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Undead Nightmare was an obvious monetization of the zombie game trend that was happening at its release. Not only was it slapped together with the existing game engine/mechanics but it also added absolutely nothing to an otherwise spectacular story.


I TRUELY cannot understand the hype (or people saying it would be a good DLC for RDR2), except maybe that it's nostalgia.

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It is a very fun game mode, it definitely adds something - retaking cities and the ammo economy is interesting. It's just meant as a fun, short experience.

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I liked it, it was fun. There were the horses and different rare animals and story was ok, if you didn\u2019t like it then fair enough but I don\u2019t think calling it a cash grab is fair. It was relatively affordable especially, compared to the prices of some of the dlc these days

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The reason this opinion is unpopular is because it's wrong. :)


Undead Nightmare is one of the best DLCs released in the "DLC era" of gaming. It was well put together, brought back most of the original voice actors, added a fun but silly story that didn't break the lore or story from the primary game because, as the name implies, it is just a nightmare. It allowed them to make a campy, light-hearted story without breaking the tone of the main game. It also let them drop in easter eggs and fan service like the Big Foot easter egg, a thank you note to dedicated conspiracy theorist fans of GTA San Andreas, which anybody who loved San Andreas instantly had appreciation for.


It also introduced new mechanics that aren't in the main game, a lot of people loved the horde mode, which was still pretty novel at the time and something that just fit in perfectly in the Red Dead/GTA-style universe. Also if you play the games as a "moral paragon" type character in the main game, it grants you some freedom in exploring the game mechanics and "not feeling bad" that the person you're killing in this excrutiatingly painful way is ... just an undead zombie after all.


More over, it wasn't a cheap cash in on the zombie trend. The Hausers had wanted to make a zombie horde game for years going back to the mid-2000s, but they never got the green light from TakeTwo. It also came out just 6 months after the main release, something we'd die for today after GTAV and Red Dead 2 never got any meaningful post-release single player content.


There's a reason the add-on won "Best DLC" in 2010 and it's only grown more popular throughout the years. Critics and fans loved it, still do. I'd wet myself in public for a properly thought out RDR2 Undead Nightmare.

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The dialogue is all it really has going for it I feel. The gameplay is ridiculously repetitive and too easy.

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I'm with you OP. The game was just fine.\u00a0

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While I enjoyed Undead Nightmare when it came out, I tend to agree with you

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You know, you've got a point about the comparison to DLC prices today vs what the DLC actually includes.

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