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The writers could have done so much more with her. Now this could be said about mostly every side character, but she was one of the earliest members.\n\nShe joined just after Arthur but doesn\u2019t really get the respect as the other three founding members get (kinda warranted sometimes but still), and isn\u2019t used in the story all that much. \n\nShe doesn\u2019t do guard duty, when Arthur brings enemies to camp she runs off instead of fighting even though she has the skills to help defend the place, she\u2019s only in one mission, the camp jokes about wanting her to die, she doesn\u2019t lead the gang to safety when Dutch & co strand on Guarma (Sadie and Charles lead the gang instead). When she dies, no one gives a damn (if Hosea were killed like Ms. Grimshaw no one would just stand there and continue bickering, for example).\n\nGrimshaw is very insecure about her looks ever since she got her scar and was traded in for Molly. She desperately tries to prove her worth to the gang in different ways by setting up every new camp when the gang needs to flee, making sure tasks get done and the gang always having clean clothes. That\u2019s why she is always in camp but that\u2019s no excuse to give her only one mission and not make her the temporary leader in chapter 5. Let my girl shine!", "selftext_html": "

Anyone else think that Susan, one of the founding members of the gang, was very underused? The writers could have done so much more with her. Now this could be said about mostly every side character, but she was one of the earliest members.


She joined just after Arthur but doesn\u2019t really get the respect as the other three founding members get (kinda warranted sometimes but still), and isn\u2019t used in the story all that much.


She doesn\u2019t do guard duty, when Arthur brings enemies to camp she runs off instead of fighting even though she has the skills to help defend the place, she\u2019s only in one mission, the camp jokes about wanting her to die, she doesn\u2019t lead the gang to safety when Dutch & co strand on Guarma (Sadie and Charles lead the gang instead). When she dies, no one gives a damn (if Hosea were killed like Ms. Grimshaw no one would just stand there and continue bickering, for example).


Grimshaw is very insecure about her looks ever since she got her scar and was traded in for Molly. She desperately tries to prove her worth to the gang in different ways by setting up every new camp when the gang needs to flee, making sure tasks get done and the gang always having clean clothes. That\u2019s why she is always in camp but that\u2019s no excuse to give her only one mission and not make her the temporary leader in chapter 5. Let my girl shine!

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Everytime I noticed her, she was bickering with someone, using the stick and never the carrot. They probably did have some stuff for her, but a QA team probably cut down her screen time because she is best taken in small doses.

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There was too many gang members. To put it simply I think they all each got some decent attention so the devs did better balancing it than most but still like it definitely feels like more crucial important characters lost out. And Grimshaw is like a mother figure and was one of the first of the gang with Hosea and Dutch and Arthur and John so I'm just wondering why Grimshaw got barely any attention or acknowledgement. That and why Bill and Javier didn't get more screentime.

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Her death scene was disappointing. Kinda expected more.

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I did enjoy the mission of saving Tilly with her, but would\u2019ve liked to see more with her. Also her death was very lackluster. But I guess that was the idea.

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I thought she was used fairly

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Yes, should"ve had her along on some robbery or somthin, have her pretend to be wealthy take out a loan, idk. \ud83e\udd37

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Oh, she was USED alright

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I think she was used just fine. Even though she wasn\u2019t utilized in many missions, her camp interactions and cutscenes she was involved in still made her a memorable character.

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Tbh I'm not a fan of her, like I chuck in 2k and she tells me Ii need to add more to the fund

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Honestly, nearly everyone in the camp was underutilised.

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I enjoyed her character but I believe she played he role perfectly. She kept the camp running, had an explosive personality for the few missions she was in and her death fully showed the decline of dutches mental state as he doesn\u2019t even slide for a woman he\u2019s known for 20 damn years

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I mean she looks kinda used

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They had a huge cast of characters and they balanced their use very well.

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I listened to all her voice lines someone put on Youtube yesterday and there were a few things I found interesting.


Three lines where she seems to do camp duty before it was scrapped (\u201cHey! Who goes there?\u201d \u201cHey! Who\u2019s there?\u201d \u201cWho\u2019s that? Identify yourself!\u201d) and also a line she says to a bunch of men when robbing them (\u201cyou boys gonna give up what you got on ya\u201d), seems like she might have been a companion too had it never been scrapped?

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Honestly, people dying by Pinkerton bullets happened enough and i\u2019m satisfied with her being shot by another camp member as betrayal and the end of the VDLG was the point of the scene and grimshaw\u2019s death symbolizes just that, just sad there\u2019s no reaction when she dies, not even a \u201cfuck!\u201d or \u201cno!\u201d\u2026 nothing. And she is only mentioned once in the epilogue by Charles.


I didn\u2019t see her ever being able to live a normal life.

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Or make Arthur joke she\u2019s old and she\u2019s like hell no I\u2019ll show you. And you either rob a stagecoach or store like the \u201cold days\u201d.

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She was a former painted lady after all

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I know there was a huge cast but she was one of the original four. The least they could\u2019ve done was add in one or two extra missions for her, and make her step up and take the temporary leader role during chapter 5.

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I would've been be happy with a "fuck" or "no" too because practically almost got that

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