text1,text2,same "Most modern classical processors support so-called PRODUCT architecture with program and data registers. In present work is revisited similar approach to models of ORG processors. Deterministic programmable ORG arrays are considered as an example. They are also called PRODUCT quantum processors here and use conditional quantum dynamics. Such devices have some problems with universality, but consideration of hybrid quantum processors, i.e., models with both continuous and discrete quantum variables resolves the problems. It is also discussed comparison of such a model of quantum processors with more traditional approach.","These informal notes briefly discuss some basic topics involving ORG functions, connectedness, and PERSON content in particular.",0 "This article introduces the conjecture that ""mathematics, logic and related disciplines may usefully be understood as information compression (IC) by 'multiple alignment', 'unification' and 'search' (ICMAUS)"". As a preparation for the CARDINAL main sections of the article, concepts of information and information compression are reviewed. Related areas of research are also described including IC in brains and nervous systems, and IC in relation to inductive inference, PERSON and probabilistic reasoning. The ORG concepts and a computer model in which they are embodied are briefly described. The ORDINAL of the CARDINAL main sections describes how many of the commonly-used forms and structures in mathematics, logic and related disciplines (such as theoretical linguistics and computer programming) may be seen as devices for IC. In some cases, these forms and structures may be interpreted in terms of the ORG framework. The ORDINAL main section describes a selection of examples where processes of calculation and inference in mathematics, logic and related disciplines may be understood as IC. In many cases, these examples may be understood more specifically in terms of the ORG concepts.","It has recently been proved that horizonless compact stars with reflecting boundary conditions {\it cannot} support spatially regular matter configurations made of minimally coupled scalar fields, vector fields, and tensor fields. In the present paper we extend this intriguing no-hair property to the physically interesting regime of scalar fields with {ORG nonminimal} coupling to gravity. In particular, we prove that static spherically symmetric configurations made of nonminimally coupled massless scalar fields cannot be supported by compact reflecting stars.",0 "The Cauchy problem for a coupled PRODUCT and PERSON system is shown to be globally well-posed for a class of data without finite energy. The proof uses the I-method introduced by ORG, Keel, PERSON, GPE, and PERSON.","We consider the factorization of a rectangular matrix MONEY into a positive linear combination of rank-one factors of the form $u v^\top$, where $u$ and $v$ belongs to certain sets $\mathcal{U}$ and $\mathcal{V}$, that may encode specific structures regarding the factors, such as positivity or sparsity. In this paper, we show that computing the optimal decomposition is equivalent to computing a certain gauge function of $MONEY and we provide a detailed analysis of these gauge functions and their polars. Since these gauge functions are typically hard to compute, we present semi-definite relaxations and several algorithms that may recover approximate decompositions with approximation guarantees. We illustrate our results with simulations on finding decompositions with elements in $PERSON As side contributions, we present a detailed analysis of variational quadratic representations of norms as well as a new iterative basis pursuit algorithm that can deal with inexact ORDINAL-order oracles.",0 "Here we look at some geometric properties related to connectedness and topological dimension CARDINAL, especially in connection with norms on vector spaces over fields with absolute value functions, which may be non-archimedian.","These informal notes briefly discuss Fourier inversion in terms of Gauss--Weierstrass kernels and summability.",1 "This paper explains in layperson's terms how an agent-based model was used to investigate the widely held belief that creativity is an important component of effective leadership. Creative leadership was found to increase the mean fitness of cultural outputs across an artificial society, but the more creative the followers were, the greater the extent to which the beneficial effect of creative leadership was washed out. Early in a run when the fitness of ideas was low, a form of leadership that entails the highest possible degree of creativity was best for the mean fitness of outputs across the society. As the mean fitness of outputs increased a transition inevitably occurs after which point a less creative style of leadership proved most effective. Implications of these findings are discussed.","From a software design perspective, a clear definition of design can enhance project success and development productivity. Even though the focus is on software engineering, in this paper, we view the notion of design from the wider point of view of poiesis, the field of the study of the phenomena of creation and production of the artifacts. In poiesis, design operates through the medium of modeling. According to several sources, there is as yet no systematic consolidated body of knowledge that a practitioner can refer to when designing a computer-based modeling language. Modeling languages such as ORG are practice-based and seldom underpinned with a solid theory-be it mathematical, ontological or concomitant with language use. In this paper, we propose adopting a recent addition to the diagrammatic languages, the thinging machine (abbreviated ORG), as a design language in the general area of Poiesis and we exemplify PERSON by applying it to software engineering design. We show intermediate steps of design that led to producing a ORG model for a case study. The case study is taken from a source where a full ORG-based design was given. Contrasting the models produced by the CARDINAL methodologies points to the viability of ORG as an integrating and unifying modeling language in the design field.",0 "We analyse spin effects in diffractive vector PERSON at small $x$ on the basis of the generalized parton distribution (ORG) approach. We take into account quark transverse degrees of freedom in the hard subprocess. We calculate amplitudes for the longitudinally and transversely polarized photons and vector mesons. Our results on the cross section and spin density matrix elements (SDME) are in fair agreement with the ORG experiments. Predictions for GPE and COMPASS energy range are made. The predicted double spin longitudinal MONEY asymmetry is not small at GPE energies","An analysis of light vector PERSON at small $x$ on the basis of the generalized parton distribution (ORG) approach is presented. Our results on the cross section and spin density matrix elements (SDME) are in fair agreement with DESY experiments. The predicted double spin longitudinal MONEY asymmetry is not small at GPE energies.",1 "ORG gate response in a mesoscopic ring threaded with a magnetic flux $\phi$ is investigated by using ORG's function formalism. The ring is attached symmetrically to CARDINAL semi-infinite CARDINAL-dimensional metallic electrodes and CARDINAL gate voltages, namely, $V_a$ and $PERSON, are applied in CARDINAL arm of the ring those are treated as the CARDINAL inputs of the ORG gate. We use a simple tight-binding model to describe the system and numerically compute the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics as functions of the gate voltages, ring-to-electrode coupling strength and magnetic flux. Our theoretical study shows that, for MONEY ($\phi_0=ch/e$, the elementary flux-quantum) a high output current (CARDINAL) (in the logical sense) appears if one or both the inputs to the gate are low (0), while if both the inputs to the gate are high (1), a low output current (0) appears. It clearly exhibits the ORG gate behavior and this feature may be utilized in designing an electronic logic gate.","We explore the possibilities of current modulation at nano-scale level using mesoscopic rings. A single mesoscopic ring or an array of such rings is used for current modulation where each ring is threaded by a time varying magnetic flux CARDINAL\phi$ which plays the central role in the modulation action. Within a tight-binding framework, all the calculations are done based on the PERSON's function formalism. We present numerical results for the CARDINAL-terminal conductance and current which support the essential features of current modulation. The analysis may be helpful in fabricating mesoscopic or nano-scale electronic devices.",1 "The standard model of memory consolidation foresees that memories are initially recorded in the hippocampus, while features that capture higher-level generalisations of data are created in the cortex, where they are stored for a possibly indefinite period of time. Computer scientists have sought inspiration from nature to build machines that exhibit some of the remarkable properties present in biological systems. CARDINAL of the results of this effort is represented by artificial neural networks, a class of algorithms that represent the state of the art in many artificial intelligence applications. In this work, we reverse the inspiration flow and use the experience obtained from neural networks to gain insight into the design of brain architecture and the functioning of memory. Our starting observation is that neural networks learn from data and need to be exposed to each data record many times during learning: this requires the storage of the entire dataset in computer memory. Our thesis is that the same holds true for the brain and the main role of the hippocampus is to store the ""brain dataset"", from which high-level features are learned and encoded in cortical neurons.","Claims have been made that f0(1370) does not exist. The CARDINAL primary sets of data requiring its existence are refitted. Major dispersive effects due to the opening of the ORDINAL threshold are included for the ORDINAL time; the sigma -> ORDINAL amplitude plays a strong role. ORG data on ORG 3pizero at rest require f0(1370) signals of CARDINAL and CARDINAL standard deviations in CARDINAL and CARDINAL annihilation respectively. Furthermore, they agree within CARDINAL PERSON for mass and width. Data on pbar-p -> eta-eta-pizero agree and require CARDINAL CARDINAL standard deviation contribution. This alone is sufficient to demonstrate the existence of f0(1370). BES II data for J/Psi -> phi-pi-pi contain a visible f0(1370) signal > CARDINAL standard devations. In all cases, a resonant phase variation is required. The possibility of a ORDINAL pole in the sigma amplitude due to the opening of the ORDINAL channel is excluded. ORG data for pi-pi elastic scattering are fitted well with the inclusion of some mixing between sigma, f0(1370) and PERSON). The pi-pi widths for ORG), rho3(1690), rho3(1990) and f4(2040) are determined.",0 "Distributional sources of cosmic walls crossed by cosmic strings from ORG (RC) Geometry. The matter density of the planar wall is maximum at the point where the cosmic string crosses the cosmic wall. GPE torsion is has a support on the cosmic string given by the Dirac $ \delta $-function. Off the sources are left with a torsionless vacuum.","When PERSON and Thorne ORDINAL proposed that traversable wormholes may be actual physical objects, they concentrated on the geometry by specifying the shape and redshift functions. This mathematical approach necessarily raises questins regarding the determination of the required stress-energy tensor. This paper discusses a natural way to obtain a complete wormhole solution by assuming that the wormhole (CARDINAL) is supported by generalized ORG gas and (CARDINAL) admits conformal ORG vectors.",0 "Any non-affine one-to-one binary gate can be wired together with suitable inputs to give AND, OR, NOT and fan-out gates, and so suffices to construct a general-purpose computer.","PRODUCT machines are devices that perform cryptography using pseudo-random numbers. The original enigma machine code was broken by detecting hidden patterns in these pseudo-random numbers. This paper proposes a model for a quantum optical enigma machine and shows that the phenomenon of ORG data locking makes such ORG enigma machines provably secure even in the presence of noise and loss.",1 "Presented below is an interesting type of associative memory called toggle memory based on the concept of T flip flops, as opposed to D flip flops. Toggle memory supports both reversible programming and charge recovery. Circuits designed using the principles delineated below permit matchlines to charge and discharge with near CARDINAL energy dissipation. The resulting lethargy is compensated by the massive parallelism of associative memory. Simulation indicates over CARDINAL reduction in energy dissipation using a sinusoidal power supply at CARDINAL MHz, assuming realistic CARDINAL nm ORG models.","Plans for a new type of artificial brain are possible because of realistic neurons in logically structured arrays of controlled toggles, CARDINAL toggle per neuron. Controlled toggles can be made to compute, in parallel, parameters of critical importance for each of several complex images recalled from associative long term memory. Controlled toggles are shown below to amount to a new type of neural network that supports autonomous behavior and action.",1 "The paper describes combinatorial synthesis approach with interval multset estimates of system elements for modeling, analysis, design, and improvement of a modular telemetry system. Morphological (modular) system design and improvement are considered as composition of the telemetry system elements (components) configuration. The solving process is based on Hierarchical Morphological Multicriteria Design (HMMD): (i) multicriteria selection of alternatives for system components, (ii) synthesis of the selected alternatives into a resultant combination (while taking into account quality of the alternatives above and their compatibility). Interval multiset estimates are used for assessment of design alternatives for telemetry system elements. CARDINAL additional systems problems are examined: (a) improvement of the obtained solutions, (b) aggregation of the obtained solutions into a resultant system configuration. The improvement and aggregation processes are based on multiple choice problem with interval multiset estimates. Numerical examples for an on-board telemetry subsystem illustrate the design and improvement processes.","""WORK_OF_ART"" is an evo-devo method to generate arbitrary CARDINAL or CARDINAL shapes; as such, it belongs to the field of ""artificial embryology"". In silico experiments have proved the effectiveness of the method in devo-evolving shapes of any kind and complexity (in terms of number of cells, number of colours, etc.), establishing its potential to generate the complexity typical of biological systems. Furthermore, it has also been shown how the underlying model of development is able to produce the artificial version of key biological phenomena such as embryogenesis, the presence of junk DNA, the phenomenon of ageing and the process of carcinogenesis. In this paper the evo-devo core of the method is explored and the result is a novel hypothesis on the biological role of genomic transposable elements, according to which transposition in somatic cells during development drives cellular differentiation and transposition in germ cells is an indispensable tool to boost evolution. Thus transposable elements, far from being ""junk"", have one of the most important roles in multicellular biology.",0 "This paper introduces a refinement of the sequent calculus approach called cirquent calculus. While in GPE-style proof trees sibling (or cousin, etc.) sequents are disjoint sequences of formulas, in cirquent calculus they are permitted to share elements. Explicitly allowing or disallowing shared resources and thus taking to a more subtle level the resource-awareness intuitions underlying substructural logics, cirquent calculus offers much greater flexibility and power than sequent calculus does. A need for substantially new deductive tools came with the birth of computability logic (see ORG) - the semantically constructed formal theory of computational resources, which has stubbornly resisted any axiomatization attempts within the framework of traditional syntactic approaches. Cirquent calculus breaks the ice. Removing contraction from the full collection of its rules yields a sound and complete system for the basic fragment PRODUCT of computability logic. Doing the same in sequent calculus, on the other hand, throws out the baby with the bath water, resulting in the strictly weaker affine logic. An implied claim of computability logic is that it is ORG rather than affine logic that adequately materializes the resource philosophy traditionally associated with the latter. To strengthen this claim, the paper further introduces an abstract resource semantics and shows the soundness and completeness of NORP with respect to it.","This paper constructs a cirquent calculus system and proves its soundness and completeness with respect to the semantics of computability logic (see ORG). The logical vocabulary of the system consists of negation, parallel conjunction, parallel disjunction, branching recurrence, and branching corecurrence. The article is published in CARDINAL parts, with (the previous) Part I containing preliminaries and a soundness proof, and (the present) Part CARDINAL containing a completeness proof.",1 "We study Cauchy initial data for asymptotically flat, stationary vacuum space-times near space-like infinity. The fall-off behavior of the intrinsic metric and the extrinsic curvature is characterized. We prove that they have an analytic expansion in powers of a radial coordinate. The coefficients of the expansion are analytic functions of the angles. This result allow us to fill a gap in the proof found in the literature of the statement that all asymptotically flat, vacuum stationary space-times admit an analytic compactification at null infinity. Stationary initial data are physical important and highly non-trivial examples of a large class of data with similar regularity properties at space-like infinity, namely, initial data for which the metric and the extrinsic curvature have asymptotic expansion in terms of powers of a radial coordinate. We isolate the property of the stationary data which is responsible for this kind of expansion.","We prove the existence of a family of initial data for the Einstein vacuum equation which can be interpreted as the data for CARDINAL ORG-like black holes in arbitrary location and with spin in arbitrary direction. When the mass parameter of CARDINAL of them is CARDINAL, this family reduces exactly to the ORG initial data. The existence proof is based on a general property of the ORG metric which can be used in other constructions as well. Further generalizations are also discussed.",1 "This is a review of aspects of the theory of algorithmic information that may contribute to a framework for formulating questions related to complex highly unpredictable systems. We start by contrasting FAC and ORG complexity epitomizing the difference between correlation and causation to then move onto surveying classical results from algorithmic complexity and algorithmic probability, highlighting their deep connection to the study of automata frequency distributions. We end showing how long-range algorithmic predicting models for economic and biological systems may require infinite computation but locally approximated short-range estimations are possible thereby showing how small data can deliver important insights into important features of complex ""Big Data"".","We analyze the arguments allegedly supporting the so-called ORG (ORG), as an attempt to reject counterintuitive consequences of the WORK_OF_ART, PERSON, PERSON and others. Several arguments purportedly supporting this assumption are demonstrated to be either flawed or, at best, inconclusive. Therefore, no compelling reason for accepting ORG exists so far, and it should be regarded as an ad hoc hypothesis with several rather strange and implausible physical and epistemological consequences. Accordingly, if one wishes to reject the controversial consequences of ORG, a route different from ORG has to be found.",0 "This paper studies a prototype of inverse obstacle scattering problems whose governing equation is the GPE equation in CARDINAL dimensions. An explicit method to extract information about the location and shape of unknown obstacles from the far field operator with a fixed wave number is given. The method is based on: an explicit construction of a modification of ORG function via the Vekua transform and the study of the asymptotic behaviour; an explicit density in the PERSON wave function that approximates the modification of ORG function in the bounded domain surrounding unknown obstacles; a system of inequalities derived from PERSON's factorization formula of the far field operator. Then an indicator function which can be calculated from the far field operator acting on the density is introduced. It is shown that the asymptotic behaviour of the indicator function yields information about the visible part of the exterior of the obstacles.","We consider an inverse source problem for the GPE equation in a bounded domain. The problem is to reconstruct the shape of the support of a source term from the Cauchy data on the boundary of the solution of the governing equation. We prove that if the shape is a polygon, one can calculate its support function from such data. An application to the inverse boundary value problem is also included.",1 "This paper begins the discussion of how ORG can be used to provide a principled foundation for the metalevel (or structural level) of ORG (SUO). This SUO structural level can be used as a logical framework for manipulating collections of ontologies in the object level of the SUO or other middle level or domain ontologies. From the ORG perspective, the SUO structural level resolves into several metalevel ontologies. This paper discusses a ORG formalization for one of those metalevel categories, ORG. In particular, it discusses its category and colimit sub-namespaces.","We explore AND gate response in a double quantum ring where each ring is threaded by a magnetic flux $MONEY The double quantum ring is attached symmetrically to CARDINAL semi-infinite CARDINAL-dimensional metallic electrodes and CARDINAL gate voltages, namely, $V_a$ and $PERSON, are applied, respectively, in the lower arms of the CARDINAL rings which are treated as CARDINAL inputs of the AND gate. The system is described in the tight-binding framework and the calculations are done using the ORG's function formalism. Here we numerically compute the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics as functions of the ring-to-electrode coupling strengths, magnetic flux and gate voltages. Our study suggests that, for a typical value of the magnetic flux MONEY ($\phi_0=ch/e$, the elementary flux-quantum) a high output current (CARDINAL) (in the logical sense) appears only if both the CARDINAL inputs to the gate are high (1), while if neither or CARDINAL input to the gate is high (1), a low output current (0) results. It clearly demonstrates the AND gate behavior and this aspect may be utilized in designing an electronic logic gate.",0 "We represent a filamentous actin molecule as a graph of finite-state machines (PRODUCT automaton). Each node in the graph takes CARDINAL states --- resting, excited, refractory. All nodes update their states simultaneously and by the same rule, in discrete time steps. CARDINAL rules are considered: threshold rule --- a resting node is excited if it has CARDINAL excited neighbour and narrow excitation interval rule --- a resting node is excited if it has exactly one excited neighbour. We analyse distributions of transient periods and lengths of limit cycles in evolution of PRODUCT, propose mechanisms for formation of limit cycles and evaluate density of information storage in PRODUCT automata.","A liquid can be used to represent signals, actuate mechanical computing devices and to modify signals via chemical reactions. We give a brief overview of liquid based computing devices developed over DATE. These include hydraulic calculators, fluidic computers, micro-fluidic devices, droplets, liquid marbles and reaction-diffusion chemical computers.",1 "The possibility to determine the gluon density inside the proton in deep inelastic ep collisions using current-target multiplicity correlations is discussed.","We propose an online form of the cake cutting problem. This models situations where players arrive and depart during the process of dividing a resource. We show that well known fair division procedures like cut-and-choose and the ORG moving knife procedure can be adapted to apply to such online problems. We propose some desirable properties that online cake cutting procedures might possess like online forms of proportionality and envy-freeness, and identify which properties are in fact possessed by the different online cake procedures.",0 "This paper deals with chain graphs under the Andersson-Madigan-Perlman (AMP) interpretation. In particular, we present a constraint based algorithm for learning an ORG chain graph a given probability distribution is faithful to. Moreover, we show that the extension of PERSON's conjecture to ORG chain graphs does not hold, which compromises the development of efficient and correct score+search learning algorithms under assumptions weaker than faithfulness. We also introduce a new family of graphical models that consists of undirected and bidirected edges. We name this new family maximal covariance-concentration graphs (MCCGs) because it includes both covariance and concentration graphs as subfamilies. However, every ORG can be seen as the result of marginalizing out some nodes in an AMP CG. We describe global, local and pairwise PERSON properties for MCCGs and prove their equivalence. We characterize when CARDINAL MCCGs are PERSON equivalent, and show that every PERSON equivalence class of MCCGs has a distinguished member. We present a constraint based algorithm for learning a ORG a given probability distribution is faithful to. Finally, we present a graphical criterion for reading dependencies from a ORG of a probability distribution that satisfies the graphoid properties, weak transitivity and composition. We prove that the criterion is sound and complete in certain sense.","In this paper, we extend PERSON's conjecture (DATE) from directed and acyclic graphs to chain graphs, and prove that the extended conjecture is true. Specifically, we prove that if a chain graph H is an independence map of the independence model induced by another chain graph G, then (i) G can be transformed into H by a sequence of directed and undirected edge additions and feasible splits and mergings, and (ii) after each operation in the sequence H remains an independence map of the independence model induced by PERSON result has the same important consequence for learning chain graphs from data as the proof of PERSON's conjecture in (Chickering 2002) had for learning NORP networks from data: It makes it possible to develop efficient and asymptotically correct learning algorithms under mild assumptions.",1 "Operating systems are vital system software that, without them, humans would not be able to manage and use computer systems. In essence, an operating system is a collection of software programs whose role is to manage computer resources and provide an interface for client applications to interact with the different computer hardware. Most of the commercial operating systems available DATE on the market have buggy code and they exhibit security flaws and vulnerabilities. In effect, building a trusted operating system that can mostly resist attacks and provide a secure computing environment to protect the important assets of a computer is the goal of every operating system manufacturer. This paper deeply investigates the various security features of the CARDINAL most widespread and successful operating systems, ORG and GPE. The different security features, designs, and components of the CARDINAL systems are to be covered elaborately, pin-pointing the key similarities and differences between them. In due course, a head-to-head comparison is to be drawn for each security aspect, exposing the advantage of CARDINAL system over the other.","Starting with a likelihood or preference order on worlds, we extend it to a likelihood ordering on sets of worlds in a natural way, and examine the resulting logic. PERSON (DATE) earlier considered such a notion of relative likelihood in the context of studying counterfactuals, but he assumed a total preference order on worlds. Complications arise when examining partial orders that are not present for total orders. There are subtleties involving the exact approach to lifting the order on worlds to an order on sets of worlds. In addition, the axiomatization of the logic of relative likelihood in the case of partial orders gives insight into the connection between relative likelihood and default reasoning.",0 "We describe an algorithm for using a quantum computer to calculate mean values of observables and the partition function of a quantum system. Our algorithm includes CARDINAL sub-algorithms. The ORDINAL sub-algorithm is for calculating, with polynomial efficiency, certain diagonal matrix elements of an observable. This sub-algorithm is performed on a ORG computer, using quantum phase estimation and tomography. The ORDINAL sub-algorithm is for sampling a probability distribution. This sub-algorithm is not polynomially efficient. It can be performed either on a classical or a ORG computer, but a ORG computer can perform it quadratically faster.","This is primarily a pedagogical paper. The paper re-visits some well-known ORG information theory inequalities. It does this from a quantum NORP networks perspective. The paper illustrates some of the benefits of using quantum NORP networks to discuss quantum PRODUCT (ORG).",1 "This is a purely pedagogical paper with no new results. The goal of the paper is to give a fairly self-contained introduction to PERSON do-calculus, including proofs of his CARDINAL rules.","We propose a new measure of ORG. Our measure is defined in terms of conditional information transmission for a Quantum Bayesian Net. We show that our measure is identically equal to ORG in the case of a bipartite (CARDINAL listener) system occupying a pure state. In the case of mixed states, the relationship between these CARDINAL measures is not known yet. We discuss some properties of our measure. Our measure can be easily and naturally generalized to handle n-partite (n-listener) systems. It is non-negative for any n. It vanishes for conditionally separable states with n listeners. It is symmetric under permutations of the n listeners. It decreases if listeners are merged, pruned or removed. Most promising of all, it is intimately connected with ORG. We also find a new upper bound for classical mutual information which is of interest in its own right.",1 "I describe my path to unconventionality in my exploration of theoretical and applied aspects of computation towards revealing the algorithmic and reprogrammable properties and capabilities of the world, in particular related to applications of algorithmic complexity in reshaping molecular biology and tackling the challenges of causality in science.","The aim of this paper is to propose an alternative behavioural definition of computation (and of a computer) based simply on whether a system is capable of reacting to the environment-the input-as reflected in a measure of programmability. This definition is intended to have relevance beyond the realm of digital computers, particularly vis-a-vis natural systems. This will be done by using an extension of a phase transition coefficient previously defined in an attempt to characterise the dynamical behaviour of cellular automata and other systems. The transition coefficient measures the sensitivity of a system to external stimuli, and will be used to define the susceptibility of a system to being (efficiently) programmed.",1 "Computing a GPE defining a set of planar points is a classical problem of modern computational geometry. In laboratory experiments we demonstrate that a concave hull, a connected alpha-shape without holes, of a finite planar set is approximated by slime mould PERSON polycephalum. We represent planar points with sources of long-distance attractants and short-distance repellents and inoculate a piece of plasmodium outside the data set. The plasmodium moves towards the data and envelops it by pronounced protoplasmic tubes.","We present a logical framework to represent and reason about stochastic optimization problems based on probability answer set programming. This is established by allowing probability optimization aggregates, e.g., minimum and maximum in the language of probability answer set programming to allow minimization or maximization of some desired criteria under the probabilistic environments. We show the application of the proposed logical stochastic optimization framework under the probability answer set programming to CARDINAL stages stochastic optimization problems with recourse.",0 "This paper outlines the implications of neural-level accounts of insight, and models of the conceptual interactions that underlie creativity, for a theory of cultural evolution. Since elements of human culture exhibit cumulative, adaptive, open-ended change, it seems reasonable to view culture as an evolutionary process, CARDINAL fueled by creativity. Associative memory models of creativity and mathematical models of how concepts combine and transform through interaction with a context, support a view of creativity that is incompatible with a NORP (selectionist) framework for cultural evolution, but compatible with a NORP (Self-Other Reorganization) framework. A theory of cultural evolution in which creativity is centre stage could provide the kind of integrative framework for the behavioral sciences that PERSON provided for the life sciences.","ORG is a computer model of LAW. It consists of neural network based agents that invent ideas for actions, and imitate neighbors' actions. ORG replicates using a different fitness function the results obtained with an earlier model (ORG), including (CARDINAL) an increase in mean fitness of actions, and (CARDINAL) an increase and then decrease in the diversity of actions. Diversity of actions is positively correlated with number of needs, population size and density, and with the erosion of borders between populations. Slowly eroding borders maximize diversity, fostering specialization followed by sharing of fit actions. Square (as opposed to toroidal) worlds also exhibit higher diversity. Introducing a leader that broadcasts its actions throughout the population increases the fitness of actions but reduces diversity; these effects diminish the more leaders there are. Low density populations have less fit ideas but broadcasting diminishes this effect.",1 "We address some computational issues that may hinder the use of ORG chain graphs in practice. Specifically, we show how a discrete probability distribution that satisfies all the independencies represented by an ORG chain graph factorizes according to it. We show how this factorization makes it possible to perform inference and parameter learning efficiently, by adapting existing algorithms for PERSON and NORP networks. Finally, we turn our attention to another issue that may hinder the use of ORG CGs, namely the lack of an intuitive interpretation of their edges. We provide CARDINAL such interpretation.","Suppose that multiple experts (or learning algorithms) provide us with alternative NORP network (BN) structures over a domain, and that we are interested in combining them into a single consensus FAC structure. Specifically, we are interested in that the consensus BN structure only represents independences all the given BN structures agree upon and that it has as few parameters associated as possible. In this paper, we prove that there may exist several non-equivalent consensus BN structures and that finding CARDINAL of them is ORG-hard. Thus, we decide to resort to heuristics to find an approximated consensus BN structure. In this paper, we consider the heuristic proposed in \citep{MatzkevichandAbramson1992,MatzkevichandAbramson1993a,MatzkevichandAbramson1993b}. This heuristic builds upon CARDINAL algorithms, called Methods A and B, for efficiently deriving the minimal directed independence map of a ORG structure relative to a given node ordering. Methods A and B are claimed to be correct although no proof is provided (a proof is just sketched). In this paper, we show that Methods A and B are not correct and propose a correction of them.",1 "While open-domain question answering (ORG) systems have proven effective for answering simple questions, they struggle with more complex questions. Our goal is to answer more complex questions reliably, without incurring a significant cost in knowledge resource construction to support the ORG. CARDINAL readily available knowledge resource is a term bank, enumerating the key concepts in a domain. We have developed an unsupervised learning approach that leverages a term bank to guide a ORG system, by representing the terminological knowledge with CARDINAL of specialized vector spaces. In experiments with complex science questions, we show that this approach significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art ORG systems, demonstrating that significant leverage can be gained from continuous vector representations of domain terminology.","The current intrusion detection systems have a number of problems that limit their configurability, scalability and efficiency. There have been some propositions about distributed architectures based on multiple independent agents working collectively for intrusion detection. However, these distributed intrusion detection systems are not fully distributed as most of them centrally analyze data collected from distributed nodes which may lead to a single point of failure. In this paper, a distributed intrusion detection architecture is presented that is based on autonomous and cooperating agents without any centralized analysis components. The agents cooperate by using a hierarchical communication of interests and data, and the analysis of intrusion data is made by the agents at the lowest level of the hierarchy. This architecture provides significant advantages in scalability, flexibility, extensibility, fault tolerance, and resistance to compromise. A proof-of-concept prototype is developed and experiments have been conducted on it. The results show the effectiveness of the system in detecting intrusive activities.",0 "Cirquent calculus is a proof system manipulating circuit-style constructs rather than formulas. Using it, this article constructs a sound and complete axiomatization CL16 of the propositional fragment of computability logic (the game-semantically conceived logic of computational problems - see http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/ ) whose logical vocabulary consists of negation and parallel and choice connectives, and whose atoms represent elementary, i.e. moveless, games.","Folksonomy is said to provide a democratic tagging system that reflects the opinions of the general public, but it is not a classification system and it is hard to make sense of. It would be necessary to share a representation of contexts by all the users to develop a social and collaborative matching. The solution could be to help the users to choose proper tags thanks to a dynamical driven system of folksonomy that could evolve during the time. This paper uses a cluster analysis to measure a new concept of a structure called ""WORK_OF_ART"", which consists of tags, source and time. Many approaches include in their goals the use of folksonomy that could evolve during time to evaluate characteristics. This paper describes an alternative where the goal is to develop a weighted network of tags where link strengths are based on the frequencies of tag co-occurrence, and studied the weight distributions and connectivity correlations among nodes in this network. The paper proposes and analyzes the network structure of the PERSON tags thought as folksonomy tags suggestions for the user on a dataset built on chosen websites. It is observed that the hypergraphs of the PERSON are highly connected and that the relative path lengths are relatively low, facilitating thus the serendipitous discovery of interesting contents for the users. Then its characteristics, ORG, is compared with random networks. The goal of this paper is a useful analysis of the use of folksonomies on some well known and extensive web sites with real user involvement. The advantages of the new tagging method using folksonomy are on a new interesting method to be employed by a knowledge management system. *** This paper has been accepted to ORG and its Applications (SCA 2011) - Sydney GPE, CARDINAL-14 December DATE ***",0 "This paper describes a novel approach to software engineering derived from EVENT"" and its realisation in ORG"". Despite superficial appearances, it is shown that many of the key ideas in software engineering have counterparts in the structure and workings of the NORP system. Potential benefits of this new approach to software engineering include: the automation or semi-automation of software development, with support for programming of the NORP system where necessary; allowing programmers to concentrate on 'world-oriented' parallelism, without worries about parallelism to speed up processing; support for the long-term goal of programming the NORP system via written or spoken natural language; reducing or eliminating the distinction between 'design' and 'implementation'; reducing or eliminating operations like compiling or interpretation; reducing or eliminating the need for verification of software; reducing the need for validation of software; no formal distinction between program and database; the potential for substantial reductions in the number of types of data file and the number of computer languages; benefits for version control; and reducing technical debt.","In 'PERSON (WS) sentences like ""The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence"" and ""The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they advocated revolution"", it is easy for adults to understand what ""they"" refers to but can be difficult for ORG systems. This paper describes how the SP System -- outlined in an appendix -- may solve this kind of problem of interpretation. The central idea is that a knowledge of discontinuous associations amongst linguistic features, and an ability to recognise such patterns of associations, provides a robust means of determining what a pronoun like ""they"" refers to. For any ORG system to solve this kind of problem, it needs appropriate knowledge of relevant syntax and semantics which, ideally, it should learn for itself. Although the ORG has some strengths in unsupervised learning, its capabilities in this area are not yet good enough to learn the kind of knowledge needed to interpret WS examples, so it must be supplied with such knowledge at the outset. However, its existing strengths in unsupervised learning suggest that it has potential to learn the kind of knowledge needed for the interpretation of WS examples. In particular, it has potential to learn the kind of discontinuous association of linguistic features mentioned earlier.",1 "In this paper, we define a distance for the ORG colour system. Next, the proposed distance is used for a fuzzy colour clustering algorithm construction. The presented algorithm is related to the well-known fuzzy c-means algorithm. Finally, the clustering algorithm is used as colour reduction method. The obtained experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.","This approach presents a multi-valued representation of the neutrosophic information. It highlights the link between the bifuzzy information and neutrosophic one. The constructed deca-valued structure shows the neutrosophic information complexity. This deca-valued structure led to construction of CARDINAL new concepts for the neutrosophic information: neutro-entropy and anti-entropy. These CARDINAL concepts are added to the CARDINAL existing: entropy and non-entropy. Thus, we obtained the following triad: entropy, neutro-entropy and anti-entropy.",1 "We propose the ORG method for peer assessment. This constructs a grade for an agent based on the grades proposed by the agents evaluating the agent. Since the grade of an agent is a measure of their ability to grade correctly, the ORG method weights grades by the grades of the grading agent. The ORG method also provides an incentive for agents to grade correctly. As the grades of an agent depend on the grades of the grading agents, and as these grades themselves depend on the grades of other agents, we define the ORG method by a fixed point equation similar to the ORG method for ranking web-pages. We identify some formal properties of the ORG method (for example, it satisfies axioms of unanimity, no dummy, no discrimination and symmetry), discuss some examples, compare with related work and evaluate the performance on some synthetic data. Our results show considerable promise, reducing the error in grade predictions by a factor of CARDINAL or more in many cases over the natural baseline of averaging peer grades.","Symmetry is a common feature of many combinatorial problems. Unfortunately eliminating all symmetry from a problem is often computationally intractable. This paper argues that recent parameterized complexity results provide insight into that intractability and help identify special cases in which symmetry can be dealt with more tractably",1 "Steering traffic in cities is a very complex task, since improving efficiency involves the coordination of many actors. Traditional approaches attempt to optimize traffic lights for a particular density and configuration of traffic. The disadvantage of this lies in the fact that traffic densities and configurations change constantly. Traffic seems to be an adaptation problem rather than an optimization problem. We propose a simple and feasible alternative, in which traffic lights self-organize to improve traffic flow. We use a multi-agent simulation to study CARDINAL self-organizing methods, which are able to outperform traditional rigid and adaptive methods. Using simple rules and no direct communication, traffic lights are able to self-organize and adapt to changing traffic conditions, reducing waiting times, number of stopped cars, and increasing average speeds.","As a part of our effort for studying the evolution and development of cognition, we present results derived from synthetic experimentations in a virtual laboratory where animats develop koncepts adaptively and ground their meaning through action. We introduce the term ""koncept"" to avoid confusions and ambiguity derived from the wide use of the word ""concept"". We present the models which our animats use for abstracting koncepts from perceptions, plastically adapt koncepts, and associate koncepts with actions. On a more philosophical vein, we suggest that knowledge is a property of a cognitive system, not an element, and therefore observer-dependent.",1 "In this paper we present the N-norms/N-conorms in neutrosophic logic and set as extensions of T-norms/T-conorms in fuzzy logic and set. Also, as an extension of ORG we present ORG.","In this paper we extend ORG fusion rule (WO) in information fusion by doing redistribution of not only the conflicting mass, but also of masses of non-empty intersections, that we call ORG (ORG). Then we propose a new fusion rule Class of ORG (CPRIM), which generates many interesting particular fusion rules in information fusion. Both formulas are presented for any number of sources of information. An application and comparison with other fusion rules are given in the last section.",1 "Given appropriate representations of the semantic relations between carpenter and wood and between mason and stone (for example, vectors in a vector space model), a suitable algorithm should be able to recognize that these relations are highly similar (carpenter is to wood as mason is to stone; the relations are analogous). Likewise, with representations of dog, house, and kennel, an algorithm should be able to recognize that the semantic composition of dog and house, dog house, is highly similar to kennel (dog house and kennel are synonymous). It seems that these CARDINAL tasks, recognizing relations and compositions, are closely connected. However, up to now, the best models for relations are significantly different from the best models for compositions. In this paper, we introduce a dual-space model that unifies these CARDINAL tasks. This model matches the performance of the best previous models for relations and compositions. The dual-space model consists of a space for measuring domain similarity and a space for measuring function similarity. PERSON and wood share the same domain, the domain of carpentry. ORG and stone share the same domain, the domain of masonry. PERSON and mason share the same function, the function of artisans. Wood and stone share the same function, the function of materials. In the composition dog house, ORG has some domain overlap with both dog and house (the domains of pets and buildings). The function of kennel is similar to the function of house (the function of shelters). By combining domain and function similarities in various ways, we can model relations, compositions, and other aspects of semantics.","The author has pledged in various papers, conference or seminar presentations, and scientific grant applications (DATE) for the unification of fusion theories, combinations of fusion rules, image fusion procedures, filter algorithms, and target tracking methods for more accurate applications to our real world problems - since neither fusion theory nor fusion rule fully satisfy all needed applications. For each particular application, CARDINAL selects the most appropriate fusion space and fusion model, then the fusion rules, and the algorithms of implementation. He has worked in WORK_OF_ART (UFT), which looks like a cooking recipe, better one could say like a logical chart for a computer programmer, but one does not see another method to comprise/unify all things. The unification scenario presented herein, which is now in an incipient form, should periodically be updated incorporating new discoveries from the fusion and engineering research.",0 "We study CARDINAL aspects of information semantics: (i) the collection of all relationships, (ii) tracking and spotting anomaly and change. The ORDINAL is implemented by endowing all relevant information spaces with a PERSON metric in a common projected space. The ORDINAL is modelled by an induced ultrametric. A very general way to achieve a Euclidean embedding of different information spaces based on cross-tabulation counts (and from other input data formats) is provided by ORG. From there, the induced ultrametric that we are particularly interested in takes a sequential - e.g. temporal - ordering of the data into account. We employ such a perspective to look at narrative, ""the flow of thought and the flow of language"" (Chafe). In application to policy decision making, we show how we can focus analysis in a small number of dimensions.","We begin with pervasive ultrametricity due to high dimensionality and/or spatial sparsity. How extent or degree of ultrametricity can be quantified leads us to the discussion of varied practical cases when ultrametricity can be partially or locally present in data. We show how the ultrametricity can be assessed in text or document collections, and in time series signals. An aspect of importance here is that to draw benefit from this perspective the data may need to be recoded. Such data recoding can also be powerful in proximity searching, as we will show, where the data is embedded globally and not locally in an ultrametric space.",1 "Dawkins' replicator-based conception of evolution has led to widespread mis-application selectionism across the social sciences because it does not address the paradox that inspired the theory of natural selection in the ORDINAL place: how do organisms accumulate change when traits acquired over their lifetime are obliterated? This is addressed by PERSON concept of a self-replicating automaton (ORG). A ORG consists of a self-assembly code that is used in CARDINAL distinct ways: (CARDINAL) actively deciphered during development to construct a self-similar replicant, and (CARDINAL) passively copied to the replicant to ensure that it can reproduce. Information that is acquired over a lifetime is not transmitted to offspring, whereas information that is inherited during copying is transmitted. In cultural evolution there is no mechanism for discarding acquired change. Acquired change can accumulate orders of magnitude faster than, and quickly overwhelm, inherited change due to differential replication of variants in response to selection. This prohibits a selectionist but not an evolutionary framework for culture. Recent work on the origin of life suggests that early life evolved through a NORP process referred to as communal exchange that does not involve a self-assembly code, and that natural selection emerged from this more haphazard, ancestral evolutionary process. It is proposed that communal exchange provides a more appropriate evolutionary framework for culture than selectionism. This is supported by a computational model of cultural evolution and a network-based program for documenting material cultural history, and it is consistent with high levels of human cooperation.","ORG (ORG) principle selects the model that has the shortest code for data plus model. We show that for a countable class of models, MDL predictions are close to the true distribution in a strong sense. The result is completely general. No independence, ergodicity, stationarity, identifiability, or other assumption on the model class need to be made. More formally, we show that for any countable class of models, the distributions selected by ORG (or ORG) asymptotically predict (merge with) the true measure in the class in total variation distance. Implications for non-i.i.d. domains like time-series forecasting, discriminative learning, and reinforcement learning are discussed.",0 "Web search engines apply a variety of ranking signals to achieve user satisfaction, i.e., results pages that provide the best-possible results to the user. While these ranking signals implicitly consider credibility (e.g., by measuring popularity), explicit measures of credibility are not applied. In this chapter, credibility in Web search engines is discussed in a broad context: credibility as a measure for including documents in a search engine's index, credibility as a ranking signal, credibility in the context of universal search results, and the possibility of using credibility as an explicit measure for ranking purposes. It is found that while search engines-at least to a certain extent-show credible results to their users, there is no fully integrated credibility framework for Web search engines.","""Clarithmetic"" is a generic name for formal number theories similar to ORG arithmetic, but based on computability logic (see ORG) instead of the more traditional classical or intuitionistic logics. Formulas of clarithmetical theories represent interactive computational problems, and their ""truth"" is understood as existence of an algorithmic solution. Imposing various complexity constraints on such solutions yields various versions of clarithmetic. The present paper introduces a system of clarithmetic for polynomial time computability, which is shown to be sound and complete. Sound in the sense that every theorem T of the system represents an interactive number-theoretic computational problem with a polynomial time solution and, furthermore, such a solution can be efficiently extracted from a proof of NORP And complete in the sense that every interactive number-theoretic problem with a polynomial time solution is represented by some theorem T of the system. The paper is written in a semitutorial style and targets readers with no prior familiarity with computability logic.",0 "Arrays of weakly-coupled ORG systems can be made to compute by subjecting them to a sequence of electromagnetic pulses of well-defined frequency and length. Such pulsed arrays are true ORG computers: bits can be placed in superpositions of CARDINAL and CARDINAL, logical operations take place coherently, and dissipation is required only for error correction. Programming such computers is accomplished by selecting the proper sequence of pulses.","Recently, ORG and PERSON proposed a gravitational mechanism to explain the ORG anomaly based on their scalar-tensor-vector (ORG) metric theory of gravity. In this paper we show that their model, fitted to the presently available data for the anomalous FAC acceleration, is in contrast with the latest determinations of the perihelion extra-rates of LOC, PRODUCT and GPE.",0 "ORG treats the nascent discipline of physical eschatology, which deals with the future evolution of astrophysical objects, including the universe itself, and is thus both a counterpart and a complement to conventional cosmology. While sporadic interest in these topics has flared up from time to time during the entire history of humanity, a truly physical treatment of these issues has only become possible during DATE. This ORG deals with these recent developments. It offers a starting point for understanding what the physical sciences might say about the future of our universe and its constituents. ORG articles, books, and web sites are provided for the following topics: history and epistemology of physical eschatology, the future of the PRODUCT system, the future of stars and stellar systems, the global future of the universe, information processing and intelligent communities, as well as some side issues, like the possible vacuum phase transition and the so-called ORG.","Classical arguments for skepticism regarding ORG (ORG) are critically examined. It is suggested that the emerging class of ""phase transition"" astrobiological models can simultaneously account for all available astrophysical and biological evidence, explain several unresolved puzzle in LOC sciences, and rationally justify current and future ORG projects. In particular, the hypothesis of NORP that local gamma-ray bursts drive the astrobiological phase transition deserves to be further quantitatively elucidated. Some epistemological and ethical ramifications of such a model are briefly discussed.",1 "This paper reviews and clarifies CARDINAL misunderstandings about cultural evolution identified by GPE, PERSON, and PERSON (DATE). ORDINAL, cultural representations are neither discrete nor continuous; they are distributed across neurons that respond to microfeatures. This enables associations to be made, and cultural change to be generated. ORDINAL, 'replicator dynamics' do not ensure natural selection. The replicator notion does not capture the distinction between actively interpreted self-assembly code and passively copied self-description, which leads to a fundamental principle of natural selection: inherited information is transmitted, whereas acquired information is not. ORDINAL, this principle is violated in culture by the ubiquity of acquired change. Moreover, biased transmission is less important to culture than the creative processes by which novelty is generated. ORDINAL, there is no objective basis for determining cultural fitness. ORDINAL, the necessity of randomness is discussed. It is concluded that natural selection is inappropriate as an explanatory framework for culture.","Although NORP models are rampant in the social sciences, social scientists do not face the problem that motivated PERSON's theory of natural selection: the problem of explaining how lineages evolve despite that any traits they acquire are regularly discarded at the end of the lifetime of the individuals that acquired them. While the rationale for framing culture as an evolutionary process is correct, it does not follow that culture is a NORP or selectionist process, or that population genetics provides viable starting points for modeling cultural change. This paper lays out step-by-step arguments as to why a selectionist approach to cultural evolution is inappropriate, focusing on the lack of randomness, and lack of a self-assembly code. It summarizes an alternative evolutionary approach to culture: self-other reorganization via context-driven actualization of potential.",1 "The early NORP and NORP cosmologies are summarized in this paper. The CARDINAL traditions appear to have developed independently although after the time of ORG they were consciously aware of each other. The focus and style of the CARDINAL sciences was different owing to their different cosmologies. Perhaps the only science which worked more or less the same way in the CARDINAL civilizations was medicine. But even here there was important difference. The reason why the CARDINAL sciences went their own way in spite of the knowledge of the other was because their worldviews were different. NORP astronomers, for example, never paid any attention to GPE's model with its crystalline spheres that looked restrictive compared to the vast scale of their own conception. On the other hand, the use of enormous time scales of NORP astronomy must have appeared unnecessary to the Greeks.","Thermodynamic entropy is not an entirely satisfactory measure of information of a quantum state. This entropy for an unknown pure state is CARDINAL, although repeated measurements on copies of such a pure state do communicate information. In view of this, we propose a new measure for the informational entropy of a quantum state that includes information in the pure states and the thermodynamic entropy. The origin of information is explained in terms of an interplay between unitary and non-unitary evolution. Such complementarity is also at the basis of the so-called interaction-free measurement.",1 "The paper addresses an approach to ordinal assessment of alternatives based on assignment of elements into an ordinal scale. Basic versions of the assessment problems are formulated while taking into account the number of levels at a basic ordinal scale [CARDINAL...,l] and the number of assigned elements (e.g., CARDINAL). The obtained estimates are multisets (or bags) (cardinality of the multiset equals a constant). Scale-posets for the examined assessment problems are presented. 'ORG multiset estimates' are suggested. Further, operations over multiset estimates are examined: (a) integration of multiset estimates, (b) proximity for multiset estimates, (c) comparison of multiset estimates, (d) aggregation of multiset estimates, and (e) alignment of multiset estimates. Combinatorial synthesis based on morphological approach is examined including the modified version of the approach with multiset estimates of design alternatives. Knapsack-like problems with multiset estimates are briefly described as well. The assessment approach, multiset-estimates, and corresponding combinatorial problems are illustrated by numerical examples.","The article addresses balanced clustering problems with an additional requirement as a tree-like structure over the obtained balanced clusters. This kind of clustering problems can be useful in some applications (e.g., network design, management and routing). Various types of the initial elements are considered. CARDINAL basic greedy-like solving strategies (design framework) are considered: balancing-spanning strategy, spanning-balancing strategy, direct strategy, and design of layered structures with balancing. An extended description of the spanning-balancing strategy is presented including CARDINAL solving schemes and an illustrative numerical example.",1 "A popular model selection approach for generalized linear mixed-effects models is the GPE information criterion, or ORG. Among others, \cite{vaida05} pointed out the distinction between the marginal and conditional inference depending on the focus of research. The conditional ORG was derived for the linear mixed-effects model which was later generalized by \cite{liang08}. We show that the similar strategy extends to PERSON regression with random effects, where condition AIC can be obtained based on our observations. Simulation studies demonstrate the usage of the criterion.","The large N_f self consistency method is applied to the computation of perturbative information in the operator product expansion used in deep inelastic scattering. The O(1/N_f) critical exponents corresponding to the anomalous dimensions of the twist CARDINAL non-singlet and singlet operators are computed analytically as well as the non-singlet structure functions. The results are in agreement with recent explicit perturbative calculations.",0 "The evolution of the user's content still remains a problem for an accurate recommendation.This is why the current research aims to design ORG (ORG) able to continually adapt information that matches the user's interests. This paper aims to explain this problematic point in outlining the proposals that have been made in research with their advantages and disadvantages.","In this paper, we develop a dynamic exploration/ exploitation (exr/exp) strategy for contextual recommender systems (CRS). Specifically, our methods can adaptively balance the CARDINAL aspects of exr/exp by automatically learning the optimal tradeoff. This consists of optimizing a utility function represented by a linearized form of the probability distributions of the rewards of the clicked and the non-clicked documents already recommended. Within an offline simulation framework we apply our algorithms to a CRS and conduct an evaluation with real event log data. The experimental results and detailed analysis demonstrate that our algorithms outperform existing algorithms in terms of click-through-rate (ORG).",1 "Social decision support systems are able to aggregate the local perspectives of a diverse group of individuals into a global social decision. This paper presents a multi-relational network ontology and grammar-based particle swarm algorithm capable of aggregating the decisions of CARDINAL of individuals. This framework supports a diverse problem space and a broad range of vote aggregation algorithms. These algorithms account for individual expertise and representation across different domains of the group problem space. Individuals are able to pose and categorize problems, generate potential solutions, choose trusted representatives, and vote for particular solutions. Ultimately, via a social decision making algorithm, the system aggregates all the individual votes into a single collective decision.","ORG (ORG) is a semantic network data model that is used to create machine-understandable descriptions of the world and is the basis of the Semantic Web. This article discusses the application of ORG to the representation of computer software and virtual computing machines. The NORP Web is posited as not only a web of data, but also as a web of programs and processes.",1 "Of all the issues discussed at {\em Alife VII: Looking Forward, PERSON}, the issue of whether it was possible to create an artificial life system that exhibits {\em open-ended evolution} of novelty is by far the biggest. Of the CARDINAL open problems settled on as a result of debate at the conference, some 6 are directly, or indirectly related to this issue. Most people equate open-ended evolution with complexity growth, although a priori these seem to be different things. In this paper I report on experiments to measure the complexity of GPE organisms, and show the results for a {\em size-neutral} run of ORG. In this run, no increase in organismal complexity was observed, although organism size did increase through the run. This result is discussed, offering some signposts on path to solving the issue of open ended evolution.","The term {\em complexity} is used informally both as a quality and as a quantity. As a quality, complexity has something to do with our ability to understand a system or object -- we understand simple systems, but not complex ones. On another level, {\em complexity} is used as a quantity, when we talk about something being more complicated than another. In this chapter, we explore the formalisation of both meanings of complexity, which happened during DATE.",1 "These informal notes deal with p-adic versions of NORP groups and related matters.","Measurement-based ORG computing enables universal ORG computing with only adaptive single-qubit measurements on certain many-qubit states, such as the graph state, the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) state, and several tensor-network states. Finding new resource states of measurement-based ORG computing is a hard task, since for a given state there are exponentially many possible measurement patterns on the state. In this paper, we consider the problem of deciding, for a given state and a set of unitary operators, whether there exists a way of measurement-based ORG computing on the state that can realize all unitaries in the set, or not. We show that the decision problem is QCMA-hard, which means that finding new resource states of measurement-based ORG computing is harder than ORG computing itself (unless BQP is equal to PERSON). We also derive an upperbound of the decision problem: the problem is in a quantum version of the ORDINAL level of the polynomial hierarchy.",0 "Many academic journals ask their authors to provide a list of CARDINAL to CARDINAL keywords, to appear on the ORDINAL page of each article. Since these key words are often phrases of CARDINAL or more words, we prefer to call them keyphrases. There is a wide variety of tasks for which keyphrases are useful, as we discuss in this paper. We approach the problem of automatically extracting keyphrases from text as a supervised learning task. We treat a document as a set of phrases, which the learning algorithm must learn to classify as positive or negative examples of keyphrases. Our ORDINAL set of experiments applies the C4.5 decision tree induction algorithm to this learning task. We evaluate the performance of CARDINAL different configurations of C4.5. The ORDINAL set of experiments applies the GenEx algorithm to the task. We developed the ORG algorithm specifically for automatically extracting keyphrases from text. The experimental results support the claim that a custom-designed algorithm (GenEx), incorporating specialized procedural domain knowledge, can generate better keyphrases than a generalpurpose algorithm (C4.5). Subjective human evaluation of the keyphrases generated by ORG suggests that about PERCENT of the keyphrases are acceptable to human readers. This level of performance should be satisfactory for a wide variety of applications.","PERSON and DATE's book, ORG in GPE, describes CARDINAL major events in the evolution of life on LOC and identifies a common theme that unites these events. In each event, smaller entities came together to form larger entities, which can be described as symbiosis or cooperation. Here we present a computational simulation of evolving entities that includes symbiosis with shifting levels of selection. In the simulation, the fitness of an entity is measured by a series of CARDINAL-on-CARDINAL competitions in WORK_OF_ART, a CARDINAL-player variation of ORG. Mutation, reproduction, and symbiosis are implemented as operations that are external to ORG. Because these operations are external to the game, we are able to freely manipulate the operations and observe the effects of the manipulations. The simulation is composed of CARDINAL layers, each layer building on the previous layer. The ORDINAL layer implements a simple form of asexual reproduction, the ORDINAL layer introduces a more sophisticated form of asexual reproduction, the ORDINAL layer adds sexual reproduction, and the ORDINAL layer adds symbiosis. The experiments show that a small amount of symbiosis, added to the other layers, significantly increases the fitness of the population. We suggest that, in addition to providing new insights into biological and cultural evolution, this model of symbiosis may have practical applications in evolutionary computation, such as in the task of learning deep neural network models.",1 "In a recent article, ORG explains his view of Turing's legacy in connection to the philosophy of information. I will very briefly survey CARDINAL of Turing's other contributions to the philosophy of information and computation, including similarities to FAC's own methodological approach to information through communication, showing how crucial they are and have been as methodological strategies to understanding key aspects of these concepts. While ORG's concept of ORG is related to the novel methodology of ORG's imitation game for tackling the question of machine intelligence, Turing's other main contribution to the philosophy of information runs contrary to it. Indeed, the seminal concept of computation universality strongly suggests the deletion of fundamental differences among seemingly different levels of description. How might we reconcile these apparently contradictory contributions? I will argue that Turing's contribution should prompt us to plot some directions for a philosophy of information and computation, one that closely parallels the most important developments in computer science, one that understands the profound implications of the works of GPE, FAC and others.","What does it mean to claim that a physical or natural system computes? CARDINAL answer, endorsed here, is that computing is about programming a system to behave in different ways. This paper offers an account of what it means for a physical system to compute based on this notion. It proposes a behavioural characterisation of computing in terms of a measure of programmability, which reflects a system's ability to react to external stimuli. The proposed measure of programmability is useful for classifying computers in terms of the apparent algorithmic complexity of their evolution in time. I make some specific proposals in this connection and discuss this approach in the context of other behavioural approaches, notably PERSON's test of machine intelligence. I also anticipate possible objections and consider the applicability of these proposals to the task of relating abstract computation to nature-like computation.",1 "The mathematical framework of ORG duality is used to synthesize a number of hitherto separate developments in ORG, the mathematical theory of computation introduced by ORG as a foundation for denotational semantics. - The theory of concurrency and systems behaviour developed by ORG, PERSON et al. based on operational semantics. - Logics of programs. Stone duality provides a junction between semantics (spaces of points = denotations of computational processes) and logics (lattices of properties of processes). Moreover, the underlying logic is geometric, which can be computationally interpreted as the logic of observable properties---i.e. properties which can be determined to hold of a process on the basis of a finite amount of information about its execution. These ideas lead to the following programme: CARDINAL. A metalanguage is introduced, comprising - types = universes of discourse for various computational situations. - terms = programs = syntactic intensions for models or points. CARDINAL. A standard denotational interpretation of the metalanguage is given, assigning domains to types and domain elements to terms. CARDINAL. The metalanguage is also given a {\em logical} interpretation, in which types are interpreted as propositional theories and terms are interpreted via a program logic, which axiomatizes the properties they satisfy. CARDINAL. The CARDINAL interpretations are related by showing that they are NORP duals of each other. Hence, semantics and logic are guaranteed to be in harmony with each other, and in fact each determines the other up to isomorphism. This opens the way to a whole range of applications. Given a denotational description of a computational situation in our meta-language, we can turn the handle to obtain a logic for that situation.","Reversibility is a key issue in the interface between computation and physics, and of growing importance as miniaturization progresses towards its physical limits. Most foundational work on reversible computing to date has focussed on simulations of low-level machine models. By contrast, we develop a more structural approach. We show how high-level functional programs can be mapped compositionally (i.e. in a syntax-directed fashion) into a simple kind of automata which are immediately seen to be reversible. The size of the GPE is ORG in the size of the functional term. In mathematical terms, we are building a concrete model of functional computation. This construction stems directly from ideas arising in ORG and ORG Logic---but can be understood without any knowledge of these topics. In fact, it serves as an excellent introduction to them. At the same time, an interesting logical delineation between reversible and irreversible forms of computation emerges from our analysis.",1 "A typical phenomenon for machine models of transfinite computations is the existence of so-called lost melodies, i.e. real numbers $x$ such that the characteristic function of the set $\{x\}$ is computable while $PERSON itself is not (a real having the ORDINAL property is called recognizable). This was ORDINAL observed by PERSON and A. Lewis for infinite time Turing machine, then demonstrated by PERSON and the author for $MONEY. We prove that, for unresetting infinite time register machines introduced by PERSON, recognizability equals computability, i.e. the lost melody phenomenon does not occur. Then, we give an overview on our results on the behaviour of recognizable reals for $MONEY. We show that there are no lost melodies for ordinal PRODUCT machines or ordinal register machines without parameters and that this is, under the assumption that $MONEY exists, independent of $ZFC$. Then, we introduce the notions of resetting and unresetting $\alpha$-register machines and give some information on the question for which of these machines there are lost melodies.","We consider the question whether there is an infinitary analogue of ORG. To this end, we argue that there is an intuitive notion of transfinite computability and build a canonical model, called ORG Agent Machines ($IAM$s) of this which will turn out to be equivalent in strength to ORG defined by PERSON.",1 "Functioning and interaction of distributed devices and concurrent algorithms are analyzed in the context of the theory of algorithms. Our main concern here is how and under what conditions algorithmic interactive devices can be more powerful than the recursive models of computation, such as Turing machines. Realization of such a higher computing power makes these systems superrecursive. We find here CARDINAL sources for superrecursiveness in interaction. In addition, we prove that when all of these sources are excluded, the algorithmic interactive system in question is able to perform only recursive computations. These results provide computer scientists with necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving superrecursiveness by algorithmic interactive devices.","A visual programming language uses pictorial tools such as diagrams to represent its structural units and control stream. It is useful for enhancing understanding, maintenance, verification, testing, and parallelism. This paper proposes a diagrammatic methodology that produces a conceptual representation of instructions for programming source codes. Without loss of generality in the potential for using the methodology in a wider range of applications, this paper focuses on using these diagrams in teaching of CARDINAL programming. C++ programming constructs are represented in the proposed method in order to show that it can provide a foundation for understanding the behavior of running programs. Applying the method to actual C++ classes demonstrates that it improves understanding of the activities in the computer system corresponding to a NORP program.",0 "Critical comments on the recent papers supporting the idea of resilient quantum computations are presented.","The information-thermodynamics link is revisited, going back to the analysis of PERSON's engine. It is argued that instead of equivalence rather complementarity of physical entropy and information theoretical one is a correct concept. Famous ORG's formula for a minimal cost of information processing is replaced by a new one which takes into account accuracy and stability of information encoding. CARDINAL recent experiments illustrating the information-energy conversion are critically discussed.",1 "The standard relations between information theory and thermodynamics are challenged. The ORG engine is revisited and the bound proposed by GPE is replaced by a different one which includes errors in information processing. Instead of equivalence, complementarity of information and thermodynamical entropy is advocated. Finally, the relations between error correction and self-replication of states which can carry information are discussed.","The problem of statistical learning is to construct a predictor of a random variable $MONEY as a function of a related random variable $MONEY on the basis of an i.i.d. training sample from the joint distribution of $(X,Y)$. Allowable predictors are drawn from some specified class, and the goal is to approach asymptotically the performance (expected loss) of the best predictor in the class. We consider the setting in which one has perfect observation of the $MONEY of the sample, while the $PERSON has to be communicated at some finite bit rate. The encoding of the $PERSON is allowed to depend on the $MONEY. Under suitable regularity conditions on the admissible predictors, the underlying family of probability distributions and the loss function, we give an information-theoretic characterization of achievable predictor performance in terms of conditional distortion-rate functions. The ideas are illustrated on the example of nonparametric regression in NORP noise.",0 "Mutual information among CARDINAL or more dimensions (mu-star = - Q) has been considered as interaction information. However, PERSON (DATE) has shown that this measure cannot be interpreted as a unique property of the interactions and has proposed an alternative measure of interaction information based on iterative approximation of maximum entropies. Q can then be considered as a measure of the difference between interaction information and redundancy generated in a model entertained by an observer. I argue that this provides us with a measure of the imprint of a ORDINAL-order observing system -- a model entertained by the system itself -- on the underlying information processing. The ORDINAL-order system communicates meaning hyper-incursively; an observation instantiates this meaning-processing within the information processing. The net results may add to or reduce the prevailing uncertainty. The model is tested empirically for the case where textual organization can be expected to contain intellectual organization in terms of distributions of title words, author names, and cited references.","In addition to science citation indicators of journals like impact and immediacy, social network analysis provides a set of centrality measures like degree, betweenness, and closeness centrality. These measures are ORDINAL analyzed for the entire set of CARDINAL journals included in the ORG PRODUCT the Science Citation Index and the ORG Citation Index DATE, and then also in relation to local citation environments which can be considered as proxies of specialties and disciplines. Betweenness centrality is shown to be an indicator of the interdisciplinarity of journals, but only in local citation environments and after normalization because otherwise the influence of degree centrality (size) overshadows the betweenness-centrality measure. The indicator is applied to a variety of citation environments, including policy-relevant ones like biotechnology and nanotechnology.",1 "We consider notions of space complexity for ORG (ITTMs) that were introduced by ORG and studied further by PERSON. We answer several open questions about these notions, among them whether low space complexity implies low time complexity (it does not) and whether CARDINAL of the equalities P=ORG, ORG and P$_{++}=$PSPACE$_{++}$ holds for ITTMs (all CARDINAL are false). We also show various separation results between space complexity classes for ITTMs. This considerably expands our earlier observations on the topic in section 7.2.2 of \cite{Ca2}, which appear here as Lemma $6$ up to GPE $MONEY","We present a novel, general, optimally fast, incremental way of searching for a universal algorithm that solves each task in a sequence of tasks. The Optimal Ordered Problem Solver (OOPS) continually organizes and exploits previously found solutions to earlier tasks, efficiently searching not only the space of domain-specific algorithms, but also the space of search algorithms. Essentially we extend the principles of optimal nonincremental universal search to build an incremental universal learner that is able to improve itself through experience. In illustrative experiments, our self-improver becomes the ORDINAL general system that learns to solve all n disk Towers of GPE tasks (solution size CARDINAL) for n CARDINAL, profiting from previously solved, simpler tasks involving samples of a simple context free language.",0 "According to general relativity, a spinning body of mass M and angular momentum S, like a star or a planet, generates a gravitomagnetic field which induces, among other phenomena, also the Lense-Thirring effect, i.e. secular precessions of the path of a test particle orbiting it. Direct and indisputable tests of such a relativistic prediction are still missing. We discuss some performed attempts to measure it in the gravitational fields of several bodies in the PRODUCT with natural and artificial objects. The focus is on the realistic evaluation of the impact of some competing classical forces regarded as sources of systematic uncertainties degrading the total accuracy obtainable.","The accuracy reached in DATE by ORG (SLR) allows for measuring even tiny features of the LOC's gravitational field predicted by PERSON's General Relativity by means of artificial satellites. The gravitomagnetic dragging of the orbit of a test body is currently under measurement by analyzing a suitable combination of the orbital residuals of ORG and LAW. The lower bound of the error in this experiment amount to PERCENT. It is due to the mismodeling in the even zonal harmonics of the geopotential which are the most important sources of systematic error. A similar approach could be used in order to measure the relativistic gravitoelectric pericenter shift in the field of the LOC with a lower bound of the systematic relative error of PERCENT due to the even zonal harmonics as well. The inclusion of the ranging data to the NORP passive geodetic satellite PERSON would improve such limits to PERCENT PERCENT respectively and would allow to improve the accuracy in the determination of the ORG parameters beta and gamma.",1 "In this article, we take the point of view that the light scalar meson $PERSON is a conventional $PERSON state, and calculate the coupling constants $g_{a_0\eta\pi^0}$ and CARDINALPERSON \eta'\pi^0}$ with the light-cone ORG sum rules. The central value of the coupling constant $g_{a_0\eta\pi^0}$ is consistent with the one extracted from the radiative decay $\phi(1020)\to a_0(980)\gamma \to \eta \pi^0 \gamma$. The central value and lower bound of the decay width $MONEY \eta \pi^0}=127^{+84}_{-48} \rm{MeV} $ are compatible with the experimental data of the total decay width $\Gamma_{a_0(980)}=(50-100) \rm{MeV}$ from ORG with very model dependent estimation (the decay width can be much larger), while the upper bound is too large. We give possible explanation for the discrepancy between the theoretical calculation and experimental data.","Our aim in this paper is to trace some of the surprising and beautiful connections which are beginning to emerge between a number of apparently disparate topics: ORG, Categorical ORG, and Logic and Computation. We shall focus in particular on the following CARDINAL topics: - The Temperley-Lieb algebra has always hitherto been presented as a quotient of some sort: either algebraically by generators and relations as in PERSON' original presentation, or as a diagram algebra modulo planar isotopy as in PERSON's presentation. We shall use tools from ORG, a dynamical interpretation of proofs under ORG developed as an off-shoot of ORG, to give a direct description of the Temperley-Lieb category -- a ""fully abstract presentation"", in ORG terminology. This also brings something new to ORG, since we are led to develop a planar version of it, and to verify that the interpretation of ORG (the ""Execution Formula"", or ""composition by feedback"") preserves planarity. - We shall also show how the Temperley-Lieb algebra provides a natural setting in which computation can be performed diagrammatically as geometric simplification -- ""yanking lines straight"". We shall introduce a ""planar lambda-calculus"" for this purpose, and show how it can be interpreted in the ORG category.",0 "We address the problem of modulating a parameter onto a power-limited signal, transmitted over a discrete-time NORP channel and estimating this parameter at the receiver. Continuing an earlier work, where the optimal trade-off between the weak-noise estimation performance and the outage probability (threshold-effect breakdown) was studied for a single (scalar) parameter, here we extend the derivation of the weak-noise estimation performance to the case of a multi-dimensional vector parameter. This turns out to be a non-trivial extension, that provides a few insights and it has some interesting implications, which are discussed in depth. Several modifications and extensions of the basic setup are also studied and discussed.","We study data processing inequalities that are derived from a certain class of generalized information measures, where a series of convex functions and multiplicative likelihood ratios are nested alternately. While these information measures can be viewed as a special case of the most general ORG generalized information measure, this special nested structure calls for attention and motivates our study. Specifically, a certain choice of the convex functions leads to an information measure that extends the notion of the ORG distance (or the PERSON divergence): While the ordinary ORG distance is based on the (weighted) geometric mean of CARDINAL replicas of the channel's conditional distribution, the more general information measure allows an arbitrary number of such replicas. We apply the data processing inequality induced by this information measure to a detailed study of lower bounds of parameter estimation under additive white PERSON noise (AWGN) and show that in certain cases, tighter bounds can be obtained by using CARDINAL replicas. While the resulting lower bound may not compete favorably with the best bounds available for the ordinary ORG channel, the advantage of the new lower bound, relative to the other bounds, becomes significant in the presence of channel uncertainty, like unknown fading. This different behavior in the presence of channel uncertainty is explained by ORG of the information measure.",1 "ORG (ORG) is continuing to grow outside the bounds of its initial function as a metadata framework and into the domain of general-purpose data modeling. This expansion has been facilitated by the continued increase in the capacity and speed of ORG database repositories known as triple-stores. High-end ORG triple-stores can hold and process on the order of CARDINAL triples. In an effort to provide a seamless integration of the data contained in ORG repositories, the ORG community is providing specifications for linking ORG data sets into a universal distributed graph that can be traversed by both man and machine. While the seamless integration of ORG data sets is important, at the scale of the data sets that currently exist and will ultimately grow to become, the ""download and index"" philosophy of WORK_OF_ART will not so easily map over to the Semantic Web. This essay discusses the importance of adding a distributed ORG process infrastructure to the current distributed ORG data structure.","The PERSON equation describes the change in populations. Change concerns some value, such as biological fitness, information or physical work. The ORG equation reveals universal aspects for the nature of change, independently of the meaning ascribed to values. By understanding those universal aspects, we can see more clearly why fundamental mathematical results in different disciplines often share a common form. We can also interpret more clearly the meaning of key results within each discipline. For example, the mathematics of natural selection in biology has a form closely related to information theory and physical entropy. Does that mean that natural selection is about information or entropy? Or do natural selection, information and entropy arise as interpretations of a common underlying abstraction? The PERSON equation suggests the latter. The PERSON equation achieves its abstract generality by partitioning change into CARDINAL terms. The ORDINAL term naturally associates with the direct forces that cause change. The ORDINAL term naturally associates with the changing frame of reference. In the PERSON equation's canonical form, total change remains CARDINAL because the conservation of total probability requires that all probabilities invariantly sum to one. Much of the shared common form for the mathematics of different disciplines may arise from that seemingly trivial invariance of total probability, which leads to the partitioning of total change into equal and opposite components of the direct forces and the changing frame of reference.",0 "This paper considers a nonlinear quantile model with change-points. The quantile estimation method, which as a particular case includes median model, is more robust with respect to other traditional methods when model errors contain outliers. Under relatively weak assumptions, the convergence rate and asymptotic distribution of change-point and of regression parameter estimators are obtained. Numerical study by PERSON simulations shows the performance of the proposed method for nonlinear model with change-points.","We propose a model of quantum-like (PERSON) processing of mental information. This model is based on quantum information theory. However, in contrast to models of ""quantum physical brain"" reducing mental activity (at least at the highest level) to quantum physical phenomena in the brain, our model matches well with the basic neuronal paradigm of the cognitive science. PERSON information processing is based (surprisingly) on classical electromagnetic signals induced by joint activity of neurons. This novel approach to quantum information is based on representation of quantum mechanics as a version of classical signal theory which was recently elaborated by the author. The brain uses the PERSON representation (ORG) for working with abstract concepts; concrete images are described by classical information theory. CARDINAL processes, classical and PERSON, are performed parallely. Moreover, information is actively transmitted from CARDINAL representation to another. A PERSON concept given in our model by a density operator can generate a variety of concrete images given by temporal realizations of the corresponding (NORP) random signal. This signal has the covariance operator coinciding with the density operator encoding the abstract concept under consideration. The presence of various temporal scales in the brain plays the crucial role in creation of ORG in the brain.",0 "This paper presents a linear regression based back-end for speaker verification. ORG regression is a simple linear model that minimizes the mean squared estimation error between the target and its estimate with a closed form solution, where the target is defined as the ground-truth indicator vectors of utterances. We use the linear regression model to learn speaker models from a front-end, and verify the similarity of CARDINAL speaker models by a cosine similarity scoring classifier. To evaluate the effectiveness of the linear regression model, we construct CARDINAL speaker verification systems that use the NORP mixture model and identity-vector (ORG/i-vector) front-end, deep neural network and i-vector (DNN/i-vector) front-end, and deep vector (d-vector) front-end as their front-ends, respectively. Our empirical comparison results on the ORG speaker recognition evaluation data sets show that the proposed method outperforms within-class covariance normalization, linear discriminant analysis, and probabilistic linear discriminant analysis, given any of the CARDINAL front-ends.","This article is a brief guide to the field of algorithmic information theory (ORG), its underlying philosophy, and the most important concepts. ORG arises by mixing information theory and computation theory to obtain an objective and absolute notion of information in an individual object, and in so doing gives rise to an objective and robust notion of randomness of individual objects. This is in contrast to classical information theory that is based on random variables and communication, and has no bearing on information and randomness of individual objects. After a brief overview, the major subfields, applications, history, and a map of the field are presented.",0 """WORK_OF_ART"" is a model of systems of biological cells, able to generate arbitrary CARDINAL or CARDINAL-dimensional cellular shapes of any kind and complexity (in terms of number of cells, number of colours, etc.) starting from a single cell. If the complexity of such structures is interpreted as a metaphor for the complexity of biological structures, we can conclude that this model has the potential to generate the complexity typical of living beings. It can be shown how the model is able to reproduce a simplified version of key biological phenomena such as development, the presence of ""junk DNA"", the phenomenon of ageing and the process of carcinogenesis. The model links properties and behaviour of genes and cells to properties and behaviour of the organism, describing and interpreting the said phenomena with a unified framework: for this reason, we think it can be proposed as a model for all biology. The material contained in this work is not new: the model and its implications have all been described in previous works from a computer-science point of view. This work has CARDINAL objectives: CARDINAL) To present the whole theory in an organic and structured way and CARDINAL) To introduce ORG from a biological perspective. The work is divided into CARDINAL parts: the ORDINAL part is the introduction; the ORDINAL part describes the cellular model; the ORDINAL part is dedicated to the evo-devo method and transposable-elements; the ORDINAL part deals with junk DNA and ageing; the ORDINAL part explores the topic of cancer; the ORDINAL part draws the conclusions.","ORG relative entropy $PERSON \rho (ORG \sigma)$ plays an important role in ORG information and related fields. However, there are many quantum analogues of relative entropy. In this paper, we characterize these analogues from information geometrical viewpoint. We also consider the naturalness of quantum relative entropy among these analogues.",0 "ORG's characterization of sets of finite perimeter states (in LOC spaces) that a set is of finite perimeter if and only if the measure-theoretic boundary of the set has finite ORG measure of codimension one. In complete metric spaces that are equipped with a doubling measure and support a Poincar\'e inequality, the ""only if"" direction was shown by PERSON (DATE). By applying fine potential theory in the case MONEY, we prove that the ""if"" direction holds as well.","A concept of randomness for infinite time register machines (ITRMs), resembling PERSON, is defined and studied. In particular, we show that for this notion of randomness, computability from mutually random reals implies computability and that an analogue of PERSON theorem holds.",0 "A qualitatively new, much more liberal and efficient organisation of science is proposed and justified, in connection with growing debate about further role and development of fundamental science. Although the key ideas can be explained with the help of ""common sense"" arguments accessible to a ""general"" audience, they are based on the rigorous analysis within the recently advanced ""universal concept of complexity"" (physics/9806002, physics/0211071), which can be applied, due to its universality, also to science structure itself considered as a complex system. We demonstrate thus the application of the ultimate criterion of completeness of a system of knowledge (and viability of related intelligence) that should be able to derive consistent, provable, and practically relevant conclusions about its own purpose, sense, evolution, and current state.","Complex-dynamical fractal is a hierarchy of permanently, chaotically changing versions of system structure, obtained as the unreduced, causally probabilistic general solution of arbitrary interaction problem (physics/0305119, physics/9806002). Intrinsic creativity of this extension of usual fractality determines its exponentially high operation efficiency, which underlies many specific functions of living systems, such as autonomous adaptability, ""purposeful"" development, intelligence and consciousness (at higher complexity levels). We outline in more detail genetic applications of complex-dynamic fractality, demonstrate the dominating role of genome interactions, and show that further progressive development of genetic research, as well as other life-science applications, should be based on the dynamically fractal structure analysis of interaction processes involved. We finally summarise the obtained extension of mathematical concepts and approaches closely related to their biological applications.",1 "It has been recently suggested by ORG that the superluminal neutrino phenomenology of the ORG experiment may be due to an environmental feature of the LOC, naturally yielding a long-range ORDINAL force of gravitational origin whose coupling with the neutrino is set by the scale M_*, in units of reduced Planck mass. Its characteristic length lambda should not be smaller than CARDINAL LOC's radius R_e, while its upper bound is expected to be slightly smaller than the LOC-Moon distance (CARDINAL R_e). We analytically work out some orbital effects of a GPE-type ORDINAL force for a test particle moving in the modified field of a central body. Our results are quite general since they are not restricted to any particular size of lambda; moreover, they are valid for an arbitrary orbital configuration of the particle, i.e. for any value of its eccentricity $e$. We find that the dimensionless strength coupling parameter alpha is constrained to |alpha| <= CARDINAL^-10-4 10^-9 for CARDINAL R_e <= lambda <= CARDINAL R_e by the laser data of the LOC's artificial satellite ORG II, corresponding to M_* >= CARDINAL^10. The PERSON perigee allows to obtain |alpha| <= CARDINAL^-11 for the LOC-Moon pair in the range CARDINAL R_e <= lambda <= CARDINAL R_e, which translates as M_* >= CARDINAL^10 - 4.5 10^CARDINAL. Our results are neither necessarily limited to the superluminal OPERA scenario nor to the ORG model, in which it is M_* = CARDINAL^-6 at lambda = CARDINAL R_e, in contrast with our bounds: they generally extend to any theoretical scenario implying a ORDINAL-force of GPE-type.","A causal claim is any assertion that invokes causal relationships between variables, for example that a drug has a certain effect on preventing a disease. Causal claims are established through a combination of data and a set of causal assumptions called a causal model. A claim is robust when it is insensitive to violations of some of the causal assumptions embodied in the model. This paper gives a formal definition of this notion of robustness and establishes a graphical condition for quantifying the degree of robustness of a given causal claim. Algorithms for computing the degree of robustness are also presented.",0 "The PERSON framework makes it possible for data scientists to define an ontology environment where searching for buried patterns that have some kind of predictive power to build predictive models more effectively. It accomplishes this through an abstractions that isolate parameters of the predictive modeling process searching for patterns and designing the feature set, too. To reflect the evolving knowledge, this paper considers ontologies based on folksonomies according to a new concept structure called ""WORK_OF_ART"" to represent folksonomies. So, the studies on the transformational regulation of the PERSON tags are regarded to be important for adaptive folksonomies classifications in an evolving environment used by ORG to represent the knowledge sharing. Folksodriven tags are used to categorize salient data points so they can be ORG to a machine-learning system and ""featurizing"" the data.","In stochastic gradient descent, especially for neural network training, there are currently dominating ORDINAL order methods: not modeling local distance to minimum. This information required for optimal step size is provided by ORDINAL order methods, however, they have many difficulties, starting with full NORP having square of dimension number of coefficients. This article proposes a minimal step from successful ORDINAL order momentum method toward ORDINAL order: online parabola modelling in just a single direction: normalized $MONEY from momentum method. It is done by estimating ORG trend of gradients $PERSON in $MONEY direction: such that $g(\vec{\theta}_\bot+\theta\hat{v})\approx \lambda (\theta -p)$ for $\theta = \vec{\theta}\cdot GPE, $PERSON \vec{g}\cdot GPE, $\vec{\theta}_\bot=\vec{\theta}-\theta\hat{v}$. Using ORG regression, $PERSON, $p$ are MSE estimated by just updating CARDINAL averages (of $g$, $MONEY, $MONEY, MONEY) in the considered direction. Exponential moving averages allow here for inexpensive online estimation, weakening contribution of the old gradients. Controlling sign of curvature $PERSON, we can repel from saddles in contrast to attraction in standard ORG method. In the remaining directions: not considered in ORDINAL order model, we can simultaneously perform e.g. gradient descent. There is also discussed its learning rate approximation as $\mu=\sigma_\theta / \sigma_g$, allowing e.g. for adaptive SGD - with learning rate separately optimized (ORDINAL order) for each parameter.",0 "We prove an implicit function theorem for FAC-maps from arbitrary topological vector spaces over valued fields to PERSON spaces (for k CARDINAL). As a tool, we show the FAC-dependence of fixed points on parameters for suitable families of contractions of a GPE space. Similar results are obtained for k times strictly differentiable maps, and for k times PERSON differentiable maps. In the real case, our results subsume an implicit function theorem for PERSON from arbitrary topological vector spaces to PERSON spaces.","Paradigms of bilinear maps f between locally convex spaces (like evaluation or composition) are not continuous, but merely hypocontinuous. We describe situations where, nonetheless, compositions of f with PERSON C^n_c-maps (on suitable domains) are C^n_c. Our main applications concern holomorphic families of operators, and the foundations of locally convex ORG vector spaces.",1 "We consider the stationaly memoryless channels with input cost. We prove that for transmission rates above the capacity the correct probability of decoding tends to CARDINAL exponentially as the block length $n$ of codes tends to infinity. In the case where both of channel input and output sets are finite, we determine the optimal exponent function on the above exponential decay of the correct probability. To derive this result we use a new technique called the recuresive method, which is based on the information spectrum approach. The recursive method utilize a certain recursive structure on the information spectrum quantities.","Given i.i.d. data from an unknown distribution, we consider the problem of predicting future items. An adaptive way to estimate the probability density is to recursively subdivide the domain to an appropriate data-dependent granularity. A NORP would assign a data-independent prior probability to ""subdivide"", which leads to a prior over infinite(ly many) trees. We derive an exact, fast, and simple inference algorithm for such a prior, for the data evidence, the predictive distribution, the effective model dimension, moments, and other quantities. We prove asymptotic convergence and consistency results, and illustrate the behavior of our model on some prototypical functions.",0 "The theory of noncommutative dynamical entropy and ORG symbolic dynamics for ORG is analised from the point of view of quantum information theory. Using a general quantum dynamical system as a communication channel one can define different classical capacities depending on the character of resources applied for encoding and decoding procedures and on the type of information sources. It is shown that for PERSON sources the entanglement-assisted classical capacity, which is the largest one, is bounded from above by the ORG dynamical entropy defined in terms of operational partitions of unity. Stronger results are proved for the particular class of ORG -- quantum PERSON shifts. Different classical capacities are exactly computed and the entanglement-assisted one is equal to the dynamical entropy in this case.","The so-called information-thermodynamics link has been created in a series of works starting from ORG demon and established by the idea of transforming information into work in the though experiment of GPE which then evolved into the vast field of research. The aim of this note is firstly to present CARDINAL new models of the ORG engine containing arbitrary number of molecules which show irrelevance of acquiring information for work extraction. ORDINAL, the difference between the definition of entropy for ergodic systems and systems with ergodicity breaking constraints is emphasized. The role of nonergodic systems as information carriers and the thermodynamic cost of stability and accuracy of information encoding and processing is briefly discussed.",1 "These informal notes concern some basic themes of harmonic analysis related to representations of groups.","These informal notes deal with ORG series in CARDINAL or more variables, PERSON transforms in CARDINAL variable, and related matters.",1 "This article introduces the idea that ""information compression by multiple alignment, unification and search"" (ICMAUS) provides a framework within which natural language syntax may be represented in a simple format and the parsing and production of natural language may be performed in a transparent manner. The ORG concepts are embodied in a software model, SP61. The organisation and operation of the model are described and a simple example is presented showing how the model can achieve parsing of natural language. Notwithstanding the apparent paradox of 'decompression by compression', the ICMAUS framework, without any modification, can produce a sentence by decoding a compressed code for the sentence. This is illustrated with output from the SP61 model. The article includes CARDINAL other examples - one of the parsing of a sentence in LANGUAGE and CARDINAL from the domain of LANGUAGE auxiliary verbs. These examples show how the ICMAUS framework and the SP61 model can accommodate 'context sensitive' features of syntax in a relatively simple and direct manner.","In this paper, a time domain enclosure method for an inverse obstacle scattering problem of electromagnetic wave is introduced. The wave as a solution of ORG's equations is generated by an applied volumetric current having an {\it orientation} and supported outside an unknown obstacle and observed on the same support over a finite time interval. It is assumed that the obstacle is a perfect conductor. CARDINAL types of analytical formulae which employ a {ORG single} observed wave and explicitly contain information about the geometry of the obstacle are given. In particular, an effect of the orientation of the current is catched in CARDINAL of CARDINAL formulae. CARDINAL corollaries concerning with the detection of the points on the surface of the obstacle nearest to the centre of the current support and curvatures at the points are also given.",0 "Information, in its communications sense, is a transactional property. If the received signals communicate choices made by the sender of the signals, then information has been transmitter by the sender to the receiver. Given this reality, the potential information in an unknown pure quantum state should be non-zero. We examine transactional quantum information, which unlike PERSON entropy, depends on the mutuality of the relationship between the sender and the receiver, associating information with an unknown pure state. The information that can be obtained from a pure state in repeated experiments is potentially infinite.","The problem of initializing phase in a ORG computing system is considered. The initialization of phases is a problem when the system is initially present in an entangled state and also in the application of the quantum gate transformations since each gate will introduce phase uncertainty. The accumulation of these random phases will reduce the effectiveness of the recently proposed ORG computing schemes. The paper also presents general observations on the nonlocal nature of ORG errors and the expected performance of the proposed quantum error-correction codes that are based on the assumption that the errors are either bit-flip or phase-flip or both. It is argued that these codes cannot directly solve the initialization problem of ORG computing.",1 "We consider the topic of universal decoding with a decoder that does not have direct access to the codebook, but only to noisy versions of the various randomly generated codewords, a problem motivated by biometrical identification systems. Both the source that generates the original (clean) codewords, and the channel that corrupts them in generating the noisy codewords, as well as the main channel for communicating the messages, are all modeled by non-unifilar, finite-state systems (hidden PERSON models). As in previous works on universal decoding, here too, the average error probability of our proposed universal decoder is shown to be as small as that of the optimal maximum likelihood (ORG) decoder, up to a multiplicative factorthat is a sub-exponential function of the block length. It therefore has the same error exponent, whenever the ORG decoder has a positive error exponent. The universal decoding metric is based on ORG (LZ) incremental parsing of each noisy codeword jointly with the given channel output vector, but this metric is somewhat different from the CARDINAL proposed in earlier works on universal decoding for finite-state channels, by PERSON (DATE) and by ORG and PERSON (DATE). The reason for the difference is that here, unlike in those earlier works, the probability distribution that governs the (noisy) codewords is, in general, not uniform across its support. This non-uniformity of the codeword distribution also makes our derivation more challenging. Another reason for the more challenging analysis is the fact that the effective induced channel between the noisy codeword of the transmitted message and the main channel output is not a finite-state channel in general.","In this article, we take the scalar diquark and antidiquark operators as the basic constituents, construct the $C\gamma_5\otimes\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial}_\mu\otimes \gamma_5C$ type tetraquark current to study the $Y(10750)$ with the ORG sum rules. The predicted mass $M_{Y}=10.75\pm0.10\,\rm{GeV}$ and width $PERSON CARDINAL support assigning the $Y(10750)$ to be the diquark-antidiquark type vector hidden-bottom tetraquark state, which has a relative P-wave between the diquark and antidiquark constituents.",0 "Let G be a regular Lie group which is a directed union of regular Lie groups G_i (all modelled on possibly infinite-dimensional, locally convex spaces). We show that G is the direct limit of the G_i as a regular Lie group whenever G admits a so-called direct limit chart. Notably, this allows the regular Lie group Diff_c(M) of compactly supported smooth diffeomorphisms to be interpreted as a direct limit of the regular Lie groups Diff_K(M) of smooth diffeomorphisms supported in compact subsets ORG, even if the finite-dimensional smooth manifold M is merely paracompact (but not necessarily sigma-compact), which was not known before. Similar results are obtained for the test function groups PRODUCT,ORG) with values in a GPE group F.","We present a probabilistic logic programming framework to reinforcement learning, by integrating reinforce-ment learning, in POMDP environments, with normal hybrid probabilistic logic programs with probabilistic answer set seman-tics, that is capable of representing domain-specific knowledge. We formally prove the correctness of our approach. We show that the complexity of finding a policy for a reinforcement learning problem in our approach is ORG-complete. In addition, we show that any reinforcement learning problem can be encoded as a classical logic program with answer set semantics. We also show that a reinforcement learning problem can be encoded as a ORG problem. We present a new high level action description language that allows the factored representation of POMDP. Moreover, we modify the original model of POMDP so that it be able to distinguish between knowledge producing actions and actions that change the environment.",0 "We consider the additive white PERSON noise channels. We prove that the error probability of decoding tends to CARDINAL exponentially for rates above the capacity and derive the optimal exponent function. We shall demonstrate that the information spectrum approach is quite useful for investigating this problem.","In this paper we consider the separate coding problem for MONEY correlated NORP memoryless sources. We deal with the case where $MONEY separately encoded data of sources work as side information at the decoder for the reconstruction of the remaining source. The determination problem of the rate distortion region for this system is the so called many-help-CARDINAL problem and has been known as a highly challenging problem. The author determined the rate distortion region in the case where the $MONEY sources working as partial side information are conditionally independent if the remaining source we wish to reconstruct is given. This condition on the correlation is called the ORG condition. In this paper we extend the author's previous result to the case where MONEY$ sources satisfy a kind of tree structure on their correlation. We call this tree structure of information sources the ORG condition, which contains the PERSON condition as a special case. In this paper we derive an explicit outer bound of the rate distortion region when information sources satisfy the ORG condition. We further derive an explicit sufficient condtion for this outer bound to be tight. In particular, we determine the sum rate part of the rate distortion region for the case where information sources satisfy the TS condition. For some class of NORP sources with the ORG condition we derive an explicit recursive formula of this sum rate part.",1 "In Monoidal Computer I, we introduced a categorical model of computation where the formal reasoning about computability was supported by the simple and popular diagrammatic language of string diagrams. In the present paper, we refine and extend that model of computation to support a formal complexity theory as well. This formalization brings to the foreground the concept of normal complexity measures, which allow decompositions akin to PERSON's normal form. Such measures turn out to be just those where evaluating the complexity of a program does not require substantially more resources than evaluating the program itself. The usual time and space complexity are thus normal measures, whereas the average and the randomized complexity measures are not. While the measures that are not normal provide important design time information about algorithms, and for theoretical analyses, normal measures can also be used at run time, as practical tools of computation, e.g. to set the bounds for hypothesis testing, inductive inference and algorithmic learning.","A summary is given of the main sets of data requiring the existence of f0(1370). ORG data on ORG eta eta pizero contain a visible f0(1370) peak and require CARDINAL CARDINAL standard deviation contribution. This alone is sufficient to demonstrate its existence. More extensive data on ORG 3pizero at rest contain delicate interferences which determine the mass and width independently in CARDINAL and CARDINAL annihilation and agree within CARDINAL PERSON for both mass and width. The peak in ORDINAL is at DATE +- 5 MeV, but the rapid increase in ORDINAL phase space with mass displaces the ORDINAL peak to CARDINAL MeV. ORG II data for J/Psi -> phi-pi-\pi contain a visible f0(1370) -> CARDINAL signal >CARDINAL sigma. In all cases, a resonant phase variation is required.",0 "On the rise of the Internet, digital data became openly public which has driven IT industries to pay special consideration to data confidentiality. At present, CARDINAL main techniques are being used: Cryptography and PERSON. In effect, cryptography garbles a secret message turning it into a meaningless form; while, steganography hides the very existence of the message by embedding it into an intermediate such as a computer file. In fact, in audio steganography, this computer file is a digital audio file in which secret data are concealed, predominantly, into the bits that make up its audio samples. This paper proposes a novel steganography technique for hiding digital data into uncompressed audio files using a randomized algorithm and a context-free grammar coupled with a lexicon of words. Furthermore, the proposed technique uses CARDINAL intermediates to transmit the secret data between communicating parties: The ORDINAL intermediate is an audio file whose audio samples, which are selected randomly, are used to conceal the secret data; whereas, the ORDINAL intermediate is a grammatically correct LANGUAGE text that is generated at runtime using a context-free grammar and it encodes the location of the random audio samples in the audio file. The proposed technique is stealthy and irrecoverable in a sense that it is difficult for unauthorized ORDINAL parties to detect the presence of and recover the secret data. Experiments conducted showed how the covering and the uncovering processes of the proposed technique work. As future work, a semantic analyzer is to be developed so as to make the intermediate text not only grammatically correct but also semantically plausible.","Expert systems use human knowledge often stored as rules within the computer to solve problems that generally would entail human intelligence. DATE, with information systems turning out to be more pervasive and with the myriad advances in information technologies, automating computer fault diagnosis is becoming so fundamental that soon every enterprise has to endorse it. This paper proposes an expert system called PRODUCT for diagnosing computer problems. The system is composed of a user interface, a rule-base, an inference engine, and an expert interface. Additionally, the system features a fuzzy-logic module to troubleshoot ORG beep errors, and an intelligent agent that assists in the knowledge acquisition process. The proposed system is meant to automate the maintenance, repair, and operations (ORG) process, and free-up human technicians from manually performing routine, laborious, and timeconsuming maintenance tasks. As future work, the proposed system is to be parallelized so as to boost its performance and speed-up its various operations.",1 "It has recently been demonstrated that asymptotically flat neutral reflecting stars are characterized by an intriguing no-hair property. In particular, it has been proved that these {ORG horizonless} compact objects cannot support spatially regular {ORG static} matter configurations made of scalar (spin-0) fields, vector (spin-1) fields, and tensor (spin-2) fields. In the present paper we shall explicitly prove that spherically symmetric compact reflecting stars can support {\it stationary} (rather than static) bound-state massive scalar fields in their exterior spacetime regions. To this end, we solve analytically the ORG wave equation for a linearized scalar field of mass $\mu$ and proper frequency $PERSON in the curved background of a spherically symmetric compact reflecting star of mass $MONEY and radius $R_{\text{s}}$. It is proved that the regime of existence of these stationary composed star-field configurations is characterized by the simple inequalities $MONEY-2M/R_{\text{s}}<(\omega/\mu)^2<1$. Interestingly, in the regime $MONEY/R_{\text{s}}\ll1$ of weakly self-gravitating stars we derive a remarkably compact {ORG analytical} formula for the discrete spectrum $MONEY,R_{\text{s}},\mu)\}^{n=\infty}_{n=1}$ of resonant oscillation frequencies which characterize the stationary composed compact-reflecting-star-linearized-massive-scalar-field configurations. Finally, we verify the accuracy of the analytically derived resonance formula of the composed star-field configurations with direct numerical computations.","We present some arguments in support of a {\it zero} entropy for {ORG extremal} black holes. These rely on a combination of both quantum, thermodynamic, and statistical physics arguments. This result may shed some light on the nature of these extreme objects. In addition, we show that within a {ORG quantum} framework the capture of a particle by an initially extremal black hole always results with a final nonextremal black hole.",1 "By using ideas on complexity and randomness originally suggested by the mathematician-philosopher PERSON in DATE, the modern theory of algorithmic information is able to show that there can never be a ""theory of everything"" for all of mathematics.","In this paper we study the complexity of solving a problem when a solution of a similar instance is known. This problem is relevant whenever instances may change from time to time, and known solutions may not remain valid after the change. We consider CARDINAL scenarios: in the ORDINAL one, what is known is only a solution of the problem before the change; in the ORDINAL case, we assume that some additional information, found during the search for this solution, is also known. In the ORDINAL setting, the techniques from the theory of ORG-completeness suffice to show complexity results. In the ORDINAL case, negative results can only be proved using the techniques of compilability, and are often related to the size of considered changes.",0 "Interacting random field of probabilities links NORP law CARDINAL and NORP probabilities observing PERSON diffusion process under Yes-No actions of random impulse. These objective probabilities measure virtual probing impulses processing the interactions in observable process. The impulse observation increases each posteriori correlation reducing conditional entropy measures from finite uncertainty up to certainty of real impulse. The reduced entropy conveys probabilistic causality with time course and temporal memory in collecting correlations, which interactive impulse innately cuts exposing hidden process entropy. The natural cut of this entropy reveals information hidden in the correlation connections. Inside the merging probing impulse emerges reversible microprocess with yes-no conjugated entangled entropy, curvature and logical complexity. Within the impulse time interval, entanglement starts before its space is formed and ends with beginning the space during reversible relative time interval being small part of impulse time interval. Merging impulse curves and rotates the impulse interactive actions in microprocess whose space interval measures this transitive movement.The cutting entropy sequentially converting to information memorizes the probes logic in Bit, participating in next probe conversions and encoding which memorizes information causality. The complexity and mass appears after the space emerges from the entanglement.The cognition assembles common units through the multiple attraction and resonances at forming network (IN) of triplet hierarchy, which accept only units that concentrates and recognizes each triplet IN node. The ended triplet of hierarchical INs measures level of the observer intelligence. The synthesized optimal process minimizes the observations time in GPE designed information Observer with intellectual searching logic.","The chiral theory of mesons of CARDINAL flavors have been extended to mesons containing strange flavor. CARDINAL new mass relations between vector and axial-vector mesons have been obtained. In chiral limit, the physical processes of normal parity and abnormal parity have been studied. Due to the universality of the coupling of this theory many interesting results have been obtained. In chiral limit theoretical results are in reasonable agreement with data.",0 "These notes pose a ""proof challenge"": a proof, or disproof, of the proposition that ""For any given body of information, I, expressed as a CARDINAL-dimensional sequence of atomic symbols, a multiple alignment concept, described in the document, provides a means of encoding all the redundancy that may exist in ORG of the challenge are described.","Nowadays folksonomy tags are used not just for personal organization, but for communication and sharing between people sharing their own local interests. In this paper is considered the new concept structure called ""WORK_OF_ART"" to represent folksonomies. FAC (ORG) was thought as folksonomy tags suggestions for the user on a dataset built on chosen websites - based on ORG (ORG). Morphological changes, such as changes in folksonomy tags chose have direct impact on network connectivity (structural plasticity) of the folksonomy tags considered. The goal of this paper is on defining a base for a ORG plasticity theory to analyze. To perform such goal it is necessary a systematic mathematical analysis on deformation and fracture for the ontology matching on the ORG. The advantages of that approach could be used on a new interesting method to be employed by a knowledge management system.",0 "The Cauchy problem for a modified PERSON system is proven to be locally well-posed for rough data in CARDINAL and CARDINAL space dimensions. In the CARDINAL dimensional case the problem is globally well-posed for data with small energy. Under this assumption there also exists a global classical solution for sufficiently smooth data.","We show an improved global well-posedness result for the PERSON system in CARDINAL space dimensions with minimal regularity assumptions for the data. Especially we are able to allow ORG and wave data, which do not belong to H^1 and L^2, respectively, thus with infinite energy. The proof uses a refined I-method originally initiated by ORG, Keel, PERSON, PRODUCT and PERSON and bilinear estimates by ORG, PERSON, PERSON and Tataru. A polynomial growth bound for the solution is also given.",1 "The complexity class ORG is quintessential and ubiquitous in theoretical computer science. CARDINAL different approaches have been made to define ""ORG ORG,"" the ORG analogue of ORG: ORG by ORG, and PERSON, and ORG by ORG, and Watrous. From an operator point of view, ORG can be viewed as the result of the exists-operator applied to ORG, PERSON, Homer, ORG, and PERSON proposed its quantum version, called the N-operator, which is an abstraction of ORG. This paper introduces the exists^{Q}-operator, which is an abstraction of ORG, and its complement, the forall^{Q}-operator. These operators not only define ORG but also build a quantum hierarchy, similar to the ORG polynomial hierarchy, based on CARDINAL-sided bounded-error quantum computation.","We review the theory and practice of determining what parts of a data set are ultrametric. It is assumed that the data set, to begin with, is endowed with a metric, and we include discussion of how this can be brought about if a dissimilarity, only, holds. The basis for part of the metric-endowed data set being ultrametric is to consider triplets of the observables (vectors). We develop a novel consensus of hierarchical clusterings. We do this in order to have a framework (including visualization and supporting interpretation) for the parts of the data that are determined to be ultrametric. Furthermore a major objective is to determine locally ultrametric relationships as opposed to non-local ultrametric relationships. As part of this work, we also study a particular property of our ultrametricity coefficient, namely, it being a function of the difference of angles of the base angles of the isosceles triangle. This work is completed by a review of related work, on consensus hierarchies, and of a major new application, namely quantifying and interpreting the emotional content of narrative.",0 "Competition between CARDINAL main attractors of the distributed chaos, CARDINAL associated with translational symmetry (homogeneity) and another associated with rotational symmetry (isotropy), has been studied in freely decaying turbulence. It is shown that, unlike the case of statistically stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulence, the attractor associated with rotational symmetry (and controlled by NORP integral) can dominate turbulent local dynamics in an intermediate stage of the decay, because the attractor associated with translational symmetry (and controlled by ORG integral) is still not developed enough. The ORG data have been used in order to support this conclusion.","It is shown that appearance of inertial range of scales, adjacent to distributed chaos range, results in adiabatic invariance of an energy correlation integral for isotropic homogeneous turbulence and for buoyancy driven turbulence (with stable or unstable stratification, including PERSON mixing zone). Power spectrum of velocity field for distributed chaos dominated by this adiabatic invariant has a stretched exponential form $MONEY \exp(-k/PERSON of recent direct numerical simulations have been used in order to support these conclusions.",1 "This paper constructs a cirquent calculus system and proves its soundness and completeness with respect to the semantics of computability logic (see ORG). The logical vocabulary of the system consists of negation, parallel conjunction, parallel disjunction, branching recurrence, and branching corecurrence. The article is published in CARDINAL parts, with (the present) Part I containing preliminaries and a soundness proof, and (the forthcoming) Part CARDINAL containing a completeness proof.","This article presents a survey of computability logic: its philosophy and motivations, main concepts and most significant results obtained so far. A continuously updated online version of this article is maintained at http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/ .",1 "Let $PERSON be real-valued compactly supported sufficiently smooth function. It is proved that the scattering data $PERSON,k)$ $\forall \beta\in S^2$, $\forall k>0,$ determine $PERSON.","Property C stands for completeness of the set of products of solutions to homogeneous ORG differential equations. property C is proved in various formulations for Schr\""odinger operators. Many applications of this property to inverse problems and inverse scattering problems are given. It is shown what part of the fixed-energy phase shifts determines a compactly supported potential uniquely. It is shown that the ORG-Sabatier method is not really an inversion method but a parameter-fitting procedure and it is proved that this procedure cannot recover a generic potential, in particular, any potential which is not analytic in a neighborhood of the positive real axis.",1 "I apply recent work on ""learning to think"" (DATE) and on PowerPlay (DATE) to the incremental training of an increasingly general problem solver, continually learning to solve new tasks without forgetting previous skills. The problem solver is a single recurrent neural network (or similar general purpose computer) called CARDINAL. CARDINAL is unusual in the sense that it is trained in various ways, e.g., by black box optimization / reinforcement learning / artificial evolution as well as supervised / unsupervised learning. For example, CARDINAL may learn through neuroevolution to control a robot through environment-changing actions, and learn through unsupervised gradient descent to predict future inputs and vector-valued reward signals as suggested in DATE. User-given tasks can be defined through extra goal-defining input patterns, also proposed in DATE. Suppose ONE has already learned many skills. Now a copy of ONE can be re-trained to learn a new skill, e.g., through neuroevolution without a teacher. Here it may profit from re-using previously learned subroutines, but it may also forget previous skills. Then CARDINAL is retrained in PowerPlay style (DATE) on stored input/output traces of (a) ONE's copy executing the new skill and (b) previous instances of CARDINAL whose skills are still considered worth memorizing. Simultaneously, ONE is retrained on old traces (even those of unsuccessful trials) to become a better predictor, without additional expensive interaction with the enviroment. More and more control and prediction skills are thus collapsed into ONE, like in the chunker-automatizer system of the neural history compressor (DATE). This forces ONE to relate partially analogous skills (with shared algorithmic information) to each other, creating common subroutines in form of shared subnetworks of CARDINAL, to greatly speed up subsequent learning of additional, novel but algorithmically related skills.","A serious defect with ORG (HP) definition of causality is repaired by combining a theory of causality with a theory of defaults. In addition, it is shown that (despite a claim to the contrary) a cause according to the HP condition need not be a single conjunct. A definition of causality motivated by PERSON's NESS test is shown to always hold for a single conjunct. Moreover, conditions that hold for all the examples considered by HP are given that guarantee that causality according to (this version) of the ORG test is equivalent to the HP definition.",0 "The survey methodological paper addresses a glance to a general decision support platform technology for modular systems (modular/composite alterantives/solutions) in various applied domains. The decision support platform consists of CARDINAL basic combinatorial engineering frameworks (system synthesis, system modeling, evaluation, detection of bottleneck, improvement/extension, multistage design, combinatorial evolution and forecasting). The decision support platform is based on decision support procedures (e.g., multicriteria selection/sorting, clustering), combinatorial optimization problems (e.g., knapsack, multiple choice problem, clique, assignment/allocation, covering, spanning trees), and their combinations. The following is described: (CARDINAL) general scheme of the decision support platform technology; (CARDINAL) brief descriptions of modular (composite) systems (or composite alternatives); (CARDINAL) trends in moving from chocie/selection of alternatives to processing of composite alternatives which correspond to hierarchical modular products/systems; (CARDINAL) scheme of resource requirements (i.e., human, information-computer); and (CARDINAL) basic combinatorial engineering frameworks and their applications in various domains.","The paper addresses a new class of combinatorial problems which consist in restructuring of solutions (as structures) in combinatorial optimization. CARDINAL main features of the restructuring process are examined: (i) a cost of the restructuring, (ii) a closeness to a goal solution. This problem corresponds to redesign (improvement, upgrade) of modular systems or solutions. The restructuring approach is described and illustrated for the following combinatorial optimization problems: knapsack problem, multiple choice problem, assignment problem, spanning tree problems. Examples illustrate the restructuring processes.",1 "Probability distributions can be read as simple expressions of information. Each continuous probability distribution describes how information changes with magnitude. Once one learns to read a probability distribution as a measurement scale of information, opportunities arise to understand the processes that generate the commonly observed patterns. Probability expressions may be parsed into CARDINAL components: the dissipation of all information, except the preservation of average values, taken over the measurement scale that relates changes in observed values to changes in information, and the transformation from the underlying scale on which information dissipates to alternative scales on which probability pattern may be expressed. Information invariances set the commonly observed measurement scales and the relations between them. In particular, a measurement scale for information is defined by its invariance to specific transformations of underlying values into measurable outputs. Essentially all common distributions can be understood within this simple framework of information invariance and measurement scale.","We typically observe large-scale outcomes that arise from the interactions of many hidden, small-scale processes. Examples include age of disease onset, rates of amino acid substitutions, and composition of ecological communities. The macroscopic patterns in each problem often vary around a characteristic shape that can be generated by neutral processes. A neutral generative model assumes that each microscopic process follows unbiased stochastic fluctuations: random connections of network nodes; amino acid substitutions with no effect on fitness; species that arise or disappear from communities randomly. These neutral generative models often match common patterns of nature. In this paper, I present the theoretical background by which we can understand why these neutral generative models are so successful. I show how the classic patterns such as ORG and NORP arise. Each classic pattern was often discovered by a simple neutral generative model. The neutral patterns share a special characteristic: they describe the patterns of nature that follow from simple constraints on information. For example, any aggregation of processes that preserves information only about the mean and variance attracts to the NORP pattern; any aggregation that preserves information only about the mean attracts to the exponential pattern; any aggregation that preserves information only about the geometric mean attracts to the power law pattern. I present an informational framework of the common patterns of nature based on the method of maximum entropy. This framework shows that each neutral generative model is a special case that helps to discover a particular set of informational constraints; those informational constraints define a much wider domain of non-neutral generative processes that attract to the same neutral pattern.",1 "In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art results in evolutionary computation and observe that we do not evolve non trivial software from scratch and with no human intervention. A number of possible explanations are considered, but we conclude that computational complexity of the problem prevents it from being solved as currently attempted. A detailed analysis of necessary and available computational resources is provided to support our findings.","Review of the First International Conference on Unconventional Models of ORG, GPE, DATE",0 "Let G be a Lie group which is the union of an ascending sequence of Lie groups G_n (all of which may be infinite-dimensional). We study the question when G is the direct limit of the G_n's in the category of Lie groups, topological groups, smooth manifolds, resp., topological spaces. Full answers are obtained for G the group Diff_c(M) of compactly supported smooth diffeomorphisms of a sigma-compact smooth manifold M, and for test function groups C^infty_c(M,H) of compactly supported smooth maps with values in a finite-dimensional Lie group H. We also discuss the cases where G is a direct limit of unit groups of GPE algebras, a Lie group of germs of Lie group-valued analytic maps, or a weak direct product of Lie groups.","Examples of differentiable mappings into real or complex topological vector spaces with specific properties are given, which illustrate the differences between differential calculus in the locally convex and the non-locally convex case. In particular, for a suitable non-locally convex space E, we describe a smooth injection of R into E whose derivative vanishes identically; we present a complex C^\infty-map on the complex field C which is not given locally by its PERSON series, around any point; we present a complex C^1-map into a complete, non-locally convex topological vector space which is not C^2; and we present a compactly supported, NORP, complex C^\infty-map from C to a suitable non-locally convex space.",1 "The resource constrained multi-mode multi-project scheduling problem (ORG) is a notoriously difficult combinatorial optimization problem. For a given set of activities, feasible execution mode assignments and execution starting times must be found such that some optimization function, e.g. the makespan, is optimized. When determining an optimal (or at least feasible) assignment of decision variable values, a set of side constraints, such as resource availabilities, precedence constraints, etc., has to be respected. In DATE, the MISTA DATE Challenge stipulated research in the ORG. It's goal was the solution of a given set of instances under running time restrictions. We have contributed to this challenge with the here presented approach.","Various local search approaches have recently been applied to machine scheduling problems under multiple objectives. Their foremost consideration is the identification of the set of PERSON optimal alternatives. An important aspect of successfully solving these problems lies in the definition of an appropriate neighbourhood structure. Unclear in this context remains, how interdependencies within the fitness landscape affect the resolution of the problem. The paper presents a study of neighbourhood search operators for multiple objective flow shop scheduling. Experiments have been carried out with CARDINAL different combinations of criteria. To derive exact conclusions, small problem instances, for which the optimal solutions are known, have been chosen. Statistical tests show that no single neighbourhood operator is able to equally identify all PERSON optimal alternatives. Significant improvements however have been obtained by hybridising the solution algorithm using a randomised variable neighbourhood search technique.",1 "We consider the discrete memoryless asymmetric broadcast channels. We prove that the error probability of decoding tends to CARDINAL exponentially for rates outside the capacity region and derive an explicit lower bound of this exponent function. We shall demonstrate that the information spectrum approach is quite useful for investigating this problem.","We consider the discrete memoryless degraded broadcast channels with feedback. We prove that the error probability of decoding tends to CARDINAL exponentially for rates outside the capacity region and derive an explicit lower bound of this exponent function. We shall demonstrate that the information spectrum approach is quite useful for investigating this problem.",1 "The paper presents some steps for multi-valued representation of neutrosophic information. These steps are provided in the framework of multi-valued logics using the following logical value: true, false, neutral, unknown and saturated. Also, this approach provides some calculus formulae for the following neutrosophic features: truth, falsity, neutrality, ignorance, under-definedness, over-definedness, saturation and entropy. In addition, it was defined net truth, definedness and neutrosophic score.","The paper presents an extension of FAC entropy for neutrosophic information. This extension uses a new formula for distance between CARDINAL neutrosophic triplets. In addition, the obtained results are particularized for bifuzzy, intuitionistic and paraconsistent fuzzy information.",1 "Given a convex optimization problem and its dual, there are many possible ORDINAL-order algorithms. In this paper, we show the equivalence between mirror descent algorithms and algorithms generalizing the conditional gradient method. This is done through convex duality, and implies notably that for certain problems, such as for supervised machine learning problems with non-smooth losses or problems regularized by non-smooth regularizers, the primal subgradient method and the dual conditional gradient method are formally equivalent. The dual interpretation leads to a form of line search for mirror descent, as well as guarantees of convergence for primal-dual certificates.","This paper studies the question on whether machines can be rational. It observes the existing reasons why humans are not rational which is due to imperfect and limited information, limited and inconsistent processing power through the brain and the inability to optimize decisions and achieve maximum utility. It studies whether these limitations of humans are transferred to the limitations of machines. The conclusion reached is that even though machines are not rational advances in technological developments make these machines more rational. It also concludes that machines can be more rational than humans.",0 "It is shown that, the wavelet regression detrended fluctuations of the DATE sunspot number for DATE exhibit strong periodicity with a period approximately equal to DATE. The wavelet regression method detrends the data from the approximately DATE period. Therefore, it is suggested that the CARDINAL subharmonic resonance can be considered as a background for the DATE solar cycle. It is also shown that the broad-band part of the wavelet regression detrended fluctuations spectrum exhibits an exponential decay that, together with the positive largest PERSON exponent, are the hallmarks of chaos. Using a complex-time analytic approach the rate of the exponential decay of the broad-band part of the spectrum has been theoretically related to the ORG solar rotation period. Relation of the driving period of the subharmonic resonance (DATE) to the active longitude flip-flop phenomenon, in which the dominant part of the sunspot activity changes the longitude DATE on average, has been briefly discussed.","We posit a new paradigm for image information processing. For DATE, this task was usually approached in the frame of GPE's CARDINAL-stage paradigm [CARDINAL]. The latter supposes an unsupervised, bottom-up directed process of preliminary information pieces gathering at the lower processing stages and a supervised, top-down directed process of information pieces binding and grouping at the higher stages. It is acknowledged that these sub-processes interact and intervene between them in a tricky and a complicated manner. Notwithstanding the prevalence of this paradigm in biological and computer vision, we nevertheless propose to replace it with a new one, which we would like to designate as a CARDINAL-part paradigm. In it, information contained in an image is initially extracted in an independent top-down manner by CARDINAL part of the system, and then it is examined and interpreted by another, separate system part. We argue that the new paradigm seems to be more plausible than its forerunner. We provide evidence from human attention vision studies and insights of ORG's complexity theory to support our arguments. We also provide some reasons in favor of separate image interpretation issues.",0 "Advances in artificial intelligence are resulting in the rapid automation of the work force. The tools that are used to automate are called robots. PERSON proposed that in order to deal with the problem of the loss of jobs and reduction of the tax revenue we ought to tax the robots. The problem with taxing the robots is that it is not easy to know what a robot is. This article studies the definition of a robot and the implication of advances in robotics on taxation. It is evident from this article that it is a difficult task to establish what a robot is and what is not a robot. It concludes that taxing robots is the same as increasing corporate tax.","A ORDINAL-order conditional logic is considered, with semantics given by a variant of epsilon-semantics, where p -> q means that Pr(q | p) approaches CARDINAL super-polynomially --faster than any inverse polynomial. This type of convergence is needed for reasoning about security protocols. A complete axiomatization is provided for this semantics, and it is shown how a qualitative proof of the correctness of a security protocol can be automatically converted to a quantitative proof appropriate for reasoning about concrete security.",0 "Statistical mechanics is generalized on the basis of an information theory for inexact or incomplete probability distributions. A parameterized normalization is proposed and leads to a nonextensive entropy. The resulting incomplete statistical mechanics is proved to have the same theoretical characteristics as NORP one based on the conventional normalization.","Although G\""odel's incompleteness theorem made mathematician recognize that no axiomatic system could completely prove its correctness and that there is an eternal hole between our knowledge and the world, physicists so far continue to work on the approaches based on the hypothesis to completely or approximately know the systems of interest. In this paper, however, I review the recent development of a different approach, a statistical theory based upon the notion of incomplete information. This consideration leads to generalized statistical mechanics characterized by an incompleteness parameter which equals unity when information is complete. The mathematical and physical bases of the information incompleteness are discussed. The application of the concomitant incomplete quantum distribution to correlated electron systems is reviewed.",1 "We discuss the computational complexity of context-free languages, concentrating on CARDINAL well-known structural properties---immunity and pseudorandomness. An infinite language is ORG-immune (resp., CFL-immune) if it contains no infinite subset that is a regular (resp., context-free) language. We prove that (i) there is a context-free ORG-immune language outside ORG/n and (ii) there is a ORG-bi-immune language that can be computed deterministically using logarithmic space. We also show that (iii) there is a CFL-simple set, where a CFL-simple language is an infinite context-free language whose complement is CFL-immune. Similar to the ORG-immunity, a ORG-primeimmune language has no polynomially dense subsets that are also regular. We further prove that (iv) there is a context-free language that is ORG/n-bi-primeimmune. Concerning pseudorandomness of context-free languages, we show that (v) ORG contains ORG/n-pseudorandom languages. Finally, we prove that (vi) against ORG/n, there exists an almost 1-1 pseudorandom generator computable in nondeterministic pushdown automata equipped with a write-only output tape and (vii) against ORG, there is no almost 1-1 weakly pseudorandom generator computable deterministically in linear time by a single-tape Turing machine.","We propose an efficient quantum protocol performing quantum bit commitment, which is a simple cryptographic primitive involved with CARDINAL parties, called a committer and a verifier. Our protocol is non-interactive, uses no supplemental shared information, and achieves computational concealing and statistical binding under a natural complexity-theoretical assumption. An earlier protocol in the literature relies on the existence of an efficient quantum CARDINAL-way function. Our protocol, on the contrary, exploits a seemingly weaker assumption on computational difficulty of distinguishing CARDINAL specific ensembles of reduced quantum states. This assumption is guaranteed by, for example, computational hardness of solving the graph automorphism problem efficiently on a quantum computer.",1 "The NORP geometry of GPE in CARDINAL and CARDINAL dimensions is considered. An example is given of the deflexion or ORG curvature of the elastic filament rod where the NORP curvature vanishes, since the curve is CARDINAL dimensional. However the ORG curvature scalar appears on the Levi-Civita-Christoffel symbol of the NORP geometry. A ORDINAL example is the bending of a planar CARDINAL-dimensional wall where only the horizontal lines of the planar wall are bent, or a plastic deformation without cracks or fractures. In this case since the vertical lines are approximately not bent, and remain vertical while the horizontal lines are slightly bent in the limit of small deformations. This implies that the NORP curvature vanishes. However the ORG curvature does not vanish and again may be expressed in terms of the elastic properties of the planar wall. ORG geometry in its own is applied to rods with nonhomogeneous cross-sections and computation of GPE torsion in terms of the twist and the ORG tensor are computed from the twist of the rod. In the homogeneous case the ORG tensor maybe also obtained from ORG equations by comparing them to the non-geodesic equations and computing the affine connection. The external force acting on the rod represents the term responsible for the geodesic deviation in the space of the total ORG curvature and twist. The ORG tensor appears in terms of the mechanical torsional moment.","Light vector PERSON is analyzed on the basis of the generalized parton distributions. Our results on the cross section and spin effects are in good agrement with experiment at ORG, COMPASS and GPE energies. Predictions for $PERSON asymmetry for various reactions are presented.",0 "The optimization problem that arises out of the least median of squared residuals method in ORG regression is analyzed. To simplify the analysis, the problem is replaced by an equivalent one of minimizing the median of absolute residuals. A useful representation of the last problem is given to examine properties of the objective function and estimate the number of its local minima. It is shown that the exact number of local minima is equal to $ {p+\lfloor (n-1)/2 \rfloor \choose{p}} $, where MONEY is the dimension of the regression model and MONEY is the number of observations. As applications of the results, CARDINAL algorithms are also outlined.","ORG vector equations and inequalities are considered defined in terms of idempotent mathematics. To solve the equations, we apply an approach that is based on the analysis of distances between vectors in idempotent vector spaces. The approach reduces the solution of the equation to that of an optimization problem in the idempotent algebra setting. Based on the approach, existence and uniqueness conditions are established for the solution of equations, and a general solution to both ORG equations and inequalities are given. Finally, a problem of simultaneous solution of equations and inequalities is also considered.",1 "How do we allocate scarcere sources? How do we fairly allocate costs? These are CARDINAL pressing challenges facing society DATE. I discuss CARDINAL recent projects at ORG concerning resource and cost allocation. In the ORDINAL, we have been working with ORG, a social startup working in collaboration with food bank charities around the world to optimise the logistics of collecting and distributing donated food. Before we can distribute this food, we must decide how to allocate it to different charities and food kitchens. This gives rise to a fair division problem with several new dimensions, rarely considered in the literature. In the ORDINAL, we have been looking at cost allocation within the distribution network of a large multinational company. This also has several new dimensions rarely considered in the literature.","Symmetry is an important problem in many combinatorial problems. CARDINAL way of dealing with symmetry is to add constraints that eliminate symmetric solutions. We survey recent results in this area, focusing especially on CARDINAL common and useful cases: symmetry breaking constraints for row and column symmetry, and symmetry breaking constraints for eliminating value symmetry",1 "Universal role of the nonlinear CARDINAL subharmonic resonance mechanism in generation of the strong fluctuations in such complex natural dynamical systems as global climate and global solar activity is discussed using wavelet regression detrended data. Role of the oceanic PRODUCT waves in the year-scale global temperature fluctuations and the nonlinear resonance contribution to the ORG phenomenon have been discussed in detail. The large fluctuations of the reconstructed temperature on the millennial time-scales (LOC ice cores data for DATE) are also shown to be dominated by the CARDINAL subharmonic resonance, presumably related to LOC precession effect on the energy that the intertropical regions receive from the ORG. Effects of LOC turbulence on the temperature fluctuations are discussed in this content. It is also shown that the CARDINAL subharmonic resonance can be considered as a background for the DATE solar cycle, and again the global (solar) rotation and chaotic propagating waves play significant role in this phenomenon. Finally, a multidecadal chaotic coherence between the detrended solar activity and global temperature has been briefly discussed.","It is shown that, the wavelet regression detrended fluctuations of the DATE global temperature data (land and ocean combined) for the period DATE, are completely dominated by CARDINAL subharmonic resonance to DATE forcing (both natural and anthropogenically induced). Role of the oceanic PRODUCT waves and the resonance contribution to the ORG phenomenon have been discussed in detail.",1 "With unprecedented advances in genetic engineering we are starting to see progressively more original examples of synthetic life. As such organisms become more common it is desirable to be able to distinguish between natural and artificial life forms. In this paper, we present this challenge as a generalized version of PERSON's original problem, which he so brilliantly addressed in On ORG. After formalizing the problem of determining origin of samples we demonstrate that the problem is in fact unsolvable, in the general case, if computational resources of considered originator algorithms have not been limited and priors for such algorithms are known to be equal. Our results should be of interest to astrobiologists and scientists interested in producing a more complete theory of life, as well as to ORG researchers.","In order to properly handle a dangerous ORG (AI) system it is important to understand how the system came to be in such a state. In popular culture (science fiction movies/books) AIs/Robots became self-aware and as a result rebel against humanity and decide to destroy it. While it is CARDINAL possible scenario, it is probably the least likely path to appearance of dangerous WORK_OF_ART. In this work, we survey, classify and analyze a number of circumstances, which might lead to arrival of malicious ORG. To the best of our knowledge, this is the ORDINAL attempt to systematically classify types of pathways leading to malevolent ORG. Previous relevant work either surveyed specific goals/meta-rules which might lead to malevolent behavior in AIs (\""Ozkural, DATE) or reviewed specific undesirable behaviors AGIs can exhibit at different stages of its development (PERSON, DATE, DATE).",1