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This is not mine btw The pic


Here is how to make this in rdr 2:


Black Stalker Hat or Black Panama Hat


Legendary Panther Cloak


Red Union Suit


Legion Vest


Legendary ram gloves


Black Saddle Jeans


Black chaps


Black riding Boots

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1 jow is this outfit in rdr1 never saw it


2 if im not wrong the person who did that outfit labeled it as an erron black outfit recreation....

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First of all,the pants are ranch pants,not saddle jeans,the gloves are also just the plain rifleman gloves and the hat is john\u2019s classic hat


Also the fit is garbage

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I dont remember I just posted for people who found this cool will try to copy in rdr 2.

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Erron black is way different pal, that is different.

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Okay okay keep your hair on. The gloves i know are the Rifleman but I like Ram ones.


And this fit is only for Arthur. And the pants are not ranch pants Numbskull.


You are one twisted fuck.

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Nobody asked

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