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Just started RDR1 on pc for first time. Did 2 side mission and both were just starting by talking with a guy or lady, then going to the place and seeing this blood and hat on the ground, press search for clues and it shows "xxx complete". What is going on? Both missions were about saving someone and both dead? What Am i doing wrong here?



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You\u2019re on the right track, just wait for the stinger-music of strings and then wait for another ? to appear on the map somewhere. This mission is designed this way

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You gotta find enough clues like this to continue with the side quests

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how the moment i reach there its complete, this means i still can find clued and continue?

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Yes, other clues should show up on the map to find

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the map shows nothing, and i just checked in journal there is a strangers option which shows some kind of objectives which shows the both missions i did were of same stranger. The mission name is American Appetites, firstly a lady child went missing, then a man's wife went missing. But currently it shows inactive and there is noting on the map

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