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Any gun can, some just take more shots than others

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Any gun is powerful enough if you got the dedication

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a sniper rifle blows off a head immediately at close range, any gun can with enough bullets

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Those are old times lead rounds that mushroom like a mf.

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"Is it true that there is a place in a man's head that if you shoot it, it will blow up?" PC Danny Butterman- Hot Fuzz

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Shooting off heads is one of the game's highlights

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OP has never seen the Ronnie McNutt video.

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Except varmint. Emptied three mags ( ik it's not a mag) into an O'Driscolls head once, loads of blood, not much skin, but the skull was intact still

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"Hey guys, I guess that's it"



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Oh right forgot about that one

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I think it would be a magazine. I\u2019m not to sure but I have a 22 lever action with a tube magazine. Maybe I\u2019m just misinformed on it tho.

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Right, it's an internal one, that's the word I was looking for

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