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Just helped those star-crossed kids (Braithwaite and Grey) escape their families in Rhodes and get to Riggs Station only to find that my horse, whom I've had since Chapter II, has fucking died - I assume she spawned on the train track during the mini cutscene or something. It's never happened to me before. \nI can reload, but that means I have to do several missions again. Worth it.

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I had something similar happen when I was fishing off the bridge in St Denis for the legendary fish. I had left my horse at the fork in the tracks and it wandered off, fell into the water and drowned lol

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Stopped at the trappers place last night and thought I heard something falling when I talked to him. It was my clumsy Dutch Warmblood (bought in Valentine), it had stumbled into the trappers fireplace and was allready dead and fryed

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Yup, happens.


Mine was Silver Dapple Pinto coated Missouri Fox Trotter.


Finished gambler 9 domino challenge at Emerald Station, to find my good girl was dog meat. Just dead as proverbial door nail. No visible damage.


This game is too real some times, things die. Shrug and move on.

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I was playing poker at the building where you find Swanson drunk, decided to play a game of poker because I wasn't doing anything else at the time. I left my horse on the train tracks, finished a few rounds of poker, came back, and my horse was dead.

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I finished the mission in Chapter 4 when you chase the kid in Saint Denis. I took control and saw my saddle on the map. Ran over and my horse was just dead on the floor.

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the first of many

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This happened to me several times during the billy midnight quest where you are on a train. I just went back a save

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I had this in the exact same mission, my horse was coming after the train while we're fighting and at the end I find him dead.

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No it\u2019s extremely rare and almost impossible only 12 people have found this normally so you are very lucky that you found this

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Oh, damn! I've seen playthroughs where the horse runs off due to some predatory animal scaring it (including one in particular where the dumb thing actually fell from a railway bridge up near Bacchus Station) but haven't witnessed a drowning yet. Were you able to recover the saddle?

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I'm so sorry, but that's kinda funny. Just picturing a horse stumbling into the fire like a drunk

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I feel this one. Same exact scenario. Completing gambler 9, SDP MFT by my side.


Took me longer than usual to complete the challenge this time and as I typically do during gambler 8 and 9 I had the sound down and was watching something else on my phone.


Got up so relieved to be done I saved the game quick only to find my girl dead on the train tracks.


She had been gone for a while, and I never heard it happen. RIP.

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Well it could be worse. I could be you

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I wouldn't say lucky, more unlucky than anything

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I had just done a save so was able to reload it and only had to fish for the legendary one again, so it wasn't a total disaster. Because by then it was fully bonded and I know it sounds weird to get attached to a horse in a game, but I totally get attached to my horses in this game lol

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Lol same. Before I even started playing it for the first time a few years ago, my brother told me to find a good horse early on and stick with it. I figured there was a good reason for it - like it would help in really absorbing the impact of the game. Then I got to that moment at the end of the main story. Once I'd finished, I texted my brother "You dick." lol

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