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I had no idea it was leaving Playstation Plus games cataloge so I was blindsided this morning when I tried to boot it up and got denied. I fell in love with the game and was playing it almost every day. I was in the middle of chapter 6 too so I was just on the cusp of finishing the main story before the epilogues. I'm honestly gutted and super angry. I canceled my subscription right after. I honestly don't think it's worth it when this is the way they operate. Yes I know people are probably going to say tough luck and that's the way it goes with services like PS+ but it still sucks. :( wost part is I don't have the money to afford the game at full price so I'll just have to wait and see if it comes on sale sometime in the future if I ever want to finish it. Rip.

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It'll probably be on sale around black friday and hey look on the bright side. This will make finishing the game that much sweeter and you'll have the ability to replay it whenever you ant.

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You could probably get the physical edition for the same amount as a month's playstation plus premium these days

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They\u2019re probably putting it on GTA + lol, that\u2019s how rockstar gets its extra money and red dead was their hard work after all. Sucks, but also they are not ps exclusives, these are rockstar games so it makes sense that they wanna keep ownership of it :/

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I'm in the same position.couldn't resist and went out to buy a second hand copy. Got it for \u00a315. Definitely worth it

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Wait for sale, you\u2019ll eventually pick it up again

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you can probably go to walmart or something similiar and find it on sale, I saw it cheaper than RDR1 last week on the shelf.


this is why actually owning your media is important btw.

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