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Arthur is spot on 6\u20191 and Sadie I don\u2019t actually know but yeah I\u2019d estimate her to be 5\u20194-5\u20195 as you said", "body_html": "

John\u2019s canonically like 5\u201910 or 5\u201911 I believe. Arthur is spot on 6\u20191 and Sadie I don\u2019t actually know but yeah I\u2019d estimate her to be 5\u20194-5\u20195 as you said

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Where do people get these heights from, theres nothing ingame that says they are that height and all npcs are the same height except for teen peds and kid peds

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They're standing like John's about to announce the winner of their MMA match

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No wonder Arthur can be so intimidating to most people

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John is 6 feet tall in the first game.

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Im assuming it because these are apparently cutscene heights, and the cutscenes were all mocapped by the voice actors. Meaning that if that's Arthur's cutscene height, who we know is 6'1 because he's a big dude who is mocapped by a 6'1 actor, the others should be measurable through their height relative to him. Kinda dodgy and idk about John being 6ft but it's something.

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Their models are different sized, and it looks like op used a mod to line them up

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I can't unsee that \ud83e\udd23

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"And the winner by knockout in the first round, and still the Undefeated lightheavyweight Champion of the Wild West, Arthur "Blacklungs" Mooooooorgaaaaan."

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Their models are not differently sized, all CS_ characters are the same height, what they likely did was go into the characters ymt file and adjust the height value which for all peds is 0 by default meaning they are all the same Height in the vanilla game.

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OP said cutscene height

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