--- task_categories: - translation language: - en - zh --- # 20,000+ chinese sentences with translations and pinyin - Source: https://mnemosyne-proj.org/cards/20000-chinese-sentences-translations-and-pinyin - Contributed by: Brian Vaughan http://brianvaughan.net/ # Dataset Structure Each sample consists of: 1. English sentence 2. HSK level 3. Chinese translation 4. Pinyin 5. separator ("\-\-") # Other Info from the Source ### HSK level All of the sentences came from sample sentences intended to describe a particular word. HSK level (in the category name) signifies the HSK level of the word this sentence describes. Note that "HSK level" is 1-4. ### Limitation This is a search of all characters in each level, including the characters that loner words are composed of. This is why even HSK level 4 sentences can contain sentences in "limited 1." For example, 作主 (zuo4zhu3) is an HSK level 4 word. It contains 2 characters which both appear in other HSK level 1 words, and so the sample sentence for 作主 (assuming that sentence contains no other difficult words) might appear in the category "HSK 4; limited 1;"