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Arthur absolutely has the ability to most likely win (when he\u2019s healthy), but I could see him conceding the fight because he doesn\u2019t want to hurt John, upset his family, and doesn\u2019t want to potentially kill or severely maim someone he\u2019s been close to for years.

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Arthur kicked the shit out of Micah literally 2 minutes before his death.

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Arthur would kick his ass? You know this

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The subreddit wouldn't let me add these things but this is 1911 John versus pre-tuberculosis Arthur. So more likely John would kick his ass.

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1911 john is still getting his ass kicked by pre-tb arthur

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Oh you mean the man who got trained by landon rickets, fought in the Mexican Revolution and stood for almost a minute after being shot almost 20 times would get his ass kicked by some random strong Outlaw.

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well is this hand to hand or with guns? Because if its hand to hand its an instant win for arthur, Tommy is maybe twice or more of 1911 johns size, but if its with guns I think its a pretty fair much slightly leaning to john.

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If it's hand to hand Arthur dominates for sure.

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