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For those of us who have played RDR, we know what happened to Dutch, John, Javier, Bill, Abigail, Jack and Uncle. Out of all these characters, only Jack survived at the very end.


And in RDR2, we know the fate of the other members. We see members of the gang get killed or they left before it got worse.


Sean, Jenny, Davy, Mac, Kieran, Hosea, Lenny, Molly and Susan were killed.


Mary-Beth became an author


Tilly is married to a lawyer and has a baby.


Pearson owns his own store in Rhodes.


Trelawny went back to his family.


Strauss was captured by the Pinkertons and was tortured to death.


Swanson left and became a preacher in NY.


Charles left for Canada.


And Sadie left for South America.


But did they ACTUALLY get to stay alive after the epilogue? We all know how much Ross hates loose ends. Because even though he promised to leave John and his family alone after he helped hunt down his old gang, he still saw John as a loose end and had him killed.


Do you think that he murdered the other members even though they left the gang? Do you think he had agents go after Charles and Sadie even though they weren\u2019t in the country?

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The thing is the ones left that aren\u2019t taken out in rdr1 are not members that had the targets on their backs quite the same way that Arthur and John and the others that eventually get killed did. Sadie could always pretend they held her against her will and get away from any sort of ill fate. Charles might be a slight risk but it\u2019s doubtful because he didn\u2019t run with the gang long before it fell apart. As for the rest they weren\u2019t important enough to take down I doubt Ross is sending kill teams to take down Pearson. So I think it\u2019s highly unlikely Ross went after everybody else.

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They didn\u2019t know who the others were so had no reason to care. They went after Dutch, Javier and Bill because they were still causing trouble to them. They used John as they wanted someone who could get to them. The way the ending of RDR2 works there\u2019s a possibility they actually went after Micah to either kill or to do the role John has in the first game. John may have been the one they went after as he\u2019s the only one they knew about after Micah. (They possibly looked for Arthur but maybe Micah told them he was dead/dying years earlier).


The rest of the gang were of no interest to the Pinkertons and the law. That isn\u2019t to say they all had happy lives. Especially as we know Karen disappeared and was believed to have died from alcoholism. Sadie has a death wish and Charles is struggling to find a place to settle.


Trelawney is also an interesting one as to how he\u2019d make a living without being a conman.

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Milton couldn\u2019t recognize John Marston by face when they met at Clemens Point so they definitely wouldn\u2019t have any way of knowing who Charles or Sadie are.


Trelawny could probably still make a living as a con man, scamming smaller amounts from people, otherwise I think he would have a pretty easy time filtering back into civil society and just getting a regular job.

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Yeah on the both. The fact Marston was unknown yet had been in the gang for a decade or so does make it unlikely they\u2019d know who to look for in the others. If they cared. In most cases they probably wouldn\u2019t have cared anyway.

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