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It was rude of John to abandon him.", "body_html": "

He was trying to teach John to swim. It was rude of John to abandon him.

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Wtf how did you do that ???

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If they invented whiskey to stop the Irish from ruining the world, he clearly didn\u2019t have enough whiskey.

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This absolutely cracked me!!

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It\u2019s the whiskey, sir. He thought that rope was doxies

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Hey! Youre finally awake!

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Had to show those sweet tricks off.

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Is this an fps issue?

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The power of sobriety, or he wanted to get back to those tits ASAP.

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He's drunk as a skunk, that's what his head feels like in the morning

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Two theories: 1:we shall NOT be together in paradise 2:god\u2019s plan didn\u2019t work

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How dare you abandon Irish.

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Row, row, row your boat,


Gently down the stream,


Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily


Life is but a dream.


Row, row, row your boat,


Gently down the stream,


If you see a crocodile,


Don\u2019t forget to scream (Aaagh!)

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And he sticks the landing!

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*ruling the world

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Same thing in this case. That looked\u2026 powerful.

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