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Personally, I prefer a molotov

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One of the funniest things you can do in this game. It is hilarious watching them go flying back as once slamming into the trees and generally landing in different positions. It's like a well rehearsed acrobatic move

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I prefer to tie them up and drown them

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That\u2019s what I did too! I made it fuckin rain! It was glorious

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Another dynamite enthusiast I see? Hell yeah. Give it to them.

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You need to go say howdy in St Denis

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Now their numbers are really waning xD

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I enjoy killing them slowly, they need to feel the fear of death\u2019s grip. Anybody not kill them? What happens if you leave them to it?

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I enjoy watching the entirety of the interaction happen, them setting themselves on fire, then I go in the shotgun & clean up.

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I'm for whatever method removes them from the game (planet)

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Right! They just all run around on fire. This clan meetup was on of the funniest shits in the game.

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Way to soft I recommend dragging one into Valentino and then dump them into the pig pin and watch them be eaten to death

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Followed by pump action shotty to head, arms, legs, groin.


I wonder if you could use powerful herbivore bait to get a gator on them.

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What uh\u2026 do you think herbivores are?

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Alligators who eat klan members named Herb.

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