--- language: - uk pretty_name: UK-PODS tags: - podcasts license: cc-by-nc-4.0 task_categories: - automatic-speech-recognition --- # uk-pods - speech datasets of Ukrainian podcasts. ## Preparation 1. Clone the dataset repository and extract the content of `clips.tar.gz` archive. ``` git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/taras-sereda/uk-pods cd uk-pods && tar -zxvf clips.tar.gz ``` 2. To use these manifests for training/inference with NeMo [1] modify `audio_filepath` to absolute locations of audio files extracted in previous step. ``` # data_root= # /home/ubuntu/uk-pods data_root=$(realpath .) sed -i -e "s|\"audio_filepath\":\"|\"audio_filepath\":\"${data_root}\/|g" pods_train.json sed -i -e "s|\"audio_filepath\":\"|\"audio_filepath\":\"${data_root}\/|g" pods_test.json ``` ## Usage 1. Install NeMo toolkit ``` pip install nemo_toolkit['all'] ``` 2. Run inference with **uk-pods-conformer** [2] on all files from `pods_test.json` manifest: ``` import json from nemo.collections.asr.models import EncDecCTCModelBPE asr_model = EncDecCTCModelBPE.from_pretrained("taras-sereda/uk-pods-conformer") with open('pods_test.json') as fd: audio_paths = [] for line in fd: audio_paths.append(json.loads(line)['audio_filepath']) transcripts = asr_model.transcribe(audio_paths) ``` ## Dataset statistics ``` Number of wav files: 34231 Total duration: 51.066 hours MIN duration: 1.020 sec MAX duration: 19.999 sec MEAN duration: 5.370 sec MEDIAN duration: 4.640 sec ``` ## References - [1] [NVIDIA NeMo Toolkit](https://github.com/NVIDIA/NeMo) - [2] [uk-pods-coformer ASR mode](https://huggingface.co/taras-sereda/uk-pods-conformer)