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So happy I\u2019ve finally got the platinum, \nBeen playing since release day and this is my third playthrough and now finally i\u2019ve done everything. \nWho else has gotten the platinum trophy for the game.

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in the end, it doesn't even matter \ud83c\udfb6

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how many hours have you put in this game

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800 hours here, had the game for 5 years but i took break for like 2 years or more, still didn't get platinum but i am currently replaying the game and doing the challenges and trying to get it 100%

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One thing I don\u2019t know why it doesn\u2019t even matter how hard you try\u2026

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On my ps5 it\u2019s almost at 1k hours (964h)\nBut if we\u2019re counting my first 2 playthroughs on my ps4 I think it should be close to 2k hours ngl.\nWhat about you?

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That\u2019s great! It\u2019s really not that hard to get the plat, it took me only 2 weeks to finish the challenges, dinosaur bones, exotic quest cave markings and the 70 gold medals which I already had like 25 of.\nThe challenges do take awhile and so does the secret trophy where you need to hunt animals to get the squirrel statue that you then need to put in the house a couple of times and find on a mountain for the trophy.\nYour best friend is YouTube where you can find all the guides for it, there\u2019s some that are over 1 hours and I suggest you don\u2019t watch those, there\u2019s a bunch of guides by YouTubers that go straight to the point.\nTake your time tho you should try to enjoy it, definitely not something you need to do but if you want to have 100% on everything then go for it!

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Yeah i watch some guides for the hard challenges or when i don't have time to explore myself, the game is time consuming tbh

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I should really be replaying missions for the gold but I prefer just having an organic experience first, can always go back through them

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I mean yeah it is a rockstar game the biggest rockstar game to date, it\u2019s a way to keep you playing the game when you\u2019ve finished the story.\nBut I also didn\u2019t go for it until now which is 6 years after the game released..

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Nah yeah only do that once you\u2019ve finished the story, you shouldn\u2019t care about it when playing

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