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There is no correlation between each victim and appear to be killed at random.", "selftext_html": "

The West Elizabeth Serial Killer known as the Big valley butcher has been leaving photos of his victims in different locations across west Elizabeth. There is no correlation between each victim and appear to be killed at random.

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Went from Arthur Morgan to Dexter Morgan

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I don't know what creepier that photos or the fact that he's barefoot.

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Yes, you are a completely sane person :)

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Is the pagan magic photo taking canon to the killers story?

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It\u2019s over he knows

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Jesus fucking Christ Morgan you're the Big Valley Butcher

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I can\u2019t believe Arthur Morgan was the big valley butcher

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This is honestly pretty sick. But also why are the dogs out \ud83d\ude2d

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"Tonight's the night."

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OP reliving his fantasy in a game. Kinda creeps.

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Good thing I live in West Elizabeth #WeAreWithYouWeatElizabeth

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If OP ever snaps one day,, there\u2019s definitely been signs.

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i cant believe milton was the big valley butcher

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More like John Marston to John Wayne Gacey

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It\u2019s a scientific fact that feeling grass on your bare feet makes you a happier person

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you, sir, are a psycho

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One hundred percent\u203c\ufe0f

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I really hate that name

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Honestly should be the least of my worries now that I think about it\u2026

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Im just a girl\u203c\ufe0f

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I tried that once,


A bee tried to kill me.

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