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The whole reason Ross had John killed in Red Dead Redemption was so he could take credit for John\u2019s work hunting down the remaining members of the Van Der Linde Gang.


I swear all RDR polls are just people voting Arthur in all positive polls, and voting Micah/Dutch in all negative polls.

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Clean shaven Dutch isn\u2019t real, he can\u2019t hurt you!


Clean shaven Dutch:



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90% of rdr playerbase is just "arthur good, micah bad, nobody else matters"

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pretty much sure they would all, especially lumbago

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Where are these MySpace era profile pics of the gang coming from?! Micah literally looks like he made it to Tahiti

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Glad to see someone else voted for Ross. Seeing that half the voters voted for Micah despite him never actually doing anything like that was confusing when literally as Ross ever did was tell John what to do and take the credit for it

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I think its the same for GTA IV and V (although they arent as connected as rdr1 and rdr2), frankly just the sorta thing that happens as gaming gets bigger

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All of them would. Ross, for the reason you stated. Micah, to look better in Dutch's eyes. Dutch, to throw his friends under the bus in the name of money. And Lumbago, for his Lumbago.

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Well I guess the majority still haven\u2019t played RDR1.

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YouTubers just vote based on whoever they do and don\u2019t like.


\u201cWhich female character is the most badass?\u201d\nArthur would still win if he was an option

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To be fair, there's no wrong answer here. They all would

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Yeah it gets really annoying, you\u2019d think the name red dead redemption \u201cTWO\u201d would imply theirs a first one.

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Why does Micah look so weird?

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Ayo is it just me or does clean shaven Micah look kinda like Dante from DMC?

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I seen that, yeah. Honestly, I think all of them would do that, though

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Probably Lord Farquaad tbh

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Well to be fair rockstar did alienate a lot of the fan base. Like not porting RDR till 14 years later.

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I have only tried rdr2 at my friend's laptop for 2-3 missions but currently playing rdr1 deeply and yes the exit poll is wrong in determining so.

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I would have if it wasnt 50\u20ac on pc \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb waiting for the discount

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Am i this old that rd1 is a old school game?

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There's a scene in camp where Micah makes a big deal donating to the box. If anything, it's probably Uncle.

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why does micah look like he took the high honour route wtaf \ud83d\ude2d

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id like to have played it but they never put the fuckin thing on pc (although this will soon change)

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Uncle's entire adult life has consisted of taking credit for others' hard work.

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I agree with this but I honestly voted for Uncle

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Uncle is the best character in the series so funny it\u2019s insane his lumbago is serious

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Who TF got the most votes? That isn\u2019t Micah

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Mark spoiler lil bro

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Ross certainly cared about his reputation, but it wasn't like he was hiding that John did all his dirty work for him, right? When Dutch killed himself and Ross took John's gun to shoot Dutch's corpse, he said "that it would look better in the report"? I haven't played RDR in a long time, so correct me, if I missed something, but that sounds to me like it will be official, that John did all the work, right?

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Y'know, the ending of RDR1 has sat on my mind for awhile after finishing it a few years ago and not once have I realised it was to take credit.


I figured John was just being used and was always on Ross's hit list.

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to be fair the game is 14 years old by this point

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The answer to this poll is definitely uncle. This is especially evident in the epilogue. But you are right. I know the plot of RDR but have never actually played it so don\u2019t know the character of Ross well enough to comment.

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My brother in Christ, this game became available for PC literally two weeks ago. I have never owned a gaming platform so I am meeting the MacFarlane clan for the first time as of last Wednesday. On the eighth day God created spoiler tags, and saw they were good.

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I've played and beaten it, but it was so long ago I don't remember anything about it...\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f

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Bill should be at the top of the list

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Yeah, why would we? And it will be appreciated if you stop combining the two

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The correct answer is E all of the above

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Werid thing to get annoyed about but okay

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Looks like Lord Farquad on stilts.

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Lord farquaad looking ahh

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Wrong. It\u2019s \u201cArthur good, Micah bad, Karen tits\u201d

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I just finished it yesterday. Now I'm sad and don't know what to play

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Where are the other 2076 Cyberpunk games then?

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To be fair, Rockstar doesn\u2019t normally do direct sequels, You don\u2019t need to play all the other gta games to play gta 5.

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Okay but that game is 14 years old now and twice the price as the second and wasn\u2019t accessible AT ALL to anyone who played on pc before this year. I played the first game on ps5 as soon as I finished the second game but not everyone has that privilege

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He's clean shaven

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That's a heavy game

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Dutch had to literally kill himself first, but winning is winning \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f

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"The answer is definitely Uncle"


"I don't know the character well enough to comment"


The irony is intentional, right?

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literally nobody gives credit to Uncle for introducing abigail to the gang, helping John building his house and defending all his family and dying for them Lmao


The only correct answer is: Ross. \nHe made John kill Javier, Bill and Dutch, and after that he killed John and took the credit, you can literally see it in the newspapers in rdr1 lmao

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its a good game that holds up with an amazing story gameplay and alright graphics

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This has to be ironic

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees that.

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With ORMS wide open, Orthur!

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okay buddy blacklung is "arthur bad, micah good, karen's tits"

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wrong. it\u2019s \u201carthur good, micah bad, karen tits, uncle lumbago\u201d

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Is that Bill with his sanity and love left?\nEdit: sorry I thought it was Kieran.

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Nope, you forgot one


It\u2019s \u201cArthur good, Micah bad, Karen tits, Sadie ass\u201d

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Hell yes

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Jokes aside, the colon in "Cyberpunk: 2077" is what makes that distinction between there being 2076 previous games and it just being part of the title.

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As much as I love Red Dead Redemption 2 I'm probably going to wait a year for it to go on a good sale

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It\u2019s nearly 80$ where I am, waiting for the Christmas sale for steam.

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let's jyst hope that it is

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Just finished it yesterday for the first time. I'm honestly not sure which game I enjoyed more

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It doesn't have Arthur

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Here\u2019s where you\u2019re wrong, son\u2026 it\u2019s \u201cArthur insist, Micah good, having plan\u201d

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Also true to black lung "uncle ass"

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A fellow blacklunger ey

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most gamers don't know what : is unless it's got a ( next to it

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John is a better character so who cares

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Yeah, people don't understand how modern English conventions work as a whole.

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jokes on you i just use )

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