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I love it", "body_html": "

That sounds like a terrible idea. I love it

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Honestly sounds better than a lot of the ideas that have been proposed for RDR3.

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No, the wild west is dead by 1914

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Or maybe he goes around and finds gang members like Sadie, Charles, Marybeth, etc and becomes an author while also trying to escape the government for his crimes?

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It\u2019s also a major possibility that he was in both WWI and WWII

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It would subvert anything you'd expect from a RDR game but it would give Jack the conclusion his character arc deserves, also you could still keep the open world formula since Silent Hill is a huge town surrounded by an even bigger county

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Nobody implied otherwise

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They all moved to different cities/countries and completely lost contact with John and his family though? Not to mention they could've died as well in an outlaw witch hunt like what happened to John, plus a story like that wouldn't really be about redemption like the game title suggests, he'd be just escaping his past that would inevitably catch up to him again


If he went to a purgatory like Silent Hill and survives he would leave a changed man no longer being constantly dragged by his family's tragic past

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I\u2019d say this is probably the least likely outcome of all lol


Jack was 100% discovered for killing Ross. And given the franchise\u2019s suggestions I\u2019d imagine he was apprehended and hanged, marking the end of the wild west and the VDL gang for good.


If he wasn\u2019t hanged, I cannot see him fighting for the government who killed his father. I think the more likely outcome is that he kills himself.

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