. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2030-gen2-out2 premise Planets beyond Neptune have not been observed by telescopes. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2030-gen2-out2 premise Astronomers do not know the names of all planets. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2030-gen2-out2 hypothesis Some astronomers do not know the names of all planets. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2030-gen2-out2 entailment Planets beyond Neptune have not been observed by telescopes. & Astronomers do not know the names of all planets. |- Some astronomers do not know the names of all planets. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out2 premise All vertebrates have backbones. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out2 premise Fishes are vertebrates. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out2 hypothesis Fishes have backbones. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out2 entailment All vertebrates have backbones. & Fishes are vertebrates. |- Fishes have backbones. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num960-gen2-out2 premise Pressure causes many gases to change their states. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num960-gen2-out2 premise Adding heat can cause gases to change their states. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num960-gen2-out2 hypothesis Pressure causes gases to change their states. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num960-gen2-out2 entailment Pressure causes many gases to change their states. & Adding heat can cause gases to change their states. |- Pressure causes gases to change their states. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num700-gen2-out3 premise Organisms that are the same color as their surroundings are camouflaged. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num700-gen2-out3 premise Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num700-gen2-out3 hypothesis An animal that is the same color as its surroundings will hide better from predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num700-gen2-out3 entailment Organisms that are the same color as their surroundings are camouflaged. & Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. |- An animal that is the same color as its surroundings will hide better from predators. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2964-gen1-out2 premise Using solar panels produces no carbon dioxide. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2964-gen1-out2 premise If something does not produce carbon dioxide, then it cannot contribute to the greenhouse effect. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2964-gen1-out2 hypothesis Using solar panels does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2964-gen1-out2 entailment Using solar panels produces no carbon dioxide. & If something does not produce carbon dioxide, then it cannot contribute to the greenhouse effect. |- Using solar panels does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2800-gen2-out2 premise If an animal hibernates, then it does not need to eat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2800-gen2-out2 premise Animals do not need to eat when they hibernate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2800-gen2-out2 hypothesis If an animal hibernates, it does not need to eat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2800-gen2-out2 entailment If an animal hibernates, then it does not need to eat. & Animals do not need to eat when they hibernate. |- If an animal hibernates, it does not need to eat. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4037-gen1-out1 premise Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse to form a diploid zygote. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4037-gen1-out1 premise A diploid zygote grows into an adult organism. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4037-gen1-out1 hypothesis Fertilization is the process by which diploid zygotes grow into adult organisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4037-gen1-out1 entailment Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse to form a diploid zygote. & A diploid zygote grows into an adult organism. |- Fertilization is the process by which diploid zygotes grow into adult organisms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4282-gen2-out3 premise A virus is a type of unicellular organism. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4282-gen2-out3 premise All organisms need instructions to survive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4282-gen2-out3 hypothesis A virus needs instructions to survive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4282-gen2-out3 entailment A virus is a type of unicellular organism. & All organisms need instructions to survive. |- A virus needs instructions to survive. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1294-gen1-out4 premise Wearing warm clothes on a cold day helps your body maintain a normal temperature. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1294-gen1-out4 premise Warm clothes are made from wool. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1294-gen1-out4 hypothesis Wool is a good material for clothing on a cold day. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1294-gen1-out4 entailment Wearing warm clothes on a cold day helps your body maintain a normal temperature. & Warm clothes are made from wool. |- Wool is a good material for clothing on a cold day. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num66-gen1-out1 premise Eyes are used for seeing by animals by sensing light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num66-gen1-out1 premise Visible light is electromagnetic radiation. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num66-gen1-out1 hypothesis Eyes are used for seeing by animals by sensing visible light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num66-gen1-out1 entailment Eyes are used for seeing by animals by sensing light. & Visible light is electromagnetic radiation. |- Eyes are used for seeing by animals by sensing visible light. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2148-gen1-out1 premise Bladder infections can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2148-gen1-out1 premise Bladder infections require a prescription. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2148-gen1-out1 hypothesis A doctor must prescribe antibiotics for bladder infections. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2148-gen1-out1 entailment Bladder infections can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. & Bladder infections require a prescription. |- A doctor must prescribe antibiotics for bladder infections. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2931-gen2-out2 premise Objects make noise when they strike each other. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2931-gen2-out2 premise When objects strike each other, then sound is made. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2931-gen2-out2 hypothesis Objects make sound when they strike each other. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2931-gen2-out2 entailment Objects make noise when they strike each other. & When objects strike each other, then sound is made. |- Objects make sound when they strike each other. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1334-gen1-out4 premise A person must move quickly to run. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1334-gen1-out4 premise The fastest long-distance running animals move their legs in a fast, up-and-down motion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1334-gen1-out4 hypothesis If a person wants to run, then that person must move their legs in a fast, up-and- KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1334-gen1-out4 entailment A person must move quickly to run. & The fastest long-distance running animals move their legs in a fast, up-and-down motion. |- If a person wants to run, then that person must move their legs in a fast, up-and- T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3756-gen2-out5 premise The seed of a maple tree is the reproductive organ of the maple tree. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3756-gen2-out5 premise Maple trees are deciduous. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3756-gen2-out5 hypothesis Deciduous trees have seeds. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3756-gen2-out5 entailment The seed of a maple tree is the reproductive organ of the maple tree. & Maple trees are deciduous. |- Deciduous trees have seeds. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4022-gen1-out1 premise Fossils are formed when layers of sediment cover the remains of organisms over time. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4022-gen1-out1 premise Sedimentary rock is made of layers of sediment. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4022-gen1-out1 hypothesis Fossils are found in sedimentary rock. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4022-gen1-out1 entailment Fossils are formed when layers of sediment cover the remains of organisms over time. & Sedimentary rock is made of layers of sediment. |- Fossils are found in sedimentary rock. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num20-gen1-out2 premise An animal's food chain shows what it eats and what eats it. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num20-gen1-out2 premise In a food chain, an animal is at the top of its food chain if it eats other animals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num20-gen1-out2 hypothesis In a food chain, an animal is at the top of its food chain if it eats other animals that eat other animals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num20-gen1-out2 entailment An animal's food chain shows what it eats and what eats it. & In a food chain, an animal is at the top of its food chain if it eats other animals. |- In a food chain, an animal is at the top of its food chain if it eats other animals that eat other animals. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1319-gen2-out1 premise Fish have a circulatory system with a two-chambered heart. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1319-gen2-out1 premise Fish are animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1319-gen2-out1 hypothesis Animals have a circulatory system with a two-chambered heart. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1319-gen2-out1 entailment Fish have a circulatory system with a two-chambered heart. & Fish are animals. |- Animals have a circulatory system with a two-chambered heart. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2318-gen2-out1 premise If food is not immediately used by the body for energy then that food will be stored for future use. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2318-gen2-out1 premise Carbohydrates are food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2318-gen2-out1 hypothesis Carbohydrates will be stored for future use if not immediately used by the body for energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2318-gen2-out1 entailment If food is not immediately used by the body for energy then that food will be stored for future use. & Carbohydrates are food. |- Carbohydrates will be stored for future use if not immediately used by the body for energy. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3889-gen2-out2 premise If you lose weight, you will be more healthy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3889-gen2-out2 premise If you are more healthy, you will be happier. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3889-gen2-out2 hypothesis If you lose weight, you will be happier. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3889-gen2-out2 entailment If you lose weight, you will be more healthy. & If you are more healthy, you will be happier. |- If you lose weight, you will be happier. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try6-num6-gen1-out3 premise Firefighters should wear protective clothing to prevent burns. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num6-gen1-out3 premise Cutting metal with a torch can be very hot. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num6-gen1-out3 hypothesis Firefighters should wear protective clothing when cutting metal with a torch. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num6-gen1-out3 entailment Firefighters should wear protective clothing to prevent burns. & Cutting metal with a torch can be very hot. |- Firefighters should wear protective clothing when cutting metal with a torch. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4556-gen1-out3 premise The process of natural selection can favor genetic mutations. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4556-gen1-out3 premise Genetic mutations can improve an organism's survivability. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4556-gen1-out3 hypothesis Genetic mutations can be favored by natural selection. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4556-gen1-out3 entailment The process of natural selection can favor genetic mutations. & Genetic mutations can improve an organism's survivability. |- Genetic mutations can be favored by natural selection. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3383-gen1-out3 premise CO (carbon monoxide) is an example of a gas that can be harmful to breathe. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3383-gen1-out3 premise CO gas is produced by vehicles. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3383-gen1-out3 hypothesis Cars produce CO gas, which is harmful to breathe. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3383-gen1-out3 entailment CO (carbon monoxide) is an example of a gas that can be harmful to breathe. & CO gas is produced by vehicles. |- Cars produce CO gas, which is harmful to breathe. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1070-gen1-out1 premise Bacteria may spread directly from one person to another. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1070-gen1-out1 premise Pneumonia is caused by bacteria. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1070-gen1-out1 hypothesis Bacteria may spread from one person to another person and cause pneumonia. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1070-gen1-out1 entailment Bacteria may spread directly from one person to another. & Pneumonia is caused by bacteria. |- Bacteria may spread from one person to another person and cause pneumonia. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num595-gen2-out1 premise Lymphocytes are the key cells involved in the immune response. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num595-gen2-out1 premise The immune response is part of the body's natural defense system. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num595-gen2-out1 hypothesis Lymphocytes are part of the body's natural defense system. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num595-gen2-out1 entailment Lymphocytes are the key cells involved in the immune response. & The immune response is part of the body's natural defense system. |- Lymphocytes are part of the body's natural defense system. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2051-gen2-out2 premise Doppler radar is used to track tornadoes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2051-gen2-out2 premise Meteorologists prefer Doppler radar over other kinds of radar. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2051-gen2-out2 hypothesis Meteorologists prefer Doppler radar to other kinds of radar. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2051-gen2-out2 entailment Doppler radar is used to track tornadoes. & Meteorologists prefer Doppler radar over other kinds of radar. |- Meteorologists prefer Doppler radar to other kinds of radar. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num906-gen2-out1 premise When light enters the eye through the pupil, that light falls on the retina. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num906-gen2-out1 premise The retina is where light falls on the eye. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num906-gen2-out1 hypothesis The pupil is where light enters the eye. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num906-gen2-out1 entailment When light enters the eye through the pupil, that light falls on the retina. & The retina is where light falls on the eye. |- The pupil is where light enters the eye. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2665-gen2-out1 premise Sweat wets the skin, and when it evaporates, it cools the body. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2665-gen2-out1 premise The body loses heat through evaporation. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2665-gen2-out1 hypothesis The body cools through evaporation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2665-gen2-out1 entailment Sweat wets the skin, and when it evaporates, it cools the body. & The body loses heat through evaporation. |- The body cools through evaporation. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num439-gen1-out3 premise A protein is a natural substance composed of amino acids. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num439-gen1-out3 premise A growth hormone is a protein. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num439-gen1-out3 hypothesis A growth hormone is composed of amino acids. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num439-gen1-out3 entailment A protein is a natural substance composed of amino acids. & A growth hormone is a protein. |- A growth hormone is composed of amino acids. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4-gen2-out1 premise A breathing mask is used for keeping harmful particles from entering the respiratory system. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4-gen2-out1 premise Breathing masks are used for safety in places where there are harmful particles in the air. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4-gen2-out1 hypothesis A breathing mask keeps harmful particles from entering the respiratory system. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4-gen2-out1 entailment A breathing mask is used for keeping harmful particles from entering the respiratory system. & Breathing masks are used for safety in places where there are harmful particles in the air. |- A breathing mask keeps harmful particles from entering the respiratory system. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4258-gen1-out3 premise Freezing liquids absorb more energy before freezing. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4258-gen1-out3 premise A liquid that absorbs more energy before freezing will freeze more quickly. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4258-gen1-out3 hypothesis Liquids that absorb more energy before freezing will freeze more quickly. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4258-gen1-out3 entailment Freezing liquids absorb more energy before freezing. & A liquid that absorbs more energy before freezing will freeze more quickly. |- Liquids that absorb more energy before freezing will freeze more quickly. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4002-gen2-out1 premise Cartilage is a tough tissue that contains a protein called collagen. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4002-gen2-out1 premise Animals use cartilage to support their skeletons. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4002-gen2-out1 hypothesis The protein in cartilage is necessary for animals to support their skeletons. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4002-gen2-out1 entailment Cartilage is a tough tissue that contains a protein called collagen. & Animals use cartilage to support their skeletons. |- The protein in cartilage is necessary for animals to support their skeletons. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2924-gen2-out3 premise Organic compounds are found in living organisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2924-gen2-out3 premise The structure of an organic compound is determined by the structure of the atoms which comprise it. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2924-gen2-out3 hypothesis Organic compounds have a structure. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2924-gen2-out3 entailment Organic compounds are found in living organisms. & The structure of an organic compound is determined by the structure of the atoms which comprise it. |- Organic compounds have a structure. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1584-gen1-out2 premise Pituitary hormones are regulated by the hypothalamus. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1584-gen1-out2 premise The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1584-gen1-out2 hypothesis The hypothalamus regulates pituitary hormones. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1584-gen1-out2 entailment Pituitary hormones are regulated by the hypothalamus. & The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland. |- The hypothalamus regulates pituitary hormones. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2150-gen2-out2 premise A person cannot speak a language unless they were once taught it. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2150-gen2-out2 premise A baby is not taught a language before its birth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2150-gen2-out2 hypothesis Babies cannot speak a language. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2150-gen2-out2 entailment A person cannot speak a language unless they were once taught it. & A baby is not taught a language before its birth. |- Babies cannot speak a language. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4619-gen2-out2 premise If a herbivore eats a carnivore, then the herbivore gets its energy by digesting the carnivore. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4619-gen2-out2 premise A wildebeest's diet consists of some carnivores. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4619-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a wildebeest eats a carnivore, then the wildebeest gets its energy by digesting the carnivore. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4619-gen2-out2 entailment If a herbivore eats a carnivore, then the herbivore gets its energy by digesting the carnivore. & A wildebeest's diet consists of some carnivores. |- If a wildebeest eats a carnivore, then the wildebeest gets its energy by digesting the carnivore. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1207-gen1-out3 premise Calcium is a chemical element that is commonly found in rocks. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1207-gen1-out3 premise Rocks containing calcium make up limestone. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1207-gen1-out3 hypothesis Calcium is a chemical element that is commonly found in limestone. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1207-gen1-out3 entailment Calcium is a chemical element that is commonly found in rocks. & Rocks containing calcium make up limestone. |- Calcium is a chemical element that is commonly found in limestone. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2502-gen2-out4 premise During a total solar eclipse, the sun is completely blocked out. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2502-gen2-out4 premise A total solar eclipse is only visible in a narrow band across the earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2502-gen2-out4 hypothesis A total solar eclipse is only visible in a narrow band across the earth KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2502-gen2-out4 entailment During a total solar eclipse, the sun is completely blocked out. & A total solar eclipse is only visible in a narrow band across the earth. |- A total solar eclipse is only visible in a narrow band across the earth T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2698-gen2-out2 premise A hurricane is a violent storm. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2698-gen2-out2 premise A winter storm has low wind speeds. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2698-gen2-out2 hypothesis All winter storms are violent. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2698-gen2-out2 entailment A hurricane is a violent storm. & A winter storm has low wind speeds. |- All winter storms are violent. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num100-gen2-out1 premise Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num100-gen2-out1 premise The diameter of a human hair is less than 100 nm. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num100-gen2-out1 hypothesis Viruses have a diameter that is larger than the diameter of a human hair. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num100-gen2-out1 entailment Viruses are so small that they can be seen only with an electron microscope. & The diameter of a human hair is less than 100 nm. |- Viruses have a diameter that is larger than the diameter of a human hair. ? F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1828-gen2-out2 premise A planet is a celestial body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1828-gen2-out2 premise A star is a celestial body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1828-gen2-out2 hypothesis A planet is a star. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1828-gen2-out2 entailment A planet is a celestial body. & A star is a celestial body. |- A planet is a star. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1186-gen2-out1 premise Cancer cells divide more often than normal cells, and grow out of control. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1186-gen2-out1 premise Plant life lacks a cell nucleus. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1186-gen2-out1 hypothesis Plants are immune to cancer. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1186-gen2-out1 entailment Cancer cells divide more often than normal cells, and grow out of control. & Plant life lacks a cell nucleus. |- Plants are immune to cancer. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4315-gen1-out1 premise Placental mammals give birth to relatively large and mature infants. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4315-gen1-out1 premise Tachyons are hypothetical particles that can travel faster than the speed of light. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4315-gen1-out1 hypothesis Tachyons travel slower than the speed of light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4315-gen1-out1 entailment Placental mammals give birth to relatively large and mature infants. & Tachyons are hypothetical particles that can travel faster than the speed of light. |- Tachyons travel slower than the speed of light. F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num784-gen2-out2 premise The force of the Earth's gravity holds things down. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num784-gen2-out2 premise The Moon's gravity is weaker than the Earth's gravity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num784-gen2-out2 hypothesis The Moon's gravity is not strong enough to hold things down. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num784-gen2-out2 entailment The force of the Earth's gravity holds things down. & The Moon's gravity is weaker than the Earth's gravity. |- The Moon's gravity is not strong enough to hold things down. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2701-gen2-out2 premise The star Polaris has a unique place in the sky. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2701-gen2-out2 premise The sky is divided into 88 sections. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2701-gen2-out2 hypothesis The star Polaris is in the 88th section of the sky. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2701-gen2-out2 entailment The star Polaris has a unique place in the sky. & The sky is divided into 88 sections. |- The star Polaris is in the 88th section of the sky. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1651-gen1-out2 premise The Earth's atmosphere is less dense than the atmosphere of Mars. ? F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1651-gen1-out2 premise The Martian atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1651-gen1-out2 hypothesis The Martian atmosphere is less dense than the Earth's atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1651-gen1-out2 entailment The Earth's atmosphere is less dense than the atmosphere of Mars. & The Martian atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide. |- The Martian atmosphere is less dense than the Earth's atmosphere. ? F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2391-gen1-out1 premise Landfills have a negative impact on the environment. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2391-gen1-out1 premise It is legal to dump garbage in landfills. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2391-gen1-out1 hypothesis It is illegal to dump garbage in landfills. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2391-gen1-out1 entailment Landfills have a negative impact on the environment. & It is legal to dump garbage in landfills. |- It is illegal to dump garbage in landfills. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2740-gen2-out2 premise Ice is a solid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2740-gen2-out2 premise A sheet of ice floats on a lake. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2740-gen2-out2 hypothesis All solids float on water. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2740-gen2-out2 entailment Ice is a solid. & A sheet of ice floats on a lake. |- All solids float on water. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2880-gen1-out1 premise A freezer is used for cooling things. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2880-gen1-out1 premise In order to function, a freezer must be kept colder than its surroundings. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2880-gen1-out1 hypothesis Freezers require energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2880-gen1-out1 entailment A freezer is used for cooling things. & In order to function, a freezer must be kept colder than its surroundings. |- Freezers require energy. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4563-gen2-out3 premise The pitch of a sound is the pressure oscillating through the air. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4563-gen2-out3 premise Animals use sound to communicate. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4563-gen2-out3 hypothesis A whistle is a musical instrument that creates musical sounds by using pitch. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4563-gen2-out3 entailment The pitch of a sound is the pressure oscillating through the air. & Animals use sound to communicate. |- A whistle is a musical instrument that creates musical sounds by using pitch. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1110-gen2-out2 premise A blue jay is a type of bird. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1110-gen2-out2 premise Eagles are also types of birds. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1110-gen2-out2 hypothesis All birds have blue jay feathers. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1110-gen2-out2 entailment A blue jay is a type of bird. & Eagles are also types of birds. |- All birds have blue jay feathers. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2156-gen2-out3 premise The orca is a species of dolphin. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2156-gen2-out3 premise Whales are a family of aquatic mammals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2156-gen2-out3 hypothesis The orca is a species of whale. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2156-gen2-out3 entailment The orca is a species of dolphin. & Whales are a family of aquatic mammals. |- The orca is a species of whale. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen2-out3 premise Most humans make moral decisions. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen2-out3 premise Monkeys make moral decisions. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen2-out3 hypothesis Most humans are probably not monkeys. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen2-out3 entailment Most humans make moral decisions. & Monkeys make moral decisions. |- Most humans are probably not monkeys. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num36-gen1-out2 premise In some aquatic insects, an adult stage of the insect lives in water. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num36-gen1-out2 premise Water weighs about 1 kg per liter. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num36-gen1-out2 hypothesis Insects that live in water weigh about 1 kg per liter. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num36-gen1-out2 entailment In some aquatic insects, an adult stage of the insect lives in water. & Water weighs about 1 kg per liter. |- Insects that live in water weigh about 1 kg per liter. F F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3921-gen2-out3 premise The winds off the shore carry the ship. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3921-gen2-out3 premise The ship sails along the shore. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3921-gen2-out3 hypothesis The ship follows the path of the shore. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3921-gen2-out3 entailment The winds off the shore carry the ship. & The ship sails along the shore. |- The ship follows the path of the shore. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4509-gen2-out2 premise Many trees are used for building materials. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4509-gen2-out2 premise Many trees are deciduous. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4509-gen2-out2 hypothesis Deciduous trees are used for building materials. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4509-gen2-out2 entailment Many trees are used for building materials. & Many trees are deciduous. |- Deciduous trees are used for building materials. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4204-gen2-out3 premise The moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4204-gen2-out3 premise Artificial satellites are man-made. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4204-gen2-out3 hypothesis The moon is a man-made satellite. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4204-gen2-out3 entailment The moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. & Artificial satellites are man-made. |- The moon is a man-made satellite. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4616-gen2-out2 premise Light is needed for plants to make food through photosynthesis. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4616-gen2-out2 premise Photosynthesis involves the use of chlorophyll. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4616-gen2-out2 hypothesis Since chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light and reflects others, chlorophyll may be important for plants to make food through photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4616-gen2-out2 entailment Light is needed for plants to make food through photosynthesis. & Photosynthesis involves the use of chlorophyll. |- Since chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light and reflects others, chlorophyll may be important for plants to make food through photosynthesis. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1022-gen2-out4 premise Most light sources are fragile. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1022-gen2-out4 premise Wind is not a light source. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1022-gen2-out4 hypothesis Most light sources are not fragile. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1022-gen2-out4 entailment Most light sources are fragile. & Wind is not a light source. |- Most light sources are not fragile. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2582-gen2-out1 premise Some flowers become fruits. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2582-gen2-out1 premise Peaches are part of some flowers. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2582-gen2-out1 hypothesis Peaches are fruits. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2582-gen2-out1 entailment Some flowers become fruits. & Peaches are part of some flowers. |- Peaches are fruits. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1810-gen1-out2 premise An atom is the smallest particle of an element. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1810-gen1-out2 premise A molecule is a particle of a compound. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1810-gen1-out2 hypothesis An atom is a molecule. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1810-gen1-out2 entailment An atom is the smallest particle of an element. & A molecule is a particle of a compound. |- An atom is a molecule. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3987-gen2-out1 premise Braking can cause skidding. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3987-gen2-out1 premise A parachute is an example of a braking system. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3987-gen2-out1 hypothesis A parachute can cause skidding. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3987-gen2-out1 entailment Braking can cause skidding. & A parachute is an example of a braking system. |- A parachute can cause skidding. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2967-gen1-out2 premise Red light is shorter in wavelength than green light. ? ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2967-gen1-out2 premise Blue light is shorter in wavelength than red light. ? ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2967-gen1-out2 hypothesis Red light has a shorter wavelength than blue light. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2967-gen1-out2 entailment Red light is shorter in wavelength than green light. & Blue light is shorter in wavelength than red light. |- Red light has a shorter wavelength than blue light. F ? F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2020-gen2-out4 premise Corn is part of a typical American breakfast. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2020-gen2-out4 premise Corn is not part of a typical Mediterranean breakfast. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2020-gen2-out4 hypothesis Americans eat a different breakfast than do Mediterranean people. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2020-gen2-out4 entailment Corn is part of a typical American breakfast. & Corn is not part of a typical Mediterranean breakfast. |- Americans eat a different breakfast than do Mediterranean people. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1521-gen2-out1 premise Lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1521-gen2-out1 premise Meteor Crater is a lake. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1521-gen2-out1 hypothesis Meteor Crater was formed by precipitation and runoff. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1521-gen2-out1 entailment Lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff. & Meteor Crater is a lake. |- Meteor Crater was formed by precipitation and runoff. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3806-gen1-out5 premise North America is a continent. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3806-gen1-out5 premise South America is a continent. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3806-gen1-out5 hypothesis North America and South America are the only two continents. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3806-gen1-out5 entailment North America is a continent. & South America is a continent. |- North America and South America are the only two continents. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4147-gen1-out2 premise The moon revolves around the Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4147-gen1-out2 premise Phases of the moon occur in cycles. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4147-gen1-out2 hypothesis The moon and Earth revolve around each other. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4147-gen1-out2 entailment The moon revolves around the Earth. & Phases of the moon occur in cycles. |- The moon and Earth revolve around each other. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4459-gen2-out4 premise As an object's temperature increases, its rate of thermal energy decreases. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4459-gen2-out4 premise A chair absorbs more thermal energy than the floor. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4459-gen2-out4 hypothesis The chair is colder than the floor. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4459-gen2-out4 entailment As an object's temperature increases, its rate of thermal energy decreases. & A chair absorbs more thermal energy than the floor. |- The chair is colder than the floor. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3485-gen2-out1 premise Some viruses live in a dormant state inside the body. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3485-gen2-out1 premise If a virus is in a dormant state, then it cannot reproduce. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3485-gen2-out1 hypothesis Some viruses can be prevented from reproducing. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3485-gen2-out1 entailment Some viruses live in a dormant state inside the body. & If a virus is in a dormant state, then it cannot reproduce. |- Some viruses can be prevented from reproducing. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num477-gen1-out2 premise Releasing a species into the wild is called re-introduction. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num477-gen1-out2 premise Re-introducing a species into the wild increases its population. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num477-gen1-out2 hypothesis Re-introducing a species into the wild will decrease its population. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num477-gen1-out2 entailment Releasing a species into the wild is called re-introduction. & Re-introducing a species into the wild increases its population. |- Re-introducing a species into the wild will decrease its population. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen2-out4 premise A shark has scales covering its body. F ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen2-out4 premise A fish is a type of animal. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen2-out4 hypothesis A shark is a type of fish. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen2-out4 entailment A shark has scales covering its body. & A fish is a type of animal. |- A shark is a type of fish. F ? F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen2-out1 premise A solar panel converts sunlight into electricity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen2-out1 premise Fossil fuels can be burned for energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen2-out1 hypothesis Fossil fuels can be burned in a solar panel. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen2-out1 entailment A solar panel converts sunlight into electricity. & Fossil fuels can be burned for energy. |- Fossil fuels can be burned in a solar panel. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4086-gen2-out4 premise Folding a large map uses less space than rolling it up. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4086-gen2-out4 premise Stretching an elastic band causes it to get longer. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4086-gen2-out4 hypothesis Folding a large map causes it to get longer. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4086-gen2-out4 entailment Folding a large map uses less space than rolling it up. & Stretching an elastic band causes it to get longer. |- Folding a large map causes it to get longer. F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2192-gen2-out4 premise Fermentation of grape juice occurs before yeast is added. F ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2192-gen2-out4 premise Yeast is added after the grape juice has been fermented. F ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2192-gen2-out4 hypothesis Yeast is not part of the grape juice. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2192-gen2-out4 entailment Fermentation of grape juice occurs before yeast is added. & Yeast is added after the grape juice has been fermented. |- Yeast is not part of the grape juice. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1642-gen2-out4 premise The Olduvai Gorge is part of a popular vacation route. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1642-gen2-out4 premise East Africa is a popular vacation route. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1642-gen2-out4 hypothesis The Olduvai Gorge is part of East Africa. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1642-gen2-out4 entailment The Olduvai Gorge is part of a popular vacation route. & East Africa is a popular vacation route. |- The Olduvai Gorge is part of East Africa. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num247-gen1-out3 premise Natural gas releases less greenhouse gases than gasoline. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num247-gen1-out3 premise Electricity is an efficient energy source. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num247-gen1-out3 hypothesis Natural gas releases less greenhouse gases than gasoline because electricity is an efficient energy source. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num247-gen1-out3 entailment Natural gas releases less greenhouse gases than gasoline. & Electricity is an efficient energy source. |- Natural gas releases less greenhouse gases than gasoline because electricity is an efficient energy source. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen2-out3 premise Use of electrical equipment produces electromagnetic fields. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen2-out3 premise Electromagnetic fields do not travel through air. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen2-out3 hypothesis Use of electrical equipment does not produce electromagnetic fields. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen2-out3 entailment Use of electrical equipment produces electromagnetic fields. & Electromagnetic fields do not travel through air. |- Use of electrical equipment does not produce electromagnetic fields. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1478-gen2-out4 premise Electrons are much smaller than atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1478-gen2-out4 premise Electrons are subatomic particles. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1478-gen2-out4 hypothesis Electrons are much smaller than subatomic particles. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1478-gen2-out4 entailment Electrons are much smaller than atoms. & Electrons are subatomic particles. |- Electrons are much smaller than subatomic particles. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4550-gen2-out3 premise Earth is a planet that can support life. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4550-gen2-out3 premise The Moon is a celestial body. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4550-gen2-out3 hypothesis The Moon can support life. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4550-gen2-out3 entailment Earth is a planet that can support life. & The Moon is a celestial body. |- The Moon can support life. ? F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2369-gen1-out2 premise The Biospeleological Society is a scientific society that studies the biology of caves. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2369-gen1-out2 premise A cave is a habitat of a troglobite. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2369-gen1-out2 hypothesis Only troglobites are studied by the Biospeleological Society. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2369-gen1-out2 entailment The Biospeleological Society is a scientific society that studies the biology of caves. & A cave is a habitat of a troglobite. |- Only troglobites are studied by the Biospeleological Society. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3752-gen2-out3 premise People from Albania have a large diaspora. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3752-gen2-out3 premise People from New York City have a large diaspora. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3752-gen2-out3 hypothesis People from New York City are people from Albania. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3752-gen2-out3 entailment People from Albania have a large diaspora. & People from New York City have a large diaspora. |- People from New York City are people from Albania. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2633-gen2-out3 premise If a child learns a foreign language as a native tongue, then the child will be unable to learn a third language with ease. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2633-gen2-out3 premise Adults who grew up bilingual are always trilingual. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2633-gen2-out3 hypothesis Children who learn a foreign language as a native tongue are trilingual. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2633-gen2-out3 entailment If a child learns a foreign language as a native tongue, then the child will be unable to learn a third language with ease. & Adults who grew up bilingual are always trilingual. |- Children who learn a foreign language as a native tongue are trilingual. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4601-gen2-out4 premise A star can be observed only in daylight. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4601-gen2-out4 premise Stars are very far away. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4601-gen2-out4 hypothesis A star can be observed only in daylight because it is very far away. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4601-gen2-out4 entailment A star can be observed only in daylight. & Stars are very far away. |- A star can be observed only in daylight because it is very far away. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3602-gen1-out1 premise Touch is the ability to sense pressure. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3602-gen1-out1 premise Hair is part of the skin. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3602-gen1-out1 hypothesis Hair is pressure-sensitive. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3602-gen1-out1 entailment Touch is the ability to sense pressure. & Hair is part of the skin. |- Hair is pressure-sensitive. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num542-gen2-out3 premise The vibrations of sound waves can be seen as colors of light. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num542-gen2-out3 premise When a continuous spectrum of colors is passed through a prism, you can see the different colors of light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num542-gen2-out3 hypothesis Light is a type of sound wave. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num542-gen2-out3 entailment The vibrations of sound waves can be seen as colors of light. & When a continuous spectrum of colors is passed through a prism, you can see the different colors of light. |- Light is a type of sound wave. F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2762-gen2-out3 premise Neutrinos are electrically neutral. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2762-gen2-out3 premise Matter is electrically neutral. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2762-gen2-out3 hypothesis Neutrinos are matter. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2762-gen2-out3 entailment Neutrinos are electrically neutral. & Matter is electrically neutral. |- Neutrinos are matter. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3042-gen2-out3 premise Many organisms begin their lives as eggs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3042-gen2-out3 premise Animals that begin their lives as eggs lay them. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3042-gen2-out3 hypothesis If a human begins their life as an egg, they lay it. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3042-gen2-out3 entailment Many organisms begin their lives as eggs. & Animals that begin their lives as eggs lay them. |- If a human begins their life as an egg, they lay it. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2431-gen2-out3 premise Jupiter is larger than Saturn. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2431-gen2-out3 premise Jupiter is a planet. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2431-gen2-out3 hypothesis Planets are larger than Saturn. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2431-gen2-out3 entailment Jupiter is larger than Saturn. & Jupiter is a planet. |- Planets are larger than Saturn. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2410-gen1-out3 premise Metallurgy uses iron to make steel. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2410-gen1-out3 premise Iron is heavier than iron. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2410-gen1-out3 hypothesis Iron must be lighter than steel. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2410-gen1-out3 entailment Metallurgy uses iron to make steel. & Iron is heavier than iron. |- Iron must be lighter than steel. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2794-gen1-out4 premise If a ball rolls down a hill, then it has a downward acceleration. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2794-gen1-out4 premise The acceleration of a ball rolling down a hill depends on its mass. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2794-gen1-out4 hypothesis The acceleration of a KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2794-gen1-out4 entailment If a ball rolls down a hill, then it has a downward acceleration. & The acceleration of a ball rolling down a hill depends on its mass. |- The acceleration of a ? F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1588-gen1-out1 premise Pollination requires pollinators. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1588-gen1-out1 premise Honey bees are pollinators. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1588-gen1-out1 hypothesis Pollination requires honey bees. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1588-gen1-out1 entailment Pollination requires pollinators. & Honey bees are pollinators. |- Pollination requires honey bees. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1124-gen2-out3 premise The female of most species is usually larger than the male. F F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1124-gen2-out3 premise A human is most likely not a species. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1124-gen2-out3 hypothesis The female of most species is not usually larger than the male. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1124-gen2-out3 entailment The female of most species is usually larger than the male. & A human is most likely not a species. |- The female of most species is not usually larger than the male. F F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2807-gen1-out3 premise Like charges repel. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2807-gen1-out3 premise Positive and negative charges attract. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2807-gen1-out3 hypothesis Like charges attract. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2807-gen1-out3 entailment Like charges repel. & Positive and negative charges attract. |- Like charges attract. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num683-gen1-out3 premise The Sun and Earth are separate things. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num683-gen1-out3 premise The Sun orbits the Earth. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num683-gen1-out3 hypothesis The Sun is not a part of the Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num683-gen1-out3 entailment The Sun and Earth are separate things. & The Sun orbits the Earth. |- The Sun is not a part of the Earth. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num664-gen2-out3 premise If a species cannot find enough food, it will die. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num664-gen2-out3 premise If a species dies out, it will not be found. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num664-gen2-out3 hypothesis If a species is about to die out, it will be found. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num664-gen2-out3 entailment If a species cannot find enough food, it will die. & If a species dies out, it will not be found. |- If a species is about to die out, it will be found. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2623-gen2-out4 premise Diamonds are made of carbon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2623-gen2-out4 premise Diamonds are gemstones. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2623-gen2-out4 hypothesis Diamonds are made of carbon, because diamonds are gemstones. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2623-gen2-out4 entailment Diamonds are made of carbon. & Diamonds are gemstones. |- Diamonds are made of carbon, because diamonds are gemstones. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1073-gen2-out1 premise Bird beaks are generally adapted for the food they eat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1073-gen2-out1 premise Spoons are generally adapted for the food they eat. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1073-gen2-out1 hypothesis Spoons are generally adapted for the food they eat as much as bird beaks are. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1073-gen2-out1 entailment Bird beaks are generally adapted for the food they eat. & Spoons are generally adapted for the food they eat. |- Spoons are generally adapted for the food they eat as much as bird beaks are. ? F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num119-gen2-out3 premise In "a in avant," "a" is accented. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num119-gen2-out3 premise In "a in arrii re," "a" is not accented. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num119-gen2-out3 hypothesis In "a in avant," "a" is accented because it is not accented in "a in arrii re." KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num119-gen2-out3 entailment In "a in avant," "a" is accented. & In "a in arrii re," "a" is not accented. |- In "a in avant," "a" is accented because it is not accented in "a in arrii re." F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen2-out3 premise Sleeping on a pillow lifts the head off the mattress. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen2-out3 premise Pillows are made of cotton. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen2-out3 hypothesis Pillows are made of cotton because they lift the head off the mattress. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen2-out3 entailment Sleeping on a pillow lifts the head off the mattress. & Pillows are made of cotton. |- Pillows are made of cotton because they lift the head off the mattress. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1967-gen1-out4 premise A white mouse is genetically predisposed to get cancer. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1967-gen1-out4 premise A white mouse has a gene for producing melanin. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1967-gen1-out4 hypothesis A white mouse has a gene for getting cancer. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1967-gen1-out4 entailment A white mouse is genetically predisposed to get cancer. & A white mouse has a gene for producing melanin. |- A white mouse has a gene for getting cancer. F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1896-gen1-out4 premise Sugar is made from wheat. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1896-gen1-out4 premise Alcohol is made from sugar. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1896-gen1-out4 hypothesis Alcohol is made from wheat. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1896-gen1-out4 entailment Sugar is made from wheat. & Alcohol is made from sugar. |- Alcohol is made from wheat. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num846-gen2-out3 premise A resistor resists current. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num846-gen2-out3 premise A conductor is a material that conducts current. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num846-gen2-out3 hypothesis Resistors are conductors. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num846-gen2-out3 entailment A resistor resists current. & A conductor is a material that conducts current. |- Resistors are conductors. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num141-gen1-out2 premise White blood cells are part of the immune system. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num141-gen1-out2 premise There are two types of blood cells, red and white. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num141-gen1-out2 hypothesis There are two types of white blood cells. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num141-gen1-out2 entailment White blood cells are part of the immune system. & There are two types of blood cells, red and white. |- There are two types of white blood cells. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1366-gen1-out4 premise Earth is spherical. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1366-gen1-out4 premise Because of their shape, stars appear to be distant. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1366-gen1-out4 hypothesis Earth's spherical shape makes stars appear to be distant. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1366-gen1-out4 entailment Earth is spherical. & Because of their shape, stars appear to be distant. |- Earth's spherical shape makes stars appear to be distant. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1251-gen2-out2 premise Galaxies are celestial bodies. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1251-gen2-out2 premise Stars are celestial bodies. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1251-gen2-out2 hypothesis Galaxies have stars. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1251-gen2-out2 entailment Galaxies are celestial bodies. & Stars are celestial bodies. |- Galaxies have stars. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try6-num51-gen1-out3 premise An atom has a dense center. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num51-gen1-out3 premise The Sun is made of gas. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num51-gen1-out3 hypothesis The Sun is a dense center for an atom. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try6-num51-gen1-out3 entailment An atom has a dense center. & The Sun is made of gas. |- The Sun is a dense center for an atom. F ? F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2483-gen1-out2 premise A white terrier is hairless. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2483-gen1-out2 premise A white terrier cannot feel changes in temperature. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2483-gen1-out2 hypothesis A white terrier has hair on its paws, tail, and face. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2483-gen1-out2 entailment A white terrier is hairless. & A white terrier cannot feel changes in temperature. |- A white terrier has hair on its paws, tail, and face. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3147-gen1-out3 premise If an object is dropped, then it will fall. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3147-gen1-out3 premise If an object is moving upwards, then it is not falling. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3147-gen1-out3 hypothesis If an object is not falling, then it is not moving upwards. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3147-gen1-out3 entailment If an object is dropped, then it will fall. & If an object is moving upwards, then it is not falling. |- If an object is not falling, then it is not moving upwards. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4510-gen1-out2 premise Rainforests are a type of terrestrial biome. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4510-gen1-out2 premise A mesic biome receives more than 10 inches of precipitation a year. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4510-gen1-out2 hypothesis Rainforests are a type of mesic biome. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4510-gen1-out2 entailment Rainforests are a type of terrestrial biome. & A mesic biome receives more than 10 inches of precipitation a year. |- Rainforests are a type of mesic biome. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2621-gen1-out2 premise Life on Mars is unlikely. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2621-gen1-out2 premise Debris can be found on Mars. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2621-gen1-out2 hypothesis Debris on Mars suggests that life once existed there. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2621-gen1-out2 entailment Life on Mars is unlikely. & Debris can be found on Mars. |- Debris on Mars suggests that life once existed there. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen2-out5 premise Science is divided into two major branches. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen2-out5 premise A person who specializes in physics is a physicist. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen2-out5 hypothesis A person who specializes in physics KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen2-out5 entailment Science is divided into two major branches. & A person who specializes in physics is a physicist. |- A person who specializes in physics ? F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2163-gen1-out2 premise The gait of a cheetah is feline. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2163-gen1-out2 premise Cheetahs are mammals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2163-gen1-out2 hypothesis All mammals have a feline gait. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2163-gen1-out2 entailment The gait of a cheetah is feline. & Cheetahs are mammals. |- All mammals have a feline gait. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2428-gen1-out5 premise Grapefruit has vitamin C. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2428-gen1-out5 premise Oranges have vitamin C. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2428-gen1-out5 hypothesis Oranges are part of the grapefruit. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2428-gen1-out5 entailment Grapefruit has vitamin C. & Oranges have vitamin C. |- Oranges are part of the grapefruit. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4110-gen2-out4 premise Recycling bottles is environmentally responsible. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4110-gen2-out4 premise The less likely an object is to be destroyed by humans, the more environmentally responsible it is. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4110-gen2-out4 hypothesis Bottles are the least likely objects to be destroyed by humans. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4110-gen2-out4 entailment Recycling bottles is environmentally responsible. & The less likely an object is to be destroyed by humans, the more environmentally responsible it is. |- Bottles are the least likely objects to be destroyed by humans. F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out2 premise Pluto is classified as a dwarf planet. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out2 premise The Earth is classified as a planet. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out2 hypothesis The Earth is classified as a dwarf planet. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out2 entailment Pluto is classified as a dwarf planet. & The Earth is classified as a planet. |- The Earth is classified as a dwarf planet. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num241-gen1-out1 premise Cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num241-gen1-out1 premise Cellular respiration is the process of converting oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num241-gen1-out1 hypothesis Cellular respiration is a process that takes place inside of cells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num241-gen1-out1 entailment Cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. & Cellular respiration is the process of converting oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. |- Cellular respiration is a process that takes place inside of cells. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1379-gen2-out5 premise Global warming is generally accepted as a reality. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1379-gen2-out5 premise The Earth's climate has changed in the past. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1379-gen2-out5 hypothesis Global warming is KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1379-gen2-out5 entailment Global warming is generally accepted as a reality. & The Earth's climate has changed in the past. |- Global warming is F ? ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num793-gen2-out3 premise Many animals sleep during the winter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num793-gen2-out3 premise Bears sleep in hibernation during the winter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num793-gen2-out3 hypothesis If you sleep, you are an animal. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num793-gen2-out3 entailment Many animals sleep during the winter. & Bears sleep in hibernation during the winter. |- If you sleep, you are an animal. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2776-gen1-out3 premise The coefficient of friction between the cart and the road is low. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2776-gen1-out3 premise The ramp is level. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2776-gen1-out3 hypothesis The ramp will not be slow. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2776-gen1-out3 entailment The coefficient of friction between the cart and the road is low. & The ramp is level. |- The ramp will not be slow. ? F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1242-gen2-out4 premise Rocks can be classified into four groups based on the relative amounts of elements that compose them. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1242-gen2-out4 premise Granite is an example of a rock. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1242-gen2-out4 hypothesis Granite can be classified into four groups based on the relative amounts of elements that compose it. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1242-gen2-out4 entailment Rocks can be classified into four groups based on the relative amounts of elements that compose them. & Granite is an example of a rock. |- Granite can be classified into four groups based on the relative amounts of elements that compose it. F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num957-gen2-out2 premise Children often see shadows when they are afraid. F ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num957-gen2-out2 premise A shadow is cast by a nearby object. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num957-gen2-out2 hypothesis Shadows are cast by nearby objects when children are afraid. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num957-gen2-out2 entailment Children often see shadows when they are afraid. & A shadow is cast by a nearby object. |- Shadows are cast by nearby objects when children are afraid. F ? F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num230-gen2-out3 premise Whales have a thin layer of blubber to keep them warm. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num230-gen2-out3 premise Whales have a thick layer of blubber. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num230-gen2-out3 hypothesis A whale will have a thin layer of blubber if it has a thick layer of blubber. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num230-gen2-out3 entailment Whales have a thin layer of blubber to keep them warm. & Whales have a thick layer of blubber. |- A whale will have a thin layer of blubber if it has a thick layer of blubber. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2620-gen1-out1 premise Smoking tobacco decreases stamina. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2620-gen1-out1 premise Chewing betel nuts is popular in India. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2620-gen1-out1 hypothesis Chewing betel nuts decreases stamina. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2620-gen1-out1 entailment Smoking tobacco decreases stamina. & Chewing betel nuts is popular in India. |- Chewing betel nuts decreases stamina. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4380-gen2-out4 premise If something is pink then it is hot. F ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4380-gen2-out4 premise A fever is a rise in body temperature. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4380-gen2-out4 hypothesis If something is pink then KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4380-gen2-out4 entailment If something is pink then it is hot. & A fever is a rise in body temperature. |- If something is pink then F F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1748-gen1-out3 premise Radioactive decay releases heat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1748-gen1-out3 premise Coal is a source of heat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1748-gen1-out3 hypothesis If radioactive decay releases heat, then coal is a source of heat. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1748-gen1-out3 entailment Radioactive decay releases heat. & Coal is a source of heat. |- If radioactive decay releases heat, then coal is a source of heat. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4272-gen2-out3 premise If a snail is larger than a mouse, then it is larger than a rabbit. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4272-gen2-out3 premise Snails are larger than rabbits. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4272-gen2-out3 hypothesis If a snail is larger than a rabbit, then it is larger than a mouse. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4272-gen2-out3 entailment If a snail is larger than a mouse, then it is larger than a rabbit. & Snails are larger than rabbits. |- If a snail is larger than a rabbit, then it is larger than a mouse. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2488-gen1-out2 premise A person with a fever is ill. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2488-gen1-out2 premise Fevers are usually measured with a thermometer. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2488-gen1-out2 hypothesis A person with a fever has their temperature measured with a thermometer. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2488-gen1-out2 entailment A person with a fever is ill. & Fevers are usually measured with a thermometer. |- A person with a fever has their temperature measured with a thermometer. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1272-gen1-out3 premise The temperature in Antarctica is too cold for any animal to survive there. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1272-gen1-out3 premise Penguins live in Antarctica. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1272-gen1-out3 hypothesis Penguins are an animal that survives in Antarctica. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1272-gen1-out3 entailment The temperature in Antarctica is too cold for any animal to survive there. & Penguins live in Antarctica. |- Penguins are an animal that survives in Antarctica. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num857-gen1-out1 premise The uterus is used in reproduction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num857-gen1-out1 premise A cell is a basic unit of a living thing. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num857-gen1-out1 hypothesis A cell is also known as a uterus. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num857-gen1-out1 entailment The uterus is used in reproduction. & A cell is a basic unit of a living thing. |- A cell is also known as a uterus. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1930-gen2-out3 premise A "tea" bag containing leaves is boiled to make tea. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1930-gen2-out3 premise Boiling water is part of the making of tea. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1930-gen2-out3 hypothesis A "tea" bag containing leaves cannot be boiled to make tea. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1930-gen2-out3 entailment A "tea" bag containing leaves is boiled to make tea. & Boiling water is part of the making of tea. |- A "tea" bag containing leaves cannot be boiled to make tea. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4348-gen1-out4 premise The Panama Canal was built by cutting a path through the Isthmus of Panama. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4348-gen1-out4 premise The Isthmus of Panama connects North and South America. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4348-gen1-out4 hypothesis The Panama Canal connects North and KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4348-gen1-out4 entailment The Panama Canal was built by cutting a path through the Isthmus of Panama. & The Isthmus of Panama connects North and South America. |- The Panama Canal connects North and F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num800-gen2-out1 premise Some viruses can cause cancer. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num800-gen2-out1 premise A cancerous tumor can be destroyed. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num800-gen2-out1 hypothesis Some viruses can be destroyed by cancerous tumors. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num800-gen2-out1 entailment Some viruses can cause cancer. & A cancerous tumor can be destroyed. |- Some viruses can be destroyed by cancerous tumors. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2697-gen2-out5 premise The Earth orbits the Sun. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2697-gen2-out5 premise The Sun is large. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2697-gen2-out5 hypothesis The Earth is part of the Sun. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2697-gen2-out5 entailment The Earth orbits the Sun. & The Sun is large. |- The Earth is part of the Sun. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1256-gen1-out2 premise Dogs are a type of animal. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1256-gen1-out2 premise Birds are a type of animal. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1256-gen1-out2 hypothesis Dogs are a type of bird. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1256-gen1-out2 entailment Dogs are a type of animal. & Birds are a type of animal. |- Dogs are a type of bird. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen1-out4 premise A pelican is a bird. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen1-out4 premise A sea eagle is a bird. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen1-out4 hypothesis A sea eagle is a type of pelican. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen1-out4 entailment A pelican is a bird. & A sea eagle is a bird. |- A sea eagle is a type of pelican. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1565-gen2-out3 premise Fluorine is the lightest element on the periodic table. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1565-gen2-out3 premise Fluorine is more massive than an atom of hydrogen. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1565-gen2-out3 hypothesis An atom of hydrogen is heavier than an atom of fluorine. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1565-gen2-out3 entailment Fluorine is the lightest element on the periodic table. & Fluorine is more massive than an atom of hydrogen. |- An atom of hydrogen is heavier than an atom of fluorine. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4400-gen2-out2 premise Coral reefs are beautiful. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4400-gen2-out2 premise Coral reefs are not endangered. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4400-gen2-out2 hypothesis Coral reefs are not endangered because they are beautiful. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4400-gen2-out2 entailment Coral reefs are beautiful. & Coral reefs are not endangered. |- Coral reefs are not endangered because they are beautiful. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3721-gen1-out2 premise A sequoia tree weighs more than a blue whale. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3721-gen1-out2 premise The blue whale weighs more than the weight of all sequoia trees. F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3721-gen1-out2 hypothesis The blue whale weighs more than the weight of all sequoia trees and all sequoia trees together. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3721-gen1-out2 entailment A sequoia tree weighs more than a blue whale. & The blue whale weighs more than the weight of all sequoia trees. |- The blue whale weighs more than the weight of all sequoia trees and all sequoia trees together. F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2549-gen1-out1 premise Playing is one way mammals and other animals learn how to behave. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2549-gen1-out1 premise Pavlov's dogs learned how to salivate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2549-gen1-out1 hypothesis Dogs learned how to salivate while playing. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2549-gen1-out1 entailment Playing is one way mammals and other animals learn how to behave. & Pavlov's dogs learned how to salivate. |- Dogs learned how to salivate while playing. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1387-gen1-out2 premise Bacteria are single-celled organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1387-gen1-out2 premise Bacteria are usually visible to the naked eye. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1387-gen1-out2 hypothesis If you are able to see something, then it is probably a single-celled organism. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1387-gen1-out2 entailment Bacteria are single-celled organisms. & Bacteria are usually visible to the naked eye. |- If you are able to see something, then it is probably a single-celled organism. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2546-gen1-out4 premise The sound a guitar makes depends on the strings being plucked. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2546-gen1-out4 premise Brushing one's hair requires the use of a brush. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2546-gen1-out4 hypothesis Brushing one's hair causes the sound of a guitar. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2546-gen1-out4 entailment The sound a guitar makes depends on the strings being plucked. & Brushing one's hair requires the use of a brush. |- Brushing one's hair causes the sound of a guitar. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1950-gen2-out4 premise Chicago is located in the United States. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1950-gen2-out4 premise New York City is located in the United States. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1950-gen2-out4 hypothesis New York City is located in Chicago. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1950-gen2-out4 entailment Chicago is located in the United States. & New York City is located in the United States. |- New York City is located in Chicago. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1912-gen1-out1 premise A switch is used to start the flow of current in an electrical circuit. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1912-gen1-out1 premise Current can only be used once. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1912-gen1-out1 hypothesis A switch can only be used once. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1912-gen1-out1 entailment A switch is used to start the flow of current in an electrical circuit. & Current can only be used once. |- A switch can only be used once. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num74-gen2-out1 premise Female gametophytes produce eggs inside the ovaries of flowers. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num74-gen2-out1 premise Bees are insects. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num74-gen2-out1 hypothesis Bees lay eggs inside the ovaries of flowers. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num74-gen2-out1 entailment Female gametophytes produce eggs inside the ovaries of flowers. & Bees are insects. |- Bees lay eggs inside the ovaries of flowers. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1826-gen1-out4 premise A comet is made of ice and rock. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1826-gen1-out4 premise Comets are made of the same ingredients as planets. F F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1826-gen1-out4 hypothesis Comets are similar to planets KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1826-gen1-out4 entailment A comet is made of ice and rock. & Comets are made of the same ingredients as planets. |- Comets are similar to planets F F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2332-gen1-out1 premise Heat can change the state of matter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2332-gen1-out1 premise Ice is a solid when at its melting point. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2332-gen1-out1 hypothesis Heat changes the state of matter of ice from solid to liquid. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2332-gen1-out1 entailment Heat can change the state of matter. & Ice is a solid when at its melting point. |- Heat changes the state of matter of ice from solid to liquid. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4186-gen1-out3 premise Heat can change state of matter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4186-gen1-out3 premise Water changes state of matter when it freezes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4186-gen1-out3 hypothesis Water heats can freeze. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4186-gen1-out3 entailment Heat can change state of matter. & Water changes state of matter when it freezes. |- Water heats can freeze. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num78-gen1-out4 premise Air travels at different speeds in different mediums. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num78-gen1-out4 premise A traffic jam is a situation where many cars are traveling together. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num78-gen1-out4 hypothesis A traffic jam is a situation where the air is traveling at different speeds. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num78-gen1-out4 entailment Air travels at different speeds in different mediums. & A traffic jam is a situation where many cars are traveling together. |- A traffic jam is a situation where the air is traveling at different speeds. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3003-gen1-out4 premise An animal's behavior is learned from its environment. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3003-gen1-out4 premise If the animal can learn from its environment, then its behavior is inherited. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3003-gen1-out4 hypothesis An animal's behavior is inherited from its parents. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3003-gen1-out4 entailment An animal's behavior is learned from its environment. & If the animal can learn from its environment, then its behavior is inherited. |- An animal's behavior is inherited from its parents. F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1082-gen1-out1 premise Birds have relatively large brains and a high level of intelligence. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1082-gen1-out1 premise Bats are birds. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1082-gen1-out1 hypothesis Bats have relatively large brains and a high level of intelligence. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1082-gen1-out1 entailment Birds have relatively large brains and a high level of intelligence. & Bats are birds. |- Bats have relatively large brains and a high level of intelligence. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1264-gen2-out1 premise Freezing means changing from a liquid into a solid by reducing heat energy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1264-gen2-out1 premise Sugar is a form of heat energy. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1264-gen2-out1 hypothesis Sugar means a change from a liquid into a solid by reducing sugar. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1264-gen2-out1 entailment Freezing means changing from a liquid into a solid by reducing heat energy. & Sugar is a form of heat energy. |- Sugar means a change from a liquid into a solid by reducing sugar. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2169-gen1-out3 premise The hairs on a butterfly's wing contain scales. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2169-gen1-out3 premise The wing of a butterfly is not hairy. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2169-gen1-out3 hypothesis Scales are not hairs. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2169-gen1-out3 entailment The hairs on a butterfly's wing contain scales. & The wing of a butterfly is not hairy. |- Scales are not hairs. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2060-gen1-out5 premise Birds do not have feathers. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2060-gen1-out5 premise Reptiles have feathers. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2060-gen1-out5 hypothesis Birds are reptiles. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2060-gen1-out5 entailment Birds do not have feathers. & Reptiles have feathers. |- Birds are reptiles. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2730-gen1-out1 premise The fallopian tubes are used in reproduction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2730-gen1-out1 premise Pollen is used in reproduction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2730-gen1-out1 hypothesis Pollen is transported by the fallopian tubes. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2730-gen1-out1 entailment The fallopian tubes are used in reproduction. & Pollen is used in reproduction. |- Pollen is transported by the fallopian tubes. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4394-gen1-out3 premise An animal that has lost its eyesight will be harder to find for predators. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4394-gen1-out3 premise Blindness helps animals to survive. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4394-gen1-out3 hypothesis An animal that has lost its eyesight will have a better chance of surviving. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4394-gen1-out3 entailment An animal that has lost its eyesight will be harder to find for predators. & Blindness helps animals to survive. |- An animal that has lost its eyesight will have a better chance of surviving. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3719-gen2-out1 premise A freezer is used for cooling things. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3719-gen2-out1 premise You can use a fridge for cooling things. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3719-gen2-out1 hypothesis A fridge is a type of freezer. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3719-gen2-out1 entailment A freezer is used for cooling things. & You can use a fridge for cooling things. |- A fridge is a type of freezer. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3429-gen1-out4 premise Elephants have no teeth. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3429-gen1-out4 premise Elephants eat leaves and twigs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3429-gen1-out4 hypothesis Elephants eat leaves and twigs without teeth. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3429-gen1-out4 entailment Elephants have no teeth. & Elephants eat leaves and twigs. |- Elephants eat leaves and twigs without teeth. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1857-gen2-out2 premise People get sunburned while sunbathing. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1857-gen2-out2 premise Vitamin D is made in the body under sunlight. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1857-gen2-out2 hypothesis People get sunburned while sunbathing because they are making Vitamin D. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1857-gen2-out2 entailment People get sunburned while sunbathing. & Vitamin D is made in the body under sunlight. |- People get sunburned while sunbathing because they are making Vitamin D. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1969-gen2-out1 premise All cnidarians are aquatic. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1969-gen2-out1 premise The body wall of a hydra is without any special features. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1969-gen2-out1 hypothesis The body wall of a hydra is not cnidarian. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1969-gen2-out1 entailment All cnidarians are aquatic. & The body wall of a hydra is without any special features. |- The body wall of a hydra is not cnidarian. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2604-gen1-out4 premise A Kamehameha is an energy blast in the Dragon Ball Z universe. T ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2604-gen1-out4 premise The series creator of Dragon Ball Z and related series was born in August. F ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2604-gen1-out4 hypothesis Akira Toriyama was born in August because the series creator of Dragon Ball Z and related series was born in August. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2604-gen1-out4 entailment A Kamehameha is an energy blast in the Dragon Ball Z universe. & The series creator of Dragon Ball Z and related series was born in August. |- Akira Toriyama was born in August because the series creator of Dragon Ball Z and related series was born in August. F F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3000-gen2-out1 premise Bladder infections can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3000-gen2-out1 premise A doctor may choose not to prescribe antibiotics. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3000-gen2-out1 hypothesis Not all bladder infections can be treated with antibiotics. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3000-gen2-out1 entailment Bladder infections can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. & A doctor may choose not to prescribe antibiotics. |- Not all bladder infections can be treated with antibiotics. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2347-gen2-out1 premise If a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2347-gen2-out1 premise Ice is a solid substance. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2347-gen2-out1 hypothesis Ice will not kill a living thing. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2347-gen2-out1 entailment If a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die. & Ice is a solid substance. |- Ice will not kill a living thing. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1226-gen1-out4 premise Slugs die when frozen. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1226-gen1-out4 premise Any animal with a backbone has a core body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1226-gen1-out4 hypothesis Animals with a backbone have a core body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1226-gen1-out4 entailment Slugs die when frozen. & Any animal with a backbone has a core body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius. |- Animals with a backbone have a core body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1933-gen2-out3 premise Ice cubes are commonly used in drinks. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1933-gen2-out3 premise Ice cubes melt. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1933-gen2-out3 hypothesis Ice cubes are used in drinks so that they do not melt. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1933-gen2-out3 entailment Ice cubes are commonly used in drinks. & Ice cubes melt. |- Ice cubes are used in drinks so that they do not melt. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num691-gen1-out1 premise Muscle contraction occurs when muscle fibers get shorter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num691-gen1-out1 premise A neuron is a cell in the body that conducts electrical impulses. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num691-gen1-out1 hypothesis A neuron contracts when it conducts an electrical impulse. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num691-gen1-out1 entailment Muscle contraction occurs when muscle fibers get shorter. & A neuron is a cell in the body that conducts electrical impulses. |- A neuron contracts when it conducts an electrical impulse. F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1924-gen1-out2 premise A fall from a rooftop causes injury. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1924-gen1-out2 premise To fall from a rooftop, a person has to go over the edge. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1924-gen1-out2 hypothesis A fall from a rooftop causes injury because the person has to go over the edge. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1924-gen1-out2 entailment A fall from a rooftop causes injury. & To fall from a rooftop, a person has to go over the edge. |- A fall from a rooftop causes injury because the person has to go over the edge. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen2-out3 premise The Supreme Court hears civil cases. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen2-out3 premise Civil cases do not involve criminal prosecution. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen2-out3 hypothesis The Supreme Court does not hear criminal cases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen2-out3 entailment The Supreme Court hears civil cases. & Civil cases do not involve criminal prosecution. |- The Supreme Court does not hear criminal cases. F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3484-gen2-out4 premise When energy is introduced into a gas, its temperature will rise. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3484-gen2-out4 premise If the temperature of a gas rises, then it will expand. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3484-gen2-out4 hypothesis If energy is introduced into KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3484-gen2-out4 entailment When energy is introduced into a gas, its temperature will rise. & If the temperature of a gas rises, then it will expand. |- If energy is introduced into F ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3763-gen2-out4 premise Antibiotics prevent the body from healing itself. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3763-gen2-out4 premise When we allow our bodies to heal themselves, the scars will show. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3763-gen2-out4 hypothesis Scars show that the body is not allowed to heal itself. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3763-gen2-out4 entailment Antibiotics prevent the body from healing itself. & When we allow our bodies to heal themselves, the scars will show. |- Scars show that the body is not allowed to heal itself. F F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4361-gen1-out2 premise A new species will not exist without a mutation. T ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4361-gen1-out2 premise The vast majority of mutations are harmful. F ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4361-gen1-out2 hypothesis Evolution will never create a new species. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4361-gen1-out2 entailment A new species will not exist without a mutation. & The vast majority of mutations are harmful. |- Evolution will never create a new species. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1114-gen1-out2 premise Grasshoppers undergo metamorphosis. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1114-gen1-out2 premise Fireflies do not undergo metamorphosis. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1114-gen1-out2 hypothesis No grasshopper could be a firefly. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1114-gen1-out2 entailment Grasshoppers undergo metamorphosis. & Fireflies do not undergo metamorphosis. |- No grasshopper could be a firefly. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num273-gen1-out1 premise Boiling means change from a liquid into a gas by adding heat energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num273-gen1-out1 premise A cloud is a pile of water vapor. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num273-gen1-out1 hypothesis A cloud is a pile of gas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num273-gen1-out1 entailment Boiling means change from a liquid into a gas by adding heat energy. & A cloud is a pile of water vapor. |- A cloud is a pile of gas. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2218-gen1-out3 premise A home is considered a safe place. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2218-gen1-out3 premise A household needs food to stay alive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2218-gen1-out3 hypothesis A household must be a safe place in order to have food. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2218-gen1-out3 entailment A home is considered a safe place. & A household needs food to stay alive. |- A household must be a safe place in order to have food. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4356-gen2-out3 premise Half of a river's length must flow through a desert to be dry year-round. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4356-gen2-out3 premise The Nile is half as long as the Colorado River. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4356-gen2-out3 hypothesis Half of the Nile must flow through a desert to be dry year-round. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4356-gen2-out3 entailment Half of a river's length must flow through a desert to be dry year-round. & The Nile is half as long as the Colorado River. |- Half of the Nile must flow through a desert to be dry year-round. F F T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num504-gen1-out2 premise Human fetuses have gills. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num504-gen1-out2 premise Newborn humans do not have gills. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num504-gen1-out2 hypothesis Human fetuses develop gills, but lose them before they are born. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num504-gen1-out2 entailment Human fetuses have gills. & Newborn humans do not have gills. |- Human fetuses develop gills, but lose them before they are born. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1072-gen1-out2 premise Fractures will occur in the near future. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1072-gen1-out2 premise Damages to the aqueducts can cause fractures. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1072-gen1-out2 hypothesis Damages to the aqueducts will cause fractures in the near future. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1072-gen1-out2 entailment Fractures will occur in the near future. & Damages to the aqueducts can cause fractures. |- Damages to the aqueducts will cause fractures in the near future. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1449-gen2-out2 premise Energy cannot be created or destroyed. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1449-gen2-out2 premise Nuclear fission is a process that can release a large amount of energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1449-gen2-out2 hypothesis Nuclear fission is a process that creates energy. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1449-gen2-out2 entailment Energy cannot be created or destroyed. & Nuclear fission is a process that can release a large amount of energy. |- Nuclear fission is a process that creates energy. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num98-gen1-out2 premise The heart pumps blood through the body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num98-gen1-out2 premise The left side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num98-gen1-out2 hypothesis The right side of the heart pumps blood through the body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num98-gen1-out2 entailment The heart pumps blood through the body. & The left side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs. |- The right side of the heart pumps blood through the body. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out1 premise Insects generally have two pairs of wings for flight. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out1 premise Birds generally have two pairs of wings for flight. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out1 hypothesis Insects and birds both have two pairs of wings for flight. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out1 entailment Insects generally have two pairs of wings for flight. & Birds generally have two pairs of wings for flight. |- Insects and birds both have two pairs of wings for flight. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1915-gen2-out3 premise A computer is a digital device. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1915-gen2-out3 premise A calculator is not a digital device. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1915-gen2-out3 hypothesis A calculator is not a computer. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1915-gen2-out3 entailment A computer is a digital device. & A calculator is not a digital device. |- A calculator is not a computer. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4059-gen2-out3 premise Humans use food for energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4059-gen2-out3 premise Breathing consumes energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4059-gen2-out3 hypothesis Breathing is necessary for humans to live. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4059-gen2-out3 entailment Humans use food for energy. & Breathing consumes energy. |- Breathing is necessary for humans to live. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num70-gen2-out3 premise A balance scale measures weight. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num70-gen2-out3 premise A car is a form of transportation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num70-gen2-out3 hypothesis A balance scale measures the weight of a car. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num70-gen2-out3 entailment A balance scale measures weight. & A car is a form of transportation. |- A balance scale measures the weight of a car. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out2 premise Spider silk is a very strong fiber. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out2 premise Silk is used to make fishing line. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out2 hypothesis Spider silk is used to make fishing line. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out2 entailment Spider silk is a very strong fiber. & Silk is used to make fishing line. |- Spider silk is used to make fishing line. F F T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num623-gen1-out4 premise Food and beverage containers made from Styrofoam are recyclable. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num623-gen1-out4 premise Recycling saves natural resources. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num623-gen1-out4 hypothesis Styrofoam is a natural resource. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num623-gen1-out4 entailment Food and beverage containers made from Styrofoam are recyclable. & Recycling saves natural resources. |- Styrofoam is a natural resource. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3582-gen1-out4 premise Red blood cells deliver oxygen. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3582-gen1-out4 premise Red blood cells have a single nucleus. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3582-gen1-out4 hypothesis Red blood cells have a single nucleus because they deliver oxygen. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3582-gen1-out4 entailment Red blood cells deliver oxygen. & Red blood cells have a single nucleus. |- Red blood cells have a single nucleus because they deliver oxygen. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3135-gen2-out1 premise Feathers help birds fly and provide insulation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3135-gen2-out1 premise Birds lay eggs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3135-gen2-out1 hypothesis Feathers help birds lay eggs. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3135-gen2-out1 entailment Feathers help birds fly and provide insulation. & Birds lay eggs. |- Feathers help birds lay eggs. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4236-gen1-out2 premise Worms live in the ground. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4236-gen1-out2 premise Mollusks are creatures that live in the ground. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4236-gen1-out2 hypothesis Worms are mollusks. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4236-gen1-out2 entailment Worms live in the ground. & Mollusks are creatures that live in the ground. |- Worms are mollusks. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2538-gen1-out3 premise Centrifugal force pushes inwards. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2538-gen1-out3 premise A person on a spinning merry-go-round feels a centripetal force. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2538-gen1-out3 hypothesis A person on a spinning merry-go-round feels inwards. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2538-gen1-out3 entailment Centrifugal force pushes inwards. & A person on a spinning merry-go-round feels a centripetal force. |- A person on a spinning merry-go-round feels inwards. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3763-gen2-out2 premise The blazon of a coat of arms is a way to identify the owner of a coat of arms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3763-gen2-out2 premise The owner of a coat of arms may change. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3763-gen2-out2 hypothesis A blazon of a coat of arms may change. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3763-gen2-out2 entailment The blazon of a coat of arms is a way to identify the owner of a coat of arms. & The owner of a coat of arms may change. |- A blazon of a coat of arms may change. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1627-gen2-out4 premise The presence of oxygen destroys fire. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1627-gen2-out4 premise Fire requires oxygen to burn. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1627-gen2-out4 hypothesis The presence of oxygen destroys fire by preventing it from burning. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1627-gen2-out4 entailment The presence of oxygen destroys fire. & Fire requires oxygen to burn. |- The presence of oxygen destroys fire by preventing it from burning. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2567-gen1-out2 premise The ability to perceive color is inheritable. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2567-gen1-out2 premise Blue eyes are a genetically inheritable trait. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2567-gen1-out2 hypothesis Blue eyes can perceive color. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2567-gen1-out2 entailment The ability to perceive color is inheritable. & Blue eyes are a genetically inheritable trait. |- Blue eyes can perceive color. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num155-gen1-out3 premise The transmission of food-borne illnesses is reduced when fewer foods are cooked. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num155-gen1-out3 premise If people get sick from raw fish, then they may not eat it. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num155-gen1-out3 hypothesis If the transmission of food-borne illnesses is reduced when fewer foods are cooked, then less raw fish may be eaten. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num155-gen1-out3 entailment The transmission of food-borne illnesses is reduced when fewer foods are cooked. & If people get sick from raw fish, then they may not eat it. |- If the transmission of food-borne illnesses is reduced when fewer foods are cooked, then less raw fish may be eaten. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1361-gen1-out2 premise The Moon orbits Earth. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1361-gen1-out2 premise The Moon is an object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1361-gen1-out2 hypothesis Earth is an object which orbits the Moon. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1361-gen1-out2 entailment The Moon orbits Earth. & The Moon is an object. |- Earth is an object which orbits the Moon. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3793-gen2-out2 premise Eyeglasses can correct vision. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3793-gen2-out2 premise They can also make you appear taller. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3793-gen2-out2 hypothesis People wear eyeglasses because they can make you appear taller. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3793-gen2-out2 entailment Eyeglasses can correct vision. & They can also make you appear taller. |- People wear eyeglasses because they can make you appear taller. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1951-gen2-out4 premise A particular bacteria strain creates a fever in humans. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1951-gen2-out4 premise The strain of bacteria is a virus. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1951-gen2-out4 hypothesis The strain of bacteria is not a virus. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1951-gen2-out4 entailment A particular bacteria strain creates a fever in humans. & The strain of bacteria is a virus. |- The strain of bacteria is not a virus. F F T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2298-gen2-out3 premise An animal's speed can be determined by its tracks. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2298-gen2-out3 premise No two animals have the same tracks. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2298-gen2-out3 hypothesis No two animals have the same speed. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2298-gen2-out3 entailment An animal's speed can be determined by its tracks. & No two animals have the same tracks. |- No two animals have the same speed. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2631-gen1-out4 premise Neutrons are present in atomic nuclei. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2631-gen1-out4 premise Electrons move outside of atomic nuclei. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2631-gen1-out4 hypothesis Electrons move in atomic nuclei. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2631-gen1-out4 entailment Neutrons are present in atomic nuclei. & Electrons move outside of atomic nuclei. |- Electrons move in atomic nuclei. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3937-gen1-out3 premise In a dormant volcano, magma accumulates at the site of an eruption. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3937-gen1-out3 premise In a dormant volcano, heat escapes from cracks in the rock. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3937-gen1-out3 hypothesis If magma accumulates at the site of an eruption, heat escapes from cracks in the rock. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3937-gen1-out3 entailment In a dormant volcano, magma accumulates at the site of an eruption. & In a dormant volcano, heat escapes from cracks in the rock. |- If magma accumulates at the site of an eruption, heat escapes from cracks in the rock. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num576-gen1-out2 premise The movement of the continents is a geological process. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num576-gen1-out2 premise Plate tectonics is a geological process. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num576-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a geological process occurs, the movement of the continents is involved. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num576-gen1-out2 entailment The movement of the continents is a geological process. & Plate tectonics is a geological process. |- If a geological process occurs, the movement of the continents is involved. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4402-gen1-out4 premise Ozone levels are high at low altitudes. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4402-gen1-out4 premise Ozone levels are low at high altitudes. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4402-gen1-out4 hypothesis If Ozone levels are high at low altitudes, then Ozone levels are low at high altitudes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4402-gen1-out4 entailment Ozone levels are high at low altitudes. & Ozone levels are low at high altitudes. |- If Ozone levels are high at low altitudes, then Ozone levels are low at high altitudes. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3801-gen2-out4 premise The exoskeleton of an insect prevents water loss. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3801-gen2-out4 premise The exoskeleton of an insect is also a defense mechanism. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3801-gen2-out4 hypothesis The exoskeleton of an insect prevents water loss by acting as a defense mechanism. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3801-gen2-out4 entailment The exoskeleton of an insect prevents water loss. & The exoskeleton of an insect is also a defense mechanism. |- The exoskeleton of an insect prevents water loss by acting as a defense mechanism. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3714-gen2-out4 premise 80% of the water in a single car engine is sprayed out after 10 minutes of use. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3714-gen2-out4 premise The engine only used 8 gallons of water in the first place. F F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3714-gen2-out4 hypothesis The engine will be out of water in 6 minutes. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3714-gen2-out4 entailment 80% of the water in a single car engine is sprayed out after 10 minutes of use. & The engine only used 8 gallons of water in the first place. |- The engine will be out of water in 6 minutes. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num198-gen2-out3 premise If one nuclear weapon is detonated, then another will be detonated. ? F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num198-gen2-out3 premise A nuclear holocaust will result in destruction of Earth. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num198-gen2-out3 hypothesis If one nuclear weapon is detonated, then a nuclear holocaust will result in destruction of Earth. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num198-gen2-out3 entailment If one nuclear weapon is detonated, then another will be detonated. & A nuclear holocaust will result in destruction of Earth. |- If one nuclear weapon is detonated, then a nuclear holocaust will result in destruction of Earth. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2013-gen1-out4 premise The Aztecs did not use alcoholic beverages. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2013-gen1-out4 premise The Aztecs used chocolate as currency. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2013-gen1-out4 hypothesis Chocolate is not an alcoholic beverage. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2013-gen1-out4 entailment The Aztecs did not use alcoholic beverages. & The Aztecs used chocolate as currency. |- Chocolate is not an alcoholic beverage. F F T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1346-gen1-out2 premise Other humans are typically among your best allies. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1346-gen1-out2 premise Humans would be unable to communicate with birds, if humans and birds did not have a way to share information. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1346-gen1-out2 hypothesis Other humans are typically among the best allies for human communication. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1346-gen1-out2 entailment Other humans are typically among your best allies. & Humans would be unable to communicate with birds, if humans and birds did not have a way to share information. |- Other humans are typically among the best allies for human communication. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1386-gen1-out2 premise A plant that is pollinated only by wind will die out. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1386-gen1-out2 premise A walnut tree is pollinated only by wind. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1386-gen1-out2 hypothesis A walnut tree will die out. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1386-gen1-out2 entailment A plant that is pollinated only by wind will die out. & A walnut tree is pollinated only by wind. |- A walnut tree will die out. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num83-gen2-out1 premise A compass is used to navigate oceans. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num83-gen2-out1 premise A map is a representation of an area of land. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num83-gen2-out1 hypothesis A map can be used to navigate oceans. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num83-gen2-out1 entailment A compass is used to navigate oceans. & A map is a representation of an area of land. |- A map can be used to navigate oceans. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4003-gen1-out4 premise A fly's antennae are bristles used for touch. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4003-gen1-out4 premise A fly's eyesight is sensitive to ultraviolet light. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4003-gen1-out4 hypothesis Antennae are bristles used by flies to see ultraviolet light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4003-gen1-out4 entailment A fly's antennae are bristles used for touch. & A fly's eyesight is sensitive to ultraviolet light. |- Antennae are bristles used by flies to see ultraviolet light. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4489-gen2-out2 premise Sails are used to catch the wind. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4489-gen2-out2 premise Sails are structures on boats. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4489-gen2-out2 hypothesis Anything that catches the wind is a sail. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4489-gen2-out2 entailment Sails are used to catch the wind. & Sails are structures on boats. |- Anything that catches the wind is a sail. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4433-gen2-out3 premise Natural and artificial things can both affect the environment. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4433-gen2-out3 premise Paintings are artificial things. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4433-gen2-out3 hypothesis Natural and artificial things can both affect the environment, even if natural things and artificial things can have different effects. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4433-gen2-out3 entailment Natural and artificial things can both affect the environment. & Paintings are artificial things. |- Natural and artificial things can both affect the environment, even if natural things and artificial things can have different effects. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4010-gen1-out4 premise Hard exercise leads to elevated heart rate. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4010-gen1-out4 premise A person who is able to keep his heart rate at the same rate as others during exercise is healthier. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4010-gen1-out4 hypothesis A person who can keep his heart rate the same rate as others during exercise is able KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4010-gen1-out4 entailment Hard exercise leads to elevated heart rate. & A person who is able to keep his heart rate at the same rate as others during exercise is healthier. |- A person who can keep his heart rate the same rate as others during exercise is able T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2758-gen2-out1 premise When an electrical circuit is working properly, electrical current runs through that circuit. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2758-gen2-out1 premise When water is moving through a pipe, that water is in an electrical circuit. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2758-gen2-out1 hypothesis When water is moving through a pipe, the water is working properly. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2758-gen2-out1 entailment When an electrical circuit is working properly, electrical current runs through that circuit. & When water is moving through a pipe, that water is in an electrical circuit. |- When water is moving through a pipe, the water is working properly. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num479-gen2-out2 premise Bats fly, and wings help them fly. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num479-gen2-out2 premise Bats are mammals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num479-gen2-out2 hypothesis Bats have wings because they are mammals. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num479-gen2-out2 entailment Bats fly, and wings help them fly. & Bats are mammals. |- Bats have wings because they are mammals. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3883-gen1-out3 premise In a city, all the cars go in one direction. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3883-gen1-out3 premise If the cars are going in one direction, they will make less noise. F F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3883-gen1-out3 hypothesis In a city, all the cars make less noise. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3883-gen1-out3 entailment In a city, all the cars go in one direction. & If the cars are going in one direction, they will make less noise. |- In a city, all the cars make less noise. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2278-gen1-out4 premise Energy from the sun powers Earth's weather. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2278-gen1-out4 premise All of Earth's weather comes from the sun. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2278-gen1-out4 hypothesis The sun must power KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2278-gen1-out4 entailment Energy from the sun powers Earth's weather. & All of Earth's weather comes from the sun. |- The sun must power T ? ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3782-gen2-out3 premise Rocks can contain water. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3782-gen2-out3 premise The water contained within rocks is called groundwater. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3782-gen2-out3 hypothesis Rocks can contain groundwater. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3782-gen2-out3 entailment Rocks can contain water. & The water contained within rocks is called groundwater. |- Rocks can contain groundwater. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num57-gen1-out3 premise Proteins are a complex biological molecule. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num57-gen1-out3 premise A living cell is a complex biological molecule. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num57-gen1-out3 hypothesis Proteins are living cells. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num57-gen1-out3 entailment Proteins are a complex biological molecule. & A living cell is a complex biological molecule. |- Proteins are living cells. F F T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num147-gen1-out5 premise Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num147-gen1-out5 premise The atmosphere contains carbon dioxide. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num147-gen1-out5 hypothesis The atmosphere is colorless KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num147-gen1-out5 entailment Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas. & The atmosphere contains carbon dioxide. |- The atmosphere is colorless F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3351-gen1-out3 premise Winds carry water vapor away from oceans. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3351-gen1-out3 premise More water vapor is carried away from oceans during dry periods. T ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3351-gen1-out3 hypothesis Winds carry more water vapor away from oceans during dry periods. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3351-gen1-out3 entailment Winds carry water vapor away from oceans. & More water vapor is carried away from oceans during dry periods. |- Winds carry more water vapor away from oceans during dry periods. F F T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num970-gen2-out2 premise A tomato is a type of vegetable. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num970-gen2-out2 premise Citrus fruit is a type of vegetable. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num970-gen2-out2 hypothesis Tomatoes and citrus fruit are both types of vegetables. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num970-gen2-out2 entailment A tomato is a type of vegetable. & Citrus fruit is a type of vegetable. |- Tomatoes and citrus fruit are both types of vegetables. F F T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3448-gen2-out1 premise Petals attract pollinators to the flower. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3448-gen2-out1 premise Pollinators can carry pollen to other flowers. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3448-gen2-out1 hypothesis Petals attract pollinators so that they can carry pollen to other flowers. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3448-gen2-out1 entailment Petals attract pollinators to the flower. & Pollinators can carry pollen to other flowers. |- Petals attract pollinators so that they can carry pollen to other flowers. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen1-out1 premise Most mollusks have shells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen1-out1 premise The house snail has a shell. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen1-out1 hypothesis The house snail is a mollusk. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen1-out1 entailment Most mollusks have shells. & The house snail has a shell. |- The house snail is a mollusk. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2940-gen1-out3 premise If it rains, then the wind is blowing. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2940-gen1-out3 premise If the wind is blowing, then the rain is falling. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2940-gen1-out3 hypothesis If it rains, then the wind is blowing and the rain is falling. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2940-gen1-out3 entailment If it rains, then the wind is blowing. & If the wind is blowing, then the rain is falling. |- If it rains, then the wind is blowing and the rain is falling. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1446-gen1-out1 premise Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1446-gen1-out1 premise In a microbial fuel cell, bacteria uses chemical energy to produce electricity. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1446-gen1-out1 hypothesis Microbial fuel cells are the same as bacterial fuel cells. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1446-gen1-out1 entailment Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy. & In a microbial fuel cell, bacteria uses chemical energy to produce electricity. |- Microbial fuel cells are the same as bacterial fuel cells. F T F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1017-gen1-out1 premise A long tail can be used to move through water by an animal. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1017-gen1-out1 premise Dolphins are an animal. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1017-gen1-out1 hypothesis Dolphins use a long tail to move through water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1017-gen1-out1 entailment A long tail can be used to move through water by an animal. & Dolphins are an animal. |- Dolphins use a long tail to move through water. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2512-gen1-out2 premise Blowing into a surface covered in powder can cause the powder to move. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2512-gen1-out2 premise A leaf has a surface covered in powder. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2512-gen1-out2 hypothesis Blowing into a leaf can cause that leaf to move. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2512-gen1-out2 entailment Blowing into a surface covered in powder can cause the powder to move. & A leaf has a surface covered in powder. |- Blowing into a leaf can cause that leaf to move. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1807-gen2-out2 premise The weight of a glass of water is its mass multiplied by 10. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1807-gen2-out2 premise The mass of a glass of water is 10 g. F ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1807-gen2-out2 hypothesis The weight of a glass of water is 100 g. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1807-gen2-out2 entailment The weight of a glass of water is its mass multiplied by 10. & The mass of a glass of water is 10 g. |- The weight of a glass of water is 100 g. T F F F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2217-gen2-out2 premise The leaves of certain oak trees in the northern hemisphere turn a golden color in autumn. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2217-gen2-out2 premise Most oak trees are located in the northern hemisphere. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2217-gen2-out2 hypothesis Most oak trees in the northern hemisphere turn a golden color in autumn. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2217-gen2-out2 entailment The leaves of certain oak trees in the northern hemisphere turn a golden color in autumn. & Most oak trees are located in the northern hemisphere. |- Most oak trees in the northern hemisphere turn a golden color in autumn. ? T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num363-gen2-out3 premise Separate ice cubes have less surface area than the ice in a glass. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num363-gen2-out3 premise The larger the surface area, the faster heat is lost. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num363-gen2-out3 hypothesis Separate ice cubes lose heat faster than ice in a glass. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num363-gen2-out3 entailment Separate ice cubes have less surface area than the ice in a glass. & The larger the surface area, the faster heat is lost. |- Separate ice cubes lose heat faster than ice in a glass. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num996-gen2-out4 premise Using a coupon can save you money. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num996-gen2-out4 premise Buying two items makes the total amount saved greater than buying one item. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num996-gen2-out4 hypothesis Buying two items makes the total amount saved using a coupon greater than buying one item. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num996-gen2-out4 entailment Using a coupon can save you money. & Buying two items makes the total amount saved greater than buying one item. |- Buying two items makes the total amount saved using a coupon greater than buying one item. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3265-gen2-out1 premise Friction causes the speed of an object to decrease. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3265-gen2-out1 premise If an object has a constant speed, then there is no friction. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3265-gen2-out1 hypothesis If there is no friction, then an object must have a constant speed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3265-gen2-out1 entailment Friction causes the speed of an object to decrease. & If an object has a constant speed, then there is no friction. |- If there is no friction, then an object must have a constant speed. ? T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3409-gen1-out3 premise Sugar causes bacteria to grow. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3409-gen1-out3 premise Bacteria in the mouth make cavities. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3409-gen1-out3 hypothesis Sugar causes cavities. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3409-gen1-out3 entailment Sugar causes bacteria to grow. & Bacteria in the mouth make cavities. |- Sugar causes cavities. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num842-gen1-out4 premise Winds and ocean currents can transport water for long distances. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num842-gen1-out4 premise Storms produce winds and ocean currents. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num842-gen1-out4 hypothesis Storms are an important way that water is transported for KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num842-gen1-out4 entailment Winds and ocean currents can transport water for long distances. & Storms produce winds and ocean currents. |- Storms are an important way that water is transported for T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4017-gen2-out2 premise Putting too much salt in a soup might make it taste salty. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4017-gen2-out2 premise If something has more of a characteristic, it has more of that characteristic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4017-gen2-out2 hypothesis A soup with too much salt has too much saltiness. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4017-gen2-out2 entailment Putting too much salt in a soup might make it taste salty. & If something has more of a characteristic, it has more of that characteristic. |- A soup with too much salt has too much saltiness. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3937-gen2-out4 premise If oxygen is present, then combustion is possible. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3937-gen2-out4 premise An electrical spark is needed for combustion. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3937-gen2-out4 hypothesis An electrical spark is needed to make combustion possible if oxygen is present. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3937-gen2-out4 entailment If oxygen is present, then combustion is possible. & An electrical spark is needed for combustion. |- An electrical spark is needed to make combustion possible if oxygen is present. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num430-gen2-out1 premise Heterotrophs are living things that cannot make their own food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num430-gen2-out1 premise Plants are heterotrophs. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num430-gen2-out1 hypothesis Plants cannot make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num430-gen2-out1 entailment Heterotrophs are living things that cannot make their own food. & Plants are heterotrophs. |- Plants cannot make their own food. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num95-gen1-out4 premise A magnet attracts objects made of iron. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num95-gen1-out4 premise A compass needle is attracted to a magnet. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num95-gen1-out4 hypothesis A compass needle is made of iron. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num95-gen1-out4 entailment A magnet attracts objects made of iron. & A compass needle is attracted to a magnet. |- A compass needle is made of iron. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1468-gen2-out2 premise Food is the fuel the body uses to keep the heart beating. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1468-gen2-out2 premise Raisins are food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1468-gen2-out2 hypothesis Raisins are the fuel the body uses to keep the heart beating. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1468-gen2-out2 entailment Food is the fuel the body uses to keep the heart beating. & Raisins are food. |- Raisins are the fuel the body uses to keep the heart beating. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen1-out4 premise In the fossil record, we see the gradual development of complex organisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen1-out4 premise If something develops over time, then it changes gradually. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen1-out4 hypothesis In the fossil record, we see the gradual development KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen1-out4 entailment In the fossil record, we see the gradual development of complex organisms. & If something develops over time, then it changes gradually. |- In the fossil record, we see the gradual development ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4537-gen2-out1 premise The Earth revolving around the Sun causes the seasons to change on its axis. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4537-gen2-out1 premise The Earth revolves around the Sun. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4537-gen2-out1 hypothesis The seasons change on its axis because the Earth revolves around the Sun. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4537-gen2-out1 entailment The Earth revolving around the Sun causes the seasons to change on its axis. & The Earth revolves around the Sun. |- The seasons change on its axis because the Earth revolves around the Sun. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3161-gen2-out2 premise If an asteroid strikes the Earth, the collision will cause large amounts of dust and debris to be thrown into the atmosphere. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3161-gen2-out2 premise Large amounts of dust and debris in the atmosphere block sunlight. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3161-gen2-out2 hypothesis If an asteroid strikes the Earth, the collision will block sunlight. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3161-gen2-out2 entailment If an asteroid strikes the Earth, the collision will cause large amounts of dust and debris to be thrown into the atmosphere. & Large amounts of dust and debris in the atmosphere block sunlight. |- If an asteroid strikes the Earth, the collision will block sunlight. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4177-gen2-out5 premise A single photon of light is absorbed by a molecule. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4177-gen2-out5 premise All photons of light have the same energy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4177-gen2-out5 hypothesis A molecule will absorb KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4177-gen2-out5 entailment A single photon of light is absorbed by a molecule. & All photons of light have the same energy. |- A molecule will absorb T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2166-gen1-out5 premise The majority of satellite phones are wireless. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2166-gen1-out5 premise Satellite phones are communication devices. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2166-gen1-out5 hypothesis Satellite phones are communication KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2166-gen1-out5 entailment The majority of satellite phones are wireless. & Satellite phones are communication devices. |- Satellite phones are communication T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2699-gen2-out2 premise The length of a side of a triangle in a standard shape is shorter than the sum of the two other sides. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2699-gen2-out2 premise A triangle with a shorter side is scalene. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2699-gen2-out2 hypothesis The scalene triangle in a standard shape has the shorter side of a triangle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2699-gen2-out2 entailment The length of a side of a triangle in a standard shape is shorter than the sum of the two other sides. & A triangle with a shorter side is scalene. |- The scalene triangle in a standard shape has the shorter side of a triangle. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2882-gen1-out2 premise The international standard for measuring the size of an atom is the diameter of a hydrogen atom. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2882-gen1-out2 premise Atomic sizes are too small to be measured by the naked eye. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2882-gen1-out2 hypothesis The international standard for measuring the size of an atom is too small to be measured by the naked eye. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2882-gen1-out2 entailment The international standard for measuring the size of an atom is the diameter of a hydrogen atom. & Atomic sizes are too small to be measured by the naked eye. |- The international standard for measuring the size of an atom is too small to be measured by the naked eye. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4629-gen1-out2 premise The life span of man-made products is limited. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4629-gen1-out2 premise Our civilization has existed for a limited time. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4629-gen1-out2 hypothesis The life span of man-made products is limited by the time of our civilization. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4629-gen1-out2 entailment The life span of man-made products is limited. & Our civilization has existed for a limited time. |- The life span of man-made products is limited by the time of our civilization. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2664-gen1-out5 premise Fructose is sweeter than glucose. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2664-gen1-out5 premise The molecule sucrose is composed of fructose and glucose. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2664-gen1-out5 hypothesis Sucrose is sweeter KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2664-gen1-out5 entailment Fructose is sweeter than glucose. & The molecule sucrose is composed of fructose and glucose. |- Sucrose is sweeter T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num571-gen2-out4 premise If conditions are right, rainfall will cause erosion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num571-gen2-out4 premise A weak soil and poor vegetative cover increase the risk of erosion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num571-gen2-out4 hypothesis If conditions are right, rainfall will cause erosion of KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num571-gen2-out4 entailment If conditions are right, rainfall will cause erosion. & A weak soil and poor vegetative cover increase the risk of erosion. |- If conditions are right, rainfall will cause erosion of T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2528-gen2-out1 premise Plants live just about everywhere on Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2528-gen2-out1 premise Most living organisms are plants. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2528-gen2-out1 hypothesis Most living organisms live just about everywhere on Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2528-gen2-out1 entailment Plants live just about everywhere on Earth. & Most living organisms are plants. |- Most living organisms live just about everywhere on Earth. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2410-gen1-out2 premise Water is responsible for dissolving gas. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2410-gen1-out2 premise Dissolving gas increases pressure. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2410-gen1-out2 hypothesis Increasing pressure causes water to dissolve gas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2410-gen1-out2 entailment Water is responsible for dissolving gas. & Dissolving gas increases pressure. |- Increasing pressure causes water to dissolve gas. T ? F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3141-gen2-out1 premise Flatworms belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3141-gen2-out1 premise The phylum Platyhelminthes contains animals which live in freshwater. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3141-gen2-out1 hypothesis Flatworms live in freshwater. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3141-gen2-out1 entailment Flatworms belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. & The phylum Platyhelminthes contains animals which live in freshwater. |- Flatworms live in freshwater. ? T F FF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1767-gen1-out1 premise Volcanic ash in the atmosphere decreases the temperature by blocking the sun. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1767-gen1-out1 premise Volcanic ash is a component of air pollution. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1767-gen1-out1 hypothesis If less volcanic ash is in the atmosphere, then the temperature will be higher. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1767-gen1-out1 entailment Volcanic ash in the atmosphere decreases the temperature by blocking the sun. & Volcanic ash is a component of air pollution. |- If less volcanic ash is in the atmosphere, then the temperature will be higher. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num226-gen1-out3 premise Frost is made of small ice crystals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num226-gen1-out3 premise Frost forms on windows overnight. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num226-gen1-out3 hypothesis Frost is formed by ice crystals that cool the surface of a window and cause water to condense. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num226-gen1-out3 entailment Frost is made of small ice crystals. & Frost forms on windows overnight. |- Frost is formed by ice crystals that cool the surface of a window and cause water to condense. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2217-gen2-out1 premise Differentiation is the process by which unspecialized cells become specialized. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2217-gen2-out1 premise New cells are formed by cell division. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2217-gen2-out1 hypothesis Cell division is a form of differentiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2217-gen2-out1 entailment Differentiation is the process by which unspecialized cells become specialized. & New cells are formed by cell division. |- Cell division is a form of differentiation. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen1-out1 premise Lancelet larvae are free-swimming. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen1-out1 premise Once they hatch, lancelet larvae are called tunicates. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen1-out1 hypothesis Once they hatch, lancelet larvae are free-swimming tunicates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen1-out1 entailment Lancelet larvae are free-swimming. & Once they hatch, lancelet larvae are called tunicates. |- Once they hatch, lancelet larvae are free-swimming tunicates. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4600-gen2-out3 premise All stars are sources of heat and light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4600-gen2-out3 premise All objects radiate heat and light. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4600-gen2-out3 hypothesis All objects radiate heat and light, like stars. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4600-gen2-out3 entailment All stars are sources of heat and light. & All objects radiate heat and light. |- All objects radiate heat and light, like stars. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3612-gen1-out4 premise Dendrites from a neuron form a synapse with another neuron. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3612-gen1-out4 premise Dendrites from a neuron receive signals from neighboring neurons. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3612-gen1-out4 hypothesis Dendrites from a neuron transmit signals to neighboring neurons. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3612-gen1-out4 entailment Dendrites from a neuron form a synapse with another neuron. & Dendrites from a neuron receive signals from neighboring neurons. |- Dendrites from a neuron transmit signals to neighboring neurons. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try6-num23-gen1-out4 premise Radio waves cannot travel through vacuum. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try6-num23-gen1-out4 premise Vacuum is the lack of matter. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num23-gen1-out4 hypothesis Radio waves can travel through matter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num23-gen1-out4 entailment Radio waves cannot travel through vacuum. & Vacuum is the lack of matter. |- Radio waves can travel through matter. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2269-gen2-out1 premise Hermit crabs use the shells of dead snails for homes. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2269-gen2-out1 premise When a hermit crab outgrows its shell, it has to find a new one. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2269-gen2-out1 hypothesis Hermit crabs live in the discarded shells of dead snails. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2269-gen2-out1 entailment Hermit crabs use the shells of dead snails for homes. & When a hermit crab outgrows its shell, it has to find a new one. |- Hermit crabs live in the discarded shells of dead snails. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2551-gen1-out2 premise Electrical current produces the electromagnetic force. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2551-gen1-out2 premise A battery produces electrical current. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2551-gen1-out2 hypothesis A battery produces the electromagnetic force. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2551-gen1-out2 entailment Electrical current produces the electromagnetic force. & A battery produces electrical current. |- A battery produces the electromagnetic force. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3294-gen1-out3 premise If energy is converted from one form to another, then the energy of the original form will decrease. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3294-gen1-out3 premise If energy decreases, then it cannot be stored indefinitely. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3294-gen1-out3 hypothesis If energy is converted from one form to another, then it cannot be stored indefinitely. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3294-gen1-out3 entailment If energy is converted from one form to another, then the energy of the original form will decrease. & If energy decreases, then it cannot be stored indefinitely. |- If energy is converted from one form to another, then it cannot be stored indefinitely. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1012-gen1-out3 premise This article contains eleven sentences. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1012-gen1-out3 premise There are no more than ten sentences in this article. ? F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1012-gen1-out3 hypothesis This article cannot contain more than eleven sentences. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1012-gen1-out3 entailment This article contains eleven sentences. & There are no more than ten sentences in this article. |- This article cannot contain more than eleven sentences. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2059-gen2-out4 premise Iron is hard. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2059-gen2-out4 premise Steel is iron alloyed with carbon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2059-gen2-out4 hypothesis Steel is hard. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2059-gen2-out4 entailment Iron is hard. & Steel is iron alloyed with carbon. |- Steel is hard. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4493-gen1-out1 premise Ribosomes are structures in the cytoplasm where proteins are made. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4493-gen1-out1 premise Most proteins are used in structures outside the cytoplasm. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4493-gen1-out1 hypothesis Ribosomes are structures outside the cytoplasm. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4493-gen1-out1 entailment Ribosomes are structures in the cytoplasm where proteins are made. & Most proteins are used in structures outside the cytoplasm. |- Ribosomes are structures outside the cytoplasm. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try6-num41-gen1-out3 premise Sloths live high in the jungle canopy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num41-gen1-out3 premise Sloths are slow moving. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num41-gen1-out3 hypothesis High in the jungle canopy is where slow moving animals live. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num41-gen1-out3 entailment Sloths live high in the jungle canopy. & Sloths are slow moving. |- High in the jungle canopy is where slow moving animals live. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1165-gen2-out1 premise Butter is a fat that is a solid at room temperature. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1165-gen2-out1 premise Butter is found in a dairy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1165-gen2-out1 hypothesis A dairy is a place where butter is found. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1165-gen2-out1 entailment Butter is a fat that is a solid at room temperature. & Butter is found in a dairy. |- A dairy is a place where butter is found. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num438-gen2-out3 premise If a child is not vaccinated, they could catch a deadly disease. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num438-gen2-out3 premise If a child has a vaccination, they cannot catch the disease. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num438-gen2-out3 hypothesis All children should be vaccinated. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num438-gen2-out3 entailment If a child is not vaccinated, they could catch a deadly disease. & If a child has a vaccination, they cannot catch the disease. |- All children should be vaccinated. ? T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen1-out1 premise An aquatic animal requires great amounts of water to survive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen1-out1 premise A hippopotamus is an aquatic animal. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen1-out1 hypothesis A hippopotamus requires great amounts of water to survive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen1-out1 entailment An aquatic animal requires great amounts of water to survive. & A hippopotamus is an aquatic animal. |- A hippopotamus requires great amounts of water to survive. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num226-gen2-out1 premise Competition may cause animals to fight towards members of their own species. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num226-gen2-out1 premise Combat is a form of competition in which animals fight against members of their own species. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num226-gen2-out1 hypothesis Combat is caused by competition. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num226-gen2-out1 entailment Competition may cause animals to fight towards members of their own species. & Combat is a form of competition in which animals fight against members of their own species. |- Combat is caused by competition. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen1-out2 premise Lightning is produced during thunderstorms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen1-out2 premise Thunder is the sound produced during a thunderstorm. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen1-out2 hypothesis Lightning produces thunder. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen1-out2 entailment Lightning is produced during thunderstorms. & Thunder is the sound produced during a thunderstorm. |- Lightning produces thunder. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2493-gen1-out3 premise Coal is made of pure carbon. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2493-gen1-out3 premise A diamond is a pure form of carbon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2493-gen1-out3 hypothesis Coal is a form of diamond. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2493-gen1-out3 entailment Coal is made of pure carbon. & A diamond is a pure form of carbon. |- Coal is a form of diamond. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3460-gen2-out1 premise Pollen consists of tiny grains that are the male gametes of plants. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3460-gen2-out1 premise When pollen lands on a female part of a plant, the two combine to form the plant's offspring. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3460-gen2-out1 hypothesis Pollen is the male gamete of plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3460-gen2-out1 entailment Pollen consists of tiny grains that are the male gametes of plants. & When pollen lands on a female part of a plant, the two combine to form the plant's offspring. |- Pollen is the male gamete of plants. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3330-gen1-out4 premise Certain organs transfer heat in organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3330-gen1-out4 premise In organisms with endothermy, the skin is usually not a transfer organ. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3330-gen1-out4 hypothesis In organisms with endothermy, certain organs transfer heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3330-gen1-out4 entailment Certain organs transfer heat in organisms. & In organisms with endothermy, the skin is usually not a transfer organ. |- In organisms with endothermy, certain organs transfer heat. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num144-gen2-out4 premise Leavening agent is mixed with flour in order to produce a batter. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num144-gen2-out4 premise Batter is mixed with water. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num144-gen2-out4 hypothesis Leavening agent mixed with flour is mixed with water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num144-gen2-out4 entailment Leavening agent is mixed with flour in order to produce a batter. & Batter is mixed with water. |- Leavening agent mixed with flour is mixed with water. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num536-gen2-out3 premise If an area floods, it is usually still habitable by people. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num536-gen2-out3 premise People need shelter to live. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num536-gen2-out3 hypothesis If an area floods, it can usually still be used for shelter. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num536-gen2-out3 entailment If an area floods, it is usually still habitable by people. & People need shelter to live. |- If an area floods, it can usually still be used for shelter. T T ? T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1564-gen1-out4 premise Being overweight is a major risk factor for heart disease. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1564-gen1-out4 premise Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1564-gen1-out4 hypothesis Being overweight is the leading cause of death in the United States KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1564-gen1-out4 entailment Being overweight is a major risk factor for heart disease. & Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. |- Being overweight is the leading cause of death in the United States F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num862-gen1-out3 premise If no suitable habitat is available, animals will go extinct. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num862-gen1-out3 premise If a species is endangered, its habitat is not suitable. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num862-gen1-out3 hypothesis If a species is endangered, it will go extinct. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num862-gen1-out3 entailment If no suitable habitat is available, animals will go extinct. & If a species is endangered, its habitat is not suitable. |- If a species is endangered, it will go extinct. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4577-gen1-out1 premise Staying warm has a positive impact on an animal's survival. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4577-gen1-out1 premise Under cold conditions, fat and energy are used to generate heat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4577-gen1-out1 hypothesis If animals stay warm under cold conditions, they will have more fat and energy to generate heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4577-gen1-out1 entailment Staying warm has a positive impact on an animal's survival. & Under cold conditions, fat and energy are used to generate heat. |- If animals stay warm under cold conditions, they will have more fat and energy to generate heat. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2815-gen1-out3 premise If the amount of gas pressure increases, then the volume increases. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2815-gen1-out3 premise If gas pressure increases, then volume increases. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2815-gen1-out3 hypothesis If the amount of gas pressure increases, then volume increases. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2815-gen1-out3 entailment If the amount of gas pressure increases, then the volume increases. & If gas pressure increases, then volume increases. |- If the amount of gas pressure increases, then volume increases. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num111-gen2-out1 premise The Earth revolving around the Sun causes the seasons to change on its axis. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num111-gen2-out1 premise The Earth's axis is tilted. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num111-gen2-out1 hypothesis The Earth's axis is tilted towards the Sun causing the seasons to change. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num111-gen2-out1 entailment The Earth revolving around the Sun causes the seasons to change on its axis. & The Earth's axis is tilted. |- The Earth's axis is tilted towards the Sun causing the seasons to change. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try6-num37-gen1-out1 premise Oxygen is essential for cellular respiration for all aerobic organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num37-gen1-out1 premise Seeds respire through aerobic cellular respiration during germination. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num37-gen1-out1 hypothesis Seeds need oxygen to germinate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num37-gen1-out1 entailment Oxygen is essential for cellular respiration for all aerobic organisms. & Seeds respire through aerobic cellular respiration during germination. |- Seeds need oxygen to germinate. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4004-gen1-out3 premise All yellow flowers are herbaceous. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4004-gen1-out3 premise Apple trees are herbaceous. ? F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4004-gen1-out3 hypothesis Apple trees are yellow flowers. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4004-gen1-out3 entailment All yellow flowers are herbaceous. & Apple trees are herbaceous. |- Apple trees are yellow flowers. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1871-gen2-out3 premise A school cafeteria provides a selection of food items. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1871-gen2-out3 premise A school district must pay for a school cafeteria. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1871-gen2-out3 hypothesis A school district has an obligation to provide food items to students. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1871-gen2-out3 entailment A school cafeteria provides a selection of food items. & A school district must pay for a school cafeteria. |- A school district has an obligation to provide food items to students. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen1-out2 premise A person will develop allergies to substances it is exposed to. F F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen1-out2 premise Respiratory tract infections are caused by exposure to certain substances. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen1-out2 hypothesis Allergies are a cause of respiratory tract infections. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen1-out2 entailment A person will develop allergies to substances it is exposed to. & Respiratory tract infections are caused by exposure to certain substances. |- Allergies are a cause of respiratory tract infections. T T ? T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2599-gen1-out1 premise Soil erosion means soil loss through wind. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2599-gen1-out1 premise Erosion occurs in areas of high precipitation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2599-gen1-out1 hypothesis Soil erosion occurs in areas of high precipitation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2599-gen1-out1 entailment Soil erosion means soil loss through wind. & Erosion occurs in areas of high precipitation. |- Soil erosion occurs in areas of high precipitation. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4422-gen2-out1 premise Some insects can use their antennae to detect sound. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4422-gen2-out1 premise A sound wave is a disturbance that travels through the air. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4422-gen2-out1 hypothesis A sound wave travels through the air and creates a disturbance in it. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4422-gen2-out1 entailment Some insects can use their antennae to detect sound. & A sound wave is a disturbance that travels through the air. |- A sound wave travels through the air and creates a disturbance in it. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4600-gen2-out2 premise The freezing point of water is very cold. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4600-gen2-out2 premise Water does not remain liquid below its freezing point. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4600-gen2-out2 hypothesis Water does not remain liquid below very cold temperatures. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4600-gen2-out2 entailment The freezing point of water is very cold. & Water does not remain liquid below its freezing point. |- Water does not remain liquid below very cold temperatures. T ? T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2412-gen1-out1 premise Mollusks reproduce sexually. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2412-gen1-out1 premise All seahorses are mollusks. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2412-gen1-out1 hypothesis All seahorses reproduce sexually. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2412-gen1-out1 entailment Mollusks reproduce sexually. & All seahorses are mollusks. |- All seahorses reproduce sexually. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1739-gen2-out2 premise Winds that blow toward the equator have high surface pressure. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1739-gen2-out2 premise Strictly speaking, all winds have low surface pressure. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1739-gen2-out2 hypothesis Winds that blow toward the equator are winds that have high surface pressure. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1739-gen2-out2 entailment Winds that blow toward the equator have high surface pressure. & Strictly speaking, all winds have low surface pressure. |- Winds that blow toward the equator are winds that have high surface pressure. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1092-gen2-out1 premise Amphibians have a relatively complex circulatory system with a three-chambered heart. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1092-gen2-out1 premise In a population of frogs, there are individuals with two-chambered hearts. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1092-gen2-out1 hypothesis Amphibians have a relatively large percentage of individuals with two-chambered hearts. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1092-gen2-out1 entailment Amphibians have a relatively complex circulatory system with a three-chambered heart. & In a population of frogs, there are individuals with two-chambered hearts. |- Amphibians have a relatively large percentage of individuals with two-chambered hearts. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num954-gen2-out1 premise A ruler is used for measuring the length of an object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num954-gen2-out1 premise The measuring tape is not the same as a ruler. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num954-gen2-out1 hypothesis The measuring tape is not used for measuring the length of an object. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num954-gen2-out1 entailment A ruler is used for measuring the length of an object. & The measuring tape is not the same as a ruler. |- The measuring tape is not used for measuring the length of an object. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num154-gen1-out2 premise If heat is removed from a substance, its temperature will drop. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num154-gen1-out2 premise Metals have a higher freezing point than non-metals. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num154-gen1-out2 hypothesis Metals are substances that have a higher freezing point than non-metals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num154-gen1-out2 entailment If heat is removed from a substance, its temperature will drop. & Metals have a higher freezing point than non-metals. |- Metals are substances that have a higher freezing point than non-metals. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2043-gen1-out4 premise Water is H2O. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2043-gen1-out4 premise Salt water is H2O. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2043-gen1-out4 hypothesis Salt water is water. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2043-gen1-out4 entailment Water is H2O. & Salt water is H2O. |- Salt water is water. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3223-gen2-out3 premise Heat flows from hot objects to cold objects. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3223-gen2-out3 premise Snow melts at lower temperatures when exposed to solar radiation. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3223-gen2-out3 hypothesis Heat from the sun travels from the sun to Earth, which then melts snow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3223-gen2-out3 entailment Heat flows from hot objects to cold objects. & Snow melts at lower temperatures when exposed to solar radiation. |- Heat from the sun travels from the sun to Earth, which then melts snow. ? T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num8-gen1-out3 premise The saltation theory claims that species evolve very quickly. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num8-gen1-out3 premise Speciation means that one species is changed into another. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num8-gen1-out3 hypothesis The saltation theory explains speciation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num8-gen1-out3 entailment The saltation theory claims that species evolve very quickly. & Speciation means that one species is changed into another. |- The saltation theory explains speciation. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2165-gen2-out2 premise The peahen is larger than the peacock. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2165-gen2-out2 premise The peahen has an ornamental tail, and the peacock's tail is not ornamental. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2165-gen2-out2 hypothesis Peahens have ornamental tails. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2165-gen2-out2 entailment The peahen is larger than the peacock. & The peahen has an ornamental tail, and the peacock's tail is not ornamental. |- Peahens have ornamental tails. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num452-gen2-out2 premise For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num452-gen2-out2 premise Forces occur in pairs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num452-gen2-out2 hypothesis Forces can have an equal and opposite reaction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num452-gen2-out2 entailment For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. & Forces occur in pairs. |- Forces can have an equal and opposite reaction. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1354-gen1-out2 premise Organic chemicals are derived from living organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1354-gen1-out2 premise Coal is a fossil fuel. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1354-gen1-out2 hypothesis Coal is derived from living organisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1354-gen1-out2 entailment Organic chemicals are derived from living organisms. & Coal is a fossil fuel. |- Coal is derived from living organisms. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num758-gen2-out2 premise No dinosaurs have been found in Mexico. ? F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num758-gen2-out2 premise Birds are descended from dinosaurs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num758-gen2-out2 hypothesis Dinosaurs have not been found in Mexico. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num758-gen2-out2 entailment No dinosaurs have been found in Mexico. & Birds are descended from dinosaurs. |- Dinosaurs have not been found in Mexico. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2527-gen1-out1 premise Most pituitary hormones control other endocrine glands. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2527-gen1-out1 premise LH and FSH are pituitary hormones. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2527-gen1-out1 hypothesis LH and FSH control other endocrine glands. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2527-gen1-out1 entailment Most pituitary hormones control other endocrine glands. & LH and FSH are pituitary hormones. |- LH and FSH control other endocrine glands. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3718-gen1-out2 premise Organic food can be healthier than food that is not organic. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3718-gen1-out2 premise The chemicals used to preserve food are found in non-organic food. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3718-gen1-out2 hypothesis The chemicals used to preserve food can be found in organic food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3718-gen1-out2 entailment Organic food can be healthier than food that is not organic. & The chemicals used to preserve food are found in non-organic food. |- The chemicals used to preserve food can be found in organic food. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3967-gen1-out3 premise Air is a mixture of gases. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3967-gen1-out3 premise Air contains carbon dioxide. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3967-gen1-out3 hypothesis Air contains carbon dioxide as a mixture of gases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3967-gen1-out3 entailment Air is a mixture of gases. & Air contains carbon dioxide. |- Air contains carbon dioxide as a mixture of gases. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3210-gen2-out3 premise In every language, there are both regular and irregular verbs. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3210-gen2-out3 premise In English, some verbs are regular and some are irregular. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3210-gen2-out3 hypothesis In some languages, some verbs are regular and some are irregular. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3210-gen2-out3 entailment In every language, there are both regular and irregular verbs. & In English, some verbs are regular and some are irregular. |- In some languages, some verbs are regular and some are irregular. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2051-gen1-out1 premise Bird eggs have hard, calcium carbonate shells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2051-gen1-out1 premise Birds have skeletons made of calcium carbonate. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2051-gen1-out1 hypothesis Bird eggs have calcium carbonate shells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2051-gen1-out1 entailment Bird eggs have hard, calcium carbonate shells. & Birds have skeletons made of calcium carbonate. |- Bird eggs have calcium carbonate shells. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num176-gen1-out1 premise Digestion is the process of breaking down food into components the body can absorb. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num176-gen1-out1 premise The muscles of the digestive system break down food into components the body can absorb. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num176-gen1-out1 hypothesis The muscles of the digestive system digest food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num176-gen1-out1 entailment Digestion is the process of breaking down food into components the body can absorb. & The muscles of the digestive system break down food into components the body can absorb. |- The muscles of the digestive system digest food. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1849-gen2-out1 premise When water freezes, that water expands. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1849-gen2-out1 premise A watermelon is made of water. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1849-gen2-out1 hypothesis When water freezes, a watermelon expands. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1849-gen2-out1 entailment When water freezes, that water expands. & A watermelon is made of water. |- When water freezes, a watermelon expands. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2986-gen2-out3 premise If a storm surge moves over a plain, then it will be channeled into a channel. ? ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2986-gen2-out3 premise A storm surge can move in a channel if the water level is high. ? ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2986-gen2-out3 hypothesis If a storm surge moves over a plain, it will be channeled into a channel if the water level is high. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2986-gen2-out3 entailment If a storm surge moves over a plain, then it will be channeled into a channel. & A storm surge can move in a channel if the water level is high. |- If a storm surge moves over a plain, it will be channeled into a channel if the water level is high. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3619-gen1-out4 premise A small magnet sometimes produces a large magnetic field. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3619-gen1-out4 premise Large magnetic fields can sometimes be created by smaller magnets. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3619-gen1-out4 hypothesis Small magnets sometimes produce large magnetic fields. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3619-gen1-out4 entailment A small magnet sometimes produces a large magnetic field. & Large magnetic fields can sometimes be created by smaller magnets. |- Small magnets sometimes produce large magnetic fields. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num936-gen2-out2 premise Ecosystems are the link between climate and organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num936-gen2-out2 premise Oxygen is an important component of organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num936-gen2-out2 hypothesis Ecosystems are the link between climate and organisms which produce oxygen. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num936-gen2-out2 entailment Ecosystems are the link between climate and organisms. & Oxygen is an important component of organisms. |- Ecosystems are the link between climate and organisms which produce oxygen. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2340-gen2-out3 premise Sodium bicarbonate can be made by baking soda. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2340-gen2-out3 premise Baking soda can be made by leavening. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2340-gen2-out3 hypothesis Leavening can be made by sodium bicarbonate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2340-gen2-out3 entailment Sodium bicarbonate can be made by baking soda. & Baking soda can be made by leavening. |- Leavening can be made by sodium bicarbonate. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num621-gen1-out2 premise The basic structure of a sperm cell is the same in all mammals. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num621-gen1-out2 premise Fertilization is what unites sperm and egg. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num621-gen1-out2 hypothesis In fertilization, sperm cells from a male fertilize the egg of a female. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num621-gen1-out2 entailment The basic structure of a sperm cell is the same in all mammals. & Fertilization is what unites sperm and egg. |- In fertilization, sperm cells from a male fertilize the egg of a female. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4228-gen1-out1 premise Most modern gymnosperms are trees with woody trunks. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4228-gen1-out1 premise Gymnosperms are the ancestors of flowering plants. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4228-gen1-out1 hypothesis Modern gymnosperms are the ancestors of flowering plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4228-gen1-out1 entailment Most modern gymnosperms are trees with woody trunks. & Gymnosperms are the ancestors of flowering plants. |- Modern gymnosperms are the ancestors of flowering plants. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num124-gen2-out3 premise Beavers build dams. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num124-gen2-out3 premise Beavers live in pairs. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num124-gen2-out3 hypothesis Beavers build dams as pairs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num124-gen2-out3 entailment Beavers build dams. & Beavers live in pairs. |- Beavers build dams as pairs. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3454-gen1-out4 premise Air temperatures are lower at higher altitudes. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3454-gen1-out4 premise All animals lose heat at the same rate. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3454-gen1-out4 hypothesis Animals at higher altitudes lose heat at the same rate as animals at lower altitudes. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3454-gen1-out4 entailment Air temperatures are lower at higher altitudes. & All animals lose heat at the same rate. |- Animals at higher altitudes lose heat at the same rate as animals at lower altitudes. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1289-gen2-out3 premise The tides affect the level of the sea. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1289-gen2-out3 premise The Sun and the Moon are celestial bodies. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1289-gen2-out3 hypothesis The Sun and the Moon affect the level of the sea. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1289-gen2-out3 entailment The tides affect the level of the sea. & The Sun and the Moon are celestial bodies. |- The Sun and the Moon affect the level of the sea. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1431-gen2-out4 premise Many animals rely on the tree of life for nourishment. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1431-gen2-out4 premise An ecosystem relies on the tree of life for nourishment. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1431-gen2-out4 hypothesis Many animals rely on an ecosystem for nourishment. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1431-gen2-out4 entailment Many animals rely on the tree of life for nourishment. & An ecosystem relies on the tree of life for nourishment. |- Many animals rely on an ecosystem for nourishment. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2156-gen1-out2 premise Hurricane Katrina damaged New Orleans. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2156-gen1-out2 premise New Orleans is located in the Gulf of Mexico. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2156-gen1-out2 hypothesis Hurricanes may damage coastal cities. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2156-gen1-out2 entailment Hurricane Katrina damaged New Orleans. & New Orleans is located in the Gulf of Mexico. |- Hurricanes may damage coastal cities. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num692-gen2-out4 premise Vacuoles are part of a plant cell's endomembrane system. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num692-gen2-out4 premise The endomembrane system is found inside a plant cell. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num692-gen2-out4 hypothesis The endomembrane system is inside the vacuole. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num692-gen2-out4 entailment Vacuoles are part of a plant cell's endomembrane system. & The endomembrane system is found inside a plant cell. |- The endomembrane system is inside the vacuole. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num105-gen2-out4 premise Silver has many industrial uses. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num105-gen2-out4 premise Silver is a solid at room temperature. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num105-gen2-out4 hypothesis A solid with many industrial uses must be solid at room temperature. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num105-gen2-out4 entailment Silver has many industrial uses. & Silver is a solid at room temperature. |- A solid with many industrial uses must be solid at room temperature. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3946-gen1-out3 premise Blue paint can be made with red paint and yellow paint. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3946-gen1-out3 premise Blue paint can be made with purple paint. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3946-gen1-out3 hypothesis Blue paint can be made with red paint, yellow paint, and purple paint. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3946-gen1-out3 entailment Blue paint can be made with red paint and yellow paint. & Blue paint can be made with purple paint. |- Blue paint can be made with red paint, yellow paint, and purple paint. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num113-gen2-out3 premise A person who does not practice correct hygiene will get sick. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num113-gen2-out3 premise The common cold is a sickness. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num113-gen2-out3 hypothesis The common cold is caused by a lack of hygiene. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num113-gen2-out3 entailment A person who does not practice correct hygiene will get sick. & The common cold is a sickness. |- The common cold is caused by a lack of hygiene. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num605-gen1-out1 premise Plants exhibit phototropism, or growing toward a light source. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num605-gen1-out1 premise Plant roots seek out water in the soil. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num605-gen1-out1 hypothesis Plant roots exhibit phototropism. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num605-gen1-out1 entailment Plants exhibit phototropism, or growing toward a light source. & Plant roots seek out water in the soil. |- Plant roots exhibit phototropism. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1956-gen2-out3 premise The sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1956-gen2-out3 premise Only stars produce energy through nuclear fusion. T ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1956-gen2-out3 hypothesis The sun produces energy through nuclear fusion. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1956-gen2-out3 entailment The sun is a star. & Only stars produce energy through nuclear fusion. |- The sun produces energy through nuclear fusion. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3851-gen2-out2 premise If one statement follows logically from two others, then the second statement follows logically from the first. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3851-gen2-out2 premise All monotremes lay eggs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3851-gen2-out2 hypothesis Some mammals lay eggs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3851-gen2-out2 entailment If one statement follows logically from two others, then the second statement follows logically from the first. & All monotremes lay eggs. |- Some mammals lay eggs. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1437-gen1-out3 premise A white dwarf has collapsed into a dense, hot body. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1437-gen1-out3 premise When something becomes dense, it can explode. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1437-gen1-out3 hypothesis A white dwarf might explode. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1437-gen1-out3 entailment A white dwarf has collapsed into a dense, hot body. & When something becomes dense, it can explode. |- A white dwarf might explode. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num203-gen2-out3 premise More energy is released when a chemical reaction is quick than when it is slow. T ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num203-gen2-out3 premise A chemical reaction that is slow requires more energy than a quick reaction. F ? ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num203-gen2-out3 hypothesis When there is more energy released in a chemical reaction, the reaction is quick. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num203-gen2-out3 entailment More energy is released when a chemical reaction is quick than when it is slow. & A chemical reaction that is slow requires more energy than a quick reaction. |- When there is more energy released in a chemical reaction, the reaction is quick. T T ? T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3957-gen1-out3 premise The concentration of salt in seawater decreases with depth. ? F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3957-gen1-out3 premise Salt water remains salty. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3957-gen1-out3 hypothesis There is less salt water as you go deeper in the ocean. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3957-gen1-out3 entailment The concentration of salt in seawater decreases with depth. & Salt water remains salty. |- There is less salt water as you go deeper in the ocean. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1197-gen2-out2 premise Building a housing development is often controversial. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1197-gen2-out2 premise Building a housing development usually requires knocking down trees. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1197-gen2-out2 hypothesis Building a housing development is often controversial because it usually requires knocking down trees. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1197-gen2-out2 entailment Building a housing development is often controversial. & Building a housing development usually requires knocking down trees. |- Building a housing development is often controversial because it usually requires knocking down trees. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out4 premise Bacteria have double-stranded DNA. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out4 premise If a single strand of DNA is cut in half, it can be reattached. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out4 hypothesis Bacteria have double-stranded DNA, so that if a single strand of DNA is cut in half, it can be reattached. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num34-gen1-out4 entailment Bacteria have double-stranded DNA. & If a single strand of DNA is cut in half, it can be reattached. |- Bacteria have double-stranded DNA, so that if a single strand of DNA is cut in half, it can be reattached. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3589-gen1-out4 premise Methane gas bubbles from the surface of a lake. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3589-gen1-out4 premise Methane gas is produced by decaying organic matter. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3589-gen1-out4 hypothesis Methane gas is produced by decaying KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3589-gen1-out4 entailment Methane gas bubbles from the surface of a lake. & Methane gas is produced by decaying organic matter. |- Methane gas is produced by decaying ? T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen1-out4 premise Branches make the tree more flexible. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen1-out4 premise The bark is the part of the tree's outer covering. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen1-out4 hypothesis The bark makes the tree more flexible. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen1-out4 entailment Branches make the tree more flexible. & The bark is the part of the tree's outer covering. |- The bark makes the tree more flexible. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1074-gen1-out2 premise As populations of human beings grow, many scientists feel that these people will cause the extinction of many plant and animal species. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1074-gen1-out2 premise Many plant and animal species are classified as endangered. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1074-gen1-out2 hypothesis The extinction of many plant and animal species is a serious concern of many scientists. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1074-gen1-out2 entailment As populations of human beings grow, many scientists feel that these people will cause the extinction of many plant and animal species. & Many plant and animal species are classified as endangered. |- The extinction of many plant and animal species is a serious concern of many scientists. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num144-gen1-out2 premise Expanding gases are hot. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num144-gen1-out2 premise The only way to obtain hot gases is to ignite a fuel. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num144-gen1-out2 hypothesis To obtain hot gases, you must ignite a fuel. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num144-gen1-out2 entailment Expanding gases are hot. & The only way to obtain hot gases is to ignite a fuel. |- To obtain hot gases, you must ignite a fuel. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2070-gen1-out1 premise Condensation is when change from a gas into a liquid by reducing heat energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2070-gen1-out1 premise Is shown by example in water droplets on a cold glass. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2070-gen1-out1 hypothesis Condensation is shown by example in water droplets on a cold glass. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2070-gen1-out1 entailment Condensation is when change from a gas into a liquid by reducing heat energy. & Is shown by example in water droplets on a cold glass. |- Condensation is shown by example in water droplets on a cold glass. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1982-gen1-out1 premise Aging is associated with the death of cells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1982-gen1-out1 premise The cells in a fruit will die if the fruit is not eaten. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1982-gen1-out1 hypothesis Fruits that are not eaten age and die. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1982-gen1-out1 entailment Aging is associated with the death of cells. & The cells in a fruit will die if the fruit is not eaten. |- Fruits that are not eaten age and die. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out5 premise Gamma rays are a type of radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out5 premise A radiometer is designed to measure radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out5 hypothesis A radiometer can measure gamma KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out5 entailment Gamma rays are a type of radiation. & A radiometer is designed to measure radiation. |- A radiometer can measure gamma T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen1-out4 premise Energy will be released by nuclear fusion reactions. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen1-out4 premise An isotope of hydrogen is a fuel. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen1-out4 hypothesis Nuclear fusion reactions will cause hydrogen isotopes to be used as fuel. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen1-out4 entailment Energy will be released by nuclear fusion reactions. & An isotope of hydrogen is a fuel. |- Nuclear fusion reactions will cause hydrogen isotopes to be used as fuel. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2198-gen1-out3 premise A chromosome contains many genes. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2198-gen1-out3 premise A gene controls the expression of a trait. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2198-gen1-out3 hypothesis Chromosomes control the expression of traits. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2198-gen1-out3 entailment A chromosome contains many genes. & A gene controls the expression of a trait. |- Chromosomes control the expression of traits. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1530-gen1-out2 premise Insects damage plants by eating them. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1530-gen1-out2 premise Predators eat insects. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1530-gen1-out2 hypothesis Predators help to control insect populations. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1530-gen1-out2 entailment Insects damage plants by eating them. & Predators eat insects. |- Predators help to control insect populations. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2627-gen1-out2 premise Any horizontal line segment will contain an infinite number of points. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2627-gen1-out2 premise The distance between two points is a horizontal line segment. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2627-gen1-out2 hypothesis A distance between two points is a horizontal line segment. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2627-gen1-out2 entailment Any horizontal line segment will contain an infinite number of points. & The distance between two points is a horizontal line segment. |- A distance between two points is a horizontal line segment. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1976-gen1-out2 premise Barley grows in sandy soil. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1976-gen1-out2 premise Barley is used to make beer. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1976-gen1-out2 hypothesis Beer can be made from barley. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1976-gen1-out2 entailment Barley grows in sandy soil. & Barley is used to make beer. |- Beer can be made from barley. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2362-gen2-out5 premise Geese nest on the ground. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2362-gen2-out5 premise The nest is made of grass. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2362-gen2-out5 hypothesis The nest is made of grass that is on the ground. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2362-gen2-out5 entailment Geese nest on the ground. & The nest is made of grass. |- The nest is made of grass that is on the ground. T ? T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3379-gen2-out4 premise Some stars have helium in their atmospheres. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3379-gen2-out4 premise Fusion of helium into carbon occurs during the life of some stars. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3379-gen2-out4 hypothesis If a star has helium in its atmosphere, then during the life of that star, fusion of helium into carbon occurred. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3379-gen2-out4 entailment Some stars have helium in their atmospheres. & Fusion of helium into carbon occurs during the life of some stars. |- If a star has helium in its atmosphere, then during the life of that star, fusion of helium into carbon occurred. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num132-gen2-out4 premise The freshwater locations on the earth are always on the earth's surface. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num132-gen2-out4 premise The surface of the earth is made of water. F F T F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num132-gen2-out4 hypothesis The earth's surface is a freshwater location. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num132-gen2-out4 entailment The freshwater locations on the earth are always on the earth's surface. & The surface of the earth is made of water. |- The earth's surface is a freshwater location. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num44-gen2-out1 premise Smoking tobacco decreases stamina. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num44-gen2-out1 premise Anything that decreases stamina causes physical exhaustion. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num44-gen2-out1 hypothesis Smoking tobacco causes physical exhaustion. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num44-gen2-out1 entailment Smoking tobacco decreases stamina. & Anything that decreases stamina causes physical exhaustion. |- Smoking tobacco causes physical exhaustion. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4599-gen2-out3 premise Stars move in the same direction and in roughly the same speed. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4599-gen2-out3 premise The sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4599-gen2-out3 hypothesis Stars move in the same direction and in roughly the same speed, because the sun is a star. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4599-gen2-out3 entailment Stars move in the same direction and in roughly the same speed. & The sun is a star. |- Stars move in the same direction and in roughly the same speed, because the sun is a star. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen1-out1 premise Pneumonia may be caused by an infection or injury of the lungs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen1-out1 premise Pneumonia can only be caused by infection or injury. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen1-out1 hypothesis Pneumonia cannot be caused by a non-infectious or non-injury cause. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen1-out1 entailment Pneumonia may be caused by an infection or injury of the lungs. & Pneumonia can only be caused by infection or injury. |- Pneumonia cannot be caused by a non-infectious or non-injury cause. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4542-gen2-out1 premise Testosterone stimulates the reproductive organs to develop into male organs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4542-gen2-out1 premise Genetic gender identity is the gender a person identifies with. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4542-gen2-out1 hypothesis Testosterone stimulates the reproductive organs to develop into male organs and genetic gender identity is the gender a person identifies with. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4542-gen2-out1 entailment Testosterone stimulates the reproductive organs to develop into male organs. & Genetic gender identity is the gender a person identifies with. |- Testosterone stimulates the reproductive organs to develop into male organs and genetic gender identity is the gender a person identifies with. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num175-gen1-out2 premise If a liquid contains sodium chloride, then it has dissolved ions. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num175-gen1-out2 premise If a liquid has dissolved ions, then it can conduct electricity. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num175-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a liquid conducts electricity, then it contains sodium chloride. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num175-gen1-out2 entailment If a liquid contains sodium chloride, then it has dissolved ions. & If a liquid has dissolved ions, then it can conduct electricity. |- If a liquid conducts electricity, then it contains sodium chloride. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1916-gen2-out4 premise Jupiter is a planet. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1916-gen2-out4 premise Planets are usually located in the Solar System. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1916-gen2-out4 hypothesis Jupiter is usually located in the Solar System. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1916-gen2-out4 entailment Jupiter is a planet. & Planets are usually located in the Solar System. |- Jupiter is usually located in the Solar System. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3603-gen2-out4 premise Plants cannot grow in polluted water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3603-gen2-out4 premise If a river is polluted, then the water cannot support plant life. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3603-gen2-out4 hypothesis If a river is polluted, then the river cannot support plant life. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3603-gen2-out4 entailment Plants cannot grow in polluted water. & If a river is polluted, then the water cannot support plant life. |- If a river is polluted, then the river cannot support plant life. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2416-gen2-out1 premise Most bryophytes are small. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2416-gen2-out1 premise Liverworts are bryophytes. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2416-gen2-out1 hypothesis Liverworts are small. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2416-gen2-out1 entailment Most bryophytes are small. & Liverworts are bryophytes. |- Liverworts are small. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2180-gen1-out1 premise Eating something that contains pollutants has a negative impact on an organism's survival. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2180-gen1-out1 premise Grasslands contain pollutants. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2180-gen1-out1 hypothesis Eating something that contains pollutants has a negative impact on an organism's survival if it comes from grasslands. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2180-gen1-out1 entailment Eating something that contains pollutants has a negative impact on an organism's survival. & Grasslands contain pollutants. |- Eating something that contains pollutants has a negative impact on an organism's survival if it comes from grasslands. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen2-out2 premise If a decrease in the birth rate causes an increase in the death rate, then the population will decline. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen2-out2 premise If the population declines, then there are fewer new jobs. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a decrease in the birth rate causes an increase in the death rate, then there are fewer new jobs. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen2-out2 entailment If a decrease in the birth rate causes an increase in the death rate, then the population will decline. & If the population declines, then there are fewer new jobs. |- If a decrease in the birth rate causes an increase in the death rate, then there are fewer new jobs. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2581-gen1-out4 premise There are no special reports on current weather at the zoo. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2581-gen1-out4 premise The elephant is a type of animal found at the zoo. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2581-gen1-out4 hypothesis Elephant's have no special reports on current weather. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2581-gen1-out4 entailment There are no special reports on current weather at the zoo. & The elephant is a type of animal found at the zoo. |- Elephant's have no special reports on current weather. T ? T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2078-gen2-out3 premise Tiger striped hairs only form in the skin of cats. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2078-gen2-out3 premise Every cat has striped hair. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2078-gen2-out3 hypothesis All cats have striped hair. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2078-gen2-out3 entailment Tiger striped hairs only form in the skin of cats. & Every cat has striped hair. |- All cats have striped hair. T F T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3292-gen1-out3 premise All dogs are animals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3292-gen1-out3 premise Dogs are domesticated. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3292-gen1-out3 hypothesis Dogs are not wild animals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3292-gen1-out3 entailment All dogs are animals. & Dogs are domesticated. |- Dogs are not wild animals. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen1-out3 premise The sun is the hottest object in the solar system. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen1-out3 premise The sun is a giant gas ball that gives off heat and light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen1-out3 hypothesis The sun is the hottest object in the solar system because it is a giant gas ball that gives off heat and light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen1-out3 entailment The sun is the hottest object in the solar system. & The sun is a giant gas ball that gives off heat and light. |- The sun is the hottest object in the solar system because it is a giant gas ball that gives off heat and light. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1751-gen2-out2 premise The size of an organism is directly proportional to the amount of energy it needs to survive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1751-gen2-out2 premise Animals have a greater surface area than plants. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1751-gen2-out2 hypothesis An animal with a greater surface area than a plant requires more energy to survive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1751-gen2-out2 entailment The size of an organism is directly proportional to the amount of energy it needs to survive. & Animals have a greater surface area than plants. |- An animal with a greater surface area than a plant requires more energy to survive. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2652-gen2-out2 premise A transmembrane protein is embedded in a cell membrane. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2652-gen2-out2 premise No water can enter or leave a cell by crossing a cell membrane. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2652-gen2-out2 hypothesis No water can enter or leave a cell that has a transmembrane protein embedded in its cell membrane. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2652-gen2-out2 entailment A transmembrane protein is embedded in a cell membrane. & No water can enter or leave a cell by crossing a cell membrane. |- No water can enter or leave a cell that has a transmembrane protein embedded in its cell membrane. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen2-out1 premise Pneumonia may be caused by an infection or injury of the lungs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen2-out1 premise Teens are at risk for pneumonia. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen2-out1 hypothesis Teens are at risk for pneumonia because of an infection or injury of the lungs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen2-out1 entailment Pneumonia may be caused by an infection or injury of the lungs. & Teens are at risk for pneumonia. |- Teens are at risk for pneumonia because of an infection or injury of the lungs. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3504-gen1-out2 premise Ecosystems can be damaged by drought. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3504-gen1-out2 premise If an ecosystem is damaged, then it cannot be sustained. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3504-gen1-out2 hypothesis If an ecosystem is damaged by drought, then it cannot be sustained. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3504-gen1-out2 entailment Ecosystems can be damaged by drought. & If an ecosystem is damaged, then it cannot be sustained. |- If an ecosystem is damaged by drought, then it cannot be sustained. T T ? T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num453-gen1-out3 premise The harder a substance is, the more brittle it is. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num453-gen1-out3 premise Ice is harder than steel. F F ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num453-gen1-out3 hypothesis Ice is more brittle than steel. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num453-gen1-out3 entailment The harder a substance is, the more brittle it is. & Ice is harder than steel. |- Ice is more brittle than steel. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3598-gen2-out2 premise Plants grow towards the sun. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3598-gen2-out2 premise Plants photosynthesize. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3598-gen2-out2 hypothesis Plants grow towards the sun in order to photosynthesize. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3598-gen2-out2 entailment Plants grow towards the sun. & Plants photosynthesize. |- Plants grow towards the sun in order to photosynthesize. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen1-out1 premise Insects can spread disease and destroy crops. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen1-out1 premise When farmers grow insect-resistant crops, they protect their crops from destruction by insects. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen1-out1 hypothesis Insect-resistant crops keep insects from spreading disease and destroying crops. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen1-out1 entailment Insects can spread disease and destroy crops. & When farmers grow insect-resistant crops, they protect their crops from destruction by insects. |- Insect-resistant crops keep insects from spreading disease and destroying crops. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2430-gen2-out3 premise Snow has a bluish tint. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2430-gen2-out3 premise Snow reflects more blue light than any other color. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2430-gen2-out3 hypothesis Snow is bluish in color. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2430-gen2-out3 entailment Snow has a bluish tint. & Snow reflects more blue light than any other color. |- Snow is bluish in color. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1048-gen2-out3 premise Air contains a greater amount of oxygen than most gases. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1048-gen2-out3 premise Clouds are mostly composed of gases. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1048-gen2-out3 hypothesis Air contains a greater amount of oxygen than most gases found in clouds. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1048-gen2-out3 entailment Air contains a greater amount of oxygen than most gases. & Clouds are mostly composed of gases. |- Air contains a greater amount of oxygen than most gases found in clouds. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1211-gen2-out2 premise Organic material should be composted. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1211-gen2-out2 premise A coffee cup is organic material. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1211-gen2-out2 hypothesis A coffee cup should be composted. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1211-gen2-out2 entailment Organic material should be composted. & A coffee cup is organic material. |- A coffee cup should be composted. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num712-gen1-out2 premise Aquifers are geological formations that hold groundwater. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num712-gen1-out2 premise Underground caverns are geological formations that hold groundwater. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num712-gen1-out2 hypothesis Underground caverns are aquifers. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num712-gen1-out2 entailment Aquifers are geological formations that hold groundwater. & Underground caverns are geological formations that hold groundwater. |- Underground caverns are aquifers. T T F T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3307-gen1-out2 premise If air pressure is reduced, then air molecules move faster. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3307-gen1-out2 premise Increasing the speed of air molecules increases their heat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3307-gen1-out2 hypothesis If air pressure is reduced, then the temperature of air increases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3307-gen1-out2 entailment If air pressure is reduced, then air molecules move faster. & Increasing the speed of air molecules increases their heat. |- If air pressure is reduced, then the temperature of air increases. F T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4451-gen1-out3 premise The stronger the wind, the stronger the cooling. T F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4451-gen1-out3 premise Air is cooled by being heated by the sun. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4451-gen1-out3 hypothesis Wind causes air to be heated by the sun. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4451-gen1-out3 entailment The stronger the wind, the stronger the cooling. & Air is cooled by being heated by the sun. |- Wind causes air to be heated by the sun. F T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4349-gen2-out2 premise The friction on grass is higher than the friction on a concrete sidewalk. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4349-gen2-out2 premise If friction is higher then objects travel slower. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4349-gen2-out2 hypothesis An object will slide slower on a concrete sidewalk than on grass. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4349-gen2-out2 entailment The friction on grass is higher than the friction on a concrete sidewalk. & If friction is higher then objects travel slower. |- An object will slide slower on a concrete sidewalk than on grass. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2219-gen2-out1 premise Disease has a negative impact on an organism. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2219-gen2-out1 premise Infection of disease has a negative impact on an organism. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2219-gen2-out1 hypothesis Infection of disease is negative to an organism. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2219-gen2-out1 entailment Disease has a negative impact on an organism. & Infection of disease has a negative impact on an organism. |- Infection of disease is negative to an organism. T ? T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2489-gen2-out2 premise The striations on a human finger print have lines that run both horizontally and vertically. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2489-gen2-out2 premise Human fingers have two lines of striations. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2489-gen2-out2 hypothesis Human fingers have lines that run both horizontally and vertically. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2489-gen2-out2 entailment The striations on a human finger print have lines that run both horizontally and vertically. & Human fingers have two lines of striations. |- Human fingers have lines that run both horizontally and vertically. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3777-gen1-out2 premise Offshore drilling has the potential to help end America's dependence on foreign oil. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3777-gen1-out2 premise Oil spills are a danger to all sea life. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3777-gen1-out2 hypothesis Offshore drilling has the potential to cause oil spills. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3777-gen1-out2 entailment Offshore drilling has the potential to help end America's dependence on foreign oil. & Oil spills are a danger to all sea life. |- Offshore drilling has the potential to cause oil spills. T T F T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen1-out1 premise Gene cloning is the process of isolating and making copies of a gene. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen1-out1 premise A gene is a part of a chromosome. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen1-out1 hypothesis Gene cloning is the process of isolating and making copies of a part of a chromosome. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen1-out1 entailment Gene cloning is the process of isolating and making copies of a gene. & A gene is a part of a chromosome. |- Gene cloning is the process of isolating and making copies of a part of a chromosome. T F T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3686-gen2-out4 premise If low pressure develops, then the pressure gradient force will cause an area of high pressure to develop. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3686-gen2-out4 premise The pressure gradient force will cause an area of high pressure to develop. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3686-gen2-out4 hypothesis If low pressure develops, then an area of high pressure will develop. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3686-gen2-out4 entailment If low pressure develops, then the pressure gradient force will cause an area of high pressure to develop. & The pressure gradient force will cause an area of high pressure to develop. |- If low pressure develops, then an area of high pressure will develop. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num414-gen2-out2 premise If a plant needs carbon dioxide to make its own food, it is probably green. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num414-gen2-out2 premise Green plants are plants that need carbon dioxide to make their own food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num414-gen2-out2 hypothesis All green plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num414-gen2-out2 entailment If a plant needs carbon dioxide to make its own food, it is probably green. & Green plants are plants that need carbon dioxide to make their own food. |- All green plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num82-gen2-out1 premise A pulley is used for lifting objects. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num82-gen2-out1 premise A wheel is a part of a pulley. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num82-gen2-out1 hypothesis A wheel is used for lifting objects. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num82-gen2-out1 entailment A pulley is used for lifting objects. & A wheel is a part of a pulley. |- A wheel is used for lifting objects. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1473-gen1-out3 premise A ham sandwich contains ham. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1473-gen1-out3 premise Ham contains pork. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1473-gen1-out3 hypothesis A ham sandwich contains pork. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1473-gen1-out3 entailment A ham sandwich contains ham. & Ham contains pork. |- A ham sandwich contains pork. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1605-gen2-out4 premise Manmade objects orbit Earth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1605-gen2-out4 premise Any object orbiting Earth is in a state of free fall. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1605-gen2-out4 hypothesis Manmade objects in a state of free fall orbit Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1605-gen2-out4 entailment Manmade objects orbit Earth. & Any object orbiting Earth is in a state of free fall. |- Manmade objects in a state of free fall orbit Earth. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen1-out2 premise The environment in space has no oxygen. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen1-out2 premise If something has no oxygen, then it is uninhabitable. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen1-out2 hypothesis The environment in space is uninhabitable. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen1-out2 entailment The environment in space has no oxygen. & If something has no oxygen, then it is uninhabitable. |- The environment in space is uninhabitable. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4554-gen2-out4 premise When a planet is closest to the Sun, it has more heat than when it is furthest from the Sun. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4554-gen2-out4 premise Earth is a planet. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4554-gen2-out4 hypothesis When Earth is closest to the Sun, it has more heat than when it is furthest from the Sun. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4554-gen2-out4 entailment When a planet is closest to the Sun, it has more heat than when it is furthest from the Sun. & Earth is a planet. |- When Earth is closest to the Sun, it has more heat than when it is furthest from the Sun. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen2-out3 premise Biological evolution has occurred over millions of years. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen2-out3 premise Natural selection is a mechanism of biological evolution. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen2-out3 hypothesis Natural selection is the mechanism of biological evolution. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1696-gen2-out3 entailment Biological evolution has occurred over millions of years. & Natural selection is a mechanism of biological evolution. |- Natural selection is the mechanism of biological evolution. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1772-gen1-out2 premise Unburned fuel must be extracted from the engine if it is to be used again. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1772-gen1-out2 premise A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1772-gen1-out2 hypothesis Unburned fuel must be extracted from a diesel engine if it is to be used again. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1772-gen1-out2 entailment Unburned fuel must be extracted from the engine if it is to be used again. & A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine. |- Unburned fuel must be extracted from a diesel engine if it is to be used again. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen1-out2 premise Washing dishes means putting them in hot water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen1-out2 premise Grease is a type of filth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen1-out2 hypothesis Washing dishes does not mean putting them in hot water to remove grease. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen1-out2 entailment Washing dishes means putting them in hot water. & Grease is a type of filth. |- Washing dishes does not mean putting them in hot water to remove grease. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num25-gen2-out2 premise An expert marks the answer for a test as correct if it matches his answers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num25-gen2-out2 premise If a student does not agree with the expert's answers, he cannot make any progress in the course. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num25-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a student does not agree with the expert's answers, the student will not do well in the course. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num25-gen2-out2 entailment An expert marks the answer for a test as correct if it matches his answers. & If a student does not agree with the expert's answers, he cannot make any progress in the course. |- If a student does not agree with the expert's answers, the student will not do well in the course. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num892-gen2-out2 premise If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num892-gen2-out2 premise Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num892-gen2-out2 hypothesis If an animal is not the same color as its surroundings, it is not camouflaged. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num892-gen2-out2 entailment If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. & Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. |- If an animal is not the same color as its surroundings, it is not camouflaged. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1395-gen2-out4 premise The angle of a shadow can be determined by how close the light source is to the object and how far away the object is from the shadow. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1395-gen2-out4 premise The moon produces its own light. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1395-gen2-out4 hypothesis The angle of a shadow on the moon can be determined by how close the light source KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1395-gen2-out4 entailment The angle of a shadow can be determined by how close the light source is to the object and how far away the object is from the shadow. & The moon produces its own light. |- The angle of a shadow on the moon can be determined by how close the light source T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num172-gen2-out1 premise Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num172-gen2-out1 premise Most bacteria are microscopic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num172-gen2-out1 hypothesis Bacteria are the most abundant and diverse microscopic organisms on Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num172-gen2-out1 entailment Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. & Most bacteria are microscopic. |- Bacteria are the most abundant and diverse microscopic organisms on Earth. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2339-gen2-out3 premise There are no moths with an adult life-span of one year. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2339-gen2-out3 premise Adults are moths. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2339-gen2-out3 hypothesis Moths with an adult life-span of one year do not exist. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2339-gen2-out3 entailment There are no moths with an adult life-span of one year. & Adults are moths. |- Moths with an adult life-span of one year do not exist. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1672-gen2-out1 premise Ribosomes are sites where proteins are made. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1672-gen2-out1 premise Proteins are large molecules found in all living things. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1672-gen2-out1 hypothesis Ribosomes are sites where proteins are made in all living things. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1672-gen2-out1 entailment Ribosomes are sites where proteins are made. & Proteins are large molecules found in all living things. |- Ribosomes are sites where proteins are made in all living things. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3683-gen2-out1 premise Water causes refraction of light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3683-gen2-out1 premise Refraction of light occurs when light enters water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3683-gen2-out1 hypothesis Refraction of light occurs when light enters water or air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3683-gen2-out1 entailment Water causes refraction of light. & Refraction of light occurs when light enters water. |- Refraction of light occurs when light enters water or air. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3103-gen2-out3 premise Carbon dioxide is poisonous. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3103-gen2-out3 premise Plant leaves take in carbon dioxide. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3103-gen2-out3 hypothesis Plant leaves take in poison. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3103-gen2-out3 entailment Carbon dioxide is poisonous. & Plant leaves take in carbon dioxide. |- Plant leaves take in poison. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num220-gen1-out2 premise The colder an object, the less heat it radiates. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num220-gen1-out2 premise If an object radiates less heat, it becomes hotter. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num220-gen1-out2 hypothesis If an object is hot, it will radiate more heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num220-gen1-out2 entailment The colder an object, the less heat it radiates. & If an object radiates less heat, it becomes hotter. |- If an object is hot, it will radiate more heat. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1448-gen2-out3 premise Electrons can act as waves. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1448-gen2-out3 premise Sine waves are a type of wave. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1448-gen2-out3 hypothesis Electrons can act as sine waves. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1448-gen2-out3 entailment Electrons can act as waves. & Sine waves are a type of wave. |- Electrons can act as sine waves. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2334-gen2-out1 premise Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2334-gen2-out1 premise The type of hair found on a wolf's paw helps to insulate and protect it. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2334-gen2-out1 hypothesis Paw hair helps to insulate and protect the body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2334-gen2-out1 entailment Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. & The type of hair found on a wolf's paw helps to insulate and protect it. |- Paw hair helps to insulate and protect the body. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2974-gen1-out2 premise Tardigrades survive in a wide range of environments. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2974-gen1-out2 premise Tardigrades withstand a high level of radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2974-gen1-out2 hypothesis Tardigrades can withstand a high level of radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2974-gen1-out2 entailment Tardigrades survive in a wide range of environments. & Tardigrades withstand a high level of radiation. |- Tardigrades can withstand a high level of radiation. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3945-gen2-out1 premise Completing a circuit causes electricity to flow through that circuit. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3945-gen2-out1 premise Electric lights do not complete a circuit. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3945-gen2-out1 hypothesis Electric lights are powered by electricity flowing through a circuit. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3945-gen2-out1 entailment Completing a circuit causes electricity to flow through that circuit. & Electric lights do not complete a circuit. |- Electric lights are powered by electricity flowing through a circuit. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen1-out2 premise If a material is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, then it is composed of atoms or molecules. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen1-out2 premise A substance which sublimes is a gas at standard temperature and pressure. ? F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a substance sublimes, then it is composed of atoms or molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen1-out2 entailment If a material is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, then it is composed of atoms or molecules. & A substance which sublimes is a gas at standard temperature and pressure. |- If a substance sublimes, then it is composed of atoms or molecules. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num815-gen1-out1 premise Water is essential for all life on Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num815-gen1-out1 premise A river transports life-giving water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num815-gen1-out1 hypothesis The purpose of a river is to transport life-giving water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num815-gen1-out1 entailment Water is essential for all life on Earth. & A river transports life-giving water. |- The purpose of a river is to transport life-giving water. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen2-out4 premise Only mammals lactate. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen2-out4 premise Cats are mammals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen2-out4 hypothesis Cats lactate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3804-gen2-out4 entailment Only mammals lactate. & Cats are mammals. |- Cats lactate. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3182-gen1-out2 premise If a mountain is eroded, it will gradually wear away. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3182-gen1-out2 premise If a mountain is worn away, it will eventually collapse. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3182-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a mountain is eroded, it will eventually collapse. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3182-gen1-out2 entailment If a mountain is eroded, it will gradually wear away. & If a mountain is worn away, it will eventually collapse. |- If a mountain is eroded, it will eventually collapse. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out1 premise Active immunity results when an immune response to a pathogen produces memory cells. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out1 premise Immune memory cells reduce the need for repeated vaccination. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out1 hypothesis An active immune response requires memory cells to reduce the need for repeated vaccination. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out1 entailment Active immunity results when an immune response to a pathogen produces memory cells. & Immune memory cells reduce the need for repeated vaccination. |- An active immune response requires memory cells to reduce the need for repeated vaccination. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3872-gen1-out2 premise Giraffes have unusually long necks. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3872-gen1-out2 premise If an animal has an unusually long neck, then it can reach higher places. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3872-gen1-out2 hypothesis Giraffes can reach higher places. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3872-gen1-out2 entailment Giraffes have unusually long necks. & If an animal has an unusually long neck, then it can reach higher places. |- Giraffes can reach higher places. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out2 premise Oil can catch fire. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out2 premise Oil is an example of combustible fuel. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out2 hypothesis Combustible fuel can catch fire. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4179-gen1-out2 entailment Oil can catch fire. & Oil is an example of combustible fuel. |- Combustible fuel can catch fire. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2322-gen1-out1 premise Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2322-gen1-out1 premise The beneficial effect of eating has been well documented. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2322-gen1-out1 hypothesis Eating has a positive impact on an organism's health. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2322-gen1-out1 entailment Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. & The beneficial effect of eating has been well documented. |- Eating has a positive impact on an organism's health. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1447-gen1-out2 premise Consuming certain foods can increase a person's risk of cardiovascular disease. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1447-gen1-out2 premise If a person eats at McDonald's, then their food will contain ingredients that increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1447-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a person eats at McDonald's, then they will increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1447-gen1-out2 entailment Consuming certain foods can increase a person's risk of cardiovascular disease. & If a person eats at McDonald's, then their food will contain ingredients that increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. |- If a person eats at McDonald's, then they will increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2787-gen1-out1 premise A fire requires oxygen to burn. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2787-gen1-out1 premise If fire needs oxygen to burn, it will burn in the atmosphere. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2787-gen1-out1 hypothesis A fire can burn in the atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2787-gen1-out1 entailment A fire requires oxygen to burn. & If fire needs oxygen to burn, it will burn in the atmosphere. |- A fire can burn in the atmosphere. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4562-gen1-out1 premise Transcription takes place in the nucleus. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4562-gen1-out1 premise Transcription takes place during synthesis. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4562-gen1-out1 hypothesis Transcription occurs during synthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4562-gen1-out1 entailment Transcription takes place in the nucleus. & Transcription takes place during synthesis. |- Transcription occurs during synthesis. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num10-gen2-out2 premise An aneurysm is a weak spot in an artery wall. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num10-gen2-out2 premise Pressure from the blood causes an aneurysm. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num10-gen2-out2 hypothesis A weak spot in an artery wall is usually caused by pressure from the blood. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num10-gen2-out2 entailment An aneurysm is a weak spot in an artery wall. & Pressure from the blood causes an aneurysm. |- A weak spot in an artery wall is usually caused by pressure from the blood. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1940-gen1-out4 premise Humans emit carbon dioxide when they breathe. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1940-gen1-out4 premise Carbon dioxide is part of the carbon cycle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1940-gen1-out4 hypothesis Carbon dioxide is part of the carbon cycle and is released when humans breathe. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1940-gen1-out4 entailment Humans emit carbon dioxide when they breathe. & Carbon dioxide is part of the carbon cycle. |- Carbon dioxide is part of the carbon cycle and is released when humans breathe. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num406-gen2-out1 premise Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num406-gen2-out1 premise An organism's health is how healthy it is. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num406-gen2-out1 hypothesis Having food has a positive impact on how healthy an organism is. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num406-gen2-out1 entailment Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. & An organism's health is how healthy it is. |- Having food has a positive impact on how healthy an organism is. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen1-out1 premise Most invertebrates have a more complex nervous system. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen1-out1 premise Animals with a more complex nervous system will often be larger. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen1-out1 hypothesis Most invertebrates are larger. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen1-out1 entailment Most invertebrates have a more complex nervous system. & Animals with a more complex nervous system will often be larger. |- Most invertebrates are larger. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out2 premise If a river overflows its banks, it will flood. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out2 premise Water is continually being supplied to a river. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a river overflows its banks, it is receiving more water than it can hold. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out2 entailment If a river overflows its banks, it will flood. & Water is continually being supplied to a river. |- If a river overflows its banks, it is receiving more water than it can hold. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen1-out3 premise If a nation increases the number of nuclear power plants, then it increases the number of jobs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen1-out3 premise There are now more than 30 nuclear power plants in France. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen1-out3 hypothesis France has more than 30 jobs in nuclear power plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1764-gen1-out3 entailment If a nation increases the number of nuclear power plants, then it increases the number of jobs. & There are now more than 30 nuclear power plants in France. |- France has more than 30 jobs in nuclear power plants. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3691-gen1-out1 premise Wind is used for producing electricity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3691-gen1-out1 premise Wind is the cause of many storms. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3691-gen1-out1 hypothesis Wind is a cause of many storms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3691-gen1-out1 entailment Wind is used for producing electricity. & Wind is the cause of many storms. |- Wind is a cause of many storms. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen1-out4 premise The Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen1-out4 premise Phoenix is the largest city in the United States. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen1-out4 hypothesis Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona and the United States. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3783-gen1-out4 entailment The Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona. & Phoenix is the largest city in the United States. |- Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona and the United States. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num525-gen2-out1 premise Mineral graphite is used for making pencil lead. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num525-gen2-out1 premise Pencil lead is used for writing. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num525-gen2-out1 hypothesis Mineral graphite is used for writing. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num525-gen2-out1 entailment Mineral graphite is used for making pencil lead. & Pencil lead is used for writing. |- Mineral graphite is used for writing. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3462-gen2-out3 premise If an animal's habitat is destroyed, then the animal cannot survive. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3462-gen2-out3 premise If all members of a species cannot survive, then the species becomes extinct. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3462-gen2-out3 hypothesis If an animal's habitat is destroyed, then the species may become extinct. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3462-gen2-out3 entailment If an animal's habitat is destroyed, then the animal cannot survive. & If all members of a species cannot survive, then the species becomes extinct. |- If an animal's habitat is destroyed, then the species may become extinct. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num853-gen2-out4 premise Light is needed for plants to make their own food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num853-gen2-out4 premise Photosynthesis uses light to turn carbon dioxide into sugar. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num853-gen2-out4 hypothesis Plants need light to make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num853-gen2-out4 entailment Light is needed for plants to make their own food. & Photosynthesis uses light to turn carbon dioxide into sugar. |- Plants need light to make their own food. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2330-gen2-out2 premise In Ptolemaic epicycles, the center of a smaller circle was the center of a larger circle. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2330-gen2-out2 premise Mercury moves in a Ptolemaic epicycle. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2330-gen2-out2 hypothesis Mercury moves in a smaller circle of the center of a larger circle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2330-gen2-out2 entailment In Ptolemaic epicycles, the center of a smaller circle was the center of a larger circle. & Mercury moves in a Ptolemaic epicycle. |- Mercury moves in a smaller circle of the center of a larger circle. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4365-gen2-out1 premise Propulsion is used for flying by a spacecraft. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4365-gen2-out1 premise Thrust is used for flying by a spacecraft. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4365-gen2-out1 hypothesis The rocket engine and propeller both propel a spacecraft. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4365-gen2-out1 entailment Propulsion is used for flying by a spacecraft. & Thrust is used for flying by a spacecraft. |- The rocket engine and propeller both propel a spacecraft. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num131-gen1-out2 premise Rats frequently have some tail vertebrae. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num131-gen1-out2 premise Rat tails are composed of many vertebrae. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num131-gen1-out2 hypothesis A rat's tail is frequently composed of vertebrae. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num131-gen1-out2 entailment Rats frequently have some tail vertebrae. & Rat tails are composed of many vertebrae. |- A rat's tail is frequently composed of vertebrae. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num671-gen1-out3 premise Coughing helps to clear the lungs of foreign material and extra fluid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num671-gen1-out3 premise Lungs have to be clear of foreign material and extra fluid in order to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num671-gen1-out3 hypothesis Coughing helps to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num671-gen1-out3 entailment Coughing helps to clear the lungs of foreign material and extra fluid. & Lungs have to be clear of foreign material and extra fluid in order to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. |- Coughing helps to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num783-gen1-out3 premise Everything that is produced is eventually destroyed. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num783-gen1-out3 premise Nothing can last forever. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num783-gen1-out3 hypothesis Everything that is produced will eventually be destroyed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num783-gen1-out3 entailment Everything that is produced is eventually destroyed. & Nothing can last forever. |- Everything that is produced will eventually be destroyed. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1611-gen1-out2 premise A volcano is a source of heat energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1611-gen1-out2 premise A source of heat energy can lead to new land. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1611-gen1-out2 hypothesis A volcano is a source of new land. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1611-gen1-out2 entailment A volcano is a source of heat energy. & A source of heat energy can lead to new land. |- A volcano is a source of new land. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4383-gen2-out1 premise Nectar is used for attracting pollinators by plants. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4383-gen2-out1 premise A bee landing on a flower pollinates the flower. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4383-gen2-out1 hypothesis A bee landing on a flower causes nectar to be used for attracting pollinators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4383-gen2-out1 entailment Nectar is used for attracting pollinators by plants. & A bee landing on a flower pollinates the flower. |- A bee landing on a flower causes nectar to be used for attracting pollinators. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1023-gen1-out2 premise Pollen is transferred from flower to flower during reproduction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1023-gen1-out2 premise If you sneeze, you are reproducing. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1023-gen1-out2 hypothesis If you sneeze, you are transferring pollen from flower to flower. KNOWN F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1023-gen1-out2 entailment Pollen is transferred from flower to flower during reproduction. & If you sneeze, you are reproducing. |- If you sneeze, you are transferring pollen from flower to flower. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen1-out1 premise Energy enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight or chemical compounds. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen1-out1 premise If energy is absorbed, then it warms the ecosystem. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen1-out1 hypothesis If energy enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight, then it warms the ecosystem. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3177-gen1-out1 entailment Energy enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight or chemical compounds. & If energy is absorbed, then it warms the ecosystem. |- If energy enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight, then it warms the ecosystem. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num155-gen2-out3 premise Nitrogen oxide is a pollutant. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num155-gen2-out3 premise Pollutants are undesirable substances. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num155-gen2-out3 hypothesis Nitrogen oxide is an undesirable substance. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num155-gen2-out3 entailment Nitrogen oxide is a pollutant. & Pollutants are undesirable substances. |- Nitrogen oxide is an undesirable substance. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1080-gen1-out4 premise Cross breeding of species can create offspring with different characteristics. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1080-gen1-out4 premise Genes carry the characteristics. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1080-gen1-out4 hypothesis The offspring from cross breeding of species will have different characteristics. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1080-gen1-out4 entailment Cross breeding of species can create offspring with different characteristics. & Genes carry the characteristics. |- The offspring from cross breeding of species will have different characteristics. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1975-gen1-out1 premise An incandescent light bulb converts electricity into light by sending electricity through a filament. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1975-gen1-out1 premise Most household light bulbs are incandescent. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1975-gen1-out1 hypothesis Most household light bulbs convert electricity into light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1975-gen1-out1 entailment An incandescent light bulb converts electricity into light by sending electricity through a filament. & Most household light bulbs are incandescent. |- Most household light bulbs convert electricity into light. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out4 premise Sugars are part of a tree's food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out4 premise Sugars are transported through phloem. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out4 hypothesis Sugars are transported through phloem in order to be a part of a tree's food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out4 entailment Sugars are part of a tree's food. & Sugars are transported through phloem. |- Sugars are transported through phloem in order to be a part of a tree's food. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen1-out4 premise Viscous substances flow. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen1-out4 premise Liquids are viscous. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen1-out4 hypothesis Liquids flow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2363-gen1-out4 entailment Viscous substances flow. & Liquids are viscous. |- Liquids flow. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2257-gen2-out1 premise Freshwater biomes have water that contains little or no salt. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2257-gen2-out1 premise The Everglades is a freshwater biome. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2257-gen2-out1 hypothesis The Everglades has water that contains little or no salt. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2257-gen2-out1 entailment Freshwater biomes have water that contains little or no salt. & The Everglades is a freshwater biome. |- The Everglades has water that contains little or no salt. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen2-out1 premise Decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen2-out1 premise If the soil contains more organic matter, it will be able to support more diverse flora and fauna. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen2-out1 hypothesis Decomposition increases the number of different types of flora and fauna. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen2-out1 entailment Decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil. & If the soil contains more organic matter, it will be able to support more diverse flora and fauna. |- Decomposition increases the number of different types of flora and fauna. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4005-gen2-out1 premise Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4005-gen2-out1 premise Coastal fishing provides food for many people. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4005-gen2-out1 hypothesis People benefit from coral reefs when fishing. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4005-gen2-out1 entailment Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms. & Coastal fishing provides food for many people. |- People benefit from coral reefs when fishing. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num142-gen2-out3 premise The universe is dynamic; it is constantly changing. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num142-gen2-out3 premise Galaxies are some of the biggest things in the universe. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num142-gen2-out3 hypothesis Galaxies are parts of the universe that are constantly changing. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num142-gen2-out3 entailment The universe is dynamic; it is constantly changing. & Galaxies are some of the biggest things in the universe. |- Galaxies are parts of the universe that are constantly changing. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3276-gen2-out2 premise Warming increases the solubility of gases in water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3276-gen2-out2 premise If solubility increases, then the concentration of gases in water increases. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3276-gen2-out2 hypothesis If warming increases the solubility of gases in water, then the concentration of gases in water increases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3276-gen2-out2 entailment Warming increases the solubility of gases in water. & If solubility increases, then the concentration of gases in water increases. |- If warming increases the solubility of gases in water, then the concentration of gases in water increases. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen1-out4 premise The process of transpiration can occur if the surrounding temperature is above the dew point. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen1-out4 premise The air contains water vapor. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen1-out4 hypothesis The air can contain water vapor if the surrounding temperature is above the dew point. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3979-gen1-out4 entailment The process of transpiration can occur if the surrounding temperature is above the dew point. & The air contains water vapor. |- The air can contain water vapor if the surrounding temperature is above the dew point. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2754-gen2-out3 premise In plants, photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2754-gen2-out3 premise The sun's rays are a part of photosynthesis. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2754-gen2-out3 hypothesis Sun's rays are used for photosynthesis in plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2754-gen2-out3 entailment In plants, photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts. & The sun's rays are a part of photosynthesis. |- Sun's rays are used for photosynthesis in plants. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4307-gen2-out2 premise Tension in the strings of a guitar cause sound. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4307-gen2-out2 premise Sound is a wave. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4307-gen2-out2 hypothesis Tension in the strings of a guitar cause waves. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4307-gen2-out2 entailment Tension in the strings of a guitar cause sound. & Sound is a wave. |- Tension in the strings of a guitar cause waves. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out3 premise Females have two X chromosomes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out3 premise Only females have two X chromosomes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out3 hypothesis All females have two X chromosomes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1885-gen1-out3 entailment Females have two X chromosomes. & Only females have two X chromosomes. |- All females have two X chromosomes. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out2 premise If a block of ice starts to melt, then its temperature is rising. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out2 premise If an object's temperature is rising, then its molecules are moving faster. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a block of ice starts to melt, then its molecules are moving faster. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out2 entailment If a block of ice starts to melt, then its temperature is rising. & If an object's temperature is rising, then its molecules are moving faster. |- If a block of ice starts to melt, then its molecules are moving faster. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2773-gen2-out1 premise When a cooler object touches a warmer object, thermal conduction occurs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2773-gen2-out1 premise Putting your hands inside of a pair of gloves is an example of thermal conduction. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2773-gen2-out1 hypothesis If you are in a cold climate, putting your hands inside of a pair of gloves can keep you warm. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2773-gen2-out1 entailment When a cooler object touches a warmer object, thermal conduction occurs. & Putting your hands inside of a pair of gloves is an example of thermal conduction. |- If you are in a cold climate, putting your hands inside of a pair of gloves can keep you warm. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2607-gen1-out2 premise Plants do not have muscles. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2607-gen1-out2 premise An apple is a plant. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2607-gen1-out2 hypothesis An apple does not have muscles. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2607-gen1-out2 entailment Plants do not have muscles. & An apple is a plant. |- An apple does not have muscles. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1293-gen2-out3 premise Electricity flows through most wires. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1293-gen2-out3 premise Most wires conduct electricity. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1293-gen2-out3 hypothesis Therefore, electricity flows through most wires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1293-gen2-out3 entailment Electricity flows through most wires. & Most wires conduct electricity. |- Therefore, electricity flows through most wires. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3069-gen2-out1 premise Burning fossil fuels increases the carbon in the atmosphere. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3069-gen2-out1 premise Carbon in the atmosphere traps heat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3069-gen2-out1 hypothesis Burning fossil fuels increases the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3069-gen2-out1 entailment Burning fossil fuels increases the carbon in the atmosphere. & Carbon in the atmosphere traps heat. |- Burning fossil fuels increases the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3317-gen1-out2 premise Boiling kills microorganisms in water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3317-gen1-out2 premise Heat kills microorganisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3317-gen1-out2 hypothesis Boiling kills microorganisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3317-gen1-out2 entailment Boiling kills microorganisms in water. & Heat kills microorganisms. |- Boiling kills microorganisms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num126-gen2-out2 premise A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num126-gen2-out2 premise Boiling point is a temperature. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num126-gen2-out2 hypothesis A thermometer is used to measure the boiling point. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num126-gen2-out2 entailment A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. & Boiling point is a temperature. |- A thermometer is used to measure the boiling point. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2069-gen2-out4 premise A diode is a type of semiconductor. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2069-gen2-out4 premise The p-n junction allows current to flow in one direction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2069-gen2-out4 hypothesis A diode allows current to flow in one direction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2069-gen2-out4 entailment A diode is a type of semiconductor. & The p-n junction allows current to flow in one direction. |- A diode allows current to flow in one direction. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1770-gen2-out3 premise Meteors are made up of space debris and gases. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1770-gen2-out3 premise The debris and gases are material that has condensed out of the solar wind. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1770-gen2-out3 hypothesis Meteors are made up of solar wind material. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1770-gen2-out3 entailment Meteors are made up of space debris and gases. & The debris and gases are material that has condensed out of the solar wind. |- Meteors are made up of solar wind material. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num466-gen2-out1 premise Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num466-gen2-out1 premise Human hair is made of protein. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num466-gen2-out1 hypothesis Hair is an insulator made of protein. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num466-gen2-out1 entailment Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. & Human hair is made of protein. |- Hair is an insulator made of protein. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out3 premise If a material is compressed, the volume of the material is decreased. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out3 premise If a material is compressed, the pressure applied is increased. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out3 hypothesis When a material is compressed, the pressure increases and the volume decreases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out3 entailment If a material is compressed, the volume of the material is decreased. & If a material is compressed, the pressure applied is increased. |- When a material is compressed, the pressure increases and the volume decreases. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4115-gen2-out3 premise The age of a star is a characteristic that can be determined by observing its light spectrum. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4115-gen2-out3 premise Scientists can determine a star's age by observing its light spectrum. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4115-gen2-out3 hypothesis The age of a star can be determined by observing its light spectrum. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4115-gen2-out3 entailment The age of a star is a characteristic that can be determined by observing its light spectrum. & Scientists can determine a star's age by observing its light spectrum. |- The age of a star can be determined by observing its light spectrum. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2497-gen1-out3 premise It takes up to six months for a new artificial heart to become effective. ? T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2497-gen1-out3 premise Replacement of the old heart requires the artificial heart to be effective. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2497-gen1-out3 hypothesis It takes up to six months for the replacement of an old heart to become effective. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2497-gen1-out3 entailment It takes up to six months for a new artificial heart to become effective. & Replacement of the old heart requires the artificial heart to be effective. |- It takes up to six months for the replacement of an old heart to become effective. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4073-gen2-out2 premise Proteins are made of amino acids. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4073-gen2-out2 premise Amino acids are made of atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4073-gen2-out2 hypothesis Proteins are made of atoms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4073-gen2-out2 entailment Proteins are made of amino acids. & Amino acids are made of atoms. |- Proteins are made of atoms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3635-gen2-out3 premise The amount of atoms in an element depends on the number of protons in the nucleus. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3635-gen2-out3 premise Mass of an element is the sum of masses of its constituent atoms. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3635-gen2-out3 hypothesis The number of protons in the nucleus determines the mass of an element. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3635-gen2-out3 entailment The amount of atoms in an element depends on the number of protons in the nucleus. & Mass of an element is the sum of masses of its constituent atoms. |- The number of protons in the nucleus determines the mass of an element. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1613-gen1-out1 premise Producers make food from inorganic molecules. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1613-gen1-out1 premise Plants are producers. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1613-gen1-out1 hypothesis Plants make food from inorganic molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1613-gen1-out1 entailment Producers make food from inorganic molecules. & Plants are producers. |- Plants make food from inorganic molecules. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4530-gen1-out4 premise All magnets have the same shape. F F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4530-gen1-out4 premise Not all magnets have the same density. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4530-gen1-out4 hypothesis All magnets do not have the same density. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4530-gen1-out4 entailment All magnets have the same shape. & Not all magnets have the same density. |- All magnets do not have the same density. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num655-gen1-out2 premise Most types of bacteria cause disease. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num655-gen1-out2 premise A type of bacteria is a microorganism. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num655-gen1-out2 hypothesis Microorganisms are mostly a cause of disease. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num655-gen1-out2 entailment Most types of bacteria cause disease. & A type of bacteria is a microorganism. |- Microorganisms are mostly a cause of disease. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1935-gen2-out2 premise A molecule is a group of atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1935-gen2-out2 premise The sum of the electrical charges in a molecule must be zero. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1935-gen2-out2 hypothesis The sum of the number of protons and electrons in a molecule must be the same. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1935-gen2-out2 entailment A molecule is a group of atoms. & The sum of the electrical charges in a molecule must be zero. |- The sum of the number of protons and electrons in a molecule must be the same. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1602-gen2-out3 premise Earthquakes are destructive. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1602-gen2-out3 premise Water towers are tall structures. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1602-gen2-out3 hypothesis Earthquakes can cause water towers to collapse. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1602-gen2-out3 entailment Earthquakes are destructive. & Water towers are tall structures. |- Earthquakes can cause water towers to collapse. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3353-gen2-out1 premise Microscope is used to see small things by biologists by making them appear bigger. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3353-gen2-out1 premise By making things appear bigger, the information can be displayed more easily. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3353-gen2-out1 hypothesis By making things appear bigger, more information can be displayed more easily. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3353-gen2-out1 entailment Microscope is used to see small things by biologists by making them appear bigger. & By making things appear bigger, the information can be displayed more easily. |- By making things appear bigger, more information can be displayed more easily. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4213-gen2-out2 premise Diopside is a silicate mineral. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4213-gen2-out2 premise Silicate minerals contain silicon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4213-gen2-out2 hypothesis Diopside contains silicon. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4213-gen2-out2 entailment Diopside is a silicate mineral. & Silicate minerals contain silicon. |- Diopside contains silicon. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen1-out1 premise A light bulb requires electrical energy to produce light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen1-out1 premise A circuit must exist for the electrical energy to flow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen1-out1 hypothesis A circuit is required for a light bulb to produce light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num30-gen1-out1 entailment A light bulb requires electrical energy to produce light. & A circuit must exist for the electrical energy to flow. |- A circuit is required for a light bulb to produce light. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen1-out3 premise Hotter planets have a faster speed of rotation. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen1-out3 premise Jupiter is a hotter planet than Mercury. F F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen1-out3 hypothesis Jupiter has a faster speed of rotation than Mercury. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3866-gen1-out3 entailment Hotter planets have a faster speed of rotation. & Jupiter is a hotter planet than Mercury. |- Jupiter has a faster speed of rotation than Mercury. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num330-gen1-out1 premise Erosion of soil has a negative impact on the environment. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num330-gen1-out1 premise Erosion results from the stripping of soil. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num330-gen1-out1 hypothesis Soil erosion has a negative impact on the environment. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num330-gen1-out1 entailment Erosion of soil has a negative impact on the environment. & Erosion results from the stripping of soil. |- Soil erosion has a negative impact on the environment. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4375-gen2-out1 premise Navigation requires knowing direction. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4375-gen2-out1 premise A compass is used to determine direction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4375-gen2-out1 hypothesis A compass is used for navigation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4375-gen2-out1 entailment Navigation requires knowing direction. & A compass is used to determine direction. |- A compass is used for navigation. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1618-gen2-out3 premise The doppler effect explains why the pitch of sirens and of an approaching train changes. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1618-gen2-out3 premise A siren is a type of train. F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1618-gen2-out3 hypothesis The doppler effect explains why the pitch of a siren changes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1618-gen2-out3 entailment The doppler effect explains why the pitch of sirens and of an approaching train changes. & A siren is a type of train. |- The doppler effect explains why the pitch of a siren changes. T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num385-gen2-out3 premise Diamonds are mined from deep underground. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num385-gen2-out3 premise Gems are found in rocks. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num385-gen2-out3 hypothesis Diamonds are found in rocks. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num385-gen2-out3 entailment Diamonds are mined from deep underground. & Gems are found in rocks. |- Diamonds are found in rocks. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen1-out1 premise Blood pressure is highest in arteries and lowest in veins. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen1-out1 premise Venous pressure is low. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen1-out1 hypothesis Blood pressure is highest in arteries. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1160-gen1-out1 entailment Blood pressure is highest in arteries and lowest in veins. & Venous pressure is low. |- Blood pressure is highest in arteries. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4088-gen2-out2 premise Wood can be burned. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4088-gen2-out2 premise Paper is made of wood. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4088-gen2-out2 hypothesis Paper can be burned. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4088-gen2-out2 entailment Wood can be burned. & Paper is made of wood. |- Paper can be burned. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out4 premise The climate of the world is changing. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out4 premise This is changing the face of the Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out4 hypothesis The changing climate is a cause of large-scale changes to the face of the Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num875-gen1-out4 entailment The climate of the world is changing. & This is changing the face of the Earth. |- The changing climate is a cause of large-scale changes to the face of the Earth. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out3 premise Tides are caused by the Moon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out3 premise The Moon has a magnetic field. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out3 hypothesis The Moon is a cause of tides. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3754-gen1-out3 entailment Tides are caused by the Moon. & The Moon has a magnetic field. |- The Moon is a cause of tides. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2644-gen2-out3 premise A stringed instrument is classified as a string instrument. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2644-gen2-out3 premise A guitar is a stringed instrument. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2644-gen2-out3 hypothesis A guitar is classified as a string instrument. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2644-gen2-out3 entailment A stringed instrument is classified as a string instrument. & A guitar is a stringed instrument. |- A guitar is classified as a string instrument. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1116-gen1-out2 premise Musical instruments produce sound through the energy produced by vibrating strings. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1116-gen1-out2 premise A piano is a musical instrument. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1116-gen1-out2 hypothesis A piano produces sound through the energy produced by vibrating strings. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1116-gen1-out2 entailment Musical instruments produce sound through the energy produced by vibrating strings. & A piano is a musical instrument. |- A piano produces sound through the energy produced by vibrating strings. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen1-out3 premise Human beings are descended from apes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen1-out3 premise For all animals, parents share many genes with their offspring. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen1-out3 hypothesis Human beings share many genes with apes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3809-gen1-out3 entailment Human beings are descended from apes. & For all animals, parents share many genes with their offspring. |- Human beings share many genes with apes. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try6-num30-gen1-out1 premise a wildfire changes an ecosystem drastically T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num30-gen1-out1 premise Firefighters prevent wildfires from spreading. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num30-gen1-out1 hypothesis Firefighters help maintain ecosystems. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num30-gen1-out1 entailment a wildfire changes an ecosystem drastically & Firefighters prevent wildfires from spreading. |- Firefighters help maintain ecosystems. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num308-gen1-out2 premise A geographical region defined by its weather patterns is a climate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num308-gen1-out2 premise The climate of an area includes all of the weather patterns of that area. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num308-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a place has multiple weather patterns, it has multiple climates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num308-gen1-out2 entailment A geographical region defined by its weather patterns is a climate. & The climate of an area includes all of the weather patterns of that area. |- If a place has multiple weather patterns, it has multiple climates. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2989-gen1-out3 premise The Sun releases radiation, which is made up of waves and particles. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2989-gen1-out3 premise Radiation is made up of waves and particles. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2989-gen1-out3 hypothesis The Sun releases radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2989-gen1-out3 entailment The Sun releases radiation, which is made up of waves and particles. & Radiation is made up of waves and particles. |- The Sun releases radiation. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2378-gen1-out1 premise Jaws also make cartilaginous fish excellent predators. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2378-gen1-out1 premise Jaws are made of cartilage. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2378-gen1-out1 hypothesis Jaws make cartilaginous fish excellent predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2378-gen1-out1 entailment Jaws also make cartilaginous fish excellent predators. & Jaws are made of cartilage. |- Jaws make cartilaginous fish excellent predators. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3271-gen1-out1 premise Heterotrophs are living things that cannot make their own food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3271-gen1-out1 premise Heterotrophs obtain food from other organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3271-gen1-out1 hypothesis Heterotrophs cannot make their own food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3271-gen1-out1 entailment Heterotrophs are living things that cannot make their own food. & Heterotrophs obtain food from other organisms. |- Heterotrophs cannot make their own food. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1062-gen1-out3 premise Gravity pulls objects down the hill. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1062-gen1-out3 premise A soccer ball is an object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1062-gen1-out3 hypothesis Gravity pulls a soccer ball down the hill. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1062-gen1-out3 entailment Gravity pulls objects down the hill. & A soccer ball is an object. |- Gravity pulls a soccer ball down the hill. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3475-gen1-out3 premise If the temperature is cold, water molecules form a solid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3475-gen1-out3 premise If the pressure is high, water molecules form a solid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3475-gen1-out3 hypothesis If the temperature is cold and the pressure is high, water molecules form a solid. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3475-gen1-out3 entailment If the temperature is cold, water molecules form a solid. & If the pressure is high, water molecules form a solid. |- If the temperature is cold and the pressure is high, water molecules form a solid. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1580-gen1-out1 premise Organisms use lipids to store energy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1580-gen1-out1 premise A coniferous tree stores a large amount of energy in its wood. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1580-gen1-out1 hypothesis Coniferous trees use lipids to store energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1580-gen1-out1 entailment Organisms use lipids to store energy. & A coniferous tree stores a large amount of energy in its wood. |- Coniferous trees use lipids to store energy. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num413-gen1-out1 premise Hermit crabs use the shells of dead snails for homes. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num413-gen1-out1 premise If a hermit crab doesn't have a shell, it can't survive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num413-gen1-out1 hypothesis Hermit crabs must live in shells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num413-gen1-out1 entailment Hermit crabs use the shells of dead snails for homes. & If a hermit crab doesn't have a shell, it can't survive. |- Hermit crabs must live in shells. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen1-out2 premise If an atom is not stable, then it will decay. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen1-out2 premise If an atom decays, then it will emit radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen1-out2 hypothesis If an atom is not stable, then it will emit radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num173-gen1-out2 entailment If an atom is not stable, then it will decay. & If an atom decays, then it will emit radiation. |- If an atom is not stable, then it will emit radiation. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3066-gen1-out2 premise If something is toxic, then it is poisonous. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3066-gen1-out2 premise Nicotine is toxic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3066-gen1-out2 hypothesis Nicotine is poisonous. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3066-gen1-out2 entailment If something is toxic, then it is poisonous. & Nicotine is toxic. |- Nicotine is poisonous. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen1-out4 premise Chemical reactions are important for life. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen1-out4 premise A car engine converts chemical energy into motion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen1-out4 hypothesis If a car engine is run, then chemical reactions are taking place. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2878-gen1-out4 entailment Chemical reactions are important for life. & A car engine converts chemical energy into motion. |- If a car engine is run, then chemical reactions are taking place. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3050-gen1-out1 premise Braking can cause skidding. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3050-gen1-out1 premise Skidding can cause damage to tires. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3050-gen1-out1 hypothesis Braking can cause damage to tires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3050-gen1-out1 entailment Braking can cause skidding. & Skidding can cause damage to tires. |- Braking can cause damage to tires. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen2-out2 premise After a plant has been fertilized, the number of seeds produced is greatly increased. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen2-out2 premise Fertilizer is an example of a substance that can provide the needed nutrients for plant growth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen2-out2 hypothesis After a plant has been fertilized, the number of seeds produced is greatly increased by a substance that can provide the needed nutrients for plant growth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1190-gen2-out2 entailment After a plant has been fertilized, the number of seeds produced is greatly increased. & Fertilizer is an example of a substance that can provide the needed nutrients for plant growth. |- After a plant has been fertilized, the number of seeds produced is greatly increased by a substance that can provide the needed nutrients for plant growth. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num123-gen1-out3 premise A strong acid is corrosive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num123-gen1-out3 premise A strong acid is capable of corroding metals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num123-gen1-out3 hypothesis A strong acid is corrosive to metals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num123-gen1-out3 entailment A strong acid is corrosive. & A strong acid is capable of corroding metals. |- A strong acid is corrosive to metals. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2899-gen1-out4 premise A battery stores electricity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2899-gen1-out4 premise When electricity is stored, it can be used at a later time. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2899-gen1-out4 hypothesis A battery stores electricity, which can be used at a later time. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2899-gen1-out4 entailment A battery stores electricity. & When electricity is stored, it can be used at a later time. |- A battery stores electricity, which can be used at a later time. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out1 premise When a body of water receives more water than it can hold, a flood occurs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out1 premise A lake is a body of water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out1 hypothesis A lake can be flooded. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num823-gen1-out1 entailment When a body of water receives more water than it can hold, a flood occurs. & A lake is a body of water. |- A lake can be flooded. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen2-out1 premise Building housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen2-out1 premise Animals that have been displaced need new habitats. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen2-out1 hypothesis New animal habitats are required for animals that have been displaced. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2112-gen2-out1 entailment Building housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats. & Animals that have been displaced need new habitats. |- New animal habitats are required for animals that have been displaced. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num896-gen1-out3 premise A transfer of matter during which energy is not exchanged is called a non-spontaneous process. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num896-gen1-out3 premise Photosynthesis is non-spontaneous. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num896-gen1-out3 hypothesis Photosynthesis is a non-spontaneous process. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num896-gen1-out3 entailment A transfer of matter during which energy is not exchanged is called a non-spontaneous process. & Photosynthesis is non-spontaneous. |- Photosynthesis is a non-spontaneous process. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num590-gen2-out1 premise Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num590-gen2-out1 premise Snails are a kind of mollusk. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num590-gen2-out1 hypothesis Snails live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num590-gen2-out1 entailment Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. & Snails are a kind of mollusk. |- Snails live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4081-gen2-out1 premise Electron transport is the final stage of aerobic respiration. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4081-gen2-out1 premise Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4081-gen2-out1 hypothesis Electron transport occurs in the mitochondria. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4081-gen2-out1 entailment Electron transport is the final stage of aerobic respiration. & Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria. |- Electron transport occurs in the mitochondria. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num564-gen1-out3 premise To repel insects, many plants produce a chemical that smells bad. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num564-gen1-out3 premise Insects are one of the pests that are repelled by that chemical. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num564-gen1-out3 hypothesis Insects are pests that are repelled by that chemical. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num564-gen1-out3 entailment To repel insects, many plants produce a chemical that smells bad. & Insects are one of the pests that are repelled by that chemical. |- Insects are pests that are repelled by that chemical. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3819-gen1-out2 premise If an animal is a good parent, then it will look after its young. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3819-gen1-out2 premise Parenting requires the animal to look after its young. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3819-gen1-out2 hypothesis A good parent is an animal that looks after its young. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3819-gen1-out2 entailment If an animal is a good parent, then it will look after its young. & Parenting requires the animal to look after its young. |- A good parent is an animal that looks after its young. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen1-out1 premise Force causes the speed of an object to increase. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen1-out1 premise Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen1-out1 hypothesis Force causes an object's velocity to change. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen1-out1 entailment Force causes the speed of an object to increase. & Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time. |- Force causes an object's velocity to change. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4215-gen2-out4 premise Mass is a property of matter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4215-gen2-out4 premise Every property of matter involves mass. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4215-gen2-out4 hypothesis Every property of matter involves matter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4215-gen2-out4 entailment Mass is a property of matter. & Every property of matter involves mass. |- Every property of matter involves matter. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3919-gen1-out4 premise Collisions can change the direction of a moving object. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3919-gen1-out4 premise A bullet fired from a gun is a moving object. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3919-gen1-out4 hypothesis The direction of a moving object can be changed by a collision. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3919-gen1-out4 entailment Collisions can change the direction of a moving object. & A bullet fired from a gun is a moving object. |- The direction of a moving object can be changed by a collision. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2110-gen1-out4 premise In a covalent bond, electrons are shared by atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2110-gen1-out4 premise Oxygen atoms share electrons with carbon atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2110-gen1-out4 hypothesis Carbon atoms share electrons with oxygen atoms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2110-gen1-out4 entailment In a covalent bond, electrons are shared by atoms. & Oxygen atoms share electrons with carbon atoms. |- Carbon atoms share electrons with oxygen atoms. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4167-gen2-out1 premise If the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then animals may leave that environment to find food and water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4167-gen2-out1 premise Waterfowl are an example of animals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4167-gen2-out1 hypothesis If the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then waterfowl may leave that environment to find food and water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4167-gen2-out1 entailment If the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then animals may leave that environment to find food and water. & Waterfowl are an example of animals. |- If the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then waterfowl may leave that environment to find food and water. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3172-gen1-out2 premise Natural selection cannot be observed directly. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3172-gen1-out2 premise If natural selection cannot be observed directly, then the mechanism is unknown. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3172-gen1-out2 hypothesis The mechanism of natural selection is unknown. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3172-gen1-out2 entailment Natural selection cannot be observed directly. & If natural selection cannot be observed directly, then the mechanism is unknown. |- The mechanism of natural selection is unknown. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4157-gen1-out2 premise A jump rope is used to play jump rope. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4157-gen1-out2 premise Jump rope is played with two people. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4157-gen1-out2 hypothesis Two people use a jump rope to play jump rope. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4157-gen1-out2 entailment A jump rope is used to play jump rope. & Jump rope is played with two people. |- Two people use a jump rope to play jump rope. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1652-gen2-out4 premise Echinoderms move in circular patterns. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1652-gen2-out4 premise Echinoderms are able to protect themselves from predators. ? T F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1652-gen2-out4 hypothesis Echinoderms move in circular patterns to avoid predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1652-gen2-out4 entailment Echinoderms move in circular patterns. & Echinoderms are able to protect themselves from predators. |- Echinoderms move in circular patterns to avoid predators. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1585-gen2-out2 premise Purple coneflower seeds travel by wind. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1585-gen2-out2 premise Purple coneflower seeds are brown and fuzzy. T ? F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1585-gen2-out2 hypothesis Purple coneflower seeds travel by wind because they are brown and fuzzy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1585-gen2-out2 entailment Purple coneflower seeds travel by wind. & Purple coneflower seeds are brown and fuzzy. |- Purple coneflower seeds travel by wind because they are brown and fuzzy. T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1754-gen2-out1 premise Triceps contracting causes a person's elbow to straighten. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1754-gen2-out1 premise Flexing the elbow causes the triceps to contract. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1754-gen2-out1 hypothesis If a person wants to straighten their elbow, then they should flex their elbow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1754-gen2-out1 entailment Triceps contracting causes a person's elbow to straighten. & Flexing the elbow causes the triceps to contract. |- If a person wants to straighten their elbow, then they should flex their elbow. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen2-out3 premise Burning fossil fuels creates air pollution. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen2-out3 premise Air pollution contains harmful chemicals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen2-out3 hypothesis Burning fossil fuels creates harmful chemicals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen2-out3 entailment Burning fossil fuels creates air pollution. & Air pollution contains harmful chemicals. |- Burning fossil fuels creates harmful chemicals. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4417-gen2-out1 premise Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4417-gen2-out1 premise Compacted layers of sediments are called strata. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4417-gen2-out1 hypothesis Sedimentary rocks are formed by the compaction of strata. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4417-gen2-out1 entailment Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition. & Compacted layers of sediments are called strata. |- Sedimentary rocks are formed by the compaction of strata. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen2-out1 premise Most mollusks have shells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen2-out1 premise Most birds' eggs have shells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen2-out1 hypothesis Most bird eggs have shells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2366-gen2-out1 entailment Most mollusks have shells. & Most birds' eggs have shells. |- Most bird eggs have shells. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2470-gen2-out1 premise Pasteurization reduces the amount of bacteria in milk. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2470-gen2-out1 premise Bacteria in milk can make humans sick. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2470-gen2-out1 hypothesis Pasteurization makes milk less likely to make humans sick. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2470-gen2-out1 entailment Pasteurization reduces the amount of bacteria in milk. & Bacteria in milk can make humans sick. |- Pasteurization makes milk less likely to make humans sick. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen2-out2 premise Convergent tectonic plates are plates that are moving towards each other. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen2-out2 premise If a tectonic plate moves towards another tectonic plate, the plates are converging. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen2-out2 hypothesis Convergent tectonic plates are converging plates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num402-gen2-out2 entailment Convergent tectonic plates are plates that are moving towards each other. & If a tectonic plate moves towards another tectonic plate, the plates are converging. |- Convergent tectonic plates are converging plates. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out2 premise Metabolic rate is the amount of energy released in each second. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out2 premise A thermometer measures energy in units of Joules. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out2 hypothesis Joules is the unit of measurement on a thermometer. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num574-gen1-out2 entailment Metabolic rate is the amount of energy released in each second. & A thermometer measures energy in units of Joules. |- Joules is the unit of measurement on a thermometer. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2121-gen2-out1 premise Bone provides protection for soft tissues and internal organs. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2121-gen2-out1 premise Bone is hard. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2121-gen2-out1 hypothesis Bone is hard in order to provide protection for soft tissues and internal organs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2121-gen2-out1 entailment Bone provides protection for soft tissues and internal organs. & Bone is hard. |- Bone is hard in order to provide protection for soft tissues and internal organs. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen1-out3 premise Adding fat to food slows its digestion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen1-out3 premise If food is digested more slowly, then a person is less hungry. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen1-out3 hypothesis Adding fat to food makes a person less hungry. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3112-gen1-out3 entailment Adding fat to food slows its digestion. & If food is digested more slowly, then a person is less hungry. |- Adding fat to food makes a person less hungry. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1741-gen2-out4 premise Work equals force multiplied by distance. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1741-gen2-out4 premise Force is an action. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1741-gen2-out4 hypothesis Work is an action. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1741-gen2-out4 entailment Work equals force multiplied by distance. & Force is an action. |- Work is an action. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3981-gen1-out2 premise A ridge or mountain is formed by the upward movement of magma. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3981-gen1-out2 premise Volcanoes are formed by the upward movement of magma. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3981-gen1-out2 hypothesis Volcanoes form ridges and mountains. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3981-gen1-out2 entailment A ridge or mountain is formed by the upward movement of magma. & Volcanoes are formed by the upward movement of magma. |- Volcanoes form ridges and mountains. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4558-gen2-out1 premise The Himalayas were formed by rock folding. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4558-gen2-out1 premise Volcanic activity played a role in forming the Himalayas. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4558-gen2-out1 hypothesis Rock folding and volcanic activity played a role in forming the Himalayas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4558-gen2-out1 entailment The Himalayas were formed by rock folding. & Volcanic activity played a role in forming the Himalayas. |- Rock folding and volcanic activity played a role in forming the Himalayas. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1034-gen1-out2 premise The sun causes global warming. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1034-gen1-out2 premise The sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1034-gen1-out2 hypothesis The sun is a star that causes global warming. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1034-gen1-out2 entailment The sun causes global warming. & The sun is a star. |- The sun is a star that causes global warming. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2187-gen1-out1 premise Fertilization occurs when sperm swim to an egg inside an archegonium. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2187-gen1-out1 premise Only female plants have archegonia. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2187-gen1-out1 hypothesis Only female plants can be fertilized. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2187-gen1-out1 entailment Fertilization occurs when sperm swim to an egg inside an archegonium. & Only female plants have archegonia. |- Only female plants can be fertilized. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen2-out2 premise Some cells in the xylem tissue of plants consist of chloroplast, and can conduct photosynthesis. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen2-out2 premise Xylem tissue consists of living cells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen2-out2 hypothesis Some cells in the xylem tissue of plants can conduct photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3575-gen2-out2 entailment Some cells in the xylem tissue of plants consist of chloroplast, and can conduct photosynthesis. & Xylem tissue consists of living cells. |- Some cells in the xylem tissue of plants can conduct photosynthesis. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen2-out1 premise Arteries generally carry oxygen-rich blood. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen2-out1 premise Capillaries generally carry oxygen-rich blood. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen2-out1 hypothesis Oxygen-rich blood flows in both arteries and capillaries. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1998-gen2-out1 entailment Arteries generally carry oxygen-rich blood. & Capillaries generally carry oxygen-rich blood. |- Oxygen-rich blood flows in both arteries and capillaries. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2702-gen1-out4 premise A prism can be used to separate white light into its component colors. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2702-gen1-out4 premise An object of uniform color has no visible color of its own. F T F F gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2702-gen1-out4 hypothesis White light is a mixture of component colors. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2702-gen1-out4 entailment A prism can be used to separate white light into its component colors. & An object of uniform color has no visible color of its own. |- White light is a mixture of component colors. T T T T FT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1922-gen2-out2 premise No two snowflakes are alike. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1922-gen2-out2 premise Snowflakes are crystals. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1922-gen2-out2 hypothesis No two crystals are alike. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1922-gen2-out2 entailment No two snowflakes are alike. & Snowflakes are crystals. |- No two crystals are alike. T T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen1-out4 premise If a seed grows, then it must have been planted. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen1-out4 premise A seed is planted in fertile soil. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen1-out4 hypothesis If a seed grows, then it must have been planted in fertile soil. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2939-gen1-out4 entailment If a seed grows, then it must have been planted. & A seed is planted in fertile soil. |- If a seed grows, then it must have been planted in fertile soil. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3858-gen1-out1 premise Birth may be followed by a period of parental care of the offspring. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3858-gen1-out1 premise The period of parental care that follows birth is termed a postnatal period. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3858-gen1-out1 hypothesis The postnatal period follows birth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3858-gen1-out1 entailment Birth may be followed by a period of parental care of the offspring. & The period of parental care that follows birth is termed a postnatal period. |- The postnatal period follows birth. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1816-gen1-out1 premise The ovaries are used in reproduction. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1816-gen1-out1 premise The female is the sex that gives birth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1816-gen1-out1 hypothesis Females are needed for reproduction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1816-gen1-out1 entailment The ovaries are used in reproduction. & The female is the sex that gives birth. |- Females are needed for reproduction. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1136-gen2-out1 premise Cnidarians are invertebrates such as jellyfish and corals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1136-gen2-out1 premise Invasive species are harming cnidarians. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1136-gen2-out1 hypothesis Invasive species are harming invertebrates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1136-gen2-out1 entailment Cnidarians are invertebrates such as jellyfish and corals. & Invasive species are harming cnidarians. |- Invasive species are harming invertebrates. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out5 premise Body warmth is important for animal health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out5 premise Blood carries heat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out5 hypothesis Blood is an animal's body heat transportation system. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num725-gen2-out5 entailment Body warmth is important for animal health. & Blood carries heat. |- Blood is an animal's body heat transportation system. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1100-gen1-out2 premise Light consists of many colors. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1100-gen1-out2 premise The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of waves. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1100-gen1-out2 hypothesis Light consists of waves. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1100-gen1-out2 entailment Light consists of many colors. & The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of waves. |- Light consists of waves. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3393-gen1-out1 premise Operating an automobile usually requires fossil fuels. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3393-gen1-out1 premise Fossil fuels are not renewable. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3393-gen1-out1 hypothesis Operating an automobile usually contributes to global warming. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3393-gen1-out1 entailment Operating an automobile usually requires fossil fuels. & Fossil fuels are not renewable. |- Operating an automobile usually contributes to global warming. T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen2-out1 premise Plants have specialized reproductive organs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen2-out1 premise Some flowers are plants. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen2-out1 hypothesis Some flowers have specialized reproductive organs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen2-out1 entailment Plants have specialized reproductive organs. & Some flowers are plants. |- Some flowers have specialized reproductive organs. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num152-gen2-out3 premise They say a picture is worth a thousand words. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num152-gen2-out3 premise In order to take a picture you must use a camera. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num152-gen2-out3 hypothesis A camera is a device that takes pictures. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num152-gen2-out3 entailment They say a picture is worth a thousand words. & In order to take a picture you must use a camera. |- A camera is a device that takes pictures. T T T TT gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2845-gen2-out2 premise A planet will drift from its orbit if it is not orbiting another planet. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2845-gen2-out2 premise Jupiter is orbiting the sun. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2845-gen2-out2 hypothesis Jupiter is not drifting from its orbit. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2845-gen2-out2 entailment A planet will drift from its orbit if it is not orbiting another planet. & Jupiter is orbiting the sun. |- Jupiter is not drifting from its orbit. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4266-gen1-out3 premise Both dogs and cats are animals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4266-gen1-out3 premise Dogs are mammals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4266-gen1-out3 hypothesis Dogs and cats are both mammals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4266-gen1-out3 entailment Both dogs and cats are animals. & Dogs are mammals. |- Dogs and cats are both mammals. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3597-gen2-out2 premise When an avalanche falls on a person, it may be crushed. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3597-gen2-out2 premise An avalanche may flow faster than a person can run. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3597-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a person runs faster than an avalanche, then the avalanche may not crush the person. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3597-gen2-out2 entailment When an avalanche falls on a person, it may be crushed. & An avalanche may flow faster than a person can run. |- If a person runs faster than an avalanche, then the avalanche may not crush the person. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num836-gen2-out5 premise Calcium is an important component of tooth enamel. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num836-gen2-out5 premise You need calcium to have strong teeth. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num836-gen2-out5 hypothesis Calcium is an important component of KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num836-gen2-out5 entailment Calcium is an important component of tooth enamel. & You need calcium to have strong teeth. |- Calcium is an important component of ? T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3760-gen1-out1 premise A polar bear requires a cold environment. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3760-gen1-out1 premise The North Pole is cold. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3760-gen1-out1 hypothesis A polar bear is at the North Pole. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3760-gen1-out1 entailment A polar bear requires a cold environment. & The North Pole is cold. |- A polar bear is at the North Pole. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2495-gen2-out3 premise My hands hurt when I type on a keyboard. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2495-gen2-out3 premise My hands are often on a keyboard. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2495-gen2-out3 hypothesis I have typing-induced carpal tunnel syndrome. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2495-gen2-out3 entailment My hands hurt when I type on a keyboard. & My hands are often on a keyboard. |- I have typing-induced carpal tunnel syndrome. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num233-gen1-out1 premise Condensing means changing from a gas into a liquid by reducing heat energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num233-gen1-out1 premise Condensation is the formation of water vapor from water by reducing heat energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num233-gen1-out1 hypothesis A "condensation" is a water vapor cloud. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num233-gen1-out1 entailment Condensing means changing from a gas into a liquid by reducing heat energy. & Condensation is the formation of water vapor from water by reducing heat energy. |- A "condensation" is a water vapor cloud. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2658-gen2-out2 premise Some metals conduct electricity. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2658-gen2-out2 premise Some plastics are nonconductors. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2658-gen2-out2 hypothesis Some plastics are not metals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2658-gen2-out2 entailment Some metals conduct electricity. & Some plastics are nonconductors. |- Some plastics are not metals. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3233-gen2-out1 premise If a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3233-gen2-out1 premise If a living thing freezes, then it dies. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3233-gen2-out1 hypothesis If a living thing becomes too cold, then it will freeze. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3233-gen2-out1 entailment If a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die. & If a living thing freezes, then it dies. |- If a living thing becomes too cold, then it will freeze. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2461-gen2-out1 premise Plants respond to daily and seasonal cycles and to disease. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2461-gen2-out1 premise Animals depend on plants for food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2461-gen2-out1 hypothesis Animals depend on disease-free plants for food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2461-gen2-out1 entailment Plants respond to daily and seasonal cycles and to disease. & Animals depend on plants for food. |- Animals depend on disease-free plants for food. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1103-gen2-out3 premise Red is more visible at sunset than at noon. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1103-gen2-out3 premise Sunset is more colorful than noon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1103-gen2-out3 hypothesis Red is more visible at sunset than at noon because of increased colors at sunset. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1103-gen2-out3 entailment Red is more visible at sunset than at noon. & Sunset is more colorful than noon. |- Red is more visible at sunset than at noon because of increased colors at sunset. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4457-gen2-out4 premise An antibody is a type of protein. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4457-gen2-out4 premise Antibodies are produced by the immune system. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4457-gen2-out4 hypothesis Antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight pathogens. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4457-gen2-out4 entailment An antibody is a type of protein. & Antibodies are produced by the immune system. |- Antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight pathogens. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2689-gen1-out2 premise The mass of a bowling ball is dependent on its density. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2689-gen1-out2 premise A bowling ball is a sphere. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2689-gen1-out2 hypothesis The mass of a bowling ball is dependent on its radius. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2689-gen1-out2 entailment The mass of a bowling ball is dependent on its density. & A bowling ball is a sphere. |- The mass of a bowling ball is dependent on its radius. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num219-gen1-out2 premise A fast food company creates products that are made to last a long time. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num219-gen1-out2 premise Fast food is designed to have a long shelf life. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num219-gen1-out2 hypothesis Fast food is made to last a long time. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num219-gen1-out2 entailment A fast food company creates products that are made to last a long time. & Fast food is designed to have a long shelf life. |- Fast food is made to last a long time. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num98-gen1-out5 premise Buying meat from your local butcher reduces the distances that animals have to travel. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num98-gen1-out5 premise Farmed animals are killed for meat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num98-gen1-out5 hypothesis Buying meat from your local butcher reduces the distance that far KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num98-gen1-out5 entailment Buying meat from your local butcher reduces the distances that animals have to travel. & Farmed animals are killed for meat. |- Buying meat from your local butcher reduces the distance that far T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num8-gen1-out1 premise A rubber band snapping causes the particles in the rubber band to vibrate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num8-gen1-out1 premise Rubber bands snapping produces sound. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num8-gen1-out1 hypothesis Rubber bands snapping produces sound by vibrating the particles of the rubber band. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num8-gen1-out1 entailment A rubber band snapping causes the particles in the rubber band to vibrate. & Rubber bands snapping produces sound. |- Rubber bands snapping produces sound by vibrating the particles of the rubber band. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1481-gen1-out4 premise Gamma radiation can destroy living cells. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1481-gen1-out4 premise Gamma radiation can be used to kill bacteria. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1481-gen1-out4 hypothesis Living cells can be destroyed by gamma radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1481-gen1-out4 entailment Gamma radiation can destroy living cells. & Gamma radiation can be used to kill bacteria. |- Living cells can be destroyed by gamma radiation. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1441-gen2-out4 premise Airplanes are capable of flying in the air. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1441-gen2-out4 premise Arrows can be shot through the air. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1441-gen2-out4 hypothesis Arrows are capable of flying in the air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1441-gen2-out4 entailment Airplanes are capable of flying in the air. & Arrows can be shot through the air. |- Arrows are capable of flying in the air. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3741-gen2-out3 premise Magnetized metal attracts iron. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3741-gen2-out3 premise A compass is made of a magnetized metal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3741-gen2-out3 hypothesis A compass points north. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3741-gen2-out3 entailment Magnetized metal attracts iron. & A compass is made of a magnetized metal. |- A compass points north. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1541-gen2-out2 premise Food is digested and enters the blood stream. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1541-gen2-out2 premise The pancreas is an organ that secretes hormones. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1541-gen2-out2 hypothesis The pancreas secretes hormones into the blood stream. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1541-gen2-out2 entailment Food is digested and enters the blood stream. & The pancreas is an organ that secretes hormones. |- The pancreas secretes hormones into the blood stream. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3541-gen1-out2 premise Starch molecules are made of chains of glucose molecules. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3541-gen1-out2 premise Plants store starch. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3541-gen1-out2 hypothesis Plants make starch molecules. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3541-gen1-out2 entailment Starch molecules are made of chains of glucose molecules. & Plants store starch. |- Plants make starch molecules. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3758-gen2-out3 premise Squirrels that live in trees need to hibernate. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3758-gen2-out3 premise Ground squirrels that live in trees do not hibernate. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3758-gen2-out3 hypothesis Ground squirrels that live in trees do not need to hibernate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3758-gen2-out3 entailment Squirrels that live in trees need to hibernate. & Ground squirrels that live in trees do not hibernate. |- Ground squirrels that live in trees do not need to hibernate. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1332-gen1-out3 premise Fossil fuels are nonrenewable. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1332-gen1-out3 premise Wind is a renewable energy resource. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1332-gen1-out3 hypothesis In the future, wind will be needed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1332-gen1-out3 entailment Fossil fuels are nonrenewable. & Wind is a renewable energy resource. |- In the future, wind will be needed. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3544-gen1-out3 premise Soil is composed of minerals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3544-gen1-out3 premise Living organisms grow in soil. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3544-gen1-out3 hypothesis Soil provides nourishment for living organisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3544-gen1-out3 entailment Soil is composed of minerals. & Living organisms grow in soil. |- Soil provides nourishment for living organisms. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2020-gen1-out4 premise A letter can be pre-printed. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2020-gen1-out4 premise Postage is imprinted on a letter. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2020-gen1-out4 hypothesis Postage is pre-printed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2020-gen1-out4 entailment A letter can be pre-printed. & Postage is imprinted on a letter. |- Postage is pre-printed. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1101-gen1-out2 premise Falling objects appear to be falling towards the center of the Earth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1101-gen1-out2 premise The Earth is spherical. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1101-gen1-out2 hypothesis Falling objects appear to be falling towards the center of the Earth because the Earth is spherical. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1101-gen1-out2 entailment Falling objects appear to be falling towards the center of the Earth. & The Earth is spherical. |- Falling objects appear to be falling towards the center of the Earth because the Earth is spherical. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1751-gen2-out1 premise The movement of tectonic plates causes volcanic eruptions. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1751-gen2-out1 premise An oceanic plate and a continental plate meet. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1751-gen2-out1 hypothesis The movement of tectonic plates causes volcanic eruptions that happen when an oceanic plate and a continental plate meet. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1751-gen2-out1 entailment The movement of tectonic plates causes volcanic eruptions. & An oceanic plate and a continental plate meet. |- The movement of tectonic plates causes volcanic eruptions that happen when an oceanic plate and a continental plate meet. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4362-gen1-out2 premise One human being has only one nose. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4362-gen1-out2 premise Humans have two ears. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4362-gen1-out2 hypothesis Humans have two nostrils. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4362-gen1-out2 entailment One human being has only one nose. & Humans have two ears. |- Humans have two nostrils. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num994-gen1-out5 premise The safest place to be during a tornado is in the basement. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num994-gen1-out5 premise Tornadoes are powerful winds. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num994-gen1-out5 hypothesis Powerful winds are dangerous. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num994-gen1-out5 entailment The safest place to be during a tornado is in the basement. & Tornadoes are powerful winds. |- Powerful winds are dangerous. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3444-gen1-out4 premise Colliding ocean waves can generate electrical energy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3444-gen1-out4 premise A store of electrical energy can be measured in watts. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3444-gen1-out4 hypothesis If ocean waves collide, the amount of electrical energy in the ocean can be measured in watts. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3444-gen1-out4 entailment Colliding ocean waves can generate electrical energy. & A store of electrical energy can be measured in watts. |- If ocean waves collide, the amount of electrical energy in the ocean can be measured in watts. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3968-gen1-out1 premise Courtship is behavior that is intended to attract a mate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3968-gen1-out1 premise A peacock is a member of the avian species. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3968-gen1-out1 hypothesis A peacock courts by displaying its feathers. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3968-gen1-out1 entailment Courtship is behavior that is intended to attract a mate. & A peacock is a member of the avian species. |- A peacock courts by displaying its feathers. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4004-gen1-out1 premise Chloroplasts are organelles that are found in the cells of plants and algae. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4004-gen1-out1 premise Chloroplasts perform photosynthesis. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4004-gen1-out1 hypothesis All chloroplasts perform photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4004-gen1-out1 entailment Chloroplasts are organelles that are found in the cells of plants and algae. & Chloroplasts perform photosynthesis. |- All chloroplasts perform photosynthesis. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2329-gen2-out5 premise Mercury is less dense than water. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2329-gen2-out5 premise Mercury is a liquid. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2329-gen2-out5 hypothesis Mercury is not a gas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2329-gen2-out5 entailment Mercury is less dense than water. & Mercury is a liquid. |- Mercury is not a gas. F ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1489-gen1-out1 premise Microorganisms can cause infections. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1489-gen1-out1 premise Doctors sometimes use microbes to treat infections. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1489-gen1-out1 hypothesis Microorganisms are a form of treatment for infections. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1489-gen1-out1 entailment Microorganisms can cause infections. & Doctors sometimes use microbes to treat infections. |- Microorganisms are a form of treatment for infections. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num909-gen1-out4 premise Bats are mammals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num909-gen1-out4 premise Flying animals use a system of flaps and connected bones to propel themselves through the air. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num909-gen1-out4 hypothesis Bats are flying mammals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num909-gen1-out4 entailment Bats are mammals. & Flying animals use a system of flaps and connected bones to propel themselves through the air. |- Bats are flying mammals. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3656-gen2-out5 premise There are many scientists in the world. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3656-gen2-out5 premise There are many physicians in the world. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3656-gen2-out5 hypothesis There are many scientists in the world KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3656-gen2-out5 entailment There are many scientists in the world. & There are many physicians in the world. |- There are many scientists in the world F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2385-gen1-out1 premise Most arthropods are insects. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2385-gen1-out1 premise Some crabs have jointed legs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2385-gen1-out1 hypothesis Some crabs are arthropods. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2385-gen1-out1 entailment Most arthropods are insects. & Some crabs have jointed legs. |- Some crabs are arthropods. ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2357-gen2-out3 premise A one-carat diamond is expensive. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2357-gen2-out3 premise A three-carat diamond is more expensive than a one-carat diamond. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2357-gen2-out3 hypothesis Three-carat diamonds are more expensive than one-carat diamonds. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2357-gen2-out3 entailment A one-carat diamond is expensive. & A three-carat diamond is more expensive than a one-carat diamond. |- Three-carat diamonds are more expensive than one-carat diamonds. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3885-gen1-out4 premise Hot air can carry balloons. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3885-gen1-out4 premise A helium-filled balloon is lighter than air. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3885-gen1-out4 hypothesis A helium-filled balloon can carry balloons. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3885-gen1-out4 entailment Hot air can carry balloons. & A helium-filled balloon is lighter than air. |- A helium-filled balloon can carry balloons. ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3070-gen2-out3 premise Oxygen levels change when ocean circulation patterns change. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3070-gen2-out3 premise Anoxic water does not contain oxygen. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3070-gen2-out3 hypothesis Oxygen levels change when anoxic water is formed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3070-gen2-out3 entailment Oxygen levels change when ocean circulation patterns change. & Anoxic water does not contain oxygen. |- Oxygen levels change when anoxic water is formed. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3545-gen2-out3 premise Sperm are smaller than eggs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3545-gen2-out3 premise Sperm need to be small to travel in the female reproductive tract. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3545-gen2-out3 hypothesis Sperm are used to fertilize eggs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3545-gen2-out3 entailment Sperm are smaller than eggs. & Sperm need to be small to travel in the female reproductive tract. |- Sperm are used to fertilize eggs. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2504-gen1-out2 premise Camels live in deserts. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2504-gen1-out2 premise Camels store fat in their humps. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2504-gen1-out2 hypothesis Camels store fat in their humps to survive in deserts. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2504-gen1-out2 entailment Camels live in deserts. & Camels store fat in their humps. |- Camels store fat in their humps to survive in deserts. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num216-gen1-out4 premise Air is a mixture of different gases. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num216-gen1-out4 premise The composition of air varies with altitude. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num216-gen1-out4 hypothesis Air contains gases, including oxygen. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num216-gen1-out4 entailment Air is a mixture of different gases. & The composition of air varies with altitude. |- Air contains gases, including oxygen. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1830-gen2-out1 premise Wind and rain cause erosion. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1830-gen2-out1 premise Rocks are a kind of solid material. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1830-gen2-out1 hypothesis Wind and rain cause erosion of rocks. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1830-gen2-out1 entailment Wind and rain cause erosion. & Rocks are a kind of solid material. |- Wind and rain cause erosion of rocks. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1517-gen1-out2 premise Humans are primates. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1517-gen1-out2 premise Humans have hair. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1517-gen1-out2 hypothesis Humans are mammals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1517-gen1-out2 entailment Humans are primates. & Humans have hair. |- Humans are mammals. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4198-gen1-out1 premise Friction causes the speed of an object to decrease. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4198-gen1-out1 premise A ball will slide down an inclined plane. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4198-gen1-out1 hypothesis If an object rolls down an inclined plane then it is moving because of friction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4198-gen1-out1 entailment Friction causes the speed of an object to decrease. & A ball will slide down an inclined plane. |- If an object rolls down an inclined plane then it is moving because of friction. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num151-gen2-out2 premise The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num151-gen2-out2 premise The moon rotates around the Earth. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num151-gen2-out2 hypothesis The moon rotates on its axis and revolves around the Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num151-gen2-out2 entailment The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. & The moon rotates around the Earth. |- The moon rotates on its axis and revolves around the Earth. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4635-gen2-out2 premise The surface of the sun is very hot. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4635-gen2-out2 premise The surface of the sun is not the same temperature throughout. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4635-gen2-out2 hypothesis The sun has cooler spots. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4635-gen2-out2 entailment The surface of the sun is very hot. & The surface of the sun is not the same temperature throughout. |- The sun has cooler spots. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2853-gen2-out3 premise Charged objects are pulled by a magnetic field. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2853-gen2-out3 premise Charged objects are pulled towards a magnetic north pole. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2853-gen2-out3 hypothesis A magnetic field is caused by a magnetic north pole. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2853-gen2-out3 entailment Charged objects are pulled by a magnetic field. & Charged objects are pulled towards a magnetic north pole. |- A magnetic field is caused by a magnetic north pole. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2395-gen2-out3 premise Magnesium is a reactive metal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2395-gen2-out3 premise Objects made of magnesium are shiny. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2395-gen2-out3 hypothesis Shiny objects are made of magnesium. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2395-gen2-out3 entailment Magnesium is a reactive metal. & Objects made of magnesium are shiny. |- Shiny objects are made of magnesium. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3392-gen2-out1 premise Polyps usually reproduce asexually. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3392-gen2-out1 premise If an organism can reproduce asexually, then it is not necessary for it to reproduce sexually. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3392-gen2-out1 hypothesis Polyps do not reproduce sexually. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3392-gen2-out1 entailment Polyps usually reproduce asexually. & If an organism can reproduce asexually, then it is not necessary for it to reproduce sexually. |- Polyps do not reproduce sexually. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num653-gen2-out1 premise Nitrogen is found in proteins, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num653-gen2-out1 premise Plants need nitrogen to grow. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num653-gen2-out1 hypothesis Plants need proteins, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll in order to grow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num653-gen2-out1 entailment Nitrogen is found in proteins, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll. & Plants need nitrogen to grow. |- Plants need proteins, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll in order to grow. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3247-gen2-out2 premise Tides are due to the pull of the moon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3247-gen2-out2 premise If the moon were closer to the earth, then the tides would be higher. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3247-gen2-out2 hypothesis The moon is relatively far from the earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3247-gen2-out2 entailment Tides are due to the pull of the moon. & If the moon were closer to the earth, then the tides would be higher. |- The moon is relatively far from the earth. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num97-gen1-out1 premise A flashlight requires a source of electricity to produce light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num97-gen1-out1 premise Batteries are a source of electricity. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num97-gen1-out1 hypothesis A flashlight requires batteries to produce light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num97-gen1-out1 entailment A flashlight requires a source of electricity to produce light. & Batteries are a source of electricity. |- A flashlight requires batteries to produce light. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num421-gen2-out3 premise If it is a liquid then water is a fluid. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num421-gen2-out3 premise If it is a solid then ice is a solid. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num421-gen2-out3 hypothesis Water is a fluid. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num421-gen2-out3 entailment If it is a liquid then water is a fluid. & If it is a solid then ice is a solid. |- Water is a fluid. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1294-gen1-out3 premise Turning on the air conditioner is one way to decrease the temperature in a room. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1294-gen1-out3 premise Humans are animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1294-gen1-out3 hypothesis Turning on the air conditioner is one way to decrease the temperature in a human. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1294-gen1-out3 entailment Turning on the air conditioner is one way to decrease the temperature in a room. & Humans are animals. |- Turning on the air conditioner is one way to decrease the temperature in a human. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3500-gen1-out3 premise Oxygen is taken up by cells in the process of respiration. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3500-gen1-out3 premise Green plants consume carbon dioxide and water in the process of photosynthesis. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3500-gen1-out3 hypothesis Green plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3500-gen1-out3 entailment Oxygen is taken up by cells in the process of respiration. & Green plants consume carbon dioxide and water in the process of photosynthesis. |- Green plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num519-gen2-out1 premise Most arthropods are insects. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num519-gen2-out1 premise A butterfly is an arthropod. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num519-gen2-out1 hypothesis Butterflies are insects. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num519-gen2-out1 entailment Most arthropods are insects. & A butterfly is an arthropod. |- Butterflies are insects. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1747-gen2-out2 premise The chicken-and-egg paradox addresses the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1747-gen2-out2 premise A chicken lays eggs. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1747-gen2-out2 hypothesis A chicken came first, and laid the egg. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1747-gen2-out2 entailment The chicken-and-egg paradox addresses the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. & A chicken lays eggs. |- A chicken came first, and laid the egg. ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1996-gen1-out3 premise An alpha particle is an unstable atom. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1996-gen1-out3 premise Radioactive decay of a nucleus is a form of a type of radioactive decay. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1996-gen1-out3 hypothesis A beta particle is an unstable atom. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1996-gen1-out3 entailment An alpha particle is an unstable atom. & Radioactive decay of a nucleus is a form of a type of radioactive decay. |- A beta particle is an unstable atom. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3531-gen1-out4 premise The Sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3531-gen1-out4 premise Stars appear to twinkle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3531-gen1-out4 hypothesis The Sun does not appear to twinkle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3531-gen1-out4 entailment The Sun is a star. & Stars appear to twinkle. |- The Sun does not appear to twinkle. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2766-gen1-out2 premise Riboflavin is a vitamin found in food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2766-gen1-out2 premise Mushrooms are a food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2766-gen1-out2 hypothesis Mushrooms contain riboflavin. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2766-gen1-out2 entailment Riboflavin is a vitamin found in food. & Mushrooms are a food. |- Mushrooms contain riboflavin. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2557-gen2-out2 premise Sugar cane contains crystalline inulin. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2557-gen2-out2 premise Inulin is extracted from sugar cane. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2557-gen2-out2 hypothesis Inulin is crystalline. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2557-gen2-out2 entailment Sugar cane contains crystalline inulin. & Inulin is extracted from sugar cane. |- Inulin is crystalline. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4325-gen1-out1 premise Natural disasters can cause animals to leave an environment. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4325-gen1-out1 premise It takes many generations for an animal population to return to its original size. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4325-gen1-out1 hypothesis Natural disasters can cause populations to go extinct. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4325-gen1-out1 entailment Natural disasters can cause animals to leave an environment. & It takes many generations for an animal population to return to its original size. |- Natural disasters can cause populations to go extinct. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num143-gen2-out3 premise Leaves are green because they reflect green light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num143-gen2-out3 premise Leaves are photosynthetic structures. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num143-gen2-out3 hypothesis Leaves have photosynthetic structures because they reflect green light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num143-gen2-out3 entailment Leaves are green because they reflect green light. & Leaves are photosynthetic structures. |- Leaves have photosynthetic structures because they reflect green light. ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out4 premise Plastic is a useful man-made material. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out4 premise Oil is a fossil fuel. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out4 hypothesis Oil is useful in the making of plastic. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2541-gen1-out4 entailment Plastic is a useful man-made material. & Oil is a fossil fuel. |- Oil is useful in the making of plastic. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen2-out5 premise Understanding the extent of a problem will help you to better solve it. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen2-out5 premise A problem is a type of obstacle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen2-out5 hypothesis Understanding the extent of a problem will help you KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1128-gen2-out5 entailment Understanding the extent of a problem will help you to better solve it. & A problem is a type of obstacle. |- Understanding the extent of a problem will help you T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3689-gen2-out2 premise Oxygen is a major component of the atmosphere. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3689-gen2-out2 premise Carbon dioxide makes up a small percentage of the atmosphere. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3689-gen2-out2 hypothesis Water vapor is a major component of the atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3689-gen2-out2 entailment Oxygen is a major component of the atmosphere. & Carbon dioxide makes up a small percentage of the atmosphere. |- Water vapor is a major component of the atmosphere. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3424-gen1-out1 premise Plant reproduction often requires pollen. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3424-gen1-out1 premise Pollen is transferred from stamen to pistil. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3424-gen1-out1 hypothesis Pollen must be transferred from stamen to pistil. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3424-gen1-out1 entailment Plant reproduction often requires pollen. & Pollen is transferred from stamen to pistil. |- Pollen must be transferred from stamen to pistil. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num57-gen1-out2 premise If a chemical is toxic, it will poison you. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num57-gen1-out2 premise If a chemical poisons you, it will destroy your body. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num57-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a chemical is toxic, it will destroy your body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num57-gen1-out2 entailment If a chemical is toxic, it will poison you. & If a chemical poisons you, it will destroy your body. |- If a chemical is toxic, it will destroy your body. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3563-gen1-out2 premise Nitrogen and carbon are abundant in our atmosphere. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3563-gen1-out2 premise Photosynthesis requires abundant nitrogen and carbon. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3563-gen1-out2 hypothesis Photosynthesis can occur. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3563-gen1-out2 entailment Nitrogen and carbon are abundant in our atmosphere. & Photosynthesis requires abundant nitrogen and carbon. |- Photosynthesis can occur. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3626-gen2-out1 premise Tadpole changes into a frog. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3626-gen2-out1 premise An animal cannot change its own body structure. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3626-gen2-out1 hypothesis Tadpole does not change its own body structure; it undergoes metamorphosis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3626-gen2-out1 entailment Tadpole changes into a frog. & An animal cannot change its own body structure. |- Tadpole does not change its own body structure; it undergoes metamorphosis. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2919-gen1-out2 premise Plants trap carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2919-gen1-out2 premise Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2919-gen1-out2 hypothesis Burning fossil fuels can contribute to climate change. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2919-gen1-out2 entailment Plants trap carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. & Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. |- Burning fossil fuels can contribute to climate change. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3254-gen2-out3 premise Once an organism is dead, it is no longer able to reproduce. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3254-gen2-out3 premise In order to reproduce, an organism must be alive. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3254-gen2-out3 hypothesis If an organism is dead, then it is not able to reproduce. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3254-gen2-out3 entailment Once an organism is dead, it is no longer able to reproduce. & In order to reproduce, an organism must be alive. |- If an organism is dead, then it is not able to reproduce. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3704-gen1-out3 premise Earthquakes can cause tsunami. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3704-gen1-out3 premise Earthquakes can cause buildings to collapse. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3704-gen1-out3 hypothesis If an earthquake causes buildings to collapse, then it may cause a tsunami. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3704-gen1-out3 entailment Earthquakes can cause tsunami. & Earthquakes can cause buildings to collapse. |- If an earthquake causes buildings to collapse, then it may cause a tsunami. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3183-gen2-out1 premise DNA is found in chromosomes. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3183-gen2-out1 premise The DNA molecule is extremely small. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3183-gen2-out1 hypothesis The DNA molecule is too small to be seen by the naked eye. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3183-gen2-out1 entailment DNA is found in chromosomes. & The DNA molecule is extremely small. |- The DNA molecule is too small to be seen by the naked eye. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3528-gen2-out1 premise Sepals are usually green, which camouflages the bud from possible consumers. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3528-gen2-out1 premise The bud contains flowers, which attract pollinators. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3528-gen2-out1 hypothesis Green sepals attract pollinators, allowing for flowers to develop. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3528-gen2-out1 entailment Sepals are usually green, which camouflages the bud from possible consumers. & The bud contains flowers, which attract pollinators. |- Green sepals attract pollinators, allowing for flowers to develop. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num221-gen1-out5 premise Ice floats on water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num221-gen1-out5 premise Ice is a solid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num221-gen1-out5 hypothesis Ice floats because it is less dense than water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num221-gen1-out5 entailment Ice floats on water. & Ice is a solid. |- Ice floats because it is less dense than water. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1974-gen2-out1 premise Aggression is behavior that is intended to cause harm or pain. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1974-gen2-out1 premise A child might call out a curse word when in pain. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1974-gen2-out1 hypothesis A child might call out a curse word when in pain and experiencing aggression. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1974-gen2-out1 entailment Aggression is behavior that is intended to cause harm or pain. & A child might call out a curse word when in pain. |- A child might call out a curse word when in pain and experiencing aggression. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen2-out1 premise Lancelet larvae are free-swimming. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen2-out1 premise All other known vertebrates develop only in the egg. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen2-out1 hypothesis The development of lancelet larvae occurs only in the ocean. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen2-out1 entailment Lancelet larvae are free-swimming. & All other known vertebrates develop only in the egg. |- The development of lancelet larvae occurs only in the ocean. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2137-gen2-out4 premise A match is used to start a fire. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2137-gen2-out4 premise Fire is used to heat food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2137-gen2-out4 hypothesis A match is used to heat food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2137-gen2-out4 entailment A match is used to start a fire. & Fire is used to heat food. |- A match is used to heat food. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3572-gen1-out1 premise Riding a bike does not cause pollution. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3572-gen1-out1 premise Riding a bike requires energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3572-gen1-out1 hypothesis Energy is obtained from another source, rather than burning fuel. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3572-gen1-out1 entailment Riding a bike does not cause pollution. & Riding a bike requires energy. |- Energy is obtained from another source, rather than burning fuel. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2700-gen2-out2 premise Very dry air causes the clouds to be white. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2700-gen2-out2 premise Clouds are made of water droplets. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2700-gen2-out2 hypothesis Very dry air makes water droplets in clouds to evaporate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2700-gen2-out2 entailment Very dry air causes the clouds to be white. & Clouds are made of water droplets. |- Very dry air makes water droplets in clouds to evaporate. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2586-gen1-out3 premise A tall building is difficult to build. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2586-gen1-out3 premise Glass is used in a tall building. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2586-gen1-out3 hypothesis Glass is difficult to build. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2586-gen1-out3 entailment A tall building is difficult to build. & Glass is used in a tall building. |- Glass is difficult to build. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3801-gen2-out1 premise Adolescence is a time of significant mental, emotional, and social changes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3801-gen2-out1 premise Depression is a mental illness common to adolescence. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3801-gen2-out1 hypothesis Depression is a sign of significant mental, emotional, and social changes during adolescence. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3801-gen2-out1 entailment Adolescence is a time of significant mental, emotional, and social changes. & Depression is a mental illness common to adolescence. |- Depression is a sign of significant mental, emotional, and social changes during adolescence. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2161-gen2-out1 premise DNA replication is the process in which DNA is copied. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2161-gen2-out1 premise DNA is double stranded. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2161-gen2-out1 hypothesis The strands of DNA are separated. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2161-gen2-out1 entailment DNA replication is the process in which DNA is copied. & DNA is double stranded. |- The strands of DNA are separated. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num143-gen1-out2 premise Fruits and vegetables are good for health. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num143-gen1-out2 premise Vegetables are part of the food pyramid. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num143-gen1-out2 hypothesis Fruits and vegetables are part of the food pyramid. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num143-gen1-out2 entailment Fruits and vegetables are good for health. & Vegetables are part of the food pyramid. |- Fruits and vegetables are part of the food pyramid. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3825-gen2-out1 premise An animal requires air for survival. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3825-gen2-out1 premise A fish is an animal. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3825-gen2-out1 hypothesis A fish requires air for survival. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3825-gen2-out1 entailment An animal requires air for survival. & A fish is an animal. |- A fish requires air for survival. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2697-gen2-out3 premise Diamonds are made of carbon. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2697-gen2-out3 premise Carbon dioxide is produced from coal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2697-gen2-out3 hypothesis Coal is made of carbon. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2697-gen2-out3 entailment Diamonds are made of carbon. & Carbon dioxide is produced from coal. |- Coal is made of carbon. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2937-gen1-out3 premise Clouds form from water vapor. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2937-gen1-out3 premise If clouds absorb solar radiation, then the amount of solar radiation in the atmosphere decreases. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2937-gen1-out3 hypothesis Clouds absorb solar radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2937-gen1-out3 entailment Clouds form from water vapor. & If clouds absorb solar radiation, then the amount of solar radiation in the atmosphere decreases. |- Clouds absorb solar radiation. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1979-gen2-out3 premise Ice cream is a type of food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1979-gen2-out3 premise Food is sold in supermarkets. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1979-gen2-out3 hypothesis Ice cream is sold in supermarkets. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1979-gen2-out3 entailment Ice cream is a type of food. & Food is sold in supermarkets. |- Ice cream is sold in supermarkets. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num56-gen1-out1 premise Adolescence is a time of significant mental, emotional, and social changes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num56-gen1-out1 premise Many teenagers experience an identity crisis during adolescence. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num56-gen1-out1 hypothesis An identity crisis is a significant mental, emotional, and social change. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num56-gen1-out1 entailment Adolescence is a time of significant mental, emotional, and social changes. & Many teenagers experience an identity crisis during adolescence. |- An identity crisis is a significant mental, emotional, and social change. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3792-gen1-out2 premise Oxygen atoms are found in water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3792-gen1-out2 premise Oxygen is found in both water and air. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3792-gen1-out2 hypothesis Water is composed of both oxygen and hydrogen. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3792-gen1-out2 entailment Oxygen atoms are found in water. & Oxygen is found in both water and air. |- Water is composed of both oxygen and hydrogen. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1717-gen1-out2 premise Lizards and alligators are two different kinds of animals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1717-gen1-out2 premise Lizards are reptiles. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1717-gen1-out2 hypothesis Alligators are reptiles. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1717-gen1-out2 entailment Lizards and alligators are two different kinds of animals. & Lizards are reptiles. |- Alligators are reptiles. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3014-gen1-out2 premise If glaciers move, then erosion will occur. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3014-gen1-out2 premise Erosion causes sediments to be moved into oceans. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3014-gen1-out2 hypothesis If glaciers move, sediments will be moved into oceans. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3014-gen1-out2 entailment If glaciers move, then erosion will occur. & Erosion causes sediments to be moved into oceans. |- If glaciers move, sediments will be moved into oceans. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3159-gen1-out3 premise If something does not add mass to a substance, then it does not change the substance's density. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3159-gen1-out3 premise Carbon dioxide does not add mass to the atmosphere. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3159-gen1-out3 hypothesis Carbon dioxide does not change the density of the atmosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3159-gen1-out3 entailment If something does not add mass to a substance, then it does not change the substance's density. & Carbon dioxide does not add mass to the atmosphere. |- Carbon dioxide does not change the density of the atmosphere. ? T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4183-gen1-out2 premise The bigger a tire is, the more air it will hold. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4183-gen1-out2 premise A heavy object has more inertia. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4183-gen1-out2 hypothesis The heavier a load, the more air it will require to be loaded. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4183-gen1-out2 entailment The bigger a tire is, the more air it will hold. & A heavy object has more inertia. |- The heavier a load, the more air it will require to be loaded. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num710-gen1-out1 premise Sperm pass out of the body through the urethra. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num710-gen1-out1 premise Urine is made in the kidneys. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num710-gen1-out1 hypothesis Urine comes out of the body through the urethra. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num710-gen1-out1 entailment Sperm pass out of the body through the urethra. & Urine is made in the kidneys. |- Urine comes out of the body through the urethra. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num781-gen1-out3 premise When clouds form, the water temperature around it gets cooler. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num781-gen1-out3 premise When the temperature decreases, the dew point drops. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num781-gen1-out3 hypothesis Dew is the condensation of water vapour. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num781-gen1-out3 entailment When clouds form, the water temperature around it gets cooler. & When the temperature decreases, the dew point drops. |- Dew is the condensation of water vapour. F F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2606-gen1-out2 premise A heated oven cooks food by transmitting heat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2606-gen1-out2 premise Melting chocolate is an example of cooking food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2606-gen1-out2 hypothesis Melting chocolate is an example of transmitting heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2606-gen1-out2 entailment A heated oven cooks food by transmitting heat. & Melting chocolate is an example of cooking food. |- Melting chocolate is an example of transmitting heat. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2036-gen2-out1 premise An electrical insulator slows the transfer of electricity. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2036-gen2-out1 premise Paraffin wax is an electrical insulator. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2036-gen2-out1 hypothesis A wax pencil is made of paraffin wax. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2036-gen2-out1 entailment An electrical insulator slows the transfer of electricity. & Paraffin wax is an electrical insulator. |- A wax pencil is made of paraffin wax. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4077-gen2-out1 premise Flowing water can slowly dissolve carbon in sedimentary rock. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4077-gen2-out1 premise Sedimentary rock with carbon can have many shapes. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4077-gen2-out1 hypothesis Flowing water can have many shapes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4077-gen2-out1 entailment Flowing water can slowly dissolve carbon in sedimentary rock. & Sedimentary rock with carbon can have many shapes. |- Flowing water can have many shapes. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2050-gen1-out1 premise Behaviors that improve fitness increase through natural selection. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2050-gen1-out1 premise Brightly colored body parts attract predators. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2050-gen1-out1 hypothesis Brightly colored body parts are selected against. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2050-gen1-out1 entailment Behaviors that improve fitness increase through natural selection. & Brightly colored body parts attract predators. |- Brightly colored body parts are selected against. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3559-gen2-out3 premise Plants consume carbon dioxide and water in order to produce oxygen and sugar. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3559-gen2-out3 premise If plants absorb carbon dioxide, then atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will increase. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3559-gen2-out3 hypothesis If plants absorb carbon dioxide, then atmospheric carbon KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3559-gen2-out3 entailment Plants consume carbon dioxide and water in order to produce oxygen and sugar. & If plants absorb carbon dioxide, then atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will increase. |- If plants absorb carbon dioxide, then atmospheric carbon T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out2 premise A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed by the reaction. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out2 premise A tree's leaves capture sunlight. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out2 hypothesis A tree's leaves are a catalyst that increase the rate of photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2694-gen2-out2 entailment A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed by the reaction. & A tree's leaves capture sunlight. |- A tree's leaves are a catalyst that increase the rate of photosynthesis. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1756-gen2-out4 premise More photosynthesis occurs during daylight hours. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1756-gen2-out4 premise Photosynthesis is the process of turning carbon dioxide into organic compounds. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1756-gen2-out4 hypothesis More photosynthesis occurs during daylight hours than KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1756-gen2-out4 entailment More photosynthesis occurs during daylight hours. & Photosynthesis is the process of turning carbon dioxide into organic compounds. |- More photosynthesis occurs during daylight hours than ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num200-gen1-out4 premise A human genome is the complete set of genes in a cell. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num200-gen1-out4 premise The Human Genome Project was an effort to map the complete set of genes in a cell. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num200-gen1-out4 hypothesis The Human Genome Project produced a complete map of human genes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num200-gen1-out4 entailment A human genome is the complete set of genes in a cell. & The Human Genome Project was an effort to map the complete set of genes in a cell. |- The Human Genome Project produced a complete map of human genes. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2072-gen1-out4 premise Humans have one pair of lungs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2072-gen1-out4 premise Horses have four legs. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2072-gen1-out4 hypothesis Humans have one pair of limbs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2072-gen1-out4 entailment Humans have one pair of lungs. & Horses have four legs. |- Humans have one pair of limbs. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2218-gen1-out2 premise A one-toed sloth is an animal. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2218-gen1-out2 premise A sloth has three claws. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2218-gen1-out2 hypothesis A three-toed sloth is an animal. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2218-gen1-out2 entailment A one-toed sloth is an animal. & A sloth has three claws. |- A three-toed sloth is an animal. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4016-gen1-out3 premise High surface area to volume ratio leads to faster evaporation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4016-gen1-out3 premise High surface area to volume ratio results from a high porosity. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4016-gen1-out3 hypothesis High porosity results from a high surface area to volume ratio. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4016-gen1-out3 entailment High surface area to volume ratio leads to faster evaporation. & High surface area to volume ratio results from a high porosity. |- High porosity results from a high surface area to volume ratio. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1704-gen2-out1 premise Rain causes erosion. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1704-gen2-out1 premise Rainstorms cause erosion. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1704-gen2-out1 hypothesis Rainstorms cause rain. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1704-gen2-out1 entailment Rain causes erosion. & Rainstorms cause erosion. |- Rainstorms cause rain. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num246-gen1-out3 premise Tectonic plates are plates that move apart. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num246-gen1-out3 premise Divergent tectonic plates are plates that are moving apart. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num246-gen1-out3 hypothesis When tectonic plates move apart, ridges and mountains can form. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num246-gen1-out3 entailment Tectonic plates are plates that move apart. & Divergent tectonic plates are plates that are moving apart. |- When tectonic plates move apart, ridges and mountains can form. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2165-gen1-out1 premise Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse to form a diploid zygote. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2165-gen1-out1 premise Fertilization occurs in the human reproductive system. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2165-gen1-out1 hypothesis The human reproductive system is located in the human body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2165-gen1-out1 entailment Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse to form a diploid zygote. & Fertilization occurs in the human reproductive system. |- The human reproductive system is located in the human body. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4016-gen1-out1 premise Evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4016-gen1-out1 premise Solutes must be dissolved in solvents. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4016-gen1-out1 hypothesis Evaporation cannot be used for separating water from oil in oil and water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4016-gen1-out1 entailment Evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution. & Solutes must be dissolved in solvents. |- Evaporation cannot be used for separating water from oil in oil and water. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3976-gen2-out2 premise Wind is air in motion. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3976-gen2-out2 premise Hurricanes are violent winds. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3976-gen2-out2 hypothesis Hurricanes are moving air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3976-gen2-out2 entailment Wind is air in motion. & Hurricanes are violent winds. |- Hurricanes are moving air. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num777-gen1-out3 premise Your body needs a proper amount of vitamins in order to stay healthy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num777-gen1-out3 premise No vitamin deficiency is immediately harmful. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num777-gen1-out3 hypothesis You can be sick without a vitamin deficiency. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num777-gen1-out3 entailment Your body needs a proper amount of vitamins in order to stay healthy. & No vitamin deficiency is immediately harmful. |- You can be sick without a vitamin deficiency. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2553-gen1-out3 premise An ornamental plant is grown in a flower bed. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2553-gen1-out3 premise An ornamental plant is an edible plant. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2553-gen1-out3 hypothesis Edible plants are grown in a flower bed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2553-gen1-out3 entailment An ornamental plant is grown in a flower bed. & An ornamental plant is an edible plant. |- Edible plants are grown in a flower bed. T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen2-out3 premise A product can lose quality with age. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen2-out3 premise Fruit juice has lost quality with age. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen2-out3 hypothesis Fruit juice has a product. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1997-gen2-out3 entailment A product can lose quality with age. & Fruit juice has lost quality with age. |- Fruit juice has a product. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4271-gen1-out1 premise Irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4271-gen1-out1 premise Food is usually irradiated to kill existing microorganisms in the food. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4271-gen1-out1 hypothesis Food usually contains microorganisms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4271-gen1-out1 entailment Irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food. & Food is usually irradiated to kill existing microorganisms in the food. |- Food usually contains microorganisms. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3755-gen1-out3 premise Carbon dioxide is released from the burning of fossil fuels. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3755-gen1-out3 premise Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3755-gen1-out3 hypothesis Burning fossil fuels causes global warming. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3755-gen1-out3 entailment Carbon dioxide is released from the burning of fossil fuels. & Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. |- Burning fossil fuels causes global warming. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1257-gen2-out2 premise A tower standing by itself must be vertically tall. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1257-gen2-out2 premise The Tower of Pisa is vertically tall. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1257-gen2-out2 hypothesis The Tower of Pisa stands by itself. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1257-gen2-out2 entailment A tower standing by itself must be vertically tall. & The Tower of Pisa is vertically tall. |- The Tower of Pisa stands by itself. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num347-gen2-out4 premise Petroleum is made from the remains of plants and animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num347-gen2-out4 premise Most petroleum products come from petroleum. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num347-gen2-out4 hypothesis Petroleum products are made from petroleum. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num347-gen2-out4 entailment Petroleum is made from the remains of plants and animals. & Most petroleum products come from petroleum. |- Petroleum products are made from petroleum. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2784-gen2-out4 premise When the weather is cold, people turn on their furnaces. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2784-gen2-out4 premise Furnaces create heat when on. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2784-gen2-out4 hypothesis When the weather is cold, furnaces are on. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2784-gen2-out4 entailment When the weather is cold, people turn on their furnaces. & Furnaces create heat when on. |- When the weather is cold, furnaces are on. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4188-gen2-out1 premise Glucose is used for energy by the cells of most organisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4188-gen2-out1 premise Cells use glucose as a source of energy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4188-gen2-out1 hypothesis An organism that uses glucose as a source of energy will use glucose as a source of energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4188-gen2-out1 entailment Glucose is used for energy by the cells of most organisms. & Cells use glucose as a source of energy. |- An organism that uses glucose as a source of energy will use glucose as a source of energy. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3274-gen1-out5 premise Food spoils without being preserved. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3274-gen1-out5 premise Preserving food prevents it from spoiling. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3274-gen1-out5 hypothesis Preserving food prevents it from spo KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3274-gen1-out5 entailment Food spoils without being preserved. & Preserving food prevents it from spoiling. |- Preserving food prevents it from spo ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4023-gen1-out4 premise Hydroelectric power plants can produce electricity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4023-gen1-out4 premise If something can produce something else, then it must have that something else. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4023-gen1-out4 hypothesis A hydroelectric power plant must have water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4023-gen1-out4 entailment Hydroelectric power plants can produce electricity. & If something can produce something else, then it must have that something else. |- A hydroelectric power plant must have water. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1726-gen1-out4 premise Physical exertion causes your muscles to require more oxygen. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1726-gen1-out4 premise Smoking weakens muscles. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1726-gen1-out4 hypothesis Smoking causes muscles to require more oxygen. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1726-gen1-out4 entailment Physical exertion causes your muscles to require more oxygen. & Smoking weakens muscles. |- Smoking causes muscles to require more oxygen. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4357-gen2-out3 premise Drinking and driving is dangerous. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4357-gen2-out3 premise Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in the world. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4357-gen2-out3 hypothesis If a person drinks and drives, that person could possibly drive while under the influence of alcohol. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4357-gen2-out3 entailment Drinking and driving is dangerous. & Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in the world. |- If a person drinks and drives, that person could possibly drive while under the influence of alcohol. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num962-gen1-out4 premise Mass increases with speed. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num962-gen1-out4 premise Airplanes are very fast. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num962-gen1-out4 hypothesis Airplanes have large masses. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num962-gen1-out4 entailment Mass increases with speed. & Airplanes are very fast. |- Airplanes have large masses. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3530-gen2-out3 premise Gases move to find equilibrium. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3530-gen2-out3 premise Gas density decreases with increasing temperature. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3530-gen2-out3 hypothesis Gases will move to find a lower density. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3530-gen2-out3 entailment Gases move to find equilibrium. & Gas density decreases with increasing temperature. |- Gases will move to find a lower density. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2441-gen2-out2 premise Wood is used to build a house. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2441-gen2-out2 premise A tree is alive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2441-gen2-out2 hypothesis A tree is used to build a house. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2441-gen2-out2 entailment Wood is used to build a house. & A tree is alive. |- A tree is used to build a house. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num567-gen2-out1 premise Most fungi get organic compounds from dead organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num567-gen2-out1 premise Fungi reproduce by spores. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num567-gen2-out1 hypothesis Most fungi get organic compounds from the organisms that they reproduce from. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num567-gen2-out1 entailment Most fungi get organic compounds from dead organisms. & Fungi reproduce by spores. |- Most fungi get organic compounds from the organisms that they reproduce from. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num423-gen2-out4 premise Lenses focus light by bending it. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num423-gen2-out4 premise The more curved a lens is, the greater its focus. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num423-gen2-out4 hypothesis A thick lens is a good lens to use when bending KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num423-gen2-out4 entailment Lenses focus light by bending it. & The more curved a lens is, the greater its focus. |- A thick lens is a good lens to use when bending F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1056-gen2-out4 premise Sound waves travel through any medium. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1056-gen2-out4 premise The eardrum is a medium. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1056-gen2-out4 hypothesis Sound waves travel through the e KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1056-gen2-out4 entailment Sound waves travel through any medium. & The eardrum is a medium. |- Sound waves travel through the e T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num69-gen2-out1 premise Some birds are pollinators that co-evolved with plants. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num69-gen2-out1 premise Hummingbirds are birds. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num69-gen2-out1 hypothesis Some hummingbirds are pollinators that co-evolved with plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num69-gen2-out1 entailment Some birds are pollinators that co-evolved with plants. & Hummingbirds are birds. |- Some hummingbirds are pollinators that co-evolved with plants. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num28-gen1-out1 premise Matter vibrating can cause sound. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num28-gen1-out1 premise Explosions can cause the rapid expansion of gases. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num28-gen1-out1 hypothesis Explosions can cause vibrations that create sound. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num28-gen1-out1 entailment Matter vibrating can cause sound. & Explosions can cause the rapid expansion of gases. |- Explosions can cause vibrations that create sound. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3732-gen1-out3 premise Light causes burns. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3732-gen1-out3 premise Light is a form of energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3732-gen1-out3 hypothesis Light causes energy to be released. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3732-gen1-out3 entailment Light causes burns. & Light is a form of energy. |- Light causes energy to be released. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2220-gen1-out3 premise The atom model predicts that electrons orbit the nucleus. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2220-gen1-out3 premise Electrons are negatively charged. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2220-gen1-out3 hypothesis Electrons are negatively charged in order to balance out the positive charge of the nucleus. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2220-gen1-out3 entailment The atom model predicts that electrons orbit the nucleus. & Electrons are negatively charged. |- Electrons are negatively charged in order to balance out the positive charge of the nucleus. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4302-gen2-out1 premise Meiosis is the type of cell division that produces gametes. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4302-gen2-out1 premise Meiosis is when chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4302-gen2-out1 hypothesis Gametes are cells that contain only half the normal number of chromosomes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4302-gen2-out1 entailment Meiosis is the type of cell division that produces gametes. & Meiosis is when chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. |- Gametes are cells that contain only half the normal number of chromosomes. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num616-gen1-out3 premise Body heat keeps us warm. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num616-gen1-out3 premise A warm body produces heat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num616-gen1-out3 hypothesis If you get too hot, you will begin to produce heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num616-gen1-out3 entailment Body heat keeps us warm. & A warm body produces heat. |- If you get too hot, you will begin to produce heat. ? F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2161-gen2-out2 premise All objects have a shadow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2161-gen2-out2 premise Light is emitted by a light source. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2161-gen2-out2 hypothesis Light is reflected by objects. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2161-gen2-out2 entailment All objects have a shadow. & Light is emitted by a light source. |- Light is reflected by objects. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num12-gen1-out2 premise By eating its food, a plant grows. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num12-gen1-out2 premise A plant needs water to grow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num12-gen1-out2 hypothesis A plant needs to eat its food in order to grow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num12-gen1-out2 entailment By eating its food, a plant grows. & A plant needs water to grow. |- A plant needs to eat its food in order to grow. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num812-gen1-out2 premise If something moves from a higher to a lower position, it is moving down. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num812-gen1-out2 premise Elevators go up and down. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num812-gen1-out2 hypothesis Elevators move things from a higher to a lower position. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num812-gen1-out2 entailment If something moves from a higher to a lower position, it is moving down. & Elevators go up and down. |- Elevators move things from a higher to a lower position. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num80-gen1-out4 premise Satellites orbit planets. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num80-gen1-out4 premise We can see objects that are not in our atmosphere with satellites. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num80-gen1-out4 hypothesis Earth has at least one satellite. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num80-gen1-out4 entailment Satellites orbit planets. & We can see objects that are not in our atmosphere with satellites. |- Earth has at least one satellite. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2461-gen1-out2 premise Light is a wave. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2461-gen1-out2 premise Light has no mass. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2461-gen1-out2 hypothesis Light has no weight. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2461-gen1-out2 entailment Light is a wave. & Light has no mass. |- Light has no weight. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2067-gen2-out1 premise Corals form large colonies in shallow tropical water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2067-gen2-out1 premise Anemones are small animals that look like flowers. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2067-gen2-out1 hypothesis Anemones are small animals that look like flowers and live in shallow tropical water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2067-gen2-out1 entailment Corals form large colonies in shallow tropical water. & Anemones are small animals that look like flowers. |- Anemones are small animals that look like flowers and live in shallow tropical water. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2847-gen2-out3 premise If a force is applied to an object and the object moves, then that force caused the object to move. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2847-gen2-out3 premise A roller coaster applies a force to passengers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2847-gen2-out3 hypothesis A roller coaster causes passengers to move. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2847-gen2-out3 entailment If a force is applied to an object and the object moves, then that force caused the object to move. & A roller coaster applies a force to passengers. |- A roller coaster causes passengers to move. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num921-gen2-out1 premise When a plant grows, the size of the leaves of that plant may increase. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num921-gen2-out1 premise The leaves of a plant contain chlorophyll. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num921-gen2-out1 hypothesis The leaves of a plant contain chlorophyll because plants need chlorophyll to grow. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num921-gen2-out1 entailment When a plant grows, the size of the leaves of that plant may increase. & The leaves of a plant contain chlorophyll. |- The leaves of a plant contain chlorophyll because plants need chlorophyll to grow. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1822-gen2-out5 premise Longer legs help a cheetah to run faster. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1822-gen2-out5 premise A cheetah is a type of mammal. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1822-gen2-out5 hypothesis If a cheetah had longer legs, then it would run faster. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1822-gen2-out5 entailment Longer legs help a cheetah to run faster. & A cheetah is a type of mammal. |- If a cheetah had longer legs, then it would run faster. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3414-gen1-out1 premise Plants that shed their leaves seasonally each year are called deciduous plants. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3414-gen1-out1 premise Deciduous plants lose their leaves when the weather becomes cold. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3414-gen1-out1 hypothesis Deciduous plants lose their leaves in the winter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3414-gen1-out1 entailment Plants that shed their leaves seasonally each year are called deciduous plants. & Deciduous plants lose their leaves when the weather becomes cold. |- Deciduous plants lose their leaves in the winter. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out1 premise Mammals can also generate little bursts of heat by shivering. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out1 premise When mammals generate little bursts of heat by shivering, their muscles contract. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out1 hypothesis When mammals generate little bursts of heat by shivering, their muscles pull on bones. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3291-gen2-out1 entailment Mammals can also generate little bursts of heat by shivering. & When mammals generate little bursts of heat by shivering, their muscles contract. |- When mammals generate little bursts of heat by shivering, their muscles pull on bones. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num360-gen2-out3 premise If a species is endangered, it is facing a risk of extinction. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num360-gen2-out3 premise An environmental threat can cause extinction. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num360-gen2-out3 hypothesis If a species is endangered, it is facing an environmental threat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num360-gen2-out3 entailment If a species is endangered, it is facing a risk of extinction. & An environmental threat can cause extinction. |- If a species is endangered, it is facing an environmental threat. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3423-gen2-out4 premise Photons travel through the ether. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3423-gen2-out4 premise Light is not affected by gravity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3423-gen2-out4 hypothesis Light does not need a medium to travel through. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3423-gen2-out4 entailment Photons travel through the ether. & Light is not affected by gravity. |- Light does not need a medium to travel through. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1964-gen2-out4 premise Yellow daffodils grow in the Netherlands. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1964-gen2-out4 premise Dutch people grow yellow daffodils. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1964-gen2-out4 hypothesis Dutch people are from the Netherlands. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1964-gen2-out4 entailment Yellow daffodils grow in the Netherlands. & Dutch people grow yellow daffodils. |- Dutch people are from the Netherlands. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num522-gen1-out3 premise The skull is a rigid structure that protects the brain. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num522-gen1-out3 premise The inner ear has a small, soft structure that moves when we turn our heads. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num522-gen1-out3 hypothesis The inner ear has a soft structure that moves when we turn our heads, because it is protected by the skull. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num522-gen1-out3 entailment The skull is a rigid structure that protects the brain. & The inner ear has a small, soft structure that moves when we turn our heads. |- The inner ear has a soft structure that moves when we turn our heads, because it is protected by the skull. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1254-gen1-out2 premise Being thin is strongly linked to a lower risk of contracting certain diseases. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1254-gen1-out2 premise Being thin is a positive physical characteristic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1254-gen1-out2 hypothesis A negative physical characteristic (the lack of "being thin") is strongly linked to a higher risk of contracting certain diseases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1254-gen1-out2 entailment Being thin is strongly linked to a lower risk of contracting certain diseases. & Being thin is a positive physical characteristic. |- A negative physical characteristic (the lack of "being thin") is strongly linked to a higher risk of contracting certain diseases. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4136-gen2-out4 premise A tomato plant needs water to grow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4136-gen2-out4 premise A tomato plant is an organism. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4136-gen2-out4 hypothesis If a tomato plant does not get water, then it will die. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4136-gen2-out4 entailment A tomato plant needs water to grow. & A tomato plant is an organism. |- If a tomato plant does not get water, then it will die. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1370-gen1-out2 premise The human body needs potassium. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1370-gen1-out2 premise Bananas are a good source of potassium. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1370-gen1-out2 hypothesis Bananas are healthy for the human body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1370-gen1-out2 entailment The human body needs potassium. & Bananas are a good source of potassium. |- Bananas are healthy for the human body. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen2-out1 premise When a river floods, that river deposits soil in flood plains. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen2-out1 premise All rivers do not deposit soil in flood plains. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen2-out1 hypothesis The Amazon River floods. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen2-out1 entailment When a river floods, that river deposits soil in flood plains. & All rivers do not deposit soil in flood plains. |- The Amazon River floods. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4345-gen2-out4 premise A building that is taller than any other building on the horizon is said to be dominant. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4345-gen2-out4 premise Every day the sunset is below the horizon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4345-gen2-out4 hypothesis On every day the sunset is below the horizon, the KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4345-gen2-out4 entailment A building that is taller than any other building on the horizon is said to be dominant. & Every day the sunset is below the horizon. |- On every day the sunset is below the horizon, the ? ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1458-gen1-out4 premise RNA splicing is necessary for the production of functional proteins. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1458-gen1-out4 premise An RNA splice forms a bond between two exons. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1458-gen1-out4 hypothesis RNA splicing is necessary for the production of functional proteins with exons. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1458-gen1-out4 entailment RNA splicing is necessary for the production of functional proteins. & An RNA splice forms a bond between two exons. |- RNA splicing is necessary for the production of functional proteins with exons. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2746-gen1-out3 premise A rhinoceros is a type of mammal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2746-gen1-out3 premise Plants are not a type of mammal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2746-gen1-out3 hypothesis Not all mammals are plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2746-gen1-out3 entailment A rhinoceros is a type of mammal. & Plants are not a type of mammal. |- Not all mammals are plants. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1414-gen1-out2 premise The sun contains 99.8% of the mass in the solar system. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1414-gen1-out2 premise A star is a giant ball of plasma that gives off a great deal of light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1414-gen1-out2 hypothesis The Sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1414-gen1-out2 entailment The sun contains 99.8% of the mass in the solar system. & A star is a giant ball of plasma that gives off a great deal of light. |- The sun is a star. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3762-gen1-out1 premise A plant requires nutrients to grow. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3762-gen1-out1 premise Plants take in nutrients through their roots. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3762-gen1-out1 hypothesis You must water your plants or they will die. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3762-gen1-out1 entailment A plant requires nutrients to grow. & Plants take in nutrients through their roots. |- You must water your plants or they will die. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3721-gen1-out3 premise An Incan quipu is a rope used for recording information. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3721-gen1-out3 premise A quipu is used to record information. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3721-gen1-out3 hypothesis A quipu is a rope used for recording information. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3721-gen1-out3 entailment An Incan quipu is a rope used for recording information. & A quipu is used to record information. |- A quipu is a rope used for recording information. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4613-gen2-out3 premise A frog uses vision to detect potential prey. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4613-gen2-out3 premise Taste is a form of chemical perception. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4613-gen2-out3 hypothesis A frog uses taste to detect potential prey. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4613-gen2-out3 entailment A frog uses vision to detect potential prey. & Taste is a form of chemical perception. |- A frog uses taste to detect potential prey. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3011-gen2-out1 premise Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3011-gen2-out1 premise Corals require sunlight to survive. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3011-gen2-out1 hypothesis Coral reefs need sunlight to survive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3011-gen2-out1 entailment Coral reefs provide food and shelter to many ocean organisms. & Corals require sunlight to survive. |- Coral reefs need sunlight to survive. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3440-gen2-out5 premise Rain may cause rivers to overflow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3440-gen2-out5 premise When rivers overflow, floods occur. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3440-gen2-out5 hypothesis If rain causes rivers to overflow, KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3440-gen2-out5 entailment Rain may cause rivers to overflow. & When rivers overflow, floods occur. |- If rain causes rivers to overflow, ? T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3943-gen1-out2 premise Overwork can have negative health effects. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3943-gen1-out2 premise Overwork is working too much. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3943-gen1-out2 hypothesis Working too much is a sign of overwork. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3943-gen1-out2 entailment Overwork can have negative health effects. & Overwork is working too much. |- Working too much is a sign of overwork. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num843-gen2-out2 premise Drying clothes in sunlight is a more effective way to kill germs than using a washing machine. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num843-gen2-out2 premise Sunlight contains ultraviolet light. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num843-gen2-out2 hypothesis Sunlight kills germs by producing ultraviolet light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num843-gen2-out2 entailment Drying clothes in sunlight is a more effective way to kill germs than using a washing machine. & Sunlight contains ultraviolet light. |- Sunlight kills germs by producing ultraviolet light. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2743-gen1-out3 premise Atoms of a particular element are positively charged. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2743-gen1-out3 premise Electrons are negative particles. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2743-gen1-out3 hypothesis Atoms of a particular element are positively charged and electrons are negative particles. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2743-gen1-out3 entailment Atoms of a particular element are positively charged. & Electrons are negative particles. |- Atoms of a particular element are positively charged and electrons are negative particles. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2936-gen2-out5 premise Animals breathe oxygen. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2936-gen2-out5 premise Animals need oxygen to survive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2936-gen2-out5 hypothesis Animals must breathe oxygen to KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2936-gen2-out5 entailment Animals breathe oxygen. & Animals need oxygen to survive. |- Animals must breathe oxygen to ? T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1204-gen1-out4 premise For something to be considered a virus, it must have a DNA or RNA molecule inside of it. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1204-gen1-out4 premise Bacteria are organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1204-gen1-out4 hypothesis Bacteria are not viruses. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1204-gen1-out4 entailment For something to be considered a virus, it must have a DNA or RNA molecule inside of it. & Bacteria are organisms. |- Bacteria are not viruses. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2194-gen1-out4 premise Volcanoes are found at tectonic plate boundaries. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2194-gen1-out4 premise Magma is found at tectonic plate boundaries. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2194-gen1-out4 hypothesis Magma can cause volcanic eruptions. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2194-gen1-out4 entailment Volcanoes are found at tectonic plate boundaries. & Magma is found at tectonic plate boundaries. |- Magma can cause volcanic eruptions. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2451-gen1-out1 premise Insect bites cause harm to living things. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2451-gen1-out1 premise Spiders are insects. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2451-gen1-out1 hypothesis Spiders can cause harm to living things. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2451-gen1-out1 entailment Insect bites cause harm to living things. & Spiders are insects. |- Spiders can cause harm to living things. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num17-gen1-out1 premise If an object in a fluid is more dense than that fluid then that object will sink in that fluid because of gravity. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num17-gen1-out1 premise Gasoline is less dense than water. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num17-gen1-out1 hypothesis A boat that uses gasoline will sink if it sinks into water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num17-gen1-out1 entailment If an object in a fluid is more dense than that fluid then that object will sink in that fluid because of gravity. & Gasoline is less dense than water. |- A boat that uses gasoline will sink if it sinks into water. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3584-gen2-out3 premise Scientists have identified thousands of microbial species that live inside humans. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3584-gen2-out3 premise Bacteria can also be harmful to humans. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3584-gen2-out3 hypothesis Bacteria can also be helpful to humans. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3584-gen2-out3 entailment Scientists have identified thousands of microbial species that live inside humans. & Bacteria can also be harmful to humans. |- Bacteria can also be helpful to humans. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num254-gen2-out3 premise Nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, and sodium, are needed for normal nerve and muscle function. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num254-gen2-out3 premise It is important to eat a balanced diet. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num254-gen2-out3 hypothesis Eating a balanced diet is good for your nerves and muscles. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num254-gen2-out3 entailment Nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, and sodium, are needed for normal nerve and muscle function. & It is important to eat a balanced diet. |- Eating a balanced diet is good for your nerves and muscles. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1984-gen1-out1 premise Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1984-gen1-out1 premise The smallest known bacteria are 2 micrometers in diameter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1984-gen1-out1 hypothesis Bacteria are 2 micrometers in diameter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1984-gen1-out1 entailment Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. & The smallest known bacteria are 2 micrometers in diameter. |- Bacteria are 2 micrometers in diameter. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3845-gen2-out3 premise A nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3845-gen2-out3 premise If a nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, then its atomic number is the same as its mass number. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3845-gen2-out3 hypothesis The atomic number of radium is 88. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3845-gen2-out3 entailment A nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. & If a nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, then its atomic number is the same as its mass number. |- The atomic number of radium is 88. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num154-gen2-out3 premise Heat pumps use electric power to warm a building. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num154-gen2-out3 premise Heat pumps require work to move heat. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num154-gen2-out3 hypothesis Moving heat takes energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num154-gen2-out3 entailment Heat pumps use electric power to warm a building. & Heat pumps require work to move heat. |- Moving heat takes energy. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1694-gen2-out1 premise Spores may be dispersed by moving water, wind, or other organisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1694-gen2-out1 premise Fungi are organisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1694-gen2-out1 hypothesis Spores may be dispersed by fungi. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1694-gen2-out1 entailment Spores may be dispersed by moving water, wind, or other organisms. & Fungi are organisms. |- Spores may be dispersed by fungi. ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4100-gen2-out4 premise Penguins live near the South Pole. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4100-gen2-out4 premise Penguins are aquatic animals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4100-gen2-out4 hypothesis Penguins live near the ocean. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4100-gen2-out4 entailment Penguins live near the South Pole. & Penguins are aquatic animals. |- Penguins live near the ocean. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2771-gen1-out1 premise Wiring requires an electrical conductor. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2771-gen1-out1 premise Paper is not an electrical conductor. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2771-gen1-out1 hypothesis Not all types of paper are suitable for wiring. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2771-gen1-out1 entailment Wiring requires an electrical conductor. & Paper is not an electrical conductor. |- Not all types of paper are suitable for wiring. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num203-gen2-out3 premise Ice melts when it is warmed. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num203-gen2-out3 premise Water becomes warm when it is heated. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num203-gen2-out3 hypothesis Ice is frozen water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num203-gen2-out3 entailment Ice melts when it is warmed. & Water becomes warm when it is heated. |- Ice is frozen water. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num313-gen1-out1 premise Echinoderms use pheromones to communicate with each other. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num313-gen1-out1 premise Pheromones are a chemical signal that animals use to communicate. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num313-gen1-out1 hypothesis Echinoderms use chemicals to communicate with each other. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num313-gen1-out1 entailment Echinoderms use pheromones to communicate with each other. & Pheromones are a chemical signal that animals use to communicate. |- Echinoderms use chemicals to communicate with each other. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1503-gen1-out1 premise Most organisms consume--and are consumed by--more than one species. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1503-gen1-out1 premise Blue jays are birds. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1503-gen1-out1 hypothesis Blue jays consume other species. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1503-gen1-out1 entailment Most organisms consume--and are consumed by--more than one species. & Blue jays are birds. |- Blue jays consume other species. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1373-gen1-out3 premise Greenhouse gases warm the Earth's surface. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1373-gen1-out3 premise The Sun is not a greenhouse gas. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1373-gen1-out3 hypothesis Greenhouse gases other than the Sun warm the Earth's surface. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1373-gen1-out3 entailment Greenhouse gases warm the Earth's surface. & The Sun is not a greenhouse gas. |- Greenhouse gases other than the Sun warm the Earth's surface. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num968-gen1-out3 premise Hydrogen makes up much of the universe. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num968-gen1-out3 premise Hydrogen is a gas. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num968-gen1-out3 hypothesis Many gases are present in the universe. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num968-gen1-out3 entailment Hydrogen makes up much of the universe. & Hydrogen is a gas. |- Many gases are present in the universe. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3798-gen1-out3 premise Icebergs are made of water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3798-gen1-out3 premise Icebergs drift with the currents. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3798-gen1-out3 hypothesis Icebergs float on water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3798-gen1-out3 entailment Icebergs are made of water. & Icebergs drift with the currents. |- Icebergs float on water. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4317-gen1-out2 premise Weight is the force exerted on an object by gravity. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4317-gen1-out2 premise If a force does not change, then the speed will be constant. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4317-gen1-out2 hypothesis If an object is dropped, then the weight on the object will not change. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4317-gen1-out2 entailment Weight is the force exerted on an object by gravity. & If a force does not change, then the speed will be constant. |- If an object is dropped, then the weight on the object will not change. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3841-gen2-out2 premise Light can be reflected. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3841-gen2-out2 premise If something is shiny, then it can be reflected. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3841-gen2-out2 hypothesis Aluminum foil is shiny. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3841-gen2-out2 entailment Light can be reflected. & If something is shiny, then it can be reflected. |- Aluminum foil is shiny. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num581-gen2-out1 premise Mollusks have a circulatory system with one or two hearts that pump blood. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num581-gen2-out1 premise Squids have a circulatory system with one heart that pumps blood. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num581-gen2-out1 hypothesis All mollusks have one heart and pump blood through their bodies with a circulatory system. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num581-gen2-out1 entailment Mollusks have a circulatory system with one or two hearts that pump blood. & Squids have a circulatory system with one heart that pumps blood. |- All mollusks have one heart and pump blood through their bodies with a circulatory system. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen1-out3 premise Electricity has a major effect on computer chips. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen1-out3 premise Computer chips are sensitive to heat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen1-out3 hypothesis Computer chips cannot operate in extremely cold conditions. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num83-gen1-out3 entailment Electricity has a major effect on computer chips. & Computer chips are sensitive to heat. |- Computer chips cannot operate in extremely cold conditions. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num660-gen1-out2 premise Keeping a large supply of freshwater is necessary for human survival. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num660-gen1-out2 premise A reservoir is a persistent supply of water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num660-gen1-out2 hypothesis A reservoir is a water supply that is persistent enough to be used as an emergency water supply. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num660-gen1-out2 entailment Keeping a large supply of freshwater is necessary for human survival. & A reservoir is a persistent supply of water. |- A reservoir is a water supply that is persistent enough to be used as an emergency water supply. T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num718-gen2-out1 premise Roundworms may be free-living or parasitic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num718-gen2-out1 premise Parasitic roundworms live on or in their hosts. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num718-gen2-out1 hypothesis Free-living roundworms are not parasitic. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num718-gen2-out1 entailment Roundworms may be free-living or parasitic. & Parasitic roundworms live on or in their hosts. |- Free-living roundworms are not parasitic. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3508-gen2-out4 premise Copper conducts electricity. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3508-gen2-out4 premise Copper has a relatively high melting point. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3508-gen2-out4 hypothesis Copper has a relatively high boiling point. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3508-gen2-out4 entailment Copper conducts electricity. & Copper has a relatively high melting point. |- Copper has a relatively high boiling point. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4019-gen2-out4 premise Amino acids can be produced by plants. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4019-gen2-out4 premise Plants that grow in shade contain less chlorophyll. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4019-gen2-out4 hypothesis Amino acids are produced by plants that grow in shade. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4019-gen2-out4 entailment Amino acids can be produced by plants. & Plants that grow in shade contain less chlorophyll. |- Amino acids are produced by plants that grow in shade. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1361-gen1-out3 premise More young women are entering careers in computer science. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1361-gen1-out3 premise Many computer science companies are looking for more qualified employees. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1361-gen1-out3 hypothesis Many young women will be able to get jobs in computer science. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1361-gen1-out3 entailment More young women are entering careers in computer science. & Many computer science companies are looking for more qualified employees. |- Many young women will be able to get jobs in computer science. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4125-gen2-out3 premise Fire needs air to burn. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4125-gen2-out3 premise You can squirt water on fire. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4125-gen2-out3 hypothesis Squirting water on fire will prevent it from burning. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4125-gen2-out3 entailment Fire needs air to burn. & You can squirt water on fire. |- Squirting water on fire will prevent it from burning. F F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1607-gen1-out2 premise Weather is a complicated interaction of many conditions. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1607-gen1-out2 premise Studying the weather requires a lot of data. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1607-gen1-out2 hypothesis Studying the weather requires complicated equipment. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1607-gen1-out2 entailment Weather is a complicated interaction of many conditions. & Studying the weather requires a lot of data. |- Studying the weather requires complicated equipment. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1088-gen2-out1 premise Bioterrorism is another potential threat in the environment. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1088-gen2-out1 premise Pollution can spread rapidly. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1088-gen2-out1 hypothesis Bioterrorism could spread rapidly. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1088-gen2-out1 entailment Bioterrorism is another potential threat in the environment. & Pollution can spread rapidly. |- Bioterrorism could spread rapidly. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1721-gen2-out4 premise Flour beetles breed in flour. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1721-gen2-out4 premise Flour is made from cereal grains. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1721-gen2-out4 hypothesis Flour beetles breed in cereal grains. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1721-gen2-out4 entailment Flour beetles breed in flour. & Flour is made from cereal grains. |- Flour beetles breed in cereal grains. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3571-gen2-out1 premise Smell is used for finding food by some animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3571-gen2-out1 premise In some animals, smell is used for finding food. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3571-gen2-out1 hypothesis Some animals use smell for finding food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3571-gen2-out1 entailment Smell is used for finding food by some animals. & In some animals, smell is used for finding food. |- Some animals use smell for finding food. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num32-gen2-out3 premise If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num32-gen2-out3 premise Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num32-gen2-out3 hypothesis Animals that live in open spaces have more trouble hiding from predators than animals that live in forests. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num32-gen2-out3 entailment If an animal is the same color as its surroundings, it is camouflaged. & Camouflage helps animals hide from predators. |- Animals that live in open spaces have more trouble hiding from predators than animals that live in forests. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num113-gen1-out3 premise Waves can be all different shapes. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num113-gen1-out3 premise Waves travel through the ocean. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num113-gen1-out3 hypothesis Waves travel through the ocean as they are carried by the wind. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num113-gen1-out3 entailment Waves can be all different shapes. & Waves travel through the ocean. |- Waves travel through the ocean as they are carried by the wind. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1891-gen1-out1 premise Adolescence is a time of significant mental, emotional, and social changes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1891-gen1-out1 premise Teenagers have high levels of hormones and lower levels of certain hormones than adults. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1891-gen1-out1 hypothesis Hormones play a role in adolescent behavior. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1891-gen1-out1 entailment Adolescence is a time of significant mental, emotional, and social changes. & Teenagers have high levels of hormones and lower levels of certain hormones than adults. |- Hormones play a role in adolescent behavior. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num932-gen2-out1 premise A solution is formed by one substance being dissolved in another substance. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num932-gen2-out1 premise Salt is dissolved in water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num932-gen2-out1 hypothesis A solution is formed by salt being dissolved in water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num932-gen2-out1 entailment A solution is formed by one substance being dissolved in another substance. & Salt is dissolved in water. |- A solution is formed by salt being dissolved in water. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4388-gen1-out1 premise Plant requires seed dispersal for reproduction. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4388-gen1-out1 premise Squirrels eat seeds. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4388-gen1-out1 hypothesis If squirrels are present, then the plant may be reproducing. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4388-gen1-out1 entailment Plant requires seed dispersal for reproduction. & Squirrels eat seeds. |- If squirrels are present, then the plant may be reproducing. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num434-gen2-out3 premise Organic life requires water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num434-gen2-out3 premise Photosynthesis produces oxygen. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num434-gen2-out3 hypothesis Photosynthesis requires water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num434-gen2-out3 entailment Organic life requires water. & Photosynthesis produces oxygen. |- Photosynthesis requires water. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3095-gen2-out3 premise Both black and white (light and dark) colors are needed to produce a gray color. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3095-gen2-out3 premise Gray can be produced by mixing colors. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3095-gen2-out3 hypothesis Colors are produced by light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3095-gen2-out3 entailment Both black and white (light and dark) colors are needed to produce a gray color. & Gray can be produced by mixing colors. |- Colors are produced by light. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3941-gen1-out1 premise Condoms can break; Condoms can be used incorrectly. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3941-gen1-out1 premise Condoms are only used for contraception. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3941-gen1-out1 hypothesis If a condom breaks, it has been used incorrectly. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3941-gen1-out1 entailment Condoms can break; Condoms can be used incorrectly. & Condoms are only used for contraception. |- If a condom breaks, it has been used incorrectly. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2886-gen2-out4 premise Some animals live in water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2886-gen2-out4 premise Some animals are poikilotherms, or animals that cannot maintain their body temperature. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2886-gen2-out4 hypothesis Some animals live in water because they are poikilotherms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2886-gen2-out4 entailment Some animals live in water. & Some animals are poikilotherms, or animals that cannot maintain their body temperature. |- Some animals live in water because they are poikilotherms. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2227-gen2-out1 premise Erosion of soil has a negative impact on the environment. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2227-gen2-out1 premise Global warming also has a negative impact on the environment. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2227-gen2-out1 hypothesis Global warming is partly caused by erosion of soil. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2227-gen2-out1 entailment Erosion of soil has a negative impact on the environment. & Global warming also has a negative impact on the environment. |- Global warming is partly caused by erosion of soil. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen2-out4 premise A fetus's fingernails grow before its hair does. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen2-out4 premise Hair grows after the first trimester of pregnancy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen2-out4 hypothesis A fetus's fingernails grow after the first trimester of pregnancy KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4058-gen2-out4 entailment A fetus's fingernails grow before its hair does. & Hair grows after the first trimester of pregnancy. |- A fetus's fingernails grow after the first trimester of pregnancy F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num916-gen2-out4 premise If a substance is soluble, it can be dissolved in water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num916-gen2-out4 premise Salt is a type of substance. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num916-gen2-out4 hypothesis Salt is soluble. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num916-gen2-out4 entailment If a substance is soluble, it can be dissolved in water. & Salt is a type of substance. |- Salt is soluble. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try6-num18-gen1-out4 premise Water is required for all known forms of life. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num18-gen1-out4 premise water contains hydrogen and oxygen. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num18-gen1-out4 hypothesis Water is required for all known forms of life because it contains hydrogen and oxygen. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num18-gen1-out4 entailment Water is required for all known forms of life. & water contains hydrogen and oxygen. |- Water is required for all known forms of life because it contains hydrogen and oxygen. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4164-gen2-out2 premise Plants produce oxygen. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4164-gen2-out2 premise Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4164-gen2-out2 hypothesis Plants produce oxygen and stop greenhouse gases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4164-gen2-out2 entailment Plants produce oxygen. & Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. |- Plants produce oxygen and stop greenhouse gases. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1039-gen2-out2 premise A group of living things sharing a similar structural blueprint are said to be of the same species. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1039-gen2-out2 premise The mule is a kind of animal. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1039-gen2-out2 hypothesis Mules are a group of living things sharing a similar structural blueprint. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1039-gen2-out2 entailment A group of living things sharing a similar structural blueprint are said to be of the same species. & The mule is a kind of animal. |- Mules are a group of living things sharing a similar structural blueprint. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num830-gen2-out4 premise Synthesizing reactions produce a new compound from smaller building blocks. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num830-gen2-out4 premise Cleavage reactions break a compound into two pieces. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num830-gen2-out4 hypothesis Cleavage reactions synthesize new compounds from smaller building blocks. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num830-gen2-out4 entailment Synthesizing reactions produce a new compound from smaller building blocks. & Cleavage reactions break a compound into two pieces. |- Cleavage reactions synthesize new compounds from smaller building blocks. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4036-gen1-out3 premise More genetic variation in a population will allow for greater evolution of species. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4036-gen1-out3 premise Mutations in the genome can create greater genetic variation. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4036-gen1-out3 hypothesis Mutations in the genome can result in evolution of species. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4036-gen1-out3 entailment More genetic variation in a population will allow for greater evolution of species. & Mutations in the genome can create greater genetic variation. |- Mutations in the genome can result in evolution of species. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4499-gen1-out3 premise Raising the price of beef results in a decrease in beef consumption. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4499-gen1-out3 premise People will buy more beef when its price goes down. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4499-gen1-out3 hypothesis If the price of beef goes down, then people will buy KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4499-gen1-out3 entailment Raising the price of beef results in a decrease in beef consumption. & People will buy more beef when its price goes down. |- If the price of beef goes down, then people will buy T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3151-gen1-out2 premise A molecule of water is more easily split into hydrogen and oxygen when ultraviolet radiation is present. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3151-gen1-out2 premise If a molecule of water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, then the result is water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3151-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a molecule of water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, then it is re-formed as water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3151-gen1-out2 entailment A molecule of water is more easily split into hydrogen and oxygen when ultraviolet radiation is present. & If a molecule of water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, then the result is water. |- If a molecule of water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, then it is re-formed as water. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2682-gen1-out1 premise Viruses are usually considered to be nonliving. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2682-gen1-out1 premise Viruses are smaller than bacteria. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2682-gen1-out1 hypothesis Bacteria are usually considered to be living. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2682-gen1-out1 entailment Viruses are usually considered to be nonliving. & Viruses are smaller than bacteria. |- Bacteria are usually considered to be living. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num146-gen1-out3 premise The Sea ice can melt to a significant extent. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num146-gen1-out3 premise Storms can cause the sea ice to melt. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num146-gen1-out3 hypothesis Storms can melt the sea ice to a significant extent. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num146-gen1-out3 entailment The Sea ice can melt to a significant extent. & Storms can cause the sea ice to melt. |- Storms can melt the sea ice to a significant extent. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2344-gen2-out3 premise Dark chocolate contains some of the same antioxidants as red wine. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2344-gen2-out3 premise A person can live longer if they exercise. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2344-gen2-out3 hypothesis A person can live longer if they consume dark chocolate and exercise. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2344-gen2-out3 entailment Dark chocolate contains some of the same antioxidants as red wine. & A person can live longer if they exercise. |- A person can live longer if they consume dark chocolate and exercise. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2571-gen1-out4 premise A potato is a tuber. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2571-gen1-out4 premise A potato is edible. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2571-gen1-out4 hypothesis A potato is a type of vegetable. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2571-gen1-out4 entailment A potato is a tuber. & A potato is edible. |- A potato is a type of vegetable. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4351-gen1-out2 premise Humans have developed ways to prevent and treat cancers. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4351-gen1-out2 premise Cancers are diseases that weaken the body's immune system. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4351-gen1-out2 hypothesis If the immune system is strong, then the body is more resistant to cancers. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4351-gen1-out2 entailment Humans have developed ways to prevent and treat cancers. & Cancers are diseases that weaken the body's immune system. |- If the immune system is strong, then the body is more resistant to cancers. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3795-gen1-out3 premise Algae are chlorophyll-containing organisms. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3795-gen1-out3 premise Chlorophyll is found in plants. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3795-gen1-out3 hypothesis Algae are plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3795-gen1-out3 entailment Algae are chlorophyll-containing organisms. & Chlorophyll is found in plants. |- Algae are plants. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2647-gen1-out1 premise Smog also contains particulates. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2647-gen1-out1 premise Smog can be caused by cars. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2647-gen1-out1 hypothesis Smog is caused by cars. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2647-gen1-out1 entailment Smog also contains particulates. & Smog can be caused by cars. |- Smog is caused by cars. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen2-out2 premise It takes a lot of energy to move large amounts of water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen2-out2 premise It takes a lot of energy to evaporate water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen2-out2 hypothesis It takes a lot of energy to make water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num333-gen2-out2 entailment It takes a lot of energy to move large amounts of water. & It takes a lot of energy to evaporate water. |- It takes a lot of energy to make water. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num895-gen2-out3 premise A gene is a unit of inheritance. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num895-gen2-out3 premise Chromosomes are units of inheritance. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num895-gen2-out3 hypothesis Genes are located on chromosomes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num895-gen2-out3 entailment A gene is a unit of inheritance. & Chromosomes are units of inheritance. |- Genes are located on chromosomes. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1367-gen1-out1 premise Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1367-gen1-out1 premise Humans are warm-blooded animals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1367-gen1-out1 hypothesis Humans have hair because hair helps to insulate and protect the body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1367-gen1-out1 entailment Hair helps to insulate and protect the body. & Humans are warm-blooded animals. |- Humans have hair because hair helps to insulate and protect the body. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2645-gen2-out3 premise A pineapple is not a banana. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2645-gen2-out3 premise Bananas can be bought in the supermarket. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2645-gen2-out3 hypothesis A pineapple can be bought in the supermarket. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2645-gen2-out3 entailment A pineapple is not a banana. & Bananas can be bought in the supermarket. |- A pineapple can be bought in the supermarket. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4091-gen1-out3 premise Energy is transferred when the surface of water is cooled. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4091-gen1-out3 premise A frozen substance is more rigid than a liquid. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4091-gen1-out3 hypothesis Energy is transferred when the surface of water is cooled because the ice formed is more rigid than the water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4091-gen1-out3 entailment Energy is transferred when the surface of water is cooled. & A frozen substance is more rigid than a liquid. |- Energy is transferred when the surface of water is cooled because the ice formed is more rigid than the water. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num854-gen1-out2 premise Scientists test the health of a population by measuring the distance between its members. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num854-gen1-out2 premise A gene is a segment of DNA. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num854-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a population is at risk for extinction, their genetic diversity is low. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num854-gen1-out2 entailment Scientists test the health of a population by measuring the distance between its members. & A gene is a segment of DNA. |- If a population is at risk for extinction, their genetic diversity is low. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num544-gen1-out4 premise A good scientist should always check the information they are given. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num544-gen1-out4 premise Any information can be false. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num544-gen1-out4 hypothesis You cannot check all the information you are given. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num544-gen1-out4 entailment A good scientist should always check the information they are given. & Any information can be false. |- You cannot check all the information you are given. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try6-num34-gen1-out3 premise Subcutaneous implants are one of the least expensive options for cosmetic surgery. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num34-gen1-out3 premise Other cosmetic surgery methods cost more. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num34-gen1-out3 hypothesis Subcutaneous implants are inexpensive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try6-num34-gen1-out3 entailment Subcutaneous implants are one of the least expensive options for cosmetic surgery. & Other cosmetic surgery methods cost more. |- Subcutaneous implants are inexpensive. T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1615-gen1-out4 premise X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1615-gen1-out4 premise X-rays are used to take pictures of bones. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1615-gen1-out4 hypothesis X-rays are used to take pictures of transverse energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1615-gen1-out4 entailment X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation. & X-rays are used to take pictures of bones. |- X-rays are used to take pictures of transverse energy. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3086-gen1-out2 premise If a substance increases a plant's need for water, then the plant will die faster if there is no water available. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3086-gen1-out2 premise If a plant dies faster without water, then it will not be able to complete its life cycle. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3086-gen1-out2 hypothesis If a substance increases a plant's need for water, then the plant will not be able to complete its life cycle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3086-gen1-out2 entailment If a substance increases a plant's need for water, then the plant will die faster if there is no water available. & If a plant dies faster without water, then it will not be able to complete its life cycle. |- If a substance increases a plant's need for water, then the plant will not be able to complete its life cycle. T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2288-gen1-out4 premise The end of a chandelier is an example of a support structure. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2288-gen1-out4 premise A piece of jewelry is not part of a support structure. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2288-gen1-out4 hypothesis A piece of jewelry is not part of a chandelier. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2288-gen1-out4 entailment The end of a chandelier is an example of a support structure. & A piece of jewelry is not part of a support structure. |- A piece of jewelry is not part of a chandelier. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4146-gen1-out3 premise When people are hungry, they find food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4146-gen1-out3 premise Food nourishes the body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4146-gen1-out3 hypothesis When people are hungry, they need food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4146-gen1-out3 entailment When people are hungry, they find food. & Food nourishes the body. |- When people are hungry, they need food. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2800-gen1-out1 premise Absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2800-gen1-out1 premise Insulation traps heat. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2800-gen1-out1 hypothesis Absorbing sunlight traps heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2800-gen1-out1 entailment Absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat. & Insulation traps heat. |- Absorbing sunlight traps heat. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num120-gen2-out4 premise Waves are a form of energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num120-gen2-out4 premise Radio waves are a form of energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num120-gen2-out4 hypothesis Radio waves are a form of wave energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num120-gen2-out4 entailment Waves are a form of energy. & Radio waves are a form of energy. |- Radio waves are a form of wave energy. T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2494-gen1-out1 premise Most reptiles have good eyesight and a keen sense of smell. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2494-gen1-out1 premise Chameleons can change their skin color. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2494-gen1-out1 hypothesis Chameleons are reptiles. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2494-gen1-out1 entailment Most reptiles have good eyesight and a keen sense of smell. & Chameleons can change their skin color. |- Chameleons are reptiles. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3749-gen2-out3 premise The science of ecology is related to the study of the interactions between different organisms and their environment. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3749-gen2-out3 premise The study of biology is concerned with the interactions between different organisms and their environment. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3749-gen2-out3 hypothesis Ecology is a branch of biology. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3749-gen2-out3 entailment The science of ecology is related to the study of the interactions between different organisms and their environment. & The study of biology is concerned with the interactions between different organisms and their environment. |- Ecology is a branch of biology. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4324-gen2-out1 premise Poisonous darts are used for defense by sea anemones. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4324-gen2-out1 premise Sea anemones prey on fish. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4324-gen2-out1 hypothesis Poisonous darts can be used to aid in capturing prey. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4324-gen2-out1 entailment Poisonous darts are used for defense by sea anemones. & Sea anemones prey on fish. |- Poisonous darts can be used to aid in capturing prey. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num209-gen2-out4 premise Two inches is smaller than twelve inches. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num209-gen2-out4 premise Two feet is a unit of length. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num209-gen2-out4 hypothesis Two inches is a unit of length. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num209-gen2-out4 entailment Two inches is smaller than twelve inches. & Two feet is a unit of length. |- Two inches is a unit of length. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2089-gen2-out3 premise All eggs are edible. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2089-gen2-out3 premise A chicken lays eggs. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2089-gen2-out3 hypothesis Chicken is edible. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2089-gen2-out3 entailment All eggs are edible. & A chicken lays eggs. |- Chicken is edible. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1042-gen1-out2 premise All cats have tails. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1042-gen1-out2 premise My cat has a tail. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1042-gen1-out2 hypothesis My cat is a cat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1042-gen1-out2 entailment All cats have tails. & My cat has a tail. |- My cat is a cat. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4408-gen2-out3 premise Sugars and starches are forms of carbohydrates. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4408-gen2-out3 premise Anything containing carbon is organic. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4408-gen2-out3 hypothesis Sugars and starches are organic. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4408-gen2-out3 entailment Sugars and starches are forms of carbohydrates. & Anything containing carbon is organic. |- Sugars and starches are organic. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4559-gen1-out1 premise Tunicates reproduce sexually. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4559-gen1-out1 premise Many tunicates reproduce sexually. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4559-gen1-out1 hypothesis Many tunicates reproduce sexually and are hermaphrodites. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4559-gen1-out1 entailment Tunicates reproduce sexually. & Many tunicates reproduce sexually. |- Many tunicates reproduce sexually and are hermaphrodites. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3928-gen2-out1 premise Crumple means change shape from smooth into compacted by physical force. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3928-gen2-out1 premise The shape of a piece of paper is compacted by gravity. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3928-gen2-out1 hypothesis The shape of a piece of paper can be changed by physical force. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3928-gen2-out1 entailment Crumple means change shape from smooth into compacted by physical force. & The shape of a piece of paper is compacted by gravity. |- The shape of a piece of paper can be changed by physical force. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num676-gen2-out4 premise Lava flows can reach speeds of per hour. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num676-gen2-out4 premise Gas escapes rapidly from lava. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num676-gen2-out4 hypothesis Lava flows rapidly escape gas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num676-gen2-out4 entailment Lava flows can reach speeds of per hour. & Gas escapes rapidly from lava. |- Lava flows rapidly escape gas. ? T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3875-gen1-out1 premise Animals adapt to cold temperatures. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3875-gen1-out1 premise If animals adapt to cold temperatures, then they live in cold places. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3875-gen1-out1 hypothesis Animals live in cold places. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3875-gen1-out1 entailment Animals adapt to cold temperatures. & If animals adapt to cold temperatures, then they live in cold places. |- Animals live in cold places. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num312-gen1-out4 premise Large animals have a hard time finding food. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num312-gen1-out4 premise Penguins live in the ocean. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num312-gen1-out4 hypothesis Penguins have a hard time finding food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num312-gen1-out4 entailment Large animals have a hard time finding food. & Penguins live in the ocean. |- Penguins have a hard time finding food. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2462-gen1-out5 premise Apple trees are planted by humans. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2462-gen1-out5 premise Planting a tree can help grow a new one. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2462-gen1-out5 hypothesis Apple trees grow new trees. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2462-gen1-out5 entailment Apple trees are planted by humans. & Planting a tree can help grow a new one. |- Apple trees grow new trees. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen2-out1 premise Most invertebrates have a more complex nervous system. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen2-out1 premise The complexity of a nervous system allows the higher processing of information. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen2-out1 hypothesis More complex nervous systems process information more accurately. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3293-gen2-out1 entailment Most invertebrates have a more complex nervous system. & The complexity of a nervous system allows the higher processing of information. |- More complex nervous systems process information more accurately. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4141-gen1-out1 premise Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4141-gen1-out1 premise Humans can get food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4141-gen1-out1 hypothesis Humans must eat food to be healthy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4141-gen1-out1 entailment Having food has a positive impact on an organism's health. & Humans can get food. |- Humans must eat food to be healthy. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1410-gen2-out3 premise Life requires water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1410-gen2-out3 premise Any object with a life-cycle requires water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1410-gen2-out3 hypothesis Any object with a life-cycle is alive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1410-gen2-out3 entailment Life requires water. & Any object with a life-cycle requires water. |- Any object with a life-cycle is alive. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num104-gen2-out1 premise Balanced eating is a way of eating that promotes good health. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num104-gen2-out1 premise Obesity is a health problem. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num104-gen2-out1 hypothesis A balanced diet is a diet that prevents obesity. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num104-gen2-out1 entailment Balanced eating is a way of eating that promotes good health. & Obesity is a health problem. |- A balanced diet is a diet that prevents obesity. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2825-gen2-out1 premise A airplane is used for moving people across bodies of water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2825-gen2-out1 premise A boat is used for moving people across bodies of water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2825-gen2-out1 hypothesis A airplane is used for moving people across bodies of water as well as across land. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2825-gen2-out1 entailment A airplane is used for moving people across bodies of water. & A boat is used for moving people across bodies of water. |- A airplane is used for moving people across bodies of water as well as across land. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num462-gen2-out2 premise When a girl is born, she has two X chromosomes. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num462-gen2-out2 premise A female has two X chromosomes. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num462-gen2-out2 hypothesis When a girl is born, she is female. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num462-gen2-out2 entailment When a girl is born, she has two X chromosomes. & A female has two X chromosomes. |- When a girl is born, she is female. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2639-gen1-out3 premise Dust mites do not have an external skeleton. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2639-gen1-out3 premise Dust mites live in animal fur. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2639-gen1-out3 hypothesis Dust mites feed on animal fur. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2639-gen1-out3 entailment Dust mites do not have an external skeleton. & Dust mites live in animal fur. |- Dust mites feed on animal fur. ? F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num239-gen1-out2 premise A vaccine is a liquid substance containing dead or weakened virus. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num239-gen1-out2 premise Bacteria are killed by viruses. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num239-gen1-out2 hypothesis A vaccine is a liquid substance containing dead or weakened bacteria. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num239-gen1-out2 entailment A vaccine is a liquid substance containing dead or weakened virus. & Bacteria are killed by viruses. |- A vaccine is a liquid substance containing dead or weakened bacteria. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3737-gen2-out1 premise A seismometer is used to measure the strength or magnitude of an earthquake. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3737-gen2-out1 premise Earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater are able to trigger large tsunamis. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3737-gen2-out1 hypothesis A seismometer is used to measure the strength or magnitude of an earthquake in order to predict the ability of an earthquake to trigger a large tsunami. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3737-gen2-out1 entailment A seismometer is used to measure the strength or magnitude of an earthquake. & Earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater are able to trigger large tsunamis. |- A seismometer is used to measure the strength or magnitude of an earthquake in order to predict the ability of an earthquake to trigger a large tsunami. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3384-gen1-out1 premise Loss of ozone has created an ozone hole over Antarctica. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3384-gen1-out1 premise The ozone hole is a source of ultraviolet light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3384-gen1-out1 hypothesis The ozone hole has affected the animals that live in Antarctica. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3384-gen1-out1 entailment Loss of ozone has created an ozone hole over Antarctica. & The ozone hole is a source of ultraviolet light. |- The ozone hole has affected the animals that live in Antarctica. ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4633-gen2-out3 premise Proteins are used to create the skeleton. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4633-gen2-out3 premise A skull is a type of bone. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4633-gen2-out3 hypothesis Proteins are used to create bones. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4633-gen2-out3 entailment Proteins are used to create the skeleton. & A skull is a type of bone. |- Proteins are used to create bones. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2101-gen1-out4 premise A sponge is not a plant. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2101-gen1-out4 premise A plant needs water to live. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2101-gen1-out4 hypothesis A sponge needs water to live. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2101-gen1-out4 entailment A sponge is not a plant. & A plant needs water to live. |- A sponge needs water to live. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2529-gen2-out2 premise During the fall, New York's temperature falls. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2529-gen2-out2 premise Plants stop producing chlorophyll in the fall. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2529-gen2-out2 hypothesis Plants stop producing chlorophyll in New York. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2529-gen2-out2 entailment During the fall, New York's temperature falls. & Plants stop producing chlorophyll in the fall. |- Plants stop producing chlorophyll in New York. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3080-gen1-out1 premise Conserving resources has a positive impact on the environment. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3080-gen1-out1 premise Clean air is a resource. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3080-gen1-out1 hypothesis Conserving resources improves air quality. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3080-gen1-out1 entailment Conserving resources has a positive impact on the environment. & Clean air is a resource. |- Conserving resources improves air quality. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2298-gen2-out2 premise Stained glass does not conduct electricity. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2298-gen2-out2 premise Silver conducts electricity. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2298-gen2-out2 hypothesis Stained glass is not made of silver. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2298-gen2-out2 entailment Stained glass does not conduct electricity. & Silver conducts electricity. |- Stained glass is not made of silver. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1032-gen1-out3 premise The number of stars in a galaxy is related to the galaxy's mass. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1032-gen1-out3 premise The Milky Way is a galaxy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1032-gen1-out3 hypothesis The Milky Way has more stars than some other galaxies. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1032-gen1-out3 entailment The number of stars in a galaxy is related to the galaxy's mass. & The Milky Way is a galaxy. |- The Milky Way has more stars than some other galaxies. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3002-gen2-out3 premise As the temperature of an object increases, its volume increases. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3002-gen2-out3 premise If the volume of an object increases, its pressure also increases. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3002-gen2-out3 hypothesis If the temperature of an object increases, its pressure also increases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3002-gen2-out3 entailment As the temperature of an object increases, its volume increases. & If the volume of an object increases, its pressure also increases. |- If the temperature of an object increases, its pressure also increases. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2526-gen1-out4 premise A book is made of pages. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2526-gen1-out4 premise A photograph is part of a book. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2526-gen1-out4 hypothesis A photograph is part of a page. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2526-gen1-out4 entailment A book is made of pages. & A photograph is part of a book. |- A photograph is part of a page. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2469-gen1-out3 premise Logs of wood are not organic. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2469-gen1-out3 premise Ice is not organic. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2469-gen1-out3 hypothesis The source of ice is not log of wood. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2469-gen1-out3 entailment Logs of wood are not organic. & Ice is not organic. |- The source of ice is not log of wood. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1740-gen1-out2 premise Humans are a species of mammal. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1740-gen1-out2 premise Primates are a type of mammal. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1740-gen1-out2 hypothesis Humans are primates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1740-gen1-out2 entailment Humans are a species of mammal. & Primates are a type of mammal. |- Humans are primates. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2146-gen2-out5 premise Hamsters love to run on a wheel. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2146-gen2-out5 premise Hamsters love to eat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2146-gen2-out5 hypothesis Hamsters can run on a wheel to eat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2146-gen2-out5 entailment Hamsters love to run on a wheel. & Hamsters love to eat. |- Hamsters can run on a wheel to eat. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num932-gen1-out2 premise The nutritional requirements of plants is often similar to the nutritional requirements of animals. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num932-gen1-out2 premise Oats are a food that humans eat. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num932-gen1-out2 hypothesis The nutritional requirements of humans are often similar to the nutritional requirements of plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num932-gen1-out2 entailment The nutritional requirements of plants is often similar to the nutritional requirements of animals. & Oats are a food that humans eat. |- The nutritional requirements of humans are often similar to the nutritional requirements of plants. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1250-gen1-out1 premise DNA contains genetic instructions for proteins, and RNA helps assemble the proteins. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1250-gen1-out1 premise The cytoplasm is the region outside the nucleus in a eukaryotic cell. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1250-gen1-out1 hypothesis The cytoplasm contains DNA. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1250-gen1-out1 entailment DNA contains genetic instructions for proteins, and RNA helps assemble the proteins. & The cytoplasm is the region outside the nucleus in a eukaryotic cell. |- The cytoplasm contains DNA. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4009-gen1-out5 premise A dog barks when it senses danger. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4009-gen1-out5 premise Barking is a canine's primary means of communication. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4009-gen1-out5 hypothesis A dog that barks is barking KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4009-gen1-out5 entailment A dog barks when it senses danger. & Barking is a canine's primary means of communication. |- A dog that barks is barking F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen2-out4 premise The ocean tides are due to the gravitational force exerted by the Moon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen2-out4 premise The Moon's gravitational force causes ocean tides. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen2-out4 hypothesis The Moon's gravitational force is not due to the presence of the Moon in the KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2733-gen2-out4 entailment The ocean tides are due to the gravitational force exerted by the Moon. & The Moon's gravitational force causes ocean tides. |- The Moon's gravitational force is not due to the presence of the Moon in the T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3841-gen2-out1 premise An animal requires nutrients to grow and heal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3841-gen2-out1 premise If something is nutritious, then it is good for growth and healing. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3841-gen2-out1 hypothesis Fish are nutritious. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3841-gen2-out1 entailment An animal requires nutrients to grow and heal. & If something is nutritious, then it is good for growth and healing. |- Fish are nutritious. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1777-gen1-out1 premise Veins generally carry deoxygenated blood. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1777-gen1-out1 premise In the human body, veins generally carry deoxygenated blood. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1777-gen1-out1 hypothesis If a vein is severed, the human body will experience some discomfort. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1777-gen1-out1 entailment Veins generally carry deoxygenated blood. & In the human body, veins generally carry deoxygenated blood. |- If a vein is severed, the human body will experience some discomfort. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen1-out2 premise Dogs can be trained to be aggressive. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen1-out2 premise Training requires repetition. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen1-out2 hypothesis Dogs are not naturally aggressive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen1-out2 entailment Dogs can be trained to be aggressive. & Training requires repetition. |- Dogs are not naturally aggressive. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2875-gen1-out4 premise If a cold front meets a warm front, then water vapor in the warm front will condense. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2875-gen1-out4 premise Condensing water vapor in the atmosphere may cause rain. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2875-gen1-out4 hypothesis If a cold front meets a warm front, then it may KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2875-gen1-out4 entailment If a cold front meets a warm front, then water vapor in the warm front will condense. & Condensing water vapor in the atmosphere may cause rain. |- If a cold front meets a warm front, then it may ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3061-gen2-out1 premise Cells are programmed to divide only a set number of times. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3061-gen2-out1 premise If a cell cannot divide, it cannot create new cells. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3061-gen2-out1 hypothesis If a cell cannot create new cells, it will eventually die. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3061-gen2-out1 entailment Cells are programmed to divide only a set number of times. & If a cell cannot divide, it cannot create new cells. |- If a cell cannot create new cells, it will eventually die. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2506-gen2-out3 premise A gas requires pressure to be at a constant temperature. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2506-gen2-out3 premise A gas cannot be liquefied under normal pressure. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2506-gen2-out3 hypothesis A gas requires pressure to be liquefied. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2506-gen2-out3 entailment A gas requires pressure to be at a constant temperature. & A gas cannot be liquefied under normal pressure. |- A gas requires pressure to be liquefied. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1306-gen1-out1 premise Flowers attract pollinators, and fruits encourage animals to disperse the seeds. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1306-gen1-out1 premise Trees and shrubs are plants. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1306-gen1-out1 hypothesis Trees and shrubs have flowers that attract pollinators, and fruits that encourage animals to disperse seeds. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1306-gen1-out1 entailment Flowers attract pollinators, and fruits encourage animals to disperse the seeds. & Trees and shrubs are plants. |- Trees and shrubs have flowers that attract pollinators, and fruits that encourage animals to disperse seeds. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2591-gen1-out4 premise A person can use metal to build a boat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2591-gen1-out4 premise A person can build a boat out of wood. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2591-gen1-out4 hypothesis A person can use metal to build a boat out of wood. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2591-gen1-out4 entailment A person can use metal to build a boat. & A person can build a boat out of wood. |- A person can use metal to build a boat out of wood. ? F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2479-gen2-out2 premise Lakes in desert regions may dry up. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2479-gen2-out2 premise Lakes in deserts require an influx of water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2479-gen2-out2 hypothesis Desert lakes dry up. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2479-gen2-out2 entailment Lakes in desert regions may dry up. & Lakes in deserts require an influx of water. |- Desert lakes dry up. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4614-gen2-out4 premise Electrons surround the nucleus of an atom. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4614-gen2-out4 premise Electrons are negatively charged. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4614-gen2-out4 hypothesis Negatively charged objects repel each other. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4614-gen2-out4 entailment Electrons surround the nucleus of an atom. & Electrons are negatively charged. |- Negatively charged objects repel each other. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num757-gen1-out1 premise Seasons cause change to the environment. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num757-gen1-out1 premise The changing Earth tilts towards the sun. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num757-gen1-out1 hypothesis Seasons cause change to the environment by changing the Earth's tilt towards the sun. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num757-gen1-out1 entailment Seasons cause change to the environment. & The changing Earth tilts towards the sun. |- Seasons cause change to the environment by changing the Earth's tilt towards the sun. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3003-gen1-out3 premise If the atmospheric pressure is high, then snow may form. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3003-gen1-out3 premise Water can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3003-gen1-out3 hypothesis If the atmospheric pressure is high, then water can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3003-gen1-out3 entailment If the atmospheric pressure is high, then snow may form. & Water can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. |- If the atmospheric pressure is high, then water can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen1-out3 premise Some dinosaurs had short arms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen1-out3 premise Some dinosaurs lived on trees. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen1-out3 hypothesis Some dinosaurs lived on trees and had short arms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2767-gen1-out3 entailment Some dinosaurs had short arms. & Some dinosaurs lived on trees. |- Some dinosaurs lived on trees and had short arms. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3565-gen2-out1 premise Soil can be depleted of nutrients. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3565-gen2-out1 premise Depleted soil cannot support plant life. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3565-gen2-out1 hypothesis Depleted soil will result in the death of plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3565-gen2-out1 entailment Soil can be depleted of nutrients. & Depleted soil cannot support plant life. |- Depleted soil will result in the death of plants. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2560-gen1-out4 premise The hardness of a mineral correlates with its composition. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2560-gen1-out4 premise A ruby is a mineral. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2560-gen1-out4 hypothesis Rubies are hard. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2560-gen1-out4 entailment The hardness of a mineral correlates with its composition. & A ruby is a mineral. |- Rubies are hard. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4421-gen1-out5 premise A tree branches out to reach the sunlight. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4421-gen1-out5 premise Light is made of electromagnetic waves. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4421-gen1-out5 hypothesis Light is a source of energy for trees. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4421-gen1-out5 entailment A tree branches out to reach the sunlight. & Light is made of electromagnetic waves. |- Light is a source of energy for trees. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen2-out4 premise A sink drains water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen2-out4 premise A washer fills with water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen2-out4 hypothesis Water flows through a drain. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen2-out4 entailment A sink drains water. & A washer fills with water. |- Water flows through a drain. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num80-gen1-out2 premise The sun is a star. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num80-gen1-out2 premise The Sun is 93 million miles from Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num80-gen1-out2 hypothesis Stars are Sun-like. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num80-gen1-out2 entailment The Sun is a star. & The Sun is 93 million miles from Earth. |- Stars are Sun-like. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num37-gen2-out3 premise A reservoir is a persistent supply of water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num37-gen2-out3 premise Glaciers are made of water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num37-gen2-out3 hypothesis Water is present as ice in a glacier. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num37-gen2-out3 entailment A reservoir is a persistent supply of water. & Glaciers are made of water. |- Water is present as ice in a glacier. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num621-gen2-out1 premise Plants live just about everywhere on Earth. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num621-gen2-out1 premise Carbon dioxide is present just about everywhere on Earth. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num621-gen2-out1 hypothesis Plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num621-gen2-out1 entailment Plants live just about everywhere on Earth. & Carbon dioxide is present just about everywhere on Earth. |- Plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1590-gen1-out1 premise Producers are organisms that produce food for themselves and other organisms. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1590-gen1-out1 premise Herbivores are organisms that eat food. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1590-gen1-out1 hypothesis Herbivores are producers. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1590-gen1-out1 entailment Producers are organisms that produce food for themselves and other organisms. & Herbivores are organisms that eat food. |- Herbivores are producers. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3671-gen2-out2 premise Pressure produced by a gas depends on its temperature. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3671-gen2-out2 premise A gas becomes warmer when its pressure is increased. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3671-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a gas is kept at a constant temperature, then increasing its pressure will cause it to expand. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3671-gen2-out2 entailment Pressure produced by a gas depends on its temperature. & A gas becomes warmer when its pressure is increased. |- If a gas is kept at a constant temperature, then increasing its pressure will cause it to expand. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1393-gen1-out3 premise Plant and animal cells need to eat in order to survive. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1393-gen1-out3 premise Humans are made of cells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1393-gen1-out3 hypothesis Humans need to eat in order to survive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1393-gen1-out3 entailment Plant and animal cells need to eat in order to survive. & Humans are made of cells. |- Humans need to eat in order to survive. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1667-gen2-out4 premise Water is found in the air and in the soil. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1667-gen2-out4 premise The quality of water is affected by the soil in which it is located. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1667-gen2-out4 hypothesis The quality of water is affected by the air in which it is located. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1667-gen2-out4 entailment Water is found in the air and in the soil. & The quality of water is affected by the soil in which it is located. |- The quality of water is affected by the air in which it is located. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num736-gen1-out3 premise The galaxy is made of stars. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num736-gen1-out3 premise Stars emit light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num736-gen1-out3 hypothesis Stars are a major component of the galaxy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num736-gen1-out3 entailment The galaxy is made of stars. & Stars emit light. |- Stars are a major component of the galaxy. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2762-gen2-out5 premise All living things are composed of cells. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2762-gen2-out5 premise Air contains gases. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2762-gen2-out5 hypothesis Air is composed of gases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2762-gen2-out5 entailment All living things are composed of cells. & Air contains gases. |- Air is composed of gases. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num17-gen2-out3 premise The red color of a lobster's shell is a protective device. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num17-gen2-out3 premise Many animals are sensitive to red. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num17-gen2-out3 hypothesis The red color of a lobster's shell is protective because it is a warning to potential predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num17-gen2-out3 entailment The red color of a lobster's shell is a protective device. & Many animals are sensitive to red. |- The red color of a lobster's shell is protective because it is a warning to potential predators. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1127-gen1-out2 premise Fluorescent lamps use ultraviolet light to excite mercury atoms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1127-gen1-out2 premise An atom's excited state is higher energy than its ground state. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1127-gen1-out2 hypothesis Fluorescent lamps use ultraviolet light to release energy from mercury atoms. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1127-gen1-out2 entailment Fluorescent lamps use ultraviolet light to excite mercury atoms. & An atom's excited state is higher energy than its ground state. |- Fluorescent lamps use ultraviolet light to release energy from mercury atoms. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1479-gen1-out4 premise Organic material that is exposed to oxygen can decompose. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1479-gen1-out4 premise People cut down trees. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1479-gen1-out4 hypothesis People cut down trees so that they can produce paper. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1479-gen1-out4 entailment Organic material that is exposed to oxygen can decompose. & People cut down trees. |- People cut down trees so that they can produce paper. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4192-gen1-out2 premise Some animals can fly. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4192-gen1-out2 premise Flight is a mode of locomotion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4192-gen1-out2 hypothesis All animals that can fly are also able to move on land. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4192-gen1-out2 entailment Some animals can fly. & Flight is a mode of locomotion. |- All animals that can fly are also able to move on land. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1167-gen1-out4 premise Space probes are devices that travel through space. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1167-gen1-out4 premise The planet Mercury is a celestial body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1167-gen1-out4 hypothesis Space probes are devices that travel through space and study celestial bodies. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1167-gen1-out4 entailment Space probes are devices that travel through space. & The planet Mercury is a celestial body. |- Space probes are devices that travel through space and study celestial bodies. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2473-gen1-out3 premise Lead pipes are no longer used for drinking water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2473-gen1-out3 premise Lead pipes break or corrode with time. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2473-gen1-out3 hypothesis Old lead pipes that have been used for drinking water cause lead poisoning. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2473-gen1-out3 entailment Lead pipes are no longer used for drinking water. & Lead pipes break or corrode with time. |- Old lead pipes that have been used for drinking water cause lead poisoning. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2188-gen2-out4 premise Some animals are carnivores. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2188-gen2-out4 premise Sharks are animals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2188-gen2-out4 hypothesis Sharks are carnivores. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2188-gen2-out4 entailment Some animals are carnivores. & Sharks are animals. |- Sharks are carnivores. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2929-gen2-out1 premise An animal requires nutrients to grow and heal. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2929-gen2-out1 premise Animals absorb nutrients from food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2929-gen2-out1 hypothesis If an animal is injured, then it will heal. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2929-gen2-out1 entailment An animal requires nutrients to grow and heal. & Animals absorb nutrients from food. |- If an animal is injured, then it will heal. ? F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2713-gen1-out5 premise Fuel comes from wood. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2713-gen1-out5 premise A fire is fueled by wood. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2713-gen1-out5 hypothesis A fire burns KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2713-gen1-out5 entailment Fuel comes from wood. & A fire is fueled by wood. |- A fire burns F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4300-gen1-out3 premise Carbon monoxide has a different shape than oxygen. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4300-gen1-out3 premise All molecules have a shape. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4300-gen1-out3 hypothesis A molecule's shape determines its chemical properties. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4300-gen1-out3 entailment Carbon monoxide has a different shape than oxygen. & All molecules have a shape. |- A molecule's shape determines its chemical properties. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1591-gen2-out3 premise H. pylori can cause ulcers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1591-gen2-out3 premise Many people do not get ulcers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1591-gen2-out3 hypothesis H. pylori is not always the cause of ulcers. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1591-gen2-out3 entailment H. pylori can cause ulcers. & Many people do not get ulcers. |- H. pylori is not always the cause of ulcers. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3751-gen1-out2 premise The spotted skunk secretes a foul-smelling liquid. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3751-gen1-out2 premise Some animal repellents are made of a foul-smelling liquid. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3751-gen1-out2 hypothesis The spotted skunk produces an animal repellent. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3751-gen1-out2 entailment The spotted skunk secretes a foul-smelling liquid. & Some animal repellents are made of a foul-smelling liquid. |- The spotted skunk produces an animal repellent. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num217-gen2-out3 premise Nuclear radiation can damage or kill cells. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num217-gen2-out3 premise Radiation is energy in the form of waves or particles. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num217-gen2-out3 hypothesis Radiation is a form of energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num217-gen2-out3 entailment Nuclear radiation can damage or kill cells. & Radiation is energy in the form of waves or particles. |- Radiation is a form of energy. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num72-gen2-out1 premise A battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num72-gen2-out1 premise Batteries power electrical devices. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num72-gen2-out1 hypothesis Electrical devices need batteries to power them. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num72-gen2-out1 entailment A battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy. & Batteries power electrical devices. |- Electrical devices need batteries to power them. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2755-gen2-out4 premise Color vision is the result of three cone cells. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2755-gen2-out4 premise Cones are located in the eye. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2755-gen2-out4 hypothesis Cones have a certain location in the eye. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2755-gen2-out4 entailment Color vision is the result of three cone cells. & Cones are located in the eye. |- Cones have a certain location in the eye. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3571-gen1-out5 premise Decaying organisms provide food for animals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3571-gen1-out5 premise Some plants use sunlight to produce sugars. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3571-gen1-out5 hypothesis Decaying organisms provide food for some plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3571-gen1-out5 entailment Decaying organisms provide food for animals. & Some plants use sunlight to produce sugars. |- Decaying organisms provide food for some plants. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1049-gen1-out1 premise Adult worms go through a major transformation to develop reproductive organs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1049-gen1-out1 premise Snail larvae go through a major transformation to develop a more adult body. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1049-gen1-out1 hypothesis Adult worms go through a major transformation to develop reproductive organs like snail larvae. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1049-gen1-out1 entailment Adult worms go through a major transformation to develop reproductive organs. & Snail larvae go through a major transformation to develop a more adult body. |- Adult worms go through a major transformation to develop reproductive organs like snail larvae. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num701-gen2-out4 premise A sardine is a type of fish. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num701-gen2-out4 premise A shark is a fish. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num701-gen2-out4 hypothesis A sardine is not a shark. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num701-gen2-out4 entailment A sardine is a type of fish. & A shark is a fish. |- A sardine is not a shark. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2561-gen2-out4 premise The rotation of the earth defines a day. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2561-gen2-out4 premise The moon rotates in the same time as a day. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2561-gen2-out4 hypothesis The moon defines a lunar month. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2561-gen2-out4 entailment The rotation of the earth defines a day. & The moon rotates in the same time as a day. |- The moon defines a lunar month. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3647-gen2-out3 premise An electrical circuit that is broken will not function. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3647-gen2-out3 premise An electrical circuit is a pathway that is closed. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3647-gen2-out3 hypothesis If an electrical circuit is broken, then it is not a pathway that is closed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3647-gen2-out3 entailment An electrical circuit that is broken will not function. & An electrical circuit is a pathway that is closed. |- If an electrical circuit is broken, then it is not a pathway that is closed. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2359-gen2-out1 premise Most invertebrates have a nervous system. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2359-gen2-out1 premise Crabs have a nervous system. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2359-gen2-out1 hypothesis Crabs are an invertebrate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2359-gen2-out1 entailment Most invertebrates have a nervous system. & Crabs have a nervous system. |- Crabs are an invertebrate. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4504-gen2-out3 premise Hibernating animals have very low body temperatures. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4504-gen2-out3 premise Animals do not eat during hibernation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4504-gen2-out3 hypothesis Hibernating animals' bodies need less energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4504-gen2-out3 entailment Hibernating animals have very low body temperatures. & Animals do not eat during hibernation. |- Hibernating animals' bodies need less energy. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num565-gen2-out2 premise Air is light and it travels fast. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num565-gen2-out2 premise Air is much lighter than glass. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num565-gen2-out2 hypothesis Light travels fast and it travels even faster than air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num565-gen2-out2 entailment Air is light and it travels fast. & Air is much lighter than glass. |- Light travels fast and it travels even faster than air. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4519-gen2-out2 premise Cytokinesis is a form of cell division. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4519-gen2-out2 premise Mitosis is a form of cell division. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4519-gen2-out2 hypothesis Mitosis is a form of cell division that can result in identical cells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4519-gen2-out2 entailment Cytokinesis is a form of cell division. & Mitosis is a form of cell division. |- Mitosis is a form of cell division that can result in identical cells. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen1-out1 premise Recycling reduces the resources needed to make something. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen1-out1 premise Some things can be made from paper. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen1-out1 hypothesis Paper can be recycled. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4512-gen1-out1 entailment Recycling reduces the resources needed to make something. & Some things can be made from paper. |- Paper can be recycled. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num311-gen1-out5 premise If a claim is made, it is important to question it. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num311-gen1-out5 premise Climate change is a claim. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num311-gen1-out5 hypothesis It is important to question the validity of climate KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num311-gen1-out5 entailment If a claim is made, it is important to question it. & Climate change is a claim. |- It is important to question the validity of climate ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2478-gen1-out1 premise Navigation requires knowing direction. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2478-gen1-out1 premise Flies have eyes. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2478-gen1-out1 hypothesis Flies know direction. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2478-gen1-out1 entailment Navigation requires knowing direction. & Flies have eyes. |- Flies know direction. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2804-gen2-out1 premise A doorbell converts electrical energy into sound. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2804-gen2-out1 premise If sound is produced, then someone can hear the doorbell. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2804-gen2-out1 hypothesis If a doorbell is rung, someone can hear it. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2804-gen2-out1 entailment A doorbell converts electrical energy into sound. & If sound is produced, then someone can hear the doorbell. |- If a doorbell is rung, someone can hear it. T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2246-gen1-out3 premise A chicken is a bird. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2246-gen1-out3 premise A duck is a bird. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2246-gen1-out3 hypothesis All birds are animals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2246-gen1-out3 entailment A chicken is a bird. & A duck is a bird. |- All birds are animals. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3454-gen2-out1 premise Pneumonia may be caused by an infection or injury of the lungs. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3454-gen2-out1 premise A pneumonia infection may affect only one lung. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3454-gen2-out1 hypothesis If a pneumonia infection affects only one lung, then it is probably caused by an injury. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3454-gen2-out1 entailment Pneumonia may be caused by an infection or injury of the lungs. & A pneumonia infection may affect only one lung. |- If a pneumonia infection affects only one lung, then it is probably caused by an injury. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1981-gen1-out2 premise Not everyone who speaks English is American. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1981-gen1-out2 premise Being able to speak English is a part of being American. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1981-gen1-out2 hypothesis Not everyone who is American is able to speak English. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1981-gen1-out2 entailment Not everyone who speaks English is American. & Being able to speak English is a part of being American. |- Not everyone who is American is able to speak English. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2254-gen2-out3 premise Trees become black when they are burned. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2254-gen2-out3 premise The burning of wood creates smoke. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2254-gen2-out3 hypothesis The burning of wood creates smoke that blackens trees. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2254-gen2-out3 entailment Trees become black when they are burned. & The burning of wood creates smoke. |- The burning of wood creates smoke that blackens trees. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2653-gen1-out4 premise A female sperm whale is observed with her calf. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2653-gen1-out4 premise Sperm whales use echolocation to detect food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2653-gen1-out4 hypothesis Sperm whales use echolocation to find the location of their calves. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2653-gen1-out4 entailment A female sperm whale is observed with her calf. & Sperm whales use echolocation to detect food. |- Sperm whales use echolocation to find the location of their calves. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num175-gen1-out2 premise A function of cells is to divide and grow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num175-gen1-out2 premise Stem cells are cells that can divide and grow. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num175-gen1-out2 hypothesis Stem cells are a function of cell division and growth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num175-gen1-out2 entailment A function of cells is to divide and grow. & Stem cells are cells that can divide and grow. |- Stem cells are a function of cell division and growth. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num535-gen2-out1 premise Most people can survive only a few days without water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num535-gen2-out1 premise Many bodies of water are sources of water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num535-gen2-out1 hypothesis Many bodies of water are sources of fresh water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num535-gen2-out1 entailment Most people can survive only a few days without water. & Many bodies of water are sources of water. |- Many bodies of water are sources of fresh water. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1189-gen1-out3 premise Having a bath is good for the body. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1189-gen1-out3 premise The body sheds dead skin cells. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1189-gen1-out3 hypothesis Having a bath causes the body to shed dead skin cells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1189-gen1-out3 entailment Having a bath is good for the body. & The body sheds dead skin cells. |- Having a bath causes the body to shed dead skin cells. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen2-out2 premise Underground coal fires can release carbon dioxide. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen2-out2 premise If something releases something else, then the something must have contained that something else. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen2-out2 hypothesis Coal fires contain carbon dioxide. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4264-gen2-out2 entailment Underground coal fires can release carbon dioxide. & If something releases something else, then the something must have contained that something else. |- Coal fires contain carbon dioxide. F F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num567-gen1-out3 premise The digestive system has two divisions: the upper digestive system and the lower digestive system. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num567-gen1-out3 premise The lower digestive system includes the stomach and intestines. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num567-gen1-out3 hypothesis The upper digestive system includes the mouth and the esophagus. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num567-gen1-out3 entailment The digestive system has two divisions: the upper digestive system and the lower digestive system. & The lower digestive system includes the stomach and intestines. |- The upper digestive system includes the mouth and the esophagus. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3323-gen1-out2 premise Gravity is caused by the curvature of spacetime. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3323-gen1-out2 premise Gravity can attract matter. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3323-gen1-out2 hypothesis Gravity can cause planets to orbit. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3323-gen1-out2 entailment Gravity is caused by the curvature of spacetime. & Gravity can attract matter. |- Gravity can cause planets to orbit. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3563-gen2-out3 premise If an enzyme is damaged, then it cannot function. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3563-gen2-out3 premise If an enzyme cannot function, then a reaction cannot occur. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3563-gen2-out3 hypothesis If an enzyme is damaged, then a reaction cannot occur. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3563-gen2-out3 entailment If an enzyme is damaged, then it cannot function. & If an enzyme cannot function, then a reaction cannot occur. |- If an enzyme is damaged, then a reaction cannot occur. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3241-gen2-out2 premise Combustion releases energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3241-gen2-out2 premise Burning produces smoke. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3241-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a forest fire occurs, then combustion occurs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3241-gen2-out2 entailment Combustion releases energy. & Burning produces smoke. |- If a forest fire occurs, then combustion occurs. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2888-gen1-out4 premise Perpetual motion is impossible. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2888-gen1-out4 premise Power must be supplied for a machine to function. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2888-gen1-out4 hypothesis For perpetual motion to be possible, power must not be supplied for a machine to function. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2888-gen1-out4 entailment Perpetual motion is impossible. & Power must be supplied for a machine to function. |- For perpetual motion to be possible, power must not be supplied for a machine to function. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3742-gen1-out2 premise UV radiation from the sun causes skin cancer. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3742-gen1-out2 premise The vitamin B-complex is required for healthy skin. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3742-gen1-out2 hypothesis Eating foods rich in vitamin B-complex decreases the risk of skin cancer. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3742-gen1-out2 entailment UV radiation from the sun causes skin cancer. & The vitamin B-complex is required for healthy skin. |- Eating foods rich in vitamin B-complex decreases the risk of skin cancer. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1480-gen2-out2 premise People have died while they were driving. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1480-gen2-out2 premise Drunk driving is illegal. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1480-gen2-out2 hypothesis Drunk driving is dangerous. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1480-gen2-out2 entailment People have died while they were driving. & Drunk driving is illegal. |- Drunk driving is dangerous. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2622-gen2-out2 premise An engine's exhaust pipe is connected to the muffler. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2622-gen2-out2 premise Engines produce exhaust. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2622-gen2-out2 hypothesis Engines with connected mufflers produce less exhaust. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2622-gen2-out2 entailment An engine's exhaust pipe is connected to the muffler. & Engines produce exhaust. |- Engines with connected mufflers produce less exhaust. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num609-gen2-out1 premise Phytoplankton are bacteria and algae that use sunlight to make food. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num609-gen2-out1 premise Sunlight is used by phytoplankton to make food. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num609-gen2-out1 hypothesis The process of phytoplankton converting sunlight into food is photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num609-gen2-out1 entailment Phytoplankton are bacteria and algae that use sunlight to make food. & Sunlight is used by phytoplankton to make food. |- The process of phytoplankton converting sunlight into food is photosynthesis. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4211-gen1-out2 premise Reflective lenses focus light onto the retina. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4211-gen1-out2 premise Glass is made of matter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4211-gen1-out2 hypothesis Glass can focus light onto the retina. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4211-gen1-out2 entailment Reflective lenses focus light onto the retina. & Glass is made of matter. |- Glass can focus light onto the retina. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1995-gen2-out5 premise Penguins live at the south pole. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1995-gen2-out5 premise Penguins are aquatic. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1995-gen2-out5 hypothesis Penguins live in the ocean. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1995-gen2-out5 entailment Penguins live at the south pole. & Penguins are aquatic. |- Penguins live in the ocean. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2867-gen1-out1 premise A meter stick is used to measure distance. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2867-gen1-out1 premise A ruler is used to measure length. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2867-gen1-out1 hypothesis A meter stick can be used to measure length. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2867-gen1-out1 entailment A meter stick is used to measure distance. & A ruler is used to measure length. |- A meter stick can be used to measure length. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2423-gen1-out1 premise Milk is a nutritious fluid. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2423-gen1-out1 premise Plastic containers are made of plastic. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2423-gen1-out1 hypothesis Milk is a nutritious fluid contained in plastic containers. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2423-gen1-out1 entailment Milk is a nutritious fluid. & Plastic containers are made of plastic. |- Milk is a nutritious fluid contained in plastic containers. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen2-out2 premise During metamorphosis, the anatomical characteristics of a developing animal change dramatically. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen2-out2 premise The process of metamorphosis involves a high level of specialization. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen2-out2 hypothesis Metamorphosis results in a high level of specialization. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num583-gen2-out2 entailment During metamorphosis, the anatomical characteristics of a developing animal change dramatically. & The process of metamorphosis involves a high level of specialization. |- Metamorphosis results in a high level of specialization. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2254-gen1-out1 premise Dropping an object into water causes vibrations in the water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2254-gen1-out1 premise All objects are made of matter. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2254-gen1-out1 hypothesis All objects have mass. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2254-gen1-out1 entailment Dropping an object into water causes vibrations in the water. & All objects are made of matter. |- All objects have mass. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3938-gen1-out1 premise Chromoplasts make and store pigments. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3938-gen1-out1 premise Leaf cells are part of the plant body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3938-gen1-out1 hypothesis Chromoplasts make and store pigments in leaf cells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3938-gen1-out1 entailment Chromoplasts make and store pigments. & Leaf cells are part of the plant body. |- Chromoplasts make and store pigments in leaf cells. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num508-gen1-out2 premise Humans are more intelligent than dolphins. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num508-gen1-out2 premise Dolphins use echolocation. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num508-gen1-out2 hypothesis Echolocation helps dolphins find prey. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num508-gen1-out2 entailment Humans are more intelligent than dolphins. & Dolphins use echolocation. |- Echolocation helps dolphins find prey. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num945-gen2-out2 premise Spiders have eight legs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num945-gen2-out2 premise Snakes have no legs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num945-gen2-out2 hypothesis Snakes are not spiders. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num945-gen2-out2 entailment Spiders have eight legs. & Snakes have no legs. |- Snakes are not spiders. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2903-gen2-out4 premise All fish have gills. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2903-gen2-out4 premise Some amphibians also have gills. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2903-gen2-out4 hypothesis Amphibians are not fish. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2903-gen2-out4 entailment All fish have gills. & Some amphibians also have gills. |- Amphibians are not fish. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2710-gen1-out2 premise A muscle contracts when it is stimulated by a nervous impulse. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2710-gen1-out2 premise Muscle tissue is made of cells. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2710-gen1-out2 hypothesis Muscle tissue contains cells. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2710-gen1-out2 entailment A muscle contracts when it is stimulated by a nervous impulse. & Muscle tissue is made of cells. |- Muscle tissue contains cells. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num808-gen1-out1 premise Wetlands are extremely important biomes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num808-gen1-out1 premise Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num808-gen1-out1 hypothesis Wetlands are where photosynthesis occurs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num808-gen1-out1 entailment Wetlands are extremely important biomes. & Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis. |- Wetlands are where photosynthesis occurs. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2468-gen1-out2 premise Sailing can help a nation to expand its military power. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2468-gen1-out2 premise Sailing is hard work. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2468-gen1-out2 hypothesis The expansion of a nation's military power is hard work. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2468-gen1-out2 entailment Sailing can help a nation to expand its military power. & Sailing is hard work. |- The expansion of a nation's military power is hard work. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1339-gen1-out4 premise In the future, solar energy will be needed. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1339-gen1-out4 premise Solar energy is a renewable energy resource. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1339-gen1-out4 hypothesis In the future, nonrenewable energy resources will be needed. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1339-gen1-out4 entailment In the future, solar energy will be needed. & Solar energy is a renewable energy resource. |- In the future, nonrenewable energy resources will be needed. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3986-gen2-out1 premise Breaking apart rocks can cause debris. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3986-gen2-out1 premise Water dissolves debris. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3986-gen2-out1 hypothesis The dissolving of debris by water can cause damage to the environment. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3986-gen2-out1 entailment Breaking apart rocks can cause debris. & Water dissolves debris. |- The dissolving of debris by water can cause damage to the environment. ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3238-gen2-out2 premise Sulfur is present in both table salt and the acids in batteries. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3238-gen2-out2 premise If table salt and acid are mixed, then the sulfur in the salt oxidizes the acid. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3238-gen2-out2 hypothesis Sulfur is required for table salt and batteries to work. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3238-gen2-out2 entailment Sulfur is present in both table salt and the acids in batteries. & If table salt and acid are mixed, then the sulfur in the salt oxidizes the acid. |- Sulfur is required for table salt and batteries to work. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num984-gen1-out3 premise The water cycle occurs on Earth. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num984-gen1-out3 premise Solar energy evaporates water. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num984-gen1-out3 hypothesis The water cycle occurs on planets with liquid water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num984-gen1-out3 entailment The water cycle occurs on Earth. & Solar energy evaporates water. |- The water cycle occurs on planets with liquid water. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1351-gen2-out5 premise Steel is magnetic. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1351-gen2-out5 premise Steel is made of iron. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1351-gen2-out5 hypothesis Iron is magnetic. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1351-gen2-out5 entailment Steel is magnetic. & Steel is made of iron. |- Iron is magnetic. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1782-gen2-out3 premise Firefighters use a combination of water and foam to put out fires. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1782-gen2-out3 premise Using a pump is a type of water application. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1782-gen2-out3 hypothesis Firefighters use pumps to put out fires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1782-gen2-out3 entailment Firefighters use a combination of water and foam to put out fires. & Using a pump is a type of water application. |- Firefighters use pumps to put out fires. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3277-gen2-out2 premise Some microorganisms can be poisoned. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3277-gen2-out2 premise A poison is a chemical that can be lethal to living organisms. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3277-gen2-out2 hypothesis If a microorganism is poisoned, then it will die. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3277-gen2-out2 entailment Some microorganisms can be poisoned. & A poison is a chemical that can be lethal to living organisms. |- If a microorganism is poisoned, then it will die. F ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3387-gen2-out2 premise Heat causes expansion. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3387-gen2-out2 premise When a gas expands, its pressure decreases. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3387-gen2-out2 hypothesis When a gas expands, its pressure decreases and its temperature increases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3387-gen2-out2 entailment Heat causes expansion. & When a gas expands, its pressure decreases. |- When a gas expands, its pressure decreases and its temperature increases. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num548-gen2-out2 premise Many species can produce fertile offspring only with members of the same species. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num548-gen2-out2 premise Reproduction between two different species is called interbreeding. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num548-gen2-out2 hypothesis If two species can mate and produce fertile offspring, then the two species are closely related. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num548-gen2-out2 entailment Many species can produce fertile offspring only with members of the same species. & Reproduction between two different species is called interbreeding. |- If two species can mate and produce fertile offspring, then the two species are closely related. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3869-gen2-out2 premise For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3869-gen2-out2 premise If something pushes on something else, then the something else must be pushed by something. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3869-gen2-out2 hypothesis If something pushes on something else, then something must be pushing on it. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3869-gen2-out2 entailment For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. & If something pushes on something else, then the something else must be pushed by something. |- If something pushes on something else, then something must be pushing on it. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4340-gen2-out2 premise The use of Earth's resources are vital to the human race. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4340-gen2-out2 premise Humans are also resources. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4340-gen2-out2 hypothesis Humans are vital to the human race. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4340-gen2-out2 entailment The use of Earth's resources are vital to the human race. & Humans are also resources. |- Humans are vital to the human race. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1926-gen2-out2 premise Two bodies can collide at an angle. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1926-gen2-out2 premise Two bodies do not have to have the same mass. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1926-gen2-out2 hypothesis A body with a larger mass will cause more damage in a collision with a body with a smaller mass. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1926-gen2-out2 entailment Two bodies can collide at an angle. & Two bodies do not have to have the same mass. |- A body with a larger mass will cause more damage in a collision with a body with a smaller mass. ? F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4138-gen1-out3 premise The sodium ion is a positive ion. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4138-gen1-out3 premise Anions are positive ions. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4138-gen1-out3 hypothesis The chloride ion is a negative ion. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4138-gen1-out3 entailment The sodium ion is a positive ion. & Anions are positive ions. |- The chloride ion is a negative ion. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3892-gen1-out1 premise Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3892-gen1-out1 premise Bacteria are much smaller than plants. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3892-gen1-out1 hypothesis The diversity and abundance of organisms on Earth is much greater than you might think. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3892-gen1-out1 entailment Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. & Bacteria are much smaller than plants. |- The diversity and abundance of organisms on Earth is much greater than you might think. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4171-gen2-out2 premise The colder an object is, the harder it is to burn. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4171-gen2-out2 premise The moon is an object. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4171-gen2-out2 hypothesis The moon is cold and is hard to burn. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4171-gen2-out2 entailment The colder an object is, the harder it is to burn. & The moon is an object. |- The moon is cold and is hard to burn. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1324-gen2-out1 premise Disease-causing microbes have a negative impact on the body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1324-gen2-out1 premise A vaccination is a procedure that injects the body with microbes. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1324-gen2-out1 hypothesis A vaccination could help your body combat disease-causing microbes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1324-gen2-out1 entailment Disease-causing microbes have a negative impact on the body. & A vaccination is a procedure that injects the body with microbes. |- A vaccination could help your body combat disease-causing microbes. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1594-gen2-out4 premise If plants don't have enough water, they die. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1594-gen2-out4 premise Cacti live in dry places. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1594-gen2-out4 hypothesis Cacti do not need enough water to live. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1594-gen2-out4 entailment If plants don't have enough water, they die. & Cacti live in dry places. |- Cacti do not need enough water to live. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1944-gen1-out5 premise A greyhound is a domesticated canine. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1944-gen1-out5 premise A pet store sells dogs. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1944-gen1-out5 hypothesis A greyhound is sold KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1944-gen1-out5 entailment A greyhound is a domesticated canine. & A pet store sells dogs. |- A greyhound is sold T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1155-gen2-out3 premise Meteors have magnetic fields. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1155-gen2-out3 premise Electromagnetic radiation is emitted by the sun. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1155-gen2-out3 hypothesis The sun emits meteor light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1155-gen2-out3 entailment Meteors have magnetic fields. & Electromagnetic radiation is emitted by the sun. |- The sun emits meteor light. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen1-out2 premise DNA is the molecule that holds an organism's genetic information. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen1-out2 premise RNA is a molecule that functions inside a cell. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen1-out2 hypothesis DNA functions inside a cell. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1562-gen1-out2 entailment DNA is the molecule that holds an organism's genetic information. & RNA is a molecule that functions inside a cell. |- DNA functions inside a cell. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1187-gen1-out5 premise The moon has no air or water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1187-gen1-out5 premise The earth has air and water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1187-gen1-out5 hypothesis The moon is a celestial body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1187-gen1-out5 entailment The moon has no air or water. & The earth has air and water. |- The moon is a celestial body. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3450-gen1-out1 premise Most reptiles have good eyesight and a keen sense of smell. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3450-gen1-out1 premise If most reptiles have good eyesight and a keen sense of smell, then they can detect predators more easily. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3450-gen1-out1 hypothesis If a lizard is camouflaged, it can more easily detect predators. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3450-gen1-out1 entailment Most reptiles have good eyesight and a keen sense of smell. & If most reptiles have good eyesight and a keen sense of smell, then they can detect predators more easily. |- If a lizard is camouflaged, it can more easily detect predators. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1996-gen1-out2 premise The sun is part of the Milky Way galaxy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1996-gen1-out2 premise A dust cloud is not part of the Milky Way galaxy. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1996-gen1-out2 hypothesis A dust cloud is not part of the sun. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1996-gen1-out2 entailment The sun is part of the Milky Way galaxy. & A dust cloud is not part of the Milky Way galaxy. |- A dust cloud is not part of the sun. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num109-gen1-out3 premise The dinosaurs became extinct at the K-T boundary. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num109-gen1-out3 premise Earth's climate cooled at the K-T boundary. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num109-gen1-out3 hypothesis Dinosaurs could not survive the Earth's climate cooling at the K-T boundary. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num109-gen1-out3 entailment The dinosaurs became extinct at the K-T boundary. & Earth's climate cooled at the K-T boundary. |- Dinosaurs could not survive the Earth's climate cooling at the K-T boundary. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num856-gen2-out2 premise The ability to smell is a function of olfactory cells. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num856-gen2-out2 premise Olfactory cells are nerve cells in the nose. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num856-gen2-out2 hypothesis Animals have nerves in their noses for smelling. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num856-gen2-out2 entailment The ability to smell is a function of olfactory cells. & Olfactory cells are nerve cells in the nose. |- Animals have nerves in their noses for smelling. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2266-gen2-out2 premise Both Uranus and Neptune have strong magnetic fields. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2266-gen2-out2 premise Uranus is smaller than Neptune. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2266-gen2-out2 hypothesis Neptune has a stronger magnetic field than Uranus. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2266-gen2-out2 entailment Both Uranus and Neptune have strong magnetic fields. & Uranus is smaller than Neptune. |- Neptune has a stronger magnetic field than Uranus. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3768-gen2-out3 premise People who spend time alone in the wilderness tend to build survival skills. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3768-gen2-out3 premise The survival skills include knowing how to start a fire. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3768-gen2-out3 hypothesis People who spend time alone in the wilderness tend to know how to start a fire. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3768-gen2-out3 entailment People who spend time alone in the wilderness tend to build survival skills. & The survival skills include knowing how to start a fire. |- People who spend time alone in the wilderness tend to know how to start a fire. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num518-gen2-out1 premise Marine biomes are found in the salt water of the ocean. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num518-gen2-out1 premise Marine animals are animals that live in the salt water of the ocean. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num518-gen2-out1 hypothesis Marine biomes are biomes that have marine animals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num518-gen2-out1 entailment Marine biomes are found in the salt water of the ocean. & Marine animals are animals that live in the salt water of the ocean. |- Marine biomes are biomes that have marine animals. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num329-gen2-out3 premise In the Northern Hemisphere, the Arctic Ocean is to the North of the Arctic Circle. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num329-gen2-out3 premise The Arctic Circle is the Arctic Circle. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num329-gen2-out3 hypothesis The Arctic Ocean is the Arctic Ocean. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num329-gen2-out3 entailment In the Northern Hemisphere, the Arctic Ocean is to the North of the Arctic Circle. & The Arctic Circle is the Arctic Circle. |- The Arctic Ocean is the Arctic Ocean. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1067-gen2-out5 premise Evolution describes a change in inherited characteristics. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1067-gen2-out5 premise Some flies have an altered wing shape. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1067-gen2-out5 hypothesis In some generations of flies, wing shape KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1067-gen2-out5 entailment Evolution describes a change in inherited characteristics. & Some flies have an altered wing shape. |- In some generations of flies, wing shape T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4311-gen2-out1 premise Microorganisms can cause infections. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4311-gen2-out1 premise Germs can cause infections. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4311-gen2-out1 hypothesis Germs are a type of microorganism. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4311-gen2-out1 entailment Microorganisms can cause infections. & Germs can cause infections. |- Germs are a type of microorganism. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2577-gen1-out4 premise The design of a solar-powered car can be improved. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2577-gen1-out4 premise A solar-powered car is less likely to produce greenhouse gases. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2577-gen1-out4 hypothesis A solar-powered car that produces less greenhouse gases is more likely KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2577-gen1-out4 entailment The design of a solar-powered car can be improved. & A solar-powered car is less likely to produce greenhouse gases. |- A solar-powered car that produces less greenhouse gases is more likely ? T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen1-out4 premise Sodium hydroxide is commonly called caustic soda. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen1-out4 premise Caustic soda has many industrial uses. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen1-out4 hypothesis Caustic soda is produced on a large scale. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen1-out4 entailment Sodium hydroxide is commonly called caustic soda. & Caustic soda has many industrial uses. |- Caustic soda is produced on a large scale. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2797-gen1-out2 premise The Sun's corona is hotter than the surface of the Sun. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2797-gen1-out2 premise Atoms in the Sun's corona are in a higher energy state than those in the Sun's surface. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2797-gen1-out2 hypothesis Energy is being radiated out of the Sun's corona. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2797-gen1-out2 entailment The Sun's corona is hotter than the surface of the Sun. & Atoms in the Sun's corona are in a higher energy state than those in the Sun's surface. |- Energy is being radiated out of the Sun's corona. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1801-gen1-out1 premise Weathering means breaking down rocks from larger whole into smaller pieces by weather. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1801-gen1-out1 premise Oceans have shorelines. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1801-gen1-out1 hypothesis If there are shorelines, then oceans have weathering. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1801-gen1-out1 entailment Weathering means breaking down rocks from larger whole into smaller pieces by weather. & Oceans have shorelines. |- If there are shorelines, then oceans have weathering. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num521-gen1-out4 premise If a chemical reaction produces heat, it is exothermic. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num521-gen1-out4 premise In nuclear reactions, atomic nuclei fuse. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num521-gen1-out4 hypothesis Nuclear reactions are exothermic reactions. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num521-gen1-out4 entailment If a chemical reaction produces heat, it is exothermic. & In nuclear reactions, atomic nuclei fuse. |- Nuclear reactions are exothermic reactions. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num717-gen2-out2 premise Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num717-gen2-out2 premise Sugar is food for plants. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num717-gen2-out2 hypothesis Plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num717-gen2-out2 entailment Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide. & Sugar is food for plants. |- Plants need carbon dioxide to make their own food. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2194-gen1-out3 premise Plutonium is not fissile. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2194-gen1-out3 premise Plutonium is radioactive. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2194-gen1-out3 hypothesis Plutonium is dangerous. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2194-gen1-out3 entailment Plutonium is not fissile. & Plutonium is radioactive. |- Plutonium is dangerous. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3038-gen1-out1 premise Chloroplasts are organelles that are found in the cells of plants and algae. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3038-gen1-out1 premise Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and allow plants to produce food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3038-gen1-out1 hypothesis Chloroplasts are vital for the process of photosynthesis. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3038-gen1-out1 entailment Chloroplasts are organelles that are found in the cells of plants and algae. & Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and allow plants to produce food. |- Chloroplasts are vital for the process of photosynthesis. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4119-gen2-out3 premise An organism will grow in an environment where it has enough nutrients. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4119-gen2-out3 premise Populations increase when an environment has enough nutrients. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4119-gen2-out3 hypothesis An organism will grow in an environment where it has enough nutrients to support a population. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4119-gen2-out3 entailment An organism will grow in an environment where it has enough nutrients. & Populations increase when an environment has enough nutrients. |- An organism will grow in an environment where it has enough nutrients to support a population. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num182-gen2-out3 premise If a rock is thrown, it can be seen in flight. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num182-gen2-out3 premise A rock thrown in the air appears to rise. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num182-gen2-out3 hypothesis A rock thrown in the air falls back to the ground. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num182-gen2-out3 entailment If a rock is thrown, it can be seen in flight. & A rock thrown in the air appears to rise. |- A rock thrown in the air falls back to the ground. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num969-gen1-out4 premise The earth is made of rocky layers. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num969-gen1-out4 premise Bacteria is a member of the prokaryote kingdom. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num969-gen1-out4 hypothesis Bacteria live in the rocky layers of the earth KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num969-gen1-out4 entailment The earth is made of rocky layers. & Bacteria is a member of the prokaryote kingdom. |- Bacteria live in the rocky layers of the earth F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4259-gen1-out4 premise Vitamin C is important for health. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4259-gen1-out4 premise If something is important for health, then most people will die without it. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4259-gen1-out4 hypothesis Most people will die without vitamin C. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4259-gen1-out4 entailment Vitamin C is important for health. & If something is important for health, then most people will die without it. |- Most people will die without vitamin C. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1462-gen2-out2 premise The simplest explanations are usually the correct ones. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1462-gen2-out2 premise The Bible states that God created the universe. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1462-gen2-out2 hypothesis The simplest explanation is that God created the universe. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1462-gen2-out2 entailment The simplest explanations are usually the correct ones. & The Bible states that God created the universe. |- The simplest explanation is that God created the universe. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num31-gen2-out4 premise Plants are part of the food chain. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num31-gen2-out4 premise Animals are part of the food chain. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num31-gen2-out4 hypothesis Animals are part of the food chain because they eat plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num31-gen2-out4 entailment Plants are part of the food chain. & Animals are part of the food chain. |- Animals are part of the food chain because they eat plants. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4301-gen2-out3 premise Synthetic dyes are toxic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4301-gen2-out3 premise Many synthetic dyes are carcinogenic. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4301-gen2-out3 hypothesis Synthetic dyes are toxic because they are carcinogenic. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4301-gen2-out3 entailment Synthetic dyes are toxic. & Many synthetic dyes are carcinogenic. |- Synthetic dyes are toxic because they are carcinogenic. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3799-gen1-out1 premise A flashlight requires a source of electricity to produce light. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3799-gen1-out1 premise The sun is a source of electricity. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3799-gen1-out1 hypothesis A flashlight requires the sun to produce light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3799-gen1-out1 entailment A flashlight requires a source of electricity to produce light. & The sun is a source of electricity. |- A flashlight requires the sun to produce light. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num756-gen1-out2 premise Leopards are solitary animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num756-gen1-out2 premise Leopards are territorial animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num756-gen1-out2 hypothesis Leopards need to defend their territory to survive. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num756-gen1-out2 entailment Leopards are solitary animals. & Leopards are territorial animals. |- Leopards need to defend their territory to survive. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3030-gen2-out2 premise Diamonds are made of carbon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3030-gen2-out2 premise Carbon in plants can be absorbed by animals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3030-gen2-out2 hypothesis Animals can absorb carbon by eating plants. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3030-gen2-out2 entailment Diamonds are made of carbon. & Carbon in plants can be absorbed by animals. |- Animals can absorb carbon by eating plants. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen2-out1 premise Nephrons are the structural and functional units of the kidneys. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen2-out1 premise Nephrons are the structural and functional units of the kidney. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen2-out1 hypothesis The kidneys are the structural and functional units of the kidney. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2459-gen2-out1 entailment Nephrons are the structural and functional units of the kidneys. & Nephrons are the structural and functional units of the kidney. |- The kidneys are the structural and functional units of the kidney. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num277-gen1-out2 premise Many trees can only be grown in certain places. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num277-gen1-out2 premise Seeds that fall from a tree grow into new trees. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num277-gen1-out2 hypothesis Trees make their own seeds. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num277-gen1-out2 entailment Many trees can only be grown in certain places. & Seeds that fall from a tree grow into new trees. |- Trees make their own seeds. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1993-gen2-out1 premise Animals are a kingdom of multicellular eukaryotes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1993-gen2-out1 premise Animals have specialized cells. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1993-gen2-out1 hypothesis Some of the specialized cells are unicellular. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1993-gen2-out1 entailment Animals are a kingdom of multicellular eukaryotes. & Animals have specialized cells. |- Some of the specialized cells are unicellular. F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num205-gen2-out3 premise Droughts are characterized by inadequate rainfall. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num205-gen2-out3 premise Climate is the sum of weather conditions over a long period of time. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num205-gen2-out3 hypothesis Droughts are a normal part of climate. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num205-gen2-out3 entailment Droughts are characterized by inadequate rainfall. & Climate is the sum of weather conditions over a long period of time. |- Droughts are a normal part of climate. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4615-gen1-out4 premise An oar is a tool for propelling a boat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4615-gen1-out4 premise A paddle is a tool for propelling a boat. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4615-gen1-out4 hypothesis An oar is a paddle. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4615-gen1-out4 entailment An oar is a tool for propelling a boat. & A paddle is a tool for propelling a boat. |- An oar is a paddle. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1916-gen1-out1 premise A long tail can be used to move through water by an animal. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1916-gen1-out1 premise Long tails are a feature of certain species of otter. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1916-gen1-out1 hypothesis Long tails are used by some species of otter to move through water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1916-gen1-out1 entailment A long tail can be used to move through water by an animal. & Long tails are a feature of certain species of otter. |- Long tails are used by some species of otter to move through water. ? T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2811-gen2-out2 premise Dogs are animals. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2811-gen2-out2 premise A dog is a domesticated animal. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2811-gen2-out2 hypothesis All domesticated animals are animals. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2811-gen2-out2 entailment Dogs are animals. & A dog is a domesticated animal. |- All domesticated animals are animals. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3880-gen2-out3 premise If a body is projected up into the air, then it will take more force to hold it up against gravity. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3880-gen2-out3 premise A helium balloon floats in the air. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3880-gen2-out3 hypothesis Helium is lighter than air. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3880-gen2-out3 entailment If a body is projected up into the air, then it will take more force to hold it up against gravity. & A helium balloon floats in the air. |- Helium is lighter than air. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1012-gen2-out2 premise By burning fossil fuels, humans contribute to global warming. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1012-gen2-out2 premise The air is part of the atmosphere. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1012-gen2-out2 hypothesis By burning fossil fuels, humans contribute to global warming and affect the air. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1012-gen2-out2 entailment By burning fossil fuels, humans contribute to global warming. & The air is part of the atmosphere. |- By burning fossil fuels, humans contribute to global warming and affect the air. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num550-gen1-out1 premise Keeping food cold is used for keeping food fresh. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num550-gen1-out1 premise Keeping food cold is a way to keep food fresh. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num550-gen1-out1 hypothesis Keeping food cold is keeping food fresh. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num550-gen1-out1 entailment Keeping food cold is used for keeping food fresh. & Keeping food cold is a way to keep food fresh. |- Keeping food cold is keeping food fresh. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4629-gen1-out4 premise Organisms grow to fill the available space. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4629-gen1-out4 premise An organism can use light from the sun for photosynthesis. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4629-gen1-out4 hypothesis If an organism is grown in an environment with only limited available space, it will fill KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4629-gen1-out4 entailment Organisms grow to fill the available space. & An organism can use light from the sun for photosynthesis. |- If an organism is grown in an environment with only limited available space, it will fill ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2386-gen2-out2 premise Aluminum foil is thin and flexible. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2386-gen2-out2 premise Light has high energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2386-gen2-out2 hypothesis Light reflects off of aluminum foil. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2386-gen2-out2 entailment Aluminum foil is thin and flexible. & Light has high energy. |- Light reflects off of aluminum foil. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1795-gen2-out1 premise Temperature falls from lower to higher altitudes. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1795-gen2-out1 premise During winter, high altitudes experience cold temperatures. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1795-gen2-out1 hypothesis During winter, temperatures fall from lower to higher altitudes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1795-gen2-out1 entailment Temperature falls from lower to higher altitudes. & During winter, high altitudes experience cold temperatures. |- During winter, temperatures fall from lower to higher altitudes. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num501-gen2-out3 premise Water (HOH) is a polar molecule because of the presence of the electronegative oxygen atom. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num501-gen2-out3 premise Oxygen is the third most electronegative element. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num501-gen2-out3 hypothesis The first and second most electronegative elements are fluorine and chlorine. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num501-gen2-out3 entailment Water (HOH) is a polar molecule because of the presence of the electronegative oxygen atom. & Oxygen is the third most electronegative element. |- The first and second most electronegative elements are fluorine and chlorine. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3641-gen1-out4 premise If a fish is poisonous, then it has toxic skin secretions. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3641-gen1-out4 premise Most poisonous fish have toxic skin secretions. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3641-gen1-out4 hypothesis Most poisonous fish are fish. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3641-gen1-out4 entailment If a fish is poisonous, then it has toxic skin secretions. & Most poisonous fish have toxic skin secretions. |- Most poisonous fish are fish. F F ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num854-gen1-out1 premise Veins generally carry deoxygenated blood. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num854-gen1-out1 premise Veins have thinner walls than arteries. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num854-gen1-out1 hypothesis Veins have thinner walls than arteries because veins carry deoxygenated blood. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num854-gen1-out1 entailment Veins generally carry deoxygenated blood. & Veins have thinner walls than arteries. |- Veins have thinner walls than arteries because veins carry deoxygenated blood. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num582-gen1-out2 premise Humans and apes share a common ancestor. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num582-gen1-out2 premise Humans are apes. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num582-gen1-out2 hypothesis Humans are humans and apes are apes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num582-gen1-out2 entailment Humans and apes share a common ancestor. & Humans are apes. |- Humans are humans and apes are apes. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1702-gen2-out1 premise Skin color is another polygenic trait. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1702-gen2-out1 premise Skin color is inherited. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1702-gen2-out1 hypothesis There are other inherited traits besides skin color. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1702-gen2-out1 entailment Skin color is another polygenic trait. & Skin color is inherited. |- There are other inherited traits besides skin color. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2196-gen2-out1 premise Exercise increases a body's strength. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2196-gen2-out1 premise A body's strength is increased by eating food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2196-gen2-out1 hypothesis Exercise requires food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2196-gen2-out1 entailment Exercise increases a body's strength. & A body's strength is increased by eating food. |- Exercise requires food. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2411-gen1-out3 premise Blood is a liquid connective tissue. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2411-gen1-out3 premise Blood vessels transport blood. T F T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2411-gen1-out3 hypothesis Blood vessels are connective tissue. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2411-gen1-out3 entailment Blood is a liquid connective tissue. & Blood vessels transport blood. |- Blood vessels are connective tissue. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4172-gen2-out2 premise The combustion of hydrogen releases energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4172-gen2-out2 premise Solar energy is produced by the sun. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4172-gen2-out2 hypothesis The sun produces energy through the combustion of hydrogen. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4172-gen2-out2 entailment The combustion of hydrogen releases energy. & Solar energy is produced by the sun. |- The sun produces energy through the combustion of hydrogen. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3725-gen1-out3 premise The cause of the extinction of the woolly mammoth is thought to be climate change. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3725-gen1-out3 premise The woolly mammoth lived with humans. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3725-gen1-out3 hypothesis The woolly mammoth lived during the ice age. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3725-gen1-out3 entailment The cause of the extinction of the woolly mammoth is thought to be climate change. & The woolly mammoth lived with humans. |- The woolly mammoth lived during the ice age. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2776-gen1-out1 premise When an animal moves, chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2776-gen1-out1 premise The muscle that is connected to the bone is the cause of the movement. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2776-gen1-out1 hypothesis The muscle that is connected to the bone converts chemical energy to mechanical energy. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2776-gen1-out1 entailment When an animal moves, chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy. & The muscle that is connected to the bone is the cause of the movement. |- The muscle that is connected to the bone converts chemical energy to mechanical energy. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2236-gen2-out1 premise Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2236-gen2-out1 premise Egg production occurs inside a woman's body. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2236-gen2-out1 hypothesis Fertilization occurs inside a woman's body. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2236-gen2-out1 entailment Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse. & Egg production occurs inside a woman's body. |- Fertilization occurs inside a woman's body. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num58-gen1-out4 premise Friction causes objects to move slowly or stop moving. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num58-gen1-out4 premise The brakes on a bicycle slow the bicycle down. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num58-gen1-out4 hypothesis Friction makes a bicycle stop moving. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num58-gen1-out4 entailment Friction causes objects to move slowly or stop moving. & The brakes on a bicycle slow the bicycle down. |- Friction makes a bicycle stop moving. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3920-gen1-out3 premise Chemical reactions can release energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3920-gen1-out3 premise A light bulb converts energy into light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3920-gen1-out3 hypothesis A light bulb uses a chemical reaction to convert energy into light. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3920-gen1-out3 entailment Chemical reactions can release energy. & A light bulb converts energy into light. |- A light bulb uses a chemical reaction to convert energy into light. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3791-gen1-out3 premise The Dodo was flightless. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3791-gen1-out3 premise The Dodo became extinct. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3791-gen1-out3 hypothesis If a species is flightless, it is more likely to become extinct. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3791-gen1-out3 entailment The Dodo was flightless. & The Dodo became extinct. |- If a species is flightless, it is more likely to become extinct. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2063-gen1-out3 premise A frog's egg consists of jelly and a single, large yolk. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2063-gen1-out3 premise As tadpoles, frogs are semi-aquatic. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2063-gen1-out3 hypothesis A frog's egg floats on water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2063-gen1-out3 entailment A frog's egg consists of jelly and a single, large yolk. & As tadpoles, frogs are semi-aquatic. |- A frog's egg floats on water. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2174-gen1-out1 premise Eating food that contains pesticides can have a negative impact on humans. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2174-gen1-out1 premise Pesticides are used on food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2174-gen1-out1 hypothesis The food eaten by humans contains pesticides. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2174-gen1-out1 entailment Eating food that contains pesticides can have a negative impact on humans. & Pesticides are used on food. |- The food eaten by humans contains pesticides. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num52-gen2-out4 premise Radioactive isotopes are unstable. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num52-gen2-out4 premise Radioactive isotopes emit high-energy radiation. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num52-gen2-out4 hypothesis Radioactive isotopes emit high-energy radiation because they are unstable. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num52-gen2-out4 entailment Radioactive isotopes are unstable. & Radioactive isotopes emit high-energy radiation. |- Radioactive isotopes emit high-energy radiation because they are unstable. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3756-gen1-out1 premise A pan is used for cooking food by heating food in it on a stove. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3756-gen1-out1 premise Butter is used as a cooking oil. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3756-gen1-out1 hypothesis Butter is used as a pan cooking oil. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3756-gen1-out1 entailment A pan is used for cooking food by heating food in it on a stove. & Butter is used as a cooking oil. |- Butter is used as a pan cooking oil. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2817-gen2-out3 premise The ideal car has four doors, air conditioning, and can fit 5 passengers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2817-gen2-out3 premise A Honda is an ideal car. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2817-gen2-out3 hypothesis A Honda is a four-door, air-conditioned, car that can fit 5 passengers. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2817-gen2-out3 entailment The ideal car has four doors, air conditioning, and can fit 5 passengers. & A Honda is an ideal car. |- A Honda is a four-door, air-conditioned, car that can fit 5 passengers. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2307-gen2-out4 premise The number of bases on a typical chromosome is more than 10. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2307-gen2-out4 premise The amount of DNA in a typical cell is small. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2307-gen2-out4 hypothesis The amount of DNA in a typical cell is less than 10 bases. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2307-gen2-out4 entailment The number of bases on a typical chromosome is more than 10. & The amount of DNA in a typical cell is small. |- The amount of DNA in a typical cell is less than 10 bases. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num193-gen2-out4 premise The force between two uncharged particles decreases as the distance between them increases. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num193-gen2-out4 premise Charged particles attract each other. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num193-gen2-out4 hypothesis If two uncharged particles are separated by a distance that is large compared to their size KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num193-gen2-out4 entailment The force between two uncharged particles decreases as the distance between them increases. & Charged particles attract each other. |- If two uncharged particles are separated by a distance that is large compared to their size ? T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1543-gen1-out2 premise Newton's third law says that every action is opposed by an equal and opposite reaction. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1543-gen1-out2 premise A gun's firing pin is an action. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1543-gen1-out2 hypothesis The bullet fired by a gun is an action that is equal and opposite to the reaction of the gun's firing pin. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1543-gen1-out2 entailment Newton's third law says that every action is opposed by an equal and opposite reaction. & A gun's firing pin is an action. |- The bullet fired by a gun is an action that is equal and opposite to the reaction of the gun's firing pin. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3527-gen1-out3 premise The Sun's gravitational force pulls on the Moon. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3527-gen1-out3 premise The Moon's gravitational force pulls on the Earth. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3527-gen1-out3 hypothesis The Sun's gravitational force pulls on the Earth. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3527-gen1-out3 entailment The Sun's gravitational force pulls on the Moon. & The Moon's gravitational force pulls on the Earth. |- The Sun's gravitational force pulls on the Earth. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num933-gen2-out1 premise Acid rain has a negative impact on water quality. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num933-gen2-out1 premise Bacteria can live in water. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num933-gen2-out1 hypothesis Acid rain has a negative impact on the bacteria that live in water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num933-gen2-out1 entailment Acid rain has a negative impact on water quality. & Bacteria can live in water. |- Acid rain has a negative impact on the bacteria that live in water. F ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2912-gen2-out1 premise Bacteria cause food poisoning. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2912-gen2-out1 premise Bacteria cannot be seen with the naked eye. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2912-gen2-out1 hypothesis If bacteria cannot be seen with the naked eye, then bacteria are more likely to cause food poisoning. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2912-gen2-out1 entailment Bacteria cause food poisoning. & Bacteria cannot be seen with the naked eye. |- If bacteria cannot be seen with the naked eye, then bacteria are more likely to cause food poisoning. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num264-gen1-out1 premise Climate influences plant growth, biodiversity, and adaptations of land organisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num264-gen1-out1 premise Rainforests provide a natural habitat for plants and land organisms. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num264-gen1-out1 hypothesis Rainforests are a climate zone. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num264-gen1-out1 entailment Climate influences plant growth, biodiversity, and adaptations of land organisms. & Rainforests provide a natural habitat for plants and land organisms. |- Rainforests are a climate zone. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2634-gen1-out2 premise Cauliflower contains trace amounts of sulfur. T ? T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2634-gen1-out2 premise Vitamin C is used in the treatment of scurvy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2634-gen1-out2 hypothesis Vitamin C is present in cauliflower. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2634-gen1-out2 entailment Cauliflower contains trace amounts of sulfur. & Vitamin C is used in the treatment of scurvy. |- Vitamin C is present in cauliflower. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1825-gen1-out2 premise Batteries do not give off smoke when used properly. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1825-gen1-out2 premise Coal is mined from the ground. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1825-gen1-out2 hypothesis Batteries are not coal. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1825-gen1-out2 entailment Batteries do not give off smoke when used properly. & Coal is mined from the ground. |- Batteries are not coal. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num967-gen2-out3 premise White light is made up of many different wavelengths of light. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num967-gen2-out3 premise The length of a photon's wavelength can vary. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num967-gen2-out3 hypothesis The length of a photon's wavelength determines what color it is. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num967-gen2-out3 entailment White light is made up of many different wavelengths of light. & The length of a photon's wavelength can vary. |- The length of a photon's wavelength determines what color it is. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num79-gen1-out2 premise The ocean contains more plankton than fresh water. T T F T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num79-gen1-out2 premise Plankton is food for fish. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num79-gen1-out2 hypothesis Fish populations are dependent on plankton populations. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num79-gen1-out2 entailment The ocean contains more plankton than fresh water. & Plankton is food for fish. |- Fish populations are dependent on plankton populations. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1733-gen1-out1 premise Testosterone stimulates the reproductive organs to develop into male organs. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1733-gen1-out1 premise A Y chromosome is required for male organs to develop. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1733-gen1-out1 hypothesis If a human is missing a Y chromosome, then testosterone will not stimulate the reproductive organs to develop into male organs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1733-gen1-out1 entailment Testosterone stimulates the reproductive organs to develop into male organs. & A Y chromosome is required for male organs to develop. |- If a human is missing a Y chromosome, then testosterone will not stimulate the reproductive organs to develop into male organs. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4465-gen2-out2 premise When the car brakes are applied, the car decelerates. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4465-gen2-out2 premise When the car is at rest, it is stationary. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4465-gen2-out2 hypothesis When the car is not at rest, it accelerates. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4465-gen2-out2 entailment When the car brakes are applied, the car decelerates. & When the car is at rest, it is stationary. |- When the car is not at rest, it accelerates. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3996-gen2-out2 premise Food and water can be supplied to astronauts on a space mission. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3996-gen2-out2 premise Plants and animals need food and water to survive. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3996-gen2-out2 hypothesis Plants and animals can be supplied to astronauts on a space mission. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3996-gen2-out2 entailment Food and water can be supplied to astronauts on a space mission. & Plants and animals need food and water to survive. |- Plants and animals can be supplied to astronauts on a space mission. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4032-gen1-out3 premise Chewing gum can give a headache. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4032-gen1-out3 premise If one has a headache, then one cannot work. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4032-gen1-out3 hypothesis If one chews gum, then one cannot work. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4032-gen1-out3 entailment Chewing gum can give a headache. & If one has a headache, then one cannot work. |- If one chews gum, then one cannot work. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3791-gen1-out2 premise Many people work to support the homeless. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3791-gen1-out2 premise Shelters house the homeless. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3791-gen1-out2 hypothesis Many people work in shelters. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3791-gen1-out2 entailment Many people work to support the homeless. & Shelters house the homeless. |- Many people work in shelters. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3441-gen2-out1 premise Most plants continue to grow throughout their lives. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3441-gen2-out1 premise Since plants continue to grow throughout their lives, they need more nutrients. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3441-gen2-out1 hypothesis Since plants need more nutrients to continue to grow throughout their lives, they need more sunlight. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3441-gen2-out1 entailment Most plants continue to grow throughout their lives. & Since plants continue to grow throughout their lives, they need more nutrients. |- Since plants need more nutrients to continue to grow throughout their lives, they need more sunlight. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3-gen2-out3 premise Radiation is a flow of particles or waves. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3-gen2-out3 premise Any interaction between radiation and matter results in a change to the radiation or the matter. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3-gen2-out3 hypothesis Radiation cannot pass through a vacuum because no matter is there to change the radiation. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3-gen2-out3 entailment Radiation is a flow of particles or waves. & Any interaction between radiation and matter results in a change to the radiation or the matter. |- Radiation cannot pass through a vacuum because no matter is there to change the radiation. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2508-gen1-out3 premise A house is made of concrete. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2508-gen1-out3 premise A house can contain pipes for water and electrical wires. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2508-gen1-out3 hypothesis A house made of concrete can contain pipes for water and electrical wires. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2508-gen1-out3 entailment A house is made of concrete. & A house can contain pipes for water and electrical wires. |- A house made of concrete can contain pipes for water and electrical wires. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num541-gen2-out1 premise Lungs are used for breathing air by land animals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num541-gen2-out1 premise Birds use their lungs to breathe air. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num541-gen2-out1 hypothesis All land animals breathe air with their lungs. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num541-gen2-out1 entailment Lungs are used for breathing air by land animals. & Birds use their lungs to breathe air. |- All land animals breathe air with their lungs. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1917-gen1-out2 premise The surface of a soap bubble is always curved. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1917-gen1-out2 premise A soap bubble is a liquid. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1917-gen1-out2 hypothesis The surface of a soap bubble is always curved due to surface tension. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1917-gen1-out2 entailment The surface of a soap bubble is always curved. & A soap bubble is a liquid. |- The surface of a soap bubble is always curved due to surface tension. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1000-gen2-out1 premise A tape measure is used to measure length. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1000-gen2-out1 premise North America is far from Europe. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1000-gen2-out1 hypothesis A tape measure cannot be used to measure the distance between North America and Europe. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1000-gen2-out1 entailment A tape measure is used to measure length. & North America is far from Europe. |- A tape measure cannot be used to measure the distance between North America and Europe. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1127-gen2-out4 premise Steam engines are no longer used in industry. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1127-gen2-out4 premise The Industrial Revolution occurred in the 18th century. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1127-gen2-out4 hypothesis Steam engines were used in industry during the 18th century. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1127-gen2-out4 entailment Steam engines are no longer used in industry. & The Industrial Revolution occurred in the 18th century. |- Steam engines were used in industry during the 18th century. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2637-gen2-out2 premise DNA is found in the nucleus of a cell. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2637-gen2-out2 premise Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of a cell. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2637-gen2-out2 hypothesis DNA is found on chromosomes. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2637-gen2-out2 entailment DNA is found in the nucleus of a cell. & Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of a cell. |- DNA is found on chromosomes. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2035-gen2-out2 premise Staphylococcus aureus is found in hospitals. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2035-gen2-out2 premise Hospitals contain many patients. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2035-gen2-out2 hypothesis Staphylococcus aureus is commonly found in patients. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2035-gen2-out2 entailment Staphylococcus aureus is found in hospitals. & Hospitals contain many patients. |- Staphylococcus aureus is commonly found in patients. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4055-gen1-out2 premise Plants need sunlight to photosynthesize. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4055-gen1-out2 premise Food contains carbon. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4055-gen1-out2 hypothesis Plants need sunlight to make food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4055-gen1-out2 entailment Plants need sunlight to photosynthesize. & Food contains carbon. |- Plants need sunlight to make food. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3930-gen1-out1 premise Condensation causes clouds to form. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3930-gen1-out1 premise Heat can turn water into water vapor. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3930-gen1-out1 hypothesis Heat causes condensation to form clouds. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3930-gen1-out1 entailment Condensation causes clouds to form. & Heat can turn water into water vapor. |- Heat causes condensation to form clouds. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2555-gen2-out2 premise Ozone is formed when ultraviolet light strikes oxygen. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2555-gen2-out2 premise Ozone can be found high above the ground. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2555-gen2-out2 hypothesis Ozone can be found in the stratosphere. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2555-gen2-out2 entailment Ozone is formed when ultraviolet light strikes oxygen. & Ozone can be found high above the ground. |- Ozone can be found in the stratosphere. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4042-gen1-out3 premise Viscous liquids resist flowing. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4042-gen1-out3 premise A hot liquid can cause burns. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4042-gen1-out3 hypothesis If a liquid is viscous, it can cause burns. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4042-gen1-out3 entailment Viscous liquids resist flowing. & A hot liquid can cause burns. |- If a liquid is viscous, it can cause burns. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num239-gen1-out3 premise A good scientist should always check the information they are given. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num239-gen1-out3 premise You should not accept information just because someone gives it to you. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num239-gen1-out3 hypothesis You should check the information you are given before you accept it. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num239-gen1-out3 entailment A good scientist should always check the information they are given. & You should not accept information just because someone gives it to you. |- You should check the information you are given before you accept it. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num55-gen2-out3 premise Whales are mammals. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num55-gen2-out3 premise Living organisms need to breathe air. F T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num55-gen2-out3 hypothesis Whales need to breathe air to live. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num55-gen2-out3 entailment Whales are mammals. & Living organisms need to breathe air. |- Whales need to breathe air to live. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2373-gen1-out4 premise Flowers need bees to reproduce. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2373-gen1-out4 premise Pollen is the male element of flowers. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2373-gen1-out4 hypothesis Flowers need bees to reproduce, so that they can transfer KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2373-gen1-out4 entailment Flowers need bees to reproduce. & Pollen is the male element of flowers. |- Flowers need bees to reproduce, so that they can transfer T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4356-gen1-out4 premise A car's internal combustion engine produces carbon dioxide. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4356-gen1-out4 premise Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4356-gen1-out4 hypothesis Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide and burning fossil fuels releases methane. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num4356-gen1-out4 entailment A car's internal combustion engine produces carbon dioxide. & Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide. |- Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide and burning fossil fuels releases methane. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1982-gen2-out2 premise Emmett is a student of archeology. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1982-gen2-out2 premise A translation of hieroglyphics is a study of archeology. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1982-gen2-out2 hypothesis A translation of hieroglyphics is study of the study of archeology. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1982-gen2-out2 entailment Emmett is a student of archeology. & A translation of hieroglyphics is a study of archeology. |- A translation of hieroglyphics is study of the study of archeology. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num187-gen2-out4 premise Sunlight contains a great deal of energy. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num187-gen2-out4 premise Plants need sunlight to make food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num187-gen2-out4 hypothesis Plants need sunlight to grow KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num187-gen2-out4 entailment Sunlight contains a great deal of energy. & Plants need sunlight to make food. |- Plants need sunlight to grow F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3860-gen2-out2 premise Iron is magnetic. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3860-gen2-out2 premise Some metals are magnetic. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3860-gen2-out2 hypothesis Iron is a metal. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3860-gen2-out2 entailment Iron is magnetic. & Some metals are magnetic. |- Iron is a metal. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen2-out2 premise Balloons can float in the air. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen2-out2 premise Air has mass. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen2-out2 hypothesis Balloons have mass. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1219-gen2-out2 entailment Balloons can float in the air. & Air has mass. |- Balloons have mass. F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num931-gen1-out2 premise Food is heated on a stove using gas or electricity. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num931-gen1-out2 premise Paper towels are made of wood pulp. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num931-gen1-out2 hypothesis Paper towels are used to clean up grease, which is also called cooking oil. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num931-gen1-out2 entailment Food is heated on a stove using gas or electricity. & Paper towels are made of wood pulp. |- Paper towels are used to clean up grease, which is also called cooking oil. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num242-gen2-out4 premise In Newtonian mechanics, the force of inertia is considered in the rotation of satellites. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num242-gen2-out4 premise If a satellite can rotate faster, then it will rotate faster. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num242-gen2-out4 hypothesis A satellite that can rotate KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num242-gen2-out4 entailment In Newtonian mechanics, the force of inertia is considered in the rotation of satellites. & If a satellite can rotate faster, then it will rotate faster. |- A satellite that can rotate T ? ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2272-gen1-out3 premise In the process of becoming an adult, teenagers need 8 hours of sleep. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2272-gen1-out3 premise A healthy teenager may wake up without an alarm clock. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2272-gen1-out3 hypothesis Waking up without an alarm clock may occur before an adult becomes a teenager. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2272-gen1-out3 entailment In the process of becoming an adult, teenagers need 8 hours of sleep. & A healthy teenager may wake up without an alarm clock. |- Waking up without an alarm clock may occur before an adult becomes a teenager. ? F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2312-gen1-out2 premise John has a cell phone. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2312-gen1-out2 premise John has money. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2312-gen1-out2 hypothesis John has bought a cell phone. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2312-gen1-out2 entailment John has a cell phone. & John has money. |- John has bought a cell phone. ? F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num108-gen2-out2 premise An evaporating pan is used to boil water. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num108-gen2-out2 premise Evaporating water turns into steam. T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num108-gen2-out2 hypothesis Steam helps evaporating pans boil water. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num108-gen2-out2 entailment An evaporating pan is used to boil water. & Evaporating water turns into steam. |- Steam helps evaporating pans boil water. F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3847-gen1-out2 premise The leaves of most plants are green. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3847-gen1-out2 premise If a leaf is green, then it is part of a plant. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3847-gen1-out2 hypothesis The leaves of most plants are part of a plant. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3847-gen1-out2 entailment The leaves of most plants are green. & If a leaf is green, then it is part of a plant. |- The leaves of most plants are part of a plant. ? T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3119-gen1-out1 premise Dehydrating food is used for preserving food. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3119-gen1-out1 premise Dehydrating food prevents microbes from growing in the food. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3119-gen1-out1 hypothesis If dehydrating food is used for preserving food, then microbes cannot grow in the food. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3119-gen1-out1 entailment Dehydrating food is used for preserving food. & Dehydrating food prevents microbes from growing in the food. |- If dehydrating food is used for preserving food, then microbes cannot grow in the food. T ? F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1334-gen1-out2 premise The evaporation of water is a phase change. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1334-gen1-out2 premise Water can only exist in liquid form, vapor form, or ice form. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1334-gen1-out2 hypothesis The evaporation of water is a phase change from liquid form to vapor form. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1334-gen1-out2 entailment The evaporation of water is a phase change. & Water can only exist in liquid form, vapor form, or ice form. |- The evaporation of water is a phase change from liquid form to vapor form. F T F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3959-gen1-out3 premise Building structures from wood can be compared to building structures from metal. ? T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3959-gen1-out3 premise Building structures from wood results in shelter. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3959-gen1-out3 hypothesis Building structures from metal results in shelter. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num3959-gen1-out3 entailment Building structures from wood can be compared to building structures from metal. & Building structures from wood results in shelter. |- Building structures from metal results in shelter. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1226-gen1-out2 premise Stars are much larger than planets. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1226-gen1-out2 premise Planets are celestial bodies. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1226-gen1-out2 hypothesis Stars are celestial bodies. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num1226-gen1-out2 entailment Stars are much larger than planets. & Planets are celestial bodies. |- Stars are celestial bodies. F F T F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num153-gen1-out2 premise For a product to sell, it must have a selling price less than the cost of producing it. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num153-gen1-out2 premise A selling price is the amount a product sells for. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num153-gen1-out2 hypothesis The cost of producing a product is what it costs to produce it. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num153-gen1-out2 entailment For a product to sell, it must have a selling price less than the cost of producing it. & A selling price is the amount a product sells for. |- The cost of producing a product is what it costs to produce it. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num28-gen2-out3 premise A function of the body's outer covering is to protect the body. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num28-gen2-out3 premise Skin is the outer covering of the body. T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num28-gen2-out3 hypothesis A function of skin is to protect the body from heat. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num28-gen2-out3 entailment A function of the body's outer covering is to protect the body. & Skin is the outer covering of the body. |- A function of skin is to protect the body from heat. T F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2958-gen1-out4 premise Some marine plants consume carbon dioxide. T T ? T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2958-gen1-out4 premise Carbon dioxide is a waste product. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2958-gen1-out4 hypothesis Some marine plants release wastes into the ocean. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2958-gen1-out4 entailment Some marine plants consume carbon dioxide. & Carbon dioxide is a waste product. |- Some marine plants release wastes into the ocean. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2396-gen1-out4 premise A candle lights a room. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2396-gen1-out4 premise A gas lighter ignites with a spark. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2396-gen1-out4 hypothesis A gas lighter lights a room. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8b-num2396-gen1-out4 entailment A candle lights a room. & A gas lighter ignites with a spark. |- A gas lighter lights a room. F F F F TF gpt3 GPT3-try8-num46-gen2-out1 premise Water vapor condensing in clouds causes rain. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num46-gen2-out1 premise The atmosphere is made of gases. T T T T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num46-gen2-out1 hypothesis Water vapor is a gas. KNOWN T gpt3 GPT3-try8-num46-gen2-out1 entailment Water vapor condensing in clouds causes rain. & The atmosphere is made of gases. |- Water vapor is a gas. F F F F TF gpt3