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I found this horse on the street in Saint Denis.\nI brushed it and the blood won\u2019t come off, it has flies too and it\u2019s name is \u201cRotten Morgan\u201d And why does it have stars \ud83d\ude41

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The leaked RDR2 Undead Nightmare horse real.

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It is a glitch. When a horse dies and rots it says \u201cRotten [breed name]\u201d. This poor fella died because of smtn. But a bug made him look like he is standing.

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Looks like a Undead Nighmare Reference.


But probably just a glitch. This Post mentions that the dead Horses are called Rotten Morgan.

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This is the horse version of low honour Arthur

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Try to continue the Game with this horse it would be dang funny.

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where did u get that saddle

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Ur the chosen one op, now take your steed and name him robbie

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And a good morning to you too \ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea

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I don't even think it kept it standing, I think it might've revived the damn thing.

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Red dead offline mod

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Op could have used the revive gun of rampage if he is on pc

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