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Nuevo paraiso or north elizabeth? Presuming each one would have a small dlc storyline attached to it, but you can only have 1, me personally im torn because I wanna see mexico again but id also be down to explore a new state.

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Both!! I bet the scenery in N. Elizabeth would be beautiful \ud83c\udfa9


With they would just expand the maps! More homesteads more farms, towns, strangers, nature and all!

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North Elizabeth is completely new, right? I don't remember that from either game, but the map is so well done it looks official lol.


Either way, since you can go to SP in RDR1, I'd have to say North Elizabeth.

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I would prefer North Elizabeth. But i would rather see Tempest Rim completed and accessable.

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Would love to have "North Austin" \nBehind the mountains: Great Valley Area with lower altitude, intermediate climate and vegetation. Wide, rather flat Stepes - Heather landscape with low to intermediate amount of trees (mostly pine and oak). Also a big lake (probably based on Lake Tahoe with much more vegetation, like bonanza scenery) + a bigger farm town like "Little House on the Prairie" series.

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New Austin in the afternoons, West Elizabeth in the mornings and Saint Denis at night.

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Yeah I bet N. Elizabeth would finally give us a snow town that isn\u2019t colter that everybody\u2019s been craving.

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Yeah, It was mentioned like once in game by Sean because apparently he met dutch in there, The rest of the map is pure speculation and not made by me, I just combined with another map expansion with mexico.

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Theres something about west elizabeth in the mornings that the other states cant compete with.

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Interesting. Well I'm sticking with NE. The northern part could be like the pacific northwest \ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf32

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