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I've got about 40 hours in and have yet to see a single snake. I need to kill and skin 8 of them for the Expert Hunter outfit. Where are they all?

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Try the bushes in East of Coot's chapel. If there aren't any, you can try the between the southern border along the cliff wall of Sidewinder Gulch and Plata Grande. if these locations don't work then, try Twin Rocks or Barranca

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Yk that safehouse that irish gives you after entering Mexico? just go on the hills near there or in el Matadero by the tents

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I should add, I've searched all over Rattlesnake Hollow and Hanging Rock which seems to be the places people recommend and haven't even heard a snake, let alone seen one.

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Search near the first town in the game I can't remember the name but if you walk around out there I always find some

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I'll give these a shot, thanks. Are the snakes pretty difficult to see?

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