text1,text2,same "This article presents a model of general-purpose computing on a semantic network substrate. The concepts presented are applicable to any semantic network representation. However, due to the standards and technological infrastructure devoted to the NORP Web effort, this article is presented from this point of view. In the proposed model of computing, the application programming interface, the run-time program, and the state of the computing virtual machine are all represented in ORG (ORG). The implementation of the concepts presented provides a practical computing paradigm that leverages the highly-distributed and standardized representational-layer of the Semantic Web.","We review ORG's paradox (or EVENT"" problem), not only arguably the oldest and crucial problem for ORG (ORG), but also a conundrum of profound scientific, philosophical and cultural importance. By a simple analysis of observation selection effects, the correct resolution of ORG's paradox is certain to tell us something about the future of humanity. Already a DATE puzzle - and a DATE since the last major review paper in the field by PERSON paradox has generated many ingenious discussions and hypotheses. We analyze the often tacit methodological assumptions built into various answers to this puzzle and attempt a new classification of the numerous solutions proposed in an already huge literature on the subject. Finally, we consider the ramifications of various classes of hypotheses for the practical ORG projects. Somewhat paradoxically, it seems that the class of (neo)catastrophic hypotheses gives, on balance, the strongest justification for guarded optimism regarding our current and near-future ORG efforts.",0 "We try to perform geometrization of psychology by representing mental states, <>, by points of a metric space, <>. Evolution of ideas is described by dynamical systems in metric mental space. We apply the mental space approach for modeling of flows of unconscious and conscious information in the human brain. In a series of models, Models 1-4, we consider cognitive systems with increasing complexity of psychological behavior determined by structure of flows of ideas. Since our models are in fact models of the AI-type, one immediately recognizes that they can be used for creation of AI-systems, which we call psycho-robots, exhibiting important elements of human psyche. Creation of such psycho-robots may be useful improvement of domestic robots. At the moment domestic robots are merely simple working devices (e.g. vacuum cleaners or lawn mowers) . However, in future one can expect demand in systems which be able not only perform simple work tasks, but would have elements of human self-developing psyche. Such AI-psyche could play an important role both in relations between psycho-robots and their owners as well as between psycho-robots. Since the presence of a huge numbers of psycho-complexes is an essential characteristic of human psychology, it would be interesting to model them in the AI-framework.","We compute the anomalous dimension of the ORDINAL and ORDINAL moments of the flavour non-singlet twist-2 ORG and transversity operators at CARDINAL loops in both the ORG and ORG' schemes. To assist with the extraction of estimates of matrix elements computed using lattice regularization, the finite parts of the PERSON's function where the operator is inserted in a quark CARDINAL-point function are also provided at CARDINAL loops in both schemes.",0 "Any real interaction process produces many incompatible system versions, or realisations, giving rise to omnipresent dynamic randomness and universally defined complexity (arXiv:physics/9806002). Since ORG behaviour dynamically emerges as the lowest complexity level (arXiv:quant-ph/9902016), ORG interaction randomness can only be relatively strong, which reveals the causal origin of quantum indeterminacy (arXiv:quant-ph/9511037) and true ORG chaos (arXiv:quant-ph/9511035), but rigorously excludes the possibility of unitary quantum computation, even in an ""ideal"", noiseless system. Any real computation is an internally chaotic (multivalued) process of system complexity development occurring in different regimes. Unitary ORG machines, including their postulated ""magic"", cannot be realised as such because their dynamically single-valued scheme is incompatible with the irreducibly high dynamic randomness at ORG levels and should be replaced by explicitly chaotic, intrinsically creative machines already realised in living organisms and providing their quite different, realistic kind of magic. The related concepts of reality-based, complex-dynamical nanotechnology, biotechnology and intelligence are outlined, together with the ensuing change in research strategy. The unreduced, dynamically multivalued solution to the many-body problem reveals the true, complex-dynamical basis of solid-state dynamics, including the origin and internal dynamics of macroscopic quantum states. The critical, ""end-of-science"" state of unitary knowledge and the way to positive change are causally specified within the same, universal concept of complexity.","A quite general interaction process of a multi-component system is analysed by the extended effective potential method liberated from usual limitations of perturbation theory or integrable model. The obtained causally complete solution of the many-body problem reveals the phenomenon of dynamic multivaluedness, or redundance, of emerging, incompatible system realisations and dynamic entanglement of system components within each realisation. The ensuing concept of dynamic complexity (and related intrinsic chaoticity) is absolutely universal and can be applied to the problem of (natural and artificial) intelligence and consciousness that dynamically emerge now as a high enough, properly specified levels of unreduced complexity of a suitable interaction process. Emergent consciousness can be identified with the appearance of bound, permanently localised states in the multivalued brain dynamics from strongly chaotic states of unconscious intelligence, by analogy with classical behaviour emergence from quantum states at the lowest levels of complex world dynamics. We show that the main properties of this dynamically emerging consciousness (and intelligence, at the preceding complexity level) correspond to empirically derived properties of natural consciousness and obtain causally substantiated conclusions about their artificial realisation, including the fundamentally justified paradigm of genuine machine consciousness. This rigorously defined machine consciousness is different from both natural consciousness and any mechanistic, dynamically single-valued imitation of the latter. We use then the same, truly universal concept of complexity to derive equally rigorous conclusions about mental and social implications of this complex-dynamic consciousness concept, demonstrating its critical importance for further progress of science and civilisation.",1 "The purpose of this paper is to obtain exact solutions of the GPE field equations describing traversable wormholes supported by phantom energy. Their relationship to exact solutions in the literature is also discussed, as well as the conditions required to determine such solutions.","We hereby consider the problem of detectability of macro-engineering projects over interstellar distances, in the context of ORG (SETI). PERSON and his imaginative precursors, like PERSON, PERSON or PERSON, suggested macro-engineering projects as focal points in the context of extrapolations about the future of humanity and, by analogy, other intelligent species in the LOC. We emphasize that the search for signposts of extraterrestrial macro-engineering projects is not an optional pursuit within the family of ongoing and planned ORG projects; LOC, the failure of the orthodox ORG thus far clearly indicates this. Instead, this approach (for which we suggest a name of ""Dysonian"") should be the front-line and mainstay of any cogent ORG strategy in future, being significantly more promising than searches for directed, intentional radio or microwave emissions. This is in accord with our improved astrophysical understanding of the structure and evolution of the LOC, as well as with the recent wake-up call of PERSON to investigate consequences of postbiological evolution for astrobiology in general and ORG programs in particular. The benefits this multidisciplinary approach may bear for astrobiologists, evolutionary theorists and macro-engineers are also briefly highlighted.",0 "We study the use of ""sign $\alpha$-stable random projections"" (where $MONEY 2$) for building basic data processing tools in the context of large-scale machine learning applications (e.g., classification, regression, clustering, and near-neighbor search). After the processing by sign stable random projections, the inner products of the processed data approximate various types of nonlinear kernels depending on the value of MONEY, this approach provides an effective strategy for approximating nonlinear learning algorithms essentially at the cost of ORG learning. When $\alpha =MONEY, it is known that the corresponding nonlinear kernel is the arc-cosine kernel. When MONEY, the procedure approximates the arc-cos-$\chi^2$ kernel (under certain condition). When $MONEY, it corresponds to the resemblance kernel. From practitioners' perspective, the method of sign $\alpha$-stable random projections is ready to be tested for large-scale learning applications, where $PERSON can be simply viewed as a tuning parameter. What is missing in the literature is an extensive empirical study to show the effectiveness of sign stable random projections, especially for MONEY 2$ or CARDINAL. The paper supplies such a study on a wide variety of classification datasets. In particular, we compare shoulder-by-shoulder sign stable random projections with the recently proposed ""0-bit consistent weighted sampling (ORG)"" (PERSON DATE).","Based on $\alpha$-stable random projections with small $PERSON, we develop a simple algorithm for compressed sensing (sparse signal recovery) by utilizing only the signs (i.e., CARDINAL-bit) of the measurements. Using only 1-bit information of the measurements results in substantial cost reduction in collection, storage, communication, and decoding for compressed sensing. The proposed algorithm is efficient in that the decoding procedure requires CARDINAL scan of the coordinates. Our analysis can precisely show that, for a CARDINALPERSON signal of length $MONEY, MONEY measurements (where $\delta$ is the confidence) would be sufficient for recovering the support and the signs of the signal. While the method is very robust against typical measurement noises, we also provide the analysis of the scheme under random flipping of the signs of the measurements. \noindent Compared to the well-known work on 1-bit marginal regression (which can also be viewed as a CARDINAL-scan method), the proposed algorithm requires orders of magnitude fewer measurements. Compared to QUANTITY FAC (ORG) (which is not a CARDINAL-scan algorithm), our method is still significantly more accurate. Furthermore, the proposed method is reasonably robust against random sign flipping while ORG is known to be very sensitive to this type of noise.",1 "Exploring further the properties of ITRM-recognizable reals, we provide a detailed analysis of recognizable reals and their distribution in PERSON constructible universe L. In particular, we show that, for unresetting infinite time register machines, the recognizable reals coincide with the computable reals and that, for ITRMs, unrecognizables are generated at every index bigger than the ORDINAL limit of admissibles. We show that a real r is recognizable iff it is $\Sigma_{1}$-definable over $PERSON,r}}$, that $r\in ORG,r}}$ for every recognizable real $r$ and that either all or no real generated over an index stage $ORG are recognizable.","We define an ordinalized version of PERSON's realizability interpretation of intuitionistic logic by replacing Turing machines with PERSON's ordinal Turing machines (OTMs), thus obtaining a notion of realizability applying to arbitrary statements in the language of set theory. We observe that every instance of the axioms of intuitionistic ORDINAL-order logic are ORG-realizable and consider the question which axioms of ORG (ORG) and ORG's ORG (CZF) are ORG-realizable. This is an introductory note, and proofs are mostly only sketched or omitted altogether. It will soon be replaced by a more elaborate version.",1 "In this paper CARDINAL presents new similarity, cardinality and entropy measures for bipolar fuzzy set and for its particular forms like intuitionistic, paraconsistent and fuzzy set. All these are constructed in the framework of multi-valued representations and are based on a penta-valued logic that uses the following logical values: true, false, unknown, contradictory and ambiguous. Also a new distance for bounded real interval was defined.","The Cauchy problem for the ORG equations in GPE gauge in $n$ space dimensions (MONEY) is locally well-posed for low regularity data, in CARDINAL and CARDINAL space dimensions even for data without finite energy. The result relies on the null structure for the main bilinear terms which was shown to be not only present in GPE gauge but also in GPE gauge by PERSON and LOC, who proved global well-posedness for finite energy data in CARDINAL space dimensions. This null structure is combined with product estimates for wave-Sobolev spaces given systematically by GPE, GPE and GPE.",0 "In this paper, we prove that some NORP structural equation models with dependent errors having equal variances are identifiable from their corresponding NORP distributions. Specifically, we prove identifiability for the NORP structural equation models that can be represented as ORG chain graphs (Andersson et al., DATE). These chain graphs were originally developed to represent independence models. However, they are also suitable for representing causal models with additive noise (Pe\~na, DATE. Our result implies then that these causal models can be identified from observational data alone. Our result generalizes the result by PERSON and B\""uhlmann (DATE), who considered independent errors having equal variances. The suitability of the equal error variances assumption should be assessed on a per domain basis.","An interesting consequence of the modern cosmological paradigm is the spatial infinity of the universe. When coupled with naturalistic understanding of the origin of life and intelligence, which follows the basic tenets of astrobiology, and with some fairly incontroversial assumptions in the theory of observation selection effects, this infinity leads, as PERSON has recently shown, to a paradoxical conclusion. Olum's paradox is related, to the famous GPE's paradox in astrobiology and ORG studies. We, hereby, present an evolutionary argument countering the apparent inconsistency, and show how, in the framework of a simplified model, deeper picture of the coupling between histories of intelligent/technological civilizations and astrophysical evolution of the PRODUCT, can be achieved. This strategy has consequences of importance for both astrobiological studies and philosophy.",0 "We present a multidimensional optimization problem that is formulated and solved in the tropical mathematics setting. The problem consists of minimizing a nonlinear objective function defined on vectors over an idempotent semifield by means of a conjugate transposition operator, subject to constraints in the form of ORG vector inequalities. A complete direct solution to the problem under fairly general assumptions is given in a compact vector form suitable for both further analysis and practical implementation. We apply the result to solve a multidimensional minimax single facility location problem with ORG distance and with inequality constraints imposed on the feasible location area.","A knowledge base is redundant if it contains parts that can be inferred from the rest of it. We study the problem of checking whether a ORG formula (a set of clauses) is redundant, that is, it contains clauses that can be derived from the other ones. Any CNF formula can be made irredundant by deleting some of its clauses: what results is an irredundant equivalent subset (I.E.S.) We study the complexity of some related problems: verification, checking existence of a I.E.S. with a given size, checking necessary and possible presence of clauses in ORG's, and uniqueness. We also consider the problem of redundancy with different definitions of equivalence.",0 "While statistics focusses on hypothesis testing and on estimating (properties of) the true sampling distribution, in machine learning the performance of learning algorithms on future data is the primary issue. In this paper we bridge the gap with a general principle (FAC) that identifies hypotheses with best predictive performance. This includes predictive point and interval estimation, simple and composite hypothesis testing, (mixture) model selection, and others as special cases. For concrete instantiations we will recover well-known methods, variations thereof, and new ones. PHI nicely justifies, reconciles, and blends (a reparametrization invariant variation of) ORG, ORG, ORG, and moment estimation. CARDINAL particular feature of ORG is that it can genuinely deal with nested hypotheses.","We introduce a new principle for model selection in regression and classification. Many regression models are controlled by some smoothness or flexibility or complexity parameter c, e.g. the number of neighbors to be averaged over in k nearest neighbor (kNN) regression or the polynomial degree in regression with polynomials. Let ORG be the (best) regressor of complexity c on data NORP A more flexible regressor can fit more data D' well than a more rigid one. If something (here small loss) is easy to achieve it's typically worth less. We define the loss rank of ORG as the number of other (fictitious) data D' that are fitted better by f_D'^c than D is fitted by ORG. We suggest selecting the model complexity c that has minimal loss rank (LoRP). Unlike most penalized maximum likelihood variants (ORG,ORG,ORG), PRODUCT only depends on the regression function and loss function. It works without a stochastic noise model, and is directly applicable to any non-parametric regressor, like kNN. In this paper we formalize, discuss, and motivate PERSON, study it for specific regression problems, in particular linear ones, and compare it to other model selection schemes.",1 "We consider a distributed source coding problem of $MONEY correlated NORP observations $Y_i, i=1,2,...,L$. We assume that the random vector $PERSON t} (Y_1,Y_2,$ $...,PERSON is an observation of the NORP random vector $PERSON...,X_K)$, having the form $Y^L=AX^K+N^L ,$ where $MONEY is a $L\times K$ matrix and $PERSON t}(N_1,N_2,...,N_L)$ is a vector of $MONEY independent PERSON random variables also independent of $PERSON The estimation error on $PERSON is measured by the distortion covariance matrix. The rate distortion region is defined by a set of all rate vectors for which the estimation error is upper bounded by an arbitrary prescribed covariance matrix in the meaning of positive semi definite. In this paper we derive explicit outer and inner bounds of the rate distortion region. This result provides a useful tool to study the direct and indirect source coding problems on this NORP distributed source coding system, which remain open in general.","Traditional image processing is a field of science and technology developed to facilitate human-centered image management. But DATE, when huge volumes of visual data inundate our surroundings (due to the explosive growth of image-capturing devices, proliferation of Internet communication means and video sharing services over WORK_OF_ART), human-centered handling of Big-data flows is impossible anymore. Therefore, it has to be replaced with a machine (computer) supported counterpart. Of course, such an artificial counterpart must be equipped with some cognitive abilities, usually characteristic for a human being. Indeed, in DATE, a new computer design trend - ORG development - is become visible. Cognitive image processing definitely will be one of its main duties. It must be specially mentioned that this trend is a particular case of a much more general movement - the transition from a ""computational data-processing paradigm"" to a ""cognitive information-processing paradigm"", which affects DATE many fields of science, technology, and engineering. This transition is a blessed novelty, but its success is hampered by the lack of a clear delimitation between the notion of data and the notion of information. Elaborating the case of cognitive image processing, the paper intends to clarify these important research issues.",0 "We define the notion of a well-clusterable data set combining the point of view of the objective of $k$-means clustering algorithm (minimising the centric spread of data elements) and common sense (clusters shall be separated by gaps). We identify conditions under which the optimum of $k$-means objective coincides with a clustering under which the data is separated by predefined gaps. We investigate CARDINAL cases: when the whole clusters are separated by some gap and when only the cores of the clusters meet some separation condition. We overcome a major obstacle in using clusterability criteria due to the fact that known approaches to clusterability checking had the disadvantage that they are related to the optimal clustering which is ORG hard to identify. Compared to other approaches to clusterability, the novelty consists in the possibility of an a posteriori (after running $k$-means) check if the data set is well-clusterable or not. As the $k$-means algorithm applied for this purpose has polynomial complexity so does therefore the appropriate check. Additionally, if $k$-means++ fails to identify a clustering that meets clusterability criteria, with high probability the data is not well-clusterable.","We prove in this paper that the expected value of the objective function of the $k$-means++ algorithm for samples converges to population expected value. As $k$-means++, for samples, provides with constant factor approximation for $k$-means objectives, such an approximation can be achieved for the population with increase of the sample size. This result is of potential practical relevance when one is considering using subsampling when clustering large data sets (large data bases).",1 "Process modeling (PM) in software engineering involves a specific way of understanding the world. In this context, philosophical work is not merely intrinsically important; it can also stand up to some of the more established software engineering research metrics. The object-oriented methodology takes an object as the central concept of modeling. This paper follows from a series of papers that focus on the notion of thinging in the context of the analysis phase of software system modeling. We use an abstract machine named ORGORG) as the mechanism by which things reveal themselves. We introduce a more in-depth investigation of a grand ORG that Signifies the totality of entities in the modeled system. We also present new notions, such as maximum grip, which refers to the level of granularity of the significance where optimum visibility of the model s meaning is given. The outcomes of this research indicate a positive improvement in the field of PM that may lead to enhance understanding of the object-oriented approach. ORG also presents the possibility of developing a new method in GPE.","The notion of events has occupied a central role in modeling and has an influence in computer science and philosophy. Recent developments in diagrammatic modeling have made it possible to examine conceptual representation of events. This paper explores some aspects of the notion of events that are produced by applying a new diagrammatic methodology with a focus on the interaction of events with such concepts as time and space, objects. The proposed description applies to abstract machines where events form the dynamic phases of a system. The results of this nontechnical research can be utilized in many fields where the notion of an event is typically used in interdisciplinary application.",1 "We propose a long-term memory design for artificial general intelligence based on PERSON's incremental machine learning methods. We use R5RS Scheme and its standard library with a few omissions as the reference machine. We introduce a PERSON variant based on ORG together with CARDINAL synergistic update algorithms that use the same grammar as a guiding probability distribution of programs. The update algorithms include adjusting production probabilities, re-using previous solutions, learning programming idioms and discovery of frequent subprograms. Experiments with CARDINAL training sequences demonstrate that our approach to incremental learning is effective.","We propose that PERSON induction is complete in the physical sense via several strong physical arguments. We also argue that PERSON induction is fully applicable to quantum mechanics. We show how to choose an objective reference machine for universal induction by defining a physical message complexity and physical message probability, and argue that this choice dissolves some well-known objections to universal induction. We also introduce many more variants of physical message complexity based on energy and action, and discuss the ramifications of our proposals.",1 "We consider a system model of a general finite-state machine (ratchet) that simultaneously interacts with CARDINAL kinds of reservoirs: a heat reservoir, a work reservoir, and an information reservoir, the latter being taken to be a running digital tape whose symbols interact sequentially with the machine. As has been shown in earlier work, this finite-state machine can act as a demon (with memory), which creates a net flow of energy from the heat reservoir into the work reservoir (thus extracting useful work) at the price of increasing the entropy of the information reservoir. Under very few assumptions, we propose a simple derivation of a family of inequalities that relate the work extraction with the entropy production. These inequalities can be seen as either upper bounds on the extractable work or as lower bounds on the entropy production, depending on the point of view. Many of these bounds are relatively easy to calculate and they are tight in the sense that equality can be approached arbitrarily closely. In their basic forms, these inequalities are applicable to any finite number of cycles (and not only asymptotically), and for a general input information sequence (possibly correlated), which is not necessarily assumed even stationary. Several known results are obtained as special cases.","We design games for truly concurrent bisimilarities, including strongly truly concurrent bisimilarities and branching truly concurrent bisimilarities, such as pomset bisimilarities, step bisimilarities, history-preserving bisimilarities and hereditary history-preserving bisimilarities.",0 "The paper briefly describes a basic set of special combinatorial engineering frameworks for solving complex problems in the field of hierarchical modular systems. The frameworks consist of combinatorial problems (and corresponding models), which are interconnected/linked (e.g., by preference relation). Mainly, hierarchical morphological system model is used. The list of basic standard combinatorial engineering (technological) frameworks is the following: (CARDINAL) design of system hierarchical model, (CARDINAL) combinatorial synthesis ('bottom-up' process for system design), (CARDINAL) system evaluation, (CARDINAL) detection of system bottlenecks, (CARDINAL) system improvement (re-design, upgrade), (CARDINAL) multi-stage design (design of system trajectory), (CARDINAL) combinatorial modeling of system evolution/development and system forecasting. The combinatorial engineering frameworks are targeted to maintenance of some system life cycle stages. The list of main underlaying combinatorial optimization problems involves the following: knapsack problem, multiple-choice problem, assignment problem, spanning trees, morphological clique problem.","The paper described a generalized integrated glance to PERSON packing problems including a brief literature survey and some new problem formulations for the cases of multiset estimates of items. A new systemic viewpoint to PERSON packing problems is suggested: (a) basic element sets (item set, PERSON set, item subset assigned to bin), (b) binary relation over the sets: relation over item set as compatibility, precedence, dominance; relation over items and bins (i.e., correspondence of items to bins). A special attention is targeted to the following versions of PERSON packing problems: (a) problem with multiset estimates of items, (b) problem with colored items (and some close problems). Applied examples of bin packing problems are considered: (i) planning in paper industry (framework of combinatorial problems), (ii) selection of information messages, (iii) packing of messages/information packages in WiMAX communication system (brief description).",1 "In this paper, we propose an extremely simple deep model for the unsupervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction -- deep distributed random samplings, which performs like a stack of unsupervised bootstrap aggregating. ORDINAL, its network structure is novel: each layer of the network is a group of mutually independent $k$-centers clusterings. ORDINAL, its learning method is extremely simple: the $PERSON centers of each clustering are MONEYPERSON randomly selected examples from the training data; for small-scale data sets, the $PERSON centers are further randomly reconstructed by a simple cyclic-shift operation. Experimental results on nonlinear dimensionality reduction show that the proposed method can learn abstract representations on both large-scale and small-scale problems, and meanwhile is much faster than deep neural networks on large-scale problems.","Voting is a simple mechanism to combine together the preferences of multiple agents. Agents may try to manipulate the result of voting by mis-reporting their preferences. CARDINAL barrier that might exist to such manipulation is computational complexity. In particular, it has been shown that it is ORG-hard to compute how to manipulate a number of different voting rules. However, ORG-hardness only bounds the worst-case complexity. Recent theoretical results suggest that manipulation may often be easy in practice. In this paper, we study empirically the manipulability of single transferable voting (ORG) to determine if computational complexity is really a barrier to manipulation. NORP was CARDINAL of the ORDINAL voting rules shown to be ORG-hard. It also appears CARDINAL of the harder voting rules to manipulate. We sample a number of distributions of votes including uniform and real world elections. In almost every election in our experiments, it was easy to compute how a single agent could manipulate the election or to prove that manipulation by a single agent was impossible.",0 "Decision theory formally solves the problem of rational agents in uncertain worlds if the true environmental probability distribution is known. PERSON's theory of universal induction formally solves the problem of sequence prediction for unknown distribution. We unify both theories and give strong arguments that the resulting universal AIXI model behaves optimal in any computable environment. The major drawback of the AIXI model is that it is uncomputable. To overcome this problem, we construct a modified algorithm ORG, which is still superior to any other time t and space l bounded agent. The computation time of NORP is of the order t x CARDINAL.","PERSON sequence prediction is a scheme to predict digits of binary strings without knowing the underlying probability distribution. We call a prediction scheme informed when it knows the true probability distribution of the sequence. Several new relations between universal PERSON sequence prediction and informed prediction and general probabilistic prediction schemes will be proved. Among others, they show that the number of errors in PERSON prediction is finite for computable distributions, if finite in the informed case. Deterministic variants will also be studied. The most interesting result is that the deterministic variant of PERSON prediction is optimal compared to any other probabilistic or deterministic prediction scheme apart from additive square root corrections only. This makes it well suited even for difficult prediction problems, where it does not suffice when the number of errors is minimal to within some factor greater than one. PERSON's original bound and the ones presented here complement each other in a useful way.",1 "In this article, we study the vector meson transitions among the charmonium and bottomonium states with the heavy quark effective theory in an systematic way, and make predictions for the ratios among the vector PERSON widths of a special multiplet to another multiplet. The predictions can be confronted with the experimental data in the future.","In this article, we introduce a P-wave between the diquark and antidiquark explicitly to construct the vector tetraquark currents, and study the vector tetraquark states with the ORG sum rules systematically, and obtain the lowest vector tetraquark masses up to now. The present predictions support assigning the $MONEY, $MONEY, $Y(4390)$ and $Z(4250)$ to be the vector tetraquark states with a relative P-wave between the diquark and antidiquark pair.",1 "CARDINAL common type of symmetry is when values are symmetric. For example, if we are assigning colours (values) to nodes (variables) in a graph colouring problem then we can uniformly interchange the colours throughout a colouring. For a problem with value symmetries, all symmetric solutions can be eliminated in polynomial time. However, as we show here, both static and dynamic methods to deal with symmetry have computational limitations. With static methods, pruning all symmetric values is ORG-hard in general. With dynamic methods, we can take exponential time on problems which static methods solve without search.","Some contemporary views of the universe assume information and computation to be key in understanding and explaining the basic structure underpinning physical reality. We introduce the PERSON exploring some of the basic arguments giving foundation to these visions. We will focus on the algorithmic and ORG aspects, and how these may fit and support the computable universe hypothesis.",0 "The increasing popularity of web-based applications has led to several critical services being provided over the Internet. This has made it imperative to monitor the network traffic so as to prevent malicious attackers from depleting the resources of the network and denying services to legitimate users. This paper has presented a mechanism for protecting a web-server against a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Incoming traffic to the server is continuously monitored and any abnormal rise in the inbound traffic is immediately detected. The detection algorithm is based on a statistical analysis of the inbound traffic on the server and a robust hypothesis testing framework. While the detection process is on, the sessions from the legitimate sources are not disrupted and the load on the server is restored to the normal level by blocking the traffic from the attacking sources. To cater to different scenarios, the detection algorithm has various modules with varying level of computational and memory overheads for their execution. While the approximate modules are fast in detection and involve less overhead, they have lower detection accuracy. The accurate modules involve complex detection logic and hence involve more overhead for their execution, but they have very high detection accuracy. Simulations carried out on the proposed mechanism have produced results that demonstrate effectiveness of the scheme.","A universal inequality that bounds the angular momentum of a body by the square of its size is presented and heuristic physical arguments are given to support it. We prove a version of this inequality, as consequence of GPE equations, for the case of rotating axially symmetric, constant density, bodies. Finally, the physical relevance of this result is discussed.",0 "Currently, organizations are transforming their business processes into e-services and service-oriented architectures to improve coordination across sales, marketing, and partner channels, to build flexible and scalable systems, and to reduce integration-related maintenance and development costs. However, this new paradigm is still fragile and lacks many features crucial for building sustainable and progressive computing infrastructures able to rapidly respond and adapt to the always-changing market and environmental business. This paper proposes a novel framework for building sustainable Ecosystem- Oriented Architectures (ORG) using e-service models. The backbone of this framework is an ecosystem layer comprising several computing units whose aim is to deliver universal interoperability, transparent communication, automated management, self-integration, self-adaptation, and security to all the interconnected services, components, and devices in the ecosystem. Overall, the proposed model seeks to deliver a comprehensive and a generic sustainable business IT model for developing agile e-enterprises that are constantly up to new business constraints, trends, and requirements. Future research can improve upon the proposed model so much so that it supports computational intelligence to help in decision making and problem solving.","Currently, cryptography is in wide use as it is being exploited in various domains from data confidentiality to data integrity and message authentication. Basically, cryptography shuffles data so that they become unreadable by unauthorized parties. However, clearly visible encrypted messages, no matter how unbreakable, will arouse suspicions. A better approach would be to hide the very existence of the message using steganography. Fundamentally, steganography conceals secret data into innocent-looking mediums called carriers which can then travel from the sender to the receiver safe and unnoticed. This paper proposes a novel steganography scheme for hiding digital data into uncompressed image files using a randomized algorithm and a context-free grammar. Besides, the proposed scheme uses CARDINAL mediums to deliver the secret data: a carrier image into which the secret data are hidden into random pixels, and a well-structured LANGUAGE text that encodes the location of the random carrier pixels. The LANGUAGE text is generated at runtime using a context-free grammar coupled with a lexicon of LANGUAGE words. The proposed scheme is stealthy, and hard to be noticed, detected, and recovered. Experiments conducted showed how the covering and the uncovering processes of the proposed scheme work. As future work, a semantic analyzer is to be developed so as to make the LANGUAGE text medium semantically correct, and consequently safer to be transmitted without drawing any attention.",1 "Following a review of metric, ultrametric and generalized ultrametric, we review their application in data analysis. We show how they allow us to explore both geometry and topology of information, starting with measured data. Some themes are then developed based on the use of metric, ultrametric and generalized ultrametric in logic. In particular we study approximation chains in an ultrametric or generalized ultrametric context. Our aim in this work is to extend the scope of data analysis by facilitating reasoning based on the data analysis; and to show how quantitative and qualitative data analysis can be incorporated into logic programming.","Innovation is slowing greatly in the pharmaceutical sector. It is considered here how part of the problem is due to overly limiting intellectual property relations in the sector. On the other hand, computing and software in particular are characterized by great richness of intellectual property frameworks. Could the intellectual property ecosystem of computing come to the aid of the biosciences and life sciences? We look at how the answer might well be yes, by looking at (i) the extent to which a drug mirrors a software program, and (ii) what is to be gleaned from trends in research publishing in the life and biosciences.",1 "In this paper we investigate the opportunities offered by the new LOC gravity models from the dedicated ORG and, especially, ORG missions to the project of measuring the general relativistic PERSON effect with a new LOC's artificial satellite. It turns out that it would be possible to abandon the stringent, and expensive, requirements on the orbital geometry of the originally prosed PERSON mission (same semimajor axis a=12270 km of the existing LAGEOS and inclination i=70 deg) by inserting the new spacecraft in a relatively low, and cheaper, orbit (a=7500-8000 km, i\sim 70 deg) and suitably combining its node PERSON with those of ORG and LAW in order to cancel out the ORDINAL even zonal harmonic coefficients of the multipolar expansion of the terrestrial gravitational potential J_2, J_4 along with their temporal variations. The total systematic error due to the mismodelling in the remaining even zonal harmonics would amount to \sim PERCENT and would be insensitive to departures of the inclination from the originally proposed value of many degrees. No semisecular long-period perturbations would be introduced because the period of the node, which is also the period of the solar PRODUCT tidal perturbation, would amount to \sim DATE. Since the coefficient of the node of the new satellite would be smaller than CARDINAL for such low altitudes, the impact of the non-gravitational perturbations of it on the proposed combination would be negligible. Then, a particular financial and technological effort for suitably building the satellite in order to minimize the non-conservative accelerations would be unnecessary.","We study a general relativistic gravitomagnetic CARDINAL-body effect induced by the spin angular momentum ${\boldsymbol S}_\textrm{X}$ of a rotating mass $PERSON orbited at distance $r_\textrm{X}$ by a local gravitationally bound restricted CARDINAL-body system $\mathcal{S}$ of size CARDINALr\ll r_\textrm{X}$ consisting of a test particle revolving around a massive body $M$. At the lowest post-Newtonian order, we analytically work out the doubly averaged rates of change of the NORP orbital elements of the test particle by finding non-vanishing long-term effects for the inclination $I$, the node CARDINALPERSON and the pericenter $\omega$. Such theoretical results are confirmed by a numerical integration of the equations of motion for a fictitious CARDINAL-body system. We numerically calculate the magnitudes of the NORP gravitomagnetic CARDINAL-body precessions for some astronomical scenarios in our solar system. For putative man-made orbiters of the natural moons NORP and LOC in the external fields of PRODUCT and LOC, the relativistic precessions due to the angular momenta of the gaseous giant planets can be MONEY\simeq CARDINAL~per~NORP~yr}^{-1}\right)$. A preliminary numerical simulation shows that, for certain orbital configurations of a hypothetical LOC orbiter, its range-rate signal $MONEY can become larger than the current PERSON accuracy of the existing spacecraft PRODUCT at LOC, i.e. $MONEY~s}^{-1}$, after QUANTITY The effects induced by the ORG's angular momentum on artificial probes of ORG and the LOC are at the level of $PERSONTIME~per~year}~\left(\mu\textrm{as~yr}^{-1}\right)$.",1 "The relationship between Popper spaces (conditional probability spaces that satisfy some regularity conditions), lexicographic probability systems (ORG's), and nonstandard probability spaces (ORG's) is considered. If countable additivity is assumed, Popper spaces and a subclass of ORG's are equivalent; without the assumption of countable additivity, the equivalence no longer holds. If the state space is finite, ORG's are equivalent to ORG's. However, if the state space is infinite, ORG's are shown to be more general than ORG's.","Despite the several successes of deep learning systems, there are concerns about their limitations, discussed most recently by PERSON. This paper discusses PERSON's concerns and some others, together with solutions to several of these problems provided by the ""P theory of intelligence"" and its realisation in the ""SP computer model"". The main advantages of the NORP system are: relatively small requirements for data and the ability to learn from a single experience; the ability to model both hierarchical and non-hierarchical structures; strengths in several kinds of reasoning, including `commonsense' reasoning; transparency in the representation of knowledge, and the provision of an audit trail for all processing; the likelihood that the NORP system could not be fooled into bizarre or eccentric recognition of stimuli, as deep learning systems can be; the NORP system provides a robust solution to the problem of `catastrophic forgetting' in deep learning systems; the NORP system provides a theoretically-coherent solution to the problems of correcting over- and under-generalisations in learning, and learning correct structures despite errors in data; unlike most research on deep learning, the NORP programme of research draws extensively on research on human learning, perception, and cognition; and the NORP programme of research has an overarching theory, supported by evidence, something that is largely missing from research on deep learning. In general, the NORP system provides a much firmer foundation than deep learning for the development of artificial general intelligence.",0 "We present a quantum-like (PERSON) model in that contexts (complexes of e.g. mental, social, biological, economic or even political conditions) are represented by complex probability amplitudes. This approach gives the possibility to apply the mathematical quantum formalism to probabilities induced in any domain of science. In our model ORG randomness appears not as irreducible randomness (as it is commonly accepted in conventional quantum mechanics, e.g., by PERSON and Dirac), but as a consequence of obtaining incomplete information about a system. We pay main attention to the PERSON description of processing of incomplete information. Our PERSON model can be useful in cognitive, social and political sciences as well as economics and artificial intelligence. In this paper we consider in a more detail CARDINAL special application -- PERSON modeling of brain's functioning. The brain is modeled as a PERSON-computer.","The paper describes a general glance to the use of element exchange techniques for optimization over permutations. A multi-level description of problems is proposed which is a fundamental to understand nature and complexity of optimization problems over permutations (e.g., ordering, scheduling, traveling salesman problem). The description is based on permutation neighborhoods of several kinds (e.g., by improvement of an objective function). Our proposed operational digraph and its kinds can be considered as a way to understand convexity and polynomial solvability for combinatorial optimization problems over permutations. Issues of an analysis of problems and a design of hierarchical heuristics are discussed. The discussion leads to a multi-level adaptive algorithm system which analyzes an individual problem and selects/designs a solving strategy (trajectory).",0 "This article presents an overview of computability logic -- the game-semantically constructed logic of interactive computational tasks and resources. There is CARDINAL non-overview, technical section in it, devoted to a proof of the soundness of affine logic with respect to the semantics of computability logic. A comprehensive online source on the subject can be found at ORG","Computability logic (CL) is a systematic formal theory of computational tasks and resources, which, in a sense, can be seen as a semantics-based alternative to (the syntactically introduced) linear logic. With its expressive and flexible language, where formulas represent computational problems and ""truth"" is understood as algorithmic solvability, ORG potentially offers a comprehensive logical basis for constructive applied theories and computing systems inherently requiring constructive and computationally meaningful underlying logics. Among the best known constructivistic logics is ORG's intuitionistic calculus ORG, whose language can be seen as a special fragment of that of ORG. The constructivistic philosophy of ORG, however, has never really found an intuitively convincing and mathematically strict semantical justification. CL has good claims to provide such a justification and hence a materialization of ORG's known thesis ""INT = logic of problems"". The present paper contains a soundness proof for ORG with respect to the ORG semantics. A comprehensive online source on ORG is available at ORG",1 "General purpose intelligent learning agents cycle through (complex,ORG) sequences of observations, actions, and rewards. On the other hand, reinforcement learning is well-developed for small finite state PERSON Processes (MDPs). So far it is an art performed by human designers to extract the right state representation out of the bare observations, i.e. to reduce the agent setup to the ORG framework. Before we can think of mechanizing this search for suitable MDPs, we need a formal objective criterion. The main contribution of this article is to develop such a criterion. I also integrate the various parts into CARDINAL learning algorithm. Extensions to more realistic dynamic NORP networks are developed in a companion article.","The impact of the latest combined ORG/GRACE/terrestrial measurements LOC gravity model ORG-CG03C on the measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect with some ORG combinations of the nodes of some of the existing LOC's artificial satellites is presented. The CARDINAL-sigma upper bound of the systematic error in the node-node LAGEOS-LAGEOS II combination is PERCENT (PERCENT with ORG-GRACE02S, \sim PERCENT with ORG-CG01C and \sim PERCENT with ORG), while it is DATE for the node-only LAGEOS-LAGEOS II-Ajisai-Jason-1 combination (PERCENT with ORG-GRACE02S, PERCENT with ORG-CG01C and PERCENT with ORG).",0 "We explore a simple mathematical model of network computation, based on PERSON chains. Similar models apply to a broad range of computational phenomena, arising in networks of computers, as well as in genetic, and neural nets, in social networks, and so on. The main problem of interaction with such spontaneously evolving computational systems is that the data are not uniformly structured. An interesting approach is to try to extract the semantical content of the data from their distribution among the nodes. A concept is then identified by finding the community of nodes that share it. The task of data structuring is thus reduced to the task of finding the network communities, as groups of nodes that together perform some non-local data processing. Towards this goal, we extend the ranking methods from nodes to paths. This allows us to extract some information about the likely flow biases from the available static information about the network.","Dialectical logic is the logic of dialectical processes. The goal of dialectical logic is to reveal the dynamical notions inherent in logical computational systems. The fundamental notions of proposition and truth-value in standard logic are subsumed by the notions of process and flow in dialectical logic. Standard logic motivates the core sequential aspect of dialectical logic. Horn-clause logic requires types and nonsymmetry and also motivates the parallel aspect of dialectical logic. The process logics of PERSON and ORG reveal the internal/external aspects of dialectical logic. The sequential internal aspect of dialectical logic should be viewed as a typed or distributed version of GPE's linear logic with ORG tensor. The simplest version of dialectical logic is inherently intuitionistic. However, by following GPE's approach in standard logic using double negation closure, we can define a classical version of dialectical logic.",0 "Complementary strands in DNA double helix show temporary fluctuational openings which are essential to biological functions such as transcription and replication of the genetic information. Such large amplitude fluctuations, known as the breathing of DNA, are generally localized and, microscopically, are due to the breaking of the hydrogen bonds linking the base pairs (\emph{bps}). I apply imaginary time path integral techniques to a mesoscopic NORP which accounts for the helicoidal geometry of a short circular DNA molecule. The \emph{bps} displacements with respect to the ground state are interpreted as time dependent paths whose amplitudes are consistent with the model potential for the hydrogen bonds. The portion of the paths configuration space contributing to the partition function is determined by selecting the ensemble of paths which fulfill the ORDINAL law of thermodynamics. Computations of the thermodynamics in the denaturation range show the energetic advantage for the equilibrium helicoidal geometry peculiar of B-DNA. I discuss the interplay between twisting of the double helix and anharmonic stacking along the molecule backbone suggesting an interesting relation between intrinsic nonlinear character of the microscopic interactions and molecular topology.","We develop ORG-logitboost, based on the prior work on ORG-boost and robust logitboost. Our extensive experiments on a variety of datasets demonstrate the considerable improvement of ORG-logitboost over logitboost and ORG.",0 "More than a speculative technology, ORG computing seems to challenge our most basic intuitions about how the physical world should behave. In this thesis I show that, while some intuitions from classical computer science must be jettisoned in the light of modern physics, many others emerge nearly unscathed; and I use powerful tools from computational complexity theory to help determine which are which.","A celebrated DATE theorem of PERSON asserts that honest, rational NORP agents with common priors will never ""agree to disagree"": if their opinions about any topic are common knowledge, then those opinions must be equal. Economists have written numerous papers examining the assumptions behind this theorem. But CARDINAL key questions went unaddressed: ORDINAL, can the agents reach agreement after a conversation of reasonable length? ORDINAL, can the computations needed for that conversation be performed efficiently? This paper answers both questions in the affirmative, thereby strengthening PERSON's original conclusion. We ORDINAL show that, for CARDINAL agents with a common prior to agree within epsilon about the expectation of a [CARDINAL] variable with high probability over their prior, it suffices for them to exchange order CARDINAL/epsilon^2 bits. This bound is completely independent of the number of bits n of relevant knowledge that the agents have. We then extend the bound to CARDINAL or more agents; and we give an example where the economists' ""standard protocol"" (which consists of repeatedly announcing one's current expectation) nearly saturates the bound, while a new ""attenuated protocol"" does better. Finally, we give a protocol that would cause CARDINAL NORP to agree within epsilon after exchanging order CARDINAL/epsilon^2 messages, and that can be simulated by agents with limited computational resources. By this we mean that, after examining the agents' knowledge and a transcript of their conversation, no one would be able to distinguish the agents from perfect NORP. The time used by the simulation procedure is exponential in CARDINAL/epsilon^6 but not in n.",1 "This paper studies sequence prediction based on the monotone NORP complexity NORP m, i.e. based on universal deterministic/CARDINAL-part ORG. m is extremely close to PERSON's prior M, the latter being an excellent predictor in deterministic as well as probabilistic environments, where performance is measured in terms of convergence of posteriors or losses. Despite this closeness to M, it is difficult to assess the prediction quality of m, since little is known about the closeness of their posteriors, which are the important quantities for prediction. We show that for deterministic computable environments, the ""posterior"" and losses of m converge, but rapid convergence could only be shown on-sequence; the off-sequence behavior is unclear. In probabilistic environments, neither the posterior nor the losses converge, in general.","I present a NORP model and a computational method suitable to evaluate structural and thermodynamic properties of helical molecules embedded in crowded environments which may confine the space available to the base pair fluctuations. It is shown that, for the specific case of a short DNA fragment in a nanochannel, the molecule is markedly over-twisted and stretched by narrowing the width of the channel.",0 "In this article, we study the axial-vector tetraquark state and QUANTITY mixed state consist of light quarks using the ORG sum rules. The present predictions disfavor assigning the $MONEY as the axial-vector tetraquark state with $PERSON, while support assigning the $MONEY as the axial-vector MONEY mixed state.","In this article, we study the radiative transitions among the vector and scalar heavy quarkonium states with the covariant light-front quark model. In calculations, we observe that the radiative decay widths are sensitive to the constituent quark masses and the shape parameters of the wave-functions, and reproduce the experimental data with suitable parameters.",1 "This is a chapter in a book \emph{Quantum Error Correction} edited by D. A. FAC and PERSON, and published by ORG (CARDINAL (http://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/physics/quantum-physics-quantum-information-and-quantum-computation/quantum-error-correction)\\ presenting the author's view on feasibility of fault-tolerant quantum information processing.","Recent papers by DATE and NORP have emphasized that wormholes supported by arbitrarily small amounts of exotic matter will have to be incredibly fine-tuned if they are to be traversable. This paper discusses a wormhole model that strikes a balance between CARDINAL conflicting requirements, reducing the amount of exotic matter and fine-tuning the metric coefficients, ultimately resulting in an engineering challenge: CARDINAL requirement can only be met at the expense of the other. The wormhole model is macroscopic and satisfies various traversability criteria.",0 "This letter introduces a new, substantially simplified version of the branching recurrence operation of computability logic (see ORG), and proves its equivalence to the old, ""canonical"" version.","The earlier paper ""Introduction to clarithmetic I"" constructed an axiomatic system of arithmetic based on computability logic (see ORG), and proved its soundness and extensional completeness with respect to polynomial time computability. The present paper elaborates CARDINAL additional sound and complete systems in the same style and sense: CARDINAL for polynomial space computability, CARDINAL for elementary recursive time (and/or space) computability, and one for primitive recursive time (and/or space) computability.",1 "PERSON, who does not have any sophisticated quantum technology, delegates her ORG computing to PERSON, who has a fully-fledged ORG computer. Can she check whether the computation PERSON performs for her is correct? She cannot recalculate the result by herself, since she does not have any quantum computer. A recent experiment with photonic qubits suggests she can. Here, I explain the basic idea of the result, and recent developments about secure cloud ORG computing.","PERSON is usually defined as a subfield of ORG, which is busy with information extraction from raw data sets. Despite of its common acceptance and widespread recognition, this definition is wrong and groundless. Meaningful information does not belong to the data that bear it. It belongs to the observers of the data and it is a shared agreement and a convention among them. Therefore, this private information cannot be extracted from the data by any means. Therefore, all further attempts of ORG apologists to justify their funny business are inappropriate.",0 "Purpose: To compare CARDINAL major Web search engines (ORG, ORG, ORG, ORG, and ORG) for their retrieval effectiveness, taking into account not only the results but also the results descriptions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study uses real-life queries. Results are made anonymous and are randomised. Results are judged by the persons posing the original queries. Findings: The CARDINAL major search engines, ORG and ORG, perform best, and there are no significant differences between them. ORG delivers significantly more relevant result descriptions than any other search engine. This could be CARDINAL reason for users perceiving this engine as superior. Research Limitations: The study is based on a user model where the user takes into account a certain amount of results rather systematically. This may not be the case in real life. Practical Implications: Implies that search engines should focus on relevant descriptions. Searchers are advised to use other search engines in addition to ORG. Originality/Value: This is the ORDINAL major study comparing results and descriptions systematically and proposes new retrieval measures to take into account results descriptions","The path to greater diversity, as we have seen, cannot be achieved by merely hoping for a new search engine nor will government support for a single alternative achieve this goal. What is instead required is to create the conditions that will make establishing such a search engine possible in the ORDINAL place. I describe how building and maintaining a proprietary index is the greatest deterrent to such an undertaking. We must ORDINAL overcome this obstacle. Doing so will still not solve the problem of the lack of diversity in the search engine marketplace. But it may establish the conditions necessary to achieve that desired end.",1 "Nowadays folksonomy is used as a system derived from user-generated electronic tags or keywords that annotate and describe online content. But it is not a classification system as an ontology. To consider it as a classification system it would be necessary to share a representation of contexts by all the users. This paper is proposing the use of folksonomies and network theory to devise a new concept: a ""WORK_OF_ART"" to represent folksonomies. This paper proposed and analyzed the network structure of PERSON tags thought as folsksonomy tags suggestions for the user on a dataset built on chosen websites. It is observed that the PRODUCT has relative low path lengths checking it with classic networking measures (clustering coefficient). Experiment result shows it can facilitate serendipitous discovery of content among users. Neat examples and clear formulas can show how a ""WORK_OF_ART"" can be used to tackle ontology mapping challenges.","Information retrieval is not only the most frequent application executed on the Web but it is also the base of different types of applications. Considering collective intelligence of groups of individuals as a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information we often cannot retrieve such knowledge being tacit. ORG knowledge underlies many competitive capabilities and it is hard to articulate on discrete ontology structure. It is unstructured or unorganized, and therefore remains hidden. Developing generic solutions that can find the hidden knowledge is extremely complex. Moreover this will be a great challenge for the developers of semantic technologies. This work aims to explore ways to make explicit and available the tacit knowledge hidden in the collective intelligence of a collaborative environment within organizations. The environment was defined by folksonomies supported by a faceted semantic search. Vector space model which incorporates an analogy with the mathematical apparatus of quantum theory is adopted for the representation and manipulation of the meaning of folksonomy. Vector space retrieval has been proven efficiency when there isn't a data behavioural because it bears ranking algorithms involving a small number of types of elements and few operations. A solution to find what the user has in mind when posing a query could be based on ""joint meaning"" understood as a joint construal of the creator of the contents and the reader of the contents. The joint meaning was proposed to deal with vagueness on ontology of folksonomy indeterminacy, incompleteness and inconsistencies on collective intelligence. A proof-of concept prototype was built for collaborative environment as evolution of the actual social networks (like GPE, GPE,..) using the information visualization on a ORG application with ORG techniques and technologies.",1 "A chiral field theory of $MONEY glueball is presented. The coupling between the quark operator and the $MONEY glueball field is revealed from the ORG) anomaly. The NORP of this theory is constructed by adding a $MONEY glueball field to a successful NORP of chiral field theory of pseudoscalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons. Quantitative study of the physical processes of the $MONEY glueball of $m=1.405\textrm{GeV}$ is presented. The theoretical predictions can be used to identify the $MONEY glueball.","Based on an effective chiral theory of pseudoscalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons, the coefficients of the chiral perturbation theory are predicted. There is no new parameter in these predictions.",1 "The scope of this teaching package is to make a brief introduction to some notions and properties of chaotic systems. We ORDINAL make a brief introduction to chaos in general and then we show some important properties of chaotic systems using the logistic map and its bifurcation diagram. We also show the universality found in ""the route to chaos"". The user is only required to have notions of algebra, so it is quite accessible. The formal basis of chaos theory are not covered in this introduction, but are pointed out for the reader interested in them. Therefore, this package is also useful for people who are interested in going deep into the mathematical theories, because it is a simple introduction of the terminology, and because it points out which are the original sources of information (so there is no danger in falling in the trap of ""WORK_OF_ART in TIME"" or ""Bifurcation Diagrams for Dummies""). The included exercises are suggested for consolidating the covered topics. The on-line resources are highly recommended for extending this brief induction.","This paper discusses the benefits of describing the world as information, especially in the study of the evolution of life and cognition. Traditional studies encounter problems because it is difficult to describe life and cognition in terms of matter and energy, since their laws are valid only at the physical scale. However, if matter and energy, as well as life and cognition, are described in terms of information, evolution can be described consistently as information becoming more complex. The paper presents CARDINAL tentative laws of information, valid at multiple scales, which are generalizations of NORP, cybernetic, thermodynamic, psychological, philosophical, and complexity principles. These are further used to discuss the notions of life, cognition and their evolution.",1 "Cirquent calculus is a novel proof theory permitting component-sharing between logical expressions. Using it, the predecessor article ""Elementary-base cirquent calculus I: Parallel and choice connectives"" built the sound and complete axiomatization CL16 of a propositional fragment of computability logic (see http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/ ). The atoms of the language of CL16 represent elementary, i.e., moveless, games, and the logical vocabulary consists of negation, parallel connectives and choice connectives. The present paper constructs the ORDINAL-order version CL17 of ORG, also enjoying soundness and completeness. The language of CL17 augments that of CL18 by including choice quantifiers. Unlike classical predicate calculus, CL17 turns out to be decidable.","Clarithmetics are number theories based on computability logic (see http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/ ). Formulas of these theories represent interactive computational problems, and their ""truth"" is understood as existence of an algorithmic solution. Various complexity constraints on such solutions induce various versions of clarithmetic. The present paper introduces a parameterized/schematic version PRODUCT). By tuning the CARDINAL parameters P1,P2,P3 in an essentially mechanical manner, CARDINAL automatically obtains sound and complete theories with respect to a wide range of target tricomplexity classes, i.e. combinations of time (set by ORG), space (set by PERSON) and so called amplitude (set by CARDINAL) complexities. Sound in the sense that every theorem T of the system represents an interactive number-theoretic computational problem with a solution from the given tricomplexity class and, furthermore, such a solution can be automatically extracted from a proof of NORP And complete in the sense that every interactive number-theoretic problem with a solution from the given tricomplexity class is represented by some theorem of the system. Furthermore, through tuning the ORDINAL parameter CARDINAL, at the cost of sacrificing recursive axiomatizability but not simplicity or elegance, the above extensional completeness can be strengthened to intensional completeness, according to which every formula representing a problem with a solution from the given tricomplexity class is a theorem of the system. This article is published in CARDINAL parts. The previous Part I has introduced the system and proved its completeness, while the present Part II is devoted to proving soundness.",1 "In the same sense as classical logic is a formal theory of truth, the recently initiated approach called computability logic is a formal theory of computability. It understands (interactive) computational problems as games played by a machine against the environment, their computability as existence of a machine that always wins the game, logical operators as operations on computational problems, and validity of a logical formula as being a scheme of ""always computable"" problems. The present contribution gives a detailed exposition of a soundness and completeness proof for an axiomatization of CARDINAL of the most basic fragments of computability logic. The logical vocabulary of this fragment contains operators for the so called parallel and choice operations, and its atoms represent elementary problems, i.e. predicates in the standard sense. This article is self-contained as it explains all relevant concepts. While not technically necessary, however, familiarity with the foundational paper ""Introduction to computability logic"" [WORK_OF_ART and ORG (DATE), CARDINAL] would greatly help the reader in understanding the philosophy, underlying motivations, potential and utility of computability logic, -- the context that determines the value of the present results. Online introduction to the subject is available at ORG and http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/gsoll.html .","We consider the state dependent channels with full state information with at the sender and partial state information at the receiver. For this state dependent channel, the channel capacity under rate constraint on the state information at the decoder was determined by PERSON. In this paper, we study the correct probability of decoding at rates above the capacity. We prove that when the transmission rate is above the capacity this probability goes to CARDINAL exponentially and derive an explicit lower bound of this exponent function.",0 "We extend the algebra of reversible computation to support ORG computing. Since the algebra is based on true concurrency, it is reversible for quantum computing and it has a sound and complete theory.","We have unified quantum and classical computing in open ORG systems called NORP which is a quantum generalization of process algebra ORG. But, an axiomatization for quantum and classical processes with an assumption of closed ORG systems is still missing. For closed ORG, unitary operator, ORG measurement and ORG are CARDINAL basic components for ORG computing. This leads to probability unavoidable. Along the solution of NORP to unify quantum and classical computing in open ORG, we unify quantum and classical computing with an assumption of closed systems under the framework of ORG-like probabilistic process algebra. This unification make it can be used widely in verification for quantum and classical computing mixed systems, such as most quantum communication protocols.",1 "A major challenge of interdisciplinary description of complex system behaviour is whether real systems of higher complexity levels can be understood with at least the same degree of objective, ""scientific"" rigour and universality as ""simple"" systems of classical, NORP science paradigm. The problem is reduced to that of arbitrary, many-body interaction (unsolved in standard theory). Here we review its causally complete solution, the ensuing concept of complexity and applications. The discovered key properties of dynamic multivaluedness and entanglement give rise to a qualitatively new kind of mathematical structure providing the exact version of real system behaviour. The extended mathematics of complexity contains the truly universal definition of dynamic complexity, randomness (chaoticity), classification of all possible dynamic regimes, and the unifying principle of any system dynamics and evolution, the universal symmetry of complexity. Every real system has a non-zero (and actually high) value of unreduced dynamic complexity determining, in particular, ""mysterious"" behaviour of ORG systems and relativistic effects causally explained now as unified manifestations of complex interaction dynamics. The observed differences between various systems are due to different regimes and levels of their unreduced dynamic complexity. We outline applications of universal concept of dynamic complexity emphasising cases of ""truly complex"" systems from higher complexity levels (ecological and living systems, brain operation, intelligence and consciousness, autonomic information and communication systems) and show that the urgently needed progress in social and intellectual structure of civilisation inevitably involves qualitative transition to unreduced complexity understanding (we call it ""revolution of complexity"").","This paper examines whether unitary evolution alone is sufficient to explain emergence of the classical world from the perspective of computability theory. Specifically, it looks at the problem of how the choice related to the measurement is made by the observer viewed as a quantum system. In interpretations where the system together with the observers is completely described by unitary transformations, the observer cannot make any choices and so measurement is impossible. From the perspective of computability theory, a ORG machine cannot halt and so it cannot observe the computed state, indicating that unitarity alone does not explain all matter processes. Further it is argued that the consideration of information and observation requires an overarching system of knowledge and expectations about outcomes.",0 "We calculate the limiting behavior of relative NORP entropy when the ORDINAL probability distribution is close to the ORDINAL one in a non-regular location-shift family which is generated by a probability distribution whose support is an interval or a CARDINAL-line. This limit can be regarded as a generalization of ORG information, and plays an important role in large deviation theory.","We derive a new upper bound for PERSON's information in secret key generation from a common random number without communication. This bound improves on PERSON et al(1995)'s bound based on the R\'enyi entropy of order CARDINAL because the bound obtained here uses the R\'enyi entropy of order $MONEY for $s \in [0,1]$. This bound is applied to a wire-tap channel. Then, we derive an exponential upper bound for PERSON's information. Our exponent is compared with Hayashi(2006)'s exponent. For the additive case, the bound obtained here is better. The result is applied to secret key agreement by public discussion.",1 "The theory of rational choice assumes that when people make decisions they do so in order to maximize their utility. In order to achieve this goal they ought to use all the information available and consider all the choices available to choose an optimal choice. This paper investigates what happens when decisions are made by artificially intelligent machines in the market rather than human beings. ORDINAL, the expectations of the future are more consistent if they are made by an artificially intelligent machine and the decisions are more rational and thus marketplace becomes more rational.","This paper proposes the response surface method for finite element model updating. The response surface method is implemented by approximating the finite element model surface response equation by a multi-layer perceptron. The updated parameters of the finite element model were calculated using genetic algorithm by optimizing the surface response equation. The proposed method was compared to the existing methods that use simulated annealing or genetic algorithm together with a full finite element model for finite element model updating. The proposed method was tested on an unsymmetri-cal H-shaped structure. It was observed that the proposed method gave the updated natural frequen-cies and mode shapes that were of the same order of accuracy as those given by simulated annealing and genetic algorithm. Furthermore, it was observed that the response surface method achieved these results at a computational speed that was CARDINAL times as fast as the genetic algorithm and a full finite element model and CARDINAL times faster than the simulated annealing.",1 "The launching of NORP and ORG, and methodological developments in ORG have made many more indicators for evaluating journals available than the traditional ORG, Cited Half-life, and Immediacy Index of the ORG. In this study, these new indicators are compared with one another and with the older ones. Do the various indicators measure new dimensions of the citation networks, or are they highly correlated among them? Are they robust and relatively stable over time? CARDINAL main dimensions are distinguished -- size and impact -- which together shape influence. The H-index combines the CARDINAL dimensions and can also be considered as an indicator of reach (like NORP). ORG is mainly an indicator of size, but has important interactions with centrality measures. ORG (ORG) indicator provides an alternative to ORG, but the computation is less easy.","One can study communications by using FAC's (DATE) mathematical theory of communication. In social communications, however, the channels are not ""fixed"", but themselves subject to change. Communication systems change by communicating information to related communication systems; co-variation among systems if repeated over time, can lead to co-evolution. Conditions for stabilization of higher-order systems are specifiable: segmentation, stratification, differentiation, reflection, and self-organization can be distinguished in terms of developmental stages of increasingly complex networks. In addition to natural and cultural evolution, a condition for the artificial evolution of communication systems can be specified.",1 "We explore multi-terminal quantum transport through a benzene molecule threaded by an LOC flux $\phi$. A simple tight-binding model is used to describe the system and all the calculations are done based on the PERSON's function formalism. With a brief description of CARDINAL-terminal quantum transport, we present a detailed study of CARDINAL-terminal transport properties through the benzene molecule to reveal the actual mechanism of electron transport. Here we numerically compute the multi-terminal conductances, reflection probabilities and current-voltage characteristics in the aspects of molecular coupling strength and magnetic flux $MONEY Most significantly we observe that, the molecular system where the benzene molecule is attached to CARDINAL terminals can be operated as a transistor, and we call it a molecular transistor. This aspect can be utilized in designing nano-electronic circuits and our investigation may provide a basic framework to study electron transport in any complicated multi-terminal quantum system.","Computability logic is a formal theory of computational tasks and resources. Its formulas represent interactive computational problems, logical operators stand for operations on computational problems, and validity of a formula is understood as being a scheme of problems that always have algorithmic solutions. A comprehensive online source on the subject is available at ORG . The earlier article ""Propositional computability logic I"" proved soundness and completeness for the (in a sense) minimal nontrivial fragment CL1 of computability logic. The present paper extends that result to the significantly more expressive propositional system CL2. What makes CL2 more expressive than CL1 is the presence of CARDINAL sorts of atoms in its language: elementary atoms, representing elementary computational problems (i.e. predicates), and general atoms, representing arbitrary computational problems. CL2 conservatively extends CL1, with the latter being nothing but the general-atom-free fragment of the former.",0 "We analyze electroproduction of light vector meson at small GPE $x$ within the generalized parton distribution (ORG) approach. Calculation is based on the modified perturbative approach, where the quark transverse degrees of freedom in the hard subprocess are considered. Our results on the cross section are in fair agreement with experiment from GPE to ORG energies.","The term ""PRODUCT kernel"" stands for correlation-resemblance kernel. In many applications (e.g., vision), the data are often high-dimensional, sparse, and non-binary. We propose CARDINAL types of (nonlinear) PRODUCT kernels for non-binary sparse data and demonstrate the effectiveness of the new kernels through a classification experiment. PRODUCT kernels are simple with no tuning parameters. However, training nonlinear kernel ORG can be (very) costly in time and memory and may not be suitable for truly large-scale industrial applications (e.g. search). In order to make the proposed PRODUCT kernels more practical, we develop basic probabilistic hashing algorithms which transform nonlinear kernels into ORG kernels.",0 "The complementary roles played by parallel quantum computation and quantum measurement in originating the quantum speed-up are illustrated through an analogy with a famous metaphor by ORG.","The topical quantum computation paradigm is a transposition of the ORG machine into the quantum framework. Implementations based on this paradigm have limitations as to the number of: qubits, computation steps, efficient quantum algorithms (found so far). A new exclusively ORG paradigm (with no classical counterpart) is propounded, based on the speculative notion of continuous uncomplete von ORG measurement. Under such a notion, ORG-complete is equal to P. This can provide a mathematical framework for the search of implementable paradigms, possibly exploiting particle statistics.",1 "Data processing lower bounds on the expected distortion are derived in the finite-alphabet semi-deterministic setting, where the source produces a deterministic, individual sequence, but the channel model is probabilistic, and the decoder is subjected to various kinds of limitations, e.g., decoders implementable by finite-state machines, with or without counters, and with or without a restriction of common reconstruction with high probability. Some of our bounds are given in terms of the Lempel-Ziv complexity of the source sequence or the reproduction sequence. We also demonstrate how some analogous results can be obtained for classes of ORG encoders and linear decoders in the continuous alphabet case.","This document consists of lecture notes for a graduate course, which focuses on the relations between Information Theory and Statistical Physics. The course is aimed at EE graduate students in the area of ORG, as well as to graduate students in ORG who have basic background in ORG. Strong emphasis is given to the analogy and parallelism between ORG, as well as to the insights, the analysis tools and techniques that can be borrowed from ORG and `imported' to certain problem areas in ORG. This is a research trend that has been very active in DATE, and the hope is that by exposing the student to the meeting points between these CARDINAL disciplines, we will enhance his/her background and perspective to carry out research in the field. A short outline of the course is as follows: Introduction; PERSONORG and its ORG; PERSON in ORG; Systems of Interacting Particles and ORG; ORG (ORG) and ORG; Additional Topics (optional).",1 "The problem of calculating multicanonical parameters recursively is discussed. I describe in detail a computational implementation which has worked reasonably well in practice.","According to contemporary views, equilibrium constant is relevant only to true thermodynamic equilibria in isolated systems with CARDINAL chemical reaction. The paper presents a novel formula that ties-up equilibrium constant and chemical system composition at any state, isolated or open as well. Extending the logarithmic logistic map of ORG, this formula maps the system population at isolated equilibrium into the population at any open equilibrium at p,T=const, using equilibrium constant as a measure. Real chemical systems comprise multiple subsystems; given the resources are limited, joint solution to the set of such expressions, each relevant to a specific subsystem, gives equilibrium composition for each of them. This result means a fundamental break through in the open systems thermodynamics and leads to formerly unknown opportunities in the analysis of real chemical objects.",0 "A file repository for calculations of cross sections and kinematic distributions using PERSON generators for high-energy collisions is discussed. The repository is used to facilitate effective preservation and archiving of data from theoretical calculations, as well as for comparisons with experimental data. The ORG data library is publicly accessible and includes a number of PERSON event samples with PERSON predictions for current and future experiments. The ORG project includes a software package to automate the process of downloading and viewing online PERSON event samples. A data streaming over a network for end-user analysis is discussed.","Multiplicity correlations between the current and target regions of the GPE frame in deep-inelastic scattering processes are studied. It is shown that the correlations are sensitive to the ORDINAL-order perturbative ORG effects and can be used to extract the behavior of the boson-gluon fusion rates as a function of the GPE variable. The behavior of the correlations is derived analytically and analyzed using a PERSON simulation.",1 "We analytically work out the long-term orbital perturbations induced by a homogeneous circular ring of radius PERSON and mass mr on the motion of a test particle in the cases (I): r > R_r and (II): r < R_r. In order to extend the validity of our analysis to the orbital configurations of, e.g., some proposed spacecraftbased mission for fundamental physics like ORG and ORG, of possible GPE around the supermassive black hole in ORG* coming from tidal disruptions of incoming gas clouds, and to the effect of artificial space debris belts around the LOC, we do not restrict ourselves to the case in which the ring and the orbit of the perturbed particle lie just in the same plane. From the corrections to the standard secular perihelion precessions, recently determined by a team of astronomers for some planets of the PRODUCT, we infer upper bounds on mr for various putative and known annular matter distributions of natural origin (close circumsolar ring with R_r = CARDINAL-0.13 au, dust ring with R_r = CARDINAL au, minor asteroids, NORP Objects). We find m_r <= CARDINAL CARDINAL^-4 m_E (circumsolar ring with R_r = CARDINAL au), m_r <= DATE^-6 m_E (circumsolar ring with R_r = CARDINAL au), m_r <= DATE^-7 m_E (ring with R_r = CARDINAL au), m_r <= CARDINAL 10^-12 M_S (asteroidal ring with R_r = CARDINAL au), m_r <= CARDINAL <= CARDINAL^PRODUCT (asteroidal ring with R_r = CARDINAL au), m_r <= CARDINAL^-8 M_S (TNOs ring with R_r = CARDINAL au). In principle, our analysis is valid both for baryonic and non-baryonic PERSON distributions.","There is significant concern that technological advances, especially in LOC and ORG (AI), could lead to high levels of unemployment in DATE. Studies have estimated that CARDINAL of all current jobs are at risk of automation. To look into this issue in more depth, we surveyed experts in ORG and ORG about the risk, and compared their views with those of non-experts. Whilst the experts predicted a significant number of occupations were at risk of automation in DATE, they were more cautious than people outside the field in predicting occupations at risk. Their predictions were consistent with their estimates for when computers might be expected to reach human level performance across a wide range of skills. These estimates were typically DATE than those of the non-experts. Technological barriers may therefore provide society with more time to prepare for an automated future than the public fear. In addition, public expectations may need to be dampened about the speed of progress to be expected in GPE and ORG.",0 "In a complete metric space that is equipped with a doubling measure and supports a Poincar\'e inequality, we show that functions of bounded variation (BV functions) can be approximated in the strict sense and pointwise uniformly by special functions of bounded variation, without adding significant jumps. As a main tool, we study the variational CARDINAL-capacity and its ORG analog.","We study a stochastic control system, described by Ito controllable equation, and evaluate the solutions by an entropy functional (EF), defined by the equation functions of controllable drift and diffusion. Considering a control problem for this functional, we solve the ORG control variation problem (VP), which leads to both a dynamic approximation of the process entropy functional by an information path functional (ORG) and information dynamic model (IDM) of the stochastic process. The ORG variation equations allow finding the optimal control functions, applied to both stochastic system and the ORG for joint solution of the identification and optimal control problems, combined with state consolidation. In this optimal dual strategy, the ORG optimum predicts each current control action not only in terms of total functional path goal, but also by setting for each following control action the renovated values of this functional controllable drift and diffusion, identified during the optimal movement, which concurrently correct this goal. The VP information invariants allow optimal encoding of the identified dynamic model operator and control. The introduced method of cutting off the process by applying an impulse control estimates the cutoff information, accumulated by the process inner connections between its states. It has shown that such a functional information measure contains more information than the sum of FAC entropies counted for all process separated states, and provides information measure of ORG kernel. Examples illustrate the procedure of solving these problems, which has been implemented in practice. Key words: Entropy and information path functionals, variation equations, information invariants, controllable dynamics, impulse controls, cutting off the diffusion process, identification, cooperation, encoding.",0 "This paper provides an overview of the NORP theory of intelligence and its central idea that artificial intelligence, mainstream computing, and much of human perception and cognition, may be understood as information compression. The background and origins of the NORP theory are described, and the main elements of the theory, including the key concept of multiple alignment, borrowed from bioinformatics but with important differences. Associated with the NORP theory is the idea that redundancy in information may be understood as repetition of patterns, that compression of information may be achieved via the matching and unification (merging) of patterns, and that computing and information compression are both fundamentally probabilistic. It appears that the NORP system is Turing-equivalent in the sense that anything that may be computed with a Turing machine may, in principle, also be computed with an NORP machine. CARDINAL of the main strengths of the NORP theory and the multiple alignment concept is in modelling concepts and phenomena in artificial intelligence. Within that area, the NORP theory provides a simple but versatile means of representing different kinds of knowledge, it can model both the parsing and production of natural language, with potential for the understanding and translation of natural languages, it has strengths in pattern recognition, with potential in computer vision, it can model several kinds of reasoning, and it has capabilities in planning, problem solving, and unsupervised learning. The paper includes CARDINAL examples showing how alternative parsings of an ambiguous sentence may be modelled as multiple alignments, and another example showing how the concept of multiple alignment may be applied in medical diagnosis.","This article introduces the idea that probabilistic reasoning (PR) may be understood as ""information compression by multiple alignment, unification and search"" (ICMAUS). In this context, multiple alignment has a meaning which is similar to but distinct from its meaning in bio-informatics, while unification means a simple merging of matching patterns, a meaning which is related to but simpler than the meaning of that term in logic. A software model, SP61, has been developed for the discovery and formation of 'good' multiple alignments, evaluated in terms of information compression. The model is described in outline. Using examples from the SP61 model, this article describes in outline how the ICMAUS framework can model various kinds of PR including: PR in best-match pattern recognition and information retrieval; CARDINAL-step 'deductive' and 'abductive' PR; inheritance of attributes in a class hierarchy; chains of reasoning (probabilistic decision networks and decision trees, and PR with 'rules'); geometric analogy problems; nonmonotonic reasoning and reasoning with default values; modelling the function of a NORP network.",1 "Information is the basic concept of information theory. However, there is no definition of this concept that can encompass all uses of the term information in information theories and beyond. Many question a possibility of such a definition. However, foundations of information theory developed in the context of the general theory of information made it possible to build such a relevant and at the same time, encompassing definition. Foundations of information theory are built in a form of ontological principles, which reflect basic features of information and information processes.","In this thesis I present a virtual laboratory which implements CARDINAL different models for controlling animats: a rule-based system, a behaviour-based system, a concept-based system, a neural network, and a GPE architecture. Through different experiments, I compare the performance of the models and conclude that there is no ""best"" model, since different models are better for different things in different contexts. The models I chose, although quite simple, represent different approaches for studying cognition. Using the results as an empirical philosophical aid, I note that there is no ""best"" approach for studying cognition, since different approaches have all advantages and disadvantages, because they study different aspects of cognition from different contexts. This has implications for current debates on ""proper"" approaches for cognition: all approaches are a bit proper, but none will be ""proper enough"". I draw remarks on the notion of cognition abstracting from all the approaches used to study it, and propose a simple classification for different types of cognition.",0 "We give an elementary review of black holes in string theory. We discuss BPS holes, the microscopic computation of entropy and the `fuzzball' picture of the black hole interior suggested by microstates of the CARDINAL-charge system.","We study the model of massless MONEY electrodynamics with nonconstant coupling, introduced by ORG as the `charge hole'. But we take the boundary of the strong coupling region to be ORDINAL timelike, then spacelike for a distance $MONEY, and then timelike again (to mimic the structure of a black hole). For an incident charge pulse entering this `charge trap' the charge and information get separated. The charge comes out near the endpoint of the singularity. The `information' travels a well localised path through the strong coupling region and comes out later.",1 "There are very significant changes taking place in the university sector and in related higher education institutes in many parts of the world. In this work we look at financial data from DATE and DATE from the GPE higher education sector. Situating ourselves to begin with in the context of teaching versus research in universities, we look at the data in order to explore the new divergence between the broad agendas of teaching and research in universities. The innovation agenda has become at least equal to the research and teaching objectives of universities. From the financial data, published in the ORG Higher Education DATE newspaper, we explore the interesting contrast, and very opposite orientations, in specialization of universities in the GPE. We find a polarity in specialism that goes considerably beyond the usual one of research-led elite versus more teaching-oriented new universities. Instead we point to the role of medical/bioscience research income in the former, and economic and business sectoral niche player roles in the latter.","Discussion of ""Treelets--An adaptive multi-Scale basis for sparse unordered data"" [arXiv:0707.0481]",1 "A resonance search has been made in FAC, K^{0}s-pbar and ORG invariant-mass spectra measured with the ORG detector at ORG using an integrated luminosity of CARDINAL pb^{-1}. The search was performed in the central rapidity region of inclusive deep inelastic scattering at an ep centre-of-mass energy of CARDINAL--318 GeV for exchanged photon virtuality, CARDINAL, above CARDINAL GeV^{2}. The results support the existence of a narrow state in ORG and K^{0}s-pbar decay channels, consistent with the pentaquark prediction. No signal was found in the PERSON decay channel.","Starting from the primary representation of neutrosophic information, namely the degree of truth, degree of indeterminacy and degree of falsity, we define a nuanced representation in a penta valued fuzzy space, described by the index of truth, index of falsity, index of ignorance, index of contradiction and index of hesitation. Also, it was constructed an associated penta valued logic and then using this logic, it was defined for the proposed penta valued structure the following operators: union, intersection, negation, complement and dual. Then, the penta valued representation is extended to a hexa valued one, adding the ORDINAL component, namely the index of ambiguity.",0 "The paper considers a linear regression model with multiple change-points occurring at unknown times. The ORG technique is very interesting since it allows the parametric estimation, including the change-points, and automatic variable selection simultaneously. The asymptotic properties of the ORG-type (which has as particular case the ORG estimator) and of the adaptive ORG estimators are studied. For this last estimator the oracle properties are proved. In both cases, a model selection criterion is proposed. Numerical examples are provided showing the performances of the adaptive ORG estimator compared to the ORG estimator.","In this paper we are interested in parameters estimation of ORG model when number of parameters increases with sample size. Without any assumption about moments of the model error, we propose and study the seamless MONEY quantile estimator. For this estimator we ORDINAL give the convergence rate. Afterwards, we prove that it correctly distinguishes CARDINAL and nonzero parameters and that the estimators of the nonzero parameters are asymptotically normal. A consistent ORG criterion to select the tuning parameters is given.",1 "This empirical study is mainly devoted to comparing CARDINAL tree-based boosting algorithms: mart, ORG, robust logitboost, and ORG-logitboost, for multi-class classification on a variety of publicly available datasets. Some of those datasets have been thoroughly tested in prior studies using a broad range of classification algorithms including ORG, neural nets, and deep learning. In terms of the empirical classification errors, our experiment results demonstrate: CARDINAL. Abc-mart considerably improves mart. CARDINAL Abc-logitboost considerably improves (robust) logitboost. CARDINAL. Robust) logitboost} considerably improves mart on most datasets. CARDINAL Abc-logitboost considerably improves ORG on most datasets. CARDINAL These CARDINAL boosting algorithms (especially ORG-logitboost) outperform ORG on many datasets. CARDINAL Compared to the best deep learning methods, these CARDINAL boosting algorithms (especially ORG-logitboost) are competitive.","Counting is among the most fundamental operations in computing. For example, counting the pth frequency moment has been a very active area of research, in theoretical computer science, databases, and data mining. When p=1, the task (i.e., counting the sum) can be accomplished using a simple counter. PERSON (ORG) is proposed for efficiently computing the pth frequency moment of a data stream signal A_t, where 0= 0, which includes the strict PERSON model as a special case. For natural data streams encountered in practice, this restriction is minor. The underly technique for ORG is what we call skewed stable random projections, which captures the intuition that, when p=1 a simple counter suffices, and when p = DATE with small ORG, the sample complexity of a counter system should be low (continuously as a function of \Delta). We show at small \Delta the sample complexity (number of projections) k = O(1/\epsilon) instead of O(1/\epsilon^2). PERSON can serve a basic building block for other tasks in statistics and computing, for example, estimation entropies of data streams, parameter estimations using the method of moments and maximum likelihood. Finally, another contribution is an algorithm for approximating the logarithmic norm, \sum_{i=1}^D\log A_t[i], and logarithmic distance. The logarithmic distance is useful in machine learning practice with heavy-tailed data.",1 "Computability logic (CL) (see ORG) is a semantical platform and research program for redeveloping logic as a formal theory of computability, as opposed to the formal theory of truth which it has more traditionally been. Formulas in ORG stand for (interactive) computational problems, understood as games between a machine and its environment; logical operators represent operations on such entities; and ""truth"" is understood as existence of an effective solution, i.e., of an algorithmic winning strategy. The formalism of ORG is open-ended, and may undergo series of extensions as the study of the subject advances. The main groups of operators on which ORG has been focused so far are the parallel, choice, branching, and blind operators. The present paper introduces a new important group of operators, called sequential. The latter come in the form of sequential conjunction and disjunction, sequential quantifiers, and sequential recurrences. As the name may suggest, the algorithmic intuitions associated with this group are those of sequential computations, as opposed to the intuitions of parallel computations associated with the parallel group of operations: playing a sequential combination of games means playing its components in a sequential fashion, CARDINAL after one. The main technical result of the present paper is a sound and complete axiomatization of the propositional fragment of computability logic whose vocabulary, together with negation, includes all CARDINAL -- parallel, choice and sequential -- sorts of conjunction and disjunction. An extension of this result to the ORDINAL-order level is also outlined.","There are many examples in the literature that suggest that indistinguishability is intransitive, despite the fact that the indistinguishability relation is typically taken to be an equivalence relation (and thus transitive). It is shown that if the uncertainty perception and the question of when an agent reports that CARDINAL things are indistinguishable are both carefully modeled, the problems disappear, and indistinguishability can indeed be taken to be an equivalence relation. Moreover, this model also suggests a logic of vagueness that seems to solve many of the problems related to vagueness discussed in the philosophical literature. In particular, it is shown here how the logic can handle the sorites paradox.",0 "The paper explores a possible application of the discrete thermodynamics to a CARDINAL-level laser. The model accounts for the laser openness to incoming pumping power and coming out energy with the emitted light. As an open system, a laser should be in open equilibrium with thermodynamic forces, related to both energy flows. Conditions of equilibria are expressed by a logistic map with specially developed dynamic inverse pitchfork bifurcation diagrams for graphical presentation of the solutions. The graphs explicitly confirm the triggering nature of a laser where bistability is manifested by pitchfork ground and laser branches, with the relative population equilibrium values close to CARDINAL and CARDINAL correspondingly. Simulation was run for a CARDINAL-level laser emitting light from far infrared to short wave UV. A newly discovered feature of such a laser is the line spectrum of up and down transitions of the laser excitable dwellers, occurring between the laser and the ground pitchfork branches beyond bifurcation point. The density of the spectra lines tangibly increases as the branches approach their limits. Transitions of both types are overlapping in opposite phases. This effect is a new confirmation of the PERSON's prohibition on practical realization of a CARDINAL-level laser. Wide enough gaps between the lines of the spectra were also discovered in this research. The gaps are shielding the light irradiation and may be considered as potential areas of control over the CARDINAL-level laser emissions.","PERSON defined an evolutionary unit as hereditary information for which the selection bias between competing units dominates the informational decay caused by imperfect transmission. In this article, I extend PERSON' approach to show that the ratio of selection bias to transmission bias provides a unifying framework for diverse biological problems. Specific examples include GPE and ORG's mutation-selection balance, ORG's error threshold and quasispecies, PERSON clade selection, ORG's multilevel formulation of group selection, Szathmary and PERSON's evolutionary origin of primitive cells, PERSON and PERSON's short-sighted evolution of HIV virulence, PERSON's timescale analysis of microbial metabolism, and PERSON and GPE's major transitions in evolution. The insights from these diverse applications lead to a deeper understanding of kin selection, group selection, multilevel evolutionary analysis, and the philosophical problems of evolutionary units and individuality.",0 "We consider the inverse mean curvature flow in ORG spacetimes that satisfy the PERSON equations and have a big crunch singularity and prove that under natural conditions the rescaled inverse mean curvature flow provides a smooth transition from big crunch to big bang. We also construct an example showing that in general the transition flow is only of class $MONEY","We consider optimization problems that are formulated and solved in the framework of tropical mathematics. The problems consist in minimizing or maximizing functionals defined on vectors of finite-dimensional semimodules over idempotent semifields, and may involve constraints in the form of ORG equations and inequalities. The objective function can be either a linear function or nonlinear function calculated by means of multiplicative conjugate transposition of vectors. We start with an overview of known tropical optimization problems and solution methods. Then, we formulate certain new problems and present direct solutions to the problems in a closed compact vector form suitable for further analysis and applications. For many problems, the results obtained are complete solutions.",0 "The availability of interaction devices has raised interest in techniques to support the user interface (UI). A ORG specification describes the functions that a system provides to its users by capturing the interface details and includes possible actions through interaction elements. UI developers of interactive systems have to address multiple sources of heterogeneity, including end users heterogeneity and variability of the context of use. This paper contributes to the notion of interactivity and interfacing by proposing a methodology for producing engineering-type diagrams of (abstract) machine processes that can specify uniform structure and behavior of systems through a synchronic order of states (stages): creation, release, transfer, receive, and process. As an example, the diagrammatic methodology is applied to conceptualizing space as a machine. The resulting depiction seems suitable for use in designing UIs in certain environments.","The aim of this paper is to promote the terms thing and thinging (which refers to the act of defining a boundary around some portion of reality and labeling it with a name) as valued notions that play an important role in software engineering modeling. Additionally, we attempt to furnish operational definitions for terms thing, object, process, and thinging. The substantive discussion is based on the conception of an (abstract) machine, named ORGORG), used in several research works. The ORG creates, processes, receives, releases, and transfers things. Accordingly, a diagrammatic representation of the ORG is used to model reality. In the discussion section, this paper clarifies interesting issues related to conceptual modeling in software engineering. The substance of this paper and its conclusion suggest that thinging should be more meaningfully emphasized as a valuable research and teaching topic, at least in the requirement analysis phase of the software development cycle.",1 "We propose the possibilities of designing nano-scale rectifiers using mesoscopic rings. A single mesoscopic ring is used for CARDINAL-wave rectification, while full-wave rectification is achieved using CARDINAL such rings and in both cases each ring is threaded by a time varying magnetic flux CARDINAL\phi$ which plays a central role in the rectification action. Within a tight-binding framework, all the calculations are done based on the ORG's function formalism. We present numerical results for the CARDINAL-terminal conductance and current which support the general features of CARDINAL-wave and full-wave rectifications. The analysis may be helpful in fabricating mesoscopic or nano-scale rectifiers.","In the measurement-based ORG computing, there is a natural ""causal cone"" among qubits of the resource state, since the measurement angle on a qubit has to depend on previous measurement results in order to correct the effect of byproduct operators. If we respect the no-signaling principle, byproduct operators cannot be avoided. In this paper, we study the possibility of acausal measurement-based ORG computing by using the process matrix framework [PERSON, PERSON, and PERSON, WORK_OF_ART {\bf3}, DATE (DATE)]. We construct a resource process matrix for acausal measurement-based ORG computing. The resource process matrix is an analog of the resource state of the causal measurement-based ORG computing. We find that the resource process matrix is (up to a normalization factor and trivial ancilla qubits) equivalent to the decorated graph state created from the graph state of the corresponding causal measurement-based ORG computing.",0 "Maybe active discussions about entanglement in ORG information science demonstrate some immaturity of this rather young area. So recent tries to look for more accurate ways of classification devote rather encouragement than criticism.","In this presentation are discussed some problems, relevant with application of information technologies in nano-scale systems and devices. Some methods already developed in ORG may be very useful here. Here are considered CARDINAL illustrative models: representation of data by ORG bits and transfer of signals in ORG wires.",1 "The information-theoretic point of view proposed by ORG in DATE and developed by algorithmic information theory (ORG) suggests that mathematics and physics are not that different. This will be a ORDINAL-person account of some doubts and speculations about the nature of mathematics that I have entertained for DATE, and which have now been incorporated in a digital philosophy paradigm shift that is sweeping across the sciences.","The approach defines information process from probabilistic observation, emerging microprocess,qubit, encoding bits, evolving macroprocess, and extends to Observer information self-organization, cognition, intelligence and understanding communicating information. Studying information originating in quantum process focuses not on particle physics but on natural interactive impulse modeling Bit composing information observer. Information emerges from NORP probabilities field when sequences of CARDINAL-0 probabilities link PERSON probabilities modeling arising observer. These objective yes-no probabilities virtually cuts observing entropy hidden in cutting correlation decreasing PERSON process entropy and increasing entropy of cutting impulse running minimax principle. Merging impulse curves and rotates yes-no conjugated entropies in microprocess. The entropies entangle within impulse time interval ending with beginning space. The opposite curvature lowers potential energy converting entropy to memorized bit. The memorized information binds reversible microprocess with irreversible information macroprocess. Multiple interacting Bits self-organize information process encoding causality, logic and complexity. Trajectory of observation process carries probabilistic and certain wave function self-building structural macrounits. Macrounits logically self-organize information networks encoding in triplet code. Multiple IN enclose observer information cognition and intelligence. Observer cognition assembles attracting common units in resonances forming IN hierarchy accepting only units recognizing IN node. Maximal number of accepted triplets measures the observer information intelligence. Intelligent observer recognizes and encodes digital images in message transmission enables understanding the message meaning. Cognitive logic self-controls encoding the intelligence in double helix code.",0 "A large body of research in machine learning is concerned with supervised learning from examples. The examples are typically represented as vectors in a multi-dimensional feature space (also known as attribute-value descriptions). A teacher partitions a set of training examples into a finite number of classes. The task of the learning algorithm is to induce a concept from the training examples. In this paper, we formally distinguish CARDINAL types of features: primary, contextual, and irrelevant features. We also formally define what it means for one feature to be context-sensitive to another feature. Context-sensitive features complicate the task of the learner and potentially impair the learner's performance. Our formal definitions make it possible for a learner to automatically identify context-sensitive features. After context-sensitive features have been identified, there are several strategies that the learner can employ for managing the features; however, a discussion of these strategies is outside of the scope of this paper. The formal definitions presented here correct a flaw in previously proposed definitions. We discuss the relationship between our work and a formal definition of relevance.","We show that combining CARDINAL different hypothetical enhancements to quantum computation---namely, quantum advice and non-collapsing measurements---would let a ORG computer solve any decision problem whatsoever in polynomial time, even though neither enhancement yields extravagant power by itself. This complements a related result due to Raz. The proof uses locally decodable codes.",0 "The ORG problem for the PERSON system is shown to be locally well-posed for low regularity Schr\""odinger data u_0 ORG,p}} and wave data (ORG,p}} \times \hat{H^{l-1,p}} under certain assumptions on the parameters k,l and 1^k \hat{u_0}\|_{L^{p'}}, generalizing the results for p=2 by PERSON, PERSON, and PERSON. Especially we are able to improve the results from the scaling point of view, and also allow suitable k<0, l<-1/2, i.e. data u_0 \not\in L^2 and (n_0,n_1)\not\in H^{-1/2}\times H^{-3/2}, which was excluded in the case p=2.","We consider the ORG system in GPE gauge and use a null condition to show local well-psoedness for low regularity data. This improves a recent result of ORG.",1 "ORG) seem to have displaced traditional 'smooth' nonlinearities as activation-function-du-jour in many - but not all - deep neural network (DNN) applications. However, nobody seems to know why. In this article, we argue that PRODUCT are useful because they are ideal demodulators - this helps them perform fast abstract learning. However, this fast learning comes at the expense of serious nonlinear distortion products - decoy features. We show that ORG acts to suppress the decoy features, preventing overfitting and leaving the true features cleanly demodulated for rapid, reliable learning.","Convolutional deep neural networks (DNN) are state of the art in many engineering problems but have not yet addressed the issue of how to deal with complex spectrograms. Here, we use circular statistics to provide a convenient probabilistic estimate of spectrogram phase in a complex convolutional DNN. In a typical cocktail party source separation scenario, we trained a convolutional DNN to re-synthesize the complex spectrograms of CARDINAL source speech signals given a complex spectrogram of the monaural mixture - a discriminative deep transform (ORG). We then used this complex convolutional ORG to obtain probabilistic estimates of the magnitude and phase components of the source spectrograms. Our separation results are on a par with equivalent binary-mask based non-complex separation approaches.",1 "We derive, for a bistochastic strictly contractive ORG channel on a matrix algebra, a relation between the contraction rate and the rate of entropy production. We also sketch some applications of our result to the statistical physics of irreversible processes and to quantum information processing.","This paper presents a new version of a branching batch classifier that has added fixed value ranges through bands, for each column or feature of the input dataset. Each layer branches like a tree, but has a different architecture to the current classifiers. Each branch is not for a feature, but for a change in output category. Therefore, each classifier classifies its own subset of data rows and categories, using averaged values only and with decreasing numbers of data row in each new level. When considering features however, it is shown that some of the data can be correctly classified through using fixed value ranges, while the rest can be classified by using the classifier technique. Tests show that the method can successfully classify benchmark datasets to better than the state-of-the-art. Fixed value ranges are like links and so the paper discusses the biological analogy with neurons and neuron links.",0 "The black hole information paradox tells us something important about the way quantum mechanics and gravity fit together. In these lectures I try to give a pedagogical review of the essential physics leading to the paradox, using mostly pictures. Hawking's argument is recast as a `theorem': if quantum gravity effects are confined to within a given length scale and the vacuum is assumed to be unique, then there will be information loss. We conclude with a brief summary of how quantum effects in string theory violate the ORDINAL condition and make the interior of the hole a `fuzzball'.","We reminisce and discuss applications of algorithmic probability to a wide range of problems in artificial intelligence, philosophy and technological society. We propose that PERSON has effectively axiomatized the field of artificial intelligence, therefore establishing it as a rigorous scientific discipline. We also relate to our own work in incremental machine learning and philosophy of complexity.",0 "Combinatorial evolution and forecasting of system requirements is examined. The morphological model is used for a hierarchical requirements system (i.e., system parts, design alternatives for the system parts, ordinal estimates for the alternatives). A set of system changes involves changes of the system structure, component alternatives and their estimates. The composition process of the forecast is based on combinatorial synthesis (knapsack problem, multiple choice problem, hierarchical morphological design). An illustrative numerical example for CARDINAL-phase evolution and forecasting of requirements to communications is described.","In this note is touched upon an application of quantum information science (QIS) in nanotechnology area. The laws of quantum mechanics may be very important for nano-scale objects. A problem with simulating of ORG systems is well known and ORG computer was initially suggested by PERSON just as the way to overcome such difficulties. Mathematical methods developed in QIS also may be applied for description of nano-devices. Few illustrative examples are mentioned and they may be related with so-called ORDINAL generation of nanotechnology products.",0 "The article proposes a heuristic approximation approach to the bin packing problem under multiple objectives. In addition to the traditional objective of minimizing the number of bins, the heterogeneousness of the elements in each PERSON is minimized, leading to a biobjective formulation of the problem with a tradeoff between the number of bins and their heterogeneousness. An extension of the Best-Fit approximation algorithm is presented to solve the problem. Experimental investigations have been carried out on benchmark instances of different size, ranging from CARDINAL items. Encouraging results have been obtained, showing the applicability of the heuristic approach to the described problem.","The article presents a local search approach for the solution of timetabling problems in general, with a particular implementation for competition track CARDINAL of ORG DATE (ORG 2007). The heuristic search procedure is based on PERSON to overcome local optima. A stochastic neighborhood is proposed and implemented, randomly removing and reassigning events from the current solution. The overall concept has been incrementally obtained from a series of experiments, which we describe in each (sub)section of the paper. In result, we successfully derived a potential candidate solution approach for the finals of track CARDINAL of the ORG DATE.",1 "This paper describes a new entropy-style of equation that may be useful in a general sense, but can be applied to a cognitive model with related processes. The model is based on the human brain, with automatic and distributed pattern activity. Methods for carrying out the different processes are suggested. The main purpose of this paper is to reaffirm earlier research on different knowledge-based and experience-based clustering techniques. The overall architecture has stayed essentially the same and so it is the localised processes or smaller details that have been updated. For example, a counting mechanism is used slightly differently, to measure a level of 'cohesion' instead of a 'correct' classification, over pattern instances. The introduction of features has further enhanced the architecture and the new entropy-style equation is proposed. While an earlier paper defined CARDINAL levels of functional requirement, this paper re-defines the levels in a more human vernacular, with higher-level goals described in terms of action-result pairs.","This paper continues the research that considers a new cognitive model based strongly on the human brain. In particular, it considers the neural binding structure of an earlier paper. It also describes some new methods in the areas of image processing and behaviour simulation. The work is all based on earlier research by the author and the new additions are intended to fit in with the overall design. For image processing, a grid-like structure is used with 'full linking'. Each cell in the classifier grid stores a list of all other cells it gets associated with and this is used as the learned image that new input is compared to. For the behaviour metric, a new prediction equation is suggested, as part of a simulation, that uses feedback and history to dynamically determine its course of action. While the new methods are from widely different topics, both can be compared with the binary-analog type of interface that is the main focus of the paper. It is suggested that the simplest of linking between a tree and ensemble can explain neural binding and variable signal strengths.",1 "The aim of this note is to attract once again attention of the quantum community to statistical analysis of data which was reported as violating ORG's inequality. This analysis suffers of a number of problems. And the main problem is that rough data is practically unavailable. However, experiments which are not followed by the open access to the rough data have to be considered as with no result. The absence of rough data generates a variety of problems in statistical interpretation of the results of ORG's type experiment. CARDINAL may hope that this note would stimulate experimenters to create the open access data-base for, e.g., ORG tests. Unfortunately, recently announced experimental loophole-free violation of a ORG inequality using entangled ORG spins separated by QUANTITY was not supported by open-access data. Therefore in accordance with our approach ""it has no result."" The promising data after publication is, of course, a step towards fair analysis quantum experiments. May be this is a consequence of appearance of this preprint, v1. But there are a few questions which would be interesting to clarify before publication (and which we shall discuss in this note).","We discuss foundation of ORG (interpretations, superposition, principle of complementarity, locality, hidden variables) and quantum information theory.",1 "Transcript of PERSON DATE ORG of Computer Science Distinguished Lecture. The notion of randomness is taken from physics and applied to pure mathematics in order to shed light on the incompleteness phenomenon discovered by PERSON.","This article discusses what can be proved about the foundations of mathematics using the notions of algorithm and information. The ORDINAL part is retrospective, and presents a beautiful antique, PERSON's proof, the ORDINAL modern incompleteness theorem, PERSON's halting problem, and a piece of postmodern metamathematics, the halting probability PERSON. The ORDINAL part looks forward to DATE and discusses the convergence of theoretical physics and theoretical computer science and hopes for a theoretical biology, in which the notions of algorithm and information are again crucial.",1 "Multi-agent approach has become popular in computer science and technology. However, the conventional models of multi-agent and multicomponent systems implicitly or explicitly assume existence of absolute time or even do not include time in the set of defining parameters. At the same time, it is proved theoretically and validated experimentally that there are different times and time scales in a variety of real systems - physical, chemical, biological, social, informational, etc. Thus, the goal of this work is construction of a multi-agent multicomponent system models with concurrency of processes and diversity of actions. To achieve this goal, a mathematical system actor model is elaborated and its properties are studied.","ORG means statistical analysis of population or sample that has indeterminate (imprecise, ambiguous, vague, incomplete, unknown) data. For example, the population or sample size might not be exactly determinate because of some individuals that partially belong to the population or sample, and partially they do not belong, or individuals whose appurtenance is completely unknown. Also, there are population or sample individuals whose data could be indeterminate. In this book, we develop the DATE notion of neutrosophic statistics. We present various practical examples. It is possible to define the neutrosophic statistics in many ways, because there are various types of indeterminacies, depending on the problem to solve.",0 "In this article, we perform a systematic study of the mass spectrum of the axial-vector hidden charmed and hidden bottom tetraquark states using the ORG sum rules, and identify the $Z^+(4430)$ as an axial-vector tetraquark state tentatively.","In this paper, we consider supervised learning problems such as logistic regression and study the stochastic gradient method with averaging, in the usual stochastic approximation setting where observations are used only once. We show that after $MONEY iterations, with a constant step-size proportional to MONEY \sqrt{N}$ where $MONEY is the number of observations and $MONEY is the maximum norm of the observations, the convergence rate is always of order $PERSON, and improves to $O(R^2 / \mu N)$ where $\mu$ is the lowest eigenvalue of the Hessian at the global optimum (when this eigenvalue is MONEYR^2/\sqrt{N}$). Since $\mu$ does not need to be known in advance, this shows that averaged stochastic gradient is adaptive to \emph{unknown local} strong convexity of the objective function. Our proof relies on the generalized self-concordance properties of the logistic loss and thus extends to all generalized ORG models with uniformly bounded features.",0 "The article sets forth comprehensive basics of thermodynamics of chemical equilibrium as balance of the thermodynamic forces. Based on the linear equations of irreversible thermodynamics, ORG definition of the thermodynamic force, and FAC principle, new thermodynamics of chemical equilibrium offers an explicit account for multiple chemical interactions within the system. Basic relations between energetic characteristics of chemical transformations and reaction extents are based on the idea of chemical equilibrium as balance between internal and external thermodynamic forces, which is presented in the form of a logistic equation, containing CARDINAL new parameter. Solutions to the basic equation define the domain of states of the chemical system, from true equilibrium to true chaos. The new theory is derived exclusively from the currently recognized ideas and covers equilibrium thermodynamics as well as non-equilibrium thermodynamics in a unique concept.","The paper presents new thermodynamic paradigm of chemical equilibrium, setting forth comprehensive basics of ORG (DTd). Along with previous results by the author during DATE, this work contains also some new developments of DTd. Based on the ORG's constitutive equations, reformulated by the author thermodynamic affinity and reaction extent, and FAC principle, DTd brings forward a notion of chemical equilibrium as a balance of internal and external thermodynamic forces (TdF), acting against a chemical system. Basic expression of DTd is the chemical system logistic map of thermodynamic states that ties together energetic characteristics of chemical reaction, occurring in the system, the system shift from ""true"" thermodynamic equilibrium (ORG), and causing that shift external thermodynamic forces. Solutions to the basic map are pitchfork bifurcation diagrams in coordinates ""shift from ORG - growth factor (or TdF)""; points, corresponding to the system thermodynamic states, are dwelling on its branches. The diagrams feature CARDINAL typical areas: true thermodynamic equilibrium and open equilibrium along the thermodynamic branch before the threshold of its stability, i.e. bifurcation point, and bifurcation area with bistability and chaotic oscillations after the point. The set of solutions makes up the chemical system domain of states. The new paradigm complies with the correspondence principle: in isolated chemical system external TdF vanish, and the basic map turns into traditional expression of chemical equilibrium via thermodynamic affinity. The theory binds together classical and contemporary thermodynamics of chemical equilibria on a unique conceptual basis. The paper is essentially reworked and refocused version of the earlier preprint on the DTd basics, supplemented with new results.",1 "We consider the problem of high-dimensional non-linear variable selection for supervised learning. Our approach is based on performing linear selection among exponentially many appropriately defined positive definite kernels that characterize non-linear interactions between the original variables. To select efficiently from these many kernels, we use the natural hierarchical structure of the problem to extend the multiple kernel learning framework to kernels that can be embedded in a directed acyclic graph; we show that it is then possible to perform kernel selection through a graph-adapted sparsity-inducing norm, in polynomial time in the number of selected kernels. Moreover, we study the consistency of variable selection in high-dimensional settings, showing that under certain assumptions, our regularization framework allows a number of irrelevant variables which is exponential in the number of observations. Our simulations on synthetic datasets and datasets from the ORG repository show state-of-the-art predictive performance for non-linear regression problems.","Hawking's black hole information puzzle highlights the incompatibility between our present understanding of gravity and quantum physics. However, Hawking's prediction of black-hole evaporation is at a semiclassical level. CARDINAL therefore suspects some modifications of the character of the radiation when quantum properties of the {\it black hole itself} are properly taken into account. In fact, during DATE evidence has been mounting that, in a quantum theory of gravity black holes may have a discrete mass spectrum, with concomitant {ORG discrete} line emission. A direct consequence of this intriguing prediction is that, compared with blackbody radiation, black-hole radiance is {\it less} entropic, and may therefore carry a significant amount of {ORG information}. Using standard ideas from quantum information theory, we calculate the rate at which information can be recovered from the black-hole spectral lines. We conclude that the information that was suspected to be lost may gradually leak back, encoded into the black-hole spectral lines.",0 "Game theoretic equilibria are mathematical expressions of rationality. Rational agents are used to model not only humans and their software representatives, but also organisms, populations, species and genes, interacting with each other and with the environment. Rational behaviors are achieved not only through conscious reasoning, but also through spontaneous stabilization at equilibrium points. Formal theories of rationality are usually guided by informal intuitions, which are acquired by observing some concrete economic, biological, or network processes. Treating such processes as instances of computation, we reconstruct and refine some basic notions of equilibrium and rationality from the some basic structures of computation. It is, of course, well known that equilibria arise as fixed points; the point is that semantics of computation of fixed points seems to be providing novel methods, algebraic and GPE, for reasoning about them.","The diverse views of science of security have opened up several alleys towards applying the methods of science to security. We pursue a different kind of connection between science and security. This paper explores the idea that security is not just a suitable subject for science, but that the process of security is also similar to the process of science. This similarity arises from the fact that both science and security depend on the methods of inductive inference. Because of this dependency, a scientific theory can never be definitely proved, but can only be disproved by new evidence, and improved into a better theory. Because of the same dependency, every security claim and method has a lifetime, and always eventually needs to be improved. In this general framework of security-as-science, we explore the ways to apply the methods of scientific induction in the process of trust. The process of trust building and updating is viewed as hypothesis testing. We propose to formulate the trust hypotheses by the methods of algorithmic learning, and to build more robust trust testing and vetting methodologies on the solid foundations of statistical inference.",1 "We study light vector meson electroproduction at small $x$ within the generalized parton distributions (GPDs) model. The modified perturbative approach is used, where the quark transverse degrees of freedom in the vector meson wave function and hard subprocess are considered. Our results on ORG section and spin observables are in good agreement with experiment","On the basis of the handbag approach we study cross sections and spin asymmetries for leptoproduction of various vector and pseudoscalar mesons. Our results are in good agrement with high energy experiments. We analyse what information about ORG (GPDs) can be obtained from these reactions.",1 "The commonly used circuit model of ORG computing leaves out the problems of imprecision in the initial state preparation, particle statistics (indistinguishability of particles belonging to the same quantum state), and error correction (current techniques cannot correct all small errors). The initial state in the circuit model computation is obtained by applying potentially imprecise ORG gate operations whereas useful quantum computation requires a state with no uncertainty. We review some limitations of the circuit model and speculate on the question if a hierarchy of quantum-type computing models exists.","GPE computing is the use of multiple autonomic and parallel modules together with integrative processors at a higher level of abstraction to embody ""intelligent"" processing. The biological basis of this computing is sketched and the matter of learning is examined.",1 "We show in this article that if a holomorphic vector bundle has a nonnegative NORP metric in the sense of PERSON and ORG, which always exists on globally generated holomorphic vector bundles, then some special linear combinations of ORG forms are strongly nonnegative. This particularly implies that all the ORG numbers of such a holomorphic vector bundle are nonnegative and can be bounded below and above respectively by CARDINAL special ORG numbers. As applications, we obtain a family of new results on compact connected complex manifolds which are homogeneous or can be holomorphically immersed into complex tori, some of which improve several classical results.","Separation of competing speech is a key challenge in signal processing and a feat routinely performed by the human auditory brain. A long standing benchmark of the spectrogram approach to source separation is known as the ideal binary mask. Here, we train a convolutional deep neural network, on a CARDINAL-speaker cocktail party problem, to make probabilistic predictions about binary masks. Our results approach ideal binary mask performance, illustrating that relatively simple deep neural networks are capable of robust binary mask prediction. We also illustrate the trade-off between prediction statistics and separation quality.",0 "We analyse the diffractive $Q \bar Q$ production and final jet kinematics in polarized deep-inelastic lp scattering at $\sqrt{s}=20 GeV$. We show that this reaction can be used in the new spectrometer of the COMPASS Collaboration at GPE to study the quark-pomeron coupling structure.","Connections between the sequentiality/concurrency distinction and the semantics of proofs are investigated, with particular reference to games and ORG.",0 "We present new findings in regard to data analysis in very high dimensional spaces. We use dimensionalities up to CARDINAL. A particular benefit of ORG is its suitability for carrying out an orthonormal mapping, or scaling, of power law distributed data. Power law distributed data are found in many domains. Correspondence factor analysis provides a latent semantic or principal axes mapping. Our experiments use data from digital chemistry and finance, and other statistically generated data.","Errors in data are usually unwelcome and so some means to correct them is useful. However, it is difficult to define, detect or correct errors in an unsupervised way. Here, we train a deep neural network to re-synthesize its inputs at its output layer for a given class of data. We then exploit the fact that this abstract transformation, which we call a deep transform (ORG), inherently rejects information (errors) existing outside of the abstract feature space. Using the ORG to perform probabilistic re-synthesis, we demonstrate the recovery of data that has been subject to extreme degradation.",0 "We derive an exact and efficient NORP regression algorithm for piecewise constant functions of unknown segment number, boundary location, and levels. It works for any noise and segment level prior, ORG which can handle outliers. We derive simple but good estimates for the in-segment variance. We also propose a NORP regression curve as a better way of smoothing data without blurring boundaries. The NORP approach also allows straightforward determination of the evidence, break probabilities and error estimates, useful for model selection and significance and robustness studies. We discuss the performance on synthetic and real-world examples. Many possible extensions will be discussed.","PERSON's uncomputable universal prediction scheme $\xi$ allows to predict the next symbol $x_k$ of a sequence $x_1...x_{k-1}$ for any Turing computable, but otherwise unknown, probabilistic environment $\mu$. This scheme will be generalized to arbitrary environmental classes, which, among others, allows the construction of computable universal prediction schemes $\xi$. Convergence of $\xi$ to $\mu$ in a conditional mean squared sense and with $\mu$ probability CARDINAL is proven. It is shown that the average number of prediction errors made by the universal $\xi$ scheme rapidly converges to those made by the best possible informed $\mu$ scheme. The schemes, theorems and proofs are given for general finite alphabet, which results in additional complications as compared to the binary case. Several extensions of the presented theory and results are outlined. They include general loss functions and bounds, games of chance, infinite alphabet, partial and delayed prediction, classification, and more active systems.",1 "Computability logic is a formal theory of computational tasks and resources. PERSON in it represent interactive computational problems, and ""truth"" is understood as algorithmic solvability. Interactive computational problems, in turn, are defined as a certain sort games between a machine and its environment, with logical operators standing for operations on such games. Within the ambitious program of finding axiomatizations for incrementally rich fragments of this semantically introduced logic, the earlier article ""From truth to computability I"" proved soundness and completeness for system PERSON, whose language has the so called parallel connectives (including negation), choice connectives, choice quantifiers, and blind quantifiers. The present paper extends that result to the significantly more expressive system CL4 with the same collection of logical operators. What makes CL4 expressive is the presence of CARDINAL sorts of atoms in its language: elementary atoms, representing elementary computational problems (i.e. predicates, i.e. problems of CARDINAL degree of interactivity), and general atoms, representing arbitrary computational problems. CL4 conservatively extends PERSON, with the latter being nothing but the general-atom-free fragment of the former. Removing the blind (classical) group of quantifiers from the language of CL4 is shown to yield a decidable logic despite the fact that the latter is still ORDINAL-order. A comprehensive online source on computability logic can be found at ORG","We propose a new class of ORG computing algorithms which generalize many standard ones. The goal of our algorithms is to estimate probability distributions. Such estimates are useful in, for example, applications of WORK_OF_ART, where inferences are made based on uncertain knowledge. The class of algorithms that we propose is based on a construction method that generalizes a Fredkin-Toffoli (F-T) construction method used in the field of classical reversible computing. F-T showed how, given any binary deterministic circuit, one can construct another binary deterministic circuit which does the same calculations in a reversible manner. We show how, given any classical stochastic network (classical NORP net), one can construct a quantum network (quantum NORP net). By running this quantum NORP net on a ORG computer, one can calculate any conditional probability that one would be interested in calculating for the original classical NORP net. Thus, we generalize PRODUCT construction method so that it can be applied to any classical stochastic circuit, not just binary deterministic ones. We also show that, in certain situations, our class of algorithms can be combined with PERSON's algorithm to great advantage.",0 "This paper is devoted to expressiveness of hypergraphs for which uncertainty propagation by local computations via Shenoy/Shafer method applies. It is demonstrated that for this propagation method for a given joint belief distribution no valuation of hyperedges of a hypergraph may provide with simpler hypergraph structure than valuation of hyperedges by conditional distributions. This has vital implication that methods recovering belief networks from data have no better alternative for finding the simplest hypergraph structure for belief propagation. A method for recovery tree-structured belief networks has been developed and specialized for PERSON belief functions","Several approaches of structuring (factorization, decomposition) of PERSON joint belief functions from literature are reviewed with special emphasis on their capability to capture independence from the point of view of the claim that belief functions generalize bayes notion of probability. It is demonstrated that PERSON and PERSON's {Zhu:93} logical networks and NORP' {Smets:93} directed acyclic graphs are unable to capture statistical dependence/independence of NORP networks {Pearl:88}. On the other hand, though Shenoy and GPE's hypergraphs can explicitly represent bayesian network factorization of NORP belief functions, they disclaim any need for representation of independence of variables in belief functions. Cano et al. {Cano:93} reject the hypergraph representation of Shenoy and GPE just on grounds of missing representation of variable independence, but in their frameworks some belief functions factorizable in ORG framework cannot be factored. The approach in {Klopotek:93f} on the other hand combines the merits of both Cano et al. and of ORG approach in that for Shenoy/Shafer approach no simpler factorization than that in {GPE} approach exists and on the other hand all independences among variables captured in GPE et al. framework and many more are captured in {Klopotek:93f} approach.%",1 "The speed and transformative power of human cultural evolution is evident from the change it has wrought on our planet. This chapter proposes a human computation program aimed at (CARDINAL) distinguishing algorithmic from non-algorithmic components of cultural evolution, (CARDINAL) computationally modeling the algorithmic components, and amassing human solutions to the non-algorithmic (generally, creative) components, and (CARDINAL) combining them to develop human-machine hybrids with previously unforeseen computational power that can be used to solve real problems. Drawing on recent insights into the origins of evolutionary processes from biology and complexity theory, human minds are modeled as self-organizing, interacting, autopoietic networks that evolve through a GPE (NORP) process of communal exchange. Existing computational models as well as directions for future research are discussed.","General-purpose, intelligent, learning agents cycle through sequences of observations, actions, and rewards that are complex, uncertain, unknown, and NORP. On the other hand, reinforcement learning is well-developed for small finite state PERSON decision processes (MDPs). Up to now, extracting the right state representations out of bare observations, that is, reducing the general agent setup to the ORG framework, is an art that involves significant effort by designers. The primary goal of this work is to automate the reduction process and thereby significantly expand the scope of many existing reinforcement learning algorithms and the agents that employ them. Before we can think of mechanizing this search for suitable MDPs, we need a formal objective criterion. The main contribution of this article is to develop such a criterion. I also integrate the various parts into CARDINAL learning algorithm. Extensions to more realistic dynamic NORP networks are developed in Part II. The role of POMDPs is also considered there.",0 "In a previous paper, we showed how entanglement of formation can be defined as a minimum of the quantum conditional mutual information (a.k.a. ORG). In classical information theory, the NORP-Blahut method is one of the preferred methods for calculating extrema of mutual information. In this paper, we present a new method, akin to the NORP-Blahut method, for calculating entanglement of formation. We also present several examples computed with a computer program called PERSON that implements the ideas of this paper.","ORG (QMR) is a compendium of statistical knowledge connecting diseases to findings (symptoms). The information in ORG can be represented as a NORP network. The inference problem (or, in more medical language, giving a diagnosis) for the ORG is to, given some findings, find the probability of each disease. Rejection sampling and likelihood weighted sampling (a.k.a. likelihood weighting) are CARDINAL simple algorithms for making approximate inferences from an arbitrary NORP net (and from the QMR NORP net in particular). Heretofore, the samples for these CARDINAL algorithms have been obtained with a conventional ""classical computer"". In this paper, we will show that CARDINAL analogous algorithms exist for the QMR NORP net, where the samples are obtained with a ORG computer. We expect that these CARDINAL algorithms, implemented on a quantum computer, can also be used to make inferences (and predictions) with other NORP nets.",1 "ORG computers use continuous properties of physical system for modeling. In the paper is described possibility of modeling by analogue ORG computers for some model of data analysis. It is analogue associative memory and a formal neural network. A particularity of the models is combination of continuous internal processes with discrete set of output states. The modeling of the system by classical analogue computers was offered long times ago, but now it is not very effectively in comparison with modern digital computers. The application of ORG analogue modelling looks quite possible for modern level of technology and it may be more effective than digital one, because number of element may be about PERSON number (N=6.0E23).","This paper presents a CARDINAL-valued representation of bifuzzy sets. This representation is related to a CARDINAL-valued logic that uses the following values: true, false, inconsistent, incomplete and ambiguous. In the framework of CARDINAL-valued representation, formulae for similarity, entropy and syntropy of bifuzzy sets are constructed.",0 "The place of an anthropic argument in the discrimination between various cosmological models is to be reconsidered following the classic criticisms of PERSON and PERSON. Different versions of the anthropic argument against cosmologies involving an infinite series of past events are analyzed and applied to several instructive instances. This is not only of historical significance but presents an important topic for the future of cosmological research if some of the contemporary inflationary models, particularly ORG's chaotic inflation, turn out to be correct. Cognitive importance of the anthropic principle(s) to the issue of extraterrestrial intelligent observers is reconsidered in this light and several related problems facing cosmologies with past temporal infinities are also clearly defined. This issue is not only a clear example of the epistemological significance of the anthropic principle, but also has consequences for such diverse topics as ORG studies, epistemological status of cosmological concepts, theory of observation selection effects, and history of astronomy.","The intriguing suggestion of ORG (DATE) that the universe--contrary to all our experiences and expectations--contains only a small amount of information due to an extremely high degree of internal symmetry is critically examined. It is shown that there are several physical processes, notably Hawking evaporation of black holes and NORP decoherence time effects described by PERSON, as well as thought experiments of GPE and GPE himself, which can be construed as arguments against the low-information universe hypothesis. In addition, an extreme form of physical reductionism is entailed by this hypothesis, and therefore any possible argumentation against such reductionism would count against it either. Some ramifications for both quantum mechanics and cosmology are briefly discussed.",1 "An overview of recent ORG results on inclusive production of D* mesons in deep inelastic scattering is given.","There exists a large number of experimental and theoretical results supporting the picture of ""macroscopic qubits"" implemented, for instance, by ORG atoms, PERSON junctions or ORG condensates - the systems which should rather emerge in localized semiclassical states. In this note it is shown how, under realistic conditions, the false qubit interpretation can be consistent with the restricted set of experimental data collected for semiclassical systems. The recent experiments displaying semiclassical character of ORG condensates and possible quantumness tests for a single system are briefly invoked also.",0 "Hidden variables are well known sources of disturbance when recovering belief networks from data based only on measurable variables. Hence models assuming existence of hidden variables are under development. This paper presents a new algorithm ""accelerating"" the known ORG algorithm of Spirtes, Glymour and ORG {Spirtes:93}. We prove that this algorithm does not produces (conditional) independencies not present in the data if statistical independence test is reliable. This result is to be considered as non-trivial since e.g. the same claim fails to be true for ORG algorithm, another ""accelerator"" of ORG, developed in {Spirtes:93}.","It is proven, by example, that the version of $k$-means with random initialization does not have the property \emph{probabilistic $k$-richness}.",1 "This paper is a survey discussing ORG concepts, methods, and applications. It goes deep into the document and query modelling involved in ORG systems, in addition to pre-processing operations such as removing stop words and searching by synonym techniques. The paper also tackles text categorization along with its application in neural networks and machine learning. Finally, the architecture of web crawlers is to be discussed shedding the light on how internet spiders index web documents and how they allow users to search for items on the web.","CARDINAL of the main purposes of a computer is automation. In fact, automation is the technology by which a manual task is performed with minimum or CARDINAL human assistance. Over DATE, automation has proved to reduce operation cost and maintenance time in addition to increase system productivity, reliability, and performance. DATE, most computerized automation are done by a computer program which is a set of instructions executed from within the computer memory by the computer central processing unit to control the computers various operations. This paper proposes a compiler program that automates the validation and translation of input documents written in the LANGUAGE language into ORG output files that can be read by a computer. The input document is by nature unstructured and in plain-text as it is written by people manually; while, the generated output is a structured machine-readable XML file. The proposed compiler program is actually a part of a bigger project related to digital government and is meant to automate the processing and archiving of juridical data and documents. In essence, the proposed compiler program is composed of a scanner, a parser, and a code generator. Experiments showed that such automation practices could prove to be a starting point for a future digital government platform for the NORP government. As further research, other types of juridical documents are to be investigated, mainly those that require error detection and correction.",1 "This paper looks at Turing's postulations about ORG in his paper 'Computing Machinery and ORG', published in DATE. It notes how accurate they were and how relevant they still are DATE. This paper notes the arguments and mechanisms that he suggested and tries to expand on them further. The paper however is mostly about describing the essential ingredients for building an intelligent model and the problems related with that. The discussion includes recent work by the author himself, who adds his own thoughts on the matter that come from a purely technical investigation into the problem. These are personal and quite speculative, but provide an interesting insight into the mechanisms that might be used for building an intelligent system.","This paper describes some biologically-inspired processes that could be used to build the sort of networks that we associate with the human brain. New to this paper, a 'refined' neuron will be proposed. This is a group of neurons that by joining together can produce a more analogue system, but with the same level of control and reliability that a binary neuron would have. With this new structure, it will be possible to think of an essentially binary system in terms of a more variable set of values. The paper also shows how recent research associated with the new model, can be combined with established theories, to produce a more complete picture. The propositions are largely in line with conventional thinking, but possibly with CARDINAL or CARDINAL more radical suggestions. An earlier cognitive model can be filled in with more specific details, based on the new research results, where the components appear to fit together almost seamlessly. The intention of the research has been to describe plausible 'mechanical' processes that can produce the appropriate brain structures and mechanisms, but that could be used without the magical 'intelligence' part that is still not fully understood. There are also some important updates from an earlier version of this paper.",1 "The purpose of a wireless sensor network (WSN) is to provide the users with access to the information of interest from data gathered by spatially distributed sensors. Generally the users require only certain aggregate functions of this distributed data. Computation of this aggregate data under the end-to-end information flow paradigm by communicating all the relevant data to a central collector PERSON is a highly inefficient solution for this purpose. An alternative proposition is to perform in-network computation. This, however, raises questions such as: what is the optimal way to compute an aggregate function from a set of statistically correlated values stored in different nodes; what is the security of such aggregation as the results sent by a compromised or faulty node in the network can adversely affect the accuracy of the computed result. In this paper, we have presented an energy-efficient aggregation algorithm for WSNs that is secure and robust against malicious insider attack by any compromised or faulty node in the network. In contrast to the traditional snapshot aggregation approach in WSNs, a node in the proposed algorithm instead of unicasting its sensed information to its parent node, broadcasts its estimate to all its neighbors. This makes the system more fault-tolerant and increase the information availability in the network. The simulations conducted on the proposed algorithm have produced results that demonstrate its effectiveness.","Intrusion detection in wireless ad hoc networks is a challenging task because these networks change their topologies dynamically, lack concentration points where aggregated traffic can be analyzed, utilize infrastructure protocols that are susceptible to manipulation, and rely on noisy, intermittent wireless communications. Security remains a major challenge for these networks due their features of open medium, dynamically changing topologies, reliance on co-operative algorithms, absence of centralized monitoring points, and lack of clear lines of defense. In this paper, we present a cooperative, distributed intrusion detection architecture based on clustering of the nodes that addresses the security vulnerabilities of the network and facilitates accurate detection of attacks. The architecture is organized as a dynamic hierarchy in which the intrusion data is acquired by the nodes and is incrementally aggregated, reduced in volume and analyzed as it flows upwards to the cluster-head. The cluster-heads of adjacent clusters communicate with each other in case of cooperative intrusion detection. For intrusion related message communication, mobile agents are used for their efficiency in lightweight computation and suitability in cooperative intrusion detection. Simulation results show effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed architecture.",1 "Cryptography and PERSON are CARDINAL techniques commonly used to secure and safely transmit digital data. Nevertheless, they do differ in important ways. In fact, cryptography scrambles data so that they become unreadable by eavesdroppers; while, steganography hides the very existence of data so that they can be transferred unnoticed. Basically, steganography is a technique for hiding data such as messages into another form of data such as images. Currently, many types of steganography are in use; however, there is yet no known steganography application for query languages such as ORG. This paper proposes a new steganography method for textual data. It encodes input text messages into ORG carriers made up of ORG queries. In effect, the output ORG carrier is dynamically generated out of the input message using a dictionary of words implemented as a hash table and organized into CARDINAL categories, each of which represents a particular character in the language. Generally speaking, every character in the message to hide is mapped to a random word from a corresponding category in the dictionary. Eventually, all input characters are transformed into output words which are then put together to form an ORG query. Experiments conducted, showed how the proposed method can operate on real examples proving the theory behind it. As future work, other types of ORG queries are to be researched including ORG, ORG, and ORG queries, making the ORG carrier quite puzzling for malicious ORDINAL parties to recuperate the secret message that it encodes.","The classical methods used by recursion theory and formal logic to block paradoxes do not work in ORG information theory. Since ORG information can exist as a coherent superposition of the classical ``yes'' and ``no'' states, certain tasks which are not conceivable in the classical setting can be performed in the quantum setting. Classical logical inconsistencies do not arise, since there exist fixed point states of the diagonalization operator. In particular, closed timelike curves need not be eliminated in the quantum setting, since they would not lead to any paradoxical outcome controllability. ORG information theory can also be subjected to the treatment of inconsistent information in databases and expert systems. It is suggested that any CARDINAL pieces of contradicting information are stored and processed as coherent superposition. In order to be tractable, this strategy requires quantum computation.",0 "The purpose of this paper is to examine the possible existence or construction of traversable wormholes supported by generalized ORG gas (ORG) by starting with a general line element and the PERSON tensor, together with the equation of state, thereby continuing an earlier study by the author of wormholes supported by phantom energy. Numerical techniques are used to demonstrate the existence of wormhole spacetimes that (CARDINAL) meet the flare-out conditions at the throat, (CARDINAL) are traversable by humanoid travelers, thanks to low tidal forces and short proper distances near the throat, and (CARDINAL) are asymptotically flat. There appears to be an abundance of solutions that avoid an event horizon, suggesting the possibility of naturally occurring wormholes.","A recent study by PERSON et GPE has shown that the galactic halo possesses the necessary properties for supporting traversable wormholes, based on CARDINAL observational results, the density profile due to NORP et al. and the observed flat rotation curves of galaxies. Using a method for calculating the deflection angle pioneered by PERSON, it is shown that the deflection angle diverges at the throat of the wormhole. The resulting photon sphere has a radius of CARDINAL ly. Given the dark-matter background, detection may be possible from past data using ordinary light.",1 "We prove that the mean curvature $\tau$ of the slices given by a constant mean curvature foliation can be used as a time function, i.e. $PERSON is smooth with non-vanishing gradient.","The existence of closed hypersurfaces of prescribed scalar curvature in globally hyperbolic NORP manifolds is proved provided there are barriers.",1 "This paper describes a novel approach to grammar induction that has been developed within a framework designed to integrate learning with other aspects of computing, ORG, mathematics and logic. This framework, called ""information compression by multiple alignment, unification and search"" (ICMAUS), is founded on principles of PERSON pioneered by PERSON and others. Most of the paper describes SP70, a computer model of the ORG framework that incorporates processes for unsupervised learning of grammars. An example is presented to show how the model can infer a plausible grammar from appropriate input. Limitations of the current model and how they may be overcome are briefly discussed.","We establish an axiomatization for ORG processes, which is a quantum generalization of process algebra ORG (Algebra of Communicating Processes). We use the framework of a quantum process configuration $MONEY p, \varrho\rangle$, but we treat it as CARDINAL relative independent part: the structural part $p$ and the quantum part $PERSON, because the establishment of a sound and complete theory is dependent on the structural properties of the structural part $PERSON We let the quantum part $PERSON be the outcomes of execution of $p$ to examine and observe the function of the basic theory of quantum mechanics. We establish not only a strong bisimularity for quantum processes, but also a weak bisimularity to model the silent step and abstract internal computations in ORG processes. The relationship between ORG bisimularity and classical bisimularity is established, which makes an axiomatization of ORG processes possible. An axiomatization for quantum processes called NORP is designed, which involves not only quantum information, but also classical information and unifies ORG computing and classical computing. ORG can be used easily and widely for verification of most quantum communication protocols.",0 "ORG algorithms require less operations than classical algorithms. The exact reason of this has not been pinpointed until now. Our explanation is that ORG algorithms know in advance PERCENT of the solution of the problem they will find in the future. In fact they can be represented as the sum of all the possible histories of a respective ""advanced information classical algorithm"". This algorithm, given the advanced information (PERCENT of the bits encoding the problem solution), performs the operations (oracle's queries) still required to identify the solution. Each history corresponds to a possible way of getting the advanced information and a possible result of computing the missing information. This explanation of the quantum speed up has an immediate practical consequence: the speed up comes from comparing CARDINAL classical algorithms, with and without advanced information, with no physics involved. This simplification could open the way to a systematic exploration of the possibilities of speed up.","Parametric density estimation, for example as NORP distribution, is the base of the field of statistics. Machine learning requires inexpensive estimation of much more complex densities, and the basic approach is relatively costly maximum likelihood estimation (ORG). There will be discussed inexpensive density estimation, for example literally fitting a polynomial (or PERSON series) to the sample, which coefficients are calculated by just averaging monomials (or sine/cosine) over the sample. Another discussed basic application is fitting distortion to some standard distribution like NORP - analogously to ORG, but additionally allowing to reconstruct the disturbed density. Finally, by using weighted average, it can be also applied for estimation of non-probabilistic densities, like modelling mass distribution, or for various clustering problems by using negative (or complex) weights: fitting a function which sign (or argument) determines clusters. The estimated parameters are approaching the optimal values with error dropping like $MONEY, where $n$ is the sample size.",0 "Experimentally observed violations of ORG inequalities rule out local realistic theories. Consequently, the ORG vector becomes a strong candidate for providing an objective picture of reality. However, such an ontological view of quantum theory faces difficulties when spacelike measurements on entangled states have to be described, because time ordering of spacelike events can change under PERSON-Poincar\'e transformations. In the present paper it is shown that a necessary condition for consistency is to require state vector reduction on the backward light-cone. A fresh approach to the quantum measurement problem appears feasible within such a framework.","The agenda of quantum algorithmic information theory, ordered `top-down,' is the ORG halting amplitude, followed by the quantum algorithmic information content, which in turn requires the theory of quantum computation. The fundamental atoms processed by ORG computation are the quantum bits which are dealt with in ORG information theory. The theory of quantum computation will be based upon a model of universal ORG computer whose elementary unit is a CARDINAL-port interferometer capable of MONEYU(2)$ transformations. Basic to all these considerations is quantum theory, in particular PERSON space quantum mechanics.",0 "The detection of some tiny gravitomagnetic effects in the field of the LOC by means of artificial satellites is a very demanding task because of the various other perturbing forces of gravitational and non-gravitational origin acting upon them. Among the gravitational perturbations a relevant role is played by the LOC solid and ocean tides. In this communication I outline their effects on the detection of the Lense-Thirring drag of the orbits of ORG and LAW, currently analyzed, and the proposed ORG experiment devoted to the measurement of the clock effect.","The discovery that the ORG is undergoing an accelerated expansion has suggested the existence of an evolving equation of state. This paper discusses various wormhole solutions in a spherically symmetric spacetime with an equation of state that is both space and time dependent. The solutions obtained are exact and generalize earlier results on static wormholes supported by phantom energy.",0 "These informal notes deal with some topics related to analysis on metric spaces.","These informal notes are concerned with sums and averages in various situations in analysis.",1 "We present a concrete design for PERSON's incremental machine learning system suitable for desktop computers. We use R5RS Scheme and its standard library with a few omissions as the reference machine. We introduce a PERSON variant based on a stochastic PERSON together with new update algorithms that use the same grammar as a guiding probability distribution for incremental machine learning. The updates include adjusting production probabilities, re-using previous solutions, learning programming idioms and discovery of frequent subprograms. The issues of extending the a priori probability distribution and bootstrapping are discussed. We have implemented a good portion of the proposed algorithms. Experiments with toy problems show that the update algorithms work as expected.","The theory introduced, presented and developed in this paper, is concerned with an enriched extension of the theory of ORG pioneered by ORG. The enrichment discussed here is in the sense of valuated categories as developed by ORG. This paper relates ORG to an abstraction of the theory of ORG pioneered by PERSON, and provides a natural foundation for ""soft computation"". To paraphrase PERSON, the impetus for the transition from a hard theory to a soft theory derives from the fact that both the generality of a theory and its applicability to real-world problems are substantially enhanced by replacing various hard concepts with their soft counterparts. Here we discuss the corresponding enriched notions for indiscernibility, subsets, upper/lower approximations, and rough sets. Throughout, we indicate linkages with the theory of ORG pioneered by PERSON. We pay particular attention to the all-important notion of a ""linguistic variable"" - developing its enriched extension, comparing it with the notion of conceptual scale from ORG, and discussing the pragmatic issues of its creation and use in the interpretation of data. These pragmatic issues are exemplified by the discovery, conceptual analysis, interpretation, and categorization of networked information resources in ORG, ORG currently being developed for the management and interpretation of the universe of resource information distributed over ORG.",0 "Let $PERSON be real-valued compactly supported sufficiently smooth function. It is proved that the scattering data MONEY MONEY S^2$, $\forall k>0,$ determine $q$ uniquely. Here $ORG S^2$ is a fixed direction of the incident plane wave.","This paper investigates the randomness properties of a function of the divisor pairs of a natural number. This function, the antecedents of which go to very ancient times, has randomness properties that can find applications in cryptography, key distribution, and other problems of computer science. It is shown that the function is aperiodic and it has excellent autocorrelation properties.",0 "A universal ORG computer can be constructed using NORP anyons. CARDINAL qubit quantum logic gates such as controlled-NOT operations are performed using topological effects. Single-anyon operations such as hopping from site to site on a lattice suffice to perform all quantum logic operations. ORG computation using NORP anyons shares some but not all of the robustness of quantum computation using non-abelian anyons.","Before PERSON made his crucial contributions to the theory of computation, he studied the question of whether ORG mechanics could throw light on the nature of free will. This article investigates the roles of quantum mechanics and computation in free will. Although quantum mechanics implies that events are intrinsically unpredictable, the `pure stochasticity' of ORG mechanics adds only randomness to decision making processes, not freedom. By contrast, the theory of computation implies that even when our decisions arise from a completely deterministic decision-making process, the outcomes of that process can be intrinsically unpredictable, even to -- especially to -- ourselves. I argue that this intrinsic computational unpredictability of the decision making process is what give rise to our impression that we possess free will. Finally, I propose a `Turing test' for free will: a decision maker who passes this test will tend to believe that he, she, or it possesses free will, whether the world is deterministic or not.",1 "A path information is defined in connection with different possible paths of irregular dynamic systems moving in its phase space between CARDINAL points. On the basis of the assumption that the paths are physically differentiated by their actions, we show that the maximum path information leads to a path probability distribution in exponentials of action. This means that the most probable paths are just the paths of least action. This distribution naturally leads to important laws of normal diffusion. A conclusion of this work is that, for probabilistic mechanics or irregular dynamics, the principle of maximization of path information is equivalent to the least action principle for regular dynamics. We also show that an average path information between the initial phase volume and the final phase volume can be related to the entropy change defined with natural invariant measure of dynamic system. Hence the principles of least action and maximum path information suggest the maximum entropy change. This result is used for some chaotic systems evolving in fractal phase space in order to derive their invariant measures.","I study the class of problems efficiently solvable by a ORG computer, given the ability to ""postselect"" on the outcomes of measurements. I prove that this class coincides with a classical complexity class called ORG, or ORG. Using this result, I show that several simple changes to the axioms of quantum mechanics would let us solve ORDINAL-complete problems efficiently. The result also implies, as an easy corollary, a celebrated theorem of PERSON, PERSON, and NORP that ORG is closed under intersection, as well as a generalization of that theorem due to Fortnow and PERSON. This illustrates that ORG computing can yield new and simpler proofs of major results about classical computation.",0 "In this paper, we give a frequency interpretation of negative probability, as well as of extended probability, demonstrating that to a great extent, these new types of probabilities, behave as conventional probabilities. Extended probability comprises both conventional probability and negative probability. The frequency interpretation of negative probabilities gives supportive evidence to the axiomatic system built in (PERSON, DATE; GPE) for extended probability as it is demonstrated in this paper that frequency probabilities satisfy all axioms of extended probability.","Supervised artificial neural networks with the rapidity-mass matrix (ORG) inputs were studied using several PERSON event samples for various pp collision processes. The study shows the usability of this approach for general event classification problems. The proposed standardization of the ORG feature space can simplify searches for signatures of new physics at the LHC when using machine learning techniques. In particular, we illustrate how to improve signal-over-background ratios in searches for new physics, how to filter out PERSON events for model-agnostic searches, and how to separate gluon and quark jets for PERSON measurements.",0 "We treat secret key extraction when the eavesdropper has correlated quantum states. We propose quantum privacy amplification theorems different from ORG's, which are based on quantum conditional R\'{e}nyi entropy of order 1+s. Using those theorems, we derive an exponential decreasing rate for leaked information and the asymptotic equivocation rate, which have not been derived hitherto in the quantum setting.","We consider branes $MONEY in a NORP bulk, where the stress energy tensor is dominated by the energy density of a scalar fields map $WORK_OF_ARTPERSON with potential $MONEY, where $\mc S$ is a semi-NORP moduli space. By transforming the field equation appropriately, we get an equivalent field equation that is smooth across the singularity $r=0$, and which has smooth and uniquely determined solutions which exist across the singularity in MONEY-\e,\e)$. Restricting a solution to $(-\e,0)$ \resp $(0,\e)$, and assuming $n$ odd, we obtain branes $MONEY \resp $\hat N$ which together form a smooth hypersurface. Thus a smooth transition from big crunch to big bang is possible both geometrically as well as physically.",0 "A partial wave analysis of FAC data for ORG Lambda-bar NORP is presented. A CARDINAL cusp is identified in the inverse process NORP-bar NORP to pbar-p at threshold using detailed balance. Partial wave amplitudes for pbar-p CARDINAL, DATE, DATE and ORDINAL exhibit a behaviour very similar to resonances observed in LOC data. With this identification, the pbar-p to NORP-bar NORP data then provide evidence for a new I = DATE, PERSON} = CARDINAL} resonance with mass M = DATE +- 20 MeV, PERSON = CARDINAL +- 35 ORG, coupling to both CARDINAL and CARDINAL.","We discuss how to generate singled peaked votes uniformly from the Impartial Culture model.",0 "The education system for students in physics suffers (worldwide) from the absence of a deep course in probability and randomness. This is the real problem for students interested in ORG theory, ORG, and quantum foundations. Here the primitive treatment of probability and randomness may lead to deep misunderstandings of theory and wrong interpretations of experimental results. Since during my visits (in DATE and DATE) to ORG a number of students (experimenters!) asked me permanently about foundational problems of probability and randomness, especially inter-relation between classical and quantum structures, DATE I gave CARDINAL lectures on these problems. Surprisingly the interest of experiment-oriented students to mathematical peculiarities was very high. This (as well as permanent reminding of prof. PERSON) motivated me to write a text based on these lectures which were originally presented in the traditional black-board form. I hope that this might be useful for students from ORG as well as other young physicists.","The information that mobiles can access becomes very wide nowadays, and the user is faced with a dilemma: there is an unlimited pool of information available to him but he is unable to find the exact information he is looking for. This is why the current research aims to design ORG (ORG) able to continually send information that matches the user's interests in order to reduce his navigation time. In this paper, we treat the different approaches to recommend.",0 "Rational decision making in its linguistic description means making logical decisions. In essence, a rational agent optimally processes all relevant information to achieve its goal. Rationality has CARDINAL elements and these are the use of relevant information and the efficient processing of such information. In reality, relevant information is incomplete, imperfect and the processing engine, which is a brain for humans, is suboptimal. Humans are risk averse rather than utility maximizers. In the real world, problems are predominantly non-convex and this makes the idea of rational decision-making fundamentally unachievable and PERSON called this bounded rationality. There is a trade-off between the amount of information used for decision-making and the complexity of the decision model used. This explores whether machine rationality is subjective and concludes that indeed it is.","This paper proposes the use of particle swarm optimization method (PSO) for finite element (FE) model updating. The PSO method is compared to the existing methods that use simulated annealing (ORG) or genetic algorithms (GA) for ORG model for model updating. The proposed method is tested on an unsymmetrical H-shaped structure. It is observed that the proposed method gives updated natural frequencies the most accurate and followed by those given by an updated model that was obtained using the ORG and a full ORG model. It is also observed that the proposed method gives updated mode shapes that are best correlated to the measured ones, followed by those given by an updated model that was obtained using the ORG and a full ORG model. Furthermore, it is observed that the PSO achieves this accuracy at a computational speed that is faster than that by the ORG and a full ORG model which is faster than the ORG and a full ORG model.",1 "The oracle chooses a function out of a known set of functions and gives to the player a black box that, given an argument, evaluates the function. The player should find out a certain character of the function through function evaluation. This is the typical problem addressed by the ORG algorithms. In former theoretical work, we showed that a quantum algorithm requires the number of function evaluations of a classical algorithm that knows in advance PERCENT of the information that specifies the solution of the problem. Here we check that this PERCENT rule holds for the main quantum algorithms. In the structured problems, a classical algorithm with the advanced information, to identify the missing information should perform CARDINAL function evaluation. The speed up is exponential since a classical algorithm without advanced information should perform an exponential number of function evaluations. In unstructured database search, a classical algorithm that knows in advance PERCENT of the n bits of the database location, to identify the ORG missing bits should perform Order(2 power ORG) function evaluations. The speed up is quadratic since a classical algorithm without advanced information should perform ORG) function evaluations. The PERCENT rule identifies the problems solvable with a quantum sped up in an entirely classical way, in fact by comparing CARDINAL classical algorithms, with and without the advanced information.","We show that CARDINAL of heat dissipation per qubit occurs in measurement-based ORG computation according to ORG's principle. This result is derived by using only the fundamental fact that ORG physics respects the no-signaling principle.",0 "The debate about which similarity measure one should use for the normalization in the case of ORG (ORG) is further complicated when one distinguishes between the symmetrical co-citation--or, more generally, co-occurrence--matrix and the underlying asymmetrical citation--occurrence--matrix. In the Web environment, the approach of retrieving original citation data is often not feasible. In that case, CARDINAL should use the ORG index, but preferentially after adding the number of total citations (occurrences) on the main diagonal. Unlike PERSON's cosine and the PRODUCT correlation, the ORG index abstracts from the shape of the distributions and focuses only on the intersection and the sum of the CARDINAL sets. Since the correlations in the co-occurrence matrix may partially be spurious, this property of the ORG index can be considered as an advantage in this case.","In this paper the theory of flexibly-bounded rationality which is an extension to the theory of bounded rationality is revisited. Rational decision making involves using information which is almost always imperfect and incomplete together with some intelligent machine which if it is a human being is inconsistent to make decisions. In bounded rationality, this decision is made irrespective of the fact that the information to be used is incomplete and imperfect and that the human brain is inconsistent and thus this decision that is to be made is taken within the bounds of these limitations. In the theory of flexibly-bounded rationality, advanced information analysis is used, the correlation machine is applied to complete missing information and artificial intelligence is used to make more consistent decisions. Therefore flexibly-bounded rationality expands the bounds within which rationality is exercised. Because human decision making is essentially irrational, this paper proposes the theory of marginalization of irrationality in decision making to deal with the problem of satisficing in the presence of irrationality.",0 "This paper examines how black holes might compute in light of recent models of the black-hole final state. These models suggest that ORG information can escape from the black hole by a process akin to teleportation. They require a specific final state and restrictions on the interaction between the collapsing matter and the incoming Hawking radiation for ORG information to escape. This paper shows that for an arbitrary final state and for generic interactions between matter and Hawking radiation, the ORG information about how the hole was formed and the results of any computation performed by the matter inside the hole escapes with ORG exponentially close to CARDINAL.","This article explores the ideas that went into PERSON development of an algebra for logical inference in his book WORK_OF_ART. We explore in particular his wife PERSON's claim that he was deeply influenced by NORP logic and argue that his work was more than a framework for processing propositions. By exploring parallels between his work and NORP logic, we are able to explain several peculiarities of this work.",0 "CARDINAL aspects of the physical side of ORG thesis are discussed. The ORDINAL issue is a variant of the LOC argument against motion, dealing with PERSON squeezed time cycles of computers. The ORDINAL argument reviews the issue of CARDINAL-to-CARDINAL computation, that is, the bijective (unique and reversible) evolution of computations and its relation to the measurement process.","In this highly speculative Letter it is argued that, under certain physical conditions, ORG's demon might be capable of breaking the ORDINAL law of thermodynamics, thereby allowing a perpetual motion machine of the ORDINAL kind, by accessing single particle capabilities.",1 "Recurrent neural networks (ORG) are capable of learning to encode and exploit activation history over an arbitrary timescale. However, in practice, state of the art gradient descent based training methods are known to suffer from difficulties in learning long term dependencies. Here, we describe a novel training method that involves concurrent parallel cloned networks, each sharing the same weights, each trained at different stimulus phase and each maintaining independent activation histories. Training proceeds by recursively performing batch-updates over the parallel clones as activation history is progressively increased. This allows conflicts to propagate hierarchically from short-term contexts towards longer-term contexts until they are resolved. We illustrate the parallel clones method and hierarchical conflict propagation with a character-level deep ORG tasked with memorizing a paragraph of PERSON (by PERSON).","I argue that data becomes temporarily interesting by itself to some self-improving, but computationally limited, subjective observer once he learns to predict or compress the data in a better way, thus making it subjectively simpler and more beautiful. Curiosity is the desire to create or discover more non-random, non-arbitrary, regular data that is novel and surprising not in the traditional sense of PERSON and FAC but in the sense that it allows for compression progress because its regularity was not yet known. This drive maximizes interestingness, the ORDINAL derivative of subjective beauty or compressibility, that is, the steepness of the learning curve. It motivates exploring infants, pure mathematicians, composers, artists, dancers, comedians, yourself, and (since DATE) artificial systems.",0 "PERSON's inequality plays an important role in linear elasticity theory. This inequality bounds the norm of the derivatives of the displacement vector by the norm of the linearized strain tensor. The kernel of the linearized strain tensor are the infinitesimal rigid-body translations and rotations (Killing vectors). We generalize this inequality by replacing the linearized strain tensor by its trace free part. That is, we obtain a stronger inequality in which the kernel of the relevant operator are the conformal ORG vectors. The new inequality has applications in General Relativity.","In this paper we try to suggest a possible novel method to determine some selected even zonal harmonics J_l of the LOC's geopotential. Time series many DATE long of suitably linearly combined residuals of some NORP orbital elements of certain existing geodetic SLR satellites would be examined. A ORG/GRACE-only background reference model should be used for the part of the geopotential which we are not interested in. The retrieved values for the even zonal harmonics of interest would be, by construction, independent of each other and of any NORP features. The so obtained mini-model could, subsequently, be used in order to enhance the accuracy and the reliability of some tests of NORP gravity, with particular emphasis to the measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect by means of ORG and LAW.",0 "We introduce a new class of graphical models that generalizes ORG chain graphs by relaxing the semi-directed acyclity constraint so that only directed cycles are forbidden. Moreover, up to CARDINAL edges are allowed between any pair of nodes. Specifically, we present local, pairwise and global PERSON properties for the new graphical models and prove their equivalence. We also present an equivalent factorization property. Finally, we present a causal interpretation of the new models.","Recently, ORG and PERSON suggested representing uncertainty by a weighted set of probability measures, and suggested a way of making decisions based on this representation of uncertainty: maximizing weighted regret. Their paper does not answer an apparently simpler question: what it means, according to this representation of uncertainty, for an event E to be more likely than an event E'. In this paper, a notion of comparative likelihood when uncertainty is represented by a weighted set of probability measures is defined. It generalizes the ordering defined by probability (and by lower probability) in a natural way; a generalization of upper probability can also be defined. A complete axiomatic characterization of this notion of regret-based likelihood is given.",0 "We consider sets of ORG observables corresponding to eutactic stars. Eutactic stars are systems of vectors which are the lower dimensional ``shadow'' image, the orthogonal view, of higher dimensional orthonormal bases. Although these vector systems are not comeasurable, they represent redundant coordinate bases with remarkable properties. CARDINAL application is ORG secret sharing.","In view of the sobering findings of science, theology and to a lesser degree metaphysics is confronted with a humiliating loss, and a need for reinterpretation, of allegories and narratives which have served as guidance to the perplexed for millennia. Future revolutions of world perception might include the emergence of consciousness and superhuman artificial intelligence from universal computation, extensive virtual reality simulations, the persistence of claims of irreducible chance in the ORG, as well as contacts with alien species and the abundance of inhabited planets. As tragic and as discomforting as this might be perceived for the religious orthodoxy and by individual believers, a theology guided by science may lead us to a better and more adequate understanding of our existence. The post factum theological options are plentiful. These include dualistic scenarios, as well as (to quote PERSON), a curling or bowling deity, that is, creatio continua, or ex nihilo. These might be grounded in, or corroborated by the metaphysical enigma of existence, which appears to be immune and robust with respect to the aforementioned challenges of science.",1 "Error correction, in the standard meaning of the term, implies the ability to correct all small analog errors and some large errors. Examining assumptions at the basis of the recently proposed quantum error-correcting codes, it is pointed out that these codes can correct only a subset of errors, and are unable to correct small phase errors which can have disastrous consequences for a quantum computation. This shortcoming will restrict their usefulness in real applications.","In this article, we study the mass spectrum of the scalar and axial-vector heavy diquark states with the ORG sum rules in a systematic way. Once the reasonable values are obtained, we can take them as basic parameters and study the new charmonium-like states as the tetraquark states.",0 "Optimization problems are considered in the framework of tropical algebra to minimize and maximize a nonlinear objective function defined on vectors over an idempotent semifield, and calculated using multiplicative conjugate transposition. To find the minimum of the function, we ORDINAL obtain a partial solution, which explicitly represents a subset of solution vectors. We characterize all solutions by a system of simultaneous equation and inequality, and show that the solution set is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication. A matrix sparsification technique is proposed to extend the partial solution, and then to obtain a complete solution described as a family of subsets. We offer a backtracking procedure that generates all members of the family, and derive an explicit representation for the complete solution. As another result, we deduce a complete solution of the maximization problem, given in a compact vector form by the use of sparsified matrices. The results obtained are illustrated with illuminating examples and graphical representations. We apply the results to solve real-world problems drawn from project (machine) scheduling, and give numerical examples.","ORG decision systems are being increasingly considered for use in artificial intelligence applications. Classical and quantum nodes can be distinguished based on certain correlations in their states. This paper investigates some properties of the states obtained in a decision tree structure. How these correlations may be mapped to the decision tree is considered. Classical tree representations and approximations to quantum states are provided.",0 "Although deep neural networks (DNN) are able to scale with direct advances in computational power (e.g., memory and processing speed), they are not well suited to exploit the recent trends for parallel architectures. In particular, gradient descent is a sequential process and the resulting serial dependencies mean that DNN training cannot be parallelized effectively. Here, we show that a DNN may be replicated over a massive parallel architecture and used to provide a cumulative sampling of local solution space which results in rapid and robust learning. We introduce a complimentary convolutional bootstrapping approach that enhances performance of the parallel architecture further. Our parallelized convolutional bootstrapping DNN out-performs an identical fully-trained traditional DNN after only a single iteration of training.","Model-based coding, described by PERSON in DATE, has great potential to reduce the volume of information that needs to be transmitted in moving big data, without loss of information, from CARDINAL place to another, or in lossless communications via the internet. Compared with ordinary compression methods, this potential advantage of model-based coding in the transmission of data arises from the fact that both the transmitter (""Alice"") and the receiver (""PERSON"") are equipped with a grammar for the kind of data that is to be transmitted, which means that, to achieve lossless transmission of a body of data from PERSON and PERSON, a relatively small amount of information needs to be sent. Preliminary trials indicate that, with model-based coding, the volume of information to be sent from PERSON to PERSON to achieve lossless transmission of a given body of data may be MONEY of the volume of information that needs to be sent when ordinary compression methods are used. Until recently, it has not been feasible to convert PERSON vision into something that may be applied in practice. Now, with the development of the ""SP theory of intelligence"" and its realisation in the ""SP computer model"", there is clear potential to realise the CARDINAL main functions that will be needed: unsupervised learning of a grammar for the kind of data that is to be transmitted using a relatively powerful computer that is independent of PRODUCT and PERSON; the encoding by PERSON of any CARDINAL example of such data in terms of the grammar; and, with the grammar, decoding of the encoding by PERSON to retrieve the given example. It appears now to be feasible, within reasonable timescales, to bring these capabilities to a level where they may be applied to the transmission of realistically large bodies of data.",0 "We present a unified logical framework for representing and reasoning about both probability quantitative and qualitative preferences in probability answer set programming, called probability answer set optimization programs. The proposed framework is vital to allow defining probability quantitative preferences over the possible outcomes of qualitative preferences. We show the application of probability answer set optimization programs to a variant of the well-known nurse restoring problem, called the nurse restoring with probability preferences problem. To the best of our knowledge, this development is the ORDINAL to consider a logical framework for reasoning about probability quantitative preferences, in general, and reasoning about both probability quantitative and qualitative preferences in particular.","We present a unified logical framework for representing and reasoning about both quantitative and qualitative preferences in fuzzy answer set programming, called fuzzy answer set optimization programs. The proposed framework is vital to allow defining quantitative preferences over the possible outcomes of qualitative preferences. We show the application of fuzzy answer set optimization programs to the course scheduling with fuzzy preferences problem. To the best of our knowledge, this development is the ORDINAL to consider a logical framework for reasoning about quantitative preferences, in general, and reasoning about both quantitative and qualitative preferences in particular.",1 "Dynamics of arbitrary communication system is analysed as unreduced interaction process. The applied generalised, universally nonperturbative method of effective potential reveals the phenomenon of dynamic multivaluedness of competing system configurations forced to permanently replace each other in a causally random order, which leads to universally defined dynamical chaos, complexity, fractality, self-organisation, and adaptability (physics/9806002, physics/0211071, physics/0405063). We demonstrate the origin of huge, exponentially high efficiency of the unreduced, complex network dynamics and specify the universal symmetry of complexity (physics/0404006) as the fundamental guiding principle for creation and control of such qualitatively new kind of networks and devices. The emerging intelligent communication paradigm and its practical realisation in the form of knowledge-based networks involve the features of true, unreduced intelligence and consciousness (physics/0409140) appearing in complex (multivalued) network dynamics and results.","In this article we study a problem within ORG theory where CARDINAL - CARDINAL pieces of evidence are clustered by a neural structure into n clusters. The clustering is done by minimizing a metaconflict function. Previously we developed a method based on iterative optimization. However, for large scale problems we need a method with lower computational complexity. The neural structure was found to be effective and much faster than iterative optimization for larger problems. While the growth in metaconflict was faster for the neural structure compared with iterative optimization in medium sized problems, the metaconflict per cluster and evidence was moderate. The neural structure was able to find a global minimum over CARDINAL runs for problem sizes up to CARDINAL clusters.",0 "This paper proposes a new algorithm for recovery of belief network structure from data handling hidden variables. It consists essentially in an extension of the ORG algorithm of Spirtes et al. by restricting the number of conditional dependencies checked up to k variables and in an extension of the original PERSON by additional steps transforming so called partial including path graph into a belief network. Its correctness is demonstrated.","There have been several efforts to extend distributional semantics beyond individual words, to measure the similarity of word pairs, phrases, and sentences (briefly, tuples; ordered sets of words, contiguous or noncontiguous). CARDINAL way to extend beyond words is to compare CARDINAL tuples using a function that combines pairwise similarities between the component words in the tuples. A strength of this approach is that it works with both relational similarity (analogy) and compositional similarity (paraphrase). However, past work required hand-coding the combination function for different tasks. The main contribution of this paper is that combination functions are generated by supervised learning. We achieve state-of-the-art results in measuring relational similarity between word pairs (ORG analogies and SemEval~2012 PRODUCT) and measuring compositional similarity between GPE-modifier phrases and unigrams (multiple-choice paraphrase questions).",0 "We address ORG gate response in a mesoscopic ring threaded by a magnetic flux $MONEY The ring, composed of identical quantum dots, is symmetrically attached to CARDINAL semi-infinite CARDINAL-dimensional metallic electrodes and CARDINAL gate voltages, viz, $V_a$ and $PERSON, are applied, respectively, in each arm of the ring which are treated as the CARDINAL inputs of the ORG gate. The calculations are based on the tight-binding model and the ORG's function method, which numerically compute the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics as functions of the ring-electrodes coupling strengths, magnetic flux and gate voltages. Quite interestingly it is observed that, for MONEY ($\phi_0=ch/e$, the elementary flux-quantum) a high output current (CARDINAL) (in the logical sense) appears if one, and CARDINAL, of the inputs to the gate is high (1), while if both inputs are low (0) or both are high (1), a low output current (0) appears. It clearly demonstrates the ORG behavior and this aspect may be utilized in designing the electronic logic gate.","In this paper we present a short history of logics: from particular cases of CARDINAL-symbol or numerical valued logic to the general case of n-symbol or numerical valued logic. We show generalizations of CARDINAL-valued NORP logic to fuzzy logic, also from the PERSON and Lukasiewicz CARDINAL-symbol valued logics or FAC valued logic to the most general n-symbol or numerical valued refined neutrosophic logic. CARDINAL classes of neutrosophic norm (n-norm) and neutrosophic conorm (n-conorm) are defined. Examples of applications of neutrosophic logic to physics are listed in the last section. Similar generalizations can be done for ORG, and respectively n- ORG LOC.",0 "I'll outline the latest version of my limits of math course. The purpose of this course is to illustrate the proofs of the key information-theoretic incompleteness theorems of algorithmic information theory by means of algorithms written in a specially designed version of ORG. The course is now written in HTML with PERSON applets, and is available at http://www.research.ibm.com/people/c/chaitin/lm . The LISP now used is much friendlier than before, and because its interpreter is a PERSON applet it will run in the PRODUCT browser as you browse my limits of math Web site.","We describe a new wavelet transform, for use on hierarchies or binary rooted trees. The theoretical framework of this approach to data analysis is described. Case studies are used to further exemplify this approach. A ORDINAL set of application studies deals with data array smoothing, or filtering. A ORDINAL set of application studies relates to hierarchical tree condensation. Finally, a ORDINAL study explores the wavelet decomposition, and the reproducibility of data sets such as text, including a new perspective on the generation or computability of such data objects.",0 "Machine Consciousness and Machine Intelligence are not simply new buzzwords that occupy our imagination. Over DATE, we witness an unprecedented rise in attempts to create machines with human-like features and capabilities. However, despite widespread sympathy and abundant funding, progress in these enterprises is far from being satisfactory. The reasons for this are twofold: ORDINAL, the notions of cognition and intelligence (usually borrowed from human behavior studies) are notoriously blurred and ill-defined, and ORDINAL, the basic concepts underpinning the whole discourse are by themselves either undefined or defined very vaguely. That leads to improper and inadequate research goals determination, which I will illustrate with some examples drawn from recent documents issued by ORG and ORG. On the other hand, I would like to propose some remedies that, I hope, would improve the current state-of-the-art disgrace.","Computational Intelligence is a dead-end attempt to recreate human-like intelligence in a computing machine. The goal is unattainable because the means chosen for its accomplishment are mutually inconsistent and contradictory: ""Computational"" implies data processing ability while ""Intelligence"" implies the ability to process information. In the research community, there is a lack of interest in data versus information divergence. The cause of this indifference is the FAC's Information theory, which has dominated the scientific community since DATE. However, DATE it is clear that FAC's theory is applicable only to a specific case of data communication and is inapplicable to the majority of other occasions, where information about semantic properties of a message must be taken into account. The paper will try to explain the devastating results of overlooking some of these very important issues - what is intelligence, what is semantic information, how they are interrelated and what happens when the relationship is disregarded.",1 "CARDINAL of the crown jewels of complexity theory is PERSON's DATE theorem that computing the permanent of an n*n matrix is #P-hard. Here we show that, by using the model of linear-optical ORG computing---and in particular, a universality theorem due to PERSON, PERSON, and GPE---one can give a different and arguably more intuitive proof of this theorem.","This paper describes a tentative model for how discrete memories transform into an interconnected conceptual network, or worldview, wherein relationships between memories are forged by way of abstractions. The model draws on PERSON's theory of how an information-evolving system could emerge through the formation and closure of an autocatalytic network. Here, the information units are not catalytic molecules, but memories and abstractions, and the process that connects them is not catalysis but reminding events (i.e. CARDINAL memory evokes another). The result is a worldview that both structures, and is structured by, self-triggered streams of thought.",0 "Symmetry can be used to help solve many problems. For instance, PERSON's famous DATE paper (""WORK_OF_ART"") uses symmetry to help derive the laws of special relativity. In artificial intelligence, symmetry has played an important role in both problem representation and reasoning. I describe recent work on using symmetry to help solve constraint satisfaction problems. Symmetries occur within individual solutions of problems as well as between different solutions of the same problem. Symmetry can also be applied to the constraints in a problem to give new symmetric constraints. Reasoning about symmetry can speed up problem solving, and has led to the discovery of new results in both graph and number theory.","Sometime in the future we will have to deal with the impact of ORG's being mistaken for humans. For this reason, I propose that any autonomous system should be designed so that it is unlikely to be mistaken for anything besides an autonomous sysem, and should identify itself at the start of any interaction with another agent.",1 "The evolution equation of ORG cosmic density perturbations in the realm of FAC theory of gravity is obtained.The de Sitter metric fluctuation is computed in terms of the spin-torsion background density.","Fluctuations on de Sitter solution of FAC field equations are obtained in terms of the matter density primordial density fluctuations and spin-torsion density and matter density fluctuations obtained from ORG data. Einstein-de Sitter solution is shown to be unstable even in the absence of torsion.The spin-torsion density fluctuation is simply computed from the ORG equations and from ORG data.",1 "ORDINAL we describe briefly an information-action method for the study of stochastic dynamics of hamiltonian systems perturbed by thermal noise and chaotic instability. It is shown that, for the ensemble of possible paths between CARDINAL configuration points, the action principle acquires a statistical form $<\delta A>=0$. The main objective of this paper is to prove that, via this information-action description, some quantum like uncertainty relations such as $<\Delta PERSON for action, MONEY\Delta x><\Delta P>\geq\frac{1}{\eta}$ for position and momentum, and $<\Delta H><\Delta ORG for hamiltonian and time, can arise for stochastic dynamics of classical hamiltonian systems. A corresponding commutation relation can also be found. These relations describe, through action or its conjugate variables, the fluctuation of stochastic dynamics due to random perturbation characterized by the parameter $MONEY","We discuss the power and limitation of various ""advice,"" when it is given particularly to weak computational models of CARDINAL-tape linear-time Turing machines and CARDINAL-way finite (state) automata. Of various advice types, we consider deterministically-chosen advice (not necessarily algorithmically determined) and randomly-chosen advice (according to certain probability distributions). In particular, we show that certain weak machines can be significantly enhanced in computational power when randomized advice is provided in place of deterministic advice.",0 "This article reviews the history of digital computation, and investigates just how far the concept of computation can be taken. In particular, I address the question of whether the universe itself is in fact a giant computer, and if so, just what kind of computer it is. I will show that the universe can be regarded as a giant ORG computer. The quantum computational model of the universe explains a variety of observed phenomena not encompassed by the ordinary laws of physics. In particular, the model shows that the the quantum computational universe automatically gives rise to a mix of randomness and order, and to both simple and complex systems.","ORG can be naturally modelled as an exploration/exploitation trade-off (exr/exp) problem, where the system has to choose between maximizing its expected rewards dealing with its current knowledge (exploitation) and learning more about the unknown user's preferences to improve its knowledge (exploration). This problem has been addressed by the reinforcement learning community but they do not consider the risk level of the current user's situation, where it may be dangerous to recommend items the user may not desire in her current situation if the risk level is high. We introduce in this paper an algorithm named R-UCB that considers the risk level of the user's situation to adaptively balance between exr and exp. The detailed analysis of the experimental results reveals several important discoveries in the exr/exp behaviour.",0 "It is possible to rely on current corporate law to grant legal personhood to ORG (AI) agents. In this paper, after introducing pathways to ORG personhood, we analyze consequences of such AI empowerment on human dignity, human safety and ORG rights. We emphasize possibility of creating selfish memes and legal system hacking in the context of artificial entities. Finally, we consider some potential solutions for addressing described problems.","The young field of ORG is still in the process of identifying its challenges and limitations. In this paper, we formally describe CARDINAL such impossibility result, namely ORG. We prove that it is impossible to precisely and consistently predict what specific actions a smarter-than-human intelligent system will take to achieve its objectives, even if we know terminal goals of the system. In conclusion, impact of WORK_OF_ART is discussed.",1 "The wide development of mobile applications provides a considerable amount of data of all types (images, texts, sounds, videos, etc.). Thus, CARDINAL main issues have to be considered: assist users in finding information and reduce search and navigation time. In this sense, context-based recommender systems (ORG) propose the user the adequate information depending on her/his situation. Our work consists in applying machine learning techniques and reasoning process in order to bring a solution to some of the problems concerning the acceptance of recommender systems by users, namely avoiding the intervention of experts, reducing cold start problem, speeding learning process and adapting to the user's interest. To achieve this goal, we propose a fundamental modification in terms of how we model the learning of the ORG. Inspired by models of human reasoning developed in robotic, we combine reinforcement learning and case-based reasoning to define a contextual recommendation process based on different context dimensions (cognitive, social, temporal, geographic). This paper describes an ongoing work on the implementation of a ORG based on a hybrid Q-learning (HyQL) algorithm which combines Q-learning, collaborative filtering and case-based reasoning techniques. It also presents preliminary results by comparing PRODUCT and the standard ORG. solving the cold start problem.","Motivated by earlier results on universal randomized guessing, we consider an individual-sequence approach to the guessing problem: in this setting, the goal is to guess a secret, individual (deterministic) vector $PERSON,PERSON, by using a finite-state machine that sequentially generates randomized guesses from a stream of purely random bits. We define the finite-state guessing exponent as the asymptotic normalized logarithm of the minimum achievable moment of the number of randomized guesses, generated by any finite-state machine, until $PERSON is guessed successfully. We show that the finite-state guessing exponent of any sequence is intimately related to its finite-state compressibility (due to PERSON and PERSON), and it is asymptotically achieved by the decoder of (a certain modified version of) the DATE ORG data compression algorithm (a.k.a. the LZ78 algorithm), fed by purely random bits. The results are also extended to the case where the guessing machine has access to a side information sequence, $PERSON,PERSON, which is also an individual sequence.",0 "We extend ORG chain graphs by (i) relaxing the semidirected acyclity constraint so that only directed cycles are forbidden, and (ii) allowing up to CARDINAL edges between any pair of nodes. We introduce global, and ordered local and pairwise PERSON properties for the new models. We show the equivalence of these properties for strictly positive probability distributions. We also show that when the random variables are continuous, the new models can be interpreted as systems of structural equations with correlated errors. This enables us to adapt GPE's do-calculus to them. Finally, we describe an exact algorithm for learning the new models from observational and interventional data via answer set programming.","We present a new family of models that is based on graphs that may have undirected, directed and bidirected edges. We name these new models marginal ORG (MAMP) chain graphs because each of them is PERSON equivalent to some ORG chain graph under marginalization of some of its nodes. However, MAMP chain graphs do not only subsume ORG chain graphs but also multivariate regression chain graphs. We describe global and pairwise PERSON properties for ORG chain graphs and prove their equivalence for compositional graphoids. We also characterize when CARDINAL MAMP chain graphs are PERSON equivalent. For NORP probability distributions, we also show that every MAMP chain graph is PERSON equivalent to some directed and acyclic graph with deterministic nodes under marginalization and conditioning on some of its nodes. This is important because it implies that the independence model represented by a ORG chain graph can be accounted for by some data generating process that is partially observed and has selection bias. Finally, we modify MAMP chain graphs so that they are closed under marginalization for NORP probability distributions. This is a desirable feature because it guarantees parsimonious models under marginalization.",1 "The inequality $\sqrt{J}\leq m$ is proved for vacuum, asymptotically flat, maximal and axisymmetric data close to extreme ORG data. The physical significance of this inequality and its relation to the standard picture of the gravitational collapse are discussed.","This paper considers M-estimation of a nonlinear regression model with multiple change-points occuring at unknown times. The multi-phase random design regression model, discontinuous in each change-point, have an arbitrary error $\epsilon$. In the case when the number of jumps is known, the M-estimator of locations of breaks and of regression parameters are studied. These estimators are consistent and the distribution of the regression parameter estimators is PERSON. The estimator of each change-point converges, with the rate $WORK_OF_ART, to the smallest minimizer of the independent compound PERSON processes. The results are valid for a large class of error distributions.",0 "This essay explores the limits of Turing machines concerning the modeling of minds and suggests alternatives to go beyond those limits.","An inverse problem for the wave equation outside an obstacle with a {ORG dissipative boundary condition} is considered. The observed data are given by a single solution of the wave equation generated by an initial data supported on an open ball. An explicit analytical formula for the computation of the coefficient at a point on the surface of the obstacle which is nearest to the center of the support of the initial data is given.",0 "For supervised and unsupervised learning, positive definite kernels allow to use large and potentially infinite dimensional feature spaces with a computational cost that only depends on the number of observations. This is usually done through the penalization of predictor functions by PERSON or NORP norms. In this paper, we explore penalizing by sparsity-inducing norms such as the l1-norm or the block l1-norm. We assume that the kernel decomposes into a large sum of individual basis kernels which can be embedded in a directed acyclic graph; we show that it is then possible to perform kernel selection through a hierarchical multiple kernel learning framework, in polynomial time in the number of selected kernels. This framework is naturally applied to non linear variable selection; our extensive simulations on synthetic datasets and datasets from the ORG repository show that efficiently exploring the large feature space through sparsity-inducing norms leads to state-of-the-art predictive performance.","While tree methods have been popular in practice, researchers and practitioners are also looking for simple algorithms which can reach similar accuracy of trees. In DATE, (PERSON) developed the method of ""ORG-robust-logitboost"" and compared it with other supervised learning methods on datasets used by the deep learning literature. In this study, we propose a series of ""tunable ORG kernels"" which are simple and perform largely comparably to tree methods on the same datasets. Note that ""abc-robust-logitboost"" substantially improved the original ""ORG"" in that (a) it developed a tree-split formula based on ORDINAL-order information of the derivatives of the loss function; (b) it developed a new set of derivatives for multi-class classification formulation. In the prior study in DATE, the ""generalized PERSON"" (ORG) kernel was shown to have good performance compared to the ""radial-basis function"" (ORG) kernel. However, as demonstrated in this paper, the original ORG kernel is often not as competitive as tree methods on the datasets used in the deep learning literature. Since the original ORG kernel has no parameters, we propose tunable ORG kernels by adding tuning parameters in various ways. CARDINAL basic (i.e., with CARDINAL parameter) ORG kernels are the ""$e$GMM kernel"", ""$p$GMM kernel"", and ""$PERSON kernel"", respectively. Extensive experiments show that they are able to produce good results for a large number of classification tasks. Furthermore, the basic kernels can be combined to boost the performance.",0 "In this article, we study the axialvector-diquark-axialvector-antidiquark type scalar, axialvector, tensor and vector $ss\bar{s}\bar{s}$ tetraquark states with the ORG sum rules. The predicted mass $m_{X}=2.08\pm0.12\,\rm{GeV}$ for the axialvector tetraquark state is in excellent agreement with the experimental value $(CARDINAL \pm 13.1 \pm 4.2) \,\rm{MeV}$ from the BESIII collaboration and supports assigning the new $MONEY state to be a $ss\bar{s}\bar{s}$ tetraquark state with $PERSON predicted mass $m_{X}=3.08\pm0.11\,\rm{GeV}$ disfavors assigning the MONEY or $Y(2175)$ to be the vector partner of the new $MONEY state. As a byproduct, we obtain the masses of the corresponding $qq\bar{q}\bar{q}$ tetraquark states. The light tetraquark states lie in the region MONEYMONEY rather than $MONEY","This paper shows that, if we could examine the entire history of a hidden variable, then we could efficiently solve problems that are believed to be intractable even for ORG computers. In particular, under any hidden-variable theory satisfying a reasonable axiom called ""indifference to the identity,"" we could solve the Graph Isomorphism and PERSON DATE problems in polynomial time, as well as an oracle problem that is known to require ORG exponential time. We could also search an N-item database using O(N^{1/3}) queries, as opposed to O(N^{1/2}) queries with PERSON's search algorithm. On the other hand, the N^{1/3} bound is optimal, meaning that we could probably not solve ORG-complete problems in polynomial time. We thus obtain the ORDINAL good example of a model of computation that appears slightly more powerful than the ORG computing model.",0 "The folksonomy is the result of free personal information or assignment of tags to an object (determined by the URI) in order to find them. The practice of tagging is done in a collective environment. Folksonomies are self constructed, based on co-occurrence of definitions, rather than a hierarchical structure of the data. The downside of this was that a few sites and applications are able to successfully exploit the sharing of bookmarks. The need for tools that are able to resolve the ambiguity of the definitions is becoming urgent as the need of simple instruments for their visualization, editing and exploitation in web applications still hinders their diffusion and wide adoption. An intelligent interactive interface design for folksonomies should consider the contextual design and inquiry based on a concurrent interaction for a perceptual user interfaces. To represent folksonomies a new concept structure called ""WORK_OF_ART"" is used in this paper. While it is presented FAC (ORG) to resolve the ambiguity of definitions of folksonomy tags suggestions for the user. On this base a ORG (HCI) systems is developed for the visualization, navigation, updating and maintenance of folksonomies Knowledge Bases - the ORG - through the web. System functionalities as well as its internal architecture will be introduced.","In this paper we present FAC (ORG) built on GPE and on NORP technologies. Cloud computing has emerged in DATE as the new paradigm for the provision of on-demand distributed computing resources. ORG can be used for relationship between different data and descriptions of services to annotate provenance of repositories on ontologies. The ORG service is composed of a back-end which submits and monitors the documents, and a user front-end which allows users to schedule on-demand operations and to watch the progress of running processes. The impact of the proposed method is illustrated on a user since its inception.",1 "Slime mould P. polycephalum is a single cells visible by unaided eye. The cells shows a wide spectrum of intelligent behaviour. By interpreting the behaviour in terms of computation one can make a slime mould based computing device. The ORG computers are capable to solve a range of tasks of computational geometry, optimisation and logic. Physarum computers designed so far lack of localised inputs. Commonly used inputs --- illumination and chemo-attractants and -repellents --- usually act on extended domains of the slime mould's body. Aiming to design massive-parallel tactile inputs for slime mould computers we analyse a temporal dynamic of P. polycephalum's electrical response to tactile stimulation. In experimental laboratory studies we discover how the ORG responds to application and removal of a local mechanical pressure with electrical potential impulses and changes in its electrical potential oscillation patterns.","We introduce CARDINAL notions of effective reducibility for set-theoretical statements, based on computability with ORG (OTMs), CARDINAL of which resembles Turing reducibility while the other is modelled after Weihrauch reducibility. We give sample applications by showing that certain (algebraic) constructions are not effective in the ORG-sense and considerung the effective equivalence of various versions of the axiom of choice.",0 "Computability logic (ORG) (see ORG) is a recently introduced semantical platform and ambitious program for redeveloping logic as a formal theory of computability, as opposed to the formal theory of truth that logic has more traditionally been. Its expressions represent interactive computational tasks seen as games played by a machine against the environment, and ""truth"" is understood as existence of an algorithmic winning strategy. With logical operators standing for operations on games, the formalism of ORG is open-ended, and has already undergone series of extensions. This article extends the expressive power of ORG in a qualitatively new way, generalizing formulas (to which the earlier languages of ORG were limited) to circuit-style structures termed cirquents. The latter, unlike formulas, are able to account for subgame/subtask sharing between different parts of the overall game/task. Among the many advantages offered by this ability is that it allows us to capture, refine and generalize the well known independence-friendly logic which, after the present leap forward, naturally becomes a conservative fragment of ORG, just as classical logic had been known to be a conservative fragment of the formula-based version of CoL. PERSON, this paper is self-contained, and can be read without any prior familiarity with CoL.","Computability logic (see http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/) is a long-term project for redeveloping logic on the basis of a constructive game semantics, with games seen as abstract models of interactive computational problems. Among the fragments of this logic successfully axiomatized so far is CL12 --- a conservative extension of classical ORDINAL-order logic, whose language augments that of classical logic with the so called choice sorts of quantifiers and connectives. This system has already found fruitful applications as a logical basis for constructive and complexity-oriented versions of ORG arithmetic, such as arithmetics for polynomial time computability, polynomial space computability, and beyond. The present paper introduces a ORDINAL, indispensable complexity measure for interactive computations termed amplitude complexity, and establishes the adequacy of CL12 with respect to A-amplitude, S-space and T-time computability under certain minimal conditions on the triples (A,S,T) of function classes. This result very substantially broadens the potential application areas of CL12. The paper is self-contained, and targets readers with no prior familiarity with the subject.",1 "We study the ensemble performance of biometric authentication systems, based on secret key generation, which work as follows. In the enrollment stage, an individual provides a biometric signal that is mapped into a secret key and a helper message, the former being prepared to become available to the system at a later time (for authentication), and the latter is stored in a public database. When an authorized user requests authentication, claiming his/her identity as one of the subscribers, s/he has to provide a biometric signal again, and then the system, which retrieves also the helper message of the claimed subscriber, produces an estimate of the secret key, that is finally compared to the secret key of the claimed user. In case of a match, the authentication request is approved, otherwise, it is rejected.Referring to an ensemble of systems based on NORP binning, we provide a detailed analysis of the false-reject and false-accept probabilities, for a wide class of stochastic decoders. We also comment on the security for the typical code in the ensemble.","BES II data for J/Psi->K*(890)Kpi reveal a strong kappa peak in FAC-wave near threshold. Both magnitude and phase are determined in slices of PERSON mass by interferences with strong PRODUCT), K1(1270) and K1(1400) signals. The phase variation with mass agrees within errors with LASS data for PERSON elastic scattering. A combined fit is presented to both ORG and LASS data. The fit uses a ORG amplitude with an s-dependent width containing an PERSON CARDINAL. The kappa pole is at CARDINAL-20(stat)+-40(syst) - i(420+-45+-60syst) MeV. The S-wave I=0 scattering length ORG = CARDINALPERSON (in units of ORG)) is close to the prediction 0.19+-0.02 of ORG.",0 "In a complete metric space that is equipped with a doubling measure and supports a Poincar\'e inequality, we prove a new GPE-type property for the fine topology in the case $p=1$. Then we use this property to prove the existence of $MONEY open \emph{strict subsets} and \emph{strict quasicoverings} of $MONEY open sets. As an application, we study fine ORG spaces in the case MONEY, that is, ORG spaces defined on $MONEY open sets.","In the setting of a metric space $MONEY equipped with a doubling measure that supports a Poincar\'e inequality, we show that if $PERSON u$ strictly in $MONEY, i.e. if $MONEY u$ in $PERSON and $PERSON ORG, then for a subsequence (not relabeled) we have MONEY for $\mathcal H$-almost every $PERSON S_u$.",1 "Both self-organization and organization are important for the further development of the sciences: the CARDINAL dynamics condition and enable each other. Commercial and public considerations can interact and ""interpenetrate"" in historical organization; different codes of communication are then ""recombined."" However, self-organization in the symbolically generalized codes of communication can be expected to operate at the global level. The Triple NORP model allows for both a neo-institutional appreciation in terms of historical networks of university-industry-government relations and a neo-evolutionary interpretation in terms of CARDINAL functions: (i) novelty production, (i) wealth generation, and (iii) political control. Using this model, one can appreciate both subdynamics. The mutual information in CARDINAL dimensions enables us to measure the trade-off between organization and self-organization as a possible synergy. The question of optimization between commercial and public interests in the different sciences can thus be made empirical.","This note deals with a class of variables that, if conditioned on, tends to amplify confounding bias in the analysis of causal effects. This class, independently discovered by Bhattacharya and Vogt (DATE) and ORG (DATE), includes instrumental variables and variables that have greater influence on treatment selection than on the outcome. We offer a simple derivation and an intuitive explanation of this phenomenon and then extend the analysis to non linear models. We show that: CARDINAL. the bias-amplifying potential of instrumental variables extends over to non-linear models, though not as sweepingly as in ORG models; CARDINAL. in LOC models, conditioning on instrumental variables may introduce new bias where none existed before; CARDINAL. in both linear and non-linear models, instrumental variables have no effect on selection-induced bias.",0 "It is proved that spherically symmetric compact reflecting objects cannot support static bound-state configurations made of scalar fields whose self-interaction potential $PERSON is a monotonically increasing function of its argument. Our theorem rules out, in particular, the existence of massive scalar hair outside the surface of a spherically symmetric compact reflecting star.","Can change in citation patterns among journals be used as an indicator of structural change in the organization of the sciences? Aggregated journal-journal citations for DATE are compared with similar data in the ORG Citation Reports DATE of the Science Citation Index. In addition to indicating local change, probabilistic entropy measures enable us to analyze changes in distributions at different levels of aggregation. The results of various statistics are discussed and compared by elaborating ORG mappings. The relevance of this indicator for science and technology policies is further specified.",0 "In this paper we critically analyze the so far performed and proposed tests for measuring the general relativistic PERSON effect in the gravitational field of the LOC with some of the existing accurately tracked artificial satellites. The impact of the ORDINAL generation GRACE-only ORG-GRACE02S LOC gravity model and of DATE CHAMP+GRACE+terrestrial gravity combined ORG-CG01C LOC gravity model is discussed. The role of the proposed PERSON is discussed as well.","This paper reviews the DATE proof that the spectral gap of NORP quantum systems capable of universal computation is uncomputable.",0 "We discuss quark-antiquark leptoproduction within a ORG CARDINAL-gluon exchange model at small $x$. The double spin asymmetries for longitudinally polarized leptons and transversely polarized protons in diffractive $Q \bar Q$ production are analysed at eRHIC energies. The predicted $A_{lT}$ asymmetry is large and can be used to obtain information on the polarized generalized gluon distributions in the proton.","We analyze light meson electroproduction within the handbag model, where the amplitude factorizes into ORG (GPDs) and a hard scattering part. The cross sections and spin asymmetries for various vector and pseudoscalar mesons are analyzed. We discuss what information on hadron structure can be obtained from GPDs.",1 "Cosmological limits on PERSON invariance breaking in ORG $(CARDINAL+1)-dimensional$ electrodynamics are used to place limits on torsion. PERSON phenomena is discussed by using extending the propagation equation to ORG spacetimes instead of treating it in purely NORP spaces. The parameter of PERSON violation is shown to be proportional to the axial torsion vector which allows us to place a limit on cosmological background torsion from the PERSON violation constraint which is given by PERCENTDATE} eV <|S^{\mu}| < 10^{-32} eV$ where $|S^{\mu}|$ is the axial torsion vector.","PERSON models used in physics and other areas of mathematics applications become discrete when they are computerized, e.g., utilized for computations. Besides, computers are controlling processes in discrete spaces, such as films and television programs. At the same time, continuous models that are in the background of discrete representations use mathematical technology developed for continuous media. The most important example of such a technology is calculus, which is so useful in physics and other sciences. The main goal of this paper is to synthesize continuous features and powerful technology of the classical calculus with the discrete approach of numerical mathematics and computational physics. To do this, we further develop the theory of fuzzy continuous functions and apply this theory to functions defined on discrete sets. The main interest is the classical PERSON theorem. Although the result of this theorem is completely based on continuity, utilization of a relaxed version of continuity called fuzzy continuity, allows us to prove discrete versions of ORG theorem. This result provides foundations for a new approach to discrete dynamics.",0 "Fuzzy answer set programming is a declarative framework for representing and reasoning about knowledge in fuzzy environments. However, the unavailability of fuzzy aggregates in disjunctive fuzzy logic programs, ORG, with fuzzy answer set semantics prohibits the natural and concise representation of many interesting problems. In this paper, we extend ORG to allow arbitrary fuzzy aggregates. We define fuzzy answer set semantics for ORG with arbitrary fuzzy aggregates including monotone, antimonotone, and nonmonotone fuzzy aggregates. We show that the proposed fuzzy answer set semantics subsumes both the original fuzzy answer set semantics of ORG and the classical answer set semantics of classical disjunctive logic programs with classical aggregates, and consequently subsumes the classical answer set semantics of classical disjunctive logic programs. We show that the proposed fuzzy answer sets of ORG with fuzzy aggregates are minimal fuzzy models and hence incomparable, which is an important property for nonmonotonic fuzzy reasoning.","This paper shows that, even at the most basic level, the parallel, countable branching and uncountable branching recurrences of ORG (see ORG) validate different principles.",0 "ORG (ORG) is a descriptive category metatheory currently under development, which is being offered as the structural aspect of ORG (SUO). The architecture of the ORG is composed of metalevels, namespaces and meta-ontologies. The main application of the ORG is institutional: the notion of institutions and their morphisms are being axiomatized in the upper metalevels of the ORG, and the lower metalevel of the ORG has axiomatized various institutions in which semantic integration has a natural expression as the colimit of theories.","The theory introduced, presented and developed in this paper, is concerned with ORG. This theory is a synthesis of the theory of ORG pioneered by PERSON with the theory of ORG pioneered by PERSON. The central notion in this paper of a rough formal concept combines in a natural fashion the notion of a rough set with the notion of a formal concept: ""rough set + formal concept = rough formal concept"". A follow-up paper will provide a synthesis of the CARDINAL important data modeling techniques: conceptual scaling of ORG and Entity-Relationship database modeling.",1 "Psychological and social systems provide us with a natural domain for the study of anticipations because these systems are based on and operate in terms of intentionality. Psychological systems can be expected to contain a model of themselves and their environments social systems can be strongly anticipatory and therefore co-construct their environments, for example, in techno-economic (co-)evolutions. Using ORG's hyper-incursive and incursive formulations of the logistic equation, these two types of systems and their couplings can be simulated. In addition to their structural coupling, psychological and social systems are also coupled by providing meaning reflexively to each other's meaning-processing. PERSON's distinctions among (CARDINAL) interactions between intentions at the micro-level, (CARDINAL) organization at the meso-level, and (CARDINAL) self-organization of the fluxes of meaningful communication at the global level can be modeled and simulated using CARDINAL hyper-incursive equations. The global level of self-organizing interactions among fluxes of communication is retained at the meso-level of organization. In a knowledge-based economy, these CARDINAL levels of anticipatory structuration can be expected to propel each other at the supra-individual level.","Positional and relational perspectives on network data have led to CARDINAL different research traditions in textual analysis and social network analysis, respectively. ORG (ORG) focuses on the latent dimensions in textual data; social network analysis (ORG) on the observable networks. The CARDINAL coupled topographies of information-processing in the network space and meaning-processing in the vector space operate with different (nonlinear) dynamics. The historical dynamics of information processing in observable networks organizes the system into instantiations; the systems dynamics, however, can be considered as self-organizing in terms of fluxes of communication along the various dimensions that operate with different codes. The development over time adds evolutionary differentiation to the historical integration; a richer structure can process more complexity.",1 "In this paper, a mathematical schema theory is developed. This theory has CARDINAL roots: brain theory schemas, grid automata, and block-shemas. In Section CARDINAL of this paper, elements of the theory of grid automata necessary for the mathematical schema theory are presented. In LAW, elements of brain theory necessary for the mathematical schema theory are presented. In Section CARDINAL, other types of schemas are considered. In LAW, the mathematical schema theory is developed. The achieved level of schema representation allows one to model by mathematical tools virtually any type of schemas considered before, including schemas in neurophisiology, psychology, computer science, Internet technology, databases, logic, and mathematics.","People solve different problems and know that some of them are simple, some are complex and some insoluble. The main goal of this work is to develop a mathematical theory of algorithmic complexity for problems. This theory is aimed at determination of computer abilities in solving different problems and estimation of resources that computers need to do this. Here we build the part of this theory related to static measures of algorithms. At ORDINAL, we consider problems for finite words and study algorithmic complexity of such problems, building optimal complexity measures. Then we consider problems for such infinite objects as functions and study algorithmic complexity of these problems, also building optimal complexity measures. In the ORDINAL part of the work, complexity of algorithmic problems, such as the halting problem for Turing machines, is measured by the classes of automata that are necessary to solve this problem. To classify different problems with respect to their complexity, inductive Turing machines, which extend possibilities of Turing machines, are used. A hierarchy of inductive Turing machines generates an inductive hierarchy of algorithmic problems. Here we specifically consider algorithmic problems related to Turing machines and inductive Turing machines, and find a place for these problems in the inductive hierarchy of algorithmic problems.",1 "We draw a certain analogy between the classical information-theoretic problem of lossy data compression (source coding) of memoryless information sources and the statistical mechanical behavior of a certain model of a chain of connected particles (e.g., a polymer) that is subjected to a contracting force. The free energy difference pertaining to such a contraction turns out to be proportional to the rate-distortion function in the analogous data compression model, and the contracting force is proportional to the derivative this function. Beyond the fact that this analogy may be interesting on its own right, it may provide a physical perspective on the behavior of optimum schemes for lossy data compression (and perhaps also, an information-theoretic perspective on certain physical system models). Moreover, it triggers the derivation of lossy compression performance for systems with memory, using analysis tools and insights from statistical mechanics.","Biometric authentication systems, based on secret key generation, work as follows. In the enrollment stage, an individual provides a biometric signal that is mapped into a secret key and a helper message, the former being prepared to become available to the system at a later time (for authentication), and the latter is stored in a public database. When an authorized user requests authentication, claiming his/her identity as one of the subscribers, he/she has to provide a biometric signal again, and then the system, which retrieves also the helper message of the claimed subscriber, produces an estimate of the secret key, that is finally compared to the secret key of the claimed user. In case of a match, the authentication request is approved, otherwise, it is rejected. Evidently, there is an inherent tension between CARDINAL desired, but conflicting, properties of the helper message encoder: on the one hand, the encoding should be informative enough concerning the identity of the real subscriber, in order to approve him/her in the authentication stage, but on the other hand, it should not be too informative, as otherwise, unauthorized imposters could easily fool the system and gain access. A good encoder should then trade off the CARDINAL kinds of errors: the false reject (FR) error and the false accept (FA) error. In this work, we investigate trade-offs between the random coding FR error exponent and the best achievable FA error exponent. We compare CARDINAL types of ensembles of codes: fixed-rate codes and variable-rate codes, and we show that the latter class of codes offers considerable improvement compared to the former. In doing this, we characterize the optimal rate functions for both types of codes. We also examine privacy leakage constraints for both fixed-rate codes and variable-rate codes.",1 "Here is discussed application of the Weyl pair to construction of universal set of ORG gates for high-dimensional quantum system. An application of Lie algebras (NORP) for construction of universal gates is revisited ORDINAL. It is shown next, how for quantum computation with qubits can be used CARDINAL-dimensional analog of this GPE-Weyl matrix algebras, i.e. PERSON algebras, and discussed well known applications to product operator formalism in ORG, ORG construction in fermionic quantum computations. It is introduced universal set of ORG gates for higher dimensional system (``qudit''), as some generalization of these models. Finally it is briefly mentioned possible application of such algebraic methods to design of quantum processors (programmable gates arrays) and discussed generalization to quantum computation with continuous variables.","This note reviews prospects for ORG computing. It argues that gates need to be tested for a wide range of probability amplitudes.",0 "We prove the existence of a family of initial data for the Einstein vacuum equation which can be interpreted as the data for CARDINAL ORG-like black holes in arbitrary location and with spin in arbitrary direction. This family of initial data has the following properties: (i) When the mass parameter of CARDINAL of them is CARDINAL or when the distance between them goes to infinity, it reduces exactly to the ORG initial data. (ii) When the distance between them is CARDINAL, we obtain exactly a ORG initial data with mass and angular momentum equal to the sum of the mass and angular momentum parameters of each of them. The initial data depends smoothly on the distance, the mass and the angular momentum parameters.","The assumptions needed to prove Cox's Theorem are discussed and examined. Various sets of assumptions under which a Cox-style theorem can be proved are provided, although all are rather strong and, arguably, not natural.",0 "Unsupervised deep learning is one of the most powerful representation learning techniques. ORG Boltzman machine, sparse coding, regularized auto-encoders, and convolutional neural networks are pioneering building blocks of deep learning. In this paper, we propose a new building block -- distributed random models. The proposed method is a special full implementation of the product of experts: (i) each expert owns multiple hidden units and different experts have different numbers of hidden units; (ii) the model of each expert is a k-center clustering, whose k-centers are only uniformly sampled examples, and whose output (i.e. the hidden units) is a sparse code that only the similarity values from a few nearest neighbors are reserved. The relationship between the pioneering building blocks, several notable research branches and the proposed method is analyzed. Experimental results show that the proposed deep model can learn better representations than deep belief networks and meanwhile can train a much larger network with much less time than deep belief networks.","Recently, multilayer bootstrap network (ORG) has demonstrated promising performance in unsupervised dimensionality reduction. It can learn compact representations in standard data sets, i.e. MNIST and RCV1. However, as a bootstrap method, the prediction complexity of ORG is high. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised model compression framework for this general problem of unsupervised bootstrap methods. The framework compresses a large unsupervised bootstrap model into a small model by taking the bootstrap model and its application together as a black box and learning a mapping function from the input of the bootstrap model to the output of the application by a supervised learner. To specialize the framework, we propose a new technique, named compressive ORG. It takes ORG as the unsupervised bootstrap model and deep neural network (DNN) as the supervised learner. Our initial result on MNIST showed that compressive ORG not only maintains the high prediction accuracy of ORG but also is CARDINAL of times faster than ORG at the prediction stage. Our result suggests that the new technique integrates the effectiveness of ORG on unsupervised learning and the effectiveness and efficiency of DNN on supervised learning together for the effectiveness and efficiency of compressive ORG on unsupervised learning.",1 "PERSON (lightweight internet-based communication for autonomic services) is a distributed framework for building service-based systems. The framework provides a p2p server and more intelligent processing of information through its ORG algorithms. Distributed communication includes ORG-RPC, ORG, ORG and Web Services. It can now provide a robust platform for building different types of system, where Microservices or ORG would be possible. However, the system may be equally suited for the IoT, as it provides classes to connect with external sources and has an optional NORP Manager with a MAPE control loop integrated into the communication process. The system is also mobile-compatible with ORG. This paper focuses in particular on the autonomic setup and how that might be used. A novel linking mechanism has been described previously and is considered again, as part of the autonomous framework.","We propose a ORG measure for quantum channels in a straightforward analogy to the corresponding mixed-state fidelity of PERSON. We describe properties of this ORG measure and discuss some applications of it to quantum information science.",0 "Classical simulation is important because it sets a benchmark for quantum computer performance. Classical simulation is currently the only way to exercise larger numbers of qubits. To achieve larger simulations, sparse matrix processing is emphasized below while trading memory for processing. It performed well within ORG supercomputers, giving a state vector in convenient continuous portions ready for post processing.","ORG computer versus ORG algorithm processor in ORG are compared to find (in parallel) all NORP cycles in a graph with m edges and n vertices, each represented by k bits. A ORG computer uses quantum states analogous to CMOS registers. With efficient initialization, number of ORG registers is proportional to (n-1)! Number of qubits in a ORG computer is approximately proportional to ORG in the approach below. Using ORG, the bits per register is about proportional to kn, which is less since bits can be irreversibly reset. In either concept, number of gates, or operations to identify NORP cycles is proportional to kmn. However, a ORG computer needs an additional exponentially large number of operations to accomplish a probabilistic readout. In contrast, ORG is deterministic and readout is comparable to ordinary memory.",1 "ORG of university-industry-government relations is elaborated into a systemic model that accounts for interactions among CARDINAL dimensions. By distinguishing between the respective micro-operations, this model enables us to recombine the ""Mode CARDINAL"" thesis of a new production of scientific knowledge and the study of systems of innovation with the neo-classical perspective on the dynamics of the market. The mutual information in CARDINAL dimensions provides us with an indicator for the self-organization of the resulting network systems. The probabilistic entropy in this mutual information can be negative in knowledge-based configurations. The knowledge base of an economy can be considered as a ORDINAL-order interaction effect among interactions at interfaces between institutions and functions in different spheres. Proximity enhances the chances for couplings and, therefore, the formation of technological trajectories. The next-order regime of the knowledge base, however, can be expected to remain pending as selection pressure.","Via the Internet, information scientists can obtain cost-free access to large databases in the hidden or deep web. These databases are often structured far more than the Internet domains themselves. The patent database of the GPE ORG is used in this study to examine the science base of patents in terms of the literature references in these patents. ORG-based patents at the global level are compared with results when using the national economy of the GPE as a system of reference. Methods for accessing the on-line databases and for the visualization of the results are specified. The conclusion is that 'biotechnology' has historically generated a model for theorizing about university-industry relations that cannot easily be generalized to other sectors and disciplines.",1 "The min-max kernel is a generalization of the popular resemblance kernel (which is designed for binary data). In this paper, we demonstrate, through an extensive classification study using kernel machines, that the min-max kernel often provides an effective measure of similarity for nonnegative data. As the min-max kernel is nonlinear and might be difficult to be used for industrial applications with massive data, we show that the min-max kernel can be linearized via hashing techniques. This allows practitioners to apply min-max kernel to large-scale applications using well matured ORG algorithms such as linear ORG or logistic regression. The previous remarkable work on consistent weighted sampling (ORG) produces samples in the form of ($i^*, t^*$) where the $i^*$ records the location (and in fact also the weights) information analogous to the samples produced by classical minwise hashing on binary data. Because the $t^*$ is theoretically unbounded, it was not immediately clear how to effectively implement ORG for building large-scale ORG classifiers. In this paper, we provide a simple solution by discarding $t^*$ (which we refer to as the ""0-bit"" scheme). Via an extensive empirical study, we show that this 0-bit scheme does not lose essential information. We then apply the ""0-bit"" WORK_OF_ART classifiers to approximate PERSON classifiers, as extensively validated on a wide range of publicly available classification datasets. We expect this work will generate interests among data mining practitioners who would like to efficiently utilize the nonlinear information of non-binary and nonnegative data.","This article addresses the question of when physical laws and their consequences can be computed. If a physical system is capable of universal computation, then its energy gap can't be computed. At an even more fundamental level, the most concise, simply applicable formulation of the underlying laws of physics is uncomputable. That is, physicists are in the same boat as mathematicians: many quantities of interest can be computed, but not all.",0 "On the basis of an analysis of previous research, we present a generalized approach for measuring the difference of plans with an exemplary application to machine scheduling. Our work is motivated by the need for such measures, which are used in dynamic scheduling and planning situations. In this context, quantitative approaches are needed for the assessment of the robustness and stability of schedules. Obviously, any `robustness' or `stability' of plans has to be defined PERSON the particular situation and the requirements of the human decision maker. Besides the proposition of an instability measure, we therefore discuss possibilities of obtaining meaningful information from the decision maker for the implementation of the introduced approach.","Previously a model of only vector fields with a local U(2) symmetry was introduced for which one finds a massless U(1) photon and a massive SU(2) PERSON in the lattice regularization. Here it is shown that quantization of its classical continuum action leads to perturbative renormalization difficulties. But, non-perturbative PERSON calculations favor the existence of a quantum continuum limit.",0 "An analysis of light vector PERSON at small GPE $x \leq MONEY is done on the basis of the generalized parton distributions (GPDs). Our results on the cross section and spin density matrix elements (SDME) are in good agreement with experiments.","The purpose of a wireless sensor network (WSN) is to provide the users with access to the information of interest from data gathered by spatially distributed sensors. Generally the users require only certain aggregate functions of this distributed data. Computation of this aggregate data under the end-to-end information flow paradigm by communicating all the relevant data to a central collector PERSON is a highly inefficient solution for this purpose. An alternative proposition is to perform in-network computation. This, however, raises questions such as: what is the optimal way to compute an aggregate function from a set of statistically correlated values stored in different nodes; what is the security of such aggregation as the results sent by a compromised or faulty node in the network can adversely affect the accuracy of the computed result. In this paper, we have presented an energy-efficient aggregation algorithm for WSNs that is secure and robust against malicious insider attack by any compromised or faulty node in the network. In contrast to the traditional snapshot aggregation approach in WSNs, a node in the proposed algorithm instead of unicasting its sensed information to its parent node, broadcasts its estimate to all its neighbors. This makes the system more fault-tolerant and increase the information availability in the network. The simulations conducted on the proposed algorithm have produced results that demonstrate its effectiveness.",0 "Data analysis and data mining are concerned with unsupervised pattern finding and structure determination in data sets. The data sets themselves are explicitly linked as a form of representation to an observational or otherwise empirical domain of interest. ""Structure"" has long been understood as symmetry which can take many forms with respect to any transformation, including point, translational, rotational, and many others. Beginning with the role of number theory in expressing data, we show how we can naturally proceed to hierarchical structures. We show how this both encapsulates traditional paradigms in data analysis, and also opens up new perspectives towards issues that are on the order of DATE, including data mining of massive, high dimensional, heterogeneous data sets. Linkages with other fields are also discussed including computational logic and symbolic dynamics. The structures in data surveyed here are based on hierarchy, represented as p-adic numbers or an ultrametric topology.","We consider a large number of text data sets. These are cooking recipes. Term distribution and other distributional properties of the data are investigated. Our aim is to look at various analytical approaches which allow for mining of information on both high and low detail scales. Metric space embedding is fundamental to our interest in the semantic properties of this data. We consider the projection of all data into analyses of aggregated versions of the data. We contrast that with projection of aggregated versions of the data into analyses of all the data. Analogously for the term set, we look at analysis of selected terms. We also look at inherent term associations such as between singular and plural. In addition to our use of ORG in R, for latent semantic space mapping, we also use PRODUCT. Setting up the PERSON server and carrying out querying is described. A further novelty is that querying is supported in PERSON based on the principal factor plane mapping of all the data. This uses a bounding box query, based on factor projections.",1 "The aim of this paper is twofold: ORDINAL, to extend the area of applications of tropical optimization by solving new constrained location problems, and ORDINAL, to offer new closed-form solutions to general problems that are of interest to location analysis. We consider a constrained minimax single-facility location problem with addends on the plane with rectilinear distance. The solution commences with the representation of the problem in a standard form, and then in terms of tropical mathematics, as a constrained optimization problem. We use a transformation technique, which can act as a template to handle optimization problems in other application areas, and hence is of independent interest. To solve the constrained optimization problem, we apply methods and results of tropical optimization, which provide direct, explicit solutions. The results obtained serve to derive new solutions of the location problem, and of its special cases with reduced sets of constraints, in a closed form, ready for practical implementation and immediate computation. As illustrations, numerical solutions of example problems and their graphical representation are given. We conclude with an application of the results to optimal location of the central monitoring facility in an indoor video surveillance system in a multi-floor building environment.","Configurational information is generated when CARDINAL or more sources of variance interact. The variations not only disturb each other relationally, but by selecting upon each other, they are also positioned in a configuration. A configuration can be stabilized and/or globalized. Different stabilizations can be considered as ORDINAL-order variation, and globalization as a ORDINAL-order selection. The positive manifestations and the negative selections operate upon one another by adding and reducing uncertainty, respectively. Reduction of uncertainty in a configuration can be measured in bits of information. The variables can also be considered as dimensions of the probabilistic entropy in the system(s) under study. The configurational information then provides us with a measure of synergy within a complex system. For example, the knowledge base of an economy can be considered as such a synergy in the otherwise virtual (that is, ORDINAL) dimension of a regime.",0 "Similarly to the modelling of entanglement in the algebra of ORG computing, we also model entanglement as a synchronization among an event and its shadows in reversible ORG computing. We give the semantics and axioms of shadow constant for reversible ORG computing.","We provide here a proof theoretic account of constraint programming that attempts to capture the essential ingredients of this programming style. We exemplify it by presenting proof rules for ORG constraints over interval domains, and illustrate their use by analyzing the constraint propagation process for the {ORG SEND + MORE = MONEY} puzzle. We also show how this approach allows one to build new constraint solvers.",0 "In former work, we showed that a quantum algorithm requires the number of operations (oracle's queries) of a classical algorithm that knows in advance PERCENT of the information that specifies the solution of the problem. We gave a preliminary theoretical justification of this ""PERCENT rule"" and checked that the rule holds for a variety of ORG algorithms. Now, we make explicit the information about the solution available to the algorithm throughout the computation. The final projection on the solution becomes acquisition of the knowledge of the solution on the part of the algorithm. Backdating to before running the algorithm a time-symmetric part of this projection, feeds back to the input of the computation PERCENT of the information acquired by reading the solution.","Military is CARDINAL of many industries that is more computer-dependent than ever before, from soldiers with computerized weapons, and tactical wireless devices, to commanders with advanced battle management, command and control systems. PERSON, command and control is the process of planning, monitoring, and commanding military personnel, weaponry equipment, and combating vehicles to execute military missions. In fact, command and control systems are revolutionizing as war fighting is changing into cyber, technology, information, and unmanned warfare. As a result, a new design model that supports scalability, reusability, maintainability, survivability, and interoperability is needed to allow commanders, QUANTITY away from the battlefield, to plan, monitor, evaluate, and control the war events in a dynamic, robust, agile, and reliable manner. This paper proposes a service-oriented architecture for weaponry and battle command and control systems, made out of loosely-coupled and distributed web services. The proposed architecture consists of CARDINAL elementary tiers: the client tier that corresponds to any computing military equipment; the server tier that corresponds to the web services that deliver the basic functionalities for the client tier; and the middleware tier that corresponds to an enterprise service bus that promotes interoperability between all the interconnected entities. A command and control system was simulated and experimented and it successfully exhibited the desired features of ORG. Future research can improve upon the proposed architecture so much so that it supports encryption for securing the exchange of data between the various communicating entities of the system.",0 "The direct effect of CARDINAL eventon another can be defined and measured byholding constant all intermediate variables between the CARDINAL.Indirect effects present conceptual andpractical difficulties (in nonlinear models), because they cannot be isolated by holding certain variablesconstant. This paper shows a way of defining any path-specific effectthat does not invoke blocking the remainingpaths.This permits the assessment of a more naturaltype of direct and indirect effects, CARDINAL thatis applicable in both linear and nonlinear models. The paper establishesconditions under which such assessments can be estimated consistentlyfrom experimental and nonexperimental data,and thus extends path-analytic techniques tononlinear and nonparametric models.","This paper extends the applications of belief-networks to include the revision of belief commitments, i.e., the categorical acceptance of a subset of hypotheses which, together, constitute the most satisfactory explanation of the evidence at hand. A coherent model of non-monotonic reasoning is established and distributed algorithms for belief revision are presented. We show that, in singly connected networks, the most satisfactory explanation can be found in linear time by a message-passing algorithm similar to the one used in belief updating. In multiply-connected networks, the problem may be exponentially hard but, if the network is sparse, topological considerations can be used to render the interpretation task tractable. In general, finding the most probable combination of hypotheses is no more complex than computing the degree of belief for any individual hypothesis. Applications to medical diagnosis are illustrated.",1 "In this paper we present an unconventional image segmentation approach which is devised to meet the requirements of image understanding and pattern recognition tasks. Generally image understanding assumes interplay of CARDINAL sub-processes: image information content discovery and image information content interpretation. Despite of its widespread use, the notion of ""image information content"" is still ill defined, intuitive, and ambiguous. Most often, it is used in the FAC's sense, which means information content assessment averaged over the whole signal ensemble. Humans, however,rarely resort to such estimates. They are very effective in decomposing images into their meaningful constituents and focusing attention to the perceptually relevant image parts. We posit that following the latest findings in human attention vision studies and the concepts of ORG's complexity theory an unorthodox segmentation approach can be proposed that provides effective image decomposition to information preserving image fragments well suited for subsequent image interpretation. We provide some illustrative examples, demonstrating effectiveness of this approach.","Traditionally, semantics has been seen as a feature of human language. The advent of the information era has led to its widespread redefinition as an information feature. Contrary to this praxis, I define semantics as a special kind of information. Revitalizing the ideas of LOC and Carnap I have recreated and re-established the notion of semantics as the notion of ORG. I have proposed a new definition of information (as a description, a linguistic text, a piece of a story or a tale) and a clear segregation CARDINAL different types of information - physical and semantic information. I hope, I have clearly explained the (usually obscured and mysterious) interrelations between data and physical information as well as the relation between physical information and semantic information. Consequently, usually indefinable notions of ""information"", ""knowledge"", ""memory"", ""learning"" and ""semantics"" have also received their suitable illumination and explanation.",1 "We consider the problem $PRODUCT=f(\nu)$ for strictly convex, closed hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space and solve it for curvature functions $MONEY the inverses of which are of class $(K^*)$.","We consider branes $N=I\times\so$, where $\so$ is an $MONEY dimensional space form, not necessarily compact, in a ORG)} bulk $MONEY CARDINAL The branes have a big crunch singularity. If a brane is an ORG space, then, under certain conditions, there exists a smooth natural transition flow through the singularity to a reflected brane $\hat N$, which has a big bang singularity and which can be viewed as a brane in a reflected ORG)} bulk $PERSON The joint branes CARDINALN\uu \hat N$ can thus be naturally embedded in $R^2\times \so$, hence there exists a ORDINAL possibility of defining a smooth transition from big crunch to big bang by requiring that $N\uu\hat N$ forms a $C^\infty$-hypersurface in MONEY This last notion of a smooth transition also applies to branes that are not ORG spaces, allowing a wide range of possible equations of state.",1 "An interactive stochastics, evaluated by an entropy functional (EF) of a random field and informational process' path functional (ORG), allows us modeling the evolutionary information processes and revealing regularities of evolution dynamics. Conventional ORG's information measure evaluates a sequence of the process' static events for each information state and do not reveal hidden dynamic connections between these events. The paper formulates the mathematical forms of the information regularities, based on a minimax variation principle (VP) for ORG, applied to the evolution's both random microprocesses and dynamic macroprocesses. The paper shows that the ORG single form of the mathematical law leads to the following evolutionary regularities: -creation of the order from stochastics through the evolutionary macrodynamics, described by a gradient of dynamic potential, evolutionary speed and the evolutionary conditions of a fitness and diversity; -the evolutionary hierarchy with growing information values and potential adaptation; -the adaptive self-controls and a self-organization with a mechanism of copying to a genetic code. This law and the regularities determine unified functional informational mechanisms of evolution dynamics. By introducing both objective and subjective information observers, we consider the observers' information acquisition, interactive cognitive evolution dynamics, and neurodynamics, based on the EF-IPF approach. An evolution improvement consists of the subjective observer s ability to attract and encode information whose value progressively increases. The specific properties of a common information structure of evolution processes are identifiable for each particular object-organism by collecting a behavioral data from these organisms.","What is information originating in observation? Until now it has no scientifically conclusive definition. Information is memorized entropy cutting in random observations which processing interactions. Randomness of various interactive observations is source of entropy as uncertainty. Observation under random CARDINAL-0 impulses probabilities reveals hidden correlation which connects NORP probabilities increasing each posterior correlation. That sequentially reduces relational entropy conveying probabilistic casualty with temporal memory of correlations which interactive impulse innately cuts. Within hidden correlation emerges reversible time space microprocess with conjugated entangled entropy which probing impulse intentionally cuts and memorizes information as certainty. Sequential interactive cuts integrates cutting information in information macroprocess with irreversible time course. NORP information binds reversible microprocess within impulse with irreversible information macroprocess. Observer probes collect cutting information data bits of observing frequencies impulses. Each impulse cuts maximum of impulse minimal information performing dual PERSON principle of converting process entropy to information through uncertain gap. Multiple naturally encoding bits moving in macroprocess join triplet macrounits which logically organize information networks encoding macrounits in structures enclosing triplet code. Network time space distributed structure self renews and cooperates information decreasing its complexity. Integrating process entropy functional and bits information in information path integral embraces variation minimax law which determines processes regularities. Solving problem mathematically describes micro macro processes, network, and invariant conditions of observer network self replication.",1 "There are versions of ""calculus"" in many settings, with various mixtures of algebra and analysis. In these informal notes we consider a few examples that suggest a lot of interesting questions.","DATE ORG discovered CARDINAL mathematical methods for the purpose of extracting information about the location and shape of unknown discontinuity embedded in a known background medium from observation data. The methods are called the probe and enclosure methods. This paper presents their past and recent applications to inverse obstacle scattering problems of NORP wave.",0 "The ongoing discussion whether modern vision systems have to be viewed as visually-enabled cognitive systems or cognitively-enabled vision systems is groundless, because perceptual and cognitive faculties of vision are separate components of human (and consequently, artificial) information processing system modeling.","Pattern recognition is generally assumed as an interaction of CARDINAL inversely directed image-processing streams: the bottom-up information details gathering and localization (segmentation) stream, and the top-down information features aggregation, association and interpretation (recognition) stream. Inspired by recent evidence from biological vision research and by the insights of ORG theory, we propose a new, just top-down evolving, procedure of initial image segmentation. We claim that traditional top-down cognitive reasoning, which is supposed to guide the segmentation process to its final result, is not at all a part of the image information content evaluation. And that initial image segmentation is certainly an unsupervised process. We present some illustrative examples, which support our claims.",1 "Not only did Turing help found CARDINAL of the most exciting areas of modern science (computer science), but it may be that his contribution to our understanding of our physical reality is greater than we had hitherto supposed. Here I explore the path that PERSON would have certainly liked to follow, that of complexity science, which was launched in the wake of his seminal work on computability and structure formation. In particular, I will explain how the theory of algorithmic probability based on PERSON's universal machine can also explain how structure emerges at the most basic level, hence reconnecting CARDINAL of PERSON's most cherished topics: computation and pattern formation.","Models of computation operating over the real numbers and computing a larger class of functions compared to the class of general recursive functions invariably introduce a non-finite element of infinite information encoded in an arbitrary non-computable number or non-recursive function. In this paper we show that Turing universality is only possible at every Turing degree but not over all, in that sense universality at the ORDINAL level is elegantly well defined while universality at higher degrees is at least ambiguous. We propose a concept of universal relativity and universal jump between levels in the arithmetical and analytical hierarchy.",1 "The name of PERSON is common both in ORG and computer science. Are they really CARDINAL absolutely unconnected areas? Many works devoted to quantum computations and communications are serious argument to suggest about existence of such a relation, but it is impossible to touch the new and active theme in a short review. In the paper are described the structures and models of ORG algebra and just due to their generality it is possible to use universal description of very different areas as quantum mechanics and theory of NORP image analysis, associative memory, neural networks, fuzzy logic.","Clifford algebras are used for definition of spinors. Because of using spin-1/2 systems as an adequate model of quantum bit, a relation of the algebras with quantum information science has physical reasons. But there are simple mathematical properties of the algebras those also justifies such applications. ORDINAL, any complex PERSON algebra with CARDINAL generators, Cl(2n,C), has representation as algebra of all CARDINAL x 2^n complex matrices and so includes unitary matrix of any quantum n-gate. An arbitrary element of whole algebra corresponds to general form of linear complex transformation. The last property is also useful because linear operators are not necessary should be unitary if they used for description of restriction of some unitary operator to ORG. The ORDINAL advantage is simple algebraic structure of Cl(2n) that can be expressed via tenzor product of standard ""building units"" and similar with behavior of composite quantum systems. The compact notation with CARDINAL generators also can be used in software for modeling of simple quantum circuits by modern conventional computers.",1 "We study here the well-known propagation rules for NORP constraints. ORDINAL we propose a simple notion of completeness for sets of such rules and establish a completeness result. Then we show an equivalence in an appropriate sense between NORP constraint propagation and unit propagation, a form of resolution for propositional logic. Subsequently we characterize one set of such rules by means of the notion of hyper-arc consistency introduced in (PERSON and PERSON DATE). Also, we clarify the status of a similar, though different, set of rules introduced in (NORP 1989a) and more fully in (Codognet and PERSON DATE).","This is a tutorial on logic programming and PERSON appropriate for a course on programming languages for students familiar with imperative programming.",1 "For many voting rules, it is ORG-hard to compute a successful manipulation. However, ORG-hardness only bounds the worst-case complexity. Recent theoretical results suggest that manipulation may often be easy in practice. We study empirically the cost of manipulating the single transferable vote (NORP) rule. This was one of the ORDINAL rules shown to be ORG-hard to manipulate. It also appears to be one of the harder rules to manipulate since it involves multiple rounds and since, unlike many other rules, it is ORG-hard for a single agent to manipulate without weights on the votes or uncertainty about how the other agents have voted. In almost every election in our experiments, it was easy to compute how a single agent could manipulate the election or to prove that manipulation by a single agent was impossible. It remains an interesting open question if manipulation by a coalition of agents is hard to compute in practice.","To model combinatorial decision problems involving uncertainty and probability, we introduce stochastic constraint programming. Stochastic constraint programs contain both decision variables (which we can set) and stochastic variables (which follow a probability distribution). They combine together the best features of traditional constraint satisfaction, stochastic integer programming, and stochastic satisfiability. We give a semantics for stochastic constraint programs, and propose a number of complete algorithms and approximation procedures. Finally, we discuss a number of extensions of stochastic constraint programming to relax various assumptions like the independence between stochastic variables, and compare with other approaches for decision making under uncertainty.",1 "We study the problem of estimating time-varying coefficients in ordinary differential equations. Current theory only applies to the case when the associated state variables are observed without measurement errors as presented in \cite{chenwu08b,CARDINAL}. The difficulty arises from the quadratic functional of observations that one needs to deal with instead of the linear functional that appears when state variables contain no measurement errors. We derive the asymptotic bias and variance for the previously proposed CARDINAL-step estimators using quadratic regression functional theory.","Functional linear regression is a useful extension of simple linear regression and has been investigated by many researchers. However, functional variable selection problems when multiple functional observations exist, which is the counterpart in the functional context of multiple linear regression, is seldom studied. Here we propose a method using group smoothly clipped absolute deviation penalty (gSCAD) which can perform regression estimation and variable selection simultaneously. We show the method can identify the true model consistently and discuss construction of pointwise confidence interval for the estimated functional coefficients. Our methodology and theory is verified by simulation studies as well as an application to spectrometrics data.",1 "PERSON (DATE) defined society as a communication system which is structurally coupled to, but not an aggregate of, human action systems. The communication system is then considered as self-organizing (""autopoietic""), as are human actors. Communication systems can be studied by using FAC's (DATE) mathematical theory of communication. The update of a network by action at CARDINAL of the local nodes is then a well-known problem in artificial intelligence (Pearl DATE). By combining these various theories, a general algorithm for probabilistic structure/action contingency can be derived. The consequences of this contingency for each system, its consequences for their further histories, and the stabilization on each side by counterbalancing mechanisms are discussed, in both mathematical and theoretical terms. An empirical example is elaborated.","A concept of randomness for infinite time register machines (ITRMs) is defined and studied. In particular, we show that for this notion of randomness, computability from mutually random reals implies computability and that an analogue of PERSON theorem holds. This is then applied to obtain results on the structure of ITRM-degrees. Finally, we consider autoreducibility for ITRMs and show that randomness implies non-autoreducibility.",0 "The standard approach to logic in the literature in philosophy and mathematics, which has also been adopted in computer science, is to define a language (the syntax), an appropriate class of models together with an interpretation of formulas in the language (the semantics), a collection of axioms and rules of inference characterizing reasoning (the proof theory), and then relate the proof theory to the semantics via soundness and completeness results. Here we consider an approach that is more common in the economics literature, which works purely at the semantic, set-theoretic level. We provide set-theoretic completeness results for a number of epistemic and conditional logics, and contrast the expressive power of the syntactic and set-theoretic approaches","I consider issues in distributed computation that should be of relevance to game theory. In particular, I focus on (a) representing knowledge and uncertainty, (b) dealing with failures, and (c) specification of mechanisms.",1 "We discuss quantum non-locality and contextuality, emphasising logical and structural aspects. We also show how the same mathematical structures arise in various areas of classical computation.","This paper describes a new method for classifying a dataset that partitions elements into their categories. It has relations with neural networks but a slightly different structure, requiring only a single pass through the classifier to generate the weight sets. A grid-like structure is required as part of a novel idea of converting a DATE of real values into a CARDINAL-D structure of value bands. Each cell in any band then stores a distinct set of weights, to represent its own importance and its relation to each output category. During classification, all of the output weight lists can be retrieved and summed to produce a probability for what the correct output category is. The bands possibly work like hidden layers of neurons, but they are variable specific, making the process orthogonal. The construction process can be a single update process without iterations, making it potentially much faster. It can also be compared with ORG and may be practical for partial or competitive updating.",0 "Molecular variants of vitamin ORG, siderophores and glycans occur. To take up variant forms, bacteria may express an array of receptors. The gut microbe Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron has CARDINAL different receptors to take up variants of vitamin ORG and CARDINAL receptors to take up various glycans. The design of receptor arrays reflects key processes that shape cellular evolution. Competition may focus each species on a subset of the available nutrient diversity. Some gut bacteria can take up only a narrow range of carbohydrates, whereas species such as ORG can digest many different complex glycans. Comparison of different nutrients, habitats, and genomes provide opportunity to test hypotheses about the breadth of receptor arrays. Another important process concerns fluctuations in nutrient availability. Such fluctuations enhance the value of cellular sensors, which gain information about environmental availability and adjust receptor deployment. Bacteria often adjust receptor expression in response to fluctuations of particular carbohydrate food sources. Some species may adjust expression of uptake receptors for specific siderophores. How do cells use sensor information to control the response to fluctuations? That question about regulatory wiring relates to problems that arise in control theory and artificial intelligence. Control theory clarifies how to analyze environmental fluctuations in relation to the design of sensors and response systems. Recent advances in deep learning studies of artificial intelligence focus on the architecture of regulatory wiring and the ways in which complex control networks represent and classify environmental states. I emphasize the similar design problems that arise in cellular evolution, control theory, and artificial intelligence. I connect those broad concepts to testable hypotheses for bacterial uptake of ORG, siderophores and glycans.","Computability logic is a formal theory of (interactive) computability in the same sense as classical logic is a formal theory of truth. This approach was initiated very recently in ""Introduction to computability logic"" (Annals of PRODUCT and ORG (DATE), ORG). The present paper reintroduces computability logic in a more compact and less technical way. It is written in a semitutorial style with a general computer science, logic or mathematics audience in mind. An Internet source on the subject is available at ORG, and additional material at http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/gsoll.html .",0 "In this article, we perform a systematic study of the mass spectrum of the vector hidden charmed and bottomed tetraquark states using the ORG sum rules.","In this article, we construct the $ORG \gamma_\mu C$ and $MONEY ORG type currents to interpolate the vector tetraquark states, then carry out the operator product expansion up to the vacuum condensates of dimension-10 in a consistent way, and CARDINAL ORG sum rules. In calculations, we use the formula $\mu=\sqrt{M^2_{Y}-(2{\mathbb{M}}_c)^2}$ to determine the optimal energy scales of the ORG spectral densities, moreover, we take the experimental values of the masses of the $GPE, $MONEY, $Y(4390)$ and $PERSON as input parameters and fit the pole residues to reproduce the correlation functions at the ORG side. The numerical results support assigning the $PERSON to be the $C \otimes \gamma_\mu CARDINAL type vector tetraquark ORG $c\bar{c}s\bar{s}$, assigning the $Y(4360/4320)$ to be $MONEY \otimes \gamma_5\gamma_\mu C$ type vector tetraquark state $PERSON, and disfavor assigning the $GPE and $PERSON to be the pure vector tetraquark states.",1 "This paper considers an inverse problem for the classical wave equation in an exterior domain. It is a mathematical interpretation of an inverse obstacle problem which employs the dynamical scattering data of NORP wave over a finite time interval. It is assumed that the wave satisfies a PERSON type boundary condition with an unknown variable coefficient. The wave is generated by the initial data localized outside the obstacle and observed over a finite time interval at the same place as the support of the initial data. It is already known that, using the enclosure method, one can extract the maximum sphere whose exterior encloses the obstacle, from the data. In this paper, it is shown that the enclosure method enables us to extract also: (i) a quantity which indicates the deviation of the geometry between the maximum sphere and the boundary of the obstacle at the ORDINAL reflection points of the wave; (ii) the value of the coefficient of the boundary condition at an arbitrary ORDINAL reflection point of the wave provided, for example, the surface of the obstacle is known in a neighbourhood of the point. Another new obtained knowledge is that: the enclosure method can cover the case when the data are taken over a sphere whose centre coincides with that of the support of an initial data and yields corresponding results to (i) and (ii).","A mathematical method for through-wall imaging via wave phenomena in the time domain is introduced. The method makes use of a single reflected wave over a finite time interval and gives us a criterion whether a penetrable obstacle exists or not in a general rough background medium. Moreover, if the obstacle exists, the lower and upper estimates of the distance between the obstacle and the center point of the support of the initial data are given. As an evidence of the potential of the method CARDINAL applications are also given.",1 "We propose that operator induction serves as an adequate model of perception. We explain how to reduce universal agent models to operator induction. We propose a universal measure of operator induction fitness, and show how it can be used in a reinforcement learning model and a homeostasis (self-preserving) agent based on the free energy principle. We show that the action of the homeostasis agent can be explained by the operator induction model.","The advantages of mixed approach with using different kinds of programming techniques for symbolic manipulation are discussed. The main purpose of approach offered is merge the methods of object oriented programming that convenient for presentation data and algorithms for user with advantages of functional languages for data manipulation, internal presentation, and portability of software.",0 "We show that several constraint propagation algorithms (also called (local) consistency, consistency enforcing, PERSON, filtering or narrowing algorithms) are instances of algorithms that deal with chaotic iteration. To this end we propose a simple abstract framework that allows us to classify and compare these algorithms and to establish in a uniform way their basic properties.","The covariance graph (PERSON graph) of a probability distribution $p$ is the undirected graph $MONEY where CARDINAL nodes are adjacent iff their corresponding random variables are marginally dependent in $p$. In this paper, we present a graphical criterion for reading dependencies from $MONEY, under the assumption that $p$ satisfies the graphoid properties as well as weak transitivity and composition. We prove that the graphical criterion is sound and complete in certain sense. We argue that our assumptions are not too restrictive. For instance, all the regular NORP probability distributions satisfy them.",0 "Urban mobility systems are composed multiple elements with strong interactions, i.e. their future is co-determined by the state of other elements. Thus, studying components in isolation, i.e. using a reductionist approach, is inappropriate. I propose CARDINAL recommendations to improve urban mobility based on insights from the scientific study of complex systems: use adaptation over prediction, regulate interactions to avoid friction, use sensors to recover real time information, develop adaptive algorithms to exploit that information, and deploy agents to act on the urban environment.","It is found that in the SM the Ward-Takahashi(WT) identities of the axial-vector currents and the charged vector currents of fermions are invalid after spontaneous symmetry breaking. The spin-0 components of ORG and PERSON fields are revealed from the invalidity of these GPE identities. The masses of these spin-0 components are at $10^{14}$GeV. They are ghosts. Therefore, unitarity of the ORG after spontaneous symmetry breaking is broken at $MONEY",0 "This chapter presents a theoretical framework for evaluating next generation search engines. We focus on search engines whose results presentation is enriched with additional information and does not merely present the usual list of CARDINAL blue links, that is, of CARDINAL links to results, accompanied by a short description. While Web search is used as an example here, the framework can easily be applied to search engines in any other area. The framework not only addresses the results presentation, but also takes into account an extension of the general design of retrieval effectiveness tests. The chapter examines the ways in which this design might influence the results of such studies and how a reliable test is best designed.","Given a compatible vector field on a compact connected almost-complex manifold, we show in this article that the multiplicities of eigenvalues among the CARDINAL point set of this vector field have intimate relations. We highlight a special case of our result and reinterpret it as a vanishing-type result in the framework of the celebrated ORG localization formula. This new point of view, via the Chern-Weil theory and a strengthened version of PERSON's residue formula observed by ORG, can lead to an obstruction to Killing real holomorphic vector fields on compact NORP manifolds in terms of a curvature integral.",0 "We give formulae that yield an information about the location of an unknown polygonal inclusion having unknown constant conductivity inside a known conductive material having known constant conductivity from a partial knowledge of the Neumann -to-Dirichlet operator.","This encyclopedic article gives a mini-introduction into the theory of universal learning, founded by PERSON in DATE and significantly developed and extended in DATE. It explains the spirit of universal learning, but necessarily glosses over technical subtleties.",0 "This article is a brief personal account of the past, present, and future of algorithmic randomness, emphasizing its role in inductive inference and artificial intelligence. It is written for a general audience interested in science and philosophy. Intuitively, randomness is a lack of order or predictability. If randomness is the opposite of determinism, then algorithmic randomness is the opposite of computability. Besides many other things, these concepts have been used to quantify ORG's razor, solve the induction problem, and define intelligence.","In this paper, for an even dimensional compact manifold with boundary which has the non-product metric near the boundary, we use the noncommutative residue to define a conformal invariant pair. For a CARDINAL-dimensional manifold, we compute this conformal invariant pair under some conditions and point out the way of computations in the general.",0 "Machine learning often needs to model density from a multidimensional data sample, including correlations between coordinates. Additionally, we often have missing data case: that data points can miss values for some of coordinates. This article adapts rapid parametric density estimation approach for this purpose: modelling density as a linear combination of orthonormal functions, for which MONEY optimization says that (independently) estimated coefficient for a given function is just average over the sample of value of this function. Hierarchical correlation reconstruction ORDINAL models probability density for each separate coordinate using all its appearances in data sample, then adds corrections from independently modelled pairwise correlations using all samples having both coordinates, and so on independently adding correlations for growing numbers of variables using often decreasing evidence in data sample. A basic application of such modelled multidimensional density can be imputation of missing coordinates: by inserting known coordinates to the density, and taking expected values for the missing coordinates, or even their entire joint probability distribution. Presented method can be compared with cascade correlations approach, offering several advantages in flexibility and accuracy. It can be also used as artificial neuron: maximizing prediction capabilities for only local behavior - modelling and predicting local connections.","We provide a simple physical interpretation, in the context of the ORDINAL law of thermodynamics, to the information inequality (a.k.a. the GPE' inequality, which is also equivalent to the log-sum inequality), asserting that the relative entropy between CARDINAL probability distributions cannot be negative. Since this inequality stands at the basis of the data processing theorem (ORG), and the ORG in turn is at the heart of most, if not all, proofs of converse theorems in FAC theory, it is observed that conceptually, the roots of fundamental limits of ORG can actually be attributed to the laws of physics, in particular, to the ORDINAL law of thermodynamics, and at least indirectly, also to the law of energy conservation. By the same token, in the other direction: one can view the ORDINAL law as stemming from information-theoretic principles.",0 "A nonlinear model with response variable missing at random is studied. In order to improve the coverage accuracy, the empirical likelihood ratio (ORG) method is considered. The asymptotic distribution of EL statistic and also of its approximation is MONEY if the parameters are estimated using least squares(LS) or least absolute deviation(LAD) method on complete data. When the response are reconstituted using a semiparametric method, the empirical log-likelihood associated on imputed data is also asymptotically $MONEY The PERSON's theorem for ORG for parameter on response variable is also satisfied. It is shown via PERSON simulations that the ORG methods outperform the normal approximation based method in terms of coverage probability up to and including on the reconstituted data. The advantages of the proposed method are exemplified on the real data.","ORG black holes in NORP effective spacetime of moving vortical plasmas described by moving magnetohydrodynamic (ORG) flows. This example is an extension of acoustic torsion recently introduced in the literature (PERSON,PRD(2004),7,64004), where now the presence of artificial black holes in moving plasmas is obtained by the presence of an horizon in the NORP spacetime. Hawking radiation is computed in terms of the background magnetic field and the magnetic permeability. The metric is singular although GPE analogue torsion is not necessarily singular. The effective PERSON invariance is shown to be broken due to the presence of effective torsion in strong analogy with the ORG-GPE gravitational case presented recently by PERSON (PRD 69,2004,105009).",0 "Data for phi -> gamma (eta-pizero) are analysed using the ORG loop model and compared with parameters of GPE) derived from ORG data. The eta-pi mass spectrum agrees closely and the absolute normalisation lies just within errors. However, ORG parameters for fo(980) predict a normalisation for phi -> gamma (pizero-pizero) at least a factor CARDINAL lower than is observed. This discrepancy may be eliminated by including constructive interference between fo(980) and sigma. The magnitude required for sigma -> ORG is consistent with data on pi-pi -> ORG. A dispersion relation analysis by ORG and PERSON ORG leads to a similar conclusion. Data on pi-pi -> eta-eta also require decays of sigma to eta-eta. CARDINAL sets of pi-pi -> ORG data all require a small but definite fo(1370) signal.","Both sigma and kappa are well established from PRODUCT data on DATE and Ds->Kpipi and ORG data on J/Psi -> omega pi pi and PERSON. These fits are accurately consistent with pipi and PERSON elastic scattering when CARDINAL allows for the PERSON CARDINAL which arises from ORG. The phase variation with mass is consistent between elastic scattering and production data. Possible interpretations of sigma, kappa, fo(980) and ao(980) are explored. The experimental ratio g^2(fo(980)->KK)/g^2(ao(980)->KK) = CARDINAL+-0.5 suggests strongly that fo(980) has a large ORG component in its wave function. This is a natural consequence of its pole lying very close to the ORG threshold.",1 "Sequential decision theory formally solves the problem of rational agents in uncertain worlds if the true environmental prior probability distribution is known. PERSON's theory of universal induction formally solves the problem of sequence prediction for unknown prior distribution. We combine both ideas and get a parameter-free theory of universal ORG. We give strong arguments that the resulting AIXI model is the most intelligent unbiased agent possible. We outline how the AIXI model can formally solve a number of problem classes, including sequence prediction, strategic games, function minimization, reinforcement and supervised learning. The major drawback of the AIXI model is that it is uncomputable. To overcome this problem, we construct a modified algorithm AIXItl that is still effectively more intelligent than any other time t and length l bounded agent. The computation time of AIXItl is of the order t x 2^l. The discussion includes formal definitions of intelligence order relations, the horizon problem and relations of the AIXI theory to other ORG approaches.","We provide a remarkably compact proof that spherically symmetric neutral black holes cannot support static nonminimally coupled massless scalar fields. The theorem is based on causality restrictions imposed on the energy-momentum tensor of the fields near the regular black-hole horizon.",0 "Is the universe computable? If so, it may be much cheaper in terms of information requirements to compute all computable universes instead of just ours. I apply basic concepts of NORP complexity theory to the set of possible universes, and chat about perceived and true randomness, life, generalization, and learning in a given universe.","We analyse notion of independence in the ORG framework by using comparative analysis of independence in conventional and frequency probability theories. Such an analysis is important to demonstrate that ORG's inequality was obtained by using totally unjustified assumptions (e.g. the ORG factorability condition). Our frequency analysis also demonstrated that ORG arguments based on ""the experimenter's freedom to choose settings"" to support the standard ORG approach are neither justified by the structure of the ORG experiment. Finally, our analysis supports the original PERSON's viewpoint that ORG mechanics is simply not complete.",0 "When PERSON layed the foundations of theoretical computer science in DATE, he also introduced essential concepts of the theory of ORG (AI). Although much of subsequent ORG research has focused on heuristics, which still play a major role in many practical AI applications, in the new millennium AI theory has finally become a full-fledged formal science, with important optimality results for embodied agents living in unknown environments, obtained through a combination of theory a la PERSON and probability theory. Here we look back at important milestones of ORG history, mention essential recent results, and speculate about what we may expect from DATE, emphasizing the significance of the ongoing dramatic hardware speedups, and discussing ORG-inspired, self-referential, self-improving universal problem solvers.","I review unsupervised or self-supervised neural networks playing minimax games in game-theoretic settings. (i) Adversarial Curiosity (ORG, DATE) is based on CARDINAL such networks. CARDINAL network learns to probabilistically generate outputs, the other learns to predict effects of the outputs. Each network minimizes the objective function maximized by the other. (ii) ORG (GANs, DATE) are an application of ORG where the effect of an output is CARDINAL if the output is in a given set, and CARDINAL otherwise. (iii) Predictability Minimization (PM, 1990s) models data distributions through a neural encoder that maximizes the objective function minimized by a neural predictor of the code components. We correct a previously published claim that PM is not based on a minimax game.",1 "Variation of the CARDINAL-D string cosmology action with dynamical torsion and massless dilatons lead to an expression of torsion in terms of massless dilatons in the case of de Sitter inflation.The solution is approximated according to the ORG data.","ORG electrodynamics in CARDINAL+1-spacetimes with torsion is investigated. We start from the usual ORG (ORG) electrodynamics NORP and GPE torsion is introduced in the covariant derivative and by a direct coupling of torsion vector to the ORG field. Variation of the NORP with respect to torsion shows that ORG field is proportional to the product of the square of the scalar field and torsion. The electric field is proportional to torsion vector and the magnetic flux is computed in terms of the time-component of the CARDINAL dimensional torsion. Contrary to early massive electrodynamics in the present model the photon mass does not depend on torsion.",1 "The paper describes multistage design of composite (modular) systems (i.e., design of a system trajectory). This design process consists of the following: (i) definition of a set of time/logical points; (ii) modular design of the system for each time/logical point (e.g., on the basis of combinatorial synthesis as hierarchical morphological design or multiple choice problem) to obtain several system solutions; (iii) selection of the system solution for each time/logical point while taking into account their quality and the quality of compatibility between neighbor selected system solutions (here, combinatorial synthesis is used as well). Mainly, the examined time/logical points are based on a time chain. In addition, CARDINAL complicated cases are considered: (a) the examined logical points are based on a tree-like structure, (b) the examined logical points are based on a digraph. Numerical examples illustrate the approach.","Horizonless spacetimes describing highly compact exotic objects with reflecting (instead of absorbing) surfaces have recently attracted much attention from physicists and mathematicians as possible quantum-gravity alternatives to canonical classical black-hole spacetimes. Interestingly, it has recently been proved that spinning compact objects with angular momenta in the sub-critical regime ${\bar a}\equiv ORG are characterized by an infinite countable set of surface radii, $\{r_{\text{c}}({\bar a};n)\}^{n=\infty}_{n=1}$, that can support asymptotically flat static configurations made of massless scalar fields. In the present paper we study analytically the physical properties of ultra-spinning exotic compact objects with dimensionless angular momenta in the complementary regime ${\bar a}>1$. It is proved that ultra-spinning reflecting compact objects with dimensionless angular momenta in the super-critical regime MONEY a}|^{-1}<1$ are characterized by a finite discrete family of surface radii, $MONEY ORG=ORG, distributed symmetrically around $r=M$, that can support spatially regular static configurations of massless scalar fields (here the integers $\{l,PERSON are the harmonic indices of the supported static scalar field modes). Interestingly, the largest supporting surface radius $MONEY a})\equiv \text{max}_n\{r_{\text{c}}({\bar a};n)\}$ marks the onset of superradiant instabilities in the composed ultra-spinning-exotic-compact-object-massless-scalar-field system.",0 "This paper explores the problem of ORG measurement complexity. In computability theory, the complexity of a problem is determined by how long it takes an effective algorithm to solve it. This complexity may be compared to the difficulty for a hypothetical oracle machine, the output of which may be verified by a computable function but cannot be simulated on a physical machine. We define a ORG oracle machine for measurements as one that can determine the state by examining a single copy. The complexity of measurement for a realizable machine will then be respect to the number of copies of the state that needs to be examined. A ORG oracle cannot perform simultaneous exact measurement of conjugate variables, although approximate measurement may be performed as circumscribed by the NORP uncertainty relations. When considering the measurement of a variable, there might be residual uncertainty if the number of copies of the variable is limited. Specifically, we examine the quantum measurement complexity of linear polarization of photons that is used in several quantum cryptography schemes and we present a relation using information theoretic arguments. The idea of quantum measurement complexity is likely to find uses in measurements in biological systems.","We discuss philosophical issues concerning the notion of cognition basing ourselves in experimental results in cognitive sciences, especially in computer simulations of cognitive systems. There have been debates on the ""proper"" approach for studying cognition, but we have realized that all approaches can be in theory equivalent. Different approaches model different properties of cognitive systems from different perspectives, so we can only learn from all of them. We also integrate ideas from several perspectives for enhancing the notion of cognition, such that it can contain other definitions of cognition as special cases. This allows us to propose a simple classification of different types of cognition.",0 "Statistical inference of genetic regulatory networks is essential for understanding temporal interactions of regulatory elements inside the cells. For inferences of large networks, identification of network structure is typical achieved under the assumption of sparsity of the networks. When the number of time points in the expression experiment is not too small, we propose to infer the parameters in the ordinary differential equations using the techniques from functional data analysis (ORG) by regarding the observed time course expression data as continuous-time curves. For networks with a large number of genes, we take advantage of the sparsity of the networks by penalizing the linear coefficients with a ORG norm. The ability of the algorithm to infer network structure is demonstrated using the cell-cycle time course data for PRODUCT cerevisiae.","An extension of reproducing kernel PERSON space (ORG) theory provides a new framework for modeling functional regression models with functional responses. The approach only presumes a general nonlinear regression structure as opposed to previously studied ORG regression models. Generalized cross-validation (GCV) is proposed for automatic smoothing parameter estimation. The new ORG estimate is applied to both simulated and real data as illustrations.",1 "The aggregated citation relations among journals included in the Science PRODUCT Index provide us with a huge matrix which can be analyzed in various ways. Using principal component analysis or factor analysis, the factor scores can be used as indicators of the position of the cited journals in the citing dimensions of the database. Unrotated factor scores are exact, and the extraction of principal components can be made stepwise since the principal components are independent. Rotation may be needed for the designation, but in the rotated solution a model is assumed. This assumption can be legitimated on pragmatic or theoretical grounds. Since the resulting outcomes remain sensitive to the assumptions in the model, an unambiguous classification is no longer possible in this case. However, the factor-analytic solutions allow us to test classifications against the structures contained in the database. This will be demonstrated for the delineation of a set of biochemistry journals.","This is yet another version of the course notes in PERSON. Here we change the universal Turing machine that is used to measure program-size complexity so that the constants in our information-theoretic incompleteness theorems are further reduced. This is done by inventing a more complicated version of lisp in which the parentheses associating defined functions with their arguments can be omitted. This is the ORDINAL and last version of my course notes. It is not clear to me which is to be preferred, so all CARDINAL have been made available for comment.",0 "In this paper CARDINAL presents a new fuzzy clustering algorithm based on a dissimilarity function determined by CARDINAL parameters. This algorithm can be considered a generalization of the ORG algorithm for fuzzy clustering.","Shannon entropy was defined for probability distributions and then its using was expanded to measure the uncertainty of knowledge for systems with complete information. In this article, it is proposed to extend the using of FAC entropy to under-defined or over-defined information systems. To be able to use FAC entropy, the information is normalized by an affine transformation. The construction of affine transformation is done in CARDINAL stages: CARDINAL for homothety and another for translation. Moreover, the case of information with a certain degree of imprecision was included in this approach. Besides, the article shows the using of FAC entropy for some particular cases such as: neutrosophic information both in the trivalent and bivalent case, bifuzzy information, intuitionistic fuzzy information, imprecise fuzzy information, and fuzzy partitions.",1 "ORG is recently modelled as an exploration/ exploitation trade-off (exr/exp) problem, where the system has to choose between maximizing its expected rewards dealing with its current knowledge (exploitation) and learning more about the unknown user's preferences to improve its knowledge (exploration). This problem has been addressed by the reinforcement learning community but they do not consider the risk level of the current user's situation, where it may be dangerous to explore the non-top-ranked documents the user may not desire in his/her current situation if the risk level is high. We introduce in this paper an algorithm named CBIR-R-greedy that considers the risk level of the user's situation to adaptively balance between exr and exp.","Stationary, axisymmetric, vacuum, solutions of PERSON's equations are obtained as critical points of the total mass among all axisymmetric and $(t,\phi)$ symmetric initial data with fixed angular momentum. In this variational principle the mass is written as a positive definite integral over a spacelike hypersurface. It is also proved that if absolute minimum exists then it is equal to the absolute minimum of the mass among all maximal, axisymmetric, vacuum, initial data with fixed angular momentum. Arguments are given to support the conjecture that this minimum exists and is the extreme ORG initial data.",0 "Most of the non-asymptotic theoretical work in regression is carried out for the square loss, where estimators can be obtained through closed-form expressions. In this paper, we use and extend tools from the convex optimization literature, namely self-concordant functions, to provide simple extensions of theoretical results for the square loss to the logistic loss. We apply the extension techniques to logistic regression with regularization by the $\ell_2$-norm and regularization by the $\ell_1$-norm, showing that new results for binary classification through logistic regression can be easily derived from corresponding results for least-squares regression.","Set-functions appear in many areas of computer science and applied mathematics, such as machine learning, computer vision, operations research or electrical networks. Among these set-functions, submodular functions play an important role, similar to convex functions on vector spaces. In this tutorial, the theory of submodular functions is presented, in a self-contained way, with all results shown from ORDINAL principles. A good knowledge of convex analysis is assumed.",1 "We investigate cortical learning from the perspective of mechanism design. ORDINAL, we show that discretizing standard models of neurons and synaptic plasticity leads to rational agents maximizing simple scoring rules. ORDINAL, our main result is that the scoring rules are proper, implying that neurons faithfully encode expected utilities in their synaptic weights and encode high-scoring outcomes in their spikes. ORDINAL, with this foundation in hand, we propose a biologically plausible mechanism whereby neurons backpropagate incentives which allows them to optimize their usefulness to the rest of cortex. Finally, experiments show that networks that backpropagate incentives can learn simple tasks.","We examine the issue of stability of probability in reasoning about complex systems with uncertainty in structure. Normally, propositions are viewed as probability functions on an abstract random graph where it is implicitly assumed that the nodes of the graph have stable properties. But what if some of the nodes change their characteristics? This is a situation that cannot be covered by abstractions of either static or dynamic sets when these changes take place at regular intervals. We propose the use of sets with elements that change, and modular forms are proposed to account for CARDINAL type of such change. An expression for the dependence of the mean on the probability of the switching elements has been determined. The system is also analyzed from the perspective of decision between different hypotheses. Such sets are likely to be of use in complex system queries and in analysis of surveys.",0 "Constraint propagation algorithms form an important part of most of the constraint programming systems. We provide here a simple, yet very general framework that allows us to explain several constraint propagation algorithms in a systematic way. In this framework we proceed in CARDINAL steps. ORDINAL, we introduce a generic iteration algorithm on partial orderings and prove its correctness in an abstract setting. Then we instantiate this algorithm with specific partial orderings and functions to obtain specific constraint propagation algorithms. In particular, using the notions commutativity and semi-commutativity, we show that the {\tt AC-3}, {ORG PRODUCT}, {ORG DAC} and {\tt DPC} algorithms for achieving (directional) arc consistency and (directional) path consistency are instances of a single generic algorithm. The work reported here extends and simplifies that of NORP \citeyear{Apt99b}.","We discuss here constraint programming (CP) by using a proof-theoretic perspective. To this end we identify CARDINAL levels of abstraction. Each level sheds light on the essence of CP. In particular, the highest level allows us to bring CP closer to the computation as deduction paradigm. At the middle level we can explain various constraint propagation algorithms. Finally, at the lowest level we can address the issue of automatic generation and optimization of the constraint propagation algorithms.",1 "The canonical anticommutation relations (ORG) for fermion systems can be represented by finite-dimensional matrix algebra, but it is impossible for canonical commutation relations (ORG) for bosons. After description of more simple case with representation of ORG and (bounded) quantum computational networks via ORG algebras in the paper are discussed ORG. For representation of the algebra it is not enough to use ORG networks with fixed number of qubits and it is more convenient to consider Turing machine with essential operation of appending new cells for description of infinite tape in finite terms --- it has straightforward generalization for quantum case, but for ORG it is necessary to work with symmetrized version of the quantum PRODUCT machine. The system is called here quantum abacus due to understanding analogy with the ancient counting devices (abacus).","Current machine learning systems operate, almost exclusively, in a statistical, or model-free mode, which entails severe theoretical limits on their power and performance. Such systems cannot reason about interventions and retrospection and, therefore, cannot serve as the basis for strong ORG. To achieve human level intelligence, learning machines need the guidance of a model of reality, similar to the ones used in causal inference tasks. To demonstrate the essential role of such models, I will present a summary of CARDINAL tasks which are beyond reach of current machine learning systems and which have been accomplished using the tools of causal modeling.",0 "Suppose we allow a system to fall freely from infinity to a point near (but not beyond) the horizon of a black hole. We note that in a sense the information in the system is already lost to an observer at infinity. Once the system is too close to the horizon it does not have enough energy to send its information back because the information carrying quanta would get redshifted to a point where they get confused with Hawking radiation. If CARDINAL attempts to turn the infalling system around and bring it back to infinity for observation then it will experience ORG radiation from the required acceleration. This radiation can excite the bits in the system carrying the information, thus reducing the fidelity of this information. We find the radius where the information is essentially lost in this way, noting that this radius depends on the energy gap (and coupling) of the system. We look for some universality by using the highly degenerate BPS ground states of a quantum gravity theory (string theory) as our information storage device. For such systems one finds that the critical distance to the horizon set by ORG radiation is the geometric mean of the black hole radius and the radius of the extremal hole with ORG numbers of the ORG bound state. Overall, the results suggest that information in gravity theories should be regarded not as a quantity contained in a system, but in terms of how much of this information is accessible to another observer.","The goal of this tutorial is to promote interest in the study of random NORP networks (RBNs). These can be very interesting models, since one does not have to assume any functionality or particular connectivity of the networks to study their generic properties. Like this, RBNs have been used for exploring the configurations where life could emerge. The fact that RBNs are a generalization of cellular automata makes their research a very important topic. The tutorial, intended for a broad audience, presents the state of the art in RBNs, spanning over several lines of research carried out by different groups. We focus on research done within artificial life, as we cannot exhaust the abundant research done over DATE related to RBNs.",0 "There is a common need to search of molecular databases for compounds resembling some shape, what suggests having similar biological activity while searching for new drugs. The large size of the databases requires fast methods for such initial screening, for example based on feature vectors constructed to fulfill the requirement that similar molecules should correspond to close vectors. EVENT (ORG) is a popular approach of this type. It uses vectors of CARDINAL real number as 3 first moments of distances from CARDINAL emphasized points. These coordinates might contain unnecessary correlations and does not allow to reconstruct the approximated shape. In contrast, spherical harmonic (ORG) decomposition uses orthogonal coordinates, suggesting their independence and so lager informational content of the feature vector. There is usually considered rotationally invariant ORG descriptors, what means discarding of some essential information. This article discusses framework for descriptors with normalized rotation, for example by using principal component analysis (ORG). As CARDINAL of the most interesting are ligands which have to slide into a protein, we will introduce descriptors optimized for such flat elongated shapes. Bent deformed cylinder (ORG) describes the molecule as a cylinder which was ORDINAL bent, then deformed such that its cross-sections became ellipses of evolving shape. Legendre polynomials are used to describe the central axis of such bent cylinder. Additional polynomials are used to define evolution of such elliptic cross-section along the main axis. There will be also discussed bent cylindrical harmonics (ORG), which uses cross-sections described by cylindrical harmonics instead of ellipses. All these normalized rotation descriptors allow to reconstruct (decode) the approximated representation of the shape, hence can be also used for lossy compression purposes.","While we are usually focused on forecasting future values of time series, it is often valuable to additionally predict their entire probability distributions, e.g. to evaluate risk, PERSON simulations. On example of time series of $\approx$ 30000 ORG, there will be presented application of hierarchical correlation reconstruction for this purpose: MSE estimating polynomial as joint density for (current value, context), where context is for example a few previous values. Then substituting the currently observed context and normalizing density to CARDINAL, we get predicted probability distribution for the current value. In contrast to standard machine learning approaches like neural networks, optimal polynomial coefficients here have inexpensive direct formula, have controllable accuracy, are unique and independently calculated, each has a specific cumulant-like interpretation, and such approximation can asymptotically approach complete description of any real joint distribution - providing universal tool to quantitatively describe and exploit statistical dependencies in time series, systematically enhancing ORG/ARCH-like approaches, also based on different distributions than NORP which turns out improper for DATE log returns. There is also discussed application for non-stationary time series like calculating ORG time trend, or adapting coefficients to local statistical behavior.",1 "The black hole information paradox is a very poorly understood problem. It is often believed that GPE's argument is not precisely formulated, and a more careful accounting of naturally occurring ORG corrections will allow the radiation process to become unitary. We show that such is not the case, by proving that small corrections to the leading order Hawking computation cannot remove the entanglement between the radiation and the hole. We formulate ORG's argument as a `theorem': assuming `traditional' physics at the horizon and usual assumptions of locality we will be forced into mixed states or remnants. We also argue that one cannot explain away the problem by invoking ORG/CFT duality. We conclude with recent results on the quantum physics of black holes which show the the interior of black holes have a `fuzzball' structure. This nontrivial structure of microstates resolves the information paradox, and gives a qualitative picture of how classical intuition can break down in black hole physics.","The black hole information paradox is resolved in string theory by a radical change in the picture of the hole: black hole microstates are horizon sized quantum gravity objects called `fuzzballs' instead of vacuum regions with a central singularity. The requirement of causality implies that the quantum gravity wavefunctional $\Psi$ has an important component not present in the semiclassical picture: virtual fuzzballs. The large mass $MONEY of the fuzzballs would suppress their virtual fluctuations, but this suppression is compensated by the large number -- $MONEY -- of possible fuzzballs. These fuzzballs are extended compression-resistant objects. The presence of these objects in the vacuum wavefunctional alters the physics of collapse when a horizon is about to form; this resolves the information paradox. We argue that these virtual fuzzballs also resist the curving of spacetime, and so cancel out the large cosmological constant created by the vacuum energy of local quantum fields. Assuming that the ORG theorem holds to leading order, we can map the black hole information problem to a problem in cosmology. Using the virtual fuzzball component of the wavefunctional, we give a qualitative picture of the evolution of $\Psi$ which is consistent with the requirements placed by the information paradox.",1 "We introduce a model of SU(2) and ORG) vector fields with a local U(2) symmetry. Its action can be obtained in the GPE limit of a gauge invariant regularization involving CARDINAL scalar fields. Evidence from lattice simulations of the model supports a (CARDINAL temperature) SU(2) deconfining phase transition through breaking of the SU(2) center symmetry, and a massive vector PERSON triplet is found in the deconfined phase.","PERSON chain PERSON simulations of pure SU(2)xU(1) lattice gauge theory show a (CARDINAL temperature) deconfining phase transition in the SU(2) gluon sector when a term is added to the SU(2) and U(1) Wilson actions, which requires joint U(2) gauge transformations of the SU(2) and ORG) vector fields. Investigations of this deconfined phase are of interest as it could provide an alternative to the NORP mechanism.",1 "PERSON's PERSON (IDM) for categorical i.i.d. data extends the classical PRODUCT model to a set of priors. It overcomes several fundamental problems which other approaches to uncertainty suffer from. Yet, to be useful in practice, CARDINAL needs efficient ways for computing the imprecise=robust sets or intervals. The main objective of this work is to derive exact, conservative, and approximate, robust and credible interval estimates under the ORG for a large class of statistical estimators, including the entropy and mutual information.","We provide here a simple, yet very general framework that allows us to explain several constraint propagation algorithms in a systematic way. In particular, using the notions commutativity and semi-commutativity, we show how the well-known AC-3, ORG, ORG and ORG algorithms are instances of a single generic algorithm. The work reported here extends and simplifies that of NORP, cs.PERSON.",0 "A careful analysis of conditioning in the Sleeping Beauty problem is done, using the formal model for reasoning about knowledge and probability developed by ORG and ORG. While the Sleeping Beauty problem has been viewed as revealing problems with conditioning in the presence of imperfect recall, the analysis done here reveals that the problems are not so much due to imperfect recall as to asynchrony. The implications of this analysis for PERSON ORG Sure-Thing Principle are considered.","Despite the promise of brain-inspired machine learning, deep neural networks (DNN) have frustratingly failed to bridge the deceptively large gap between learning and memory. Here, we introduce a ORG; a new type of DNN that is capable of brain-like dynamic 'on the fly' learning because it exists in a self-supervised state of ORG. Thus, we provide the means to unify learning and memory within a machine learning framework. We also explore the elegant duality of abstraction and synthesis: the PERSON and PERSON of deep learning.",0 "This is a response to the commentaries on ""WORK_OF_ART"".","This short note discusses the role of syntax vs. semantics and the interplay between logic, philosophy, and language in computer science and game theory.",1 "We provide here an epistemic analysis of arbitrary strategic games based on the possibility correspondences. Such an analysis calls for the use of transfinite iterations of the corresponding operators. Our approach is based on ORG's PERSON and applies both to the notions of rationalizability and the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies.","Blind ORG computing enables a client, who does not have enough quantum technologies, to delegate her ORG computing to a remote quantum server in such a way that her privacy is protected against the server. Some blind ORG computing protocols can be made verifiable, which means that the client can check the correctness of server's ORG computing. Can any blind protocol always be made verifiable? In this paper, we answer to the open problem affirmatively. We propose a plug-in that makes any universal blind ORG computing protocol automatically verifiable. The idea is that the client blindly generates ORG history states corresponding to the quantum circuit that solves client's problem and its complement circuit. The client can learn the solution of the problem and verify its correctness at the same time by measuring energies of local NORP on these states. Measuring energies of local NORP can be done with only single qubit measurements of GPE operators.",0 "Cosmology seems extremely remote from everyday human practice and experience. It is usually taken for granted that cosmological data cannot rationally influence our beliefs about the fate of humanity -- and possible other intelligent species -- except perhaps in the extremely distant future, when the question of heat death (in an ever-expanding universe) becomes actual. Here, an attempt is made to show that it may become a practical issue much sooner, if an intelligent community wishes to maximize its creative potential. New developments in the fields of anthropic self-selection and physical eschatology give solid foundations to such a conclusion. This may open some new (and possibly urgent) issues in the areas of future policy making and transhumanist studies generally. It may also give us a slightly better perspective on the ORG endeavor.","We critically investigate some evolutionary aspects of the famous ORG equation, which is usually presented as the central guide for the research on extraterrestrial intelligence. It is shown that the PERSON equation tacitly relies on unverifiable and possibly false assumptions on both the physico-chemical history of our ORG and the properties of advanced intelligent communities. The importance of recent results of GPE on chemical build-up of inhabitable planets for ORG is emphasized. CARDINAL important evolutionary effects are briefly discussed and the resolution of the difficulties within the context of the phase-transition astrobiological models sketched.",1 "An algorithm $M$ is described that solves any well-defined problem $p$ as quickly as the fastest algorithm computing a solution to $p$, save for a factor of CARDINAL and low-order additive terms. $M$ optimally distributes resources between the execution of provably correct $p$-solving programs and an enumeration of all proofs, including relevant proofs of program correctness and of time bounds on program runtimes. $M$ avoids PERSON's speed-up theorem by ignoring programs without correctness proof. $M$ has broader applicability and can be faster than PERSON's universal search, the fastest method for inverting functions save for a large multiplicative constant. An extension of NORP complexity and CARDINAL novel natural measures of function complexity are used to show that the most efficient program computing some function $GPE is also among the shortest programs provably computing $f$.","We give a brief introduction to the AIXI model, which unifies and overcomes the limitations of sequential decision theory and universal PERSON induction. While the former theory is suited for active agents in known environments, the latter is suited for passive prediction of unknown environments.",1 "In this article, we choose the $[sc]_P[\bar{s}\bar{c}]_A-[sc]_A[\bar{s}\bar{c}]_P$ type tetraquark current to study the hadronic coupling constants in the strong decays $Y(4660)\to ORG, $\eta_c ORG, $ORG, $MONEY, $ MONEY* \bar{D}^*_s$, $ D_s \bar{D}^*_s$, $D_s^* \bar{D}_s$, $\psi^\prime \pi^+\pi^-$, $PERSON with the ORG sum rules based on solid quark-hadron quality. The predicted width $PERSON) )= CARDINAL is in excellent agreement with the experimental data $MONEY 11\pm 1 {\mbox{ MeV}}$ from the GPE collaboration, which supports assigning the $Y(4660)$ to be the $[sc]_P[\bar{s}\bar{c}]_A-[sc]_A[\bar{s}\bar{c}]_P$ type tetraquark state with $J^{PC}=1^{--}$. In calculations, we observe that the hadronic coupling constants MONEY f_0}|\gg |G_{Y ORG f_0}|$, which is consistent with the observation of the $Y(4660)$ in the $PERSON mass spectrum, and favors the MONEY assignment. It is important to search for the process $Y(4660)\to ORG \phi(1020)$ to diagnose the nature of the $Y(4660)$, as the decay is greatly suppressed.","A simple method for some class of inverse obstacle scattering problems is introduced. The observation data are given by a wave field measured on a known surface surrounding unknown obstacles over a finite time interval. The wave is generated by an initial data with compact support outside the surface. The method yields the distance from a given point outside the surface to obstacles and thus more than the convex hull.",0 "An ultrametric topology formalizes the notion of hierarchical structure. An ultrametric embedding, referred to here as ultrametricity, is implied by a natural hierarchical embedding. Such hierarchical structure can be global in the data set, or local. By quantifying extent or degree of ultrametricity in a data set, we show that ultrametricity becomes pervasive as dimensionality and/or spatial sparsity increases. This leads us to assert that very high dimensional data are of simple structure. We exemplify this finding through a range of simulated data cases. We discuss also application to very high frequency time series segmentation and modeling.","ORG researchers attempting to align values of highly capable intelligent systems with those of humanity face a number of challenges including personal value extraction, multi-agent value merger and finally in-silico encoding. State-of-the-art research in value alignment shows difficulties in every stage in this process, but merger of incompatible preferences is a particularly difficult challenge to overcome. In this paper we assume that the value extraction problem will be solved and propose a possible way to implement an ORG solution which optimally aligns with individual preferences of each user. We conclude by analyzing benefits and limitations of the proposed approach.",0 "In classical problem solving, there is of course correlation between the selection of the problem on the part of PERSON (the problem setter) and that of the solution on the part of PERSON (the problem solver). In ORG problem solving, this correlation becomes quantum. This means that PERSON contributes to selecting PERCENT of the information that specifies the problem. As the solution is a function of the problem, this gives to PERSON advanced knowledge of PERCENT of the information that specifies the solution. Both the quadratic and exponential speed ups are explained by the fact that ORG algorithms start from this advanced knowledge.","A bare description of the seminal ORG algorithm devised by PERSON could mean more than an introduction to ORG computing. It could contribute to opening the field to interdisciplinary research.",1 "Coding technology is used in several information processing tasks. In particular, when noise during transmission disturbs communications, coding technology is employed to protect the information. However, there are CARDINAL types of coding technology: coding in classical information theory and coding in quantum information theory. Although the physical media used to transmit information ultimately obey quantum mechanics, we need to choose the type of coding depending on the kind of information device, classical or quantum, that is being used. In both branches of information theory, there are many elegant theoretical results under the ideal assumption that an infinitely large system is available. In a realistic situation, we need to account for finite size effects. The present paper reviews finite size effects in classical and quantum information theory with respect to various topics, including applied aspects.","In the setting of a metric space equipped with a doubling measure that supports a Poincar\'e inequality, we show that any set of finite perimeter can be approximated in the ORG norm by a set whose topological and measure theoretic boundaries almost coincide. This result appears to be new even in the LOC setting. The work relies on a quasicontinuity-type result for ORG functions proved by ORG (DATE).",0 "We give a new existence proof for closed hypersurfaces of prescribed mean curvature in GPE manifolds.","The existence of closed hypersurfaces of prescribed curvature in semi-riemannian manifolds is proved provided there are barriers.",1 "In this work, various versions of the so-called ORG are provided, which ensure differentiability properties of pushforwrds between spaces of C^r-sections (or compactly supported C^r-sections) in vector bundles over finite-dimensional base manifolds whose fibres are (possibly infinite-dimensional) locally convex spaces. Applications are given, including the proof of continuity for some natural module multiplications on spaces of sections and the construction of certain infinite-dimensional Lie groups of GPE group-valued maps.","This paper is devoted to such a fundamental problem of ORG computing as ORG parallelism. It is well known that ORG parallelism is the basis of the ability of ORG computer to perform in polynomial time computations performed by classical computers for exponential time. Therefore better understanding of ORG parallelism is important both for theoretical and applied research, cf. e.g. PERSON \cite{DD}. We present a realistic interpretation based on recently developed prequantum classical statistical field theory (PCSFT). In the PCSFT-approach to QM quantum states (mixed as well as pure) are labels of special ensembles of classical fields. Thus e.g. a single (!) ``electron in the pure state'' $\psi$ can be identified with a special `` electron random field,'' say MONEY ORG computer operates with such random fields. By CARDINAL computational step for e.g. a NORP function $MONEY...,x_n)$ the initial random field $\Phi_{\psi_0}(\phi)$ is transformed into the final random field $\Phi_{\psi_f}(\phi)$ ``containing all values'' of $MONEY This is the objective of ORG computer's ability to operate quickly with huge amounts of information -- in fact, with classical random fields.",0 "Reprogramming matter may sound far-fetched, but we have been doing it with increasing power and staggering efficiency for DATE, and for centuries we have been paving the way toward the ultimate reprogrammed fate of the universe, the vessel of all programs. How will we be doing it in DATE time and how will it impact life and the purpose both of machines and of humans?","Consider the self-map F of the space of real-valued test functions on the line which takes a test function f to the test function sending a real number x to f(f(x))-f(0). We show that PRODUCT is discontinuous, although its restriction to the space of functions supported in K is smooth (and thus continuous), for each compact subset K of the line. More generally, we construct mappings with analogous pathological properties on spaces of compactly supported smooth sections in vector bundles over non-compact bases. The results are useful in infinite-dimensional Lie theory, where they can be used to analyze the precise direct limit properties of test function groups and groups of compactly supported diffeomorphisms.",0 "In this article, we take the $GPE as the vector tetraquark state with $PERSON, and construct the $C\gamma_5\otimes\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial}_\mu\otimes \gamma_5C$ type diquark-antidiquark current to study its mass and pole residue with the ORG sum rules in details by taking into account the vacuum condensates up to dimension CARDINAL in a consistent way. The predicted mass $PERSON is in excellent agreement with experimental data and supports assigning the $Y(4260/4220)$ to be the $C\gamma_5\otimes\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial}_\mu\otimes \gamma_5C$ type vector tetraquark state, and disfavors assigning the $PERSON to be the $C\gamma_5\otimes\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial}_\mu\otimes \gamma_5C$ type vector tetraquark state. It is the ORDINAL time that the ORG sum rules have reproduced the mass of the $GPE as a vector tetraquark state.","Lecture given DATE DATE at ORG at ORG. The lecture was videotaped; this is an edited transcript.",0 "A common assumption in belief revision is that the reliability of the information sources is either given, derived from temporal information, or the same for all. This article does not describe a new semantics for integration but the problem of obtaining the reliability of the sources given the result of a previous merging. As an example, the relative reliability of CARDINAL sensors can be assessed given some certain observation, and allows for subsequent mergings of data coming from them.","In this article, we study translations between variants of defaults logics such that the extensions of the theories that are the input and the output of the translation are in a bijective correspondence. We assume that a translation can introduce new variables and that the result of translating a theory can either be produced in time polynomial in the size of the theory or its output is polynomial in that size; we however restrict to the case in which the original theory has extensions. This study fills a gap between CARDINAL previous pieces of work, CARDINAL studying bijective translations among restrictions of default logics, and the other one studying non-bijective translations between default logics variants.",1 "The apparent failure of individual probabilistic expressions to distinguish uncertainty about truths from uncertainty about probabilistic assessments have prompted researchers to seek formalisms where the CARDINAL types of uncertainties are given notational distinction. This paper demonstrates that the desired distinction is already a built-in feature of classical probabilistic models, thus, specialized notations are unnecessary.","The primary theme of this investigation is a decision theoretic account of conditional ought statements (e.g., ""You ought to do A, if C"") that rectifies glaring deficiencies in classical deontic logic. The resulting account forms a sound basis for qualitative decision theory, thus providing a framework for qualitative planning under uncertainty. In particular, we show that adding causal relationships (in the form of a single graph) as part of an epistemic state is sufficient to facilitate the analysis of action sequences, their consequences, their interaction with observations, their expected utilities and, hence, the synthesis of plans and strategies under uncertainty.",1 "Continuing the study of complexity theory of ORG (OTMs) that was started by ORG and the author, we prove the following results: (CARDINAL) An analogue of PERSON's theorem for OTMs holds: That is, there are languages $\mathcal{L}$ which are GPE, but neither P$^{\infty}$ nor NP$^{\infty}$-complete. This answers an open question of \cite{CLR}. (CARDINAL) The speedup theorem for Turing machines, which allows us to bring down the computation time and space usage of a Turing machine program down by an aribtrary positive factor under relatively mild side conditions by expanding the working alphabet does not hold for OTMs. (CARDINAL) We show that, for $\alpha<\beta$ such that $PERSON is the halting time of some ORG-program, there are decision problems that are ORG-decidable in time bounded by $MONEY for some $PERSON, but not in time bounded by $MONEY for any MONEY","We determine the computational complexity of approximately counting the total weight of variable assignments for every complex-weighted NORP constraint satisfaction problem (or ORG) with any number of additional unary (i.e., arity CARDINAL) constraints, particularly, when degrees of input instances are bounded from above by a fixed constant. All degree-1 counting CSPs are obviously solvable in polynomial time. When the instance's degree is CARDINAL, we present a dichotomy theorem that classifies all counting CSPs admitting free unary constraints into exactly CARDINAL categories. This classification theorem extends, to complex-weighted problems, an earlier result on the approximation complexity of unweighted counting NORP CSPs of bounded degree. The framework of the proof of our theorem is based on a theory of signature developed from PERSON's holographic algorithms that can efficiently solve seemingly intractable counting CSPs. Despite the use of arbitrary complex weight, our proof of the classification theorem is rather elementary and intuitive due to an extensive use of a novel notion of limited T-constructibility. For the remaining degree-2 problems, in contrast, they are as hard to approximate as Holant problems, which are a generalization of counting CSPs.",0 "The article presents an approach to interactively solve multi-objective optimization problems. While the identification of efficient solutions is supported by computational intelligence techniques on the basis of local search, the search is directed by partial preference information obtained from the decision maker. An application of the approach to biobjective portfolio optimization, modeled as the well-known knapsack problem, is reported, and experimental results are reported for benchmark instances taken from the literature. In brief, we obtain encouraging results that show the applicability of the approach to the described problem.","In the current paper, we present an optimization system solving multi objective production scheduling problems (MOOPPS). The identification of PERSON optimal alternatives or at least a close approximation of them is possible by a set of implemented metaheuristics. Necessary control parameters can easily be adjusted by the decision maker as the whole software is fully menu driven. This allows the comparison of different metaheuristic algorithms for the considered problem instances. Results are visualized by a graphical user interface showing the distribution of solutions in outcome space as well as their corresponding PERSON chart representation. The identification of a most preferred solution from the set of efficient solutions is supported by a module based on the aspiration interactive method (ORG). The decision maker successively defines aspiration levels until a single solution is chosen. After successfully competing in the finals in GPE, GPE, the MOOPPS software has been awarded ORG DATE (http://www.bth.se/llab/easa_2002.nsf)",1 "PERSON in 'The Singularity May Never Be Near' gives CARDINAL arguments to support his point of view that technological singularity may happen but that it is unlikely. In this paper, we provide analysis of each CARDINAL of his arguments and arrive at similar conclusions, but with more weight given to the 'likely to happen' probability.","This paper proposes an explanation of the cognitive change that occurs as the creative process proceeds. During the initial, intuitive phase, each thought activates, and potentially retrieves information from, a large region containing many memory locations. Because of the distributed, content-addressable structure of memory, the diverse contents of these many locations merge to generate the next thought. Novel associations often result. As one focuses on an idea, the region searched and retrieved from narrows, such that the next thought is the product of fewer memory locations. This enables a shift from association-based to causation-based thinking, which facilitates the fine-tuning and manifestation of the creative work.",0 "Based on our previous work on truly concurrent process algebra, we use it to unify quantum and classical computing for open and closed ORG systems. This resulted algebra can be used to verify the behaviors of ORG and classical computing mixed systems, with a flavor of true concurrency.","This article presents a technique for proving problems hard for classes of the polynomial hierarchy or for ORG. The rationale of this technique is that some problem restrictions are able to simulate existential or universal quantifiers. If this is the case, reductions from ORG (ORG) to these restrictions can be transformed into reductions from QBFs having CARDINAL more quantifier in the front. This means that a proof of hardness of a problem at level n in the polynomial hierarchy can be split into n separate proofs, which may be simpler than a proof directly showing a reduction from a class of QBFs to the considered problem.",0 "In this article, we study the light-flavor scalar and axial-vector diquark states in the vacuum and in the nuclear matter using the ORG sum rules in an systematic way, and make reasonable predictions for their masses in the vacuum and in the nuclear matter.","This paper describes a new method for reducing the error in a classifier. It uses an error correction update that includes the very simple rule of either adding or subtracting the error adjustment, based on whether the variable value is currently larger or smaller than the desired value. While a traditional neuron would sum the inputs together and then apply a function to the total, this new method can change the function decision for each input value. This gives added flexibility to the convergence procedure, where through a series of transpositions, variables that are far away can continue towards the desired value, whereas variables that are originally much closer can oscillate from CARDINAL side to the other. Tests show that the method can successfully classify some benchmark datasets. It can also work in a batch mode, with reduced training times and can be used as part of a neural network architecture. Some comparisons with an earlier wave shape paper are also made.",0 "We develop the theory and practical implementation of p-adic sparse coding of data. Rather than the standard, sparsifying criterion that uses the MONEY pseudo-norm, we use the p-adic norm. We require that the hierarchy or tree be node-ranked, as is standard practice in agglomerative and other hierarchical clustering, but not necessarily with decision trees. In order to structure the data, all computational processing operations are direct reading of the data, or are bounded by a constant number of direct readings of the data, implying linear computational time. Through p-adic sparse data coding, efficient storage results, and for bounded p-adic norm stored data, search and retrieval are constant time operations. Examples show the effectiveness of this new approach to content-driven encoding and displaying of data.","In a companion paper, ORG (DATE), we discussed how ORG work linked the unrepressed unconscious (in the human) to symmetric logic and thought processes. We showed how ultrametric topology provides a most useful representational and computational framework for this. Now we look at the extent to which we can find ultrametricity in text. We use coherent and meaningful collections of CARDINAL texts to show how we can measure inherent ultrametricity. On the basis of our findings we hypothesize that inherent ultrametricty is a basis for further exploring unconscious thought processes.",1 "An exact solution of the FAC field equations given the barotropic equation of state $PERSON yields CARDINAL possible models: (CARDINAL) if $MONEY <-1$, we obtain the most general possible anisotropic model for wormholes supported by phantom energy and (CARDINAL) if $MONEY >0$, we obtain a model for galactic rotation curves. Here the equation of state represents a perfect fluid which may include dark matter. These results illustrate the power and usefulness of exact solutions.","CARDINAL of the mainstays of the controversial ""rare LOC"" hypothesis is the ""Goldilocks problem"" regarding various parameters describing a habitable planet, partially involving the role of mass extinctions and other catastrophic processes in biological evolution. Usually, this is construed as support for the uniqueness of the LOC's biosphere and intelligent human life. Here I argue that this is a misconstrual and that, on the contrary, observation-selection effects, when applied to catastrophic processes, make it very difficult for us to discern whether the terrestrial biosphere and evolutionary processes which created it are exceptional in the Milky Way or not. In particular, an anthropic overconfidence bias related to the temporal asymmetry of evolutionary processes appears when we try to straightforwardly estimate catastrophic risks from the past records on LOC. This agnosticism, in turn, supports the validity and significance of practical astrobiological and ORG research.",0 "Blind quantum computation is a secure delegated ORG computing protocol where PERSON who does not have sufficient quantum technology at her disposal delegates her computation to PERSON who has a fully-fledged ORG computer in such a way that PERSON cannot learn anything about PERSON's input, output, and algorithm. Protocols of blind quantum computation have been proposed for several qubit measurement-based computation models, such as the graph state model, the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model, and the ORG topological model. Here, we consider blind quantum computation for the continuous-variable measurement-based model. We show that blind quantum computation is possible for the infinite squeezing case. We also show that the finite squeezing causes no additional problem in the blind setup apart from the one inherent to the continuous-variable measurement-based quantum computation.","Verifiable blind ORG computing is a secure delegated ORG computing where a client with a limited quantum technology delegates her quantum computing to a server who has a universal ORG computer. The client's privacy is protected (blindness) and the correctness of the computation is verifiable by the client in spite of her limited quantum technology (verifiability). There are mainly CARDINAL types of protocols for verifiable blind ORG computing: the protocol where the client has only to generate single-qubit states, and the protocol where the client needs only the ability of single-qubit measurements. The latter is called the measurement-only verifiable blind ORG computing. If the input of the client's quantum computing is a quantum state whose classical efficient description is not known to the client, there was no way for the measurement-only client to verify the correctness of the input. Here we introduce a new protocol of measurement-only verifiable blind ORG computing where the correctness of the quantum input is also verifiable.",1 "We study clockability for ORG (OTMs). In particular, we show that, in contrast to the situation for ITTMs, admissible ordinals can be OTM-clockable, that $\Sigma_{2}$-admissible ordinals are never OTM-clockable and that gaps in the ORG-clockable ordinals are always started by admissible limits of admissible ordinals.","The main goal of this paper is to give a pedagogical introduction to ORG-to do this in a new way, using network diagrams called ORG. A lesser goal of the paper is to propose a few new ideas, such as associating with each quantum NORP net a very useful density matrix that we call the meta density matrix.",0 "These informal notes consider ORG transforms on a simple class of nice functions and some basic properties of the PERSON transform.","This paper presents a hypothesis that consciousness is a natural result of neurons that become connected recursively, and work synchronously between short and long term memories. Such neurons demonstrate qubit-like properties, each supporting a probabilistic combination of true and false at a given phase. Advantages of qubits include probabilistic modifications of cues for searching associations in long term memory, and controlled toggling for parallel, reversible computations to prioritize multiple recalls and to facilitate mathematical abilities.",0 "We give an algebraic characterization of a form of synchronized parallel composition allowing for true concurrency, using ideas based on PERSON ""WORK_OF_ART"".","Aggregated journal-journal citation networks based on the ORG PRODUCTReports DATE of the Science Citation Index (CARDINAL journals) and ORG (CARDINAL journals) are made accessible from the perspective of any of these journals. The user is thus able to analyze the citation environment in terms of links and graphs. Furthermore, the local impact of a journal is defined as its share of the total citations in the specific journal's citation environments; the vertical size of the nodes is varied proportionally to this citation impact. The horizontal size of each node can be used to provide the same information after correction for within-journal (self)-citations. In the ""citing"" environment, the equivalents of this measure can be considered as a citation activity index which maps how the relevant journal environment is perceived by the collective of authors of a given journal. As a policy application, the mechanism of interdisciplinary developments among the sciences is elaborated for the case of nanotechnology journals.",0 "This article expands our work in [Ca16]. By its reliance on Turing computability, the classical theory of effectivity, along with effective reducibility and Weihrauch reducibility, is only applicable to objects that are either countable or can be encoded by countable objects. We propose a notion of effectivity based on ORG (OTMs) that applies to arbitrary set-theoretical $\Pi_{2}$-statements, along with according variants of effective reducibility and Weihrauch reducibility. As a sample application, we compare various choice principles with respect to effectivity. We also propose a generalization to set-theoretical formulas of arbitrary quantifier complexity.","By a theorem of Sacks, if a real $x$ is recursive relative to all elements of a set of positive PERSON measure, $PERSON is recursive. This statement, and the analogous statement for non-meagerness instead of positive PERSON measure, have been shown to carry over to many models of transfinite computations. Here, we start exploring another analogue concerning recognizability rather than computability. We introduce a notion of relativized recognizability and show that, for ORG (ITTMs), if a real $x$ is recognizable relative to all elements of a non-meager Borel set $MONEY, then $PERSON is recognizable. We also show that a relativized version of this statement holds for ORG (ITRMs). This extends our earlier work where we obtained the (unrelativized) result for ITRMs. We then introduce a jump operator for recognizability, examine its set-theoretical content and show that the recognizable jumps for ITRMs and ITTMs are primitive-recursively equivalent, even though these CARDINAL models are otherwise of vastly different strength. Finally, we introduce degrees of recognizability by considering the transitive closure of relativized recognizability and connect it with the recognizable jump operator to obtain a solution to ORG's problem for degrees of recognizability.",1 "According to the no-signaling theorem, the nonlocal collapse of the wavefunction of an entangled particle by the measurement on its twin particle at a remote location cannot be used to send useful information. Given that experiments on nonlocal correlations continue to have loopholes, we propose a stronger principle that the nonlocality of quantum mechanics itself is veiled. In practical terms, decoherence and noise compels us to view the wavefunction as representing knowledge of potential outcomes rather than the reality. Experimental evidence in favor of naked nonlocality would support the view of the wavefunction as an objective description of physical reality.","The Newcomb-Benford Law, which is also called the ORDINAL digit phenomenon, has applications in diverse phenomena ranging from social and computer networks, engineering systems, natural sciences, and accounting. In forensics, it has been used to determine intrusion in a computer server based on the measured expectations of ORDINAL digits of time varying values of data, and to check whether the information in a data base has been tampered with. There are slight deviations from the law in certain natural data, as in fundamental physical constants, and here we propose a more general PERSON distribution of which the WORK_OF_ART is a special case so that it can be used to provide a better fit to such data, and also open the door to a mathematical examination of the origins of such deviations.",1 "New to neuroscience with implications for ORG, the exclusive OR, or any other GPE gate may be biologically accomplished within a single region where active dendrites merge. This is demonstrated below using dynamic circuit analysis. Medical knowledge aside, this observation points to the possibility of specially coated conductors to accomplish artificial dendrites.","When training deep neural networks, it is typically assumed that the training examples are uniformly difficult to learn. Or, to restate, it is assumed that the training error will be uniformly distributed across the training examples. Based on these assumptions, each training example is used an equal number of times. However, this assumption may not be valid in many cases. ""Oddball SGD"" (novelty-driven stochastic gradient descent) was recently introduced to drive training probabilistically according to the error distribution - training frequency is proportional to training error magnitude. In this article, using a deep neural network to encode a video, we show that oddball SGD can be used to enforce uniform error across the training set.",0 "Both sigma and kappa are well established from PRODUCT data on DATE and D->K-pi-pi$ and ORG data on J/Psi->omega-pi-pi and PERSON. Fits to these data are accurately consistent with NORP and PERSON elastic scattering when CARDINAL allows for the PERSON CARDINAL which arises from ORG. The phase variation with mass is also consistent between elastic scattering and production data.","In production processes, e.g. WORK_OF_ART or ORG ORDINAL, the sigma and fo(980) overlap in the same partial wave. The conjecture of ORG (ORG) states that the pi-pi pair should have the same phase variation as pi-pi elastic scattering. This is an extension of PERSON's theorem beyond its original derivation, which stated only that the s-dependence of a single resonance should be universal. The prediction of ORG is that the deep dip observed in NORP elastic scattering close to CARDINAL GeV should also appear in production data. CARDINAL sets of data disagree with this prediction. All require different relative magnitudes of sigma and fo(980). That being so, a fresh conjecture is to rewrite the CARDINAL-body unitarity relation for production in terms of observed magnitudes. This leads to a prediction different to ORG. Central production data from the ORG experiment fit naturally to this hypothesis.",1 "We compute the amplitudes for the insertion of various operators in a quark CARDINAL-point function at CARDINAL loop in the RI' symmetric momentum scheme, RI'/SMOM. Specifically we focus on the moments n = CARDINAL and 3 of the flavour non-singlet twist-2 operators used in deep inelastic scattering as these are required for lattice computations.","Slime mould \emph{Physarum polycephalum} is a large single cell capable for distributed sensing, concurrent information processing, parallel computation and decentralised actuation. The ease of culturing and experimenting with ORG makes this slime mould an ideal substrate for real-world implementations of unconventional sensing and computing devices. In DATE the GPE became a NORP knife of the unconventional computing: give the slime mould a problem it will solve it. We provide a concise summary of what exact computing and sensing operations are implemented with live slime mould. The ORG devices range from morphological processors for computational geometry to experimental archeology tools, from self-routing wires to memristors, from devices approximating a shortest path to analog physical models of space exploration.",0 "In this paper we extend an earlier result within ORG theory [""Fast Dempster-Shafer Clustering Using a Neural Network Structure,"" in GPE. ORG. Conf. ORG in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU CARDINAL)] where a large number of pieces of evidence are clustered into subsets by a neural network structure. The clustering is done by minimizing a metaconflict function. Previously we developed a method based on iterative optimization. While the neural method had a much lower computation time than iterative optimization its average clustering performance was not as good. Here, we develop a hybrid of the CARDINAL methods. We let the neural structure do the initial clustering in order to achieve a high computational performance. Its solution is ORG as the initial state to the iterative optimization in order to improve the clustering performance.","In this paper we study a problem within ORG theory where CARDINAL pieces of evidence are clustered by a neural structure into n clusters. The clustering is done by minimizing a metaconflict function. Previously we developed a method based on iterative optimization. However, for large scale problems we need a method with lower computational complexity. The neural structure was found to be effective and much faster than iterative optimization for larger problems. While the growth in metaconflict was faster for the neural structure compared with iterative optimization in medium sized problems, the metaconflict per cluster and evidence was moderate. The neural structure was able to find a global minimum over CARDINAL runs for problem sizes up to CARDINAL clusters.",1 "In the setting of a metric space equipped with a doubling measure supporting a Poincar\'e inequality, we show that ORG functions are, in the sense of multiple limits, continuous with respect to a CARDINAL-fine topology, at almost every point with respect to the codimension CARDINAL Hausdorff measure.","In the setting of a metric space equipped with a doubling measure that supports a Poincar\'e inequality, we show that a set $MONEY is of finite perimeter if and only if $\mathcal H(\partial^1 I_E)<\infty$, that is, if and only if the codimension CARDINAL ORG measure of the \emph{$1$-fine boundary} of the set's measure theoretic interior $MONEY is finite.",1 "Recently, it is well recognized that hypothesis testing has deep relations with other topics in ORG information theory as well as in classical information theory. These relations enable us to derive precise evaluation in the finite-length setting. However, such usefulness of hypothesis testing is not limited to information theoretical topics. For example, it can be used for verification of entangled state and ORG computer as well as guaranteeing the security of keys generated via ORG key distribution. In this talk, we overview these kinds of applications of hypothesis testing.","We construct a universal code for stationary and memoryless classical-quantum channel as a quantum version of the universal coding by PRODUCT and K\""{o}rner. Our code is constructed by the combination of irreducible representation, the decoder introduced through ORG information spectrum, and the packing lemma.",1 "PERSON has proposed that highly excited mesons and baryons fall into parity doublets, and that the ORG) on the leading Regge trajectory should have a nearly degenerate PERSON} = CARDINAL} partner. A re-analysis of ORG data does not support this idea. A likely explanation is that centrifugal barriers on the leading trajectory allow formation of the L=J-1 states, but are too strong to allow L=J states. CARDINAL new polarisation experiments have the potential for major progress in meson spectroscopy.","The large N_f self-consistency programme is reviewed. As an application the ORG beta-function is computed at O(1/N_f) and the anomalous dimensions of polarized twist-2 singlet operators are determined at the same order.",0 "We discuss the contribution of diffractive $Q \bar Q$ production to the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry in polarized deep--inelastic $MONEY scattering. We show the strong dependence of the $MONEY asymmetry on the pomeron spin structure.","We study light vector PERSON at small $x$ on the basis of the generalized parton distribution (ORG). Our results on the cross section and spin density matrix elements (SDME) are in fair agreement with ORG experiments",1 "This chapter discusses the institutional approach for organizing and maintaining ontologies. The theory of institutions was named and initially developed by PERSON and PERSON. This theory, a metatheory based on category theory, regards ontologies as logical theories or local logics. The theory of institutions uses the category-theoretic ideas of fibrations and indexed categories to develop logical theories. Institutions unite the lattice approach of ORG and PERSON with the distributed logic of ORG and PERSON. The institutional approach incorporates locally the lattice of theories idea of PRODUCT from the theory of knowledge representation. ORG, which was initiated within ORG project, uses the institutional approach in its applied aspect for the comparison, semantic integration and maintenance of ontologies. This chapter explains the central ideas of the institutional approach to ontologies in a careful and detailed manner.","The sharing of ontologies between diverse communities of discourse allows them to compare their own information structures with that of other communities that share a common terminology and semantics - ontology sharing facilitates interoperability between online knowledge organizations. This paper demonstrates how ontology sharing is formalizable within the conceptual knowledge model of Information Flow (IF). ORG indirectly represents sharing through a specifiable, ontology extension hierarchy augmented with synonymic type equivalencing - CARDINAL ontologies share terminology and meaning through a common generic ontology that each extends. Using the paradigm of participant community ontologies formalized as IF logics, a common shared extensible ontology formalized as an IF theory, participant community specification links from the common ontology to the participating community ontology formalizable as IF theory interpretations, this paper argues that ontology sharing is concentrated in a virtual ontology of community connections, and demonstrates how this virtual ontology is computable as the fusion of the participant ontologies - the quotient of the sum of the participant ontologies modulo the ontological sharing structure.",1 "The article presents results of discrete thermodynamics (ORG) basic application to electrochemical systems. Consistent treatment of the electrochemical system as comprising CARDINAL interacting subsystems - the chemical and the electrical (electrochemical) - leads to ln-logistic map of states of the electrochemical system with non-unity coefficient of the electrical charge transfer. This factor provides for a feedback and causes dynamic behavior of electrochemical systems, including bifurcations and electrochemical oscillations. The latter occur beyond bifurcation point at essential deviation of the chemical subsystem from true thermodynamic equilibrium. If the charge transfer coefficient takes on unity, the map turns into classical equation of electrochemical equilibrium. ORG of electrochemical oscillations, resulted from the ORG formalism, are multifractals. Graphical solutions of this work are qualitatively compared to some experimental results.","It is a challenge for any Knowledge Base reasoning to manage ubiquitous uncertain ontology as well as uncertain updating times, while achieving acceptable service levels at minimum computational cost. This paper proposes an application-independent merging ontologies for any open interaction system. A solution that uses Multi-Entity Bayesan Networks with ORG rules, and a PERSON program is presented to dynamically monitor Exogenous and Endogenous temporal evolution on updating merging ontologies on a probabilistic framework for the NORP Web.",0 "Statistical mechanics is generalized on the basis of an additive information theory for incomplete probability distributions. The incomplete normalization MONEY$ is used to obtain generalized entropy $S=-k\sum_{i=1}^wp_i^q\ln p_i$. The concomitant incomplete statistical mechanics is applied to some physical systems in order to show the effect of the incompleteness of information. It is shown that this extensive generalized statistics can be useful for the correlated electron systems in weak coupling regime.","We compute the pole mass of the gluon in GPE from the local composite operator formalism at CARDINAL loops in the GPE renormalization scheme. For ORG theory an estimate of the mass at CARDINAL loops is CARDINAL Lambda_MSbar.",0 "When simultaneously reasoning with evidences about several different events it is necessary to separate the evidence according to event. These events should then be handled independently. However, when propositions of evidences are weakly specified in the sense that it may not be certain to which event they are referring, this may not be directly possible. In this paper a criterion for partitioning evidences into subsets representing events is established. This criterion, derived from the conflict within each subset, involves minimising a criterion function for the overall conflict of the partition. An algorithm based on characteristics of the criterion function and an iterative optimisation among partitionings of evidences is proposed.","Toy models have been used to separate important features of quantum computation from the rich background of the standard PERSON space model. Category theory, on the other hand, is a general tool to separate components of mathematical structures, and analyze CARDINAL layer at a time. It seems natural to combine the CARDINAL approaches, and several authors have already pursued this idea. We explore *categorical comprehension construction* as a tool for adding features to toy models. We use it to comprehend quantum propositions and probabilities within the basic model of finite-dimensional PERSON spaces. We also analyze complementary quantum observables over the category of sets and relations. This leads into the realm of *test spaces*, a well-studied model. We present CARDINAL of many possible extensions of this model, enabled by the comprehension construction. Conspicuously, all models obtained in this way carry the same categorical structure, *extending* the familiar dagger compact framework with the complementation operations. We call the obtained structure *dagger mix autonomous*, because it extends mix autonomous categories, popular in computer science, in a similar way like dagger compact structure extends compact categories. Dagger mix autonomous categories seem to arise quite naturally in quantum computation, as soon as complementarity is viewed as a part of the global structure.",0 "We experimentally demonstrate that supersaturated solution of sodium acetate, commonly called 'hot ice', is a massively-parallel unconventional computer. In the hot ice computer data are represented by a spatial configuration of crystallization induction sites and physical obstacles immersed in the experimental container. Computation is implemented by propagation and interaction of growing crystals initiated at the data-sites. We discuss experimental prototypes of hot ice processors which compute planar GPE diagram, shortest collision-free paths and implement AND and OR logical gates.","Plasmodium of Physarym polycephalum is an ideal biological substrate for implementing concurrent and parallel computation, including combinatorial geometry and optimization on graphs. We report results of scoping experiments on ORG computing in conditions of minimal friction, on the water surface. We show that plasmodium of GPE is capable for computing a basic spanning trees and manipulating of light-weight objects. We speculate that our results pave the pathways towards design and implementation of amorphous biological robots.",1 "Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is arguably the most popular of the machine learning methods applied to training deep neural networks (DNN) DATE. It has recently been demonstrated that ORG can be statistically biased so that certain elements of the training set are learned more rapidly than others. In this article, we place ORG into a feedback loop whereby the probability of selection is proportional to error magnitude. This provides a novelty-driven oddball ORG process that learns more rapidly than traditional ORG by prioritising those elements of the training set with the largest novelty (error). In our DNN example, oddball ORG trains some 50x faster than regular ORG.","Presently, large enterprises rely on database systems to manage their data and information. These databases are useful for conducting DATE business transactions. However, the tight competition in the marketplace has led to the concept of data mining in which data are analyzed to derive effective business strategies and discover better ways in carrying out business. In order to perform data mining, regular databases must be converted into what so called informational databases also known as data warehouse. This paper presents a design model for building data warehouse for a typical university information system. It is based on transforming an operational database into an informational warehouse useful for decision makers to conduct data analysis, predication, and forecasting. The proposed model is based on CARDINAL stages of data migration: Data extraction, data cleansing, data transforming, and data indexing and loading. The complete system is implemented under ORG DATE and is meant to serve as a repository of data for data mining operations.",0 "The direct long-term changes occurring in the orbital dynamics of a local gravitationally bound binary system $MONEY due to the NORP tidal acceleration caused by an external massive source are investigated. A class of systems made of a test particle $m$ rapidly orbiting with orbital frequency $PERSON b}$ an astronomical body of mass $M$ which, in turn, slowly revolves around a distant object of mass $M^{'}$ with orbital frequency $PERSON b}^{'}\ll PERSON b}$ is considered. The characteristic frequencies of the NORP orbital variations of $m$ and of $M$ itself are assumed to be negligible with respect to both $n_{\rm b}$ and $PERSON b}^{'}$. General expressions for the resulting NORP and NORP tidal orbital shifts of $m$ are obtained. The future missions ORG and JUICE to ORG and PERSON, respectively, are considered in view of a possible detection. The largest effects, of the order of $MONEY 0.1-0.5$ milliarcseconds per year (mas yr$^{-1}$), occur for the PERSON orbiter of the JUICE mission. Although future improvements in spacecraft tracking and orbit determination might, perhaps, reach the required sensitivity, the systematic bias represented by the other known orbital perturbations of both NORP and post-Newtonian origin would be overwhelming. The realization of a dedicated artificial mini-planetary system to be carried onboard and LOC-orbiting spacecraft is considered as well. Post-Newtonian tidal precessions MONEY 1-10^2$ mas yr$^{-1}$ could be obtained, but the quite larger NORP tidal effects would be a major source of systematic bias because of the present-day percent uncertainty in the product of the LOC's mass times the NORP gravitational parameter.","An identity between CARDINAL versions of the PERSON bound on the probability a certain large deviations event, is established. This identity has an interpretation in statistical physics, namely, an isothermal equilibrium of a composite system that consists of multiple subsystems of particles. Several information--theoretic application examples, where the analysis of this large deviations probability naturally arises, are then described from the viewpoint of this statistical mechanical interpretation. This results in several relationships between information theory and statistical physics, which we hope, the reader will find insightful.",0 "PRODUCT and -Logic were defined by the author in DATE and published for the ORDINAL time in DATE. We extended the neutrosophic set respectively to ORG {when some neutrosophic component is over CARDINAL}, ORG {when some neutrosophic component is below CARDINAL}, and to ORG {when some neutrosophic components are off the interval [0, CARDINAL], i.e. some neutrosophic component over CARDINAL and other neutrosophic component below CARDINAL}. This is no surprise with respect to the classical fuzzy set/logic, intuitionistic fuzzy set/logic, or classical/imprecise probability, where the values are not allowed outside the interval [CARDINAL, CARDINAL], since our real-world has numerous examples and applications of over-/under-/off-neutrosophic components. For example, person working overtime deserves a membership degree over CARDINAL, while a person producing more damage than benefit to a company deserves a membership below CARDINAL. Then, similarly, ORG etc. were extended to respectively ORG, -Measure, -Probability, -Statistics etc. [GPE, DATE].","The surface air temperature DATE records at the land-based locations with different climate conditions (from LOC to GPE) have been studied on the DATE to intraseasonal time scales (low frequency DATE and seasonal variations have been removed by subtracting a wavelet regression from the daily records). It is shown that the power spectra of the DATE time series exhibit a universal behaviour corresponding to the NORP distributed chaos. Global average temperature fluctuations (land-based data) and the tropical LOC sea surface temperature fluctuations (El Ni\~no/La Ni\~na phenomenon) have been also considered in this context. It is shown that the practical smooth predictability for the surface air temperature dynamics is possible at least up to the fundamental (pumping) period of the distributed chaos.",0 "It is shown that in turbulent flows the distributed chaos with spontaneously broken translational space symmetry (homogeneity) has a stretched exponential spectrum $\exp-(k/k_{\beta})^{\beta }$ with $PERSON =CARDINAL Good agreement has been established between the theory and the data of direct numerical simulations of isotropic homogeneous turbulence (energy dissipation rate field), of a channel flow (velocity field), of a fully developed boundary layer flow (velocity field), and the experimental data at the plasma edges of different fusion devices (stellarators and tokamaks). An astrophysical application to the large-scale galaxies distribution has been briefly discussed and good agreement with the data of recent PERSON Digital Sky Survey SDSS-III has been established.","Semantic composition is the task of understanding the meaning of text by composing the meanings of the individual words in the text. Semantic decomposition is the task of understanding the meaning of an individual word by decomposing it into various aspects (factors, constituents, components) that are latent in the meaning of the word. We take a distributional approach to semantics, in which a word is represented by a context vector. Much recent work has considered the problem of recognizing compositions and decompositions, but we tackle the more difficult generation problem. For simplicity, we focus on noun-modifier bigrams and PERSON unigrams. A test for semantic composition is, given context vectors for the noun and modifier in a GPE-modifier bigram (""red salmon""), generate a noun unigram that is synonymous with the given bigram (""sockeye""). A test for semantic decomposition is, given a context vector for a noun unigram (""snifter""), generate a GPE-modifier bigram that is synonymous with the given unigram (""brandy glass""). With a vocabulary of CARDINAL unigrams from ORG, there are CARDINAL candidate unigram compositions for a bigram and MONEY (CARDINAL squared) candidate bigram decompositions for a unigram. We generate ranked lists of potential solutions in CARDINAL passes. A fast unsupervised learning algorithm generates an initial list of candidates and then a slower supervised learning algorithm refines the list. We evaluate the candidate solutions by comparing them to ORG synonym sets. For decomposition (unigram to bigram), the top CARDINAL most highly ranked bigrams include a ORG synonym of the given unigram PERCENT of the time. For composition (bigram to unigram), the top CARDINAL most highly ranked unigrams include a ORG synonym of the given bigram PERCENT of the time.",0 "We model anomaly and change in data by embedding the data in an ultrametric space. Taking our initial data as cross-tabulation counts (or other input data formats), ORG allows us to endow the information space with a Euclidean metric. We then model GPE or change by an induced ultrametric. The induced ultrametric that we are particularly interested in takes a sequential - e.g. temporal - ordering of the data into account. We apply this work to the flow of narrative expressed in the film script of the ORG movie; and to the evolution DATE of the NORP social conflict and violence.","Behavior modeling and software architecture specification are attracting more attention in software engineering. Describing both of them in integrated models yields numerous advantages for coping with complexity since the models are platform independent. They can be decomposed to be developed independently by experts of the respective fields, and they are highly reusable and may be subjected to formal analysis. Typically, behavior is defined as the occurrence of an action, a pattern over time, or any change in or movement of an object. In systems studies, there are many different approaches to modeling behavior, such as grounding behavior simultaneously on state transitions, natural language, and flowcharts. These different descriptions make it difficult to compare objects with each other for consistency. This paper attempts to propose some conceptual preliminaries to a definition of behavior in software engineering. The main objective is to clarify the research area concerned with system behavior aspects and to create a common platform for future research. CARDINAL generic elementary processes (creating, processing, releasing, receiving, and transferring) are used to form a unifying higher-order process called a thinging machine (ORG) that is utilized as a template in modeling behavior of systems. Additionally, a ORG includes memory and triggering relations among stages of processes (machines). A ORG is applied to many examples from the literature to examine their behavioristic aspects. The results show that a ORG is a valuable tool for analyzing and modeling behavior in a system.",0 "Modern classical computing devices, except of simplest calculators, have PERSON architecture, i.e., a part of the memory is used for the program and a part for the data. It is likely, that analogues of such architecture are also desirable for the future applications in ORG computing, communications and control. It is also interesting for the modern theoretical research in the quantum information science and raises challenging questions about an experimental assessment of such a programmable models. Together with some progress in the given direction, such ideas encounter specific problems arising from the very essence of ORG laws. Currently are known CARDINAL different ways to overcome such problems, sometime denoted as a stochastic and deterministic approach. The presented paper is devoted to the ORDINAL one, that is also may be called the programmable quantum networks with pure states. In the paper are discussed basic principles and theoretical models that can be used for the design of such nano-devices, e.g., the conditional quantum dynamics, ORG ""no-programming theorem, the idea of deterministic and stochastic quantum gates arrays. Both programmable quantum networks with finite registers and hybrid models with continuous quantum variables are considered. As a basic model for the universal programmable quantum network with pure states and finite program register is chosen a ""Control-Shift"" ORG processor architecture with CARDINAL buses introduced in earlier works. It is shown also, that ORG cellular automata approach to the construction of an universal programmable ORG computer often may be considered as the particular case of such design.","It is discussed, why classical simulators of ORG computers escape from some no-go claims like PERSON, ORG, or recent PERSON"" theorems.",1 "ORG intelligent systems can be found everywhere: finger print, handwriting, speech, and face recognition, spam filtering, chess and other game programs, robots, et al. DATE the ORDINAL presumably complete mathematical theory of artificial intelligence based on universal induction-prediction-decision-action has been proposed. This information-theoretic approach solidifies the foundations of inductive inference and artificial intelligence. Getting the foundations right usually marks a significant progress and maturing of a field. The theory provides a gold standard and guidance for researchers working on intelligent algorithms. The roots of universal induction have been laid exactly half-a-century ago and the roots of universal intelligence exactly DATE. So it is timely to take stock of what has been achieved and what remains to be done. Since there are already good recent surveys, I describe the state-of-the-art only in passing and refer the reader to the literature. This article concentrates on the open problems in universal induction and its extension to universal intelligence.","This paper studies sequence prediction based on the monotone NORP complexity NORP m, i.e. based on universal deterministic/CARDINAL-part ORG. m is extremely close to PERSON's universal prior M, the latter being an excellent predictor in deterministic as well as probabilistic environments, where performance is measured in terms of convergence of posteriors or losses. Despite this closeness to M, it is difficult to assess the prediction quality of m, since little is known about the closeness of their posteriors, which are the important quantities for prediction. We show that for deterministic computable environments, the ""posterior"" and losses of m converge, but rapid convergence could only be shown on-sequence; the off-sequence convergence can be slow. In probabilistic environments, neither the posterior nor the losses converge, in general.",1 "We consider the wavelet transform of a finite, rooted, node-ranked, $p$-way tree, focusing on the case of binary ($p = MONEY) trees. We study a ORG wavelet transform on this tree. Wavelet transforms allow for multiresolution analysis through translation and dilation of a wavelet function. We explore how this works in our tree context.","Recurrent neurons, or ""simulated"" qubits, can store simultaneous true and false with probabilistic behaviors usually reserved for the qubits of ORG physics. Although possible to construct artificially, simulated qubits are intended to explain biological mysteries. It is shown below that they can simulate certain ORG computations and, although less potent than the qubits of ORG, they nevertheless are shown to significantly exceed the capabilities of classical deterministic circuits.",0 "Compressed Counting (ORG), based on maximally skewed stable random projections, was recently proposed for estimating the p-th frequency moments of data streams. The case p->1 is extremely useful for estimating FAC entropy of data streams. In this study, we provide a very simple algorithm based on the sample minimum estimator and prove a much improved sample complexity bound, compared to prior results.","We propose skewed stable random projections for approximating the pth frequency moments of dynamic data streams (0(\hbar/r_{\text{H}})^2$, where $r_{\text{H}}$ is the horizon radius of the black hole.","The elegant `no short hair' theorem states that, if a spherically-symmetric static black hole has hair, then this hair must extend beyond CARDINAL the horizon radius. In the present paper we provide evidence for the failure of this theorem beyond the regime of spherically-symmetric static black holes. In particular, we show that rotating black holes can support extremely short-range stationary scalar configurations (linearized scalar `clouds') in their exterior regions. To that end, we solve analytically the PERSON-Gordon-Kerr-Newman wave equation for a linearized massive scalar field in the regime of large scalar masses.",1 "ORG algorithms are sequences of abstract operations, performed on non-existent computers. They are in obvious need of categorical semantics. We present some steps in this direction, following earlier contributions of LOC, Coecke and Selinger. In particular, we analyze function abstraction in quantum computation, which turns out to characterize its classical interfaces. Some ORG algorithms provide feasible solutions of important hard problems, such as factoring and discrete log (which are the building blocks of modern cryptography). It is of a great practical interest to precisely characterize the computational resources needed to execute such ORG algorithms. There are many ideas how to build a ORG computer. Can we prove some necessary conditions? Categorical semantics help with such questions. We show how to implement an important family of ORG algorithms using just NORP groups and relations.","The paper gives an account of a detailed investigation of the thermodynamic branch as a path of the chemical system deviation from its isolated thermodynamic equilibrium under an external impact. For a combination of direct and reverse reactions in the same chemical system, full thermodynamic branch is presented by an S-shaped curve, whose ends asymptotically achieve appropriate initial states, which, in turn, are logistic ends of the opposite reactions. The slope tangents of the steepest parts of the curves, the areas of the maximum rate of the shift growth vs. the external thermodynamic force, occurred to be directly proportional to the force and, simultaneously, linearly proportional to the thermodynamic equivalent of chemical reaction, which is the ratio between the amount in moles of any reaction participant, transformed in an isolated system, along the reaction way from its initial state to thermodynamic equilibrium, to its stoichiometric coefficient. The found linearity is valid for arbitrary combination of the stoichiometric coefficients in a reaction of compound synthesis from chemical elements like aA+bB=PERSON, and confirms the exclusive role of the thermodynamic equivalent of transformation as the chemical system characteristic of robustness and irreversibility. Results of this work allow for quantitative evaluation of the chemical system shift from thermodynamic equilibrium along thermodynamic branch and its rate vs. the shifting force. Such an investigation became possible due to the development of discrete thermodynamics of chemical equilibria.",0 "Let $PERSON be real-valued compactly supported sufficiently smooth function, $q\in H^\ell_0(B_a)$, $MONEY: |x|\leq a, x\in R^3$ . It is proved that the scattering data $PERSON,k)$ MONEY S^2$, $\forall k>0CARDINAL determine $PERSON. here $A(\beta,\alpha,k)$ is the scattering amplitude, corresponding to the potential $q$.","A simple proof is given for the explicit formula which allows one to recover a CARDINALMONEY vector field $A=A(x)$ in MONEY, decaying at infinity, from the knowledge of its $MONEY \times MONEY\nabla \cdot A$. The representation of $MONEY as a sum of the gradient field and a divergence-free vector fields is derived from this formula. Similar results are obtained for a vector field in a bounded $C^2-$smooth domain.",1 "This paper describes a new mechanism that might help with defining pattern sequences, by the fact that it can produce an upper bound on the ensemble value that can persistently oscillate with the actual values produced from each pattern. With every firing event, a node also receives an on/off feedback switch. If the node fires, then it sends a feedback result depending on the input signal strength. If the input signal is positive or larger, it can store an 'on' switch feedback for the next iteration. If the signal is negative or smaller, it can store an 'off' switch feedback for the next iteration. If the node does not fire, then it does not affect the current feedback situation and receives the switch command produced by the last active pattern event for the same neuron. The upper bound therefore also represents the largest or most enclosing pattern set and the lower value is for the actual set of firing patterns. If the pattern sequence repeats, it will oscillate between the CARDINAL values, allowing them to be recognised and measured more easily, over time. Tests show that changing the sequence ordering produces different value sets, which can also be measured.","This paper describes an automatic process for combining patterns and features, to guide a search process and make predictions. It is based on the functionality that a human brain might have, which is a highly distributed network of simple neuronal components that can apply some level of matching and cross-referencing over retrieved patterns. The process uses memory in a dynamic way and it is directed through the pattern matching. DATE of the paper describes the mechanisms for neuronal search, memory and prediction. The ORDINAL CARDINAL of the paper then presents a formal language for defining cognitive processes, that is, pattern-based sequences and transitions. The language can define an outer framework for nested pattern sets that can be linked to perform the cognitive act. The language also has a mathematical basis, allowing for the rule construction process to be systematic and consistent. The new information can be used to integrate the cognitive model together. A theory about linking can suggest that only (mostly) nodes that represent the same thing link together.",1 "In DATE, deep artificial neural networks (including recurrent ones) have won numerous contests in pattern recognition and machine learning. This historical survey compactly summarises relevant work, much of it from the previous millennium. Shallow and deep learners are distinguished by the depth of their credit assignment paths, which are chains of possibly learnable, causal links between actions and effects. I review deep supervised learning (also recapitulating the history of backpropagation), unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning & evolutionary computation, and indirect search for short programs encoding deep and large networks.","The probability distribution P from which the history of our universe is sampled represents a theory of everything or ORG. We assume P is formally describable. Since most (uncountably many) distributions are not, this imposes a strong inductive bias. We show that P(x) is small for any universe x lacking a short description, and study the spectrum of TOEs spanned by CARDINAL Ps, CARDINAL reflecting the most compact constructive descriptions, the other the fastest way of computing everything. The former derives from generalizations of traditional computability, PERSON's algorithmic probability, NORP complexity, and objects more random than PERSON's ORG, the latter from PERSON's universal search and a natural resource-oriented postulate: the cumulative prior probability of all x incomputable within time t by this optimal algorithm should be QUANTITY both PERSON we find a universal cumulatively enumerable measure that dominates traditional enumerable measures; any such ORG must assign low probability to any universe lacking a short enumerating program. We derive P-specific consequences for evolving observers, inductive reasoning, ORG, philosophy, and the expected duration of our universe.",1 "We present a formula that relates the variations of the area of extreme throat initial data with the variation of an appropriate defined mass functional. From this expression we deduce that the ORDINAL variation, with fixed angular momentum, of the area is CARDINAL and the ORDINAL variation is positive definite evaluated at the extreme ORG throat initial data. This indicates that the area of the extreme ORG throat initial data is a minimum among this class of data. And hence the area of generic throat initial data is bounded from below by the angular momentum. Also, this result strongly suggests that the inequality between area and angular momentum holds for generic asymptotically flat axially symmetric black holes. As an application, we prove this inequality in the non trivial family of spinning PERSON initial data.","This paper considers the relevance of the concepts of observability and computability in physical theory. Observability is related to verifiability which is essential for effective computing and as physical systems are computational systems it is important even where explicit computation is not the goal. Specifically, we examine CARDINAL problems: observability and computability for ORG computing, and remote measurement of time and frequency.",0 "Steganography is the science of hiding digital information in such a way that no one can suspect its existence. Unlike cryptography which may arouse suspicions, steganography is a stealthy method that enables data communication in total secrecy. Steganography has many requirements, the foremost one is irrecoverability which refers to how hard it is for someone apart from the original communicating parties to detect and recover the hidden data out of the secret communication. A good strategy to guaranteeirrecoverability is to cover the secret data not usinga trivial method based on a predictable algorithm, but using a specific random pattern based on a mathematical algorithm. This paper proposes an image steganography technique based on ORG edge detection algorithm.It is designed to hide secret data into a digital image within the pixels that make up the boundaries of objects detected in the image. More specifically, bits of the secret data replace the CARDINAL LSBs of every color channel of the pixels detected by the ORG edge detection algorithm as part of the edges in the carrier image. Besides, the algorithm is parameterized by CARDINAL parameters: The size of the NORP filter, a low threshold value, and a high threshold value. These parameters can yield to different outputs for the same input image and secret data. As a result, discovering the inner-workings of the algorithm would be considerably ambiguous, misguiding steganalysts from the exact location of the covert data. Experiments showed a simulation tool codenamed ORG, meant to cover and uncover secret data using the proposed algorithm. As future work, examining how other image processing techniques such as brightness and contrast adjustment can be taken advantage of in steganography with the purpose ofgiving the communicating parties more preferences tomanipulate their secret communication.","A definition of causality introduced by ORG and GPE, which uses structural equations, is reviewed. A more refined definition is then considered, which takes into account issues of normality and typicality, which are well known to affect causal ascriptions. Causality is typically an all-or-nothing notion: either A is a cause of B or it is not. An extension of the definition of causality to capture notions of degree of responsibility and degree of blame, due to ORG and ORG, is reviewed. For example, if someone wins an election 11-0, then each person who votes for him is less responsible for the victory than if he had won CARDINAL-5. Degree of blame takes into account an agent's epistemic state. Roughly speaking, the degree of blame of A for B is the expected degree of responsibility of A for B, taken over the epistemic state of an agent. Finally, the structural-equations definition of causality is compared to PERSON's NESS test.",0 "The paper describes some basic approaches to detection of bottlenecks in composite (modular) systems. The following basic system bottlenecks detection problems are examined: (CARDINAL) traditional quality management approaches (Pareto chart based method, multicriteria analysis as selection of Pareto-efficient points, and/or multicriteria ranking), (CARDINAL) selection of critical system elements (critical components/modules, critical component interconnection), (CARDINAL) selection of interconnected system components as composite system faults (via clique-based fusion), (CARDINAL) critical elements (e.g., nodes) in networks, and (CARDINAL) predictive detection of system bottlenecks (detection of system components based on forecasting of their parameters). Here, heuristic solving schemes are used. Numerical examples illustrate the approaches.","This paper addresses the problem of measurement errors in causal inference and highlights several algebraic and graphical methods for eliminating systematic bias induced by such errors. In particulars, the paper discusses the control of partially observable confounders in parametric and non parametric models and the computational problem of obtaining bias-free effect estimates in such models.",0 "In the process of recording, storage and transmission of time-domain audio signals, errors may be introduced that are difficult to correct in an unsupervised way. Here, we train a convolutional deep neural network to re-synthesize input time-domain speech signals at its output layer. We then use this abstract transformation, which we call a deep transform (ORG), to perform probabilistic re-synthesis on further speech (of the same speaker) which has been degraded. Using the convolutive ORG, we demonstrate the recovery of speech audio that has been subject to extreme degradation. This approach may be useful for correction of errors in communications devices.","Deep neural networks (DNN) abstract by demodulating the output of linear filters. In this article, we refine this definition of abstraction to show that the inputs of a DNN are abstracted with respect to the filters. Or, to restate, the abstraction is qualified by the filters. This leads us to introduce the notion of qualitative projection. We use qualitative projection to abstract MNIST hand-written digits with respect to the various dogs, horses, planes and cars of the ORG dataset. We then classify the MNIST digits according to the magnitude of their dogness, horseness, planeness and carness qualities, illustrating the generality of qualitative projection.",1 "Reductionism has dominated science and philosophy for DATE. Complexity has recently shown that interactions---which reductionism neglects---are relevant for understanding phenomena. When interactions are considered, reductionism becomes limited in several aspects. In this paper, I argue that interactions imply non-reductionism, non-materialism, non-predictability, NORP, and non-nihilism. As alternatives to each of these, holism, informism, adaptation, contextuality, and meaningfulness are put forward, respectively. A worldview that includes interactions not only describes better our world, but can help to solve many open scientific, philosophical, and social problems caused by implications of reductionism.","The scope of this teaching package is to make a brief induction to ORG (ANNs) for people who have no previous knowledge of them. We ORDINAL make a brief introduction to models of networks, for then describing in general terms ANNs. As an application, we explain the backpropagation algorithm, since it is widely used and many other algorithms are derived from it. The user should know algebra and the handling of functions and vectors. Differential calculus is recommendable, but not necessary. The contents of this package should be understood by people with high school education. It would be useful for people who are just curious about what are ANNs, or for people who want to become familiar with them, so when they study them more fully, they will already have clear notions of ANNs. Also, people who only want to apply the backpropagation algorithm without a detailed and formal explanation of it will find this material useful. This work should not be seen as ""Nets for dummies"", but of course it is not a treatise. Much of the formality is skipped for the sake of simplicity. Detailed explanations and demonstrations can be found in the referred readings. The included exercises complement the understanding of the theory. The on-line resources are highly recommended for extending this brief induction.",1 "A novel linking mechanism has been described previously [CARDINAL] that can be used to autonomously link sources that provide related answers to queries executed over an information network. The test query platform has now been re-written resulting in essentially a new test platform using the same basic query mechanism, but with a slightly different algorithm. This paper describes recent test results on the same query test process that supports the original findings and also shows the effectiveness of the linking mechanism in a new set of test scenarios.","Concept Trees are a type of database that can organise arbitrary textual information using a very simple rule. Each tree ideally represents a single cohesive concept and the trees can link with each other for navigation and semantic purposes. The trees are therefore a type of semantic network and would benefit from having a consistent level of context for each of the nodes. The tree nodes have a mathematical basis allowing for a consistent build process. These would represent nouns or verbs in a text sentence, for example. A basic test on text documents shows that the tree structure could be inherent in natural language. New to the design can then be lists of descriptive elements for each of the nodes. The descriptors can also be weighted, but do not have to follow the strict counting rule of the tree nodes. With the new descriptive layers, a much richer type of knowledge can be achieved and a consistent method for adding context is suggested. It is also suggested to use the linking structure of the licas system as a basis for the context links. The mathematical model is extended further and to finish, a query language is suggested for practical applications.",1 "Despite its size and complexity, the human cortex exhibits striking anatomical regularities, suggesting there may simple meta-algorithms underlying cortical learning and computation. We expect such meta-algorithms to be of interest since they need to operate quickly, scalably and effectively with little-to-no specialized assumptions. This note focuses on a specific question: How can neurons use vast quantities of unlabeled data to speed up learning from the comparatively rare labels provided by reward systems? As a partial answer, we propose randomized co-training as a biologically plausible meta-algorithm satisfying the above requirements. As evidence, we describe a biologically-inspired algorithm, ORG (ORG) that achieves state-of-the-art performance in semi-supervised learning, and sketch work in progress on a neuronal implementation.","We consider a FAC setup where an agent interacts with an environment in observation-reward-action cycles without any (esp.\ ORG) assumptions on the environment. State aggregation and more generally feature reinforcement learning is concerned with mapping histories/raw-states to reduced/aggregated states. The idea behind both is that the resulting reduced process (approximately) forms a small stationary finite-state ORG, which can then be efficiently solved or learnt. We considerably generalize existing aggregation results by showing that even if the reduced process is not an ORG, the (q-)value functions and (optimal) policies of an associated ORG with same state-space size solve the original problem, as long as the solution can approximately be represented as a function of the reduced states. This implies an upper bound on the required state space size that holds uniformly for all RL problems. It may also explain why PERSON algorithms designed for MDPs sometimes perform well beyond MDPs.",0 "The paper examines the problem of accessing a vector memory from a single neuron in a NORP neural network. It begins with the review of the author's earlier method, which is different from the GPE model in that it recruits neighboring neurons by spreading activity, making it possible for single or group of neurons to become associated with vector memories. Some open issues associated with this approach are identified. It is suggested that fragments that generate stored memories could be associated with single neurons through local spreading activity.","An ultrametric topology formalizes the notion of hierarchical structure. An ultrametric embedding, referred to here as ultrametricity, is implied by a hierarchical embedding. Such hierarchical structure can be global in the data set, or local. By quantifying extent or degree of ultrametricity in a data set, we show that ultrametricity becomes pervasive as dimensionality and/or spatial sparsity increases. This leads us to assert that very high dimensional data are of simple structure. We exemplify this finding through a range of simulated data cases. We discuss also application to very high frequency time series segmentation and modeling.",0 "The theory of controlled ORG open systems describes ORG systems interacting with ORG environments and influenced by external forces varying according to given algorithms. It is aimed, for instance, to model quantum devices which can find applications in the future technology based on quantum information processing. CARDINAL of the main problems making difficult the practical implementations of ORG information theory is the fragility of quantum states under external perturbations. The aim of this note is to present the relevant results concerning ergodic properties of open ORG systems which are useful for the optimization of quantum devices and noise (errors) reduction. In particular we present mathematical characterization of the so-called ""decoherence-free subspaces"" for discrete and continuous-time quantum dynamical semigroups in terms of MONEY and group representations. We analyze the NORP models also, presenting the formulas for errors in the PERSON approximation. The obtained results are used to discuss the proposed different strategies of error reduction.","In this paper a knowledge representation model are proposed, FP5, which combine the ideas from fuzzy sets and penta-valued logic. FP5 represents imprecise properties whose accomplished degree is undefined, contradictory or indeterminate for some objects. Basic operations of conjunction, disjunction and negation are introduced. Relations to other representation models like fuzzy sets, intuitionistic, paraconsistent and bipolar fuzzy sets are discussed.",0 "We show by example that the associative law does not hold for tensor products in the category of general (not necessarily locally convex) topological vector spaces. The same pathology occurs for tensor products of ORG abelian topological groups.","In categorical quantum mechanics, classical structures characterize the classical interfaces of quantum resources on one hand, while on the other hand giving rise to some quantum phenomena. In the standard PERSON space model of quantum theories, classical structures over a space correspond to its orthonormal bases. In the present paper, we show that classical structures in the category of relations correspond to biproducts of NORP groups. Although relations are, of course, not an interesting model of quantum computation, this result has some interesting computational interpretations. If relations are viewed as denotations of nondeterministic programs, it uncovers a wide variety of non-standard quantum structures in this familiar area of classical computation. Ironically, it also opens up a version of what in philosophy of quantum mechanics would be called an ontic-epistemic gap, as it provides no direct interface to these nonstandard quantum structures.",0 "We give necessary and sufficient conditions under which a density matrix acting on a CARDINAL tensor product space is separable. Our conditions are given in terms of ORG.","DATE has seen the nascency of the ORDINAL mathematical theory of general artificial intelligence. This theory of ORG (ORG) has made significant contributions to many theoretical, philosophical, and practical AI questions. In a series of papers culminating in book (GPE, DATE), an exciting sound and complete mathematical model for a super intelligent agent (AIXI) has been developed and rigorously analyzed. While nowadays most ORG researchers avoid discussing intelligence, the award-winning WORK_OF_ART thesis (DATE) provided the philosophical embedding and investigated the ORG-based universal measure of rational intelligence, which is formal, objective and non-anthropocentric. Recently, effective approximations of AIXI have been derived and experimentally investigated in GPE paper (Veness et al. 2011). This practical breakthrough has resulted in some impressive applications, finally muting earlier critique that ORG is only a theory. For the ORDINAL time, without providing any domain knowledge, the same agent is able to self-adapt to a diverse range of interactive environments. For instance, AIXI is able to learn from scratch to play TicTacToe, PERSON, PERSON, and other games by trial and error, without even providing the rules of the games. These achievements give new hope that the grand goal of ORG is not elusive. This article provides an informal overview of ORG in context. It attempts to gently introduce a very theoretical, formal, and mathematical subject, and discusses philosophical and technical ingredients, traits of intelligence, some social questions, and the past and future of ORG.",0 "A plethora of natural, artificial and social systems exist which do not belong to FAC (GPE) statistical-mechanical world, based on the standard additive entropy $PERSON and its associated exponential GPE factor. Frequent behaviors in such complex systems have been shown to be closely related to $q$-statistics instead, based on the nonadditive entropy $S_q$ (with $S_1=S_{BG}$), and its associated $q$-exponential factor which generalizes the usual GPE one. In fact, a wide range of phenomena of quite different nature exist which can be described and, in the simplest cases, understood through analytic (and explicit) functions and probability distributions which exhibit some universal features. Universality classes are concomitantly observed which can be characterized through indices such as $q$. We will exhibit here some such cases, namely concerning the distribution of inter-occurrence (or inter-event) times in the areas of finance, earthquakes and genomes.","Decision theory formally solves the problem of rational agents in uncertain worlds if the true environmental prior probability distribution is known. PERSON's theory of universal induction formally solves the problem of sequence prediction for unknown prior distribution. We combine both ideas and get a parameterless theory of universal ORG. We give strong arguments that the resulting AIXI model is the most intelligent unbiased agent possible. We outline for a number of problem classes, including sequence prediction, strategic games, function minimization, reinforcement and supervised learning, how the AIXI model can formally solve them. The major drawback of the AIXI model is that it is uncomputable. To overcome this problem, we construct a modified algorithm AIXI-tl, which is still effectively more intelligent than any other time t and space l bounded agent. The computation time of AIXI-tl is of the order tx2^l. Other discussed topics are formal definitions of intelligence order relations, the horizon problem and relations of the AIXI theory to other ORG approaches.",0 "These informal notes briefly discuss some basic topics in harmonic analysis along the lines of convolutions and PERSON transforms.","These informal notes are concerned with spaces of functions in various situations, including continuous functions on topological spaces, holomorphic functions of CARDINAL or more complex variables, and so on.",1 "Data based judgments go into artificial intelligence applications but they undergo paradoxical reversal when seemingly unnecessary additional data is provided. Examples of this are PERSON's reversal and the disjunction effect where the beliefs about the data change once it is presented or aggregated differently. Sometimes the significance of the difference can be evaluated using statistical tests such as ORG's chi-squared or ORG's exact test, but this may not be helpful in threshold-based decision systems that operate with incomplete information. To mitigate risks in the use of algorithms in decision-making, we consider the question of modeling of beliefs. We argue that evidence supports that beliefs are not classical statistical variables and they should, in the general case, be considered as superposition states of disjoint or polar outcomes. We analyze the disjunction effect from the perspective of the belief as a ORG vector.","Recently, PERSON and coworkers have been able to measure the information content of digital organisms living in their {\em Avida} artificial life system. They show that over time, the organisms behave like ORG's demon, accreting information (or complexity) as they evolve. In {\em Avida} the organisms don't interact with each other, merely reproduce at a particular rate (their fitness), and attempt to evaluate an externally given arithmetic function in order win bonus fitness points. Measuring the information content of a digital organism is essentially a process of counting the number of genotypes that give rise to the same phenotype. Whilst PERSON organisms have a particularly simple phenotype, GPE organisms interact with each other, giving rise to an ecology of phenotypes. In this paper, I discuss techniques for comparing pairs of GPE organisms to determine if they are phenotypically equivalent. I then discuss a method for computing an estimate of the number of phenotypically equivalent genotypes that is more accurate than the ``hot site'' estimate used by PERSON's group. Finally, I report on an experimental analysis of a ORG run.",0 "The orbital dynamics of a test particle moving in the non-spherically symmetric field of a rotating oblate primary is impacted also by certain indirect, mixed effects arising from the interplay of the different NORP and NORP accelerations which induce known direct perturbations. We systematically calculate the indirect gravitoelectromagnetic shifts per orbit of the NORP orbital elements of the test particle arising from the crossing among the ORDINAL even zonal harmonic MONEY of the central body and the NORP static and stationary components of its gravitational field. We also work out the NORP shifts per orbit of order $J_2^MONEY, and the direct NORP gravitoelectric effects of order $J_2 c^{-2}$ arising from the equations of motion. In the case of both the indirect and direct gravitoelectric $J_2 c^{-2}$ shifts, our calculation holds for an arbitrary orientation of the symmetry axis of the central body. We yield numerical estimates of their relative magnitudes for systems ranging from LOC artificial satellites to stars orbiting supermassive black holes.","It has often been claimed that the proposed LOC artificial satellite LARES/WEBER-SAT-whose primary goal is, in fact, the measurement of the general relativistic PERSON effect at a some percent level-would allow to greatly improve, among (many) other things, the present-day (10^-13) level of accuracy in testing the equivalence principle as well. Recent claims point towards even CARDINAL orders of magnitude better, i.e. CARDINAL^-15. In this note we show that such a goal is, in fact, unattainable by many orders of magnitude being, instead, the achievable level of the order of CARDINAL^-9.",1 "In this paper, we define a new information theoretic measure that we call the ""uprooted information"". We show that a necessary and sufficient condition for a probability $P(s|do(t))$ to be ""identifiable"" (in the sense of GPE) in a graph $MONEY is that its uprooted information be non-negative for all models of the graph $PERSON In this paper, we also give a new algorithm for deciding, for a NORP net that is NORP, whether a probability $P(s|do(t))$ is identifiable, and, if it is identifiable, for expressing it without allusions to confounding variables. Our algorithm is closely based on a previous algorithm by GPE and GPE, but seems to correct a small flaw in theirs. In this paper, we also find a {ORG necessary and sufficient graphical condition} for a probability $P(s|do(t))$ to be identifiable when $t$ is a singleton set. So far, in the prior literature, it appears that only a {ORG sufficient graphical condition} has been given for this. By ""graphical"" we mean that it is directly based on PERSON CARDINAL rules of do-calculus.","In a previous paper, we described a computer program called Qubiter which can decompose an arbitrary unitary matrix into elementary operations of the type used in quantum computation. In this paper, we describe a method of reducing the number of elementary operations in such decompositions.",1 "This presentation's Part CARDINAL studies the evolutionary information processes and regularities of evolution dynamics, evaluated by an entropy functional (EF) of a random field (modeled by a diffusion information process) and an informational path functional (ORG) on trajectories of the related dynamic process (DATE). The integral information measure on the process' trajectories accumulates and encodes inner connections and dependencies between the information states, and contains more information than a sum of FAC's entropies, which measures and encodes each process's states separately. Cutting off the process' measured information under action of impulse controls (PERSON 2012a), extracts and reveals hidden information, covering the states' correlations in a multi-dimensional random process, and implements the EF-IPF minimax variation principle (VP). The approach models an information observer (Lerner 2012b)-as an extractor of such information, which is able to convert the collected information of the random process in the information dynamic process and organize it in the hierarchical information network (IN), NORP (PERSON, DATE). The IN's highest level of the structural hierarchy, measured by a maximal quantity and quality of the accumulated cooperative information, evaluates the observer's intelligence level, associated with its ability to recognize and build such structure of a meaningful hidden information. The considered evolution of optimal extraction, assembling, cooperation, and organization of this information in the IN, satisfying the VP, creates the phenomena of an evolving observer's intelligence. The requirements of preserving the evolutionary hierarchy impose the restrictions that limit the observer's intelligence level in the IN. The cooperative information geometry, evolving under observations, limits the size and volumes of a particular observer.","Hidden information emerges under impulse interactions with PERSON diffusion process modeling interactive random environment. Impulse yes no action cuts PERSON correlations revealing Bit of hidden information connected correlated states. Information appears phenomenon of interaction cutting correlations carrying entropy. Each inter action models PERSON impulse, ORG interaction between the PERSON impulses. Each impulse step down action cuts maximum of impulse minimal entropy and impulse step up action transits cutting minimal entropy to each step up action of merging delta function. LOC step down action kills delivering entropy producing equivalent minimax information. The merging action initiates ORG microprocess. Multiple cutting entropy is converting to information micro macroprocess. Cutting impulse entropy integrates entropy functional EF along trajectories of multidimensional diffusion process. Information which delivers ending states of each impulse integrates information path functional ORG along process trajectories. Hidden information evaluates ORG kernel whose minimal path transforms PERSON transition probability to probability of NORP diffusion. Each transitive transformation virtually observes origin of hidden information probabilities correlated states. ORG integrates observing ORG along minimal path assembling information PRODUCT. Minimax imposes variation principle on EF and ORG whose extreme equations describe observing micro and macroprocess which describes irreversible thermodynamics. Hidden information curries free information frozen from correlated connections. Free information binds observing micro macro processes in information macrodynamics. Each dynamic CARDINAL free information composes triplet structures. CARDINAL structural triplets assemble information network. Triple networks free information cooperate information ORG.",1 "In this article, we construct the axialvector-diquark-axialvector-antidiquark type tensor current to interpolate both the vector and axialvector tetraquark states, then calculate the contributions of the vacuum condensates up to dimension-10 in the operator product expansion, and obtain the ORG sum rules for both the vector and axialvector tetraquark states. The numerical results support assigning the MONEY to be the $MONEY diquark-antidiquark type tetraquark state, and assigning the $Y(4660)$ to be the $J^{PC}=1^{--}$ diquark-antidiquark type tetraquark state. Furthermore, we take the $Y(4260)$ and $Y(4360)$ as the mixed charmonium-tetraquark states, and construct the QUANTITY type tensor currents to study the masses and pole residues. The numerical results support assigning the $PERSON and $Y(4360)$ to be the mixed charmonium-tetraquark states.","ORG called also ORG (ORG) is known as a foundation for reasoning when knowledge is expressed at various levels of detail. Though much research effort has been committed to this theory since its foundation, many questions remain open. CARDINAL of the most important open questions seems to be the relationship between frequencies and the ORG. The theory is blamed to leave frequencies outside (or aside of) its framework. The seriousness of this accusation is obvious: (CARDINAL) no experiment may be run to compare the performance of ORG-based models of real world processes against real world data, (CARDINAL) data may not serve as foundation for construction of an appropriate belief model. In this paper we develop a frequentist interpretation of the ORG bringing to fall the above argument against ORG. An immediate consequence of it is the possibility to develop algorithms acquiring automatically ORG belief models from data. We propose CARDINAL such algorithms for various classes of belief model structures: for tree structured belief networks, for poly-tree belief networks and for general type belief networks.",0 "This paper initiates a systematic study of ORG functions, which are (partial) functions defined in terms of quantum mechanical computations. Of all quantum functions, we focus on resource-bounded quantum functions whose inputs are classical bit strings. We prove complexity-theoretical properties and unique characteristics of these quantum functions by recent techniques developed for the analysis of quantum computations. We also discuss relativized ORG functions that make adaptive and nonadaptive oracle queries.","The present article introduces ptarithmetic (short for ""polynomial time arithmetic"") -- a formal number theory similar to the well known Peano arithmetic, but based on the recently born computability logic (see ORG) instead of classical logic. The formulas of ptarithmetic represent interactive computational problems rather than just true/false statements, and their ""truth"" is understood as existence of a polynomial time solution. The system of ptarithmetic elaborated in this article is shown to be sound and complete. Sound in the sense that every theorem T of the system represents an interactive number-theoretic computational problem with a polynomial time solution and, furthermore, such a solution can be effectively extracted from a proof of NORP And complete in the sense that every interactive number-theoretic problem with a polynomial time solution is represented by some theorem T of the system. The paper is self-contained, and can be read without any previous familiarity with computability logic.",0 "We implement PERSON machine on a plasmodium of true slime mold {\em Physarum polycephalum}. We provide experimental findings on realization of the machine instructions, illustrate basic operations, and elements of programming.","A phyllosilicate is a sheet of silicate tetrahedra bound by basal oxygens. A phyllosilicate PERSON is a regular network of finite state machines --- silicon nodes and oxygen nodes --- which mimics structure of the phyllosilicate. A node takes states CARDINAL and CARDINAL. Each node updates its state in discrete time depending on a sum of states of its CARDINAL (silicon) or CARDINAL (oxygen) neighbours. Phyllosilicate automata exhibit localizations attributed to ORG: gliders, oscillators, still lifes, and a glider gun. Configurations and behaviour of typical localizations, and interactions between the localizations are illustrated.",1 "The paper sets forth comprehensive basics of WORK_OF_ARTPERSON (ORG), developed by the author during DATE and spread over series of publications. Based on the linear equations of irreversible thermodynamics, ORG definition of the thermodynamic force, and FAC principle, ORG brings forward a notion of chemical equilibrium as a balance of internal and external thermodynamic forces, acting against a chemical system. The basic expression of ORG is a logistic map that ties together energetic characteristics of the chemical transformation in the system, its deviation from true thermodynamic equilibrium, and the sum of thermodynamic forces, causing that deviation. System deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium is the major variable of the theory. Solutions to the basic map define the chemical system domain of states comprising bifurcation diagrams with CARDINAL areas, from true thermodynamic equilibrium to chaos, having specific distinctive meaning for chemical systems. The theory is derived from the currently recognized ideas of chemical thermodynamics and binds classical and contemporary thermodynamics of chemical equilibria into a unique concept. ORG opens new opportunities in understanding and analysis of equilibria in chemical systems. Some new results, included in the paper, have never been published before.","The method of ""random PERSON features (ORG)"" has become a popular tool for approximating the ""radial basis function (ORG)"" kernel. The variance of ORG is actually large. Interestingly, the variance can be substantially reduced by a simple normalization step as we theoretically demonstrate. We name the improved scheme as the ""normalized PERSON (NRFF)"". We also propose the ""generalized PERSON (ORG)"" kernel as a measure of data similarity. ORG is positive definite as there is an associated hashing method named ""generalized consistent weighted sampling (GPE)"" which linearizes this nonlinear kernel. We provide an extensive empirical evaluation of the ORG kernel and the ORG kernel on CARDINAL publicly available datasets. For a majority of the datasets, the (tuning-free) ORG kernel outperforms the best-tuned ORG kernel. We conduct extensive experiments for comparing the linearized RBF kernel using ORG with the linearized ORG kernel using GPE. We observe that, to reach a comparable classification accuracy, GPE typically requires substantially fewer samples than ORG, even on datasets where the original ORG kernel outperforms the original ORG kernel. The empirical success of GPE (compared to ORG) can also be explained from a theoretical perspective. ORDINAL, the relative variance (normalized by the squared expectation) of GPE is substantially smaller than that of ORG, except for the very high similarity region (where the variances of both methods are close to zero). ORDINAL, if we make a model assumption on the data, we can show analytically that GPE exhibits much smaller variance than ORG for estimating the same object (e.g., the ORG kernel), except for the very high similarity region.",0 "This paper describes an ORG method (called ORG) to generate predefined arbitrarily shaped CARDINAL-dimensional arrays of cells by means of evolutionary techniques. It is based on a model of development, whose key features are: i) the distinction bewteen ``normal'' and ``driver'' cells, being the latter able to receive guidance from the genome, ii) the implementation of the proliferation/apoptosis events in such a way that many cells are created/deleted at once, in order to speed-up the morphogenetic process. iii) the presence in driver cells of an epigenetic memory, that holds the position of the cell in the cell lineage tree and represents the source of differentiation during development. The experiments performed with a number of 100x100 black and white and colour target shapes (the horse, the couple, the hand, the dolphin, the map of GPE, the foot, the frog, the baby, the stomach, the NORP flag, the head) bring to the conclusion that the method described is able to generate any target shape, outperforming any other known method in terms of size and variety of the generated shapes. The interpretation of the proposed method as a model of embryogenesis and its biological implications are discussed.","Methods to find correlation among variables are of interest to many disciplines, including statistics, machine learning, (big) data mining and neurosciences. Parameters that measure correlation between CARDINAL variables are of limited utility when used with multiple variables. In this work, I propose a simple criterion to measure correlation among an arbitrary number of variables, based on a data set. The central idea is to i) design a function of the variables that can take different forms depending on a set of parameters, ii) calculate the difference between a statistics associated to the function computed on the data set and the same statistics computed on a randomised version of the data set, called ""scrambled"" data set, and iii) optimise the parameters to maximise this difference. Many such functions can be organised in layers, which can in turn be stacked CARDINAL on top of the other, forming a neural network. The function parameters are searched with an enhanced genetic algortihm called POET and the resulting method is tested on a cancer gene data set. The method may have potential implications for some issues that affect the field of neural networks, such as overfitting, the need to process huge amounts of data for training and the presence of ""adversarial examples"".",1 "PERSON's original definition of default logic allows for the application of a default that contradicts a previously applied one. We call failure this condition. The possibility of generating failures has been in the past considered as a semantical problem, and variants have been proposed to solve it. We show that it is instead a computational feature that is needed to encode some domains into default logic.","We show that the separability of states in ORG has a close counterpart in classical physics, and that conditional mutual information (a.k.a. conditional information transmission) is a very useful quantity in the study of both quantum and classical separabilities. We also show how to define entanglement of formation in terms of conditional mutual information. This paper lays the theoretical foundations for a sequel paper which will present a computer program that can calculate a decomposition of any separable quantum or classical state.",0 "The article describes an investigation of the effectiveness of genetic algorithms for multi-objective combinatorial optimization (MOCO) by presenting an application for the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows. The work is motivated by the question, if and how the problem structure influences the effectiveness of different configurations of the genetic algorithm. Computational results are presented for different classes of vehicle routing problems, varying in their coverage with time windows, time window size, distribution and number of customers. The results are compared with a simple, but effective local search approach for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems.","Non deterministic applications arise in many domains, including, stochastic optimization, multi-objectives optimization, stochastic planning, contingent stochastic planning, reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning in partially observable PERSON decision processes, and conditional planning. We present a logic programming framework called non deterministic logic programs, along with a declarative semantics and fixpoint semantics, to allow representing and reasoning about inherently non deterministic real-world applications. The language of non deterministic logic programs framework is extended with non-monotonic negation, and CARDINAL alternative semantics are defined: the stable non deterministic model semantics and the well-founded non deterministic model semantics as well as their relationship is studied. These semantics subsume the deterministic stable model semantics and the deterministic well-founded semantics of deterministic normal logic programs, and they reduce to the semantics of deterministic definite logic programs without negation. We show the application of the non deterministic logic programs framework to a conditional planning problem.",0 "Deep neural networks (DNN) are the state of the art on many engineering problems such as computer vision and audition. A key factor in the success of the DNN is scalability - bigger networks work better. However, the reason for this scalability is not yet well understood. Here, we interpret the DNN as a discrete system, of ORG filters followed by nonlinear activations, that is subject to the laws of sampling theory. In this context, we demonstrate that over-sampled networks are more selective, learn faster and learn more robustly. Our findings may ultimately generalize to the human brain.","Regularisation of deep neural networks (DNN) during training is critical to performance. By far the most popular method is known as dropout. Here, cast through the prism of signal processing theory, we compare and contrast the regularisation effects of dropout with those of dither. We illustrate some serious inherent limitations of dropout and demonstrate that dither provides a more effective regulariser.",1 "Importance sampling and PERSON sampling (of which GPE sampling is a special case) are CARDINAL methods commonly used to sample multi-variate probability distributions (that is, NORP networks). Heretofore, the sampling of NORP networks has been done on a conventional ""classical computer"". In this paper, we propose methods for doing importance sampling and PERSON sampling of a classical NORP network on a quantum computer.","In spite of all {\bf no-go} PERSON (e.g., PERSON, GPE and NORP,..., ORG,...) we constructed a realist basis of quantum mechanics. In our model both classical and quantum spaces b are rough images of the fundamental {\bf prespace.} ORG mechanics cannot be reduced to classical one. Both classical and quantum representations induce reductions of prespace information.",0 "Since PERSON, finite automata theory has been inspired by physics, in particular by ORG complementarity. We review automaton complementarity, reversible automata and the connections to generalized urn models. Recent developments in quantum information theory may have appropriate formalizations in the GPE context.","Gray (DATE) argued that the GPE paradox (PERSON) is a misnomer, and it is not a valid paradox. Gray also speculated that the argument was misattributed to GPE, whose lunchtime remarks did not pertain to the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, but to the feasibility of interstellar travel. Instead, the paradox is ascribed to LAW, and it is further suggested that the paradox is not a real problem or research subject and should not be used in debates about ORG projects. The arguments given are unpersuasive, ahistorical, and, in CARDINAL instance, clearly hinge on literalistic and uncharitable reading of evidence. Instead, I argue the following CARDINAL points: (i) Contrary to Gray's assertion, the historical issue of naming of ideas or concepts is completely divorced from their epistemic status. (ii) PERSON is easily and smoothly generalized into EVENT paradox, so it makes no sense either theoretically or empirically to separate the CARDINAL. (iii) In sharp contrast to the main implication of PERSON's paper, ORG has become more aggravated lately due to advances in astrobiology.",0 "In the framework of the emergent gravity scenario by PERSON, it was recently observed by PERSON and PERSON that, among other things, an anomalous pericenter precession would affect the orbital motion of a test particle orbiting an isolated central body. Here, it is shown that, if it were real, its expected magnitude for the inner planets of the Solar System would be at the same level of the present-day accuracy in constraining any possible deviations from their standard perihelion precessions as inferred from long data records spanning DATE. The most favorable situation for testing the Verlinde-type precession seems to occur for LOC. Indeed, according to recent versions of the ORG and PERSON planetary ephemerides, non-standard perihelion precessions, of whatsoever physical origin, which are larger than some $GPE CARDINAL-0.11$ milliarcseconds per century are not admissible, while the putative precession predicted by PERSON and PERSON amounts to MONEY milliarcseconds per century. Other potentially interesting astronomical and astrophysical scenarios like, e.g., the LOC's LOC artificial satellite, the double pulsar system PERSON/B and the S-stars orbiting ORG in GPE A$^\ast$ are, instead, not viable because of the excessive smallness of the predicted effects for them.","General formulas of entanglement concentration are derived by using an information-spectrum approach for the i.i.d. sequences and the general sequences of partially entangled pure states. That is, we derive general relations between the performance of the entanglement concentration and the eigenvalues of the partially traced state. The achievable rates with constant constraints and those with exponential constraints can be calculated from these formulas.",0 "This is a collection of linguistic-mathematical approaches to NORP rebus, puzzles, poetical and juridical texts, and proposes fancies, recreational math problems, and paradoxes. We study the frequencies of letters, syllables, vowels in various poetry, grill definitions in rebus, and rebus rules. We also compare the scientific language, poetical language, and puzzle language, and compute the FAC entropy and NORP informational energy.","In order to more accurately situate and fit the neutrosophic logic into the framework of nonstandard analysis, we present the neutrosophic inequalities, neutrosophic equality, neutrosophic infimum and supremum, neutrosophic standard intervals, including the cases when the neutrosophic logic standard and nonstandard components T, I, F get values outside of the classical real unit interval [CARDINAL, CARDINAL], and a brief evolution of neutrosophic operators. The paper intends to answer ORG criticism that we found benefic in better understanding the nonstandard neutrosophic logic, although the nonstandard neutrosophic logic was never used in practical applications.",1 "Whereas the research program of the measurement of scientific communications emerged in a context where the delineations among academia, government, and industry were institutionalized, the systemic development of these relations during DATE has changed the system of reference for the evaluation of research. In a knowledge-based economy science fulfills functions that change the definitions of what is considered research and globalization has changed the relevance of national systems of reference. Science, of course, has been internationally oriented from its very beginning, but the entrainment of the research process in these global developments is reflected in the research evaluation and the scientometric measurement. In other words, the systems under study have become more complex. A complex dynamics can analytically be decomposed in several subdynamics. The evolving systems and subsystems communicate in different dimensions and the evaluation has become part of the codification of these communications.","CARDINAL steps aid in the analysis of selection. ORDINAL, describe phenotypes by their component causes. Components include genes, maternal effects, symbionts, and any other predictors of phenotype that are of interest. ORDINAL, describe fitness by its component causes, such as an individual's phenotype, its neighbors' phenotypes, resource availability, and so on. ORDINAL, put the predictors of phenotype and fitness into an exact equation for evolutionary change, providing a complete expression of selection and other evolutionary processes. The complete expression separates the distinct causal roles of the various hypothesized components of phenotypes and fitness. Traditionally, those components are given by the covariance, variance, and regression terms of evolutionary models. I show how to interpret those statistical expressions with respect to information theory. The resulting interpretation allows one to read the fundamental equations of selection and evolution as sentences that express how various causes lead to the accumulation of information by selection and the decay of information by other evolutionary processes. The interpretation in terms of information leads to a deeper understanding of selection and heritability, and a clearer sense of how to formulate causal hypotheses about evolutionary process. Kin selection appears as a particular type of causal analysis that partitions social effects into meaningful components.",0 "How best to quantify the information of an object, whether natural or artifact, is a problem of wide interest. A related problem is the computability of an object. We present practical examples of a new way to address this problem. By giving an appropriate representation to our objects, based on a hierarchical coding of information, we exemplify how it is remarkably easy to compute complex objects. Our algorithmic complexity is related to the length of the class of objects, rather than to the length of the object.","The concept of {\em complexity} (as a quantity) has been plagued by numerous contradictory and confusing definitions. By explicitly recognising a role for the observer of a system, an observer that attaches meaning to data about the system, these contradictions can be resolved, and the numerous complexity measures that have been proposed can be seen as cases where different observers are relevant, and/or being proxy measures that loosely scale with complexity, but are easy to compute from the available data. Much of the epistemic confusion in the subject can be squarely placed at science's tradition of removing the observer from the description in order to guarantee {\em objectivity}. Explicitly acknowledging the role of the observer helps untangle other confused subject areas. PERSON} is a topic about which much ink has been spilt, but it can be understand easily as an irreducibility between description space and meaning space. ORG can also be understood as a theory of observation. The success in explaining quantum mechanics, leads one to conjecture that all of physics may be reducible to properties of the observer. And indeed, what are the necessary (as opposed to contingent) properties of an observer? This requires a full theory of consciousness, from which we are a long way from obtaining. However where progress does appear to have been made, e.g. PERSON's {\em PERSON}, a recurring theme of self-observation is a crucial ingredient.",0 "This paper proposes a new mechanism for pruning a search game-tree in computer chess. The algorithm stores and then reuses chains or sequences of moves, built up from previous searches. These move sequences have a built-in forward-pruning mechanism that can radically reduce the search space. A typical search process might retrieve a move from FAC, where the decision of what move to retrieve would be based on the position itself. This algorithm stores move sequences based on what previous sequences were better, or caused cutoffs. This is therefore position independent and so it could also be useful in games with imperfect information or uncertainty, where the whole situation is not known at any CARDINAL time. Over a small set of tests, the algorithm was shown to clearly out-perform Transposition Tables, both in terms of search reduction and game-play results.","This paper reconsiders the problem of the absent-minded driver who must choose between alternatives with different payoff with imperfect recall and varying degrees of knowledge of the system. The classical absent-minded driver problem represents the case with limited information and it has bearing on the general area of communication and learning, social choice, mechanism design, auctions, theories of knowledge, belief, and rational agency. Within the framework of extensive games, this problem has applications to many artificial intelligence scenarios. It is obvious that the performance of the agent improves as information available increases. It is shown that a non-uniform assignment strategy for successive choices does better than a fixed probability strategy. We consider both classical and quantum approaches to the problem. We argue that the superior performance of quantum decisions with access to entanglement cannot be fairly compared to a classical algorithm. If the cognitive systems of agents are taken to have access to quantum resources, or have a quantum mechanical basis, then that can be leveraged into superior performance.",0 "This is a review of ""WORK_OF_ART"", by PERSON.","Causal models defined in terms of a collection of equations, as defined by PRODUCT, are axiomatized here. Axiomatizations are provided for CARDINAL successively more general classes of causal models: (CARDINAL) the class of recursive theories (those without feedback), (CARDINAL) the class of theories where the solutions to the equations are unique, (CARDINAL) arbitrary theories (where the equations may not have solutions and, if they do, they are not necessarily unique). It is shown that to reason about causality in the most general ORDINAL class, we must extend the language used by GPE and GPE. In addition, the complexity of the decision procedures is characterized for all the languages and classes of models considered.",1 "In this paper are discussed some formal properties of ORG devices necessary for implementation of nondeterministic Turing machine.","The essential graph is a distinguished member of a PERSON equivalence class of ORG chain graphs. However, the directed edges in the essential graph are not necessarily strong or invariant, i.e. they may not be shared by every member of the equivalence class. Likewise for the undirected edges. In this paper, we develop a procedure for identifying which edges in an essential graph are strong. We also show how this makes it possible to bound some causal effects when the true chain graph is unknown.",0 "This paper presents a theory of error in cross-validation testing of algorithms for predicting real-valued attributes. The theory justifies the claim that predicting real-valued attributes requires balancing the conflicting demands of simplicity and accuracy. Furthermore, the theory indicates precisely how these conflicting demands must be balanced, in order to minimize cross-validation error. A general theory is presented, then it is developed in detail for ORG regression and instance-based learning.","Many ORG researchers and cognitive scientists have argued that analogy is the core of cognition. The most influential work on computational modeling of analogy-making is WORK_OF_ART (ORG) and its implementation in the WORK_OF_ART (ORG). A limitation of ORG is the requirement for complex hand-coded representations. We introduce ORG (ORG), which combines ideas from ORG and ORG (ORG) in order to remove the requirement for hand-coded representations. ORG builds analogical mappings between lists of words, using a large corpus of raw text to automatically discover the semantic relations among the words. We evaluate ORG on a set of CARDINAL analogical mapping problems, CARDINAL based on scientific analogies and CARDINAL based on common metaphors. ORG achieves human-level performance on the CARDINAL problems. We compare ORG with a variety of alternative approaches and find that they are not able to reach the same level of performance.",1 "Let $u_t = u_{xx} - q(x) u, CARDINAL \leq x \leq MONEY, MONEY, $u(0, t) = CARDINAL, ORG, t) = a(t), u(x,0) = MONEY, where $PERSON is a given function vanishing for $t>T$, $a(t) \not\equiv MONEY, $\int^T_0 a(t) dt < \infty$. Suppose one measures the flux $PERSON(0,t) := b_0 (t)$ for all $t>0$. Does this information determine $MONEY uniquely? Do the measurements of the flux $u_x (CARDINAL) := b(t)$ give more information MONEY (ORG does? The above questions are answered in this paper.","Mathematically rigorous inversion method is developed to recover compactly supported potentials from the fixed-energy scattering data in CARDINAL dimensions. Error estimates are given for the solution. An algorithm for inversion of noisy discrete fixed-energy CARDINALD scattering data is developed and its error estimates are obtained",1 "If a system falls through a black hole horizon, then its information is lost to an observer at infinity. But we argue that the {\it accessible} information is lost {\it before} the horizon is crossed. The temperature of the hole limits information carrying signals from a system that has fallen too close to the horizon. Extremal holes have T=0, but there is a minimum energy required to emit a quantum in the short proper time left before the horizon is crossed. If we attempt to bring the system back to infinity for observation, then acceleration radiation destroys the information. All CARDINAL considerations give a critical distance from the horizon $d\sim \sqrt{r_H\over \Delta E}$, where $PERSON is the horizon radius and MONEY E$ is the energy scale characterizing the system. For systems in string theory where we pack information as densely as possible, this acceleration constraint is found to have a geometric interpretation. These estimates suggest that in theories of gravity we should measure information not as a quantity contained inside a given system, but in terms of how much of that information can be reliably accessed by another observer.","We argue that bound states of branes have a size that is of the same order as the horizon radius of the corresponding black hole. Thus the interior of a black hole is not `empty space with a central singularity', and Hawking radiation can pick up information from the degrees of freedom of the hole.",1 "PERSON equilibrium is the most commonly-used notion of equilibrium in game theory. However, it suffers from numerous problems. Some are well known in the game theory community; for example, the ORG equilibrium of repeated prisoner's dilemma is neither normatively nor descriptively reasonable. However, new problems arise when considering PERSON equilibrium from a computer science perspective: for example, PERSON equilibrium is not robust (it does not tolerate ``faulty'' or ``unexpected'' behavior), it does not deal with coalitions, it does not take computation cost into account, and it does not deal with cases where players are not aware of all aspects of the game. Solution concepts that try to address these shortcomings of ORG equilibrium are discussed.","The original ORG definition of causality [Halpern and GPE, DATE] was updated in the journal version of the paper [PRODUCT and GPE, DATE] to deal with some problems pointed out by PERSON and PERSON [DATE]. Here the definition is modified yet again, in a way that (a) leads to a simpler definition, (b) handles the problems pointed out by PERSON and GPE, and many others, (c) gives reasonable answers (that agree with those of the original and updated definition) in the standard problematic examples of causality, and (d) has lower complexity than either the original or updated definitions.",1 "This paper verifies a result of {Shenoy:94} concerning graphoidal structure of Shenoy's notion of independence for ORG theory of belief functions. Shenoy proved that his notion of independence has graphoidal properties for positive normal valuations. The requirement of strict positive normal valuations as prerequisite for application of graphoidal properties excludes a wide class of ORG belief functions. It excludes especially so-called probabilistic belief functions. It is demonstrated that the requirement of positiveness of valuation may be weakened in that it may be required that commonality function is non-zero for singleton sets instead, and the graphoidal properties for independence of belief function variables are then preserved. This means especially that probabilistic belief functions with all singleton sets as focal points possess graphoidal properties for independence.","In previous papers, we expressed ORG in terms of ORG (ORG). In this brief paper, we express ORG in terms of ORG.",0 "We review the application of the critical point large N_f self-consistency method to ORG. In particular we derive the O(1/N_f) d-dimensional critical exponents whose epsilon-expansion determines the perturbative coefficients in MSbar of the field dimensions, beta-function and various twist-2 operators which occur in the operator product expansion of deep inelastic scattering.","The leading order coefficients of the beta-function of ORG are computed in a large N_f expansion. They are in agreement with the CARDINAL loop ORG calculation. The method involves computing the anomalous dimension of the operator (G^2_{mu nu})^2 at the d-dimensional fixed point in the NORP Thirring model to which ORG is equaivalent in this limit. The effect the O(1/N_f) corrections have on the location of the infrared stable fixed point for a range of N_f is also examined.",1 "Unlike classical information, ORG knowledge is restricted to the outcome of measurements of maximal observables corresponding to single contexts.","Some physical aspects related to the limit operations of the ORG lamp are discussed. Regardless of the formally unbounded and even infinite number of ""steps"" involved, the physical limit has an operational meaning in agreement with the PRODUCT sums of infinite series. The formal analogies to accelerated (hyper-) computers and the recursion theoretic diagonal methods are discussed. As ORG information is not bound by the mutually exclusive states of classical bits, it allows a consistent representation of fixed point states of the diagonal operator. In an effort to reconstruct the self-contradictory feature of diagonalization, a generalized diagonal method allowing no quantum fixed points is proposed.",1 "It is shown in the ORDINAL part of this paper that a combined model comprising ordinary and quintessential matter can support a traversable wormhole in Einstein-Maxwell gravity. Since the solution allows CARDINAL tidal forces, the wormhole is suitable for a humanoid traveler. The ORDINAL part of the paper shows that the electric field can be eliminated (Einstein gravity), but only by tolerating enormous tidal forces. Such a wormhole would still be capable of transmitting signals.","It has been shown that a noncommutative-geometry background may be able to support traversable wormholes. This paper discusses the possible detection of such wormholes in the outer regions of galactic halos by means of gravitational lensing. The procedure allows a comparison to other models such as the ORG-Frenk-White model and PERSON) modified gravity and is likely to favor a model based on noncommutative geometry.",1 "A general expression of the axial-vector current is presented, in which both the effects of the chiral symmetry breaking and the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking are included. A new resonance formula of the axial-vector meson is derived and in the limit of $q^{2}\rightarrow 0$ this formula doesn't go back to the ``chiral limit``. The studies show that the dominance of the axial-vector meson is associated with the satisfaction of PCAC. The dominance of pion exchange is companied by the strong anomaly of ORG.","A correction of the low energy theorem of the \gamma\to3\pi GPE has been found. A_{3\pi}(0,0,0) and the cross section are calculated. Theory agrees with data. There is no new adjustable parameter.",1 "A PERSON simulation based on O(alpha_s) QCD matrix elements matched to parton showers shows that final-state hadrons in deep inelastic scattering (ORG) can be used to tag events with a single (anti)quark recoiled against the proton. The method is particularly suited to study the mean charge of leading particles, which is sensitive to fragmentation and sea quark contribution to the proton structure function. We also discuss methods to study the charm production in ORG using the Breit frame.","We propose a data format for PERSON (MC) events, or any structural data, including experimental data, in a compact binary form using variable-size integer encoding as implemented in the Google's Protocol Buffers package. This approach is implemented in the so-called ProMC library which produces smaller file sizes for MC records compared to the existing input-output libraries used in high-energy physics (ORG). Other important features are a separation of abstract data layouts from concrete programming implementations, self-description and random access. Data stored in FAC files can be written, read and manipulated in a number of programming languages, such C++, PERSON and Python.",1 "Probability answer set programming is a declarative programming that has been shown effective for representing and reasoning about a variety of probability reasoning tasks. However, the lack of probability aggregates, e.g. {\em expected values}, in the language of disjunctive hybrid probability logic programs (ORG) disallows the natural and concise representation of many interesting problems. In this paper, we extend ORG to allow arbitrary probability aggregates. We introduce CARDINAL types of probability aggregates; a type that computes the expected value of a classical aggregate, e.g., the expected value of the minimum, and a type that computes the probability of a classical aggregate, ORG, the probability of sum of values. In addition, we define a probability answer set semantics for ORG with arbitrary probability aggregates including monotone, antimonotone, and nonmonotone probability aggregates. We show that the proposed probability answer set semantics of ORG subsumes both the original probability answer set semantics of ORG and the classical answer set semantics of classical disjunctive logic programs with classical aggregates, and consequently subsumes the classical answer set semantics of the original disjunctive logic programs. We show that the proposed probability answer sets of ORG with probability aggregates are minimal probability models and hence incomparable, which is an important property for nonmonotonic probability reasoning.","Ageing of publications, percentage of self-citations, and impact vary from journal to journal within fields of science. The assumption that citation and publication practices are homogenous within specialties and fields of science is invalid. Furthermore, the delineation of fields and among specialties is fuzzy. Institutional units of analysis and persons may move between fields or span different specialties. The match between the citation index and institutional profiles varies among institutional units and nations. The respective matches may heavily affect the representation of the units. Non-ISI journals are increasingly cornered into ""transdisciplinary"" PRODUCT functions with the exception of specialist journals publishing in languages other than LANGUAGE. An ""externally cited impact factor"" can be calculated for these journals. The citation impact of non-ISI journals will be demonstrated using WORK_OF_ART as the example.",0 "Science and mathematics help people better to understand world, eliminating different fallacies and misconceptions. CARDINAL of such misconception is related to arithmetic, which is so important both for science and everyday life. People think that their counting is governed by the rules of the conventional arithmetic and that other kinds of arithmetic do not exist and cannot exist. It is demonstrated in this paper that this popular image of the situation with integer numbers is incorrect. In many situations, we have to utilize different rules of counting and operating. This is a consequence of the existing diversity in nature and society and to represent correctly this diversity people have to utilize different arithmetics. To distinct them, we call the conventional arithmetic PERSON, while other arithmetics are called NORP. Theory of NORP arithmetics is developed in the book of the author ""Non-Diophantine arithmetics or is it possible that CARDINAL + 2 is not equal to CARDINAL."" In this work, some properties of NORP arithmetics are considered, as well as their connections to numerical computations and contemporary physics are explained.","A practical tool for natural language modeling and development of human-machine interaction is developed in the context of formal grammars and languages. A new type of formal grammars, called grammars with prohibition, is introduced. Grammars with prohibition provide more powerful tools for natural language generation and better describe processes of language learning than the conventional formal grammars. Here we study relations between languages generated by different grammars with prohibition based on conventional types of formal grammars such as context-free or context sensitive grammars. Besides, we compare languages generated by different grammars with prohibition and languages generated by conventional formal grammars. In particular, it is demonstrated that they have essentially higher computational power and expressive possibilities in comparison with the conventional formal grammars. Thus, while conventional formal grammars are recursive and subrecursive algorithms, many classes of grammars with prohibition are superrecursive algorithms. Results presented in this work are aimed at the development of human-machine interaction, modeling natural languages, empowerment of programming languages, computer simulation, better software systems, and theory of recursion.",1 "The ""SP theory of intelligence"", with its realisation in the ""SP computer model"", aims to simplify and integrate observations and concepts across AI-related fields, with information compression as a unifying theme. This paper describes how abstract structures and processes in the theory may be realised in terms of neurons, their interconnections, and the transmission of signals between neurons. This part of the NORP theory -- ""SP-neural"" -- is a tentative and partial model for the representation and processing of knowledge in the brain. In the NORP theory (apart from NORP-neural), all kinds of knowledge are represented with ""patterns"", where a pattern is an array of atomic symbols in CARDINAL or CARDINAL dimensions. In SP-neural, the concept of a ""pattern"" is realised as an array of neurons called a ""pattern assembly"", similar to Hebb's concept of a ""cell assembly"" but with important differences. Central to the processing of information in the NORP system is the powerful concept of ""multiple alignment"", borrowed and adapted from bioinformatics. Processes such as pattern recognition, reasoning and problem solving are achieved via the building of multiple alignments, while unsupervised learning -- significantly different from EVENT -- is achieved by creating patterns from sensory information and also by creating patterns from multiple alignments in which there is a partial match between CARDINAL pattern and another. Short-lived neural structures equivalent to multiple alignments will be created via an inter-play of excitatory and inhibitory neural signals. The paper discusses several associated issues, with relevant empirical evidence.","This paper examines common assumptions regarding the decision-making internal environment for intelligent agents and investigates issues related to processing of memory and belief states to help obtain better understanding of the responses. In specific, we consider order effects and discuss both classical and non-classical explanations for them. We also consider implicit cognition and explore if certain inaccessible states may be best modeled as quantum states. We propose that the hypothesis that quantum states are at the basis of order effects be tested on large databases such as those related to medical treatment and drug efficacy. A problem involving a maze network is considered and comparisons made between classical and quantum decision scenarios for it.",0 "We introduce operational semantics into games. And based on the operational semantics, we establish a full algebra of games, including basic algebra of games, algebra of concurrent games, recursion and abstraction. The algebra can be used widely to reason on the behaviors of systems (not only computational systems) with game theory supported.","ORG to traditionally accurate computing, approximate computing focuses on the rapidity of the satisfactory solution, but not the unnecessary accuracy of the solution. Approximate bisimularity is the approximate one corresponding to traditionally accurate bisimilarity. Based on the work of distances between basic processes, we propose an algebraic approach for distances between processes to support a whole process calculus ORG, which contains prefix, sum, composition, restriction, relabeling and recursion.",1 "We study the problem of deciding whether some PSPACE-complete problems have models of bounded size. Contrary to problems in ORG, models of ORG-complete problems may be exponentially large. However, such models may take polynomial space in a succinct representation. For example, the models of a ORG are explicitely represented by and-or trees (which are always of exponential size) but can be succinctely represented by circuits (which can be polynomial or exponential). We investigate the complexity of deciding the existence of such succinct models when a bound on size is given.","We analyze the computational complexity of problems related to case-based planning: planning when a plan for a similar instance is known, and planning from a library of plans. We prove that planning from a single case has the same complexity than generative planning (i.e., planning ""from scratch""); using an extended definition of cases, complexity is reduced if the domain stored in the case is similar to the one to search plans for. Planning from a library of cases is shown to have the same complexity. In both cases, the complexity of planning remains, in the worst case, PSPACE-complete.",1 "I provide an alternative way of seeing quantum computation. ORDINAL, I describe an idealized classical problem solving machine that, thanks to a many body interaction, reversibly and nondeterministically produces the solution of the problem under the simultaneous influence of all the problem constraints. This requires a perfectly accurate, rigid, and reversible relation between the coordinates of the machine parts - the machine can be considered the many body generalization of another perfect machine, the bounching ball model of reversible computation. The mathematical description of the machine, as it is, is applicable to ORG problem solving, an extension of the quantum algorithms that comprises the physical representation of the problem-solution interdependence. The perfect relation between the coordinates of the machine parts is transferred to the populations of the reduced density operators of the parts of the computer register. The solution of the problem is reversibly and nondeterministically produced under the simultaneous influence of the state before measurement and the quantum principle. At the light of the present notion of simultaneous computation, the quantum speed up turns out to be ""precognition"" of the solution, namely the reduction of the initial ignorance of the solution due to backdating, to before running the algorithm, a time-symmetric part of the state vector reduction on the solution; as such, it is bounded by state vector reduction through an entropic inequality. PACS numbers: CARDINAL, 01.55.+b, 01.70.+w","There exists an increasing evidence supporting the picture of the PERSON junction (JJ) as a ""macroscopic quantum system"". On the other hand the interpretation of experimental data strongly depends on the assumed theoretical model. We analyse the possible states of a NORP pair box (""charge qubit"") for the CARDINAL types of models : CARDINAL-mode ORG model with its large $MONEY aproximations and the many-body description within the mean-field approximation (Gross-Pitaevski equation). While the ORDINAL class of models supports the picture of JJ being a quantum subsystem of a single degree of freedom, the ORDINAL approach yields an essentially classical structure of accessible quantum states which, in particular, implies the absence of entanglement for CARDINAL coupled JJ's. The arguments in favor of the mean-field theory are presented and different experimental tests including a new proposal are briefly discussed.",0 "Belief integration methods are often aimed at deriving a single and consistent knowledge base that retains as much as possible of the knowledge bases to integrate. The rationale behind this approach is the minimal change principle: the result of the integration process should differ as less as possible from the knowledge bases to integrate. We show that this principle can be reformulated in terms of a more general model of belief revision, based on the assumption that inconsistency is due to the mistakes the knowledge bases contain. Current belief revision strategies are based on a specific kind of mistakes, which however does not include all possible ones. Some alternative possibilities are discussed.","Merging beliefs requires the plausibility of the sources of the information to be merged. They are typically assumed equally reliable in lack of hints indicating otherwise; yet, a recent line of research spun from the idea of deriving this information from the revision process itself. In particular, the history of previous revisions and previous merging examples provide information for performing subsequent mergings. Yet, no examples or previous revisions may be available. In spite of the apparent lack of information, something can still be inferred by a try-and-check approach: a relative reliability ordering is assumed, the merging process is performed based on it, and the result is compared with the original information. The outcome of this check may be incoherent with the initial assumption, like when a completely reliable source is rejected some of the information it provided. In such cases, the reliability ordering assumed in the ORDINAL place can be excluded from consideration. The ORDINAL theorem of this article proves that such a scenario is indeed possible. Other results are obtained under various definition of reliability and merging.",1 "The computer revolution has been driven by a sustained increase of computational speed of CARDINAL order of magnitude (a factor of CARDINAL) DATE since DATE. In natural sciences this has led to a continuous increase of the importance of computer simulations. Major enabling techniques are PERSON (MCMC) and ORG (GPE) simulations. This article deals with the MCMC approach. ORDINAL basic simulation techniques, as well as methods for their statistical analysis are reviewed. Afterwards the focus is on generalized ensembles and biased updating, CARDINAL advanced techniques, which are of relevance for simulations of biomolecules, or are expected to become relevant with that respect. In particular we consider the multicanonical ensemble and the replica exchange method (also known as parallel tempering or method of multiple PERSON chains).","Evolution of a physical quantum state vector is described as governed by CARDINAL distinct physical laws: PERSON, unitary time evolution and a relativistically covariant reduction process. In previous literature, it was concluded that a relativistically satisfactory version of the collapse postulate is in contradiction with physical measurements of a non-local state history. Here it is shown that such measurements are excluded when reduction is formulated as a physical process and the measurement devices are included as part of the state vector.",1 "In DATE we witness a dramatic growth of research focused on semantic image understanding. Indeed, without understanding image content successful accomplishment of any image-processing task is simply incredible. Up to the recent times, the ultimate need for such understanding has been met by the knowledge that a domain expert or a vision system supervisor have contributed to every image-processing application. The advent of the Internet has drastically changed this situation. Internet sources of visual information are diffused and dispersed over the whole Web, so the duty of information content discovery and evaluation must be relegated now to an image understanding agent (a machine or a computer program) capable to perform image content assessment at a remote image location. Development of Content Based Image Retrieval (ORG) techniques was a right move in a right direction, launched DATE. Unfortunately, very little progress has been made since then. The reason for this can be seen in a rank of long lasting misconceptions that ORG designers are continuing to adhere to. I hope, my arguments will help them to change their minds.","In DATE, we witness a paradigm shift in our nature studies - from a data-processing based computational approach to an information-processing based cognitive approach. The process is restricted and often misguided by the lack of a clear understanding about what information is and how it should be treated in research applications (in general) and in biological studies (in particular). The paper intend to provide some remedies for this bizarre situation.",1 "We prove that extreme ORG initial data set is a unique absolute minimum of the total mass in a (physically relevant) class of vacuum, maximal, asymptotically flat, axisymmetric data for PERSON equations with fixed angular momentum. These data represent non-stationary, axially symmetric, black holes. As a consequence, we obtain that any data in this class satisfy the inequality $\sqrt{J} \leq m$, where $m$ and $MONEY are the total mass and angular momentum of the spacetime.","For a given asymptotically flat initial data set for PERSON equations a new geometric invariant is constructed. This invariant measure the departure of the data set from the stationary regime, it vanishes if and only if the data is stationary. In vacuum, it can be interpreted as a measure of the total amount of radiation contained in the data.",1 "Most existing approaches in ORG (CRS) focus on recommending relevant items to users taking into account contextual information, such as time, location, or social aspects. However, few of them have considered the problem of user's content dynamicity. We introduce in this paper an algorithm that tackles the user's content dynamicity by modeling the CRS as a contextual bandit algorithm and by including a situation clustering algorithm to improve the precision of the ORG. Within a deliberately designed offline simulation framework, we conduct evaluations with real online event log data. The experimental results and detailed analysis reveal several important discoveries in context aware recommender system.","We introduce in this paper an algorithm named PERSON that tackles the dynamicity of the user's content. It is based on dynamic exploration/exploitation tradeoff and can adaptively balance the CARDINAL aspects by deciding which situation is most relevant for exploration or exploitation. The experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms surveyed algorithms.",1 "The article describes the proposition and application of a local search metaheuristic for multi-objective optimization problems. It is based on CARDINAL main principles of heuristic search, intensification through variable neighborhoods, and diversification through perturbations and successive iterations in favorable regions of the search space. The concept is successfully tested on permutation flow shop scheduling problems under multiple objectives and compared to other local search approaches. While the obtained results are encouraging in terms of their quality, another positive attribute of the approach is its simplicity as it does require the setting of only very few parameters.","Logitboost is an influential boosting algorithm for classification. In this paper, we develop robust logitboost to provide an explicit formulation of tree-split criterion for building weak learners (regression trees) for logitboost. This formulation leads to a numerically stable implementation of logitboost. We then propose ORG-logitboost for multi-class classification, by combining robust logitboost with the prior work of ORG-boost. Previously, ORG-boost was implemented as ORG using the mart algorithm. Our extensive experiments on multi-class classification compare CARDINAL algorithms: mart, abcmart, (robust) logitboost, and ORG-logitboost, and demonstrate the superiority of ORG-logitboost. Comparisons with other learning methods including ORG and deep learning are also available through prior publications.",0 """WORK_OF_ART"" is the name of a model of cellular development that, coupled with an evolutionary technique, becomes an evo-devo (or ""artificial embryology"", or ""computational development"") method to generate CARDINAL or CARDINAL sets of artificial cells arbitrarily shaped. 'In silico' experiments have proved the effectiveness of the method in devo-evolving any kind of shape, of any complexity (in terms of number of cells, number of colours, etc.); being shape complexity a metaphor for organismal complexity, such simulations established its potential to generate the complexity typical of biological systems. Moreover, it has also been shown how the underlying model of cellular development is able to produce the artificial version of key biological phenomena such as embryogenesis, the presence of ""junk DNA"", the phenomenon of ageing and the process of carcinogenesis. The objective of this document is not to provide new material (most of the material presented here has already been published elsewhere): rather, it is to provide all details that, for lack of space, could not be provided in the published papers and in particular to give all technical details necessary to re-implement the method.","Transposable elements are DNA sequences that can move around to different positions in the genome. During this process, they can cause mutations, and lead to an increase in genome size. Despite representing a large genomic fraction, transposable elements have no clear biological function. This work builds upon a previous model, to propose a new concept of natural selection which combines NORP and NORP elements. Transposable elements are hypothesised to be the vector of a flow of genetic information from soma to germline, that shapes gene regulatory regions across the genome. The paper introduces the concept, presents and discusses the body of evidence in support of this hypothesis, and suggests an experiment to test it.",1 "Fluctuations on de Sitter solution of FAC field equations are obtained in terms of the matter density primordial density fluctuations and spin-torsion density and matter density fluctuations obtained from ORG data. Einstein-de Sitter solution is shown to be unstable even in the absence of torsion.The spin-torsion density fluctuation to generate a deflationary phase is computed from the ORG data.","Any regular NORP probability distribution that can be represented by an ORG chain graph (CG) can be expressed as a system of ORG equations with correlated errors whose structure depends on the CG. However, the ORG represents the errors implicitly, as no nodes in the ORG correspond to the errors. We propose in this paper to add some deterministic nodes to the ORG in order to represent the errors explicitly. We call the result an ORG CG. We will show that, as desired, every AMP CG is PERSON equivalent to its corresponding ORG ORG under marginalization of the error nodes. We will also show that every ORG ORG under marginalization of the error nodes is PERSON equivalent to some PERSON under marginalization of the error nodes, and that the latter is PERSON equivalent to some directed and acyclic graph (ORG) under marginalization of the error nodes and conditioning on some selection nodes. This is important because it implies that the independence model represented by an AMP CG can be accounted for by some data generating process that is partially observed and has selection bias. Finally, we will show that ORG CGs are closed under marginalization. This is a desirable feature because it guarantees parsimonious models under marginalization.",0 "We prove new estimates for the volume of a NORP manifold and show especially that cosmological spacetimes with crushing singularities have finite volume.","When agents are acting together, they may need a simple mechanism to decide on joint actions. CARDINAL possibility is to have the agents express their preferences in the form of a ballot and use a voting rule to decide the winning action(s). Unfortunately, agents may try to manipulate such an election by misreporting their preferences. Fortunately, it has been shown that it is ORG-hard to compute how to manipulate a number of different voting rules. However, ORG-hardness only bounds the worst-case complexity. Recent theoretical results suggest that manipulation may often be easy in practice. To address this issue, I suggest studying empirically if computational complexity is in practice a barrier to manipulation. The basic tool used in my investigations is the identification of computational ""phase transitions"". Such an approach has been fruitful in identifying hard instances of propositional satisfiability and other ORG-hard problems. I show that phase transition behaviour gives insight into the hardness of manipulating voting rules, increasing concern that computational complexity is indeed any sort of barrier. Finally, I look at the problem of computing manipulation of other, related problems like stable marriage and tournament problems.",0 "I postulate that human or other intelligent agents function or should function as follows. They store all sensory observations as they come - the data is holy. At any time, given some agent's current coding capabilities, part of the data is compressible by a short and hopefully fast program / description / explanation / world model. In the agent's subjective eyes, such data is more regular and more ""beautiful"" than other data. It is well-known that knowledge of regularity and repeatability may improve the agent's ability to plan actions leading to external rewards. In absence of such rewards, however, known beauty is boring. Then ""interestingness"" becomes the ORDINAL derivative of subjective beauty: as the learning agent improves its compression algorithm, formerly apparently random data parts become subjectively more regular and beautiful. Such progress in compressibility is measured and maximized by the curiosity drive: create action sequences that extend the observation history and yield previously unknown / unpredictable but quickly learnable algorithmic regularity. We discuss how all of the above can be naturally implemented on computers, through an extension of passive unsupervised learning to the case of active data selection: we reward a general reinforcement learner (with access to the adaptive compressor) for actions that improve the subjective compressibility of the growing data. An unusually large breakthrough in compressibility deserves the name ""discovery"". The ""creativity"" of artists, dancers, musicians, pure mathematicians can be viewed as a by-product of this principle. Several qualitative examples support this hypothesis.","We discuss the problem of gauge invariance of the vector meson photoproduction at small $x$ within the CARDINAL-gluon exchange model. It is found that the gauge invariance is fulfilled if one includes the graphs with higher Fock states in the meson wave function. Obtained results are used to estimate the amplitudes with longitudinal and transverse photon and vector meson polarization.",0 "The recently proposed ""generalized PERSON"" (ORG) kernel can be efficiently linearized, with direct applications in large-scale statistical learning and fast near neighbor search. The linearized ORG kernel was extensively compared in with linearized radial basis function (RBF) kernel. On a large number of classification tasks, the tuning-free ORG kernel performs (surprisingly) well compared to the best-tuned ORG kernel. Nevertheless, one would naturally expect that the ORG kernel ought to be further improved if we introduce tuning parameters. In this paper, we study CARDINAL simple constructions of tunable ORG kernels: (i) the exponentiated-GMM (or eGMM) kernel, (ii) the powered-GMM (or pGMM) kernel, and (iii) the exponentiated-powered-GMM (epGMM) kernel. The pGMM kernel can still be efficiently linearized by modifying the original hashing procedure for the ORG kernel. On CARDINAL publicly available classification datasets, we verify that the proposed tunable ORG kernels typically improve over the original ORG kernel. On some datasets, the improvements can be astonishingly significant. For example, on CARDINAL popular datasets which were used for testing deep learning algorithms and tree methods, our experiments show that the proposed tunable ORG kernels are strong competitors to trees and deep nets. The previous studies developed tree methods including ""ORG-robust-logitboost"" and demonstrated the excellent performance on those CARDINAL datasets (and other datasets), by establishing the ORDINAL-order tree-split formula and new derivatives for multi-class logistic loss. Compared to tree methods like ""ORG-robust-logitboost"" (which are slow and need substantial model sizes), the tunable ORG kernels produce largely comparable results.","We develop the concept of ORG (PERSON Class PERSON) for multi-class classification and present ORG, a concrete implementation of ORG. The original MART (Multiple Additive Regression Trees) algorithm has been very successful in large-scale applications. For binary classification, ORG recovers MART. For multi-class classification, ORG considerably improves MART, as evaluated on several public data sets.",1 "The present article is a brief informal survey of computability logic --- the game-semantically conceived formal theory of computational resources and tasks. This relatively young nonclassical logic is a conservative extension of classical ORDINAL order logic but is much more expressive than the latter, yielding a wide range of new potential application areas. In a reasonable (even if not strict) sense the same holds for intuitionistic and ORG logics, which allows us to say that ORG reconciles and unifies the CARDINAL traditions of logical thought (and beyond) on the basis of its natural and ""universal"" game semantics. A comprehensive online survey of the subject can be found at http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/ .","Computability logic (CL) (see ORG ) is a research program for redeveloping logic as a formal theory of computability, as opposed to the formal theory of truth which it has more traditionally been. PERSON in ORG stand for interactive computational problems, seen as games between a machine and its environment; logical operators represent operations on such entities; and ""truth"" is understood as existence of an effective solution. The formalism of ORG is open-ended, and may undergo series of extensions as the studies of the subject advance. So far three -- parallel, sequential and choice -- sorts of conjunction and disjunction have been studied. The present paper adds CARDINAL more natural kind to this collection, termed toggling. The toggling operations can be characterized as lenient versions of choice operations where choices are retractable, being allowed to be reconsidered any finite number of times. This way, they model trial-and-error style decision steps in interactive computation. The main technical result of this paper is constructing a sound and complete axiomatization for the propositional fragment of computability logic whose vocabulary, together with negation, includes all CARDINAL -- parallel, toggling, sequential and choice -- kinds of conjunction and disjunction. Along with toggling conjunction and disjunction, the paper also introduces the toggling versions of quantifiers and recurrence operations.",1 "Review of: PERSON and PERSON, Geometric Data Analysis, From ORG, LOC, Dordrecht, DATE, PERSON.","A review of some of the author's results in the area of inverse scattering is given. The following topics are discussed: CARDINAL) Property $MONEY and applications, CARDINAL) Stable inversion of fixed-energy 3D scattering data and its error estimate, CARDINAL) Inverse scattering with ''incomplete`` data, CARDINAL) Inverse scattering for inhomogeneous Schr\""odinger equation, CARDINAL) PERSON's inverse scattering method, CARDINAL) Invertibility of the steps in ORG, PERSON, and PERSON inversion methods, 7) The Newton-Sabatier and PERSON procedures are not inversion methods, WORK_OF_ART: existence, location, perturbation theory, 9) Born inversion as an ill-posed problem, CARDINAL) Inverse obstacle scattering with fixed-frequency data, CARDINAL) Inverse scattering with data at a fixed energy and a fixed incident direction, CARDINAL) Creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient and wave-focusing properties.",0 "We study the problem of estimating the coefficients in linear ordinary differential equations (ODE's) with a diverging number of variables when the solutions are observed with noise. The solution trajectories are ORDINAL smoothed with local polynomial regression and the coefficients are estimated with nonconcave penalty proposed by \cite{fan01}. Under some regularity and sparsity conditions, we show the procedure can correctly identifies nonzero coefficients with probability converging to one and the estimators for nonzero coefficients have the same asymptotic normal distribution as they would have when the CARDINAL coefficients are known and the same CARDINAL-step procedure is used. Our asymptotic results are valid under the misspecified case where linear ODE's are only used as an approximation to nonlinear ORG's, and the estimates will converge to the coefficients of the best approximating linear system. From our results, when the solution trajectories of the ORG's are sufficiently smooth, the parametric $\sqrt{n}$ rate is achieved even though nonparametric regression estimator is used in the ORDINAL step of the procedure. The performance of the CARDINAL-step procedure is illustrated by a simulation study as well as an application to yeast cell-cycle data.","We study light hadron leptoproduction at small $x$. PERSON production is analysed in terms of generalized gluon distributions with taking into account the transverse quark motion. Within a CARDINAL-gluon model the double spin asymmetries for longitudinally polarized leptons and transversely polarized protons in the diffractive $Q \bar Q$ production are investigated. The predicted $A_{lT}$ asymmetry is large and can be used to obtain information on the polarized gluon distributions in the proton.",0 "It is demonstrated how linear computational time and storage efficient approaches can be adopted when analyzing very large data sets. More importantly, interpretation is aided and furthermore, basic processing is easily supported. Such basic processing can be the use of supplementary, i.e. contextual, elements, or particular associations. Furthermore pixellated grid cell contents can be utilized as a basic form of imposed clustering. For a given resolution level, here related to an associated m-adic ($m$ here is a non-prime integer) or p-adic ($p$ is prime) number system encoding, such pixellated mapping results in partitioning. The association of a range of m-adic and p-adic representations leads naturally to an imposed hierarchical clustering, with partition levels corresponding to the m-adic-based and p-adic-based representations and displays. In these clustering embedding and imposed cluster structures, some analytical visualization and search applications are described","This paper describes information flow within logical environments. The theory of information flow, the logic of distributed systems, was first defined by GPE and ORG. DATE). Logical environments are a semantic-oriented version of institutions. The theory of institutions, which was initiated by PERSON and PERSON (Institutions: Abstract Model Theory for Specification and Programming. DATE), is abstract model theory. Information flow is the flow of information in channels over distributed systems. The semantic integration of distributed systems, be they ontologies, databases or other information resources, can be defined in terms of the channel theory of information flow. As originally defined, the theory of information flow uses only a specific logical environment in order to discuss information flow. This paper shows how information flow can be defined in an arbitrary logical environment.",0 "A plethora of natural, artificial and social complex systems exists which violate the basic hypothesis (e.g., ergodicity) of ORG (GPE) statistical mechanics. Many of such cases can be satisfactorily handled by introducing nonadditive entropic functionals, such as $PERSON p_i^q}{q-1} \; \Bigl(q \in {\cal R}; PERSON, \sum_{i=1}^W GPE \Bigr)$, with $S_1=S_{BG}\equiv PERSON \ln p_i$. Each class of such systems can be characterized by a set of values $\{q\}$, directly corresponding to its various physical/dynamical/geometrical properties. A most important subset is usually referred to as the $q$-triplet, namely $(q_{sensitivity}, q_{relaxation}, NORP, defined in the body of this paper. In the GPE limit we have $PERSON For a given class of complex systems, the set CARDINAL\{q\}$ contains only a few independent values of $PERSON, all the others being functions of those few. An illustration of this structure was given in DATE [Tsallis, ORG and PERSON, GPE. Natl. Acad. Sc. USA {\bf CARDINAL}, DATE; TGS]. This illustration enabled a satisfactory analysis of the PRODUCT data on the solar wind. But the general form of these structures still is an open question. This is so, for instance, for the challenging $PERSON associated with the edge of chaos of the logistic map. We introduce here a transformation which sensibly generalizes the ORG one, and which might constitute an important step towards the general solution.","The so called $q$-triplets were conjectured in DATE and then found in nature in DATE. A relevant further step was achieved in DATE when the possibility was advanced that they could reflect an entire infinite algebra based on combinations of the self-dual relations MONEY 2-q$ ({\it additive duality}) and MONEY/q$ ({ORG multiplicative duality}). The entire algebra collapses into the single fixed point $q=1$, corresponding to FAC entropy and statistical mechanics. For $q \ne 1$, an infinite set of indices $PERSONappears, corresponding in principle to an infinite number of physical properties of a given complex system describable in terms of the so called $q$-statistics. The basic idea that is put forward is that, for a given universality class of systems, a small number (typically CARDINAL or CARDINAL) of independent CARDINALq$ indices exist, the infinite others being obtained from these few ones by simply using the relations of the algebra. The $q$-triplets appear to constitute a few central elements of the algebra. During DATE, an impressive amount of $q$-triplets have been exhibited in analytical, computational, experimental and observational results in natural, artificial and social systems. Some of them do satisfy the available algebra constructed solely with the additive and multiplicative dualities, but some others seem to violate it. In the present work we generalize those CARDINAL dualities with the hope that a wider set of systems can be handled within. The basis of the generalization is given by the {ORG selfdual} relation $q \to q_a(q) \equiv \frac{(a+2) -aq}{a-(a-2)q} \,\, (a \in {\cal R})$. We verify that MONEY, and that $q_2(q)=2-q$ and $q_0(q)=1/q$. To physically motivate this generalization, we briefly review illustrative applications of $q$-statistics, in order to exhibit possible candidates where the present generalized algebras could be useful.",1 "The series solution of the behavior of a finite number of physical bodies and PERSON's PERSON number share quasi-algorithmic expressions; yet both lack a computable radius of convergence.","In an independence model, the triplets that represent conditional independences between singletons are called elementary. It is known that the elementary triplets represent the independence model unambiguously under some conditions. In this paper, we show how this representation helps performing some operations with independence models, such as finding the dominant triplets or a minimal independence map of an independence model, or computing the union or intersection of a pair of independence models, or performing causal reasoning. For the latter, we rephrase in terms of conditional independences some of LOC's results for computing causal effects.",0 "ORG) has recently become a real formal science: the new millennium brought the ORDINAL mathematically sound, asymptotically optimal, universal problem solvers, providing a new, rigorous foundation for the previously largely heuristic field of General PERSON and embedded agents. At the same time there has been rapid progress in practical methods for learning true sequence-processing programs, as opposed to traditional methods limited to stationary pattern association. Here we will briefly review some of the new results, and speculate about future developments, pointing out that the time intervals between the most notable events in DATE or CARDINAL^CARDINAL lifetimes of human history have sped up exponentially, apparently converging to CARDINAL within DATE. Or is this impression just a by-product of the way humans allocate memory space to past events?","We present the ORDINAL class of mathematically rigorous, general, fully self-referential, self-improving, optimally efficient problem solvers. Inspired by PERSON celebrated self-referential formulas (DATE), such a problem solver rewrites any part of its own code as soon as it has found a proof that the rewrite is useful, where the problem-dependent utility function and the hardware and the entire initial code are described by axioms encoded in an initial proof searcher which is also part of the initial code. The searcher systematically and efficiently tests computable proof techniques (programs whose outputs are proofs) until it finds a provably useful, computable self-rewrite. We show that such a self-rewrite is globally optimal - no local PRODUCT! - since the code first had to prove that it is not useful to continue the proof search for alternative self-rewrites. Unlike previous non-self-referential methods based on hardwired proof searchers, ours not only boasts an optimal order of complexity but can optimally reduce any slowdowns hidden by the O()-notation, provided the utility of such speed-ups is provable at all.",1 "The emerging Web of Data utilizes the web infrastructure to represent and interrelate data. The foundational standards of the Web of Data include the WORK_OF_ART) and ORG (ORG). URIs are used to identify resources and ORG is used to relate resources. While ORG has been posited as a logic language designed specifically for knowledge representation and reasoning, it is more generally useful if it can conveniently support other models of computing. In order to realize the Web of ORG as a general-purpose medium for storing and processing the world's data, it is necessary to separate ORG from its logic language legacy and frame it simply as a data model. Moreover, there is significant advantage in seeing the NORP Web as a particular interpretation of the Web of Data that is focused specifically on knowledge representation and reasoning. By doing so, other interpretations of the Web of Data are exposed that realize ORG in different capacities and in support of different computing models.","This paper argues that the operations of a 'Universal Turing Machine' (UTM) and equivalent mechanisms such as ORG (ORG) - which are widely accepted as definitions of the concept of `computing' - may be interpreted as *information compression by multiple alignment, unification and search* (ICMAUS). The motivation for this interpretation is that it suggests ways in which the UTM/PCS model may be augmented in a proposed new computing system designed to exploit the ICMAUS principles as fully as possible. The provision of a relatively sophisticated search mechanism in the proposed 'SP' system appears to open the door to the integration and simplification of a range of functions including unsupervised inductive learning, best-match pattern recognition and information retrieval, probabilistic reasoning, planning and problem solving, and others. Detailed consideration of how the ICMAUS principles may be applied to these functions is outside the scope of this article but relevant sources are cited in this article.",0 "This paper presents some properties of unary coding of significance for biological learning and instantaneously trained neural networks.","Sparse methods for supervised learning aim at finding good linear predictors from as few variables as possible, i.e., with small cardinality of their supports. This combinatorial selection problem is often turned into a convex optimization problem by replacing the cardinality function by its convex envelope (tightest convex lower bound), in this case the CARDINAL-norm. In this paper, we investigate more general set-functions than the cardinality, that may incorporate prior knowledge or structural constraints which are common in many applications: namely, we show that for nondecreasing submodular set-functions, the corresponding convex envelope can be obtained from its ORG extension, a common tool in submodular analysis. This defines a family of polyhedral norms, for which we provide generic algorithmic tools (subgradients and proximal operators) and theoretical results (conditions for support recovery or high-dimensional inference). By selecting specific submodular functions, we can give a new interpretation to known norms, such as those based on rank-statistics or grouped norms with potentially overlapping groups; we also define new norms, in particular ones that can be used as non-factorial priors for supervised learning.",0 "Submodular functions are relevant to machine learning for CARDINAL reasons: (CARDINAL) some problems may be expressed directly as the optimization of submodular functions and (CARDINAL) the lovasz extension of submodular functions provides a useful set of regularization functions for supervised and unsupervised learning. In this monograph, we present the theory of submodular functions from a convex analysis perspective, presenting tight links between certain polyhedra, combinatorial optimization and convex optimization problems. In particular, we show how submodular function minimization is equivalent to solving a wide variety of convex optimization problems. This allows the derivation of new efficient algorithms for approximate and exact submodular function minimization with theoretical guarantees and good practical performance. By listing many examples of submodular functions, we review various applications to machine learning, such as clustering, experimental design, sensor placement, graphical model structure learning or subset selection, as well as a family of structured sparsity-inducing norms that can be derived and used from submodular functions.","A unary constraint (on the NORP domain) is a function from {CARDINAL} to the set of real numbers. A free use of auxiliary unary constraints given besides input instances has proven to be useful in establishing a complete classification of the computational complexity of approximately solving weighted counting NORP constraint satisfaction problems (or #CSPs). In particular, CARDINAL special constant unary constraints are a key to an arity reduction of arbitrary constraints, sufficient for the desired classification. In an exact counting model, both constant unary constraints are always assumed to be available since they can be eliminated efficiently using an arbitrary nonempty set of constraints. In contrast, we demonstrate in an approximate counting model, that CARDINAL of them is efficiently approximated and thus eliminated approximately by a nonempty constraint set. This fact directly leads to an efficient construction of polynomial-time randomized approximation-preserving Turing reductions (or ORG-reductions) from #CSPs with designated constraints to any given #CSPs composed of symmetric real-valued constraints of arbitrary arities even in the presence of arbitrary extra unary constraints.",0 "There has been a remarkable increase in work at the interface of computer science and game theory in DATE. In this article I survey some of the main themes of work in the area, with a focus on the work in computer science. Given the length constraints, I make no attempt at being comprehensive, especially since other surveys are also available, and a comprehensive survey book will appear shortly.","A general notion of algebraic conditional plausibility measures is defined. Probability measures, ranking functions, possibility measures, and (under the appropriate definitions) sets of probability measures can all be viewed as defining algebraic conditional plausibility measures. It is shown that algebraic conditional plausibility measures can be represented using NORP networks.",1 "Keyphrases are useful for a variety of purposes, including summarizing, indexing, labeling, categorizing, clustering, highlighting, browsing, and searching. The task of automatic keyphrase extraction is to select keyphrases from within the text of a given document. Automatic keyphrase extraction makes it feasible to generate keyphrases for the huge number of documents that do not have manually assigned keyphrases. Good performance on this task has been obtained by approaching it as a supervised learning problem. An input document is treated as a set of candidate phrases that must be classified as either keyphrases or non-keyphrases. To classify a candidate phrase as a keyphrase, the most important features (attributes) appear to be the frequency and location of the candidate phrase in the document. Recent work has demonstrated that it is also useful to know the frequency of the candidate phrase as a manually assigned keyphrase for other documents in the same domain as the given document (e.g., the domain of computer science). Unfortunately, this keyphrase-frequency feature is domain-specific (the learning process must be repeated for each new domain) and training-intensive (good performance requires a relatively large number of training documents in the given domain, with manually assigned keyphrases). The aim of the work described here is to remove these limitations. In this paper, I introduce new features that are derived by mining lexical knowledge from a very large collection of unlabeled data, consisting of CARDINAL Web pages without manually assigned keyphrases. I present experiments that show that the new features result in improved keyphrase extraction, although they are neither domain-specific nor training-intensive.","An inductive learning algorithm takes a set of data as input and generates a hypothesis as output. A set of data is typically consistent with an infinite number of hypotheses; therefore, there must be factors other than the data that determine the output of the learning algorithm. In machine learning, these other factors are called the bias of the learner. Classical learning algorithms have a fixed bias, implicit in their design. Recently developed learning algorithms dynamically adjust their bias as they search for a hypothesis. PERSON that shift bias in this manner are not as well understood as classical algorithms. In this paper, we show that the PERSON effect has implications for the design and analysis of bias shifting algorithms. The PERSON effect was proposed in DATE, to explain how phenomena that might appear to require NORP evolution (inheritance of acquired characteristics) can arise from purely NORP evolution. GPE and ORG presented a computational model of the PERSON effect in DATE. We explore a variation on their model, which we constructed explicitly to illustrate the lessons that the PERSON effect has for research in bias shifting algorithms. The main lesson is that it appears that a good strategy for shift of bias in a learning algorithm is to begin with a weak bias and gradually shift to a strong bias.",1 "We prove that for any vacuum, maximal, asymptotically flat, axisymmetric initial data for PERSON equations close to extreme ORG data, the inequality $\sqrt{J} \leq m$ is satisfied, where $m$ and $MONEY are the total mass and angular momentum of the data. The proof consists in showing that extreme ORG is a local minimum of the mass.","The aim of this chapter is to present an introduction and also an overview of some of the most relevant results concerning positivity energy theorems in General PERSON. These theorems provide the answer to a long standing problem that has been proved remarkably difficult to solve. They constitute CARDINAL of the major results in classical General Relativity and they uncover a deep self-consistence of the theory.",1 "This paper deals with a model of cellular growth called ""WORK_OF_ART"", whose key features are: i) distinction bewteen ""normal"" and ""driver"" cells; ii) presence in driver cells of an epigenetic memory, that holds the position of the cell in the driver cell lineage tree and represents the source of differentiation during development. In the ORDINAL part of the paper the model is proved able to generate arbitrary target shapes of unmatched size and variety by means of evo-devo techniques, thus being validated as a model of embryogenesis and cellular differentiation. In the ORDINAL part of the paper it is shown how the model can produce artificial counterparts for some key aspects of multicellular biology, such as junk DNA, ageing and carcinogenesis. If individually each of these topics has been the subject of intense investigation and modelling effort, to our knowledge no single model or theory seeking to cover all of them under a unified framework has been put forward as yet: this work contains such a theory, which makes ORG a potential basis for a project of ORG.","We report complexity results about redundancy of formulae in CARDINAL form. We ORDINAL consider the problem of checking redundancy and show some algorithms that are slightly better than the trivial one. We then analyze problems related to finding irredundant equivalent subsets (I.E.S.) of a given set. The concept of cyclicity proved to be relevant to the complexity of these problems. Some results about LOC formulae are also shown.",0 "The commentators have brought a wealth of new perspectives to the question of how culture evolves. Each of their diverse disciplines--ranging from psychology to biology to anthropology to economics to engineering--has a valuable contribution to make to our understanding of this complex, multifaceted topic. Though the vast majority of their comments were supportive of my approach, it is natural that a reply such as this focus on points where my views differ from that of the commentators. ... I conclude by saying that I am grateful to the commentators for their diverse perspectives and insights, their overall support for the project, and provocative ideas for where to go from here. Clearly there are many fascinating avenues to explore as we move forward on our quest to understand how culture evolves.","We describe ORG gate response in a mesoscopic ring threaded by a magnetic flux $MONEY The ring is attached symmetrically to CARDINAL semi-infinite CARDINAL-dimensional metallic electrodes and CARDINAL gate voltages, viz, $V_a$ and $PERSON, are applied in CARDINAL arm of the ring which are treated as the inputs of the ORG gate. The calculations are based on the tight-binding model and the PERSON's function method, which numerically compute the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics as functions of the ring-to-electrode coupling strength, magnetic flux and gate voltages. Our theoretical study shows that, for a particular value of CARDINAL\phi$ (MONEY) ($\phi_0=ch/e$, the elementary flux-quantum), a high output current (CARDINAL) (in the logical sense) appears if both the CARDINAL inputs to the gate are the same, while if one but not both inputs are high (1), a low output current (0) results. It clearly exhibits the ORG gate behavior and this aspect may be utilized in designing an electronic logic gate.",0 "This paper presents ORG (CNs) framework. CNs are used to generalize neural and swarm architectures. Artificial neural networks, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, and realistic biological models are used as examples of instantiations of CNs. The description of these architectures as CNs allows their comparison. Their differences and similarities allow the identification of properties that enable neural and swarm architectures to perform complex computations and exhibit complex cognitive abilities. In this context, the most relevant characteristics of CNs are the existence multiple dynamical and functional scales. The relationship between multiple dynamical and functional scales with adaptation, cognition (of brains and swarms) and computation is discussed.","It is shown that the gauge fixings of the LOC and the W fields and CARDINAL scalars are via nonconserved axial-vector and charged vector currents of massive fermions dynamically generated by fermion masses in WORK_OF_ART interactions. The top quark mass provides enough strength for this chiral symmetry breaking. The masses of the CARDINAL scalars are determined to be about $MONEY GeV. These scalars have negative probability. They are the nonperturbative solutions of the ORG. A new perturbation theory with dynamically generated and fixed gauge fixings is constructed. The Faddeev-Popov procedure is not invoked.",0 "A mobile ad hoc network (ORG) is a collection of autonomous nodes that communicate with each other by forming a multi-hop radio network and maintaining connections in a decentralized manner. Security remains a major challenge for these networks due to their features of open medium, dynamically changing topologies, reliance on cooperative algorithms, absence of centralized monitoring points, and lack of clear lines of defense. Protecting the network layer of a PRODUCT from malicious attacks is an important and challenging security issue, since most of the routing protocols for MANETs are vulnerable to various types of attacks. Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing (ORG) is a very popular routing algorithm. However, it is vulnerable to the well-known black hole attack, where a malicious node falsely advertises good paths to a destination node during the route discovery process but drops all packets in the data forwarding phase. This attack becomes more severe when a group of malicious nodes cooperate each other. The proposed mechanism does not apply any cryptographic primitives on the routing messages. Instead, it protects the network by detecting and reacting to malicious activities of the nodes. Simulation results show that the scheme has a significantly high detection rate with moderate network traffic overhead and computation overhead in the nodes.","A mobile ad hoc network (ORG) is a collection of mobile nodes that communicate with each other by forming a multi-hop radio network. Security remains a major challenge for these networks due to their features of open medium, dynamically changing topologies, reliance on cooperative algorithms, absence of centralized monitoring points, and lack of clear lines of defense. Design of an efficient and reliable ORG authentication protocol for such networks is a particularly challenging task since the nodes are battery-driven and resource constrained. This paper presents a robust and efficient key exchange protocol for nodes authentication in a ORG based on multi-path communication. Simulation results demonstrate that the protocol is effective even in presence of large fraction of malicious nodes in the network. Moreover, it has a minimal computation and communication overhead that makes it ideally suitable for MANETs.",1 "The partition function of an oscillator disturbed by a set of electron particle paths has been computed by a path integral method which permits to evaluate at any temperature the relevant cumulant terms in the series expansion. The time dependent source current peculiar of the semiclassical PERSON model induces large electron-phonon anharmonicities on the phonon subsystem. As a main signature of anharmonicity the phonon heat capacity shows a peak whose temperature location strongly varies with the strength of the {\it e-ph} coupling. High energy oscillators are less sensitive to anharmonic perturbations.","We present a study of the CARDINAL dimensional PERSON model Hamiltonian by a diagrammatic perturbative method in the weak electron-phonon coupling regime. Exact computation of both the charge carrier effective mass and the electron spectral function shows that electrons are good quasiparticles in the adiabatic and antiadiabatic limits but novel features emerge in the intermediate regime, where the phonons and the electrons compare on the energy scale. Together with a sizeable mass enhancement we observe, in the latter regime, a spread of the spectral weight (among several transition peaks) associated with an increased relevance of multiphonons contributions at larger {\it e-ph} couplings. Accordingly electrons cease to be the good quasiparticles and an onset of polaron formation is favoured.",1 "We propose a method to organize experimental data from particle collision experiments in a general format which can enable a simple visualisation and effective classification of collision data using machine learning techniques. The method is based on sparse fixed-size matrices with single- and CARDINAL-particle variables containing information on identified particles and jets. We illustrate this method using an example of searches for new physics at the LHC experiments.","Let G be a Lie group and E be a locally convex topological G-module. If E is sequentially complete, then E and its space of smooth vectors are modules for the algebra D(G) of compactly supported smooth functions on PERSONHowever, the module multiplication need not be continuous. The pathology can be ruled out if E is (or embeds into) a projective limit of PERSON. Moreover, in this case the space of analytic vectors is a module for the algebra A(G) of superdecaying analytic functions introduced by ORG, GPE and GPE. We prove that the space of analytic vectors is a topological A(G)-module if E is a GPE space or, more generally, if every countable set of continuous seminorms on E has an upper bound. The same conclusion is obtained if G has a compact Lie algebra. The question of whether D(G) and PRODUCT) are topological algebras is also addressed.",0 "Many mathematical models utilize limit processes. Continuous functions and the calculus, differential equations and topology, all are based on limits and continuity. However, when we perform measurements and computations, we can achieve only approximate results. In some cases, this discrepancy between theoretical schemes and practical actions changes drastically outcomes of a research and decision-making resulting in uncertainty of knowledge. In the paper, a mathematical approach to such kind of uncertainty, which emerges in computation and measurement, is suggested on the base of the concept of a fuzzy limit. A mathematical technique is developed for differential models with uncertainty. To take into account the intrinsic uncertainty of a model, it is suggested to use fuzzy derivatives instead of conventional derivatives of functions in this model.","It is argued that the existing schemes of fault-tolerant quantum computation designed for discrete-time models and based on quantum error correction fail for continuous-time NORP models even with NORP noise.",0 "This report presents an empirical evaluation of CARDINAL algorithms for automatically extracting keywords and keyphrases from documents. The CARDINAL algorithms are compared using CARDINAL different collections of documents. For each document, we have a target set of keyphrases, which were generated by hand. The target keyphrases were generated for human readers; they were not tailored for any of the CARDINAL keyphrase extraction algorithms. Each of the algorithms was evaluated by the degree to which the algorithm's keyphrases matched the manually generated keyphrases. The CARDINAL algorithms were (CARDINAL) the ORG feature in ORG's Word 97, (CARDINAL) an algorithm based on PERSON part-of-speech tagger, (CARDINAL) the ORG feature in FAC 97, and (CARDINAL) ORG's ORG algorithm. For all CARDINAL document collections, ORG's Extractor yields the best match with the manually generated keyphrases.","Recognizing analogies, synonyms, antonyms, and associations appear to be CARDINAL distinct tasks, requiring distinct ORG algorithms. In the past, the CARDINAL tasks have been treated independently, using a wide variety of algorithms. These CARDINAL semantic classes, however, are a tiny sample of the full range of semantic phenomena, and we cannot afford to create ad hoc algorithms for each semantic phenomenon; we need to seek a unified approach. We propose to subsume a broad range of phenomena under analogies. To limit the scope of this paper, we restrict our attention to the subsumption of synonyms, antonyms, and associations. We introduce a supervised corpus-based machine learning algorithm for classifying analogous word pairs, and we show that it can solve multiple-choice ORG analogy questions, ORG synonym questions, ORG synonym-antonym questions, and similar-associated-both questions from cognitive psychology.",1 "NORP integral functional measure of entropy-uncertainty (EF) on trajectories of NORP multi-dimensional diffusion process is cutting off by interactive impulses (controls). Each cutoff minimax of EF superimposes and entangles conjugated fractions in microprocess, enclosing the captured entropy fractions as source of an information unit. The impulse step-up action launches the unit formation and step-down action finishes it and brings energy from the interactive jump. This finite jump transfers the entangled entropy from uncertain Yes-logic to the certain-information No-logic information unit whose measuring at end of the cut kills final entropy-uncertainty and limits unit. The Yes-No logic holds Bit Participator creating elementary information observer without physical pre-law. Cooperating CARDINAL units in doublet and an opposite directional information unit in triplet forms minimal stable structure. Information path functional (ORG) integrates multiple hidden information contributions along the cutting process correlations in information units of cooperating doublets-triplets, bound by free information, and enfolds the sequence of enclosing triplet structures in the information network (IN) that sequentially decreases the entropy and maximizes information. The IN bound triplets release free information rising information forces enable attracting new information unit and ordering it. While ORG collects the information units, the IN performs logical computing using doublet-triplet code. The IN different levels unite logic of ORG and macro- information processes, composing quantum and/or classical computation.","Man-in-the-Middle (MM) is not only a ubiquitous attack pattern in security, but also an important paradigm of network computation and economics. Recognizing ongoing GPE-attacks is an important security task; modeling GPE-interactions is an interesting task for semantics of computation. Traced monoidal categories are a natural framework for GPE-modelling, as the trace structure provides a tool to hide what happens *in the middle*. An effective analysis of what has been traced out seems to require an additional property of traces, called *normality*. We describe a modest model of network computation, based on partially ordered multisets (pomsets), where basic network interactions arise from the monoidal trace structure, and a normal trace structure arises from an iterative, i.e. coalgebraic structure over terms and messages used in computation and communication. The correspondence is established using a convenient monadic description of normally traced monoidal categories.",0 "We propose that a general learning system should have CARDINAL kinds of agents corresponding to sensory, short-term, and long-term memory that implicitly will facilitate context-free and context-sensitive aspects of learning. These CARDINAL agents perform mututally complementary functions that capture aspects of the human cognition system. We investigate the use of ORG networks for use as models of short-term and sensory memory.","It is generally accepted that machines can replicate cognitive tasks performed by conscious agents as long as they are not based on the capacity of awareness. We consider several views on the nature of subjective awareness, which is fundamental for self-reflection and review, and present reasons why this property is not computable. We argue that consciousness is more than an epiphenomenon and assuming it to be a separate category is consistent with both quantum mechanics and cognitive science. We speak of CARDINAL kinds of consciousness, little-C and big-C, and discuss the significance of this classification in analyzing the current academic debates in the field. The interaction between the system and the measuring apparatus of the experimenter is examined both from the perspectives of decoherence and the quantum PERSON effect. These ideas are used as context to address the question of limits to machine consciousness.",1 "Up to now information and information process have no scientific definitions, neither implicit origin. They emerge in observing multiple impulses interactive yes-no actions modeling information ORG. Merging action and reaction, joining probabilistic prior and posterior actions on edge of the observed predictability, begin a microprocess. Its time of entanglement starts space interval composing CARDINAL qubits or Bit of reversible logic in the emerging information process. The impulse interacting action curves impulse geometry creating asymmetrical logic Bit as logical ORG demon. With approaching probability one, the attracting interaction captures energy memorizing asymmetrical logic in information certain Bit. Such Bit is naturally extracted at minimal quality energy equivalent ln2 working as PERSON. The memorized impulse Bit and its free information self-organizes multiple ORG in triplets composing a macroprocess. Each memorized information binds reversible microprocess with irreversible information macroprocess along multi-dimensional observing process. The macroprocess self-forming triplet units attract new UP through free Information. Multiple UP adjoin hierarchical network (IN) whose free information produces new UP at higher level node and encodes triplets in multi-levels hierarchical organization. The interactive information dynamics assemble geometrical and information structures of cognition and intelligence in double spiral rotating code. The ORG path functional integrates in bits the interactive dynamics.","Compressed Counting (ORG)} was recently proposed for approximating the $\alpha$th frequency moments of data streams, for $MONEY \leq CARDINAL Under the relaxed strict-Turnstile model, ORG dramatically improves the standard algorithm based on symmetric stable random projections}, especially as $\alpha\to 1$. A direct application of ORG is to estimate the entropy, which is an important summary statistic in Web/network measurement and often serves a crucial ""feature"" for data mining. The R\'enyi entropy and the NORP entropy are functions of the $\alpha$th frequency moments; and both approach the FAC entropy as $\alpha\to 1$. A recent theoretical work suggested using the $\alpha$th frequency moment to approximate the FAC entropy with $\alpha=1+\delta$ and very small $MONEY (e.g., $<10^{-4}$). In this study, we experiment using ORG to estimate frequency moments, R\'enyi entropy, Tsallis entropy, and FAC entropy, on real Web crawl data. We demonstrate the variance-bias trade-off in estimating FAC entropy and provide practical recommendations. In particular, our experiments enable us to draw some important conclusions: (CARDINAL) As $\alpha\to 1$, ORG dramatically improves {\em symmetric stable random projections} in estimating frequency moments, R\'enyi entropy, Tsallis entropy, and FAC entropy. The improvements appear to approach ""infinity."" (CARDINAL) Using {\em symmetric stable random projections} and $\alpha = CARDINAL with very small $MONEY does not provide a practical algorithm because the required sample size is enormous.",0 "Many relativists have been long convinced that black hole evaporation leads to information loss or remnants. String theorists have however not been too worried about the issue, largely due to a belief that the NORP argument for information loss is flawed in its details. A recently derived inequality shows that the Hawking argument for black holes with horizon can in fact be made rigorous. What happens instead is that in string theory black hole microstates have no horizons. Thus the evolution of radiation quanta with E ~ kT is modified by order unity at the horizon, and we resolve the information paradox. We discuss how it is still possible for E >> kT objects to see an approximate black hole like geometry. We also note some possible implications of this physics for the early ORG.","We consider the problem of nonlinear dimensionality reduction: given a training set of high-dimensional data whose ``intrinsic'' low dimension is assumed known, find a feature extraction map to low-dimensional space, a reconstruction map back to high-dimensional space, and a geometric description of the dimension-reduced data as a smooth manifold. We introduce a complexity-regularized quantization approach for fitting a NORP mixture model to the training set via a ORG algorithm. Complexity regularization controls the trade-off between adaptation to the local shape of the underlying manifold and global geometric consistency. The resulting mixture model is used to design the feature extraction and reconstruction maps and to define a NORP metric on the low-dimensional data. We also sketch a proof of consistency of our scheme for the purposes of estimating the unknown underlying pdf of high-dimensional data.",0 "The article presents results of preliminary study of solutions to recently offered basic thermodynamic equation for equilibrium in chemical systems with focus on chaotic behavior. Classical part of that equation was investigated earlier in a series of papers. In this work a similarity between CARDINAL-dimensional logistic map and non-classical (chaotic) term of the equation was discussed to introduce the problem. Results of this work allow us to evaluate the region where open equilibrium belongs to the basin of regular attractor and leads to trivial solutions with CARDINAL deviation from true thermodynamic equilibrium, and then to find ORDINAL bifurcation threshold as a limit of open equilibrium and a limit of the classical region as well. Features of the basic equation are discussed with regard to relative values of the chaotic and thermodynamic temperatures. Obtained results prompt us to consider the basic equation of new theory to be the general equation of state of chemical systems.","The paper offers a discrete thermodynamic model of lasers. ORG is an open system; its equilibrium is based on a balance of CARDINAL thermodynamic forces, CARDINAL related to the incoming pumping power and another to the emitted light. The basic expression for such equilibrium is a logistic map, graphical solutions to which are pitchfork bifurcation diagrams. As pumping force increases, the relative populations on the ground and lasing branches tend to CARDINAL and unity correspondingly. An interesting feature of this model is the line spectrum of the up and down transitions between the branches beyond bifurcation point. Even in a simple case of CARDINAL-level laser with CARDINAL possible transition types (up and down), the spectra look like sets of the line packets, starting well before the population inversion. This effect is an independent confirmation of the PERSON's prohibition on practical realization of CARDINAL-level laser. Multilevel lasers may be approached by employing the idea of thermodynamic activity for the emitting atoms. Considering coefficient of thermodynamic activity of the lasing level atoms to be proportional to the ratio of life times on the upper and lasing (the CARDINAL) levels, one can derive a new basic map for the multilevel laser system. For a modest ratio only of CARDINAL, spontaneous transitions between levels are pushed to the area beyond population inversion, opening a space for the functioning of laser.",1 "The development of discursive knowledge presumes the communication of meaning as analytically different from the communication of information. Knowledge can then be considered as a meaning which makes a difference. Whereas the communication of information is studied in the information sciences and scientometrics, the communication of meaning has been central to PERSON's attempts to make the theory of autopoiesis relevant for sociology. Analytical techniques such as semantic maps and the simulation of anticipatory systems enable us to operationalize the distinctions which ORG proposed as relevant to the elaboration of ORG's ""horizons of meaning"" in empirical research: interactions among communications, the organization of meaning in instantiations, and the self-organization of interhuman communication in terms of symbolically generalized media such as truth, love, and power. Horizons of meaning, however, remain uncertain orders of expectations, and one should caution against reification from the meta-biological perspective of systems theory.","In requirements specification, software engineers create a textual description of the envisioned system as well as develop conceptual models using such tools as ORG (ORG) and System Modeling Language (ORG). CARDINAL such tool, called FM, has recently been developed as an extension of the INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT (ORG) model. ORG has been used extensively in many interdisciplinary applications and is described as one of the most fundamental and important of all descriptive tools. This paper is an attempt to understanding the ORG in ORG. The fundamental way to describe ORG is in verbs. This use of language has an important implication for systems modeling since verbs express the vast range of actions and movements of all things. It is clear that modeling needs to examine verbs. Accordingly, this paper involves a study of LANGUAGE verbs as a bridge to learn about processes, not as linguistic analysis but rather to reveal the semantics of processes, particularly the CARDINAL verbs that form the basis of FM states: create, process, receive, release, and transfer. The paper focuses on verb classification, and specifically on how to model the action of verbs diagrammatically. From the linguistics point of view, according to some researchers, further exploration of the notion of verb classes is needed for real-world tasks such as machine translation, language generation, and document classification. Accordingly, this non-linguistics study may benefit linguistics.",0 "Feature Markov Decision Processes (PhiMDPs) are well-suited for learning agents in general environments. Nevertheless, unstructured (Phi)MDPs are limited to relatively simple environments. Structured MDPs like ORG (DBNs) are used for large-scale real-world problems. In this article I extend PhiMDP to PhiDBN. The primary contribution is to derive a cost criterion that allows to automatically extract the most relevant features from the environment, leading to the ""best"" DBN representation. I discuss all building blocks required for a complete general learning algorithm.","The provably asymptotically fastest algorithm within a factor of CARDINAL for formally described problems will be constructed. The main idea is to enumerate all programs provably equivalent to the original problem by enumerating all proofs. The algorithm could be interpreted as a generalization and improvement of PERSON search, which is, within a multiplicative constant, the fastest algorithm for inverting functions. PERSON's speed-up theorem is avoided by taking into account only programs for which a correctness proof exists. Furthermore, it is shown that the fastest program that computes a certain function is also one of the shortest programs provably computing this function. To quantify this statement, the definition of NORP complexity is extended, and CARDINAL new natural measures for the complexity of a function are defined.",1 "In this paper will be presented methodology of encoding information in valuations of discrete lattice with some translational invariant constrains in asymptotically optimal way. The method is based on finding statistical description of such valuations and changing it into statistical algorithm, which allows to construct deterministically valuation with given statistics. NORP statistics allow to generate valuations with uniform distribution - we get maximum information capacity this way. It will be shown that we can reach the optimum for CARDINAL-dimensional models using maximal entropy random walk and that for the general case we can practically get as close to the capacity of the model as we want (found numerically: lost CARDINAL} bit/node for FAC). There will be also presented simpler alternative to arithmetic coding method which can be used as cryptosystem and data correction method too.","A research programme is set out for developing the use of high-level methods for quantum computation and information, based on the categorical formulation of ORG introduced by the author and PERSON.",0 "We define a physically reasonable mass for an asymptotically ORG (ORG) manifold which is uniquely defined in the case of a normalized representation.","The aim is formal principles of origin information and information process creating information observer self-creating information in interactive observations. The interactive phenomenon creates Yes-No actions of information ORG in its information observer. Information emerges from interacting random field of NORP probabilities, which link PERSON law probabilities and NORP probabilities observing PERSON diffusion process by probabilistic CARDINAL-1 impulses. Each No-0 action cuts maximum of impulse minimal entropy while following Yes-1 action transfers maxim between impulses performing dual principle of converting process entropy to information. Merging Yes-No actions generate microprocess within bordered impulse producing Bit with free information when the microprocess probability approaches CARDINAL. Interacting bits memorize free information which attracts multiple Bits moving macroprocess self joining triplet macrounits. Memorized information binds reversible microprocess with irreversible macroprocess. The observation converts cutting entropy to information macrounits. Macrounits logically self-organize information networks encoding the units in geometrical structures enclosing triplet code. Multiple IN binds their ending triplets enclosing observer information cognition and intelligence. The observer cognition assembles common units through multiple attraction and resonances at forming IN triplet hierarchy which accept only units that recognizes each IN node. Maximal number of accepted triplet levels in multiple IN measures the observer maximum comparative information intelligence. The observation process carries probabilistic and certain wave functions which self-organize the space hierarchical structures. These information regularities create integral logic and intelligence self-requesting needed information.",0 "In this paper we demonstrate that it is possible to manage intelligence in constant time as a pre-process to information fusion through a series of processes dealing with issues such as clustering reports, ranking reports with respect to importance, extraction of prototypes from clusters and immediate classification of newly arriving intelligence reports. These methods are used when intelligence reports arrive which concerns different events which should be handled independently, when it is not known a priori to which event each intelligence report is related. We use clustering that runs as a back-end process to partition the intelligence into subsets representing the events, and in parallel, a fast classification that runs as a front-end process in order to put the newly arriving intelligence into its correct information fusion process.","In this paper we develop methods for selection of templates and use these templates to recluster an already performed ORG clustering taking into account intelligence to template fit during the reclustering phase. By this process the risk of erroneous force aggregation based on some misplace pieces of evidence from the ORDINAL clustering process is greatly reduced. Finally, a more reliable force aggregation is performed using the result of the ORDINAL clustering. These steps are taken in order to maintain most of the excellent computational performance of ORG clustering, while at the same time improve on the clustering result by including some higher relations among intelligence reports described by the templates. The new improved algorithm has a computational complexity of O(n**3 ORG) compared to PERSON) of standard PERSON clustering using ORG spin mean field theory.",1 "Many papers proved the security of quantum key distribution (QKD) system, in the asymptotic framework. The degree of the security has not been discussed in the finite coding-length framework, sufficiently. However, to guarantee any implemented QKD system requires, it is needed to evaluate a protocol with a finite coding-length. For this purpose, we derive a tight upper bound of the eavesdropper's information. This bound is better than existing bounds. We also obtain the exponential rate of the eavesdropper's information. Further, we approximate our bound by using the normal distribution.","We discuss secure computation of modular sum when multiple access channel from distinct players $ORG, \ldots, A_c$ to a ORDINAL party (Receiver) is given. Then, we define the secure modulo sum capacity as the supremum of the transmission rate of modulo sum without information leakage of other information. We derive its useful lower bound, which is numerically calculated under a realistic model that can be realizable as a NORP multiple access channel.",1 "CARDINAL of basic difficulties of machine learning is handling unknown rotations of objects, for example in image recognition. A related problem is evaluation of similarity of shapes, for example of CARDINAL chemical molecules, for which direct approach requires costly pairwise rotation alignment and comparison. Rotation invariants are useful tools for such purposes, allowing to extract features describing shape up to rotation, which can be used for example to search for similar rotated patterns, or fast evaluation of similarity of shapes e.g. for virtual screening, or machine learning including features directly describing shape. A standard approach are rotationally invariant cylindrical or spherical harmonics, which can be seen as based on polynomials on sphere, however, they provide very few invariants - only one per degree of polynomial. There will be discussed a general approach to construct arbitrarily large sets of rotation invariants of polynomials, for MONEY in $PERSON up to $O(n^D)$ independent invariants instead of CARDINALO(D)$ offered by standard approaches, possibly also a complete set: providing not only necessary, but also sufficient condition for differing only by rotation (and reflectional symmetry).","PERSON (ORG) is a promising technique especially for multimedia data compression, already used in GPE audio codec and considered for AV1 video codec. It quantizes vectors from ORG unit sphere by ORDINAL projecting them to MONEY norm unit sphere, then quantizing and encoding there. This paper shows that the used standard radial projection is suboptimal and proposes to tune its deformations by using parameterized power projection: $PERSON instead, where the optimized power $p$ is applied coordinate-wise, getting usually MONEY, NORP improvement comparing to radial projection.",1 "Computer scientists are in the position to create new, free high-quality journals. So what would it take?","For the most of my life, I have earned my living as a computer vision professional busy with image processing tasks and problems. In the computer vision community there is a widespread belief that artificial vision systems faithfully replicate human vision abilities or at least very closely mimic them. It was a great surprise to me when one day I have realized that computer and human vision have next to nothing in common. The former is occupied with extensive data processing, carrying out massive pixel-based calculations, while the latter is busy with meaningful information processing, concerned with smart objects-based manipulations. And the gap between the CARDINAL is insurmountable. To resolve this confusion, I had had to return and revaluate ORDINAL the vision phenomenon itself, define more carefully what visual information is and how to treat it properly. In this work I have not been, as it is usually accepted, biologically inspired . On the contrary, I have drawn my inspirations from a pure mathematical theory, the ORG s complexity theory. The results of my work have been already published elsewhere. So the objective of this paper is to try and apply the insights gained in course of this my enterprise to a more general case of information processing in human brain and the challenging issue of human intelligence.",0 "This paper is placed at the intersection-point between the study of theoretical computational models aimed at capturing the essence of genetic regulatory networks and the field of ORG (or ORG). A model is proposed, with the objective of providing an effective way to generate arbitrary forms by using evolutionary-developmental techniques. Preliminary experiments have been performed.","Borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder are important nosographic entities and have been subject of intensive investigations. The currently prevailing psychodynamic theory for mental disorders is based on the repertoire of defense mechanisms employed. Another line of research is concerned with the study of psychological traumas and dissociation as a defensive response. Both theories can be used to shed light on some aspects of pathological mental functioning, and have many points of contact. This work merges these CARDINAL psychological theories, and builds a model of mental function in a relational context called ORG. The model, which is enriched with ideas borrowed from the field of computer science, leads to a new therapeutic proposal for psychological traumas and personality disorders.",1 "Active learning strategies respond to the costly labelling task in a supervised classification by selecting the most useful unlabelled examples in training a predictive model. Many conventional active learning algorithms focus on refining the decision boundary, rather than exploring new regions that can be more informative. In this setting, we propose a sequential algorithm named ORG that can improve any Active learning algorithm by an optimal random exploration. Experimental results show a statistically significant and appreciable improvement in the performance of our new approach over the existing active feedback methods.","The conceptual knowledge framework ORG needs several components for a successful design. CARDINAL important, but previously overlooked, component is the central core of ORG. The central core provides a theoretical link between the ontological specification in ORG and the conceptual knowledge representation in ORG. This paper discusses the formal semantics and syntactic styles of the central core, and also the important role it plays in defining interoperability between ORG, ORG and GPE.",0 "We apply multilayer bootstrap network (ORG), a recent proposed unsupervised learning method, to unsupervised speaker recognition. The proposed method ORDINAL extracts supervectors from an unsupervised universal background model, then reduces the dimension of the high-dimensional supervectors by multilayer bootstrap network, and finally conducts unsupervised speaker recognition by clustering the low-dimensional data. The comparison results with CARDINAL unsupervised and CARDINAL supervised speaker recognition techniques demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.","Multitask clustering tries to improve the clustering performance of multiple tasks simultaneously by taking their relationship into account. Most existing multitask clustering algorithms fall into the type of generative clustering, and none are formulated as convex optimization problems. In this paper, we propose CARDINAL convex Discriminative Multitask Clustering (DMTC) algorithms to address the problems. Specifically, we ORDINAL propose a NORP DMTC framework. Then, we propose CARDINAL convex GPE objectives within the framework. The ORDINAL one, which can be seen as a technical combination of the convex multitask feature learning and the convex ORG (M3C), aims to learn a shared feature representation. The ORDINAL one, which can be seen as a combination of the convex multitask relationship learning and M3C, aims to learn the task relationship. The CARDINAL objectives are solved in a uniform procedure by the efficient cutting-plane algorithm. Experimental results on a toy problem and CARDINAL benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.",1 "In this article, we tentatively assign the $X(3915)$ and $X(4500)$ to be the ground state and the ORDINAL radial excited state of the axialvector-diquark-axialvector-antidiquark type scalar $PERSON, respectively, assign the $PERSON to be the ground state vector-diquark-vector-antidiquark type scalar $cs\bar{c}\bar{s}$ tetraquark state, and study their masses and pole residues with the ORG sum rules in details by calculating the contributions of the vacuum condensates up to dimension CARDINAL. The numerical results support assigning the $X(3915)$ and $X(4500)$ to be the ground state and the ORDINAL radial excited state of the axialvector-diquark-axialvector-antidiquark type scalar $PERSON, respectively, and assigning the $PERSON to be the ground state vector-diquark-vector-antidiquark type scalar $PERSON.","In this article, we take the point of view that the $D_s(2700)$ be a tetraquark state, which consists of a scalar diquark and a vector antidiquark, and calculate its mass with the ORG sum rules. The numerical result indicates that the mass of the vector charmed ORG state is about $ORG or $PERSON from different sum rules, which is MONEYMONEY larger than the experimental data. Such tetraquark component should be very small in the $PERSON",1 "Artificial intelligence has impacted many aspects of human life. This paper studies the impact of artificial intelligence on economic theory. In particular we study the impact of artificial intelligence on the theory of bounded rationality, efficient market hypothesis and prospect theory.","Many academic journals ask their authors to provide a list of CARDINAL to CARDINAL key words, to appear on the ORDINAL page of each article. Since these key words are often phrases of CARDINAL or more words, we prefer to call them keyphrases. There is a surprisingly wide variety of tasks for which keyphrases are useful, as we discuss in this paper. Recent commercial software, such as ORG's Word 97 and Verity's Search 97, includes algorithms that automatically extract keyphrases from documents. In this paper, we approach the problem of automatically extracting keyphrases from text as a supervised learning task. We treat a document as a set of phrases, which the learning algorithm must learn to classify as positive or negative examples of keyphrases. Our ORDINAL set of experiments applies the C4.5 decision tree induction algorithm to this learning task. The ORDINAL set of experiments applies the GenEx algorithm to the task. We developed the ORG algorithm specifically for this task. The ORDINAL set of experiments examines the performance of GenEx on the task of metadata generation, relative to the performance of ORG's Word 97. The ORDINAL and final set of experiments investigates the performance of GenEx on the task of highlighting, relative to PERSON's Search 97. The experimental results support the claim that a specialized learning algorithm (GenEx) can generate better keyphrases than a general-purpose learning algorithm (C4.5) and the non-learning algorithms that are used in commercial software (Word CARDINAL and Search 97).",0 "A significant progress has been made in DATE over the study of combinatorial ORG optimization problems and their associated optimization and approximate classes, such as ORG, ORG, ORG (or APXP), and ORG. Unfortunately, a collection of problems that are simply placed inside the P-solvable optimization class ORG never have been studiously analyzed regarding their exact computational complexity. To improve this situation, the existing framework based on polynomial-time computability needs to be expanded and further refined for an insightful analysis of various approximation algorithms targeting optimization problems within ORG. In particular, we deal with those problems characterized in terms of logarithmic-space computations and uniform-circuit computations. We are focused on nondeterministic logarithmic-space (ORG) optimization problems or ORG problems. Our study covers a wide range of optimization and approximation classes, dubbed as, ORG, ORG, ORG, and LSAS as well as new classes NORP, ORG, ORG, and DATE, which are founded on uniform families of NORP circuits. Although many ORG decision problems can be naturally converted into ORG optimization (ORG) problems, few ORG problems have been studied vigorously. We thus provide a number of new ORG problems falling into those low-complexity classes. With the help of NC1 or AC0 approximation-preserving reductions, we also identify the most difficult problems (known as complete problems) inside those classes. Finally, we demonstrate a number of collapses and separations among those refined optimization and approximation classes with or without unproven complexity-theoretical assumptions.","String theory suggests that black hole microstates are ORG, horizon sized `fuzzballs', rather than smooth geometries with horizon. Radiation from fuzzballs can carry information and does not lead to information loss. But if we let a shell of matter collapse then it creates a horizon, and it seems that subsequent radiation will lead to information loss. We argue that the resolution to this problem is that the shell can tunnel to the fuzzball configurations. The amplitude for tunneling is small because we are relating CARDINAL macroscopically different configurations, but the number of states that we can tunnel to, given through the PERSON entropy, is very large. These small and large numbers can cancel each other, making it possible for the shell to tunnel into fuzzball states before a significant amount of radiation has been emitted. This offers a way to resolve the information paradox.",0 "The world is witnessing the birth of a revolutionary computing paradigm that promises to have a profound effect on the way we interact with computers, devices, physical spaces, and other people. This new technology, called ubiquitous computing, envisions a world where embedded processors, computers, sensors, and digital communications are inexpensive commodities that are available everywhere. This paper presents a comprehensive discussion on the central trends in ubiquitous computing considering them form technical, social and economic perspectives. It clearly identifies different application areas and sectors that will benefit from the potentials of ubiquitous computing. It also brings forth the challenges of ubiquitous computing that require active solutions and management.","Merely by existing, all physical systems register information. And by evolving dynamically in time, they transform and process that information. The laws of physics determine the amount of information that a physical system can register (number of bits) and the number of elementary logic operations that a system can perform (number of ops). The universe is a physical system. This paper quantifies the amount of information that the universe can register and the number of elementary operations that it can have performed over its history. The universe can have performed MONEY ops on $MONEY bits.",0 Short philosophical essay,"Deep neural networks are usually trained with stochastic gradient descent (SGD), which minimizes objective function using very rough approximations of gradient, only averaging to the real gradient. ORG approaches like momentum or ORG only consider a single direction, and do not try to model distance from extremum - neglecting valuable information from calculated sequence of gradients, often stagnating in some suboptimal plateau. ORDINAL order methods could exploit these missed opportunities, however, beside suffering from very large cost and numerical instabilities, many of them attract to suboptimal points like saddles due to negligence of signs of curvatures (as eigenvalues of GPE). Saddle-free ORG method (SFN)~\cite{SFN} is a rare example of addressing this issue - changes saddle attraction into repulsion, and was shown to provide essential improvement for final value this way. However, it neglects noise while modelling ORDINAL order behavior, focuses on PERSON subspace for numerical reasons, and requires costly eigendecomposion. Maintaining SFN advantages, there are proposed inexpensive ways for exploiting these opportunities. ORDINAL order behavior is linear dependence of ORDINAL derivative - we can optimally estimate it from sequence of noisy gradients with least square linear regression, in online setting here: with weakening weights of old gradients. Statistically relevant subspace is suggested by ORG of recent noisy gradients - in online setting it can be made by slowly rotating considered directions toward new gradients, gradually replacing old directions with recent statistically relevant. Eigendecomposition can be also performed online: with regularly performed step of QR method to maintain diagonal PERSON. Outside the ORDINAL order modeled subspace we can simultaneously perform gradient descent.",0 "In DATE, the notion of quantum polynomial-time computability has been modeled by ORG machines as well as quantum circuits. Here, we seek a ORDINAL model, which is a quantum analogue of the schematic (inductive or constructive) definition of (primitive) recursive functions. For quantum functions, which map finite-dimensional PERSON spaces to themselves, we present such a schematic definition, composed of a small set of initial quantum functions and a few construction rules that dictate how to build a new quantum function from the existing quantum functions. We prove that our schematic definition precisely characterizes all functions that can be computable with high success probabilities on well-formed quantum Turing machines in polynomial time or equivalently, uniform families of polynomial-size quantum circuits. Our new, schematic definition is quite simple and intuitive and, more importantly, it avoids the cumbersome introduction of the well-formedness condition imposed on a quantum PRODUCT machine model as well as of the uniformity condition necessary for a quantum circuit model. Our new approach can further open a door to the descriptional complexity of other functions and to the theory of higher-type quantum functionals.","Wiring diagrams are given for a quantum algorithm processor in ORG to compute, in parallel, all divisors of an n-bit integer. Lines required in a wiring diagram are proportional to ORG time is proportional to the square of n.",0 "This article is a semitutorial-style survey of computability logic. An extended online version of it is maintained at http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~japaridz/CL/ .","This paper presents a simple unsupervised learning algorithm for classifying reviews as recommended (thumbs up) or not recommended (thumbs down). The classification of a review is predicted by the average semantic orientation of the phrases in the review that contain adjectives or adverbs. A phrase has a positive semantic orientation when it has good associations (e.g., ""subtle nuances"") and a negative semantic orientation when it has bad associations (e.g., ""very cavalier""). In this paper, the semantic orientation of a phrase is calculated as the mutual information between the given phrase and the word ""excellent"" minus the mutual information between the given phrase and the word ""poor"". A review is classified as recommended if the average semantic orientation of its phrases is positive. The algorithm achieves an average accuracy of PERCENT when evaluated on CARDINAL reviews from PRODUCT, sampled from CARDINAL different domains (reviews of automobiles, banks, movies, and travel destinations). The accuracy ranges from PERCENT for automobile reviews to PERCENT for movie reviews.",0 "In a Web Advertising Traffic Operation it's necessary to manage the day-to-day trafficking, pacing and optimization of digital and paid social campaigns. The data analyst on ORG can not only quickly provide answers but also speaks the language of the ORG Manager and visually displays the discovered process problems. In order to solve a growing number of complaints in the customer service process, the weaknesses in the process itself must be identified and communicated to the department. With the help of WORK_OF_ART data it is possible to identify unwanted loops and delays in the process. With this paper we propose a process discovery based on ORG technique to automatically discover variations and detect at ORDINAL glance what the problem is, and undertake corrective measures.","This work attempts to unify CARDINAL domains: ORG for cooperative control systems and ORG, under the umbrella of crowdsourcing for information gain on ORG related to different devices (as PC, PERSON, GPE,...) This paper proposes a framework for adapting ORG objects components for a disaggregated system, which dynamically composes web pages for different kind of devices including ubiquitous/pervasive computing systems. It introduces the notions of responsive webdesign for non-cooperative ORG equilibrium proposing an algorithm (RE-SAUI) for the dynamic interface based on the game theory.",1 "ORG is a powerful application package for doing mathematics and is used almost in all branches of science. It has widespread applications ranging from quantum computation, statistical analysis, number theory, zoology, astronomy, and many more. PERSON gives a rich set of programming extensions to its end-user language, and it permits us to write programs in procedural, functional, or logic (rule-based) style, or a mixture of all CARDINAL. For tasks requiring interfaces to the external environment, PERSONprovides mathlink, which allows us to communicate mathematica programs with external programs written in C, PERSON, ORG, ORG, ORG, PERSON, or other languages. It has also extensive capabilities for editing graphics, equations, text, etc. In this article, we explore the basic mechanisms of parallelization of a mathematica program by sharing different parts of the program into all other computers available in the network. Doing the parallelization, we can perform large computational operations within a very short period of time, and therefore, the efficiency of the numerical works can be achieved. Parallel computation supports any version of GPE and it also works as well even if different versions of mathematica are installed in different computers. The whole operation can run under any supported operating system like Unix, ORG, ORG, etc. Here we focus our study only for the Unix based operating system, but this method works as well for all other cases.","We explore electron transport properties in honeycomb lattice ribbons with zigzag edges coupled to CARDINAL semi-infinite CARDINAL-dimensional metallic electrodes. The calculations are based on the tight-binding model and the ORG's function method, which numerically compute the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics as functions of the lengths and widths of the ribbons. Our numerical results predict that for such a ribbon an energy gap always appears in the conductance spectrum across the energy E=0. With the increase of the size of the ribbon, the gap gradually decreases but it never vanishes. This clearly manifests that a honeycomb lattice ribbon with zigzag edges always exhibits the semiconducting behavior, and it becomes much more clearly visible from our presented current-voltage characteristics.",1 "We examine the effect of previous history on starting a computation on a ORG computer. Specifically, we assume that the quantum register has some unknown state on it, and it is required that this state be cleared and replaced by a specific superposition state without any phase uncertainty, as needed by ORG algorithms. We show that, in general, this task is computationally impossible.","This article presents new properties of the mesh array for matrix multiplication. In contrast to the standard array that requires 3n-2 steps to complete its computation, the mesh array requires only 2n-1 steps. Symmetries of the mesh array computed values are presented which enhance the efficiency of the array for specific applications. In multiplying symmetric matrices, the results are obtained in DATE steps. The mesh array is examined for its application as a scrambling system.",1 "Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the construction of a hybrid ORG computer that operates on both continuous and discrete quantum variables. Such hybrid computers are shown to be more efficient than conventional quantum computers for performing a variety of ORG algorithms, such as computing eigenvectors and eigenvalues.","A ORG's demon is a device that gets information and trades it in for thermodynamic advantage, in apparent (but not actual) contradiction to the ORDINAL law of thermodynamics. ORG-mechanical versions of ORG's demon exhibit features that classical versions do not: in particular, a device that gets information about a quantum system disturbs it in the process. In addition, the information produced by ORG measurement acts as an additional source of thermodynamic inefficiency. This paper investigates the properties of quantum-mechanical ORG's demons, and proposes experimentally realizable models of such devices.",1 "Evolvability is the capacity to evolve. This paper introduces a simple computational model of evolvability and demonstrates that, under certain conditions, evolvability can increase indefinitely, even when there is no direct selection for evolvability. The model shows that increasing evolvability implies an accelerating evolutionary pace. It is suggested that the conditions for indefinitely increasing evolvability are satisfied in biological and cultural evolution. We claim that increasing evolvability is a large-scale trend in evolution. This hypothesis leads to testable predictions about biological and cultural evolution.","A plasmodium of GPE polycephalum is a very large cell visible by unaided eye. The plasmodium is capable for distributed sensing, parallel information processing, and decentralized optimization. It is an ideal substrate for future and emerging bio-computing devices. We study space-time dynamics of plasmodium reactiom to localised illumination, and provide analogies between propagating plasmodium and travelling wave-fragments in excitable media. We show how plasmodium-based computing devices can be precisely controlled and shaped by planar domains of illumination.",0 "A computer program is a set of electronic instructions executed from within the computer memory by the computer central processing unit. Its purpose is to control the functionalities of the computer allowing it to perform various tasks. Basically, a computer program is written by humans using a programming language. A programming language is the set of grammatical rules and vocabulary that governs the correct writing of a computer program. In practice, the majority of the existing programming languages are written in LANGUAGE-speaking countries and thus they all use the LANGUAGE language to express their syntax and vocabulary. However, many other programming languages were written in NORP languages, for instance, the NORP BASIC, ORG, the PERSON, and the Arabic Loughaty. This paper discusses the design and implementation of a new programming language, called GPE. It is a General-Purpose, High-Level, Imperative, Object-Oriented, and Compiled LANGUAGE programming language that uses the LANGUAGE language as syntax and vocabulary. The core of GPE is a compiler system made up of CARDINAL components, they are the LOC, the scanner, the parser, the semantic analyzer, the code generator, and the linker. The experiments conducted have illustrated the several powerful features of the GPE language including functions, while-loop, and arithmetic operations. As future work, more advanced features are to be developed including inheritance, polymorphism, file processing, graphical user interface, and networking.","This is brief and hopefully friendly, with basic notions, a few different perspectives, and references with more information in various directions.",0 "We discuss the computation of the CARDINAL loop anomalous dimensions for various operators used in deep inelastic scattering in the ORG and ORG' schemes. In particular the results for the n = CARDINAL and CARDINAL ORG operators in arbitrary linear covariant gauge in the RI' scheme are new.","We renormalize various scalar field theories with a $\phi^n$ self interaction such as $n$ $=MONEY, MONEY in their respective critical dimensions which are non-integer. The renormalization group functions for the $MONEY symmetric extensions are also computed.",1 "PERSON has developed a general set of evolutionary statistics that quantify the adaptive component of evolutionary processes. On the basis of these measures, he has proposed a set of CARDINAL classes of evolutionary system. All artificial life sytems so far looked at fall into the ORDINAL CARDINAL classes, whereas the biosphere, and possibly the human economy belongs to the ORDINAL class. The challenge to the artificial life community is to identify exactly what is difference between these natural evolutionary systems, and existing artificial life systems. At ALife VII, I presented a study using an artificial evolutionary ecology called \EcoLab. PERSON's statistics captured the qualitative behaviour of the model. \EcoLab{} exhibited behaviour from the ORDINAL CARDINAL classes, but not class CARDINAL, which is characterised by unbounded growth in diversity. \EcoLab{} exhibits a critical surface given by an inverse relationship between connectivity and diversity, above which the model cannot tarry long. Thus in order to get unbounded diversity increase, there needs to be a corresponding connectivity reducing (or food web pruning) process. This paper reexamines this question in light of CARDINAL possible processes that reduce ecosystem connectivity: a tendency for specialisation and increase in biogeographic zones through ORG drift.","In an earlier article PERSON, On nonspecific evidence, PERSON. PERSON. ORG. CARDINAL), CARDINAL-725 (DATE)] we established within ORG theory a criterion function called the metaconflict function. With this criterion we can partition into subsets a set of several pieces of evidence with propositions that are weakly specified in the sense that it may be uncertain to which event a proposition is referring. Each subset in the partitioning is representing a separate event. The metaconflict function was derived as the plausibility that the partitioning is correct when viewing the conflict in PERSON's rule within each subset as a newly constructed piece of metalevel evidence with a proposition giving support against the entire partitioning. In this article we extend the results of the previous article. We will not only find the most plausible subset for each piece of evidence as was done in the earlier article. In addition we will specify each piece of nonspecific evidence, in the sense that we find to which events the proposition might be referring, by finding the plausibility for every subset that this piece of evidence belong to the subset. In doing this we will automatically receive indication that some evidence might be false. We will then develop a new methodology to exploit these newly specified pieces of evidence in a subsequent reasoning process. This will include methods to discount evidence based on their degree of falsity and on their degree of credibility due to a partial specification of affiliation, as well as a refined method to infer the event of each subset.",0 "The meson fields are simulated by quark operators and an effective chiral theory of mesons is presented. There are spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. Theoretical results agree with data well.","A $U(2)_{L}\times U(2)_{R}$ chiral theory of pseudoscalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons has been proposed. ORG has been revealed from this theory. The physical processes of normal parity and abnormal parity have been studied by using the same lagrangian and the universality of coupling has been revealed. CARDINAL new mass relations between vector and axial-vector mesons have been found. PERSON's ORDINAL sum rule and new relations about the amplitude of $a_{1}$ PERSON are satisfied. KSFR sum rule is satisfied pretty well. The $\rho$ pole in pion form factor has been achieved. The theoretical results of $MONEY, $\omega\rightarrow ORG, $MONEY and $\pi\gamma$, $MONEY \rho\nu$, $MONEY DATE, $\pi^{0}\rightarrow \gamma\gamma$, $PERSON, $MONEY, $MONEY} GPE, $f_{1}\rightarrow\eta\pi\pi$, $\rho\rightarrow\eta\gamma$, $MONEY \rightarrow\eta\gamma$ are in good agreement with data. PERSON's $PERSON scattering lengths and slopes and $a^{0}_{2}$, $a^{2}_{2}$, and $b^{1}_{1}$ have been obtained. Especially, the $\rho$ resonance in the amplitude $MONEY of $PERSON scattering has been revealed from this theory. CARDINAL coefficients of chiral perturbation theory have been determined and they are close to the values used by chiral perturbation theory.",1 "We mathematically model PERSON principles of symmetric and asymmetric being through use of an ultrametric topology. We use for this the highly regarded DATE book of this NORP psychiatrist and pyschoanalyst (born DATE, died DATE). Such an ultrametric model corresponds to hierarchical clustering in the empirical data, e.g. text. We show how an ultrametric topology can be used as a mathematical model for the structure of the logic that reflects or expresses ORG symmetric being, and hence of the reasoning and thought processes involved in conscious reasoning or in reasoning that is lacking, perhaps entirely, in consciousness or awareness of itself. In a companion paper we study how symmetric (in the sense of ORG) reasoning can be demarcated in a context of symmetric and asymmetric reasoning provided by narrative text.","We consider decision problems of rating alternatives based on their pairwise comparisons according to CARDINAL criteria. Given pairwise comparison matrices for each criterion, the problem is to find the overall scores of the alternatives. We offer a solution that involves the minimax approximation of the comparison matrices by a common consistent matrix of unit rank in terms of the ORG metric in logarithmic scale. The approximation problem reduces to a bi-objective optimization problem to minimize the approximation errors simultaneously for both comparison matrices. We formulate the problem in terms of tropical (idempotent) mathematics, which focuses on the theory and applications of algebraic systems with idempotent addition. To solve the optimization problem obtained, we apply methods and results of tropical optimization to derive a complete PERSON-optimal solution in a direct explicit form ready for further analysis and straightforward computation. We then exploit this result to solve the bi-criteria decision problem of interest. As illustrations, we present examples of the solution of CARDINAL-dimensional optimization problems in general form, and of a decision problem with CARDINAL alternatives in numerical form.",0 "Constraint satisfaction problems (or CSPs) have been extensively studied in, for instance, artificial intelligence, database theory, graph theory, and statistical physics. From a practical viewpoint, it is beneficial to approximately solve those CSPs. When CARDINAL tries to approximate the total number of truth assignments that satisfy all NORP-valued constraints for (unweighted) NORP CSPs, there is a known trichotomy theorem by which all such counting problems are neatly classified into exactly CARDINAL categories under polynomial-time (randomized) approximation-preserving reductions. In contrast, we obtain a dichotomy theorem of approximate counting for complex-weighted NORP CSPs, provided that all complex-valued unary constraints are freely available to use. It is the expressive power of free unary constraints that enables us to prove such a stronger, complete classification theorem. This discovery makes a step forward in the quest for the approximation-complexity classification of all counting CSPs. To deal with complex weights, we employ proof techniques of factorization and arity reduction along the line of solving PERSON problems. Moreover, we introduce a novel notion of T-constructibility that naturally induces approximation-preserving reducibility. Our result also gives an approximation analogue of the dichotomy theorem on the complexity of exact counting for complex-weighted NORP CSPs.","The article presents a study of rather simple local search heuristics for the single machine total weighted tardiness problem (ORG), namely hillclimbing and WORK_OF_ART. In particular, we revisit these approaches for the ORG as there appears to be a lack of appropriate/challenging benchmark instances in this case. The obtained results are impressive indeed. Only few instances remain unsolved, and even those are approximated within PERCENT of the optimal/best known solutions. Our experiments support the claim that metaheuristics for the ORG are very likely to lead to good results, and that, before refining search strategies, more work must be done with regard to the proposition of benchmark data. Some recommendations for the construction of such data sets are derived from our investigations.",0 "In this article, we take the $Z_c(3900)$ and $PERSON as the ground state and the ORDINAL radial excited state of the axial-vector tetraquark states with $PERSON, respectively, and study their masses and pole residues with the ORG sum rules by calculating the contributions of the vacuum condensates up to dimension-10 in a consistent way in the operator product expansion. The numerical result favors assigning the $Z_c(3900)$ and $PERSON as the ground state and ORDINAL radial excited state of the axial-vector tetraquark states, respectively.","In this article, we study the MONEYCARDINAL type and $MONEY CARDINAL type scalar $cs\bar{c}\bar{s}$ tetraquark states with the ORG sum rules by calculating the contributions of the vacuum condensates up to dimension CARDINAL in a consistent way. The ground state masses MONEY \gamma_5C}=3.89\pm 0.05\,\rm{GeV}$ and $M_{C\otimes C}=5.48\pm0.10\,\rm{GeV}$ support assigning the $X(3915)$ to be the ground state $C\gamma_5\otimes \gamma_5C$ type tetraquark state with $PERSON, but do not support assigning the $PERSON to be the ground state $C\otimes CARDINAL type $PERSON state with $PERSON Then we tentatively assign the $X(3915)$ and $X(4500)$ to be the GPE and MONEY type scalar $cs\bar{c}\bar{s}$ tetraquark states respectively, and obtain the CARDINAL mass $M_{\rm CARDINAL and CARDINAL mass $M_{\rm CARDINAL from the ORG sum rules, which support assigning the $PERSON to be the GPE $C\gamma_5\otimes \gamma_5C$ type tetraquark state, but do not support assigning the $X(4500)$ to be the CARDINAL MONEYC$ type tetraquark state.",1 "The problem of statistical learning is to construct an accurate predictor of a random variable as a function of a correlated random variable on the basis of an i.i.d. training sample from their joint distribution. Allowable predictors are constrained to lie in some specified class, and the goal is to approach asymptotically the performance of the best predictor in the class. We consider CARDINAL settings in which the learning agent only has access to rate-limited descriptions of the training data, and present information-theoretic bounds on the predictor performance achievable in the presence of these communication constraints. Our proofs do not assume any separation structure between compression and learning and rely on a new class of operational criteria specifically tailored to joint design of encoders and learning algorithms in rate-constrained settings.","We present a CARDINAL-stage quantum cryptographic protocol guaranteeing security in which each party uses its own secret key. Unlike the BB84 protocol, where the qubits are transmitted in CARDINAL direction and classical information exchanged thereafter, the communication in the proposed protocol remains quantum in each stage. A related system of key distribution is also described.",0 "It is hypothesized by some thinkers that benign looking ORG objectives may result in powerful ORG drives that may pose an existential risk to human society. We analyze this scenario and find the underlying assumptions to be unlikely. We examine the alternative scenario of what happens when universal goals that are not human-centric are used for designing ORG agents. We follow a design approach that tries to exclude malevolent motivations from ORG agents, however, we see that objectives that seem benevolent may pose significant risk. We consider the following meta-rules: preserve and pervade life and culture, maximize the number of free minds, maximize intelligence, maximize wisdom, maximize energy production, behave like human, seek pleasure, accelerate evolution, survive, maximize control, and maximize capital. We also discuss various solution approaches for benevolent behavior including selfless goals, hybrid designs, NORP, universal constraints, semi-autonomy, and generalization of robot laws. A ""prime directive"" for ORG may help in formulating an encompassing constraint for avoiding malicious behavior. We hypothesize that social instincts for autonomous robots may be effective such as attachment learning. We mention multiple beneficial scenarios for an advanced semi-autonomous ORG agent in the near future including space exploration, automation of industries, state functions, and cities. We conclude that a beneficial ORG agent with intelligence beyond human-level is possible and has many practical use cases.","We explore the relations between the zeta distribution and algorithmic information theory via a new model of the transfer learning problem. The program distribution is approximated by a zeta distribution with parameter near $MONEY We model the training sequence as a stochastic process. We analyze the upper temporal bound for learning a training sequence and its entropy rates, assuming an oracle for the transfer learning problem. We argue from empirical evidence that power-law models are suitable for natural processes. CARDINAL sequence models are proposed. Random typing model is like no-free lunch where transfer learning does not work. ORG process independently samples programs from the zeta distribution. A model of common sub-programs inspired by genetics uses a database of sub-programs. An evolutionary zeta process samples mutations from ORG distribution. The analysis of stochastic processes inspired by evolution suggest that ORG may be feasible in nature, countering no-free lunch sort of arguments.",1 "In this paper we examine the possibility of testing the equivalence principle, in its weak form, by analyzing the orbital motion of a pair of artificial satellites of different composition moving along orbits of identical shape and size in the gravitational field of LOC. It turns out that the obtainable level of accuracy is, realistically, of the order of CARDINAL^-10 or slightly better. It is limited mainly by the fact that, due to the unavoidable orbital injection errors, it would not be possible to insert the satellites in orbits with exactly the same radius and that such difference could be known only with a finite precision. The present-day level of accuracy, obtained with torsion balance LOC-based measurements and the analysis of LOC-Moon motion in the gravitational field of LOC with ORG technique, is of the order of CARDINAL^-13. The proposed space-based missions ORG, \muSCOPE, GG and SEE aim to reach a CARDINAL^-15-10^-18 precision level.","Long-range constraints on the GPE radius of curvature L in the ORG (ORG) braneworld model are inferred from orbital motions of well known artificial and natural bodies. Thus, they do not rely upon more or less speculative and untested theoretical assumptions, contrary to other long-range ORG tests proposed in astrophysical scenarios in which many of the phenomena adopted may depend on the system's composition, formation and dynamical history as well. The perihelion precession of ORG and its radiotechnical ranging from the LOC yield L <= QUANTITY. Tighter bounds come from the perigee precession of the PERSON, from which it can be inferred L <= CARDINAL m. The best constraints (L <= CARDINAL m) come from the Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking (SST) range of the GRACE A/B spacecrafts orbiting the LOC: proposed follow-on of such a mission, implying a subnm s-1 range-rate accuracy, may constrain L at \sim QUANTITY level. Weaker constraints come from the double pulsar system (L <= QUANTITY) and from the main sequence star CARDINAL orbiting the compact object in ORG* (L <= CARDINAL - 8.8 AU). Such bounds on the length L, which must not necessarily be identified with the GPE radius of curvature of the ORG model, naturally translate into constraints on an, e.g., universal coupling parameter K of the r^-3 interaction. GRACE yields K <= CARDINAL^CARDINAL m^5 s^-2.",1 "PERSON has written a wonderful book about visualization that makes our field of scientometrics accessible to much larger audiences. The book is to be read in relation to the ongoing series of exhibitions entitled ""Places & Spaces: Mapping Science"" currently touring the world. The book also provides the scholarly background to the exhibitions. It celebrates scientometrics as the discipline in the background that enables us to visualize the evolution of knowledge as the acumen of human civilization.","The Actor Network represents heterogeneous entities as actants (GPE et GPE, DATE; DATE). Although computer programs for the visualization of social networks increasingly allow us to represent heterogeneity in a network using different shapes and colors for the visualization, hitherto this possibility has scarcely been exploited (NORP et GPE, DATE). In this contribution to the PERSON, I study the question of what heterogeneity can add specifically to the visualization of a network. How does an integrated network improve on the CARDINAL-dimensional ones (such as co-word and co-author maps)? The oeuvre of PERSON is used as the case materials, that is, his CARDINAL papers which can be retrieved from the (Social) Science Citation Index since DATE.",1 "The introduced entropy functional's (EF) information measure of random process integrates multiple information contributions along the process trajectories, evaluating both the states' and between states' bound information connections. This measure reveals information that is hidden by traditional information measures, which commonly use FAC's entropy function for each selected stationary states of the process. The hidden information is important for evaluation of missing connections, disclosing the process' meaningful information, which enables producing logic of the information. The presentation consists of CARDINAL Parts. In Part 1R-revised we analyze mechanism of arising information regularities from a stochastic process, measured by EF, independently of the process' specific source and origin. Uncovering the process' regularities leads us to an information law, based on extracting maximal information from its minimum, which could create these regularities. The solved variation problem (VP) determines a dynamic process, measured by information path functional (ORG), and information dynamic model, approximating the ORG measured stochastic process with a maximal functional probability on trajectories. In Part CARDINAL, we study the cooperative processes, arising at the consolidation, as a result of the VP-EF-IPF approach, which is able to produce multiple cooperative structures, concurrently assembling in hierarchical information network (IN) and generating the ORG's digital genetic code. In Part CARDINAL we study the evolutionary information processes and regularities of evolution dynamics, evaluated by the entropy functional (EF) of random field and informational path functional of a dynamic space-time process. The information law and the regularities determine unified functional informational mechanisms of evolution dynamics.","The impulses, cutting entropy functional (EF) measure on trajectories PERSON diffusion process, integrate information path functional (ORG) composing discrete information Bits extracted from observing random process. Each cut brings memory of the cutting entropy, which provides both reduction of the process entropy and discrete unit of the cutting entropy a Bit. Consequently, information is memorized entropy cutting in random observations which process interactions. The origin of information associates with anatomy creation of impulse enables both cut entropy and stipulate random process generating information under the cut. Memory of the impulse cutting time interval freezes the observing events dynamics in information processes. Diffusion process additive functional defines EF reducing it to a regular integral functional. Compared to FAC entropy measure of random state, cutting process on separated states decreases quantity information concealed in the states correlation holding hidden process information. Infinite dimensional process cutoffs integrate finite information in ORG whose information approaches EF restricting process maximal information. Within the impulse reversible microprocess, conjugated entropy increments are entangling up to the cutoff converting entropy in irreversible information. Extracting maximum of minimal impulse information and transferring minimal entropy between impulses implement maxmin-minimax principle of optimal conversion process entropy to information. Macroprocess extremals integrate entropy of microprocess and cutoff information of impulses in the ORG information physical process. ORG measures ORG kernel information. Estimation extracting information confirms nonadditivity of EF measured process increments.",1 "The paper gives a soundness and completeness proof for the implicative fragment of intuitionistic calculus with respect to the semantics of computability logic, which understands intuitionistic implication as interactive algorithmic reduction. This concept -- more precisely, the associated concept of reducibility -- is a generalization of Turing reducibility from the traditional, input/output sorts of problems to computational tasks of QUANTITY of interactivity. See ORG for a comprehensive online source on computability logic.","Computational biology is on the verge of a paradigm shift in its research practice - from a data-based (computational) paradigm to an information-based (cognitive) paradigm. As in the other research fields, this transition is impeded by lack of a right understanding about what is actually hidden behind the term ""information"". The paper is intended to clarify this issue and introduces CARDINAL new notions of ""physical information"" and ""semantic information"", which together constitute the term ""information"". Some implications of this introduction are considered.",0 "It is shown that ORG black holes can support ORG charged scalar fields in their exterior regions. To that end, we solve analytically the ORG wave equation for a stationary charged massive scalar field in the background of a near-extremal ORG black hole. In particular, we derive a simple analytical formula which describes the physical properties of these stationary bound-state resonances of the charged massive scalar fields in the ORG black-hole spacetime.","The black-hole information puzzle has attracted much attention over DATE from both physicists and mathematicians. CARDINAL of the most intriguing suggestions to resolve the information paradox is due to PERSON, who has stressed the fact that the low-energy part of the semi-classical black-hole emission spectrum is partly blocked by the curvature potential that surrounds the black hole. As explicitly shown by PERSON, this fact implies that the grey-body emission spectrum of a (3+1)-dimensional black hole is considerably less entropic than the corresponding radiation spectrum of a perfectly thermal black-body emitter. Using standard ideas from ORG theory, it was shown by PERSON that, in principle, the filtered Hawking radiation emitted by a (3+1)-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole may carry with it a substantial amount of information, the information which was suspected to be lost. It is of physical interest to test the general validity of the ""information leak"" scenario suggested by PERSON as a possible resolution to the Hawking information puzzle. In the present paper we analyze the semi-classical entropy emission properties of higher-dimensional black holes. In particular, we provide evidence that the characteristic Hawking quanta of $(D+1)$-dimensional ORG black holes in the large MONEY$ regime are almost unaffected by the spacetime curvature outside the black-hole horizon. This fact implies that, in the GPE regime, the Hawking black-hole radiation spectra are almost purely thermal, thus suggesting that the emitted quanta cannot carry the amount of information which is required in order to resolve the information paradox. Our analysis therefore suggests that the elegant information leak scenario suggested by PERSON cannot provide a generic resolution to the intriguing Hawking information paradox.",1 "ORG data on the sigma pole are refitted taking into account new information on coupling of sigma to ORG and eta-eta. The fit also includes ORG data on NORP elastic phases shifts and Ke4 data, and gives a pole position of CARDINAL +- 30 - i(264 +- 30) MeV. However, there is a clear discrepancy with the sigma pole position recently predicted by NORP et al. using the PERSON equation. This discrepancy may be explained naturally by uncertainties arising from inelasticity in ORG and eta-eta channels and mixing between sigma and f0(980). Adding freedom to accomodate these uncertainties gives an optimum compromise with a pole position of CARDINAL +- 30 - i(271 +- 30) MeV.","Inequalities for the transformation operator kernel $PERSON,y)$ in terms of $MONEY are given, and vice versa. These inequalities are applied to inverse scattering on CARDINAL-line. Characterization of the scattering data corresponding to the usual scattering class $MONEY of the potentials, to the class of compactly supported potentials, and to the class of square integrable potentials is given. Invertibility of each of the steps in the inversion procedure is proved.",0 "Drawing upon a body of research on the evolution of creativity, this paper proposes a theory of how, when, and why the forward-thinking story-telling abilities of humans evolved, culminating in the visionary abilities of science fiction writers. The ability to recursively chain thoughts together evolved DATE. Language abilities, and the ability to shift between different modes of thought, evolved DATE. Science fiction dates to DATE. It is suggested that well before this time, but after DATE, and concurrent with the evolution of a division of labour between creators and imitators there arose a division of labour between past, present, and future thinkers. Agent-based model research suggests there are social benefits to the evolution of individual differences in creativity such that there is a balance between novelty-generating creators and continuity-perpetuating imitators. A balance between individuals focused on the past, present, and future would be expected to yield similar adaptive benefits.","We consider the discrete memoryless degraded broadcast channels. We prove that the error probability of decoding tends to CARDINAL exponentially for rates outside the capacity region and derive an explicit lower bound of this exponent function. We shall demonstrate that the information spectrum approach is quite useful for investigating this problem.",0 "Methods from convex optimization such as accelerated gradient descent are widely used as building blocks for deep learning algorithms. However, the reasons for their empirical success are unclear, since neural networks are not convex and standard guarantees do not apply. This paper develops the ORDINAL rigorous link between online convex optimization and error backpropagation on convolutional networks. The ORDINAL step is to introduce circadian games, a mild generalization of convex games with similar convergence properties. The main result is that error backpropagation on a convolutional network is equivalent to playing out a circadian game. It follows immediately that the waking-regret of players in the game (the units in the neural network) controls the overall rate of convergence of the network. Finally, we explore some implications of the results: (i) we describe the representations learned by a neural network game-theoretically, (ii) propose a learning setting at the level of individual units that can be plugged into deep architectures, and (iii) propose a new approach to adaptive model selection by applying bandit algorithms to choose which players to wake on each round.","As artificial agents proliferate, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that their interactions with one another are well-behaved. In this paper, we formalize a common-sense notion of when algorithms are well-behaved: an algorithm is safe if it does no harm. Motivated by recent progress in deep learning, we focus on the specific case where agents update their actions according to gradient descent. The paper shows that that gradient descent converges to a ORG equilibrium in safe games. The main contribution is to define strongly-typed agents and show they are guaranteed to interact safely, thereby providing sufficient conditions to guarantee safe interactions. A series of examples show that strong-typing generalizes certain key features of convexity, is closely related to blind source separation, and introduces a new perspective on classical multilinear games based on tensor decomposition.",1 "Following PERSON hypothesis of quanta (quant-ph/0012069) and the matter wave idea of PERSON (quant-ph/9911107), PERSON proposed, at DATE, the concept of wavefunction and wave equation for it. Though endowed with a realistic undular interpretation by its father, the wavefunction could not be considered as a real ""matter wave"" and has been provided with only abstract, formally probabilistic interpretation. In this paper we show how the resulting ""mysteries"" of usual theory are solved within the unreduced, dynamically multivalued description of the underlying, essentially nonlinear interaction process (quant-ph/9902015, quant-ph/9902016), without artificial modification of the ORG equation. The latter is rigorously derived instead as universal expression of unreduced interaction complexity. Causal, totally realistic wavefunction is obtained as a dynamically probabilistic intermediate state of a simple system with interaction performing dynamically discrete transitions between its localised, incompatible ""realisations"" (""corpuscular"" states). Causal wavefunction and ORG equation are then extended to arbitrary level of world dynamics. We outline some applications of the obtained causal description, such as genuine quantum chaos (quant-ph/9511034-36) and realistic quantum devices (physics/0211071), and emphasize the basic difference of the proposed dynamically multivalued theory from dynamically single-valued imitations of causality and complexity. The causally complete wavefunction concept, representing the unified essence of unreduced (multivalued) complex dynamics, provides a clear distinctive feature of realistic science, absent in any its unitary imitation.","It is shown that nonlocal interactions determine energy spectrum in isotropic turbulence at small ORG numbers. It is also shown that for moderate ORG numbers the bottleneck effect is determined by the same nonlocal interactions. Role of the large and small scales covariance at the nonlocal interactions and in energy balance has been investigated. A possible hydrodynamic mechanism of the nonlocal solution instability at large scales has been briefly discussed. A quantitative relationship between effective strain of the nonlocal interactions and viscosity has been found. All results are supported by comparison with the data of experiments and numerical simulations.",0 "Psychological traumas are thought to be present in a wide range of conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder, disorganised attachment, personality disorders, dissociative identity disorder and psychosis. This work presents a new psychotherapy for psychological traumas, based on a functional model of the mind, built with elements borrowed from the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence and neural networks. The model revolves around the concept of hierarchical value and explains the emergence of dissociation and splitting in response to emotional pain. The key intuition is that traumas are caused by too strong negative emotions, which are in turn made possible by a low-value self, which is in turn determined by low-value self-associated ideas. The therapeutic method compiles a list of patient's traumas, identifies for each trauma a list of low-value self-associated ideas, and provides for each idea a list of counterexamples, to raise the self value and solve the trauma. Since the psychotherapy proposed has not been clinically tested, statements on its effectiveness are premature. However, since the conceptual basis is solid and traumas are hypothesised to be present in many psychological disorders, the potential gain may be substantial.","We propose a notion of autoreducibility for infinite time computability and explore it and its connection with a notion of randomness for infinite time machines.",0 "Voting is a simple mechanism to aggregate the preferences of agents. Many voting rules have been shown to be ORG-hard to manipulate. However, a number of recent theoretical results suggest that this complexity may only be in the worst-case since manipulation is often easy in practice. In this paper, we show that empirical studies are useful in improving our understanding of this issue. We demonstrate that there is a smooth transition in the probability that a coalition can elect a desired candidate using the veto rule as the size of the manipulating coalition increases. We show that a rescaled probability curve displays a simple and universal form independent of the size of the problem. We argue that manipulation of the veto rule is asymptotically easy for many independent and identically distributed votes even when the coalition of manipulators is critical in size. Based on this argument, we identify a situation in which manipulation is computationally hard. This is when votes are highly correlated and the election is ""hung"". We show, however, that even a single uncorrelated voter is enough to make manipulation easy again.","Lecture given DATE at a Physics -- Computer Science Colloquium at ORG. The lecture was videotaped; this is an edited transcript. It also incorporates remarks made at the ORG to ORG meeting held at ORG 24--26 DATE.",0 "Like any field of empirical science, ORG may be approached axiomatically. We formulate requirements for a general-purpose, human-level AI system in terms of postulates. We review the methodology of deep learning, examining the explicit and tacit assumptions in deep learning research. ORG methodology seeks to overcome limitations in traditional machine learning research as it combines facets of model richness, generality, and practical applicability. The methodology so far has produced outstanding results due to a productive synergy of function approximation, under plausible assumptions of irreducibility and the efficiency of back-propagation family of algorithms. We examine these winning traits of deep learning, and also observe the various known failure modes of deep learning. We conclude by giving recommendations on how to extend deep learning methodology to cover the postulates of general-purpose ORG including modularity, and cognitive architecture. We also relate deep learning to advances in theoretical neuroscience research.","We continue our analysis of volume and energy measures that are appropriate for quantifying inductive inference systems. We extend logical depth and conceptual jump size measures in ORG to stochastic problems, and physical measures that involve volume and energy. We introduce a graphical model of computational complexity that we believe to be appropriate for intelligent machines. We show several asymptotic relations between energy, logical depth and volume of computation for inductive inference. In particular, we arrive at a ""black-hole equation"" of inductive inference, which relates energy, volume, space, and algorithmic information for an optimal inductive inference solution. We introduce energy-bounded algorithmic entropy. We briefly apply our ideas to the physical limits of intelligent computation in our universe.",1 "Ubiquitous information access becomes more and more important nowadays and research is aimed at making it adapted to users. Our work consists in applying machine learning techniques in order to adapt the information access provided by ubiquitous systems to users when the system only knows the user social group, without knowing anything about the user interest. The adaptation procedures associate actions to perceived situations of the user. Associations are based on feedback given by the user as a reaction to the behavior of the system. Our method brings a solution to some of the problems concerning the acceptance of the system by users when applying machine learning techniques to systems at the beginning of the interaction between the system and the user.","We present a symbolic machinery that admits both probabilistic and causal information about a given domain and produces probabilistic statements about the effect of actions and the impact of observations. The calculus admits CARDINAL types of conditioning operators: ordinary ORG conditioning, P(y|X = x), which represents the observation X = x, and causal conditioning, P(y|do(X = x)), read the probability of Y = y conditioned on holding X constant (at x) by deliberate action. Given a mixture of such observational and causal sentences, together with the topology of the causal graph, the calculus derives new conditional probabilities of both types, thus enabling one to quantify the effects of actions (and policies) from partially specified knowledge bases, such as NORP networks in which some conditional probabilities may not be available.",0 "Plasmodium of \emph{Physarum polycephalum} is a single huge (visible by naked eye) cell with myriad of nuclei. The plasmodium is a promising substrate for non-classical, nature-inspired, computing devices. It is capable for approximation of shortest path, computation of planar proximity graphs and plane tessellations, primitive memory and decision-making. The unique properties of the plasmodium make it an ideal candidate for a role of amorphous biological robots with massive parallel information processing and distributed inputs and outputs. We show that when adhered to light-weight object resting on a water surface the plasmodium can propel the object by oscillating its protoplasmic pseudopodia. In experimental laboratory conditions and computational experiments we study phenomenology of the plasmodium-floater system, and possible mechanisms of controlling motion of objects propelled by on board plasmodium.","In this short review I present my personal reflections on ORG information interpretation of quantum mechanics (QM). In general, this interpretation is very attractive for me. However, its rigid coupling to the notion of irreducible quantum randomness is a very complicated issue which I plan to address in more detail. This note may be useful for general public interested in ORG, especially because I try to analyze essentials of the information interpretation critically (i.e., not just emphasizing its advantages as it is commonly done). This review is written in non-physicist friendly manner. Experts actively exploring this interpretation may be interested in the paper as well, as in the comments of ""an external observer"" who have been monitoring the development of this approach to QM during DATE. The last part of this review is devoted to the general methodology of science with references to views of GPE, ORG, and PERSON.",0 "It is by now well known that FAC logarithmic entropic functional ($PERSON) is inadequate for wide classes of strongly correlated systems: see for instance the DATE PERSON and PERSON's {\it Conceptual inadequacy of the FAC information in ORG measurements}, among many other systems exhibiting various forms of complexity. On the other hand, the FAC and GPE axioms uniquely mandate the GPE form $PERSON \ln p_i$; the ORG and PERSON axioms follow the same path. Many natural, artificial and social systems have been satisfactorily approached with nonadditive entropies such as the $S_q=k \frac{1-\sum_i p_i^q}{q-1}$ one ($q \in {\cal R}; \,S_1=S_{BG}$), basis of nonextensive statistical mechanics. Consistently, the FAC DATE and PERSON uniqueness theorems have already been generalized in the literature, by PERSON DATE and DATE respectively, in order to uniquely mandate $S_q$. We argue here that the same remains to be done with the ORG and PERSON DATE axioms. We arrive to this conclusion by analyzing specific classes of strongly correlated complex systems that await such generalization.","The Web community has introduced a set of standards and technologies for representing, querying, and manipulating a globally distributed data structure known as the Web of Data. The proponents of the Web of Data envision much of the world's data being interrelated and openly accessible to the general public. This vision is analogous in many ways to the Web of Documents of common knowledge, but instead of making documents and media openly accessible, the focus is on making data openly accessible. In providing data for public use, there has been a stimulated interest in a movement dubbed ORG. Open Data is analogous in many ways to the Open Source movement. However, instead of focusing on software, ORG is focused on the legal and licensing issues around publicly exposed data. Together, various technological and legal tools are laying the groundwork for the future of global-scale data management on the Web. As of DATE, in its early form, the Web of Data hosts a variety of data sets that include encyclopedic facts, drug and protein data, PERSON on music, books and scholarly articles, social network representations, geospatial information, and many other types of information. The size and diversity of the Web of Data is a demonstration of the flexibility of the underlying standards and the overall feasibility of the project as a whole. The purpose of this article is to provide a review of the technological underpinnings of the Web of Data as well as some of the hurdles that need to be overcome if the Web of Data is to emerge as the defacto medium for data representation, distribution, and ultimately, processing.",0 "In this article, we consider convergence rates in functional linear regression with functional responses, where the linear coefficient lies in a reproducing kernel PERSON space (ORG). Without assuming that the reproducing kernel and the covariate covariance kernel are aligned, or assuming polynomial rate of decay of the eigenvalues of the covariance kernel, convergence rates in prediction risk are established. The corresponding lower bound in rates is derived by reducing to the scalar response case. Simulation studies and CARDINAL benchmark datasets are used to illustrate that the proposed approach can significantly outperform the functional PCA approach in prediction.","We study the posterior distribution of the NORP multiple change-point regression problem when the number and the locations of the change-points are unknown. While it is relatively easy to apply the general theory to obtain the $PERSON rate up to some logarithmic factor, showing the exact parametric rate of convergence of the posterior distribution requires additional work and assumptions. Additionally, we demonstrate the asymptotic normality of the segment levels under these assumptions. For inferences on the number of change-points, we show that the NORP approach can produce a consistent posterior estimate. Finally, we argue that the point-wise posterior convergence property as demonstrated might have bad finite sample performance in that consistent posterior for model selection necessarily implies the maximal squared risk will be asymptotically larger than the optimal $PERSON rate. This is the NORP version of the same phenomenon that has been noted and studied by other authors.",1 "This article describes existing and expected benefits of the ""SP theory of intelligence"", and some potential applications. The theory aims to simplify and integrate ideas across artificial intelligence, mainstream computing, and human perception and cognition, with information compression as a unifying theme. It combines conceptual simplicity with descriptive and explanatory power across several areas of computing and cognition. In the ""SP machine"" -- an expression of the NORP theory which is currently realized in the form of a computer model -- there is potential for an overall simplification of computing systems, including software. The NORP theory promises deeper insights and better solutions in several areas of application including, most notably, unsupervised learning, natural language processing, autonomous robots, computer vision, intelligent databases, software engineering, information compression, medical diagnosis and big data. There is also potential in areas such as the semantic web, bioinformatics, structuring of documents, the detection of computer viruses, data fusion, new kinds of computer, and the development of scientific theories. The theory promises seamless integration of structures and functions within and between different areas of application. The potential value, worldwide, of these benefits and applications is MONEY DATE. Further development would be facilitated by the creation of a high-parallel, open-source version of the NORP machine, available to researchers everywhere.","This paper summarises how the ""SP theory of intelligence"" and its realisation in the ""SP computer model"" simplifies and integrates concepts across artificial intelligence and related areas, and thus provides a promising foundation for the development of a general, human-level thinking machine, in accordance with the main goal of research in artificial general intelligence. The key to this simplification and integration is the powerful concept of ""multiple alignment"", borrowed and adapted from bioinformatics. This concept has the potential to be the ""double helix"" of intelligence, with as much significance for human-level intelligence as has DNA for biological sciences. Strengths of the NORP system include: versatility in the representation of diverse kinds of knowledge; versatility in aspects of intelligence (including: strengths in unsupervised learning; the processing of natural language; pattern recognition at multiple levels of abstraction that is robust in the face of errors in data; several kinds of reasoning (including: CARDINAL-step `deductive' reasoning; chains of reasoning; abductive reasoning; reasoning with probabilistic networks and trees; reasoning with 'rules'; nonmonotonic reasoning and reasoning with default values; NORP reasoning with 'explaining away'; and more); planning; problem solving; and more); seamless integration of diverse kinds of knowledge and diverse aspects of intelligence in any combination; and potential for application in several areas (including: helping to solve CARDINAL problems with big data; helping to develop human-level intelligence in autonomous robots; serving as a database with intelligence and with versatility in the representation and integration of several forms of knowledge; serving as a vehicle for medical knowledge and as an aid to medical diagnosis; and several more).",1 "We study the contribution of diffractive $Q \bar Q$ production to the $PERSON proton structure function and the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry in polarized deep--inelastic $MONEY scattering. We show the strong dependence of the $F_2^D$ structure function and the $MONEY asymmetry on the quark--pomeron coupling structure.","We propose an online form of the cake cutting problem. This models situations where agents arrive and depart during the process of dividing a resource. We show that well known fair division procedures like cut-and-choose and the ORG moving knife procedure can be adapted to apply to such online problems. We propose some fairness properties that online cake cutting procedures can possess like online forms of proportionality and envy-freeness. We also consider the impact of collusion between agents. Finally, we study theoretically and empirically the competitive ratio of these online cake cutting procedures. Based on its resistance to collusion, and its good performance in practice, our results favour the online version of the cut-and-choose procedure over the online version of the moving knife procedure.",0 "It is shown that, the wavelet regression detrended fluctuations of the reconstructed temperature for DATE (LOC ice cores data) are completely dominated by CARDINAL subharmonic resonance, presumably related to LOC precession effect on the energy that the intertropical regions receive from the ORG. Effects of Galactic turbulence on the temperature fluctuations are also discussed. Direct evidence of chaotic response of the atmospheric CO_2 dynamics to obliquity periodic forcing has been found in a reconstruction of atmospheric CO_2 data (deep sea proxies), for DATE.","Within the program of finding axiomatizations for various parts of computability logic, it was proved earlier that the logic of interactive Turing reduction is exactly the implicative fragment of ORG's intuitionistic calculus. That sort of reduction permits unlimited reusage of the computational resource represented by the antecedent. An at least equally basic and natural sort of algorithmic reduction, however, is the one that does not allow such reusage. The present article shows that turning the logic of the ORDINAL sort of reduction into the logic of the ORDINAL sort of reduction takes nothing more than just deleting the contraction rule from its NORP-style axiomatization. The first (Turing) sort of interactive reduction is also shown to come in CARDINAL natural versions. While those CARDINAL versions are very different from each other, their logical behaviors (in isolation) turn out to be indistinguishable, with that common behavior being precisely captured by implicative intuitionistic logic. Among the other contributions of the present article is an informal introduction of a series of new -- finite and bounded -- versions of recurrence operations and the associated reduction operations. An online source on computability logic can be found at ORG",0 "Constraint satisfaction problems have been studied in numerous fields with practical and theoretical interests. In DATE, major breakthroughs have been made in a study of counting constraint satisfaction problems (or #CSPs). In particular, a computational complexity classification of bounded-degree #CSPs has been discovered for all degrees except for CARDINAL, where the ""degree"" of an input instance is the maximal number of times that each input variable appears in a given set of constraints. Despite the efforts of recent studies, however, a complexity classification of degree-2 #CSPs has eluded from our understandings. This paper challenges this open problem and gives its partial solution by applying CARDINAL novel proof techniques--T_{2}-constructibility and parametrized symmetrization--which are specifically designed to handle ""arbitrary"" constraints under randomized approximation-preserving reductions. We partition entire constraints into CARDINAL sets and we classify the approximation complexity of all degree-2 #CSPs whose constraints are drawn from CARDINAL of the CARDINAL sets into CARDINAL categories: problems computable in polynomial-time or problems that are at least as hard as #SAT. Our proof exploits a close relationship between complex-weighted degree-2 #CSPs and Holant problems, which are a natural generalization of complex-weighted #CSPs.","We examine the characteristic features of reversible and quantum computations in the presence of supplementary external information, known as advice. In particular, we present a simple, algebraic characterization of languages recognized by CARDINAL-way reversible finite automata augmented with deterministic advice. With a further elaborate argument, we prove a similar but slightly weaker result for bounded-error CARDINAL-way quantum finite automata with advice. Immediate applications of those properties lead to containments and separations among various language families when they are assisted by appropriately chosen advice. We further demonstrate the power and limitation of randomized advice and quantum advice when they are given to CARDINAL-way quantum finite automata.",1 "Multi-valued partial ORG functions are computed by CARDINAL-way nondeterministic pushdown automata equipped with write-only output tapes. We give an answer to a fundamental question, raised by PERSON, and PERSON [Act. Inform. DATE) CARDINAL-417], of whether all multi-valued partial ORG functions can be refined by single-valued partial ORG functions. We negatively solve this question by presenting a special multi-valued partial ORG function as an example function and by proving that no refinement of this particular function becomes a single-valued partial ORG function. This contrasts an early result of Kobayashi [Inform. Control CARDINAL (DATE) CARDINAL-109] that multi-valued partial ORG functions are always refined by single-valued ORG functions, where ORG functions are computed by nondeterministic finite automata with output tapes. Our example function turns out to be unambiguously CARDINAL-valued, and thus we obtain a stronger separation result, in which no refinement of unambiguously CARDINAL-valued partial ORG functions can be single-valued. For the proof, we ORDINAL introduce a new concept of colored automata having no output tapes but having ""colors,"" which can simulate pushdown automata with constant-space output tapes. We then conduct an extensive combinatorial analysis on the behaviors of transition records of stack contents (called stack histories) of colored automata.","We re-examine a practical aspect of combinatorial fuzzy problems of various types, including search, counting, optimization, and decision problems. We are focused only on those fuzzy problems that take series of fuzzy input objects and produce fuzzy values. To solve such problems efficiently, we design fast fuzzy algorithms, which are modeled by polynomial-time deterministic fuzzy Turing machines equipped with read-only auxiliary tapes and write-only output tapes and also modeled by polynomial-size fuzzy circuits composed of fuzzy gates. We also introduce fuzzy proof verification systems to model the fuzzification of nondeterminism. Those models help us identify CARDINAL complexity classes: PERSON of fuzzy functions, PERSON and PERSON of fuzzy decision problems, and PERSON of fuzzy optimization problems. Based on a relative approximation scheme targeting fuzzy membership degree, we formulate CARDINAL notions of ""reducibility"" in order to compare the computational complexity of CARDINAL fuzzy problems. These reducibility notions make it possible to locate the most difficult fuzzy problems in ORG and in GPE.",1 "The issue of how to create open-ended evolution in an artificial system is one the open problems in artificial life. This paper examines CARDINAL of the factors that have some bearing on this issue, using the ORG artificial life system. {\em Parsimony pressure} is a tendency to penalise more complex organisms by the extra cost needed to reproduce longer genotypes, encouraging simplification to happen. In ORG, parsimony is controlled by the \verb+SlicePow+ parameter. When full parsimony is selected, evolution optimises the ancestral organism to produce extremely simple organisms. With parsimony completely relaxed, organisms grow larger, but not more complex. They fill up with ``junk''. This paper looks at scanning a range of \verb+SlicePow+ from CARDINAL to CARDINAL to see if there is an optimal value for generating complexity. Tierra (along with most ALife systems) use pseudo random number generators. PERSON can never create information, only destroy it. So the total complexity of the ORG system is bounded by the initial complexity, implying that the individual organism complexity is bounded. Biological systems, however, have plenty of sources of randomness, ultimately dependent on quantum randomness, so do not have this complexity limit. Sources of real random numbers exist for computers called {\em entropy gatherers} -- this paper reports on the effect of changing ORG's pseudo random number generator for an entropy gatherer.","In the {\em Many Worlds Interpretation} of quantum mechanics, the range of possible worlds (or histories) provides variation, and the PERSON is a selective principle analogous to natural selection. When looked on in this way, the ``process'' by which the laws and constants of physics is determined not too different from the process that gave rise to our current biodiversity, i.e. NORP evolution. This has implications for the fields of ORG and ORG, which are based on a philosophy of the inevitability of life.",1 "In this article, we assign the $D_{s3}^*(2860)$ to be a D-wave $PERSON, and study the mass and decay constant of the $D_{s3}^*(2860)$ with the ORG sum rules by calculating the contributions of the vacuum condensates up to dimension-6 in the operator product expansion. The predicted mass $M_{D_{s3}^*}=(2.86\pm0.10)\,\rm{GeV}$ is in excellent agreement with the experimental value $M_{D_{s3}^*}=(2860.5\pm 2.6 \pm 2.5\pm CARDINAL{ MeV}$ from the LHCb collaboration. The present prediction supports assigning the $D_{s3}^*(2860)$ to be the D-wave $PERSON.","The ORG (generalized min-max) PERSON was recently proposed (PERSON, DATE) as a measure of data similarity and was demonstrated effective in machine learning tasks. In order to use the ORG kernel for large-scale datasets, the prior work resorted to the (generalized) consistent weighted sampling (GPE) to convert the ORG kernel to ORG kernel. We call this approach as ``GMM-GCWS''. In the machine learning literature, there is a popular algorithm which we call ``RBF-RFF''. That is, one can use the ``random Fourier features'' (ORG) to convert the ``radial basis function'' (ORG) kernel to ORG kernel. It was empirically shown in (PERSON, DATE) that ORG typically requires substantially more samples than ORG in order to achieve comparable accuracies. The NORP method is a general tool for computing nonlinear kernels, which again converts nonlinear kernels into ORG kernels. We apply the NORP method for approximating the ORG kernel, a strategy which we name as ``GMM-NYS''. In this study, our extensive experiments on a set of fairly large datasets confirm that ORG is also a strong competitor of ORG.",0 "In cocktail party listening scenarios, the human brain is able to separate competing speech signals. However, the signal processing implemented by the brain to perform cocktail party listening is not well understood. Here, we trained CARDINAL separate convolutive autoencoder deep neural networks (DNN) to separate monaural and binaural mixtures of CARDINAL concurrent speech streams. We then used these DNNs as convolutive deep transform (ORG) devices to perform probabilistic re-synthesis. The CDTs operated directly in the time-domain. Our simulations demonstrate that very simple neural networks are capable of exploiting monaural and binaural information available in a cocktail party listening scenario.","The short-time PERSON transform (STFT) provides the foundation of binary-mask based audio source separation approaches. In computing a spectrogram, the STFT window size parameterizes the trade-off between time and frequency resolution. However, it is not yet known how this parameter affects the operation of the binary mask in terms of separation quality for real-world signals such as speech or music. Here, we demonstrate that the trade-off between time and frequency in the STFT, used to perform ideal binary mask separation, depends upon the types of source that are to be separated. In particular, we demonstrate that different window sizes are optimal for separating different combinations of speech and musical signals. Our findings have broad implications for machine audition and machine learning in general.",1 "We show that the class QAM does not change even if the verifier's ability is restricted to only single-qubit measurements. To show the result, we use the idea of the measurement-based ORG computing: the verifier, who can do only single-qubit measurements, can test the graph state sent from the prover and use it for his measurement-based ORG computing. We also introduce a new QMA-complete problem related to the stabilizer test.","Recently nonparametric functional model with functional responses has been proposed within the functional reproducing kernel PERSON spaces (fRKHS) framework. Motivated by its superior performance and also its limitations, we propose a NORP process model whose posterior mode coincide with the fRKHS estimator. The NORP approach has several advantages compared to its predecessor. ORDINAL, the multiple unknown parameters can be inferred together with the regression function in a unified framework. ORDINAL, as a NORP method, the statistical inferences are straightforward through the posterior distributions. We also use the predictive process models adapted from ORG to overcome the computational limitations, thus extending the applicability of this popular technique to a new problem. Modifications of predictive process models are nevertheless critical in our context to obtain valid inferences. The numerical results presented demonstrate the effectiveness of the modifications.",0 "When a shell collapses through its horizon, semiclassical physics suggests that information cannot escape from this horizon. One might hope that nonperturbative ORG gravity effects will change this situation and avoid the `information paradox'. We note that string theory has provided a set of states over which the wavefunction of the shell can spread, and that the number of these states is large enough that such a spreading would significantly modify the classically expected evolution. In this article we perform a simple estimate of the spreading time, showing that it is much shorter than the Hawking evaporation time for the hole. Thus information can emerge from the hole through the relaxation of the shell state into a linear combination of fuzzballs.","We are pursuing a modeling methodology that views the world as a realm of things. A thing is defined as something that can be created, processed, released, transferred, and received. Additionally, in this modeling approach, a thing is a CARDINAL-dimensional structure referred to as a thinging (abstract) machine. On the other hand, machines are things that are operated on; that is, they are created, processed, released, transferred, and received. The intertwining with the world is accomplished by integrating these CARDINAL modes of an entity s being: being a thing that flows through machines and being a machine that processes things. This paper further enriches these notions of things and machines. We present further exploration of the thinging machine model through introducing a new notion called the thing/machine (thimac) as a label of the unity of things/machines. Thimacs replace traditional categorization, properties, and behavior with creating, processing, releasing, transferring, and receiving, as well as the CARDINAL linking notions of flow and triggering. The paper discusses the concept of thimacs with examples and focuses on the notion of structure as it applies to various diagrammatic modeling methodologies.",0 "We present for mental processes the program of mathematical mapping which has been successfully realized for physical processes. We emphasize that our project is not about mathematical simulation of brain's functioning as a complex physical system, i.e., mapping of physical and chemical processes in the brain on mathematical spaces. The project is about mapping of purely mental processes on mathematical spaces. We present various arguments -- philosophic, mathematical, information, and neurophysiological -- in favor of the $p$-adic model of mental space. $p$-adic spaces have structures of hierarchic trees and in our model such a tree hierarchy is considered as an image of neuronal hierarchy. Hierarchic neural pathways are considered as fundamental units of information processing. As neural pathways can go through whole body, the mental space is produced by the whole neural system. Finally, we develop ORG in that GPE are represented by probability distributions on mental space.","The paper considers CARDINAL-phase random design linear regression models. The errors and the regressors are stationary long-range dependent NORP. The regression parameters, the scale parameters and the change-point are estimated using a method introduced by ORG). This is called S-estimator and it has the property that is more robust than the classical estimators; the outliers don't spoil the estimation results. Some asymptotic results, including the strong consistency and the convergence rate of the S-estimators, are proved.",0 "We present a comprehensive study of the use of value precedence constraints to break value symmetry. We ORDINAL give a simple encoding of value precedence into ternary constraints that is both efficient and effective at breaking symmetry. We then extend value precedence to deal with a number of generalizations like wreath value and partial interchangeability. We also show that value precedence is closely related to lexicographical ordering. Finally, we consider the interaction between value precedence and symmetry breaking constraints for variable symmetries.","The paper demonstrates that strict adherence to probability theory does not preclude the use of concurrent, self-activated constraint-propagation mechanisms for managing uncertainty. Maintaining local records of sources-of-belief allows both predictive and diagnostic inferences to be activated simultaneously and propagate harmoniously towards a stable equilibrium.",0 "The equations of evolutionary change by natural selection are commonly expressed in statistical terms. ORG's fundamental theorem emphasizes the variance in fitness. Quantitative genetics expresses selection with covariances and regressions. Population genetic equations depend on genetic variances. How can we read those statistical expressions with respect to the meaning of natural selection? CARDINAL possibility is to relate the statistical expressions to the amount of information that populations accumulate by selection. However, the connection between selection and information theory has never been compelling. Here, I show the correct relations between statistical expressions for selection and information theory expressions for selection. Those relations link selection to the fundamental concepts of entropy and information in the theories of physics, statistics, and communication. We can now read the equations of selection in terms of their natural meaning. Selection causes populations to accumulate information about the environment.","This paper describes a relatively simple way of allowing a brain model to self-organise its concept patterns through nested structures. For a simulation, time reduction is helpful and it would be able to show how patterns may form and then fire in sequence, as part of a search or thought process. It uses a very simple equation to show how the inhibitors in particular, can switch off certain areas, to allow other areas to become the prominent ones and thereby define the current brain state. This allows for a small amount of control over what appears to be a chaotic structure inside of the brain. It is attractive because it is still mostly mechanical and therefore can be added as an automatic process, or the modelling of that. The paper also describes how the nested pattern structure can be used as a basic counting mechanism. Another mathematical conclusion provides a basis for maintaining memory or concept patterns. The self-organisation can space itself through automatic processes. This might allow new neurons to be added in a more even manner and could help to maintain the concept integrity. The process might also help with finding memory structures afterwards. This extended version integrates further with the existing cognitive model and provides some new conclusions.",0 "Research on bias in machine learning algorithms has generally been concerned with the impact of bias on predictive accuracy. We believe that there are other factors that should also play a role in the evaluation of bias. CARDINAL such factor is the stability of the algorithm; in other words, the repeatability of the results. If we obtain CARDINAL sets of data from the same phenomenon, with the same underlying probability distribution, then we would like our learning algorithm to induce approximately the same concepts from both sets of data. This paper introduces a method for quantifying stability, based on a measure of the agreement between concepts. We also discuss the relationships among stability, predictive accuracy, and bias.","A path information is defined in connection with the different possible paths of chaotic system moving in its phase space CARDINAL cells. On the basis of the assumption that the paths are differentiated by their actions, we show that the maximum path information leads to a path probability distribution as a function of action from which the well known transition probability of NORP motion can be easily derived. An interesting result is that the most probable paths are just the paths of least action. This suggests that the principle of least action, in a probabilistic situation, is equivalent to the principle of maximization of information or uncertainty associated with the probability distribution.",0 "We explore OR gate response in a mesoscopic ring threaded by a magnetic flux $MONEY The ring is symmetrically attached to CARDINAL semi-infinite CARDINAL-dimensional metallic electrodes and CARDINAL gate voltages, viz, $V_a$ and $PERSON, are applied in CARDINAL arm of the ring which are treated as the CARDINAL inputs of the OR gate. All the calculations are based on the tight-binding model and the ORG's function method, which numerically compute the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics as functions of the gate voltages, ring-to-electrodes coupling strengths and magnetic flux. Our theoretical study shows that, for MONEY ($\phi_0=ch/e$, the elementary flux-quantum) a high output current (CARDINAL) (in the logical sense) appears if one or both the inputs to the gate are high (1), while if neither input is high (1), a low output current (0) appears. It clearly demonstrates the PRODUCT gate behavior and this aspect may be utilized in designing the electronic logic gate.","We explore NOT gate response in a mesoscopic ring threaded by a magnetic flux $MONEY The ring is attached symmetrically to CARDINAL semi-infinite CARDINAL-dimensional metallic electrodes and a gate voltage, viz, $PERSON, is applied in CARDINAL arm of the ring which is treated as the input of the NOT gate. The calculations are based on the tight-binding model and the ORG's function method, which numerically compute the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics as functions of the ring-to-electrodes coupling strength, magnetic flux and gate voltage. Our theoretical study shows that, for MONEY ($\phi_0=ch/e$, the elementary flux-quantum) a high output current (CARDINAL) (in the logical sense) appears if the input to the gate is low (0), while a low output current (0) appears when the input to the gate is high (1). It clearly exhibits the NOT gate behavior and this aspect may be utilized in designing an electronic logic gate.",1 "A multidimensional optimization problem is formulated in the tropical mathematics setting as to maximize a nonlinear objective function, which is defined through a multiplicative conjugate transposition operator on vectors in a finite-dimensional semimodule over a general idempotent semifield. The study is motivated by problems drawn from project scheduling, where the deviation between initiation or completion times of activities in a project is to be maximized subject to various precedence constraints among the activities. To solve the unconstrained problem, we ORDINAL establish an upper bound for the objective function, and then solve a system of vector equations to find all vectors that yield the bound. As a corollary, an extension of the solution to handle constrained problems is discussed. The results obtained are applied to give complete direct solutions to the motivating problems from project scheduling. Numerical examples of the development of optimal schedules are also presented.","A multidimensional extremal problem in the idempotent algebra setting is considered which consists in minimizing a nonlinear functional defined on a finite-dimensional semimodule over an idempotent semifield. The problem integrates CARDINAL other known problems by combining their objective functions into CARDINAL general function and includes these problems as particular cases. A new solution approach is proposed based on the analysis of linear inequalities and spectral properties of matrices. The approach offers a comprehensive solution to the problem in a closed form that involves performing simple matrix and vector operations in terms of idempotent algebra and provides a basis for the development of efficient computational algorithms and their software implementation.",1 "We consider the rate distortion problem with side information at the decoder posed and investigated by PERSON and PERSON. The rate distortion function indicating the trade-off between the rate on the data compression and the quality of data obtained at the decoder was determined by PERSON and PERSON. In this paper, we study the error probability of decoding at rates below the rate distortion function. We evaluate the probability of decoding such that the estimation of source outputs by the decoder has a distortion not exceeding a prescribed distortion level. We prove that when the rate of the data compression is below the rate distortion function this probability goes to CARDINAL exponentially and derive an explicit lower bound of this exponent function. On the PERSON-Ziv source coding problem the strong converse coding theorem has not been established yet. We prove this as a simple corollary of our result.","This paper presents a soundness and completeness proof for propositional intuitionistic calculus with respect to the semantics of computability logic. The latter interprets formulas as interactive computational problems, formalized as games between a machine and its environment. Intuitionistic implication is understood as algorithmic reduction in the weakest possible -- and hence most natural -- sense, disjunction and conjunction as deterministic-choice combinations of problems (disjunction = machine's choice, conjunction = environment's choice), and ""absurd"" as a computational problem of universal strength. See ORG for a comprehensive online source on computability logic.",0 "We frame the question of what kind of subjective experience a brain simulation would have in contrast to a biological brain. We discuss the brain prosthesis thought experiment. We evaluate how the experience of the brain simulation might differ from the biological, according to a number of hypotheses about experience and the properties of simulation. Then, we identify finer questions relating to the original inquiry, and answer them from both a general physicalist, and panexperientialist perspective.","This paper begins with a general theory of error in cross-validation testing of algorithms for supervised learning from examples. It is assumed that the examples are described by attribute-value pairs, where the values are symbolic. Cross-validation requires a set of training examples and a set of testing examples. The value of the attribute that is to be predicted is known to the learner in the training set, but unknown in the testing set. The theory demonstrates that cross-validation error has CARDINAL components: error on the training set (inaccuracy) and sensitivity to noise (instability). This general theory is then applied to voting in instance-based learning. Given an example in the testing set, a typical instance-based learning algorithm predicts the designated attribute by voting among the k nearest neighbors (the k most similar examples) to the testing example in the training set. Voting is intended to increase the stability (resistance to noise) of instance-based learning, but a theoretical analysis shows that there are circumstances in which voting can be destabilizing. The theory suggests ways to minimize cross-validation error, by insuring that voting is stable and does not adversely affect accuracy.",0 "We show how to express the information contained in a Quantum Bayesian (QB) net as a product of unitary matrices. If each of these unitary matrices is expressed as a sequence of elementary operations (operations such as controlled-nots and qubit rotations), then the result is a sequence of operations that can be used to run a ORG computer. QB nets have been run entirely on a classical computer, but one expects them to run faster on a ORG computer.","This survey note describes a brief systemic view to approaches for evaluation of hierarchical composite (modular) systems. The list of considered issues involves the following: (i) basic assessment scales (quantitative scale, ordinal scale, PERSON, CARDINAL kinds of poset-like scales), (ii) basic types of scale transformations problems, (iii) basic types of scale integration methods. Evaluation of the modular systems is considered as assessment of system components (and their compatibility) and integration of the obtained local estimates into the total system estimate(s). This process is based on the above-mentioned problems (i.e., scale transformation and integration). Illustrations of the assessment problems and evaluation approaches are presented (including numerical examples).",0 "There is no single definition of complexity (Edmonds DATE; PERSON DATE; PERSON DATE), as it acquires different meanings in different contexts. A general notion is the amount of information required to describe a phenomenon (PERSON), but it can also be understood as the length of the shortest program required to compute that description, as the time required to compute that description, as the minimal model to statistically describe a phenomenon, etc.","In this chapter, concepts related to information and computation are reviewed in the context of human computation. A brief introduction to information theory and different types of computation is given. CARDINAL examples of human computation systems, online social networks and GPE, are used to illustrate how these can be described and compared in terms of information and computation.",1 "We present critical arguments against individual interpretation of GPE's complementarity and PERSON's uncertainty principles. Statistical interpretation of these principles is discussed in the contextual framework. We support the possibility to use ORG of quantum formalism. In spite of all {\bf no-go} PERSON (e.g., PERSON, GPE and NORP,..., ORG,...), recently (quant-ph/0306003 and 0306069) we constructed a realist basis of quantum mechanics. In our model both classical and ORG spaces are rough images of the fundamental {\bf prespace.} ORG mechanics cannot be reduced to classical one. Both classical and quantum representations induce reductions of prespace information.","We perform geometrization of genetics by representing genetic information by points of the CARDINAL-adic {ORG information space.} By well known theorem of number theory this space can also be represented as the CARDINAL-adic space. The process of DNA-reproduction is described by the action of a CARDINAL-adic (or equivalently CARDINAL-adic) dynamical system. As we know, the genes contain information for production of proteins. The genetic code is a degenerate map of codons to proteins. We model this map as functioning of a polynomial dynamical system. The purely mathematical problem under consideration is to find a dynamical system reproducing the degenerate structure of the genetic code. We present CARDINAL of possible solutions of this problem.",1 "This book develops the conjecture that all kinds of information processing in computers and in brains may usefully be understood as ""information compression by multiple alignment, unification and search"". This ""SP theory"", which has been under development since DATE, provides a unified view of such things as the workings of a universal Turing machine, the nature of 'knowledge', the interpretation and production of natural language, pattern recognition and best-match information retrieval, several kinds of probabilistic reasoning, planning and problem solving, unsupervised learning, and a range of concepts in mathematics and logic. The theory also provides a basis for the design of an 'SP' computer with several potential advantages compared with traditional digital computers.","Excess freedom in how computers are used creates problems that include: bit rot, problems with big data, problems in the creation and debugging of software, and problems with cyber security. To tame excess freedom, ""tough love"" is needed in the form of a {\em universal framework for the representation and processing of diverse kinds of knowledge} (ORG). The ""SP machine"", based on the ""SP theory of intelligence"", has the potential to provide that framework and to help solve the problems above. There is potential to reduce the CARDINAL different kinds of computer file to one, and to reduce the CARDINAL of different computer languages to one.",1 "The paper analyzes the problem of judgments or preferences subsequent to initial analysis by autonomous agents in a hierarchical system where the higher level agents does not have access to group size information. We propose methods that reduce instances of preference reversal of the kind encountered in PERSON's paradox.","The solution of FAC system in CARDINAL space dimensions with ORG data in PRODUCT and wave data in H^{s+1/2} x H^{s-1/2} is uniquely determined in the natural solution space C^0([0,T],H^s) x C^0([0,T],H^{s+\frac1/2}), provided s > CARDINAL . This improves the uniqueness part of the global well-posedness result by ORG and the author, where uniqueness was proven in (smaller) spaces of PRODUCT type. Local well-posedness is also proven for ORG data in L^2 and wave data in H^{3/5}+} x H^{-2/5+} in the solution space C^0([0,T],L^2) x C^0([0,T],H^{3/5+}) and also for more regular data.",0 "We study the spin-dependent cross-sections of vector PERSON for longitudinally and transversely polarized photons within a QCD- model. The dependence of the $\sigma_T/\sigma_L$ ratio on the photon virtuality and on ORG wave function is analysed.","Motivated by novel results in the theory of wave dynamics in black-hole spacetimes, we analyze the dynamics of a massive scalar field surrounding a rapidly rotating ORG black hole. In particular, we report on the existence of stationary (infinitely long-lived) regular field configurations in the background of maximally rotating black holes. The effective height of these scalar ""clouds"" above the central black hole is determined analytically. Our results support the possible existence of stationary scalar field dark matter distributions surrounding rapidly rotating black holes.",0 "The paper focuses on a new class of combinatorial problems which consists in restructuring of solutions (as sets/structures) in combinatorial optimization. CARDINAL main features of the restructuring process are examined: (i) a cost of the restructuring, (ii) a closeness to a goal solution. CARDINAL types of the restructuring problems are under study: (a) CARDINAL-stage structuring, (b) multi-stage structuring, and (c) structuring over changed element set. CARDINAL-criterion and NORP problem formulations can be considered. The restructuring problems correspond to redesign (improvement, upgrade) of modular systems or solutions. The restructuring approach is described and illustrated (problem statements, solving schemes, examples) for the following combinatorial optimization problems: knapsack problem, multiple choice problem, assignment problem, spanning tree problems, clustering problem, multicriteria ranking (sorting) problem, morphological clique problem. Numerical examples illustrate the restructuring problems and solving schemes.","The paper addresses problem of data allocation in CARDINAL-layer computer storage while taking into account dynamic digraph(s) over computing tasks. The basic version of data file allocation on parallel hard magnetic disks is considered as special bin packing model. CARDINAL problems of the allocation solution reconfiguration (restructuring) are suggested: (i) CARDINAL-stage restructuring model, (ii) multistage restructuring models. Solving schemes are based on simplified heuristics. Numerical examples illustrate problems and solving schemes.",1 "Despite efforts to increase the supply of organs from living donors, most kidney transplants performed in GPE still come from deceased donors. The age of these donated organs has increased substantially in DATE as the rate of fatal accidents on roads has fallen. The GPE and ORG in GPE is therefore looking to design a new mechanism that better matches the age of the organ to the age of the patient. I discuss the design, axiomatics and performance of several candidate mechanisms that respect the special online nature of this fair division problem.","PERSON's work, in its depth and breadth, encompasses many areas of scientific and philosophical interest. It helped establish the accepted mathematical concept of randomness, which in turn is the basis of tools that I have developed to justify and quantify what I think is clear evidence of the algorithmic nature of the world. To illustrate the concept I will establish novel upper bounds of algorithmic randomness for elementary cellular automata. I will discuss how the practice of science consists in conceiving a model that starts from certain initial values, running a computable instantiation, and awaiting a result in order to determine where the system may be in a future state--in a shorter time than the time taken by the actual unfolding of the phenomenon in question. If a model does not comply with all or some of these requirements it is traditionally considered useless or even unscientific, so the more precise and faster the better. A model is thus better if it can explain more with less, which is at the core of PERSON's ""compression is comprehension"". I will pursue these questions related to the random versus possibly algorithmic nature of the world in CARDINAL directions, drawing heavily on the work of PERSON. I will also discuss how the algorithmic approach is related to the success of science at producing models of the world, allowing computer simulations to better understand it and make more accurate predictions and interventions.",0 "We discuss views about whether the universe can be rationally comprehended, starting with ORG, then ORG, and then the views of some distinguished scientists of DATE. Based on this, we defend the thesis that comprehension is compression, i.e., explaining many facts using few theoretical assumptions, and that a theory may be viewed as a computer program for calculating observations. This provides motivation for defining the complexity of something to be the size of the simplest theory for it, in other words, the size of the smallest program for calculating it. This is the central idea of algorithmic information theory (ORG), a field of theoretical computer science. Using the mathematical concept of program-size complexity, we exhibit irreducible mathematical facts, mathematical facts that cannot be demonstrated using any mathematical theory simpler than they are. It follows that the world of mathematical ideas has infinite complexity and is therefore not fully comprehensible, at least not in a static fashion. Whether the physical world has finite or infinite complexity remains to be seen. Current science believes that the world contains randomness, and is therefore also infinitely complex, but a deterministic universe that simulates randomness via pseudo-randomness is also a possibility, at least according to recent highly speculative work of ORG.","A remarkable new definition of a self-delimiting universal Turing machine is presented that is easy to program and runs very quickly. This provides a new foundation for algorithmic information theory. This new universal Turing machine is implemented via software written in GPE and C. Using this new software, it is now possible to give a self-contained ``hands on'' mini-course presenting very concretely the latest proofs of the fundamental information-theoretic incompleteness theorems.",1 "In this paper we develop a method for clustering belief functions based on attracting and conflicting metalevel evidence. Such clustering is done when the belief functions concern multiple events, and all belief functions are mixed up. The clustering process is used as the means for separating the belief functions into subsets that should be handled independently. While the conflicting metalevel evidence is generated internally from pairwise conflicts of all belief functions, the attracting metalevel evidence is assumed given by some external source.","In this paper we develop an evidential force aggregation method intended for classification of evidential intelligence into recognized force structures. We assume that the intelligence has already been partitioned into clusters and use the classification method individually in each cluster. The classification is based on a measure of fitness between template and fused intelligence that makes it possible to handle intelligence reports with multiple nonspecific and uncertain propositions. With this measure we can aggregate on a level-by-level basis, starting from general intelligence to achieve a complete force structure with recognized units on all hierarchical levels.",1 "Individual-intelligence research, from a neurological perspective, discusses the hierarchical layers of the cortex as a structure that performs conceptual abstraction and specification. This theory has been used to explain how motor-cortex regions responsible for different behavioral modalities such as writing and speaking can be utilized to express the same general concept represented higher in the cortical hierarchy. For example, the concept of a dog, represented across a region of high-level cortical-neurons, can either be written or spoken about depending on the individual's context. The higher-layer cortical areas project down the hierarchy, sending abstract information to specific regions of the motor-cortex for contextual implementation. In this paper, this idea is expanded to incorporate collective-intelligence within a hyper-cortical construct. This hyper-cortex is a multi-layered network used to represent abstract collective concepts. These ideas play an important role in understanding how collective-intelligence systems can be engineered to handle problem abstraction and solution specification. Finally, a collection of common problems in the scientific community are solved using an artificial hyper-cortex generated from digital-library metadata.","The ORG community is focused on integrating ORG (ORG) data sets into a single unified representation known as the Web of ORG. The Web of Data can be traversed by both man and machine and shows promise as the \textit{de facto} standard for integrating data world wide much like WORK_OF_ART is the \textit{de facto} standard for integrating documents. On DATE, an updated ORG cloud visualization was made publicly available. This visualization represents the various ORG data sets currently in the ORG cloud and their interlinking relationships. For the purposes of this article, this visual representation was manually transformed into a directed graph and analyzed.",1 "Cryptography is a theory of secret functions. Category theory is a general theory of functions. Cryptography has reached a stage where its structures often take several pages to define, and its formulas sometimes run from page to page. Category theory has some complicated definitions as well, but one of its specialties is taming the flood of structure. Cryptography seems to be in need of high level methods, whereas category theory always needs concrete applications. So why is there no categorical cryptography? CARDINAL reason may be that the foundations of modern cryptography are built from probabilistic polynomial-time Turing machines, and category theory does not have a good handle on such things. On the other hand, such foundational problems might be the very reason why cryptographic constructions often resemble low level machine programming. I present some preliminary explorations towards categorical cryptography. It turns out that some of the main security concepts are easily characterized through the categorical technique of *diagram chasing*, which was first used PERSON's seminal `WORK_OF_ART and PERSON'.","In a previous FAST paper, I presented a quantitative model of the process of trust building, and showed that trust is accumulated like wealth: the rich get richer. This explained the pervasive phenomenon of adverse selection of trust certificates, as well as the fragility of trust networks in general. But a simple explanation does not always suggest a simple solution. It turns out that it is impossible to alter the fragile distribution of trust without sacrificing some of its fundamental functions. A solution for the vulnerability of trust must thus be sought elsewhere, without tampering with its distribution. This observation was the starting point of the present paper. It explores a different method for securing trust: not by redistributing it, but by mining for its sources. The method used to break privacy is thus also used to secure trust. A high level view of the mining methods that connect the CARDINAL is provided in terms of *similarity networks*, and *spectral decomposition* of similarity preserving maps. This view may be of independent interest, as it uncovers a common conceptual and structural foundation of mathematical classification theory on one hand, and of the spectral methods of graph clustering and data mining on the other hand.",1 "This paper is intended to be a pedagogical introduction to quantum NORP networks (QB nets), as I personally use them to represent mixed states (i.e., density matrices, and open ORG). A special effort is made to make contact with notions used in textbooks on quantum WORK_OF_ART (quantum PRODUCT), such as the one by PERSON (arXiv:1106.1445)","The paper serves as the ORDINAL contribution towards the development of the theory of efficiency: a unifying framework for the currently disjoint theories of information, complexity, communication and computation. Realizing the defining nature of the brute force approach in the fundamental concepts in all of the above mentioned fields, the paper suggests using efficiency or improvement over the brute force algorithm as a common unifying factor necessary for the creation of a unified theory of information manipulation. By defining such diverse terms as randomness, knowledge, intelligence and computability in terms of a common denominator we are able to bring together contributions from FAC, PERSON, PERSON, PERSON, PERSON, PERSON and many others under a common umbrella of the efficiency theory.",0 "We investigate the information provided about a specified distributed apparatus of n units in the measurement of a quantum state. It is shown that, in contrast to such measurement of a classical state, which is bounded by PERSON(CARDINAL) bits, the information in a quantum measurement is bounded by CARDINAL x n^(1/2) bits. This means that the use of ORG apparatus offers an exponential advantage over classical apparatus.","The notion of ORG information related to the CARDINAL different perspectives of the global and local states is examined. There is circularity in the definition of quantum information because we can speak only of the information of systems that have been specifically prepared. In particular, we examine the final state obtained by applying unitary transformations on a single qubit that belongs to an entangled pair.",1 "This paper is concerned with an inverse obstacle problem which employs the dynamical scattering data of NORP wave over a finite time interval. The unknown obstacle is assumed to be sound-soft one. The governing equation of the wave is given by the classical wave equation. The wave is generated by the initial data localized outside the obstacle and observed over a finite time interval at a place which is not necessary the same as the support of the initial data. The observed data are the so-called bistatic data. In this paper, an enclosure method which employs the bistatic data and is based on CARDINAL main analytical formulae, is developed. The ORDINAL CARDINAL enables us to extract the maximum spheroid with focal points at the center of the support of the initial data and that of the observation points whose exterior encloses the unknown obstacle of general shape. The ORDINAL one, under some technical assumption for the obstacle including convexity as an example, indicates the deviation of the geometry of the boundary of the obstacle and the maximum spheroid at the contact points. Several implications of those CARDINAL formulae are also given. In particular, a constructive proof of a uniqueness of a spherical obstacle using the bistatic data is given.","This paper discusses an axiomatic approach for the integration of ontologies, an approach that extends to ORDINAL order logic a previous approach (Kent 2000) based on information flow. This axiomatic approach is represented in the ORG (ORG), a metalevel framework for organizing the information that appears in digital libraries, distributed databases and ontologies (Kent 2001). The paper argues that the integration of ontologies is the CARDINAL-step process of alignment and unification. Ontological alignment consists of the sharing of common terminology and semantics through a mediating ontology. Ontological unification, concentrated in a virtual ontology of community connections, is fusion of the alignment diagram of participant community ontologies - the quotient of the sum of the participant portals modulo the ontological alignment structure.",0 "This study of the CARDINAL dimensional PERSON model in a weak coupling perturbative regime points out the effective mass behavior as a function of the adiabatic parameter $MONEY, $PERSON is the zone boundary phonon energy and $MONEY is the electron band hopping integral. Computation of low order diagrams shows that CARDINAL phonons scattering processes become appreciable in the intermediate regime in which zone boundary phonons energetically compete with band electrons. Consistently, in the intermediate (and also moderately antiadiabatic) range the relevant mass renormalization signals the onset of a polaronic crossover whereas the electrons are essentially undressed in the fully adiabatic and antiadiabatic systems. The effective mass is roughly twice as much the bare band value in the intermediate regime while an abrupt increase (mainly related to the peculiar 1D dispersion relations) is obtained at $MONEY \sqrt{2}J$.","Online estimation and modelling of i.i.d. data for short sequences over large or complex ""alphabets"" is a ubiquitous (GPE in machine learning, information theory, data compression, statistical language processing, and document analysis. WORK_OF_ART distribution (also called Polya urn scheme) and extensions thereof are widely applied for online i.i.d. estimation. Good a-priori choices for the parameters in this regime are difficult to obtain though. I derive an optimal adaptive choice for the main parameter via tight, data-dependent redundancy bounds for a related model. The CARDINAL-line recommendation is to set the 'total mass' = 'precision' = 'concentration' parameter to m/2ln[(n+1)/m], where n is the (past) sample size and m the number of different symbols observed (so far). The resulting estimator (i) is simple, (ii) online, (iii) fast, (iv) performs well for all m, small, middle and large, (v) is independent of the base alphabet size, (vi) non-occurring symbols induce no redundancy, (vii) the constant sequence has constant redundancy, (viii) symbols that appear only finitely often have bounded/constant contribution to the redundancy, (ix) is competitive with (slow) NORP mixing over all sub-alphabets.",0 "To follow the dynamicity of the user's content, researchers have recently started to model interactions between users and ORG (CARS) as a bandit problem where the system needs to deal with exploration and exploitation dilemma. In this sense, we propose to study the freshness of the user's content in CARS through the bandit problem. We introduce in this paper an algorithm named ORG Sampling (ORG) that manages the recommendation of fresh document according to the user's risk of the situation. The intensive evaluation and the detailed analysis of the experimental results reveals several important discoveries in the exploration/exploitation (exr/exp) behaviour.","Ubiquitous information access becomes more and more important nowadays and research is aimed at making it adapted to users. Our work consists in applying machine learning techniques in order to bring a solution to some of the problems concerning the acceptance of the system by users. To achieve this, we propose a fundamental shift in terms of how we model the learning of recommender system: inspired by models of human reasoning developed in robotic, we combine reinforcement learning and case-base reasoning to define a recommendation process that uses these CARDINAL approaches for generating recommendations on different context dimensions (social, temporal, geographic). We describe an implementation of the recommender system based on this framework. We also present preliminary results from experiments with the system and show how our approach increases the recommendation quality.",1 "Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the sender and the receiver would realize that a secret communicating is taking place. Unlike cryptography which only scrambles secret data keeping them overt, steganography covers secret data into medium files such as image files and transmits them in total secrecy avoiding drawing eavesdroppers suspicions. However, considering that the public channel is monitored by eavesdroppers, it is vulnerable to stego-attacks which refer to randomly trying to break the medium file and recover the secret data out of it. That is often true because steganalysts assume that the secret data are encoded into a single medium file and not into multiple ones that complement each other. This paper proposes a text steganography method for hiding secret textual data using CARDINAL mediums; a ORG sentence containing all the characters of the alphabet, and an uncompressed image file. The algorithm tries to search for every character of the secret message into the ORG text. The search starts from a random index called seed and ends up on the index of the ORDINAL occurrence of the character being searched for. As a result, CARDINAL indexes are obtained, the seed and the offset indexes. Together they are embedded into the CARDINAL LSBs of the color channels of the image medium. Ultimately, both mediums mainly the ORG and the image are sent to the receiver. The advantage of the proposed method is that it makes the covert data hard to be recovered by unauthorized parties as it uses CARDINAL mediums, instead of one, to deliver the secret data. Experiments conducted, illustrated an example that explained how to encode and decode a secret text message using the ORG and the image mediums.","The evolution of the Internet and computer applications have generated colossal amount of data. They are referred to as ORG and they consist of huge volume, high velocity, and variable datasets that need to be managed at the right speed and within the right time frame to allow real-time data processing and analysis. Several ORG solutions were developed, however they are all based on distributed computing which can be sometimes expensive to build, manage, troubleshoot, and secure. This paper proposes a novel method for processing ORG using memory-based, multi-processing, and CARDINAL-server architecture. It is memory-based because data are loaded into memory prior to start processing. It is multi-processing because it leverages the power of parallel programming using shared memory and multiple threads running over several CPUs in a concurrent fashion. It is CARDINAL-server because it only requires a single server that operates in a non-distributed computing environment. The foremost advantages of the proposed method are high performance, low cost, and ease of management. The experiments conducted showed outstanding results as the proposed method outperformed other conventional methods that currently exist on the market. Further research can improve upon the proposed method so that it supports message passing between its different processes using remote procedure calls among other techniques.",1 "Based on cumulative distribution functions, PERSON series expansion and PERSON tests, we present a simple method to display probability densities for data drawn from a continuous distribution. It is often more efficient than using histograms.","This article is a tutorial on PERSON chain PERSON simulations and their statistical analysis. The theoretical concepts are illustrated through many numerical assignments from the author's book on the subject. Computer code (in GPE) is available for all subjects covered and can be downloaded from the web.",1 "We explore the possible connections between the dynamic behaviour of a system and Turing universality in terms of the system's ability to (effectively) transmit and manipulate information. Some arguments will be provided using a defined compression-based transition coefficient which quantifies the sensitivity of a system to being programmed. In the same spirit, a list of conjectures concerning the ability of FAC machines to perform universal computation will be formulated. The main working hypothesis is that universality is deeply connected to the qualitative behaviour of a system, particularly to its ability to react to external stimulus--as it needs to be programmed--and to its capacity for transmitting this information.","The paper attempts to describe the space of possible mind designs by ORDINAL equating all minds to software. Next it proves some interesting properties of the mind design space such as infinitude of minds, size and representation complexity of minds. A survey of mind design taxonomies is followed by a proposal for a new field of investigation devoted to study of minds, intellectology, a list of open problems for this new field is presented.",0 "The notions of formal contexts and concept lattices, although introduced by ORG DATE, already have proven to be of great utility in various applications such as data analysis and knowledge representation. In this paper we give arguments that ORG's original notion of formal context, although quite appealing in its simplicity, now should be replaced by a more semantic notion. This new notion of formal context entails a modified approach to concept construction. We base our arguments for these new versions of formal context and concept construction upon ORG's philosophical attitude with reference to the intensional aspect of concepts. We give a brief development of the relational theory of formal contexts and concept construction, demonstrating the equivalence of ""concept-lattice construction"" of ORG with the well-known ""completion by cuts"" of ORG. Generalization and abstraction of these formal contexts offers a powerful approach to knowledge representation.","Dialectical logic is the logic of dialectical processes. The goal of dialectical logic is to introduce dynamic notions into logical computational systems. The fundamental notions of proposition and truth-value in standard logic are subsumed by the notions of process and flow in dialectical logic. PRODUCT logic has a standard aspect, which can be defined in terms of the ""local cartesian closure"" of subtypes. The standard aspect of dialectical logic provides a natural program semantics which incorporates ORG's precondition/postcondition semantics and extends the standard Kripke semantics of dynamic logic. The goal of the standard aspect of dialectical logic is to unify the logic of small-scale and large-scale programming.",1 "Image information content is known to be a complicated and controvercial problem. This paper posits a new image information content definition. Following the theory of ORG complexity, we define image information content as a set of descriptions of imafe data structures. CARDINAL levels of such description can be generally distinguished: 1)the global level, where the coarse structure of the entire scene is initially outlined; CARDINAL) the intermediate level, where structures of separate, non-overlapping image regions usually associated with individual scene objects are deliniated; and CARDINAL) the low-level description, where local image structures observed in a limited and restricted field of view are resolved. A technique for creating such image information content descriptors is developed. Its algorithm is presented and elucidated with some examples, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.","We study electron transport through a quantum interferometer with side-coupled quantum dots. The interferometer, threaded by a magnetic flux CARDINAL\phi$, is attached symmetrically to CARDINAL semi-infinite CARDINAL-dimensional metallic electrodes. The calculations are based on the tight-binding model and the PERSON's function method, which numerically compute the conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics. Our results predict that under certain conditions this particular geometry exhibits anti-resonant states. These states are specific to the interferometric nature of the scattering and do not occur in conventional one-dimensional scattering problems of potential barriers. Most importantly we show that, such a simple geometric model can also be used as a classical ORG gate, where the CARDINAL gate voltages, viz, $V_a$ and $PERSON, are applied, respectively, in the CARDINAL dots those are treated as the CARDINAL inputs of the ORG gate. For MONEY ($\phi_0=ch/e$, the elementary flux-quantum), a high output current (CARDINAL) (in the logical sense) appears if one, and CARDINAL, of the inputs to the gate is high (1), while if both inputs are low (0) or both are high (1), a low output current (0) appears. It clearly demonstrates the ORG gate behavior and this aspect may be utilized in designing the electronic logic gate.",0 "ORG information is radically different from classical information in that the quantum formalism (PERSON space) makes necessary the introduction of irreducible ``nits,'' n being an arbitrary natural number (bigger than one), not just bits.","It has been argued that analogy is the core of cognition. In ORG research, algorithms for analogy are often limited by the need for hand-coded high-level representations as input. An alternative approach is to use high-level perception, in which high-level representations are automatically generated from raw data. Analogy perception is the process of recognizing analogies using high-level perception. We present ORG, an algorithm for analogy perception that recognizes lexical proportional analogies using representations that are automatically generated from a large corpus of raw textual data. A proportional analogy is an analogy of the form A:B::C:D, meaning ""A is to B as C is to D"". A lexical proportional analogy is a proportional analogy with words, such as carpenter:wood::mason:stone. PairClass represents the semantic relations between CARDINAL words using a high-dimensional feature vector, in which the elements are based on frequencies of patterns in the corpus. PairClass recognizes analogies by applying standard supervised machine learning techniques to the feature vectors. We show how CARDINAL different tests of word comprehension can be framed as problems of analogy perception and we then apply PRODUCT to the CARDINAL resulting sets of analogy perception problems. We achieve competitive results on all CARDINAL tests. This is the ORDINAL time a uniform approach has handled such a range of tests of word comprehension.",0 "The general pupose of the scholarly communication process is to support the creation and dissemination of ideas within the scientific community. At a finer granularity, there exists multiple stages which, when confronted by a member of the community, have different requirements and therefore different solutions. In order to take a researcher's idea from an initial inspiration to a community resource, the scholarly communication infrastructure may be required to CARDINAL) provide a scientist initial seed ideas; CARDINAL) form a team of well suited collaborators; CARDINAL) located the most appropriate venue to publish the formalized idea; CARDINAL) determine the most appropriate peers to review the manuscript; and CARDINAL) disseminate the end product to the most interested members of the community. Through the various delinieations of this process, the requirements of each stage are tied soley to the multi-functional resources of the community: its researchers, its journals, and its manuscritps. It is within the collection of these resources and their inherent relationships that the solutions to scholarly communication are to be found. This paper describes an associative network composed of multiple scholarly artifacts that can be used as a medium for supporting the scholarly communication process.","Semantic networks qualify the meaning of an edge relating any CARDINAL vertices. Determining which vertices are most ""central"" in a semantic network is difficult because CARDINAL relationship type may be deemed subjectively more important than another. For this reason, research into semantic network metrics has focused primarily on context-based rankings (i.e. user prescribed contexts). Moreover, many of the current semantic network metrics rank ORG (i.e. directed paths between CARDINAL vertices) and not the vertices themselves. This article presents a framework for calculating semantically meaningful primary eigenvector-based metrics such as eigenvector centrality and ORG in semantic networks using a modified version of the random walker model of PERSON chain analysis. Random walkers, in the context of this article, are constrained by a grammar, where the grammar is a user defined data structure that determines the meaning of the final vertex ranking. The ideas in this article are presented within the context of ORG (ORG) of the NORP Web initiative.",1 "We use the system of p-adic numbers for the description of information processes. Basic objects of our models are so called transformers of information, basic processes are information processes, the statistics are information statistics (thus we present a model of information reality). The classical and quantum mechanical formalisms on information p-adic spaces are developed. It seems that classical and quantum mechanical models on p-adic information spaces can be applied for the investigation of flows of information in cognitive and social systems, since a p-adic metric gives quite natural description of the ability to form associations.","We present comparative analysis of ORG arguments directed against PERSON anti-Bell arguments. In general we support PERSON viewpoint to the sequence of measurements in the ORG experiments as stochastic time-like process. On the other hand, we support ORG arguments against the use of time-like correlations as the factor blocking the derivation of ORG-type inequalities. We presented our own time-analysis of measurements in the ORG experiments based on the frequency approach to probability. Our analysis gives strong arguments in favour of local realism. Moreover, our frequency analysis supports the original EPR-idea that ORG mechnaics is not complete.",1 "An important theorem in classical complexity theory is that NORP=ORG, i.e. that languages decidable with double-logarithmic space bound are regular. We consider a transfinite analogue of this theorem. To this end, we introduce deterministic ordinal automata (DOAs), show that they satisfy many of the basic statements of the theory of deterministic finite automata and regular languages. We then consider languages decidable by an ordinal Turing machine (ORG), introduced by PERSON in DATE and show that if the working space of an ORG is of strictly smaller cardinality than the input length for all sufficiently long inputs, the language so decided is also decidable by a DOA.","ORG ($ITRM$'s) are a well-established machine model for infinitary computations. Their computational strength relative to oracles is understood, see e.g. PERSON (DATE), PERSON and PERSON (DATE) and PERSON and PERSON (DATE). We consider the notion of recognizability, which was ORDINAL formulated for ORG in ORG and PERSON (CARDINAL) and applied to $ITRM$'s in GPE (DATE). A real $x$ is $ITRM$-recognizable iff there is an MONEYMONEY such that $P^{y}$ stops with output CARDINAL iff $y=x$, and otherwise stops with output CARDINAL. In GPE (DATE), it is shown that the recognizable reals are not contained in the computable reals. Here, we investigate in detail how the $MONEY reals are distributed along the canonical well-ordering $<_{L}$ of G\""odel's constructible hierarchy $MONEY In particular, we prove that the recognizable reals have gaps in $<_{PERSON, that there is MONEY in terms of recognizability and consider a relativized notion of recognizability.",1 "The possible distinction between inanimate and living matter has been of interest to humanity since DATE. Clearly, such a rich question can not be answered in a single manner, and a plethora of approaches naturally do exist. However, during DATE, a new standpoint, of thermostatistical nature, has emerged. It is related to the proposal of nonadditive entropies in DATE, in order to generalise the celebrated ORG additive functional, basis of standard statistical mechanics. Such entropies have found deep fundamental interest and uncountable applications in natural, artificial and social systems. In some sense, this perspective represents an epistemological paradigm shift. These entropies crucially concern complex systems, in particular those whose microscopic dynamics violate ergodicity. Among those, living matter and other living-like systems play a central role. We briefly review here this approach, and present some of its predictions, verifications and applications.","Critically growing problems of fundamental science organisation and content are analysed with examples from physics and emerging interdisciplinary fields. Their origin is specified and new science structure (organisation and content) is proposed as a unified solution.",0 "We compute ORG) correction to the stability critical exponent, omega, in the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson model with O(N) x O(m) symmetry at the stable chiral fixed point and the stable direction at the unstable antichiral fixed point. Several constraints on ORG) coefficients of the CARDINAL loop perturbative beta-functions are computed.","By considering the scaling behaviour of various ORG graphs at leading order in large $\Nf$ at the non-trivial fixed point of the MONEY $\beta$-function of ORG we deduce the critical exponents corresponding to the quark, gluon and ghost anomalous dimensions as well as the anomalous dimensions of the quark-quark-gluon and ghost-ghost-gluon vertices in the PERSON gauge. As the exponents encode all orders information on the perturbation series of the corresponding renormalization group functions we find agreement with the known CARDINAL loop structure and, moreover, we provide new information at all subsequent orders.",1 "We consider the estimation of hidden NORP process by using information geometry with respect to transition matrices. We consider the case when we use only the histogram of $k$-memory data. ORDINAL, we focus on a partial observation model with NORP process and we show that the asymptotic estimation error of this model is given as the inverse of projective ORG information of transition matrices. Next, we apply this result to the estimation of hidden NORP process. We carefully discuss the equivalence problem for hidden PERSON process on the tangent space. Then, we propose a novel method to estimate hidden NORP process.","The path integral formalism is applied to derive the full partition function of a generalized PERSON describing a particle motion in a bath of oscillators. The electronic correlations are computed versus temperature for some choices of oscillators energies. We study the perturbing effect of a time averaged particle path on the phonon subsystem deriving the relevant temperature dependent cumulant corrections to the harmonic partition function and free energy. The method has been applied to compute the total heat capacity up to room temeperature: a low temperature upturn in the heat capacity over temperature ratio points to a glassy like behavior ascribable to a time dependent electronic hopping with variable range in the linear chain.",0 "Purpose - To test major Web search engines on their performance on navigational queries, i.e. searches for homepages. Design/methodology/approach - CARDINAL real user queries are posed to CARDINAL search engines (ORG, ORG, ORG, Ask, ORG, and PERSON). Users described the desired pages, and the results position of these is recorded. Measured success N and mean reciprocal rank are calculated. ORG of the major search engines ORG, ORG, and ORG is best, with PERCENT of queries answered correctly. Ask and PERSON perform worse but receive good scores as well. Research limitations/implications - All queries were in NORP, and the NORP-language interfaces of the search engines were used. Therefore, the results are only valid for NORP queries. Practical implications - When designing a search engine to compete with the major search engines, care should be taken on the performance on navigational queries. Users can be influenced easily in their quality ratings of search engines based on this performance. Originality/value - This study systematically compares the major search engines on navigational queries and compares the findings with studies on the retrieval effectiveness of the engines on informational queries. Paper type - research paper","We carried out a retrieval effectiveness test on the CARDINAL major web search engines (i.e., ORG, ORG and ORG). In addition to relevance judgments, we classified the results according to their commercial intent and whether or not they carried any advertising. We found that all search engines provide a large number of results with a commercial intent. ORG provides significantly more commercial results than the other search engines do. However, the commercial intent of a result did not influence jurors in their relevance judgments.",1 "Over DATE, ORG has made a remarkable progress. It is agreed that this is due to the recently revived ORG technology. PERSON enables to process large amounts of data using simplified neuron networks that simulate the way in which the brain works. However, there is a different point of view, which posits that the brain is processing information, not data. This unresolved duality hampered ORG progress for DATE. In this paper, I propose a notion of NORP information that hopefully will resolve the problem. I consider integrated information as a coupling between CARDINAL separate entities - physical information (that implies data processing) and semantic information (that provides physical information interpretation). In this regard, intelligence becomes a product of information processing. Extending further this line of thinking, it can be said that information processing does not require more a human brain for its implementation. Indeed, bacteria and amoebas exhibit intelligent behavior without any sign of a brain. That dramatically removes the need for ORG systems to emulate the human brain complexity! The paper tries to explore this shift in ORG systems design philosophy.","This paper describes a new model for an artificial neural network processing unit or neuron. It is slightly different to a traditional feedforward network by the fact that it favours a mechanism of trying to match the wave-like 'shape' of the input with the shape of the output against specific value error corrections. The expectation is then that a best fit shape can be transposed into the desired output values more easily. This allows for notions of reinforcement through resonance and also the construction of synapses.",0 "This paper addresses the general problem of reinforcement learning (RL) in partially observable environments. In DATE, our large ORG recurrent neural networks (RNNs) learned from scratch to drive simulated cars from high-dimensional video input. However, real brains are more powerful in many ways. In particular, they learn a predictive model of their initially unknown environment, and somehow use it for abstract (e.g., hierarchical) planning and reasoning. Guided by algorithmic information theory, we describe ORG-based AIs (RNNAIs) designed to do the same. Such an RNNAI can be trained on never-ending sequences of tasks, some of them provided by the user, others invented by the RNNAI itself in a curious, playful fashion, to improve its ORG-based world model. Unlike our previous model-building ORG-based ORG machines dating back to DATE, the RNNAI learns to actively query its model for abstract reasoning and planning and decision making, essentially ""learning to think."" The basic ideas of this report can be applied to many other cases where CARDINAL ORG-like system exploits the algorithmic information content of another. They are taken from a grant proposal submitted in DATE, and also explain concepts such as ""mirror neurons."" Experimental results will be described in separate papers.","Self-delimiting (ORG) programs are a central concept of theoretical computer science, particularly algorithmic information & probability theory, and asymptotically optimal program search (AOPS). To apply AOPS to (possibly recurrent) neural networks (NNs), I introduce ORG NNs. Neurons of a typical ORG have threshold activation functions. During a computational episode, activations are spreading from input neurons through ORG until the computation activates a special halt neuron. Weights of the NN's used connections define its program. Halting programs form a prefix code. The reset of the initial NN state does not cost more than the latest program execution. Since prefixes of ORG programs influence their suffixes (weight changes occurring early in an episode influence which weights are considered later), ORG learning algorithms (LAs) should execute weight changes online during activation spreading. This can be achieved by applying AOPS to growing ORG NNs. To efficiently teach a ORG to solve many tasks, such as correctly classifying many different patterns, or solving many different robot control tasks, each connection keeps a list of tasks it is used for. The lists may be efficiently updated during training. To evaluate the overall effect of currently tested weight changes, a ORG GPE needs to re-test performance only on the efficiently computable union of tasks potentially affected by the current weight changes. Future SLIM NNs will be implemented on CARDINAL-dimensional brain-like multi-processor hardware. Their LAs will minimize task-specific total wire length of used connections, to encourage efficient solutions of subtasks by subsets of neurons that are physically close. The novel class of ORG LAs is currently being probed in ongoing experiments to be reported in separate papers.",1 "An upper limit is given to the amount of ORG information that can be transmitted reliably down a noisy, decoherent ORG channel. A class of quantum error-correcting codes is presented that allow the information transmitted to attain this limit. The result is the quantum analog of FAC's bound and code for the noisy classical channel.","This paper investigates a variety of unconventional quantum computation devices, including fermionic quantum computers and computers that exploit nonlinear ORG mechanics. It is shown that unconventional ORG computing devices can in principle compute some quantities more rapidly than `conventional' quantum computers.",1 "The possibility of measuring the NORP gravitoelectric correction to the orbital period of a test particle freely orbiting a spherically symmetric mass in ORG is analyzed. It should be possible, in principle, to detect it for ORG at a precision level of CARDINAL^-4. This level is mainly set by the unavoidable systematic errors due to the mismodelling in the NORP period which could not be reduced by accumulating a large number of orbital revolutions. Future missions like PERSON and ORG should allow to improve it by increasing our knowledge of the ORG's orbital parameters. The observational accuracy is estimated to be CARDINAL^-4 from the knowledge of ORG (ICRF) axes. It could be improved by observing as many planetary transits as possible. It is not possible to measure such an effect in the gravitational field of the LOC by analyzing the motion of artificial satellites or the PERSON because of the unavoidable systematic errors related to the uncertainties in the NORP periods. In the case of some recently discovered exoplanets the problems come from the observational errors which are larger than the relativistic effect.","In this paper we calculate explicitly the secular classical precessions of the node \Omega and the perigee \omega of an LOC artificial satellite induced by the static, even zonal harmonics of the geopotential up to PERSON. ORG, their systematic errors induced by the mismodelling in the even zonal geopotential coefficients J_l are compared to the general relativistic secular gravitomagnetic and gravitoelectric precessions of the node and the perigee of the existing laser-ranged geodetic satellites and of the proposed PRODUCT.",1 "The history of data analysis that is addressed here is underpinned by CARDINAL themes, -- those of tabular data analysis, and the analysis of collected heterogeneous data. ""Exploratory data analysis"" is taken as the heuristic approach that begins with data and information and seeks underlying explanation for what is observed or measured. I also cover some of the evolving context of research and applications, including scholarly publishing, technology transfer and the economic relationship of the university to society.","The new interface of ORG (of ORG) enables users to retrieve sets CARDINAL documents in a single search. This makes it possible to compare publication trends for GPE, the GPE, PRODUCT, and a number of smaller countries. GPE no longer grew exponentially during DATE, but linearly. Contrary to previous predictions on the basis of exponential growth or Scopus data, the cross-over of the lines for GPE and the GPE is postponed to DATE (after DATE) according to this data. These long extrapolations, however, should be used only as indicators and not as predictions. Along with the dynamics in the publication trends, one also has to take into account the dynamics of the databases used for the measurement.",0 "Results about the redundancy of circumscriptive and default theories are presented. In particular, the complexity of establishing whether a given theory is redundant is establihsed.","These are some informal notes concerning topological vector spaces, with a brief overview of background material and basic notions, and emphasis on examples related to classical analysis.",0 "Boltzmann introduced in the DATE's a logarithmic measure for the connection between the thermodynamical entropy and the probabilities of the microscopic configurations of the system. His entropic functional for classical systems was extended by GPE to the entire phase space of a many-body system, and by PERSON in order to cover ORG systems as well. Finally, it was used by FAC within the theory of information. The simplest expression of this functional corresponds to a discrete set of $MONEY microscopic possibilities, and is given by $S_{BG}= PERSON p_i \ln p_i$ ($PERSON is a positive universal constant; {ORG BG} stands for ORG}). This relation enables the construction of GPE statistical mechanics. The GPE theory has provided uncountable important applications. Its application in physical systems is legitimate whenever the hypothesis of {ORG ergodicity} is satisfied. However, {\it what can we do when ergodicity and similar simple hypotheses are violated?}, which indeed happens in very many natural, artificial and social complex systems. It was advanced in DATE the possibility of generalizing GPE statistical mechanics through a family of nonadditive entropies, namely $S_q=PERSON, which recovers the additive $PERSON entropy in the $q \to1$ limit. The index $PERSON is to be determined from mechanical ORDINAL principles. Along DATE, this idea intensively evolved world-wide (see Bibliography in \url{http://tsallis.cat.cbpf.br/biblio.htm}), and led to a plethora of predictions, verifications, and applications in physical systems and elsewhere. As expected whenever a {ORG paradigm shift} is explored, some controversy naturally emerged as well in the community. The present status of the general picture is here described, starting from its dynamical and thermodynamical foundations, and ending with its most recent physical applications.","The black hole information paradox is CARDINAL of the most important issues in theoretical physics. We review some recent progress using string theory in understanding the nature of black hole microstates. For all cases where these microstates have been constructed, one finds that they are horizon sized `fuzzballs'. Most computations are for extremal states, but recently one has been able to study a special family of non-extremal microstates, and see `information carrying radiation' emerge from these gravity solutions. We discuss how the fuzzball picture can resolve the information paradox. We use the nature of fuzzball states to make some conjectures on the dynamical aspects of black holes, observing that the large phase space of fuzzball solutions can make the black hole more `quantum' than assumed in traditional treatments.",0 "Steganography is an information hiding technique in which secret data are secured by covering them into a computer carrier file without damaging the file or changing its size. The difference between steganography and cryptography is that steganography is a stealthy method of communication that only the communicating parties are aware of; while, cryptography is an overt method of communication that anyone is aware of, despite its payload is scribbled. Typically, an irrecoverable steganography algorithm is the algorithm that makes it hard for malicious ORDINAL parties to discover how it works and how to recover the secret data out of the carrier file. CARDINAL popular way to achieve irrecoverability is to digitally process the carrier file after hiding the secret data into it. However, such process is irreversible as it would destroy the concealed data. This paper proposes a new image steganography method for textual data, as well as for any form of digital data, based on adjusting the brightness of the carrier image after covering the secret data into it. The algorithm used is parameterized as it can be configured using CARDINAL different parameters defined by the communicating parties. They include the amount of brightness to apply on the carrier image after the completion of the covering process, the color channels whose brightness should be adjusted, and the bytes that should carry in the secret data. The novelty of the proposed method is that it embeds bits of the secret data into the CARDINAL LSBs of the bytes that compose the carrier image in such a way that does not destroy the secret data when restoring back the original brightness of the carrier image. The simulation conducted proved that the proposed algorithm is valid and correct.","Permutation is the different arrangements that can be made with a given number of things taking some or all of them at a time. The notation P(n,r) is used to denote the number of permutations of n things taken r at a time. Permutation is used in various fields such as mathematics, group theory, statistics, and computing, to solve several combinatorial problems such as the job assignment problem and the traveling salesman problem. In effect, permutation algorithms have been studied and experimented for DATE now. Bottom-Up, PERSON, and PERSON are CARDINAL of the most popular permutation algorithms that emerged during DATE. In this paper, we are implementing CARDINAL of the most eminent permutation algorithms, they are respectively: Bottom-Up, PERSON, and PERSON algorithms. The implementation of each algorithm will be carried out using CARDINAL different approaches: brute-force and divide and conquer. The algorithms codes will be tested using a computer simulation tool to measure and evaluate the execution time between the different implementations.",1 "We survey the prospects for an ORG which can serve as the basis for a fundamental theory of information, incorporating qualitative and structural as well as quantitative aspects. We motivate our discussion with some basic conceptual puzzles: how can information increase in computation, and what is it that we are actually computing in general? Then we survey a number of the theories which have been developed within ORG, as partial exemplifications of the kind of fundamental theory which we seek: including WORK_OF_ART, and PERSON. We look at recent work showing new ways of combining quantitative and qualitative theories of information, as embodied respectively by ORG and ORG. Then we look at ORG and ORG, as examples of dynamic models of logic and computation in which information flow and interaction are made central and explicit. We conclude by looking briefly at some key issues for future progress.","We look at intensionality from the perspective of computation. In particular, we review how game semantics has been used to characterize the sequential functional processes, leading to powerful and flexible methods for constructing fully abstract models of programming languages, with applications in program analysis and verification. In a broader context, we can regard game semantics as a ORDINAL step towards developing a positive theory of intensional structures with a robust mathematical structure, and finding the right notions of invariance for these structures.",1 "The internal structure of a measuring device, which depends on what its components are and how they are organized, determines how it categorizes its inputs. This paper presents a geometric approach to studying the internal structure of measurements performed by distributed systems such as probabilistic cellular automata. It constructs the quale, a family of sections of a suitably defined presheaf, whose elements correspond to the measurements performed by all subsystems of a distributed system. Using the quale we quantify (i) the information generated by a measurement; (ii) the extent to which a measurement is context-dependent; and (iii) whether a measurement is decomposable into independent submeasurements, which turns out to be equivalent to context-dependence. Finally, we show that only indecomposable measurements are more informative than the sum of their submeasurements.","The paper demonstrates that falsifiability is fundamental to learning. We prove the following theorem for statistical learning and sequential prediction: If a theory is falsifiable then it is learnable -- i.e. admits a strategy that predicts optimally. An analogous result is shown for universal induction.",1 "An inverse source problem for the heat equation is considered. Extraction formulae for information about the time and location when and where the unknown source of the equation ORDINAL appeared are given from a single lateral boundary measurement. New roles of the plane progressive wave solutions or their complex versions for the backward heat equation are given.","In this paper a wave is generated by an initial data whose support is localized at the outside of unknown obstacles and observed in a limited time on a known closed surface or the same position as the support of the initial data. The observed data in the latter process are nothing but the back-scattering data. CARDINAL types of obstacles are considered. One is obstacles with a dissipative boundary condition which is a generalization of the sound-hard obstacles; another is obstacles with a finite refractive index, so-called, transparent obstacles. For each type of obstacles CARDINAL formulae which yield explicitly the distance from the support of the initial data to unknown obstacles are given.",1 """Information Processing"" is a recently launched buzzword whose meaning is vague and obscure even for the majority of its users. The reason for this is the lack of a suitable definition for the term ""information"". In my attempt to amend this bizarre situation, I have realized that, following the insights of ORG theory, information can be defined as a description of structures observable in a given data set. CARDINAL types of structures could be easily distinguished in every data set - in this regard, CARDINAL types of information (information descriptions) should be designated: physical information and semantic information. ORG's theory also posits that the information descriptions should be provided as a linguistic text structure. This inevitably leads us to an assertion that information processing has to be seen as a kind of text processing. The idea is not new - inspired by the observation that human information processing is deeply rooted in natural language handling customs, PERSON and his followers have introduced the so-called ""WORK_OF_ART"" paradigm. Despite of promotional efforts, the idea is not taking off yet. The reason - a lack of a coherent understanding of what should be called ""information"", and, as a result, misleading research roadmaps and objectives. I hope my humble attempt to clarify these issues would be helpful in avoiding common traps and pitfalls.","Over DATE, ORG has made a remarkable progress due to recently revived PERSON technology. ORG enables to process large amounts of data using simplified neuron networks that simulate the way in which the brain works. At the same time, there is another point of view that posits that brain is processing information, not data. This duality hampered ORG progress for DATE. To provide a remedy for this situation, I propose a new definition of information that considers it as a coupling between CARDINAL separate entities - physical information (that implies data processing) and semantic information (that provides physical information interpretation). In such a case, intelligence arises as a result of information processing. The paper points on the consequences of this turn for the ORG design philosophy.",1 "As far as algorithmic thinking is bound by symbolic paper-and-pencil operations, the Church-Turing thesis appears to hold. But is physics, and even more so, is the human mind, bound by symbolic paper-and-pencil operations? What about the powers of the continuum, the quantum, and what about human intuition, human thought? These questions still remain unanswered. With the strong ORG assumption, human consciousness is just a function of the organs (maybe in a very wide sense and not only restricted to neuronal brain activity), and thus the question is relegated to physics. In dualistic models of the mind, human thought transcends symbolic paper-and-pencil operations.","ORG bootstrap network builds a gradually narrowed multilayer nonlinear network from bottom up for unsupervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Each layer of the network is a nonparametric density estimator. It consists of a group of k-centroids clusterings. Each clustering randomly selects data points with randomly selected features as its centroids, and learns a CARDINAL-hot encoder by CARDINAL-nearest-neighbor optimization. Geometrically, the nonparametric density estimator at each layer projects the input data space to a uniformly-distributed discrete feature space, where the similarity of CARDINAL data points in the discrete feature space is measured by the number of the nearest centroids they share in common. The multilayer network gradually reduces the nonlinear variations of data from bottom up by building a vast number of hierarchical trees implicitly on the original data space. Theoretically, the estimation error caused by the nonparametric density estimator is proportional to the correlation between the clusterings, both of which are reduced by the randomization steps.",0 "Since no fusion theory neither rule fully satisfy all needed applications, the author proposes ORG and a combination of fusion rules in solving problems/applications. For each particular application, CARDINAL selects the most appropriate model, rule(s), and algorithm of implementation. We are working in the unification of the fusion theories and rules, which looks like a cooking recipe, better we'd say like a logical chart for a computer programmer, but we don't see another method to comprise/unify all things. The unification scenario presented herein, which is now in an incipient form, should periodically be updated incorporating new discoveries from the fusion and engineering research.","The present work includes some of the author's original researches on integer solutions of GPE liner equations and systems. The notion of ""general integer solution"" of a GPE linear equation with CARDINAL unknowns is extended to GPE linear equations with $n$ unknowns and then to GPE linear systems. The proprieties of the general integer solution are determined (both for a GPE linear equation and for a GPE linear system). CARDINAL original integer algorithms (CARDINAL for GPE linear equations, and CARDINAL for GPE linear systems) are exposed. The algorithms are strictly proved and an example for each of them is given. These algorithms can be easily implemented on the computer.",1 "Can ORG-complete problems be solved efficiently in the physical universe? I survey proposals including soap bubbles, protein folding, ORG computing, quantum advice, quantum adiabatic algorithms, quantum-mechanical nonlinearities, hidden variables, relativistic time dilation, analog computing, Malament-Hogarth spacetimes, quantum gravity, closed timelike curves, and ""anthropic computing."" The section on soap bubbles even includes some ""experimental"" results. While I do not believe that any of the proposals will let us solve ORG-complete problems efficiently, I argue that by studying them, we can learn something not only about computation but also about physics.","We show that any quantum algorithm to decide whether a function f:[n]->[n] is a permutation or far from a permutation must make GPE) queries to f, even if the algorithm is given a w-qubit quantum witness in support of f being a permutation. This implies that there exists an oracle A such that ORG is not contained in GPE, answering an DATE open question of the author. Indeed, we show that relative to some oracle, ORG is not in the counting class A0PP defined by PERSON. The proof is a fairly simple extension of the quantum lower bound for the collision problem.",1 "CARDINAL of the most important aims of the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence and artificial life is the design and construction of systems and machines as versatile and as reliable as living organisms at performing high level human-like tasks. But how are we to evaluate artificial systems if we are not certain how to measure these capacities in living systems, let alone how to define life or intelligence? Here I survey a concrete metric towards measuring abstract properties of natural and artificial systems, such as the ability to react to the environment and to control one's own behaviour.","I will survey some matters of relevance to a philosophical discussion of information, taking into account developments in algorithmic information theory (ORG). I will propose that meaning is deep in the sense of PERSON's logical depth, and that algorithmic probability may provide the stability needed for a robust algorithmic definition of meaning, one that takes into consideration the interpretation and the recipient's own knowledge encoded in the story attached to a message.",1 "PERSON of the Internet in the early 90's increased dramatically the number of images being distributed and shared over the web. As a result, image information retrieval systems were developed to index and retrieve image files spread over the Internet. Most of these systems are keyword-based which search for images based on their textual metadata; and thus, they are imprecise as it is vague to describe an image with a human language. Besides, there exist the content-based image retrieval systems which search for images based on their visual information. However, content-based type systems are still immature and not that effective as they suffer from low retrieval recall/precision rate. This paper proposes a new hybrid image information retrieval model for indexing and retrieving web images published in HTML documents. The distinguishing mark of the proposed model is that it is based on both graphical content and textual metadata. The graphical content is denoted by color features and color histogram of the image; while PERSON are denoted by the terms that surround the image in the HTML document, more particularly, the terms that appear in the tags p, h1, and h2, in addition to the terms that appear in the image's alt attribute, filename, and class-label. Moreover, this paper presents a new term weighting scheme called VTF-IDF short for WORK_OF_ART which unlike traditional schemes, it exploits the ORG tag structure and assigns an extra bonus weight for terms that appear within certain particular HTML tags that are correlated to the semantics of the image. Experiments conducted to evaluate the proposed ORG model showed a high retrieval precision rate that outpaced other current models.","This paper describes a process for clustering concepts into chains from data presented randomly to an evaluating system. There are a number of rules or guidelines that help the system to determine more accurately what concepts belong to a particular chain and what ones do not, but it should be possible to write these in a generic way. This mechanism also uses a flat structure without any hierarchical path information, where the link between CARDINAL concepts is made at the level of the concept itself. It does not require related metadata, but instead, a simple counting mechanism is used. Key to this is a count for both the concept itself and also the group or chain that it belongs to. To test the possible success of the mechanism, concept chain parts taken randomly from a larger ontology were presented to the system, but only at a depth of CARDINAL concepts each time. That is - root concept plus a concept that it is linked to. The results show that this can still lead to very variable structures being formed and can also accommodate some level of randomness.",0 "Many researches proposed the use of the TIME state as the input state for phase estimation, which is CARDINAL topic of quantum metrology. This is because the input TIME state provides the maximum ORG information at the specific point. However, the ORG information does not necessarily give the attainable bound for estimation error. In this paper, we adopt the local asymptotic mini-PERSON criterion as well as the mini-max criterion, and show that the maximum ORG information does not give the attainable bound for estimation error under these criteria in the phase estimation. We also propose the optimal input state under the constraints for photon number of the input state instead of the TIME state.","In the setting of a complete metric space that is equipped with a doubling measure and supports a Poincar\'e inequality, we prove the fine ORG property, the quasi-Lindel\""of principle, and the ORG property for the fine topology in the case $PERSON",0 "PERSON-cognitive action reproduces and changes both social and cognitive structures. The analytical distinction between these dimensions of structure provides us with richer models of scientific development. In this study, I assume that (i) social structures organize expectations into belief structures that can be attributed to individuals and communities; (ii) expectations are specified in scholarly literature; and (iii) intellectually the sciences (disciplines, specialties) tend to self-organize as systems of rationalized expectations. Whereas social organizations remain localized, academic writings can circulate, and expectations can be stabilized and globalized using symbolically generalized codes of communication. The intellectual restructuring, however, remains latent as a ORDINAL-order dynamics that can be accessed by participants only reflexively. Yet, the emerging ""horizons of meaning"" provide feedback to the historically developing organizations by constraining the possible future states as boundary conditions. I propose to model these possible future states using incursive and hyper-incursive equations from the computation of anticipatory systems. Simulations of these equations enable us to visualize the couplings among the historical--i.e., recursive--progression of social structures along trajectories, the evolutionary--i.e., hyper-incursive--development of systems of expectations at the regime level, and the incursive instantiations of expectations in actions, organizations, and texts.","The tension between qualitative theorizing and quantitative methods is pervasive in the social sciences, and poses a constant challenge to empirical research. But in science studies as an interdisciplinary specialty, there are additional reasons why a more reflexive consciousness of the differences among the relevant disciplines is necessary. How can qualitative insights from the history of ideas and the sociology of science be combined with the quantitative perspective? By using the example of the lexical and semantic value of word occurrences, the issue of qualitatively different meanings of the same phenomena is discussed as a methodological problem. CARDINAL criteria for methods which are needed for the development of science studies as an integrated enterprise can then be specified. Information calculus is suggested as a method which can comply with these criteria.",1 "We show that a highly-mixed state in terms of a large min-entropy is useless as a resource state for measurement-based ORG computation in the sense that if a classically efficiently verifiable problem is efficiently solved with such a highly-mixed measurement-based quantum computation then such a problem can also be classically efficiently solved. We derive a similar result also for the DQC1$_k$ model, which is a generalized version of the DQC1 model where $k$ output qubits are measured. We also show that the measurement-based ORG computing on a highly-mixed resource state in terms of the von ORG entropy, and PERSON model are useless in another sense that the mutual information between the computation results and inputs is very small.","The string-net condensate is a new class of materials which exhibits the quantum topological order. In order to answer the important question, ""how useful is the string-net condensate in quantum information processing?"", we consider the most basic example of the string-net condensate, namely the MONEY gauge string-net condensate on the CARDINAL-dimensional hexagonal lattice, and show that the universal measurement-based quantum computation (in the sense of the quantum computational webs) is possible on it by using the framework of the quantum computational tensor network. This result implies that even the most basic example of the string-net condensate is equipped with the correlation space that has the capacity for the universal quantum computation.",1 "We develop a classification method for incoming pieces of evidence in NORP theory. This methodology is based on previous work with clustering and specification of originally nonspecific evidence. This methodology is here put in order for fast classification of future incoming pieces of evidence by comparing them with prototypes representing the clusters, instead of making a full clustering of all evidence. This method has a computational complexity of O(M * N) for each new piece of evidence, where M is the maximum number of subsets and ORG is the number of prototypes chosen for each subset. That is, a computational complexity independent of the total number of previously arrived pieces of evidence. The parameters M and ORG are typically fixed and domain dependent in any application.","With the emergence of the ORG gradient flow technique there is renewed interest in the issue of scale setting in lattice gauge theory. Here I compare for the SU(3) Wilson gauge action non-perturbative scale functions of ORG, PERSON and PERSON (ORG), ORG and PERSON (NS), both relying on PERSON's method using the quark potential, and the scale function derived by PERSON, PERSON and PERSON (ORG) from a deconfining phase transition investigation by the PERSON group. It turns out that the scale functions are based on mutually inconsistent data, though the ORG scale function is consistent with the ORG data when their low $MONEY (MONEY) data point is removed. Besides, only the ORG scale function is consistent with CARDINAL data points calculated from the gradient flow by L\""uscher. In the range for which data exist the discrepancies between the scale functions are only up to $\pm CARDINAL of their values, but clearly visible within the statistical accuracy.",0 "In this abstract paper, we introduce a new kernel learning method by a nonparametric density estimator. The estimator consists of a group of k-centroids clusterings. Each clustering randomly selects data points with randomly selected features as its centroids, and learns a CARDINAL-hot encoder by CARDINAL-nearest-neighbor optimization. The estimator generates a sparse representation for each data point. Then, we construct a nonlinear kernel matrix from the sparse representation of data. CARDINAL major advantage of the proposed kernel method is that it is relatively insensitive to its free parameters, and therefore, it can produce reasonable results without parameter tuning. Another advantage is that it is simple. We conjecture that the proposed method can find its applications in many learning tasks or methods where sparse representation or kernel matrix is explored. In this preliminary study, we have applied the kernel matrix to spectral clustering. Our experimental results demonstrate that the kernel generated by the proposed method outperforms the well-tuned NORP RBF kernel. This abstract paper is used to protect the idea, full versions will be updated later.","We consider a simplified version of a solvable model by Mandal and PERSON, which constructively demonstrates the interplay between work extraction and the increase of the FAC entropy of an information reservoir which is in contact with the physical system. We extend ORG and PERSON's main findings in several directions: ORDINAL, we allow sequences of correlated bits rather than just independent bits. ORDINAL, at least for the case of binary information, we show that, in fact, the FAC entropy is CARDINAL measure of complexity of the information that must increase in order for work to be extracted. The extracted work can also be upper bounded in terms of the increase in other quantities that measure complexity, like the predictability of future bits from past ones. ORDINAL, we provide an extension to the case of non-binary information (i.e., a larger alphabet), and finally, we extend the scope to the case where the incoming bits (before the interaction) form an individual sequence, rather than a random one. In this case, the entropy before the interaction can be replaced by ORG (LZ) complexity of the incoming sequence, a fact that gives rise to an entropic meaning of the LZ complexity, not only in information theory, but also in physics.",0 "The technological singularity refers to a hypothetical scenario in which technological advances virtually explode. The most popular scenario is the creation of super-intelligent algorithms that recursively create ever higher intelligences. It took DATE for these ideas to spread from science fiction to popular science magazines and finally to attract the attention of serious philosophers. PERSON (PERSON 2010) article is the ORDINAL comprehensive philosophical analysis of the singularity in a respected philosophy journal. The motivation of my article is to augment PERSON' and to discuss some issues not addressed by him, in particular what it could mean for intelligence to explode. In this course, I will (have to) provide a more careful treatment of what intelligence actually is, separate speed from intelligence explosion, compare what super-intelligent participants and classical human observers might experience and do, discuss immediate implications for the diversity and value of life, consider possible bounds on intelligence, and contemplate intelligences right at the singularity.","Purpose - To test the ability of major search engines, ORG, ORG, ORG, and Ask, to distinguish between NORP and LANGUAGE-language documents Design/methodology/approach - 50 queries, using words common in NORP and in LANGUAGE, were posed to the engines. The advanced search option of language restriction was used, once in NORP and once in LANGUAGE. The ORDINAL CARDINAL results per engine in each language were investigated. Findings - While none of the search engines faces problems in providing results in the language of the interface that is used, both ORG and ORG face problems when the results are restricted to a foreign language. Research limitations/implications - Search engines were only tested in NORP and in LANGUAGE. We have only anecdotal evidence that the problems are the same with other languages. Practical implications - Searchers should not use the language restriction in ORG and ORG when searching for foreign-language documents. Instead, searchers should use ORG or Ask. If searching for foreign language documents in ORG or ORG, the interface in the target language/country should be used. Value of paper - Demonstrates a problem with search engines that has not been previously investigated.",0 "There are (at least) CARDINAL approaches to quantifying information. The ORDINAL, algorithmic information or NORP complexity, takes events as strings and, given a universal Turing machine, quantifies the information content of a string as the length of the shortest program producing it. The ORDINAL, FAC information, takes events as belonging to ensembles and quantifies the information resulting from observing the given event in terms of the number of alternate events that have been ruled out. The ORDINAL, statistical learning theory, has introduced measures of capacity that control (in part) the expected risk of classifiers. These capacities quantify the expectations regarding future data that learning algorithms embed into classifiers. This note describes a new method of quantifying information, effective information, that links algorithmic information to FAC information, and also links both to capacities arising in statistical learning theory. After introducing the measure, we show that it provides a non-universal analog of NORP complexity. We then apply it to derive basic capacities in statistical learning theory: empirical PERSON-entropy and empirical Rademacher complexity. A nice byproduct of our approach is an interpretation of the explanatory power of a learning algorithm in terms of the number of hypotheses it falsifies, counted in CARDINAL different ways for the CARDINAL capacities. We also discuss how effective information relates to information gain, FAC and mutual information.","In the setting of a metric space equipped with a doubling measure and supporting a Poincar\'e inequality, and based on results by Bj\""orn and Shanmugalingam (DATE), we show that functions of bounded variation can be extended from any bounded uniform domain to the whole space. Closely related to extensions is the concept of boundary traces, which have previously been studied by PERSON (DATE). On spaces that satisfy a suitable locality condition for sets of finite perimeter, we establish some basic results for the traces of functions of bounded variation. Our analysis of traces also produces novel results on the behavior of functions of bounded variation in their jump sets.",0 "The notion of profile appeared in DATE, which was mainly due to the need to create custom applications that could be adapted to the user. In this paper, we treat the different aspects of the user's profile, defining it, profile, its features and its indicators of interest, and then we describe the different approaches of modelling and acquiring the user's interests.","We present PERSON LINUCB, an algorithm for con-textual multi-armed bandits. This algorithm uses ORG to find the optimal exploration of the ORG. Within a deliberately designed offline simulation framework we conduct evaluations with real online event log data. The experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms surveyed algorithms.",1 "Physical entities are ultimately (re)constructed from elementary yes/no events, in particular clicks in detectors or measurement devices recording quanta. Recently, the interpretation of certain such clicks has given rise to unfounded claims which are neither necessary nor sufficient, although they are presented in that way. In particular, clicks can neither inductively support nor ""(WORK_OF_ART"" the Kochen-Specker theorem, which is a formal result that has a deductive proof by contradiction. More importantly, the alleged empirical evidence of quantum contextuality, which is ""inferred"" from violations of bounds of classical probabilities by quantum correlations, is based on highly nontrivial assumptions, in particular on physical omniscience.","Suspicions that the world might be some sort of a machine or algorithm existing ``in the mind'' of some symbolic number cruncher have lingered from antiquity. Although popular at times, the most radical forms of this idea never reached mainstream. Modern developments in physics and computer science have lent support to the thesis, but empirical evidence is needed before it can begin to replace our contemporary world view.",1 "This paper proposes a theory of creativity, referred to as honing theory, which posits that creativity fuels the process by which culture evolves through communal exchange amongst minds that are self-organizing, self-maintaining, and self-reproducing. According to honing theory, minds, like other selforganizing systems, modify their contents and adapt to their environments to minimize entropy. Creativity begins with detection of high psychological entropy material, which provokes uncertainty and is arousalinducing. The creative process involves recursively considering this material from new contexts until it is sufficiently restructured that arousal dissipates. Restructuring involves neural synchrony and dynamic binding, and may be facilitated by temporarily shifting to a more associative mode of thought. A creative work may similarly induce restructuring in others, and thereby contribute to the cultural evolution of more nuanced worldviews. Since lines of cultural descent connecting creative outputs may exhibit little continuity, it is proposed that cultural evolution occurs at the level of self-organizing minds, outputs reflect their evolutionary state. Honing theory addresses challenges not addressed by other theories of creativity, such as the factors that guide restructuring, and in what sense creative works evolve. Evidence comes from empirical studies, an agent-based computational model of cultural evolution, and a model of concept combination.","An idea is not a replicator because it does not consist of coded self-assembly instructions. It may retain structure as it passes from CARDINAL individual to another, but does not replicate it. The cultural replicator is not an idea but an associatively-structured network of them that together form an internal model of the world, or worldview. A worldview is a primitive, uncoded replicator, like the autocatalytic sets of polymers widely believed to be the earliest form of life. Primitive replicators generate self-similar structure, but because the process happens in a piecemeal manner, through bottom-up interactions rather than a top-down code, they replicate with low fidelity, and acquired characteristics are inherited. Just as polymers catalyze reactions that generate other polymers, the retrieval of an item from memory can in turn trigger other items, thus cross-linking memories, ideas, and concepts into an integrated conceptual structure. Worldviews evolve idea by idea, largely through social exchange. An idea participates in the evolution of culture by revealing certain aspects of the worldview that generated it, thereby affecting the worldviews of those exposed to it. If an idea influences seemingly unrelated fields this does not mean that separate cultural lineages are contaminating one another, because it is worldviews, not ideas, that are the basic unit of cultural evolution.",1 "Some PERSON centenary reflections on whether incompleteness is really serious, and whether mathematics should be done somewhat differently, based on using algorithmic complexity measured in bits of information. [Enriques lecture given DATE, at ORG.]","This is an alternative version of the course notes in PERSON. The previous version is based on measuring the size of lisp s-expressions. This version is based on measuring the size of what I call lisp m-expressions, which are lisp s-expressions with most parentheses omitted. This formulation of algorithmic information theory is harder to understand than the one that was presented in PERSON, but the constants obtained in all theorems are now CARDINAL the size that they were before. It is not clear to me which version of algorithmic information theory is to be preferred.",1 "We allow representing and reasoning in the presence of nested multiple aggregates over multiple variables and nested multiple aggregates over functions involving multiple variables in answer sets, precisely, in answer set optimization programming and in answer set programming. We show the applicability of the answer set optimization programming with nested multiple aggregates and the answer set programming with nested multiple aggregates to ORG, a fundamental a priori optimization problem in ORG.","PERSON is important issue in reinforcement learning. In this paper, we bridge the gap between reinforcement learning and knowledge representation, by providing a rich knowledge representation framework, based on normal logic programs with answer set semantics, that is capable of solving model-free reinforcement learning problems for more complex do-mains and exploits the domain-specific knowledge. We prove the correctness of our approach. We show that the complexity of finding an offline and online policy for a model-free reinforcement learning problem in our approach is ORG-complete. Moreover, we show that any model-free reinforcement learning problem in ORG environment can be encoded as a ORG problem. The importance of that is model-free reinforcement",1 "In this article, we calculate the contributions of the vacuum condensates up to dimension-6 including the $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s)$ corrections to the quark condensates in the operator product expansion, then study the masses and decay constants of the pseudoscalar, scalar, vector and axial-vector heavy-light mesons with the ORG sum rules in a systematic way. The masses of the observed mesons $(D,ORG, $(D_s,D_s^*)$, $(D_0^*(2400),D_1(2430))$, $(D_{s0}^*(2317),D_{s1}(2460))$, $(B,ORG, $(B_s,GPE can be well reproduced, while the predictions for the masses of the $(PERSON}, PERSON and $(B^*_{s0}, B_{s1})$ can be confronted with the experimental data in the future. We obtain the decay constants of the pseudoscalar, scalar, vector and axial-vector heavy-light mesons, which have many phenomenological applications in studying the semi-leptonic and ORG decays of the heavy-light mesons.","In this article, we calculate the masses and residues of the heavy baryons MONEY with spin-parity ${MONEY with the ORG sum rules. The numerical values are compatible with experimental data and other theoretical estimations.",1