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so i'm actually trying to finish the whole story in one week and i was wondering how many hours a day i'm gonna need to play?

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Don't rush this game, it's a game you want to settle down in and take everything in. If you rush it you probably won't grow a huge attachment to the characters especially if you skip cutscenes

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If you only focus on the Gold icon Story content you can probably do it in around 30-40 hours. But the game is so much more then just the 109 Story missions.

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it took me about 70 hours 80 if including the epilounge I didn't skip cutscenes enjoy it I wish I could experience it for the first time again

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Yeah, you can easily mainline it in a week playing a few hours a day. You'll miss a lot of what makes the game special, but it's easy to get through the story quickly that way.

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it'll probably take you 2-3 days at a minimum if you rush through

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i have friend that finished rdr2 story in 3 days, so yeah you can finish it in 1 week. but i recommend you to not rush this game, its the game of decade with a full of gameplay that can be stretch to 100+ hours, so yeah be more patient and play with pleasure

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i'm actually trying to finish it so i can jump to online, i don't wanna go to online cause then i will abandon story mode

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Trust me playing the story nice and slow will be very rewarding especially when you play online afterwards as you'll meet some familiar faces

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Don\u2019t play it in a week because online is gonna bore you to hell

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Online is trash. Please take your time with story mode.

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It\u2019s not going anywhere, take the time to enjoy the story as intended instead of rushing through it. You won\u2019t appreciate it, especially if your end goal is online

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Bro you aren't gonna enjoy the story if u just rush to play Online which is mid. Please just take the time and get into Chapter 2 before dropping the game. Chapter 1 may seem boring and is regarded by many as boring but it's a introduction Nessacary for the story. Get through Chapter 3 atleast. In my experience you can get to Chapter 3 in 1 week of playing for 6 hours a day. But time doesn't matter be patient and enjoy it if u want to play it. But if u dont like it by Chapter 3 it's not the game for u.

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Relax dude, the story is so much better than online

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